THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE LIFE OF GALILEO GALILEI, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ADVANCEMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. MDCCCXXX. LONDON. GIFT LIFE OF GALILEO WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ADVANCEMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER I. Introduction. THE knowledge which we at present possess of the phenomena of nature and of their connection has not by any means been regularly progressive, as we. might have expected, from the time when they first drew the attention of mankind. Without entering into the question touching the scientific acquire- ments of eastern nations at a remote period, it is certain that some among the early Greeks were in possession of several truths, however acquired, con- nected with the economy of the universe, which were afterwards suffered to fall into neglect and oblivion. But the phi- losophers of the old school appear in general to have confined themselves at the best to observations ; very few traces remain of their having instituted experi- ments, properly so called. This putting of nature to the tor.ture, as Bacon calls it, has occasioned the principal part of modern philosophical discoveries. The experimentalist may so order his exami- nation of nature as to vary at pleasure the circumstances in which it is made, often to discard accidents which com- plicate the general appearances, and at once to bring any theory which he may form to a decisive test. The pro- vince of the mere observer is necessarily limited : the power of selection among the phenomena to be presented is in great measure denied to him, arid he may consider himself fortunate if they are such as to lead him readily to a knowledge of the laws which they fol- low. Perhaps to this imperfection of me- thod it may be attributed that natural philosophy continued to be stationary, or even to decline, during a long series of ages, until little more than two cen- turies ago. Within this comparatively short period it has rapidly reached a degree of perfection so different from its former degraded state, that we can hardly institute any comparison between the two. Before that epoch, a- few insu- lated facts, such as might first happen to be noticed, often inaccurately ob- served and always too hastily general- ized, were found sufficient to excite the naturalist's lively imagination ; and hav- ing once pleased his fancy with the sup- posed fitness of his artificial scheme, his perverted ingenuity was thencefor- ward employed in forcing the observed phenomena into an imaginary agreement with the result of his theory ; instead of taking the more rational, and it should seem, the more obvious, method of cor- recting the theory by the result of his observations, and considering the one merely as the general and abbreviated expression of the other. But natural phenomena were not then valued on their own account, and for the proofs which they afford of a vast and benefi- cent design in the structure of the uni- verse, so much as for the fertile topics which the favourite mode of viewing the subject supplied to the spirit of scholas- tic disputation : and it is a humiliating reflection that mankind never reasoned so ill as when they most professed to cultivate the art of reasoning. How- ever specious the objects, and alluring the announcements of this art, the then prevailing manner ot studying it curbed and corrupted all that is free and noble in the human mind. Innumerable falla- cies lurked every where among the most generally received opinions, and crowds of dogmatic and self-sufficient pedants fully justified the lively defini- tion, that " logic is the art of talking un- intelligibly on things of which we are ignorant."* The error which lay at the root of the philosophy of the middle ages was this : from the belief that general laws and universal principles might be discovered, of which the natural phenomena were effects, it was thought that the proper order of study was, first to detect the general cause, and then to pursue it into its consequences ; it was considered ab- surd to begin with the effect instead of the cause ; whereas the real choice lay between proceeding from particular facts * Menage. M8797'77 GALILEO. to general facts, or from general facts to particular facts ; and it was under this misrepresentation of the real ques- tion that all the sophistry lurked. As soon as it is well understood that the general cause is no other than a single fact, common to a great number of phe- nomena, it is necessarily perceived that an accurate scrutiny of these latter must precede any safe reasoning with respect to the former. But at the time of which we are speaking, those who adopted this order of reasoning, and who began their inquiries by a minute and sedulous in- vestigation of facts, were treated with disdain, as men who degraded the lofty name of philosophy by bestowing it upon mere mechanical operations. Among the, earliest and noblest of these was Galileo. It is common, especially in this coun- try, to name Bacon as the founder of the present school of experimental phi- losophy ; we speak of the Baconian or inductive method of reasoning as syno- nimous and convertible terms, and we are apt to overlook what Galileo had already done before Bacon's writings appeared. Certainly the Italian did not range over the circle of the sciences with the supreme and searching glance of the English philosopher, but we find in every part of his writings philosophical maxims which do not lose by com- parison with those of Bacon ; and Galileo deserves the additional praise, that he himself gave to the world a splendid practical illustration of the value of the principles which he con- stantly recommended. In support of this view of the comparative deserts of these two celebrated men, we are able to adduce the authority of Hume, who will be readily admitted as a competent judge of philosophical merit, where his prejudices cannot bias his decision. Dis- cussing the character of Bacon, he says, " If we consider the variety of talents displayed by this man, as a public speaker, a man of business, a wit, a courtier, a companion, an author, a philosopher, he is justly the object of great admiration. If we consider him merely as an author and philosopher, the light in which we view him at pre- sent, though very estimable, he was yet inferior to his contemporary Galileo, perhaps even to Kepler. Bacon pointed out at a distance the road to true phi- losophy : Galileo both pointed it out to others, and made himself considerable advances in it. The Englishman was ignorant of geometry : the Florentine revived that science, excelled in it, and was the first that applied it, together with experiment, to natural philosophy. The former rejected with the most posi- tive disdain the system of Copernicus: the latter fortified it with new proofs derived both from reason and the senses."* If we compare them from another point of view, not so much in respect of their intrinsic merit, as of the influence which each exercised on the philosophy of his age, Galileo's superior talent or better fortune, in arresting the attention of his contemporaries, seems indis- putable. The fate of the two writers is directly opposed the one to the other ; Bacon's works seem te be most studied and appreciated when his readers have come to their perusal, imbued with knowledge and a philosophical spirit, which, however, they have attained inde- pendently of his assistance. The proud appeal to posterity which he uttered in his will, " For my name and memory, I leave it to men's charitable speeches, and to foreign nations, and the next ages," of itself indicates a consciousness of the fact that his contemporary coun- trymen were but slightly affected by his philosophical precepts. But Galileo's personal exertions changed the general character of philosophy in Italy : at the time of his death, his immediate pupils had obtained possession of the most ce- lebrated universities, and were busily en- gaged in practising and enforcing the lessons which he had taught them ; nor was it then easy to find there a single student of natural philosophy who did not readily ascribe the formation of his principles to the direct or remote influ- ence of Galileo's example. Unlike Ba- con's, his reputation, and the value of his writings, were higher among his contemporaries than they have since be- come. This judgment perhaps awards the highest intellectual prize to him whose disregarded services rise in esti- mation with the advance of knowledge ; but the praise due to superior usefulness belongs to him who succeeded in train- ing round him a school of imitators, and thereby enabled his imitators to surpass himself. The biography of men who have de- voted themselves to philosophical pur- suits seldom affords so various and stri- king a succession of incidents as that * Hume's England, James I. GALILEO. of a soldier or statesman. The life of a man who is shut up during the greater part of his time in his study or labora- tory supplies but scanty materials for personal details ; and the lapse of time rapidly removes from us the opportuni- ties of preserving such peculiarities as might have been worth recording. An account of it will therefore consist chiefly in a review of his works and opinions, and of the influence which he and they have exercised over his own and suc- ceeding ages. Viewed in this light, few lives can be considered more interesting than that of Galileo ; and if we compare the state in which he found, with that in which he left, the study of nature, we shall feel how justly an enthusiastic panegyric pronounced upon the age immediately following him may be trans- ferred to this earlier period. " This is the age wherein all men's minds are in a kind of fermentation, and the spirit of wisdom and learning begins to mount and free itself from those drossie and terrene impediments wherewith it has been so long clogged, and from the in- sipid phlegm and caput mortuum of useless notions in which it hath endured so violent and long a fixation. This is the age wherein, methinks, philosophy comes in with a spring tide, and the pe- ripatetics may as well hope to stop the current of the tide, or, with Xerxes, to fetter the ocean, as hinder the overflowing of free philosophy. Methinks I see how all the old rubbish must be throwaaway, and the rotten buildings be overthrown and carried away, with so powerful an inundation. These are the days that must lay a new foundation of a more magnifi- cent philosophy, never to be overthrown, that will empirically and sensibly can- vass the phenomena of nature, deducing the causes of things from such originals in nature as we observe are producible by art, and the infallible demonstration of mechanics : and certainly this is the way, and no other, to build a true and permanent philosophy."* CHAPTER II. Galileo 's Birth Family Education Observation of the Pendulum Pul- silogies Hydrostatical Balance Lecturer at Pisa. GALILEO GALILEI was born at Pisa, on the 15th day ot February, 1564, of a noble * Power's Experimental Philosophy, 1663, and ancient Florentine family, which, in the middle of the fourteenth century, adopted this surname instead of Bona- juti, under which several of their an- cestors filled distinguished offices in the Florentine state. Some misapprehen- sion has occasionally existed, in conse- quence of the identity of his proper name with that of his family ; his most correct appellation would perhaps be Galileo de' Galilei, but the surname usually occurs as we have written it. He is most commonly spoken of by his Christian name, agreeably to the Ita- lian custom ; just as Sanzio, Buonarotti, Sarpi, Reni, Vecelli, are universally known by their Christian names of Ra- phael, Michel Angelo, Fra Paolo, Gui- do, and Titian. Several authors have followed Rossi in styling Galileo illegitimate, but without having any probable grounds even when they wrote, and the assertion has since been completely disproved by an inspec- tion of the registers at Pisa and Florence, in which are preserved the dates of his birth, and of his mother's marriage, eighteen months previous to it.* His father, Vmcenzo Galilei, was a man of considerable talent and learning, with a competent knowledge of mathe- matics, and particularly devoted to the theory and practice of music, on which he published several esteemed treatises. The only one which it is at present easy to procure his Dialogue on ancient and modern music exhibits proofs, not only of a thorough acquaintance with his subject, but of a sound and vigorous understanding applied to other topics incidentally discussed. There is a pas- sage in the introductory part, which becomes interesting when considered as affording some traces of the precepts by which Galileo was in all probability trained to reach his preeminent station in the intellectual world. " It appears to me," says one of the speakers in the dialogue, " that they who in proof of any assertion rely simply on the weight of authority, without, adducing any ar- gument in support of it, act very absurdly : I, on the contrary, wish to be allowed freely to question and freely to answer you without any sort of adula- tion, as well becomes those who are truly in search of truth." Sentiments like these were of rare occurrence at the close of the sixteenth century, and it is * Erythraeus, Pinacotheca, vol. i. ; Salusbury's Life of Galileo. Nelli, Vita di Gal. Galilei. 13 2 GALILEO. to be regretted that Vincenzo hardly lived long enough to witness his idea of a true philosopher splendidly realized in the person of his son. Vincenzo died at an advanced age, in 1591. His family consisted of three sons, Galileo, Michel Angelo, and Benedetto, and the same number of daughters, Giulia, Vir- ginia, and Livia. After Vincenzo's death the chief support of the family devolved upon Galileo, who seems to have as- sisted them to his utmost power. In a letter to his mother, dated 1600, relative to the intended marriage of his sister Livia with a certain Pompeo Baldi, he agrees to the match, but recommends its temporary postponement, as he was at that time exerting himself to furnish money to his brother Michel Angelo, who had received the offer of an ad- vantageous settlement in Poland. As the sum advanced to his brother, which prevented him from promoting his sister's marriage, did not exceed 200 crowns, it may be inferred that the family were in a somewhat straitened condition. However he promises, as soon as his brother should repay him, " to take measures for the young lady, since she too is bent upon coming out to prove the miseries of this world." As Livia was at the date of Ihis letter in a convent, the last expression seems to denote that she had been destined to take the veil. This pro- posed marriage never took place, but Livia was afterwards married to Taddeo Galletti : her sister Virginia married Benedetto Landucci. Galileo mentions one of his sisters, (without naming her) as living with him in 1619 at Bellos- guardo. Michel Angelo is probably the same brother of Galileo who is men- tioned by Liceti as having communi- cated from Germany some observations on natural history.* He finally settled in the service of the Elector of Bavaria ; in what situation is not known, but upon his death the Elector granted a pension to his family, who then took up their abode at Munich. On the taking of*that city in 1636, in the course of the bloody thirty years' war, which was then raging between the Austrians and Swedes, his widow and four of his children were killed, and every thing which they possessed was either burnt or carried away. Galileo sent for his two nephews, Alberto and a younger brother, to Arcetri near Florence, where * De his quae diu vivunt, Patavii, 1612. he was then living. These two were then the only survivors of Michel An- gelo's family ; and many of Galileo's letters about that date contain allusions to the assistance he had been affording them. The last trace of Alberto is on his return into Germany to the Elector, in whose service his father had died. These details include almost every thing which is known of the rest of Vincenzo's family. Galileo exhibited early symptoms of an active and intelligent mind, and distinguished himself in his childhood by his skill in the construction of in- genious toys and models of machinery, supplying the deficiencies of his infor- mation from the resources of his own invention ; and he conciliated the uni- versal good-will of his companions by the ready good nature with which he employed himself in their service and for their amusement. It is worthy of observation, that the boyhood of his great follower Newton, whose genius in many respects so closely resembled his own, was marked by a similar talent. Galileo's father was not opulent, as has been already stated : he was bur- dened with a large family, and was unable to provide expensive instructors for his son ; but. Galileo's own ener- getic industry rapidly supplied the want of better opportunities ; and he acquired, under considerable disadvantages, the ordinary rudiments of a classical educa- tion, and a competent knowledge of the other branches of literature which were then usually studied. His leisure hours were applied to music and drawing ; for the former accomplishment he inherited his father's talent, being an excellent performer on several instruments, espe- cially on the lute ; this continued to be a favourite recreation during the whole of his life. He was also passionately fond of painting, and at one time he wished to make it his profession : and his skill and judgment of pictures were highly esteemed by the most eminent contemporary artists, who did not scru- ple to own publicly their deference to young Galileo's criticism. When he had reached his nineteenth year, his father, becomingdailymore sen- sible of his superior genius, determined, although at a great personal sacrifice, to give him the advantages of an university education. Accordingly, in 1581, he commenced his academical studies in the university of his native town, Pisa, his father at this time intending that GALILEO. he should adopt the profession of me- dicine. In the matriculation lists at Pisa, he is styled Galileo, the son of Vincenzo Galilei, a Florentine, Scholar in Arts. It is dated 5th November, 1581. Vi- viani, his pupil, friend, and panegy- rist, declares that, almost from the first day of his being enrolled on the lists of the academy, he was noticed for the reluctance with which he lis- tened to the dogmas of the Aristote- lian philosophy, then universally taught; and he soon became obnoxious to the professors from the boldness with which he promulgated what they styled his philosophical paradoxes. His early habits of free inquiry were irrecon- cileable with the mental quietude of his instructors, whose philosophic doubts, when they ventured to entertain any, were speedily lulled by a quota- tion from Aristotle. Galileo thought himself capable of giving the world an example of a sounder and more original mode of thinking; he felt him- self destined to be the founder of a new school of rational and experimental philosophy. Of this we are now se- curely enjoying the benefits ; and it is difficult at this time fully to appre- ciate the obstacles which then pre- sented themselves to free inquiry : but we shall see, in the course of this nar- rative, how arduous their struggle was who happily effected this important re- volution. The vindictive rancour with which the partisans of the old phi- losophy never ceased to assail Galileo is of itself a sufficient proof of the prominent station which he occupied in the contest. Galileo's earliest mechanical disco- very, to the superficial observer appa- rently an unimportant one, occurred during the period of his studies at Pisa. His attention was one day arrested by the vibrations of a lamp swinging from the roof of the cathedral, which, whether great or small, seemed to recur at equal intervals. The instruments then em- ployed for measuring time were very imperfect : Galileo attempted to bring his observation to the test before quit- ting the church, by comparing the vi- brations with the beatings of his own pulse, and his mind being then princi- pally employed upon his intended pro- fession, it occurred to him, when he had further satisfied himself of their regula- rity by repeated and varied experiments, that the process he at first adopted might be reversed, and that an instru- ment on this principle might be usefully employed in ascertaining the rate of the pulse, and its variation from day to day. He immediately carried the idea into execution, and it was for this sole and limited purpose that the first pen- dulum was constructed. Viviani tells us, that the value of the invention was rapidly appreciated by the physicians of the day, and was in common use in 1654, when he wrote. Santorio, who was professor of medi- cine at Padua, has given representa- tions of four different forms of these .TV? 2. i 7 =^z:z^f- -\ro o ^-rrrrrr^ instruments, which he calls pulsilogies, (pulsilogias,) and strongly recommends to medical practitioners.* These instru- ments seem to have been used in the following manner: No. 1. consists merely of a weight fastened to a string and a graduated scale. The string being gather ed up into the hand till the vibrations of the weight coincided with the beatings of the patient's pulse, the length was ascer- tained from the scale, which, of course, if great, indicated a languid, if shorter, a more lively action. In No. 2 the im- provement is introduced of connecting the scale and string, the length of the latter is regulated by the turns of a peg at a, and a bead upon the string at b showed the measure. No. 3 is still more compact, the string being short- ened by winding upon an axle at the back of the dial-plate. The construc- tion of No. 4, which Santorio claims as his own improvement, is not given, but it is probable that the principal index, by its motion, shitted a weight to differ- ent distances from the point of suspen- sion, and that the period of vibration * Comment, in Avicennam. Venetiis, 1625. GALILEO. was still more accurately adjusted by a smaller weight connected with the se- cond index. Venturi seems to have mistaken the third figure for that of a pendulum clock, as he mentions this as one of the earliest adaptations of Gali- leo's principle to that purpose* ; but it is obvious, from Santorio's description, that it is nothing more than a circular scale, the index showing, by the figure to which it points, the length of string remaining unwound upon the axis. We shall, for the present, postpone the con- sideration of the invention of pendulum clocks, and the examination of the dif- ferent claims to the honour of their first construction. At the time of which we are speaking, Galileo was entirely ignorant of mathe- matics, the study of which was then at a low ebb, not only in Italy, but in every part of Europe. Commandine had re- cently revived a taste for the writings of Euclid and Archimedes, and Vieta Tar- talea and others had made considerable progress in algebra, Guido Ubaldi and Benedetti had done something towards establishing the principles of statics, which was the only part of mechanics as yet cultivated ; but with these incon- siderable exceptions the application of mathematics to the phenomena of na- ture was scarcely thought of. Galileo's first inducement to acquire a knowledge of geometry arose from his partiality for drawing and music, and from the wish to understand their principles and the- ory. His father, fearful lest he should relax his medical studies, refused openly to encourage him in this new pursuit ; but he connived at the instruc- tion which his son now began to receive in the writings of Euclid, from the tuition of an intimate friend, named Ostilio Ricci, who was one of the pro- fessors in the university. Galileo's whole attention was soon directed to the enjoyment of the new sensations thus communicated to him, insomuch that Vincenzo, finding his prognostics veri- fied, began to repent his indirect sanc- tion, and privately requested Ricci to in- vent some excuse for discontinuing his lessons. But it was fortunately too late ; the impression was made and could not be effaced ; from that time Hippocrates and Galen lay unheeded before the young physician, and served only to conceal from his father's sight the mathe- matical volumes on which the whole of his time was really employed. His pro- * Essai sur les Ouvrages de Leonard da Vinci. Paris, 1797. gress soon revealed the tine nature of his pursuits : Vincenzo yielded to the irresistible predilection of his son's mind, and no longer attempted to turn him from the speculations to which his whole existence was thenceforward abandoned. After mastering the elementary wri- ters, Galileo proceeded to the study of Archimedes, and, whilst perusing the Hydrostatics of that author, composed his earliest work, an Essay on the Hy- drostatical Balance. In this he explains the method probably adopted by Archi- medes for the solution of Hiero's cele- brated question*, and shows himself already well acquainted with the true principles of specific gravities. This essay had an immediate and important influence on young Galileo's fortunes, for it introduced him to the approving notice of Guido Ubaldi, then one of the most distinguished mathematicians of Italy. At his suggestion Galileo ap- plied himself to consider the position of the centre of gravity in solid bodies, a choice of subject that sufficiently showed the estimate Ubaldi had formed of his talents ; for it was a question on which Commandine had recently written, and which engaged at that time the attention of geometricians of the highest order. Galileo tells us himself that he disconti- nued these researches on meeting with Lucas Valerie's treatise on the same subject. Ubaldi was so much struck with the genius displayed in the essay, with which Galileo furnished him, that he in- troduced him to his brother, the Cardi- nal Del Monte : by this latter he was mentioned to Ferdinand de' Medici, the reigning Duke of Tuscany, as a young man of whom the highest expectations might be entertained. By the Duke's patronage he was nominated, in 1589, to the lectureship of mathematics at Pisa, being then in his twenty-sixth year. His public salary was fixed at the insigni- ficant sum of sixty crowns annually, but he had an opportunity of greatly adding to his income by private tuition. CHAPTER III. Galileo at Pisa Aristotle Leonardo da Vinci Galileo becomes a Coper - nican Urstisius Bruno Experi- ments on falling bodies Galileo at Padua Thermometer. No sooner was Galileo settled in his new office than he renewed his inquiries into the phenomena of nature with in- creased diligence. He instituted a course * See Treatise on HYDROSTATICS. GALILEO. of experiments for the purpose of put- ting to the test the mechanical doctrines of Aristotle, most of which he found un- supported even by the pretence of ex- perience. It is to be regretted that we do not more frequently find detailed his method of experimenting, than occasion- ally in the course of his dialogues, and it is chiefly upon the references which he makes to the results with which the experiments furnished him, and upon the avowed and notorious character of his philosophy, that the truth of these accounts must be made to depend. Ven- turi has found several unpublished pa- pers by Galileo on the subject of motion, in the Grand Duke's private library at Florence, bearing the date of 1590, in .which are many of the theorems which he afterwards developed in his Dialogues on Motion. These were not published till fifty years afterwards, and we shall reserve an account of their contents till we reach that period of his life. Galileo was by no means the first who had ventured to call in question the au- thority of Aristotle in matters of science, although he was undoubtedly the first whose opinions and writings produced a very marked and general effect. Nizzoli, a celebrated scholar who lived in the early part of the ] 6th century, had condemned Aristotle's philosophy, especially his Phy- sics, in very unequivocal and forcible terms, declaring that, although there were many excellent truths in his wri- tings, the number was scarcely less of false, useless, and ridiculous proposi- tions*. About the time of Galileo's birth, Benedetti had written expressly in confutation of several propositions contained in Aristotle's mechanics, and had expounded in a clear manner some of the doctrines of statical equilibrium. f Within the last forty years it has been established that the celebrated painter Leonardo da Vinci, who died in 1519, amused his leisure hours in scientific pursuits ; and many ideas appear to have occurred to him which are to be found in the writings of Galileo at a later date. It is not impossible (though there are probably no means of directly ascer- taining the fact) that Galileo may have been acquainted with Leonardo's inves- tigations, although they remained, till very lately, almost unknown to the ma- thematical world. This supposition is rendered more probable from the fact, that Mazenta, the preserver of Leonardo's manuscripts, was, at the very time of * Antibarbarus Philosophicus. Francofurti, 1674. t Speculationum liber. Venetiis, 1585. their discovery, a contemporary student with Galileo at Pisa. Kopernik, or, as he is usually called, Copernicus, a na- tive of Thorn in Prussia, had published his great work, De Revolutionibus, in 1543, restoring the knowledge of the true theory of the solar system, and his opinions were gradually and silently gaining ground. It is not satisfactorily ascertained at what period Galileo embraced the new astronomical theory. Gerard Voss attri- butes his conversion to a public lecture of Maestlin, the instructor of Kepler; and later writers (among whom is Laplace) repeat the same story, but without re- ferring to any additional sources of in- formation, and in most instances merely transcribing Voss's words, so as to shew indisputably whence they derived their account. Voss himself gives no author- ity, and his general inaccuracy makes his mere word not of much weight. The assertion appears, on many accounts, destitute of much probability. If the story were correct, it seems likely that some degree of acquaintance, if not of friendly intercourse, would have sub- sisted between Maestlin, and his sup- posed pupil, such as in fact we find subsisting between Maestlin and his ac- knowledged pupil Kepler, the devoted friend of Galileo ; but, on the contrary, we find Maestlin writing to Kepler him- self of Galileo as an entire stranger, and in the most disparaging terms. If Maestlin could lay claim to the honour of so celebrated a disciple, it is not likely that he could fail so entirely to compre- hend the distinction it must confer upon himself as to attempt diminishing it by underrating his pupil's reputation. There is a passage in Galileo's works which more directly controverts the claim advanced for Maestlin, although Salus- bury, in his life of Galileo, haying appa- rently an imperfect recollection of its tenor, refers to this very passage in con- firmation of Voss's statement. In the second part of the dialogue on the Co- pernican system, Galileo makes Sagredo, one of the speakers in it, give the fol- lowing account: " Being very young, and having scarcely finished my course of philosophy, which I left off as being set upon other employments, there chanced to come into these parts a cer- tain foreigner of Rostoch, whose name, as I remember, was Christianus Ursli- sius, a follower of Copernicus, who, in an academy, gave two or three lectures upon this point, to whom many flocked as auditors ; but I, thinking they went GALILEO. more for the novelty of the subject than otherwise, did not go to hear him ; for I had concluded with myself that that opinion could be no other than a solemn madness ; and questioning some of those who had been there, I perceived they all made a jest thereof, except one, who told me that the business was not alto- gether to be laughed at : and because the man was reputed by me to be very intelligent and wary, I repented that I was not there, and began from that time forward, as oft as I met with any one of the Copernican persuasion, to demand of them if they had been always of the same judgment. Of as many as I examined I found not so much as one who told me not that he had been a long time of the contrary opinion, but to have changed it for this, as convinced by the strength of the reasons proving the same ; and afterwards questioning them one by one, to see w r hether they were well pos- sessed of the reasons of the other side, I found them all to be very ready and perfect in them, so that I could not truly say that they took this opinion out of ignorance, vanity, or to show the acute- ness of their wits. On the contrary, of as many of the Peripatetics and Ptole- means as I have asked, (and out of cu- riosity I have talked with many,) what pains they had taken in the book of Copernicus, I found very few that had so much as superficially perused it, but of those who I thought had under- stood the .same, not one : and, moreover, I have inquired amongst the followers of the Peripatetic doctrine, if ever any of them had held the contrary opinion, and likewise found none that had. Where- upon, considering that there was no man who followed the opinion of Coper- nicus that had not been first on the contrary side, and that was not very well acquainted with the reasons of Aristotle and Ptolemy, and, on the con- trary, that there was not one of the follow- ers of Ptolemy that had ever been of the judgment of Copernicus, and had left that to embrace this of Aristotle ; con- sidering, I say, these things, I began to think that one who leaveth an opinion imbued with his milk and followed by very many, to take up another, owned by very few, and denied by all the schools, and that really seems a great paradox, must needs have been moved, not to say forced, by more powerful reasons. For this cause I am become very curious to dive, as they say, into the bottom of this business." It seems improbable that Galileo should think it worth while to give so detailed an account of the birth and growth of opi- nion in any one besides himself; and although Sagredo is not the personage who generally in the dialogue represents Galileo, yet as the real Sagredo was a young nobleman, a pupil of Galileo him- self, the account cannot refer to him. The circumstance mentioned of the in- termission of his philosophical studies, though in itself trivial, agrees very well with Galileo's original medical destina- tion. Urstisius is not a fictitious name, as possibly Salusbury may have thought, when alluding to this passage ; he was mathematical professor at Bale, about 1567, and several treatises by him are still extant. In 1568 Voss informs us that he published some new questions on Purbach's Theory of the Planets. He died at Bale in 1588, when Galileo was about twenty-two years old. It is not unlikely that Galileo also, in part, owed his emancipation from popu- lar prejudices to the writings of Gior- dano Bruno, an unfortunate man, whose unsparing boldness in exposing fallacies and absurdities was rewarded by a judi- cial murder, and by the character of heretic and infidel, with which his exe- cutioners endeavoured to stigmatize him for the purpose of covering over their own atrocious crime. Bruno was burnt at Home in 1600, but not, as Montucla supposes, on account, of his '* Spaccio della Bestia trionfante." The title of this book has led him to suppose that it was directed against the church of Rome, to which it does not in the slight- est degree relate. Bruno attacked the fashionable philosophy alternately with reason and ridicule, and numerous pas- sages in his writings, tedious and obscure as they generally are, show that he had completely outstripped the age in which he lived. Among his astronomical opi- nions, he believed that the universe con- sisted of innumerable systems of suns with assemblages of planets revolving round each of them, like our own earth, the smallness of which, alone, prevented their being observed by us. He re- marked further, " that it is by no means improbable that there are yet other planets revolving round our own sun, which we have not yet noticed, either on account of their minute size or too re- mote distance from us." He declined asserting that all the apparently fixed stars are really so, considering this as riot sufficiently proved, " because at such enormous distances the motions become difficult to estimate, and it is only by GALILEO. 9 long observation that we can determine if any of these move round each other, or what other motions they may have/' He ridiculed the Aristotelians in no very measured terms" They harden them- selves, and heat themselves, and embroil themselves for Aristotle ; they call them- selves his champions, they hate all but Aristotle's friends, they are ready to live and die for Aristotle, and yet they do not understand so much as the titles of Aristotle's chapters." And in another place he introduces an Aristotelian inquiring, " Do you take Plato for an ignoramus Aristotle for an ass?" to whom he answers, " My son, I neither call them asses, nor you mules, them baboons, nor you apes, as you would have me : I told you that I esteem them the heroes of the world, but I will not credit them without sufficient reason ; and if you were not both blind and deaf, you would understand that I must dis- believe their absurd and contradictory assertions. 11 * Bruno's works, though in general considered those of a visionary and madman, were in very extensive circulation, probably not the less eagerly sought after from being included among the books prohibited by the Romish church; and although it has been re- served for later observations to furnish complete verification of his most daring speculations, yet there was enough, ab- stractedly taken, in the wild freedom of his remarks, to attract a mind like Gali- leo's ; and it is with more satisfaction that we refer the formation of his opinions to a man of undoubted though eccentric genius, like Bruno, than to such as Maestlin, who, though a diligent and careful Observer, seems seldom to have taken any very enlarged views of the science on which he was engaged. With a few exceptions similar to those above mentioned, the rest of Gali- leo's contemporaries well deserved the contemptuous epithet which he fixed on them of Paper Philosophers, for, to use his own words, in a letter to Kepler on this subject, " this sort of men fancied philosophy was to be studied like the JEneid or Odyssey, and that the true reading of nature was to be detected by the collation of texts." Galileo's own method of philosophizing was widely different ; seldom omitting to bring with every new assertion the test of experi- ment, either directly in confirmation of it, or tending to show its probability and consistency. We have already seen that * De 1'Infinito Universe. Dial. 3. La Cena de le Cenere, 1584. he engaged in a series of experiments to investigate the truth of some of Aris- totle's positions. As fast as he suc- ceeded in demonstrating the falsehood of any of them, he denounced them from his professorial chair with an energy and success which irritated more and more against him the other members of the academic body. There seems something in the stub- born opposition which he encountered in establishing the truth of his mecha- nical theorems, still more stupidly ab- surd than in the ill will to which, at a later period of his life, his astrono- mical opinions exposed him: it is in- telligible that the vulgar should withhold their assent from one who pretended to discoveries in the remote heavens, which few possessed instruments to verify, or talents to appreciate ; but it is difficult to find terms for stigmatizing the obdurate folly of those who preferred the evidence of their books to that of their senses, in judging of phenomena so obvious as those, for instance, presented by the fall of bodies to the ground. Aristotle had asserted, that if two dif- ferent weights of the same material were let fall from the same height, the heavier one would reach the ground sooner than the other, in the proportion of their weights. The experiment is certainly not a very difficult one, but nobody thought of that method of argument, and con- sequently this assertion had been long received, upon his word, among the axioms of the science of motion. Gali- leo ventured to appeal from the au- thority of Aristotle to that of his own senses, and maintained that, with the exception of an inconsiderable differ- ence, which he attributed to the dis- proportionate resistance of the air, they would fall in the same time. The Aris- totelians ridiculed and refused to listen to such an idea. Galileo repeated his experiments in their presence from the famous leaning tower at Pisa : and with the sound of the simultaneously falling weights still ringing in their ears, they could persist in gravely maintaining that a weight of ten pounds would reach the ground in a tenth part of the time taken by one of a single pound, because they were able to quote chapter and verse in which Aristotle assures them that such is the fact. A temper of mind like this could not fail to produce ill will towards him who felt no scruples in exposing their wilful folly ; and the watchful ma- lice of these men soon found the means of making Galileo desirous of quitting 10 GALILEO. his situation at Pisa. Don Giovanni de' Medici, a natural son of Cosmo, who possessed a slight knowledge of mechanics on which he prided himself, had proposed a contrivance for cleans- ing the port of Leghorn, on the effi- ciency of which Galileo was consulted. His opinion was unfavourable, and the violence of the inventor's disappoint- ment, (for Galileo's judgment was veri- fied by the result,) took the somewhat unreasonable direction of hatred to- wards the man whose penetration had foreseen the failure. Galileo's situation was rendered so unpleasant by the ma- chinations of this person, that he de- cided on accepting overtures elsewhere, which had already been made to him ; accordingly, under the negotiation of his staunch iriend Guido Ubaldi, and with the consent of Ferdinand, he procured from the republic of Venice a nomina- tion for six years to the professorship of mathematics in the university of Padua, whither he removed in September 1592. Galileo's predecessor in the mathe- matical chair at Padua was Moleti, who died in 1588, and the situation had re- mained unfilled during the intervening four years. This seems to show that the directors attributed but little im- portance to the knowledge which it was the professor's duty to impart. This in- ference is strengthened by the fact, that the amount of the annual salary at- tached to it did not exceed 1 80 florins, whilst the professors of philosophy and civil law, in the same university, were rated at. the annual stipends of 1400 and 1680 florins.* Galileo joined the university about a year after its triumph over the Jesuits, who had established a school in Padua about the year 1542, and, increasing yearly in influence, had shown symptoms of a design to get the whole management of the public edu- cation into the hands of their own body.t After several violent disputes it was at length decreed by the Venetian senate, in 1591, that no Jesuit should be allowed to give instruction at Padua in any of the sciences professed in the university. It does not appear that after this decree they were again troublesome to the university, but this first decree against them was followed, in 1C 06, by a second more peremptory, which banished them entirely from the Vene- tian territory. Galileo would of course find his fellow-professors much embit- Riccuboni, Comment arii de Gymnasio Patavino, Nelii. tered against ttyat society, and would naturally feel inclined to make common cause with them, so that it is not un- likely that the hatred which the Jesuits afterwards bore to Galileo on personal considerations, might be enforced by their recollection of the university to which he had belonged. Galileo's writings now began to follow each other with great rapidity, but he was at this time apparently- so careless of his reputation, that many of his works and inventions, after a long cir- culation in manuscript among his pupils and friends, found their way into the hands of those who were not ashamed to publish them as their own, and to denounce Galileo's claim to the author- ship as the pretence of an impudent plagiarist. He was, however, so much beloved and esteemed by his friends, that they vied with each other in resent- ing affronts of this nature ottered to him, and in more than one instance he was relieved, by their full and triumphant answers, from the trouble of vindicating his own character. To this epoch of Galileo's life may be referred his re-invention of the ther- mometer. The original idea of this useful instrument belongs to the Greek mathematician Hero; and Santorio him- self, who has been named as the in- ventor by Italian writers, and at one time claimed it himself, refers it to him. In 1633, Castelli wrote to Ce- sarini that " he remembered an experi- ment shown to him more than thirty- five years back by Galileo, who took a small glass bottle, about the size of a hen's egg, the neck of which was twenty- two inches long, and as narrow as a straw. Having well heated the bulb in his hands, and then introducing its mouth into a vessel in which was a little water, and withdrawing the heat of his hand from the bulb, the water rose in the neck of the bottle more than eleven inches above the level in the ves- sel, and Galileo employed this principle in the construction of an instrument for measuring heat and cold."* In 1613, a Venetian nobleman named Sagredo, who has been already mentioned as Galileo's friend and pupil, writes to him in the following words : " 1 have brought the instrument which you in- vented for measuring heat into several convenient and perfect forms, so that the difference of temperature between two rooms is seen as far as 100 de- Nelli. GALILEO. 11 grees."* This date is anterior to the claims both of Santorio and Drebbel, a Dutch physician, who was the first to introduce it into Holland. Galileo's thermometer, as we have just seen, consisted merely of a glass tube ending in a bulb, the air in which, being partly expelled by heat, was replaced by water from a glass into which the open end of the tube was plunged, and the different degrees of temperature were indicated by the expansion of the air which yet remained in the bulb, so that the scale would be the reverse of that of the thermometer now in use, for the water would stand at the highest level in the coldest weather. It was, in truth, a barometer also, in consequence of the communication between the tube and external ^lir, although Galileo did not intend it for this purpose, and when he attempted to determine the relative weight of the air, employed a contri- vance still more imperfect than this rude barometer would have been. A passage among his posthumous fragments inti- mates that he subsequently used spirit of wine instead of water. Viviani attributes an improvement of this imperfect instrument, but without specifying its nature, to Ferdinand II. , a pupil and subsequent patron of Gali- leo, and, after the death of his father Cosmo, reigning duke of Florence. It was still further improved by Ferdi- nand's younger brother, Leopold de' Medici, who invented the modern process of expelling all the air from the tube by boiling the spirit of wine in it, and of hermetically sealing the end of the tube, whilst the contained liquid is in this expanded state, which deprived it of its barometrical character, and first made it an accurate thermometer. The final improvement was the employment of mercury instead of spirit of wine, which is recommended by Lana so earty as 1670, on account of its equable expansion.-!* For further details on the history and use of this instrument, the reader may consult the Treatises on the THERMOMETER and PYROMETER. CHAPTER IV. Astronomy before Copernicus Fracas- tor o Bacon Kepler Galileo 's Treatise on the Sphere. THIS period of Galileo's lectureship at Padua derives interest from its inclu- * Venturi. Memurie e Lettere di Gal. Galilei. Modena, 1821. f Prodromo all' Arte Maestra. Brescia, 16?0. ding the first notice which we find of his having embraced the doctrines of the Copernican astronomy. Most of our readers are aware of the principles of the theory of the celestial motions which Copernicus restored ; but the num- ber of those who possess much know- ledge of the cumbrous and unwieldy system which it superseded is perhaps more limited. The present is not a tit .opportunity to enter into many details respecting it ; these will find their proper place in the History of Astronomy: but a brief sketch of its leading principles is necessary to render what follows in- telligible. The earth was supposed to be im- moveably fixed in the centre of the uni- verse, and immediately surrounding it the atmospheres of air and fire, beyond which the sun, moon, and planets, were thought to be carried round the earth, fixed each to a separate orb or heaven of solid but transparent matter. The order of distance in which they were supposed to be placed with regard to the central earth was as follows : The Moon, Mercury, Venus, The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. It became a question in the ages immediately pre- ceding Copernicus, whether the Sun was not nearer the Earth than Mer- cury, or at least than Venus ; and this 'question was one on which the astro- nomical theorists were then chiefly divided. We possess at this time a curious record of a former belief in this arrange- ment of the Sun and planets, in the order in which the days of the week have been named from them. According to the dreams of Astrology, each planet was siipposed to exert its influence in succession, reckoning from the most distant down to the nearest, over each hour of the tw r enty-four. The planet which was supposed to predominate over the first hour, gave its name to that day.* The general reader will trace this curious fact more easily with the French or Latin names than with the English, which have been translated into the titles of the corresponding Saxon deities. Placing the Sun and planets in the following order, and be- ginning, for instance, with Monday, or the Moon's day ; Saturn ruled the second hour of that day, Jupiter the third, and so round till we come again and again to the Moon on the 8th, 15th, and 22d hours ; Saturn ruled the 23d, * Dion Cassius, lib. 3?. 12 GALILEO. Jupiter the 24th, so that the next day would be the day of Mars, or, as the Saxons translated it, Tuisco's day, or Tuesday. In the same manner the fol- lowing days would belong respectively to Mercury or Woden, Jupiter or Thor, Venus or Frea, Saturn or Seater, the Sun, and again the Moon. In this man- ner the whole week will be found to complete the cycle of the seven planets. The other stars were supposed to be fixed in an outer orb, beyond which were two crystalline spheres, (as they were called,) and on the outside of all, the primum mobile or first moveable, which sphere was supposed to revolve round the earth in twenty-four hours, and by its friction, or rather, as most of the phir losophers of that day chose to term it, by the sort of heavenly influence which it exercised on the interior orbs, to carry them round with a similar motion. Hence the diversity of day and night. But beside this principal and general motion, each orb was supposed to have one of its own, which was intended to account for the apparent changes of position of the planets with respect to the fixed stars and to each other. This supposition, however, proving insuf- ficient to account for all the irregu- larities of motion observed, two hy- potheses were introduced. First, that to each planet belonged several con- centric spheres or heavens, casing each other like the coats of an onion, and, secondly, that the centres of these solid spheres, with which the planet revolved, were placed in the circumference of a secondary revolving sphere, the centre of which secondary sphere was situated at the earth. They thus acquired the names of Eccentrics or Epicycles, the latter word signifying a circle upon a circle. The whole art of astronomers was then directed towards inventing and combining different eccentric and epicy- clical motions, so as to represent with tolerable fidelity the ever varying phe- nomena of the heavens. Aristotle had lent his powerful assistance in this, as in other branches of natural philosophy, in enabling the false system to prevail against and obliterate the knowledge of the true, which, as we gather from his own writings, was maintained by some philosophers before his time. Of these ancient opinions, only a few traces now remain, principally preserved in the works of those who were adverse to them. Archimedes says expressly that Aristarchus of Samos, who lived about 300 B. C., taught the immobility of the sun and stars, and that the earth is carried round the central sun.* Aris- totle's words are : " Most of those who assert that the whole concave is finite, say that the earth is situated in the middle point of the universe: those who are called Pythagoreans, who live in Italy, are of a contrary opinion. For they say that fire is in the centre, and that the earth, which, according to them, is one of the stars, occasions the change of day and night by its own mo- tion, with which it is carried about the centre." It might be doubtful, upon this passage alone, whether the Pytha- gorean theory embraced more than the diurnal motion of the earth, but a lit- tle farther, we find the following passage : " Some, as we have said, make the earth to be one of the stars : others say that it is placed in the centre of the Universe, and revolves on a central axis."t From The pretended translation by Roberval of an Arabic version of Aristarchus, " De Systemate Mun- di," in which the Copernican system is fully deve- loped, is spurious. Menage asserts this in his observa- tions on Diogen. Laert. lib. 8, sec. 85, torn, ii., p. 389. (Kd. Atnst. 169 J.) The commentary contains many authorities well worth consulting. Delambre, His- toire de 1'Astronomie, infers it from its nor containing some opinions which Archimedes tells us were held by Aristarchus. A more direct proof may be gathered from the following blunder of the supposed translator. Astronomers had been long aware that the earth in different parts of her orbit is at different distances from the sun. Roberval wished to claim for Aris- tarchus the credit of havint? known this, and intro- duced into his book, not only the mention of the fact, but an explanation of its cause. Accordingly he makes Aristarchus give a reason * why the sun's apo- gee (or place of greatest distaneefrom the earth) must always be at the north summer solstice." In fact, it was there, or nearly so, in Roberval's time, and he knew not but that it had always been there. It is however moveable, and, when Aristarchus lived, was nearly half way between the solstices and equi- noxes. He therefore would hardly have given a reason for the necessity of a phenomenon of which, if he observed anything on the subject, he must have observed the contrary. The change in the obliquity of the earth's axis to the ecliptic was known in the time of Rol*rval, and he accordingly has introduced the proper value which it had in Aristarchus's time. t De Crelo. lib. 2. GALILEO. \vhich, in conjunction with the former extract, it very plainly appears that the Pythagoreans maintained both the diur- nal and annual motions of the earth. Some idea of the supererogatory la- bour entailed upon astronomers by the adoption of the system which places the earth in the centre, may be formed in a popular manner by observing, in pass- ing through a thickly planted wood, in how complicated a manner the re- lative positions of the trees appear at each step to be continually changing, and by considering the difficulty with which the laws of their apparent mo- tions could be traced, if we were to attempt to refer these changes to a real motion of the trees instead of the tra- veller. The apparent complexity in the heavens is still greater than in the case suggested ; because, in addition to the earth's motions, with which all the stars appear to be impressed, each of the planets has also a real motion of its own, which of course greatly con- tributes to perplex and complicate the general appearances. Accordingly the heavens rapidly became, under this sys- tem, " With centric and eccentric scribbled o'er, Cycle and epicycle, orb in orb ;"* crossing and penetrating each other in every direction. Maestlin has given a concise enumeration of the prin- cipal orbs which belonged to this theory. After warning the readers that " they are not mere iictions which have nothing to correspond with them out of the imagination, but that they exist really, and bodily in the hea- vens,"i he describes seven principal spheres belonging to each planet, which he classes as Eccentrics, Epicycles, and Concentrepicycles, and explains their use in accounting for the planet's re- volutions, motions of the apogee, and nodes, &c. &c. In what manner this multitude of solid and crystalline orbs were secured from injuring or interfe- ring with each other was not very closely inquired into. The reader will cease 1o expect any very intelligible explanation of this and numberless other difficulties which belong to this unwieldy machinery when he is introduced to the reasoning by which it was upheld. Gerolamo Fra- * Paradise Lost, b. viii. v. 83. f Itaque tarn circulosprimi motus quam orbes s-e- cundoruin mobilinm revera in coelesti corpore essecon- cludimus, &c. Non ergo sunt meratigmenta, quibus extra mentem nibil correspondeat. M. Maestlini, De Astronomies Hypothesibu-, disputatio, Heidelbergse, castoro, who lived in the sixteenth cen- tury, writes in the following terms, in his work entitled Homocentrica, (certainly one of the best productions of the day, ) in which he endeavours to simplify the necessary apparatus, and to explain all the phenomena (as the title of his book implies) by concentric spheres round the earth. " There are some, not only of the ancients but also among the moderns, who believe that the stars move freely without any such agency ; but it is difficult to conceive in what manner they have imbued themselves with this notion, since not only reason, but the very senses, inform us that all the stars are carried round fastened to solid spheres." What ideas Fracastoro entertained of the evidence of the " senses" it is not now easy to guess, but he goes on to give a specimen of the " rea- soning" which appeared to him so in- controvertible. " The planets are ob- served to move one while forwards, then backwards, now to the right, now to the left, quicker and slower by turns ; which variety is consistent with a com- pound structure like that of an animal, which possesses in itself various springs and principles of action, but is totally at variance with our notion of a simple and undecaying substance like the hea- vens and heavenly bodies. For that which is simple, is altogether single, and singleness is of one only nature, and one nature can be the cause of only one effect ; and therefore it is alto- gether impossible that the stars of them- selves should move with such variety of motion. And besides, if the stars move by themselves, they either move in an empty space, or in a fluid medium like the air. But there cannot be such a thing as empty space, and if there were such a medium, the motion of the star would occasion condensation and rarefaction in different parts of it, which is the property of corruptible bodies and where they exist some violent mo- tion is going on ; but the heavens are incorruptible and are not susceptible of violent motion, and hence, and from many other similar reasons, any one who is not obstinate may satisfy him- self that the stars cannot have any independent motion." Some persons may perhaps think that arguments of this force are unnecessarily dragged from the obscurity to which they are now for the most part happily consigned ; but it is essential, in order to set Galileo's character and merits in their true light, to show how low at this 14 GALILEO. time philosophy had fallen. For we shall form a very inadequate notion of his powers and deserts if we do not contemplate him in the midst of men who, though of undoubted talent and ingenuity, could so far bewjlder them- selves as to mistake such a string of unmeaning phrases for argument : we must reflect on the difficulty every one experiences in delivering himself from the erroneous impressions of infancy, which will remain stamped upon the imagination in spite of all the eiforts of matured reason to erase them, and con- sider every step of Galileo's course as a triumph over difficulties of a like nature. We ought to be fully penetrated with this feeling before we sit down to the pe- rusal of his works, every line of which will then increase our admiration of the penetrating acuteness of his inven- tion and unswerving accuracy of his judgment. In almost every page we discover an allusion to some new ex- periment, or the germ of some new theory; and amid all this wonderful fertility it is rarely indeed that we find the exuberance of his imagination seducing him from the rigid path of philosophical induction. This is the more remarkable as he was surrounded by friends and contemporaries of a different temperament and much less cautious disposition. A disadvantageous contrast is occasionally furnished even by the sagacious Bacon, who could so far deviate from the soundprinciples of induc- tive philosophy, as to write, for instance, in the following strain, bordering upon the worst manner of the Aristotelians : ** Motion in a circle has no limit, and seems to emanate from the appetite of the body, which moves only for the sake of moving, and that it may follow itself and seek its own embraces, and put in action and enjoy its own .nature, and exercise its peculiar operation : on the contrary, motion in a straight line see.i:s transitory, and to move towards a limit of cessation or rest, and that it may reach some point, and then put off' its motion."* Bacon rejected ail the ma- chinery of the primum mobile and the solid spheres, the eccentrics and the epicycles, and carried his dislike of these doctrines so far as to assert that nothing short of their gross ab- surdity could have driven theorists to the extravagant supposition of the mo- tion ot the earth, which, said he, " we Opusoula Philosophic*, Thema Coeli, know to be most false."* Instances of extravagant suppositions and premature generalizations are to be found in al- most every page of his other great con- temporary, Kepler. It is with pain that we observe De- lambre taking every opportunity, in his admirable History of Astronomy, to un- dervalue and sneer at Galileo, seem- ingly for the sake of elevating the character of Kepler, who appears his principal favourite, but whose merit as a philosopher cannot safely be brought into competition with that of his illus- trious contemporary. Delambre is es- pecially dissatisfied with Galileo, for taking no notice, in his *' System of the World," of the celebrated laws of the planetary motions which Kep- ler discovered, and which are now inseparably connected with his name. The analysis of Newton and his suc- cessors has now identified those ap- parently mysterious laws with the ge- neral phenomena of motion, and has thus entitled them to an attention of which,beforethat time, they were scarcely worthy ; at any rate not more than is at present the empirical law which includes the distances of all the planets from the sun (roughly taken) in one algebraical formula. The observations of Kepler's day were scarcely accurate enough to prove that the relations which he disco- vered between the distances of the planets from the sun and the periods of their revolutions around him were neces- sarily to be received as demonstrated truths; and Galileo surely acted most prudently and philosophically in hold- ing himself altogether aloof from Kep- ler's fanciful devices and numeral con- cinnities, although, with all the extra- vagance, they possessed much of the genius of the Platonic reveries, and al- though it did happen that Galileo, by systematically avoiding them, failed to recognise some important truths. Ga- lileo probably was thinking of those very laws, when he said of Kepler, " He possesses a bold and free genius, perhaps too much so; but his mode of philosophizing is widely different from mine." We shall have turther occasion in the sequel to recognise the justice of this remark. In the treatise on the Sphere which bears Galileo's name, and which, if he be indeed the author of it, was composed during the early part of his residence at * "Nobis constat falsissiuiu'm esse." De AUK. Sci eat.Ub, m, c.3, 1623. GALILEO. 15 Padua, he also adopts the Ptolemaic system, placing the earth immoveable in the centre, and adducing against its motion the usual arguments, which in his subsequent writings he ridicules and refutes. Some doubts have been expressed of its authenticity ; but, how- ever this may be, we have it under Galileo's own hand that he taught the Ptolemaic system, in compliance with popular prejudices, for some time after he had privately become a convert to the contrary opinions. In a letter, apparently the first which he wrote to Kepler, dated from Padua, 1597, he says, acknowledging the receipt of Kep- ler's Mysterium Cosmographicum, " I have as yet read nothing beyond the preface of your book, from which how- ever I catch a glimpse of your meaning, and feel great joy on meeting with so powerful an associate in the pursuit of truth, and consequently such a friend to truth itself, for it is deplorable that there should be so few who care about truth, and who do not persist in their perverse mode of philosophizing ; but as this is not the fit time for lamenting the me- lancholy condition of our times, but for congratulating you on your elegant discoveries in confirmation of the truth, I shall only add a promise to peruse your book dispassionately, and with a conviction that I shall find in it much to admire. This I shall do the more willingly because many years ago I became a convert to the opinions of Copernicus* and by that theory have succeeded in fully explaining many phe- nomena, which on the contrary hypo- thesis are altogether inexplicable. I have arranged many arguments and confutations of the opposite opinions, which however I have not yet dared to publish, fearing the fate of our master Copernicus, who, although he has earned immortal fame among a few, yet by an infinite number (for so only can the number of fools be measured) is exploded and derided. If there were many such as you, I would ven- ture to publish my speculations; but, since that is not so, I shall lake time to consider of it." This interesting letter was the beginning of the friendship of these two great men, which lasted un- interruptedly till 1632, the date of Kepler's death. That extraordinary ge- nius never omitted an opportunity of testifying his admiration of Galileo, * Id autum eo libentius faciam, quod in Copernici sententiam muHis abhinc annis yen erim. Kepi. Epistolae. although there were not wanting per- sons envious of their good understand- ing, who exerted themselves to provoke coolness and quarrel between them. Thus Brutlus writes to Kepler in 1602*: " Galileo tells me he has written to you, and has got your book, which however he denied to Magini, and I abused him for praising you with too many qualifi- cations. I know it to be a fact that, both in his lectures, and elsewhere, he is publishing your inventions as his own ; but I have taken care, and shall continue to do so, that all this shall redound not to his credit but to yours." The only notice which Kepler took of these repeated insinuations, which ap- pear to have been utterly groundless, was, by renewed expressions of respect and admiration, to testify the value he set upon his friend and fellow-labourer in philosophy. CHAPTER V. Galileo re-elected Professor at Padua New star Compass of propor- tion Capra Gilbert Proposals to return to Pisa Lost writings Ca- valieri. GALILEO'S reputation was now rapidly increasing: his lectures were attended by many persons of the highest rank ; among whom w r eie the Archduke Fer- dinand, afterwards Emperor of Ger- many, the Landgrave of Hesse, and the Princes of Alsace and Mantua. On the exphrtion of the first period for which he had been elected professor, he was rechosen for a similar period, with a salary increased to 320 florins. The immediate occasion of this aug- mentation is said by Fabronit, to have arisen out of the malice of an ill wisher of Galileo, who, hoping to do him dis- service, apprized the senate that he was not married to Marina Gamba, then living with him, and the mother of his son Vincenzo. Whether or not the senate might consider themselves entitled to in- quire into the morality of his private life, it was probably from a wish to mark their sense of the informer's im- pertinence, that they returned the brief answer, that *' if he had a family to provide for, he stood the more in need of an increased stipend." During Galileo's residence at Padua, and, according to Viviam's intimation, towards the thirtieth year of his age, that is to say in 1594, he experienced * Kepleri Epistolae. j- Vitae Italorum IJlustrium. GALILEO. the first attack of a disease which pressed heavily on him for the rest of his life. He enjoyed, when a young man, a healthy and vigorous constitution, but chancing to sleep one afternoon near an open window, through which was blow- ing a current of air cooled artificially by the fall of water, the consequences were most disastrous to him. He contracted a sort of chronic complaint, which showed itself in acute pains in his limbs, chest, and back, accompanied with frequent haemorrhages and loss of sleep and ap- petite ; and this painful disorder thence- forward never left him entirely, but re- curred intermittingly, with greater or less violence, as long as he lived. Others of the party did not even escape so well, but died shortly after committing this imprudence. In 1604, the attention of astronomers was called to the contemplation of a new star, which appeared suddenly with great splendour in the constellation Serpentarius, or Ophiuchus, as it is now more commonly called. Maestlin, who was one of the earliest to notice it, relates his observations in the following words : " How wonderful is this new star ! I am certain that I did not see it before the 29th of September, nor indeed, on account of several cloudy nights, had I a good view till the 6th of October. Now that it is on the other side of the sun, instead of surpassing Jupiter as it did, and almost rivalling Venus, it scarcely matches the Cor Leonis, and hardly surpasses Saturn. It continues how- ever to shine with the same bright and strongly sparkling light, and changes its colours almost with every moment ; first tawny, then yellow, presently purple and red, and, when it has risen above the vapours, most frequently white." This was by no means an unprecedented phenomenon ; and the curious reader may find inRiccioli* a catalogue of the principal new stars which have at dif- ferent times appeared. There is a tra- dition of a similar occurrence as early as the times of the Greek astronomer Hipparchus, who is said to have been stimulated by it to the formation of his ca- talogue of the stars ; and only thirty-two years before, in 1572, the same remark- able phenomenon in the constellation Cassiopeia was mainly instrumental in detaching the celebrated Tycho Brahe from the chemical studies, which till then divided his attention with astro- nomy. Tycho's star disappeared at the * Alnrtgestuui Nyvuui, vol. i. end of two years ; and at that time Galileo was a child. On the present occasion, he set himself earnestly to consider the new phenomenon, and em- bodied the results of his observations in three lectures, which have been un- fortunately lost. Only the exordium of the first has been preserved : in this he reproaches his auditors with their ge- neral insensibility to the magnificent wonders of creation daily exposed to their view, in no respect less admirable than the new prodigy, to hear an ex- planation of which they had hurried in crowds to his lecture room. He showed, from the absence of parallax, that the new star could not be, as the vulgar hypothesis represented, a mere meteor engendered in our atmosphere and nearer the earth than the moon, but must be situated among the most re- mote heavenly bodies. This was in- conceivable to the Aristotelians, whose notions of a perfect, simple, and un- changeable sky were quite at variance with the introduction of any such new body; and we may perhaps consider these lectures as the first public decla- ration of Galileo's hostility to the old Ptolemaic and Aristotelian -astronomy. In 1606 he was reappointed to the lectureship, and his salary a second time increased, being raised to 520 florins. His public lectures were at this period so much thronged that the ordinary place of meeting was found insufficient to contain his auditors, and he was on several occasions obliged to adjourn to the open air, even from the school of medicine, which was calculated to contain one thousand persons. About this time he was considerably annoyed by a young Milanese, of the name of Balthasar Capra, who pirated an instrument which Galileo had in- vented some years before, and had called the geometrical and military compass. The original offender was a German named Simon Mayer, whom we shall meet with afterwards arrogating to himself the merit of one of Galileo's as- tronomical discoveries ; but on this oc- casion, as soon as he found Galileo disposed to resent the injury done to him, he hastily quitted Italy, leaving his friend Capra to bear alone the shame of the exposure which followed. The in- strument is of simple construction, con- sisting merely of two straight rulers, connected by a joint ; so that they can be set to any required angle. This simple and useful instrument, now called the Sector, is to be found in almost every GALILEO. 17 case of mathematical instruments. In- stead of the tri:ono metrical and logarith- mic lines which are now generally en- graved upon it, Galileo's compass merely contained, on one side, three pairs of lines, divided in simple, duplicate, and triplicate proportion, with a fourth pair on which were registered the specific gravities of several of the most common metals. These were used for multipli- cations, divisions, and the extraction of roots ; for finding the dimensions of equally heavy balls of different ma- terials, &c. On the other side were lines contrived for assisting to describe any required polygon on a given line ; for finding polygons of one kind equal in area to those of another ; and a mul- titude of other similar operations useful to the practical engineer. Unless the instrument, which is now called Gunter's scale, be much altered from what it originally was, it is diffi- cult to understand on what grounds Salusbury charges Gunter with plagi- arism from Galileo's Compass. He de- clares that he has closely compared the two, and can find no difference between them.* There has also been some con- fusion, by several writers, between this instrument and what is now commonly called the Proportional Compass. The latter consists of two slips of metal pointed at each end, and connected by a pin which, sliding in a groove through both, can be shifted to different po- sitions. Its use is to find proportional lines ; for it is obvious that the openings measured by each pair of legs will be in the same proportion in which the slips are divided by the centre. The divisions usually marked on it are calculated for finding the submultiples of straight lines, and the chords of submultiple arcs. Montucla has mentioned this mistake of one instrument for the other, and charges Voltaire with the more inex- cusable error of confounding Galileo's with the Mariner's Compass. He re- fers to a treatise by Hulsius for his authority in attributing the Proportional Compass to Burg, a German astrono- mer of some celebrity. Horcher also has been styled the inventor ; but he did no more than describe its form and application. In the frontispiece of his book is an engraving of this compass exactly similar to those which are now used.f To the description which Ga- lileo published of his compass, he added * M.-ith. Coll. vol. ii. f Constructio Circini Proportionum. Moguntiae, 1605. a short treatise on the method of mea- suring heights and distances with the quadrant and plumb line. The treatise, which is printed by itself at the end of the first volume of the Padua edition of Galileo's works, contains nothing more than the demonstrations belonging to the same operations. They are quite elementary, and contain little or nothing that was new even at that time. Such an instrument as Galileo's Com- pass was of much more importance before the grand discovery of loga- rithms than it can now be considered : however it acquires an additional in- terest from the value which he himself set on it. In 1607, Capra, at the insti- gation of Mayer, published as his own invention what he calls the proportional hoop, which is a mere copy of Galileo's instrument. This produced from Galileo a long essay, entitled " A Defence of Galileo against the Calumnies and Im- postures of Balthasar Capra." His prin- cipal complaint seems to have been of the misrepresentations which Capra had published of his lectures on the new star already mentioned, but he takes occasion, after pointing out the blunders and falsehoods which Capra had com- mitted on that occasion, to add a com- plete proof of his piracy of the geo- metrical compass. He showed, from the authenticated depositions of workmen, and of those for whom the instruments had been fabricated, that he had devised them as early as the year 1597, and had explained their construction and use both to Balthasar himself and to his father Aurelio Capra, who was then residing in Padua. He gives, in the same essay, the minutes of a public meeting between himself and Capra, in which he proved, to the satisfaction of the university, that wherever Capra had endeavoured to introduce into his book propositions which were not to be met with in Galileo's, he had fallen into the greatest absurdities, and betrayed the most complete ignorance of his subject. The consequence of this public expo- sure, and of the report of the famous Fra Paolo Sarpi, to whom the matter had been referred, was a formal prohi- bition by the university of Capra' s pub- lication, and all copies of the book then on hand were seized, and probably de- stroyed, though Galileo has preserved it from oblivion by incorporating it in his own publication. Nearly at the same time, 1607, or im- mediately after, he first turned his atten- tion towards the loadstone, on which our c 18 GALILEO. countryman Gilbert had already pub- lished his researches, conducted in the true spirit of the inductive method. Very little that is original is to be found in Galileo's works on this subject, except some allusions to his method of arming magnets, in which, as in most of his practical and mechanical operations, he appears to have been singularly success- ful. Sir Kenelm Digby* asserts, that the magnets armed by Galileo would support twice as great a weight as one of Gilbert's of the same size. Galileo was well acquainted, as appears from his frequent allusions in different parts of his works, with what Gilbert had done, of whom he says, " I extremely ? raise, admire, and envy this author ; think him, moreover, worthy of the greatest praise for the many new and true observations that he has made to the disgrace of so many vain and fabling authors, who write, not from their own knowledge only, but repeat every thing they hear from the foolish vulgar, with- out attempting to satisfy themselves of the same by experience, perhaps that they may not dimmish the size of their books." Galileo's reputation being now greatly increased, proposals were made to him, in 1609, to return to his original situ- ation at Pisa. He had been in the habit of passing over to Florence du- ring the academic vacation, for the pur- pose of giving mathematical instruc- tion to the younger members of Ferdi- nand's family; and Cosmo, who had now succeeded his father as duke of Tuscany, regretted that so masterly a genius had been allowed to leave the university which he naturally should have graced. A few extracts from Ga- lileo's answers to these overtures will serve to show the nature of his situation at Padua, and the manner in which his time was there occupied. " I will not hesitate to say, having now laboured during twenty years, and those the best of my life, in dealing out, as one may say, in detail, at the request of anybody, the little talent which God has granted to my assiduity in my profession, that my wish certainly would be to have suffi- cient rest and leisure to enable me, be- fore my life comes to its close, to conclude three great works which I have in hand, and to publish them ; which might per- haps bring some credit to me, and to those who had favoured me in this undertaking, and possibly may be of Treatise of the Nature of Bodies, London, 1665. greater and more frequent service to students than in the rest of my life I could personally afford them. Greater leisure than I have here I doubt if I could meet with elsewhere, so long as I am compelled to support my family from my public and private lectures, (nor would I willingly lecture in any other city than this, for several reasons which would be long to mention) never- theless not even the liberty I have here is sufficient, where I am obliged to spend many, and often the best hours of the day at the request of this and that man. My public salary here is 520 florins, which 1 am almost certain will be ad- vanced to as many crowns upon my re- election, and these I can greatly increase by receiving pupils, and from private lec- tures, to any extent that I please. My public duty does not confine me during more than 60 half hours in the year, and even that not so strictly but that I may, on occasion of any business, contrive to get some vacant days ; the rest of my time is absolutely at my own disposal ; but because my private lectures and do- mestic pupils are a great hindrance and interruption of my studies, I wish to live entirely exempt from the former, and in great measure from the latter : for if I am to return to my native coun- try, I should wish the first object of his Serene Highness to be, that leisure and opportunity should be given me to com- plete my works without employing my- self in lecturing. And, in short, I should wish to gain my bread from my writings, which I would always dedi- cate to my Serene Master. The works which I have to finish are principally two books on the system or struc- ture of the Universe, an immense work, full of philosophy, astronomy, and geo- metry ; three books on Local Motion, a science entirely new, no one, either ancient or modern, having discovered any of the very many admirable acci- dents which I demonstrate in natural and violent motions, so that I may with very great reason call it a new science, and invented by me from its very first principles; three books of Mechanics, two on the demonstration of principles and one of problems; and although others have treated this same matter, yet all that has been hitherto written, neither in quantity, nor otherwise, is the quarter of what I am writing on it. I have also different treatises on natural subjects ; On sound and speech ; On light and colours ; On the tide; On the com- position of continuous quantity ; On the GALILEO. motions of animals ; And others besides. I have also an idea of writing some books relating to the military art, giving not only a model of a soldier, but teach- ing with very exact rules every thing which it is his duty to know that de- pends upon mathematics ; as the know- ledge of castrametation, drawing up battalions, fortifications, assaults, plan- ning, surveying, the knowledge of artil- lery, the use of instruments, &c. I also wish to reprint the ' Use of my Geo- metrical Compass,' which is dedicated to his highness, and which is no longer to be met with ; for this instrument has experienced such favour from the public, that in fact no other instruments of this kind are now made, and I know that up to this time several thousands of mine have been made. I say nothing as to the amount of my salary, feeling con- vinced that as I am to live upon it, the graciousness of his highness would not deprive me of any of those com- forts, which, however, I feel the want of less than many others ; and there- fore I say nothing more on the subject. Finally, on the title and profession of my service, I should wish that to the name of Mathematician, his highness would add that of Philosopher, as I profess to have studied a greater num- ber of years in philosophy than months in pure mathematics ; and how I have profited by it, and if I can or ought to deserve this title, I may let their high- nesses see as often as it shall please them to give me an opportunity of dis- cussing such subjects in their presence with those who are most esteemed in this knowledge." It may perhaps be seen in the expressions of this letter, that Galileo was not inclined to under- value his own merits, but the peculiar nature of the correspondence should be taken into account, which might justify his indulging a little more than usual in self-praise, and it would have been per- haps almost impossible for him to have remained entirely blind to his vast supe- riority over his contemporaries. Many of the treatises which Galileo here mentions, as well as another on dialling, have been irrecoverably lost, through the superstitious weakness of some of his relations, who after his death suffered the family confessor to examine his papers, and to destroy whatever seemed to him objectionable ; a portion which, according to the notions then prevalent, was like to comprise the most valuable part of the papers sub- mitted to this expurgation. It is also supposed that many were burnt by his infatuated grandson Cosimo, who con- ceived he was thus offering a proper and pious sacrifice before devoting him- self to the life of a missionary. A Trea- tise on Fortification, by Galileo, was found in 1793, and is contained among the documents published by Venturi. Galileo does not profess in it to give much original matter, but to lay before his read- ers a compendium of the most approved Erinciples then already known. It has een supposed that Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden attended Galileo's lectures on this subject, whilst in Italy ; but the fact is not satisfactorily ascertained. Galileo himself mentions a Prince Gustavus of Sweden to -whom he gave instruction in mathematics, but the dates cannot well be made to agree. The question de- serves notice only from its having been made the subject of controversy. The loss of Galileo's Essay on Conti- nuous Quantity is particularly to be regretted, as it. would be highly interest- ing to see how far he succeeded in methodizing his thoughts on this import- ant topic. It is to his pupil Cavalieri (who refused to publish his book so long as he hoped to see Galileo's printed) that we owe " The Method of Indivisi- bles," which is universally recognized as one of the first germs of the powerful methods of modern analysis. Through- out Galileo's works we find many indi- cations of his having thought much on the subject, but his remarks are vague, and bear little, if at all, on the appli- cation of the method. To this the chief part of Cavalieri's book is devoted, though he was not so entirely regardless of the principles on which his method of measuring spaces is founded, as he is sometimes represented. This method consisted in considering lines as made up of an infinite number of points, sur- faces in like manner as composed of lines, and solids of surfaces ; but there is an observation at the beginning of the 7th book, which shews clearly that Cavalieri had taken a much more pro- found view of the subject than is implied in this superficial exposition, and had approached very closely to the appa- rently mure exact theories of his suc- cessors. Anticipating the objections to his hypothesis, he argues, that " there is no necessity to suppose the conti- nuous quantities made up of these in- divisible parts, but only that they will observe the same ratios as those parts do:' It ought not to be omitted, that Kepler also had given an impulse to c 2 20 GALILEO. Cavalieri in his " New method of Gua- ging," which is the earliest work with which we are acquainted, where prin- ciples of this sort are employed.* CHAPTER VI. Invention of the telesccpeFracastoro Porta Reflecting telescope Ro- ger Bacon Digges De Dominis Jans en Lipperhey Galileo con- structs telescopes Microscopes Re- elected Professor at Padua for life. THE year 1609 was signalized by Galileo's discovery of the telescope, which, in the minds of many, is the prin- cipal, if not the sole invention associated with his name. It cannot be denied that his fame, as the founder of the school of experimental philosophy, has been in an unmerited degree cast into the shade by the splendour of his astro- nomical discoveries; yet Lagrangef surely errs in the opposite extreme, when he almost denies that these form any real or solid part of the glory of this great man ; and MpntuclaJ omits an im- portant ingredient in his merit, when he (in other respects very justly) remarks, that it required far less genius to point a telescope towards the heavens than to trace the unheeded, because daily re- curring, phenomena of motion up to its simple and primary laws. We are to remember that in the days of Galileo a telescope could scarcely be pointed to the heavens with impunity, and ( that a courageous mind was required to con- tradict, and a strong one to bear down, a party, who, when invited to look on any object in the heavens which Aris- totle had never suspected, immediately refused all credit to those senses, to which, on other occasions, they so confi- dently appealed. It surely is a real and solid part of Galileo's glory that he consumed his life in laborious and inde- fatigable observations, and that he per- severed in announcing his discoveries undisgusted by the invectives, and un- dismayed by the persecutions, to which they subjected him. Plagiarist ! liar ! impostor ! heretic ! were among the ex- pressions of malignant hatred lavished upon him, and although he also was not without some violent and foul- mouthed partisans, yet it must be told to his credit that he himself seldom condescended to notice these torrents of abuse, otherwise than by good- * Nova Stercometria Doliorum Lincii, 1615. + Mecanique Analytiqne. $ HUtoire des Matheuiatiques, torn. ii. humoured retorts, and by prosecuting his observations with renewed assiduity and zeal. The use of single lenses in aid of the sight had been long known. Spectacles were in common use at the beginning of the fourteenth century, arid there are several hints, more or less obscure, in many early writers, of the effects which might be expected from a combination of glasses ; but it does not appear with certainty that any of these authors had attempted to reduce their ideas to prac- tice. After the discovery of the tele- scope, almost every country endeavoured to find in the writings of its early philosophers traces of the knowledge of such an instrument, but in general with success very inadequate to the zeal of their national prepossessions- There are two authors especially to whom the attention of Kepler and others was turned, immediately upon the promulga- tion of the discovery, as containing the germ of it in their works. These are Baptista Porta, and Gerolamo Fracas - toro. We have already had occasion to quote the Homocentrica of Fracas- toro, who died in 1553 ; the follow- ing expressions, though they seem to refer to actual experiment, yet fall short of the meaning with which it has been attempted to invest them. After ex- plaining and commenting on some phe- nomena of refraction through different media, to which he was led by the necessity of reconciling his theory with the variable magnitudes of the planets, he goes on to say " For which rea- son, those things which are seen at the bottom of water, appear greater than those which are at the top ; and if any one look through two eyeglasses, one placed upon the other, he" will see every thing much larger and nearer." * It should seem that this passage (asDelambrehas already remarked) rather refers to the close application of one glass upon an- other, and it may fairly be doubted whether any thing analogous to the composition of the telescope was in the writer's thoughts. Baptista Porta writes on the same subject more fully ; " Concave lenses show distant objects most clearly, convex those which are nearer, whence they may be used to assist the sight. With a concave glass distant objects will be seen, small, but distinct ; with a convex one those near at hand, larger, but confused ; if you * " Per dno specilla ocularia si quis perspiciat, alteroalteri snperposito, majora multo et propinqniora videtitomnia." Fracast. Homocentrica, *2, c. 8. GALILEO. 21 know rightly how to combine one of each sort, you will see both far and near objects larger and clearer," * These words show, if Porta really was then unacquainted with the telescope, how close it is possible to pass by an inven- tion without lighting on it, for of pre- cisely such a combination of a convex and concave lens, fitted to the ends of an organ pipe by way of tube, did the whole of Galileo's telescope consist. If Porta had stopped here he might more securely have enjoyed the repu- tation of the invention, but he then pro- fesses to describe the construction of his instrument, which has no relation whatever to his previous remarks. " I shall now endeavour to show in what manner we may contrive to recognize our friends at the distance of several miles, and how those of weak sight may read the most minute letters from a distance. It is an invention of great utility, and grounded on optical prin- ciples, nor is it at all difficult of execu- tion ; but it must be so divulged as not to be understood by the vulgar, and yet be clear to the sharpsighted." The description which follows seems far enough removed from the apprehended danger of being too clear, and in- deed every writer who has hitherto quoted it has merely given the passage in its original Latin, apparently despair. ing of an intelligible translation. With some alterations in the punctuation, which; appear necessary to bring it into any grammatical construction,-}- it may be supposed to bear something like the following meaning : " Let a view be contrived in the centre of a mirror, where it is most effective. All the solar rays are exceedingly dispersed, arid do not in the least come together (in the true centre) ; but there is a concourse of all the rays in the central part of the said mirror, half way towards the other centre, where the cross diameters meet. This view is contrived in the following manner. A concave cylindrical mirror * Si utrumqne recte componere noveris, et longin- qua et proxima majora et clara videbis. Mag. Nat. lib. 17. t The passage in the original, which is printed alike in the editions of 1598, 1607, 16L9, and 1650, is as follows : Visus constituatur centre valentissimus speculi, ubi fief, et valentissime universales solares radii disperguntur, et coeunt minime, sed centro prae- dicti speculi in illius medio, ubi diametri transver- sales, omnium ibi concursus. Constituitur hoc modo speculum concavum columnare sequidistantibus late- ribus, sed lateri uno obliquo sectionibus illis accomo- detur, trianguli vero obtusiauguli, vel orthogonii secentur, hijic inde duobus transversy-libus lineis, ex- centro eductis. Et coijfectum erit speciUum, ad. id, placed directly in front, but with its axis inclined, must be adapted to that focus : and let obtuse angled or right angled triangles be cut out with two "cross lines on each side drawn from the centre, and aglass (specillum) will be for the purposes we mentioned. 1 ' If it were not for the word " specillum" which, in the passage immediately preceding this, Porta* 1 contrasts with " speculum" and which he afterwards explains to mean a glass lens, it would be very clear that the foregoing passage (supposing it to have any meaning) must be referred to a reflecting telescope, and it is a little singular that while this obscure passage has attracted universal attention, no one, so far as we are aware, has taken any notice of the following unequivocal description of the principal part of Newton's construction of the same in- strument. It is in the 5th chapter of the 17th book, where Porta explains by what device exceedingly minute let- ters may be read without difficulty. " Place a concave mirror so that the back of it may lie against your breast ; opposite to it, and within the burning point, place the writing; put a plane mirror behind it, that may be under your eyes. Then the images of the letters which are in the concave mirror, and which the concave has magnified, will be reflected in the plane mirror, so that you may read without difficulty." We have not been able to meet with the Italian translation of Porta' s Na- tural Magic, which was published in 1611, under his own superintendence; but the English translator of 1(558 would probably have known if any intelligible interpretation were there given of the mysterious passage above quoted, and his 'translation is so devoid of meaning as strongly to militate against this idea. Porta, indeed, claimed the invention as his own, and is believed to have hastened his death, (which hap- pened in 1615, he being then 80 years old,) by the fatigue of composing a Treatise on the Telescope, in which he had promised to exhaust the subject. We do not know whether this is the same work which was published after his death by Stelliola,t but which contains no allusion to Porta's claim, and pos- sibly Stelliola may have thought it most for his friend's reputation to suppress it. Schott^ says, a friend of his had * Diximusde Ptolemaei speculo,sive specillo potius, quo per saxcentena millia pervementes naves conspi : oiebat. ) II Telescopio, itiJj?. GALILEO. seen Porta's book in manuscript, and that it did at that time contain the as- sertion of Porta's title to the invention. After all it is not improbable that he may have derived his notions of mag- nifying distant objects from our cele- brated countryman Roger Bacon, who died about the year 1300. He has been supposed, not without good grounds, to have been one of the first who re- cognised the use of single lenses in producing distinct vision, and he has some expressions with respect to their combination which promise effects ana- logous to those held out by Porta. In " The Admirable Force of Art and Na- ture," he says, "Physical figurations are far more strange, for in such manner may we frame perspects and looking- glasses that one thing shall appear to be many, as one man shall seeme a whole armie ; and divers sunnes and moanes, yea, as many as we please, shall appeare at one time, &c. And so may the perspects be framed, that things most farre off may seeme most nigh unto us, and clean contrarie, soe that we may reade very small letters an incredi- ble distance from us, and behold things how little soever they be, and make stars to appeare wheresoever we will, &c. And, besides all these, we may so frame perspects that any man entering into a house he shall indeed see gold, and silver, and precious stones, and what else he will, but when he maketh haste to the place he shall find just nothing." It seems plain, that the author is here speaking solely of mirrors, and we must not too hastily draw the conclusion, be- cause in the first and last of these asser- tions he is, to a certain extent, borne out by facts, that he therefore was in posses- sion of a method of accomplishing the middle problem also. In the previous chapter, he gives a long list of notable things, (much in the style of the Mar- quis of Worcester's Century of Inven- tions) which if we can really persuade ourselves that he was capable of accom- plishing, we must allow the present age to be still immeasurably interior to him in science. Thomas Digges, in the preface to his Pantometria, (published in 159 1 ) de- clares, " My father, by his continuall painfull practises, assisted with de- monstrations mathematical!, was able, and sundry times hath by proportional! glasses, duely situate in convenient angles, not only discouered things farre off, read letters, numbered peeces of money, with the verye coyne and super- scription thereof, cast by some of his freends of purpose, upon downes in open fields ; but also, seuen miles off, declared what hath beene doone at that instant in priuate places. He hath also sundrie times, by the sunne beames, fired powder and dischargde ordnance halfe a mile and more distante ; which things I am the boulder to report, for that there are yet living diverse (of these his dooings) occulati testes, (eye witnesses) and many other matters farre more strange and rare, which I omit as im- pertinent to this place." We find another pretender to the ho- nour of the discovery, of the telescope in the celebrated Antonio de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalatro, famous in the annals of optics for being one of the first to explain the theory of the rainbow. Montucla, following P. Boscovich, has scarcely done justice to De Dominis, whom he treats as a mere pretender and ignorant person. The indisposition of Boscovich towards him is suffi- ciently accounted for by the circumstance of his being a Catholic prelate who had embraced the cause of Protestantism. His nominal reconciliation with the Church of Rome would probably not have saved him from the stake, had not a natural death released him when im- prisoned on that account at Rome. Judgment was pronounced upon him notwithstanding, and his body and books were publicly burnt in the Campo de' Fiori, in 1624. His treatise, De Radiis, (which is very rarely to be met with) was published by Bartolo after the ac- knowledged invention of the telescope by Galileo ; but Bartolo tells us, in the preface, that the manuscript was com- municated to him from a collection of papers written 20 years before, on his inquiring the Archbishop's opinion with respect to the newly discovered instru- ment, and that he got leave to publish it, " with the addition of one or two chapters." The treatise contains a complete description of a telescope, which, however, is professed merely to be an improvement on spectacles, and if the author's intention had been to interpolate an afterwritten account, in order to secure to himself the undeserved honour of the invention, it seems im- probable that he would have suffered an acknowledgment of additions, pre- vious to publication, to be inserted in the preface. Besides, the whole tone of the work is that of a candid and truth-seeking philosopher, very far indeed removed from being, as Mon- GALILEO. tucla calls him, conspicuous for igno- rance even among the ignorant men of his age. He gives a drawing of a con- vex and concave lens, and traces the passage of the rays through them ; to which he subjoins, that he has not satisfied himself with any determination of the precise distance to which the glasses should be separated, according to their convexity and concavity, but recommends the proper distance to be found by actual experiment, and tells us, that the effect of the instrument will be to prevent the confusion arising from the interference of the direct and re- fracted rays, and to magnify the object by increasing the visible angle under which it is viewed. These, among the many claimants, are certainly the au- thors who approached the most nearly to the discovery: and the reader may judire, from the passages ciled, whether the knowledge of the telescope can with probability be referred to a period ear- lier than the commencement of the 17th century. At all events, we can find no earlier trace of its being applied to any practical use ; the knowlege, if it existed, remained speculative and barren. In 1609, Galileo, then being on a visit to a friend at Venice, heard a rumour of the recent invention, by a Dutch spectacle- maker, of an instrument which was said to represent distant objects nearer than they usually appeared. According to his own account, this ge- neral rumour, which was confirmed to him by letters from Paris, was all that he learned on the subject ; and returning to Padua, he immediately applied him- self to consider the means by which such an effect could be produced. Fuccarius, in an abusive letter which he wrote on the subject, asserts that one of the Dutch telescopes had been at that time actually brought to Venice, and that he (Fuccarius) had seen it; which, even if true, is perfectly con- sistent with Galileo's statement ; and in fact the question, whether or not Galileo saw the original instrument, becomes important only from his ex- pressly asserting the contrary, and pro- fessing to give the train of reasoning by which he discovered its principle ; so that any insinuation that he had actually seen the Dutch glass, becomes a direct impeachment of his veracity. It is certain, from the following extract of a letter from Lorenzo Pignona to Paolo Gualdo, that one at least of the Dutch glasses had been sent to Italy. It is dated Padua, 31st August, 1609.* " We have no news, except the return of His Serene Highness, and the re- election of the lecturers, among whom Sign. Galileo has contrived to get 1000 florins for life ; and it is said to be on account of an eyeglass, like the one which was sent from Flanders to Car- dinal Borghese. We have seen some here, and truly they succeed well." It is allowed by every one that the Dutchman, or rather Zealander, made his discovery by mere accident, which greatly derogates from any honour attached to it ; but even this diminished degree of credit has been fiercely dis- puted. According to one account, which appears consistent and probable, it had been made for sometime before its importance was in the slightest de- gree understood or appreciated, but was set up in the optician's shop as a curious philosophical toy, show- ing a large and inverted image of a weathercock, towards which it was di- rected. The Marquis Spinola, chancing to see it, was struck with the phenome- non, purchased the instrument, and presented it either to the Archduke Albert of Austria, or to Prince Maurice of Nassau, whose name appears in every version of the story, and who first entertained the idea of employing it in military reconnoissances. Zacharias Jansen, and Henry Lipper- hey, two spectacle-makers, living close to each other, near the church of Mid- dleburg, have both had strenuous sup- porters of their title to the invention. A third pretender appeared afterwards in the person of James Metius of Alkmaer, who is mentioned by Huyghens and Des Cartes, but his claims rest upon no authority whatever comparable to that which supports the other two. About half a century afterwards, Borelli was at the pains to collect and publish a number of letters and depositions which he procured, as well on one side as on the other .f It seems that the truth lies between them, and that one, pro- bably Jansen, was the inventor of the microscope, which application of the principle was unquestionably of an ear r lier date, perhaps as far back as 1590. Jansen gave one of his microscopes to the Archduke, who gave it to Cornelius Drebbel, a salaried mathematician at the court of our James the first, where William Borelli (not the author above * Lettere d'Uomini illustri. Venezia, 1?44. t Borelli, De vero Telescopii inventore, 1655, 24 GALILEO. mentioned) saw it many years after- wards, when ambassador from the United Provinces to England, and got from Drebbel this account of the quar- ter whence it came. Lipperhey after- wards, in 1609, accidentally hit upon the telescope, and on the fame of this discovery it would not be difficult for Jansen, already in possession of an instrument so much resembling it, to perceive the slight difference between them, and to construct a telescope in- dependently of Lipperhey, so that each, with some show of reason, might claim the priority of the invention. A notion of this kind reconciles the testimony of many conflicting witnesses on the sub- ject, some of whom do not seem to distinguish very accurately whether the telescope or microscope is the instru- ment to which their evidence refers. Borelli arrives at the conclusion, that Jansen was the inventor ; but not satis- fied with this, he endeavours, with a glaring partiality which makes his for- mer determination suspicious, to secure for him and his son the more solid re- putation of having anticipated Galileo in the useful employment of the invention. He has however inserted in his collec- tions a letter from John the son of Za- charias, in which John, omitting all mention of his father, speaks of his own observation of the satellites of Jupiter, evidently seeking to insinuate that they were earlier than Galileo's ; and in this sense the letter has since been quoted,* although it appears from John's own deposition, preserved in the same collection, that at the time of their discovery he could not have been more than six years old. An oversight of 'this sort throws doubt on the whole of the pretended observations, and indeed the letter has much the air of being the production of a person imperfectly in- formed on the subject on which he writes, and probably was compiled to suit Borelli's purposes, which were to make Galileo's share in the invention appear as small as possible. Galileo himself gives a very intelli- gible account of the process of reason- ing, by which he detected the secret. *'I argued in the following manner. The contrivance consists either 'of one glass or of more one is not sufficient, must be either convex, concave, or plane ; the last does not produce any sensible alteration in objects, the con- cave diminishes them : it is true that the * gncyclopsodia BriUnuica, Art, TELESCOPE, convex magnifies, but it renders them confused and indistinct; consequently, one glass is insufficient to produce the desired effect. Proceeding to consider two glasses, and bearing in mind that the plane glass causes no change, I de- termined that the instrument could not consist of the combination of a plane glass with either of the other two. I therefore applied myself to make expe- riments on combinations of the two other kinds, and thus obtained that of which I was in search." It has been urged against Galileo that, if he really invented the telescope on theoretical principles, the same theory ought at once to have conducted him to a more perfect instrument than that which he at first constructed ;* but it is plain, from this statement, that he does not profess to have theorized beyond the determi- nation of the species of glass which he should employ in his experiments, and the rest of his operations he avows to have been purely empirical. Besides, we. must take into account the difficulty of grinding the glasses, particularly when fit tools were yet to be made, and some- thing must be attributed to Galileo's eagerness to bring his results to the test of actual experiment, without waiting for that improvement which a longer delay might and did suggest. Galileo's lan- guage bears a resemblance to the first passage which we quoted from Bap- tista Porta, sufficiently close to make it not improbable that he might be as- sisted in his inquiries by some recollec- tion of it, and the same passage seems, in like manner, to have recurred to the mind of Kepler, as soon as he heard of the invention. Galileo's telescope con- sisted of a plano-convex and plano-con- cave lens, the latter nearest the eye, distant from each other by the differ- ence of their focal lengths, being, in principle, exactly the same with the mo- dern opera-glass. He seems to have thought that the Dutch glass was the same, but this could not be the case, if the above quoted particular of the in- verted weathercock, which belongs to most traditions of the story, be correct ; because it is the peculiarity of this kind of telescope not to invert objects, and we should be thus furnished with a de- monstrative proof of the falsehood of Fuccarius's insinuation : in that case the Dutch glass must have been similar to what was afterwards called the astro- nomical telescope, consisting of two Ibid, GALILEO. 25 convex glasses distant from each other by the sum of their focal lengths. This supposition is not controverted by the fact, that this sort of telescope was never employed by astronomers till long after- wards ; for the fame of Galileo's obser- vations, and the superior excellence of the instruments constructed under his superintendence, induced every one in the first instance to imitate his con- structions as closely as possible. The astronomical telescope was however eventually found to possess superior ad- vantages over that which Galileo ima- gined, and it is on this latter principle that all modern refracting telescopes are constructed; the inversion being counteracted in those which are intended for terrestrial observations, by the intro- duction of a second pair of similar glasses, which restore the inverted image to its original position. For fur- ther details on the improvements which have been subsequently introduced, and on the reflecting telescope, which was not brought into use till the latter part of the century, the reader is referred to the Treatise on OPTICAL INSTRU- MENTS. Galileo, about the same time, con- structed microscopes on the same prin- ciple, for we find that, in 1612, he pre- sented one to Sigisraund, King of Po- land ; but his attention being principally devoted to the employment and perfec- tion of his telescope, the microscope remained a long time imperfect in his hands : twelve years later, in 1624, he wrote to P. Federigo Cesi, that he had delayed to send the microscope, the use of which he there describes, because he had only just brought it to perfec- tion, having experienced some difficulty in working the glasses. Schott tells an amusing story, in his " Magic of Na- ture," of a Bavarian philosopher, who, travelling in the Tyrol with one of the newly invented microscopes about him, was taken ill on the road and died. The authorities of the village took pos- session of his baggage, and were pro- ceeding to perform the last duties to his body, when, on examining the little glass instrument in his pocket, which chanced to contain a flea, they were struck with the greatest astonishment and terror, and the poor Bavarian, condemned by acclamation as a sor- cerer who was in the habit of using a portable familiar, was declared un- worthy of Christian burial. Fortu- nately for his character, some bold sceptic ventured to open the instrument, and discovered the true nature of the imprisoned fiend. As soon as Galileo's first telescope was completed, he returned with it to Ve- nice, and the extraordinary sensation which it excited tends also strongly to refute Fuccarius's assertion that the Dutch glass was already known there. During more than a month Galileo's whole time was employed in exhibiting his instrument to the principal inhabit- ants of Venice, who thronged to his house to satisfy themselves of the truth of the wonderful stories in circulation ; and at the end of that time the Doge, Leonardo Donati, caused it to be in- timated to him that such a present would not be deemed unacceptable by the senate. Galileo took the hint, and his complaisance was rewarded by a mandate confirming him for life in his professorship at Padua, at the same time doubling his yearly salary, which was thus made to amount to 1000 flo- rins. It was long before the phrenzy of public curiosity abated. Sirturi de- scribes a ludicrous violence which was done to himself, when, with the first telescope which he had succeeded in. making, he went up into the tower of St. Mark, at Venice, in the vain hope of being there entirely unmolested. Un- luckily he was seen by some idlers in the street : a crowd soon collected round him, who insisted on taking possession of his instrument, and, handing it one to the other, detained him there for se- veral hours till their curiosity was sa- tiated, when he was allowed to return home. Hearing them also inquire eagerly at what inn he lodged, he thought it better to quit Venice early the next morning, and prosecute his observations in a less inquisitive neighbourhood.* In- struments of an inferior description were soon manufactured, and vended every where as philosophical playthings, much in the way in which, in our own time, the kaleidoscope spread over Europe as fast as travellers could carry them. But the fabrication of a better sort was long confined, almost solely, to Galileo and those whom he immediately instructed ; and so late as the year 1637, we find Gaertner, or as he chose to call him- self, Hortensius, assuring Galileo that none could be met with in Holland suf- ficiently good to show Jupiter's disc well defined ; and in 1634 Gassendi begs for a telescope from Galileo, informing iiiw, V- ters to itself, all the waters of the sea would be raised, and would flow to the body of the moon*." He also conjectured that the irregu- larities in the moon's motion were caused by the joint action of the sun and earth, and recognized the mutual action of the sun and planets, when he declared the mass and density of the sun to be so great that the united attrac- tion of the other planets cannot remove it from its place. Among these bold and brilliant ideas, his temperament led him to introduce others which show how unsafe it was to follow his guidance, and which account for, if they do not al- together justify, the sarcastic remark of Ross, that " Kepler's opinion that the planets are moved round by the sunne, and that this is done by sending forth a magnetic virtue, and that the sun-beames are like the teethe of a wheele taking hold of the planets, are senslesse crotchets fitter for a wheeler or a miller than a philosopher." t Roberval took up Kep- ler's notions, especially in the tract which, he falsely attributed to Aristarchus, and it is much to be regretted that Roberval should deserve credit for anything con- nected with that impudent fraud. The principle of universal gravitation, though not the varying proportion, is distinctly assumed in it, as the following passages will sufficiently prove: " In every single particle of the earth, and the terrestrial elements, is a certain property or acci- dent which we suppose common to the whole system of the world, by virtue of which all its parts are forced together, and reciprocally attract each other ; and this property is found in a greater or less degree in the different particles, ac- cording to their density. If the earth be considered by itself, its centres of magnitude and virtue, or gravity, as we usually call it, will coincide, to which all its parts ^ tend in a straight line, as * Astronomia Nova. Pragae. 1609. f The new Planet no Planet, or the Earth no wan- dering Star, except in the wandering heads of Gali- leans. London, 1646. well by their own exertion or gravity, as by the reciprocal attraction of all the rest," In a subsequent chapter, Roberval repeats these passages nearly in the same words, applying them to the whole solar system, adding, that " the force of this attraction is not to be considered as residing in the centre itself, as some ignorant people think, but in the whole system whose parts are equally disposed round the centre*". This very curious work was reprinted in the third volume, of the Reflexiones Physico-Mathematicce of Mersenne, from whom Roberval pre- tended to have received the Arabic ma- nuscript, and who is thus irretrievably implicated in the r forgery.t The last remark, denying the attractive force to be due to any property of the central point, seems aimed at Aristotle, who, in a no less curious passage, maintain- ing exactly the opposite opinion, says, " Hence, we may better understand what the ancients have related, that like things are wont to have a tendency to each other. For this is not abso- lutely true ; for if the earth were to be removed to the place now occupied by the moon, no part of the earth would then have a tendency towards that place, but would still fall towards the point which the earth's centre now occupies.''^ Mersenne considered the consequences of the attractive force of each particle of matter so far as to remark, that if a body were supposed to fall towards the centre of the earth, it would be retarded by the attraction of the part through which it had already fallen. Galileo had not altogether neglected to specu- late on such a supposition, as is plain from the following extract. It is taken from a letter to Carcaville, dated from Aicetri, in 1637. " I will say farther, that I have not absolutely and clearly satisfied myself that a heavy body would arrive sooner at the centre of the earth, if it began to fall from the dis- tance only of a single yard, than another which should start from the distance of a thousand miles. I do not affirm this, but I offer it as a paradox." f It is very difficult to offer any satis- factory comment upon this passage ; it may be sufficient to observe that this paradoxical result was afterwards de- * Aristarchi Samii de Mundi Systemate. Parisiis 1644. f See page 12. I De Coelo.lib. iv. cap. 3. Reflexiones Fhysico-Mathematicse, Pansiis,167 If Yeutuvi. 68 GALILEO. duced by Newton, as one of the conse- quences of the general law with which all nature is pervaded, but with which there is no reason to believe that Galileo had any acquaintance; indeed the idea is fully negatived by other passages in this same letter. This is one of the many instances from which we may learn to be cautious how we invest detached passages of the earlier mathemati- cians with a meaning which in many cases their authors did not contem- plate. The progressive development of these ideas in the hands of Wallis, Huyghens, Hook, Wren, and New- ton, would lead us too far from our principal subject. There is another passage in the third dialogue connected with this subject, which it may be as well to notice in this place. " The parts of the earth have such a pro- pensity to its centre, that when it changes its place, although they may be very distant from the globe at the time of the change, yet must they follow. An ex- ample similar to this is the perpetual sequence of the Medicean stars, although always separated from Jupiter. The same may be said of the moon, obliged to follow the earth. And this may serve for those simple ones who have difficulty in comprehending how these two globes, not being chained together, nor strung upon a pole, mutually follow each other, so that on the acceleration or retardation of the one, the other also moves quicker or slower." The second Dialogue is appropriated chiefly to the discussion of the diurnal motion of the earth ; and the principal arguments urged by Aristotle, Ptolemy, and others, are successively brought forward and confuted. The opposers of the earth's diurnal motion maintained, that if it were turning round, a stone dropped from the top of a tower would not fall at its foot ; but, by the rotation of the earth to the eastward carrying away the tower with it, would be left at a great distance to the westward; it was common to compare this effect to a stone dropped from the mast-head of a ship, and without any regard to truth it was boldly asserted that this would fall considerably nearer the stern than the foot of the mast, if the ship were in rapid motion. The same argument was presented in a variety of forms, such as that a cannon-ball shot perpendicularly upwards would not fall at the same spot ; that if fired to the eastward it would fly farther than to the westward ; that a mark to the east or west would never be hit, because of the rising or sinking of the horizon during the flight of the ball ; that ladies ringlets would all stand out to the westward,* with other conceits of the like nature : to which the general reply is given, that in all these cases the stone, or ball, or other body, participates equally in the motion of the earth, which, therefore, so far as regards the relative motion of its parts, may be disregarded. The manner in which this is illustrated, appears in the following extract from the dialogue : Sagredo. If the nib of a writing pen which was in the ship during my voyage direct from Venice to Alexandria, had had the power of leaving a visible mark of all its path, what trace, what mark, what line would it have left? "Simplicio. It would have left a line stretched out thither from Venice not perfectly straight, or to speak more correctly, not perfectly extended in an exact circular arc, but here and there more and less curved accordingly as the vessel had pitched more or less ; but this variation in some places of one or two yards to the right or left, or up or down in a length of many hundred miles, would have occasioned but slight altera- tion in the whole course of the line, so that it would have been hardly sensible, and without any great error we may speak of it as a perfectly circular arc. Sagred. So that the true and most exact motion of the point of the pen would also have been a perfect arc of a circle if the motion of the vessel, ab- stracting from the fluctuations of the waves, had been steady and gentle ; and if I had held this pen constantly in my hand, and had merely moved it an inch or two one way or the other, what alter- ation would that have made in the true and principal motion? Simpl. Less than that which would be occasioned in a line a thousand yards long, by varying here and there from perfect straightness by the quantity of a flea's eye. Sagred. If then a painter on our quitting the port had begun to draw with this pen on paper, and had continued his draw- ing till we got to Alexandria, he would have been able by its motion, to produce an accurate representation of many ob- jects perfectly shadowed, and filled up on all sides with landscapes, buildings, and animals, although all the true, real, and essential motion of the point of his pen would have been no other but a very Jliccioli. GALILEO. 69 long and very simple line ; and as to the peculiar work of the painter, he would have drawn it exactly the same if the ship had stood still. Therefore, of the very protracted motion of the pen, there remain no other traces than those marks drawn upon the paper, the reason of this being that the great motion from Venice to Alexandria was common to the paper, the pen, and everything that was in the ship ; but the trifling motion forwards and backwards, to the right and left, communicated by the painter's fingers to the pen, and not to the paper, from being peculiar to the pen, left its mark upon the paper, which as to this mo- tion was immoveable. Thus it is like- wise true that in the supposition of the earth's rotation, the motion of a falling stone is really a long track of many hundreds and thousands of yards ; and if it could have delineated its course in the calm air, or on any other surface, it would have left behind it a very long transversal line; but that part of all this motion which is common to the stone, the tower, and ourselves, is im- perceptible by us and the same as if not existing, and only that part remains to be observed of which neither we nor the tower partake, which in short is the fall of the stone along the tower." The mechanical doctrines introduced into this second dialogue will be noticed on another occasion ; we shall pass on to other extracts, illustrative of the ge- neral character of Galileo's reasoning : " Salviati. I did not say that the earth has no principle, either" internal or ex- ternal, of its motion of rotation, but I do say that I know not which of the two it has, and that my ignorance has no power to take its motion away ; but if this author knows by what principle other mundane bodies, of the motion of which we are certain, are turned round, I say that what moves the Earth is something like that by which Mars and Jupiter, and, as he believes, the starry sphere, are moved round ; and if he will satisfy me as to the cause of their motion, I bind myself to be able to tell him what moves the earth. Nay more ; I undertake to do the same if he can teach me what it is which moves the parts of the earth downwards. Simpl. The cause of this effect is no- torious, and every one knows that it is Gravity. Salv. You are out, Master ture of the thing, of which nature you do not know one tittle more than you know of the nature of the moving cause of the rotation of the stars, except it be the name which has been given to the one, and made familiar and domestic, by the frequent experience we have of it many thousand times in a day ; but of the principle or virtue by which a stone falls to the ground, we really know no more than we know of the principle which carries it upwards when thrown into the air, or which carries the moon round its orbit, except, as I have said, the name of gravity which we have peculiarly and exclusively assigned to it ; whereas we speak of the other with a more ge- neric term, and talk of the virtue im- pressed, and call it either an assisting or an informing intelligence, and are con- tent to say that Nature is the cause of an infinite number of other motions." Simplicio is made to quote a passage from Schemer's book of Conclusions against Copernicus, to the following ef- fect : " ' If the whole earth and water were annihilated, no hail or rain would fall from the clouds, but would only be naturally carried round in a circle, nor would any fire or fiery thing ascend, since, according to the not improbable opinion of these others, there is no fire in the upper regions.' Salv. The fore- sight of this philosopher is most ad- mirable and praiseworthy, for he is not content with providing for things that might happen during the common course of nature, but persists in shew- ing his care for the consequences of what he very well knows will never come to pass. Nevertheless, for the sake of hearing some of his notable con- ceits, I will grant that if the earth and water were annihilated there would be no more hail or rain, nor would fiery matter ascend any more, but would con- tinue a motion of revolution. What is to follow ? What conclusion is the phi- losopher going to draw ? Simpl. This objection is in the very next words 4 Which nevertheless (says he) is con- trary to experience and reason.' Salv. Now I must yield: since he has so great an advantage over me as ex- perience, with which I am quite unpro- vided. For hitherto I have never hap- pened to see the terrestial earth and water annihilated, so as to be able to observe what the hail and fire did in the Simplicio ; you should say that every confusion. But does he.tell us for our in- ane knows that it is called Gravity ; but formation at least what they did ISimp. I do not ask you the name but the na- No, he does not say any thing more. GALILEO. Salv. I would give something to have a word or two with this person, to ask him whether, when this globe vanished, it also carried away the common centre of gravity, as I fancy it did, in which case I take it that the hail and water would remain stupid and confounded amongst the clouds, without knowing what to do with themselves. . . . And lastly, that I may give this philosopher a less equivo- cal answer, I tell him that I know as much of what would follow after the annihilation of the terrestrial globe, as he could have known what was about to happen in and about it, before it was created." Great part of the third Dialogue is taken up with discussions on the paral- lax of the new stars of 1572 and 1604, in which Delambre notices that Galileo does not employ logarithms in his cal- culations, although their use had been known since Napier discovered them in 1616 : the dialogue then turns to the an- nual motion " first taken from the Sun and conferred upon the Earth by Aris- tarchus Samius, and afterwards by Co- pernicus." Salviati speaks of his con- temporary philosophers with great con- tempt " If you had ever been worn out as I have been many and many a time with hearing what sort of stuff is suf- ficient to make the obstinate vulgar un- persuadable, I do not say to agree with, but even to listen to these novelties, I believe your wonder at finding so few followers of these opinions would greatly fall off. But little regard in my judgment is to be had of those understandings who are convinced and immoveably persuaded of the fixedness of the earth, by seeing that they are not able to breakfast this morning at Constantinople, and sup in the evening in Japan, and who feel satis- fied that the earth, so heavy as it is, cannot climb up above the sun, and then come tumbling in a breakneck fashion down again ! " * This remark serves to introduce several specious arguments against the annual motion of the earth, which are successively confuted, and it is shewn how readily the apparent sta- tions and retrogradations of the planets are accounted for on this supposition. * The notions commonly entertained of ' up' and * down,' as connected with the observer's own situ- ation, had long been a stumbling-block in the way of the new doctrines. When Columbus held out the certainty of arriving in India by sailing to the west- ward on account of the earth's roundness, it was gravely objected, that it might be well enough to sail down to India, but that the chief difficulty would consist in climbing up back again. The following is one of the frequently recurring passages in which Galileo, whilst arguing in favour of the enor- mous distances at which the theory of Copernicus necessarily placed the fixed stars, inveighs against the arrogance with which men pretend to judge of mat- ters removed above their comprehension. " Simpl. All this is very well, and it is not to be denied that the heavens may surpass in bigness the capacity of our imaginations, as also that God might have created it yet a thousand times larger than it really is, but we ought not to admit anything to be created in vain, and useless in the universe. Now whilst we see this beautiful arrangement of the planets, disposed round the earth at distances proportioned to the effects they are to produce on us for our be- nefit, to what purpose should a vast vacancy be afterwards interposed be- tween the orbit of Saturn and the starry spheres, containing not a single star, and altogether useless and unprofitable ? to what end? for whose use and advan- tage ? Salv. Methinks we arrogate too much to ourselves, Simplicio, when we will have it that the care of us alone is the adequate and sufficient work and bound, beyond which the divine wisdom and power does and disposes of nothing. I feel confident that nothing is omitted by the Divine Providence of what con- cerns the government of human affairs ; but that there may not be other things in the universe dependant upon His su- preme wisdom, I cannot for myself, by what my reason holds out to me, bring myself to believe. So that when I am told of the uselessness of an immense space interposed between the orbits of the planets and the fixed stars, empty and valueless, I reply that there is teme- rity in attempting by feeble reason to judge the works of God, and in calling vain and superfluous every part of the universe which is of no use to us. Sagr. Say rather, and I believe you would say better, that we have no means of know- ing what is of use to us ; and I hold it to be one of the greatest pieces of arro- gance and folly that can be in this world to say, because I know not of what use Jupiter or Saturn are to me, that there- fore these planets are superfluous ; nay more, that there are no such things in nature. To understand what effect is worked upon us by this or that heavenly body (since you will have it that all their use must have a reference to us), it would be necessary to remove it for a GALILEO. 71 while, and then the effect which I find no longer produced in me, I may say that it depended upon that star. Besides, who will dare say that the space which they call too vast and useless between Saturn and the fixed stars is void of other bodies belonging to the universe. Must it be so because we do not see them : then I suppose the four Medi- cean planets, and the companions of Saturn, came into the heavens when we first began to see them, and not before ! and, by the same rule, the other innu- merable fixed stars did not exist before men saw them. The nebulae were till lately only white flakes, till with the telescope we have made of them con- stellations of bright and beautiful stars. Oh presumptuous ! rather, Oh rash ignorance of man ! " After a discussion on Gilbert's Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism, introduced by the parallelism of the earth's axis, and of which Galileo praises very highly both the method and results, the dialogue proceeds as follows : " Simpl. It ap- pears to me that Sig. Salviati, with a fine circumlocution, has so clearly ex- plained the cause of these effects, that any common understanding, even though unacquainted with science, may compre- hend it : but we, confining ourselves to the terms of art, reduce the cause of these and other similar natural pheno- mena to sympathy, which is a certain agreement and mutual appetency arising between things which have the same qualities, just as, on the other hand, that disagreement and aversion, with which other things naturally repel and abhor each other, we style antipathy. Sagr. And thus with these two words they are able to give a reason for the great num- ber of effects and accidents which we see, not without admiration, to be pro- duced in Nature. But it strikes me that this mode of philosophising has a great sympathy with the style in which one of my friends used to paint : on one part of the canvas he would write with chalk there I will have a fountain,with Diana and her nymphs ; here some har- riers ; in this corner I will have a hunts- man, with a stag's head ; the rest may be a landscape of wood and mountain ; and what remains to be done may be put in by the colourman : and thus he flattered himself that he had painted the story of Actaeon, having contributed nothing to it beyond the names." The fourth Dialogue is devoted en- tirely to an examination of the tides, and is a development and extension of the treatise already mentioned to have been sent to the Archduke Leopold, in 1618*. Galileo was uncommonly partial to his theory of the tides, from which he thought to derive a direct proof of the earth's motion in her orbit ; and although his theory was erroneous, it required a farther advance in the science of motion than had been attained even at a much later period to point out the insufficiency of it. It is well known that the problem of explaining the cause of this alternate motion of the waters had been consi- dered from the earliest ages one of the most difficult that could be proposed, and the solutions with which different inquirers were obliged to rest contented, shew that it long deserved the name given to it, of " the grave of human cu- riosity!'." Riccioli has enumerated se- veral of the opinions which in turn had their favourers and supporters. One party supposed the rise of the waters to be occasioned by the influx of rivers into the sea ; others compared the earth to a large animal, of which the tides indi- cated the respiration ; a third theory supposed the existence of subterraneous fires, by which the sea was periodically made to boil ; others attributed the cause of a similar change of temperature to the sun and moon. There is an unfounded legend, that Aristotle drowned himself in despair of being able to invent a plausible expla- nation of the extraordinary tides in the Euripus. His curiosity on the subject does not appear to have been so acute (judging from his writings) as this story would imply. In one of his books he merely mentions a rumour, that there are great elevations or swellings of the seas, which recur periodically, accord- ing to the course of the moon. Lalande, in the fourth volume of his Astronomy, has given an interesting account of the opinion of the connection of the tides with the moon's motion. Pytheas of Marseilles, a contemporary of Aristotle, was the first who has been recorded as observing, that the full tides occur at full moon, and the ebbs at new moonj. This is not quite correctly stated; for the tide of new moon is known to be still higher than the rise at the full, but it is likely enough, that the seeming in- accuracy should be attributed, not to * See page 50. i Riccioli Almag. Nov. K. Plutarch, De placit, Philos. lib. iii. c. 1?. 72 GALILEO. Pytheas, but to his biographer Plutarch, who, in many instances, appears to have viewed the opinions of the old philosophers through the mist of his own prejudices and imperfect informa- tion. The fact is, that, on the same day when the tide rises highest, it also ebbs lowest ; and Pytheas, who, according to Pliny, had recorded a tide in Britain of eighty cubits, could not have been ignorant of this. Posidonius, as quoted by Strabo, maintained the existence of three periods of the tide, daily, monthly, and annual, " in sympathy with the moon." * Pliny, in his vast collection of natural observations, not unaptly styled the Encyclopaedia of the Antients, has the following curious passages : '* The flow and ebb of the tide is very wonderful ; it happens in a variety of ways, but the cause is in the sun and moont." He then very accurately de- scribes the course of the tide during a revolution of the moon, and adds: " The flow takes place every day at a different hour ; being waited on by the star, which rises every day in a different place from that of the day before, and with greedy' draught drags the seas with it$." " When the moon is in the north, and further removed from the earth, the tides are more gentle than when digress- ing to the south, she exerts her^force with a closer effort^." The College of Jesuits at Coimbra appears to deserve the credit of first clearly pointing out the true relation between the tides and the moon, which was also maintained a few years later by Antonio de Dominis and Kepler. In the Society's commentary on Aristotle's book on Meteors, after refuting the notion that the tides are caused by the light of the sun and moon, they say, " It appears more probable to us, without any rarefaction, of which there appears no need or indication, that the moon raises the waters by some inherent power of impulsion, in the same manner as a magnet moves iron ; and according to its different aspects and approaches to the sea, and the obtuse or acute angles of its bearing, at one time to attract and raise the waters along the shore, and then again to leave them to sink down by their own weight, and eix; ry fft^vr,. Geographic, lib. iii. | Historia Naturalis, lit. ii. c, 97. t Ut ancillante sidere, trahenteque secum avido hausm maria. Eadem Aquilonia, et a terris longius recedente, mitiores qaam cum, in Austros digressa, propiore nisuvim suam exercet. to gather into a lower level.*" The theory of Universal Gravitation seems here within the grasp of these philo- sophers, but unfortunately it did not occur to them that possibly the same attraction might be exerted on the earth as well as the water, and that the tide was merely an effect of the diminution of force, owing to the increase of dis- tance, with which the centre of the earth is attracted, as compared with that exerted on its surface. This idea, so happily seized afterwards by Newton,, might at once have furnished them with a satisfactory explanation of the tide, which is observed on the opposite side of the earth as well as immediately under the moon. They might have seen that in the latter case the centre of the earth is pulled away from the water, just as in the former the water is. pulled away from the centre of the earth, the sensible effect to us being in both cases precisely the same. For want of this generalization, the inferior tide as it is called presented a formi- dable obstacle to this theory, and the most plausible explanation that was given was, that this magnetic virtue ra- diated out from the moon was reflected, by the solid heavens, and concentrated again as in a focus on the opposite side of the earth. The majority of modern- astronomers who did not admit the existence of any solid matter fit for producing the effect assigned to it, found a reasonable difficulty in acquiescing in this explanation. Galileo, who men- tions the Archbishop of Spalatro's book, treated the theory of attraction by the moon as absurd. " This motion of the seas is local and sensible, made in an immense mass of water, and cannot be brought to obey light, and warmth, and predominancy of occult qualities, and such like vain fancies ; all which are so far from being the cause of the tide, that on the contrary the tide is the cause of them, inasmuch as it gives rise to these- ideas in brains which are more apt for talkativeness and ostentation, than for speculation and inquiry into the secrets of Nature ; who, rather than see them- selves driven to pronounce these wise, ingenuous, and modest words 1 do not know, will blurt out from their tongues and pens all sorts of extravagancies." Galileo's own theory is introduced by the following illustration, \Mhich indeed * Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis. Colcmiae t GALILEO. 73 probably suggested it, as he was in the habit of suffering no natural phe- nomena, however trivial in appearance, to escape him. He felt the advantage of this custom in being furnished on all occasions with a stock of homely illus- trations, to which the daily experience of his hearers readily assented, and which he could shew to be identical in principle with the phenomena under discussion. That he was mistaken in applying his observations in the present instance cannot be urged against the incalculable value of such a habit. " We may explain and render sensible these effects by the example of one of those barks which come continually from Lizza Fusina, with fresh water for the use of the city of Venice. Let us suppose one of these barks to come thence with moderate velocity along the canal, carrying gently the water with which it is filled, and then, either by touching the bottom, or from some other hindrance which is opposed to it, let it be notably retarded ; the water will not on that account lose like the bark the impetus it has already ac- quired, but will forthwith run on towards the prow where it will sensibly rise, and be depressed at the stern. If on the contrary the said vessel in the middle of its steady course shall receive a new and sensible increase of velocity, the contained water before giving into it will persevere for some time in its slowness, and will be left behind that is to say towards the stern where con- sequently it will rise, and sink at the head. Now, my masters, that which the vessel does in respect of the water contained in it, and that which the water does in respect of the vessel con- taining it, is the same to a hair as what the Mediterranean vase does in respect of the water which it contains, and that the waters do in respect of the Medi- terranean vase which contains them. We have now only to demonstrate how, and in what manner it is true that the Mediterranean, and all other gulfs, and in short all the parts of the earth move with a motion sensibly not uniform, although no motion results thence to the whole globe which is not perfectly uniform and regular." This unequable motion is derived from a combination of the earth's motion on her axis, and in her orbit, the conse- quence of which is that a point under the sun is carried in the same direction by the annual and diurnal velocities, whereas a point on the opposite side of the globe is carried in opposite direc- tions by the annual and diurnal motions, so that in every twenty-four hours the absolute motion through space of every point in the earth completes a cycle of varying swiftness. Those readers who are unacquainted with the mathematical theory of motion must be satisfied with the assurance that this specious repre- sentation is fallacious, and that the oscillation of the water does not in the least result from the causes here as- signed to it : the reasoning necessary to prove this is not elementary enough to be introduced here with propriety. Besides the principal daily oscillation of the water, there is a monthly ine- quality in the rise and fall, of which the extremes are called the spring and neap tides : the manner in which Galileo attempted to bring his theory to bear upon these phenomena is exceedingly- curious. " It is a natural and necessary truth, that if a body be made to revolve, the time of revolution will be greater in a, greater circle than in a less : this is universally allowed, and fully confirmed by experiments, such for instance as these : In wheel clocks, especially in large ones, to regulate the going, the workmen fit up a bar capable of revolv- ing horizontally, and fasten two leaden weights to the ends of it; and if the clock goes too slow, by merely ap- proaching these weights somewhat to- wards the centre of the bar, they make its vibrations more frequent, at which time they are moving in smaller circles than before*. Or, if you fasten a weight to a cord which you pass round a pulley in the ceiling, and whilst the weight is vibrating draw in the cord towards you, the vibrations will become sensibly ac- celerated as the length of the string diminishes. W r e may observe the same rule to hold among the celestial motions of the planets, of which we have a ready instance in the Medicean planets, which revolve in such short periods round Jupiter. We may therefore safely conclude, that if the moon for instance shall continue to be forced round by the same moving power, and were to move in a smaller circle, it would shorten the time of its revolu- tion. Now this very thing happens in fact to the moon, which I have just advanced on a supposition. Let us call * See fig. 1, p. 96. GALILEO. to mind that we have already concluded with Copernicus, that it is impossible to separate the moon from the earth, round which without doubt it moves in a month : we must also remember that the globe of the earth, accompanied always by the moon, revolves in the great circle round the sun in a year, in which time the moon revolves round the earth about thirteen times, whence it follows that the moon is sometimes near the sun, that is to say between the earth and sun, sometimes far from it, when she is on the outside of the earth. Now if it be true that the power which moves the earth and the moon round the sun remains of the same efficacy, and if it be true that the same moveable, acted on by the same force, passes over similar arcs of circles in a time which is least when the circle is smallest, we are forced to the conclu- sion that at new moon, when in con- junction with the sun, the moon passes over greater arcs of the orbit round the sun, than when in opposition at full moon ; and this inequality of the moon will be shared by the earth also. So that exactly the same thing happens as in the balance of the clocks ; for the moon here represents the leaden weight, which at one time is fixed at a greater distance from the centre to make the vibrations slower, and at another time nearer to accelerate them." Wallis adopted and improved this theory in a paper which he inserted in the Philosophical Transactions for 1666, in which he declares, that the circular mo- tion round the sun should be considered as taking place at a point which is the centre of gravity of the earth and moon. " To the first objection, that it appears not how two bodies that have no tie can have one common centre of gravity, I shall only answer, that it is harder to show how they have it, than that they have it*. M As Wallis was perfectly competent from the time at which he lived, and his knowledge of the farthest advances of science in his time, to appre- ciate the value of Galileo's writings, we shall conclude this chapter with the judgment that he has passed upon them in the same paper. " Since Galileo, and after him Torricelli and others have ap- plied mechanical principles to the solv- ing of philosophical difficulties, natural philosophy is well known to have been rendered more intelligible, and to have Phil. Trans., No. 16, August 1666. made a much greater progress in less than a hundred years than before for many ages." CHAPTER XV. Galileo at Arcetri Becomes Blind Moon's Librarian Publication of the Dialogues on Motion. WE have already alluded to the imper- fect state of the knowledge possessed with regard to Galileo's domestic life and personal habits; there is reason however to think that unpublished materials exist from which these outlines might be in part filled up. Venturi in- forms us that he had seen in the collec- tion from which he derived a great part of the substance of his Memoirs of Galileo, about one hundred and twenty manuscript letters, dated between the years 1623 and 1633, addressed to him by his daughter Maria, who with her sis- ter had attached herself to the convent of St. Matthew, close to Galileo's usual place of residence. It is difficult not to think that much interesting information might be obtained from these, with respect to Galileo's domestic character. The very few published extracts confirm our fa- vourable impressions of it, and convey a pleasing idea of this his favourite daughter. Even when, in her affec- tionate eagerness to soothe her father's wounded feelings at the close of his im- prisonment in Rome, she dwells with delight upon her hopes of being allowed to relieve him, by taking on herself the penitential recitations which formed a part of his sentence, the prevalent feel- ing excited in every one by the perusal must surely be sympathy with the filial tenderness which it is impossible to mis- understand. The joy she had anticipated in again meeting her parent, and in compensat- ing to him by her attentive affection the insults of his malignant enemies, was destined to be but of short duration. Almost in the same month in which Galileo returned ; to Arcetri she was seized with a fatal illness ; and already in the beginning of April, 1634, we learn her death from the fruitless con- dolence of his friends. He was deeply and bitterly affected by this additional blow, which came upon him when he was himself in a weak and declining state of health, and his answers breathe a spirit of the most hopeless and gloomy despondency. In a letter written in. April to Boe- GALILEO. ehineri, his son's father-in-law, he says : "The hernia has returned worse than at first : my pulse is intermitting, ac- companied with a palpitation of the heart ; an immeasurable sadness and melancholy ; an entire loss of appetite ; I, am hateful to myself; and in short I feel that I am called incessantly by my dear daughter. In this state, I do not think it advisable that Vincenzo should set out on his journey, and leave me, when every hour something may occur, which would make it expedient that he should be here." In this extre- mity of ill health, Galileo requested leave to go to Florence for the advantage of medical assistance; but far from obtain- ing permission, it was intimated that any additional importunities would be no- ticed by depriving him of the partial liberty he was then allowed to enjoy. After several years confinement at Ar- cetri, during the whole of which time he suffered from continual indisposi- tion, the inquisitor Fariano wrote to him in 1638, that the Pope permitted his removal to Florence, for the purpose of recovering his health ; requiring him at the same time to present himself at the Office of the Inquisition, where he would learn the conditions on which this favour had been granted. These were that he should neither quit his house nor receive his friends there; and so closely was the letter of these instruc- tions adhered to, that he was obliged to obtain a special permission to go out to attend mass during Passion week. The strictness with which all personal intercourse with his friends was inter- rupted, is manifest from the result of the following letter from the Duke of Tuscany 's secretary of state to Nicolini, his ambassador at Rome. " Signer Galileo Galilei, from his great age and the illnesses which afflict him, is in a condition soon to go to another world ; and although in this the eternal memory of his fame and value is already secured, yet his Highness is greatly desirous that the world should sustain as little loss as possible by his death ; that his labours may not perish, but for the public good may be brought to that per- fection which he will not be able to give them. He has in his thoughts many things worthy of him, which he cannot be prevailed on to communicate to any but Father Benedetto Castelli, in whom he has entire confidence. His Highness wishes therefore that you should see Castelli, and induce him to procure leave to come to Florence for a few months for this purpose, which his Highness has very much at heart ; and if he ob- tains permission, as his Highness hopes, you will furnish him with money and every thing else he may require for his journey." Castelli, it will be remem- bered, was at this time salaried by the court of Rome. Nicolini answered that Castelli had been himself to the Pope to ask leave to go to Florence. Urban immediately intimated his suspi- cions that his design was to see Galileo, and upon Castelli' s stating that certainly it would be impossible for him to refrain from attempting to see him, he received permission to visit him in the company of an officer of the Inquisition. At the end of some months Galileo was re- manded to Arcetri, which he never again quitted. In addition to his other infirmities, a disorder which some years before had affected the sight of his right eye re- turned in 1636 ; in the course of the en- suing year the other eye began to fail also, and in a few months he became totally blind. It would be difficult to find any even among those who are the most careless to make a proper use of the invaluable blessing of sight, who could bear unmoved to be deprived of it, but on Galileo the loss fell with pe- culiar and terrible severity ; on him who had boasted that he would never cease from using the senses which God had given him, in declaring the glory of his works, and the business of whose life had been the splendid fulfilment of that undertaking. "The noblest eye is darkened," said Castelli, " which nature ever made: an eye so privileged, and gifted with such rare qualities, that it may with truth be said to have seen, more than all of those who are gone, and to have opened the eyes of all who are to come." His own patience and resignation under this fatal calamity are truly wonderful ; and if occasionally a word of complaint escaped him, it was in the chastened tone of the following ex- pressions " Alas ! your dear friend and servant Galileo has become totally and irreparably blind ; so that this heaven, this earth, this universe, which with wonderful observations I had enlarged a hundred and thousand times beyond the belief of by-gone ages, hencefor- ward for me is shrunk into the narrow space which I myself fill in it. So it pleases God : it shall therefore please me also." Hopes were at first enter- 76 GALILEO. tained by Galileo's friends, that the blindness was occasioned by cataracts, and that he might look forward to relief from the operation of couching ; but it very soon appeared that the disorder was not in the humours of the eye, but in a cloudiness of the cornea, the symp- toms of which all external remedies failed to alleviate. As long as the power was left him, he had indefatigably continued his astrono- mical observations. Just before his sight began to decay, he had observed a new phenomenon in the moon, which is now known by the name of the moon's libration, the nature of which we will shortly explain. A remarkable circum- stance connected with the moon's mo- tion is, that the same side is always visible from the earth, showing that the moon turns once on her own axis in ex- actly the time of her monthly revolu- tion.* But Galileo, who was by this time familiar with the whole of the moon's visible surface, observed that the above-mentioned effect does not accu- rately take place, but that a small part on either side comes alternately forward into sight, and then again recedes, ac- cording to the moon's various positions in the heavens. He was not long in de- tecting one of the causes of this appa- rent libratory or rocking motion. It is partly occasioned by our distance as spectators from the centre of the earth, which is also the centre of the moon's motion. In consequence of this, as the moon rises in the sky we get an ad- ditional view of the lower half, and lose sight of a small part of the upper half which was visible to us while we were looking down upon her when low in the horizon. The other cause is not quite so simple, nor is it so certain that Galileo adverted to it : it is however readily in- telligible even to those who are unac- quainted with astronomy, if they will re- ceive as a fact that the monthly motion of the moon is not uniform, but that she moves quicker at one time than another, whilst the motion of rotation on her own axis, like that of the earth, is perfectly uniform. A very. little reflection will show that the observed phenomenon * Frisi says that Galileo did not perceive this conclusion (Elogio del Galileo) ; but see The Dial, on the System, Dial. 1. pp. 61, 62, 85. Edit. 1744. Plutarch says, Ue Placitis Philos. lib. ii. c. 28,) that the Pythagoreans believed the moon to have in- habitants fifteen times as large as men, and that their day is fifteen times as long as ours. It seems probable, that the former of these opinions was en- grafted on the latter, which is true, and implies a 2**&ejition of the fact ia the text. will necessarily follow. If the moon did not turn on her axis, every side of her would be successively presented, in the course of a month, towards the earth ; it is the motion of rotation which tends to carry the newly discovered parts out of sight. Let us suppose the moon to be in that part of her orbit where she moves with her average motion, and that she is moving towards the part where she moves most quickly. If the motion in the orbit were to remain the same all the way round, the motion of rotation would be just sufficient at every point to bring round the same part of the moon directly in front of the earth. But since, from the supposed point, the moon is moving for some time round the earth with a motion continually growing quicker, the motion of rotation is not sufficiently quick to carry out of sight the entire part discovered by the motion of translation. We therefore get a glimpse of a narrow strip on the side from which the moon is mov- ing, which strip grows broader and broader, till she passes the point where she moves most swiftly, and reaches the point of average swiftness on the oppo- site side of her orbit. Her motion is now continually growing slower, and therefore from this point the motion of rotation is too swift, and carries too much out of sight, or in other words, brings into sight a strip on the side towards which the moon is moving. This increases till she passes the point of least swiftness, and arrives at the point from which we began to trace her course, and the phenomena are re- peated in the same order. This interesting observation closes the long list of Galileo's discoveries in the heavens. After his abjuration, he ostensibly withdrew himself in a great measure from his astronomical pur- suits, and employed himself till 1636 principally with his Dialogues on Mo- tion, the last work of consequence that he published. In that year he entered into correspondence with the Elzevirs^ through his friend Micanzio, on the pro- ject of printing a complete edition of his writings. Among the letters which Micanzio wrote on the subject is one intimating that he had enjoyed the gra- tification, in his quality of Theologian to the Republic of Venice, of refusing his sanction to a work written against Galileo and Copernicus. The temper however in which this refusal was an- GALILEO. nounced, contrasts singularly with that of the Roman Inquisitors. " A book was brought to me which a Veronese Capu- chin has been writing, and wished to print, denying the motion of the earth. I was inclined to let it go, to make the world laugh, for the ignorant beast en- titles every one of the twelve arguments which compose his book, ' An irrefra- gable and undeniable demonstration,' and then adduces nothing but such childish trash as every man of sense has long discarded. For instance, this poor animai understands so much geo- metry and mathematics, that he brings forward as a demonstration, that if the earth could move, having nothing to support it, it must necessarily fall. He ought to have added that then we should catch all the quails. But when I saw that he speaks indecently of you, and has had the impudence to put down an account of what passed lately, say- ing that he is in possession of the whole of your process and sentence, I desired the man who brought it to me to go and be hanged. But you know the ingenuity of impertinence ; I suspect he will succeed elsewhere, because he is so enamoured of his absurdities, that he be- lieves them more firmly than his Bible." After Galileo's condemnation at Rome, he had been placed by the Inquisition in the list of authors the whole of whose writings, ' edita et edenda," were strictly forbidden. Micanzio could not even ob- tain permission to reprint the Essay on Floating Bodies, in spite of his protes- tations that it did not in any way relate to the Copernican theory. This was the greatest stigma with which the Inqui- sition were in the habit of branding ob- noxious authors; and, in consequence of it, when Galileo had completed his Dialogues on Motion, he found great difficulty in contriving their publication, the nature of which may be learned from the account which Pieroni sent to Galileo of his endeavours to print them in Germany. He first took the manu- script to Vienna, but found that every book printed there must receive the ap- probation of the Jesuits ; and Galileo's old antagonist, Scheiner, happening to be in that city, Pieroni feared lest he should interfere to prevent the publi- cation altogether, if the knowledge of it should reach him. Through the inter- vention of Cardinal Dietrich stein, he therefore got permission to have it printed at Olmutz, and that it should be approved by a Dominican, so as to keep the whole business a secret from Scheiner and his party ; but during this negociation the Cardinal suddenly died, and Pieroni being besides dissatisfied with the Olmutz type, carried back the manuscript to Vienna, from which he heard that Scheiner had gone into Sile- sia. A new approbation was there pro- cured, and the work was just on the point of being sent to press, when the dreaded Scheiner re- appeared in Vienna, on which Pieroni again thought it ad- visable to suspend the impression till his departure. In the mean time his own duty as a military architect in the Em- peror's service carried him to Prague, where Cardinal Harrach, on a former occasion, had offered him the use of the newly-erected University press. But Harrach happened not to be at Prague, and this plan like the rest became abortive. In the meantime Galileo, wearied with these delays, had engaged with Louis Elzevir, who undertook to print the Dialogues at Amsterdam. It is abundantly evident from Galileo's correspondence that this edition was printed with his full concurrence, al- though, in order to obviate further an- noyance, he pretended that it was pirated from a manuscript copy which he sent into France to the Comte de Noailles, to whom the work is dedicated. The same dissimulation had been previously thought necessary, on occasion of the Latin translation of " The Dialogues on the System," by Bernegger, which Gali- leo expressly requested through his friend Deodati, and of which he more than once privately signified his appro- bation, presenting the translator with a valuable telescope, although he publicly protested against its appearance. The story which Bernegger introduced in his preface, tending to exculpate Galileo from any share in the publication, is by his own confession a mere fiction. Noailles had been ambassador at Rome, and, by his conduct there, well deserved the compliment which Galileo paid him on the present occasion. As an introduction to the account of this work, which Galileo considered the best he had ever produced, it will become necessary to premise a slight sketch of the nature of the mechanical philosophy which he found prevailing, nearly as it had been delivered by Aristotle, with the same view with which we introduced spe- cimens of the astronomical opinions cur- rent when Galileo began to write on that subject : they serve to show the nature GALILEO. and objects of the reasoning which he had to oppose ; and, without some expo- sition of them, the aim and value of many of his arguments would be imper- fectly understood and appreciated. CHAPTER XVI. State of the Science of Motion before Galileo. IT is generally difficult to trace any branch of human knowledge up to its origin, and more especially when, as in the case of mechanics, it is very closely connected with the im- mediate wants of mankind. Little has been told to us when we are in- formed that so soon as a man might wish to remove a heavy stone, " he would be led, by natural instinct, to slide under it the end of some long instrument, and that the same instinct would teach him either to raise the further end, or to press it downwards, so as to turn round upon some support placed as near to the stone as possible*." Montucla's history would have lost nothing in value, if, omitting " this philosophical view of the birth of the art," he had contented himself with his previous remark, that there can be little doubt that men were familiar with the use of mechanical contrivances long before the idea occurred of enu- merating or describing them, or even of examining very closely the nature and limits of the aid they are capable of af- fording. The most careless observer indeed could scarcely overlook that the weights heaved up with a lever, or rolled along a slope into their intended places, reached them more slowly than those which the workmen could lift directly in their hands ; but it probably needed a much longer time to enable them to see the exact relation which, in these and all other machines, exists between the increase of the power to move, and the decreasing swiftness of the thing moved. In the preface to Galileo's Treatise on Mechanical Science, published in 1592, he is at some pains to set in a clear light the real advantages belonging to the use of machines, " which (says he) I have thought it necessary to do, be- cause, if I mistake not, I see almost all mechanics deceiving themselves in the belief that, by the help of a machine, they can raise a greater weight than they are able to lift by the exertion of the * Histoire des Alatk^matiques, vol. i. p. 97. same force without it. Now if we take any determinate weight, and any force, and any distance whatever, it is beyond doubt that we can move the weight to that distance by means of that force ; because even although the force may be exceedingly small, if we divide the weight into a number of fragments, each of which is not too much for our force, and carry these pieces one by one, at length we shall have removed the whole weight ; nor can we reasonably say at the end of our work, that this great weight has been moved and carried away by a force less than itself, unless we add that the force has passed several times over the space through which the whole weight has gone but once. From which it appears that the velocity of the force (understanding by velocity the space gone through in a given time) has been as many times greater than that of the weight, as the weight is greater than the force : nor can we on that ac- count say that a great force is over- come by a small one, contrary to nature : then only might we say that nature is overcome when a small force moves a great weight as swiftly as itself, which we assert to be absolutely impossible with any machine either already or here- after to be contrived. But since it may occasionally happen that we have but a small force, and want to move a great weight without dividing it into pieces, then we must have recourse to a ma- chine by means of which we shall re- move the given weight, with the given force, through the required space. But nevertheless the force as before will have to travel over that very same space as many times repeated as the weight sur- passes its power, so that, at the end of our work, we shall find that we have derived no other benefit from our ma- chine than that we have carried away the same weight altogether, which if divided into pieces we could have car- ried without the machine, by the same force, through the same space, in the same time. This is one of the advan- tages of a machine, because it often hap- pens that we have a lack of force but abundance of time, and that we wish to move great weights all at once." This compensation of force and time has been fancifully personified by saying that Nature cannot be cheated, and in scientific treatises an mechanics, is called the " principle of virtual velocities," consisting in the theorem that two weights will balance each other on any GALILEO. machine, no matter how complicated or intricate the connecting contrivances may be, when one weight bears to the other the same proportion that the space through which the latter would be raised bears to that through which the former would sink, in the first instant of their motion, if the machine were stirred by a third force. The whole theory of machines consists merely in generalizing and following out this prin- ciple into its consequences ; combined, when the machines are in a state of mo- tion, with another principle equally elementary, but to which our present subject does not lead us to allude more particularly. The credit of making known the prin- ciple of virtual velocities is universally given to Galileo ; and so far deservedly, Siat he undoubtedly perceived the im- portance of it, and by introducing it everywhere into his writings succeeded in recommending it to others ; so that five and twenty years after his death, Borelli, who had been one of Galileo's pupils, calls it " that mechanical prin- ciple with which everybody is so fa- miliar*," and from that time to the present it has continued to be taught as an elementary truth in most systems of mechanics. But although Galileo had the merit in this, as in so many other cases, of familiarizing and reconciling the world to the reception of truth, there are remarkable traces before his time of the employment of this same principle, some of which have been strangely dis- regarded. Lagrange assertsf that the ancients were entirely ignorant of the principle of virtual velocities, although Galileo, to whom he refers it, dis- tinctly mentions that he himself found it in the writings of Aristotle. Montu- cla quotes a passage from Aristotle's Physics, in which the law is stated generally, but adds that he did not perceive its immediate application to the lever, and other machines. The pas- sage to which Galileo alludes is in Aristotle's Mechanics, where, in dis- cussing the properties of the lever, he says expressly, " the same force will raise a greater weight, in proportion as the force is applied at a greater distance from the fulcrum, and the reason, as I have already said, is because it describes a greater circle; and a weight which is farther removed from the centre is made to move through a greater space."$ * De vi Percussionis, Bcmoniae, 1667. t Mec, Aaalyt. J Mechanica, It is true, that in the last mentioned treatise, Aristotle has given other rea- sons which belong to a very different kind of philosophy , and which may lead us to doubt whether he fully saw the force of the one we have just quoted. It appeared to him not wonderful that so many mechanical paradoxes (as he called them) should be connected with circular motion, since the circle itself seemed of so paradoxical a nature. " For, in the first place, it is made up of an immoveable centre, and a moveable radius, qualities which are contrary to each other. 2dly. Its circumference is both convex and concave. 3dly. The motion by which it is described is both forward and backward, for the describing radius comes back to the place from which it started. 4thly. The radius is one; but every point of it moves in de- scribing the circle with a different degree of swiftness/' Perhaps Aristotle may have borrowed the idea of virtual velocities," contrast- ing so strongly with his other physi- cal notions, from some older writer; possibly from Archytas, who, we are told, was the first to reduce the science of mechanics to methodical order ; * and who by the testimony of his coun- trymen was gifted with extraordinary talents, although none of his works have come down to us. The other principles and maxims of Aristotle's mechanical phi- losophy, which we shall have occasion to cite, are scattered through his books on Mechanics, on the Heavens, and in his Physical Lectures, and will therefore follow rather unconnectedly, though we have endeavoured to arrange them with as much regularity as possible. After defining a body to be that which is divisible in every direction, Aristotle proceeds to inquire how it happens that a body has only the three dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness ; and seems to think he has given a reason in sayingthat, when we speak of two things, we do not say " all," but " both," and three is the first number of which we say " all." t When he comes to speak of motion, he says, "If motion is not understood, we cannot but remain igno- rant of Nature. Motion appears to be of the nature of continuous quantities, and in continuous quantity infinity first makes its appearance ; so as to furnish some with a definition who say that con- * Diog. Laert. In vit. Archyt. t De Coelo, lib. i. e. 1.^ 80 GALILEO. tinuous quantity is that which is infi- . nitely divisible. Moreover, unless there v be time, space, and a vacuum, it is im- possible that there should be motion*." Few propositions of Aristotle's physical philosophy are more notorious than his assertion that nature abhors a vacuum, on which account this last passage is the more remarkable, as he certainly did not go so far as to deny the existence of motion, and therefore asserts here the necessity of that of which he afterwards attempts to show the absurdity. " Mo- tion is the energy of what exists in power so far forth as so existing. It is that act of a moveable which belongs to its power of moving." f After struggling through such passages as the preceding we come at last to a resting-place. " It is difficult to understand what motion is." When the same question was once proposed to another Greek philosopher, he walked away, saying, " I cannot tell you, but I will show you ; " an answer intrinsically worth more than all the sub- tleties of Aristotle, who was not humble- minded enough to discover that he was tasking his genius beyond the limits marked out for human comprehension. He labours in the same manner and with the same success to vary the idea of space. He begins the next book ^vith declaring, that " those who say there is a vacuum assert the existence of space; for a vacuum is space, in which there is no substance ;" and after a long and tedious reasoning concludes that, " not only what space is, but also whether there be such a thing, cannot but be doubted."j Of time he is content to say merely, that " it is clear that time is not motion, but that without motion there would be no time ; " and there is perhaps little fault to be found with this remark, understanding motion in * Phys. lib. i. c. 3. -j- Lib. Hi. c. 2. The Aristotelians distinguished between things as existing in act or energy (m^- ytttt) and things in capacity or power (i/va^/j). For the advantage of those who may think the distinction worth attending to, we give an illus- tration of Aristotle's meaning, from a very acute and learned commentator: " It (motion) is something more than dead capacity ; something less than per- fect actuality ; capacity roused, and striving to quit its latent character ; not the capable brass, nor yet the actual statue, but the capacity in energy ; that is to say, the brass in fusion while it is becoming the statue and is not yet become." " The bow moves not because it may be bent, nor because it is bent; but the motion lies between ; lies in an imperfect and obscure union of the two together ; is the actu- ality (if I may so say) even of capacity itself: im- perfect and obscure, because such is capacity to which it belongs." Harris, Philosophical Arrange- J Lib. iv. c. 1. Lib. iv. c. 11. the general sense in which Aristotle here applies it, of every description of change. Proceeding after these remarks on the nature of motion in general to the motion of bodies, we are told that " all local motion is either straight, circular, or compounded of these two ; for these two are the only simple sorts of motion. Bodies are divided into simple and con- crete ; simple bodies are those which have naturally a principle of motion, as fire and earth, and their kinds. By simple motion is meant the motion of a simple body." * By these expressions Aristotle did not mean that a simple body cannot have what he calls a compound motion, but in that case he called the motion violent or unnatu- ral; this division of motion into na- tural and violent runs through the whole of the mechanical philosophy founded upon his principles. " Circular motion is the only one which can be endless ;"f the reason of which is given in another place : for " that cannot be doing, which cannot be done; and therefore it cannot be that a body should be moving towards a point (i. e. the end of an infinite straight line) whither no motion is sufficient to bring it." $ Ba- con seems to have had these passages in view when he indulged in the reflec- tions which we have quoted in page 14. " There are four kinds of motion of one thing by another: Drawing, Pushing, Carrying, Rolling. Of these, Carrying and Rolling may be referred to Drawing and Pushing.^ The prime mover and the thing moved are always in contact." The principle of the composition of motions is stated very plainly : " when a moveable is urged in two directions with motions bearing any ratio to each other, it moves necessarily in a straight line, which is the diameter of the figure formed by drawing the two lines of di- rection in that ratio ;"|| and adds, in a singularly curious passage, " but when it is urged for any time with two motions which have an indefinitely small ratio one to another, the motion cannot be straight, so that a body describes, a curve, when it is urged by two motions bearing an indefinitely small ratio one to another, and lasting an indefinitely small time.' ' [ * De Coelo, lib. i. c. 2. % De Ccelp, lib. i. c. 6. || Mechanica. Ev $i iv tifitvi f Phys. lib. viii. c. 8. Phys. lib. vii. c. 2. GALILEO. 81 He seemed on the point of discover- ing some of the real laws of motion, when he was led to ask "Why are bodies in motion more easily moved than those which are at rest? And' why does the motion cease of things cast into the air ? Is it that the force has ceased which sent them forth, or is there a struggle against the motion, or is it through the disposition to fall, does it become stronger than the projectile force, or is it foolish to entertain doubts on this question, when the body has quitted the principle of its motion ? " A com- mentator at the close of the sixteenth century says on this passage : " They fall because every thing recurs to its nature; for if you throw a stone a thousand times into the air, it will never accustom itself to move upwards.'' Perhaps we shall now find it difficult not to smile at the idea we may form of this luckless experimen- talist, teaching stones to fly; yet it may be useful to remember that it is only because we have already collected an opinion from the 'results of a vast number of observations in the daily experience of life, that our ridicule would not be altogether misplaced, and that we are totally unable to determine by any kind of reasoning, unaccompa- v/ niecl by experiment, whether a stone Thrown into the air would fall again to the earth, or move for ever upwards, or in any other conceivable manner and direction. The opinion which Aristotle held, that motion must be caused by something in contact with the body moved, led him to his famous theory that falling bodies are accelerated by the air through which they pass. We will show how it was attempted to explain this process when we come to speak of more modern au- thors. He classed natural bodies into heavy and light, remarking at the same time that it is clear that there are .some bodies possessing neither gravity nor levity*." By light bodies he under- stood those which have a natural ten- dency to move from the earth, observing that " that which is lighter is not al- ways lightf." He maintained that the x&ra, ftydtvx %govov, aSuvaiTov ivfaiav uvcci vnt Qogxv. EOS.V yocp rivx Xoyov ivi%-6'/i &y wovcu nvt ret VOV d s dt *DeCcelo,lib,i.c.3, fLib,iv.c,2 heavenly bodies were altogether devoid of gravity ; and we have already had occasion to mention his assertion, that f a large body falls faster than a small one in proportion to its weight*. With this opinion may be classed another great mistake, in maintaining that the same bodies fall through different me- , diums, as air or water, with velocities ^ reciprocally proportional to their densi- ties. By a singular inversion of expe- rimental science, Cardan, relying on this assertion, proposed in the sixteenth cen- tury to determine the densities of air and water by observing the different times taken by a stone in falling through themf. Galileo inquired afterwards why the experiment should not be made with a cork, which pertinent question put an end to the theory. There are curious traces still pre- served in the poem of Lucretius of a mechanical philosophy, of which the credit is in general given to Democritus, where many principles are inculcated strongly at variance with Aristotle's no- tions. We find absolute levity denied, and not only the assertion that in a vacuum all things would fall, but that * they would fall with the same velocity ; and the inequalities which we observe are attributed to the right cause, the impediment of the air, although the error remains of believing the velocity of bodies falling through the air to be proportional to their weight^. Such specimens of this earlier philosophy * Phys., lib. iv. c. 8. f De Propprt.Basileae, 1570. j " Nunc locus est, ut opinor, in his illud quoque rebus Confirmare tibi, nullam rem posse su. vi Corpoream sursum ferri,- sursumque meare. Nee quom subsiliunt ignes ad tecta domorura, Et celeri flamml degustant tigna trabeisque Sponte sua facere id sine vi subicente putandum est. Nonne vides etiam quanta vi tigna trabeisque Respuat humor aquae ? Nam quod magi' mersi- mus altum Directa et magna vi multi pressimus segre : Tarn cupide sursum revomit magis atque remittit Plus ut parte foras emergant, exsiliantque : Nee tamen haec, quantu'st in sedubitamus, opinor, Quinvacuum per inane deorsum cuncta ferantur, Sic igitur debent flammse quoque posse per auras Aeris expresses sursum subsidere, quamquam Pondera quantum in se est deorsum deducere pug- nent. Quod si forte aliquis credit Graviora potesse Corpora, quo citius rectum per Inane feruntur, Avius a vera longe ratione recedit. Nam per Aquas quaecunque cadunt atque Aera deorsum Haec pro ponderibus casus celerare necesse 'st Propterea quia corpus Aquae, naturaque tenuis Aeris baud possunt aeque rem quamque morari : Sed citius cedunt Gravioribus exsuperata. At contra nulli de nulla parte, neque ullo Tempore Inane potest Vacuum subsistere reii Quin, sua quod natura petit, considere pergat : Omnia qu& propter debent per Inane quietum ,3que ponderibus non sequis concita ferri." De Rerura Natura, lib, U, v. 184239. G S2 GALILEO. may well indispose us towards Aris- totle, who was as successful in the science of motion as he was in astro- nomy in suppressing the knowledge of a theory so much sounder than that which he imposed so long upon the cre- dulity of his blinded admirers. An agreeable contrast to Aristotle's mystical sayings and fruitless syllogisms is presented in Archimedes' book on Equilibrium, in which he demonstrates very satisfactorily, though with greater cumbrousness of apparatus than is now thought necessary, the principal pro- perties of the lever. This and the Trea- tise on the Equilibrium of Floating Bodies are the only mechanical works which have reached us of this writer, who was by common consent one of the most accomplished mathematicians of antiquity. Ptolemy the astronomer wrote also a Treatise on Mechanics, now lost, which probably contained much that would be interesting in the history of mechanics ; for Pappus says, in the Preface to the Eighth Book of his Mathematical Collections : " There is no occasion for me to explain what is meant by a heavy, and what by a light body, and why bodies are carried up and down, and in what sense these very words ' up ' and * down ' are to be taken, and by what limits they are bounded ; for all this is declared in Ptolemy's Mechanics."* This book of Ptolemy's appears to have been also known by Eutocius, a commentator of Archimedes, who lived about the end of the fifth century of our era ; he intimates that the doctrines contained in it are grounded upon Aristotle's ; if so, its loss is less to be lamented. Pappus's own book deserves attention for the enume- ration which he makes of the mechanical powers, namely, the wheel and axle, the lever, pullies, the wedge and the screw. He gives the credit to Hero and Philo of having shown, in works which have not reached us, that the theory of all these machines is the same. In Pap- pus we also find the first attempt to discover the force necessary to support a given weight on an inclined plane. This in fact is involved in the theory Of the screw ; and the same vicious reasoning which Pappus employs on this occasion was probably found in those treatises which he quotes with so much approbation. Numerous as are the faults of his pretended demon- Math. Coll.Pisani, 16(52. stration, it was received undoubtingly for a long period. The credit of first giving the true theory of equilibrium on the inclined plane is usually ascribed to Stevin, al- though, as we shall presently show, with very" little reason. Stevin supposed a chain to be placed over two inclined planes, and to hang down in the manner represented in the figure. He then urged that the chain would be in equilibrium ; for otherwise, it would incessantly conti- nue in motion, if there were any cause why it should begin to move. This being conceded, he remarks further, that the parts A D and BD are also in equili- brium, being exactly similar to each other; and therefore if they are taken away, the remaining parts A C and B C will also be in equi- librium. The weights of these parts are proportional to the lengths AC and BC; and hence Stevin concluded that two weights would balance on two inclined planes, which are to each other as the lengths of the planes included between the same parallels to the horizon.* This conclusion is the correct one, and there is certainly great ingenuity in this contriv- ance to facilitate the demonstration ; it must not however be mistaken for an. a priori proof, as it sometimes seems to have been : we should remember that the experiments which led to the principle of virtual velocities are also necessary to show the absurdity of supposing a perpetual motion, which is made the foundation of this theorem. That prin- ciple had been applied directly to deter- mine the same proportion in a work written long before, where it has re- mained singularly concealed from the notice of most who have written on this subject. The book bears the name of Jordanus, who lived at Namur in the thirteenth century ; but Commandine, who refers to it in his Commentary on Pappus, considers it as the work of an earlier period. The author takes the principle of virtual velocities for the groundwork of his explanations, both of the lever and inclined plane; the latter will not occupy much space, and in an historical point of view is too curious to be omitted. * (Euvres Math6mati/ and with little to gain by resolving them. It is enough for our author at present that we understand his object to be the investigation and examination of some phenomena of a motion so acce- lerated, (no matter what may be the cause,) that the momenta of velocity, from the beginning to move from rest, increase in the simple proportion in which the time hit-reuses, which is as much as to say, that in equal times are equal additions of velocity. And if it shall turn out that the phenomena de- GALILEO. monstrated on this supposition are veri- fied in the motion of falling and natu- rally accelerated weights, we may thence conclude that the assumed definition does describe the motion of heavy bo- dies, and that it is true that their acce- leration varies in the ratio of the time of motion." When Galileo first published these Dialogues on Motion, he was obliged to rest his demonstrations upon another principle besides, namely, that the velo- city acquired in falling down all inclined planes of the same perpendicular height is the same. As this result was derived directly from experiment, and from that t ^ , t / C^ L- in the direction of the perpendicular B N. Moreover let the straight line B E drawn in the direction A B be taken to represent the flow, or measure, of the time, on which let any number of equal parts B C, C D, D E, &c. be marked at pleasure, and from the points C, D, E, let lines be drawn parallel to B N ; in the first of these let any part C I be taken, and let D F be taken four times as great as C I, E H nine times as great, and so on, proportionally to the squares of the lines B C, B D, B E, &c., or, as we say, in the double proportion of these lines. Now if we suppose that whilst by its equable horizontal only, his theory was so far imperfect >/ motion the body moves from B to C, it till he could show its consistency with also descends by its weight through C I, the above supposed law of acceleration - A " ' * * ~ ~ When Viviani was studying with Galileo, he expressed his dissatisfaction at this chasm in the reasoning; the conse- quence of which was, that Galileo, as he lay the same night, sleepless through indisposition, discovered the proof which he had long sought in vain, and in- troduced it into the subsequent edi- tions. The third dialogue is princi- pally taken up with theorems on the direct fall of bodies, their times of descent down differently inclined planes, which in planes of the same height he deter- mined to be as the lengths, and with other inquiries connected with the same subject, such as the straight lines of shortest descent under different data, &c. The fourth dialogue is appropriated to projectile motion, determined upon the principle that the horizontal motion will continue the same as if there were no vertical motion, and the vertical mo- tion as if there were no horizontal mo- tion. " Let A B represent a horizontal E D C B A. N line or plane placed on high, on which let a body be carried with an equable motion from A towards B, and the sup- port of the plane being taken away at B, let the natural motion downwards due to the body's weight come upon it at the end of the time denoted by B C it will be at I. Moreover in the time B D, double of B C, it will have fallen four times as far, for in the first part of the Treatise it has been shewn that the spaces fallen through by a heavy body vary as the squares of the times. Simi- larly at the end of the time B E, or three times B C, it will have fallen through E H, and will be at H. And it is plain that the points I, F, H, are in the same parabolical line B I F H. The same demonstration will apply if we take any number of equal particles of time of whatever duration." The curve called here a Parabola by- Galileo, is one of those which results from cutting straight through a Cone, and therefore is called also one of the Conic Sections, the curious properties of which curves had drawn the attention: of geometricians long before Galileo thus began to point out their intimate connexion with the phenomena of mo- tion. After the proposition we have just extracted, he proceeds to anticipate some objections to the theory, and ex- plains that the course of a projectile- will not be accurately a parabola for two reasons ; partly on account of the resistance of the air, and partly be- cause a horizontal line, or one equi- distant from the earth's centre, is not straight, but circular. The latter cause of difference will, however, as he says, be insensible in all such experiments as we are able to make. The rest of the Dialogue is taken up with different con- structions for determining the circum- stances of the motion of projectiles, as their range, greatest height, &c. ; and it is proved that, with a given force of projection, the range will be greatest when a ball is projected at an elevation 90 GALILEO. of 45, the ranges of all angles equally inclined above and below 45 corre- sponding exactly to each other. One of the most interesting subjects discussed in these dialogues is the fa- mous notion of Nature's horror of a vacuum or empty space, which the old school of philosophy considered as im- possible to be obtained. Galileo's notions of it were very different ; for although he still unadvisedly adhered to the old phrase to denote the resistance expe- rienced in endeavouring to separate two smooth surfaces, he was so far from looking upon a vacuum as an impossi- bility, that he has described an appa- ratus by which he endeavoured to mea- -sure the force necessary to produce one. This consisted of a cylin- der, into which is tightly fitted a piston ; through the centre of the piston passes a rod with a coni- cal valve, which, when drawn down, shuts the aperture closely, support- ing a basket. The space between the piston and cylinder being filled full of water poured in through the aperture, the valve is closed, the vessel reversed, and weights are added till the piston is drawn forcibly downwards. Galileo concluded that the weight of the piston, rod, and added weights, would be the measure of the force of resistance to the vacuum which he supposed would take place be- tween the piston and lower surface of the water. The defects in this appa- ratus for the purpose intended are of no consequence, so far as regards the pre- sent argument, and it is perhaps need- less to observe that he was mistaken in supposing the water would not descend with the piston. This experiment occa- sions a remark from Sagredo, that he had observed that a lifting - pump would not work when the water in the cistern had sunk to the depth of thirty- five feet below the valve ; that he thought the pump was injured, and sent for the maker of it, who assured him that no pump upon that construction would lift water from so great a depth. This story is sometimes told of Galileo, as if he had said sneeringly on this occasion that Nature's horror of a vacuum does not extend beyond thirty-five feet ; but itjs very plain that if he had made such an observation, it would have been se- riously ; and in fact by such a limi- tation he deprived the notion of the principal part of its absurdity. He evi- dently had adopted the common notion of suction, for he compares the column of water to a rod of metal suspended from its upper end, which may be length- ened till it breaks with its own weight. It is certainly very extraordinary that he failed to observe how simply these phe- nomena may be explained by a refer- ence to the weight of the elastic atmo- sphere, which he was perfectly well ac- quainted with, and endeavoured by the following ingenious experiment to de- termine : " Take a large glass flask with a bent neck, and round its mouth tie a leathern pipe with a valve in it, through which water may be forced into the flask with a syringe without suffer- ing any air to escape, so that it will be compressed within the bottle. It will be found difficult to force in more than about three-fourths of what the flask will hold, which must be carefully weighed. The valve must then be opened, and just so much air will rush out as would in its natural density oc- cupy the space now filled by the water. Weigh the vessel again ; the differ- ence will show the weight of that quan- tity of air*." By these means, which the modern experimentalist will see were scarcely capable of much accuracy, Ga- lileo found that air was four hundred times lighter than water, instead of ten times, which was the proportion fixed on by Aristotle. The real proportion is about 830 times. The true theory of the rise of water in a lifting-pump is commonly dated from Torricelli's famous experiment with a column of mercury, in 1644, when he found that the greatest height at which it would stand is fourteen times less than the height at which water will stand, which is exactly the propor- tion of weight between water and mer- cury. The following curious letter from Baliani, in 1630, shows that the original merit of suggesting the real cause be- longs to him, and renders it still more unaccountable that Galileo, to whom it was addressed, should not at once have adopted the same view of the subject : " I have believed that a vacuum may exist naturally ever since I knew that the air has sensible weight, and that you taught me in one of your letters how to find its weight exactly, though I have not yet succeeded with that experiment. From that moment I took up the notion * It has been recently proposed to determine the density of high-pressure steam by a process analo- gous to this. GALILEO. that it is not repugnant to the nature of things that there should be a vacuum, but merely that it is difficult to produce. To explain myself more clearly : if we allow that the air has weight, there is no difference between air and water except in degree. At the bottom of the sea the weight of the water above me com- presses everything round my body, and it strikes me that the same thing must happen in the air, we being placed at the bottom of its immensity ; we do not feel its weight, nor the compression round us, because our bodies are made capable of supporting it. But if we were in a vacuum, then the weight of the air above our heads would be felt. It would be felt very great, but not infi- nite, and therefore determinable, and it might be overcome by a force propor- tioned to it. In fact I estimate it to be such that, to make a vacuum, I believe we require a force greater than that of a column of water thirty feet high*." This subject is introduced by some ob- servations on the force of cohesion, Ga- lileo seeming to be of opinion that, al- though it cannot be adequately ac- counted for by " the great and principal resistance to a vacuum, yet that per- haps a sufficient cause may be found by considering every body as composed of very minute particles, between every two of which is exerted a similar resist- ance." This remark serves to lead to a discussion on indivisibles and infinite quantities, of which we shall merely ex- tract what Galileo gives as a curious paradox suggested in the course of it. He supposes a basin to be formed by scooping a hemisphere out of a cylinder, and a cone to be taken of the same depth and base as the hemisphere. It is easy to show, if the cone and scooped cylinder be both supposed to be cut by the same plane, parallel to the one on which both stand, that the area of the'ring C D E F thus discovered in the cylinder is equal to the area of the corresponding circular section AB of the cone, wherever the cutting plane is sup- * Yeuturi, vol. ii. posed to be*. He then proceeds with these remarkable words : ** If we raise the plane higher and higher, one of these areas terminates in the circumference of a circle, and the other in a point, for such are the upper rim of the basin and the top of the cone. Now since in the diminution of the two areas they to the very last maintain their equality to one another, it is in my thoughts proper to say that the highest and ultimate terms f of such diminutions are equal, and not one infinitely bigger than the other. It seems therefore that the circumference of a large circle may be said to be equal to one single point. And why may not these be called equal if they be the last remainders and vestiges left by equal magnitudes $ ?" We think no one can refuse to ad- mit the probability, that Newton may have found in such passages as these the first germ of the idea of his prime and ultimate ratios, which afterwards became in his hands an instrument of such power. As to the paradoxi- cal result, Descartes undoubtedly has given the true answer to it in saying that it only proves that the line is not a greater area than the point is. Whilst on this subject, it may not be unin- teresting to remark that something similar to the doctrine of fluxions seems to have been lying dormant in the minds of the mathematicians of Galileo's era, for Inchoffer illustrates his argument in the treatise we have already mentioned, that the Copernicans may deduce some true results from what he terms their absurd hypothesis, by observing, that mathematicians may deduce the truth that a line is length without breadth, from the false and physically impossible supposition that a point flows, and that a line is the fluxion of a point . A suggestion that perhaps fire dis- solves bodies by insinuating itself be- tween their minute particles, brings on the subject of the violent effects of heat and light ; on which Sagredo inquires, whether we are to take for granted that the effect of light does or does not re- quire time. Simplicio is ready with art answer, that the discharge of artillery- proves the transmission of light to be * Galileo also reasons in the same way on the equality of the solids standing on the cutting plane, but one is sufficient for our present purpose. t Gli altissimi e ultimi termini. j Le ultimo reliquie e vestigie lasciate da grandezze eguali. Punctum fluere, et lineani esse fluxum puncti. Tract. Syllept. Romae, 1633. 92 GALILEO. instantaneous, to which Sagredo cau- tiously replies, that nothing can be ga- thered from that experiment except that light travels more swiftly than sound ; nor can we draw any decisive conclusion from the rising of the sun. " Who can assure us that he is not in the horizon before his rays reach our sight?" Sal- viati then mentions an experiment by which he endeavoured to examine this question. Two observers are each to be furnished with a lantern: as soon as the first shades his light, the second is to discover his, and this is to be repeated at a short distance till the observers are perfect in the practice. The same thing is to be tried at the distance of several miles, and if the first observer perceive any delay between shading his own light and the appearance of his companion's, it is to be attributed to the time taken by the light in traversing twice the dis- tance between them. He allows that he , could discover no perceptible interval at the distance of a mile, at which he had tried the experiment, but recommends that with the help of a telescope it should be tried at much greater distances. Sir Kenelm Digby remarks on this pas- sage : " It may be objected (if there be some observable tardity in the motion of light) that the sunne would never be truly in that place in which unto our eyes he appeareth to be ; because that it being seene by means of the light which issueth from it, if that light re- quired tima to move in, the sunne (whose motion is so swifte) would be removed from the place where the light left it, before it could be with us to give tidings of him. To this I answer, allowing per- adventure that it may be so, who knoweth the contrary? Or what in- convenience would follow if it be ad- mitted * ?" The principal thing remaining to be noticed is the application of the theory of the pendulum to musical concords and dissonances, which are explained, in the same manner as by Kepler in his " Harmonices Mundi," to result from the concurrence or opposition of vibra- tions in the air striking upon the drum of the ear. It is suggested that these vibrations may be made manifest by rubbing the finger round a glass set in a large vessel of water ; "and if by pres- sure the note is suddenly made to rise to the octave above, every one of the * " Treatise of the Nature of Bodies. London, 1665." undulations which will be seen regu- larly spreading round the glass, will suddenly split into two, proving that the vibrations that occasion the octave are double those belonging to the sim- ple note." Galileo then describes a method he discovered by accident of measuring the length of these waves more accurately than can be done in the agi- tated water. He was scraping a brass plate with an iron chisel, to take out some spots, and moving the tool rapidly upon the plate, he occasionally heard a hissing and whistling sound, very shrill and audible, and whenever this occur- red, and then only, he observed the light dust on the plate to arrange itself in a long row of small parallel streaks equidistant from each other. In re- peated experiments he produced differ- ent tones by scraping with greater or less velocity, and remarked that the streaks produced by the acute sounds stood closer together than those from the low notes. Among the sounds pro- duced were two, which by compari- son with a viol he ascertained to differ by an exact fifth ; and measuring the spaces occupied by the streaks in both experiments, he found thirty of the one equal to forty-five of the other, which is exactly the known proportion of the lengths of strings of the same material which sound a fifth to each other *. Salyiati also remarks, that if the material be not the same, as for in- stance if it be required to sound an octave to a note on catgut, on a wire of the same length, the weight of the wire must be made four times as great, and so for other intervals. " The immediate cause of the forms of musi- cal intervals is neither the length, the tension, nor the thickness, but the pro- portion of the numbers of the undula- tions of the air which strike upon the drum of the ear, and make it vibrate in the same intervals. Hence we may gather a plausible reason of the differ- ent sensations occasioned to us by dif- ferent couples of sounds, of which we hear some with great pleasure, some with less, and call them accordingly concords, more or less perfect, whilst some excite in us great dissatisfaction, and are called discords. The disagree- able sensation belonging to the latter * This beautiful experiment is more easily tried by drawing the bow of a violin across the edge of glass strewed with fine dry sand. Those who wish to see more on the subject may consult Chladni's ' Acoustique.' GALILEO. 93 probably arises from the disorderly manner in which the vibrations strike the drum of the ear ; so that for in- stance a most cruel discord would be produced by sounding together two strings, of which the lengths are to each other as the side and diagonal of a square, which is the discord of the false fifth. On the contrary, agreeable con- sonances will result from those strings of which the numbers of vibrations made in the same time are commensurable, " to the end that the cartilage of the drum may not undergo the incessant torture of a double inflexion from the disagreeing percussions." Something similar may be exhibited to the eye by hanging up pendulums of different lengths : "if these be proportioned so that the times of their vibrations cor- respond with those of the musical con- cords, the eye will observe with pleasure their crossings and interweavings still recurring at appreciable intervals ; but if the times of vibration be incommen- surate, the eye will be wearied and worn out with following them." The second dialogue is occupied en- tirely with an investigation of the strength of beams, a subject which does not appear to have been examined by any one before Galileo beyond Aris- totle's remark, that long beams are weaker, because they are at once the weight, the lever, and the fulcrum ; and it is in the development of this obser- vation that the whole theory consists. The principle assumed by Galileo as the basis of his inquiries is, that the force of cohesion with which a beam resists a cross fracture in any section may all be considered as acting at the centre of gravity of the section, and that it breaks always at the lowest point: from this he deduced that the effect of the weight of a prismatic beam in over- coming the resistance of one end by which it is fastened to a wall, varies . directly as the square of the length, and inversely as the side of the base. From this it immediately follows, that if for instance the bone of a large animal be three times as long as the corresponding one in a smaller beast, it must be nine times as thick to have the same strength, provided we suppose in both cases that the materials are of the same consist- ence. An elegant result which Galileo also deduced from this theory, is that the form of such a beam, to be equally strong in every part, should be that of a para- bolical prism, the vertex of the parabola being the farthest removed from the wall. As an easy mode of describing the parabolic curve for this purpose, he recommends tracing the line in which a heavy flexible string hangs. This curve is not an accurate parabola: it is now called a catenary ; but it is plain from the description of it in the fourth dia- logue, that Galileo was perfectly aware that this construction is only approxi- mately true. In the same place he makes the remark, which to many is so para- doxical, that no force, however great, > exerted in a horizontal direction, can stretch a heavy thread, however slender, into an accurately straight line. The fifth and sixth dialogues were left unfinished, and annexed to the former ones by Viviani after Galileo's death : the fragment of the fifth, which is on the subject of Euclid's Definition of Ratio, was at first intended to have formed a part of the third, and followed the first proposition on equable motion: the sixth was intended to have embodied Galileo's researches on the nature and laws of Percussion, on which he was employed at the time of his death. Considering these solely as fragments, we shall not here make any extracts from them. . CHAPTER XVIII. Correspondence on Longitudes. Pen- dulum Clock. IN the spring of 1636, having finished his Dialogues on Motion, Galileo re- sumed the plan of determining the lon- gitude by means of Jupiter's satellites. Perhaps he suspected something of the private intrigue which thwarted his former expectations from the Spanish government, and this may have induced him on the present occasion to negotiate the matter without applying for Ferdi- nand's assistance and recommendation. Accordingly he addressed himself to Lorenz Real, who had been Governor General of the Dutch possessions in India, freely and unconditionally offer- ing the use of his. theory to the States General of Holland. Not long before, his opinion had been requested by the commissioners appointed at Paris to examine and report on the practicability of another method proposed by Morin,* which consisted in observing the dis- tance of the moon from a known star. Morin was a French philosopher, prin- * One of the Commissioners was the father of Blaise Pascal, 94 GALILEO. cipally known as an astrologer and zea- lous Anti-Copernican ; but his name de- serves to be recorded as undoubtedly one of the first to recommend a method, which, under the nwne of a Lunar dis- tance, is now in universal practice. The monthly motion of the moon is so rapid, that her distance from a given star sensibly varies in a few minutes even to the unassisted eye ; and with the aid of the telescope, we can of course appre- ciate the change more accurately. Morin proposed that the distances of the moon from a number of fixed stars lying near her path in the heavens should be be- forehand calculated and registered for every day in the year, at a certain hour, in the place from which the longitudes were to be reckoned, as for instance at Paris. Just as in the case of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, the observer, when he saw that the moon had arrived at the registered distance, would know the hour at Paris : he might also make al- lowance for intermediate distances. Observing at the same instant the hour on board his ship, the difference between the two would show his position in re- gard of longitude. In using this method as it is now practised, several modifications are to be attended to, without which it would be wholly use- less, in consequence of the refraction of the atmosphere, and the proximity of the moon to the earth. Owing to the latter cause, if two spectators should at the same instant of time, but in different places, measure the distance of the moon in the East, from a star still more to the eastward, it would appear greater to the more easterly spectator than to the other observer, who as seen from the star would be standing more di- rectly behind the moon. The mode of allowing for these alterations is taught by trigonometry and astronomy. The success of this method depends al- together upon the exact knowledge which we now have of the moon's course, and till that knowledge was perfected it would have been found altogether il- lusory. Such in fact was the judgment which Galileo pronounced upon it. " As to Morin' s book on the method of find- ing the longitude by means of the moon's motion, I say freely that I conceive this idea to be as accurate in theory, as fallacious and impossible in practice. I am sure that neither you nor any one of the other four gentlemen can doubt the possibility of finding the dif- ference of longitude between two me- ridians by means of the moon's motion^ provided we are sure of the following requisites : First, an Ephemeris of the moon's motion exactly calculated for the first meridian from which the others are to be reckoned ; secondly, exact in- struments, and convenient to handle, in taking the distance between the moon and a fixed star ; thirdly, great prac- tical skill in the observer ; fourthly, not less accuracy in the scientific calcula- tions, and astronomical computations ; fifthly, very perfect clocks to number the hours, or other means of knowing them exactly, &c. Supposing, I say, all these elements free from error, the longitude will be accurately found ; but I reckon it more easy and likely to err in all of these together, than to be prac- tically right in one alone. Morin ought to require his judges to assign, at their pleasure, eight or ten moments of dif- ferent nights during four or six months to come, and pledge himself to predict and assign by his calculations the dis- tances of the moon at those determined instants from some star which would then be near her. If it is found that the distances assigned by him agree with those which the quadrant or sex- tant* will actually sho\v, the judges would be satisfied of his success, or rather of the truth of the matter, and nothing would remain but to show that his operations were such as could be performed by men of moderate skill, and also practicable at sea as well as on land. I incline much to think that an experiment of this kind would do much towards abating the opinion and con- ceit which Morin has of himself, which appears to me so lofty, that I should consider myself the eighth sage, if I knew the half of what Morin presumes to know.'' It is probable that Galileo was biassed by a predilection for his own method, on which he had expended so much time and labour ; but the ob- jections which he raises against Morin's proposal in the foregoing letter are no other than those to which at that period it was undoubtedly open. With regard to his own, he had already, in 1612, given a rough prediction of the course of Jupiter's satellites, which had been found to agree tolerably well with sub- sequent observations ; and since that * These instruments were very inferior to those now in use under the same name. See " Treatise on Opt. Instrum." GALILEO. 95 time, amid all his other employments, he had almost unmtermittingly during twenty-four years continued his obser- vations, for the sake of bringing the tables of their motions to as high a state of perfection as possible. This was the point to which the inquiries of the States in their answer to Galileo's frank pro- posal were principally directed. They immediately appointed commissioners to communicate with him, and report the various points on which they required information. They also sent him a golden chain, and assured him that in the case of the design proving success- ful, he should have no cause to com- plain of their want of gratitude and ge- nerosity. The commissioners immedi- ately commenced an active correspon- dence with him, in the course of which he entered into more minute details with regard to the methods by which he proposed to obviate the practical dif- ficulties of the necessary observations. It is worth noticing that the secretary to the Prince of Orange, who was mainly instrumental in forming this commis- sion, was Constantine Huyghens, father of the celebrated mathematician of that name, of whom it has been said that he seemed destined to complete the disco- veries of Galileo ; and it is not a little remarkable, that Huyghens nowhere in his published works makes any allusion to this connexion between his father and Galileo, not even during the discussion that arose some years later on the sub- ject of the pendulum clock, which must necessarily have forced it upon his re- collection. The Dutch commissioners had chosen one of their number to go into Italy for the purpose of communicating person- ally with Galileo, but he discouraged this scheme, from a fear of its giving umbrage at Rome. The correspondence being carried on at so great a distance necessarily experienced many tedious de- lays, till in the very midst of Galileo's labours to complete his tables, he was seized with the blindness which we have already mentioned. He then resolved to place all the papers containing his observations and calculations for this purpose in the hands of Renieri, a for- mer pupil of his, and then professor of mathematics at Pisa, who under- took to finish and to forward them into Holland. Before this was done, a new delay was occasioned by the deaths which speedily followed each other of every one of the four commissioners; and for two or three years the cor- respondence with Holland was entirely interrupted. Constantine Huyghens, who was capable of appreciating the value of the scheme, succeeded after some trouble in renewing it, but only just before the death of Galileo himself, by which of course it was a second time broken off; and to complete the singular series of obstacles by which the- trial of this method was impeded, just as Renieri, by order of the Duke of Tus- cany, was about to publish the ephe- meris and tables which Galileo had en- trusted to him, and which the Duke told Viviani he had seen in his pos- session, he also was attacked with a mortal malady ; and upon his death the manuscripts were nowhere to be found,, nor has it since been discovered what became of them. Montucla has inti- mated his suspicions that Renieri him- self destroyed them, from a conscious- ness that they were insufficient for the purpose to which it was intended to ap- ply them ; a bold conjecture, and one which ought to rest upon something more than mere surmise : for although it may be considered certain, that the practical value of these tables would be very inconsiderable in the present ad- vanced state of knowledge, yet it is nearly as sure that they were unique at that time, and Renieri was aware of the value which Galileo himself had set upon them, and should not be lightly accused of betray ing his trust in so gross a manner. In 1665, Borelli calculated the places of the satellites for every day in the ensuing year, which he professed to have deduced (by desire of the Grand Duke) from Galileo's tables;* but he does not say whether or not these tables were the same that had been in Renieri's possession. We have delayed till this opportunity to examine how far the invention of the pendulum clock belongs to Galileo. It has been asserted that the isochronism of the pendulum had been noticed by Leonardo da Vinci, but the passage on which this assertion is founded (as trans- lated from his manuscripts by Venturi) scarcely warrants this conclusion. ' A rod which engages itself in the opposite teeth of a spur-wheel can act like the arm of the balance in clocks, that is to say, it will act alternately, first on one side of the wheel, then on the opposite * Theoricae Mediceorum Planetarum, Florentise, 1666. 96 GALILEO. one, without interruption." If Da Vinci had constructed a clock on this principle, and recognized the superiority of the pendulum over the old balance, he would surely have done more flian merely mention it as affording an un- intermitted motion "like the arm of the balance." The use of the balance is supposed to have been introduced at least as early as the fourteenth century. Venturi mentions the drawing and de- scription of a clock in one of the manu- scripts of the King's Library at Paris, dated about the middle of the fifteenth century, which as he says nearly re- sembles a modern watch. The balance is there called " The circle fastened to the stem of the pallets, and moved by the force with it.* In that singularly wild and extravagant book, entitled " A History of both Worlds," by Robert Flud, are given two drawings of the wheel-work of the clocks and watches in use before the application of the pen- dulum. An inspection of them will show how little remained to be done when the isochronism of the pendulum was discovered. Fig. 1. represents "the large clocks moved by a weight, such as are put up in churches and turrets ; Circnlus affrxus virgaa paletorum qui cum e& de vi movetur. Jig. 2. the small ones moved by a spring, such as are worn round the neck, or placed on a shelf or table. The use of the chain is to equalize the spring, which is strongest at the begin- ning of its motion."* This contrivance of the chain is mentioned by Cardan, in 1570, and is probably still older. In both figures the name given to the cross bar, with the weight attached to it, is " the time or balance (tempus sen libra- tio) by which the motion is equalized." The manner in which Huyghens first applied the pendulum is shown in Jig. 3.t The action in the old clocks of the balance, or rake, as it was also called, was by checking the motion of the descending weight till its inertia was overcome ; it was then forced round till the opposite pallet engaged in the toothed wheel. The balance was thus suddenly and forcibly reduced to a state of rest, and again set in motion, in the opposite direction. It will be observed that these balances wanted the spiral spring introduced in all modern watches, which has a pro- perty of isochronism similar to that of the pendulum. Hooke is generally named as the discoverer of this pro- perty of springs, and as the author of its application to the improvement of watches, but the invention is disputed with him by Huyghens. Lahire asserts^ that the isochronism of springs was communicated to Huyghens at Paris by Hautefeuille, and that this was the reason why Huyghens failed to obtain the patent he solicited for the construc- tion of spring watches. A great num- ber of curious contrivances at this early period in the history of Horology, may be seen in Schott's Magia Naturae, published at Nuremberg in 1664. Galileo was early convinced of the im- portance of his pendulum to the ac- curacy of astronomical observations; but the progress of invention is such that the steps which on looking back seem the easiest to make, are often those which are the longest delayed. Galileo re- cognized the principle of the isochronism of the pendulum, and recommended it as a measurer of time in 1583 ; yet fifty years later, although constantly using it, he had not devised a more convenient method of doing so, than is contained in the following description taken from his "Astronomical Operations." * Utriusque Cosmi Historia. Oppenhemii, 1617. f Huygenii Opera. Lugduni, 1724. t Memoires de 1' Academic, 171?. GALILEO. 97 " A very exact time-measurer for mi- nute intervals of time, is a heavy pendu- lum of any size hanged by a fine thread, which, if removed from the perpendicular and allowed to swing freely, always com- pletes its vibrations, be they great or small, in exactly the same time/'* The mode of finding exactly by means of this the quantity of any time reduced to hours, minutes, seconds, &c., which are the divisions commonly used among astronomers, is this : " Fit up a pen- dulum of any length, as for instance about a foot long, and count pa- tiently (only for once) the number of vibrations during a natural day. Our object will be attained if we know the exact revolution of the natural day. The observer must then fix a telescope in the direction of any star, and continue to watch it till it disap- pears from the field of view. At that instant he must begin to count the vibrations of the pendulum, continuing all night and the following day till the return of the same star within the field of view of the telescope, and its second disappearance, as on the first night. Bearing in recollection the total number of vibrations thus made in twenty-four hours, the time corresponding to any other number of vibrations will be im- mediately given by the Golden Rule." A second extract out of Galileo's Dutch correspondence, in 1637, will show .the extent of his improvements at that time: " I come now to the second con- trivance fpr increasing immensely the ex- actness of astronomical observations. I allude to my time-measurer, the precision of which is so great, and such, that it will give the exact quantity of hours, minutes, seconds, and even thirds, if their recurrence could be counted ; and its constancy is such that two, four, or six such instruments will go on together so equably that one will not differ from another so much as the beat of a pulse, not only in an hour, but even in a day or a month." " I do not make use of a weight hang- ing by a thread, but a heavy arid solid pendulum, made for instance of brass or copper, in the shape of a circular sector of twelve or fifteen degrees, the radius of which may be two or three palms, and the greater it is the less trouble will there be in attending it. This sector, such as I have described,-! make thickest in the middle radius, * See page 84. tapering gradually towards the edges, where I terminate it in a tolerably sharp line, to obviate as much as pos- sible the resistance of the air, which is the sole cause of its retardation." [These last words deserve notice, be- cause, in a previous discussion, Galileo had observed that the parts of the pendulum nearest the point of sus- pension have a tendency to vibrate quicker than those at the other end, and seems to have thought erroneously that the stoppage of the pendulum is partly to be attributed to this cause.] '"This is pierced in the centre, through which is passed an iron bar shaped like those on which steelyards hang, termi- nated below in an angle, and placed on two bronze supports, that they may wear away less during a long motion of the sector. If the sector (when accu- rately balanced) be removed several degrees from its perpendicular position, it will continue a reciprocal motion through a very great number of vibra- tions before it will stop ; and in order that it may continue its motion as long as is wanted, the attendant must occa- sionally give it a smart push, to carry it back to large vibrations." Galileo then describes as before the method of count- ing the vibrations in the course of a day, and gives the rule that the lengths of two similar pendulums will have the same proportion as the squares of their times of vibration. He then continues: " Now to save the fatigue of the assist- ant in continually counting the vibra- tions, this is a convenient contrivance: A very small and delicate needle extends out from the middle of the circumfer- ence of the sector, which in passing strikes a rod fixed at one end ; this rod rests upon the teeth of a wheel as light as paper, placed in a horizontal plane near the pendulum, having round it teeth cut like those of a saw, that is to say, with one side of each tooth perpen- dicular to the rim of the wheel and the other inclined obliquely. The rod striking against the perpendicular side of the tooth moves it, but as the same rod returns against the oblique side, it does not move it the contrary way, but slips over it and falls at the foot of the following tooth, so that the motion of the wheel will be always in the same direction. And by counting the teeth you may see at will the number of teeth passed, and consequently the number of vibrations and of particles of time elapsed, You nmy also fit to the axis 98 GALILEO. of this first wheel a second, with a small number of teeth, touching another greater toothed wheel, &c. But it is su- perfluous to point out this to you, who have by you men very ingenious and well skilled in making clocks and other admirable machines ; and on this new principle, that the pendulum makes its great and small vibrations in the same time exactly, they will invent contri- vances more subtle than any I can suggest; and as the error of clocks consists principally in the disability of workmen hitherto to adjust what we call the balance of the clock, so that it may vibrate regularly, my very simple pen- dulum, which is not liable to any altera- tion, affords a mean of maintaining the measures of time always equal." The contrivance thus described would be somewhat similar to the annexed repre- sentation, but it is almost certain that no such instrument was actually con- structed. It must be owned that Galileo greatly overrated the accuracy of his timekeeper"; and in asserting so positively that which he had certainly not experienced, he seems to depart from his own principles of philosophizing. It will be remarked that in this passage he still is of the erroneous opinion, that all the vibra- tions great or small of the same pen- dulum take exactly the same time ; and we have not been able to find any trace of his having ever held a different opi- nion, unless perhaps in the Dialogues, where he says, " If the vibrations are not exactly equal, they are at least in- sensibly different." This is very much at variance with the statement in the Memoirs of the Academia del Cimento, edited by their secretary Magalotti, on the credit of which Galileo's claim to the pendulum-clock chiefly rests. It is there said that experience shows that the smallest vibrations are rather the quickest, "as Galileo announced after the observation, which in 1583 he was the first to make of their approximate equality/' It is not possible immedi- ately in connexion with so glaring a misstatement, to give implicit credence to the assertion in the next sentence, that " to obviate this inconvenience* Galileo was the first to contrive a clock, constructed in 1649, by his son Vin- cenzo, in which, by the action of a weight or spring, the pendulum was con- strained to move always from the same height. Indeed it appears as if Maga- lotti did not always tell this story in the same manner, for he is referred to as the author of the account given by Becher, " that Galileo himself made a pendulum - clock one of which was sent to Hol- land," plainly insinuating that Huyghens was a mere copyist.* These two ac- counts therefore serve to invalidate each other's credibility. Tiraboschit asserts that, at the time he wrote, the mathematical professor at Pisa was in possession of the identical clock constructed by Treffler under Vincen- zo's directions ; and quotes a letter from Campani, to whom it was shown by Ferdinand," old, rusty, and unfinished as Galileo's son made it before 1649." Viviani on the other hand says that Treffler constructed this same clock some time after Vincenzo's death (which happened in 1649), on a different prin- ciple from Vincenzo's ideas, although he says distinctly that he heard Galileo de- scribe an application of the pendulum to a clock similar to Huyghens' contrivance. Campani did not actually see this clock till 1659, which was three years after Huyghens' invention, so that perhaps Huyghens was too easily satisfied when, on occasion of the answer which Ferdi- nand sent to his complaints of the Me- morie del Cimento he wrote to Bouil- laud, " I must however believe, since such a prince assures me, that Galileo had this idea before me." There is another circumstance almost amounting to a proof that it was an after- thought to attribute the merit of construct- ing the pendulum-clock to Galileo, for on the reverse of a medal struck by Viviani, and inscribed " to the memory of his excellent instructor,"^ is a rude exhibi- tion of the principal objects to which Galileo's attention was directed. The pendulum is represented simply by a weight attached to a string hanging on the face of a rock. It is probable that, * De nova Temporis dimetiendi ratione. Londini, 1630. f StoriadellaLett. Ital. * Museum Mazuchelliaimm, vol. ii. Tab. cvii, p. 29, GALILEO. 99 in a design expressly intended to com- memorate Galileo's s inventions, Viviani would have introduced the timekeeper in the most perfect form to which it had been brought by him. Riccioli,* whose industry was unwearied in collecting every fact and argument which related in any way to the astronomical and mecha- nical knowledge and opinions of his time, expressly recommends swinging a pen- dulum, or perpendicular as it was often called (only a few years before Huyghens' publication), as much more accurate than any clock. -'r Join to all these argu- ments Huyghens 1 positive assertion, that if Galileo had conceivedany such idea, he at least was entirely ignorant of it,| and no doubt can remain that the merit of the original invention (such as it was) rests entirely with Huyghens. The step indeed seems simple enough for a less genius than his : tor the property of the pendulum was known, and the conver- sion of a rotatory into a reciprocating motion was known ; but the connexion of the one with the other having been so long delayed, we must suppose that difficulties existed where we are not now able to perceive them, for Huyghens' im- provement was received with universal admiration. There may be many who will con- sider the pendulum as undeserving so long a discussion ; who do not know or remember that the telescope itself has hardly done more for the preci- sion of astronomical observations than this simple instrument, not to mention the invaluable convenience of an uni- form and accurate timekeeper in the daily intercourse of life. The patience and industry of modern observers are often the theme of well-merited praise, but we must look with a still higher de- gree of wonder on such men as Tycho- Brahe and his contemporaries, who were driven by the want of any timekeeper on which they could depend to the most laborious expedients, and who neverthe- less persevered to the best of their abi- lity, undisgusted either by the tedium of such processes, or by the discouraging consciousness of the necessary imper- fection of .their most approved methods and instruments. The invariable regularity of the pen- dulum's motion was soon made subser- vient to ulterior purposes beyond that of * AliTiagestum Novum, vol. i. t Quovis horologin accuratius;. j Clarorum Bel^aram ad Ant. Magliabech. Epis- tolee. Florence, 1713, torn. i. p. 235. merely registering time. We have seen the important assistance it afforded in es- tablishing the laws of motion ; and when the theory founded on those laws was extended and improved, the pendulum was again instrumental, by a species of approximate reasoning familiar to all who are acquainted with physical in- quiries, in pointing out by its minute irregularities in different parts of the earth, a corresponding change in the weight of all bodies in those different situations, supposed to be the conse- quence of a greater distance from the axis of the earth's rotation ; since that would occasion the force of attraction to be counterbalanced by an increased centrifugal force. The theory which kept pace with the constantly increasing accuracy of such observations, proving consistent in all trials of it, has left little room for future doubts ; and in this manner the pendulum in intelligent hands became the simplest instrument for ascertaining the form of the globe which we inhabit. An English astro- nomer, who corresponded with Kepler under the signature of Brutius (whose real name perhaps might be Bruce), had already declared his belief in 1603, that " the earth on which we tread is neither round nor globular, but more nearly of an oval figure."* There is nothing to guide us to the grounds on which he formed this opinion, which was perhaps only a lucky guess. Kep- ler's note upon it is : " This is not alto- gether to be contemned." A farther use of the pendulum is in furnishing a general and unperishing standard of measure. This application is suggested in the third volume of the ' Reflections' of Mersenne, published in 1647, where he observes that it may be best for the future not to divide time into hours, minutes, and seconds, but to ex- press its parts by the number of vibra- tions of a pendulum of given length, swinging through a given arc. It was soon seen that it would be more con- venient to invert this process, and to choose as an unit of length the pendulum which should make a certain number of vibrations in the unit of time, naturally determined by the revolution of the earth on its axis. Our Royal Society took an active part in these experiments, which seem, notwithstanding their utility, to have met from the first with much of the same ridicule which was lavished * Kepleri Epistolae. H2 100 GALILEO. upon them by the ignorant, when re- cently repeated for the same purpose. *' I contend," says Graunt* in a dedica- tion to the Royal Society, dated 1662, " against the envious schismatics of your society (who think you do nothing unless you presently transmute metals, make butter and cheese without milk, and, as their own ballad hath it, make leather without hides), by asserting the usefulness of even all your preparatory and luciferous experiments, being not the ceremonies, but the substance and principles of useful arts. For I find in trade the want of an universal measure, and have heard musicians wrangle about the just and uniform keeping of time in their consorts, and therefore cannot with patience hear that your labours about vibrations, eminently conducing to both, should be slighted, nor your pendula called s\ving-swangs with scorn."t CHAPTER XIX. deta ter of ils hi is Death Conclusion. THE remaining years of Galileo's life were spent at Arcetri, where indeed, even if the Inquisition had granted his li- berty, .his increasing age and infirmities would probably have detained him. The rigid caution with which he had been watched in Florence was in great mea- sure relaxed, ,and he was permitted to see the friends who crowded round him to express their respect and sympathy. The Grand Duke visited him frequently, and many distinguished strangers, such as Gassendi and Deodati, came into Italy solely for the purpose of testify- ing their admiration of his character. Among other visitors the name of Mil- ton will be read with interest : we may probably refer to the effects of this in- terview the allusions to Galileo's disco- veries, so frequently introduced into his poem. Milton mentions in his ' Areo- pagitica,' that he saw Galileo whilst in Italy, but enters into no details of his visit. * Natural and Political Observations. London, 1664. f See also Hudibras, Part II. Cant. III. They're guilty by their own confessions Of felony, and at the Sessions Upon the bench I will so handle 'em, That the vibration of this pendulum Shall make all taylors' yards of one Unanimous opinion ; A thing he long has vaunted of, But now shall make it put of proof. Hudibras was certainly written before 1663 : ten years later Huyghens speaks of the idea of SO employ- ing the pendulum aaa common one. Galileo was fond of society, and his cheerful and popular manners rendered him an universal favourite among those who were admitted to his intimacy. Among these, Viviani, who formed one of his family during the three last years of his life, deserves particular notice, on account of the strong attachment and almost filial veneration with which he ever regarded his master and bene- factor. His long life, which was pro- longed to the completion of his 81st year in 1703, enabled him to see the tri- umphant establishment of the truths on account of which Galileo had en- dured so many insults; and even " in his old age, when in his turn he had acquired "a claim to the reverence of a younger generation, our Royal So ciety, who invited him among them in 1696, felt that the complimentary lan- guage in which they addressed him as the first mathematician of the age would have been incomplete and unsatisfactory without an allusion to the friendship that gained him the cherished title of " The last pupil of Galileo."* Torricelli, another of Galileo's most ce- lebrated followers, became a member of his family in October, 1641: he first learned mathematics from Castelli, and occasionally lectured for him at Rome, in which manner he was employed when Galileo, who had seen his book ' On Motion,' and augured the greatest suc- cess from such a beginning, invited him to his house an offer which Torricelli eagerly embraced, although he enjoyed the advantages of it but for a short time. He afterwards succeeded Galileo in his situation at the court of Flo- rence,t but survived him only a few years. It is from the accounts of Viviani and Gherardini that we principally draw the following particulars of Galileo's person and character : Signer Galileo was of a cheerful and pleasant countenance, especially in his old age, square built, and well proportioned in stature, and rather above the middle size. His complexion was fair and sanguine, his eyes brilliant, and his hair of a reddish cast. His constitution was naturally * The words of his diploma are : Galilaui in ma- thematicis disciplinis discipulus, in aerumnis socius, Italicum ingenium ita perpolivit optimis artibus ut inter mathematicos sseculi nostri facile princeps per orbem litterarium numeretur. Tiraboschi. t On this occasion the taste of the time showed itself in the following anagram : , Evangelista Torricellieus, Kn yirescit Gulilwus alter. GALILEO. 101 strong, but worn out by fatigue of mind and body, so as frequently to be reduced to a state of the utmost weakness. He was subject to attacks of hypochondria, and often molested by severe and dan- gerous illnesses, occasioned in great measure by his sleepless nights, the whole of which he frequently spent in astronomical observations. Curing upwards of forty-eight years of his life, he was tormented with" acute rheuma- tic pains, suffering particularly on any change of weather. He found himself most free from these pains whilst re- siding in the country, of which conse- quently he became very fond : besides, he used to say that in the country he had greater freedom to read the book of Nature, which lay there open before him. His library was very small, but well chosen, and open to the use of the friends whom he loved to see assembled round him, and whom he was accus- tomed to receive in the most hospitable manner. He ate sparingly himself; but was particularly choice in the selection of his wines, which in the latter part of his life were regularly supplied out of the Grand Duke's cellars. This taste gave an additional stimulus to his agri- cultural pursuits, and many of his leisure hours were spent in the cultivation and superintendence of his vineyards. It should seem that he was considered a good judge of wine ; for Viviani has pre- served one of his receipts in a collection of miscellaneous experiments. In it he strongly recommends that for wine of the first quality, that juice only should be employed, which is pressed out by the mere weight of the heaped grapes, which would probably be that of the ripest fruit. The following letter, written in his 74th year, is dated, " From my prison at Arcetri. I am forced to avail myself of your assistance and fa- vour, agreeably to your obliging offers, in consequence of the excessive chill of the weather, and of old age, and from having drained out my grand stock of a hundred bottles, which I laid in two years ago ; not to mention some minor parti- culars during the last two months, which I received from my Serene Master, the Most Eminent Lord Cardinal, their Highnesses the Princes, and the Most Excellent Duke of Guise, besides cleaning out two barrels of the wine of this country. Now, I beg that with all due diligence and industry, and with consideration, and taking counsel with the most refined palates, you will pro- vide me with two cases, that is to say, with forty flasks of different wines, the most, exquisite that you can find : take no thought of the expense, because I stint myself so much in all other pleasures that I can afford to lay out something at the request of Bacchus, without giving offence to his two companions Ceres and Venus. You must be careful to leave out neither Scillo nor Carino (I believe they meant to call them Scylla and Charyb- dis), nor the country of my master, Ar- chimedes of Syracuse, nor Greek wines, nor clarets, &c. &c. The expense I shall easily be able to satisfy, but not the infinite obligation." In his expenditure Galileo observed a just mean between avarice and profu- sion : he spared no cost necessary for the success of his many and various experi- ments, and spent large sums in charity and hospitality, and in assisting those in whom he discovered excellence in any art or profession, many of whom he maintained in his own house. His tem- per was easily ruffled, but still more easily pacified. He seldom conversed on mathematical or philosophical topics except among his intimate friends ; and when such subjects were abruptly brought before him, as was often the case by the numberless visitors he was in the habit of receiving, he showed great readiness in turning the conver- sation into more popular channels, in such manner however that he often contrived to introduce something to satisfy the curiosity of the inquirers. His memory was uncommonly tena- cious, and stored with a vast variety of old songs and stories, which he was ire the constant habit of quoting and allu- ding to. His favourite Italian authors were Ariosto, Petrarca, and Berni, great part of whose poems he was able to repeat. His excessive admira- tion of Ariosto determined the side which he took against Tasso in the virulent and unnecessary controversy which has divided Italy so long on the respective merits of these two great poets ; and he was accustomed to say that reading Tasso after Ariosto was like tasting cucumbers after melons. When quite a youth, he wrote a great number of critical remarks on Tasso's Geru- salemme Liberata, which one of his friends borrowed, and forgot to return. For a long time it was thought that the manuscript had perished, till the Abb6 Serassi discovered it, whilst collecting materials for his Life of Tasso, pub- 102 GALILEO. lishecl at Rome in 1785. Serassi being a violent partizan of Tasso, but also un- willing to lose the credit of the disco- very, copied the manuscript, but without any intention of publishing it, " till he could find leisure for replying, properly to the sophistical and unfounded attacks of a critic so celebrated on other ac- counts." He announced his discovery as Tiaving been made " in one of the famous libraries at Rome," which vague indication he with some reason consi- dered insufficient to lead to a second discovery. On Serassi's death his copy was found, containing a reference to the situation of the original ; the criticisms were published, and form the greatest part of the last volume of the Milan edition of Galileo's works. The manu- script was imperfect at the time of this second discovery, several leaves having been torn out, it is not known by whom. The opinion of the most judicious Ita- lian critics appears to be, that it would have been more for Galileo's credit if these remarks had never been made pub- lic : they are written in a spirit of flippant violence, such as might not be extra- ordinary in a common juvenile critic, but which it is painful to notice from the pen of Galileo. Two or three son- nets are extant written by Galileo himself, and in two instances he has not scrupled to appropriate the conceits of the poet he affected to under- value.* It should be mentioned that Galileo's matured taste rather receded from the violence of his early prejudices, for at a later period of his life he used to shun comparing the two ; and when forced to give an opinion he said, " that Tasso's appeared the finer poem, but that Ariosto gave him the greater plea- sure." Besides these sonnets, there is extant a short burlesque poem written by him, " In abuse of Gowns," when, on his first becoming Professor at Pisa, he fpund himself obliged by custom to wear his professional habit in every com- Eany. It is written not without humour, ut does not bear comparison with Berni, whom he imitated. There are several detached subjects treated of by Galileo, which may be noticed in this place. A letter by him containing the solution of a problem in Chances is probably the earliest no- * Compare Son. ii. v. 8 & 9; and Son. iii. v. 2 & 3, with Ger. Lib. c. iv. st. 76, and c. vii. st. 19. The author gladly owns his obligation for these remarks To the )-inpok, is the reason why the zodiac is divided into 3GO degrees;" and on this subject, he soon becomes enveloped in a variety of subtle considerations, (not very intelligible in the original, and still more difficult to explain shortly to others unacquainted with it,) in relation to the divisions of the musical scale ; the origin of which he identifies with his five fa- vourite solids. The twentieth chapter is appropriated to a more interesting inquiry, containing the first traces of his finally successful researches into the proportion between the distances of the planets, and the times of their motions round the sun. He begins with the generally admitted fact, that the more distant planets move more slowly ; but in order to show that the proportion, whatever it may be, is not the simple one of the distances, he exhibits the following little Table : 135 115 87. 5 S At the head of each vertical column is placed the real time (in days and sex- agesimal parts) of the revolution of the planet placed above it, and underneath the days due to the other inferior pla- nets, if they observed the proportion of distance. Hence it appears that this proportion in every case gives a time greater than the truth ; as for instance, if the earth's rate of revolution were to Jupiter's in the proportion of their dis- tances, the second column shows thafc the time of her period would be 843 in- stead of 3G5| days ; so of the rest. His next attempt was to compare them by two by two, in which he found that he arrived at a proportion something like the proportion of the distances, although as yet far from obtaining it exactly. This process amounts to taking the quotients obtained by dividing the period of each planet by the period of the one next beyond. 9.27 ^ be successively ,- I taken to consist of I ^ 61 1000 equal parts, 6.59 V the periods of J the planet next below will contain I of those parts in I But if the distance of each planet in succession be taken to consist of 1000 equal parts, the distance of the next below will contain, ac- cording to Copernicus, in ^ $ 500 From this table he argued that to make the proportions agree, we must assume one of two things, " either that the moving intelligences of the planets are weakest in those which are farthest from the Sun, or that there is one moving intelligence in the Sun, the common centre forcing them all round, but those most violently which are nearest, and that it languishes in some sort, and grows weaker at the most distant, be- cause of the remoteness and the atte- nuation of the virtue." We stop here to insert a note added by Kepler to the later editions, and shall take advantage of the same in- terruption to warn the reader not to confound this notion of Kepler with the theory of a gravitating force towards the Sun, in the sense in which we now use those words. According to our theory, the effect of the presence of the Sun upon the planet is to pull it towards the KEPLER. centre in a straight line, and the'effect of the motion thus produced combined with the motion of the planet, which if un- disturbed would be in a straight line inclined to the direction of the radius, is, that it describes a curve round the Sun. Kepler considered his planets as per- fectly quiet and unwilling to move when left alone ; and that this virtue supposed by him to proceed in every direction out of the Sun, swept them round, just as the sails of a windmill would carry round anything which became entangled in them. In other parts of his works Kepler mentions having speculated on a real attractive force in the centre ; but as he knew that the planets are not always at the same distance from the Sun, and conceived erroneously, that to remove them from their least to their greatest distance a repulsive force must be supposed alternating with an attrac- tive one, he laid aside this notion as improbable. In a note he acknowledges that when he wrote the passage just quoted, imbued as he then was with Scaliger's notions on moving intelli- gences, he literally believed " that each planet was moved by a living spirit, but afterwards came to look on'the moving cause as a corporeal though immaterial substance, something in the nature of light which is observed to diminish simi- larly at increased distances." He then proceeds as follows in the original text. " Let us then assume, as is very pro- bable, that motion is dispensed by the sun in the same manner as light. The proportion in which light emanating from a centre is diminished, is taught by optical writers : foj there is the same quantity of light, or of the solar rays, in the small circles as in the large; and therefore, as it is more condensed in the former, more attenuated in the latter, a measure of the attenuation may be de- rived from the proportion of the circles themselves, both in the case of light and of the moving virtue. Therefore, by how much the orbit of Venus is greater than that of Mercury, in the same proportion will the motion of the latter be stronger, or mere hurried, or more swift, or more powerful, or by whatever other word you like to express the fact, than that of the former. But a larger orbit would require a proportionably longer time of revolution, even though the moving force were the same. Hence it follows that the one cause of a greater distance of the planet from the Sun, produces a double effect in increasing the period, and conversely the increase of the pe- riods will be double the difference of the distances. Therefore, half the incre- ment added to the shorter period ought to give the true proportion of the dis- tances, so that the sum should represent the distance of the superior planet, on the same scale on which the shorter period represents the distance of the^ in- terior one. For instance, the period of Mercury is nearly 88 days ; that of Ve- nus is 224f, the difference is 136 2 3 : half of this is 683% which, added to 88, gives 156i. The mean distance of Venus ought, therefore, to be, in proportion to that of Mercury, as 156 to 88. If this be done with all the planets, we get. the fol- lowing results, taking successively, as be- fore, the distance of each planet at 1000. The distance iin 1 574 But accordr(572 parts of which ^ 274 in ? * c - 290 the distance of U fiq , pernicus J ( . .g the next superior Hf they are ) planet contains < G2 respectively 1000, is at < G2 563 500 As you see, we have now got nearer the truth." Finding that this theory of the rate of diminution would not bring him quite close to the result he desired to find, Kepler immediately imagined another. This latter occasioned him a great deal of perplexity, and affords another of the frequently recurring instances of the waste of time and ingenuity ^ occa- sioned by his impetuous and precipitate temperament. Assuming the distance of any planet, as for instance of Mars, to be the unit of space, and the virtue at that distance to be the unit of force, he supposed that as many particles as the virtue at the Earth gained upon that of Mars, so many particles of distance did the Earth lose. He endeavoured to de- termine the respective positions of the planets upon this theory, by the rules of false position, but was. much astonished at finding the same exactly as on his former hypothesis. The fact was, as he himself discovered, although not until after several years, that he had become confused in his calculation ; and when half through the process, had retraced his steps so as of course to arrive again at the numbers from which he started, and which he had taken from his former results. This was the real secret of the identity of the two methods; and if, when he had taken the distance of Mars at 1000, instead of assuming the distance of the earth at 694, as he did, he had taken any other number, and operated upon it in the same manner, he would KEPLEP. have had the same reason for relying on the accuracy of his supposition. As it was, the result utterly confounded him ; and he was obliged to leave it with the remark, that " the two theories are thus proved to be the same in fact, and only different in form ; although how that can possibly be, I have never to this day been able to understand." His perplexity was very reasonable ; they are by no means the same ; it was only his method of juggling with the figures which seemed to connect them. Notwithstanding all its faults, the genius and unwearied perseverance dis- played by Kepler in this book, immedi- ately ranked him among astronomers of the first class ; and he received the most flattering encomiums from many of the most celebrated ; among others, from Galileo and Tycho Brahe, whose opinion he invited upon his performance. Galileo contented himself with praising in ge- neral terms the ingenuity and good faith which appeared so conspicuously in it. Tycho Brahe entered into a more de- tailed criticism of the work, and, as Kepler shrewdly remarked, showed how highly he thought of it by advising him to try to adapt something of the same kind to the Tychonic system. Kepler also sent a copy of his book to the imperial astronomer, Raimar,. with a complimentary letter, in which he exalted him above all other astronomers of the age. Raimar had surreptitiously ac- quired a notion of Tycho Brahe's theory, and published it as his own ; and Tycho, in his letter, complained of Kepler's ex- travagant flattery. This drew a long apologetical reply from Kepler, in which he attributed the admiration he had ex- pressed of Raimar to his own want of information at that time, having since met with many things in Euclid and Regiomontanus, which he then believed original in Raimar. With this explana- tion, Tycho professed himself perfectly satisfied. CHAPTER II. Kepler's Marriage He joins Tycho Brahe at Prague Is appointed Im- perial Mathematician Treatise on the New Star. THE publication of this extraordinary book, early as it occurs in the history of Kepler's life, was yet preceded by his marriage. He had contemplated this step so early as 1592; but that suit having been broken off, he paid his ad- dresses, in 1596, to Barbara Muller von Muhleckh. This lady was already a widow for the second time, although two years younger than Kepler himself. n occasion of this alliance he was required to prove the nobility of his family, and the delay consequent upon the inquiry postponed the marriage till the follow*- ing year. He soon became involved in difficulties in consequence of this inconsiderate ^engagement: his wife's fortune was less than he had been led to expect, and he became embroiled on that account with her relations. Still more serious inconvenience resulted to him from the troubled state in which the province of Styria was at that time, arising out of the disputes in Bohe- mia and the two great religious parties into which the empire was now divided, the one headed by Rodolph, the feeble minded emperor, the other by Matthias, his ambitious and enterprising brother. In the year following his marriage, he thought it prudent, on account of some opinions he had unadvisedly promul- gated, (of what nature does not very distinctly appear,) to withdraw himself from Gratz into Hungary. Thence he transmitted several short treatises to his friend Zehentmaier, at Tubingen " On the Magnet," " On the Cause of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic," and '" On the Divine Wisdom, as shown in the Crea- tion." Little is known of these works beyond the notice taken of them in Ze- hentmaier's answers. Kepler has himself told us, that his magnetic philosophy was built upon the investigations of Gilbert, of whom he always justly spoke with the greatest respect. About the same time a more violent persecution had driven Tycho Brahe from his observatory of Uraniburg, in the little island of Hueen, at the entrance of the Baltic. This had been bestowed on him by the munificence of Frederick I. of Denmark, who liberally furnished him with every means of prosecuting his astronomical observations. After Fre- derick's death, Tycho found himself un- able to withstand the party which had constantly opposed him, and was forced, at a great loss and much inconvenience, to quit his favourite island. On the in- vitation of the emperor, Rudolph II.,. he then betook himself, after a short stay at Hamburg, to the castle of Be- nach, near Prague, which was assigned to him with an annual pension of three thousand florins, a truly munificent pro- vision in those times and that country. 12 10 KEPLER. Kepler had been eager to see Tycho Brahe since the latter had intimated that his observations had led him to a more accurate determination of the ex- centricities of the orbits of the planets. By help of this, Kepler hoped that his theory might be made to accord more nearly with the truth ; and on learning that Tycho was in Bohemia, he imme- diately set out to visit him, and arrived at Prague in January, 1600. From thence he wrote a second letter to Tycho, not having received the answer to his former apology, aj;am excusing himself for the part he had appeared to take with Raimar against him. Tycho replied im- mediately in the kindest manner, and begged he would repair to him directly : " Come not as a stranger, but as a very welcome friend ; come and share in my observations with such instru- ments as I have with me, and as a dearly beloved associate." During his stay of three or four months at Benach, it was settled that Tycho should apply to the emperor, to procure him the situation of assistant in the observatory. Kep- ler then returned to Gratz, having pre- viously received an intimation, that he might do so in safety. The plan, as it had been arranged between them was, that a letter should be procured from the emperor to the states of Styria, requesting that Kepler might join Tycho Brahe for two years, and retain his .salary during that time: a hundred florins were to be added annually by the emperor, on account of the greater dearness of living at Prague. But before everything was concluded, Kep- ler finally threw up his situation at Gratz, in consequence of new dissen- sions. Fearing that this would utterly put an end to his hopes of connecting himself with Tycho, he determined to .revive his claims on the patronage of the Duke of Wirtemberg. With this view he entered into correspondence with Mastlin and some of his other friends at Tubingen, intending to prosecute his medical studies, and offer himself for the professorship of medicine in that university. He was dissuaded from this scheme by the pressing instances of Tycho, who undertook to exert himself in procuring a permanent set- tlement for him from the emperor, .and assured him, even if that attempt should fail, that the language he had used when formerly inviting him to visit him at Hamburg, should not be forgotten. In consequence of this en- couragement," Kepler abandoned his former scheme, and travelled again with his wife to Prague. He was detained along time on the road by violent illness, and his money became entirely exhausted. On this he wrote complainingly to Tycho, that he was unable without assistance to travel even the short distance which still separated them, far less to await much longer the fulfilment of the promises held out to him. By his subsequent admissions, it ap- pears that for a considerable time he lived entirely on Tycho' s bounty, and by way of return, he wrote an essay against Raimar, and against a Scotchman named Liddell, professor at Rostoch and Helm- stadt, who, like Raimar, had appropri- ated to himself the credit of the Ty- chonic system. Kepler never adopted this theory, and indeed, as the question merely regarded priority of invention, there could be no occasion, in the dis- cussion, for an examination of its prin- ciples. This was followed by a transaction, not much to Kepler's credit, who in the course of the following year, and during a second absence from Prague, fancied that he had some reason to complain of Ty- cho's behaviour, and wrote him a violent letter, filled with reproaches and insults. Tycho appears to have behaved in this affair with great moderation : professing to be himself occupied with the marriage of his daughter, he gave the care of reply- ing to Kepler's charges, to Ericksen, one of his assistants, who, in a very kind and temperate letter, pointed out to him the ingratitude of his behaviour, and the groundlessness of his dissatisfaction. His principal complaint seems to have been, that Tycho had not sufficiently supplied his wife with money during his absence. Ericksen's letter produced an immediate and entire change in Kepler's temper, and it is only from the humble recanta- tion which he instantaneously offered that we learn the extent of his previous violence. " Most noble Tycho," these are the words of his letter, " how shall 1 enumerate or rightly estimate your benefits conferred on me ! For two months you have liberally and gratui- tously maintained me, and my whole family ; you have provided for all my wishes ; you have done me every pos- sible kindness ; you have communicated to me everything you hold most dear ; no one, by word o'r deed, has intention- ally injured me in any thing: in short, KEPLER. 11 not to your children, your wife, or your- self have you shown more indulgence than to me. This being so, as I am anxious to put upon record, I cannot reflect without consternation that I should have been so given up by God to my own intemperance, as to shut my eyes on all these benefits ; that, instead of modest and respectful gratitude, I should indulge for three weeks in continual mo- roseness towards all your family, in head- long passion, and the utmost insolence towards yourself, who possess so many claims on my veneration from your noble family, your extraordinary learning, and distinguished reputation. Whatever I have said or written against the person, the fame, the honour, and the learning of your excellency ; or whatever, in any other way, I have injuriously spoken or written, (if they admit no other more fa- vourable interpretation,) as to my grief I have spoken and written many things, and more than I can remember ; all and everything I recant, and freely and ho- nestly declare and profess to be ground- less, false, and incapable of proof." Hoff- mann, the president of the states of Styria, who had taken Kepler to Prague on his first visit, exerted himself to per- fect the reconciliation, and this hasty quarrel was entirely passed over. On Kepler's return to Prague, in September, 1601, he was presented to the Emperor by Tycho, and honoured with the title of Imperial Mathematician, on condition of assisting Tycho in his calculations. Kepler desired nothing more than this condition, since Tycho was at that time probably the only per- son in the world who possessed obser- vations sufficient for the reform which he now began to meditate in the theory of astronomy. Rudolph appears to have valued both Tycho Brahe and Kepler as astrologers rather than astronomers ; but although unable to appreciate rightly the importance of the task they undertook, of compiling a new set of astronomical tables founded upon Tycho's observa- tions, yet his vanity was flattered with the prospect of his name being con- nected with such a work, and he made liberal promises to defray the expense of the new Hudolphine Tables. Tycho's principal assistant at this time was Longomontanus, who altered his name to this form, according to the prevalent fashion of giving to every name a Latin termination. Lomborg or Longbierg was the name, not of his family, but of the village in Denmark, where he was born, just as Miiller was seldom called by any other name than Regiomontanus, from 'his native town Konigsberg, as George Joachim Rheticus was so sur- named from Rhetia, the country of the Grisons, and as Kepler himself was sometimes called Leonmontanus, from Leonberg, where he passed his in- fancy. It was agreed between Longo- montanus and Kepler, that in discuss- ing Tycho's observations, the former should apply himself especially to the Moon, and the latter to Mars, o*n which planet, owing to its favourable position, Tycho was then particularly engaged. The nature of these labours will be ex- plained when we come to speak of the celebrated book " On the Motions of Mars." This arrangement was disturbed by the return of Longomontanus into Den- mark, where he had been offered an as- tronomical professorship, and still more by the sudden death of Tycho Brahe himself in the following October. Kep- ler attended him during his illness, and after his death undertook -to arrange some of his writings. But, in conse- quence of a misunderstanding between him and Tycho's family, the manuscripts were taken out of his hands ; and when, soon afterwards, the book appeared, Kepler complained heavily that they had published, without his consent or know- ledge, the notes and interlineations added by him for his own private guidance whilst preparing it for publication. On Tycho's death, Kepler succeeded him as principal mathematician to the emperor; but although he was thus nominally provided with a liberal salary, it was almost always in arrear. The pecuniary embarrassments in which he constantly found himself involved, drove him to the resource of gaining a liveli- hood by casting nativities. His peculiar temperament rendered him not averse from such speculations, and he enjoyed considerable reputation in this line, and received ample remuneration for his pre- dictions. But although he did not scruple, when consulted, to avail himself in this manner of the credulity of his contem- poraries, he passed over few occasions in his works of protesting against the futility of this particular genethliac as- trology. His own astrological creed was in a different strain, more singular, but not less extravagant. We shall defer en- tering into any details concerning it, till we come to treat of his book on Har- monics, in which he has collected and 12 KEPLEP. recapitulated the substance of his scat- tered opinions on this strange subject. His next works deserving notice are those published on occasion of the new star which shone out with great splen- dour in 1 604, in the constellation Cassio- peia *. Immediately on its appearance, Kepler wrote a short account of it in German, marked with all the oddity which characterises most of his pro- ductions. We shall see enough of his astronomical calculations when we come to his book on Mars ; the following passage will probably be found more amusing. After comparing this star with that of 1572, and mentioning that many persons who had seen it maintained this to be the brighter of the two, since it was nearly twice the size of its nearest neighbour, Jupiter, he proceeds as follows : " Yonder one chose for its appearance a time no way remarkable, and came into the world quite unexpectedly, like an enemy storming a town, and break- ing into the market-place before the citizens are *aware of his approach; but ours has come exactly in the year of which astrologers have -written so much about the fiery trigon that hap- pens in it t ; just in the month in which (according to Cyprian) Mars comes up to a very perfect conjunction with the other two superior planets ; just in the day when Mars has joined Jupiter, and just in the place where this con- junction has taken place. Therefore the apparition of this star is not like a secret hostile irruption, as was that one of 1 572, but the spectacle of a public triumph, or the entry of a mighty potentate ; when the couriers ride in some time before, to prepare his lodgings, and the crowd of young urchins begin to think the time over-long to wait : then roll in, one after another, the ammunition, and mo- ney, and baggage waggons, and presently the trampling of horse, and the rush of people from every side to the streets and windows; and when the crowd have gazed with their jaws all agape at the troops of knights; then at last, the trumpeters, afld archers, and lackeys, so distinguish the person of the monarch, that there is no occasion to point him out, but every one cries out of his own accord * Here we have him!' What it may portend is hard to determine, and * See Life of Galileo, p. 16. t The fiery trigon occurs about once in every 800 years, when Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are in the three fiery signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. thus much only is certain, that it comes to tell mankind either nothing at all, or high and weighty news, quite beyond human sense and understanding. It will have an important influence on political and social relations; not indeed by its own nature, but, as it were, acci- dentally through the disposition of man- kind. First, it portends to the book- sellers great disturbances, and tolerable gains ; for almost every Theologus, Phi' losophicus, Medicus, and Mathematicus* or whoever else, having no laborious oc- cupation intrusted to him, seeks his plea- sure in studiis, will make particular re- marks upon it, and will wish to bring these remarks to the light. Just so will others, learned and -unlearned, wish to know its meaning, and they will buy the authors who profess to tell them. I mention these things merely by way of example, because, although thus much can be easily predicted without great skill, yet may it happen just as easily, and in the same manner, that the vulgar, or whoever else is of easy faith, or it may be, crazy, may wish to exalt himself into a great prophet ; or it may even happen that some powerful lord, who has good foun- dation and beginning of great dignities, will be cheered on by this phenomenon to venture on some new scheme, just as if God had set up this star in the dark- ness merely to enlighten them." It would hardly be supposed, from the tenor of this last passage, that the writer of it was not a determined enemy to astrological predictions of every descrip- tion. In 1602 he had published a dis- putation, not now easily met with, " On the Principles of Astrology," in which it seems that he treated the professed astrologers with great severity. The essence of this book is probably con- tained in the second treatise on the new star, which he published in 1606*. In this volume he inveighs repeatedly against the vanity and worthlessness of ordinary astrology, declaring at the same time, that the professors of that art know that this judgment is pronounced by one well acquainted with its principles. " For if the vulgar are to pronounce who is the best astrologer, my reputation is known to be of the highest order ; if they * The copy of this work in the British Museum is Kepler's presentation copy to our James I. On the blank leaf, opposite the title-page, is the follow- ing inscription, apparently in the author's hand- writing :" Regi philosophanti, philosophus ser- viens, Platoni Diogenes, Britannias tenenti, Pragae stipem mendicans ab Alexandro, e dolio conduc- titio, hoc stium philosophema misit et coimnen- darit," KEPLER. 13 prefer the judgment of the learned, they are already condemned. Whether they stand with me in the eyes of the popu- lace, or I fall with them before the learned, in both cases I am in their ranks ; I am on a level with them ; T cannot be renounced." The theory which Kepler proposed to substitute is intimated shortly in the following passage: " I maintain that the colours and aspects, and con- junctions of the planets, are impressed on the natures or faculties of sub- lunary things, and when they occur, that these are excited as well in forming as in moving the body over whose motion they preside. Now let no one conceive a prejudice that I am anxiously seeking to mend the deplorable and hope- less cause of astrology by far-fetched subtilties and miserable quibbling. I do not value it sufficiently, nor have I ever shunned having astrologers for my ene- mies. But a most unfailing experience (as .far as can be hoped in natural phe- nomena) of the excitement of sublunary natures by the conjunctions and aspects of the planets, has instructed and com- pelled my unwilling belief." After exhausting other topics sug- gested by this new star, he examines the different opinions on the cause of its ap- pearance. Among others he mentions the Epicurean notion, that it was a for- tuitous concourse of atoms, whose ap- pearance in this form was merely one of the infinite number of ways in which, since the beginning of time, they have been combined. Having descanted for some time on this opinion, and declared himself altogether hostile to it,Kepler pro- ceeds as follows : " When I was a youth, with plenty of idle time on my hands, I was much taken with the vanity, of which some grown men are not ashamed, of making anagrams, by transposing the letters of my name, written in Greek, so as to make another sentence : out of Lwavvjjj KssrX^oj I made "Slipway x.dtf'/iXo;'* ', in Latin, out of Joannes Keplerus came Serpens in akule&\. But not being satis- fied with the meaning of these words, and being unable to make another, I trusted the thing to chance, and taking out of a pack of playing cards as many as there were letters in the name, I wrote one upon each, and then began to shuffle them, and at each shuffle to read them in the order they came, to see if any meaning came of it, Now, may all the Epicurean gods and goddesses confound * The tapster of the Sirens, t A serpent in his sting. this same chance, which, although I spent a good deal of time over it, never showed me anything like sense even from a distance *. So 1 gave up my cards to the Epicurean eternity, to be carried away into infinity, and, it is said, they are still flying about there, in the utmost confu- sion among the atoms, and have never yet come to any meaning. I will tell these disputants, my opponents, not my own opinion, but my wife's. Yesterday, when weary with writing, and my mind quite dusty with considering these atoms, 1 was called to supper, and a salad I had asked for was set before me. It seems then, said I aloud, that if pewter dishes, leaves of lettuce, grains of salt, drops of water, vinegar, and oil, and slices of egg, had been flying about in the air. from all eternity, it might at last happen by chance that there would come a salad. Yes, says my wife, but not so nice and well dressed as this of mine is." CHAPTER III. Kepler publishes his Supplement to Vitellion Theory of Refraction. DURING several years Kepler remained, as he himself forcibly expressed it, begging his bread from the emperor at Prague, and the splendour of his nomi- nal income served only to increase his irritation, at the real neglect under which he nevertheless persevered in his labours. His family was increasing, and he had little wherewith to support them beyond the uncertain proceeds of his writings and nativities. His salary was charged partly on the states of Si- lesia, partly on the imperial treasury ; but it was in vain that repeated orders were procured for the'payment of the arrears due to him. The resources of the empire were drained by the constant demands of an engrossing war, and Kepler had not sufficient influence to enforce his claims against those who thought even the smallest sum bestowed upon him ill spent, in fostering profit- less speculations. In consequence of this niggardliness, Kepler was ^forced to postpone the publication of the Rudol- phine Tables, which he was engaged in constructing from his own and Tycho Brahe's observations, and applied him- self to other works of a less costly de- scription. Among these may be men- * In one of his anonymous writings Kepler has anagrammatized his name, Joannes Keplerus, in a variety of other forms, probably selected from the luckiest of his shuffles : " Kleopas Herennius, tielenor Kapuensis, Raspinus Enkeleo, Kanones Pueriles," 14 KEPLER. tioned a " Treatise on Comets," written on occasion of one which appeared in 3607 : in this h? suggests that they are planets moving in straight lines. The book published in 1G04, which he en- titles " A Supplement to Vitellion," may be considered as containing the first reasonable and consistent theory of optics, especially in that branch of it usually termed dioptrics, which re- lates to the theory of vision through trans- parent substances. In it was first ex- plained the true use of the different parts of the eye, to the knowledge of which Baptista Porta had already approached very nearly, though he stopped short of the accurate truth. Kepler remarked the identity of the mechanism in the eye \vith that beautiful invention of Porta's, the camera obscura ; showing, that the light which falls from external objects on the eye is refracted through a transpa- rent substance, called, from its form and composition, the crystalline lens, and makes a picture on the fine net- work of nerves, called the retina, which lies at the back of the eye. The manner in which the existence of this coloured picture on the retina causes to the individual the sensation of sight, belongs to a theory not purely physical ; and beyond this point Kepler did not attempt to go. The direction into which rays of light (as they are usually called) are bent or refracted in passing through the air and other transparent substances or me- diums, is discussed in this treatise at great length. Tycho Brahe had been the first astronomer who recognized the necessity of making some allowance on this account in the observed heights of the stars. A long controversy arose on this subject between Tycho Brahe and Rothman,' the astronomer at Hesse Cassel, a man of unquestionable talent, but of odd and eccentric habits. Neither was altogether in the right, although Tycho had the advantage in theargument. He failed however to "establish the true law of refraction, and Kepler has devoted a chapter to an examination of the same question. It is marked by precisely the same qualities as those appearing so conspicuously in his astronomical writ- Ings : great' ingenuity ; wonderful per- severance ; bad philosophy. That this may not be taken solely upon assertion, some samples of it are subjoined. The writings of the authors of this period are little read or known at the present day ; and it is only by copious extracts that any accurate notion can be forrrted of the nature and value of their labours. The following tedious specimen of Kep- ler's mode of examining physical pheno- mena is advisedly selected to contrast with his astronomical researches : though the luck and consequently the fame that attended his divination were widely dif- ferent on the two occasions, the method pursued was the same. After comment- ing on ,the points of difference between Rothman and Tycho Brahe, Kepler pro- ceeds to enumerate his own endeavours to discover the law of refraction. " I did not leave untried whether, by assuming a horizontal refraction according to the density of the medium,, the rest would correspond with the sines of the distances from the vertical direc- tion, but calculation proved that it w r as not so : and indeed there was no occa- sion to have tried it, for thus the refrac- tions would increase according to the same law in all mediums, which is con- tradicted by experiment. " The same kind of objection may be brought against the cause of refraction alleged by^Alhazen and Vitellion. They say that "the light seeks to be compen- sated for the loss sustained at the ob- lique impact ; so that in proportion as it is enfeebled by striking against the denser medium, in the same degree does it restore its energy by approaching the perpendicular, that it may strike the bot- tom of the denser medium with greater force ; for those impacts are most for- cible which are direct. And they add some subtle notions, I know not what, how the motion of obliquely incident light is compounded of a motion perpen- dicular and a motion parallel to the dense surface, and that this compound motion is not destroyed, but only retarded by meeting the denser medium. " I tried another way of measuring the refraction, which should include the den- sity of the medium and the incidence : for, since a denser medium is the causa of refraction, it seems to be the same thing as if we were to prolong the depth of the medium in which the rays are re- KEPLER. fracted into as much space as would be filled by the denser medium under the force of the rarer one. " Let A be the place of the light, B C the surface of the denser medium, D E its bottom . Let A B , A G, A F be rays falling obliquely, which would arrive at D, I, H, if the medium were uniform. But because it is denser, suppose the bottom to be depressed to K L, deter- mined by this that there is as much of the denser matter contained in the space DC as of the rarer in LG : and thus, on the sinking of the whole bottom DE, the points D, I, H, E will descend vertically to L, M, N, K. Join the points B L, GM, FN, cutting D E in O,P, Q ; the refracted rays will be A B O, A G P, AFQ." ''This method is refuted by experiment ; it gives the refractions near the perpendicular A C too great in re- spect of those near the horizon. Who- ever has leisure may verify this, either by calculation or compasses. It may be added that the reasoning itself is not very sure-footed, and, whilst seeking to measure other things, scarcely takes in and comprehends itself." This reflec- tion must not be mistaken for the dawn of suspicion that his examination of phi- losophical questions began not altogether at the right end : it is merely an acknow- ledgment that he had not yet contrived a theory with which he was quite satisfied before it was disproved by experiment. After some experience of Kepler's miraculous good fortune in seizing truths across the wildest and most absurd theo- ries, it is not easy to keep clear of the op- posite feeling of surprise whenever any of his extravagancies fail to discover to him some beautiful law of nature. But we must follow him as he plunges deeper in this unsuccessful inquiry ; and the reader must remember, in order fully to appre- ciate this method of philosophizing, that it is almost certain that Kepler laboured upon every one of the gratuitous sup- positions that he makes, until positive experiment satisfied him of their incor- rectness. " I go on to other methods. Since density is clearly connected with the cause of the refractions, and refraction itself seems a kind of compression of light, as it were, towards the perpendi- cular, it occurred to me to examine whe- ther there was the same proportion be- tween the mediums in respect of density and the parts of the bottom illuminated by the light, when let into a vessel, first empty, and afterwards filled with water. This mode branches out into many : for the proportion may be imagined, either in the straight lines, as if one should say that the line E Q, illuminated by refraction, is to EH illuminated directly, as the density of the one medium is to that of the other Or another may suppose the proportion to be between FC and FH Or it may be conceived to exist among surfaces, or so that some power of E Q should be to some power of E H in this proportion, or the circles or similar figures described on them. In this manner the proportion- of E Q to E P would be double that of E H to El Or the proportion may be conceived existing among the solidities of the pyramidal frustums FHEC, FQEC Or, since the proportion of the mediums involves a threefold con- sideration, since they have density in length, breadth, and thickness, 1 pro- ceeded also to examine the 1 cubic propor- tions among the lines E Q, EH. " I also considered other lines. From any of the points of refraction as GV let a perpendicular GY be dropped upon/ the bottom. It may become a question whether possibly the triangle I G Y, that, is, the base I Y, is divided by the refracted ray G P, in the proportion of the densities of the mediums. " I have put all these methods here together, because the same remark dis- proves them all. For, in whatever manner, whether as line, plane, or pyramid, E I observes a given proportion to E P, or the abbreviated line Y I to YP, namely, the proportion of the mediums, it is sure that E I, the tangent of the distance of the point A from the vertex, will be- come infinite, and will, therefore make E P or Y P, also infinite. Therefore, I G P, the angle of refraction, will be entirely lost ; and, as it approaches the horizon, will gradually become less and less, which is contrary to experiment. " I tried again whether the images are equally removed from their points' of refraction, and whether the ratio of the densities measures the least dis- tance. For instance, supposing E to be the imaije, C the surface of the water, K the bottom, and C E to C K in the proportion of the densities of the me diums. Now, let F, G, B, be three other points of refraction and images at S, T, V, and let C E be equal to F S, GT, and B V. But according to this rule an image E would still be somewhat raised in the perpendicular A K, which is con- trary to experiment, not to mention other 16 KEPLER. contradictions. Thirdly, whether the proportion of the mediums holds be- tween F H and F X, supposing H to be the place of the image? Not at all. For so, C E would be in the same pro- portion to C K, so that the height of the image would always be the same, which we have just refuted. Fourthly, whether the raising of the image at E is to the raising at H, as CEtoFH? Not in the least; for so the images either would never begin to be raised, or, having once begun, would at last be infinitely raised, because FH at last becomes infinite. Fifthly, whether the images rise in proportion to the sines of the inclinations ? Not at all ; for so the proportion of ascent would be the same in all mediums. Sixthly, are then the images raised at first, and in perpen- dicular radiation, according to the pro- portion of the mediums, and do they subsequently rise more and more ac- cording to the sines of the inclinations ? For so the proportion would be com- pound, and would become different in different mediums. There is nothing in it: for the calculation disagreed with experiment. And generally it is in vain to have regard to the image or the place of the image, for that very reason, that it is imaginary. For there is no con- nexion between the density of the me- dium or any real [quality or refraction of the light, and an accident of vision, by an error of which the image happens. " Up to this point, therefore, I had fol- lowed a nearly blind mode of inquiry, and had trusted to good fortune ; but now I opened the other eye, and hit upon a sure method, for I pondered the fact, that the image of a thing seen under water approaches closely to the true ratio of the refraction, and almost mea- sures it ; that it is low if the thing is viewed directly from above ; that by de- grees it rises as the eye passes towards the horizon of the water. Yet, on the other hand, the reason alleged above, proves that the measure is not to be sought in the image, because the image is not a thing actually existing, but arises from a deception of vision which is purely accidental. By a comparison of these conflicting arguments, it occurred to me at length, to seek the causes them- selves of the existence of the image un- der water, and in these causes the mea- sure of the refractions. This opinion was strengthened in me by seeing that opticians had not rightly pointed out the cause of the image which appears both in mirrors and in water. And this was the origin of that labour which I under- took in the third chapter. Nor, indeed, was that labour trifling, whilst hunting down false opinions of all sorts among the principles, in a matter rendered so intricate by the false traditions of optical writers ; whilst striking out half a dozen different paths, and beginning anew the whole business. How often did it hap- pen that a rash confidence made me look upon that which I sought with such ardour, as at length discovered ! " At length I cut this worse than Gordian knot of catoptrics by analogy alone, by considering what happens in mirrors, and what must happen analo- gically in water. In mirrors, the image appears at a distance from the real place of the object, not being itself material, but produced solely by reflection at the polished surface. "Whence it followed in water also, that the images rise and approach the surface, not according to the law of the greater or less density in the water, as the view is J less or more oblique, but solely because of the re- fraction of the ray of light passing from the object to the eye. On which assumption, it is plain that every attempt I had hi!herto made to measure refrac- tions by the image, and its elevation, must fall to the ground. And this be- came more evident when I discovered the true reason why the image is in the same perpendicular line with the object both in mirrors and in dense mediums. When I had succeeded thus far by analogy in this most difficult investiga- tion, as to the place of the image, I be- gan to follow out the analogy further, led on by the strong desire of measuring refraction. For I wished to get hold of some measure of some sort, no matter how blindly, having no fear but that so soon as the measure should be accurately known, the cause would plainly appear. I went to work as follows. In convex mirrors the image is diminished, and just so in rarer mediums ; in denser mediums it is magnified, as in concave mirrors. In convex mirrors the central parts of the image approach, and recede in con- cave farther than towards the circumfe- rence ; the same thing happens in different mediums, so that in water the bottom appears depressed, and the surrounding parts elevated. Hence it appears that a denser medium corresponds with a con- cave reflecting surface, and a rarer one with a convex one : it was clear, at the same time, that the plane surface of the KEPLER. 17 water affects a property of curvature. I was, therefore, to excogitate causes consistent with its having this effect 'of curvature, and to see if a reason could be given, why the parts of the water surrounding the incident perpendicular should represent a greater density than the parts just under the perpendicular. And so the thing came round again to my former attempts, which being refuted by reason and experiment, I was forced to abandon the search after a cause. I then proceeded to measurements." Kepler then endeavoured to connect his measurements of different quantities of refraction with the conic sections, and was tolerably well pleased with some of his results. They were however not entirely satisfactory, on which he breaks off with the following sentence : " Now, reader, you and I have been detained sufficiently long whilst I have been at- tempting to collect into one faggot the measure of different refractions : I ac- knowledge that the cause cannot be con- nected with this mode of measurement : for what is there in common between refractions made at the plane surfaces of transparent mediums,' and mixtilinear conic sections ? Wherefore, quod Deus benevortat, we will now have had enough of the causes of this measure ; and al- though, even now, we are perhaps err- ing something from the truth, yet it is better, by working on, to show our in- dustry, than our laziness by neglect." Notwithstanding the great length of this extract, we must add the concluding paragraph of the Chapter, directed, as we are told in the margin, against the " Tychonomasticks :" " I know how many blind men at this day dispute about colours, and how they long for some one to give some assist- ance by argument to their rash insults of Tycho, and attacks upon this whole matter of refractions ; who, if they had kept to themselves their puerile errors and naked ignorance, might have escaped censure ; for that may happen to many great men. But since they venture forth publicly, and with thick books and sound- ing titles, lay baits for the applause of the unwary, (for now-a-days there is more danger from the abundance of bad books, than heretofore from the lack of good ones,) therefore let them know that a time is set for them publicly to amend their own errors. If they longer delay doing this, it shall be open, either to me or any other, to do to these unhappy meddlers in geometry as they have taken upon themselves to do with respect to men of the highest reputation. And although this labour will be despicable, from the vile nature of the follies against which it will be directed, yet so much more ne- cessary than that which they have un- dertaken against others, as he is a greater public nuisance, who endeavours to slander good and necessary inventions, than he who fancies he has found what is impossible to discover. Meanwhile, let them cease to plume themselves on the silence which is another word for their own obscurity." 1 Although Kepler failed, as we have seen, to detect the true law of refraction, (which was discovered some years later by Willibrord Snell, a Flemish mathe- matician,) there are many things well deserving notice in his investigations. He remarked, that the quantity of re- fraction would alter, if the height of the atmosphere should vary ; and also, that it would be different at different tempe- ratures. Both these sources of varia- tion are now n constantly taken into ac- count, the barometer and thermometer fiving exact indications of these changes, here is also a very curious passage in one of his letters to Bregger, written in 1605, on the subject of the colours in the rainbow. It is in these words : " Since every one sees a different rain- bow, it is possible that some one may see a rainbow in the very place of my sight. In this case, the medium is co- loured at the place of my/vision, to which the solar ray comes to me through water, rain, or aqueous vapours. For the rainbow is seen when the sun is shining between rain, that is to say, when the sun also is visible. Why then do I. not see the sun green, yellow, red, and blue, if vision takes place according to the mode 1 of illumination ? I will say something for you to attack or examine. The sun's rays are not coloured, except with a definite quantity of refraction. Whether you are in the optical cham- ber, or standing opposite glass globes', or walking in the morning dew, every- where it is obvious that a certain and de- finite angle is observed, under which, when seen in dew, in glass, in water, the sun's splendour appears coloured, and under no other angle. There is no colouring by mere reflexion, without the refraction of a denser medium." How closely does Kepler appear, in this pas- sage, to approach the discovery which forms not the least part of Newton's fame ! We also find in this work a defence of the opinion that the planets are lumi 18 KEPLER. nous of themselves ; on the ground that the inferior planets would, on the contrary supposition, display phases like those of the moon when passing between us and the sun. 1 he use of the telescope was not then known; and, when some years later the form of the disk of the planets was more clearly defined with their assistance, Kepler had the satisfaction of finding his assertions verified by the discoveries of Galileo, that these changes do actually take place. In another of his speculations, connected with the same subject, he was less fortunate. In 1607 a black spot appeared on the face of sun, such as may almost always be seen with the assistance of the telescope, although they are seldom large enough to be visible to the unassisted eye. Kepler saw it for a short time, and mistook it for the planet Mercury, and with his usual precipi- tancy hastened to publish an account of his observation of this rare phenomenon. A few years later, Galileo discovered with his glasses, a great number of similar spots ; and Kepler immediately retracted the opinion announced in his treatise, and acknowledged his belief that previous accounts of the same occurrence which he had seen in old authors, and which he had found great difficulty in recon- ciling with his more accurate knowledge of the motions of Mercury, were to be referred to a like mistake. On this occa- sion of the invention of the telescope, Kepler's candour and real love of truth appeared in a most favourable light. Disregarding entirely the disagreeable necessity, in consequence of the dis- coveries of this new instrument, of retract- ing several opinions which he had main- tained with considerable warmth, he ranged himself at once on the side of Gali- leo, in opposition to the bitter and deter- mined hostility evinced by most of those whose theories were endangered by the new views thus offered of the heavens. Kepler's quarrel with his pupil, Horky, on this account, has been mentioned in the " Life of Galileo ;" and this is only a se- lected instance from the numerous occa.- sions on which he espoused the same unpopular side of the argument He published a dissertation to accompany Galileo's " Intelligencer of the Stars," in which he warmly expressed his ad- miration of that illustrious inquirer into nature. His conduct in this respect was the more remarkable, as some of his most intimate friends had taken a very opposite view of Galileo's merit, and seem to have laboured much to disturb their mu- tual regard : Mastlin especially, Kepler's early instructor, seldom mentioned to him the name of Galrleo, without some con- temptuous expression of dislike. These statements have rather disturbed ,the chronological order of the account of Kepler's works. We now return to the year 1609, in which he published his great and extraordinary book, ** On the Motions of Mars ;" a work which holds the intermediate place, and is in truth the connecting link, between the disco- veries of Copernicus and Newton. CHAPTER IV. Sketch of the Astronomical Theories. before Kepler. KEPLER had begun to labour upon these commentaries from the moment when he first made Tycho's acquaint- ance ; and it is on this work that his re- putation should be made mainly to rest. It is marked in many places with his characteristic precipitancy, and indeed one of the most important discoveries announced in it (famous among astro- nomers by the name of the Equable Description of Areas) was blundered upon, by a lucky compensation of errors, of the nature of which Kepler remained ignorant to the very last. Yet there is more of the inductive method in this than in any of his other publications ; and the unwearied perseverance with which he ex- hausted years in hunting down his often renewed theories, till at length he seemed to arrive at the true one, almost by having previously disproved every other, excites a feeling of astonishment nearly ap- proaching to awe. It is wonderful how he contrived to retain his vivacity and creative fancy amongst the clouds of figures which he conjured up round him ; for the slightest hint or shade of proba- bility was sufficient to plunge him into the midst of the most laborious compu- tations. He was by no means an accu- rate calculator, according to the follow- ing character which he has given of him- self : " Something of these delays must be attributed to my own temper, for non omnia possumus omnes, and I am totally unable to observe any order; what I do suddenly, I do confusedly, and if I pro- duce any thing well arranged, it has been done ten times over. Sometimes an error of calculation committed by hurry ^ delays me a great length of time. I could indeed publish an infinity of things, for though my reading is confined, my imagination is abundant, but I grow dissatisfied with such confusion : I get disgusted and out of humour, and either throw them away, or put them aside to KEPLER. 19 l>e looked at again ; or, in other words, to be written again, for that is generally the end of it. I entreat you, my friends, not to condemn me for ever to grind in the mill of mathematical calculations : allow me some time for philosophical speculations, my only delight." He was very seldom able to afford the expense of maintaining an assist- ant, and was forced to go through most of the drudgery of his calculations by himself; and the most confirmed and merest arithmetician could not have toiled more doggedly than Kepler did in the work of which we are about to speak. In order that the language of his as- tronomy may be understood, it is neces- sary to mention briefly some of the older theories. When it had been discovered that the planets did not move regularly round the earth, which was supposed to be fixed in the centre of the world, a me- chanism was contrived by which it was thought that the apparent irregularity could be represented, and yet the prin- ciple of uniform motion, which was ad- hered to with superstitious reverence, might be preserved. This, in its sim- plest form, consisted in supposing the planet to move uniformly in a small circle, called an epicycle, the centre of which moved with an equal angular motion in the opposite direction round the earth*. The circle D d, described by D, the centre of the epicycle, was called the deferent. For instance, if the planet was supposed to be at A when the centre of the epicycle was at D, its position, when the centre of the epicycle had removed to d, would be at p, found by drawing dp parallel to D A. Thus, the angle a dp, measuring the motion of the planet in its epicycle, would be equal * By " the opposite direction" is meant, that while the motion in the circumference of one circle appeared, as viewed from its centre, to be from left to right, the other, viewed from its centre, appeared from right to left. This must be under- stood whenever these or similar expressions are repeated. to DEd, the angle described by the centre of the epicycle in the deferent. The angle pE d between Ejo, the direc- tion in which a planet so moving would be seen from the earth, supposed to be at E, and E d the direction in which it would have been seen had it been mov- ing in the centre of the deferent, was called the equation of the orbit, the word equation, in the language of astro- nomy, signifying what must be added or taken from an irregularly varying quantity to make it vary uniformly. As the accuracy of ^observations in- creased, minor irregularities were dis- covered, which were attempted to be accounted for by making a second deferent of the epicycle, and making the centre of a second epicycle revolve in the circumference of the first, and so on, or else by supposing the revo- lution in the epicycle not to be com- pleted in exactly the time in which its centre is carried round the deferent. Hipparchus was the first to make a re- mark by which the geometrical repre- sentation of these inequalities was consi- derably simplified. In fact, if EC be taken equal to p d, Cd will be a paral- lelogram, and consequently Cp equal to E d, so that the machinery of the first deferent and epicycle amounts to supposing that Ihe planet revolves uni- formly in a circle round the point C, not coincident with the place of the earth. This was consequently called the excentric theory, in opposition to the former or concentric one, and was received as a great improvement. As the point d is not represented by this construction, the equation to the orbit was measured by the angle CpE, which is equal top Ed. It is not ne- cessary to give any account of the man- ner in which the old astronomers de- termined the magnitudes and positions of these orbits, either in the concentric or excentric theory, the present object being little more than to explain the meaning of the terms it will be neces- sary to use in describing Kepler's in- vestigations. To explain the irregularities observed in the other planets, it became neces- sary to introduce another hypothesis, in adopting which the severity of the prin- ciple of uniform motion was somewhat relaxed. The machinery consisted partly of an excentric deferent round E, the earth, and on it an epicycle, in which the planet revolved uniformly ; but the centre of the epicycle, instead of revolving uni- formly round C, the centre of the deferent, KEPLER. as it had hitherto been made to do, was supposed to move in its circumference with an uniform angular motion round a third point, Q ; the necessary effect of which supposition was, that the linear motion of the centre of the epicycle ceased to be uniform. There were thus three points to be considered within the deferent ; E, the place of the earth ; C, the centre of the deferent, and some- times called the centre of the orbit ; and Q, called the centre of the equant, be- cause, if any circle were described round Q, the planet would appear to a spec- tator at Q, to be moving equably in it. It was long uncertain what situation should be assigned to the centre of the equant, so as best to represent the ir- regularities to a spectator on the earth, until Ptolemy decided on placing it (in every case but that of Mercury, the observations on which were very doubt- ful) so that C, the centre of the orbit, lay just half way in the straight line, joining Q, the centre of equable motion, and E, the place of the earth. This is the famous principle, known by the name of the bisection of the excentricity. The first equation required for the planet's motion was thus supposed to be due to the displacement of E, the earth, from Q, the centre of uniform motion, which was called the excentricity of the equant : it might be represented by the angle d E M, drawing E M parallel to Q d ; for clearly M "would have been the place of the centre of the epicycle at the end of a time proportional to D d, had it moved with an equable angu- lar motion round E instead of Q. This angle dE M, or its equal Erf Q, was called the equation of the centre (i. e. of the centre of the epicycle) ; and is clearly greater than if E Q, the excentri- city of the equant, had been "no greater than E C, called the excentricity of the orbit. The second equation was mea- sured by the angle subtended at E by d, the centre of the epicycle, and p the planet's place in its circumference : it was called indifferently the equation of the orbit, or of the argument. In order to account for the apparent stations and retrogradations of the planets, it be- came necessary to suppose that many revolutions in the latter were completed during one of the former. The va- riations of latitude of the planets were exhibited by supposing not only that the planes of their deferents were oblique to the plane of the ecliptic, and that the plane of the epicycle was also oblique to that of the deferent, but that the inclination of the two latter was continually chang- ing, although Kepler doubts whether this latter complication was admitted by Ptolemy. In the inferior planets, it was even thought necessary to give to the plane of the epicycle two oscillatory mo- tions on axes at right angles to each other. The astronomers at this period were much struck with a remarkable connexion between the revolutions of the superior planets in their epicycles, and the apparent motion of the sun; for when in conjunction with the sun, as seen from the earth, they were always found to be in the apogee, or point of greatest distance from the earth, of their epicycle ; and when in opposition to the Sun, they were as regularly in the peri- gee, or point of nearest approach of the epicycle. This correspondence between two phenomena, which, according to the old astronomy, were entirely uncon- nected, was very perplexing, and it seems to have been one of the facts which led Copernicus to substitute the theory of the earth's motion round the sun. As time wore on, the superstructure ofexcentrics and epicycles, which had been strained into representing the ap- pearances of the heavens at a particular moment, grew out of shape, and the natural consequence of such an artifi- cial system was, that it became next to impossible to foresee what ruin might be produced in a remote part of it "by any attempt to repair the derangements and refit the parts to the changes, as they began to be remarked in any par- ticular point. In the ninth century of our era, Ptolemy's tables were already useless, and all those that were con- trived with unceasing toil to supply their place, rapidly became as unser- viceable as they. Still the triumph of genius was seen in the veneration that continued to be paid to the assump- tions of Ptolemy and Hipparchus ; and even when the great reformer, Coper- KEPLER. 21 nicus, appeared, he did not for along time intend to do more than slightly modify their principles. That which he found difficult in the Ptolemaic system, was none of the inconveniences by which, since the establishment of the new sys- tem, it has become common to demon- strate the inferiority of the old one ; it was the displacement of the centre of the equant from the centre of the orbit that principally indisposed him against it, and led him to endeavour to represent the appearances by some other combina- tions of really uniform circular motions. There was an old system, called the Egyptian, according to which Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun circulated round the earth, the sun carrying with it, as two moons or satellites, the other two planets, Venus and Mercury. This system had never entirely lost credit : it had been maintained in the fifth cen- tury by Martianus Capella*, and in- deed it was almost sanctioned, though not formally taught, by Ptolemy himself, when he made the mean motion of the sun the same as that of the centres of the epicycles of both these planets. The remark which had also been made by the old astronomers, of the .connexion be- tween the motion of the sun and the revo- lutions of the superior planets in their epicycles, led him straight to the expec- tation that he might, perhaps, produce the uniformity he sought by extending the Egyptian system to these also, and this appears to have been the shape in which his reform was originally projected. It was already allowed that the centre of the orbits of all the planets was not coin- cident with the earth, but removed from it by the space E C. This first change merely made E C the same for all the planets, and equal to the mean distance of the earth from the sun. This sys- tem ^afterwards acquired great cele- brity through its adoption by Tycho Brahe, who believed it originated with himself. It might perhaps have been at this period of his researches, that Copernicus was struck with the pas- sages in the Latin and Greek authors, to which he refers as testifying the ex- istence of an old belief in the motion of the earth round the sun. He im- mediately recognised how much this alteration would further his princi- ples of uniformity, by referring all the * Venus Mercuriusque, licet ortus occasusque quotidianos ostendunt, tamen eorum circuli terras omnino non ambiunt, sed circa solem laxiore am- bitu circulantur. Denique circulorura suorum centron in sole constituunt. De Nuptiis Philolo- gise et Mercurii. Vicentije. 1499. planetary motions to one centre, and did not hesitate to embrace it. The idea of explaining the daily and principal apparent motions of the heavenly bodies by the revolution of the earth on its axis, would be the concluding change, and became almost a necessary con- sequence of his previous improvements, as it was manifestly at variance with his principles to give to all the pla- nets and starry worlds a rapid daily motion round the centre of the earth, now that the latter was removed from its former supposed post in the centre of the universe, and was itself carried with an annual motion round another fixed point. The reader would, however, form an inaccurate notion of the system of Co- pernicus, if he supposed that it com- prised no more than the theory that each planet, including the earth among' them, revolved in a simple circular orbit round the sun. Copernicus was too well acquainted with the motions of the hea- venly bodies, not to be aware that such orbits would not accurately represent them ; the motion he attributed to the earth round the sun, was at first merely intended to account for those which were called the second inequalities of the planets, according to which they ap- pear one while to move forwards, then backwards, and at intermediate periods, stationary, and which thenceforward were also called the optical equations,, as being merely an optical illusion. With regard to what were called the first inequalities, or physical equations, arising from a real inequality of motion,, he still retained the machinery of the deferent and epicycle ; and all the al- teration he attempted in the orbits of the superior planets was an| extension of the concentric theory to supply the place of the equant, which he considered the blot of the system. His theory for this purpose is shown in the accompany- ing diagram, where S represents the sun,. D d, the deferent or mean orbit of the KEPLER. planet, on \vhich revolves the centre of the great epicycle, whose radius, D F, \vas taken at | of Ptolemy's excentricity of the equant ; and round the circum- ference of this revolved, in the opposite direction, the centre of the little epicycle, \vhose radius, F P, \vas made equal to the remaining of the excentricity of the equant. The planet P revolved in the circum- ference^of the little epicycle, in the same direction with the centre of the great epi- cycle in the circumference of the defe- rent, but with a double angular velocity. The planet was supposed to be in the perigee of the little epicycle, when its centre was in the apogee of the greater ; and whilst, for instance, D moved equably though the angle DSd, F moved through h d f= D S d, and P through r f p = It is easy to show that this construc- tion gives nearly the same result as Ptolemy's ; for the deferent and great epicycle have been already shown ex- actly equivalent to an excentric circle round S, and indeed Copernicus latterly so represented it: the effect of his con- struction, as given above, may therefore be reproduced in the following simpler form, in which only the smaller epicycle is retained : In this construction, the place of the "planet is found at the end of any time proportional to F /, by drawing / r parallel to SF, and taking rfp = 2 F of. Hence it is plain, if we take O Q, equal to F P, (already assumed equal to of Ptolemy's excentricity of the equant,) since S O is equal to f cf the same, that S Q is the whole of Ptolemy's ex- centricity of the equant ; and therefore, that Q is the position of the centre of his equant. It is also plain if we join Qp, since rfp = 2Fo/, and oQ = .fp,'\ that p Q is parallel to fo, and, therefore, p Q P is proportional to the time ; so that the planet moves uni- formly about the same point Q, as in Plolwiry's theory ; and if we bisect S Q in C, which is the position of tVie centre of Ptolemy's deferent, the planet will, according to Copernicus, move very nearly, though not exactly, in the same circle, whose radius is C P, as that given by the simple excentric theory. The explanation offered by Coperni- cus, of the motions of the inferior pla- nets, differed again in form from that of the others. He here introduced what was called a hypocycle, which, in fact, was nothing but a deferent not including the sun, round which the centre of the orbit revolved. An epicycle in addition to the hypocycle was introduced into Mercury's orbit. In this epicycle he was not supposed to revolve, but to librate, or move up and down in its diameter. Copernicus had recourse to this complication to satisfy an erroneous assertion of Ptolemy with regard to some of Mercury's inequalities. He also re- tained the oscillatory motions ascribed by Ptolemy to the planes of the epicy- cles, in order to explain the unequal latitudes observed at the same distance from the nodes, or intersections of the orbit of the planet with the ecliptic. Into this intricacy, also, he was led by placing too much confidence in Ptolemy's obser- vations, which he was unable to satisfy by an unvarying obliquity. Other very important errors, such as his belief that the line of nodes always coincided with the line of apsides, or places of greatest and least distance from the central body, (whereas, at that time, in the case of Mars, for instance, they were nearly 90 asunder,) prevented him from accurately representing many of the celestial phe- nomena. These brief details may serve to show that the adoption or rejection of the theory of Copernicus was not altogether so simple a question as sometimes it may have been considered. It is, how- ever, not a little remarkable, while it is strongly illustrative of the spirit of the times, that these very intricacies, with which Kepler's theories have enabled us to dispense, were the only parts of the system of Copernicus that were at first received with approbation. His theory of Mercury, especially, was considered a masterpiece of subtle invention. Owing to his dread of the urifavourable judgment he anticipated on the main principles of his system, his work re- mained unpublished during forty years, and was at last given to the world only just in time to allow Copernicus to re- ceive the first copy of it a few hours before his death. KEPLER. CHAPTER V. Account of the Commentaries on the motions of Mars Discovery of the Law of 'the equable description of ' A reas, and of Elliptic Orbits. WE may now proceed to examine Kep- ler's innovations, but it would be doing injustice to one of the brightest points of his character, not to preface them by his own animated exhortation to his readers. " If any one be too dull to com- prehend the science of astronomy, or too feeble-minded to believe in Copernicus without prejudice to his piety, my advice to such a one is, that he should quit the astronomical schools, and condemning, if he has a mind, any or all of the theories of philosophers, let him look to his own affairs, and leaving this worldly travail, let him go home and plough his fields: and as often as he lifts up to this goodly heaven those eyes with which alone he is able to see, let him pour out his heart in praises and thanksgiving to God the Creator ; and let him not fear but he is offering a worship not less ac- ceptable than his to whom God has granted to see yet more clearly with the eyes of his mind, and who both can and will praise his God for what he has so discovered." Kepler did not by any means under- rate the importance of his labours, as is sufficiently shewn by the sort of collo- quial motto which he prefixed to his work. It consists in the first instance of an extract from the writings of the celebrated and unfortunate Peter Ramus. This distinguished philosopher was pro- fessor of mathematics in Paris, and in the passage in question, after calling on his contemporaries to turn their thoughts towards the establishment of a system of Astronomy unassisted by any hypo- thesis, he promised as an additional in- ducement to vacate his own chair in fa- vour of any one who should succeed in this object. Ramus perished in the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and Kepler apostrophizes him as follows : " It is well, Ramus, that you have forfeited your pledge, by quitting your life and profes- sorship together :"for if you still held it, I would certainly claim it as of right be- longing to me on account of this work, as I could convince you even with your own logic." It was rather bold in Kepler to assert his claim to a reward held out for a theory resting on no hypothesis, by light of a work filled with hypotheses of the most startling description ; but ot" the vast importance of this book there can be no doubt ; and throughout the many wild and eccentric ideas to which we are introduced in the course of it, it is fit always to bear in mind that they form part of a work which is almost the basis of modern Astronomy." The introduction contains a curious criticism of the. commonly-received theory of gravity, accompanied with a declaration of Kepler's own opinions on the same subject. Some of the most remarkable passages in it have been already quoted in the life of Galileo ; but, nevertheless, they are too important to Kepler's reputation to be omitted here, containing as they do a distinct and positive enunciation of the law of uni- versal gravitation. It does not appear, however, that Kepler estimated rightly the importance of the theory here traced out by him, since on every other occa- sion he advocated principles with which it is scarcely reconcileable. The dis- cussion is introduced in the following terms : " The motion of heavy bodies hinders many from believing that the earth is moved by- an animal motion, or rather a magnetic one. Let such consider the following propositions. A mathematical point, whether the centre of the universe or not, has no power, either effectively or objectively, to move heavy bodies to approach it. Let physicians prove if they can, that such power can be pos- sessed by a point, which neither is a body, nor is conceived unless by rela- tion alone. It is impossible that the form* of a stone should, by moving its own body, seek a mathematical point, or in other words, the centre of the uni- verse, without regard of the body in which that point exists. Let physicians prove if they can, that natural things have any sympathy with that which is nothing. Neither do heavy bodies tend to the centre of the universe by reason that they are avoiding the extremities of the round universe ; for their distance from the centre is insensible, in propor- tion to their distance from the extremi- ties of the universe. And what reason could there be for this hatred ? How strong, how wise must those heavy bodies be, to be able to escape so care- fully from an enemy lying on all sides of * It is not very easy to carry the understanding aright among these Aristotelian ideas. Many at the present day might think they understood better what is meant, if for " form" had been written " nature." ~K 24 KEPLER. them : what activity in the extremities of the world to press their enemy so closely! Neither are heavy bodies driven into the centre by the whirling of the first moveable, as happens in revolv- ing water. For if we assume such a motion, either it would not be con- tinued down to us, or otherwise we should feel it, and be carried away with it, and the earth also with us ; nay, rather, we should be hurried away first, and the earth would follow ; all which conclusions are allowed by our oppo- nents to be absurd. It is therefore plain that the vulgar theory of gravity is erro- neous. The true theory of gravity is founded on the following axioms : Every corpo- real substance, so far forth as it is corpo- real, has a natural fitness for resting in every place where it may be situated by itself beyond the sphere of influence of a body cognate with it. Gravity is a mu- tual affection between cognate bodies towards union or conjunction (similar in kind to the magnetic virtue), so that the earth attracts a stone much rather than the stone seeks the earth. Heavy bodies (if we begin by assuming the earth to be in the centre of the world) are not carried to the centre of the world in its quality of centre of the world, but as to the centre of a cognate round body, namely, the earth ; so that wheresoever the earth may be placed, or whitherso- ever it may be carried by its animal faculty, heavy bodies will always be carried towards it. If the earth were not round, heavy bodies would not tend from every side in a straight line towards the centre of the earth, but to different points from different sides. I f two stones were placed in any part of the world near each other, and beyond the sphere of influence of a third cognate body, these stones, like two magnetic needles, would come together in the intermediate point, each approaching the other by a space proportional to the comparative mass of the other. If the moon and earth were not retained in their orbits by their ani- mal force or some other equivalent, the earth would mount to the moon by a lifty-fourth part of their distance, and the moon fall towards the earth through the other fifty-three parts and they would there meet ; assuming however that the substance of both is of the same density. If the earth should cease to attract its waters to itself, all the waters of the sea would be raised and would flow to 1he body Of the moon. The sphere of the at- tractive virtue which is in the moon ex- tends as far as the earth, and entices up the waters ; but as the moon flies rapidly , across the zenith, and the waters cannot follow so quickly, a flow of the ocean is occasioned in the torrid zone towards the westward. If the attractive virtue of the moon extends as far as the earth, it follows with greater reason that the attractive virtue of the earth extends as far as the moon, and much farther; and in short, nothing which consists of earthly substance any how constituted, although thrown up to any height, can ever escape the powerful operation of this attractive virtue. Nothing which consists of corporeal matter is absolutely light, but that is comparatively lighter which is rarer, either by its own nature, or by accidental heat. And it is not to be thought that light bodies are escaping to the surface of the universe while they are carried upwards, or that they are not attracted by the earth. They are at- tracted, but in a less degree, and so are driven outwards by the heavy bodies ; which being done, they stop, and are kept by the earth in their own place. But although the attractive virtue of the earth extends upwards, as has been said, so very far, yet if any stone should be at a distance great enough to become sen- sible, compared with the earth's dia- meter, it is true that on the motion of the earth such a stone would not follow altogether ; its own force of resistance would be combined with the attractive force of the earth, and thus it would extricate itself in some degree from the motion of the earth/' Who, after perusing such passages in the works of an author, whose writings were in the hands of every student of as- tronomy, can believe that Newton waited for the fall of an apple to set him think- ing for the first time on the theory which has immortalized his name ? An apple may have fallen, and Newton may have seen it; but such speculations as those which it is asserted to have been the cause of originating in him had been long familiar to the thoughts of every one in Europe pretending to the ritinu of natural philosopher. As Kepler always professed to have derived his notion of a magnetic attrac- tion among the planetary" bodies from the writings of Gilbert, it may be worth while to insert here an extract from the " New Philosophy " of that author, to show in what form lie presented a simi- lar theory of the tides, winch aiibuls the KEPLER. 25 most striking illustration of that attrac- tion. This work was not published till the middle of the seventeenth century, but a knowledge of its contents may, in several instances, be traced back to the period in which it was writlen : " There are two primary causes of the motion of the seas the moon, and the diurnal revolution. The moon does not act on the seas by its rays or its light. How then ? Certainly by the common effort of the bodies, and (to ex- plain it by something similar) by their magnetic attraction. It should be known, in the first place, that the whole quan- tity of water is not contained in the sea and rivers, but that the mass of earth (I mean this globe) contains moisture and spirit much deeper even than the sea. The moon draws this out by sympathy, so that they burst forth on the arrival of the moon, in consequence of the at- traction of that star ; and for the same reason, the quicksands which are in the sea open themselves more, and per- spire their moisture and spirits during the flow of the tide, and the whirlpools in the sea disgorge copious waters ; and as the star retires, they devour the same again, and attract the spirits and mois- ture of the terrestrial globe. Hence the moon attracts, not so much the sea as the subterranean spirits and humours ; and the interposed earth has no more power of resistance than a table or any other dense body has to resist the force of a magnet. The sea rises from the greatest depths, in consequence of the ascending humours and spirits ; and when it is raised up, it necessarily flows on to the shores, and from the shores it enters the rivers/'* This passage, sets in the strongest light one of the most notorious errors of the older philosophy, to which Kepler himself was remarkably addicted. If Gilbert had asserted, in direct terms, that the moon attracted the water, it is certain that the notion would have been stigmatized (as it was for a long time in Newton's hands) jas arbitrary, occult, and unphilosophical : the idea of these subterranean humours was likely to be treated with much more indulgence. A simple statement, that when the moon was over the water the latter had a ten- dency to rise towards it, was thought to convey no instruction ; but the asser- tion that the moon draws out subterra- nean spirits by sympathy, carried with it * De mundo nostro sublunari, Philosophia Nova, Amsteiodami, JCoi, a more imposing appearance of theory. The farther removed these humoms were from common experience, the easier it became to discuss them in vague and general language ; and those who called themselves philosophers could endure to hear attributes bestowed on these fictitious elements which revolted their imaginations when applied to things of whose reality at least some evidence existed. It is not necessary to dwell upon the system of Tycho Brahe, which was^ iden- tical, as we have said, with one rejected by Copernicus, and consisted in making the sun revolve about the earth, carrying with it all the other planets revolving about him. Tycho went so far as to deny the rotation of the earth to explain the vicissitudes of day and night, but even his favourite assistant Longomon- tanus differed from him in this part of his theory. The great merit of Tycho Brahe, and the service he rendered to astronomy, was entirely independent of any theory ; consisting in the vast accu- mulation of observations made by him during a residence of fifteen years at Uraniburg, with the assistance of instru- ments, and with a degree of care, very far superior to anything known before his time in practical astronomy. Kepler is careful repeatedly to remind us.that with- out Tycho' s observations he could have done nothing. The degree of reliance that might be placed on the results obtained by observers who acknowledged their in- feriority to Tycho Brahe', maybe gathered from an incidental remark of Kepler to Longomontanus. He had been examin- ing Tycho' s registers, and had occasion- ally found a difference amounting some- times to 4' in the right ascensions of the same planet, deduced from different stars on the same night. Longomontanus could not deny the fact, but declared that it was impossible to be always correct within such limits. The reader should never lose sight of this uncertainty in the observations, when endeavouring to estimate the difficulty of finding a theory that would properly represent them. When Kepler first joined Tycho Brahe at Prague, he found him and Longomon- tanus very busily engaged in correct- ing the theory of Mars, and accordingly it was this planet to which he also first directed his attention. They had formed a catalogue of the mean oppositions of Mars during twenty years, and had disco- vered a position of the equant, which (as they said) represented them with tolerable KEPLER. exactness. On the other hand, they were much embarrassed by the unexpected difficulties they met in applying a sys- tem which seemed on the one hand so accurate, to the determination of the lati- tudes, with which it could in no way be made to agree. Kepler had already sus- pected the cause of this imperfection, and was confirmed in the 'view he took of their theory, when, on a more careful examination, he found that they over- rated the accuracy even of their longi- tudes. The errors in these, instead of amounting as they said, nearly to 2', rose sometimes above 21'. In fact they had reasoned ill on their own principles, and even if the foundations of their theory had been correctly laid, could not have arrived at true results. But Kepkr had satisfied himself of the contrary, and the following diagram shews the na- ture of the first alteration he introduced, not perhaps so celebrated as some of his later discoveries, but at least of equal consequence to astronomy, which could never have been extricated from the confusion into which it had fallen, till this important change had been effected. The practice of Tycho Brahe, indeed of all astronomers till the time of Kepler, had been to fix the position of the pla- net's orbit and equant from observa- tions on its mean oppositions, that is to say, on the times when it was precisely six signs or half a circle distant from the mean place of the sun. In the annexed figure, let S represent the sun, C the centre of the earth's orbit, T /. Tycho Brahe's practice amounted to this, that if Q were supposed the place of the centre of the planet's equant, the centre of P p its orbit was taken in Q C, and not in Q S, as Kepler suggested that it ought to Le taken. The consequence of this erroneous practice was, that the observa- tions were deprived of the character for which oppositions were selected, of being entirely tree from the second inequalities. It followed therefore that as part of the second inequalities were made con- ducive towards fixing the relative posi- tion of the orbit and equant, to which they did not naturally belong, there was an additional perplexity in accounting for the remainder of them by the size and motion of the epicycle. As the line of nodes of every planet was also made to pass through C instead of S, there could not fail to be corresponding errors in the latitudes. It would only be in the rare case of an opposition of the planet, in the line C S, that the time of .its taking place would be the same, whether O, the centre of the orbit, was placed in C Q or S Q. Every other opposition would in- volve an error, so much the greater as it was observed at a greater distance from the line G S. It was long however before Tycho Brahe could be made to acquiesce in the propriety of the proposed alteration ; and, in order to remove his doubts as to the possibility that a method could be erro- neous which, as he still thought, had given him such accurate longitudes, Kepler undertook the ungrateful labour of the first part of his " Commentaries." He there shewed, in the three systems of Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, and Ptolemy, and in both the concentric and excentric theories, that though a false position were given to the orbit, the longitudes of a planet might be so represented, by a proper position of the centre of the equant, as never to err in oppositions above 5' from those given by observa- tion ; though the second inequalities and the latitudes would thereby be very greatly deranged. The change Kepler introduced, of ob- serving apparent instead of mean oppo- sitions, made it necessary to be very ac- curate in his reductions of the planet's place to the ecliptic ; and in order to be able to do this, a previous knowledge of the parallax of Mars became indispen- sable. His next labour was therefore directed to this point ; and finding that the assistants to whom Tycho Brahe had previously committed this labour had performed it in a negligent and imper- fect manner, he began afresh with Tycho's original observations. Having satisfied himself as to the probable limits of his errors in the parallax on which he finally fixed, he proceeded to de- termine the inclination of the orbit and KEPLER. Ihe position of the line of nodes. In all these operations his talent for as- tronomical inquiries appeared pre-emi- nent in a variety of new methods by which he combined and availed him- self of the observations ; but it must be sufficient merely to mention this fact, without entering into any detail. One important result may be mentioned, at which he arrived in the course of them, the constancy of the inclination of the planet's orbil, which naturally strength- ened him in his new theory. Having gone through these preliminary inquiries, he came at last to fix the pro- portions of the orbit ; and, in doing so, he determined, in the first instance, not to as- sume, as Ptolemy appeared to have done arbitrarily, the bisection of the excen- tricity, but to investigate its proportion along with the other elements of the orbit, which resolution involved him in much more laborious calculations. After he had gone over all the steps of his theory no less than seventy times an appalling la- bo ur,especially if we remember that loga- rithms were not then invented his final result, was, that in 1587, on the 6th of March, at 7 h 23', the longitude of the aphelion of Mars was 4 s 28 48' 55" ; that the planet's mean longitude was 6 s 51' 35 7 ; that if the semidiameter of the orbit was taken at 1000UO, the excen- tricity was 1 1 332 ; and the excentricity of the equant 18564. He fixed the radius of the greater epicycle at 14988, and that of the smaller at 3628. When he came to compare the longi- tudes as given by this, which he after- wards called the vicarious theory, with the observations at opposition, the result seemed to promise him the most bril- liant success. His greatest error did not exceed 2'; but, notwithstanding these flattering anticipations, he soon found by a comparison of longitudes out of opposition and of latitudes, that it was yet far from being so com- plete as he had imagined, and to his in- finite vexation he soon found that the labour of four years, which he had ex- pended on this theory, must be consi- dered almost entirely fruitless. Even his favourite principle of dividing the excentricity in a different ratio from Ptolemy, was found to lead him ' into greater error than if he had retained the old bisection. By restoring that, he made his latitudes more accurate, but pro- duced a corresponding change for the worse in his longitudes ; and although the errors of 8', to which they now - amounted, would probably have been disregarded by former theorists, Kepler could not remain satisfied till they were accounted for. Accordingly he found himself forced to the conclusion that one of the two principles on which this theory rested must be erroneous ; either the orbit of the planet is not a perfect circle, or there is no fixed point within it round which it moves with an uniform angular motion. He had once before ad- mitted the possibility of the former of these facts, conceiving it possible that the motion of the planets is not at all curvi- linear, but that they move in polygons round the sun, a notion to which he pro- bably inclined in consequence of his fa- vourite harmonics and geometrical figures. In consequence of the failure of a theory conducted with such care in all its practical details, Kepler determined that his next trial' should be of an en- tirely different complexion. Instead of first satisfying the first inequalities of the planet, and then endeavouring to ac- count for the second inequalities, he re- solved to reverse the process, or, in other words, to ascertain as accurately as possible what part of the planet's apparent motion should be referred solely to the optical illusion produced by the motion of the earth, before pro- ceeding to any inquiry of the real in- equality of the planet's proper motion. It had been hitherto taken for granted, that the earth moved equably round the centre of its orbit ; but Kepler, on re- suming the consideration of it, recurred to an opinion he had entertained very early in his astronomical career (rather from his conviction of the existence of general laws, than that he had then felt the want of such a supposition), that it required an equant distinct from its orbit no Jess than the other planets. He now saw, that if this were admitted, the changes it would everywhere intro- duce in the optical part of the planet's irregularities might perhaps relieve him from the perplexity "in which the vica- rious theory had involved him. Ac- cordingly he applied himself with re- newed assiduity to the examination of this important question, and the result of his calculations (founded principally on observations of Mars' parallax) soon satisfied him not only that the earth's orbit does require such an equant, but that its centre is placed according to the general law of the bisection of the ex- centricity which he had previously found 23 KEPLER. indispensable in the other planets. This \v as an innovation of the first magni- tude, and accordingly Kepler did not venture to proceed farther in his theory, till by evidence of the most varied and satisfactory nature, he had established it beyond the possibility of cavil. It may be here remarked, that this principle of the bisection of the eccen- tricity, so familiar to the Ptolemaic as- tronomers, is identical with the theory afterwards known by the name of the simple elliptic hypothesis, advocated by. Seth Ward and others. That hypothesis* consisted in supposing the sun to be placed in one focus of the elliptic orbit of the planet, whose angular motion was uniform round the other focus. In Ptolemaic phraseology, that other focus was the centre of the equant, and it is well known that the centre of the ellipse lies in the middle point between the two foci. It was at this period also, that Kepler first ventured upon the new method of representing inequalities which termi- nated in one of his most celebrated dis- coveries. We have already seen, in the account of the " Mysterium Cosmogra- phicum," that he was speculating, even at that time, on the effects of a whirling force exerted by the sun on the planets with diminished energy at increased dis- tances, and on the proportion observed between the distances of the planets from the sun, and their periods of revolution. He seems even then to have believed in the possibility of discovering a relation between the tinges and distances in dif- ferent planets. Another analogous con- sequence of his theory of the radiation of the whirling force would be, that if the same planet should recede to a greater distance from the central body, it would be acted on by a'diminished energy of revolution, and consequently, a relation might be found between the velocity at any point of its orbit, and its distance at that point from the sun. Hence he expected to derive a more direct and natural method of calculating the in- equalities, than from th.3 imaginary equant. But these ingenious ideas had been checked in the outset by the errone- ous belief which Kepler, in common with other astronomers, then entertained of the coincidence of the earth's equantr with its orbit ; in other words, by the belief that the earth's linear motion was uniform, though it was known not to remain constantly at the same distance from the sun, As soon as this prejudice was removed, his former ideas recurred to him with increased force, and he set himself diligently to consider what re- lation could be found between the ve- locity and distance of a planet from tli3 sun. The method he adopted in the be- ginning of this inquiry was to assume as approximately correct Ptolemy's doc- trine of the bisection of the excentricity, and to investigate some simple relation nearly representing the same effect. In the annexed figure, S is the place of the sun, C the centre of the planet's orbit A B a b, Q the centre of the equant represented by the equal circle D E d e, AB, ab, two equal small arcs described by the planet at the apsides of its orbit : then, according to Ptolemy's principles, the arc D E of the equant would be pro- portional to the time of passing along A B, on the same scale on which de would represent the time of passing through the equal arc a b. Q D ; Q A : : D E : A B, nearly ; and because Q S is bisected in C, Q A, CA or Q D, and S A, are in arithmetical proportion: and, therefore, since an arithmetical mean, when the difference is small, does not differ much from a geometrical mean, Q D : Q A : : S A : Q D, nearly. Therefore, D E : A B :.: S A : Q D, nearly, and in the same man- ner d e : a b : : S a : Qd nearly ; and therefore DE: c?e : : S A : S a nearly. Therefore at the apsides, the times of passing over equal spaces, on Ptolemy's theory, are nearly as the distances from the sun, and Kepler, with his usual hastiness, immediately concluded that this was the accurate and general law, and that the errors of the old theory arose solely from having departed from ii. It followed immediately from this assumption, that after leaving the point A, the time in which the planet would KEPLER. 29 arrive at any point P of its orbit would be proportional to, and might be represented by, the sums of all the lines that could be drawn from S to the arc A P, on the same scale that the whole period of revolution would be denoted by the sum of all the lines drawn to every point of the orbit. Kepler's first at- tempt to verify this supposition ap- proximately, was made by dividing the whole circumference of the orbit into 360 equal parts, and calculating the distances at every one of the points of division. Then supposing the planet to move uniformly, and to remain at the same distance from the sun during the time of passing each one of these divisions, (a supposition which manifestly would not differ much from the former one, and would coincide with it more nearly, the greater was the number of divisions taken) he proceeded to add together these calculated distances, and hoped to find that the time of arriving at any one of the divisions bore the same ratio to the whole period, as the sum of the corresponding set of distances did to the sum of the whole 360. This theory was erroneous ; but by al- most miraculous good fortune, he was led by it in the following manner to the true measure. The discovery was aeon- sequence of the tediousness of his first method, which required, in order to know the time of arriving at any point, that the circle should be subdivided, until one of the points of division fell exactly upon the given place. Kepler therefore endeavoured to discover some shorter method of representing these sums of the distances. The idea then occurred to him of employing for that purpose the area inclosed between the two dis- tances, S A, S P, and the arc A P, in imitation of the manner in which he remembered that Archimedes had found the area of the circle, by dividing it into an infinite number of small tri- angles by lines drawn from the centre. He hoped therefore to find, that the time of passing from A to P bore nearly the same ratio to the whole period of revolution that the area ASP bore to the whole circle. This last proportion is in fact accu- rately observed in the revolution of one body round another, in consequence of an attractive force in the central body. Newton afterwards proved this, ground- ing his demonstration upon laws of motion altogether irreconcileable with Kepler's opinions ; and it is impossible not to admire Kepler's singular good fortune in arriving at this correct result in spite, or rather through the means, of his erroneous principles. It is true that the labour which he bestowed unspar- ingly upon every one of his successive guesses, joined with his admirable can- dour, generally preserved him from long retaining a theory altogether at variance with observations ; and if any relation subsisted between the times and dis- tances which could any way be express- ed by any of the geometrical quantities under consideration, he could scarcely have failed it might be twenty years earlier or twenty years later, to light upon it at last, having once put his in- defatigable fancy upon this scent. But in order to prevent an over-estimate of his merit in detecting this beautiful law of nature, let us for a moment reflect what might have been his fate had he endeavoured in the same manner, and with the same perseverance, to discover a relation, where, in reality, none exist- ed. Let us take for example the incli- nations or the excentricities of the planetary orbits, among which no rela- tion has yet been discovered ; and if any exists, it is probably of too complicated a nature to be hit at a venture. If Kep- ler had exerted his ingenuity in this direction, he might have wasted his life in fruitless labour, and whatever repu- tation he might have left behind him as an industrious calculator, it would have been very far inferior to that which has procured for him the proud title of the " Legislator of the Heavens." However this may be, the immediate consequence of thus lighting upon the real law observed by the earth in its pas- sage round the sun was, that he found himself in possession of a much more ac- curate method of representing its inequa- lities than had been reached by any of his predecessors ; and with renewed hopes he again attacked the planet Mars, whose path he was now able to Consider undistorted by the illusions arising out of the motion of the earth. Had the path of Mars been accurately circular, or even as nearly approaching a circle as that of the earth, the method he chose of determining its position and size by means of three distances carefully calculated from his observed parallaxes, would have given a satisfactory result ; but finding, as he soon did, that almost every set of three distances led him to a different result, he began to suspect another error in the long-received opi- 30 KEPLER. nion, that the orbits of the planets must consist of a combination of circles ; he therefore determined, in the first in- stance, to fix the distances of the planet at the apsides without any reference to the form of the intermediate orbit. Half the difference between these would, of course, be the excentricity of the orbit ; and as this quantity came out very nearly the same as had been determined on the vicarious theory, it seemed clear that the error of that theory, whatever it might be, did not lie in these elements. Kepler also found that in the case of this planet likewise, the times of describ- ing equal arcs at the apsides were pro- portional to its distances from the sun, and he naturally expected that the me- thod of areas would measure the planet's motion with as much accuracy as he had found in the case of the earth. This hope was disappointed : when he calculated the motion of the planet by this method, he obtained places too much advanced when near the apsides, and too little advanced at the mean distances. He did not, on that account, immediately reject the opinion of circular orbits, but was rather inclined to suspect the principle of measurement, at which he felt that he had arrived in rather a precarious manner. He was fully sensible that his areas did not accurately represent the sums of any distances except those measured from the centre of the circle ; and for some time he abandoned the hope of beino; able to use this substitu- tion, which he always considered merely as an approximate representation of the true measure, the sum of the distances. But on examination he found that the errors of this substitution were nearly insensible, and those it did in fact pro- duce, were in the contrary direction of the errors he was at this time combating. As soon as he had satisfied himself of this, he ventured once more on the sup- position, which by this time had, in his eyes, almost acquired the force of demon- stration, that the orbits of the planets are not circular, but of an oval form, retiring within the circle at the mean distances, and coinciding with it at the apsides. This notion was not altogether new ; it had been suggested in the case of Mercury, by Purbach, in his " Theories of the Planets." In the edition of this work published by Reinhold, the pupil of Copernicus, \ve read the following passage. " Sixthly, it appears from what lias been said, that the centre of Mercury's epicycle, by reason of the motions above-mentioned, does not, as is the case with the other planets, de- scribe the circumference of a circular deferent, but rather the periphery of a figure resembling a plane oval." To this is added the following note by Reinhold. " The centre of the Moon's epicycle de- scribes a path of a lenticular shape ; Mercury's on the contrary is egg-shaped, the big end lying towards his apogee, and the little end'towards his perigee*." The excentricity of Mercury's orbit is, in fact, much greater than "that of any of the other planets, and the merit of making this first step cannot reasonably be withheld from Purbach and his com- mentator, although they did not pursue the inquiry so far as Kepler found him- self in a condition to do. Before proceeding to the considera- tion of the particular oval which Kepler fixed upon in the first instance, it will be necessary, in order to render intelli- gible the source of many of his doubts and difficulties, to make known some- thing more of his theory of the moving force by which he supposed the planets to be carried round in their orbits. In conformity with the plan hitherto pur- sued, this shall be done as much as pos- sible in his own words. " It is one of the commonest axioms in natural philosophy, that if two things al- ways happen together and in the same manner, and admit the same measure, either the one is the cause of the other, or both are the effect of a common cause. In the present case, the increase or lan- guor of motion invariably corresponds with an approach to or departure from the centre of the universe. Therefore, either the languor is the cause of the departure of the star, or the departure of the languor, or both have a common cause. But no one can be of opinion that there is a concurrence of any third thing to be a common cause of these two effects, and in the following chap- ters it will be made clear that there is no occasion to imagine any such third thing, since the two are of themselves sufficient. Now, it is not agreeable to the nature of things that activity or languor in linear motion should be the cause of distance from the centre. For, distance from the centre is conceived anteriorly to linear motion. In fact linear motion cannot exist without dis- * Theories novre plauetarum. G. Purbachii, rurisiis, K>'>o. KEPLER. 31 tance from the centre, since it requires space for its accomplishment, but dis- tance from the centre can be conceived without motion. Therefore distance is the cause of the activity of motion, and a greater or less distance of a greater or less delay. And since distance is of the kind of relative quantities, whose es- sence consists in boundaries, (for there is no efficacy in relation per se without regard to bounds,) it follows that the cause of the varying activity of motion rests in one of the boundaries. But the body of the planet neither becomes heavier by receding, nor lighter by ap- proaching. Besides, it would perhaps be absurd on the very mention of it, that an animal force residing in the moveable body of the planet for the pur- pose of moving it, should exert and re- lax itself so often without weariness or decay. It remains, therefore, that the cause of this activity and languor re- sides at the other boundary, that is, in the very centre of the world, from which the distances are computed. Let us continue our investigation of this mov- ing virtue which resides in the sun, and we shall presently recognize its very close analogy to light. And although this moving virtue cannot be identical with the light of the sun, let others look to it whether the light is employed as a sort of instrument, or vehicle, to con- vey the moving virtue. There are these seeming contradictions: first, light is obstructed by opaque bodies, for which reason if the moving virtue travelled on the light, darkness would be followed by a stoppage of the moveable bodies. Again, light flows out in right lines spherically, the moving virtue in right lines also, but cylindrically ; that is, it turns in one direction only, from west to east ; not in the opposite direction, not towards the poles, &c. But perhaps we shall be able presently to reply to these objections. In conclusion, since there is as much virtue in a large and remote circle as in a narrow and close one, nothing of the virtue perishes in the passage from its source, nothing is scattered between the source and the moveable. Therefore the efflux, like that of light, is not material, and is unlike that of odours, which are accompanied by a loss of substance, unlike heat from a raging furnace, unlike eveiy other ema- nation by which mediums are filled. It remains, therefore, that as %ht which . illuminates all earthly things, is the im- material species of that fire which is in the body of the sun, so this virtue, em- bracing and moving all the planetary bodies, is the immaterial species of that virtue which resides in the sun itself, of incalculable energy, and so the primary act of all mundane motion. I should like to know who ever said that there was anything material in light ! Guided by our notion of the efflux of this species (or archetype), let us con- template the more intimate nature of the source itself. For it seems as, if something divine were latent in the body of the sun, and comparable to our own soul, whence that species emanates which drives round the planets ; just as from the mind of a slinger the species of motion sticks to the stones, and car- ries them forward, even after he who cast them has drawn back his hand. But to those who wish to proceed soberly, reflections differing a little from these will be offered." Our readers will, perhaps, be satisfied with the assurance, that these sober considerations will not enable them to form a much more accurate notion of Kepler's meaning than the passages already cited. We shall therefore pro- ceed to the various opinions he enter- tained on the motion of the planets. He considered it as established by his theory, that the centre E of the planet's epicycle (see fig. p. 33.) moved round the circumference of the deferent ~Dd, according to the law of the planet's dis- tances ; the point remaining to be settled was the motion of the planet in the epicycle. If it were made to move ac- cording to the same law, so that when the centre of the epicycle reached E,the planet should be at F, taking the angle BEF equal to BSA, it has been shewn (p. 19) that the path of F would still be a circle, excentric from Dd by DA the radius of the epicycle. But Kepler fancied that he saw many sound reasons why this could not be the true law of motion in the epicycle, on which reasons he relied much more firmly than on the indisputable fact, which he mentions as a collateral proof, that it was contradicted by the observa- tions. Some of these reasons are sub- joined : " In the beginning of the work it has been declared to be most absurd, that a planet (even though we suppose it endowed with mind) should form any notion of a centre, and a distance from it, if there be no body in that centre to serve for a distinguishing mark. And although you should say, that the planet 32 KEPLER. has respect to the sun, and knows be- forehand, and remembers the order in which the distances from the sun are comprised, so as to make a perfect ex- centric ; in the first place, this is rather far-fetched, and requires, in any mind, means for connecting the effect of an accurately circular path with the sign of an increasing and diminishing dia- meter of the sun. Butthere are no such means, except the position of the centre of the excentric at a given dis- tance from the sun ; and I have already said, that this is beyond the power of a mere mind. I do not deny that a centre may be imagined, and a circle round it ; but this I do say, if the circle exists only in imagination, with no external sign or division, that it is not possible that the path of a moveable body should be really ordered round it in an exact circle. Besides, if the planet chooses from memory its just distances from the sun, so as exactly to form a circle, it must also take from the same source, as if out of the Prussian or Alphonsine tables, equal excentric arcs, to be de- scribed in unequal times, and to be de- scribed by a force extraneous from the sun ; and thus would have, from its memory, a foreknowledge of what effects a virtue, senseless and extraneous from the sun, was about to produce : all these consequences are absurd." " It is therefore more agreeable 'to reason that the planet takes no thought, either of the excentric or epicycle ; but that the work which it accomplishes, or joins in effecting, is a libratory path in the diameter B b of the epicycle, in the direction towards the sun. The law is now to be discovered, according to which the planet arrives at the proper distances in anytime. And indeed in this inquiry, it is easier to say what the law is not than what it is/' Here, according to his custom, Kepler enumerates several laws of motion by which the planet might choose to regulate its energies, each of which is successively condemned. Only one of them is here mentioned, as a spe- cimen of the rest. " What then if we were to say this ? Although the motions of the planet are not epicyclical, perhaps the libration is so arranged that the dis- tances from the sun are equal to what they would have been in a real epicycli- cal motion. This leads to more incredi- ble consequences than the former suppo- sitions, and yet in the dearth of better opinions, let us for the present content ourselves with this. The greater num- ber of absurd conclusions it will be found to involve, the more ready will a physi- cian be, when we come to the fifty- second chapter, to admit what the observations testify, that the path of the planet is not circular." The first oval path on which Kepler was induced to fix, by these and many other similar considerations, was in the first instance very different from the true elliptical form. Most authors would have thought it unnecessary to detain their readers with a theory which they had once entertained and rejected ; but Kepler's work was written on a different plan. He thus introduces an explana- tion of his first oval. " As soon as I was thus taught by Brahe's very accu- rate observations that the orbit of a pla- net is not circular, but more compressed at the sides, on the instant 1 thought that I understood the natural cause of this deflection. But the old proverb was verified in my case ; the more haste the less speed. For having violently la- boured in the 39th chapter, in conse- quence of my inability to find a suffi- ciently probable cause why the orbit of the planet should be a perfect circle, (some absurdities always remaining with respect to that virtue which resides in the body of the planet,) and having now discovered from the observations, that the orbit is not a perfect circle, I felt fu- riously inclined to believe that if the theory which had been recognized as absurd, when employed in the 39th chapter for the purpose of fabricating a circle, were modulated into a more pro- bable form, it would produce an accurate orbit agreeing with the observations. If I had entered on this course a little more warily, I might have detected the truth immediately. But, being blinded by my eagerness, and not sufficiently re- gardful of every part of the 39th chapter, and clinging to my first opinion, which offered itself to me with a wonderful show of probability, on account of the equable motion in the epicycle, I got en- tangled in new perplexities, with which we shall now have to struggle in this 45th chapter and the following ones as far as the 50th chapter." In this theory, Kepler supposed that whilst the centre of the epicycle was moving round a circular deferent accord- ing to the law of the planets' distances (or areas) the planet itself moved equably in the epicycle, with the mean angular velocity of its centre in the deferent. In consequence of this.supposjtion, since KEPLER. 33 at D, when the planet is at A. the aphe- lion, the motion in the deferent is less than the mean motion, the planet will have ad- vanced through an angle B E P greater than B E F or B S A, through which the centre of the epicycle has moved ; and consequently, the path will lie every- where within the circle A a, except at the apsides. Here was a new train of laborious calculations to undergo for the purpose of drawing the curve AP a according to this law, and of measuring the area of any part of it. After a variety of fruitless attempts, for this curve is one of singular complexity, he was reduced, as a last resource, to sup- pose it insensibly different from an ellipse on the same principal axes, as an approximate means of estimating its area. Not content even with the results so obtained, and not being able to see very clearly what might be the effect of his alteration in substituting the ellipse for the oval, and in other simplifications introduced by him, he had courage enough to obtain the sums of the 360 distances by direct calculation, as he had done in the old circular theory. In the preface to his book he had spoken of his labours under the allegory of a war carried on by him against the planet; and when exulting in the early prospects of success this calculation seemed to offer, he did not omit once more to warn his readers, in his peculiar strain, that this exultation was premature. " Allow me, gentle reader, to enjoy so splendid a triumph for one little day (I mean through the five next chapters), meantime be all rumours suppressed of new rebellion, that pur preparations may not perish, yielding us no delight. Hereafter if anything shall come to pass, we will go through it in its own time and season ; now let us be merry, as then we will be bold and vigorous." At the time foretold, that is to say, at the end of the five merry chapters, the bad news could no longer be kept a secret. It is announced in the following bulletin : " While thus triumphing over Mars, and preparing for him, as for one altogether vanquished, tabular prisons, and equated eccentric fetters, it is buzzed here and there that the victory is vain, and that the war is raging anew as violently as before. For the enemy, left at home a despised captive, has burst all the chains of the equations, and broken forth of the prisons of the tables. For no method of geometrically administering the theory of the 45th chapter was able to come near the accu- racy of approximation of the vicarious theory of the 16th chapter, -which gave me true equations derived from false principles. Skirmishers, disposed all round the circuit of the excentric, (I mean the true distances,) routed my forces of physical causes levied out of the '45th chapter, and shaking off the yoke, regained their liberty. And now there was little to prevent the fugitive enemy from effecting a junction with his rebellious supporters, and reducing me to despair, had I not suddenly -sent into the field a reserve of new physical rea- sonings on the rout and dispersion of the veterans, and diligently followed, with- out allowing him the slightest respite, in the direction in which he had broken out.' 7 In plainer terms, Kepler found, after this labour was completed, that the errors in longitude he was still subject to were precisely of an opposite nature to those he had found with the circle ; instead of being too quick at the ap- sides, the planet was now too slow there, and too much accelerated in the mean distances ; and the distances obtained from direct observation were every- where greater, except at the apsides, than those furnished by this oval theory. It was in the course of these tedious investigations that he established, still more satisfactorily than he had before done, that the inclinations of the planets' orbits are invariable, and that the lines of their nodes "pass through the centre of the Sun, and not, as before his time had been supposed, through the centre of the ecliptic. When Kepler found with certainty that this oval from which he expected so much would not satisfy the obser- vations, his vexation was extreme, not merely from the mortification of finding a theory confuted on which he had spent KEPLER. such excessive labour, for he was accus- tomed to disappointments of that kind, but principally from many anxious and fruitless speculations as to the real phy- sical causes why the planet did not move in the supposed epicycle, that being the point of view, as has been already shewn, from which he always preferred to begin his inquiries. One part of the reason- ing by which he reconciled himself to the failure exhibits much too curious a view of the state of his mind to be passed over in silence. The argument is founded on the difficulty which he met with, as abovementioned, in calcu- lating the proportions of the oval path he had imagined. "In order that you may see the cause of the impracti- cability of this method which we have just gone through, consider on what foundations it rests. The planet is sup- posed to move equably in the epicycle, and to be carried by the Sun unequably in the proportion of the distances. But by this method it is impossible to be known how much of the oval path cor- responds to any given time, although the distance at that part is known, un- less we first know the length of the whole oval. But the length of the oval cannot be known, except from the law of the entry of the planet within the sides of the circle. But neither can the law of this entry be known before we know how much of the oval path cor- responds to any given time. Here you see that there is a petitio principii ; and in my operations I was assuming that of which [ was in search, namely,the length of the oval. This is at least not the fault of my understanding, but it is also most alien to the primary Ordainer of the planetary courses : I have never yet found so ungeometrical a contrivance in his other works. Therefore we must either hit upon some other method of reducing the theory of the 45th chapter to calculation ; or if that cannot be done, the theory itself, suspected on account of {\\ispetitioprincipii, will totter." Whilst his mind was thus occupied, one of those extraordinary accidents which it has been said never occur but to those capable of deriving advantage from them (but which, in fact, are never noticed when they occur to any one else), fortunately Sit him once more upon the right path, alf the extreme breadth between the oval and the circle nearly represented the errors of his distances at the mean point, and he found that this half was 429 parts of a radius, consisting of 100000 parts ; and happening to advert to the greatest optical inequality of Mars, which amounts to about 5 18', it struck him that 429 was precisely the excess of the secant of 5 18' above the radius taken at 100000. This was a ray of light, and, to use his own words, it roused him as out of sleep. In short, this single observation was enough to produce conviction in his singularly constituted mind, that instead of the distances S F, he should every- where substitute F V, determined by drawing S V perpendicular on the line F C, since the excess of S F above F V is manifestly that of the secant above the radius in the optical equation S F C at that point. It is still more extraor- dinary that a substitution made for such a reason should have the luck,"as is again the case, to be the right one. This substitution in fact amounted to supposing that the planet, instead of being at the distance S P or S F, was at S n ; or, in other words, that instead of revolving in the circumference, it librated in the diameter of the epicycle, which was to him an additional recommendation. Upon this new supposition a fresh set of distances was rapidly calculated, and to Kepler's inexpressible joy, they were found to agree with the observations within the limits of the errors to which the latter were necessarily subject; Not- withstanding this success, he had to undergo, before arriving at the success- ful termination of his labours, one more disappointment. Although the distance corresponding to a time from the aphe- lion represented approximately by the area ASF, was thus found to be accu- rately represented by the line S n, there was still an error with regard to the di- rection in which that distance was to be measured. Kepler's fir.^t idea was to set it off in the direction S F, but this he found to lead to inaccurate longitudes ; KEPLEtt. 35 and it was not until after much per- plexity, driving him, as he tells us, "almost to insanity," that he satisfied himself that the distance S Q tqual to FV ought to betaken terminating in F m, the line from F perpendicular to A a, the line of apsides, and that the curve so traced out by Q would be an accurate ellipse. He then found to his equal gratification and amazement, a small part of "which he endeavoured to express by a triumphant' figure on the side of his diagram, that the error he had committed in taking the area A S F to represent the sums of the distances S F, was exactly counterba- lanced ; for this area does accurately represent the sums of the distances F V or S Q. This compensation, which seemed to Kepler the greatest confirmation of his theory, is altogether accidental and immaterial, resulting from the relation between the ellipse and circle. If the laws of planetary attraction had chanced to have been any other than those which cause them to describe ellipses, this last singular confirmation of an erroneous theory could not have taken place, and Kepler would have been forced either to abandon the theory of the areas, which even then would have continued to mea- sure and define their motions, or to re- nounce the physical opinions from which he professed to have deduced it as an approximative truth. These are two of the three celebrated theorems called Kepler's laws: the first is, that the planets move in ellipses round the sun, placed in the focus ; the second, that the time of describing any arc is proportional in the same orbit to the area included between the arc and the two bounding distances from the sun. The third will be mentioned on another occasion, as it was not discovered till twelve years later. On the establish- ment of these two theorems, it became important to discover a method of mea- suring such elliptic areas, but this is a problem which cannot be accurately solved. Kepler, in offering it to the attention of geometricians, stated his be- lief that its solution was unattainable by direct processes, on account of the in- commensurability of the arc and sine, on which the measurement of the two parts AQm, SQm depends. " This," says he in conclusion, " this is my belief, and whoever shall shew my mistake, and point out the true solution, /* Grit mihi magnus Apollonius" CHAPTER VI. Kepler appointed Professor at Linz His second marriage Publishes his new Method of Gauging Refuses a Professorship at Bologna. WHEN presenting this celebrated book to the emperor, Kepler gave notice that he contemplated a farther attack upon Mars's relations, father Jupiter, brother Mercury, and the rest; and promised that he would be successful, provided the emperor would not forget the sinews of war, and order him to be furnished anew with means for recruit- ing his army. The death of his unhappy patron, the Emperor Rodolph, which happened in 1612, barely in time to save him from the last disgrace of deposition from the Imperial throne, seemed to put additional difficulties in the way of Kep- ler's receiving the arrears so unjustly denied to him ; but on the accession of Rodolph's brother, Matthias, he was again named to his post of Imperial Ma- thematician, and had also a permanent professorship assigned to him in the Uni- versity of Linz. He quitted Prague with- out much regret, where he had struggled against poverty during eleven years. Whatever disinclination he might feel to depart, arose from his unwillingness to loosen still more the hold he yetretained upon the wreck of Tycho Brahe's instru- ments and observations. Tengnagel, son-in-law of Tycho, had abandoned as- tronomy for a political career, and the other members of his family, who were principally females, suffered the costly instruments to lie neglected and for- gotten, although they had obstructed with the utmost jealousy Kepler's at- tempts to continue their utility. The only two instruments Kepler possessed of his own property, were " An iron sextant of 2 feet diameter, and a brass azimuthal quadrant, of 3 4 feet diameter, both divided into minutes of a degree." These were the gift, of his friend and patron, Hoffman, the President of Styria, and with these he made all the obser- vations which he added to those of Tycho Brahe. His constitution was not favourable to these studies, his health being always delicate, and suffering much from exposure to the night air ; his eyes also were very weak, as he men- tions himself in several places. In the summary of his character which he drew up when proposing to Tycho Brahe's assistant, he describes himself as follows : " For observations 36 KEPLER. my sight is dull ; for mechanical opera- tions my hand is awkward ; in politics and domestic matters my nature is troublesome and choleric ; my constitu- tion will not allow me, even when in good health, to remain a long time sedentary (particularly for an extraor- dinary time after dinner); 1 must rise often and walk ahout, and in different seasons am forced to make correspond- ing changes in my diet." The year preceding his departure to Linz was denounced by him as pregnant with misfortune and misery. " In the first place I could get no money from the court, and my wife, who had for a long time been suffering under low spirits and despondency, was taken violently ill towards the end of 1610, with the Hungarian fever, epilepsy, and phre- nitis. She was scarcely convalescent when all my three children were at once attacked with small-pox. Leopold with his army occupied the town beyond the river, just as I lost the dearest of my sons, him whose nativity you will find in my book on the new star. The town on this side of the river where I lived was harassed by the Bohemian troops, whose new levies were insubordinate and insolent: to complete the whole, the Austrian army brought the plague with them into the city. I went into Austria, and endeavoured to procure the situation which I now hold. Return- ing in June, I found my wife in a decline from her grief at the death of her son, and on the eVe of an infectious fever ; and I lost her also, within eleven days after my return. Then came fresh an- noyance, of course, and her fortune was to be divided with my step-sisters. The Emperor Rodolph would not agree to my departure; vain hopes were given me of being paid from Saxony ; my time and money were wasted together, till on the death of the emperor, in 1612, I was named again by his successor, and suffered to depart to Linz. These, methinks, were reasons enough why I should have overlooked not only your letters, but even astronomy itself." Kepler's first marriage had not been a happy one ; but the necessity in which he felt himself of providing some one to take charge of histwo surviving children, of whom the eldest, Susanna, was born in 1602, and Louis in 1607, determined him on entering a second time into the married state. The account he has left us of the various negotiations which preceded hi* final choice, does not, in any point, belie the oddity of his charac ter. His friends seem to have received a general commission to look out for a suitable match, and in a long and most amusing letter to the Baron Strahlendorf, we are made acquainted with the pre- tensions and qualifications of no less than eleven ladies among whom his in- clinations wavered. The first on the list was a widow, an intimate friend of his first wife's, and who, on many accounts, appeared a most eligible match. "At first she seemed favourably inclined to the pro- posal ; it is certain that she took time to consider it, but at last she very quietly excused herself." It must have been from a recollection of this lady's good qualities that Kepler was induced to make his offer ; for we learn rather unexpectedly, after being informed of her decision,' that when he soon after- wards paid his respects to her, it was for the first time that he had seen her during the last six years ; and he found, to his great relief," that "there was no single pleasing point about her." The truth seems to be that he was nettled by her answer, and he is at greater pains than appear necessary, consider- ing this last discovery, to determine why she would not accept his offered hand. Among other reasons he sug- gested her children, among whom were two marriageable daughters ; and it is diverting afterwards to find them also in the catalogue which Kepler appeared to be making of all his female acquaint- ance. He seems to have been much perplexed in attempting to reconcile his astrological theory with the fact of his having taken so much trouble about a negotiation not destined to succeed. " Have the stars exercised any influence here ? For just about this time the direction of the Mid-Heaven is in hot opposition to Mars, and the passage of Saturn, through the ascending point of the zodiac, in the scheme of my nativity, will happen again next November and December. But if these are the causes, how do they act ? Is that explanation the true one which I have elsewhere given ? For I can never think of handing over to the stars the office of deities to produce effects. Let us there- fore suppose it accounted for by the stars, that at this season I am violent in my temper and affections, in rashness of belief, in a shew of pititul tender- heartedness ; in catching at reputation by new and paradoxical notions, and the KEPLER. 37 singularity of my actions ; in busily in- quiring into, and weighing and dis- cussing, various reasons ; in the un T easiness of my mind with respect to my choice. I thank God that that did not happen which might have happened ; that this marriage did not take place : now for Ihe others." Of these others, one was too old, another in bad health, another too proud of her birth and quarterings; a fourth had learned no- thing but shewy accomplishments, " not at all suitable to the sort of life she would have to lead with me." Another grew impatient, and married a more decided admirer, whilst he was hesitat- ing. "The mischief (says he) in all these attachments was, that whilst I was delaying, comparing, and balancing conflicting reasons, every day saw me inflamed with anew passion." By the time he reached the eighth, he found his match in this respect. " Fortune at length has avenged herself on my doubt- ful inclinations. At first she was quite complying, and her friends also : pre- sently, whether she did or did not con- sent, not only I, but she herself did not know. After the lapse of a few days, came a renewed promise, which how- ever had to be confirmed a third time ; and four clays after that, she again re- pented her confirmation, and begged to be excused from it. Upon this I gave her up, and this time all my counsellors were of one opinion." This was the longest courtship in the list, having lasted three whole months ; and quite disheartened by its bad success, Kepler's next attempt was of a more timid com- plexion. His advances to No. 9, were made by confiding to her the whole story of his recent disappointment, pru- dently determining to be guided in his behaviour, by observing whether the treatment he had experienced met with a proper degree of sympathy. Appa- rently the experiment did not succeed ; and almost reduced to despair, Kepler betook himself to the advice of a friend, who had for some time past complained that she was not consulted in this diffi- cult negotiation. When she produced No. 10, and the first visit was paid, the report upon her was as follows : " She has, undoubtedly, a good fortune, is of good family, and of economical habits : but her physiognomy is most horribly ugly; she would be stared at in the streets, not to mention the striking dis- proportion in our figures. I am lank, lean, and spare ; she is short and thick : in a family notorious for fatness she is considered superfluously fat." The only objection to No. 1 1 seems to have been her excessive youth ; and when this treaty was broken of on that account, Kepler turned his back upon -all his ad- visers, and chose for himself one who had figured as No. 5 in the list, to whom he professes to have felt attached throughout, but from whom the repre- sentations of his friends had hitherto detained him, probably on account of her humble station. The following is Kepler's summary of her character. "Her name is Susanna, the daughter of John Reuthinger and Bar- bara, citizens of the town of Eferdingen ; the father was by trade a cabinet-maker, but both her parents are dead. She has received an education well worth the largest dowry, by favour of the Lady of Stahrenberg, the strictness of whose household is famous throughout the province. Her person and manners are suitable to mine ; no pride, no extra- vagance ; she can bear to work ; she has a tolerable knowledge how to manage a family ; middle-aged, and of a disposition and capability to acquire what she still wants. Her I shall marry by favour of the noble baron of Stahrenberg at twelve o'clock on the 30th of next October, with all Eferdingen assembled to meet us, and we shall eat the marriage-dinner at Maurice's at the Golden Lion." Hantsch has made an absurd mistake with regard to this marriage, in stating that the bride was only twelve years old. Kastner and other biographers have been content to repeat the same asser- tion without any comment, notwith- standing its evident improbability. The origin of the blunder is to be found in Kepler's correspondence with Berneg- ger, to whom, speaking of his wife, he says " She has been educated for twelve >ars by the Lady of Stahrenberg." his is by no means a single instance of carelessness in Hantsch ; Kastner has pointed out others of greater consequence. It was owing to this marriage, that Kepler took occasion to write his new method of gauging, for as he tells us in his own peculiar style " last November I brought home a new wife, and as the whole course of Danube was then covered with the produce of the Aus- trian vineyards, to be sold at a rea- sonable rate, I purchased a few casks, thinking it my duty as a good husband and a father of a family, to see that my household was well provided with drink." When the seller came to ascertain the quantity, Kepler objected to his method 38 KEPLER. of gauging, for he allowed no difference, whatever might be the proportion of the bulging parts. The reflections to which this incident gave rise, terminated in the publication of the above-mentioned treatise, which claims a place among the earliest specimens of what is now called the modern analysis. In it he extended several properties of plane figures to segments of cones and cylin- ders, from the consideration that " these solids are incorporated circles," and, therefore, that those properties are true of the whole which belong to each com- ponent part. That the book might end as oddly as it began, Kepler concluded it with a parody of Catullus : " Et cum pocula mille mensi erimus Conturbabimus ilia, ne sciamus. " His new residence at Linz was not long undisturbed. He quarrelled there, as he had done in the early part ef his life at Gratz, with the Roman Ca- tholic party, and was excommunicated. " Judge," says he to Peter Hoffman, " how far I can assist you, in a place where the priest and school- inspector have combined to brand me with the public stigma of heresy, because in every question I take that side which seems to me to be consonant with the word of God." The particular dogma which oc- casioned his excommunication, was con- nected with the doctrine of transubstan- tiation. He published his creed in a copy of Latin verses, preserved by his biographer Hantsch. Before this occurrence, Kepler had been called to the diet at Ratisbon to give his opinion on the propriety of adopting the Gregorian reformation of the calendar, and he published a short essay, pointing out the respective con- venience of doing so, or of altering the old Julian Calendar in some other manner. Notwithstanding the readi- ness of the diet to avail themselves of his talents for the. settlement of a dif- ficult question, the arrears of his salary were not paid much more regularly than they had been in Rodolph's time, and he was driven to provide himself with money by the publication of his almanac, of which necessity he heavily and justly complained. " In order to pay the ex- pense of the Ephemeris for these two years, I have also written a vile prophe- sying almanac, which is scarcely more respectable than begging; unless it be because it saves the emperor's credit, who abandons me entirely ; and with all his frequent and recent orders in council, would suffer me to perish with hunger.'" Kepler published this Ephemeris an- nually till 1620 ; ten years later he added those belonging to the years from 1620 to 1628. In 1617 Kepler was invited into Italy, to succeed Magini as Professor of Ma- thematics at Bologna. The offer tempted him; but, after mature consideration, he rejected it, on grounds which he thus explained to Roffini: "By birth and spirit I am a German, imbued with Ger- man principles, and bound by such fa- mily ties, that even if the emperor should consent, 1 could not, without the greatest difficulty, remove my dwelling-place from Germany into Italy. And although the glory of holding so distinguished a situa- tion among the venerable professors of Bologna stimulates me, and there ap- pears great likelihood of notably in- creasing my fortune, as well from the great concourse to the public lectures, as from private tuition ; yet, on the other hand, that period of my life is past which was once excited by novelty, or which might promise itself a long enjoyment of these advantages. Besides, from a boy up to my present years, living a German among Germans, I am accustomed to a degree of freedom in my speech and manners, which, if persevered in on my removal to Bologna, seems likely to draw upon me, if not danger, at least notoriety, and might expose me to suspicion and party malice. Notwithstanding this an- swer, I have yet hopes that your most honourable invitation will be of service to me, and may make the imperial trea- surer more ready than he has hitherto been to fulfil his master's intentions to- wards me. In that case I shall the sooner be able to publish the Rudolphine Tables and the Ephemerides, of which you had the scheme so many years back ; and in this manner you and your advisers may have no reason to regret this invitation, though for the present it seems fruit- less." In 1619, the Emperor Matthias died, and was succeeded by Ferdinand III,, who retained Kepler in the post he had filled under his two predecessors on the imperial throne. Kiistner, in his " His- tory of Mathematics," has corrected a gross error of Hantsch, in asserting that Kepler prognosticated Matthias's death. The letter to which Hantsch refers, in support of his statement, does indeed mention the emperor's death, but merely as a notorious event, for the purpose of recalling a. date to the memory of his correspondent. KEPLER. 39 CHAPTER VII. tion of great importance, for on this account is it that the heptagon, and other figures of this kind, have not been em- ployed by God in the adornment of the world, as the other intelligible figures are employed which have been already explained." Kepler then introduces the algebraical equation, on the solution of which this problem depends, and makes a remark which is curious at this period of the history of algebra that the root of an equation which cannot be accu- rately found, may yet be found within any degree of approximation by an ex- pert calculator. In conclusion he again remarks that " the side of the heptagon has no place among scientific existences, since its formal description is impos- sible, and therefore it cannot be known by the human mind, since the possibility of description precedes the possibility of knowledge ; nor is it known even by the simple eternal act of an omniscient mind, because its nature belongs to things which cannot be known. "And yet this scientific nonentity has some scientific properties, for if a heptagon were described in a circle, the proportion of its sides would have analogous pro- portions." The third book is a treatise on music, in the confined and ordinary sense in which we now use that word, and apparently a sober and rational one, at least as nearly so as Kepler could be trusted to write on a subject so dangerous to his discretion. All the extravagance of the work seems reserved for the fourth book, the title of which already conveys some notion of the nature of its contents. In this book he has collected the substance of the astrological opinions scattered through his other works. We shall content our- selves with merely citing his own words, without any attempt to explain the dif- ference between the astrology which he believed, and that which he con- temptuously rejected. The distinctive line seems very finely drawn, and as both one and the other are now discarded by all who enjoy the full use of their rea- soning powers, it is not of much conse- quence that it should be accurately traced. It is to be observed, that he does not in this treatise modify or recant anything of his earlier opinions, but refers to the favourable judgment of his contem- porary philosophers as a reason for embodying them in a regular form. " Since many very celebrated professors of philosophy and medicine are of opinion Kepler publishes his ' Harmonics Account of his Astrological Opinions and Discovery of the Law of the Pe- riods of the Planetary Revolutions Sketch of Newton" s proof of Kepler's Laws. THE " Cosmographical Mystery" was written, as has been already mentioned, when Kepler was only twenty-six, and the wildness of its theories might be con- sidered as due merely to the vivacity of a young man ; but as if purposely to shew that his maturer age did not re- nounce the creations of his youthful fancy, he reprinted the " Mystery" in 1619, nearly at the same time when he published his celebrated work on Har- monics ; and the extravagance of the latter publication does not at all lose in comparison with its predecessor. It is dedicated to James I. of England, and divided into five books : " The first, Geo- metrical, on the origin and demonstration of the laws of t'ne figures which produce harmonious proportions ; the second, Architectonical, on figurate geometry, and the congruence of plane and solid regular figures; the third, properly Harmonic, on the derivation of musical proportions from figures, and on the na- ture and distinction of things relating to song, in opposition to the old theories ; the fourth, Metaphysical, Psychological, and Astrological, on the mental essence of harmonies, and of their kinds in the world, especially on the harmony of rays emanating on the earth from the hea- venly bodies, and on their effect in na- ture, and on the sublunary and human soul ; the fifth, Astronomical and Me- taphysical, on the very exquisite harmo- nies of the celestial motions, and the origin of the excentricities in harmonious proportions." The two first books are almost strictly, as Kepler styles them, geometrical, relating in great measure to the inscrip- tion of regular polygons in a circle. The following passage is curious, pre- senting an analogous idea to that con- tained in one of the extracts already given fropi the Commentaries on Mars. " The heptagon, and all other polygons and stars beyond it, which have a prime number of sides, and all other figures derived from them, cannot be inscribed geometrically in a circle; although their sides have a necessary magnitude, it is equally a matter of necessity that we remain ignorant of it. This is a ques- KEPLER. that I have created a new and most true philosophy, this tender plant, like all novelties, ought to be carefully nursed and cherished, so that it may strike root in the minds of philosophers, and not be choked by the excessive humours of vain sophistications, or washed away by the torrents of vulgar prejudices, or frozen by the chill of public neglect ; and if I succeed in guarding it from these dangers, I have no fear that it will be crushed by the storms of calumny, or parched by the sun of sterling criticism." One thing is very remarkable in Kep- ler's creed, that he whose candour is so indisputable in every other part of his conduct, professed to have been forced to adopt his astrological opinions from direct and positive observation. " It is now more than twenty years since I began to maintain opinions like these on the predominant nature of the elements, which, adopting the common name, I call sublunary. I have been driven to this not by studying or admiring Plato, but singly and solely by observing seasons, and noting the aspects by which they are produced. I have seen the state of the atmosphere almost uniformly disturbed as often as the planets are in conjunction, or in the other configura- tions so celebrated among astrologers. I have noticed its tranquil state, either when there are none or few such aspects, or when they are transitory and of short duration. I "have not formed an opinion on this matter without good grounds, like the common herd of prophesiers, who describe the operations of the stars as if they were a sort of deities, the lords of heaven and earth, and producing everything at their pleasure. They never trouble themselves to consider what means the stars have of working any effects among us on the earth, whilst they remain in the sky, and send down nothing to us which is obvious to the senses except rays of light. This is the principal source of the filthy astrolo- gical superstitions of that vulgar and childish race of dreamers, the prognos- ticators." The real manner in which the con- figurations of the stars operate, accord- ing to Kepler, is as follows : " Like one who listens to a sweet melodious song, and by the gladness of his countenance, by his voice, and by the beating of his hand or foot attunted to the music, gives token that he perceives and approves the harmony: just so does sublunary nature, with the notable and evident emotion of the bowels of the earth, bear like witness to the same feelings, espe- cially at those times when the rays of the planets form harmonious configura- tions on the earth." " I have been con- firmed in this theory by that which might have deterred others ; I mean, by observing that the emotions do not agree nicely with the instants of the configu- Yations ; but the earth sometimes ap- pears lazy and obstinate, and at another time (after important and long-continued configurations) she becomes exas- perated, and gives way to her passion, even without the continuation of aspects. For in fact the earth is not an animal like a dog, ready at every nod ; but more like a bull, or an elephant, slow to be- come angry, and so much the more furious when incensed." This singular doctrine must not be mistaken for one of Kepler's favourite allegories ; he actually and literally professed to believe that the earth was an enormous living animal; and he has enumerated, with a particula- rity of details into which we forbear to follow him, the analogies he re- cognized between its habits and those of men and other animals. A few samples of these may speak for the rest. " If any one who has climbed the peaks of the highest, mountains throw a stone down their very deep clefts, a sound is heard from them ; or if he throw it into one of the mountain lakes, which beyond doubt are bottomless, a storm will immediately arise, just as when you thrust a straw into the ear or nose of a ticklish animal, it shakes its head, or runs shuddering away. What so like breathing, especially of those fish who draw water into their mouths and spout it out again through their gills, as that wonderful tide! For although it is so regulated according to the course of the moon, that, in the preface to my * Commentaries on Mars,' I have men- tioned it as probable that the waters are attracted by the moon as iron is by the loadstone ; yet, if any one uphold that the earth regulates its breathing accord- ing to the motion of the sun and moon, as animals have daily and nightly alter- nations of sleep and waking, I shall not think his philqsophy unworthy of being listened to; especially if any flexible parts should be discovered in the depths of the earth to supply the functions of lungs or gills." From the next extract, we must leave the reader to learn as well as he may. KEPLER. how much Kepler did, and how much he didnotbelieveonthe subject of genethliac astrology. " Hence it is that human spirits, at the time of celestial aspects, are particularly urged to complete the matters which they have in hand. What the goad is to the ox, what the spur or the rowel is to the horse, to the soldier the bell and trumpet, an animated speech to an audience, to a crowd of rustics a performance on the fife and bagpipes, that to all, and especially in the aggregate, is a heavenly configu- ration of suitable planets ; so that every single one is excited in his thoughts and actions, and all become more ready to unite and associate their efforts. For instance, in war you may see that tumults, battles, fights, invasions, as- saults, attacks, and panic fears, gene- rally happen at the time of ihe aspects of Mars and Mercury, Mars and Ju- piter, Mars and the Sun, Mars and Saturn, &c. In epidemic diseases, a greater number of persons are attacked at the times of the powerful aspects, they suffer more severely, or even die, owing to the failure of nature in her strife with the disease, which strife (and not the death) is occasioned by the aspect. It is not the sky which does all these things immediately, but the faculty of the vital soul, associating its operation with the celestial harmonies, is the prin- cipal agent in this so-called influence of the heavens. Indeed this word influ- ence has so fascinated some philosophers that they prefer raving with the sense- less vulgar, to learning the truth with me. This essential property is the prin- cipal foundation of that admirable ge- nethliac art. For when anything begins to have its being when that is working harmonies, the sensible harmony of the rays of the planets has peculiar influence on it. This then is the cause why those who are born under a season of many aspects among the planets, generally turn out busy and industrious, whether they accustom themselves from child- hood to amass wealth, or are born or chosen to direct public affairs, or finally, have given their attention to study. If any one think that I might be taken as an instance of this last class, I do not grudge him the knowledge of my na- tivity. I am not checked by the re- proach of boastfulness, notwithstanding those who, by speech or conduct, con- demn as folly all kinds of writing on this subject; the idiots, the half-learned, the inventors of titles and trappings, to throw dust in the eyes of the people, and those whom Picus calls the ple- beian theologians : among the true lovers of wisdom, I easily clear myself of this imputation, by the advantage of my reader ; for there is no one whose nativity or whose internal disposition and temper I can learn so well as I know my own. Well then, Jupiter nearest the nonagesimal had passed by four degrees the trine of Saturn ; the Sun and Venus, in conjunction, were moving from the latter towards the former, nearly in sextiles with both: they were also removing from quadra- tures with Mars, to which Mercury was closely approaching : the moon drew near the trine of the same planet, close to the Bull's Eye, even in latitude. The 25th degree of Gemini was rising, and the 22d of Aquarius culminating. That there was this triple configuration on that day namely, the sextile of Saturn and the Sun, the sextile of Mars and Jupiter, the quadrature of Mercury and Mars, is proved by the change of wea- ther; for, after a frost of some days, that very day became warmer, there was a thaw and a fall of rain.*" " I do not wish this single instance to be taken as a defence and proof of all the aphorisms of astrologers, nor do I attribute to the heavens the government of human affairs : what a vast interval still separates these philosophical obser- vations from that folly or madness as it should rather be called. For, following up this example, I knew a ladyt, born under nearly the same aspects, whose disposition, indeed, was exceedingly restless, but who not only makes no progress in literature (that is not strange in a woman), but troubles her whole fa- mily,, and is the cause to herself of de- plorable misery. What, in my case, assisted the aspects was firstly, the fancy of my mother when pregnant with me, a great admirer of her mother- in-law, my grandmother, who had some knowledge of medicine, my grandfather's profession; a second cause is, that I * Tliis mode of verifying configurations, though something of the boldest, was by no means un- usual. ,Ona former occasion Kepler, wishing to cast the nativity of his friend Zehentmaier, and being unable to procure more accurate informa- tion than that he was born about three o'clock in the afternoon of the 21st of October, 1751, sup- plied the deficiency by a record of fevers and acci- dents at known periods of his life, from which he deduced a more exact horoscope. f Kepler probably meant his own mother, whose horoscope he in many places declared to be nearly the same as his own, L2 KEPLER. was born a male, and not a female, for astrologers have sought in vain to dis- tinguish sexes in the sky ; thirdly, I de- rive from my mother a habit of body, more fit for study than other kinds of life : fourthly, my parents' fortune was not large, and there was no landed pro- perty to which I might succeed and be- come attached ; fifthly, there were the schools, and the liberality of the magis- tracy towards such boys as were apt for learning. But now if I am to speak of the result of my studies, what I pray can I find in the sky, even re- motely alluding to it. The learned con- fess that several not despicable branches of philosophy have been newly extri- cated or amended or brought to per- fection by me : but here my constella- tions were, not Mercury from the east, in the angle of the seventh, and in quadratures with Mars, but Copernicus, but Tycho Brahe, without whose books of observations everything now set by me in the clearest light must have re- mained buried in darkness ; not Saturn predominating Mercury, but my Lords the Emperors Rodolph and Matthias ; not Capricorn, the house of Saturn, but Upper Austria, the home of the Em- peror, and the ready and unexampled bounty of his nobles to my petition. Here is that corner, not the western one of the horoscope, but on the Earth, whither, by permission of my imperial master, I have betaken myself from a too uneasy court ; and whence, during these years of my life, which now tends towards its setting, emanate these Har- monies, and the other matters on which I am engaged." " However, it may be owing to Ju- piter's ascendancy that I take greater delight in the application of geometry to physics, than in that abstract pursuit which partakes of the dryness of Saturn ; and it is perhaps the gibbous moon, in the bright constellation of the Bull's forehead, which fills my mind with fan- tastic images." The most remarkable thing contained in the 5th Book, is the announcement of the celebrated law connecting the mean distances of the planets with the periods of their revolution about the Sun. This law is expressed in mathe- matical language, by saying that the squares of the times vary as the cubes of the distances*. Kepler's rapture on detecting it was unbounded, as may be * See Preliminary Treatise, p. 13. seen from the exulting rhapsody with which he announced it. "What Ipro- phecied two-and-twenty years ago, as soon as I discovered the five solids among the heavenly orbits what I firmly believed long before I had seen Ptolemy's * Harmonics ' what I had promised my friends in the title of this book, which I named before I was sure of my discovery what, sixteen years ago, I urged as a thing to be sought that for which I joined Tycho Brahe, for which I settled in Prague, for which I have devoted the best part of my life to astro nomical contemplations, at 'length I have brought to light, and have recog- nized its truth beyond my most san- guine expectations. Great as is the absolute nature of Harmonics with all its details, as set forth in my third book, it is all found among the celestial mo- tions, not indeed in the manner which I imagined, (that is not the least part of my delight,) but in another very differ- ent, and yet most perfect and excellent. It is now eighteen months since I got the first glimpse of light, three months since the dawn, very few days since the unveiled sun, most admirable to gaze on, burst out upon me. Nothing holds me ; I will indulge in my sacred fury ; I will triumph over mankind by the honest confession, that I have stolen the golden vases of the Egyptians*, to build up a tabernacle for my God far away from the confines of Egypt. If you forgive me, I rejoice; if you are angry, I can bear it : the die is cast, the book is written ; to be read either now or by posterity, I care not which : it may well wait a century for a reader, as God has waited six -thousand years for an observer." He has told, with his usual particu- larity, the manner and precise moment of the discovery. " Another part of my 1 Cosmographical Mystery,' suspended twenty-two years ago, because it was then undetermined, is completed and in- troduced here, after I had discovered the true intervals of the orbits, by means of Brahe's observations, and had spent the continuous toil of a long time in in- vestigating the true proportion of the periodic times to the orbits, Sera quidem respexit inertcm, Respexit tamen, et longo post tempore venit. If you would know the precise moment, the first idea came across me on Hie 8th March of this year, 1G18 ; but chancing * Jn allusion to the Harmonics of Ptolemy. KEPLER. 43 to make a mistake in the calculation, I rejected it as false. I returned again to it with new force on the 1 5th May, and it has dissipated the darkness of my mind by such an agreement between this idea and my seventeen years' labour on Brahe's observations, that at first I thought I must be dreaming, and had taken my result for granted in my first assumptions. But the fact is perfect, the fact is certain, that the proportion existing between the periodic times of any two planets is exactly the sesquipli- cate proportion of the mean distances of the orbits." There is high authority for not attempt- ing over anxiously to understand the rest of the work. Delambre sums it up as follows: "In the music of the ce- lestial bodies it appears that Saturn and Jupiter take the bass, Mars the tenor, the Earth and Venus the counter-tenor, and Mercury the treble." If the patience of this indefatigable historian gave way, as he confesses, in the perusal, any further notice of it here may be well excused. Kepler became engaged, in consequence of this publication, in an angry controversy with the eccentric Robert Fludd, who was at least Kepler's match in wild extravagance and mysti- cism, if far inferior to him in genius. It is diverting to hear each reproaching the other with obscurity. In the " Epitome of the Copernican Astronomy," which Kepler published about the same time, we find the manner in which he endeavoured to deduce the beautiful law of periodic times, from his principles of motion and radiation of whirling forces. This work is in fact a summary of all his astronomi- cal opinions, drawn up in a popular style in the form of question and an- swer. We find there a singular argu- ment against believing, as some did, that each planet is carried round by an angel, for in that case, says Kepler, " the orbits would be perfectly circular ; but the elliptic form, which we find in them, rather smacks of the nature of the lever and material necessity." The investigation of the relation be- tween the periodic times and distances of the planets is introduced by a query whether or not they are to be considered heavy. The answer is given in the fol- lowing terms : " Although none of the celestial globes are heavy, in the sense in which we say on earth that a stone is heavy, nor light as fire is light with us, yet have they, by reason of their mate* riality, a naturaHnability to move from place to place : they have a natural in- ertness or quietude, in consequence of which they remain still in every situation where they are placed alone." " P. Is it then the sun, which by its turning carries round the planets ? How can the sun do this, having no hands to seize the planet at so great a distance, and force it round along with itself? Its bodily virtue, sent forth in straight lines into the whole space of the world, serves instead of hands ; and this virtue, being a corporeal species, turns with the body of the sun like a very rapid vortex, and travels over the whole of that space which it fills as quickly as the sun re- volves in its very confined space round the centre. " P. Explain what this virtue is, and belonging to what class of things ? As there are two bodies, the mover and the moved, so are there two powers by which the motion is obtained. The one is passive, and rather belonging to matter, namely, the resemblance of the body of the planet to the body of the sun in its corporeal form, and so that part of the planetary body is friendly, the opposite part hostile to the sun. The other power is active, and bearing more relation to form, namely, the body of the sun has a power of attracting the planet by its friendly part, of repelling it by the hostile part, and finally, of re- taining it if it be placed so that neither the one nor the other be turned directly towards the sun. " P. How can it be that the whole body of the planet should be like or cognate to the body of the sun, and yet part of the planet friendly, part hostile to the sun ? Just as when one magnet attracts another, the bodies are cognate ; but at- traction takes place only on one side, re- pulsion on the other. " P. Whence, then, arises that differ- ence of opposite parts in the same body ? In magnets the diversity arises from the situation of the parts with respect to the whole. In the heavens the matter is a little differently arranged, for the sun does not, like the magnet, possess only on one side, but in all the parts of its substance, this active and energetic fa- culty of attracting, repelling, or retain- ing the planet. So that it is probable that the centre of the solar body corre- sponds to one extremity or pole of the magnet, and its whole surface to the other pole, " P. If this were so, all the planets 44 KEPLER. would be restored* in the same time with the sun ? True, if this were all : but it has been said already that, besides this carrying power of the sun, there is also in the planets a natural inertness to motion, which causes that, by reason of their material substance, they are inclined to remain each in its place. The carrying power of the sun, and the impotence or material inertness of the planet, are thus in opposition. Each shares the victory ; the sun moves the planet from its place, although in some degree it escapes from the chains with which it was held by the sun, and so is taken hold of successively by every part of this circular virtue, or r as it may be called, solar circumference, namely, by the parts which follow those from which it has just extricated itself. " P. But how does one planet extricate itself more than another from this vio- lence First, because the virtue emana- ting from the sun has the same degree of weakness at different distances, as the distances or the width of the circles de- scribed on these distancest. This is the principal reason. Secondly, the cause is partly in the greater or less inertness or resistance of the planetary globes, which reduces the proportions to one- half; but of this more hereafter. " P. How can it be that the virtue ema- nating from the sun becomes weaker at a greater distance ? What is there to hurt or weaken it ? Because that virtue is corporeal, and partaking of quantity, which can be spread out and rarefied. Then, since there is as much virtue diffused in the vast orb of Sa- turn as is collected in the very narrow one of Mercury, it is very rare and there- fore weak in Saturn's orbit, very dense and therefore powerful at Mercury. " P. You said, in the beginning of this inquiry into motion, that the periodic times of the planets are exactly in the sesquiplicate proportion of their orbits or circles : pray what is the cause of this ? Four causes concur for lengthening the periodic time. First, the length of the path; secondly, the weight or quan- tity of matter to be carried ; thirdly, the degree of strength of the moving virtue ; fourthly, the bulk or space into which is spread out the matter to be moved. * This is a word borrowed from the Ptolemaic astronomy, according to which the sun and planets are hurried from their places by the daily motion of the primum mobile, and by their own peculiar motion seek to regain or be restored to their former places. > f In other parts of -his works,.Kepler assumes The diminution to be proportional to the circles themselves, not to the diameters. The circular paths of the planets are in the simple ratio of the distances ; the weights or quantities of matter in diffe- rent planets are in the subduplicate ratio of the same distances, as has been already proved; so that with every in- crease of distance, a planet, has more matter, and therefore is moved more slowly, and accumulates more time in its revolution, requiring already as it did more time by reason of the length of the way. The third and fourth causes com- pensate each other in a comparison of different planets: the simple and sub- duplicate proportion compound the ses- quiplicate proportion, which therefore is the ratio of the periodic times." Three of the four suppositions here made by Kepler to explain the beautiful law he had detected, are now indisputa- bly known to be false. Neither the weights nor the sizes of the different planets observe the proportions assigned by him, nor is the force by which they are retained in their orbits in any respect similar in its effects to those attributed by him to it. The wonder which might naturally be felt that he should never- theless reach the desired conclusion, will be considerably abated on examining the mode in which he arrived at and satisfied himself of the truth of these three sup- positions. It has been already mentioned that his notions on the existence of a whirling force emanating from the sun, and decreasing in energy at increased distances, are altogether inconsistent with all the experiments and observa- tions we are able to collect. His reason for asserting that the sizes of the dif- ferent planets are proportional to their distances from the sun, was simply be- cause he chose to take for granted that either their solidities, surfaces, or dia- meters, must necessarily be in that proportion, and of the three, the solidities appeared to him least liable, to objection. The last element of his precarious rea- soning rested upon equally groundless assumptions. Taking as a principle, that where there is a number of different things they must be different in every respect, he declared that it was quite unreasonable to suppose all the planets of the same density. He thought it in- disputable that they must be rarer as they were farther from the sun, " and yet not in the proportion of their^distances, for thus we should sin against the law of variety in another way, and make the quantity of matter (according to what he had just said of their bulk) the same in KEPLER, all. But if 'we assume the ratio of the quantities of matter to be half that of the distances, we shall observe the best mean of all ; for thus Saturn will be half as heavy again as Jupiter, and Jupiter half again as dense as Saturn. And the strongest argument of all is, that unless we assume this proportion of the densi- ties, the law of the periodic times will not answer." This is the proof alluded to, and it is clear that by such reasoning any required result might be deduced from any given principles. It may not be uninstructive to subjoin a sketch of the manner in which Newton established the same celebrated results, starting from principles of motion dia- metrically opposed to Kepler's, and it need scarcely be added, reasoning upon them in a manner not less different. For this purpose, a very few prefatory remarks will be found sufficient. The different motions seen in nature are best analysed and classified by sup- posing that every body in motion, if left to itself, will continue to move forward at the same rate in a straight line, and by considering all the observed devia- tions from this manner of moving, as exceptions and disturbances occasioned by some external cause. To this sup- posed cause is generally given the name pf Force, and it is said to be the first law of motion, that, unless acted on by some force, every body at rest remains at rest, and every body in motion pro- ceeds uniformly in a straight line. Many employ this language, without perceiving that it involves a definition of force, on the admission of which, it is reduced to a truism. We see common instances of force in a blow, or a pull from the end of a string fastened to the body : we shall also have occasion presently to mention some forces where no visible connexion exists between the moving body and that towards which the motion takes place, and from which the force is said to proceed. A second law of motion, founded upon experiment, is this : if a body have mo- tion communicated to it in two directions, by one of which motions alone it would have passed through a given space in a given time, as for instance, through B C' in one second, and by the other alone through any other space Be in the same- time, it will, when both are given to it at the same in stant, pass in the same time (in the present in- stance in one second) through B C the diagonal of the parallelogram of which B C' and B c are sides. Let a body, acted upon by no force, be moving along the line AE ; that 15 means, according to what has been said, let it pass over the equal straight lines A B, B C, C D, D E, Sec., in equal times. If we take any point S not in the line A E, and join A S, B S, &c., the triangles A S B, B S C, &c. are also equal, having a common altitude and standing on equal bases, so that if a string were con- ceived reaching from S to the moving body (being lengthened or shortened in each posit ion to suit its distance from S), this string, as the body moved along A E, would sweep over equal trian- gular areas in equal times. Let us now examine how far these conclusions will be altered if the body from time to time is forced towards S. We will suppose it moving uniformly from A to B as before, no matter for the present how it got to A, or into the direction A B. If left to itself it would, in an equal time (say 1") go through B C' in the same straight line with and equal to AB. But just as it reaches B, and is beginning to move along B C', let it be suddenly pulled towards S with a motion which, had it been at rest, would have carried it in the same time, 1", through any other space B c. Ac- cording to the second law of motion, its direction during this I", in consequence of the two motions combined, will be along B C, the diagonal of the parallelo- gram of which B C', B c, are sides. In- 46 KEPLER. this case, as this figure is drawn, B C, though passed in the same time, is longer than A B ; that is to say, the body is moving quicker than at first. How is it with the triangular areas, supposed as before to be swept by a string constantly stretched between S and the body ? It will soon be seen that these still remain equal, notwithstanding the change of direction, and increased swiftness. For since C C' is parallel to B c, the tri- angles SCB, SC'B are equal, being on the same base S B, arid between the same parallels S B, C C', and S C'B is equal to S B A as before, therefore S C B, S B A are equal. The body is now moving uniformly (though quicker than along A B) along B C. As before, it would in a time equal to the time of passing along B C, go through an equal space C D' in the same straight line. But if at C it has a second pull towards S, strong enough to carry it to d in the same time, its direction will change a second time to C D, the diagonal of the parallelogram, whose sides are C D', C d\ and the circumstances being exactly similar to those at the first pull, it is shewn in the same manner that the triangular area SDC = SCB = SBA. Thus it appears, that in consequence of these intermitting pulls towards S, the body may be moving round, some- times faster, sometimes slower, but that the triangles formed by any of the straight portions of its path (which are all described in equal times), and the lines joining S to the ends of that por- tion, are all equal. The path it will take depends of course, in other respects, upon the frequency and strength of the different pulls, and it might happen, if they were duly proportionate, that when at H, and moving off in the direction H A', the pull H a might be such as just to carry the body back to A, the point from which it started, and with such a motion, that after one pull more, A b, at A, it might move along A B as it did at first. If this were so, the body would continue to move round in the same polygonal path, alternately approaching and receding from S, as long as the same pulls were repeated in the same order, and at the same intervals. It seems almost unnecessary to re- mark, that the same equality which sub- sists between any two of these triangular areas subsists also between an equal number of them, from whatever part of the path taken ; so that, for instance, the four paths AB, B C, CD, D E, cor- responding to the four areas A S B, B S C, C S D, D S E, that is, to the area ABODES, are passed in the same time as the four E F, F G, GH, H A, cor- responding to the equal area E F G H A S. Hence it may be seen, if the whole time of revolution from A round to A again be called a year, that in half a year the body will have got to E, which in the present figure is more than half way round, and so of any other pe- riods. The more frequently the pulls are supposed to recur, the more frequently will the body change its direction ; and if the pull were supposed constantly ex- erted in the direction towards S, the body would move in a curve round S, for no three successive positions of it could be in a straight line. Those who are not familiar with the methods of measuring curvilinear spaces must here be con- tented to observe, that the law holds, however close the pulls are brought to- gether, and however closely the polygon is consequently made to resemble a curve : they may, if they please, consider the minute portions into which the curve is so divided, as differing insensibly from little rectilinear triangles, any equal number of which, according to what has been said above, wherever taken in the curve, would be swept in equal times. The theorem admits, in this case also, a rigorous proof; but it is not easy to make it entirely satisfactory, without entering into explanations which would detain us too long from our principal subject. The proportion in which the pull is strong or weak at different dis- tances from the central spot, is called " the law of the central or centripetal force," and it may be observed, that after assuming the laws of motion, our investigations cease to have anything hypothetical or experimental in them ; and that if we wish, according to these principles of motion, to determine the law of force necessary to make a body move in a curve of any required form, or conversely to discover the form of the curve described, in consequence of any assumed law of force, the inquiry is purely geometrical, depending upon the nature and properties of geometrical quantities only. This distinction be- tween what is hypothetical, and what necessary truth, ought never to be lost sight of. As the object of the present treatise is not to teach geometry, we shall de- KEPLER. scribe, in very general terms, the manner in which Newton, who was the first who systematically extended the laws of mo- tion to the heavenly bodies, identified their results with the two remaining laws of Kepler. His " Principles of Natural Philosophy" contain general propositions with regard to any law of centripetal force, but that which he sup- posed to be the true one in our system, is expressed in mathematical language, by saying that the centripetal force varies inversely as the square of the distance, which means, that if the force at any distance be taken for the unit of force, at half that distance, it is two times twice, or four times as strong ; at one- third the distance, three times thrice, or nine times as strong, and so for other distances. He shewed the probability of this law in the first instance by com- paring the motion of the moon with that of heavy bodies at the surface of the earth. Taking L P* to represent part of the moon's orbit de- scribed in one minute, the line P M between the orbit and the tangent at L would shew the space through which the central force at the earth (assuming the above principles of motion to be correct) would draw the moon. From the known dis- tance and motion of the moon, this line P M is found to be about sixteen feet. The distance of the moon is about sixty times the radius of the earth, and there- fore if the law of the central force in this instance were such as has been supposed, the force at the earth's surface would be 60 times 60, or 3600 times stronger, and at the earth's surface, the central force would make a body fall through 3600 times 16 feet in one minute. Ga- lileo had already taught that the spaces through which a body would be made to fall, by the constant action of the same unvarying force, would be pro- portional to the squares of the times du- ring which the force was exerted, and therefore according to these laws, a body at the earth's surface ought (since there are sixty seconds in a minute) to fall through 1 6 feet in one second, which was precisely the space previously esta- blished by numerous experiments. With this confirmation of the suppo- sition, Newton proceeded to the purely geometrical calculation of the law of centripetal* force necessary to make a * In many curves, as in the circle and ellipse, moving body describe an ellipse round its foci>s, which Kepler's observations had established to be the form of the or- bits of the planets round the sun. The result of the inquiry shewed that this curve required the same law of the force, varying inversely as the square of the distance, which therefore of course re- ceived additional confirmation. His me- thod of doing this may, perhaps, be un- derstood by referring to the last figure but one, in which C d, for instance, representing the space fallen from any point C towards S, in a given time, and the area C S D being pro portional to the corresponding time, the space through which the body would have fallen at C in any other time (which would be greater, by Galileo's law, in proportion to the squares of the times), might be represented by a quantity va- rying directly as C d, and inversely in the duplicate proportion of the triangular area C S D, that is to say, proportional to perpendicular on S C. If this polygon represent an ellipse, so that C D repre- sents a small arc of the curve, of which S is the focus, it is found by the nature of that curve, that _ , , is the same at (D liy all points of the curve, so that the law of variation of the force in the same ellipse is represented solely by p 2 . If C d, Sec. are drawn so that Cd is not the same at every point, the curve ceases to be an ellipse whose focus is at S, as Newton has shewn in the same work. The line to which is found to be equal, is one drawn through the focus at right angles to the longest axis of the ellipse till it meets the curve; this line is called the latus rectum, and is a third proportional to the two principal axes. Kepler's third law follows as an im- mediate consequence of this determina- tion ; for, according to what has been already shown, the time of revolution round the whole ellipse, or, as it is corn- there is a point to which the name of centre is given, on uccount of peculiar properties belonging to it : but the term " centripetal force" always re- fers to the place towards which the force is di- rected, whether or not situated in the centre of the curve. 48 KEPLER. monly called, the periodic time, bears the same ratio to the unit of time as the whole area of the ellipse does to the area described in that unit. The area of the whole ellipse is proportional in different ellipses to the rectangle contained by the two principal axes, and the area de- scribed in an unit of time is proportional to S C x DA, that is to say, is in the sub- D A- duplicate ratio of S C 2 x DA 9 , or 77-71 L> a when the force varies inversely as the square of the distance S C ; and in the ellipse, as we have said already, this is equal to a third proportional to the principal axes; consequently the pe- riodic times in different ellipses, which are proportional to the whole areas of the ellipses directly, and the areas de- scribed in the 'unit of time inversely, are in the compound ratio of the rec- tangle of the axes directly, and subdu- plicatly as a third proportional to the axes inversely ; that is to say, the squares of these times are proportional to the cubes t of the longest axes, which is Kepler's law. CHAPTER VIII. The Epitome prohibited at Rome Lo- garithmic Tables Trial of Catha- rine Kepler Kepler invited to Eng- land Rudolphine Tables Death Conclusion. KEPLER'S " Epitome," almost immedi- ately on its appearance, enjoyed the ho- nour of being placed by the side of the work of Copernicus, on the list of books prohibited by the congregation of the Index at Rome. He was considerably alarmed on receiving this intelligence, anticipating that it might occasion diffi- culties in publishing his future writings. His words to Remus, who had communi- cated the news to him, are as follows : " I learn from your letter, for the first time, that my book is prohibited at Rome and Florence. I particularly beg of you, to send me the exact words of the cen- sure, and that you will inform me whe- ther that censure would be a snare for the author, if he were caught in Italy, or whether, if taken, he would be enjoined a recantation. It is also of consequence for rne to know whether there is any chance of the same censure being ex- tended into Austria. For if this be so, not only shall I never again find a printer there, but also the copies which the bookseller, has left in Austria at my de- sire will be endangered, and the ultimate loss will fall upon me. It will amount to giving me to understand, that I must cease to profess Astronomy, after I have grown old in the belief of these opinions, having been hitherto gainsay ed by no one, and, in short, I must give up Aus- tria itself, if room is no longer to be left in it for philosophical liberty." He was, however, tranquillized, in a great degree, by the reply of his friend, who told him that " the book is only prohibited as contrary to the decree pronounced by the holy office two years ago. This has been partly occasioned by a Neapolitan monk (Foscarini), who was spreading these notions by publishing them in Italian, whence were arising dangerous conse- quences and opinions : and besides, Ga- lileo was at the same time pleading his cause at Rome with too much violence. Copernicus has been corrected in the same manner for some lines, at least in the beginning of his first book. But by Obtaining a permission, they may be read (and, as I suppose, this " Epitome" also) by the learned and skilful in this science, both at Rome and throughout all Italy. There is therefore no ground for your alarm, either in Italy or Austria; only keep yourself within bounds, and put a guard upon your own passions. 11 We shall not dwell upon Kepler's dif- ferent works on comets, beyond men- tioning that they were divided, on the plan of many of his other publications, into three parts, Astronomical, Physical, and Astrological. He maintained that comets move in straight lines, with a varying degree of velocity. Later theo- ries have shewn that they obey the same laws of motion as the planets, differing from them only in the extreme excen- tricity of their orbits. In the second book, which contains the Physiology of Comets, there is a passing remark that comets come out from the remotest parts of ether, as whales and monsters ifrom the depth of the sea; and the sug- gestion is thrown out that perhaps comets are something of the nature of silkworms, and are wasted and con- sumed in spinning their own tails. Among his other laborious employ- ments, Kepler yet found time to cal- culate tables of logarithms, he having been one of the first in Germany to appre- ciate the full importance of the facilities they afford to the numerical calculator. In 1618 he wrote to his friend Schick- hard : " There is a Scottish Baron (whose name has escaped my memory), who has made a famous contrivance, by which KEPLER. 49 all need of multiplication and division is supplied by mere addition and subtrac- tion ; and he does it without sines. But even he wants a table of tangents *, and the variety, frequency, and difficulty of the additions and subtractions, in some cases, is greater than the labour of mul- tiplying and dividing." K( lepler dedicated his " Ephemeris" for 1620 to the author of this celebrated in- vention, Baron Napier, of Merchistoun ; and in 1624, published what he called *' Chilias Logarithmorum," containing the Napierian logarithms of the quotients of 100,000 divided by the first ten num- bers, then proceeding by the quotients of every ten to 100, and by hundreds to 1 00,000. In the supplement published the following year, is a curious notice of the manner in which this subtle contrivance was at first received : " In the year 1621, when I had gone into Upper Austria, and had conferred everywhere with those skilled in mathematics, on the subject of Napier's logarithms, I found that those whose prudence had increased, and whose readiness had diminished, through age, were hesitating whether to adopt this new sort of numbers, instead of a table of sines ; because they said it was disgraceful to a professor of mathematics to exult like a child at some compendious method of working, and meanwhile to admit a form of cal- culation, resting on no legitimate proof, and which at some time might entangle us in error, when we least feared it. They complained that Napier's demon- stration rested on a fiction of geometri- cal motion, too loose and slippery for a sound method of reasonable demonstra- tion to be founded on itt. " This led * The meaning of this passage is not very clear: Kepler evidently had seen and used logarithms at the time of writing this letter; yet there is nothing in the method to justify this expression, " At tamen opus est ipsi Tangentium canone." f This was the objection originally made to Newton's " Fluxions," and in fact, Napier's idea of logarithms is identical with that method of con- ceiving quantities. This may be seen at once from a few of his definitions, 1 Def. A line is said to increase uniformly, when the point by which it is described passes through equal intervals, in equal times. 2 Def. A line is said to diminish to a shorter one proportionally, when the point passing along it cuts off in equal times segments propor- tional to the remainder. 6 Def. The logarithm of any sine is the number most nearly denoting the line, which has increased uniformly, whilst the radius has diminished to that sine proportionally, the initial velocity being the same in both mo- tions. (Mirifici logarithmorum cauonis descriptio, Edinburgi 1614.) - This last definition contains what we should now call the differential equation between a number and the logarithm of its reciprocal, me forthwith to conceive the germ of a legitimate demonstration, which during that same winter I attempted, without reference to lines or motion, or flow, or any other which I may call sensible quality." " Now to answer the question ; what is the use of logarithms ? Exactly what ten years ago was announced by their author, Napier, and which may be told in these words. Wheresoever in common arith- metic, and in the Rule of Three, come two numbers to be multiplied together, there the sum of the logarithms is to be taken ; where one number is to be divided by another, the difference ; and the num- ber corresponding to this sum or differ- ence, as the case may be, will be the required product or quotient. This, 1 say, is the use of logarithms. But in the same work in which I gave the demonstration of the principles, I could not satisfy the unfledged arith- metical chickens, greedy of facilities, and gaping with their beaks wide open, at the mention of this use, as if to bolt down every particular gobbet, till they are crammed with my precepti- cles." The year 1622 was marked by the ca- tastrophe of a singular adventure which befell Kepler's mother, Catharine, then nearly seventy years old, and by which he had been greatly harassed and an- noyed during several years. From her youth she had been noted for a rude and passionate temper, which on the present occasion involved her in serious diffi- culties. One of her female acquaint- ance, whose manner of life had been by no means unblemished, was attacked after a miscarriage by violent head- aches, and Catharine, who had often taken occasion to sneer at her noto- rious reputation, was accused with hav- ing produced these consequences, by the administration of poisonous potions. She repelled the charge with violence, and instituted an action of scandal against this person, but was unlucky (according to Kepler's statement) in the choice of a young doctor, whom she employed as her advocate. Considering the suit to be very instructive, he delayed its termina- tion during five years, until the judge before whom it was tried was displaced. He was succeeded by another, already in- disposed against Catharine Kepler, who on some occasion had taunted him with his sudden accession to wealth from a very inferior situation. Her opponent, aware of this advantage, turned the ta- 50 KEPLER. hies on her, and in her turn became the accuser. The end of the matter was, that in July, 1620, Catharine was im- prisoned, and condemned to the torture. Kepler was then at Linz, but as soon as he learned his mother's danger, hur- ried to the scene of trial. He found the charges against her supported only by" evidence which never could have been listened to, if her own intemperate con- duct had not given advantage to her adversaries. He arrived in time to save her from the question, but she was not finally acquitted and released, from pri- son till November in the following year. Kepler then returned to Linz, leaving behind him his mother, whose spirit seemed in no degree broken by the un- expected turn in the course of her liti- gation. She immediately commenced a new action for costs and damages against the same antagonist, but this was stopped by her death, in April 1622, in her seventy-fifth year. In 1620 Kepler was visited by Sir Henry Wotton, the English ambassador at Venice, who finding him, as indeed he might have been found at every period of his life, oppressed by pecuniary diffi- culties, urged him to go over to England, where he assured him of a welcome and honourable reception; but Kepler could not resolve upon the proposed journey, although in his letters he often returned to the consideration of it. In one of them, dated a year later, he says, "The fires of civil war are raging in Germany they who are opposed to the honour of the empire are getting the upper hand everything in my neigh- bourhood seems abandoned to flame and destruction. Shall I then cross the sea, whither Wotton invites me ? I, a Ger- man ? a lover of firm land ? who dread the confinement of an island ? who pre- sage its dangers, and must drag along with me my little wife and flock of chil- dren? Besides my son Louis, now thirteen years old, 1 have a marriage- able daughter, a two-year old son by my second marriage, an infant daughter, and its mother but just recovering from her confinement." Six years later, he says again, "As soon as the Rudol- phine Tables are published, my desire will be to find a place where I can lecture on them to a considerable assembly ; if possible,- in Germany ; if not, why then in Italy, France, the Netherlands, or England, provided the salary is ade- quate for a traveller." In the same year in which he received this invitation an affront was put upon Kepler by his early patrons, the States of Styria, who ordered all the" copies of his " Calendar," for 1624, to be publicly burnt. Kepler declares that the reason of this was, that he had given prece- dence in the title-page to the States of Upper Ens, in whose service he then was, above Styria. As this happened during his absence in Wirlembenr, it was immediately coupled by rumour with his hasty .departure from Linz : it was said that he had incurred the Emperor's displeasure, and that a large sum was set upon his head. At this period Mat- thias had been succeeded by Ferdi- nand III., who still continued to Kepler his barren title of imperial mathema- tician. In 1624 Kepler went to Vienna, in the hopes of getting money to complete theRudolphineTables,but was obliged to be satisfied with the sum of 6000 florins and with recommendatory letters to the States of Suabia, from whom he also collected some money due to the em- peror. On his return he revisited the University of Tubingen, where he found his old preceptor, Mastlin, still alive, but almost worn out with old age. Mastlin had well deserved the' regard Kepler always appears to have enter- tained for him ; he had treated him with great liberality whilst at the University, where he refused to receive any remune- ration for his instruction. Kepler took every opportunity of shewing his grati- tude ; even whilst he was struggling with poverty he contrived to send his old master a handsome silver cup, in ac- knowledging the receipt of which Mast- lin says, " Your mother had taken it into her head that you owed me two hundred florins, and had brought fifteen florins and a chandelier towards reducing the debt, which I advised her to send to you. I asked her to stay to dinner, which she refused : however, we handselled your cup, as you know she is of a thirsty temperament." The publication of the Rudolphine Tables, which Kepler always had so much at heart, was again delayed, not- withstanding the recent grant, by the disturbances arising out of the two par- ties into which the Reformation had divided the whole of Germany. Kepler's library was sealed up by desire of the Jesuits, and nothing but his connexion with the Imperial Court secured to him his own personal indemnity. Then fol- lowed a popular insurrection, and the KEPLER. 51 peasantry blockaded Linz, so that it was not until 1627 that these celebrated tables finally made their appearance, the ear- liest calculated on the supposition that the planets move in elliptic orbits. Ptolemy's tables had been succeeded by the " Alphonsine," so called from Al- phonso, King of Castile, who, in the thirteenth century, was an enlightened patron of astronomy. After the disco- veries of Copernicus, these again made way for the Prussian, or Prutenic tables," calculated by his pupils Reinhold and Rheticus. These remained in use till the observations of TychoBrahe showed their insufficiency, and Kepler's new theories enabled him to improve upon them. The necessary types for these tables were cast at Kepler's own expense. They are divided into four parts, the first and third containing a variety of logarithmic and other tables, for the purpose of facilitating astronomical cal- culations. In the second are tables of the elements of the sun, moon, and planets. The fourth gives the places of 1000 stars as determined byTycho, and also at the end his table of refractions, which appears to have been different for the sun, moon, and stars. Tycho Brahe assumed the horizontal refraction of the sun to be 7' 30", of the moon 8', and of the other stars 3'. He considered all refraction of the atmosphere to be in- sensible above 45 of altitude, and even at half that altitude in the case of the fixed stars. A more detailed ac- count of these tables is here obviously unsuitable: it will be sufficient to say merely, that if Kepler had done' nothing in the course of his whole life but con- struct these, he would have well earned the title of a most useful and indefati- gable calculator. Some copies of these tables have pre- fixed to them a very remarkable map, divided by hour lines, the object of which is thus explained : " The use of this nautical map is, that if at a given hour the place of the moon is known by its edge being observed to touch any known star, or the edges of the sun, or the shadow of the earth ; and if that place shall (if necessary) be reduced from apparent to real by clear- ing it of parallax ; and if the hour at Uraniburg be computed by the Rudol- phine tables, when the moon occupied that true place, the difference will show the observer's meridian, whether the picture of the shores be accurate or net, for by this means it may come to be corrected." This is probably one pf the earliest announcements of the method of deter- mining longitudes by occultations ; the imperfect theory of the moon long re- mained a principal obstacle to its intro- duction in practice. Another interesting passage connected with the same object may be introduced here. In a letter to his friend Cruger, 'dated in 1616, Kep- ler says : " You propose a method of observing the distances of places by sun- dials and automata. It is good, but needs a very accurate practice, and confidence in those who have the care of the clocks. Let there be only one clock, and let it be transported ; and in both places let meridian lines be drawn with which the clock may be compared when brought. The only doubt remaining is, whether a greater error is likely from the unequal tension in the automaton, and from its motion, which varies with the state of the air, or from actually measuring the distances. For if we trust the latter, we can easily determine the longitudes by observing the -differences of the height of the pole." In an Appendix to the Rudolphine Tables, or, as Kepler calls it, " an alms doled out to the nativity casters," he has shown how they may use his tables fbr their astrological predictions. Everything in his hands became an allegory ; and on this occasion he says, "Astronomy is the daughter of As- trology, and this modern Astrology, again, is the daughter of Astronomy, bearing something of the lineaments of her grandmother; and, as 1 have al- ready said, this foolish daughter, Astro- logy, supports her wise but needy mother, Astronomy, from the profits of a profes- sion not generally considered credit- able." Soon after the publication of these tables, the Grand Duke of Tuscany sent him a golden chain ; and if we remem- ber the high credit in which Galileo stood at this time in Florence, it does not seem too much to attribute this honourable mark of approbation to his representation of the value of Kepler's services to astronomy. This was soon followed by a new and final change in his fortunes. He received permission from the emperor to attach himself to the celebrated Duke of Friedland, Albert Wallenstein, one of the most remark- able men in the history of that time. 52 KEPLER. Wallenstein was a firm believer in as- trology, and the reception Kepler ex- perienced by him was probably due, in great measure, to his reputation in that art. However that may be, Kepler found in him a more munificent pa- tron than any one of his three em- perors ; but he was not destined long to enjoy the appearance of better fortune. Almost the last work which he published was a commentary on the letter address- ed, by the missionary Terrentio, from China, to the Jesuits at Ingolstadt. The object of this communication was to ob- tain from Europe means for carrying into effect a projected scheme for im- proving the Chinese calendar. In this essay Kepler maintains the opinion, which has been discussed with soiimich warmth in more modern times, that the pretended ancient observations of the Chinese were obtained by computing them backwards from a much more re- cent date. Wallenstein furnished him with an assistant for his calculations, and with a printing press ; and through his influence nominated him to the profes- sorship in the University of Rostoch, in the Duchy of Mecklenburg. His claims on the imperial treasury, which amounted at this time to 8000 crowns, and vvhich Ferdinand would gladly have transferred to the charge of "Wallenstein, still remained unsatisfied. Kepler made a last attempt to obtain them at Ratis- bon, where the imperial meeting was held, but without success. The fatigue and vexation occasioned by his fruitless journey brought on a fever, which un- expectedly put an end to his life, in the early part of November, 1630, in his fifty-ninth year. His old master, Mast- lin, survived him for* about a year, dy- ing at the age of eighty-one. Kepler left behind him two children by his first wife, Susanna and Louis ; and three sons and two daughters, Sebald, Cordelia, Friedman, Hildebert, and Anna Maria, by his widow. Susanna mar- ried, a few months before her father's death, a physician named Jacob Bartsch, the same who latterly assisted Kepler in preparing his "Ephemeris." He died very shortly after Kepler himself. Louis studied medicine, and died in 1663, whilst practising as a physician at Konigsberg. The other children died young. Upon Kepler's death the Duke of Fried- land caused an inventory to be taken of his effects, when it appeared that near 24,000 florins were due to him, chiefly on account of his salary from the em- peror. His daughter Susanna, Bartsch's widow, managed to obtain a part of these arrears by refusing to give up Tycho Brahe's observations till her claims were satisfied. The widow and younger chil- dren were left in very straightened cir- cumstances, which induced Louis, Kep- ler's eldest son, to print, for their relief, one of his father's works, which had been left by him unpublished. It was not without much reluctance, in conse- quence of a superstitious feeling which he did not attempt to conceal or deny. Kepler himself, and his son-in-law, Bartsch, had been employed in prepar- ing it for publication at the time of their respective deaths ; and Louis con- fessed that he did not approach the task without apprehension that he was in- curring some risk of a similar fate. This little rhapsody is entitled a " Dream on Lunar Astronomy;" and was in- intended to illustrate the appearances which would present themselves to an astronomer living upon the moon. The narrative in the dream is put into the .mouth of a personage, named Du- racoto, the son of an Icelandic enchan- tress, of the name of Fiolxhildis. Kep- ler tells us that he chose the last name from an old map of Europe in his house, in which Iceland was called Fiolx : Du- racoto seemed to him analogous to the names he found in the history of Scot- land, the neighbouring country. Fiolx- hildis was in the habit of selling winds to mariners, and used to collect herbs to use in her incantations on the sides of Mount Hecla, on the Eve of St. John. Duracotb cut open one of his mother's bags, in punishment of which she sold him to some traders, who brought him to Denmark, where he be- came acquainted with Tycho Brahe. On his return to Iceland, Fiolxhildis received him kindly, and was delighted with the progress he had made in astro- nomy. She then informed him of the existence of certain spirits, or demons, from whom, although no traveller her- self, she acquired a knowledge of other countries, and especially of a very re- markable country, called Livania. Du- racoto requesting further information, the necessary ceremonies were performed for invoking the demon ; Duracoto and his mother enveloped their heads in their clothing, and presently " the screaking of a harsh dissonant voice began to speak KEPLER. 53 in'the Icelandic tongue." The island of Livania is situated in the depths of ether, at the distance of about 250000 miles ; the road thence or thither is very seldom open, and even when it is passable, mankind find the journey a most difficult and dangerous one. The demon describes the method employed by his fellow spirits to convey such travellers as are thought fit for the undertaking : " We bring no sedentary people into our company, no corpulent or delicate persons ; but we pick out those who waste their life in the con- tinual use of post-horses, or who sail frequently to the Indies ; who are ac- customed to live upon biscuit, garlic, dried fish, and such abominable feeding. Those withered old hags are exactly fit for us, of whom the story is familiar that they travel immense distances by night on goats, and forks, and old petti- coats. The Germans do not suit us at all; but we do not reject the dry Spaniards." This extract will probably be sufficient to show the style of the work. The inhabitants of Livania are represented to be divided into two classes, the Privolvans and Subvolvans, by whom are meant those supposed to live in the hemisphere facing the earth, which is called the Volva, and those on the opposite half of the moon : but there is nothing very striking in the ac- count given of the various pheno- mena as respects these two classes. In some notes which were added some time after the book was first written, are some odd insights into Kepler's method,. of composing. Fiolxhildis had been made to invoke the daemon with twenty-one characters ; Kepler declares, in a note, that he cannot remember why he fixed on this number, "except because that is the number of letters in A&tronomia Copernicana, or because there are twenty-one combinations of the planets, two together, or because there are twenty-one different throws upon two dice." The dream is abruptly termi- nated by a storm, in which, says Kep- ler, " I suddenly waked ; the Demon, Duracoto, and Fiolxhildis were gone, and instead of their covered heads, I found myself rolled up among the blankets." Besides this trifle, Kepler left behind him a vast mass of unpublished writings, which came at last, into the hands of his biographer, Hantsch. In 17 14, Hantsch issued a prospectus for publishing them by subscription, in twenty -two folio volumes. The plan met no encourage- ment, and nothing was published but a single folio volume of letters to and from Kepler, which seem to have furnished the principal materials for the memoir prefixed to them. After various un- availing attempts to interest different learned bodies in their appearance, the manuscripts were purchased for the library at St. Petersburg, where Euler, Lexell, and Kraft, undertook to examine them, and select the most interesting parts for publication. The result of this examination does not appear. Kepler's body was buried in St. Pe- ter's churchyard at Ratisbon, and a simple inscription was placed on his tombstone. This appears to have been destroyed not long after, in the course of the wars which still deso- lated the country. In 1786, a proposal was made to erect a marble monument to his memory, but nothing was done. Kastner, on whose authority it is men- tioned, says upon this, rather bitterly, that it matters little whether or not Ger- many, having almost refused him bread during his life, should, a, century and a half after his death, offer him a stone. Delambre mentions, in his History of Astronomy, that this design was resumed in 1803 by the Prince Bishop of Con- stance, and that a monument has been erected in the Botanical Garden at Ra- tisbon, near the place of his interment. It is built in, the form of a temple, sur- mounted by a sphere ; in the centre is placed a bust of Kepler, in Carrara marble. Delambre does not mention the original of the bust ; but says it is not unlike the figure engraved in the frontis- piece of the Rudolphine Tables. That frontispiece consists of a portico of ten pillars, supporting a cupola covered with astronomical emblems. Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Ptolemy, Hipparchus, and other astronomers, are seen among them. In one of the compartments of the com- mon pedestal is apian of the observatory at Uraniburg ; in another, a printing press ; in a third is the figure of a man, meant for Kepler, sealed at a table. He is identified by the titles of his works, which are round him ; but the whole is so small as to convey very little idea of his figure or countenance. The only portrait known of Kepler was given by him to his assistant Gringallet, who pre- sented it'toBernegger; and it was placed by the latter in the library at Strasburg. Hantsch -had a copy taken for the purpose of engraving it, but died before it was KEPLER. completed. A portrait of Kepler is en- graved in the seventh part of Boissard's Bibliotheca Chalcographica. It is not known whence this was taken, but it may, perhaps, be a copy of that which was engraved by desire of Bernegger in 1620. The likeness is said not to have been well preserved. " His heart and genius," says Kiistner, " are faithfully depicted in his writings ; and that may console us, if we cannot entirely trust his portrait." In the preceding pages, it has been endeavoured to select such passages from his writings as might throw the greatest light on his character, with a subordinate reference only to the importance of the subjects treated. In conclusion, it maybe well to support the opinion which has been ventured on the real nature of his triumphs, and on the danger of attempting to follow his me- thod in the pursuit of truth, by the judg- ment pronounced by Delambre, as well sidering these matters in another point of view, it is not impossible to convince ourselves that Kepler may have been always the same. Ardent, restless, burning to distinguish himself by his discoveries, he attempted everything ; and having once obtained a glimpse of one, no labour was too hard for him in following or verifying it. All his at- tempts had not the same success, and, in fact, that was impossible. Those which have failed seem to us only fanciful ; those which have been more fortunate appear sublime. When in search of that which really existed, he has sometimes found it ; when he devoted himself to the pursuit of a chimera,' he could not but fail; but even there he unfolded the same qualities, and that ob- stinate perseverance that must triumph over all difficulties but those which are insurmountable*." On his failures as On his SUCCeSS. "Con- * HUtoiredel'AstronomieModerne, Paris, 1821. List of Kepler's published Works. Ein Calender Prodromus Dissertat. Cosmograph. De fundamentis Astrologiae Paralipomena ad Vitellionem . , Epistola de Solis deliquio De Stella nova . Vom Kometen . . . Antwort an Rb'slin . Astronomia Nova Tertius interveniens ... Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo Strena, seu De nive sexangula . Dioptrica .... Vom Geburts Jahre des Heylandes Respons. ad e'pist S. Calvisiii Eclogae Chronicae . . . Nova Stereometria . . . Ephemerides 16171620 Epitomes Astron. Copern. Libri i. ii. iii. De Cometis .... Harm on ice Mundi . , Kanones Pueriles . . . Epitomes Astron. Copern. Liber iv. Epitomes Astron. Copern. Libri v. vi. vii. Discurs von der grossen Conjunction Chilias Logarithmorum . Supplementum . . Hyperaspistes Tabulae liudolphinae . . . Resp. ad epist. J. Bartschii De anni 1631 phaenomenis Terrentii epistolium cum conimentatiuncu]& Ephemerides .... Gratz, Tubingce, Pragce, Francofurli, . Pragce, Halle, Pragce, Pragce. Frankfurt', Francofurti, Frankfurt, Francofurti, Strasburg, Francofurti, Frankfurt, Lincii, . Lincii, Lentiis, Aug. Vindelic. Lincii. . UlmcK, Lentiis, Francofurti, iMZ. Marpurgi, Lentiis, Francofurti, U/mce, Sagani, Lipsa, , Sagani, Sagani, 1594 1596, 4 to. 1602, 4to. 1604, 4to. 1605 1606, 4 to. 1608, 4to. 1609, 4to. 1609, fol. 1610, 4to. 1610, 4to. 1611, 4to. 1611, 4to. 1613, 4to. 1614, 4 to. 1615,4(o. 1615,4to. 1616, 4to. 1618, 8vo. 1619,4lo. 1619, fol. 1620 1622, 8vo. 1622, 8vo. Ifi23, 4to. 1624, fol. 1625, 4to. 1625, 8vo. 1627, fol. 1629, 4to. 1629, 4to. 1630, 4to. 1630, 4to. Somnium . Tabulae mannales Francofurti, 1634, 4 to. 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