^/'saaAiNfl 3WV ^(^AHvaaiiAvv* ^umm\ i-i>^' ^;;^l•LIBRARY7?/^ ^(f/odnvojo"^ ^M[•l]NIVERS//, "^J^iiaoNvsoi^ ^lOSANCElfj;^ i '^/5a]AlNn-3WV .4^ ^^OFCAIIFO/?^ >t?AavHaii-# aWEUNIVERS/a ^lOSANCElfj-;^ o %a3AINn-3WV ^. ^VlOSANCElfj;^ "^AaaAiNoawv^ ^lOSANGElfj. "^AaaAiNn-awv >vAlLlBRARYa^^ ^.!/0JI]V3JO^ ^OE-CALIFO/?^ x^UlBRARYQ^^ ^^Aavaaiii^ >- -v^^lllBRARYCk 30 \WEyNIVER% o ^lOSANCElfj^ o "^/^aiAiNn^wv^ .4^ ^^OFCAIIFO/?4A. \\\EUNIVERS/A ^lOSANCElfT^ o ^ "^^AMYHHIH^ !'f V fir tJ^e Author of a Scheme to unite the Papfis and 'Froieftants\ by making fuch Conctflions ro the former, as hardly any but a Fapft could do ; which fuiHcJently declared his Principles. As to his Book, called The Snake in the Grafs^ wrote a gain ft -the Sluakers^ it was iuliy anlwer'd by Jofeph Wyetb \rx the Year 1699, and his Falfity and Malice againft them properly expofed therein ; the Book was in- tituled, A Switch for the Snake in the Grafs \ to which we never heard he made any Reply. The fa id Book, called ^he Snake ^ was likewife anfwered, in great Part, by Daniel Philips in his Vindiaa Veritatis ; and in the Year 1732, by Jofeph BeJFe^ ih his Anfwer to Patrick Smith, r 4 ] for Confent^ induced me to contribute my Mite, in as concife a Manner as I poffibly could, ta expofe his fallacious Performance, t") it?b F/r/?, By fetting forth, out of approved Au- thors among ourfelves, what kind of Ent'hu- Jiafm, or Infpiration, or immediate Revelation^ We own, and what we rejedt. Secondly y I (hall offer a few Scripture Texts in Support thereof. *' -^thirdly and laflly, A few Colleds of the Kational Church, together with the Sentiments of her mod eminent Writers on that Subjedt ; all which is humbly recommended to the feri- ous Perufal of the fober Enquirer after diving Truths. /;* How far the learned Vicar may boaft of his Performance I know not, but I find he con- feffes he has already been cenfured, for mani- fefting a Bitternefs of Spirit not of late to be equalled j nor can I obferve in him any Marks of that Chriftian Virtue called Charity, without which, all our Performances are but us founding Brafs^ or a tinkling Cymbal, i Cor. xiii. I. Of quite different Sentiments, con- cerning us, was the judicious and learned Judg^ Haky when our Principles were not fo well known, nor efteemed, as now ; ' The ^akerSy ^ (faith he) take away fome Singularities, the * Men are as gther Men y fome indeed very [ fober, t 5 ] * fober, honeft, plain-hearted Men, and found ' in moft, if not in all the important Dodrines * and Pradices of Chriftianity.' Nature of true Religion, pag. 15. 1684. Firji J Now I proceed to the Sentiments of fome of our approved Authors on Infpiration^ or immediate Revelation^ fetting forth what In- fpiration we own, and what rejedt. * I know the monftrous Conceit fome have * of our Meaning by Revelation^ fancying we * underfland whimfical Raptures, ftrange and * prodigious Trances ; but fuch imagine evil of * Things they know not : We difclaim any * Share or Intereft in thofe vain Whimfies and * idle Intoxications, profeffing our Revelation * to be a folid and neceffary Difcovery from * the Lord, of thofe Things that do import * and concern our daily Condition, in reference * to the Honour which is due to him, and * Care owing to our own Souls.* W. Penn^ Serious Apology, pag. 87. 1671. * We diftinguifli betwixt a Revelation of a * new Gofpel, and new Dodtrines, and a new * Revelation of the good old Gofpel and Doc« * trines ; the laft we plead for, but the firfl v^e * utterly deny.' R, Barclays Apology, pag. 9 1. * We diftinguifli of immediate Revelation, * and fay 'tis two -fold, either in Kind or B * Degree ; [ 6 3 * Degree ; now tho' we believe the immediate ' Revelation which we have, is from the fame ' holy Spirit that opened in the Prophets and * Apoftles, and them that gave forth the holy * Scriptures j yet we do not fay, it is the fame * Revelation for Degree which they had, but * that it is the fame for Kind. Secondly, We do ' not plead for any new Gofpel, Faith or Doc- ^ trine, in Oppofition to or different from that « which Chrift and his holy Prophets and * Apoflles taught, and is recorded in the Scrip- * tures of Truth, but for the Revelation of that ' which they taught, and is therein recorded/ i2. Claridges Lux Evangelica, pag. 84. * The Revelation which we own, is the ' Difcovery or Illumination of the Light and ' Spirit of God, relating to thofe Things that ' properly and immediately concern the daily ' Information and Satisfadion of our Souls, * in the Way of our Duty to God and our * Neighbour/ Fullers Reply to Boyfe, Seft. 3. pag. 40. * We renounce all fantaflical and whimfical * Intoxications, or any Pretence to the Revela- * tion of new Matter, Gofpel, Faith or Doc- * trine, in Oppofition to or ditFerent from that 'which our Saviour, his holy Prophets and ^ Apoflles taught, and is recorded in the Scrip- ^ tures of Truth. Ibid.' Secondly, [ 7 ] Secondly^ Some Scripture Texts in Support of Divine Infpiration. * But there is a Spirit in Man ; and the In- * fpiration of the Almighty giveth them an * Underftanding. Job xxxii. 8. * That was the true Light, which lighteth * every Man that cometh into the World. John i. 9. * But the Manifeftation of the Spirit, . is * given to every Man to profit withal, i Cor, xii. 7. , * That which may be known of God, is ^ manifeft in them ; for God hath (lie wed it * unto them. Rom, i. 19. * For the Grace of God that bringeth Sal- * vation, hath appeared to all Men ; teaching * us, that denying Ungodlinefs, and worldly * Lufts, we (hould live foberly, righteoufly, and ' godly in this prefent World, looking for that * bleffed Hope, and the glorious Appearing of ' the great God, and our Saviour Jefus Chrift, * who gave himfelf for us, that he might re- *■ deem us from all Iniquity, and purify unto ' himfelf a peculiar People, zealous of good * Works. Thefe Things fpeak and exhort, and ' rebuke with all Authority. Let no Man de- [ fpife thee, Titus ii. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, B 2 *No I 5 ] * No Man knoweth the Son but the Father : ' Neither Knoweth any Man the Father fave ' the Son, and he to whomfoever the Son will ' reveal him. Mat, xi. 27. * No Man can fay that Jefus is the LotA, ' but by the holy Ghoft. i Cor. xii. 3. * But ye are not in the Flefh, but in the ' Spirit, if fo be that the Spirit of God dwell ' in you. Now if any Man have not the Spirit ' of Chrift, he is none of his.— But if the Spirit * of him that raifed up Jefus from the Dead, ' dwell in you -, he that raifed up Chrift from * the Dead, (hall alfo quicken your mortal * Bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. — ■ ' The Spirit itfelf beareth Witnefs with our ' Spirit, that we are the Children of God. Rom. viii. 9 — 11 — 16. * But God hath revealed jthem unto us by ' his Spirit : For the Spirit fearcheth all Things", * yea, the deep Things of God. For what * Man knoweth the Things of a Man^ fave the * Spirit of Man which is in him ? Even fo * the Things of God knoweth no Man, but ' the Spirit of God. Now we have received * not the Spirit of the World, but the Spirit ' which is of God ; that we might know the * Things that are given us of God. i Cor. ii. lOj II, 12. ' But [ 9 1 * But ye have an Unftion from the holy * One, and ye know all Things. — But the * Anointing which ye have received of him, * abideth in you : And ye need not that any * Man teach you ; but, as the fame Anointing * teacheth you of all Things, and is Truth, and * is no Lie. i "John ii. 20 — 27. * And hereby we know that he abideth in ^ us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. — * Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and * he in us, becaufe he hath given U5 of his 'Spirit, I "John iii. 24. and iv. 13. ^ God who commanded Light to (hine ^)ut * of Darknefs, hath (hined into our Hearts, to •'give the Light of the Knowledge of the * Glory of God, in the Face of Jefus Chrift. * But we have this Treafure in earthen Veffcfct z Cor. iv. 6, 7. * Thou gavefl alfo thy good Spirit to inJEltuft '•'them. Nehem. ix. 20. c * I will put my Law in their -invwifd Paits, ^'and write it in their Hearts, and will be their ^ God, and they (hall be my People. And they * (hall teach no more every Man his Neigh- * hour, and every Man his Brother, faying, .* Know the Lord : For they (hall all know me, e^from the leaft of them to the greateft of them, ♦f faith the Lord. Jer. xxxi, 33, 34. ' I will [ 10 1 ' I will put my Spirit within you, and caufe Vyou to walk in my Statutes.' Ezek. xxxvi. 27. It is manifeft to all unprejudiced Perfons, that infinite Wifdom has not left us to ourfelves,^ but that he is near us, during the Day of our Vifitation, to teach and inftru6l us by his Grace and holy Spirit, what we {hould avoid, and what we ihoujd come up in the Pradlice of, agreeable to the afore-mentioned Faffages of^ the Apoftle in his Epiftle to 'Titus, How far the Author of the Modern Hiftory, or any others, may think proper to defpife the Ex-' hortation of the infpired Penman, well merits Confideration. * ^ (.1 /■' lo • Thirdly, and la/lly, Some ColleBs of the Na- tional Church ; to which are added, the Senti- ments of fome of her moft eminent Writers on that Head. Firii ColleB in the Communion Service. * Al- ^ mighty God, unto whom all Hearts be open; ^ all Defires known, and from whom no Secrets ^ are hid, cleanfe the Thoughts of our Hearts * by the Injpiration of thy holy Spirit, that we ■*• may perfe(3:ly love thee, and worthily magnify \ thy holy Name.' it ^ Coll for the fifth Sunday- after Eafler, * O * Lord, from whom all good Things do come, * grant to us ^hy humble Servants, that by th^ * holy [ " 1 * holy hifpiration we may think thofe Things * that be good.' A Prayer jor the Clergy and People. * Send * down upon our Bi(hops, and Curates, and all * Congregations committed to their Charge, the * healthful Spirit of thy Grace! A Prayer for all Conditions of Men > ' More * efpecially we pray thee for the good Eftate of * the Catholick Church, that it may be fo * guided and governed by thy good Spirit? St. Stephen'^ Day. * And being ^lled with * the holy Ghojl, may learn to love and blefs * thofe who perfecute us, Sfr/ ^linquagefma Sunday. ' Send thy holy Ghoft^ *■ and pour into our Hearts.' Good Friday 2d Coll. ' Almighty and ever- ' lading God, by whofe Spirit the whole Body * of the Church is governed and fandtified/ Whitfunday. * God, who as at this Time * didft teach the Hearts of thy faithful People, * by the fending to them the Light of thy holy * Spirit \ grant us by the fame Spirit/ Ninth Siniday after Trinity. ' Grant to us, * Lord, webefeech thee, the Spirit to think and * do always fuch Things as be rightful. Nineteenth Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, * Mercifully ^ grant, that thy holy Spirit may in all Things * dirc(^ and rule our Hearts/ Article 13. ' Works done before the Grace *ofChrift, and the Infpiraticn of his Spirit, ' are not pleafing to God,' The Litany, ' That it may pleafe thee to illu^ * minate all Bifliops, Priefts and Deacons, Qc' In the Ordination for Priefts, &c. The Bifliop having acquainted the Perfons who are to be Ordained, of the great Excellence and Dignity of their Office, and their Infufficiency for it of themfelyes. Power and Ability being given them of God alone, thus befpeaks them : * Therefore ye fee how ye ought and have Need * earneftly to pray for his holy Spirit. — Adding, ^ We have good Hope, that you will continu- * ally pray for the heavenly Affiliance of the holy ' Ghoft from God the Father, by the Medi- * ation of our only Mediator and Saviour Jefus ' Chrift, that by daily reading and weighing * of the Scfriptures, ye may fo wax riper and ' ftronger in your Miniftry.'— After which, the Bifhop puis feveral Queftions, to which they are feverally to anfwer. — Then the Congrega- tion are defired, fecretly in their Prayers to make humble Supplication to God, for the forefaid Things ; for the which Prayer, there fliall be a certain Space of Silence, — Then the Bifhop prays, and among other Expreffions ' faith. [ n ] faith, ' Almighty and heavenly Father, — We ' humbly befeech thee, — That we may daily * increafe and go forward in the Knowledge * and Faith of thee and thy Son, by the koly * Spirit! — Which when ended, the Bifhop, with the Priefts prefent, fliall lay their Hands feveraily upon the Head of every one that re- ceiveth Orders, the Receivers humbly kneeling upon their Knees, and the Biftiop faying, Receive the Holy Ghost. Archbifnop Usher. ' It is required that we * have the Spirit of God, as well to open our * Eyes to fee the Light, as to feal up fully to * our Hearts the Truth which we fee with * our Eyes ; for the fame holy Spirit that ' infpired the Scripture, (r Cor, ii. jo. and * xiv. 37. Ephef. i. 13.) inclineth the Hearts * of God's Children to believe what is revealed * in them, beyond all Reafons and Arguments, ' that thefe are the Scriptures of God'. Sum and SubjloJicc of the Chriilian Religion, pag. 11, 12. 6th Edit. * The Tedimony of God's Spirit in the * Hearts of his Faithful, is greater than any * human Perfwafions grounded upon Reafon, ' or Witneffes of Men.* Ibid. pag. 12. Blfliop Jewel. * Flefli and Blood Is not able * to r.nderiknd the holy Will of God, with- ' out fpecial Revelatio?! ; therefore Chrift gave * Thinki; uiito his Father, for that he had re^ C * ve.i ed [ Hi * sealed his Secrets to the little Ones, Mat. xi. ^ and likewife opened the Hearts of his Dif- ' ciples, that they might undei^jland the Scrip* ' tures, Luke xxiv. 45. Without the fpecialHelp * and prompting of God'^s holy Spirit ^ the Word * of God is unto the Reader, be he never fo * wife or well learned, as the Vifion oi 2i fealed * Book J Reply to Harding*; Anjwer, pag. 534. Archbifhop Sandys, in a Sermon preached before Qiieen Elizabeth, on Pfal. Ixxxvi. 1 1. Teach me thy Ways^ O Lordy and I will walk in thy Truths has the following Expreffions. * Chrift only openeth the Book of Knowledge, * giveth Underftanding, and revealeth unto us * the Will of his Father.-- The Spirit only is ' the Schoolmafter, that inwardly guideth the ' Heart in the Way of Truth/ See his Sermons printed in 16 16, Pag. 49. Bifhop Fowler of Glocefler, in his Defgn of Chriftianity, Pag. 106, treats of xht fending the Holy Ghoil to excite us to our Duty, and aiiift, chcar and comfort us in the Performance of it ; and then fays, ' This doth the Gofpel ' affure us of, as alfb that thofe which do not * refill and repel his good Motions, Avail be ' fure to have always the Superintendency of * this ble[jed Spirit, and that he will never for- * fake them, bat abide vvith them for ever, and ' carry them from one Degi-ee of Grace to * another.' The [ rS ] The learned Daniel Whitby, Chanter of the Church of Sarum, Author of a Paraphrafe and Commentary on the New T^eflament^ hath an Jppendix to the fixth Chapter of the fecond Epiftle to the Corinthians, to fhow the Ne- ceflity of the inward Help of the Grace of God, to enable us to perform our Duties, and live as becometh Chrijiiam \ in which he largely proves, ' That it is neceffary to aflert that God * vouchfafes to Men, not only the outward * Difpenfations of his Word, to be the ordinary ' Means of their Converfion and Sanc^ification, ' but alfo feme inward Affiftances and Opera- * tions of his holy Spirit :' In which he fays^ ' To fay thefe Things and thefe Expreffions, ^ concern only the Times in which the extra- * ordinary Gifts and Operations of the holy * Spirit were vouchfafed, is to make future * Ages, fmce the Ceafmg of thofe Gifts, defpair * of being quickned, fandtified or comforted, * or even enabled to purify the Heart, or to * mortify the Deeds of the Fledi, to live or * walk in the Spirit 5 and confequently to defpair * of being now the Sons of God, united to Jefus * Chrifl, or having any of the Fruits of the * Spirit wrought within them. — This Abode of ' the good Spirit with us, is reprefented not ' only as the higheft Privilege, but as the in- * eftlmable Advantage of the Chriflian' With much more ftrong and excellent Doftrine to the fame Effedl, through eight Pages in Folio ia the fiid Appendix j to which we muft refer. C2 Dn [ i6] Dr. Lu'CAs, in his Enquiry after Happinefs, Pag. 89, fays, * I can eafily believe that my ' Ten^per may be transformed, my Corruptions ' may be put off, and I be made Partaker of a ' divine Nature, fince the Spirit of God will * dwell with me, the Light of God will always * fljine upon me, and the Power of God will * 2L\\s'^ysJuccour me* John Lock, in his fecond Volume in Folio, Pag. 537, fays, * To thefe I muft add one Ad- * vantage more by Jefus Chrift, and that is the * Promife oi AJJifiance ; if we do what we can, * he will give us hi^ Spirit to help us to do ^ what and how we fhould. 'Twill be idle fm* * us, who know not how our own Spirits move * and ad us, to alk in what Manner the Spirit ' of God fliall work upon us ? The Wifdom ' that accompanies that Spirit, knows better * than we how we are made, and how to ^ work upon us/ In his Paraphrafe op i Cor, ii. 10. he fays, ' But thefe Things that are not difcoverable by ' Mens natural Faculties and Power, God hath * revealedio us by his Spirit.* — On i Cor, xii. 3. he fays, * All that own our Lord Jefus Chrill * and believe in him, do it hy the Spirit oj God -, * that is, can do it upon no other Ground but ^ Rrjelation coming from the Spirit of God! Ihid. [17] Ibid, Pag. 302. * 'Tis the Spirit of God ' alone that enlivens Men, fo as to enable them ' to caft off the Dominion of their Lufts/ Dr. Waterland, on tht Importance of the DoBrine of the Trinity, Pag. 62, 63, 64, quotes with Approbation the following Words from Dr. Sherlock; ' Our Salvation by Chrift-, * confifts not only in the Expiation of our Sins, * ^c, but in the Communication of divine * Grace, and Power to renew and fandify us ; * and this is every where in Scripture attributed * to the holy Spirit, as his peculiar Office in the * Oeconomy of Man's Salvation : And it muft ' make a fundamental Change in the Dodlrinc * of divine Grace and Affiftance, to deny the * Divinity of the holy Ghoft. For can a Crca- * ture be the univerfal Spring and Fountain of * divi?ie Grace and Lije ? Can a Creature make * fuch clofe Application to our Minds, know * our T^houghts^ fet Bounds to oiir PaJJions^ in» ' fpire us with new Affections and Defires, &c.' Bifhop Stillingfleet, in his Origines Sa- bres, Book 2. Cap. JO. Sedt. 5. fays, * God has ' promifed his Spirit to be a Witnefs within * them, (Believers) that by its working and ' ftrengthning Grace in their Hearts, it may * confirm to them the Truth of the Records of * Scripture, when they find the Counterpart of ' them written in their Hearts by the Finger ' ©f the Spirit of God/ la r 18 1 In a Treatife intituled, T'he Life of God in the Soul of Man^ recommended by Bifliop Burnett, are the following Words, pag. 97. * That there is a New Birth, and a divine in- * ward Operation of the Spirit of God, which ^ does conftantly exert itfelf in the Souls of the * adopted Sons of God, but chiefly in their * "Regeneration^ is a Truth fo facred and certain, * that none who have any Acquaintance with * the inward Ways of God, can fo much as f queftion it/ \ ' Ibid. pag. 99. * This is mojft facrilegioufly * reftrained to the extraordinary Effujion of the * Holy Ghoft on Tentecojl. • — This is clearly * contrary both to the Promifes of the Old and * New Teftament, and the v/hole Current of * the New, and to nothing more than our * Saviour's mojl divine Prayer^ wherein he ex- * preffes he w^as not interceeding for his Dif- ^ ciples only, but for all that (hould believe on * him through their Word. — So that all thofe * fublime Effefts of the divine Spirit, of being * one in God^ that Chrijl might be in them^ &c. * are there prayed for, and certainly granted *them; • id bt>imio;iq • John Smith, of Cambridge, in his Eek5l Difcourfes, pag. 384, fays, ' Befides the out- * ward Revelation of God's Will to Men, there f is alfo an inward Impreffion of it on their * Minds and Spirits, which is in a mpre fpecial * Manner [ «9 ] * Manner attributed to God. — We cannot fee ^ divine Things, but in a divine Light.' Dr. Hammond, in the Preface before his Paraphrafe on the New Telia?nent^ pag. lo. fays, ' There is Need of God's illuminating * Spirit to alTilt our weak Eyes, our dark Fa- * cuhies.' — And on Lt^ke xxiv. 45, he fays, ' By * the fpecial Operation of his Spirit, He (that ' is, Chrift) gave them the Underftanding o(i\\Q *• Scriptures, in thofe Things efpecially which * concerned the Mejfias? . Dr. John Edv^tards, in his Free Difcourfe concerning Truth and Error ^ pag. 481, fays,^ * God is the -^z/r/:?(9r of all divine Truth, and of * the Di/covery of it made to us. An inward * Enlightning and Irradiating the Mind by the ^ holy Spirit, is abfolutely neceffary for the ' apprehending of the divine Myfteries which ' are contained in the Dod:rines of the Gofpel.* Archbiiliop Tillotson, in his Sermons on the Gift of the Holy Ghofl, which are N^ 12 and 13 of the loth Volume in S''^- pag. 352, fays it fignifies ' A fpecial Power and Prefcnce * of the Holy Ghofl with Believers, or the ^ immediate Operation and Alfiftancc of the ' divine Spirit communicated and imparted to * them. — It doth alfo fignify and comprehend- * in it, a more ordinary and gentle Influence of ' God's Spirit upon the Minds of Aien, to all ' holy and good Purpofes j by which 1 mean, ' an [ 20 ] * an immediate Operation and Affiftance of the * holy Spirit afforded to Men, to relieve the * Weaknefs and Impotence of human Nature, ' to help and ftrengthen us to the Performance * of what the Golpel requires of us/ — After which, he opens the Nature of it, and the Neceffity of it, to enable us to perform the Condition of the Gofpel Covenant, and * That * this Povi;er does continually dwell and refide * in all U'ue Chrijliam^ if we do not grieve the * Spirit of God, and provoke him to withdraw ' it from us/ — But for the bleffcd Effcds there- of, and its Extent as to Perfons and Things, we muft refer the Reader to the faid two Ser- mons, which are well worthy his perufing ; juft obferving that he fays, ' This divine In- * fluence and Affifbance, was not limited to the * extraordinary Effufion of the holy Spirit on * the.^Day of Pe?jtecofl, but that it is to all fuc- * ceeding Ages -^ which he fully proves from Scripture. And in the fiift of thofe Sermons are the following excellent Words, ' But after all this is * done for us, we are fl:ill without Strength^ * our Nature being depraved and funk into that ' Impotency and Weaknefs, that without the ' powerful Affiftance of Divine Grace^ v/e are * utterly unable to perform thofe mod equal * and reafonable Conditions, which the Gojpel * requires of us, being, as the Scripture expreffes * it, dead in T^7'efpqjjes a?id Sins, cuid eft ranged 'from the Life of God through the Darknefs * that [21 ] * that is in us, and the Blindnefs of our Hearts, ' Being enjlaved to vitious Habits^ - and having a * carnal Mind^ which is Enmity to God, and * renders us incapable to receive or reliili Divine * and Spiritual Things : So that noiwithftand- ' ing all that our blelled Saviour hath done and * fufFered for us, and all the merciful Overtures * of Pardon and Happinefs, which the Go/pel * makes to us, all this will fignify nothing to * our Benefit and Advantage, unlefs our Impo- * tency be relieved, and new Life and Strength * be conveyed to us, to awaken and excite us ' to that which is good, to enable us to mortify * and fubdue our evil and corrupt Inclinations, * to break off our vitious Habit Sy and to walk * in the Ways of God^s Commandments -, for we ' are not fufficient of ourfelves, as of ourfelves, ' for any of thefe Things, but our Sufficiency * is of God : Without Chrift we can do nothi?2gy * and it is only through him ftrengthening of * us, that we are able to do all thefe Things, ' which are neceffary to be done by us, in order ' to the obtaining that Happinefs and Salvation * which the Gojpel has promifed, and our &- ' viour hath purchafed for us. And therefore * our merciful Redeemer^ that he might not ' leave his Work imperfed, hath fent his blefTed * Spirit into our Hearts, to enlighten the Eyes * of our Minds, and to open and difpofe our ' Underftandings, for to receive of divi?je and * fpiritual Truths, to conquer likewife the Per-^ * verfnefs and Stubbornnefs of our fFills, and * to fet us at Liberty from the Slavery of our D ^ Lujs [ 22 ] * Lujls, (for where the Spirit of God /i, as St. ' Faul tells us, there is Liberty) to renew our ' Natures, and to purify our Hearts, to mortify * our corrupt AfFed:ions, and to affift us to / every good Word and Work, to ilrengthen * us againft Temptations, to Inpport us under * Sufferings and Perfecutions, and in a Word, * to keep us by the mighty Power of God, and * gracious Affiftance of his Holy Spirit, thro* ' Faith unto Salvation! I heartily wifli the foregoing Hints might engage the ferious Attention of all, into whofe Hands they may drop j becaufe, from what little Remarks I have been capable of making, the moft pious Men, in all Ages, have efteem- ed it of the greateft Importance, to be ac-^ quainted with the Teachings of the Grace of God, in order to arrive at the faving Know- lerige of his Will concerning them, that they might he Chriftiam indeed in his Sight, fuch in whom Chrift by his Spirit tabernacles with ; for we are affjred, that if he is not in us^ (not- withftandlng ail v/.ir Pretences to Religion) we are Reprobates^ 2 Cor. xiii., ;. And, if we have not the Spirit of Chrift^ we arj none cf his^ Rom. viii. 9. I have frequently admired, how any pro- fefling to be Miniliers of the Gofpel, or indeed, to the noble Name of a Chrijlian, (liould deny and ridicule fo important a Dodrine, treating that [23] that with Contempt, by making it the Subjcdt of their profane Jefts, which would be exceed- ing profitable for themfelves heartily to em- brace ; it being fupported by Sacred Authority, as well as by the Labours and Sentiments of the moft pious and orthodox Chri/iians^ of all Denominations, in all Ages. I am far from being a Lover of Contro^erfy^ much lels do I efteem myfelf qualified for it, iincerely declaring, I have no View herein but the Honour of God, and the Good of Souls» and as fuch, (hall leave thefe few Lines to fare as it may happen to them ; concluding with an Extract from a Treatife, intituled The glorious T'ruth of univerfal Grace and Atonement : At the Clofe of which, the Author excellently ex- preffes his Defire, that all the Profeflbrs of Chri/iianity may, with him, ' Wind up their * Spirits, not in the Love of Controverfy, but ' in the Love of God, and Life of RighteouC- ' nefs ; that though as our Lineaments and ' Features are different, fo our Sentiments in * divers Rcfpedls may be different ; or though * we may have different Ideas of Things, yet * that our Differences may not be fuch, but * that we may come to unite upon a Bottom * of Love and univerfal Charity, and may be * brought to dwell in him who is Love ; one * divine, effential, and undivided Fountain of * Love, and infinite Ocean of divine Bright- * nefs ', the Glories of whofe Prefence can never *be * be defcribed, nor the Beauties of his Love fet * forth to the full ; He is all Love and Light, * Truth and Goodnefs, who is our Rock for * ever ; of the Height and Depth, Length and ^ Breadth of his Love, there is no End, Limit, * or Bound. Let the Senfe of Divine Love * take hold upon your Spirits^ O ye ProfefTors * of Cbri/lia?iityy and feize powerfully upon * vour Souls, that the Life and Subftance of * Religion may be your Portion, your Crown * and Glory for ever/ F I N I ^>rjl3DNVS01^'^ %ii3AINn]WV "^<9Aava9n-i'^ UNIYERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. WON-RENEW/JBLE JAN 2 4 1992 DUE 2'WKSF^OM DATE RtCtlVhO >&AHvaaiHS^ "^(JAavaaiH^ >- %]]wm'^ Km-. (ANG[ lAINrt^ i •CAIIFO/ lavai 315 3SANGEU| s H]AINn-]V vV^S ANCElf o ^Aa3AlNn-3V ^vlOSANCElfj;^ .^IUBRARYQa^ >v^^llIBRARYd 3 1158 01029 5714