DEC 1 ^^'^ j:^^ THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OTFINANCE DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS to be included in THE BUDGET FOR 1917 lABLES SUMiMARIZING the BONDS MATURING in 1917, and the INTEREST PAYABLE on the CITY DEBT; also showing THE AMOUNT of said INTEREST to be RAISED by TAXATION, and THE AMOUNT from OTHER SOURCES, and TO WHOM said INTEREST is PAYABLE PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT BY WM. A. PRENDERGAST, COMPTROLLER OCTOBER 27, 1916 / / fVt THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. October 27, 1916. To THE Bo.\RD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT: Gentlemen — The Tables herewith submitted give all essential particulars with respect to the debt service charges, viz., the interest on the City's bonded debt and the appropriations for redemp- tion and amortization of such debt, which must be provided in tue tax budget of 191/: These exhibits consist of Table — summarizing the total amount of bonds maturing in 1917, and showing — (1) The amount of said bonds which are redeemable from appropriations to be provided in the tax budget of 1917; (2) The amounts redeemable from water revenues; (3) From assessments, and (4) The amount of bonds maturing in 1917 which are redeemable through the sinking funds. The amount of all bonds maturing in 1917 which are held liy the public and the amount thereof which is now held by the sinking funds are also shown. The Table concludes with the annual amortization installment to be provided in the 1917 budget for the Sinking Fund of the City of New York and the appropriation for redemption in 1917 of special revenue bonds. The purpose of this Table, as may be noted, is to place before the Board of Estimate and .Apportionment a comprehensive view of all the bonded debt maturing in 1917, classilied according to political division (the new City and the former municipalities), and segregated to show the sources from which the debt is redeemable. Table "A" — summarizing the total interest payable in 1917 on the bonded indebtedness of the City, arranged according to political division, and showing the totals of such interest which have to be raised by taxation and the amounts to be derived from other sources; also showing the totals of interest payable in 1917 to tlic public and the amounts thereof which will tiow into the sinking funds as interest on the City's securities held by them. Table " B " — Summarizing the interest payable in 1917 on the City's bonded indebtedness as of September 30, 1916, classified according to the general purposes for which bonds were issued, viz., rapid transit ; water supply ; docks ; bridges ; schools and sites ; col- leges ; public buildings and offices, etc. This Table also classifies the sources from which the interest is to be derived and the amounts payable to the public and to the sinking funds, under the same principle of segrcgatoin as obtains in Table " A." Table "C" — summarizing the interest payable in 1917 on the City's bonded debt under the same general plan with respect to political division as obtains in Table " A," but classifies the debt and the interest payable thereon according to the several rates of interest which the bonds bear. Table "D" — summarizing the interest payable in 1917 on the City's bonded debt under the same general plan as obtains in Table " B," but sulidividing the different group totals according to the several rates of interest which the l;oiuIs bear. To illustrate: The bonds issued for water supply, which arc shown in one group total on Table " B," are divided in Table " D " to show the separate rates of interest which these bonds bear. The concluding exhibit consists of a comparative Table summarizing the appropriations for debt service in the budget of 1916 and the appropriations for similar purposes which will require to be included in the budget of 1917, together with the increases of each group total to be included in the latter budget over the corresponding appropriations in the budget of 1916. , Respectfully, William A. Prendergast, \; •■ Comptroller. THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of TABLE — SUMMARIZING the TOTAL AMOUNT of BONDS MATURING in 1917, and showing the AMOUNTS of with the AMOUNTS payable from WATER REVENUES, ASSESSMENTS, and by SINKING FUNDS; also showing TABLE also shows the AMOUNT of ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS to be provided in the BUDGET for the SINKING in 1917. TOTAL AMOUNT of BONDS Redemption of Debt. Particulars. Showing (a) Sources from which (a) Tax Budget of 1917. Totals. Public, (b) Sinking Funds, (b) I. The City of New York, as constituted oince January 1, 1898— Redemption of 1/lS of $25,000,000 of Serial Bonds issued in 1915 II. The City of New York, as constituted since January 1, 1898— Redemption of 1/15 of $15,000,000 of Serial Bonds issued in 1916 III. The City of New York, as constituted since January 1, 1898— Appropriation of 1/4 of $395,956 of Non-rev- enuc-producing Outlays in 1916 on account of Authori- zations from September 12, 1914, to December 31, 1915. IV. The Citv of New York, as constituted since January 1, 1898— Appropriation of 1/2 of $878,162 of Non-rev- enue-producing Outlays in 1916 on account of Authori- zations of 1916 V. The City of New York, as constituted since January 1, 1898 — Sundry Redemptions VI. The Citv of New York, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 VII. The City of Brooklyn, Kings County, and former Towns therein, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 VIII. Municipalities in Queens Countv, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 .' IX. Municipalities in Richmond County, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 TOT.'KL AMOUNT of BONDS REDEEMABLE in 1917 X. .\mortization Installment payable into the Sinking Fund of the City of New York TOTAL AMOUNT to be provided in BUDGET of 1917 for REDEMPTION and AMORTIZATION of DEBT XL Special Revenue Bonds — Redemption of GRAND TOTALS * Includes Bonds to be issued after October 25, 1916. $1,666,660 00 1,000,000 00 98,989 00 439,081 00 11,551,620 00 2,890,422 91 2,919,894 76 2,942,846 83 60,150 00 $23,569,664 50 8,700,000 00 10,000,000 00 $42,269,664 50 $1,666,660 00 1,000,000 00 19,090 00 1,215,000 00 2,931,346 83 60,150 00 $6,892,246 83 868,070 00 $7,760,316 83 8,700,000 00 $16,460,316 83 J *5.250,000 00 ( 4,750,000 00 $26,460,316 83 $98,989 00 439,081 00 330,000 00 "$868,676 '66 $4,750,666 '66 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. said BONDS which are REDEEMABLE from APPROPRIATIONS to be provided in the TAX BUDGET of 1917, together the AMOUNTS of ALL BONDS maturing in 1917 held by the PUBLIC and by the SINKING FUNDS respectively. Tlie FUND of tlie CITY OF NEW YORK and the APPROPRIATION for REDEMPTION of SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS MATURING in 1917. Payable; (b) Amounts held by Public and by Sinking Funds respectively. (a) Water Revenues. Public. (b) (b) Assessments. Public, (b) Sinking Funds, (b) (a) Sinking Funds. Public, (b) Sinking Funds, (b) Titles of Sinking Funds from which Bonds are Pavable. I II Ill IV V VI VII VIII. $11,500 00 IX $8,351,620 00 135,000 00 5,486,620 00 105,000 00 , $2,633,000 00 2,754,500 00 $ 770,000 00 $105,000 00 I 14,500 00 $6,172,000 00 $105,000 00 1,034,227 67 $567,000 00 116,832 91 ( 232.000 00 ( 118,394 76 $1,034,227 67 Water Sinking Fund, N. Y. Sinking Fund, No. 1. Sinking Fund, Brooklyn. Water Sinking Fund, Brooklyn. $11,500 00 $8,591,620 00 $7,206,227 67 $11,500 00 $8,591,620 00 $7,206,227 67 , THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of TABLE "A"— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1917 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, as of SEPTEMBER which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED and to WHOM it is PAYABLE; also including ESTIMATES of SEPTEMBER 30, 1917. Political Divisions. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. II. HI. IV. V. VL VII. VIII. IX. FUNDED DEBT. The City of New York, as constituted since January 1, 1898— Funded Debt, per se General Fund Bonds Corporate Stock Notes (maturing in 1916) TOTALS— Present CITY OF NEW YORK Funded Debt of the former City of New York, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898, consisting of Bonds issued prior to said date and Bonds of the County of New York, prior to January 1, 1898 ($223,082,666.27— January 1, 1898) Funded Debt of the former City of Brooklyn, consisting of Bonds issued prior to January 1, 1898 ; Kings County Bonds, and tlie Bonds of all other Munici- palities, consolidated into the City of Brooklyn prior to January 1, 1898 ($81,626,175.53- January 1, 1898).. Funded Debts of Long Island City and of all other Municipalities in the Borough of Queens, issued prior to January 1, 1898, including the proportion of the Funded Debt of the County of Queens imposed upon the City of New York ($13,709,935.62- January 1, 1898) Funded Debt of Municipalities in the Borough of Rich- mond, issued prior to January 1. 1898, including Rich- mond County Bonds ($3,486,736.67— January 1, 1898) . . TOTAL FUNDED DEBT and INTEREST THERE- ON PAYABLE in 1917 TEMPORARY DEBT. Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding September 30, 1916.. TOTALS Interest on Bonds. Corporate Stock and Corporate Stock Notes, to be issued from October 1, to December 31, 1916, and to September 30, 1917, estimated at $27,000,000 Interest on Revenue Bonds and Bills outstanding Sep- tember 30, 1916, and on Bonds to be issued in 1917 (estimated) (outstanding September 30, 1916 — $70,665,365.91) GENERAL FUND BONDS— ADDITIONAL. Interest on General Fund Bonds issued in 1916 after September 30 $143,359,277 78 211,000,000 00 15,750,000 00 $370,109,277 78 25,005,234 25 5,188,394 76 $400,302,906 79 4,750,000 00 $405,052,906 79 $897,978,834 62 soo'oo $897,979,334 62 58,787,374 16 31,000,067 41 7,780,147 49 1,668,000 00 $997,214,923 68 2,639,400 00 $18,500,000 00 $1,041,338,112 40 211,000,000 00 15,750,500 00 $1,268,088,612 40 83,792,608 41 36,188,462 17 7,780,147 49 1,668,000 00 $1,397,517,830 47 7,389,400 00 $999,854,323 68 $1,404,907,230 47 $18,500,000 00 TOTAL INTEREST payable in 1917 from T.^xation to be INCLUDED in the BUDGET of 1917 TOTAL INTEREST payable in 1917 from SOURCES other than from GENERAL PROPERTY tax LEVY. TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT payable to PUBLIC in 1917 from Taxation TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT payable to PUBLIC in 1917 from ALL OTHER SOURCES. GROSS TOTAL INTEREST payable to PUBLIC in 1917 on CITY'S DEBT TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT payable to SINKING FUNDS in 1917 from Taxation TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT payable to SINKING FUNDS in 1917 from ALL OTHER SOURCES. GROSS TOTAL INTEREST payable to SINKING FUNDS in 1917 on CITY'S DEBT GRAND TOTAL OF INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT payable in 1917 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. 30, 1916, of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, arranged according to POLITICAL DIVISION, and showing the SOURCES from INTEREST which will be PAY.^BLE in 1917 on BONDS and NOTES to be ISSUED from OCTOBER 1, 1916, to Interest to be Derived A Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From other Taxation. Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. From From other Taxation. Sources. $34,906,586 80 $5,651,280 29 6,330,000 00 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $217,851 85 $34,906,586 80 $11,981,280 29 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $6,547,851 85 1,615,776 72 593,230 68 1,615,041 72 73S 00 593,230 68 1,283,105 21 120,842 18 1,146,482 71 94,073 41 135,622 50 26,768 77 285,356 59 73,981 25 17,651 25 285,356 59 73,981 25 17,651 25 $38,164,806 57 169,445 55 $12,713,004 40 $33,879,956 82 26,945 55 $5,545,153 10 $4,284,849 75 142,500 CO $7,167,851 30 1,200,000 00 1,200,000 00 3,750,000 00 3,750,000 00 $43,284,252 12 13,268,004 40 $56,552,256 52 555,000 CO $13,268,004 40 $38,856,902 37 5,545,153 10 $44,402,055 47 $12,150,201 05 $56,552,256 52 $5,545,153 10 $4,427,349 75 7,722,851 30 $12,150,201 05 555,000 00 $7,722,851 30 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of TABLE "B"— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1917 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS as of SEPTEMBER 30, PURPOSES for which BONDS were ISSUED; also showing the SOURCES Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By- Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. FUNDED DEBT— The City of New York as constituted January 1, 1898: Funded Debt, per sc : Corporate Stock for 1. Public Enterprises: Water Supply Rapid Transit Docks, Piers and Municipal Ferries Total Public Enterprises 2. Bridges: Four East River Bridges Other Bridges Total Bridges 3. Public Works: Streets, Roads and Trunk Sewers 4. Educational : Schools and Sites College of City of N. Y Public Libraries Sites for Carnegie Libraries Total Educational 5. Recreation, Science and Art: Public Museums Public Gardens Public Parks and Parkways Total Recreation, Science and Art 6. Health: Dept. of Health Hospitals, Bellcvuc and Allied Hospitals, Dept. of Health Hospitals, Dept. Pub. Charities Total Health 7. Sanitation: Street Cleaning Miscellaneous Total Sanitation 8. Charitable Purposes: Department of Public Charities 9. Correctional Purposes: Department of Correction 10. Protection of Life and Property: Police Department Fire Department Total Protection of Life and Property .$32,733,572 84 5,400,948 77 13,547,200 00 $51,681,721 61 $5,535,536 41 2,748,911 89 $8,284,448 30 $33,702,423 83 $11,927,100 43 923,931 35 954,550 00 763,814 90 $14,569,396 68 $1,465,250 00 1,024,124 06 5,521,952 85 $8,011,326 91 $363,086 94 929,786 77 132,351 ii 273,829 92 $1,699,054 96 $964,733 08 63,850 00 $1,028,583 08 $1,154,217 SO 103,500 00 256,414 71 1,348,575 02 $1,604,989 7i $184,241,700 00 157,036,940 00 85,318,002 56 $426,597,242 56 $63,776,709 49 13,571,807 61 $77,348,517 10 $103,171,207 50 $98,754,040 29 4,343,313 75 8,743,839 94 1,737,834 15 $113,579,028 13 $7,301,186 70 2,344,772 77 29,516,266 00 $39,162,225 47 $2,334,655 89 9,966,417 66 2,238,811 53 6,587,402 7i $21,127,287 81 $2,830,100 22 1,153,602 IS $3,983,702 y? $4,287,204 78 2,393,552 86 4,525,422 89 9,160,339 92 $13,685,762 81 $216,975,272 84 162,437,888 77 98,865,802 56 $478,278,964 17 $69,312,245 90 16,320,719 50 $85,632,965 40 $136,873,631 ii $110,681,140 72 5,267,245 10 9,698,389 94 2,501,649 05 $128,148,424 81 $8,766,436 70 3.368,896 83 35,038,218 85 $47,173,552 38 $2,697,742 83 10,896,204 43 2,371,162 86 6,861,232 65 $22,826,342 77 $3,794,833 30 1,217,452 15 $5,012,285 45 $5,441,422 28 2,497,052 86 4,781,837 60 10,508,914 94 $15,290,752 54 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. 1916, of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, arranged according to POLITICAL DIVISION and classified according to the from which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED and to WHOM it is PAYABLE. Interest to Be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From other Taxation. Sources. r From Taxation. From other From From other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $8,633,179 45 1,000,000 00 3,827,481 62 $13,460,661 07 $44,164 74 5,606,845 55 $5,651,010 29 $7,656,683 88 1,000,000 00 3,418,047 17 $12,074,731 05 $31,914 24 5,401,514 20 $5,433,428 44 $976,495 57 " "409,434 '45 $1,385,930 02 $12,250 SO 205,331 35 $217,581 85 $2,697,856 03 610,072 51 $3,307,928 54 $2,529,476 99 527,358 90 $3,056,835 89 $168,379 04 82,713 61 $251,092 65 $5,153,088 45 $4,140,056 04 $1,013,032 41 $4,260,406 12 197,967 38 376,236 06 92,191 60 $4,926,801 16 $3,899,075 61 170,116 69 347,502 81 69,251 90 $4,485,947 01 $361,330 51 27,850 69 28,733 25 22,939 70 $440,854 15 $337,744 69 121,835 92 1,294,235 n $1,753,816 38 $293,469 69 91,065 70 1,129,497 78 $1,514,033 17 $44,275 00 30,770 22 164,737 99 $239,783 21 $101,681 73 447.024 17 98,.S25 72 292,379 01 $939,610 63 $140,264 ^^ 51,4% 85 $191,761 59 $210,107 56 94,761 59 1R8.791 70 417,536 65 $606,328 35 $90,738 62 418,946 32 94,524 43 284,043 86 $888,253 23 $111,254 75 49,566 35 $160,821 10 $175,428 53 91,630 59 180,935 76 376,935 40 $557,871 16 $10,943 11 28,077 85 4.(K)1 29 8,335 15 51,357 40 $29,009 99 1,930 50 30,940 49 $34,679 03 3,131 00 7,855 94 40,601 25 $48,457 19 TABLE "B" Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. I. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 11. Public Buildings and Offices: New Municipal Building New County Court House Court Buildings Borough and County Buildings Armories Public Baths and Comfort Stations. Total, Public Buildings and Offices 12. Refunding Old Debts 13. Miscellaneous 14. . Deficiencies in Taxes 15. Assessment Bonds: For Street opening, grading, paving, curbing, etc.; also construction of sewers, catch basins, etc Total Funded Debt, per sc. 16. Corporate Stock Notes: Water Supply f All Interest 1 Rapid Transit -I thereon j- Docks I payable in 1916 J TOTAL CORPORATE STOCK NOTES. . 17. General Fund Bonds TOTALS OF FOREGOING. II. TEMPORARY DEBT— Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding September 30, 1916. . TOTALS— FUNDED DEBT and SPECIAL REVE- NUE BONDS of the CITY OF NEW YORK and INTEREST thereon PAY- ABLE in 1917 Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate Stock Notes to be issued from October 1, to De- cember 31, 1916, and to September 30, 1917. Revenue Bonds and Bills outstanding Sep- temlier 30, 1916 (and to be issued in 1916 and 1917) TOTAL FUNDED and TEMPORARY DEBT of THE CITY of NEW YORK, as CONSTITUTED since IANU.^RY 1. 1898, and INTEREST thereon PAY- ABLE IN 1917 $623,877 07 3,592 27 571,730 90 846,596 45 1,425,964 39 694,050 00 $4,165,811 08 $246,920 94 5,100 CO 5,106,000 00 11,995,783 16 $143,359,277 78 $2,250,000 00 12,500,000 00 1,000,000 00 $15,750,000 00 $211,000,000 00 $370,109,277 78 $4,750,000 00 $374,859,277 78 $18,472,434 77 9,247,179 20 3,656,375 36 10,821,289 82 6,509,371 46 3,738,582 03 $52,445,232 64 $458,000 00 106,933 31 26,207,317 28 13,425,620 00 $897,978,834 62 $500 00 $500 00 $897,979,334 62 $2,639,400 00 70,665,365 91 $19,096,311 84 9,250,771 47 4,228,106 26 11,667,886 27 7,935,335 85 4,432 632 03 $56,611,043 72 $704,920 94 112,033 31 31,313,317 28 25,421,403 16 $1,(M1,338,112 40 $2,250,000 00 12,500,500 00 1,000,000 00 $15,750,500 00 $211,000,000 00 $1,268,088,612 40 $7,389,400 00 $900,618,734 62 $1,275,478,012 40 70,665,365 91 $374,859,277 78 $971,284,100 53 $1,346,143,378 31 -Continued. Interest to be Derived A Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From other Sources. f From Taxation. From other Sources. From" . Taxation. From other Sources. $804,307 25 $784,967 19 389,647 31 147,968 00 402,157 34 260,858 75 148,818 15 $19,340 06 107 n 17,176 68 26,168 89 42,970 43 20,881 25 $126,645 08 . 389,755 08 165,144 68 428,326 23 303,829 18 169,699 40 $2,261,061 82 $2,134,416 74 $23,437 63 $16,030 00 4,655 00 1,103,892 64 354,492 40 $7,407 63 153 50 154,415 00 359,613 49 $4,147,492 25 4,808 50 1,258,307 67 714,105 89 $270 00 $5,651,280 29 $270 00 $34,906,586 80 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $217,851 85 $6,330,000 00 $11,981,280 29 $6,330,000 00 $34,906,586 80 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $142,500 00 $6,547,851 85 $169,445 55 $26,945 55 $35,076,032 35 1,200,000 00 $11,981,280 29 $30,786,040 10 1,200.000 00 3,750,000 00 $5,433,428 44 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 3,750,000 00 ^0,026,032 35 $11,981,280 29 $35,736,040 10 $5,433,428 44 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 _ 1 TABLE "B" Classification of Funded Debt According to General Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. RFXAPITULATION— THE CITY OF NEW YORK $51,681,721 61 $426,597,242 56 $478,278,964 17 8,284,448 30 77,348,517 10 85,632,965 40 33,702,423 83 103,171,207 SO 136,873,631 ii 14,569,396 68 113,579,028 13 128,148,424 81 8,011,326 91 39,162,225 47 47,173,552 38 1,699,054 96 21,127,287 81 22,826,342 11 1,028.583 08 3,983,702 VJ 5,012,285 45 1,154,217 50 4,287,204 78 5,441,422 28 103,500 00 2,393,552 86 2,497,052 86 1,604,989 li 13,685,762 81 15,290,752 54 4,165,811 08 52,445,232 64 56,611,043 72 .i46.920 94 458,000 00 704,920 94 5,100 00 106,933 31 112,033 31 5,106,000 00 26,207,317 28 31,313,317 28 11,995,783 16 13,425,620 OO 25,421,403 16 FUNDED DEBT. 1. Public Enterprises 2. Bridges 3. Public Works 4. Educational 5. Recreation, Science and Art 6. Health. 7. Sanitation 8. Charitable Purposes 9. Correctional Purposes 10. Protection of Life and Property 11. Public Buildings and Offices 12. Refunding Old Debt 13. Miscellaneous 14. Deficiencies in Taxes 15. Assessment I?onds TOTAL FUNDED DEBT PER SE CORPORATE STOCK NOTES GENERAL FUND BONDS TOTAL TEMPORARY DEBT. Special Revenue Bonds Bonds, Corporate Stock, etc., to be issued Revenue Bonds and Bills TOTAL FUNDED AND TEMPORARY DEBT. III. FUNDED DEBT— Former City of New York: 1. Public Enterprises — Water Supply Docks, Piers and Municipal Ferries... Total Public Enterprises 2. Bridges: Four East River Bridges Other Bridges Total Bridges 3. Public Works: Streets and Roads and Trunk Sewers. 4. Educational: Schools and Sites 5. Recreation Science and Art: Pulilic Museums Pulilic Gardens Pulilic Parks and Parkways Total Recreation, Science and Art 6. Health: Department of Health Hospitals, Bellevuc and Allied Hospitals, Department of Health Total Health 7. Sanitation: Street Cleaning $143,359,277 78 15,750,000 CO 211,000,000 CO $370,109,277 78 4,750,000 00 $374,859,277 78 $296,000 00 6,952.(K)0 00 $7,248,000 00 $727,325 00 2,437,090 61 $3,164,415 61 $2,276,358 40 $1,581,287 94 $529,103 36 125,000 00 8,292,011 39 $8,946,114 75 $38,027 52 65,000 00 50,000 00 $153,027 52 $397,978,834 62 500 CO 2,639,400 00 '76,665,365' 91 $2,549,000 00 15,048,000 00 $17,597,000 00 $390,000 00 1,903,681 32 $2,293,681 32 $5,913,177 30 $3,810,327 87 $990,000 00 9,878,246 12 $10,868,246 12 $150,000 00 $1,041,338,112 40 15,750,500 00 211,0(X),000 00 $897,979,334 62 $1,268,088,612 40 7,389,400 00 '70,'65'5,36S'9i $971,284,100 S3 $1,346,143,378 31 $2,845,0(X) 00 22,000,000 00 $24,845,000 CO $1,117,325 00 4,340.771 93 $5,458,096 93 $8,189,535 70 $5,391,615 81 $1,519,103 36 125,000 00 18,170.257 51 $19,814,360 87 $38,027 52 65,000 00 50,000 00 $153,027 52 $150,000 00 — Continued. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. AS CONSTITUTED $13,460,661 07 3,307,928 54 SINCE JANUARY $5,651,010 29 1, 1S98. $12,074,731 05 3,056,835 89 4,140,056 04 4,485,947 01 1,514,033 17 888,253 23 160,821 10 175,428 53 91,630 59 557,871 16 2,134,416 74 16,030 00 4,655 00 1,103,892 64 354,492 40 $5,433,428 44 $1,385,930 02 251,092 65 1,013,032 41 440,854 15 239,783 21 51,357 40 30,940 49 34,679 03 3,131 00 48,457 19 126,645 08 7,407 63 153 50 154,415 CO 359,613 49 $217,581 85 5.153,088 45 4,926,801 16 1,753,816 38 939,610 63 191.761 59 210,107 56 94,761 59 606,328 35 2,261,061 82 23,437 63 4,808 50 1,258,307 64 714.105 89 270 00 270 00 $34,903,586 80 . $5,651,280 29 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $217,851 85 6,330,000 00 6,330,000 00 $34,906,586 80 169,445 55 $11,981,280 29 $30,759,094 55 26,945 55 1,200.000 00 3,750,000 00 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 142,500 00 $6,547,851 85 1,200.000 00 3,750,000 00 $40,026,032 35 $35,736,040 10 $27..SOO 00 472,642 50 $5,433,428 44 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 $27,500 00 $8,850 00 206,357 50 $215,207 50 . $21,869 75 38,435 22 $8,850 00 206,357 50 472.642 50 $500,142 SO $500,142 50 $215,207 SO $13,650 00 $13,650 00 53,607 94 $21 869 75 53,607 94 38,435 22 $67,257 94 $60,304 97 $45,403 83 $67,257 94 $60,304 97 $197,275 69 $196,540 69 $735 00 $45,403 83 $245 00 $245 00 $24,925 00 $15,898 10 3,7.S0 00 221,679 84 $24,925 00 $15 898 10 3,750 00 254,951 98 254,951 98 221 679 84 $279,876 98 $241,327 94 $1,140 83 $279,876 98 $241,327 94 $1 140 83 $1,140 83 $1 140 83 TABLE "B" Classification of Funded Debt According to General Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. III. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 8. Charitable Purposes: Department of Public Charities 9. Correctional Purposes Department of Correction 10. Protection of Life and Property: Police Fire Total, Protection of Life and Property. 11. Public Buildings and Offices: Court Buildings Borough and County Buildings Public Baths and Comfort Stations Total Public Buildings and Offices- •. 12. Refunding Old Debt 13. Miscellaneous Total Former City of New York- . . . • 1. Public Enterprises 2. Bridges 3. Public Works 4. Educational 5. Recreation, Science and Art 6. Health 7. Sanitation 8. Charitable Purposes 9. Correctional Purposes 10. Protection of Life and Property 11. Public Buildings and Offices 12. Refunding Old Debt 13. Miscellaneous Total Former City of New York Former City of Brooklyn: 1. Public Enterprises — Water Supply 2. Bridges — Four East River Bridges 3. Public Works — Streets ;ind Roads and Trunk Sewers 4. Educational — Schools and Sites Public Libraries Total, Educational 5. Recreation, Science and Art — Public Museums Public Parks and Parkways Total, Recreation, Science and Art $418,175 GO $50,000 00 $15,000 00 625,000 00 $640,000 00 $152,715 03 105,100 00 55,000 00 $312,815 03 $215,000 00 $40 00 $25,005,234 25 $25,005,234 25 $713,394 76 $295,000 00 $1,764,000 00 $1,204,500 00 $1,204,500 00 $25,000 00 160,000 00 $185,000 00 $350,000 00 $250,000 OO $179,549 65 100,000 00 $279,549 65 $588,431 90 $588,131 90 $15,484,000 00 $1,202,960 00 $58,787,374 16 $768,175 00 $300,000 00 $194,549 65 725,000 00 $919,549 65 $741,146 93 105,100 00 55,000 00 $901,246 93 $15,699,000 00 $1,203,000 00 $83,792,608 41 RECAPITULATION— FORMER $7,248,000 00 $17,597,000 00 $24,845,000 00 3,164,415 01 2,293,681 32 5,458,096 93 2,276,358 40 5,913,177 30 8,189,535 70 1,581,287 94 3,810,327 87 5,391,615 81 8,946,114 75 10,868,246 12 19,814,360 87 153,027 52 153,027 52 150,000 00 350,000 00 150,000 00 418.175 00 768,175 00 50,000 00 250,000 00 300,000 00 640,000 00 279,549 65 919,549 65 312,815 03 588,431 90 901.246 93 215,000 00 15,484,000 00 15,699,000 00 40 00 1,202,960 00 1,203,000 00 $58,787,374 16 $1,354,500 00 $8,104,325 00 $8,455,500 00 $2,408,000 00 5,000 00 $2,413,000 00 $292,000 00 5,649,000 00 $5,941,000 00 $83,792,608 41 $2,067,894 76 8,399,325 00 $10,219,500 00 $3,612,500 00 5,000 00 $3,617,500 00 $317,000 00 5,809,000 00 $6,126,000 00 -Continued. Interest to be Derived A Interest Payablato Public. Sinking Funds. 1 From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. ^ 1 \ From other From From other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $12,250 00 $12,545 25 $1,500 00 $450 00 750 00 $12,250 00 $12 545 25 $8,750 00 $8,750 00 $1 500 00 $2,486 49 $2,486 49 3,250 00 $450 00 3,250 00 750 00 $5,736 49 $1,200 00 $2,372 36 3,153 00 1,650 00 $5,736 49 $1,200 00 $19,600 12 $19,600 12 $2 372 36 . 3 153 00 1 650 00 $19,600 12 $7,175 36 $7,425 00 $19,600 12 $7,175 36 $524,642 00 $524,642 00 $7,425 00 * $1,615,776 72 $593,230 68 $215,207 50 60,304 97 45,403 83 $1,615,041 72 $735 00 $593,230 68 CITY OF NEW YORK. $500,142 50 $500,142 SO 67,257 94 196,540 69 245 00 279,876 98 $215,207 50 67,257 94 60,304 97 197,275 69 $735 00 45,403 83 245 00 279,876 98 241,327 94 1,140 83 241,327 94 1 140 83 * 12,250 00 12,545 25 1,500 00 1,200 00 7,175 36 7,425 00 12,250 00 8,750 00 5,736 49 19,600 12 524,642 00 12,545 25 8,750 00 1,5(K) 00 5,736 49 1,200 00 19,600 12 7,175 36 524,642 00 7,425 00 * $1,615,776 72 $593,230 68 $1,615,041 72 $735 00 $593,230 68 $74,117 18 $47,383 41 %26,733 77 $362,656 38 $352,631 38 $10,025 00 $330,852 50 $46,725 00 $278,955 00 $46 725 00 $51897 50 $118,461 88 175 00 $82,039 38 175 00 $36,422 SO $118 636 88 $82,214 38 $36,422 50 $10,220 00 256,428 77 $875 00 259 603 17 3,175 00 $270,698 77 $266,648 77 $4,050 00 * Bonds maturing^ in 1916, no Interest payable thereafter. 10 TABLE "B" Classification of Funded Debt According to General Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. III. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 6. Public Buildings and Offices — Borough and County Buildings $555,000 00 $2,634,000 00 $3,189,000 00 7. Refunding Old Debt $200,500 00 $2,097,742 41 $2,298,242 41 8. Miscellaneous $271,000 00 $271,000 00 Total Former City of Brooklyn $5,188,394 76 $31,000,067 41 $36,188,462 17 RECAPITULATION— FORMER 1. Public Enterprises 2. Bridges 3. Public Works 4. Educational 5. Recreation, Science and Art 6. Public Buildings and Offices 7. Refunding Old Debt 8. Miscellaneous Total Former City of Brooklyn Long Island City and Towns in Queens: 1. Public Enterprises: Water Supply 2. Public Works: Streets and Roads and Trunk Sewers 3. Educational: Schools and Sites 4. Recreation, Science and Art: Public Parks and Parkways 5. Protection of Life and Property: Fire Diparlmcnt 6. Public Buildings and Offices: Borough anil County Buildings 7. Refunding Old Debt TOTAL, LONG ISLAND CITY AND TOWNS IN QUEENS Public Enterprises Public Works Educational Recreation, Science and Art Protection of Life and Property Public Buildings and Offices Refunding Old Debt TOTAL, LONG ISLAND CITY AND TOWNS IN QUEENS $713,394 76 295,000 00 1,764.000 00 1,204.500 00 185,000 00 555,000 00 200,500 00 271,000 00 $5,188,394 76 $1,354,500 00 8,104,325 00 8,455,500 00 2,413,000 00 5,941,000 00 2,634,000 00 2,097,742 41 $31,000,067 41 $272,500 00 6,020,773 54 966,750 00 78,000 00 40,000 00 129,742 90 272,381 OS $7,780,147 49 $2,067,894 76 8,399,325 00 10,219,500 00 3,617,500 00 6,126,000 00 3,189,000 00 2,298,242 41 271,000 00 $36,188,462 17 $272,500 00 6,020,773 54 966,750 00 78,000 00 40,000 00 129,742 90 272,381 05 $7,780,147 49 RECAPITULATION— LONG ISLAND $272,500 00 6,020,773 54 966,750 00 78,000 00 40,000 00 129.742 90 272,381 05 $7,780,147 49 $272,500 00 6.020,773 54 966,750 00 78.000 00 40,000 00 129,742 90 272,381 05 $7,780,147 49 10 — Continued. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From other Taxation. Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. $106 842 19 ■ $89,867 19 $16,975 00 $83 933 49 $76,165 99 $7,767 50 $9,485 00 $136,622 50 « $9 485 00 $1,283,105 21 $120,842 18 $1,146,482 71 $94,073 41 $26,768 n CITY OF BROOKLYN. $74,117 18 $47,348 41 $26 768 77 $362,656 38 $352,631 38 278,955 00 82,214 38 266,648 n 89,867 19 76,165 99 $10,025 00 51,897 50 36,422 50 4,050 00 15,975 00 7,767 SO 9,485 00 . $136,622 50 330,852 50 46,725 00 46,725 00 118,636 88 270 698 n 106 842 19 83 933 49 9 485 00 $1,283,105 21 $120,842 18 $4,151 25 13,500 00 $1,146,482 71 $94,073 41 $26,768 n $7 570 00 $7,570 00 212,212 88 44,297 47 3,510 00 1,775 00 5,269 72 10,721 52 $4,151 25 13,500 00 212,212 88 44,297 47 3.510 00 1 775 00 5 269 72 10 721 52 $285,356 59 $17,651 25 $285,356 59 $7,570 00 212,212 88 44,297 47 3,510 00 1,775 00 5,269 11 10,721 52 $17,651 25 $4,151 25 13,5(X) 00 CITY AND TOWNS IN $7 570 00 QUEENS. $4,151 25 13,500 00 212 212 88 44 297 47 3,510 00 1 775 00 5 269 72 10 721 52 $285,356 59 $17,651 25 $285,356 59 $17,651 25 11 TABLE "B' Classification of Funded Debt According to General Purpose. Pr.ncipal of Funded Debl Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. FUXDI-:D debt— Continued. Towns and Villages in Richmond: 1. Public Enterprises: Water Supjilv 2. Public Work's: Streets and Koad and Trunk Sewers 3. Educational: Schools and Sites 4. Refunding Old Debt TOTAL— TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN RICHMOND 1. Public Enterprises 2. Public Works 3. Educational 4. Refunding Old Debt TOTAL— TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN RICHMOND FUNDED DEBT. Present City of New York Former City of New York Former City of Brooklyn and County of Kings, and Towns Therein Former Long Island City and County of Queens, and Towns, Villages and School Districts Therein County of Richmond, and Towns, Villages and School Districts Therein TOT.\L— FUNDED DEBT TEMPORARY DEBT GRAND TOT.\LS $12,000 00 $12,000 00 1,540,400 00 1,540,400 00 96,600 00 96,600 00 19,000 00 19,000 00 $1,668,000 00 $1,668,000 00 RECAPITULATION— TOWNS AND $12,000 00 $12,000 00 1,540,400 00 1,540,400 00 96,600 00 96,600 00 19,000 00 19,000 00 $1,668,000 00 $1,668,000 00 $370,109,277 78 25,005,234 25 5,188,394 76 $400,302,906 79 4,750,000 00 $897,979,334 62 58,787,374 16 31,000,067 41 7,780,147 49 1,668,000 00 $997,214,923 68 73,304,765 91 $405,052,906 79 $1,070,519,689 59 RECAPITU $1,268,088,612 40 83,792,608 41 36,188,462 17 7,780,147 49 1,668,000 00 $1,397,517,830 47 78,054,765 91 $1,475,572,596 38 II — Continued. Interest to be Derived From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. Interest Payable to Public. From other Sources. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From other Sources. $420 00 68,326,50 4,538 75 696 00 $73,981 25 VILL.\GES IN RICHMOND. $420 OO 68,326 50 4,538 75 696 00 $73,981 25 LATION. $34,906,586 80 $11,981,280 20 1,615,776 12 593,230 68 1,283,105 21 120.842 18 285,356 59 17.651 25 73,981 25 $38,164,806 57 $12,713,004 40 5,119.445 55 $43,284,252 12 $12,713,004 40 $420 00 68,326 50 4,538 75 696 00 $73,981 25 $420 00 68,326 SO 4,538 75 696 00 $73,981 25 $33,879,956 82 4,976,945 55 $38,856,902 il $5,545,153 10 $5,545,153 10 $4,284,849 75 142,503 00 $4,427,349 75 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $6,547,851 85 1,615,041 n 735 00 593,230 68 26,768 n 1,146,482 71 94,073 41 136,622 50 285,356 59 17,651 25 73.981 25 $7,167,851 30 $7,167,851 30 12 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Bureau of TABLE C— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1917 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS as of September 30, 1916, such INTEKESr is to be DERIVED and to WHOM it is iWVABLb; and Political Division. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates %of Interest. The City of New York as now constituted- Funded Debt, per sc General Fund Bonds Corporate Stock Notes Temporary Debt — Special Revenue Bonds Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate Stock Notes to be issued Revenue Bonds and Bills TOTALS— Present CITY OF NEW YORK Former City of New Y'ork Former City of Brooklyn. $13,X'0 00 135,U87,699 01 l,16o,C00 00 2,098,760 00 o,b82,408 77 l,10y,310 00 2,100 00 $3,119,150 00 23i,Yoy,^>i4'6i 162,53:1,040 00 293,S90.69U 00 204,331,140 00 $13,000 CO 138.206,849 01 l,lt6,000 00 236,206,574 62 16 j,4 12,443 77 ^95,000,000 00 204,333,240 00 $143,359,277 78 $897,978,834 62 $1,041,338,112 40 $374,859,277 78 $900,618,734 62 $1,275,478,012 40 $374,859,277 78 $900,618,734 62 $1,275,478,012 40 $5,678,100 00 19,050,594 25 50.000 00 216,040 CO 10 500 00 $4,595,000 00 13,885,601 97 8,649,000 00 31,265,462 19 37,000 00 17,810 00 24,000 00 27,500 CO 286.000 00 $10,273,100 00 32,936.196 22 8.699,000 00 31,481.502 19 37,000 00 17,810 00 24,000 00 27,500 00 296,500 00 $25,005,234 25 $58,787,374 16 $33,792,608 41 $1,981,000 00 3,057,394 76 'i 50,666 66 $2,469,000 00 10,568.067 41 20,000 00 11,718.000 00 66.000 00 3.257,000 00 1.092.0CO 00 1,810.000 00 $4,450,000 00 13,62.5,462 17 20.000 00 11,868.000 00 66.000 00 3.257.000 00 1,092.000 CO 1,810.000 CO 2/2 J 3/2 4 4'A $143,359,277 78 $897,978,834 62 $1,041,338.112 40 211,000,000 00 211,000,000 00 3 15,750,000 00 500 00 15,750,500 00 3—6 $370,109,277 78 $897,979,334 62 $1,288,0^8,612 40 4,750,C0O 00 2.639,400 00 7,389,400 00 2^4-3^2 2/2 3 3 5/10 3/ 4 4J^ 5 6 7 3 3/2 3 65/100 4 4/. 5 6 7 long Island City and Towns in Quce Towns and Villages in Richmond. $5,188,394 76 $31,000,067 41 $36,18^.462 17 S;i 08,600 00 5,375.632 90 1.143.500 00 1,102.500 00 49.914 .59 S70.800 00 795.600 00 800.100 00 1,500 00 $108,600 00 5.375.6.32 90 1.143,500 00 1,102.500 00 49,914 59 $7,780,147 49 $7,780,147 49 $70,800 00 795.600 00 800.100 00 1.500 00 $1,658,000 00 $1,668,000 00 Totals. $405,052,906 79 $999,854,323 68 $1,404,907,230 47 3'A 4 5 6 3/2 4 5 6 12 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Accountancy. of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, arranged according to POLITICAL DIVISION and showing the SOURCES from which further classified according to the RATES OF INTEREST. Interest to be Deri^ :ed Interest Paybale to PubHc. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From Otlicr Sources. From Taxation. From Other Sources. From Taxation. From Other Sources. $325 00 $325 00 4,038,610 47 4,061,710 47 $82,995 00 37,895 00 1,534.750 00 397,679 55 3,045.400 74 1,552,500 00 $23,100 00 $70,474 50 $12,520 SO 37 89 S 00 6.732,480 12 6,148,786 00 9,470,789 26 7,492,495 95 6,679,757 52 6.123,185 20 9,440,650 38 7,492,401 45 1,514,016 00 267,984 00 3.028,453 94 1,552,.S00 00 52,722 60 25,600 80 30,138 88 94 SO 20,734 CO 129,695 55 17,006 80 $33,905,586 80 * 1,000.000 00 $6,651,280 29 * 1,000, 000 00 $29,759,094 55 * 1,000,000 OO $6,433,428 44 *1,000,000 00 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 $217,851 85 $34,906,586 80 $5,651,280 29 6,330,000 00 $30,759,094 55 $4,147,492 25 $217,851 85 6,330,000 00 ** $34,906,586 80 169,445 55 $11,981,280 29 $30,759,094 SS 26,945 55 $5,433,428 44 $4,147,492 25 142,500 00 $6,547,851 85 $35,076,032 35 1,200,000 00 $11,981,280 29 $30,786,040 10 1,200,000 00 3,750,000 00 $5,433,428 44 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 3,750,000 GO $40,026,032 35 $114,875 00 $11,981,280 29 $141,952 50 442.103 18 1.650 00 7,525 00 $35,736,040 10 $114,875 00 401,568 06 285,417 00 788,588 83 1,420 00 756 45 1,100 00 1,590 00 19,726 38 $5,433,428 44 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 $141,952 SO 442 103 18 401,568 05 285 417 00 1 650 00 788,588 83 7,525 00 1,420 00 756 45 1,100 00 1,.590 00 20,461 38 $735 00 $735 00 $54,480 00 76,142 SO $1,615,776 12 $593,230 68 $1,615,041 72 $593,230 63 $123 854 38 $69,374 38 302,718 ?,i 730 00 456,220 00 2,970 00 139.750 00 65,520 00 109,200 00 378,860 S3 730 00 $88,992 18 $62,223 41 $26,768 77 462.220 00 9,000 00 9,000 00 6,000 00 2 970 (X) 139.750 00 22,850 00 22,850 00 65,520 00 109 200 00 $1,283,105 21 $120,842 18 $1,146,482 71 $94,073 41 $136,622 SO $26,768 77 $3 60S 00 $3,605 00 190.680 12 35.235 00 53.337 47 2,490 00 190 689 P SI, 440 00 16,211 25 $1,440 00 16,211 25 35 ''3S 00 53.337 47 2 490 00 $285,356 59 $17,651 25 $285,356 59 $17,651 25 $2432 SO $2,432 50 31,760 00 39,698 75 90 00 31 760 00 39698 75 90 00 $73,981 25 $73,981 25 $43,284,252 12 $12,713,004 40 $38,856,902 37 $5,545,153 10 $4,427,349 75 $7,167,851 30 * Reflects Interest on Rapid Transit Ronds payable in 1917 from Taxation. ♦* Notes mature in 1916, no interest payable thereafter. 13 Table D-Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1917 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS as of Sept. 30, 1916, which BONDS were ISSUED; also showing the SOURCES from which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purposes. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates 7ooi Interest. I. FUNDED DEBT: The City of New York, as Constituted Since January 1, 1898— Funded Debt, per se: Corporate Stock for 1. Public Enterprises: Water Supply Rapid Transit Docks, Piers and Municipal Ferries. TOTAL PUBLIC ENTERPRISES 2. Bridges: Four (4) East River Bridges Other Bridges TOT.\L BRIDGES 3. Public Works: Streets and Roads and Trunk Sewers. TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $31,995,022 84 $849,150 00 $32,844,172 84 302,400 00 22,717,600 00 23,020,000 00 90,000 00 32,571,100 00 32,661,100 00 346,150 00 79,803,850 00 80,150,000 00 48,300,000 00 48,300,000 00 $32,733,572 84 $184,241,700 00 $216,975,272 84 $1,500,000 00 $1,500,000 00 $1,166,000 00 1,166,000 00 592,400 00 43,107,600 00 43,700,000 00 3,242,388 77 6,699,500 00 9,941,888 77 400,160 00 71,229,840 00 71,630,000 00 34,500,000 00 34,500,000 00 $5,400,948 77 $157,036,940 OO $162,437,888 77 $5,400,948 77 $157,036,940 00 $162,437,888 77 $13,064,230 00 $13,064,230 00 373,850 00 $25,786,150 00 26,160,000 00 88,020 00 23,409,198 00 23,497,218 00 19,000 00 18,496,878 36 18,515,878 36 2,100 00 17,626,376 20 17,628,476 20 $13,547,200 00 $85,318,602 56 $98,865,802 56 $51,681,721 61 $426,597,242 56 $478,278,964 17 $5,226,696 41 $5,226,696 41 187,540 00 $23,317,960 00 23,505,500 00 56,400 00 14,493.979 76 14,550,379 76 64,900 00 12,927,059 53 12,991,959 53 13,037,710 20 13,037,710 20 $5,535,536 41 $63,776,709 49 $69,312,245 90 $2,717,961 89 $2,717,961 89 15,850 00 $6,546,554 94 6,562,404 94 8,700 00 2,166,713 83 2,175,413 83 6,400 00 2,661,045 33 2,667,445 33 2,197,493 51 2,197,493 51 $2,748,911 89 $13,571,807 61 $16,320,719 50 $8,284,448 30 $77,348,517 10 $85,632,965 40 $33,480,083 83 $33,480,083 83 84,240 00 $31,176,407 42 31,260.647 42 75.100 00 22.523,351 66 22,598,451 66 63,000 00 28,895,365 44 28,958.365 44 ■. . . . 20,576,082 98 20,576,082 98 $33,702,423 83 $103,171,207 SO $136,873,631 33 3 3/2 4 4yz 3 3/2 4 4J4 4/ 3 3/ 4 4^ 4/ 3 3/ 4 4'A 4/ 3 3/ 4 4'A 4/ 3 3/ 4 4^ 4/ 13 of The City of Xcw York, arranged according to POLITICAL DIVISION and classified according to the PURPOSES for and to WHOM it is PAYABLE, and further classified according to the Rates of Interest on said DATE. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From Other Taxation. Sources. I'Vom Ta.xation. From Other Sources. \ From From Other Ta.xation. Sources. $947,600 19 $37,725 00 5,250 00 4 00 1,185 74 $25,474 50 800,450 00 1,306,440 00 3,405,189 26 2,173,500 00 $789,866 00 1,302,840 00 3,390,477 88 2,173,500 00 5,250 00 4 00 1,185 74 $8,633,179 45 $44,164 74 $45,000 00 37,895 00 1,529,500 00 397,675 55 3,044,275 00 1,552,500 00 $6,606,845 55 *1,000,000 00 $7,656,683 88 $31,914 24 $45,000 00 1,508,766 00 267,980 00 3,027,268 20 1,552,500 00 $6,401,514 20 *$ 1,000,000 00 *$1,000,000 00 HftOOpOO 00 $1,000,000 00 5,606,845 55 $1,000,000 00 $5,401,514 20 $391,926 90 915 600 00 $902,515 25 936,367 92 786,117 33 793,046 67 939888 72 786 924 83 793 141 17 $3,827,481 62 $3,418,047 17 $12,074,731 05 $13,460,661 07 $156,800 89 822 692 50 $5,651,010 29 $5,433,428 44 $816,128 60 579,759 19 548,824 37 584,764 83 582 015 19 551,582 62 584 764 83 $2 697 856 03 $2,529,476 99 $81 538 86 229 684 17 $229,129 42 86,668 55 112,980 32 98,580 61 87016 S5 113 252 32 98 580 61 $610,072 51 $527,358 90 $3,056,835 89 $3,307,928 54 $1,004,402 51 1 094 122 66 $1,091,174 26 900,934 07 1,223,942 65 924,005 06 903 938 07 1 ^'6620 15 924 005 06 $5,153,088 45 $4,140,056 04 $947,600 19 10,584 00 3,600 00 14,711 38 $976,495 57 $391,926 90 13,084 75 3,520 80 807 SO 94 50 $409,434 45 $1,385,930 02 $156,800 89 6,563 90 2,256 00 2,758 25 $168,379 04 $81,5.38 86 554 75 348 00 272 00 $82,713 61 $251,092 65 $1,004,402 51 2,948 40 3,004 00 2,677 50 $1,013,032 41 $12,250 50 $12,250 50 $37,895 00 20,734 00 129,695 55 17,006 80 $205,331 35 $205,331 35 $217,581 85 ♦ Reflects Interest on Rapid Transit Bonds payable in 1917 from Taxation. 14 TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purposes. Principal of Funded Debt Held .By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates %of Interest. I. FUNDED DEBT— Continued- 4. Educational: Schools and Sites. . College of the City of New York. Public Libraries. Sites for Carnegie Libraries. TOTAL EDUCATIONAL 5. Recreation, Science and Art: Pulilic Museums Public Gardens Public Parks and Parkways TOTAL RECREATION, SCIENCE AND ART $11,435,000 43 297,000 00 160,700 00 33,800 00 $250,000 00 37,100,099 31 24,141,910 70 13,951,838 00 23,310,192 28 $11,685,000 43 37,397,699 31 24,302,610 70 13,985,638 00 23,310,192 28 $11,927,100 43 $98,754,040 29 $110,681,140 72 531 35 4,500 00 10,400 00 500 00 $1,780,500 GO 1,417,600 00 110,344 14 1,034,869 61 $908,531 35 1,785,000 00 1,428,000 00 110,844 14 1,034,869 61 $923,931 35 $4,343,313 75 $5,267,245 10 $946,000 00 1,000 00 1,050 00 6,500 00 $2,599,000 00 3,025,551 11 1,922,876 70 1,196,412 13 $946,000 00 2,600,000 00 3,026,^01 11 1,929,376 70 1,196,412 13 $954,550 00 $8,743,839 94 $9,698,389 94 $761,014 90 800 00 1,500 00 500 00 $484,200 00 718,459 28 184,735 00 350,439 87 $761,014 90 485,000 00 719,959 28 185,235 00 350,439 87 $763,814 90 $1,737,834 15 $2,501,649 05 $14,569,396 68 $113,579,028 13 $128,148,424 81 $1,414,800 00 39.700 00 6,150 00 4,600 00 $2,413,300 00 1,036.150 00 1,615,646 48 2,186,090 22 $1,414,800 00 2,453,000 00 1.092,300 00 1,620,246 48 2,186,090 22 $1,465,250 00 $7,301,186 70 $8,766,436 70 $1,019,124 06 1,300 00 2.500 00 1,200 00 $1,092,470 70 478.639 08 359,155 24 414,507 75 $1,019,124 06 1,093,770 70 481,139 08 360,355 24 414,507 75 $1,024,124 06 $2,344,772 11 $3,368,896 83 $13,000 00 5,417,972 85 56.880 00 26.500 00 7,600 00 $180,000 00 16.188.868 42 4.128,166 68 3,681,203 00 5,338,027 90 $13,000 00 5.597.972 85 16.245,748 42 4,154.666 68 3,6&8.803 00 5,338,027 90 $5,521,952 85 $29,516,266 00 $35,038,218 85 $8,011,326 91 $39,162,225 47 $47,173,552 38 3 4 4;^ 3 4 4;4 4/2 3 4 4K 4/2 3 3/2 4 4J4 4J4 3 3/. 4 4J4 4^ 3 4 4'4 41^ 3 4 4'/2 14 — Continued. Interest to be Derived From Taxation. From Other Sources. Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From Other Sources. From Taxation. From Other Sources. $350,550 01 1,308,919 46 972,104 43 . 591,360 11 1,037,472 09 $4,260,406 12 $27,255 94 62,475 00 57,120 00 4,703 79 46,412 65 $197,967 38 $28,380 00 91,000 00 121,064 04 81,991 42 53,800 60 $376,236 06 $22,830 45 16,975 00 28,798 37 7,871 08 15,716 70 $92,191 60 $4,926,801 16 $7,500 00 1,298,503 48 965,676 43 589,923 61 1,037,472 09 $3,899,075 61 $62,317 50 56,704 00 4,682 54 46,412 65 $170,116 69 $90,965 00 121,022 04 81,715 17 53,800 60 $347,502 81 $16,947 00 28,738 37 7,849 83 15,716 70 $69,251 90 $4,485,947 01 $343,050 01 10,416 00 6,428 00 1,436 SO $361,330 51 $27,255 94 157 SO 416 00 21 25 $27,850 69 $28,380 00 35 00 42 00 276 25 $28,733 25 $22,830 45 28 00 60 00 21 25 $22,939 70 $440,854 IS $42,444 00 85,855 00 43,692 00 68.633 03 97,120 66 $337,744 69 $30,573 72 38,281 98 19.245 56 15,189 73 18,544 93 $121,835 92 $325 00 166,439 19 568,601 20 166,186 67 156,115 04 236,568 67 $1,294,235 77 $1,753,816 38 $84,465 50 43,446 00 68,437 53 97,120 66 $293,469 69 $38,236 48 19,145 56 15,138 73 18,544 93 $91,065 70 $5,400 00 566.610 40 165,126 67 155,792 04 236,568 67 $1,129,497 78 $1,514,033 17 $42,444 00 1,389 50 246 00 195 50 $44,275 00 $30,573 72 45 .SO 100 00 51 00 $30,770 22 $325 00 161,039 19 1,990 80 1,060 00 323 00 $164,737 99 $239,783 21 IS TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According and Classified According to to Political Division Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates %of Interest. I. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 6. Health: Department of Health . , Hospitals, Bellevue and A Hospitals, Department of Hospitals, Department of TOTAL HEALTH .. 7. Sanitation: Street Cleaning Miscellaneous TOTAI^SANITATIO 8. Charitable Purposes: Department of Public Ch; TOTAI^CHARITABl Jlied $357,286 94 1,600 00 4,000 00 200 00 $357,286 94 1,003,500 00 759,000 00 150,822 91 427,132 98 3 $1,001,900 00 755,000 00 150,622 91 427,132 98 $2,334,655 89 3^ 4 454 4/2 $363,086 94 $911,486 n 2,600 00 10,000 00 5,700 00 $2,697,742 83 $911,486 n 1,288,250 00 1,688,650 00 2,667,615 28 4,340,202 38 3 Health Public Charities N $1,285,650 00 1,678.650 00 2,661,915 28 4,340,202 38 3^ 4 4J4 4^ $929,786 17 $129,551 2,i 100 00 1,400 00 1,300 00 $9,966,417 66 $10,896,204 43 $129,551 3i 95,000 00 455,100 00 741,740 00 949,771 53 3 $94,900 00 453,700 00 740,440 00 949,771 53 3/. 4 4^ 4/2 $132,351 ZZ $2,238,811 S3 $2,371,162 86 $264,079 92 22,500 00 432,974 91 3,387,199 25 2,754,478 57 $6,861,232 65 $22,826,342 11 $264,079 92 200 00 50 00 9,500 00 3 $22,300 00 432,924 91 3,377,699 25 2,754,478 57 4 4J4 4/ $273,829 92 $1,699,054 96 $957,333 08 1,600 00 5,000 00 800 00 $6,587,402 li $21,127,287 81 $957,333 08 1,082,073 92 720.335 00 442.183 13 592,908 17 3 $1,080,473 92 715,335 00 441,383 13 592,908 17 y/2 4 4^ 4/2 $964,733 08 $2,830,100 22 $3,794,833 30 $62,500 00 750 00 600 00 $62,500 00 356,500 00 220,800 00 577,652 15 3 $355,750 00 220,200 00 577,652 15 4 4^ 4'/4 $63,850 00 $1,028,583 08 $1,153,602 15 $1,217,452 15 $5,012,285 45 $1,148,717 50 676,000 00 1,665.800 00 803.365 48 1,147,539 30 $3,983,702 37 $1,148,717 50 1,000 00 3,500 00 1,000 00 3 ,E PURPOSES $675,000 00 1,6-12.300 00 802.365 4S 1,147,539 30 3/2 4 4'^ $1,154,217 50 $4,287,204 78 $5,441,422 28 — Continued. 15 Interest to be Derived From Taxation. From Other Sources. Interest Payable to Public. From Taxation. From Other Sources. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From Other Sources. $10,718 61 35,122 50 30,J60 00 0,402 88 19,077 74 $101,681 11> $27,344 60 45,088 li 67,546 00 112,855 01 194,189 81 $447,024 17 $3,886 54 3,325 00 18,204 00 31,095 55 42,014 63 8,525 72 $7,922 40 787 50 17,319 00 143,777 48 122,572 63 $292,379 01 $939,610 63 $35,006 50 30,200 00 6,394 38 19,077 74 $90,738 62 $44,997 75 67,146 00 112,612 76 194,189 81 $418,946 IZ $3,321 50 18,148 00 31,040 30 42,014 63 $94,524 43 $780 50 17,317 00 143,373 73 122,572 63 $284,043 86 :,253 23 $10,718 61 56 00 160 00 8 50 $10,943 11 $27,344 60 91 00 400 00 242 25 $28,077 85 $3,886 54 3 50 56 00 55 25 $4,001 29 $7,922 40 7 00 2 00 403 75 8,335 15 $51,357 40 $28,719 99 37,872 59 28,813 40 18,513 70 26,345 06 $140,264 74 $1,875 00 14,260 00 9,384 00 25,977 85 $51,496 85 $191,761 59 $37,816 59 28,613 40 18,479 70 26,345 06 $111,254 75 $14,230 00 9,358 50 25,977 85 $49,566 35 $160,821 10 $28,719 99 56 00 200 00 34 00 $29,009 99 $1,875 00 30 00 25 SO $1,930 50 $30,940 49 $34,461 53 23,660 00 66,632 00 33,996 24 51,357 79 $210,107 56 $23,625 00 66,492 00 33,953 74 51,357 79 $175,428 S3 $34,461 S3 35 00 140 00 42 50 $34,679 03 16 TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified according to Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates %of Interest. I. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 9. Correctional Purposes: Department of Correction. TOTAL— CORRECTIONAL PURPOSES. . 10. Protection of Life and Property: Police Department Fire Department TOTAL— PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 11. Public Buildings and Officfes: New Municipal Building New County Court House Court Buildings Borough and County Buildings. Armories $100,900 00 500 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 $1,252,500 00 382,300 GO 587,013 07 171,739 79 $100,900 00 1,253,000 00 383,400 00 588,013 07 171,739 79 $103,500 00 $2,393,552 86 $2,497,052 86 $240,214 71 2,500 00 8,100 00 5,600 00 $340,000 00 827,700 00 1,149,120 00 1,361,150 00 847,452 89 $580,214 71 830,200 00 1,157,220 00 1,366,750 00 847,452 89 $256,414 71 $4,525,422 89 $4,781,837 60 $1,333,075 02 3,400 00 9,700 00 2,400 00 $1,348,575 02 $1,604,989 IZ $573,977 07 49,900 00 $623,877 07 $3,592 27 $3,592 27 $1,826,100 00 1,866,100 00 2,199,444 23 3,268,695 69 $1,333,075 02 1,829,500 00 1,875,800 00 2,201,844 23 3,268,695 69 $9,160,339 92 $10,508,914 94 $13,685,762 81 $15,290,752 54 $568,930 90 800 00 1,700 00 300 00 $571,730 90 $714,296 45 110,800 00 20,700 00 800 00 $573,977 07 $2,245,687 SO 2,245,687 50 13,462,154 39 13.512,054 39 2,764,592 88 2,764,592 88 $18,472,434 11 $19,096,311 84 $3 592 27 $9,019,739' 87 9,019,739 87 227,439 33 227,439 33 $9,247,179 20 $9,250,771 47 $568,930 90 $970,750 59 971,550 59 627,000 00 628,700 00 1.013,336 87 1,013,636 87 1,045,287 90 1,045,287 90 $3,656,375 36 $4,228,106 26 6,936,873 49 2,710,310 00 577,801 45 596,304 88 $714,296 45 7,047,673 49 2,731,010 00 578,601 45 596,304 88 $846,596 45 $10,821,289 82 $11,667,886 27 $1,400 764 39 14,200 00 6,800 00 4,200 00 2.071,355 83 1,229,022 49 1,713,0<)0 .82 1,495,902 32 $1,400,764 39 2,085,555 83 1,235,822 49 1,717,290 82 1,495,902 32 3 3/^ 4 4-4 4/2 3 4 4-4 4/2 3 3/. 4 3 4 454 4^ 3 454 4/2 3 3J4 4 4^ 4/2 3 3/2 4 454 4/2 3 3!4 4 454 4/2 $1,425,964 39 $6,509,371 46 $7,935,335 85 16 -Continued. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From Other Taxation. Sources. From Taxation. > 1 ^ From Other Fiom From Other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $3,027 00 43,855 CO 15,336 00 24,899 90 7,643 69 $94,761 59 $43,837 50 15,292 00 24,857 40 7,643 69 $91,630 59 $3,027 00 17 SO 44 00 42 SO $3,131 00 $17,406 44 29,057 00 46,288 80 58,080 63 37,958 83 $188,791 70 $39,992 25 64,032 50 75,032 00 93,170 f)0 145,309 30 $417,536 65 $606,328 35 $17,219 31 89,827 50 574,190 06 123,070 38 $804,307 25 $107 77 379,681 64 9,965 67 $389,755 08 $17,067 93 34,004 27 25.148 00 42.W1 07 46,023 41 $165,144 68 S31 ,428 89 246.668 57 109.240 40 24,529 65 26,458 72 $428,326 23 $42,022 93 72,994 45 49,432 90 72.758 30 66,620 60 $303,829 18 $10,200 00 28,969 SO 45,964 80 57,842 63 37,958 83 $180,935 76 $63,913 50 74,644 00 93,068 60 145,309 30 $376,935 40 $557,871 16 $89,827 50 572.069 31 123.070 38 $784,967 19 $379,681 64 9,965 67 $389,647 31 $33,976 27 25,080 00 42,888 32 46,023 41 $147,968 00 $242,790 57 108,412 40 24,495 65 126,458 72 $402,157 34 $72,497 45 49,160 90 72,579 80 66,620 60 $260,858 75 $7,206 44 87 SO 324 00 238 00 $7,855 94 $39,992 25 119 00 388 00 102 00 $40,601 25 $48,457 19 $17,219 31 2,120 75 $19,340 06 $107 77 $107 77 $17,067 93 28 00 68 00 12 75 $17,176 68 $21,428 89 3,878 00 828 00 34 00 $26,168 89 $42,022 93 497 00 272 00 178 50 $42,970 43 17 TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classined According to Purpose. I. FUNDED DEBT— Continued- Public Baths and Comfort Stations. TOTAL— PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OFFICES 12. Refunding Old Debt: TOTAL REFUNDING OLD DEBT 13. Miscellaneous: TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 14. Deficiencies in Taxes: TOTAL DEFICIENCIES IN TAXES 15. Assessment Bonds: For Street Opening, Grading, Paving, Curbing, etc., also Construction of Sewers, Catcli Basins, etc 1 TOTAL ASSESSMENT BONDS TOTAL FUNDED DEBT PER SE 16. General Fund Bonds: 17. Corporate Stock Notes: Water Rapid Transit Docks Various TOTAL CORPORATE STOCK NOTES.... II. Temporarv Debt: Special Revenue Bonds Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate Slock Notes to be Issued Revenue Bonds and Bills TOTAL TEMPORARY DEBT TOTALS, PRESENT CITY OF NEW YORK $11,994,783 16 $11,994,783 16 1,000 00 $5,425,620 00 5.426.620 00 8,000.000 00 8.00O.00O 00 $11,995,783 16 $13,425,620 CO $25,421,403 16 $143,359,277 78 $897,978,834 62 $1,041.338,1 12 40 $211,000,000 00 ^2 250.000 00 12.500.000 00 1,000,000 00 $15.750000 00 $211,000,000 00 $500 00 $15-750,500 00 Principal of Funded Debt Held By Totals. Rates 7c oi Interest. Sinking Funds. Public. $687,850 00 1,300 00 3,200 00 1,700 00 $687,850 00 1,292,500 00 997,600 00 490,196 03 964,486 00 $4,432,632 03 3 $1,291,200 00 994,400 00 488,496 03 964,486 00 3H 4 41/2 $694,050 00 $3,738,582 03 $4,165,811 08 $246,920 94 $52,445,232 64 $56,611,043 72 $246,920 94 458,000 00 3 $458,000 00 3/' $246,920 94 $458,000 00 $704,920 94 $5,000 00 2,500 00 22,500 00 4,000 00 78,033 31 $5,000 00 3 100 00 $2,400 00 22,500 00 4,C00 00 78,033 31 4 4'/i 4J4 $5,100 00 $106,933 31 $112,033 31 $5,000,000 00 $5,000,000 00 $3,000,000 00 19.300,000 no 4,013,317 28 3 36.000 00 70,000 00 $2,964,000 00 19,230.000 00 4,013.317 28 4 4 'A $5,106,000 00 $26,207,317 28 $31,313,317 '$8 3 4 4'A $2,250,000 00 3 12.,500.000 00 3 1,000,000 00 3 $500 00 500 00 6 $4,7.50,000 00 $2,639,400 00 $7,389,400 00 2.|4-3^ .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' $76,665,365 9i $76,i5'65.36S'9i .'..'.'.. $4,750,000 00 $73,304,765 91 $78,054,765 91 5;374.859.277 78 $971,284,100 53 $1,346,143,378 31 17 — Continued. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From Other Taxation. Sources. From Taxation. From Other From From Other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $20,635 SO 45,237 50 39,904 00 20.790 iZ 43,131 57 $169,699 40 $2,261,061 82 $7,407 63 16,030 00 $23,437 63 $150 00 87 50 900 00 170 00 3,501 00 $4,808 50 $150,000 00 120,000 00 814,158 34 174.149 30 $1,258,307 64 $45,192 00 39,776 00 20,718 58 43,131 57 $148,818 15 $2,134,416 74 $16,030 00 $16,030 00 $84 00 900 00 170 00 3,501 00 $4,655 00 $118,560 00 811,183 34 174,149 30 $1,103,892 64 $20,635 50 45 SO 128 00 72 25 $20,881 25 $126,645 08 $7,407 63 $7,407 63 $150 00 3 50 $153 50 $150,000 00 1,440 00 2,975 00 $154,415 00 $359,573 49 107.032 40 247,500 00 $714,105 89 $34,906,586 80 $270 00 $270 00 $5,651,280 29 $6,330,000 00 $106,992 40 247,500 00 $354,492 40 $30,759,094 55 $5,433,428 44 $359,573 49 40 00 $359,613 49 $4,147,492 25 $270 00 $270 00 $217,851 85 $6,330,000 00 $169,445 55 1.200.000 00 3.750.000 00 $5,119,445 54 $40,026,032 35 $11,981,280 29 $26,945 55 1.700.000 00 3,750.000 00 $4,976,945 55 $35,736,040 10 $5,433,428 44 $142,500 00 $142,500 00 $4,289,992 25 $6,547,851 85 * Notes maturing in 1916, no interest payable thereafter. 18 TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates %of Interest. III. FUNDED DEBT— Former City of New York: Stocks and Bonds for 1. Public Enterprises: Water Supply Docks, Piers and Municipal Ferries . . TOTAL PUBLIC ENTERPRISES 2. Bridges: Four (4) East River Bridges I Other Bridges TOTAL BRIDGES 3. Public Works: Streets and Roads and Trunk Sewers TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 4. Educational: Schools and Sites TOTAL EDUCATIONAL 5. Recreation, Science and Art: Pul)lic Museums Pulilic Gardens Public Parks and Parkways TOTAL— RECREATION, SCIENCE AND ART. $295,000 00 1,000 00 $100,000 00 2,449,000 00 $395,000 00 2,450 000 00 3 3/2 $296,000 00 $450 000 00 $2,549 000 00 $2,845 000 00 $450,000 00 14.300,000 00 7,250,000 00 $22,000,000 00 2^ 6,492,500 00 9,500 00 $7,807,500 00 7,240,500 00 3 3/2 $6,952,000 00 $15,048,000 00 $17,597,000 00 $7,248,000 00 $717,325 00 10,000 00 $24,845,000 00 $717,325 00 400,000 00 3 $390,000 OO 3/ $727,325 00 $2,436,590 61 500 00 $390,000 00 $854,181 32 1,049,500 00 $1,903,681 32 $2,293,681 32 $935,000 00 4,595,867 30 36.000 00 17,810 00 18.(XH) 00 27.000 00 283.500 00 $1,117,325 00 $3,290,771 93 1,050,000 00 3 3/ $2,437,090 61 $3,164,415 61 $4,340,771 93 $5,458,096 93 $2,262,858 40 3,000 00 $3,197,858 40 4,598.867 30 36,000 00 17.810 00 18.000 00 27.000 00 294,000 00 3 3/ 4 4/ 5 6 10,500 00 7 $2,276,358 40 $5,913,177 30 $8,189,535 70 $1,581,287 94 3,803.327 87 1.000 00 6,000 00 $1,581,287 94 3 $3,803,327 87 1.000 00 6,000 00 3/ 4 5 $1,581,287 94 $524,103 36 5.OC0 00 $3,810,327 87 $545,000 00 445,000 00 $5,391,615 81 $1,069,103 36 450.00") 00 3 3/ $529,103 36 $990,000 00 $1,519,103 36 $125,000 00 $P5 000 00 3 $5,228,100 OO 3,041.911 39 22.000 00 $4..SO5.O0O 00 3.335.371 00 1,947 875 12 $9,823 100 00 6..V7.28? 39 1,969.875 12 2/2 3 3/ $8,292,011 39 $9,878,246 12 $18,170,257 51 $8,946,114 75 $10,86«246 12 $19.814 360 87 18 — Continued. Interest to be Derived / Public. Interest ^ Payable to Sinking Funds. From From Other Taxation. Sources. From Taxation. , , . ^ From Other From From Other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $3,000 00 24,500 00 $8,850 00 $3,000 00 24,500 00 $27,500 00 $8,850 00 $11,250 00 194,775 00 332 SO $27,500 00 $219,225 00 253.417 50 $219,225 00 253,417 50 $472,642 50 $206,357 50 $215,207 50 $21,519 75 350 00 $472,642 50 $500,142 50 $500,142 50 $13,650 00 $13,650 00 $13,650 00 $25,625 44 27,982 SO $21,869 75 $38,417 72 17 50 $13,650 00 $25,625 44 27,982 50 $53,607 94 $38,435 22 $53,607 94 $67,257 94 $28,050 00 144,142 86 1,400 00 $60,304 97 $45,298 83 105 00 $67,257 94 $28,050 00 144,142 86 1,400 00 756 45 756 45 875 00 875 00 1,590 00 1,590 00 20,461 38 19,726 38 $197,275 69 $45,403 83 $196,540 69 $20 00 $20 00 225 00 225 00 $245 00 $245 00 $16,350 00 8,575 00 $15,723 10 175 00 $16,350 00 8,575 00 $24,925 00 $15,898 10 $3,750 00 $130,702 50 90,207 34 770 00 $24,925 00 $1.4,875 00 100,061 13 40,015 85 $114,875 00 100,061 13 40,015 85 $254,951 98 221.679 84 254,951 98 $279,876 98 $241,327 94 $279,876 93 $8,850 00 $8,850 00 $735 00 $735 00 $11,250 00 194,775 00 332 50 $206,357 50 $215,207 50 $21,519 75 350 00 $21,869 75 $38,417 72 17 50 $38,435 22 $60,304 97 $45,298 83 105 00 $45,403 83 $15,723 10 175 00 $15,898 10 $3,750 00 $130,702 SO 90,207 34 770 00 $221,679 84 $241,327 94 id TABLE D Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to Purpose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. Rates ^oof Interest. III. FUNDED DEBT— Continued— 6. Health: Department of Health Hospitals, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Department of Health TOTAL-HEALTH 7. Sanitation: Street Cleaning 8. Charitable Purposes: Department of Public Charities TOTAI^CHARITABLE PURPOSES 9. Correctional Purposes: Department of Correction TOTAL— CORRECTIONAL PURPOSES... 10. Protection of Life and Property: Police Department Fire Department TOTAL— PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY 11. Public Buildings and Offices: Court Buildings Borough and County Buildings Public Baths and Comfort Stations T O T A L— PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OFFICES 12. Refunding Old Debts TOTAL— REFUNDING OLD DEBTS 13. Miscellaneous • ■ TOT AL— MISCELLANEOUS TOTALS— FORMER CITY OF NEW YORK.. $38,027 52 $38,027 52 65,000 00 6j,000 00 50,000 00 50,000 00 $153,027 52 $153,027 52 $150,000 00 $150,000 00 $150,000 00 $150,000 00 $418,175 00 $418,175 00 $350,000 00 $35t>,(J0O 00 $418,175 00 $350,003 00 $768,175 00 $50,000 00 $50,000 00 $250,000 00 $250,UUO 00 $50,000 00 $250,000 00 $300,000 CO $15,000 CO $59,549 65 $74,549 65 120,000 00 120,000 00 $15,000 00 $179,549 65 $194,549 65 $625,000 00 $50,000 00 $675,000 00 50,000 00 50,000 00 $625,000 00 $100,000 00 $725,000 00 $640,000 00 $279,549 65 $919,549 65 $152,715 03 $199,000 00 $351,715 03 389,431 90 389,431 90 $152,715 03 $588,431 90 $741,146 93 $105,100 00 $105,100 00 55,000 00 55,000 00 $312,815 03 $588,431 90 $901,246 93 $50,000 00 $8,649,000 00 $8,699,000 00 165,000 00 6,835,000 00 7,000,000 00 $215,000 00 $15,484,000 00 $15,699,000 00 $40 00 $1,199,960 00 $1,200,000 00 500 00 500 00 2,500 00 2,500 00 $40 00 $1,202,960 00 $1,203,000 00 $25,005,234 25 $58,787,374 16 $83,792,608 41 3 3 3 i'A 3 3J4 3 3K. 3 3 33^ 3 3 3/10 3