b '^A> Benjamin White, Esq. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF GOSHEN, Hampsh-ire County, Massacliiasetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT IN 1761 TO 1881. WITH FAMILY SKETCHES By HIRAM BARRUS. 11 Boston : PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1881. Goshe7i, April 8, i88i. ' Hiram Barrus, Esq., Dear Sir : The undersigned having been chosen a committee to mature and execute plans for a proper observance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the town of Goshen, desire to have you complete and publish the history of the town in season for that event. We would also take the present opportunity to invite you to deliver an historical address on that occasion. Most respectfully yours, ALVAN BARRUS, GEORGE DRESSER, HIRAM PACKARD, J. H. GODFREY, \ Committee, T. P. LYMAN, T. L. BARRUS, ALONZO SHAW, GEORGE DRESSER, Secretary^ SiJi931^ PREFACE. In compliance with the invitation of the Committee of the town, the History of Goshen is herewith presented. Portions of it were published in the Hampshire Gazette about fifteen years since, but nearly all has been re-written and also enlarged by the addition of much new matter. The material facts have been gathered, as far as possible, from the records of the church and town, and the archives of the state. Copious notes of facts and incidents related more than thirty years since by some of the early residents of the town, have proved valuable aids. Among the persons who thus continue to speak through these pages, may be named Mr. Cyrus Stearns, a native of the town, who was personally acquainted with nearly every family from the first settlement of the town onward for nearly ninety years ; Maj. Ambrose Stone, who was identified with the leading interests of the town from its incorpora- tion for about seventy years ; Capt. John Grant, Col. Luther Stone, Dea. Benjamin White, Mr. Moses Dresser and others, who were intelligent observers, life-long res- idents, and themselves important factors in the town's history. The family sketches, intended at first to be only brief outlines, grew more and more extended as the work progressed and the material accumulated, till this de- partment assumed an unexpected prominence. It has involved much labor, and it is hoped will prove acceptable. Hon. Charles Hudson, in his preface to the History of Lexington, says, "It is the fortune of those who compile our local histories, and especially if they deal with the genealogies of families, to rest under the imputation of being inaccurate." This is expected, and much care has been taken in the preparation of this work to disarm criticism by preventing errors. Yet some have crept in, and, as far as dis- covered, are corrected. Town records do not always agree with family records, in dates or names : Mary is often used for Polly, Sarah for Sally, Elizabeth for Betsey, Dolly for Dorothy, and, now-a-days, everything possible among female names is euphonized by change of termination into ie — Sallie, Mollie, Hattie, Maggie, &q. Such changes may be pleasing to the ear, but are confusing to the genealogist, and may yet result in perplexing the courts as to the identity of persons named in wills and other important documents. The sketches of some of the families are quite disconnected and will be found on pages widely separate, in consequence of obtaining some of the facts after the others had been put in print. Proper names are usually given as spelt in the original records, and hence the spelling is not always uniform. The record of marriages commences on the settlement of Kev, Mr. Whitman in HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 17S8, and continues nearly complete to the present time. Where the date of mar- riage is wanting the date of the '"Intentions of marriage" is given. The records of these commence in 1788, but are missing from 1858 to 1867. The record of births previous to 1844 is very deficient, probably mislaid or lost. A list of baptisms is inserted to supply in some measure the deficiency, the date of baptism generally indicating within a few weeks or months the date of birth. Grateful acknowledgments for courtesies received in the preparation of this work, are due Rev, J. E. M. Wright, Emmons Putney, Miss Fannie E. Hawks, Albert B. Dresser, Alvan Barrus and others of Goshen; J. Milton Smith of Sunderland ; Hon. Albert Nichols of Chesterfield; Luther James, Esq., of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Hon. James White of Boston ; Hon. Levi P. Morton, recently appointed United States Minister to France ; Rev. D. G. Wright, D. D., of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; Dr. Edward Strong, of the office of Secretary of State, Boston : Miss Mary E. Stone of the Congregational Library, and Hon. J. W. Dean, Librarian of the N. E. Genealogical Society, Boston. In conclusion, the history is dedicated to the sons and daughters of Goshen, wherever residing, in the hope that they may prove worthy of their ancestry in whatsoever things are true ; in whatsoever things are honest ; in whatsoever things are pure ; in whatsoever things are lovely; in whatsoever things are of good report. HIRAM BARRUS. Boston, May 14, i88r. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE TERRITORY SETTLED. From the first settlement, 1761, to Incorporation of tjie town, 1781. New England entcr- prise,-Early pioneers, 9; First winter, Two wives and five children, Beaver meadow, The trnant cow. Fall of the chimney, Other settlers, Disturbed slumbers, 10-11 ; More arrivals, Quabbin and the Gore, Xarragansett expedition, Grants to tlie soldiers, 11; Chesterfield incorporated. Gore annexed and set ofl*, Town oflicers. Birth of first child. Close of French and Indian War, First physician. Minute men, 12; Muster roll of Lexington men, 13-14; Days of gx-ief, Camp distemper, Burgoyue, 14; Hard winter of 1780, Dark day and Dr. Byles, Buckskin and bean porridge, 15. CHAPTER II. THE TOWN INCORPORATED, 1781. Copy of petition, IG; Agent many of their num- ber in this vicinity, and many of the old heroes piobably never met again. Major Ambrose Stone, who died in 1850 at the age of 93, and Zebulon Willcut.t, who died at the same age in 1852, were the last of that heroic band who resided in this town. November 13, occurred one of the most remarkable meteoric dis- plays ever witnessed in this country. It took place about 4 o'clock in the morning, and very few had the pleasure of seeing it. Mr. Levi Barrus saw the display, and described it as one of the most magnifi- cent sights he ever beheld. The air seemed to be full of shooting stars ; all left brilliant trails behind them, and often one larger than the others would shoot across the heaveirs with a flash like lightning. They extended from Nova Scotia to Mexico. A gentleman in South Carolina said, "The scene was truly awful, for never did rainfall much thicker than the meteors fell towards the earth ; east, west, north and south, it was the same." There is usually a slight display of meteors at the same date, every year. Once in ;^;^ or 34 years the exhibition is ow a grand scale. In 1799, November 12 or 13, it was witnessed in different parts of Amer- ica. Humboldt was in South America, and said that for four hours every space in the heavens of three diameters of the moon was filled with the falling stars. In 1866 the display was not so brilliant here as in some other places, but sutilcient to confirm the belief of its return every 33 or 34 years. The people of 1899 or 1900 may expect to witness another first class meteoric shower. 1837. This year was noted for the general suspension of the banks, ex- tensive financial distress, and many failures among business men. The " Surplus Revenue" was distributed by the United States government among the states, and by this state to the towns. This town voted. May 15, to receive its proportion, and to comply with the conditions. Col. Luther Stone was appointed agent to receive the 32 HISTORY OF GOSTIEX. money, and sign certificate of deposit, binding the town for repay- ment when required. The total amount received was $1,255.78. January 25. One of the most remarkable exhibitions of Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis ever witnessed in this latitude occurred in the evening of this day. The whole northern hemisphere was cov- ered with most beautiful and ever-varying coruscations of auroreal light. A deep tinge of red prevailing for several hours was however the most striking feature. The snow reflecting the color, seemed as if stained with blood. The beams of the aurora would frequently pass into the southern hemisphere, shooting up and converging at that point below the zenith to which the dipping needle directs itself. TJie compass needle was singularly agitated during the display. The night was severely cold. 1840. 'I'own consents to William Jones being set off to Chesterfield. This year marked a new era in political campaigns, — log cabins, hard cider and political songs, playing an important part in the elec- tion of " Tippecanoe and Tyler too." 1844. The potato disease commenced here quite generally this year. It was first observed about the 20th of September, the potato vines changing in two or three days from a healthy appearance to an almost black. The tubers decayed to such an extent that some fields would hardly pay for harvesting. 1845. New road built from near the house of Levi Barrus to x\shfield line near Ranney's mills. 1846. A geographical division was made of the town into school dis- tricts, the previous division by families not being considered legal. HISTOllY OF GOSHEN. 33 1848. Voted to build a town house, using as much of the Surplus Revenue as needed for that purpose. Luther Stone, Edward Bridgnian, West Tilton, H. Washburn, jr., and Daniel Williams were chosen building committee. 1853. Benjamin White, Esq., committee on the "James Fund," reported that Capt. Malachi James had always been a member of the commit- tee on the fund left by his father, John James, till his decease in 1849, and had the principal care of it, holding the notes and receiving and loaning the money. The notes received from the executor of Capt. James amounted to $1,228.84. 1854. New road built from Levi Barrus's to Col. Stone's " Red House." 1861. May 6. Voted to raise ^20© for the purpose of prepaying volunteers for service in the present war, to be assessed and expended under direction of the following committee :— Calvin A. Packard, Henry Tilton, Hiram Packard, Daniel Williams, and Francis Jepson. October 7. Voted to furnish aid to those citizens of the town who have already volunteered their services to the government, and the selectmen are authorized to- hire money for that purpose. 1862. August 16, Benjamin White, Esq., appointed Town Clerk in place of Alvan Earrus, enlisted as a soldier. September 10. Town voted tliat those citizens who have enlisted for three years, be paid $100 bounty, and that the same be paid those who may voluntarily enlist for nine months. 1863. January 19. Voted to pay $100 bounty for four volunteers, being the town's quota under recent orders. Voted to raise §1,140 for payment of bounties. April 6. Selectmen authorized to borrow |^30o to pay State Aid. 1864. April 4. Voted to raise ^125 for each volunteer required to fill quota under call of October 17, 1863, a"^ February i, 1864. 34 HISTORY OF OOSlfKX. 1865. May 22. Voted to reimburse all moneys paid by drafted men during the present war for substitutes or commutation. (Rescinded in i866). LS71. March 6, The James Fund was transferred to the care of the Selectmen. 1873. March 3. Alvan Barms chosen agent for taking care of '• James Fund." • 1874. Burying ground enlarged by an addition upon the west side of 141 rods, 125 feet of land. Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard and John H. Godfrey chosen Cemetery committee. 1879. March 3. Voted to accept the donation of $750 under the will of Whiting Street. I'he terms of the will are: To pav certain sums of money to cer- tain towns named,* in trust for the relief and comfort of tlie worthy poor of said towns, who shall not be in the almsliouse, nor be town paupers. The towns are to agree to forever keep the principal good and spend the income, annually, for this and no other purpose, on penally of forfeiture. • " 'I'lic dIIut Inwii- ii;niu'(l ;uc' : Nurlli:iini»t(>ii ;in(l Ilolyoke each ^'i.ljOOO; Chieopoc, Amherst, KasU);uui)l()n, each .•jSC.OUU; S. Jladley aud W. Spiinglleld, each $5,000; Belcher- town, AVillianisburgh and Agawam, eacli $4,000; Conway and Southanii)ton, $2,000; Grauby, .^^l.T.lO: Asliliel<], (;nnnningtf>n anrl VVn. each $l.o00: rhi'stcrtielil. Wcslhanipton. Uu lit in Lit on and Knlicld eacli. sl,(l(iO: IMahilicld. s7:>n. 1880. March I. C.rn. Dix-sscr, Moderator; Fred S. iJillings, (.'lerk ; Alvan Barrus, Ilir.am Packard, Alonzo Shaw, Selectmen. School Committee for 3 years, Geo. C. Dresser. Raised for support of Schools $309. Voted to build new school house in West District. Voted to appoint a committee to make arrangeivieiits for celebrating, in 18S1, the HISTORy OF GOSHEN. 35 one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Clujse AlvanEarrus, (leo. Dresser, Hiram Packard, T. P. Lyman, J. II. Godfrey, 'J'. L. iJarrus, Alonzo Shaw. Voted to raise -^150 for payment of expenses on that occasion. CHAPTER IV. 'I'oMii iin«1 County OflicerH. &%c. I'oivn ( 'frrls. The lirst Town Clerk, Thomas Weeks, served two years. William White, Esq., was next chosen and served for thirty years. Joseph White, his son, succeeded him and served fourteen years. Benj. White, Esq., another son, twin brother of Joseph, continued in the office fifteen years. Elijah Billings then served seven years ; and Hattil W'ashburn, Jr., three years. Benj. White was again called to the office in 1853 and declined' a re-election in 1862, when Alvan Barrus was chosen, but he resigning the same year, Mr. White was again re-elected, and completed the seventieth year of service by members of the same family — father and sons. The refusal of Mr. White to be longer a candidate prevented his re-election. Joshua Knowlton served 1S64 to 1867. Elijah Billings 1867 to his decease, December 12 1879, when Charles Barrus was appointed. He served till the next annual meeting, March, 1880, when Frederick S. Bil- lings was chosen. Sc/ectiiKUL 1781— William White, 1831— Timothy Lyman, Lemuel Lyon. . Johh Grant, Christ. Bannister. Luther Ston 36 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 1782— William White, Chris. Banister, Oliver Taylor, 1783 — William White, Reu, Dresser, Oliver Taylor. 1784— William Whhe, RfcU. Dresser, Eben'r Parsons. 1785— William White, Reu. Dresser, Eben'r Parsons. 1786 — Benj. Burgess, Thos. Brown, Chris'r Banister. 1787- — Benj. Burgess, Oliver Taylor, Thomas Brown. 1788— William White, Thomas Brown, Oliver Taylor. I789— William White, Thomas Brown, Oliver Taylor. 1790 — Reuben Dresser, Oliver Taylor, Benj, Burgess, 1 79 1 — Reuben Dresser, Lem. Banister, Barz. Banister. 1792 — Reuben Dresser, Benj. Burgess, Oliver Taylor. 1793 — Oliver Taylor, Thomas Brown, Nehemiah May. 1794 — Oliver Taylor, Ambrose Stone, Nehemiah May, ,1832 — John Grant, Asahel Billings, Horace Packard. 1833 — Luther Stone, Asahel Billings, Plorace Packard. 1834 — Luther Stone, Asahei Billings, Frank, Naramore. 1835 — Asahel Billings, Moses Dresser, Horace Packard. 1836 — Asahel Billings, Barney Prentiss, W^n. Tilt on, 1837 — Emmons Putney, Francis Lyman, S. Bardwell. 1838 — Luther Stone, Asahel Billings, Moses Dresser. 1839 — Luther Stone, Moses Dresser, William Abell. 1840 — William Abel!, F. Naramore, Horace Packard. 1841 — Luther Stone, Asahel Billings, F. Naramore. 1842— Benj. White, West Tilton, Daniel Williams. 1843 — F. Naramore, Luther Stone, Francis Dresser, 1844 — F. Naramore, Luther Stone, Francis Dresser. HISTORY OF GOSHEX 37 »795- I796- 1797- 1798- •Nehemiah May, Eben Parsons, Jos. Naiamore. Reuben Dresser, Eben Putney, Ambrose Stone. Nehemiah May, Josh. Abell, Jr., Geo. Sahnon. Oliver Taylor, Ambrose Stone, George Sahnon. 799 — Oliver Taylor, Ambrose Stone, Justin Parsons. ■Justin Parsons, Geo. Sahnon, Alph. Naramore. Oliver Taylor, Geo.^almon, Alpheus Naramore. C)liver Taylor, John Williams, Sol. Parsons. Reuben Dresser, John Williams, Jos. Naramore. Justin Parsons, Ambrose Stone, Geo. Salmon. Justin Parsons, Ambrose Stone, Geo. Salmon. Reuben Dresser, Dr. E. Coney, John Williams. 1807 — Reuben Dresser, Ambrose Stone, John Grant. 1500- 1801- 1802— ( 1803- 1804- 1805- 1806- 1845 — ^- Naramore, Ralph Ulley, Freemaw Sears. 1846 — Ambrose Stone, Jr., F. Seats, W^st Tilton. 1847 — Freeman Sears, F. Dresser, West 'I'ilton. 1848 — Freeman Sears, F. Dressei', West Tilton. 1849 — Freeman Sears, F. Dresser, West Tilton. 1850 — Freeman Sears, Frank Naramore, West Tilton. 1 85 1 — F. Naramore, Asahel Billings, George Abell. 1852 — J. Millon Smith, Asahel Billings, George Abell. 1853 — Asa White, ^ Franklin Naramore, Ralph Utley. 1854 — Franklin Naranaore, Asa White. Ralph Utley. 1855 — F. Sears, Asahel Billings, Reuben Gardner. 1856 — F. Sears, Hiram Barrus, Calvin A. Packard. 1857— F. Sears, Hiram Packard, Henrv White. 38 lUSTOliY OF GOSIIKX. 1808 — John Grant, 1S58- Giles Lyman, Gershom Cathcart. 1809 — John Grant, 1859- G. Cathcart, Timothy Lyman, Jr. 1810 — John Grant, 1S60 — J. Abel], Jr., Timothy Lyman, Jr. 1811 — John Grant, 1861 — J. Abell, Jr.; 'IMmothy Lyman, Jr. 1812 — John C. Lyman, 1862 — J. Packard, Jr., Oliver Taylor. 1813 — Oliver Taylor, 1863- Ambrose Stone, John C. Ivvman. 1814 — Ambros,e Stone, 1864- John C. Lyman, Benj. White. 1815 — John C. Lyman, 1865- Josh. Packard, Jr., Benj. White. 1816 — John C. Lyman, 1866- Josh. Packard, Jr., Benj. White. 1817 — Aaibrose Stone, 1867- Tim. Lyman, Reuben Dresser. 1818 — Timothy Lyman, 1868- Benj. White, Joseph Putney. 18 19 — Timothy Lyma.n, 1869- Benj. Vv^hite, Robert Webster. 1820 — Timothy Lyman, 1N70- Robert Webster, Luther Stone. Hiram Bar r us, Calvin A. Packard, C. C. Dresser. ■Hiram Barrus, Calvin A. Packard, C. C. Dresser. •F. Sears, Hiram Packard, Ralph E. Smith. Hiram Barrus, Calvin A. Packard, C C. Dresser. Calvin A. Packard, C. C. Dresser, Alonzo Shaw. Calvin A. Packard, C. C. Dresser, Geo. Dresser. Calvin A. Packard, Geo. Dresser, f Alonzo Shaw. Calvin A, Packard, Alvan Barrus, J. Knowlton. >Calvin A. Packard, Alvan Barrus, Joshua Knowlton. ■PVeeman Sears, Daniel W^illiams, Tim'y D. Pierce. ■Freeman Sears, Daniel Williams, Tim'y D. Pierce. -C. A. Packard, Geo. Dresser, Alvan Barrus. -Alvan Barrus, Timothy P. Lyman, John H. Godfrey. lUSTOliV OF (a)SIIP]X. 182 1 — Timothy Lyman, Robert Webster, Luther Stone. 1822 — Timothy Lyman, Robert Webster, Luther Stone. 1823 — Timothy Lyman, Robert Webster, Luther Stone. 1824— Ben j. White, John Grant, Joshua Simmons. 1825— Bcnj. White, Asahel Billino^s, Francis Lyman. 1826— Benj. White, Luther Stone, Joshua Packard, 1827 — Benj. White, Joshua Simmons, Asahel Billings. 1828 — Timothy Lyman, John Grant, Samuel Luce. 1829 — Timothy Lyman, John Grant, Luther Stone, 1830 — Timothy Lyman, John Grant, Luther Stone. 1^72- 73- ^71 — Alvan Bairus, John H. Godfrey, Joseph Beals. -Alvan Barrus, John H. Godfrey, Joseph Beals. -Wm. S. Packard, Geo. Mayor, Elisha H. Haydsn. -Wm. S. Packard, E. H. Hayden, Lorin Barrus. * -Wm. S. Packard, Lorin Barrus, J. H. Godfrey, -Wm. S. Packard, Lorin Barrus, J. H. Godfrey. -Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard, J. H. Godfrey. •Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard, J. H. Godfrey. 1879 — Alvan Barrus, Hi rain Packard, Alonzo Shaw. iSSo — Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard, Alonzo Shaw. :.S74— ^ i<^75- IS7-6- 1877- 87.S— . H(']>ri'S(')}((ilirrs to (rciirrul Conrf. 1805, Justin Parsons; 1S06, Nehemiah May; 1808, Rev. S. Whit- man; 1809, Wm. White; 1810-11-12-14, Oliver Taylor; "1813, Nehe- raiah May; 18 15, Ambrose Stone; 18 16, Timothy Lyman; and he was also chosen delegate to the Constutional Convention in 1820, 1827, Ambrose Stone; 1829, Joshua Simmons; 1834, Asahel Billings; 40 HIHTORY OF GOSHEX. 1835-6-7, Rev. Wm. Hubbard; 1838, Benjamin White; 1839, Luther Stone; 1840, Asahel Billings; 1841, Frederick P. Stone; 1842, Frank- lin Naraniore; 1843, Benjamin White; 1849, Luther Stone; 1851, William Tilton; 1852, Asahel Billings; 1853, Franklin Naramore;. 1853, Benjamin White, delegate to Constitutional Convention; 1862, Rev, John C. Thompson, elected from the district comprising Goshen, Plainfield, Cummington, Worthington, and Middlefield, without an- opposing vote; 1867, Calvin A, Packard; 1873, Hiram Packard;. 1879, Alvan Barrus. Justices of the Veace, wltti dates ofConniiission. William White, 1785, J 792, 1799, 1806, 1813, 1819. Died 182 i.. Benjamin Burgess, 1786. Oliver Taylor, 1810, 1817, 1824. Died 1826. John Williams, 181 1, 1817, 1824, 1832*. Timothy Lyman, 1822, 1829. Died 1831. Joseph White, 1827, (removed from the county). Benjamin White, 1832, 1839, ^^46, 1853, 1860=*, 1867* Asahel Billings, 1834*, 1841*. Luther Stone, 1837, 1845, 1852, 1859, 1866*. Hiram Barrus, 1856, 1861, (removed from the county).. Calvin A. Packard, 1861* 1867, 1774*. Alvan Barrus, 1874. Coroner. Ambrose Stone, 1803 to 1850. Speciat ('oii)ity ('(^tniiissioncr. Benjamin White, 1838 to 1842. I )('])}( tjl Slicrif. Solomon Parsons served under Sheriff^Mattoon. *J)id not qualifj-. Albertype— Forbes Co., Boston REV. J. C. THOMPSON. HISTORY OF GOSHE^^. 41 CHAPTER V. The Congregational Church. True to the Pilgrim idea, the church' and the school — the lieart and the head of true prosperity — recei/ed early attention and have always bt^en cherished institutions among tiie people here. This, church, the first in the place, was o'ganized Decembt^r 21, 1780, nearly five months before the incorporation of the town. It is a fact, not without interest, that its organization, whether intended or not, occurred on "Forefather's Day," — r6o years from the day on which the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. The earliest record of the church is the following: — Chesterfield Gore, Deccml^er 21, 1780. A church was gathered in this p'ace and properly incorpwrated [organized] by tiie Reverend Mr. Josiah Kilburn, pastor of the church in Chesterfield. At the same time the church made choice of one of the brethren, viz: Thomas Weeks for their clerk. Also at the same time, said church agreed to the followinij confession of Faith, Covenant, anel Rules of Church Discipline — that is to say: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, the brethren of the Church of Christ in Chesterfield Gore, have mutually agreed, and unanimously Consented, to the fol- lowing Confession of Faith, Covenant, and R'lies of Church Discipline as the Rule of our Faith and Practice in this church. (Signed) Thomas Wreks, Lkmukl Lyon, Thomas Brown, DaMKI, ]>ROWxN,' John Smith. The Confession, Covenant and Rules follow, but it seems unneces- sary to reproduce them here. The records do not distinctly indicate the names of aM who joined the church at its organization, but the following are given without date as members previous to 1783: Thomas Weeks, Nehemiah May, Mary Weeks, Jeremiah Hallock, *Lemuel Lyon, Alse Hallock, *John Smith, Mary Grimes, 42 HISTORY OF GosnE:^. *Sarah Smith, *Justin Parsons, ^Thomas Brown, Hannah Parsons, ^Judiih Brown, Ebenezer Putney, *J3aniel Brown, Farnum White, *Dorcas Brown, fMarcy White, Artenias Stone, Christopher Grant, Jerusha Stone, Elizabttii Grant, Joseph Bani,ter, Abiel Banister, *Deborah Banister, Margaret May, Christopher Banister, ^D^vid Stearns, Mary Banistei", Lemuel Banister — 30. The first meeting of the church for business was held one week later, when choice was made of Rev. Josiah Kilburn of Chesterfield, as moderator in case of emergency wiiile they continued destitute of a pastor. Voted, that brother Thomas Weeks read the Psalm in this church when they assemble for religious worship. Voted, that broth- er Jolin Smith lead in singing. March 26, 1781, it was voted to call to the pastorate. Rev. Joseph Barker, who had been preaching here for nearly a year. The "cove- nanters" and others in the vicinity, were invited to join with the church in calling Mr. Barker and in making proposals for his support. Thomas Weeks, Thomas Brown, and Lemuel Lyon were a committee to wait on the candidate with the call. He did not accept, but in the same year became pastor of the church in Middleboro, where he died in 1815. He appears to have been an able man, and was member of Congress 1805 to 1808. From the earliest settlements in this state it was a pre-requisite of the incorporation of a town that it should have a cliurch already or- ganized, oi- about to be. For a Icrg peiiod, none but church mem- bers could hold office in town or state. Naturally enough church membeiship became very popular with two classes, those who wished t© be thought respectable and those who wanted office. Very effi- cient men outside of the church were often wanted to serve in impor- tant positions, who were not available under this disability. So the "half-way covenant" was invented, by which men of correct morals could so far become church members as to avoid the disabilities of * Kfceived from first cliurch in Chesterfield. f Wife of William Whife. nrSTOKY OF GOSHEIS^. 43 Don-membersliip. Akin to this was tlie parish system — well intended and i:i some respects desirable. But these devices for quahfying men for office and filling the churches, proved a ruinous policy for what were known as the Orthodox churches. Moial men did not always prove to be in the strictest sense religious men. They did not relish some of the doctrines held by the church and proclaimed from the pulpit. So there came to be a demand for more liberal preaching and preachers. The moral -element of the churches — the half-way- covenanters — found themst'lves, in many casf^s, the majority of the church and parish, and the "liberal" preacliers were put in the place of the less liberal. The new pastors preached easy doctrines, church membership became more easy than ever, morality was substituted for religion, and so in many cases the Orthodox Congregational churches naturally drifted over into Unitarian Congregational churches, taking with them the church building and property. But this church appears to have kept due watch and cai'e over its members. One sister confesses to having told wrong stories, and heartily asks the forgiveness of thfe church : on a subsequent com- plaint for absolute l>iug, she is excommunicated. One brother com- jDlains of the discipline of the church in receiving a verbal complaint against himself '" without proof." The church takes the place of the alleged offender and acknowledges its error. Anolherbrother makes amends for having ordered another member to withdraw from com- munion ; anolher for breach of covenant, absence from the meetings, and denying in particular the doctrine of Free Sovereign Election, is admonished.* Occasionally one is excommunicated, and, that the offender might fully realize the full force of this act of the church, one of the articles of discipline required the members to forbear to associate, or familiarize with him any further than the necessity of natuial, civil. (UMnestical relaiions, or humanity required, that lie might be ashamed; agleeably to 2 Thess. 3:14, i5- Notwithstand- * What tlie church at that time undeYstood by "denying tlie doctrines of Free Sovereign Election," we am not informed. It may mean, liowever, that the church did not under- stand the Iichigan and other places, was a very devoted and faithful christian, but was soon called to his reward. He died 1S38, at the age of 27. Rev. Joseph S. Burgess, another son of Silas, studied theology at Whitestown, N. Y. He is now settled at Lewiston, Maine. Rev. D. Grosvenor Wright, D. D., son of Rev. Joel, the former pastor of the church, is pastor of a church in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. B. Franklin Parsons, son of Willard, a gradiKHe of Williams, won a good reputation as teacher. He was for some lime principal of Baron Academy, at Colchester, Conn., and afterwards at New Marl- boro', Mass. He is also licensed as a preacher. J. Fisher Crossett, son of Rev. Robert, entered the ministry and went to China as a missionary. Rev. Rufus Cushman, son of Caleb, born in Goshen, 1778, gradu- ated at Williams College, 1805 ; united with this church in 1793 ; 58 HISTORY OF GOSHElSr. married Theodocia, daughter of Dea. Artemas Stome, June 9, 1806 ; became pastor of the church in Fair Haven, Vt., 1807 ; died Febru- ary 3, 1829, having been pastor of the same church 22 years. The Cushman Genealogy says, — " He was a good, plain, Puritan man, distinguished for solid, rather than brilliant qualities ; sedate, firm, and persevering in his labors; willing to 'work on — work ever' in the cause of his Master, whose service he loved, and whose life he aimed to imitate. He did what he could to bring sinners to repen- tance, and to promote and diffuse love to God and love to man among his people." It is told of him that he had a rich parishioner, who was fond of jokes that were not always free from sharp points. He rode up to Mr. Cushman's door one day, and the pastor stepped out with his sermon in his hand to see what he wanted. "Good morning, Mr. Cushman," said he, " what have you got there ? " " My sermon for rnext Sabbath. I am sewing it together." "Ah, yes; but if it is no better than the rest of your sermons you had better sew it up all round." The pastor dropped his head and turned away, for he never joked his parishioners. The man's fun was spoiled. He went home in the deepest sorrow. Now, thought he, I have done wrong. I am not a gentleman, and though I am not a christian, and I am not a member, and have never done enough for him, I will henceforward be his friend. He unharnessed his horse, went in, and made out, a deed of a farm giving the minister the products of it during his natu- ral life. He continued to reap its fields, and to enjoy the sweetest friendship of the generous parishioner through life. His son, Rev. Rufus S. Cushman, D.D.. thirty-four years in the ministry, died three and a half years ago in Manchester, Vt. Rev. Ralph Cushman, born in Goshen in 1792, brother of Rev. Rufus; united with this church 1808 ; graduated at Williams College ; married Sophia Moseley of Westfield, 1820 ; licensed to preach in the same year, and went to Hopkinsville, Ken., as a home missionary; was installed pastor of Presbyterian church in Manlius, N. Y., 1825 ; appointed General Secretary of American Home Missionary Society, 1830, for the Western States, and removed to ('incinnati ; died at Wooster, Ohio, August 27, 1831. He is said to have been a devoted servant of Christ, and mariy friends bore testimony to the faithfulness and success of his labors in the ministry. HISTORY OF GOSHE:Nr. 59 Calvin Cushman, brother of the above, born June 13, 1784; mar- ried Laura Bardwell of this town, November, 1809 ; taught school when a young man, but had not a college education. In the early efforts of the American Board for the civilization of the Cherokees and Choctaws, Mr. Cushman, Mr. John Smith and Mr. Elijah Bard- well, all members of the church, were sent out with their families as assistant missionaries and teachers to the Choctaws in Mississippi. 'J'tjey left Goshen, September 13, 1820, for their field of labor, going by way of the Ohio, Mississippi and Yazoo rivers. The account of their journey shows a wide contrast between the modes of travel of that day and the present. They embarked in a craft in common use in those waters, called an ark. It was 56 feet long, 14 wide and 6 high, bottom fiat, roof convex, the walls at the sides and ends straight and perpendicular. Two long oars at the side served for rowing and one at the stern for a rudder. It had three apart- ments. In one was a cow, one served for a kitchen and sitting room, and the other for a school room, where, during the three months of their passage down the river, was taught a school of ten children. Su<:h arks cost about $100, and being unmanageable against the current were sold at New Orleans for a mere trifle. In floating down the river the missionary company were' not idle. They sent copies of the "Swearer's Prayer" on board another ark, which induced the crew to quit profane swearing by agreement, and procured for Rev. Mr. Byington from Stockbridge, who went as missionary with the others named, an opportunity to preach to the crews of seven or eight other arks on successive evenings. A man at a village on the western bank of the river, hearing of these meetings, besought the missionaries, with tears, to land and have a meeting at his house, as some of his neighbors had never heard a sermon They complied and had a very interesting meeting, and the people promised that they would thenceforth meet every Sabbath and read the scriptures. They arrived at the mouth of the Yazoo, January 27, where it be- came necessary to leave their ark. Mr. Cushman and family passed through the wilderness with a wagon, and arrived at his destination early in March. Mr. Bardwell also went by land and arrived in May. Mr. Smith and others ascended the river in a batteau. His oldest son, after toiling three weeks at the oar, sickened and died in a week. A hundred miles from any human habitation the remains were buried and the bark peeled from a tree to mark the grave. For three weeks 60 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. longer they were obliged to toii in rowing against the current, the females assisting; at the helm, before reaching the end of their jaurney. It has been sometimes intimated that these missionaries engaged in their work from motives of a mercenary character. A historical sketch of the mission referring to the removal of the Indians beyond the Mississippi in 1833, sets tins matter probably in its true light. It says, "As fewer laborers would be needed among the Choctaws, Messrs. Cushman, Smith, Bardwell and others, with their wives, were, at their own request, released from the service of the Board. Most of them had expended ten or twelve of the best years of their lives in missionary labors and sufferings, with no compensation but ;i bare subsistence for the time ; and such of them as had property had given it to the board. Now, when they were aboilt to be left without employment, in the decline of life, and with impaired health, the board was not authorized to give, nor were they willing to receive such compensation for past services ns their labois might have com- manded in some worldly pursuit ; but from the household and other movable property least salable, which no longer could be used for missionary purposes, they were allowed to take such articles as would enable them t® commence frugal arrangements for future support." They were released from service January 15, 1833. Mr. Cushman and wife and Mr. Smith and wife spent the remainder of tiieir days in Mississippi. Mr. Bardwell removed to Michigan and became a preacher. Mr. Cushman became a prominent citizen, was Judge of Probate, and an elder in the Presbyterian church. He died August 8, 1841. Miss Electa May, daughter of Nehemiah, born in Goshen, 1783, went as missionary tQ the Choctaws in ^823, and was married the next year to Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury, one of the earliest missionaries to the Choctaws, and accompanied them to their new home beyond the Mississippi. Mr. Zechariah Howes of Ashfield, and Mr. Anson Dyer of Plainfield, also were sent out to this mission held in 1820. Minerva Cushman, born August 20, 1788, married first, Amos Dresser, 1808, and removed to Peru. They were parents of Rev. Amos Dresser. The father died 1813, and the mother married, second, Henry Pierce, and of their children was Rev. Charles Henry Pierce, a successful pastor. iiiSTOKY OF goshp:n. 61 It may not be out of place to say a word respectino^ Rev. Amos Dresser, so nearly connected with this church and people. Born in 1812, an orphan before lie was four months old, he entered Oneida Institute, 1830, which, in company with Horace Bushnell, he left to enter Lane Seminary, but they found on arrival it only existed in prospect, and would not be opened for some months. They hired and furnished a room, and commenced their studies, and so Lane Son'mary tvas commenced. Other young men came and followed their example, prosecuting their studies regularly, as if the institution had been fully equipped with ofBcers and teachers. The discussion of the slavery question by the students in the win- ter of 1833-4, in the absence of Dr. Beecher, the president, created much excitement, and the faculty dissolved the anti-slavery society which the students had formed. Young Dresser and about 70 others, feeling aggrieved, kft the institution. Soon after, his health failing, he purposed visiting his uncle Calvin, the missionary in Mississippi. He purchased a horse and carriage, took a quantity of bibles and other books to pay his expenses, and set out on his journey. Stop- ping at Nashville he was seized and brought to trial. A bible had been found wrapped in a copy of \\\^ Emancipator, which had thrown the people into intense excitement. His trunk was searched, and his journal examined to find some evidence against him. The mayor, after scanning its pages, said, "It cannot be read, but it is evidently very hostile to slavery." He was sentenced to receive 20 lashes, after which he found it necessary to leave at once, and in disguise, in order to avoid a worse fate. He is now, and has been for many years, a pastor in the west. Vesta Cushn^an, another daughter, married Moses Dresser. They had a family of eight children, one of whom, George Dresser, is now an officer of the church, chosen in 1880 — its centenni.il deacon. Wealthy, the eldest daugher of Caleb Cushman, born in this town October, 1779, married Jonathan Wright, of Northampton, Novem- ber 19, 1799, and subsequently removed to Jackson, Me., where she died in 1846. One of her sons became a minister of the gospel, served faithfully as a chaplain in the army of the Union, and is now the beloved pastor of the church of his maternal ancestors, a worthy son of worthy parentage — the Rev. J. E. M. Wright. 62 HISTORY OP GOSHEN. A goodly number of the daughters of Goshen have married minis- ters and missionaries. Their names are entitled to remembrance, and as far as can be ascertained, are given. The family of Elijah Bardwell seems to have borne off the pahn in this respect. Rhoda, the oldest daughter, married in 1807, Rev. Wm. Fisher; Laura, married 1811, Calvin Cushman, the missionary to the Choctavvs; Sarah, mar- ried 1813, Rev. James Richards, missionary to Ceylon. Two of the brothers. Rev. Horatio Bardwell and Rev, Elijah Bardwell, were the missionaries already referred to. Lucretia, daughter of Rev. Justin Parsons, joined the church in 1808, married Rev. Daniel Morton. They were the parents of Hon. Levi Parsons Morton, member of Congress from New York city, who is now prominently before the public as worthy of, and likely to receive, a position in President Garfield's cabinet. The family of William Hallock have also a worthy record. Of Revs. Jeremiah and Moses, nothing needs to be added. Abigail, married Rev. Joel Chapin; Esther married Rev. Josiah Hayden. They were the parents of Lieut. Gov. Joel Hayden. Hannah, daughter of Reuben Dresser, married Rev. Abel Farley; Electa, daughter of Col. Nehemiah May, married Rev. Mr. Kings- bury, missionary to the Choctaws; Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Putney, (ist,) married John Smith of the Choctaw mission; Prudence May married Rev. Isaac Babbitt; Electa, daughter of Jared Hawks, niece of Electa May, married Rev. Wm. H. Bonrdman; Theodocia Stone married Rev. Rufus Cushman; Ruby Kellogg, daughter of Stephen, married Rtv. Preston Taylor; Sophia B., daughter of Capt. Reuben Dresser, married Rev. Samuel Whalley; Ellen E., daughter of J. M. Smith, married Rev. Robert C. Alison; Mary Leora, daughter of J. M. Smith, married Rev. J. C. Houghton; Clarinda B., daughter of Hinckley Williams, married Rev. Lucius M. Eoltwood; Martha Baker, adopted daughter of Daniel Williams, married Rev. William Carruthers. Another daughter of the church, Mrs. Deborah (Smith) Williams, is worthy of remembrance. In February, 1856, the CongregaUonalist published a communication containing the following extracts: Messrs. Editors: — "In your paper of Nov. 3c, is n communication from Rev. J. H. Rood of Goshen, Mass., volunteering from one of his lady parishioners an offer- HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. 63 ing of $500, as the nucleus of a fund to be applied to the building of churches in Kansas, and if deemed expedient, Orthodox churches throughout the West, paya- ble whenever a plan should be adopted for carrying the designs of the donor into effect. * * * The Congregational Union of New York, acting under a pro- vision of its constitution authorizing to aid in church building, have taken the mat- ter under consideration and have decided to carry out the suggestion of Rev. Mr- Rood's communication by rendering immediate and ])ermanent aid towards building churches in Kansas. An agent has been sought to carry their measures into effect, and we trur,t an appeal will soon be made to the churches for further means to sus- tain the work." The work was immediately commenced, the churches responded nobly to the appeal, and the result has been most gratifying:- More than on(--third of the Congregational church editices in our country have been aided in their erection by this society. [Note. Tlie records of the churcli in former years were kept by the pastors; more re- cently by one of the deacons. Benjamin White was clerk 1853 to 1855; T. L. Barrus 1861-65 and fi'om 1867 to the present time.] The Congregational Society. In 1828, the Congregational society severed its connection with the town and became a separate organization. Benjamin White, Esq.? was its first clerk. Benjamin White, Asahel Billings and William Abell were its first board of assessors; Reuben Dresser was collector and treasurer. Benjamin White served many years as clerk. Hiram Barrus was clerk from 1850 to i860. Daniel Williams was collector and treasurer from 1850 for several years. Col. Luther Stone, Capt. Horace Packard, Elijah Billings, Freeman Sears, George Abell, Ezra Carpenter often did service as assessors. Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard and T. L. Barrus were assessors in the years 1874-5-6-7, and Maj. Joseph Hawks, collector and treasurer; Charles Barrus, clerk, 1874-5-6. Officers for 1878:— T. L. Barrus, John H. Godfrey, E, C. Packard, assessors; J. Hawks, colleetor and treasurer; E. C. Packard, cleric. 1879— T. L- Barrus, J. H. Godfrey, A. B. Dresser, assessors; T. L. Barrus, eollector and treasurer; E. C. Packard, cleric. 1880— George Dresser, A. B. Dresser, T. L. Barrus, assessors; Lorin Barrus, collector and treasurer; E. C. Packard, clerk. The society has the annual income from a fund of five thousand dollars, which is to be appropriated to the support of "a minister of the Congregational Trinitarian Order.'' This fund was the donation also of Mrs. Deborah (Smith) Williams, a native of the town. The 64 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. fund has been for many years in the hands of a trustee, Harvey Kirk- hind, Esq., of Northampton, who was appointed by Mrs. WilHams. The society in 185 1, purchased the former homestead of Dea. Jona- than Lyman near the church and built the present house for a par- sonage. The income of the fund and the productions of the parson- age land are important aids to the small but earnest society in the support of the ministry. "The service of song" was formerly sustained by the town, which often raised money to hire a singing master. In 1786, Ebenezer White, and in 1789, Josiah White, were chosen to lead the choir. In 1793, Joshua Abell, Jr., Alpheus Naramore and James Orcutt, were invited by the church to act as quiristers. Calvin CushmaH,of a fam- ily noted for musical talent, Asahel Billings, Frederick P. Stone, Maj* Joseph HawHs and Elijah Billings successively served as choristers. Maj. Hawks is still at his post, having been connected with the choir for 56 years. C. C. Dresser rendered valuable aid to the choir as violinist and organist for nearly thirty years. J. Milton Smith was long an efficient member of the choir and also chorister, x-lmong the teachers from abroad were, first, James Richards of Plainfield; then Capt. Anderson of Chesterfield, about 1800; Capt. Frary ®f W' hately, 1809-10; Asahel Birge of Southampton, Nehemiah White — "Master White" — of Williamsburgh; Geo. W. Lucas, 1832, 1842, 1852; Col. Asa Barr, 1837-8; Jacob Jenkins, 1855-6, 1861-2. The singing schools terminated with a concert and address, a gala day for the young people for miles away. Li 1842 the choirs of Chesterfield and Norwich united with Goshen in giving the concert, and Lowell Ma- son gave-the address. In 1852, W^endell Phillips was present with the same choirs and gave an eloquent lecture on music. No better conclusion can be given to this chapter than is found in the eloquent thoughts of the Rev. Dr. Horace Bushnell. In one of his sermons he speaks of the church below, as Society Organizing; of Heaven, as the Upper World Church, or Society Organized, both one, as regards their final end or object, and the properties and principles in which they are consummated. The church below, is call- ed a family — "of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named," just as we sing in our sublimest of all hymns: One family, we dwell in Him; One church above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. •V. s^i^'^^'' \li ici of iJt a. house; for u ; ; e pars or ->;. society m tb- d til- rhni Naram ..:... . .1. . U-. ■/iiirlsters. Jcaj f;^Utnr. Asa he) Rillijv orgaPiist tor iieariy iiiitty yt -A Cat;slt;iaelr obicct. nnd (he prop ■ •--» - '1* '/ lillli iV Ci lit';;- named. limest of a1! hyi- One fau' Hiin; 'i'hoimh now divid ^HEJ. Bi^^ HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 6d One army of the living God, To his command we bow; Part of the host have crossed the flood And part are crossing now.. The church below, in its best sense, is what is called "the Commu- nion of Saints,'-' — not Calvanistic, not VVesleyan, not Presbyterian — it includes all who are here in training for tlie society ''of just men made perfect," church brotherhood is a continual diil! in and for so- cietv. In this we are schooled, in fact, into the very law of God, for the whole of our fraternity is tinged with badness, troubled by disor- der, damaged by sore faults, hurt by offences. Envy looks up with bitterness, pride looks down with contempt, jealousy looks everyway, snuffing the scent of wrongs that are only to be. Some are covetous, some are mean, some are passionate, some are sensual, some are strong only in hate, some are weak only in principle. But we come back shortly to the love of God, and take a new lesson; where it is opened to us that tve ourselves are in this divine society just liecause it is God's hospital, where he is nursing and watching his poor, morally broken children, loving them, never at all for what they are, but only for what he can make them. And so we learn to love with patience, and to bear even as God does, loving what we do not like, and cannot approve, and can only hope to benefit. There is no other cause, or institution, now on foot in this world, at all comparable for benefit and dignity with the church of God. It has outlived the great empires. It has leavened all human society with elements of progress, by which education, laws, liberties, sciences, inventions, constitutions, have been coming all this while into flower. It would take whole hours just to give the shining roll of names that, in worth, and genius, and true sainthood, have been marching out into their great history for these almost 1900 y'ears. In some sense it has been an awful history. The woes are sharp, the fires are hot, the prisons burst with wail ; women martyrs, child tnariyrs, the general bleeding host of persecuted merit, move on as it were in procession to die. But from age to age it has been a rock, as the Saviour promised, to the wrath surging heavily against it. It stands firm as no political state or kingdom could have stood, even for a generation. The church is everlasting, the only structure, society, or state that is. Against all else runs the statute of limita- tions. Getting wealth, we get no charter for breathing. Getting 66 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. fame, we shall not be on hand to hear the ring of it. Going into the healing of bodies, we can only patch them up for an' hour. Going into the law, we give ourselves to that which was made last year to be unmade next. Public honors vanish and states are only for a time. Not so the church of God, the great, everlasting, all world's society, that remains, and if we put much cost and sacrifice into it, all the belter. God help us all to have our future in it. [Note. — The church observed tlie centennial anniversary of its organization, Decem- ber 21, 1880. The pastor, Rev. J. E. M. Wright, px-esided during the forenoon. The church was well filled with citizens of the town, and sevei'al pastors and delegations were present from Ashlield, Plainfield, Cummington, Chesterfield, Conway, Willianisburgh, Haydenvide and Easthampton. The address on the occasion, delivered by the author, was substantially that which is eml)odied in the preceding chapter. The afternoon services, conducted by Rev. Dr. Marsh of Haydenville, were opened by reading of the scriptures, prayer and singing. Addresses, mainly of historical interest, were made by Rev. Messrs. Seymour of Hawley, Hopley of Worthington, Blake and Baldwin of Cummington, and others.] The Baptist Church and Society. Every tax-payer was formerly obliged lo contribute to the support of some religious society. The oldest society in town had a legal right to claim this support for their own exclusive benefit, unless a person could show that he was a, membev of some other religious society. People of course have a choice of objects to which they contribute, or if not of objects, may have a choice between paying a compulsory and a voluntary tax. These feelings became an ele- ment of weakness to the older societies and of strength to the newer, as illustrated in the early formation of the Baptist society. 'I'he records of the town furnish the following names of those who early became its supporters. " To the Town Clerk of Goshen. Sir : The following is a list of those that have- joined the Baptist Society in Goshen : Ebenezer White, Versal Abell, Josiah White, Alex'r Miller's Estate, Jesse Willcutt, John Williams, Joshua Packard, John Williams, Jr., Joshua Packard, Jr., Abner Uamon, Caleb Bryant, James Orr, Ansel Amadon, Levi Vinton, Robert Webster, Samuel Luce, Gershom Bates, Samuel Snow, Enoch Wilcut.t, Nathaniel Bates, HISTORY OF GOSIIEX. 67 Cyrus Stearns, Gurdon Williams, Ezra Stearns, Sanford Boies, Pliinehas Manning, Zebulon Willcult. Nathaniel Abell, John Williams, Clerk. December 24, 1814. The Baptist church was formed not later than 1809, but its early records were not preserved. Elder Winans was the pastor at that time, but Elder Todd of Chesterfield and Keyes of Conway often held meetings and preached here before 1800. Rev. William Hub- bard was pastor from 1813 to 1819. Elder David Woodbury ihen came and remained till 1823. Rev. Orra Martin then preached half the lime till 1829. Elder Hubbard returned in 183 1 and preached till 1837. Elder Isaac Child, the last regular pastor, was here for a few years previous to his death, December 24, 1842. Occasional services were subsequently held, the last being the funeral of Mrs. Mercy Williams, who died June 29, I855. ^'^^ ^^'^s the widow of John Williams, Esq., one of the founders and main pillars of the church. The liouse, having been removed and used as a barn, was burnt July 4, 1874 — a singular coincidence, its frame having^ been raised July 4, 1822. Hie First Calvlnistlc Society. This society probably grew out of the troubles arising from the dismission of Rev. Mr. Whitman in 1818. Certificates in the town records in 1828 show that Benjamin Tiiton, Stephen W. Tilton, Stephen Hosford, John Fuller and Hollon Hubbard " are members of said First Calvinistic Society in Goshen." It had a quiet life, an early death, and th'i above record is perhaps the only proof of its existence. The Second Advent Church Was formed in 1858, its members in part belonging to Chesterfield and Cummington. Jared Damon, Joseph Crosby were chosen dea- cons ; Abner Damon and Andrew Baker, elders. They built a chapel some years since, and have usually maintained regular ser- vices. The present elders are Marlon Damon and Alcander Hawks ; the deacons, S. J. Gould, Rodney Hawks and Andrew Willcutt , deaconess. Mrs. Alonzo Shaw. 68 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. CHAPTEPv VI. Tlie earliest scliools in the ''Gore" and in *'Quabbin" were kept in private houses. Capt. Thomas Weeks taught school in the house of John Williams, but names of other teachers at that date are unknown. The first school house in town was erected just west of the bridge, iu the North West district, near the former residence of Col. L. Stone. Tiie first teacher in it was James Richards of Plainfield. Another school house was built near the meeting house, and a third near the house of Ebenezer Putney. The division of the town into four school districts, as made by the committee named on page i8, is indicated below by numbering each person named by the committee, and printing his name in italics. In order to identify their places of residence, the successors of each of the persons, as far as known, are also given. The names of the earlier residents are given as recollected by Maj. Ambrose Stone. District Xo. 1. 1. Nathaniel Jcivdl. — His house stood on the high land south of No. 2, wear Chesterfield line. 2. Samuel Olds. — Abner Damon, Jared Damon, Marlon Damon, Lorenzo Willcutt. 3. Jolin Hatch. — Joseph Naiamore, Calvin Loomis, Almon B. Loomis, Alcander Hawks. 4. I)eJ)orah Xarainore. — House stood east of last, on Stone's ''Hill lot." 5. James Paclard. — House stood in Maj. Stone's "Old Mowing." 6. Isaac Kingman. — House stood on the site of Stone's barn. 7. Ezeliiel Thomas. — House stood east of No. 8. 8. Wait Burl'. — Joseph Jepson, Alonzo Shaw. 9. Samuel Sncll. — Jona. Shaw, Joseph Brown, Isaac Kingman, Reuben Kingman, J. Bush. 10. Joshua Packard. — Joshua Packard, Jr., Levi Barrus, 1838; Hiram Barrus, 1845; L. Barrus estate. 11. James Orr. — First house stood west of Mt. Rood. Eli Part- w w d w o w o r > W HISTORY or GOSHEX. 69 ridge, Thos. \V. Stearns, Albio, Isaac Alvord, B. Bissell, Daniel Burt, L. Barrus estate. [Note: — The farm between numbers eleven and twelve was prob- ably first occupied in 1784 or 5 by Elijah Weeks, who began here. His father, Capt. Thomas Weeks, probably came soon after. Elijah sold in 1789 to his brother-in-law, Cyrus Stearns. The large ehns near the house were set out about tiiat time by Capt. Weeks and C. Stearns. Stearns in 1823, deeded the farm to Levi Barrus and Thos. W. Stearns; Thos. W. to L. Barrus in 18,27. Cyrus and Thomas Stearns sold in 1832 to Cyrel Jepson; Jepson 1833 to D. Hall; Hall 1841 to A. & S. Kingman, who sold to Levi Ban us in 1843. ^^ re- mained in his possession till his decease in 1877. It has been the residence of his son Alvan since his return from the army in 1864. The present house was built in 1812.] 12. John Jepson. — Cyrel Jepson, Forrace Jepson, Dryden Dawes, Lorin Barrus, William Bartlett. 13. Moses El well. — Samuel Thomas made here the first opening in this neighborhood."" Daniel Kellogg, Daniel Hubbard, Leonard Jenkins, Levi Barrus, B. Morton, Bennett Allen, L. Barrus estate. 14. Ambrose Stone. — Capt Bigelow began here and sold to Thwing, of whom Maj. Stone bought. House built 1796. Frederick P. Stone resided here till his decease, 1840. Ambrose Jr. from 1844 lo 1847; Col. Luther Stone 1847 ^^ ^^755 "^^^' ^'^*' residence of Amos H. and Edward G., son and grandson of Col. Luther, having been in the possession of the Stone family loi years. [NOTK. Col. stone's Red House was built in 181(5; sold to Hiram Barrus 1854; to Clias Barrus 18(«; subsequently owned by Dea. T. L. Barrus; .Jas. L. Barrus; Willie Barrus.] 15. Justin Parsons. — Silas Parsons, Capt. Lewis Jones, Sol. Par- sons, Col. Stone, "Jones Place" of H. and A. Barrus. 16. Caleb Cushmem.— David Carpenter, David Williams, Dexter Beals, Capt. F. Rice, W^m. Packard, T. L. Barrus. 17. Barzillal Banister. — Joseph Maynard, Willard Packard, Wil- lard Jr., Hiram Packard, Joseph Beals. 18. Silvenus lAjon. — Solomon Parsons, Theodore and Willard Parsons, Levi and B. F. Parsons, T. L. Barrus. 19. Nathan Bigeloiv. — Lived with No. 18. 20. Thos. Hamilton. Halbert, Nathan Fuller, Nathan Jr., John Fuller, Joshua Simmons, D. Carpenter, F. Naraniore. D. Car. penter built new house 1843, "ow residerxe of his son-in-law, H. . Packard. 70 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Hiram Packard built the house next above this about ten years later; sold it to his brother William S.; now owned by Edward C, son of Hiram. District No. 2. 2 1. Johit James. — Bought of Benjamin Truesdale, Malachi James, George Mayor. 2 2. Oliver Taylor. — Joseph Putne}^, W. H. Webster, Charles Mary, Philip Keen. 23. Lemuel Banister. — Lived a little westerly of No. 22. 24. Eheneser Amadoivn. — Lived a little southerly of No. 22. 25. Joel Gustin. — Capt. Robert Webster, Robert Jr., Hiram Bates. 26. Barnabas Potter. — Lived westerly of Webster's. 27. David Stearns. — John Stearns, Daniel Beals, David Beals. 28. Cyr el Leach.— 'Enoch Willcutt, Philip Willcutt, John K. Ful- ler. Gershom Bates' farm was part of No. 28. 29. Jesse Woolcott. — House stood west of the Eleazer Hawks farm. 30. William Banister. ^E^ist of Gloyd farm. 31. Benjamin Bourn. Gloyd, Jacob and Zenas Gloyd, Rod- ney Hawks. 32. Christopher Banister. — Moses James, Eleazer Hawks, Amos Hawks. 33. Samuel Grimes. — Silvenus Stone, Washburn, Jones, Webster, "Jim Place." 34. Isaac Toiver. — In lot near north end of "Lily Pond." 35. Cyrus Lyon. — Ezra Carpenter, Gurdon Williams, Capt. N. Tower, Warren Ball. 36. Thomas WceJcs. — House east of Lyon, on the hill. Thaddeus Naramore. Weeks began there. School District No. 3. 37. John Smith. — John Smith, Jr., Am. Board Com. For. Miss., John Williams, 2d, Willard Packard, Maj. Joseph Hawks, Hiram Packard, William S. Packard, Edward C Packard. 38. Ehenezer Parsons. — Jared Hawks, Joseph Hawks, T. W. Pomeroy, J. K. Mollison. 39. John Williams. — Hinckley Williams. Has been in posses- sion of father and son since 1778. HISTORY or GOSHEX. 71 40. Lemuel Lyon. — Silvenus Stone, Geo. Salmon, Elias White, Joseph Hawks. (House removed). 41. Nehemiali May. — Ezra May began there. Jared Hawks, Marcus Lindsley, Forrace Jepson, Josiah Miller, S. J. Gould, Marlon Damon. 42. Benjamin Burgess. — John C. Lyman, Z. Richmond, Ezra Brackett, H. T. Godfrey, George Kellogg. 43. Timothy Lyman. — Francis Lyman, Lieut. Timothy P. Lyman, iarm divided; new house built by Thomas Lyman; F. W. Lyman, N. Hayden, Hiram Barrus, Ralph E. Smith. 44. Dea. Artemas Stone. — Elisha Putney began here. House stood west of present one. Justin Parsons, Reuben Smith, A. G. Si- dell, F. Willis Sears. 45. Wicloiv Hulbert. — Capt. Wni. Lyon began here. Enoch Beals, Col. Timothy Lyman, V. Pierce. Various residents — new house built ^by N. Russ — Oren Russ. 46. Reuben Lummis. — East of No. 45, toward More's Hill. House gone — street closed. 47. Jedediali Buckingham . — Same as last. 48. Stephen Grover. — Same as last. 49. Thomas Brown. — Thomas Brown, 2d, Leonard Smith, West Tillton, Henry H. Tillton, Henry T. Godfrey. 50. Baniel Broivn. — Gershom Cathcart, Zimri Newell, E. A. Car- ipeiUer, Champion Brown. House gone. 51. Dexter 21ay. — House stood south of No. 50. 52. Eclivard Orcutt. — House stood east of Reservoir. Dr. Isaac [Robinson preceded Orcutt, and perhaps began there. 53. Farnum White. — William Tillton, Spencer Tillton. 54. Christopher Grant. — Easterly about 100 rods, (off the road.) -55. Asa Grant. — Capt. John Grant, Elijah Bard well, S. Porter. 56. Adam Beat, Jr. — Freeman May hew, Asa Partridge, Rolon Rogers, Robert Rogers, Joseph Rogers. 57. Wittiam Hallocl'. — Stephen Hosford, Wilds. House long since gone. 58. Adam Beal—Sol Butler, Capt. Elijah Bardwell, Selah Bard- well, Frebun W. Packard. 59. Wm. Meader. — Samuel Luce, Sears Luce. House gone. 60. Benjamin Ahell. — Silas Burgess. House burnt about 40 ^fearsago. 72 HISTORY OF GOSHEX School Districi, Xo. 4. 6i. Joshua Abel/. Pool, Capt. VVm. Abel], S. Brayrnan,. Elijah Billiiif^^s, Chauncy Guilford. 62. WlUid.ii White. — Joseph and Benjaiuin White, Henry White,. Green, Marshall Dadmun. This was the home of the WHiite family for about 115 years. 63. Ebenrzcr Putney. — Joseph Putney, C. C. Diesser, who built present house in 1842, J. C. Richardson, C. Damon. 64. Jteuheji Dresser. — Moses Dresser, Levi Dresser, George Dresser, who built present house, 1846. 65. Uichurd Toiver. — BeJow the Dr. Pierce farm near the brook.. 66. Thomas Toiver. — Owned no real estate here. 67. Moses Dresser. Ely, Owen, Simeon Cowls, Amasa Cowles, Henry Hayden, William and Ralph Packard. 68 John King. — Nathaniel Phelps, Abner Phelps. House gone. 69. Daniel Wynian.-r-Uived on road from 63 towards Williams- burgh. House gone. 70. Nathaniel Vinton. — House gone. 71. James IaiII. — House gone. 72. Josej)h Blahe. — House gone — stood near Williamsburgh. 73. ■Ehcyi'r Pain. — Same vicinity. 74. Ezeldel White. — Josiah VVhite, Asa White. 75. Widoiv White. — About 70 rods south of last. 76. Noah White. — Owned no real estate here. The schoolroom of former years but very faintly foreshadowed that of the present. In dimensions seldom exceeding sixteen or eighteen feet square, it was often packed with children of all ages from four to twenty-one years, to its utmost capacity. FJghty or a hundred scholars were not an unusual number in some districts. When the seats were insufficient to accommodate all, other seats were extem- porized of logs of wood or whatever else was most convenient, till the floor and every available spot in the room was occupied. In the cold season a roaring wood fire in one corner of the room sweltered the pupils located near, with more than tropical heat, while those remote suffered with cold. The teacher, unable to pass around tl>e school room among the dense mass of pupils, says one who knew, "used to keep a birch switch, ten or twelve feet long, standing within HISTOKY or GOSHEX. io reacii, which often came clown upon the heads of distant transgres- sors in a style more effective than merciful." The ferule, a piece of heavy wood about the size and siiape of the hand, was the chief in- strument of punishment. Some teachers, with an eye to convenience kept a pointed thumb nail always sharp and in good order, for pinch- ing the ears of the smaller offenders, who soon came to regard the instrument of torture as the martyrs did the rack. Arithmetic, reading and writing were taugiit to the exclusion of almost everything else. A few of the more advanced young men studied surveying. Grammar was so rare a study that some of the best teachers, not considering it of sufficient consequence, never learned it themselves. So recent as 1815, a young man qualifying himself for reaching, in order to be a little in advance of the usual standard for the profession, studied grammar with Rev. Mr. Whit- man for tw^o weeks, which was considered quite sufficient for his pur- pose. Female education was still more limited. Reading was the highest accomplishment bestowed upon the girls. Some of the more gifted were allowed to look into the mysteries of arithmetic. When thev had passed over the fundamental rules — addition to division — they had reached the limit of their literary ambition. Sewing was for many years taught in the schools, both as an art and as an accom- plishment. Many a motlier and grandmother keeps to this day, ;ind shows with pride to their little namesakes, the neat '' sampler " of canvas diversified with alphabets of red green and blue silk, a few mottoes, a text of scripture, a few lines of poetry, the date, and their own name, wrought out with a needle, under tlie instruction of a long time ago teacher of the district school. The school books of the old time fell far short of the present, in number, and possibly in merit. We are lold of the "Psalter"' and a Dillingworlh's spelling-book, that served sevdrnl genti-rations of our ancestors and came down to the memory of our grandf iiher^. Fol- low'ing at a long distance after came ''Scott's Lessons,'' and "Web- ster's Third Part." These were follow^ed in tuin by the "Columbian Orator," "The Common Reader," and "JMiglish Reader." "Pier- pont's Reader" and the "Rhetorical Reader" begin the new^ era, when of the making of school books there is no end. Webster's spelling books were of ancient date, as well as modern. Arithmetics by various authors were used. There were Hill's, Root's, Pike's, Daboll's and Adams, the latter having run parallel 74 HISTORY or GOSHEN. with Webster's spelling book, for nearly sixty years. Hill's arithme- tic contained some rare things. It defined arithmetic "as an art or science that teacheth us the dextrous handling of numbers." Among its questions for solution was this, "How many feet and tails have 30 thrave of dogs, when 24 dogs make one thrave ? " It also gave a table of Latin words, "showing any person, though he knows not a word of Latin, how to make thousands of Hexameter and Pentame- ter verses in good latin and in two hours' time; all in perfect sense." Had the author done as much for English poetry, ensuring "perfect sense," he would have won lasting gratitude, if not fame. Slates were unknown in the schoolroom of former days. Paper was used instead, and was frequently preserved in book form, the arithmetical examples being written out in the full, round style of the times, which is not often equalled in the present. "xMaynard and Noyes" had not then begun to send out their ink-bottles to the ends of the earth, and the school-boy made his own ink by extracting the color from the bark of the maple and "setting" it with copperas. His pens, till the advent of steel pens, about 1840, were plucked from the geese that in former days pertained to every farm-yard. His inkstand was generally of "pewter" cast in the proper form by him- self or older brother, or sometimes wrought by patient labor out of soapstone. Private schools, generally termed "Select Schools," have been occasionally taught by college students or graduates from abroad, and by others. One was taught by a Mr. Bradford in 1824; E.W. B. Canning, the poet, and for several years Deputy-Collector of Bos- ton Custom House, in 1830; Alfred Longley (since Rev.), 1832; Frederick Vinton, 1836 ; J. H. Partridge, 1837 ; L. F. Clark (since Rev. of Whitinsville) 1839-41; W. H. Sheldon, 1840 ; R. C. Alison, (now Rev.), 1848; Hiram Barrus, 1852 and 1858 ; Miss Myra Hol- man, 1862. Among the more noted teachers of the district schools in the olden time were John Grant, Thankful Orcutt, Mercy Burgess, Hannah Williams, Rufus and Calvin Cushman, Ambrose Stone, Jr., Lucinda Parsons ; and later, F. W. Lyman, L. L. Pierce, Geo, M. Burgess, Joseph S. Burgess, Geo. Dresser, Hiram Barrus, Theron L. Barrus, Misses Eliza Webster, Augusta Stone, Hannah and Lucy Smith, Julia M. White, Naomi and Maria Putney, ^Mary Parsons, MartJia Pierce, Sarah W. Naramore, Rhoda Parsons, Ellen E. and Mary L. ^^/ parsO^ HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 75 Smith, ClarindaB. Williams, Emma and Vashti Tilton, Carrie Abell, Helen Parsons, Helen Lyman, Fannie E. Hawks, Susie P. Hunt. The law requiring the election of school committees for examining teachers was passed in 1826, but the town had previously chosen c®mmittees for this purpose. In 1823, Rev. Joel Wright, Joseph White, and Capt. John Grant were chosen, and in 1825 Joseph White, Emmons Putney and Enoch James. Under the new law committees were chosen, as follows : 1826. Rev. Joel Wright, Joseph White, Capt. John Grant, Doct. Geo. Wright, David Carpenter, Jared Hawks, Jr., Emmons Putney, 1827. Rev. J. Wright, Benj. White, Doct. G. Wright, E. Putney, D. Carpenter. 1828. Rev. J. Vv^right, Doct. G. Wright, Capt. Grant, B. White, E. Putney. 1829. Doct. Geo. Wright, Capt. John Grant, Rev. Wm. J. Board- man. 1830. Doct. Geo. Wright, Capt. John Grant, E. Putney. 1 83 1. Rev. H. B. Holmes, Doct. Geo.. Wright, Benj. White. 1832. Rev. H. B. Holmes, Benj. White, John Grant. J 833. Rev. Wm. Hubbard, Benj. White, E. Putney. 1834. Rev. Wm. J. Boardman, Doct. J. W. Rockwell, E. Putney. 1835. Doct. Rockwell, E. Putney, Barney Prentice. 1836. Eben'r W. Town, E. Putney, B. Prentice. J837. Rev. Stephen Mason, B. While, E. Putney. 1838. Rev. J. C. Thompson, B. White, L. L. Pierce. 1839. ^^^'- J' C. Thompson, F. W. Lyman, L. L. Pierce. 1840. Rev. J. C. Thompson, Doct. Dan'l Pierce, F. W. Lyman. 1 841. Rev. J. C. Thompson, B. White, Alfred Jones. 1842. F. W. Lyman, Geo. Dresser, Rev. J. C. Thompson. 1843. Rev. Royal Reed, Geo. Dresser, F. W. Lyman. 1844. Rev. Royal Reed, Geo. Dresser, Hiram Barrus. 1845. Rev. Royal Reed, F. W. Lyman, Geo. Dresser. 1846. Doct. D. Pierce, Hiram Barrus, Geo. Dresser. 1847. Rev. R. Reed, E. Putney, Doct. Pierce. 1848. Rev. Wm. J. Boardman, H. Barrus, Geo. Dresser. 1849. Rev. Wm. J. Boardman, Amasa Putney, B. White. 1850. Rev. R. Crossett Sanford Gage, Geo. Dresser. 1851. Rev. R, Crossett, Hiram Barrus, Geo. Dresser. 76 HISTORY OF GOSHEIN^. 1852. Rev. R. Crossett, Hiram Barrus, George Dresser. 1853. Rev. R. Crossett, Hiram Barrus, E. Putney. 1854. Rev. T. H. Rood, Hiram Barrus, E. Putney. 1855. Rev. T. H. Rood, Hiram Barrus, E. Putney. 1856. Rev. T. H. Rood, Hiram Barrus, E. Putney. 1857. Rev. T. H. Rood^ Tiieron L. Barrus, E. Putney. 1858. Bennett Allen for i year, Theron L. Barrus for 2 years, H. Barrus for 3 years. 1859. Rev. T. H. Rood for 3 years. i860. Miss P'annie Hawks for three years. 1861. George Dresser for 3 years. Rev. J. C. Thompson, vice H. Barrus resigned. 1862. Rev. J. C. Thompson for 3 yrs. 1863. T. L. Barrus for 3 years. Rev. Sidney Holman for 2 years. 1864. E. Putney, George Dresser for 2 years. 1865. Rev. S. Holman for 3 years. 1866. George Dresser for 3 years. 1867. Rev. H. M. Rogers for 3 years, T. L. Barrus i year. 1868. T. L. Barrus for 3 years, Alvan Barrus for 2 years. 1869. George Dresser for 3 years. 1870. Alvan Barrus for 3 years. 187 1. T. L. Barrus for 3 years. 1872. Eannie E. Hawks- for 3 years. 1873. George C. Dresser for 3 years. 1874. T. L. Barrus for 3 years. 1875. Fannie E. Hawks for 3 years. 1876. Edward C. Packard for 3 years. 1 87 7. George H. Sears for 3 years. 1878. T. L. Barrus for 3 years. 1879. Edw. C. Packard for 3 years. 1880. George C. Dresser for 3 years. School Statistics. 1845-6. 4 schools ; number of children, 134; length of schools, ^^ months ; amount raised for schools, ^300 ; value of contributions, $73 ; wages of male teachers, $16.67 '> female teachers, $10.24 ; pop- ulation, 556 ; valuation of the town, $131,867. HISTORY OF G08HEN. 77 J i860. 5 schools ; number of children, 10 1 ; length oL schools, 32 mon'hsj amount raised for schools, $350; contribuions, $200: wages of teachers, males, $23 ; females, $16 ; population, 439 ; val- uation, $157,942. 1870. 4 schools ; number of children 84; length of school, 27 months; amount raised for schools, $500; contributions, $i88; wages of teachers, males, $28; females, $22.50; population, 368 ; valuation, $152,796. • 1878 4 schools; number of children, 92 ; length of school, 26- months; raised for schools, $350; contributions, $211; wages of teachers, males, $24; females, $22; share of school fund, $210.14^ 78 HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. CHAPTER VII. Higltivays. In 1755, the soldiers serving in the French and Indian war, when sent from Boston to Albany, were transported around via Long Is- land Sound, New York and Hudson River. In 1758, a more direct route by land was followed. This route led westward from North- ampton through VVilliamsburgh, Goshen, Cummington, etc., and over it passed successive companies cf troops, so that it may properly be considered as the first great highway across this portion of the coun- try from Boston to Albany. The soldiers had frequent camp-grounds, where, in providing themselves with fuel, they made considerable openings in the forest. ■ In Willinmsburgh one of their camps was on land afterwards occupied by Ludo Thayer. A little eminence of land near by was long known as the "Coffee Lot," where the soldiers made and drank their coffee. In Goshen, they passed «)ver the south part of the farm of the late Capt. Grant, and left a log bridge, which remained to his day. Their wext camping ground was on the spot where Col. L. Stone's "Red House" was built. The remains of their bark huts were found here by Alaj. Stone, later than 1780. Joshua Packard once passed over the route with the troops, and on this camp- ground he lost his pocket knife. After he became a resident of the place, he searched for the knife, and happily found it. TJiis "trail" seems to have been followed and preserved by the set- tlers in after years, till it finally became, and was perhaps dedicated as one of the public highways of the town. It had one element that recommended it to public favor in those days — it passed over the highest hills that could be found on the route. The highest available lands were then preferred for farms and dwellings, but were deemed especially important for the location of the principal meeting-house of the town. Marked trees indicated the most approved course from one point HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 79 • to another through the wilderness, till a paih was worn into distinct- ness by repeated travel. Walking and horseback were the chief means of locomotion for many years, — and even after the }car iSoo, saddle-bags for small, and panniers for larger packages, laid across the horse's back, served for the common "express" purposes of fam- ilies and communities. The boy on horse-back canied tlie grist to mill; the man on horse-back carried upon the pi'.lion behind him his wife and daughter to church; the females upon horse-back performed long equestrian journeys, that would surprise their posterity. So- phia Banister, who married a Foster, and removed to Ohio, perform- ed the journey of 600 miles on horseback. John Williams had a wagon in 17S6, — probably the first in town. Soon after 1800, the old style chaise, with 'its ample wheels, was introduced by some of the more enterprising citizens. In 1807, Oli- ver Taylor, Nehemiah May, Ebenezer and Solomon Parsons, were severally taxed on pleasure carriages, the only vehicles of the kind then in to.vn. Wagons were not much used till after 18 10. They were made without springs, or with rude springs of wood. T'he first great improvement in these was about 1830, when the "thorough- brace" was introduced, by which the body of the carriage was attach- ed by strong pieces of leather to the "running gear." Wagons with elliptic springs, introduced a new word, or a new application of an old word, into our vocabulary,- — huggi/, — followed in five or six years, after. The people themselves were the first mail-carriers here. A few of the moie interested arranged between them for one of their number and then another, in succession, to go to Northampton every week, to bring the mail and the Hampshire Gazette. When one had ful- filled his task, he wrote upon the Gazette belonging to the coming man, "your turn next," and so each succeeding week was provided for. At length a post-rider, (said to be a Mr. Richardson,) com- menced doing this business. In a short time he was succeeded by that veteran of post-riders, Ebenezer Hunt, late of Cummington. He was succeeded by an elderly man named Kingman, of Woithington, who carried the papers about one year. The next was Josiah Shaw, late of Haydenville, who was succeeded by Theron A. Hamlin, I. A. Hamlin, Jacob Lovell, Frederick W. Belden, Jason C. Thayer, Loud, and O. P. Clark. 80 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. John Williams, Esq., was first postmaster. He was appointed probably in 1817, and retained the office about 23 years. His son Hinckley Williams, succeeded him, and was postmaster till 1853, when the office was removed. John L. Godfrey held the office for about two years, when Maj. Joseph Hawks received the appointment, and still retains it. Between the years 1810-35, ^^^''^ ^.n extensive business was done in carrying farmers' produce, pork, butter, cheese, etc., and other goods, leather being quite an item, from the iiill towns to Boston, and bringing in return goods for the merchants and others. The teams usually stopped the first night at Gilbert's, in Belchertown, and reached Boston early on the fifth day, in season to exchange loads aiid get out of the city on their way back to spend their first night.- An old teamster, many years on the route, relates that the tedious- ness of the journey was quite often forgotten by reason of the number that were able to join company. At one time he counted thirty-four teams moving on together, each having from two to six horses. In 1813, the town had a pauper who left his keepers and went to Boston. A man was sent to bring him back, who charged the follow- ing, as his expenses on the way. It is interesting as showing the rate of travel, and the cost and kind of items deemed a reasonable charge for such a journey. The bill of particulars reads: "Spencer, March 17, 1813, Half a mug sling, 10 cents; 1-2 peck of oats, 13 cents. Worcester, hay two baiting, 12 cents, sling 10 cents, dinner 30 cents, supper 25 cents, lodging 8 cents, gate 6 1-4 cents, hay 8 cents, gate 6 1-4 cents. Framingham — sling 12 1-2 cents, gate 6 1-4 cents. New- ton — sling 12 1-2 cents, oats 13, gate 6 1-4. Boston — supp^'r3o cents. Boston, March 19 — Oats 1-2 peck, 20 cents, horsekeeping 56 cents, lodging 13 cents, sling 12 1-2 cents, hay 8 cents. (He s<;cuied his fugitive, and set out on hisreturn the same day.) Dinner for Sam and I, 62 cents, gate 6 1-4 cents. Needham — sling 12 1-2 cents, ("Sam," the pauper, probably didn't have sling,) gate 614 cents. Supper for two at Framingham, 62 cents, gate and onts. Westboro, March 20, horsekeeping 30 cents, lodging for two 16 cents, cider 8 cents, (probably for Sam). Worcester — sling 12 1-2 cents, hay 8 cents, breakfast for two 50 cents. Leicester — sling 12 1-2 cents, (no oats). Spencer — Oats 12 1-2 cents, sling 10 cents, supper for two. Sam staid over Sunday, 21st, at Brookfield, lodging 8 cents, cider 6, vitualling34. Next day at Ware — one glass of sling 6 cents. (Prices HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 81 are tending downward.) Belchertown — lodging S, sling 6, breakfast 25, lunch 12. (Probably took supper in Goshen that night.) The late Hattil Washburn, Sen., a native of New Bedford, came here in 1790, at the age of nine years, and lived with Dr. Burgess till he was of age. When he first became acquainted with the road to NorthamiDton, there were quite a number of houses between that town and this. The first house this side of Northampton was the okl Warner house, aud the next, the Clark tavern, standing near Wil- liamsburgh line. The old Fairfield tavern, where Haydenville now is, was next, then Thayer's house^ in Skinnerville, then a house stand- ing under tlie great elm, w^heie \V. S. Pierce lived, next was Samuel Bodman's, near where the towm house in Williamsburgh now stands. The Dr. Gary house, Hubbard's tavern, was then standing, and op- posite w;is Abner Williams'. At I'hayer's factory, Taylor had a mill. On the hill, at the btick house, where Squire Glapp formerly resided, lived a man named Wilds. Next was Rev. Mr. Strong's, and opposite, Joshua Thayer's tavern; at the top of the hill beyond, was Bartlett's tavern; and at the Dea. Rogers' place was Dwight's store, and then a little off the road was Dr. Paine's — recently Spen- cer Bartlett's. Next was a house owned by Lull, then Ludo Thayer's, thtn James Hunt's — Theron Warner's; then followed the houses of Joshua Abell, Richard Tower,(Dr. Daniel Pierce*s,)Rev. Mr. Whitman, Col. May, Lieut. Lyon, John Williams, Eben Parsons. The last named lived on the Jared Hawks farm, northwest of the center of Goshen. S/ores. The first trader in town was John James. He had a store in 1782, and did a successful business. Nehemiah May and Ebenezer Parsons were also in trade for some time. May died in 1813, and Adams, of Conway, took the business. Dr. Hutchins bought him out and finally closed the store. John Williams was connected in trade for a short time probably with Mr. James, but about 1786, he commenced the sale of dry goods and groceries on his own account, and eventually secured an exten- sive trade. His son Hinckley continued the business for many years, completing more than half a century in which a store was kept at this place. A store was kept by George Salmon, 1810-15, in the Lemuel Lyon house. E. W. Town, in 1832-8, occupied the store which 82 HISTORY or GOSHEN. D.W. Graves previously kept for some years. W. A. Godfrey commenc- ing again in 1853, sold to Joseph Hawks, and in 1858 the building was removed and attached to the hotel. A. W. Crafts and Alvan Barrus opened a store in i860; Joshua Knowlton bought the house of Alvan Barrus in 1863, and after about three years sold to J. H. Godfrey, who still continues the business in the same place. The store is in the house built for Rev. Joel Wright as a parsonage in 182 1, and subsequently became the residence of Widow Timothy Lyman. Taverns — Hotels. Public houses for the "entertainment of man and beast," — particu- larly tl">e man, — formerly abounded. Col. Nehemiah May was one of the earliest engaging in the business, which he carried on while he lived. Jared Hawks, his son-in-law, continued it for several years after May's decease, and the house was closed about 18 19. Lemuel Lyon was among the first to open his house as a tavern, but he did nou long continue the business. An incident is related that caused considerable merriment at his expense. He had a liogs- head of liquor so large that it could not be rolled into his cellar, and he was obliged to draw it off and carry it in, a pail full at a time. While waiting for his pail to fill, he unwittingly fell asleep. The liquor ran till the pail was full and then ran away till the cask was empty. It was probably quitt as well for the public, but rather de- pleting to his pocket. Lyon afterward lived where Lowell Hunt now lives, and kept tavern there. A tavern was again kept i\o\\\ 1821 to 1824, at Lyon's former residence. Ebenezer Parsons, in 1785; Solo- mon Parsons, in 1791; Jonah Williams,* in 1816, severally opened their houses as public inns for brief periods. John Williams kept liquors in connection with his store, as early as 1786. The amount of his sales in '87 and '88 appear to have been more than a thousand dollars per year. He soon after opened a * Note. It is told that Mr. Williams in reply to the question why he opened a tavern,, said : "Because 1 have a neighbor who goes every day to get liis dram of brother John, and will eventually drink np all his property. I may as well save him the travel and get the property myself, as to let another have it." The neighbor heard of it, and taking the hint, wisely concluded to keep his property in his own hands. He immediately reformed and lived to a good old age, a temperate man, with a comfortable estate. There may be room for criticism in ralatlan to many things done in former times, but we need to remember what the dear old friend of somebody used to say with the truest Christian charity, when he heard anyone lacing loudly condemned for some fault : "Ah ! well, yes, it seems verj- bad to me, because that's not my way of sinning." o PC r > a X o a > <^ o CO > 00 O O HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 83 tavern, which he ultimately relinquished to his son, H. Williams, who leased it in 1837-8, to Edwin A. Carpenter. It was closed as a hotel in 1 84 1. A hotel was built by Capt. Reuben Dresser, in 1818. He sold to Downing W. Graves about 1824, who kept it about eight years, and was succeeded by Israel B. Thompson. Alfred Jones was his suc- cessor in 1838, and remained till 1841. Then followed W. H. Guil- ford, L, Gurney, and Edward Bridgman, the last warned remaining from 1842 to 1851. L. Gurney then returned and and staid till 1855, when Maj. Hawks became proprietor. It was burnt October 31, 1867, and was succeeded by the pres- ent large and well arranged house, which, under the management of the Major and his efficient daughter. Miss Fannie E. Hawks, has become a very pojnilar resort for persons seeking for health or pleas- ure. The location is elevated, ihe view ©ne of the finest in the state, the air pure, the scenery diversified and charniin;^, the village quiet ; and all combine to make the place attractive. The "History of the Connecticut Valley," says, "Once located here under the care of the Major, upon the highest land in Hampshire County, enjoying the purest air of the Green Mountain chain, it is no wonder that guests are loath tO leave and quick to come again. No where does day dawn over the eastern hills with lovelier tints, nor paint the western sky with more resplendent c328 Unimprovable land, 350 " no Woodland, 1,837 " 34,335 9^651 118,505 Bees, swarms, 8 $ 45 Bulls, 18 557 Calves, 98 903 Colts, 14 1,175 Dogs, 28 199 Geese, 2 2 Guinea fowls; 6 8 Heifers, 75 •- 1,536 Hens and chickens, 1,000 790 Ho2,s, 45 600 Horses, 87, ^jS9^ Lambs, 24 92 Milch Cows, 190 8,648 Oxen, 32 2,750 Pigs, 14 124 Sheep, 64 270 Steers, 40 1,241 Turkeys, 50 84 $27,620 AGGREGATES. Land $118,505 Buildings 76,600 Fruit trees 3,870 Domestic animals 27,620 Agricultural tools in use 7,366 $233,961 88 ^ HISTORY OF CIOSHEX. Mills and Manufactories. Reuben Dresser built a saw mill, one of the first in town, more than a hundred years since, below the Dresser Pond. A broom-handle factory was added about forty years ago; and later, button moulds have been manufactured there. It now belongs to the heirs of C. C. Dresser. About two miles above, Emmons Putney built a saw mill not far from 1835, which ran for twenty years or more, and was owned finally by \Vm. H. Webster. Ezekiel Corbin had a grist mill on Swift River a little 'below Shaw's bridge near Cummington line, as early as 1796. James Patrick had a saw and grist mill two miles or so above, on Swift River, near Ash- field line, built about 1788. Daniel Williams, many years later built a new mill and and stone dam a few rods above the old mill, which has since been owned by Samuel Ranney and others, and later, for many years, by J. D . Shipman, who sold in 1880 to Ansel Cole. Stone's saw mill and broom handle factory, on Stone's brook, a branch of Swift River, were erected in 1828. It was the first factory for turning broom handles by machinery in this vicinity. Planes were made here from 1854 to 1859 by Hiram Barrus and brothers. At the present time, the works comprise a saw mill and brush handle factory, owned by Amos H. Stone and Son. The second grist mill in town stood about forty rods higher up the stream, built by Capt. Bigelow. Maj. Ambrose Stone in 1780 changed the works to a ful- ling mill and clothier establishment, the first by nearly forty years for many miles around. Nearly a mile above, Willard and Hiram Pack- ard had a saw mill which was abandoned more than 20 years ago. Still further up, on a branch of Stone's brook at the outlet of Beaver Meadow, is Sears' saw mill, formerly owned by Dea. Stephen Par- sons. Beaver Meadow is connected by a small stream with the upper Reservoir, which in time of high water, discharged its waters in two directions — one, through Stone's brook into the Westfield River, the other through Mill River into the Connecticut, Near the south end of the upper Reservoir, built in 1873, was another saw mill erected by Francis and Thomas Lyman about 60 years ago. At the lower Reservoir, on ihe street east of the meeting-house, there was an an- cient saw mill, owned by John Williams — called "Carpenter John," to distinguish him from "Squire John/"' the Postmaster. It was after- ward owned by Abner Moore, who added a small grist mill with HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 89 broom handle and button mould factory. A little below is the saw mill of Rodney Hawks, on the site of another built some forty years ago. Farther down Mill River is the remains of an old dam that marks the place where Nehemiah May and Ebenezer Putney about 1788 erected a mill for grinding sumac to be sent to Europe for tanning morocco. But it did not pay and was given up. Just below, Emmons Putney erected a saw mill in 1839. He has made button moulds here for many years. He states that one girl turned off for him in one day 150 gross of moulds, equal to 21,600 pieces. Below Putney's mill, was another, built about 1815 by Ebenezer White and Elias Lyon, and afterwards owned by Opt. Horace Packard and sons. About a mile below, Nehemiah May built a grist mill more than a century since, said to have been the first in town, which stood for 50 years. Not a vestige of the old timbers remain, but Maj. Hawks re- members going there to mill in his boyhood. On Harding's brook, a tributary of Mill River, coming down from the vicinity ot Moore's Hill, Asa White built a saw mill nearly fifty years since, which run for only a few years. Cider mills, run by horse power, belonged to Dresser, White, James, Gloyd, Lyman, Packard and Naramore. The Packard mill, owned by Joseph Beals, still exists; and E. C. Packard has recently set up another. In 1812 Major Stone and Sons furnished considerable quantities of cloth for our army. It was narrow in width, but sold for a high price. In 1780 he bought wool at an averagt^ price of 25 cents per lb., which in 1812 was worth $2. Other mills of the kind becom- ing inconveniently numerous. Stone finally gave up the business, having pursued it for nearly fifty years. Levi Kingman, of Cummington, did a successful I)nsiness here about 1S12-14, in the manufacture of patent ovc^rshoes, called " Tus- carora socks." They had an extensive sale, and were long a popular article. Solomon Parsons and John James engaged quite largely in the marmfacture of potash, and continued in the business for many years. 90 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. There was formerly a tannery owned by Oliver Taylor where Wm. H. Webster lived. It was in operation before the Revolutionary War. Taylor enlisted and v^rent into the army, but it becoming known that he was a tanner, he was sent home to work at his trade, as he could be more useful in that department, laboring for the sol- diers, than by serving in the field with them. Another tannery near where William Tilton lived was owned for many years by his brother, Benjamin Tilton. Thomas Weeks, Jason Olds, Silas Olds, and Levi Stearns were the principal cabinet-makers that have carried on the business here ; and they belonged to a former age. Capt. Weeks did all his wood-turn- ing by means of a spring-pole and treadle-lathe, the foot being the motive power. Spinning-wheels were made by him, and at a later day by Reuben Kingman. The blacksmiths doing business here have been few. John Wil- liams, Jonah Williams, Thomas Brown, Cyrus Stearns, Thomas W. Stearns, Asahel Billings and Elijah Billings comprise all, or nearly all, of that trade. Cyrus Stearns claimed to be the inventor of the circular '' claw," forming a part of the modern nail hammer. The "claw" was formerly a right angle, and none others were in use till Stearns made several with a circular claw, which soon became the universal pattern. Professional shoe-makers were never a numerous class in this community. Joshua Packard, Sr., was one of the principal of his day. Later, there have been Hattil Washburn, Sr., John V. Hunt, Lysander and Spencer Gurney and Lowell Hunt. The public in former times were served in this line by a class of shoe-maVers who, in the common parlance, went round " whipping the cat," or in other words, went to the house of the person employing them and worked by the day till the family were supplied for the winter, the employer furnishing the leather and "findings." Then the shoemaker took his " kit" of tools and went to work for another customer in the same way. Moccasins instead of boats and shoes were worn by the early settlers. A tailor by profession was unknown in the early history of the town. The mother generally understood the art of fitting the gar- ments to her familv, and if she needed assistance there were a class HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 91 of maiden aunts known as tailoresses that were always obtainable, and wherever and whenever wanted, in their peculiar vocation. The most prominent carpenters and mill-wri^hts of the past were Samuel Mott, Ebenezer White, Joshua Packard, Jr., John Williams, 2d, (known as " Carpenter Williams,") Wni. Abell, George Abell, Horace Packard and Asa White, Frebun W. Packard and C. C, Dresser. Previous to 1N12, buildings were framed by the old system, known as the " try rule." It necessitated putting together every joint in a frame, and marking it by a number or character, so that when the building was raised each tenon should have its appropriate mortise, otherwise the work of raising the frame would be impossible. In iSr2, Levi Bates of Cummington framed the house now owned by H. and A. Barrus, by the new system, called ''square rule." A prominent house-builder from New York city, who worked only by ''try rule," was present one day, and said in the hearing of Bates, that the house framed by his new-fangled notion of square rule could never be raised. But Bates went on with his square rule work, and the New Yorker left with an arrangement to have a letter sent to him detailing the result. As Bates anticipated, the raising was a perfect demonstration of the superiority of the modern system. Never was frame more easily raised or more perfect in the fitting of its joints. " There," said the correspondent of the New Yorker, when he saw the work completed, '' the next mail shall carry word to my friend of the satisfactory performance of such a remarkable feat." The first wooden clocks made in this vicinity were the work, it is said, of Zelotus Reed, about 1796. Portions of his work still remain- ing, show that the art of clock-making had not then reached perfec- tion. The weights of the clocks were of stone, and the bells were of Reed's own casting. His prices were from $25 to $30 each. While living here, he became interested in the expansive power of steam, and actually constructed a small steam engine of considerable power. Maj. Ambrose Stone stated that this engine turned a small shaft with so much power that he was not able to hold it with both hands, although the boiler held only about a pint. It is not known on what principle his engine was constructed. Simeon Reed, the father of Zelotus, belonged in Cummington, and was also a man of much in- 92 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. genuity and a maker of clocks. It is said that he constructed the first machine in the country for making cut nails; that when he had brought it nearly to perfection, two of his neighbors, with a friend of theirs from Abington, stealthily ascended a ladder they had set up to a window of the room of his house, where )ie worked on his machine in secret. After comprehending the idea of ihe inventor, they de- parted and soon afterward brought out a new machine of their own at Abington, which was the starting point of the present extensive busi- ness in nail making in that portion of tiie state. In 1851, a joint stock company, comprising about 40 members, was formed for making planes and other tools, under the name of the "Union Tool Co." 'J'hey purchased the shop and stock of Abner Moore, who had been for a short time engaged in the business, em- ployed about 20 hands and carried on the manufacture about two and a half years. The results were not such as to render "joint stock companies," in this section, very popular. The expenses not only ab- sorbed the capital invested, but involved the private property of the stockholders. Litigation followed and several questions werecarried to the Supreme Court for decision. The last quesiion decided by the Court was one of much interest to the stockholders and of some sur- prise to the public, considering the long time the business of manu- facturing tools has been carried on. The decision was substantially this: — That inasmuch as the organization of the concern was in- complete, the company had no legal existence; and as a necessary re- sult, no one could be held as a stockholder, liable to pay any of the company's debts. Military Companies. The "Gore" had what was called a Lieutenant's company, com- manded by Lieut. Lemuel Lyon, which afterwards became the Goshen Company of Infantry. Its first Captain was William White. His successors were Barzillai Banister, Lemuel Banister, Ambrose Stone, Joseph Naramore, Cheney Taft, Malachi James, John Grant, Timo- thy Lyman, Reuben Dresser, John Smith, Francis Lyman, Joseph White, William Abell, George Abell, Fordyce Rice, Zimri Newell Cyrel Jepson. Ambrose Stone became Major of the company and Timothy Lyman, Colonel of the regiment. A company of artillery was early formed here, with Freeborn May- hew for captain. He removed to Chariemont and was succeeded by HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 93 Nehemiah May, who became colonel of the regiment, and Alpheus Naraniore as captain, who died in office in iSo6. It was a popular company and its membership was extended into other towns. The Plainfield members soon outnumbered the others, chose officers be- longing to that town and removed the field pieces thither from Go- shen. The name was finally changed to "Plainfield Artillery." The Company in its early days was noted for its stalwart men. It boasted at one time of having h..if a ton of sergeants. Thaddeus Naramore, Stephen Kellogg, Josiah White and Bates. The first field pieces used by the company were iron, mounted on "slug" wheels — wooden wheels without spokes. The inspecting offi- cer caused these pieces, on account of their great weight, to be ex- changed for brass. The new pieces when received were taken to the common near the old cluirch for "trial." They were heavily loaded, and the first discharge produced such a concussion as to break out a large quantity of glass from the windows of the church, and satisfied the company of the efficiency of their guns. The gun-house stood upon the east side of the street, just south of the common. A flourishing company of cavalry, belonging to this section, h<:vd a large number of its members from this town. The first Captain is said to have belonged in Hatfield. The persons succeeding to the office were as follows, and as nearly as can be ascertained in the or- der given: Edmund Lazell and Stephen French, Sen., of Cummington; Trovvbridge Ward, of Worthington, afterward Colonel; Eli Bryant, Consider Ewell, Kingsley, of Chesterfield; Joseph Warner, of Cummington, Luther Stone of Goshen, afterward (Jolonel; Chester Mitchell of Cummington; Lewis Gibbs of Chesterfield; Horace Pack- ard of Goshen; Oren Stone of Worthington; Joseph Hawks of Goshen, Major; Hudson Bates of Chesterfield. In its palmy days, this company had the reputation of being one of the best in the state. Efficient men only were allowed to enlist in it and it long maintained its pre-eminence. It was remarked by one who knew, that wherever the company made its appearance, all other parties were careful to give them elbow-room. The following is the company as officered in 1820. M HISTORY OF G0SHE:N^. Moll of Capt. Joseph Warner's Company of Cavalry, April 5, 1820. Captain, Lieutenant J a Comet, Sergeant, Trumpeter, Corporal, Joseph Warner, William Hubbaril, Luther Stone, Chester Mitchell, Thomas Darling, Asa Cottrell, Jr., Levi Clapp, Nathan Fuller, Jr., John Moore, Amasa Putney, Simeon Streeter, Daniel Goodwin, Rufus Meach. Privates. William Meach, William Parish, Thomas Lyman, Joseph Jepson, Jr., Abraham Edward.-, Amos Moore, Theodore Parsons, Jacob Gloyd, Ralph Utley, Gershom House, Consider Pynchon, Horace Packard, William Jones, Elisha Baker, Jr., Hiel Dunham, Moses Jewell, James Snow, Jr , Chester Anable, William Davis, Jr., Quartus Warner, Ephraim Finney, Solomon P. Fitch, Bela Mitchell, John W. Brown, William Knapp, Rolin Foote, Rufus Cottrell, Timothy Hall, George Kingsley, Nathan A. Wilder, saddler. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 95 CHAPTER VIII. The War of the devolution. The records of the town, incorporated as it was so near the close of the war, show, of necessity, but little of the real amount of burden borne by the inhabitants during the great contest for liberty. But the account of the votes of the town given in a former chapter show that the town was not remiss in doing its whole duty. Some of the men who were drafted for the army, had the choice of going in jDerson, or providing substitutes, or paying a fine, which varied in amount as the war progressed and the paper money depre- ciated. Benjamin Abel) was notified May 19, 1777, by Lieut. Wil- liam White, that he was drafted, and on the next day paid ten pounds as his fine for a discharge till January 10, 1778. June 25, 1779, Nathaniel Abell paid a ftne of forty five pounds to William White, Captain, for a release for nine months. June 25, 1780, Joshua Abell paid one hundred and fifty pounds to Paul King, Lieut., having been drafted for six months. There is no authentic record of the names of a// who went from this town into the army, but the list of minute men who marched on the Lexington alarm has been given, and the original papers are in possession of Wm. H. Webster, grandson of the captain. A brief account of the services of several of the veterans, gathered from their own statements and from other sources must supply the lack of records. Joshua Abell was at the battle of Bennington, aiid after the fighting was over came near losing his life. A stray bullet struck his gun barrel with which he was marching, just over his heart, and glanced off leaving him unhurt. The gun is an heir-loom in the family of the late Capt. George Abell, and the indentation made by British lead, is still to be seen. The same gun was also in service in the war of 18 12. Abell was at Burgoyne's surrender. 96 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Christopher Banister became a captain, and had command of a company thai were sent to watch the British, while at New York and Long- Island. He afterwards, before the close of the war, attained the rank of JVLijor. Ezra May, as Major,was with Banister, and was afterward at the taking of Burgoyne, being then Colonel. He returned home in consequence of ill health, and died in January, 1778, at the age of 46. Wait Burk and Ezekiel Thomas went into the army from the " Gore " in 1780*. A pay roll of " six months men " is on file at the State House in Boston, showing ihey were in service from July to December, Asa Grant, father of the late Capt. John Grant, was out one sea- son at Fairfield, Conn. He was an expert at sharp-shooting. While on the Long Island coast, several sentries had been shot on one of our vessels by the enemy from the opposite shore. Grant, with this knowledge as a caution, was directed to take the place of the last sentry shot. He took his position partly behind the mast of the vessel. Soon came a bullet and struck the mast. Another, and at length another followed. Grant had discovered the covert whence they came. Taking good aim at that, he fired. Whether he killed any one, he never knew, but he had the satisfaction of knowing that no more men were shot off our sentry post from that source. William Hnllock and his son Moses went for a term into New Jersey. Jeremiah Hallock had two terms of service, one of which was at Ticonderoga. Isaac Kingman, John and Joseph Jepson, Caleb Bryant, David Stearns, Jr., with his brothers Lemuel and John, served in places unknown to the writer. Major Josiah Lyman, who lived in this town, probably from about 1800 till his decease in 1822, was an officer of the Revolution. He. was then of Belchertown, and commanded a company in Col. Elisha Porter's Regiment that went to Quebec. The town of Belchertown voted " that in consideration of the great hardships Capt. Josiah Lyman went through in last year's campaign at Quebec, and also that he has been in the war ever since, voted that his poll and estate be freed from being taxed in this levy for raising men to go into the continental service." HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 97 Timothy Lyman was at the taking of Ticonderoga, the battle of Bennington and at the surrender of Burgoyne. At the close of his services, he brought home a musket taken from the British at Sara- toga, called a " Queen's arm," which is now in the possession of his grandson, Lieut. Timothy P. Lyman. Phineas Manning, who came from Stafford, Conn., served through the whole war, was acquainted with Gen. Washington, and had seen him during a battle ride between the contending armies, regardless of danger. At the battle of Monmouth, Manning was one of the participants, and suffered intensely from the heat, during that terrible day. He went to a spring of water to slake his thirst, and there found several of his companions dead from drinking too much cold water, heated and thirsty as they had been. He was at the battle of White Plains, wintered in Virginia, was at the taking of Cornwal- lis, and was on the vanguard that covered the artillery at the battle of Trenton. He received from Gen. Washington a "badge of merit." The "badge of merit," was an honorary badge of distinction established by Gen. Washington in August, 1781, and was conferred upon non-commissioned officers and soldiers who had served " three years with bravery, fidelity and good conduct," and also upon every one who should perform any singularly meritorious action. The badge entitled the recipient "to pass and repass all guards and mil- itary posts, as fully and amply as any commissioned officer what- ever." His widow received apension in consideration of his services, and, it is believed, was the last of the Revolutionary pensioners in this town. James Orcutt was stationed for a time at West Point. He was in command of the guard at the great chain across the Hudson 0^1 the night when the troops of Washington came to take possession of the ■place, on the treachery of Arnold. Orcutt had learned nothing of the Arnold defection, and challenged the approaching column. But they were too intent on securing Arnold, to notice challenges, and rushed by without note or comment, Caleb Packard, son of Joshua, at the age of 17 was at the taking >of Burgoyne. He drew a pension in the latter years of his life. 98 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Maj. Ambrose Stone served under Gen. Ward at Boston, and under Arnold at Lake Champlain. When the British vessels on the lake attacked our vessels and drove them ashore, most of the men escaped in boats. Maj. Stone and several others, when the British gave up the chase, were in a boat some two miles distant. A round from a cannon ricocheted over them, which the enemy sent as a parting sa- lute. Before they left the larger vessels, several of our men were killed in the action. Maj. Stone was in the battle of Saratoga when Butgoyne surrendered. At one time during the battle the smoke suddenly cleared away and he found himself standing face to face with the enemy — alone — his own men having retreated under cover of the adjoining wood. The Major discharged his musket, leaped a rail fence and escaped. He spent the winter at Valley Forge under Gen. Washington, whom he often saw while there. When asked if the likeness of Washington ^ave a correct idea of his appearance, he said he never saw a likeness that did full justice to him. The statue of Washington in the State House at Boston, he regarded as the closest resemblance to him of anything he ever saw. Abiathar VintDn was in the army for a short time, but disliking that kind of life, Levi Vinton took his place and subsequently drew a pen- sion. Zebulon Willcut was in service nineteen months. He was engaged in several skirmishes with the enemy in Rhode Lsland and at Ticon- deroga. During the latter years of his life he received a pension. Isaac Walker was with our army in Canada. He was there taken with small pox, and before recovering, our troops were compelled to retreat and leave him to the tender mercies of the enemy and of his terrible disease. He was never heard of again. Polly Walker, his dauglrter, was long a town pauper. His residence was on the road toward Chesterfield, befyond the Capt. Webster place. Thomas Weeks, a Lieutenant in 1775, marched from Greenwich, where he then resided, April 20, on the Lexington alarm, in command of part of a company, "in defense of the liberties of America" — as it was expressed on the pay roll of his men. He was at camp Roxbury later in the year. He served as paymaster and in other positions of importance. He left many papers relating to the affairs of his time and several journals. One of these, relating to events occurring in 1776, in Boston harbor, is worthy of preservation. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 99 ''Lieut. Thomas WceliS Journal for the present canqjaign, after ar- riving at Boston, June 4, 1776. Took barracks on Winter's wharf, where we tarried till tlie 13th, when we were ordered to embark on board of sloojis and fiat bottomed boats for Hull, or Nantas- ket, Point Alderton, &c., opposite George's Island and the lighthouse. It being about sunset when we left Boston, the wind and the tide did not serve us till we got to our journey's end, which caused us to toil all night on the mighty waters. A little after sunrise of the 14th we sailed by the fleet, within gun shot of the Commo- dore's ship, and landed under cover of a hill on Nantasket Point, with about 20» of Col. Whitney's regiment. The same evening there went a detachment on to the head of Long Island opposite to us. Soon after landing they ci)mmenced firing on the ships, :ind soon bored the Commodore's through the stern. The ships, being 14 sail, weighed anchor and put about in order to depart, but kept up meanwhile an incessant fire upon us. "Although the cannon balls came among us in great plenty and very near many of us, yet a righteous God suffered none of them to harm us. About 12 o'clock the fleet liad towed along out ab)Ut a mile and a half and lay alongside the lighthouse, out of reach of our battery 0:1 L'iti-^ Island. By this time we had our cannon mounted on an eminence near Point Alderton, and after hring several shots at the enemy set fire to the lighthouse and blew it up. They hoisted sail, gave us one shot from the Commodore, and made their departure. By this time we were reinforced by a large body of miliiia and other troops, and being in sight of the departing ene- my, with one voice we gave three cheers. Truly, where is there an Americim son of liberty who will not join in acclamations at the thought that America h.is, by force and arms, under God, repealed the Boston Port Bill, the fourteenth of June, 1776, which, by an act of British Parliament, took place June 14, 1774. May God grant the Colony of Massachusetts may ever have occasion to commemorate this 14th of June, 1776. "June 16, Sunday morniiig. A ship and a brig of the enemy were discovered off the Sound, engaged with our privateers. About sunset the ship and brig came in and lay alongside of our battery, the privateers behind them. We fired upon the brig, as she was nearest, which soon struck to us, and sent on shore a captain of a Highland company which was on board. We called to her to send her master on shore, but it being now dark, she got off and made after the ship, which then had got to George's Island, and being ignorant of the departure of the fleet before, and now being Jealous they were in a trap, were making round George's Island in order to flee out. By this time our privateers came up with them, and were reinforced by the Connecticut, a brig of 16 guns, which came up within musket shot ef the ship. It being about 10 o'clock, and very dark, a very warm engagement followed with cannon and small arms, which lasted an hour and a quarter, when the ship and brig struck; the firing ceased, and three cheers were given by the privateers. The cap- tured vessels had about 180 Highlanders on board. The ship had one Major, and several killed; the privateers, four w©unded. "June 18. Another ship hove in sight and fired a signal gun. Our privateers be. ing then in the road answered her. The ship came up, a privateer fired a gun at her 100 HISTOIiY OF GOSHEN. bow, another at her stern, when she surrendered without firir.g a gun. She had on board looo Highlanders. "Sunday, June 23, still at Hull. Discovered in the Bay about 10 sail heading to- wards us. 24th. The fleet lay in sight and cruising in the bay. 25th. The fleet made up almost to Nantasket Road near the lighthouse. They sent a boat on shore at the light, which was out of our reach, but immediately put on board again. The fleet then made about, luffed their sails and lay to. The next day they bore away toward Marblehead. June 27th. One of the ships returned to the light, (where our people had erected a mast in place "jf the lighthouse, and put a lamp and flag on the top,) and sent a number of their barges and took the lamp and flag and proceeded to Great Brewster, an eminence opposite Nantasket, where were a number of people making hay, on which the people ran to us and had slielter. The barge crew then returned to the ship, whe;) tiieyall made off and returned nr more. "July I. Went to Boston, and on the way went on board the Cloimecticut brig, where we were courteously treated. The next day returned on a sloop. A storm came up on our passage, with thunder, wind and rain. We were in some danger, but by Divine goodness we arrived -;,fe the same evening, *'J"^y 3" Azor Smith, a soldier in our company, in the bloom of youth, departe<' this life, I ho;- for a better. God grant it may be sanctified to his survi' ing friend and to this comp.-my. "Sunday, July 8. This day came in a brig taken by the privateers, her loadin,v about 300 hogsheads of rum. We hear also that a ship of about 600 toii'^ hnvilir was carried into Salem with 570 hogsheads of sugar." In March, 1777, he was at Ticonderoga, -nd leiriainer' iiil us evacuation by our own troops, on the^ night of Jul\^ 5. Me lelt an account of his losses of property in that disastrous retreat, whicli were considerable in ainount, expecting that the government wou](i eventually make his losse^- .?;ood. But his expen :i,Liors were not realized, March 28, 1777, he wri' ^ ^ leiter from Ticondero*;^, to his wife at Greenwich, which contairi^ some items of interest concerning the affairs of that day. He says : " There is a post thai ..ones by Capt. Dwight's in Belchertown every week, so that they may send to us any time. We had a sleigh come up with us all the way, but very expensive. We are to be paid for it, however. The paymaster has not arrived, and I have not received a farthing yet. Elijah (his son) is well, well con- tended, and lives as well as at home. We live with the Major in a good barrack, have g©od pork and beef, good bread and peas, and sometimes beans that grew in Greenwich. We have but few troops here yet, but expect more daily. The Indians are about us. They have killed four men and taken 20 more prisoners. I am much exposed, being constantly in camp." William White, who went in Capt-. Webster's company to Dorches- ter, does not appear to have had at this time a long service in the HISTORY OF G0SHE:N^. 101 army. When he returned home from Dorchester, he brought several large folio volumes of " Flavel's Works," in his knapsack, taken from the Light House captured by our troops from the British, which are still retained by his descendants. In June, 1780, he went as delegate to the Provincial Congress from the town of Chesterfield, and his bill, rendered to the town for services and expenses in that capacity, serve to ^how the state of the currency at that time. The charges are: — 15 days' attendance $36 per day. Expenses 8 days 25 " Horse-keeping 9 dnys 10 " Horse 1 1 2 miles : 2 per mile. Expenses on road 97 But the depreciation soon became much j^rcater, so that a certain soldier in returnin.s: hosrie paid ^80 of it for his breakfast. This currency, knov^n as "Continental money," was made of thick, strong paper, 2 lo 3 inches square, containing on one side the following (varying for different amounts) : "This Bill entitles tlie Bearer to receive One Spanish milled Dol- lar, or the value thereof, in Gold or Silver, according to a Resolu- tion of CoNGt^jESS, passed at Philadelphia^ November 2, 1776." On the other side was printed, "One Dollar — Philadelphia. Printed by Hall and Sellers, 1776,'' A few specimens of this currency are occasionally found among the older families residing in the town. The value of twenty shillings in paper money, January i, 1777, was 19 shillings; in January, 1778, 6 shillings; in January, 1779, 3 shil- lings; in Januar}^ 1780, 8 pence; in January, i78r, 3 pence. This town and others in this vicinity, at a little later date, appear to have been almost unanimously in favor of paper currency ; on the contrary Lexington instructed its representative to oppose the emission of any paper money. Experience shows that when a dollar in paper will purchase a dollar in gold, the paper is generally preferred. When a dollar in paper will not purchase a dollar in gold, it quickly goes into the category with "rags." It has been mentioned that a portion of the prisoners taken upon the surrender of Burgoyne, passed through the town under guard, on their way to Boston. The late C-apt. John Grant, then a lad of six 102 HISTORY OF goshe:n^. or seven years, remembered seeing them pass his father's house. There were not tar from two hunclretarriiig out for the purj^ose soon came Uj)()n his track, and soon after upon hiin. He evi lently co'isidf red himself in a desperate cause tiiat wairanied desperate nieasures, and drawing a circle in the snow around him, he said, "'I will be the death of the first man that stt-ps inside lh..it line." One of the parly, Mr. Ebene- zer Putney, in a twinkling, stepped within the line, put his hand upon the rogue, saying, "you won't hurt me, will you .-^ " Suffice it to say, Putney died a natural death, several years afterwards. The olden lime has many illustrations of conceits, whims and superstitions that were of the parentage of the d.iik ages. One p(^p- ular fallacy was, that hernia might be effectually cured by putting the patient througli a living ash tree, cleft and parted so widely as to allow the person to be '' put through." The trees so devoted, were not jiilowcd to be afterward cut. down, lest the felling of the tree should be the killing of the patient. An Irishman named King had taken a negro boy to bring up that had trouble of the kind named. The cleft tree remedy was recommended and tried, but unf9rtunately at the moment the boy was fairly wuhin the cleft, the wedges that kept it open suddenly came out, and the collapse of the tree instantly killed him. King left the boy and ran for help, saying to the first man he met : "Mr. Dresser, I've brought death to Cato, but I niver more thought to bring death to Cato than I would to yersilf, sir.'' 116 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. The honest simjDlieity of the Irishman saved him from legal trouble, but his remedy for hernia never became popular among his neighbors. The first apple tree was set out by the wife of Capt. Webster. He brought it from Northampton, using it as a riding stick, and with much effort succeeded in making it grow. It stood just north of the Webster house. In her old age, Mrs. W. becoming deranged, often labored under the delusion that she was away from home, and like most people in that condition sadly bemoaned her imaginary ab- sence. Her attention called to that tree would immediately reassure and quiet her. The first and only slaves ever owned here belonged to James Pack- ard. He inherited them upon the death of a relative, and took measures for their disposal, preferring personal property of a differ-, ent character. Before completing his negotiations, however, Massa- chusetts became a free state and her slaves free men. There were nine of them, and Packard realized the truth of the old proverb, "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip," and long mourned the mysterious Providence that prevented his becoming a rich man at the poor negroes' expense. Phih'p Allen, one of the number, was several years a citizen of the town, and lived near Maj. Stone's. The lot of land he owned and occupied, still retains the name of "Nigger pasture." . The Shays' rebellion found sympathy here, and one man to join the insurgents. Major Josiah Lyman, afterward a citizen of this town, was under Gen. Shepherd when they met the insurgent troops at Springfield. His two sons, Aaron and Giles Lyman, had charge of and filed the cannon used on the occasion. Maj. Lyman related that the order, on meeting the insurgents, by Gen. Shepherd, was first given to fire at their right, in the hope of intimidating them. But this having no effect, the order was then given to fire at their left. This also failing, the order followed, "Aim at their center, and the Lord have mercy on them." The result is too well known to need repetition. The person from this town who participated with the re- bellious party, it is said, met with a narrow escape, the men who were shot standing each side of him. The statement was made a few years since, that two young men lost in the woods travelled all night without finding their way out. In the morning it was discovered that they had travelled circles each a HISTORY OP GOSHEX. 117 few rods within the last, which is the usual experience of persons in similar circumstances. This is a singular fact that has not been sat- isfactorily explained. The writer, in his boyhood, with a younger brother, once undertook while blindiolded, to cross in a straight line a large field smoothly covered with snow. Every attempt was a fail- ure, the path made being an arc of a circle. The divergence from a straight line was to the left. The conclusion drawn from this fact was that the right foot in an unrestrained movement makes a little longer step that) the left foot makes. If this theory be correct, per- sons lost, "turned around," as it is usually expi^ssed, would be likely to make their circuit in the same direction, to the left from a right line. A writer in one of the Boston papers, referring to the above fact and its explanation, stated that the turning to the left and travelling in a circle was confirmed by his observation, but he knew of a single exception, — that of a man lame in his right leg, who, being lost in the woods, travelled in a circle, but turned to the right. The lame leg seems to have taken the shorter step and reversed. the process by which the circle was produced. It is a popular belief that lightning will not strike a beech tree. In a thunder shower in this town a few years ago a beech and maple standing near together, with branches interlocking each other, received the electric bolt, which shattered the maple and passed into the earth through a prostrate hemlock tree lying near, which was stripped of its bark nearly the whole length. No trace of the light- ning was left upon the beech. Friction matches, invented in 1829, made their appearance in this vicinity sometime after 1830, but were not generally introduced for several years afterwards. They were called, for some unknown rea- son, "locofoco " matches, and sometimes "lucifer " matches. In 1835 the former expression became the nick-name of a political party. At a meeting of the New ¥ork Whigs, the Democrats, in order to obtain possession of the hall where it was held, blew out the candles, and after the Whigs had left the buildings relighted them with these matches. Thence the name Locofocg was given to the Democrats, and borne by them for about thirty years. Before the introduction of matches it was customary to keep the fire over night, by burying it carefully in its place in the heated ashes. A solid piece of wood, or better still an old drv hemlock knot which 118 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. then abounded in the fields and woods, were considered best for preserving the fire. Sometimes the fire would go out during the night, and none be found in the morning for Icindling another. Various devices were resorted to for obtaining a new suppl}'. The tinder box, with its flint and steel and stock of charred linen, called " tinder,^' and the old time musket lock and powder, were the most available means for producing the needed fire. A small boy, if neighbors were not over half a mile distant, was the more popular medium for obtaining the desired element, though, in justice to the boy, it should be saltl, that this method was never popular with him — it came too ea'rly in the day. To get up out of a warm bed between break of day and sunrise, on a snowy or rainy, or bitter cold morn- ing, and go for a few coals of fire to a distant neighbor's, had little romance or fun in it. The general introduction of stoves in those years, lacking as they were in fire-keeping qualities, made some more expeditious means of producing fire a necessity, which the invention of matches supplied. The town has had its due share of fatal accidents. Nahum Putney, son of Ebenezer ist, went out to Ohio about 1815, and was drowned in Lake Erie, while trying to rescue another from the same fate. • James, son of Capt. Edward Wing, was drowned Juiie 7, 1797. Two sons of George Stephenson, Frank aged eight, and Fred aged ten, his only children, and Herbert, son of Henry T. Godfrey, were drowned while bathing in Hawks' pond, below the Reservoir, July 19, 1864. H, Wright Williams, a young man of much promise, son of Hinck- ley, a member of tiie Junior class of Amherst College, was killed by the kick of a horse, August 25, 1864. A Mr. Eddy, in the employ of C. C. Dresser, was killed in a simi- lar manner several yeais before. Philip Willcutt was killed June 19, 1845, by the falling of a tree. Ezra Carpenter died May 10, 1863, in consequence of a fall from a hayloft. Frederick Parsons, son of Theodore, while temporarily residing in Williamsburgh, was found dead in the barn, where, after feeding his horse, he had fallen into a deep manger in such a manner that he could not extricate himself. HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. 119 The "Burying-ground" originally consisted of about two acres of land, set off from the northern extremity of Lemuel Lyon's farm; at what time is unknown. The first person that was buried here was named Nelson. The earliest death recorded upon any monument, is that of the first wife of Joshua Abell, Aug. 29, 1774- I" ^77^ ^^ deaths appear to have occurred. William White lost three children by the black canker in 178$, in five days, and another within the month. In 1815, a fever of fatal type prevailed and numbers fell victims to it. In 1824, another malignant fever desolated many families. The victims chiefly resided upon the west side of the street passing through the center of the town, while every family upon the east side escaped, without a case of sickness. In i8o3-4-'3i-'44-'52, the scarlet fever repeated its visits and its work of destruction among the young. In 1794 the town was visited, as it previously had been by the small-pox, and Abigail, daughter of William Hallock, and wife of Rev. Mr. Chapin, was its first victim. It was soon checked, but it again appeared in 1797, to such an extent that the schools were closed to prevent its spreading. A committee of the town were ap- pointed to adopt precautionary measures, and the house of Justin Parsons, which had been used for the same purpose in 1777, and that of Ebenezer Putney, were devoted to the use of those who were inoculated with the disease. About one hundred and thirty persons were inoculated and sent to these houses, till the artificial disease should run its course, and render them proof against the attack of the disease in its "natural way." These persons were kept on a diet of bread and molasses, to the entire exclusion of all salt and meats, which are said to aggravate the disease to a fatal degree. These per- sons appear to have had a pretty good time on the whole, and re- sorted to various amusements to break up the monotony of their re- tired life, as they were allowed no communication with the outer world, except through the committee who had charge of them. In the house of Justin Parsons, they " pitched coppers " so much upon a portion of the floor of one of the rooms, as to wear it nearly through, which may be seen to this dav. The first white slab erected in the cemetery was in 1804, over the grave of Alvan Stone. Those previous to this dale, and many after. 120 HISTORY OF aOSHEX. were mica slate, 'i'he most costly slab of marble is tlie monument of Capt Thos. Weeks, who die'l in 1817. The first monumental shaft erected was to Frederick P. Stone, in 1841. Since that time several have been added. Seven clergymen, Rev. Samuel Whitman, Elder Isaac Child, Abel. Farley, Frederick W. Burgess, Rev. Wm. Willcut, Rev. T. H. Rood and Rev. Townsend Walker, rest here; also four physicians, Benja- min Burgess, Ellis Coney, George M. Burgess, Daniel Pierce ; and six magistrates, William White, Oliver Taylor, John Williams, Timo- thy Lyman, Benj. White,. Luther Stone. Near the center of the cemetery, ' \vith no monument to mark the spot, are the remains of Sarah, a daughter of the renowned President Edwards of Norlhampton, and wife of Elihu Parsons of Stockbridge.. Her son, Elihu Parsons, at whose side she is buried, removed here and brought her to reside with him, which she did till her death, which occurred May 5, 1805, at the age of 76. Dea. Stephen Par- sons, son of Elihu, Jr., was her grandson. His daughter, Eunice, was the first wife of Freeman Sears of this town. The wife of Elihu Parsons, Jr., Rhoda Hinsdale, who is buried at his side, was the first English child born in Lenox, Berkshire Co. The names of those serving as sextons, still recollected, areThomas Lyman, Richard Beebe, Hollan Hubbard, Henry T. Godfrey, and Augustus Manning, now acting in that capacity. Mr. Hubbard officiated in that capacity for a period of more than thirty years, assisting at the burial of more than two-thirds as many persons as were living in the town at the close of his term. Near the extreme eastern part of the town, on the old road to Wil- liamsburgh, is another burying ground, used in the early history of the town, where a considerable number of persons was buried. The town has been quite free from fires — an encouraging feature to interested insurance companies. One of the first buildings burned was the house of EI-)enezer Putney, said to have taken from a candle coming in contact with newly dressed flax. Oliver Taylor lost, March 6, 1796, a barn and shop by fire, sup- posed to be the work of an incendiary. A barn of Capt. James was burnt — cause unknown. A barn belonging to Dr. Burgess was burned January 30, s8o2. A boy living with him, named Gideon Clary, was the incendiary, and was sentenced to jail for five years. He conducted himself so well, HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 121 that by advice, the jailor left open his cell door that he might escape. He went off, but voluntarily returned to his prison quarters. Phinehas Manning's house was burnt about 1804. Cyrus Lyon's house was burnt about 18 12. The mill of John Williams, 2d, below the Reservoir, was destroyed by fire. The barn of Arvin Nash- was struck by lightning, and consumed, July 25, 1841. 'i'he house and barn of Dea. Town were destroyed in ihe same manner in July, 1848. The buildings on the Greenwood Brown farm, were burnt May 16, 1840, set fire by children, in the absence of their parents. The Silas Burgess house, about 1841; L. Stone's mills, March, 1846; Peregrine White's house and barn, on the Benjamin Tilton place, March 4, 1850; Ralph Uiley's barn, March 16, 1851; C. C. Dresser's mill, March 12, 1861 ; J. Hawks' hotel, Oct. 31, 1867. In 1854, there were fourteen persons in town above the age of 80 years, and three of this number were above 90. Their names and ages were as follows : — Mr. Jared Hawks, aged Mrs. Deborah Williams, " Mr. Gershom Bates, " Mrs. Malachi James, *' Mr. Reuben Smith, " Mrs. Anna Williams, '' Capt. John Grant, " Mrs. Abner Damon, " Mr. George Pierce, " Mrs. Geo. Pierce, " Mrs. Shepherd Moore, " Mrs. Phineas Manning, " Mr. Cyrus Stearns, " Mrs. John Williams, " Pamela, daughter of Elihu Hubbard, wife of Dryden Dawes, recently of this town, was born the first day of the week, month and year. She was the first child of her parents, the fiist grandchild of her grandparents, and the first great-giandchild of her great grand- parents. 80 years. 80 (( 80 a 82 (I 82 i( ^3 (< 83 li 85 n 85 a 85 a 86 i( 90 11 90 (( 92 u , 122 HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. The first Atlantic Telegraph Cable was laid in the summer of of 1858. The attempt of the year previous failel by the breaking of the cable when only 300 miles had been laid. The announcement, August 16, of the messages between the Queen of England and President of the United States, was an occasion of universal rejoic- ing throughout the country. The ladies of the Congregational Soci- ety in Goshen had arranged for a festival on the iStii of August, for the purpose of raising funds for the repair of their church. Dr. Lewis S. Hopkins and family, with several other Nonhampton people, mostly ladies, were spending the summer season at Major Hawks's hotel, who entered heartily into the work, and did much towards making it a success. Rev. T. H, Rood delivered an address in the church, entitled " An Englishman's Opinion of the People of Amer- ica." It was of genial humor and wit, and greatly delighted the audience. Original pieces were sung by the choir^ one verse of which will give the general sentiment : O let our banners wave, For Albion's nation brave And country dear, Wave o'er Columbia's shield "With Freedom's signet sealed. For Franklin, Morsk and Field, With long, loud cheer. The town hall, decorated in evergreens and garlands, contained a large variety of articles usually found in ladies' fairs, together with tea, coffee, cake and ice-creams. The dinner tables were set under a large tree on the Common, where an excellent collation was served to the people of the town and to a large number of guests from abroad. After the repast, came toasts and speeches. The first toast, — "The ladies of Goshen," was responded to by S. E. Bridgman, Esq., of Northampton, who read the following humor- ous "Appeal for the Church," written by one of the lady visitants: " See the plaster falling, falling, Dry and scattered to the ground. To the sons of Goshen calling With a sad and solemn sound. Bring the mortar! bring it quick ! Bring the trowel ! lay it thick ! HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 123 See the shingles, shrinking, shrinking, Till the rain-drops trickle through; Setting every one to thinking What a heavy shower might do. Bring new shingles I bring them quick ! Bring the hammer ! nail them thick! ***** See the paini, a-going, agoing, Like the fading light of day, Unto all beholders showing How earth's pleasures pass away. Bring the paint-pot ! bring it quick! Lay it on and lay it thick ! Israel's sons, so Moses taught us, Took the jewels, rich and rare, ^ From old Goshen's daughters, For the tabernacle fair ; But free gifts we ask of you; Show what willing hearts can do. * The second toast — Our expected guests, the Pastors ; like good shepherds they have sent their flocks out upon the hills. May the flocks be abundantly fed that they may return to their folds with rejoicing. Samuel Wells, Esq., of Northampton, responded by reading a letter from his pastor, Rev. Gordon Hall, filled with pertinent thoughts and expressing regrets for his absence. The following were some of the other toasts given : The Atlantic Telegraph : a tine of enterprise presenting an unparal- lelled Field oi exertion. The Atlantic Cable: a modern railway for the transmission of thought. The Magnetic Telegraph : The Press and Express united. It does its own printing and carries its own mail. The Atlantic Cable : A happy conceit got up by somebody to illus- trate the case of the Siamese Twins. Merry England and Young America will doubtless enjoy the conceit immensely. Zandlord Joseph Hawks : As in the land of ancient Goshen there was a Joseph who fed the hungry strangers from distant lands, and who supplied the needy nearer home, so this modern Goshen boasts a Joseph who feeds the weary traveller and refreshes all who call. 124 HISTORY OF G0SHE:N^ May a long line of carriages hereafter invade the modern Goshen, and continue, for many yt^rs to come, to seek his home, attracted by his fame, his forethouglit and his iiospitable name ; may posterity revere that name, and continue to treasure his bones to the latest Editor Gere of Northampton was expected, but it was said that owing to his necessary absence his eloquent reply to the following toast was lost : A paradox, it now may seem, But in the best devised scheme, Complete success cannot appear, Till we get some thing out of Gei'e. This brief sketch of the festival-celebration may serve to show the interest felt in that great work of modern times, — the Atlantic Cable. The electric conditions of this cable were faulty, and, after trans- mitting a few hundred messages, entirely ceased to operate. Every famn-e is said to be a step towards success, and so it proved in regard to the cable. Experiments continued and finally were crowned with complete success in 1866. List of Town Officers — Supplementary. Moderator. Treasurer. Collector.^. Constables. May 23, 1781, J. Sherwin, Esq. , Joshua Abell, ^ Thos. Brown, ( Eben'r Parsons. Marc] h4. 1782, John James, Thos. Bi'own, B. Banister. 1 Nehemiidi May, 10, 1783, Oliver Taylor, Thos. Brown, \ Edward Orcutt. ( Artemas Stone, \ Cyrus Lynn. ( Wm. Damon. S Sam'l Grimes, \ Earn. White. *< 15, 1784, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Reuben Loomis. " 7, 1785, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Oliver Taylor, Oliver Taylor. a 6, 1786, B. Burgess, Benj. Burgess, Eben Parsons, Oliver Taylor. <« 12, 1787, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Lem'l Banister. u 3, 1788, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Eben'r Parsons. »« 2 1789, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Adam Beals, Adam Beals, a 1, 1790, 0. Taylor, Benj. Burgess, Justin Parsons, Justin Parsons. « 14, 1791, Barzil'i Banister, , Wm. White, Adam Beals, Adam Beals. «< ^, 1792, Benj. Burgess, Wm. White, Eben'r Parsons, Eben. Parsons. April 1, 1793. Oliver Taylor, Wm. White, Solomon Parsons ,S. Parsons. <« 7, 1794, Reuben Dresser, Thos. Brawn, Solomon Parsons ,S. Parsons. M'ch 16, 1795, Oliver Taylor, Oliver Taylor, Et. John Rogers, Lieut. J. Rogers. « 14, 1796, Oliver Taylor, Oliver Taylor, S. Parsons, S. Parsons. April 3, 1797, Justin Barsons, Oliver Taylor, Eben. Parsons, Eben. Parsons. M'ch 5, , 1798, Justin Parsons, Oliver Taylor, Malachi James, S. Parsons, M. James. S. Parsons. HISTOKY OF GOSHEN 125 Moderator. Treasurer. Collector. Constable. M'ch 11, 1799, Oliver Taylor, M. James, M. James. " 10, 1800, Justin Parsons, Oliver Taylor, M. James, , M. James. 9, 1801, S. Parsons, Oliver Taylor, Eben Parsons, M. James, " 15, 1802, S. Parsons, Oliver Taylor, Thos, Brown, M. James. " 7, 1803, Justin Parsons, Wm. AVhite, S. Parsons, M. James, " 19, 1804, 0. Taylor, Oliver Taylor, S. Parsons, M. James. 4, 1805, 0. Taylor, Oliver Taylor, S. Parsons, M. James. 3, 1806, S. Parsons, Dr. Ellis Coney, Capt. M. James, M. James. a 2, 1807, S. Parsons- Dr. Ellis Coney, S. Parsons, M. James. " ~» 1808, S. Parsons, John C. Lyman, M. James, M. James. 6, 1809, Dca. J. Parsons, John C. Lyman, Eben. Parsons, Eben Parsons. '^ 12, 1810, Xehemiah May, John C. Lyman, M. James, M. James. " 4, 1811, Oliver Taylor, John C. Lyman, M. James, M. James. 9, 1812, Oliver Taylor, John C. Lyman, S. Parsons, S. Parsons. " 15, 1813, Major A. Stone, John C. Lyman, M. James, M. James. April 4, 1814. Major A. Stone, John C. Lyman, M. James, M. James. " 3, 1815, Oliver Taylor, John C. Lyman, Elias White, E. White. M'ch 11, 1816, Ambrose Stone, John C. Lyman, Elias White, E. White. A. Billings. 3, 1817, Ambrose Stone, John Williams, Asahel Billings, A. Billings. " 7. 1818, Ambrose Stone, John Williams, M. James, M. James. s, 1819, John Grant, J. Williams, 2(1., Theo. Parsons, Theo. Parsons. 6, 1820, Major A. Stone, Reuben Dresser, Theo. Parsons, Theo. Parsons. " 5, 1821, Major A. Stone, Reuben Dresser, Elias White, Elias White. '• 4, 1S22, Major A. Stone, Reuben Dresser, Elias White, Elias White. i( 3 1823, Col. T. Lyman, Reuben Dresser, Elias White, Elias White. 8, 1824, Col. T. Lyman, Reuben Dresser, Reuben Dresser, , Willard Parsons. " 7, 1825, Col. T. Lyman, Reuben Dresser, Reuben Dresser, Willard Parsons. " G, 182(5, Benj. White, Reuben Dresser, Reuben Dresser, Willard Parsons. " 12, 1827, Col. Lyman, M. James, M. James, Theo. Parsons. " 10, 1828, Col. Lyman, R. Dresser, Reuben Dresser, Luther James. <• 2 1829, Col. Lyman, Thos. Brown, Thos. Rrown, Thos. Brown. " 1, laso. Col. Lyman, Stephen V. Tiltoc i,S. W. Tilton, Luther James. " 7, 1831, Col. Lyman, H. Williams, H. Williams, Emmons Putney. " . o. 18:32, John Grant, II. Williams, H. Williams, E. Putney. " 11, 1833, H. Williams, H. Williams, H. Williams. E. Putney. 3, 18:^4, Col. L. Stone, Daniel Williams, H. Williams, F. P. Stone. ". 2, 18:^5, E. Putney, E. Putney, E. Putney, F. P. Stone. *' 7, 1836, Asahel Billings, J. E. Catheart, J. E. Cathcart, F. P. Stone. " 6, 1837, Frank Xai'amore, Daniel Hall, D. Hall, E. W. Town. " 5, 18:38, Col. L. Stone, Joseph Hawks, J. Hawks, F. P. Stone. 4, 18:39, Frank Naramore , F. P. Stone, F. P. Stone, F. P. Stone. " 23, 1840, Frank Naramore , Ezra Brackett, E. Brackett, E. Brackett. 1, 1841, Frank Naramore , M. James, M. James, Theo. Parsons. " 7 1842, Fi'ank Naramore, , E. Brackett, p:. Brackett, Theo. Parsons. " 13! 1843, Frank Naramore, , E. Brackett, E. Brackett, Theo. Parsons. " 11, 1844, Frank Naramore, , Geo. Dresser, Geo. Dresser, E. Bridgman. " 3, 1845, Fred W. Lyman, E. A. Carpenter, E. A. Carpenter, E. A. Carpenter. (< 2 1815, A . Stone, Jr., E. Brid?man, E. Briflgman, E. A. Carpenter. 1, 1847, Frank Naramore, , Elijah Billings, E. Billings, Daniel Williams, 6, 1848, Frank Naramore, , Hiram Barrus, H. Barrus, H. Bannis . " -i, 1849, Frank Nijramore, , H. Barrus, H. Barrus, E. Billings. 4, 1859, Frank Naramore, , Forace Jepson, F. Jepson, E. Billings. 3, 1851, Frank Naramore, , E. Billings, E. Billings, E. Billings. " 1, 1852, H. Barrus, E. Brackett, E. Brackett, H. Barrus . 126 HISTORY OF GOSHE:sr. Moderator. Treasurer. Collector. Constable. M'ch 7, 1853, Frank Naramore , Abner Pynchon, A. Pynchon, Sanford Gage. " «, 1854, Frank Xaramore , 8. Gage, S. Gage, S. Gage. 5, 1855, H. Barrus, E. Billings, E. Billings, E. Billings. " 3, 1856, H. Barrus, E. Brackett, E. Billings, E. Billings. 2, 1857, E. Putney, E. Carpent3r, E. Carpenter, C. C. Dresser. " I, 1858, Hiram Barrus, Henry Tillton, Henry Tillton, John M. Smith. " 7, 1859, Hiram Barrus, Henry Tillton, Henry Tillton, Alvan Barrus. " 5, 1860, Hiram Barrus, Henry Tillton, Henry Tillton, Francis Jepson. " 4, 1861, Hiram Bai'rus, T.P.Lyman, T. P. Lyman, H. L. Naramore. 3, 1862, Hiram Barrus, Henry Tillton, Francis Jepson. " 2, 1863, Hiram Barrus, Henry Tillton, Henry Tillton, Josiah Miller. " 7, 1864, Elijah Billings, Joshua Knowlton * E. Billings. " 6, 1865, E. Billings, Joshua KnowltOD , E. Billings. 5, 1866, E. Billings, Joshua Knowltoi Daniel Williams. " 4, 1867, George Dresser, Daniel Williams, Daniel Williams. •' 2, 1868, Freeman ''ears. C. A. Packard, C. A. Packard. 1 1869, George Dresser, John H. Godfrey , John H. Godfrey " 7, 1870, Alvan Barrus, C. A. Packard, Daniel Williams. 6, 1871, Alvan Barrus, Hiram Packard, Lorin Bai'rus. " 4, 1872, Alvan Barrus, Ilii'am Packard, Lorin Barrus. " 3, 1873, T. P. Lyman, Hiram Packard, Ralph v.. Smith. " 2, 1874, Caleb C. Dresser Hiram Packard, R. E. Smith. 1. 1875, C. C Dresser, Hiram Packard, R. E. Smith. " 6, 1876, Freeman Sears, Hiram Packard, Hiram Packard, R. E. Smith. " 5, 1877, Alvan Barrus, J. H. Godfrey, J. H. Godfrey, R. E. Smith. ♦• 4, 1878, Alvan Barrus, J. H. Godfrey, J. H. Godfrey, R. E. Smith. " 3, 1879, (Jeorge Dresser, J. H. Godfrey, J. H. Godfrey, R. E. Smith. " 1, 1880, George Dresser, Marlon Damon, Marlon Damon, R. E. Smith. * No Collector chosen for 12 years. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 127 CHAPTER X. The leadino; character of American history is generally known as "Old Times," and it may not be out of place to '^\ve a condensed sketch of him. He seems to have been a sort of ubiquitous person- age, not fixed to one locality, universally known, said to be old-fash- ioned, somewhat whimsical, a believer in signs and wonders, a maker of "Blue Laws," an executioner of witches; yet he is remembered as a lov(;r of good order, a founder of schools and colleges, a benefac- tor of his country and his race. He had great faith in himself, and many was the proverb he coined and used to inspire himself with power to act as occasion required. Was he inclined to carelessness, he remembered that "willful waste makes woful want ;" did he meet with obstacles, "where there's a will there's a way" helped him over them ; discouraged, he fell back upon the lines: — "Never despair; the darkest day, Live till to-raorrow, will have passed away." If selfishness became clamorous, he offered the couplet: "With frugal care save what you can To bless your needy fellow man." Old Times was a hard working old fellow. He spent more hours in his field than the sun shone upon them. He had a heavy forest to fell, and clear off the grounds before he could plant his first hill of corn. I'he log-house mnst be built, and it was far from being a pal- ace. The stars could be counted through the openings between the joints. His infant boy was cradled in a hollow half-log — the conca- vity holding the infant, the convexity serving for "rockers." As families increased, wooden stools and blocks of wood served for chairs. The table was unacquainted with the "spread," or a substi- tute. The plate, the tray, the bowls, the spoons, were all of wood. A "boiled dinner" of beef, pork, cabbage, potatoes and beans, was 128 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. the staff of life for every clay. What was left of the dinner was con- verted into bean porridge for supper, and care was taken to have am- ple allowance of the same, that there might be enough for breakfast. The first one rising in the morning hung the old iron pot containing the food upon the stout crane, swung over the roaring log fire, and in a short lime the porridge was heated, and the breakfast was ready for the family. The luxury was so universal that its merits were im- mortalized in the old couplet: — "Bean porridge hot, bean porridge cold, Bean porridge best, nine days old." Hasty-pudc|,ing was twin-biother to this popular dish, and the two walked hand in hand, doing good service for many a long year. As Old Times increased his means^ he exhibited some of the traits of his more favored descendant, Young America, and increased his luxuries. The wooden furniture of his table was exchanged for dishes of pewter. Then were those old fashioned cupboards invented, that without doors or screens were permanent fixtures in (he corner of the "best room," where the pewter dishes, scoured up to their brightest polish, exhibited the good fortune and the labored neatness of the proud housewife. Some of those old-fashioned pewter platters* which did service for several generations of grandparents and parents, are handed down to the present, as heirlooms in many a family. After the pewter came the earthern ware, the substantial giving way to the ornamental. The old log-house is disappearing, too. Old Times thinks he can afford something belter than he has been ac- customed to. He builds a one-story house, like his neighbor's, 28 by 40, a front entry, an "east room" on one side of it, a "west room" on the other, a kitchen on the back side, connected with the pantry and entry on one end, and two bed rooms on the other. In the center of the whole is an immense chimney — wood is a nuisance, to be got rid of as fast as possible — a fireplace, ten or twelve feet long, with a deep oven at the back side, follows as a necessity. If such a length of fire place is not needed for consuming wood, a portion of it will be a convenient asylum, where the children can retreat in the long winter evenings, and amuse themselves by watching the ever-varying flames of the cheerful fire, or raise their eyes and gaze upon the stars, that meet their vision through the ample cliimney above them. The more studious, with book in hand, may, by improving the abundant light and the passing hours, become the sage of a future day. The HISTORY OF GOSHEIS". 129 world hardly knows how much it is indebted to those old-fashioned fire-places for "thoughts that breathe and words that burn '"' Old Times had the good sense to get him a wife that was a help fit for him. Her girlhood was spent in usefulness. She helped her mother in her labors for the family, or even her father in the lighter work of the fields. When she was married and had a house, she knew how to keep it. She could spin and weave, as well as sew and knit. While she performed her part in the labors of life, she knew how to enjoy its pleasures. She was social. Many was the time of a pleasant afternoon when she met the maidens and matrons of her neighborhood, and with cards and wool, they passed tbe flying hours in preparation for their autumnal spinning. This was her work — "two run a day of filling, or a'run and a half of warp," was the limit of the day's labor. When the yarn was scoured and submitted for a proper time to the coloring process then it must be woven ; when woven it must be sent to the clothiers to be "fulled and dressed and pressed ;" and then comes the cutting and making of winter garments, and all hands are fully engaged. But the occasions for a "good time" for both sexes, occur even among all this pressure of labor. There are husking parties, and weddings and trainings and musters and raisings, and once or twice during an age, there is an ordination, at which all the younger population, for many miles around, do not fail to be present. There was another social occasion that eclipsed all others. It was "old-fashion'ed election day" — the last Wednesday in May. The women and the men had equal interest in it. After the clothing for the winter had all been made, the women then entered upon the labor of preparing linen cloth for the summer xlothing. The early winter labor of Old Times himself was to break his flax, swingle and hatchel, and twist it up in neat bunches of a pound or so invveight, which the good wives and daughters transferred to the dis- tail, and transmuted to thread, marvelous for its strength and fine- ness, and for its even attenuation. This was then to be woven into cloth for the suiniiKer wear of the family, for cotton was almost un- known at that time. The coarser part of the flax, known as tow, made strong cloth for the out-door service of the men. When the linen cloth of the nicer qualities was woven, it was submitted to the process or bleaching by exposure to the sun and storms. Every thrifty housewife was expected to have all this work done before the 130 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. aforesaid election day. This was to be a day of rest from the great labor of the previous season. No new labor was to be entered upon on this day. It was a day that stood between two eras, the women's great holiday of the year. Old Times never forgot that he had an interest in this day. It was the day for the meeting of the "Great and General Court" and for the inauguration of the new Governor, a day that was universally appropriated to militia trainings, and social gatherings, and in short, it was tllc great holiday of the year, for all classes. Old Times was careful to have his corn and his potatoes planted, his fields of rye, wheat and oats all sown, that he too might be duly entitled to his share of the pleasures of the day. One thing in the way of planting only remained to be done. It was deemed appropriate that the morn- ing hour of the day should be spent by every farmer's boy, in plant- ing his two quarts of white beans — the finishing touch to the work of planting for that season. The boys expected it and did it, but to many a boy it seemed as if those two quarts of beans held out like the widow's oil, and to many a farmer, when the beans came up, it seemed as if every bean sent up a marvelous number of plants. But the two quarts of beans disposed of, the boys' holiday commenced. There were gatherings of boys at the corners of the streets, and upon the common ; there were parties for fishing excursions, and rambling excursions, and there was a training wliere every boy in town was sure at last to be found, and was equally sure to invest his "four pence ha' penny" or nine pence in baker's gingerbread from some peddler's cart, to be eaten to satisfy his own hunger, and the remainder to be carried home to regale the appetites of those who went not to the training. Sucii gingerbread as that is not made now, — it is numbered among the "lost arts." Old Times, it is said, never engaged very heartily in the temper- ance cause. He has been accused of being, on the contrary, somewhat given to his cups. It has been said that he drank when thirsty, when fatigued, when cold, when hot, when wet, when in com- pany, when alone, when abroad, when at home, when sick, when well. This seems rather frequent, and perhaps the statement is a little too strong. But it is well known that at every raising, and husking and all other similar occasions, it was "plenty of liquor, or no men." The farmer who had reduced his haying to the last acre, would send miles away, to replenish his decanter, if it was empty, rather than to finish HISTORY OF GOSHEIS^. 131 his haying without his regular drams. If the minister visited his people at their iiomes, a failure to offer him a glass of spirits, would have been considered a want of proper respect. When the ministers met in council, liquors were deemed as indispensable as food. Old Times was a practical, matter-of-fact man. He abhorred the assembling of the young for balls, dances and similar amusements, and often was the time when such occasions had been planned by the young men, that he would circumvent them by preventing the atten- dance of the young ladies, if he could not otherwise effect his pur- pose. The lively times that the young enjoyed, and the violin that helped lend enchantment to such occasions, were alike discarded as unhallowed inventions of the devil for the ruin of young souls, and the use of such tunes with words of a religious character, or a violin in the sanctuary to assist the choir, he would have esteemed a hea- ven-daring sin. Yet he had an appreciative ear, and was once heard to remark that "the devil has all the best tunes." The "fashions" were a source of vexation to him, and he attempt- ed to regulate them by law. His idea of their origin is illustrated by an anecdote. His son asked him, "Where do the fashions come from ?'' "From Boston." "Where does Boston get ihem ?" "From London." "Where does London 4;et them.?" "P>om Paris." Where does Paris get them.?" "From the d — 1," was the conclusive reply. Yet he himself was not above criticism in such matters. His red coat, yellow pants, broad knee and shoe buckles, cocked hat, long cue of hair hanging down his back, powdered head, and immensely rufifled shirt, would make quite a sensation at the present day, not- withstanding he had adopted it as a pattern suit, for a pattern man. Lest it should be inferred that Old Times was always rigid, it should in justice be said that he did at times so far relax his sternness as to allow the youth to play blind man's buff and similar games that he considered innocent. At husking parties when one found a red ear of corn, it was deemed proper for him, especially if the older people were present, to kiss the prettiest girl in the crowd. How much this had to do with giving husking parties their popularity, it is not nec- essary to decide. Inferences are in order. Old Times had much of the religious element in his character. He was a non-conformist in England, served with Cromwell, suffered persecutions beyond measure, and at last sought these shores, where he might have liberty of conscience and freedom to worship God ac- 132 HISTOliY OF GOSHEIS^ cording to his own interpretation of the Bible. Here he founded a cliurth, on the true democratic idea, that ali its members were equal before God, and had equal right to enjoy private opinions ; that each church should be independent of all dictation from others, except by- way of mere advice, and owed no allegiance to priest, bishop, pope or king. The congregation regulated its own affairs, and the church took the name "Congregational." Old Times was satisfied. His ef- fort was successful. i^or centuries the bible had not found such freedom, and bible men had not found such rest. Schools flourished, education and religion walked hand in hand, prosperity reigned. Old Times was, in short, a man clear through ; "e'en his failings leaned to virtue's side." Deducting all these, there was still enough left for a man of large pattern.- He was just in his dealings, charit- able to the needy, a firm believer in the capacity of man for unlimit- ed progress, true to the great principles of human liberty, first to* de- clare that all men are created free and equal, first to gird on the sword in defewse of a government whose highest officer should be the servant of tiie humblest individual. To found such a government, he fought the battles of Bunker Hill, Monmouth and Yorktown, pouring out his blood like water; enduring trials, practising the most rigid self-denials, resigning all the endearments of home, hazarding all in the present that the future might be glorious. His sufferings, his labors, his example were not in vain. His pos- terity have seen the enemy assault the government he bequeathed to them ; inspired by his teachings, they too, have shed their blood in its defense ; and this day they rejoice under that government as the noblest ever founded and the strongest the world ever saw. HISTOKY OF GOSHEX. 133 CHAPTER XI. Family Sketches. Joshua Abell, Sen.^ came from Rehoboth about 1767. His fiist wife, Elizabeth, died Aug. 29, 1774; bis second wife, Ruth, died Aug. 29> ^777- '^'he town records gives the following as the children of Joshua and Molly, the third wife: Betty, born Aug. 5, i78i,died 1782 ; Sarah, born July 14, 1783 ; Joseph, born Nov. 24, 1785 ; Ezra* born Nov. 23, 1788, died 1802 ; Mrs. Molly died Oct. 26, 1802. Joshua, Sen., had other sons, Benjamin, Joshua, and Nathaniel, probably by one or both of the former wives. Benjamin married Persis Banister. Their children were: Benjamin, born Jan. 16, 1781; Elizabeth, born May 8, 1782 ; Banister, born Oct. 14, 1783; Cynthia, born June 8, 1785 ; Asa, born June 19, 1787, removed to Swanton, Vermont. Children of Joshua, Jr. and Dorothy Abell : William, born Sept. 15, 1788, married Jerusha Arms ; Anne, Dec. 19, 1790; Prudence, born Oct. 6, 1792, married Whitney ; George, born March 2, 1796, married Tryphena Cathcart ; Nancy, born April 13, 1797, mar- ried Oliver T. Cathcart; Calvin, born April 5, 1799 ; Susannah, born Feb. 7, 1802, died single ; Mrs. Dorothy died Sept. 3, 1803. William, known as "Captain," removed to Plainfield, New Jersey; George, also "Captain," removed to Conway, where Lewis S., his son, still re- sides. His second son, George A, resides in Greenfield. His eldest daughter, Caroline P., married Joseph Blake, now of Amherst. Children of Nathaniel Abell and Eunice, his wife : Versal, born Sept. 2T,, 1789; Clarissa, born June 3, 1791 ; Polly, born Oct. 15, 1792; Sally, born April 26, 1794; Mittie, born March i, 1796; Asa- hel S., born Sept, 7, 1797; Laisdell, born April 16, 1801 ; Esther, born May 27, 1803 ; Ansel, born April 15, 1805 ; Austin, born Feb. 134 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 27, 1807 ; Nathaniel, born July 16, 1809. Versal removed to Wil- liamsburgh; Asahel S. and Ansel to Northampton. The Amadon family lived in the West district toward Chesterfield. Ansel, probably a son of Ebenezer, (No. 24, page 70,) is said to have had "a family of seventeen children, all boys but one; all grew up, all went to school to Mr. Emmons Putney, as the latter still delights to relate." The Banister family, from Brookfield, was numerous and influen- tial. Joseph, one of the first members of the church here, may have 'been father of the family. John removed to Conway ; Christopher and his wife Abial, members of the church, perhaps died here; Lem- uel removed to Phelps, N. Y. — a son, Caleb, became a prominent physician there. Mary and Elizabeth Banister, members of the church, removed to Conway. Elizabeth united with the church J784, dismissed 1796. Barzillai Banister removed to Framingham. Wil- liam, a brother, early removed from town. His wife was Mehitable, . They had a son Jotham, born Oct. 26, 1781. Rachel, sister of Lemuel, married Asa Partridge. They were the parents of Kath- erine, who married Major Ambrose Stone, and Calista, who married Ebenezer White. Persis, another sister, married Benjamin Abell ; a third sister, married Warner of Chesterfield ; a fourth sister, married John Burnell of Chesterfield, parents of Rufus and Joseph Burnell; (grandparents' of K. A. Burnell, the evangelist and J. S. Burnell, the missionary to Ceylon.) The children of Barzillai and Deborah Banister are given in the records of the town as follows: Lena, born April 17, 1775 ; Allerton, born and died 1778; DoUey, born April 30, 1780; Tryphena, born Feb. 23, 1782 ; Sophia, born June II, 1784; Deborah, born June 13, 1786 ; Abigail, born Aug. 7, 1788 , Lucy, born July 13, 1791. Capt. Elijah Bard well and family removed to this town from Bel- chertown in 1803. Several members of the family have already been noticed — pages 55-6-9-60-r. Araunah Bardwell united with the church in 1806, became a physician, was dismissed by letter to North Carolina in 1824. He died in Mississippi in October, 183S. Selah removed to Minnesota with several of his family about 1856. His son, Jeremiah H., resides in Easthampton and has been postmaster there for many years. The following is a record of the children of HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. 135 Capt. Bard well and Sarah, his wife : Rhoda, born 1778, married Rev. W. Fisher; Sophin, born 1780, married Reuben Dresser ; Laura, born 1782, married Calvin Cushman ; Araunah, M. D., born 1784; Elijah, born 1786, married Lavina Howes ; Horatio, born 1788, mar- ried Rachel Furbush ; Selah, born 1791, married Clarissa Hosford ; Sarah, born 1793, married Rev. J. Richards ; Aurelia, born 1796. married ist, Samuel Naramore, 2d, Benj. VvHiite, Esq. Thomas Brown (No. 49, page 71,) probably had no children. His nephew and namesake, Thomas Brown 2d, son of Daniel and Dor- cas Brown, born Feb. i, 1780, lived with him and succeeded to the farm. Thomas 2d, married Zervia, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Bur- gess. His children were Benjamin F., Calphurna, Levi, Cleora, Car- los, The father removed to Cummington, and the surviving children reside in the West. Mr. Brown, with the assistance of Elias White, nearly sixty years ago, set out the elm trees on the west side of Main street, through the village in front of the residences of Mrs, Mary P. Webster and Oscar F. Washburn. Greenwood Brown, probably not related to Thomas, lived adjoin-' ing (No. 9, page 68,) on the North. The farm was afterwards owned successively by Daniel Hersey, Rufus K., Jabez H. and John El- dredge, and J. D. Shipman. The buildings were burnt in 1840. Greenwood Brown, Sen.^ died 1825; Greenwood, Jr., 1828. The children of Greenwood, Sen., and Susannah his wife, are recorded as follows: Susannah, born Mar. 25, 1786, in Goshen ; Greenwood, born April 20, 1787, died 1788 ; Harvey, born April 29, 1789 ; Greenwood, born Feb. 28, 1791, died 1828; Cynthia, born May 6, 1793, married Asa Pettengill of Cummington ; Minerva, born April 9, 1795, ^^^^ 1819. Joseph Blake (No. 72, page 72,) probably born in Boston in 1738, was published to Comfort Thayer in Braintree, in 1761, whom he married. They probably removed to Goshen about 1766, and set- tled in the south-east part of the town, on the original lot. No. 2, where they lived for about fifty years. He removed after the death of his wife, in 181 1, to Ashfield, and lived, till his decease in 1818, with his son Silns. His children were : Polly, or Mary, born in Braintree, Aug. 16, 1765, married Elijah Wolcott of Williamsburgh ; Rachel, born in Goshen, July 18, 1767, married Joseph Smith of Hat- 136 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. field ; Silas, born Aug. 2, 1771, who married Parnal Beswick of Cliesterfield ; Nancy, born June, 1776, married Abner Bates of Ches- terfield ; Eleazer, born March 23, 1778,. married Ruth Beals of Goshen ; Joseph, born Nov. 10, 1783, and Comfort, who died young. Joseph, the pioneer, was son of Joseph, who was son of Solomon, who was son of Kdward, who was son of William, the emigrant. The family were of Hingham. Rev. Charles M. Blake, Post Chap-, lain of the U. S. Army, has been engaged in tlie compilation of the genealogy of the Blake Family, which is now continued by Perley Derby, Esq., of Salem. The writer is indebted for a portion of these facts to Silas Blake, Esq., of Ashfield, great-grandson of Joseph, the pioneer. Dr. Benjamin Burgess resided here about twenty-seven years. His father, Benjamin, Stn.^ was a physician in Dartmouth, Mass., where he died Sept. 18, 1748, aged forty years, leaving the son an orphan at the age of eleven years. The father had made extensive purchases of land in this vicinity, which the son, after attaining his. majority, came up to look after. He was so well pleased with its location thai he decided to make the place his future home. He left the "Vineyard" at a time, during the war of the Revolution, when. British privateers were cruising upon our coast. F ^- Cbloe, born June i, 1823, married Frederick W. Belding, May 28, 1846; W^ealthy, born June 24, 1826, married Calvin A. Packard, Jan. 15, 1852 I Rufus, born Dec. 4, 1828, married and resides in Easthamp- ton ; Martha, born Oct. 18, 1832, married Miles Farr, and resides in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Sophia B., daughter of Caleb C. Dresser, married Joseph C. Bridg- inan, and removed West ; Helen M., second daughter, married Ed- ward Smith of Sunderland, and died soon after; Albert B., only son, resides on the Dresser farm with the younger daughter. Henry, eldest son of George Dresser, married Alice, adopted daughter of F. M. Pierce, and resides in Wisconsin ; George C, teacher, resides with his father ; Vesta C, only daughter, married Edward C. Packard, died 1879, leaving two children. Nathan Fuller had Nathan Jr. and John. John married C'ynthia Nash, grand-daughter of Capt. Robert Webster, Dec. 2, 1819, and had Chester AL, who married Laura, daughter of David Beals ; Eck- fordjWho removed 10 eastern New York ; Elvira, who married Jiurt ; Aurelia, married Horatio Bassett ; Susan, married Frank Clai:)p of Williamsburgh. Capt. John Grant, a man of solid worth, was born, lived and died on the same farm. His great-grandfather came from Scotland, had 146 HISTORY or GOSHEX. four sons : Benjamin, Joseph, Moses, Ebenezer. Moses went to Bos- ton, and was perhaps ancestor of the late Dea. Moses Grant. John's father was Asa Grant, and came here from VVrentliam, 1769. Capt. Grant was long a teacher of schools in this and adjoining towns, often served as a town officer, and was a land surveyor. He died March 11, 1861, at the age of 90. He was born April 25, 1771'. He outlived all his near relatives, but died among friends. His sister Ruth, born in Braintree, Jan. 27, 1769, married John Abell and re- moved to Fairfield, Vermont, to which place the father and mother of Capt. John removed. Theyw^ere living there in' 1807. Christopher Grant, probably a brother of Asa, married Elizabeth . Their children were: Daniel, barn June 12, 1772, in Chester- field ; Susannah, born July 22, 1777; Mary, born June 28, 1782. Christopher died Oct. 12, 1782 ; Mrs. Elizabeth died Aug. 6, 1796. Samuel Grimes of Brookfield, came in 1769 or 70. He married Mary Hinckley. Their children were : James, born Feb. 7, 1769, in Brookfield; Samuel, born Sept. 2r, 1770, in Goshen; Mary, born March 8, 1772 ; Charles, born Jan. 17, 1774, removed to Genessee, N. Y. ; Submitt, born Aug. 3, 1775 ; Abigail, born April 2, 1777, re- ceived a letter of dismission from church to Canawdagua, N. Y., 1802; William, born Jan. 18, 1779; Sarah, born Sept. 4, 1780, re- ceived a letter to Poultney, 1812. The Grover family lived in the northeast part of the town on what is still known as the "Grover Lot." The parents were Stephen and Zipporah. The children were : Barnard, born Aug. 2, 1771, in West- ern; Robert, born Aug. 15, 1773; Sarah, born Aug. 5, 1775; Stephen, born Aug. 24, 1777; Rebecca, born Sept. 29, 1778; Stephen, born Nov.'2, 1780 ; Allen, born Aug. 21, 1782 ; Asaph, born Aug. 6, 1790. Wm. Hallock, of Brookhaven, L. L, came here about 1766. Fie was by trade a blacksmith, but investing his money in a small vessel, which was lost by collision with a British ship, he came into the country and engaged in farming. In this pursuit he obtained a com- fortable livelihood, brought up a large family, and lived to the age of 86. On the Sabbath before his death he walked to church, a mile and a half distant. He had raised quite a large crop of corn du ring- that year, and while engaged in husking it was taken unwell. He HISTORY or GOSHEX. 147 sent for Esq. White and made his will, and soon after fell into a leth- argy, in which he remained till his death on the following Saturday, Oct. 2 1, 1815. One of his cotemporaries says of him, ''he was a good man and had two good sons." The church record contains this remark of him, "supposed to have been converted at four years of age." His children, Jeremiah, Moses, Polly, Alice, and Bethiah were born on Long Island. Abigail, Martha, Esther and Mercy were born here. Bethiah married Stephen Hosford. They were the parents of Mrs. Rufus Moore and Mrs. Selah Bardwell. The application of the name "Halleck Weed," by which it is generally known here, to the plant "Ox-eye Daisy," is said to have been suggested by the fact, that Mrs. Hallock, on their removal to this town, brought with her the seeds of the plant for the beauty of its star-like flower, and partly, perhaps, as a memento of her former home. (See Chapter V. for further details of Hallock family.) The three Hawks brothers, Jared, Eleazer and Dr. Erastus, came from ('harlemont. They were sons of Jared Hawks, whose residence was near the bridge over the Deerfield river at the foot of the Haw- ley hill. He was probably a descendent of John Hawks, one of the original settlers of Hadley, coming from Windsor, Conn., with other pioneers. John may have been brother of Adam Hawks of Saugus, who was ancestor of Rev. W. S. Hawks of South Hadley. Jared Hawks, Jr., married Hannah, daughter of Nehemiah May, Sept. 24, 1799, and had one son who was deaf and dum.b. Plis daughter. Electa M., married Rev. Wm. Boardman, Oct. 4, i Charles F., born April 9, 1850. Edward C. married Vesta C, daughter of George Dresser, Oct. 9, 1875, and had Edward Wallace, born July 23, 1876, and Lawrence A., born Aug. 26, 1878. When Joshua, Sen., returned from the army, he brought a l-irge powder horn, the gift of a comrade, on which was drawn, in good style, a map of one of the towns connected with Boston, showing the bridges, churches and many of llie houses as they probably existed at that time. The horn is still possessed by his great-grandson, Cal- vin A. Packard. The following is copied from a new'spaper of several years ago : The Packards are a thrifty, well- stocked race. Abel Packard, who settled at Cummington 100 years ago, has now posterity of over 350, scattered in 15 states of the Union. This Abe) was a great grandson of Samuel Packard, who settled in Plymouth, 18 years after the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620 ; and he is supposed t(j be ancestor of all the Packards in the country. His posterity is estimated to have multiplied in 236 years beyond 50,000. He had 12 children, all of whom had fami- lies. Several of his sons were soldiers in King Philip's war and aided in the pur- suit and conquest of that celebrated Indian Chief at Mt. Hope in 1676, 200 years ago. The Parsons family descend from Joseph, supposed to have been, born near Farrington, Eng., in 1617, who was in Springfield in 1636, and in Northampton in 1655, where he served several years as Selectman. His son, Joseph, born 1647, died 1729, had Ebenezer, born 1675, who married Mercy Stebbins, 1703, and had, among olhtr children, Elihu, born 17 19, who married Sarah, daughter of Prtsi dent Edwards ; and Benjamin, born 1723, who married Rebekah Sheldon, and removed to Goshen, 1776. He died 1777. The children of Benjamin and Rebekah A. Parsons, were : Jtrusha, born Sept. 22, 1750, married, first, Artemus Stone, second, Daniel Brown, third, Maj. Josiah Lyman ; Ebenezer, born Dec. 26, 1751, married Eunice Clark; ^lercy, born Nov. 29, 1753, married Jed. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 163 Buckingham; Hannah, born July i, 1755, married Cyrus Lyon; Susannah, born Dec. i, 1757, niarried Col. Nehemiali May; Justin, born July 19, 1759, married first, Lucretia Parsons, daughter of Elibu, second, Electa Frary ; Silas, born vSept. 26, 1761, married Sarah Fisk ; S3lomon, born Aug. 28, 1763, married Lucinda Pack- ard, daughter of Joshua ; Rebekah, Aug. 4, 1766, married Thad. Naramore ; Benjamin, born Feb. 20, 1769, married Stebbins of Springfield. Ebenezer Parsons removed to Hadley. Kev. Justin, besides Levi and Lucrelia before named, had a son Ira who removed to Ohio, and a son Calvin, and daughter Electa, who died young, and were buried in this town. In 1817 the family undertook the education of a youth at Bombay, who received the name Calvin, in memory of their departed child. Silas Parsons married Sarah Fisk of Shelburne, aunt to Pliny Fisk, who went as missionary 10 Palestine with Rev. Levi Parsons. His children were: Seth ; Clarissa; David; Erastus, who became a preacher; Austin ; Lina and 'i'heodocia. Children of Solomon and Lucinda Parsons : Theodore, born Sept. .14, 1791, died Jan. 19, 1865, married Pamela Partridge daugh- ter of Asa; Jerusha, born June 23, 1793, died Feb. 15, 1823, married Cyrus Joy; Wiilard, born July 20, 1795, married Tryphosa Naramore, June 6, 1820, daughter of Alpheus ; Eben'r, born Jan. 24, 1798, mar- ried Electa Naramore, daughter of Joseph ; Wealthy, born Feb. 25, 1800, died Sept. iS, 1832, married Franklin Naramore ; Lucinda, born April 12, 1802, married Francis Lyman ; Lyman, born May i, 1804, died Aug. 28, 1831. Benjamin Parsons, before entering the ministry, appears to have been a lawyer in Boston from 1809 to 1834. Children of Theodore and Pamela Parsons : Mary P., born March 14, 18 19, married R. F. Webster, Nov. 28, 1844; Lewis S., born Jan. 2 1, 182 I, married Harriet N. Fuller, April, 1843 ; Levi, born April 8, 1823, married Harriet Luce, Jan., 1850; Henry, born May 2, 1825 ; Frederick E., born June 17, 1827, died Dec. 14, 1851. Levi Parsons, son of 'I'heodore, removed to Haydenville about 1840, and became connected with Hon. Joel Hayden in the manu- facture of buttons. When the business was removed to Easthampton a few years later, he went with it, and held an important position in 164: HISTORY or GOSHEK. the company, under Hon. Samuel Williston. His health declining, he went South for its recovery in the winter of 1866, but, rapidly failing, he died on the passage homeward, March 28, 1866. He was a man of unimpeachable integrity, kind hearted, unassum- ing, full of good works and universally respected and beloved. His eldest daughter, Alice Carey, born June 22, 185 1, graduate of Mt- Holyoke Female Seminary, 1873, married Dr. W. O. Ballantine, missionary to India, Jan. 6, 1875. They sailed from New York, Jan. 2T, ; arrived at Bombay, April 18. She died at Rahuri, Western India, Sept. 9, 1878, and was buried in the English cemetery at Ahmednuggar. She was an estimable young lady, and secured the- love and high respect of all tlie mission circle. Hattie, the only sur- viving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, resides with her mother at Easthampton. Dr. Ballantine was born in India, came to the United States when fifteen years of age to be educated, and graduated at Amherst College. Jerusha married Cyrus Joy, F>q., a lawyer of Northampton, and afterwards for a long period a teaclier and resident of Philadelphia, where several of his family now reside. He died Dec. 14, 1870, in Goshen, where he spent the !nUM- years of his life. The children of Cyrus and Jerusha Joy vvere : Jalia Ann of Phila- delphia who has a summer rt^sid.jiice in Goshen — the parsonage built for Rev, J. C. Thompson ; Emi!y, married Charles C. Grugan, a merchant of Philadelphia, died Feb. 3, 1849, leaving several chil- dren ; Henry, married Han iel Brown, resides near Rochester, N. Y. ; Charles ; Cyrus,Jr., died 1850. After the death of Mrs. Jerusha, Mr,. Joy marrit^d again, and had several children who reside in Philad'a. Children of Willard and Tryphosa Parsons ; Sophia N., born April 15, 1821, married Am.os. H. Stone; Alpheus N., born July 2, 1823, died April 29, 1851 ; Franklin, born Nov. 7, 1827, mar- ried Leonora Bartlett ; Julia, born Dec. 8, 1831, died March 29, 1863, married M. N. Hubbard ; Helen, born May 19, 1834, married Wm. Wells ; Lyman, born March i, 1839, married Octavia French ; Edward, born Sept. 5, 1842, died Sept. 17, 1845. Ebenezer Parsons, son of Solomon, removed to Pittsfield, Ohio. He had Electa, born Sept. 21, 1824, who married S. D. Whitney. Eben- ezer married, second, Louisa Kingsbur}', and had George, Charles, Frank, Ellen (born 1837, married Freeman Packard), Annette, Julia, Emma, Helen. HISTORY OF GOSHE]S^. 165 Elihu Parsons, Jr., was son of Elihu, who was born in Norihamp- ton, married Sarah, the eldest daughter of President Edwards, and removed to Stockbridge. Elihu, Jr., married Khoda Hinsdale, said to have been the first person born in Lenox, and removed to Goshen probably about 1796. His mother, Sarah Edwards, resided with him here till her depth. May 15, 1805. Children of Elihu Parsons, Jr. : Esther, born Nov. ig, 1783, mar- ried Ebenezsr Healey, Jr., May 5, 1813 ; ('larissa, born March 26, 1786, died, unmarried, Dec. 16, 1852 ; Dea. Stephen, born July 12, 1788, died May 27, 1838 ; Eunice, born June 24, 179 1 ; Sarah, born Oct. 9, 1799. Dea. Stephen Parsons married Mary Eldredge of Ashfield. Chil- dren : Eunice, born March 18, 1813 ; Alvan, born July 18, 1817, resides in Buckland ; Rhoda, born Dec. 5, 1819, married Jonathan Sears, Jr , March 20, 1845, ^^^^^^ J"b' ^7j ^^S^- Eunice married Freeman Sears, Nov. 27, 1834. Children : Ellen, born Oct. 21, 1835, died Feb. 26, 1854; Mary, born Sept. 6, 1837, . died May 27, 186 1 ; Olive, born Jan 20, 1840, married Henry C. Howland, Jan. 14, i860, and removed to Oliio ; F. Willis, born Aug. 2ij 1842, married Kalie Sidell ; Milton F., born March 21, 1845 married Elizabeth H. Shaw, Dec. 31, 1872 ; Chloe Edna, born Nov. 13, 1847. Mi's. Eunice died Aug. 15, 1^50. Mr Sears married, second, Mrs. Angeline Coney, 1851. Children : Frank Grnham, born May 13, 1852, married Etta F. Wildman ; Geo. Herberr, born April 16, 1854; Jessie Fremont, born May 27, 1856; Charles F., born June 29, 1859. Asa Partridge, from Holland, Mass., brother of Major Stone's wife, was born Oct., 1771, married, first, Mary Bates, second. Electa Stearns, widow of Elihu Hubbard, 1825. Asa died Feb., 1847. Children : Eli, born Jan. 2, 1794, married Lucy Look; Asa, born Oct. 8, 1800, mariiKl, first, Mary Benton, second, Julia Norton; Pamela, born June 12, 1796, married Theodore Parsons, died March 9, 1843; Elinina, born Feb. 3, 1803, married Enos Taylor; Sher- man, born April 5, 1805. "Uncle Asn," as he was usually called, was a man of ready wit. He was once at Saratoga Springs for the benefit of his health. One early morning while out with a cane in each hand to aid him in walk- ing, he met another valetudinarian in similar condition. In com- 166 HISTORY OF GOSHElsr. paring notes the other inquires of Partridge : "What ails you ?" "Rheumatism.*' "xA.h, yes — original sin,'' responded llie satisfied querist. "And what is your trouble V says Partridge. "Gout." "Ah, yes — I see — actual transgression^^' was Partridge's conclusive retort. Dr. Daniel Pierce of Peru, married Abigail, daughter of Lieut. 'i'imothy Lyman. Children : Levi L. lived for several years during his minority with his uncle — Col. Timothy Lyman. He married a niece of P. T. Bar- num, and was his general business agent for several years. He visited Europe with Gen. Tom Thumb and wife, and aided them in making a very successful tour, returning in 1859. While there he married his second wife, an amiable and cultivated Scotch lady. They have since resided in Greentield. Francis M., married Cath- erine White, daughter of Elias and Hannah, May 3, 1849, and removed to Wisconsin'; Daniel, Jr., died Oct. 17, 1846, aged 26 ; Caroline, the elde'^t daughter, married Leander S. Cooper of Peru, Oct., 1836; Rosamond, married Chas. C. Parish of VVorthington, 1841 ; Martha L., married Nelson Brown of Cummington, May 11, 1853 ; Timothy Dwight married and removed to Deerfield. (See "Physicians.") Ebenezer Putney, born Oct., 1740, at Charlton, came here 1762, and served in the army of the Revolution, where he received a Lieu- tenant's commission. He died Jan. 14, 1802. His children who lived to mature years were : Joseph, Elisha, Nahum, Moses, John, Amasa, Polly and Hannah. Nahum was drowned in Lake Erie. Elisha served in the war of 18 12, and while out with a scouting party near Detroit, was killed by the enemy, while stopping to aid a com- panion who was fatally wounded a moment before. Joseph, who died in 1841, was father of Emmons Putney. Ebenezer Putney married Susannah French. The records of the town give the following list of their children : Mary, born Feb. 12, 1774, died Sept. 9, 1777 ; Hannah, born July 16, 1775, died Sept. 3, 1777 ; Joseph, born May 11, 1777, married Naomi, daughter of Dea. Oliver Taylor, April 5, 1798 ; Polly, born March 25, 1779, married John Salmon ; Hannah, born Feb. 18, 1781, married John Smith, Jr. ; Elisha, born Feb. 27, 1784, killed in war ; Nahum, born July J7, 1787, drowned ; Moses, born Nov. 27, 1790, HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 167 married Sally Hubbard ; John, born March 21, 1792, married Susan Taylor of Worthin^^ton ; Amasa, born April 11, 1796, married Lucre- lia Torrey. Children of Joseph and Naomi (Taylor) Putney: Emmons, born Sept. 28, 1799, married, firs!, Orpha, daughter of Dr. Robert Stark- weather of Chesterfield, 1825. She died July 14, 1S65, and Mr. Putney married, second, in 1867, Mrs. Helen Walkley, who died Jan. 27, 1868, he married, iliird, Sophia G. VValkins, June 20, 1875 ; Arthur, born Dec. 7, 1800 ; Susan^ born Feb. 17, 1803, died May 22, 1842 ; Lilly, born Au^'. 1 8, 1805, married Jonathan Hunt, July 19, 1828, died in Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 23, 1875, buried in Goshen ; Calvin, born Dec. 13, 1807; Naomi born Dec. 14, 18 10, married Alvin Hall; Joseph, born Nov. 28, 1814; Electa, born March r8, 18 1 7, married Lowell Hunt, Nov. 5, 1840 ; H. Maria, born Feb. 24, 1821. Children of John and Susan Putney : Lorenzo, Wealthy, Alonzo, Henry and Orpha E. Orpha E., the adopted daughter of Mr. Emmons Putney, married Wm, E. Johnson, May 3, 1854. Mrs. Susan died Nov. 28, 1869. Ebenezer Putney, 2d, son of Elisha and Martha, came from Charl- ton, lived for some time with his uncle Ebenezer, married Molly, dau5;hter of John Smith, June 23, 1791, removed to "Paddy Hill" in the southwest part of Ashfield, and afterwards into Goshen. Children: Zadoc ; Nahum ; Polly, who married Moses Belding ; Lolza, who married Hattil Washburn, Jr. ; Alma and Climena, older daughters, who married Barnabas Hall ; and Sarah, who married Levi Eldredge of Hawley. The children of Moses Belding were : Frederick W., who mariied D. Chloe Dresser; Franklin, of New Jersey; Clarinda and Sarah died young; Hiram, of Bleeker, N.Y., and Putney. Patty Putney, sister of Ebenezer, 2d, married Hattil Washburn, Sen. Zadoc Putney married Jerusha Belding, and had Harriet, who married Chandler Robbins ; Charles ; Alonzo ; Norman ; Zadoc ; Maria, who married Luther Ranney; Jerusha. Nahum Putney married Charlotte Eement of Ashfield. Ebenezer, 2d, died at the West. David Stearns, the pioneer settler, married Hannah, born March, 1732, daughter of John Burnell, who is said to have come from Wales, 168 HISTORY OF goshe:n^. and married Mehitabel Edmonds of Lynn, who died in Feb., 1769, aged 74. Joseph Burnell, son of John, , brother of Stearns's wife, was one of the first settlers of Chesterfield, and married Hannah Tucker (daughter of Ephraim), who was born in Milton, April 18, 1726. Abijah Tucker, who came to Goshen with David Stearns, was brother of Joseph Burnell's wife. Tucker, after a few yiars, removed from here to Hardvvick. Joseph Burnell had John, who married Banister; Mary, who married Reuben Dresser, Sen.; Mis. Richard Sylvester; Capt. Joseph of Chesterfield; Ephraim and Manasseh, of Cummington. Ebenezer Stearns, father of David, married Martha Bumap of Reading, Oct. 25, 17 17. Children: Ebenezer, born Feb. 26, 1720; Elizabeth, born Aug. 14, 172 1 ; John, of Belchertown, born Feb. 10, 1723 ; Jonathan, born June 26, 1725 ; Hannah, born Jan. 27, 1727 ; David, born March 25, 1729 ; Mary, born Oct. 27, 1730 ; S.irah, born May 11, 1732 ; Bethiah, born June 7, 1734; Thomas, born Feb. 16, 1736; Reuben, born June 21, 1737. Ebenezer, jr. died in garrison at Lake George in the French War. David was also in the service, and belonged to Capt. John Catlin's company. The children of David and Hannah (Burnell) Stearns were : David, born July 26, 1757 ; Lemuel, born March 17, 1759 ; John, born in Dudley, Feb. 22, 1761, and the family removed the same year to this town ; Samuel, was born March 25, 1763, the first white male child in the new settlement; Cyrus was born March 26, 1765, died here March ^ 25, 1855 ; Joseph, was born June 30, 1768, married Sarah Thatcher of Conway, 1792 ; Hannah, born Nov. 17, 1770, married Daniel Beals ; Mary, born April 17, 1774. David and his three sons, David, Jr., Lemuel and John, were sol- diers in the Revolution. John married Abigail, daughter of Abishai Williams, and had Abigail, born March 17, 1791 ; John, born June 21, 1793 ; and Abishai W., born March 12, 1796. John, the father, died April 14, 1801. David Stearns, Sen,, died Feb. 28, 178.8. Hannah Burnell, his wife, married, second, Capt. Elisha Cranson of Ashfield, Jan. 20, 1792. He died April 18, 1804, aged 84 years. She afterward lived for some years in New York state, then returned to Goshen and resided with her daughter, Mrs. Diiniel B:;als, her old home, till her death, which occurred Dec, 1827, in the 96th year of her age. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 169 Cyrus Stearns, son of David, married Sarah, daughter of Capt. Thomas Weeks, Jan. 4, 1781. Children : Electa, born Sept. 20, 1788, married, first, Elihu Hub- bard, 1808, second, Asa Partridge, Sept. 14, 1825. She died Feb. 13, 1858. Ezra, born Feb. 14, 1792, married, 1813, Esther, daughter of Rey. David Todd of Chesterfield. They had one son, Ezra, Jr. Ezra, Sen., died Oct. 20, 1814, while serving as a soldier. Enos, born Feb. 25, 1794, married Lucinda Hubbard, and had Caroline, Levi, Hamilton, Lucinda, Cyrus and Sarah, twins. He died at Wells, New York, July 17, 1850. Levi, born June 19, 1796, married Hannah Phillips, 1820 (pub. July 2), and had Liscom, Thomas, Amelia, and other children. They removed to Oak Creek, Wis., where Mrs. Stearns died Jan. 14, 1857. Thomas Weeks, born May 12, 1799, married Mrs. Susan (Reed) Pettengill. Their children were: Chester, born 1827, died 1838; Edward, married Gard- ner, May 24, 1854; Sarah, born May 25, 1834, married E. W. Van Houlen, Newark, N. J., where she died Dec. 27, 1853. Elizabeth married John Van Houten, May 25, 1854, and resided^Jn Newark. Edward married and removed with his parents from Newark to Evansville, Wis. Almeda, born Dec. 14, 1802, married Levi Barrus, 182 1, died Sept. 4, 1850, on the farm where she was born. Cyrus, born June 15, 1808, married Lucy Reed, died Sept. 28, 1872, in western New York. Alanson, born Oct. 31, 1810, married Eliza A. Dumbolton, 1834, and had James and John, twins, born 1835 i Ezra, born 1836 ; Ellen, born 1839 ; Edwin, Carrie, Fred, Ernest. He removed to Grass Lake, Mich., w'here he was a deacon of the Bap- tist church. He, with one or his sons, aged 13 years, and hired man, were drowned May 28, 1870, in Grass Lake, by the upsetting of a boat in which they weie fishing, while waiting an opportunity to wash their sheep. The children of Electa Stearns and Elihu Hubbard, Jr., who died March 22, 1824, aged 2,6, were : Pamela, who married Dryden Dawes, Nov. 28, 1827 ; Electa, who married Daniel W. Reed, Aug. 7, 1833, died Aug., 1873, aged 61 ; Luc}^, died March 13, 1835, aged 25 years ; Daniel, died Aug. 22, aged 32 years ; Elihu, died unmarried ; Joseph, married and lived in Buckland, and had several children. The children of Electa and Asa Partridge were : Amanda, born Aug. 27, 1826 ; and Sarah Melinda, born May 22, 1829, married Reed, died May 6, 1868^ 170 HISTORY OF goshe:n^. Elihu Hubbard, Sen., died Jan. 26, 1805. The children of Pamela and Dryden Dawes were : Ediriund, Maiy Amelia, Joseph, Elihu, Charles, George, born June 15, 1847 ; Emma. Mr. Dawes removed to Manchester, Mich. Reuben Smith came from Amherst about 18 12. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Richard Carpenter. Children : Elizabeth, who married Elijah Billings ; John Milton ; Sophia; Hannah C, who married Elijah Shaw ; Lucy K., who mar- ried Wm. S. Packard ; Ralph Erskine. John M. Smith married Orra Dickinson of Amherst, June 25, 1833. Children: Ellen Eliza, born March 24, married R. C. Alison, Jan. 12, i860; Henry Billings, born Oct. 19, 1835, married Julia, daugh- ter of Maj. Joseph Hawks, Feb. 25, 1S66 ; Sophia E, born Jan. 21, 1838, died young; Mary Leora, born March 28, 1840, married Rev. J. C. Houghton ; Harriet T., born March 16, 1843, died young; Ed- ward M., born Oct. 30, 1847, married Helen M., daughter of C. C. Dresser, Dec. 19, 1870. Mr. &mith has resided for several years in Sunderland. Ralph E. Smith married, first, Jane Gray, 1845, second, Rosa- mond Taylor of Buckland, April 26, 1854, and removed to Goshen. Children: Alvah ; Edwin B., born July 21, 1859; Willis A., born Dec. 18, 1861 ; Jane G., born Oct. 27, 1863. Hannah C. married Elijah Shaw of Buckland, Nov. 28, 1838, and had Elijah ; Fannie E., who married Jonathan Temple of Reading ; Lizzie H., who married Mi'.ton F. Sears ; William R. John Smith, from Killingly, Conn , removed here about 1768. He had two sons and eight daughters. Hannah, born 1766, married Hezekiah Coggswell of Chesterfield, April 17, 1791 ; Sarah, married Nathan Halbert, Dec. 10, 1789, died 1791 ; Mary, married Ebenezer Putney, 2d, died 1834 ; Cynthia, married Bassome Whitney, Oct. 6, 1791 ; Deborah Whitney married John Williams, Dec. 24, 1795, and was the donor of the Fund of $5,000 to the Congregational Society, born Dec. 5, 1773, died Sept. 19, 1859 ; Bathsheba, born Dec. 3, 1777, married Willard Packard, died March 26, 1853 ; John Smith, mis- sionary to the Choctaws, born Feb. 14, 1780, died in Mississippi, March 28, 1845 j Anna, born Feb. 19, 1782 ; Dorcas, born Oct. 28, 1784, married Thomas Lyman. Five of the sisters above named, ranging in age from 60 to 73 years, meeting for the first time for a HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 171 long period, atiended church in this town, and occupied the same pew during a Sabbath in the summer of 1844. It was an interesting sight, and rendered still more impressive from the fact that four were widows and the fiftli was unmarried. John Smith, Sen.- died May 16, 1822, aged 86; Sarah, his wife, Jan. 3, 1827, nged 82. Major Ambrose Stone, a resident of the town for seveniy years, was born in Harvard, April 21, 1757. His pilgrim ancestor, Dea. Simon Stone, born 1585, came to New England in 1635, ^^^^^^ ^''^ wife, Joan, daughter of William Clark, and four children : Frances, born 1619, married Rev. Thomas Green, first minister in Reading; Ann, born 1624, married Orne; Simon, born 1631, married Mary Whipple; Mary, born 1632, married Nathaniel Stearns. Dea. Simon settled in Watertovvn, and had John, born 1635 > '^""^ Eliza- beth, born 1639. Simon, Jr., had eleven children, of whom Rev. Nathaniel graduated at Harvard, 1690, settled in Harwich, and mar- ried a daughter of Gov. Hinckley. Simon, another son, removed to Groton. It was probably of this third Simon of whom Cotton Mather, in his Magnalia, says : "Simon Stone was shot in nine places, and as he lay for dead the Indians made two hacks with a hatchet to cut his head off." He got well, however, and was a lusty fellow in Mather's time. He had nine children, one of whom, Simon fourth, a deacon, removed to Harvard, married Sarah , and had Simon, fifth, also deacon, born Sept. 10, 1714, died in Green- wich about 1785; Ephraim, born Jan. 2, 1716; Oliver, born Jan. 20, 1720; Sarah, born Jan. 27, 1722; Isaac, born Feb. 17, 1724; Hannah, born April 18, 1726 ; Elias, of Coleraine, born April 2, 1728 ; Amos, born Sept. 9, 1729, married Edna, daughter of Ambrose Hale, Feb. 27, 1753, removed to Rodman, N. Y., where he died in 1S04. Major Ambrose Stone said there were other sons : Micah, who lived near Boston ; Israel and Aaron of Genesse county, N. Y. ; Abner, High Sheriff of Monroe Co., N. Y., and Moses. The daugh- ters married Ray and Clelland, and lived near Israel. Solomon, another son, was killed in war. Children of Amos and Edna (Hale) Stone : Ambrose of Goshen, born, in Harvard, April 21, 1757 ; Amos of Urbanna, Steuben Co., N. Y., born Sept. 28, 1759 i Hannah, born Feb. 26, 1762, died 1787, 172 HISTOBY OF GOSHE^^. in Ware ; Charles, died in Adams, N. Y., aged 80 years ; Hnldah, born 1764, married Keene, lived at Mt. Morris, N. Y. ; Cyrus, died in Hanover, Ind., about 1833 ; Manasseh, born 1773, died in Cas- tlelon, N. Y., 1804; Oliver, born 1775, died in Darien, N. Y., had Francis, a teacher, and two daughters; Ashbel resided in Freeport, Ind.; Arnold, born 1777, was named by his brother Ambrose, who had served under Benedict Arnold, who at that time was in high esteem for courage and bravery. Arnold Stone resided in Rodman, N. Y., and visited his relatives in Goslren for the last time in 1858, in com- pany with his son Joseph of Pawtucket. He had eleven children, of whom Cyrus Hale, born 1813, and Orin, born 1821, were lawyers; Oliver^ born 1861, railroad agent in California; Ashbel, born 1818, a physician in London, C. W. Major Ambrose and Katherine (Partridge) Stone were married July 8, 1783. She was born in Brookfield, Jan. 16, 1762, died Dec. 5, 1851. - Children : Pamela, born May 5, and died July 27, 1784. " Alvan, born July 21, 1785, died Jan. 24, 1804. 'J Luther, born March 17, 1788, died July 2, 1875. " Rachel, born Sept. 5, 1790, died Nov. 12, 1875. " Ambrose, born May 17, 1793, died April 2, 1863. " Hannah, born Dec. lo, 1795, died Aug. 21, 1875. " Frederick P., born Nov. 2, 1798, died Aug. 14, 1841. " Pamela, born May 24, 1801, died Aug. 16, 1823. " Alvey, born March 14, 1804, died Jan. 19, 1824. ** Alvan, born Aug. 15, 1807^ died Feb. 13, 1833. The following obituary notice of Major Stone was published in the Hampshire Gazette: Died in Goshen, March 18, 1856, Major Ambrose Stone, aged nearly 93 years. Major Stone was a man whose sterling worth deserves more than a passing notice. In whatever sphere he acted, the same prompt, energetic, independent course, char- acterized him. Consistent, benevolent, and of strict integrity, few have been more respected, or raore beloved. Possessing an ardent love of liberty, he entered the Revolutionary army at Boston, in April, 1776, under command of Gen. Ward. In the month of August following, he went to Ticonderoga, and from thence down the Lake, under command of Arnold, During the skirmishing upon the Lake, the Americans being overpowered by superior force, Arnold run his vessels ashore and burnt them. One of them however, containing seven or eight men. Major S. among the number, succeeded in saving their vessel from the enemy, by rowing out of their HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 173 reach. The British fired one round after them and gave up the chase. He remained in the army till January of the following year and then returneJ to his home in Greenwich, now Enfield Center. After the surrender of Ticonderoga, he again joined the army and was at the taking of Burgoyne. He went into winter quarters at Valley Forge and remained till February, when he left the army. In April, 1780, he came, to Goshen and built a fulling mill, which constituted, at that day, all the water machinery used in the clothiers' business. Carding, spinning weaving and dressing cloth were all done by hand. He had filled the most important offices in the gift of his townsmen, with honor to himself and satisfactorily to them. In 1803, he was appointed Coroner by Gov. Strong, which office he held during life. As an evidence of the conscientious discharge of his duty, it may be remarked, that he has voted at every election of Governor and President, since the adoption of the State and Federal constitutions. He has been a subscriber to the Hampshire Gazette ever since the issue of the first number to the time of his decease, a period of more than 6^ years. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss, with whom he lived for sixty-seven years. Though not a member of a church, his consistent life and religious habits leave the hope to his friends, that he was prepared for a better world. During his last illness, which at times was very distressing, not a murmur escaped him. He finally expired without a struggle or groan. "Night dews fall not more gently to the ground. Nor weary worn-out winds expire so soft." CoM. Col. Luther Stone, born 1788, married Mary, daughter of Malachi Jenkens, Sen., of Cummington, Oct. 24, 1816. She was born in Abing- ton, Jan. 25, 1795, died in consequence of being struck by lightning, July 16, 1866, Children : Amos Hale, born Sept 26, 1817 ; Augusta, born June 2, 1819; Sophia, born March, 1821, died May 28, 1826; Edna, born Jan. 16, 1823, died Dec. 10, 1840; Alvey, born Jan. 17, 1825, mar- ried George Dresser; Sophia, born May 15, 1828, married Frederic S Billings ; Pamela, born July 27, 1836, died Jan. 22, 1846. The following obituary notice of Col. Stone was published at his decease : Another aged citizen of Goshen, Col. Luther Stone, passed away July 2, 1875. He was the second son of Major Ambrose and Mrs. Kathcrine (Partridge; Stone, and was born in Goshen, March 17, 1788. There is probably no other person living who has been so long and so thoroughly identified with th^t business interests of the town. He was early engaged with his father in carrying on the business of wool-carding and cloth-dressing, their works having been among the earliest, in this vicinity. In the war of 1812, they supplied a large amount of cloth for army purposes. The increase in the number of similar factories caused this 174 HISTORY OF GOSHEK. business to be given up, and in 1829, in company with his brother, F. P. Stone, he erected the well-known "Stones' Mills" and commenced the manufacture of broom and brush handles by machinery. They were among the first to engage in this busi- ness, and employed a number of hands in its prosecution, for many years, and the business is still continued, to a limited extent, on the same premises. He was often elected on the board of selectmen of the town, and served in this capacity fifteen years between 1S20 and 1844. He represented the town in the Legislatures of 1839 and 1849. J^" the latter year he served on the committee on military affairs, of which Gen. Schouler was chairman. He was often employed in the settlement of estates, in his own and adjoining towns, and took a deep interest in all matters affecting the interests of his town, county, state and country. He never shirked his duty, in any department of life. Although not a church meinber, it was a principle with him to do his share towards the support of the Gospel, and probably no person in the town has done more, pecuniarily, for its religious inter - •ests than he has. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1838, by Gov. Everett, and was re-com- missioned by Gov. Briggs in 1845 > ^Y Gov. Boutwell in 1852; by Gov. Banks in- 1859, He held this office twenty-eight years. He took a special interest in mili- tary affairs, and was for many years connected with a cavalry company composed of citizens of his own and neighboring towns, of which he was chosen captain in 1821. He became, in 1824, Colonel of the Regiment to which his company belonged, receiving a commission from Gov. Eustis. He resigned in 1826, and received an honorable discharge. He was fearless and outspoken in his opinions, never did a mean thing or sought to evade any responsibility. He was a careful observer of passing events, and kept well posted in the facts that show the world's progress. He was a man of excellent judgment, and never hesitated to act in accordance with its dictates. He voted while a member of the Legisiature in 1839, to loan the credit of the state to assist the Western railroad. This act was much criticised, at the time, by many, who urged that, by it "all the farms in the state were mort- gaged." But the results have proved the wisdom of those who foresaw them, and made possible the completion of the great work at that early date. He read the Boston daily papers with no diminution of interest till within a few weeks of his death, when increasing infirmities compelled him to lay them aside, saying, he only felt able to read the HampHliire Gazette, which he desired to do in order to keep up his knowledge of events transpiring near home. The Gazette has always been taken in his family, his father having been a subscriber from its first issue. Colonel Stone was a man of kindly feelings, sympathetic and benevolent. He was imong the first to visit and aid the sick and afflicted, whether they reckoned themselves among his friends or his enemies. In his later years the concerns of the future impressed themselves upon his mind with increasing force, and his friends are consoled with the thought that he has en- tered into the rest that remaineth for the people of God. His funeral was attended at his late residence, last Sunday, P. m. The exercises were conducted by Rev. Mr. Juchau, assisted by Rev. Edward Clarke of Chesterfield. Albertype — Forbes Co., Boston. COL. LUTHER STONE. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 175 Appropriate reference was made to the life and character of the deceased, his firm integrity, his love of all that was right and true, and the controlling influence he had long exerted in the community where he lived. It was remarked by one that, "un- der what might be thought a little roughness of expression, he had the kindest heart he ever knew.'' The large number in attendance bore witness to the respect in which he was held. Amos H. Stone, only son of Col. Luther, born 1817, married first, Martha, daughter of Jacob Dyer, Nov. 16, 1843, a"<^ ^^^^^ Martha, born Sept, 11, 1844, who married Henry Bush. Mr. Stone married second, Sophia M., dauo:hter of Willard Parsons, March 23, 1847. Children : Edward G., born Oct 12, 1848 ; Ambrose E.,born Oct. 17, 1850; Frank A., born May 20, 1853; Julia A., born Feb. 14, 1856; Mary S., born April 23, i860 ; Frederick P., born March 10, 1862. Ambrose E., son of Amos H., graduate of Yale College, 1874; was teacher several years in New York; married Katie O. Catterlin, Aug. 25, 1879, is now a lawyer in New York. Ambrose Stone, Jr., son of Major Stone, born 1793, married first, Nancy, daughter of Oliver Edwards, Sen , of Chesterfield, and had several children, most of them died young. Ann Eliza, aged 18, died in 1840 ; Alvan Alexis, grew up to manhood, removed to the West, married, and became superintending engineer for one or more rail- roads. He was soon after killed by a blow from the recoil of a cable rope which parted under severe tension, while replacing cars that had been thrown from the track. Ambrose, Jr., resided for many years in Williamsburgh and manu- factured woolen cloths where H. L. James now has a factory. He was an esteemed citizen, and was a member of the Legislature for one or two terms. He resided in Easthampton from 1847 till his decease. He married second, Ardelia Bardwell, and had Nancy, born 1837, who died in the morning of life ; and Frederick P., born in Goshen, Sept. 5, 1844, enlisted from Easthampton as a soldier in the civil war, died in the rebel prison at Andersonville. Frederick P. Stone, son of the Major, born 1798, married Lucy M. Smith of Whateley, Oct. 1833. He was a very public spirited man like his brothers, whole souled, genial, above reproach in all things and universally respected. He died in the midst of his usefulness, leaving many to mourn his early departure. Major Stone, the father, and each of his three sons who came to full maturity of manhood, Luther, Ambrose, and Frederick P., served one or more terms in the Legislature. 176 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Dea. Artemas Stone was probably a descendant of Dea. Gregory Stone, a younger brother of Dea. Simon. Dea. Gregory had a son Dea. Samuel, who also had a son Dea. Samuel. Dea. Samuel, Jr., had a son Joseph, born 1689, died 1753, who had Joseph of Brook- field, born 1714, who married Sarah Potter, 1744. and had Elizabeth, Silas, Dea. Artemas, Sarah, Joseph, Olive, Jonas, Silvanus. Joseph, Jr., 3d, was of Shrewsbury, married Lydia Rice, Nov. 18, 1772, and had Sarah, Luke, Lewis, Eunice, Relief who married Seth White, Lucy who married Silas Burgess, and Joseph. Dea. Artemas, son of Joseph, Jr., 2d, married Jerusha Parsons, sister of Rev. Justin, and had Sarah, born about 1775, died June 17, 1790; Wealthy, born 1779, died Nov. 23, 1799; Lydia, born 1782, died Nov. 11^ 1787 ; Levi, born 1784, died Dec. 9, 1787 ; Theodo- cia, born 1786, married Rev. Rufus Cushman. Dea. Artemas died Sept. 16, 1790, aged 43. Jerusha, his widow, married, second, Daniel Brown, Sept. i, 1796; third. Major Josiah Lyman, April 10, 1803. He died Nov. 18, 1822, aged 87-, and she removed to P'air- haven, Vt., and probably spent the remainder of her days with her daughter, Mrs. Rufus Cushman. Silvenus Stone, probably the younger brother of Dea. Artemas, married Aseilath, the daughter of Lieut. Lemuel Lyon (published Oct. 4, 1785), and afterwards removed to Wiiliamstown, where he kept a hotel for many years. His. children were: Silas, who con- tinued the hotel, and died in Wiiliamstown ; Chester, who removed to Bennington, Vt. ; Pomeroy^ who removed West, dealt largely in grain and became wealthy. A daughter of Silvenus married Hale. Deacon Oliver Taylor was born in Brookfield, June 12, 1748, came to Goshen in 177 i, married Lilley Beals, 1774, and had three chil- dren : Polly, Naomi and Oliver. Polly married Gershom Cathcart, March 19, 1794, and had Oliver T., father of Thomas M. ; John E. ; Wealthy; Tryphena, who mar- ried Capt. George Abell, 1830; Polly, who married William Tilton, Dec. 25, i860. Naomi married Joseph Putney and died here. Oliver Taylor, Jr., married, first, Asenath Baker, Jan. 29, i8ot, and second, Eleanor King, July 8, 1813, and removed to the West. His son Charles lives in Grand Rapids, Mich. Dea. Taylor was long a prominent man here, both in municipal and ecclesiastical affairs. As the leading officer in the church his HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 177 course was marked by the conscientious discharge of his duty under all circuinstauces. He was a man of positive character, and evi- dently had much influence in keeping the sentiments of the church close up to the prevailing orthodox standard. If there was any lack of a tolerant spirit in him, it was evidently not because he loved his neighbor less but the truth more. He served faithfully also in town affairs, and was honored by frequent elections to positions of trust. Salathiel Tilton was one of the early settlers here, and united with the church in 1789. He was son of Josiah, son of Samuel, son of William of Lynn, who came from England about 1640. The chil- dren of Salathiel and Eunice Tilton were : Eunice, who married Erastus Gleason of Plainfield, Oct. 5, i8c8 ; Josiah, who married Mrs. Polly Tilton of Chilmark, 1815 ; Benjamin, who married, first^ Clemina Warner of Williamsburgh, 1819, second, Mary Clark; Electa, who married Eli Judd of Northampton, May 30, 1826 ; Wil- liam, who married, first, Aurelia Converse, April 13, 1826, second, Polly Cathcart, Dec. 25, i860 ; Stephen West, who married Nancy Ames, 1830. Mr. Salathiel Tilton died March 30, 1842, aged 84. His wife, Eunice, died 1818. Benjamin and Clemina Tilton had Warner, Eunice, and perhaps another. Removed to South Deerfield. William and Aurelia Tilton had Sophia, who married Samuel A, Merritt, April 12, 1856; Mary S., who married John L.Godfrey, May 24, 1854; Sarah C, who married Israel Graves, Jr., of North- ampton, Jan. I, 1861 ; Spencer Tilton, unmarried, resides on the old homestead. William, the father, died Oct. 15, 1869, aged 76. Children of Stephen West and Nancy Tilton : Dea. Henry H., who married Julia E. Snow, ivla'y 25, 1857, and removed to Williams- burgh. One of his children and the mother of his wife were drowned May 16, 1874, in the fearful flood caused by the breaking away of the reservoir in Williamsburgh. More than one iuindrtd and fifty others were drowned at the same time, and many dwelling- houses and mills were entirely swept away. Emma W., the eldest daughter of S. W. and Nancy, married Avery W. Adams, May 25, 1854, and removed to Faribault, Minn. ; Vasti removed to Conway, and married Howland ; Susan, mar- ried ; George, who left his studies and enlisted in the First 178 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Mass. Cavalry, Aug. 1862, died Dec. 21, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg. John, the youngest son, resides in Conway. John C. died March 3, 1849. Edward died May 28, 1861, aged 16. Mr. S. W. Tilton died May 23, 1855, ^S*^^^ 55- Mrs. Nancy Tihon mar- ried, second, Gen. Asa Rowland of Conway, March 6, 1861. The late Ralph Utley, of this town, was grandson of Col. Thomas Knowlton, who took an active part in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was killed in the fight at Hailciu Heights, Sept. 16, 1776. It may be of interest to the reader to know that in Col. Trum- huWs picture of the "Battle of Bunker Hill," which is so often seen, Col. Knowlton is represented as standing next behind the person who is supporting the head of the wounded Gen. Warren. Col. Knowlton is represented as being in the act of discharging his gun at the British soldiers, who seem to be attempting to thrust a bayonet into the breast of the fallen hero. Mr. Utley's mother was sister of Col. Knowlton, and was from Ashford, Conn. Levi Vinton, youngest son of Nathaniel and Anne of Braintree, born June 5, 1760, came to this town probably in 1777. He enlisted Oct. I, of that year, from Chesterfield, for three years, in Capt. Hasting's Co. He married Jerusha Fenton of Williamsburgh, May 15, 1787. Children: Samuel, born Feb. 22, 1788, married Eliza Cornwell ; Martha, born Sept. 20, 1789, married Wm. Miller, March 3, 1812 ; Electa, born Sept. 8, 1791, married James Sheen, Jan., 1812 ; Lucin- da, born Feb. 12, 1793, married Arvin Nash, Oct. 11, 1814; Laura, born Sept. 23, 1797, unmarried ; Orpha, born Nov. 14, 1799, married Samuel Cole ; Eunice, born April 23, 1802, married first, T. F. Upton, second, H. Conant ; Jerusha, born Oct. 11, 1804, married Seth Shaw; Hannah, born Aug. 5, 1807, married Harrington; Levi^ born Oct. 2, 18 10, removed to California. Mr. Vinton resided in Goshen till 1817, when he removed to Hartland, N. Y., where he died Sept- 20, 1820. His wife died eight days previously. The children of Lucinda and Arvin Nash, according to the Vinton o-enealogy, were born as follows : Eunice, July 8, 18 17, who married Capt. F. Rice ; Jacob Spencer, July 22, 1825, died in Goshen, April 7 1831 ; Martha, J., Aug. 13, 1827, married Charles C. Lamb of Manmee City, Ohio, Sept. 8, 185 1; Maria, May 8, 1833, born in Goshen. HISTORY OF GOSHEIS^. 179 Capt. Robert Webster came here in 1762, bringing his wife Molly, and probably one child, an infant. His children were : Hannah, who married Joseph Jepson, 1780 ; Anne, who married Watson Robinson of Cummington, 1784; Molly, ^vho married Abial Barrows, 1786; Achsah, who married Sylvanus Burk, 1785 ; Susannah, who married Jacob Nash, Jr., Feb. 23, 1792 ; Robert, who married Rebekah Ham- ilton of Conway. Capt. Webster died and his widow married Joel Gustin. Children of Robert, Jr., and Rebekah Webster : Mary, who married Bradley Packard of Conway, Dec. 2, 1831 ; Caroline, who married Franklin Naramore ; Wm. H., who married Martha, daughter of Haltil Washburn; Robert F., who married Mary, daughter of Theo- dore Parsons, Nov. 28, 1844; Elizabeth, who married Chas. Childs of Conway, Nov. 17, 1847, and removed to Montreal. Children of William H. and Martha Webster : Louisa, married Edmund L. Dawes ; Ellen L., born Aug. 22, 1847, died Nov. 21, 1850 ; Ellen M., born Oct. 14, 1850, removed to Easthampton. Children of Robert F. and Mary P. Webster: Belle P., born Oct. 30, 1845, married Myron Avery of Easthan'ipton, and has a daughter Maud j Julia E., born Nov. 12, 1848, married Freebun E. White, May 2, 1875 ; Frank H., born Jan. 9, 185 1, employed on a western railroad ; Fred P., born Sept. 30, 1852, died April 12, 1854. Robert F. Webster died Jan 7, 1857, aged 38 years. Mrs. Belle P. Avery wMelds the pen of a ready writer and has shown decided talent in her contributions to the newspaper press. Mr. Hattil Washburn was born in New Bedford, 1780 or '81, and was the eldest of a family of seven boys and six girls ; came here when nine years of age, and lived in the family of Dr. Burgess four- teen years. He died here upwards of eighty years old. He married Martha, sister of Ebenezer Putney, 2d, and had Alanson, married LydiaRobinson, 1830 ; Hattil; Amos; Oscar; ]\Iartha, who married Wm. H. Webster; Minerva, who married first, Luther Kellogg, id>2,i^ — parents of George- — second, Rodney Hawks, Oct., 1856, and had Mary, born Dec. 27, 1858 ; Mary, who married Holmes of Northampton, and had Frank and another son. Sidney, son of Hattil, Sen., died March 14, 1824, aged 21. Semantha, daughter, died Nov. 30, 1825, aged 16. Hattil Washburn, Jr., married Loiza, daughter of Ebenezer Putney, 2d, April 15, 1834; she died Feb. 3, 1837, aged 180 HISTORY OF GOSHEN". 27. He married second, Betsey Ewell, Oct 8, 1839, ^^^^ ^'^*^^ ^^^y ^7' 1852. He married third, Julia Elwell, (published Nov. 27, 1852,) removed to Northampton. TJie Weeks family of this town were descendants of George and Jane, of the first settlers in Dorchester. Their son, Amiel, married Elizabeth, and had Suppl}' Weeks, who was born Aug. 26, 167 1, and removed to Marlboro. He married Susanna, daughter of Thomas Barnes, June 4, 1699, she died Jan 15, 17 12, and he married, March 10, 1715, Mary Holland of Framingham. He died Sept. 22, 1755. Children of Supply and Susanna Weeks : Thomas, born Sept. 5, 1700, married Hannah ; Jemima, born Feb. 23, 1702, married, May 19, 1730, Isaac Tomblin ; Abigail, born Jan. 26, 1704; Amiel, born Oct. 13, 1705, married Mary ; John, born March 3, 1707, married Dinah Keyes ; Elijah, born Feb. 4, 1710; Susanna, born Jan. II, 1712, married Jan. 30, 1734, Ephraim Ward. Thomas Weeks, born Sept 5, 1700, married Hannah Holland, born Aug. 27, 1704, probably of Marlboro. Their children were: Hannah, born Feb. 3, 1725 ; Ruth, born Dec. 2, 1726 ; Sam- uel, born March 31, 1729 ; Eunice, born Sept. 19, 1730, died 1731 ; Phebe, born Jan. 13, 1733 ; Thomas, born April 21, 1735 ; Eunice, born Aug 15, 1737 ; David, born Jan. i, 1740; Holland, born Aug. 14, 1742 ; Amiel, born March i, 1745. Capt. Thomas Weeks, born April 21, 1735, removed to Brookfield and married Mercy Hinckley, July, 1759. She was daughter of Job and Sarah (Tufts*) Hinckley. Job, born Feb. 16, 1688, was son of Samuel, born at Barnstable, Feb. 14, 1652, was son of Gov. Thomas Hinckley, born in England, in 1618, came to New England, 1635. Mercy Hinckley, who married Capt. Thomas Weeks, was born Sept. 22, 1737. She had two brothers killed by the Indians, probably in the "Bars Fight," 1746. Her brother Samuel, born Oct. 15, 1730, was father of Judge Samuel Hinckley of Northampton, born Dec. 22, 1757, graduate of Yale ('ollege, 1781, Judge of Probate, 1818 to 1835. Sarah, sister of Mercy, born Feb. 27, 1734, married John Ranger; Mary, another sister, married Samuel Grimes ; David, a brother of Judge Hinckley, nephew of Mercy, born Oct. 19, 1764, an eminent and wealthy merchant of Boston. He built and owned the granite * The writei- lias a pewter platter with "S. T."' the initials of Sarah Tufts, stamped upon it, which was prohably a part of her marriage outlit. HISTOKY OF GOSHEJs^. 181 structure at the corner of Beacon and Somerset streets, now in pos- session of the Congregationalists and occupied by several of their leading societies. It is said to have been the first granite building erected in Boston. Capt. Thomas Weeks was born in Marlboro, but early removed to Brookfield. In 1762 he was appointed a deputy sheriff of Worcester, and subsequently of Hampshire County, in which office he served acceptably for many years. He lived in Greenwich from 1770 10 1778, and during that time served two or three years in the army, acting as paymaster, and attaining the rank of captain. He was with our troops at the surrender of 'i'iconderoga, where, in common with other officers, he suffered the loss of his camp equipage, clothing, etc. He removed to Chesterfield Gore, and was instrumental in its incor- poration as a town in 178 1, of which he was the first town clerk, and held the office several years. He vvas delegate to the State conven- tions in 1779-80, which formed the constitution. He was much em- ployed in public affairs, and was prominent as a surveyor of land and school teacher. His old blaze, a crow's foot, is occasionally found in late years. Alvin Barrus, his great-grandson, has the compass that he used a hundred years ago. It was probably made by him. He died in 18*7, aged 82 years. He left many papers relating to the affairs of his times and several journals. Ciiildren of Capt. Thomas and Mercy (Hinckley) Weeks : Mercy, born April 18, 1762, married John Williams; Elijah, born Aug. 23, 1764, married Sarah Batchelder, 1793 ; Sarah, born May 15, 1766, married Cyrus Stekrns. The above were born in Brookfield. Ezra, born in Greenwich, May 10, 1772; Calvin, born July 6, 1774, died Feb. 10, 1801 ; Levi, born Oct. 22, 1776 ; Luther, born Dec. 23, 1778, died, 1779 ') Kata, born in Goshen, Jan. 4, 1781, married first, Au- gustus Belding 1802, second, Liberty Bowker of Savoy. Capt. Weeks died Apr. 20, 1817. His wife died Feb. 5, 1822. Her name on page 41 is erroneously given as Mary. Children of Elijah and Sarah (Batchelder) Weeks : Jared, born Apr. 5, 1794; Laura, born June 30, 1795 ; Lydia, born Apr. 3, 1796, died, 1800 ; Sophronia, born March 9, 1800 ; Clara, born Feb. 7, 1802; Hiram, born June 24, 1804; Liscom, born July 6, 1806; Vashti, born Nov. 6, 1808; Solomon, born April 30, 181 1; John Waterman, born Aug. 6. 1813 ; Sarah C, born June 16, 1817. Eli- jah Weeks removed to Scipio, N. Y. 182 HISTOKY OF GOSHEX. Ezra Weeks, who came to this town with his father when about s^x 5ear,s old, learned the trade of carpenter and builder, and when a young man removed to New York. He was successful in business, became quile wealthy, and was president of one of the city banks. He married a Miss Hitchcock, and had one son, Alfred Augustus, born July lo, 1804, a lawyer, who died unmarried, July 26, 1847. ^^^^ eldest daughter, Mary Ann, born April 17, 1798, married Dr. Mar- tyii Paine, one of the leading physicians of the city. She died Jan. 10, 1852. Caroline Louisa, the only other child, born Aug. 11, 1802, maniedDr. Stephen Brown. After retiring froiu business he resided a few years at Canaan Cen- ter, N. Y., but on the death of his son, returned to the city, where he died nbout thirty years since. He was a man of much practical wis- dom, and one of his mottoes, worthy to be remembered, was this of Addison — "A well bred man will not offend me, and no oiher can." In a letter to an aged sister, dated in 1846, he tells the story of his later years in liie following language : Will you excuse ine if I say a few words respecting nnscir. Perhaps there is no man living that has been urure highly blessed through a long life than I have been. I have never lacked ni')ney to purchase anything that I desirc^d for my (onifort or pleasure. P^veryihing I touched seemed to turn to gold u'ltil I was past fiftv years of age, and I was proud of being rich. Hut a kind rrovid(;nce sccir.g niy worldly heart, in order to huinbie nic, took foui-fifihs of my properiv from mc, but as it did not enibarra-s me. the jridolic were not aware of the extent of mv loss. I retired, supposed to be rich and not in the least humbled. ]]iit soon after the great fire in New York (Dec, 1835,) which took off one half I had left, this liumbltd me to the dust, and with the aid of my heavenly dream, which I think I related to you, I was brought to my senses. That dream caused me to see my dependence upon my Saviour, and I rejoiced at my losses and felt grateful that I had enough left to make me comfortable. Now I care no more for money than the dust under my feet, any farther than what I want to purchase mv comforts. I liave enough for my own use, if I had more I should give away more. I cannot now do much for the poor which was always my delight. I gave each of my children a handsome property be- fore I lost any, and they are richer now than I am, and very respectable in the com- munity, which is a great consolation to me. My son-in-law, Dr. Paine, is a Profes- sor in the medical college of the University in New York. He is considered one of the most learned physicians in this country. He has written several books which have attracted much attention in Europe. I am very happy with ray children. My son takes charge of all my worldly con-, cerns and I am as free from trouble as a man can be and live in it, and I am still blessed with excellent health. How can I find language to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for his merciful kindness. ****** HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 183 [Note. The loss of property to which Mr. Weeks refers, occurred in this manner : An Wniertown. N. Y., iSoo ; David, born 1776, died, 1851, married Poly W'l^on ; Eunice, married Samuel Kellog«j, removt d to Ohio ; Justin, l-om 1776, married Betsey Warren, removed to Watertown, N. Y., died 1855 ; Elijah, died 1815 ; Phebe, married Bates ; Persis, mar- ried Robbins ; Amiel, married Lucy, daughter of Stephen War. ren, removed from Goshen to Geauga Co. ^ Ohio, 1828. Ciiiidicn of Amiel and Lucy Weeks : Silas, Luther, Aaron, Miran- da, born 1824; Maria; Esther, born 1826; Cynthia, born 1832. Ir> t!ie early S'-iilri)">i (^f this state, two immigrants named Wil- liams, appe.ir ami peifonn leading jjarts i;i their respective towns. Their n nnes \vt re Robni. who settled in Roxbury, and Richard, who sct:lc-(i in Taunton, and was called the "father of the town." Each of ihese men was at htast the father of a numerous posterity, and were worthy of remembrance. Whether they were near relatives, we arc not informed. Both were said to be of Welsh origin, and both relatives of Oliver Cromw*:;lI, whose original name was Williams, and was changed to Cromwell by King James, that he might inherit an estate of his aunt's husband. In a letter of Roger Williams, the original Jiaptist in this country, he alludes to his "brother," who had sent a [.^aper of some kind for the consideiation of the people, Mr. Baylies, the Tauntoii historian, thereupon raises the query whether Richard of Taunton be not this very brother, but Mr. Savage, the genealogist, doubts the correctness of the suggestion. In a book entitled "The Ministry of Taunton," it is said of Richard Williams, "the blood of a Cromwell coursed through his veins." He was a rigid Puritan. When deaf and blind from age, he was accustomed to attend public worship, saying that "although he could neither see nor hear, yet it was according to his feelings to know he was present while the people of God were at their worship." 184 HISTOIIY OF GOSHEN. He was one of the original purchasers of the tract of land from the Cohannet Indians, which was known as the "Eight-Mile ISquare," and was in 1640 incorporated as Taunton. He was Deputy for many years from that town to the "Great and General Court" in Plymouth. The Williams families of Williamsburgh and Goshen are the de- scendants of this Richard. He was born in 1599, and married Frances Di^rhton, sister of the wife of Gov. Thomas Dudley ; they had eight children, of whom Benjamin was the sixth son. He married Rebecca Macy, or Marcy, March 18, 1690. They had four children. John, the youngest, was born March 27, 1699. This John resided in Taunton, Vs^here he died about 1780. His widow, Elizabeth, sur- vived him. Their son John, born about 1728, resided for a time in Middleboro', whence he removed to Williamsburgh, where he died Dec. I, 1802. The name of his wife was Rhoda Crowell, probably from Chatham, Mass. She died in Williamsburgh, Feb. 22, 1814. Children: John; Jonah; Joseph; Abigail, who married John Stearns of Goshen ; Mrs. Nathan Starks. Gross Williams, Esq., resided in Williamsburgh and reared a large family. One of his daughters married Edward Gere, the mother of the wide-awake and talented editor of the Hampshire Gazette — Henry S. Gere, Esq. John and Jonah removed to this town, about 1777, or '78, and set- tled in that part of it called "Chesterfield Gore." John was the first postmaster of the town, and resided where his son Hinckley now does. John, born April 23, 1755, married Mercy, daughter of Capt. Thomas Weeks. Children: Hannah, born Dec. 16, 1780, married, first, Thomas Porter, 1804, second, Capt. N. Tower, died Dec. 31, 1861 ; Sally, born Aug. 24, 1782, died, unmarried, July 30, 1870; Isaac, born Feb. 24, 1784, married Polly, daugiiter of Dr. Burgess, 1806, died Sept. 8, 1807 ; Mercy, born Aug. 17, 1785, married Benj. W. Miller, 1807, died Dec. 10, 1876 ; John, Jr., born Sept. 16, 1787, died 1788 ; John, Jr., of Ashfield, born April 6, 1789, married a daughter of Rev. David Todd, died April 4, 1879 ; Seth of Cummington, born May 9, 179 1, married Sarah, daughter of Dr. Burgess, May 20, 18 13, died Dec. 23, i860, in Madison, Iowa ; Clarissa, born March 29, 1793, died iyo2 ; Eunice, born Feb. 28, 1795, married Freeman Coffin, died 1826 ; Levi, born April 4, 1797, married Harriet Arms, died in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 28, 1848 ; Thomas, born Jan. 4, 1799, died HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 185 Aug., 1799. E'iza E., born Aug. 10, 1800, married Geo. Markham, June 2, 1S35 ^ Clarissa, born Aug. 29, 1802, died 1803 ; George, born Oct. 23, 1804, died March i, 1824; Hinckley, born Dec. 7, 1806. Sarah, wife of Seth Williams, died June 26, 1844. Hinculey Williams married Elvira A., daughter of Judge Wright of Pownal, Vt., Jan. 9^ 1833. Children : Clarinda Boardman, born Aug. 31, 1836 ; Hinckley Wright, born Oct. 8, 1844, died Aug. 25, 1864 — a student in Amherst College ; Sarah Russell, born May 3, 1850. Clarinda B., daughter of Hinckley Williams, graduate of Charles- town Female Seminary, married, June 6, i860, Hon. Lucius Manlius Boltwood, graduate of Amherst College, 1843 ; member of the Mas- sachusetts Senate, 1860-1 ; Librarian of Public Library in the city of Hartford for several years, now of New Haven; historian and genealogist of high re(3ute. Sarah Russell Williams, youngest daughter of Hinckley and Elvi- 'ra Williams, was a young lady of more than usual attainments and ability. She was a graduate of Westfield Normal School in 1868, •and for' seven years afterwards wa>> a piondnent and successful teach- er in Hartford, Conn. In 1873 she formed one of a party of teach- ers who visited the Vienna Exhibition. Two years later an affection of the throat and lungs conipclled her to give up teaching, and for four years she spent most of hei time in California and Colorada, in the hope of regaining her health. The struggle was in vain, and she •died in Boulder, Col., Aug. 24, 1879, aged 29 years. She had a strong and ready sympathy for (hose in suffering, and did much to ■brighten the lives of others, like herself, far from home. She was amiable, energetic, persevering, with a controlling will that made her ■a leader wherever she was. She brought to her Goshen home muny interesting mementoes of her travels, which are highly prized as memen- toes of herself. The obtaining of one of these, a fine bamboo rod Irom Panama, shows her power to interest and influence even strangers. When crossing the Isthmus, she requested the conductor to stop the train near a grove they were passing, that she might obtain a speci- men rod to carry home. The conductor complied, and sent one of his men, who brought 'her the desired keepsake. Louisa, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Hannah (Williams) Tower, graduated at the young ladies' seminary in Charlestown, and .taught in the High Schools in Chicopee, Mass., and in Michigan. 186 HISTORY OF goshe:n^. Si^e married Hon. John C. Dexter of Evart, Mich., and died in that place, Feb. 23, 188 1, a<4ed 60 years. Almirn, second daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Hannaii Tower, married Warren J. Ball, Oct. 30, 1845, ''"<^' ^^^'^^ Delia A., who mar- ried Allen R. Stanley, Sept. 22, 1869 ; Charles \V., born July 3, 1849 ; John. John Williams was Justice of the Peace, a ^ood business man, careful and prudent, and an esteemed citizen. He was one of the founders and chief supporters of the Baptist church in this town, and lived and died a consistent member of that branch of the christian church. He died Nov. 15, 1834. Squire Williams was a man of much shrewdness as well as solidi- ty of character, and amassed a respectable property. He had a habit of drawing lessons from circun^stances, that was often made quite instructive to others. He sometimes- related for this purj^ose, his attempt at learning to sing. When he first came to the town he said he joined the choir, ilnnking he might not onlv learn to siiig but be able to do a little good in that line. During the singing of ihe first tune, the chorister gave i)in> a friendly nudge, saying : '' Mr. Williams, you haven't quite got tJie pilch." Again Williams started off with redoubled power, and again cauie the leininder, ''Williams, you haven't got ihe pitch."' "I sat down Uj)on thai," said WilUams, ''and I have sirice seen a great many men who be_^in life with as ear- nest an effort to do something, as 1 nuule to sing, but they fail, because tlicp ((oh't (jet titc pltr/t/'' A fellow, wdio was in tiie habit of imbibing too freely when he had the opportunity, brought a bottle, saying his father was sick and had sent him foi' a pint of rum. "John," said W., "I believe you are trying to deceive me; you want the liquor for yourself." '"No," said John, ''fatlier is sartinly sick and wants me to hurry right back with it, and he told me not to taste of it, and I won't, sartin." "Well, John, if you promise that you won't taste, ril fill the bottle." John promised, the bottle was filled, and bottle and boy went off together. In a few minutes, however, both came back, John in a rage and the bottle empty. "Mr. Williams ! Mr. Williams ! you filled my bottle with water,!" "How did you find that out?" coolly inquired the merchant. "Well — I didn't know but it might be waiter, and I thought," said John, "I'd better just trvr it and see." HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 187 Of the son'i of Squire Williams, Seth was a prominent business man in Cummington for many years ; John was a merchant in Ash- field ; Levi in Northampton ; Hinckley in Goshen ; and each c-I; them noted for energy of character and devotion to business. Jonah Williams, brother of Squire John, married Anna Graves of Katfield in 1791. A large family of sons and daughters was born unto them, and grew up to manhood and womanhood. The sons v.'ere Arfemas, Atnasa, Abishai, George, Jonah, Daniel and William ; the daughters, Ann, who married Lyman Randall, May 31, 1827 ; Clarissa, who married Thomas Thayer, June iS, 1828; Wealthy, who mairicd Harvey Nichols of Chester, Ohio, April 17, 1834; and Phebe married in the West. William was a graduate of Amherst College, in the same class with Henry Ward Beecher. He and his youngest sister, Phebe, were for many years engaged in the South in the work of teaching, and he was subsequentlv professor in Lagrange College, Alabama. Upon I he breakinLj otit of the rebellion he came Nonh, and in 1864 made a j.ix weeks" tour of \okinteer service among the so'di^rs of the arm\- of the Potomac. His labors were of a deeply in!ere.st:ng character, and in Camp Distribution there was almost a continuous revival while he was theie. He distributed thousands of religious newspapers, tracts, testaments, preached often, delivered addresses on t^^mperance, and participated extensively in religious me-^iings. President Lincoln at a later date appointed him hospital chaplain at Mem])his, Tenn. A' the close of the war he retur ned South, where he died several years since, Artemas Williams removed to South Deerficld. He died Feb. 7, 18S1, aged 88 yeais, 9 months, 7 days. The following notice of him is taken from an obituary published in the Co)is;regationalist : Mr. Williams was born in Goshen in 1792. His ancestors were of Welsh origin, relatives of Oliver Cromwell, whose original name was Williams. The direct ances- tor, Richard Williams, was one of the original purchaser* of the tract of land from the Cohannet Indians, known as the eight-mile square, and was in 1640 incorpera- ted as Taunton. He was called the father of the town. His descendents were the earlier settlers of Goshen and Williamsburg, for whom the town of Williamsburg was named. Mr. Williams received his early training at the district school in his native tovrn, with the loved playmate of his boyhood. Rev. Levi Parsons, one of the first mis- sionaries of the American Board to Palestine, and later at Par.*on Ha'lock's School for boys at Plainfield, an institution widely known in those days for thorough instruction in the ccmmon branches and for good moral training. He was married 188 HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. in 1817 to a daughter of Capt. Elijah Arms, a lineal descendant of Rev. John Wil- liams, the first minister of Ueerfield.who was captured and carried to Canada by the Indians. He was one of the founders of the South Deerfield Congregational Parish in 1818; only one member survives him. When the church was built he contributed generously for its erection, and brought from Hartford with his team the bell that for many years called the worshipers at the sanctuary he loved, and where for more than sixty years he was never known te be absent on the Sabbath unless detained by sickness or the infirmities of age. He was elected parish clerk in 1822, and held that office over forty years. The old parish book, containing 200 pages of records in the clear handwriting of Mr. Williams, is treasured by thefam" ily as a sacred, heir-loom and is of great historic value. At his house the earlier ministers of the parish were examined for settlement, and his house was always the minister's home. For years the weekly church meetings were held there, and there many ? worker in educational and benevolent causes was entertained by the hospitable Christian man. In the enterprise of securing funds for the Bloody Brook Monument he took an active part. For nineteen years he was a member of the board of assessors of Deerfield. Esteemed as a citizen and magistrate, beloved by all who knew him, there was but one expression in regard to him, that of entire confidence, love and esteem. His kindly traits of character shone out so that there was no doubt of what there was within. Such transparent honesty and so high a standard of Chris- tian principles as were his, that not to make mention of them would seem to be an injustice. He was a rigid Puritan. When in early life the Holy Spirit revealed to him a Saviour mighty to save, he thus narrates in his journal the great change : "One Sabbath morning, after long struggles and darkness, on my way to the sanctuary, the clouds were scattered, light broke in upon my soul, and the infinite love of God in all His beauties and glories was revealed to me, I had nothing to do but accept and be saved. Christ had done the work, and in the full assurance of faith made me believe in Jesus, and all was happy." Mr. Daniel Williams and Miss Permelia, dau^^^hter of Mr. Silas Blake of Ashfield v/ere married Nov. 12, 1828. The fiftieth anni- versary of their marriage — the golden wedding — was observed Nov. 12, 1878, at their residence in this town. The following account of the event is condensed from the Hampshire Gazette. William Ban- croft of Chesterfield was master of ceremonies; Miss Fannie Hawks and Mrs. T. P. Lyman had charge of the entertainment. The wood that made the fire for the cooking was in the woodshed fifty years ago. Two table cloths made by Mrs. Williams and some of the crockery on the tables had been in use by the family for fifty years. Congratulatory remarks were made by Mr. Hinckley Williams, M. Alanson Washburn, Rev. Edward Clarke, Rev. C. B. Ferry and Henry S. Gere. Esq., of Northampton. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 189 Mr, Washburn was present at the original wedding fifty years ago. He was one of the famous corps of stage drivers that drove on the route from Northampton to Pittsfield and Albany. He took a four-horse team and a "Concord coach" and took the bridegroom from his home on the day of the wedding, and drove to the home of the bride, about two miles distant, and brought them back. The remarks made were of a ])leasant character, and it was noticed as notewor- thy that there was so much that could be said. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are among the most solid and substantial people of the town. They have been remarkable for .their industry and thrift, and their example is a good one for the younger people to follow. After the remarks, a poem selected for the occasion was sung by Mrs. Vining of Williamsburg. During the afternoon, supper was served to 65 guests seated at the table in frequent relays. Letters were read by Mr. Bancroft from Frederick W. Lyman ot Kenosha, Wisconsin, Rev. J. C.Thompson of Belvidere, 111., and N. H. Wood of Portage, Ohio, all former residents of Goshen or its vicinity. A letter was read from Mr. Williams' brother, Mr. Artemas Williams of South Deerfield, now 86 years of age, and blind. There were present three of the original wedding guests— Mr. Hosea Blake of Ashfield, aged 83, Mr. Hinckley Williams and Mr. Washburn. Also, several other aged people, among them Mrs. Hosea Blake, aged 78, Mr. Emmons Putney, 79 years old, and as smart as a steel trap, and Mrs. Hinckley Williams, 69 years old. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Knowlton, of North- ampton, Representative Hiram Packard, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Spelman and Mrs. Lyman D. James of Williamsburgh, and Miss Millie W. Warren of New York, the latter, the adopted daughter of Mr. "Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are n6w 74 and 71 years of age and still hale and hearty. They live on the old road from Goshen to Ashfield, in the house built by his father, Jonah Williams, in 1816. It was built for a tavern, and was kept as such several years, until the division of the county cut off the travel from Ashfield, Charlemont, and other towns in that reg'on to Northampton as the shire town, which spoilt their tavern business Tlie house has been famous for its parties, and good cheer and hospitality have always abounded. One of the old landmarks in the house is a large eight-day clock, bought by Mr. Williams' father 70 years ago, and has been doing faithful service ever since. Mr. Williams relates that he has never called a physician for himself but foilr times in his life, and then he went for him himself. Once when the Doctor came, he was feeling so much better that he dismissed him and called for his bill. 7'he Doctor charged him five dollars, saying, "I could have kept you along a good while, if I had had a mind to." That Doctor was "old Dr. Knov.lton," of Ashfield. and the incident occurred forty years ago. An address, prepared for the occasion by Hiram Barrus, Esq., of the Boston Cais- tom House, was read by Rev. B. C. Ferry, of Northampton, and was listened to very attentively by all present. EXTRACTS EROM THE ADDRESS : ♦ It is not the first time that some of us gather here to pass a pleasant hour and evening. For many years Mr. and Mrs. W^illiams annually invited the choir of 190 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. * singers belonging to their society and other friends, to meet here and devote an evening to social converse and singing. It may not l)e out of place to remark that the choir in its day has done much good singinir, and has included in its member- ship many worthy persons of each generation. Among its leaders of long ago were Dea. Asahel Billings, Frederick P. Stone, r3ea. Elijah Billings, J. M. Smith, and Major Joseph Hawkes, who is still doing good service, and has been cor.nected with the choir for nearly the entire period which is passing in retrospect before us this evening. There were also the Dressers and Hunts, instrumental musician.s; the Smiths, Stones, Putneys, Dressers, and scores of other well-rtmembered vocalists? that under this roof have taken part in, and enjoyed these annual gatherings. We remember how grandly some of those old anthems rung out, as the choir was led by "Uncle Fred," — as we called him, — one of the noblest of nun, ai.cl a model leader. Organs and melodeons were not so numerous then as now, and the usual accompaniments, if any, were stringed instruments. When these were n(,t at hand, the steel tuning fork gave "the pitch" from which the chorister with a "Do, Mi, Sol, Do,"' took his bearings, and then it 11 plunged into the tune with a heartiness and spirit that the moderns do not surpass. We have listened many a time sinc^ to paid soloists and quartettes in city churches, but rarely, indeed, have we heard vocal music that would stir the soul as did the music of that old choir. But we pass to other matters. Though it has not been the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Williams to rear children of their ©wn, it has been their privilege to adopt and bring up others. One of these was Calvin Gilmore Williams, who ])assed his early years here, and is remembered as a bright and interesting lad, a wide-awake and intelligent pupil in our schools, and always a good boy. His early death, in an- other state, recalls one of the shadows that have fallen upon this household. We remember another as the adopted daughter of a few years— Martha Baker — the sunny face and merrv vcjice of the child ; her winning ways, her attendance at school, where she stood first among the first in all that was good and commendable; the development of the bud into the blossom as she passed from girlhood and be- came at an early age the wife of one of our resi^ected and gifted clergymen. Rev. Wm. Carruthers, and then, after a brief period of happiness and usefulness, took one more step upward and was numbered with the angels. Our memory calls up with pleasant recollections another name' that it always reckons as one of this household, that of Miss Permelia Warren, the popular teach- er, whose field of labor is in the city of -New York. We remember Mr. and Mrs. Williams as among the first and foremost in reliev- ing the sick and suffering, in sympathizing with the afflicted, and in assisting to pay the last sad duties of respect to the departed. We do not forget that the services of Mr. Williams have l)een sought, in. and out of town, for conducting funerals, nor the fact that he has assisted in committing to their final resting-place the remains of not a few persons belonging to the first, second, and third generations that lived in this town. Over the doorway of one of the Roxbury homesteads, still occupied by the descendants of Robert, is wrought the family coat of arms. It bears the motto, "What God willeth, will be." Fifty years ! That period carries us back to the era before the days of railroads HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 191 and ocean steamers; before the clays of sending messages by lightning acress conti- nents and around the world; before the days of daguerreotypes, tin-types, photo- graphs, autograph albums, and telephones ; before the days ©f friction matches, kerosene lamps, cook stoves, sewing machines, ready-made clothing, and shoddy cloth; before the days when postage fell from twenty-five cents a letter to three cents; before the days of daily mails and daily papers in Goshen ; before the days when bibles were printed in hundreds of languages b/ one society, and sohl for 25 cents a copy. "IV/ioi God willeth. zvill be'" The past, present, the future, is in His hands. May His benediction rest upon each of you till the golden bowl be broken, and then may it be your happy lot to walk the golden streets, where they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels forever. [NOTi;. Since the above was prepared lox' the pres.s, Mr. Williams has passed away. His death occurred March 15, 1881.] John Williams, "Carpenter," was from Uxbriclge, and perhaps not connected with the other families. He married Deborah, daughter of John Smith, Dec. 24, 1795, but had no children. By patient in- dustry, rigid economy, and careful investments at a moderate rate of interest, with the help of a wife, like minded, he accumulated a hand- some property. Mrs. Williams survived her husband some years and very considerately made the liberal donations, which have been else- where mentioned in these pages. Mr. Williams died May 17, 1843, aged 74 years. Mrs. Williams died Sept. 19, 1859, aged 86 years Zebulon Wiilcutt was born in Cohasset, son of Jesse, and brother of Lieut. Jesse. The three probably came at the same time, April 6, 1772, and settled at once on the pbice still owned by Joel Wiilcutt (every body's "Uncle Joel,") and his sons Martin and Alvin. Zebulon prob- ably cleared the farm, a portion of which is still owned by his descen- dants. Zebulon was a strong, able-bodie(i man, and one: borrowed a five pail iron kettle in Northampton for boiling sap, which he car- ried on foot to Goshen and returned in the same way. He had I^ois, who married Hollister Damon, 1831, and two sons. Rev. William and Francis. . Rev. William married Betsey Daniels, and had Jackson, who married Amanda, daughter of Calvin Loomis ; Jason, who married Elvira, daughter of Ebenezer Shaw; Hester, who married Almon B. Loomis ; Harriet, who married Joseph Bush, Dec. 25, 1844; Eliza, who married Alonzo Shaw, 1845 ; Elvira, who married Andrew Shaw ; William, Jr., who married Rosinn, daughter of 'osepli Crosby ; Lorenzo, married Partridge. 192 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Jackson Willcutt had Andrew J., born July 5, 1845 ; and Edward. Jason Willcutt removed to Cummington and had Brackley; Clarinda.. Children of Harriet and Joseph Bush : Henry, who married Mar- tha Stone ; Hattie and Alice. Children of Eliza and Alonzo Shaw : Charles Nelson, married, and resides in Adams; Georgiana ; Mary Ann ; Willie E., who married Eva V. Merritt, June 29, 1878 ; Florence. Francis Willcutt married Mehitabel Daniels, and had Harvey, who died Nov.. 9, 1851, aged 26 ; Horace, married Robbins ; Hiram, married Eunice L. Robbins ; Mary, who married, first, Milo Milliken,. second, Lafayette Eddy, Dec. 14, 1854; Noah, died April 23, 185 1, aged 16 ; Mehitabel, born Jan. 3, 1843, married Stephen Parsons of Plainfield, May 10, 1870 ; Emily, married Horatio Culver, Jan. 15, 1879. Enoch Willcutt, son of Lieut. Jesse, married, first, Sally Wood,. 1801, second, Hannah Knight, 1826. Children . Philip, died unmar- ried ; Mercy, who married Theodore Damon, June 6, 1831 ; Hannah, who married Joseph Cole, Sept. 23, 1838 ; Candace, who married John Allis, Jan. 29, 1840 ; another son. Alpheus Willcutt, brother of Enoch, married Chloe , lived for a time in Goshen, had Harrison ; John, who married Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Shaw ; and other children. Mrs. Chloe married, sec- ond, Pardon Washburn, Dec. 5, 1842. Rhoda Willcutt, sister of Enoch, married, first, Ball, father of Warren J. Ball. Mrs. Rhoda, married, second, Eleazer Hawks, and had one son — William. Capt. Edward Wing probably came from Warren, Mass., where his first child, Edward, Jr., was born ; his other children were born in Goshen. His wife was Elizabeth . Children : Edward, Jr., married Polly Blood, Dec. 15, 1802; Nel- son, born April 6, 1778, married Betsey- Tilton, Nov. 25, 1802 ; James, born Dec. 30, 1780, drowned June 7, 1797 ; Elisha, born Sept. 7, "1782, married Desire Hall of Ashfield, 1807 (published Sept. 27); Elizabeth, born March 14, 1784; Isaac, born Jan. 20, 1786, married a daughter of Rev. Mr. Keyes of Conway; Rebekah, born Feb. 18, 1788, married Nathaniel Clark of Ashfield, June i, 1809 ; Sally, born June 21, 179 1 ; Samuel, born Feb. 25, 1792, married Patty Bond of Conway, 1816, (published Sept. 30.) HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 193^ Isartc Wing married Keyes, and had Samuel, who married 'Catherine Wolf of Deerfield, 1839 ; Isaac, Jr., married Nancy Ladd, 1841 ; Mary A., married Oscar Washburn,* Dec. 12, 1848, died May 2, 1852. There was a Benjamin Wing, perhaps son of Edward, who married Jane Bond of Conway, 1819. Rev. Samuel W'hitman was born in Weymouth, March i, 1751 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1775; settled in Asiiby, 1778; dis- missed, 1783; settled in Goshen, 1788 ; member of the Legislature, i8o8 ; dismissed from his pastorate here, July 15, 1818. He published several sermons, and an 8 vo. volume, entitled "Key to the Bible Doctrine of Atonement and Justification," and "An Im- partial History of the Proceedings of the Church and People of Goshen in the dismission of their minister, &c.," 1824. Mr. Whitman married Grace, daughter of Ezekiel Cheever of Bos- ton. Their children were : Samuel; Ezekiel, born 1783 ; and Grace, probably born before coming to Goshen; David, born 1788, died unmarried; Sally, born 1791, died unmarried; Polly, born 1792; Betsey, born 1794, married Hazo Parsons of Belchertown, and remov'ed to Middletown, Va. ; Ephraim, born 1796, printer, died Sept. 14, 1819 ; Stephen West, bom 1797, physician, died Aug. 13, 1826, on his way from Ohio to visit friends here, leaving a wife and child ; Abby, born 1800, married Oren Carpenter,Boston, died 1842, Mr. Whitman passed through many and severe trials, which he bore with christian fortitude. It has been said that he was dismissed from his pastorate on account of a change in his religious opinions. In a letter wwitlen in August before his death, he said : "I have been attending to Mr. Ware's Theology, reading nine sermons of his in a volume sent me. If I do not think in all points just as he does, I have no more right to say he is destitute of religion than he has to say I am destitute of it, because I do not hold with him in ail points. He is a man of good sense, and he writes like a sincere man, a man who has a good heart. If hearts agree in uniting to Christ, we shall meet in heaven where Christ is, and there our understandings and judgments will be rectified. Not to hold communion and fellowship with a man because he believes that there is but one God, even the Father of our I^ord Jesus Christ, is unreasonable and borders on persecution." In one of the last letters he wrote — perhaps the last 194 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. — dated Nov. 13, 1826, he speaks of being under the care of Dr. Starkweather, but hopes to be better to morrow. It is written to his daughter Abbyin Boston, where she was residing with her aunts, in reference to her approaching marriage. After giving her some good advice^ he closes, saying : "I rejoice that you rejoice in Zion's pros- perity. We hope that the religious revival in Boston will be great, and also elsewhere. I hope that Unitarians, wherein they err, will be reformed, that they and all others will speculate correctly, and that sinners will be converted from total moral depravity to the love of the truth, as it is in Jesus. If we love Christ we shall be saved, if we do not believe as some others do." These extracts will be suf- ficient, perhaps, to show the direction in which his departures from the orthodox standards of his times were thought to have been made, as well as his general views relating to the main truths of the gospel. He died Dec. 18, 1826, from an attack of a7igina pectoris. His last words were : ''The ways of the Lord are equal." Mr. Whitman was the eldest son of David and Olive (Webb) Whit- man, of Weymouth. David was son of Ebenezer, son of John, Jr., son of John of Dorchester, who came from England. A brief j;,ene- alogy of the Whitman family, published in Portland many years since, gives the date of Mr. Whitman's birth as 1744, seven years earlier than the date recognized by his family. Mr. Emmons Putney says that Mr. Whitman, during the winter season was accustomed to preach, wearing his overcoat and striped mittens, with a red bandana handkerchief as a covering for his head. There were three distinct families of early settlers of the name of White; Ezekiel, of Weymouth; Farnum, of ; and William of Charlton. Ezfckiel was grandson of Samuel, of Weymouth, who married Anna Pratt. Her father and mother were deaf and dumb. Children of Samuel and Anna : Ebenezer, Jeremiah, Elisha, Sam- uel, Neheraiah, Micah, Matthew, Anna, Hannah, Ezekiel. Ezekiel, married Abigail Blanchard, and had Abigail, married Da- vid Turner ; Ezekiel, Jr., married Sarah Vinton ; Chloe, married Job Trufant ; Mary, married Samuel Peck ; Silence, married John Shaw; David, married Martha Cottle ; Nehcmiah, married Mary Ripley ; Noah, married Tamar Bates, 1783 ; Sarah, married Asa French ; HISTORY OF goshe:n^. 195 Ebenezer, married Calista Partridge ; Olive, married Jacob French ; Josiah, died unmarried. Sarah White, sister of Lieut. Ebenezer, married Asa French, Feb. 14, 1784. Their children were : Elihu, Samuel, Irena, William, So- phia, Jabez, (who was father of M. M. French of Northampton,) Ambrose, Sail)-, Nathan. Lieut. Ebenezer White, married first, Calista, daughter of Asa Partridge, Sen., 1786. She died Feb. 29, 1808, aged 45 years. He married second, Hannah Ripley, who died June, 1836. Children of Lieut. Ebenezer and Calista : Asa, born Dec. 16, 1787, died Dec. 25, 1859 ; Fr-bun, born Oct. 31, 1789, married Betsey, daughter of Ezel^iel White, Jr.; Sarah, born Oct. 6, 1794, mariied Capt. Horace Packard, Jan. 17, 1818, died April 4, 1876 ; Polly, born May 18, 1797, died unmarried, May 12, 1862 ; John, born Oct. 26, 1799, married Salome Curtis, died Feb. 20, 187 1 ; Calista, born Aug. 3, 1801, married Hiram Thayer, died Feb. 2, 1838; Ebenezer, born Dec. 5, 1807, married Mary Tilden, June, 1837, died Nov. 27, 1870. Asa White, born 1787, married first, Livia Ely, Nov. 26, 181 1 ; second, Harriet Ely — sister, 1844. Children of Asa and Livia White; Orrel, born Sept. 23, 1815, married Joseph T. Thayer, Oct. 28, 1835, died Sept. 24, 1868; Homer; Peregrine, married Catharine Willcutt ; Heman, married Ellen Brackett, Farnum White, probably not connected with the other White fam- ilies of this town, was one of the early settlers, and with his wife Lois, united with the church here, within three or four years of its organization. He died Dec. 6, 1795, aged 45. His wife removed to WilliaiHstown to reside, probably with her daughter, and died in 1813. Children : Chloe, born Aug. 23, 1775, married Cheney Taft, 1793; Seth, born Dec. 8, 1778, married Relief Stone, June 4, 1800, removed to Williamstown about 1812 ; Ntlson, born April 13, 1781 ; Abigail, born Aug. 7, 1783, married Elijah Streeter, April 23, 1801 ; Elias, born Dec. 16, 1787, married first, Rhoda Cowles of Williamsburgh, 1814. She died Jan. 21, 1817, and he married second, Hannah, daughter of Maj. Ambrose Stone, Dec. 25, 1817 ; Clarissa, born March 18, 1790, married Lucius Cowles of Williamsburgh, April 23, 1812. 196 HISTORY OF goshe:n. The children of Chloe and Cheney Taft, born in this town, were : Newell, born April 4, 1794; Lyman, born Nov. 17, 1795; VVillard, born Feb. 13, 1798 ; Harriet, born March 15, 1800. The father joined the church here in May, 1801, and afterwards the family removed to Williamstown, where Mr. Taft was held in high esteem. He was a deacon of the church there. Tiie Tafts are descended from Robert, of Braintree, and in 1874, had a re-union in Uxbridge, where many of the name were i3resent. Judge Taft of Ohio delivered the address. The following extract of a poem read on the occasion gives a brief exhibit of the principles of the pioneer families: — On mountain tops of thought they trod, And heard the thunders roar Beneath them, while they talked with God And worshiped Him the more ; They came into the wilderness Where tempted day by day. They met the Devil face to face And drove the fiend away. They smo the Quakers hip and thigh. They bade the Baptists go, Episcopacy, high or low, They didn't care to know ; They'd seen enough of other creeds To make them prize their own ; They felt it met their soul's best needs, To go it all alone. Caroline, the only child of Elias and Rhoda White, removed West and married there. Elias White, married second, Hannah Stone, and had Catharine, who married Francis M. Pierce, died Aug. 16, 1880, at Kenosha, Wis. ; Lois Emily, who married Medad Hill of Williamsburgh ; Alfred A., learned the printer's trade, in the office of the Northampton Courier; removed to Wisconsin and thence to Dubuque, Iowa, where he died after a brief illness, Jan. 30, 1852, aged 24 years. He was an excellent scholar, gifted as a writer, and had become the editor of a newspaper. He was brought up in the family of his grandfather Stone. William White, Es i., fiom Charlton, in 1762, was 01-e of tlie very earliest settlers. He purchased of Gad Lyman, receiving a deed Albertype— Forbes Co., Boston. Joseph White. mSTORY OF GOSHEN. 197 thereof, dated May 17, 1762, the westerly half of Lots No. 6 and No. 13, First Division. The deed is witnessed by Mercy Hawley and Joseph Hawley of Northampton. Ezra May, in consideration of twenty pounds, lawful money, deeded to him, Dec. 29, 1762, "the whole twentieth original lot, that is to say, ye twentieth lot in the first Divis- ion, in and of that tract of land in the said Chesterfield, which is part of the late Propriety called the Narragansett number four. The said lot in quantity is about one hundred acres, be the same more or less." This deed was also witnessed by Major Hawley. White built his house near the east side of lot No. 20, nearly on the spot where the present house stands, which was built about 1829, perhaps later. Lot No. 20 was bounded on the east by lot No. 13. The ancestors of William White, Esq., have not been definitely ascertained. They were probably of the early settlers of Woodstock from Roxbury. John of Roxbury had John, and probably Joseph and Benjamin. John, Jr., and Joseph had each a Joseph. Benjamin White, son of one of the Josephs, was admitted to the church in Rox- bury in 1703. The heirs of Lieut. John White received certain lands in Woodstock. There is little doubt that Joseph and Benjamin were family names in this branch of the White family, and the frequent recurrence of the names in these early years suggests the reason of their repetition in the family born in this town. Wdliam, the pioneer in 1762, was son of a Benjamin, who fjiay have been the Benjamin above named, son of Joseph, but it is not proved. William was probably an only son. He had one sister who married Gates. It is very probable that Benjamin, the father, died while these two children were quite young. The town records of Goshen, in the hand-writing of William White, have the following statement, which is probably the earliest record of the family that is reliable : William, son of Benjamin White and Abigail, his wife, born at Dudley, March 26, 1737, married, April 7, 1763, Marcy, daughter of Richard and Dorothy (Marcy) Dresser, born Sept. 18, 1742. The children of William and Marcy are recorded, as follows : Marcy, born Oct. 3, 1764, married Alpheus Naramore ; William, born Jan. i, 1767, died April 8, 1792 ; Mary, born Nov. 11, 1768, married Thomas Adams, May 20, 1794; Prudence, born July 16, 1771, married John Adam^, May 20, 1794; Eunice, born Nov. 8, 1773, died Jan. 8, 1788 ; John, born Feb. 13, 1776, died Aug. 12, 198 HISTORY OF GOSHEK. 1777; Abigail, born April, 2, 1778, died Jan. 13, 1788; Hannah, born Aug. 20, 1780, married Timothy Lyman ; John, born Dec. 29, 1782, died Jan. 13, 1788 ; Ezra, born Dec. 27, 1784, died Jan. 29, 1788; Joseph, born Aug. 17, 1787; Benjamin, born Aug. 17, 1787. William Wiiite, Sen., died Nov. 7, 182 i ; his wife, Jan. i, 1823. William, Jr., was a physician. He died and was buried in Dorches- ter on his way home from the South, where he had been for his health. Two sons only, of this large family, lived to enter upon active business, Joseph and Benjamin, twin brothers. Both resided upon the homestead for about thirty years, both men of recognized ability, possessing many traits of character in common, and bearing so strong a resembhmce to each otiier in form, feature and voice, that their neighbors were sometimes in doubt as to which they met. Joseph White, born Aug. 17, 1787, married Oct, 31, 1820, Sophia Huntington of Hinsdale, Alass. For seven and a half years after his marriage he remained in Goshen, during which time, with the ex- ception of six nionth.s wiien lie kept the hotel at the center of the town, he and iiis brother Benjamin carried on the home farm in com- pany, both living in the same house as one family. In the spring of 1828, he removed to Hinsdale, Mass., iiaving pur- chased one of the best farms in that town. Sound judgment and integrity, with industry and economy, in whicii his wife bore her full share, made him a successful farmer. He was a man of scholarly tastes, .fond of reading, and was especially familiar with the Bible. In early life he made a public profession of religion, uniting with the Congregational Church, in which he continued to be an earnest and consistent member. He was aUvays prominent in the town and in the church, and was marked for his modesty, intelligence and piety. He took great interest in giving his children "a start in life,"' and always cheerfully aided them pecuiiiarily to the extent of his means. He died on his birth day, Aug. 18, i860, at the age of 73 years, leav- ing a widow and seven children, all of whom siill survive. Mrs. White now resides with her youngest daughter, in Worcester, Mass., in the enjoyment of health and in the full possession of all her facul- ties, at the age of nearly 85 years. His chil dren are : Sarah Huntington, born in Goshen, Nov. 30, 1821, married March 28, 1848, Charles T. Huntington, and now resides in West Brookfield, Mass. She was educated at the Academy Albeitypc: Forbes Co., Boston. JOSEPH H. WHITE. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 199 in Worthington and at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, and is justly held in high esteem for her intelligence and christian charncter. Joseph Huntington, born in Goshen, Jan. 28, 1824. In his boyhood, while upon the farm, he showed uncommon energy and enterprise. At the age of 22 he went to Boston and obtained a situation as cleik in a store. About a year later, he commenced the retail dry goods business on his own account in Manchester, N. H., in company with his cousins, William and Benjamin F. White. At the ex- piration of two years, he sold out his interest to his partners, and engaged in the same business on Hanover street, Boston. Jan. i, 1854, he organized the dry goods importing and jobbing firm of White, Browne, Davis & Co. They at once commanded a large trade, and g.iined ;in enviable reputation for taste hi the selec- tion of dress goods for ladies' wear. The firm soon began to import Inrgely, and in 1864 changed to a strictly importing and pack- age business in Boston and New York, under the style of White, Browr.e & Co. This firm did a very large and profitable business for ten and a half years, and was dissolved July i, 1874. Since that time Mr. White has been the senior partner in the firm of White, Pay- son & Co., the selling agents for the jDroduction of the Manchester Mills, located at Manchester, N. H., a corporation, which in 1874 he was chiefly instrumental in re-organizing^, and in which he is a large stockholder. By close attention to his business, in which he has shown extraordinary ability, he has acquired a large fortune. He is a director in the Manchester Mills and in the Eliot National Bank. For more than thirty years he has been a constant attendant at the Central Congregational Church, of which the Rev. Joseph T. Duryea, D. D., is now the pastor. He took a leading part in the erection of its magnificent church edifice, being an active member of the building committee and contributing liberally of his means. By his counsel and aid, he has been of great service to his younger brothers. He married, Jan. 13, 1853, Miss Mary E. Stanyan of Chichester, N. H., who died Dec. ig, 1853. Was again married, Nov. 13, 1855, to Miss Ellen D. Tewksbury of Manchester, N. H. Sophia Marcy, born in Goshen, March 6, 1826, was educated at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., married Dec. 29,' 1851, Stephen J. Wilcox. She lived for many years in Boston and now resides in Worcester, Mass. She is an active member of the Pied- 200 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. mont Congregational Church. Since the death of her father in i860, she has kindly given her mother a home in her family. James, born in Hinsdale, Mass., July 9, 1828, graduated at Williams College in 1S51, taught mathematics two years in Williston Seminary at Easlhampton, Mass. Commenced the study of theology at Ando- ver, but was compelled to relinquish it on account of a diseaseof the eyes. In December, 1854, went to Boston and joined his brotht;r Joseph in business ; was a member of the firm of White, Brown' & Co., and retired from business in July, 1874. In 1875 was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature, was two years a member of the House of Representatives, and also two years a member of the Senate. He served on the Committees on Claims, Education and the Treasury, and was Chairman of each of them. He was elected by the alumni a Trustee of Williams College, and for this year is President of the "Williams Alumni Association of Boston." He has taken an active interest in benevolent and christian work, is a deacon in the Central Congregational Church, President of "the City Missionary Society," and for this year is President of "the Congregational Club of Boston and vicinity." He was married, Jan. 22, 1856, to Miss Harriet Cor- nelia, daughter of Dr. B. F. Kittrtdge of Hinsdale, Mass. The Boston Advertiser, recently, advocating the election of Mr. White to an important office urged "the business men generally to see to it that their ballots bear the name of the Hon. James White. He has been a very prominent merchant, and is one of a family of broth- ers who have done much to build up the dry goods trade of Boston. He is also a gentleman of much experience in public affairs, having been a member of the house of representatives in 1876 and 1877, and of the senate in 1878 and 1879. -^^ served with much distinction on the committees on education, claims, and the treasury, and has been chairman of all of them. Especially as a member of the com- mittee on claims were his services of great value to the State, and large amounts were saved to the treasury by his careful scrutiny of demands upon it. He belongs to a class of citizens whom it is ex- ceedingly desirable to encourage to enter public life," Simon Huntington, born in Hinsdale, Mass., May 22, 1831, mar- ried, Nov. II, 1857, Miss Sarah A. Staikey of Westmoreland, N. H. He purchased his father's farm in Hinsdale, upon which h(; continues to reside. He has served upon the Board of Selectmen, and has been prominent in agricultural circles, having been President of the HISTUKY OF GOSHEI^. 201 Highland Agricultural Society at Middlefield, and the Berkshire at Pittsfield. He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1874, and served upon the Committee on Prisons. He is a member of the Congregational Church, Jonathan Huntington, born in Hinsdale, July 25, 1836, married, June 28, 187 1, Miss Abby C. Herman of Boston. He was educated at the Hinsdale Academy and at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.* He went to Boston at the age of seventeen, and was clerk and afterwards partner with his brother-in-law, Mr. S. J. Wilcox, in the retail dry goods business. Since March, 1865, he has been a partner in the firm of R. H. White & Co., and now resides in Paris, France, being the foreign buyer for his firm. Ralph Huntington, born Jan. i [, 1841, went to Boston at the age •of eighteen years, and was cl:;rk in the retail dry g03ds store of his brother-in-law, Mr. S. J. Wilcox. March r, 1862, when twenty-one years of age, he purchased a half interest in a retail dry goods store on Hanover street, and commenced business on his own account under the firm name of Tower & White. At the expiration of ten months of a prosperous business, he sold out his interest to his part- ner, and joined his brother-in-law, under the firm name of Wilcox, White & Co., on Winter street. This firm also did a profitable busi- ness, which they sold out at the end of two years. At this time, March I, 1865, he formed a cop irtnership with his brotjier Jonathan and continued business on the same street, th'i style of the firm being R. H. White & Co. Heie they did a large and profitable business till Jan. 1877, when they rcmov -d 10 their present magnificent store on Washington street. At the age of twenty-one years this young man left a clerkship in a retail dry goods store, where he was getiing six dollars per week, and was laying up money at that, and commenced business for him- self with a few hundred dollars, a part of which he had earned him- self. At the age of forty we find him at the head of a firm, vhose business, built up chiefly by his own ability, is exceeded in amount by not more than three or four similar establishments in this country. It will not be easy to point to a similar instance, at least in Boston. He married, Dec. 24, 1863, Miss Ellen M. Tucker of Andover, Mass. Benjamin White married first, Sophia Butler of Williamsburgh, 1814, and had Clarissa, born Oct. 11, 1815, music teacher, resided 202 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. in Chicago, died in Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 15, 1876 ; William, born Aug. 7, 18 19, merchant in Manchester, N. H,, married Emeline R. Allen, 1843 j Julia M., born Dec. 28, 1820, married C. C. Dresser, died June 26, 1877 ; Henry, born March 15, 1823, married Merilla, daughter of Isaac King, died March 15, 1872 ; Benjamin F., born Oct. 12, 1825, was in business in Manchester, N. H., and afterwards in Ogdensburgh, N. Y., died Sept. 27, 1873, leaving one daughter. William and Emeline (Allen) White had Lizzie, born in Goshen, April 2 1, 1846, and Mary, born in Manchester, July i, 1854. Mrs. Sophia, wife of Benjamin White, Sen., died April 9, 1833, aged 41 years, and he married, second, Mrs. Aurelia Bardvvell, widow of Samuel Naramore. She died Aug. ir, 1869. Benjamin White, Esq., was so connected with nearly every phase of public business in the town, parish and church, that a history of either refiects more or less of his hisioiy. He was equal to the duties of ap.y and every position to which he was called. He was not ambitious for office. Modest and unassuminjj, his abilities were far in advance of his aspirations. He filled the office of Town Cletk, with rare ability, for a long period ; was the principal Justice of thie Peace for many years ; was a member of the Legislature, and also of the Convention for revising the Constitution ; and was for one or more terms one of the Special County Commissioners for Hamp- shire County. He was pre-eminently a man of peace. He depre- cated personal jealousies and neighborhood and town quarrels, and chose to incur the displeasure of the contending parties, rather than to aid either in keeping up strife. Yet he was sensitive to criticism,, but no amount of contumely or opposition could turn him from what he believed to be the right course. He was a true gentleman, pure- minded as a woman, thoroughly honest, and a sincere christian. He died Jan. 25, 1873, aged 85 years. William White, son of Benjamin, was for many years a prominent dry goods merchant in Manchester, N. H., where he is hiighly esteemed for his integrity and for his generous devotion to the inter- ests of his customers. Goshen has not produced a more obliging friend or genial companion than he. Rev. Joel Wright was born in Milford, N. H., Jan. 26, 1784., Educated at Dartmouth College, he lOok high rank as a scholar,. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 203 and also for a deep and ardent devotion to the cause of Christ. His theological studies were under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Payson, of Rindge, N. H. A^ter his ordination, he was first settled in the work of the ministry, at Leverett, Mass, From that place he was called to the pastorate of the church and society in Goshen, where, for about eight years, the work of the Lord prospered in his hands ; many being brought to a love and acknowledgment of the truth, as well by the private, godly walk and conversation of the man, as by the public ministrations of tiie pastor. Subsequently Mr. Wright was called to a parish in Vermont ; but, after a few years of labors there, the climate of the Green Mountains being too severe for his health, never very robust, he removed to New Hampshire. ]'ut, after some six years residence in that State, fail- ing health and other circumstances iiiduced him to return to Massa- chusetts, where he coniiiuied to reside until the 8th of June, 1859 ; when, with ardenu loiii^inj^s for the r. st which remaineth for the peo- ple of God, he went home to the Father's house on high. Air. Wright was eniinenily a man of God. Whether in the retire- ment of his study or ministering to and among his peiple, the chief consideration was, how he could best promote the spiritual welfare of those over whom the Holy Ghost harl made him overseer. To tiie visitation of his people in their homes, or to the sanctuary, where he met them to dispense the words of Life, he always went from his closet, where he had sought for wisdom and grace for the work befote him. In his preaching, as well as in the preparation of ser- mons, he sought not so much to please the fancy of his hearers, as to place before them the sublime truths of the Gospel in such plain and simple, yet eloquent forms, as to win their hearts to the love and obedience of Christ. And his daily life was consistent with his preaching. Always fore- most in every good cause, he not only pointed souls to Heaven, but himself led the way. During a ministry of almost one-third of a cen- tury, that portion of it passed at Goshen was, to Mr. Wright, the most satisfactory in the retrospect, both in his relations with the peo- ple and the fruits of his labors. The ties of friendship and christian fellowship there formed, were kept fresh, either by correspondence or personal intercourse with members of that parish down to the closing up of eafthly relations by the hand of death. The families of the Lymans, Billings, Packards, Stones, and others which might be 204 HISTORY or GOSHEIS^. named, were among the cherished ones in memory. But these con- temporaries of his work have, like him, passed within the veil ; and, as it is humbly hoped, are now reunited in the presence of Him whom they so faithfully served together, in time ; even Jesus, their Re- deemer and Saviour. Of the children of Rev. Mr. Wright who survived him, the eldest son, Rev. D. Grosvenor Wright, D. D., is a clergyman of the Pro- testant Episcopal church, and resides in the state of New York. An- other son, T. Spencer Wright, M. D., is a prominent physician and surgeon, at Fond-du-Lac, Wisconsin. The eldest daughter, who was born im Goshen, is the accomplished wife of Dr. A. L. Hoyt, also residing in Fond du-Lac. One of the grandsons of Rev. Mr. Wright, J. W. Wright, M. D., is Professor of Surgery in the medical depart- ment of the "University of New York City." Rev. J. E. M. Wright, present pastor of the church, is a lineal de- scendant, in the seventh generation, of Thomas Cushman, the succes- sor of Brewster in the eldership at PlymDuth. He was the only son of Robert Cushman, whom Gov. Bradford was wont to call the "Right hand of the Pilgrims," and of Mary Allerton, the daughter of Isaac Allerton, the youngest passenger in the Mayflower. She died at the age of 90 years, the last survivor of the Pilgrim band. His mother was Wealthy, daughter of Caleb Cushman of Goshen. She married Jonathan Wright of Northampton, in 1799. He is the youngest of their nine children, and was born in Jackson, Maine, June 23, 1822. From his earliest years he had a great desire for a collegiate edu- cation ; and ever after he became personally interested in religion felt that no other profession or occupation but the ministry would satisfy him. Circumstances prevented the fulfilment of his cherisiied wish for a liberal education ; the lack of which, he tried to supply as far as possible by spending all the time he could command in study- ing, both alone and with private tutors, such branches as would es- pecially fit him for the work of the ministry. After some ten years' experience in leaching and preparatory study, he entered the Bangor Theological Seminary in 1849, ^"^ graduated in 1852, That same autumn he entered upon missionary work in Penobscot Co., Maine, having been previously married to Miss Evelina Gilbert of Gorham, Maine. He was ordained as an Evangelist, at Burling- HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 205 ton, Maine, Oct. 25, 1852. Here he labored with much pleasure and a reasonable degree of success, for about four years and a half, when he accepted a call to become the pastor of a newly organized church in Rockport, Maine. This was a rapidly growing village, with many young, enterprising, public-spirited men. Having had much experi- ence in dealing with all classes of men, he applied himself very closely to study, and now entered upon his work as a settled pastor full of hope and enthusiasm. Here he hoped to spend his days and see a large church grow up under his care and God's blessing. But after several years of prosperity, the war clouds began to gather, and at length the Rebtjllion burst forth. From the first he felt called upon to do something for the union cause. With this feeling grow- ing deeper and stronger he enlisted as a private, in Dec, 1863. As a consequence of this, in part at least, about thirty others enlisted in h is village that same week ; many of whom distinguished themselves by effective work in putting down tiie Rebellion. But he was rejtrcted for physical disability, having just then some temporary inflammation of the lungs. All these facts soon found their way into the local papers, and through them to the state regiments at the front, and without any agency of his, resulted in his appointment as Chaplain of the 8lh Regimenr, Maine Volunteers. He was commis- sioned by the Governor, and mustered into the United States service, March I, 1864, at Beaufort, S. C. He served in that capacity till the close of the war, being soon transferred to Virginia and sent to the front, participating i/i every skirmish, fight and battle, in which the regiment was engaged, except one, including the battle of Cold Har- bor, the siege of Petersburg and the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox. After several months spent in Richmond, Va., he received a call to become the acting pastor of the Congregational Church in Orleans, Barnstable Co., Mass. Here he began his work in Nov., 1865, not giving himself any time to rest after the constant excitement and taxation of army life. He had had several attacks of intermittent fever in the army without leaving his regiment. Soon after resum- ing his pastoral duties, he found his strength giving way. Sickness and death repeatedly visited his family he also met with a severe injury. All these causes combining, at length he was prostrated by disease and brought close to death's door. A merciful Provi- dence raised him up in a measure, but finding his labors too great 206 HISTORY OF GOSHEISr. lor h is strength, he resigned Iiis ciiarge and gave himself up to rest, for four years and a half with a people whose Christian kindness could not be excelled. He was next installed pastor of the. Congre- gational Church in Upton, Worcester Cc,, wheie he labored about four years and a half, and then removed to Needham, where he re- mained a little more than five years, laboring with great joy, and a good degree of encouragement and success. But in all these places, since his return from the war, he has worked in much weakness and several times has been brought to the brink of the grave. In all his fields of labor. God has blessed his efforts with frequent conversions and additions to the churches, and in all, except Orleans, with special revivals of religion, including the army. At Orleans, it was his priv- ilege to garner and care for the ripened sheaves reaped by another. Last December he was installed pastor of the old church in Goshen with which his godly mother connected herself in the fresh- ness and hope of early life. " To her, under God," he says, " I owe more than I have power to express. She consecrated me to the work of the ministry from my infancy ; trained me in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and instructed me in the great truths and corresponding duties of our ho!y religion in my youth ; dying sud- denly, with all the members of the family present except myself, she left me this message, ' Study to know what duty is and then do it.' This I have ever tried to make the rule of my life." HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 20( SUPPLEMENTARY. ADDITIOISTS AND COE.RECTIOlSrS It should be said by way of explauation in regard to the family sketches that the original plan of the writer was to give sketches rather than genealogies, but as the work and printing progressed, the plan was somewhat changed, and the details were more extended. The lists of births, deaths and marriages that follow the sketches, will supply to some extent the lack of these particulai's in the sketches. Joshua Abell, Jr., married, second, Polly , who died Nov. 14, 1846, aged 84. Children of Abner and Lois Baker : Waters, born July 27, 1796; Artr;mas, bom Sept. 5, 1798 ; Theodore, born April 26, 1801 ; Nahum, born Feb. 28, 1803. This family removed to the West. Daniel Beals married Hannah, daughter of David Stearns, and had : Ellas, who married Polly Bates, 1832 ; John, married Rosina Bates; David, married Climena Bates, Jan. 11, 1827. David had Laura, who married Chester M. Fuller, 1847. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller had EUeon Adella, born June 28, 1852. Gershom Bates was son of Nehemiah. Ger.^hom had several brothers, Nehemiah, Asa and Levi of Cummington; Solomon of Ches- terfield, father of Hudson ; Ephraim, of Piainfield ; Jacob, of Ver- mont ; Eliab, of New York. Luther Bates, son of Gershom, married Lucinda Hersey in 1835, and about twenty years later removed to Heath. Dexter Beals, grandson of the " Mountain Miller," married Julia, daughter of Wiilard Packard, and had Pamelia, born April 3, 1831^ 208 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. married John Kinne}', Jan. 29, 1852 ; Joseph, born Sept. 2, 1832 j Malesta P., born March 10, 1834, dUd Oct. 22, 1843 > Elizabeth A., born Sept. 3, 1835 j L'-ither H. ; Julia B. ; Emcline F., born July 29, 1842; Malesta G., born Feb. 22, 1844; Mary Arabella, born July 15, 1846 : Harriet C, born April 3, 1848 ; Dexter J., Aug. 28, 1850; Abbie A., born July 6, 1852; Homan, born Dej. 18, 1854. Mr. Beals removed to Wisconsin, Dec, 1856, and after a residence of a few years returned to this State, and now lives in Easthampton. During his residence in Goshen, Mr. Beals was engaged for several years in the business of selling and setting out shade trees. He was a pioneer "Village Improvement Society," and probably set out more maple and other shade trees in the Connei;ticut valley than any man of his lime. Joseph Beals married Martha Rogers, Oct. 28, 1853. Children: Julia E., born May 17, 1870; Eleanor L., born Aug. 16, 1871; Joseph D., born June 13, 1875. Lutlier H., is a manufacturer in Weslfield. Homan is in business in New York. George Barrus (page 140), died May 15, 1868, not 1869. Levi Barrus married second, Elvira (Warner) Allis, Feb. 22, i8c;4, and had a son, born Jan. 3, died Jan. 23, 1856. Alvan Barrus (page 141), was born in 1831, not 1841. He received his first commission as Justice of the Peace in 1867. Patience Barrows married, 3d, Salah Clark, Esq. (page 140). M. Huldah should read married Huldah. David Carpenter came to Goshen, in 1806, with Ezra his father, from Savoy, where they had lived about twelve years. David was born in Attleboro, his father in Rehoboth. Ezra Brackett came to this town in 1839, fi'Ofi^ Hawley, and after a residence of about twenty years removed to Worthington with his son Ezra. His wife died there, and he has since returned to this town and resides with Henry T. Godfrey, who married his daughter Susannah. Another daughter, Hannah C, married Anson W. God- frey, May 16, 1840; Ruth married Newman Bartlett, June 29, 1848 • Olive married Wm. Porter, June 22, 1858; Ellen married Heman White, Jan. 17, i860. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 20^ Rev. RalpU Cushman, after leaving college, taught the Academy in Belfast, Me. One of his pupils was the late Hon. George W. Crosby, Member of Congress and Governor of Maine. He always remem- bered his early teacher, and often spoke of the loveliness of his char- acter and h.is remarkable talent as a singer. In a irajsical history of Andover Theological Seminary, Mr. Cushman was ranked as one of the best tiiree singers that ever graduated from that institution. His nephew, Rev. J. E. M. Wright, gives the date of his death August II, which differs from the record quoted on page 58. It was said of him, " His sickness and death were, like his life, a bright example of Christian meekness, patience and holy confidence in his Divine Master." Another said, " In the trying situation he was called to occupy, he never was thrown off his balance." An- other, " I do believe that he had more of the mind of Christ than any man with whom I have been acquainted." The musical talent of the Cushman family was of rare excellence, and is a prominent trait in many of their descendants. C. C. Dresser, son of Vesta Cushman, owned a church organ, and was a skillful performer on that and other instruments. He used his organ in the church for many years as an aid and accompaniment to the choir. Wealthy Cushman, the mother of the present pastor, was a fine singer and read music very readily. She obtained her musical education in the singing schools of this town. Her means of conveyance was on horseback, seated upon a pillion behind her brother Rufus. Note. — While writing the above lines, a member of the writer's family read the fol- lowing startling announcement from the Boston Evening Traveller ot Aprilll : "Joseph HaAvkes, the well-known keeper of the Goshen (Mass.) Highland House, known throughout Hampshire Count}-, dropped dead while walking up the aisle of the church of that town on Sunday." A later account states that he was in his accustomed place at the head of the choir Sunday morning, April 10. He walked over from his house in the afternoon in companj' with his brother-in-law, Mr. Hiram Packard. They parted in the vestibule, Mr. Packard entering the audience room, Mr. Hawks ascending the north stairway leading to the choir. Proba- bly feeling unwell, after passing up one' or two steps, he seemed to have turned to go down, when he fell to the floor, and immediately ceased to breathe. The cause of death was doubtless disease of the heart. Major Hawks was a man of many excellent traits of character, whole-souled, sympathetic and generous. He filled for a long period a large place in the community. He had been postmaster of the town for about twenty-five years, and keeper of the hotel for about the same length of time. His connection with the choir was almost Avithout parall 1. For about fifty-seven years his connection with it has been continuous, and for nearly the whole time he has served as one of its leaders. He possessed a voice of remai'kable powor and sweet 210 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Albert B. Dresser furnishes the following items : "When my grandfather, Moses Dresser, was a boy, he helped drive a drove of cattle to Boston. During his journey he saw a bass-viol, the first he had ever seen. He examined it closely, and after his return home set about making one for himself. Fearing that his father might think it a waste of time and material, he worked out of sight of the house, and on a large flat rock completed the instrument. It proved to be a good one, and is now in possession of his son Levi, of Russell, N.Y. ''One of Burgoyne's men, a Hessian, settled near the Simeon Cowles place. His shanty finally burned down and he left the place. "I have a bear trap that was made by Seth Pomeroy before the Revolutionary war. His initials, ' S. P.,' are still visible upon it. I have also the stone that Dea. Oliver Taylor used in his tannery in sharpening his currier's knife. It still bears the marks of the knife, though it has been cut down to a size that permits its use in the hayfield." Children of Caleb C. and Julia M. Dresser : Sophia B., born March 30, 1846 ; Albert B., born March 5, 1848 ; Helen M., born June 19, 1850; Edward, born Sept. 14, 1852, died Aug. 7, 1854; Charles, born June 2, 1856, died Jan. 24, 1859 ; Martha, born Feb. 16, 1859; Laura M., born July 8, 1862 ; Hattie, born July 23, 1864. (Correction. — Albert B. and his three younger sisters reside on the Capt. Reuben Dresser homestead.) Sophia B., daughter of Caleb C. Dresser, married E. P. Bridgman (not Joseph C, page 145,) member of the 37th Regiment of Massa- chusetts Volunteers, the well-known army correspondent — "E. P. B." — of the Hampshire Gazette. Miss Dresser, previous to her marriage, was engaged for some time in teaching a government school at the Indian agency under Maj. Joseph Bridgman, cousin of "E. P. B." Miss Dresser, inheriting the Cushman musical talent, was a leading member of one of the church choirs in Westfield for quite a period before going west. Children of George and Alvey Dresser: Henry B., born Dec. 17, 1849 ; George C, born Feb. 18, 1852 ; Vesta C, born Sept. 8, 1854. iiess, tliat, so far as the writer knows, was never heard in a song that was not proper to be fiung in the house of worship. He died at the post of duty, and will be missed and remem- bered for many years. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 211 Abner Damon (page 144), married Lovisa, not Louisa. His daugh- ter Lovisa married Oman Bartlett. Abner, Jr., married Miranda, daughter of Solomon Bates. Incidents Belated hy Capt. John Grant in 1854. Ebenezer Parsons, father of Justin, died of small pox in 1777, in the house where J. Milton Smith lives. Mrs. Chapin, daughter of William Hallock, died of the same disease. Col. Ezra May was at the taking of Burgoyne. He took a violent cold, did not immediately return home, but never recovered from it. He, as Major, and Christopher Banister as Captain, Asa Grant and Harris of this town as private soldiei*s, went down towards New York with others, to watch the movements of Howe's army. Rev. Dr. Lyman of Hatfield, an earnest Whig, was preaching in Williamsburgh on the Sabbath morning when word came that men were wanted at Bennington. He went home after the service, prom- ising to join such as would go to Bennington the next morning. He was as good as his word, and was promptly on hand, armed and equipped for active service. Rev. Dr. Parsons of Amherst was considered a Tory. He told Dr. Lyman that he dreamed of seeing a large bull fighting a small one at Hockanum — near Mt. Hclyoke — and the small one conquered the other. "Very good," replied Dr. Lyman, "Very good, sir. I can interpret that" dream : John Bull and the Yankees ; and John Bull is going to get whipped. But I do not understand why the Lord should reveal anything to a tory." Asa Grant, father of Capt. John, was a soldier in the French and Indian war. He was under Col. Williams, the founder of Williams College. The Colonel made his will in Albany as they were going up to Fort Edward. While Grant and his comrades were building a breastwork. Colonel Williams went forward to meet the French and Indians and was killed. Old Mr. James Packard had nine slaves fall to him by way of his wife. He had them sent here, and made arrangements for disposing of them to different parties. Squire Snell of Cummington was to have two, but before they were distributed, slavery in Massachusetts came to an end, and the negroes became their own masters. Julia Hawks, the teacher, married M. Bertrand Gardel, not Henry, 212 HISTORY or goshe:n^. as given on page 147. She died while in the East, Feb. 28, 1859, in a tent about a half day's journey from Damascus. George S. Hunt, of Northampton, son of Lowell, married Fannie Stickney of Greenfield, June 14, 1866. Children: Alfred S. ; Willie A. ; Charles L. ; Frank H. The following interesting account of the early James families, which will correct some errors in the previous pages, was received from Luther James, Esq., of Ann Arbor, Mich., too late for insertion in its proper place. Mr. James has heretofore shown in practical ways his interest in his, native town. The substantial iron gate at the entrance of the cemetery was a donation from him. John, Philip and Thomas came from England. Lands were granted to Philip and Francis James in Cohasset — ^^then included in Hingham — in 1638. John James^ 4th generation, married Deborah Bates of Pembroke, Mass. Children : John, Jr., born 1744 ; Deborah, born March 23, 1746 ; Francis of Boston, born May 13, 1749 ; Enoch of Boston, born Aug. 24, 175 1 ; Sarah, born Sept. 13, 1755, married Job Turner of Boston ; Thomas, born July 11, 1758, removed from Cohasset to Chesterfield, 1770, and married Susannah Collier. She was born in Scituate, April 19, 1756, and died Nov. 4, 1820. Thomas James died in Westhampton, March i, 1834. John James, Jr., born 1744, married Lois Beals of Cohasset, April 4, 1765. She was born July 20, 1746. Children : Moses, born Oct. 23, 1766, married Rebecca Ripley, Jan. 13, 1785 ; Malachi, born July 9, 1767, married Elizabeth Lyman, Feb. 18, 1790 ; Lois, born May 29, 1769, married Josiah Beals, Oct. i, 1789 ; Betsey, born March 17, 17 71, married Amherst Harvvood, June 20, 1793 ; Sallie born July 25, 1773, married Caleb Damon, Nov. 21, 1795 ; Deborah, born Jan. 6, 1777, married Benj,. Pierce, June 26, 1799 ; Ruth, born Nov. 27, 1778, died May 24, 1781. John James, Jr., removed to Goshen in 1769 ; died July 11, 1804. His wife, Lois, died Oct. 5, 1810. Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Malachi James, died July 9, 1856 ; Lyman, son of Capt. James, bor,i March 25, 1825, died Dec. 16, 1830 ; Sophia, died at Chelsea, Mich., Jan. 16, 1879, aged 87 ; Clar- HISTOKY OF GOSHEX 213 issa, died Aug. 15, 1876 ; Maria, ^married May 31, 1855, died in Ashfield, Oct. 15, 1876 ; Lewis L., married Jan. 25, 1832, died in Dexter, Mich., Aug. 17, 1880. Enocli James married A. R. Dwight of Belchertown, Jan. 18, 1825. John James, Jr., and John Williams were partners in trade from 1779 to 1793. Their accounts were kept in pounds, shillings and pence. Their store was the only one in the vicinity for several years. The goods were brought from Boston with ox teams. The old store was taken down in 1876. On the night of Sept. 7, 182 1, two large barns with sheds attached, fuU of hay, grain, flax, &c., belonging to Capt. James, were destroyed by fire. John James, Sen., built the fi st church in Cohasset, probably pbout 1747. It was reported at a parish meeting in 1750 that the meeting house had been completed at a cost of four thousand pounds. This church is si "11 standing. The o'd family homestead in Cohasset, built over 200 yea»s ago, is still in good condition. The limbers are cedav, and additions have been made to the original house. F. W. Lyman, writing from his Floi Ida residence, in Spring Gar- den Centre, Volusia Co., under date of March 5, 1881, expresses his "appreciation of the labor of rescuing from oblivion the 'short and simple annals of the poor.' Good blood," he writes, " went up to the hill towns. No doubt some ' rude inglovious Miltons' there may rest ;' * some CromwelJs guiltless of their country's blood.' Religion and pa. ioilsm struck their roots deep in the lugged soil, and if corn and cattle were less luxuriant, men and women, in the best English sense, grew there." "My great grandmother, on the Lyman side, was Thankful Pome- roy, S'Ster of Gen. Seth ; and on the Smith side, my grandmother was a friend and neighbor of Gen. Putnam. My grandfather Lyman was a lieutenant on the side of the government in the fi ght at Springfield, [Note by the Compiler.— Mr. Enoch James, with his brother, Lewis L., was largely en- gaged in Williamsburgh, for many years in mercantile and manufacturing pursuits. The store and manufacturing are sail continued by Henry L. and L. D. Jamc3, sons of Enoch, who seem to retain the business tact and enterprise that have been for so long a period, conspicuous in the James family.] 214 HISTORY OF GOSHEIST. during the Shay's insurrection. He took, in a two horse sleigh, a squad of his men, of whom one Walker was shot in the sleigh." * * From sources entitled to confidence, it appears that Rev. Justin Parsons had a larger family of children than have been named in the previous pages. The following list probably includes them all : Lucretia, baptised 1789, who married Rev. Daniel O. Morton, and resided in Shoreham, Vt. ; Asahel, baptised Sept. 5, 1790; Levi^ born 1792, missionary to Palestine; Luther, baptised Feb. 21, 1795 ; Calvin, baptised May 6, 1798; Electa, baptised July 20, 1800; Electa, baptised Aug. 5, 1804. Mrs. Mary P. Webster writes : "Ira Parsons married a Miss Bardwell, sister of the wife of Dea. Asahel Billings." Benjamin Parsons, Jr., resided and practiced law for some years, in Chesterfield. He was secretary of the Hampshire Musical Society in 1801, and in 1805-8 represented the town in the Legislature. Dea. Oliver Taylor kept a daily record of the weather from 1796 till 1827. His grandson, Mr. Emmons Putney, continued it from that time onward, and has the whole now (188 1) in his possession. The house of Mr. Putney was the residence of Rev. Mr. Whitman and family, for nearly forty years. The chimney was built of brick made by Deacon Brown, of clay, taken from the bed of the reservoir. Mr. Putney has an old-fashioned eight day clock, made by Isaac Gere. It is claimed it has been know^n to run for a year without varying from true time. Mr. Putney and others are authority for the state- ment, that Capt. Reuben Dresser procured sufficient pine lumber from a single tree on his farm, for building his hgtel in the village. The lumber from another pine tree from the same lands, is said to have sold for eighty dollars in the days when lumber was cheap. The lumber from the original forest trees was excellent in quality and durability. The shingles on the north roof of Major Stone's house lasted nearly seventy years. The following extracts from a letter written by Rev. J. C. Thomp- son in 1861, in reference to renewing his labors among the people of Goshen, are worth preserving, showing as they do, the christian spirit of the man and his attachment to the people of his early minis- trations : "I ought to have said before that I have no wish to settle in any parish at present, HISTORY OF GOSHEX. • 215 and this on account of my health. Should I continue to be able to labor for a year or two to come, as I have for the past two or three years, I might perhaps consent to take a permanent charge. But for the present, I am quite sure it will be better, both for myself and for the people, to whom I may minister, that my relations to them be that of "stated supply " "It is certainly very gratifying to receivs from the people in Goshen, such expres- sions of interest in rm, and of favorable appreciation of my poor services. They awaken a response in my own bosom, which tempts rne to leap over other consid- erations and give at once an affiimativ^ decision to the ques'lon b;cD "e me. "But I have been a dull disciple in the school of Christ, to have lived thus long and yet not learn that the will of the Master, and not our own inclination, must be our guide. * * * I would not run before being sent by the Great Head of the chu ch. If He shall say go, most cheerfully will I once more pitch my tent among the friends and their descendants, and among the sepulchres of friends of more youthful days, and in the place which to me is so full of interesting and grateful memories. * * * Yours very cordially, J. C. Thompson. ]\Ir. Thompson was ordained first pastor of the second church in Rovve, Mass., Oct. 28, 1835, dismissed June ^9» 1S37, and settled over the Congregational church in Goshen the same year. He married Lucy Ann, daughter of Dr. Chenery of Holden. Children : Jol^n Chenery, born June 14, 1838 ; Edward Payson, born March 9, 1840; I^izzie, married C. J. Humiston^ and resides in Holyoke, Mass. Mr. Thompson preached in Cummington for a year, and in other jDlaces, but his health proving unequal to pastoral duties, he re- tired from the profession, and for many years has been in business in Belvidere, Illinois. Children of Daniel and Betty Wyman : Daniel, born Feb. 3, 1765 William, born Jan. 12, 177 1 ; Artemas, born Dec. 19, 1771 ; Joseph, born Dec. 26, 1774; Nahum, born Jan. 27, 1777; John, born Oct. 21, 1780 j David, born Nov. 25, 1782. The eldest two were born in Brookfield, the others in Goshen. Rev. T. H. Rood, foot of page 62, not J. H. John Stearns, page 178, married Abigail, daughter of John Wil- liams. Yaslitl Tilton, page 177, not Vasti. Ellen E. Smith, page 170, was born 1834. Cranson, page 168, is usually written Cranston. 216 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. After Reuben Smith, page 71, No. 44, insert J. Milton Smith. The date of birth of Phebe, daughter of Thomas Weeks, page i8o> is given in another record as August 31, 1733. Col. Nehemiah M ay, page 154, died Sept. 10. Susannah May, died June 14. F. C. Richardson, page 72, not J. C. Marriages not P*revioiisly Inserted. James Halbert and Mary Selden, Aug. 15, 1781. David Childs and Clarissa Dickenson, June 17, 1784. William Damon and Ruth Whitcomb, May 27, 1784! Hugh Thompson and Sarah White, Feb. 7, 1787. Joseph Thayer and Anna Putney, Feb. i 1787. Joshua Abell and Dolly Parsons, Dec. 12, 1787. Nathaniel Abell and Eunice French, Dec. 7, 1788. James Whitcomb and Nancy Hunt, Dec. 18, 1790. Stephen Grover and Margaret Eeman, Feb. 24, 1793. Ebenezer Bird and Widow Molly White, Jan. 23, 1794. Benjamin Wait and Polly Mott, June 2, 1794. Silas Blake and Parnal Beswick, March 20, 1794. Joseph Mott and Naomi Lyons, April 12, 1792. Origen Orcutt and Eunice Ripley, March 3, 1796. Oliver Thayer and Hannah Vining, Jan. 19, 1797. John Snow and Anna Forbes, Oct. 12, 1797. Justin Parsons and Electa Frary, Oct. 30, 1788. Josiah Beals of Windsor and Lois James, Oct. i, 1789. Adonijah Taylor of Williamsburgh and Zeruiah Snow, Nov. 5, 1 789. Wm. Murray and Polly Palmer, April 13, 1790. Jacob Kilburn and Hannah Alden, Sept 9, 1790. J. Osgood and Sarah Standish, Sept. 9, 1790. Solomon Parsons and Lucinda Packard, Nov. 25, 1790. HISTORY OF GOSllEX. 217 Chas. Beswick, Jr., of Chesterfield and Tvlary Vinton, Nov. 25, 1790. Jonas Rich and Jennie Selden, Nov. 28, 1790. Alpheus Pearse and Mary Hallock, Feb. 23, 1792. Philip Smith of Whateley and Rebekah Tower, March 7, 1792. John Alden, 2d, and Tabitha McNight, March 8, 1792. Asa Strong of Greenfield and Sarah Putney, April 26, 1792. Versal Banister of Windsor and Hannah Packard, Feb. 19, 1793. Josiah Hayden, Jr., and Esther Hallock, March 21, 1793. Amherst Harwood of Windsor and Betsey James, June 20, 1793. Joshua Porter and Jenna Luce, June 27, 1793. Nathan Morgan of Pownal and Lydia Orr, July 4, 1793. Joel Chapin of Worthington and Ab'gaU Hallock, Sept. 26, 1793. Daniel Perkins of PI ainfield and Patty Hallock, Jan. 29, 1794- Ebenezer Hawkins of WiMiamstown and Rebekah Jipson, Feb. 16, 1794. Wni. Arms, Jr., of Deerfield and Mercy Snow, March 4, 1794. Benjamin Southwick of Northampton and Elizabeth Polly, Feb. 16, 1795. John Abell of Fairfield, Vt., and Ruth Grant, Feb. 18, 1795. Elijah Luce of Williamsburgh and Mehitabel Howes, March 16, 1793. Thomas Orcutt and Sally Carpenter, April 23, 1795. Joseph Collins and Esther Fuller, Aug. 20, 1795. Aaron Putney and Deborah Maynard, Aug. 29, 1795. Alpheus Darling and Lois K'^Hogg, Dec. 24, 1795. Abner Brown and Susannah Tower, Oct. 9, 1796. Moses Shepard and Fanny Allen, (colored) Nov. 6, 1796. Asa Bates and Jemima Kingman, Nov. 17, 1796. Daniel Kellogg, Jr., and Lucy Weeks, Jan. 22, 1797. Z^nas Leiand of Ashfield and Azubah Ful'ef , March 16, 1797. Marsena Sanderson of Deerfield and Zilphah Fuller, March 29, 1797. Silas Paiiick and Nabby Gates, June 8, 1797. Asa Turner and Lydia Willcutt, July 2, 1797. Abell Olds and Elioner Billington, July 6, 1797. John Manter of Ashfield and Rebekah Snow, July 26, 1797. Josiah Hannum of Williamsburgh and Dolly Banister, Feb. 6, 1798. Roswell Stevens of New Hartford and Molly King, Sept. 2, 1798. 218 HISTORY OF GOSIIEX. Benjamin Pierce, Jr., of Chesterfield and Dolly James, June 26, 1799. Lot Hall of Ashfield and Sally Jipson, July 6, 1799. John C. Lyman and Susannah Burgess, Nov. 7, 1799. John Salmon and Polly Putney, Nov. 21, 1799. Matthew Keith and Lucretia Jipson, Jan. 30^ 1800. Asahel Stoodley of St. Albans, Vt., and Lydia Beals, Jan. 22, 1801. Eleazer Blake and Ruth Beals, Jan. 22, 1801. Joseph Rhoades, 3d, and Esther Knight, Jan. 29, 1801. David Wilds of Williamsburgh and Charlotte Gustin, Sept. 10, 1801. William Harrington and Hannah Davidson, Dec. 17, 1801. Dea. Joseph Cutler of Brookfield and Widow Judith Brown, Jan. 24, 1802. Solomon Bates of Chesterfield and Nabby Willcutt, April 6, 1802. Ansel Amadon and Susannah Parker, April 29, 1802. Doctor Ellis Coney and Sarah Grover, Sept. 26, 1802. John Smith, Jr., and Hannah Putney, Oct. 21, 1802. Joseph Carey, 3d, of Williamsburgh and Freelove Fuller, Jan. i3» 1803. Gershom Bates and Patty Parker, Feb. 3, 1803. Willard Cleaveland and Sally Strong, March 10, 1803. Benjamin Jones and Polly Jipson, March 23, 1803. Samuel Snow and Temperance Luce, Dec. 8, 1803. Eleazer C. Leonard of Worthington and Hannah Salmon, Jan. 18, 1804. Wm. H. Parker of Charlemont and Nancy Aldridge, Jan. 25, 1804. Joshua Abell, Jr., and Phebe Cathcart, March 8, 1804. Luke Keith of Cummington and Hannah Willcutt, April 3, 1804.. Joshua Sansamon and Hannah Dunham, Sept. 7, 1804. John Glass of Peru and Phebe Davis, Nov. 29, 1804. Mitchell Dawes of Cummington and Mercy Burgess, Jan. i, 1805. Amzi Childs of Deerfield and Rhoda Snow, Jan. 10, 1805. Simeon Hurd of Sandgate, Vt., and Rebekah Jones, Jan. 27, 1805. James King of Ashfield and Lilly Willcutt, April 14, 1805. Stockwell Stearns of Worthington and Zerviah Willcutt, Oct. 31, 1805. Asa L. Robinson and Persis Weeks, Feb. 17 1806. Seth Ford of Cummington and Parthena Kingman, Feb. 20, 1806. Rufus Cushman and Theodocia Stone, June 12, i8c6. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 219 Meriman Chamber! a in and Polly Hubbard, Oct. 2, 1806. John Harris and Abigail Carpenter, Nov. 27, 1805. Chester Wait of Savoy and Susannah Brown, Nov. 25, 1806. Amos W. Pool of Plainfield and Sarah Abell, Nov. 27, 1806. Reuben Drerser, Jr., and Sophia Baidwell, May 12, 1807. Joshua Packard, Jr., and Bet5:ey Ingram, May 14, 1807. Harvey Luce and Hannah Clifford. June 3, 1807. Rev. Wm. Fisher of Stamford, Conn., and Khoda Bardwell, Oct. 25, 1807. John Wilder of Chesleiiield and Hannah Amadon, Feb. 15, 1808. Rev. Abel Farley of Manchester Vt., and Hannah Dresser, Feb. 18, 1808. Jonathan Lilly, Jr., of Ashfield and Clarissa Kellogg, Sept. 22, 1808. Erastus Gleason of Plainfield and Eunice Tilton, Oct 5, 1808. Rufus Abbott of Chester and Anna Owen, July 17, 1809. Stephen Whitney of Deeifield and Polly Williams, Feb. 22, 1810. Jghn Bisbee of Plainfield and Mary Lyon, ]\Iarch 27, 1810. Doctor Daniel Pierce of Peru and Abigail Lyman, May 3, 18 10. Samuel Hall, Jr., of Ashfield and Betsey Jipson, July 12, 1810. Allen Newell of Whateley and Hannah Jipson, July 13, 1810. Stephen Luce and Mary Graves of Williamsburgh, Sept. 20, 1810. Aaron James and Irena Willcutt, Nov. 29, 18 10. Joel Jones of Chesterfield ajid Clarissa Owen, April 30, 1810. Caleb Dodge of Litchfield, N. Y., and Marcia Jipson, Sept. 17, 1810. Wm. Hosford and Tirza Jipson, Sept. 19, 18 ro. Jed. Clark and Elizabeth Cushman, Jan. 19, 1813. Benjamin Johnson of Pittsfield and Mary Cargill, Nov. i, 1813. Ebenezer Healy, Jr., and Esther Parsons, IMay 5, 18 13. O. D. Hannum of Southampton and Sarah Sprague, May 27, 18 13. Elisha Warner and Patty Weeks, July 5, 18 13. Rufus Olds and Eunice Sprague, Aug. 25, 1814. Chester Olds and Naomi Sprague, Sept. 22, 18 14. Prescott Bartlett and Narcissa Robinson, Oct. 17, 1814. Junius Northam and Sally White, Jan. 31, 181 5. Cyrus Bisbee and Eliz'th Buckingham, May 16, 1815. Simeon Cowles of Amherst and Molly King, June 28, 1815. James Richards, Jr., of Plainfield and Sally Bardwell, May 31, 1815. 220 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. Robert Little of Williamsburgh and Mrs. Sarah Whitcomb, Dec. 21, 1815. Lewis Thayer of Cummington and Tenty Kingman, Jan. 2, 1816. Eben'r Ford of Plainfield and Roxey Olds, Jan. 22, t8i6. Asahel Billings and Violet Bardwell, Jan. 31, 1816. Amos Deming of Savoy, and Priscilla Sears, Feb. 15, 1816. Horace Frary of Whately and Catharine Simmons, Oct. 7, 1818. Robert Barras and Zerviah Orcutt, Feb. 11, 182 1. Jesse Willcutt, 2d, and Hannah James, Dec. 2, 1813. Joel Sampson and Anna Hubbard, June 5, 1814. Jacob Lovell and Naomi Damon, April 2, 18 18. Bradley Packard and Mary Webster, Dec. 2, 1831. Leonard Smith and Mary Coney, May 13, 1835. Abner Kelley and Sarah, daughter of Daniel Beals, Dec. 10, 1835. Asahel H. Searle and Sophia Skiff, Dec. 11, 1823. Martin Bryant of Chesterfield and Nancy A. Skiff, Jan t, 1824. Oliver Wiles of Williamsburgh and Sophia Hosford, March 4, 1824. Reuben Lynch of Stockbridge and Sarah Hosford, Nov. 10, 1824. Asa Pettengill of Cummington and Cynthia Brown, Jan. 25, 1826. Peter Niles of Worfhington and Mary Buckingham, April 11, 1826. Oliver Taylor Cathcart and Nancy Abeli, April 12, 1827. Gaius Pease of Summers, Conn., and Wealthy Walcutt, June 13, 1827. John C. Lyman of Cummington and Cynthia Bassett, Nov. 7, 1827. Oman Bartlett of Cummington and Lovisa Damon, Dec. 27, 1827. Russell Searle of Chesterfield and Abigail Beals, Dec. 27, 1827. Eben'r W. Town of Enfield and Sophia A. Hawks, Dec. 1, 1827. Barnabas A. Howes of Ashfield and Polly Q. Lawton, Nov. 8, 1827. Ansel Edwards of Albany and Rowena Darling, Dec. 21, 1827. Alvan Macomber and Nancy Burnell, Feb. 22, 1832. Norman Cogswell of Chesterfield and Eliza Farley, May 15, 1832. Elias Beals of Cummington and Polly Bates, June 14, 1832. Silas Hannum, Jr., and Harriet E. Kingman, Oct. 25, 1832. , Pomeroy Smith and Louisa C. Burnell, Jan. i, 1833. Nathan Sears of Ashfield and Abigail Bates, May 22, 1834. Philo P. Tucker and Harriet N. Hawks, Oct. i, 1834. Braman Wing of Savoy and Betsey Luce, Sept. 17, 1837. Joseph Cole of Chesterfield and Hannah Willcutt, Sept. 23, 183S. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 221 Capt. John Grant and ]\Trs. Jane B. Shaw of Cummingtonj Oct. 9, 1838. Elijah Walcotr, Jr., and Diana R. Parker, Feb. 14, 1839. Win. Keith of Greenfield and Almira "J'hompson of Heath, Oct. 21, 1841. Lewis H. Warren of Ashfield and Sarah Converse, Nov. 24, 1841. Ebenezer Snell, Jr., of Cummington and Rachel F. Bardwell, Dec. 15, 1841. Moses Belden to Mrs. Sally Briggs, April 27, 1842. Benj. E. Kemp of Buckland and Mehitabel Luce, Jan. 18, 1844. Abner Phelps and Eryphela Wheeler, Sept. 4, 1844. David Kingman and Harriet N. Richards, July 29, 1845. Wm. N. Moore and Caroline S. Moody, May 3, 1846. Spencer C. Gurney and Abigail T. Hoxie, April 2, 1847. Theo. Parsons and Mehitable Shaw, Jan. 30, 1848. Jeremiah Bardwell and Wealthy C. Goodman, Nov. 29, 1849. Otis C. Howes and Cornelia M. Hubbard, Oct. i, 1850. John M. Smith and Sarah M. Beals, Oct. 13, 1850. Samuel J. Gould and Rosetta A. Russ, June 10, 185 i. Thomas C. Phelps, Jr., and Hannah S. Moore, Dec. 11, 185 1. J. M. Francis and Beihiah E. Russ, Dec. 11, 1852. Alphonso Dickinson and Abby A. Field, Jan. 30, 1852. Henry Bodman and Sarah Hill, May 3, 1852. Levi Stephenson and Martha R. Miller, May 10, 1852. George Stephenson and F.lizabeth E. Utley, June 14, 1853. Milo Milliken and Mary Willcutt, Nov. 24, 1853. Hosea P. Hunt and M. Vaughn, May 10, 1854. Henry M. Blakely and Genett Halhaway, Aug. 2, 1854. Geo. W. Packard and Mary J. Foid, Feb. 23, 1855. Aquila Mooie and Eliza A. Miller, May 3, 1855. Amos Hawks and Climena Baker, Dec. 27, 1855. James Lawton and Catharine Baly, Jan. 17, 1856. John VV. Miller and Eugenia Howland, May i, 1856. Zenas Field and Cynthia Luce, Oct. 11, 1856. Albert H. Merritt and Aurelia M. Jackson, Oct. 6, 1856. A. P. Hunt and Hannah J. Plympton, May 12, 1857. Joseph Blake and Caroline P. Abell, May 27, 1857. James B. Taylor and Abigail Manning, July, 1857. Joseph Meekins and Permelia Bassett, Sept., 1857. 222 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. Rev. Wm. Carrutheis and Martha P. Baker, June 23, 1858. Matthew JRay and Mary Burke, Feb. 7, 1859. Cyrus Kingsley and Susan J. Pynchon, March 17, 1859. Alonzo Bates and Aurelia E. Upton, May 3, 1859. Lewis Abell and Martha Packard, 1859. Amasa S. Cowles and Ruth S. Newcomb, 1859. George E. Williams and Lucy B. Upton, Nov. 14, 1859. Harvey Rhodes and Sarah Jane Damon, Oct. 21, i860. Asahel Bisbee and Sarah Stephenson, Nov. i, i860. Coleman L. Dawes and Martha C. Tilson, June 12, 1861. Robert Pratt and Mary Loud, June 12, 1861. Edward Baker and Elizabeth Damon, July 4, 186 1. Horatio Culver and Minerva M. Scott, July 20, 1861. Fordyce Chilson^^and MaiyAnn Frissel, March 16, 1863. Chester M. Fuller and Almira A. Warner, Dec. 29, 1863. Fred. Richaidson and Juliette Hay den, March 2, 1864. John H. Matthews and Catharine Brinen, Jan. 21, 1865. T. P. Lyman and Olive J. Rice, Oct. 11, 1865. John H. Bissell and Julia Ann Richardson, Dec. 6, 1865. Henry F. Rice and Sarah E. Godfrey, Jan. 17, 1866. Harlan W. Torrey and Ellen M. Parker, June 23, 1866. John H. Godfrey and Elvira A. Porter, May 23, 1867. Levant Phelps and Ella L. Prince, June 3, 1867. Elihu Boyce and Amanda Miller, June 16, 1868. Herbert W. Brown and Luella R. Damon, Sept. 8, 1868. Chas. Thayer and Ida Dixon, Sept. 13, 1868. Dwight Thayer and Sarah Miller, Oct. 23, 1868. Edward Valentine and HaUie A. White, Feb. 20, 1869. E. He'-bert Alden and Laura E. Fuller, Sept. 8, 1869. Edward G. Bradford and Sarah M. Newton, Sept. 14, 1869. John K. Fuller and Lucena Plumley, Dec. 2, 1869. Arthur H. Walkley and Martha A. Hawks, Jan. 15, 1870. Evlyn Taylor and Louisa R. Johnson, June 8, 1870. Franklin Mayor and Nancy Mayor, July 10, 1870. __ Frank D. Robinson and Lizzie Porter, Oct. 26, 1870. Lyman B. Cannon and Julia B. Hubbard, June 15, 1871. Benj. M. Dyer and Lois H. Williams, Nov. i, 1871. Leander V. Hill and Emily Porter, Nov. 25, 187 1. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 223 John G. Sykes and Lydia A. Dyer, Dec. 26, 187 1. Orrin N. Russ and Mary Millins, May 6, 1873. Augustus H. Roberts and Mary Ann Richardson, July 29, 1875. Israel P. Stebbins and Mary Alexander, Jan. 24, 1877. Willie E. Shaw and Eva V. Merritt, July 3, 1877. Horace Atwater and Emma Ernestine Walkley, July 26, 1877. Frank G. Sears and Etta F. Wildman, April 21, 1877. Clifford L. Nutter and Sarah P. Sturtevant, Sept. lo, 1877. John E. Cogan and Bell J. Bates, August 11, 1879. Ralph A. Packard and Rachel E. Hawes, Oct. 30, 1879. Alcander Hawks and Eunice A. Loomis, Nov. 18, 1879. Lucius PI. Hubbard and Margaret E. Bucknam, April 29, 1880. Wilbur D. Porter and Julia F. Tufts, May 23, 1880. Ozro B. Davis and Fleda E. Miner, May 30, 1880. Ward D. White and Susie P. Hunt, Nov. 25, 1880. Emil H. Miller and Flora A. Buck, Dec. 25, 1880. ^^Intentions'' — where date of marriage is not recorded. Epaphras Curtis and Elizabeth Waldo, Dec, 1787. Ephraim Bates and Mary Chamberlain, Jan. 4, 1790. Micah Jepson and Mary Hawkins of Williamstown, April 8, 1790. Daniel Croney (Coney?) and Mary Jones, May 23, 1790. Chas. Beswick, Jr., and Mary Vinton, July 9, 1790. Parson Mansfield and Joanna Smith, Dec. 19, 1791. Moses Hallock and Peggy Allen of Chilmark, July 2, 1792. Edmond Bridges and Rebekah Minor of Peru, Nov. 12, 1792. John Presip^ and Molly Odell of Cummington, March 4, 17^3. Jesse Abell and Sally Orcult, Nov. 15, 1795. Levi Bates and Lovina Hersey, July 10, 1796. Abell Olds and Eleanor Billington, April 24, 1797. Josiah Hannum and Dolly Banister, Dec. 4, 1797. Jonathan Luce and Mehitabel Bates, May 19, 1798. Charles Grimes and Hepsey Bodman, Aug. 10, 1800. John K. Hamilton and Submit Grimes, Sept. 21, 1801. John Grant and Nancy Reed of Cheshire, April 16, 1802. * Presip was a Portuguese. 224: HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Josepli Rice and Mary Burnell, Aug. 15, 1803. Othniel Hannum and Patty Bassstt, Sept. 26, 1803. Silas Bur^^ess and Lucy Stone, Nov. 15, 1803. Joshua Abel), Jr., and Phebe Cat heart, March 4, 1804. Ebenezer Parsons and Eunice Clark, March 14, 1804. Erastus Clark and Hannah Dresser, July 16, 1804. John Glass of Peru and Phebe Davis, Oct. 20, 1804. Samuej Daugherly and Anna Woods of Belchertown, Feb. 10, 1805. John Willcutt and Cynthia Abell, March 10, 1806. 1 hos. Tower, Jr., and Sarah Manning, Dec. 30, 1806. John Eldredge and Sally Kellogg, Oct. 5, 1807. Silvanus Stone and Mehifabel Kellogg of Brookfield, Jan. 2o„i8o8. Caleb Cushman and Betsey Alvord of Plalnfield, Feb. 9, 1808. John Luce and Hannah Bigelow, Feb. 15, 1808. Elijah Streeter and Katherine Weeks of Belchertown, Feb. 15, 1808. Reuben Kingman and Betsey Clark, March 8, 1808. David Kellogg and Sophia Bassett, Nov. 24, 1808. Spencer Hubbard and Sally Gunn of Sunderland, Jan. 25, 1809. Ebenezer White and Hannah Ripley, Oct. 8, 1809. Samuel Buckingham and Eliza (^ox, May 7, 18 10. Jonathan Snow and Betsey Bond, Dec. 25, 1810. Nathan Fuller and Hannah Dyer, March 4, 181 1. Elijah Bardwell, Jr., and Lovina Howes of Ashfield, Dec. 2, 181 1. Harvey Walker and Tamar King, April 11, 1813. Cyril Jepson and Phebe Sears, May 30, 1814. Benj. White and Sophia Butler, Nov., 1814. Robert Little and Mrs. Sarah Whitcomb, Dec. 12, 1815. Willard Stowell, and Lucy King, Jan. 8, r8i6. Rev. Abel Farley and Sarah Saddler, June 29, 1816. Versal Abell and Sally Potter, Sept. 11, 1819. Silas Olds and Sally Prentice, Dec. 14, 1819. Greenwood Brown and Mrs. Chloe Bates, Jan. 16, 1820. Abiram Phillips and Lucretia Jepson, Feb. 11, 1820. Henry Hannum and Submit Abell, March 25, 1820. Samuel Naramore and Aurelia Bardwell, Oct. 18, 1820. Dr. Stephen H. Fuller and Susan E. Seymour, Oct. 21, 1820. Dr. Aivah W^ Rockwell and Lucy Ames, Jan. 13, 1821. Obadiah Skiff, Jr., and Ann Bryant, Sept. 2, 1823. HISTORY OF goshe:n. 225 Jabez Bement and Eliza A. Jordan, Jan. 15, 1824. Edson Cook and Esther Abell, Jan. 17, 1824. Abner Damon, Jr., and Miranda Bates, Jan. 17, 1824. William Abell and Jerusha S. Arms, April 15, 1824. Silas Bassett, 2d, and Pamelia Bradford, April 24, 1824. D. W. Graves and Sarah Wells, May 21, 1824. Bela Dyer and Deborah White, Aug. 21, 1824. Capt. R. Dresser and Sibyl W. Smith, Feb. 11, 1825. Dr. Geo. Wright and Julia Billings, Aug. 27, 1825. Emmons Putney and Orpha Starkweather, Oct. 22, 1825. Dea. Jonathan Lyman and Lydia Towne, Nov. .4, 1826. Edwin Norton and Minerva Smedley, June 8, 1827. Harris Wait and Phebe H. Hunt, Aug. 20, 1828. Edmund Perkins and Laura Orcutt, Dec. 5, 1828. Ira Angell and Martha Hosford, Sept 25, 1829. Hiram Cowls and Sophronia Knight, Nov. 6, 1830. Dr. J. W. Rockwell and Elizabeth Mills, April 19, 1834. Wm. Sanders and Almira Buckingham, May 24, 1834. Israel B. Thompson and Mary S. Town, July 4, 1835. Capt. Fordyce Rice and Eunice V. Nash, Sept. 26, 1835. Jabez H. Eldredge and Mary Ann Johnson, Feb. 20, 1836. S. Braymap and Laura Healey, May 15, 1841. Abner Field of Hatfield and Wealthy Putney, Sept. 24, 1842, F. W. Lyman and Sarah W. Naramore, Jan. 26, 1844. James Gloyd and Lucretia Ford, Nov. 8, 1845. Rev. Royal Reed and Julia Starkweather, Dec. 8, 1845. Wm. N. Moore and Caroline S. Moody, April 18, 1846. Francis Dresser and Corinth Higgins, Jan. 23, 1847. C. M. Fuller and Laura Beals, Oct 23, 1847. Forrace Jepson and Martha H. Record, May 26, 1848. Horatio Bassett and Aurelia Fuller, Sept. 4, 1848. M. Nash Hubbard and Julia A. Parsons, May 18, 185 1. Chas. Underwood and Mary Ann Hoar, June 3, 1867. Wm. E. Manning and Carrie O. Keplinger, June 3, 1868. Herbert W. Brown and Lucilla Damon, July 22, 1868. 226 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Birth-S not PrevioLisly Inserted. Patience, daughter of'Abijah Tucker, Dudley, Jan. 26, 1761. Hannah, daughter of Abijah Tucker, Goshen, Oct. 8, 1766. Molly, daughter of Robert Webster, Feb. 12, 1766. James, son of Edward Orcutt, Hingham, May 3, 1761. Matthew, son of Edward Orcutt, Goshen, April 12, 1764. Deborah, Jr., daughter of Wni. Meader, Nantucket, Nov. 14, 1778. William, son of William Meader, Goshen, Sept. 29, 178 1. Jonathan, son of William Meader, Goshen, Dec. 21, 1783. James \ . ^ Samuel and Martha Mott, April 18, 1784. Abigail, ) > r > / T Nabby, daughter of Jos. and Deb. Maynard, March 19, 1793. Martha, daughter of Shepherd and Mary Moore, Oct. 26, 1801. Irena, daughter of Silvanus Burk, Sept 18, 1785. Orril, son of Silvanus Burk, Feb. 16, 1787. ^ Gains, son of Silvanus Burk, June 22, 1791. John K., son of David and Elioner (King) Green, June 15, 1789. Justin, son of David and Elioner (King) Green, Oct. 13, 1794. John, son of John and Prudence (White) Adams, Nov. i, 1794. Ariel, son of Ansel Amadon, Dec. 20, 1802. Rodney, son of Eleazer Hawks, July 9, 18 18. Edwin, son of Eleazer Hawks, Nov. 30, 1819. Alcander, son of Eleazer Hawks, Aug. 18, 1821. Mary Dresser, daughter of Eleazer Hawks, Dec. 15, 1822. Chas. S., son of E. W.'Town, Feb. 17, 1833. Jerusha S. Arms, wife of Wm. Abell, Aug. 11, 1792. Eliza, daughter of Wm. Abell, April 15, 1825. Rufus, son of Joab and Mary (Bliss) Carpenter, March 19, 1806. John, son of Asa and Prudence Chamberlain, Sept. 10, 1789. *Became a physician. HISTORY OF GOSHEN 227 Lincoln, son of Asa and Prudence Chamberlain, Sept. 15, 1791-- Wealthy, daughter of Rev. Abel Farley, Sept. 11, 1813. Oliver, son of Gershoni Cathcart, Dec. 17, 1794- Henry L., son of Alfred D. Tucker, Jan. 18, 1837. Geo. A., son of Alfred D. Tucker, , 1838. Rosetta Ann, daughter of Nelson Russ, Chatham, Aug. 19, 1832-.. Bethia E., daughter of Nelson Russ, Chatham, Feb. 20, 1835. /Julia B., Williamsburgh, Aug. 7, 1838. Children of N. Russ, •< Oren N., Goshen, May 4, 1840. (^ Martha E., Goshen, May 10, 1842. Rebecca, daughter of S. Brayman, July 25, 1842. Edwin A.^ son of Emery and Finette Moore, Jan. 25, 1842. Eliza E., daughter of A. B. Loomis, March 7, 1842. Geo. S., son of Lowell Hunt, April 28, 1842. Ellen A., daughter of Edward Bridgman, May iS, 1842. Ellen J., daughter of Ezra Brackett, June 8, 1842. Elvira, daughter of Samuel Porter, April 28, 1843. Clifford H., son of Sears and Vashti Luce, Dec. 20, 1843. Sarah Josephine^ daughter of Edward Bridgman, Jan. 18, 1844. Francis, son of Francis and Lucinda Lyman, Jan. 26, 1844. Martha Ann, daughter of Joseph and Emeline Hawks, Feb. II, 1844. Joel D., son'*of Geo. W. and Asenaih Manning, Feb. 22, 1844. Martha G., daughter of Samuel and Laura Brayman, Feb. 24, 1844. David S., son of Abner and Luena Moore, Aug. 5, 1844. Catharine, daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Ward, Aug, 8, 1844. ivlaria ]^., daughter of E. A. and Charlotte A. Carpenter, Aug. 28, 1844. Susan P., daughter of Lowell and Electa Hunt, Oct. 22, 1844. Royal R., son of Fordyce and Mary Rice, ALirch 4, 1845. Adeline E., daughter of Marlon and Adeline Damon, June 4, 1845. Laura J., daughter of Emery and Finette Moore, June 5, 1845. Henry Frank, son of Fied. W. and Sarah W. Lyman, June 26, 1845. Edward P., son of S. VV. and Nancy Tilton, July 26, 1845. Edward J., son of Edward Bridgman, Oct. 7, 1845. Julius R., son of Zebina Leonard, Nov. 7, 1845. Mary A,, daughter of Sears and Vashti Luce, Dec. 8, 1845. Jacob S., son of Levi and Marvilla Gardner, Dec. 29, 1845. Albert S., son of Jere. and Sarah Ward, Jan. 10, 1846. 228 HISTORY OP GOSHEX. Henry, son of Joseph and Emeline Hawks, Feb. 7,. I'S^^. William E., son of Geo. W. and Asenath Manning, March 3, 1^46-.. Wealthy C, daughter of Geo. and Tryphena Abelly July 18, 1846;. Fordyce Lyman, son of Fordyce and Mary Rice, June 15, 1846. Edwin H., son of Samuel and Laura Brayman, Oct. 13, 1846. Sarah Emma, daughter of Rufus and Louisa Cowls, Jan. 13, i847». James B., son of Samuel and Abia Porter, May 9, 1847. Francelia D,, daughter of Edwin A. and Charlotle Carpenter, May 14, 1847. Sarah E., daughter of Henry and Susannah Godfrey, July 23, 1847^ William A., son of Nelson ^d Thankful Russ, Aug. 23, 1847.. Charles, son of Gershom ajd Sarah Damon, Oct 20, 1847. Emery M., son of Fordyce and Mary Rice, Nov. 9, 1847. Martha E., daughter of Ephraim and Parnel Warren, Feb. 4, 1848. Clarinda J., daughter of Spencer and Abigail Gurney, Feb. 9, 1848. Reuben H., son of Francis and Corinth Dresser, March 4, 1848. Martha E., daughter of Daniel and Lois Burt, March 21, 1848. Sarah A., daughter of Wm. and Caroline Moore, April 4, 1848. Eunice A., daughter of Almond and Hester Loomis, Dec. 12, 1848* Samuel, son of Sam'l and Laura Brayman, March 7, 1849. Lucius U., son of Thomas and Lavina Buck, May 20, 1848. Morgan S., son of Zimri and Thankful Newell, Sept. 21, 1848. Frances M., daughter of Isaac and Mary Wing, May 12, 1848. Achsah S., son of Edward and Caroline Bridgman, Aug. 19, 1849. Geo. Wright, son of F. W. and Chloe Belding, Oct. 3, 1849. Edward M., son of Francis and Corinth Dresser, Jan. 12, 1850. Franklin W,, son of Amasa and Betsey Cowles, March 9, 1850. Chas. K. Gurney, son of Lysander and Mary Gurney, March 9, 1850. Ellen L., daughter of Peregrine and Catharine White, April 11, 1850. Alice E., daughter of Sanford and Maria Gage, May 13, 1850. Jonathan C, son of Champion and Rachel Brown, July 6, 1850. Amanda, daughter of Josiah and Elizabeth Miller, July 20, 1850. John W., son of West and Nancy Tilton, Aug. 5, 1850. Octavia F., daughter of Emery and Finette Moore, Aug. 6, 1850. Daniel, son of Henry and Susannah Godfrey, Aug. 30, 1850. Marion O., daughter of Oscar and Mary A. Washburn, Sept. 10^ J850. Mary, daughter of John H. and Lucy Lester, Sept. 11, 1850. HISTOKY OF GOSHEX. '229 Ella M., daughter of Jeremiah H. and Wealthy Bardwell, Sept. 14, ji;85o. Francis M., son of Fordyce and Mary Rice, Nov. 27, 1850. Mary J., daughter of Rufus and Emma Cowles, March 17, 1851. Elizabeth, daughter of Sam'l and Abia Porter, March 23, 185 1. Walter U., son of Wm. S. and Sarah E. Davis, June 19, 1851. Melzer E., son of Edwin and Paulina Brockett, July 13, 1851. Dwight S., son of Amasa and Betsey Cowles, Nov. 14, 185 1. Chas. A., son of Edwin and Mary Stearns, Oct. 18, 1852. Clark Erwin, son of F. W. and Chloe Belding, Oct. 16, 1852. Laselle, son of Abner and Erryphela Phelps, Oct. 7, 1853. Martha Augusta, daughter of Rev. T. H. and Jane Rood, April 23, 1354. Chas. B., son of Elijah and Sarah Bardwell, Feb. i, 1855. Fred. A., son of Fred, and Sophia Hunt, May i, 1855. Lizzie, daughter of Bennett and Cordelia Allen, Aug. 2, 1S55. Alice, daughter of Willard and Caroline Nichols, July 4, 1855. Henry James, son of Benoni and Mercy Ann Bissel, Dec. 24, 1856. Fred A., son of Fred and Emma Richardson, Aug. 9, 1856. Chas. Joseph, son of Fred and Sophia Hunt, . 1857. Maria E., daughter of Elijah and Sarah Bardwell, Sept. 11, 1857. Martha E., daughter of Calvin A. Packard, April 11, 1857. {Cor- rected?) Almond E., son of Ahnond and Hester Loomis, April 26, 1857. Betsey Ann, daughter of Amasa and Betsey Ann Cowles, Nov. 11, 1857. Wm. L., son of Edmund and Louisa Dawes, March i, 1858. Emma Loena, daughter of Henry and Julia E. Tilton, March 21, 1858. Ellen, daughter of John and Mary Godfrey, April 22, 1858. Clara Maria, daughter of Bennett and Cordelia Allen, April 28, 1858. Wilbur, son of Sam'l and Abia Porter, May 10, 1858. Jonathan Arthur, son of A. P. and Josephine Hunt, June 14, 1858. Ella J., daughter of Abner and Erryphela Phelps, June 23, 1858. Mary Ann, daughter of Frederick and Amy Richardson, June i, 1858. Fred. Knowlton, son of Geo. and Elizabeth Stephenson, July 18, 230 HISTORY OF GOSHEI^. Nellie Louisa, daughter of Baxter and Louisa Wilder, Oct. 9, 1858. Mary, daughter of Rodney and Minerva Hawks, Dec. 27, 1858. Frederick, son of Fordyce and Mary Rice, June 29, 1859. Eva, daughter of Hiram and Ellen F. Bates, Dec. 15, 1859. Milford Henry, son of Henry and Julia E. Tilton, June 29, i860. Lizzie Maria, daughter of Arthur and Josephine Hunt, July 20, i860. Wm. Henry, son of John and Mary Godfrey, Dec. 2, i860. Fred. W., son of James and Abigail Taylor, Dec. 20, i860. Willie, son of Heman and Ellen White, April 9, i860. Almond, son of Martin Meckley, Jan. 20, 1861. Ella T., daughter of H. H. and Julia Packard, Feb. 5, 1861. Flora, daughter of Henry'and Julia Tilton, July 14, 1861. Alice B., daughter of Orin N. and Martha Russ, Sept. 21, 1861. Edward Elsworth, son of Henry and Julia Tilton, Sept. 11, 1862. Walter L., son of George and Isabel Kellogg, Jan. i, 1863. William, son of Elijah and Sarah Bardwell, no date. Nellie Catharine, James and Cordelia Shipman, April 28, 1863. Frank W., I Twins, sonsof Hiram and Ellen Bates, May 11, 1863. Fred W., ) Frederic B., son of Orin and Martha Russ, Feb. 7, 1864. Frederic J., son of Chester and Almira Fuller. Celestia Isabel, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Baker, Feb. 5, 1865. Horace L., son of Frederic and Juliette Richardson, April 14, 1865. Minnie, daughter of Calvin and Wealthy Packard, July 14, 1865. Alice P., daughter of James and Cordelia Shipman, Aug. 8, 1865. Frank M., son of Julius and Angeline Davis, Dec. 2, 1865. Charlie Elmer, son of Dwight and Susan Clark, Dec. 26, 1865. James L., son of Andrew and Catharine Sydell, June 3, 1866. Willie H,, son of Orin and Martha Russ, Sept. i, 1866. Albert S., son of Albert and Kitty Taylor, Nov. 13, 1866. Orvilla J., daughter of Benjamin and T. C. Davis, Oct. 4, 1866. Peter, son of Joseph and Julia Cloutier, Sept. 2, 1866. Angelia Maria, daughter of Almerion and Mary Damon, May 15, 1867. Lizzie K., daughter of Timothy and Jennie Lyman, March 31, 1867. Frank Lyman, son of Edmund and- Louisa Dawes, June 24, 1867. Anna Belle, daughter of Chas. and Ella Washburn, July 20, 1867, HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 231 Elva L., daughter of Augustus and Laura Manning, April 3, 1867. Lewis Monroe, son of Julius and Angeline Davis, Sept. 23, 1867. Chas. M., son of Chas. and Marion Underwood, March 14, 1868. Chas. H., son of Jackson and Julia Minor, March 30, 1868. Alice Climena, daughter of Benj. and T. C. Davis, Sept. 8, 1868. Mary Belle, daughter of James and Orintha Mollison, Sept. 9, 1868. Idella Gertrude, daughter of William and Lucy Houghtaling, Aug. 7, 1869. Minnie Louisa, daughter of Elihu and Amanda Boyce, Aug 29, 1869. Willie Hiram, son of Hiram and Ellen Bates, Oct. 5, 1869. Fannie Emeline, daughter of Chas. and Marion Underwood, Nov. 2, 1869. Clarence E., son of Enos and Edlah Hawks, Dec. 16, 1869. John Ellington, son of Daniel and Susan Wade, Jan. 19, 1870. Jennie E., daughter of Augustus and Laura Manning, Feb. i, 1870. No name, child of James and Angle Rounds, Feb. 23, 1870. Charlie, son of Herbert and Luella Brown, May 21, 1870. Sarah B., daughter of Fred, and Juliette Richardson, Oct. 13, 1868. Marilla Sophia, daughter of Fred, and Juliette Richardson, Oct. 29, 1870. Clifford E., son of Edward and Hattle Willcutt, Jan. 3, 187 1. Harry Marlon, son of George and Isabel Kellogg, Feb. i, 187 1. Clara L., daughter of Elisha and Harriette Hayden, April 6, 1871. Joseph Hazelton, son of Arthur and Martha Walkley, Sept. 2, 187 1. Arthur Thomas, son of Daniel and Susan Wade, Sept. 26, 1871. Francis W., son of John and Louisa Miller, Oct. 31, 187 1. Henry C, son of Benj. and 'J\ C. Davis, Nov. 22, 187 1. Julia Nettie, daughter of Chas. and Mary Underwood, Nov. 23, 1871* George Henry, son of Herbert and Luella Brown, Dec. 14, 187 1. Mary Emma, daughter of Franklin and Elizabeth Robinson, Dec. 23, 1871. Carrie A., daugliter of Augustus and Laura Manning, June 25, 1872. Alice, daughter of Enos and Edlah Hawks, July 22, 1872. Harry Grugan, son of Timothy and Jennie Lyman, Oct. 25, 1872. Julia Edna, daughter of Wm. and Sarah Chilson, Nov. 24, 1872. Sarah Alice, daughter of Levi and Nancy Rice, Dec. 19, 1872. Mary Annie, daughter of James and Abigail Taylor, Jan. 14, 1873. Carrie Grace, daughter of Oscar and Eliza Washburn, March 29, 1873. 232 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Lilian J., daughter of Henry and Ann Hathaway, Aug. 26, 1873. Annie Francis, daughter of James and Orintha Mollison, Aug. 26, 1873. Herbert S., son of John and Louisa Miller, March ir, 1874. Edwin Lester, "(^ Twins, children of Fred, and Juliette Rich- Edward Chester, j ardson, Sept. 9, 1874. Edward Ernest, son of Franklin and Nancy Mayor, Dec. 5, 1874. Clara Madelia, daughter of Wm. and Sarah Chilson, Oct. 18, 1874. May Belle, daughter of Arthur and Martha Walkley, Dec. 19, 1874. Enos Raymond, son of Enos and Edlah Hawks, April 2, 1875. . Arthur A., son of Augustus and Laura Manning, Nov. 11, 1875. Reginald Elwin, son of Freebun and Julia White, Dec. 22, 1875. Emma Louisa, daughter of Chas. and Julia Bogart, Jan. 10, 1876. Florence G,, daughter of Oscar and Eliza Washburn, Feb. 15, 1876. Sarah E., daughter of John and Louisa Miller, June 29, 1-876. Emma Maria, daughter of Fred, and Juliette Richardson, Oct. 23, 1876. Arthur Goodrich, son of Rev. Daniel and Susan Lord, April 8, 1877. Arthur Josiah, son of Enos and Edlah Hawks, June 21, 1877. Marion Franklin, son of Freebun and Julia White, July 16, 1877. Robert F., son of Israel and Ida btebbins, Nov, 21, 1877. Viola T., daughter of Augustus and Laura Manning, Jan. 19, 1878. Arthur H., son of Arthur and Martha Walkley, May 21, 1878. Harrie W., son of Chas. and Jennie Brooks, June 3, 1878. Lena H. F., daughter of Freeman and Katie Sears, Aug. 18, 1878. Henry Edson, son of Fred, and Juliette Richardson, Oct. 19, 1878. Daisy, daughter of Edward and Hattie Willcutt, Feb. 5, 1879. Charlotte A., daughter of John and Louisa Miller, March 29, 1879. James George, son of James and Katie Patterson, Aug. 25, 1879. Ida Louise, daughter of Orman and Alice Rice, Aug. 31, 1879. Ernest Frank, son of Frank and Ella Sears, Sept. 11, 1879. Nellie Mary, daughter of John and Belle Cogan, Dec. 29, 1879. Mabel Jessie, daughter of Israel and Ida Stebbins, Feb. 18, 1880. Ada Bell, daughter of Augustus and Laura Manning, Feb. 26, 1880. Marian Delia, daughter of Rufus and Delia Stanley, March 21, 1880. Luell J., son of Lewell and Josephine Hobbs, July 26, 1880. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 233 Ba2)tlsms. Paul, son of Mary Grimes, Sept. 28, 1783. Abijah, Benjamin, Betsey, Francis, children of Abijah Hunt, Sept. 30. 1783- Elisha, son of Ebenezer Putney, June 6, 1784. Sophia, daughter of Deborah Banister, June 6, 1784. James and Abijah, children of Samuel Mott, June 6, 1784. Martha, daughter of Mary Grimes, May 9, 1785. Reuben, son of Content Kingman, May 9, 1785. Content, son of Content Kingman, July 2, 1786. William, son of Bethia (Flallock) Hosford, July 2, 1786. Achsah, son of Abijah Hunt, Oct. 5, 1786. Jerusha, daughter of Artemas Stone, June i, 1788. Rufus, Wealthy, Calvin, Theodama, children of Caleb Cushman, June I, 1788. Shepherd, son of Enoch Reals, Sept. 28, 1788. Samuel, Rebecca, Asahel, Molly, children of Jedediah Bucking- ham, July 4, 1790. Harvey, son of Stephen Kellogg, Oct. 3, 1790. Jena, Harvey, Jonathan, Joseph, Samuel, Elisha, Shubel, Obediah, Betsey, Tabitha, children of Samuel Luce, Oct. 19, 1790. Clarissa, Seth, Erastus, Billy, children of Silas Parsons, Marcb 10, 1791. Artemas and Chester, children of Silvanus Stone, July, 1792. Mercy and Lydia, children of James Wheeler, Oct. 7, 1792. Paulina, daughter of Silas Parsons, Dec. 30, 1792. Ruby, daughter of Stephen Kellogg, March 3, 1793. Silas, son of Silvanus Stone, April 14, 1793. George and Nathan, children of Enoch Reals, Sept. 15, 1793. Elsie, daughter of Josiah Hayden, March 16, 1794. James, son of James Wheeler, April 20, 1794. Homan, son of Joel Chapin, Sept. 20, 1794. Austin, son of Silas Parsons, Sept. 20, 1794. Joel, son of Silvanus Stone, April 19, 1795. Levi, son of Enoch Beals, May 10, 1795. Rufus, son of Stephen Kellogg, March 6, 1796. Oliver, son of James Wheeler, June 5, 1796. Dosia, daughter of Silas Parsons, Oct. 23, 1796. 234 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Sally, daughter of Silvanus Stone, March 23, 1787. Joel, son of Cyrus Lyon, Oct. 29, 1797. Amos Joy, son of James Wheeler, May 6, 1798. Chloe, Levi, Polly, Hannah, Benjamin, children of Thaddeus Nara" more, Aug. 12, 1798. Rufus, son of Abner Baker, July 8, 1798. Artemas, son of Abner Baker, Oct. 14, 1798. Sally, daughter of Silas Parsons, Sept., 1798. Gideon, living with Gershom Cathcart, Sept., 1798. Needham, son of Joseph Maynard, Jan., 1799. Nathan and Henry, children of Sa»nuel Luce, Feb., 1799. Augusta, daughter of George Salmon, March, 1799. Pomeroy, son of Silvanus Stone, May, 1799. Sanford, son of Abner Brown, June, 1799. Joseph, William, Hannah, Theodocin, Benjamin, Susannah, chil- dren of Joseph Jepson, June, 1799. Chester, Roxy, Jason, Silas, children of Samuel Olds, June, 1799. George, son of George Salmon, Nov. 24, 1799. Lucy, daughter of James Wheeler, June 8, 1800. Austin, son of Enoch Beals, July 3, 1800. Rendy, daughter of Stephen Kellogg, July 6, 1800. Betsey, daughter of Matthew Keith, March i, 1801. Aaron, son of Joseph Jepson, April 26, 1801. Dorcas, daughter of Abner Brown, June 7, 1801. Theodore, son of Abner Parker, June 21, 1801. John, son of Lot Hall, July 5, 1801. Brainard, son of Seth White, Aug. .30, 1801. Wealthy, daughter of Silvanus Stone, Sept. 30, 1801. Silas, son of Silas Parsons, Nov. 5, 1801. Wealthy, daughter of Gershom Cathcart, July 11, 1802. Nelson White, son of Cheney Taft, Aug. i, 1802. Hannah, daughter of Enoch Beals, April 27, 1803. Moses, son of Joseph Jepson, May i, 1803. Nahum, son of Abner Baker, May 22, 1803. Abner, son of Abner Damon, Oct. 23, 1803. Benjamin C, son of Thaddeus Naramore, May 13, 1804. Hannah, daughter of Silvanus Stone, May 30, 1804. Frederick, son of Giles Lyman, Aug. 5, 1804. Hannah, daughter of Eleazer C. Leonards, March 3, 1805. HISTOKY OF GOSHE:Nr. 235 Noah, son of Hosford, March 3, 1805. Alvan, son of Selh White, May 26, 1805. Henry Russell, son of John Smith, Jr., Nov. 3, 1805. Sarah R., daughter of Abijah Hunt, May 28, 1806. Henry, son of Giles Lyman, July 13, 1806. Mary, daughter of Silvanus Stone, Aug. 10, 1806. Sophia, daughter of Stephen Hosford, July 5, 1S06. Calvin, son of Seth White, Sept. 13, 1807. Freeman J., son of John Smith, June 26, 1808. Orin, Clary, Laura, children of Cyril Carpenter, June 19, 1808. Tryphena, daughter of Gershom Cathcart, June 25, 1809. Alvan, son of Origen Orcutt, July 9, 1809. Mary and Susannah, children of Eben Parsons, Oct. 15, 1809. Harriet, daughter of John Smith, April 15, 1810. Patty, daughter of Stephen Hosford, May 6, 1810. Electa May, Judy Shaw, children of Nehemiah May, May 14, 1810. Hannah Colson, daughter of John C. Lyman, June 24, 1810. Virgil, son of Dea. Cyrel Carpenter, July 22, 1810. Horace, son of J. Pool, July 22, 1810. Charles, adopted child of Dei. J. Lyman, June 2, 181 1. Luther, son of Origen Oicutt, Aug. 25, 181 1. Mary, daughter of Abijah Hunt, Sept. i, 181 1. Wm. Cushman, offered by Calvin Cushman, Nov. 3, 181 1. Tirzah, daughter of Stephen Hosford, May 10, 1812. John Emerson, son of Gershom Cathcart, June 21, 181 2. Joseph, adopted child of Jared Hawks, June 29, 18 12. , child of Amos Pool, July 26, 1812. Elijah, son of Elijah BardweM, Sept 27, 18 12. Horatio Bardwell, son of Calvin Cushman, April 18, 1813. Susan Mantor, daughter of John C. Lyman, April 18, 1813. Luther, son of David Kelloo^g, June 6, 1813. Wealthy, daughter of Rev. A. Farley, Jan. 9, 1814. Philomela, daughter of Abijah Hunt, May i, 1814. Maria, daughter of John Smith, Jr., May 8, 1814. Hudson, son of Origin Orcutt, June 26, 1814. Louisa Maria, daughter of Calvin Cushman, May 25, 1815. Augustine, son rf Elijah Bardwell, July 23, 1815. Wm. Newell, son of Rufus Moore, Sept. 10, 1815. 236 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Abel, son of Rev. Abel Farley, Sept. 29, 1815. Baptised the day: his wife was buried. Mary, daughter of Elias Lyon, April 25, 1816. Abigail, daughter of Dea. C. Carpenter, Oct. 13, 1816. Harriet Amelia, daughter of ('alvin Cushman^ May 4, 1817. Fidelia, daughter of John Smith, May 12, 1817. George Mantor, son of Silas Burgess, May 25, 1817. Emery, son of Rufus Moore, June i, 18 17. Lucinda, daughter of Eben. Ford, Sept. 28, 18 17. Calvin Luther, son of Calvin Cushman, Oct., 18 19. Lucy Sophia, daughter of Rev. Joel Wright, Dec. i, 1822. Joseph Huntington, son of Joseph White^ June 12, 1824. Eliza Adams, daughter of Rev. Joel Wright, July 29, 1827. Caroline Parsons, daughter of George Abell, Feb. 27, 183 1. Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Rev. H. B. Holmes, June 3, 1832. - Maria Spencer, daughter of Arvin Nash, Sept. 2, 1832. Edward Cornelius, son of E. W. Town, Jan. 31, 1835. John Chenery, son of Rev. J. C. Thompson, July 29,, 1838. Ezra Martin, son of Ezra Brackett, May 3, 1840. Edward Payson, son of Rev. J. C. Thompson, May 3, 1840.- Abby Lemira, daughter of Marcus Lindsley, May 4, 1840.- HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 237 Deaths not !Previo\isly Inserted. TMary, daughter of Reuben Smith, Aug. i, 1813, aged 7 years. Achsah, daughter of Reuben Smith, April 2, 18 13, aged 12 years. Rich'd Carpenter, April 11, 1813, aged 67 years. Zachariah Luce, Feb. 22, 1812, aged 66 years. Salathiel Tilton, March 30, 1842, aged 84 years. Benjamin Abell, Feb. 10, 1808, aged 51 years. Cyrus Lyon, Feb. 12, 1831, aged 81 years. , wife of C. Lyon, March 20, 1813, aged 59 years. Calvin, son of Wm. Abell, July 9, 1830. Charles, son of Wm. Abell, July 24, 1830. Jona. Nelson, Sept. 12, 1777, aged 34 years. Daniel, son of J. Nelson, Sept. 26, 1775. Manning, son of Christopher Banister, Nov, 16, 1774. Lucy W. G., daughter of Rev. Joel Wright, Oct. 4, 182 1, aged 18 months. George, son of John Williams, March i, 1824, aged 20 years. Almira, daughter of Thos. Porter, Feb. 17, 1824, aged 18 years. Eden, son of Levi Stearns, April 7, 1828, aged 7 years. Eden, son of Levi Stearns, Aug. 27, 1830, aged 3 years. Jacob S., son of Arvin Nash, April 7, 1831, aged 6 years. Reuben Dresser, Aug. 4, 1845, aged 63 years. Sophia, his wife, Dec. 13, 182 1, aged 41 years. Elizabeth, daughter, Oct. 7, 1845, ^g^^ 19 years. Martha, wife of E. Carpenter, July 19, 1849, aged 18 years. Reuben Dresser, Feb. 2, 1818, aged 71 years. Mary, his wife, July 6, 18 10, aged 58 years. Hannah, his daughter, Aug. 27, 1777, aged 5 years. Reuben, Jr., Aug. 22, 1777, aged 3 years. Amos, Aug. 21, 1777, aged 2 years. Rev. Abel Farley, March 22, 18 17, aged 44 years. 238 HISTORY OF GOSHEIS^. Hannah, his wife, Sept. 27, 1815, aged ^8 years. Wealthy, daughter, Jan. 6, 1834, aged 20 years. Ebenezer Putney, June 14, 1802, aged 63 years. Susannah, wife, Jan. 5, 18 13, aged 60 years. Widow Margaret Putney, 1802,87 years. Hannah, daughter of Eben'r, Sept. 9, 1777, aged 3 years. Mary, daughter of Eben'r, Sept. 9, 1777, aged 4 years. John Williams, 2d, May 17, 1843, aged 74 years. Lieut. Eben'r White, Sept. 17, 183 1, aged 70 years. Dea. Oliver Taylor, May 12, 1826, aged 78 years. Lilly, wife, April 18, 18 13, aged 56 years. Adam Beals, Dec. 25, 1796, aged 72 years. Mary Cathcart, wife of Robert, 1809, aged 75 years. Gershom Cathcart, Sept. 23, 1852, aged 85 years. Polly, wife, July 11, 1858, aged 82 years. Lilly, daughter, April, 1813, aged 16 years. Edward Orcutt, Jan. 6, 1801, aged 66 years. John Jepson, July 7, 1830, aged 77 years. Betsey Leach, wife, Oct. 3, 183 1, aged 79 years. Marcy, daughter Wm. Hallock, Sept. 27, 1809, aged 35 years. Mrs. Nabby Chapin, daughter, Jan 19, 1795, aged 26 years. Mrs. Alsie, wife, June 7, 181 6, aged 82 years. William Hallock, Oct. 21, 1815, aged 86 years. Henry Kingman, Oct. 17, 1834, aged 24 years. Harriet E. Kingman, wife of Cyrus Miller, Nov. 15, 1835, ^ged 27. years. Fidelia Kingman, Feb. 23, 1834, aged 22 years. Samuel Grimes, Jan. 16, 1789, aged 50 years. Robert Webster, April 15, 1848, aged 71 years. Joshua Simmons, March 6, 18 19, aged 75 years. Sarah, daughter Moses Belding, Sept. 11, 1847, aged 17 years. Clarinda, daughter Moses Belding, Oct. 17, 1847, aged 23 years. Nancy, wife of John Grant, Oct. 25, 1836, aged 6;^ years. Lucy, only child of John Grant, Dec. 12, 183 1, aged 27 years. Margaret, widow of Ezra May, Jan. 19, 1788, aged 56 years. Joseph Jepson, Sept. 22, 1859, aged 75 years. Mary Ann (Judd), daughter, March 30, 1853, aged 30 years., Aaron Jepson, Sept. 26, 1836, aged 36 years. Spencer C, only child Asahel Billings, Oct. 29, 1830. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. Lucy S., wife Silas Burgess, Sept. 17, 1854, aged 71 years. John Salmon, March 15, 1799, aged 61 years. Ruth, wife, Jan. 30, 1800, aged 62 years. John, May 23, 1808, aged 32 years. Mary, (Peru, Ohio,) Aug. 18, 1844, aged 66 years. Mrs. Lucy, wife of Elder Eben'r Smith, Oct. 5, 1808, aged 68 years. Elizabeth, wife of Gurdon Williams, April 2, 1824, aged 49 years. Urbane, son, April 29, 1824, aged 22 years. Deborah, wife of Samuel Naramore, Nov. 26, 1800, aged 64 years. Joshua Packard, Jr., July i, 1834, aged 65 years. Philena, wife, Jan. 3, 1807, aged 40 years. Betsey, wife, July 15, 1834, aged 53 years. Capt. Horace Packard, Sept. 4, 1848, aged 54 years. Daughter of D. W. Graves, Aug^. 9, 1828. Mary Green, daughter of Rev. Hervey Wilbur, Nov. 21, 1827. Son of Dr. Geo. Wright, Dec. 15, 1827. Son of Barney Prentiss, March 5, 1832. Lydia, wife of Jacob Gardner, Nov. 5, 18 12. Nathaniel Tower, Jan. 12, 1850, aged 77 years. William, son of Caleb Bryant, Aug., 1830. Joshua Abell, Aug. 29, 181 1, aged 80 years. Rev. Isaac Child, Dec. 24, 1842, aged 55 years. Elizabeth, wife, March 15, 1855, aged 76 years. Susan Abell, April 2, 1858, aged 56 years. Joshua Abell, Aug. 18, 1833, aged 78 years. Phebe Abell, Nov. 14, 1846, aged 84 years. Widow Molly Gustin, wife of Capt. Webster, June 12, 1829. Barnard Grover, born 1771, died Nov. 8, 1790. Zipporah, wife of Stephen Grover, Oct. 7, 1791. Hannah, wife of Lemuel Lyon, Nov. 10, 1766. Christopher Grant, Oct. 12, 1777. Elizabeth Grant, Aug. 6, 1796. Ezra, son of Joshua Abell, Oct. 26, 1802. Dorothy, wife of Joshua Abell, Sept. 3, 1803. Joseph Jepson, April 20, 1839, aged 83 years. Rev. Benj. F. Brown, , 1842. {Corrected?) Desire Mayhew, Jan. 13, 1843, aged 75 years. Shepard Moore, June 15, 1843, ^^'^^ 80 years. Mrs. Joseph Jepson, June 15, 1843. 240 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. Francis Willcutt, June i6, 1843, a^ed 44 years. Livie White, wife of Asa, March 26, 1844, aged 52 years. Elvira, daughter of Nathaniel Phelps, May 20, 1842, aged 18 years. Susan, daughter of Joseph Putney, May 22, 1842, aged 39 years. Widow Sherman, June 13, 1842. Sophia Orcutt, June 26, 1842, aged 39 years. Laura B., daughter of Reuben Dresser, July 24, 1842, aged 20 years- Sarah, daughter of Rufus Moore, Sept. 16, 1842. Willard Packard, Sen., April 16, 1843, ^g^d 71 years. Almira, daughter of Wm. Sanders, Sept. 16, 1844, aged 45 years. John Franklin, Nov. 18, 1844, aged 74 years. Benjamin Russ, July 14, 1844, aged 62 years. Reuben Kingman, Jan. 28, 1845, aged 63 years. Halsey, son of Eleazer Hawks, Feb. 26, 1846, aged 29 years. Lydia, wife of J. V. Hunt, May i, 1846, aged 65 years. Martha, wife of Hattil W^ashburn, Oct. 26, 1847, aged 67 years. Emily Thurston, wife of Forrace Jepson, July 23, 1847, aged 32 years. Sophronia, daughter of James Orcutt, Dec. 3, 1848, aged 49 years. Robert Webster, April 15, 1848, aged 72 years. Marion, daughter of Lulher Kellogg, July 3, 1848, aged 7 years. Wid. Mary, Joseph Bassett, Dec. 23, 1848, aged 84 years. Betsey Butts, 1849, age 88 years. John C, son of West Tilton, March 3, 1849, aged 10 years. Daniel Ford, Oct. 12, 1849, aged 72 years. Nathaniel Tower, Jan. 12, 1850, aged 77 years. Sarah, wife of Cyrus Stearns, June 28, 1850, aged 84 years. Lucinda, wife of Solomon Parsons, July 6, 1850, aged 85 years. Abner Damon, April 14, 185 1, aged 85 years. - ^ Noah, son of Francis Willcutt, April 23, 185 1, aged 16 years. Stephen, son of Rufus Moore, Aug. 18, 185 1, aged 21 years. Harvey, son of Francis Willcutt, Nov. 9, 1851, aged 26 years. Katharine, wife of Ambrose Stone, Dec. 5, 185 1, aged 90 years. Zebulon Willcutt, Feb. 16, 1852 aged 93 years. Sarah, daughter of Ezra Brackett, March 6, 1852, aged 26 years. Jacob Gloyd, Jr., March 30, 1852, aged 63 years. Samuel Luce, June 11, 1852, aged 74 years. Angeline, wife of Oscar Washburn, May 2, 1852, aged 27 years. Lucretia, wife of Amasa Putney, Dec. 2, 1852, aged 55 years. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 241 Bathsheba, wife of Willard Packard, March 26, 1853, aged 75 years. Luciiida, wife of L. F. Eddy, Ocr. i, 1853, aged 23 years. Delia, widow Ebenezer Campbell, Dec. 4, 1853, aged 67 years. John V, Hunt, Jan. 27, 1854, aged 77 years. John Putney, April 9, 1854, aged 62 years. Lovisa, wife of Abner Damon, June 3, 1854, aged, 86 years. Susannah, wife of Shepard Moore, Aug. 18, 1854, aged 87 years. Milo Milliken, Sept. 5, 1854, aged 20 years. Trypiiena, wife of Geo. Abell, Sept. 7, 1854, aged 45 years. Jona. Hunt, Aug. 16, 1854, aged 54 years. Lucy, wife of Jerome Stephenson, March 9, 1855, aged 31 years. Lois wife of John Godfrey, March 17, 1855, aged 72 years. Cyrus Stearns, March 25, 1855, aged 90 years. Lucinda, wife of J. Walker, March 30, 1855, ^S^^^ 4° years. West Til ton, May 23, 1855, aged 55 years. Ja/red Hawks, June 13, 1855, aged 80 years. Bethiah, wife of Wm. Eldredge, Sept. 4, 1855, aged 68 years. Jane, wife of John Grant, Sept. 29, 1855, aged 78 years. P.itty, wife of Gershom Bates, Oct. 10, 1855, aged 73 years. • Elihu, son of Dryden Dawes, Oct, 2, 1855, aged 21 years. Gershom Bates, Oct. 22, 1855, a^red 77 years. Sylvanus Miller, Jan. i, 1857, aged 50 years. Daniel Pierce, M. D., Aug. 25, 1857, aged 74 years. Anna, widow of Jonah Williams, Aug. 28, 1857, aged 87 years. Simeon Cowl's, April 27, 1857, aged 78 years. Abigail, widow of Phineas Manning, Sept. 22, 1857, aged 94 years Henry Eddy, July 10, 1857, aged 68 years. Betsey, wile of Amasa Cowles, Nov. 24, 1857, aged ;^^ years. Susan, daughter of Joshua Abell, April 2, 1858, a2:ed 55 year^, Laura, wife of Chester M. Fuller, Jan. i, 1858, aged 30. Eliza, daugh(er of Ezra Brackett, Jan. 17, 1858, aged 37 years. j nnes C. Pearl, May 12, 1858, aged 52 years. Loiza, wife of Baxter Wilder, Oct. 2, 1858, aged 27 years. Charlotte, wile of Simeon Cowles, Nov. 19, 1858, aged 73 veais. Clarissa, wife of John V. Hunt, Sept. 30, 1858, aged 69 years. Polly, wife of G. Cathcart, July 11, 1858, aged 82 vears. Abigail, wife of Daniel Ford, Feb. 8, 1,859, ^S^d 79 years. 242 HISTORY OF GOSHEX. Aureliaj wife of Wm. Tilton, Jan. 30, 1859, aged 66 years. Elvira, daughter of Eleazer Hawks, date not known, aged 46 "years. Zenas Gloyd, Oct. 20, 1859, aged 70 years. Sophia, wife of N. S. Merritt, Nov. 17, 1859, aged 32 years. Asa White, Dec. 24, 1859, aged 72 years. Esther, wife of J. C. Pearl, May 18, i860, aged 48 years. Samuel Whitman, Jr., July 3, i860, aged 83 years. Arthur P. Hunt, Oct. 14, i860, aged 25 years. Amy, wife of F. Richardson, Oct. 31, i860, aged 20 years. Cynthia, wife of John Fuller, Nov. 23, i860, aged 65 years. Violet, wife of Asahel Billings, Feb. 17, 1861, aged 78 years. John Grant, March 11, 1861, aged 90 years. James, son of Sam'l Porter, March 18, 1861, aged 14 years. John L. Godfrey, April 19, 186 1, aged 32 years. Mary, daughter of Freeman Sears, May 27, 1861, aged 23 years^ Edward, son of West Tillon, May 28, 1861, aged*i6 years. Emery, son of F. Rice, June i, 1861, aged 10 years. Sarah, daughter of F. Rice, June 11, 186 1, aged 6 years. Mayhew Bassett, June 11, 1861, aged 68 years. Silas Bassett, June 17, 1862, aged 71 years. Mary, daughter of Jacob Jenkins, Aug. i, 186 1, aged 8 years. Henry, son of Elijah Bardwell, Aug. 6, 1861, aged 2 years. Lizzie, daughter of Elijah Bardwell, Aug. 10, 1861, aged 4 years. Charles, son of Elijah Bardwell, Aug. 10, 1861, aged 6 years. Ellen, wife of Patrick Dwyer, Feb. 6, 1862, aged 50 years. Arispe, daughter of Abner Pynchon, June 17, 1862, aged 25 years. Polly, daughter of Ebenezer White, May 12, 1862, aged 66 years. Ralph Utley, Nov. 7, 1862, aged 66 years. Hannah, widow of Timothy Lyman, Jr., Nov. 21, 1862, aged 82 years. Frank, son of Amasa Cowles, June 22, 1863, aged 13 years. Willie, son of Nelson Russ, Aug. 4, 1863, aged 16 years. Abner Phelps, Sept. i, 1863, aged 44 years. Rob't Rogers, Jan. 22, 1864, aged 77 years. Emma, daughter of S. Porter, April 13, 1864, aged 10 years. Erastus Brown, April 21, 1864, aged 72 years. Cynthia (Tilton), wife of Luce-Field, July 2, 1864, aged 76 years. Josiah Miller, Dec. 3, 1864, aged 48 years. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 243 Theo. Parsons, Jan. 19, 1865, aged 73 years. Orlin Nichols, Jan. 25, 1865, aged 63 years. Orpha, wife of Emmons Putney, July 14, 1865, aged 71 years. Phelinda Brown, Aug. 22, 1865, aged 72 years. Judith Hunt, Aug. 23, 1865, aged 92 years. Minnie, daughter of Calvin A. Packard, Sept. 28, 1865. Oliver Red, Nov. 21, 1865, aged 25 years. Lorinda, wife of C. Underwood, Feb. 4, 1866, aged 30 years. Aug. Sydell, July 5, 1866, aged 70 years. Jared Damon, June 28, 1866, aged 74. Mary, wife of Col. L. Stone, July 16, 1866, aged 71 years. Sally Whitman, Oct. 16, 1866, aged 75 years. Charles S., son of Elijah Billings, March 19, 1866, aged 29 years. Robert Barrows, April 21, 1867, aged 70 years. Sylvia, wife of Horace Willcutt, July 22, 1867, aged 35 years. Pardon Washburn, Aug. 29, 1867, aged 80 years. Helen, wife of Emmons Putney, Jan. 27, 1868, aged 51 years. Abigail, wife of Dr. Pierce, March i, 1868, aged 80 years. Julia M. Holman, wife of Minor, May 9, 1868, aged 25 years. Anna, daughter of John Smith, July 6, 1868, aged 86 years. David Whitman, Nov. 7, 1868, aged 81 years. Jackson Willcutt, June 18, 1869, aged 52 years. Aurelia, wife of Benjamin White, Aug. 11, 1869, aged 73 years. Rev. Wm. Willcutt, Aug. 19, 1869, aged 72 years. Wm. Tilton, Oct. 15, 1869, aged 76 years. Amanda, wife of E. Boyce, Dec. 14, 1869, aged 19 years. David Carpenter, Feb. 20, 1870, aged 85 years. Laura, wife of Alden, Sept. 11, 1870, aged 18 years. Cyrus Joy, Dec. 14, 1870, aged 83 years. Aurelia Fuller, wife of Ploratio Bassett, Dec. 10, 187 1, aged 43 years. Hiram Willcutt, May 24, 187 1, aged 39 years. Jane Bassett, daughter of Joseph Bassett, March 6, 1872, aged 87 years. Henry White, March 15, 1872, aged 49 years. Helen, wife of Edward Smith, April 17, 1872, aged 22 years. Wm. H.Miller, Aug. 10, 1872, aged 24 years. Martha, wife of Oren Russ, Sept. 23, 1872, aged 31 years. Franklin Robirison, Nov. 19, 1872, aged 24 years. Rev. T. Walker, July 31, 1873, aged 61 years. 244 HISTORY or goshen. Abner Pynchon, Jan. 7, 1874, aged 67 years. David Beals, Aug. 5, 1874, aged 69 years. John W. Miller, Nov. 15, 1874, aged 85 years. Jennie, daughter of J. D. Shipman, Dec. 20, 1874, aged 20 years. Rev. Sydney Holman, Dec. 31, 1874, aged 74 years. John Fuller, March 27, 1875, aged 85 years. Eleazer Hawks, June 16, 1875, aged 93 years. Luther Stone, July 2, 1875, ag^d 87 years. Lilly P., wife of Jonathan Hunt, Sept. 23, 1875, aged 70 years. Betsey Willcutt, Nov. 3, 1875, ^g^d 79 years. Quincy Bates, Oct. 15, 1875, aged 83 years. Rachel Carpenter, Nov 12, 1875, aged 85 years. Tryphosa, wife of Willard Parsons, Jan. 20, 1876, aged 78 years. Sarah, wife of Horace Packard, April 4, 1876, aged 82 years. Willard Parsons, May 6, 1876, aged 80 years. Mehitable, wife of Francis Willcutt, Sept. 10, 1876, aged 68 years. Mercy, wife of Miller, Dec. 10, 1876, aged 91 years. Elizabeth, wife of Elijah Billings, Dec. 16, 1876, aged 80 years. Anna, wife of Calvin Loomis, Jan. 9, 1877, aged 94 years. Thomas Daily, Jan. 27, 1877, aged 17 years. Sally Manning, daughter of Phineas, March 5, 1877, aged 86 years. Levi Barrus, March 18, 1877, aged 82 years. Julia M., wife of C. C. Dresser, June 26, 1877, aged 56 years. Nelson Russ, Sept. 2, 1877, aged 71 years. Anna L., daughter of Lorin Barrus, Oct. 17, 1877, aged 18 years. Rhoda, wife of Eleazer Hawks, Nov. 21, 1877, aged 86 years. Pulchera Plumley, Dec. 12, 1877, aged 77 years. James Prince, Feb. 19, 1878, aged 93 years. Samuel Porter, April 3, 1878, aged 77 years. Harriet, wife of Asa White, May 19, 1878, ag.ed 80 years. Moses Dresser, July 19, 1878, aged 88 years. Melvin Steel, July 21, 1878, aged 56 years. Geo. W. Manning, Aug. 26, 1878, aged 78 years. Nabby Bates, Nov. 19, 1878, aged 95 years. Celia, daughter of Josiah Miller, Nov. 9, 1878, aged 37 years. Wealthy Nichols (Godfrej^,) Nov. 29, 1878, aged 71 years. Calvin Loomis, Dec. 13, 1878, aged 99 years. Vesta C, wife of Edward C. Packard, May 18, 1879, aged 24 years. Abigail Warner, Aug. 2, 1879, aged 74 years. HISTORY OF GOSHEN. 245 Etta, wife of Frank Sears, Sept. 12, 1879, aged 19 years. Elijah Billings, Dec 12, 1879, aged 79 years. Mary Bassett, daughter of Joseph, March 2, 1880^ aged 86 years. Cynthia Richardson, March 5, 1880, aged 81 years. Caleb C. Dresser, March 25, 1880, aged 66 years. , wife of*J.. W. Miller^ July 13, 1880, aged 84 years. Corrections. Page 239. Lydia, daughter of J. Gardner. Page 240. Willard Packard died April 6. Mrs. Sarah Stearns died June 25. 246 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. APPENDIX. Act of Incorporation. Commonwealth of Massachusetts : In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one. An act for Incorporating the Plantation called Chesterfield Gore and the Northwardly part of the Town of Chesterfield, in the County of Hampshire, into a Town by the name of Goshan. Whereas the Inhabitants of the Plantation called Chesterfield Gore, formerly known by the Second Additional Grant made to Narraganset Township Number four, and those on the Northwardly part of the first Additional Grant to said Nar- raganset Township now included in the Town of Chesterfield aforesaid, have represented to this Court the great Difficulties and Inconveniences they labor under in their present Situation, and have earnestly requested that they be incorporated into a Town : Be it therefore Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same— The Plantation called Chester- field Gore and that part of the first additional Grant to Narraganset Township aforesaid, now included in the Town of Chesterfield, and bounded as followeth, viz. : — Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the said Second Additional Grant or Chesterfield Gore, thence North bounding westerly on unappropriated Lands Eight hundred and Sixty-four Rods to Ashfield south Line, thence East nineteen Degrees South on said Ashfield South Line 'till it comes to Conway west Line, thence South nineteen Degrees west on saidConway west Line to a Bound formerly known by Hatfield North-west Corner, thence south eleven Degrees west on Williams- burgh west Line to the South-east Corner of the first Additional Grant to said Narragansett Number four, thence west on the South Line of said Grant, Six hun- dred and fifty-four Rods including the whole of the four Tier of the Original Lots on the said first Additional Grant, thence North Eleven Degrees East on the west Line of the aforesaid four Tier of Original Lots, four hundred and fifty Rods to the Northwest Corner of the Original Lot Number twenty-nine, thence West three hundred and twenty-six Rods to the Southwest Corner of Lot number Ninety-four, being the North-west Corner of the Pine Timber Lot so called, thence North Eleven Degrees East four hundred Rods to the South Line of the second Addi- tional Grant, or Chesterfield Gore, thence West to the first mentioned Bounds, be HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 247 and hereby is incorporated into a separate Town by the name of Goshan with all the Powers, Priviledges and Immunities that Towns within this. Commonwealth have, or do enjoy. And be it further enacted that Jacob Sherwin, E?q., be and hereby is empowered to issue his warrant to some principal Inhabitant of said Plantation requiring him lo call a n^eeting of said Inhabitants in Order to choose such Officers as by Law Towns are empowered to choose in the month of March annually — provided nevertheless the Inhabitants of that part of the first Additional Grant which are included in the Town of Chesterfield shall pay their proportionable part of all such State and County Taxes, and Town Taxes so far as respects the raising of Men and Supplys for the Continental army as are already set upon them by the Town of Chesterfield in like manner as though this Act had not been made — In the House of Representatives, May 14, 1781. This Bill having had three several readings passed to be enacted. CALEB DAVIS Speaker. In Senate, May 14, 1781. ' This Bill having had two several readings passed to be enacted. JEREMIAH POWELL, Preset. Approved, JOHN HANCOCK. A true Copy, Attest— JOHN AVERY, Secy. 248 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Biograi^liieal. 'ihe following obituary notice of a native of this towa is from the Marittta (Ohio) Register of Feb. 1 2, i8So. Died in Fairfield, Feb. 10th, John J). Chamberlain, aged 90 years and 5 months. John Dresser Chamberlain was born at Goshen, Hampshire comity. 3Iassa('hnsetts,Sept. 10, 1789. Hi.-; father was the foui'teenth ciiild whose name was Asa, and tlie name is wide- ly disseminated. The subjeetof this sketch <'ame on foot across tlie mouniains and landed at Waterford, this county, March, 1811. Me t;iu,i;ht scliool at, Adams. (Cat's Creek,) Water- ford and Amesville. He enlisted in the war of iHli, and was lionorabiv discliarged at its close in 1814. He w^as near Sandusky in hearing of the battle on the lalce wliich resulted in Perry's victory. After the war he engaged in the manufacture of clocks at Cincinnati with Luman Watson, under the firm name of Watson & Chamberlain. He afterwai-ds returned to his farm in Wooster (now Watertown), Avhere he spent most of his long and useful life. He held many ofiices of trust and alwa> s discharged liis duties honestly. He was CJunty Commissioner from 1884 to 1840, serving with Robert Iv. Kwart, Daniel H. Buell and Wil- liam Dana. In politics he was an anti-siavei-y \Vliig and ardent Rei)ublican, and, while always a law-abiding citizen, he never turned fi-om bis door a hungry humanbeing, though forbidden by an odious law of Congress to feed the hungry slave lleeing fnnn s('r\ itude. He reared a large family and was the kindest of parents, fondly devoted to those of his kin and ready to labor incessantly for their welfare. Though of a strong will he was a man of tender sympathies, and human suflfering moved him as it does a child. He defended what he conceived to be his rights with an unconquerable devotion, but asked nothing for him- self that he did not concede to others. For many yeai's he had lived in the past, recounting the incidents of his life, and of the lives of those with whom he had associated, with great pleasure. Those who stood Avith him in his pioneer life have l)een swept down by tlie ruthless hand of time, and now the lone sentinel at the ripe age of fourscore and ten has laid down his burden to meet them. His funeral will take place to-day, from the residence of C H. Goddard, his son in-law, in Fairfield. Tlev. Joseph Stone Burgess. The early part of Rev. J. S. Burgess' life, was spent on his father's farm in Go- shen, Mass. His older brothers, Benjamin and Frederick, having left home, his father depended largely on Joseph, in carrying on the farm, and entrusted much to his care. Immediately following his father's death, which occurred when Joseph was seventeen years of age, he assumed with his mother, the entire responsibility of conducting the interests of the farm, which were considerable, and were made HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 249 quite successful. At eighteen he was appointed in connection with his mother, ad- ministrator of the estate left by his father, and guardian of four minor children, George, Sarah, Lucretia and Silas. The duties of this office were faithfully dis- charged, and approved by the Court. About this time, he became very anxious to obtain an education superior to what could be acquired at the schools in Goshen, especially at that time. In April of the following year, he left Goshen on foot with a few books and need ed clothing, for the purpose of fitting for college at Andover, Mass. Finding the expenses here too great for his limited means, he soon left Andover for Shelburne Falls Academy, an institution established on the "Manual Labor System," to aid indigent students. Here he was provided with instruction, and labored daily three hours to pay for his board, rising each morning at four o'clock. His industry and studious habits secured good health and proficiency in his studies. Here he re- mained three years and was promoted to the position of assistant in mathematics, under Prof. Brown. Several young men of Goshen followed his example, and soon entered the Acad- emy. Among the number were his brother George, F. W. Lyman, Levi L. Pierce and H. Orcutt. During hislonnection with the Academy, he taught winter schools in Goshen, Ashfield and Shelburne. Some of these were large and difficult, but he won commendatory reports from the committees, for his efficient services. He was subsequently engaged for eight years in teaching in New Jersey. While residing in that state he was delegate to the State Educational Convention at Trenton, where he took a prominent part in the discussion of important educational ques- tions then before the public. In 1844, he was delegate to the Whig State Convention at Trenton. He took a very active and earnest part, by frequent addresses and by circulation of documents and newspapers, advocating the election of Henry Clay for President. Towards the last of his residence in N. J., he read law in the office of Mr. Alex- ander of Princeton, and expected to have made the legal profession his life work. Subsequently pecuniary matters took him to Boston, Mass., when Keligions Im- J>ressions so wrought upon his mind as to entirely change the whole tenor of his life and labors. These impressions dating back to early religious meetings in Go- shen, under the labors of Rev. Mr. Noyse of the C ongregational church; the piety and faithfulness of his parents, his brother Frederick, and sister Maria, and Rev. Mr. Boardman; strengthened by Baptists and Methodists of Ashfield, were consum- mated at last in Boston, much through the influence of his oldest brother Benjamin and wife. Here he decided to be a Christian, and to preach the Gospel of Christ to the best of his ability. He immediately gave up his business and worldly plans, and entered at once the Theological Seminary at Whitestown, N. Y., under the auspices of the Free Baptist denomination, in due time becoming a member of the church and ordained minister in the denomination of Free Baptists. When about leaving the Seminary at W., Mr. B. received a call to settle over the Free Baptist -church at West Waterville, Maine. His labors here were attended with a very in- teresting outpouring of the Divine Spirit, adding some sixty persons to the church. Here he was united in marriage with Miss Laura A. Gage, a relation which has been most happily continued to the present time. In 1848, Mr. Burgess received and accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of 250 HISTORY OF goshe:n^. the Free Baptist church of Lewiston, Maine. Here his labors were continued 12 years, during which time, several religious awakenings were enjoyed, resulting in large additions to the church. He also rendered very important aid in the erection of a large and beautiful house of worship. He served also as Superintendent of the public schools. Returning to Lewiston after an absence of eight years, he estab- lished a second Free Baptist church, building a meeting-house and adding many members during his seven years of pastoral work. The additions to both churches during his pastorates of twenty years were nearly seven hundred souls. During Mr. Burgess' whole ministry he has firmly maintained an anti-slavery and temperance position, sometimes at a loss of place and means of support. From principle he has vigorously defended the poor and oppressed, and lifted up his voice emphatically against all N'atwnal sins. He has been settled over import- ant churches at Bangor, Me.; Haverhill, Mass.; Harrisburg, Pa., and St. Johns- bury, Vt., and has been often engaged in raising large sums of money, in payment of burdensome church debts. He has served several times as delegate to the F. B, General Conference; and Corresponding Secretary of the Home Missi©n Society, travelling extensively West and South, raising funds and aiding in church building. He was one of the original founders of the Maine State Seminary, now Bates Col- lege, of Lewiston, Me., and was eight years President of the Bward of Overseers of the College. He has for many years been correspondent of several newspapers. His public addresses and sermons upon various important occasions, have been published and commended. Mr. B. has joined several hundred in marriage, besides attending very many funerals ; and has been uninterruptedly engaged in the Chris- tian ministry 35 years. Personal Beminiscences by Levi L. Fierce' Circumstances over which I had no control, prevented my being born in Goshen,, but I went there to live in 1824, when only eight years old — on the 19th of April, a day memorable in the history of New England— a day when in the streets of Con- cord. "The embattled farmers stood and fired the shot heard round the world." I lived with my uncle. Col. Timothy Lyman, a farmer residing in the north district of the town. He owned some three hundred acres of land, of average quality for that part of the country, having stones enough on the surface to fence it into five acre lots, with walls five feet high. He was a thrifty farmer, and here I learned the ru- diments of farming, which I have never regretted, 51s it brought me in close com- munion with nature, and laid a slow but sure foundation for success in after life. Fred. W. Lyman, a cousin of mine, and of about the same age, lived half a mile- distant. We were always warm, intimate friends and companions, and attended" school in the old red school house, and always occupied the same seat in the north- west corner of the school-room. There we studied Peter Parley's geography, and learned, "The earth is round, and like a ball seems swinging in the air." We also- studied reading, writing, arithmetic, and the studies generally taught in district schools in those days. I don't know as there was anything vicious in our natures, but HISTOKY OF GOSHEX. '251 we were disposed to have a good deal of fun, both in and out of school hours. Wc generally managed to escape punishment, but occasionally would go so far as to be brought up with a round turn and a smart application of birch. As a sample of our tricks in school, I will name one: A boy we will call Roger, sat on a seat in line of ours, but some eight feet distant. We beckoned him to move up toward us, in- timating we had something to give him. Just as he had managed to get near us, without the teacher, noticing him, we would scream out at the top of our voices, ''Roger is here!" That would startle the whole school, and the teacher would ex- claim ''What's the matter jtcnuV and coming to the scene of the tumult, we would say, ''Just as we were busy at work on a hard sum, Roger came and bothered us." The result was, Roger was taken by the ear and marched into the middle of the floor, there to stand for half an hour to be pointed at as a warning to others. Did space permit, I would speak of spelling schools, militia trainings, and musters. At the first muster I attended, my uncle gave me twenty-five cents for spending money, and Aunt H.^nnah said, "Now, Levi, don't spend it foolishly." But long before the day was over it had all gone for ginger-bread and firecrackers, mostly for ginger- bread. I went to meeting regularly every Sunday in the once yellow old meeting- house on the common. Rev. Mr. Wright was the minister. I doubt not he was a good man in the usual acceptance of the term, and has long since "gone up higher." * * * But to my mind a brighter day is dawning— a day that will brush away the cobwebs of Dogmatic Theology, and usher in the Christianity of Christ— a Christianity broad as the world and whose membership shall embrace the whole family of man. Then will come the true millennium, when the lion and the lamb can lie down together, without the lamb being compelled to lie inside the lion. In i8;{i, soon after the death of my uncle, I went to live with Mr. Benj. White, where I remained until I was twenty-one. In 1840, I went to Southport, now Ke- nosha, Wis., and since then my life has been somewhat checkered. In 1848, I be- came acquainted with P. T. Barnum, Esq., the great show man, and was in his employ the most of the time for twelve years, travelling with Jenny Lind, the Chi- nese family, and for two years, 1850-51, as treasurer and ticket seller lor his great travelling American museum and menagerie. Dec. 10, 1S56, I sailed on the steamer Persia, in company with Gen. Tom Thumb, as his treasurer and ticket seller, for an extended tour of Europe. I found the General a very genial, companionable, generous little man. The exhibition proved a financial success, he appearing daily before large audiences, including crowned heads and heads not crowned. On the loth of Feb., 1863, I had the pleasure of attending the marriage of General Tom Thumb and Miss Loviena Warren, at Grace church. New York. The wedding at the church and reception at the Metropolitan Hotel were very elegant. I accom- panied the General and wife on their wedding trip to Washington, and on the even- ing of the 1 2th, by special invitation of President Lincoln and his wife, we spent two hours at the White House. There were present several members of Congress,, and in passing into the East Room, Mr. Lincoln said to the little General, "You go ahead, I would rather ioWow you than many Generals I have in the army." Becom- ing tired of the shmu business I engaged in the shoe business in Syracuse, N. Y,, where I was quite successful. In 1870, with my wife, Mr. Barnum, and an English 252 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. friend, I took a pleasure trip to California, via Union Pacific R. R., visiting the Yosemite valley, and many other interesting places, all enjoying it highly, p'or the past ten years I have been a semi-invalii. 1 bought a home, and am now living in the pleasant village of Greenfield, Mass. surrounded by the kindest of relatives and friends, with all my needed wants supplied. Here I intend to remain until called to fairer fields and pastures new, on the other side of Jordan, L. L. Pierce. Sketclies ortlie Centeimial Committee. Alvan Barrus, son of Levi, chairman of the committee, was born in 1831, the the semi-centennial year of the town, lie has always resided in this town, and taken an active interest in every thing that pertains to its welfare. As one of the town officers, he has borne his full share of labor. He was commissioned as Justice of the Peace in 1867, and is the only Justice now resident in the town. He has frequently been engaged in various public duties, and was a member of the Legis- lature in 1879. Devoting himself to a careful study of the questions coming before the House, he made several short but effective speeches, by which he won an hon- orable standing among his fellow legislators. His aid was often sought in drafting and advocating bills introduced by other members. He was a member of the Com- mittee on County Estimates. A paper referring to the bill for amending the game laws, said, it was "discussed with no little spirit. Mr. Barrus of Goshen was the champion of the bill in the interest of the farmers, and cudgelled some of the lawyers and city sportsmen who had taken occasion to speak lightly of his calling, in a way that won for him the sympathy and approval of even those who opposed the measure. It was the first time Mr. Barrus had spoken upon the floor, but the professional debaters will not oire to shak'= him up again." The Boston Traveller, in commenting upon the prominent members of the House, classed Mr. Barrus *' among the men who have made the session of the Massachusetts Legislature of 1879, memorable." His record as a member of the First Mass. Cavalry in the civil war may be found on a previous page. He is Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for 1881-2. George Dresser, Secretary of the Committee, son of Moses, resides on the ancient laomestead of the family, where he was born and has always dwelt, except for a few years spent in New Jersey, and in trade in St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Educated in the common and select schools, and at the Academy in New Salem, he was for ^°V2o S\^^ CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. HISTORY OF GOSHEX. 253 some years a successful teacher, and has often acceptably served as one of the School Committee of the town. He is one of the deacons of the church, for which he has peculiar qualifications, and has served on the Board of Parish Assessors^ and also as one of the Selectmen and Assessors of the town. Hiram Packard, Treasurer of the Conmiittee, son of Willard, born i8r6, has always been a resident here ; always true to his convictions of right and duty; always doing his full share,. pecuniarily, in sustaining church and parish; never " signing off," because something had been done of which he did not approve. He has done frequent official service for town and parish, and was tendered the diaco- nate of the church, whichhe declined. He represented his district in the Legisla- ture of 1873. Farming is his chosen calling, and of late years, in company with his son, Edward C, and Lorin Barrus, he has been experimenting with varied success in the culture of Fish, their latest effort being with carp imported from Germany by the U. S. government. He is one of the Board of Selectmen and Assessors for 1881-2. Lieut. Timothy P. Lyman, son of Capt. Francis, born 1834, was brought up on the original Lyman homestead, where he still resides. Possessing the loyal and military spirit of his ancestors, he early enlisted in the First Mass. Cavalry, and was with the regiment at Hilton Head, also in most of its engagements around Richmond, and was there at its fall. He was acting Quartermaster of the regiment, being promoted from private to First I>ieutenant. Re-enlisting, he remained in the army to the close of the w\ir. After his return home he was appointed Deputy State Constable, which office he held till the law creating the force was repealed. He has served upon the Board of Selectmen and Assessors of the town. John H. Godfrey, son of Henrv r.. \nnn 1842, worked upon the farm till the breakinhn,]l. Capt. , (Ji), 88. Natlian, C!). r.ii.LiNcs Family, 137-8. Asahel, 28, 80, 36, 37, 39, 40 Elijah,35, .51,(53, (54, 7-2, 90. .Fred S., 34, 3"), 103. Bis UK E, Rev. J. H., 49. B18SELL, JohnH., 107. Blake Family, 13")-! J. Joseph, 11, 7-2, 13.-). Silas, 13(). B()Ain).MAX,Rev. Win. .)., 48, 7r>. BODMAN, William, 19. Boies, Sanford, (57. BouKN, Benjamin, 13, 23, 70. BoLTWOOl), Rev. Lucius M., (52. BiiArKEiT Family, 208. Ezra, 71. Bradford. , 74. Brayman, SamuL'i, 72. Bridgman, Edward, 33, S3. Sidney E., 122. "E. P.B.,"210. Briggs, Rev. James, 4.). Browx Family, 13"). Rev. Benj. F., .-)7. 239. Champion, 71. Daniel, 11, 18, 21, 23, 42, 71, 102. Dorcas, 42. Greenwood, 23, 121, 13."). Joseph, 13, (58. Josiah, 13. Judith, 42. Thomas, 11, 1 135. Bryant. Caleb, (5(5, 96. Eli, 93, 114. Patrick, 30. Dr. Peter, 84. BrcKiNGilAM, Jed., 23, 71. BriiGESS Family, 136-7. Dr. Benjamin, 11, If, 18, 71,84,120. Benjamin F., 137. Rev. Frederick W.,.-)7. George M.,74. I5ev. Josei)h S., .")7, 74, 2 I.- Mercy, 74. Silas, 30, 71, 121. Buck, Isaac, 13. BURK, Wait, 96. Bi ifNELL, Thomas d,(53, 64, 90. 18, 21.2.-). .36, 41, 42,71, 112, >4. (Correction.) Kiuffsley A., 134. Bush, Joseph, 68. BiSHNELL, Rev. Dr., 64. nuTLER, Solomon, 71. i;viN(.TO\, Rev. INIr., 59. C A N M N ( i , Ed ward W. B . , 74. Carpenter Family, 143. Cyril, 51. David, 69, 75, 208. Edwin A., 71, 83. Ezra, 63, 70, 118. Richard, 143. Carrithehs, Rev. William, 62. ( All H AIM'. Gershom, 38. Oliver T.. 28. ' Chambeklain, Asa, 23, 248. John D., 248. Ciieever. Grace, 47. Ezekiel, 47, 57. Child, Rev. Isaac, 67. Guilds, Dr., 84. Clark. Edjvard,51. Josiah, 13. Rev. Lewis F., 74. O.P.,79. Cole, Ansel, 88. EbCnezer, 13. CoLSON, Adam, 151. Coney, Dr. F:ilis, 37, 84. CONVIORSE, Edward, 13. CORBIN. Ezekiel, 10, 22, 88. COWEN, Prince, 13. Co^vLE8 Family, 143. Amasa, 72. Jabez, 13. Simeon, 72. ' Cox, James, 13. Crafts, Albert w., 82. Cranston, 168, 215. Crittenden, Amos, 13. Crosby, Joseph, 67. Grossett, Rev. Robert, 48, 75, 76. Rev. J. Fislier, .57. Curtis, Zach., 13. CisHMAN Family, 142-3. Caleb, 14, 23, 61. (i9. Calvin,.59, (;0, (Jl,(;4, 74. Minerva, (50. Solomon, 143. Rev. Ralph, .58, 209. Rev. Ruf us, .57, 74. Vesta, 61. Wealthy, 61. HISTOKY OF GOSHEN. 257 Dadmun. Marshal, 10, 72. Damon Fa^iily, 144, Abner, 23, 66-7-8, 211. Gershom, 103. .Tared, 67-8, Marlon, 67-8, 71. Robert, 13. William, 13. Daaves, Charles H,, 106-7, Dry den, 69. Hon, Henry L,, 136, Joseph H,, 106, Mrs, Pamelia, 121. DOKR, George, 23. Dresser Family, 144-5, 210. Rev. Amos, 60, 61. Albert B., m, 210. Caleb C, 38, 64, 72, 88, 91, 121, 209-10. Francis, 36, 37. George, 34, 38, 51, 61, 6§, 72, 74, 75, 7( 252-3. George C, 34, 76. Hannah, 62. Levi, 72, 210. Moses, 11, 21, 36, 61, 72, 115. Reuben, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, :5(!, 37, 38, 6;^, 72,8:^,88, {)2, 111. Sophia B., 62, 210. DWIOHT. Josiah, 19. Dr. Wm. C, 84. DVER, Rev. Anson, 60. Edwards, Sar-ah, 120. Elwell, Moses, 69. EwEM. Consider, 93. Fisher, Rev, Wm,, 6j, FiSK, Rev, Pliny, .55, Fowler, Rev, Abram, 18, 44, Frary, Capt,, 64, Electa, 54. Fuller Family, 145. Doctor, 84. John,28, 67, 69. Nathan, 69. Gaoe, Sanford,75. Gardner, Levi, 144. Reuben, 37, 144. Gar DEL, , 211. Gates, Wid. Mary, 23. Gere, Henry S., 124, 188. Gibus, Lewis, 93. Gloyd, Jacob, 70. Zenas, 70. Godfrey, Anson W., 106. 210, Henry T., 71, 120. John H., 34, 5, 8, 9, 63, 107. John L., 80. Wm. A., 82. Gould, S. J., 67, 71. Grant Family, 145-6. Asa, 11, 71, 96. Christopher, 13, 21, 42, 71. Elizabeth, 24, 42. John, 35, 6, 7, 8, 9, 71, 4, 5, 92, 101, 121, 211. Graves, Downing W., 83. Grimes Family, 146. James, 23, 5. Mary 41. Sanmel, 22, 70. Widow, 23. Grover Family, 146. Stephen, 23, 71. Gilbert, Rev. W. H., 49. Guilford, Chauncy, 72. GURNEY, Lysander, 90. Spencer, 90, GusTiN, Joel, 70 Halbert, James, 23. John, 13. Nathan, 23. Widow, 71. Hallock Family, 146-7. Abigail, 62. Alse, 41. Jeremiah, 41, 4, 52, 3, 4, 96. Moses, 54. William 11, 18, 54, 62, 71, 96, 119. Hamilton, Thomas, 18, 9, 69. Hamlin, Theron, 79. Alden, 79. Hawks Family, 147. Amos, 10, 70. Eleazer, 70. Electa, 62. Dr. Erastus, 84. Fannie E., 75, 6, &3. Jared, 29, 70,1,81,2. Joseph, 63, 4, 70, 80, 2, 3, 93, 121. Julia, 211, 2, ; I Rodney, 67, 70, 89. Hawley, Maj. Joseph, 1.51, Hayden, Elisha H., 39. Henry, 72. '' Joel, 62. Josiah, 62. Nelson, 71. HiGGlNS, Simeon, 13. Hinsdale, Rhod^, 120. HOLMAN, Rev. Sidney, 49, 50, 76. Myra, 74. 258 HISTORY OF GOSHEN^. Th>s. S., 107. Hopkins, Dr. Lewis S., 122. HOSFOK ), Arart, 28. Stephen, G7, 71. Howes, Reuben, 23. Zechar'ah, 60. Hubbard, Alexis K., 108. CalvHi A ., 108. Dan J el, 69. Fred. A., 108. Hollon, 120. I?ev. Wni., 10, 07. Hughes, 102. HExJT Family, 147-3. Ebenezer, 79. John v., 6it. Lowell, 90. Susie P., 75. Geo. S., 212. HUTCHINS, Dr., 81. James Family, 148, 212-3. Enoch, 28. John, 21, 3, 5, 33, 70, 80. Lvther, 212. Malachi, ";3, 9, 30, 3, 70, 92. Moses, 23, 70. Jenkins, Jacob, 64. Leonard, 69. Jei'SON Family, 149. Francis, 33. Forrace, 69, 71. John, 22, 3, 69, 96. Joseph, r8, 96. Micah, 23. C'^-eJ, 69 92. Jewell, Aaron, 1^. Nathaniel, 63. JONES, ATved, 75, 83. Capt. Lewis, 69. WiHia^n,21, C2. Joy Family, 164. Cyrus, 164. Julia A., 16^. Jdciiau, llev. Geo., 50. Kellogg, Daniel, 23. George. 71. Jennie E., 49. Ruby, 62. Stephen, 23, 93. Keen, Phil p, 70. Kbyes, Rev. Calvin, 67. Kid, Charles, 14. KILBURN, Rev. Josiah, 41, 2. KING Family, 149. Paul, 95. Robert, 149. Kingman Family, 14£-150. Isaac, 23, 68, 96. Levi, 89. Reuben, 90. Hon. RichTOond P., 149 Kingsbury, Rev. Cyrus, 60. Kinney, Co)., 30. KiRKLAND, Ha. »^ey, 64. John, J 7. KiTTREDGE, Dr. Jol i, 23. Knowlton. Joshua, 38, 82. Madison, 1 '0. Lamb, Mrs. Martba J., 157-9. Lazell, Edmund, 93. LEACH. Cyrel, 70. Samuel, 13. LiNSLEY, Marcus, 51, 7). LiTTLEF XD, Daniel, 13. Lo^GLEY, Rev. Al<'rcd,74. Col Tlomas, 23. LooMis Family, 1.52. AlmonB., 68. Calvin, 6t, 1.52. Loud, Caleb, 20. Lovell, Jacob, 79. Lucas, Geo. W.,64. Luce Family, 153. Samuel, 23, 39, 66, 71. Sears, 71. Lull, James, 72. LuMMis, Reuben, 71. LUSK, Rev. Wm., 4.3. LYMAN Family, 150-2. Aaron, 116. Elisha, 17. Francis, 36, 9, .51, 71, 83, 92. Frei^cerick W., 71, 4, 5, 1.52, 213. Gad, 151. Giles, 3c, 116. Hele'»,75. John C, 38, 71. Jonathan, 51, 64. Josiah, 96, 116. Richard, 150. Thomas, 71, 88. Timothy, 11, 14, 17, 20, 8, 9, 35, 8, 9, 40, 71, 92, 7, 151 . Timothy P., 35, 71, 103. Lyon Family, 1.50. Cvrus, 13,21, 2, 4, 70, 121. Elias, 89, Lemuel, 10, 17, 19, 24, 35, 41, 2, 70,82, 92, 119. Marcus, 26. Silvenus, 69. HISTOEY OF GOSSEK. 259 William, 71. : >.NJ ^G Family, 153. Vugnsi-us, 105, 120. George W.. 103. George P., 105. Joel D., 105. Johu. 103, 105. Pliinebpo, 23, 67, 97, 103, 121. Willi? m, 106. M RT, Cha ..-les, 70. Mansfield, Job i, 23, Martin, liev. Oria, 67. Mason, Rev. Stephen, 47, 75. Lowell, 64. INlAY Family, 1u3-5. . Dexter 71, Electa, 60, 62- Ezra, 10,12, 71,96, 1.t;3. Margaret, 19, 42. Nehemlah, l'\ 17, 18, 21, 5, 6, ."6, 7, 9, ''\ C-^ 71, 9, 81, 2, 9, 93, 153, 216. Prudence 62. Saiah, 32. Mayhew, Frcebor.i, 23, 71, 92. 155. MAYOtl, George, 39, 70. M'-'-ADEH, Wiilam, 22, 71, IH, 1.53. ]\*'lls, Geor^ , 13. ]S'rLLFi;,.)osi!ih,71. Rev. Moses, 'S. MITCHELL, Chester, 93. Rov. Mr. 48. Moi MSON, J. R., 70. MOOUE F>MVLY, ].J5. Abner, SC. Shepherd, 23. Morion. Baiii- ir, 69. Rev. Dauiel O., .55, 62, 214. Eii^l a, 1.54. Hoh. Levi P., 62. MOTT Family'. S-axvi e!, 11,22, 23, 91. Jamf^^,226. NAKAMOIJE F;^ AIILV, 15 •. Alvjheus, ?3, 37, 0% 9;i- Deborah, 23, 68. Frank iP, 36, 37, 40,68, »i9. Hopry L.. 107, 157. Josaph, 23, 37, f'S, 92. Samuel, 156. Sarah W., 74. Thaddeus, 24,70. Nash Fa mily, 157 i -■ Arvin, 121. Martha J., 157,8,-9. NELSON, Jona., 13. Newell, Zimri, 71, 92. Olds Family, 160. Rev. Jason,. 56, 90. Levi, 23. Samuel, 13, 18, 21, 68, 110. Silas, 90. Orcutt Family, 159. Edward, li, 71. James. 6-t, 97. Nathan F., 137. Thankful, 74. OrrFamily, 1.59, 160. James, 22, 3, 66, 8. OWEN, , 72. Packard Family, 1 C-lt.. Asa, 13. Oleb, 97, Calvin A., 33. 7, 8, 40. Edward C, 63, 70, 6. Frebuu W.,71,91. Hiram, 33, ^ 5, 7, 8, 40, 63, 9, 70, 88. C^pt. Horace, 36, a3, 89, 91, 93, 161.. Horace H., 106. James, 11,19, 21,3, rs, 116. Joshua, 11, 38, 9, 66, 8, 78, 90, 1, 162. R.alph, 72. Willard,22, 70, 161. Wm. S., 39, 69, 70, 72. Pain, Ebenezer, 72. Parker, Widow Mary, 24. Parsons Family, 162-165, 214. Ben.iamin, 11, 5', 55. Rev. B. Fra.ikUn, 57, 69. Ebenezer, 11, 17, '^5, 36, 37, 79, 81, 82. Erastus, .55. Elihu, 23, 120. Frederic, 118. Helen, 75. Henry, 105. Justin, 11, 21, 24, 37, 39, 42, .51, 5-4, 62, 69, 71, 119, 163, 214. Rev. Lev', 54, 5. Levi, 69, 163-4. Lucre tia, 54, 62. Lucinda, 74. Mary, 74. Rhoda, 74. Silas, ll,i5,5,69. Solomon, 11, 37, 40, 69, 79, 82, 89. Stepben,2S,51.'8!:. Theodore, 69, 16.". Wilhivd,29, 69. Wm. Lyman, 107. Partridge Family, 165. Asa, 71, 165. Eli, 68. 260 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. J. H., 74. Patrick, James, 23, 88. Perkv, Josiah, 14. Phelps. Abnev, 72, lOG. Lei-oy, ]0(). Levant, lOG. Xathaiiiel, 72. Pllir.LTI'S. Benjamin, ]!). Wendell, 64. Pierce Family, im. Rev. Chas. H., 60. Dr. Daniel, 75, 84. Geo]'ge, 121. Heniy, 60. Martha, 74. Levi L., 74, o, 166, 250. Thomas, lo. Timothy 1)., .^S, 107. Volney, 71. Pool, — ^, 72. POMEROV, Thos. W., 70. Porter, Satiiuel, 71. Pratt, Enoch 13. Prentk'E, liiu-ney, ;!(;, 75, 143. Putney 1-\\milv, i(i(;-7. Aniasa, 75. Ebene/.ev, 11,14, 21, 22, 24, 37, 42, 5-3, 62, 81), 115, 119, 120,166. Eli^ha, 71. Emmons, 36, 47, 75, 214, 76, 88, 80. Hannah, 62. Henry, 107. Joseph, 38, 70, 72, 167. Maria, 74. Nahum, 118. Naomi, 74. Ranger. Dr. Job, 83-4. Rannev Family, 144. Reed, Rev. Iloyal, 48, 75. Simeon, 91. Zelotus, 91. Rice, Capt. Fortlyce, 92. J^yman F., 106. Richards. James, 62, 4. Nehemiah, 30. Richardson, Fred. C, 72, 216. Richmond, Zebulon, 24. Roberts, Ansel A., 107. RORINSON, Dr. Isaac, 12, 71, aS. Dr. Joseph, 83. Dr. R. C., 84. Watson, 23. Rockwell. Dr. A. W., 84. Dr. J. W.,75, 84. Rogers, Dr. George, 84. Rev. H. M., 50, 76. John, 24. Joseph, 71, 1.5.5. Robert, 71, 156. Rolon, 71. Rood, Rev. Thomas H., 48, 76, 215. Rose, Rev. Israel G., 47. Russ. Nelson, 71. Oren, 71. Russell, Jona., 24. Salmon. Rev. P:. Putney, HG. George, 37, 70, 81. Sears. Freeman, 37,8, &3. F. Willis, .55. George H.,76. Shaw. Alonzo,'34, 5, 8, 68, 191, 2. Mrs. Alonzo, 67. Josiah, 79. SHi<:A,.l()hn, 13. Sheldon, William IT., 74. Shei'AUD, Itev. Mase, 44. Shii'MAX, James D., 88. Sherwix. Jacob, 19. Silvester, Richai-d, 13. Simmons, Joshua, 39, 69. smith Family, 170-1. Ellen E., 62, 74,215. Hannah, 74. John, 11, 17, 21, 41, 2, .59, 60, 70, 92, 170. John M.,37, .5:^,64, 170, 216. Leonard, 71. Lucy, 74. Mary, 62, 74. Ralph E., 38, 71. Reuben, 46, 71,121,170. Sarah, 42. Snell. Ebenezer, 19. Samuel, 68. Snow. Capt. Jonathan, 22,3. Samuel, 66. Spaulding, Asa, 13. Stearns Family, 167-170. Charles, 9. Cyrus, 10, 24, 30, 67, 9, 90, 113, 121, 169. David, 9, 12, 18, 19, 21, 42, 70, 9(>, 114, 168. HISTORY or goshe:n^. 261 Ebenezer, 9. Ezra, 88, 66. Isaac, 9. John, 24, 70, 96, 215. Lemuel, 96. Levi, 90. Samuel, 12. Shubael, 9. Thomas W., 69, 90. Stephenson, George, 118. Stone Family, 171-176. Alvan, 57. Ambrose, 11, 15, 22, 3, 5, 31, 36, 7, 8, 9, 40, 69, 74, 88, 92, 8, 171. Amos H., 69, 88. Dea. Artemas, 11,14,21,2, 42, 44,51,8,71, 176. Augusta, 74. Edward G., 69. Frederick P., 30, 40, 64, 9. Jerusha, 42. Oren, 93. Col. Luther, 29, 30, 1, 3, 5, 6, 38, 9, 40, 63, 9, 93, 121, 173-4. Silvauus, 11,23,70,'!. Theodocia,58, 62. Street, Whiting, 34. Strong, Rev. Joseph, 45. Taft, Cheney, 195-6. Taylor Family, 176-7. James B., 106. Dea. Oliver, 14, 17, 18, 21, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 36, 7, 8, 9, 40, 4, 5, 51, 70, 79, 90, 120, 176, 214. Thayer. Ludo, 78. Jason C., 79. Thomas. Ezekiel, 68, 96. Samuel, 69. Thompson. Israel B.,31,83. Rev. John C, 40, 8, 9, 75, 76, 214-5. Tilton Family, 177-8. Benjamin, 69, 90. EmmaW., 75. George F., 104. Henry H., 33, 51, 71. Polly, 17. Salathiel, 23, 177, Spencer, 71 , 103. S. West, 33, 6, 67, 71. Vashti, 75. 177, 215. William, 28, 40, 71. Todd, Rev. Asa, 67. Tower, Isaac, 23, 70. Nathaniel, 70. Richard, 24, 72. Thomas, 79. Town, Ebenezer W., 51, 75, 81, 121. Trues dale. Benjamin, 70. ; ^ i^prson v Ebenezer, 113. \ ^^® Person. Turner, Wm., 13. Tucker, Abijah, 9, 12, 168. Tyler. Nathan W., 13. Stephen, 13. Utley, Ralph, 37, 121, 178. VINING, Mrs. M. C. F., 49. Yinton Family, 178. Abiathar, 24, 98. Frederick, 74. Levi, 24, 66, 98. Nathaniel, 24, 72. Walker, Isaac, 98. Rev. Townsend, 50. Ward, Trowbridge, 93. William, 19. Warner, Joseph, 93, 4. Washburn Family, 179. Hattil 33, 5, 81, 90. Webster Family, 179. Robert, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 88, 9, 116. Elizabeth, 74. William, 70, 88, 95. Weeks Family, 180-183. David, 183. Elijah, 100, 181. Ezra, 182. Mercy, 180. Capt. Thomas, 11, 17, 18, 21, 3, 41, 2, 70, 98, 9, 180, 1. Whalley, Rev. Samuel, 62. Wheeler. James, 23. Rev. M. G., 48. Whitcomb, James, 24. White Families, 194-202. Abigail, 24. Asa,37,89, 91, 195. Benjamin, 29, 33, 5, 6, 8, 9, 40, 51, 63, 72, 75, 201, 202. Ebenezer, 24, 64, 6, 89, 195. Elias, 70. Ezekiel, 24, 72, 194. Farnum, 17, 18, 21, 28, 42, 71, , 195. Henry, 37, 71. Hon. James, 200. John, 30, 114. Jonathan H., 201, 262 HISTORY OF GOSHEN. Joseph, 35, 40, 72, 75, 108. Joseph H., 199. Josiah, 24, 64, 6, 9.3. Julia M., 74. Marcy, 42. Molly, 24. Rev. Morris E., 48. Noah, 72. Nehemiah, 64. Pere?:rine, 121. Kalph H., 201. Simon H.,200. Sophia M., 199. William, 10, 12, 17, 18, 21, 2, 6, 35, 6, 9, 40, 2, 72, 92, 5, 100, 119, 196, 7, 8, 202. Whitman Fainiily, 193-4. Ephraim, 47. Grace, 47. Rev. Samuel, 39, 34, 6, 54, 67. 193. Whitney, Gen. James S., 137. Williams Family, 183-191. Mrs. Anna, 121. Artemas, 187. Clarinda B., 62, 75. Daniel, 33, 6, 8, 63, 88, 188. Mrs. Deborah S., 62, 3, 4, 121. Gordon, 67, 70. Hannah, 74. Hinckley, 70, 80, 1, 3. H. Wright, 118. John, 17, 21, 3, 9, 37, 40, 66, 186, 67, 70, 9, 1, 2, 90. John, 2(1, 88, 91, 121, 191. Jonah, 23, 82, 90. Levi, 29. Mrs. Mercy, 121. Sarah R., 185. Rev. William, 57. WiLLCUTT Family, 191-2. Andrew, 57. Enoch, 66, 70. Jesse, 66, 70. Joel, 191. Lorenzo, 68. Philip, 70, 118. Zebulon, 11, 23, 31, 67, 191. Wing Family, 193. Edward, 23, 118. Samuel, 23. Wright Fa^hly, 204. Rev. D. Grosvenor, 57, 204. Dr. George, 75, 84. Rev. Joel, 47, 75, 202-4. Rev. J. E. M., 61, 66, 204-6*. Jonathan, 61. Justin, 13. Wyivian, Daniel, 72, 215. * Correction— PvigQ 206, first line should continue "after residing for four years, etc. " 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED „,i,9Ah!,pEPX„ This booK IS due on the last aate stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ' 14Sep'56LM REC'D LD SEP 71956 APR 2 R 1970 00 tttttumto APR 2 2 WO lOAN DfPAKTMMT m, CIR, VkK 2 « 137! } LD 21-100m-6,'56 (B9311sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Cmm3EMb7 M293195 gK THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY