■c<&c.c-c c great work.- of his ap tstolicpredi . as well as hi- own under- i takings in the cause of religion; finally the Bplendid ovation of j the Silver Jubilee, crowning, as it were, the quarter of a century < of his ministry in the Church of God. Diocese of Wheeling. HE State of Virginia was made a diocese by the Holy See by Apostolic letters dated July 11th, 1820, and was called the Diocese of Richmond. Its first bishop was Rt. Rev. Dr. Kelly, consecrated August 24th, 1820, in Ireland, arrived in this country January 19th, 1821. Ill health led to his translation to Ireland in 1822, where he died October 9th, 1829. For nineteen years the See of Richmond remained under the administration of the Mt. Rev. Archbishops of Baltimore. Rt. Rev. Richard Vincent Whelan, D.D., was appointed December 19th, 1810, .second bishop of Richmond, and consecrated March 21st, 1811 . During nine years his jurisdiction extended over the entire State of Virginia. On July 23d, 1850, the western part of the State was made a separate diocese, and Rt. Rev. Dr. Whelan translated to the new Bee as its first bishop. Rt. Rev. Richard V. Whelan's Life, Labors, Etc. Rt. Rev. R. V. Bishop Whelan, D.D., was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1809, and made hi> collegiate studies at Emmitsburg, Md., and bis philosophical and theological studies at St. Sul- pice, Paris, France. A brief biographical notice o£ his life and labors is given by Richard II. Clark, LL.D., " Lives of the De- ceased Bishops «»f the Catholic Church in United States." After an episcopate of thirty-three years Rt. Rev. Dr. Wnelan died in Baltimore, his birthplace, July 7th, 1874. As a prelate his rec- ord is as bright and glorious as that of any bishop of the church 6 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee from the days of the Most Rev. John Carroll, first bishop in the States, to his own day. He was a model in everything — simple as a child, gifted and learned in an extraordinary degree. He was a man of indomitable will, of wonderful courage and of a power of endurance that knew no bounds. It was frequently remarked that he lived out of his time ; that he belonged to the great galaxy of Fathers of the early church. As a churchman his life was so grand, so heroic that it may be termed apostolic. The demon- stration on the occasion of his funeral July 10th, 1874, attested the veneration in which he was held by the whole community, non-Catholic as well as Catholic. The Diocese was wisely and ably governed from July 7th, 1874, to May, 1875, by Very Rev. H. F. Parke, administrator sede vacante. Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. Y Apostolic Letters, bearing date February 12th, 1875, Rev. John J. Kain was appointed second bishop of Wheeling. The diocese comprises the State of West Virginia, except the following counties, which are in the Diocese of Richmond : Pendleton, Grant, Mineral, Hardy, Hampshire, Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson ; also all that portion of the State of Virginia lying west of the counties of Patrick, Franklin and Roanoke ; also that portion of Craig County which in 1850 belonged to the County of Mont- gomery. Rt. Rev. John J. Kain's consecration took place in the Wheel- ing Cathedral, May 23d, 1875. or Kt. Rev. Johx J. Kaix, D.D. 7 Farewell Correspondence Between Bishop Kain and His Old Congregation. To the Rigid Rev. Dr. J. J. Kain, Bishop of Wheeling: Very Rev. Sir: In view of your recent elevation to the dig- nity of the mitre, we, the undersigned, members of your late con- gregation at Harper's Ferry, beg leave to give expression to our feelings on this auspicious event. Our emotions are singularly compounded of grief, satisfaction and pride. We feel that your inevitable removal from us will entail a loss not easily remedied, for we but echo the general opinion entertained by men of all re- ligious denominations in this community when we say that, while your zeal in the cause of heaven has been singularly fruitful in good, your talents and learning have rendered the services of the Church more than usually attractive, and commanded the respect of even indifference and unbelief. Our sorrow, however, is more than counterbalance. 1 by the re- flection that our loss is the gain of the Church, and that your re- moval from us only gives a wider field for the exercise of the extraordinary powers with which you are professedly endowed, and which were partially lost to religion while yon occupied the comparatively obscure position of a missionary priest. The church has again fallen on evil days, and not even when the heroic Athanasius combatted the first great heresy, and vindicated the Godhead of her divine founder, or when the ferocious feuds of Guelphs and Ghibellines obliged the Pontiffs to take refuge among the peaceful shades of Avignon, did the tempest rage as it does now around the "Barque of Peter." The Eoly See realizes this fact, and inspired as ever by divine wisdom, it is nol alow in rec- ognizing the clear heads and atoul hearts which the occasiozi de- mands, and which, in pursuance of God's promise, are never lack- ing, and we reflect with pride that our beloved pastor has been designated by the infallible Vicar of Christ as one to whom the 8 Saceedotal Silver Jubilee helm may be safely entrusted. With these mingled feelings we present you with this expression of our good will, and, as we pray that your future course may not belie the glorious promise of your youth, we beg that you reciprocate by invoking for us the blessing of the God whom you have so faithfully served, and in whose army you now take so exalted a rank. Trusting that our mutual good wishes and prayers may meet the favorable attention of heaven. We remain your ever faithful and loving children in Christ. My Dear Friends and Beloved Children of Christ: Mine is not an easy task to put in words what my heart now feels. Your address, with its accompanying token of affectionate esteem, has aroused me to a fuller realization of my approaching change, and the sad parting it will entail. I have given the matter much serious thought. I have often looked ahead and brought to mind the coming separation from my dearly loved flock, and the pain it was going to inflict. But as the time draws near for my final departure, I feel more keenly the pang of parting, and whilst I thank you — but thank is too cold and formal a word; I only use it for want of a better — whilst, then, I thank you from my heart for the kind, affectionate sentiments you express towards me, I cannot but own that their very expression has made me feel very sad, for I am thereby warned how soon the rending will come of ties most dear and sacred — how soon I must forever leave those among whom I have spent all the years of my ministry, and whom I have grown to love with all a father's affection. Cheerfully would I still minister to you and spend my remain- ing years among you, for you have always showed me the docility and devotedness which gladdens the heart and stimulates the zeal of a pastor of souls. But God, our Master, has deemed it other- wise, and you and I must bow in humble submission to His will, as expressed in the voice of His Vicar upon earth — the Sovereign Pontiff. Though I must now leave my present home, endeared by so of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D. D. 9 many pleasant memories, I shall ever entertain in my heart the most grateful recollection and wannest appreciation of your kind- ness and affection, of which your handsome and so appreciated a gift is the pledge, as it will be the memento. That God may bless you with every good gift is the fervent wish and daily prayer of your devoted friend and father in Christ, John -I. Kain, Bisfo p elect of Wheeling. As the election and consecration of Rev. .John J. Kain as Bishop of Wheeling is the great event of twenty-fiv< of his priesthood, it is deemed becoming to record the fact with its solemn ceremonies in this Silver Jubilee pamphlet. (From Daily Intelli . May J4th, 1875). Consecration Ceremonies of Rt. Rev. J. J. Kain, 1>.1». Ill-] consecration of a Bishop is considered one of the most august ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church. The various ceremonii iplendid and impressive, and, in the words of a late distinguished prelate, " those who regard it as an idle display, Btr o it.- nature and meaning." The essentia] rite by which the power of the Episcopacy i- communicated is the imposition of hands, with prayer; hut every ceremony, such a- the preparatory examination, the delivery of the emblems of pastoral authority, etc., hae a significance. The entire ceremony, when thoroughly understood, i.- at once beautiful, interesting, and im- posing. A CROWDED CATHEDRAL. The death of lit. Rev. Bishop Whelan, of this dicx about one year ago, and the Bubsequenl appointment oi Rev. -I. .1. Kain, of Martmsburg, W. Va., aa his successor, are well known 10 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee to the public. The consecration of the new Bishop was looked forward to with an unusual degree of interest, it being the first ceremony of the kind ever witnessed in the Virginias, either be- fore or since the birth of the new State. It had been announeed that Bishop Kain would be consecrated on Sunday morning, May 23d, and for some weeks past the clergy in this city were engaged in active preparations for the important event. An immense crowd was attracted to the Cathedral, many coming from a dis- tance to witness the imposing ceremony. By 10 o'elock in the morning the edifice was crowded in every part, and hundreds were unable to obtain even a glimpse of the inside of the church. Among the distinguished gentlemen who occupied seats in the Cathedral were several of the officers of the State government, members of both branches of the Legislature, members of the City Council, and leading clergymen of the city and vicinity. DECORATED AND ILLUMINATED. The interior of the Cathedral was handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens. Inside the chancel, above the altars and thrones, over the images and on the walls around the chapels, beautiful flowers had been arranged with much taste and effect ; and the myriads of gas jets and wax candles shone upon a brilliant scene. The pillars of the church were trimmed with evergreen, with white roses at intervals. ARRIVAL OF PROCESSION. About 10:30 o'clock, Prof. Herman Ebeling began a volun- tary upon the organ, and an instant later the procession entered the Cathedral from the door opening on Eoff Street, in the fol- lowing order : Cross-bearers with cross. Torch-bearers. Thurifers bearing censers with burning incense. The Acolytes. Ecclesiastical Students. of Rt. Rev. Johs .). Kain, D.D. 11 Diocesan Priests — about twenty-four in number. Eminent clergy of other dioceses — about thirty in all. Hi-hops Rosecrans, Domenec, Shanahau and O'Hara. .Rev. J. J. Kain, the Bishop-elect, supported on cither Bide by Bishops Becker and Gibbons. Archbishop Bayley. Arch Priest, Deacon and Sub-Deacon. how tup: participants WERE CLOTHED. Bishop Rosecrans, of Columbus, Ohi<>; Bishop Domenec, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Bishop Shanahau, of Harrisburg, l'a.; ami Bishop O'Hara, of Scranton, Pa., were dressed in purple mantelets or capes. Bishops Becker and Gibbons were in Bishop's vesture and caps, but the Bishop-elect appeared only in dark BOUtau and -ur- plice. Archbishop Bayley wore his cope and mitre, and carried in his right hand his crosier. As usual, the traditional train-hearers were on hand to hear the Bishops' long train. Upon arriving in the chancel, Archbishop Bayley, of Haiti- more, who officiated as Consecrator, was vested in lull pontificals. The Bishop-elect put on the aniict, all), cincture and stole, crossed upon his heart as a priest, and took the cope and sandals. Bishops Rosecrans and Shanahau took .-eats on the right of the altar, the former next to an inner d \ and the latter nearer the congregation. On the left of the altar, and near the Arch- bishop's' throne, Bishops O'llara and Domenec seated themselves. The former sat next to the congregation. The members of the clergy were -eated just in front of the chancel. consecrator AM> assistants. Archbishop Bayley, the ( lonsecrator, was assisted by Very Rev. J. Paul Dubreul, President of St. Mary'- Beminary, Baltimore, as Arch-Priest, and the assistants of the Bishop-elecl were Bishop Gibbons, of Richmond, Va., and Bishop Becker, of Wilmington, Delaware. Rev. Stanislaus Perte, Preaidenl of St. Charles Col- lege, near Baltimore, was the Master of Ceremonies; Rev. D. 12 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee O'Connor, of Clarksburg, W. Va., was Deacon of the Mass, and Rev. Joseph W. Stenger, of Charlestown, W. Va., Sub-Deacon. THE OPENING CEREMONIES. After the Consecrator had been vested he sat down at the altar, and the elect, wearing his small cap, was led to him by the assistant Bishops, who saluted the Consecrator and sat down, Bishop Becker, as the senior Bishop, on the right, and Bishop Gibbons on the left of the elect. A pause ensued, when the as- sistant Bishops uncovered their heads and rose, and Bishop Becker addressed the Consecrator, stating in Latin that he was required " to raise this priest here present to the burthensome office of Bishop." THE APOSTOLIC COMMISSION READ. The Consecrator then asked the senior assistant if he had the Apostolic Commission, and upon being answered in the affirmative commanded that it be read. The document was presented by the assisting Bishop to the Consecrator's Notary, who read it aloud. When he had concluded, the Consecrator said " Thanks be to God." Not only this " Papal Bull," but the ceremony through- out, with the exception of the sermon, was in the Latin language. TAKING THE OATH. The Consecrator then administered to the elect his oath of duty and fidelity, a literal translation of which is here presented : " I, 1ST., elect of the church of 1ST., will be from this hour hence- forward obedient to blessed Peter the Apostle, and to the Holy Roman Church, and to the most blessed Father, Pope N., and to his successors canonically chosen. I will assist them to retain and to defend against any man whatever the Roman Popedom, with- out prejudice to my rank. I will take care to preserve, defend and promote the rights, honors, privileges and authority of the Holy Roman Church, of the Pope, and of his successors, as afore- said. With my whole strength I will observe, and cause to be observed by others, the rules of the Holy Fathers, the decrees, or- of Et. Rbv. Johm J. Kain, D.D. 13 dinances or dispositions, ami mandates of the Apostolic See. When called to a Synod, I will come, unless I be prevented by a canonical impediment. I will personally visit the Apostolic See once every ten years, and render an account to our most blessed Father N., and his successors as aforesaid, of my whole pastoral office, and of everything in any way appertaining to the state of my Church, to the discipline of the clergy and people, and to the salvation of the souls entrusted to my care, and I will humbly re- ceive in return the Apostolic mandates, and most diligently exe- cute them. But if I be prevented by a lawful impediment, I will perform all the things aforesaid by a certain messenger specially authorized for this purpose, a priest of the diocese, or by Borne secular or regular priest of tried virtue and piety, well instructed on all the above subjects. " I will not sell nor give away nor mortgage, enfeoff anew, nor in any way alienate the possessions belonging to my table, without the leave of the Roman Pontiff. And Bhould I pn to any alienation of them, 1 am willing to contract, by the very fact, the penalties specified in the Constitution published on this subject." The above oath was taken on bended knees. The Consecrator sat wearing his mitre, because he excreted authority, and because he was the superior of the Bishop-elect. The frequent taking off and putting on of his mitre arose from the variety of offices which he performed through the ceremony. When answering the Con- secrator, the Bishop-elect uncovered his head to signify respect. EXAMINATION AND MA After the oath had been administered the elect and his a ant.- were seated, and the Consecrator and assistants proa with the form <»f examination. The examination being closed, the elect Was led by the g£ ant Bishops to the Consecrator, before whom he knelt and ; hi- band. The Oonsecrator, laying off Ins mantle, turned to the altar and commenced the Mass as usual, the elect being at his left 14 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee hand and the assistant Bishops at their seats. After confession the Consecrator proceeded to the altar and continued the Mass to the last verse, and at that part he again took his seat before the altar. "KYRIE" AND "GLORIA." During this Mass the " Kyrie " and " Gloria " from " Farmers' Mass " were sung in B flat by the choir. The choir of the Cath- edral has about seventeen members, but a number of well known singers kindly volunteered their services for the occasion, and aug- mented the number of voices to thirty-three, under the leadership of Mrs. Whittaker. Prof. Ebeling presided at the organ. The fugue at the end of the " Gloria " was rendered by Mrs. Whit- taker, Miss Hubbard, Mr. Peaselee and Mr. Caldwell. DUTY OF A BISHOP. The elect was again presented to the Consecrator, when all took their seats, and the Consecrator stated the duties and powers of the Episcopacy in these simple terms : " It is the duty of a Bishop to judge, to interpret, to consecrate, to ordain, to offer, to baptize, and to confirm." All then arose and the Consecrator, re- taining the mitre in token of his authority, and standing, as one earnest in soliciting their prayer, invited the faithful to unite with him in prayer, " that God would bestow the abundance of grace upon the elect Bishop." During the recital of the Litanies, however, the Consecrator knelt with the mitre on his head, as humbling himself, even in his official capacity, to God. His head was uncovered whenever he immediately addressed God in prayer. The assistant Bishops also knelt, resting forward upon their seats, wearing then- mitres. The elect lay prostrate at the left hand of the Consecrator. At the several parts of the petitions the assistant Bishops made the sign of the cross, but did not rise from their knees. THE PROSTRATION of the Bishop-elect on the floor of the sanctuary was perhaps ex- pressive of the interior humiliation of the soul in the presence of of Rt. Rev. John J. I >.D. 15 the majesty of God. While all the c fcion and clergy w kneeling the Consecrator rose ap, and with In- crosier in his left hand, turned toward them and prayed aloud that " God may vouchsafe to bless f and sanctify t and consecrate t this elect here present." THE PLACING OF HAND-. The Litanies concluded, the Consecrator, aided by the assistant Bishops, placed the Bible, open, upon the shoulders of the eli who knelt before him. [t was placed inversely, so that the bottom of the page was turned toward the Consecrator, and was so held by one of the clergy until it was given to the elect. The i tion meant to be conveyed by this rite was that the Gospel should not be to him a sealed book. The Consecrator and assistant Bishops then put their hands simultaneously upon the head of the elect, each of them touch] the head with both hands, saying, " Receive thou the Holy Gl The prayers which followed determine the Imposition of hands to signify and confer the grace and power of the Episcopa. y. THE ANOINTING. The Sacred Canticle, altera Bhort prayer, was sung by the Consecrator, after which the head of the elect was bound with some tine linen prepared for the purpose. The Consecrator, on bended kne< , iegan the hymn, "Veni Creator Spiritus," which was continued by the rest. While the choir were singing the hymu th«' Consecrator seated himself, and, wearing the mitre, made the pign ofa CrOJ - with holy chri.-nioii the head of the I bop, and anointed the whole crown, saying, " -May thy head be anointed and consecrated with heavenly blessing, in the Pontifical Order, in the name of the Father,! and of the 8on,tand of the Holy Gh08t.t" This unction, which is intended to signify the interior unction of the Holy Spirit, is a rite of antiquity in the Latin Church. , Consecrator, after cleansing his thumb with a crumb of bread, laid aside his mitre and arose and delivered a brief address, which was followed by an antiphon chanted by the clergy. 16 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee ANOINTING OF THE HANDS. Psalm CXXXII was also chanted by the clergy, during which the elect had a cloth placed upon his neck to support his hands, and joining them side by side knelt before the Consecrator, who anointed the palms with chrism in the figure of a cross, and then their entire surface. This unction is intended 'to signify the powers that are imparted to him. BLESSING THE CROSIER AND RING. The Consecrator again cleansed his thumb with a piece of bread, and laying aside his mitre, arose and blessed the crosier, which he sprinkled with holy wafer. The crosier, or the pastoral staff, is blessed to signify that the power of the pastoral office must be derived from " God, the supporter of human weakness." The newly-consecrated, kneeling, received the staff with his fore and middle fingers, without disjoining the hands, which were sus- pended from the neck in a linen scarf, through reverence for the oil with which they were anointed. The ring was then blessed, sprinkled with holy water, and placed upon the proper finger of the right hand of the consecrated. The ring is an emblem of the fidelity which a Bishop owes to the Church. "THE KISS OF PEACE." The Bible was then taken from the shoulders of the consecra- ted and placed in his hands, and he was commanded to go and preach to the people committed to his care. He then received the kiss of peace from the Consecrator and his assistants, each saying to him, "Peace be to thee," and he answering, " And with thy spirit." After this he was conducted to a side chapel, where the crown of his head was rubbed and dried, to take away the chrism, and his 1 hair adjusted. The Mass was proceeded with to the offer- tory, when " Credo," from " Farmers' Mass," was sung by Miss Hubbard, Mrs. Whittaker, Mr. Lucas and Mr. Caldwell. BISHOP GIBBONS' SERMON. At the conclusion of the music, Right Rev. Bishop Gibbons, of Richmond, Ya., delivered an eloquent sermon, taking for his of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 17 text the 5th chap, of the 2nd Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthi- ans, beginning with the 18th verse. We are unable to give more than a brief outline of the Rt. Reverend gentleman's remarks. He commenced by saying that the vast assemblage he wit- nessed before him, consisting not only of regular members of the congregation, bnt State and City officials, besides other eminent person-, came not merely to pay their homage to God and their respects to the new Bishop, hut for the laudable desire of witness- ing the imposing ceremony of the consecration of a Bishop. It was the lirst time such a ceremony had been performed either in Virginia or West Virginia. The Bishop is appointed by Almighty God to rule the Church, to study God's interest, to vindicate his honor, and to promote his love among the people of the Church. Not only does Christ Jesus authorize the Apostles and successors to preach the Gospel, but he commands those nations to whom such a minister is sent to listen and obey, under the most severe penalties. And this is not all. When an embassador is sent from our country to Europe he is honored. So Christ, our Chief Magistrate, honors his Bishops. He will no longer call them servants, but friends. What a prerogative to In- called upon by Heaven to bear the olive branch of peace — to represent the glorious Gospel, which holds out to every one the blessed hope of immortality! The Apostles of Jesus Christ arc not only hia em- bassadors but his dispensers of mercy. To some people the Bishop is like other men, but in the eye of faith he is exalted. To him belongs the sublime prerogative of reconciling the sinner — that stupendous power of consecrating their body and blood — to him alone belongs the power of communicating the Holy <> by the Bacrament of Confirmation. A temporal prince ha- the power to cast into prison — but his power is only over flesh and blood. He dor- not penetrate the sanctuary of the soul. A Bishop spiritual prince, presiding not over unwilling subjects, but the hearts of his children. lie i> a judge, called upon to pro- nounce sentence, not of condemnation but of mercy — he is a builder, to construct the Heavenly Jerusalem, the house of I 18 • Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Such is the dignity and such the authority with which this young prelate will be invested who from this day forth is to preside over the spiritual destinies of this diocese. Your young Bishop has not sought the office, but the office has sought him. Much as he appreciates the honor of presiding over the diocese to which he has been called, if left to his own choice his humility would probably have prompted him to prefer working as an humble missionary in the diocese where everything had become endeared to him. He comes with the approbation of the Bishops of the province of Baltimore. To all of them he is known by a pure and upright reputation which has never been stained by the breath of calumny. The longer you know him the more you will honor and love him. He will preach to you with a simple but pure Christian spirit, which has become much more elevated by the force of personal example. He is yours and you are his. From this day forth you will occupy the first place in his heart and affection. He will be the guardian angel of you and of the Church. He will be to you like one of the angels whom Jacob saw on that mystic ladder bringing mes- sages from God to man. He will recommend himself to you by his financial ability and business tact — an ability almost indispen- sable in some of the southern dioceses, where the resources are limited. He has already signified his ability in this respect by erecting two churches and paying for the same. I know that your young Bishop will receive a loyal and a heart-felt reception from your hands. You will receive him with joy, as he comes to you with the authority of Jesus Christ. You will rally around him and sustain him in all his undertakings, rejoice at his pros- perity and grieve should any calamity occur. I am indeed re joiced at the harmony existing in this country between the clergy and the people. I pray the day may never come when the clergy will become salaried servants of the Government — it would per- haps dictate to us what doctrines we ought to maintain. But, brethren of the clergy, I see from your cordial faces that your new Bishop will receive from your hands a hearty reception. The of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 19 expression of your countenances to-day differs from the occasion of my last visit — when the remains of your venerable prelate lay cold in death. You were sad in your hearts ; disconsolate, discouraged because your leader was gone. You missed the sound of that majestic voice which had been accustomed to inspire you with confidence. Your Church was draped in mourning, and sorrow filled the hearts of your people. A universal gloom was spread over the whole city. You are cheerful to-day because the Church renews its strength. The diocese has cast off its weeds of mourn- ing — the Bishop lost is found again. A new captain comes for- ward to-day to lead you on to fresh battles, and unless I am very much deceived, he will never say "go," but will always Bay, " Come, let us go together." He will be ever foremost in the ranks — always in the midst of you. The speaker then turned and addressed the new Bishop, but his remarks were almosl inau- dible to the reporters, who only occasionally caught a sentence. He said during his brief address, however, that the dioc< Richmond in losing Father Kain had lost a valuable member, and the clergy an affectionate brother, but Richmond's lose was o ing's gain. He accepted it as an auspicious circumstance that the new Bishop was installed upon the same day as the temporal au- thorities were installed in this city, and concluded as follows: May this day be the harbinger of a bright and glorious future for the diocese of Wheeling. May you, honored ^ when your labors are over, receive a recompense from Oar father in Heaven. THE BISHOPS OFFERING. Ar the conclusion of the sermon the new Bishop made his offering to the Oonsecrater. Attended by his Bishops, he pre- sented himself, aid kneeling, offered two large lighted tapers, two ornamented Loaves, and two ornamented barrels of wine, and I the Oonsecrator's hand after he had received them. The choir then sail"- " Ave Verum." 20 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee BLESSING MITRE AND GLOVES. After the solemn benediction, given by the Consecrator, he proceeded to the blessing of the mitre, and as he put it on referred to its mystic significance as a helmet. Here the choir sang " Agnus Dei " and the " Benedictus," and the kiss of peace was given by the Consecrator to the consecrated, who gave it to the senior assistant and then to the junior, and it was thus continued among the members of the clergy. The gloves, which are handsomely embroidered with gold, were then blessed and put on the hands of the new Bishop, and their mystic signification was explained, with allusion to the cover- ing of the hands of Jacob with the skins of kids, and a prayer that he who wore the gloves might obtain a blessing through Christ. LED TO HIS THRONE. The newly-consecrated Bishop was then led by his assistants to his proper throne, and the Consecrator placed the crosier in his left hand. This ceremony is performed in token of his being made a judge and ruler. The Consecrator then began the " Te Deum," which was chanted by the clergy. BLESSING THE CONGREGATION. Whilst this hymn was being chanted, the assistant Bishops, wearing their mitres, led the new Bishop through the Church, and as he proceeded bestowed his blessing upon the people, who knelt to receive it. The Consecrator in the meantime stood uncovered at the altar. The new Bishop, upon returning to the altar, gave his blessing to the clergy and congregation, after a prayer had been recited and an anthem sung. "FOR MANY YEARS." The Consecrator and assistants then took their mitres and turned their faces toward the Epistle side, to which the newly-con- secrated went, who turned towards them, knelt, and repeated the words " For Many Years." He advanced and did the same at the middle of the altar, again at the feet of the Consecrator, who gave him the kiss of peace, as did the assistants, and accompanied of Kt. Rev. John- J. Kain. D.D. 21 by them he returned to his own chapel, repeating the beginning of the Gospel according to St. John, which the Consecrator recit- ed at his own altar. RECEIVING BOMAG The ceremonies being ended, the new Bishop divested him- self of a portion of his garments, after which he proceeded to the pew occupied by his mother and two sisters, whom he affection- ately embraced. His relatives occupied the first pew to the left of the central aisle. The members of the congregation soon began to crowd around him and offer their homage. Many fell on their knees and kissed his hand as he hurriedly passed out. The other Bishops, assists etc., in the meanwhile had left the Cathedral from the rear, in about the same order as they came in. THE MUSIC. Our report would be incomplete if we failed to add a word of praise for the excellent music furnished by the choir and th who had volunteered their services, as stated heretofore. We hi not the space to mention each performer in detail, and speak of their merits as they deserve. Besides the piece- before enumerated in this article, the " Qui tollis " was Bung by Mr. Arkle, tenor; Mr. Fletcher, bass; Miss Benninghaus, alto; and Mi— Brown, soprano. The " Credo," " Sanctus," " Benedictus " and "Agnus Dei" were from k> Von Weber's Mass in GL" Mr-. Whittaker, Miss Benninghaus, Mr. J. Mendel and Mr. Caldwell sang the "Benedictus.'" Miss Eubbard sang the solo in "Agnus I>ei." VESPER SERVICE. In the evening vesper services were held in the Cathedral. Right Rev. Domenec, Bish ip of Pittsburgh, delivered a discour The principal features of the evening service were first : A " Salve Regina," sung by Miss M. Rohan; 2d, an " O Sanitaria," by Rev. Father Stenger ; 3d, a quartette, " A.ve Verum," from Mozart, by Mr. Lucas, Mi,, Hubbard, Mr. Caldwell and Mr,. Whittaker. The "Tantiim Ergo," in which Miss Ella Zinn and Mr. Peaselee had he principal parts, was excellently rendered. 22 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. T. EEV. DR. KAIN was born at Martinsburg, May 31st 1841. At an early age be was sent to St. Cbarles College, near Ellicotts City, Md., to make his collegiate studies. On tbe completion of tbe course in that noted school be passed to the depart- ment of philosophy and theology in St. Mary's Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md. Throughout the collegiate, philoso- phical and theological studies, the subject 'of this sketch evinced rare talents, and was regarded as one of the most gifted, if not the most gifted student in those large schools. He was or- dained priest July 2nd, 1866, and assigned to tbe missions of Harper's Ferry and Martinsburg, W. Va. His appointment as Bishop was bailed as an excellent one; and all in a brief time realized the grateful fact that Rome had placed at the helm a man of extraordinary fitness ; a man thoroughly equipped as a scholar, possessed of a high order of administrative ability, and a pulpit orator of the highest rank. The sixteen years of Rt. Rev. Dr. Kain's episcopate have more than confirmed these anticipations, and be is to-day, socially and intellectually, as well as viewed as a Prelate, a most worthy suc- cessor of the illustrious, revered, and Apostolic Bishop Whelan. It is often said that the Sees of Richmond and Wheeling have bad as able and efficient Bishops as an}' two Sees in the Catholic Church in the United States. of Rt. Rev. John J. K.un, D.D. 23 Rt. Rev. John J. Kain. 1866— Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee— 189 1. S the day on which the Rt. Rev. Bishop would haw completed the twenty-live years of his priesthood drew near, a committee of the senior priests of the Diocese of Wheeling, consisting of Rt. Rev. J. T. Snllivan, V.G., Chairman, Very Rev. I). O'Connor, Very R Fr. Maurice, O. M. C, and Very Rev. J. W. Sten- ger, addressed a circular to the rectors of the different congregations. These rectors were requested to take -urh steps as in their judgment would he likely "to render the Jubilee a success, creditable to the reverend clergy and laity, and plea-ant for the chief pastor." The result amply proves with what earnest- ness the suggestion of the committee was accepted by clerg] laity. All the clergy, with the exception of two unavoidably ab- sent, repaired to Wheeling for July 2nd, L891 — Jubilee Day. Their gifts of material things were all that the very limited means of I J is Lordship's clergy and laity could well afford, whilst the exhibition of their filial love, devotion, and reverence was truly grand and most grateful to the Rt. Rev. Bishop, as he so feelingly Stated in his address from his throne. The record of the incident.- of Bishop Kain's Silver Jubilee will consist simply of the narrative of what transpired, and in the order in which they occurred. L866 PROGRAMME L891. Rt. Rev. John J. Kain's Sacerdotal Silvbb Jubilee. .Iii.y 2d, L891. 1. Solemn Pontifical MD - - - - 9 a.m. Address by Rt. Rev. bionsignor Sullivan, V.<.. Address by R v. Fr. Didacus, O.M.C. 2. Reception of the Clergy, . . - L0:30 a.m. 24 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee 3 Dinner, - - - -- - - . 12 m. 4. [Reception of the Laity, - 7:30 p.m. Address by Hon. T. S. Riley, in behalf of the English speaking Catholics. Address for the Germans — Mr. Peter Bonenberger. 5. Address of Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain, from the portico of the Cathedral. On the eve of his Jubilee Day, the Rt. Rev. Bishop received, through Rt. Rev. Dr. O'Connell, President of the American College, Rome, a cablegram informing him that the Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XIII, sent his Apostolic Benediction: "The Holy Father sends you his blessing." The following account was given in the Wheeling Daily Register : SILVER JUBILEE. A notable church event, long and happily awaited by thousands of earnest and devoted faithful, came to pass yesterday, in the celebration of Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain's Silver Jubilee of his ordination into the priesthood. There have been few church events in this city that have awakened more interest, and none that have caused a more general outpouring of the people. They came not alone to hear the music, see the flowers and decorations, and listen to the services and speeches, but they came also in the true spirit of the occasion ; they came with hearts full of gratitude to one who has so long been a kind, faithful and conscientious benefactor, one whose noble work has been confined not alone to the domain of the church, but whose influence and energy for the upbuilding of the community is everywhere recognized. All nature smiled on the occasion, and the day was a perfect one in every regard. The occasion was a notable one from the presence of so many distinguished clergy from out of town, all of whom participated in the proceedings with heartfelt joy. In a word Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 26 the souls of both clergy and laity were attuned to the day, and the successful manner in which all the details of the affair p off will make Bishop Kain".- Silver Jubilee a long and live event in the history of the Dioc OPENING EXERCISE The exercises of the day formally opened at 9 o'clock yester- day morning, and long before that hum- the great interior < Joseph's Cathedral was thronged with people, wh<> viewed pleasure and delight the many handsome and appropriate deeora- Along the front of the gallery were festoons of i and this cheerful emblem of nature profusely adorned the upper and lateral parts of the chancel, all depending objects bei] pecially adorned. Many bouquets and. baskets of choice cut flow- ers figured here and there throughout the chancel, the Bishop's throne being especial!. ed. The decorations, taken with the numerous bright lights of the altar, produced a beautiful ef- fect. Along the front of the gallery ran this inscription in silver letters, "Adveniat annus Jubilseus aurei; y translated being " May you live to celebrate your golden jubilee," and on the three Bides of the chancel were these inscription-: "Sacerdosel Pontifex," "Deo Gratia-/ - "Ad Multos Annos,"— " Priest and Pontiff," " Thanks be to God," " For Many Year.-." At nine o'clock the -trains of the " Kyrie Elei80n," Bung by the trained Cathedral choir under the direction of Prof. Herman Schockey, opened the magnificent ceremonies of the day, and from either Bide of the sanctuary, the dignitaries, priests and acolytes in the mass cele- bration appeared. The rich vestments of the Bishops and I made a beautiful COnstrast with the pure white and Mack . of the priests and acolyte THE OFFICIATING CLER in the sanctuary at the time, besides Bishop Kain and Bishops Yandevyvcr, of Richmond, and Phelao, of Pittsburg, who aat on a raised dais to the right, and immediately oppo • Bi hop Kain, were the following members of the clergy of the dioceses "I \\ eel 26 Sacekdotal Silver Jubilee Virginia and Ohio : lit. Rev. Monsignor Sullivan, of Wheeling ; Very Rev. H. F. Park, of Mt. De Chantal ; Very Rev. Joseph W. Stenger, of Charleston ; Very Rev. D. O'Connor, of Clarks- burg ; Very Rev. A. M. M. Hartnedy, of Steubenville ; Very Rev. John B. Murray, of Cincinnati ; Rev. Father J. C. Des- mond, of Wellsville, Ohio ; Rev. Father Thomas Rowers, of Steu- benville ; Rev. Father E. N. Leyden, Toronto, O.; Rev. Father James Hartley, Steubenville ; Rev. Father McElligott, Wheeling ; Rev. John McBride, Witbeville, Va.; Rev. Father D. Walsh, Hinton, W. Va.; Rev. Father Mattingly, Martin's Ferry ; Rev. Father Joseph Weigand, Bridgeport, O.; Rev. Father Fitzgerald, Bellaire ; Rev. John A. Reynolds, Wellsburg ; Rev. Father Di- dacus, O.M.C., Wheeling; Rev. Father Herman Joseph, O.C.M., Rev. Father O'Kane, Wheeling ; Rev. Father H. P. McMenamin, Benwood ; Rev. Father Boutlou, Moundsville ; Rev. Father C. T. Schlipp, St. Joseph's, Marshall County ; Rev. Father McGrath, Fairmont ; Rev. Father Keleher, Grafton ; Rev. Father P. A. Boyce, Rowelsburg ; Rev. Father T. C. Haimann, Newburg ; Rev. Father John A. Tracy, Weston ; Rev. Father Wm. Walsh, St. Clara, Doddridge County ; Rev. Father Michael Fitzpatrick, Ran- dolph County ; Rev. Father Thomas Quirk, Lewis County ; Rev. Father E. M. Hickey, Parkersburg ; Rev. Father Lambert, Parkersburg ; Rev. Father J. J. Deehan, Parkersburg ; Rev. Father J. W. Werninger, Huntington ; Rev. Father George Toner, Coal Valley ; Rev. Father Thomas Collins, Charleston ; Rev. Father T. J. Duffy, Lewisburg ; Rev. Father John Murray, of Cincinnati, and Rev. Joseph Mullen, Wheeling. PONTIFICAL HIGH MASS. Immediately after the procession, pontifical high mass was celebrated by Bishop Kain, assisted by Monsignor Sullivan, Dea- con of Office Very Rev. J. W. Stenger, of Charleston, Sub-Deacon Rev. Jeremiah Murray, of Cincinnati, Very Rev. H. F. Parkes, of Mt. de Chantal and Very Rev. John Murray, of Cincinnati, Deacons of honor. Revs. Father Tracy, of Weston, and of Rt. Rev. Johx J. Kaix, D.D. J 7 Reynolds, of Wellsbnrg, officiated ae masters of ceremony. The services were very imposing and entered into with great fervor by all those officiating. The music was especially well rendered by a choir reinforced for the occasion, and consisting of Borne twenty-three voices, under the direction of Prof. Schockey, with Mrs. M. E. Whittaker ['re- siding at the organ. The singers kept well together, ami the se- lections throughout were admirably rendered and listened t<> with delight by the vast throng of people. The choir was composed of the following well known vocalists: From St. Alphonsus: Bliss Emma Yahn, Mrs. Henry Keller, Miss Bertha Fox, Biise I . l'ein- ler, MissT. Schaffer, Mr. Frank Woeber, Mr. Frank Diegmi] Mr. William Nolte and Mr* William Paul : from St. Mary's : Mrs. Humes and Mr. Ed. Yahn; from the Cathedral : Mrs. Geo. Feei Mrs. Kate Michael-Fitzgerald, MissMary Healey, Miss Ague.- 1! Miss Augusta Handlan, Miss Ague.- Lanrey, Mr. Adam Yahn, Mr. Charles Miller, Mr. Jacques Front, Mr. George Hoke and Mr. Thos. J. Miller. The solos were well Bung and attracted especial attention. They were as follows: " Eyrie Eleison," V Emma Yahn; " Qui Tollis," Mr. Frank Diegmiller; -Ft [ncar- natus," Miss Mary Ilealy, and " Benedictus," Mise Agnes Hi and Miss C. Feinler. At the conclusion of the ceremonies Rt. Rev. Monsignor J. T. Sullivan delivered the address of greeting to the Bishop, MONSIGNOR SULLIVAN'S AD Right Reverend am> Beloved Bishop: In the name of the Very Reverend and Reverend Clergy, of the Religions communi ties, and of the Laity of your diocese, [, though the least worthy, Leg leave to tender yon most heartfelt congratulations on this joy- ous occasion. Custom lias most laudably sanctioned the joyful and festive observance of what is known as Jubilee year. Henee, in society, we have various kinds of jubilees, uotably the Silver Jubilee, the Golden Jubilee and the Diamond Jubilei — twenty- five, fifty ami seventy-five years respectively. To-day, with as 28 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee much solemnity as possible, we celebrate, Monseigneur, your Sil- ver Jubilee — twenty-five years of Sacerdotal life ! First of all, the clergy of your diocese are gathered in your Cathedral, by their presence as well as otherwise, to greet you on this great day. They naturally pass in review your priesthood. They go back in thought to those nine years of your sacerdotal life in the Richmond Diocese — so quiet, so retired, so zealous and so efficient. They go back, too, to that joyful February, 1875, when the cable announced that Rome had appointed a successor to the illustrious first Bishop of Wheeling ; that the young but able pastor of Harper's Ferry was to assume Whelan's crosier and mitre. Then they realized in your person, and in the circumstances, the words of Holy Writ. You could say, though your humility no doubt forbade it : " Lord, Thou didst deliver to me five talents ; behold, I have gained other five over and above." Then God said (when Rome speaks, God speaks) : " Well done, good and faithful servant ; because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things." Matt, xxv, 21. The great Bishop of Richmond, later Archbishop of Baltimore, now Cardinal Archbishop of that glorious Mother Church of this land, was, no doubt, the one who discovered in the comparatively un- known missionary of Harper's Ferry, (the same field from which your apostolic predecessor was chosen) the man in all respects fully equip- ped for the episcopate. His idea and his estimate were concurred in by the Metropolitan and his suffragants, and Rome by Pius the Ninth ratified their judgment and appointed the second Bishop of Wheeling in your illustrious person. A day or so after the glad news for Wheeling flashed over the wires, a priest of this diocese remarked : " Though but slightly acquainted with Rev. John J. Kain, I know him to be of extraor- dinary ability. Wheeling is in luck and has reason to rejoice." The event has proven that he was right ; that the diocese had rea- son, indeed, to exult. " Rome," said a non-Catholic writer in a brief notice of the Bishop-elect, " seems to have shown great par- tiality to Virginia from the beginning, by giving her great men of Rt. Rev. Johk J. I >.D. 29 for Bisliops — Whelan, McGill, Gibbons and Kain." Had he written a little later, he might and would have added one more — Rt. Hev. Dr. Van de Yyver, the worthy >r in Richmoi those great Prelates, this day with as to honor our beloved B on tins, his Silver Jubilee. Sixteen years ago, Monseigneur, yon took pot your See; sixteen years ago, in this Banctuary, the plenitude of the priesthood was e inferred on yon, and you became ration, as you were already by appointment and jurisdiction, our Bisho] Father in God, and we, clergy and laity, became your spiritual children. You assumed, Dot of your own choice, but on th< of God, all the responsibilities of the episcopal office. W( corned you and vowed most cheerfully, filial loyality and devotion most cordial. Heaven's record book has on its bright pages the histor your sixteen year- as Bishop — zeal, piety, efficiency and learning. As to your zeal, you can say truthfully, (from your coming to this day,) " The zeal of thy h< >use hath eaten me up." (Pa. lxviii, 10.) The motive power of that zeal has been your charity, love o and of Christ our Lord and His Spouse — holy Church. " The charity of Christ presseth us/' (2d Cor. v, 14 I Your efficiency is attested by the onward progress of all the interests of om blessed religion in the diocese under your wise, prudent, and energetic leadership. Though humanly speaking, your natural gifts of mind and heart would have warranted OS in anticipating an efficient administration, still faith tells us, and you, borrowing the Words of Saint Paul, Bay to-day, a- you have no doubt said many times to yourself, " Bui by the grace "t' r I beg leave to tender most heartful thanks to the Rt. Rev. Bis- hops and the Rev. Clergy of neighboring dioceses, who by their presence here to-day do honor to you, Rt. Rev. Bishop, t<> us, your clergy, and to the Diocese of Wheeling. At the conclusion of Monsignor Sullivan's address, Rev. Father P. Didacus, O.M.C., saluted the Bishop, and read an address in Latin, as follows : LATIN ADDRESS BY REV. FATHER DIDACUS, O.M.C. Reverendissimo ac Dlastrifisimo, Dilectissimo nostro Patri a<- Domino, Episcopo Sacrae Sedis Wheelingensifl, in Solemniia Jubi- lsei Sacerdotalis ad Aram litanti Congregatio Eccleaiaa ad S. Al phonsnm atque Conventus Fratrum Minorum S. P. Fra Capucinornm eidem Ecclesia 1 annexus haec humilia grandia amoria pignora D.D. die II. Julii, MDCCCXOL Reverendissime ac 111 * Domim ac Pater ! Est haec consnetndo omnium bonornm filiornm, at patri dilecto die ejus anniversario festo cnncta fansta devotia gratisqne animia intur. Talis obligatio, «mia pro beneficiia majoribna majorea gratias agere debemns, ideo beneficiia coeleatibus, quae omnei sum transcendunt, acceptis, in infinitum creacit. Quorum ' ciorum a Veatra dementia acceptornm atqae nostra grati animi obligationis recordari qob imprimis hodie decet, cum Auni rina Sacerdotii Veatri Diea Vigesimua Quintoa aobia peroptato illuxit. Quamquam autem jure nobis timendnm eat, ne hoc h abili Jubilaei die dignaa Presbyteratus atque Episcopatu8 \ laudes pradicare non aimue idonei: at certe gratulari Feli aa nobis jucundissimum eat, atque etai aequaquam ] Paternitate Veatra attamen pro ooatro Btudio meritam gn (h bitamque agere volumi A Minima Dei providentia ad aumma Sacerdotii atque Episco- patua fastigia provectum veneramur G-ermano Americani eccleaise ad St. Alphonsum adscripti, clerici ac laici ; om imum Pastorum ac Tutorem Be habere gaudenl ; omnea pradicanl B 32 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee dotem, Pontinccm et Virtutum Opificem, Pastorem bonum in populo ; cuncti laudant Episcopum Irrepreliensibilem, Prudentem, Ornatum, Benign um, Justuin. Vera nobis in gloria Dei causa est lsetandi, quum Talem habeamus Sacerdotem Magnum ! Quani amabilis cunctis nobis et accepta facta est Amplitudo Yestra, quum Studium Religionis Yestrum vidimus in congressu Catholico Germano-Americanorum Fittsburgii celebrato ! Unde quemquam nacti erimus, qui tanta cum potestate tantam moderationem eon- cilia vit ? Cuncta Deo adjuvante prsemunit Sapientia Vestra, ut lupus Bseviens sequacesque illius in ovile Dominicum ingrediendi ad perdendas animas locum non habeant. Merito igitur maximas agimus gratias pro Clementia, Benigni- tate, Prudentia Yestra, quibus jure optimo confidimus. Sancta Trinitas Celsitudinem Yestram sua protectione incolu- men custodiat, ut dum sapienti moderamine in Deo magnum, quod suscepisti, Episcopale onus peregeris, in die aeternre retribu- tionis, eo dicente, audire merearis. Euge, serve bone et fidelis quia super pauca f uisti fidelis, super multa Te constituam, intra in gaudium Domini Tui ! Quod ut Deus Clementise Yestrse pr^estare dignetur, ardentis- sime cupirnus atque ex intimo corde oramus. Beverendissimo ac Illustrissimo devoti filii, Rev. P. Didacus, O.M. Cap., Bey. P. Herman Joseph, O.M. Cap., Rev. P. Mauritus, O.M. Cap., Rev. P. Antonius, O.M. Cap., August Gehring, Frederick Nolte, Frank A. Woeber, Sr., Joseph Hohman, Christian Steinmetz, Michael Kirchner, Franz H. Regele, George Kuhlmann. of Rt. Eev. John J. Kain, D. D. 33 At the conclusion of Rev. Father Didacus' add -hop Kain, deeply affected by the tender Bentiments advanced, an respond and spoke in substance as follows : BISHOP KAIX'S RE8PON8B. "There is aothing thai gives me more true joy than the presence around me of so many of the clergy of this diocese. To those who have spoken in behalf of my clergy and people I cau Bay that on this festal day, the day that commemorates my ordination to the holy priesthood of the church, my heart is tilled with joy to know that in the midst of my clergy I may always find an affection 30 pure and true. I have indeed striven to live among yon, rather as au elder brother, not perhaps in years, but in thought and ing, and far more pleasant to me is this fraternal relation than the assumption of a dignity rather inspiring awe than love, and repuls- ing and repelling instead of attracting. I thank God that welive under different conditions from those that prevail in many other countries. Abroad there often exist conditions that raise harriers between the bishop and his clergy, and between the priest and his people. I thank God that it is different here, and that the rela- tionship is nearer that of father and brother. Vet [ am satisfied that the body of the priesthood of the old world show no greater reverence for their bishops or their flocks to the priests than i> shown in the new world. I trust that the cordial and affectionate relations which have bound OS together in the past will remain un- broken in the future. As fellow priests you can appreciate and share in the joyful feeling which this anniversary wakens in my heart. Surely the .lay of ordination is a happy day for every priest. lie lo.,':.- back to it with reverence and joy, and my heart is idled with keen delighl at this celebration of my silver jubilee. 1 remember that fourteen were ordained on that day by the Archbishop of Baltimore, and if I mi-take not ten of them remain to-day to celebrate their jubilee-. My first labors in the ministry of the church were in a mission obscure in Borne respects, hut in others noted, in the classic town of Barper's Ferry. The m 34 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee then embraced eight counties in West Virginia and parts of four in Virginia. I look back upon these first labors of my priesthood with sentiments of gratitude to God and deep affection for the poor scattered flocks that were in my charge. That little church perched on the rock at Harper's Ferry has been the stepping-stone to honors for fifty years. My predecessor, the sainted first Bishop of Wheeling, was serving that church when he was called to the Bishopric. My immediate successor in the church of Harper's Ferry was Bishop Van de Vyver, the sixth Bishop of Richmond, who is with us to-day. When I came among you sixteen years ago I found a noble work had been begun. Schools had been founded, churches were being built, and missions organized. The work so nobly com- menced by the sainted Bishop Whelan remained to be carried out. Of those who labored with Bishop Whelan since then four have followed him to their reward. Many of you were co-laborers with him, and received your ordination at his hands. I hope and know to-day that he looks down from his home on high, with joy on what you have done in carrying out the work which he so nobly began. My mission with you has been rather one of direction and guidance, in building up the church so firmly planted in the two Virginias by my predecessor. I appreciate most gratefully the presence here to-day of our brethren, the Bishops of Richmond and Pittsburg, for I know it has required a sacrifice of time to leave their dioceses in those cities for this occasion ; but words fail to express my gratitude to them and to the clergy and laity for the interest they have taken in this to me grateful occasion. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the numerous tokens of kindness and love which surround me on every hand. I pray our good Father in Heaven that we may all be one day gathered in the sacred sanctuary above, there to thank him for the wonderful blessings he has showered on us. May his blessing be upon you and the prayers of the sweet mother of saints be with you." At the conclusion of the Bishop's address, the " Te Deum " of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. was sung by the choir, and the Cathedral Bervices were at an end. The great majority of theclergy repaired to the Bishop's residence, where an enthusiastic reception was tendered him. THE BANQUET. At noon tlte grand banquet for the visiting clergy took place in the basement of the Cathedral. The ladies in charge of the affair had spared no effort to make it an entire success. Onder their deft lingers a complete transformation was wrought apon the bare walls of the commodious room. Graceful festoons of evergreen were hung in profusion, while, suspended from the ceil- ing were baskets of trailing vines and choice flowers. Along the eastern wall were placed potted plants and flowers, which added t'» the pleasing effect. Above the middle door, trained in a border of evergreen, was the inscription, "Aureus Argenteo Sua Annus Jubilseus," while beneath upon mi easel was a hands life-like portrait of Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain. < >u the center window, directly in the rear of the seats occupied bythe Rt. Rev. Bishop.-*, were hung the yellow Papal colors and the American flag. The dining-room decorations, in all their appointments, have been excelled for beauty at any like evenl in this city. Three tables were arranged lengthwise in the 1 in, and covers were laid for sixty persons. The table decorations were thor- oughly in keeping with the other equipments of the room. In the center of each table were massed rosea and smilax, that upon the middle table, where were Beated the chief dignitaries, being notably handsome. There were also bouquets of choice flowers in profu- sion. The banquel was Berved in eight courses by a cor] cient waiters, under the direction of Mr. E. T>. Carney, of the Fori Henry Club. At the center table were seated lit. Rev. Bishop Cain; lit. Rev. Bishop Phelan, of Pittsburg; lit. Rev. Bishop Van ean Elartnedy, 36 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee benville ; Very Rev. John B. Murray and Rev. Jeremiah Murray, of Cincinnati ; Rev. Father Tierney, of Richmond ; Very Rev. Father Stenger, of Charleston, and Rev. Father Hickey, of Park- ersburg. When the banquet was finished, Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain arose and spoke of the harmonious relations between himself and the priests of this diocese, and between each other, and compliment- ing them on their loyality and devotion to His Holiness, the Pope, he proposed that all drink to the health of Pope Leo XIII. He then addressed them briefly in Latin, after which Very Rev. Father Park was called upon and delivered the following address : Rt. Reverend^ Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers : " The celebration of this auspicious festival of the Silver Jubi- lee in the priesthood of Rt. Rev. Dr. Kain, Bishop of Wheeling, in this year of grace eighteen hundred and ninety-one, carries the mind back through half a century to the event of 1841 that re- stored to the Old Dominion, after a widowhood of twenty years, its autonomy as an independent See, and to Richmond its first resident Bishop. It recalls, also, the event of 1850, that organ- ized the trans- Allegheny portion of the State into a separate Bishopric, under the title of the See of Wheeling. It recalls the arduous beginning of these newly born apostolic missions, when their Bishops for support depended on foreign alms, and their flocks, few in number and far between, and hard to reach, eked out a precarious subsistence for themselves and their missionaries. " It recalls, also, the healthy growth pari passu along the lines of gospel progress of both these Virginia Sees, amid the tumult of civil war, the obstructions of negro slavery, and the undevel- oped resources of West Virginia. And last but not least, gentle- men, the feast we commemorate recalls the memory of the saintly founder of the Richmond and Wheeling Sees, and of his illustri- ous successors, whose learning and eloquence and administrative ability and personal worth have secured for them favorable compar- ison with the most revered founder of dioceses in the American of Et. Rev. John J. Kane, D.D. 37 Church. In conclusion, Rt. Reverend and Reverend Fathers, allow me, in my capacity of Dean in point of enrollment among the clergy of the two Virginias, to propose as our joint toast : The health, and long life, and plentitude of apostolic success, of the present reigning Bishops of the Sees of Richmond and Wheeling, Doctors Van de Vyver and Kain." Father Park's address was received with applause. At its conclusion, Bishop Kain arose, and in a few remarks, called upon Bishop Van de Vyver, of Richmond, who responded hriefly, as follows : " It does not need a great deal of encouragement to get me to say a few words on this festive occasion. I am happy to In: pres- ent with the zealous and devoted pastors, to do honor to the Bishop to-da}\ The words of Father Sullivan recall to my mind the days of sixteen years ago — I was then a young priest, called upon to succeed your illustrious Bishop as pastor of the Catholic congregation of Harper's Ferry. I was fearful and timid in my new mission. He had scarcely hid me good-bye, when traveling through my missions I heard from the lip> of those to whose spiritual wants he had ministered, none hut words of praise, and in every mouth was the name of Father Kain. They did not need to tell me of his work, because I witnessed it constantly. During those nine years, while his mission was an obscure one, I believe there was not a mission anywhere as well taken care of as Harper's Ferry. To him I owe the little f have been able to do among the people during the past sixteen years. Everywhere he was Bpoken of as the model priest. And it is not only in my estimation, hut that of the Bishops and priests, that he was a model priest, and that because a model priest, he Im- been raised to the dignity of a prince among priests. Saving his example before me, I endeav- ored to walk in hi.- footsteps. And because you have been to me the model prieBt, and because of the honor yoo did to the I >i of Virginia, because of your talent.- and your piety, I congratulate you on this glad occasion, lit. Rev. Bishop, and wish you not only the celebration of your Golden Jubilee, but also a long and happy 38 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee life, having always for your consolation, the love, the devotion, and the attachment of your priests." The Rt. Reverend speaker was loudly applauded at the con- clusion of his address. Bishop Kain then introduced Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelan, of Pittsburg, as the representative of one of the most important suburbs of Wheeling. Bishop Phelan replied that he did not expect to be called upon for an address, and felt that it was perfectly in order to be embarrassed. Continuing he said : " I appreciate the honor of representing Pittsburg — a sub- urb of Wheeling, but Pittsburg is always modest. You under- stand my sentiments from the fact that I am here to add the tes- timony of my presence to this occasion. I have known Bishop Kain long and can bear testimony to his many illustrious qualities. One of the things I have noted with pleasure is the devotion of the people and their pastors to the Rt. Rev. Bishop. This is as it should be. We all have the same labors and the same destiny, and the harmonious co-operation of those under our charge makes the work more pleasant. I can see this spirit amongst you here, and realizing its importance, I congratulate you on the feeling. I sincerely trust that, with the blessing of God, this spirit of har- mony will continue always." When the applause which followed Bishop Phelan's remarks had subsided, Bishop Kain, deprecating the unavoidable absence of Rt. Rev. Bishop Waterson, of Columbus, called upon Very Rev. Dean Hartnedy, of Steubenville, to respond for the Diocese of Ohio. The reverend gentleman spoke as follows : " I believe I voice the sentiments of the clergy of the Diocese of Columbus, when I say that we vie with the clergy of the Dio- cese of Wheeling in our admiration of Bishop Kain. You count your diocese as one of the smallest in the country. But, although in the almanacs it does not appear numerically great, in the ability of your Bishop it stands at the head. And it is whispered that there are greater things in store for Bishop Kain. 1 do not know where in the American hierarchy there is one with a larger field of usefulness before him, and I expect to see it en- of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 39 iarged, in which event I am Bure he will leave- his name as a shin- ing mark iti the Catholic history of the United States. Bishop Watterson was unavoidably prevented Erom being here, but tb is no person in the Diocese of Ohio who holds a higher estimate of Bishop Kain than Bishop Watterson himself. We are all glad to he here, and I hope the pleasant relations between the I ' of Wheeling and Columbus will ever continue." The committee of ladies in charge of the banquet, and to whom much of the success is due, m ised of Mrs. Emma Woods, Mrs. Kate Comford, Miss B. Glannon, Miss Annie G-lan- non, Miss Mattie Zinn, Miss Maggie Fallon and Miss May Woods. TRIP TO THE MOUNT. Immediately after the banquet the visiting Bishops and most of the visiting clergy took carriages and were dri Mi. de Chantal. They spent several hours as the guests of t: - <-f the Visitation, in charge of that institution. They .-trolled about the delightful walks, and were profuse in their praise of the Mount, which was found to he perfect in all it- appointments, and thoroughly equipped as a model institution of learning. The E terspreparedalunch for the clergy, which was i pleas- antly, after which all returned to the city. THE PARADE AND ADDREE Half-past seven o'clock last evening was the time set for the formation of the parade which was to be Mich an important fea- ture of the day, and the various societies taking part in it — the An- cient Order of Hibernians, the Knight.- of Bt G and St. John, the Sodalities of the various churches and the members oi the congregations taking part— were promptly OH hand, and the column, headed by Mayers' band, was en route through th< shortly before eight o'clock. The sidewalks all through the cen- tral part of the city were crowded with a vast concourse of people, and the parading column wa.- watched with the greatest inter While the route of march was being gone over, hundn 40 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee swelled to thousands, took their way to the vicinity of the Cathe- dral, and by eight o'clock the entire width of the street in front of that edifice was crowded to its utmost capacity, and the ser- vices of police officers were necessary to keep the throng from encroaching upon the front of the building. About half-past seven the exercises in Convent Hall were opened with music, there being present a large audience, among which were many of the resident and visiting clergy. lit. Rev. Bishop Kain was seated in the center of the hall, facing the south, with Rt. Bishops Phelan, of Pittsburg, and Yan de Yyver, of Richmond, upon either hand, with Rt. Rev. Mgr. Sullivan close by, and about these distinguished prelates were grouped the gentlemen who were to deliver the addresses, together with others distinguished within and without the Church. As soon as the music was concluded Hon. T. S. Riley ad- vanced, and saluting the Rt. Rev. Bishops, began his address. ADDRESS OF T. S. RILEY. Addressing Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain, Mr. Riley said : " Rt. Rev. Bishop : It is with no indifferent feeling that the laity of your diocese greet you on this twenty-fifth anniversary of your priesthood. We know you best and love you most as Bishop, for it is in that capacity you have been intimately asso- ciated with us, and in which you have been our chief spiritual guide and adviser. Sixteen years ago the 23d of last May, when you were consecrated Bishop of this diocese in the Cathedral in this city, you were quite young, both in years and as a priest. You had officiated as priest less than ten years, and I believe at the time of your consecration you were the youngest bishop in the United States. You were selected from among the many as the fittest to fill the place of one who had been consecrated Bishop the very year in which you were born, and who had served in that high office in the church as many years as you had at that time lived. One, too, who, like yourself, by his devotion to the church and those in his charge, and his great ability as a minister of the of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain. D.D. 41 gospel and manager of church affairs, had won the hearts of his people anu and conferred the full power of priesthood upon von — a power which ell man above the angels and makes him the representative of G himself. " And from that time the only end you sought on earth wi do the will of your heavenly Master: hi- grace supported you in your trials and his love was the pure flame thai warmed your heart and rewarded you for all the labors and sacrif " After faithfully working nine years in the vineyard of our Lord, the zeal of the young priesl in the laborious duty showed his merit and attracted attention. The cable flashed from Rome over the whole country the thrilling tidings: ' Pope Pius EX. appointed to the See of Wheeling, W". 7a., the Rt Rev. John Joseph Kain, known as a priesl of learning, decision and ability.' " And since that time, i. e., during sixteen years, we venerate your lordship as our Bishop ; we love and esteem yon as our father and spiritual guide; we acknowledge In youa true successor to the apostles. Bu1 we not only love and venerate you, we also thank yon from the bottom of our heart.- for all the good you have done for us during the sixteen years. All children owe a deep debt of gratitude to their father, but the gratitude of the St Alphonsus congregation to your Lordship is far deeper than thai oi moel children, because you have in Buch an excellenl way provided for our spiritual wants by calling the sons of St Francis as our pastors, under whose faithful, wise and gentle guidance our congregation is in a prosperous condition, and the g 1 Fathers under your 44 Sacerdotal Silveii Jubilee crosier, and with you, will keep us on the right way to heaven — the place of our eternal destiny. " Knowing that words are but an insignificant tribute of grati- tude, the ladies of our congregation contributed a small part of silver and gold, in order to have a share in the souvenir, which your children of the Cathedral offer you in form of a pre- cious chalice as a trifling testimony of their love and respect. " But as a particular token of our veneration, love and grati- tude, the good zealous Capuchin Fathers and their trustees, as rep- resentatives of the St. Alphonsus' congregation, have presented your Lordship with a valuable croiser, or pastoral staff", intended to signify that the power and grace of the pastoral office must be derived of God. " May the Almighty reward your Lordship with His choicest blessings for all the cares you have bestowed upon us ; may it be His holy will that for many, many years to come you will lead us with your crosier on the right path to heaven, that all of us in union with the Shepherd of shepherds may celebrate the jubilee of eternal happiness. " And now, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, I courteously invite you to arise and join your voices with mine in hailing the priest jubilant, our Right Reverend Bishop. Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! " ADDRESS OP HON. W. C. HANDLAN. When Mr. Bonenberger had taken his seat, and the applause had subsided, Hon. W. C. Handlan said : " ML Rev. Bishop. — The three gentlemen, Mr. Lawrence Ray, Mr. Edward Hughes and Mr. John Mullarkey, appointed by Father Mullen to represent St. Mary's on this auspicious occasion — the twenty-fifth anniversary of your ordination — have, with the sanction of Father Mullen, requested me to act with them, and to present the small offering St. Mary's has to make to } T ou. I trust you will not measure the love and esteem we all have for you by the value of our offering, for I know you are as dear to us as you are to those immediately around your home. There is not a heart, of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 45 young or old, in the parish of St. Mary's, but loves you, honors you, and appreciates the great blessing we all enjoy by reason of your remarkable abilities, so lavishly used f<>r the benefit of the people. I have the pleasure and I esteem the honor, to present the token of regard of St. Mary's." At the conclusion of WCr. Eandlan's remarks, Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain rose, and turning t<» the large audience which tilled the Convent hall, he said : " It was the original intention to have the ladies and gentle- men of the congregation offer their personal congratulations here in the hall, hut the room is bo crowded thai Mgr. Sullivan has suggested that it would he better to defer thai portion of the pro- gramme until after the addresses <>n the platform outside. We will accordingly adjourn to the outer air." The hall was then .-loaivd of the audience, jusl a- the head <>f the marching column came along the Btreet, and a- Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain, with Kt. Rev. Bishops Phelan and Van de Vyver, and closely followed by Mgr. Sullivan and the other clergy, went out into the open air, they beheld an assemblage which tilled the entire width of the street, from a point near Fourteenth S far north as the vicinity of the site of the Eebrew synagogue, and which must have numbered about Biz or eighl thousand souls. Bands were playing, banners waving, firework- fizzing and crack- ling, people cheering, ami altogether it was an inspiring and inter- esting spectacle. As the Rt. Rev. Bishops emerged from th< ore sur- rounding the convent, the- Knights of Si. George, who had tx drawn up on the sidewalk in a double rank, presented arms, and the lit. Rev. Bishops and the attendant clergy walked beneath a longline of drawn swords \<> the Bouth Btairway Leading to the Cathedra] porch, where the way had been cleared by a fora police', and mounted to ihe level of the portico. In the ter of the portico, on a raised dais, large chairs had beeu placed for the Kt. Rev. Bishops, and numerous -eat- for the otto and guests. A.mong them was Hon. Judge John Brannon, of 46 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Weston. As the Rt. Rev. Bishops made their appearance, they were greeted with a hearty round of applause. Silence having been restored, Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain rose to his feet, and, in a voice full of emotion, said : ADDRESS OF RT. REV. BISHOP KAIN. " I will do my best, my very dear friends, to make my words reach as many of you as possible. Congratulations upon con- gratulations have poured in upon me this day, from the clergy and from the laity. In the hall of the convent I have just listened to the addresses of Messrs. Riley, Bonenberger, and Handlan, the representatives of this, St. Mary's and St. Alphonsus' congrega- tions, and of the laity of this diocese at large, and I am sure that all who were privileged to hear those addresses were more than pleased at the handsome manner in which those gentlemen acquit- ted themselves of the task which testified to the warm feelings of our faithful laity. Personally, I owe a debt of gratitude to them for the compliments which they were pleased to convey in their addresses, and a debt of love also to those who so enthusiastically applauded the utterance of those compliments, and, indeed, to all of you, dear friends, who have labored with such zeal in this cele- bration of my silver jubilee. " If the labors of five and twenty years in the ministry have worn deeper lines on my face, and bleached into snowy whiteness these once jet black locks of mine, the honors which have been showered upon me this day ought to be more than sufficient to wipe out these lines, and to restore these whitened hairs. I will not say these expressions of loyalty and of affection on the part of my good people will have the effect of rejuvenating me — of mak- ing me young again — because I do not acknowledge that I am an old man yet, even if I do wear 'specs. [Laughter.] Spectacles are not altogether a sign of old age. [Laughter.] " Twenty-five years in the prospective seems to be a long dis- tance off. Twenty-five years gone into the past are but a short span. When I look back to July 2, 1866, when I was ordained a of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. IT priest, it seems to me but as yesterday. Ah! little did my well- wishers of that day imagine that I would live to celebrate m ver jubilee. I was then considered to be a victim of that fell disease, consumption, and already it was sup] itself upon me, but although T have done my Bhare of talking "lin- ing the twenty-live years which have followed that time, my lungs have not quite given out yet. [Laughter.] [ have no doubt I owe it to the exercise forced upon me in the nini of my pas- torate at Harper's Ferry, that my voice is strong my health better than when I was ordained a priest. I make this -tat. : for the benefit of the young clergy, like Father Fitzpatrick [laughter], who have to spend so much time in the saddle, in mer's heat and winter's storm. That field of labor Buffered much from the bitterness of the Civil War. All around were to be evidences of that long and fratricidal strife. Churches, like that at Winchester and at Berkeley Springs, hud to be rebuilt ; others, as that at Harper's Ferry, were sadly in need of repairs. The poor scattered sheep of my flock were tryii over the ruin of that contest, and I do not deny that the nine years of that life entailed upon me much of hardship, but it was not without its compensations. Whenever I found an opportunity I offered the truths of the gospel, and they were accepted, and whenever I could get a knot of people together, in a conn house, or under the forest trees, it was my delight to expound the teachings oi our holy faith. They were a people poor in this world' _ they were rich in faith, and I was loath to part with them, b will always keep them in grateful remembrance. " The sixteen years of my sacerdotal and episcopal life a:. you, my friends, is an open book, from the which 1 not, on this occasion, read. Four modesty Bhould, perhap-. check :pressioD I am going to make. I am satisfied with y though I do scold you BOmetimes directly sometime-, and indi- rectly at others — and I infer from what has been aid today, that you are satisfied with me. This Lb not one of the ] »• >j>ul:i ami yet, when 1 look back over the ground, and see what hae 48 Sacekdotal Silvek Jubilee accomplished during those sixteen years, I am astonished at the results. Within that time thirty churches have been built. One of my first efforts was directed towards the reconstruction of St. Mary's Church, which was burned during the vacancy in the See. St. Alphonsus' has been demolished, and a nobler pile now occu- pies its place. It is so at Weston, so at Huntington, so at the German settlement in Preston, at the German settlement in Mar- shall, at Leading Creek, in Lewis, in Doddridge County, and in many other places, and so far as I can judge, the spiritual wants of the flock have also been provided for as satisfactorily as possible. " There is much need for me to thank God for giving me priests so zealous and faithful and so devoted to the Church and its Pastor. There are, indeed, more inviting fields, perhaps, than the mountains and valleys of West Yirginia ; at least, in the eyes of some they are more attractive, but truer hearts — hearts more loyal to God and their country — are nowhere to be found than among the Catholics of the diocese of Wheeling. [Applause.] " I trust, then, my dear, good friends, it may be permitted me to spend the remainder of my days among you, and I was not a little pleased at table to-day when a neighboring priest dropped the hint that I might go to other fields of labor, and I saw the disapproval manifested by the clergy. I am satisfied to remain here the remainder of my life, and I hope that the prayers which have gone up to-day from many hearts, and which I know have been heard and answered, that God may give me the opportunity of celebrating my Golden Jubilee among you, may be fulfilled. [Applause.] " This has been to me a day of jubilation — a day of pleasure and of deepest joy. I have been reminded of it, even by the little ones of my flock, and I could see in their beaming countenances that their little hearts were aglow with the spirit of congratula- tion to their Bishop, and there are none of whom I am more proud. I have received the congratulations of my clergy, and your con- gratulations. The presence here of this immense mass of my fellow citizens, mainly Catholics, I suppose, but mingled with of Rt. Rev. Johs J. K\in. D.D. 49 them many non-Catholics as well, is all a sufficient indication of your feelings. I have also been the recipient, and I prize it highly, of a cablegram from \i • e, conveying to me the congratulations of the Chief Representative of Christ's flock. And what is more fitting to crown this day than to invoke upon myself, the clergy, congregation and citizens the benediction of the great invisible Shepherd of Souls. May the good God bless you, bless you in all your homes, in your enterprises, and in all y< -in- actions." At the end of the address, which was loudly applauded, tin- members of the congregation of St. Alphonsns intoned the Te Deum in German, and, accompanied by a brass band, a grand chorus rang out, in which thousands joined. The song ended, the Rt. Rev. Bishop invoked a benediction upon the multitude, hun- dreds kneeling as he spoke the solemn and impressive words, and then the great assemblage began to mount the steps and march past the Rt. Rev. Bishops and clergy, saluting them as they did so, while fireworks blazed and sputtered on all sides. In a short time a procession was again formed, and the column again marched through the principal streets, the line being illu- minated with many red-fire torches and roman candles, and other fireworks. It was a fitting close to a most interesting day. and sufficiently attests the great love and admiration felt for the object of it all — Rt. Rev. John Joseph Kain. RT. REV. BISHOP VAN DK vTVER'8 ADDH After the parade of the societies they returned to the front of the Cathedral and called for Rt. Rev. Dr. Kain. Though the Bishop had withdrawn, supposing thai the reception was over, he returned accompanied by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Van de Vyver, Sullivan and a few of the clergy. < Iheer after cheer went np for the Bishop of Wheeling and the visiting prelates. Thereupon the li;. Rev. Bishop of Richmond addressed the societies and many others who constituted quite an audience. His remarks were admirable, and elicited frequent applause. Then three 50 Sacekdotal Silver Jubilee cheers were given for the visiting bishops. A call was made for Rt. Rev. Monsignor Sullivan, who in well chosen words and witli noteworthy earnestness thanked the societies and all the people, non-Catholics as well as Catholics, for the magnificent demonstra- tion of the day, in honor of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kain. The Mon- signor closed his remarks with a request that three immense cheers be given for the great Pontiff now at the head of the church, Leo. XIII. That they were given with a will need hardly be said. As the Holy Father, Leo. XIII, by cablegram blessed Wheeling's Bishop on his jubilee eve, so now, at the close of the great day, honor to the immortal Leo Thirteenth's name was the final act. BISHOP KAIN'S SILVER JUBILEE. Editorial in Daily Register, July 3d, 1891. Yesterday was celebrated in fitting manner the Silver Jubilee of Rt. Rev. Bishop John J. Kain of the Diocese of Wheeling. The enthusiastic out-door demonstration, and the vast audience at the service in the Cathedral, attested the respect, esteem and love the Catholics, and indeed all who know Bishop Kain, have for him. For a quarter of a century he has as a priest of his church, ministered to the spiritual welfare of his fellow men, urging them to better things, not only from the pulpit, but by the example fur- nished in his pure and Christian life. A man of deep learning and study, his chief personal characteristic is his peculiarly gentle and kindly nature. Firm in principle as a rock, powerful and eloquent in denunciation of wrong and evil, he is yet gentle at heart as a woman. Possessing such attractive qualities it is not surpris- ing that, though a young man when elevated to the Bishopric, he should have been chosen to occupy his present eminence in the Catholic Church. It is doubtful if there is a more popular and generally beloved member of the priesthood in America. The world is made better by such men as Bishop Kain living in it. He is yet a young man, as Bishops go, and the Catholics of his diocese, together with many sincere and warm friends of other denominations, will unite in the fervent hope that he may long be spared to administer his holy office. of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. THE JUBILEE PRESENTS. OFFERING OF THE CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE TO RT. REV. JOHN J. KAIN. D.D. OK some weeks previous to July 2d, 1891, the Very Rev. and Rev. Clergy of the Diocese of Wheeling remitted to Rt. Rev. Mgr. Sullivan, V.G., Chairman ? of the Committee of Arrangements, sums of money to be presented to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Kain on his Silver Jubilee day. Whilst the total was a respecta- ble check, it but faintly expressed their admiration and love of their Bishop, as was evident from the expressions accompaning each remittance. THE BISHOP RECEIVES SOME COSTLY TOKENS OF ESTEEM. One of the features of the jubilee occasion was the array of handsome presents received by the Bishop in honor of the • Almost every Catholic church and society in the diocese contribu- ted, and a large number of individual gifts are also included in the display. The affection and esteem in which the great head of the diocese is held is here attested in a manner that was widespread and unmistakable. The Bishop's parlors, as well as the Beveral adjoining apartments, were well filled with useful and ornamental tokens, all of which were viewed with pleasure during the day by hundreds of people. One of the most conspicuous gifts in the list was a hande gold chalice in an especially designed case. This was presented to the Bishop by the ladies of St. Joseph's Cathedral. I chalice [fi nearly a foot in height, and is inlaid and inset with vari- ous minerals and gems, the whole forming one of the most unique and magnificent presents offered. It is unique from the that the entire chalice is made up of various pieces of gold and silver jewelry donated by the ladies of the congregation, and rent to Providence, lih.»de Island, to be remelted into a chalice; and 52 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee not only jewelry, but diamonds, pearls, emeralds, and many other stones figure prettily in the design. It is a present likely loug to be cherished. Another very handsome present is a solid silver, heavily gilt crosier, nicely enclosed in an expensive case, presented by the con- gregation of St. Alphonsus' church. A purple silk cassock from the Sisters of St. Joseph was also a notable present ; also white and gold vestments from the young ladies of the Sodalities and Academy. A magnificent Bible, also other books pertaining to his office were presented by Very Revs. John and Jeremiah Murray, of Cincinnati, cousins of Bishop Kain. White silk dalmatics were presented by the Sisters of St. John's Home, while the boys of the same insti- tution contributed a handsome pah* of slippers. Some fine silver- ware was presented by Rev. Father Desmond of Ohio. From the Infant Sodality of the school was a card containing a series of medals neatly arranged. The ladies of Mt. de Chantal contributed a very fine series of standard works in literature, while the Sisters of the Mount sent in a present consisting of a box filled with silver dollars. The Angels' Sodality, of Grafton, sent a silver-handled umbrella, while the Infant Sodality of the same place sent a handsomely engraved ring. The members of the Immaculate Conception Church contributed the sum of $100. The orphan children at the Hospital, fully alive to the importance of the occasion, sent in a card of handsome gold and silver medals. One of the prettiest presents seen was a benediction veil con- tributed by the Sisters of Parkersburg. A large and magnificent silver paper cutter was presented by Rev. A. R. Sidley, of Cleve- land, Ohio. The children of the Immaculate Conception gave a handsome picture, while Miss Murray, of Cincinnati, contributed fine purple rabbis. The children of Benwood came forward in a handsome sum of money, the Angels' Sodality, of Parkersburg, gave a pair of silver cruets, a box of silver from the Sisters of St. or Efcr. , m J. Elain, D.D. Mary's, a handsome velvet allium from the Angels' Sodality • Joseph, a pulpit stand from Miss Kate Hcil, and a fine, band- painted antependium by Miss Helen Devries. These are only a few of the presents received. There were dozens of other offer- ings contributed by individuals, many of which were in tin- Bhape of money. Other Demonstrations Connected with Bishop Kain's Silver Jubilee. MOUNT DE CHANTAL. (From Tht Mount.) With the quick transition from spiritual joy to innocent mirth which true worship always allows, all thoughts were soon turned to an entirely different celebration, for this evening had also been appointed to honor the Silver Jubilee of our beloved father. Bishop Kain. The true anniversary of his ordination will not be until July 2, the Feast of the Visitation, but as we will be scattered in every direction before that day arrives, we concluded to take time by the forelock and have a little fete all to ourselves. First <>n our programme came the banquet. Those who have Been OUT re fectory only on ordinary occasions can have do idea of Us appear- ance when there is a question of a Silver Jubilee ! And two such occasions have graced it during this scholastic year ! In our initial number for the year we told you of the Silver Jubilee of Mount de Ohantal — in our closing number we must describe the fete of the President of our school. Well, to return to the refectory. The tables were beautiful. His Lordship paused at the threshold t<> admire the brilliant Bcene ; and discovered at a glance that the tables, gorgeous with flowers, glass and silver, to Bay nothing of the choice edibles with which they were laden, formed the letter K. That was a complimentary way of informing him that the feast was in his honor ; I'm- you musl know that until that moment, not a word had been e\cn whispered to suggest any extraordinary 5± Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee event. The Bishop took his place just at the middle of the K, if you know where that is, and in less time than it takes to tell, all were seated and the merry-making began. "We will not tell of all the good things we had — (we had a great abundance) nor of all the wise and witty things we said — with such good cheer we could not fail to say much that was agreeable — but we will tell you of the concluding remarks of his Lordship, which we considered among the wisest and wittiest of the evening. In language which we need not record verbatim, he told of a little bird which had been twittering in his ear all through the feast and the song of the bird was ho-ho-li — ho-li-day ! Would you believe it ? that little song of three syllables received immense applause, and was very effec- tive too, for all preparations for the examinations having been well made, we were given a holiday for the next day. A stroll around the grounds followed the supper and then a summons called all to the music hall. There the following pro- gramme was carried out : Piano Solo — " Hark the Lark " Liszt. Miss Blanche Moran. Vocal Duo—" When I Know That Thou Art Near Me," Alt. Misses Eugenia Schmidt and Marie Dent. Violin Solo Miss Kathleen Hagan. Yocal Solo — " Ave Maria," Gounod. Miss Eugenia Schmidt. Piano Quartette — " Wassertrager," Cherubini. Misses Blanche Moran, Flora Pollack. Misses Eugenia Schmidt and Margaret Ketterer. Address Miss Marie Dent. It is not necessary to make any comments on the rendition of the above programme ; the same young ladies will receive their due meed of praise for their Commencement efforts. Suffice it to say that the whole was thoroughly enjoyed. A certain amount of of ] . John J. Kw.\. D.D. freedom, which is absent on the more formal fortnighly "musi- cales," characterized this little entertainment. < >ne murk of this freedom was the throwing of flowers to the favorite performers, till the floor was strewn with peonies, rosebuds, etc. The address was remarkably well delivered by Miss Marie Dent, who in read- ing the passage, " We offer you our gift," &c, gracefully motioned our attention to a full set of Brownson's works which stood in array on a table beside her. These volumes were marked in gilt letters with the Bishop's name and the year. The Bishop then arose and addressed us in a most happy vein, interesting us greatly by some accounts of his early missions and of the early days of the diocese. His address was succeeded by a last surprise, a surprise to us as well as to him — the arrival upon the scene of a final refection in the form of ice cream and straw- berries and cake! In the enjoyment of these, accompanied by light-hearted, cozy chatting, the rest of the evening passed away and nine o'clock was upon us before we could realize that one of our happiest evenings was at an end. To The Right Reverend, The Bishop ob Whkbli June 4, L891. Your Lordsh ip : Memory — through whose realms we love to roam, Inhaling once again the perfumed air, That fraught with thoughts of love, of joy, of home, Steals softly o'er our sense, — surpassing fair Doth stand, unveiling in the far off past A peerless day. Across the vanished yean That sever you from youth, that day has cast A radiance in whose glow the burning tears That Sorrow dropped upon the way, now s(vm But glistening jewels; thorns thai pierced the heart Assume a golden Lustre ; and the gleam Of banished joys rekindles, as athwarl The Lengthening vista falls thai ray divine. Oh I who can speak the thoughts that rise, or give 56 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee To joy so sweet, expression ; who define The wondrous gift that caused that day to live Forever in remembrance ! Words convey But feebly what the heart so deeply feels, And falter on our lips when we essay To name the gifts of God. — Your heart reveals What ours must still conceal — This happy night We come with hearts all joyous to your fete Your Silver Jubilee ! In rapid flight The years have sped, and on your brow have set A silver coronal. Each shining thread That mingles with the locks of sable brown Was spun from clouds whose radiant linings shed No ray on earth, but form a lasting crown Of heavenly glory. In its tracery wrought, Are days both glad and mournful ; and they glow In varied beauty, jewels that have caught A ray of God's approving smile. Yet though These jewels set in silver, are most fair, We wish for you a crown more glorious still, A crown whose golden fillets, rich and rare, The coming years shall weave with gems until Another jubilee be yours. How vain, Unworthy, seem all earthly boons, to eyes That in the light of Faith behold the chain Of heavenly graces which unbroken lies Along your priesthood's life ! and yet to-night, We offer you our gift with trusting love And greet you with a thousand greetings ! Bright ! And ever brighter, may your crown above Be garnished. Sweet ! and ever sweeter, grow Your joys. And though through many clouds you see No silver lining, may you one day know The bliss of an eternal Jubilee ! of Rt. Rev. John J. Kun, D.D. 57 WHEELING HOSPITAL PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Jink 2Gth, 1891. LITTLE QIKL9* JUBILEE WISI1E8. O, if I were a silver coin J low happy would I be ! I would buy as nice a present As you would wish to see, And give it to our Bishop On his Silver Jubilee. I wish I were a flower, So delicate and fair, To breathe my sweetest perfume Upon the summer air. With my flowery companions, Blossom, and leaf, and spray, I would make for our Bishop A spiritual bouquet. And I would be a candlestick Of silver shining bright, And I would on the Altar stand Holding a waxen light, And there to burn at holy M How happy I would be, Upon the Becond of -I nly The Silver Jubilee. And I would be a little pyx Of purest Bilver Bheen, As pretty and as brighl a one As ever yel «a- seen, .1 nsl like a little temple, where Our Lord would deign to come To claim it for 1 lis dwelling place To choose it as His home. 58 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee And I would be a little girl, Just as I am to-day, With mind to think, with heart to love, With power to work and pray. And I ean help to celebrate This happy day, you see, And wish our honored Bishop joy, Upon his Jubilee. ADDRESS FROM THE GIRLS OF ST. VINCENT'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. June 26th, 1891. Rt. Rev. Father : Allow us to offer our sincere congratula- tions upon your Silver Jubilee, which you will celebrate in a few days. Since that happy day which made you a chosen minister of God, twenty-five years have passed. We know little of these long eventful years, they seem to us a great many ; but we do understand and appreciate your kindness and interest in our regard, and will gratefully remember your instructions and coun- sels. We feel sure that it will add to your happiness to see that souls under your care advance in virtue, so we, though only a very small portion of your flock, will endeavor by our fidelity to become more and more worthy of your guardianship. We beg you will kindly accept this little token of our respect and affection, with our best wishes and earnest prayers for your happiness in this life, and everlasting jubilee in the life to come. ADDRESS OF HOSPITAL BOYS. June 26, 1891. Rt. Rev. and dear Father : — As the joyous celebration of your Silver Jubilee is very near, and you have honored us with your presence to-day, we deem it a favorable opportunity to offer you our heart-felt greetings in anticipation of the occasion. of Rt. Rev. John J. Kain\ D.D. 59 We thank you for your zealous labors in our behalf, and hope you may celebrate your golden jubilee also in oar midst. May the Good Master, in whose vineyard you have labored so faith- fully, reward you witli an increased influx of graces and blessings both for yourself and the sheep and lambs under your pastoral care, and finally may you receive the crowning gift of all — a death precious in His sight. May the silver chords of these twenty-five years echo through the courts of heaven and vibrate through the ears and hearts of those who now rejoice there through your ministry, and give vent to a grand hymn of jubilee in your behalf, in which we shall all join in spirit until it shall be given to us to sing with you and them that deep song of joy which ear hath never heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive. SONG OF GREETING-HOSPITAL BOYS. Junk 26, 1891. Dearest Father, we salute thee With a thousand welcomes here. On your jubilee we greet thee From our inmost hearts sincere. Jubilate, jubilate, jubilate in a^ternum. We rejoice it has been given Unto you so kind and true, So many years of loyal service in the ranks of the chosen few. Jubilate, jubilate, jubilate in ceternum. May the echo of these years Sound as far as the Golden Gafo A in 1 gladden the hearts of those who entered Tlirough your sacred ministry. Jubilate, jubilate, jubilate in sternum. May do shadow dim the Lustre Of this Silver Jubilee. 60 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee May it be a foretaste only Of a grand eternity. Jubilate, jubilate, jubilate in seternum. BISHOP'S SILVER JUBILEE. Twenty-five years of shade and sunshine, Years of toil and care, Years of faithful duty, Years of constant prayer. Solace of the sick and suffering, Little orphans loving stay. See in high and holy duties, How those years have passed away. The older ones are now rejoicing And we children shout for glee, Even the very saints in heaven Share this Silver Jubilee. May they crown you with sweet flowers From the fields of heaven above. In every leaf of which reposes, Some act of your paternal love. Oh ! thou kind and loving father May it be thy lot one day, In the hour of solemn judgment To hear our dear Lord say, Come thou blessed of my father, Come and share our jubilee. What you have done for little ones You have done for me. Rt. Rev. and dear Father:— We are delighted to have the op- portunity of wishing you a very happy Silver Jubilee. Last year at this time you were absent, and we missed you so much, but now we are so glad you are at home this year. A Silver Jubilee is of Rt. Rev. John J. K.ux, D.D. 61 always a grand day, and when it i.s a bishop's it is something to remember allone'slife. No doubt you will have a grand celebration, and if we children only could we would have just a splendid one, but as it is, we can only thank you for all your kindness to us, and say a great many prayers for you that God may bestow on you His best blessings, and spare you to celebrate your golden jubilee. GREETING OP THE LITTLE BOYS OF ST. JOHN'S HOME. Junk 29th, 1891. 'Tis meet, when the faithful shepherd His feast of joy doth keep, While 'round him gather, rejoicing, His own beloved sheep, — That even the little lambkins, The weaklings of the fold, To-day, (as glad as their ciders), High festival should hold ! Lambs of a blessed Bheepfold, Snow-white with innocence, Behold we conic in this hour Of peace and joy intense, — Around our shepherd to gather (Merry a> land's can be), To keep with the rest, dear Father, Thy BiLVEB .1 nai.KK ! Mack in the shadowy HyAione, Long years ere we were horn, A rose on thy favored manhood, The light of a glorious mora ; A day, indeed, of Balvation, Whose -mi should ne'er go down, The feast of thine ordination, Thy priesthood's peerless crown ! 62 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee "With the holy oil on thy forehead, With the sacred stole on thy neck, They make thee a priest forever Like unto Melchisedeck ; To lift at the blessed altar The mystic bread and wine, — And offer in " clean oblation," The sacrifice divine ! Thanks to God who hath spared thee Thro' seasons sad or gay, For this silver crown of thy priesthood, The feast that we keep to-day ! And the prayer that rings to the rafter, And pierces the heavens free, Is : — May He give thee hereafter A Golden Jubilee ! — E..C. D. SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, BENWOOD. June 28th, 1891. We keep a double festival On this red-letter day, Each beams a solitary star To light us on our way. We have received the first great pledge Of what is yet to be, And, by anticipation, keep Our Bishop's Jubilee. He came to lay the corner-stone Of our new church to-day ; A holy tempi e to our God Where we may kneel and pray. And where our Lord Himself will come ; of Et. Rev. John J. Kain, D.D. 63 "What can more fitting l>e, Than on this day to celebrate Our Bishop's Jubilee ? And when, as time rolls swiftly on, This structure fair shall rise, And take us to its sheltering arms, And point us to the Bkies : Then, when we see our hope fulfilled, Will not fond memory Recall to us this happy day — Our Bishop's Jubilee i Then shall our prayers ascend for him, As they ascend to-day, That angels may watch over him, And keep all harm away : And that he may, as years roll on, Still loved and honored be, As now, upon this happy day, His Silver Jubilee. This day seems like an emblem fair Of one, celestial, bright, When earthly darkness fades, and comes A morn without a night. And when the glorious church in heaven All robed in light we Then may we enter there, to keep An i ndless Jubilee. BOYS AND GIRLS OF ST. MARY'S CHURCH, BOUTS WIIK1- .Ii'nk::i);Ii. 1891. /if. Si v. and A tr Father: — Though our school forma but ■ small part of your flock, and cannot do very much in the v. 64 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee honoring the approaching twenty-fifth anniversary of your sublime calling to be God's holy minister, yet we determined to do some- thing to prove to you that our young hearts are joyous over your Jubilee, and we shall pray that the silver advent may be crowned by the golden one, each succeeding year adding bright gems ill the crown awaiting you in that home you have so zealously ln- bored for in the past two decades and a half of years. Rt. Rev. Father, with love and respect we offer you a little gift, wishing it could be much greater ; but accept it, though small, from hearts that shall fondly cherish you, and pray that we may ever be your true children in the Lord. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL, GRAFTON, W. VA. Junk, 1891. Dear Rt. Rev. Bishop : We anticipate to-day one of the hap- piest days of your life, the day of your ordination to the sacred ministry. For this purpose we have gathered here, to offer you a thousand congratulations and good wishes. The return of your anniversary this year will be the twenty-fifth, your Silver Jubilee, in celebrating which we join most heartily with all the children of your diocese in asking God to shower upon you, dear Bishop, the graces and blessings which your zealous labors have so richly deserved. Sixteen of the twenty-live have been passed in loving, devoted service in our own diocese. And when we know the heart of one that claims us, and under whose paternal charge we are placed, we cannot but feel we are often remembered in his prayers ; that blessings, too, are constantly flowing towards us from his heart and hand, for a kind father never forgets his children, particularly the absent ones. When we least think it or are per- haps engaged in our daily duties, we may believe that our father has whispered a fervent aspiration to heaven for our spiritual as well as our temporal welfare. We thank you then, dear Bishop, for these kind remembrances in the past, and for the prayers which we know you will offer for us in the future at God's holy 03 Rt. Rev. John J. K u.\, D.D. 65 altar. Accept then, dear Bishop, this little souvenir of your Sil- ver Jubilee, with the love and greetings of your devoted children of St. Augustine's. ADDRESS OF BERNARD WINGERTER IX BEHALF OF BOYS OF ST. VINCENT'S 8CH00L. .J i i.y l, 1891. Then Master Bernard Wingerter, in a clear voice, on behalf of the pupils of St. Vincent's Select School, delivered the follow- ing address : Rt. Rev. Father: — Accept our warmest congratulations upon the happy occasion of your Silver Jubilee, and permit us to ex- press our pleasure at being able to participate in the celebration. We wish you a very happy day, and hope we may live to Bee yon celebrate your Golden Jubilee. We will then be men — some of us may be so highly favored as to be priests, though,..)' course, we do not seem much like them now. But wc hope by following your teaching and example, we may all become good and intelli- gent men, fit for any position in which we may be placed. And when that day comes, what a -rami celebration we will have! Right Reverend Father, we thank yoa for all your kindness to us, and beg your acceptance of a little testimonial, which we wish were more worthy of the occasion. ODE OF THE ANGEL'S 80DALITY. Jn.v 1st, 1891. In the white lustre of celestial light Of silver radiance, serene and bright, Our Lady's Visitation feasl is here, Our Mother's 4i Feasl of Graces," pure and dear The while, in fancy, we behold her ilee From Nazareth to Bebron; while we Ilei- lovely, shrouded form and veiled head 66 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Glide np the mountain-steeps, devoid of dread, Bearing the hidden God, while 'neath her feet, The early flow'rets blossom, fair and sweet. We welcome with the glad Elizabeth, This peerless guest from hallow'd Nazareth, This Guest of guests, who bids the desert bloom, And sanctifies the Baptist in the womb, Who sheds abroad in ev'ry time and place, The matchless glory of her virgin face ! And who, to-day, comes smiling from the East, To crown our Prelate's ordination feast. Dear Pastor of our souls ! thrice welcome be ! Within these happy halls we honor thee ; The vision of thy face in these glad hours, Is to our souls like dew to thirsting flowers ; Or like the light that gilds the jocund day, When night's dark shadow vanishes away ! Upon the chaplet of thy priestly years, (Time's silver rosary of smiles and tears), Angels, to-day, lov'd Shepherd of the fold ! Two decades and a half have softly told — And every bead that through their fingers rolls, Records some gain for God, some good for souls. Methinks this feast, this hour recalls to thee That feast, that hour of deathless memory, When on thy head and on thy willing neck, Was laid the priesthood of Melchisedeck. And thou, like Mary, wert ordained to bear Within thy hands, the Lamb divinely fair ; Or, hiding in thy breast, the great High Priest, Found every day a Visitation Feast, A feast of graces to the sick and dying, And unto all in error's darkness lying ! of Br. Rev. Johs J. Kadt, D.D. 67 A priest thou art forever ! wondrous -rare, Conferred upon thee in love's holy place I 'Tie fitting that to-day, both Bweet and strong, Thy lips should chant our Lady's blessed song, " Magnificat ! My soul doth magnify, The Lord, and in my God on high My spirit doth rejoice ! " The Mighty One Hath done great things to ///"., His chosen son, And holy is His Name ! Angels bright, Who guided Mary unto Hebron's height, And breathed the flowers' delicate perfume That neath her sandals burgeoned into bloom, Come hither on your brightly waving win And shed the blessing of the King of kings Upon our Prelate's feast ! Sweet Mary, come, And bring dear Jesus from II is heavenly home. To bless our Father's Selves Jubd be, As once He blessed the home of Zachary ! Go with him through the years that still remain, His hope, his solace in each care and pain — Light of his pathway, lamp unto his feet, Guiding him safely to the mercy seat ; Turning the thorns that hedge this world of ours, Into the glory of immortal dowers ; And giving to him, " after many days," Beyond the grave, a life of love and pn God's glorious guerdon of eternity, The saints' and angel.-' endle B jubilee! LNOB < J. 1 ►ONNBLLl ■ i Recited by Miss Btta W.-ii,-, IN ST. JOSEPH'S. Thk Rimi.i.iam JuBILSI ExBBOISl it. The opening exi E the Bishop's Jubilee will begin this evening in a celebration t<> be given at Convent by the pupils of 68 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee St. Joseph's Academy, under the direction of the sisters of St. Joseph. An elaborate programme of music and addresses has been prepared and the entertainment will doubtless be a worthy and auspicious opening of the great demonstration. The pro- gramme is as follows : Opening Hymn Sodalities Address on behalf of the boys of St. Vincent School. ... Bernard Wingerter Piano Sextette Pupils from St. Joseph's Ode on behalf of the Angel Sodality, composed by Eleanor C. Donnelly read by Miss Etta Weitzel Yocal Trio Smart Misses Susie Reister, Josephine Flading and Katie Gaither. Jubilee Poem, composed by Dr. Charles A. Wingerter, read by Miss Mary O'Kane. Piano Quartette Auber Miss Tenie Shafer, Katie Cameron and Delia McFadden. Address on behalf of the pupils of St. Joseph's Academy Miss Delia McFadden Jubilee Chorus, with accompaniment for two pianos, composed for the occasion by Rev". J. B. Bauer Pupils of Academy The features of the programme will be Dr. Wingerter's jubi- lee poem and the jubilee chorus by Rev. Bauer. Rev. Bauer has the reputation of being an accomplished musician and his chorus is said to be a very fine production. JUBILEE POEM. Following is the complete text of the beautiful poem to be read by Miss O'Kane. A score and five of golden years have run, Since rose for thee that long-awaited sun That ushered in thy priesthood's natal day, That morn a priest, thou art a priest alway. O blessed morn for thee ! Sure even now of Rt. Rev. John J. K .m, D.D. 69 The halo of its memory lights thy brow ! Expectant, all aflame with joy, yet awed, Low kneeling at the altar-step of God, Thou prayedst that thou might'st always worthyibear And keep thy priesthood's lily pure and fair. Deep in the hush that told how God was near To claim thee all His own, what hopes, what fears, And oh ! What wond'rous thrill thou must have known When o'er thy shoulders priesthood's robe was tin-own. How all the meaning of each holy rite Grew evermore still vaster to thy sight, And made thee know why symbols teach so much. Thy bound up hands; the chrism's fruitful touch; The priestly breath ; the waving hands that blest; The sacred robes that priestly form invest ; All these were big with awful meaning then, New — flashing to thy watching spirit's ken. That morning was a life-time in its joy ; A golden day that time cannot alloy. A priest! thou wert God's priest, to whom 'tis given To bind on earth and it is bound in heaven ; To loose and at the word, God wills it loosed, An "Alter Christus," Christ in man infused. Thy mission like to Christ's and His divine. What grander office has the world than thine 1 To bear the torch of Truth throughout the earth; To claim the new born God e'en at his birth; To teach the living and to bless the dead ; To pour sweet balm on sorrow's Btricken head ; To lift the fallen and to Lead him home ; To warn the thoughtless souls Lesl they should roam, Or call them back from sin's enticing path, And make thi of ['rare who were of wrath ; To make each fellow-man Christ's willing thrall ; To be, in love a Father unto all 70 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Such is the Priest's high office ; happy thou To have this seal of priesthood on thy brow, And we are happy too, thy children dear To mark thy lengthening priest-time, year by year ; To count the silver milestones that are past, Each one a glory added to the last. And yet our count is half a useless thing For years were made to mark what may take wing, And thy great office is no thing of night ; It cannot cease or die whilst right is right And God is God ; thou art a priest for aye Thro' twilight Time and Heaven's glorious day That has no night, nor stars, nor any moon, But is one brilliant never-ending noon. Of time alone we keep our count and care ; Time is of God's eternity, man's share. And yet in vain we count; for not by years Should life be counted, but by hopes and fears. By heart throbs, high resolves and good deeds done, And battles over self and evil won. Good only lives ; vain, lost is all the rest ; He lives the longest who has lived the best. Thy priesthood then has been in passing long ; For thou has nobly fought against the wrong, Hast been thy people's helper, comfort, hope, Hast taught them how with life and sin to cope. When duty called thou thoughtest not to shirk, God only knows how great has been thy work ; How many erring souls thy zeal has saved ; How many tainted ones with pardon laved ; How many stumbling ones thou hast upheld ; How many weak ones lovingly compelled. When duty called thou hast not stinted aught ; Thy every prayer and hope and deed and thought Have been for God and what he gave to do ; of Rt. Rev. John J. Kaix, D. D. 71 The face of earth to sanctify, renew. And now to-day God blesses from above, Full surely whispering to thee, all in lo " Well done the tasks that have been given thi Strive nobly still, thy guerdon I shall be." Well done ! Well done ! This is thy present crown, More precious far than gold or vain renown. The future is with God. Thy children pray In this the twilight of thy silver day, That we again may greet thee'lovingly To celebrate thy Golden jubilee. Nor this alone; we hope for this on earth ; But when through death life knows it> other birth, When time and matter and the things that die Savi I to be. may we be there on high, Palm-bearing, 'mid the white-robed train.-. About the throne where God eternal reig To heai- His Father voice repeat — " Well don< . For mark of endless Jubilee begun. ADDRESS IN BEHALF OF THE PUPILS OF ST. JOSEPH'S A.CADEMY. Jn.Y 1st, 1881. lit. Rev. Father: — Twenty-five years ago, on the beautiful Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, you consecrated your life entirely to God, by being raised to flu: dignity of the priesthood. For twenty-five years our Blessed Lady has guided you along the toilsome paths of your duty, repaying your zeal and devotion with her maternal protection. Under her guidance you have risen to the Bacred dignity of a Chief Pastor of the fold of Christ, an.! thi.-, day we assemble to celebrate the joyful occasion of your Silver Jubilee. We, the younger mem- bers of your flock, highly appreciate our privilege of being per- mitted to assist at this celebration. It is a day of rejoiciE all, the prie8tfl and the people, the old and the young. it i- a day 72 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee on which the whole flock assemble around their Chief Pastor, to congratulate him upon having been for twenty-five years a guide along the paths of peace that lead to the promised land. We also wish to express our happiness in possessing such a guide. We beg the favor of your acceptance of a memorial of the day from the Academy boys and girls and the members of the different Sodali- ties, and we earnestly pray that during your future life you may continue to lead your flock through the green pastures of holiness beside the still waters of peace until you reach the heavenly Jeru- salem, there to exchange the mitre for a crown, the crosier for the palm of victory. Della McFadden. A FITTING DEMONSTRATION. The demonstration in honor of the Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee of E-t. Rev. Bishop Kain to-morrow will be a fitting tribute to a man who has contributed ably and wisely to the cause of his church and the advancement of his fellow-men. Not only in Wheeling, but throughout his diocese, Bishop Kain has been active in works of benevolence and reform, a leader in educational matters, and prominent in enterprises that tend to the general good. His posi- tion has given him a power which he has wielded wisely and well. The News sincerely hopes, and it believes it voices the sentiments of the large majority of the people of Wheeling without regard to sect, that the distinguished object of to-morrow's demonstration will be spared, in all his vigor, to celebrate his golden jubilee. — Wheeling News. RT. REV. DR. KAIN'S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES AT THE JUBI- LEE EXERCISES, ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY. July 1st, 1891. When Bishop Kain arose to respond to the many expressions of love, and to thank the Sodality children also for their hand- of Rt. Eev. John J. K.ux, D.D. 73 some gifts, it was with a voice filled with emotion. He spoke «»f the occasion which drew forth the assembled audience, and said he certainly appreciated it with all his heart. For twenty-five years he had been permitted to exercise the duties of a priest. Five and twenty years ago he had knelt in a little chapel with thir- teen companions and received the Holy Orders. It was a day he had anxiously looked forward to — a day of joy; a day which year after year he had commemorated, with the sentiment that should fill the heart of every priest. He spoke of the sacred privileges vested in the priesthood, the administration of the sacraments. The power was not given for the priests alone, but for the benefit of God's people. For twenty-five years he had been exercising these powers, for his own benefit and that of those under his charge. He was filled with the spirit of the holy occasion, but, after all, it was meant not to honor him personally, but the sacred priesthood. Continuing he said : " I have exercised the priestly functions among you for the greater part of these live and twenty years, for sixteen or more. I have not only tried to speak the truths of salvation and lead you in the paths of rectitude, hut have also through the ministry committed to me bestowed upon you those wonderful graces of God. During these years strong ties have grown up between us, not only those ties that unite the flock to the shepherd, the congregation to the pastor, but yet more ten- der ties, those of the father and his children. There are done of my charge with whom I am thrown more familiarly than the chil- dren of the schools, and the Sodalities. I have endeavored to teach you to walk in the paths of Christian virtue, and to practice faithfully the duties of good Catholic children. 1 have rea in your company the happiness of a lather commingling with his children. At your little diversions, I have taken pari in your pastimes and recreations, and while it was a pleasure to me, your smiling faces proved it was a joy to yon. And these pleasant re- lations of father and children were strengthened in the y< spent among you. I may Bay, in all sincerity, that nowhere have I had more pleasure than in commingling with you. You have 74 Sacerdotal Silvek Jubilee been to me a reward for all my labors in the sacred ministry, entering as a ray of sunshine in my troubles. I trust that in the years that I may remain among you our present relations will never change, and when we meet at that unending jubilee around the throne of God, I can point to you and say, in the words of St. Paul, ' Here are my jewels.' " IN THE MASTER'S VINEYARD. A : truce to labor for a moment's space ! The Master bids it. Lo ! the day is spent — Thy silver day. Full nobly hast thou bent Unto the task He gave. Thy work of grace Within His vineyard, growing all apace, Invites thee pause a moment in content Upon the vine-clad sunrise slope's ascent, To meet His glad " Well done ! " and sweet embrace. Himself hath seen thy labors : Weed and thorn And storm of hate have not made thee recoil. Keep courage yet ! Rich guerdon shall be thine ; And morrow ushers in another morn Whose golden beams will ripe each clustered vine, And haste the harvesting of all thy toil. Charles A. Wingertek. ST. JOSEPH'S, WEST VIRGINIA. June 29th, 1891. Rt. Rev. and Beloved Bishop: We, the undersigned, hereby send Your Lordship our best wishes on your Silver Jubilee in the Priesthood : 1866— July 2nd— 1891 May the Lord God preserve you in health and strength, may He shower down upon you many blessings during your sojourn of Rt. Rev. John J. Kaix, D.D. 75 here in this vale of tears, misery and want. After many more celebrations of the anniversary of your ordination to the priest- hood, and when the days allotted to you in this pilgri are ended, may the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, place a crown of never-fading brightness and beauty upon your brow for your deeds here on earth. John Baker, sr., Wendel Haid, John Scheibclhut, Joseph Klug, sr. — Board of Trustees. Joseph Nolte, Theodor Brink- meier, sr., Joseph Breiding, John Kress, sr., John Hurley, John Bickar, M. A. Bickar, P.M., John Jstep, John jr., John Burkhardt, sr., George Jstep, Joseph Jstep, Henry Jstep, George Herrmann, Frederic Wehmann, sr., George King, Peter -I. Bickar, Casper Becker, William Beeker, Joseph Becker, Gi Heurich, William Schaefer, John Wiegand, Frank Schaefer, Joseph Wiegand, Theodor Koltz, Joseph Scheibclhut, Ernst Wehmann, George Hohinann, sr., Adolph Breiding, Killian Klug; Anthony Frohnapfel, Frank Brinkmeier, Frederic W. Wehmann, Michael Wehmann, Joseph Faust, Andrew Jaeger, Charles Nolte, Frank Tewes, George Wiegand, John Karl, Joseph Frohnapfel, Joseph Boesherz, Mattlueus Haid, Henry dug, John Henrich, A. J. Stein. Catharina Mlug, Angela Kress, Josephine Jstep, Margaret Klug, Frances Herrmann, Barbara Bickar, Josephine King, Oani- gnnda Hohinann, Gertrude Hacke, Genovefa Blatt, Mary Froh- napfel, Anna Breiding, Margaret Scheibelhut, Mary C. Haid, Elizabeth Singer, Catharine Burkhardt, Elizabeth Brinkmeier, Catharina Becker, Rosa Koltz, .Mary A. Scheibelhnt, Victoria Karl, Margaret Boesherz, Teresia Jstep, Catherine E. Stender, Barbara Heurich, Gertrude Stein. Accept once more our besl wishes and prayers, as also this -mall gift from the above named pail' Yoi k Sim ki;k a m > DsYOTED ChILDBBS in < 'm:i>T. From St. Joseph's, Marshall Co., W. 7a. (/// em >.) Ivl v. ( h L8. I'. SOHTLPP. 76 Saoebdotal Silver Jubilee. What words can more fitly eonclude this memorial compilation than the mottoes referred to in the Register's account of the Sil- ver Jubilee : " Sacerdos et Pontifex," (" Priest and Bishop") — the two events of the twenty-five years ; " Deo Gratias," (" Thanks be to God ") — the diocese's gratitude to God for the same ; "Ad multos annos," (" For many years ") — the diocese's wish and prayer that its Bishop may be spared for many years ; " Aureus Argenteo succedat annus jubilseus," (" May the Golden succeed the Silver jubilee.") — a wish most heartful that Wheeling's Bis- hop may live to celebrate his fifty years of priesthood and of epis- copate. A more numerous clergy and laity would then greet him warmly and affectionately ; but the compiler of these notes con- fidently feels that more warmth of affection, profounder reverence or more manifest loyalty will not exist in the spiritual children, clerical and laical, whose privilege it may be to celebrate Rt. Rev. John J. Kain's Golden Jubilee. J UNIVERSITY ot CALIFORNIA AT LOS AMGELES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. >:>> mm 1 !I mm JY,) 2) >3 Form L9 — 15m-10,'48 (B1039)444 S,'..i ■"•■■; ^ 0^.7);\Wvf~V»' 3X ■ n - Sacerdot tl sil- I K2S9 ver iuMlee of v. Joh^ I &> >]> )V2X» 3RARY FACILITY AA 001260 277 7 »> ^m>y^^ « JV >)J> 47Q5 0> n; 9 ■■>> > ) ?>> £ > >>>J> 1 j > J> |X)2» ;) > Si i>}2>»): > )) Kl ) 2» »5> >0 » 3>