UC-NRLF 670 B M 071 37b AN INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. WALTER RYE. PUBLISHED FOR SUBSCRIBERS. NORWICH : AGAS H. GOOSE, EAMPANT HORSE STREET. MDCCCC. PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS. AN INDEX EERUM NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. WALTEE EYE. PUBLISHED FOR SUBSCRIBERS. NORWICH: AGAS H. GOOSE, RAMPANT HORSE STREET. MDCCCXCIX. PREFACE. The following pages do not affect to be a perfect Index to the Archceology of Norfolk. Such an Index would be an impossibility, and I have not attempted it; but I have taken considerable pains to compile one which will be of some use to myself, if to no one else. The references to MSS. will probably be new to most of my readers. Practically it will serve to some extent as an Index to the Catalogue of the books in the Carrow Library, which is not too easy to consult under subjects. This little book will, I expect, be the last of my Norfolk Indexes. With its two predecessors it makes 785 pages, and they will, I trust, be of use to the rapidly-increasing number of students of Norfolk Archaeology. I am having copies inlaid and interleaved, and propose to post them up with all the additions and corrections I can get, and leave them to the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society for future use. Any corrections and additions will be thankfully received, and I take this opportunity of heartily thanking Mr. L. Bolingbroke and Mr. J. Hooper for the kind way they have gone through the proofs, and for the many additions they have made to my original notes. Walter Rye. St. Leonardos Priory, Norwich. ivl88143 ABBREVIATIONS. Arch., for Archaeologia, the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries. B. N., for Blomefleld'8 Norfolk. Cotman's Arch. Rem., for Cotman's Architectural Remains. D. N. B., for Dictionary of National Biography. East. Co. Coll., for Eastern Counties Collectanea, 1 vol., edited by J. L'Estrange. E. A. and East Anglian, for East Anglian Notes and Queries. Hist. Norf., for Rye's Popular History of Norfolk. Norf. Arch., for Norfolk Archseology. Norf. Antiq. Misc., for Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany, in 3 vols. 8vo. edited by Walter Rye. N. T. M., Norfolk Topographers' Manual. N. and Q,., for Notes and Queries. N. & N. N. & Q., for Norfolk and Norwich Notes and Queries, published by the " Norfolk Chronicle" Company. P. R. O., or Pub. Rec. O., for Public Record Office. Proc. Arch. Inst., for Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute. Top. Index, for Rye's Index to Norfolk Topography. Roman numerals (i., x., &c.) stand for the number of the volume; ordinary figures for the number of the page. INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Abstract of Title^ Pedigree temp. Hen. VI. serving as an, for Manor of Watlington— Norf. Arch. vi. p. 300. AbOrig'ineS, the, of Norfolk. See History of Norfolk, 1-3. Accent, the Norfolk— East Anglian, iii. 10. Eev. J. D. Gedge, The History of a Village Community in the Eastern Counties, 1893, p. 9. Accounts. Norwich City, temp. Hen. VI.— Norf. Arch. iii. 424. Norwich Chamberlains' — Norf. Arch. i. 1 ; Journal of British Arch. Association, xiv. 169. Extracts from the Chamberlain's Books of Lynn, 14th Hen. IV. — Norf. Arch. ii. 183. Account Rolls of Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. iv. 259. Account Rolls of Creake Abbey — Norf. Arch. vi. 314. Of Bursar of Hempton Priory for 1500-1— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 107. Account Rolls of the Obedientiaries of St. Benet at Holme — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. ii. 530. Of Reedham 1377-1471— Additional Charters, 26852-26864. Account Book of Sir R. Walpole — Norf. Arch. iii. 423. Account Book kept by Blomefield in respect of his History of Norfolk — Rye MS. No. 32. Of Robert Melton (farmer and steward), 1499, &c. — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. iii. 161. Churchwardens'. See Churchwardens' Accounts. AcknOWledg'mentS of Royal Supremacy— Norf. Arch. vii. 143. Acoustic Pottery. See Churches. Acquittances for Rent of Crown Lands, Fines, &c. (1564-1673)— Additional Charters, 25622 and 25732. Acts Of Parliament. See statutes. AdagreS, &C>, preserved at Trstead — Norf. Arch. ii. 291. 2', \ ,' r ; ,; ;IJ-dex rerum to Norfolk antiquities. Adaimi arid JEVC at Pageauts— Norf. Arch. v. 9. ACitrifr^rty Courts on the Norfolk Coasts, temp. Eliz. — East Anglian, <''■'' ■ ■nc'T^ sorics, iii. 194. Vera copia literarum Regis super inquisitionem Admiralitus com. Norf., 5th Edw. IV. and writ of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, Admiral of England, respecting rights claimed by Abbot of Ramsey on the coast of Norfolk — Ex Vet. Libro de Ramsey, penes Wm. Saville, Knt. De jactura maris apud Ringstead. Cojiy of Charter of the Conqueror to the Abbot of Ramsey of jactura maris at Ringstead and Brancaster — Lincolns Inn Library, Hale MSS. Ixxvii., Nos. 6 and 7- Ijetter from Nath. Bacon to Dr. Csesar complaining of the conduct of Dr. Burman, the judge of the Admiralty Court, Stiflfkey, 16th Nov. 1601 — Lansdowne MSS. 142, No. 19. AgrtlUS Dei, Intaglio of, on seal — Norf. Arch. viii. 341. Agriculture* See also works on, by Almack, Bacon, Kemp, Marshall, Marsham, Morse, Munnings, Murrell, Read, Rigby, and Rose, as set out in the Index to the Carrow Library ; and also see in same catalogue at p. 309, and sub voce Royal Agricultural Society, Harleston Farmers' Club ; also see Farming ; also see Tusser's Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. Implements — Norf. and Norw. Notes and Queries, i. 331. Special Commission as to arable land converted into pasture — Special Com. Exch., 26th Eliz., No. 3044. Special Commission as to Queen's land sown with flax seed, linseed, or hemp seed— Special Com. Exch., 27th Eliz., No. 2959. Interrogatories as to sheep purchased and sold between 3oth and 36th Eliz. contrary to Statute — Special Com. Exch., 36th Eliz., No. 126. Copy of proclamation of Eliz. concerning scarcity of grain — Arch. xiv. 27. A treatise on Fold-courses in Norfolk, by Sir H. Spelman (?) in hand- writing of Guibon Goddard, Recorder of Lynn — Additional MSS. 27403. Agricultural Products, value of, in 1574 — Norf. Arch. x. 146. Ancient and Modern Agriculture, by Samuel Copland, the " Old Norfolk Farmer," 2 vols. 8vo., 1866. On Tenure, being part of the Report on the Agriculture of Norfolk, by B. Almack — Reprint from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 1845. See several addresses to Norfolk Farmers, &c., by W. Cobbett, set out on pp. 95-6 of the catalogue of the Carrow Library. Catalogues of Sheep and Cattle, the property of J. J. Colman. See Catalogue of Carrow Library, 103. Value of Agricultural Produce in 1574 — Norf. Arch. x. 146. Flax — Norfolk Flax Society, &c. J. Warnes, On the Cultivation of Flax, 1847. See Carrow Catalogue. INDEX REKUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 3 Aid taken, 20th Ed. III.— Print of, Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 13-106. Aids. See Subsidies. Alabaster Sculptures. & Legacy in 1686 of as much strong boer to wife for life " as she will daily drink reasonably without prejudice to her health" — East. Co. Coll. 70. BellSi See Chiirches. Bell Acres at Diss, Thornage, and St. Laurence, Norwich. Bellrope Close, Shelfanger. St. Peter Mancroft. Bow Bell— Norf. Charity Commiss. Rep. 1815, 1835, 594. Bell Foundry at East Dereham— East Anglian, new series, ii. 373. Bellring'erS, Controversy between the Norwich — East. Co. Coll. 106-7. Bellring'ing'. Campanalogia, by H. Hubbard (late of the Society of Norwich Scholars), Norwich, 1854. Eade's Parish of St. Giles, 1886, 117-119. Hooper's St. Peter Mancroft, 1895, 24-26. Muffled Peal on Death of Old Year at East Dereham— Rev. J. E. Vaux, Church Folk-lore, 1894, 224. BellOAVS) Carved— Norf. Arch. iv. 352. Benef iCeS> See clergy and Clerical matters. Bewilderment. "Led will," Folk Lore as to— East Anglian iii. 21, and N. and Q., eighth series, viii. 487 ; ix. 69. BibliOtheca NorfOlCiani. 4to. I68I. The editor of the N.T.M. gives a reference to Heber's Catalogue, pt. v. 135, but says " he has never seen this work, and has never heard of anyone who has done so." [It is a catalogue of the Duke of Norfolk's Library — not Works relating to Norfolk]. BibliOtheca NorfOlCienSiS, Catalogue of , in Carrow Library, 4to. 1896. Bier Cloth at St. Gregory, Norwich— Norf. Arch. i. 366. Big'Od, Earl. Account of his lands— Norf, Arch. vii. 138. Bilney, ThO. (Martyr), Letter of— Norf. Arch. x. 383. Birds A Catalogue of the Stuffed, presented to the Norfolk and Norwich Museum in 1873 by Mrs. E. P. Clarke, pp. 16, 4to. See Gurney (Carrow Catalogue). The Birds of Norfolk, with remarks on their habits, migration, and local distribution, by Henry Stevenson, F.L.S. ; Van Voorst, 1866 and 1870, 3 vols. Ditto. Reviewed— East Anglian, iii. 258, and iv. 237. N.B.— pp. 5-7 contain a bibliographical list of earlier works on the subject. Act for destruction of birds and vermin, 8th Eliz. cap. 15 — East Anglian, iii. 275. Notes as to Sparrows, spowes, and whimbrels— East Anglian, iii. 266. Destruction of Sparrows by churchwardens— East. Co. Coll. 32. INDEX KERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 9 Birds. Tjist of Birds seen between Wells and Thornham in January, 1861 — East Anglian, i, 124. The acclimitation of Parrots at Northrepps Hall. A paper read by Mr. Charles Buxton, M.P., before the British Association on 27th Aug., 1868. Reprinted, 4to., from Norfolk Netvs, pp. 15. A Day with the Pies at Scoulton Mere, by Mr. Chas. Buxton, M.P., in Macmillan's Magazine, Aug., 1871, pp. 312. Occurrence of Bustard in Norfolk — Notes and Queries, second series, i. 518. Bishops of Ea.St Angriia. in Mason's History, 170, &c.; and s«e Dean Goulburn's Bosses on the Eoof of Norwich Cathedral. Life and Letters of Herbert de Lozinga, by Goulbiirn. Jessopp's Diocesan History of Norwich, 1884. Also Norfolk Official Lists, by Hamon le Strange, 8vo. 1890 ; and Norwich Diocesan Calendar. Black Book of SwafEham— Norf. Arch. viii. 24. BlaC-k Death. Norf. Arch. i. 141, by Dr. Jessopp. At Yarmouth— Longe's Lowestoft in Olden Times, n.d. but 1898, 32-33. In Norwich — B. N. ii. 68, corrected by Rev. W. Hudson, Norf. and Norw. Notes and Queries, 20th Feb. 1897. Blanch Farms, note as to, in 1656 ; Tanner's MSS. — Bodleian Library, xlv. fol. 96. Blomefield, F. Notices of— Norf. Arch. ii. 201. Life of, by Walter Rye— D. N. B. v. 1886. Original Letter and Note Book of, fo. 1733-6 [now Rye MSS. No. 32]— Norf. Arch. ix. 367- Errors in History— Norf. Arch. ix. 286, 308 ; E. A. iv. 227, 283. Brass Inscriptions omitted by— Norf. Arch. x. 192, xi. 72, 182. Bondmen in Blood, in 18th-19th EHz. Special Commissions of the Exchequer, Nos. 1554, 1578, and 1637. 1575, Walpole and Turner — Notes and Queries, fourth series, xi. 298-9. Bondsman, Proof of win of, of Kenninghall, 23rd Hen. VIIL— East Anglian, new series, iii. 377. N.B. — My Paston note. Bondsmen. Rye's History of Norfolk, 106, &c., and East Anglian, new ser. Bone Instruments found in Grimes' Graves— Norf. Arch. vii. 368. Draughtsman found in Norwich — Norf. Arch. viii. 380. British Necklaces at Feltwell— Norf. Arch. viii. 319, 334. Bosses on the Roof of Norwich Cathedral, by Dean Goulburn and Precentor Symonds, fo. Norwich, 1876. (N.B. — The description of these bosses by John L'Estrange formed part of bundle 6 of the L' Estrange Collections, and were sold to the agent of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich). Another description of — East. Co. Coll. i. 59. In Norwich Cloisters — Norf. Arch. viii. 84. At St. Nicholas, Lynn — Norf. Arch. ix. 356. 10 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Bota,ny. See Arboretum. Flora of Norfolk, by Rev. Kirby Trimmer, 1886. An Examination of Prof. Babington's List of Plants observed near Cromer, by the same, Norwich, 1879. Plants of Norfolk, by Wigham, in Chambers' Norfolk Tour, Rose. Elements of Botany, 1775, List of Norwich Plants in Appendix. Flora of Central Norfolk, in Loudon's Magazine of Natural History, iv. See Transactions of the N. & N. Naturalists' Society. Bough Houses or Bush Houses. Temporary taverns at Fair times in Norfolk — N. and Q,. second series, vii. 450, 4th June, 1859. There is a relic of one at Horsham St. Faith's, which still has A marked on a cottage. " The Great A" — there is a public-house with that sign now at Yaxham. BOAVl, Account of an ancient silver, belonging to Andrew Fountaine, Esq. — Arch, xxiii. 392-4. Box (also see Hutch) . An old yew found at Loddon — Norf. Arch. iii. 416. Poor Box at Watton— N. A. iii. 394 ; and see Bygone Norfolk, 1898, pp. 134-5 (ill.) Collecting at Wendling— Norf. Arch. i. 363. Bra.Ctea.tCj found in a barrow — Arch. Assoc. Journal, i. 314 ; and see Index to Norf. Arch. 19-20. Bra.SSeS. See Churches. See Norfolk Brasses by Farrer, 4to. illustrated; and Svo. (? 1893). Also Norf. Arch. xiii. 192. See Photo-lithographs of, by E. M. Beloe, Junior, three parts. See Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses, by J. S. Cotman, 2 vols. fol. Bl*ewerS. Norwich Brewers' Marks and trade regulations — Norf. Arch. v. 313. Bl*ewhOUSe, Bin of Sale and Inventory of Articles in, 1653 — East. Co. Coll. 30. BriCknOg'g'ing' — Arch. Assoc Journal, vii. 97. Bl'idg'eSi Picturesque views of all belonging to the County, by Francis Stone, eighty- four plates, 4to., Norwich, 1830-1. Volume of collections (by Le Neve ?) from records as to repairing bridges in various counties — Lansdowne MSS. 328. List of Norfolk, by R. M. Phipson, Norwich, 1866. BriefS; Notes of money collected on, in Pulham St. Mary Magdalen — East Anglian, iv. 165; and see Holt Market; and see East Anglian iv. 282-3; Norf. Arch. i. 97; ii. H7 ; iii. 412. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 11 British Remains. North Walsham— E. a. new ser. i. Also see Index to Norf. Arch. 21-2, ix. 54. See also Barrows, Celts, Coins, Grimes' Graves, &c. Account of a Burial Urn (Celtic) discovered at Colney hy Rev. W. Gibson, in June, 1799 — Arch. xv. 1. A perfect Celt Mould of metal discovered with eleven Celts and fragments of weapons in the village of Eaton, near Norwich, exhibited by Hudson Gurney — Arch. xxii. The Weybourne Pits (sed?)— Norf. Arch. iii. 232 ; vii. 169, 359. The British Barrows at Bergh Apton, examination of — Norf. Arch. v. 180. Ancient British Remains near Cromer, account of discover}' of — Norf. Arch. V. 263. Celts — Vide Indexes to Norf. Antiq. Misc., passim. Celts found in — Arch. Assocn. Journal, i. 59. Bone Instruments found at Feltwell Fen in 1576 — Norf. Arch. viii. 319. British Remains in do. — Arch. Journal, vii. 392. Series of British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities found in do. — Arch. Assoc. Journal, iv. 157. Pottery at Thetford— Norf. Arch. vii. 373. BrOadS; A Bibliography of the — Rj'e's Songs, &c., 154 et seq. and add. A Handbook to Angling, Guide to the Broads, Rivers, Lakes, and Decoys of Norfolk and Suffolk, pp. 32, by W. F. Crisp, London, n.d., (?) about 1870. Broads and Marshes, Account of — Rye's History of Norfolk, 256. Discovery of Celtic and Roman Pottery at Salhouse Broad — Norf. Arch. iv. 358. Bronze Objects found at — Arch. Journal, vi. 405. Relics found at — Id. viii. 191. BrOOCtieSi Account of a mould for casting, found at Ashill — Arch. xiv. 275. Bustard f Occurrence of the — Notes and Queries, second series, i. 518 ; and see Stevenson's Birds of Norfolk. In Norfolk. Very interesting account in the Official Guide to the Norwich Castle Museum, 1896, 67-79, with reference to Stevenson's Birds of Norfolk, iii, 401. ' By, The termination — Rye's History of Norfolk, 13-14. Candlestick, Ancient enamelled — Norf. Arch. iv. 118. Canterbury Cathedral, Extracts from Registers of, in possession of Bishop of Norwich— Additional MSS. fol. 179, 184. CardSi Heraldic playing cards — Norf. Arch. v. 1. Carpenters' Company, Collection of archaeological documents relating to, from 1594— Rye MSS. 31. Carving" of St. George at St. George Tombland, Norwich — Norf. Arch. vi. 45. 12 INDEX RERUlSr TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Casket or Relic Case, gold, at Matlask — Norf. Arch. iii. 97. CaStellcl'tCCl and Ecclesiastical Remains in Norfolk, specimens of, by J. S. Cotman, fifty jDlates f'ol., n.d. Ca.StIeS> " Castles and Convents," by H. Harrod, F.S.A., 8vo. Norwich, 1857. Castle building, see Rye's History of Norfolk, 33-37. Castle at Marham or Cherry Marham, Edw. I. — Rot. Hundred, i. 519. Essay on the Antiquity of the Castelof Norwich ,&c. (Norwich, Crossgrove, 1728), by Thornhagh Gurdon. History and Antiquities of Norwich Castle, by Samuel Woodward — Norwich, 1847. A doubtful legend concerning — Notes and Queries, first series, 232, and see Index of N. N. N. Q,., stib voce Castle, Norwich. Kirkpatrick's Notes on Norwich Castle, 8vo. 1847. Beecheno, Norwich Castle, 4to. 1888. CeilingCj Description of, in Blickling Hall — Antiquary, i. 248. In Barnham Broom Old Hall— Willins' Old Halls, pi. 7. Cellarer's Account Roll of Creake Abbey— Norf. Arch. vi. 314. Celt found at Drayton — Norf. Arch. ix. 368. At Edgefield— Norf. Arch. iii. 237- Found at Mundesley— Norf. Arch. ix. 361. Found at Needham — Norf. Arch. vii. 357. At Ro}'don— Norf. Arch. iv. 311. From drift at Thetford— Norf. Arch. vii. 373. At Thurlton— Norf. Arch. iv. 312. In Waveney Valley — Norf. Arch. iv. 311. Bronze. Frettenham — Norf. Arch. viii. 327. Longham — Norf. Arch. viii. 11. Methwold— Norf. Arch. viii. 327- Norwich — Norf. Arch. viii. 331. Reedham — Norf. Arch. vii. 358. Thetford— Norf. Arch. vii. 373. Weybourne — Norf. Arch. iii. 236. Stone and flint. Bergh Apton — Norf. Arch. v. 180-1. Blofield— Norf. Arch. viii. 329. Gooderston — Norf. Arch. iii. 421. Methwold— Norf. Arch. vii. 357 ; ix. 263-6. Ormesby — Norf. Arch. vii. 351. Oxburgh — Norf. Arch. iii. 421. Watton— Norf. Arch. iii. 396. Celtic {see British) ornaments found at Little Cressingham — Norf. Arch. iii. 1. Discovery of fragments of Celtic and Roman pottery at Salhouse Broad — Norf. Arch. iv. 355. Roman remains found at Geldeston — Norf. Arch. iv. 312-4. Sword found near East Dereham — Norf. Arch. iv. 355. Urns in Salthouse heath — Norf. Arch. iii. 236. INDEX REKUiM TO NOKFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 13 Cemetery at llempnall — Norf. Arch. v. 49. Castleacre — Norf. Arcli., xii. 100. Cha,lice. See Chm-chos. Chalybeate Spring's. &« 8pas. Aylsham Spa— Bloraefiekl, &c. ; and Spas iu Noii'ollv, N. N. N. U. first ser. 114-116, 127. Analysis, &c., of the Thetford Mineral Waters, translated from the Latin of M. Manning, M.l)., of Thetford, 1820. Shelfanger Spa. Thetford, Guide to Chalybeate Spring at, by F. Accum, 1819. The Thetford Chalybeate Spa (A. Coen, Cambridge), 1820. Chance Bone, Game of — Kast .\nglian, iii. 154. Chancel Screen, sv^ Churches. " Chapel de Fer," Account of a — Arch. Assoc. Journal, vi. 443. Charity Box, observation on ancient -Arch. xx. 332. See Alms Box, Poor Box, Box. Charities, Account of the different, by Zachary Clark, Bury St. Edmund's, 8vo. 1811 ; and see Reports of Charity Commissioners. Norwich. See worlis on, noted iu Carrow Catalogue, 349, &c. Norwich Charities, by J. Hooper, 1898. Charnel House at Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. vi. 121. Tunstead — Norf. Arch. iv. 30.5. Antiquitates Capellse D. Johannis Evangelistse, by John Burton, trans, by H. H. Buck, Norwich, 1802. Chart. SeeM-A^. Charters. See Deeds at Rougham — Top. Index, 488. Kougham and Keswick— Norf. Arch. ix. 197-8. Rush worth— Norf. Arch. x. 313, 336, 343. Mer ton— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. iii. 1. Saxon, at Lynn— Norf. Arch. iv. 93. ChartUlarieS, List of Norfolk ; see N. T. M. Chaucer's Connection with Norfolk, see Rye's Songs, &c., 150 ; Norfolk Tour, 1829, i. 46.i ; Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 550-552 ; E. A. N. and Q. v. (1894), 258, 352. Rye, Chaucer, and Norfolk — .^thena^um, 29th January, 1881 ; Academy, 30th January, 1886 (not 1885 as stated in note to reprint of these two articles) . Skeat, Life of Chaucer — prefixed to Chaucer's Complete Works, 1894 ; N. and Q,., 9th series, 331 (Rye) ; N. and Q., 1st series, 246, 252, 253. Chaucer, Thomas, in Norfolk— B. N. iv. 1775, 319-320. Rye, North Erpingham, 1883, 74-75. Lithographed pedigree of, by \V. Rye— privately issued. C 14 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Chess Pieces of WaU-us tooth— Arch. Journal, ix. 195. Found at Ashwellthorpe— Norf. Arch. v. 229. Found at Shelton — Norf. Arch. v. 354. CheS'tf Church. See Churches. Of Hen. VII. at Merton— Norf. Arch. vi. 311. Or Hutch, Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. vi. 171. Chimneys, Denver— Norf. Arch. iii. 131. Thorpland Hall— Norf. Arch. ix. 179. Ea.st Barshani— Willins' Old Halls, pi. 12. Christ ia.n Na.lTieS, Relative frequency of different — East Anglian, iii. 42 and 65, temp, llichard I. and John (presumablj- Scandinavian) ; and see Introduction to Feet of Fines of Norfolk, by W. Kye, pp. iii-vii. Jessopp's Arcady, 1887, 1889. Christ's Half-dole i" herring flshery — Norf. Arch. vii. 232. (Not Christ's Half, or Dole— J. H.) J. W. De Caux, the Herring and the Herring Fishery, 1881, 98-100, quoted by nie — N. and Q. 9th series, i. 349, 30th April, 1898— J. II. Chronicles of Langley Abbey, a.d. 33-1366, Tran.script of— Harleian M8S. 2188, fol. 120. And see Capgrave, Walsingham, Oxnede. Churches. Vakiou.s De.sckiptions, &c., of Norfolk. Lithographic views of all the Norfolk Churches, by Robt. Ladbrooke, 670 jdates, 4to., Norwich, 1821, and following years. A''iew8 of the Churches, Chapels, and Buildings in the City of Norwich, by J. Sillett, 1828, oblong 4to. Views and Descriptions of, now being published in the Norwich Merctir>j, by T. H. Bryant, illustrated by C. A. Cormick [those in five Hundreds have been separately issued already]. Twenty Etcliings of remarkable Churches, &c., in or near Norwich, by R. Dixon, Norwich, 1810, 4to. Architectural Notes of Churches and other Buildings in the City and neighboiu'hood visited by the Association in July, 1847, by J. H. Parker, Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 157. Twenty-four views of Norfolk Churches, by R. and A. Brandon, 1847- Remarks on Churches in vicinity of North Walsham — Norf. Arch. iv. 296. The Ecclesiologist's Guide to the Deaneries of Brisley, Hingham, Breccles, Waxhain, Flegg, Blofield, Tof trees, and Huuibleyard ; London, 8vo., n.d. Church Notes, by Randal Holme, the third Harl. MSS. 2141. Visitation of Norfolk Churches, 1600-1620, by Henry Chetting— M.S. in possession of Lord Orford, sec Norf. Arch. vii. 322. MS. by John yteele, about 1712, in the Bodleian Librarj-, contains some curious notes on the state of several Norfolk Churches about 1712. 6'ee Norf. Arch. v. 192. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 15 Churches (continued). List of Churches in the seventeenth century — Arch. Assoc. Journ. xxi. 153. Drawings from Churches in — Arch. Assocn. Journal, v. 154. Drawings of Churches by John Carter, 1704-1817— Addl. MS8. 29927. Notices of Churches in — Arch. A.ssocn. Journal, vi. 282, 3.59-363. Collection of Epitaphs, Ilarl. MSS. 0762. (These are indexed scsparatoly under places in my Index to Norfolk Topography). Original Drawings of Churches (most valuable) by the Rev. Thos. Kerrich. Many volumes in Addl. MSS., Brit. Mus., see N. T. M. 273-6. They are all indexed under places in my last-named Index. The Overstock of — Rye's Histoiy of Norfolk, 43-45. Acoustic Pottery — East Anglian, ii. 303 ; iii. 45 ; Norf. Arch. ii. 93 and ■ 352 ; vii. 93 and 352 ; E. C. C, 147. At All Saints' Church, Norwich — Norf. Arch. vii. 93, 352. At East Harling— Norf. Arch. viii. 331. In St. Peter Mancroft— Norf. Arch. vii. 98. Diagrams, &c., Notes on the Church of St. Peter of Mancroft, by James Hooper, 1895, 32-33. Alabaster Panels, &c., at Norwich — Norf. Arch. xi. 352-4. „ Sculptures at East Rudham — Norf. Arch. viii. 328. ,, ,, at Mulbarton — Norf. Arch. viii. 339. ,, Tablet, &c., found at Buckenham Ferry Church — Norf. Arch. i. 243 and 300. ,, ,, at Beecham well— Norf. Arch. i. 250. West Barsham — Norf. Arch. xiii. 100. Ales— East Anglian, i. 383. Altar. Painting on Panel forming part of decoration of an, in Norwich Cathedral — Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 108; Norf. Arch. xiii. 293-342. Portable— Norf. Arch. viii. 94, 100. Sculpture of — Norfolk Arch. viii. 326. In Jesus Chapel, Norwich — Norf. Arch. viii. 96. Stockton in 1676— Norf. Arch. i. 189. At Martham— Norf. Arch. v. 172. ,, Cloths, Notes on Norfolk — East Anglian, First Series (Tymms), i. 80 ; Norf. Ai-ch. iii. 189. At Lyng, and made of ancient copes — Norf. Arch. i. 365 and ii. 398 (and see Church Goods Inventories, ^rts«i?«). At Ljnig, Gre.at Bircham, and St. James, Norwich— Norf. Arch. i. 365. At Martham— Norf. Arch. v. 172. At Binham — Norf. Arch. i. 365. Martham, illustrated by Winter. Drayton — Norf. Arch. iii. 28. ,, Piece, Fragments of Panel Paintings found at Norwich — Norf. Arch. viii. 326. 2 16 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Churches (conlimied). Altar Rails in Diocese of Norwich, by John L'Estrange— E. A. iii. 251-271. ,, Side at llaaworth— Norf. Arch. vii. 186. ,, Slabs, Sealed— Norf. Arch. viii. 87, 115. ,, formerly at Pulham— Norf. Arch. viii. 103. ,, at Jesus Chapel, Norwich — Norf. Arch. vii. 373; viii. 9G. ,, Stonhs, list of— East Anglian, i. 212, 248. Great Dunham — Norf. Arch. i. 96. Jesus Chapel, Norwich — Norf. Arch. vii. 373. Apse at Great Dunham — Norf. Arch. i. 91. At Thetford— Jf^. iii. 119. At Wimbotsham— /(^. ii. 129. Baptistery. The bath in the churchyard of East Dereham, supposed to have been a baptistery — Arch. xi. 127. The baptistery at Trunch — Norf. Arch. iv. 297. The font cover at Elsing — Norf. Arch. vi. 201. The font cover at Ranworth — Norf. Arch. v. 268. Bells. Church Bells of Norfolk, by John L'Estrange, 1874. ,, by llev. J. J. Raven — Mason's History, 389. Sanctus— Norf. Arch. i. 239, 241, 242. Agreement as to Chui'ch, at Paston in 1623 — E. A. new ser. iv. 257. Sec N. & N. N. & Q., Index to vol. i. Bier Cloth at St. Gregory's, Norwich — Norf. Arch, i. 366. Brasses. List of Norfolk Brasses, by the Rev. E. Farrer, 8vo. 1890. Engravings of the Most Remarkable Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, by J. S. Cotman, HI i)lates, fol., Yarmouth, 1819. Of Sir Simon Felbrigge (illustrated) in Felbrigg — Norf. Arch. i. 355. Of Henry Maitj^n (illustrated) at Upwell — Norf. Arch. ii. 110. Lost brasses, indents, &e. — Norf. Arch. vi. 3 ; East Anglian i. 415-425. Recovered— East Anglian ii. 335 ; iii. 98. Stolen — Notes and Queries, second series, iii. 243. Lost — Norf. Arch. vi. 3. Lost brass to Sir Robert le Grys— Notes and Queries, second series, ix. 463, 510 ; id. x. 54. Lost, Norfolk, collected by the Rev. T. S. Talbot in 1793 — East Anglian, new series, v. 161-209. Recovery of the brass of Sir Adam de Clifton in Methwold Church (illustrated) — Norf. Arch. vi. 18. Brass of Sir Hugh Hastings (illustrated) at Elsing — Norf. Arch. vi. 203. At 1-ittle Walsingham Church— Norf. Arch. vi. 266. Monumental brasses in St. Stephen's, Norwich — Norf. Arch. vi. 295. In Ketteringham Church — East Anglian, i. 281. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 17 Churches. (Brasses, continued). Inscnptions omitted by Blomefield, by the Rev. C. R. Manning — Norf. Arch. X. 192 ; xi. 72, 182, 3G7. Palimpsest brasses at St. Martin's, Norwich — Norf. Arch. i. 306. Palimpsest brasses at St. Peter Mancroft— Norf. Arch. iv. 354. Palimpsest brasses at St. John Maddermarket— Norf. Arch. xiv. 63. Brasses at Necton and Gt. Cressingham — Norf. Arch. xii. 290. Brasses in churches — Norf. Arch. xiii. 192. Notes on brasses from chiu-ches in — Arch. Assoc. Journal, v. 376. Heart-shaped brass at Martham — Norf. Arch. v. 176. And sfe Index to first Ten Vols, of Norf. Arch. Chalice, Funeral, at Tharston — Norf. Arch. ix. 361. At Harpley — Norf. Arch. viii. 20. Chancel Screen. See Rood-screen. Chest, at East Harling — Norf. Arch. vi. 50. Clock, Receipt for, Holt Church— East. Co. Coll. 26. Coffin Lids. See post. CoPB. At Binham — Norf. Arch. ix. 228. Crosses. See po.st. Doors. Engraving of an ancient door in St. Clement's, Norwich — Norf. Arch. ii. 73. Harpley Church— Nurf. Arch. viii. 34. Martham Church — Norf. Arch. v. 169. St. George Colegato, Norwich —Norf . Arch. v. 257. Wells— Norf. Arch. vi. 142. Wimbotsham — Norf. Arch. ii. 131. Easter Sepulchre at Northwold — Norf. Arch. iv. 120 ; Ajchieologia. At Norwich Cathedral — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 290-293. At Harpley —Norf. Arch. viii. 22. Encaitstic Tile in Church — Norf. Arch. vi. 379. Fonts {See Baptistery). Collection of — History of Norfolk Fonts, in Carrow library, see catalogue, 231 . Observations on an ancient font at Burnham Deepdale, by the Rev. S. Pegge — Arch. x. The fonts of Sharnbourn, Fincham, Binham, Walsingham, Fakenham, and East Dereham, by Richard Gough — Arch. x. 181-6, 190-6. The bath in the churchyard of East Dereham supposed to have been a baptistery — Arch. xi. 127. Font at Caistor St. Edmund, incon-ectly described by Blomefield — East Anglian, iii. 165. Fonts in Arch. Assoc. Journal, xiv. 51-6. Acle — East Anglian, ii. 282. Aylsham— Norf. Arch. ii. 83 ; iv. 361. Elsing — Norf. Arch. vi. 201. Irstead — Norf. Arch. iv. 305. IS INMIEX UEIIUM TO Tn'OUFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Churches. (Fonts, &c., continued). Ketteringhiim — Noif. Arch. iii. 308. Loddon — Norf. Arch. ii. C3. Martham— Norf. Arch. vi. 307. Ovington— Norf. Arch. iii. 399. Eanworth— Norf. Arch. iii. 268. Sculthorpe— Norf. Arch. vii. 338. Tof trees -Norf. Arch. i. 283. Walsingham Parva— Norf. Arch. vi. 259. Watton— Norf. Arch. iii. 399. Font Cover. Elsing— Norf. Arch. v. 270. Kenninghall — Norf. Arch. vii. 298. Ranworth— Norf. Arch. v. 268. Southacre— Norf. Arch. v. 270. Frescoes. Vide Mural Paintings. At Elsing — East Anglian, i. 101. At Norwich Cathedral, discovered 1862— Ea.st Anglian, i. 287, 302, 347. Goods, Plate, &c. Inventories of the goods of apparently all the Norfolk Churches ahout 1368-1419, Swynflete. See paper on them, with specimens, hy H. Harrod— Norf. Arch. v. 89. General Index of Church Goods and Monastic Inventories, by the Rev. M. Walcott— Addl. MSS. 29959. List of Publications on, and references to unpublished return of, Hen. VIII. to Mary, hy W. Rye — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 434 ; and see Land Revenue Records, Church Goods. Startling discovery of the Church Goods Inventories in the year 1879, by the Rev. J. F. Barrow, M.A. — Notes and Queries, fifth series, xi. 183. Goods and Ornaments at the Black Friars, Norwich, 4th Edw. VI. — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 86. Several Inventories (Gth Edw. VI.) printed by Dawson Turner— Norf. Arch. i. 73. Others printed— East Anglian, ii. 26, 52, 83, 352, 263 ; and iii. 25 ; and iv. 37 ; and set- Norf. Arch. iii. 245. N.B. — All are indexed in my Index to Norf. Top. See also Diocesan Calendar, 1878-79; Norf. Arch. xiii. 211. N.B. — An immense number of inventories have been printed, and are still being so. Reference to the places will be found in the Index to Norf. Top. Account of payments in money and silver vessels to the Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations by the Receiver for Norfolk — Land Revenues and Church Goods, 1392, file 92, No. 1. " Remembrance concerning the accompt of th' attainted goods. Enformacon geven by the Lord Mountjoie St. Denys. Th' enformacon of Thorns. Crokc, survej'or of ~NovE.'^—Id. file 94, No. 1. Account of monies received for goods of Churches and Gilds in Norfolk, sold by the King's commands, and of debts pertaining thereto — Id. file 96, No. 1 (7th Edw. VI.) INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 19 Churches. (Goods, &c., continued). Letters from Sir Osbert Mound(!fonl as to Church (xoods and Plate to Commissioners (1555-6)— M file 97, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Transcript (?) of Church Goods Inventories for the Hundred of Guiltcross— see Catalogue of Carrow Library, 30. Account of Church Goods sold, 7th Edw. YI.— Id. file 98, No. \. Account of T. Crooke, surveyor of plate, jewels, ornaments, goods, chattels, and lead belonging to Chantries — Id. file 99, No. 1 . Account of T. Gawdy and others for Church Plate and Goods in Norwich^ Id. file 100, No. I. Several Certificates (2nd Edw. VI.), printed by Sir J. P. Boileau— Norf. Arch. vi. 360. Several Certificates (2nd Edw. VI.) and Inventories (6th Edw. VI.), printed by W. Rye — Norf. Arch. vii. 20. Inventories of the Church Goods of St. Andrew and St. JMary of Coslany, 6th Edw. VI., by John L'Estrange— /(?. 44. Various Church Plate and Ornaments delivered to Commissioners, Ist Eliz.— Rep. P. R. O. (1800), I82b. List of Church Plate, &c., in Ingworth Deanery — Norf. Arch. v. 226. Note thereon — East. Co. Coll. 35. List of, in Norwich Deanery — Norf. Arch. x. 65. Ditto, Redenhall (.?)— Norf. Arch. ix. 68. Holy Water Stoup at Brockdish, illustrated by Winter, 7. Lecterns, Ancient, in Norwich Churches, and list — Norf. Arch. vii. 122-126. Brass Eagle Lectern — Norf. Arch. iii. At Scole— Norf. Arch. vii. 124. At Oxburgh — Norf. Arch. vi. 22. Leper or Low Side Windows. Burgh— Norf. Arch. iii. 135 ; ix. 36. Harpley — Norf. Arch. viii. 21. Stow Bardolph— Norf. Arch. iii. 135. Wimbotsham — Norf. Arch. ii. 130. Misereres. In Norwich Cathedral — Norf. Arch. ii. 234-252. At St. Peter Permountergate, Norwich— Norf. Arch. ii. 238. At Lynn— Norf. Arch. ii. 242. Mural Paintings. See also Paintings and Frescoes. See also Index to Norf. Arch. 108-110. Arminghall — Norf. Arch. viii. 304. Brooke — Norf. Arch. iii. 63. Brunstead — Norf. Arch. vii. 355. Burgh St. Peter— Norf. Arch. vii. 374. Burlingham St. Edmund— Norf. Arch. v. 185. Catfield— Norf. Arch. i. 133. Cawston — Norf. Arch. iii. 36 ; and Rye's History of Cawston. 20 INDEX RKKTTM TO NOr.FOT.K ANTIQUITIES. Churches (Mural Paintings in, contimted). Croslwight— Norf. Arch. ii. 352. Ditchingham —Norf. Arch. ii. 405. Drayton— Norf. Arch. iii. 24. Eaton— Norf. Arch. vi. 161. Hardwick— Norf. Arch. ix. 365. Limpinhoe— Norf. Arch. v. 221. Norwich Cathedral -Norf. Arch. vi. 272, 386 ; vii. 372 ; ix. 3G3. St. Etheldred-Norf. Arch. ix. 343 ; v. 120. St. Gregory— Norf. Arch. vi. 282, illustrated hy Winter. Ormesby— Norf. Arch. v. 287. Rushall— Norf. Arch. v. 381. Stolicshy— Norf. Arch. v. 387. Stow Bardolph — Norf. Arch. iii. 134. Wells -Norf. Arch. v. 81. Westfield— Norf. Arch. vi. 383. Winihotsham (ilhiatrated)— Norf. Arch. ii. 132-6. Witton — Norf. Arch. vi. 42. Wickhanipton, illustrated by Winter, vol. ii. Paintings (vide IMural Paintings). Extract from the Account Rolls of Norwich Cathedral Priory, illustrated by paintings, pigments, &c. — Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 207. Painting- on Reredos (.'') in St. Michael at Plea, Norwich — East Anglian, iv. 282; Norf. Arch. xiii. 312. Paintings and Panels exhibited at Archaeological Institute meeting at Norwich, 1847, Catalogue in Proc. of Arch. Inst., 1847, 38. Painting on Panel of fourteenth century, observations on a, forming part of decoration of an altar discovered in Norwich Cathedral, by Albert Way— Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 198; Norf. Arch. xiii. 293. Annunciation, Painting on Pilgrims' Signs— Norf. Arch. ix. 21. ,, of, at St. Etheldred, Norwich— Norf . Arch. ix. 334. Pavement, ancient, in Snettisham— Norf. Arch. vii. 355. St. Julian, Norwich — Norf. Arch. i. 369. Plate. See Church Goods. In Deanery of Tngworth— Norf. Arch. v. 226. In Deanery of Norwich —Norf . Arch. x. 65. In Deanery of Redenhall — Norf. Arch. ix. 68 ; see also Norf. Arch. xiii. 233. Silver Flagon in Crostwight Church- Norf. Arch. xi. 361. Mediasval Patens — Norf. Arch. xiii. 85. Reredos. East Rudham— Norf. Arch. viii. 328. Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. vii. 221. Rood-screens. A descriptive list of, by J. Piggot, Jun.— Norf. Arch. iii. 280, 290, 315. List of Dawson Turner's illustrations of —East. Co. Coll. 14. INDEX RERTJM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 21 Churches. (Rood-screens, continued). Figuri^ vi Master iSchorn on rood-loft (screen) at Gately and (Jawston — Norf. Arch. ii. 280. A tabular synopsis of the paintings on Norfolk Rood-screens— Norf.Arch.iii. 18. Notes on all Rood-screens in Norfolk — East Anglian, iii. 290, 315. Acle — Cotinan's Arch. Rem., second series, i. plate 2. Acle and Aylsham— East. Co. Coll. i. 61. Babingley— Norf. Arch. ix. 369. Barton Turf —Illustrated by Winter (published by Norf. Arch. Soc), 1869. Beeston Regis — East. Co. Coll. 185. Belaugh— East. Co. Coll. i. 95. Binham-East. Co. Coll. 226. Blofield— East. Co. Coll. i. 96. Brooke — Norf. Arch. iii. 69. Burlingham, North — Norf. Arch. iii. 19 ; East. Co. Coll. 97. Castleacre — East. Co. Coll. 125. Cawston — Norf. Arch. ii. 2S0 ; Rye's History of Cawston. Denton — Illustrated by Winter. Edingthorpe — Norf. Arch. iv. 301. Fritton— Illustrated by Winter and Hall, Norwich, 1872 (publ. by N. A. S.). Gateley— Norf. Arch. ii. 280. Gillingham— Eaat. Co. Coll. i. 81. Harpley — Norf. Arch. viii. 35. Hempstead by Eccles — East. Co. Coll. 133. Horsham — Antiquary, iii. 27. Houghton — Norf. Arch. iv. 345. Irstead — Norf. Arch. iii. 18. Lessingham — Norf. Arch. iii. 18; East. Co. Coll. 151. Merton— Norf. Arch. vi. 306. Norwich, St. Gregory — Illustjated b}^ Winter. St. John de Sepulchre — Norf. Arch. vii. Rep. Plumstead Magna — Illustrated by Winter. Engi-aving from and description of Ranworth Screen— Norf. Arch. i. 324. Notes on Ranworth Rood-screen — Norf. Arch. vii. 179. Randworth — Illustrated by Winter (publ. by Arch. Soc. fo. 1867). Illustrations of Ranworth Screen — Ceilings' Gothic Ornaments, ii. Figures on Rood-screen at Roughton — Norf. Arch. iv. 344. Riiston, E. — Norf. Arch. iv. 343 ; also illustrated by Winter, ii. Stow — Norf. Arch. viii. Rep. Trunch— Norf. Arch. iv. 298 ; East. Co. Coll. 126. Worstead — Norf. Arch. iv. 301. Yelverton— East. Co. Coll. i. 81. Round Towers. List of Churches having— Addl. MSS. 6754, fo. 81, and see 5855, 320; 6761, fo. 32 ; 6768, 130; and 6770, 28. Observations on the Round Towers of Churches in Norfolk, &c., by Samuel Woodward, read May, 1829 — Archfeologia, xxii. 7-9. 22 TNPEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Churches (continued). Observations on the Ecclesiastical Round Towers in Norfolk and Suffolk, by Jno. Gage, read November, 1829— Arch:«ologia, sxiii. 10-17. List of Round Towers— East Anglian, i. 139, 271-298. Ruined Churches. East Anglian, i. 169, 239 ; ii. 75, 89, 146, 223, 231. Sanctuauy Knocker at St. George's, Norwich — Norf. Arch. ii. 268 ; East Anglian, new series, i. 326. At St. Gregory, Norwich — Notes on Church by Rev. John Jessopp. Sanctus Bell. Brampton— Norf. Arch. i. 239. Diss— Norf. Arch. i. 241. Salhouse — Norf. Arch. i. 242. Scarning — Carthew's Launditch, iii. 330. Sheringham— Publ. Rec. Off. 604, No. 28. Sedilia. ♦ Burnham Thorpe — Norf. Arch. ix. 4. St. Andrew's, Norwich — Norf. Arch. iii. 423. Stained Glass in Church— Bawburgh and Brockdish (illustrated by Winter). Stalls. Stone Seats in Hockwold, Feltwell, Gooderstono, West Bradenham, Walsoken, Fincham, and Watlington Churches, by the Rev. Sam. Denne — Archajol. x. 291-4. Acle — Cotman's Arch. Rem. i., second series, plate 1. Thatched Roof Churches, List of — East Anglian, iii. 214. Churches, Nor^A/iCh. Histories of, &c. St. Andrew — Beecheno (for private circulation), 1883. ,, Some Remarks on the Cambridge Chest there — Beecheno (private circulation), 1887. St. George Tombland, Register of, with Notes — G. B. Jay. St. George Tombland, Past and Present, by E. A. Tillett, 1891. St. Giles, Some Account of the Parish of (illus.), by Sir P. Eado, M.D., 1886. St. Gregorj^ — History and Antiquities of St. Gregory's Chvirch, by Rev. John Jessopp, 1886. St. Peter Mancroft, Notes on the Church of, with portrait of Sir Thomas Browne, by James Hooper, 1895. St. Peter Permountergate, History of the Parish of, pt. i. (all issued) by the Rev. W. Hudson, 1889. Church Notes. By Antony Norris— Rye MSS. No. 6, «fec. By Kerrich— Addl. MSS. Brit. Mus. 6736, 6738, and 6758. By Tom Martin and others, five vols, small 4to.— Rye MSS. No. 17, with rough sketches of churches, arms, &c. For Smithdon Hundred, by the Rev. S. C. E. Neville-Rolfe ('0, about 1842 —Rye MSS. No. 51. Church RegriSterS. -S^^ Parish Registers. -RyeMSS. ix.No. 33. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 23 Churchwardens' Accounts. Denton— Norf. Arch. ix. 363 Elmham, North, hy the Kev. A. G. Legge, 1891. Loddon — Norf. Arch. ii. 64. Sprowaton — Id. i. 39. Stockton— /«;. i. 16. Tibenham— 7i. viii. 141 ; x. 279. Norwich, transcripts by J. L' Estrange. „ St. Peter Mancroft from 1569\ ,, St. Gregory from 15/4 „ St. Mary from 1586 ,, St. John Maddermarket ,, St. Lawrence, 1590 „ St. Bejiedict, 1637 / Extracts from St. Stephen's, Norwich, now issuing in East Anglian. Circuit, Report on Records of the Norfolk— Rep. Pub. Rec. Com. 1800, 239«. Civil War. Also see Royalists' Composition Papers indexed as to places in my Index to Norf. Top. ; and see Eastern Association ; also Printed Indexes. East Anglia and the Great Civil War, by A. Kingston, 1897. . Two volumes of letters relating to the City of Norwich, 1633-1730, chiefly, relating to the city as a member of the Associated Eastern Counties, 1641-50— Addl. MSS. 22619-22620. (Thirty-three important letters) ; also see Tanner MSS. 63-4. Norwich Company in 1634. See Travels. Names of those who aided King's Army in 1639 — Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library, v. 177, fol. 26, 28. Various documents as to afPairs in 1642-3— &e Index to Fifth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 870. Very many letters as to Civil War, &c., 1643, and following year.s Addl. MSS. 15903. Letters relating to from 1626— Rye MSS. No. 77. Names of the Commissioners for the peace in {i.a.) Norfolk, circa 1644 Addl. MSS. 15750, fol. 78. Letters and Accounts of the Committee of Sequestration, 1644-5 Addl. MSS. 5508, fol. 12-39 ; 5497, fol. 127. Petitions as to — East Anglian, new series, ii. 394. Letters of Committee of both Kingdoms to the Committee of Norwich 30th Aug. 1645— Addl. MSS. 28103, fol. 41. List of Towns in Norfolk in which the Act against proclaiming a King had been published, 10th Feb. 1048-9— Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library, Ivii. fol. 520. Returns of several Traitors' Estates from the Commissioners for Compound- ing, at Haberdasher's Hall, 1649. Arranged alphabetically under counties, 4to.— Addl. MSS. 19678. 24 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Civil War fconlmued). Letter from Hradshaw to Cromwell as to probability of a groat number of godly persons in a regimental form in (a) Norwich, 1650 — -Lansdownc MSS. 1236, fol. 97. Varioua Letters from Commissioners to Cromwell, &c., 1655-6, &c. — Rawlinson MSS. A 32, fol. 211 ; A 37, fol. 183 and 361 ; A 32, fol. 331 ; A 33, fol. 23 ; A 41, fol. 324 ; A 42, fol. 11. The same to the President of the Council, Nov. -Dec. — A 32, 331 ; ditto, 33, 23. The same to Major-General Haynes, 8th Aug. 1656 — A 41, 324. Information against some of the persons elected for Parliament, 1656 — A 42, 113. Notes as to^Sixth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 91i, 163J, 170J. Eastern Association — Seventh Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. \\b, 47rt. Very many papers as to the, in Norfolk — See Index to Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library 1040-1. Cicrg-y and Clerical IViatters. Accounts, Ecclesiastical Tithes, &c., 1256, &c., see Bodleian Charters, 235. Clerical Thieves, temp. Edw. I. — Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 194. Clerical Debtors to the King, Writ to the Bishop of Norwich to issue process against certain — Misc. of Exch., 28,902 Names of Vacant Benefices, 19 Edw. II.— Misc. of Exch., 903 ; T. G., 9755. Valor Beneficiorum, 36th Hen. VIII.— Harl. MS. 701. Index Villaris, or table of the livings and names of the patrons— Addl. MSS. 5522, 224. Injunctions as to the Churches, by Bishop Hopton, 1555— East. Count Coll. i. 17. Letter from Archbishop of Canterbury to Lord Treasurer, recommending Mr. Styll for Deanery of Norwich, the state of the Church there, the world affects innovations, some want to have the fonts for baptism and the brazen eagles taken away, 15th Nov., 1573 — Lansdowne MSS. 17, No. 58. Letter from Dr. George Gardiner, praying for Deanery of Norwich, 22nd Nov., 1573, and 10th Dec, 1573— Lansdowne MSS. 18, Nos. 16 and 17. Letter from Bishop of Lincoln to Burghley, declining to be translated to Norwich, 8th June, 1579 — Lansdowne MSS. 28, No. 73. Letter from Bishop of Norwich to Burghley as to his removal to Ely, dilapidations, increase of family, of love, &c., 4th January, 1579 — Lansdowne MSS. 29, No. 39. Letter from Bishop of Norwich to Burghley, begging to remove to a more quiet See— J<^. 38, No. 84. Letter from Archbishop of Canterbury to Lord Burghley, nominating same to the Bishopric of Norwich, 11th April, 1575 — Lansdowne MSS. 20, No. 60. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 25 Clergry and Clerical IVIattcrs {continued). Rentals of Rectories in Norfolk and Suffolk, temp. Eliz., Regr. Pub. Rec. 0. 1800, 18:5i, id. 184«, 1925. Tithes, &c., rented temp. Elizabeth, Rep. Pub. Rec. O. 1800, I8ib. Letters to the Gentry of Norfolk to execute the Ordinance of Parlianieiit against Scandalous Ministers, 1st March, 1643— Lambeth MSS. 933,75. Letters and Accounts of the Committee of Sequestrators, 1644-5 — Addl. MSS. 5508, fo. 12-39; 5497, fo. 127. Ejectments and Sequestrations — Baker MSS. xlii. 257. Petitions as to Sequestered Livings in 1660 — 7th Rept. Hist. MSS. Com. 104 et seq. Deed of Settlement of Land bought for the widows and orphans of (in 1691 ?)— Tanner MSS. Bodl. 137, fo. 163. Letter from Dr. H. Prideaux to the Archbishop as to the state of the clergy in the diocese, 16th Oct., 1695— Lambeth MSS. 942, 108. liivings called "run and ride" in Norfolk. The Antiquary (o. s.), iii. 55. They were in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and there was of course much "riding and racing" to get to him first after the late incumbent's death. Clergymen betting from the pulpit on a dog fight — Notes and Queries, second series, ii. 29. Married, in Norfolk in thirteenth century — Norf. Arch. ix. 187. Condition of, in Norwich Archdeaconry — Norf. Aicb. x. 1, 166. Sequestered, in 1043 — Norf. Arch. ix. 46. Clerk of Peace, Report on Records of— Rep. of Pub. Rec. 0., 1800, 280rt. See Calendar of Deeds— Norf. Arch. xiii. 33, 125, 241. Clock. See Churches. Ancient Figures from clock in Norwich Cathedral— Norf. Arch. iii. 421. Cloth Marks and Seals— Norf. Arch iii. 189. Ivineu — Special Com. Exch., 13th Charles II., 6358. Information relating to linen cloth (Holland). Coasts, Inroads of Sea in— Norf. Arch. x. 225; xii. 304. Some rough sketches of places on the, eighteenth century, by Jno. Warburton (Somerset Herald)— Addl. MSS. 25352. An Essay on the Enci'oachmunts of the German Ocean along the Norfolk Coast, by W. Hewitt, 8vo. Norwich, 1814. Of Norfolk and Sullblk, Chart of— Cott. Aug. 1st, i. 44. COCkf ig'hting' (? Poetical Skit on an Election). I'oetical Account of a Duel betwixt a Norfolk cock and a Wisbeach cock. Coffins and CoiBn Lids at Baconsthorpe— Norf. Arch. ix. 361. Carbrooke — Norf. Arch. ix. 184. Drayton— Norf. Arch. vi. 132. Heigham— Norf . .■^rch. vi. 212. Dunham. 26 INDEX HEBUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Coffins [cmtinued). Hindringham — Norf. Arch. vii. 353. Loddon— Norf. Arch. vii. 373. Lynn — Norf. Arch. ix. 354. Starston — Norf . Arch. vii. 30'2. Winch, East— Norf. Arch. ix. 3G0. VVitchingham, Great — Norf. Arch. viii. 326. Wymondham — Norf. Arch. ii. 404. Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. ii. 405. CoinSi See Index to First Ten Vols, of Norf. Arch. Society's Puhlications. An account of the Iconic coins found at Weston in the county of Norfolk, 1854, 2 pp. 8vo. (privately printed). Early British and Roman, exhibited at Norwich in Arch. Inst., 1847 — Catalogue of, in Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 25 ; other coins, 52. Of Norfolk, with plates — Mason's History, 32 el scq. The ancient coins of Norwich, hy H. W. Henfrey— Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxxvi. 1880. British. Acle— Norf. Arch. vi. 381. Bressingham — Norf. Arch. viii. 327. Middleton— Norf. Arch. iv. 358. Norwich— Norf. Arch. iv. 361 ; vi. 384. Oxnead— Norf. Arch. vi. 358. Weston— Norf. Arch. iv. 357. Roman. Baconsthorpe— Norf. Arch. ix. 25; viii. 341. Bacton— Norf. Arch. i. 193. Beechamwell — Norf. Arch. vii. 128. Caistcr hy Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. vii. II. Caister— Norf. Arch. iv. 234. Cockley Cley — Norf. Arch. iii. 421. Diss— Norf. Arch. iv. 313. Fincham — Norf. Arch. vii. 359. Ileigham — Norf. Arch. vi. 386. Horsey — Norf. Arch. iv. 355. Morley— Norf. Arch. ii. 397. Reedham — Norf. Arch. iv. 315. Scole— Norf. Arch. iv. 313. Thorpe by Norwich— Norf. Arch. vi. 385. Thuiton — Norf. Arch. iv. 315. Saxon. Bircham Tofts— Norf. Arch. viii. 331. Burgh Castle— Norf. Arch. v. 233 ; vi. 38 ; xiii. 93. Norwich — Norf. Arch. xiii. 93. Struck at Norwich and Thetford — Norf. Arch. iii. 29. Various. Attleborough Hall — Norf. Arch. vii. 356. Caistor— Norf. Arch. ii. 405. Cranworth — Norf. Arch. vi. 380. Piss — Norf. Arch. vii. 341. INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 27 Coins, ^'arious. Hellesdon — Norf. Arch. vii. 355. Hockwold— Norf. Arch. vi. 382. Norwich — Norf. Arch. iv. 365. Reedham — Norf. Arch. iv. 315. Reepham — Norf. Arch. vi. Rep. ycratby— Norf. Arch. iv. 350. Thur ton— Norf. Arch. iii. 420 ; iv. 315 ; v. 183. Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. v. 358-369; vi. 72. Coke, T. W, Exposure of his conduct as a landlord— 6Ve Gibbs, S. H., Marks ; and see Glover, 167 — Carrow Library, 165. Life of, by \y. Rye — Trans. Royal Agricultural Society. Collecting" Box. The Churchwardens of Wendliug (illustrated) — Norf . Arch. i. 363. Commissariat. Special Com. Exch. 31st Eliz. 1586. Martin Hastings, John Spencer, John Banyard, apjiointed in the reign of Edw. VI. to convey victuals as well as ordnance to the army at Berwick. Certificate of Provision delivered to the Queen's Purveyors, I4th June, 1586— Lansdowne MSS. 46, No. 96. Account of places that have not paid composition money to the Queen's Purveyors, 27th July, 1596— Lansdowne MSS. 87, No. 105. Letter to Justices of the Peace as to Purveyance, 26th March, 1600— Addl. MSS. 5847, 319. CompotUS of Dionisius Hyndolveston— Norf. Arch. vii. 230. North Creake Abbey — vii. 158. Concealed Lands. See Monasteries. Conduit at Walsingham, engraving and descriptions of — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 174. Gibson's, of Norwich — Norf. Arch. x. 185. At Boyland Hall— Norf. Arch. iv. 359. Conspiracy of Norwich, 1570— Norf. Arch. v. 74; East. Co. Cull. 208. Constables (Chief), Articles touching, crediting their accounts, 1601. Conventicles, Accounts of, in Norwich Diocese, 1669— Fol. 226-237, see Dissent. Cope Silver, or knowledge money pa^-able on installation of Dean of Norwich — East. Co. Coll. i. 68. Corbel Stone from the Maid's Head, Norwich— Norf. Arch. ix. 368. Corn. MS. dated 1557, containing returns of corn in Glackclose Hundred in connection with subsidy — Norf. Arch. iii. 56 ; see Famine. Riot in 1740— Maison's History, 449 ; 1766, 453 ; 1815, 481. Coronation Fines. Lands liable to certain fines at the Coronation — Spec. Com. Exch., Ist Jas. 1., No. 2956. 28 INDKX RERUM TO NORFOLK XNTIQUIXIES. Coroners' Rolls, &c., of Norwich— Norf. Arch. ii. 253 (by Harrod). Of Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. iv. 244. Rye's Crown Plea Rolls for 1332— E. A. iii. 148 ; and see N. A. M. ii. 159. Corporation Records. Notice of a MS. vol. among records of. Records of Corporation of Lynn and names of burgesses, 1440-1501 — Norf. Arch. vi. 216. Norwich. Revised Catalogue of the Records, Norwich, 1898. Yarmouth, by Ilariod, 1855. Lynn, Catalogue by Ilarrod, 1874. N.B. — The Records of l-ynn, Norwich, Yarmouth, have been reported on by the Hist. MSS. Com. Correction, House of, Orders relating to the, at SwatTham, 1599 — Tanner's MSH. Bodleian Library, vol. cxi. fol. 223. Correspondence. r/rfs News Letters; the Paston Letters, and of L' Estrange Family — Norf. Arch. v. 122. Le Neve — Calendar of, by F. Rye— Norwich, 1895. Gawdy MSS.— Calendar of, by W. Rye— Hist. MSS. Com. 1885. Hare and Knyvett MSS.— MS. Calendar by F. Rye. COStrel, or Dottle, found in Chapel Field, Norwich— Norf. Arch. vii. 355. Found in Embankment of River Waveney at Ueldeston — Arch. Journal xi. 285. Country and Sessions Account, 1707-1728 — Bodleian Charters, 230-1 ; ditto, 232. Life in Sixteenth Century — Norf. Arch. x. 143. County IVlunimentS. N<.rf. Arch. x. 396; xiii. 33, 125, 241. Court Rolls (Norfolk), List of, Lst Edw. VI.— Pub. Rec. O., 1800, 151rt. Recent List of— Norf. Arch. vii. 138. And sec List of those in Pub. Rec. O. fo. 1896. Stockton— E. A. iv. 3, &c. Wimbotsham — Norf. Arch. ii. 137. Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. iv. 239. Notes from various (North Walshani, Burnham, Thurgarton, and Free- thorpe), about 1898 entries with good indexes — Rye MSS. No. 41. Original Court Rolls for Freethorpe, Foulsham, Themelthorpe, Guist, Berney, Melton Constable, &c., see Rye MSS. No. 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, &c. Courtship and Marriage, Sayings as to — Rye's History of Norfolk, 292. Cows, Parish — East. Co. Coll. i. 4. Cricket, Early scores at, 1813 — East Anglian, iv. 193. The Colman Eleven, Scores of — privately printed. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITJES. 29 Crime in Norfolk, temp. Edw. III.— n^fe Coroner rolls, and see Thieves. An abstract of Crown pleas and gaol delivery rolls of 5th Edw. III., V,r62, by Walter Rye— East Anglian, iii. 148. Norwich thieves, &c., notes from assize and plea rolls (H.tl.)— Norf. Arch vii. 263. Early— Rye's History of Norfolk, 135. And Accidents in, Hen. III. and Edw. I., by free translations of the Crown plea rolls for those years for North Erpingham— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. ii. 159. Criminals. Presentments of persons charged with divers felonies (3rd Rich. II.) in Diss, Shropham, Mitford, Forehoe, Wayland, Grimshoe. CrOin\A/eII'S alleged Royal descent exposed— ^'e*? Genealogist, new series, i. 32. Crosses (Stone). Observations on the remains of a stone cross at Hemesbj-— Arch. xiv. 40. Wayside crosses— East Anglian, iii. 18, quoting Notes and Queries of 28 July, 1853. Gold cross found at Wilton — Norf. Arch. iii. 375. Binham, .Sketch of— Martin's Church Notes. « r. Cringleford — Norf. Arch. xiv. 99. Drayton — Norf. N. and Q,. i. 192. Mortuary Cross — Norf. Arch. xi. 303. East Anglian — East Anglian, new series, v. 191. Stone, at Sidestrand. — Norf. Arch. ix. ISO. Antingham — Norf. Arch. ix. 161. Cemetery cross at Lynn— Norf. Arch. ix. 346. Consecration crosses— &e Index to Norf. Top. i.-x., 40. Market, North Walsham- Norf. Arch. v. 346. Watton— Norf. Arch. iii. 394, 413. Wheel, Bamingham— Norf. Arch. ix. 333. Scandinavian Cross from St. Vedast's Churchyard, Norwich— Norf, Arch. xiii. 116. Crown. Debtors, Possessions of-Spec. Com. Exch. 13th Eliz., No. 1530; 18th EUz., 1558 ; 19th Eliz., 1636. Spec. Com. Exch. 18th Eliz., lJo6, 1557; 19th Eliz., 1559; 5th Jas. I., 4993; 6th Jas. I., 4262; 9th Jas. I., No. 426i, 4266, 4267, 4269; lOth Jas. I., No. 4273, 4543. William Mynne and Nicholas ]\Iynne— Spec. Com. Exch. 32nd Eliz., No. 1588; 35th Eliz., No. 1601. One Hamond, a collector uf taxes under the Bishop of Norwich, a Crown debtor, Norfolk, Suffolk— Spec. Com. Exch. 42nd Eliz., No. 2964. Willi:im and George Peeter and John Crothe— Spec. Com. Exch. 5th Jas. I., No. 4261. P 30 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Crown (contiHuedJ. FoKESTS, Chases, List of — Lansdowne MSS. 40, No. 36. Lands. Payments supposed to Le due for lands, &c., held of the Crown — Spec. Com. Exch. Chas. I., 291. Manors and lands of— Fourth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 218, 413. Crucifix. Euckonham Ferrj^— Norf. Arch. i. 243, 300. Isluiwich, St. John Maddermarket — Norf. Arch. iii. 423. Ran worth — Norf. Arch. vii. 180. Rudham, East— Norf. Arch. viii. 399. Watton— Norf. Arch. iii. 399. Curfew. Sec Sir P. Eade's History of St. Giles', Norwich, 1886, p. 124. Customs. Crown debtors in regard to customs bonds — Spec. Com. Exch. 22nd Eliz., No. ly6o, ir)66. Concealments in customs — Spec. Com. Exch. 1st Jas. I., No. 4260. CuStUina.riUin of Manor of Mileham — Norf. Arch. viii. 14. DcLgrSrCl* and Spearhead found at C'ressingham— Norf . Arch. iii. 1. Da.g'g'6l^*'l^6^Cl foiuid at Downham Market— Norf. Arch. vi. 60. Da,neS. fe Rye's Songs, &c., 31-42, and History of Norfolk, 139. In Sixteenth Century — Mason's History, 166-7. Between Sir John Heydon and Sir Robert Mansfield, 1600 (?)^Addl. MSS. 27961. Oliver Le Neve and Sir Henry Hobart, see Rye's History of Cawston. DuntnOAV Flitch. The first recorded claimant, 1445, a Norwich man — Hone's Everyday Book, ii. col. 805. Dutch Church at Norwich — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 85, 88. Congi-egation at Black Friars, Norwich — Id. Dutchmen settled at Yarmouth. J'idc Strangers. Dwa.l*f . John Coan, the Norfolk, 1751 —Hone's Everyday Book, ii. col. 1605. EarthQUake of 1857 — Notes and Queries, second series, v. 437. Historical record of great earthquakes felt in Norfolk (1165, 1382, 1480, and 1487), paper read by Rev. T. Gunn at Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847. Of 24th December, 1601 -East Anglian, iii. 226. Of 6th October, 1863— East Anglian, ii. 8. EarthM/OrkS and ancient Archaeology — Assoc. Journal, xiv. 193-215, 305-310. Norwich Castle — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 125-127, 133. Ashill — Norf. Arch. -viii. 225. Bassingham— East Anglian, i. 308-317. Broome Heath — Norf. Arch. x. 388. Old and New Buckenham — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 211-218. Castle Acre — Harrod's Castles and Convents, 99, 103. Coltishall— Norf. Arch. iii. 426. 34 INDEX IIERITM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Earthworks (coniinued). Danow Wood, Denton — Norf. Arch. ix. 3.35. Earsham — Norf. Arch. vi. 154 ; ix. 67. Grimes' Graves, account of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, viii. 77 ; Noi'f. Arch. vii. Rep. Horningtoft — Norf. Arch. iv. 359. Kenninghall — Norf. Arch. vii. 292. Rising Castle— Harrod's Castles and Convents, 42. Rising Castle, plan by Tom Martin — 8ee Top. Index, 487. Salthouse Heath — Norf. Arch. v. 236. Warhorough Hill— Norf. Arch. ix. 158. Wymondham — Norf. Arch. ix. 363. East Ang'iGS, Signaculum of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxiv, 228. St. Edmund, King of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 26. Shrine of, at Grinstead Church — Arch. Assoc. Journal, v. 1. East Angflia, Coinage of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 25, 26, 29, 30, Kings of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 22. Romans, &c., in — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 1. Earls of — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 91. On round towers of chui'ches in — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 162-180. Our home in, by E. M. Beloe— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. ii. 217. East Ang'Iian History in Saxon times, paper on, by T. Morgan — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxxvi. 185. Eastern Association {see Civil War). See "East Anglia and the First Civil War," by A. Kingston, Stock, 1897 [quotes the Squire letter as authentic, A. D. 1897]. Norfolk's part in — Rye's History of Norfolk, 85. Mandamus to Norwich and other towns to provide stores in 10th Chas. I. for ship money, &c.— Appen. 9th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 308-311. Much as to Eastern Association — Id., 312. Skirmish at Norwich (?) 1644— Hist. MSS. Com., 9th Report, 387. 1648-1660, nth Report of Hist. MS. Com., App. iv. 24. Much as to, see Bacon's MS. Book of Papers, 1608-40, 30th Report Hist. MSS. Com. 419, see UQ. Proportions of Partj^ Troops for the, and table of pay, 1643 — E.g. 2651, fo. 163-5, 174, see Essex in Addl. MSS. Index, 1882-7, 611. Personal liberty — East Anglian, new series, iv. 334. Warrant for embodying Suffolk Regiment of Horse — Id., 337, and see 353. Eating" and DrinkingT' ^"'^ llyee. Songs, &c., 69-82. Eborard, Bi.-shop of Norwich, retirement of — Norf. Arch. v. 41. Ecclesiastical History. Mason's History, 170, &c. Diocesan Histories. Norwich (Jossopp), 1884. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOI.IC AN'J'IQUITIES. 35 EfTigrieS of St. Etheldi-oda— Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxix. 423-5. Ejected IVliniSterS, 1CG2, List of— Mason's History, 419. Elections. Si-e Kye's History of Norfolk, 9.3-105 ; Rye's Songs, &c., 43-58; and Fifty Norfolk M8S., No. 9. 1(314, Petition of many thousands of freeholders as to mode in which election was conducted — 4th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 119, and see Addl. MSS. 27402, 192, printed M. 252. The Heade Marche, &c. (circa 1616) a poem dedicated to Sir Hamond Le Strange and Sir Menry Bedingfeld, M.P.'s for Norfolk — Addl. MSS. 28642. Letter of Thos. Windham, informing of his intention to become candidate for county, 1647 — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Library, Ixix. fo. 61. Letter of Sir Thos. Wodehouse as to securing his election as member, \Gi9— Id., V. 67, fo. 176. Election of 1658 (Norwich), Jno. Hobart's speech on — Id. 51, fo. 16. Ballads on Election of Knights of Shire (1675) — Id-, eccvi., fo. 395. Account of Election — Id., xlii., fo. 148. In Norfolk, 1673-82, Letters as to— 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., App. ix. 182, &c. Election of 1675, description of — 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. Cora., 371a and 3726. Of 1679— 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 3896, 390«. Of 1677— See Blomefield's Norfolk, iii. 415. Of 1678-9, various notices of — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib., xxxix, fo. 174, 179, 190, 200, and xxxviii., fos. 24, 25, and 28. Of 1681, account of— Id., xxxvi. fo. 230. State of countrj' as to elections in 1688 — Id., xxviii. fo. 183. Of 1802— Gent. Mag., Ixxiv. 533. Gent. Mag., iv. 313. (Petition against dropped) — Id., vii. 58. (Petition against) — Id., 1. 451. Colours — Notes and Queries, third series, ii. 136. False returns, petition of Norfolk and Suffolk as to, 6008. " Man in the Moon." — East Anglian, new sei-ies, iv. 253. See tdso "Robin's Panegyrick," by R. Gaixliner, and "Memoirs of Richd. Gardiner, alias Dick Merryfellow." Eiiza,beth, Queen. See Murder of Amy Robsart. The Queene's Majesties Entertaynemente in Suffolke and Norffolke .... by Thos. Church yarde, 27 pages, 12mo. — Rep. 1851, 1579. "The receiving of the Queene into her highness citie of Norwich" — MS. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. from coll. of Wm. Stevenson, F.S.A. — Carrow Library, 343. Also see general index to first 10 vols, of Norf. Arch. 49. EIYj Manors of Bishopric, list of, sold to Queen Elizabeth — Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library, cxli. fol. 66. 36 INDEX l{EUUi\r TO NOUFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Emphasis. *« Accent. Enclosure Acts. For lists of, vhU' Norf. Top. Man. 17, 229. Enclosures, inquests concerning, Dth Hon. VIII. 1517— Lansdowne MSS. 1, No. 54. Lords of manors (Norf.), petition of commonalty against lords of manor, 2nd Eliz. Petition against enclosures, &r.— Rep. Pub. Rec. O. 1837, 46i. Encroachments of Sea. Note as to, quoting Rev. J. Gunn in Atheuiuum — East Anglian, iii. 118. Inroads on lordships of Bromeholm and Bacton in 1547 — East Anglian, iii. 270. Works at Lynn damaged by the sea in 1586, petition to Queen for benevolence towards repairing— Harl. MSS. 368, fol. 124. Escheated Lands, Roll of Names of those having custody of, 12th-14th Hen. IV.— Misc. Exch. Bundle, 910. Escheats. Spec. Com. Exch. 22nd Eliz., No. 7070. EtymoIOgry. Vide Fluvial Etymology. Scandinavian local names — East Anglian, ii. Ill ; and Rye's History, 3-14. Excavations in Bishop's Palace Garden, Norwich— Norf. Arch. vi. 27. Excise. Farmers of the Excise— Spec. Com. Exch. 29th Chas, IL, 6369, 6371. Gaunt V. Curtis, 29th Chas. II., 6371 ; and see Nos. 6365, 6368, 6370. Farmers of the Excise— Spec. Com. Exch. 30th Chas. II., 6372 ; 31st Chas. II., 6373; (Gaunt v. Browne) 32nd Chas. II., 6374; 33rd Chas. II., 6375. Exchequer Deposition by Commission, 20th Chas. II., in suit of Sir Samuel Starling v. .attorney General and others as to excise of beer and ale brewed in Suffolk and Cambridge and sent into Norfolk. The like, 21st Chas. II. The like, 25th and 26th Chas. II. in suit of Thos. Kett v. Roger Hawys. Exchequer Deposition by Commission, 20th Chas. II., in suit of Attorney General v. Robt. Doughty as to farming excise during Commonwealth. The like in same suit and year. The like in 27th Chas. II. , in suit of Gaunt v. Curtis and Gaunt v. Brown. and 27th and 28th Chas. II., in Gaunt v. Curtis. Excise on beer, Sir Samuel Starling v. Attorney General and Sir Denny Ashburnham — Spec. Com. Exch. 2l8t Chas. II., 6611. Excommunication, Form of— East Anglian, ii. 200. Excursions in the County of Norfolk, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818-1819; second edition, 2 vols. 12mo., 1825. INDEX KERUM TO NOKFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 37 Export Trade. Kxoheqner Deposition by Commission, 1577, in suit of Queen v as to shipment of corn, grain, butter, and tallow coastwise or to parts beyond the seas. Fairs in Norfolk in 1505— Rye MSS. No. 9. Fannily Histories. Frere. x Gilman. Hoare. Howard. urry { rwi , ]. \ j,^^ references see Index Nominura. North. / Palgrave (Norwich, 1878). Rye. Suffield. Wodehouse. Famine. Orders in Council as to dearth of Corn, 1594, 1596, and 1600 — Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library, Ixxiii. fol. 108 ; Ixxvii. fol. 61 and 103 ; Ixxvi. fol. 35 and 38 ; and ccxliii. fol. 27* and 28. Farmers' Accounts. See Agriculture. Brancaster, temp. Hen. V. and Lete Rolls, 14th Hen. VII. — Rep. Pub. Rec. Office, iii. 47«. Farming". »Se<; Agriculture. Fasti ng*. Historlola de Faemina in Dioec.esi Norwicensi quae neque comidebat nee bibebat per 25 annos — Cotton MS. Claudius edition, viii. 14. FaStOlf , Sir JnO. Notes on— East Anglian, ii. 167. Fee Farm Rent, State, &c., of— Norf. Top. Man. 4. Feet of Fines. Note by W. Rye as to his undertaking to print Norfolk Feet of Fines— East Anglian, iv. 275. Fines engrossed in Com. Banco, 1507-1516— East Anglian, ii. 183. Calendar of, 1507-1516— East Anglian, ii. 183. Rouo-h Indexes Nominum to the Norfolk, for the reigns of Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., and Mary— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. ii. 19. Transcript of portion of the Orginal Calendars from Edw. III. from Lansdowne MSS. 306-S— Rye MSS. No. 29. Various Calendars of, from Rich. I. to 1760, 2294, and indexes, 393, containing about 81790 references — Rye MSS. No. 30. Calendar of Fines, Rich. I. to Rich. III., by W. Rye, Norwich, 1881. All Norfolk Fines, Calendar by P. Le Neve, MS. of Rich. I. now in the Pub. Rec. Office, of other reigns (John to Edw. IT.) among R}'e MSS. No. 14. 38 INDEX RERITM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Fens. S<^'' Drainage. Uugdale, Harrison IV. (in Cnrrow Catalogue). An Historical Account of the Great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level, &c., royal 8vu., London, 1793. Fen and Marshland Churches, Wisbech, 4to., Leach and Sons. An Enquiry into Facts, &c., pp. 115, 8vo., London, 1777. Reclaimed I^and from Norfolk and Lincoln.shiro Estuary, map by F. Harding, 1852 (Carrow Library, 201). District. Extracts from patent rolls and other records relating to sea- walls, dykes, bridges, water-courses, &c., from Edw. I. to Hen. VI., — Addl. MSS. 25259 and 25260. The like, chiefly relating to dykes in Isle of Ely and other fen districts— Addl. MSS. 25261 ; also see Addl. MSS. 2G082. A discourse of Humphrey Bradley, a Brabanter, concerning fens in Norfolk, &c., 3rd Dec. 1580-4— Lansdowne MSS. 60, No. 34. Sewers. Letter from Sir Wm. Kussell, &c., to Lord Burghley, for renewal of Commission of Sewers in the fen countries, and to take in all Norfolk, 21st May, 1590— Lansdowne MSS. 63, No. 15. Exch. Dept. by Com., dated 1606, in suit of Sir John Pej-ton, Governor of the Isle of Jersey, and Sir John Peyton the younger, Knt., v. William Snagge, Wm. Hopkins, Henry Melsop, Thos. Day, Thos. Melsop, Thos. Wadilove, Robert and Richard Crab, as to Manor of Littleport in the Isle of Ely and Rackfenne, otherwise Church Fenne in Littleport. Right of common touching weir called " Spraleswere," and fishings called " Welney Water," " Prickwillow Water," "The Common Myld," and "Tomes Hole," in the Ou.se. Customs of Manor. Grant by Bi.shop of Ely about 1604 to Richd. Crabbe and others of Prickwillow Water, as of his Manor of Ely. Metes and bounds of Littleport Manor. Survey (Norfolk and Cambridge). Names of the undertakers for draining the feus, Norfolk, within fifty years last, past 7th Sept. 1619 — Lansdowne MSS. 162, No. 12. Fens— Top. Man. 56-58. A discourse of Humphry, a Brabanter, concerning the fens in Norfolk, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Northampton, and Lincolnshire (Hal.), 3rd Dec. 1589 -Lansdowne MSS. No. 60. On draiiaing the fens— Harl. MS. 6838, fol. 200-7- Chart of fens between Lynn and Wisbeach — Cott. MSS. Aug. 1, i. No. 79. Project for draining, MS. letter of Humphry Bradley in 1593 — East. Co. Coll. 165. FCOdary Book. Temp. Hen. III. and 9th Edw. II.— Addl. MSS. 5522, fo. 171, 248. Printed in Norf. Antiq. Misc. i. Fibula. At Ashill— Norf. Arch. viii. 227. At Caistor— Norf. Arch. iv. 233; v. 201. Swaffham— Norf. Arch. v. 354. At Thuxton— Norf. Arch. iv. 363. Roman and Saxon — Norf. Arch. v. 356. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 39 Field Names in East Anglia- Norf. Arch. xi. 143. Fire at Holt Market— East. Co. Coll., 22, 44. liadders at St. James', Norwich — Norf. Arch. iv. 326. Fireplace at Fundenhall— Norf. Arch. vi. 355. At "Maid's Head," Norwich, illustrated in the Maid's Head, its History and Associations, by W. H. Jones ; and account by W. Eye, &c. FiSheSi — Notes on Sir Thos. Browne's Account of Fishes, &c., found in Norfolk and on the Coast (Works, iii. 323, 335, Bohn's Antiq. Libr. ), by E. S. Taylor — Notes and Queries, second series, vii. 79. Fisheries [see Broads) — Report on the Fisheries of Norfolk, by Frank Buckland, 8yo., 1875. The Herring and the Herring Fishery, by J. W. De Caux, Bvo., Norwich, 1881. J. G. Nail's Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, with statistics of history of the East Coast Herring Fishery. Nash's Lenten Stufie, I^ondon, 1593, reprinted London, 1871, as vol. i. of the Old Book Collectors' Miscellany. Herring Fishery— Norf. Top. Man. 243, 244. On Norfolk Coasts— Norf. Arch. vii. 277. Paper relating to, on the Norfolk and Suffolk Coasts — Lansdowne MSS. 142, No. 62. Exchr. Dep. by Com. 1586, in suit of Queen v as to Eobert Bishop, searcher, of Great Yarmouth (Norf.) and Thos. Ewens, merchant, of same place, touching a seizure at night by said Bishop of twenty- seven barrels of red herrings belonging to a Scotsman. Herring Fishery temp. James I. and Chas. I., projiosed free uttering on Coa.sts of Norfolk and Suffolk— A shmolean MSS. No. 1534. Petition to Parliament of Selene Susse, burgess of liynn, as to " harang of Norweye," 7276. Fisherman's Rhyming Prayer — Vide Bertram's Harvest of the Sea. At Outwell— Egerton MSS. 2733— Rep. Pub. Rec. Com. iii. 47*. At Potter Heigham, 2nd Hen. V.— Feet of Fines of Norfolk, 2nd Hen. V., No. 14, and see Top. Lidex, 484. Called Musewelleraere at Riburgh— 13th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 422. On river called Senhaugh River — Id. 428. At Upwell— Egerton MSS. 2733. At Wensum — East Anglian, new series, ii. 289, 347, 371. At Weybridge— Top. Index, 508. At Wroxham — Top. Index, 511 (and see Rights of, &c.). Flax and Hemp, Act to promote growth of— Norf. Arch. x. 225. Flint (and see Celts, flint) Beds at Brandon— Norf. Arch. vii. 356-362. Grimes' Graves— Norf. Arch. vii. Rep. Implements — Norf. Arch. vi. Rep. Implements, Cromer — viii. 336. 40 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Flood in Norwich, 1570~Norf. Arch. i. 147. Report of Sir Cloment Edmonds on Floods of Norfolk— Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Ijihrarj^, 74, fol. 201. In Norwich in Seventeenth Centur)'— East. Co. Coll. i. 35, 48. In 1607, "'A true report of certain wonderful overflowings of waters in Somerset, Norfolk, and other parts of England, A.D. 1607," 4to.— Rep. E. E. Baker (Carrow library). Their causes, instigation, and cure, by Aquarius (J. E. Ewing), Norwich, 16 pages, 8vo. 1881. Recent, in Norwich, see Index to Carrow Library. Fluvial EtymoIOg-y of Norfolk, by R. S. Charnock— East Anglian, i. 319, 346, 373; ii. 4-2, 91. Fold Courses in Norfolk, rough introduction of a treatise on— 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., app. ix. 159. Folk Lore, vide Superstition. Norfolk, List of — East Anglian, new series, iv. 379. East Anglian, ii. 64, 155, 185-215 ; iii. 21, 263 ; iv. 179. App. to vol. ii. of Forby. East. Co. Coll. i. 28. Passing Bell, The— Notes and Queries, third series, ii. 247. As to Robin Redljreast— Notes and Queries, foui-th series, ii. 553. As to Swallows — Notes and Queries, third series, iv. 249. Typhus Fever, Cure for — Notes and Queries, third series, x. 400. Valentine Custom at Swaffham— Hone's Everyday Book, ii. coll. 222. Valentine Day — Notes and Queries, fourth series, v. 595. Valentines at Eaton— The Antiquary, iii. 78. Weather Proverb, F. C. H(uBenbeth)— Notes and Queries, second series, ii. 516. Weather Proverbs, Notes on— Notes and Queries, first series, ii. 234, 238. Prophecies, Traditions, &c. — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 285. Superstitions, Notes on— Notes and Queries, first series, x. 88, 156. Notes and Queries, first series, v. 237. Note on — Notes and Queries, fourth series, ii. 221, 553. As to Cuckoo — Notes and Queries, fourth series, i. 614. Cuckoo Superstition — Notes and Queries, second series, i. 523. Customs at Easter and Whitsuntide — Notes and Queries, third series, i. 248. As to Fish and Fleas — Notes and Queries, third series, viii. 288. Impossibility of dying if bed stands at right-angles to planks— Notes and Queries, fifth series, ii. 414. As to Mayflower— Notes and Queries, fourth series, i. 550. " Bishop Barnabee " rhyme, Notes on — Notes and Queries, second series, vii. 197, 286, 301. Hooping cough cure— Notes and Queries, second series, i. 386. FOntSi ^ee Churches. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES, 41 Forby'S Vocabulary and Supplements— &e Vocabulary. " ForeigrnerS." Fic?e strangers. Fortif ications. An abstract of expenses for fortifications, soldiers, &c., in the City of Norwich, from Ist May to 30th September, 1588 — Lansdowne ilSS. No. 58. Fortifications of Great Yarmouth in 1650 — Norf. Arch. vi. lOG. Order for fortifying Norwich Castle — Norf. Arch. i. 108. See also Gates. France. Subjects of King of, 23rd Edw. I., Inquisition as to, in Norfolk, a roll of five mem., Queen's Remembrancer of Exchequer, 3-G ; also as to thfir possession in llcedham, Wymondham, &c. Freemen of NorAA/iCh. List of, from 1317, by John L'Estrange— East Anglian, iv. 139, et seq. (completed only to part of D owing to stoppage of East Anglian). From 1317 to James I., by ditto, printed by W. Rye, London, 1888. MS. Calendar, 1st Edw. VI. to 1710, Rye MS. No. 34 [with Indexes to several thousand names]. French. t>f the farthest end of Norfolk {i.e., of Stratford at Bow), Notes and Queries, fourth series, vi. 886, 465. French Prisoners, escape of from Yarmouth in 1760 — Annual Reg. iii. 159. French Aliens in Norfolk and Suffolk, r296— East Anglian, iii. 191 [and see Walloons, &c.]. Friars, Society of Norwich — East Anglian, i. 437. Frescoes. See Churches, sub. Funeral Expenses in 1693— Norf. Arch. iv. 364. Funerals, ringings, &c., order of at Norwich — East Anglian, new series, ii. 389. Furniture, luxurious — Rj-e's ULstory of Norfolk, 124, &c. Gallery in Church of St. George Tombland — East Anglian, i. 173. Came of Nine Holes. Marks of, in Cathedral Cloisters— Notes and Queries, fifth series, vii. 514. Gaol Delivery Rolls of Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. iv. 248. Gates (and see Doors and Doorways). The Ancient Gatehouse of Norwich, by Jno. Britton — Froc. Arch. Inst., 1847, 126. Gates of Norwich, views of, drawn in the years 1792-3, by the late John Ninham, with an Historical Introduction and Extracts from the Corporation Records and Papers of the late John Kirkpatrick, con- tributed by Robert Fitch, 1861, 4to. Views of the Ancient City Gates of Norwich as they appeai-ed in 1722, drawn by Ninham, descriptions by Richardson, 4to. Norwich, 1864. West wick Gate, Norwich — Norf. Arch. v. 32. The Erpingham Gate — East. Co. Coll, i. 18. 42 INDEX UEKUM TO NOIIFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Ga.tehOUSeS. On ancient, with particular reference to those in the City of Norwich — Arch. Inst., Norwich, 1847. Gems, Roman, at Threxton — Top. Index, 501. Seal at Thwaite — Norf. Arch. iii. 422. Seal at North Walsham— Norf. Arch. iii. 422. Gentler Life, The-Rye's History of Norfolk, 122, &c. Gentry, Return of Norfolk, in 1433— Rye MSS. No. 9. In 1500, List of— Mason's History, 110-1. In 1513 (being Commissioners for a Subsidy) — Id. 114-5. Landed, in Norfolk in 1595— Norf. Ai'ch. v. 166. Who signed declaration to General Monk — Norf. Arch. vii. 309. List in Fuller's Worthies. And others of Norfolk who contributed to the King's Loan, 1611-12 — Mason's Norfolk, 240-4. On Commission for Peace, temp. Jas. I. — Id. 256 ; ditto for 1662, 332. List of D.Ls. and J.Ps. of Norfolk in 1688, with their opinions as to Conformity— Mason, 374-6. List of Income-tax Commissioners, 1696 — Id. 433. List of Officers in Militia, 1697— Mason's History, 435. Deputy Lieutenants, temp. Geo. III. — Mason's History, 484. Ghosts and Gruesome Stories. See Rye's Songs, &c. , 39. Stories. Lady Dorothy Walpole, the "Grey Lady "—Rye's History of Norfolk, 289. CipSieS> V^de Lavengro and Romany Rye, by Geo. Borrow. Note on Norfolk Gipsies — Notes and Queries, fourth series, iii. 471. Gla-d man's insurrection. Extract from the Books of the Corporation of Norwich as to^Norf. Ai-ch. i. 294. Glass, Painted. iScc Index to First Ten Vols, of Norf. Arch. 59. Gleaner's Bell, Notes on— Notes and Queries, second series, x. 476, 519 ; at Aldeby by Beccles, Tihenham, and Gillingham. Glean ing'S among the Castles and Convents of Norfolk (H. H.) Gold British OrnainentS found at Little Cressingham— Norf. Arch. viii. 324. Gold Objects found in Norfolk— Arch. Assoc. Journal i. 9. Goldsmith's Deserted Villagre, supposed to be Houghton— Norf. Arch. viii. Good Sword of Winfarthlng, The — Norf. Arch. vi. 281. Goods, Church. See Churches. INDEX E.ERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 43 Goose, Customs as to, in Norfolk, &c. (J. C. D'Aveney) — Notes and Queries, second series, ii. 426. Goose Green, Norfolk described as a big — Notes and Queries, fifth series, ix. 168. Grain. Vide Com . Account of grain exported from Lj'nn and Yarmouth — Ilarl. MSS. 306, fol. 26-32. Proclamation of Queen Elizabeth as to scarcity of — Arch. xiv. 27. Grandy Needles, a game called— Notes and Queries, fourth series, i. 63. Grimes' Graves, Canon Greenwell on — Norf. Arch. vii. 169, 359. And sec Norf. Arch. iv. 356 ; vii. 169, 173, 362 ; ix. 65. Guides, Travels, &c. The Norfolk Tale, or a Journey from London to Norwich, 8vo. 1792 ('r a novel). Eastern England from the Thames to the Humber, by Walter White, London, 1865, 2 vols. 8vo. (And various modern Local Guides to places and buildings). Guilds, History of -Eye's History of Norfolk, 146. Certificates, Norfolk— Norf. Ai'ch. xi. 105-136. Certificates of Norwich, temp. Tiich. II. — Norf. Arch. vii. 1C3 (L'Estrange and Itye). Certificates of Norwich, Lynn, Wiggenhall, &c., vide Smith's English Guilds, published by Early English Text Society, 1870. The pageantries of the Guild of St. George of Norwich, bj' W. E. Ewing — Proc. Arch. Inst. 1847. The Company of St. George's Guild of Norwich, from Blackerell's MS. History of Norwich— Norf. Arch. iii. 315. Of St. Luke, Norwich— Norf. Arch. iii. 6. Foundation, Dates of— Rye's History of Norfolk, 42-43. Certificates of Norfolk, by Walter Eye— Norf. Arch. The Guildhall at Diss— Norf. Arch. ii. 11. An Account of the Swa£[ham Guilds pievious to the Eeformation, by Wm. H. Kemblc, 10 pages 8vo. Swaii'ham, 1833. Giuldhall at Tibenham — Norf. Arch. viii. 141. On certain guilds formerly existing in the town of Jjittle W^alsingham, by Joseph Burtt — Proc. Ai-ch. Inst. 1847, 142. Accounts of Wymondham — Norf. Arch. ix. 121, 240. Feasts in 1769, see Cookery Book, by J. Skeat, 1769, sold at his house next door to the Maid's Head. Cossey Guild. An Ancient Custom observed at Cussey, Norfolk, bj- C. T. Vachell, M.D. (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Cardiff Natiiralists' Society, vol. xxii., jjart I., 1890). Hair growing after death— Norf. Arch. i. ; vi. 134. 44 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Halls. Elsing— Norf. Arch. vi. 189. Mertoii— Norf. Arch. vi. 306. Oxburgh — Norf. Arch. iv. 271. Willius' Old Ualls of Norfolk. Throe Old Halls— Norf. Arch. xi. 323. Harry Carry, the Yarmouth row cart— Norf. Arch. iv. 361. Harvest. Long account of a Norfolk Harvest Home, with songs, &c.— Hone's Everyday Book, ii. coll. 11 66-1 170 ; also see id. coll. 637, for the song " A pie sat in a pear tree." Songs, Collection of— East Anglian, iii. 263; Rye's History of Norfolk, 119. Heart Burial. Norf. Arch. ix. 16, 361. Hearth Tax, Form of receipt for— Norf. Arch, i. 38. Helmet and Crest, Wooden, at Beighton— Norf. Arch. vii. 353. Hemp and Flax, Compulsory sowing of — Norf. Arch. x. 225. Heralds' Visitations. I066, partly puWIshud by the Norf. and Norw. Arch. Sue, with notes and additions, but it is not probable it will be completed for \ery many years. 1566, 1589, and 1603, Visitations of, published by W^alter Rye for the Had. Soc. 1891. 1661-7 — A list of families included in, was published by Mr. C. H. Atthill. Heraldry of Yarmouth, Monumental— East Anglian, ii. 270, 309, 325. A Catalogue of all the Bishops of Norwich with their coats of arms —Norf. Arch. iii. 156, 244. Arms in Norwich Cathedral — Norf. Arch. iii. 241. In Norwich Cathedral — Norf. Arch. viii. 57. Church, of Norfolk, by the Rev. E. Farrer— Norf. Arch. x. 193. Church, of Norfolk, by Rev. Edmund Farrer, 3 vols. 8vo. 1887-1893. Heraldic Collections. r2rf« General and Heraldic Collections, Arms, &c. Glass Window at Billingford, illustrated by Winter, 10. riaying Cards — Norf. Arch. v. 1. Herbert de LOSingrSl^ ^ri^i Memoir of— Norf. .ii-ch. iii. 140. Epistola) (Brussels, 1846). Life and Letters of, by Dean Goulburn. "Says 1 to, &c." (see Bosses on thereof of Norwich Cathedral). ,, See Anchorite's Grating. Heresy. Letter from Richard Nix, Bishop of Norwich, representing that he could prevent the reading of erroneous books in his diocese, 1530— Colt. MS8. E, vol. ccclx. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 45 Hermit, Brass to, at Wellingham— Norf. Arch. vii. 356. See Anchoress. Herri ngr Fishery, vide Fishery; also vide Nash's Lenten Stuffe; also vide Yarmouth, &c. Pies (Norwich)— Blomefield's Norfolk iii. 114, 375. HiCkathrift, Giant. Gentleman's Magazine, Jan. 1896, hy J. Hooper. HighAVay Robbery on Norwich Coach in 1775— Annual Register, vol. 18, p. 82 (Chronicle). On Norwich Coach in 1776— Annual Eegister, vol. 19, 115 (Chronicle). Hill Digrgringr at Sidestrand— Norf. Arch. i. 51, 54, 58. History of Norfolk. Unpublished materials for, by W. Eye, Arch. Journal, xlvii. 164. Historical IViSS. in Norfollc. Gawdy Family (penes Mr. W. Rye) — Tenth Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., App, II. 1-237. First Report of Commissioners. At Blickling— East Anglian, iv. 169. Bishop's Registry of Norwich— First Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., Ajjp. 86, 87 ; East Anglian iv. 187- Sir Henry Bedingfiold, Bart. — Third Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., xvi., and App. 237-240. Sir W. H. B. Ffolkes, Bart. —Third Rep., xvi., and App. 247, 248. Mr. G. E. Frere— Seventh Rop., xiv., and App. 518-537. Mr. J. H. Gurney— Twelfth Rep., App. IX., 116-164. Sir Thomas Hare, Bart.— Third Rep., xvi., App. 250-252. Mr. R. W. Ketton— Twelfth Rep., App. IX. 179-226. Earl of Leicester, K.G. — Ninth Rep., xvi.-xx., and App. II., 340-375. Mr. H. S. le Strange— Third Rep., xvii., and App. 271-274; Eleventh Rep., App. VIL, 93-118. Marquess of Lothian, K.T. — First Rep., x. xii., and App. 14, 16. Rev. C. R. Manning- Tenth Rep., App. IV., 458-463. Lord Stafford— Tenth Rep., App. IV., 152-168. Marquess Townshend— Eleventh Rep., App. IV. Hunstanton Parish— Ninth Rop., App. I., 358. Norwich Corporation— First Rep., App. 102-104. See Municipal Records. Norwich, Dean and Chapter of— First Rep., App. 87-89. Yarmouth, Great, Corporation of — Ninth Rep., xv., and App. I., 299-324. Histories of Norfolk— Norf. Top. Man. 26. HOIkham IVISS., Catalogue of, in 1773— Rye MSS. No. 20. E 46 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Ho 1 1 a.n d , Refugees from . Vide Strangers. llefugoes from, settled in Yarmouth — The Walloons and their Church at Norwich, various references. Holy Cross of Bromholm, The-Norf. Arch. vi. 282. ,, Water StOUps. aS^;* Churches. ,, Thorn of Ingham— L'Estrange's Will, 2397- ,, Wells— East Anglian, i. 278. ,) Wells of Bawburgh, Taverham, and Cossey — vide Dr. Husenbeth's Life of St. Wulstan, Confessor. Homag'e a,nCl Fealty, Ceremony of, in Feudal Times— Norf. Arch, iv. 286. Horse Race. Articles and subscriptions as to Horse Eace at Thetford in 1698 and 1700— Bodleian Charters, 221. Talk, Notes on — Notes and Queries, second series, i. 395. Hospitals, Certificates concerning, in the Diocese, 1666 — Lambeth MSS. 629, fol. 426 ; and 951, fol. 16, 18, 19, 20, 23. Grant of admission to Norwich — Norf. Arch. xi. 320. Hospitality in Norfolk— Rye's History of Norfolk, 127. Household Books. Extracts from the Household and Privy Purse Accounts of the L'Estranges of Hunstanton from 1519-1578, by Daniel Gurney — Arch. xxv. 259. Of John, Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas, Earl of Surrey, temp. 1481-1490, from the original MSS. in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, edited by J. Payne Collier, 1844, for the Roxburghe Club. Of Fincham Family— Norf. Arch. viii. 177. Of Duke of Norfolk (from Frere Collection), Kenninghall— Rye MSS. Of two Norfolk Clergymen, 1510 and 1551— East. Co. Coll. 8. Household Goods, inventory, Valuation of Goods, &c., of Chas. Wyndham of Stokesby, 1688— Norf. Arch. v. 331. House of Reformation at Acle— Norf. Arch. ii. 94. HugruenotS, Pottery at Norwich started by, circa 1507— East Anglian, iii. 226. Proceedings of Huguenot Society, ii. pt. iv. Hundred Courts, Open air — Norw. Arch. ix. 62, 364. Earsham — Norf. Arch. ix. 67. Hundreds, Note of Fees taken in certain, in 1598. Names of, with number of towns, &c., in 1600— Vide Index to Tanner MSS. pp. 1040-1. INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 47 Hutch, The Town, at Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. iv. 239 ; vi. 171. HydriOtaphia. Vide Um Burial. ICeni, The, and their Arms. Paper by T. P. Burroughes— Arch. Assoc. Journ. xxxvi. 165. Coins of, found at Weston— Norf. Arch. iv. 358. Elton's Origins of English History, 1882, 109-110. Fragment of Icenia, by Sir H. Spelman. Reliquiaj Spelmannianse, 1723, 135-162. Translated by Rev. G. Mundford. See N. and Q. 8th series, X. 73 (25th July, 1896). Taylor— Topography of the Eastern Counties, 1869, 43. Boudicea (Boadicea) in D. N. B. ; Tacitus Annals ; Rhys's Celtic Britain. ICknield Way. On the cause of the Icknield Way as connected with Norwich Castle, by A. Taylor— Proc. Arch. Inst., 1847, p. 17. N. and Q. i. 438 Windle's Life in Early Britain, 1897, p. 122. Dr. Guest's Four Roman Ways— Journal Arch. See. xiv. 109. W. G. Clarke in " Knowledge," February, 1899— The Icknield Way. E. M. Beloe's The Pedders' Way, 1896, with useful map. Illustrated Works. Vuie Norf. Top. Man., 24. Incense in Churches after the Reformation— East. Co. Coll. i. 11. Indexes Nominum to the following printed books have been compiled by me, and are in my library : — Kirkpatrick's Religious Houses. Martin's Thetford. Norfolk Topographical Manual. Dashwood's Seals at Stow Bardolph. Blyth's Fincham. Russell's Kett's Rebellion. Norfolk Lists. Chancery Suits (Eliz.). " Ing-ham " and " Ington," the terminations-Rye's History of Norfolk, 11-14. ^ Inns, names of, Rye's History of Norfolk, 160. "Maid's Head," Norwich, account of, printed for Mr. Webster. " 1) J, by W. Rye. ,, byH. L.Clark. >> .. Its History and Associations, by W. H. Jones Old Norfolk Inns, 1888, by E. A. Culyer. See Carrow Catalogue, 121. " The Globe " at Lynn— Thew's Recollections, 14, 63, 147, 1891.' " The Bell," Thetford— Albemarle's Fifty Years of My Life, 1876, i. 313 E 2 * 48 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES, Inns {continued). «' The Star," Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. vii. 249 ; Nail, 38 ; Palmer's Perlustration. " Angel Inn," Norwich— N. & N. N. and Q. i. 94. Inn Sigrn, the celebrated Scole— Top. Index, 491. Scole Inn — N. and Q., 8th series, ix. 137, 15th Feb. 1896, sub voce Great Beds. In Norwich, Notes on, by Wm. Arderon, 1703-1767— Addl. MSS. Brit. Mus. 27966, fo. 228-253. Insurrections (Rebels, Traitors, Riots), also see Civil War. Riot at Norwich between Prior and Citizens, paper read by Hudson Turner (? Dawson Turner) at Meeting of Arch. Inst., 1847 ; also Norf. Arch. ii. 273-6. Account of Riot at Norwich, W. Rye — Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 17-89. Translation of Thos. of Walsingham's Account of Littester's Rebellion — Norf. Arch. v. 349. Gladman's Insurrection — Blomefield's Norfolk, iii. 149-152, Extract from the Bouks of the Corporation of Norwich as to — Norf. Arch. i. 294. Traitors temp. Rich. II. Writ to Sheriff as to forfeitures — Miscell. of Exch., 908. History of the Commotion in Norfolk, a.d. 1549, by N. Sotherton — Harl. MSS. 1576. Kett's Rebellion, Account of, by T. J. Pettigrew — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xiv. 94. Ditto— Norf. Top. Manual, 27. Kett's Rebellion, Account of Disbui'sements for foreign mercenaries em- ployed in suppressing — Rep. Pub. Rec. Char. 1800, 172(7. History of the Commotion in Norfolk in 1549, by Nich. [? Nich. Sotherton died in 1540] Sotherton— Harl. MSS. 1576, 564. See Laj'er, Carrow Library, 1723. Deposition as to, taken at Colchester, 3rd Edw. VI. — Lansdowne MSS. Letters as to the Rebellion in Norfolk, 1553 — 3rd Report Hist. MSS. Com. 237. Various Letters on State Affaks, 1553-1559 — 3rd Report Hist. MSS. Com. 238-9. Supposed fugitives, whether alive or dead, and the amount of their possessions (several persons named) — Spec. Com. Exch. 22nd Eliz., No. 1563. Norwich Conspiracy of 1570 to eject strangers — Norf. Arch. v. 74. Alleged, at Norwich in 1642, of Papists' Conspiracj' to burn the city, see Tract in Carrow Library, 157. Writ of Rebellion, Henry Shelton — Spec. Com. Exch., 9th Chas. I., No. 5524. Papists, intended rising of, in 1642-3— Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr., Ixiv., fo. 129, INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES, 49 Insurrections (continued). Possessions of Isaac Pennington, deceased, a traitor — Spec. Com. Exch. 18th Chas. II., 6360. See L'Estrange, in Carrow Abbey Library Index. Forfeited Estates in 1715— Appen. to 5th Eep. of Dep. Keeper, 116. Methodists, riot at Norwich about — Gent. Mag. xxii. 90, 125. Riot at Norwich— Gent. Mag. xl. 140. Riot at Norwich in 1758— Ann. Reg. i. 104. Various editions of A. Neville's Norfolk Furies. Powell's Rising in East Anglia, 1896. Kingston's East Anglia and the Great Civil War, 1897. Inventory. Also see Church Goods Inventories. Of effects of Sir John Fastolfe— Arch. xxi. London, 1827. Transcript of two rolls containing, by Thomas Amyot. Of goods at Cossey taken 1st June, 1597 (Carrow Library). Valuation of goods, &c., of Charles Wyndham of Stokesby, 1688 — Norf. Arch. V. 331. InvOCa.tion of Spirits, On the, by Dawson Turner— Norf. Arch. i. 46. Iron\A/Ork, Ancient — Norf. Arch. iv. 303-4. JclCk, Leathern, at Merton — Norf. Arch. vi. 311. Jack o' Lantern. Norf. Arch. ii. 299. Jars, Earthern (acoustic ?)— Norf. Arch. iv. 353 ; vi. 382 ; x. 121. And see Hooper's Notes on St. Peter Mancroft, 1895, 32-5. Jesuits. See " One Generation of a Norfolk House," by Canon Jessopp, 1878. Jet, British Ornaments of— Norf. Arch. viii. 322-3, 225. Jews, Persecutions of the Norwich — Rye's History of Norfolk, 46-52. The alleged Abduction and Circumcision of a Boy at Norwich in 1230, by Walter Rye— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 312. Notes on (illustrated)— Mason's History, 49 et seq. Two early inquisitions as to House of Seynorettus, temp. Hen. III. — See Inq. Post. Mort. i. 1, 43. Early deeds relating to Jews— East Anglian, new series, iv. v. passim. Jewish Citizens of Norwich, mentioned in Jewish Shetaroth before 1290 — East Anglian, new series, iv. 340. Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1290— Anglo- Jewish Hist. Exhb., published 1888, 1-218; Norwich deeds, 1235-1290. License to Norwich Jew to assign house, 1280— East. Co. Coll. i. 58. Prosecution of Norwich Jews, the alleged abduction and circumcision of a Jew boy called Jurnepin — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 312. fiO INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Jews (eontinued) . Norwich Jews, deeds, &c., of, temp. Hen. III. and Edw. I. (WeBtminBter Abbey)— 4th liep. Hist. MSS. Coram. 182. Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich, Canon Jessopp and M. R. James, Litt.D., 1896. [There is also much about the Norwich Jews in Jacobs' Jews of Angevin England, 1893]. Journey f a Seven Weeks', begun at the City of Norwich, and from thence to the North, on Monday, August Uth, 1634, by a captain, a lieutenant, and an ancient, all three of the military company in Norwich ; id. to the West, 1635— Lansdowne MSS. 213, Nos. 26, 27 ; E. A., new series, i. and ii. Jugr> 1'''91, Article on a white stone, by J. Clarke — Arch. Assoc. Journal, clxiii. Jury; A, punished for acquitting prisoners, temp. Hen. VIII. — Norf. Arch. i. 45. Justices, Certificate of the state of, 11th Oct., 1587— Lansdowne MSS. 62, No. 69. Names of, in 1686 — Tanner's MSS. Bodleian Library, cclix. 13J. Kemp's Nine Dales Daunce from London to Norwich, 4to. — Rep. Cam. Soc. KerriCh'S Collections— yiSes Rep. Camden Soc. Kett'S Rebellion. F«Vff insurrections. Mason's History of Norfolk, 132. Account of, by Russell, London, 1859. Kiln, Roman, at Caistor by Norwich - Norf . Arch. vi. 155. Caistor by Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. iv. 352. . Ancient potteries at Weybourne— Norf. Arch. v. 254. Roman kilns and urns found and Hedenham — Norf. Arch. vi. 149. Klng"> Subscriptions for the {see Subsidy), a commission for receiving subscriptions for the king — Spec. Com. Exch. 13th Chas. II., 6357. See Royalists. Knife Guard found at Terrington — Norf. Arch. vi. 60. Handle— Norf. Arch. iii. 424. Roman — Norf. Arch. viii. 227. KnigrlltS' Fees? the Liber Niger Scaccarii and the Book of Aids for 20th Edw. III. (printed Norf. Antiq. Misc. i. 1 et scq). Fragment relating to knight's fee of Norwich— Harl. MSS. 370, 1192. INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 51 Knigrhts' Meat, Knigrhts' Fees, &c. Biomefieid, ui. 277, 403; iv. 97. At Lynn— Hist. MSS. Com. xi. Appen. iii. 164, 167, 181 ; East. Co. Coll. 1872-3, 277-278. At Yarmouth — D. Turner's Sepulchral Keminiscences, 1848, p. 139. Charity Commissioners' Eeports, 1815-1835, 438 {cf. 6th Hen. VIII. c. xvi. and 34-35th Hon. VIII. c. xxiv.). Knigrhts. 8ee Le Neve's Knights— Harl. Soc. Names of those who ohjected to be made knights at the coronation of the king, 1631— Norf. Arch. v. 126. Fines on composition for— Norf. Arch. x. 257. List of those claiming exemption from — Norf. Arch. x. 260. Norfolk and Suffolk, copies of Brooks', Holland's, and Wingfield's rolls of —Rye's MSS. No. 9 (by A. Norris). Made by James I. — Rye's MSS. No. 9 ; and see Le Neve's Knights. Knocker*, Sanctuary, at St. Gregory, Norwich — East Anglian, new series, i. 326. See Church Sanctuary Knocker, Illustration of ditto— Arch. Inst., Norwich, 1847. Knowledgre Money, vide Cope silver. Labourers' WagreS, 1430-1— Norf. Arch. iv. 312; Norf. and Norw. N. and Q. i. 44, 245, 316, 398. Lady Fast and Sexton's wheel— Norf. Arch. ix. 201. Lake DWAellingrS in Wrotham Mere— Norf. Arch. vii. 355. Lavatories at Norwich Cathedral— Harrod's Castles and Convents, 310-12. LaAV Suit. Account of Norwich Corporation of a lawsuit — Norf. Arch. iii. 124 ; and see ii. 189. Lead. Reasons why the bailiffs of Gt. Yarmouth are petitioners to be the assay masters of all lead made in England and Wales — Cottonian MSS. Titus B.V. 257. Leaden Sig'ns, Moulds for— Norf. Arch. ix. 20. Leather Hangings— Norf. Arch. ix. 15. Money — Norf. Arch. ii. 305. Lecterns. See Churches. Led "Will, Folk Lore as to — East Anglian, iii. 31 ; also N. and Q. 8th series, ix. 69. Leper or Low Side Windows. See Churches. 52 INDEX REKUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Leper or Lazar-hOUSeS. Blomefield's Norfolk, ii. 166-8; Jessopp's Coming of the Friars, 21, 93-4. L' Estrange Papers— Norf. Arch. v. 122. See Household Books. IMSS., being great part of the collection of the late John L' Estrange of Norwich, 9 vols, fol.— %e MSS. No. 33. Letters of Bishop Herbert de Lozinga, by Dean Goulburn and the Rev. Henry Symonds. Dean Prideaux — Cam. Soc. Sec Paston, Gawdy, Knyvett, Le Neve, &c. And Orders to the Lord Lieutenant, 1660-75, see Lord Lieutenant. Levy. An order of Rich. II. for levy of men in Norfolk and Suffolk, 1386 — Cotton MSS. Titus B.V. 5. Libraries. Norf. Top. Man. 39, also see Rep. Hist. MSS. Col. Old lilirary in Shipdham Church— East Anglian, i. 184. Library at Blackfriars, Norwich — Ilarrod's Castles and Convents, 94. Norwich Citj-^ and Public Library, for lists of catalogues of, vide Norf. Top. Man. 39. Catalogue of the library of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Svo. London, 1819, and Norwich, 1836. Carrow Library Catalogue of, Norwich, 1846. Catalogue of Public and City liibraries, Norwich, 1847- Norwich City Library, Catalogue by F. Kitton, 1883. Catalogues of Norwich Free Library, 1887, &c. LigChthOUSeS. Papers relating to the patentees of sea lights or lighthouses in Suffolk and Norfolk, A.D. 1618— Lansdowne MSS. 162, No. 54. LiteSter'S Rebellion, Translation of Thomas Walsingham's Account of —Norf. Arch. v. 348. Litig'atiOn in Norfolk, Love of — Rye's History of Norfolk, 113, &c. Increase of lawyers in Norfolk through Black Death, 1349 — Hecker's Epidemics of the Middle Ages, 1844, 27. 33rd Hen. VI. c. vii.— Blomefield's Norwich, 1806, i. 160 ; Norf. and Norw. N. and Q. 1896-1899, 127. Cf. Norfolk Wiles— Nail's Yarmouth, &c., 1866, 610. Local Place Names in Norfolk, by the Rev. G. Munford; and see Place Names. Review and notes on ditto — East Anglian, iv. 241. Local Rhymes. Rye's History of Norfolk, 304. , Local Words. V->de Vocabulary. Expressive of locality — East Anglian, iv. 24, 43. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 53 LOCa.IitieSj index to the, occurring in Ordnance Map and Bryant's Map — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. ii. 305 [incorporated in my Norfolk Topography]. Lock Plate. Antient in Norwich Cathedral— Norf. Arch. vii. 9. At East Dereham — Norf. Arch. vii. 356. Locket found at Martham— Norf. Arch. iv. 3S2. Lords Lieutenant, Account of— Mason's History, 525. And see L'Estrange's Norfolk Lists. Journal Book of Letters and Orders directed to, 1660-1675— Addl. MSS. 11601. Lost Brasses— Norf. Arch. vi. 3. See Churches, suh voce Brass. Low-Side Windows. aS.?* Churches. Macintosh, Fine specimen of a, at Tasburgh Hall. Maidens' Troop at Norwich— Blomefield's Norfolk, fo. ii. 271 ; N. and Q. i. 427 ; WaUington's Hist. Notices, ii. 171 ; and Kingston's East Anglia and the Great Civil War, 1697, p. 130. " Maide UnCUmber." Norf. Arch. v. 113 ; also Hudson's Hist, of St. Peter Permountergate, Norwich. Maid Ridibone, note on— Norf. Arch. ii. 290, and vide Rye's Cromer. M agrS'Z i n e S . vide Newspapers . Manor House. East Hall Manor House in Denver (illustrated). — Norf. Arch. iii. 125. Willins' Old Halls. M a n O rs ( 'S'e^ Enclosures) . List of Over Lords— Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib. cclxxxix. fo. 143. Extents of the manors in Norfolk and Suffolk (seventeenth century) — Addl. MSS. 25292. Three Manorial Extents of, thirteenth century — Norf. Arch. xiv. 1. List of the manors mentioned by Blomefield — Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 285. Rental of, in Norfolk, James I. and Chas. II. (some in jointures to Henrietta Maria)— Rep. Pub. Rec. O., 1800, 184*. Return of Lords of Manor, 9th Edward II. in Hundreds of Freebridge and Clackclose — Norf. Arch. vi. 52. See Mason's Hist. i. 650. Manuscripts, in Harl. and Cott., ii. 300-336, list of— Vide Hist. MSS. Norf., in Bodl. Lib. — Vide Historical Poems for the sixteenth century, Camb. Soc. Pub., No. 61 ; Camb. MSS., iii., edited by Collins, 1814. Harl. MSS. 4756, analysis of and index to— Norf. Arch. iii. 40; iv. 292. Fifty Norfolk MSS. in Library of Mr. Walter Rye, fo., privately printed. 54 INDEX BERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Manufactures (Acts— Norf. Top. Man., 38). MapSi Map of the greater part of the County of Cambridge, with portions of the Counties of Northampton, Huntingdon, and Norfolk — Spec. Com Exc. Eliz., No. 7034. Maps of Norfolk— East. Co. Coll. 9, 16, 47, 186. Index to Ordnance and Bryant — Norf. Antiq. Misc., ii. 305. Maps in Norfolk, 1608— Rep. Pub. Rcc. Comm., 1837, 103 ; Norf. Top. Man., 23-24. Chart of Fens between Lynn and Wisboach — Cott., Aug., i. 79- Chart of Coasts of Norfolk and Sufifolk — Cott., Aug., i. 44. Plan of Great Yarmouth — Cott., Aug., i. 74. Also ite list on page 318 of Carrow Catalogue. Of Norwich, see Kirkpatrick's Streets and Lanes. IWarried Clergry in Norfolk in thirteenth century — Norf. Arch. ix. 187. IVIarr fag's introductions and Brocage — Rye's History of Norfolk, 129. Licenses, List of, granted 1477 to 1515— Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr. cxxxviii. fo. 101. [Calr. 1476—1649, penes L. G. Bolingbroke]. Marshes and Marshlands, Letters touching a Bill for the (1610)— 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., 13. Survey of Marshlands— Spec. Com. Exc, 12th Chas. I., No. 5530. Marshes and Lands gained from the sea — 13th Chas. I. No. 5531. Survey of Marshes— 13th Chas. I., No. 5532. Marshlands— 13th Chas. I., No. 5542, 5543. Norfolk and Sufifolk— 12th Chas. I., No. 6062, nee 4th Rep. Hist. Com., 94-111. Floods, petition of inhabitants of, in 1648, for relief as to floods, &c. — 7th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 37«. Marshland, original Map of, by Sir Wm. Dugdalo— Rye's MSS. No. 17, vi. 91. The Survey Book of the four Wiggenhalls, made in 1707, with Emerson's Survey, made in 1658 ; and Survey made in 1619, 169 pp. Svo. — Rye's MSS. No. 19. Roman Road over — Norf. Arch. iii. 425. Churches of — Norf. Arch. xii. 1. Martial Arrays, set Musters. Martin's Church Notes— East Anglian, new series, i. 79. „ „ Rye's Fifty Norfolk MSS. Martyrs and Abjurors, 1428-1431, list of— Mason's Norf., 221. INDEX BERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 55 IVIa.rtyr'Cloni, alabaster tablet representing a, found in Buckenham Ferry Church— Norf. Arch. i. 243, 300. Of Thos. Tunstal— East Anglian, ii. 19. Marvels, Cocks, and Myths, see Rye's Songs, &c., 83-94. Master John SChOrne, by F. C. H.— N. and Q. 3rd series, vii. 413; 4th series, vi. 341, 389. IVIaximS, Note on old (1797)— East. Co. Coll. i. 9. East. Co. Coll. 186 ; i. 16-47. Superstitional and proverbial — Forby, ii. 413. Medical ChargreS in I68I-I732— East Anglian, ii. 3.54. Medical Receipts, Book of, Thomas Butt, sixteenth century — Rawlinson MSS. C. 817. Medical ChirurgriCal Society of Norwich, Index to Catalogue of, by C. Williams, 1882, Barber Surgeons of Norwich, by C. Williams, 1896. Memoirs. (S*.; Family Histories. Mendicant Friars, Letter to Sheriff of Norwich against traducers of — Camb. Univ. MSS. Index, v. 384. Mendicants' Box at Loddon— Norf. Arch. iii. 417. ^ce Poor Box. Merchants' Marks. Notices of the Norwich Merchant Marks, with plates — Norf. Arch. iii. 177. Norwich Brewers' Marks and Trade Regulations — Norf. Arch. v. 313. Notices of Norfolk and Norwich Merchants' Marks, by E. A. Tillett, Norwich, 1880, 12 pages. See also N. and Q. 8th series, ix. 409, 454. In Norwich. See 43-50 of Rye MSS. No. 8, being collections from ancient Norfolk deeds, by A. Norris, into which it has been interpolated. Lynn. See Harrod's Report of Lynn Records, 1874, pp. 16-32. Walsingham, Little — Norf. Arch. vi. 260. Gt. Yarmouth — Norf. Ar'ch. iv. 257 ; also Nail's Yarmouth, 45. Merc, Formerly at Watton— Norf. Arch. iii. 396. MeSSengrerS. Queen's Messengers' bills — Norf. Arch. i. 103. Mice, Plague of, in 1660 — East Anglian, iii. 57- Militia {vide Soldiers). Account of West Norfolk Militia, by Sir Chas. Harvey, 1899 ; Norf. Top. Man. vii.; se« Windham— Carrow Catalogue. A Plain Address to the Farmers, &c., of Norfolk (on the Militia Bill), 16 pages, Svo., 1757. 66 INDEX REKUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Milk, The sacred, of Walsingham— Norf. Arch. vi. 285. *' IVIine," The expression = my house — Notes and Queries, fourth series, ii. 252. Mints, Notes as to the Thetford — Norf. Arch. iii. 29. Norfolk Coinage — Mason's History, 32. MirrOI*. J^*"^" Speculum. Eoman, at Caistor — Norf. Arch. v. 271. Misereres. See Churches. Mona.SterieS. Tide Taylor's Index Monasticus, and vide Sale of Dissolved Monasteries, &c. At time of Suppression — Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 434. Tabular list of the various, with names of grantees — Mason's History, 384-7. The growth of the— Rye's History of Norfolk, 37-43. Monks and Friars — Rye's History of Norfolk, 164. Monastic Life. Vide Cellarers' Accounts. Yarmouth Coll. — Norf. Ai-ch. vii. 231. Hempton — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. St. Benet's— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. Manors and land sold under a commission 3rd and 4th Phillip and Mary — Harl. MSS. dcvi. 586, 59, 110-112, and dcvii. 65. Suppressed and Dissolved Monasteries — Taylor's Monasticus, Harl. MSS. 701, fol. 143. The Sale of the Houses Suppressed, with the Book of the Debts, a thick volume so entitled — Suppression papers, Pub. Rec. Off. S|^ : and see Buckenham Priory, id. ^^ ; Crabhouse Priory, s^ ■ Coxford Priory, ^.^^ ; Weybourne Priory, ^^- ; Blackburgh, ^^-. Arrears of Ministers' Accounts of dissolved monasteries, 30th Hen. VIII. Miscell. Books of Augm. Oflf. ^dii. Particulars for leases — Id. cciv. List of monasteries and castles — Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxviii. 54. Religious houses, notes from Chantry Roll, Pub. Rec. 0. — East Anglian, iii. 131. Book of expenses of the Commissioners attending the viewing, &c., of the several monasteries, &c., in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk — Rep. Pub. Rec. 0. 1800, 179* (top of page). Original book of the suppressed houses in Norfolk and Suffolk, each article signed by the Commissioners, temp. Hen. VIII. — Id. 180a. Book dated 1649, containing particulars of all late abbey lands, parcels of revenues of King. Monastic Establishments. See Surrender deeds ; Particulars for grants ; Concealed lands in Norfolk and Suffolk and City of Norwich — Spec. Com. Exch., 2nd Eliz. No. 3032. INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 57 Monastic Establishments {continued). Concealed lands in Norfolk and Suffolk, 4th Eliz., No. 3033, 3035; lOth Eliz., No. 3112 ; 17th Eliz., 3038, 3039 ; 19th EHz., 3040 ; 2oth EUz., 3042 ; 34th Eliz., 3036 ; 18th Jas. I., 4286. IVIOnaStiC Concealed Lands. Concealed lands in the possession of divers chantries forfeited under the statute for superstitious uses, 1st Edward VI.— Spec. Com. Exc, 41st Eliz., No. 1617. Fragment of a commission for concealed lands — Id., Eliz., No. 1639. See Memorandum and a Roll, 17th Eliz., No. \b'i—Id. 17th Eliz., No. 2958. Id., 24th Eliz., No. 2935. Id., 33rd Eliz., No. 2948. Monastic Concealed Lands. Commission for concealed lands— J^, 16th Eliz., No. 2960. Id., 7th Eliz., No. 2961. In Norf. and Sufif.— 10th Eliz., No. 2962, 3027, 3030. Lands concealed and derelict ; Norf., Divers Counties — Spec. Com. Exch., 20th James I., No. 4287. Concealments — Id. 21st James I., No. 4288 ; James I., No. 4981 ; 18th James I., No. 4986. Id., 14th James I., No. 5042. Warrant for commission concerning concealments — Norf. Camb., Kent, Sussex— /<;;., 7th Clias. I., No. 5989. Id., 9th Chas. I., No. 6012. Concealments, id., 22ud Eliz., No. 7069. Monks' and Citizens' Riots, 1272. See Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii. 17, &c. Compared with similar riot at Colchester five days later — East Anglian, new series, v. 351. MonStei* taken out of the body of Austen Shearman — Addl. MSS. 5259, article 29. Monumental Inscriptions by Anthony Norris, 6 vols. 4to., 1730- 1733, p. 2818. The fii-st three vols, have very numerous and well- executed pen sketches of crosses, &c., and the last throe are mostly digests under parishes of the will collections by A. Norris Rye MSS. No. 10. [These are now being indexed — A, B, and C done]. By Tom Martin— Rye MSS. No. 17. By Le Neve (?)— Egerton MSS. 2583. By A. Starling, collection for the Cathedral and various Churches in Norwich and Norfolk— Rye's MSS. No. 17, vii. Kirkpatrick's Notes, see Crisp's Fragmenta Crenealogica, pt. iii. 1. In Norwich Churches and Churchyards. Some printed in the Eastern Daily Press, 1883-84. 58 INDEX RERTTM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. IVIonumental Inscriptions {eontinued). Tunstead Hundred ^j j^^ Inscriptions in Churches and Churchyards Happing , , j. p^jnted by W. Rye, with full Indexes. Holt collected Holt ,, jbyW. N. Dew. North Erpingham ' South Erpingham (most of)— Rye MSS. No. 32. East Anglian, i. 368, 399, 436 ; ii. 96, 117, 220, and 301 ; iii. 235-239, 320, and 331. See also Farrcr's Heraldry. Monuments. Arch. Assoc. Journal, xxi. 174. Inscriptions, curious, see Rye's Hist, of Norf., 200. lYIonumenta.! Effigy of Bishop Goldwell in Norwich Cathedral (by M. H. Bloxam)— Proc. Arch. Inst., 310. The Crowmer Monument at Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. ii. 35. IVIOri*iS, or Nine Men's Morris, played at North Walsham, &c. — Hone's Every- day Book, ii. col. 1661. IVIOrtality, Bills of, for Norwich in 1796— Annl. Regr. xxxviii. 48. IVIOrtai*, bronze — Norf. Arch. vii. 350. IVIOrtuary Roll of West Dereham Abbey— Norf. Arch. i. 368. IVIOte Hill at Wymondham— Norf. Arch. ix. 363. Mould. See Tumuli found at Ashill — Norf. Arch. ix. 42. Found at Dunston — Norf. Arch. iii. 416. For casting pilgrims' signs — Norf. Arch. ix. 20. For casting girdle or scabbard end — Norf. Arch. v. 30. Mound at Burgh next Aj'lsham — Norf . Arch. iv. 344. Or castle at Bcssingham— Norf. Arch. vii. 372. Municipal Records, &c . Norwich. Traces of early development of Municipal Organizations, by the Rev. W. Hudson, 1889. Wards of the City of Norwich, by the Rev. W. Hudson, 1891. How the City grow into shape, by the Rev. W. Hudson, 1896. Revised Catalogue of the Records of Norwich, by the Rev. W. Hudson and J. C. Tingey, 1898. Lynn. Catalogue of the Municipal Records of, by H. Harrod, 1874. Yarmouth. Catalogue of the Municipal Records of, by H. Harrod, 1855. [N.B.— He also issued Colchester]. INDEX RERTTM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 69 IVIural Painting's. &« Churches. lYIurdCrSa See Carrow Libraiy Catalogue mb v. Burnham, Greenacre, Rock- land, Rush, Stanfield Hall, Thurtell, Thrower, Watson, &c. Rye's Songs, cfec, 31-42. IVIUl*l*ain in Norfolk in fourteenth century, by H. Harrod — Arch. xli. IVIllStei*S, Martial Arrays, &c. See Armada. Cross References— AiTay, Invasion, Militia, Trained Bands, Martial Courts, Soldiers. Precept to Sheriff 19th Edw. I. to arrange as to watches along the shores for the security of the Kingdom— Bodleian Char. 196. Sea coast. Roll of names of those assigned to protect the sea and ports of, Norfolk, 2-lth Edw. I. — Appendix to 2nd Rep. of Dep. Keeper, 57. Names of able persons for musters temp. Hen. VI. in hundreds of North Greenhoe and Holt — Miscell. Books of Augm. OflF. cccclxvi. In Norfolk, temp. Hen. VIII.— Treasury of Receipt of Exchequer, A ^, and A g and ^. Letters and papers, mostly original, relating chiefly to county of Norfolk and generally to public events between 1557 and 1732 — Addl. MSS. 15903. Threatened invasion of French in 1557, to watch beacons, &c. — 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. 239. Letter concerning armour delivered for defence of county, July, 1560 — Addl. MSS. 5752, fol. 255. Letter from Privy Council to collector of subsidies as to coast and conduct money for Norfolk soldiers to be sent to Newhaven, 4th June, 1563 — Lansdowne MSS. 6, No. 10. In Lynn in 1573— Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 199. Papers relating to . . . musters, 1578, 1591, 1627-1665— Addl. MSS. 5847, p. 313; 5848, p. 286. Papers relating to Popish recusants and musters, 1578, 1591, 1627-1665— Addl. MSS. 5847, p. 313 ; 5848, p. 286. Letter from Privy Council to justices of Norfolk— Addl. MSS. 5847, p. 149. Folio volume of letters relating to musters (1581-1663)— Addl. MSS. 23006. Transcription of various letters on same subject, with answers (apparently copied by Sir R. Jenkinson, Knt.), seventeenth century, fo. — Addl. MSS. 23007. Various papers relating to musters in 1583-4-5 — See Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr. Index, 1039. Soldiers' fortifications, &c., abstract of expenses for, 1st May — 30th Sept., 1588— Lansdowne MSS. 58, No. 66. Directions as to martial, 1588 and 1625, Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr. ccxii. fo. 55, 177; 79, 311; 24. Defence against invasion, Weybourne Hope — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr., clxxvii. fos. 56 and 56d ; cccxxxi., fos. 16 and 30. In Norfolk, instructions for Privy Council to Commissioners of Norfolk, temp. Eliz.— Camb. Univ. MSS. M. M. vii. 60 INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Musters {continued). Request of Jlayor and Burgesses of Lynn to be allowed to muster their townsmen, 16th Oct., 1595— Lansdowne MSS. 78, Nos! 77 and 79. Collections relating to the soldiery of Norfolk, taken from the accounts of the Chief Constables (1594)— Lansdowne MSS. 78, No. 21. Invasion expected in 1596. Certificate of state of coasts, musters, &c. — 5th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 282. The Commissioners of Musters in Norfolk to the Privy Council, 28th July, 1601— Addl. MSS. 29315, fo. 3. Letters and orders in Council relating to Norfolk, 1600-1609, transcribed by Sir R. Jenkinson— Addl. MSS. 23007. In 1601— 11th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., App. IV., 12. Soldiers levying voluntary musters in 1603 — 7th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 526a. Paj'ment of arrears to Muster Masters, 1604 — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib., cccxi. fo. 245. Certificate of Sir Thos. Holland's Company in Half Hundred of Diss, 1614— W. 243, fo. 6. Order in Council for general musters, 1615 — Id. ccxlvii. fos. 10 and \\b. Order of Dep- Lieut, ordering arms to be provided by each man in 1621 — Id. ccxliii. 21. Names of persons charged with arms in the Hundred of Holt in 1642 — xcv. fo. 134, and see Index to Tanner's MSS. 1040-1. Levying for soldiers for the Low Countries, 1624 — Spec. Com. Exc, 15th James I., 4281. Orders as to Militia (and sec Musters), 1625-62— Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib. Ixxii. fos. 107 and 118, and clxxvii. passim. Names of pressed soldiers in 1625. Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Libr. clxxvii. fo. 96-7. Letter as to thi-eatened invasion in 1642, warning Sir R. Hovel and others, enemy off coast, to meet at King's Head, Norwich — 3rd Rep. Hist. Com., 247. Letter from Earl of Southampton to Dcp. -Lieut, as to musters in 1G60 — Addl. MSS. 5847, p. 314. Letter of Lord Townsend to Dep.-Lieuts. as to Militia, 6th April, 1665 — Addl. MSS. 5847, 315. Certaine orders meote to be observed upon any foraine invasion for those shires that lie upon the sea coastes — Ijambeth MSS. 247, fo. 105. Array, Commissioners of — 4th Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 27. Address of the Norf. Militia— Gent. Mag. xxix. 279. Returns of trained bands — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib. cxxi. fo. 77. Certificates of, for Holt Hundred — Misc. of Augm. Office, cccclxvi. Navy. Vide Pressing, Ship Money, &c. Timber for the Navy of Trent, Norfolk, &c. — Special Com. Exch., 11th Jas. I. No. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 61 Necromancy and Treasure Trove. The confession of Rich. Bishop, &c., temp. Hen. VII.— Norf. Arch. i. 219. Dr. Jessopp's Random Roomings, 1894, 105-6. Ne\VS Letters (vide Correspondence, Letters, Paston Letters, Gawdy Letters,) of Sir Edmund Moundesford to Framlingham Gawdy, 1627-1633 — Norf. Arch. v. Newspapers. See Carrow Catalogue. Niello, Gold, found at Matlask— Norf. Arch. iii. 97. Nomenclature, Norfolk— East. Co. Coll. 12. Nog*' "The Norfolk Nog," a drink mentioned in Notes and Queries, third series, x. 9 and 53 ; Norf. and Norw. N. and Q. i. 117, 137, 146 ; and see Norf. Chron. 25 Dec. 1896. Rye's Songs, &c., 78-9. Norfolk, Duke of, and Hen. VIII. Visit of Commissioners to Konninghall after arrival of— East Anglian, ii. 135. Statement of the Duke's servant — East Anglian, ii. 162-197. Confirmation of Charter — Rye MS. No. 27. Household Books of the Duke of Norfolk [vide Household Books). Norman and Gothic Architecture in County of Norfolk, Specimens of, by J. S. Cotman, fifty plates, fol. 1818. Normans in Norfolk. See Rye's History of Norfolk, 23-27. Names still in the County— Jaf. 27-28. Fictitious Pedigrees — Li. 28-32. Norsk Settlements in Norfolk — Norf. Antiq. Miscell. i. 184. NorrlS' Collection for the Hundreds of East and West Flegg, Happing, Tunstead, and part of North Erpingham, 4 vols. fol. containing 1615 pp. fol. — Rye MSS. No. 3. Other Norris' Collections — Id. No. 2, 4, 5-13, &c. Nor^A/iCh a Port. See index to Carrow Library under Brown (Crisp), Cubitt (Sir Wm.), Nicholls, Norwich and Lowestoft Navigation, and Phillips. N.B. — The idea was anticipated in 1656 ; see Index to the same Catalogue under Mathew, F. Omen, Death. Rye's History of Norfolk, 29 1. Open Air Hundred Courts — Norf. Arch. ix. 62. Otter Hunting. East. Co. CoU. 176. F 62 INDKX UERUM TO NORFOMC ANTIQUITIES. Pagreantry. The Pageantries of the Guild of St. George, Norwich, by W. 0. Ewiug — Proc. Arch. Inst. 1847. Norwich Corporation Pageantry, b}' Maiskett, 1850. Early English Pageants, by H. Uarrod — Norf. Arch. iii. 3. The Grocer's Play at Norwich— Norf. Arch. v. 8. In Norwich, temp. Eliz. — Rye's History of Norfolk, 70-75. Bygone Norfolk, 164. Painting's. r/V/c Mural Paintings and Paintings, sub Churches; and see Ai-t. See Index to First Ten Vols, of Norf. Arch. 108. Norfolk Collections of. See Index in Chambers' Norfolk Tour. Palimpsest Brass. Norf. Arch. xiv. 63. Panels, Alabaster. Sic Churches, suh Alabaster Panels. Parish Cows. East. Co. Coii. i. 4. Parish Account Books. East Anglian, iv. 277. Thistleton Dyer's Church Lore Gleanings, 1892, 267-9. Parish Clerks. Norf. and Norw. N. and Q., i. 276-8. Of iSwaffhani. Id. 45, 278. Parish Registers find churchwardens' Books. Surnames — East Anglian, i. 118 ; ii. 314 ; iii. 101 ; iv. 214. Extracts from— East Anglian i. 144, 175, 268, 305, 377, 379, 402; ii. 77, 106, 134, 188, 213, 306, 345 (2), 356, 364 ; iii. 34, 58, 167, 190, 250, 271, 279 ; iv. 42, 49, 54, 82, 126, 150, 176, 181, 257, 270, 284. Extracts from -Norf. Arch. i. 39, 97, 167, 357 ; ii. 65, 143. The lost Jtegister of Hprowston — East. Co. Coll. i. 14. Printed. Bircham Newton, by R. Hewlett and Walter Rye. Elmham, North, by the Rev. A. Legge. Marsham, by the Rev. A. T. Michell. Norwich (St. Miles at Plea), by the late Mr. Tallack (indexed by Walter Rye in MS.). Norwich, First Register of St. George Tombland, transcribed by G. B. Jay. Marriages (only) in Sixteen Parishes, published by Phillimore, 1899, without Index. Transckipts of (those marked P. are by the Rev. F. Procter, of \Vitton, and are deposited by him with the Norfolk and Norwich Archajological Society) . Antinghani, P. Beeston St. I^avvreuce Ashmanhaugh, P. Bradfield, P. Barton, P. Bruiistead, P. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 63 Parish Reg'isters {continued). Catfield, P. Cringleford, Tallack (Carrow Lib.). Crostwight, P. Dilham, P. East Ruston, P. Eccles, P. Felmingham, by H. T. Griffith Gimingham, P. Happisburgh, P. Hemsb}', P. Honing, P. Horsey, P. Ingham, P. Knapton, P. Lessinghara and Hempstead, P. Mundesley, P. Norwich, St. Gregory (Carrow Lib.). St. Julian ,, St. Saviour ,, St. Rlary in the Marsh (Norf. and Norw. Arch. Soc). Norwich, Sacrist's Reg. (Cathedral) Norf. and Norw. Arch. Soc. Palling with Waxham, P. Paston, by Mr. T. J. Cooper. Ridlington, P. Sco Ruston, P. Smallbiu-gh, H. T. G. Somerton, East and West, P. Sutton, P. Swafield, P. Swanton Abbot, P. Thorpe Market, P. Trunch, P. Walcot, P. Walsham, North, P. ,, South, St. Lawrence and St. Mary, P. Waxham, P. West wick, P. Winterton, P. Witton by Walsham, P. Worstead, P. Wood Bailing (Norf. and Norw. Arch. Society). Parks in Norfolk, 1581— Mason ii. 77- Enlarging, at New (r-) Houghton— Pat. Roll, 15th Rich. II. m. 35. Parson of Wortham, The Highwayman — East Anglian, iv. 137. Parsons, The lawlessness of the early — Rye's History of Norfolk, 181. Parsonage in M78, Very interesting description of — Paston Letters, iii. 231. Party Colours at Elections — E. a. i. 167. Paston Letters, l''ii"st issue by Fenn ; new edition, with excellent Indexes by Gairdner, 3 vols. Svo. 1875- A new edition now (1900) in press. Unpublished, in Frere collection — 7th Rep. Hist. Com. 5186. On authenticity of— Fortnightly Review, 1st Sept., 1865, by Herman Merivale. Defence of authenticity of— Notes and Queries, third aeries, viii. 496 ; East. Co. Coll. 79. Patens, Medlajval, in Norfolk— Norf. Arch. xii. 85 ; and see ix. 76, 95, 111 ; X. 395; and xiii. 233. F 2 64 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Patent RoIIS« Extracts relating to Norfolk entries in, by Peter le Neve — liye MSS. No. 13. Pavement. See Churches. Peasant Life, The old— Rye's History of Norfolk, 106, &c. Peddar'S Way. The Peddar's Way, by E. M. Beloe, 1896. Norf. Arch, viii. 17. Ford— Norf. Arch. x. 281. Pedigr^CCS. [For many Norfolk Ecclesiastical, Municipal, and Private Seals, too numerous to include here, see Birch's Catalogue of Seals in the Dep. of MSS. and in the British Museum, 3 vols., 1887]. Sigilla Antiqua Norfolciensa, by Jno. Ives, 12mo., 1772. [I have never seen this work, though I have constantly advertised for it. There is no copy in the Carrow Library, but the Norf. and Norw. Arch. Soc. have a copy]. Seals at Stow Bardolph, by the Rev. G. H. Dashwood, 2 vols. 4to., probably printed 1847. Exhibited at Arch. Inst, at Norwich, 1847 — Cat. of Proc. of Arch. Inst., 1847, xlvii. Collection of engravings and drawings of, principally Suffolk and Norfolk (nineteenth century, 4to.)— Addl. MSS. 21056. Brass, found in Norfolk — Arch. Assoc. Journal, Iv. 388. Found in Norfolk— /<;?. xii. 313. Kelating to Norfolk — Id. xxi. 14. Plate of three ancient — Norf. Arch. iii. 422. Norf. Arch. iv. 56. Drawings of seals in the Howard MS. vols. — Norf. Arch. viii. 45. N.B.— Many Norfolk Seals will be found in Birch's Brit. Mus. Seals, 1887. Catalogue of Norf. — Catalogue of Additions to British Museum, 1882-3, 323. Ashwicken, found at — Norf. Arch, v. 357. INDEX RERTJM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 77 S6S.IS (continued). Bigod. A notice of the Seal of Roger Bigod before he was Earl of Norfolk — Arch. sxi. 198. Seal of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk — Norf. Arch. iv. 92. The Counter Seal of Roger Bigod, fourth Earl of Norfolk — Norf. Arch. iv. 92. Binham. Bronze Seal found at Binham Priory — Norf. Arch. v. 361. Booton, found at — Norf. Arch. vii. 3-56. Breccles Deanery — Norf. Ai-ch. vii. 212. Burgh, Lady Eliz.— Norf. Arch. v. 302. Carrow, Seal of the Benedictine Nunnery at — Norf. Arch. i. 252 (with illustrations), also see Rye's History of Carrow. Castleacre, found at — Norf. Arch. vii. 356. Crabhouse, Prioress of— Norf. Arch. v. 268. Creake, North, Abbey — Norf. Arch. vii. 168. Cressingham, Impression of Seal of Hugh, son of William de, parson of Cressingham and Reymerston — Arch. xxv. 607. Diss, found at — Norf. Arch. ii. 398. Flegg Hundred. Seal of the— Norf. Arch. i. 368 ; vii. 3.56. Heigham — Norf. Arch. vii. 350. Hellesdon— Norf. Arch. ix. 368. Langley, Iron matrix of a Seal of the .Abbot of — Arch. xxv. 61, 617- Lynn, The common Seal of the White Friars (Carmelites) of — Norf. Arch. iv. 56. Marsham, Subsidy Seal at — Norf. Arch. iv. 237. Norfolk Archdeaconry, Seals of, 1389— Addl. MSS. 76, 46. Norwich, Ancient seal of the Bishoprick of — Arch. xxi. 546. Descriptive catalogue of the Seals of the Bishops of, by T. G. Bayfield— Norf. Arch. i. 305. Of the Officialty of the Cathedral Church — British Museum Seals, xlvi. 54. Account of a Seal of a Prior of the Austin Friars at — Arch. xiii. 401. Rushworth College— Norf. Arch. x. 312. Stratton, Long — Norf. Arch. ii. 407. Walsingham Priory, Seal of — Norf. Arch. vi. 293. Walsoken, Holy Trinity Hospital — Norf. Arch. viii. 130. Wendling Abbey, Seal of^Norf. Arch. viii. 175. Wigmore, Seal of Adam de, of Hockwold — East Anglian, iv. 96. Yarmouth, Black Friars — Norf. Arch. iii. 380. Sedilia.> See Churches. SepuIChra,! Urns found in Norfolk — Norf. Arch. Assoc. Journal, v. 154. Sir T. Browne's Hydriotaphia. SCQUeStered Parsons in I66O, List of— Mason's Norf. 417-8. G TS INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. SeQUeStratiOnS, 1644, Letters of Treasurers, &c., of, from J. Beadle, solicitor, for the Norfolk Committee of— Addl. MSS. 5508, fol. 17-19,31. Seven Deadly Sins at Catfield— Norf. Arch. i. 134. At Crostwight — Norf. Arch. ii. 3o2. Sexton's Wheel and the Lady Fast— Norf. Arch. ix. 201. SheriffSi Vicecomites Norfolciae, by Rev. G. H. Dashwood, 1843, 4to. (illustrated) . Corrected list of, 31st Rep. of Dep. Keeper, 313. List of, 1552-1664— Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib. 397, fol. 193A. ,, with arms, down to 1840 — Arch. Assoc. Journal, col. xxi. 7. Harl. MSS. 259, fos. 118, 446, 2122. See le Strange's Official Lists, and Mason's History, 530, &c. Of Norfolk (recent), MS. vol. of arms of— Norf. Arch. viii. 333. Arms of, by C. H. Athill — East Anglian, new series, i. 201. Accounts — 20th Rep. of Dep. Keep. 134. Shield, British, fovmd at Sutton— Norf. Arch. viii. 334. Shields. Ancient shields in the ceiling of south aisle of St. Nicholas Church, Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. ii. 149; iii. 71. Ship Goods. Ciistom8(?). Seizure of certain, said to be prohibited, 18th May, 1578 — Lansdowne MSS. 10, No. 39. Ship Money. Mason's History, 267, &c. Rye MSS. No. 9. Letters as to levying in Camb. — Univ. MSS. Index, iii. 39. Ships. Roll, being a certificate of the number of ships in the ports of Norfolk and Suffolk, 14th Edw. III.— Appendix 2 to 2nd Rep. of Dep. Keeper, 65). Agreement between Mr. Burnell and ]\Ir. Stile concerning the Register of Ships of Norfolk and Suffolk, 19th Nov., 1585— Lansdowne MSS. 143, No. 78. Letter of Owners of, to Lord Burghley, that the Surveyor of Cordage should have 4rf. per 100 for his fee (1593) — Lansdowne MSS. 75, No. 85. The charge of Ships of War in 1597— Rye MSS. No. 9. Shipwrecks. Letter from Earl Bothwell to Lord Burghley for redress for wrongs done to Scotch shipwrecked on Norfolk coasts (1590) — Lans- downe MSS. 63, No. 25 (? see 67, No. 10, controversy between Scotch merchants and Roger Windham). See Carrow Catalogue, sub voce Manby. Shrieking" Pits at Aylmerton— Norf. Arch. iii. 236. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 79 Shrines and Pilgrima.geS of the County of Norfolk— Norf. Arch, vi. 277. And Holy Wells— Norf. Arch. vi. 297 (?). Rye's Hist, of Norf. 172. Shuck DOgr. Norf. Arch. ii. 300 ; East. Co. Coll. i. 3 ; Notes and Queries, 2nd series, iv. 499. Rye's Hist, of Norf. 289. Sign Boards. East Anglian, iii. 67, 286 ; Hotten's Signs. Larwood's History of (originally pub. by Hotten). Skeletons found at Drayton— Norf. Arch. vi. 132. ,, Gooderstone — Norf. Arch. iii. 421. Skulls found at Norwich— Norf . Arch. viii. 330-1. ,, Tasburgh — Norf. and Norw. Notes and Queries, 266 et seq. Slab, Incised, at Drayton — Norf. Arch. vi. 136. ,, Elsing— Norf. Arch. vi. 205. ,, Norwich — Norf. Arch. iii. p. 418. Monumental at Buckenham Ferry — Norf. Arch. v. 365. Slype at Carrow Priory— Norf. Arch. ix. 222. SmOCkhOld. Woman's manorial tenure so called — Notes and Queries, fifth series, v. 429. Smoking" prohibited at Methwold, 1695— Notes and Queries, fourth series, vi. 384. SnorSe^ meaning of — East Anglian, iv. 48, 58. Societies. Norf. Top. Man., 37. Solemn League and Covenant, account of entry of in register book of South Walsham — Norf. Arch. i. 287 and East Anglian, i. 175. Solomon's lYIOnkeyj the saying of — Notes and Queries, fifth series, iii. 289. Songs. Fragments of local and rustic songs, E. S. T. — East Anglian, i. 125. Giles Jolterhead — East Anglian, ii. 67, 94. Harvest Songs and Toasts — East Anglian, iii. 263. Song of Solomon in Norfolk dialect (vide vocabulary). Sorcerer in Norwich in 1761 — East. Co. Coll. 188, and see Dr. Jessopp. Sorcery and Witchcraft — East. Co. Coll., 207 {see Spirits). Spa at Oulton— Blomefield's Norfolk, vi. 373. Chalybeate at Thetford {vide Norf. Top. Man., 61). ,, Cromer. a 2 80 INDEX RERTJM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Spa.niSh Arina,Cla, and preparations to resist {vide Musters). Spa,S in Norfolk — Norf. and Norw. Notes and Queries, i. l\i et seq. Norf. and Norw. Naturalists' Society's Transactions, iii. 318, 525, 789. Speai* Heads found at stoke Ferry— Norf. Arch. vii. 351. ,, ,, Thorpe hy Norwich — Norf. Arch. viii. 329. SpeCUlutTIi See Roman Antiquities. Spells. East. Co. Coll. 28-29, and see Dr. Jessopp. Spirits. Dealings with at St. Benet's— Top. Index, 490, and see Norf. Arch. i. 46, 59. Spoons. Grift of at Bawburgh to young married women — Notes and Queries, fourth series, i. 342. Apostle's — Norf. Arch. vi. i. SpOI*t. See Broads, Fishery, Hawking, &c.— Rye's History of Norfolk, 130; and Rye's Songs, &c., 121-149. Squire Letters. Rye's Hist., 87; Norf. Antiq. Misc., iii. 402-423. Stained Class in Bawburgh and Brockdish Churches, illvistrated by "Winter. In Norfolk, &c. Westlake, History of Design in Painted Glass, vol. iii. 1886, 92-93. Stalls. Hydriotaphia or Urn Burial, or a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk, by Sir Thomas Browne, M.D., 8vo. London, 1650. Anglo-Saxon, found at Earsham — Norf. Arch. vi. 154. Broome Heath — Norf. Arch. vi. 163. Buckenham — Norf. Arch. iv. 315. Burgh Castle — Norf. Arch. iii. 415. Caister by Yarmouth — Norf. Arch. iv. 352. Castleacre — Norf. Arch. v. 361. Drayton — Norf. Arch. ii. 364 ; iii. 416. Edingthorpe — Norf. Arch. iii. 427. Elmham, South — Norf. Arch. iv. 315. Found at Bergh Apton — Norf. Arch. v. 180. Found at Bradestone — East Anglian, i. 134. Found at Brampton in 1667, An account of some— Sir Thomas Browne's posthumous works, 8vo. London, 1712. Found at Ditchingham — Norf. Arch. \\. 186. Found in Market Place of Norwich — Norf. Ai-ch. iv. 360. Ilai'gham — Norf. Arch. vi. 380. Hedenham (Roman, at) — Norf. Arch. vi. 166. Heigham— Norf. Arch. vi. 386. Hempnall— Norf. Arch. iv. 364 ; v. 60. Horsey — Norf. Arch. iv. 355. Lyng — Norf. Arch. vi. 381. Marsham — Norf. Arch. iv. 418. Meyton Bridge— Norf. Arch. iii. 426. Rockland— Norf. Ai-ch. v. 183. Roughton— Norf. Arch. v. 267. Runcton— Norf. Arch. v. 266. Saham Tony — Norf. Arch. ii. 403. Salthouse Heath — Norf. Arch. iii. 236. Stow Bardolph — Norf. Arch. iii. 426. Thorpe Hamlet — Norf. Arch. vi. 385. Wainford Bridge (? Wayford) — Norf. Arch. vi. 152. Weston — Norf. Arch. iv. 357. Wiverton— Norf. Arch. v. 266. VagrabOndSy Letter from Walsingham as to erecting a House of Reformation for, at Acle — Norf. Arch. ii. 92. Valentine's Eve. The original Sketch of how it is kept in Norwich, by Mrs. S. S. Madders, Norwich, 12mo. n.d., included in Rambles in an Old City, 1853, 266-276. Day. Rhyme at Northrepps — East Anglian, new series, v. 214. Norf. Arch. ii. 294. VailSy Absolution of, in Norfolk in 1766— Ann. Reg. ix. 49. 86 INDEX REEUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. V^ne) Inscription on, at St. John Sepulchre, Norwich — Arch, xxiii. 411. VaSGj Roman, at Bui*gh Castle — Norf. Arch. iii. 415. ,, Geldeston— Norf. Arch. iv. 314. ,, Norwich — vi. 384. Vicarag"C at South Lynn, by J. N. Chadwick, 1851. Of Claxton— Norf. Arch., vi. 61. Vie^VS, Collection of, by D. Tm-ner. ,, by Smith. In the county of Norfolk, a series of, 10 plates, by Sir N. Buck, oblong foL, 1738 ; vide Norf. Top. Man. 24-5. Etchings of Views in Norfolk, ditto, 26. ,, ,, by Sargent, circa 1860— Addl. MSS. 31334. See Churches. Villa., Roman, at Ashill— Norf. Arch. viii. 225. Villagre Community, History of a [Methwold], by Rev. J. Gedge, 1893. Villein, Grant of, 8th Edw. III. — Norf. Arch. vi. 71. See Bondsman. Rye's Hist, of Norf. 106, &c. Vocabulary. Forby's Vocabulary, 2 vols., 8vo., 1830 : additions to Forby's Vocabulary of East Anglia — East Anglian, iv. 128, 156 (chiefly derivations from the Icelandic). Supplementary vols, by the Rev. W. T. Spurden, 1858. A Glossary of Words used in East Anglia, founded on that by Forby, by Walter Rye, English Dialect Soc, 1895 (pp. viii., &c., give other references) . An Etj'mological and Comparative Glossary of the Dialect of East Anglia, comprised by J. G. Nail, Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, 1866. Broad Norfolk, by A. C. Cozens-Hardy, reprint from Norwich Daily Press, 1893, and second edition, Jarrolds. Note on, by Icenus — Notes and Queries, first series, ii. 217. ,, by E. S. T[aylor] — Id., first series, 365. ,, by E. G. R. [Gillett of Runham] — Id., first series, vi. 326. ,, by W. R. Surbiton — Id., first series, vi. 400. The Compiling, by E. S. Taylor of Ormesby — East Anglian, i. 19. Promptorium Parvulorum, an Anglo-Latin Lexicon, compiled by Brother Geoffrey of Lynn about the year 1440, Harl. IMSS. 221 (printed by Pynson) ; also with Notes by Albert Way, 3 vols., Camden Soc. The Song of Solomon, in twenty-four English Dialects, 1858-61. Norfolk, by Rev. E. Gillett of Runham. Sea Words and Phrases along the Suffolk Coasts — East Anglian, iii. 347. Vol. iv. 109 contains some Yarmouth words by Edward Fitzgerald. Sea Slang, A Capful of — East Anglian, iv. 261, by Edward Fitzgerald. Words expressive of Locality — East Anglian, iv. 24, 43. Norfolk Words not in Forby's Vocabulary, by G. J. Chester — Norf. Arch. V. 188, by W. G. Waters, viii. 167. INDEX BERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 87 Vocabulary (continued). Words (East Anglian) — Notes and Queries, second series, xi. 63. Local Words, Notes on — Ditto, fourth series, i. 125. Norfolk, by Anne Gurney— Philos. Soc. Trans. 1855, p. 32. Volunteers, &C., Early— Mason's Norf. 457; Norf. and Norw. N. and Q., 57, 245, 316, 398. History of the 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, late East Norfolk Militia, by Col. Sir Chas. Harvey, London, 1899. Wages in Norfolk in 1430— Norf. Arch. iv. 362. Waits at Norwich. Norwich Corporation Pageantry, Muskett, 1850, p. 4, note. AVall, Roman, at Walsoken — Norf. Arch. viii. 124. Yarmouth Town — Norf. Arch. vi. 105. Norwich — Vide Norwich, Index Locorum, East. Co. Coll. i. 6. Walloon Church in Norwich— 6'ee Top. Index, 479, 481. See History of by W. J. C. Moens, 1888, 3 vols. WalpOle, Sii" Robt., A very fair collection of Works on, in Carrow Library— See Catalogue, 541-546. See Mason's Hist. 447. Rye's Hist. 99-101. Dorothy, Portraits, Death, and Ghost of — Norf. Arch. viii. 260. Rye's Songs, &c. War of 1779, Petition from Norfolk against — Ann. Reg. xxii. 130; and «e xxi. 85, 132 (?). AVatCh, Antique, in possession of Mrs. Holmes — Norf. Arch. vi. 1. Watches on the Norfolk Coast, 1291— Rye MSS. No. 9 ; see Beacons. Weather Predictions. Forby, ii. 416. Rye's Hist. 294. Weavers. See Worsted. Letters as to abuses in Trade of, 1621-2 — Tanner's MSS. Bodl. Lib. clxxvii. fol. 53, 54 ; cccxi. fol. 2, 3. See Wool, Worstead. Well} Norwich, St. Lawrence — Norf. Arch. x. 185. Walsingham— Norf. Arch. vi. 293; viii. 51. See Fuller's Our Lady of Walsingham, 1886. Wishing Wells at Walsingham — Forby, ii. 401. Holy Wells of Bawburgh, Taverham, and Cossey. Vide Dr. Husenbeth's Life of St. Walstan the Confessor. Whale^ Account of, killed near Lynn— 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 326. 88 INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Wherries. *'«« Broads. WhCrrymen mentioned in 1644 (?)— Mason's Norf. 303. Wheel Cross, Barningham — Norf. Arch. ix. 333. Of Fortune, Catfield— Norf. Arch. i. 137. Sexton's — Norf. Arch. ix. 201. WhifflerS, Norwich— Norf. Arch. iii. 365 ; Norwich Pageantry (Muskett, 1850). WhirlAVind near Norwich in 1806 — Ann. Reg. xlviii. 419. WiCkner, The oflace of — See Gimmingham, part i. WiClO^VhOOCl, The Mantle and Ring of, by H. Harrod — Arch. xl. Wills. Harl. MSS. 10, by Simon U'Ewes— Notes of Wills from the Norwich Registry. Norwich, 3 vols. fo. of shorthand notes, compiled by A. Norris, 1740-8, containing 1753 pp., all separately indexed — Rye's MSS. No. 10. These Indexes I have brought together with Indexes to the D'Ewes Wills in the British Museum (Harl. MS. 10) and the L'Estrange with notes (Rye MSS. No. 33, see post, containing about 80,000 references. L'Estrange's, collections for (about 3201 pp. fo.) — Rye MSS. No. 33 (for index of these see Norris A.). Extract from early Norfolk Wills, by Henry Harrod — Norf. Arch. i. HI, 255 ; V. 209. Extracts from early Wills in the Norwich Registers (Harrod) — Norf. Arch. iv. 317. Extract from Wills in the Muniment Room of Stow Bardolph — Norf. Arch. ii. 97. Extract from early Will of Sir John Fastolf — Norf. Arch. ii. 225. Extract from Will of Margaret Paston, 1481 — Norf. Arch. iii. 160. Extract from Will of Wm. Twayne, &c. — Norf. Arch. iv. 28 1 . Will of a married clergyman temp. Mary — East. Co. Coll. i. 89. Notes on — Notes and Queries, third series, ix. 473, 639 ; x. 19. Notes of all the interesting, from Register Heydon, 1370-83 — Norf. Ant. Misc., 170. Extract from— East Anglian, i. 157, 214 ; ii. 81, 210, 261. Various Norfolk, see General Index to First Ten Vols, of Norf. Arch., 152-6. Of Peter Peterson — Norf. Arch. xi. 259. Early English— East. Co. Coll. 135, 246, 269. WinnOld, St. The Winnold Fair near Downham— Hone's Everyday Book, ii. 283. Rhyme — Norf. and Norw. N. and Q. i. 300, 301. INDEX REBTJM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. ^9 Witchcraft. Circumstances to be considered in the cawse of Jonne Harveye. the mayde of Hockham, for scratching of an old witch there (Mother Frances) now deade, &c., temp. Jas. I.— Addl. MSS. 28233, 15. Narrative of the witchcraft of Mary, wife of Henry Smith, glover, of Norwich, &c., 4to., 1616. At Yarmouth— Norf. Arch. iv. 249. Fuh Wells. Petition relative to practice of— Addl. MSS. 5847, 340. Dr. Jessopp's Arcady, 1887, 95. East. Co. Coll., 207. Witches of Lynn— Norf. Tour, 613. How to find— East Anglian, iv. 280. Mother Gabley of Lynn— Norf. Arch. v. 87 ; and see ii. 306 ; i. 51 ; iv. 284. Woods, Her Majesty's— Spec. Com. Exch. 29th Eliz., No. 3076. Spoils in Her Majesty's— Spec. Com. Exch. 41st Eliz., No. 1619. 1620 : Eliz., No. 1641 ; and see 7th Jas. I., No. 4264. Timber from, to Deptford— Tanner's MSS. 8876, fol. 149 (1601^. WOOlCOmberS, Dispute between, at Norwich — Gent. Mag. xxii. 382. Wool. Petition of men of Norfolk and Suffolk that the Justices appointed to inquire concorning wool, &c., may hold their Sessions in the County for convenience of Inhabitants — No. 19. Woollen Cloths in Woodbridge, Orford, and Aldborough, Suffolk and Norfolk —Spec. Com. Exch. 31st Eliz., 3111. Draperies or Stuffs, As to subsidies demanded on new — Spec. Com. Exch. 6th Jas. I.. No. 4937, 4943. Clothiers. Proclamation Orders to be observed by Clothiers of Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex, 7th Feb., 1600-1— 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. Com. 51. Allegations on behalf of the worstead weavers — Id. Case of Lodowick (Stuart) Duke of Richmond against the weavers of Norwich and Norfolk, touching the patent of new draperies granted to Sir George Delves — Id. Wm. Fitz Williams, Esq., .3rd James I. — Id. Case of the Decree in the case between the Mayor and Commonalty of Norwich, &c.. against Dame Eliz. Cleere, 17th Feb., 1617— /rf. Woollen IVlanufaCture. Account or statistics of, 1687-8, obtained from officers of the aulnage and others at Norwich— Lansdowne MSS. 846, fo. 284. Worstead. Exchequer Deposition by Commission, 35th and 36th Chas. II. in suit of Attorney General v. Manning, as to subsidy and aulnage for woollen and worsted hose, refused. Trade. Petition of Sir J. Csesar and the other Commissioners from the JIayor, Aldermen, &c., of Norwich respecting the worstead weavers there, 31st January, 1618— Addl. MSS. 12504. Petition to Parliament as to, 6200-8833. 90 INDEX RERITM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Worthies of Norfolk. Mrs. Herbert Jones, 1898 ; and see Fuller's Worthies. Wren, The— Hill's Upton, Yai*e. Names of the Reaches between Breydon and Yarmouth — R.ve'a History of Norfolk, 281-2. Norf. and Norw. N. and Q. i. 160, 162. Yeoman Families of Norfolk — East Anglian, ii. 263; iii. 35. Zealand, Tnhalntants of, settled at Yarmouth v. Strangers. APPENDIX I. It may be convenient here to add a short reprint of my "Fifty Norfolk MSS.," from the large illustrated folio catalogue I printed privately some years ago, and which for purposes of reference is to he found in most public libraries. Since its publication the fiftj^ have been increased to a hundred, so I have added descriptions of the fifty additions. NORRIS IVISS. 1. An Alphabetical List of the Artns and Crests of the Gentry of the Coiinties of Norfolk and Suffolk, as well Ancient as Modern, in two parts. Collected from the best authors and most authentic MSS. 8yo., pp. 123. [No. 2 in the Frere Sale Catalogue on 31st July, 1888.] 2. A Copy made January, 1753, by James Sandcroft, of [i.a.) the last MS. 4to. [Bought at Gurney sale in 1884.] [Since printed by nie in 1886 under the title of " Three Norfolk Armories."] 3. History of the Hundreds of East and West Flegg, Happing, Tunstead, and part of North Erpingham, by Anthony Norris. 4 vols, folio, 1782. [No. 8 in the Frere Sale Catalogue, ut ante.] 4. Two vols, folio, containing 305 Pedigrrees of Norfolk Families, compiled by Anthony Norris of Barton, with an 8vo. Index of all persons named therein. There is an Index to persons and places in vol. i. 8vo. of Indexes (No. o of present catalogue). [No. 10 in Frere Sale Catalogue.] 5. Index (8vO.) to the last Collection. [Frere Catalogue, No. 10.] 6. A Collection of six vols, small 4to. ; the first three being lettered " Funeral Monuments, Norfolk," and the last three '• Appendix to Norfolk Monuments and Families," in all 2818 pp. [Frere Catalogue, No. 11.] 92 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQTTITTES . 7. (i.) Ancient Customs and Ceremonies, extracted from various authors, ancient and modern. For Index see No. 5, iii. (ii.) Arms in Houses, Ruings [sic) Buildings, &c., in the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich. (iii.) The Full Quarterings of Various Norfolk Families. (iv.) Some Additional Notes and Calendars. [Frere Catalogue, No. 12.] 8. (I.) Extracts from Ancient Norfolk Deeds, in five books folio (bound in one), containing 406 pp. of notes and 66 of Index. [Frere Catalogue, No. 13.] (ii.) Extracts from Carte's Published Gascon, Norman, and French Rolls. [Frere Catalogue, No. 13.] 9. IVIiSCellaneOUS Papers, 2 vols, folio. [Frere Catalogue, No. lo.] 10. Extracts from the Registers and Will Boolcs preserved at Norwich. [Frere Catalogue, No. 16.] 1763 pp. bound in 3 vols. Collected by Mr. Norri.s between 1740 and 1748. Nearly 80,000 references to names. [Indexed by me with the L'Estrange and D'Ewes Wills, in one vol., see No. 90.]. 11. "A Glossary or Dictionary explaining- the Obsolete and Ancient Words used by our Old English Writers, with reference to examples where they occur," drawn up by Anthony Norris, Esq., vol. ii. [Frere Catalogue, No. 17-] 12. Three vols. 8vo. of IVliscellaneous Collections. [Frere Catalogue, No. 18.] 13. Extracts relating to Norfolk from Patent Rolls, .John to James I., but chiefly of the reigns of Henry YIII., Edward VI., Philip and Mary, and Elilabeth. By Peter I^e Neve. [Frere Catalogue, No. 19.] 14. A Calendar of the Feet of Fines for Norfolk from John to Edward II. Folio, pp. 297. 15. (i.) [The Arms in] Sir Edward Bysshe's Visita- tion of NorfoUc, made lG(i4, 16th Cbas. II., "transcribed by Peter Le Neve, Esq., 1698, to which are added queries upon reading over his said Visitation in the Herald's Visitation in the Herald's Office, made by S' Edward Bysshe, by Peter Le Neve, Esq." [Pp. 20, with index of arms, about 320 coats.] (ii.) Queries as above, a line or two each as to 333 families. (iii.) Alphabetical List of Disclaimers. (iv.) [The Arms in] Sir Edward Bysshe's Visitation of Suffolk, made 1664, "transcribed by order of Peter Le Neve, Esq., and corrected by him." [Pp. 23, with index of names.] INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTiaUITIES. 93 (v.) Coloured Plate of Twenty Shields of the Arms and Alliances of the Dandy Family, from a farm-house at Finningham, Suffolk. (vi.) Fifteen Arms [Rouse and others] in trick, from a i\IS. book in the hands of Sir John Playter of Sotterlej', Suffolk. (vii.) Twelve [originally sixteen, then fourteen, now twelve only] Vellum Drawings in colour of Arms and Impalements of Clere [including the forged coats referred to in my article "Clere" in "Doubtful Norfolk Pedigrees "]. (viii.) Fifty-two Coats of Arms in a bow-window in the Library of John Fenn, Esq., at Dereham, built in 1770. [Frere Catalogue, No. 25.] 16. "Collections from the Records in the Tower (Charter Rolls and Escheats), from King John's Reign to that of Hichard III., inclusive of matter relating to the County of Norfolk." [Frere Catalogue, No. 25.] 17. I., II., III., IV., and V. Five vols, in 4to. of rough Collections of Chmx-h Notes, by Thomas Martin and others. Drawings of arms, monuments, &c., unpaged and unindexed, but arranged as to the first four in alphabetical order. The last volume is one of miscellaneous collections by Martin and others for Suffolk, and some for Middlesex. [Frere Catalogue, No. 28.] VI. and VII., two vols, folio collections. [End of Norkis MSS.]. 18. "Acta Norvicensia." Two vols, small 4to. An account, partly in English and partly in Latin, of occurrences, political and local, in Norwich, between 1719 and 1729. 19. The Survey Book of the four Wig^grenhalls [Marshland], made in 1707, with Emerson's Survey of the same in 1658, and the Survey made in 1619. Pp. 169, 8vo. 20. Volume containing- (i.) The Way of Duells before the King, 8 pp. 8vo. ; (ii.) The .Arguments exhibited by the L^rd Keeper, Sir Nicolas Bacon, in Parliament, proving that noblemen's persons were attachable of a contempt of the Court of Chancery ; (iii.) Speech of Sir Francis Bacon on the appointment of Sir William Jones as Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland ; (iv.) Speech of the I^ord Coventry, to the Lord Chief Justice Finch at the time of his installation in the Court of Common Pleas. 21. Catalogue of the IVISS. at Holkham, copied from that made in 1773 (copied from a transcript among the Duke of Sussex's MSS.), sold at Evans', Aug. 1844, lot 191. H 94 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 22. (i.) A volume of Norfolk Pedig-recs, folio, pp. 86, compiled by Peter Le Neve, with the Arms in colours and an iudex of Names [from the Libraries of T. Martin and Sir G. C. Young], (ii.) A copy (made 1680) of a Roll of Arms, temp. Edward I., in the hands of Sir Philip Woodhouse, containing 1153 coats, arranged in counties. 23. The orig-inal Act Book of the Consistory Court of Norwich, 1720-1729, by Thomas Tanner, S.T.P. 448 pp. folio. 24. Pedig-rees of Norfolk Families, by A. W. IVIorant, F.8.A., Norwich, 1870. Oblong elephant fo. 25. "The Gawdy Papers" (from the collections of Le Neve and of the late 1). Gurney). These consist of 3276 original letters, dating from 1509, bound in 17 vols, folio, relating to the families of Gawdy, Knyvett, Hobart, Holland, Rous, Davy, and Le Neve ; forming a continuation of the Paston Letters. [The Gawdy and Le Neve Letters have been calendared and printed ; the Knyvet and Hare Calendars are Nos. 72 and 73 of this collection]. [The original MSS. are now in the British Museum among the Egerton MSS. 26. Portion of a parchment Enrolment Reg'ister, containing deeds, chiefly leases, relating to Church property in Norfolk and Suffolk. 27. Parchment Volume containingr full Transcript of the Inspeximus Charter of 21st April, 22nd Charles II., of the Estates of the Howards, Dukes of Norfolk. 39 pp. 28. Paper Volume, containing- (i.) a paper copy of the last-named volume, endorsed "a co. of the orig' and o"^ gfts and confims of the Castles, Honours, tdships, and li'Bties of His Grace the D. of N. in com. Norf., Suff., Surr., Susses, Essex, &c." ; (ii.) Rental of the Suits, Fines, Leet Fees, and Blanchfarm Rents due to the Lord of the Hundred of Guiltcrosse at Michaelmas, 1685 (Duke of Norfolk) ; ditto, Freebridge and Marshland ; ditto, Gallow. 29. Transcript of so much of the orig-inal Calendars of Norfolk Feet of Fines in Lansdowne MSS. 306-8 as covers the reign of Edward III. 74 pp., with Indexes of names and places. 30. Roug-h Calendars to the Feet of Fines for Norfolk, from Henry VII. to 1760, with Indexes of names. 5 vols, folio, by W. Rye. The earlier calendars from Richard I. have been printed by me. 31. A Collection of Original Documents relating- to the Carpenters' Company of Norwich. [From the Towneley library.] INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 95 32. The Rev. F. Blomcfield's Original Entry Book for his History of Norfolk : traiisci'ipts oi letters showing how he got his material together, lists of subscribers, memoranda of expenses, &c. Folio, 1733-C), pp. 187. [From Dawson Turner's library.] 33. The L'Estrang-e IVISS., being- great part of the Collections of the late John I/Estrange. Folio, vols. i. to iv., 3201 pages, Extracts from Wills relating to Norfolk and Norwich ; vol. v., Extracts from the Deposition and Commission Books, &c. ; vol. vi., Transcript of Freemen's Roll of Norwich, 1317-1603; vol. vii., Norwich City Records; vol. viii.. Transcripts and Extracts, Norwich Churchwardens' Books : vol. ix.. Various Topographical Collections. (Index to the Wills, see No. 90). Also see No. 81. 34. IViS. Transcript of the Freemen's Roll of Norwich, from 1st Edward VI. to 1710, made by Mr. T. H. T.'illack, containing references to over 7000 names. [This is a continuation of the earlier Freemen's Roll printed by me.] 35. Transcript of the Poll Book for Norwich for 1710, transcribed by ilr. James Reeve of Norwich. [.MS. Index, see No. 91.] 36. An Index to the Norwich Poll Book of 1734, containing references to about 4300 names. [Index No. 91.] 37. An Index to the Norfolk ditto of 1734, con- taining i-eferences to about 5000 names. [Index No. 91.] 38. Friar Brackley's Armorial IVIS. A paper volume of 142 square pages, with seventy -five coloured drawings of arms of the Pastons and Mautbys and their matches. Its date is about 1460. [Printed in Norf. Antiq. Misc., vol. iii. pp. 424-438.] 39. Original Court Rolls of the IVIanor of Frecthorpe, from 1st to 31st Eliz. See No. 41. 40. Original Court Rolls and Deeds relating to the Manor of Whissonsett, from the Carthew collection. 41. Notes from the Court Rolls of North Walsham (12th James I. to 16G5) ; Burnham (2-5th Edward I. to 1683) ; Thurgarton (5th Richard II. to 6th James I.); Freethorpe (1st to Slst Eliz.); with Indexes Rerum, Locorum, and Nominum, and clas.sified List of Field Names. 42. Analysis of the Court Rolls of the IVIanor of Shipdham, from loth Henry VII. to 6th Philip and Mary, with Indexes. Compiled by Mr. F. Lewis. 43. Collections by the late G. A. Carthew, of recent Deeds relating to Norfolk. From the Carthew Collection. H 2 96 INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 44. Monumental Inscriptions in all the Ciiurches and Churchyards in the Hundred of Tunstead, by W. Rye. [Now printed.] 45. A Siiort Calendar of the Feet of Fines for the County of Cambridge from Richard 1. to Richard III., by W. Rye. Printed for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. 46. Ditto, for Suffolk. [Now in press.] 47. IVIS. Indexes to martin's Thetford, Norfolk Topographers' Manual, Kirkpatrick's Religious Houses, Dashwood's Seals at .Stow liardolph, Blyth's Fincham, Russell's Rett's Rebellion, Norfolk Lists. [Bound up with my copies of the various works.] Various Norfolk Pedigree Collections in boxes, i.a., Haeon, Beaufoy, Cubitt, Gibbs, FryTille, and Tony. 48. IVIS. Indexto Articles and References concerning- Norfolk Pedigrees. [Since printed.] 49. IVIS. Index Rerum to all Published Articles on Norfolk Antiquities, to very many MS. sources, and to the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Archajological Society. Now printed in the pages preceding. 50. MS. Index Nominum to all Norfolk Inquisitions Po.st Mortem and E.scheats. [Since printed in Part II. of this work.] 51. Notes on the Churches in the Hundred of Smithdon (by the liev. S. C. E. Neville-Rolfe !") about 1842. Contains notes of arms, some archaeological sketches, measurements of churches, and very short notes of monuments. 4to., pp. 81. 52. Monumental Inscriptions in many of the Churches and Churchyards of South Erpingham, by W. N. Dew (pp. 1 to 142), viz. :— Aldby, 1. Erpingham, 43. Oulton, 102. Baconsthoipe, 8. Heydon, 61. Saxthorpe, 115. ISarningham, 26. Ingworth, 82. Thwaite, 125. Beckham, W., 34. Itteringham, 88. Wolterton, 141. Corpusty, 39. Mannington, 99. By the Rev. J. H. Bcevor : — Hevingham, p. 143. By the Rev. A. L. Michell :— Brampton, p. 166. Lammas, p. 175. By W. N. Dew :— Church of Great Yarmouth, p. 181. Closed JewLsh Cemetery at Yarmouth. Also 265 inscriptions now covered (from D. Turner). [All the above indexed by W. Rye.] INDEX KERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 97 53. Court Books of the Wanor of Foulsham. (1) 40th Eliz. to 17th James I. (1598-1612). (2) 16th James I. to 21st James I. (1620-1624). (3) 9th Charles I. to 18th Charles I. (1634-1642). (4) 19th Charles I. to (1643-1661). N.B.— No. 1 includes Themelthorpe, 40th Eliz. to 22nd James I. 54. Court Book of Themelthorpe, 40th Eliz.— 22ncl James I. See above. Court Book of Themelthorpe, 7th Chas. I. to 1632. (5) ,, ,, 1632 to 1633. (6) ,, ,, 1733 to 1765. 55. Court Book of Luton's IVIanor (in Guist?). (1) „ .„ „ 1645-1669. (2) „ „ „ 1645-1665. 56. Court Books of Barney IVIanor. (1) „ „ M 1610-1618. (2) „ „ ., 1623-1635. (3) ^ „ „ Eental of ditto, 1733-1751. (4) ',' „ „ 1744-1733. 57. Book containing Hilmorton Common Rights and Lands held in Common Fields (in furlongs). 58. Court Book of IVIeiton Constable with Brining- ham Bacons, 1628-34. 59. Book of Quit Rents of IVIeiton Constable and Melton Astley, 1741-60. N.B. — The last sixteen documents (53-59) were bought by me at a sale of a portion of the library of the Right Hon. Lord Hastings at Christie's, 9th May, 1893, where they were lot 223 and erroneously described as fourteen documents. 60. Toft Monks, Collection for History of, &c., 8vo. pp. 156 (1808). 61. Co. Diary of Thomas Rugg, I66I (?). (Original in the Addl. liISS.)- 62. Rentals of IVIanor of matlaske, 1777- 18 14. 63. Collections of Norfolk Records, by Peter Le Neve, indexed by Anthony Norris. (1) Notes from the Pipe Rolls of Norfolk and Suffolk ("5 Stephen, but truely 18 Henry I.") 3rd John, 1st Richard I., Ist John, 3rd John, 2nd Henry III., and 56th Henry III. H 3 98 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. (2) Notes from Pleas at Westminster, Michaelmas, 6tli Rich. I. Do. for John. (3) Placita de Juratis et Assisis, 34th and 41st Hen. III. (4) Crown Pleas, 34th, 4l8t, and 52nd Hen. III. (5) Pleas and Assize Rolls, Hen. III. (6) De Banco Rolls, 1 to 18 Edw. I. (7) Crown Pleas, 14th Edw. I., and various others. (8) Plac. de Jur' et Ass' 14th Edw. I., &c. (9) De Banco, 2oth to 28th Edw. I. (10) Placita Coram Concilio I., 36th Edw. I. (11) Coram Reg. 1st to 19th Edw. II. (12) „ 1st to 49th Edw. III. (13) ,, Ist to 20th Rich. II. (14) „ 1st Hen. IV., 12th Hen. IV. 64. Notes of some (6 pp.) Fines for Norfolk, by Peter Le Neve. 65. Fines of clivers Counties, John and Henry III., by Peter Le Neve, fo. 45. 66. Fines for Norfolk, Henry VIII., by Peter Le Neve, Indexes by Norris. 67. Fines for Norfolk, Henry VIII., and some for Edw. VI. and Phil, and Mary (these seem selections only). Indexes by Norris. 68. Fines, Eliz. and James. Indexes by Norris. 69. Fines, Norfolk, Edw. III. to Edw. IV. Le Neve, fo. pp. 298. Indexes by Norris. 70. Starling's Pedigrees, 1689. Large folio pedi- grees [Phillipps MSS. 11206] with Index. [Recently re-indexed as to pedigrees by me]. 71. Transcript of Life of John Seeker, born at Swafield, 1716, p. 257, 4to. 72. IVIS. Calendar of the Knyvet Letters, forming part of the Gawdy Letters, by F. Rye, p. 363, folio, unindexed. 73. WIS. Calendar of the Hare Letters, p. 265, 4to. Indexed by Walter Rye. [These two Calendars, with those of the Gawdy and Le Neve MSS. already published, practically complete the "Gawdy MSS.," a few Hobart Letters only not being done.] INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 99 74. "Compotus Prioratus de Bokenham," 19th Edw. IV. to 9th Hen. VII. (1479 to 1493). " Compotus Johannis Bokkyng Receptoris Tarrarum nuper Ducesse Norfolcie in Kenynghale and aliis villis." Expenses of Household at Keninghale, anno 17th Hen. VIII. (1525). A copy of the Feodary Book for part of Norfolk, 31st Edw. I. (1303). [From library of Tho. Martin, with his signature. Bought at Frere Sale in 1896.] 75. Tilney— Inquisitions as to sewers, &c. 76. Transcript of the Norfolk Domesday, by Anthony Norris, fo. pp. 298, with Indexes Locorum et Virorum, by Kirkpatrick . 77. Copies of Documents relating- to the Civil War and other matters in Norfolk, from 1626 to 1660. [From Sir John Hare's Collection.] 78. Feodary Book for Norfolk, 20th Edw. III. (original). [Phillipps MSS. 23152.] 79. Cromer IVIanor Rolls (fragment only). 80. Hickling Broad— Collections as to Fishery and Sailing Rights. 81. L'Estrange lYlSS., lots 8, 9, and I O— Lecture on Places, Roodscreens, Church Goods {see No. 33). 82. Roll containing the Articles of the Ringers of Norwich, 22nd Dec, 1710, with paintings of St. Peter Mancroft, &c. 83. Declaration of Freeholders and others of Norfolk at a meeting held 2oth Oct., 1819, "to take into consideration the transactions which occurred at Manchester on the 16th Aug." Signed by Lords Suffield, Cholmondeley, Orford, Wodehouse, and by many other important residents. 84. An Alphabetical Index of Law matters, chiefly such as concern Justices of the Peace, &c., collected by Anthony Norris, Esq. 85. (I) Index to Extracts from the Institution Books of the Diocese of Norwich. (2) Index of Patrons to Harrison's Diocese of Norwich. (3) Index to Return of Lords of Manors in Norfolk and Suffolk in 1318, 9th Edward II. Index to Return of Norfolk Gentry, 1433. Contained in a folio volume of Miscellaneous Norfolk Papers, vol. ii. (4) Index to the Taxations. 100 INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 86. (I) Miscellaneous Extracts from Tanner's two MS. volumes relating to Norfolk and Suffolk, with an index. (2) Extracts from various printed works. (3) Arms and Crests relative to Norfolk families, with an Index. (4) Gibbon's Collection of a Roll of the Arms of Suffolk Knights and Gentry. (5) Alphabetical List of Livings in the Diocese of Norwich, with their Patrons in 1200, 1300, 1400, &c. (6) Corrections and additions to Blomefield's Norfolk, vols, i., ii., and iii. 87. An Account of Domesday Book. Extracts from Rymer's Foedera, with Indexes by Norris. Rules relating to his Calendar, with Lists of Saints, &c. Indexed by Norris. 88. North Walsham Court Roll ) I fragments. 89. Harlingr Court Roll ) 90. MS. Index to the Wills mentioned in Norris, {see No. 10, L'Estrange No. 33, and D'Ewes Harl. MS. 10)— in all about 80,000 references. 91. Vol. of type-written Indexes to various Norfolk books and MSS. not indexed before. 92. Vol. of Indexes to various Norfolk v\/orks, taken from the works themselves and bound together for convenience of reference. 93. Two vols. fo. of MS. Precedents, chiefly of deeds relating to the county and {i.a.) of Wroxham Estate, not claiming any special fishery rights. 94. Transcript of Register of Sizeland (1584- 1 806). 95. Short Calendar of the Recoveries for Norfolk, 1600-1800 (by M. Muriel Rye). Index in progress. 96. Two vols. 4to. of orig-inal Genealog'ical Collec- tions, by the late Lieut. -Col. Robert John Harvey of Thorpe (1816), with many curious notes as to origin of recent families. 97. Collections as to Chaucer's connection with Norfolk. 98. Thirty-nine fo. book boxes containing- very many thousand prints, drawings, maps, and photographs relating to the county of Norfolk, collected by Mr. J. Smith, 212, Regent Street, London. 99. lOO. Two vols, of fo. Index to ditto. APPENDIX II. Some suggestions as to searching the MS. mentioned in Appendix I. and other sources of information. Genealogists will find it convenient to consult the MSS. in something like the following order : — As the time I can give visitors is necessarilj' short, anyone wanting to make a long or comprehensive search must kindly do so through some Record Agent known to me, with whom I can arrange as to hours of attendance. It is impossible for me to say what this will cost, but a general search for references only [not extracts) through the Indexes for any not too common name would probablj^ come to about £1. Is. Qd. I do not and cannot undertake the searches myself. I greatly regret that I cannot promise to make gratuitous searches for unknown correspondents, though on receipt of a stamped envelope I will answer any short specific reasonable query. f t As an example of wwreasonable queries I may say that one American sent me Ss. in stamps, and said he wanted all the Norwich Churches searched for about 20 years for a baptism, a commission I declined with thanks. General Collections. Blomefield's Norfolk with Chadwick's index. Rye's Index to Norfolk Pedigrees (noted copy). tEast Anglian (old and new series). Some recent vols, unindexed and therefore valueless. tEastern Counties Collectanea. Norfolk and Norwich Remembrancer i , ^ , , „,. Norfolk Lists (Ewing's) ) ^^^- ^^'^^''^^ ^^ W. Rye. L'Estrange's Norfolk Lists (excellent Indexes by Author). Feet of Fines, &C. Rich. I.— Rich. III. Printed Calendar and Index. Hen. VIII. to 1760. MS. Index by W. Rye. See No. 30. (N.B. — Le Neve's Notes, Rye MS. 65-69, give more details and will often save one a journey to the Record Office). ^^? INDEX EERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. rJC^COverieS.' MS. notes by M. M. Rye, 1600-1800. See No. 95. Deeds. Norris Collection of Norfolk Deeds, by W. Rye. Indexes. Bodleian Charters, printed (bad Indexes) . Ancient Charters in Public Rec. Off., printed— Indexed. Wills. D'Ewes' Collection from Norfolk— Harl. MS. 10. \ Norris , ( MS. Index by W. Rye. L'Estrange „ .',' \\ " j *^ No. 90. Many Wills (Norfolk) in the Calendar of Wills at Somerset House, by Mr. J. C. Smith, and the City of London Wills— contain many Norfolk Wills (printed Calendar) . Chancery Proceeding's. 4 vols, printed, temp. Eiiz. New Calendar, 1558-1579 (MS. Index of Norfolk matter, by W. Rye). See also Calendars of Suits printed for the Index Society. Court Rolls. Cressingham — printed with good Index. Burnham, Shipdham, f ^ Thurgarton ( Collections from. Indexed by W. Rye. Walsham, N., ^ Foulsham. j Themilthorne I ^^^^ MSS. Nos. 53 and 54, and see 55, 56, 58, and 62. PedigrreeS. Norris Collection. 2 vols. fo. Rye MS. No. 4. Indexed by W. Rye. Ed. No. 5. Starling's Collection. MSS. 1689 (large fo. pp. 313), Rye MSS. No. 70. Morant ,, Modern, elephant fo.. No. 24. No Indexes. Heraldic Visitations. 1589, part of, printed by N. & N.A.S., 2 vols. Ditto, printed for Harl. Soc, by W. Rye. 1603, List only, by Athill. Armorial Bearing's. Three Norf. Armories, and also extra noted-up copy, by W. Rye. Church Heraldry, by Farrer. Dashwood's Seals at Stow Bardolph. Index by W. Rye. No. 92. Monumental Inscriptions, ah in all churches and churchyards in / N. Erpingham \ Hundreds of \ Holt / printed by or for W. Rye, with Indexes. ' Happing •' Part of S. Erpingham (17 parishes) —MS. Indexed by W. R. See No. 52. Yarmouth. D. Turner's Sepulchral Remains. Le Neve's Monumentu Anglicana. INDEX RERUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. 103 Poll Books. Norfolk, 1714 ) 1734 Indexes by W. Rye. 1768* Norwich, 1710 \ 1734 „ „ „ 1768 ) [Complete series of all the Norfolk and Norwich Poll Books are in the Library, but are unindexed] . Norwich Freemen Roll. From 1317 to I6O8. Printed. „ Elizabeth to 1710. MS. Index. Rye MS. No. 34. Parish Reg'iSterS. See List on pp. 62 and 63. Various (16) Marriage Registers (MS. extracts), Norris, and see Sizeland, p. 94. Marriage Registers in sixteen Norfolk Parishes, published by Phillimore, but absolutely unindexed, and so practically useless. Church Notes. Martin, Norris. &e Nos. 6 and 17. Various Norfolk Works. Norf. Antiq. Miscellany, 3 vols. Parochial Histories by Anthony Norris ; Tunstead, Happing, Fleggs, and part N. Erpingham (No. 3) ; Rye's N. Erpingham ; Launditch, by Carthew. Norf. Top. Man. (Indexed by W. R.). Paston Letters by Gairdner, to 1509, 3 vols. 8vo., excellent Index. Gawdy MSS., 1670-1743. Letters printed by W. R. Le Neve MSS. from lo09-167o. Knyvett Letters, pp. 363, fo. (Rye MS. No. 72) (indexed), 1674 to 1708. Hare Letters, 1591-1738, pp. 265, 4to. (Rye MSS. No. 73). Indexed. Historical MSS. Com. Repts., the Norfolk vols, and parts are Sir T. B. Barrett-Lennard, 13th Report, Appendix IV. Earl of Bucks (Hobart), 14th Rep., Appendix IX. Sir W. Folkes, 3rd, p. 347. G. F. Frere, Esq., 7th, p. 518. Gawdy MSS., 10th, Appendix XI. J. H. Gurney, Esq., 12th, p. 9. R. W. Ketton, Esq. [Wyndham MSS.]. 12th, p. 9. H. le Strange, Esq., 11th, Appendix VII. Marquis of Lothian [Blickling], 1st, p. 14. Lynn Regis Corporation, 11th, part iii. Norwich— Bishops, Dean and Chapter, and Corporation, 1st, p. 86. Tfiwn.shend, Marquis of, 11th, p. 4. Yarmouth Corporation, 9th, p. 299. 104 INDEX REUUM TO NORFOLK ANTIQUITIES. Various Norfolk Works {continued). Carrow f — Nunnery, History of, by W. R. Cawston History of, by W. R. ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ (Jromer, Kye. | Fincham — Blyth. Rett's Rebellion. Religious Orders. Stow Bardolph, Seals at. [-MS. Indexes by W. R. Thetford— Martin's. W. Winch. The following printed books have more or less interest as to the County, but are faultily indexed : — Mason's Norf., «o index. Attleboro' (Barrett). Bacton (Green). Fincham (Blyth). Lynn (Mackerell). Yarmouth (Palmer). For unpublished MS. collections, see pref. to Index to Norf. Top. TOPOGRAPHICAL SEARCHERS. Rye's Index to Norfolk Topography and Appendix. [This gives references to all books and articles about Norfolk places which have been printed, and to many MS. sources]. The following works should also be consulted : — Kerrich's MS. Notes on the Architecture of Norfolk Churches. Calendar of Court Rolls preserved in P.R.O. Notes on Churches in Smithdon Hundred (Rye MS. No. 5). Paston Letters. Also all those works mentioned in the list of Genealogical Works to which I have prefixed a f, and of course all the various printed works mentioned in my Records and Record Searching, ed. Allen & Co. + It is very singular that the names of the only three places with which I have dealt with separately, should all begin with " C." AOAS H. UOOKE, PRIKTER, RAMPANT HORSE STREET, NORWICH. FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ___^Aiiu!M]2— \A>^'^ — (VjAR2'^1S5BL^ WE^84aB^Myg2i ^-^5l* v/^ marT^rt ^> EEC. CIS. -- ^ ' 1 LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley M88i43 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY 'aWJfS'' •I