UC-NRLF 3 nM AST Ontario Library Association, Catalogue of Children's Boohs recommended for Public Libraries. Alphabetically arranged by Authors, giving title, publisher and price. Compiled by NORMA.N GURD. B.C.L., President O.L.A.. c. A. ro>ve:, BrocKville Public I^ibrary. EFFIE A. SCHMITT. Berlin Public Library. 1906. TORONTO: Printed and Published by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King's Host Excellent Majesty. 1906. CAT. FOH Ontario Library Association ICatalogue of Children's Books recommended for Public Libraries. Alphabetically arranged by Authors, giving title, publisher and price. Compiled by NORMA.N GURD, B.C.I.., President O.L-.A. C. A. RCWE, BrocKville Public Library*. £FFI£ A. SCHMITT. Berlin Public Library* 1900. WARWICK BRO-S & RUTTER, Lumted Printers TORONTO CHILDREN'S BOOKS. This list has been prepared for Ontario Libraries by a Committee ot The Ontario Library Association. It is intended as a g^uide for Librarians and Library Boards in the selection of books for children. The name of the Author, title of the book, name of the pub- lisher, and retail price, are g-iven. Library Boards should be allowed a discount from the retail prices. The aim of the Committee has been to recommend such books as shall " cultivate the imag-ination, broaden the horizon, and add to the stock of knowledge of the child." The children's section should include good stories, history, biography, travel, science, poetry, and, in fact, books in every department of literature. The child- ren's section is probably the most important in the library. It is a training school for readers. The aim of every librarian is, or should be, to foster amongst the patrons of the library a taste for good literature. Little can be done, however, with the confirmed reader of fiction, but the child who is just beginning to form his taste for reading may be led along the lines of natural inclination to an appre- ciation of the best in literature. The child reading nothing bat stories of adventure may be induced to take out an interesting book of travel. Fairy tales are eagerly read by children, and their educational value is now fully recognized. A child who is fond of fairy tales may be introduced to the Greek, Roman and Scandinavian mythologies, without which no one can fully understand the literature of to-day. The child who is interested in the fabled heroes of m3'th and legend may easily be led to take an interest in the real heroes of history, especially the great men who founded our country and our Empire. Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome is an excellent first book ot poetry for boys, so also is the Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, as narrative poetry appeals especially to the child. Poems, such as have been mentioned, may be made first rungs in the ladder until the child, step by step, comes to appreciate the works of the world poets. Most children are fond of Nature books, and the well equipped children's library should contain a good selection of books on natural history. Stories of invention and elementary science books will be found of interest to many juv^enile readers. The English classics and good translations of foreign classics should find place upon the children's shelves. It may be that compara- tively few children can be found who appreciate them, but they should be there for those who do. It is advisable to procure handsome illustrated editions of such books, so that they may be as attractive as possible, and the librarian should take special pains to increase their circulation. A child brought into contact with what is best in literature may develop a special taste which may indicate what should be his life-work. The library should contain a large number of good stories. These will attract the child co the library, and an opportunity is then given to the librarian to recom- mend better reading. The library must meet the competition of the dime novel and the sensational stor}' paper, and for this purpose nothing is more effective than the sound whole- some fiction ot Henty, Strang or Macdonald Oxley. The librarian should not attempt to force any book on a child. He should take an interest in each child and endeavor to ascertain the child's taste, so that he may tactfully influence the reading of the child for good by easy steps. Frequent additions should be made to the children's section. This is a much better plan than that of making additions only yearly or halt yearly Children are much more interested in the library where (3) 278 new books, even if only a few, are added every month, than where a number are put in at the end of the year. It is most important that books which deal with historical questions should be soundly patriotic in tone. There are many child- ren's books published in the United States which, excellent as they may be for American children, should find no place on the shelves of Canadian libraries. While the Committee has included desirable books by foreign authors, taking what is good wherever found, care has been taken that no book which would tend to weaken the child's patriotism should be found upon this list, and on the other hand, many books inculcating the love of country have been included in the catalogue. The librarian should seek the co-operation of the parent and the teacher in directing the reading of the child. Many of the books in this list will be found of value to the teacher in prescribing supplementary reading for his pupils, and it should be the endeavor of the librarian to keep the teacher in close touch with the library's work for children. This list has not been graded according to the age of the child. All such grading is arbitrary . What is best for a child at a certain age depends on the individuality of the child, and of this the librarian or the teacher is the best judge, having, of course, due regard to the child's own inclination . One objection to graded lists is that the class is made the unit instead of the child. Many children are able to read and appreciate books far beyond the capacity of some of the adult readers. Where statistics have been obtained as to the circulation of books among children, it is found that books considered as quite beyond the comprehension of the ordinary child have a very considerable circulation among children. It follows, also, from what has been said that the library should have no age limit, but that any child, no matter how young, desiring a book, should have the privileges of the library. Where possible the Library Board should provide a special room for children, separate from the general stackroom where children's books can be placed by themselves. Where this is not possible, a section of the stackroom should be set aside for juvenile literature. Free access to the shelves encourages a wider range of reading A child who reads nothing but stories may be attracted to a better class of literature while examining the shelves. It is not pretended that the following list is exhaustive or complete, and no doubt there are many sins of omission, but it is hoped that no book is included which upon any grounds should not have been placed on the list. The annual list of best books issued by The Ontario Library Association in- cludes books for juveniles as well as adults, and should be consulted by librarians. The Committee has received valuable assistance from a number of publishers, librarians and others, and desire to return its warmest thanks to those who have thus aided it in its work. NORMAN GURD, President O?iiario Library Association. Sarnia Public Library, April, 1906. O. L. A. LIST OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 3 History and Biography 6 Travels and Voyages '. ' 9 Nature Books 12 Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales 16 Science 18 Literature 19 Religion and Ethics • 22 Games 23 Stories 23 History- and BiograpHy - Author. Title. Publisher. Price. Bain, J. A Nansen Nisbet 2s Od Baldwin, J Fifty Famous Stories Ee-told Am. Bk. Co. .$0 35 Baldwin, J Thirty Famous Stories ].'e-told Am. Bk. Co. .SO 35 Barnes Drake and his Yeomen IMacmillan . .$2 00 Beesley Stories from History of Rome ]\Iacmillan ... $0 35 Besant, Sir W Story of Alfred the Great Appleton $0 25 Bevan, A. B Sailor of King George Murray Ss Od Blaisdell, E F Stories from English History Ginn $0 40 Bolton, S Poor Boys who became Famous Crowell $1 50 Bolton, S Girls who became Famous Crowell $1 50 Bolton, S Famous English Authors Crowell $1 50 Bolton, S Famous English Statesmen Crowell $1 50 Bolton, S .Famous European Artists Crowell SI 50 Bonner, J Child's History of France Harper $2 00 Bourne, H. R. F Sir Philip Sidney Putnam $1 50 Brooks, E. S True Story of Columbus Lothrop SI 25 Brooks, E. S Historic Girls Putnam $1 50 Butterworth, H. W Magellan Appleton $1 50 Calcott, Lady Little Arthur's History of England Copp,Clark ..$0 55 " A Canuck" Pen Pictures of Early Pioneer Life in Upper Canada Briggs $2 00 Church, A. J Stories from English History Macmillan. . .$1 25 Clarke, M Story of Caesar A. B. Co ... .$0 45 Clement, W. H. P History of Canada Briggs $0 50 Compton, H King's Hussar Cassell 8.s Od Creasey, E Fifteen Decisive Battles Macmillan ... $0 70 Cumberland, B History of the Union Jack Briggs $1 50 Currie, E. A Laura Secord Briggs $1 50 Danby, Paul Red Army Book Blackie 6s Od Denison, G. T Soldiering in Canada Morang $1 50 Dickens, C Childs' History of England Various ed. Duncan, D. M Story of the Canadian People Morang $0 60 Dunlop, Dr Recollections of the American War Briggs |1 00 Edgar, Lady Ten years of Upper Canada in Peace and War, 1805-15 .: Briggs $1 50 Edgar, J. G Boyhood of Great Men Harper $1 00 Edgar, J. G Foot Prints of Famous Men Harper $1 00 Edgar, J G Sea Kings and Naval Heroes Harper $1 00 Edgar, P Romance of Canadian History Morang $0 75 English Men of Action . . Nelson Macmillan . each$0 75 Wolfe Colin Campbell Gordon Henry V. Livingston Lord Lawrence Wellington Dam pier Monk Stafford i Warren Hastings Peterborough Capt. Cook Sir Henry Havelock Clive Author. Title. Publisher. Price. English Men of Action . . Sir Charles Napier Warwick Drake Rodney Montrose Dundonald Farmer, L. H Boys' Book of Famous Rulers Crowell $1 50 Farmer, L. H Girls' Books of Famous Ciueens Crowell $1 50 Finnemore Boys and Girls of Other Days, 2 vols Macmillan .each$0 40 Finnemore Men of Renown Macmillan ... $0 35 Finnemore King Alfred to Lord Roberts Macmillan ... $0 35 Fitchett, W. H Fights for the Flag Bell $1 25 Fitchett, W. H Deeds that Won the Empire Bell 5)1 25 Fitchett, W. H Nelson and His Captains Scribner $1 50 Fitchett, W. H Wellington and His Men Scribner $1 50 Fitchett, W. H Tale of the Great Mutiny Scribner $1 50 Fitchett, W. H Commander of the Hirondelle Bell $1 25 Fitchett, W. H How England Saved Europe, 4 vols Bell ... . each . $1 25 Fitzgibbon, M A Veteran of 1812 Briggs f 1 00 Freeman, E. A Old English History for Children Macmillan ....?! 50 Frost, Rev. F Sketches of Indian Life Briggs $1 50 George, H. R Battles of English History Dodd $2 00 Gilman, F Magna Charta Stori'es Blackie 2,s- Od Gomme, G. L Kings' Story Book Longmans . . .$2 00 Gomme, G. L Queens' Story Book . . . . ' Longmans ... $2 00 Gomme, G. L Princes' Story Book Longmans ... $2 00 Gomme, G. L Princesses' Story Book Longmans. . .$2 00 Gordon, A. W Recollections of a Highland Subaltern Arnold 8s Od Guerber, H Story of the Greeks Am. B. Co. . .$0 60 Guerber, H Story of the Romans Am. B. Co. . .$0 60 Guerber, H Story of the English Am. B. Co. . .$0 60 Gurney, G Girlhood of Queen Victoria Longmans . . .$1 75 Haight Conniff Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago Briggs ^2 00 Hamilton, G English Kings in a Nutshell Am. B. Co. . .$0 60 Hardy, E. J Thomas Atkins Nelson 4.< 0(7 Hartley, C. G Stories of Early British Heroes Nelson 4s 6d Hope, A. R Stories of old Renown Blackie 2.'? 6d Hopkins, J. C Story of the Dominion Winston $2 50 Hulme, F. E Flags of the World Warne $2 00 Jeffry, W Century of Our Sea Story Murray 8.v Od Johonnot, J Stories of the Olden Time's Am. B. Co . . . ?!0 50 Joyce, P. W Child's History of Ireland Longmans . . .|0 50 Keppel. Sir H Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, (4 vols . ) Macmillan . . 24.! 6d Low, F. H Story of Queen Victoria's Dolls Newnes 11.25 Lyde Age of Drake Macmillan. . .$0 40 Author. Title. Publisher. Price. Lyde Age of Blake Macmillan. . .$0 40 Lyde Age of Hawke Macmillan. . .$0 40 MacLean, John Native Tribes of the Dominion Briggs $2 50 MacLean, John The Indians, their Manners and Customs .... Briggs $1 00 Machar, A Stories of New France Lothrop $1 50 Macmillan's Macmillan's History Readers., 7 vols Macmillan 25c to 45 Manning, A Household of Sir Thos. More Dodd $1 00 MacBeth, Eev. R. G The Making of the Canadian West Briggs *1 25 Markham, R Heroes of Chivalry Scribner $1 00 Marquis, T. G Heroes of Canada Copp |0 50 Marquis, T. G Stories from Canadian History Copp $0 25 McDougall, I Little Royalties Revell $0 75 McDougall, J In the Days of the Red River Rebellion Briggs $1 00 Mcllwraith, J Child's History of Canada Unwin $0 50 Miller, J. O Heroes of the Northland Copp $0 35 Miller, J. Brief Biographies Copp fO 35 Montagu, Admiral A Middy's Recollections Blackwood. . .S.s Od Moore, N. H Children of Other Days Stokes $1 50 Montifiore, A Sir Henry Stanley McClurg fl 00 Morris, G Pagan's Progress Barnes $1 25 Morris, C Roman Historical Tales Morang $0 85 Morris, C Greek Historical Tales. ., Morang $0 85 Morris, C English Historical Tales Morang . . . . $0 85 Norris, C Japanese and Chinese Tales Morang ..... $0 85 Morris, C Russian Historical Tales Morang !^0 85 Morris, C French Historical Tales Lipp $1 25 Morris, C German Historical Tales Lipp $1 25 Morris, C Spanish Historical Tales L ipp $1 25 Morris, W. O'C Great Compaigns of Nelson Blackie Is 6d Munro, J Story of the British Race Newnes l.s Od Nesbit Royal Children of English History McClurg $1 00 Newbolt, H Stories from Froissart Macmillan. . .$1 50 O'Byrne, W A Land of Heroes (Ireland) Blackie 2s 6d O'Byrne, W Kings and Vikings (Ireland) : Blackie 2s' 6(7 Oliphant, M History of Scotland for the Young Mansfield $1 50 Pepper, M . S Maids and Matrons of New France Little Brown . |1 50 Pollard, E. F Florence Nightingale Nisbet |0 35 Porter, Jane Scottish Chiefs Burt $0 75 Putnam, J. H Britain and the Empire ]\Iorang $0 60 Ragozin, Z. A History of the World Harison $0 60 Read, D. B Sir Isaac Brock Briggs $1 50 Richardson, Major The War of 1812 Briggs |3 00 Roberts, C. G. D History of Canada Morang |1 00 Rolfe, W. J Tales from Scottish History Am. Bk. Co .$0 50 Rolfe, W. J Shakespeare the Boy Harper $1 25 Sadlier, Agnes Heroes of History Routledge ... $1 00 Scott, Sir Walter Tales of a Grandfather Ginn |0 40 Scott, Sir Walter Battle Pieces from Scott Macmillan . . .$0 40 Seel ye Story of Columbus Appleton $1 75 Skinner, H. P Boys who became Famous Men Little Jl 25 Smith, G. B Sir John Franklin Revell $0 75 Southey's Nelson Ginn JO 45 Stirring Events in History Blackie 2s 6(/ Strickland, Agnes Tales from English History Coates $0 75 Strickland, Agnes True Stories of Ancient History Coates $0 75 Strickland, Agnes Stories from History Coates $0 75 Author. Title. Publisher. Prire. Strickland, Agnes True Stories from Modern History Coates ^0 75 Tappan, E . M Makers of England .Series : — In the Days of Alfred the Great Eee ?1 00 In the Days of William the Conqueror Lee $1 00 In the Days of (iueen Elizabeth Lee $1 00 In the Days of Queen Victoria Lee ?I 00 Towle, G. M Drake the Sea King of Devon Lee $1 00 Upton, G. P Little Dauphin McClurg ?! 00 Upton, G. P Frederick the Great McClurg $1 GO Upton, G. P ^Nlaria Theresa -. McClurg $1 00 Upton, G. P Joan of Arc McClurg $1 00 Upton, G. P William fell McClurg V 00 Waterloo, S Story of Ab Doubleday.. .$1 50 Weaver, E. P Builders of the Dominion : — The East Copp fO 35 The West Copp $0 35 Weaver, E . P Canadian History for Boys and Girls Briggs |0 50 Wightman, F. A Our Canadian Heritage Briggs |1 00 Wilson, C. D Story of the Cid Lee $1 25 Winthrow, A. H Popular History of Canada Briggs $3 00 Winthrow, A. H Native Races of North America Briggs $0 75 Woods, W. C Isle of the :\Ia.«8acre Pub. Synd ... $1 25 Yonge, C. M Prince and Page Macmillan. . .|0 70 Yonge, C. M Book of Golden Deeds Macmillan. . .$0 90 Yonge, CM Book of Worthies Macmillan. . .|0 90 Yonge, C . M Unknown to History Macmillan ... $0 70 Yonge, C. M Young Folks History of Greece Lothrop $1 00 Yonge, C. M Young Folks History of Germany Lothrop $1 00 Yonge, C . M Young Folks History of Rome Lothrop $1 00 Yonge, C . M Young Folks History of France Lothrop $1 00 Yonge, C . M Young Folks History of England Lothrop f\ 00 Young Stories of the Maple Land Copp, Clark. .|0 25 Travel Adams, W . D Round the World with the Union Jack W%ird 4.s 0'/ Alcott, L . M Shawl Straps Roberts $1 00 Andre.ws, J Seven Little Sisters Ginn fO 50 Andrews, S Each and All Ginn -.$0 50 Anson ' Voyage Round the World Blaikie I.* 0(7 Ayrton, M . C Child Life in Japan Heath ^0 20 Baker, Sir S . W True Tales for my Grandsons Macmillan ... $1 00 Ballon, M Due North Houghton . . .$1 50 Ballou, M Due South Houghton . . .$1 50 Ballon, M Foot Prints of Travel Ginn fO 60 Blaisdell, E. F Child Life in Many Lands Macmillan. . .$0 40 Bolton, S. K Famous Voyages Crowell $1 50 Boyesen, H. H Boyhood in Norway Scribners $1 25 Brassey, Lady Round the World in the Sunbeam Longmans. ...$0 75 BuUen, F Cruise of the Cachelot Briggs ?0 75 Bullen, F Deep Sea Plunderings Appleton . . . .|I 50 BuUen, F Idylls of the Sea Appleton $1 25 Campbell, H My Australian Girlhood Blackie ?1 50 Carpenter, F. G Travels Through Asia Am. Bk. Co. .$0 60 Chance, L. M Little Folk of Many Lands Ginn $0 45 Corbin, J School Boy Life in P^ngland Harper $1 25 10 Author. Title. Publisher. Price. Corbin, J An American at Oxford Harper $1 25 Couch, Quiller Story of the Sea Cassell, $1 25 Doubleda}', R Year in a Yawl Doubleday ... $1 25 DuChaillu, P. B Goriila Country Harper $1 00 Du Chaillu, P. B Country of Dwarfs Harper $1 00 Du Chaillu, P. B Land of the Long Night Scribners ... .$2 GO Eastman, C. A Indian Boyhood McClure $1 60 Edgar, Sir Jas Canada and its Capital Morang $2 50 Famous Discoveries Blackie 2s 6d Field, Flood and Forest Blackie 2.s 6d Frechette, L Christmas in French Canada Morang $2 00 Froude, J English Seamen of the Sixteenth Century Longmans.. . .$1 50 Geikie, J. C Adventures in Canada Coates $0 75 Griffis, W. E Eomance of Discovery Wilde $1 50 Graham, E. Maud A Canadian Girl in South Africa Brigge $1 00 Haight, Conniff A United Empire Loyalist in Great Britain : Here and There in the Home Land Briggs S2 25 Hale, E. E Stories of Discovery Little $1 00 Hale, E. E Stories of Adventure Little $1 00 Hall, B Voyages and Travels Xelson f2 00 Headland, I. T Chinese Boy and Girl Revell $1 00 Herbertson Africa ^lacmillan . . .$0 65 Herbertson America (South and Central) Macmillan. . .$0 65 Herbertson Asia Macmillan ... $0 65 Herbertson Australia and Oceania Macmillan ... $0 65 Herbertson Europe ^Macmillan ... $0 65 Hope, A. R Young Travellers' Tales Blackie 2s 6d Jacobs, J ^^onder Voyages '. Macmillan ... $1 50 Jones, Jas. Edmund Camping and Canoeing Briggs $0 50 Jenks, Tudor Boys' Book of Explorations Doubleday. . .$2 00 Johnston, W. H French Pathfinders of N. A Little $1 50 Johnston, W. H World's Discoverers Little $1 50 Johnston, "W. H Pioneer Spaniards of North America Little $1 50 Kellog, E. M Australia Silver $0 50 Keppis, A Cook's Voyages Routledge ... $1 50 Kingsley, H Tales of Old Travel Macmillan ... SO 70 Kingston, W. H Voyage Round the World Nelson -SI 25 Kirby, M. E Sea and its "Wonders Nelson -sl 75 Knox, T Travels of Marco Polo Putnam .SI 75 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Asia Harper .§3 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Africa Harper §3 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Australia Harper i^S 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Central Europe Harper $S 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Great Britain and Ireland Harper $3 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Northern Europe Harper S3 00 Knox, T Boy Travellers in Southern Europe Harper -SS 00 Laughton, J. K Sea Fights and Adventures Allen 6s Od Laut, A Story of the Trapper Briggs $1 50 Laut, A Pathfinders of the West Briggs $2 00 Laut, A Vikings of the Pacific Briggs $2 00 Laurie, A Schoolboys in France Dana Ei-tes . .SI 00 Laurie, A Schoolboys in Japan Dana Estes . .SI 00 Laurie, A Schoolboys in Italy Dana Estes . .SI 00 Laurie, A Schoolboys in Russia Dana Estes . .$1 00 Lee, E Britain Over the Sea Morang SI 00 Lubbock, B Round the Horn McClurg $2 00 11 Author. Title. PuV^lisher. Price. Lucas, E. V Visit to London Brentano SI 50 Lucas, E. V Book of Shops Dntton !?2 50 Lyde British Isles Macniillan. . .-SO 40 Lyde British Empire ". . .Macinillan. . .SO 40 Lyde Europe Macniillan . . .-SO 40 Lyde Africa Macniillan . . .-SO 40 Lyde Asia Vlacmillan. . SO 40 Lyde America Macniillan. . SO 40 MacLean Lone Land Lights Briggs SO 35 MacLean Indians Briggs SI 00 MacLean Canada Savage Folk Briggs S2 50 McNaughton, Margaret . . Overland to Cariboo Briggs SI 00 Macmillan Geography Readers — British Empire Macmillan. . ..SO 30 England and Wales Vlacmillan ... SO .SO Colonies of Great Britain Macmillan. . .$0 35 Countries of Europe Macmillan . .SO 35 Martineau Feats on the Fiords Blackie 2.s Od McDougall, J Path Finding on Plain and Prairie Briggs $1 00 McDougall, J Forest, Lake and Prairie Briggs SI 00 McDougall, J Saddle, Sled and Snow Shoe Briggs SI 00 Mclntyre, A Canadian West Morang -SO 40 Melville, H Moby Dick Dana Estes. . .SI 25 Melville, H Typee Heath -SO 45 Miller, O. T Little People of Asia Dutton S2 50 Morris, M Tales of the Spanish Main Macmillan . . . S2 00 Morris, C Heroes of Discovery in America Lippimott . . .SI 25 Murche Land and Water ]\Iacmillan. . .SO 35 Murche World Wide Empire Macmillan. . ..SO 60 Murche British Isles Macmillan. . .SO 50 Murche England Macmillan. . .SO 45 Murche Our Earth as a Whole Morang -SO 60 Oxley, J. McD Boy Tramps Across Canada Crowell SI 25 Oxley, J. McD Romance of Commerce Crowell SI 25 Parkin, Dr Round the Empire Copp SO 50 Peary, J. D Snow Baby Stokes SI 30 Peary, R. E Snowland Folk Stokes SI 25 Perry, F. P Japanese Garland' Lothrop SO 75 Pratt, M. L Stories of Australasia Ed. Pub. Co. SO 60 Pratt, M. L People and Places. 5 vols Ed. Pub. Co., each SO 60 Reid, Mayne Odd People Routledge SO 75 Roberts, C. G. D A.round the Camp Fire Briggs SI 25 Slocum, J Around the World Scribner SO 50 Smith, Goldwin Trip to England Briggs SO 30 Smith, G. B Romance of South Pole Nelson 2s 0(/ Spj^ri, Heidi Little Swiss Girl Ginn SO 40 Spyri, Heidi Moni Ginn j^O 40 Starr, F Strange Peoples Heath $0 40 Starr, F American Indians .* Heath' fO 45 Stockton, F, B Buccaneers and Pirates Macmillan. . .SI 50 Stocktoji, F. B Personally Conducted Scribners . . . . S2 00 Stories of the Sea in Former Days Blackie 2.s- 6d Strange Lands near Home Ginn SO 25 Taylor, Bayard Boys of Other Countries Putnam SI 25 Toward the Rising Sun Ginn -SO 25 12 Author. Title. Publisher. Price. Traill, C. P Lost in the Back Woods Nelson 3s Od Tyrrell, J. W Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada Briggs $1 50 Under Sunny Skies Ginn $0 25 Verne, Jules Great Explorers of 19th Century Scribners . . . .$2 50 Verne, Jules Great Navigators of 18th Century Scribners . . ...$2 50 Wade, M. H Ten Little Indians Wilde SI 00 Wade, M. H Little Cousin Series : Little Canadian Cousin Page ... §0 60 Little English Cousin, &c Page $0 60 Wiggin, K.D Penelope's English Experiences Houghton . . ..?1 00 Wiggin, K. D Penelope's Progress ( Scotland) Houghton . . ..SI 25 Wiggin, K. D Penelope's Irish Experiences Houghton . . .§1 25 Wide World Ginn $0 25 Winthrow, W. H Our Own Country; Canada, Scenic and Descriptive. . Briggs S3 00 Yonge, C. M Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe Macmillan . . .$0 50 Young, E. R On the Indian Trail Revell $1 00 Young, E. R Three Boys in the Great Lone Land Briggs §1 25 Young, E. R Indian Wigwams Briggs $1 25 Young, E. R By Canoe and Dog Train Briggs $1 00 Nattxre. Aaron, Murray Butterfly Hunters Scribners SI 00 Aiken & Barbauld Eyes and no Eyes Heath SO 20 Allen, Grant Story of the Plants Appleton SO 35 ' Allen, Grant Flashlights on Nature Briggs SI 25 Allen, Grant In Nature's Workshop Briggs SI 50 Andrews, Jane Stories of My Four Friends Ginn SO 50 Andrews, Jane Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children Ginn -SO 50 Andrews, L. F Botany All the Year Round Am. Bk. Co. .SI 00 Andrews, W. R. S Bob and His Guides Scribners SI 50 Atkinson, G. F First Studies of Plant Life Copp SO 60 Badenoch, L. N Romance of the Insect World Macmillan ... SO 60 Bailey, F. M .Birds Through an Opera Glass Houghton . . .SO 75 Bailey, L. H First Lessons With Plants Macmillan ... SO 40 Bailey, L. H Botany Morang SI 10 Baker, Sir S. W '. . .Wild Beasts Macmillan . . ..$3 50 Baldwin, J Horse Fair Century SI 50 Baskett, J. R Story of the Fishes Appleton $0 75 Bass, M. S Plant Life Heath SO 25 Bass, M. S Animal Life Heath SO 35 Beal, W. J Seed Dispersal Ginn SO 35 Beale, S Profitable Poultry Keeping ludd SI 25 Beard, J. C Cuiions Homes Appleton . . . .-SO 65 Bergens, F. D Glimpses of the Plant World Ginn SO 40 Biart, L Adventures of a Young Naturalist Harper SI 25 Bignell, E Mr. Chupes and Miss Jenny Baker- Taylor.Sl 25 Blanchard, N Ho w to Know the Birds Briggs SI 35 Blanchard, N How to Attract the Birds Briggs $1 35 Blanchard, N Bird Neighbors Briggs S2 00 Blanchard, N Birds that Hunt and are Hunted Briggs S2 00 Bolton, S Our Devoted Friend the Dog Page SI 50 Bostock, F. C Training of Wild Animals Century SI 00 Brown, J Rab and his Friends Heath -SO 20 Buchanan, H True Animal Stories Macmillan . . ..SO 35 Buchanan, H Lessons on Country Life INIacmilian . ..SO 90 13 Author. Title. PubliHher. Price. Buckland, F Cariosities of Natural History, 4 vols Macinillan ca.so 70 BuUen, F. G Denizens of the Deep Brigj,n« .si 75 Burroughs, J Squirrels and other Fur Bearers Houghton . . .$1 00 Burroughs, J Winter Sunshine Houghton . . ..^1 00 Burroughs, J Wake Uobin Houghton . . ..?1 00 Burt, M. E Little Nature Studies from Burroughs