LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class CASE ^ R ^ Zbc Xi;u&or jFacsimile TTeyts ®h^ (SaW^r's propferg, BY ROBERT WILSON. 1594 Date 0/ the only known edition^ ^594 (Dyce Collection, South Kensington.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 191 1. Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ih^ (J^ikr's Iroph^tjj, BY ROBERT WILSON. 1594 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI XTbe Cobler's Hbropbec^, BY ROBERT WILSON. 1594 I/J7 This facsimile reprint is from the perfect Dyce copy at S. Kensington : the B.M. example lacks signature E. Other plays attributed, more or less certainly to Wilson, are " The Pedler's Prophecy,'' " The Three Ladies of London,'' and " The Three Lords and the Three Ladies of London." Sir Sidney Lee, in his notice of Wilson in the " D.N.B." (q.v.), seems to take it for granted that he was the author of ^^The Three Ladies of London," and (of course) also of the ^^ Three Lords and Three Ladies of London," the second being practically a continuation of the first. That Wilson had a reputation as a writer of plays is manifest from the reference by Thomas Lodge, in his " Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage Plays," against the attacks of Stephen Gosson, whose ''School of Abuse" was the occasion of Philip Sidney's noble '' Apologie for Poetry." Lodge, in his defence, declares that he preferred Wilson's " short and sweet " drama on " Catiline " to Gosson' s play on the safne subject. Wilson's play on " Catiline " is no longer extant, though (as Sir Sidney Lee mentions) Philip Henslowe, on the 2\st August, 1598, advanced 10/- to Robert Wilson on the security of his play of ''Catiline," which he was writing in conjunction with Henry Chettle. Wilson's "Catiline" is lost; still, Henslowe' s testimony to its existence is valuable. As regards the other attributed plays, the "Cobler's Prophesie" bears Wilson's name on the title page, and there can be no doubt that the writer of the "Coblers Prophesie" was also the writer of the "Pedler's Prophesie." There is little, if anything, to record of note concerning the mechanical reproduction of this facsimile. The printing is, gener- ally speaking, of the same uniform excellent standard which long experience has assured to this series: an experience (in October, \9\\) extending over seventy-six volumes JOHN S. FARMER. 228056 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE C O B L E R S Prophefie. WnttenbyRobenWilToa (koL f /" printed at London by John DantcrforCuthbeR £urbie: ^aretobefoldathisQiopnere the KoyaU-Exchangc; THE COBLERS Prophefie. EMterJvp'itet snd luno, Mars 4»^/«f end Ceres fromnftothermeetf, CERES. FRcfh Mnyas fonnc,fine witcraftsgrcatcftGod, Hcrrald of hcauen/oule charmiog Mercuric: Tcli,for rhou witf>,why thcfc cclclliall powers ArcthusaflcmblcdinBocotia* -. Mtrctoic: Plenties rich Q u ccnp.cheerer of fiuntin g (bMJs, V V hoj^Altars arcadorndc with ripcnd fhcaues. Wf K now ^^r^urit le chicfe nurfc of finnc. Hath bred contempt inall Boeotia. The old arc fcorned of the wanton yong, A'nhallowcd haiids,and harts impurcriarre, R end do wnc the Aitars facrcd to the Gods* A 5 ^ Hcaucn J The C^kiers Prof h^e. Hcaitcn is long fiifFrmg, and ctcrnall Powers Arcfullof picictopcrucrfeftnicn: L which made the awful Ruler of t,hc reft. Summon this meeting of the hcauenly States: j The firft was Iupitcr,Iuno with him, Nest Mars and Vcnqs,liim I know you Knew not. His HarnefTeis conuerted to (bftfilke,, J His warrcs are onelywantonings with her, . ~ That fcaadalizethheaucn and heapes worlds hate, t Apollo nexc,thcn Bacchus belly-God, And horned Vulcan forgerofheauens fire. The laft poore Cynthia making woful mone, I That (he is left fweet virgin poflalone* 1^ I am but mefTcngcr, and rauft not denounce Til the high fenate of the Gods dccrccit, Bat racrcdCtres.if I may diuine. In heauenfhall Venus vaunt but little time. Cera I Sopleafdeitmighty louethedoomcwcrciuft^ Aifion'gft that holy traine what needs there I urt. Mtrcurit : I fee afortof wondringgazingeycs, That doo await the end of thif conceit, whom Mercuric with wauingof his rod, '^ And holy fpels inioincs to fit and fee, th'efFc^all working of a Pfophefic. Ctrts : And Ceres flicds her fwceteft fwetcs in plcntic, ^ C^flCtmfets* ■^ That while yciby their picafure may content yc^ Now doo I leaue^hee Mercuty,and willinto take my place, DoQ what thou canft in wanton luft s difgrace, ^Mercuriit CeresIwill,andnowIamalonc Imlladuiremeofamefrenger ^^ Thatwilliiotfaintrwillnotfaidl? ^P Nay (hall notfaintfcnt forth by Mcrcurie. \ Iam'rcfolud,thenextImeetewithbeitheormc, TodoothismclTawftiallbercmbyme. ThC9$ltriPr»fhefir, Hey do w nc I Qeepe when I fhouldw»kc, ^ecK roQutbrovnea. Her cheekes fa redas a.chcrri^ (b make my hart fuirmeny , So that I cannot choofe in cobling of my inooei, but£ng hey derrie dcrrie downc dtrrlc. Zih$4 his wifi wkkm. (y our &(Ti \bn, Zthu r Go too Raph youl c ftiU be fingingloue fongs its *I^h : Content your fclfc vvife, lis my ©wn recantation, Ko louefong ncicher,but a carrot in beauties condeuinatto Zt ."^ welt year befl leave iinging and £U1 to work by & by fvfaUe I to buy meat for our dmncr to market doo h'let (w>y« Rt And you were beft tetue y oui fcolding toy9c get you a« &; And I coDM^toyouRaph,Ue courie ye as I did a fatc'day JtrCoorfe mefnowns^ I wouldthoo dkirft coipc outof dore , And thou doft He knock thee on the head thou aitiint tliou» was not thialuHily fpokeo'I warrant Ihe dare not come out ZftHtCtt whaeyeele doo, whereareyee goodmaaLout? H*ert*fisvndfrthiJi^U^ 7(^ : O no bodie tell her that I am vnder the fto^e* Z# : whercs thisptating AfTe^^thit dizzardJy foote, Mtr: why here I am Dame, Ictsfee what ihoucanft fay, BefHrre your DiftafFc^doothc worft yc may* Z# ; Alas that encr I was borne to fee this /igbt. My Raph is transfermed to a wicked fpright. At : Shee lies y ftith, / am here vndci the ftoolc, Mir : Let me alone Raph, hold thy peace th^u foole*, ^ /am a fprkeiodcedc, a fiend which will purfue thee flill^ - Vntill /take a full rcuenge of all thy profFcrediU, And for thy former dealings to thy husband hath bin bad^ idiannc thee and inchaunc thee qttcane> Thou henceforth ihali be mad: And ^ -.■3rri.^>5«iR?JTML;3nPr:-'» : .'.* ; m j Ka^ AndnpiternMllthyfooUni brainccurolFtlusfiantickcflt lilluith ;hy viivNiriniilictbou murder doe commif! //c charmesher wtth his rod. %Af : N \y iTie is mad enough a Veadie, torihe vviil doc nothing withiucfjurfielit, And ve make liir more mad, f]iclekillnic out linhf, Zel: Makcmemr(dRaph,nofaiihR.iph Though thoubcadhicllandafpriaht, Ncre toll thcbeli, Hcnot begoflippe, ' The childe fhall not be chiiltncd to njf^ht. Goe to the back-houfe for the boy, BidtherankerdbringtiiC conduit home, lie buy no plummeporrcdgc, I le not bemade fuch a mome. And becaufc thou haft a fine rod Raph, He looke in thy purfe by and by: And if thou hauc any money in it, wcledriiikc the Diuell dry, Diucll dry, &c. Hertfhc rnnncs About the fi age fnat thing At cutric thing , fheefees, ' . Raph : Out of doubt ihc is mad indeed, See what a coylc flic doth kcepc, A/^r* Raphrhciliall trouble none of v$, Ilecliarmehcr faftafleepe. ! • Zel: Come Raph^letJ goe flcepc, torthou mulUncnd Quccne Guiniuers ihooes tojnorrow, 1 haueapilloweofmy owue, Ilcneitlicibcggenor borrow* Exit,» Soflecpethyfiil,now Raph come forth to mdc. • !7^p^; Come forth c]uoth he m.uric God blcllc vs. *^ovv you hauc made my wife mad what iha! become oFmc? Mar: Feare not comeforth,! mcaiic nohurt to thee. . R4f: VVellllctruftyouforoiCCjWiiatrayyec. (bed Mer : Raph hie thee home, &. thou fhalt iuidc vpon thy Attire that for aprophets futc flial Uand thee in good ftead A prophet thou niuftbc and leauc thy vvorkca whik'.. %a^- A PeophetfpqakctJ Ha,ba,ha,hcBa«foyrc», WhJtareyou,Ipray? Mer: 1 am Mercuric the Meflcngcr of thcGocTj*. Rafh And I am Raph Cobler^wixt v s tbercitroBK Go^, Buthcare yc God Markcdy, haucyouretorjtic To take afrcc man of his companie. And hinder him to be your Prop^t fp^aker;, And when y e fet him a worke giue hiiii nothing for his labor, Mer : 1 mull charmc him aflcepe,or he will Hill beprating. Ue plcafc thee well, I pre thee Raph fit do wnc. %afh No w I am fee, would 1 had a pot of ale. Mtr : We will hauc twainc, but firft attend my jiie^- HecharmcshirmvithhUrodnjUefe,, Not farrchencclUndethMar&his Court, to whom thus ice thou fay, Jlfars though t hoN Ire a (hckf tfthegAmef thMrsor.tjltocroebj dit^^ ^■jKdvcitbthjpjArfntdlpmnt the crMUuCockfsMdn kill MfidfUjs Sith now thoit ^oTl bid f runt thy ypttigt^ Affdmakethjfctherjgayi j^ dtiyighillCeckethat iroesbynigi^^ fhttllplie thee betray y ^nd tread thjf Heft, and/or 4 time Piall Carrie her ayvay, AndPjebj him Jhalt hatch m Clicks r this CoHtttrey to desay* ^nd forthi^pretie PtkUtsn4mt thou fhaU the better learm : when thoHpjalt •nelie letters fine: Vfithin one name dt/cfrntf ** Threevevpels andtwe cofjfinants^ which vowels if thonfcarty 'Deth found that which to€itcriep4t$ c0ffdM^etheMeriem4»4 m ^.k^ s Thm TlMCofficrsPrefhtei*^ ThinesHto minh this Tro^e^ie^ far thMts the $aftards rutme : , 7tf€n r0Mfe thy felfe'j tkc» rIthinkcti$timc, ibr I hauc flcpt foiindly : And mc thought in my flccp this was God Marked/, thathad chaunted my wife madfor goodcaiifc wh/« Aboucmc thoughclfav God Shcbitcr. that nsarloufly did frownc, With a dar t of ficr in his hand rcadictothrowit downc. Bclowmc thought there were falfe knaucf walking likt honeft men verie craftcly : And fewornane could bcplainly feeue to thriue in the world by honeftie* Me thought I Taw one that was wondrous fat^ Picke two mens purfes while they verc (Iriuing for a gnat ^ And (bme that dwelt in ftre«tcs were large and faire. Kept backe (hops to veter their baddeft ware« Vy hat meddle I with trades? Men mafters and maids, Yci and wiaes too and all are too too bad. Be iudgd by my wife,that was oeuer well till (he ran mad» Bat O the Baker, how he plaid ^Ife with the ballance. And ran away from the takers taJlants* The Bruer was as bad , the Butcher as ill. For its their cricke to blow vp leant meate with a quilU And with thcftrokca Bntchergatiean oxe cliat lowd bellowing did make, I loft fight of all the other trickcs, and fo fodainly did wake4 But now moft Riph trudge about Ws ptophe tarionj Faith yc fhall hcarc me ttoll it out after my ^duoo* Exifl Efitfr Satcros m fotildicry and Conu mpt eamw^ himfelfeConttnXt 54/ .• Thus haue I fcrued in my Princes Warres, Againfl the Perfian and the Afian Powers : Ihe cole-bla^kc Moore rhat reucJs in the Straight* HaucI repelled with my loflc of blood. My (carrcs are witnci of my hard efcapes 5 My wrincklcs in my face (made old by care, V Vhcn yet my y cres are in their chiefeft prime) Are gUfl'es of my griefe. lighti of my languor, Thai Hue difgracde.and haue deferued honor. Cant ; I am the adroiredft in Boeotia, By honoring me thou Hialt obtaine preferment SMt : Vnto the Gods and Prince doo £}uldiers honor. And wert thou oiie of tbefe, I would adore thee. 0«i : I amof powermorethaoaUtlie-Gods TO Htand rule theharti of alldegr^es^ They haue in me content, as thou ihalc fee Aprerentindanceinthereentringmen* . ErtitrEmniifJ4C00rtier,witlfbim4Sihc8er^J 4 Qemntrej Cint/frnMn^ Contr : Haile to Contents diuineft exelence« Sehvit Contentour fwccteftgood, we doofalutcthee^" Cpttr: Though la{) /am not kad in duteous kindnet Tothee Content although thou be no God, Yet greater in account than all of them. SchoL' But if ye knewhb name wer OlygwoSf which iignifieth Contcmpt,you would not miHake him, and namehim Content. Qwtx QMasfchollerbepatient^forthoiighyouiike not my name, you loue my nature : and therefore Gentlemen forward with the difcourfe intended at ourlaft meeting rand in that con^ terence this Gentleman a (buldier,/prefume will make one. C»ur : Being a foldier^his companicis fit for anie honc(l gcn« tleman,and therefore wclcomeinto our conipanie. &f/; /thankeyouflr* B % Q^nti The CohUrs Prof htcie, Setth ThoughtheCouriicrrpcakchunfaircinhartlknowc he difdaines him for bis bnce apparel! ; wherein he obfcrucs one pnncipleof my law. Welcome him Scholler. Schoi: TomeaSouldicrijaweJcomcman, 5W: IkindJythankcyoulir. Enter%0phc Rafh Sir: whatfir^orwIirttlUrhaucwcherc? VVhyycproud Pagans and Pan cm noftrams, Uiinkeye no better of a Prophet thin ye wouldof a Pedlar : and make yenoinore accountofmc than y c doo of a Cobler, ^ Conti As thou arc. Raph Aslam? NoyehttlegoofefcjpGodi knowc that God Markedie made mc a Prophet, andfeiitmeof anicfl'ageco the blundring God of thetl\undring wafrcito Mars, to Msuaaua a- ua ars : twill comencrcyour nofc Uttlc God I can tell ye. C^tit: Well hold thy peace of that,and let vs hear thcfc Gen- tlemen difputc* Rafh V Vill they fpoufi ? whereon ? Cont: Heof the Court, the other of th6 Coumrcy , ^ittj»>f Bookes, that of Battels. ■.<•- Raph Andlof Prophefie . ^efUi Nojthouandlwilliit ftill, andgiud our iudgemcets of this controuer fie* Rafh Well content, but lie fpcake my minde whcuj jid, thatsflat. , . ; Cont ■: Sit downe thcn^ Gentlemen when you pleafe bcgm. Emu : Firft I am a Courtier, daily in my Prii;ces eye : which oncgoodof it [elk aloue is able to make my £l?af c aboue all o- thcr happy. By it I get wealth, fauor, credit, countenance : on me attend futers, praying, paying, and pfomifing more,than ci- ther fomctimes they are ablctopcrfiorme,or I at moll times ex- pca* R4ph Thats truc,for I was a futer three y ere vuto ye for men- d ng your pantables, and I was promift more than I could cuer get, ordid cuer looke for. . Smn: A.tthe.entc«ainmentof ftraagcrs, whobut theCourr- tictisinbraue account J or to the hcaueuly fcliowfliipof dminc- cft I tftbcautic andfwecte conlord of louely Ladies, who but the CouiTicr is called? whilcthcSchollcrrKs.aUore lunds, Slid this bare foaldier here carrowfrnginiiotlg Hi pwting coiii- panions iflifv niii.i ?;; :?H>:»:^,; f'"*- . ^^ ' Soul • ' Why a louMierof defcrt- (asTVKhnd^otherdooI coi!i4 fortl can be no IclTetiTah * Gentleman, and iomc Courtiers ate icarccfo much. Defcrt 1 denienot is prrpreftrd,bUt;6ftner flat- trie* Becaufc I am homely clad, you hold 'tic diflion^rab c':;birt inthi$plaincfut<>hauc I bfecHiwlwreyoudaft •riotwi'^^lJT'*^*^ filkes/ , .^:-i; .: .1 - :. m '^vy'^-':^ '•m.:r .. t ' Etftn: yVhy/lwuebcc«wbcrothox£daTeft«»tcOftie.'-'^ ♦• -* •-' 5?#/: / tliats in the Mercers bookc, where J will not COttc#^> /J4»fc AwordwithycMasfouldicT. . y>^<»-c»^ '---*'J - "^''^ . 5e«!i/: Now fir. . • ■ ■ ^ ^' '' ^ W'T'"'"Jv!L Raph TiscaufethcM^ttc o^hef^ Gentlemen. 'iL'V;:^ ' v'uk,' rt^!^ Rafh But thou haft made mame^>GDckfaacuc^-Qidby itta- line away his Hen. /.i-i •••Tvf;: Lcwitr: Nay mv life excelletball, /irt lilie Copntfcv Iiuc,a King my Tcnaunts (as va{Iaile&):a[ie at«>}s will wromAuqdcd:: feaifuller 1 know thef'ar>aa)ilifpieattihflr, ftlaaii^Micr* AtyP" Courtiers tooffendthcDdkivOomclrbcTcanwtliskcstobec leuicd /tuchnotminc6Wflfcft(ireJ for oatbcm / takcit : aird / . ' B3 niay The Cthters Tf^fheft^ may fay to you with fomc fuiplufagc : my wood they brfni nichomc,myhayaadcorncin harucft: their cattelLfcniantJ fonnes, and (clues, arc at my coramaund, ~'^'" %^ft NayandyoufpeakcLatiD,retchmeiny!afle* HarkcyciBasSchoIlcr,harkcyc» The time fliall come not long b cforc the doome^ That in defpitc of Roome, latin fhalllacke. And Greckeihall beg with a wallet at hisbacke. For all are not fober that eoe« m blackc* Goc too fcholler.theresaJearning foryourknaclce* Cwr^r .• At my lift can /rack their rents, fet them to finet,bin| ^m to fbrfcts, force them to what/pleafe. if /build,they bee my labourers : if bargainc,on them /build : and for Biy ^ood lookc they arc content to cndurcany traucllo v^^3ut{Qfai{ this til and vrroDg^ . Markcthe CoblcM fong. The hichill and the deepe ditch. Which ye digd to make your fclues rich, The chimnies fo manie,and alines not aniCj the widowes wofull cries, ,And babes 13 i!reete that lies^ The bitter fwcate and painc That tenants poore fuitaine. Will turne to your bane I tellyeplaiae» . When burning fire (hall rainc, ' , -?il And fill with botch and blaine The fincw and each vainc. Then thefe poorc that cric» Being lifted vp on hie, " V Vhcnyou are allforlornc, Shall laugh you lowd to fcorncr Then wherewill bfethefchoUersallegoricsJ V Vhere the Lawicr with his dilatorics, V Vhcrc the Courtici with his byaucric, " - - - Am IteColJersProflejti, A nd the money nionging mate with ail lis knauerid Bethink e mc can I no where ch^ Bntin hcli where Diucs dwcls* But I fee ye care not yet, , And thmke thcfc words for me vnfit, Andgedc Ifpcakefbrlackeof wit: Stand afid€, ftand adde, for I am difpofcd to fpit^ 0»r : Be quiet Coblcr,lcts hcarc the Scholler (peakc* Rdfh I giuc him rctoritie : to jt» ^boU V Viiat the Courtier dreaminglypoflcfTes, the Colin- trey Gentleman with curffcs^ and theSouldiour with cares :I quietly enioy without controllj. In myfludielcontcmpJatc what can be doncin batels^Sc with my pen hurt more than thoil* (ands doo with pikes, I ftrikc htm that feet me not* "Ejfh I thoughtyou were a proper man of your hands to come bchindeonct Scboh I fee the height of heauen. Rafh But thou maked no haft thither* ScW/.- I view the depth of hclt %ffb Is there anierootne tn hell for curft wiucs and Coblen (bops* Schtller : Content is my Landlorde , peace'and quiet are my companioof, I am not with the Courtier boondtodaunce at« tendance; nor with the Countriman bindc I otheri to attends onmee. Ipoflcfteplcafttre more tlianmortall , andmycoa« tcmplation is onely of the life immortalU Catfrtier: But you would bccglad to creepc in credit in the Court Scholler, and not be cuiiousof the mcanes^for all your coyneflc* Sch»/h I will not acquaint you dr with my intent, for they are fooks that in fecret aBFaires are too familiar^ know this, that I intend toawaiteoccaHon, Soldier: Faith Mailer Scholler yet it ftands not with youc proteftation^ CoHtttrie gentUrndtt : Nor with yott Soldier to be thus blunt aftcryourrudcfafliion, ^ Sonl: Alas ilr, you ^tuII ncedcs be cxelen^fbr Rcrs & Maine your poore tenants pray for yc : .their bread'and che^fc is idS^m Uciiiedto anie,whenyourfm^Ubeercisrcarfc common flo ma- nic^. Ycukiiow what wil be made of afat oxea^ welUsthcGr^- ficr, of thetailowcas well a? the Butcher, of a tod of vvooll as> well as the Stapler* CoHntr:. VVhiCrhath^y man fpdo^.y^ftt/.doje^irtfriwiic S. /alls tliineownc that comes inthy hands. ' ;, • .>- .- ^a««r/^ : Sir )yOu would m.akc enough of it in yours to*- S W: /njafterrGourticr,t|i4t^ to dcalc as you doc. Sc^M- .TfcisTouldier i»as rgugh as if he wercin thefi^ldi^/ . - S;p«/r!Af \/ihcre,y.ouAvojijldbca*carac« .•:'..» >i.»i Cont'. HasapfoujdJiiairt though a beggersbabitv. ...1^ /Jsr,,,.j * . , S Jtee ye paiTRnbt^forajiProph.Qtjc^Uiog;: . Therefore /will not bee fo mad, TocaftPcarlestofwinciobad. > -, 'Cfl«;^PrethecRaphli4y a little* ^;, ..... >Rafh: Lartlc litlLc kiin^ Go4, /ihalj fee y^u ij} a (^ii^p^ ' E^. ' jCvm:: Youi- difputation being done Gcti^e;^ie,n^ which hath highly contented mee? what will yenowdoo? - • . £m»: Marry we will allto.thc cighteenc penc.c Ordinary jibw (ay yc Gentlemen J Countr: No fir,not/,tistoodcercbymy faitK SfW: VVhyyounialibcm-yguciHorihisoucc* ^oy/jCayr youmaffcrfdnldier? ■•, -.-u. %oHh No fir / mufl: turnc one ofyour mcalf s into three. And fucrie one a fuflficicnt banquet forme. Cour : Faith and you had kept your ncwes vntillnow, yce Hiould hauebiamy gueft, for yow talke would haue fciudwiU ' f;>rlh. table. ^ . , _ -^^ J%eC§htert*Pr$fhef}i, 3mI: That! tpraftilc of thine owiic arte : it makes thveoin« paoic borne nitball, vi here other v\!fe thou wcrt no fit gucfl, for talesatfonie cables ;ireasgoc <1 as tcAerhs. C«*r.- Nay then J percciueyeegrowchollericke^comcfirsi 7biyfr0ffert9i§tim, C#»»f. Why Gentlemen, no hre well CO yottrlittlc God» t/i/Itkne: Suffice it withoaivaine Cereioonies nefhew ot^ fcluesducifiiil. C#w: 1 IS cnougljjfarc vee well, ExeuMt CourtitTy Schoter^i'tmitrii, ^ ("tnttmpt .-Now fculdicr, what wilt thou docJ ^•W*/.- Fiiith firasi may* Ctfur: VVi'tthouieruenjc, and doe as I will thee, indthott fhalt not wane. S0tt/d: No: for ifthy name be Contempt as the Schollerfaid, Iabhorre;4nd dt.ficihee. C0n: I ucn as the childdorh wormcfccd hid in Raifons, which ot iiieifche c. J noibrroke ; fo thou canfl not abide'my name, botlouenmynaiure:tbrpic;ok,wanting]iuingray!ftonthe Ci- ty, grccuil at ilu country, yea gtudgeftat the King himitife: thou UiRiliouait going to thy Patron Mars with a luplication forbettringthy cl!aie,ardhow,by war:wherhow many rapes, wrongs and n^urdcis rccommiiied,thyle'febeiudge,allwhJch thou citecmell not ofT,lo thy owne want tcfupplied. S*mld: Contempt hereiDthou rcafonefl likethyfelfc, Baf'enindcd men / know therearein 6eld, That doe delight i>i muider,r;(pc and blocd, As there are tares incorneand weeds with flowers, Andeituiuus Inakes ^imong the fleeting filh .* Butforthenoblefou!dier,)ieisiuiT 1 opunnifhwrongs,protci^ the innocent, VVcakentheiyranc.nndconfiimc the right, Want cannot mjkehim bafely rhatUK us. Wealth c.nnot make him proudly inlo'enr. In honourable thought. v dwell lii^ cot teuc^ And he isfoc toallchac iouc contempt. . 7^^ Cothn Prcphcctc. (^ontrr/i^t : Then ?3terosthouartuo mr.tcfor m^e,' ' -JSAVf, SotMcr: No^V^pOaitfcomersareficilauoturthce, . .^.v/tfi Enter ClioJ'vlclpomip.e, ^.v^/ Tlialia ; QUowrfhapenk^'ffi^ Mc'poniine hctn^idlc-^ TiialLi ^rrith^, ThultA : Clio a pen. C//<7 : Both pen and qnll I miilc* Thalia: One Eilridi^j* pcnacycT in mypcnncris, Quickly take cl^nt and r.iatvc a pen for tnc. Met^omine : The fcatlicrs oF a gluttonous bird flicvv what the wc.irersbc* ' Thalta : McIpominc!cnd mca pen. Mtl^Qtn: Mine pierce too hard fcr your writing. Enter^AphCiFlfr, \ ' ThtiltA : Qu^icWy a pcn^ha, ha, fond fooliHi racnj Raph : Foolcrno foolc neither though none of die wifcftDanic; But a Pi ophct one of Merlins kinde I am. M/l: Arc thou a Proplict^whats tliy name? Raph : Raph Cob* C//tf .♦ Icr, fpcake out* t^4;)^: Ychaitjfa'.th. tW: A pen a pen in haft, -That I may write this Pagcapt Cfc it be paft. . Rapf? : Comes therta Pageant by , 1 Ic {land out of the grccnc Ri ens way for burniog my vcftmenr. tW.* a pvMi good Cho, fie how ye make nvcftay, Clfo : Makefhift a wh:lc you fhall haucth'.sftcaight wa)'* i2^ .• If I had a pen as I hauc none. Fori vfe no fuch tool c, Thou fliouldft haue none an ir, FjracmyfirftcommingthoucaldftmcfboTe* rha,' A pen a will begone incontmcnr. CZfii; Hold thcres thy pen* ' ' the Ciiitri^rofh^cie, . %dfhi But are you the God» of cht Scrwencri, tlMie yew naakc pens fofeft trow we. ^"^ £tit«r ftmdicr, Ciia : O fiftcrs fliift we arc b ctraid, Another man I fee, • S9ttlditr % A filly man at your commalind. Be not afraidof me* Rgfh : No, no, tis the fouldjcr , hecle doo ycc nohqrt Iwar- latityce. Melf^m ! To fee a man -come in this place, Jtisroiirangcrovs, As we arc to be held excufde, Thatarc;» ^ But art thou a fouldicr? 5*W/»<».• I call thee* Jidfh .• Deft thou : Mas afid Jle ccfttt to .tlko 4^ ^an^ C a X I knew where thou art^ Rdfh'i Art: faith and thou be as pretty a wench as any of thefc thrcc,niy mad wife (ball neuer know that I play a i^ad part* Eceho:V!^n* J?4/>/&; Part;/leconie, Ecchoi Come* ^4/>i(;;FaithandIwil],haucatihec, Exit^ MchThm arewc well rid of one that would hauc troubled pur talkc: and this artjficiallcccho, hath told thee what wc arc; ccrtainc mufcsdvvelhng in this wood,in number twice fo many morcTiswcbchcre* Sould: Your names good Ladies? Melf. Mine Mclponiinc,hir$Cho,this that writes Thalia. . So»/^. Might I wichout offence intreate iJiree things, I /hould be greatly bound. > CWif/]P.- V Vc will not dcnie thee three things^ that can partici, f;:tctothccthcurinds. SohU: Firft wou'd i re<^ueft of this Ladic, whether flie write with this Blridgc quill of purpof«r,or for want of o •-. her. Ih4'. Somewhat for waiit, but cfpecially of purpofc: the mc« whu;hnow doe muiillcr me matter to write , ncreofthena- tureoftheEftiidgc: who hauingthc bodie of a bird, hath the head of a bcaft: ihe is greed) ,deuouring and difgefting al things, and bui'ds hirneaftin fand:i"> arc my worldlmg'; , b'odied and feathered asbirds to flic to heauen, but headed as beads to ima- gine bealllythingcs on earth: downctothc wliich their Cam- mcls nccksdoe draw their vcric noJes: greedy are they deuou- ringthcOrphanes right, and difgcRing tlie widdo^es wrongs, Fdolin),forgctJuUndfroward,bui dingtjicir ncft on fand,which thcwindeotheauenswrathor water of worldly aifli£tioi doth fi attcr jnd u'afh away. Thus art thou anfwcred for the lirft,dc-. XDaundchcrelf* So Ncrxt Ladies w1 ydcoyouiwaine fly^ndidlcj aid let Thalia take the p.^ine. i^fiW: On gccret aRdgeAstheworldiionelyfet^ - ■■ - - Ppy The CohUrsPfOfhrfie, Forme there ij no viorkcnotragickcfccnc, Bart .li'cs arc donCjthc people liuc in reft, - Xhey Hi ed no tcares but arc fccure paft meane* SohU: V Vhy lend you not Thalia then fomc pen^} Meh My pens are lootoo fliarpe to fit hir ftile, I {hall haoc time to vfe therainawhile. SsmU: But gentle Clio, me thinks your inke is dry, C/f#.- ItmaybcwclljJiiaue doncwritingi, ^0mU'. What did you rcgifler when you did write? Oi9: The works of famous Kings,andfacredPricfts, The honourable A £ls of leaders braue, The deeds olC odri , and Horatij. The loue Li curous bore to Spartans ftatc, The hues of auncient Sages and I heir fawes, Their memorable works.thcir worthylawcs. Njw thereisnofuchthingforto indite But toycs,that fits rhalu for to write* SottU: A heauic tale good Lady you vnfold, .. Are there no worthie things to write as were of old, deo: Yes diucrs Princes make good lawes, But moft men oucr flip thdrn* A hd diuers dying giuc good gifts. But their executors nip them, ,n i v r Mel: Tifiphonei$iteppingtotlxflagc,a«dihe hath Iworac towliipthcm. Som. The third and laftthin^l require is if you can: fliewme the mighiie Mais ji^court* - . Met. VValke hence a flight fliootvp the bill» And thou flialt fee hi? caflle wall. S<>«/. Ladies the gifts that I can giue, /sirumblythncetothunk'eyoualU ^^"' Mel: Farewell p^reiouldier* C/;*:Thalia now wee are alone, tel v$ what pageant twas you caldforpenseucnnowfohaliely,toend? Th4 : T was thus; r#* k»inf the g»ds h„gP4Ct[m downt, FUMfrrcfrim hmuti u (omfin men •» ear$b, ^pif^fme ^Uafitrfe abuzdc in coun try Court an d towne. By fpccchcs,geftures,aJKi didioneft mirth. Made huhible fute that he to hcauen might pafTa A gainc, from world where he fo wronged was. . His fute obcaindjSind ready he to clime, Sorrow comes lHcaking^ndper6>rnies his dcede, Snatches hi$ Roabc.and euerfincc that time, Tis paine that masks difguifdc in pleafiircs wcedc. The Pageant's thus, with colt and cunning trim. That worldlings welcome Paine inftccdcof him. Loath was Ijthatvnpcndoneiotcof thisHiouldgoe, Becaufc IJmilc to fee for weale, how fwcctly men iwiil woe* - Melfoi Wocisthc firft word I muft write , beginning where you end, I haucjnckc inough and pens good (lore, C/itf.* Perhaps the world will mend. : ^^ Alas good father thou art lame, , ' To b c a fouldicr farrc vniuflie, Thy beard is gray thy armour ruftic. Thy bill I thinkc be broken too* Fortcri Friend make not thou fo much adoOj My lamenes com:s by warre, My armours ruliincs cojncs by peace,* . A maimed (buldicr made^Vlars ms Porfcr, Lo this am I : now qurftioning ceafc. Kafh : And what arc you ? A Painter with yourpcnfill and your colours braue? Hcr\ No Painter butaHerrald fircha to decrphcra Gcntlc« maiifromaknaue* Ra^h : Pray fir , can y ee Gentleman and knauc it both in onC man, and yee can fir, ] pray you doo it in me. Her : /nd ecd / cannot in thy feUe, For all is knaue thatis in thee. Rdfh : Sing orte two and chrcc, C-iti^, after race, AndfoHiali we right well agree, SohI: Sir take no heed what he doth fay, Kis foo]ifh humor you ^oo fee, £ui tell me pray are you a Herrald. Her* /am. .Soul: /fliou'dhauc rather tooke you to hauebccnrj Appcllcs prcntife,)'ou were with colours fo prouidcd. Ttje Cdlers ^rofUecie, ti\ auntient times hauc Heralds bccnc eftccrrcf, And held companions for thcgrcateft Kings* Auguflus Cacfar made a la\v,l6 did Antonius too, Tli"t without Hciraldsgrauc aduicc Princes fhouMc notliiri; doo. Her : Well tfien was then,th cfe times arc as they bc» V Ve no w arc faine to wait who growcs to wealth, ~ And come to bearc fomc ofTic c m a towne» And wefor money help them vnto Armes, For v%hat cannot the golden tempter doc? Sould: A lamcniablctlung it is, but tell v$ /intrcatc, y Vhere might we finde adored Mars. Her: From hence firyouto Venus Court muftpafle, Adownc the hill,t;iC way is ft cepe,fmooth,fl«eke as any glaflCi Goc by the dorc of Dalliance, and ifyou there him mis Aikc Niccncs tor llic beft can tell whcrcliirfairc Lady is! Both day and night thedoresareope, • Thellrongcitclofctdoreisbutof fethcrsmade, Ru(hboldlyi;i,ftandnottoafkcandncuerbcafraider S9mI. a t Vcnas Court fir doc youfay thatMars is to bcfbimd! For: Gentleman we haue toLJ ycc truth although vnto oiir harts it be a wound, Forfearchingaswecbidyou fir. No doubt a wondrous hap, But you (hall finde Go4 Mars a flcepe. On Lady Venus lap. This one thing more, you cannot come The way you thither pafie: Tis dangerous,thc hills too flccpe andflipperic all as glafTe." Take this of mc,the faircft way from Vcuus Court isl)Cggeric« There arc more tvaies, but they are worTe and threaten more cx- treamitic. Her: / thats for fuch as thither paflfe, Ofpleafurcandofwill: Butthefeforotherpurpofegoe, . •- Poubtcherctbrcfirnoilit . T^eCohtcfsfrdphteie, Sout: T thank e you both thathauc vswarnedbyyour ^kill, 1{j4:l and 1 le end with a Prophccicfor your good wilt; You thinkc itis a plcafant ieft, TO tell the times of peace and reft. But hce thatliues to ninctic nine, Into the hundreds fliall decline. Then jfliaUthey fpcake of aftrangetimC; For it will be a woondrous thing, TO fee a Carter lodge with a King, Townes fhall be vnpeopled fecnc. And markets made vpon thegrcenc: This will be as true I tell yce all. As Coblers vfe the thred and nail. And To becaufe that all men arc but mortcr, Ileaue thcpaltrie Herraldandthc Porter, ^Sotii: Ipre thee come away , Gentlemen with thankcs I take Riylejue, ffer ; Adiewgood fit, ^or : Fare w ell v n to you both, Excmt omnes^ Enter Contempt And Venus. Coax Come Lady Louc,now bore we Mars,thou mine I thine be! Glide, I'entis: Ah my Contcmptitwillberpidc toofoone, Soil^iailoyrplcafureshaueabittcrcnd, Proiude fonic place for I am big with cl .ilde, And viidone if Mars my guilt efjjie. Co)it'. Sweet Venus beaflurde,] hauc that care BtJ t you perchaunce will coylie fcorne the place, t)r««/: Whatiftfome AbbieoraMunneric? Cgh: No they abound with much hypocrific^ K Againll thtiv ci il.l-birth loprouidefor. As al' chcir 1 .ufDar.ds wenlth was fcarce the wo«h Qi the line linnn vfcd in tlmt month. And Qiail not Vt nus be as kinddic vfde* , Con: It mod beaswcmay, llcgocprouided And Ipie my ti-r.e ilyjic to licaU* thee hence, i^it, Venus: Awjic for Mars is come, Enter By warrc true louc is hindred and yndone. .._,--«i«Br^ The CplUrsTrcfheJif, 4 And L'>Jics laps left cmptic of their loucs, wl^fc heads did bcaufific their tender knees,' Ruph: Yon need not plainc your laps full inougin Sould: F rl/ur'f ihjs^tt thouhea Q>cks of the game ^ that vpOMtfi to crat bj day^ ' %An^ wt 'h thy fharfnedfpitrrit the CTAuen Cockfs dtdH l^lUndJlaj : Sith nore thou doSl hut prune thy w/vf/, gftdmak^ thyfithsrsgaji : 7%e Coolers Tfcpbiflt^ jidHHghiUCockethiitcfeshyiitght^ pfallJUlte thee betray^ AndtreadthyHenyandforAtlmt Jhallcarrse her away t ^ ^djhehy him pjallhatch a Clicks r this CouK:rey tc decay* t/indfoy thi/pretie pHlletsname thou fhalt the better learne: ^ When thoHfbalt onelie letters fiae ri within oue name dijceme, ^ ThrgeveweisandtwocoufiftofitSf which vowels if thoM /caff y ^oth found that which to eneriepUce . condu^eintrcated* _ . . M^.Novr haft thou chcard my droop ing thoughts fweet lot$ tctmelaydovnenoybeadTponthykflte, •' • Sing one fwect fongi thy voice nill rauifli me/ ' ytnm: Follie come rorilu £»/#rPollie» /<>W#: Anorctnrfootlu rr;7ivi:6idNiccnes,New&ngle, Dalliance and the reft brio^ forth their Mwfickc Mars intcnditofleepe, : -V • : ' ,; " Mthibt fuilhtht toy ti that kp9vvn9carei Tlnfictts ^tr* found that an from dreawes txtwtfi, letintLeeftf'Vvtettslitihidaftcretfnare^ E fVbtre It fits the lofndtf be warie wife. ' FeBie: P«p»,pccpc, Maddam hcis a flccprj / EnterCoHtemft ^dndkijf eVetiMSt Sing.* SteefeonfecHreJetcMre net tnch thy hurt ^ LtAHeto !oHehir\ thai hvgtte Hue in change, Sf rtahtanideaU^ when they their f Aires impart Rome theu abroak far I intend torange: Tet wantons leume to guide your routing eiet^ %/€t no fuf^eH by ga^ingmay arife. \ Venus: HoM on your M ufickc,Fol lie Icauc thy play,. Come hither lay his head vpon thy. Icncc, Fie whata loathed load was he to me. Come my Content ,!et$ daunce about the place. And mocke God Mars vnto his fleepiefacc* • G^ni Venus a^reed^piayvsjiGailiard. i-XiufickspUieSj they daunce, and leap etterMtxSf 0tdm4ikf*ig^ kornes at euerie Mrw, at length leant him* Mars: Why fings not Venus? hirloue I tohcare,. Swcctlet the Fife be hirthcr from mine earc* '■ - IcoWiQ holds Jltll the Fife, Nay let the Fife play, els the Mufickefcailcs. f o! li c flaie/ againe* What ftijlfoncrc my earCjfwcet Venus (ing^ - / Sing; where is flie? * Out foolc, what doos my head vpon thy knecJ FolUei Forfooth my Miftris bid me» 1A/trst Whcres Vxinus/pcakc ye ribalds, harlots, foolcij And ncuer fpcake againe except I fee hir: Mars isimpatient^finde out Vcnu»foone» ExtMntdti0-% Or perrifli flaucs, bcforc'my 'an^ric wrath. jFo///« Nay a ladic, Follie will liu« for all you« M«'/;Awayycctoole/cUV«ausofmyra^c* ..-J AndbidHrcoiiietoMarsthatnovvUgini^ti'^'.rV'' m\' t To doubt the CoblersProphccic. fiw^Foflifi L - £»f^Ncwfanolc, and Dalliance Nfff: My Lord we cannot findc hir any where. Ui^si Hence villaiDcs,feckc tlie garden,fcarch My proteftaiion quickly trie. Andifyoufindeaslhauelaide, That you fhould be b; him betraides RemimberRaphtheCoblingknauc, Youwamingof this roifchiefegaue, So Icauc 1 yott to fcaf ch tkc Ilauc. aX9 "SmUu* My honorable Lord, the traine attends, All thingi are rcadic for your hjghnes fpon ; And I am fent from other of eftate. ToprayyourGracetohaftyourwontedprefenCf, 2)W: Emniustheyrauft attend a while, ForlhaMfccrctsto impart Withthee: - - - a $ B0»iii4 Tht Cthhrs Trdfhefii, Bmnim: Say oil my HoiK.rabl c Lord to m c'l ^uke: Thou knowft wc muft vnto the wood, £w7»i«/.TrucmymoftGratious Lord» 2)ft^r, Suppofc there wcrcatrairrousfocofmine^ What wouldR ihou doe to rid nic from my feirc? - Emmts: Dy on the traitor,aiid prepare hisgraue. Before he fhould one thought of comfurthaue, •' 2)«^; But tell me Emnius, didfl thou fee a tree, 'I'hat bore faire fruit^delighting to t lie eye. And by the flraightncs of the triinkc they grow too hie. W'Ouldfi: thou oppofe thy fclfc againfl the tree. And workethedovvncfallerethefTliniouldbe. Emnim. I would regard no hight to claime the fruitc That fhould content mCjbut attempt to clime Thehigheft top ofhtght,orfallto death, Alone and naked to obtainemywilU i^»i^. lamrightioyous youircforefolude. Such Courtiers fhould become a noble Princep But tell me Emniu's had I any foe. That (ecretly attempted my diftieffe, Vrhatfecret weapon haucyee to prcucnt? €mntHs, Onely my fword my Lord, that is my reft, My refolutionto defend your Grace* ^nkex And hauc you not a Dag to help mc too* Emftfus: A Dag my Lord; * I>itks ^ mandcnieit not, I know ye haue a Dag prepardc for mee» £w«; I haucaDagnotforyourMaicIlic. Ti}eT)ukj! takes it fremhim* *Dh: Yes Emnins pouic thy fclfeinto thy felfe, ' And let thy owne cies be thy harts tiue witnes* ' vvcarfl th.ou this Dag to injure any beaft; B carftthouthcfe bullets for a tocmans life? thou bent againft thy loyall Lord, ro reaue his lifcthat glues theelife and breath? £w:Gainft beads my Lord doth Emnius like to dcalc, KcisnotfobcaiHicandabhominatc, ' .ijiTT;: r---^i nVT^'^'"'^ TheCohiersVrofheJit. As lie delights to loy in trcchcrie, Dn, So fmilcs Hicnn, when fhc will beguile," And fo with tcircs dccciucsthc Crocodile* Arc not thcfc toolcs prepared for my end} Speake ill intending man, Ah Emnius? Haue I for this maintained thy clUte, v Atfbordcd al 1 the fauours I couldyeeld. To be rcwirdcd with ingratitude, with murder, trecherie^nd thcfc attempts! And allinhope towinmy realmc and childe. I vill not (hew ihy finne vnto the world. But asthoudidibntend^foniait thou BilU Emntw kettles dovfntM Receiue thy death, dclerttuU man ot death, And pernfh all thy trechcrous thoughts with thee. Em', welcome my dcathjdefcrtfiill I confefTcj Heaucns Pardon my intent, your highnes ble{tc« The Duke rdifts himvp^ JD«: Hciucns pardon thy intent, and fo doc I, . Be true hcrcaftcr,now thou (halt not die» Come follow vs £mnius,Icarne to know this lorc^ Murder ohn can sft men brings (liamcof Princes more.' Em: O that fame Cobllng Rogue that rauingruns. And madding aimcs at cwcrie hidintcnt, Rcucaldthispra£iifc,butUcftab thcQaue, Andhconcc dead the Dukes death will / haue. * Exif, Enter jMcrcuric with 4 Trnmfet foundingy And tvve of ^cnu« waiting m4fds, thsone»AmedK\Xj the other 1m, Inaharsnga Chtil Aier: Be it knowne vnto all people, that whereas Venus <»/m# lull, hath long challenged a prchcmuience inhcauen, and been adored with the name of a GoddclTc, theSinodeof thcGods feeing affembled, in regard of hir adulteries with Mars, difcoue- '- red "''■V*?Tff='r:V'.*if5«SsS Tbe Coolers Profhefe, fed by Phocbui , when in the face of hcaucn , they hoth were ta^ ken in an yron net; wherein hir wrong to Vulcan was apparabr; and fincc that, many otlierefcapcs considered ♦ ButlaftJyabd moftcfpccialJy, hcrpublikeadultcriefbchathcoroniittedwith tharbaferaonftcr Contempt they haue all confcntcd, and to this decree firmed j that no more /hiil Venus poiffcirc the trtleofa Goddcfle, but be vtterly excluded the compaflc of hcaucn: and itihalbe taken as great indignitieto the Gods togite Vcmis^a- ny other title than the dctcffcd name of iuftjor firumpct Venus: And whofoeuerfhall adore Contempt or intertainehini,;ilialbc reputed an cnemic to the Gods ♦ More, it-is decreed that wane {halbcrayfed againft Bcoetia, and viftoriefhall not fall on their fide, till the Cabbin of Contempt be confumde with firc.GiiiCB at Olimpus by lupitcr and the ccleftiall Synode» ^ • -: ^i»: 111 tidings for my Lady thefe* /«4; 111 newes pore babe for thee* < I praie ye tell } /v4:Agirleitis. Mil :Who were the godax>tllers^ lU : We two are they. Mer ; Your names I craue. Kh : Mine Ru and hers ii Ina. M The baftards name he toldc rac too^'v But It was riddle, wifci * : ^ r Hclpc mc to fearch it Mercuric^; I know thee quickc art^ wife, ' Wlien I ihould oncly in t w«rd , , . . ; , Fiue letters luft difccrnc '^ •.^^\iV Three to wcis an d two confonknt^i The name I foondhould learnc ; But thofc fame rowels hce dydbid^ ThatlfKouIdduIjrfcan^ • -' And thcyvv oilld fignifie the^tyi Thatguicfciheucryman. ':■:>'- J HaA thou notiieard of fuch a thing ? ^ He icarchjIlefoUowthcrtl. w . Mer : Be patient Mar$,they wilifbequickly found^ , Rtti»A is the bartards namc»R.N, the confonantj, Vjl.and A.the yoweJsbeiand ^msthe wUye. -ducngedbec, J?H ;'>^''' ' "^^ - C;0 with me Mercuric,thou my reuengc (bidt Tec. .Affy:Iwillgo«nadomybcftfoi-thcCi MfitMH^r Kapb ; Tis tnic ^Dtfke,thit I do fay, Hc^ifl w*uldnukc thy lyfc awajr. He II too frolikc xnd too iullic. Thou too fimple andtootruftic, Warres Hull in thy Unde begin. For pridc,contempc,Jinercie fclloWjgo thou in, Ex.Ritfk^ Jr/& : He rtucs my Lordjits ill aduifd of you To fuffer him (o neere your princely excellence. Dt* : His prefence breeds me no oflencti A cry within help,murthcr,murr- ther, Raph comes rutming; out; Ennius after him with his oaggcr. drawen , after Ennius Zelota the Coblers wife , whofnatches the dagger fromEnnius,and runs raj* viing, 2^f:\VhatRaphJK.aph/o fine you wil not ksAWJottr wile What a gUden f vrord and a filuer Icaife? . > •> r » , ri Vv': , C There, there Raphjpucitvf. 'i ' i\ S he (hbs Bnntus^d hi^ faJsxIeail^ Whj^fo? She (lands agaiaeibdainlyamazdcT "WhatfoPWhywhcreaml? ^ U Kffh : Faith vn here ye ha made a fayrc pecce ofwoAel D^\ Lay hoMe on them^what riolenee is this, T* bauc 9nc murdred cucabcfore ourprcfcnce ^ .< r ' 'M» »* '* -V'->>- . The CSkrsTr&^hefie, iVfc :What caufc hadihhoutoklllthisGcnttcmant - Zf/:Noncintheworld,IneuerknewhimI. Kaf h : No fmh fhces mad^Bc has bccnc cucr (inccl wa« apropherandcaurefhc fawe a dagger without aflicaih^ Oie eucii put it vp inhis belly. i)v^:Why what acquaimancchaftthouwith this woma? Kaph:0 Lord fir/nc has bin acquainted with \r.e a great wbile>,with mine caics^with cuciypartofmc^why tismy wife. rt-- r Sch : The }ykelyer may it like your grace of hts conlcnt, Twere good they both did fuffcr punifliment. D«:Commicthcm both^but fhc has long bin mad, It may be heaucn rcferud her to this end. Sch : Conic and your wife muft goc to VN'»rd> Till you be tnde for clecrencs or confent. Kaph : O fir,whetheryou will I am content, GodM rkedyhasfcrudmcpretily, Has made my wife mad,and fayd (hcc (hould not be well. Till by her hand a traitor fell, Andlmuftcucnbehangdforcompanie. ,,. .^ Excfiftt Wit h the Cobler And his vctfe fame btAreoMt E^f^its hdie, Dh : I doe not gefTe the woman guiltic o\ this crime, But the iuft heaucns in thcyr feucritie, Hauc wrought this wreakc forEnnius trcchcrie. Enter Scholler and Mejjenger. ^rAiHereisamertengcrmy gracious Lord, That briigs ill tidmgs to your quiet (Ute. ;:);/:What arc they fclo vv,let vs heare the fpeak.Sparc not Mejf'. The Argiucs and the mcnof Theflaly, With mightie powers are come vpon your coaft. They bur1ie,wart,rpoyIc,kiU,murthcr, make no Ipare, O' feebl; age,or harmlclTe infant youth, Thry vo w to triumph in Bocecia 5 And m?kcyourHishncs vaftalltothcir will, ^ TJbcy th.reat?/ : O i:r,I luuc bin fccking yc all day, And greatly do I praifc my fortune thus to m«ctc yce. Sai : In good time /ir,bc bricfc I pray. Cciint : You do rerrjcnibcr nic Ihopc. S\.it : Not vcrie vv cll I proniifc yc. Comt : Lord {ir,and you bcc aduifdc.I was anc of theiu chat rcaforicd before contempt, when you defended war^ another arte^one the court, and I the c«untric. S,%( ; I remember in dcc(^cfuch areafoning,befbrethtt vile moiifter Contempt, butyoulhaue forgot. Coum : O Lord fir ycs^by that token v/c went iftcrwar^ K) the Ordiiiarle. Sai : True,mie, now I callyc niindc,by this token I was not able to rcachc coirimons, andfo was caOiicrd outof your companic, Cmr. t : Twas a«;aini) my will Ifaithi yc fa we I wu an«« therrnans gucft. S*t : Its no great nitrter. But whats your bulines nytk me noWjthat you fceke for me fo haflily ? Count : Marie lir there is warrcs to ward^do yc not heart •nit? Sat : Thats to too fure. CoHntiAndl fcarebyreafbn of my wealth Khalllicf thofen for a Captaine ouer fomc Companies. ^4/: And what of that? Count : Why I haue no skill,and therefore wouldc hyre jt » *;^ you to (crue in my place. lie pleafc ye well . "™^ S41. 1 he Duke wantes men fir, and therefore muft ycc fcruc your felfe,though not as a captainc,yet in a place fit- ting your pcrfon. You offer me n^oncie,wby man He deale kindly wich ye,yc fhal haue fomc of me,here take it,bc noc Bicc.In the Dukes name I charge yc with horfc andfurni- luie to be rcadic to morrow by breakcof4ay/or the bufK »r?f askcj fpecurlirc. Cmni :\Thy whit tlifc is thi$,thai fuch as I muft feroc^ Alhiiiic oa wirres f«r mc that ere they were, Exit, Enter Riph and other priroaert whfc Wx*apoa(. Sdt : Why n«vv fcllo we$,what arc you? K4fh : What fouldier.da not jrou toiow me^ Sdt: Yes Raphjbut what are thclc? R<^^ : Faith certainc pu-fcllo wci sf mine,that hauc bin nued Tp,& now ihc exclamation goes we (hal hauc warsj ^c arc all fci at hbertie,and Tent to you to be craild vf . : 1^4/ ; Why wert in prifoi ? Rafhx I fiich I projphcficd fo long,ihat Ihad like to hauc bin hangd.My wifr kild the courtier man.that would hauc kild mc & the Duke to,buc He be a prophet no longer thatf ilaitc,aftcc I hauc done bccinj a fouldicr, lie tocoblinga- gainc. 5^^S» doeft thoi well ; But fcUowc tcU inec why wtit thou in. /r//:Faith fir for nothing but riding another mass korfc^ S4t : That vras but a linallmatter. R4»ib: A thing of nothing, for when he had ftollenhim, ke were as good ride him as leade him in hit hand« fri : Faith thats euen the truth on ic. ^4^; I tWinke you all hauc bin of fuch coiditiaa ^ But now betake you to anotlier courfc, The Duke hath giuen you life and libcrtic, Where otherwifc your deeds dcferucd dcath^ Ifnowyoudooottcndrndcr my charge, Looke fornofauourbutthe inartiall lawe. Death on the next tree witliout allrcmilTioij And if ye hke not this I will rccuracyoe frftm The CobUrx Frofheftc, From whence yc came to bide the doomc ofia w, Speake,wil] ye liue and feme as mie men fhould? ^//:I,r,I* Re repaid c? aK bre^Jce my hart, Had all tl.efc eui » Ulrc vpon my head, Andniiilionsoiniorcl armes tlian hcaucn couldhcap, Yctallvvcrcru>tliiijf,h.idiiotniy Content, Kcvvardid me thus vilic with Conrcmpt. (^on-. Shapcotco.lvifijn,niirroiirof c'cceil. Fan e forne witlvtbule dcHKniities (iefilde. Know that I * ni Contciiipc in naiut e fcoincftjllj , Irvt to thy good,and fhtall to thy hie: Thar \vhilc I ioyde in gloric and account, Difdainde .ill venue, and contemnd aliyice. Good, wcie held withmcofcquall price. And now the wiiuingofmy greatneirecome?^ Occafiond by thy !oue, whome Marialj e^ed^ AndlthataildefpirdcamnowreieOecl. For vNJ'jch I thee reieft, difdaire and iiate, VX'in inotheediea death dilconfolate. Venui: Yet once regard me as a thing recardlcs.. Ihouart the abiecls wretch ahueeftecincd, I worfcthan viKncsintheworldam dtcnjcc;: 1 fcornd.thou hatcd.c.ich hkc other bceing, f-iuc we togcihcr void ctotlicr being. Con: Liglirnes of lighrell things that vaunt of jiic Sprung fiijm the hoathic bubbles of the iea: Lcauc to (oiicite I im rhar loathes thy luokcs, Spi'ting vpon (Ijv f! ccspainccd pride / vsi, and in filcncc fhrov^,d xhif Joatlicd irunke dcfpiied andabhord, Exit^ She offers tefoflovv^ he dr'wes hir ifiic^e, Venm: Sofliei the murderer from thciranCT'cdhnis, Left Jimies on the ground by his tell h.iiid. S« » runnci the Fyger from the bloodlesprny , VVhichwhcn Ins tell llomatkc is of hunger fbnchf* Thou murdrer, Tygcrjgiuttcd with my tairr, O LcauA f Leauf^ me forCikcn, map of gricfe and carc# O wiiac is beauty humbled to the bafc^ That ncucr had ^ care of ciuil 1 thought? O wKat is Buor in an obfcurcplacc? Like vatoPcarles thaifor thcfwinearc bought: Beauty and fauorwhcrc no ver cue bides, Proues foule, deformd, and hkc a Ihadow glidcf . Ah that my woe contd other women wjrnc, To buc true wcdlockc or the virgins hfc: For mc too late, forth'sm fit time to learne. The honour of a maid and conftant wife, Oneis adorde by Gods with holy rites, Thclaft Uke Lampcs both earth and hcau€n !»ght?2 But the foulc horror of a harlots name, £uen of the Lech er coumcd as a fcorne; Whofcfbrhead beores the markc of hateful! fliamc^, Of th c luft-louer h: ted and fbrlome. O fuch is Venus, fo (hall all fijclvbeo \7 AsvG:bafcluft,aadfoulcadulterie» - ^xifl ir EKterthe DHkfyhu DaMikter,'Priefty4ftdSchollcri then comfajfe she flage, fiarH one fart Ut a fmoke^rtfe: 4t whtch fUce thejf Allfiaj, ?rh /mmortallmouerof thisgloricusfiamc, ■ That circles vs about with wondci- great, Receiue the oflfr ingsof our humble harts And bodies proftrate on. the lowly earthy Thf;aSk»fieUdotvne. Our finncs hath drawne the fiirieof thy wrath. And turnd our peace to mifcric ?.nd warrc: But ifrepcntantfoulcs may purchafe grace, • ■ VVccraueirhumbIy,and intend to liuc, Hereafter more rcformd than wee 1-kauc done. For pride, we cntertainc hurnilitic! Forourprcfumption^dueobcdicncc: ^^^^ Louc for Contcmpc,ancl challitie forluft: The Cabbin of Contempt doth bumc with fire, '^ /n which our finncs are ca ft, and there conlumc. ^ Hear e vf ycc hcauenly powers, helpc re require, # And be propiiious to the penitent. Emtir a Mejfengtr^ >Vf^» : Rife from the humble earth my Noble Lord, Rife vpycel*riefts. Princes, and people rife, ^ And hcarc the gladfome tiJings I vnfbld, |t Of hppPy »5caccaiidglorinusvi^orie« j T!:f!y dll rift and cnji incenfe ir.te t hefn* 1} \ei Forihativvcf'^cvoiccofFcrdtovsby inan, , C.ifli*A\-cicfhncenrc into holy fires, . i A-H vlile ri.ty bumc, tcl! on thy happy newcs. That vcv may here ai)d lionourheaucnly Powers, i Ail fen : V Vhc:i Saieroi my Lord had brought your pow ,? .For jh) reward lecewc tins ri'CiiinjJencc: r Th e D«^r ^ ff*es htm ^iis tf^cr garment, n ' Our fcJucs will forward to f\'ure our fricuds, . Ti.arf juglitfor'ionourot B-OCtia. 1^ Sound Drun aii rrum'cr notes triumphantly, He^ueasluuc chciioiuurforihitVKtojie*. Exeun^^ Enterwtth Drum dftd Trumpet $ itcros/f^d&efwegne'^itt 4t»d McrcuviCfRap'iCohl^y and htsmfiifoSQWffiff 4MdathcrJoutdiirs^ Mars : Thus Satcroi haue wcafTi led the;, , Ourtruefworncfou'dicr^vr^orthyitJunatArmcs, And tiicBvxocrtan Duke hath hcaucnappcaidc. By lii' iiigfJTcCoiircrnpttfnd loathed lulK IS Ureunc tlic fonnc and msfl'cugcr of louc VV'^iti line Ihillpiilcvnto my warlike houfc*^ jG')Cc!iouvtuo the Cuke with all C.iytraiiie, Thatlungs to^cethcc,alldrcqu^CthyP•JlOC• ^'rfp ; To uitgUty Mars anvl waiy Mercurie Voore S i:er.)Sgijesclianks and vowes hi5 ducty* Riiuh: A le )'cc here y faith ? hcrt s t wo on ycc, RjphCoMerniaycurretiKtiiiietluche».rckiicwyourcopafty« Ai:r .* VVli at iTi 1 nc ma n ? F '.ph : f yours what rcalbii had youo make ^tiv wife nv»d? ' I.indibm^dc kill one? and then m ke tncai'rip ici? A-fer: Jt «vas Hk iccrctiudijciTicnt ol" 'he G^ds, S..tcio$fpcik io die DAq u ihi.ike oa huii,aad tu tcuucinr UuU. Satcrts- The O^l'i'iPyofhfJSt* 54/: TcniaUbedohe. ' iWkr/; Is this the Prophet? "*"•• R^ph: lthatitif,t!iatroldyou yourownewhtftitwasj /Iatsx Satcrosvibhim well* Kafk : Nercd )u'jcvou chat : arcyecbcracinbrcd firccyetoM liim, if ve let your lelfc againll the God» they would dnuc yoil outt>i i)caueii. M*rs ♦ V Veil what of that? R^^h : Fauh At that time the world might v^cll hauealfoorded you a Cart to I idem. ^ " Sac : Go too Raph. ccafe, Raph : 1, 1 , and g' eat foike doo amiflc^ Poorciolkc muft hold thtirpcacc,^ wVrr: Mais llu!Iwehcncc? Man: l,tarcwc!lSatcros. £A;f*»^Mars*»JMcrcurif* Enter with honour the Duke and hu traifie, Duke: Welcome braucfouldjcr, welcome toyouair my word., I cannot fpc^keniy iiuudc, Rii in thistriuiiiph pallc we fo the Court, VV. lie you Oiall jllitcciueyourducddcits* 34\: Thanks Noble Lo:d. 'Kjph: VVhatfliailId)oihenj and my wife? 'JJ>4ke: I vMripr<>ii!dcfurtl.ef,andpard..«nhcr. Rafh'. Faiiiithei] farewell the Cou.t; Ff>r iiow Ilcnot tunandnde, nonio in Tea^idc, BiTi n iceniy niadv-ihc, hajcl an^<'eiiCim..dlifc, Ilcciioii c'ue tobe jProrhcti'ic.ikcr, Take cl w »'»giC3ti.crandiiauJc , and kll to my old trade of th^ frent'c cr tit tr.c Coblcr. Zcc. To ^s\\:rx\ the hf.iucns hauc giucn ^w\- viAorie, And ookemworfhour wcr'.hUsi3Cnficc, " VVii€;cia\wOntciiii>tandLuitwi:h oMingrathudc, O $ Hauc The Colliers Tr9f heft] Haue perifli cJ like Fuiue t hat flics from fire. March forward b^auc and worthy man at Afmes, Thy decdes (hall here warded worthily: Embrace the Sch(4lcr,lmeyou two as friend*, ^ For Armes and Learning may not be at iarre, Counfcll prcucnts, counfcll pre uailes in wane* Sat : My thoughts are free from hate, let me notUue, y Vhcnfouldiertfailc good Letters to defend. Sch : Let cucry Schollerbc a Souldicrs friend, As I am friend to thee and fo will rcrt. Raph : I foUue, and yee areblclh Ho wr faift thou Zelotc is not that life b eft. rOnks • Then with duepraifcto heaucn let vs depart, ^ Oui 5tatc fupportcd both by A rn:e$ and A rt. Extftfit^ T9rtm4 Cmdtlii, • ■ I V* THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AUG 1 1944 "fC?-|96e . RECEIVED 0£C1^'B6-12M LOAN Ptit'T. g m ■f *"*'*^ RomJWa 70-3P» i '?4 recTdcifCAPR 9 1994 LD 21-100m-12,'43 (8796s) U C BtRKaEYUBRARJII C0552b7737 ^ 2 280S6 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY