(!l^^::^^^&:i^--^<^^?W^ ^rn^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %eceiveii ....y'Wy'^^ , i8g2 - Accessions No. 4^ J ^3^ ■ Class No. Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/courseofinstructOOmetcrich U. S. MILITARY ACAOeivlV. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY TEXT. BY- Captain HENRY METCALFE, Ordnance Dep't, U. S. Army, Instructor of Ordnance and G winery, U. S. Military Academy. SKCOND KDITION. ^^ OP TEra"^^ UHiyERSITY] *^^^ — 1891. Copyright, 1891, BY Henry Metcalfe. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI.- CHAPTER VII.- CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER IX.- CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XI.- CHAPTER XII.- CHAPTER XIII.- CHAPTER XIV.- CHAPTER XV. CHAPTER XVI.- CHAPTER XVII.- CHAPTER XVIIL- CHAPTER XIX.- CHAPTER XX.- CHAPTER XXI.- CHAPTER XXII.- CHAPTER XXIII.- CHAPTER XXIV.- CHAPTER XXV.- CHAPTER XXVI.- CHAPTER XXVII.- CHAPTER : XXVIII.- CHAPTER XXIX.- CHAPTER XXX.- -Definitions. ) -Explosive Agents. -Ingredients of Gunpowder. , -Manufacture of Gunpowder. J -Interior Ballistics. -Velocimeters. -Pressure Gauges. -Phenomena of Conversion. -Noble and Abel's Experiments. -Combustion of Gunpowder in the Air. -Combustion of Gunpowder in the Gun. -Sarrau's Formula for Interior Ballistics. -History of Gunpowder. -High Explosives. - / -Metallurgy. -Projectiles and Armor. -Manufacture of Projectiles. -Means of Communicating Fire. -Gun Construction. -Exterior Ballistics. -Varieties of Cannon. -Artillery Carriages, Principles. -Various Artillery Carriages. -Horse and Harness. -Artillery Machines. -Hand Arms. - { -Small Arm Ammunition. -Small Arms. '- 1 -Cannon Without Recoil. -Accuracy of Fire. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION, The great advances which have been recently made in our knowledge of the properties of gunpowder have subjugated the " Spirit of Artillery," as this agent has been termed, to a seemingly docile servitude. These, with corresponding improvements in Metallurgy, have led to such changes in nearly all that relates to fire-arms as to make necessary a comprehensive revision of the course of Ordnance and Gunnery, established by the late Colonel James G. Benton in 1861, and modified from time to time by his successors on the Academic Board. The subject has outgrown the limits of the small encyclo- pedia in which Benton comprised all that was then essential for the ordinary officer, as well as for the student, to know of the materiel of war. It has also lost much of the stability which characterized it when spherical projectiles were still generally employed. The labors of men of science and the energy of inventors are continually extending the boundaries of knowledge and undermining positions which appear most fixed. Therefore, instead of giving to the course a descriptiv^e character, it appears advisable to frame it so as to present as simply as possible such of its principles as are the most important, and appear the best established. By employing the short time available for this course in teaching such principles, the student, although less familar with existing forms and methods than after the study of the former course, may possibly be better fitted to understand the causes of changes in materiel which are now so frequent, and, as his experience increases, to wisely advise the direc- tion that such changes should take. VI PREFACE. The selection, enunciation and deduction of such princi- ples in a suitable form is rather embarrassed than assisted by the mass of specialized knowledge to be found in the Government reports and in the periodical press. In fact, had it not been for the admirable text-books used at the ^'''Ecole d'' Application de VArtillerie et du Genie^'' at Fontaine- bleau, France, for a set of which the author is obliged to superior military and diplomatic authority, it would not have been possible for him to prepare many of the following pages. Graphical methods have been freely used, both to express abstract relations and to avoid description. In order to reheve the memory and to train the student in reading mechanical drawings, it is intended that the more elaborate shall be recited on from the book. It has been attempted to give the antecedents of present forms, briefly, but so as to indicate the general lines fol- lowed in their evolution and possibly to anticipate the direction in which their improvement tends. In so doing more stress than heretofore has been laid upon the practice of the workshops; since the history of invention shows that this has had as much to do with the march of improve- ment as a special knowledge of the military necessities of any particular case. The thanks of the author are due : To Mr. Geo. H. Chase, of the Midvale Steel Works, Phila- delphia, for revising Chapter XV. To Captain Z. L. Bruff, Ordnance Department, for the appendix to Chapter XIX, relating to the Elastic Strength of Guns. To Private C. August Schopper, of his detachment, for most of the drawings used in illustration. West Point, New York, yuly 1, 1891. HENRY METCALFE, Bibliography of the Principal Works Consulted. Benton's Ordnance and Gunnery. 6th Edition. Mordecai's Revision of Benton. Pamphlets, U. S. M. A. McKinlay's Text-Book of Gunnery. British. 1887. Cooke's Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. 2nd Edition. Text Book of Ordnance and Gunnery, U. S. N, A. 1887 Noble and Abel's Experiments on Fired Gunpowder. 2 Vols, 1880. Proceedings U. S. Naval Insiitute. Current series. Encyclopedia Brittanica. 9th Edition. Bloxam's Chemistry. 6th Edition. Byrne's Metal Worker's Assistant. 1869. Goodeve's Principles of Mechanism. 1876. Reports of the Chief of Ordnance, U. S, A. 1872 — 1890. Ordnance Notes, U. S. A. Notes on the Construction of Ordnance, U. S. A. Current series. Reports on Naval Progress, U. S. N. 1887 — 1890. Principal French Works. Roulin's. Poudres de Guerre et Balistique Int^rieure. 1884. do Armes Portatives. 1885. Pi^bourg. Fabrication de la Poudre. 1884. do Pyrotechnic. 1884. Jouffret. Les Projectiles. 1881. Berthelot. Sur la force de la Poudre. 1872. Muzeau. Effets du tir sur les affuts. 1884. Bornecque. Armes ^ repetition. 1888. Malengrau. L'Artillerie a I'Exposition. 1890. Aide Memoire. Artillerie. 1887. Referritig to Chapter XII. Meig's and Ingersoll's Interior Ballistics, U. S. N. A. 1887. Medcalfe and Howard. Notes on Construction of Ordnance. N0S.36&42. The above are derived principally from Sarrau's ** Researches on the Effect of Powder," translated in the Proceedings of the U. S. Naval Institute. Vol. X. Whole No. 28. And from ** Researches on the Loading of Fire Arms." 1882. VIU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS CoNStJLtED. Referring to Chapter XIV. Abbott's Submarine Mines. i88i. Appendices. Eissler's High Explosives. 1884. Monroe's Notes on Explosives. 1888. Referring to Chapter XV. Greenwood's Steel and Iron. 1884. Bauerman's Metallurgy of Iron. 1868. Jean's Steel, History, Manufacture, etc. 1880. Thurston's Text-Book of Materials of Construction. 1886. Chernoff on the Structure of Steel. Note on Construction of Ordnance. No. 22. Brinell on the Structure of Steel. Note on the Construction of Ordnance. No. 37. Referring to Chapter XVI. Proceedings U. S. Naval Institute. No. 56. 1890. Ordnance Construction Notes, 28, 49. Referring to Chapter XVII. Ordnance Construction Note, 26. Refe'^ring to Chapter XIX. Ordnance Construction Notes, 9, 19. Referring to Chapter XX. Bruff 's Ballistics. 1885. Ingalls' Exterior Ballistics. 1886. Referring to Chapter XXX. Glennon's Accuracy and Probability of Fire. 1888. REMARK. — The unusual method of paging adopted in this work is intended to facilitate its revision, since new chapters can be inserted with- out disturbing the sequence of the following pages. INDEX The heavy figures refer to the number of the chapter, and the lighter figures to that of the page. Abbott's experiments, 14, 1. Abbreviations, 1, 4. Abel, gun cotton, 14, 10. Absolute error, 30, '24; force of gunpowder, 9, 6. Accidents, fuzes, 18, 19; gunpow- der, 4, 1; high explosives, 14, 1. Accles feed, 29, 6. Accuracy of lire, 30, 5; estimated, 30, 23, 35. Acoustic telemeters, 30, 11. Air, combustion in, 8, 2, 10, 3, 4, 12, 3; packing, 7, 4, 21 , 7; re- sistance of, 16, 1, 20, 8; spac- ing, 11, 14; trajectory in, 20, 18. Aluminium in steel, 15, 20. Ammonium nitrate, 3, 7. Ammunition and arms, relation, 27, 1; chest, 22, 28; rapid fire, 29, 18, 20; small arm, 27, 9, 28, 19; supply of, 2S, 17. Ancient cannon, 13, 1; carriages, i8l, 20; gunpowder, 13, 2. Analysis of gunpowder, 2, 10, 9, 2, 11, 29. Angle of fall, 20, 37, 30, 35; of draught, 24, 3. Animal power, 24, 1, 3, 28, 2. Animate objects, 10, 23; areas, 30, 48. Annapolis armor tests, 16, 43. Annealability, 15, 23. Annealing, 15, 38, 51, 52, 57; vrater, 15,54. Anvils, forging, 15, 44. 46; for ])rimers, 27, 4. Armor, kinds of, 16, 36; piercing shell, 16, 20, 29, 21; penetration of, 16, 36; test for projectiles, 17. 18. Arms and ammunition, relation, 27, 1. Artillery carriages, 22, 1; system of, a 1,3. Assembling cannon, 16, 58. Axle, 22, 24. B. Back gear, 17, 12. Backing, armor, 16, 37. Back rest, 17, 13. IJallistics, interior, 5, 1; exterior, 20, 1; coefficient (gunpowder) 12, 13, 28. 21; projectile, 16, 2, 20, 11, 23; formulae, 20, 28, 47; tables, 20, 27. 53. Balloting of projectile, 16, 15. Bands, carrying, 4, 5; rotating, 16, 12, 15, 17,2,15. Barbette carriage, 22, 2, 23, 5. Harlow's law, 19, J, 4. Barrels, mixing, 4, 5; tumbling, 4, 4; small arm, 28, 2. Bashforth, experiments, 20, 9; target, 6, 15 Basic process. 15, 19, 35, 37. Batteries, electric, 6, 15, 18, 5. Bayonet, 26, 1. Beaten zone, 30, 49. Belleville springs, 22, 19, 23, 4. Bellite, 14, 16. Belts, 17, 12. Benton velocimeter, 6, 3. Berdan telemeter, 30, 15; primer, 27,4. Berihelot's theory, explosives, 2, 3. Bessemer process, 15, 32, 35 j »»« ind: X. Bickford fuze, 18, 2. Blacking arms, aS, 29. lilack wash, l"?, 3. Blasts, size of, 14, 2. Blasting fuze, 18, 2; powder, 8, 7, 9, 9, 2. Blending gunpowder, 4, 13. Blister steel, 15, 14, 30. Blooms, 15, 43. Blow holes, 15, 21. l?o]t guns, 88, a. Bomford's experiment, 7, 15. Bore, rocket, 16, 44; and parts 1, 1. Boring, 17, 13. Bormann fuze, 18, 9. Boxer shrapnel, 16, 31, 32. Box magazines, 88, 11. Brakes, 22, 11, 18. Brinell's experiments, 15, 49. Brgger's chronograph, 6, 10. Breaching, 14, 19, 16, 20. Breech, 1, 2. Breeching, 24, 7. Breech loading, advantages of, II, 16, 13, 2, 28, 1; projectiles, 5, 3, 16, 14; small arms, 28,5. Broad well ring, 21, 7. Bronze, 15, 14, 20, 24, 19, 12; quenched, 15, 22. Browning arms, 28, 29. Blown powder. ( See Cocoa.) Bruce feed, 29, 5. Brug^re powder, 1 4, 18. Buffers, 23, 14. Buffington brake, 22, 19, 23, 2; carriage, 23, 1. Built up guns, 19, 12,22. Bullet, manufacture, 27, 8; small caliber, 28, 2, 20. Burden of ammunition, 28, 4, 28, 18 Bursting charges, 14, 7, 19, 16, 20, 26, 32, 19, 17, 29, 17. Butler projectile, 16, 13. Buttofrifle, 28, 3. C. Caisson, 22, 29, 23, 2. Cake powder, 13, i, Caking, 16, 20. Caliber, 1, 1; influence of, 16, 7, 17; small arm, 28, 2. Canet system, 21, 13. Canister, 16, 23, 25, 28, 82, 28. Cannelures, 27, 8. Cannon, 1, 1; B. L., 5, 3, 13, 2; construction of, 19, 1, 22; dimensions of, 13, 25, 21, 22; disabling, 14, 20; metals, 15, 13, 24; M. L , 6, 3, 13, 2, 21, 4; nomenclature, 1, 1; proportions of, 5, 2, 19, 46; varieties of, 21, 1. Carbine, 28, 1. Carbo-hydrates, 11, 28. Carbon, cement, 15, 18, 48; hard- ening, 15, 18, 48; states of, 15, 48; in steel, 15, 18. Carbonizers, 15, 28, 32, 36. Carcass, 16, 22. Carriages, artillery, 22, 1. Cartridge, anvil, 27, 4, 5; cor- roded, 27, 6; limit of size, 29, IS; manufacture of, 27, 6; metals, 27, 5; origin, 87, 1; resizing, 27, 6, Case hardening, 15, 27. Case shot, 16, 18, 23. Castan's powder, 4, 12. Casting, 17, 1; cannon, 15, 58, 19, 12; ingots, 15, 33, 56; steel, 15, 42. Cast iron, 15, 24; projectiles, 16, 5, 6. Cavity in shells, 16, 18, 22. Cellular theory, 15, 21. Cement carbon, 15, 18, 48. Center of impact, 30, 23; marks, 17, 13. Centering projectile, 16, 12. Central fire cartridge, 27, 4. Chamber, 1, 1, 5, 3. Change gear, 17, 12. Charcoal, brown, 3, 5, 4, 14, 11, 28 ; material, etc., 3, 1; pre- paration, 3, 2; properties, 3, 4; — spontaneous ignition, 3, 4. Cbase, 1, 3r INDEX. Chassis, 32, 2. Chauvenet's table, 30, 36. Chest, ammunition, 32, 28. Chi (x), coefficient, 11, 20, 13, 28; factors of, 13, 29; maximum value of, 13, 31. Chilled iron, 16, 5, 17, 6, 9, 14. Chlorates, 3, 7, 14, 19. Choice of formulae, Sarrau, 13, 6. Chromium in steel, 15, 20. Chronograph, Le Bouleng6, 6, 6. Chronoscope, 6, 13. Chuck, lathe, 17, 13. Clips, 33, 9, 33, 6 Cluster, 16, 23. Cocoa powder, manufacture, 4, 13 ; theory, 11, 27. Coefficient, ballistic, 13, 13, 16, •?, 30, 11, 23 ; of efficiency, 30, 52 ; of elasticity, 16, 4, 10, 19,9, 22; internal ballistic, various, 11, 19; Wertheims, 19, 2, 3, 25. Cold and heat, on high explosives, 14, 6; rolling, 15, 24, 42; shuts, 15,44. Collective fire, 30, 48. Combination fuze, 18, 6, 15. Combustion, condition of, 3, 4; in air, 8, 2, 10, 1; in gun, 8, 2, 11, 1, 4; rates, 8, 2, JO, 3, 13, 3; volume, 11, 1. Commercial values, 3, 9, 14, 2, 31, fi. Common properties, high explosives, 14,2. Communicating fire, 18, 1. Component parts of arms, 38, 2; of ammunition, 37, 8. Composition of gunpowder, 3, 10, 9, 2. Compound cylinder, strength of, 19, 14, 33. Compressive projectiles, 5, 3, 16, 14. Concrete powder, 4. 11. Concussion fuze, 18, 11. Condie's hammer, 15, 46. Conditions of loading, 13, 16. Cone of dispersion, 16, 23, 26, 30, 49; pulley, 17, 11. Constants, physical, 34, 2, 38, 16; Constitution of steel, 15, 16. Converted guns, II, 21, 19, 8, 31, 3, 5, 38, 15, Conversion of gunpowder, 3, 1; rate of 8, 3, 10, 2, 13, 3; phe- nomena of, 8, 1. Cooling, 15, 21, 49. Cope, 17, 5. Cores, 17, 4, 8, 11. Coring, 15, 56. Corning mill, 4, 11, 13. 3. Counter recoil, 33, 18; shaft, 17, 12 Cradle, 35, 2. Cranes, 1 5, 33, Crank axle, 33, 29; kinds of, 39, 7. Crozier's deduction, 19, 27; gun, 19, 18. Crucible steel, 15, 31. Crusher gauge, 7, 4. Crystallization, 15, 21. Cube, elastic, equilibrium, 19, 25. Cubic law, 30, 12, 16. Cup-anvil, 37, 4. Cupola furnace, 15, 25. Curvature of cutting arms, 36, 3. Cutting arms, 36, 2; speed, 17, 12. Cut-ofl", 38, 11. * Cylinder, elastic, equilibrium, 19, 26, 31; gauge, 17, 17; strength of, 16, 19, 19, 6, 31, 33. Damascus steel, 15, 55. Dangerous fragment, 16, 19 ; space, 1, 3, 30, 39, 43, 49, 38, 4 ; zone, 30, 49. Dank's furnace, 15, 29. De Bange gas check, 31, 8. Definitions, general, 1, 1. Deformation, process of, 7, 3. Delayed action fuze, 18, 19. De Marre, formula for armor, 16,40. Demolition, 14, 19. Density, gravimetric, 9, 3 ; of loading, 9, 4, 12, 11, 14, 13, 1; sectional, 16,1; — spherical, 16,6. Departure, angle of, 30, 2, 45j -i— ™» liue Of, 20, 1, INDEX. Depression range finder, 30, 14. DesignoUe powder, 1*, 17. Detachable magazine, 38, 11. Detonation, 2, 3, 4, 14, 3; sympa- thetic, 8, 5. Detonator, 3, 5, 14, 3, 18, 3; tube, 18,2. Development of small arms, 28, 17. Deviations, 80, 4, 30, 6, 23; causes of, 30, 6. Dimensions of cannon, changes in, 19, 27, 37. Dirigibility, 29, 13. Disabling cannon, 14, 20. Disappearing carriage, 83, 13. Dish of wheel, 23, 24. Disjunctor, 6, 4, 7. Dispart, 1, 2. Dissociation, 3, 1. Distance, estimation of, 30, 10. , Drag, 17, 5. Draught, angle of, 34, 3; horse, 34, 1; of patterns, 17, 4. Drawn cartridge, 37, 7. Drift, 30, 4, 30, 8. Drill cartridge, 39, 20. Drop test, 15, 15. Drying gunpowder, 4, 12. Dog, lathe, ir, 13. Ductility, 15, 11. Dusting gunpowder, 4, 13. Dynamite, 14, 4, 13. E. Early cannon, 13, 1; carriages, 31, 20; shrapnel, 16, 30; fuzes, 18, 7, 8. Eccentric turning, 38, 29. Economy, coefficient of, 11, 19. Effective work of gunpowder, 11, 11. Effect, factor of, 11, 11, 21. Efficiency of fire, 30, 52. Elasticity, 15, 3, 11; coefficient of, 15, 4, 19, 22; varying, 19, 9. Elastic limit, 15, 4, 19, 22; choice of, 19, 33; gtrength of guns. Electric batteries, 6, 15, 18, 5; primers, 18, 4. Electro-welding, 15, 23, 17, 15, 19, 19. Elevation, angle of, 30, 1. Emergency powder, 8, 4. Emmensite, 14, 17. Energy, 3, 6, 5, 1, 16, 1, 18, 30, 22; of recoil, 19, 19, 33, 4, 38, 16, 39, 1; of rotation, 16, 3; waste of, 9, 10, 11, 8. Engelhardt buffer, 33, 18. Envelope of cluster, 16, 23; of tra- jectory, 30, 6. Equilibrium, equations of, 19, 25, 27. Erosion of gun, 9, 13, 19, 20. Errors, 30, 6, 22, 24. Estimation of distances, 30, 10. Eta iv), 11, 19. Eureka projectile, 16, 14. Eprouvette, 7, 2, 9, 5, 13, 3. Expanding projectile, 16, 13. Expansion volume, 11,1; volumes of, 11, 12. Experiments, rule for, 9, 1. Exterior ballistics, definitions, 30, 1. Explosion, 5i, 1; orders of, 3, 2, 4; Berthelot's theory, 3, 3; temperature of, 9, 8. Explosive compounds, J8, 10; gelatine, 14, 15; high, 3, 10, 14, 1; military, 3, 9; mix- tures, a, 9; reactions, 3, 3; ^— strength of, 2, 6; value of, », 8. Eye, error of, 30, 7. F. Face plate, 1 7, 11. Facings, 17, 3. Factor of effect, 11, 11, 21. Fall, angle of, 30, 37, 30, 35. Feed case, 39, 5 ; of machine guns, 39, 5, 12; screw, 17, 12. Fermeture, cannon, 31, 9, 15; small arms, 38, 5. Ferreous metals, 15, 13, 24. Ferro-manganese, 15, 28j ^UiQOn, 15,28, INDEX. Field cannon B L., 21, 17; M. L., 81, 4; mortar, 31, 17; sight, 30, 3, Final velocity, 20, 17. Finishing projectiles, 17,10. Fire, angle of, 20, 5, 22, 9; arms, 1, 1; classification of, 20, 5; line of, 20, 5; plane of, 20, 4; works, 14, 1EpmiTtoNS. 15 in. S. B. C. I., etc. W. w. — Weight of larger and smaller of two masses consid- ered; as of piece in regard to projectile, or of projectile in regard to charge of powder. V. V. — Initial and remaining velocities. p. — Intensity of gaseous pressure per unit of area. r. d. — Radius and diameter of the cylinder of the bore, or of the projectile according to context. Note 1. From Michies Mechanics, Article 94, we have — = '^ ^^ See also Chapter XX, p. 22. p "v , !I. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. CHAPTER II. EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. Explosion. Is a name given to a series of phenomena resulting from two general causes. Causes of Explosion. I. The rapid conversion of a solid or liquid to a gaseous state. This conversion is accompanied by the evolution of heat, due to the nature of the chemical reaction involved. II. The rapid dilatation of a mixture of gases by the heat evolved in their combination. Such explosives are not yet generally employed in warfare and are not herein considered. Products. The gases evolved in conversion are principally CO2 and CO. These result from the more or less perfect combustion of carbon, which enters into every military explosive under circumstances intended to facilitate its oxidation. Dissociation. The tendency at high temperatures of CO2 and other com- plex products to occur in simpler forms, as CO + O, is sup- posed by Berthelot to exert a powerful influence upon the corresponding pressures. Dissociation, as this phenomenon is called, whether it pre- vents the formation of the complex product or destroys it, increases the specific volume of the gaseous products; but, since Mariotte's law has been proved not to hold for pres- sures ^ of those found in fire arms, it is supposed that the loss of heat from imperfect combination, or from work done II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. in breaking up the molecules already formed, exceeds in its effect upon the resultant pressure the increase of specific volume cited. External causes may subsequently decrease the temperature and permit recombination with a relative increase of pressure. It is found that, when the conversion yields a large pro- portion of CO, the violence or sharpness of the explosion is increased. This is supposed to be due to the rigidity or stability of this gas against diSvSOciation. H2 O is, by some, supposed to be subject to dissociation at the temperatures found in explosions. (See Bloxam, Arts. 36, 68, 311, Note.) Firing. The proximate cause of the reaction resulting in an explo- sion is always the absorption by some portion of the explo- sive of heat sufficient to raise its temperature to the point necessary to start the conversion. The source of heat may be external; or, as in spontaneous decomposition, internal. The means by which the temperature of the explosive is raised to the critical point may, in general terms, be called firing. Firing generally results from the transformation of kinetic energy into heat as a result of arresting the motion of either molar or molecular masses. Almost all explosives may be fired by molar shock, if it be concentrated on a mass of the explosive which is sufficiently small. (Bloxam, Arts. 309, 434, 538). Orders of Explosion. The energy of molecules in motion depends principally upon their velocity; and the external work done in stopping them, upon their stability of composition. When an explo- sive is fired by contact with incandescent matter, as by a flame consisting of molecules of COg, C, etc., moving with II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. 3 relatively low velocities, the explosive is said to be ignited^ and the explosion is called low or of the second order. When fired as by fulminate or gun cotton, the conver- sion of which yields a large proportion of molecules of CO, moving with a very great velocity, the explosive is said to be detonated, and the explosion is called high or of \.\\& first order. ■ Explosives which readily detonate are called high explosives. Example, Gun-cotton when — Order. Ignited j unconfined; burns quietly — ^ * * ' ( confined; explodes like gunpowder 2nd unconfined ) i j vu [ explodes with great f violence 1st Detonated . . . -j or ( confined; The distinction between the two orders of explosion is only conventional; the phenomena in practice appearing often to partake of the nature of both orders. This may explain certain anomalies observed in mining and in artillery. In mines, when the charges are large, the high pressure resulting from the initial explosion, if at a point considerably beneath the surface of the charge, is sup- posed to cause the detonation of the remainder. In cannon the mixing of quick with slow powder produces a similar effect. BERTHELOT S THEORY OF EXPLOSIVES. Origin of Reactions. " Every explosion must be referred to some initial increase of temperature transmitted from particle to particle on the surface of an explosive wave. This wave raises successively all portions of the explosive to the temperature of convei- sion. II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. Propagation of Eeactions. Two limiting conditions are supposed to result, viz.: 1. The condition of combustion. 2. The condition of detonation. These are progressively interchangeable in different de- grees, according as the amplitude and velocity of vibration of the particles forming the surface of the explosive wave are increasing or diminishing. Combustion. I. The condition of combustion depends upon a reduc- tion of temperature from the free expansion of a portion of the gases resulting from the initial explosion. Successive portions of the explosive will thereupon be heated to the temperature of decomposition with a velocity depending upon various conditions; this velocity, compared with that of detonation, is slow. Detonation. II. On the other hand, the condition of detonation de- pends upon an initial shock, too sudden (sharp) to permit of molar motion of the particles of the explosive. It is, there- fore, transmuted into heat which may raise the contiguous molecules to the temperature of conversion. The result- ing gases arc projected as a single (not periodic) explosive chemical wave traveling throughout the successive layers of the unexploded mass. This wave transforms its energy into heat at each impact, and, by virtue of its acceleration, raises each of the successive layers more rapidly to the tempera- ture of conversion. Origin of Orders of Explosion. The order of the resulting explosion will depend upon the velocity with which the reaction is propagated; /. ^., the velo- city of the wave surface described. The velocity of the wave surface will depend — n. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. 1. Upon the molecular velocit}^ of the reaction; /. ^., the rate of conversion under constant conditions. 2. Upon conditions which prevent the free expansion of the gases formed. 3. Upon the mass and initial temperature of the explo- sive; these affect the rate of cooling. The last two conditions may be neglected when, as with the high explosives, the first is fully satisfied. Influence of Detonator. It is seen that detonation depends upon a chain of causes which results from the nature of the initial explosion. Herein lies the importance of the nature of the detonator, its mass, and the nature of its own explosion. Its conversion should be rapid and evolve abundant heat. The mercuric fulminate is the detonator which is preferably employed. It is less violent than NCI, but yields more heat by its explosion and also much CO. Influence of the Explosive detonated. Detonation depends upon the physical condition of the explosive. Its sensitiveness generally diminishes as its den- sity and elasticity increase, since the shock is distributed over a greater mass." SYMPATHETIC DETONATION. Conditions. The instability of the high explosives renders their con- tact unnecessary when the continuous detonation of several charges is desired. The maximum interval permitting ''sym- pathetic detonation," or "detonation by influence," and the order of this detonation, depend upon the elasticity of the intervening medium, the mass of the primitive charge, and the order of its explosion. Examples. Calling w the weight of the primitive charge in pounds, and d the maximum interval in feet — n. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. In water, d=S w. On a firm soil, (/=5 w. On an iron rail, ^=10 w. When discs of compressed gun-cotton are in contact, the velocity of detonation is said to be over 3J miles per second when the discs are wet, and less than 3J miles per second when they are dry. The incompressibility of the water assists in transferring the shock. STRENGTH OF EXPLOSIVES. The strength of an explosive, or its mechanical efificiency, may be analyzed by reference to 1, its potential; 2, its force; 3, the molecular velocity of its reaction. 1. Potential. The potential of an explosive is the maximum work which a unit weight of it can perform. It is measured by the product of the quantity of heat liberated by the reaction, and the mechanical equivalent of heat; or, Q= J x H. The potential is independent of the process of conversion, provided it be complete and its products be constant. In practice, these products often vary with the circum- stances under which they are formed, so that the potential realized will also vary. Only a portion of the potential can be realized in prac- tice, depending upon the volumes of the gases produced, their specific heats, and the difference between the tempera- tures at which they are formed and to which they are ex- panded. Examples.* Theoretical potentials, in foot tons, resulting from the conversion of one pound of each of the following sub- stances: * It is required that only the general principles illustrated by this and following tables shall be committed to memory. II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. Name. Foot Tons. Proportion. Blasting powder 391 1.0 Cannon " 609 1.3 Sporting « 642 1.4 Gun-cotton 716 1.8 1.0 Dynamite No. 1 884 2.3 1.3 Explosive Gelatine 1,235 3.2 1.8 Nitro-glycerine 1,282 3.3 1.8 Chloride of Nitrogen 216 0.5 Anthracite coal 6,170 13.0 The greater potential of coal is due to its composition and to there being no loss of energy expended in converting in- to gas the compounds of oxygen contained in the other sub- stances. 2. Force. The force of an explosive, or the pressure per unit of area due to the explosion of a unit of weight in a unit of volume, may be calculated on theoretical grounds from the formula,* In which v^ is what is known herein as the specific volume of the gas, viz.: the volume in litres of the gases resulting from firing one kilogramme of powder, taken at 0° C, and at the pressure p^ of one atmosphere ; and c is the specific heat of the gas. But the uncertainty attending the application of the laws of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac to such high pressures as exist in cannon, and the doubt as to the nature and state of the products of explosion at the epoch of maximum pressure have caused instrumental measurements of pressure to be preferred. Examples. The following table shows in round numbers the relative force of the explosives named. * For the deduction of this formula see page 11. II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. The detonation of gunpowder was accomplished by mix- ing it with dynamite. Eelative Force. Explosive. 1st Order. Snd Order. Gunpowder 4.0 1.0 Gun-cotton 6.0 3.0 Nitro-glycerine 10.0 5.0 The force of a mixture of high explosives is proportional to the sum of the products of the force of each constituent by the corresponding fractional part of the whole mass. A remarkable property of gunpowder (to be referred to hereafter) is that, however its potential may vary with its composition, the force of all compositions is sensibly con- stant. The specific volume of the gases formed seems to vary inversely with the quantity of heat evolved in their formation. 3. Rapidity of Reaction. The temperature increases with the rapidity of the reac- tion. This depends upon the affinity between the combin- ing molecules, and largely upon the state of aggregation of the exploding mass, in so far as it affects the distances between them. In certain high explosives, the rapidity of the reaction causes so high a temperature that the gaseous products are, as it were, shot against the w^alls of the envelope with such velocity that the effect seems due rather to a physical shock, than to the elastic pressure of a confined gas. With such explosives tamping is relatively unneccessary. VALUE OF EXPLOSIVES. As a general rule, the value of an explosive depends: — 1. Mechanically; upon its primitive state of aggregation, in so far as this affects the ease of handling it in loading; also upon its density. II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. V H 2. Chemically; upon the value of the ratio —2 — z=iv^T^ If, when this is great, the conversion is sufficiently rapid, a high and elastic pressure will succeed the initial shock; this pressure will be well sustained, since the cooHng effect of the envelope will be relatively small. The potential of an explosive is thus seen to be the measure of its power of sustaining a given force or pres- sure. Examples. The relative importance of potential, force, and rapidity, depends upon the use made of the explosive. In order to burst, we use one of high force and density, acting locally like an hydrostatic pressure. Chloride of nitrogen detonates with such rapidity that it may simply pulverize the surface of the envelope without rupturing its walls. For mining in rock or coal, blasting powder is better than cannon powder, since the end sought is rather the rup- ture of the envelope than the dispersion of the fragments. Its force depends on the great specific volume of the gases generated rather than upon their temperature. For blasting in earth, cannon powder is better than blast- ing powder as its potential is higher. Its diminished den- sity, compared to high explosives, distributes the effect over a larger area. MILITARY EXPLOSIVES. The principal explosives used in warfare are of two general classes: 1. Mixtures. Gunpowder and its like; these are more or less inti- mate mechanical mixtures of combustibles, such as C, S, Sb, with an oxydizing agent, generally a nitrate or a chlorate. 10 ■ II. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. Explosives of class 1 are relatively stable. 2. Compounds. Nitro-glycerine and gun-cotton and their derivatives. These are chemical compounds, formed by the substitution, in an organic substance of the general form C^ Hy 0„ of 3 molecules of NO2 for 3 atoms of H. The weak affinity of N renders the NO^ a readily acces- sible magazine of oxygen. Explosives of class 2 are called high explosives, and are relatively unstable. In this class are included the fulminatmg compounds. See Chap. XIV. GUNPOWDER. This is formed of a mixture of KNO3; C, and S, in the proportions of about 75, 15, 10. These proportions are considerably varied in pyrotechnic compositions. The conversion of gunpowder is approximately expressed by the following reaction: 4KN03-|-Q + S=K2C03 + K2S04 + N,-i-2COa4-CO. The reaction is really much more complex, and varies with the circumstances attending the explosion, even though great care be taken to make them constant. Illustration. The parts played by the three ingredients may be im- agined by reference to the forced combustion of coal in a furnace. The charcoal, in which form C is introduced, forms the main supply of fuel. The sulphur, owing to the ease with which it is ignited, takes the place of the kindling material. The nitre acts as a bellows forcing in air. The sulphur also gives coherence to the grain, correct- ing the friability of a binary mixture of carbon and nitre. 11. — EXPLOSIVE AGENTS. 11 Advantages and Disadvantages. The facility with which, by varying the proportions and the arrangement of the ingredients of gunpowder its conversion may be controlled, and also its comparative stability against accidental ignition, have hitherto com- pensated for its defects. These refer to its bulk, the care required in storage, its sensitiveness to dampness, the large solid residue left from its conversion, and the danger attending its manufacture. While for special purposes, where great force is required, it is being supplanted by the high explosives; its value, as a reservoir of potential energy for purposes of propulsion, increases as our knowledge of its properties extends. Note to page 7. 1. From the chemistry we have p v =/o ^^o ( 1 H 7 = — 7 ) . If in \ 273 ^Tdl this we make v = l, then by definition /= p = — — ^ — - = — . •^ ^ 273 273 C III. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. CHAPTER III. INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. COMBUSTIBLES. 1. Sulphur* Preparation. This is refined by distillation. The product is called "flowers of sulphur," or "rock sulphur " or "brimstone," according to the temperature at which the volatile pro- ducts are condensed. Properties. If below 115°, minute crystals or "flowers" are formed; above that temperature, the vapors condense in a liquid form, which is cast into moulds. Flowers of sulphur are not used for gunpowder, as they contain SOg and HgSOji which are hygroscopic. 2. Charcoal, Material. Charcoal used for gunpowder is made from wood, the composition of which, excluding water and ash, is repre- sented by CeHioOg, corresponding to the following propor- tions per cent.: c, 44 H, 6 0. 50 100 The object of carbonizing the wood is twofold. 1st. To increase the calorific value of the fuel by increasing the III. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. proportion of carbon. 2d. To increase its calorific inten- sity by facilitating its reduction to powder. Composition. Gunpowder charcoal consists of from 55 to 85 per cent, of carbon with varying proportions of hydrogen, oxygen, and ash. Its imperfect distillation leaves varying amounts of hydro-carbons which increase its inflammabiUty, and, owing to the calorific value of hydrogen, may increase its potential. Condition. The uniform action of fired gunpowder and the safety of its manufacture depend largely upon uniformity in the condition of the principal fuel which it contains. Uniformity is sought by using the same kind of wood, carbonized by the same process; the temperature being raised at the same rate to a point which, for each grade of charcoal, is the same. PREPARATION. Preliminaries. White woods, such as the young willow or alder, which are soft and of rapid growth, are preferably employed, since they yield a charcoal that is inflammable, friable, and free from ash. The bark is removed, so as to facilitate drying in the open air, and to free the coal from earthy matter and salts. Distillation. The wood is usually distilled in iron retorts, surrounded by flame consisting largely of the gases evolved by the process: Figures 1 and 2. For convenience, the wood is charged in slips^ which are cylinders of thin sheet iron. The progress of the operation is judged of by test sticks, withdrawn from time to time for examination; by the use of HI. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. a pyrometer, or by the appearance of the flame and smoke as follows. Phenomena of Carbonization. The rate of distillation being always slow, the character- istics of the product depend principally upon the temper- ature at which the process ceases. Five stages are recog- nized, of which three correspond to useful grades of charcoal. I. Up to 150°, desiccation occurs. II. At 150°, decomposition begins, and continues as fol- lows: — 1st. H and O are evolved and unite. 2nd. Three acid oxides (carbonic, acetic, and pyroligneous acids. — COg; CH3, CO2H; CgH^Og) and an empyreumatic oil of an analogous com- position are evolved. 3rd. Soot comes forth in heavy clouds. 4th. The gases burn with a ruddy flame. 6th. As the proportion of O diminishes, CO re- places CO2, and at 260°, the flame becomes blue. The solid products are called brands (Fr. fumer- ons)j which smoke in burning. III. From 260° to 270°, brown charcoal is formed. It is smokeless but tough. IV. From 270° to 340° is the period of the formation of hydro-carbons; both gaseous, viz.: defiant and marsh gases (Cg H^; C HJ, and in various liquid forms, including coal tar. The gases burn with a yellow flame, which, as the proportion of C diminishes, gradually becomes pale. At 280° the liberation of the hydro-carbons changes the charcoal from brown to red (charbon roux); it tends to raise the temperature suddenly to about 340°. III. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. The effect of this rise in temperature is to convert the red coal to the next grade, which is black. The redness of the product will, therefore, depend upon the care taken in regulating the temperature. This is done by drawing the fire, and completing the process by the residual heat. The operation is difficult and the product not uniform. V. Above 340°, black charcoal is formed in proportions increasing with the temperature, as indicated by the in- creasing whiteness of the flame. The effect of increasing the temperature upon the pro- portions of the constituent elements is shown roughly by the following table: Max. Temperature.. 150° 260° 280° 350° Prr»rln/^fo Dried Brown Red Black jrruUUCLb. , Wood, Coal. Coal. Coal. Carbon 44.0 68.0 71.0 77.0 Hydrogen 6.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 Oxygen 50.0 27.0 24.5 19.0 Proportion of Weight of Dried Wood... 100.0 60 37 30 Physical Properties. The physical properties also change. The higher the temperature — the more — the less — 1. brittle; 1. hygroscopic; 2. hard and dense ; 2. violent as an ingredient 3. prone to spontaneous com- of gunpowder — bustion — does charcoal become. SPONTANEOUS IGNITION OF CHARCOAL, Cause. The property of charcoal by which it condenses gases within its pores, particularly the vapor of water, may raise its temperature to the point of ignition. This ^ facilitated in. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. by the occluded oxygen and by the increased surface result- ing from pulverization. Preservation. To prevent accident, it is cooled slowly, and kept in the stick for several days. To obtain uniformity in the amount of water occluded, it is prepared only as required for use. Its power of spontaneous ignition, when pulverized, is destroyed by mixing it with sulphur or nitre. MANUFACTURE OF BROWN CHARCOAL BY SUPERHEATED STEAM. Process. The uniform production of brown charcoal may be accomplished by exposing it for a longer period to a some- what lower temperature than that above assigned as the maximum. For this purpose superheated steam is used, as shown in figure 3. Eetort. The retort is a fixed vertical cylinder of boiler iron, jacketed with mineral cotton. (Bloxam, Art. 217.) Through perforations in the cast-iron top enters a cur- rent of steam which has been superheated in a coil to about 230°. The wood is piled vertically on a perforated false bottom made fast to an axial bar, by which the contents can be removed. The condensed steam and the water, acids, and tar drain through the pipe shown. Product. The process lasts about four hours, being stopped when experience shows that the fibrous structure of the wood is about to disappear. The fiber, which is retained for its binding effect on the structure of the powder made from this coal, notably increases the difficulty of pulverizing it. III. — INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. OXYDIZING AGENTS. 1. Nitre. Source. Only about one-tenth of the supply of nitre is the native Indian product; the remainder comes from the double decomposition of the sodium nitrate with a potassium salt. Impurities. The principal impurities are the chlorides, the affinity of which for moisture renders them objectionable. Not over ■g-g^ is allowed in nitre used for government gunpowder. 2. Sodium Nitrate, Advantages. 1. It is cheaper than nitre for equal weights. 2. Owing to the relative atomic weights of sodium (23), and potassium (39), 85 per cent, of the. usual proportion of nitre suffices as a supply of oxygen, still further reducing its cost. 3. If the usual proportion of 75 per cent, be retained, the greater volume of gas evolved increases the force of the powder and adapts it especially for blasting. Disadvantages. 1. The deliquescent properties attributed to the salt are detrimental when the powder made from it is to be stored. 2. The salt is more soluble than nitre, and, therefore, powder made from it suffers more than ordinary powder from the segregation of the salt by efflorescence. This is due to the acqueous vapor condensed in the pores of the charcoal which the powder contains. When the powder is made on the spot where it is used, as in the excavation of the Suez Canal, this objection need not apply. III. INGREDIENTS OF GUNPOWDER. 3. Potassium Chlorate. Disadvantages. 1. The low temperature of conversion, due to the affinity of chlorine for the metals, renders the powder dangerous when exposed to shock. 2. Its conversion gives free chlorine, which attacks the bore of the gun and is injurious to the gunners. 3. It is costly. 4. The uncontrollable violence of mixtures containing the chlorates relegates them to the category of the high explosives discussed in Chap. XIV. They are principally iemployed for igniting other explo* 5ives; themselves being ignited by friction. 4. Ammonium Nitrate, This is becoming extensively used in the so-called smoke- less powders for heavy cannon. Advantages. The products of combustion are gaseous or volatile, so that the smoke is greatly diminished in density, and the entire volume occupied by the powder is available for the expansion of the gases. Disadvantages. The deliquescence of this salt requires that powder made from it be hermetically sealed. This prevents the use of the ordinary cartridge bags. IV. THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. CHAPTER IV. THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. ACCIDENTS. Buildings. Owing to the danger of explosion the buildings are scat- tered as much as possible and are separated by traverses or rows of trees. Figs. 1, 2. The buildings are generally constructed with heavy walls on three sides, the remaining side and the roof being as light as practicable, so as not to increase the violence of explosions by unnecessary confinement. Fig. 3. Power. The machines employed are usually automatic, power being conveyed by canals (fig. 1), or wire rope (fig. 2), radiating from a central steam engine. As a general rule safety is enhanced by slowly operating the machines. Precautions. The machines are started and stopped from an outside shelter, the completion of the operation being indicated by an automatic signal. Great care is taken to prevent the in- troduction of foreign matter, the workmen being required to change their clothing before entering, and wearing rubber overshoes within the buildings, at the door of each of which is a wet mat. All parts of the machines liable to become loose are boxed in. Iron is replaced, wherever possible, by gun-metal, copper, or wood. IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OP GUNPOWDER. Automatic devices are arranged to drench the contents of buildings adjacent to a probable explosion. The diffusion of dust is avoided by boxing in those machines which produce it. Powder in barrels is always gently handled. It should never be rolled for transportation. These details are given to suggest the precautions neces- sary while handling gunpowder in service. PRINCIPLES OF THE MACHINES EMPLOYED IN THE MANU- FACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. Types. In order to derive the benefits of continuous operation, the tools yOX portions of the machines in contact with the material, are preferably of the rotary type. Reciprocating motion is objectionable, in that it wastes energy in revers- ing the direction of the motion at each end of the stroke. Classification. — The tools employed may be classified ac- cording to their functions, as follows: FUNCTIONS. NAME OP TOOLS. Nature of Operation. General. Special. General. Special. U.B011S \l^ continuous. fl. disintegration intermittent. { 2. Barrels tumblins contnmous. 1. To divide by . fl. cylindrical continuous. 1 2. separation Sieves ■ 2. flat 1 intermittent by reciprocating motion. fl. mixinff Batrels tumbling continuous. n. To combine by-j L2. pressure fl. rolling Th'^sjifin \ 2- thrusting Pi esses \ (hydraulic) continuous, intermittent by reciprocating motion. ni. To convey by Bands endless continuous. The rotary tools may be classified as to whether the material lies without or within the tool; as — 1st. Rolls. 2d. Tumbling or rolling barrels. IV. — TME MANU^ACTtrkE OF CtJNfOWDEft. Rolls. The object of a roller or roll is twofold. 1st. To concentrate a given pressure on a small area of contact. 2nd. To transfer this pressure to successive areas contin- uously. Relative motion between the material and the tool is, there- fore, necessary. Eeduction of Area. The reduction of area desired is generally attained by the curvature given to the smooth cylindrical surface of the roll; it may be increased by fluting the surface or by provid- ing it with pyramidal points. The effect upon a granular material then resembles crack- ing, rather than the crushing effect of the smooth roller. Transfer of Pressure. When the pressure is transferred but slowly, the parti- cles of the material may have time to adjust themselves in their new positions. The effect of the pressure will then be rather to condense the material than to disintegrate it by crushing. Eelative Motion. 1. When the material is at rest, a single roller is used. Example: a rolling-pin. See fig. 8. In practice, the path of the roller is circular, so that its effects may be repeated. 2. When the material moves, the rollers are in pairs and revolve on fixed axes in relatively opposite directions. Ex- ample: A clothes wringer. See fig. 14. In this case, they act but once upon the material, which is carried through them by friction, and fed to and removed from the rollers by its weight. To assist in feeding automatically, several pairs of rollers may be placed in tiers, surmounted by a hopper containing 4 IV. — The manufacture op gunpowder. the material to be disintegrated. The upper tiers have the coarsest teeth and are placed farthest apart. A coffee-mill is a variety of this class. The rolls are ver- tical, concentric, and conical; the outer roll, which is fixed, being the more obtuse. The funnel-shaped space between them serves as a hopper, and as the material descends, pro- duces the effect obtained by the successive tiers above de- scribed. Fig. 4 shows a charcoal-mill and sieve. The roll is bal- anced to avoid excessive pressure. Barrels, Type. Tumbling barrels, as represented in fig. 5, are much used in the arts for abrasion. Their utility depends upon the inter-attrition of the contents. In powder making, besides the material, these often consist of balls, b, b, lifted by ledges, Z, Z, and continually falling back upon the material beneath them. When the operation has proceeded far enough, the door JD is removed, disclosing a perforated screen through which the finer portions may gradually escape upon the oscillating sieve, S. The product is collected in the drawer Z>/ Varieties. The nature of the barrel and of the balls varies with the explosiveness of the material and the character of the operation. Thus, the barrel may be of iron with iron balls where an inexplosive material is to be pulverized*; of a wooden skeleton covered with leather, using bronze or zinc balls, when the operation is dangerous; or covered with wire *When the material to be disintegrated is very tough, heavy iron cylinders are used instead of balls. IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. gauze netting, and using wooden balls, where simple com- minution of a friable material is desired. By omitting the balls and varying the size of the netting, such barrels may be used as sieves; and, by slightly inclining their axes to the horizon, both ends may be left open, when they will remove the dust. Fig. 4. If the barrels be tight and no balls be used, the contents will be merely polished. Such tools are much used in the arts for finishing the surface of rough metallic objects, and, in the manufacture of gunpowder, for glazing it. Mixing Barrels. Where simple mixture of the ingredients 'is sought, the barrel may contain paddles revolving independently upon its axle, as in a churn, fig. 6. The action of these paddles is also disintegrating, and, where time is important, may replace the more crude pulverizing apparatus described. Advantages. The principal advantage of the rolling barrels consists in their cheapness of construction and operation, by which their number may be multiplied, and the eifects of an explosion diminished. Carrying Bands. These are endless belts of a suitable width, which serve to carry continuously the material from one part of a machine to another. If horizontal, a plain band will suffice; but, if inclined, it is furnished with elevator buckets. Fig. 7. OPERATIONS OF MANUFACTURE. Processes, Nature. All the stages of manufacture may be referred to the following essential processes. b IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 1. Formation of a homogeneous press cake of required density. 2. Breaking up the press cake into grains of required size and form. 3. Finishing the grains so formed. Operations. The necessary operations may be divided into four principal groups, viz.: Jl. Pulverizing. 2. Mixing. 3. Moistening. II. Operations relating to press cake. ] \ p"ressi^n°^^^^"^' III. Operations relating to graining, -j \; gjf^/^^"^ IV. Operations relating to finishing. '1. Glazing. 2. Drying. 3. Dusting. 4. Blending. 5. Marking. X PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS. 1. Pulverizing, Process. The nitre is generally in crystals that are sufficiently fine. Otherwise, this and the other materials are pulverized by any suitable process, either separately under single rolls or by a binary process in a barrel, viz.: the charcoal and sulphur together, or the charcoal and nitre together. Object. The pulverization should be thorough, so as to reduce the time required for incorporation ; the latter, owing to the cost of the plant and the smallness of the " charges " treated, is the most expensive of the operations. IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 7 2. Mixiftg. The three ingredients may be mixed by hand or in the rolling barrel. 3. Moistening. Object. The object of moistening is generally to assist in the distribution of the nitre; to give consistency to the mass; and to prevent a dangerous rise in temperature during the various operations of manufacture. Limits. An excess of moisture may cause segregation of the nitre by crystallization, and its evaporation, as in store, may render the finished powder unduly porous. On the other hand, extreme desiccation may lead to the re-absorption of hygrometric moisture, which would affect the properties of the powder dried. The amount of moisture should never exceed 3 or 4 per cent. It is frequently renewed during manufacture, accord- ing to the state of the atmosphere and to the special object in view. The amount present is determined by desiccating a weighed sample. II. OPERATIONS RELATING TO PRESS CAKE. 1. Incorporating. Object. This is intended to unite the dust of the ingredients as intimately as mechanical means permit, and thereby to facili- tate the conversion of the powder into gas. It is the most important of all the operations of manufacture. Process. The wheel mill (Figs. 8 and 9), used for this purpose, con- sists of two cast-iron cylinders Cy c^ weighing several tons each and acting as single rolls. b IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. In order that their effect may be exerted throughout the layer of composition, this is made only about one inch thick. The risk attending this disposition is diminished by fre- quent careful moistening, and by the eccentricity of the axle; this permits the wheels to rise and fall as obstacles are encountered. The constancy of the resulting pressure in- creases the uniformity of their effect. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 9. The arrangement of the wheels upon an axis rotating in a horizontal plane peculiarly adapts them to the require- ments of this operation. For, while both edges of either wheel have the same angular velocity, their paths described in the same time are notably different. Hence, it follows that the inner ed^e will tend to slide backward relatively to the outer edge; giving to the wheel a motion of rotation about an instantaneous vertical axis, combined with that about its permanent horizontal axis. The effect is to grind the material nearest to the centre more thoroughly than that nearest to the curb of the trough; because in the former case, the sliding of the wheel repeats the effect of its crushing, and, in the latter case replaces it in part. This effect is distributed by means of ploughs preceding the wheels, and by causing the wheels to travel in different paths. The process takes about two hours, depending on the quality of the product; it continues day and night, while that of the other machines is confined to daylight. Product. The product of the wheel mill, called mi7/ cake, unless consolidated by very slow rolling, is friable and of variable thickness and density. These defects are corrected by the next process. The perfectness of the incorporation may be tested by IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 9 flashing a small quantity upon a glass plate. No residue should be left. The stains left by flashing powder on the blue paper used in solar printing are characteristic, and increase the delicacy of the test. Variations in Process. In case of necessity the incorporation may be less perfectly performed by the stamp mill (Fig. 13), or by the protracted use of the rolling barrel. (See also page 15.) 2. Pressing, Object. The object of pressing powder is to increase its density as a fuel, and to give it sufficient hardness to resist the formation of dust in transportation. Kind of Press. The intensity and uniformity of the pressure required usually demand the action of an hydraulic press, Fig. 10; although, when quantity rather than quality is desired, single or double rolls may be employed. Process. To increase the uniformity of the material pressed, the product of the various wheel mills is coarsely granulated and mixed. Then, having been moistened, it is placed in layers between plates which are kept at about two inches apart until the spaces between them are filled. The powder is then gradually compressed to about half its former volume; being kept from spreading by hinged side pieces, which, being latched together, form a sort of box. This box is generally vertical, but for convenience is^ preferably horizontal and on the level of the floor. Variations in Density. The resulting density increases within limits, with the duration of the pressure and with the amount of trituration which the powder has received. The proportion of mois- 10 IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. ture largely affects the density, since it acts as a lubricant between the particles. The density is not uniform through- out the press cake, being always greatest next to the mov- ing surface. To obtain uniform density, upon which it will be seen that the uniform action of powder greatly depends, one must compress equal masses equally incorporated and con- taining equal quantities of water at equal rates into equal volumes. Wiener's Powder. These requisites are with difficulty attained, owing to the variable hygrometric condition of the atmosphere. It has been attempted to dispense with water for pressing, by heating the powder during this operation slightly above the melting point of sulphur. This process, invented by Colonel Wiener, of Russia, renders the gunpowder practically waterproof. Effect of Form of Plates. The plates between which the powder is pressed are gen- erally flat, in which case the press cake comes from the press in slate-like slabs. The powder, resulting from breaking up these cakes, is called of irregular granulation^ or simply grained powder. Modern powders for heavy guns are often pressed be- tween plates, the surfaces of which are regularly indented or ribbed after the manner of a waffle iron (Figs. 11, 12). The resulting press cake may be readily broken up into grains of great uniformity of size and shape. Such powders are said to be of regular granulation. Molded Powder. When the press cake is made exceedingly small, so that each cake shall make one grain, the powder is said to be molded. See molded J>rismatic, Figure 12. IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 11 Such powders are made by a number of properly shaped punches and dies simultaneously operated. Fig. 15, post. Concrete Powders. The structural homogeneity of the product depends much upon the condition of the material compressed. If the soft mill cake, above referred to, be replaced by that which has already been pressed and granulated, a co7icrete powder is produced; the fine grains composing it being cemented together by the pressure into a mass, the porosity of which is greatest in the middle. The burning of this powder is notably different from that of the homo- geneous mass generally produced. OPERATIONS RELATING TO GRAINING. Object. The object of graining, like that of splitting fire wood, is to increase the initial surface of combustion. Operations. The press cake is broken up by a series of rolls (Fig. 14), and sifted between limiting sieves. Principle of Gauging. The use of these sieves illustrates a principle common in manufactures; this principle when it is applied tp individual articles, is called gauging. Assuming that no two objects can be made of precisely the same size, a certain tolerance is established by the adoption of a maximum gauge, through which each object must pass, and of a minimum gauge, through which no ob- ject may pass. The grains which are too coarse or too fine are reworked. Special Operations in Graining, Regular Granulation. These depend upon the kind of grain required. For 13 IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. example, the powders of regular granulation require only breaking up as by hand. Pebble Powder. The English cubical, or pebble powder is made by cutting the flat press cake into prisms between ribbed rolls, and then recutting these prisms across their length. Flat Powder. The flat French powder (Castan's) is made by roughly breaking a rather thin press cake, so as to make the thick- ness of the cake the minimum dimension of the finished grain. (Fi^. 12.) IV. — OPERATIONS RELATING TO FINISHING, 1. Glazing, Object. The object of glazing is to remove the angles and asper- ities of the grain; these would form dust in transportation and facilitate the absorption of moisture in store. It compensates for the diminished density of the interior of the press cake from which most of the grains are formed, by increasing their superficial density by their mutual col- lision; it also increases the homogeneity of their struc- ture by the heat which is thus evolved. Process. Moisture having been added to give some plasticity, the grains are rolled in a wooden barrel without balls. 2. Drying, Object. The object of drying is to reduce to normal limits, the moisture required in the previous stages of manufacture. Process. It is accomplished by passing a current of warm, dry air through successive layers'of powder spread on screens or on shallow trays. IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 13 The temperature should be increased gradually, to avoid disintegration of the grains. 3. Dustiftg, Object. This is intended to remove the dust resulting from the glazing, and detached from the surface of the grains by drying. 4. Blending, Object. To neutralize unavoidable variations in manufacture, powders of the same size and nature may be blended so as to give certain average results. Process. Fine grain powders are mixed according to their densi- ties, and those of larger grain, according to their ballistic properties. Molded powders are blended in charges, grain by grain alternately. 6. Marking, In the U. S., powders receive certain conventional fac- tory marks, of which the first two letters generally relate to the size and use, and the final letters to recorded variations in the manufacture, or to the date at which certain lots are made. Thus, I. K. A. might mean the first lot of I. K. powder used for field guns; E. V. B. the second lot of hexagonal powder for sea-coast guns, etc. Similar symbols are used abroad and are very convenient. VARIATIONS IN MANUFACTURE. COCOA POWDER. History. The most important improvement in gunpowder, since 1860, is the invention by the Germans of what, from its color, is called cocoa or brown powder. 14 IV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. It is notable for being the first important modification of the long established composition of gunpowder which has proved practically successful, and, as will be seen, for the paradoxical nature of its results. In this country it has so far been used only in heavy cannon. Characteristics. As made in this country by the Du Pont Powder Works, it differs from ordinary powder; — 1. In the composition of the charcoal, which is made by steam heat, as described Chap. III. 2. In the addition during incorporation of gummy carbo- hydrates, such as sugar, dextrine, etc. 3. In the proportion of the ingredients — Nitre, 81.5 per cent. Charcoal and Carbo-Hydrates, 15.5 Sulphur, 3. lOOO" 4. It is difficult to ignite, requiring in the gun a few prisms of black powder to be built into the cartridge near the mouth of the vent. 6. When ignited, unconfined, it seems to/j/j^^rather than to deflagrate explosively. This and its want of friability make it safe to transport and handle in store. 6. It is quite hygroscopic, but suffers less from moisture than black powder. 7. Its ballistic properties are extraordinary, 8. It gives comparatively little smoke. Manufacture. This resembles that of all the molded concrete powders. The grams compressed are of the size of mortar powder, and are slightly moistened before pressing. TV. — THE MANUFACTURE OF GUNPOWDER. 15 Press for Molded Powders. Pressing is done by carefully regulating the motion of the plungers of a duplex hydraulic press, which molds about 100 prisms at a time. In fig. 15, ^ is a fixed mold plate containing a number of apertures of a cylindrical or prismatic form, into which the perforated plungers, G^ Z, fit. Through the axes of the plungers run needles, H, sim- ultaneously operated by the toggle-joint, /, and the supple- mentary cylinder, K. A quantity of powder is swept into the apertures, X^ until they, are full. The rams, B^ B' , then approach each other with equal velocities; and as L enters E, ZT rises into L. After suitable pressure, L rises; ZT is withdrawn, and G rises; lifting the prism so that it may be swept off into a box. The resulting prism has very dense ends, separated by a somewhat porous belt. NORDENFELDT POWDER. Object. To increase the intimacy of the incorporation and to avoid the danger of performing it by mechanical means. Manufacture. Charcoal. Straw or cotton-wool is carbonized by exposure to a stream of gaseous HCl. Sulphur. Dissolved in CS^ and added to Charcoal. Nitre. In aqueous solution is gradually added to above. The mass is mixed by paddles while in a liquid state, after which the vehicles are distilled and evaporated. The usual operations following incorporation are then pursued. V. — INTERIOR BALLISTICS. CHAPTER V. INTERIOR BALLISTICS. Division of Ballistics. Ballistics, which treats of the motion of projectiles, is divided into interior and exterior ballistics, according as the motion of the projectile within or without the gun is considered. Interior Ballistics. The latter science is studied later in the course; but the former is so intimately related to the conversion of gun- powder into gas, that it is expedient to deal with it while the circumstances of this conversion are fresh in our minds. The Gun as a Machine. Functionally speaking, the gun is a machine by which the potential energy of the gunpowder is converted into the kinetic energy of the projectile. It is well to consider in advance certain elementary prin- ciples relating to the construction of this machine and to the measurement of the energies received and usefully converted. FORM OF GUN. strength vs. Weight of Guns. It will hereafter appear that, considering a gun to be com- posed of a series of elementary concentric cylinders, the resist- ance which each of these cylin- ders offers to a permanent tan- gential deformation varies in- versely with the square of its radius; or, if S represent the stress, ABy on the interior cir- tJ^IVE "\ O^' .-f*\ V. — INTERIOR BALLISTICS. cumference of an elementary area of cross section of the bore, the radius of which is r j and y be the stress from the same cause at any other radius, x; then j* = — ^ . This is ex- 00 pressed by figure 1. But the weight of the elementary longitudinal cylinders increases with the square of their radii. It therefore appears, that after a certain point, an increase in the thickness of the walls of the gun adds rapidly to its weight and but slowly to its strength. Strength vs. Cost. Also, when the diameters of cannon exceed a certain limit, the difficulties of construction attending an increase in diameter, increase much more rapidly than do those at- tending an increase in length. Conclusion as to Form of Gun. A given amount of energy may, therefore, be most economically transferred from the gunpowder to the pro- jectile, by diminishing the rate of transfer and increasing its duration. Considerations relating to the weight and cost of a given cannon having thus determined the most suitable diameter, it should be kept constant for the entire length of the gun, provided that the stress to which it is exposed shall also be constant. It is the object of recent improvements in guns, powder, and projectiles, to make this stress as high as it is safe, and to prolong it as far as possible throughout the length of the bore. Recent changes in the profile of cannon illustrate the progress which has so far been attained toward realizing the conditions of this ideal gun. -INTERIOR BALLISTICS. FORM OF PROJECTILE. Until quite recently, all but experimental cannon were muzzle loaders. Until about 1860, they were smooth-bores and fired spherical balls. The success of the rifled field pieces in the war between France and Austria led to the general use of projectiles, oblong in shape, but, like the spherical projectiles, smaller than the bore. These cannon have been recently replaced by rifled breech loaders, firing projectiles provided with a compres- sible ring slightly greater in diameter than the bore. The enlarged chamber, which this form of projectile re- quires, and the resistance which it offers to motion, consid- erably modify the circumstances of the conversion. Note. — This chapter is introductory to the seven following chapters. VI. — VELOCIMETERS. CHAPTER VI. VELOCIMETERS. Object. — In order to study experimentally the transfor- mation of energy from the gunpowder to the projectile and to the gun and carriage, and to measure the kinetic energy residing in the projectile, both as it leaves the gun and when it has done work upon the medium through which it passes, special instruments, known as velocimeters^ chronographs^ chronoscopes, etc., have been devised. Importance. — Except where otherwise specified, the fol- lowing discussion relates to the means employed for meas- uring the initial velocity of the projectile. This is the great measure upon which all ballistic predictions are based. Constituent Parts. — All such instruments are chronometers and consist essentially of a register and a marker. The register has a known velocity relative to that of the marker and receives from it a succession of marks, the time equivalents of the spaces between which measure the periods between certain events. The events are the first visible effects produced upon the velocimeter by the arrival of the projectile at certain epochal points. These are often targets. Signal Time. — The interval between an epoch and the corresponding event is called the time of transmission, or the signal time. See figure 14. The time from any origin to an event = time to the epoch, /, + signal time, G\ and the interval between two events, 8 =(/" + a") - {t' + 6')^{t" -f) + (a' - c'). If G''-a'=Oj t'-t', or r, =d. If a"-a'=Cj r=d-C; if •then r=0, d--C. To diminish accidental variations in C, a is made as small as possible. Knowing s, the distance between the epochal points, and r, the mean velocity of the projectile over the intervening path may be determined. VI. VELOCIMETERS. Functions of Velocimeters. — Conceiving times and dis- tances as being each measured from common origins, we may say that the instruments record differences in instru- mental distance corresponding to differences in time, which differences in time correspond to differences in dis- tance of the projectile from any point upon its trajectory. Classification. — The velocimeters may be divided into three general classes according as they are adapted to record: — I. One difference in time corresponding to one definite difference of distance of the projectile from a common origin. II. Successive differences in time corresponding to sev- eral successive definite differences of distance of the pro- jectile from a common origin. III. Continuous differences in time corresponding to con- tinuous differences of distance of the projectile from a com- mon origin. Comparison of Classes. — For each fire the instruments of class I determine the mean velocity of the projectile between one pair of points. Those of class II determine that between several succes- sive pairs of points. Those of class III set forth continuously the circumstances of the motion. By taking the epochal points at constant intervals, either of distance or of time, the indications of the instruments of class II may, by interpolation, serve to determine the varia- tions in velocity corresponding to known values of A J or A r and thus to approximate to the law of motion more fully expressed by the record of instruments of class III. This method enables the epochal points to be separated further than the construction of the instruments of class III permits. VI. — VELOCIMETERS. CLASS I. Events.— In class I the events are those of the falling of certain masses, either freely or with constrained motion. The position of the marks indicates indirectly the interval of time separating the events. Operation. — Calling the masses respectively a and b, ac- cording to their priority of fall, b is caused to strike a while a is falling. The problem resolves itself into determining the difference between two intervals of time, viz.: 4=how long a was falling before it was struck. /b=how long it took b to strike a. Then 4— 4=0=time that a was falling before b started to strike it=:the interval between the starting of a and of b^ which is the time interval required. a and b are generally caused to fall by the demagnetiza- tion of electro-magnets in separate circuits, which are broken by the arrival of the projectile at the epochal points. Or they may be made to fall by the cutting of taut threads by which they have been suspended. Disjunctor. — An essential appendage to machines of this class is the disjunctor^ by means of which, both circuits being simultaneously broken, the masses a and b are caused sim- ultaneously to fall. EXAMPLES OF CLASS I. 1. THE BENTON VELOCIMETER. See figures 1, 2 and 3. Description.— This instrument, devised by the late Colo- nel J. G. Benton, the first Instructor of Ordnance and Gun- nery at the U. S. Military Academy, employs either elec- tricity or threads to support a and b. These are similar pendulums suspended at the centre d of the arc b c a so that they are constrained to oscillate in adjacent planes par- allel and close to the face of the arc; this arc, being gradu- ated, forms the register. VI. VELOCIMETERS. That pendulum which lies nearest to the arc carries at its outer end the marker; this is a delicate bent lever pivoting in a plane perpendicular to the arc, and so placed that its inner end, which is lightly covered with printing ink, shall travel close to the register. As the pendulums pass each other, a projection on tb.e inner face of the outer pendulum strikes the outer end of the marker and causes it to indicate the point of meeting as at c^ figure 2. Inspection of the figure shows 0=4 — 4=time of passage over the arc a o c^ minus time of passage over the arc b ^:=2X time of passage over the arc o c. Disjunctor. — The disjunctor in this instrument serves to determine C, the difference in signal times. It consists of two flat steel blades, mn, ni'n', secured to the base at m^ 7n' ^ and having their free ends, n^ «', resting upon posts ^, b'^ through which and the blades the electric current passes. Between the blades is a powerful bent spring r, provided with a cross piece p q, which lies beneath the blades and lifts them when the spring is released from the latch g. The button Sy having been pressed, contact is made; it is broken by pinching the latch. Determination of Time Value of Record. — To determine the time corresponding to a given reading, let / be the length of the equivalent simple pendulum ; v the velocity of the center of oscillation or point b; y the vertical distance passed over by this point; x the variable angle which the axis of the pendulum makes with the vertical; and t' the time necessary for the point b to pass over an entire circum- ference, the radius of which is /, with a uniform velocity v. We then have : V=: y/2gy. VI.— VELOCIMETERS. Substituting for y its value in terms of x, the above ex- i:)ression becomes : ^=V2^^"7cos^ from which it is evident that the velocity of the pendulum increases from its highest to its lowest point. The time /' is equal to the circumference of the circle, the radius of which is /, divided by the velocity v; if this value of f be again divided by 360, we shall have very nearly the time of passing over any degree at the height y^ or — 2 7tl t= 360^2^/ cos ^. Calling /" the time of a single vibration of the pendulum of the machine, we have by known laws — Substituting this value in the equation above, and represent- ing— jg^|by«, wehave V COS X. To determine /", the pendulums are removed from the machine, and the cylindrical journals about which they re- volve are replaced by others, the bearing surfaces of which are knife edges. Each pendulum is started vibrating through a very small arc. By means of a stop-watch the time of 1,000 vibrations may be found. By repeating the operation several times and taking the mean, the time of a single vibration may be determined very exactly. This time for pendulums of recent construction is 0.378 of a second. VI. — VfiLOClMETERS. If now X be made successively equal to 1°, 2°, 3°, &c., and the corresponding values of / be found, we shall have the time of passage of the pendulum over each degree. By adding the time of passage over the first degree to that over the second, we shall have the time of passage over an arc of 2°. In the same manner, by adding this latter time to that over the third degree, we shall have the time of passage over an arc of 3°, and so on. The following table has been determined in this manner: Table. De- grefeB. Time in seconds of passage over each degree. Sum of times in seconds. De- grees. Time in seconds of passage over each degree. Sum of times in seconds. 1 .00148504 .00148504 19 .00152749 .02849909 2 .00148538 .00297042 20 .00153174 .03003083 3 .00148594 .00445636 21 .00153684 .0315676T 4 .00148673 .00594309 22 .00154213 .03310980 5 .00148775 .00743084 23 .00154772 .03465752 6 .00118001 .00891985 24 .00155361 .03621113 7 .00149019 .01041034 25 .00155980 .03777098 8 .00149221 .01190255 26 .00156630 .03933723 9 .00149415 .01339670 27 .00157313 .04091036 10 .00149033 .01489303 28 .00158029 .04249065 11 .00149876 .01639179 29 .00158780 .04407845 12 .00150142 .01789321 30 .00159565 .01567410 13 .00150433 .01939754 31 .00160388 .04727798 14 .00150749 .02090503 32 .00161248 .04889046 15 .00151089 .02241592 33 .00162147 .05051193 16 .00151455 .02393047 34 .00:63087 .05214280 17 .00151847 .02544894 35 .00164070 .05378350 18 .00152266 .02097160 36 .00165092 .05543442 To Compute a Scale of Velocities. — It should be rem.em- bered that the times above determined correspond to but half the difference of the arcs described by the two pen- dulums; therefore, they should be doubled in order to get the time r. 2. THE LE BOULENGE CHRONOGRAPH. See Figures 4, 5, 8, 9. Description. — This velocimeter, invented by Captain Le Boulenge of the Belgian artillery, is the one used generally throughout the world for the determination of initial Vt. — vfiLO^iMETERg. velocities. In it the masses a and b are rods falling freely from electro-magnets E, E' . These are supported on a stand s, so placed that while a may fall through the foot of the stand, the fall of b is arrested by a trigger /, the shock upon which releases a knife-shaped marker m. The edge of this marker lies close to the path of a, so that a very slight movement of it to the right, under the impulse of a powerful spring which is liberated by the fall of b^ produces a mark upon that elementary circle of a which was opposite to 7n at the moment of impact. Disjunctor. — Although the operation of the disjunctor is the same as with the Benton velocimeter, its object in the LeBoulenge instrument is quite different. It serves, by making r=(9, to determine the value of 4* since then 4=4> o^^ the time that a was falling before it was struck measures the time required for b to strike it. This instrument does not serve to determine the signal time, but it may be shown that if the difference in signal times remains constant the time recorded between the events = time between the epochs, or 0=?. Operation. — This mark may be made in three ways, as follows: 1. Release m while a is at rest; the mark will fall at O, which is the origin for future measurements. 2. By means of the disjunctor, rupture E and E' simul- taneously; the mark will be at some point Z> at a height h above O, corresponding to the time required for b to fall to m and for m to mark the rod a. This time is /, 1 1h or the time required for b to strike a. The mark D is called the disjunction mark. 3. Use as Megagraph. — Rupture E and immediately afterward E'\ the mark will occur, as at R^ at a height /%' above O. This is the usual case in practice. Then VI. — VELOCIMETERS. •v 2 h' = the time during which a was falling before i it was struck, and t^—t^=Q^ as with the Benton velocimeter. The mark R is called the record mark. As a matter of convenience only, the construction of the instrument permits 4 to be made constant =0^ 15, so that a rule may be so graduated, that, for a given interval be- tween targets, the velocity corresponding to a height OR s s may be obtained by simple inspection, for v =—= T 4-OM5 The instrument so arranged is called a Megagraph. (Greek ^eya8,-great.) Use as Micrograph. — By raising E' so that the lower end of b may be nearly level with the top of a, D will be made to occur near that section of a which passes m with the greatest velocity. This serves to verify the accuracy of the operation of the disjunctor, of the magnets, and of the marking apparatus; since, if these parts worked with perfect uniformity, successive disjunction marks would be found at the same height above O. The velocity of a at the moment of marking magnifies the visible consequences of deficient uniformity and assists in correcting the causes to which it is due. With this arrangement, if b is detached before a^ the mark will be found as at R and Q=t^—t^. The advantages of this arrangement for the measure- ment of very small intervals of time give it the name of micrograph. (Greek fxiupoB^-smali.) Determination of time limit. — The following reasoning determines the circumstances under which the instrument should be used as a megagraph, or as a micrograph. Considering for the moment 0r=r and remembering that we are measuring the interval t=- we see that, with the in- V VI. — VELOCIMETERS. strument arranged as a megagraph, r may be greatly dimin- ished by increasing v and reducing s. The mark R will then be made near D where a has but little velocity, and therefore imperceptible differences in h may correspond to considerable differences in r and hence in v. Since the instrument was invented, initial velocities have increased from 1,200 f. s. to over 2,000 f. s. while s may be restricted, as at West Point, so as to be reduced from 50 metres (164 feet, for which interval the instrument was made) to but 50 feet and even less. On the other hand, when using the instrument as a micrograph, if r increase unduly, the mark will occur in the same neighborhood as before, and the same conse- quences will ensue. It becomes therefore necessary to determine a common time limit within which the instrument should be used as a micrograph and beyond which as a megagraph. For this time the mark will, in both cases, occur at the same height above O. For the megagraph, it will be at the height corresponding to 4=r + 0^''*'-.15. For the micrograph, since the length of ^=about 0.5 metre, the maximum value of /b=:0^®*^-.32; therefore, 4= Qsec.32_2'. Equating these two values of 4, we have r=0.^®^085 as the value of the time limit. Details of the Instrument. Chronometer. — Referring to the definitions, p. 1, the rod a is seen to be a register^ the time of fall of which to any distance h below the edge of the knife making the mark (9, is known. This rod in this instrument is called the chronometer. It is enclosed by a tightly fitting zinc tube which receives the marks. By turning this tube axially, and finally by revers- ing it, many records may be made before it need be changed, 10 VI. — VELOCIMETERS. Registrar. — The rod b is called the registrar. It is much lighter than a. Adjustment. — To diminish differences in the time of de- magnetization, the power of the magnets, E, E\ is reduced to a safe minimum, which, by the movable screw-cores con- tained in the magnets, is determined as follows: — A definite surplus of power* is assured by attaching to each armature a make-weight in the form of a tube of -^ the weight of the armature. The weighted armature having been suspended from the magnet, the core of the latter is slowly unscrewed until the armature falls. The make- weight is removed before the armature is again applied. Disjunction Circle. — When it is desired to read velocities directly from the rule, the value of t^ is made constant by varying the height of fall of b so that the mark shall fall upon a disjunction circle previously traced upon the zinc recorder at a height above O = ~ — ^ — • Levelling. — The instrument is levelled by using the sus- pended chronometer as a plumb, between the epochs. Bregers Improvemen'.s. — In order to diminish variations in o'a— o'b resulting from variations in the method of rupture, depending upon whether the circuit is broken by the dis- junctor or by impact of the projectile on the target wires, the improvements of Captain Breger of the French service tend: — 1. To diminish differences in the time and velocity of rupture of the two circuits by the disjunctor, which differ- ences are due to the unequal operating of the parts of the disjunctor. Such differences are found to make material differences in the times required to demagnetize E, E', in consequence of variations in the intensity of the induced currents follow- ing variations in the method of rupture. VI. — VELOCIMETERS. 11 2. Differences in the rate of demagnetization have been avoided by making as nearly equal as possible the masses a and b, and therefore the magnetic states of E and E'. These and other minor mechanical improvements have diminished the mean error to ^ of that form.erly found. CLASS II. Register. — The register in these instruments generally consists of a revolving polished metallic cylinder, the angu- lar velocity of which is known. The surface of the cylinder is preferably smoked, so as to make visible the marks which it receives. Marks. — The marks are made in two general ways; — 1st. By the trace of a quill point held lightly against the cylinder. By giving the quill point relative longitudinal motion during the rotation of the cylinder, the trace may be greatly developed helically. This trace being developed during the motion of the projectile, the latter's arrival at an epochal point may be signalized by a sudden motion of the quill point along a rectilinear element of the cylinder, causing a jog or offset in the trace. See Fig. 6. The offset is here the mark. This motion may be caused by the action of a spring previously in equilibrium with the attraction of an electro- magnet. This magnet is included in a circuit that is broken by the arrival of the projectile at the epochal point. If the circuit can be re-established before the next epochal point is reached by the projectile, the quill point will return to the prolongation of the trace, and one quill point will suffice. Otherwise, as in Fig. 6, as many quill points and circuits are needed as there are epochal points. 3nd. The mark may result from the passage of an induced electric spark caused by the rupture of a primary circuit at each epochal point. 13 VI. — VELOCIMETERS. Signal Times. — In order to avoid variations in the time of signaling, it is advisable, in both cases above cited, to include all the epochal points in the same circuit and to provide each of them with the means of renewing the broken circuit automatically before the projectile can arrive at the next point. See Targets, Class II, below. When the times to be measured are exceedingly minute, this may not be feasible. Equality in signal times is then sought by increasing the delicacy of the apparatus and is verified by the simultaneous rupture of as many circuits as there are markers to be operated. Tuning Fork. — Uniformity in the rotation of the cylinder is either assumed from the accuracy of the apparatus or may be neglected by attaching a tracing quill to one of the tines of a tuning fork, the time of vibration of which is known. The trace then takes the form of a harmonic curve, the alternate intersections of which with a median trace, formed when the fork is at rest, mark the ends of each double vibration of the fork. The duration of the double vibration is the unit of measure of time; if the velocity of the surface upon which the trace is formed be constant during any double vibration, fractional parts of the intercepted median line will measure corresponding portions of the unit of time. The double vibration, instead of the single vibration, is selected as the unit in order to neutralize errors of meas- urement. The median line gives the most definite inter- sections with the harmonic curve. Interrupter. — When the total time of the observation re- quires it, the vibrations of the fork F, Fig. 7, may be sustained by the use of adjacent electro-magnets, w, w, the attrac- tion of which separates the tines, /, t, until the rupture of the circuit through the spring R^ releases them. The spring is VT. VELOCIMETERS. 13 used instead of a rigid contact so as to prolong the influ- ence of the magnets. The reaction of the fork due to its elasticity renews the circuit and makes the process con- tinuous. This device, as applied to the Schultz Chronoscope, is known in this country as the Russell interrupter. It is due to Captain Russell of the Ordnance Department. When the total time of vibration is very short, no inter- rupter is required. In this case the fork may be set vibrat- ing by the sudden withdrawal of a wedge inserted between its tines; it is then abandoned. CLASS III. In instruments of this class relative motion is given to the register directly by the motion, either of the piece or of the projectile. The velocity of the register at any portion of its path is determined by tracing upon it a harmonic curve with the tuning fork, or by giving it a known velocity at right angles to that of the moving part. In either case, a compound curve is traced from which the required relations between space and time may be deduced. Examples: — If to a gun about to recoil be fastened a bar upon the smoked surface of which the harmonic curve is traced dur- ing the recoil, or if some point of the gun be kept in con- tact with a cylinder rotating at a known velocity about an axis parallel to the direction of the recoil, we may in both cases determine by interpolation the velocities desired: For example: — Travel Time. A/ A X ft. 0.00 0.02 0.04 sec. 0.0000000 0.0018182 0.0023772 sec. 0.0018182 0.0005590 f. S. 11.0 35.8 14 VI. — VELOCIMETERS. Knowing thus the mean velocities between many pairs of epochal pjints, it is possible by interpolation to deter- mine the accelerations at each of the epochal points and, knowing the mass of the moving object, to determine the intensity of the pressure accelerating it. TARGETS. CLASS I. The epochal points are generally wire screens stretched across the trajectory, as shown in Fig. 9. Cannon. — In order to prevent injury to the first screen and to allow for the acceleration of the projectile for a short distance after it has left the muzzle, due to the rela- tively great velocity of the escaping gas, the first screen is put at a distance from the muzzle, which increases with the calibre of the gun. When they are situated in the bore of the gun, as in Cap- tain Noble's experiments, Figs. 11 and 12, the wire may be severed by the action of a wedge raised by the passage of the projectile. This arrangement requires the walls of the gun to be pierced radially as many times as there are epochal points. To avoid this piercing, the L^tard apparatus. Fig. 10, is devised. It is principally of wood, cemented by resin to the surface of the bore. The head ot the metaUic bolt, a, and the metallic washer, b, are held in contact by the cross pin, c. The impact of the projectile on the point of a breaks the circuit and sweeps the fragments out to the front. Small Arms. — For small arms, in order to save the time re- quired in repairing at each fire the distant target, it consists of an iron plate having attached to its back a flat elastic blade, through which the circuit passes as in the disjunctor, Fig. 3. The shock of impact breaks the circuit which is immediately re-established by the elasticity of the blade. VI. — VELOCIMETERS. 15 CLASS II. Instruments of this class that use but one circuit for all the targets have an arrangement, shown in Fig. 13. The weights, IV, depress the free ends of the spring wire staples, df d, f, so that the current may pass from the brass plate, ay to the brass plate, is a cup-shaped copper gas-check acting like a metal- lic cartridge case, and F is a spring to keep the specimen in an axial position. Use of Internal Gauge. To use the gauge, it is tied to the bottom of the cartridge so that no powder can pass between it and the bottom of the bore. VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. It is sometimes recessed into the face of the block of breech loading guns, so that full charges may be fired. It has also been similarly recessed into the base of the pro- jectile. Advantages of Crusher over Rodman Gauge. The advantages of the Crusher over the Rodman gauge are: 1. Size. The small diameter of the specimen, which enables the size of the housing to be greatly reduced. When used internally, the circumstances are therefore more nearly normal, and, when used externally as in Fig. 13, it maybe inserted close to the walls of the bore instead of ex- ternally to the gun as with Rodman's first gauge. Fig. 2. In the latter case it was found that the gas developed con- siderable kinetic energy in its passage through the walls of the gun and struck the pi.ston a blow which vitiated the results of the experiment. This action accounts for many anomalies in the early experiments. When properly used, the fact that the gases act by a pressure and not by a blow is shown by the sensible persist- ence of form of a specimen exposed to several similar dis- charges, and by the experimental verification of calculations based upon this statical hypothesis. 2. Surface. The flat face of the piston is less liable to injury and admits of duplication more easily than does the Rodman knife. 3. Tarage. It also admits of giving to the specimen a preliminary compression before it is exposed to the action of the gas. This, if nearly equal to that expected within the gun, diminishes the velocity which the piston can acquire (see ^ost) ; it also serves to verify the tarage. VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. EFFECT OF VARYING THE MASS OF THE PISTON. Discussion. % Let /* be the variable gaseous pressure on the piston ; R the variable resistance to deformation of the specimen; m the mass of the piston, and v its variable velocity over the path X. Let d represent the permanent compression. Suppose the piston to be in contact with the specimen and to be indeformable. We have: ' ^/lPdx-/lRdx. (1) 2 When X is a maximum, v—o\ x^^d, and the equation (1) becomes /\pdx=f\Rdx. (2) Let the curves AFE and BFC in Fig. 5 represent by their ordinates, respectively, the resistances and pressures due to successive values of x, and let x represent only permanent deformation, /. Equations 1 and 2 show that the resistance curve, at first beneath the pressure curve, rises above it when x has some value = OH, Vn. — PRESSURE GAUGES. The statical value of the ordinate E,D^ corresponding to the maximum compression OD, is determined from the tarage. The figure shows that, while ED may be greater or less than IB^ which represents the maximum gaseous pressure, the difference between these two ordinates will depend upon the angle at which the curves intersect. If this angle be such that the difference, P — R, of any two ordinates corresponding to a common abscissa be relatively small, the resistance corresponding to the maximum compression may safely be taken as the maximum gaseous pressure. But P-R= ^ ^ ,= ma (3) doc So that the difference between ED and IB can be neglected only when the mass of the piston is small and the initial resistance to deformation is great and increases rapidly. The last two conditions are satisfied by a preliminary deformation of the specimen to nearly the total extent that is expected. Such conditions are represented by figure 6. The indications of the gauge will be more correct when the pressure curve approaches parallelism with the axis of X. It will be seen that this occurs rather with slow-burn- ing powders, which give a gradual change of pressure, than with those which act more violently. Tarage. The preceding discussion shows that the pressures used in determining the tarage must be applied so slowly that the velocity of the piston and of the contiguous parts of the machine may be neglected. Under such circumstances, when the specimen is of pure copper, 8 mm. in diameter and 13 mm. long, the resistance in kilogrammes, T, corres- ponding to a permanent compression in millimetres, E^ is given by the following equation. VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. ^=551 +531 E, The tarage would accordingly be represented by a dia- gram, such as Fig. 7, the initial ordinate being at the elastic limit, and the co-efficient 531=tan ^, or the reciprocal of the rate of permanent compression. V SARRAU'S DEDUCTIONS. An elaborate deduction by M. Sarrau, shows by an analysis confirmed by experiment that,^- Slow Pressure. I. When the pressure increases slowly, as when the crusher is used in the chamber of a gun firing ordinary gunpowder, the maximum pressure is sensibly equal to that indicated by the tarage. ftuick Pressure. II. When the pressure is instantaneously, or very sud- denly applied, as with some of the high explosives; or when, with ordinary gunpowder, the crusher is placed in front of the position occupied by the projectile when at rest so that the pressure shall be very suddenly applied when the base of the projectile has passed the mouth of the hole; then the maximum pressure is sensibly equal to that corresponding to half the tarage. The correction increases with the mass of the piston employed. THE MANOMETRIC BALANCE. Object. This avoids the perturbations due to the mass of the piston, and permits certain relations between pressures and time to be determined. Simple Form. B, figure 8, is a differential piston, the small end of which is in contact with the bore, and the large base of which enters slightly the air-tight cavity C, connected with a manometer VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. tube, M, in which mercury is kept at any given height by means of air pumped into C. A slide, a, is held by friction beneath B against the ten- sion of a spring, r. The pressure may be determined within limits by finding at two successive similar fires, the heights of the mercury permitting and preventing the motion of a. Compound Form. Also by providing, say, ten similar pistons of varying area, moving outwardly from Cj each of them provided, besides the arrangement ra, with some apparatus such as described Chap. VI, for recording the intervals of time corresponding to the motion of the slide a. II. THE KINETIC METHOD. This consists in determining the rate of change of the pressure from the change in rate of motion of some body, the mass of which is known. This body may be either I, the projectile; II, the cannon; or III, a piston or auxiliary projectile, placed in some radial channel communicating with the bore. I. THE PROJECTILE. 1. Direct Intermittent Method, Mayewski's Experiments. Figure 16. General Mayewski, of Russia, in 1867, attempted to determine the acceleration of the projectile by attaching to its base a rod which, passing through the breech of the gun, ruptured by means of a projection upon it certain electric currents placed at varying distances from the initial position of this projection. The conditions of each fire were made constant, except as to the portion of the path of the projectile, the duration of which was to be measured. 10 VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. Supposing that x~f[t), he assumed a development x=At+Bt^-{-Ct^ + nt'' + Qtc., (4) and determined by trial the values for the co-efficients, A, B^ etc., that would satisfy the instrumental values x and /. Then, dx dt =A^%Bt-{-ZCt^ + ^nt^^-tio. (5) d^x a=-^=2B + %Ct+12nt^ + ttc, (6) The value of t corresponding to the manimum pressure d^x wasfoundby placing— 3 =0, and solving with respect to /; then, by substitution in equations (1) and (3), the corres- ponding values of x and a were found. The intensity per unit of area of the corresponding pres- sure, is given by the following equation: d'^x This pressure is only that giving acceleration to the projectile. The results, found by adding to B=p n r^ the pressure found to be required to force the projectile through the bore, gave reasonably close approximations to the results of the statical pressure gauges, altiiough the apparatus was subject to many instrumental errors. 2. Direct Continuous Method, Sebert's Registering Projectile. This method, which is applicable only to comparatively short lengths of bore in guns of large caliber, requires a hollow cylindrical projectile, such as is shown in Fig. 9. It VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. 11 is provided with an axial spindle, S, of rectangular cross section and rotating freely at each end; one of the sides of this spindle is covered with a film of soot. A slide M moves freely on the spindle and bears a delicate tuning fork 7^ arranged as described, Chap. VI. When the projectile is fired, the inertia of the slide holds it relatively at rest while the projectile passes by; the points of the tines describe such a trace as is shown in figure 10, in which the parallel straight lines represent the traces when the slide is slipped along the spindle, the fork not vibrating. The effect of the friction between the slide and the spindle can be shown to be negligible. Although the path of the slide is limited to less than the length of the projectile, yet it is within this length of travel that is generally found the maximum pressure, the rate of change in reaching which is one of the most important objects of research. By placing the slide at the bottom of the spindle, it may serve to determine the retardation of the projectile in flight; and, by confining it there by a fragile cross-pin to be broken on impact, it may determine the varying resistance found in penetrating a more resisting medium than the air. 3. hidirect Intermittent Method. Successive Shortening of the Bore. The mean of the muzzle velocities of a large number of shots fired under conditions, which, excepting the length of the bore, were identical, could be laid off as the ordinates of a curve of which the abscissae should represent the various paths. The curve would have the form given by Fig. 11. Calling a the acceleration, we have, dv dv dx dv /i\ dt dx dt dx 12 VII. — PRESSURE GAUGES. The figure shows that the subnormal a= corresponding ordinate v x tan g? = ?; x -r- • (") ^ ax Therefore, having plotted the curve expressing v=f(x), the acceleration at the different points along the bore may be determined by finding the corresponding values of the subnormals. The experiments enabled positive conclusions to be formed : 1st. As to the smallness of the advantage gained by in- creasing the length of the bore more than 20 calibers, when quick powders were used. 2nd. As to the great advantage of progressive powders in guns of suitable length. II. THE GUN. Advantages. Determining the pressure from the acceleration of the gun in its recoil affords certain advantages owing: — 1st, To the low velocity of the gun compared to that of the projectile; this permits a greater number of observations to be made over a given path. 2d. To the simplicity of the apparatus, which avoids the mutilation of the piece, and permits it to be used with guns of varying calibers. 3d. To the aid given in the study of the pressures pre- vailing at the bottom of the bore. 1. Rodman's Velocimeter , Construction. The original instrument of this description was devised by General Rodman. It consisted of a cylinder rotating with a known and uniform velocity about an axis parallel Vll. — PRESSURE GAUGES. 13 to that of the gun and close to it, A pointer fastened to the gun traced upon the cylinder during the recoil, a line which, when developed, gave the successive accelerations of the recoil. The gun was hung as a pendulum oscillating in the plane of fire. See figure 17. Acceleration of Eecoil. For example, let mm' ^ Fig. 12, be the developed circumfer- ence traced by the pointer when the projectile is placed at the muzzle, and the charge uniformly dispersed along the bore ; and let bb' be the corresponding circumference when the charge is in place. Then taking axes of space and time, ^S" and T a = 7 — -ri, as in Chap. VI. Tlniform Pressure. The dotted line represents the parabola which would be traced under the ideal circumstances discussed, Chap. V, / V being straight and parallel to t' v' . Rate of Change of Pressure. It is evident, from the inclination of the initial portions of the curve, that ihe velocity is actually acquired much more rapidly than is desired. 2. Siberfs Velocimeter, Construction. The velocimeter of Colonel Sebert of the French service replaces the rotary cylinder by a broad steel tape, one side of which is smoked, and against which rest the tines of a tuning fork set vibrating by the act of recoil. See Chap. VI. Velocity of Recoil. The length of any double vibration measured on the tape, divided by the time of the double vibration of the 14 Vll.— PRESSURE GAUGES. fork, gives us the mean velocity of recoil over that portion of the path selected; from which, calling, qv =z weight of projectile. JV = weight of gun. «/ = weight of powder. 2j = velocity of projectile. V = velocity of gun. We have V= -^ (see Chapter VI). Velocity of Projectile. Or else, supposing the center of mass of the powder to be moved to the position occupied by the center of mass of the gases, which is equivalent to supposing that half the mass of the powder is added to that of the projectile. -= --^r (9) Position of Projectile. Also, denoting by X the length of recoil at the end of a time t, and x the corresponding path of the projectile. Pressure on Base of Projectile. The method above described permits the construction of a velocity curve, such as Fig. 11, from which the pressure corresponding to different positions of the projectile along the bore may be deduced. Pressure on Base of Bore. Also, the difference between two successive velocities, as determined by the trace of the tuning fork, divided by the common interval of time, would give the mean accelera- tion ; this multiplied by the mass of the gun gives the mean Vn, — PRESSURE GAUGES. 15 total pressure on the bottom of the bore during the same interval of time. III. AUXILIARY PROJECTILES EXPELLED THROUGH THE WALLS OF THE GUN. 1. Bomford's Method. About 1841, Colonel Bomford, of the Ordnance Depart- ment, prepared a cannon by boring through its walls a series of small holes at right angles to its axis, as in Fig. 13, and placing in each hole a bullet, the velocity of which was instrumentally determined. The pressure at the various points, deduced from the velocities communicated to the balls, determined the form of the old Columbiads. This method was objectionable, as it treated the powder pressure as an impulsive force and could not take into account the varying accelerations of the projectile, as is done in the following recent inventions. 2. Ricqs Register^ Fig. 14 A cylinder C, revolving with known and uniform velocity, is enclosed in a box B^ through a groove, Z>, in which slides a marker F^ in contact with the piston Z. The weight per unit of the sectional area, ^, of (F-Vl^ may be varied at pleasure. When the gun is fired, a curve, such as shown, is traced on the cylindery from which, by finite differences, we have ^= -,. (11) ^= ^(KJf (12) 8. T/ie French Accelerograph, This projects vertically upward a piston, the mass of which may be greatly varied by the addition of weights. 16 VIT. — PRESSURE GAUGES. A fixed tuning fork traces the harmonic curve upon a blackened surface on the piston. III. STATIC AND KINETIC METHODS COMBINED, Objections to Kinetic Method. It will be seen that the objection to the kinetic method lies in the liability of error in the measurement of the small spaces by which the time record is expressed. This limits the method principally to the cases where the pressure changes but slowly, as in those powders known as slow-burning powders. Noble's Experiments. In 1869, Capt. Noble, R. A., prepared a M. L. gun as .described, Chap. VI. Crusher gauges were placed in the holes leading to the chamber, and the other holes were provided with the apparatus also given in Chap. VI. By observation and interpolation, a table of spaces and times was formed so as to make A x constant=6, 10°^, as follows: 7J ^^ Av /- ^ a X / At At A V logdt dt ^ Ttr^g mm. sec. sec. m. s. m. s. * m. s. kil. per c=] cm. 0.00 6.10 0.0000000 0.0018182 0.0018182 8.85 0.0005590 7.56 4.88327 9891 271 12.20 0.0023772 10.91 0.0002528 9.02 4.61517 22082 005 18.30 0.0026330 19.33 * The values of dt are obtained by interpolation. That of the mean acceleration for the first value of Az^, viz., A/= 0.0023772 =0.0011886 would evidently be too large, and the corresponding value for /=186.5 would be too small. The method of interpolation is similar to that here- after described in Exterior Ballistics. VII. — l-KESSTTRE GAUGES. 17 Fig. 15, represents the curves obtained in a 10 in. gun firing a 300 lbs. projectile with fine (R. L. G.), and coarse, (Pebble) powders. The muzzle velocity of the projectile was in both cases practically equal. Comparison of Results. The calculated pressures agreed closely with those ob- served in the gauges placed near the base of the projectile when at rest; and those observed at the base of the bore considerably exceeded those observed near the base of the projectile. ^^^. Chap. XI. VIII. — PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. CHAPTER VIIL PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. Phenomena. For purposes of analysis the conversion of gunpowder into gas may be considered under tliree heads, viz.: Ignition^ Inflammation and Combustion, Definitions. By Ignition is meant the setting on fire of a particular point of a grain or charge. By Inflamination is meant the spreading of the fire from point to point of the surface of a grain, or from one granu- lar surface to another throughout the charge. By Combustion is meant the passage of the inflamed surface throughout the substance of each grain. IGNITION. Gunpowder is the most refractory of the explosives; it ordinarily requires a temperature of 300°. Its ignitibility varies inversely: 1st. With the amount of moisture present. 2d. With the smoothness and sphericity of the surface. 3d. With its density. It also varies with the character of the charcoal. COMBUSTION. Definition. By velocity of combustion is meant the rate of motion of the inflamed surface in a direction normal to that surface. Owing to the impossibility of determining this within the VIII. — PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. gun, the velocity of combustion of different kinds of powder in the open air is taken by the manufacturer as a rude means of comparing their combustibility. Determination. If the size of the grain permits the time of its burning to be accurately determined, this simple method is preferred; since it resembles most closely the actual conditions of prac- tice. Otherwise, we may extend the time to be measured by burning, like a candle, a prism of press cake having its sides greased to protect them from the flame; or else, we may use a tube rammed with the pulverized mill cake of the same density as that of the powder to be tested. So determined, the velocity is found to be about 0.4 inch per second. Nature of Combustion. 1. In Air. This experiment proves that the composition burns in parallel layers at a uniform rate; so that the combustion of a spherical grain would resemble the peeling of an onion. This fact is frequently illustrated on the proving ground, where burning grains of powder are projected from the gun with sufficient force to penetrate deeply into wooden boards. Should they fall in snow, their appearance will plainly indicate the superficial nature ot their combustion. 2. In Gun. It is important to remember that the velocity of combus- tion within the gun is very much greater and less uniform than that in the open air. The process resembles roughly the absorption of water by a porous substance when under variable hydrostatic pressure. The effect may be, not only to accelerate the velocity of combustion, but also, by break- ing up the grains, to increase the burning surface; as we crush sugar to facilitate its solution. The velocity of combustion is supposed to vary directly with the intensity of the gaseous pressure. VIII. — PHEKOMENA OF CONVERSION. CIRCUMSTANCES AFFECTING THE VELOCITY OF COMBUSTION IN AIR. Varying Conditions. Under similar circumstances the velocity of combustion of homogeneous powder is constant. It varies however, with the purity^ proportions^ incorporation^ density and con- dition of the powder as follows; 1. Purity. The nitre and sulphur should be pure, or nearly so. The part that charcoal plays depends upon its combustibility. This is determined by finding the velocity of its combus- tion, when incorporated with a due proportion of nitre in such a tube as above described. 2. Proportions. By varying the proportions, all velocities up to 0.55 inch per second can be obtained. The proportions usually adopted are those that give the greatest volume of gas in a given time, because the mass burned is the greatest, and because each unit of mass gives the greatest volume of gas. 3. Incorporation. Prolonging the incorporation increases the velocity at a rate which increases as the proportions approach those adopted. 4. Density. With each set of proportions a density is soon reached that corresponds to the maximum velocity. Beyond this density the velocity varies inversely as the density, at a rate which increases as the proportions approach those adopted. The increase in superficial density due to glazing dimin- ishes the velocity of combustion; provided that the dust formed in the process be removed. VlII. — PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. 5. Condition. The velocity increases with the porosity of the powder. See page 2. The porosity may result from the evaporation of water, alcohol, or vinegar, added to the substance before pressing it. When porosity is carried to the point of fria- bility, the consequences described, page 2, may be expected. AVhen oils, gums, or resins are added, or when an excess of water remains in the composition, the velocity of com- bustion is diminished. An excess of water permits the nitre to segregate and to neutralize the effects of incorporation. Re7nark< These variations should be carefully studied, as upon them depend the most important characteristics of gun- powder. Emergency Powder. For example; during the Franco-German War of 1870, it was found necessary to increase, far above their normal capacity, the product of the powder mills remaining in the hands of the French. This was accomplished by reducing the time of incor- poration under the wheels, besides calling into use the stamp mills and rolling barrels formerly employed for this pur- pose. The effect of less thorough incorporation upon the velocity of combustion was neutralized by reducing the density of the powder. This answered well where the powder was not intended to be stored, and where the capacity of the chambers in which it was to be fired permitted a corresponding increase in the volume of the charge. The differences of the effects upon the gun and its pro- jectile, resulting from varying the phenomena of combus- tion, are described in Chapters X and XI. VIII, — PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. INFLAMMATION. Hypothesis. The inflammation of a single grain is generally assumed to be instantaneous, and so is that of a charge of powder; unless the time of its inflammation bears so considerable a ratio to that of its combustion that the total time required for the conversion of the charge into gas is sensibly in- creased. Experiment. The nature of the process may be studied by determining the time required to inflame trains of powder of known lengths under various conditions. Varying Conditions. The velocity of inflammation is found to vary: 1. With the disposition of surrounding bodies. 2. With the size and shape of the grains. 3. With their composition and constitution. 1. Confinement. The heated gases, evolved by ignition, follow in their ex- pansion the line of least resistance. If they are confined, so that this line coincides with that along which the powder is disposed, its rate of inflammation is increased. Thus, the velocity of inflammation of a train is increased by firing it in a tube instead of in the open air. It is still further increased when the cross-section of the tube is not entirely filled; and when the bottom of the tube, near which the train is ignited, is closed, as in a gun. 2. Size and Shape of Grain. The size and shape of the grain affect both the force propelling the gases and the resistances which they encoun- ter. In the first case, the size and shape of the grain affect the amount of gas evolved in equal successive times and also the ignitibility of the unburned grain; in the second VIII. — PHENOMENA OF CONVERSION. case, they affect the size and shape of the spaces between the grains. So that, in fine powder, although the gaseous pressure may be greater, the resistance to the passage of the wave of inflammation may also be greater. In coarse pow- der the converse may be the case. The velocity of inflam- mation should therefore be determined by experiment. It is now much less important than when muzzle loading guns were in use. If the charge be made of mealed powder compressed, there will be no interstices; and the velocity of inflammation and that of combustion will be the same. If it be of concrete powder, the velocity of combustion of the entire grain will be that of the inflammation of the con- stituent grains, and will be greater than that of the com- pressed mealed powder above referred to. This ratio was found to be as 1.4 to 1.0. 3. Composition and Constitution. The velocity of inflammation is affected by variations in the purity and proportions of the ingredients, in the thoroughness of their incorporation, and in the density of the powder, in so far as these affect its velocity of combus- tion and its susceptibility to ignition. IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. CHAPTER IX. NOBLE AND ABEL'S EXPERIMENTS. From 1868 to 1874, Captain Noble, R. A., and Mr. F. Abel, the chemist of the British War Department, made a series cf experiments upon gunpowder that have become his- torical. NATURE OF THE EXPERIMENTS. These experiments were conducted on the principle, general in all experimental comparisons, of keepmg all con- ditions constant except that of the variable under consideration. Although their ultimate object was to determine the behavior of fired gunpowder in the variable volume behind the projectile in a gun, this principle required that their preliminary experiments should be conducted in closed vessels, the capacity of which was invariable and accurately known. VARIABLES. They accordingly varied: — 1. The composition of the powder. 2. The size of its grain. 3. The mass of gunpowder exploded in a given volume, or the density of loading. FUNCTIONS. Under these different circumstances they observed: — 1. The maximum pressures per unit of area. 2. The composition and condition of the products of combustion. 2 IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. 3. The specific volume of the gases formed, viz^ at a pressure of one atmosphere and at 0°. 4. The quantity of heat evolved by the combustion. CONCLUSIONS. From the observed states of the functions corresponding to particular values of each variable they sought to determine the law expressing the relation between pres- sures, volumes and temperatures in closed vessels, with the view of applying it to the variable conditions existing in guns. METHODS FOLLOWED IN THE EXPERIMENTS. VARIABLES. 1. Composition of Powders. Four of the six kinds of powders tried were approxi- mately of the usual composition. The others differed notably as seen by the following table: COMPONENTS. POWDERS. Four English. Spanish. Blasting, Nitre, 74 Carbon, 12 Sulphur, 10 Water, H, O, Ash, etc., 4 100 100 100 2. Size of Grain. The principal experiments in which the size of grain entered as a variable were those in which comparisons were made between R. L. G. (Rifle, large grain) and the Pebble powders referred to Chap. VII. The linear dimen- sions of these powders were about as 1 to 3. 3. Density. It is evident that the results of the experiments were largely dependent upon the relation existing between the 75 62 9 18 12 15 4 5 !X. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. mass of the charges and the volumes in which they were fired. This requires a discussion of the density of powder which is named under three heads. 1. Specific Gravity. By density simply, or d, we mean the specific gravity of the press-cake, or that of the individual grains, referred to water. This in practice ranges from 1.68 to 1.85. The maximum attainable density calculated from that of the ingredients of gunpowder united in their ordinary propor- tions, is 1.95. 2. Gravimetric Density. By this term, or y^ we mean the density referred to water of grained powder, including its interstitial volumes; or, calling w, the weight in pounds of one cubic foot of the loose powder. ^~ 62.425 ^^ The gravimetric density is sometimes expressed by the weight in ounces of one cubic foot of the loose powder. The gravimetric density of powder is important when it is to be used in a limited 'volume as in the cartridges for breech-loading small arms and in explosive projectiles. It is evident that the form of grain and the amount of settling affect the interstitial volumes and hence its value. For loosely piled powder of irregular granulation it is about 0.9. Specific and Interstitial Volumes. The amount of the interstitial volumes, which, as seen in Chap. VIII, affects the rate of inflammation, may be de- termined as follows: Let F, represent the volume of the powder when loose; v,^ its specific volume, or its volume when compressed to a uniform density, 6 ; and v' ^ the sum of the interstitial volumes : then, since w = F y = z^, (5. IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL S EXPERIMENTS. d : y :: V W or v=y -k- (2) whence v'= F-v= F ^^"^^ (3) Ordinarily, d is about 1.8; and, when the powder is loosely y piled, V is about 0.9. In such a case v=v^= -^. Noble conducted his experiments with powder so closely packed that y was sometimes equal to unity: in such a case v' was sensibly equal to 0.44 F. 3. Density of Loading. By this term, or A , we express the relation between the mass of a charge of powder and the volume in which it is fired. If the values of S and y were constant, it would suffice to say that the cavity holding the powder was, say, one-half, three-quarters full, etc. This was the method adopted by the early experimenters. But the quantity of matter in a given volume of grained powder may vary from both the causes named. The value of A is therefore taken as the ratio of the weight of the powder fired, to the weight of water at its maximum density which would fill the volume in which the powder is fired. Calling this volume expressed in cubic feet F, and expressing w^ as before, in pounds, we have w ^ ^ Fx 62.425 (^^ It is usual to give the linear dimensions of guns in mches; therefore calling z;= Fx 1728, the volume in cubic inches, we have • ,^^^ (5) This value of A is of constant application and must be remembered. IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. APPARATUS. The vessels employed were strong steel cylinders as shown in Fig. 1. Each one contained a firing plug, F^ with a conical stopper, /, insulated from 7^ by a washer, w, and by sheet of tissue paper wrapped around its body. Another conical screw plug, P, carried a crusher gauge, C. The object of the form given to F and P was to facilitate their removal; since a very slight motion would free them from the walls. The charge was ignited by an electric igniter, /. After the firing the vessel was immediately conveyed to a calorimeter; or a smaller vessel. Fig. 2, could be fired under water. FUNCTIONS. 1. Pressures. These were determined by the crusher gauge, and the observed results compared and corrected by the methods used in experimental research. 2. Nature of Products. Small samples of gas were drawn off for analysis through the tube, E, opened by slightly unscrewing the valve e. The initial liquidity of the non-gaseous products was determined by tipping the cylinder in various directions soon after the explosion, and by observing the appearance of the solid crust when the vessel was finally opened. 3. Volume of Gases. The specific volume of the gases was determined by a gasometer. Fig. 3. The long wTench, w, passing through the stufhng-box, sb^ was used to unscrew P^ immediately after the explosion. 4. Heat. The quantity of heat evolved by the conversion was determined by immersing the vessel in a calorimeter con- 6 IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL'S EXPERIMENTS. taining a known weight of water of known temperature, and by noting the resulting rise in temperature. RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS. STATES OF THE FUNCTIONS. 1. Pressures. For all kinds and sizes of powder the pressure was found to be practically constant for equal densities of loading, or the force o( SiW the powders was the same. When A=l, the force was about 6,400 atmospheres, or 43 tons, or 96,000 lbs., per square inch. 2. Products. The following table* gives, by weight per cent, the mean proportions of the products resulting from many experiments; PRODUCTS. KINDS OF POWDER. Gaseous. Tour English. Spanish. Blasting. CO2, CO, N, Various, Total Gaseous, Non-Gaseous. K, CO3, K2SO4, Ka S, Various, Total Non-Gaseous, 66 62 49 From the appearance of the cavity after firing, the non- gaseous products were supposed to be suspended at the instant of the explosion as a highly heated liquid spray which eventually assumed a solid form. In cooling it was 26 25 23 3 1 15 11 11 9 4 1 4 44 38 51 34 22 19 12 30 6 6 17 4 5 13 *NoTE. — The relative proportions of the total gaseous products and of CO, should be learned. See Chapter II, IX.- supposed to shrink from about 0.6 the volume of the entire charge, or 0.6 F, page 3, to about 0.3 V. Confining our attention to the typical English powders it is significant to observe that very nearly the same propor- tions were concluded to exist between the volumes occu- pied by the gaseous and non-gaseous products at the instant of the explosion, as were found to exist between the weights of these products and between the interstitial and specific volumes of the charge. That the non-gaseous products did not, by their volati- lization, augment the volume of the gases was inferred from their behavior when exposed, solid, in a Siemen's furnace, to a temperature of about 1700°. At this temperature which, although the highest available, was about 700° lower than that determined by calculation, the solids swelled to nearly twice their volume, but did not volatilize. 3. Volumes. 4. Heat. ^ The relations between the specific volumes of the gases and the calorific values of the powders appear from the following table which illustrates the curious fact, noted in Chap. II, that their product is approximately a constant quantity. The volumes are referred to that occupied by tlie powder when A = 1. See note 1, page 13. Kind of Powder. Specific Volumes. Heat Units Products, or vq. or H. English powders, 264 737 194568 Spanish powder,, 234 767 179478 Blasting powder, 360 517 186120 Had the experimenters known the specific heat of the products of combustion when at a constant volume, or C^, the absolute temperature of the conversion, or Tq, might have been determined from the general equation, If IX. — NOBLE ANt) ABEL*S EXPERIMENTS. but, although the same products were always formed, they occurred in such varying proportions, even when all the conditions were as nearly as possible identical, that no certain conclusions could be made. Chap. II, page 7. Also, by taking the mean specific heats of the mean of the non-gaseous products, when in a solid form, and also of the gases, a temperature was computed which was mani- festly too great. The experimenters accordingly adopted the following course in which the deductions of theory are corrected by experiment. Temperature of Explosion. Assuming the general equation for the work of perma- nent gases subjected to changes in temperature, or — pv=^rt, (6) in which r is a constant, and t is reckoned from absolute zero; let us express/ in atmospheres. The preceding table gives for the English powders a mean value of r= (264 = v) (1 =/) v (273 = /) = 0.967. Substituting the values of v and / for A zz: 1, we have — /= (6400) (0.4) ^ 0.967 = 2646° absolute, = 2373° C This was verified for varying values of A and by the ex- posure to the temperature of the explosion of very fine platinum wire which melts at about the temperature above determined. CONCLUSIONS. Fundamental Hypothesis. The remarkable compensation between the volumes of gas generated and heat evolved permitted Noble and Abel to apply to these gases the laws of Mariotteand Gay-Lussac; provided, that from the volume of the chamber in which the explosio7i occurred was subtracted the volume occupied by the non-gaseous residue. IX. — NOBLE AND AP>EL S EXPERIMENTS. 9 Remarks. This conclusion, although simplifying the labors of the experimenters, and useful for a general discussion like the present, is now believed to depend upon a compensation of errors. It is now believed that the solid products are volatilized and probably dissociated, and it is known that Mariotte's law does not apply to the pressures observed in guns. Still the latest researches lead to practically the same con- clusions reached by these experimenters. EXPERIMENTS IN GUNS. The experimenters found that when the gases expanded into a varying volume, as in the gun, results similar to those above described were found, vk.: 1. Products. That the nature and proportions of the products remained the same as in a closed vessel. 2. Working Substance. That the work on the projectile may be considered to be due to the elastic force of the permanent gases. 3. Source of Energy. That the heat evolved by the non-gaseous residue main- tains the gases at a constant temperature during their expan- sion, which, therefore, is isothermal. This is essentially the hypothesis of Hutton, made a cen- tury ago. For want of suitable apparatus Hutton erred greatly in his deductions from this hypothesis, 4. Theoretical Work. The total theoretical work of the permanent gases, when indefinitely expanded, was computed to be about 486 toot- tons per pound of powder. 10 IX. NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. This is nearly the result given by the table on page 7. Only from 13 to 20 per cent, of this work can be realized in practice. See note 2, page 13. 6. Loss of Heat by Absorption. The quantity of heat lost by absorption was approxi- mately determined by plunging into a calorimeter a field piece, after firing from it a number of rounds in rapid suc- cession. The loss was found to vary directly with the ratio of the cooling surface to the weight of the charge, and also with the time of travel in the bore. It varied, per unit of weight of the powder fired, approx- imately as follows: Gun. Loss in H. ^ Energy. 10 in. M. L. R. 25 3.5 12 pdr. B. L. R. 100 14.0 0.45 in. B. L. R. musket' 250 35.0 6. Pressures. The experimenters confined themselves to the prediction of velocities. The determination of the actual intensity of the variable pressure during the progressive combustion of the powder in a volume varying with the position of the pro- jectile during combustion was determined in only a few special cases. The important law by which this pressure varies, upon which modern guns are constructed, was left unsolved. The methods of M. Emil vSarrau, of the ^'- D^partement des Poudres et Salpltres^'' which depend rather upon dynam- ical than chemical laws, corrected, like those of Noble and Abel, by experiment, are now generally followed where ac- curate prevision, both of pressures and velocities, is required. The older methods are adopted in this text, as they permit the presentation of some of the more important phenomena of fired gunpowder in a relatively simple form. IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. 11 DEDUCTION OF THE VARIABLE PRESSURES IN A GUN. Hypothesis. It has been shown in Chapter VIII. that the conversion of gunpowder is not instantaneous. Yet, on account of the difficulty of determining the circumstances of the motion of the projectile during the period of combustion, or x=q) (t) and the rate of combustion under the varying pressure to which the powder is exposed, or gz=/ (t) it is best to begin by assuming that the conversion is instantaneous, and to cor- rect the results of computation by experiment. See note 3, page 13. Assuming then, the proportions of solid and gaseous pro- ducts previously given, and that the change in pressure is due to the change in volume in rear of the projectile (which, under the isothermal hypothesis, acts like a piston moving with variable velocity under some external force), we may deduce the following relation between the pressure and the mean density of the products of the explosion. Let / represent the intensity of the gaseous pressure in tons per square inch, and Wy the weight of the charge in pounds; Vf the variable volume behind the projectile in cubic inches; v'f the volume occupied by the non-gaseous products in cubic inches; <^, the density of these products referred to water; d, the density of the gases referred to water and supposed to remain at a constant temperature. jff, the ratio -^ assumed under Mariotte's law to be con- stant. Deduction. From the general expression for density we have 12 IX. — NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPERIMENTS. ^ 0.44 wx 27.68 12.18 a/ , d— -. = -J- ; and v—v v—v ^, 0.56 wx 27.68 , \h.hw d'^ -, •••^^--^7-; and ^ 15.5 w " — n^' Multiplying both numerator and denominator of the value of/ by 27.68 2.2724 12.18 z;~ V , we have p=R ^ -. (7) 2.2724-1.2726 -^ The ratio, R^ is found, by experiment, not to be absolutely constant; but, by selecting from Noble's experiments in closed vessels, suitable values of / and A in pairs, and by substituting these values in Eq. (7), we may obtain two equations, containing two unknown quantities, from which we find (See note 4, page 13.) 7?=32.18 ^'=0.824. These values substituted in Eq. (7) give, after reduction, _ 1 * A Which, for convenience, may be placed under the form /= 1 (9) 0.0025571 - -0.048 w Equations (8) and (9) give remarkably close approxi- mations to all but the very highest pressures found in Noble's experiments in closed vessels. *log 0.070618 ="3.8489170. flog 0.0025571 = 3^4077557. IX.— NOBLE AND ABEL's EXPER1M£NTS. 13 COROLLARIES. V 1. By substituting in Eq. (9) proper values for ^= — ^>we may construct a curve, as in fig. 4, which will give the pres- sures at different points along the bore of the gun under the assumptions noted, page 11. Should the piece be chambered, the value of x\ the re- duced length of the chamber =.Yo\vimQ. of chamber-^ ;r t^ must replace its measured length. 2. It is evident that the value of the initial ordinate is determined by the value of the density of loading, A. 3. Also that, knowing by experiment the intensity of the maximum pressure, and the charge, we may determine approximately the corresponding position of the projectile. __ ^ [l+(/X 0.04 8)1 Smce X — ^^py^ 0.0025571 ' 4. Also that we may determine the charge required to burst a closed vessel, like an explosive projectile, when its resistance to rupture is known. NOTES. 1. Page 13. — The experimenters ascertained that the erosion of the bore, caused by the rush of the gases past the projectile, increases directly with the factor H, and inversely with v^. Since modern steel guns fail rather from erosion than from bursting, it is possible that the large values of H, now generally sought, may be ultimately diminished in favor of z/q. That is, that the guns have a surplus of strength that may profitably be used to favor their endurance under erosion. 2. Page 10.— Taking y=1390 ft. -lbs. for !« C we have Q=-U[= '^^TXISQO ^ ^g,^ 3 Qj. 94 ^^^^^ oi4:%Q. foot tons. 2240 2240 3. Page 11. X and a signify respectively the variable space passed over by the projectile and the variable surface of the burning grains com- posing the charge. Chap. XI, pp. 2, 3, 4. 4. Page 12. — For recitation at the board the numerical values after Eq. (7) may be represented by symbols. X.— eoMStrstiON IN Alft. CHAPTER X. COMBUSTION IN AIR. Single Grain. We know from the experiment in Chap. VIII that in air, gunpowder burns only superficially, so that the burning under these circumstances of a spherical grain may be likened to the exceedingly rapid peeling of an onion. Considering, for the present, all solid grains to be repre- sented by their equivalent spheres, the radius of any sphere will be equally shortened in equal successive times, but the surface and the volume will vary in a higher ratio to the time. Accordingly let Fig. 1 represent the central section of a hom.ogeneous spherical grain burning with a uniform velocity of combustion which in the variable time, /, will reduce the original radius R, to r, and the original surface iS", to s. Let the time required for the combustion of the entire grain be r. Then ^: j::i?2 : ;^::t2 : (r-/)2, or ^=^{r-t)\ (1) By differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to s and / we have It may be shown from Equations (1) and (2) that the curve, Fig. 2, expressing the relation s=/{f), is a parabola referred to a system of rectangular axes; one of which, the axis of times, coincides with the tangent at the vertex of the parabola, and has upon it the origin, O, at a distance from the vertex =r. X. — COMBUSTION IN AIR. The rate of change of the ordinate of the curve is the same as that of the surface of the burning grain. The summation of the successive ordinates of the curve, corresponding to any value, /, will be equal to the area O Ssf; and since the ordinates represent the correspond- ing successive surfaces, this area will be proportional, either to the mass or volume of the grain which has been burned up to the time /, according as the density of the powder is, or is not considered. y'' dw sdtj-j- =s, or the rate at which the mass of gas is increasing at any instant,or the rate of conversion, is proportional to the corresponding surface.* The total area O S r= — - — will be proportional to the o original mass or volume of the grain. Number of Grains Varied. Such a relation, once established, would be true for all equal grains composing a charge, and would therefore be true for the whole charge, but the rate of conversion would vary with the size of the charge as shown by curves 1 and 2, Fig. 3. In these, 1, represents such a curve as shown in Fig. 2, for a single grain; and 2, the same for n grains com- posing a charge. Size of Grains Varied. If, in a charge of a given weight composed of spherical grains of a given density, the -size only, of the grains be in- *If the grain be not homogeneous, and burn with a variable velocity the rate of conversion will vary with the product of the surface, J, of the density, b, and of the velocity of combustion ft), or = J X X w. dt In this case the curve will no longer be a parabola, X. — COMBUSTION IN AIR. creased, the sum of the granular surfaces, ^ S, will be in- versely proportional to the radius of the grain. •For W=n v d, and v= — jr— .-. W= or^= 3 3 ' 3 W 1^ nS ' r or r If we represent by ^ the sum of the initial granular surfaces of a charge, and by 6 the sum of the successive granular surfaces of the same charge during its combustion; Fig. 4 may represent by curves 1 and 2, respectively, the relation G=f {f) for charges of equal weights composed of grains of different sizes. Objections to increasing Size of Grain. The effect of increasing the size of the grain is to make the powder relatively slow ; or, as it is called with reference to its action in the gun, 7nild or progressive. This diminishes the value of --z- by increasing the value of r. The objection to this will hereafter appear; it will suffice here to say that it may require the gun to be of inconvenient length. Alternatives. The following methods have been proposed for regulating the rate of conversion without, in all cases, increasing the value of r. Constant Rate. 1. A constant rate would evidently be attained by form- ing the powder as a prism and confining the burning area to that of its cross section. This result is approached in the Zalinski pneumatic gun, in which compressed air from a large reservoir, expands continuously into the volume be- hind the projectile. Also in the steam engine. X. — COMBUSTION IN AIR. 2. An approximation to a constant rate, with a small value of r, has been sought by forming the powder into volumes of which two dimensions considerably exceed the ihird. The French, Castan, powder and the American, LX, powder are so formed. Increasing Eate. The rate of conversion may be increased by causing the burning surface to increase: 3. By igniting the grain from the interior, and protecting the exterior surface from the flame by forming the grains into hexagonal prisms closely packed together, fig. 5. The perforations are continuous flues, facilitating inflammation. This is Rodman's powder. 4. By diminishing the density of the grain toward its center, Chap. III., or by facilitating its disruption after ignition. These cases may be represented by the correspondingly numbered lines on figure 6. COROLLARY. Supposing the charge to consist of n equal spherical grains, the proportion of the whole charge that will be burned in the variable time, /, may be determined as follows : The original volume of the charge is, F= n ^ i: R^ \ or, assuming, as before, that the velocity of combustion is unity, V=z n -^ TX r^, the unburned volume at the end of the time, t,v7'i\\hev,-n^7T{r—ty=,v{l—[\ - Therefore, the volume burned will be, z/'= V—Vf^z V\ 1 — ( 1 — - j (4) Similarly w' = ^F 1— ( 1— ^)' 1 - (5) The curve whose ordinates express the relation w' z=. f {t) will be of the form shown in figure 7, and figure 1, chap. XII. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN CHAPTER XI. COMBUSTION IN A GUN. PRESSURES. Comparison to Steam. For purposes of illustration, the action of gunpowder, when burning in a gun, may be compared to that of steam in the cylinder of a steam engine; and the pressures,/, at different lengths of travel, x, of the projectile in the bore, may be represented by the ordinates of a curve which expresses the relation jf=f [x), in the manner used in the indicator diagram of the steam engine. The operation may be conveniently analyzed by dividing the volume of the bore into two portions, viz.: 1st. That through which the elastic gases are being evolved from the burning powder, called the combustion volume. 2d. That through which these gases are expanding under the elastic potential acquired during combustion. This may be called the expansion volume. Thus, the circumstances during the passage of the pro- jectile through the combustion volume correspond to the admission of steam to the cylinder of a steam engine, and the completion of the combustion to the action of the valve which cuts off the supply of steam. The subsequent expan- sion in both cases is limited by the length of the cylinder. This important difference exists; that the expansion, which in steam is treated as adiabatic (without loss of heat except from external work), and which, there- fore, leads to a loss of temperature due to the work done, XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. is, in the gun, supposed, from Noble and Abel's experi- ments, to be isothermal^ and, therefore, under Mariotte's law. DISCUSSION. Hypotheses. In the following general discussion we will, for simplicity, begin by assuming that the projectile starts freely from its seat. We will neglect the variable volume of the liquid residue and that of the powder remaining unburned at any time. We will also assume that the inflammation is instanta- neous. See Chap. VIII. Notation. Taking the origin of co-ordinates at the origin of motion; X will represent either the path of the projectile or the volume described by the translation of its maximum crosr section. The volume of the chamber, ^, or the initial volume, is composed of two volumes, viz.: c, the volume actually occupied by the charge of powder including its interstitial spaces. c\ any excess of volume besides that required to hold the charge. Therefore, k=zc-\-c\ and, for the reduced k length of chamber^ we have x, -=l ^ , in which r is the radius of the bore. We shall first take c' = O. Let w represent the weight of a charge of powder which will be consumed in a time r, and let w' be the variable weight of w converted into gas at the end of any time /. Let (S represent the corresponding sum of the burning surfaces as in Chap. X, and '2 the sum of the initial sur- faces. Let / represent the variable intensity of the gaseous pressure per unit of area on the base >f the projectile; and XI.— COMBUJ^TION m A GUN. assume any particular value o. / to be uniform throughout the volume occupied by the gases, the density of which is d. Let/ be taken in such units that R^ Chap. IX, be equal to unity. Let W represent the weight of the projectile, the radius of the cross section of which is r\ the variable velocity of which, in the bore is v\ and, at the muzzle of the gun is V. Let q and Q represent the quantities of work done upon the projectile to give it the velocities v and V. FORM OF PRESSURE CURVE. Upon firing the charge the combustion volume is gradu- ally filled with gas, the density of which will vary directly with w' and inversely with x-\-c\ so that we may write w' Differentiating this equation, considering /, w* and x as variables, and dividing through by dx^ we have dp __ dx x-\-c 1 i dw* w* \ '^c\dx x^cX (2) (3) But, since q=f p dx^ dp _ _1_^ / dw'—dq \ dx ~ x-\-c \ dx J Or, dividing both numerator and denominator of the expression in the parenthesis by dt and remembering that dw' dt Similarly, dp _ 1 / dq \ dx '~ {x^c)vy dt )' W dp No simple law has yet been discovered connecting (T, x and /, and these equations cannot, therefore, be integrated; XT.— COMBUSTION m A GUN. but, remembering that (T is a decreasing function, and q an increasing function of /, a conception may be had of the form of the curve, the ordinates of which express the relation /=/ (^). The inclination to the axis of X will be greatest at first when 6 is large, and x and ~- =p v are small. It will be Oy or / will be constant, when the gas is evolved just fast enough to compensate for the increasing volume. From this point the conversion is not rapid enough to keep up the maximum pressure, so that the pressure will fall off until a=.Oy as at «, Fig. 1, from which point the curve will be an hyperbola with the axis of X as an asymptote, since p becomes equal to a constant, w, divided by x-\-c. By the law of continuity, a should be a point of inflexion and a point of tangency between the combuscicn and the expan- sion curves.* The same results will follow when / is taken =/' {t), ex- cept that the inclination of the tangent to the curve will vary more gradually. I. PRESSURES DURING COMBUSTION. Effect of Size of Grain. Although we do not know the law which, in the gun, con- nects (T=/(/) and x = Qf (/); experiments with Noble's and Ricq's apparatus demonstrate that, when nearly equal charges of powder, a and b, in which H^ > Z^^ are fired ; for small ♦The parenthetical expression refers to the relation between the poten- tial energy of the unburned powder and the kinetic energy of the projec- tile ; for n, the potential energy of the charge must always be equal to 7r = /(CT), that residing in the unburned charge; -]- q=f^ (v), the work already done at any instant; -\-e=/^^ (/), the work which the elastic potential of the gases is capable of doing; or H =7r -j-q-\-e. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. values of x and /, cp (/) changes but slowly for considerable variations in/" (/). The small change in the form of cp (t) for a given change in the form of / (/) is probably due, on one hand, to the relative constancy of the initial resistances to motion, or the molecular work (Michie, Art. 25), and on the other hand, to the great changes in / {t) resulting from the cumulative in- fluence upon the velocity of combustion of high pressures when (7 is large. Chapters VIII., X. If, therefore, during the critical period of combustion, we assume that qp (/) is nearly constant for all sizes of grain; V, and therefore ^, may be taken as independent of o. Con- sequently, Eq. 4 shows that during combustion, the inclina- tion of pressure curves corresponding to different values of Z will be an increasing function of a ; or for equal charges, the smaller the grain, the steeper the curve. Similar reason- ing shows that it will also be higher. Experiine7ital Illustration. This may be re'presented by fig. 2, derived from Noble's experiments, in which a represents, by its ordinates, the suc- cessive surfaces of a charge of fine-grained powder burned in the air, its initial portion only being represented. The curve a' shows the effect produced upon its burning by con- finement in the gun. Let b and b' similarly represent the varying surfaces of an equal charge of coarse-grained powder. Let a and /3 be corresponding curves representing, by their ordinates, the velocities acquired by the projectile at any time, /. For any time /, the area under a' or b' = J a dt=w' ; and similarly the area under a ox (i=J vdt—.x-^c. Under the circumstances named, although Z^=*^ Zy,, the curves a. and |3 were nearly coincident in their initial por- tions. These, which we shall term the v curves and the a curves, have the axis of time m common. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. At any time /, which is less than tb, the time required for the combustion of the powder ^, the ratio, =/» is less for the coarse grained powder than for the fine. At t^ ^^d Tb expansion begins ; at r^ the pressures from the two pow- ders will be nearly equal to each other, since the same weight of powder in each case is burned in nearly equal volumes. Similar effects would follow the changes in a, indicated in Chap. X., from whatever cause the rate of change of o was varied. The best results would be attained when both the can, by analysis, be shown to be very nearly equal to / (w \ 10 XI COMBUSTION IN A GUN. Considering the passive resistance/o is taken =// 1 + yTvi- Supposition. For an elementary discussion, like the following, such differences in the instantaneous pressure, and the effect of the passive resistances, once understood, maybe neglected. So that the pressure at any instant upon the bottom of the bore will be assumed to be that exerted at the same instant on the base of the projectile, and all of it is supposed to be utilized in giving motion to the projectile. JV The difference, p n r' a, evidently tends to compress . . . ^ the projectile in the direction of motion, and its effect will be most felt at the base of the column of metal moved. Except in the next discussion, in which actual free vol- umes are considered, the origin of co-ordinates is always taken at the origin of motion; viz., at that section of the bore occupied by the base of the projectile when the gun is fired. WORK OF FIRED GUNPOWDER. It is not necessary in practice to separate the work of combustion from that of expansion; but the total work which may be expected from a given charge of powder may be determined in the following manner. Total Potential Work. In fig. 3 the area included between the ordinate O P^ the axis of X, and the hyperbola H at infinity, will represent the total amount of work which this charge could perform. Calling this i2, we see, from Chapter IX., that expressing, as is usually done, work in foot-tons, and w in pounds, /2=486 w. Actual Potential Work. If, instead of expanding the powder gases to infinity, we limit the useful work of the expansion by placing the muzzle XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. H as at m^ we shall have an area which will represent the maximum potential work under the conditions existing in the gun. This, which in practice is not much over — , we will call Q. Effective Work. Now, if we fire the charge w in a gun, we shall give a certain velocity F to a projectile W. Calling the amount of kinetic energy so realized E^ we have E=. 2^x2240 The ratio, -— = F, is called the factor of effect. It is used, as hereafter explained, in anticipating the results of certain changes in the piece and ammunition. Fig. 3, shows by the triangular areas above the curves, a, ^, k, the principal reason why 7^ < 1. F is further diminished by the passive resistances. MEASURE OF Q. To deduce a formula for the potential work of the powder gases when expanded in a gun of a definite length, or the equivalent of the area Q^ we use the general equation ^—^dx. (6) Substituting the ;i^alue of /, from Eq. 3, Chap. IX, and for brevity replacing 0.0025571 by «, and 0.048 by by we have, since all linear dimensions are given in inches, G" (inch-tons) = ^ na d* 12 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. (2" (inch-tons) ='^ ' '^^ Takinrj, in this case, the origin of co-ordinates at tne bottom of the bore, integrating between x^, and x' , corre- sponding to O' O and O' m^ fig. 1; substituting the value of a^ and remembering that Q= ■^— , we have, ^'-23.9 ^3 e= 75.04 tt/, log ~ . (7) ^,-33.9 -, Volumes of Expansion. The subtractive term above, appears from the form of the equation and can be shown to be the reduced length of the residue,* or />=33.9^; (8) pand x^/—x^—p: — =z n ^ number of volumes of expansion, an important characteristic of a gun. It is convenient to remember that p=: about -j^ the length of the cartridge, if its diameter =d above. Equation 7 may, therefore, be written under a form con- venient for general discussion. (2=75.04 w. log«. * (9) The calculus shows that the curve, the area between which, the asymptote, and two ordinates is proportional to the logarithm of the extreme abscissa, is an hyperbola, which is the result reached, page 4. * For the smokeless powder referred to in Chapter III, p will be prac- tically = 0, n will diminish, and so will /o for equal values of w. The effect, as hereafter discussed under Air spacing, will be to make the powder more progressive ; unless the powder belongs to the class of high explo- sives and its explosion is of a high order. XI. — COMBUSTION m A GUN. 1^ Consequently if, as in fig. 5, we assume axes of P and iV", we may construct various hyperbolas depending upon the value of w^ such that the areas under them will give^ the corresponding values of Q. VARIATIONS. 1. In Weight of Charge. The hyperbolas intersecting at the point P, Fig. 5, and Equation 7, show the effect upon x,; x' \ x,,; x"; p; n; Q ; and /, resulting from variations in w. Inspection of the figure shows that an increase of 7Cf to 7£/ =: -f 7i>, decreases n from about 12 to 7, or about ^ ', the total length of the bore x' =z x" remaining constant, as in a muzzle loader. Owing to the effect on n of variations in w, Q will not in- crease in direct proportion to w. But, in a given gun, log n diminishes so much less rapidly than w increases, that we may for simplicity assume that n is constant; and, taking a constant ratio between n and x, we may replace the axis of iV^by that of X, and complete the figure by drawing upon it combustion curves, as in Fig. 6, so that for the same weight of charge the areas under the combustion curves are equal, without regard to the size of grain. See Remark 2, page 7. 2. In Size of Grain. The curves a' a" , refer to different weights of the same kind of fine grained powder, which are supposed to be burned through at about the same point of the bore. Curve a", refers to a weight w of coarse grained powder. Consideration of Fig. 6, shows how, by increasing both the weight of the charge and its inherent progressiveness, we may obtain a pressure curve, the work area under which may equal and even exceed that due to the fine grained powder, without incurring the risk attending the high pressures to which it gives rise. 14 XT.— COMBUSTION IN A GUN. In other words, we approach the conditions required in the ideal gun, by effectively diminishing the value of n. For, comparing curves a" and b" ^ figure 6, it is evident that the latter is the more progressive, or more nearly parallel to the axis of X, and that this results from expansion begin- ning further down the bore. Neglecting the areas under the combustion curves, the inclination of which in the diagrams is purposely exaggerated, the effect is practically the same as if the powder had been instantaneously burned in a volume, c -\- c', greater than c, page 2, by the volume through which the projectile had moved before expansion began. We would x' p then have n' =: , , — < n. See Air Spacing, x, + c'—p 3. In Length of Bore. While, in all cases in practice, an increase of O m increases Q and F, the proportionate advantage from the increase of O m increases with the progressiveness of the powder. The limit of useful increase of O mis determined by the intersection of the line of pressures with that of resistances. Fig. 4.* In many works on Gunnery the importance of Om^ or the path traversed by the base of the projectile in the bore of the gun, is overlooked; or it is left to be inferred from the total length of the bore. In the more recent and advanced works it has a specific symbol u by which it will be hereafter recognized. AIR SPACING. Variations in A. We have so far assumed the powder to be fired in its own volume. If we assign to the charge a volume greater than that required to contain it by the volume ^', page 2, the *This applies to small arms. For heavy cannon the increased weight of piece resulting from the prolongation of the bore, can generally be used to better advantage elsewhere. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 15 value of A will diminish. Eq. 8, Chap. IX., shows that the initial pressure will also diminish, and so, under given con- ditions will Q. In such a case, Eq. 1, will take the form /= j — , and the curve expressing the relation x-\-c-t- c' p =/ {x) will be such as shown in fig. 7. Curve 1 expresses, by its ordinates, the varying pressure when A is large, and curve 2 the same function when A is small, the weight of the charge being the same in both cases.t It will be observed that the effect of air spacing is princi- pally felt when c^ is large, compared with x^ that is, when cs and/ are relatively large. Also, since by differentiating Eq. 1, regarding w' as a df) 11) constant and x + k=-\^ we have -^ = r-^^; the inclination aA. Ar of curve 2, will be less than that of curve 1. The values of Q and B will therefore both be smaller for curve 2. Increase of Charge. If u is fixed, this effect is compensated for, as before, by increasing w. This produces the effect shown in the dotted curve, 3, fig. 7. APPLieATIONS. Air spacing is principally applied to muzzle-loading can- non on account of the necessary limit to their length imposed by the requirements of loading. It results spontaneously from t To familiarize himself with the principles involved, it is recommended that the student construct curves 1, 2, 3, as follows : 1. Assume a maximum pressure of say 24 units and<:=l; c^ = o', 10=1; thenfor jr = l,/ = 12; for x=2, / = - =8, and so on. 2. Take c^ =1.-, /& = 2; w=:l, as above; then for x = o,p^=12i for x = 2fp = Q, and so on. 3. Take^=l and w = 1.5; then for x = o, p=-=18', forjr=l, / = 12, as in No. 1; forx = 2, /=9 (greater than No. 1). No. 3 will continue above No. 1 to oo. The powder is more progressive, and n is decreased. 16 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. the ease with which their projectiles, particularly those which are spherical, take up their initial motion. It was probably to diminish this that the sal^of, a cylindrical block fastened to the rear of spherical projectiles, was formerly employed, although other reasons are generally assigned for its use. Until about 1880, when the EngUsh government began to adopt exclusively the breech-loading principle for heavy cannon, air spacing was largely employed for s/wrf, thick muzzle-\oa,dmg cannon, firing large charges of ^uick-huYn- ing powder. It was secured by making the diameter of the chamber greater than that of the bore. This was objec- tionable in sponging and it weakened the gun. It was made constant by providing the projectile with stops, which held it at an invariable distance from the bottom of the bore. But this, although beneficial in preventing the great variations in pressure and velocity which, from care- less loading, are apt to occur in ordinary muzzle-loading guns, increases the length of the gun in the region of its greatest diameter. It is still employed to some extent in breech-loaders, but is yielding in importance to the means now employed for regulating the combustion of gunpowder. EFFECT OF THE ROTATING DEVICE. If the initial motion of the projectile be restrained by the compression of the rotating device,/ will have an initial value at least equal to the resistance offered to deformation, and, since the powder is burned under higher and more constant pressures, n will be greater and more constant than when the projectile is free to move. ADVAIsTAGtS OF BREEuH-LOADING GUNS. General Advantages. 1. The simplicity and exactness of the method by which the value of n may be regulated. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 17 2. The ease with which u may be increased without inter- fering with the operations of loading. 3. As will be hereafter shown, the compressible pro- jectiles used in breech-loaders are more accurate than the loosely fitting projectiles employed in muzzle-loading guns. In spite of the greater simplicity of construction and of operation of muzzle loaders, these advantages have com- pelled the adoption of breech-loading cannon. Tactical Advantages. The tactical advantages of breech-loaders are also greater. Among these are — 1. Greater facility in securing cover for the piece behind defenses, and for the gunners behind the piece. 2. Less danger and difficulty in loading, since but one charge can be inserted at a time, and the operation of spong- ing is less important than with muzzle loaders. 3. Greater facility in examining and caring for the bore. 4. Greater facility in adjusting the charge or fuze after loading. 5. ImmovabiUty of the projectile in marching. This per- mits batteries to come into action rapidly, when under fire. 6. The rapidity of fire is increased for large pieces. The price paid for these advantages is the difficulty of getting officers and men capable of working the cannon with sufficient care. OBJECTIONS TO INCREASING WEIGHT OF POWDER. The preceding discussions show that we compensate for small values of 7i by corresponding increases in the value of w. The objections to this are as follows. 1. We increase the waste of powder, as the steam en- gineer does that of his coal by failing to work his steam ex- pansively. This may be of importance when storage capacity is limited, as on ships and in the field, and it tends to dimin- ish the value of ?y, hereafter explained. 18 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 2. The work done in distributing the gas throughout the bore increases with the weight of the charge and the length of u. Some charges now weigh half as much as the projectile. 3. We increase the tension of the gases within the gun at the instant of the departure of the projectile. This tends to accelerate the recoil and to perturb the flight of the pro- jectile ; since, owing to their small mass, the gases leave the gun with a higher velocity than that of the projectile. 4. Considering the gun to consist of a number of staves, like those of a barrel, the moment of the pressures about the breach is increased on account of their greater level arm. 5. Variations in / and «, due to accidental variations in the velocity of combustion, may endanger the safety of the piece or affect its accuracy. IGNITION AND INFLAMMATION IN GUNS. The importance of these phenomena has largely decreased with the adoption of the breech-loading principle. When muzzle-loading cannon, firing free projectiles with charges of fine grained angular powder were generally used, .1 . . time of inflammation , the ratio -— ^ , — was large. total time of conversion To reduce this as much as possible, so as to increase the value of n^ the charge was ignited near its middle. It was found that ignition in rear tended to waste energy by moving the forward portions of the unburned charge ; while that in front reduced the velocity by the premature movement of the projectile. With breech-loaders the charge is always inflamed before the projectile has moved. The shape and size of the grain and the use of a special priming of quick powder placed near the vent, reduce the value of the ratio of times above referred to so much, that the position of the vent is determined by other considerations. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 19 MEASURES DEPENDING UPON THE MUZZLE ENERGY OF THE PROJECTILE. 1. MILDNESS OR PROGRESSIVENESS. P =: / TT r^ is called the variable total pressure. In this, and in subsequent similar expressions, r is expressed in the same linear units as those of the area upon which / is estimated. When/ has its maximum value, as indicated by the pres- sure gauge, and taken = /„ ; the maximum total pressure is P' = x' p', Fig. 8. The area under the pressure curve divided by u gives the mean total pressure P,-=^ — = m p,. u The effective length ox u' = — = O x". Therefore, if we represent the following ratio by ju, we have, since E = P' u' = P, u, ^ = ^^'!L^^^ ^^' . (10) ^ P' u P' u ^gp.-ar'u in which /^ and JVare expressed in the same units, and g, u and Fin the same units. This coefficient /x, which measures the ratio of the area under the curve to that of the circumscribed rectangle, may be taken as the measure of the mildness or progressiveness of the action of the gunpowder under the circumstances of any particular case. The limit of the ratio for all ordinary powders is evidently unity, and would be reached only in the ideal gun. 2. ECONOMY. -p 7) = — is a valuable datum for comparing the economy or w efficiency of various powders. ^0 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GtjM. It appears from figure 3 that the greater is the efficiency, the greater is the maximum pressure ; or that the violence of gunpowder increases with rj. Also from figure 2, that the smaller the value of r, or the quicker is the gunpowder in a given gun, the larger will be the value of t]. It would be more consistent to follow the method adopted for jLt, the value of which is independent of any particular metrical system \ but in order to avoid dealing with large numbers, and because of the general use of the term " foot- tons of energy per pound of powder," we shall write 3. GENERAL COEFFICIENT. The preceding discussions show that all expedients intended to increase the progressiveness of powder decrease the muzzle energy resulting from the conversion of a given weight of the explosive ; or decrease rj. Thus, when, as in figure 3, we increase the size of the grain, or vary its form, composition or density so as to increase r ; or when, as in figure 7, we diminish /^ by decreasing A, we decrease the Factor of Effect ; and therefore, in order to ob- tain the muzzle energy required, we must increase the weight of the charge, as shown in figure 6. In order to compare the performance of different powders fired under the same conditions, or of the same powder fired under different conditions, it is proposed to use a general co- efficienty known as x '• which, since fi and r] are both desir- able, will be proportional to their product ; and which, since they tend to vary inversely with each other, will have an approximately constant value. This relation may be expressed by writing X-iin= ^^mp.TTiP uw' ('^^ XI. — Oo^rBusTloW in a gun. 61 It will be hereafter more fully discussed. 4. STRENGTH OF GUN CONSTRUCTION. // = -j^ , in which IV' is the weight of the gun (in the same units in which IV, the weight of the projectile, is expres- sed) measures the height through which the gun would have to fall in vacuo to acquire energy equal to that residing in the projectile at the muzzle of the piece. Thus the old 10 in. S. B. C. I. gun had a value of ^ = 300 ft. When strengthened by a rifled steel tube that reduces its caliber to 8 in. we have the "converted" 8 in. Rifle, for which A is about 350 ft. For the new 8 in. B. L. R. Sfee/, h is nearly 500 ft. 6. FACTOR OF EFFECT. The meaning and derivation of this have already been explained. Use. It is used for anticipating the effect of changes in the interior form of a piece, or in its ammunition, upon the muzzle energy of the projectile. It differs from the use of x ^"^ its factors in taking no heed of the maximum pressure involved in the result. Conditions. It is necessarily assumed to remain constant during the variations, the effect of which is sought; and consequently, the conditions under which it is employed should be as nearly alike as circumstances will allow. These conditions relate to the type of gun, of powder, and of projectile employed • Owing to the greater constancy of A, and to the high initial pressure required to move the projectile from its seat, it is better adapted for use with breech-loading than with muzzle-loading cannon. M. L. R. B. L. R. 30 60 50 1 65 75 ^ 80-85 85 22 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. The factor of effect increases with the size of the gun, as seen by the following table, giving its approximate value, in certain individual cases. So much depends upon the kind of powder used that only the most general conclusion can be drawn: Factor of Effect Per Cent. Muskets, Mountain Guns, Field " Medium " Heavy " APPLICATIONS. 1. Variations in w and a . 1. Suppose it be desired to estimate the change in the muzzle velocity to be expected in a given gun from certain charges in a/ or A. The values of E and Q, under known conditions, have been determined; and therefore, F= -yr is known. Determining, from Eq. (7), Q' under the new conditions, we have-£''=i^ Q'. On firing we should find approximately — V=JJEl^. (13) 2. Untried Gun. 2. Suppose that we desire to estimate the muzzle velocity of a given projectile to be fired from a new and untried gun, of which we have only the drawings. We select the record of some gun of as nearly the same type as possible, assume F=F\ and proceed as before. 3. Dimensions of Guns. 3. The inverse problem may also arise; viz., to determine the interior dimensions of a gun of any required power. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 23 Eq. (7) may be placed under the form — w Q=l!6Mwlog (l4) ^,-23.9,-^ The calibre and the density of loading, A, are always assumed, the former depending upon the service, and the latter upon the strength of the gup; therefore, since 27.68 w A = V=7C — X,, 110.72 «; (15) ' TT ^2 A We have, therefore, two problems: 1. Assuming u to find the necessary values of w and x^, 2. Assuming iv to find u. The difficulty of simplifying an expression of the form of Eq. (14) requires these solutions to be made by trial. In the first case, taking F from some similar gun, we have 01 =■ —=r- Then, assuming successive values of w, we insert them and the corresponding values of x^, determined from Eq. (15) into Eq. (14) until a suitable value of Q^ is obtained. In the second case, we proceed as before, substituting successive values of u. The initial approximations to the value of u will be facili- tated by reference to the value of n, usual in guns of the type proposed. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 1. The 3.20 B. L. W. I. Chambered Rifle, in which x,^ 12 in.; u= 56.1 in.; 3 lbs. I. K. powder = ze/, gave to a I'Z lb. projectile, F= 1548/.^. ^4 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. Determine its factor of effect; j,_ E _ 199.3 _ 2. Estimate V for a 13 lb. projectile to be fired from the new 3.20 B. L, Steel Chambered Rifle with a charge of 3.75 lbs. I. K. powder. From the drawings we find that the volume of the cham- ber, which is a truncated ellipsoid terminated by various cylindrical and conical surfaces, when diminished by the volume of that portion of the projectile which lies within it, = 123.157 cubic in. Similarly, the length of the rifled por- tion of the bore, when increased by that of the projectile lying within the chamber,^ 73.24 in. Therefore, ^^= 15.31 in., x' = 88.55 in; and in the case supposed n = about 12 as before. We find (2' = 303.9 ft.-tons, ^=247.4 ft.-tons, and F=1657/.J. By experiment, F= 1662 f.s. The difference falls within that usually found when all the conditions are as nearly constant as possible. DISCUSSION OF THE COEFFICIENT X. A study of many records shows that when the conditions of loading approach those sanctioned by experience, the value of X expressed in the units assumed varies from about 24.0, when the powder is so quick* with relation to the gun in which it is to be used, that the weight of the powder is only about one quarter the weight of the projectile ; to about 35.0, when the powder is so slow that 7a may be safely increased to about one half the weight of the projectile. * The remark on page 6 shows that the same powder may be quick in some guns and slow in others. Thus the powder suitable for a field piece would be too slow for a musket, and too quick for a siege piece; and in two siege pieces of the same caliber, this powder would be quicker in a gun, than in a howitzer or mortar. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 25 It is rare to find a value of x ^vith any form of black pow- der greater than 28.0; while with cocoa powder it often approaches 35.0. Furthermore, these values approach con- stancy, as will be seen from the table on following page. The approximate constancy of x enables conclusions to be drawn from otherwise perplexing data. Thus, in the 7.0 in. Howitzer in Table I., it might be difficult to decide which was the better powder, L. X. B. or I.. K. K.; but the values of X show that the former is to be preferred. If we assume axes of ?/ and fj, as in fig. 9, we may refer to them as asymptotes certain hyperbolas which will limit all reciprocal values of rj and ^ for each kind of powder. Thus powder /^, for any assigned value of 7] or fi will give a higher value of [J, OT rj than powder a. 0( the two principal ballistic data, viz.: Fand /„, the former is much more easily and certainly obtained than the latter. Indeed, unless the pressure gauges are carefully pre- pared by experienced observers, their indications are fre- quently mconsistent. Therefore, a known value of x ^'^^Y be employed to check the records of the pressure gauges, or to replace them; for, having observed V, we have ^" ;^ 2240 ^^77^/^ 7/ ^ ^ Also, having ascertained by experiment the value of \i^ or of 7\ for any powder of which we know the coefficient x^ ^^^ may estimate the weight of the charge of that powder required to give to a projectile of any desired weight the maximum velocity which the limit of pressure imposed by the construc- tion of the piece permits, or The density of loading will be regulated by this value oi p^. As will be shown in Chapter XII., the value of X-, for the 26 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A OUN. Sphere Hex'l powder. Converted gun. Steel gun. Flat powder. Black Prism. Hexagonal. Reported "good." Reported "good." Rep. "entirely too quick" Rep. "entirely too slow." ^ '^o:rrt-iMOTj< ^ 'i ^ >< >< ^ wV >^ izi ^' Q^ d» S 3 urj in u'. o o CO o lo »o o COOOCOCOCOCO-^TtiTtiOOOOrM(M'' ■^tOCOCOCOCOOSOSOCOCOCOCOCDOlOlClOlO '«.S coeococococoidu^int-^r^iT-t^ooQOGdGOOOGO ^ 3 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 27 same powder fired in the same gun, will increase as the ratio — mcreases ; but a nearly constant expression called 11 will result from multiplying the computed value oi xhy j — j ^ or \ W / /„ a u wl log 6^=6:2161. By comparing different values of IT, we may compare the performance of different powders in the same gun, even when fired with different charges, provided the weight of the pro- jectile is constant, which is usually the case.* THEORY OF COCOA POWDER. The facts that, although almost all possible combinations of the ingredients of ordinary black powder have at different times been tried without decided advantage over those gen- erally adopted; and that, as we have seen, the changes in manufacture which have had as their object an increase in \i have necessarily correspondingly reduced ?/, indicate that the difference in the action on the brown powder is due to some marked difference in the chemical composition of its charcoal. This was for some time a secret for which it is said that the British Government paid a large sum. Without requiring such payment, the Messrs. Du Pont, of Wilmington, Dela- ware, the manufacturers of a powder that has shown itself to be nearly equal to that made abroad, have furnished the basis of the following theory as to its peculiar behavior. * So many of the records require the value of u to be assumed from the proportions of the gun, and so doubtful is the accuracy of many of the pressures recorded before the theory of the pressure gauge was well understood, that the constancy of x ^o"" ^ given gun and powder is best seen from an analytical discussion in Chapter XII. The table is given rather for illustration tha\. for proqf. 28 XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. The charcoal made by superheated steam contains a large proportion of free hydrogen and much more in relatively unstable combination. The carbo-hydrates^ as are termed the resin, gum and sugar added during manufacture, are also magazines of hydrogen. The effect upon the velocity of combustion, due to the presence of the gum and to the high density of the powder, and possibly also some of the phenomena of dissociation under high pressures, prevent the sudden liberation of the hydrogen and its combustion when x^ Eq. (1), is small. The hydrogen combines as the pressure wanes, and tends to sustain the pressure and to increase both 7\ and //, whereas in black powder they must vary inversely. The water formed serves to precipitate the smoke, the solid particles of which are entangled in a condensed spray of liquid gum following the projectile. To this may be added, as a theory more generally accepted, that the large proportion of nitre tends to prevent the forma- tion of CO, thus reducing the volume of the gases first formed, and diminishing the violence of their action, or increasing \ji„ On the other hand, the excess of nitre may tend to increase 7\ on account of the more perfect combustion of the charcoal and the high calorific value of the hydrogen which it contains. The precautions usual in manufacture are taken to affect the size, shape and density of the grain and the amount of moist- ure it contains, so as to increase its progressiveness. That these precautions alone do not account for its peculi- arities appears from the fact, that while a prism of black powder burns in the open air in \\ seconds, and a similar prism of brown powder burns in 10 seconds, equal charges of the brown powder give equal or higher muzzle energies than the black powder without exceeding their maximum pressures. XI. — COMBUSTION IN A GUN. 29 English Experiments of 1890. 1'hese furnish the following data from which the effects of the composition of the powder may be observed. SoHd residue per cent : Permanent gases per cent of volume : 7\ oi permanent gases above Heat units per kilogramme /= v^ H. (Chap. IX, page 7) ratio Specific volumes of water vapor Black. Brown. K.CO, m 64 Kir CO, — 14 s 9 — K,S 15 — KSO, 10 22 iim(3 • 100 100 UIIlC . CO, 47 51 CO 16 3 H,S 3 — ZTand CH^ 4 4 N 30 42 100 100 278 198 721 837 •atio 1.0 0.83 41 122 XII. — SARRAU S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. CHAPTER XII. SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. The deductions of M. Emil Sarrau permit a very accu- rate solution of many important problems affecting the interior form and the method of loading cannon. By methods which are too elaborate for present instruc- tion, Sarrau deduces four general formulae for pressures and velocities. Notation. The units in the following notation are based upon those adopted in the publications of the Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Some changes are made in the notation to make it agree with that previously used in this work. Where Sarrau's notation differs, it is given in brackets. Let V. (v) Muzzle velocity, in feet per second, /o (F^ Maximum pressure on bottom of bore in pounds per square inch. / {P) Same on base of projectile. d. (c) Caliber in inches. u. Length of the travel of the base of the projectile in the bore, in inches. See Chapter XI, page 13. W (/) Weight of projectile in pounds. w {n) Same of powder. A Density of loading. d Specific gravity of the powder. N' The granulation of the powder, or the number of grains per pound. 2 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. / Force of powder when A = 1, Chapter II, page 7. r Time of combustion of a single grain, referred to a standard grain as unity. See page 5. S Initial volume in cubic inches; the same as F,Chap- ter IX, foot page 3. This volume generally differs from the capacity of the powder chamber since the base of the projectile may occupy some of this space. 8 The reduced length of the initial air space which is equal to v' (Chapter IX, page 3) + ^' (Chap- ter XI, page 2). We have z=S — v. but 4 ' e 27.68 7£/ , 27.68 7£/ ,, . o.= and z^,= : therefore A 110.72 w (i4) a and / (Sarrau uses \ instead of /). These are two numerical coefficients depending on the form of the grain, which are functions of the ratio of the least dimension of the grain to its other dimensions. See page 3. a and fi. Two very important characteristics depending on the nature of the powder; viz, both on its form and the time of its combustion. Their values are obtained from the following equations : m ^= r (3) Owing to their preponderating effect in the prin- cipal equations which follow, a is known as the XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULif: FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 3 pressure characteristic^ aod p as the velocity char^ acteristic. A, B, M, K. Certain empirical constants to be determined by experiment. Form of Grain. If we develop Equation 5, Chapter X, according to the ascending powers of — the development may be placed under the general form * j=/w=<.i(i_/i+«i;+&c. . . . .) (4) This may be shown to apply to other forms of grain besides the sphere, the coefficients of — varying with the form of the grain and by their values characterizing the mode of combustion in so far as it is affected by the form of grain. I. For spherical grains it readily appears that a; = 3; /= 1; m = Yi, The coefficient m is neglected as insignificant. Besides the spherical grain, which includes not only true spheres, but grains the form of which approaches that of a sphere, such as cubes, hexagonal powders and those of irregular granulation ; powders are classified as to form, as parallelopipedons and pierced cylinders. Both classes in- clude the forms most closely resembling the type, e. g. L. X. powder would belong to the former, and pierced prismatic powder to the second class. * In the above equation replace — by jr, then f {t) =z\— {X — x)^ =^^ X — 2, x" ■\- x^ = 3-(i — + -') = T [1-7+1(7)'] For grains of other forms a similar but more extended method is followed. 4 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. II. For the parallelopipedon, if x and j^ represent the ratios of the least dimension of the grain to its other two dimensions the development of the corresponding function of — will give T the following characteristic values for the coefficients a and /, a If the base of the grain be square, x — y^ and a=.\-\-%x; I— •• a III. For the pierced cylinder, x represents the ratio of the thickness of the walls of the cylinder to its height, or con- versely; the lesser dimension being divided by the greater in either case. The cylinder is supposed to burn all over at once. The following are the values of the coefficients for the pierced cylinder described: a=:l-{-xj 1= -. a Since the ratio x has generally given to it a value of J we may form the following table. TABLE I. Values of ^ Form of Grain. a I I. Cubical; Spherical; Hexagonal; Irregular granulation 3.0 1.0 3.0 II. Parallelopipedon ; flat powder 2.0 g 3.2 III. Pierced prism or cylinder, one hole f J 4.5 By substituting these values of a and / in Eq. (4) we may represent graphically, as in figure 1, the variations in the rate —=^o for grains of equal weight but of different forms, burning in the same time t. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. If the rate of conversion is uniform, Eq. (4) becomes t f {t)-=.a- and /, /? and y (post) reduce to 0. T Size of Grain. The mean diameter of irregular grains results from know- ing their specific gravity and granulation as follows* /6x27.68\i / 52.86 \1 For powders of regular granulation a similar method may be preferred to the actual measurement of their dimensions. VELOCITY FORMULA. Monomial formula for quick powders '=Ma (i) Binomial formula for slow powders (A) in which F=Aa(wu)^^-^y[l-rl (B) The choice of the formula to be employed in any case depends upon the value of y. With a given gun and pro- jectile this depends upon the value of /3 and therefore, under the conditions of loading, /3 measures the quickness of the powder. The form of the function y shows that its value depends largely upon the gun as well as upon the powder. Conse- *Ca\\v=s -—the volume of the mean grain, the weight of which in pounds is w : then ^vze;-i 27.68- '^^vrd^. 6 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. qiiently the same powder may be quick in some guns and slow in others. Chap. XI., p. 24. When y > 0.273, Equation (A), should be employed, and conversely for Equation (B). The two equations give but little difference in results when the conditions make y approach 0.273. Referring to the value of /?, Equation (3), it appears that the value of y cannot be known until r has been deter- mined. It is evident that the methods described in Chapter VIII are not sufficiently accurate, so that the following practical method is adopted. Determination of Constants. A well defined molded powder is taken as a standard and its values of / and r accepted as unity. For this powder the values of a and (i, Equations (2, 3), reduce to y a and /, which can be measured by the means described, page 3. To determine the value of M in equation (A) we substi- tute the value of F obtained as the mean of several fires in a gun in which the standard powder is relatively quick, and solve with respect to M. In equation (B) we proceed similarly for A and B, select- ing two very dissimilar guns and taking their conditions of loading so as to cover as wide a difference of limits as is likely to occur in practice. Choice of Formula. Inasmuch as the values of A^ B, J/, are true for all powders, and since (Chapter IX, page 6) the force of all nitrate powders may be taken as constant, and in this case equal to unity, equation (A) may be written --(0'(v)- S 1 ,1 8 and placing M^^^ = X (7) Xll. — {JARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 7 we obtain r = «*/-3X«. (8) If this value of r substituted in that of y, Equation (6), makes 'y> 0.273, Equation (A) may be used; but if it makes y< 0.273, Equation (B) must be employed. To determine the true value of t for use in Equation (B) requires a method of approximation which .s too long to be given here, but can be found in the works mentioned in the bibliography. This will not generally be necessary, as the characteristics may be determined directly, as hereafter ex- plained. The value of r for the standard powder is approximately equal to the time of its burning in air at the rate of about 0.4 inch (1 decimeter) per second. Other values of r will therefore have approximately their values in air. Rejnark. — The first term in liquation (B) represents the ideal case in which the form of the grain is such that the rate of conversion (Note, foot page 2, Chapter X.,) is uni- form. The second term is sub tractive and represents the effect of the decrease of the rate of conversion, or of the burning surface, when the grains have the forms required in practice. It is evidently an advantage to have the second term as small as possible. Empirical Constants. The numerical values of A^ B, M^ the determination of which has been incidentally described, depend only upon the units of measure adopted for dimensions and masses. In the Ordnance Department, the units being respectively the inch, for internal dimensions of guns; the foot, for velocities per second, and the pound, the constants have the following values given by their logarithms : log A = 2.56635 ; log ^= 2.80964; log M= 2.84571. The other terms in the formula require no change ; since the effect of changes in the units by which the different 8 XII. — SARRAU's FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. elements of loading are measured, is compensated for by the numerical value of the empirical constants. PRESSURE FORMULA. The following equations are employed to determine the pressures on the base of the projectile and on the base of the bore. p=Ka^£u ( Ww)^d-\ (Q in which log ^=3.96198. /o=^o «' A W^ wU-^, (P) in which log ^o=4.25092. Equation (C) is obtained by differentiating the equation for velocity and determining the maximum acceleration of the projectile; it can be verified only by the apparatus described Chapter VII. But equation (D) can easily be verified by the pressure gauge. See Chapter XI, pp. 8 — 9 PRESSURE CURVES. In designing guns it is indispensable to know something about the pressure at other points along the bore than that at which the maximum pressure occurs. In Chapter IX we have considered an approximate solu- tion; but Sarrau's formula furnishes us a method which is much more accurate. Expansion Curve. If in equation (B) we call J,=Aaw^\^-jP^j f (9) M.=BJ3^^> (10) For the same gun, conditions of loading and powder, equation (B), becomes by writing, v, the velocity at any XII. SARRAU'S FORMUL/E FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 9 point of the bore, for F, the muzzle velocity, and calling u the variable length of travel of the projectile. v^A^u\{\-B^u\). (11) If we differentiate equation (11) with respect to v and u^ and divide by dt^ we have ^ = (|^,«-|-J/(,^,«-j)^ =/(«)$. (12) in which -y- = v and -^ = acceleration of the projectile, or at at dv i) 7T d^ <"" calling/, the variable pressure on the projectile ; —=<-L- ^, From this follows Combustion Curve. It is not recommended to depend upon the values of /, u thus deduced for a travel of the projectile of less than ^ ; because the velocity formula is not considered reliable for such small values of u as those existing during the com- bustion period. Chapter XI page 1. The form of the pressure curve in the initial portion may be determined as follows. It appears from the following table based upon the analy- sis of Sarrau that the displacement of the projectile corre- sponding to the maximum pressure, or C/", is equal to 0.6 Zy equation (1). This gives us the locus of this pressure and equation (C) gives us the intensity. It remains then to find the form of the portions of the curve in the neighborhood of the point of maximum pressure. This is obtained from the following table which gives the proportion of the maximum pressure exerted at points near the displacement, Uj above. In this table the variable jo represents the ratio 10 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. u d"^ y • • _, and — v^ values proportional to the acceleration, since z dx^ X, in this case represents a certain function of /. It has no connection with the quantity x, on page 3. TABLE II. ^0 y^ JVo d^y. dx^ 0.1 0.180 0.6 0.710 1.25 0.651 .3 .605 .7 .705 1.50 .621 .8 .665 .8 .700 1.75 .590 .4 .693 .9 .692 2.00 .563 .5 .700 1.0 .680 2.50 .513 That is to say that after the projectile has travelled over a distance equal to the reduced length of the initial air space, the pressure is -||- of the maximum; etc. It is supposed that the pressure on the wall adjacent to the base of the projectile is to that upon the base, as 10 is to 7; so that by multiplying the pressures just determined by 1.43 it is easy to determine the probable intensity of the corresponding pressure on the walls of the bore. QUICKNESS OF POWDER. Sarrau has established for powders fired under various conditions of loading certain moduli of quickness which express their relative quickness under these conditions. See page 5. The modulus of a powder forms an important independ- ent characteristic which is of considerable help in establish- ing auxiliary equations of condition for the solution of problems in Interior Ballistics. It may be shown from equation (B) that if, among the variables in the second member, r alone be caused to vary, the function, F, will pass through a maximum state. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 11 In practice this is not absolutely true ; for, as already stated in Chapter XI, the smaller the time of combustion, the greater the number of volumes of expansion in a given gun, and hence the greater the kinetic energy due to a given charge. Equation (B) is derived by a process of approximation, and its physical significance cannot therefore be rigorously interpreted. It serves to show, however, that there is a limit below which the reduction in r has but a very slight effect upon the velocity, and which it is inadvisable to pass; because, as r diminishes past a certain point, the velocity increases very slowly; but the maximum pressure very rapidly. The value of r corresponding to the maximum value of Fis obtained by placing equal to zero the first differential coefficient of the second member of equation (B) regarded as a function of r and solving with respect to r.* Denoting this value of r which is called the time of the maximum (velocity?) by Tj we have r. = 3^((^. (14) a In a given piece a powder behaves as a slow powder when the time of its combustion, r, is notably greater than * Equation B may be written, V=C\p{t)=^CiT-\ — RT-\\ in which .=.£(i^ c=. (/«)»(.„)» (A); Hence — =C(— ^r 2-\-\Rt 2) by placing —- =0. a T r,=.S^^SJ^'JKpl (U) 12 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULi*: FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. that which in the particular arm corresponds to the theoret- ical maximum of velocity. Further, two powders fired in different pieces should be considered as equivalent as far as regards quickness if their times of combustion are propor- tional to the times of the maximum for the two pieces employed. Consequently we may call the ratio ^ = ^ (15) the modulus of quickness under the particular circumstances under which the powder is fired ; since the more nearly does Tj equal t, the more nearly does q approach unity.* Under this view we may adopt the following arbitrary scale for the classification of powders : TABLE III. Value of Modulus. Nature of Powder, 1.0 Very quick. .9 Quick. .8 Medium. .7 Slow. .6 Very slow. Since the above classification was proposed by Sarrau, it has been found advisable to extend the value of the modulus in both directions. For long Sea Coast guns it now runs as low as 0.4, while it has been found advantageous in the B.L. mortars to increase it to 1.3. In any case we have (W u)^ q=^Bp^—^=dy. (16) VELOCITY AS A FUNCTION OF THE MODULUS. By introducing q in place of r in equation (B) we may obtain a new and useful monomial equation of the general form * The modulus of quickness also is designated by Sarrau as x. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 13 V=^A^,B)-^(l{y±^^ (17) in which /(^) may be taken as Nq^\ N being some con- stant.* See page 28. Collecting the different empirical constants under one head, which we may call M, and ascertaining that for the particular form of / (q) employed we have n = i^fZ^.; (18) we find that equation (17) reduces to In equation (A') V varies with n\ that is, with the modulus, ^, upon which by equation (18), n depends. It may be used as an approximation, as on page 6, by giving to 7t a constant value under conditions of loading which are such that the modulus is comprised within certain limits. *This equation shows that under given conditions of loading the initial //a\\ velocity is proportional to I -y I . This factor is called the ballistic coefficient. It depends both upon the force of the powder and the form of the grain. If the force be considered constant, the ballistic coefficient depends only on the form of the grain. By transforming Equations ( 2, 3) we have ^ -T-J' It will be observed from Equations (C^), (D^), that the pressure varies with the square of the ballistic coefficient. This relation imposes a prac- tical limit to increasing the velocity by the increase of this coefficient. The ballistic coefficient of the powder must be carefully distinguished from the ballistic coefficient of the projectile to be hereafter discussed. 14 XII. — SARRAU*S FORMUL.*^ FoR tJJtERlOR BALLISTICS. It is convenient to remember that n increases as q de- creases: when ^=i\-, ^=-J; and when ^=3^, n:=\* It is considered that these are the limits imposed by practically satisfactory conditions of loading. See page 21. By making q—^ equation (A') reduces to the form of equation (A), which was thus derived. Since q—'6y and since the value of q=^ is taken to be about the highest modulus that can be profitably employed, we see why the maximum value of y on page 5, has been determined =3^-^-3=0.273.* MAXIMUM PRESSURE AS A FUNCTION OF THE MODULUS. By substituting for - in the value of a', equation (C), its value — derived from equation (14), Sarrau finds ^=^(3^)-^^^(v)^. (C) and similarly A = ^o(3^r -/-(»^) ^(v) i- («) PRINCIPLE OF SIMILITUDE. Two guns are similar when all their homologous linear dimensions are proportional to their calibers. Chapter XVI, page 17. The similitude is extended to the loading when the weights of the powder and of the projectile are proportional to the cube of the calibers, and when the grains of powder have the same form, composition, density, etc., and their ^Although not so named, it is convenient to think of n as the modulus of slowness. Xlt. — §ARRAU*S FORMULife fOR iNtEklofe 6aLUSTICS. 15 dimensions are proportional to the calibers. Consequently the numerical coefficients a^ /, must have the same values, and the value of r must vary proportionately with the caliber. The principle of similitude enables the following proposi- tion to be proved, viz. : In similar gims, similarly loaded^ the velocities and pressures corresponding to distances passed over, which^ measured ifi cali- bers, are equal, are respectively equal to each other. For, let us consider two guns having calibers respectively equal to d and to d' such that d' z:^ B d, and substitute in d' Eq. (16), (17), the ratio d z= — raised to powers varying with d the quantity considered, as follows : From the conditions of similitude we have w:w' :: W: w^':: d^ : d'\ or 7e> - W ~ \ d ) —^ ' u' d' and Ji = 4_ = 6>. u d In Eq. (17) the factors A, B, A, N, and the ballistic co- efficient will be eliminated by division, so that substituting for — |- , (03)i = $1 and so on, we have I q' r Similarly in Eq. (16) since /? =r --, zr — j Q. T \ q' Now if T varies with the caliber, —j- = —^, and — = 1, T ~"6I or V= V, Since the muzzle may be taken at any distance the propo- sition is proved as to velocities and can be shown to be true as to pressures by the similar treatment of Equation (C). 16 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMUL.^ FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. But if the same powder is used in two similar guns of r V d'^ different caliber — r- = 1 and -yit- = (QY = -7—. t' V d^ Consequently, for the same powder in similar guns, the ve- locity varies as the ^z**^ power of the caliber. Equation (D) similarly shows that when the same powder is used in similar guns the pressure varies as the caliber. This is a more exact explanation of the practice of vary- ing the size of the grain to suit the gun than that given Chapter XI, page 7. INFLUENCE OF THE CONDITIONS OF LOADING UPON VELOCITIES AND PRESSURES. General Statement. Let us consider as constant for any gun the quantities d^ u, IV, and as constant for any powder its force and form of grain, or/, a and /, i.e., its ballistic coefficient. The quantities which may then be varied so as to affect the velocities and pressures are w, A and r. There are an infinite number of sets of values of these variables which will give the same velocity with different maximum pressures, or the same pressure with different velocities. The pressures considered are those upon the breech of the gun. The following practical rules result from differentiating the Napierian logarithms of the above named variables in Equations (17) and (D'). In equation (17) the differential of the Napierian logarithm of the function of ^ which it XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULi^: FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 17 contains can be shown to reduce to the form * '^l0ge/(?)=-«^, (19) and in equation D', d\oz,q= -—-; (80) therefore d V dw d b. dr dpo dw d l\ d t po ~^ w "^ A ~r (21) (22) These equations enable us to determine the variations in velocity and pressure corresponding to very small incre- ments of the variables w, A and r. The influence of each variable on the value of the velocity and pressure is measured by the coefficient which multiplies the relative variation of each variable in the above equations. In Equation 21 the coefficients of , , and are respectively § ; \\ n = ^ S^T^ ' bince a = — ; a^ = == — (/ — ^ r T T T dq dr Also d log. f (q) = d loge N q-=J-S^L^ A/ q'^ d q^ n q^~^ dq d T =.11 d loge <] = '' The increments here discussed are small finite differences made in ad- justing practically the conditions of loading. For considerable differences Equations (A, B, etc.), should be employed. 18 XIT. SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. The third coefficient varies with r and is equal to for T i^ Tj. Its value increases with r, but does not exceed ^ except when q is less than -^ which is not likely to happen in the ordinary conditions of practice. Comparing equations (21) and (22) it appears that while in equation (21) the variables are arranged in the order of their relative importance, in equation (22) the influence of w on the maximum pressure is less than that of A or r. Let us consider as a fundamental condition that the maxi^ mum pressure remains at a constant value determined by the strength of the gun, and suppose but two of the quantities Wy A and r to vary at a time, the third remaining constant. First Case, a and r variable, w constant. The equations reduce to d t. dt ^ -^ = — and (23) %'{^y-^ («) Therefore, if A is varied by changing the size of the chamber for a given charge, the time of burning must change correspondingly to the density of loading. In such a case, if ^>-5%, T increases with A. Hence the conclu- sion: In order to obtain the greatest velocities we should use high densities of loading and slow powder. Second Case. z£^ and r variable ; A constant. (M. L. gun.) Equation (22) becomes | = , (25) and equation (21) ^ = f (J - «) ^ , (26) * That is, that if we increase w by 10 per cent ; then, to fulfill the fun- damental condition, r must be increased ^, or 7.5 per cent. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULi*: FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 19 It follows from equation (18) that since when q is equal to 0, « = J ; and that when q is greater than 0, n is less than J, the factor (J — n) is always positive and therefore that the velocity increases with the charge of powder, and that the maximum pressure will not be exceeded provided that the time of its combustion be regulated as required by Equation (25). Third Case, w and r variable in a chamber of constant capacity. We have supposed in the preceding cases that the volume of the powder chamber can be increased or decreased at will, and in designing guns to perform certain work the conclusions reached are useful. Suppose however that we desire to improve the conditions of loading of an existing cannon. In this case, since A = 27.68 w , d t. wp nivp dw (27) o A and therefore dV ,dw dr (28) dr dw r -* w' (29) dV ... ^dw (30) in which (^— «) is positive. Therefore, if the chamber is large enough, we may in- crease the velocity without changing the pressure by using a larger charge and a slower powder. Examples. 1. Suppose with a slow powder (;/ = |) we wish to increase F by 10 per cent, -^ = j^ .= ^ = ^ ^ ... ^«, = 53.3 per cent, and = — 53.3 = 93 per cent. That is, we 20 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. would use nearly double the charge of double the size of grain ; assuming that r is proportional to the size of the grain. 2. Using a quick powder {fi = g) and ~V = To = 32" loo •'• ^"^ =" ^^ P"' "'""'' ^"^ ~r -= ^^ per cent. Or we would use about one-quarter greater charge of less than one-half greater size. Fourth Case, w and A variable and r constant. This corresponds to the use of the same powder in guns having different chambers. From the conditions we have ~ = -i~' (31) y=A'^- (3.) That is to say; that if we fix the size and shape of the grain, and wish to increase the velocity, we must increase both the weight of the charge and the volume of the chamber. General Remark, A review of the preceding cases shows that whenever t varies, F is a function of n and also of either wov A according to which one of these is variable. THE EFFECT UPON PRESSURES AND VELOCITIES OF VARYING THE TIME OF COMBUSTION. If in equation (21) we allow only r to vary, we have _=-;._. (33) The value of n increases as the modulus decreases; conse- quently the same relative variation of the time of combustion has a greater influence upon the velocity as the powder be- comes slower. See Chapter XI, page 18. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMUL/K FoR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 21 (34) Now, suppose the pressure to vary; under the conditions equation (22) reduces to dp^ _ _ ^^ . Combining this, with equation (33) we obtain the very simple relation ^=.^%. (35) V p^ which expresses a relation between velocities and pressures similar to that between velocities and times of combustion, in Equation (33). It has been stated page 12, that the values -^ and ^ may be considered as the limits that the modulus should not pass. The choice of these limits is justified as follows. When the modulus is greater than -^ the relative variation of the velocity depends upon n in equation (35) which under these circumstances only becomes \ of the relative variation of the maximum pressure. Consequently, a sensible incre- ment of the velocity is obtained only with a considerable increase in the pressure and the energy acquired by the pro- jectile is imparted at an increased risk to' the gun. This grows less as the modulus diminishes from -^^ ; because the value of n increases; but then, from Equation (34), the relative variation of the velocity corresponding to the same relative variation of the time of combustion increases, as shown by Equation (33), so that the influence of accidental irregularities of the powder upon the velocity continually grows greater. It is then advisable to fix an inferior limit for the modulus so as to preserve uniformity in velocity. APPLICATIONS. 1. To determine the characteristics a and y5 of a powder. The most practical method is to use according to circum- stances either equations (A) or (B) in connection with equa- S^ Xlt.— SARRAu's FORMULA FOk INTERIOR BALLlStlCS. tion (D), and to substitute in these equations for V and p^ the mean of several measured velocities and pressures ob- tained under invariable conditions of loading. We have then two independent equations involving but two unknown quantities, a and /?; these may then be deter- mined without reference to their separate factors. By the theory, the characteristics are entirely independent of the gun. In this respect, and also in that they give us numerically the influence of all the elements of firing, Sarrau's formulae are more useful than those, like Noble's, described in Chapter XI. Having determined accurate values for the characteristics of a powder, we may compute the velocity and pressure to be expected in any gun whose dimensions are known, when the conditions of loading are given; and conversely, the dimensions may be determined. Within reasonable limits of variation of the quantities entering them, the accuracy of the formulae has been abun- dantly verified. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the characteristics of Du Font's P. N. (Brown Prismatic) powder from a single firing of the 8 inch B. Iv. Steel Rifle. For its dimensions see Table IV. Data. 2£/=110; fr= 289; A =0.980 ; z/= 1878; /„= 36000; ^/ = 195.75. Equation (D) gives us «2= i^ — - =0.9706=log-il.98704. An application of the test mentioned page 6, will show that the binomial form.ula is applicable; although this might be assumed for powders of this kind. If then we write equation (B) so as to combine in each term the quantities relating to the gun and the conditions of loading, we may reduce it to the form XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 23 XF=a-a(3V or jS^"""^^, a V in which Fis measured and — = — > (- /v and Y= — ^^ -. Substituting in the above the known values of a, X, V and K we find log i3 = 1.33725. Another method is to fire the same powder under very dissimilar sets of conditions in which W^ w, u, d shall have different values and to determine the values of V under these conditions. We may thus obtain two formulae of the form of the above value of XV; as these involve but two unknown quantities, the characteristics sought may be determined. This method avoids all uncertainty attending the oper- ation of the pressure gauge; but the former method is gener- ally preferred as the conditions more nearly resemble those of practice, and introduce the customary unit of measure- ment of pressure, 2. To compute the muzzle velocity to be expected from the 8 inch B. L. Steel Rifle for the preceding powder. Data. 7i/=105; A =0.935; /^=289. Computati( log B = log^ = log W\ = log u^ = log d-' = )n of y, 2.30964 1.33725 1.23046 1.14585 1.09691 Computatic log^ = log a = log wt = log A^ = log u^ = log IV-^ = log d-^ = log(l-;K) = log F = V = m of V. 2.56635 1.98704 0.75795 1.99276 0.85939 log y y = l-y= 1.12011 0.13186 0.86814 1.38477 1.77423 1.93859 3.26108 1824.3 24 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. By actual measurement Fwas found to be 1825. 3. To compute the maximum pressure on the breech under the same conditions as in No. 2. But with a powder {PO) of which the characteristics are different, viz.: — a=log-il.97701; y5=log-il.28978. log^o = 4.25092 log a* = 1.95401 log A = 1.97102 log w^ = 1.51589 log Wi = 0.61523 log ^-2 : 2.19382 log A 4.50089 A = 31688 From actual firing under the above conditions the mean value of A as determined by two independent pressure gauges was 31700 lbs. 4. In order to avoid injury to valuable cannon, it is custom- ary at the Proving Ground to make a preliminary trial of new powders in what is called the proof gun. Data. w=35.9; «^=181; A =0.8988; ^=8; A=20420. Find the value of A to be expected when ze/=90; «^=300; A =0.8018; ^=8. The first set of data give in Equation (D), log a2:=0.18085, hence, we find for the second set of data, A=41174 lbs. In actual firing the mean value was found to be 41055 lbs. Useful Tables. The following tables give the dimensions of various cannon of the U. S. land service with the characteristics of different powders tried in them and the resulting pressures and velocities both computed and as verified by measurement. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 25 They will be useful in solving problems hereafter. Table IV. Pow- der. Gun. d inches. u inches. W lbs. w lbs. A V feet per sec. 11 ^'' lbs. per eq. in. LX... 3'^20B. L. rifle.. 3.2 73.2 13 3.50 0.857 1,649 31,000 LXB. ....do 3.2 73.2 13 3.75 0.827 1,756 35,150 IKD.. ....do 3.2 73.2 13 3.50 0.857 1,680 29,100 1KB.. ....do 3.2 73.2 13 3.50 0.857 1,663 30, £^00 KHC. 12^^ mortar [2.0 91.6 610 50.0 0.821 932 22,000 MW.. ....do 12.0 91.6 610 48.0 788 959 26,250 EVF. S^^B.L. R Conv.. 8.0 98.5 183 45.0 0.792 1,488 32,650 PiV... 8'^B.L. R. S 8.0 195.75 289 110.0 0.980 1,878 36,000 NM.. 12'^B.L.R.C.L.. 12.0 273.5 800 265.0 0.827 1,688 26,350 NV3.. ....do 12.0 273.5 800 265.0 0.827 1,718 26,890 NR... ....do 12.0 273.5 800 265.0 0.827 1,826 32,990 NVi.. ....do 12.0 273.5 800 265.0 0.827 1,760 26,625 NVa.. ...do 12.0 273.5 800 265.0 0.827 1,756 28,000 IB... 3^M7 M L.R.W.I. 8.175 74.6 10.5 5.469 0.814 1,983 25,000 OB... 12^^ mortar 12.0 91.6 610 52.0 0.854 987 25,250 oc... ....do 12.0 91.6 610 52.0 0.854 942 19,750 26 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. :S o s ^ s tH g a ^ ^ ^ JO JO JO CO ^ ■I-H GO lO ^ CJ 00 oo lO CQ ^ CD bo 2 CO <- o c^ CO CO 00 f- CO CD {^ t- o CD CD to -* CO CC 03 '^ CO OS 00 OS 00 00 00 o O o c o o c o o o It-I l-rH It-H It^ It-I ItH =0, t> CO T-l 00 b- I-H 1— tI lO r^ (?5 o> CO lO OS ^ 05 lO T-H O (?3 t- ^ CO OS Ot) ^ M^ . C^ 00 CD lO CD 00 00 c/ CO bo to t-. CO ^ W 05 1—1 lO CO OS c^ 00 CO OS o tH tH tH t-H Oi 00 00 00 o 00 CO CO CO (>i CO GQ H^ O o o o h-H M It- If-1 Ir-I ItH ll-l ItH liH ItH ItH hH « lO o ^ "^ 05 c CO CD CO K- c? OS § O tH CO lO i> o t- ir: 1—1 05 "Tfl CO GO CO r- JO *s 05 o 05 O O OS o o O o t t- oc OS CO X^ ? o Tt O TH 1-1 o ^ 1—1 1—1 1—1 o o o o o o '^ 03 ^ t- T^ CO t- ^ lO CO ■1—1 o OS CO c? lO ■^ JO T^fi 05 tH 00 CD CC CD o lO CO Ot) CO lO CO OS Ki lO lO t- l> th c;* Oi lO CO iO CO OS CD CD 5i. o o o o 1- < T-l ^ 1-1 tH 1—1 tH tH T-l r-i tH tH ■^ CO CO o o o o o o ^ ^ CO CO CO CO CO oo CO V (^ <~> o o o o o o O o CO CO CO CO CO ^ «xk CO QO o o o o o o o CO CO CO CO CO CO IS" o o ^ H tH T- < tM ^ T-l T-l tH o o o o o o »« ^ ^ (^ Q (^ Q -^ ■5^ o o c_ o o o lO lO lO iO lO JO 1 lO lO lO lO lO JO 1 O o o o o o o o ;h CD fO lO lO 00 lO IC o lO o CO CO Tfl o on CO C ba r-> <-> (jcj (j;j c< t- Cv lO OJ lO CO CO tH CO tH CJ r<: t- r- {V. {>■ t- tr- <^ t- f^ f^ 00 00 00 Cf) on 00 ^ TJl tH tH T- J tH tH T-l T-1 r-! tH r-t ■1-1 1-t T-i r^^M T^lN WOJ ^^ ,H|OJ w|9l > O o o o ee CO CC CO o (>* tH tH 1—1 ^ r- r- o o Cv 0> o O) f- r- tH tH tH tH tH ^ Cd Ol Ci CQ tH ■I— 1 < i n bo XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULiE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 27 : w : t^ CO to ^? w: < • 3.: o • o o CLP 1-^ 00 to i.. o ; 5^ to O o p Po go p 9jO pj Fl CL p. M &. p. f>. rf^ CO CO Ci CO CO CO CO CO OI M- Hi M- 00 00 _M- M- h-i CO CO OS OS OS to to OS to to to to "to OS OS OS bi bi b> os bs tf^^ br V-iOSOSOSM-r-i-OSOSOSOS-qf HJLM-(-J.M-l-iM.|-i-l-i|-'->-i-l-i-G0l-il-^i-i.QD00l-i.|-i-l-J.Ol pp pcocooococooicocooooococcooocoo bx QT br "^ ^ ^3 l-i to COC^OTOTCT*»-Hf^rf^tO^OS Or CT Ol (» pO CO CO CO p3 CO CO Ol to O to O Ol 00 Ql OS CI Ol bo bs ht»" ox *-^ o "-3 bi br bi bi I-*- to OS CTl OI CO or CO 9°OOQOGOOO?DOOGOOOOOOOi:OQOQOOOOO-:i~300 o CO H-^ c;! to o to oi oi oi c;i oi to oi -^ «d oc co to to to en ^ j^i. ,-»■ rfi^ to to GO CO -3 CD -q -*- * --^ OcDi:o-^-3Ciososcno5Cscoi:Di:o?ociTh4i«'«0«oosrfi-^ OOSCOtOCrfM-COOSCOOCOOSOlCO^GOGOOTH-iQTOSOS 00-3COOSOSOtOCOOCOOOOCOtOOCnOO'j^ -;^ ^ f-LOSCOM-C^OOOSlOCOCOGOCDCOQOOOOOajtOOt^OS • OOOlCOCCOSI-»tOCOCDCOOOOCOtOOh-iOOCOOlM-OH-i lcotocococoto^oo^tototococototo toto • or GO O O O CDCO)-^COtOCOOOtOOSCOOO»4^CO t0t-^O<{OO00O-QC»O0Srf^OC0OOO' in which u is expressed in feet. But since internal meas- ures are given in inches we may avoid errors in practice by writing this 12 in which G = nctAi\ 2 • 2240 g^ n If in Equations (17) and (D^) we replace the ballistic co- efficient by C, and collect the constants in both equations so that 3 (3 ^)W 3 ^ ' these equations will read _^ ^C wl A^' d^ td N q"" ,^„. ^ =" ^ w^ • ^ ^ ^°==-^ Wi did ' (^^) Substituting these values in Equation (36) we have X=Za N^ q^--^ (-^y (39) in which Z = ^-^ = log-^ 0.7394, viz., 5.488. The factor N, which in Equation (17) was taken as con- stant, is not absolutely so.* Its value is given in Sarrau as /(,)=iV," = Z^i^>. (40) By substituting the value of N impHed in Equation (40) in q rt ♦ For values of f between yp and -^ ,iV"varies only from 1.012 to 1.056. XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 29 the factor N* /""' in Equation (89) and calling the result- ing value Q, we have This reduces Equation (39) to ^ ^ = ^^'e(-|^)*. (42) Discussion of the Factors of X. Of the four factors producing %'. Z is a constant ; C depends solely upon the powder; that is upon its force and the form of the grain ; Q depends upon the suitability to the gun and projectile of the kind of powder employed ; — j depends solely upon the circumstances of the particu- lar fire considered. Hence, to compare the intrinsic proper- ties of different powders fired in the same gun, we may compare their respective values of The relation between ^ and ^ is shown in figure 2, from which it appears that while Q is sometimes an increasing and sometimes a decreasing function of q ; for values of q be^ tween fj^ and -j^, ^decreases slowly from its maximum value of 1.245, corresponding to ^ = ^q, to a value of 1.159, corresponding to ^ = -^j* If the force of all nitrate powders were truly constant, C = —- = -jj- would depend for its value solely upon the form of the grain ; and, since within ordinary limits Q does not vary greatly, we would expect nearly equally good re- * From this we may conclude that for ordinary approximation the mean of these values, or ^ = 1.2 may be used. Also that it is not well to depart much from the inferior limit of g established by Sarrau. 30 XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULAE FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. suits from black or brown prismatic powder. But, in the following illustration, taken from one of the best black pris- matic powders recently tried, we find /to be so small that C does not much exceed the value oP 3.0 deduced from Table I, for ordinary powders of irregular granulation. We may therefore conclude that the advantage of cocoa powder consists in its maintaining its force at nearly unity* without becoming so quick (or slow ; figure 2) as to cause its value of Q to become unduly small. These considerations indicate in a general way that its peculiar properties are due to the nature of the fuel it contains. Illustrations. The following data, derived from experimental records, illustrate the principles discussed : COMPARISON OF POWDERS. Gun Sin. B.L.R. 8in.B.L.R. Powder, kind Bl. prism. Br. prism. Powder, name O. I. N. Ger. cocoa. W. 45.0 289.0 Sph. Density 2.9 4.5 V, 1852 1875 A 33075 35900 u 119.8 195.75 a 1.5 1.5 / 1 ^ * ^ 3 a" 2.45 0.93 (i 0.78 0.21 /. 0.70 0.96 r 0.43 1.59 C 3.16 4.45 q 0.70 0.38 * See Table V, in which the last six powders are cocoa* Xli. — gARRAU*S FORMUL.fi FOR INTERIOR feALLtSTICS. SI Q 1.23 1.12 X observed 28.28 34.32 X Equation (40) 28.44 34.87 n 21.26 27.39 Ratio of n 1.00 1.29 If we exchange powders only, we have — Powder Ger. cocoa. O. I. N. q 0.19 1.47 Q 0.73 0.50 II 17.95 8.55 Ratio of n 2.10 1.00 That is, that while each powder is best suited to the gun in which it is actually used, the cocoa powder would be better for general use, and might profitably be adapted to the siege rifle by reducing the size of the prism so as to diminish r and increase Q. MAXIMUM VALUE OF X, The value of 11 before deduced, enables us to solve some very important problems in internal ballistics. As an example, let us consider the question of how, with our present knowledge of gunpowder, we may attain the maximum value of X' Also, let us apply this to a gun the construction of which limits p^ ; the spherical density of the projectile being known and the value of ?/ being expressed 8 IV in terms of the caliber or // rr n d, Let s = — -— be the spherical density of the projectile.^ The maximum value of C^ being 4.5, figure 2 shows that the maximum value of IT, and hence of x^ will require ^ = 0.6. The maximum value of tj will depend on that of A. The * See Chapter XVI, page 6. 82 Xn. — SARRAU*S FORMULi^ FOR INTERIOR SAlLISTICS. specific gravity of some powders is now such that a value of A =: 1, has been reached. We may consider this a maxi- mum, as it is rarely exceeded. After deducing general equa- tions, we will apply them to a typical gun based on the 8-in. B. L. R. Steel, in which j =z= 4.5 ; ^/ = 24, and take the maximum value for /„ as 36000 lbs. per square inch, that being what the records indicate to be a desirable limit. 1. Proper Weight of Charge. By substituting the values assigned for JV, A, d, t^, q in Equation (D'), it leads to the following ratio : ^=[log"'n.lll9^']S (44) In which, by substituting the special typical values assumed for /(J, n and i", we have w = 0.2 W. In the 8-in. rifle this would reduce the charge of powder about one-half. 2. Proper Size of Grain. If in Equation (16) we place q =s 0.6 and assign values as above, we have for a general equation, since / = J r = log " ^2.0799 (^s n)h d. (45) This shows that, as before stated, the size of the grain should, in similar guns, vary directly with the caliber. For the 8-in. rifle, this makes % = 1.0, or, from the preceding table, the size of the grain should be about 68 fo of its present linear dimensions; the force of the powder being unity, and the form remaining unchanged. 3. Maximum velocity. The maximum value of H = 5.488 X 4.5 X 1.245 = 30.73. But U = X \ wA = x-:7a 3- = 30.73. By substituting the value of wl deduced from Equation (44) XII. — SARRAU'S FORMULA FOR INTERIOR BALLISTICS. 33 and reducing, we have* V= Tlog-^ 2.7355 ^^ ]' ' (46) Which in the type-gun gives F= 1716, or ;^=: 46.48. The largest value of % Y^^ attained with this gun is about 35.0 ; showing an efficiency of about 80 per cent. Remark. For sea coast guns, in which the bulk and weight of the charge is of no special consequence, since the guns are sta- tionary and magazine room is ample ; the waste of the powder and the increased volume of the chamber necessitated by the present use of very large charges may be neglected in favor of the high muzzle energies required. But as the caliber of the gun decreases, and its mobility increases, the necessity for reducing the weight of the charge becomes more important. This is especially true in the loading of magazine small arms, the efficiency of which requires the weight of the ammuni- tion to be reduced to a minimum ; so that the number of cart- ridges that the soldier may carry will be as great as possible. * This is independent of the caliber as would be expected from the principle of similitude, x may also be shown to be independent of the caliber, by substituting values of W and w in terms of s, and of « in terms of d. XIII. — HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. CHAPTER XIII. HISTORY OF GUNPOWDER. Origin. Knowledge of the properties of nitre as a supporter of combustion are attributed to the accidental kindling of the embers of a camp fire by the salt, often, in India, found effer- escent upon the surface of the ground. As sulphur is not essential, its first employment cannot be conjectured. For its binding properties honey was used at an early date. Early Use. The use of gunpowder was at first confined to fireworks and rockets. These are mentioned in Chinese records over 2000 years old, and seem to be indicated in the account of Alexander's invasion of India at about the same epoch. The transition from its use in a paper tube, or bamboo cane, to cannon of different sizes is indicated by the etymology of the latter name. The barrel of any fire arm is in French called canon. Early Cannon. The first use of gunpowder as an agent for propelling pro- jectiles is assigned to the Moors at the siege of Baza in Spain, about 1325; twenty-one years before the battle of Crecy. This is about the time that the chemist monk, Berthold Schwartz, of Freiburg, is said to have discovered its pow- ers by the accidental ignition of a ternary mixture, lying in a mortar and covered with a stone. Owing to the weakness of the early cannon — which were constructed after the manner of ordinary barrels, sometimes XIII.— HISTORY OF GTJNPOWDER. of iron bars welded together longitudinally and hooped with iron tires, and sometimes even of wood, wrapped with rope — efforts at first were directed to reducing the strength of the new agent. Early Powder. Therefore, although the best proportions had long been known, it was often composed of equal parts of the three ingredients, and sometimes mixed with saw-dust, resin, sand, or ashes. It was often mixed and ground by hand as required, and was used in the form of a fine meal or powder^ from which its name is derived. The diminished velocity of inflammation resulting from the use of meal powder favored the end in view; but, since the cartridge was yet unknown, the condition of this powder made it so inconvenient to load the long guns then used that the efficiency of artillery was much impaired. Early Breech-loaders. To overcome this difficulty in loading, cannon at a very early date were made to load through the breech. But the arts at that time afforded no means of preventing the escape of gas through the joint so formed, and such cannon are comparatively rare. It will be seen hereafter that the practical utilization of this principle depended upon the discovery of the self-sealing gas cheeky the best form of which exists in the metallic cartridge case, now used for small arms. But for this essential improvement m^any of the systems now In vogue are but repetitions of these ancient forms, not only in principle, but in many details of construction aad operation. The reciprocal evolution of the gun and its ammunition is a striking illustration of the law of continuity. Xllf. — mSTORV OF rttlKfOWDER. Men have probably always been equally ingenious in util- izing the accumulated capital of knowledge at their com- mand; but the successful application of even simple princi- ples requires, in many cases, the parallel development of apparently unrelatec arts. Intermediate Stage. It was not until near the close of the 16th century that cannon, first of copper or its alloys, and then of cast iron, were made strong enough to resist the pressures due to the use of the grained powder, the use of which had hitherto been confined to muskets. This was called corned powder, vide pepper-corn J barley-cornj coming-mill. Until about the middle of the present century no great improvement*: occurred in gunpowder or in cannon. The reasons for this were the general assumption that gun- powder was instantaneously converted into gas, and the want of any apparatus for measuring pressures. Use of Eprouvette. Gunpowder was proved by firing it from the Eprouvette, a small mortar with its axis carefully fixed at an elevation of 45*. The quality of the gunpowder was determined by the distance to which an accurately fitting ball of a given weight was thrown by a given weight of powder. Although some difference existed in the size of the grain used in different juns, the proof 7'ange increased as the size of the grain dimin- ished; so that for large guns the size of the grain, as meas- ured by our present standard, was exceedingly small. See Chap. XI. Rodman's improvements. 1. Pressure Gauge. The late General Rodman, of the United States Ordnance Department, was the first to investigate the properties of gunpowder in the modern method. 3tm.— tttStOkV Of 6tlNl>6Wt)£R. His experiments, conducted with the view of increasing the effectiveness of the system of cannon which bears his name, depended primarily upon his employment of the pres- sure gauge. This was a pyramidal indenting tool, previously used by him to test the relative hardness of cannon metals, and applied in the manner indicated for the crusher gauge. Although open to many grave objections of detail, this instrument gave useful relative results and served to draw attention to the very erroneous estimates previously made as to the pressure exerted by gunpowder. When fired in its own volume, this had been variously estimated at from 0.7 to 700 tons per square inch. 2. Powder. a. Mammoth. Rodman's first step was to recommend the use of large charges of "mammoth " powder, which was of about three times the diameter of the largest powder previously used. This gave satisfactory velocities and moderate pressures; and, since its manufacture required less granulation than before, it was cheaper, pound for pound. b. Perforated. About 1860, he improved upon this idea by suggesting the use of perforated powder, made for small cannon in cylindrical cakes, and for larger cannon in hexagonal prisms which could be built up into cartridges. Owing to the great cost and novelty of this powder, and to the intervention of the civil war, the perforated powder was used in this country only for experiments ; but the mammoth powder has until lately been exclusively used for heavy guns. DERIVATIVES FROM RODMAN's POWDER. Russian Powder. The perforated prisms were experimented with in Russia, from 1860-1865, being finally made much smaller than btllt. — kistORY OF GUNPOWDEfe. Rodman's, and pierced with seven small holes. The powder was so made in order to adapt it to the muzzle loading guns then used. See Fig. IB, Chap. IV. This is known as /Russian prismatic powder. English Powders. The English objected to this powder, saying that, owing to the number of perforations it contained and to its dimin- ished density, it was liable to break up in the gun. About 1875, they returned to General Rodman's original idea, adopting the cubical Pebble powder, the cubes, for the largest gun , being about lYz inches on the edge. United States Powders. In the United States, the mammoth powder was im- proved upon by the adoption about 1873 of the Du Pont Hexagonal powder. Fig. 12, Chap. IV. This and the Sphero-Hexagonal powder, Fig. 12, have the advantage of great uniformity in the size and shape of the grains and in the form of the interstices between the grains. They are also progressive, owing to the diminished density of the interior of each grain. This results from the fact that the effect of compression is not transmitted homogeneously throughout the mass compressed. The density is always greatest next to the moving surface. For reasons given in the text. Flat powders of the Z. X. type. Fig. 12, are also occasionally used. Italian Powder. The Fossano powder, made in Italy, consists of an agglomeration of dense grains of medium size, set in a mass of powder meal and pressed to a density less than that of the individual grains. Its operation is distinctly progressive. The principle is applied to other powders, both molded and of irregular granulation. Xin. — HISTORY OF GUNroWDER MODERN POWDERS. In order to obtain the most effective combination of gun and powder, each type of gun now requires a special powder, and some cannon, as mortars, require more than one powder for each mortar. This increases greatly the difficulty of supply. The kind of powder best suited to each type of gun is still (in 1888) undergoing experimental investigation. The advantage of adapting the size of the grain to the size of the gun, upon which for simplicity so much stress has been laid, is becoming of diminished importance, since the effects due to increased size may be attained in many other ways. Owing to the great number of conditions which require to be simultaneously satisfied, including the effect of meteorological conditions prevailing during manufacture, the powder makers find it difficult to meet the increasing exactness of the demands made upon them. This applies even to the duplication of satisfactory samples. Present Custom. All large guns of the present day use hexagonal prisms like the Russian prismatic, but pierced with a single hole. This is easier to make and its ballistic properties are better. It is preferably a concrete powder made by consolidating under pressure small grains of powder previously com- pressed in the ordinary manner. Mealed powder is some- times used instead of that which has been grained. XIV. HIGH EXPLOSIVES. CHAPTER XIV. HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Classification. Except the chlorate mixtures, the high explosives used in warfare are all organic nitro-substitution compounds, gener- ally of the third order, in which 3 atoms of H are replaced by 3 molecules of NOg. The most important are Gun-cotton, Nitro-glycerine, and their derivatives. The derivatives of picric acid are growing in importance, and so, for special purposes, are the mono-, di-, and tri-nitro-benzines and naphthalines. Those which in their operation resemble the mercuric fulminate are C2i\\t6. fulminating compounds, and include, be- sides their typical salt, the mixtures in which the chlorates are used dry. The demands of civil engineering and the hope of success- fully adapting these explosives to warfare are constantly in- creasing the number of those for which both safety and efficiency are claimed. On the other hand, many, once famous, are obsolete, so that the following discussion will relate only to those of which long experience has demon- strated the essential properties, and to the most distinguished of recent competitors for the selection of the engineer, Danger. Although their composition and violence render the hand- ling of many as compared with gunpowder, dangerous; yet, a knowledge of their properties is demanded b- the con- ditions of the time; and, as with gunpowder and steam, this knowledge comes principally by experience. XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. The disasters reported with such apparent frequency are the price of progress toward safety, and point rather to the enormous consumption of these explosives, often by ignorant and reckless persons, than to any necessary peril when proper precautions are observed. Commercial Importance. The scale on which these explosives are employed, prob- ably, as with gunpowder, much greater in time of peace than in war, appears from the size of blasts fired almost daily in the Californian mines during the period of their greatest activity. These blasts often contained 50,000 pounds apiece. The great blast at Hell Gate, New York Harbor, in 1885, contained but six times as much. The economic value of an explosive depends so much upon the net cost of the work performed that it is interesting to note the following relative scale of prices per pound in 1888. Explosive, Price. Proportion. Gunpowder, 20 eta. 1.0 Dynamite, 50 2.5 Nitro-glycerine, 80 4.0 Gun-cotton, 1.00 5.0 COMMON PROPERTIES OF GUN-COTTON, NITRO- GLYCERINE, AND THEIR DERIVATIVES.* Sensitiveness. When not freed from the acids used in their manufacture, these explosives are prone to spontaneous decomposition and tend to form products of a lower order of substitution. While undergoing decomposition, their sensitiveness is in- creased, but their efficiency when exploded is diminished. When properly prepared, they are not sensitive to moderate * Cadets are advised to review the articles in the Chemistry which treat of nitro-glycerine and gun-cotton. XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. shock; but friction, the impact of a projectile, or the shock of discharge may cause their explosion. Firing. As a rule, they all explode at about 200°. When ignited by a flame and unconfined, they burn more or less quietly. If confined, their explosion is of a low order unless they are detonated. Their behavior in this respect depends much upon their mass and the resistance of the envelope. See Chap. II. They possess the remarkable property of exploding vio- lently when gradually heated to about 200°; whereas, if 'dropped upon a red hot iron, they may simply deflagrate. Detonation, Owing to the variety of the means by which the mercuric fulminate may be ignited and to the nature of its product, it is almost exclusively employed for detonation, preferably alone and pure, and sometimes with a primer of dry gun- cotton. The detonators are commercially known as blasting caps^ exploders^ or fuzes of various degrees of "force " according to the quantity of fulminate they contain. The fulminate lies in a thin copper tube, one end of which is closed, and is ignited either by a quick-match or by the heating of a fine platinum wire by the electric current. The detonator is placed in immediate contact with the charge, but should be so disposed that, if the quick-match is used, the charge shall not be prematurely ignited. The mass of the fulminate should bear a certain ratio to the mass and condition of the explosive; this may neutralize the advantages on the score of safety which the sluggishness of the explosive confers. Long charges may require to have dispersed through them several detonators in order to maintain the energy of the explosive wave. XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Products. Except Nitro-glycerine all the substitution compounds yield a large amount of CO, and hence, where potential is sought, require the addition of an oxydizing agent. Pressures. The ordinary gauge being unsuited to measuring the high pressures of detonation, special devices have been contrived. General Abbott of the U. S. Engineers, in a series of experiments (which bear to the high explosives the same relation as do Noble and Abel's experiments to gunpowder), suspended in water his gauges at definite distances from the submerged explosive. For experiments in air, charges of given weights are detonated either within or upon similar blocks of lead and the resulting deformations compared. Or the exact charges required to burst similar hollow projectiles may be deter- mined. Effects. General Abbott's experiments give the following scale by which to measure the force^ Chap. II, of explosives. His results apply only to sub-aqueous mining and indicate the paradoxical fact that Dynamite is more powerful than Nitro-glycerine. He found that the pressures registered by a crusher gauge varied as the Yi power of the charge and inversely as the 1.4 power of the distance. Or calling / the pressure, %v the weight of the charge, d the distance, and k a constant vary- ing for each explosive and for the nadir angle under water. 3 // kw\* These comparative results are expressed by the following table: XIV.— HtGtt EXPLOSIVES. Nitro-glycerine, 81 0.93 Gun-cotton, 87 1.00 Dynamite, 100 1.15 • Explosive Gelatine, 117 1.35 a result quite different from that of Chap. II. On the other hand, extended practice in mining operations under ground confirms the relative useful values of the high explosives as determined by their potentials and stated in Chap. II. Three spheres surround the center of the explosion: 1. The sphere of pulverization. 2. The sphere of rupture or dislocation. 3. The sphere of fracture or fissure. The relative dimensions of these spheres vary with the force and potential of the explosive. Tamping. The great rapidity of the reaction renders special tamping unnecessary, since the pressure of the atmosphere suffices to produce many of the effects desired. This is the origin of the common idea that such explosives act downward. This property is particularly valuable in military operations where time is precious. The best results, however, are found when they are tamped. Even a thin layer of earth or water greatly in- creases their effect. For a similar reason the mass of the charge is best placed between the detonator and the object to be destroyed. Example. Long iron tubes filled with dynamite have been detonated in air without converting all of their contents. When the tubes were submerged, the entire charge was detonated, Chap. II, page 5. The accidental explosion of charges which have been imperfectly detonated leads frequently to disaster, and so, it may be said, does tamping with an iron bar. XIV.— tttGli eX!>L6S1VES. Physical Condition. The greater the density of the explosive the smaller the bore hole required to receive it, and hence the greater its economy. Plastic explosives are valuable since they may be used in irregular cavities, and in those opening downward; they may also be rammed after loading so as to increase the value of A . The advantages in this respect of the liquid state of nitro- glycerine made it very popular at first; but its tendency to leak in transportation and to filter through crevices in the rock is very objectionable, since in a thin film it is easily exploded by impact and especially so by friction. Cans containing it have been exploded by twisting the cork. The granular form is advantageous on account of the ease with which it may be loaded into bottle shaped cavities, as in hollow projectiles and torpedoes. Rigid prisms form con- venient packages for transportation, but require cavities of a special form to develop the best results. Cold. When in a liquid or plastic form, the high explosives have their sensitiveness much impaired by freezing. This occurs at a little above 0°. The force and sensitiveness of loose dynamite are not im- paired by its freezing. Heat. In such cases thawing is dangerous unless very gradually performed, as by the heat of the body, of manure, or of luke- warm water. The nitro-glycerine in frozen dynamite of the solid form tends to exude on thawing. The sensitiveness of an explosive increases with its temperature. Water. Nitro-glycerine and gun-cotton are insoluble. Water tends to displace the nitro-glycerine from dynamite' which has been XTV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. compressed; but, strangely, has no such effect upon that which is loosely granular. For this reason sub-aqueous torpedoes are charged with loose dynamite. Owing to its greater density the displaced nitro-glycerine settles to the bottom of the vessel containing the dynamite, whence it may exude and lead to the consequences noted above. When dynamite or gun-cotton is wet, it ignites with great difficulty but may be detonated by a powerful primer. Any soluble addition is of course removed by water. TTse. Except gun-cotton and the picrates, all the high explosives have so far been employed only for mining and demolition, and to a limited extent in pyrotechny. Efforts are constantly making to adapt them to the burst- ing charges of hollow projectiles, by affecting either their condition, the construction of the projectile, or the source of energy by which it is thrown. Such attempts have not yet (1888) wholly passed beyond the stage of experiment and, though occasionally successful, have yet to endure the test of long continued firing. In many cases it appears that failure comes less from explosion under the initial shock than from the friction due to the rotation of the projectile. If the initial shock or acceleration be diminished, flatness of trajectory is sacrificed or the gun is made inconveniently long; if the rotation of the projectile is abandoned, inaccuracy results. The sensitiveness of the explosive tends to cause a prema- ture explosion on impact against armor and its force tends to pulverize the envelope into ineffective fragments. The sphere of such explosives appears to be confined to the ordinary sub-aqueous mines or to their employment in aerial torpedoes, exploding under water in the vicinity of a vessel, as in the Zalinski system; or against earth works as XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. in the new gun-cotton shell now employed in Germany. This projectile has been fired with charges as great as 110 lbs. Captain Zalinski has fired a mixed charge of high explosives weighing 500 pounds to a distance of one mile. Some of the high explosives, notably the gun-cotton class, have been used for fire arms, principally in fowling pieces, for which the reasons assigned, Chap. XI, page 18, particu- larly adapt them. The absence of smoke is a considerable advantage. They have even been employed by the Austrians for field pieces. The uncertainty as to the order of the explosion resulting from accidental variations in the value of A , has caused their use in cannon to be abandoned. For the former purpose it is still unfortunately common. GUN COTTON. Forms. This occurs in three forms; viz.: 1. In the flocculent or pulverulent form, made from cotton wool as indicated in the chemistry. 2. Prepared from the first form by pulping and com- pression to a density a little greater than that of water. 3. In grains, made by disintegrating the second form above. Condition. The first form is always used dry and is employed only in pyrotechny. The other two are used either wet or dry, and when wet, are sometimes protected by a water-proof coating to retard evaporation. Firing. Dry gun-cotton ignites at a lower temperature than any other of the common explosives. Its combustion may be retarded by compression and the addition of a gum. When it contains from 20 to 30 per cent of water, it can- XIV.— HIGH EXPLOSIVES. not be ignited until the water has been evaporated by the flame. One ton of loose wet gun-cotton has been burned with safety in a bon-fire Detonation. When wet and compressed, it may be detonated by using a sufficiently large primer of dry gun-cotton. Its incorpo- ration in a dry state with paraffine is said to yield the same results as to safety as when it is wet, without diminishing its sensitiveness to detonation. This avoids the difficulty of preventing evaporation. Reaction. This varies with the value of A and with other conditions, but may be represented by the following formula, 2QH7(N02)3 05=70H2H-3C02 + 9CO + 6N. To increase its potential a nitrate or chlorate is often added, the latter being the more energetic. Gun-cotton mixed with one third its weight of a nitrate forms Tonite, an explosive much used in the Californian mines. Advantages. Compared with gunpowder, its manufacture is less danger- ous and the apparatus can easily be improvised from the paper-mills. Since it forms no dust and can be kept wet, it is safe in transportation and in store. In mining, as in fire arms, it yields no solid products, and in sub-marine mining it can be used under water; having even been detonated in a net. Disadvantages. Besides those which relate to its sensitiveness and vio- lence, the principal objection to its employment in artillery applies to the absence of smoke which serves to mark the bursting point of a distant shell. 10 XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. MANUFACTURE OF GUN-COTTON, rormer Method. Gun-cotton, like nitro-glycerine, was discovered about 1846. It was first made by dipping cotton wool into mixed sulphuric and nitric acid and washing thoroughly the gun- cotton wool so formed. But it was found to be impossible to remove the free acids from the tortuous capillary tubes of which cotton wool is composed, and the resulting product was dangerous in store. Abel's Method. The tim? of manufacture has been much reduced and the quality of the product improved by the following method. Instead of using raw cotton, often containing impurities which are liable to cause spontaneous decomposition, cotton waste is employed. This has been previously spun mto yarn for cloth and is therefore mechanically clean. Preliminary Operations. Its conversion into gun-cotton follows the method previ- ously taught, the essential points being: — 1. To prevent the continued action of dilute acids and the consequent formation of di-nitro-cellulose (Collodion cotton), by removing the cotton after its first immersion to a fresh mixture of acids in which it is soaked for several hours. After each immersion the excess of acid is removed by wringing. 3. To prevent an undue rise in temperature, by making the first immersion in small quantities at a time, and sur- rounding the vessels containing the cotton with running water. 3. To prevent the access of water to these contents. A drop of sweat may cause the acid cotton to ignite. Final Operations. After the final wringing, it is washed by plunging small quantities of the cotton into large quantities of water. XIV. -HIGH EXPLOSIVES. 11 The cotton is then reduced to a pulp by the rotary knives of the rag engine used in paper making. These operate under water. Being now in short tubes, the washing can be thoroughly performed by means of the paper maker's poacher. This is a vertical water wheel working on one side of an oblong trough through which a longitudinal partition extends nearly from end to end. After a protracted washing in the poacher, the free acids still remaining are neutralized by some alkali; this having been washed out, the pulp is, after draining, ready for the hydraulic press. After pressing the cylinders they are carefully and slowly dried; or, they may be kept wet as previously stated. A similar product has been made from bran or straw, and is known djs, fulmi-bran^ etc. NITRO-GLYCERINE. Manufacture. The preparation of this explosive has been sufficiently described in the course of chemistry The principal points to be observed are: — m 1. To prevent a rise in temperature by pouring the glycerine slowly into the mixed acids, and to preserve a low temperature by a jacket of running water and by agitating the mixture by a current of air. 2. To wash the product thoroughly with cold water and finally with an alkaline solution. The addition of cold water precipitates that portion of the nitro-glycerine which remains suspended in the heavy acid liquid. Too much importance cannot be attached to the entire removal of free acid. The detection of free acid constitutes one of the most important tests of this product. 12 XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. When first made, it is white and opaque; \t soon assumes an oily appearance which, if well made, it retains. Its density is about 1.6. Reaction. The explosion of nitro-glycerine gives the following reaction, 2C3H5(NO,)3 03=6CO,+ 6N4-0 + 5 0H«. Following a general law, since its composition furnishes an excess of oxygen, the reaction is sensibly constant and is found to agree with that deduced on theoretical grounds. In this respect it differs from most of the explosives. Special Properties. As ordinarily used, this is the most powerful of the ex- plosives, excelling both in potential and force. It was originally thought to be perfectly safe when frozen; but it has since been found that, when in this condition, it can be exploded by a powerful shock if concentrated upon a mass sufficiently small. DERIVATIVES OF NITRO-GLYCERINE. Owing to the dangerous properties of liquid nitro- glycerine, it is no longer employed except with an absorbent dase or dope which will prevent its exudation. The absorbents are of two kinds: — I. Those which are chemically inactive, such as kiesel- guhr (also known as " tripoli " and " electro-silicon "), mica- ceous scales, and, for its alkaline properties, magnesium carbonate. II. Those which are chemically active. These derivatives have a density of about 1.6. They are usually plastic, which gives them great practical utility. XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. 13 I. MECHANICAL ABSORBENTS. Dynamites. Giant Powder. Of these absorbents the best is kieselgiihr. This consists of microscopic shells, the cavities in which retain the liquid and protect it from ordinary shock. Kieselgiihr has remark- able properties as an absorbent; it can take up three times its weight of nitro-glycerine without exudation, even when under considerable pressure. Different grades of dynamite are made depending upon the proportion of nitro-glycerine which they contain. The highest is called No. 1. Owing to the knowledge of the properties of this explosive, gained by the torpedo service and by private industry, it may be called the standard high explosive of the United States. For torpedoes its merits consist in: — 1. Its force. 2. Its permanency under the varied conditions and accidents of service. 3. Its safety and convenience in loading. 4. The readiness with which it may be procured in the market. This was true in 1881. Since then several explosives have been invented which threaten its supremacy, Preservation. Although used for special purposes in the granular form, in which it resembles brown sugar, it is generally put up compressed in cylinders wrapped tightly with paraffined paper. These are packed in sawdust in wooden boxes, preferably made light, without metallic parts and coated in- side with a water-proof varnish. When received, the boxes should be partly opened to facilitate the discovery of the nitrous fumes that accompany the process of spontaneous decomposition. Their contents 14 XIV. — HIGH EXPLOSIVES. should be tested for exudation and acidity, and should be carefully kept from water, • II. CHEMICAL ABSORBENTS. Properties. Absorbents of this class reduce the quantity of nitro- glycerine required to produce a given effect and so cheapen the product. Their judicious selection adds greatly to the energy developed by the nitro-glycerine alone, so that the economic value of the explosive may increase more rapidly than does 'its percentage of nitro-glycerine. For sub-aqueous explosions it appears that with any par- ticular base there is an economic gain in increasing the per- centage of nitro-glycerine up to a certain point, but that beyond that point the advantage ceases. There appears to be a decided advantage in gelatinizing the nitro-glycerine before its absorption. See Forcite and Explosive Gelatine, /e those to be actually employed to the same kind of stress that they will be called on to sustain. But the capacity of the machine rarely permits this, and, as its strength limits the maximum cross section, the length of the specimen in units of the corresponding diameter should be approximately proportional to that of the finished piece. The size of the machine and the cost of preparing specimens limit this; so that the length of the specimen is generally about 4, 6, or 8 diameters, with a tendency to increase. The specimen is held so that its axis coincides with the action line of the force; otherwise, it will rupture in detail, or tear across. This condition is fulfilled by making the specimens truly cylindrical with enlarged concentric heads, figure 3, by which they may be held in the machine. Form of Record. This states the strains due to certain stresses. They are functions of each other, and the relation may be expressed e —f{w), in which e represents the strain, or the change of form pro- duced by applying the stress w. The stress is taken as the independent variable since it can be more readily controlled XV. — METALLURGY. than the strain. Inasmuch as conditions vary too much, and are not yet sufficiently understood to enable the law of this function to be analytically expressed, that which governs any particular case may be best determined empirically: 1st. By forming successive orders of difference in the observed value of the function for equal increments of the variable w. 2d. By plotting a line constructed from these co-ordinate values. Such a line is called a strain diagram. 3d. By constructing a strain diagram automatically during the progress of the test. The order of preference is as follows: The first method when great accuracy is required and when a micrometer can be used. The second and third when general comparisons are to be made. The second to the third when the expense of the registering apparatus is objectionable. In general, rectilinear strains can be measured more accu- rately than they can be registered by any mechanical apparatus. ELASTICITY. Elastic Limits In operating the machine the stress is very slowly and stead- ily applied, either directly by hydraulic pressure, or indirectly by a screw acting in combination with levers. The stress is relieved at intervals and the specimen permitted to recoil. The difference between the strain e and the recoil r is the set s, ov e = r -\- s. The set may diminish in time and be- come the permanent set, but the first temporary set is that generally recorded. Sets probably occur under all stresses, but may be too small for measu^-ement. This may be illus- trated by the curves, figure 1, which are very much exagger- ated. Let 00\ 00" represent certain stresses resulting in strains O'p' , 0"p'\ etc. Each of these strains is by definition com- XV. — METALLURGY. posed of the recoil r — r'p' and the set s = O'r' , etc. Starting from 0, as the stresses increase the recoils and sets both increase, but the sets less rapidly than the recoils. After a certain stress, Z, the line of sets becomes nearly parallel* to that of strains, so that for a given increment of stress the increments of strain and set are nearly equal. The stress corresponding to L is the superior limit of the stresses for which the sets increase less rapidly than the recoils, and the inferior limit of those for which the sets increase more rapidly than the recoils. This stress is called the Elastic Limit. Since below the elastic limit the sets are relatively small, and above it the sets are relatively large, when compared with the recoils, it may be defined as the limit of the stresses within which sets may be neglected and beyond which recoils may he neglected ; or the limit separating the consideration of the elasticity of the metal from that of its ductility. It may be determined — I. By finding the stress corresponding to the first significant term of the second order of difi"erences of strains or sets. II. By inspection of a diagram such as represented in fig- ure 13. Coefficient of Elasticity. If the strains below the elastic limit be considered directly proportional to the stresses, this portion of the line will be straight, and the tangent of the angle included between it and the axis of E will be proportional to the reciprocal of the rate at which the specimen submits to (i.e., directly to the rate at which it resists) the stress. This is called the coeffi- cient of elasticity, or ^ _ r^ _ ^ ^ /Wheeler, \ ^ ~ Z ^ 7 ' V Eq. 1. y * As a rule, the recoils increase gradually throughout. XV.— -METALLURGY. Elastic Work, etc. The area bounded by the diagram, the axis of E, and a line drawn through any point of this axis parallel to the axis of PFis evidently proportional to the work done by the corre- sponding stress. For a given stress O O'", the area, O e r"', is proportional to the work of permanent deformation corresponding to the stress O O'". Similarly the difference between the areas 0^'/'"and O^r'" is proportional to the work of restitution, or the elastic work, following the same stress. The term Elastic Work, as a measure of this elastic property, also known as toughness, is properly applied only to the area under the diagram at the elastic limit. The total area under the diagram up to the point of rup- ture is proportional to the potential work of deformation. While for mechanical units, such as posts, beams, levers, chains, this property is valuable; in the more complex structures required by the principle of the independence of function, such as wheels, trusses, and built-up guns, the elastic work, which comprises in its measure both the elastic limit and the coeffi- cient of elasticity, is much more important. In such structures the permanent change of form of one of the units may derange the rest; and generally the elastic work may be counted on repeatedly, while the work of per- manent deformation can be utilized but once. FORMS OF TESTING MACHINES. Tensile. This is the form most generally used and upon the indica- tions of which modern gun construction is based. The sketch, figure 2, shows a simple apparatus extempo- rized for testing the sheet metal from which small-arm car- tridges are made. The strains were taken from the punch- maVks a,b, and plotted. For testing the metal of which cannon are made, a form of XV — METALLURGY. tensile machine recently devised in England consists of a hard steel cone, which by a blow from a falling weight is driven through a ring cut concentrically from one of the short cylinders composing the gun. Transverse. The simplest of all is for transverse stress. The specimen is placed on rollers kept at a constant distance apart. One objection to transverse machines is the difficulty of separating the tensile from compressive strain. A valuable modification of this form of machine is that which tests the capacity of the metal to endure extreme bend- ing, even to the extent of working its ends back and forth as long as the tenacity of the specimen permits. The bending angle thus determined is one of the readiest and best tests for ductile material. Torsional. Although a torsional strain is even more complex than the transverse, yet, owing to the ease with which the power of the lever may be increased; to the simplicity, compact- ness, cheapness and rapidity of operation of machines of this class; and to the ease with which the relative rotary motion of the parts may be made to record the circumstances of the test, this method is very valuable where great accuracy is not required, nor variation in the form of the specimens expected. For the machine used in this department of instruction, the specimens are of the standard size shown in figure 3. This requires direct comparison of results. Thurston's autographic torsional testing machine, fig- ures 4, 5^ G, 1, 8. Description. Two similar wrenches with rectangular jaws, facing each other, are carried by the A shaped frames shown in figure 4, and revolve independently about axes which are in the same XV. — METALLURGY. Straight line. The wrenches are not connected except by the interposition of the specimen, which is supported axially by the conical points shown, and kept by folding wedges from revolving in the jaws. The' arm B of one wrench carries a weight W at its lower end. The other wrench is revolved by a worm gear, P. To the frame A is secured a guide curve G, of such form that its ordinates are proportional to the successive torsional moments exerted by B during its revolution. The pencil-holder/^ is carried on the arm B, to which it is pivoted at a and b so as to oscillate in a plane perpendicu- lar to that in which B rotates. A spring, sp^ keeps the pen- cil-holder in contact with the guide curve. Operation. As the worm gear revolves it tends to revolved and to raise PTby means of the specimen -S". As B revolves, the roller r rides on the edge of G so that the pencil is displaced laterally in a plane perpendicular to that of its rotation; the object being to establish as follows a system of rectangular co-ordinate axes of stresses and strains, to which the position of the pencil may be referred: I. To make the lateral displacement of the pencil propor- tional to the stress, W. Since PTis proportional to the mo- ment of ^, which, since the weight of B is constant, is pro- portional to the sine of the vertical angle 0, figure 7, the edge of G is so formed that when B is rotated, the pencil will trace upon the cylinder D a curve the equation of which when developed on a plane surface is _y = ^ sin 0. In this equation J/ is the variable ordinate of the curve measured along that rectilinear element of D upon which the pencil rests when the inclination of ^ = 0, and <2 is a coefficient depending upon the maximum value of _y permitted by the construction of the machine. II. To make the peripheral displacement of the pencil XV. — METALLURGY. proportional to the strain, E. Calling ;t: the developed path of the pencil along a circular element of the cylinder, we have X '. (p>^ \\%TCr \ 360°, or0 =-— jvand .'.y=^ as'ml- .x\ ^ ^ %7tr -^ \Z7tr j The circumference of the drum is 36 inches and its length is 5 inches; therefore, taking x in inches. jj^ = 5 sin (10 . x). Such a curve having been constructed upon paper may be wrapped around D, and the edge of G be adjusted so as to make the point of the pencil follow the curve as B is revolved, D being at rest. The strain is evidently proportional to the rotation of D relatively to that of the pencil ; while the stress is proportional to the angular displacement of the pencil. This will be un- derstood by imagining lines traced by specimens which are either perfectly extensible or perfectly inextensible. Such lines are limits for all natural specimens which will cause in- termediate lines to be traced that will express the relation e ^/{w). Form of Record. The record is made on a piece of cross-section paper ruled in inches and tenths w^rapped tightly around the cylindrical drum D. The weight W is so taken that the maximum moment = 500 lbs. ; therefore, since the ruling is 5 inches wide, one division of the paper measured across its width represents a moment of 10 lbs., and, since 2 tt r = 36 inches, one division along the length of the paper = 1° of strain. In raising the arm by the specimen, the moment of W is in equilibrio with the torsional stress plus the frictional mo- ment of the journal /; this last is constant and is allowed for in standardizing the machine. XV. — M£tALLURGY. INTERPRETATION- OF THE RECORD. For torsional test this is facilitated by considerinij the spe- cimen as consisting of parallel fibres, at first rectilinear, and elongating under stress in a helical form. The general form of strain diagrams, whether made by torsional or tensile test, is so similar, that although the following discussion partic- ularly refers to the results of the torsional test, its application may be considered as general.* General Case. The combined effect of stress and strain is seen in the typical diagrams, figure 9. In curve / the elastic limit is plainly shown at a. The convexity of the first portion is probably due to the prelimi- nary strain of the exterior fibres occurring in soft materials. The line then becomes sensibly straight, its inclination determining the coefficient of elasticity, -— , or the rigidity of the specimen. Beyond the elastic limit it becomes wavy, indicating deficient homogeneity as to structure ; the fibres are then supposed to slip. Having adjusted themselves they * The following relation between torsional and tensile stress has been approximately determined by experiment. Let T = tensile stress in lbs. per square inch; Ti = torsional stress in lbs. ; 9 = angle of torsion in degrees. Then, for steel and probably for other ductile metals, T= 7\ (300 -^\. For cast iron, r=n(soo-^)^|. The extension of an external fibre and the reduction in area of cross section corresponding to torsional strain are given in tables furnished with the machine. For ultimate extensions the value of correspond- ing to the maximum and not to the ultimate ordinate is taken. 10 5tV. — METALLURGY. work together, as shown by the subsequent regularity of the Hne. At some point b the stress is relaxed, and the pencil falls to some point c ; when the stress is re-applied, the pencil rises in the line cb and continues nearly parallel to the straight por- tion of the line Oa until it reaches its former height db. The ordinates then slowly increase until, by the successive rupture of the concentric fibrous layers, the curve terminates at/ Note the total work Oabefg 0\ the elastic work OaL; and the recoil dc and set Oc for the stress db. The parallel- ism oi be to O'a shows the practical constancy of the co-- efficient of elasticity under varying stresses provided the total elongation be diminished by the set. By some, this coefficient is considered the most permanent physical characteristic of steel, in various forms of which it has been found to vary less than 8 per cent, in specimens whose elastic limits varied 200 per cent. The point ^ is a new elastic limit, and the entire line may be termed a locus of elastic limits. Of these the point a is called the primitive elastic limit, and the other points various special elastic limits. Notice that as these successively rise, the potential work diminishes. The special elasticity thus produced by stress, as distinguished from the primitive elas- ticity of the specimen, is treated of in gun construction. Some metals give a curve like //, in which it is difficult by either of the methods given, page 3, to determine the elastic limit. In such cases it is generally taken as the stress corre- sponding to the point of tangency of a line inclined at 45°. Graphical Representation of Special Physical Properties. Considering the diagram, figure 9, to represent that of a tensile instead of a torsional 'test, the principal properties of the specimen are graphically expressed as follows: The Tenacity, or the capacity to resist rupture by extension, is measured by the maximum ordinate at e. The correspond- XV. — METALLURGY. 11 ing Stress may be greater than that at which fracture finally occurs. In such a case the form of the portion of the dia- gram, ef, indicates probably the progressive rupture of the final layers. The Elasticity, or the property of resisting permanent exten- sion or compression, as we have seen may be measured either by an absolute quantity, the elastic limit, or by a rate. When this rate is practically uniform, as in steel, page lo, the elas- tic limit alone may serve to measure the elasticity. The Ductility, or the property of submitting to permanent ex- tension, may also be measured by an absolute quantity, O g, or more exactly. Oh, figure 9; or by a rate. This rate- is measured by the cotangent of the angle made by the tangent to the diagram at any point beyond the elastic limit and the axis of strains. This measure, although not generally adopted, io important since it illustrates the phenomenon known as the flow of metals under stress. As seen in the following examples, this rate may vary not only in degree but also in its sign. Ductility, though useful in such arts as the drawing of wire and of metallic cups like cartridge cases, is now regarded only a secondary property of cannon metals. Cannon are so proportioned that the elastic limit is the superior limit of the applied forces, but the ductility of the metal is thought to give an additional safeguard against destructive explosion. But safety then depends rather upon the potential work of de- formation of which the metal is capable than upon either its tenacity or its ductility alone. Particular Cases. 1. Woods. To illustrate these remarks by reference to materials the physical properties of which are more generally known than those of the useful metals, the torsional diagrams of the prin- cipal woods used in ordnance construction are represented in figures 10, 11, 12. The woods are arranged from right to left in the order of 12 XV.- METALLURGY. their coefficients of elasticity. This brings them approxi- mately in the order of hardness, or stiffness, black walnut leading. These qualities fit this wood to resist the abrasion to which gun-stocks are subject, and to give to the easily bent gun- barrel its necessary support. The elastic limits of cypress and black walnut are seen to be equal, but the cypress is much the tougher of the two. It appears to be about equal to a poor quality of oak, for which wood, in the construction of gun-carriages, it was formerly used in localities where oak could not be procured. The forms of the diagrams after passing the elastic limit •are very characteristic. In some cases, as in ash and white pine, the line continues for some distance parallel to the axis of strains. This would indicate the use of these woods for pieces which being long and slender are apt to be bent. When lightness is an object, as in the former case for wagon poles, sponge and rammer staves, agricultural-tool handles, and in the latter case for building purposes, particularly of railway carriages, the low density of these woods makes them highly esteemed. The sudden dip of dog-wood, oak, and hickory occurs in most hard woods. It is supposed to arise from the lateral slipping of the fibres, the cementing substance having given way. When this is brittle, as in the resinous yellow pine, a very sharp depression is sometimes seen. In some cases, as in dog-wood, hickory, and notably in elm, the line rises again, sometimes exceeding the elastic limit. The rise is supposed to be due to the retwisting of the fibres, separated at the elastic limit, into a consistent whole. On the other hand, the step-like decline of some of the dia- grams indicates the brittleness of the corresponding woods. The surprising qualities of dog-wood show that the small size of this tree is the principal bar to its utility. The importance of testing machines is very imperfectly ap- preciated among practical manufacturers. This appears from XV. — METALLURGY. 13 one of the oak diagrams which was made by a piece taken from a new gun-carriage the stock of which was broken in two by firing. 2. Metals. The diagrams in figure 13 will be referred to hereafter in discussing the metals represented upon them. To avoid confusion, curves of similar metals are arranged in groups, a new origin for each group being taken along the axis of strains. II. ORDNANCE METALS. The principal metals used in Ordnance manufactures are. Ferreous. - Steel I ^'^^' ' ( low. Cupreous or Wrought Iron, Kalchoids. . Cast Iron. r Brasses, Bronzes and other alloys of Cu, Sn, Zii. Nomenclature. For clearness of definition by scientific men, the forgeable ferreous metals are proposed to be classified according to their mode of manufacture and according to their capacity to harden, and are designated as follows: 1st. Those made from a pasty mass, by the prefix. Weld. 2d. Those made by fusion, by the prefix, Ingot. 3d. Those which will harden and temper by the usual treatment of steel, by the suffix, Steel. 4th. Those which will not sensibly harden, by the suffix, Iron. 5th. The only unforgeable ferreous cannon metal is cast iron, known in the crude state as pig-iron and after remelt- ing, as castings. This classification affords the following scheme; 14 XV.— METALLURGY. 1 cl -a OS O en 0) biDT3 un-metal = •ass = •hosphor- or -Bronze, etc. .J < y -a cu C o !5 1 C u < P C C c c* O o o o 'S; *o5 'crt 'm ^ bo 3 3 a ~Y- a3 ccrj 3 ^ • j^ i < U 0) 1 a 1 o 4J c o J^ c Y "~~~ "~~" tn m 3 3 Q O u fe 3 (U CJ c en c rt o 1 XV. — METALLURGY. 15 Relative Importance. Owing to their peculiar adaptability to the demands of construction, the ferreous ingot metals are gradually super- seding all others, and the time when they will be altogether employed except for subordinate purposes is delayed only by our imperfect knowledge of their properties. These metals, under the common name of steel, already cover in their application the wide range between castings for the frames of iron-clads, weighing many tons, figure 14, and horseshoe nails, the successful making of which was formerly considered the most severe test of the quality of wrought iron. The ages of stone, bronze, cast and wrought iron have been suc- ceeded by the age of steel. On this account the following discussion will relate princi- pally to steel. As a cannon metal it has only recently come into favor, having been considered brittle and untrustworthy. It is largely due to the patient genius of Krupp and Whit- worth that this prejudice has been overcome. As an example of the quality of modern gun steel may be mentioned the fact that it was found impossible to break a gun hoop under a drop giving a blow of nearly 100 ft.-tons, the arrangement being represented in figure 15. Sixty or seventy blows shortened the vertical diameter only half an inch. III. PROPERTIES. The useful properties of metals have regard to their 1, Homogeneity, I. Constitution. {Jo be.) I. Chemical as to i o' n (2, Composition. ( 1, Homogeneity, II. Physical as to -J 2, Structure, ( 3, Strain. 16 XV. — METALLURGY. II. Capacity for resisting. {To do.) I. Tensile j 1, Tenacity, Stress, or ( 2, Ductility. II. Compressive j 1, Incompressibility, Stress, I 2, Hardness. III. Either j 1, Elasticity, Stress, or ( 2, Homogeneity. III. Facility for being worked. {To suffer.) C 1, Fusibility, Hot, or \ 2, Weldability. ( 3, Malleability (also cold). Cold, or 1, Annealability. /. CONSTITUTION OF STEEL. Metals should be homogeneous as to composition and struc- ture so as to be homogeneous as to strain. Those which have been fused are the most homogeneous ; but even they may be imperfect, both chemically and physically, as follows : I. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION. 1. Homogeneity. Pure iron can rarely be produced except by the methods of the laboratory, and therefore in exceedingly small quanti- ties. In practice it is combined with the most useful elements by heat, the fusibility of the alloy usually increasing with the number of elements contained. Fused metals in general are imperfect alloys, the constituents of which tend to arrange themselves according to their specific gravities. Due to the property of liquation, certain of the most fusible alloys of steel are found near the core of the ingot in greater propor- tion than elsewhere. Thus, in a steel ingot the parts first solidified represent most nearly its average composition, the centre of the bottom being the softest and that near the top the hardest, since the fusibility and the hardness of the alloy increase with the percentage of C* * Order of Oxidation. Reactions during fusion depend so much upon the order of oxidation of the constituents of pig-iron that the following approximate relation should be learned: XV. — METALLURGY. 17 The segregation of the Kalchoids is very objectionable. 2. Composition. The following elements occur in iron alloys : 1. Carbon and iron as the principal constituents make the steel best suited for general purposes. It has often been tried to replace or supplement the action of carbon by other ele- ments such as silicon, tungsten, chromium, nickel, etc., but for general purposes carbon steel is far the most important. As a rule, the greater percentage of carbon up to about 1.5 (and even 2 5 per cent.), or the higher the grade, The more — The less — 1. hard and elastic ; 1. dense; 2. tenacious ; 2. ductile ; 3. brittle ; 3. weldable ; 4. fusible; 4. forgeable, does steel be- 5. expansible by heat, does come. steel become. The terms high and lotv referring to the grade of steel, or per cent, of C contained, are loosely applied, but the tendency is to draw the line at 0.35 per cent., where hardening by heat- ing followed by rapid cooling becomes perceptible. The following table exhibits the classification according to use. So much depends upon the percentage of hardening constitu- ents other than C, and upon the treatment of the steel in manufacture, that the relation expressed is only approximate. 1. Silicon. 5. Iron. 2. Manganese. 6. Phosphorus, in presence of an acid 3. Phosphorus, in presence of slag; i. ^., one containing an an oxidizing basic slag. excess of S i O^. 4. Carbon. These and other following relations depend so much upon existing tem- peratures and conditions that they are expressed in the most general terms. 18 XV. — METALLURGY. Grade. TABLE IL GRADES OF STEEL. Per Cent, of Carbon. Application. Low. High. Mild, Hard, Extra hard, Tool, Extra Tool, Die, Extra mild, 0.05 — 0.20 Boiler plates to be flanged, bridge material. 0.20 — 0.35 Railroad axles, gun bar- rels, etc. 0.35 — 0.50 Rails, cannon, etc. 0.50 — 0.65 Springs, saws, etc. 0.75 — 1.00 Chisels, cutters, etc. 1.00 — 1.20 Files and very hard tools. 2.50 Wire drawing, to resist abrasion. Carbon is generally supposed to exist in steel in two princi- pal forms: 1. Cement carbon^ characteristic of annealed or softened steel, and 2. Hardening carbo?i, characteristic of hardened steel. The former is insoluble and the latter is soluble in dilute H^ SO^. See page 48. The following elements are admitted, either of necessity or as Si physic ; i. e., replacing something more harmful or pro- ducing a beneficial effect. 2. Silicon tends to displace C from combination, and to confer its properties, although in a less degree. It restores ''burned" or "rotten" steel by forming with the particles of iron oxide, to the dissemination of which this condition is often due, a fusible slag : {Fe^ O^ + Siz=zFe Si O^ + Fe), As Si increases the solvent power of steel for gases, and, by reducing the iron oxide present in the hquid steel, prevents the formation of CO it also prevents the honeycombing or vesiculation of the metal from the ebullition of the gases while the metal is becoming soUd. If uncombined, Si O^ may remain as grit, which is injuri- ous to the strength of the metal and destructive to cutting tools. XV. — MEtALLtJRGY. 19 When in excess, Si makes steel brittle. This is generally- true of the non-ferreous ingredients of the alloy. 3. Manganese, unlike Si, tends to make C combine with iron ; like Si, it tends to replace C functionally, but much less energetically. Afn resembles Si as a reducing agent, and forms with it and iron oxide a very fluid, cleansing, slag. The physical properties it confers vary with the proportion present. With from 3 to 6 per cent,, the steel becomes very- hard and brittle ; but with from 7 to 20 per cent, the steel becomes very tough and strong. Some Mn is necessary to prevent hoi-shortness, or the tend- ency to disintegrate when forged, even when no 6* is present. It also acts as an antidote to S, by forming Mn S, which is insoluble in melted steel. 4. Phosphorus make steel cold short, or brittle at ordinary temperatures. It can be removed only by some basic process, as follows : Since the ordinary silicious, or acid, lining would prevent the oxidation of P, and, by wasting the iron, would increase the proportion in which P remained ; in the basic process the furnace is lined with dolomite brick. Iron ore and (for economy) limestone are added to the charge, so that the phosphoric slag that is formed may continue basic. The presence of Mn and Si in the pig iron from which washed pig is thus formed, protects from oxidation the C that it contains, and therefore maintains the fluidity of the charge, until the Mn and Si are consumed. When this happens and the bath boils with CO, the washed metal is cast into pigs containing only about 0.1 of the original P. So much C is retained that (after grading it by analysis) the washed pig is easily remelted in further processes relating to the manufacture of steel. These processes permit the use of pig iron, which was formerly too high in P. 20 XV. METALLtfRGV. When added to the Kalchoids, P removes their greatest enemy, oxygen. 5. Sulphur also is very difficult to remove, although the hot-shortness that it produces may be corrected with Mn or eliminated by Ca F^. 6. Chromium increases the hardness of steel without im- pairing those qualities, such as ductility and malleability, which are incompatible with the hardness resulting from high carbon. 7. Aluminium is said to increase the fluidity of low steel, and even of weld iron, in a remarkable degree, thus permit- ting the metal to be cast without danger from vesiculation. The fluidity of the metal in the mold permits the escape of the occluded gases. Its action on iron oxide resembles that of Si. A new alloy known as Mitis metal, which is thus formed, may be cast into the most complex forms. 8. Nickel remarkably increases the useful properties of steel ; the result varying with the percentage as in Mn. The armor plates now (1891) preferred are made of nickel steel. 9. Copper. When thoroughly deoxidized, steel may be improved by the addition of Cu, although it is thought by some that it makes steel hot-short, II. PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION. 1. Homogeneity. As in chemical composition, no fused metal is naturally physically homogeneous, either in structure or in strain. These properties may be so modified by after-treatment that the following comparisons apply to non-forgeable metals as ordinarily cooled after fusion ; and to forgeable metals when annealed. This is the standard condition for their comparison* 2. Structure. The structure is juaged of by the appearance of the frac- tures; for exact comparison these should be similarly pro- XV. — METALLURGY. 21 duced. By varying the method of breaking it, the fracture of a bar of wrought iron may be made either crystalline or fibrous within a few inches of its length. Crystallization. It is assumed that ingot metals are crystal- line, and weld metals fibrous, although the ultimate crystal- line forms are doubtful.* Thus, the former may be supposed to consist of normal crystals, and the latter of distorted crys- tals cemented by a film of slag. Normal crystals are supposed to be formed like those of soluble salts ; the more slowly and quietly they are cooled from fusion, the larger and weaker they are, and conversely. (Bioxam, Art. 38.) The crystalline axes are found perpendicular to the cooling surfaces, so that surfaces of weakness are formed at the junc- tion of inclined systems. See figures 16, 17. For this reason the corresponding surfaces should be united by gradual curves so as to distribute strains which would otherwise be localized. Sharp re-entrant angles should be avoided in all structural masses, even the non-crystalline. Vesiculation. Another structural form arises from the oc- clusion of air and other gases during the casting. This causes ^'' blow -holes,'' which increase with the viscidity of the fluid mass. On the other hand, when the metal is free from blow- holes, an axial cavity is formed, due to internal strain. This is known as 3. pipe. Figure 18. 3. Strain. Differences in the rate of cooling throughout a fluid mass produce internal strain, the parts first solidifying being com- pressed by their adhesion to the layers cooling subsequently, which last are reciprocally extended. Similar effects follow * By some the primitive structure of ingot steel is supposed to be that of globules of the alloy imbedded in a mo e highly carbonized cement. This is called the Cellular Theory. 22 XV. — METALLURGY. unequal heating. The importance of this principle is fre- quently apparent, particularly in dealing with iron castings. //. CAPACITY FOR RESISTING STRESS, Properties. Owing to the facility of referring other stresses to a tensile stress, this alone is generally considered, the incompressibiuty of cannon metals being sufficiently guaranteed by their com- bined hardness and tenacity. The principal properties of 1. tenacity, 2. elasticity, 3. ductility, and 4. toughness, have already been discussed. 5. Hardness is properly the property of resisting penetra- tion ; combined with tenacity, with which it is almost invari- ably associated, it renders cannon metal incompressible by powder pressure, and in itself resists abrasion, erosion and impact from hostile shot. Steel may be artificially hardened by heating it, followed by its rapid cooling. Steel and bronze may also be hardened by their compression in a cold state ; externally by rolling and internally by mandreling, which consists in forcing through a hole conical plugs of slowly increasing diameter. It is noteworthy that by heating and rapid cooling, brass, bronze and the high Mn steel, p. 19, are softened, III, FACILITY FOR BEING WORKED, 1. Fusibility. This diminishes the number of joints in a given structure, and, other things being equal, increases its cheapness, homo- geneity and strength. Recent advances in mechanical en- gineering have been principally due to the large units of con- struction afforded by the capacity and power of modern furnaces. Thus steel is replacing wrought iron, which is formed by agglutination. XV. — METALLURGY. 23 2. Malleability, or to the power to endure hammering or roUing, particularly at high temperatures, enables metals to be forged into special shapes, thereby improving the quality of the metal and reduc- ing the labor of finishing. When combined with fusibility, it gives advantages peculiar to steel. 3. Weldability, or the power of adhesion at high temperatures between masses is characteristic of wrought iron and low steel. It is upon this property that the manufacture of wrought iron depends. This property in construction is inferior to fusi- bility and hence is not utilized for steel except in small masses. The process of electric welding is now (1891) successfully employed. It consists in sending a powerful low-pressure current through the abutting surfaces of the pieces to be united. The resistance at the points of contact raises the neighboring metal to the temperature of incipient fusion; pressure being then applied, fresh surfaces are successively brought into contact. Owing to the high temperature of the first contacts, the current is mainly conveyed through the new ones and so on until a homogeneous joint is formed. Hollow projectiles are thus made from steel tubing welded to a point and a base. It is even proposed to heat finished pieces locally, so as to permit them to be bent or tempered without injury from the hammer or the fire. 4. Annealability, or the power to become soft, facilitates reduction to size by cutting tools. All the cannon metals can be softened by annealing, but to steel only can the necessary hardness be restored, except mechanically. Grindi?ig. It fortunately happens that hardened steel, which can cut all the other useful metals, can itself be abraded by grinding almost as easily as when soft. 24 XV. — METALLURGY. This permits the change of form which often follows hard- ening to be corrected by the use of either natural or artificial grindstones. See Chapter XVII, page 14 CONCLUSION. The relative standing of the five cannon metals may be roughly indicated as follows : ^STEEL-> , IRON > High, Low. Wrought, Cast. Bronze. 1.1 f?l^„aS'/1 ^ ^ 3 4 5. t! 5 -( Homogeneity, I 1 o A. ^ f? 2 % I Hardness, normal, f ^ ^ ^ d o. tn ^ 1^ Ductility, 4 3 15 2. f Fusibility, 3 4 — 3 Malleability, 3 2 1 — O cJ cr C (U •^ § s( Weldability, — 2 1 Annealability or ^ ^ o q variable hardness, f This indicates why bronze and the irons, which, owing to their workability, were until recently the only cannon metals, are now obsolete. IV. MANUFACTURE of the FERREOUS METALS. /. CAST IRON, Varieties. The gray pig is known diS foundry or 77ielting irow, the white pig as forge iron ; the latter is useful only for conversion into wrought iron. Mottled pig is an intermediate variety. Remelting. To obtain strong castings, the foundry pig is ordinarily remelted and run into molds of the required shape. The specific gravity of pig-iron is about 7.00, and its tenacity about 16,000 pounds to the square inch, but, when remelted, the specific gravity is increased to about 7.25, and the tenacity about doubled. The remelting is effected in cupola or reverberatory fur- naces, according to the kind of fuel available and the size and quality of the casting required. It is always necessary XV. — METALLURGY. 25 to melt as quickly as possible, and with the least consump- tion of fuel. This usually requires artificial blast. In Cupolas. The cupola furnace is generally employed ; its size depends upon the amount of metal to be melted at a time, and upon the kind of fuel. A cupola extensively used is of the Mackenzie pattern, fig- ure 19. It consists of the iody B, of elliptical cross section, made of thick sheet-iron lined with fire-brick ; this is sur- mounted by a conical hood H, terminating in the chimney C. The blast is admitted through an annular tuyere extending around the bottom part of the furnace. The charge is intro- duced at the door D, and the molten metal, accumulated in the hearth H, is drawn off at the spout S, and carried to the mold through a channel or by means of ladles. The elliptical section of the body in combination with the annular tuyere increases the capacity of the furnace for a given intensity of blast ; the object being to maintain a high temperature in the vertical plane containing the transverse axis of the ellipse, along which, for regularity of feeding, it is desirable to cause the contents of the furnace to descend. I The cupola furnace saves fuel, labor and time, and fur- nishes a continuous supply of iron, which, since the carbon in the pig-iron is not diminished by melting, is liquid and therefore of the quality suited to foundry purposes. The charge consists of pig-iron and generally scraps of cast iron, a flux, and the fuel ; for the latter, coke and char- coal are best, though anthracite is generally employed. In Reverberatory Furnaces. Reverberatory furnaces are principally used for the production of large castings, and are specially adapted to all such as require great strength. Their use is sometimes necessitated if the fuel at disposal contains sulphur. The name is derived from the arch which beats back the flame on the metal to be heated. The furnace, figure 20, is built of fire-brick bound strongly together by iron bars or plates ; the hearih H is of refractory S6 XV. — METALLURGY. brick covered with a thick layer of Bre-sand ; the grate G is large, that a great volume of flame from the fuel may be drawn over the bridge -5 and through the furnace ; for this purpose the chimney C is made very tall when no artificial blast is used. The metal is introduced at the charging doors D, D\ and, when melted, is drawn off" at the tap-hole (h). The dimensions of the furnace depend chiefly on the charge of iron and quality of the fuel. They are of correct propor- tions if a nearly uniform temperature be produced in all parts of the furnace. Unlike the cupola, this furnace allows the iron to be kept liquid for any length of time ; and, as the fuel is not in con- tact with the metal, and carbon and silicon are removed by the air, a stronger iron results. On the other hand, it does not admit of constant casting, and involves a great loss of iron by oxidation ; owing to these circumstances and to the greater consumption of fuel, such furnaces are used only in large foundries, and, whenever practicable, are replaced by cupolas of large size. Properties of Iron for Castings. The color and texture of a casting depend greatly on its size, and on the rapidity with which it has been cooled, and upon its composition. As small castings cool quickly they are almost always white, and the surface of large castings partakes more of the quality of white iron than does the interior. When gray iron is melted, the particles of graphite to which its color is due are dissolved by the liquid iron, and if it be poured into a cold iron mold so as to solidify quickly, the exterior of the casting will present much of the hardness and appearance of white iron, the sudden cooling having pre- vented the separation of the graphite. This is particularly apt to follow the presence of manganese in the iron. At the instant of solidification gray iron expands more than white, giving a casting with sharp edges and a convex XV. — METALLURGY. ^? surface; and, as it subsequently contracts less, the initial strains due to cooling are less. White iron gives a casting with a concave surface, and mottled iron one with a plane surface, the edges slightly rounded. SPECIAL CAST IRONS. Malleable Cast Iron. By extracting a portion of the carbon from cast-iron its composition is assimilated to that of wrought iron and its toughness increased ; the result is known as malleable cast iron. The castings to be softened are packed with powdered haematite ore, or scales of oxide of iron, and the temperature raised gradually to a red heat ; this is continued from three to five days according to the thickness of the layer of malleable metal required. When withdrawn from the furnace, articles so heated have the appearance of ordinary malleable iron, but are lighter in color ; their fractured surfaces are white and finely granular, occasionally having a silky appearance like that exhibited by soft steel. The principal application of this process is to such articles as buckles, bits, stirrups, keys, etc. Case-hardening. The stratum of malleable metal on the sur- face may be converted into steel by the process of case-hard- ening, which consists in a similar heating in contact with ani- mal charcoal, after which, while still hot, the casting is plunged into water or oil. This process is applied also to articles of wrought iron, such as the parts of small-arms in which it is desired to have a tough, somewhat soft interior protected from friction or blows by a hard surface. The hammer and breech-block of the Springfield rifle are so treated. 28 XV.— METALLURGY. SPECIAL ALLOYS. Varieties. Spiegeleisen or Spiegel {Sp) and Ferro- Manganese (FM) may be regarded as varieties of white cast iron alloyed with a varying proportion of Mn, That which contains over 20 per cent, of Mn is known as FM. When Mn amounts to 80 or 90 per cent., it may consume by spontaneous oxidation. The price of FM increases with its richness in Mn, for this limits the choice of ores and increases the temperature of reduction and fusion, and the loss by volatilization and oxi- dation. Silicon- Spiegel and Ferro-Silican are similar alloys, but con- tain much more Silicon. The following table exhibits roughly the ingredients of some of the principal special alloys, and illustrates the state- ments previously made as to the effects of Mn and Si upon the proportion of iron in combination. Note the gain in C as Mn increases, and its loss as Si increases. TABLE. Name. 8% Mn C Fe^ (combined.) etc. 1. Ferro-Manganese, 80 7 13 2. " '* 60 6 34 3. Spiegel-Eisen, 1 10 5 84 4. Silico-Spiegel, 10 20 2 68 5. Ferro-Sihcon, 10 2 88 Use. / These alloys are manufactured principally for the steel makers, being used by them to improve the quality of steel while in a state of fusion. Generally speaking, Ferro-Manganese is used when the quantity of C necessary is small as compared with the Mn required ; and conversely with Spiegel-Eisen, although in the XV. METALLURGY. 29 latter case C may be added directly in a pulverulent form, or in a pure pig iron. The Silicon irons are principally used to prevent vesicula- tion; No. 4 is preferred to No. 5, as the increase in Mn causes the Si to more thoroughly combine with the steel and improves its structure. //. MODERN MANUFACTURE OF WROUGHT IRON. Principles. The great cost of the hand labor engaged in the ordinary process of puddling has led to the use of mechanical means for accomplishing this result. The two principal processes are those of Danks and Perfiot. Their common feature is the continuous rotation, by mechanical means, of the vessel containing the charge, thus avoiding the loss in time and power due to the reciprocating action of the puddler's rabble ; and diminishing the number of skilled workmen required. The principle involved in these processes is that given in Bloxam, Art. 219, viz.: That when cast iron is heated in con- tact with iron oxide, the C and Si in the iron take O mainly from the iron oxide in the fettling of the furnace. The C passes off as CO and CO^, and the Si as an iron silicate or slag. Danks Process. The furnace, Figure 22, consists of a horizontal drum, revolv- ing on rollers and lined with 2. fettling of lumps of haematite ore set in a fused paste of the same ore. The flame from a sta- tionary fireplace plays through one end of the drum and passes off through a movable flue at the other end. The removal of the flue permits the drum to be charged and emptied. For economy. the furnace maybe charged with melted iron, either directly from a blast furnace or from a cupola. If charged cold the rate of revolution is slow while melting; it is increased while boiling, during which the fettling and the flame rapidly oxidize the C and Si exposed by the rolling of the pasty mass and the adherent film and drip from that 30 XV, — METALLURGY. which is melted. The drum is stopped to tap the cinder. It is then revolved more rapidly than before, draining the pasty- mass until it begins to ball. The large lumps, carried around by adhesion, fall on those at the bottom and help to work out the cinder. This is more thoroughly done afterward by the usual methods. Pernot Process. The pan revolves under a stationary cover, on an axis in- clined about 5° or 6° to the vertical, see figure 85. The fet- tling is thus exposed alternately to the flame and to the metal, the film of oxidized iron thus formed passing under the fluid mass and assisting the reduction. Balling still has to be done by hand ; but the process uses less coal than the ordinary one, and the furnace can be more easily repaired. These processes are losing their importance in consequence of the rapidity with which steel of various grades is supplant- ing wrought iron. ///. MANUFACTURE OF STEEL. I. IN SMALL MASSES. 1. Weld Steels. Puddled Steel. Puddled steel is made by stopping the pro- cess of puddling when the de-carbonization of the cast iron has sufficiently advanced. It is principally used for conver- sion into other kinds of steel. Blister Steel, which is made by cementation, being full of fissures and cavities, is fit only for a few rough purposes, as for facing hammers ; most of that made is used for conversion into other kinds of steel. Tilted Steel, When bars of blister steel are heated or hammered into bars under a tilt hammer^ Figure 40, the pro- duct is termed tilted steel ; spring steel is thus prepared. Shear Steel. Shear steel is produced by cutting bars of blister steel into convenient lengths, and piling, heating, and welding them under a hammer, whereby is obtained a bar of XV. METALLURGY. 31 uniform quality known as single shear steel ; the quality of the metal is still further improved by a repetition of the pro- cess, forming a bar of double shear steel. The oftener the process is repeated, the more uniform is the resulting steel. Shear steel is capable of receiving a better edge and a higher polish than blister or spring steel; when well prepared, it is not much inferior to crucible steel. It is very exten- sively used in work where steel and iron have to be united by welding, as in axe-bits and scissors. 2. Crucible Steel. Although blister steel by repeated working under the ham- mer acquires a tolerably homogeneous structure, it is still further improved by fusion. The process, invented a century ago, still remains in principle unaltered. Fragments of blis- ter steel are melted in crucibles, figure 23, covered to exclude the air, and the liquid poured into cast-iron ingot molds of the shape and size required. These ingots usually contain cavities; they are gotten rid of by heating the mass and ham- mering it into coijipact and homogeneous bars. Most crucible steel is now made direct from bars of the best wrought iron ; they are broken and placed in the cruci- ble with a small quantity of charcoal or pig iron, the amount varying according to the grade of steel required ; some alloy of manganese is subsequently added. The preliminary frac- ture of the material charged facilitates its classification and increases the uniformity of the product. Properties. In forging, crucible steel should never be raised beyond a certain temperature, varying inversely with the grade, or it will become brittle. It is difi&cult to weld, as it is usu- ally high in carbon. If a small quantity of manganese be added to the molten metal, the steel will be more forgeable and may be welded either to itself or to wrought iron. 32 XV. — METALLURGY. Kemarks. The manufacture of the weld steels and of crucible steel is losing its importance, and crucibles are now principally used for small masses in which the desired quality of the product can, from the careful supervision exercised, be most easily maintained. The size of the crucible charge depends on the strength of the melter and rarely exceeds 80 lbs. ; but with well drilled men large numbers of such crucibles may be poured succes- sively into a common ingot mold of any size. Krupp so casts his large cannon, sometimes employing 1200 crucible bearers. II. IN LARGE MASSES. Processes. The principal processes are the Bessemer and various forms of the Open Hearth. Each of them has its province. The former, owing to its rapidity, excels in cheapness, although there is a loss of about 10 per cent, of iron ; the latter, owing to its controllability, excels in quality. This takes time and increases the cost by about 15 per cent., although there is in- cidentally a slight gain of iron. Carbonization and Tests. Owing to the loss of iron from oxidation when completely decarbonized, neither process is carried to an extreme, some C being always left in the metal and its final percentage being regulated by adding Sp or FM. The percentage of C is judged of by the fracture ; by the appearance of the nick required to produce fracture ; and more carefully by a rapid color test, which consists in compar- ing the color of a solution of the metal in dilute HNOg with that of a standard solution. In the Bessemer process this in- formation is applied to the next succeeding heat ; and in the Open Hearth, as the operation is less hurried, to the heat itself. Temperature. The high temperature attained permits re-melting on the spot of the scrap accumulating in all steel works, which would 3tV.— MEtALLURGV. 33 otherwise be of little value. In the Bessemer process this is due to the oxidation of the Si in the pig ; in the Open Hearth to the Siemens regenerator, which increases the temperature cumulatively to a degree limited only by the refractoriness of the furnace linings and the tendency of the gases to disso- ciate. Thus, like many other inventions, the Open Hearth process had to wait for the parallel development of some in- significant art, i. e. that of the brickmaker. Cranes. The production of metal by both processes depends upon the facility of manoeuvring large masses. Of the various pat- terns of cranes used for this purpose. Sir Wm. Armstrong's hydraulic crane, or some modification of it, is especially valu- able in Bessemer practice. Its efficiency depends upon the arrangement of peculiar valves which unite at a central point called the ** pulpit" and which place the control of the whole plant in the hands of one man. For an Open Hearth plant, where frequently very heavy masses must be moved and where the operations need not be so rapidly performed, these cranes may be supplemented by power swinging cranes or replaced by a traveling crane cover- ing the whole building. The traveling crane consists of a horizontal beam the ends of which roll on raised parallel tracks. The weight hangs from a truck rolling on the beam and may thus be transported to any point of the included volume. This crane presents many advantages and is used when the construction of the plant permits. Casting Ingots. In both processes, the melted steel is run from the furnace into a ladle from which it is distributed by a crane into cast- iron ingot molds. Casting is sometimes done through an independent iron gate entering the mold from below (Figure 24). The fluid metal should enter in a quiet, solid stream so as to avoid 84 XV. — METALLURGY. entangling air. This is best done by emptying the ladle into the pool, from which it issues, mider a constant head, through a cylindrical nozzle. For gun work, the ingots are like Figure 25. The tong- hold serves to attach the porter-bar in forging ; and the drum, being girt with a sHng chain, permits the mass to be moved about and turned axially under the hammer. The dotted lines in Figure 25 indicate the form of the corresponding sections of the ingot. Ingots are cast at as low a temperature as possible consist- ent with fluidity in order to diminish internal strain and to save the inner surface of the mold, injuries to which may imprison the ingot. In order to fill the voids resulting from the shrinkage due to internal strains, castings of all kinds are generally sur- mounted by a smkifig head. This is a reservoir of the melted metal, the cooling of which is often retarded by containing it in a relatively non-conducting mold. For economy of fuel it is generally sought to forge the in- gots as soon as possible after they have solidified throughout ; but, owing to interruptions in the work, the sequence cannot always be maintained. Ingots may thus require re-heating ; this should be gradual so as to avoid internal strain. Fluid Compression. Whitworth's method of fluid compression tends to obliter- erate cavities by an hydraulic pressure of about 40000 lbs. per square inch. A very strong steel mold provided with a por- ous lining is employed. The pressure crushes down the vesic- ulated shell first formed next to the walls of the mold, and drives the fluid metal throughout the interstices. The lining allows the escape of gas. By this means the ingot is reduced about one eighth in length while cooling after casting. The best results, however, are thought to be obtained by careful melting and after-treatment of the steel while in a fluid state. XV. — METALLURGY. 35 Bessemer Process. (Figures 27—30.) Varieties. There are two general processes depending on the nature of the pig-iron converted. If free from P, silicious or acid linings may be used ; but if it contains much P, basic linings are required. The former process, which is the more com- mon, is here described. Metal. The iron must contain Si as a fuel, and hence gray pig, the color of which is due to the carbon displaced, page 18, is used. It should be free from P and S, as they are not re- moved but, owing to the inevitable loss of iron, their propor- tion is increased. Main Operation. The pigs are usually melted in a cupola and the fluid charge, after weighing, run into the converter. A blast of air is then blown down through one trunnion and up through the perforated bottom and the fluid metal. The reactions resemble those of puddling* and are principally due to the heat evolved by the burning Si. This burns out the Mn and C in the metal and, by forming ferreous slags, removes part of the iron also. The fluidity of the metal is due to the inten- sity of the heat ; the latter is due to the rapidity of the reac- tion consequent upon the state of subdivision of the mass. The burning Si raises the temperature and promotes the fluidity of the bath more than does the C, because the CO formed absorbs much heat by expansion and carries it off; the slag remains and protects the bath from cooling. The small portion of Mn present also acts as a fuel. The basic process requires the blast of the Bessemer blower * It has been said as an example of mechanical progress, that we have replaced the laborious operation of the puUdler's rabHc by piercing the iDolten metal by invigjble bars of air. ?56 XV.— METALLURGY. to be prolonged after the C and Si in the pig have been re- moved, the burning P maintaining the fluidity of the metal. Periods. Three periods are recognized, lasting as follows : I. Three to five minutes, Si burning. The free C in the pig becomes combined, in which state it is most easily oxi- dized. The flame is feeble, with a hissing noise. II. Six to ten minutes. The oxidation of C, principally to CO, makes the mass boil with a thundering noise. A yellow flame of incandescent particles is emitted at the nozzle. III. Four to five minutes. The flame, principally of N, is smaller, and of a pale bluish tint. In about 15 or 18 min- utes from the beginning, the flame suddenly drops, showing that the C is almost entirely gone. To save loss of iron by further oxidation, the blow is then stopped as the converter is turned down ; the carbonizer is then added by weight. If Spiegel is used, it is melted in a separate cupola. Final Operations. The carbonizer preferred for low steel is FM, which, al- though more costly than Sp, contains less C in proportion to the Mn, so that enough Mn may be added to reduce the iron oxide, combine with free O, and impart to the steel its char- acteristic qualities without introducing enough C to make it unduly hard. The production of FM is one of the improve- ments for which this application of the process had to wait. After standing for a few minutes, the contents of the con- verter are poured into a ladle, the slag remaining in the vessel; the slag is then emptied and the vessel turned up for a fresh charge. Remarks. The melted pig may be conveyed directly from the blast fur- nace ; but this is not often done, as it prevents the prelimi- nary grading of the pigs by fracture. The process is principally applied to the manufacture of XV. — METALLURGY. 37 rails, for which it is sufficiently exact. The quaHty of the product may be improved if time and waste are neglected and the process carefully watched through the spectroscope. The steps of the operation in the acid and the basic pro- cesses, showing the rates at which the solid products are oxidized and the proportions of the different gases succes- sively formed, are represented in figures 28, 29, 30. In each figure one scale is that of time in minutes from the beginning of the blow, and the other represents the corresponding per- centage of the special product in question. These diagrams are the result of experiment. / Open-Hearth Process. Varieties. The hearth may be either of the stationary or of the rotary type. In both cases the advantages of the process depend upon the Siemens regenerative apparatus, which requires a gaseous fuel. The rotary hearth has the advantage of steam power and of facility in making the repairs which the intense heat due to the regenerative apparatus frequently requires. It is also better able to dephosphorize pig-iron. The principal objec- tion to it is the liability of derangement of the rotating machinery ; but this can be overcome. Its process is here- after described. Distinctions were formerly made between the "pig and ore " and the " pig and scrap " processes, depending upon whether the melted pig-iron is decarbonized by the iron oxide or diluted by the addition of scrap steel low in carbon. Such distinctions are no longer important, as the former pro- cess is generally employed. The Siemens furnace with either the stationary or the revolv- ing hearth is a mighty instrument for achieving various metal- lurgical ends. Accordingly, many combinations are made in 88 XV. — METALLURGY. its employment, pig-iron, washed pig, ore, fluxes, and, par- ticularly for commercial products, scrap being added as required or convenient. Gaseous Fuel. Advantages: 1st. Controllability, by which either an oxi- dizing, reducing, or neutral flame can be uniformly obtained. 2d. Economy. 3d. Cleanliness. 4th. The accuracy with which the low temperatures used in annealing ovens may be estimated by the eye, the gas having been temporarily cut off so as to obtain a background against which the true color of Uhe heated piece will appear. The gas may be natural or artificial. Crude petroleum is becoming largely used as a fuel. Being thrown into the furnace as a spray, it has many of the advan- tages of a gas. It is also converted into gas by the action of steam at a high temperature.* Siemens Gas Producer. This consists of a number of chambers united in groups of four around a common stack E, figure 31. The stacks unite in a common trunk which leads with a slightly downward inclination to the valve box B of the furnace, figures 33, 34. Each chamber is essentially a wedge-shaped funnel with one inclined side terminating at the bottom in a grate B on which the fuel is slowly burned. The CO^ formed, ascending through the incandescent mass, becomes 2C0, and, with other gases due to the partial distillation of the superin- cumbent fuel, passes through the flue D to the stack E and thence to the trunk, having in the trunk a slight excess over atmospheric pressure to prevent leakage inward. The increase * The oxygen in the H^ O combines with the carbon in the oil, forming CO, and decomposing the hydro-carbons into new compounds richer in H. The H derived from the steam combines with the new compounds, and makes them still lower in the paraffine series. (Bloxam, Art, 320.) XV. — METALLURGY. 39 of density due to cooling causes a gradual flow along the trunk. The same effect can be obtained by using a blast which gives more, better and hotter gas from fewer producers burning poorer fuel than does the natural draft described. Almost any kind of fuel from gas coal to sawdust may be used, depending on the purpose in view. The charging hopper A and the poker hole Care stopped to prevent the escape of gas. . Siemens Stationary Furnace. (Figures32, 33, 34.) Hearth. This rests in a cast-iron basin T, beneath and around which air circulates. It is enclosed in a rectangular box-like fur- nace about 30 feet long, standing above the floor-line W, and provided with the charging door U, and the spout V iox tap- ping out the fluid charge. Regenerators. These are the essential parts of the apparatus and are applied to many purposes in which high temperatures are required. The regenerator consists of four fire-brick chambers of varying section, K; L ; M; iV, arranged in pairs. They are filled with a crib work of loosely stacked fire-brick. From each of the end chambers K^ JV, gas-flues S lead up into the furnace ; and from each chamber Z, M, three air-flues P and R lead up alongside the gas-flues to a point above their exit in the furnace. This arrangement protects the metal from oxidation ; and the roof, made higher than where reverbera- tion is sought, from erosion by the flame. Valves, The gas, air, and reversing valves are shown in vertical sec- tion (laid over a longitudinal section of the regenerators) in Figure 32 ; in plan (laid over a horizontal section of the main 40 XV. — METALLURGY. flues) F, G; Jy H in Figure 34 ; and in cross section in Figure 33. Operation. Gas from the producers, regulated by the valve B, passes down over the reversing valve C ; this is set so as to direct the gas into the main flue F and the regenerator K, where it percolates through the mass of hot brickwork and thence passes at a high temperature into the furnace. Air is drawn through the regulating valve F over the reversing valve C , through the main flue G into the hot regenerator L and, passing up the flue /*, meets the hot gas as above described, affording progressive combustion with intense heat. After burning, the flame passes down the flues R^ S into the other pair of regenerators J/, N^ which absorb most of its heat. It then escapes through the main flues J, H under the two reversing valves, and into the chimney flue AA' . After about twenty minutes, K, L becoming cooler and M, N heated, C, C are reversed by the handles D, when the currents of gas and air are also reversed. The efl"ect of reversal is cumulative, since to the heat of combustion is added that which the gases absorb from the brickwork before combustion. As the brickwork becomes progressively hotter, the ultimate temperature attainable is independent of blast or draught and is limited only by the refractoriness of the furnace linings and the tendency of the gas to dissociate at high tem- peratures. Advantages. The principal advantages are the high and uniform tem- peratures attainable, with the other advantages due to the use of gaseous fuel. Employment. When the furnace has been brought up to a melting heat, the bottom is repaired with fire-sand and the charge thrown XV. — METALLURGY. 41 in by hand. After melting, it is stirred with iron -bars and treated as hereafter described in the Rotary Hearth, Pernot Rotary Hearth. (Figure 35.) Hearth. This consists essentially of a circular wrought-iron ' ^ pan " lined with refractory material and mounted on conical rollers. These run on a circular trough-shaped track mounted on a carriage ; the latter rolls on two parallel rails on which it may be run into and out of the stationary furnace chamber. The pan is rotated by a circular-toothed rack beneath it gearing into a toothed wheel or by an endless screw driven by steam power. The pintle, which is hollow and contains a stream of water, is incHned at about 6°, so as to bring the highest portion of the hearth next to the door. In case of accident to the tapping hole, more than one is provided. The lining of the pan varies with the kind of work. For ordinary melting it is of refractory siUcious material; but where dephosphorization is sought by the Krupp process, the lining is basic, preferably of lumps of refractory magnetite set in a paste made of powdered haematite and iron scale. The lower courses of the roof are then of dolomite brick. Operation For steel making, the charge, consisting of about 15 tons of pig-iron free from P and 6", is thrown in through the charg- ing door while the pan is revolving ; this distributes it auto- matically. Further revolution of the pan then causes the unmelted metal to dip into and out of the bath as previously described for wrought iron. When the pig-iron is thoroughly melted, rotation is stopped and ore is added at intervals, each addition being followed by a violent ebullition of the bath. Samples of metal or ''spoon tests'* are taken from time to time and examined by the color test, the fracture, and 42 XV. — METALLURGY. by the appearance of the nick made by the chisel at the fracture. When the C in the bath is low enough, Si and Mn are added to prevent vesiculation and to make the steel malleable. The process is continuous, taking about eight hours for a heat, with a variable interval for repairs. Bepairs. The hearth is repaired between heats by revolving it so as to bring the portions most cut by the flame under a hole in the roof through which material is thrown. The stationary portion is repaired at about every twenty heats, the pan being run out bodily on its carriage. This afl"ords a considerable advantage, since in repairing the stationary furnace, time must be taken to allow the mass of brickwork to cool down to an endurable temperature ; owing to the lack of ventilation this time may be very great. V. MECHANICAL TREATMENT OF STEEL. CASTING. The successful casting of steel into final forms is still un- certain. The principal difficulties arise from vesiculation and internal strain Steel castings frequently replace iron forg- ings of a low grade. ROLLING Rolling may be intended to produce forms either straight or circular, and may be performed either hot or cold. The latter has the special object of producing hard, polished sur- faces of exact dimensions and is applied to iron or steel of small sections only. The reduction is small. Hot Rolling— Straight. The following description of the rolHng of armor plate or of structural steel is taken as a type. The interior of a newly cast ingot is too liquid for safe XV. — METALLURGY. 43 working, and by the time that this has sufficiently cooled in the air, the exterior has become too hard. Consequently, the cooling is often retarded in non-conducting soaking pits, in which the initial heat of the interior and that which be- comes sensible during solidification become uniformly dis- tributed throughout the mass. Or, if the ingot has become cold, it is brought slowly to the proper temperature in a heating furnace. If this is done too rapidly, the exterior may be over-heated before the interior is at the proper temperature. The principle involved is of wide application in the treatment of steel. The universal mill consists of two pairs of massive rolls at right angles to each other, so that one pair will roll the sides of the ingot while the other pair rolls its top and bottom. Each pair is driven by an independent steam engine. The direction of the rotation may be rapidly reversed, and the space between the members of each pair of rolls be rapidly adjusted to suit the varying dimensions of the work. A series of horizontal parallel rollers of small diameter, independently driven, convey the ingot to and from the rolls, and after rolling take it to the shears where it is trimmed and cut into lengths. These lengths, or blooms^ are often re-heated and re-rolled by a mill trai?i into various structural shapes. For small work the mill train usually consists of a series of rolls arranged in sets of three, one above the other, or three high. They con- tain grooves of appropriately decreasing section so that suc- cessive /^i^i'', may be used to compare their inherent capacities to over- come resistances. In English measures ^is taken in pounds, and d in inches. VARIATIONS IN SECTIONAL DENSITY. Causes. The sectional density of a projectile may be increased as follows: — I. If the dimensions are constant, by increasing the mean density. II . If its mean density is constant, by varying its dimen- sions, viz. : — * Since the form and dimensions of a projectile are independent of its velocity, and since the effect upon p of variations in the meridian section and the nature of the surface is small compared with those which result from changes in its diameter and weight, and disappears when similar projectiles are compared; we may for the present consider, k, for any pro- jectile as constant, so that the value of p may be considered to vary only With the relation between d^ and W% XVI. — PROJECTILES. 1. If its proportions are constant, by increasing its calibre; since w varies as d^^ while a varies only as d}. 2. If the calibre is constant, by increasing the weight. 3. If the weight is constant, by decreasing the calibre. All these changes virtually lengthen the projectile. Effects on Flight. Increasing the sectional density of a projectile which has a given initial velocity increases its range and penetration, since the loss of energy over a given path is diminished. It may also increase its accuracy, since the time of flight over a given path, and therefore the effect of various perturbat- ing causes may be diminished. The penetration is still further increased by increasing the indeformability of the material of which the projectile is composed, so that the work of deformation on impact may be done rather by the projectile, than upon it. But, owing to the non-coincidence of the centers of mass and of the area exposed to the resistance of the air, during the flight of an oblong projectile a couple is formed which tends to cause the projectile to tumble or revolve about a transverse axis. This diminishes its sectional den- sity and makes it variable. Such projectiles are therefore given the rifle motion, which impresses upon them sufficient angular velocity about the longer axis to make this a stable axis of rotation, and therefore to make their sectional den- sity constant and a maximum. The same reason applies in a less degree to spherical projectiles, in which the centres of mass and of figure can rarely be made to coincide. Effect upon the Gun. Increasing the length of an oblong projectile increases its tendency to tumble, and hence requires a greater energy of rotation. This diminishes the kinetic energy of transla- tion due to the conversion of a given charge. In a certain XVI. — PROJECTILES. sea coast rifle the rotary energy amounts to about 0.01 of the total muzzle energy. Also, since increasing the sectional density increases the mass to be moved per unit of sectional area, a given accel- eration requires an increase in the intensity of the gaseous pressure per unit of area. Therefore, since V=/adt, to obtain a given initial velocity with a projectile of which the sectional density has been increased, the stress upon the gun must also be increased unless special provision be made by the methods indicated in Chapter XI. Owing to the weakness of cannon in use when the rifle principle was first applied, the increase in sectional density required a reduction in the initial velocity; this, although compensated for by greater accuracy and longer ranges, caused the initial portions of the trajectory to be more curved than with the spherical projectiles formerly em- ployed. See Chapter I. Consequently, the general adoption of oblong projectiles was delayed until the necessary im- provements in the gun and its ammunition had been per- fected. See Chapter XIII. Comparison of Forms. Although the oblong form is universally employed in new constructions, the following comparison illustrates some of the reasons influencing and opposing the change of form. Advantages of Oblong Projectiles, The form, capacity and sectional density may be altered indefinitely, with the advantages noted in the text. The following incidental advantages also exist: Projectiles of the same caliber, but of different natures, or mean densities, may be made of the same weight; so that they may be fired at the same ranges with the same angles of projection. XVI. — PROJECTILES. The oblorg form facilitates the operation of fuzes which act by impact; since the poinf-. and direction of the impact can be predicted. Disadvantages of Ohlofig Projectiles. The centers of mass and of pressure do not coincide; they are more expensive; the liability to injury of the soft metal device by which they are rotated requires greater care in their transportation and may interfere in their loading; in ricocheting over land or water their rebounds are much less certain and regular, both in altitude and direction. The rotation of rifled projectiles of the explosive class tends, upon bursting, to scatter their fragments unduly beyond the plane of the trajectory. The curvature of the trajectory at short ranges is increased. MATERIAL. The principle of sectional density mainly determines the selection of the proper material for a projectile, with regard to its behavior in the gun, in the air, and upon the object. Its application is so apparent that only a few of the minor properties of the materials employed will be mentioned. Stone was employed originally in catapults and continued to be used in cannon by the Turks as late as 1807. Lead is suitable for use against animate objects only, since in large cannon it is disfigured and even partially melted. Wrought Iron in large masses is expensive, as it requires welding and forging; it is also too soft. Cast Iron was until recently exclusively used for artillery projectiles on account of its fusibility and its small original cost. When cast in molds, so that the point cools in con- tact with a cast iron chill, while the body cools more slowly in sand, its local hardness, crushing strength and density are greatly increased, without causing brittleness in that XVI. — PROJECTILES. portion cooled in the sand. Against the wrought iron armor formerly employed, such projectiles are indeformable; but they are pulverized against the steel-faced and chilled iron armor of the present day. For ordinary purposes cast iron is still generally employed. Steel possesses all the qualities required in a projectile, but is costly. It is used in two forms, both of which are usually oil-tempered. 1. Forged; including for special purposes, rolled or drawn steel tubes. This form of steel, especially when alloyed with chromium, is so far the best, but the most costly. A 9 inch Whitworth forged steel shell, costing $100, or 12 times as much as a similar projectile of chilled cast iron, has been fired three times through wrought iron 12 inches thick. 2. Steel cast projectiles have, owing to their greater cheap- ness, been much experimented with; but, for the reasons given in Chapter XV, have so far proved inferior to those that are forged. SPHERICAL DENSITY. W Since the sectional density, -— , of similar projectiles in- creases with the caliber, if we divide the sectional density W by the caliber we shall obtain a constant, -73-, which expresses the weight per unit of volume of a cube whose weight is equal to that of the projectile and whose height is equal to the diameter of the bore. This is taken as the measure of the spherical density of the projectile. Since all spherical solid shot of the same material are simi- lar, their spherical density is constant, and may therefore be taken as the unit by which to measure the spherical density of oblong projectiles of the same material. Expressing the spherical density by S^ and the weight in XVI. — PROJECTILES. pounds of a unit of volume of the material by S, we have for a spherical solid shot, of which the volume is F, (7)'- ci^ d' ~3 \d J ~ 3 8* For projectiles made of iron, 6 may be taken as % pound, and 7t may be taken approximately as 3.0; therefore ^., _ _ _ c, and for an oblong iron projectile in terms of S^^, ^ _W' 1 _ 8 W S^i, therefore, expresses the effective increase in density that arises from elongating the projectile. We might proceed similarly with other materials having different values of 6; but it is convenient to retain iSg} as a common standard; so that, in general terms, S may be taken to measure the number of times that the mass of the inscribed solid iron sphere is contained in that of the projectile con- sidered. Unless the caliber be fixed, the spherical and sectional densities of projectiles vary independently of each other. The spherical density of the first oblong projectiles used in cannon in 1859, was about 2.0; but recent improvements in guns, powder and projectiles have increased it from about 3.0 m 1880, to about 4.5 in 1887, the muzzle velocity not being correspondingly reduced. If all projectiles made of the same material had the same mean density and the same form, their spherical densities would be a function of their lengths. But as such is not the case, their length is independently stated, generally in cali- bers. In fact, the caliber is getting to be taken as the general unit of measure of all the linear dimensions relating to the interior of the piece. dim'B.t^' XVL — l^ROjECTtLEg. Corollary, Referring to the discussion on page 7, we see that the weight in pounds of a sohd spherical cast iron projectile is very nearly equal to the cube of its radius in inches. This affords an easy method of approximating to the weight of an oblong projectile when the type of gun from which it is to be fired is known. RIFLING. History. The invention of rifling by Gaspard Zoller of Vienna is said to have been made soon after the discovery of America. The first rifle grooves were made straight, and intended only to facilitate the loading of tightly fitting bullets. The advan- tages of the spiral groove, which were accidentally dis- covered, were not applied to oblong projectiles, even in small arms, until about 100 years ago, at which time the subject was thoroughly discussed by the eminent mathematician Eobins. It is worthy of remark that to Robins we owe the first practical apparatus for the measurement of the velocity of projectiles; a pendulum into which the projectile was fired, and from the nwDmentum of which that of the projectile could be computed. The general adoption of the rifle principle for small arms was retarded by the difliculty found in loading the rifle: this w^as generally accomiplished by the blows of a mallet on a stout iron ramrod. For cannon, attempts were made at an early date and are frequently renewed, to impart the rifle motion by the action of the gas, or of the air upon spiral grooves or wings formed upon the projectile. Except for low veloci- ties, all such experiments have failed to act with certainty, and the end has been attained only by the positive means mentioned in Chapter I. XVI. — PROJECTILES. Twist. The inclination of a rifle groove at any point is determined by the angle which its tangent at that point makes with the axis of the bore. Twist, is the term generally employed to express this inclination. Classification of Twists. When the inclination of the groove to the axis of the bore is constant, the twist is called Mniform. When it increases from the breech to the muzzle, the twist is increasing. Figure 1 shows the development of the surface of a bore rifled with uniform and increasing twists. Such curves are traced for the construction of templets, by which a combined motion of rotation and translation is given to the cutting tool of the rifling machine. Discussion. Let q) be the inclination of the groove at any point; and oa the angular velocity imparted to the projectile from being constrained to follow in the groove while moving in the direction of the axis with a velocity of translation v. Let r be the radius of the projectile. We may consider the velocity along the groove to be the resultant of two component velocities at right angles to each other; viz.: z; and f/ tan q). The latter imparts to a point on the surface of the projectile a tangential velocity r Go=^v tan cp. Hence, V CD =z tan cp • (2) That is to say that when the twist is uniform, the angular velocity increases only with the velocity of translation throughout the bore. When the twist is increasing, the angular velocity further increases from this cause; and other things being equal, it increases as the caliber diminishes. Since the muzzle velocity of a given projectile is fixed by independent considerations, the angular velocity at the 10 XVT. — PROJECTILES. muzzle is measured by the tangent of the angle made at that point by the tangent to the groove and the axis. If / be the time required to make one revolution, and n be the length in calibers over which the projectile must pass in order to make one revolution, we have from Eq. (2), ODrt ^7tr 7t tan ^ = -— - = --— = -. (3) The twist is accordingly generally expressed in terms of n. It has been found that for ordinary artillery projectiles, about three calibers long, the requisite steadiness is given by imparting to the surface of the .projectile a tangential velocity of about 200 f. s. at the muzzle of the gun. Hence, 7t V 200 = r ci? = tan a>. F= - V .\ n—n — — . (4) n 200 ^ ' The value of n at the muzzle of the piece has generally been determined empirically as above indicated; a safe margin being allowed, smce no objection to a moderate in- crease in twist exists but that pertaining to a diminished energy of translation, and to the increased stress upon the piece. Recent analysis has determined the minimum twist at the muzzle for projectiles of varying proportions. It appears from this analysis that n is constant for similarly proportioned projectiles of the same material, whatever be the caliber; that it increases as the radius of gyration about the axis of revolution and the density of the projectile in- crease, and as the radius of gyration about an equatorial axis diminishes. Also, that the above value for the surface velocity is only approximate, since for the same projectile this may safely diminish as the initial velocity diminishes. Tangential Pressure on the Rotating Device. Since, for the same muzzle velocity of translation, the sta- bility of a given projectile depends only on the angular velocity which it has acquired at the muzzle; it appears that XVI. — PROJECTILES. 11 SO far as this is concerned, it matters not whether the angular velocity be acquired only through or, the acceleration of translation, or through the combination of this cause with the gradually increasing twist. In the first case, the angular acceleration, will be greatest at first, when the gun and the rotating device are under their maximum strain, and will diminish as they become relatively stronger; thus making a disadvantageous distri- bution of the work of rotation, although the quantity of work W done will be constant and equal to -^ — /^/ w^ 2g k, is taken as about 0.8 r in the linear units used for V, In order to make this stress, particularly that upon the rotating device, constant throughout the bore, so as to avoid either excess or deficiency in strength, the angular acceler- ation must be made constant. Herein lies the value of the increasing twist; since at the breech the diminished value of q) will compensate for the increased value of a\ and con- versely toward the muzzle. The determination of the precise form of the developed groove is difficult, both theoretically and practically, since the constancy of a depends upon the properties of the powder employed. It was thought for some time that a groove, the twist of which uniformly increased with the length of the bore, and having as its development a parabola, would give the best results. Recent practice indicates the advantage of employing a semi-cubic parabola, of the form x^—2py, which, in the case illustrated in figure 2, passes from a value of n=50 at the breech, to n=2D at the muzzle. Figure 2 shows how variously may be distributed the tangential pressures. To steady the projectile on leaving the bore, it has been thought 12 XVI. — PROJECTILES. advisable to give to a short portion of the rifling neai the muzzle a uniform twist. MEANS OF ROTATION. I. MUZZLE-LOADERS. Classification. The first rifled pieces were muzzle-loaders, and hence the projectile was necessarily of smaller diameter than the bore. Rotation was imparted to it in two general ways: 1. By making the rotating device fit the grooves before firing, by providing the projectile with suitable ribs or flanges. 2. By making the device fit the grooves after firing by causing it to be expanded by the powder gases, after the manner of the gas check. Chapter VII. Operation. For this special purpose, and in all cases to avoid abrad- ing the grooves, the rotating device was made of a softer metal than the rest of the projectile; or, if formed on the body of the projectile, had given to it a large area of con- tact so as to accomplish the same result. Since the axis of such projectiles did not normally coin- cide with that of the bore, they could be centered^ or made concentric with the bore, only by chamfering the edge of the groove giving rotation, or by some similar device, the operation of which was uncertain. Comparison. Examples of the first class are shown in figures 3 and 4. Those with studs were until recently generally employed in Europe. The Whitworth projectile, the surface of which is a twisted prism, is a type of this class. It was once distin- guished, but is no longer employed in new constructions. The principal advantage of this class is that the projectiles are certain to take up the rifle motion. XVI.— PR0JECTIL1E5. 13 They require special adjustment to the gun, both in manufacture and in loading; the escape through the windage erodes the bore; the stud holes weaken the projec- tile, and their arrangement in tiers, or the use of flanges renders it difficult to adapt these projectiles to the increas- ing twist. Examples of the second class are seen in figures 5, 6, 7. Their advantages are their adaptation to any gun of the proper caliber and the facility with which they can be load- ed, particularly in action. The former advantage led to their general employment during the Civil War, owing to the elasticity of the conditions then prevailing. Only the weight and the caliber of the projectile were fixed ; so that inventors were free to adopt many ingenious variations of the expanding principle. This is accordingly known as the American system. It answered well the demands of the situation but was uncertain in its operation; the expansion sometimes failing and the entrance of the powder gases be- tween the body of the projectile and the rotating device serving sometimes to tear this from its seat. See figure 7. The expanding cup has sometimes been applied to pro- jectiles of the first class so as to prevent the escape of gas above cited. Examples of Class II. The Butler and Eureka systems are the principal exam- ples of the second class retained for the muzzle-loading cannon still in service. The Butler System. Figure 5. The distinctive feature is the double lip formed in the expanding ring. The outside lip is expanded into the grooves, while the inner one is pressed against the tenon on the base of the projectile with an intensity proportional to that of the gaseous pressure. 14 XVI.— PROJECTILES. The Eureka Projectile. Figure 6. The base of the projectile is a frustum of a cone in which the grooves, «, are cast. The expanding brass cup fits on the frustum and is prevented from turning by correspond- ing projections on its inner surface, and from falling off during transportation by the screw plug, b. On firing, the cup is forced forward and expanded into the grooves. II. BREECH-LOADERS. In breech-loading cannon the chamber is of larger diam- eter than the bore, and permits the use of a projectile pro- vided with a compressible device. Beside the advantages named in Chapter XI, the advan- tages of this class are certainty of action, better centering and the absence of windage. These qualities have caused their general- adoption to follow that of the cannon in which they are employed. History. Following the analogy of projectiles for small arms, it was at first attempted to coat them with lead, cast over the body of the projectile. But this was weak, the lead fouled the bore, was easily deformed, and added useless weight to the projectile when it was fired against armor. The length of the bearing prevented the use of the increasing twist, and the manner of applying the lead tended to alter the struc- ture of projectiles of hardened steel. Such were the pro- jectiles used by the Germans in the war of 1870. To overcome these objections, narrow rings or bands of copper, which is much stronger than lead, were placed in pairs at equal distances from the centre of gravity. Their diameter was equal to the caliber measured between the bottom of the grooves, or slightly greater, while that of the body was a little less than that between the lafids. Such projectiles required the uniform twist. XVI. — PROJECTILES. 16 To this class belongs a projectile used in the small Hotchkiss cannon; figure 9. It has a thin sheet brass belt about one caliber wide, compressed radially into a shallow groove of equal width which is symmetrical with the center of gravity. The surface of the groove is circumferentially fluted, as seen in figure 9. When the piece is fired the powder gases press the band into the flutings, forming a series of rings, figure 10, which permit the metal to flow backward as the band takes the rifling. These bands are much cheaper to make and weaken the projectile less than the solid rings formerly employed in these projectiles. This ingenious method is confined to small calibers. Present Practice. The increasing twist now used in all large cannon re- quires a narrow bearing, which, to diminish the effect of the oblique action of the powder gases is situated in rear, at such a distance from the base of the projectile as to give sufficient shearing strength to that portion lying in rear of the band. To center the projectile a second band was formerly placed in front, but this has been replaced by a very slight enlargement of the body of the projectile near the base of the head. Figure 21. Position of the Eotating Band. Although, for ease in loading, the difference of diameter between the front bearing and the lands is made as small as is safe; unless certain precautions are taken, the oblique action of the powder gases — in a manner not thoroughly understood — may set up a nutatory or oscillating motion as the projectile travels through the bore. This leads to inaccuracy, reduces penetration, and may even leave the marks of the rifling on the front portion of the projectile. To diminish this effect, the front and rear bearings should be made the loci of conjugate axes of suspension and oscil- 16 XVI. — PROJECTILES. lation. When the position of the front bearing is determined by the shape of the projectile, this can be accompHshed by swinging the projectile as a pendulum on a diameter of the front bearing, and ascertaining the time, /, of one vibration. Then the band should be placed at a distance from it, I = g l—\ since f=7t\/ — {Michie^ Eq. 404.) In order to diminish the effects of the oscillation in pro- jectiles in which, from unavoidable differences in manufac- ture, the method above described does not suffice, the width of the rotating band should be made as great as the nature of the twist permits. It is usually taken as about one-tenth of the caliber. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE PROJECTILE Profile. The value of k in Eq. (1) depends largely upon the profile of the meridian section of the projectile and the nature of the surface. In the last respect breech-loading projectiles of the last class have a decided advantage over those of the first class of muzzle loading projectiles, since the atmocpheric friction is much less. This has required revision of the ballistic tables computed for the non-centered studded pro- jectiles for which these computations were originally made. The resistance of the air is not affected by the form of the extreme point, which, even if flat, is supposed to carry along with it a pointed core of compressed air; but the cur- vature of the head of the projectile is of great importance in that it affects the passage of the stream lines of air past the shoulder^ as is called the circle of tangency between the head and the cylindrical portion of the projectile. The cur- vature of the head is expressed by the length of the radius of curvature in calibers. This varies from 1.5 to 2.0 calibers. XVI. PROJECTILES. 17 The form of the base is also of importance, in that, if also curved, it facilitates the flowing of the compressed air into the vacuum formed in rear of the projectile and so diminishes the difference of pressure upon the two extremities of the projectile ; to which difference the retardation is principally- due. Examples of this may be seen in the Whit worth pro- jectile and in the Hotchkiss projectile, already described. This advantage is not generally utilized, as it tends to diminish the sectional density, the strength of the base, and the facility of manufacture and of stowage. Mass. The mass of the projectile should be distributed so as to bring the center of air pressure as close as possible to the center of mass so as to diminish the overturning moment of the resistance of the air. This is a difficult matter, as the direction of the pressure is constantly changing; it is there- fore adjusted empirically by firing projectiles so weighted that the position of the center of mass may be varied INFLUENCE OF THE CALIBER. Following the principle of similitude by which cannon of the same class vary their linear dimensions in a given ratio to their calibers, it appears: — 1. That the muzzle energy varies with the charge of powder, or as the cube of the caliber. 2. That the capacity to convey this energy to a distance varies as the first power of the caliber. 3. That the terminal energy varies as a power of the caliber which increases from about 3 at the muzzle to about 4 at the extreme range of the smaller of two pieces considered. STRUCTURE AND MODE OF OPERATION. Projectiles are classed according to their structure and mode of operation as follows : — 18 XVI. — PROJECTILES. 1. Solid shot, or shot, 2. Shells. 3. Case shot. T. SHOT. Shot are used for penetration, generally of armor and in small arms against animate objects. For cannon they are confined almost wholly to the sea coast service. In order to diminish the effects of internal strain due to differences in the rate of cooling, shot are made not wholly solid but with an empty concentric cavity or core, figure 11. In such projectiles the point is carefully preserved. II. SHELLS. The increase in sectional density resultmg from making spherical projectiles solid, having been attained by a change of form, solid shot are now replaced by those which are hollow and whioh can therefore convey energy in a form unaffected by retardation. Shells are hollow projectiles containing an explosive and generally a fuze for its ignition at any desired point of the trajectory, The fuze may operate at a distance which is a function of the time of flight, when it is called a time fuze; or the explosion may result more directly from the arrival of the projectile at the point of impact. Such are called impact fuzes. Each class of fuzes, as will be seen, has its special province. The size of the cavity depends upon the specific function of the projectile. If this is intended to convey energy mainly in the kinetdc form, the smaller the cavity, the greater is the sectional density, and the more violent is the explosive required. If the energy is to be mainly potential, the larger the cavity the better the effect, provided that the resistance of the projectile to the shock of discharge is not unduly diminished. XVI. — PROJECTILES. 19 The number ot pieces resulting from an explosion, and the facility with which the bursting charge wili" operate, in- crease with the brittleness of the material and with the completeness with which conversion occurs before rupture of the envelope occurs. Since for firing against troops frag- ments below about one ounce in weight are not considered dangerous, it is desirable to increase the number of fragments of about this weight as much as possible and so to compensate for the large, single mass formed by the base of the shell. The sectional density of the fragments approaches con- stancy and practically increases as they approach the spher- ical or cubical form ; therefore, many devices have been employed to regulate the rupture of such projectiles, as by making the walls double, figure 12 ; by giving to the cavity a polyhedral form ; or by grooving it spirally so as to dimin- ish the tendency to burst in a meridian plane. This appears from the following elementary analysis. Tet R and r, be the exterior and interior radii of a shell, the tenacity of which is T, supposed uniform throughout the section. Then, for the meridian rupture of a unit of length the necessary pressure will result from the equation — 2r/ = 2(i?-r)r.-./=r('^-lY for an equatorial or transverse rupture we have Operation. The rupture of a shell will occur in one of the two ways above indicated only when the material is thin and inelastic, as in some shrapnel to be described. When, as is usually the case, the projectile has thick walls (Chap. V), the inner con- centric layers are more extended than those outside,they are fis- sured until fracture is determined by the line of least resistance, 20 XVI.'— PROJECTILES. and the fragments are scattered by the energy remaining in the gases. The resistance of the envelope should therefore be kept within certain Hmits. Shells used against armor are pointed, and are filled and fuzed from the rear. They replace shot whenever possible since their penetration can be made almost as great, and their effects after penetrating the sides of a vessel are much more destructive both to men and machinery. Against masonry, shell serve a double purpose; first to penetrate the wall and fissure it by their explosion; and second, by throwing out the fragments to present a fresh surface for the next blow. Shells used against earthworks should contain the largest possible bursting charges. Such are called torpedo shells. They are sometimes made 6, and even 8 calibers long and, owing to the vertical angle at which they strike, are fired with low velocities from mortars and howitzers. A grenade is a form of shell, generally spherical, intended to be thrown by hand or to be rolled down a parapet against masses of troops making an assault. BURSTING CHARGES. Gnnpowder. When powder is used it is preferably of fine grain and of high gravimetric density. Such powder in firing, has a tendency to cake^ or become compressed into a mass of such density that the removal can be accomplished only by the chisel. This increases with the length of the charge and evidently tends to defeat its object. The caking, as indicated by the letters a, b, c, in figure 13, results from three causes; viz.: a, from the shock of dis- charge; b, from the rotation of the projectile, and y large. The resultant value of vx was zero. At long ranges, tan - = -^ was there- fore large. 2. The next step was the invention of spherical case, much used during our civil war. By imbedding the balls in melted sulphur and boring out a chamber for the bursting charge, figure 19, the value of iv could be decreased, and the certainty of its ignition at the proper time be increased. The matrix supported the walls in firing, so that their thickness could be decreased and N be increased. But the matrix often retained the balls after ex- plosion, and the value of 7^x was still zero. 3. Colonel Boxer, of the Enghsh army, devised a shrap- nel, figure 20, in which the balls, hardened by an alloy of antimony, and packed in coal dust, were separated from the bursting charge by a wrought iron diaphragm around which the envelope was cast. The seat of the diaphragm and sev- eral other meridional grooves served to weaken the envelope and to diminish the value of w. While the projectile was necessarily fired with the fuze in 32 XVI. — PROJECTILES. front, the non-coincidence of the centers of figure and of mass caused the resistance of the air to turn the Hghter portion of the projectile to the rear, so that z^x was always positive. This projectile marked the farthest advance of spherical shrapnel. Oblong Shrapnel. The advantages of the oblong form of shrapnel are as follows : It permits the base of the envelope to be strengthened without increasing the thickness of the walls. This, with im- provements in cannon and gunpowder, has increased the value of Vj and since the sectional density has been increased so that at long ranges ^ has been diminished, it has also in- creased the eccentricity of the section of the cone of disper- sion by the ground. By placing the bursting charge in rear, Z'x has become positive, and z'yb has become practically zero. An example of such a projectile is seen in figure 21, in which B^ is the cast iron body ; H, the ogival head of wood, covered with a sheet iron cap by which it is riveted to B ; C, the powder chamber, made conical to facilitate unloading; Z>, a disc by which the cluster is swept out to the front; T, a tube to carry the flame from the fuze, 7% to C. A paper lining keeps the rosin matrix from adhering to the walls of the cavity. The shght resistance of the attachments of the head makes of this projectile a sort of aerial gun. The objections to this projectile indicate the nature of re- cent improvements. The wooden head, the tube, the disc, and the thickness of the walls required by the nature of cast iron, diminish JV so much, that the balls form about one- quarter the weight of the whole projectile. The bursting charge is too small to produce sufficient smoke to indicate the explosion at distant ranges, and thereby to assist in correcting the aim. XVI. PROJECTILES. The position of the bursting charge is such that, while acting well in air, when used with an impact fuze the delay- caused by the passage of the flame through the tube causes the projectile to rise too high before bursting. Present Practice. The most recent ideas on the subject are embodied in figures 22, 23. Figure 22 contains a combined time and impact fuze. The bursting charge is situated in front, occupying the room which in figure 21 is wasted. It is large enough to give the smallest volume of smoke visible at extreme ranges. The envelope consists of a thin drawn steel tube, secured in rear to a separate base, and slit and compressed in front to an ogival form. The cluster consists of a column of leaden balls, separated by discs of cast iron. The discs are sunken to fit the balls, and form a skeleton matrix. When the bursting charge explodes, the slit ends of the point are thrown back, so as to dirhinish the sectional density of the envelope as compared with that of the cluster. The latter moves on with v' z=.v — v^ =v — about 200/. s. Figure 23 represents a more recent form, of which in 1891 a number are in process of manufacture for experimental trial. Its construction is apparent. The tube is of thin brass, enlarging its capacity for powder, and facilitating the passage of the flame from the fuze. The w^alls are weakened by longitudinal grooves. It remains to be seen whether, com- pared with figure 22, the increase in 7'yb resulting from this construction will not neutralize the increase in Vyr^ , THE SEGMENT SHELL. An attempt was made some years ago to combine the functions of solid shot, shell and shrapnell in the segment shell, in which the cluster was composed of the sectors of S4 XVI. — PROJECTILES. concentric cylinders arranged so as to form a solid mass. But such a violation of the principle of the independe^ice of function^ which requires that where simplicity permits, eacli specific function be separately provided for, necessarily failed. The importance of this principle in the design of machines of all kinds can hardly be too forcibly stated. The opposite of this idea, that of combination, by which more than one office or function is expected of any one member of the machine or organization, is seldom found to be com- patible with the efficiency of the whole, as we shall have many opportunities of seeing during this course. The full development of the principle of the independence of function leads naturally to complication or the multiplication of parts; judgment is therefore required to compromise between sim- plicity and efficiency. The history of invention appears to indicate the pre-eminence of efficiency. As a case in point, it is now conceded that three types of the two classes of projectiles are required for field and siege artillery; viz.: shell, to convey kinetic energy for penetration, and potential energy for demolition and moral effect; and case shot for kinetic energy only. Although shrapnel, when reversed in the gun, may in an emergency replace canister; it is better to carry a few rounds of the latter, preferably, as in the British service, on the carriage which supports the piece. REGULATING SHRAPNEL FIRE. Referring to figure 24 we may consider the horizontal and vertical projections of //, viz., x — h cos cp ; j^ = A sin gi. Of these quantities, which are separately discussed in the regulation of fire, x is mainly varied by changing the time of burning ; and y by changing the angle of fire. Under given conditions x varies inversely as the range. Its variations, however, are not great, since there are com- pensations that tend to keep it constant. It is found that XVI. PROJECTILES. 35 the best results follow a value of j\; = 50 yards for all dis- tances except those very short, for which x may increase up to 100 yards. If x be taken too small, too great a propor- tion of the shrapnel fired will explode beyond the target and be wholly lost. In order to utilize the small values of qp in the upper half of the sheaf, it is advisable to make y small. It is found that the best results follow a value of y varying from 2 yards at 500 yards range, to 6 yards at 2,500 yards range. Greater values of y are not used, since they are difficult to observe correctly at long distances. The reason for the increase of ji^ is due to the increase of cp at long ranges, and the consequent decrease in the area of the section cut from the cone by the surface of the ground. These rules are in the nature of approximations. In prac- tice the fire is regulated by signals from observers, placed as far as possible to the front and flank. EMPLOYMENT OF FIELD PROJECTILES. Shells. These projectiles when used with a time fuze would follow the principles laid down for shrapnel ; but the large value of 6 and the small value of N would make this unprofitable. They accordingly use an impact fuze, which makes of them the best means of controlling elevations. See page 4, and Chapter XXX, page 20. They are generally used against inanimate objects to be demolished, pierced or set on fire. In the following cases they may be used against troops : 1. At distances too great for the time fuze. 2. When the enemy is hidden in a village, or in thick woods. The violence of their explosion assists their moral effect, particularly against horses and fugitive masses. 36 XVI. PROJECTILES. Shrapnel. These are exclusively used against animate objects in the open, or in thin cover. They were found very destructive in the Russo-Turkish war. In siege oper ttions they serve to annoy parties working at night to repair the damages done by day. PENETRATION OF ARMOR. General Considerations. The penetration of armor depends principally — I. Upon the nature of the armor. In the order of resist- ance armor may be classed as follows : Cast iron with a chilled face, used only for land defenses and not considered herein. Steely forged and tempered. Compound^ viz., a wrought-iron back with a hard steel face. Wrought iron^ now obsolete. Roughly speaking, armor yields either by ptinching or racking. In the first case, as in wrought iron, the effect is local. In the second case, the energy of impact is distrib- uted throughout a greater mass of the plate and tends to crack the plate or to wrench it from its fastenings. The effect is mainly to remove an obstacle to further penetration. Cast iron armor yields in this way, and so do steel armor and the face of compound armor if too brittle. The object of the artillerist is to concentrate energy on a small area, so as to reach the objects which the armor is in- tended to protect, /. e., to punch. The object of ihe armor-maker is to protect these objects, by distributing the energy of impact as much as possible between the projectile and the mass of the plate, so that even at the risk of destroying the plate by racking, the shot must be kept out. XVI. — Projectiles. 87 But if racking can be avoided without loss of resistance to punching, the quahty of the plate is improved. In the early- manufacture of armor, racking effects predominated ; these disappeared as its manufacture was improved ; while the resist- ance to punching was maintained or even increased. For ex- ample, the principal objection to steel, for armor as for other purposes, has been its brittleness. But at Annapolis, in 1890, carbon steel armor resisted punching, but was slightly racked. Nickel steel armor resisted both racking and punching. Com- pound armor failed in both respects. The nature of the backing or support against which the plate rests, considerably affects its resistance. Except for compound armor, for which the backing cannot be too rigid, the backing should be somewhat elastic, so as to absorb energy, after the manner of a cushion supporting a board in which one seeks to drive a nail. As the liability to racking increases, the number of the bolts by which the armor is held in place should also increase, so as to retain those portions which would otherwise be displaced. II. As a consequence of the above must be considered the resistance of the projectile to permanent deformation ; page 3. III. Upon the striking energy of the projectile, measured in a direction normal to the plate. Since the projectile acts after the manner of a punch, shearing its way through the plate, the energy is often estimated per unit of circumference. In earth and masonry, in which the material is soft, the projectile is supposed to compress it to the front, and the energy is taken per unit of area of cross section.^ * As experience with plates and projectiles of varying resistance to per- manent deformation, increases, such assumptions are gradually replaced by purel) empirical formulae suited to each special case. J^8 XVI.— PROJECTILES. Whereas in experimental tests normal impact is the rule, in firing at ships it will be the exception. The shape of the point of the projectile also tends to make it glance, so that for these reasons armored ships may be expected to resist more than the formulae predict. Haitian d's Formula of 1880.* The energy expended in other forms than in perforation, as in heating the plate and projectile, and in deforming the latter, has given rise to many empirical formulae, some of which may be found in the Course of Permanent Fortification. A very successful formula, Froloff''s^ assumes that -the energy so lost is proportional to the striking velocity, so that the pene- tration is proportional to the momentum of the projectile on impact. The following formula, which illustrates a principle already taught, is considered by recent writers to be one of the best Equation (15). Let t be the thickness in inches, of wrought iron armor that would just be perforated by a cast iron projectile, whose weight is W^ its normal velocity on impact v^ and its diam- eter d. Let e be the normal energy in foot-tons, or ^ = tt— s?r<7r ^^ 2^^ 2240 . Let s be the energy in foot-tons per inch of circum- ference, or f = =- . TT a During a prolonged series of experiments made by Colonel Maitland it was found — 1st. That / varied directly with £, or '=/(■?)■ « * It is inferred that the experiments on which Maitland's formula is based were made with ordinary cast iron projectiles, and that the armor was backed. XVI— I^ROJECTILES. 80 2nd. It was also observed that when projectiles of different calibers were arranged in classes according to their spherical densities; in each class the penetration measured in calibers was very nearly proportional to the striking velocity. For a particular class, known as the standard projectiles, of which the spherical density was 3.0, the penetration was nearly one caliber for every thousand feet of striking velocity. This is known as Captain Orde-Browns *' rule of thumb." For purposes of comparison, let us assume a given gun to be fired against a given plate ; d and / will then be constant, and the variation in spherical density will result from varying the weight of the projectile. The variables will then be W and V. For the standard projectiles let these be represented by W, and v^, Owing to the number of experiments made with the stand- ard projectiles, special weight is given to the results obtained from them. These results are expressed in the following general formula, differing slightly from Orde-Brown's rule, viz. : « = ISOO - *^-^^- (^"> To pass from standard projectiles to those not standard, we use Equation (9) in order to ascertain the relation between V, and V, Under the hypothesis that d and / are constant it becomes v ^ f y\j ^ ' (11) Whence v\v\\ Jw : y/W„ or z; = v \/^. (12) In the standard projectiles, J^= 0.375 ^/^ ; whence, from Equation (11) ,, = 1^^^^W^ (13) Substituting in Equation (10) we have 40 XVI. — PROJECTILES. Y/f__0.14; (14) "- 612.4 d Whence, multiplying both members by d^ '="'^= ski \/f-- 0.14^. (15) The value, /, thus obtained is the thickness of a plate that will just be perforated by a projectile having an ogival head with a radius of curvature of 1.5 calibers. If the radius of curvature is increased to 2 calibers, as is now customary, t will be increased by 5 or 10 per cent, and Orde-Brovvn's rule will increase in exactitude. If the plate resists perforation, then the penetration may be taken as about 0.9 of the estimated perforation. The Formulae of De Marre. The following formulae result from recent experiments in France and, except for Equation (20), cover a great range in calibers, and in the ratio - . d In the English units previously used we have for modern projectiles, viz., chilled iron shot and steel shells. I. For the perforation of wooden backing when used as such, i. e., not unprotected ^b = 0.1823 / ^-^ ^ ••« (16) This is about 70 per cent greater than when the backing is unprotected. II. For a wrought iron armor plate that is hacked ; the resistance of the plate alone being considered ^j = 5.809 /^-V-^ (17) Owing to the improvement of projectiles since 1880 this is less than the value implied by Equation (15). XVI. — PROJECTILES. 41 For the entire target consisting ot the plate and backing ^i = ^i + ^b. a8) III. For the rather soft steel plates^ generally used for heavy- armor, as made at Creusot, when backed ^3 = 7.286 Z'-*^'-"* (19) See also Equation (18). IV. For the thin plates of hard steel, unbacked, used for gun shields, when attacked by the comparatively small cannon known as Rapid- Fire guns and Revolving Cannon ^p = 12.86 /'-^^'-^ (20) These formulae, while abundantly verified in the French service, must be accepted with caution when the conditions differ from those under which they were deduced. Very's Formula. Mr. E. W. Very, formerly of the U. S. Navy, has recently proposed a means of comparing the resistance of steel plates that has long been desired, since it eliminates variables relating to the nature of the plate, its thickness and the cali- ber and velocity of the projectile, all of which may differ in experiments made at different times and places. It assumes that the projectile is not deformed, and that no other effect is produced but that of punching, which is sup- posed to be complete. The effect is referred to that pro- duced in wrought iron, since withm ordinary limits all such armor is homogeneous, and is therefore, well adapted for use as a standard of comparison. Suppose we find by trial that a certain projectile will just perforate a given steel or compound plate with a certain energy e^. Calculate the energy e^ required for the same pro- jectile to perforate a wrought iron plate of the same thickness, e and similarly backed. Then -1 z= g), m which qp is a factor 42 XVI. — PROJECTILES. expressing the relative per cent of energy required to per- 2140 forate the steel plate, e, g. ^-— — 107 per cent. Since 1880 the improvement in projectiles has been so great that e^ has decreased considerably. Improvements in the quality of steel armor have increased e^, so that (p has in- creased from about 125 to over 150. See next topic. Weaver's Formula. It has long been thought that besides its thickness, the mass of the plate affects its resistance to penetration, and conse- quently the '■^ energy per ton of plate^'' is often recorded in the reports of firing against armor. No use is known to have been made of this knowledge, however, until the following formula, proposed by Lieut. Weaver of the U. S. Artillery. • It is probable that the work is practically confined to a mass of some definite volume immediately surrounding the point of impact, and that the volume of this mass is a cylin- der, the diameter of which is n times the diameter, d^ of the projectile, and the height of which is /, the thickness of the plate. Experiments show that a notable increase in temperature and the bulge are confined to a tolerably distinct ring, about 2 calibers wide, so that n is probably not less than 5. It is probable also that it is safe to allow for an exterior ring which absorbs part of the energy, although the effects in this ring are not apparent. The value of 7i also depends upon the relation between t, the thickness of the plate, and d, the diameter of the projectile. Lieut. Weaver expresses this re- lation for Creusot steel by n = 6.25 + 0.22 (/ — d) (21) in which / and d are in inches. This value will depend upon the rigidity of the material, and is subject to correction by experiment. XVI. PROJECTILES. 43 In wrought iron n will approach unity, as the effect is noticeably local and no great increase of temperature in the adjacent parts is observed. From a general consideration of records Lieutenant Weaver finds that about 1828 foot tons of energy per ton of plate is necessary to perforate the entire target, consisting of a steel armor plate and its backing. This assumes the plates to be substantially uniform in resistance, the projectile to be inde- formable, and neglects secondary effects, such as racking. Calling this coefficient, C ; the weiglit in tons of the disc in question, W^\ and the weight in tons of one cubic inch of the plate, w; he writes : £.= ff/,C=(«-'^)%/.^C (22) Supposing w — log ~^ 4.1028 and substituting for tt, w and C their values, we have the general formula A = 0.1828 ie d^ t (23) APPLICATION. We may now compare the foregoing formulae by reference to the experiments at Annapolis in September, 1890. The plates were 10.5 inches thick, backed by 36 inches of oak, and were fired at by steel shells, as follows : No. of fT- ■■ , TT^ Spher. Effect on shots. ^^^"^- '^ ^^ Dens. ^ ' Projectiles. 8 Holtzer Steel, 6 in. 100 lbs. 3.70 2075 2988 6 unbroken. 2 Firminy " 8 " 210 " 3.28 1850 4988 2 broken. Confining our attention to the unbroken 6 inch projectiles, only the points of which perforated the carbon and nickel steel plates, Lieutenant Weaver's formula gives ^g = 362 L If from this we subtract e^ = 77, per Equation (16), we have e^ = 3544, which is 18 per cent more energy than the plates received from any one blow. As the plates were not com ■ plete^ perforated, this would indicate that the value of 44 XVI. — PROJECTILES. (p z= 195 from Equations (18, 21) is more nearly correct than that of (p = 158 assigned by Mr. Very's method ; viz., by dividing 2988 X 100 by the vaUie of c, = 1816, given by Equation (18). ROCKETS. Definition. A rocket is a projectile propelled by a source of energy which it contains ; it therefore performs also the functions of a cannon. Structure. A rocket consists of a cylindrical case of paper or metal, containing a composition formed of the ingredients of gun- powder mixed in suitable proportions. The front end of the case is usually closed, but the other end contains one or more holes or vents for the escape of gas from the ignited compo- sition. Within the rocket is a hollow space called the bore ; this may be formed by driving the composition around a spindle which is afterwards withdrawn ; or by boring out the composition after its compression to a solid state. The case is surmounted by a pointed head, which, for signal rockets, consists of a hollow paper cone, and for mil- itary rockets of any suitable projectile Depending upon the particular system of construction, some means is also provided for guiding the rocket in its flight. Composition. Since the composition is required to ignite readily, and since the amount of fouling is not objectionable, the pro- portion of sulphur is increased; and, since the gradual evolution of a large volume of gas rather than a large amount of heat is required, the proportion of nitre is dimin- ished, while that of charcoal is increased, so as to yield CO rather than CO,. To further delay the combustion the in- gredients are often mixed, rather than incorporated. XVI. — PROJECTILES. 45 Bore. The bore is necessary to provide a large surface of initial combustion. In order to maintain a uniform pressure throughout the flight and so avoid either excessive strength and weight of the case when, at first, the pressure is low; or a deficiency of strength when, by the increase of the surface, the pressure increases, the composition should burn on a surface which is nearly uniform. To prevent its burning on a decreasing surface, the com- position must be so tightly packed within the case that the flame cannot pass around it. The conical form increases the initial surface without increasing either of the above objections. Jt also facilitates the withdrawal of the spindle and increases the strength of the composition at the section corresponding to the immov- able layer in a gun. Chapter VII, page 1. Vent. The momentum of the rocket is proportional to that of the escaping gas. The velocity of the gas will increase with the pressure, and this will increase as the size of the vent diminishes. The longitudinal and the cross sections of the vent must be so chosen that the gas will escape as fast as it is formed, or nearly so, otherwise the velocity of the rocket will be diminished and it may burst. See Chapter XI, page 8. The excess of the total pressure on the head of the bore over that on the base, and the diminishing mass of the composition accelerate the motion of the rocket until the resistance of the air is equal to the propelling pressure: the variation in velocity will then be slight. When the gas ceases to flow the rocket becomes an ordinary projectile. Guiding Principle. The propelling force of the gas acts always in the direc- tion of the axis of the bore; it follows, therefore, that with- 46 XVI. — PROJECTILES. out some means of 'giving stability to this axis, the path described will be very irregular; so much so at times as to fold upon itself. Instances have been known when rockets have returned to the point from which they started. Stead- iness of flight is obtained either by a guide stick, or by rotation. The guide stick is used for signal rockets. It consists of a long wooden stick affixed to the case so as to bring the center of atmospheric pressure well in rear of the center of gravity. Any tendency to deflection is resisted by the atmospheric moment. The Hale rocket, figure 26, owes its stability to rotation produced by the escaping gas. As this expands on escaping through the vents, it presses against the concentric y^, which is clamped by the set screw E. The slide rest G, the invention of the great English mechanician. General Samuel Bentham, has been used for only about a century. To its invention is attributed the practical success of the steam engine; it having been pre- viously found impossible to produce truly cylindrical 12 XVII. FABRICATION OF ARTILLERY PROJECTILES. surfaces of large diameter. The slide rest, carrying the cutting tool, derives its motion from the rotation of the live spindle by means of a change gear, H, which connects the outer end of the live spindle with the feed screw, J. The feed screw passes through a nut on the lower side of the slide rest, with which it may be thrown into and out of gear. Variations in Speed. The necessary cutting speed, or the velocity of the surface in contact with the tool, varies with the nature and diameter of the material to be turned. The angular velocity of the work may accordingly be varied by means of the steps on the cone pulley. A similar pulley above the lathe, with its axis reversed, receives the power from the main line of shafting by the driving belt, d, and transmits it to the lathe by means of the working belt, w. The upper pulley is mounted on an axis provided with a fast and a loose pulley, / and /, so that the lathe may be set in motion or stopped by varying the position of the driving belt. This arrangement, which is indispensable to all machine tools, is called a counter-shaft. See figure 9. Where great power, and therefore slow speed Is re- quired, the back gear, figure 10, is employed. This consists of two pinions, a and b, mounted on an axis, c, parallel to that of the spindle $, and so placed that when a engages with a toothed wheel, d, which is secured to the spindle, b, shall engage with one of corresponding size, g, upon the cone pulley. To use this, the cone pulley is detached from d, and revolves freely upon the spindle. The back gear may then be engaged with g and d. The ratio of the diameters of ^, b, a, d, indicates the resulting gain in power. By varying the change gear any desired ratio can be obtained between the angular velocity of the work and that Xvit. — ^Fabrication Of artillery projectiles. 13 of the translation of the tool. In this way screws of any desired pitch may be cut. Support of Work. The work may be supported by the conical centers form- ing the adjacent ends of the live and dead spindles. For this purpose it is provided with corresponding depressions, which are called center niarks^ at the ends of the axis of revolution. As a rule these center marks are left in finished work, as they permit pieces containing them to be reworked or repaired. The work, in turning between centers, is caused to rotate by means of a dog^ figure 11; the tail of the dog fits in a radial notch in the face plate. In certain cases when turning between centers is impracti- cable, one end of the work is secured to the face plate by means of the chuck. This is provided with three radial set screws capable of simultaneous operation. See figure 12. In such cases, and to prevent the springing of long pieces in turning betv/een centers, an intermediate back rest^ By figure 8, is sometimes employed. Uses of the Lathe. It is evident that the lathe may be used for boring as well as for turning external surfaces, and that by the use of a hook-shaped tool, passed through the fuze hole, such cavities as that of the shell can be turned. Also, that plane surfaces can be formed by omitting the longitudinal translation of the tool, or that, preserving this motion and guiding the tool by means of a template, any desired surface of revolution may be exactly repro- duced. By replacing the center in the live spindle by a suitable tool, against which the work may be pressed by the back spindle, also without its center, the work may be drilled. If the tool be made after the manner of a very thick circular saw, the edge of which may be either cylindrical 14 XVII. — FABRICATION OF ARTILLERY PROJECTILES. or form almost any surface of revolution, the work may be moved along a plane director at right angles to the plane of rotation, so as to form a new surface composed of parallel rectilinear elements, and having its cross section correspond to the contour of the tool. This operation is called milling; it is of the greatest importance in the manufacture of fire arms, sewing machines and others in which the interchangeability of the parts is required. To the general use of milling machines may be largely attri- buted the eminence of certain American manufactures. The principal advantages of machines eniploying the principles of the lathe depend upon the continuity of the motion and the ease with which it may be varied. Final Operations. Projectiles of soft iron are finished externally on the lathe, or may be forced by an hydrostatic press through a circular steel die. The former method is preferred. The head is not touched, in order that the skin^ which is the hardest part, may remain intact. Chilled shot require special treatment by a grindstone or a peculiarly shaped prismatic tool, figure 13. This forms a scraping, instead of the paring edge generally employed; it is less apt to spring away from the work on meeting any portions which are excessively hard, and may be easily and accurately sharpened by a cylindrical grindstone. The natural silicious sandstone is frequently replaced by an artificial stone composed of emery concreted by a cement. FABRICATION OF STEEL PROJECTILES. Those are intended for piercing armor. Either cored shot or shell are employed. They may be either cast or 3tvn. — Fabrication op ARtiLLERY projectiles. 15 forged, The former are the cheaper; the latter, so far, the stronger. Steel Cast Projectiles. A rather silicious metal is preferred. In order to fix the carbon, both head and body are cast in a chill mold; this is surmounted by a sand mold containing the sinking head. After cutting off the sinking head, the projectile is hardened, the point being heated most. It is cooled by first dipping the point in water and then immersing the whole projectile in oil. In order to further soften the base so as to permit the screw thread in the fuze hole to be cut, the base is an- nealed while the point is kept in running water. To avoid this operation, the base of the projectile may contain a piece of wrought iron pipe, around which it has been cast, as in chilled shot. Forged Steel Projectiles. These are hammered into shape from bars of suitable size, turned inside and out, and hardened and tempered as above described. Steel shrapnel are now (1891) economically made by elec- tro-welding. Chapter XV, page 23. ROTATING BANDS. Copper is preferred on account of its softness and strength and its resistance to erosion by the gases. Its uniformity is increased by adding about 5 per cent of zinc. This forms an alloy known 2,% gilding metaiy used in the manufacture of cartridges, cheap jewelry and the bell buttons used in the Cadet uniform. The bands are applied in two general ways. I. In Casting. 1. The band may be cast in place on the projectile. This is the simplest plan, but does not always make a good casting. 2. An annular band, the cross section of which is as shown 16 XVII, — FABRICATION OF ARTILLERY PROJECTILES. in figure 14, is placed in the bottom of the mold before the metal composing the body of the projectile is poured. To keep it from melting, it may be surrounded by a much thicker band of the same material, or by a hollow band through which runs a stream of water. II. After Casting. A seat for the band of the undercut section shown in figure 15, is turned in the body of the projectile and the band forced into this groove by hand or by machine. . 1. By hand. In this case the band may be either a straight rolled strip with bevelled ends, as seen in figure 16; or for large pro- jectiles it may be cast in the form of a semi-circular hoop. In both cases the placing of the band is done gradually by the hammer. 2. By machine. The band complete is slipped over the projectile until opposite its seat; it is then set in by powerful presses acting radially. INSPECTION AND PROOF OF PROJECTILES. Comparison. It can hardly be too strongly insisted upon that the in- spection, not only of projectiles; but of powder and of arms of all kinds is only preparatory for and subordinate to, the proof. The inspection may detect the causes of failure in proof, and often applies to many more articles than can be profitably proved; but that it can not wholly replace it, is proverbially and actually true. INSPECTION, Object of the Inspection. The object of the inspection is to detect defects of work- manship and material which may affect the successful oper- ation of the projectiles. XVII. — FABRICATION OF ARTILLERY PROJECTILES. 17 As it is impossible to make all projectiles of exact dimen- sions, certain variations are allowed in manufacture. For sake of economy, the greatest variation or tolerance^ con- sistent with safety and efficiency, should be allowed; both in workmanship, as shown by the gauges, and in the material. This remark is general. Instruments. Maximum and minimum ring gauges, see Chapter IV, page 11; a hollow cylinder gauge, five calibers long; a profile gauge; a rolling table, and calipers for measuring the thickness of the metal at the sides and bottom of the cavity are the principal instruments required. Besides these there are various gauges to verify the dimensions of the fuze hole, and of the rotating device and its seat. Also various tools for exploring suspicious cavities or defects. An easy method of detecting small differences in the diameter of cylindrical holes consists in the use of a slightly conical bar of steel, the diameter of different sections of which is marked upon its length after the manner of a diagonal scale of equal parts. Except for the rolling table, the names of these instru- ments and their appearance as represented, figure 17, sufficiently indicate their employment. The rolling table is of iron with two parallel ribs at a distance apart slightly less than the length of the cylindrr- cal portion of the projectile. These ribs are brought truly level, so that a concentric projectile will assume a position of equilibrium of indifference. Process. The presence of fissures in hollow projectiles may be detected by exposing them to an internal jet of steam, or by observing whether after plunging them in water, notable differences in the rate of drying occur. When it is possible, the quality of the material is tested 18 XVII. — FABRICATION OF ARTILLERY PROJECTILES. by a specimen cut from the body of a projectile. For chilled shot this is not possible; so that a cast specimen may be tested and compared with those mixtures which have given good results. A certain proportion of such projectiles are also split so as to expose the chill. The homogeneity of such shot is also tested by striking them with a hammer at the junction of the body and head: a clear sound should be produced. In spite of the inspec- tion, such projectiles are liable to split spontaneously from internal strain. In order to stimulate the contractor to greater care, projectiles are inspected in lots^ the failure of a certain proportion of which for defects of material suffices to condemn the entire lot. This is then permanently marked so as to prevent its being again presented for inspection. This rule is applied also to defects in workmanship when the number of objects is too great to permit of the inspec- tion of every one, as in the ammunition for small arms. PROOF OF PROJECTILES. Careful inspection generally suffices for all but those in- tended for use against armor. But in all cases it is more conclusive to supplement this by a proof, as by firing for accuracy. Armor piercing projectiles are proved by firing about one per cent of a lot against wrought iron armor about one caliber thick ; the chilled iron striking normally and the steel at about 20 degrees to the normal. Upon the performance and endurance of the proof projectiles, fired with penetrating charges, depends the acceptance of the lot. XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. CHAPTER XVIII. MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. These may be divided into two classes, viz.; 1. Those intended for igniting stationary charges in guns and mines. It includes various forms of matches and primers. 2. Fuzes, which are intended to be used in moving objects, such as explosive projectiles, torpedoes, etc. CLASS I. MATCHES AND PRIMERS. According to the time elapsing between their own igni- tion and that of the charge, these may be considered as relatively slow or rapid. IGNITERS COMPARATIVELY SLOW. Slow-Match, This was formerly employed for igniting the port-fire, by which the loose gunpowder priming laid around the upper orifice of the vent was fired. It is now employed only for preserving fire. If made of hemp rope, combustion is retarded by saturating it with lead acetate, or the lye of wood ashes. If of cotton it is only necessary that the strands be well twisted. Slow match burns from 4 to 5 inches per hour. Quick-Match is used to communicate fire, as in fire-works and in experimental work of a dangerous character. It is made of candle wick, steeped in a mixture of mealed 8 XVm. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. powder and gummed spirits, wound on a reel, dredged with mealed powder and left to dry. ^t burns at the rate of about 3 inches per second. Varieties of duick-Match. The rate of burning may be much increased by enclos- ing the quick-match in a paper tube; see Chapter VIII. If, instead of paper, the envelope be made more pliable and strong, as by a spiral wrapping of cloth around a central core of fine powder, the ordinary blastings or Bick- ford fuze results. This inflames at a less rapid rate than the kind just named. A tube of lead or one of its alloys may replace the weaker envelopes above described and instead of simply fitting it closely, the tube, enclosing the core, may be drawn as one mass after the manner of wire. If gun-cotton be used for the core, a most convenient and rapid form of detonator results. IGNITERS COMPARATIVELY RAPID. Caps and Detonators. These consist of cups or tubes made by means of a double punch, figure 1, the inner member of which, /, passes through a conical hole, h, of somewhat larger diam- eter in a stationary piece, d^ called a die. The outer punch,/', which is concentric with the inner and fits closely to it, as it descends into a shallow cylindrical depression at the mouth of the die, shears from a thin copper ribbon a disc which it holds by the edges while the inner punch forms it into a cup. The elasticity of the cup causes its open end to expand as soon as it has passed through the die : this strips it from the punch as the latter rises for another stroke. The cup is elongated into a tube by the successive operation of a series of single punches and dies of gradually decreasing di- ameter, See plates Chapter XXVII, This operation, which XVIIl.— MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 3 resembles closely that of rollings in chapter XV, is of great utility in the arts. For military purposes it is principally used in the manufacture of metallic cartridges. For percussion caps for small arms, the tube receives a charge of moist fulminating composition. This is pre- vented from falling out, when dry, by a disc of tin foil, held in by varnish. The construction of the detonator has already been described in chapter XIV. Cannon Primers. These are of two classes, according as they are fired by friction or electricity. I. Friction Primers. The friction primer presents the following advantages over the method of firing cannon described, page 1. It is portable, certain and rapid; it affords the means of firing pieces at a distance, and does not attract the attention of the enemy's marksmen at night. According to the direction of the vent, friction primers are divided into two classes. I. Radial Vent. The primer used in the military service of the United States consists of two copper tubes, soldered at right angles to each other, figure 2. The short tube contains a charge of friction composition, (Sbg S3 and K CIO3) inserted moist and surrounding the roughened end of a wire, the outer extremity of which forms a loop for the lanyard. The long tube is filled with fine powder, retained by a wad of wax. The nib of the wire is folded over the end of the short tube, so as to prevent its accidental displacement and the firing of the composition in consequence. For large guns, the column of fine powder may surmount 4 3^\ltt.--MEAMS OJ* CoMMttNlCATmc MVlU. a pellet of compressed powder which will be shot, burning, into the cartridge. In some services the cross tube is omitted and the wire, inserted axially, is withdrawn by a motion which causes it to bend continuously around the edge of the vent. See figure 3. 2. Axial Vent, As the discharge serves to expel the empty tube with great velocity, unless it be thrown upward it may injure the bystanders. On this account, and also to prevent the erosion of the vent by the escaping gas, an ohtwating prbner is screwed into a proper seat concentric with the vent. Figure 4 represents an obturating axial friction primer. When the wire is withdrawn, the conical portion, c, finds a corresponding seat at the end of the cavity surrounding the wire. This prevents the escape of gas through the hole, while the escape around the primer is prevented by the radial expansion of the thin edge in which the portion nearest to the charge is formed. The stop, ^, prevents the primer from being screwed in too far, and the enlargement, ^, serves a similar purpose for the wire. II. Electric Primers. These are used for firing charges at a considerable distance, as in certain cases in modern warfare when the gun is so protected that the object is invisible from its neighborhood; so that the pointing and firing are controlled by a distant observer. By this means also, the simultaneous discharge of several cannon at a common object may greatly increase their effect. A similar advantage follows in mines. The primers are of two general classes: I. High tension, in which ignition results from the pass- age of the electric spark between the disconnected ends XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 5 of two insulated conductors. For this class the conductors require careful insulation and to be separated from adjacent circuits, so as to prevent the primers in one circuit from being accidentally exploded by currents induced from the other circuits. 2. Low tension^ in which ignition results from the heating of a short wire of high resistance which connects the ends of the conductors. Owing to the ease with which the con- dition of the circuit can be tested before firing, and the comparatively low electro-motive force of the currents employed, this is the only class of electric primer used in artillery. Figure 5 represents a common electric primer, and figure 6 an obturating electric primer. The platinum wire is coiled to facilitate its handling in manufacture. It is sur- rounded by a wisp of gun-cotton. The obturating plug,/, of hard rubber seals the channel by being pressed against the sharp ring in rear. In other essentials these primers resemble figures 2 and 4:. MEANS OF IGNITING PRIMERS. If quick match be used it sufiices to unite the lines so that the distances B C, B C, B C\ etc., in figure 7; or BC^ B D C, figure 8, be equal. If the detonating tubes, page 2 be used, these precautions are unnecessary. For electric primers the voltaic battery is generally employed, although for experimental purposes a small portable dynamo or frictional apparatus is very convenient. When it is desired to be able to fire without delay, a battery is preferred, which, like the Leclanche, can be kept for a long time in open circuit without sensible change and which only needs the circuit to be closed to produce the effect desired. In using the electric current in direct or continuous circuit 6 XVIII — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. as in figure 9, the number of cells of the battery required increases with the number of primers, /,/',/", and it may happen that the most sensitive of the primers, exploding first, will cause the remainder to fail. For the second reason a derived, or parallel circuit, as in figure 10, is preferred. The successive explosion of the more sensitive primers increases the current which passes through each of the remaining primers, since their number is diminished. In order to employ a weaker battery, the arrangement shown in figures 11 and 12, serves, by sweeping the key, ky over the ends of the terminals, to produce a practically simultaneous discharge. CLASS II. FUZES. Fuzes are employed to explode the bursting charge of a projectile at any desired point of its trajectory. They may be classified, according to their mode of operation, as timey impact and combination fuzes. I. TIME FUZES. A time fuze contains a column of com.position, which, having been ignited at the discharge of the piece, after having burned for a definite time, ignites the bursting charge. Requisites. Such fuzes are principally employed to burst projectiles while in the air; they therefore require that the relation be known between the distance to the point of explosion and the time of flight, and that the column be taken of such a length that it will burn in the time so determined. The first of these requisites involves the estimation of the distance by various systems of range finding, and the deter- XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 7 mination from Ballistics of the required angle of projection and the time of flight to the point desired. The second requirement demands that the rate of burning be known, and, since the time of burning is varied by varying the length of the column, that the rate be uniform throughout its length. Finally, that the column be taken of the exact length required by the rate, and that it both receive and impart fire with certainty. The principal points to be considered in the development of time fuzes are, that as we increase the muzzle velocity and sectional density of our projectiles, the longer will be the maximum time of burning required for the fuze. As the remaining velocity increases, the greater will be the error in distance due to a given error in time; and the greater the range, the more difficult will it be to detect the error in distance. Therefore improvements in cannon require corre- sponding improvements in the uniformity of rate and in the exactness of the length of the burning column. The greater the rate of burning, the larger the scale and therefore the smaller the effect of a given error in cutting. The rate is so much affected by the conditions relating to the resistance of the air during flight, that, while uniformity of rate may be indicated by the tests of manufacture, the lengths of column for given ranges should be determined by actual trial in the gun. On this account, and to avoid com- putation in the field, when the initial velocity and sectional density are fixed, the scale is preferably one of ranges, in- stead of units of time. The great efficiency of projectiles properly exploded in air, as explained in Chapter XVI, and the experience gained with smooth-bore cannon, in which this was the only form of fuze that could be successfully used, account for the pains that have been taken to meet these requirements ever since the early days when the fuze was lighted before loading. 8 XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. Kate of Burning. This will depend upon the conditions named Chapter VIII, page 3. The rate was formerly varied by varying the composition, but as any departure from the usual proportions is found to diminish the uniformity of the rate, to increase the difjficulty of preservation, and to increase the amount of residue, it is now thought best to vary the rate only by varying the amount of incorporation and the density of the composition. When the total time of burning is very great, as in some of the large mortar projectiles, which may be 40 seconds in the air, a return to the variable composition appears necessary. Former Practice. For spherical projectiles the column was cylindrical and was ordinarily contained in a conical case of paper, wood or metal. This was filled with small successive quantities of mealed gunpowder which were compacted by a drift upon which a given number of blows were struck by a mallet. By a repetition of the process the case was gradually filled. The exterior of the case was divided into equal propor- tionate parts by which to regulate the time of burning, either by cutting off the case; or, since the entire column might then be dislodged backward into the cavity of the shell by the shock of discharge, by boring into it with a gimlet. The fuze was ignited by a priming of mealed powder placed so as to catch fire from the flame passing through the windage of muzzle-loading guns, both smooth-bore and rifled. The method of filling caused variation in fuzes of the same kind, and even between different sections of the same fuze. \ XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 9 1 ' ~ \ Exv.mples of Fuzes for Muzzle-loading Projectiles, Figures 13 and 14 illustrate two varieties of time fuze, in one of wUch the composition was fixed in the case and in the other v^as movable. The Mortar fuze case or plug was made of a close grained wood, like beech, bored out nearly to the bottom. The top of the cavity was enlarged to receive the priming of mealed powder and alcohol. This was covered by a cap of waterproof paper on which was marked the rate of burn- ing. For economy of manufacture the exterior of all mortar fuze plugs was marked in inches and tenths, instead of with reference to the rate of burning of their contents. The Sea Coast fuze consisted of a brass plug containing a separate paper case, filled with a composition of variable proportions and bearing on its exterior a scale of times. The mouth of the plug was closed by a water-cap, per- forated by a zig-zag channel. This was also filled with mealed powder for the ignition of the fuze; but was so constructed as to prevent the composition from being extinguished in the ricochet fire over water, largely em- ployed in former times. These fuzes answered well for the comparatively low remaining velocities and short ranges usual when spherical projectiles were employed; but they required valuable time for their adjustment and were imperfectly protected from the effects of excessive heat or of moisture while in store. The Bormann fuze, figure 15, was invented to overcome these and other objections. The case being of pewter is un- altered in size by meteorological changes, and it contains the composition in a channel, which, though air tight, can be readily cut by a proper tool. The circular form of the column and its diminished section allow the size of the case to be reduced, and the composition to be compressed in the direction of its shortest dimension. The mean density of 10 XV^I. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. the succe^ssive layers estimated in the direction of the com- bustion is thereby made uniform. The case is screwed into the fuze hole by a screw driver, the prongs of whxh engage into the recesses a, a. The graduated arc lies over the circular column of mealed powder which, after compression, is covered by the tightly fitting wedge shaped ring, b. The only outlet to the channel is under the zero of graduation; this outlet, r, and the magazine^ m, are filled with fine powder which is retained by a disc of tin, e. To enable the fy^e to resist the shock of discharge, to which its softness, density and form render it especially weak; and also to increase the effect of a small bursting charge, the lower portion of the fuze hole is closed by a perforated disc,/. The objections to the Bormann fuze are the short time of its burning; the uncertainty of its ignition unless it be carefully primed, and that, once set for firing, it is use- less for any greater time of flight. Present Time Fuse. The use of breech-loading cannon necessarily prevents the ignition of the fuze through the windage so that a special device called an inertia igniter is employed for that pur- pose. Its operation is illustrated in figures 16 and 24. In figure 16 the inertia igniter consists of a mass of lead containing a pellet of fulminate and supported a short dis- tance above the sharp point, /, by some device which, while stable against ordinary shocks, will be surely moved by that of discharge. This device may be either a spiral spring or a transverse pin of brittle material. The flame from the fulminate escapes through the holes^ h, into the annular cavity, r, and, by a hole on the inner surface of the ring, r, ignites the circular column of com- position which the rmg contains. XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 11 The exterior surface of the ring is graduated, as in seconds, and the body of the fuze contains a mark, placed opposite to the entrance to the magazine, w, so that by- setting the ring before firing with any division of its scale opposite to the mark, the length of the burning column is fixed. The cap, k, is used to c^amp the ring in place. To prevent the opposing rush of the gases from the two sections of the burning column, it is ignited at one of its ends; this permits a free escape of the gases to the outer air through a hole previously temporarily sealed against moisture. Figure 17 shows the course taken by the escaping gases when the burning surface moves, as in the Bormann fuze, in two directions from the hole, ^, to the magazine, m^ Figure 18 shows the improved method. For long ranges, since the form of the projectile permits its length to be indefinitely increased, the fuze may contain two or more rings arranged in tiers. II. IMPACT FUZES. Concussion Fuzes. Until the introduction of rifled projectiles many unsuc- cessful attempts were made to combine the time fuze with some device which would be safe when the gun was fired; and yet, if the time fuze failed to act at the proper point, would explode the bursting charge on impact. Owing to the uncertainty of the direction of the impact such fuzes are called concussion fuzes to distinguish them from the percussion fuzes now generally employed. Percussion Fuzes. Although as stated, Chapter XVI, page 21, the shock of impact may in certain cases suffice to explode the bursting charge, it is much more certain to employ a special appa- ratus for this purpose. 12 XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. Although more complicated in structure than time fuzes, those of the percussion class act with more certainty since the conditions to be fulfilled are more easy of accomplish- ment. They are not as subject to deterioration in store, and, since they are usually entirely automatic, they require no preparation before firing. By the volume of smoke resulting from the explosion of shells containing percussion fuzes, the gunner is afforded one of the readiest means of correcting his aim. Percussion fuzes are divided, according to their position on the projectile, into fronts or base fuzes. The former possess the advantage that on impact, the bursting charge is thrown towards the fuze ; the latter class is required for pro- jectiles to be used against armor. Requisites. A good percussion fuze requires — 1. A case to hold and guide the movable parts, and to protect them from being clogged by the dust arising from the bursting charge in transportation, and by the earth against which they may strike. 2. A plunger, by the motion of which, on impact, the charge is fired. 3. A fulminating composition, ignited by the plunger. 4. The priming, a charge of fine powder ignited by the fulminate and serving to increase the certainty of the ignition of the bursting charge. 5. A safety device, by which the accidental dislodgement of the plunger is prevented; but which will certainly free the plunger when the piece is fired. 6. A device to prevent the plunger from moving forward in its cavity during flight. This tendency results from the greater retardation of the projectile than of the enclosed plunger by the resistance of the atmosphere. The effect of this relative motion may be to cause a premature explo- XVllt.— MeA^§ of COMMtJi^lCAftNG FIRE. ' 13 sion if the fulminate is sensitive; or else on impact to deprive the plunger of sufficient motion to cause the explo- sion of a fulminate, the sensitiveness of which, for the reason above given, has been diminished. The most difficult of these requisites to provide is the safety device. In the early percussion fuzes the plunger was a single mass sustained by a transverse pin or by lugs cast upon it. The pin was made strong enough to stand the shocks of transportation; but was shorn off by the shock of discharge. The mass to be given to the plunger was determ- ined by confficting considerations. If made so light as not to be liable to shear its support by accident, it might fail to explode the fulminate when impact occurred at a low velocity. The advantage of a proper distribution of func- tions among the parts of the apparatus appears from the following discussion: Type of Improved Percussion Fuze. Let Fhe the initial velocity of the projectile and v, and z;', its velocities on impact, and after impact, as in the ricochet. Let m, be the mass of the plunger and p/ that of the safety device: this we will suppose to be a hollow cylinder as in figure 19, surrounding the upper part of the plunger, but kept from moving backward upon it by a suitable pro- jection, as that upon the flat spring, s\ In the type selected the section of the plunger is square and fits the hole in the safety device. When the piece is fired, m' moves relatively to the rear with an energy which, on account of the large value 2i of Vj is capable of overcoming a resistance great enough to be absolutely safe against all accidents of transportation. In so doing it becomes solidly united to m, so that when impact occurs, although v—v' may be much less than F", 14 Xvm.— MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. the energy — - — {v—v'Y may easily overcome the resist- ance of the spiral springs, and so ignite the fulminate,/, and the priming,/. If, during the flight of the projectile m' does not remain relatively at rest its conical form tends to make it roll rather towards the base of the cavity than away from it. It is also urged in this direction by the spring s. This fuze, which is of French origin, represents one of the best existing types. It requires a value of V not less than about 1000/. ^., and therefore is somewhat more com- plicated in construction when projectiles containing it are fired with low velocities. Percussion Fuzes used in the United States. Hotchkiss Front Percussion Fuze. Figure 20. A, is the case, closed in front by the screw-cap B, and with a conical hole in rear closed by a lead safety plug C. Dy represents the plunger, composed of lead cast into a brass jacket to prevent its dilatation by shock, A continuous brass wire, E, the upper portion of which is bent in a semi-circle concentric with the plunger, is cast into the lead and supports the plunger in the case. The lower ends of the wire are securely held by the friction of the safety plug against the sides of its cavity. At 7% is the fulminate, and at F, the priming. When the piece is fired, C, is dislodged backward into the interior of the cavity either by its own inertia or by the blow received from F). The wires spread outward and prevent the plunger from moving forward until the pro- jectile strikes a sufficiently resisting object. Hotchkiss Base Percussion Fuze. Figure 21. The case. A, carries the fulminate, F, in a large percus- sion cap contained in the perforated screw-box^ which is XVIII.— MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 15 formed in two sections, G and JI. The base of the case is provided with a projecting flange, /, brought to a thin edge which, when the fuze is screwed home, acts as a gas check. The plunger Z>, is made as in figure 20, but contains a central firing-pin, Z, roughened so that it will hold well in the lead. The rear end of the firing-pin projects beyond the bottom of the plunger, while its front end is sunk a little below the surface so that when this compound part {D and L) is in place, it is prevented from moving by the screw-box. When the gun is fired the plunger slides back on the firing-pin so that the point projects above the plunger. The lead being soft, and being prevented from expanding by the jacket, it takes a fresh hold on the pin and supports it when it is thrown forward on impact. This fuze has certain structural defects which render its operation less certain than that of the front fuze. For its special purpose it is probably one of the best known. Krupp Fuze. Figure 22 shows a Krupp fuze in a double walled shell. Safety in loading results from the transverse pin, /, which, with the screw-box containing the fulminate, is inserted just before loading. The rotation of the projectile expels the pin, leaving the longitudinal pin,/, free to be driven inward on impact so as to prevent the entrance of earth into the cavity of the fuze. The nomenclature of figure 22 is the same as that of figures 20 and 21. It is said that this pattern is to be replaced by one containing a safety device which is intended to be unscrewed by the rotation of the projectile. III. COMBINATION FUZES. These combine the principles of the time and impact fuzes 50 as; — 16 XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 1. To increase the probability of explosion; since, if the probability of a failure in each of the two cases be, say, 0.01; that of the combination will be 0.0001. 2. To permit the character of the firing to be rapidly varied, 3. To increase the certainty of explosion when the pro- jectile is fired with a low velocity. Figure 23 illustrates one of the most recent combination fuzes used in the French service. ^ is a leaden fuze tube made as d^escribed page 2. It is wrapped spirally about, and secured to the hollow cone, C; this is held in place by the clamp screw, D. The lower end of the fuze tube communicates through the priming, /*, with the cavity in which lies the percussion fuze described page 13. The inertia igniter consists of a loose, pointed piston, ZT, which, until the instant of discharge, is separated from the fulminate, F^ by the spiral springs .S". K^ is a conical cap pierced with a series of numbered holes corresponding to the times of burning and provided with a vernier for interpolating a puncture between any two holes. The puncture, owing to the softness of the metal of which (7, is composed, is made entirely through both its walls. When the piece is discharged, the washer of compressed powder, W^ is ignited by ZT, and through the puncture the fire extends to the composition in E. At the same time the percussion fuze acts as before described. But for the union of the two fuzes in the same case, which the construction of the projectile and the operation of front percussion fuzes requires, this fuze illustrates the principle referred to Chapter XVI, page 34. The simplicity of con- struction, which was formerly considered of prime impor- tance, has been entirely subordinated to efficiency of oper- ation, notwithstanding the greatly increased cost which this involves. XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. 17 The Flagler Combina^tion Fuze. Figure 24. This fuze, devised by Colonel Flagler of the Ordnance Department, is now, 1889, undergoing trial. It combines many of the principles just discussed and adds two new features to provide for the requirements numbered 5 and 6, page 12. The first feature consi^s of a copper wire, d^ screwed from the rear into the open end of the screw-cap^ A. The lower end of this wire is bent at right angles so as to support firmly the leaden time plunger, D. Just below the screw thread by which it is suspended the diameter of the wire is reduced to any desired extent. The wire is broken at the neck so formed by the stress due to the acceleration of the projectile, both in translation and in rotation. The latter stress, occurring only when the piece is fired increases the certainty of ignition without diminishing the safety of the apparatus against accidental shock. On firing, the mass, Z>, is thrown against the fixed firing pin, F^ and the fulminate ^^, is ignited. The flame from the fulminate escapes through the radial holes and the an- nular channel, ^, b^ to the end of the column of composition projecting into the radial groove, Z, formed on the lower side of the ring, or carcass C. The gas first formed blows off the vent cover, ^, and allows the remaining gases to escape freely. When the column has burned to the point, b\ corre- sponding to which there is a fixed mark on that portion of the body next to the graduation on the ring, the priming K^ is ignited and the flame from it passes down the fluted surfaces of the members, G^ H^ 7, of the percussion fuze into the bursting charge. The advantage claimed for this safety device over those in which ears projecting from the mass Z>, are shorn off by IS XVIII. — MEANS OF COMMUNICATING FIRE. the shock of discharge, refers to the uniformity of copper wire and to 'the absence of the loose pieces, which, after shearing has occurred, may impede the action of the plunger. The percussion fuze resembles the Hotchkiss base fuze, with the following advantages: — 1. The priming K, which serves for both fuzes of the combination, makes the volume of the flame on impact much greater than when fulminate only is employed. 2. In order to fulfil requirement 6, page 12, a disc of thin zinc separates the point of the firing pin, h, from the fulmi- nate above it. This presents a positive and uniform resistance to premature explosion; and, since a pressure of 6 pounds is required to pierce it, the fulminate may be made as sensitive as may be desired. 3. On impact the powder is thrown toward the fuze. The fuze works well in practice. The percussion fuze was found to operate when the projectile was fired through a 2-inch board, though it failed in penetrating a board one inch thick. It is thought that it will explode on striking animate objects or sandy or marshy ground. GENERAL REMARKS. Owing to their greater permanency of form in store, and their diminished volume, metallic cases are preferred to the wooden ones formerly employed. In order to cheapen the manufacture, which at best is very expensive, the parts are, whenever possible, made of pewter, cast in metallic molds into finished forms. When strength and infusibility are required, brass or bronze are used, cast as described in Chapter XVII. To prevent unscrewing during flight, the screw thread of base fuzes should turn in a direction contrary to that of the rifling. 3tvni. — MEANS O^ COMMttNlCATiNG f'lRE. 19 It takes an appreciable time after impact for tLe explo- sion to occur; so that even when the fulminate was pur- posely ignited by the shock of discharge, the shell did not burst until it had gone several yards beyond the muzzle of the gun. This is of importance in understanding the effect of shrapnel fire with percussion fuzes, and serves to show that explosions within the gun generally result from defects in the construction of the projectile. To prevent premature explosion from the plunger's being thrown violently forward by the elasticity of the bottom of the shell, on discharge, a perforated cardboard washer is often required. A percussion shell, unexploded in experimental firing should never be tampered with: if possible, it should be exploded on the spot by a dynamite cartridge. X15t. — GDN CoKstktrcTioN. CHAPTER XIX. GUN CONSTRUCTION. Nomenclature of Stresses. The total pressure of the powder gases in a gun may be analyzed as follows with reference to the direction of the resulting strains. 1. A radial stress, known by the special name of "pressure" (/). 2. A tangential stress, or hoop tension (/) which tends to split the piece open longitudinally, being similar in its action to the force which bursts the hoops of a barrel. 3. A longitudinal stress ((/) which tends to pull the piece apart in the direction of its length. 4. Besides these, which are the principal stresses now considered, was formerly treated the transverse stress which tends to bend outward the staves of which the tube may be supposed to consist. Its effects are so closely associated with the strains above named that it is no longer discussed. Of the principal stresses named the most important is the tangential, since it is that from which failure most readily occurs. BARLOW'S LAW. Limitations. This law, which was until recently applied to the con- struction of homogeneous cannon, if confined to stresses beneath the elastic limit, (Chap. XV, p. 11,) under which XIX. — GUN CONSTRtJCTIOl^. limit the stresses are taken to be proportional to the strains, gives results which agree fairly well with those obtained by the more exact methods now generally employed. But, when applied to built up guns composed of concentric cylinders assembled by shrinkages as described in Chap. XV, it is no longer generally used because it does not analyze the resultant strain into the component strains occuring in three coordinate directions. For example, if we compress a cube in the direction of the axis of Z, there will be deyeloped along the axes of X and Y component strains correspond- ing to tensile stresses acting in each of these directions and conversely. On account of the relative simplicity of Barlow's law it will be employed to illustrate the general principles of gun construction. A more extended discussion of the theory now accepted will be found in the appendix of this chapter. DEDUCTION OF BARLOW's LAW. Hypotheses. Suppose — {a) the piece to be a hollow cylinder of homo- geneous metal, and — {h) that the effect of a central force be transmitted outward in such a manner as to make constant the area of cross-section by a plane perpendicular to the axis. {a) The homogeneity of the metal Is required, so that a constant relation may exist between stress and strain ; or that the coefficient of elasticity, known herein as E^ may remain constant. {h) The constancy of area or cross-section resembles the assumption that the various stresses, from the effects of which the physical properties of the metal are determined in the testing machine, continue to be applied to the original XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. area of cross-section ; although it is evident that, if the volume of the metal be constant, its area of cross-section must diminish or increase when exposed to tensile or compressive stress respectively.* Wertheim's experiments show that the developed strains are each — ^ of the principal strain. Preliminary Statement. Suppose that figure 1 represents a section of a homogen- eous gun after firing: the radii R and >^' having been ex- tended to r and J^" so as to maintain the sectional area constant. Then, the area whose limiting radii are r and E' being common to both states of the section, we have TT (r^ _ i?^) rr TT {R" » — R' '), or (r J^R){r—R) = {R" + R') {R" — R'), But since R" and R' are each greater than either R or r R" + R'y r-\-R ,'.r—RyR"^R', or 2 TT{r—R) __ r—R R" — R' 27rie ~". i? -^ R' The two members of this inequality measure the strains on the interior and exterior surfaces respectively, so that it appears that the surface of the bore might be strained be- yond its elastic limit before that of the outside layers was reached. The resulting set, if slight, might destroy the accuracy of the piece from the dilatation of the bore; and, if consider- able, it might lead to the formation of fissures which would *Throughout the following discussion we will consider that we are dealing with a cylinder of but one unit of length, since, as the length of the cylinder varies, both the pressure tending to burst the cylinder and the resistance which it opposes will vary in the same ratio. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. facilitate the final rupture in detail of the successive cylin- drical layers of which the gun may be supposed to consist* The considerations explain the statement in Chapter V, as to strength vs. weight. Analysis. To determine the law by which the tangential stresses are distributed throughout the section of a gun: — Let J^ and Z be the radius and the circumference of the bore. Let /<, be the radial pressure per unit of area and T the tangential stress on the surface of the bore. Let r, Zy p and / represent the same quantities on any exterior cylindrical surface, the area of cross-section between which and Z is A. Then by assumption, {fi) above Tt {f— B}) ::^ A, and .*. rdr = RdR. Multiplying the first member of the last equation by -, and the second member by -^ we have r^ — = i?^ -^ . '' R r R I But, since the ratio between the circumference and the radius is constant, and since beneath the elastic limit the stresses are proportional to the strains , dr dz t . dR T i - = V = ^ ""^ ■:ff = ■:£ Therefore, we have tf^ TR^ , TR^ _ = — or/=-^ (1) Or, since under given conditions of /o? ^ and i?, TR^ will be constant, the tangential stress {or strain) on each sue- * This last statement, though generally true, is subject to modification depending on the ductility of the material and the development of special elasticity. See post. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. cessive concentric elementary cylinder varies inversely with the square of its radius. ' This is Barlow's law. This condition may be represented by figure 2, in which the ordinates of the curve T T' represent the tangential stresses on the corresponding circumferences. In this figure and in those succeeding it, positive hoop tensions are represented by ordinates laid off above the line representing the trace of the axial plane of least resistance, and negative hoop tensions (compressions) are laid off below this line. See figures 5 and 6. RESISTANCE OF THE CYLINDER., Bursting Effort. Imagine the radial pressure on a unit of area, or /oj to be decomposed into two components/' and/^ figure 3, respect- ively perpendicular and parallel to the axial plane, O R\ along which rupture tends to occur; and consider but one quadrant of the bore at a time. Let cp be the variable angle made by the radial pressure with the plane O R', Then, /' =/o sin ^, and, since, d Z'=- R d cp^ J)' dZ=p(iR sm cpdcp = —p^Rd cos cp. n R Integrating between Z—^ and Z=— -— and the corre- <) spending values of cp^ viz. and 90°, and calling P^ the total pressure on the inner surface of the quadrant perpen- dicular to the plane of rupture, we have =/ XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. And for the force acting on both quadrants to lift the semi- cylinder from the axial plane, or for the bw'sting effort %F=p,%R. (2) This might have been inferred from the fact that the burst- ing effort is independent of the configuration of the surface, upon which it acts. Eesistance. The bursting effort must be in equilibrium with the sum of the tangential stresses developed in both quadrants, or in figure 2. 27'=/o2i? = 2^/=2 X areaierr'J?' or A=2--^-. (3) COROLLARIES. I 1. The maximum permissible value of T\s the elastic limit of the material under tensile stress. Calling this and repre- senting by/g the corresponding powder pressure we have }.=e^. (4) Equation (4) gives the means of determining the maximum pressure for a gun of which the corresponding section is known, or of determining the thickness of which a gun of a given caliber should be made to resist a given pressure. 2. If guns be similarly proportioned, R' •=znR^ whence by substitution /o=^^- (5) X13t.— CUJ^ C0N§TRt)Ctl6N. Equation (5) shows that all similar guns of the same material can resist the same maximum pressure. In the old cast-iron guns, in which for the reinforce, n was generally taken equal to 3, or the walls of the gun made one caliber thick, /o = f ^j i^ the metal be without internal strain. Chapter XV, page 21. 3. Since < 1, A < 6^ unless i? = or ^' = oo . Or n the powder pressure must always be less than the elastic limit of the material. 4. The curves of figure 4 are constructed from equation 1, using a constant value of ^'j= 6 and taking 7"= d and « = 3; 2; f respectively. It is apparent that as n dimin- lishes the curve T t; T^t^; T' t' becomes more nearly parallel to O R\ and the area beneath the curve tends to increase from this cause. On the other hand, this area tends to diminish from the decrease in the thickness of the wall of the gun in consequence of the increase in the radius of the bore: there is consequently some value of n which will make this area a maximum. To determine the value of n corresponding to a maximum area or resistance to bursting, denote this resistance by 6", and since it is equal to the maximum bursting effort we have from equations (2) and (4) Regarding R' as constant and differentiating we have 7 C Whence, placing — ^ = we find R'= %R, or ;? = 2. XlX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. That is to say, as shown by the following table, that when R' is fixed, if the thickness of the wall is one-half the caliber, the gun can withstand a greater bursting effort than with any other thickness. Table for R' = 6. n=S R=2 S' = ^d, n=2 R^S S" = ^ d = i S', « = f R= 4: S'" = id= S\ It is to be noted however, that since the bursting effort for one quadrant, or R, is equal to/„ Ry if/„ be kept constant, -P increases with R, so that, under ordinary circumstances, the thicker is the wall exposed to gas pressure, the greater by Equation (4) will be the value of /^. In order, as R increases, to diminish the value of the radial stress, we may form the gun of two or more con- centric cylinders. This has been done by boring out old cast- iron guns and lining them with a tube; since, for the same bursting effort, the pressure per unit of area on the cast-iron is diminished because the area pressed is increased. This will occur even if the material of the tube be of copper, the resistance of which may be neglected, and which may there- fore be supposed to act only by transmitting the pressure to the outside walls. Within limits the thicker is the tube and the greater its value of jE, the stronger will be the composite gun, since for a given stress on the exterior of the tube the less will be the strain on the adjacent walls, and, therefore, the smaller will be the maximum stress that the exterior wall will be called upon to bear. Conversely the power of such guns may be greatly increased. See /i, Chapter XI, p. 21. 6. From the preceding corollary it follows that if a gun, the dimensions of which are fixed, be composed of several XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. concentric cylinders, each one will be in the condition of maximum strength if its internal radius is half its external radius, or that the successive radii of contact will be in geometrical progressio7i. This, which is known as Gadolin s law^ is sometimes applied in modern gun construction. EQUALIZATION OF STRAINS. Preceding considerations show that owing to unequal distribution of the strains in a homogeneous gun, the strength of the gun increases much less rapidly than the thickness of the walls. The most favorable case would be when the whole thick- ness of the wall was under a uniform strain, since then the maximum pressure would be which would be n times greater than that given by equation (5). This result can be approximated to only by the sepa- rate or combined application of two plans commonly known as the methods of Varying Elasticity and of Initial Tension. These are actually however, but variations of the former principle. VARYING ELASTICITY. This consists in varying the elasticity of the concentric cylinders as explained in Chap. XV, page 11. The elasticity may be measured either by its coefficient or by its limit. This divides the subject into two heads. 1. Varying Coefficient, or Rate E. Suppose the gun to be composed of two concentric cylin- ders, the tube containing the bore, and the jacket. If these are of the same material the stress transmitted to the jacket 10 XTX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. will follow Barlow's law. But if the jacket be made of a metal with E' > E, then the stress on its inner surface due to the strain arising from a given increase in the external diameter of the tube will be increased. For calling e the common strain, /, /, the corresponding stresses, and E^ E\ the coefficients of elasticity respectively of the tube and the jacket. If the value of E increase as r*, then the stress on the inner surface of the wall will he equal to that on the inner surface of the tube. For, let us call e^ the strain at the elastic limit of the tube, then 8 '^ = ^ At the outside of the tube the strain will be This will cause a stress on the inner wall of the jacket E'e J^ E' jR^ If now E : E' :: F? : R'\ E' R^ = ER'^ and t'= d. The thinner is the outside wall the less will the stress vary throughout its thickness, so passing to the limit we may say — That to develop an uniform resistance throughout a cylinder the coefficients of elasticity of the eleme7itary concetitric cylifiders must vary as the squares of their radii. This principle, though frequently referred to in gun con- struction, is now of little practical importance, since steel, the coefficient of elasticity of which is constant, and is XIX. — GUN CO^STRUCTION. 11 greater than that of any other cannon metal, is now gen- erally employed for all portions of the gun. 2. Varying Limit of Elasticity. Equation (1) shows that the stress on any cylinder is always greatest on its inner surface, and Equation (4) that for a given gun the value of p^ is limited by the elastic limit of the tube. Consequently, if the value of ^is constant, we may in- crease the strength of the gun by increasing the elastic limit of the tube. This may be done in three ways. a. By increasing the pt'ifuitive elastic limit hy varying the composition or structure of the tube. This is not practically done. b. By giving it a special elastic litnit before the bore is finished, viz. : 1st; by raising the elastic limit itself by preliminary ten- sion, as by mandrehng (Chap. XV, p. 22), or .by firing high proof charges. 2nd ; by lowering the origin of stresses by a preliminary compression, as by temporarily wrapping the tube with successive layers of wire until the surface of the bore receives a permanent set. c. The principle of initial tension consists in subjecting the interior cylinders to a stress of compression by the reciprocal extension of the outer cylinders. The effect is to increase the work required to deform the inner cylinders, in which the strains due to firing are the greatest, by diminishing the work required to deform the outer cylinders, in which the strains due to firing are the least. The foregoing explains the gain in strength by mandrel- ing, and also" why the heat of firing may really tend to strengthen a gun instead of to weaken it as is generally VZ XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. supposed; since in both cases, the inner concentric cylinders being expanded more than those exterior to them, stresses are developed in the exterior cylinders which resist the further extension of the inner portions. It also explains the advantage of forming the tubes of more ductile material than the jacket and hoops, since if excessive powder pressure should expand the bore beyond its elastic limit, the initial tension developed outside would tend to prevent its further dilatation. It accounts for the former preference for bronze, the duc- tility of which sometimes caused such guns to fissure first on the outside, where it was unsupported, while, on the contrary, cast-iron would crack first on the surface of the bore where the danger would less readily be seen. Rodman's process of cooling cast-iron guns from the in- terior by a stream of water, while the exterior of the flask was heated by fires, was intended to utilize this principle and was the first instance of its application on a large scale. (Chap. XV, p. 21.) But, while the cooling of the exterior portions of the cast- ing might be retarded relatively to that of the portions next to the bore, it could not be postponed until all the interior portions had solidified. Consequently the state of rest of such a gun could be represented by figure 5 in which the dotted lines represent what was desired and the full line what was attained. The process was besides uncertain, since guns have been known to break spontaneously from internal stresses so developed. I APPLICATION TO BUILT UP GUNS. The results sought by Rodman may be attained much more certainly by the process of building up guns as ex- plained in Chapter XV. In such a gun if the tube be com- XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 13 pressed until, under the law by which the stresses vary, the elastic limit of compression, p, be reached on the surface of the bore, then the effective value of the maximum tan- gential stress to which this surface may be safely exposed on firing will be 6 -\- p and the maximum safe pressure for the tube will approach as a limit J. = iS + p)'^. The effect of this pressure is shown in figure 6, in which the stress will change from — p to 4- ^ on the surface of the bore. If we take p= 6, as is commonly done, then the stress on the exterior of the tube will change from — ^' 7\ to -^jR^ T^ as shown. Now consider the jacket. The negative tension of the tube is due to a positive tension of the jacket resulting from shrinkage. Since the system is in equilibrium, the algebraic sum of the tensions on the tube and the jacket must be equal to 0; and, since from Barlow's law the tension, whether positive or negative, is always numerically greatest on the inner surface of a cylinder, we would have the condition represented by figure 6, in which the area RpT^R' = area R' T' T" R" . This represents the state of the system at rest. It is evident that the configuration of the stress area on the jacket, and therefore the maximum stress, R' T\ which it is called on to sustain from the shrinkage, will depend upon the thickness of the jacket. Also that R' T' must not only not exceed the elastic limit under tension, 6' ^ of the jacket, but must be so far beneath it as to admit of •the increment due to firing. Now suppose the system to be placed in action by the powder pressure and for simplicity assume that pz=: =.6', 14 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. As the tension on the surface of the bore changes from — pto -\- 6 the strain on the surfaces of contact will increase the tension there by a quantity. For the tube this will simply change the sign of the stress from — to +. For the jacket the addition will be positive, the most favorable case being when the dimensions of the jacket are so chosen, as in figure 6, that the tension at rest + the tension in action = 6'. The state of the system in action is shown by the dotted lines of figure 6. The tangential resistance of the system will be propor- tional to the sum of the areas p R B T^ R' T^ p {=%s) + R' T/ T,^ R" R' {= s') - R' T' T" R" R' (= s;) or :2 :2 = 2^ + /-^, and/o= ^• The dimensions of figure 6 render such a gun about twice as strong as if it were a simple tube of the same size and elasticity. It is evident, that if, as on page 9, we suppose the gun to consist of an indefinite number of cylinders in which the initial tensions are properly applied, the thinner the cylinders are made, the less will be the difference of the tensions on their interior and exterior surfaces and the more nearly will the broken line d T, T/ r,, become parallel to O R" , or the more nearly will the resistance of the gun approach the ideal case. The difficulties of manufacture have generally limited the number of cylinders to less than 5 but these difficulties can be overcome by making the cylinders of continous wire wrapped around a central tube. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 15 SHRINKAGE. It is seen that the initial tension depends primarily on the shrinkage. In built up guns this may be due to heat- ing the exterior cylinder as described in Chap. XV, or to forcing by hydraulic pressure one cylinder within another, the contact surfaces being reciprocally conical, or by wind- ing wire continuously over a central tube. By whatever method the result may be attained, the stress on the contact surfaces is due to the strain resulting from the compression of the inner cylinder and the extension of the exterior. To determine the shrinkage required to produce a given initial compression without exceeding either p in the inner cylinders when the system is at rest or 6 in the exterior when the system is in action, is one of the principal objects of the different theories of gun construction now in vogue. A full discussion of these theories is not possible in this course, but the following treatment of the subject based upon Barlow's law illustrates the methods now employed. Let e, e' be the strains on the adjacent surfaces of the tube and jacket, for the corresponding stresses R' T^ = /, and R' T' == /' and let o* = for Y since it acts opposite to F, and ^ for Z, and the above equations become } '--M' + T + l)) W XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 27 The first of these equations expresses the total change per unit of length in the direction of the tangent of the cyhnder ; the second the total compression (being negative) in the direction of the radius ; and the third the total change in the direction of the axis, due to the three forces /, / and q. In order to apply these equations in practice the changes of dimensions must be expressed in terms of the radii of the cylinder and of the forces acting upon it. To express the equations in these terms we proceed as follows : Equations of Equilibrium in Terms of the Radii of the Cylinder. Let Figure 10 represent a section of the cylinder perpen- dicular to the axis. Let R = interior radius. R ' n: exterior radius. r = the radius of any circle of the section. r' = any other radius exterior to r. p zzzthe radial pressure per unit of surface at the distance r from the axis. tz=. the tangential stress per unit of surface at r, q = the stress per unit of section parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and supposed uniform throughout the section. /*=the interior radial pressure per unit of surface, being the value of / for R. ^'^the exterior radial pressure per unit of surface, being the value of / for R' . T and T' = the values of / for r = Rj and r= i?' re- spectively. ^=the modulus of elasticity. The pressure/, whether acting inward or outward, develops in the direction perpendicular to A B, Figure 10, a force equal to 2j>r. 28 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. Increase r to r', and represent by f the new value of/. This develops a force in the direction perpendicular \.q A B equal to 2 p' r* . The algebraic difference between these forces is in equilibrio with the product of twice the thickness of the ring r* — ;' into the mean stress throughout the ring, which represent by r. Hence 2/ / _ 2 /r = — 2 T (^ — r) dividing P'r' —pr _ ^ r* — r passing to the limit of the ratio in the first member by making d{pf) ( p' r' —pr \ limit of 1 , ^ r' ^ limit of \> Hence d (pr) __ Taking the last of Equations (8), which expresses the strain in the direction of the axis of the cylinder, and supposing this uniform throughout the cross-section, we have P\ ^=M' i+8 From this we have or t— p=^^{q— V E) (10) But the second member of this last equation is constant, since we have supposed v uniform throughout the section ; hence / — / = constant. XIX. GUN CONSTRUCTION. 29 From which we may unite t—p= T—P (A) t—p=T' — F' (V) From Equation (10) we have t=P + i(q-vE) (11) Substituting this for / in Equation (9) we have performing the differentiation as indicated ; / and r being variable, pdr + rdp ^ o / Z7\ Jr = — / — 3(^— v^) reducing dr dp r ~~ 2 / + 3 (^ — V ^) Integrating log= (y) = 4 log. (2/ H- 3 (? - V ^ + log. C i- = ^(2/ + 3(?-r^)) Substituting the value of/ + 3 (? — v E) from (11) we have ! = .(/+/) (/ -j- /) r' = — = constant From which we can write {t^- p)r' = {T-^P)R' (Q {t-\- p)r' = {T' -\-P<)R''' {D) From Equations (A) and (B) we derive the following principle : The difference between the tension and the 'Pressure is the same at all points. 30 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. From (C) and {D) we have the following principle : At any point whatever^ the sum of the tension in the direction of the circumference, ajid of the pressure in the direction of the radius, varies inversely as the square of the radius. This demonstration is given by Captain Crozier, Ordnance Department, in " Notes on the Construction of Ordnance," No. 35. Applications. — It has been shown by Captain Birnie, Ord- nance Department, that in considering the radial and tangential strains in a gun cylinder, we may, without appreciable error, omit the longitudinal strain, or the strain parallel to the axis, and afterwards consider this latter strain separately. This conclusion has been proved to be correct, by actual measure- ments of guns during construction. This is equivalent to making in Equation (8) q^o, when the equations become In the last equation, which gives the change in the longi- tudinal direction, this change will be produced by/ and /only. From Equations (C) and {D) we have (5-/ -j- pi) Ri 2 ^ (r-l. p) j^^ and from {A) and {B) T' — F' = T—F Combining these two equations and ehminating T' we have ■ F'^ + J^ 2 F' ' F' ^ ^' F'^ — F*" F" — F" / = XI3^. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 31 Substituting this value in (J) and (C), combining the re- sulting equations, and eliminating/ we have Ri^ — R' -I- ^,2_^. ^ (13) And by combining and eHminating / between the same equations we have. _ FJ ^ — P' Ii'\ . J^'^^'iP—P') 1 Substituting these values of / and / in Equations (12) we have 2 {PR' — P' R'^) q^R'^ R' i^P— P') 1 '^ "" $(R" — R')jS "f" 3{R'' — R')£ r" ^^^ _ ^(PR"— P' R'"") 4tR" R' {P—P') 1_ ^— d(R'^ — R')£ ~" S {R' ' — R') E r" (^^^ _ ^{PR' — P'R'') ^ — "" 8 (i?"* — R') E vA ') These equations give the values of the elongations or con- tractions in terms of the pressures and radii, and the known modulus E^ for any radius r. Elastic Strength of a Simple or Single Cylinder. Now it may be shown that the greatest elongations and compressions of the fibres of a cyUnder subjected to an interior pressure P, and an exterior pressure P' , take place at the inner surface of the cylinder. (See appendix, Note 35, on the Con- struction of Ordnance.) Assuming this, we recur now to the fundamental principle stated above "that no fibre of any cylinder in the gun shall be elongated or contracted beyond the elastic limit of the metal of that cylinder." Let Q = the elastic limit for tension, p = the elastic limit for compression in pounds or tons per square inch, of the cylinder. 82 XlX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. Then the extension and compression at the elastic Hmit will be respectively and by the above principle these must be equal to the greatest values of /I and [z respectively. Since the greatest extensions and compressions will occur at the interior of the cylinder, we have for their greatest values by substituting jR for r in (15) and (16) 3 (i?' ' — R') E (18) f^ — — 3 (i?' » — R'YE (^^) Placing these equal to -^ and -^ respectively, we have . (4:R" + 2R')P—6R" P' d(R'' — R') I 2 pt ___ (^R'^ — 2R')P—'2R'''P P— 3(R'' — R') From which we find two values for P, viz. : ■^ 4 i?' ^ + 2 ^^ ^ — 4: R" — '2.R' (20) (21) Equation (20) gives the value for the interior pressure, which will cause the layer of metal on the interior of the cylinder to reach its elastic limit by extension, and Equation (21) the value which will cause the same layer to be com- pressed to its elastic limit ; these pressures being in pounds or tons per square inch according as d and p are expressed in pounds or tons. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 83 It must be remembered that the less of the two pressures, measures the elastic strength of the cyHnder. THIRD. — THE ELASTIC STRENGTH OF A COMPOUND CYLINDER, OR OF A BUILT-UP GUN. For the sake of clearness in the nomenclature, and of sim- plicity in discussion, the gun will be supposed to consist of two cylinders only, shrunk one upon the other, and the resistance of this compound cylinder, and the shrinkages to be used in its construction, will be deduced. In figure 11 let P^ = the maximum internal pressure to which the gun can be subjected. P^ ■=. the normal pressure at the surface of contact of the two cylinders. P^ •=. the exterior normal pressure. A' Pv P-i ^^ variations in the pressures, P^^ P^ and P^ due to any cause whatever. The above pressures and variations of pressure are those which exist with the " system in action," — that is when the maximum gas pressure is acting on the bore. Let PI = the normal pressure acting at the surface of contact of the two cylinders when the system is at rest — that is, when the pressure of the gas does not act on the bore. // = the variation of P^ due to any cause whatever. J?g, i?j, R^ = the radii of bore, of interior of second cylinder, and of exterior of second cylinder respectively. 0„, 0j =: elastic limits of inner and outer cylinders for extension. p^, pj = elastic limit of same for compression. E^, E^ = moduli of elasticity of metal of cylinders. 34 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. Writing Equations (20) and (21) we have ^ - 4^'^ + 2i?^~ ^^ ^ — 4^'" — 2i?^ ^^^ Now it will be remembered that in the case of a single cylinder, Equation (20) gives the value of Z*^^^, the interior pressure which will cause the layer of metal on the interior of the cylinder to reach its elastic limit by extension, and Equation (21) the value of P^^ the interior pressure which will cause the same layer to be compressed to its elastic limit. Taking the outer or second cylinder of the gun, it is always under a strain of extension both in action and at rest, and hence Equation (21) will not apply to it. Equation (20) must therefore be used. To apply it to the present case, R and R' in (20) are the inner and outer radii, which now become R^ and R^ respectively. /*is the interior pressure, and it now becomes P^, P' is the exterior pressure, and it becomes P^. But this exterior pressure on the second cylinder is simply that due to the atmosphere, and it is so small in comparison with the other pressures considered that it may be neglected. Hence P. — o. Also Q becomes Q^. Making these substitutions in (20) we have _ %{R^-R^)Q, ' ~ 4: Rl + 2 R,' This gives the value of the interior pressure on the outer cylinder which will cause its inner layer to be strained to the elastic limit for tension, and as this value is expressed in XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 85 known terms, P^ can be readily calculated. The value of 0^ is obtained from test of the metal in a testing machine. Now taking the inner cylinder, the pressure P^ just found, acts not only on the interior of the outer cylinder, but also on the exterior of this inner cylinder. Hence one of the normal pressures acting on this inner cylinder is known, and we have to calculate the other. • This inner cylinder is not only extended by the action of the powder gas, but it is also compressed radially by this pressure, and it is subjected to a strain of compression by the force P^ which we have just found. In other words the inner cylinder is subjected to both tension and compression, and hence it is necessary to calculate both strains, and to take the smaller as the limit of its elastic resistance. Referring to Equations (20) and (21) the following changes must be made to apply them to the inner cylinder — P becomes P^ P' " P^ R " R, R' '* R^ e - 6^ Making these substitutions we can write ,, 3{R,^-Rl) e,+ 6R,-'P, V 4:R,' + 2 Rl » ~ 4:R,^ ^2Rl Substituting in these equations the known values of the radii, and of ^^ and p^ together with the value of P, just cal- culated, we obtain two values for /*„, the smaller of which is the limiting value of the pressure for the compound cylinder under discussion. 86 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. For convenience of reference these equations are collected here — p ^ 3 (i?i - R,' ) e, 4 7?^ + 2 R,' ^ (n _ 3(^.'-^a K^ ^^.'P. V (22) •^o ~ 4i?,^ + 2J?,1 ^ ^ ^ 3 {R, - i?^) p„ + 2 i?,' -P. p(2) _ The values of P, obtained from Equations (22), are the pressures which will cause the interior of each cylinder to reach its elastic limit for extension or compression; and since the greatest strains in a cyHnder occur at its interior surface, and since also no part of any cylinder must be strained be- yond its elastic limit, it is evident that the values of P, thus obtained, represent the greatest strains to which the cylinders can be subjected. It will be seen hereafter, that these values cannot always be used in practice, since the bore in the state of rest, may be compressed beyond its elastic limit, by the use of these values. It is, therefore, necessary now to consider The System at Rest. Equations (22) give the pressures acting for the sys- tem when under the maximum pressure of the powder gas. It is evident, however, that when the system is at rest, great pressures will exist at the surface of contact of the two cylinders, due to the shrinkage of one on the other. These pressures generally increase from the exterior to the in- terior, and the interior of the bore is generally compressed from this cause to a greater degree than any other part of the gun. This compression of the bore may be so great as to exceed the elastic limit for compression of the metal of the inner cyHnder, and thus, although the gun is properly calcu- lated for action, the principle upon which the whole structure XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 37 is built may be violated, when the gas pressure is removed. In this case", the elasticity of the tube is destroyed., as effect- ively as if by the powder pressure. It is evident, also, that when the powder pressure ceases, the pressure which existed at the surface of contact of the two cyhnders will change, and will assume some other value for the state of rest. The value of this variation of pressure at the surface of contact has been denoted by /, and at the sur- face of the bore by /o- The value of the pressure at the sur- face of contact for the state of rest has been represented by P\ Now it is evident that the difference between the pressure in action and at rest for any surface, gives the variation in the pressure at that surface. Hence, since the pressure at the in- terior of the bore, when the system is at rest, is zero, we have and also When these changes of pressure occur, they are accompanied by corresponding changes of dimensions of the surfaces at which they act, and these changes of dimensions depend directly upon the variations of pressure. The greatest changes of dimensions occur in the direction of the circumference or of the tangent to the surfaces, and Equation (18) gives the value of these changes for the interior surfaces. To Calculate these Changes of Dimensions. The variation of pressure acting on the outer cylinder .s /,, and the exterior pressure is zero, being that of tlie atmos- phere. Hence, substituting in Equation (18) for P its value p^ and making /" = o R -^ R, R' ^ R, E =^ E, 38 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. we can write ^^(4^^ + 2i?r)A 3 (J^l — R:^) E, This represents the change of dimensions of the interior of the outer cyUnder per unit of length of circumference, under the change of pressure represented by p^. To find the change of the exterior of the tube due to the variations of pressures p^ and /, which act on it, we recur to the general Equation (15), which gives the change in the direction of the circumference, or of the tangent, of any cylinder whose exterior and interior radii are R' and R at the distance r from the axis. Replacing r by R' since the change at the exterior of the cyHnder is now required, we have _ %R^P-{^R^ + ^R'^)P' ^ - 'i{R''^-R^)E ^^^^ To apply this to the inner cylinder now under discussion make R' = Ry and we write 6 Rl A. - (4 Rl + 2 R,') A . A-= 3 {R,^ - Rf) E, for the value of the change of exterior of inner cylinder or tube. Now since the outer surface of the tube, and the inner surface of the outer cylinder are in contact, the same change of dimensions must occur in both, at this surface of contact, and hence the two values of X obtained above are equal. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 89 We have therefore 6 RIP, — (4 i?^ + 2 R^)p, (4 i?l + 2 R^) /, /i = Solving this equation with reference to p, we have QR,E,[Ri-R,']p^ E, {R,—Rn (4i^o + ^Rn + E,(J^,^ — J^t) (4^^ + 2 R,') (24) Now in this equation /„ is known, since it is equal to — P^ as before shown, and R^ has been already calculated by- Equations (22), hence we can calculate/,. Limiting Value for the Exterior Pressure on the Inner Cyl- inder, System at Rest. It has been stated that R^, given by Equations (22) represents the maximum stress to which the gun can be subjected in action, the smaller of the two values of P^ being used. It is necessary now to determine what value can be allowed for the exterior pressure upon the inner cylinder at rest, so that the interior surface of the latter will not be compressed by it beyond its elastic hmit. To do this we must find the value of Ri for the state of rest. The value of R/ for this state is as has been shown R/ =R. + Pi Assuming Equation (18) and making P — o^ since the interior pressure at rest is zero, we have ~2 R"" P' A — {R^ — P')E which shows since it is negative, that there is tangential com- pression, and as this is generally greater than the radial com- pression. Equation (18) only is used. This compression must not exceed that at the elastic hmit 40 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. which is P E hence we have for the limiting value of the compression at the interior of the inner cylinder. Changing the letters to correspond to the case of the tube under discussion ; that is, making F' = P/ R' ^ R, R ^ R, E ^E, P = Po and omitting the negative sign, as that simply indicates com- pression, we write 2 R,' r/ p. or but hence (y?.' - K) E^ E, ^, ^ (i?,' - F?^ p. 2/C ^ = ^. + A />/=/». + /. ^ ^^-'^"5^° (25) and this value of P^ must not be exceeded. This equation gives the value of /*/ r= P^ -(" A i^^ known terms. But we have the value of /i from Equation (24) by substi- tuting for /„ its value — P^. Hence, substituting the value of /i from Equation (24) in (25), we obtain a new value for P^ which will cause the interior of the inner cylinder to be compressed to its elastic limit at rest. The value thus ob- XIX. — aUN CONStRUCTlOl^. 41 tained for P^ must be substituted in that one of Equations (22) which gives the least value for P^. The new value thus obtained for P^ will be such that the inner cylinder will not be strained beyond its elastic Hmit either in action or at rest, and it represents the greatest value of the stress to which the gun can be subjected without exceeding the elastic limit of the metal composing it. THE SHRINKAGE. In Fig. 12, let OA represent the interior, and OB the ex- terior radius of the inner cylinder, and OC and OD the inte- rior and exterior radii of the outer cylinder, before they are assembled to form the gun. Then the length CJS= OB — OC is the shrinkage. As diameters are usually employed instead of radii in tables of shrinkages, a more usual expression for the shrinkage is 2 C^ = 2 {OB — OC) or, in other words, the shrinkage is the difference of diameters of the enveloping and enveloped cylinders. This is called the absolute or actual shrinkage. The relative shrinkage is the shrinkage per unit of diameter, or per unit of radius, and is expressed by dividing the absolute shrinkage by the interior diameter of the outer or enveloping cyUnder. Thus the rela- tive shrinkage in this case is 2CB ^ '^(OB— OC) CB ^0C~ 2 0C ~ OC To determine the shrinkage for the case under discussion. In Fig. 12, let OA, OB, OC and OD represent the same quan- tities as above. Now, when the outer cylinder is heated and expanded till its interior radius OC is slightly greater than the exterior ra- dius OB of the inner cylinder, and the exterior cylinder while hot is placed on the interior cylinder, so as to envelop it, and 4^ XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTlOM. is then cooled in this position, it is evident that the outer cyl- inder will compress the exterior of the inner one, and that their surface of contact will assume some such position as K E E''y the outer radius O B oi the tube being compressed to O E^ and the inner radius O C oi the outer cylinder being extended to O E, Hence the radius O B has been compressed by the amount OB — OE z= BE and the radius OC has been extended by OE— 0C=^ CE ' and the sum of these two is equal to the original shrinkage, BC, or BE -^ CE^ BC, Hence, if we can find the values of the two quantities BE and CE^ we will have that of the shrinkage. Now when the two cylinders are assembled, and the system is at rest, we have found that the pressure P^ acts at the con- tact surface of the cylinders. That is, the exterior cylinder is acted upon by a force represented by P^, and this force pro- duces an extension per unit of radius of CE OC CE being unknown. But Equation (18) gives the value of this extension in terms of the radii, pressures and modulus of the cylinder. Remembering that P' = P^ — o P =P,' R' = R, R = R, E =E, we write CE _ (4 ^^ + 2 R,') P! OC ~ 3 {Rl ~ R^')E, This gives CE, XIX. GUN CONSTRUCTION. 43 To find BEy or the compression of the exterior of the tube. The pressure acting is P/, as before, the interior pressure being zero. This change being at the exterior of the cyHnder, we use Equation (23), making the following changes, P = o P' = P^ Hence we have E =E, oc ~ ■^ - (4 iP„ + 2 J?,') P! - 3 {R;- - Rl) E, Strictly speaking, the true value is -—- for the change per unit of radius, but the difference between OB and OC '\s so small in practice that either may be used without appreciable error. Now it will be observed that the value of -^ = A just ob- tained, is negative, indicating compression, and this is evi- dently correct. But the shrinkage sought is the sum of two positive quan- tities BE 4- CE CB 'OC ~ ~0C In order to avoid the negative sign, and obtain the quantity BE j^ under a positive form, we suppose that the exterior cyl- inder is removed from the interior cylinder. In this case it is evident that the exterior surface of the inner cylinder will expand and regain its original diameter, and that this expan- sion is exactly the same in amount as the compression BE, which was produced by shrinking on the outer cylinder. This is equivalent to supposing the pressure P^' neutralized 44 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION-. by an equal and opposite pressure ; that is, in the value of BE --T. we make P.' = - A' and that value becomes accordingly — BE _ (4 R^ + 2 R^) F,' a positive quantity. Now denoting by op the shrinkage of the two cylinders, we have CE-\.BE (4^/ + 2i?.^)P/ (4.R:-^<2R,^)P' ^ OC ~ ^ (R^' — R:') E,~^S (R,' — R^') E^ ^ ^ In using this equation it must be remembered that cp is the relative shrinkage, or the shrinkage per unit of diameter. To obtain the absolute shrinkage, the relative shrinkage must be multiplied by the diameter. That is, if Z> represent the diam- eter and (p the relative shrinkage (both in inches), and *S the absolute shrinkage, then, S ^ (j)X z> and the exterior diameter of the cylinder must be made E>' = D-{- S Referring to figure 12, 2 OC^ jD 2CR=S=q)XZ> 2 0B= D' GENERAL REMARKS. It can be shown theoretically that the maximum resistance is obtained from a gun cylinder when the radii of the differ- ent cylinders composing it, vary from the interior in geomet- rical progression. XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. 45 This, however, is never adopted in practice for various reasons, one of the principal being the objection to very thick cylinders on account of their being more difficult to forge, less uniform in quality, and more liable to imperfections in the metal. It can also be shown that no great advantage is gained as regards tangential strength, by increasing the thickness of the walls of the gun over the powder chamber much beyond one caliber. These considerations combined with the capacity of the forging plant where hoops, tubes and jackets are made, will serve to fix the limits of thickness of the different cylin- ders composing the gun. Examples are given here of three modern guns : Gun. Diam. of powder chamber. Thick- ness of tube. Thick- ness of jacket. Thick- ness of -Whoops. Thick- ness of £ hoops. Total thickness of wall. Total thickness of wall. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Calibers. 8-in. 9.50 2.75 4.25 3.30 10.30 1.0842 10-in. 11.80 3.20 4.90 2.525 3.10 13.725 1.1631 12-in. 14.20 3.90 5.80 2.90 3.425 16.025 1.1285 The caliber being the diameter of the powder chamber, the above table shows that the thickness of wall only sHghtly exceeds one calibre. Having determined from the above considerations the radii of the different cylinders composing the gun, the values of the pressures which the gun will support in action may be calculated from Equations (22), B and p being known from tests of the metal in a testing machine. Having obtained the values of /{ and F^ from Equations (22), the system must be considered at rest, and the values of the pressure P/ deduced which will be safe for that state of the system. This is given by Equation (25). Then this value of P^' must be used to deduce a new 46 XIX. — GUN CONSTRUCTION. value of Z*! , and this value of P^ must be substituted in that one of Equations (22) which gave the lower value for P^ . The new value of P^ thus deduced will represent the maxi- mum pressure to which the gun can be safely subjected. We can now calculate the shrinkage from Equation (26), using the value of P/ already found. The same method can be extended to guns composed of any number of cylinders, but the subject becomes more complex as the number of cyhnders increases. After calculating the shrinkages, the same fundamental formulas may be used to calculate the compressions of the bore produced by the assembhng of the cylinders. The results of these calculations are then compared with actual measurements of the bore made during the assembling of the gun, and the agreement is in every case found to be remarkably close, and furnishes a proof of the correctness of the theory. Thickness of Gun at Different Points. The thickness of the gun at the reinforce is determined by the considerations already given, and as stated, rarely exceeds one and a half calibres. To determine its thickness at various points along the chase, it is necessary to have the '* pressure curve " of the powder at different points along the bore. Formulas have been deduced for this curve by various authors, but it is not deemed necessary to give them here. The results obtained from them do not agree, and recent experiments on a small gun show that Noble & Abel's formula, Chapter IX, agrees very well with the results of experiment. Using this formula, the pressure curve can be obtained. The elastic resistance of the gun, or the values of P^ for different sections of the gun, are calculated as explamed, and plotted, and the curve of powder pressure for the same gun XIX.— GUN CONSTRUCTION. 47 is also plotted to the same scale. The curve of resistance should always He above the curve of pressures. Length of Gun. This may be determined for a given initial velocity and given conditions of loading, charge of powder, etc., by Sarrau's formulas for velocity, but as a practical rule, it may be stated that at present the total length of modern high power guns varies between 35 and 45 calibres, and that the tendency is toward the higher limit. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. CHAPTER XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. This treats of the motion of the projectile after it has left the gun. Definitions. The sights are two projections on the upper surface of the piece, the distance between which parallel to the axis, is called the sight radius^ or sometimes the radius of the gun. Each sight contains a definite point called the sight point. That for the front sight, which is fixed, is generally deter- mined by the intersection, at an acute angle, of the faces of a wedge or by the intersection of cross wires as in sur- veying instruments. That for the rear sight consists of a notch in a bar, or a pin hole. The rear sight point is movable so as to vary its distance from the axis. The difference of the distances of the sight points from the axis of the bore, divided by the radius of the gun, meas- ures the tangent of the angle of elevation^ or of q and the computed value of e would be too great, so that the target would be overshot. The angle made by the line of departure with the horizon- tal plane is called the angle of departure, d, figure 1. It is with this angle that we have principally to deal in ballistics, as it is the angle at which the projectile actually begins its flight. The angle of projection is the angle included between the line of departure and the line of sight ; it may be thought of as the angle of elevation corrected for jump. The quadrant angle is the angle made by the axis of the bore and the horizontal. It is measured by the gunner's quadrant, a form of spirit level, applied to the face of the muzzle or to some cylindrical surface of the gun. Owing to the grooves in rifled guns this is preferably an exterior surface. See q, figure 1. The quadrant angle may be measured either above or below the horizontal plane. The term depressed or plunging fire refers to a negative quadrant angle. The angle of sight is the angle included between the line of sight and the horizontal plane, or s^ figure 1.* * This depends solely upon the altitude of the target in the astronomi- cal sense. It is unfortunate that the term above named should be used to designate this angle, as it has nothing whatever to do with the sights. It would be more consistent if the terms angle of sights and of elevation were exchanged. In the P>ench service the angle of sight is called the angle of site. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. It is seen from the figure and by definition that Of these quantities, s is given by the act of pointing, and e must be computed by the methods hereafter explained. The above equation is principally useful for verifying the elevation given by the sights or for guns which are not pro- vided with sights. To determine the Jump, Place in front of the gun and at a distance just beyond the reach of the blast a slight screen. Mark upon the screen the point o^ at which it is pierced by the axis of the bore prolonged. In breech-loaders this may be done by means of perforated discs fitting the bore, and in muzzle-loaders by making ^ = and laying off on the screen the coordi- nates of the sight points negatively taken. Fire the piece and determine V. If then X and y are the horizontal and vertical coordi- nates of the center of the shot hole when referred to ^, and d the distance of the screen from the muzzle we have approximately, from figure 2, tan J — ._y -Vab d ^t^ d but ad= ^ and t= ~ neartyj hence tan /= | + ^^. If the shot strikes below the point, then y is measured negatively. X The lateral jump is evidently tan~^ = —, " Cti XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. A number of such determinations should be made since the method is obviously inaccurate. A better plan is to eliminate the effect of the perturba- tions near the muzzle by computing e and determining by experiment the value of p for an extended range of, say 600 yards, — then j — p — e The jump is usually about 30' which value will be taken in problems in which it is required to be assumed. The planes of sight and of departure are vertical planes containing the corresponding lines. The computed range is the distance from the gun to the (second) intersection of the trajectory by the line of sight. The term range is also applied according to circumstances to the distance of the target from the gun, and to the hori- zontal distance to the point of impact — in case the target be missed and the projectile strikes some horizontal surface in front or rear of the target — such as water. Practically the dimensions of the gun may be neglected so that the front sight point may be considered in the axis of the bore and the range to be measured from either sight indifferently. In the following discussions we will also assume that the planes of sight and of departure coincide in the vertical plane containing the axis of the piece, which is called the plane of fire^ and that the projectile travels in the plane of departure. This is not actually true, however, for the projectile tends to move sideways out of the plane of departure as shown by the horizontal projection of figure 1. This motion, called the drifts is due to the combined effect of the rotation of the projectile and the resistance of the air ; combined with other causes of inaccuracy it leads at the target to lateral deviation^ which is meaured by the distance of the point of impact from the plane of sight. See Chapter XXX. XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. The deviation in ran^e is similarly measured. Classification of Fire, In this classification the sights are disregarded and the line of fire is the straight line from the muzzle of the piece to the point aimed at. Similarly for general discussions the quadrant angle is sometimes called the angle of fire. Figure 3 illustrates the classification with reference to the vertical plane containing the target, which represents a certain face of a work. Figure 4 illustrates the classification with reference to the horizontal plane. The limit for direct fire is imposed by the principle of the rigidity of the trajectory to be here- after explained. The classification is also applied, as indicated, to the angles of descent. This is more accurate since it relates to the effect produced rather than to the intention of produc- ing a given effect. In figure 1 it is assumed without sensible error, that the lines of sight, departure, etc., intersect at the muzzle, and the drift is very much exaggerated. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Exterior ballistics is usually divided into tw© parts. 1st, in vacuo; 2d, in the air. I TRAJECTORY IN VACUO. Utility. The first of these is sufficiently treated in the course of Mechanics. Its practical utility is confined to two cases. 1st. That of projectiles of high sectional density moving with comparatively low velocity as in mortars, since in such cases the loss of energy due to the resistance of the air may be neglected where only approximate results are required. Chapter XVI, page 1. 2d. Cases involving the flight of projectiles in the air, in which some of the data are lacking, or in which the velocity of the projectile in one of its component directions is so low that the consequent retardation may be neglected. » USEFUL FORMULAE. The principal equations of this kind which are used in this course may be derived from equation (167), Michie, in which we write, as is customary, y for z, ^ = Vsme-st; (1) whence j= Vt sin d- ^r^ (2) and by placing -^ =0 (3) for the time to the vertex of the trajectory. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. From the symmetry of the trajectory in vacuo, T, the whole time of flight is equal to 2/ or and Eliminating V by substituting this value in Equation (2), y^q.(T-i) (6) T s: T^ If in this we replace /by — we have F= ^—5 — (7) in which jj' now becomes F, the ordinate of the vertex. That is, the height of the vertex in feet is nearly four times the square of the time of flight in seconds. Equations (6) and (7) are important, and should be re- membered, as they are frequently used in approximate solu- tions in the air. If in Equation (169), Michie, rewritten according to the usual nomenclature, or y = X tan — -r--- ^-^ (8) in which ^is the height through which the projectile must fall to acquire the velocity F, we make j = 6 wq may determine the range X 2 V sin cos (9 _ V sin 2 d X =: (y) g g Therefore the range will vary less from variations in 0, as d approaches 45°. Also, for the same value of B, as in S. B. mortars, X: X' -.'.V^: V'\ XX.— EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. But, considering the powder as a reservoir of potential energy, frona the equation of energy we have approximately And assijming the weight of the projectile, JV, to be con- stant for the same piece w: w'v.E'. E'wV^ \ V'^::X: X\ Therefore, in a S. B. mortar the charges are proportional to the ranges. This is of importance in regulating charges and works well in practice. If in equation (9) we substitute the value of F in equa- tion (5), we find, if we call g=32 approximately and ^=45°, X=16 T' or T= ^ (10) which gives a rule for timing mortar fuzes. RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. To give an idea of the pressure exerted on projectiles in the air and consequently of the insufficiency of the preced- ing formulae for practical use, except in the cases cited; it will suffice to say that a velocity of the wind of about 100 miles an hour is designated in the Ordnance Manual as a "hurricane that tears up trees, carries buildings before it, etc." In projectiles moving with the high velocities now attained the pressure is over 80 times as great as that assigned to the hurricane. EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE THE RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. Experiments have been constantly made since Robins, called the " Father of Gunnery," began to investigate this subject about the middle of the last century. But these :XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. gave untrustworthy results owing to the lack of suitable velocimeters. It is upon the investigations of the Reverend Francis Bashforth, conducted under the auspices of the British Government from 1865 to 1880, that our knowledge of the effects of this resistance is based. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. Resistance. Bashforth's experiments demonstrate that the resistance varies with the quantities shown on the following tabular scheme. '1. Area of cross-section or ^^, Chap. XVI. 2. Density of air. 3. k, Chap. XVI,|l. Meridian section]^ ^^^^^^^» Resist- ance varies with ^ page 2, viz.: |jj Velocity of projectile'. 1. That the resistance varies with the area is recognized by all experimenters. 2. The effect of variations in the density of the air, whether due to variations in barometric pressure, in temperature or in humidity, or from the passage of the projectile through strata of varying density, is allowed for m refined computations by suitable coefficients. For this treatise the effects of such variations are neglected. 3. Variations in k due to slight variations in the meridian section are also neglected, although they may be similarly corrected, see b below. 1. As to the Meridiafi Section^ viz, : (a) Form of Head. — Bashforth in his experiments used projectiles of the same calibre and weight, and having heads of five different shapes. These were, 1st, hemispherical; 2d, hemispheroidal, with axes in the ratio of 1 to 2; 3d, ogival, radius of head 1 diameter; 4th, ogival, radius of bead 2 diameters; 5th, fiat. 10 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. The resistance was greatest on the flat-headed projectile, and least on the hemispheroidal and ogival of two diameters. Rashforth concludes that the resistance offered by the air to the motion of elongated projectiles is but little affected by the more or less pointed apex, but depends chiefly upon the form of the head, near its junction with the cylindrical body of the shot. At this point the forms of the hemisphe- roidal head, and of the ogival head of two diameters radius, are about the same, and their resistances are nearly equal. (/^) Form of Body. — Recent experiments by Krupp have shown that the resistance varies also with the shapes of the sides and rear of the projectile, and with the character of its surface. 2. Retardation and Velocity, Rashforth's method was one of interpolation founded on the use of velocimeters of Class II, by which he determined by means of finite differences the retardation of the pro- jectile at certain points of its trajectory at which the velocity was known. Everything else being constant, the relation between the retardation and the velocity was known for each of the veloc- ities observed at any one fire. And by varying these veloc- ities as by varying the initial velocity or the distance of the gun from the targets, an indefinite number of velocities could be observed and their corresponding retardations computed. Finally, the law connecting the velocity and the retardation could be deduced by analysis, or expressed by plotting a curve of which the retardation and velocities are the coordi- nate axes. For the same velocity the retardation was found to vary with (') the sectional density of the projectile, its f ) meridian section and (') surface, and with the (*) density of the air as XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 11 affected by its temperature, barometric pressure and its humidity. Accordingly, such a law must for convenience be reduced to standard conditions, that is, when (i) W (in pounds) = d^ (in inches), i. e., when we have the unit projectile^ and when the (2) proportions and (3) surface of the projectile are well defined, and the (^) density of the air is at a known standard. Variations in these four conditions are subsequently allowed for by suitable empirical coefficients of which we shall deal with only that relating to the sectional density. It may be stated however that Bashforth used a M. L. R. gun firing studded projectiles^ the points having a radius of IJ calibres. The more recent B. L. projectiles, having sharper points and smoother surfaces, reduce the retardation by 5 or .10 per cent. See page 10. bashforth's method. , He placed 10 targets at a constant interval of 150 feet=/. This gave such a number of observations at each fire that they served to correct each other by the principle of con- tinuity, so that the final order of differences would be either 0, or would change very slowly. Examples of this are seen in the methods used in correcting tables of squares, cubes and of logarithms. For this purpose the advantages of instruments of Class II. over those of Class I. are obvious. Such instruments ordinarily give only the velocity at some point between each pair of targets. But Bashforth sought the velocity at the target itself as follows : Calling (7;,,) the velocity at the target which is at a distance X from the gun 12 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. In measuring velocity it is customary to express j as a function of t, in which t (one second) is the constant. But when, as in these experiments, / is constant, it is advisable to express the velocity by varying the value of/. Consequently, calling r^ the retardation at the distance x and observing that, since this is a negative acceleration, we may neglect the minus sign resulting from differentiation, we have "^ ~di~~dF ^{ij=i^^^ (12) The object of presenting the retardation in this form was to make it an explicit function of the cube of the velocity since Bashforth had reason to believe that the retardation followed what is known as the cubic law.^ In order to apply equations (U) and (12) practically, it is necessary to find by experiment such finite values for dt and d'^t that, when substituted in the preceding equations they will give proper values for v^ and r,. Or, calling these finite values A/, ^nd AV, ^^=^ (11') '■.= ~/r^l (13') * The simplicity of such a law has always proved attractive to in- vestigators of thir, subject. Sir Isaac Newton took it to vary with the square of the velocity, and others with varying powers of the velocity corresponding to certain limiting velocities. Newton's law has recently been proved nearly true for the high veloci- ties and smooth pointed projectiles now employed. It will be seen here- after how Bashforth corrected the cubic law by an empirical coefficient corresponding to the velocity. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 13 DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY AND RESISTANCE. Referring to Bashforth's experiments, let s denote the distance from any origin to the first target. Then j + / will be the distance from the same origin to the second target and s-\-(n — 1) / the distance to the «'* target at the distance x, and so on. Also, let 4 denote the time from any origin until the first target is reached. Then fs+(n-i)i will be the time from the same origin until the n^'^ target is reached and so on. Now, let ^1, 4> 4> etc., denote the 1st, 2d, 3d orders of difference and d\ d'\ d"\ the successive terms in these orders of difference so that 4'" will mean the third term in the second order of difference and so on. Then 4+i~4=^/> which will be the time of passage of the projectile between the 1st and 2d targets and 4+21 4+1 = ^1 y and d-l*—d^=d^ and so on. We may therefore form the following table which may be filled up from experiment as shown below numerically, and graphically by the diagram, figure 5. The dotted lines in the diagram serve to indicate the successive orders of difference after the manner of the brackets in the table. TABLE. No. of -p.. . Time of Orders of difference. target. distance. ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ d^ . , , d^n-i) 1. s ^8 2. s + l 4-fi 3. j + 2/ 4+21 4. 5 + 3/ 4+31 5. j + 4/ 4+41 [ dJ' etc. \d. 14 :XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE. times. ^1 ^. ^8 1. S 3.0526 .1090 2. j+150 3.1616 .1114 .0024 3. J + 300 3.2730 .1138 .0024 1 4. J + 450 3.3868 .1163 .0025 6. ^ + 600 3.5031 .1188 .0025 6. .y + 750 3.6219 From the algebra we have ^.+.=4+H' + « ^^/ + «^"~;y3~^^4' + etc. Arranging the terms of the second member with refer- ence to n which is arbitrary, we have 4+ni=4 + « W-i 4' + J 4'-etc.) + ^(4'-4' + etc.) (13) Now /g^nb being a function of the space (s + nl)^ may be developed by Taylor's formula. Hence we have /s+ni=/(^ + «/) =^«+ ^«^+ -^T2- + ^'"- or since, ds=lf 2 Equating the coefficients of the first power of n in the second members of the two identical equations (13) and (14), we have <^/s=<^i'-J4'+^^3'~etc.=A4 (15) :XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 15 which is the finite value of dt^ for the constant increment of 5. In other words, and as shown by figure 5, if Bashforth had taken d-l to be the increment of time at the first tar- get corresponding to ds^ the velocity computed would have been the mean velocity between the 1st and 2d targets and would have been too small. Consequently this increment is diminished by \ d^ . This makes the velocity too great, so that \ d^ is added, the approximation increasing with. the number of targets employed; since, under the same circumstances, the greater the number of observations, the more truly can the law be determined; or, mathematically speaking, the greater will be the ± correction applied to d^ since the greater will be the number of orders of difference. Therefore, for the target at the distance s or the first target, _ 2__ 150 ""^^ Similarly for the «'* target at the distance x = s-\- (n — 1)/ 150 / ..„ ""- - d^ - i 4° + ^4" - etc.- df, ^ (_,,, ^^^^ The number of the targets at which velocities could be obtained is determined by the number of targets employed and by the number of orders of difference which the law of retardation permits. If n' be this number, then velocities may be determined at (n — ;/) points. Similarly, we have the coefficients of the second power d% = d/—dj + etc. = A V„ (18) and for the «** target rx = -^ AV, = p^.( d^^d,^ + etc. ) (19) 16 .XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Example. The velocity at the 4th target in the preceding table is 1304: and the retardation 246.5.* RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS. If the cubic law had held true for all velocities, the co- efficient k in Equation (1), Chapter XVI, could have been replaced by some explicit function of i^. But while this was found to be nearly true for velocities between 1100 and ]350 feet, it failed for velocities above and below these limits, as Bashforth found by increasing his velocities progressively from 100 to 2900 feet. He accordingly introduced an empirical constant k* by which to correct the departure from the cubic law so that r — — /&' 7/ W ' and as k' is a very small quantity, he replaced it by /ir= (1000)3 >^', so that Table I gives the value of K for the velocities named therein and figure 6 is plotted from the indications of Table I. Example. A 12.5 inch shell weighing 802.25 lbs. has a velocity of 1400. The total air pressure is 1394 lbs. and the retardation is 55.96 at the instant that the velocity is 1400. Figure 7 gives the pressure on what is called a circular inch (that is a circle of which ^=1 inch) on spherical pro- jectiles, curve A; on studded oblong projectiles of which *Throughout this chapter velocities will be expressed numerically, as the unit of velocity, or foot-second, may be understood. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 17 the radius of curvature of the head is | d^ curve B ; and on modern smooth b. 1. projectiles in which the radius = 2 d, curve C, derived from recent experiments by Krupp. In curve B two remarkable inflections are observed. One at about 1090, the velocity of sound, and the other at about 2413, that of air rushing into a vacuum. The first velocity marks the passage of the projectile into a medium undisturbed by the explosion of the gun or by its own passage. The second denotes the formation of a vacuum in rear of the projectile which increases the pressure to ajDout double that of the barometric pressure of the atmosphere. In firing at troops, particularly in sieges, it is important to have the terminal velocity exceed that of sound, so that the projectile may precede the warning sound made by its passage through the air. The irregularity of curves B and C shows the impossibility of expressing by any simple law the relation between velocity and pressure. i Final Velocity. Figure 7 enables us to appioximate closely to the final velocity of the projectile. This term, which must be carefully distinguished from the ter7ninal velocity (Chap. I), is that velocity which the projectile has acquired in falling when the resistance of the air becomes equal to the accelerating force of gravity. This velocity is necessarily uniform and a maximum. For example, a 64 lb. projectile, 6.3 inch in diameter, has a weight per circular inch of 1.613 lbs. If it belongs to the class of projectiles used by Bashforth, an equal and contrary air pressure will result when a velocity of nearly 900 f. s. has been acquired. But for more modern projectiles a higher final velocity will result. 18 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. This velocity which formerly had only a theoretical signifi- cance, is becoming important in consequence of the great heights and high angles of fire now used in mortar firing. The S. C. Mortar has thrown its shell over 3 miles into the air with an angle of fall of about 75°. The result can be reached more exactly by a method of approximation based upon the fact that K enters into equa- tion (20) in the first power while v is cubed. Consequently, the first trial values of K will not greatly affect the result, and we may finally find a velocity and corresponding value of K which will satisfy the eqi^-^Hon TRAJECTORY IN AIR. GENERAL SOLUTION. Notation. Let O VR = S, figure 8, represent a trajectory. Let V be the muzzle velocity in the line of departure. ds Let v= —j-he the velocity in the direction of the tangent at any point of which the coordinates are x and y. Let u be the horizontal component of the velocity v. Let 7j\ v'\ u\ 2^", be the corresponding tangential and horizontal velocities at the beginning and end of any arc, the coordinates of the extremities of which are {x*^ y), {x",y"). Let (p be the variable inclination to the horizontal of the tangent to the trajectory; then u^v cos (p. Let 6 and g9, measured as in the figure, be the particular values of q) for the angles of departure and of fall. XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 19 Let a and /? be the values of q} at the beginning and end of any arc when the velocity is v' and v". Then the figure shows that 6 — a — ^ or the angle in- cluded between the tangents is the change in inclination due to a change in velocity from v* to v'\ Similarly A=^— (—<») = ^+co is the total change in inclination. Let q) (read (p " dash ") be the inclination to the hori- zontal of any chord of the trajectory. Let 2/= = = u sec cp be the component velocity of cos (p V in the direction of the chord, and, as above, let v\ v" be the component velocities in the direction of the chord at the beginning and end of the arc (^',^')j (^"> ^")- Let /,' /" be the times measured from any origin to the instants when the velocities are respectively ( z/', z/"), P", v^), etc. Note that /">/', v''= 1^ (24) XX. — 'EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 21 Integrating between the limits (p=^a and ^=/5 and the corresponding values of u^ we have /3 y nf' or A ^g du rv' From equation (21) we have by similar means, du r cos q) or du cos q) Similarly, from the relations between x,y, t, and Uy u dt^=- u du r cos q) or u du rcos (p u du or r cos cp u du r cos cp tan ^, tan ^. (25) (25') (36) (26') (27) (27') (28) (28') 22 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. If these general equations (25-28) could be integrated, they would give the change in the coordinates of an arc of the trajector}'- (x^'—x^), (7"— j^') corresponding to a change of horizontal velocity {u^—u")^ the time t required to make this change, and the change of inclination d, corre- sponding to the same change in the velocity. But the second members contain three variables, u, cp^ and r, not connected by any law, and hence the integration is impossible. Bashforth's experiments, however, give the law connect- ing u and r, and in order to avoid the difficulty arising from the presence of the variable cp we assume for it a constant mean value qy. That is, that on the same princi- ple as that by which we have neglected the small vertical component of the resistance, we now neglect the small component velocity in a direction at right angles to the chord, and suppose the length of the arc to be that of the chord, although its curvature is retained. COROLLARIES. I. Equation (23) may be written d(p __g cos (p ~dt V ' whence, by dividing member by member by cos ^, w dqp __g dx -—=zv COS cpf we obtain sul dcp _W Calling esc- -^ — and substituting we have dx 'Ze (30) XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 23 Equations (29) and (30) express the rate of change of the direction of the tangent to the trajectory, or the rate at which the trajectory is becoming curved, as a function of the range. Equation (29) ilhistrates the remarks, Chap. I, top page 3, and Equation (30) explains the importance of Chap. XVI, p. 1. These equations set forth a most import- ant property of the trajectory in air. Figure 10, >vhich is carefully drawn to a scale, represents in curve A the trajectory in vacuo of a projectile fired with e = 30° and V = about 1700 f. s. Curves B and C represent the trajectories m air of spher- ical projectiles as follows : B. 15 inch ; W= 450 lbs. d = 14.87 inch. \V= 1700 C. 24 pdr. ; W = 26.92 lbs. d = 5.9 inch. 5 (9 = 30° Since from Chap. XVI, p. 2, the elements of a trajectory ;When 6 and V are given depend on the ballistic coefficient ■— r, It appears that the 24 pdr. projectile would describe the trajectory B if its weight were increased to 70.86 lbs., the calibre remaining constant; or, by reducing the calibra to 3.637 inches, the weight of the projectile remaining con- stant. The objections to this are given Chap. XVI, p. 4. II. If in equation (29) we substitute for 2^ its value \p g cos (pf we find dg) 1 J dx -~ = or d o) cos (Z) = — dx p cos (p ^ ^ p Integrating this equation between the limits -(- 6 and — w, figure 8, corresponding to O and X, and assuming some mean value of p = p' by which to measure the flatness of the tra- jectory, we have as a measure of its mean curvature, 1 _ sin + sin 6> 7" - X ^^^^ 24 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Although from equation (22) and from experience it is evident that, owing to the variable value of g cos cp^ with the sight set for a certain range it is impossible to hit any desired point of a vertical circle described about the gun with the range as a radius; yet, as shown by equation (31) and figure 11, if the altitude of the target or the angle of sight s, be small, the decrease of g>' tends to compensate for the increase of 6', so that sin 6' + sin w' may not differ greatly from sin 6 -\- sin w : OX' = OX cos s will also be very nearly equal to X, Under these circumstances the two values of p' will not differ greatly from each other. Under this assumption we may consider the mean curva- ture of the trajectory to be constant or the trajectory to be practically rigid, so that for small altitudes the elements of the trajectory measured along the chord may be safely assumed to be independent of the inclination of the chord to the horizon. Equation (30) shows that this assumption will increase in truth when the sectional density and the muzzle velocity increase, which is the present tendency. The principle involved is of especial importance in the rapid fire of modern small arms and field pieces, since it permits the use for inclined ranges of sights graduated for horizontal ranges, when the ± angle of sight is less than about 10°. In such cases the change, s' figure 11, in the angle of departure, may for a first approximation be safely taken to be equal to s, and this change is automatically made by the act of pointing. Actually however, when s is positive, p' decreases and conversely; so that in firing up hill the projectiles tend to fall short and in firing down hill they tend to pass over the object. XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. NIVEN'S METHOD. Various expressions have been deduced for the value of ; that of Mr. W. D. Niven, F.R.S., obtained from an expand- ing series, is one of the most simple and, for illustration, a particular value of 0, deduced for equation (25), is herein applied to all cases indifferendy. The appendix to this chapter contains the means of arriv- ing at more exact values of cp. Under this hypothesis we shall adopt, as a sufficient approxi- mation for small angles of 8 less than about 3°, = ^, (32) and for larger angles the approximation — tan a -\- tan 6 ^,«„x tan = J- -. *(33) From the notation we have u = V cos ; du =^ dv cos ; v' = u' sec 0, etc. Substituting these values in equation (25), and replacing r by its new value -^ -^r[TK()()] ' ^^ ^^^^ S = cos (pg * These values of (p give good practical results. 26 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. In this equation ^ is expressed in circular measure, that is, in terms of the ratio tt = 180°. To reduce it to the corre- sponding number of degrees, d, we have, Ttd d:7c::d:180 or ^ = -^^. loO Substituting this value of S in the above equation, and representing as hereafter the ballistic coefficient ^ by C, we have, after reduction, ^ , cos 180^ (1000) Ca = 7t In this ^ is a function of v, and therefore changes between the limits of integration. Means have, however, been found for determining its mean value for limiting velocities. The value so determined is nearly its arithmetical mean. Therefore we have, calling this mean value K\ ^^^cos0i8^o_oo): r-s^ Similarly, we have And representing by s the length of the chord, the co-ordi- nates of the extremities of which are {x' x") (/ y") csj^' ry} (36) We have also X II s cos andji/ = y" — / = s sin (p XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 27 These equations are in a form to be integrated, and Tables II, III, IV have been computed for a projectile in which ^ = 1, as follows : Assume any velocity v^ sufficiently low as the origin of in- tegrals, and assigning proper values for K', integrate equa- tions (34, 35, 36) between v^ and successive values of v'. We thus obtain what are called angular /unctions dy> , time functions^ r^> , and space functions, (Ti/ , which may be ex- plained by reference to the time functions in Table II. Explanation of the Tables. Considering the acceleration to be positive. Table II may be considered to express by its functions the several times r, r', r", etc., required to give to a unit projectile, starting as from rest, the several corresponding velocities under the ac- tion of a variable force equal to the variable resistance of the air. Table III may be similarly understood to express the space in feet — 6-^") ; (I) a = r-> — T^n ; (II) Cs = a^> — = — ' — 2 2 = tan 5° 58' 50" = tan 5° 58'. 83. As we shall have to use the logarithmic functions of 0, we now tabulate them as follows ; logs. co-logs, sin T. 01783 10.98317 cos 1.99763 10.00237 = log sec 0. To find v' we project V on the horizontal or determine «' = Fcos B\ thence v' = «' sec 0, or «' = 1794, v' = 1803.9. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 31 Now to find v'' we transpose equation (I) to read COS in which Oj,' = 1803.9 • In Table IV we find di803 = 84°.8199 p. p. for 0.9 = 21 84°. 8220 Consequently, all the quantities in the second member being known, we may write 14414 6-r= 84°.8220 - ll°.83i ^--l-**-^* log'-i 1.99763 = 84°.8220 - 1°.7149 = 83°.1071. From Table IV, again, we have for the velocity correspond- ing to d = 83°.1071, v" = 1318 for the remaining velocity at the vertex, and hence «" = 1318 cos = 1310.8. The origin is now transferred to the vertex, and we treat the descending branch similarly to the ascending branch. The angle a for this arc is evidently 0, and u^ = u" just found, but the value of /? = g? required to find is unknown. It is therefore necessary to assume a value for it. Equation (29) shows that it will be greater than ^, and experience 4^ proves that it is nearly — or a? = 15°. 77, 3S XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. If we assume an incorrect value, as will generally be the case, the error is corrected by a subsequent operation. So let us assume an incorrect value, or co= 16°, as a first ap- proximation. Thence tan 16° oo n/ K tan (p = — - — = tan 8 9'. 5 — 4 I and v^ = 1310.8 X sec 8° 9'.5 = 1324.1 and (J- == 83°.1406. Using equation (I) again, we have *,„ = sr.im - ^-5^-5 16° = 83°.1406 - 2°.3298 = 80°.8108; and v^^ = 1061, u^^ = 1050, and v^^ , the velocity along the tangent, := u„ sec. w = 1093. The vertical component of v will be = «yy tan w = 301. The component energies are generally useful for doing work against targets which are nearly vertical, as the walls of vessels or forts ; or horizontal, as the decks of vessels or the roofs of magazines or casemates. We therefore find that while the projectile started with energy in the direction of the tangent or ^y = 46,700 foot-tons, it now has ^e/,, = 16,604 foot- tons ; only about one third as much as when it started. Its component horizontal and vertical energies are 15,320 foot-tons and 1260 foot-tons, respectively. The steps of the problem can be clearly followed in the first stages of Example I, which is given in the form used for written recitation. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. S3 la. Data: F=1833; ^ = 11° 50' ; W=2005; ^=17 in. Required U^,^^. Statement of Steps. Terms. Quantities. Functions. Logs. I- C = ^=0.14414 c T 17^ 2005 O.14414 2 . 46090 3 -30211 1.15879 c IO.8412I - tan 9 2. tan0= = tan 5° 58'. 83 tan B tan 11° 50' 2 9.32122 .30103 tan tan 5° 58'.83 9.02019 cos I cos sec " 9-99763 cos 10.00237 sin I sin cos 6 sin 9.01782 I ,, sin 10.98317 3. u'= F'cos = 1794 cos II 50 1794 3-26316 9.99067 3-25383 4. v' = u' sec (p = 1803.9 sec v 1803.9 10.00237 3-25620 ^■'-^■-'-"-co%-'^^' h' 5l803.9 84.8220 C d n^83i 1. 15879 1.07300 sec 10.00237 I3I8 I. 7146 0.23416 83.1074 34 XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Statement of Steps. Terms. Quantities. Functions. Logs. 6. u' =: «^ = v" COS = I3IO.8 COS 1318 1310.8 1 3-II992 9.99763 3.I1755 7.tan^='^"/ = 8"9'.5 tan /? tan cos sec sin I ~~ tan 16° tan 8° 9'. 5 cos " sec '* sin '* I ., sin 9-45750 .30103 9.15647 9-99558 10.00442 9.15201 sin 10.84799 8. vi = u sec = 1324. 1 sec 1310.8 1324-2 3-11755 10.00442 3.12197 9. d- = (5- — CJ sec = 1061 d sec ^1324. a 16" I06I 83.1411 2.3298 1. 15879 I. 20412 10.00442 The determination of g is omitted. 0.36733 80.8113 XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 35 lb. Data as in la. Required » at 1000 yards = 3000 feet. Statement of Steps. Terms. Quantities. Functions. Logs. J. Determine whether to use or by finding whether 3000 is < or > X' .: cos I C X' O"i803-9 15045 44456.3 42275.8 9.99763 jr'=cos0(a--,-o--„)X^ = 15045 ft. =;= 5015 yds. .*. use 2180.5 3.33856 IO.84121 4.17740 2. 0--,, = (T-, — Cx sec (p v" = 1697 sec 3000 1697 44456.3 434-8 I. 15879 3.47712 10.00237 2.63828 44021.5 36 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Data as in la. Required V from data of ascending branch. Statement of Steps. Terms. Quantities. Functions. Logs. y:=Y' = sin 0(o--,-o--„)i sin 9.01782 ^1576.1 feet. ^i' Cri803.9 44456.3 ^-." cri3i8 42275-8 2180.5 3-33856 C IO.84121 v 1576. I 3-19759 Similarly we may find from the value of that r, = 1713 feet. The difference, 1713 - 1576.1 = 136.9 is evidently due to the error in our assumption of the value of gj, and therefore in our deduced value of ; the effect is to increase the range as shown by figure 14. This leads to the means of correcting od to be explained. 3. To find the range. With the assumed value of gd and we find X^ by the method described in lb, or X^ = 11949 feet. Ave also have X' = 15045.4 '' Z = Z'-|-X, = 26994.4 '' But this range is too great by the distance B^C, figure 14. To find this distance we assume that this short arc coincides with its tangent, which by assumption makes an angle of 16° with the horizon, XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 37 Therefore B'C = -i??^ = 477.4 ft. and X, = 11471.6 ft. tan 16 and X = 26517. ft. = 8839 yds. = 5 miles + . 4. To find the incHnation at the end of the range or the angle of fall, oo. We can vouch for only the elements of the trajectory in the ascending branch, but if we can determine the range as by firing or by the method just described, we may approximate closely to the angle of fall. For V tan GD tan0 = ^ = — -; . •. tan G? = V and Ce9 = 15° 20' 28". ^/ In the example this gives a difference of but 6. 8 feet in the two values of K, which difference can be further reduced to by successively approximating to the true value of oj, or G) = 15° 18' 12" ; and therefore ±^=7° 47' |i and ~v, == 1323, z7, = 1067.3, X, = 3840 yds. These values will be hereafter employed, since it is most important to have a correct knowledge of the elements of the trajectory at its further end. Practical Methods for Detennining w. 1. Fire through a screen near the point of fall, and note the height /if of the hole above the horizontal plane on which the projectile strikes, and the distance of its impact, d, beyond /i the screen. Then tan w = -— nearly. 38 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Or note the inclination of the shot-holes in snow or in horizontal targets composed of double layers of boards. 2. Determine the range OR, figure 15, for a given value of Q, and then increase ^ by a slight increment AB. This will increase OR by AR = RR\ Then assuming HR' to be straight and parallel to the tan- gent at R, . RR Rt^nAf) '^'''^ = RR' = -AR~'''^'^y- 3. Determine the range under two sets of conditions differ- ing only in the height, /i, of the gun above the horizontal plane. Then if this difference be relatively small with regard to the range from figure 16, tan go = --t-= . 4. Figure 17 shows how this would practically be done, since it would be difficult to raise a gun sufficiently without displacing it horizontally : tan 6) = 0' R> — O R. Application, Range-tables are constructed to give all the principal ele- ments of the piece, charge, and trajectory for different ranges.* The following method and figure 18 show how, having a range-table, we may determine the co-ordinates of the vertex. Find in the range-table two angles of departure and of fall a and j3, such that their sum =: 6. Then by the principle of rigidity S will be the chord to the vertex, and S cos /? = X', and 5 sin i3 - Y'. * See Chapter XXX, pages 9, 52. XX. EXTERIOR, BALLISTICS. 5. To find the dangerous space at any range, or the hori- zontal distance over which a target of given height would be struck. We have in this case to find the distance at which the height of the trajectory is equal to that of the target. The target will evidently be struck when situated at this point, since the tra- jectory passes through its summit, and it will also be struck if situated at any point intermediate between this and the end of the range. Hence if D, figure 8, be the target the dan- gerous space is DR. The simplest way of determining this is as follows. Sup- pose the target to be 30 feet high, then from (HI") cr;. = O-1067 3 + -T—r = 40626. 4 + 31.9 = 40658. 3 = (T^^^,^ ; sm or z;, = 1070.9. Similarly x = DS- 219. 2 ft. = 73 yds. If the proper value of w has been found, the same result may be obtained by working downward from the vertex, tak- ing y = 1576.1 — 30 r= 1546.1, and Ovn = (^v. ■ — 7 = CT ,070 3 as before.* sm The accordance of these methods tests the accuracy of the determination of w ; but without exacting the somewhat labo- rious process required for this determination, a check of the accuracy with which the dangerous space has been determined may be had by observing that the angle whose tangent is equal to the height of the target divided by the dangerous space is greater than and less than w. * Or taking the trial values assumed for the descending branch , viz^ Vy = 1113 ; J/ ^ = \S24.2'yV yy=z 1061 we have as an approximation ^ = 1683 J v'^^ =5 1064 ',xs=a 202.6 ft. 40 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. The dangerous space is one of the most important proper- ties of a trajectory, since, Chap. I, it measures the chances of striking an object at a distance which in warfare is only ap- proximately known. The flatter the trajectory at its further end the greater is the permissible margin of error in estimating the range before aiming. The principles of Chap. XVI and equation (30) illustrate the importance of high velocities and high sectional densities, since if one projectile, a, figure 19, having less sectional den- sity than another, projectile b, be projected with equal ener- gies at the same ranges, although the trajectory of a may be flatter than that of b at the start, yet near the target the D.S. of b will be greater than that of a, if the target lies beyond the intersection of the two trajectories. Although the method above described is generally followed, and is best suited to cases where w is accurately known, a simpler and probably a more accurate plan is hereafter given, page 44. 6. To find the time of flight to any distance. Take the distance as 1000 yards = 3000 feet, as in \b. We have from equation (II) and data previously computed / = (r^. — r^//) ^ = (ri803.9 — ^1097) ^ = 1- '^^03 sec. 7. To find the time of flight for the whole range. 1st. We proceed as in No. 3, using equation II and the corrected value of v^^ = 1067.3. T = (t;/ — r;,//) - = 9.8432 sees, and r, = (r;, - nj i = 9.8569 r=r + T, =19.7001. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 41 2d. Or we may pass directly to the point of fall, as follows: rr=(r;.-r7ji= 19.566, which is sufficiently accurate for most purposes. 3d. If the true value of oo or v^^ is not determined, we may still approximate to T^ by finding the time 4 required for the projectile to pass over the correction of the range determined 477 in No. 3, with the velocity u^^ or 4 = — — - = 0.454 sec. jLUoU Therefore having with the assumed value of cl? = 16° found T, = 10.266, its corrected value is 9.812, which added to 7" makes T= 19.6552 sees. 4th. Or, if we neglect the difference in time of passage over (y, — Y' )j due to the resistance of the air, since /, = \/?(n/k_ v'f), we obtain 4= 0.4186 and T, = ^ g 9.8474 which is a closer approximation than 9.812, since T, > T! Scholium. Equation (23), which may be written cos g or gj^ COS0 gj^ COS0 shows that, although for the descending branch the mean value of V is less than that for the ascending branch, the in- crease in the value of shown by equation (29), and the con- sequent decrease in cos (f>, may compensate and keep the ra- 42 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. tio nearly constant ; so that as far as iifue only is concerned the trajectory may be supposed to be in vacuo. That this is practically so appears from the equality of T and T, in the above problem and in those solved by other methods. Consequently, and particularly for small values of A, when the vertical component of the velocity is so small that it may be safely neglected, the time to the vertex may be safely taken as half the whole time of flight, and in cases of necessity Equations (6) and (7) may be employed. For example, for this case, which is certainly an extreme one, if we substitute the value oi T — 19.70 sec. in the equa- tion K = "-^we obtain for Y a value 1561, which is only 15.2 feet less than that before deduced. When the value of A is large, the equations of the trajectory in vacuo cannot be indiscriminately applied. Principle of the Vertex. From the above follows this important conclusion : If we represent the time to the vertex by /^ (read / vertex), the ve- locity at the vertex by z^y^, and the corresponding time function T by r^, then /a = y. Then we have from equation (II), generalized as to notation, Ct. — ^ — '^^LZLEul ~ r ' — r . and XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. ^ 43 Or, the time function of the velocity at the vertex is equal to the arithmetical mean of the time functions of the velocities at each end of the arc. This, which may be termed the principle of the vertex, is of great value in approximate solutions. If we know the time interval / corresponding to two veloci- ties, of which one is known, then the time function of the ver- tex of any arc may be determined as follows, from the above and Equation (II) : Cl , Ct ,^^- r A = r^' - Y = -^v" + y . (37) 8. To find the inclination at the top of the target, which we will now assume to be a rampart 30 ft. high, so that what was before the dangerous space will be the safe space. From equation (I), with the corrected values given, page 37, we have d=cos(l)iS--6-\l,= -0°, 35674= - 0° 21' 24".*= = cos IS 6- \ 77 = therefore0 = a7-^ = 15°18'12'"-O°21'24" = 14°56'48". Or, working down from the vertex, = 14° 57'. The true safe space will, owing to the increasing curvature, be 30 somewhat less than ; ., ,o ^r^, = ^^^ ^t- tan 14 57 The difference between this result and that before reached for the dangerous space shows the limitations of the ordinary method, and is probably due to not having found the correct value of for the function d, as explained page 25 and in the Appendix. 41 1 * = cos T 47' ^2 (^1070. 9 — ^1067. 3) ^. 44 XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. A closer approximation to the dangerous space would probably be found from the principle of the vertex, as fol- lows: Assuming the rigidity of the trajectory, the tangent at the vertex of any elementary arc is parallel to the chord. So that, finding the inclination 0/^, at the vertex of the arc in rear of the target the dangerous space may be found, since D.S. = height of target X cot 0/,. By using the corrected values pages 37 and 39, r -\- T w 1070. 8 I 1067. 3 we find V^ = 1069.1, (^,„,,., --(^,„,,.3 = 0°.0260, whence t/= 0°.1787 and (p^ =15. 30 J - 0.1787 = 15° 7', 47. D.S. = 111 feet. This method enables us to obtain the dangerous space quite closely for an approximate value of v^^ , and to determine an important element without requiring the tedious correction mentioned, page 37. Assuming then v^^ = 1061, the velocity along the tangent is, since u^^ = v^^ cos (f) = v„ cos w. V,^ cos ^"^■^^^^ = 1^93, the vertical component of which is v,, sin w = 1093 sin 16" = 301. The time of passage over the height of 30 ft. with this ve- locity will be / = 0.09961 sec, though it will actually be a trifle less, and -- = 0.0071. 4 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 45 Ct Now since r^ = 7^./ + - = r,„,, + 0. 0071 = 230. 2330, .-. v,^ =: 1061.8. Also, since d = cos (c^ioei.e - ^loei)^ = 0.0845, 30 d>. = 16° - 0.0845 =15° 54'. 9 and^ = 105 feet. ^'^ tan This is much nearer the true value than the result given by the method described page 39. Very nearly the result arrived at by the method above de- scribed, viz., 105 feet, would be obtained by taking for the time of passage / = \J g \ v'1576.2 - |/1546.2l = 0.0947 sec. 9. Having the initial velocity and the value of C, to find the angle of departure necessary to attain a given range, and other elements. The conditions of this problem, which is a frequent one in practice, require (page 6) that the rigidity of the trajectory be assumed and that the principle of the vertex be applied. Solution. 1. The piece is supposed to be fired with its axis horizontal, and we compute the elements of the trajectory as if it were the descending branch of an imaginary trajectory. Then we revolve the trajectory upward until the chord becomes horizontal. By the principle of rigidity S is taken = X, which, to test the accuracy of the method, we take = 26517.24 feet, as previously determined. -f^'" m THE -)^^:*v c iiiTh& 46 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. From equation (III) we have (Tj,^^ = (Tv' — Cx, or v^^ = 1081. ^rom equation (II) ^A = i (^,833 + ^:o8i) or v^ = 1348. Then from equation (I), since 6 = and cos 0=1, d = 1-:^A = 11° 26' 13" = e. Compare these results with those previously deduced. 2. In such a case, to determine the angle of fall and the dangerous space, we would proceed as follows : Find D, in degrees, the total change = 6 -\- go, hy saying ■^ = (^:,3. - ^.08:) ^= 26°.29 = 26° 17' 24"; then a? = Z> - ^ = 14° 51'. 2 and SO It is evident from the above, that, knowing the angle of fall required to strike near its foot a scarp protected by a cover at a known height and separated from it by a ditch of known width, it is only necessary to know the distance of the breach- ing battery from the wall, and the ballistic coefficient of the projectile, to determine approximately the value of 6 and of the initial velocity or charge of powder required to strike the wall at nearly the desired spot, with a required remaining energy. It was by some such method that the German artillery breached at hitherto unknown ranges the invisible walls of Strasburg. See problem page 51. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 4? Thus, by the principle of rigidity, From CX = ay — c^ determine V and weight of charge. ** CD^Sy- d^ *' D. *' conditions ** go. ** D — GO "6. MODIFIED FORMULA. For low angles of departure and high velocities and sec- tional densities giving small values of A, the principle of rigidity permits the formulae on page 28 to be written Cd •= Sy — 6^ , (A) a = Ty — T^; (B) 0= ay — (7^,. (C) In these formulae, since sin = 0, we must resort to Equa- tions (0) and (7) as explained page 7, or y=^(T-(): (6) y=^^ (7) The propriety of this assumption appears from applying it to the case of the 100-ton gun, assuming the velocities to be horizontal and solving without reference to the vertex. Thus, assuming as before (o = 16°, we have from (A), using whole numbers, 27°.83 = (6,^ — 6„) ~ .-. 2/,, =1061. Similarly we find T= 19.94 sec. and X = 8983 yards, lead- ing, as seen by comparison, to but slight errors providing that 0) has been correctly assumed. So that we may have confidence in the results obtained by the use of Equations (A), (B), (C), when v does not differ much from u , and, when v sin (p is so small that it may be neglected, we may use Equations (6) and (7). 48 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Example. The Springfield rifle and ammunition give the following data : W= 500 gr. = 0.071428 lbs. ; Diameter of projectile = 0.455 inches in flight • V= 1300 ft. By experiment we find that for a range of 500 yards as measured by the breech sight = 1° 17' 18". 1. Find GO. 1st. From (C) determine v^ = 869 2d. ** (A) " D = 2° 40' 23". 3d. '* D-d'' fi9 = l°23'05". 2. Find r. 1st. From {B) determine T= 1.467 sec. 2d. " (7) '' i"=8'.662 feet. 3. Findj^/ at 400 yards = 1200 ft. 1st. From (C) determine v at 1200 ft. -= 921. 2d. " (B) " / to 1200 ft. = 1.132 sec. 3d. " (6) and T above determine 7 = 6.105 ft. By this means we may construct a drawing of the tra- jectory. 4 Find the 'Dangerous Space at 500 yards. The target is a man 5 ft. 8 in. (5§ ft.) high = y. The gun is supposed to be fired lying down (from the ground) and to be aimed at the feet of the man. 1st. Reckoning from the summit of the trajectory we have ^1 ^ y "~ = 0.4313 for the time from the vertex to T the top of the man's head, and -^ — /, = time over D. S. = 0.3022 = f, 2d From /' and (B) determine v at target = 915. 3d. From (C) determine D. S. = 267 ft. = 89 yds. XX. — EXTERIOR Ballistics. 49 It is generally 1 etter to work backward from the point of fall than forward from the gun, as the results are more con- sistent if the data are supplied from only one branch of the trajectory. See page 39. However, this does not apply in the above case, in which the vertical resistance of the air is wholly neglected, so that the same results would follow from either course of procedure. See page 41. Alternate Solution, If in Equation (6) we supply the value of T previously deduced, and solve the resulting quadratic equation, we shall have two values of /, one of which gives the time for the projectile to rise to the height of j/, and the other which gives the time for the projectile to rise to the vertex and to fall to this height above the horizontal plane, so that there will be two dangerous spaces, the interval between them being the safe space. It is evident that as the range decreases, the other conditions remaining constant, the safe space finally becomes 0. The resulting dangerous space will then be continuous and a maximum. The maximum dangerous space for a given small-arm thus depends upon a physical constant, — the height of a man ; and assuming, as above, the mean height of a man to be 5f feet, the maximum dangerous space will be a function of p', page 23, and will be a convenient measure of the joint power of the gun and ammunition. The height i^will = 5f feet. 5. Find the maximum Dangerous Space for the preceding ballistic condidons. Sec. 1st. From (7) determine T= 1.187. 2d. '' (B) *' z;=912 3d. '' (C) ** X= 416.6 + yds. = max. D. S. 50 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. APPENDIX A. The value of was obtained approximately by Mr. Niven from an expanding series. (See Proceedings of the Royal Society of England, 1887; No. 181.) The value of to be used with Table IV for changes of inclination is that given in the text for high angles of depart- ure, say ^ > 5°. For 6* < 5° may be taken =. ^ ~l -. For the other tables he takes though, where greater approximation is required, for changes of time he uses APPENDIX B. Problems. The answers given below result from the use of the modi- fied formulae. 1. The 3.2-inch steel b. 1. rifle. Weight jof shell or shrap- nel = 13 lbs. I. V. = 1634. Determine : (1) The distance at which v of shrapnel will be 500. (2) Time of flight for this distance. (3) Angle of departure for this range, supposing the shrapnel to explode 40 ft. above the object, or the angle of sight — y'. Answers : (1) 19,106 ft. or 3.62 miles. (2) 24.6 sec. (3) 24'^ 44'. XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Bl 2. A target is to be placed on Cro' Nest. The distance from the sea-coast battery to target is 1990 yards ; height of target above battery is 237 feet. . Determine the angle of departure necessary to strike the target, using the 8- inch con- verted rifle. ,/ = 7. 95 inches ; Weight of projectile = 180 lbs. ; I. V =1414. Answer: 5° 45'. 3. The 6-inch b. 1. rifle requires according to the range table an elevation of 1° 51' and a muzzle velocity of 1850 f. s. to strike an object at a distance of 2U00 yards. On firing the range obtained was only 1800 yards, and investigation showed that the powder was damp.* What additional elevation would be necessary for a range of 2000 yards ? tV= loo lbs. Answer : 0° 28'. 4. At the siege of Strasbourg in 1870, the Germans wished to breach the scarp wall of an outwork at 2000 yards distance ; the ditch was known to be 50 feet wide, and the shell were to strike 12|- feet below top of counterscarp wall. An 8-inch howitzer firing a projectile weighing 180 lbs. with a muzzle velocity of 700 f. s. was employed. Required the striking velocity and the angle of departure A i 616 f. s. Answer : i (11° 47'. 5. At a range of 1200 yards a 64-lb. shell grazes the top of a traverse 8 feet high. How far beyond the traverse will the shot strike the ground ? ^=6.171 inches; Weight of projectile = 64 lbs. ; I. V. = 1260 f. s. Answer : 153 feet or 51 yards. 6. A Martini-Henry rifle-bullet strikes a vertical target at 500 yards at a certain spot when the muzzle velocity is 1353 f. s. How much lower on the target will the same projectile *See proportion, foot p. 7. ^2 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Strike if the muzzle velocity is only 1300 f. s., the elevation and other conditions remaining the same ? ^ = 0.45 inch. Weight of projectile == 480 grains = 0.06857 lb. Answer : 21|^ inches. 7. Using the Hebler rifle, determine the maximum con- tinuous dangerous space for a man kneeling. d =0.296 inch; w - 225 grains = 0.03214 lb.; I. V. =1942f. s.; Height of a man kneeling = 42 inches. Compare with Springfield rifle : d =0.45 inch ; w — 500 grains = 0.07142 lb.; I. V. = 1316 f. s. Answer: Hebler rifle, 458.0 yards. Springfiold rifle, 340.7 '' 8. A 3-inch Eureka shell, weight 9 lbs., fired with 2 lbs. of powder, has an I. V. = 1495 f. s. With what charge should a 10-lb. shell be fired to have at 407 yards the same remain- ing velocity that the full charge gives at 2500 yards } Answer: 11.5 ounces. 9. A 3.2-inch shell weighing 13 lbs. is fired with a muzzle velocity = 958 f. s. The target is at a distance of 407 yards, and the angle of sight is 4° 1'. Determine the necessary breech-sight elevation and the quadrant elevation. Answer: e = V 19'. q = b° 20'. 10. A 3.2-inch shell weighing 13 lbs. is fired with I. V. i= 986 f- s. How high above the gun should be placed a hori- zontal bar at a distance of 80 feet, so that the shell shall strike the bar and hit a target on the same level as the gun, and at a distance of 1200 yards. Determine also the neces- sary breech-sight elevation. Answer: Height = 4 ft. 6.5 ins. ^ = 4° 0' 22'^ XX.— EXTERIOR feALLlSTlCS. BALLISTIC TABLES. Table I. Value of K for the Cubic Law of Resistance, Ogival-headed Projectiles {1%, diameter heads). Velocity. Value ofK. Velocity. Value OfK. Velocity. Value OfK. Velocity. Value OfK, f.8. f.s. f.s. f.s. 400 .... 148 880 .... 75 1360 . . . . 106 7 1840 .... 75 2 410 . . . . 145 2 890 .... 75 1370 . . . . 106 3 1850 .... 74 7 420 . . . . 142 5 900 .... 75 1380 .... 105 8 1860 .... 74 2 430 . . . . 139 8 910 ..:. 75 1390 . . . . 105 3 1870 .... 73 6 440 .... 137 2 920 .... 75 1400 . . . . 104 7 1880 .... 73 1 4r)0 . . . . 134 6 930 .... 75 1410 . . . . 104 1 1890 .... 72 6 460 .... 132 940 .... 75 1420 . . . . 103 5 1900 .... 72 1 470 . . . . 129 4 950 .... 75 1430 . . . . 102 9 1910 .... 71 6 480 .... 126 9 960 .... 75 1440 . . . . 102 3 1920 .... 71 2 490 .. . 124 4 970 .... 75 1450 . . . . 101 6 1930 .... 70 a 500 . . . . 121 9 980 .... 75 1460 . . . . 100 9 1940 .... 70 4 510 . . . . 119 6 990 .... 75 1470 . . . . 100 1 1950 .... 70 520 . . . . 117 3 1000 .... 75 1480 .... 99 4 1960 .... 69 7 530 .... 115 1010 .... 75 1 1490 . . . . 98 6 1970 .... 69 4 540 . . . . 112 8 1020 .... 75 3 1500 . . . . 97 9 1980 .... 69 2 550 . . . . 110 7 1030 .... 76 7 1510 . . . . 97 1 1990 .... 69 5G0 . . . . 108 7 1040 .... 80 8 1.520 . . . . 96 2 2000 .... 68 8 570 . . . . 106 7 1050 .... 87 3 1530 . . . - 95 3 2010 .... 68 6 580 . . . . 104 6 1060 .... 94 1540 . . . . 94 4 2020 .... 68 4 530 . . . . 102 5 1070 .... 98 7 1550 . . . . 93 6 2030 .... 68 3 600 . . . . 100 5 1080 .... 102 2 1560 . . . . 92 8 2040 .... 68 2 610 . . . . 98 6 1090 .... 104 9 1570 92 2050 .... 68 1 620 .... 96 8 1100 .... lOG 9 1580 .... 91 2 2060 .... 68 630 . . . . 95 1 1110 .... 108 4 1590 .... 90 4 2070 .... 67 9 640 . . . . 93 5 1120 .... 109 2 1600 .... 89 7 2080 .... 67 9 650 . . . . 91 9 1130 .... 109 6 1610 .... 89 2090 .... 67 8 660 . . . . 90 5 1140 .... 109 6 1620 .... 88 3 2100 . . . 67 8 670 . . . . 89 1 1150 .... 109 6 1630 . . . . 87 6 2110 .... 67 7 630 . . . . 87 7 1160 .. . 109 6 1610 . . . . 86 9 2120 .... 67 6 69S .... 86 3 1170 .... 109 6 1650 . . . . 86 2 2130 .... 67 6 700 .... 84 9 1180 .... 103 6 1660 . . . . 85 5 2140 .... 67 5 710 . . . . 83 7 1190 .... 109 6 1670 . . . . 84 8 2150 .... 67 4 720 .... 82 6 1200 .... 109 6 1680 . . . . 84 2 2160 .... 67 3 730 . . . . 81 6 1210 .... 109 6 1690 . . . . 83 6 2170 .... 67 2 740 .... 80 6 1220 .... 109 6 1700 . . . . 83 2180 .... 67 2 750 .... 79 6 1230 .... 109 5 1710 . . . . 82 4 2190 .... 67 1 760 .... 78 7 1240 . . . 103 5 1720 .... 81 8 2200 .... 67 770 . . . . 78 1250 .... 109 4 1730 . . . . 81 2 2210 .... 66 9 780 .... 77 4 12f30 .... 103 3 1740 . . . . 80 6 2220 ... 66 8 790 ... 76 8 1270 .... 103 2 1750 .... 80 2230 .... 66 8 800 .... 76 2 1280 .... 103 1760 . . . . 79 5 2240 .... 66 7 810 . . . . 75 6 1290 .... 108 8 1770 .... 78 9 22-0 .... 66 6 820 .... 75 2 1300 .... 108 6 1780 .... 78 4 2260 .... 66 5 830 .... 75 1 1310 .... lOS 4 1700 . . . . 77 8 ' 2270 .. 66 4 840 . . . . 75 1320 .... 10^. 1 noo .... 77 3 , 2280 .... 66 2 850 . . . . 75 1330 .... 107 8 1810 . . . . 76 8 2290 ... 65 9 860 . . . . 75 1340 .... 107 5 1820 . . . . 76 2 2300 .... 65-5 870 . . . . 75 1350 .... 1 107 1 [ 1830 .... 75-7 u 5C5t. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table II. Time and Velocity Table, Ct = r^, — r^„. V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Difl: f.8. 40 41 42 20 5-0299 6-0554 7 0276 sees. 5-1349 6-1550 7-1?,'^0 sees. 6-2393 6-2540 7-2159 sees. 5-3432 6-3525 7-3093 sees. 5-4466 6-4505 7-4022 sees. 5-5494 6-5480 7-4947 sees. 6-6517 6 6450 7-5867 sees. 5-7534 6-7414 7-0782 sees. 5 8546 6 8373 7-7693 sees. 6-9553 6-93^7 7-8599 + -1028 -0975 -0925 43 44 45 20 7-9501 8-8272 9-6622 8-0398 8 9125 9-7435 8-1291 8-9974 9-8244 8-2179 9-0819 9-9050 8-3063 9-1660 9-9852 8-3942 9-2497 *0-0651 8-4817 9-3330 *0 1446 8-5687 9 4159 *0-2237 8-6553 9-4984 *0-3025 8-7415 9-5805 *0-3809 -0879 -0837 •0799 46 47 48 21 0-4590 1-2205 1-9487 0-5367 1.2948 2-0198 0-6140 1 3687 2-0906 0-6910 1-4423 2 1611 0-7677 1-5156 2-2313 0-8440 1-5886 2-3012 0-9200 1 6613 2-3708 0-9956 1-7336 2-4401 1-0709 1-8056 2-5091 11459 1-8773 2-5779 -0763 •0730 -0699 40 60 61 21 2-6464 3-3159 3-9592 2-7146 3-3814 4-0221 2-7825 3-4466 4-0848 2-8501 3-5116 4 1472 2-9174 3 5763 4-2094 2-9845 3-6408 4 2713 3 0513 3-7050 4-3330 3-1178 3-7689 4-3944 3-1841 3 8320 4-4556 3-2501 3-8960 4-5165 -0671 -0645 -0619 62 63 64 21 4-5772 5 1719 5-7450 4-6377 5-2302 5-8012 4-6979 5-2882 5-8572 4-7579 5-3460 5-9130 4-8177 5-4036 5-9686 4-8773 5-4610 6-0240 4-9367 5-5182 6-0792 4-9958 5-5752 6-1342 5-0547 5-6320 6 1890 6-1134 5-6886 6-2436 -0596 -0574 -0554 55 66 67 21 6-2980 6-8311 7-3460 6-3522 6-8834 7-3965 6-4062 6 9355 7-4469 6-4600 6-9874 7-49-71 6-5136 7-0391 7-5471 6-5670 7 0907 7-5970 6-6202 7-1421 7 6467 6-6732 7-1933 7-6962 6-7260 7-2444 7 7456 6-7786 7-2953 7 7948 0534 -0516 •0499 68 69 60 21 7-8438 8-3271 8 7957 7-8928 8 3746 8-8417 7 9417 8-4220 8 8877 7-9904 8-4692 8-9334 8-0389 8-5163 8-9791 8-0873 8-5632 9 0246 8-1356 8 6100 9 0700 8-1837 8-6566 9 1152 8-2316 8 7031 9 1603 8-2793 8-7494 9 2052 -0483 0468 0454 61 62 63 21 9 2501 9-6908 22 0-1183 9-2947 9 7341 1604 9 3393 9-7773 0-2023 9 3837 9-8204 0-2441 9-4280 9-8633 0-2858 9-4721 9-9062 3273 9-5161 9-9489 0-3687 9-5600 9 9914 4100 9-6037 *0-0338 4512 9 6473 *0-0761 0-4922 -0441 0428 0415 61 65 66 22 0-5332 0-9359 1-3267 0-5740 0-9755 1-3651 6147 1 0151 1-4034 6552 1 0544 1-4416 0-6957 1-0937 1-4797 0-7360 1-1328 1-5177 0-7762 1-1718 1-5555 0-8163 1-2107 1-5933 0-8563 1-2495 1 6309 0-8962 1-2881 1-6684 -0403 0391 ■0379 67 68 69 22 1-7059 2 0742 2-4322 1-7432 2 1105 2-4675 1-7804 2 1466 2-5027 1 8175 2-1827 2-5377 1-8545 2-2186 2-5727 1-8914 2-2545 2-6076 1-9281 2-2902 2-6424 1-9648 2-3259 2-6771 2-0014 2-3614 2 7117 2-0378 2-3969 2-7462 0368 0358 0348 70 71 72 22 2-7806 3-1196 3-4492 2-8150 3 1530 3-4816 2-8492 3 1863 3 5140 2-8833 3-2195 3-5462 2-9174 3-2526 3-5784 2-9513 3-2856 3 6105 2-9852 3-3185 3 6424 3 0189 3-3513 3-6743 3 0526 3 3840 3 7061 3-0862 3-4167 3-7378 0339 -0330 -0320 73 71 75 22 3 7694 4 0804 4-3828 3-8009 4-1110 4 4125 3-8323 4 1416 4-4422 3-8636 4 1720 4-4719 3-8949 4-2024 4-5014 3-9260 4-2326 4-5308 3-9571 4-2628 4-5602 3-9881 4-2929 4-5895 4-0189 4 3230 4 6187 4-0497 4-3529 4-6478 0311 -0302 -0294 76 77 78 22 4-6769 1 4-9624 5-2394 4-7058 4-9905 6-2666 4-7347 5-0185 5-2937 4-7635 5 0464 5 3208 4-7922 5-0742 5-3478 4-8208 5-1020 5-3747 4-8493 5 ■ 129G 5-4015 4-8777 5 • 1572 5-4282 4-9060 5 1847 5-4549 4 9343 5-2121 5 4814 -0286 •0277 -0268 79 80 81 22 5-5079 5-7685 6 0214 5-5343 5 7941 6-0463 5-5606 5-8197 6 0711 5-5869 5 - 8452 6-0959 5-6130 5-8706 6-1205 6-6391 5-8959 6-1451 5-6652 5-9212 6-1696 5-6911 5-9463 6-1941 5-7170 5-9714 6-2184 5-7428 5-9965 6-2427 -0261 -0253 -0245 82 83 84 22 6-2669 6-5044 6-7337 6-2910 6-5277 6-7562 6 3151 6-5509 6-7786 6-3390 6 5740 6-8009 6-3629 6-5971 6-8232 6-3867 6 6201 6-8454 6-4104 6 6430 6-8675 6-4340 6 6658 6-8895 6-4576 6-6885 6-9114 6 4810 6-7111 6 9333 0237 0229 -0221 85 86 22 6-9551 ■7- 1688 7-3752 6-9768 7-1898 7-3954 6-9984 7-2107 7 -U5G 7 0200 7 ■ 2:315 7-43J7 7 -0415 7-2522 7-4358 7-0629 7-2729 7-4757 7 -0842 7-2935 7-4956 7-1055 7 3140 7-5155 7 -1267 7-3345 7 5353 7-1478 7-3549 -0214 -0206 0199 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 55 Table II. — Continued. Time and Velocity Table, Gt — r^, 22 7 7 7 22 8 22 8 22 9 9 9 22 9 22 9 23 23 23 23 23 23 1 •1 1 23 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 5746 7677 9544 1346 3090 4778 6411 7994 9528 1014 2454 3851 5207 6522 7796 9024 0177 1226 2170 3031 3835 4593 5314 6668 7311 8545 9142 9720 0283 0832 1367 3381 3855 4318 4771 5214 5647 6071 6486 6893 23 1 7291 1-7682 1-8066 5942 7866 9727 1523 3261 4943 6572 8150 9678 1160 2596 5340 6651 7921 9144 0287 1325 3114 3913 4667 5384 6071 6733 7374 7997 8605 9200 9777 0338 0886 1420 1941 2449 2945 3429 3902 4364 4816 5257 5690 6113 6527 6933 7331 7721 8104 6137 8055 1699 3432 5109 6732 8305 1306 2737 4126 5473 6780 8046 9262 0396 1423 4740 5454 6139 6798 7437 8059 8665 9259 0394 0940 1473 1992 2499 2994 3477 3948 4410 4860 5301 5732 6155 6568 7370 7760 8142 2347 3196 6332 8244 0091 1875 3602 5273 8459 9978 1451 2878 4262 5606 6C08 8170 0504 1520 2435 3278 4067 4813 5524 6206 6863 7500 8120 8726 9317 0449 0934 1525 2549 3043 3524 3995 4455 4905 5345 5775 6196 6609 7013 7410 7798 8179 6526 8431 0272 2050 3772 5437 7051 8613 0128 1595 3018 4398 5738 7036 8294 9496 0610 1615 2522 3359 4143 4885 5593 7563 8181 8787 9375 9947 0504 1048 1578 1-2095 1-2599 1 3091 3572 4041 4501 4949 5388 5818 7449 7837 8217 6719 sees. 7- 0452 j 8 2225 ! 8 3941 8 5601 7209 8767 0276 1740 ' 9 3158 ! 9 4534 9 7164 8417 9612 071G 1710 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3439 4219 4958 5662 6339 7625 8242 8847 9433 0003 0559 1101 1630 2146 2649 3140 3619 4088 4546 7875 8255 6912 0632 4109 5764 7367 8920 0425 1884 3298 4670 6001 7291 8540 9727 0820 1804 2694 3520 4295 5731 6405 7056 7688 9490 0059 0614 1154 1682 2196 2698 4134 4591 5475 5902 6321 6731 7133 7527 7913 8292 7 9 9 sees. 7-7104 7-8991 8-0812 sees. 7 7295 7 9176 8-0990 sees. 7 7486 7 9360 8 1168 8-2573 8 4277 8 5927 8 2746 8-4445 8-6089 8-2918 8-4611 8 6250 8-7525 8 9073 9-0573 8-7682 8-9225 9 0720 8-7838 8 9376 9 0867 9 2027 9-3437 9-4805 9-2170 9 3575 9-4939 9 2312 9 3713 9 5073 9-6132 9-7418 9-8662 9-6262 9-7544 9-8783 9-6392 9 7670 9 8904 9-9841 0923 0-1897 9-9954 1025 1988 *0 0066 1126 0-2079 0-2780 3599 4370 0-2864 0-3678 0-4445 2948 3757 4519 0-5101 5800 6471 0-5172 0-5868 6537 0-5243 5936 6603 0-7120 7750 0-8364 0-7184 7812 8424 0-7248 0-7874 0-8484 0-8965 0-9648 1-0115 9024 9605 1-0171 9083 9663 1 0227 10669 1-1208 11734 1 0723 1-1261 1 1786 10778 1-1314 1-1838 1-2247 1-2748 1 3237 1-2298 1 2797 1-3285 1-2348 1-2847 1 3333 1 3714 1-4180 1-4636 1-3761 1 4226 1-4681 1-3808 1-4272 1-4726 1-6082 1-5518 1-5945 1-5126 1-5561 1-5987 1 5170 1 5604 1-6029 1-6362 1-6772 1-7173 1 6404 1-6812 1 7212 1 6445 1-6852 1 7252 1 7566 1-7952 1 8330 1 7605 1-7990 1-8367 1-7644 1-8028 1-8405 m X5t. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table II. — Continued. Time and Velocity Table, Ct = r 23 1 1 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 23 2 2 2 23 2 23 3 3 3 23 8442 8812 9175 9532 9883 0228 0569 0904 1234 2197 2509 2818 3123 3424 3722 4016 4308 4597 4882 5165 5444 5721 5994 62G5 6533 6798 7061 7320 7577 7832 8084 8333 8580 8824 9065 9304 9541 9776 0008 0237 0465 0690 0913 1134 1353 1569 •8479 •8848 •9211 !•{ 1^{ 1 < •9567 •9918 •0263 1^{ !•' 2 ( 0602 •0937 •1267 2 ( 2( 2 ] •1591 •1912 •2228 2 ] 2 ] 2 5 •2540 •2849 •3153 2-' 2' 2- •3454 •3751 •4046 2- 2- 2 •4337 ■4625 •4911 2- 2- 2- •5193 •5472 •5748 2- 2- 2- •6022 •6292 •6560 2- 2- 2 •6825 •7087 7346 2- 2- 2- •7603 •7857 •8109 2 2- 2- •8358 •8604 •8848 2 2- 2- •9089 •9328 •9565 2- 2- 2- •9799 J 0031 5 0260 2- 3- 3- r0488 J 0713 {•0935 3 3^ 3- $1156 $1375 J 1591 3 3 3- •8517 •8885 •9247 •9602 •9952 •0297 •0636 •0970 •1299 •1624 •1944 •2260 •2571 ■2879 •3484 •3781 •4075 •4366 •4654 •4939 •5221 •5500 •5776 •6049 •6319 •6851 •7113 •7372 •7628 •7882 •8134 •8629 •8872 •9113 •9352 •9822 0054 0510 •0735 ■0958 1178 1396 •1613 8554 8921 9282 9638 9987 0331 0670 1003 1332 1656 1975 2291 2602 2910 3214 3514 3810 4104 4395 4683 4967 5249 5528 6076 6346 6877 7139 7398 7654 7908 8159 8407 8653 2 9137 2 2 9612 2-9845 3 0077 3 0306 3 0533 3 0757 3 1200 3 1418 3 1634 8591 8958 9318 9673 0022 0365 0703 1036 1364 1688 2007 2322 2633 2940 3244 3543 3840 4133 4424 4711 4996 5277 5555 5831 6373 6640 7165 7423 7679 7933 8184 8432 8678 8921 9161 9399 9635 0100 0329 0555 0780 1002 1222 1440 1656 8628 8994 9354 9708 0056 0399 0737 1069 1397 1720 2039 2354 2664 2971 3274 3573 3869 4162 4453 4740 5024 5305 5583 5858 6130 6400 6666 7191 7449 7705 7958 8209 8457 8702 9185 9423 9659 9892 0123 0351 0578 0802 1024 1244 1461 1677 8665 9030 9743 0091 0433 0770 1102 1430 1752 2071 2385 2695 3001 3304 3899 4192 4481 4768 5052 5333 5611 6157 6426 6956 7217 7475 7730 7983 8234 8481 8726 9209 9447 9682 9915 0146 0374 0600 0824 1045 1266 1483 1698 8702 9067 9425 9778 0125 0467 1135 1462 1784 2102 2416 2726 3032 3928 4221 4510 4797 5080 5361 5638 5913 6184 6453 6719 6982 7243 7500 7756 8008 8258 8506 8751 9470 9705 9938 0169 0397 0623 0847 1068 1287 1505 1720 8738 9103 9461 9813 0160 0501 1168 1494 1816 2134 2447 2757 3062 3958 4250 4539 4825 5108 5666 5940 6211 6480 6745 7008 7268 7526 7781 8034 8283 8531 8775 9017 9257 9494 9729 9961 0192 0420 0645 0869 1090 1309 1526 1741 8775 9139 •9848 0194 0535 0870 1201 1527 1848 2165 2478 2787 3093 3394 3692 3987 4279 4568 4854 5137 5416 5693 5967 6238 6506 6772 7034 7294 7552 7806 8059 8308 8555 8799 9041 •9281 •9518 •9752 0215 0442 0668 0891 1112 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 57 Table II. — Continued. Time and Velocity Table, Ct = r^, — r^„ V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f.R. 184 185 18G sees. 23 3 1784 3 1997 3 2207 Bees. 3 1805 3-2018 3-2228 sees. 3 ■ 1827 3 2039 3-2249 g 3 3 3 ecs. 1848 2060 2270 sees. 3-1869 3-2081 3-2291 s 3 3 3 eca. 1891 2102 2312 sees. 3-1012 3-2123 3-2333 sees. 3 1033 3-2144 3-2353 8 3 3 3 ecs. 1954 2165 2374 sees. 3-1975 3-2186 3-2395 + •0021 -C021 0021 187 188 139 23 3 2416 3-2623 3-2828 3-2437 3-2643 3-2848 3 2457 3-2664 3-2869 3 3 3 2478 2683 2889 3-2499 3-2705 3-2909 3 3 3 2520 2726 2930 3 2540 3-2746 3-2950 3-2561 3 2767 3-2970 3 3 3 2582 2787 2091 3-2602 3-2803 3-3011 -0021 -0021 0020 100 191 102 23 3-3031 3-3233 3-3432 3-3051 3-3253 3-3452 3-3072 3-3273 3 3472 3 3 3 3092 3293 3492 3-3112 3-3313 3-3511 3 3 3 3132 3333 3531 3-3152 3-3353 3-3551 3-3172 3 3372 3-3571 8 3 3 3102 3302 3500 3-3212 3-3412 3-3G10 -0020 -0020 -0020 193 104 105 23 3-3630 3-3825 3 4019 3-3649 3 3845 3 4038 3-3669 3-3864 3-4057 3 3 3 3689 3884 4077 3-3708 3 3903 3 4096 3 3 3 3728 3922 4115 3-3747 3-3942 3 4134 3-3767 3-3061 3 4153 3 3 3 3786 3080 4172 3-3806 3 4000 3-4192 -0020 0019 0019 IOC 107 108 23 3 4211 3 4400 3-4588 3-4230 3-4419 3 4606 3-4240 3-4438 3-4625 3 3 3 4268 4457 4644 3-4287 3 4476 3-4662 3 3 3 4306 4494 4681 3-4325 3-4513 3-4699 3 4344 3-4532 3-4718 3 3 3 4362 4550 4736 8-4381 3-45C9 3-4755 0019 0019 0019 100 200 201 23 3 4773 3-4956 3-5137 3 4791 3-4074 3 5155 3-4810 3-4002 3-5172 3 3 3 4828 5010 5190 3-4846 3-5028 3 5208 3 3 3 4865 5047 5226 3-4883 3-5065 3 5244 3-4901 8-5083 3-5262 3 3 3 4920 5101 5280 3-4938 3-5119 3-5297 -0018 0018 0018 202 203 204 23 3-5315 3-5402 3-5666 3-5333 3-5500 3-5683 3-5351 3-5527 3-5700 3 3 3 5368 5544 5717 3-5386 3-5561 3 5735 3 3 3 5404 5579 5752 3-5421 3-5596 3-5769 3-5439 3-5614 3-5786 3 3 3 5456 5631 5803 8-5474 3-5648 3 5820 0018 •0017 0017 205 208 207 23 3-5837 3 6007 3-6174 3-5854 3-6024 3 6191 3-5871 3-6040 3-6207 3 3 3 5888 6057 6224 3 5905 3-6074 3 6240 3 3 3 5922 6091 6257 3-5939 3-6107 3-6273 3 5956 3-6124 3-6290 8 3 3 5973 6141 6306 3-5990 3-6157 3 6323 0017 -0017 -0016 203 2O0 210 23 3 6339 3 6502 3-6662 3-6355 3-6518 3 -6078 3-6372 3-6534 3-6694 3 3 3 6388 6550 6710 3 6404 3-6566 3-6726 3 3 3 6420 6582 6741 3-6437 3-6598 3-6757 3-6453 3-6614 3-6773 3 3 3 6469 6630 6789 8 6485 3-6646 3 6805 -0016 0016 0016 211 212 213 23 3-6820 3-6977 3-7131 3 6836 3-6902 3-7146 3-6852 3-7008 3-7162 3 3 3 6867 7023 7177 3-6883 3-7039 3-7192 3 3 3 6899 7054 7207 3-6914 3 7070 3 7223 3-6930 3-7085 3-7238 3 3 3 6946 7100 7253 8-6961 3-7116 3-7268 0016 •0015 0015 214 215 216 23 3-7283 3-7434 3-7582 3-7298 3 7448 3-7597 3 7313 3 -7463 3 7612 3 3 3 7329 7478 7626 3 7344 3-7493 3 7641 3 3 3 7359 7508 7656 3-7374 3-7523 3 7670 3-7389 3-7538 3-7685 3 3 3 7404 7552 7700 3-7419 3-7567 3-7714 0015 0015 -0015 217 218 210 23 3 7729 3-7874 3-8016 3 7743 3 7888 3 8031 3-7758 3 7002 3 8045 3 3 3 7772 7917 8059 3-7787 3-7931 3 8073 3 3 3 7801 7945 8087 3-7816 3-79G0 3-8101 3-7830 3-7974 3 8115 3 3 3 7845 7988 8129 3-7859 3 8002 3-8144 0014 OOU 0014 220 221 222 23 3-8158 3-8297 3 8435 3-8372 3 8311 3 8448 3 8186 3-8325 3 8462 3 3 3 8200 8338 8476 8-8214 3 8352 3 8489 3 3 3 8227 8366 8503 3-8241 3-8380 3 8517 3-8255 3 8394 3 8530 3 3 8269 8407 8544 8 8283 3-8421 3-8557 0014 0014 0014 223 224 225 23 3-8571 3-8705 3-8838 3-8584 3-8718 3-8851 3 8508 3-8732 3-8864 3 3 3 8611 8745 8877 3-8625 3-8758 3-8890 3 3 3 8638 8772 8903 3-8651 3-8785 3 8916 3-8665 3-8798 3-8930 3 3 3 8678 8811 8943 8-8692 3 8824 3-8956 i ooia 0013 -0013 226 227 228 23 3 8969 3 00'^« 3-922G 3-8982 3-9111 3 92u9 3-8995 3 9124 3-9252 3 3 3 -9008 -9137 9264 3-9021 3-9150 3-9277 3 3 3 9034 9162 9290 3-9047 3-9175 3 y..03 3-9059 3-91R8 3 9315 3 3 3 9072 9201 -9323 3-9085 3-9214 3 9341 001& 0013 •0013 229 230 23 3-9353 3 9470 3-9366 3-9i92 3-937S 3- 0:01 3 -9301 -9517 3 9401 3 -2029 3 9*15 ' 3-9429 3-9554 3-9441 3-9507 8 3 -9454 9579 3-9467 3-9592 0013 0013 58 XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table III Distance and Velocity Table, Cs = c^ — (7^/,. feet. 2 5008 5424 5827 2 6219 6601 6972 2 7335 7688 8034 2 8373 8704 9029 2 9347 9659 9966 3 0267 0.563 . 0854 3 1140 1423 1701 3 1076 2247 - 2514 3 2777 3037 3292 3 3544 3793 4038 3 4280 4519 4754 3 4986 5215 5440 3 5662 5S80 6094 3 6305 6512 6716 3 6916 7111 7303 3 74nO 7672 7850 feet. 5050 2 5464-9 5867-3 6258 6638 7009 7370 7723 8068 8406 8737 9061 9690 0297 0592 1169 1451 1729 7 2274 2540 8 3318 3569 3818 4062 4304 4543 4777 5009 5237 5462 5684 5902 6116 6326 6533 7 5 1 1 4 1 6736 3 6935 7 7131 7322 7^0'^ -5 7690-5 7868-2 feet. 5092 5505 5903 6296 6676 7046 7406 7758 8103 8439 8769 9093 9410 9721 0027 0327 0622 0912 1197 1479 1757 2031 2301 2567 2829 3038 3343 3594 3842 4087 4328 4566 4801 5032 52G0 5484 5706 5923 6137 6347 6553 6756 6955 7150 7340 7526 7708 7885 feet. 5134 5546 5946 6335 6713 7082 7442 7793 8137 8473 8802 9125 9441 9752 ^0057 0357 0651 0940 1226 1507 1784 2058 2327 2855 3114 3619 3867 4111 4352 4590 5055 5282 5507 5728 5945 6158 6368 6574 6776 6975 7169 7359 7.^45 7726 7903 feet. 5176 5586 5985 ' 6373 6751 I 7118 I : 7477 7828 1 8170 8835 9157 6 9472 2 9783 3 *0087 0386 0680 9 , 0969 1254 1535 1812 2354 2020 28S1 3139 3394 3644 3891 4135 4376 4613 4847 5078 5305 5529 5749 5966 6179 6594 6796 6994 7188 7378 3 7563 4 7744 3 ' 7920 I feet. 5217 5627 6025 6411 6788 7155 7513 7862 8204 8539 8867 9189 9504 9813 mi7 0416 0709 0998 1282 1563 1839 2112 2381 2646 2907 3165 3419 3669 3916 4159 4400 4637 4871 5101 5328 5551 5771 5988 6200 6409 6614 6816 7014 7207 7397 7581 7762 7938 feet. 5259 5667 6064 6449 6825 7191 7548 7897 8572 8900 9220 9535 9844 "^0147 0445 0738 1026 1310 1590 1867 2139 2407 2672 2933 3191 3444 3694 3940 4184 4424 4660 4894 5124 5350 5573 5793 6009 6221 6430 6635 7033 7227 7415 7600 7779 7955 feet. 5300 5707 6103 6487 6862 7227 7583 7931 8272 8932 9252 9566 9874 '^0177 0475 0767 1055 1339 1618 1894 2166 2434 2959 3216 3469 3719 3965 4208 5815 6030 6242 64.50 6655 6856 7053 7246 7434 7618 7797 7973 4448 -0 4684-4 4917-4 5146 9 5373 5595 feet. 5341 5747 6142 6525 6899 7263 7618 7966 8305 8964 9284 9597 9905 '0207 0504 0796 1367 1646 1921 2193 2461 2725 2985-4 3242 3494 7 3743 3989 4232 4471 4707 4940 5169 5395 5617 5837 6052 6263 6471 6675 6876 7072 7265 7453 7636 7815 7990 feet. 5383 5787 8 6181 6563-6 6936 1 7299-2 7653-9 8000 8671 8996 9315 9628 9935 ^0237 0534 0825 1112 1395 1674 1949 2220 2487 2751 3011 3267 3519 3768 4014 4256 4495 4731 4963 , 5192 ! 5417 5640 5858-7 6073-6 6284 6 6492 7092 7284 7471 76.54 7833 8007 XX — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table III. — Continued. Distance and Velocity Table, Cs = o-^, — cr^,,. V. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 Dim 88 89 90 feet. 3 8024-8 8195 8361-5 feet. 8042 8211-9 8377-9 feet. 8059 2 8228-6 8394-3 feet. 8076.3 8245 4 8410-7 feet. 8093-4 8262-1 8427-0 feet. 8110-4 8278-7 8443-3 feet. 8127-4 8295-4 8459-6 feet. 8144-4 8312-0 8475-8 feet. 8161 3 8328-5 8492-0 feet. 8178-2 8345-0 8508-2 + 17-0 16 6 16-3 91 92 93 3 8524-3 8683-5 8839-4 8540 4 8699-3 8854-8 8556-4 8715-0 8870-2 8572-4 8730-7 8885-5 8588-4 8746-3 8900-8 8604-3 8761-9 8916-1 8620-3 8777-5 8931-3 8636-1 8793-0 8946-5 8652-0 8808-5 8961-7 8667-8 8824-0 8976-8 15 9 15-6 15 3 94 95 96 3 8991-9 9141 2 9287 4 9007-0 9156 9301-9 9022-0 9170-7 9316 3 9037-0 9185-4 9330-7 9052-0 9200 1 9345 9066-9 9214-7 9359-4 9081-9 9229-3 9373-7 9096-7 9243-9 9387-9 9111-6 9258 4 9402-2 9126-4 9272-9 9416-4 15 14-6 14-3 97 98 99 3 9430 6 9570 8 9708-3 9444-7 9584-7 9721-9 9458 9 9598-6 9735-4 9473-0 9612-4 9749-0 9487-0 9626 1 9762-5 9.501-1 9639-9 9775-9 9.515-1 96.53-6 9789-4 9529 1 9667-3 9802-8 9543-0 9681-0 9816-2 9557-0 9604-6 9829-6 14 13-7 13-5 100 101 102 3 9842 9 9975 4 0104 3 9856 3 9988 1 0117 1 9869-6 *0001-1 0129 8 9882-9 *()014-1 0142-5 9896-1 *0027-l 0155-2 9909-3 :*0040-0 0167-8 9922-5 *00.52-9 0180-4 9935-3 *0065-8 0192 9 9948 8 *0078-7 0-205 4 9961-9 *009l-5 0217-8 13-2 12-9 12-6 103 104 105 4 0230-1 0349 4 0459-2 0242 4 0360-8 0469 6 0254-6 0372-2 0479-9 0266-8 0383-4 0490-0 0278-8 0394-5 0500-1 0290-8 0405-6 0510 1 0302-7 0416-5 0520 0314 5 0427-3 0529-8 0326-2 0438-1 0539 5 0337-8 0448-7 0549-2 11 9 11-0 9-9 106 107 108 4 0558 7 0650 5 0736-8 0568-2 0659-3 0745 2 0577 6 0668 1 0753 6 0.586-9 0676-9 0761-9 0596 2 0685-6 0770-2 0605-4 0G94-2 0778-4 0614-5 0702-8 0786-6 0623-6 0711-4 0794-8 0632-6 0719-9 0802-9 0641-6 0728-4 0811-0 9 2 8 6 8-2 109 ' 110 111 4 0819 0897-9 0974-2 0827-1 0905 7 0981 6 0835 0913-4 0989 1 0843-0 0921-1 0996 6 0850-9 0928-7 1004-0 0858-9 0936-4 1011-4 0866-7 0944-0 1018-8 0874-6 09.51-5 1026 2 0882-4 0959 1 1033-5 089(r 0966 1040 2 6 9 7-9 7-6 7-4 112 113 lU 4 1048 2 1120 5 1191 4 1055-5 1127-6 1198-4 1062-8 1134-8 1205-4 1070 1141 9 1212 4 1077-3 1149-0 1219-4 1084-5 1156-1 1226-4 1091-7 1163 2 1233 3 1099 1170 2 1240 3 1106-1 1177-3 1247-2 1113 1184 1254 3 4 1 7-2 71 6 9 115 116 117 1 4 1261 1329-5 1396 8 1267-9 1336 3 1403-5 1274-8 1343-1 1410 1 1281-7 1349 8 1416-8 1288-6 1356 6 1423-4 1295-4 1363-3 1430 1302-3 1370 1436-6 1309 1 1376-7 1443-2 1315-9 1383-4 1449-8 1322 1390 1456 7 1 4 6 8 6 7 66 118 119 i 120 4 1462 9 1528-0 1591 9 1469 5 1534-4 1598-3 1476-0 1540 9 1604-6 1482 6 1547-3 1610-9 1489-1 1553-7 1617-2 1495-6 1.560-1 1623-5 1502 1 1566-5 1629-8 1508 6 1572-9 1636-1 1515-1 1,579-2 1642-3 1521 1585 1648 5 6 6 6 5 6-4 6 3 121 122 123 4 1654-8 1716 7 1777-5 1661 1 1722-8 1783 6 l«67-3 1728-8 1789-6 1673-5 1735 1795-6 1679-7 1741 1 1801 6 1685-9 1747-2 1807-6 1692-1 1753 3 1813-6 1698-2 1759-4 1819-6 1704-4 1765 4 1825 6 1710 1771 1831 5 5 5 6-2 6-1 6 124 125 1 126 4 1837 5 1896 5 1954-6 1843 4 1902 3 1960 4 1849-4 1908-2 1966-1 1855-3 1914 1971-9 1861-2 1919-8 1977 6 1867-1 1925-6 1983 3 1873-0 1931-5 1989-0 1878-9 1937-3 1994-8 1884-8 1943 2000 5 1890 1948 2006 6 8 2 5 9 5 8 5-7 127 128 129 4 2011-8 2068-3 21-23-9 2017-5 2073-9 2129-4 2023-2 2079 5 2135 2028-9 2085-0 2140 5 2034-5 2090-6 2146-0 2040-2 2096-2 2151-5 2045-8 2101 8 2157-0 2051-4 2107-3 2162-4 2057 2112-9 2167-9 2062 2118 2173 7 4 4 5-6 5-6 5-5 130 131 132 4 2178-8 2233 2286 4 2184-3 2238-4 2291-8 2189-7 2243-7 2297-1 2195-1 2249-1 2302-4 2200-6 2254-5 2307-6 2206 22.59-8 2312 9 2211-4 2265-1 2318-2 2216-8 2270-5 2323 5 2222-2 2275-8 2328-7 2227 2281 2334 6 1 5-4 5 3 53 133 134 135 4 2339-2 2391-4 2443 2344-5 2396 6 2448-1 2349-7 2401 8 2453-2 2355 2406 9 2458-3 2360 2 2412 1 2463 4 2365-4 2417-3 2468-5 2370-6 2422-4 2473-6 2375-8 2427-6 2478-7 2381-0 2432-7 2483-8 2386 2437 2488 2 8 9 6-2 5-2 5-1 60 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table III. — Continued. Distance and Yelocity Table, Gs = cr^, V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. f.s. 136 137 138 feet. 4 2493-9 2544 4 2594-3 feet. 2499 2549-4 2599-2 feet. 2504 1 2554-4 2604-2 feet. 2509-1 2559-4 2609 1 feet. 2514-2 2564-4 2614-1 feet. 2519-2 2569-4 2619 feet 2524- 2574- 2624- 3 4 feet. 2529-3 2579 4 2628-9 feet. 2534-3 2584-3 2633-8 feet. 2539-4 2589-3 2638-8 + 5 5 4 9 139 110 141 4 2643-7 2692-6 2741-2 2648-6 2697-5 2746-0 2653-5 2702-4 2750-8 2658-4 2707-2 2755-7 2663-3 2712-1 2760-5 2668-2 2717 2765-3 2673 2721 2770 1 8 1 2678-0 2726-7 2774-9 2682-9 2731-5 2779-7 2687-8 2736-3 2784-5 4-9 4-9 4-8 142 143 144 4 2789-3 2837-1 2884-4 2794 1 2841-8 2889 1 2798-9 2846-6 2893-8 2803-7 2851-3 2898-6 2808-5 2856-0 2903-3 2813-2 2860-8 2908-0 2818 2865 2912 5 7 2822-8 2870-2 2917-4 2827-5 2875-0 2922-1 2832-3 2879-7 2926-7 4-8 4-7 4-7 145 146 147 4 2931-4 2978-1 3024-5 2936 1 2982-8 3029 1 2940-8 2987-4 3033-7 2945-5 2992-1 3038-4 2950 1 2996-7 3043-0 2954-8 3001-3 3047 6 2959 3006 3052 5 2 2964-1 3010-6 3056-8 2968-8 3015-2 3061-4 2973-5 3019-9 3066-0 4 7 4 6 4-6 148 149 150 4 3070-6 3116 4 3162-0 3075-2 3121 3166 5 3079 8 3125-6 3171 3084-4 3130 1 3175 6 3089 3134-7 3180 1 3093-5 3139-2 8184-6 3098 3143 3189 1 8 2 3102-7 3148-3 3193-7 3107-3 3152-9 3198-2 3111-8 3157-4 3202-7 4-6 4 6 4-5 151 152 153 i 3207 2 3252 3 3297-2 3211 • 8 3256-8 3301-7 3216-3 3261-3 3306-2 3220-8 3265-8 3310-6 3225-3 3270-3 3315 1 3229-8 3274-8 3319-6 3234 3279 3324 3 3 1 3238-8 3283-8 3328-5 3243-3 3288-3 3333-0 3247-8 3292-8 3337-5 4-5 4 5 4 5 154 155 156 4 3342-0 3386-5 3430 9 3346-4 3391-0 3435-3 3350 9 3395-4 3439-8 3355-3 3399-9 3444-2 3359-8 3404 3 3448-6 3364-3 3408-7 3453 3368 3413 3457 7 2 4 3373-2 3417-6 3461-9 3377 6 3422 3466-3 3382-1 3426-5 3470-7 4-5 4-4 4-4 157 158 159 4 3475-1 3519-1 3563-0 3479-5 3523-5 3567-3 3483-9 3527-9 3571-7 3488-3 3532 3 3576-1 3492-7 3536-7 3580-4 3497 1 3541 1 3584-8 3501 3545 3589 5 4 1 3505-9 3549-8 3593-5 3510 3 3554 2 3597-9 3514-7 3558-6 3602 2 4-4 4-4 4-4 160 161 162 4 3606 6 3650-0 3693-3 3610-9 3654-3 3697 6 3615-3 3G58-7 3701-9 3619-6 3663 3706-1 3624-0 3667-3 3710-5 3628-3 3671-6 3714 8 3632 3676 3719 6 1 3637 3680-3 3723-4 3641-3 3684-6 3727-7 3645-7 3688-9 3732-0 4-3 4-3 4-3 163 164 165 4 3736-3 3779-2 3821-9 3740-6 3783-5 3826-2 3744-9 3787-8 3830-4 3749 2 3792 3834-7 3753-5 3796-3 3838-9 3757-8 3800-6 3843-2 3762 3804 3847 1 9 4 3766-4 3809-1 3851-7 3770 6 3813-4 3855-9 3774-9 3817-6 3860-2 4 3 4-3 4-3 166 167 168 4 3864-4 3906-8 3949 3868-7 3911-0 3953 2 3872-9 3915-2 3957-4 3877-2 3919-5 3961-6 3881-4 3923-7 3965-8 3885-6 3927-9 3970-0 3889 3932 3974 9 1 2 3894-1 3936 3 3978-4 3898-3 3940 5 3982-6 3902-5 3944-7 3986-7 4-2 4-2 4 2 169 170 171 4 3990-9 4032-7 407i 3 3995-1 4036 9 4078-5 3999 3 40111 4082-6 4003-5 4045-2 4086-8 4007-7 4049-4 4090-9 4011-9 4053-6 4095-1 4016 4057 4099 7 2 4020-2 4061-9 4103 3 4024-4 4066-0 4107-5 4028-6 4070-2 4111-6 4-2 4 2 4 1 172 173 174 4 4115-7 4157 4198 4119-9 4161-1 4202 1 4124-0 4165-2 4206-2 4128-1 4169-3 4210 3 4132-3 4173-4 4214-4 4136-4 4177-5 4218-5 4140 4181 4222 5 6 6 4144-6 4185-7 4226-7 4148-7 4189-8 4230-8 4152-9 4193-9 4234-8 4-1 4 1 4 1 175 176 177 4 4238 9 4279 6 4320 2 4243 4283-7 4324-2 4247-1 4287-8 4328-3 4251-2 4291-8 4332 -3 4255-3 4295-9 4336-4 4259-3 4300-0 4340-4 4263 4304 4344 -4 -4 4267-5 4308-8 4348 5 4271-5 4312-1 4352-5 4275-6 4316 1 4356-5 4-1 41 4-0 178 179 180 4 4360-5 4100 7 4440-8 4364-6 4404-7 4444-7 4368-6 4408 8 4448-7 4372-0 4412-8 4452-7 4376-6 4416 8 4456-7 4380-7 4420-8 4460-7 4384 4424 4464 -7 -8 7 4388-7 4428-8 4468-7 4392 7 4432 8 4472-6 4396-7 4436-8 4476-6 40 4 40 181 182 183 4 4480 6 4520-3 4559-8 4484-6 4524-2 4563-7 4488 5 4528-2 4567-7 4492 5 4532-2 4571-6 4496-5 4536 1 4575-6 4500 5 4540-1 4579-5 4501 4544 4583 •4 4 4. '08 -4 4518 4587-4 4512-4 4551-9 4591-3 4516-3 4555 9 4595-2 4-0 40 3-9 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. 61 Table III . — Continued. Distance and Velocity Table, Cs — a^' — cr^„. V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diffi f.s. 184 185 ! 186 feet. 4 4599-2 4638-4 4677-4 feet. 4603-1 4642-3 4681-3 feel 4607 4646 4685 2 2 feet 4610 4650 4689 9 feet. 4614-9 4654 4693-0 feel 4618 4657 4696 8 9 9 feet. 4622-7 4661-8 4700 8 feel 4626 4665 4704 6 7 6 feet. 4630-5 4669-6 4708-5 feet. 4634-4 4673 5 4712-4 + 3-9 3-9 3-9 187 188 ' 189 4 4716 3 4755 4793 7 4720-2 4758-9 4797-5 4724 4762 4801 1 8 4 4727 4766 4805 4731-8 4770 5 4809-1 4735 4774 4812 7 4 9 4739-6 4778-2 4816-8 4743 4782 4820 4 1 6 4747-3 4786-0 4824-5 4751-2 4789-8 4828-3 3 9 3 9 3 8 190 191 i 192 j 4 4832-2 4870-5 4908-7 4836 4874-3 4912 5 4839 4878 4916 8 1 3 4843 4882 4920 4847-5 4885-8 4923-9 4861 4889 4927 4 6 7 4855-2 4893 4 4931-5 4859 4897 4935 3 3 4862-8 4901-1 4939-1 4866-7 4904-9 4942-9 3 8 3 8 3 8 193 i 194 195 4 4946-7 4984-5 5022 2 4950-5 4988-3 5025 9 4954 4992 5029 3 1 7 4958 4995 5033 4961-9 4999 6 6037-2 4965 5003 5040 7 4 9 4969-4 5007-1 5044-7 4973 5010 5048 2 9 4 4977-0 5014 7 5052-1 4980-7 5018-4 5055-9 3-8 3-8 3 7 196 197 198 , 4 5059-6 5096-9 5133-9 5063-4 5100 6 6137-5 5067 5104 6141 1 3 2 5070 5108 5144 8 9 5074-6 5111-7 5148 6 5078 5115 5152 3 4 3 5082-0 5119 1 5150-0 5085 5122 5159 7 8 6 6089-4 5126-5 5163-3 5093 1 5130 2 6166 9 3-7 3-7 3 7 199 200 201 4 5170-6 5207-1 5243-3 5174-3 5210-7 6246-9 5177 5214 5250 9 3 5 5181 5218 5254 6 1 5185-2 5221-6 5257-7 5188 5225 5261 9 2 3 5192-5 5228-8 6264-9 5196 5232 5268 2 5 5 5199-8 5236-1 5272-1 5203-4 5239-7 5275 7 3 6 3 6 3 6 202 203 204 4 5279 2 631 i 9 6360-3 5282 8 6318-5 5353-8 5286 5322 5357 4 3 5290 5325 5360 6 9 5293-0 5329-1 6364-4 5297 5332 5367 2 7 9 5300-7 5336 2 6371-4 5304 5339 5374 3 7 9 5307-8 5343-3 5378-4 5311 4 5346 8 5391 9 3 6 3 5 3-5 205 206 207 4 5385-4 6420-2 5454-7 5388 9 5423-7 6458-1 5392 5427 5461 4 1 6 5395 5430 5465 9 6 5399-4 5434-1 6468-4 5402 5437 5471 9 5 9 5406-3 5441 5475-3 5409 5444 5478 8 4 7 5413-3 5447-8 5482-1 5416-7 5451-3 5485-6 3 5 3 5 3 4 208 209 ! 210 ' 4 5488-9 5522-8 5556 4 5492-3 5526 2 5559-8 6495 5529 6563 7 6 1 5499 5532 6566 1 9 4 5502-5 5536-3 5569 8 5505 5539 6573 9 7 1 5509 3 5543 6576 5 5512 5546 5579 7 4 8 5516-1 5549-7 5583-1 6519-4 5553-1 6586-4 3 4 3 4 3-3 211 212 213 4 5589-7 6622-8 5655-5 5593 6626-1 6658-8 5596 5029 5662 4 3 5599 5632 5665 7 6 3 5603-0 5635-9 5668-6 5606 5639 5671 3 2 8 5609-6 5642-5 6675 - 1 5612 5645 5678 9 7 3 5616-2 5649-0 5681-5 5619-5 5652-3 5684-8 3 3 3-3 3-2 214 ' 215 ! 216 4 5688 6/20-2 6752-2 5691 2 5723-4 5755-4 5694 5726 5758 5 6 6 5697 5729 5761 7 9 8 5700-9 5733-1 6764 9 5704 5736 5768 2 3 1 5707-4 5739-5 6771-3 5710 5742 5774 6 6 4 5713-8 5745-8 5777-6 5717-0 6749-0 6780 8 3 2 3 2 3 2 217 ' 218 219 4 5783 9 5815-4 5846 6 5787-1 5818-5 5849 7 6790 5821 6852 2 6 8 5793 5824 5855 4 8 9 5796-6 5827-9 5859 5799 5831 5862 7 1 5802-9 6834 1 5865-2 5806 5837 5868 3 3 5809-1 5840-4 5871-4 5812-2 6843 5 5874-4 3 1 3 1 3 1 220 221 222 4 5877-5 5908 3 5938-7 5880-6 5911 3 5941-8 «883 5914 6944 7 4 8 5886 5917 5947 8 4 8 6889-9 5920-5 5950-9 5893 6923 5963 6 9 5896-0 5926-6 5956-9 5899 5929 5959 1 6 9 5902-1 5932-7 6963-0 5905 2 5935-7 5966-0 3 1 3 3 223 224 : 225 4 5969-0 5999 6028 7 5972-0 6002 6031 7 5975 6004 6034 9 6 6978 6007 6037 9 6 5981 6010 9 6040-5 5984 6013 6043 9 5 5987-0 6016 9 6046 5 5990 6019 6049 8 4 5993-0 60-22 8 6052 4 5996-0 6025-8 1 6055 3 j 6084 7 ' 6113-8 6142-8 30 3 3 226 227 j 228 4 0058-3 6087-6 6116-7 6061-2 6090 5 6119 6 6064 6093 6122 1 4 5 0067-1 C0'.)6 3 6125 4 0070-0 6099-3 6128 3 6072 6102 6131 9 2 -2 6075-9 6105 1 6134 1 6078 6108 6137 8 6081-7 6110 9 0139-9 2 9 2 9 29 2^-0 ^ 4 6145 -7 6174-6 6148-6 6177-5 6151 5 6180-4 6154-4 6183-3 6157 3 6186-2 6160 6189 1 4 6163 1 6191-9 6166 6194 8 6168 8 6197-7 6171 7 6200-6 2-9 2 9 62 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table IV.* Inclination and Velocity Table, Cd — d^, — S^„. V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f.8. 40 41 42 d( 4 9 ?g8. 6757 0056 Cl( 5 9 3g8. 4838 1240 4207 d 5 9 9640 5688 8327 d( 1 6 10 4407 0101 2410 d( 1 6 10 3ff8. 9137 4482 6467 d 2 6 11 3^8. 3830 8828 0496 d 2 7 11 3S8. 8488 3141 4494 d 3 7 11 3110 7421 8462 d 8 12 3^8. 7689 1660 2397 degs. 4-2240 8-5874 12-6306 43 13 16 20 0187 7450 2125 13 17 20 4039 1030 5460 13 17 20 7862 4585 8772 14 17 21 1652 8110 2054 14 18 21 5419 1614 5320 14 18 21 9159 5094 8565 15 18 22 2872 8549 1788 15 19 22 6557 1980 4989 16 19 22 0211 5383 8169 16-3843 19.8766 23 1327 46 47 48 23 26 29 4463 4691 3006 23 26 29 7578 7607 5739 24 27 29 0671 0503 8455 24 27 30 3736 3376 1151 24 27 30 6788 6234 3833 24 27 30 9821 9075 6498 25 28 30 2C34 1897 9147 25 28 31 5927 4702 1779 25 28 31 8801 7486 4393 26 1756 29-0254 31-6993 49 60 ei 31 34 36 9576 4557 8073 32 34 37 2143 6973 0349 32 34 37 4695 9375 2613 32 35 37 7227 1761 4862 32 35 37 9747 4134 7099 33 35 37 2253 6493 9323 33 35 38 4743 8837 1534 33 36 38 7219 1167 3731 33 36 38 9679 3480 5914 34 2125 36-5783 38-8086 52 53 54 39 41 43 0246 1175 0967 39 41 43 2394 3204 2887 39 41 43 4529 5221 4795 39 41 43 6651 7225 6690 39 41 43 8762 9221 8578 40 42 44 0860 1205 0456 40 42 44 2947 3179 2324 40 42 44 5022 5142 4182 40 42 44 7083 7095 6031 40-9135 42-9037 44-7870 55 56 57 44 46 48 9698 7437 4270 45 46 48 1510 9160 5906 45 47 48 3325 0874 7534 45 47 48 5122 2581 9153 45 47 49 6910 4277 0764 45 47 49 8689 5965 2368 46 47 49 0457 7644 3963 46 47 49 2217 9314 5551 46 48 49 3964 0973 7130 46-5705 48-2625 49-8701 58 59 60 50 51 53 0265 5492 0003 50 51 53 1822 6975 1417 50 51 53 3370 8451 2825 50 51 53 4909 9917 4224 50 52 53 6442 1378 5618 50 52 53 7968 2832 7005 50 52 53 9487 4280 8386 51 52 53 0999 5721 9761 51 52 54 2505 7155 1130 51-4002 52-8583 54-2492 61 62 63 54 55 56 3847 7054 9663 54 55 57 5196 8342 0891 54 55 57 6539 9623 2114 54 56 57 7875 0899 3330 54 56 57 9205 2169 4542 55 56 57 0529 3433 5749 55 56 57 1846 4690 6950 55 56 57 3158 5942 8146 55 56 57 4462 7188 9338 55-5761 56-8428 58-0523 64 65 66 58 59 60 1703 3209 4207 58 59 60 2878 4332 5280 58 59 60 4046 5449 6348 58 59 60 5209 6562 7411 58 59 60 6367 7669 8470 58 59 60 7521 8772 9523 58 59 61 8669 9869 0572 58 60 61 9832 0961 1616 59 60 61 0949 2047 2654 59-2081 60 3130 61-3688 67 68 69 61 62 63 4719 4779 4414 61 62 63 5744 5761 5356 61 62 63 6766 6739 6294 61 62 63 7783 7711 7227 61 62 63 8796 8680 8157 61 62 63 9804 9646 9084 62 63 64 0808 0607 0006 62 63 64 1807 1565 0924 62 63 64 2802 2519 1838 62 3793 63-3468 64 2749 70 71 72 64 65 66 3656 2522 1015 64 65 66 4559 3388 1845 64 65 66 5459 4250 2671 64 65 66 6356 5107 3494 64 65 66 7249 5962 4313 64 65 66 8137 6813 5128 64 65 66 9022 7660 5940 64 65 66 9903 8504 6749 65 65 66 0779 9345 7553 65-1652 66-0182 66-8355 73 74 75 66 67 68 9153 6955 4436 66 67 68 9949 7717 5168 67 67 68 0740 8476 5896 67 67 68 1529 9231 6620 67 67 68 2314 9983 7342 67 68 68 3096 0733 8062 67 68 68 3875 1479 8778 67 68 68 4649 2223 9492 67 68 69 5422 2964 0204 67-6190 68-3702 69 0912 76 77 78 69 69 70 1617 8497 5082 69 69 70 2318 9169 5725 69 69 70 3017 9838 6365 69 70 70 3712 0503 7004 69 70 70 4404 1166 7639 69 70 70 5094 1826 8271 69 70 70 5780 2483 8901 69 70 70 6464 3137 9527 69 70 71 7145 3787 0149 69-7823 70-4436 71-0770 79 80 81 71 71 72 1388 7432 3225 71 71 72 2004 8023 3791 71 71 72 2617 8611 4354 71 71 72 3228 9196 4915 71 71 72 3837 9779 5473 71 72 72 4442 0359 6030 71 72 72 5045 0937 6584 71 72 72 5646 1513 7135 71 72 72 6244 2086 7685 71-6839 72 2656 72-8232 82 83 84 72 73 73 8776 4079 9143 72 73 73 9317 4596 9636 72 73 74 9856 5111 0127 73 73 74 0393 5622 0615 73 73 74 0927 6132 1101 73 73 74 1458 6639 1585 73 73 74 1988 7145 2067 73 73 74 2514 7648 2546 73 73 74 3038 8149 3023 73-3560 73-8647 74-3498 85 86 87 74 74 75 3971 8573 2966 74 74 75 4441 9022 3395 74 74 75 4910 9468 3821 74 74 75 5376 9912 4246 74 75 75 5839 0355 4668 74 75 75 6301 0795 5089 74 75 75 6760 1233 5507 74 75 75 7217 1669 5924 74 75 75 7670 2104 6339 74-8123 75-2536 75-6752 By W. D. Kiven, Esq., M. A., F. S. S. XX. EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table lY .—Continued. Inclination and Velocity Table, Cd = 8^ — S^„ V. 1 !3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f.8. 88 89 1 90 degs. 75 7163 76 1171 76-5005 degs. 75-7572 76-1562 76-5379 degs. 75-7980 76-1952 76-5751 degs. 75 8385 76-2339 76 6121 degs. 75-8788 76-2725 76-6490 degs. 75-9190 i 76-3109 76-6857 degs. 75 9590 76-3492 76-7223 degs. 75-9988 76-3873 76-7588 d 76 76 76 4252 7951 degs. 76-0778 76-4629 76 8312 91 92 93 76-8671 77-2179 77-5540 76-9029 77-2522 77-5868 76-9385 77-2863 77-6195 76-9739 77-3203 77-6520 77-0092 77-3541 77-6844 77-0444 77-3878 77-7167 77 0794 77 4213 77-7488 77-1142 77-4547 77-7807 77 77 77 1489 4879 81-25 77-1835 77-5210 77 8442 94 95 96 77-8757 78 1841 78-4798 77 9071 78-2142 78 5087 77-9384 78-2442 78-5375 77-9695 78-2741 78-5622 78-0005 78 3039 78-5947 78-0314 78-3335 78-6231 78 0622 78-3630 78-6514 78-0929 78-3924 78-6796 78 78 78 1234 4216 7076 78 1538 78 4508 78 7356 97 98 99 78-7634 79-0354 79-2968 78-7911 79 0621 79-3224 78-8188 79-0886 79-3478 78 8463 79 1150 79-3731 78-8736 79 1413 79-3983 78-9009 79 1675 79-4234 78-9280 79 1936 79-4484 78-9551 79-2195 79-4734 78 79 79 9819 2454 4982 79-0087 79-2712 79 5230 100 101 1 102 79-5476 79-7889 80-0203 79-5722 79-8124 80 0430 79-5966 79-8359 80-0655 79-6210 79-8593 80-0879 79-6453 79-8826 80 1102 79 6695 79-9058 80 1324 79-6935 79 9289 80-1544 79-7175 79-9519 80-1763 79 79 80 7414 9748 1981 79 7652 79-9976 80-2197 103 104 105 80-2412 80-4466 80-6321 80-2625 80-4661 80-6495 80-2837 80-4854 80-6667 80-3408 80-5045 80-6835 80-3256 80 5234 80 7003 80-3462 80 5420 80 7169 80 3667 80 5605 80 7333 80-3869 80-5787 80-7495 80 80 80 4071 5967 7654 80-4270 80 6145 80 7813 106 107 ' 108 1 80 7970 80-9463 81-0841 80-8126 80-9606 81-0973 80-8280 80-9747 81 1105 80-8432 80-9886 81 1236 80-8583 81 0026 81 1366 80-8733 I 81 0164 81 1495 80-8882 81-0301 81 1624 80 9029 81 0437 81 1751 80 81 81 9175 0573 1877 80-?319 81 0707 81 2003 109 110 lllj 81-2129 81-3342 81-4495 81-2253 81-3460 81-4607 81-2377 81-3578 81-4719 81 2501 81 3695 81 4829 81-2623 81-3811 81 4939 81-2745 81-3927 81 5049 81-2866 81-4042 81-5159 81-2986 81-4156 81-5268 81 81 81 3105 4269 5377 81-3224 81 4382 81 5486 112 113 114 ! 81-5593 81-6647 81 7662 81-5700 81-6750 81-7761 81-5807 81-6853 81-7861 81-5913 81-6955 81-7960 81-6019 81-7057 81-8058 81-6124 81 7159 81-8156 81-6230 81-7260 81-8254 81-6334 81-7361 81-8351 81 81 81 6439 7462 8448 81-6543 81-7662 81 •8545 115 116 117 81-8641 81-9588 82-0503 81-8737 81-9681 82-0592 81-8833 81-9774 82-0682 81-8929 81-9866 82 0771 81-9024 81-9958 82-0860 81-9119 82-0049 82 0948 81-9213 82 0141 82 1036 81-9307 82-0232 82 1124 81 82 82 9401 0322 1212 81-9496 82 0413 82-1299 118 119 120 82 1386 82-2241 82-3066 82-1473 82-2325 82-3147 82 1559 82-2408 82-3228 82 1645 82-2492 82 3309 82 1731 82-2575 82-3389 82-1817 82-2657 82-3469 82-1902 82-2Y40 82-3549 82-1988 82-2822 82-3629 82 82 82 2073 2903 3708 82-2157 82-2985 82-3787 121 122 123 82-3865 82-4639 82 5386 82-3944 82-4715 82-5459 82-4022 82-4790 82 5533 82-4100 82-4865 82-5606 82-4178 82-4940 82-5679 82-4255 82 5015 82-5751 82-4333 82-5090 82-5824 82-4410 82-5164 82-5896 82 82 82 4486 5238 5968 82-4563 82-5312 82 6040 124 125 126 82-6112 82-6814 82-7494 82-6183 82-6883 82-7561 82-6254 82-6951 82-7627 82 6324 82-7019 82 7694 82-6395 82-7088 82 7760 82-6465 82-7156 82-7826 82-6535 82-7224 82-7892 82-6605 82-7291 82-7957 82 82 82 6675 7359 8023 82-6744 82-7427 82-8088 127 128 129 82-8153 82-8794 82-9415 82-8218 82-8857 82-9477 82-8283 82-8920 82-9538 82-8348 82-8983 82-9599 82-8412 82-9045 82-9660 82-8477 82-9107 82-9720 82-8541 82-9169 82-9780 82-8604 82-9231 82-9840 82 82 82 8668 9292 9900 82-8731 82-9354 82-9900 130 131 132 83-0019 83 0606 83 1176 83-0079 83-0664 83 1232 83-0138 83-0721 83-1288 83 0197 83-0779 83-1344 83-0256 83-0836 83-1400 83 0315 83-0893 83 1455 83-0373 83 0950 83 1511 83-0432 83-1007 83 1566 83 83 83 0490 10^3 1621 83 0548 83-1119 83-1676 133 184 136 83-1730 83-2271 83-2797 83-1785 83-2324 83-2849 83 1840 83-2377 83-2900 83-1894 83-2430 83-2951 83 1949 83-2483 83-3003 83-2003 83-2536 83-3054 83-2057 83-2588 83-3105 83 2110 83-2641 83-3156 83 83 83 2164 2693 3207 83 2217 83 2745 83-3257 64 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLISTICS. Table lY .—Continued. Inclination and Velocity Table, Cd = d^, .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 " f.s. 136 137 138 degs. 83-3308 83-3808 83-4295 d( 83 83 83 5gS. 3359 3857 4343 degs. 83-3409 83-3906 83-4391 degs. 83-3459 83-3955 83-4438 d( 83 83 83 3509 4004 4486 d( 83 83 83 3560 4053 4533 d< 83 83 83 3g8. 3609 4101 4581 d( 83 83 83 5g8. 3659 4150 4628 d( 83 83 83 3g8. 3709 4198 4676 degs. 83-3759 83-4247 83-4723 139 140 ' 141 83 83 83 4770 5233 5687 83 83 83 4817 5279 5732 83-4863 83-5325 83-5777 83-4910 83-5371 83-5821 83 83 83 4956 5417 5866 83 83 83 5003 5402 5910 83 83 83 5049 5507 5954 83 83 83 5095 5553 5999 83 83 83 5141 5598 6043 83-5187 83-5642 83-6087 142 143 144 83 83 83 6130 6565 6988 83 83 83 6174 6607 7030 83-6218 83 - 0650 83-7072 83-6261 83-6693 83-7114 83 83 83 6305 6735 7156 83 83 83 6348 6778 7197 83 83 83 6392 6820 7239 83 83 83 6435 6862 7280 83 83 83 6478 6904 7321 83-6522 83-6946 83-7362 145 \ 146 i 147 83 83 83 7403 7810 8209 83 83 83 7444 7850 8249 83-7485 8.3-7891 83-8-288 83-7526 83-7930 83 8327 83 83 7567 7970 8366 83 83 83 7608 8010 8406 83 83 83 7649 8050 8445 83 83 83 7689 8090 8484 83 83 83 7730 8130 8522 83-7770 83 '8170 83-8561 148 149 150 83 83 83 8600 8983 9359 83 83 83 8639 9021 9396 83-8677 83-9059 83-9433 83-8715 83 9096 83-9470 83 83 83 8754 9134 9507 83 83 83 8792 9172 9544 83 83 83 8830 9209 9581 83 83 83 8869 9247 9617 83 83 83 8907 9285 9654 83-8945 83-9322 83-9691 151 ' 152 153 83 84 84 9727 0090 0446 83 84 84 9764 0126 0481 83-9800 84-0161 84-0516 83-9837 84-0197 84-0551 83 84 84 9873 0233 0587 83 84 84 9909 0269 0622 83 84 84 9946 0304 0657 83 84 84 9982 0340 0692 84 84 84 0018 0375 0727 84-0054 84-0410 84-0762 15. 155 156 84 84 84 0796 1140 1479 84 84 84 0831 1174 1513 84-0866 84 1208 84-1546 84-0900 84-1242 84-1579 84 84 84 0935 1276 1613 84 84 84 0969 1310 1646 84 84 84 1004 1344 1679 84 84 84 1038 1378 1713 84 84 84 1072 1412 1746 84-1106 84 1445 84-1779 157 158 159 84 84 84 1812 2139 2461 84 84 84 1845 2172 2493 84-1878 84-2204 84-2525 84-1911 84-2237 84-2557 84 84 84 1943 2269 2588 84 84 84 1976 2301 2620 84 84 84 2009 2333 2652 84 84 84 2041 2366 2683 84 84 84 2074 2398 2715 84-2107 84-2430 84-2746 160 ' 161 162 84 84 84 2778 3088 3394 84 84 84 2809 3119 3424 84-2840 84-3150 84-3454 84-2871 84-3180 84-3484 84 84 84 2902 3210 3514 84 84 ,84 2933 3242 3544 84 84 84 2965 3272 3574 84 84 84 2996 3302 3604 84 81 84 3027 3333 3634 84-3058 84-3363 84-3664 163 164 165 84 84 84 3694 3990 4281 84 84 84 3724 4019 4310 84-3753 84-4018 84-4339 84-3783 84-4078 84-4367 84 84 84 3813 4107 4396 84 81 84 3843 41S6 4425 84 84 84 3872 4105 4453 84 84 84 3902 4194 4482 84 84 84 3931 4223 4510 84-3960 84-4252 84-4539 166 137 168 84 84 84 4567 4849 5127 84 84 84 4595 4877 5154 84-4624 84-4905 84-5181 84-4652 84-4933 84-5209 84 84 84 4680 4961 5236 84 84 84 4709 4988 5263 84 84 84 4737 5016 5291 84 84 84 4765 5044 5318 84 84 84 4793 5070 5345 84-4821 84-5099 84-5372 169 170 171 84 84 84 5399 5668 5933 84 84 84 5426 5695 5959 84-5453 84-5721 84-5985 84-5480 84-5748 84-6012 84 84 84 5508 5775 6038 84 84 84 5534 6801 6064 84 84 84 5561 5828 6090 84 84 84 5588 5854 6116 84 84 84 5615 5880 6142 84-5641 84-5907 84 0168 172 173 174 84 84 84 6193 6449 6701 84 84 84 6219 6475 6726 84-6245 84-6500 84-6750 84-6271 84-6525 84-6776 84 84 84 6297 6550 6800 84 84 84 6322 6575 6825 84 84 84 6348 6001 6850 84 84 84 6373 6626 6875 84 84 84 6399 6651 6899 84-6424 84-6676 84-6924 175 176 177 84 84 84 6948 7192 7432 84 84 84 6973 7216 7455 84-6997 84-7240 84-7479 84-7022 84-7264 84-7503 84 84 84 7046 7288 7526 84 84 84 7071 7312 7550 84 84 84 7095 7336 7574 84 84 84 7119 7360 7597 84 84 84 7144 7384 7621 84-7168 84-7408 84-7645 178 179 180 81 84 84 7608 7P02 8131 84 81 84 7692 •7925 8154 81 -771 5 84-7918 84-8177 84-7739 81-7972 8i-8199 84 81 84 7762. 7904 8222 •84 81 81 7785 roi7 8214 84 84 84 7809 80 :o 82u7 84 84 84 7832 803 8289 84 84 84 7855 80SG 8312 84-7878 81-8109 84-8334 181 182 183 84 84 84 83R7 8579 8798 81 84 84 8379 8601 8819 84-8-101 84-8623 84-8841 81 ■ 8424 84-8645 84-8863 84 84 84 8446 8667 8884 84 i ^* 8168 8689 8906 84 84 84 81 PO 8711 8927 84 84 84 8513 8732 8949 84 84 84 8535 8754 8970 84-8557 84-8776 84-8992 XX. — EXTERIOR BALLIStlCS. Table IV.— Continued. Inclination and Velocity Table, Cd = S^, — S^„. V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 f.s. 184 185 186 d 84 84 84 9013 9226 9435 d 84 84 84 egs. 9035 9247 9456 d 84 84 84 9056 9268 9476 d 84 84 84 egs. 9077 •9289 9497 d 84 84 84 egs. •9099 •9310 9518 d 84 34 84 9120 9331 •9538 d 84 84 84 egs. 9141 9351 •9559 degs. 84-9162 84 9372 84-9580 d 84 84 84 egs. ■9184 ■9393 -9600 degs. 84-9205 84 9414 84-9621 1?7 188 189 84 84 85 9C41 •9845 0045 84 84 86 9C62 9865 0065 84 84 85 9682 9885 0085 84 84 85 9702 9905 0105 84 84 85 9723 9925 0125 84 84 85 •9743 •9946 •0145 84 84 85 9763 •9966 0165 84 • 9784 84-9986 85 0185 84 85 85 9804 0006 0204 84-9820 86-0026 85-0224 190 191 192 85 85 85 0244 0438 0630 85 85 85 0263 0458 0650 85 85 85 0283 0477 0669 85 85 85 0303 0496 0687 85 85 85 0322 0515 0706 85 85 85 0342 0535 0725 85 85 85 •0361 0554 0744 85 0380 86 0573 85 0763 85 85 85 0400 0592 0782 8.'5 0419 85-0611 85-0801 193 194 195 85 85 85 0820 1006 1190 85 85 85 0838 1025 1208 85 85 85 0857 1043 1227 86 86 85 0876 10C2 1245 85 85 85 0895 1080 1263 85 85 85 0913 1099 1281 85 85 85 •0932 1117 1299 85 0951 85 1136 85 1317 85 85 85 0969 1154 1335 85-0988 86 1172 85 -136a 196 197 198 85 85 85 1371 1549 1724 85 86 85 1389 1567 1741 85 85 85 1407 1584 1759 85 85 85 1425 1602 1776 85 85 85 1443 1619 1793 85 85 85 1460 1637 1810 85 85 85 1478 1654 1827 85 1496 85-1672 85 1844 85 85 85 1514 1689 1862 86-1531 85 1707 86-1879 199 200 201 85 85 85 1896 2065 2231 85 85 85 1913 2081 2247 85 85 85 1930 ' 2098 2264 86 85 85 1947 2115 2280 85 85 85 1964 2131 2290 84 85 85 1981 2148 2313 85 85 85 1998 2165 2329 85 2014 85-2181 85-2346 85 85 85 2031 2198 2362 86-2043 85-2214 85-2378 202 203 204 85 85 85 2394 2556* 2714 85 85 85 2411 2572 2729 85 85 85 2427 2588 2745 85 85 86 2443 2604 2760 86 85 85 2459 2620 2776 85 85 85 2476 2635 2791 85 85 86 2492 2651 2807 85 2507 85-2667 85-2822 85 85 86 2524 2682 2838 85-2540 85-2698 85-2863 205 206 207 85 85 85 2868 3020 3170 85 86 85 2884 3035 3184 86 85 85 2899 3061 3199 86 85 85 2915 3066 3214 85 85 85 293C 3081 3229 86 85 2945 3095 3244 85 85 86 2960 3110 3258 85 2975 85-3125 85-3273 85 85 85 2990 3140 3287 85-3005 85 3165 85-330a 208 209 210 85 85 85 3316 3460 3601 85 85 85 3331 3474 3615 85 85 85 3345 3488 3629 85 85 86 3360 3503 3643 85 85 85 3373 3517 3657 85 85 85 3388 3531 3671 86 85 85 3403 3546 3685 86 3417 85-3559 85-3698 85 85 85 3431 3573 3712 85-3446 85-3581 85 3726 211 212 213 85 85 85 3740 3876 4010 85 85 88 3754 3890 4023 85 85 85 3767 3903 4036 85 85 85 3781 3917 •4049 85 85 85 3795 3930 4063 85 85 85 3808 3943 4076 85 85 85 3822 3957 4089 85 3836 85 3970 85-4102 85 85 86 3849 3983 4115 85-3863 85-3996 85 4128 21^ 215 216 85 85 85 4141 4271 4398 85 85 85 4154 4284 4411 85 86 85 4167 4297 4423 85 86 85 4180 4309 4436 85 85 85 4193 4322 4448 85 85 85 4206 4335 4461 85 85 86 4219 4348 4473 85-4232 85-4360 85-4485 86 85 85 4245 4373 4498 85-4258 85-4385 86-4510 217 218 219 85 85 85 4523 4645 4766 85 85 85 4535 4658 4778 85 85 85 4547 4670 4790 85 85 85 4560 4682 4802 85 85 86 4572 4694 4814 85 85 85 4584 4706 4825 85 85 85 4597 4718 4837 85-4609 85-4730 85-4849 85 85 86 4621 4742 4861 86-4633 86-4754 86-4873 220 221 222 85 85 85 4885 5001 5116 85 85 85 4896 5013 5128 86 85 85 4908 5024 5139 85 86 86 4920 6036 6150 85 85 85 4932 5047 5162 86 85 85 4943 5059 5173 85 85 85 4965 6070 6184 85-4967 85-5082 85 5195 86 85 86 4978 5093 5207 85-4990 85-6105 85-5218 223 224 225 85 85 85 5229 5340 5449 85 85 85 5240 5351 5460 85 85 85 5251 5362 5470 85 85 85 5262 5373 6481 85 85 85 5273 5384 5492 85 85 86 5285 5394 5502 85 85 85 5296 5405 5513 85-5307 85-5416 86-5624 86 85 85 5318 5427 5534 85-5329 86-5438 86-6545 226 227 228 85 85 85 5556 5661 5765 85 85 85 5566 5672 6775 85 85 85 5577 5682 5785 85 85 85 5688 6693 5796 86 85 85 6598 5703 5806 86 85 85 5609 5713 5816 85 86 86 5619 5724 5826 85-5630 85-5734 85-5836 85 85 85 5640 5744 5846 85-5651 85-5755 85-5856 229 230 85 85 5866 5966 85 85 5876 5976 85 85 5886 5986 85 85 5896 5996 85 85 5906 6006 85 85 5916 6015 85 85 6926 6025 85 5936 85-6035 85 85- 5946 6045 85-5956 85-6055 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. CHAPTER XXI. VARIETIES OF CANNON. CLASSIFICATION. The numerous ways in which cannon may be classified have been simpHfied by the almost universal adoption of those which are breech-loading rifies^ built up of steel. For convenience of treatment we may consider them ac- cording to t\\Q\v proportions, construction and service, 1. Proportions. The facility with which breech-loading cannon of all lengths may be loaded has practically abolished the distinc- tion between mortars and howitzers, although both terms are still used for pieces which do not differ materially in their proportions. It has become customary to distinguish guns (Chapter I) from howitzers by calling the first named rifles, although all new howitzers are also rifled. 2. Construction. As to construction, cannon are divided into muzzle-loaders and breech-loaders; some of the former class being still re- tained in service pending the preparation of those of the better type and also for subordinate purposes. Breech-loaders may be divided into those having but one barrel, or single fire pieces, which are loaded by hand, and into machine guns, in which the loading is automatically per- formed by machinery. The former may be either the com- paratively slow fire cannon, in which the cartridge and projectile are loaded separately, or the rapid fire in which XXI. VARIETIES OF CANNON. the ammunition makes but one package, as in small arms, and the recoil of which does not derange the aim. Machine guns generally consist of a number of barrels so disposed, that while one is firing, the remainder may be loaded and prepared for loading. Like the rapid fire cannon these require metallic ammunition, and unlike them their size is imited by the weight of the required number of cartridges which can be conveniently kept in motion by the machinery ; the latter is generally operated by hand. 3. Service. According to their employment, cannon are divided into those for the mountain, field, siege and sea coast services. The principal distinction here refers to the difficulties of transportation, for the rule is general that the most power- ful cannon that can be efficiently transported should always be employed. For field artillery especially, the principle of independence of function requires a very exact adaptation of the weight of the arm to the service required of it. Thus, we have, 1st, Horse Artillery, which, the cannoneers being mounted on horses, may accompany the Cavalry ; 2nd, Light Field Ar- tillery, which manoeuvres with Infantry ; and 3rd, Heaiy Field Artillery, which forms batteries of position at important tacti- cal points, and is intended to engage at long ranges. This affords the following table : CLASSIFICATION OF ARTILLERY ACCORDING TO 1 P.-r,^^rt;r.nc S Guiis, for direct fire. 1. rioporuons ^ Howitzers, or Mortars for curved fire. r Muz de loading ^Smoothbore. I (obselete, retained) \ Rifled. 2. Construction \ ' i c- „, <-_ ( slow. ' * ( ■ ( slow, j Breech loading rifles ) ^'"^le fire | ^.^p- j^ ( Machine guns, XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 3. Service. Mountain. i Horse Artillery, very light. Field < Light Field Artillery, medium. f Heavy Field Artillery. Siege. Sea Coast. SYSTEM OF ARTILLERY. This term refers to the character and arrangement of the materiel* as adopted by a nation at any particular epoch. The principal requisites of a system of artillery are sim- plicity^ mobility and power. To these the enormous arma- ments of the present day may add economy. The improvements of the last four hundred years have had these qualities in view, the compromises between simplicity and mechanical efficiency, noted Chapter XVI, causing sometimes one, and sometimes another of these qualities to pieponderate. As in other nations the system of artillery in the United States service is still in an experimental state. For lack of funds, withheld largely because of uncertainty regarding the direction of improvement, many obsolete weapons have been retained by us either unchanged, or converted so as to increase their power at a moderate expense. The following description is therefore partly historical, and contains incidental reference to methods adopted in other countries whose political situation has made their immediate armament urgent. It is confined to slow fire guns, since other types of breech-loaders depend for their efficiency almost wholly upon the control of their recoil and upon the use of metaUic ammunition; subjects not yet discussed. See Chapter XXIX. * See Webster, XXr. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. CONSTRUCTION. I. MUZZLE LOADING CANNON. United States. The field guns used during the Civil War were of two kinds. 1. The 3 ijich wrought iron (10 pdr^ rifle. This was made by wrapping boiler plate around a wrought iron bar to form a rough cyUnder, which was welded together under the rolls and finished in the usual manner. It made a very strong, light gun well adapted to the Horse Artillery. 2. The 12 pdr. Napoleon Gun^ S7nooth bore. This was of bronze, cast solid. Its value depended upon the topography of the seat of war. The broken surface of the Appalachian system and the heavy woods with which much of the country was covered restricted the fighting to ranges which, compared to those obtainable on the broad plains of Europe, are very moderate. For such ranges its heavy shell and well filled shrapnel were more efiective than those of the rifle, and the initial velocity was so great that for ranges of about 1000 yards the trajectory of the smooth bore was flatter than that of the rifle. The siege gims, in which mobility was less important, were of cast iron. Owing to the length of the bore and its rela- tively small diameter these guns were cast solid. The pro- jectile weighed about 30 pounds. One of these pieces, the Parrott, was strengthened by a wrought iron cylinder shrunk over the breech and reinforce. In order to prepare so massive a forging a hot iron bar was coiled helically around a mandrel, brought to a welding heat and forged by axial blows of the hammer. To prevent XXr. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. distortion during welding, the coil was held in a hollow cyl- inder. Several coils would be similarly welded end to end. The direction of the fibers gave great tangential tenacity, but for reasons given in Chapters XV, page 60, and XIX, page 12, the construction was faulty. Sea coast guns were generally of cast iron, cast hollow on the Rodman principle. To some the Parrott construction was applied. Since 1875 many Rodman guns have been converted on the Palliser (English) plan by reaming out the bores to receive a thick, wrought-iron tube, which was then rifled. Chapter XIX. These tubes, first made by coiling as above described, were ultimately replaced by those of solid steel, the intrinsic strength of which was almost sufficient. The wrought-iron tube was at fiist inserted from the muzzle ; but, as it was liable to be carried out with the projectile, a stronger but much more costly breech insertion was employed. With steel, which presented no false welds for the action of the powder gases, the muzzle insertion was resumed. In this way many 10 inch smooth-bore Rodman guns were altered to 8 inch rifles. The 15 inch Rodman guns are re- tained unchanged for subordinate purposes. Foreign Services. Abroad a similar course was followed. In France^ the old cast-iron guns were hooped with puddled steel, originally to retain the fragments on explosion. The bores were lined with a short steel tube. This method is now followed for subordinate pieces of large caliber. Engla7id tried the Palliser plan of conversion for her old guns. For new guns wrought iron was at first exclusively employed ; then wrought iron coils on a steel tube were used, XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. and finally with breech loaders steel throughout. The fear of the brittleness of steel, the consequent preference for the weaker though more ductile wrought iron, and the indiffer- ence to the molecular treatment of steel as practiced by their more exact neighbors, the French, have cost the English Government much loss in time and money. To Krupp, in Germany, belongs the credit of first using steel in large masses. The weight of his ingots has increased since 1851 from two tons to seventy. The construction of his cannon now requires relatively large units of construction. The tendency elsewhere is to reduce the weight of the maximum unit so as to avoid the large outlay for plant required only for its manufacture and handling. For it must be remembered that although cannon comprise the heaviest masses now made, yet their commercial importance is relatively small. Chapter XIV, page 2. II. BREECH LOADING CANNON. These may be classified according to the means by which the breech is closed ; but, as this depends largely upon the form of gas check employed, this will be first discussed. 1. Gas Checks. Many early efforts were made to prevent the escape of gas by some rigid fastening after the manner of a plug ; but, owing to the erosion through the slightest crevice caused by dust, rust or fouling, the efficiency of these devices was short-lived. The self-sealing gas check alone made breech loading prac- ticable. Gas checks may be classified according as they are attached to or detached from the breech block. Detached Gas Checks. The ordinary metallic cartridge case is the best example of this class. The flexibility of its walls and its renewal at every fire peculiarly adapt it for this purpose. XXI, — VARIETIES OF CANNON^ But, since it would be impracticable to use cartridges of the size required for heavy cannon, the cartridge case may be replaced by a short permanent ring as shown in figure 1. This represents one form of an American invention, the Broadwell ring, r, with its obturator plate, /. The gaseous pressure expands the thin edge laterally against the seat in the tube and also presses the ring bodily backward against the plate. The annular grooves, g, in the base of the ring serve as air packing ; they also increase the intensity of the pressure on a vital surface, and, with the hol- low, h, collect any fouUng, which might otherwise occur on this surface. The surface^ s, is spherical so as to adjust itself easily to he spherical seat of the ring around the mouth of the chamber, past which the obturator plate is caused to slide by the motion of the breech block to which it is attached. This form of gas check is difficult to maintain, as it is diffi- cult to prevent entirely the escape of gas between the ring and the plate. Attached Gas Checks, These necessarily require some motion of the block in the direction of the axis of the piece and across the joint to be sealed. Figure 2 represents the Freyre gas check of Spanish origin. It consists of a steel ring, r, of triangular cross-section sur- rounding a conical wedge, w. This last is formed with a spindle, 5, passing axially through the breech block, B, The stem is surrounded by a spiral spring against which it acts by a shoulder. The thickness of the wedge is slightly less than that of the ring. The gases press the wedge backward and thus expand the ring ; when they cease to act the spring moves the wedge forward and thus prevents the ring from sticking in its seat. Figure 3 represents the De Bange (French) gas check, de- XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON rived from that used in the Chassepot b 1, rifle, a small arm firing a non-metallic cartridge The steel ring of figure 2 is replaced by a plastic ring, r, composed of a mixture of asbes- tos and tallow enclosed in canvass and having the joints through which the composition might extrude protected by- metallic rings. When the mushroom head, h, is compressed axially the ring, r, expands laterally, giving a pressure per unit of area against the surface of its seat nearly equal to ^^-i- ; in which R is the common external radius of the head and ring, and / is the length of its bearing. A nut on the rear end of the spindle regulates the initial compression required for efficiency. A spring beneath the nut relieves it from shock as the head is thrown forward after firing by the elasticity of the tallow. ^ Comparison. The Broadwell ring has to seal four surfaces not protected from dirt instead of but two, and the joint, most difficult to seal, is that which is most exposed to dirt. Of the attached gas checks, the Freyre, being inorganic, is less subject to extreme variations of temperature ; it also takes up less room in the thickest part of the gun. It is open to objection that a sHght nick on the edge of the ring might render the entire apparatus worthless. To the last consideration is due the almost universal employment of the De Bange gas check, since this has been found almost indestructible by the accidents of service and to resume its shape when deformed in firing. 2. Fermeture. The fermeture (French, fermer to close) is the device by which the breech is opened and closed. Its principal requi- sites are safety and convenience. The form of fermeture depends largely upon the kind of gas check employed. XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. Two principal varieties exist, the Krupp and the French systems. 1. The Krupp or wedge system, figure 4. Description. The breech block, B^ moves transversely through a hori- zontal slot in rear of the chamber. The front face of the block is flat, and the rear surface a convex semi-cylinder whose axis is slightly inclined to the plane of the face. This avoids the sharp reentrant angles noted. Chapter XV, page 21. It has been found expedient also to round the angles in front of the slot. The upper and lower surfaces of the slot contain guides, ^, which are parallel to the elements of the cylindrical surface and enter corresponding grooves in the block. The block thus receives a component longitudinal motion in the direc- tion of the axis of the bore which prevents friction between the ring and the obturator plate, and also assists somewhat in pressing the cartridge home. A hole, h, through the block permits the gun to be loaded when the block is withdrawn to the proper position. It is prevented from passing this point by a stop bolt, screwed through the body of the gun and having a blank end pro- jecting into a groove on the upper surface of the block. Locking. To secure the fermeture a revolving latch^ /, is employed. For small cannon using metallic ammunition this may be a simple turn-button operated by an exterior handle, (9, and entering a recess in one of the faces of the slot. With a less perfect gas check, means must be provided for pressing the obturator plate, /, against the ring, r, so that for larger guns the latch consists of a screw. In order to faciUtate the operation of the fermeture, the fillets on one 10 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. side of the newel of the screw are removed so that a half- turn of the screw may engage or disengage the remaining fillets. Translation. For field pieces the block is withdrawn directly by hand, but heavy pieces are provided with a long screw, S^ con- tained in a groove in the upper part of the block, and turn- ing in two cylindrical collars, one at each end. The rotation of this screw in a half nut which is attached to the gun, causes relative motion to occur between the block and the gun. Since for this motion speed is required, the screw is cut with a considerable pitch. As this causes a loss of the power required to start the block from its seat and to close it firmly, there is supplied an auxiliary locking screw, d^ which passes through the latch, /. By a peculiar arrangement illustrated in a model in the Ordnance Museum, in closing the breech this screw first turns the latch and then by its slow pitch supplies the power required, and conversely in opening. Both screws are operated by a T wrench, G, which is detached. 2. The interrupted screw fermeture is commonly known as the French system, although its origin is probably American. Description. A cylindrical block fills the breech in the prolongation of the bore and in rear of the tube. The block is held by a screw thread which engages with the base ring ; this in turn is screwed to the jacket by a ratchet screw thread, Chapter XV, figure 47, and figures 2, 3 and 10, Chapter XXI. To facilitate its operation, alternate sections, ordinarily of XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 11 60", are removed from the adjacent surfaces of the block and base ring, so that after sUding the block nearly into place it may be easily locked. Some device is required to support the block when with- drawn. For small pieces this is supplied by the carrier ring. This ring is provided with two lugs forming, with corre- sponding cavities in the jacket and a vertical pin, a hinge on which it swings to the left and rear in opening. A stop^ a b^ Chapter XV, figure 47, screwed to the carrier ring, enters a groove formed in one of the smooth sectors of the block. This groove terminates in front at a short dis- tance from the face of the block, and in rear makes a return of 60° parallel to the screw thread. The carrier ring also contains a shallow groove, c d, for the head of the lever, and the latch, /, the action of which is important. See figure 10. The latch is pressed by a spiral spring radially inward against the block, so that its inner extremity describes on the smooth sector on which it rests a path parallel to the groove in which travels the stop. We will designate the rearmost end of this path by r, and the front end by /. At r and / are formed cavities into which the inner end of the latch may enter sufficiently to sink its outer end to the level of the outer edge of the carrier ring. Each cavity is connected with the intervening path by an inclined plane ; the cavity at / is prac- tically a cylinder. On the rear face of the base ring is a conical dowel, the point of which, when the carrier ring is closed, enters a corre- sponding cavity in the adjacent face of the carrier ring. After passing this cavity, the point of the dowel enters a conical hole in the front surface of the latch, and thus serves to press it radially outward, so that when the carrier ring has been completely closed, the inner end of the latch will have been raised so far out of the cavity / that the block may slide 12 XXI. VARIETIES OF CANNON. freely through the carrier ring. As it slides it forces the outer end of the latch into its seat in the jacket. There are three concentric pieces, the block, the carrier ring and the jacket. The latch unites these alternately in pairs. Operation. Suppose the block to be closed and locked. Raise the lever and turn the block to the left until the stop prevents further rotation. In so doing, the inner end of the latch rides up the inclined plane leading from r, and the outer end enters the jacket as shown in the end view of figure 47, Chapter XV. This pre- vents the obstruction to the withdrawal of the block caused by the simultaneous swinging of the ring which would other- wise occur. The block can now ordinarily be freely withdrawn ; but if, from the expansion of the gas check, it should not move freely, an eccentric projection on the head of the lever acts as a cam''^ and starts the block from its seat. It is well to observe that the rotation of the block being independent of that of the gas check, the binding of the latter does not 'resist the initial rotation above described. On withdrawing the block to the extent allowed by the stop grove, the inner end of the latch drops into the cavity f ; the carrier ring is then free to swing in continuation of the motion of withdrawal. After loading, these motions are reversed. In closing the breech the latch locks the block and carrier ring together, since any slippipg of the block through the ring would cause the edge of the gas check to strike against the base ring. This would be particulariy objectionable in the Freyre check. When the carrier ring comes against the rear face of the * See Webster. XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. IB base ring the conical pin described lifts the pin from the hole, /, and permits the block to slide forward until ready to en- gage with the threads in the base ring. After closing the breech the eccentric head of the lever enters the groove, c d ; this prevents the unscrewing of the block by the tangential component of the pressure on the screw threads. This pressure is so great that it has been found necessary to protect the bearing surface of the groove, ^^, by a plate of hardened steel.* Variations, For large pieces a more stable support than that offered by the thin carrier ring is required during the withdrawal of the block. This is furnished by a tray which supports it for its whole length. This tray is supported by a hinge bracket, called the coit- sole, which, being fastened to the face of the breech, allows the block and tray to be swung aside. For such pieces the simple lever used in the field piece affords insufficient power. It is accordingly replaced by more or less complicated machinery which, for the largest calibers, may be operated by steam, hydraulic or electrical power. One of the most ingenious devices is that of the French engineer, Canet, who has an apparatus in which the contin- uous rotation of a crank performs all the varied operations of unlocking, withdrawing and swinging the block. Vent. The system adapts itself to the use of an axial vent which facilitates ignition. To permit renewal, the vent piece is * The latest model (1890) exhibits slight changes in the details of the construction shown in figure 47, Chapter XV. 14 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. made removable ; and to avoid erosion, its front portion is of copper. To avoid the danger of a premature discharge, the vent is preferably protected by a sliding shutter, a projection from which travels in a concentric groove in the rear face of the piece which is so formed that the primer cannot be inserted until the block is securely locked in place. The complication attending the operation of an axial vent, the likelihood of accident to the gunners from the projection of the fragments of the ordinary primer and the necessary delicacy of the safety shutter when made on the small scale required for the field gun have so far caused these guns to be provided with a radial vent piece of copper leading to the top of the charge at about half its length. Base Ring. The seat of the block is of somewhat greater diameter than that required for loading in order to give a large bearing sur- face to the threads of the screw. Under Barlow's law, this surface is less dilated by the gas pressure than one nearer to the axis ; and, since from a simi- lar reason the greatest stress is borne by the foremost fillets, these do not approach as closely to the end of the tube as the construction might otherwise permit. All exposed screw threads have their angles rounded, to avoid fracture and to resist deformation by the projectile in loading. For heavy pieces a loading tray is slipped into the opening so as to cover the thread in the base screw while the projectile is being pressed home. The operation of the gun is very much facilitated by de- vices which avoid the translation of the breech block. One of these consists in giving the breech block a general conical shape so that it will swing directly into the position for locking. XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 16 The same end is accomplished in the Gerdon fermeture, figure 13, now on trial in the United States. After revolving the block through 90° so as to clear the two threaded sectors, it is swung to one side through a slot cut in the jacket. A radial slide on the rear face of the block acts both as a latch and as a shutter to the axial vent. The parts are remarkably few and simple. Comparison of the Two Systems. 1. Except where metallic ammunition is employed the French system permits the use of the best gas check. 2. It diminishes the weight of the gun for a given value of u and d. Chapter XII. 3. It serves to press the cartridge into place instead of guillotining it as in the Krupp. 4. The fermeture, when open, is less exposed to injury from a front fire. 5. It may be worked by power. The Krupp system in its conception is of almost rustic simplicity. This advantage is counterbalanced by the inferior gas check which is required when non-metallic ammunition is employed ; also by the thickness and mass of the forging containing the slot, the presence of which must cause inju- rious internal strain in oil hardening. The jar in opening it suddenly may deform and even bend the stop bolt. The parts are less securely protected in travell- ing. It has also the comparative disadvantages named in the discussion of the French system. The danger of premature discharge, though not so great as in the French system, is still said to exist. 16 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. U. S. SYSTEM OF ARTILLERY. MOUNTAIN SERVICE. The Hotchkiss 1.65-inch Rifle. This gun weight but a Httle over 100 pounds and its car- riage about twice as much, so that either makes but a fair load for a mule. Metallic ammunition is employed > The gun is a single piece of steel provided with the simplest form of Krupp fermeture as shown in figure 5 The operation of the fermeture can be readily seen from the figure and from pre- vious discussions. Its special feature is the extractor, x. This is a prismatic bolt, a hook on the front end of which engages with the flange of the cartridge (Chapter XVI, figures 8 and 9) as this is loaded The extractor slides in a longitudinal groove, g, on the upper surface of the slot On its lower face is a tenon which enters a transverse groove, g' , in the upper face of the block. The groove, g' ^ near the handle is straight and slightly inclined to the rear face, so as to give power in wedging the cartridge case from its seat. The screw thread on the latch also assists. At the other end it is so curved that when, in opening the breech, the loading hole comes opposite to the chamber the extractor will be suddenly drawn backwards, throwing the free cartridge case clear of the gun. The first of these operations is called the extraction, and the second the ejection For simplicity this piece is fired with the ordinary friction primer. The blast from this raises the central portion of a thin, cup-shaped gas check within the cartridge, and the flame passes through the three holes shown in figure 8, Chap- ter XVI. As soon as the charge is ignited the back pres- sure of the gases closes the vent by reversing the action of the gas check, XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 17 Hotchkiss 3-Inch Mountain Rifle. In order to permit the use of shrapnel a heavier mountain gun of 3-inch caUber has been recently produced. Figure 11. Foreign Variations, In order to increase both the power and portability of mountain cannon they are frequently made abroad in sections which are screwed together before firing. " Screw-guns " of 8-inch caliber have been successfully fired . FIELD SERVICE. The 3.2 B. L. Rifle shown in Chapter XV, figure 47, is the only new field piece now issued. (1891.) It is eventu- ally intended for use as a Horse Artillery gun, and to be replaced for Field Service proper by a similar gun of 3.6 in caliber, firing a 20-pound shell. A 3.6 B. L. Mortar, figure 12, firing the same projectile, is also contemplated for delivering vertical fire against troops sheltered by temporary defences. It has a range of nearly two miles. Foreign Variations. It is proposed in France to have but one caliber, about 3 in. for all mountain and field service, viz., short, light, long and heavy pieces. SIEGE SERVICE. Siege cannon are intended for attacking and defending inland fortifications and the land fronts of sea- coast fortifi- cations. The term is usually applied to pieces which, although too heavy for field operations, are yet light enough to be trans- ported over common roads upon the carriages from which they are fired. This limits the weight of the gun and carriage together to that which may safely be transported across a pontoon bridge. 18 XXI. VARIETIES OF CANNON. Siege Gun. The 5-inch siege rifle, figure 6, resembles in its construction the field gun described. Siege Howitzer. Principles of Design, Defences of masonry have been largely replaced by those which are armored, or, particularly for the besieging party, of earth. While armor requires for its penetration the concentration of kinetic energy found in a projectile of relatively small diameter fired from a gun, the demolition of earth works demands rather the transfer of energy in the potential form. Such defences should therefore be attacked by cannon of the largest caliber consistent with portability. If the maximum weight of the piece is fixed by the con- siderations previously named, then by the definition of Chapter I, a howitzer results. The proportions of this piece are also demanded by the advantages pertaining to vertical fire againt the large and well defined area occupied by the besieged, against com- munications of the besieger which are screened from view, and against the roofs of turrets. The shorter the piece is in rear of the trunnions the more easily may high angles of fire from a given carriage provided with the ordinary elevating screw be attained.* The avoidance of preponder- ance and the requisite strength of the chase demand that the length in front of the trunnions be also reduced. Such considerations have fixed the value of u at about 12 times the caliber, which is 7 inches. It is intended to throw a projectile weighing about 100 pounds to a distance of about 3 miles. *A new German howitzer has the trunnions placed ahuost at the breech. In this carriage the elevating screw is under the chase, as the arrange- ment adopted gives a considerable muzzle preponderance. See also Car- riage for 7-inch Howitzer, Chapter XXIII, figure 6. XXK — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 19 Owing to the strength of the construction a larger cahber might have been employed for the given weight, but in such a case the energy. of recoil, (Equation 7, Chapter XIX,) would have been excessive. Since with the value of /„ usual in built up steel guns, the short length of bore reduces the value of e^ it is proposed to utilize the value of E permitted by the strength of the car- riage by increasing the value of ;//. This will permit the use of very long torpedo shells (Chapter XVI, page 20). The limit of E for the wheeled carriage having thus been reached, for high angles of fire which increase the stress upon the axle, E may be further increased by dismounting the wheels and laying the stock of the carriage on a platform It is now (1891) proposed to use in the field service a 6 inch B. L mortar throwing a 70 pound shell, to be mounted as above described It is probable that in the future the obstruction to effi- ciency which is due to the requirement that the piece be transported on the carriage from which it is to be fired, will disappear before the adoption of special carriages designed with the view of efficiently satisfying their independent requirements. Charges. In order to vary the angle of fall* to suit the range and the kind of fire employed, the howitzer is fired with varying charges of powder as well as with varying angles of fire. In this it differs from the gun in which the charge is usually a constant and a maximum. See Chapter XXX, page 9. 7-Iiich B. L Howitzer The construction, figure 8, resembles that of the field piece, the principal difference being in the construction of the key ring. This consists of two semi-circular segments of rect- *The angle with the horizontal made by the tangent to the trajectory on impact. 20 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. angular cross-section which are laid in a shallow groove in the tube so as to project above its exterior and to bear against the front face of the trunnion hoop. They are kept in place by the lap of the sleeve. The friction developed by shrinkage between the jacket and the tube throws part of the longitudinal stress upon the tube from which the key ring transfers this stress to the trunnions. A shoulder formed on the tube in rear prevents the for- ward motion of the tube from the friction between it and the projectile. See page 5. This feature is general, The cavities in the ends of the trunnions are for the points of the bailm which the piece is slung in mounting. SEA COAST CANNON. These comprise rifles of and above 8-inch caliber, and 12-inch rifled mortars, Eifles. Figure 7 shows the 8-inch b 1. steel gun with which most of the recent experiments have been made. The construction resembles that heretofore discussed, except that the jacket is strengthened by two rows of hoops, which since the original design, have been extended to the muzzle. (Chapter XI, page 18, paragraph 4.) Other S. C, Rifles. The guns so far designed are of 8, 10, 12 and 16-inch caliber. Being intended for use with the largest charges of slow burning powder, they are made very long, the values of u ranging from about 24 to 27 calibers. For the largest calibers it is proposed to dispense with trunnions which are to be replaced by several rows of cir- cumferential ribs, by which, as in cannon of the very earliest iimeSy the pieces are to be secured to their support. The necessary alterations in elevation will be given by varying the XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. 21 inclination of the chassis, to which by this arrangement the recoil is always parallel. Mortars. The importance of nearly vertical impact against the decks of vessels at short ranges requires the mortars to fire with angles of elevation as great as 75°. It is proposed to group them in sunken batteries of 12 or 16 mortars, united under the control of one officer. He will occupy a detached position free from smoke, and will be pro- vided with an accurate range finder, and with means of com- municating to the chiefs of pieces the direction and elevation required. A simultaneous volley from the battery will prob- ably drive from its anchorage any vessel within range. This will be an important aid to the defense, since, as the bom- bardment of Alexandria in 1882 clearly showed, the accuracy of fire from a vessel is much diminished when the vessel is under way. V2,-inch B. L. Mortar. {Figure 9.) The immediate supply of these cannon demanded by our present necessities (1891) and the relatively low energies required to penetrate armored decks by vertical fire have so far permitted the body of these pieces to be made of iron cast on the Rodman principle and strengthened by two rows of steel hoops as shown in figure 9. The recent failure at a pressure of less than 20,000 pounds of an unhooped 12-inch cast iron mortar would indicate the future use of steel throughout the piece as soon as the steel works and the gun factory shall have become able to supply a sufficient numl)er of heavy steel guns. The growing importance of vertical fire has caused the employment of mortars, even upon ship board, to be seriously considered. The value of u in this piece is about 6 calibers. 22 XXI. — VARIETIES OF CANNON. ^ 13 i_i ir^ t_i I.H ►-4 l-( N )_, 1 ^ 1 W X>. 1 1 u -Si s O u i b. t: O -6 ^ O * yS>. „ l-l »^o Tt- VO tJ- ^ g s 1 O " " c^ r5 ^ i z O ■ o 1^ s fO CO ir^ 00 o t^ t^ Q d VO 4 « o vO vO ro lO g in 00 o ON ^ ■!-• S U C^ ro 00 t^ 1 t^ CO ^g fa " i>. vn u-» t^ o c .o u d l>^ 4 o d >J^ VO O o M o "S- •II 3^> t^ l^ m in fO 00 CO Tj- ■^ VO VO fa 00 VO lO VO 00 o On ON ON 8 l-H >H > S2 v. «3 lO lO lO Vi^ m VO V V< ui 'O 3 C o vd m VO 00 vd N vd vd vd N vd (S H ^ P, vO 13 c N CO d d li^ ir^ d VO ^ d 8 i2 0) 3 M c^ N Ti- O o t^ o CO o < X >£ CO VO 2 VO 00 1 o 00 lO o O o \jr, i»> u 1 1 1 00 o o OS i VO VO o c^ 8 ^ 00 a^ l_ T- o O VO p< ^ •i N 00 T- w-> O o N o M) N 00 CI vO r-^ c 1 ° 'v 3 1-4 CO CO o 4 d c^ VO CO 10 ^ ;2 H CO VO " ;l TJ ° Ti r 1 C/3 3 a fa Q Z < E 1 to 1 to 'oj 4; 1 3 2 'a; o 1j to < o „ « to g O ^ « M u z < E- Z O -a 2 2 73 3 S3 1 1^ c 3 § M o a o § ,c! -S X! t/j ,£3 ^ ^ ^ 43 ,£2 * § d .s _d o -g o C3 J o c N vd vd d C 00 6 N N ■^ ■ fO tn CO ro VO t^ M w M m XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. CHAPTER XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION. Classification. Artillery carriages may be classified according as they are intended to support the piece when fired, to transport it, and to supply it with ammunition and accessories. These func- tions are sometimes combined. They may also be classified according to the service in which they are employed. Requisites. 1. Strength to resist permanent deformation from the shock of recoil. 2. Stability in firing and on the march. 3. Mobility as regards the ease of service in battery, and of transportation when required. 4. Only a moderate recoil in firing, so as to facilitate the service of the piece and to avoid the exposure of the gunners when sheltered by defences. A compromise between these properties is often necessary. I. CARRIAGES WHICH SUPPORT THE PIECE. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. These are called gun carriages. They may be either sta- tionary or wheeled. Stationary Carriages. The simplest form exists in the iron mortar bed used for the old S. B. Mortars. X3tll. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. This consists of trapezoidal plates forming the cheeks^ which support the trunnions of the piece at such a height as to per- mit it to receive the elevation required. The cheeks are con- nected by transverse diaphragms called transoms and bolts in order to form a strong frame. For heavy pieces each cheek may consist of two plates united to a T shaped bar as shown in figure 1. The cheeks may be stiffened in the direction of compressive stresses by bars included between the plates. The bearings of the trunnions may be widened by trunnion bed plates^ so as to diminish the pressure per unit of area which they are called upon to support. The mortar bed is made low for ease of loading and for stability. The prin- ciples of construction above noted are of general application. Sea coast gun carriages are intended to be used in firing over a parapet or through an embrasure. In the first case they are called barbette carriages, and in the second, casemate carriages. Owing to the height of the piece above the ground and the low angles of fire employed, the stability of the system generally requires the support of the piece to be divided into the gun carriage proper, constructed like the mortar bed, and tlie chassis, which is a moveable railway capable of directing the piece in its recoil and of being trav- ersed in azimuth. Non-recoil carriages are separately treated hereafter. Wheeled Carriages. In the mountain, field and siege services, the gun carriage must also be adapted to transportation. This involves the use of wheels, which complicate the problem of controlling the recoil. Parts. Their essential parts are : — 1, The stock. This is a prolongation of the cheeks which, with the wheels, forms the three points necessary for stability. XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES, A greater number of supports might affect the stability on uneven ground. The stock serves also to point the piece, since it sustains the elevating screw, and with the aid of the handspike gives the necessary changes in azimuth It also connects the front and rear wheels in transporta- tion. For modern carriages the stock consists of two sheet steel flasks or brackets which rest at the head of the stock upon the axle, and are united at the further end by the trail plate or shoe, 2. The wheels and the axle replace the continuous support afforded in stationary carriages by the cheeks. PERIODS OF THE RECOIL. The recoil may be separated into two periods : 1, That during which the projectile is acquiring energy in the piece. 2. That comprising the subsequent recoil. Since the carriage is found not to move materially until the projectile has reached the muzzle, and since the system is not rigid, the corresponding phenomena may be taken to be : 1. A series of shocks between the trunnions and their beds transmitted through the axles to the wheels and through the stock to the trail. The system is finally set in motion by these shocks. 2. The resulting motion of the system accelerated by the remaining gaseous pressure and retarded by friction and various artificial resistances. Energy of Recoil. The nature of the recoil is preferably studied by veloci- meters of Class III. But, as this is difficult and requires the previous construction of the carriage, it is customary for theoretical discussions of a general nature to ignore the first XXII — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. period, and to assume that the system is rigid and that the acceleration to the system during the second period is com- pensated for by the acceleration of the projectile noted in Chapter XI, page 18.* We may therefore change Equation (7), Chapter XIX, to read in which the subscript s refers to the entire system recoiling. For greater accuracy, when the mass of the powder, or m'^ bears a considerable ratio to that of the projectile, we may use the following formula in which v' represents the mean velocity of the products of combustion, found by experiment to be about 3,000 /. s. _ m V + m' v' Distribution of "Work of Eecoil. Since this work is distributed between the two periods, and since it is necessary to restrict the exent of the recoil, it becomes necessary, as in Chapter V, to determine the maximum stress which the system can safely endure and to maintain this stress as nearly constant as possible over the path of the recoil. This principle, which underlies all recent improvements, in gun carriages, owes its importance to the recent increase of m and e and the decrease m M (Equation 7, Chapter XIX), due to the general use of built up rifled cannon firing large charges o^ progressive powder In fact, it may be said that the limit of the power of cannon, or h, page 21, Chapter XI, is fixed by the difficulty of controlling their recoil, If we assume that the mobility of the system fixes the sum of the masses, M and J/', composing the gun and carriage, This assumption will be corrected as occasion arises hereafter. XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. the following discussion explains the prevailing practice of making M' approximately equal to M. For, if we assume the carriage to be properly proportioned, general experience shows that its permanent deformation, Q, may be considered inversely proportional to its mass and directly proportional to the energy which it receives. So that liM-{- M' =z C, Q will be least when M — M'. The assumption on which this deduction is based, although confirmed by experience in the construction of carriages, an- vils and armor, is not conclusive ; since mechanical ingenuity may compensate for the loss of strength resulting irom a diminution of M' . REMARKS. It is found that with quick powders the velocity of recoil during the first period is greater than with slow powders, the maximum momentum of the projectile being the same. With slow powders the velocity during the second period is increased to such an extent by the high pressure as the projectile leaves the gun (Chapter XI, page 18), that special devices have become necessary to diminish the increased extent of the recoil. The problem is so complicated that computations, princi- pally by graphical methods, are mainly resorted to in order to determine the direction of the stresses, the corresponding dimensions being found empirically. It is highly probable that the gun carriages of the future, like many other construc- tions, will be the outgrowth of practical experience. FORCES ACTING ON A GUN CARRIAGE. Velocity of Translation. If the axis of the bore intersects the axis of the trunnions at the centre of gravity of the piece, the force producing re- XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. coil is communicated to the carriage at the trunnion beds. The carriage being constructed symmetrically with regard to the axis of the piece, we may suppose that the wheels, trun- nion beds and trail are all situated in the same plane and that the force producing recoil is applied at the point where the axis of the trunnions pierces this plane. The direction in which this force acts will be that given by the angle of fire or the inclination to the horizontal of the axis of the piece. Let V figure 2, be the position of the axis of the trunnions, and mv-=.I,^ represent the intensity and direction of the force, and Q the angle of fire. Let Z'be the point of contact of the trail and ground, / the distance of this point from the trunnions, and a the angle made by the line Tv, with the horizontal. Let W^ be the weight of the system acting through the center of gravity G at the horizontal distance b from the point T. Let/ be the coefficient of friction between the carriage and the horizontal platform on which it rests. The vertical component of /, , and W^ will cause friction between the carriage and the platform. The force of friction or/(^g 4" '^^ ^ s^'^ ^)' wil^ oppose motion. So that, repre- senting by Fthe horizontal velocity of recoil, we have y. m V cos 6 — / ( ^8 4~ ^^^ ^ sin B) m V (cos — / sin 0) in which g f may be neglected. The vertical component will be distributed along the sup- ports in a manner determined by the construction of the car- riage and the values of Q. For wheeled carriages /will have separate values for the wheels and the trail. If, in Equation 4, we neglect the weight of the system in comparison with the vertical component of 7, , (or g /), we XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. find that V will reduce to 0, or that recoil will cease for a value of 0, such that, calling this angle 0, tan e, = y (5) This is called the angle of no recoil. Extent of Recoil. The extent of the recoil will be s=^-^.' (6) If, as is usual, the platform be inclined at an angle, /3, with the horizon so as to check the recoil, then for 6 in the above equations should be written d + (3; and for F, Tcos 3. In this case, since the energy of the recoil is absorbed not only by friction but by the work done in lifting JV^ through a height = s sin (3, we have Fcosfi' 2 g (sin (3 + / cos (i) (J) These equations are said to give correct values for stationary carriages, but do not apply very exactly to those which are wheeled. Angpilar Velocity. The force, /, , also acts to rotate the carriage around the point T with a moment proportional to its lever arm, / sin (a — 6), so that the moment of this force will be m V Isin (a — 6). This is opposed by the moment of the weight, or JV^ b. Then, since the angular velocity of the system is equal to the resultant moment of the impressed forces divided by the moment of inertia of the system, we have, representing the XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. angular velocity, about T by o) and the corresponding radius of gyration by k. mvl sin (a — Q\ — W^ b --S '-j^J •- (8) With this relation we may discuss in an elementary manner the stability of the system. For example, in the old S. B. Mortars, since W^ is small, a is made less than 0, so as to make w negative. Phenomena of Recoil. Practically the phenomena are much more complex, since the rotation of the system is not immediate. Wheeled Carriages. In these the wheels tend to slide or rise to an extent determined by the resistance to sliding at T. Since T is not necessarily on a reciprocal axis of spontaneous rotation, the stock is subjected to a transverse stress. When, after rotation, the wheels fall, the axle receives a shock, and the trail being thrown up, the system recoils by roUing, and so on until the system comes to rest. Rotation during the first period tends to derange the aim by what is called the angle of jump^ See Chapter XX. During the first period, since the trunnions fit rather loosely in their beds, a frictional moment is developed on the under side of the trunnions This causes abnormal pressure on the head of the elevating screw, which, owing to the elasticity of the system, subsequently receives one or more severe blows from the breech. The effect is destructive, since the bearing of this screw upon its nut is restricted, and the necessary play between the screw and nut increases the striking velocity of the parts. The objections may be mitigated by making the piece without preponderance, and by arranging the elevating screw so that its axis will be always normal to the surface which it XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. supports, since this will avoid the tendency to bend under pressure. Other phenomena also occur. The inertia of the wheels develops in the axle a consider- able transverse stress. In rifled pieces a rotary moment is developed which tends to raise from its bed the trunnion toward which the top of the projectile is revolving, and thus to raise one wheel higher than the other as the system jumps. The effect will be to concentrate most of the shock of the fall upon the lower wheel. Stationary Carriages. The chassis of stationary carriages revolves around a massive vertical pintle which may be placed in front of the chassis or at its middle. While the former position is necessary for pieces firing through embrasures, in other cases the center pintle chassis is preferred, since a given change in azimuth covers less ground. The tendency of the top carriage to jump is restrained by projections which engage under the chassis, but tend to lift the pintle from its socket. The pintle is also exposed to a horizontal stress nearly equal to the normal pressure between the carriage and the chassis multiplied by the sine of the inclination of the chassis to the horizon. The strength of the pintle and its fastenings is therefore an important subject of consideration. Angle of Greatest Recoil. Since the energy of recoil is distributed between the motions of rotation and translation, the maximum velocity of recoil will follow from an angle of fire such that w = 0. Equation (8) does not contain all the data necessary for a 10 XXIi. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. full discussion ; but it may be shown that, if the weight of the system be neglected, and the notation of figure 2 be adopted, if we call the angle of greatest recoil, 6^, then Since A'^/i, this value of B^ is always positive, or the maximum velocity of recoil will follow the use of an angle of fire ]>0. This value of 6 should therefore be employed in all calculations relating to limiting the extent of recoil. The angle 6^, may also be called the ang/e of no rotation^ i. e. the angle for which all the energy of recoil is expended in translation only. It may be taken to measure the exposure of the system to the injurious shocks resulting from rotation, since, in ordin-ary firing, Q is less than Q^^ and therefore rota- tion is ordinarily produced. Equation 9 shows that d^ may be diminished by the fol- lowing means : 1. By making h' — h as small as possible. Owing to the length of a in stationary carriages this correction is princi- pally confined to those that are wheeled. In these h' is made as small as facility of loading and the protection of the gunners by the parapet will permit, and h is increased by bringing the axle as near to the trunnions as the size, strength and weight of the wheel will allow. 2. By making a as long as conditions relating to mobility in transportation will permit. , 3. By making /small. In stationary carriages / is normally great, and, as here- after seen, the resistance to sliding is generally artificially in- creased. For these carriages it is especially necessary that a be made large. The stresses developed in field carriages by a large value of/, as when the site is sandy or the trail is rested against a XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 11 rock, are evidently prejudicial. They may sometimes be in- evitable, as when firing across a valley at a high mark, since in such a case the trail may require sinking into a hole. DEVICES TO CONTROL RECOIL. These may be considered according to the end in view, as they seek, I, merely to limit the path; or, II, to regulate the resistance. It is generally advisable to store up enough of the work of recoil to assist in bringing the piece back into battery. The return may be facilitated by the use of eccentric rollers. These devices ar-e often combined in the same carriage. Class I. To the first class of devices belong those in which the energy is absorbed by friction or in which a weight is raised. Stationary Carriages. Friction Checks. This variety is least valuable since it stores up no useful work. In the best types the friction, due to the normal com- ponent of the weight, is increased by the artificial pressure of a screw clamp. The effect of a given pressure on the screw may be in- creased by increasing the number of surfaces upon which it acts. Thus, in Ericcson*s compressor we have 7i parallel plates attached to the chassis and alternating between n -\-l pieces so attached to the carriage that while they recoil with it, a sHght initial play is allowed. Suppose this play to be de- stroyed by a normal pressure P. We shall then have for the friction of the compressor P =: P/ {2 n) and from Equa- tion (7) (v cos 13 y 2g(s[nf5+/cos(3+-^j (10) 12 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. The main objection to this system is the variable value of F^ since this depends upon the judgment of the operator, and upon the state of the surfaces, and is greater for static friction, when the acceleration is greatest, than afterwards. This arrangement is modified in the Sinclair check used with some converted U. S. Sea Coast guns. This consists essentially of a clamp embracing a plate in- creasing slightly in thickness from front to rear. To prevent the plate from buckling in consequence of the counter recoil produced by the elasticity of the parts, the front end of the plate is free to move forward through its attachment to the chassis. Wheeled Carriages. These may be braked by various means. Among these is the Hotchkiss brake which consists of nuts threaded upon the axles between the wheels and serving, by friction produced against the hubs of the wheels, to keep the wheels from turning. This brake is an example of the friction clutch often em- ployed in the transfer of energy. When the tangential com- ponent of the force producing rotation exceeds that of fric- tion, sliding takes place and the destruction of the resisting parts is averted. This principle is sometimes applied to the elevating screw, since the clutch, which is required to vary d only, will yield under the shocks of recoil and save the deformation of the parts. A simple brake may be extemporized by lashing the wheels to the trail by a rope ; but, as this strains the wheel, a better way, often used, is to rest the wheels on shoes attached by tension to the trail, as in wagons of commerce. The latest patterns of brake admit of a partial distribution of the pressure, as explained later and in Chapter XXIII. XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 13 They may also be used in transportation without necessarily stopping the carriage, as is required when the shoe is used. Raising a Weight. If the piece raise its own weight, its exposure is increased ; while, if it raise a counterpoise, it may itself descend. Such carriages are called disappeari7ig carriages, Moncrieff Carriage. — Figure 3 In this the flasks rock on the chassis so that the counter- poise, Wy which was at first beneath the gun, has finally a considerable moment of restitution. By varying the curvature of the flasks this moment may be made to vary inversely with the acceleration of the recoil so that the stresses between the piece and the counterpoise may be nearly constant. Conversely, the return to battery will be gentle. The rack and pinion serve to retain the piece for loading, and to control its return to battery. Kings Carriage. The chassis is steeply inclined to the rear, and the coun- terpoise, which is in a well, is lifted by a rope passing through the pintle. This carriage, invented by Major King of the Engineers, is cheaper than the Moncrieff", and has been successfully tried in the United States. In both carriages exposure may be minimized by aiming with mirrors, and by firing by an electrical contact automat- ically made when the piece comes into battery. • Regulation of Stress. 1. BY FLUID PRESSURE. The method now generally adopted is the use of hydraulic or pneumatic buffers. 14 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. These consist essentially of a cylinder and a piston, rela- tive motion between which results from the recoil. The effect is to force the fluid contained in the cylinder through orifices or ports which may be either constant or variable in size In the pneumatic buffer the ports are in the cylinder heads ; in the hydraulic buffer, as the liquid is to be used again, they are in the piston. Pneumatic Buffer, This, although simpler and requiring less attention than the hydraulic buffer, is more bulky, can be less easily regu- lated, and gives an injurious counter recoil. Hydraulic Buffer, Description. Let the arrangement be in principle such as shown in figure 4. C is the cyUnder filled with a non- freezing mixture of glycerine and water ; it is attached to the carriage P is the piston fixed on the rod R^ which is secured to the chassis. Many alternative arrangements are made. By placing it under tensile stress during the recoil, the bending of the rod may be avoided. The size of the ports in the piston may be varied by the profile of the ribs, r, which are fixed to the interior of the cylinder, or by a notched disc revolving on the piston and provided with projections which enter rifle grooves in the cyhnder. We will consider only the second period of recoil, and will neglect the friction of the liquid and that of the rod in its stuffing box, so that the pressure considered "^ill be that required to give a constant acceleration to the fluid. The value of this method appears from the fact that it may safely restrict the most powerful cannon to a recoil of about 3 calibers. \ XXn. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 15 Notation, , Let: A be the area of cross-section of the bore of the cylinder diminished by that of the piston rod and ribs. a^ the total initial area of the ports. a this area at the end of the time, /, or after a displace- ment, X. v' the corresponding velocity of the liquid current. 11 the corresponding velocity of recoil. Vq the initial velocity of recoil, obtained either by meas- urement or by means of the formula ("'+?) .„- ^_ r;[cos(e, + /3)-/sin(9, + /3)] (11) derived from Equation (9), Chapter VII, and the remarks noted on pages 7 and 10 herein. 6 the density of Uquid, or the ttiass of one unit of its volume. P the pressure on the piston at any moment. a the corresponding acceleration. Extent of recoil. If the cylinder is full, the volume a v', of liquid which in a unit of time passes from in front of the piston to the rear must be equal to the volume, A u caused by the translation of the cylinder, whence Au (12) The mass of the liquid escaping in the time A/ is then ;;/ = 8av' A/= 6 A u A/ (13) and its energy mv"' 6 A' u'/\ t - a4) 2 - 2d' 16 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. This is equal to the work done by P over the path u A /, and therefore „ d A" u^ Since P is constant, Equation (15) must be true, for the initial values of u and a, and therefore From this, by equating the initial energy of the system, with the work of the resistances, including the lifting of the weight of the system, and the work of friction over the path iS", we have ~\^^^\_~2^' +^-^s(sin/3+/cos/?)J, (17) from which S can be determined when A and a^ are known, or from which a^ can be determined when *S and A are known. Profile oj the ribs. From the theory of energy we have or u=K^l-^-^ (19) Also, since the recoil is uniformly retarded if we consider the resistance of the liquid only, we have Fl = 2a S which value of VI in Equation (19) gives «=K\/i-i- which from Equations (15.16) may be written -V^ (20) (21) XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 17 a If there are n similar ports, the area of each one is - -. If n each notch in the piston has a breadth, b^ and a depth, d^ and the rib has the same breadth and, as shown by figure 4, a variable depth, j, then a = nb {d — y) (22) Which value of a substituted in Equation (21) and solved with respect to y gives This is the equation of a parabola. At the end of the recoil, when x = S, y =z d, or the ports are completely closed This formula applies only to the path of the recoil after the system has acquired its maximum velocity or during the second period. While the projectile is in the gun the piece recoils from one to two inches and continues to gain velocity for four to six inches more so that the maximum velocity is not attained until after a recoil of five to eight inches Figure 11 shows these phenomena and the effects of a suitable control, based largely upon the analysis of velocity curves obtained during the practically free recoil of the ])iece. The data were as follows : Weight of piece, about 100000 lbs. ; of projectile, 754 lbs. ; of powder, 244 lbs. ; initial velocity, 1857 f. s. Cylinder, The thickness of the walls of the cylinder may be determined from Equation (4), Chapter XIX, by placing The area A will be determined practically by the construc- tion of the chassis. As the depth of the chassis limits the 18 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. diameter, it is customary to have two cylinders connected by a tube so as to equalize the resistances and prevent slueing. Counter RecoiL Owing to the incompressibility of most liquids the tendency to counter recoil is slight ; and, as the velocity of return is small, the weight of the system generally suffices to return it to battery. Or the hquid may be forced into another vessel or a set of stationary vessels containing air or powerful springs, which store up energy to return the piece to battery when a valve or latch is opened. Figure 5 illustrates the operation of such a carriage. When air is compressed by the liquid, the variety is known as the hydro-pneumatic Regulation of Stress. 2 BY THE ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS. The weight of the cylinder, and the difficulty of prevent- ing leaks in the preceding apparatus, renders it objectionable in wheeled carriages, and more so for those used in the field service than for those in the siege service A compromise has therefore been sought by the inter- position of an elastic solid, the work done upon which in the first period will reduce the shock felt by the system. The restoration of this work is not essential, although it tends to distribute the stresses over the path. Such an arrangement is shown in the Engelhardt (Russian) carriage, figure 6. Engelhardt Buffer. The flasks are notched so as to allow the axle, a^ a limited play. They are also similarly pierced for the cross-bar, ^, each end of which is united to the outer end of «, by a brace, k. This keeps the axle from bending easily since the force of recoil is applied close to the wheels. The transom, c^ separates e from an elastic buffer, K The buffer consists of layers of cork, rubber, or of Belleville XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 19 Springs {post ), assembled on a bolt, /, the front end of which is secured to e, and the rear end of which is provided with a nut, d. When discharged, the piece, with its flasks and c and b, slides back relatively to the wheels and / and ^, so that b is compressed. A considerable proportion of the energy of re- coil is thus absorbed before the wheels begin sensibly to move. After recoil, the elasticity of b restores the parts. Belleville Springs, These are saucer shaped discs of sheet steel, pierced by an axial hole by which they are united in pairs on a spindle, base to base. They are now much used under compression where space is limited. Lejnoine Brake. The French artillery have borrowed from the omnibus of Paris a more perfect but more complex brake, figure 12. On the march it may be set against the tire, by hand, as in the wagons of commerce. When the piece is fired, the relative motion of a mass, w, throws forward the elastic cross-bar, b^ to each end of which is attached a taper- ing cord, c. Each cord after making several loose turns around the nave is secured to the brake beam, B. When m is thrown forward it is held in place by the serrated edge of an axial bar, b', to which it is secured. The motion of b stretches the cords and tightens them around the naves so that they are further wound up by the revolution of the wheel in recoiling. The greater the extent of the recoil at any instant, and therefore the less the velocity of recoil, the thicker will be the cord and therefore the greater will be the increment of the pressure of the brake upon the tire. See also the U. S. Buffington brake in the next chapter. PLATFORMS. To insure continued accuracy of fire from the same site, it is absolutely necessary that the carriage should rest upon a solid and substantial platform, 20 XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. The mobility of field pieces restricts this necessity to the sea coast and siege services. In the sea coast service the platforms are constructed by the Engineer Department with the works which the cannon defend. Wooden platforms are employed for siege pieces, in which long continued firing at one object as in breaching, would cut into the unprotected soil deep ruts, which would increase the difficulty of serving the piece and restrict both its horizontal and vertical field of fire. The construction of the platform should be such that it may be taken up without injury for removal to another site. Siege platforms consist of a certain number of pieces of wood ; and in order that these pieces may be carried on the backs of soldiers from the depot to the battery, the weight of the heaviest piece should not exceed fifty pounds. Siege- platforms consist of sleepers (i), (fig. 7), and deck platik (2). The general direction of the sleepers is parallel to the axis of the piece, and the deck-plank at right angles to it ; this disposition of the parts offers the greatest resistance to the recoil of the carriage. The deck-planks are fastened together at their edges by dowels ; the outer planks are secured by iron eye-pins, one at each end of a sleeper. The platform is secured in its place by driving stakes around the edges. There are two principal platforms for the siege-service, viz., the ^2^;z-platform and the mortar-'^XdXioxm. The former is composed of twelve sleepers and thirty-six deck-planks; the mortar-platform of six sleepers and eighteen deck-planks. A simple and strong mortar-platform, called the rail- platform may be used where trees or timber can be easily procured. This is composed of three sleepers and two rails, secured by driving stakes at the angles and at the rear ends of the rails. The rails are placed at the proper distance apart to support the cheeks of the bed. XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 21 II. TRANSPORTATION. For certain light pieces, as machine guns, a two-wheeled vehicle is used. Where the weight of the load requires its distribution on several supports, the gun carriage is converted into a four-wheeled carriage by attaching it to another two- wheeled carriage, called the limber. PRINCIPLES OF THE WHEEL. In transportation the wheel is intended to transfer sliding friction from between the surfaces of the tire and the ground, where the coefficient of friction is large and variable, to the lubricated surfaces of an axle and its bearing, where the coefficient is small and nearly constant. In this respect its value as a mechanical power varies directly with the radius of the wheel and inversely with that of the bearing. The wheel, as shown by figure 8, increases also the lever arm, /, of the power, P, with respect to that, q, of the weight, W^ to be raised over the obstacle, h. On these accounts, since the diameter of the bearing, which is generally equal to that of the axle arm, is fixed by the maximum stress which the axle arm has to support, the mechanical advantage of the wheel increases with its diameter. An increase in diameter as well as in the width of the tire, diminishes the pressure per unit of area between the tire and the ground, and therefore diminishes the rolling friction, or the work lost in permanently deforming the ground on which it travels. The elasticity of the wheel also favors this reduc- tion ; hence the use for railways of iron wheels on iron tracks. The increase in size is limited by the weight of the wheel, the stability of the system on the march and in firing, and the convenience of loading. The mobility of transportation also limits the size, for all wheels in the same service being 22 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. interchangeable, the facility of turning depends upon their diameter, as will be shown. As shown by figure 8, an advantage also follows from inclining the direction of the draught, particularly for the front wheels, which do most of the work of rolling friction and which therefore are designed to carry only about J of the total load. Since the point at which the horse exerts his power is fixed by his conformation, it is evident that this advantage will be diminished with the increase of diameter of the wheel. These considerations have generally fixed the diameter of all field artillery wheels at about 5 feet, and their weight at about 200 pounds. Siege wheels are made heavier and larger. CONSTRUCTION OF THE WHEEL, The requisites of size, weight, elasticity and facility o. re- pair demand a more general use of wood in the wheel than in other parts of the carriage, and involve a marked application of the principle of independence of function. This will ap- pear by comparing the rudimentary wheel, still used in remote districts, consisting of a disc cut from the trunk of a tree, with the complex elastic structure employed in the bicycle. The Archibald wheel, figure 9, now much used in the U. S., resembles that now generally employed in other services, although it applies less fully the principle above named. Starting from the center, which is the best way of consid- ering any circular structure, we find : — N^ N\ the 7iave or hub. This receives the pressure of the axle arm on a lubricated surface, and distributes the pressure to the spokes. The nave is made in two parts, to facilitate repairing the spokes. The portion of the nave in contact with the axle, or the axle box, is so shaped as to receive the lubricant in the cavity, O, XXII. ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 23 In some foreign wheels and in the ordinary wooden wheel the axle box consists of a separate piece, so that it may be replaced when worn. Since friction is less between dissimilar metals than between surfaces of the same metal, and in order to cause the wear to take place most on the part which can be most easily replaced,* the axle box, when separate, is pref- erably made of phosphor-bronze, while the nave, as in the Archibald wheel, may be made of malleable cast iron. The metal nave marks a great improvement over the wooden nave formerly employed. The cross section of this piece made it difficult to season, its softness caused it to wear from the alternate compression of the vertical and extension of the horizontal spokes, and it was especially exposed to decay from moisture lodging in the angles between the spokes. 6", 6", are the spokes, which transmit the weight to the rim. For elasticity and facility of repair they are made of oak or hickory. Their inner extremities are shaped like voussoirs, which abut closely upon the box to avoid destructive play. In the Archibald wheel the voussoirs are made a trifle large and simultaneously set together by a powerful radial press which subjects them to a stress many times greater than they are likely to receive in service. R is the rmi which distributes the weight over the ground. For the same reasons as the spokes, and because mud adheres less to wood than to iron, the rim is made of oak. In order to avoid cutting too much across the grain the rim consists of a number of segments called felloes or fellies. T is the tire, shrunk on to bind the parts together and to protect the rim from wear. As it may require shortening in order to produce the necessary compression on parts which have become loose from wear, it is usually made of wrought iron or of low steel. *This is an important principle in machine design. 24 XXII. — ARTILLKRY CARRIAGES. The figure shows also various bolts and clips and the line h pin and ivasher, the functions of which are evident. Dish. The spokes are so arranged as to form a conical surface which is called ih^dish. The principal object of the dish is to give stiffness to the wheel, since (figure 13) on a trans- verse slope or on uneven ground, the lower wheel, which bears the greatest share of the weight, will resist the lateral thrust of the axle by a compressive stress upon the spoke. If the spokes lay in the plane of the rim, there would be an alternating transverse stress on the ends of the spokes ; this stress would make them work loose in their sockets and accel- erate the destruction of the entire machine. Axle. T\ie axle or axle tree consists of the body and the arms. The arms are conical so as to give the greatest strength with the least mean diameter. In some vehicles, the wear between the arm and box is taken up by means of washers of varying thickness. The axis of the arm is inclined slightly downward, forming the hollow^ and to the front, forming the lead. Both together constitute the set of the arm. In a dished wheel the hollow frees from transverse stress the *' working spoke," which is that which bears the greatest load ; it also relieves the linch pin from thrust. For a given width of carriage body it allows the axle body to be made shorter and therefore stronger ; and, from the inclination of the plane of the rim, it tends to throw the mud clear of the carriage. The efiect of the lead is to diminish the transverse stress upon the front spoke in meeting obstacles. XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 25 Axle Body. Although the interval between the cheeks transfers the transverse stress upon the axle to points near the wheels, it was found necessary in former carriages to reinforce the axe with a wooden body. In modern carriages this is sometimes' replaced with two grooved plates which clamp the cylindrical axle between them and are extended to the front and rear so as to stiffen the axle in recoihng. They also serve to fasten the axle to the cheeks. The axle may, without sensible loss of strength, be made hollow, and three-fourths of its weight when solid. THE STOCK. The prolongation of the cheeks is called the stock. The use of metal instead of wood, has permitted a return to the construction of the great French designer. General Gribeau- valy in whose gun carriages the flasks were parallel extensions of the cheeks. The metallic flasks now used converge to the trail. In the stock trail syste?n, recently in use, the cheeks con- tained between them a single piece of wood called the stock. Besides its functions under fire the stock of the gun carriage unites the two axles of the four-wheeled vehicle, as does the reach or perch of the ordinary vehicle. For artillery carriages used simply for transportation, such as the caisson and the forge, the stock is a single piece of wood joining the body to the limber. Tiirnmg A?igle. The dimensions of the stock affect the mobility in turning. This is often measured by the tiirfiing angle, which is half the horizontal angle through which the pole can revolve when the carriage is at rest. Practically, the space required to turn the carriage will vary with : 1. The length and width of the line of horses and their gait. 26 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 2. The distance of the pintle from the vertical plane tan- gent to the rear face of the front wheels. 3, The thickness of the stock at the point rubbed b" the wheels in turning. • 4. The length of the stock. Owing to the first condition above named a turning angle of 60° is generally considered as sufficient. This may be increased by increasing the distance of the pintle from the front axle, but this is apt to cause the pole to *' thrash." Pintle. The distance of the pintle in rear of the axle in connection with the moment of the trail, afiects also the pressure on the necks of the wheel horses caused by the moment of the pole. In siege carriages and in those used only for draught, the pintle is placed at some distance to the rear ; or a similarly placed transverse sweep bar is used, which supports the weight of the stock. But, in field carriages for which flexibility of attachment and mobility are essential, the pintle is placed more to the front and the evil corrected as far as possible by distributing the load or by various mechanical means. In this arrangement the preponderance of the system com- posed of the gun and its carriage is an important factor. If the trunnion beds are moved towards the Hmber the pole is lifted, but the labor of Hmbering is increased, and the sta- bility of the carriage in firing is diminished. (Eq. 9.) To diminish the labor of limbering, the pintle is placed as low as permitted by the requirement that as much free space as possible should be left beneath the axles for mobility on ground covered with large stones, stumps, etc. In the siege service, as the piece does not require to be brought into action rapidly, and as the limber carries no extra load, the piece may be shifted to the traveling trunnion XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 27 beds which, on the march, are in front of those from which the piece is fired. THE LIMBER. Nomenclature. The wooden field Umber, figure 10, is composed of an axle tree (1) ; a fork (2) ; two hounds (3, 3) ; a splinter bar (4) ; two foot boards (5, 5) ; a pole (6) ; the pintle hook and key (7); two pole yokes (8, 8); and pole pad {^). Ahhough destined to be soon replaced by one composed more largely of steel, it is here discussed as it illustrates some valuable principles- The hounds serve to support the ends of the limber chest and the foot boards, and also to transmit the draught of the horses from the splinter bar to the axle. The pole or totigue is employed to stop the carriage and to give it direction. As it is liable to be broken, it is practically made in two pieces, of which the fork, which is least exposed to accident, forms one. The fork then is a socket for the pole, and braces the entire frame by its attachment to the axle body and the parts in front. The pole should be so attached to the fork that it may be readily replaced when broken. The pole yokes transfer the weight of the free end of the pole to the necks of the wheel horses and the soft pad pro- tects the leading horses from harm. Attachments, The metaUic limber body consists of channel irons and T angle irons united in various ingenious ways. The rigid splinter bar may be replaced by the ordinary jointed double tree and si?tgle trees. These permit the horses to work more independently of each other than the splinter bar does, but are probably not so strong. A joint is always a cause of expense and generally a source of weakness. 28 XXII. — ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. In the British service the pole is replaced by shafts. Since the pace of the team is regulated by that of the slowest horse, this arrangement, while more manageable than the pole, and therefore better fitted for the showy evolutions of a drill, is objectionable for the march, since the work which devolves on the shaft horse diminishes his endurance. The Limber Chest This serves to carry ammunition, and also furnishes a seat for some of the cannoneers. The gun carriage is often arranged to carry two cannoneers on side seats, in order to diminish the time required for coming into action, a matter which, owing to the precision, rapidity and range of infantry fire, is becoming of vital importance. The carriage also often carries two rounds of canister for use at close quarters. The principal distinction between limber chests depends upon how the lids are placed. If on top, the chest may easily be made waterproof in fording streams ; but the contents are less accessible. If behind, the lid may form a convenient tray for preparing fuzes, &c. This arrangement is more liable to accidental opening than the former, and waterproof packages for the cartridges may be necessary. The ammunition chests in the U. S. Service are still con- structed of wood. In other countries sheet steel is generally used. For what reason is unknown ; since, if not unduly heavy, they are not proof against infantry fire. THE MORTAR WAGON. This is used for transporting siege projectiles, mortars and their beds, and spare guns. The body consists of a strong, rectangular frame provided with a stock by which it is attached to the siege limber. At the rear of the body is placed a windlass which aids in loading XXII. ^ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 29 heavy weights. Stakes may be placed around the sides to sustain boards used in retaining loose objects. Since rifle projectiles are always issued boxed instead of loose, as was the former custom, the necessity of the mortar wagon for their transportation no longer exists; but its general utility is great. It will .probably be used hereafter for transporting siege guns for considerable distances, since the height of the carriage from which they are now fired renders them unstable on rough roads. A special wagon with a crank axle, so arranged as to carry the load close to the ground without diminishing the height of the wheels would appear to offer special advantages. III. CARRIAGES FOR SUPPLY. New U. S. System. These include, 1st, the caisson^ for carrying a larger quan- tity of ammunition than can be carried by the limber, and also a spare pole, wheel, handspikes, buckets and tools ; 2nd, the forge and battery wagon, containing a larger assort- ment of tools and material for repairs ; 3rd, the artillery store wagon, an ordinary four-horse wagon, containing extra small arms and ammunition and the men's knapsacks, etc., so as to confine the load of the fighting teams to the neces- sities of action. REMARK. The increased weight of each round of modern ammuni- tion and the necessity for an even greater number of rounds than formerly sufficed, increases the difficulty of supply. It is proposed abroad to increase the number of caissons per piece and to retain the supply in the limber for extreme emergencies. XXtil. — VARIOUS AkTiLLEkY CaRria6E§. CHAPTER XXIII. VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. The U. S. Field Carriage. Figures 1-4. Constmction, This carriage, designed by Colonel Buffington of the Ord- nance Department, is made of steel, since, owing to the large value Qii h of this gun (Chapter XI, page 21), wooden car- riages, and even some differently constructed of steel, were found insufficiently strong. The principal features relate to the construction of the axle body, of the stock and to the operation of the brake. The hollow cylindrical axle is strengthened by axle plates, figure 2, which stiffen it in the direction of the recoil. The stock consists of two brackets, each of which is made of two nearly symmetrical sheets of steel stamped hot between dies so as to give the corrugated cross section indicated in figure 3. When riveted through the webs, each bracket forms a strong, light truss, resisting stress both in its own plane and transversely. The lower flanges of the outer plates project inwardly and serve to unite the brackets to the axle plates. The brackets are further united by transoms, three of which with a hinged lid form the trail box for the oil can and tools which have become a necessary portion of the equipment. The carriage is provided with two axle seats for cannoneers. The wooden handspike is permanently hinged to the trail. Elevating Screw, The space between the brackets allows the breech to descend sufficiently for the high angles of fire used with low XXIII. — VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. charges against troops sheltered, from view, and the crank which operates the elevating screw is placed at the side, so that under these conditions it will be readily accessible. The nut of the elevating screw oscillates slightly on trun- nions, and the head of the screw is connected by a fork to an axis parallel to and beneath the trunnions, so that, as the angle of fire changes, the axis of the screw will be nearly normal to that of the gun. Brake. The great strength of this carriage has permitted the employment of Colonel Buffington's brake, figure 4. This consists of an [_ shaped rod, the stem of which is surrounded by a spiral spring contained within a tube ; the rod swings freely from a loose joint situated eccentrically above the axle. The length of the brake is such that when held vertically the hook will pass over the wheel ; and, being allowed to fall to the rear, it will engage with the tire at some point as a. When the wheel revolves in the recoil, the friction at a tends to extend the rod. But this compresses the spring and increases friction, so that as the velocity of recoil decreases, the resistance to rolling increases, and the retardation a])proaches constancy, at least during the critical period preceding sliding. The recoil has thus been reduced from 26 feet to 8 feet, without injury to the carriage. In transportation the brake is secured vertically to one of the seat arms. It may also be used as a traveUng brake. Limber and Caisson. These carriages are constructed substantially on the lines previously named. Steel angle irons are largely used for the frame. XXIII. — VARI6US ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 3 The chests, which are of wood, open on top and are only high enough to receive the projectile standing ; this brings the center of gravity very low. The cartridges lie in a compartment between the two end compartments reserved for the projectiles, which thus serve to protect the powder from hostile fire. For safety, no friction primers are carried with the powder, as was formerly done. Unbroken packages are placed in outside cases, and loose primers are carried with the tube pouch in the trail box. The four chests per piece can carry 42 projectiles each, with a greater number of cartridges for curved fire. The Siege Carriage. Figure 5. The principal feature of this carriage is its height. For the protection of the gunners the axis of the trunnions is placed 6 feet above the ground. In order to prevent the system from tipping forward in limbering, the trunnions are so placed that when limbered the center of gravity of the system will fall between the axles. The wheels, axle plates and brakes are such as just described. The carriage is intended to transport the piece only for short distances about the work which it defends. REMARK. A small hydraulic buffer connecting the stock with a pintle sunk into the platform between the wheels, and two movable chocks, assist in controling the recoil. The chocks rotate around the pintle with the gun and serve to return the piece into battery. The Siege Howitzer Carriage. Figure 6. The piece is mounted in two trunnion carriages, a, upon the inclined slides, '^, upon which it is allowed a recoil of six 4 XXIII. — VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. inches. The recoil upon the shdes is checked by the hydrauhc cyUnders, r, and the courses of Belleville springs, d. The latter serve to return the piece to the firing position. They rest against the traveling trunnion beds, e^ and the rods upon which they are strung pass through holes in these beds. The flasks, /, are of rolled steel plate \ inch thick, and are flanged inward except on their upper edges. From each flask is cut a large triangular piece in order to diminish its weight ; the edges of the apertures being flanged inward as above. The flasks are xmited by three transoms, ^, and the double transom, //, to which is fastened the piston rod of the hydraulic brake. The flasks rest upon the axle through two iron forgings, /, and are strengthened by two supporting plates,/. In order to facilitate the elevation of the piece a pecuhar arrangement is employed. This consists of the elevating rack, /, which is attached to the piece, and the worm, m ; the shaft, ;/, and the hand-wheel, o. The worm is attached to the right trunnion carriage, and in recoihng slides along the shaft, n. A spline (see AVebster) on the shaft permits the worm to shde along the shaft, and yet constrains it to follow in any position the rotation given to the hand-wheel, o. The advantage claimed from this design is that the recoil of the piece upon the carriage so diminishes the maximum stress upon the flasks and trail that their weight may be greatly reduced. A portion of the weight so saved is used to strengthen the axle and the wheels. Weight of wheels, 375 pounds, each. Weight of carriage, complete, 3200 pounds. Pressure of trail on platform, 13(K) pounds. Height of trunnions, 6 feet. XXIII. — VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 5 Barbette Sea Coast Carriage.* The principal feature of the gun carriage is borrowed from the old *' flank-defense howitzer" carriage. Its object is to return the piece to battery and by diminish- ing the variable work of sliding friction to increase that of the hydraulic buffer, which can be made constant. Each cheek carries two rollers ; that in rear is on an eccentric axle and that in front is on a concentric axle. When the piece is in battery the front rollers are nearly in contact with the chassis rail ; while those in rear are usually raised from it, but may be thrown in contact by means of the eccentric. The lower front angles of the cheeks are trun- cated, so that, when the carriage is thus tilted to the front, all the rollers come into play and the piece may be moved from battery with comparative ease. In firing, the rear rollers are out of gear so that the vertical thrust of recoil is borne by the lower face of the cheek and the axles are not endangered. As the carriage recoils the rear rollers strike inclined planes bolted to the upper surface of the chassis rails and tilt the carriage sufficiently to cause it to move by rolling until it returns again to battery. Muzzle-loading guns are retained from battery by means of an automatic latch. MODERN TYPES OF SEA COAST CARRIAGES. Owing to our deficiency in modern cannon the U. S. have not yet (1891) decided on any special pattern of sea coast carriage; but the following examples, derived from the French service, probably contain the essential features of the system to be adopted for the barbette carriages, as soon as the new cannon shall have been supplied. * The Sea Coast Battery at West Point contains several specimens of this type. O XXIII. — VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. The types of disappearing carriages and those designed for turrets are too numerous for description here. They generally apply the principles previously discussed with those treated in the course of Military Engineering. Gun Carriage. Figures 7, 8 represent the elements of a modern sea coast barbette gun carriage. It consists of three main parts : 1st, the top carriage, T^ consisting essentially of the buffer; 2nd, the chassis, C, the lower part of which is circular ; by means of a great number of loose conical rollers, it revolves upon the circular pintle platform, P. This platform, cast in a single piece, rests upon a proper foundation. To avoid the complications due to sliding friction during recoil, the top carriage also moves on rollers recessed in the chassis rail. Pointing in azimuth is performed by an endless chain engaging in a sprocket* bed around the platform. The chain passes over a windlass, W, which is rotated by the crank, K, The loading scoop, s, is on a lever, L, which is rotated by a geared crank so as to bring both the charge and the pro- jectile into the position of loading. In order to minimize the number of men required for loading, the act of lowering the scoop stores up energy in certain springs so that the maximum pressure which can be counted on shall be continuously apphed, as in the hydraulic buffer. The steel shield, /, protects the gunners from light pro- jectiles. Advantages, The carriage is low, stable, and as seen in figure 9, very compact. The use of rollers increases its mobility and their number distributes the thrust over a large area. All wheels are protected and the traversing chain is of * See Webster. XXIII. — VARIOUS ARTILLERY CARRIAGES. 7 rustic simplicity and easy of repair, even in action. The arrangement of the scoop facilitates loading since its load may be placed by simply tilting the hand truck on which it is brought from the magazine. Sea Coast Mortar Carriages. Figures 10, 11. Although of an entirely novel design, the carriage in figure 10 resembles essentially the gun carriage just described. The nomenclature is the same in both figures. The chassis is divided into two portions, Ci, C^ ; the sur- face of contact being cylindrical about the axis of the trun- nions. By this arrangement fon all angles of fire the axis of the gun is always in the plane of the axes of the hydraulic cylinders, so that the friction in starting is not increased by the pressure causing recoil. Rotation from recoil is prevented by the clips, c, c, etc. The diminished intensity of the maximum vertical pressure has caused this carriage to be adopted in the French Navy; for ships now, as well as forts, are beginning to utilize the advantages of vertical fire. In another type of mortar carriage, shown in figure 11, also under trial in the U. S., the chassis is made in one piece, the direction of the recoil being downward at a constant angle of 60° This is a mean between the limiting angles of 6 for mortar fire, viz. : 45" and 75°. The mortar is returned to battery by springs that are compressed during the recoil. Another form of loading scoop is also shown. This is known as the Easton- Anderson carriage, of Eng- lish design. XXIV. — H0RS£ AND HARNESS. CHAPTER XXIV. HORSE AND HARNESS. The horse transports his load in two ways. 1st, as a pack horse ; 2nd, as a draught horse. PACK HORSE. The daily work of a pack horse is about equal to that of five men similarly employed ; or, if he moves at a walk, he may carry a load of 200 pounds 25 miles a day, or 5000 mile- pounds. If he trots, the increased expenditure of muscular energy reduces his daily work about one-third.* In the above the weight of the horse is neglected, and it is assumed that, though this daily work may be temporarily ex- ceeded, the excess cannot be long continued without injury. The mule, owing to his build, carries more than the horse ; he eats less and is surer of foot. He is therefore generally used in the mountain service. DRAUGHT HORSE. Load. Although a horse can pull much less than he can carry, the advantages of the wheel enable him to draw over ordinary roads a load weighing about seven times as much as his pack. With a pull of 80 pounds the daily work of a draught horse * It has been found that for any animal the maximum rate of work per unit of time (or/ z/, Chapter XI, page 4) is attained when the velocity is about I of the maximum velocity unloaded, and the load about g of the maximum load at the lowest positive velocity. XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. is generally given as 1600 pounds X 23 miles, or 36800 mile- pounds of load, or 1840 mile-pounds of actual work. Owing to their interference with each other's motions, the maximum load drawn by teams of horses increases less rapidly than does the number of horses in draught. Thus, when the teams comprise respectively 2, 4, 6, 8 horses, the maximum loads which they can continuously draw are in the relation per team, of the numbers 9, 8, 7, 6. These considerations, the mobility of the system (Chapter XXII, page 1), the increased weight of forage and length of column required, have generally fixed the limit of efficiency at the six-horse team. It is estimated that when a draught horse carries a rider, his efficiency is diminished J at a walk and § at a trot. Con- sequently, supplying the data given, the maximum load for a team of 6 horses moving at a trot will be about near files. off files. 3 X 1600 3 X 1600 + ^ ^1 = 3733 pounds; or 622 pounds per horse. This may be considered 2i physical constant^ the best method of distributing which between the objects transported and the means of transportation is still open to inquiry. Various conditions must be allowed for : On one hand are bad roads, insufficient food, rapid movements for short times, and forced marches. On the other hand, the reduction in the load caused by the expenditure of ammunition, the dis- mounting of the cannoneers, and the infrequency of the trot. Upon these considerations are based the following approx- imate loads per horse. Horse artillery, 650 pounds. Light field artillery, 700 pounds. Heavy field artillery, 850 pounds. Siege artillery, 1000 pounds. XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. REMARK. The 12 pdr. Napoleon gun, which was the heaviest field gun used in our civil war, and which traveled over roads quite as bad as any used in foreign wars, gave a load of 645 pounds per horse, and was found amply mobile. The load per horse for the 3.2 inch B. L. R., field, is 632 pounds. Angle of Draught. The power of an animal in draught may be supposed to consist in his ability to maintain himself rigidly in a position such that the moment of his weight may be increased without increasing the lever arm of the resistance. Thus in figure 1, let / be the position on the ground line, / g, of the hind feet of the horse in draught. Let s be the shoulder of the horse or the point at which he applies his power to the trace, s c, which is attached to the carriage at the point c. Let W be the weight of the horse, and / be the distance from / on the line / s, of the vertical passing through his center of gravity. Let r be the tension on the trace, the length of which s c ■=. t^ and let R be the horizontal component of r, producing uniform motion of the point c in a horizontal plane. Let / be the variable angle with the ground line of the line s /, and g} be the variable angle between s f and s c. Let ^, drawn from /, perpendicular to s c, be the lever arm of the resistance. Let the same symbols ** primed " represent a new position of the system caused by the horse bending his knees in pulling. For simplicity, we will suppose that his fore feet are otf the ground and that his hind legs are not extended so as to increase /, as these suppositions tend to neutralize each other. Also that the center of gravity is on the line f s. The construction of the figure shows that, as the point s moves to s', c will move to c\ and that R will increase until XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. the compression along s f causes the horse to bend so that / will shorten. The stress R may under these circumstances be deduced as follows : From the equaHty of moments we have W I cos i-=.r h, and from the figure . W I cos i cos ii — (p) i? = r cos (? — g)) = ^^ ^ Graphical construction shows that, as i diminishes, h and qp will diminish slowly, and / — qp will rapidly approach zero. R will have its maximum value when s falls on the line c p^ either from raising the point of attachment to the load at c or from the descent of the point of appHcation of the power at s. This value is not realized in practice, since, in addition to the effect noted above, as i decreases the force of friction at / decreases and the feet tend to slip. A proper inclination of the trace is therefore valuable since it enables R to be increased according to the ability and willingness of the horse, and also that it enables him to draw by increasing the friction between his feet and the ground. By experiment it was found that when the horse is free, the maximum practical value of R^ or about 0.6 W^ was attained for a value of i — 9 = 12°. When the horse had a rider, i — 9 could profitably be reduced to 7°. From these data it is estimated that, since tan 12°= 0.2, a draught horse should carry \ of his load on his back. The preceding general considerations apply to the case of men pulling on ropes or pushing on capstan bars, etc. They partly explain also that, while for the horse the maximum value of i?=0.6 W^ for man, it is found practic ''" that R^W, Arrangement of the Horses. Owing to the difficulty of coordinating the movement of the horses the single file is used only when the gait is slow XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. and the road smooth, so that the shaft horse will not be un- duly fatigued by frequent changes of direction. When the double file is used, the control of the direction is shared by the horses of the wheel team, provided the car- riage have a pole. This team is preferably attached to a movable double tree^ Chapter XXI F, page 28, since this shows by its inclination whether the horses are pulling evenly, and also transfers the draught to the axis of the carriage. For these reasons it is often called the evener. By attaching the traces to the single trees hooked on to each end of the double tree, greater flexibiHty is attained; and, since the shoulders of the horse are naturally brought into bearing alternately, he is less apt to be chafed by the sliding of the collar. He may also, when harnessed, be more readily hitched and unhitched. In commerce the leading team is generally attached to an evener fastened to the front end of the pole. This is objectionable since it confuses the functions of the pole. A better method, sometimes followed, is to support the evener by the pole, and to connect it with the axle by an independent tensile member, as by a chain. In the present arrangement, the objections to supporting the weight of the evener on the end of the pole, and here- fore on the necks of the wheel team, are avoided, and the traces of each team are connected with those in rear by an arrangement which permits continuous draught without caus- ing the effort of wiUing horses to be neutralized by the laggards. The team between the leaders and the wheelers is called the swing team. The horse on the left of each team is called the near horse and that on the right the off horse. XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. Requirements, The preceding considerations illustrate the application of the principle of independence of function to meet the require- ments of artillery harness which, as stated by another writer, may be thus abridged. " No horse should be restrained by the efforts of another, and the direction of the traces should be most favorable for draught. The drivers should be able to harness and unhar- ness promptly, by night as well as by day, when benumbed by cold and when excited by danger. The fall or loss of a horse should not be a permanent obstacle to the advance, and disabled horses should be easily replaced. ' U. S. Artillery Harness. Figure 2. WHEEL HARNESS. This is composed of four essential systems, three of which occur in all harnesses except for horses in the lead. The systems are : 1st. The head gear to guide and hold the horse. 2nd. The saddle to transport the driver, who, for the independent control of his team, is mounted. 3rd. The draicght harness which enables the horse to move the carriage forward. 4th. The breeching for moving it backward. 1. The head gear consists of the bridle and halter. To the bit of the off horse is attached the lead rein, one end of which is held by the driver. 2. All horses are saddled, the off horse carrying the driver's valise, and, when necessary, an extra cannoneer. 3. The draught harness and the breeching constitute two independent systems symmetrically arranged. The former is composed of the following parts. The hameSj h, figure 2, are two curved irons shaped like the signs ( ). They are connected together below by an XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. iron clasp, and adjusted at the top by a leather strap so as to embrace the neck and form a rigid frame against which the horse may thrust. To diminish the pressure per unit of area on the horse's shoulder* the hames rest on a similarly shaped cushion, the collar. To each hame is attached by a flexible hinge a stout leather tug^ t. This terminates in an iron ring through which passes the trace chain, c^ terminated by the toggle^ t' . The latter connects the front trace chain of the wheel horse with the rear trace chain of his leader, and so on throughout the column. When in motion, the tug ring plays on the trace chain and thus makes the leading horses independent of those in rear. The length of the rear trace chain may be varied by a toggle to suit the conformation of the horse. The safe, s, protects the shoulder from chafing. The loin strap, /, sustains the trace when relaxed, and the belly band beneath the saddle keeps it from rising over the back in turning. 4. The breeching is composed of the broad breech strap, b, figure 3, corresponding to the collar ; it is supported by the hip straps h. Corresponding to the traces is a Y-shaped system consisting : — 1st. Of the continuous breast strap, bs, which, passing around the breast, is united at each end to the breech strap. It is supported in front by iron Hnks hanging from the hames. 2nd. The stem of the Y is formed by the pole strap, p, connected at one end to the breast strap by an iron double-loop, shaped like a figure 8, and leading obliquely downward and inward to the end of the pole. The functions of the pole thus correspond to those of the splinter bar in rear. * This end is served in modern practice by using hames of sheet steel formed to fit the shoulder. The same principle is applied in the cavalry saddle. XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. Pole Yoke, The weight of the pole is supported by the pole yoke, which is connected by a short chain to the clasp of the hames. The branches of the yoke are so hinged to a collar revolving loosely around the pole that they can play only in a plane passing through the axis of the pole. This allows the horses to travel freely at different levels and prevents the lateral thrashifig of the pole. LEAD HARNESS. The leading horses have longer traces than the wheelers and have no breeching; otherwise their harness is identical. Improved Harness. Figure 4. The harness devised by Major Williston of the Artillery, which is now undergoing trial, resembles that above described except in the following principal points. 1st. For interchangeability, the saddles and bridles are the same as those used by the cavalry, and saddle bags replace the valise. 2nd. The wheel traces are attached to single trees which may be hooked to the saddle when not in use. 3rd. The breeching is that used in commerce. The stem of the Y passes under the horse to a transverse bar in front, which corresponds to the evener, and is called the neck yoke. This is the most important change from the regulation harness. It prevents the breech strap from slipping upward in stopping suddenly, and also avoids the oblique thrust on the horse's neck which tends to make him fall. The neck yoke also controls the pole better than the hinged pole yoke. 4th. The bridle rein of the off horse passes through a pulley on his saddle, so that, in holding him back, the oblique stress above mentioned is further avoided. XXIV. — HORSE AND HARNESS. 5th. The collar, instead of being continuous, is hinged above and is provided with a fastening below in easy reach. 6th. The horse of the chief of piece is provided with a light draught harness, consisting of a breast collar and traces, with which in an emergency the other horses may be assisted. When not in use the traces are folded across the horse's withers. This harness is distinguished for the ease with which the horses may be detached from the carriage in all conditions of service. LEATHER. That used in harness is classified according to its thickness, into harness," bridle and collar leather. The leather from the necks, shanks, flanks and bellies, or the offal, figure 5, is rejected as too spongy for use, so that only about one-half of the hide is employed. Of this, the butt is the best portion. The lighter hides are slit axially into sides. XXV. — ARTILLERY MACHINES. CHAPTER XXV. ARTILLERY MACHINES. Object- Artillery machines are employed to mount and dismount cannon and to transport artillery material from one part of a work to another. They comprise the gin, the gun lift and Jacks of various forms; and wheeled vehicles such as the sling cart, the truck, etc. Machines Used in Mounting Cannon. The gin consists of a tripod composed of two legs which form a shear or derrick, and a pry pole by which the legs are lifted and braced. The hoisting apparatus consists of a block and fall sus- pended from the apex and operated by a windlass supported by the legs in a position convenient for the use of handspikes. The use of the gin is confined to relatively light weights. Heavy weights are preferably lifted by the hydraulic jack and loose blocking. The hydraulic jack is a compact form of the hydraulic press, which contains within itself the reservoir of liquid required. It is provided with valves by which the direction of the motion of the ram may be varied. Other jacks apply the principles of the lever and the screw, and are correspondingly named. The gun lift consists of two massive trestles so framed that they may be easily dismounted for transportation. Each trestle carries on its beam a hydraulic jack ; the latter by means of a lever raises a bar of iron which passes verti- cally through the beam and the lever, between the jack and the fulcrum of the lever. This bar is pierced at short inter- vals by holes, and its lower end is formed into a hook. XXV. — ARTILLERY MACHINES. Both bars having been attached to the weight, and a pin having been passed through the hole in the bar next above the lever, the ram of the jack is raised to its full extent. A pin is then inserted through the hole next above the beam and the ram is lowered. The upper pin is then shifted down- ward and the operation continued. For comparatively light weights a single trestle may be employed like a gin. Machines Used in Transportation. Heavy weights are usually transported by the aid of cap- stans and rollers. When space permits, cannon may be rolled bodily by par- buckling. In such cases a muzzle collar of the maximum diameter of the piece corrects the circular path which the conical mass tends to describe. Heavy weights may also be rolled through the narrow passages of forts on a low framework called the cradle. The wheels of sling carts are large and have but little dish. Since, hke the gin, they suspend the load, they are relatively weak, and hence are used for lighter weights than the cradle. By mechanical appliances mounted on the axle, the weight may be lifted from the ground, and during transportation may be permanently secured to the axle by hooks which relieve the more delicate mechanism from shocks. The means of lifting are the screw, and the hydraulic jack which works on the principle explained for the gun lift. For light weights the eccentric position of the hooks may enable the weight to be raised by lifting the pole before the weight is attached and afterwards by depressing it. This means of lifting is applied to the iron sling cart. The field limber may be similarly used to carry a piece, the carriage of which is disabled. In transportation the pole of the sling cart is supported by the limber. XXVI. — HAND ARMS. CHAPTER XXVI. HAND ARMS. The weapons carried by the soldier, or portable arms may be divided into hand arms and small arms. The former class is known in French as '^armes blanches ; " the latter requires, as in cannon, a preliminary study of the ammunition employed. See Chapter XXVII. Classification. Hand arms are divided into 1st. Thrusting arms which act by the point. 2nd. Cutting arms which act by the edge. These functions may be combined in the same weapon, though at some sacrifice of efficiency. Thrusting Arms. The body of a thrusting weapon should be straight so as to avoid a rotary moment on impact, and the center of gravity should be placed near the handle. This may be attained by fluting the blade, or by suitably weighting the handle. The principal thru^sting weapons are the straight sword, the lance and the bayonet. The sword is composed of the blade, the hilt by which it is held, and the guard. A knob sometimes acts to counter- poise the blade as in the foil. The lance is composed of a short steel blade fixed to the end of a wooden handle about 10 to 16 feet in length. The handle is furnished with a leather arm-loop placed over the center of gravity. XXVI. — HAND ARMS. After a long period of comparative disuse, in spite of the greatly increased efficiency of small arms, its use abroad is now becoming more general. In this country it has never been successfully employed. The bayonet is useful principally for guard duty and for its moral effect. Like other hand arms, it has the merit of "never missing fire." The objections attending its weight and that of its scab- bard, and its eccentric position in firing may be partly over- come by combining its functions with those of the ramrod. Attempts have also been made to turn it into an intrenching trowel. The tendency is now to shorten it to the proportions of a dirk, which may form a useful knife. Cutting Arms. The efficiency of these arms is promoted by increasing the distance of the center of gravity from the handle, and by giv- ing a curvature to the cutting edge so as to develop on impact a tangential or slicing component which will call into play the serrated edge possessed by even the sharpest knife. This enables the weapon to rupture in detail the muscular fibers on which it acts. Description. The principal cutting weapon is the saber. Sabers are classified according to their use. In the U. S. service there are two kinds, viz. : the cavalry saber and that for the light artillery. The cavalry saber, being used on horseback for thrusting as well as for cutting, has but a slight curvature, a long blade, and a basket hilt (properly a guard) which carries the center of gravity toward the handle. The light artillery saber being intended for hand to hand conflict by troops, who for the service of their batteries are XXVI. — HAND ARMS. dismounted, is shorter than the cavalry saber, is more curved, and has a guard composed of a single scroll of brass. Remarks. The present tendency is to make the artilleryman depend for his personal defence upon the gun which his duty to the other troops compels him to serve to the very last extremity. He should therefore be free from any incumbrance which will distract him from his proper functions. In order to avoid the exposure of the person in cutting, many cavalry officers are in favor of avoiding the objections to the combined functions of the cavalry saber by using it solely for thrusting. On the other hand the swordsmen of East India, than whom there are few more expert, prefer blades which are greariy curved, the radius of curvature of some being about 18 inches. The following discussion illustrates the effect of curvature, frequently utilized in the useful arts. ^ "-V s' ^'"' Let O S Ph^ the edge of a curved blade rotated around O and striking at P with a blow, P F, at right angles to OP, ThenP T=PPcQS(p =PF cos i^ Z' r is the tan- gential component, and this will be measured by P P cos C P Oj which gives an easy method of discussing the effect of curvature. If, as in the artillery saber, S', the radius of XXVI. — HAND ARMS. curvature, be shortened by placing the center at C ; or, if as in some Eastern blades which have a tangential handle and also in the common scythe, the center of rotation be placed above the line P O, the value of cos (p will be increased and so will the proportionate value of the tangential component. On the other hand if, as in the cavalry saber, the handle be lowered as to O, in order to increase the tangential com- ponent in thrusting, the slicing component will decrease. XXVII. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. CHAPTER XXVII. SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. The Eelation between Arms and Ammunition. As seen in Chapter V, the efficiency of all fire arms has been dependent principally upon the nature of their ammu- nition. This may be called the food of the gun as the means of conveying it to the chamber is actually called the feed. As a rule the gun must be made to fit the ammunition as a shoe should be made to fit the foot. MUZZLE LOADING AMMUNITION. Powder and ball were originally carried loose; but for some time the greater rapidity of fire with arrows at the ranges common to both weapons, caused the latter to be preferred. Gustavus Adolphus made important improvements in the ammunition. He first provided separate receptacles for each powder charge ; these were called cartridges from their paper envelopes. (Latin charfa, paper.) He subsequently combined the powder with the projectile in the paper wrapper, which, until about 1865, formed the principal ammunition for small arms. See Figure 1. In addition to the comparative disadvantages of muzzle loading arms cited in Chapter XI, may be named the vari- able amount and condition of the powder in the chamber, since the powder was but imperfectly protected from moist- ure and was hable to be wasted in loadmg. There was also XXVII. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. the danger of inadvertently loading tlie piece with more than one cartridge at a time. Nearly one-half of the muskets abandoned at the battle of Gettysburg were found to contain more than one cartridge. In spite of the theories of those who feared that increased rapidity of fire would lead to a disastrous expenditure of ammunition, there has always been the feeling expressed by Frederick the Great in saying, that other things being equal, " He who fires fastest hits most." BREECH LOADING AMMUNITION. Non-metallic Ammunition. The state of the arts required the first breech loading ammunition to be formed after the manner of that just described ; and, as it was impossible to permanently prevent the escape of gas by the close fitting of the parts of the breech, the joint required for rapid loading was generally placed in front of the chamber, from which position the soldier would suffer least from the discharge. To facilitate loading the section of the barrel containing the chamber was caused to oscillate about an axis in rear; so that, the paper cartridge having been broken for loading, the bullet acted as a stopper to prevent the exposure of the loose powder before the piece was closed. This structure distinguishes a large class of arms, now obsolete, which are known as having 7novable chambers. This includes the Hall rifle, used in this country in the early part of the century. It is believed to be the first breech loading small arm used by troops. The operation of such guns was necessarily slow and defective. METALLIC AMMUNITION. Origin. The primed metallic cartridge case, invented in France, was first used by troops during our Civil War. It contained XXVlt. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. all the components of the ammunition, under invariable con- ditions, in an envelope which formed a gas check, and was therefore adapted to arms in which the chamber was fixed. Being rigid and of exact dimensions it could be and was at first most extensively used in magazine arms, in which the operations of loading are automatically performed. Rim Fire. In order to support it against the blow which exploded the fulminating priming, and to extract the empty case, it was provided with a rim. For simplicity of manufacture, and because the arms in which it was principally employed con- tained the cartridges in tubular magazines and were carried by mounted troops, the fulminate,/, was placed within the rim, as shown in figure 2. This construction, although confusing the functions of the rim and the primer, was intended to prevent accidental ex- plosions in the magazine. For the small charges of powder then used, the metal could be made thin enough for certainty of fire, since it was com- posed of soft copper. Figure 2 shows that such a cartridge, having what is termed a folded head, is necessarily unsupported by the walls of the chamber for a length at least equal to the thickness of the metal forming the rim. Consequently, as charges and pres- sures were increased, the rim fire cartridges were found to shear across the edge of the chamber ; and the copper was so deficient in elasticity that they would resist extraction. The quantity of fulminate contained in the rim was much greater than was required for ignition at any one point, and further tended to destroy the fold. The distribution was im- perfect and misfires were frequent. The cartridge could not be reloaded. XXVII. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. Central Fire. As metallic ammunition became more generally employed in all arms, these objections led to the use of the center fire cartridge, now universally employed ; these objections led also for a time to the disuse of magazine arms. The adoption of central fire permits the case to be strength- ened indefinitely in the shearing plane ^ and to be made of an elastic material like brass, the special elasticity of which, developed by its manufacture, facilitates its extraction. It also permits the reloading required by the great expenditure of ammunition m target practice. Folded Head. The first center fire cartridges were made with folded heads, as the arts then furnished no other method of forming the rim. To avoid shearing, a thin, cup-shaped, gas check, as shown in figure 3, was, and is still employed. This contains a central hole to allow the flame from the fulminate, /, to pass through the vents, vv^ in the anvil, a. The Ordnance Department for several years made the copper cup-anvil cartridge shown in figure 4. In this it was attempt- ed to combine in one piece the functions of the gas check and of the anvil. But these were inconsistent, and the cart- ridge, although avoiding objections urged against a per- forated head which contained a loose primer, was abandoned. The limit of resistance to shearing was soon reached, because, owing to the manufacture, the maximum thickness of metal is that of the head. So that if a thicker or more elastic metal was used misfires would result, unless the energy of the blow required for ignition was so much increased that the rapidity of fire was diminished. The flat anvil, figure 5, demanded by the obhque firing pin of the Springfield rifle, requires a more powerful blov/ than does that shown in figure 3, and the thickness of metal XXVII. SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. requires the firing pin to be sharp. On the other hand, the anvil of figure 3 is well adapted to the axial blow of a flat pointed pin. This requires less work in cocking and is less apt to pierce the cap. Solid Heads. The state of the arts now permits the U. S. cartridge to be made with a solid head, as in figure 5. The shearing plane lies in front of the edge of the chamber even when, owing to the yielding of its support, the case may be forced backward in firing. Certainty of ignition now requires that the anvil shall be renewed at every fire. Consequently the primer is assembled before issue with its anvil and fulminate complete. The resulting variation in figure 3 is shown in figure 6. An objection to the solid head cartridge arises from its un- equal expansion when fired. The mouth, being thin, is more firmly held by friction against the walls of the chamber than is the thicker portion in rear, so that the latter may slide backward to the extent permitted by its support. Cases which have been often reloaded are found to tear across by longitudinal stress. The Morse cartridge, figure 7, provides for this by making the head entirely separate from the body of the case. Remark, The influence of improvements in metallic ammunition has probably reached its limit in the cartridge employed in rapid firing cannon, Chapter XXIX, page 18. The size of the cartridges which these employ is limited by the weight which one man can conveniently handle. METALS USED FOR CARTRIDGE CASES. Copper was first employed on account of the ease with which it could be worked. When alloyed with a small pro- XXVn. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. portion of zinc it was until recently preferred by the U. S. to brass, which, when in contact with gun powder, undergoes in time a molecular change that renders it as brittle as baked clay. It is said that the discovery of this defect in the Russian ammunition postponed the war of 1877. The deficient elasticity of copper accounts for the preva- lence of the lever used for extraction in early breech loading arms, and for their comparative slowness of fire. Brass is cheap and so elastic that guns in which it is used may be opened by the direct action of an axial bolt. For the reasons given, Chapter XXVIII, page 6, the rapidity of fire of such arms is increased. This is the metal now generally employed. In order to protect it from the powder the cavity may be varnished or tinned. The elasticity of brass adapts it to reloading since resizing is less necessary than with copper. The operation of resizing is required by unavoidable dif- ferences in the chambers of different guns. The brass cart- ridges used in the rifle, Cal. 0.45 may often be reloaded for use in the same gun without resizing them ; but owing to the greater pressures found in the new Cal. 0.30 rifle, firing smoke- less powder, resizing is always required for this arm. See Chapter XXVIII, page 3. Low steely when protected from oxidation, is proposed as a cartridge metal, on account of its strength elasticity and freedom from structural change. MANUFACTURE OF METALLIC AMMUNITION. The cartridge case may be made in two general ways, viz. : 1st, by coiling by hand a thin sheet of metal into a tube ; 2nd, by drawing the tube from a thicker disc as de- scribed in Chapter XVIII, page 2. XXVII.— SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. 1. Wrapped Metallic Cartridges. Chap. XVI, figure 8 The metallic sheet is trapezoidal so as to increase the thickness of the walls near the head. This gives the ex- terior the conical form required for extraction, while the interior being cylindrical retains its hold on the bullet. It also increases the thickness of the flange by which the case is riveted to Ihe separate disc that forms the head. This method, the origin of which is evident, avoids the use of the expensive machinery used in the second process, so that in an emergency the manufacture could be easily improvised. The cartridge is serviceable, but neither waterproof, rigid, nor exact enough in its dimensions, for all the requirements of service. 2. Drawn Cartridges. The operation of drawing necessarily leaves the exterior of the tube cylindrical, so that the required variation in thickness is obtained by varying the diameter of the punch. The primary draws are facilitated by removing by an- nealing, (/. ^., heating followed by quenching), the special elasticity developed by the previous operations. Chapter XV, page 22. After having been drawn to a length slightly in excess of that required, the tubes are trimmed to an exact length to prepare them for the operations of heading. The mandrel, figure 8, supports the trimmed case in a closely fitting die. A hunter of the proper dimensions first forms the pocket for the primer, and a second operation with a bunter, such as shown, causes the metal to flow into the annular space provided for the rim. The pocket is then vented. XXVII. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. To facilitate extraction the case is tapered by forcing over it a conical die. The cylindrical seat for the bullet is simultaneously formed. Components The U, S. atwil is made from a copper wire of rectangular cross section containing on one side a continuous groove. From this are punched a series ot circular discs which form the anvils, The edges of the discs are notched so as to form a passage way for the flame of the fulminate,/, through the notches, into the groove which bridges over the vent, z/, in the head of the cartridge. The bullet is composed of an alloy ot lead and tin ; the latter metal, although it increases the difhculty of manufac- ture, gives the hardness required to resist deformation in the gun. Chapter XXVIII, page 3. The bullet is made by compression between dies which part on an axial plane. See figure 9. The cavity in the base of the bullet may be varied to bring the bullets to an exact weight. The bullet is lubricated by being forced through a vege- table wax so as to fill the cannelures, or grooves. This is preferred to a fat, as it does not corrode the metals in store. Common Operations In the loading machine a measured charge of powder is first deposited in the case and slightly compressed so as to increase the density of loading. The bullet is next inserted and secured by crimping the case upon it. The finished cartridges are all inspected for weight and dimensions. The first is accomplished by a weighing machine which rejects all that weigh less than a prescribed minimum. The principal object of this operation is to detect charges in- XXVII. — SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. sufficient to expel a projectile which might cause a subse- quent discharge to burst the gun. The gauging machine makes sure that every cartridge will enter the gun. The gauging die, which is sUghtly smaller than the minimum chamber, verifies the length of the cartridge to the rear from the circle of contact between the bullet and the rifling, the profile between these planes, and the maximun radius of the rim. For safety the primer is sunken below the plane of the head. The automatic operation of the machinery has greatly reduced the cost of manufacture, and has thus removed one of the principal objections to metallic ammunition. The inspection merely precedes the proof. Chapter XVII, page 18. This consists in firing a portion of the daily product to verify the certainty of fire, the strength of the case, to determine the volume of the charge, the com- pression required for the standard velocity and above all to test the accuracy of fire. U. S. SMALL ARM AMMUNITION. The following varieties are now made (1891) : 1. The rifle ball cartridge, /^^q, or about 70 grains of powder and a 500 grain bullet. / V= 1280 / s. 2. The carbine ball cartridge, /o\- ^ ^-= 1150 / s, 3. The revolver ball cartridge, f^^. I V= 730 /j-. 4. The rifle and carbine blank cartridge, filled with com- pressed powder that is protected by a varnished paper cup, and retained by crimping the case so as to facilitate loading. 5. The revolver blank cartridge as in 4. Important changes in this ammunition are now pending. Their principles will be hereafter discussed in connection with the arm. It is significant to observe that now, as here- tofore, the adoption of the new arm awaits the perfection of its ammunition. Chapter XXVIII, page 19. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. CHAPTER XXVIII. SMALL ARMS. Classification. Small arms may be classified according to the service in which they are employed, as this determines the maximum length of barrel, given to the rifle^ i\\Q carbine^ and W^q pistol. Muzzle-loading arms, and breech-loaders having movable chambers being now obsolete, breech-loading small arms with fixed chambers may be classified into single loading and magazine arms. The latter class is now supplanting the former, because of the moral and physical advantage of being able at will to increase the rapidity of musketry fire. Historical Sketch. Some of the objections formerly made against the breech- loader have been discussed in Chapter XXVII. To these may be added the former fear that the mechanism might not endure the accidents of service. But the Prussian wars of 1864 and 1866, and the more extended campaigns of 1870, proved that after a victory there is generally time enough for repairs. During the siege of Plevna in 1877, these conclusions were emphasized by the use by the Turks, for the first time in Europe, of the American Winchester repeater. Although of a model now considered imperfect, its success was conclusive. It is now realized that the change from muzzle-loading to breech-loading having established the advantages of rapidity, the choice of a magazine arm is a detail to be determined by XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. independent considerations. The selection is attended with many complications which, as in the past, relate principally to the ammunition. Some of these will be hereafter dis- cussed in detail » but it may be premised that, while the power ol the weapon depends principally upon the abiUty of its (human) carriage to resist recoil ; its continued operation depends upon the number of cartridges which this carriage can conveniently transport. The development is thus limited by a physical constant. COMPONENT PARTS OF B. L. SMALL ARMS. I. THE BARREL. Weight. Except for considerations relating to the recoil and the practical necessities of service, the general use of steel would permit the barrel to be considerably reduced in weight. Caliber. Although the best results follow from adapting to each arm its own ammunition, yet in order to meet emergencies the cartridges for the rifle and the carbine may be interchanged. These arms are therefore of the same caliber. For the reasons stated in Chapter XVI, since the adoption of the rifle principle the tendency has been to reduce the caliber. The limit is fixed by questions of internal ballistics, and also by the nervous shock communicated to the animal struck. Upon the shock is thought to depend the " stopping power " of a bullet that does not kill. Until lately the limit was generally taken at about 0.45 inch, but recent experiments have induced many countries to reduce it still further to about 0.30 inch. The propriety of the change is still debated, and like many others requires the test of war. The advantage may consist in this : that a shock which might be insufficient to stop a XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. man in the heat of a close action may, at the long ranges which the reduced caliber provides, be severe enough to cause him to withdraw. But this would not apply to horses. Rifling. The cross-section of the rifling depends principally on the nature of the bullet. If this be of a soft material, like lead, the lands may be broad as in the Springfield rifle and con versely, figure 15, if the metal be hard. The grooves should be shallow and so formed as to be readily cleaned. The increase of spherical density, which results from reducing the diameter of a projectile of which the length, and therefore the sectional density, is kept nearly constant, has required a considerable increase in the twist, so that special precautions have been required to prevent the pro- jectile from shearing. Chapter XVI, page 10. In the caliber 0.45 bullet this was done by alloying the lead with tin, Chapter XXVII, page 8 ; the new bullet is more- over coated with a thin jacket of a harder metal. Chapter XXVII; Plates. II. THE STOCK. This forms the handle by which the barrel is directed. It is made of wood on account of its lightness and strength and its deficient conductivity of heat. The form of the stock depends on the conformation of the average man. The butt is widened and curved so as to diminish the pressure per unit of area due to the recoil. It is bent for convenience in aiming. A rotary component of recoil is thereby developed, which, if the crook be excessive, may cause inconvenience to the firer. The stock is necessarily weakened by being cut across the grain to form a grasp, and more so by the present develop. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. ment in the volume of the parts about the breech It is consequently frequently made in two pieces, the /// stock being of a rigid material, such as black walnut, and the butt itoik preferably tough, as of elm. Chapter XV, page 12. The support m rear of the barrel should be of sufficient area to avoid permanent deformation; and that beneath the barrel should not be unduly rigid, since otherwise the barrel may be distorted by the effects of moisture upon the wood. Ill THE SIGHTS. The position of the rear sight is determined by the limit of distinct vision, and is so taken that the two sights and the object shall collectively be most plainly seen. The sights are separated as far as convenience permits, so as to rectify their ahgnment with the object. See Chapter XXX, page 7. They admit of a permanent correction for jump and a variable correction for range, drift and the effects of wind. The increasing flatness of the trajectory and the growing rapidity of fire will, except for sharpshooters, probably diminish the number of adjustments now given to the rear sight. It is probable also, that instead of providing an extension to the slide for use at extreme ranges, a separate pair of sights will be placed on the side of the arm. The ordinary func- tions of the members of this pair will be reversed; that is, the rear sight will be fixed and the front sight movable down- ward, so that a considerable elevation may be attained with- out great variation in the relative positions of the eye of the marksman and the point of his body which receives the recoil. It may be remarked that the requirements of sights for war service and for target practice at kiiowti distafices are in many essentials incompatible. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. [V. THE MOUNTINGS. The bands, screws, pins, etc., are intended to connect the parts ; and the butt plate, tip and the extension of the guard beneath the small of the stock are intended to protect from wear and to strengthen the relatively perishable wood. Functions. V. THE BREECH MECHANISM. The functions of the breech mechanism are five, viz. : to open, load and lock the breech, to fire the charge, and to remove the empty shell. The manner in which these functions are performed depends primarily upon the manner of opening and closing the breech, as is shown by the following scheme : Classification of B. L. Small Arms.* o 2 a> ? u ^ ■5 « as Barrel, which slides b ...2. ...3. Breech block which rotates about J JUo axis of gnn. an axis 1 Lto axis of gun. which is [ slides I Jltoaxis of gun 4. ^^'"^^ 1 Lto axis of gun 5. f 1 1 to axis of gun 6. fin front of block 7. L to axis . of gun. 1 not in front of 1 block. I No. Examples. (Rare). Revolvers t Shot guns. Bolt guns. Sharps, (Krupp). Joslyn, Warner. ( Springfield, I Remington. Martini. , movable chambers (obsolete) 9. Hall, Burnside. Discussion of Table. The mass of the barrel renders the classes, 1, 2, 3, unsuit- able for the military service except when, as in revolvers, the mass is greatly reduced. * For a fuller discussion, see Report Chief of Ordnance, 1873. t The classification ot these is difficult. For some reasons they may be considered as movable chambers, and in other respects they may be considered as an aggregation of barrels of reduced length. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. Classes 5, 6, 8, are objectionable, as their operation does not assist in loading the cartridge, but rather, as the French say, to guillotine it. They possess, however, the advantage of naturally resisting the pressure which tends to blow open the breech or to " unlock'' it. Class 7 naturally forms a lever, formerly useful in forcing into the chamber a deformed cartridge or in extracting one that stuck. Arms of classes 4, 5 and 8 were frequently pro- vided with levers. Bolt System. But, as the quality of the ammunition has improved, the arms of class 4 7vithout levers^ have grown mto general use. The following are the principal objections which have hitherto prevented the more general adoption of the bolt gun, although its advantages were recognized by the Prussians as early as 1847. 1. The risk of premature discharge from striking an over- sensitive cartridge in loading. This was long considered an insuperable objection, but, as will be seen, has been overcome by very simple means. 2. The danger resulting from the necessity of loading the piece at a full cock. This objection neglected the supreme advantage of the rapidity of fire which results from suppressing a discontinuous motion,* and which is further increased by the facihty with which the reciprocating motion of the bolt adapts itself to the demands of magazine arms. To illustrate the latest type of this arm, the American Lee system is described, as it contains in probably the best *The word is used as in the drill book. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. and simplest form the elements of the mechanism required for performing the functions above named.* Lee System (as single loader) Figures 1 and 2. Descripiion, The receiver, of approximately cylindrical form, is screwed to the breech and receives the mechanism. It is bored out and slotted to permit the axial motion of the bolt. The slot is widened to the front to form the well of the receiver, through which the operations of loading and ejection are performed. The rectangular shoulder at a forms a support for the locking mass, a\ of the bolt in firing, and the oblique edge at b gives a short, spiral motion to the bolt as the locking mass is ap- proaching or leaving its support. The system is mortised vertically through the well to receive the magazine. As this is a special feature of the arm, its consideration is deferred until the features common to the best bolt guns have been discussed. The reciprocating motion of the bolt sets the whole mechanism in motion. The /ia7idle is placed in rear and is curved downward so that the hand need not leave it in firing. A lug diametrically opposite to the locking mass engages with a corresponding recess in the bore of the receiver, so *The Prussian Needle Gun used a combustible cartridge case, the fouling from which tended to obstruct the chamber ; the joint was most imperfectly sealed, the flames escaping not only around the end of the bolt, but into the channel traversed by the firing needle. The tactical ad- vantages of the arm, however, offset these very serious objections, so that it was retained unchanged until adapted to metallic ammunition after the war of 1870. Its opponent in this war, the Chassepot, was of similar construction, but possessed for the end of the bolt a gas check, from which that of Colonel De Bange is derived. XXVIII. — SMALL ARMS. that, by making the support symmetrical, certain objectionable vibrations of the barrel may be avoided. The bolt contains an axial firing pin which is surrounded by a spiral main spring and secured to the hammer. The bolt carries in front and to the right a hook shaped extractor^ which, like the hammer, is so disposed as to share only in the motion of translation which the bolt receives. The extractor is retained by a flat spring which serves also to key the system together. Operation. To open the piece, raise the handle so that the locking mass may lie in the prolongation of the slot, and withdraw the bolt. The incipient rotation of the bolt is ingeniously commuted into one of translation at each of its ends ; as follows : — In rear, a radial projection on the bolt strikes an oblique surface on the hammer and forces it back relatively to the bolt until the point of the firing pin is retracted, or withdrawn behind the plane surface in contact with the cartridge. To avoid premature explosion the point of the firing pin is kept back until the desired moment of discharge. In front, the spiral motion due to the surface, b, forces the bolt slowly back from the barrel so that power is obtained to start the fired cartridge case from its seat. This slow and therefore powerful motion of extractiofi is commonly used. A rapid motion might cut through the cartridge rim and dis- able the rifle. As the bolt is withdrawn, the extracted case foflows until it passes from the chamber. The rim then strikes the ejector stud, a projection on the bore of the receiver opposite to the path of the extractor. The case is thereby rapidly revolved about the hook and ejected, or thrown clear of the gun. A cartridge may then be dropped into the well, the bottom XXVltl. — SMALL ARMS. of which is nearly continuous with the lower element of the chamber. A reversal of the motions forces the cartridge into ,