milliliilimilliiiiHin in i! II I ! 1 1- > f m : THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE MEDIATION, INVESTIGATION, AND ARBITRATION IN INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES MEDIATION, INVESTIGATION ^AND ARBITRATION IN INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES BY GEORGE E. BARNETT, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF STATISTICS, THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITT AND DAVID A. McCABE, Ph.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON 1916 37 COPTRIOHT, 1916, HT D. APPLETON AND COMPANY Printed in the United States of America PREFACE This study of Mediation, Investigation, and Arbitration is based on a report submitted in June, 1915, by the writers to the Commission on Industrial Relations. A considerable amount of illustrative material has been added, the state- ments have been brought down to date, and some revision has been made in the form of presentation, but the argument and the proposals remain un- changed. It should be understood that the authors alone are responsible for the views here expressed. For convenience in comparison there are added in the Appendices (II-IV) extracts from the Final Re- port of the Commission, in which are presented the views of the members of the Commission on the matters dealt with here. The authors wish to express their appreciation of the kindness and courtesy of the many state officials, employers, trade union officers, and other workmen who supplied information for the orig- V PREFACE inal report. We are pleased to acknowledge our indebtedness to Dr. L. A. Rufener for the opportu- nity of examining several chapters of his thesis on "The Work of the Massachusetts Board of Con- ciliation and Arbitration" and for other valuable suggestions as to sources of information in that State. G. E. B., D. A. McC. CONTENTS PART I STATE AGENCIES OF MEDIATION, INVESTIGA- TION AND ARBITRATION PAGE Introduction 3 CHAPTER I. Mediation 7 Existing Law. Types of Mediatorial Service. Limitations of Mediation. Char- acteristics of a Successful System. II. Investigation 66 Existing Law. Results. Plan for Boards of Mediation and Investigation. III. Arbitration 89 Existing Law. Results. Possibilities of Arbitration Service by a Permanent Board. Plan for a Board of Arbitration. En- couragement of Formation of Special Boards. IV. Proposed Plan for a State System of Mediation, Investigation and Arbi- tration Ill PART II NATIONAL AGENCIES OF MEDIATION, INVESTI- GATION AND ARBITRATION V. Proposed New Agencies 129 The Need for New National Agencies. Proposed Agencies of Mediation, Arbitra- tion and Investigation. The Mediation Commission. vii CONTENTS CHAPTEm PAGE VI. Proposed Plan of a National System op Mediation, Investigation and Ar- bitration 154 Organization. Powers, Duties and Juris- diction. Cooperation. PART III APPENDICES Appendix I. The Newlands Act . . . .165 Appendix II. Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations 181 Extracts from the report of Mr. Basil M. Manly, Director of Research and Investi- gation. Appendix III. Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations 193 Extracts from the supplemental statements of Commissioners Lennon, O'Connell, Gar- rettson and Walsh. Appendix IV. Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations 201 Extracts from the report of Commissioners Commons and Harriman and from the joint supplemental report of Commissioners Weinstock, Ballard and Aishton. Vlll STATE AGENCIES OF MEDIA- TION, INVESTIGATION AND ARBITRATION INTRODUCTION A very large proportion of the American States have made provision in their laws for agencies of mediation, public investigation, and arbitration in labor disputes. For a study of these agencies, however, attention can most profitably be centered on a few states, since the arrangements in other states are merely duplications of these few or else the machinery provided by law is not in op- eration to any important extent. The pres- ent study is based on a survey of the agencies in Massachusetts, New York and Ohio. 1 All three are important industrial states and possess highly diversified groups of indus- tries. Moreover, the present work of the 1 Since this study was begun the State of Colorado has adopted a law (April 12, 1915) requiring thirty days' notice of proposed changes in wages or other terms of employment and forbidding strikes and lock- outs until after a board of investigation appointed by 3 INTRODUCTION agencies of mediation, arbitration and public investigation in these states is at least equal in quality to that in the other states and these states present further advantage for the in- vestigator in that they were among the earliest to establish agencies of mediation and arbitration. Much has been accomplished by these agencies in all three of these states in the way of reestablishing and promoting industrial peace. As among the three kinds of activi- ties of such agencies, it is clear that up to the present by far the best results have been ob- tained through mediation. With the excep- tion of Massachusetts, state agencies of arbitration have been rarely used. Public investigation after failure to secure the set- tlement of a strike or lockout by mediation the State Industrial Commission has reported its find- ings on the matters in dispute. This is the first law of its kind in the United States but it has not yet been in operation long enough to give results of value for this study. 4 INTRODUCTION has also been used sparingly. It has been re- sorted to very rarely in Ohio, and until the last two or three years in only a few cases in New York and Massachusetts. The results achieved by the mediators and arbitrators in the states studied strongly sup- port the conclusion that state agencies of mediation, investigation, and arbitration, if properly constituted and properly manned, would be of great service in all the industrial states in preventing the outbreak of strikes or lockouts and in bringing to an earlier con- clusion a large proportion of those which they are unable to prevent. This conclusion is confirmed by interviews with many whose difficulties the state mediators failed to com- pose and who declined to submit the matters at issue to arbitration by existing state boards. These persons naturally emphasized the desirability of having properly qualified persons to act as mediators, investigators 5 INTRODUCTION or arbitrators. The vital importance of the proper constitution of the agencies as to personnel as well as to powers and duties was otherwise made clearly evident, as will appear at several points in the description of the agencies and their work. For convenience in comparison, the de- scription of the systems in the three states has been divided into three sections entitled respectively Mediation, Public Investigation, and Arbitration. MEDIATION In discussing the subject of mediation it will be most convenient to consider first the existing legal provisions for mediation in the three States and the results obtained under these laws. That will be followed by an analysis of the possibilities of state mediation under proper agencies as evidenced by the experience of the existing agencies. A plan for the constitution, manning, and operation of a state agency of mediation, which, the re- sults of this study indicate, is the plan most likely to lead to the realization of the possi- bilities of service open to a state agency of mediation, will then be outlined and ex- plained. 7 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION • • ; ( *■ t TOisiiNO law The] \&f£^*Grs.-^I*i Massachusetts the law provides that the State Board of Con- ciliation and Arbitration shall exercise the function of mediation. The board consists of three salaried persons appointed by the Governor. One member must be an em- ployer or selected from an association repre- senting employers, and one must be selected from a labor organization. The third mem- ber is nominated by the other two if they are able to agree upon a third within a specified time. As a matter of fact, they always have been able to agree. The board has a perma- nent secretary, who, in addition to his other duties, often acts as a mediator for the board. The Ohio machinery for conciliation and arbitration, until 1913, was the same as that of Massachusetts, except that the members of the board did not receive an annual salary 8 MEDIATION but were paid at the rate of five dollars a day when acting for the board, and that one of the members of the board acted as secretary. The act creating the Industrial Commission of Ohio, adopted in 1913, abolished the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation, and conferred upon the Industrial Commission the duty and power of promoting voluntary arbitration and mediation. The law pro- vides that the commission shall designate a deputy to be known as chief mediator and may detail other deputies to act as his assist- ants. In November, 1914, the commission assigned its chief statistician to serve also as chief mediator. Assistant mediators have not yet been specifically appointed, but two members of the staff of the Division of Sta- tistics have in several cases acted in that ca- pacity. In New York the function of mediation is intrusted to a chief mediator and his assist- MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION ants, who are appointed by the Industrial Commission. Prior to the recent law estab- lishing an Industrial Commission (effective May 22, 1915), the chief mediator and his assistants were appointed by the Commis- sioner of Labor. Under the new law the functions formerly discharged by the Com- missioner of Labor have been taken over by the Industrial Commission and general supervision of the work of the Bureau of Mediation and Arbitration is assigned to one of the members of the commission. The chief mediator is also the third deputy com- missioner, instead of second deputy commis- sioner of labor as under the old law. Other- wise the law remains unchanged. The chief mediator is still in immediate charge of the Bureau of Mediation and Arbitration and, as for several years past, has four assistants. One of these has the title of industrial medi- ator and two that of assistant mediator. 10 MEDIATION The fourth is a special agent attached to the bureau. When Mediation Occurs. — In Massa- chusetts the board is obliged by law to offer mediation when notified by either party, or by the local authorities, that a strike or lock- out is seriously threatened or has actually occurred. It intervenes as a matter of course in many other cases. In fact, over half its interventions are made without pre- vious official notification. Its policy is to at- tempt to mediate in all cases of importance coming to its knowledge. The New York law requires that an officer or agent of the Bureau of Mediation "shall, if practicable, proceed promptly to the locality" in which the strike or lockout is threatened or has oc- curred and "endeavor by mediation to effect an amicable settlement of the controversy." No strike or lockout involving a considerable number of men goes on for more than a few 11 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION days without an offer of mediation from the bureau, if the bureau learns of the trouble — and a serious disturbance would not escape its knowledge long. In Ohio, the present law does not specify when mediation shall be offered. The mediators have acted in very few disputes in which their intervention was not requested. It has been the policy of the chief mediator not to intervene without invitation unless the case was of unusual im- portance because of the number of persons involved in the strike or lockout, the incon- venience suffered by the public, or the out- break of violence. General Results of Mediation. — The Massachusetts board, the New York bureau, and the chief mediator and his assistants in Ohio have done work of great value in their respective States in preventing strikes and securing settlements of strikes or lockouts which have already occurred. Relative to 12 MEDIATION the total number of strikes and lockouts in these States since the establishment of mediation machinery, the number in which settlements have been secured by the medi- ators does not loom up large; but if the cases in which the intervention of the medi- ator or mediators has been followed by a set- tlement agreed to in a conference called by the mediator, or agreed to by each party separately with the mediator acting as an intermediary, be considered absolutely, the value of the results obtained by mediation in preventing or shortening the term of strikes and lockouts is apparent. TYPES OF MEDIATORIAL SERVICE The experience of the Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio mediators makes it clear that there is an opportunity for competent mediators to render several distinct types of service in bringing to an agreement parties 13 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION who have been unable to reach an agreement by themselves. These will be taken up. in order. 1. Many, if not most, strikes and lockouts occur before the matters in dispute have been thoroughly thrashed out and before either side has indicated the utmost that it is willing to concede to secure a settlement. It hap- pens occasionally that the terms that each side is willing to accept if it can get no bet- ter terms are such as to make a settlement possible, yet there are obstacles to the frank negotiations which would make this clear. Obviously these obstacles are more likely to be present if the employer and the workmen have already broken off friendly relations. The strike or lockout usually throws the parties apart in irritation, if not in anger, and neither is in a mood for calm discussion or frank bargaining. One side or both may be unwilling to ask the other for a conference. 14 MEDIATION In many cases the employer is irritated be- cause a strike has been called without what he considers sufficient warning or discussion of the workmen's demands. In other cases the employer is unaccustomed to dealing with a union and is irritated because union of- ficials not in his employ are asking to be dealt with as the representatives of his workers. Employers in this frame of mind will not go into conference with the workers' representa- tives at the request of the latter. On the other hand, the workers may be incensed at what they consider the too light treatment of their demands by the employer, or his failure to treat their representatives with proper con- sideration, and are determined to stand out until the employer accepts their demands or asks their representatives for a meeting for the discussion of their terms. The service which the successful mediators have rendered in situations of this kind is that 15 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION of getting before each party the fact that there are terms which both sides are really willing to accept as a settlement. The method which has been followed in most cases by the state mediators is that of bringing the parties together in a conference with the mediator and persuading them to discuss their differences calmly and frankly. If the terms each is willing to accept can be brought out in a conference of this kind the settlement by joint agreement will follow as a matter of course. The task of the mediator is to over- come the reluctance of one or both parties to meeting the other in conference and to keep them from still further irritating each other when they come together. Most of the settlements secured by the state mediators have been secured through such joint conferences. If the parties can be induced to hold a conference of this kind and a settlement results, a long step has been 16 MEDIATION taken toward collective bargaining for the future. The fact that they have met and discussed issues with each other directly and have arrived at an agreement on the points in dispute makes it much more likely that when differences arise later the parties will meet in joint conference on their own initi- ative and attempt to adjust their differences by negotiation. A relatively large number of the settle- ments which have been secured by mediators through bringing the parties into conference have been in cases in which the strike or lock- out was threatened or prolonged because of the refusal of the employer to confer with any representative of a union. It frequently happens that an employer refuses to meet a trade union official on the ground that he will deal only with his own employees, when, as a matter of fact, the higher trade union official is the one man on the workers' side who has 17 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the authority, grasp of the situation, and temperament to negotiate a satisfactory set- tlement. For example, the employer may refuse to "recognize the union" to the extent of dealing with a union officer, because he as- sumes that recognizing the union necessarily involves accepting the closed shop rule, al- though the union may be one that is willing to make an agreement without that rule. Under these circumstances, if the mediator can get the employer and the proper union officer together in a frank conference, the employer may have his fears removed and find that the union officer is willing to accept terms that the employer is willing to grant. The mediator has frequently succeeded in getting the parties together, after one has definitely refused to confer with the other di- rectly, by inviting both into conference with him at the same time and place. An em- ployer who has refused to confer with a trade 18 MEDIATION union officer will often come to a conference with the mediator even though he knows that one or more representatives of the union will be there, because he feels that he is going to a conference primarily with the mediator, and is not dealing with the union representa- tives as such. He goes as a matter of cour- tesy to the mediator. A conference of this kind may develop, and often has de- veloped, into a direct conference between the interested parties and finally into a set- tlement. Numerous instances of settlements secured in this way could be given. A good illustra- tive case is that of the settlement of a strike of the employees of a rope factory in Auburn, New York, in March, 1913. This case pre- sented a familiar problem, that of the refusal of an employer to deal with the representa- tives of a newly formed union of his em- ployees. The strike occurred because sev- 19 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION eral employees who were officers of recently- organized local unions of the United Textile Workers were discharged. After the strike had been inaugurated the strikers made wage demands and also demanded the recognition of their unions. The president of the United Textile Workers then went to Auburn to advise the strikers and otherwise aid in the conduct of the strike. When the state mediators arrived at Auburn they found that the officials of the company were unwilling to deal with either the officers of the local union or the president of the na- tional union, and that the strikers were firm in their refusal to go back until they had re- ceived concessions as an organized body. The chief mediator, with the assistance of one of the directors of the company, finally pre- vailed on the president of the company to meet the president of the national union un- officially. This meeting led to a formal con- 20 MEDIATION ference, in which the local union committee was included, and at this conference terms of settlement were agreed upon. A similar example may be taken from the mediation activities of the Massachusetts board. A few years ago 350 glass cutters were locked out by an employer in New Bed- ford in anticipation of a wage demand, and the employer refused to meet the president of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union, who had taken charge of the dispute for the men. Fortunately for the settlement of that case the employers' representative on the board was a citizen of New Bedford and the president of the union appealed to him to use his good offices to bring about a conference. The member of the board secured a confer- ence between the employer and the president of the union and an agreement was quickly reached. After the parties have been brought into 21 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION joint conference it is difficult, sometimes, to keep them together. Before the parties can clear up matters sufficiently to see their way to an agreement, suspicions may arise on one side or both as to the real motives of the other in negotiating. In April, 1913, for example, the Massachusetts board learned that a strike of telephone operators in Boston was immi- nent. After interviewing the parties sepa- rately, the board was able to bring them together in a three-cornered conference. Such good progress was made in this confer- ence that the board advised them to confer by themselves until all the differences on which they could reach agreement were dis- posed of, and to consider submitting to arbi- tration any points on which they found they could not agree. The parties agreed to do this and to reach a decision on the arbitra- tion suggestion in two days. But the following day, Tuesday, operators 22 MEDIATION began to arrive in Boston from other cities, to take the places of those operators who might go on strike. This threatened seri- ously to put an end to the negotiations, as the operators feared that the company was continuing the conferences merely to gain time to bring in strike-breakers. The board then got in touch with the parties again. The company explained that it was willing to continue negotiations in entire good faith, but it had to be prepared to continue its serv- ice in case no agreement could be reached and a strike should take place. Both parties then agreed to resume the conference the next day, Wednesday. At the request of the workers a committee from the Boston Chamber of Commerce met with the parties and also acted at times as a confidential go- between. The conferences lasted all through Wednesday and through Wednesday night until five o'clock Thursday morning, at 23 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION which time a settlement was agreed to by the parties. 2. In a smaller number of cases the medi- ators have brought about a settlement by acting as confidential intermediaries between the parties. In these cases each party agrees conditionally to certain terms with the inter- mediary without knowing what the other party is willing to concede. It frequently happens that the parties, though willing to confer with each other, will not disclose to each other the most they will concede in order to get a settlement. Each may fear that if it offers a concession contingent upon the yielding of some particular thing by the other side, the latter will take this offer as a sign of weakness and refuse to concede as much as it otherwise would. Each side thus allows the conferences to end without stating its best terms, in the hope that the other will speedily offer better terms, when, as a mat- 24 MEDIATION ter of fact, the most one is willing to give and the least the other will take are really over- lapping. This is not likely to occur in a well de- veloped system of collective bargaining. Where such systems have been long estab- lished, neither party will ordinarily allow the conferences to end in a disagreement without stating the limit it is willing to go at that time to reach a settlement. In other words, each side will offer as good terms to the other directly as it would be willing to offer confi- dentially to an intermediary. But where the joint conference method of collective bar- gaining is not well developed, deadlocks due merely to lack of frankness are likely to occur. This liability is especially great if the parties are looking forward to the possi- bility of arbitration in case no settlement is reached in conference. Each side is then fearful of offering a concession in conference 25 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION which will be assumed as a starting point by the other if negotiations are broken off and later resumed or if the whole case is later submitted to arbitration. In all cases of this kind the problem of the mediator is not to get the parties together in conference, but to secure from each side a confidential statement of the limits of its position. He has then merely to get each party to agree with the other to terms al- ready agreed to conditionally with him. It is this confidential intermediary type of mediation which has proved so successful in federal mediation in interstate railway dis- putes under the Erdmann and Newlands acts. In intrastate disputes confidential in- termediary action seems most likely to be successful in disputes involving recently organized workers. In such cases an em- ployer will often accept mediation of this kind in preference to entering a joint or even 26 MEDIATION a three-cornered conference, since it com- mits him to nothing. If the employees will not accept the terms which he is willing to grant, his own position is not weakened by the public offer of concessions. The chief mediator of Ohio has found this confidential-intermediary type of mediation the more acceptable type. "Joint confer- ences," he states, "except in cases where the employees have been organized for a number of years and are accustomed to dealing with their employers through committees, are often productive of bitterness and for that reason are seldom held by the mediators." Apart from this, however, he favors the con- fidential type of mediation as a matter of policy because, as he puts it, "mediation under this plan does not disclose to either side either the weak points or the strong points in the position of the opposing side." * 1 These statements are taken from a report pre- 27 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION Mediation of this intermediary type in strikes involving unorganized workers, even when it is successful, is naturally less likely to result in a direct agreement between the parties than when the terms of agreement are worked out in joint conference. The Ohio mediators have, however, brought about some direct agreements by inter- mediary mediation in strikes of this kind. The Massachusetts mediators generally try to bring the parties together in conference as soon as possible, but at times find it neces- sary to secure conditional agreement to sug- gested terms of settlement from each party separately before bringing the parties to- gether. For example, a textile strike of 700 operatives in two mills in Barre in March, 1912, was brought to an end in this way. pared by the chief mediator, Mr. Fred C. Croxton, on " Mediation of Industrial Disputes in Ohio, January, 1914 to June, 1916," published in the Bulletin of the Industrial Commission of Ohio, Vol. Ill, No. 4. 28 MEDIATION The hours of the women workers had to be reduced from fifty-six to fifty-four to con- form with the new state law and the hours of all employees were similarly reduced. This raised the question of the rates of wages to be paid. The workers demanded an in- crease of fifteen per cent and the employers were willing to give but five. After five days there was considerable violence and ar- rests were made. Four days later the board was able to bring both sides to an agreement through separate negotiations with each. The next day both parties were brought into conference with the board and the agreement ratified. 3. In the above classes of cases the dispute was finally terminated by an agreement made between the parties. Each agreed to terms directly with the other after agreeing to them separately with the mediator. In addition there have been cases in all three 29 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION States in which the mediators have been able to secure a settlement by a separate agree- ment with ekch party when one party would not make an agreement with the other. The employer or employers may be determined not to make an agreement with the strikers as a body while on strike ; the strikers, on the other hand, may be resolved not to. return to work unless assured of certain concessions. In some of these cases the mediators have re- ceived guarantees from the employers that certain things would be done by the em- ployers after the employees had returned to work, and have persuaded the men to return to work on their assurance that these conces- sions would be granted. The New York mediators were able to set- tle two important strikes in this way in 1913. In January, 1913, 3,000 garment workers in Rochester went on strike. They presented no demands when they left the factories, 30 MEDIATION other than to complain that the factories were doing work for houses in New York City whose employees were on strike. Dur- ing the next two days many other garment workers joined the strikers and the em- ployers announced on Saturday that if the strikers did not return on Monday their es- tablishments would be closed. As the strikers did not return, the factories were closed. The number of those then idle reached 10,000. The state mediator came into the dispute a few days later and at- tempted to arrange a conference of the par- ties by personal interviews, but unsuccess- fully. He then attempted, by writing to the parties, to get each to agree to a conference. The representatives of the workers signified their willingness to attend any conference he might be able to arrange, but the employers replied that each employer would meet a committee of his own employees. Separate 31 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION meetings between employers and committees of their workers were then held, but these were fruitless. The strike dragged along for nearly three weeks. The employers would not treat with the strike leaders nor agree to concede any increase in wages or reduction in hours to the strikers as such. They declared that they would take up any well founded griev- ance the strikers might have after they had returned to work, but were firmly resolved not to make terms with them as a body or to promise them anything while they remained on strike. Finally the strike leaders told the mediator that the strikers would probably re- turn to work if they were assured that they would be given a fifty-two hour week, a re- reduction of two hours, and an increase in piece prices sufficient to keep their weekly wages the same, and that there would be no discrimination against members of the union. 32 MEDIATION The mediator then made a public statement that he believed these terms would be granted if the strikers returned to work immediately. This did not constitute the definite assur- ance that the strikers insisted on and they re- fused to return. The Commissioner of La- bor then ordered an investigation. Two other mediators came to Rochester to make up a board of investigation with the mediator already on the ground and the three medi- ators received a promise from the manufac- turers that the conditions mentioned above would be put into effect in their factories im- mediately. The board then assured the strikers that these terms would be granted and faithfully carried out, whereupon the strikers voted to accept the terms and re- turned to work. On May 1 of the same year, between 2,500 and 3,000 employees of fifteen department stores in Buffalo went out on strike. These 33 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION employees had not previously been organized, and the strike was called under the guidance of local Socialist leaders, who, however, withdrew very early. When the state medi- ators intervened they found that some of the strikers had returned to work but a large number of clerks and drivers were still on strike and had been organized as local unions of the national unions in their respective oc- cupations. The employers refused to confer with any representatives of the two local unions because the clerks and drivers had gone on strike without giving adequate time for negotiations and because of "the unrea- sonableness of their demands." The clerks and drivers refused to return to work unless concessions were made to them. After sev- eral days the mediators succeeded in getting promises from the employers that they would make certain changes in hours, wage rates, and other conditions of employment, if the 34 MEDIATION strikers would return. These concessions were then made known by the mediators to mass meetings of the clerks and drivers, and the strikers voted to return to work. 4. The service of the mediators has not been confined to getting the parties to do what each was really willing to do and would have granted directly if it had been accus- tomed to dealing frankly with the other side. The mediators in all three States have se- cured settlements by persuading one side or both to concede something which would not otherwise have been granted. In fact, the most successful mediators in all three States have seldom given up a case in which their mediation was accepted, without as a last resort recommending terms to the parties. Sometimes concessions have been made in this manner because the side which was will- ing to concede preferred to accept the recom- mendation of the mediator rather than to 35 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION grant the same thing directly to the other party, but in many cases the recommenda- tions have been accepted because the em- ployer or the men did not wish to prolong a strike by the refusal of terms which an out- sider of the experience, reputation, official position and personality of the mediator had decided would be a fair settlement. In May, 1913, a threatened strike of ma- chinists employed in a plant in Springfield was averted through the mediation of the Massachusetts board and the settlement was effected principally through the acceptance by the company of a suggestion made by the board. The company was a member of a na- tional association of employers which is op- posed to recognizing the machinists' union and it was alleged that a number of ma- chinists had been discharged on account of their activity in the formation of a local union of machinists. An officer of the na- 36 MEDIATION tional union of machinists took up the case, but was unable to secure an interview with the employer. A strike was then decided upon. At this point the board intervened. The employer informed the board that the man- ager of the labor bureau of the employers' association had full power to effect a settle- ment of the difficulty and that all negotia- tions must be with him. Upon interviewing the manager, the board found him willing to attend a conference with any representative of the workers whom the board wished to in- vite. A conference was then held, but no agreement was reached. The board then drew up a notice which it suggested that the employer should sign and post in his factory. This notice stated that there would be no dis- crimination against any workman "because of any affiliation," that the company would rectify discrimination when proved, and that 37 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the company would "receive a committee representing the employees of any one de- partment for the purpose of a friendly dis- cussion of any real or fancied grievance." After consideration this was agreed to by the employer. The cases of certain men who had been discharged were then taken up and disposed of and the proposed strike was called off. 5. Sometimes the mediator's recommenda- tion is one that settles the particular dispute to the satisfaction of both parties, not merely a recommendation that one side grant some- thing to the other that it is reluctant to con- cede. Neither party is asked to sacrifice the point it believes to be at stake; the appar- ently conflicting interests are harmonized. The opportunity to render this kind of serv- ice is naturally greatest in disputes between parties who have not been dealing with each other under a well developed system of col- 38 MEDIATION lective bargaining. The parties themselves are not able to find a solution of the difficulty, and there appears to be no settlement open which does not involve the giving up by one side of more than it is willing to give up with- out a fight. In such cases, the experienced mediator, through repeated handling of simi- lar cases and an understanding of what each side is trying to secure, may be able to find a solution that safeguards the interests of both parties. The Massachusetts board rendered this type of service in a discharge case in Boston, in February, 1913. An engineer had been discharged under circumstances that led the engineer and his union to contend that he had been dismissed unjustly. The employer re- fused to reinstate the man and a strike was threatened. The board suggested that the difficulty be met by the company's agreeing to reinstate the man on the understanding 39 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION that he would immediately give notice of resignation. The employer was willing to reinstate him provided that he did not have to continue to employ him. The engineer, on the other hand, did not care to remain with that employer, though he was unwilling to accept the stigma of discharge. Thus both parties were satisfied with the terms of settlement. Another example may be taken from the recent history of the Massachusetts board. A contracting company with headquarters in Boston was putting up a building in another Massachusetts city and had subcontracted the steam-fitting work. The Boston com- pany had not stipulated that the subcontrac- tor should employ only union men and the subcontractor had employed some non- unionists. A strike was called against the subcontractor, which soon included the em- ployees of the company in other trades on 40 MEDIATION that building and threatened to spread to its building work in other cities. The contract- ing company was quite willing that the sub- contractor should employ union steam-fitters only, but under its contract it was unable to force him to discharge the non-union men, nor could it take away the work from him without rendering itself liable for damages for breach of contract. The board sug- gested that on promise from the company to require in all its later contracts with sub- contractors that only union men should be employed, the company's work on that par- ticular building allowed to go for- ward. This compromise was accepted by both sides. 6. Finally, the mediators should be able to suggest settlements which do not merely dis- pose of individual cases but permanently compose the hitherto apparently conflicting interests involved in an important issue. 41 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION This is the highest type of service which the mediator performs. There is much opposi- tion to mediation on the ground that media- tion means a mere compromise for the par- ticular case, that it results merely in the patching up of one break without removing the difficulty which caused it and which will undoubtedly cause others like it. This view often leads one or both sides to prefer to fight the issue out in the hope of establishing com- pletely their own positions and so disposing of that question for some time to come. The mediator is doing constructive service of the highest kind when he finds for the parties a way out which is not merely a compromise, but a real solution of the problem, one, for example, which safeguards the workman from industrial tyranny or preserves his vested interest in the trade and at the same time leaves the employer free to safeguard himself against incompetent workers and to 42 MEDIATION improve in legitimate ways the processes of production. The securing of settlements of this type has not been frequently achieved in the past by state mediators. The example of service of this kind which comes most readily to mind is the work of Mr. Louis D. Brandeis in set- tling the long strike in the cloak, suit and skirt industry in New York City in 1910. The issue on which the parties split and which stood apparently hopelessly in the way of a settlement was the insistence of the unions on the closed shop and of the employers on free- dom to employ whom they chose. Mr. Brandeis brought them to agreement finally on the basis of the "preferential union shop." The chance to render service of this kind will not often present itself in differences be- tween parties who have been working to- gether under well developed systems of col- lective bargaining. It may, however, occur 43 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION even there from time to time. It is only rarely that the employers and the men in one trade are familiar with the devices used in other trades in handling the same trouble- some questions, as, for example, that of dis- charges. A mediator who is thoroughly ac- quainted with the devices successfully em- ployed in the various trades in handling the particular issue involved in a serious dispute, and who has faced the same problem re- peatedly in other cases, should be of great assistance to parties who are seeking a real solution of their difficulty. The possibility of rendering this high type of constructive service is real, and it furnishes one of the best reasons for the State's attempting to put at the disposal of the industrial public the serv- ices of high-class experienced mediators. LIMITATIONS OF MEDIATION On the other hand, too much must not be expected of mediation. It cannot be ex- 44 MEDIATION pected that the mediators shall always pre- vent the occurrence of strikes or lockouts or that they shall bring all stoppages to a speedy termination. The experience of the mediators in the States studied indicates that there are several classes of disputes in which mediation is likely to be of little effect. Successful mediation requires that the em- ployer shall deal with the representatives of the workers in the presence of or through the mediator, and if an employer is resolved not to deal with his workers as a body, either di- rectly or indirectly, he will not accept media- tion. If the employer is a member of an as- sociation which will support him in his re- fusal to treat with his workmen as a body, the possibility of successful mediation is even smaller. In these cases there is no chance for successful mediation until the strike has lasted so long that the employer is driven to accept a settlement with the strikers as a 45 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION body. In such circumstances a settlement frequently can be secured by mediation earlier than it would be sought or accepted by direct negotiation. But if the workmen are unable to hold out so long there is little chance that mediation will be effective. It could hardly have been expected, for example, that the mediation of the Massa- chusetts board would be successful at the outbreak of the Lawrence textile strike in 1912. The representatives of the employers on the ground were not accustomed to col- lective bargaining ; they were not accustomed to acting together; and they were unable or unwilling to proceed on their own initiative, without orders from those who controlled the companies financially. Moreover, the real strike leaders were officials of the Industrial Workers of the World whom the employers' agents looked upon as revolutionists and were determined not to deal with or to recog- 46 MEDIATION nize in any way, directly or indirectly. The strike had to go on until the employers were willing to deal with the strikers as a body and the latter were willing to return on terms that the employers could afford to grant. For much the same reasons, the New York bureau found it impossible to bring about a settlement of a lockout of steel workers in Syracuse, N. Y., in May, 1913. The em- ployers closed the mill because a labor or- ganization had been formed among the em- ployees, and posted a notice announcing that the mill would remain closed until it could be run by men who would signify their loyalty to the company by sending in their signa- tures individually. The company also in- sisted that the men should give up their union membership before it would employ them. The men, on the other hand, refused to give up their union membership or to go back except in a body, though they did not insist 47 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION on recognition of their union. Both sides understood the issue and neither would com- promise. Therefore the bureau was unable to effect a settlement. The chief mediator of Ohio recently en- countered a similar situation. The Flint Glass Workers' Union, in an attempt to unionize a glass factory in Columbus, had declared a strike. The employer refused to recognize the national union, declaring that he would close the factory before he would settle with the union. The union, which has a national wage scale made in agreement with a national association of glass manufac- turers, insisted that the only logical basis of settlement was the agreement of the manu- facturer to pay the same wages and grant the same conditions as are agreed to by the association. Neither side was willing to compromise and the mediator could do noth- ing to bring about a settlement. 48 MEDIATION In another class of cases mediation is not likely to be successful because there is little need for the kind of help that the mediator brings to the situation. In this class of cases the parties are accustomed to dealing with each other in joint conferences and the strike or lockout is resorted to only after a lengthy period of conferences. Each side knows the other's position, but is determined not to ac* cept it, at least not without a fight. Either can secure a conference at any time after the strike or lockout has been inaugurated, if it has any further proposal to make, and so does not need the services of the mediator for that purpose. If both are thus determined to fight it out to a finish there is little chance for a mediator to avert or cut short the strug- gle unless he can find a solution acceptable to both parties, and for some issues that is extremely difficult. If he is unable to find such a solution, he cannot hope to do 49 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION more than bring the two sides into confer- ence when one is so crippled as to be ready to concede something but not willing to ask for terms, and thus secure a settlement slightly earlier than would have been pos- sible without mediation. CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL SYSTEM A plan embracing the constitution and powers of a state agency of mediation is here outlined with respect to the officers who should mediate, the considerations which should govern their appointment, and the de- gree of discretion which should be left them as to whether and when to offer their services. The Officers. — Mediation should be in- trusted to a person or set of persons entirely distinct from those who are designated to act as arbitrators or to conduct public investiga- tions. The function of the mediator cannot be most successfully discharged when there is 50 MEDIATION a possibility that the mediator may be forced later to pass judgment on the contentions of the parties. 1 The plan of having a chief mediator and assistants appears to be better than that of having a board of three col- leagues of equal rank. The nature of the work of mediation is such that, other things being equal, better results can usually be se- cured through one man, availing himself, if necessary, of the assistance of another man or two other men, but following his own judgment and giving a unity to the sug- gestions and recommendations made to the parties. Obviously, it is much easier to secure one man with the proper personal qualifications for the work of mediation than to secure three. Moreover, a greater continuity of policy is possible under the chief mediator plan, and reputation gained through past 1 See pp. 78, 94-95. 51 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION services is more valuable when associated with the name of an individual than with that of a board or bureau. Finally, one man act- ing with individual responsibility in all cases will accumulate more valuable experience and a more intimate acquaintance with men, with the industries, and with the issues that arise, than he would if acting as a member of a board. These are the qualifications, other than personality, which make for success in mediation, and that plan should be adopted which aids most in the development of them. Appointment of the Mediators. — It is hardly necessary to insist that the creation of an agency of mediation will not secure the desired results unless the mediators com- mand the confidence of the employers and workers in their ability and impartiality. If this is to be gained everything which causes the industrial public to mistrust the purposes for which the mediation office is conducted or 52 MEDIATION the motives which govern the selection of the mediators must be avoided. It is, therefore, very important that the offices of chief medi- ator and assistant mediator should be placed above the belief that these offices are being used as a reward for party services, expected or past, or disposed of so as to "strengthen" a particular political party in any way other than through the faithful and capable per- formance of their duties by the incumbents. One of the chief obstacles to the usefulness of state agencies of mediation and arbitra- tion in the past has been the belief of a large number of persons, workmen as well as em- ployers, to whom their services have been of- fered, that the positions of the members of the boards or bureaus were "party jobs" and that the members were trying to justify in some way the existence of their sinecures or attempting to secure a settlement which would redound to the advantage of their re- 53 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION spective political parties. It is very difficult even for mediators of proved ability, fairness, and tact to realize the full possibilities of usefulness while the impression now prevail- ing in many quarters as to the grounds of their selection and the motives which guide them in their intervention remains. Fur- thermore, if any employer or group of workers refuses to allow the state mediator or mediators to intervene in a dispute, it should not be possible that a real or alleged disregard for the mediator or mediators as mere party spoilsmen should be accepted by any considerable body of citizens as a full or even partial defense of the refusal. The chief mediator should not only be free from reasonable suspicion that he is a party spoilsman, but should also have the confi- dence of the employers and workers of the State as to his knowledge and fairness in dealing with industrial relations. The 54 MEDIATION standing of the office can not be guaranteed in these respects by any mechanical plan of selection, but it seems wise to place the selec- tion of the chief mediator in the hands of a board which deals with industrial relations and which represents within its membership the interests of the employers and the workers of the State as such, but is intended as a board to be partial to neither. The in- dustrial commissions which have recently been created in several of the states are in- tended to be boards of this character and in a State in which such a board exists it should nominate the chief mediator. The selection of the chief mediator by a board of this kind would probably secure for this officer a bet- ter standing with the employers and em- ployees of the State than direct appointment by the governor without such nomination. Once appointed, the chief mediator should be regarded as the head of an independent de- 55 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION partment of the State Government and not made responsible to any commission or other department. His term of office should be of sufficient length to give him independence. New York has furnished an example, for a number of years, of a bureau of mediation working under unfavorable conditions sur- rounding the appointment of its members. Until the creation of the Industrial Com- mission in 1915, the chief mediator and his assistants were appointed by the Commis- sioner of Labor and for a number of years that office was held by men who had previ- ously been trade union officers. The last Commissioner of Labor to serve was an ex- president of a national union. Moreover, the four assistant mediators, all of whom have been in office for several years, are men who have at one time or another been connected with labor organizations. In many cases neither the previous union 56 MEDIATION affiliation of the assistant mediators nor the fact that the chief mediator held his office through appointment by an ex-president of a labor union made them any the less accept- able to the employers, but in many other cases it did. A number of employers stated in interviews that they assumed that the mediators merely aimed to secure from the employer the most favorable possible terms for the men. An employer who holds this opinion is not likely to give the mediator his full confidence or to accept his suggestions. On the other hand, many employers stated that they found the mediators very fair. For example, one of the mediators who was formerly an officer of a labor organization has acted a number of times as the third man in boot and shoe price arbitrations in Brook- lyn. The first time he served at the request of the employers, with the acquiescence of the men, and since then he has been called 57 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION on as a matter of course by both parties. The point urged here is that previous trade union affiliation does not necessarily disqualify a man as mediator. Many former trade union leaders have made first-class mediators in those cases in which their serv- ices were accepted in good faith by both parties, and they have, in fact, made them- selves acceptable to many employers. But in many cases the trade unionist is handi- capped. It is easy to see that he would prob- ably be much less acceptable to an employer or association of employers opposed to deal- ing with labor unions than a mediator who had no union affiliations. The same objec- tion lies also against a mediator who has not been a unionist, if he holds office at the pleas- ure of a chief who has been a prominent union officer. An illustration is found also in the his- tory of the Ohio board. There was always 58 MEDIATION one trade union member on the board and for many years a well-known ex-president of a national union served as the representative of the workers. This man was personally well qualified to act in most cases, but he found that his former trade union connec- tion prejudiced many employers against him. Entirely aside from their belief that he must favor union recognition, they were reluctant to deal with him because they felt that in re- ceiving him they would be recognizing trade unionism, inasmuch as he was admittedly the representative of organized labor on the board. Disputes involving the refusal of employers to recognize unions have not been unimportant in Ohio. In its 1912 report the board gave as one of the chief causes of strikes and lockouts "the refusal of certain employers to recognize labor unions or deal with the officers, committees, or other author- ized representatives of their workmen in the 59 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION adjustment of differences." As the ex- president of a national union was the only salaried member of the board and conse- quently the one who naturally first attempted to get in touch with the parties, the opposi- tion of so many of the employers to receiv- ing him in good faith made it much more dif- ficult for the board to get good results. Similarly, a man who had been a non- union employer or the representative of a non-union employer or of an "open shop" organization would be unacceptable to a union as a mediator. It would probably be even more fatal to choose such a man than to choose a trade unionist. The undesirability of choosing the chief mediator from the trade union ranks is emphasized at greater length merely because union men are actually chosen much more frequently as state mediators than are representatives of non-union or open shop employers. 60 MEDIATION The chief mediator should be allowed to nominate his assistants, if assistants are needed. If, as is assumed, he has had no previous trade union affiliations, he will find it helpful to have one assistant who has been a member of a labor organization and has in- timate knowledge of the viewpoint and poli- cies of labor organizations. On the other hand, he should also have the opportunity of securing the assistance of a man who has been an employer, or a manager or superintend- ent, and has thus had experience in employ- ing and dealing with men. Until such time as the chief mediator gains the full confi- dence of the parties to controversies he will find these men of great assistance in opening the way for the acceptance of his services. Even after the mediator has won the general confidence of the industrial public, cases will arise in which unduly suspicious or obstinate parties can more successfully be brought to 61 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION deal with the other party by an official who it is thought understands their case. The assistant mediators can be used also to make the preliminary inquiries in disputes, and the less serious or less difficult of these they will probably be able to settle without calling in the chief mediator. This plan has been tried in Ohio by the chief mediator and works very well. Powers of Mediation. — It is important that the mediators should be empowered to offer their services before a strike or lockout actually occurs, if in the judgment of the chief mediator a stoppage is imminent. Provision should be made that either party may request intervention before a strike or lockout. Both the Massachusetts and the New York laws put cases in which a strike or lockout "is seriously threatened" on an equality, in this respect, with those in which a strike or lockout has actually occurred. 62 MEDIATION The same is true of the old Ohio law, and under the present Ohio law the chief media- tor in the exercise of his discretion has intervened in such cases. In all three States the mediators are unanimous in the opinion that many disputes which result in strikes or lockouts could be amicably adjusted if the mediators had knowledge of the trouble be- fore the strike or lockout occurs. In all three States, also, the mediators follow their own judgment as to whether a strike or lock- out is really seriously threatened when in- formed that such is the case. That discre- tion should be left them. If mediation has not been requested by one or both of the parties, the mediators should be allowed to use their discretion as to whether mediation should be offered, and if so, at what time, even in cases in which strikes or lockouts have actually occurred. It is not desirable that mediation should be offered in 63 mediation; and arbitration all cases immediately upon the occurrence of the strike or lockout. A number of strikes can be and are settled by the parties involved after a few days' cessation of work, without any serious inconvenience to the public from the stoppage. It is not desirable that the state mediators should intervene in such cases. On the other hand, in another large class of cases attempted mediation is almost certain to be fruitless in the first week or ten days of the strike or lockout. Sometimes, when the strikers are but newly organized, the union leaders wish to keep them out for several days at least, in order to further the work of organization and to test their union- ism under fire. In other cases, each side knows the other's position and each is deter- mined not to yield while it sees a good chance for a complete victory. Unless a public utility is involved it would seem better to withhold the proffer of mediation until the 64 MEDIATION parties are in a mood to cooperate in the at- tempt to secure an adjustment; nothing is to be gained for the principle of mediation by prematurely urging mediation upon parties who are determined not to settle at that time. It seems better, therefore, not to impose the obligation of immediate intervention in all cases coming to the knowledge of the medi- ators. The mediators should be required to offer their services as soon as may be prac- ticable in all cases in which their intervention is requested by one or both parties ; and em- powered to intervene in other cases at the dis- cretion of the chief mediator. II INVESTIGATION The treatment of public investigation and public recommendation as a means of termi- nating labor disputes in which mediation has failed must, as in the case of arbitration, be confined practically to Massachusetts and New York. The present Ohio law, adopted in 1913, makes no specific provision for in- vestigation, and the powers conferred upon the Board of Arbitration and Conciliation by the old law, of making an inquiry and pub- lishing a decision on the merits of every dis- pute which it was unable to bring to a con- clusion, were practically not exercised by the board. The Massachusetts and New York laws have produced a number of public investigations and subsequent recommenda- 66 INVESTIGATION tions which have led to settlements, and these results indicate that much can be accom- plished by investigation and recommendation if these are made by boards in which the parties and the public have confidence. The experience of New York and Massachusetts in this field under their existing laws, when compared with the results obtained in Canada under the Industrial Disputes Act and with the results obtained by private con- ciliation boards, leads to the conclusion that the work of investigation and, if necessary, recommendation can most successfully be performed by a special board created for that purpose in each case. A plan for the constitution of special boards along these lines is therefore suggested. THE EXISTING LAW The Massachusetts law imposes upon the State Board of Conciliation and Arbitration 67 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the obligation of investigation in every case in which the mediation of the board is not fol- lowed by a settlement, for the purpose of as- certaining the cause of the strike or lockout and of placing the responsibility or blame for its existence or continuance. Since 1914 the board has also been required by law to "make and publish a report finding such cause and assigning such responsibility of blame," "unless a settlement of the contro- versy is reached." Prior to 1914 the mak- ing and publication of a report stating the cause and assigning blame was optional with the board, though the board was under obli- gation to conduct an investigation in all such cases. In New York a "board of mediation and arbitration" investigates in cases in which the mediators are unable to secure a settlement, if ordered to do so by the Industrial Com- mission. 1 For these investigations the board 68 INVESTIGATION is made up of the chief mediator and two other officers of the department, designated by the commission ; * as a matter of practice two of the assistant mediators are chosen for this duty. In both Massachusetts and New York the board, when conducting an investi- gation, has power to compel the appearance of witnesses, to require testimony under oath, etc. RESULTS In neither Massachusetts nor New York has the power of conducting public investi- gations been widely used. The great bulk of the cases in which mediation fails to secure a settlement have been allowed to pass with- out such formal investigation and report. This is because the mediators believe that in these cases no useful purpose would be served by a formal investigation. The members of 1 Until May 22, 1915, by the Commissioner of Labor. 69 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the board have been averse to holding up one side to public disapproval, particularly after the issue has been virtually decided. They have felt that unless an investigation would lead to an agreement it would be bad policy for a board primarily constituted for mediation to hold a public investigation which could serve only the purpose of find- ing one side or both blameworthy. The same considerations led the old Ohio board to refrain from using its powers of public in- vestigation and recommendation. There- fore, until very recently the policy in both Massachusetts and New York has been to conduct no further investigation than that necessarily involved in mediation, save in very exceptional cases. In the past few years the Massachusetts board has been much more active in holding formal investigations with public hearings, in cases in which mediation has failed. It 70 INVESTIGATION was in line with this stiffening of policy that the law was changed in 1914 so as to make the publication of a report, as well as an inves- tigation in such cases, compulsory. Even now, however, the board does not conduct public investigations and give its reports wide publicity in all cases in which mediation fails to result in a settlement. If the board's more or less informal investigation and direct suggestions to the parties result in a settle- ment no further publicity is given the find- ings as to cause or blame. For the past several years it has been the policy of the board to make a "recommendation" to the parties after the investigation as to what should be done to settle the dispute, although it is not required by the law to do so. To frame such constructive recommendations, rather than to assign blame, has usually been its purpose in conducting its investigations, and in most of these cases the recommenda- 71 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION tions of the board have been accepted by the parties as the basis of a settlement. The value of a public investigation and the publication of its findings by the board in an important strike was illustrated in the Bos- ton street car strike of 1912. This strike followed the discharge of a number of men apparently for joining a newly formed union or for aiding in its organization. The com- pany replaced a large proportion of the men by strike-breakers and attempted to main- tain its service. It took the ground that it had filled the places of the men who had left and was operating its cars satisfactorily and that there was no strike on its lines. It re- fused, therefore, to confer with representa- tives of the strikers. The board communi- cated with the parties several times, but the company refused to confer with the strikers. The workers were willing to arbitrate but the company was not. About three weeks 72 INVESTIGATION after the strike was inaugurated the strikers requested the board to hold an investigation. The board held a series of hearings and about six weeks after the strike began made a report. In its report the board stated that the men were justified in believing that many of the employees had been discharged for joining the union or for activity in its forma- tion, and that "many of the company's cars are being operated by men whose conduct does not meet the approval of the traveling public." It added a recommendation that the parties attempt by conference to arrive at an amicable settlement. About a week later an agreement was reached by the com- pany and the representatives of the union, in which it was provided that certain matters with reference to which the parties were un- able to agree should be left to the board for final decision. In 1913 the board in at least two cases sent 73 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION a recommendation to the strikers, after con- ducting 1 an investigation, to call the strike off. In both cases the strikers were for the most part immigrants who did not speak English and had left their work without first formu- lating and presenting their grievances. In neither case did they have an organization be- fore the strike, and both strikes were con- ducted by leaders who represented the In- dustrial Workers of the World. The employer refused in both cases to deal with the strike leaders. The board's recommen- dation was made in both cases in the form of a letter to the strikers. In one case the strikers returned to work at once; in the other the strike collapsed about a week after the board made its recommendation. Where the issue is more specifically one of fact, an investigation is very likely to lead to a recommendation which both sides will accept. Two of the cases on which the 74 INVESTIGATION board made specific reports in 1914 were dis- putes over discharges. In one case, involv- ing milk-wagon drivers for a Boston com- pany, the decision was adverse to the strikers. In the other, the board recommended that striking laundry workers in Brockton and their employer submit the discharges in con- troversy to arbitration. In both cases the recommendations were accepted. In wage disputes, too, an investigation is likely to lead to a settlement by bringing out how the wages paid compare with wages paid else- where for similar work or how wages have advanced as compared with the cost of living. If made upon application from both par- ties, a report on the facts found, which does not deal with the cause of the strike nor at- tempt to place responsibility, may have prac- tically the effect of an arbitration. In 1914, the board made a special report "in the mat- ter of the joint application of" a company 75 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION "and its Dye House Hands for an investiga- tion and a report." This investigation cov- ered wages, output of the workers, and con- ditions. The board employed experts nominated by the parties and "heard the parties by their duly authorized representa- tives" as it does in arbitration proceedings on similar issues in the boot and shoe indus- try. It did not recommend that any par- ticular wages should be paid, but reported that it found the conditions and wages at least as good as those given by the company's competitors and that therefore it had not found that the company "pays a wage which is unfair to its employees as dye-house hands." Both parties accepted this finding as conclusive; in fact it was understood be- fore the investigation that they would. The emploj T er had stated that he would give as good conditions and wages as the board found in the shops of other employers. This 76 INVESTIGATION was, therefore, an arbitration in everything but name, although the employer objected to accepting "arbitration." This case suggests the possibilities of a kind of informal arbitration in cases in which the issue can be decided by the determination of matters of fact which are in dispute. This procedure is possible while a strike con- tinues, whereas under the law arbitration by the board is not. There is nothing in the Massachusetts law, however, specifically per- mitting the board to investigate and report except to ascertain the cause of a strike and assign responsibility or blame. In New York, also, investigation has been resorted to more frequently in the past few years than in the earlier years. Commis- sioner Lynch stated in his first report in 1913 that it would be his policy to order investiga- tions in those disputes in which there is a large public concern. In pursuance of this 77 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION policy public investigations were held in the next two years in several strikes involving public utilities or affecting the main industry of 'a community. A lockout of employees for membership in a labor organization, also, was investigated. In most of the cases a settlement followed the investigation, but in at least two cases the employers rejected the recommendations of the board of investiga- tion. In one of these the employers publicly attacked the recommendation as against the evidence, and declared that the board was prejudiced in favor of the men. The trade union affiliations of two of the three members of the board and the fact that the Commis- sioner of Labor who ordered the investiga- tion was an ex-president of a national trade union were cited as indicating that the board was not impartial. In another case — the lockout in the Syracuse steel mill referred to above — the Commissioner of Labor ordered 78 INVESTIGATION an investigation after the mediators had failed to secure a settlement. The board of investigation recommended that the com- pany reemploy the members of the union without discrimination against them because of union membership, but the company ignored the recommendation. It thus appears that the use of the power of investigation has hastened settlements in Massachusetts and — in a much smaller num- ber of cases — in New York. This has come about in two ways. The investigation has settled disputed points of fact or has shown the two sides that they were nearer together than they thought, and has consequently led to an agreement through further mediation or through direct negotiation. In other cases, the investigation has led one or both sides, usually one side, to recede from a po- sition which it did not care to maintain in the full light of publicity. 79 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION In some cases the threat of investigation has undoubtedly led employers to accept terms of settlement which they considered unfair, in order to avoid having business af- fairs not directly connected with labor mat- ters given publicity. This danger should not exist nor should coercion of this char- acter be exercised. The only pressure which can properly be exerted through investiga- tion is that of public opinion concentrated upon a recommendation believed by the public to be a fair basis of settlement. PLAN FOR BOARDS OF MEDIATION AND INVESTIGATION The experience of Massachusetts and New York leads to the conclusion that it would be very useful to make provision in all indus- trial States for the appointment of a board to hold an investigation, report on the salient facts, and make recommendations in any case in which such an investigation seems likely 80 INVESTIGATION to hasten a settlement. The occasion of the appointment of the board, and its constitu- tion, plan of action, and powers will be dis- cussed in order. Occasion of Appointment. — The decision whether an investigation should be made af- ter the failure of mediation ought to rest with the chief mediator. This officer, after his work in the case, is better qualified than any- one else to decide whether investigation and recommendation are likely to be helpful in restoring industrial peace. Moreover, the right to call for an investigation, if the par- ties are inclined to be unreasonable, will give him a stronger position as a mediator in cases in which a settlement is delayed through obstinacy rather than in defense of a principle. Constitution of Board. — Such investiga- tions should be intrusted to special boards of three persons. One member should be nom- 81 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION inated by each party to the controversy, but should not himself be involved in it, and these two should select a third. If either side fails to select a representative, or the two fail to select a third within a specified time, the State Board of Arbitration should make the selection. There are several reasons why investi- gations should be conducted by special boards and not by the state mediators or by the State Board of Arbitration. In the first place, if a public investigation results in a recommendation displeasing to one of the parties, the acceptability of the mediators or arbitrators in the discharge of their main functions may be seriously impaired. The function of the mediator is of primary im- portance and his reputation for fairness should not be put in jeopardy by requiring him to make decisions on disputes. The Board of Arbitration, as is explained in the 82 INVESTIGATION next chapter, renders its service by passing on questions submitted to it voluntarily by both sides. Moreover, the mere fact that mediation may be followed by an investiga- tion in which the mediator will appear in the role of an investigator would prevent the mediator from securing those confiden- tial relations with the parties which are es- sential to the success of his work as media- tor. Secondly, a special board made up in this way has an important advantage in that it gives each side a direct representative on the board. Another opportunity is thereby pre- sented for representatives of the two sides to agree on terms acceptable to their respective sides before the investigation is carried to the point of a recommendation. Practically, the appointment of the special board offers another chance for joint conferences between persons who are representatives of the sides 83 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION but not parties to the dispute. The expe- rience of .trades governed by agreements which provide for the reference of disputes to joint committees made up of the same number of disinterested persons from each side shows that the possibilities of this method of reference in disposing of disputes are very great. Moreover, even if the two representatives cannot reach an agreement by themselves they may be brought into agreement by the chairman acting as a mediator. For this reason the board should be termed a board of "mediation and investi- gation," or of "conciliation and investiga- tion" as in Canada. In the operation of the Canadian Industrial Disputes Act the chair- man of the board has in many cases brought the other two members into an agreement on a recommendation. The success of the boards as agencies of conciliation is due largely to the fact that so many of the boards 84 INVESTIGATION have had as chairmen persons who had pre- viously acted in that capacity. Publication of Recommendations. — If no agreement results during the investigation, the report of the board of mediation and in- vestigation, including its recommendations, should be transmitted to the parties and made public. The parties should be invited to a conference with the board at which the recommendations are explained and the grounds on which they are based stated. If the parties accept the recommendations of the board, provision should be made for con- vening the board later if any dispute as to the meaning of the terms of the recommenda- tions arises. Powers of the Board. — The board of medi- ation and investigation should be given the same powers of investigation as are now con- ferred on boards of investigation in Massa- chusetts and New York. The expenses of 85 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the investigation, including a proper per diem allowance to the members of the board, should be paid by the State. In certain classes of disputes, such as those affecting transportation agencies and other public utilities, the public is deeply concerned that there shall be no interruption of service. It is not proposed to prohibit strikes or lockouts in these cases but it is believed that the adoption of the plan here outlined would greatly minimize, if it did not entirely prevent such interruptions. Great pressure would rest upon both parties to refrain from hostilities until after the board of mediation and investigation had made its report, since any other course would bring public condemnation. The recom- mendations made by the board would also become a rallying point for public opinion, if the public had confidence in the board. Experience up to the present has not clearly 86 INVESTIGATION established that legal prohibitions would be more effective in preventing interruptions of work. Both in Australasia and in Can- ada such interruptions have occurred in spite of laws prohibiting them. In 1912, Sir George Askwith, Chairman of the Industrial Council of the United Kingdom, who has had an extensive experi- ence in dealing with industrial disputes, made a study of the operation of the Cana- dian Industrial Disputes Act. In his re- port to the Imperial Government on the subject he expressed the following views as to the compulsory features of the act: It will have been gathered from the preceding explanation of the working of the Act that where it was frankly accepted as a means of preventing disputes it has worked extremely well, but where, for reasons, some apparent and others which can only be guessed at, its introduction has been re- sented, it has not succeeded to the same extent. In such latter cases where, by the imposition of penalties, efforts have been made to enforce the 87 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION Act the results have not been satisfactory. . . . The question then arises, what is the real value of the Act, and can any points in the Act be suit- ably adapted to this country? Is the restriction upon the right of proclaiming a lockout or strike so much of the essence of the Act as to make the Act of no effect if such restrictions were not com- pulsory? And do the penalties which are pro- posed to be enforced for breach of the restrictions of the Act add to its value? In my opinion the real value of the Act does not lie in either of these propositions, and certainly not in the second. The pith of the Act lies in permitting the parties and the public to obtain full knowledge of the real cause of the dispute, and in causing suggestions to be made as impar- tially as possible on the basis of such knowledge for dealing with the existing difficulties, whether a strike or lockout has commenced or not. This action on behalf of the public allows an element of calm judgment to be introduced into the dispute which, at the time, the parties themselves may be unable to exercise. Ill ARBITRATION Except in Massachusetts, but few disputes have been submitted to the state board for arbitration. In New York no case has been submitted to the arbitration of the state bu- reau in the past few years, and in Ohio the work of the state board was confined prac- tically to mediation for years before its abo- lition in 1913. The present Ohio law makes no provision for a permanent state board of arbitration. This difference in the records of the boards in favor of the Massachusetts board is due in part to differences in the laws constituting the boards, but in larger part it is due to the activity of the board in making itself useful and so establishing a reputation for impartiality. An analysis of the results obtained in the three States leads 89 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION to the conclusion that there are opportunities for a permanent board to render real service and that a board of the Massachusetts type would secure results worth while in the in- dustrial States. EXISTING LAW The Arbitrators. — The Massachusetts and New York laws make provision for a state board of arbitration which is authorized to decide all disputes voluntarily submitted by both parties. Until 1913, provision was made in Ohio for such a board. In Massa- chusetts the board of arbitration is also the board of mediation. In New York the board is made up of the chief mediator and two other officers of the Department, desig- nated by the Industrial Commission. 1 Powers of the Boards. — In both Massa- chusetts and New York the law provides that 1 Until May 22, 1915, by the Commissioner of Labor. 90 ARBITRATION no case may be submitted to the state board of arbitration while one of the parties is maintaining a strike or lockout. It is a pre- requisite that the employees shall be at work and remain at work during the arbitration proceedings. Both parties must agree, also, to abide by the decision of the board. The Massachusetts law empowers the board, or any member of it, to summon wit- nesses, administer oaths, and take testimony. The New York law empowers the board to subpena witnesses and compel their at- tendance, take and hear testimony, and call for and examine the books, papers, and docu- ments of any parties to the cor trover sy. In Massachusetts the hearings may be private "if requested by the parties" — that is, no public notice is given of the time and place. It is the practice of the board not to give such notice unless it is requested to do so by one of the parties. In New York the period for 91 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION which the board's decision is binding is not prescribed in the law; in Massachusetts the decision is binding for at least sixty days, and for at least six months if neither party gives sixty days' notice of intention not to be further bound by it. RESULTS In New York very few cases have been submitted for arbitration to a state board, and in the last few years none at all. In Ohio, too, in the last few years of the exist- ence of the board, no cases were submitted to it for arbitration. The Massachusetts board, however, has acted in a large number of cases. In the boot and shoe industry the agreements between the Boot and Shoe Workers' Union and the employers specify that all questions of wages or conditions of labor upon which the parties cannot agree shall be submitted to the state board for de- 92 ARBITRATION cision. In 1913, for example, approxi- mately eighty awards were made by the board in this industry. These cases consti- tute the great bulk of the arbitration work done by the board, but they do not exhaust it. Thus in 1913, the board arbitrated in seven cases in other industries than the boot and shoe. Only three of the seven cases involved the terms of a new agreement. Of the other four, two were discharge cases; another in- volved the right of the employer, under an existing agreement, to employ a particular person ; and the fourth, the proper classifica- tion, under the terms of an agreement, of workmen into wage groups. The year 1913 does not seem to have been an abnormal year in the quantity or distribution of the board's arbitration activities, except possibly in the rather high proportion of cases involv- ing the terms of a new agreement. Only 93 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION one of the three cases in this class was sub- mitted after a strike as the result of the board's mediation. The Massachusetts board exerts a con- stant pressure upon all the parties which it aids in reaching agreements to agree to ar- bitrate points that they may be unable to set- tle in the future. Largely on this account, many joint agreements made in Massachu- setts now contain provisions binding the par- ties to refer questions in dispute to the state board of arbitration, in the event of failure to adjust in any other way or to agree upon other arbitrators. The policy of the Massa- chusetts board — and of the mediators in the other two States as well — has been, on the whole, to encourage the parties to submit their cases to arbitrators of their own choos- ing. It is only as a last resort that they urge the disputants to refer questions to the state board for decision. 94 ARBITRATION POSSIBILITIES OF ARBITRATION SERVICE BY A PERMANENT BOARD The experience of the Massachusetts board in arbitration warrants the conclusion that there is a proper and very useful sphere of activity for a permanent state board of arbitration. A number of questions arise from time to time in almost all trades which do not require a detailed knowledge of the industry on the part of the arbitrating body, as for example, questions of discharge in al- leged violation of a clause in an agreement covering discharges. The existence of a state board makes arbitration more likely in such cases than if a special board had to be erected to pass on the case. There are cer- tain other controversies which both sides are willing to have decided by the application of standards which are matters of fact ascer- tainable upon investigation. For example, in many piece-price controversies both sides 95 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION are willing to have the questions decided on the basis of what competing manufacturers pay for the same operations under similar working conditions, but each is unwilling to accept the figures presented by the other side in support of its contention. It would be easier for the parties in such cases to submit the questions to an existing board which could appoint expert assistants to ascertain the prices and conditions in competing fac- tories, than to establish a special tribunal to ascertain these facts. This is what the Massachusetts board does in the boot and shoe industry, and has done recently in at least one textile case. There are other advantages to be derived from a permanent board. Members of a permanent board gain experience in han- dling cases and, if they do their work well, accumulate prestige for the board and accus- tom parties to the idea of arbitration. 96 ARBITRATION Where a permanent state board that actu- ally arbitrates from time to time exists, the framers of trade agreements are likely to agree upon the board as a court of last re- sort for the interpretation of the agreements. Finally, a permanent board which has among its members representatives of employers and employees and yet is, as a body, impar- tial can be utilized for the nomination of an odd member or odd members for special ar- bitration boards*' and for boards of mediation and investigation, when the other members of such boards fail to agree on a nomination. PLAN FOR A BOARD OF ARBITRATION The Arbitrators. — The experience of Massachusetts suggests that the plan fol- lowed in that State in the constitution of the arbitration board is a good one. One mem- ber should be an employer or a member of an employers' association, and one a member 97 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION of a labor organization; these two should nominate the third, but if they are unable to agree he should be appointed by the gover- nor without a nomination. The members of the arbitration board should not serve as mediators. A mediator in a dispute can hardly escape receiving im- pressions as to what should be conceded by one or both sides. Moreover, strong media- tors are likely to make suggestions or even recommendations as to what should be done. Having gone so far into the merits of the controversy they are, of course, not as accept- able to the parties as arbitrators as another set of men would be. Moreover, the useful- ness of the mediators is likely to be greater if the idea that they may later have to decide the questions in controversy is not in the minds of the parties. A mediator's chief function is to help the parties to settle the dis- pute themselves, and this will appear more 98 ARBITRATION clearly, and make his services more accept- able at the outset, if there is no danger that he will urge that he and his colleagues be al- lowed to decide the terms of settlement. The term of not more than one member of the board of arbitration should expire in any year. A six-year term is preferable to a three-year term. A comparison of the ex- perience of Massachusetts with that of Ohio indicates that the annual salary method of payment is preferable to that of a per diem payment if men are expected to give the greater part of their time to the work. Both these boards, however, were also intended to mediate and to investigate as well as to ar- bitrate. It is doubtful if the work of a state board of arbitration — with no other func- tion — would occupy the greater part of the time of its members, at least in the first few years. The case of Massachusetts is, of course, exceptional in that the arbitration MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION agreements in the boot and shoe industry specify the state board of arbitration as the court of last resort. In other States it would probably be better at the outset to pay the members for the time actually given to the work. In appointing members to the board, care should be taken to select men who can serve whenever and as long as they may be needed. Men who are less well-known and esteemed will do more effective work — if honest, intelligent, and fair-minded — than men of known high abilities and of high reputation who would find it impossible to devote sufficient time and energy to the work. Expert Assistants. — A feature of the Massachusetts law, which commends itself highly, is the provision made for the em- ployment of expert assistants by the board in arbitration cases. Each party to the ar- bitration may nominate a person or persons 100 ARBITRATION to act as an expert assistant to the board and the board may then appoint -one from the nominees of each side. .-The fm^ipjiiof*. the expert assistants is to obtain for the board, under its direction, "information concerning the wages paid and the methods and grades of work prevailing in establishments within the commonwealth similar to that in which the controversy exists." The experts must be heard by the board before its final decision in the case is handed down. They are paid by the State at the rate of seven dollars a day and traveling expenses. The employment of experts is confined al- most exclusively to the cases submitted from the boot and shoe industry, because nearly all of the cases from that industry are piece- price cases, while very few of the cases from other industries are of this kind. The ex- perts make their inquiries together and may not submit any evidence to the board on 101 WWVEKSITY OF CAUFOKWA RIVERSIDE MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION which they are not .agreed. The success of the board as a board of arbitration for the boot and shoe industry,' is due chiefly to the use of the expert assistants. It seems ad- visable, therefore, that similar provision for the employment of expert assistants nom- inated by the parties should be made in any plan of state arbitration. The subject mat- ter of their inquiries should not, however, be limited to wages paid and the methods and grades of work prevailing; the board should be allowed to direct them to inquire into and report on any matters which the board feels are pertinent to the case. Powers of the Board. — The arbitration board should be given all the powers in the way of compelling the attendance of wit- nesses and testimony under oath, and the production of books and papers, which it re- quires to secure the information necessary to reach a decision. The need of compulsion 102 ARBITRATION will seldom arise, however, for parties who submit voluntarily to arbitration will ordi- narily supply the board with all the informa- tion in their possession. Yet the parties will be more likely to submit to arbitration such questions as piece prices, if assured that the board will be able to get exact data. More- over, it may be desirable for the board to se- cure trustworthy information as to wages or working conditions in establishments not in- volved in the controversy, and such data may not be obtainable unless the board has the powers of a court. It should be stipulated that no information as to an employer's busi- ness except as to wages or working condi- tions shall be made public by the board unless he agrees beforehand that it shall be. ENCOURAGEMENT OF FORMATION OF SPECIAL BOARDS In all three of the States studied a prefer- ence was found, in most classes of cases, for 103 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION special boards over a permanent state board, as an arbitrating body, and in all three States the laws encourage the formation of such boards. Both employers and workers expressed generally a disinclination to leave matters to the decision of persons who "know nothing about the business." In fact, the cases which are likely to be referred to a permanent State board in any number are limited in character — cases involving dis- charges in alleged violation of agreement, the interpretation of existing agreements, and the settlement of piece prices when both sides are satisfied to accept prices set on the basis of what competing factories are paying. In all these cases there is agreement between the parties as to the general principles which should govern the decision — it is merely the application of the principle which is in doubt. In such matters as the basic or minimum rate of wages to be paid, the length of the work- 104 ARBITRATION ing day, and the ratio of apprentices, the parties, if they are willing to arbitrate at all, will in all likelihood continue to prefer spe- cial boards constituted by themselves. In Massachusetts, preference is frequently shown for a special board when certain classes of questions are involved, because it is felt that the state board will decide these ques- tions by the application of certain standards which the party is not willing to accept. For example, it is widely believed that the board will decide a wage demand by compari- son with wages paid for the same work under similar conditions elsewhere in the State. Workers who are receiving higher wages than are paid in competing cities will, there- fore, naturally avoid arbitration by the state board. One of the clearest opportunities for serv- ice by the State in promoting resort to arbi- tration lies in facilitating the formation of 105 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION special boards of arbitration through aiding the appointees of the parties in the selection of the odd man or men. The state board of arbitration is the logical body to perform this duty for the State. The law should there- fore specifically empower the state board, when requested, to select a man or men to act with the appointees of the parties. It should also allow the state board itself to act with the appointees if invited by them. In all three of the States studied, as noted above, the law encourages the formation of special boards, known as "local" or "tempo- rary" boards. The New York and Massa- chusetts laws prescribe the constitution of these boards. The New York law provides that one member must be chosen by the em- ployer or employers and one by the em- ployees and that these two shall select the third. The Massachusetts law provides that the local board shall be made up in the same 106 ARBITRATION way or composed of "three members mutu- ally agreed upon." The New York law allows the local board, through its chairman, to "subpena wit- nesses, compel their attendance, and to take and hear testimony." It does not give the local boards the power given to the state board to "call for and examine books, papers and documents of any parties to the contro- versy." Under the Massachusetts law and the old Ohio law local boards have all the powers of the state board, and as any mem- ber of the board in Massachusetts has all the powers of the board to summon and examine witnesses, books, papers, etc., it is under- stood by the state board that any member of a local board has these powers also. It has been urged that no member of a special board should be allowed to exercise these powers alone. The fact that the workmen's ap- pointee on a local board has the power alone 107 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION to compel the production of the employer's books, or to put the employer on the stand and question him, is said to deter many em- ployers from submitting questions to such boards. The New York law requires that for a local board to be constituted under the law with the powers described above, each mem- ber must sign an agreement to serve and must take an oath to discharge his duties faith- fully and impartially. The Massachusetts law does not require that formal notice of the formation of the board shall be given. If each party selects its representative and these two select a third, they may proceed forthwith to exercise all the powers of the state board. The New York law makes no provision for the payment of members of local boards of arbitration. The Massachusetts law pro- vides for payment of the arbitrators by the 108 ARBITRATION local unit of government, but payment is to be made only with the approval in writing of the local authorities, and the remuneration is only three dollars a day for each day of actual service, which may not exceed ten days. The old Ohio law contained a similar provision. The local authorities in Ohio at times refused to pay, however, and the state board repeatedly urged that the law be so amended as to compel payment of the per diem and traveling expenses due, upon cer- tification of the amount by the state board. On the whole, these provisions seem to be of doubtful value in promoting resort to ar- bitration. If the State facilitates the forma- tion of special boards by helping the parties to get a chairman it has done all that can reasonably be expected of it. The parties should themselves pay the members and defray the expenses of the proceedings. There seems to be no good reason for giving 109 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION these special boards the powers of a state board in compelling testimony under oath or the production of books. If the issue hinges on a matter of fact which is ascertainable only by court procedure it should be submit- ted to the state board. If the issue is a mat- ter of industrial policy the special board should contain within itself sufficient infor- mation as to the industry, or be able to get it, without using the powers of a court to decide the question before it. IV PROPOSED PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM OF MEDIATION, INVESTIGATION, AND AR- BITRATION The following plan contains the essential provisions necessary to give the foregoing suggestions legal effect. I There shall be a chief mediator, who shall be appointed by the governor on the nomi- nation of the Industrial Commission for a term of seven years. He shall receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars and his necessary traveling expenses. The chief mediator may appoint not more than two assistant mediators. Each shall perform such duties as are assigned to him by the chief mediator. The term of office 111 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION of each assistant mediator shall be one year. Each shall receive an annual salary of not less than two thousand nor more than three thousand dollars, to be determined for each by the chief mediator, and his necessary traveling expenses. Whenever a strike or lockout occurs within the State, or an industrial dispute arises which seriously threatens to terminate in a strike or lockout, the chief mediator shall, if requested by one or both of the parties to the dispute, endeavor to bring about a settlement of the controversy. Whenever the chief mediator has knowledge, otherwise than through a request for intervention from one or both of the parties to the dispute, that a strike or lockout or an industrial dispute which threatens to terminate in a strike or lockout exists within the State, he shall make inquiries as to the nature of the dispute and of the number of persons involved, and if in 112 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM his judgment an offer of mediation is advis- able he shall offer his services or those of one or more of the assistant mediators to the parties and endeavor to secure an amicable settlement of the controversy ii If the chief mediator is unable to bring about an agreement in any industrial dispute or an agreement to arbitrate the dispute, and no settlement is otherwise reached, and if in his judgment it is advisable that a special board of mediation and investigation be ap- pointed to endeavor to secure a settlement of the dispute, he shall make application in due form to the State Board of Arbitration for the appointment of such a board, and the State Board of Arbitration shall proceed forthwith to the establishment of such a board of mediation and investigation. Every board of mediation and investiga- tion shall consist of three persons, to be ap- 113 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION pointed by the State Board of Arbitration upon application made in due form by the chief mediator of the State. Upon receipt of such application the State Board of Arbitration shall notify each party to the controversy that such a board is to be established and request each party to nominate in writing one person not a party to the controversy to serve as a member of such board. If such nomination is made within three days the State Board of Arbi- tration shall appoint the person so nominated a member of the board of mediation and in- vestigation, and if either party fails to nomi- nate a person within three days, the State Board of Arbitration shall appoint a prop- erly qualified person to serve. The two per- sons so appointed shall nominate a person to serve as the third member of the board and the person so nominated shall be appointed a member of the board by the State Board of 114 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM Arbitration, and shall act as its chairman. If within three days after the appointment of the first two members no nomination of a third person is received, the State Board of Arbitration shall proceed to appoint a third member of the board of mediation and in- vestigation and the person so appointed shall act as chairman of the board. The chairman of the board of mediation and investigation shall convene the board as soon as may be practicable, in the locality in which the strike or lockout has occurred or is threatened, or if more than one locality within the State is affected, in that locality which in his judgment is most advisable, and the board shall proceed to ascertain the causes of the dispute and other facts perti- nent to the failure of the parties to agree upon an amicable adjustment, and endeavor to secure an amicable settlement of the dis- pute. 115 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION If the board of mediation and investiga- tion is unable to secure an amicable settle- ment of the controversy it shall make a writ- ten report stating the causes of the contro- versy and such other facts as in its judgment are responsible for the failure of the parties to agree upon a settlement, and shall recom- mend what should be done by each of the parties to the controversy. A copy of the report shall be transmitted to the governor of the State and a copy filed with the mayor or clerk of each city or town in which the controversy exists, to be open to public in- spection. A copy of the report shall also be transmitted to each of the parties to the con- troversy. The board may, if it deems advisable, ap- point a time and place for a conference with each of the parties on the terms of its recom- mendations. Either party to the original controversy may at any time within one year 116 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM from the date of the first report of the special board apply to the chairman of such board for a reconvening of the board to decide any dispute arising as to the meaning of any of the terms of the written recommendations made by the board, provided that such party has previously agreed in writing to be bound by such recommendation for a period of at least six months, and the chairman shall en- deavor to reconvene the board forthwith for this purpose. Before entering upon their duties the members of the board shall be sworn to the faithful performance thereof. The board shall be empowered to compel the appearance of witnesses and to administer oaths to wit- nesses and to compel the production of books and papers which it believes to contain in- formation pertinent to the matters in dispute. The fees of witnesses for travel and attend- ance shall be the same as those for witnesses 117 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION before the highest court of the State. The board may hold sessions in any locality within the State where it deems such sessions necessary. The board may also appoint properly qualified expert assistants, one upon nomination made by each party, to ob- tain and report to the board information necessary to the proper discharge of its duties by the board. The board may also ap- point such other expert assistants as it may judge necessary. The expert assistants shall receive seven dollars a day for each day of actual service, and their necessary travel- ing expenses. Each member of the special board of medi- ation and investigation shall receive ten dol- lars for each day of actual service, and his necessary traveling expenses. in There shall be a State Board of Arbitra- tion, consisting of three persons, to be ap- 118 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM pointed by the Governor. Of the three members first appointed one shall be ap- pointed for a term of six years, one for four years, and one for two years, and thereafter the term for each member shall be six years. One member of the board shall be an em- ployer, or shall be selected from an associa- tion representing employers of labor, one shall be selected from a labor organization, and the third shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the other two. If these two members fail to nominate a third at least thirty days prior to the expiration of a term or within thirty days after the occurrence of a vacancy, the Governor shall then appoint a third member without such nomination. The third member shall act as chairman of the board. Each member shall, before enter- ing upon the duties of his office, be sworn to the faithful performance thereof. The board may appoint, and remove, a secretary, 119 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION who shall not be a member of the board, and who shall receive an annual salary of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than three thousand dollars, as may be determined by the board. Any industrial dispute existing within the State, which involves twenty-five or more persons and seriously threatens to result in a strike or lockout, may be submitted by the parties to the State Board of Arbitration for decision. The application shall be signed by the employer and by a majority of his em- ployees in the department in which the con- troversy exists, and if signed by an agent claiming to represent a majority of the em- ployees, the board shall satisfy itself that he is duly authorized to do so; but the names of the employees giving the authority shall be kept secret. The application shall contain a concise statement of the existing contro- versy and a promise not to resort to a strike 120 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM or lockout pending the decision of the board, if given within two weeks of the date of the filing of the application, and to accept such decision as binding for a period of one year or until sixty days after written notice has been given to the other party, and to the board, of intention not to be bound by it. Upon receipt of such application or appli- cations signed by both parties to the contro- versy, the board shall proceed as soon as may be practicable to hear the parties or their duly authorized representatives and to take such other testimony, examine such books and papers, and institute such other inquiries as it may deem necessary for the proper dis- charge of its duties, and shall then make a written decision stating what shall be done or submitted to by each party to the contro- versy. A copy of the decision shall be trans- mitted to each of the parties and a copy en- tered in the records of the board. If either 121 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION applicant fails to perform the promise made in the application the board shall proceed no further toward a decision unless requested in writing by the adverse party. In all arbitration cases above described the board shall have power to summon witnesses, administer oaths and to compel the produc- tion of such books and papers as the board may believe to contain information bearing directly upon the matters in dispute. But no information as to the business of any em- ployer other than as to wages or conditions of employment shall be received publicly or made public by the board without the con- sent of such employer. The fees of wit- nesses before the board, for attendance and travel, shall be the same as those of witnesses before the highest court of the State. In all arbitration cases submitted to the board each party may nominate in writing fit persons to act as expert assistants to the 122 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM board and the board may appoint one from among the persons so nominated by each party. Such expert assistants must be skilled in and conversant with the business or trade in which the controversy exists. They shall be sworn by the board to the faithful performance of their duties and shall, under the direction of the board, obtain and re- port such information as the board may judge necessary to the decision of the case, and they may submit to the board at any time before a final decision is given any facts, advice, arguments, or suggestions which they may consider applicable to the case. No de- cision shall be announced by the board in a case in which expert assistants have acted, without notice to them of a time and place for a conference with the board on the mat- ters included in the proposed decision. The board may appoint such additional expert assistants as it deems necessary, with- 123 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION out nomination by the parties, which as- sistants shall be qualified in like manner and shall perform, under the direction of the board, duties similar to those performed by experts who are nominated by the parties. The expert assistants shall receive from the State seven dollars each for each day of actual service and their necessary traveling expenses. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Arbitration to proceed immediately upon ap- plication in due form by the chief mediator of the State, to the establishment of a special board of mediation and investigation as pro- vided in the act governing the establishment of such boards. The members of the Board of Arbitration shall receive from the State ten dollars each for each day of actual service, and their necessary traveling expenses. 124 PLAN FOR A STATE SYSTEM IV Any parties to an industrial dispute ex- isting within the State, who have agreed in writing to submit the matters in controversy to a board of arbitration to be made up of one or more persons chosen by each of the parties and one or more persons to be selected by the persons appointed by the parties, may, upon the failure of their appointees to agree upon an additional person, make a written application which shall be signed by both parties, or their duly authorized representa- tives, to the State Board of Arbitration, stat- ing these facts and requesting the State Board of Arbitration to nominate a person or persons to act as an additional member or members of such board. Such application may also be made by the persons chosen by the parties to act as members of the board. The State Board of Arbitration shall within 125 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION three days of the receipt of such application nominate a person to act as the additional member of the board. If requested by both parties the three members of the state board may act with the appointees of the parties as a board of arbitration, but when acting as members of such a board they shall exercise none of the powers of the State Board of Ar- bitration. n NATIONAL AGENCIES OF MEDI- ATION, INVESTIGATION AND ARBITRATION PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES THE NEED FOR NEW NATIONAL AGENCIES The results achieved under the Erdmann and Newlands acts naturally suggest that provision should be made for national media- tion and voluntary arbitration of the kind provided for in the Newlands Act in fields to which that act does not apply. Under the Newlands Act the mediators may offer their services only in disputes involving railroad employees actually engaged in train move- ment. There are four large fields in which national mediation and national provision for arbitration seem desirable, to which the Newlands Act does not extend: (1) dis- putes involving railroad employees not en- 129 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION gaged in moving trains; (2) disputes involv- ing the employees of agencies of interstate commerce other than railroads; (3) disputes involving workmen and employers in two or more States; (4) disputes in which the inter- vention of the President of the United States has been requested in order to protect against domestic violence. The creation of a na- tional agency of mediation and voluntary ar- bitration, with power to act in disputes in all four of these fields, would serve highly de- sirable ends. At the present time mediation in disputes in all of these fields is possible through of- ficers of the Department of Labor. The Act of March 4, 1913, creating the depart- ment, provided that: The Secretary of Labor shall have power to act as mediator and to appoint commissioners of con- ciliation in labor disputes wherever, in his judg- ment, the interests of industrial peace may require it to be done. 130 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES The work of the department in this respect has been considerably handicapped by lack of funds to secure experienced mediators. There is reason to believe, however, that mediation in these fields would be much more effective if carried out along the lines of the Newlands Act than it can be made by the Department of Labor. The reasons for this will appear below. Moreover, it is de- sirable that certain provisions should be in- cluded, such as those for assistance in con- stituting boards of arbitration and for the formation of boards of mediation and investi- gation, which are not found in the present law and which are not likely to be most ef- fective if their administration is vested in the Department of Labor. If effective provision is to be made for mediation and arbitration in disputes of the kind indicated above, it must be national. It is evident, from an examination of the 131 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION facts, that state agencies of mediation, arbi- tration, and investigation cannot be expected to meet the need. Even if effective state agencies were available in all the industrial States, as it is hoped that they soon will be, they could not be expected to secure settle- ments in disputes which are interstate in ex- tent. State mediators are practically help- less, for example, in the face of a strike of railway shopmen which extends over the line of an interstate road, as such strikes tend more and more to do. The report of the State Board of Arbitration of Ohio for 1910 related a case in point. Trouble arose be- tween the machinists and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at the Mt. Clare shops in Baltimore, over the attempt of the company to extend the piece-work system. Conferences were held between the national officers of the machinists' union and the gen- eral officers of the company, but they failed 132 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES to result in a settlement, and after a referen- dum vote a general strike of machinists in the shops of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road was inaugurated. The machinists at the shops in Newark, Ohio, were involved, among others, and the Ohio board found it- self helpless to secure a settlement there. The board reported as follows: The men at the Newark shop made no complaint as to wages, working conditions or other matters. They went out in obedience to the order of the union as they did at all other shops and were powerless to settle the matter. The strike in- volved twelve (12) shops and about nine hundred (900) men in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and West Virginia and six (6) shops and two hundred (200) men in Ohio. The strike was interstate in charac- ter and we were officially informed could only be settled by the general officers of the company and the national officers of the machinists' organiza- tion. The same problem is presented in many labor disputes involving agencies of inter- 133 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION state commerce. A strike by organized workers against such a company is likely to extend beyond the limits of one State and to involve issues which both sides wish to have disposed of in a single settlement. This has been the case, for example, in several strikes on the Great Lakes. In at least one of these cases the mediators of several States met and acted jointly in offering mediation. Their mediation, however, was unavailing. There is another class of disputes, which, though they do not involve interstate agencies, resemble the class of disputes just considered, in that they affect plants and workers in more than one State and a settle- ment must be made for all at once. For ex- ample, the strike inaugurated in 1909 by the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and the Tin Plate Workers' Protective Association against the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company affected mills 134 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES in several States, and the attempts of state mediators to reach a settlement in the mills in their respective States were necessarily doomed to failure; the strike had to be set- tled as a whole. If any one of the large sys- tems of national or district trade agreements should be interrupted by a strike affecting all the plants a similar case would be presented. If, for example, the Sanitary Potters' Asso- ciation or the National Brotherhood of Op- erative Potters should resort to a lockout or strike against the other party at the expira- tion of an agreement, the mediators of one State — Ohio, for example — could not expect to secure settlements in the sanitary ware potteries in that State while the strike was still unsettled in New Jersey. In all likeli- hood no settlement would be reached for any until a settlement was made for all. The greater experience in dealing with disputes of more than local character that a national 135 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION mediator would be expected to have, and the fact that he would be an officer of the United States and not merely an officer of a State, would give him a much better chance of bringing about a settlement than a state mediator would ordinarily have. Within recent years, the President of the United States on several occasions has been called upon to protect the people of a State against domestic violence growing out of an industrial dispute. It appears clear that such disputes should be included within the scope of the activity of a national agency of mediation, arbitration, and investigation. At such times the state agencies are not in a position to exercise effectively their func- tions and if mediation or investigation is to be carried on it can only be carried on by a national agency. The desirability of providing a national agency of mediation and of assistance in ar- 136 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES bitration, to be available in the four classes of cases enumerated above, turns on the ques- tion as to whether the work of such an agency would be likely to be sufficiently effective to make its establishment worth while. The desirability of securing the settlement of such disputes by joint agreement or through sub- mission to arbitration brought about through voluntary governmental mediation — if set- tlements can be secured in this way — is as- sumed to be beyond question. The expe- rience under the Erdmann and Newlands acts, and that of state mediators in the three States in which the work of state agencies has been studied, indicates the strong proba- bility that a national agency such as the one proposed could be of great service. It is not to be expected, of course, that the great success of the federal mediators under the Erdmann and Newlards acts would be duplicated in the other fiel is which it is pro- 137 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION posed to cover. The seriousness of the re- sults which would follow immediately from the interruption of railway train service gives the mediators an assistance, in securing a settlement or inducing the parties to submit to arbitration, that would not ordinarily be present in these other cases, as, for example, that of a threatened or actual strike or lock- out of railway shopmen. In this latter class of disputes there are, however, several dis- tinct ways in which efficient mediators can aid in bringing about a settlement which will prevent a threatened strike or lockout, or in bringing an interruption of work to a close much earlier than would otherwise be the case. These types of possible mediatorial service have been described above in connec- tion with state agencies of mediation and need not be further discussed here. 1 Provision for national mediation in the 1 See pages 9-46. 138 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES fields outlined above logically carries with it provision for the creation of special boards of arbitration in order to encourage the arbi- tration of disputes in these fields, which the parties are otherwise unable to settle. Ex- perience under the Erdmann and Newlands acts has established the value of making in advance such facilitating arrangements for arbitration. Finally, provision should be made for the formation of special boards of mediation and investigation in cases where mediation by the regular staff of mediators has failed to result in an agreement or in arbitration, and in which mediation by a special board is likely to promote a settlement, or in which a public investigation followed by a public report is deemed desirable. This conclusion is based on the results obtained through in- vestigation and recommendation in Massa- chusetts and New York, 1 and, to a much 139 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION greater extent, upon the results obtained under the Canadian Industrial Disputes Act. PROPOSED AGENCIES OF MEDIATION, ARBITRA- TION, AND INVESTIGATION The plans proposed for new federal agencies of mediation, arbitration, and in- vestigation will be outlined in that order. The proposals include also the creation of an industrial council which it is believed will greatly further the work of mediation and will be of service also in the formation of boards of arbitration and boards of medi- ation and investigation. The composition and functions of the proposed council will be outlined in connection with the plan for a mediation commission. THE MEDIATION COMMISSION To carry out the work of national medi- ation, a mediation commission should be cre- 1 See pages 65-76. 140 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES ated, consisting of three persons, to be ap- pointed by the President. The duties now discharged by the board of mediation under the Newlands Act should be transferred to the commission. The commission should be empowered to appoint assistant mediators as occasion may require. It is desirable to have three members of full rank, not in order that they should act together as a board in dis- putes, but to make sure that a member of the board may be available to act promptly if two or three important disputes should arise simultaneously. Each of the me- diators should therefore be a person of rec- ognized impartiality in industrial issues and without affiliations which would make him unacceptable to either side in labor contro- versies. It is hardly necessary to say that the of- fice of mediator should in no way be re- garded as a political office. To avoid even 141 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the appearance of party bias the term of office of the mediators should be long — at least six years — and the mediation commis- sion should be distinct from any other depart- ment of government, as are the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Trade Com- mission. It is for this reason that the medi- atory functions of the Department of Labor should be turned over to the mediation com- mission. The mediators should not be ap- pointed by a cabinet officer, nor attached to any department under a political head. The danger of having agencies of media- tion administered by the party head of a de- partment of government was clearly stated by the President of the Board of Trade in Great Britain in 1911 : One disadvantage of the existing system is undoubtedly that it brings into action and prom- inence the parliamentary head of the Board of Trade, who is necessarily a politician, though, in my opinion, none the worse for that, and a 142 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES member of the Government, into disputes and conciliation which ought to be purely industrial. — If the action of the department in these mat- ters could be still further removed from the sphere of politics or the suspicion of politics, it would give even greater confidence and there would be greater willingness by the parties to a dispute to seek the assistance of the Board of Trade. There is an additional reason for not at- taching the national mediation agency to the Department of Labor. It is generally un- derstood that the Department of Labor is the department of government charged with studying the conditions and needs of the wage-earners and the best methods of legiti- mately advancing their interests. This makes employers generally feel that the of- ficers of that department are more familiar with and naturally more sympathetic with the wage-earners' viewpoint than with that of the employer. It may be noted that when the legislation embodied in the Newlands Act was pending, both the representatives of 143 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION the workers' organizations and the repre- sentatives of the railroad companies opposed the inclusion of the board of mediation within the Department of Labor. The commission should be given consider- able discretion in the determination of the salaries of the assistant mediators. It is highly desirable that the commission should be free to appoint assistant mediators who may have other occupations. The commis- sion would thus be able to avail itself of the services of persons who have a knowledge of conditions and the confidence of employers and workers in particular localities or par- ticular trades, but who would not be willing to give up their other occupations to accept permanent service with the commission. The commission should be empowered to offer mediation in any case in which it is re- quested by one or both parties, or upon its own initiative in any case in which a strike or 144 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES lockout has occurred or is seriously threat- ened. As has been noted in a preceding sec- tion, 1 there are several classes of disputes in which provision for a national agency of mediation appears to be of primary impor- tance, and it is to be expected that in these classes of disputes the mediation commis- sion will find its chief activity. It appears desirable, however, to leave the commission free to decide for itself in what disputes it will intervene. It is important that the commission should be empowered to act before a strike or lock- out has actually occurred. It is also very de- sirable that the commission be allowed to act without waiting for a request for its inter- vention. Experience under the Erdmann Act clearly established this fact and the New- lands Act removed the limitation upon the action of the mediators to cases in which the 1 See pages 125-133. 145 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION intervention was requested by one or both of the parties. The experience of state medi- ators also leads to the conclusion that the mediators should be free to act on their own initiative. The commission should also be empowered to organize a staff of trained investigators. These officers could be employed to make preliminary inquiries in cases in which strikes or lockouts have occurred or are threatened and in which the proffer of mediation is be- ing considered, and to gather for the com- mission necessary information as to condi- tions in industries in which serious dis- turbances have occurred or are threatened. The commission should also be empowered to organize a sufficient staff to gather and collate such information as to conditions of employment and industrial relations as it deems necessary to have for the proper per- formance of its functions. In order for the 146 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES commission to be of the highest possible serv- ice, it is necessary that it should have at hand information as to the wages and conditions in the various industries and localities and the cost of living in different communities. Some of this information could be obtained from agencies already in existence, but more would have to be obtained through its own agents. In order to avoid duplication and to secure uniformity in methods of collecting and compiling statistics bearing upon these matters, the commission's staff should co- operate with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, other federal agencies, state labor bureaus, and other state agencies engaged in similar work. The commission should also have on its staff persons who are familiar with the methods and devices employed in the various trades in which joint agreements have worked out successfully, as well as with the 147 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION pitfalls which experience shows must be avoided. The commission would thus be in a position to advise employers and em- ployees, state mediators, and other persons engaged in the promotion of the amicable settlement of labor controversies. Industrial Council. — As a part of the plan, it would be desirable to establish an in- dustrial council to consist of an equal num- ber of representatives of employers' associa- tions and labor organizations. The Presi- dent should designate at least ten leading employers' associations and ten leading or- ganizations of employees, each of which should elect a member of the council. The duties of the council would be to advise the mediation commission and to advise the President and Congress on matters affecting mediation, arbitration, investigation and in- dustrial relations generally. The council should prepare a panel of arbitrators from 148 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES which the mediation commission should choose the members of boards of arbitration in cases in which the members of such boards selected by the parties fail to agree on the two other members. It should in similar manner select a panel from which the medi- ation commission should select the members of boards of mediation and investigation in case the parties to the disputes do not name members or the members so named do not agree upon a chairman. The council should be convened at least once a year by the chairman of the mediation commission, but it should have an organization independent of the commission and elect its own chairman and secretary. Boards of Arbitration — In the event that the parties to an industrial dispute agree to submit a dispute to arbitration, application may be made to the mediation commission for the formation of an arbitration board. 149 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION The arbitration provisions in the plan here proposed are the same as those of the New- lands Act, 1 except that if the members of the board appointed by the parties fail to agree on the additional member or members, these shall be appointed by the mediation commis- sion from a list prepared by the industrial council. It is desirable to keep the media- tion commission as free as possible from any connection with any board which passes pub- lic judgment on the merits of a dispute. This is advisable in order to avoid anything which may make either party to a contro- versy feel that the mediators favor the other side, and also to secure for the mediators full frankness from both parties as to the terms they will accept, when the mediators are en- deavoring to settle a dispute by acting as in- termediaries. The further the commission is 1 The arbitration provisions of the Newlands Act are given in Appendix I. 150 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES removed from the arbitration to which the parties are to be urged to submit if they can- not be brought to an agreement, the more frank the parties will be, in all likelihood, and the greater will be the chances of sub- mission to arbitration if no other solution is found. Under the plan proposed the only connection of the mediation commission with the boards of arbitration will be the selection of the members necessary to fill out the board from a panel agreed upon in advance by the industrial council. Boards of Mediation and Investigation. — Provision should be made for the appoint- ment of a -board of mediation and investiga- tion in any dispute involving interstate com- merce in which the mediation commission fails to bring about a settlement or an agree- ment to submit to arbitration, and in which the commission judges that the appointment of such a board would be expedient. Such a 151 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION board should also be formed in those cases in which an industrial dispute has led to domestic violence and to an application to the President of the United States for pro- tection, provided the President of the United States directs the mediation commission to form such a board. These boards should be made up of one member appointed by each party to the dis- pute and a third selected by these two. The persons nominated by the parties should be familiar with the business and the issues in dispute, but should not be parties to the con- troversy. If either side fails to nominate a member within a specified time, or the two fail to agree on a third, the mediation com- mission should select the member or mem- bers. The function of the board is to inquire into the nature and causes of the dispute and en- deavor to bring the parties to a settlement or 152 PROPOSED NEW AGENCIES to an agreement to submit to arbitration. If the board fails in this, it is to make a pub- lic statement of the salient facts and a recom- mendation of the terms which should be ac- cepted as a settlement of the dispute. The boards of mediation and investiga- tion should have power to compel the at- tendance of witnesses and their testimony under oath and the production of books and papers which it believes to contain informa- tion pertinent to the controversy under in- vestigation. It should have power to con- duct investigations outside its own sittings, through expert investigators. It is not pro- posed, however, to give the board power to enforce its recommendation or to prohibit the parties' resorting to a strike or lockout either before or after its investigation and recom- mendations. VI PROPOSED PLAN OF A NATIONAL SYSTEM OF MEDIATION, INVESTIGATION, AND ARBITRATION ORGANIZATION 1. Mediation Commission. — A mediation commission shall be created, consisting of three members appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The members shall be impartial in their re- lations to capital and labor. The members shall serve for terms of six years. 2. Industrial Council. — The President of the United States shall designate at least ten leading organizations of employers and ten leading organizations of employees to ap- point representatives to act as an advisory body to the President, to Congress, and to 154 A NATIONAL SYSTEM the mediation commission. This body shall be known as the Industrial Council. It shall give advice regarding the duties of the com- mission, the administration of its affairs, the selection of mediators, and shall make rec- ommendations regarding legislation. The council shall also prepare lists of persons who may be called upon to serve on boards of arbitration and on boards of mediation and investigation. The council shall be called together at least once a year by the chairman of the mediation commission ; it shall have an organization independent of the commission and elect its own chairman and secretary. The commission may appoint the members of the council to assist in its work in the same way as it appoints its subordinate officers. The members of the council shall be paid traveling and other necessary expenses and such compensation as may be determined upon. Provision shall be made for the re- 155 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION moval of members by the organization which they represent. 3. Subordinate Officers and Assistants. — The commission shall have power to appoint, remove at pleasure, and fix the compensation of a secretary (and a limited number of clerks). The appointment of other officers and assistants, such as mediators, examiners, investigators, technical assessors, experts, disbursing officer, clerks, and other em- ployees, shall be subject to the Civil Service rules. The commission shall select a com- mittee from its own membership which the Civil Service Commission shall include in the Board of Examiners for conducting ex- aminations and preparing lists of eligibles for such subordinate officers and employees as are required to have special knowledge or training. Such examinations shall include a thorough investigation of the education, training, and experience of the applicants, 156 A NATIONAL SYSTEM their success in handling men, and their ability in executive affairs, in order to de- termine their relative capacity and fitness for the office or position to which they seek to be appointed. If so required, applicants shall appear before the Board of Examiners for an oral examination. Additional rules and regulations concerning such examinations may be made by joint action of the Civil Service Commission and the committee of the Mediation Commission. Employees of the commission who are to act as mediators shall be permitted to accept appointments as officers of state or local governments if the duties thereof do not interfere with their duties to the commission. The commission shall be authorized to appoint, without re- gard to Civil Service rules, officers of state or local governments to represent the com- mission. An employee of the commission shall be permitted to continue with his pri- 157 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION vate business if the duties thereof are not in- consistent with his duties to the council. POWERS, DUTIES, AND JURISDICTION 4. In Interstate Commerce. — a. Medi- ation. Whenever a controversy concerning conditions of employment arises between em- ployer and employees engaged in interstate commerce, either party may apply to the chairman of the Mediation Commission for its services in the bringing about of an amicable adjustment of the controversy. Or the chairman of the commission shall be authorized to offer, on his own initiative, the services of the commission. If efforts to bring about an amicable adjustment through mediation should be unsuccessful, the com- mission shall at once, if possible, induce the parties to submit their differences to arbitra- tion. b. Arbitration. Procedure shall be simi- lar to that outlined in the Newlands Act. 1 158 A NATIONAL SYSTEM If it is necessary for the mediation commis- sion to appoint arbitrators, they shall be taken from a list prepared by the industrial council. c. Boards of mediation and investiga- tion. If the parties to the controversy can- not be induced to arbitrate, and if the contro- versy should threaten to interrupt the busi- ness of employers and employees to the detri- ment of the public interest, the commission shall be authorized to provide, at its discre- tion, for the creation of a board of mediation and investigation consisting of three mem- bers. Of the three members of the board, one shall be selected by the employers, one by the employees, and a third on the rec- ommendation of the members so chosen. The members selected by the employers and employees shall not have any direct financial interest in the dispute. If either 1 This act is given in Appendix I. 159 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION side fails to recommend a member, he shall be appointed by the commission. If after a stated time the third member is not recommended, the commission shall select him. Appointments to boards of mediation and investigation shall be made by the com- mission from a list prepared for this purpose by the industrial council. The board of mediation and investigation shall offer its friendly offices in bringing about a settle- ment of the dispute through mediation. If mediation should not be successful and if the parties to the controversy refuse to arbitrate, this board shall have power to make an in- vestigation of the controversy, and shall be required to submit to the commission a full report thereon, including recommendations for its settlement. This report and recom- mendation shall be given adequate publicity, d. Compulsory Powers. A board of mediation and investigation shall have power 160 A NATIONAL SYSTEM to administer oaths, to subpena and compel the attendance of witnesses and the produc- tion of books,, papers, documents, etc., to con- duct hearings and investigations, and to ex- ercise such other powers as may be necessary. They shall not have power to prohibit, or to impose penalties for, strikes or lockouts. 5. Not in Interstate Commerce. — It shall be provided that the commission, or a board of mediation and investigation created by it may exercise the foregoing powers, except the compulsory powers under Subdivision d of Proposal 4, for settling industrial contro- versies between parties not engaged in inter- state commerce. 6. On Request of the State in which the Controversy Exists. — A board of mediation and investigation may exercise all the fore- going powers for settling industrial contro- versies within any State, if the legislature or the executive of the State has requested pro- 161 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION tection against domestic violence and the formation of such a board by the mediation commission has been directed by the Presi- dent of the United States. COOPERATION 7. Cooperation with State and Local Authorities. — The commission shall be au- thorized and directed to cooperate with state, local, and territorial authorities and similar departments of foreign countries which deal with the adjustment of industrial disputes. 8. Cooperation with Other Federal Agencies. — The commission, as far as prac- ticable, shall coordinate its activities with and cooperate with other Federal departments in the performance of their duties. The Secre- tary of Labor and Secretary of Commerce should be ex-officio advisors to the commis- sion. 162 m APPENDICES APPENDIX I THE NEWLANDS ACT An Act Providing for mediation, conciliation, and arbitration in controversies between certain employers and their employees. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any common carrier or car- riers and their officers, agents, and employees, ex- cept masters of vessels and seamen, as defined in section forty-six hundred and twelve, Revised Statutes of the United States, engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly by railroad and partly by water, for a continuous carriage or shipment from one State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or from any place in the United States to an adjacent foreign country, or from any place in the United States through a foreign country to any other place in the United States. 165 APPENDIX I The term "railroad" as used in this Act shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use bj any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under a contract, agreement, or lease; and the term "transporta- tion" shall include all instrumentalities of ship- ment or carriage. The term "employees" as used in this Act shall include all persons actually engaged in any ca- pacity in train operation or train service of any description, and notwithstanding that the cars upon or in which they are employed may be held and operated by the carrier under lease or other contract: Provided, however, That this Act shall not be held to apply to employees of street rail- roads and shall apply only to employees engaged in railroad train service. In every such case the carrier shall be responsible for the acts and de- faults of such employees in the same manner and to the same extent as if said cars were owned by it and said employees directly employed by it, and any provisions to the contrary of any such lease or other contract shall be binding only as be- tween the parties thereto and shall not affect the obligations of said carrier either to the public or to the private parties concerned. 166 APPENDIX I A common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act is hereinafter referred to as an "em- ployer," and the employees of one or more of such carriers are hereinafter referred to as "em- ployees." Sec. 2. That whenever a controversy concern- ing wages, hours of labor, or conditions of em- ployment shall arise between an employer or em- ployers and employees subject to this Act inter- rupting or threatening to interrupt the business of said employer or employers to the serious detriment of the public interest, either party to such controversy may apply to the Board of Me- diation and Conciliation created by this Act and invoke its services for the purpose of bringing about an amicable adjustment of the controversy; and upon the request of either party the said board shall with all practicable expedition put it- self in communication with the parties to such controversy and shall use its best efforts, by medi- ation and conciliation, to bring them to an agree- ment; and if such efforts to bring about an amicable adjustment through mediation and con- ciliation shall be unsuccessful, the said board shall at once endeavor to induce the parties to submit their controversy to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this Act. 167 APPENDIX I In any case in which an interruption of traffic is imminent and fraught with serious detriment to the public interest, the Board of Mediation and Conciliation may, if in its judgment such action seem desirable, proffer its services to the respec- tive parties to the controversy. In any case in which a controversy arises over the meaning or the application of any agreement reached through mediation under the provisions of this Act either party to the said agreement may apply to the Board of Mediation and Concilia- tion for an expression of opinion from such board as to the meaning or application of such agree- ment and the said board shall upon receipt of such request give its opinion as soon as may be practicable. Sec. 3. That whenever a controversy shall arise between an employer or employers and em- ployees subject to this Act, which can not be set- tled through mediation and conciliation in the manner provided in the preceding section, such controversy may be submitted to the arbitration of a board of six, or, if the parties to the contro- versy prefer so to stipulate, to a board of three persons, which board shall be chosen in the follow- ing manner : In the case of a board of three, the employer or employers and the employees, parties 168 APPENDIX I respectively to the agreement to arbitrate, shall each name one arbitrator ; and the two arbitrators thus chosen shall select the third arbitrator; but in the event of their failure to name the third ar- bitrator within five days after their first meeting, such third arbitrator shall be named by the Board of Mediation and Conciliation. In the case of a board of six, the employer or employers and the employees, parties respectively to the agreement to arbitrate, shall each name two arbitrators, and the four arbitrators thus chosen shall, by a ma- jority vote, select the remaining two arbitrators; but in the event of their failure to name the two arbitrators within fifteen days after their first meeting the said two arbitrators, or as many of them as have not been named, shall be named by the Board of Mediation and Conciliation. In the event that the employees engaged in any given controversy are not members of a labor or- ganization, such employees may select a committee which shall have the right to name the arbitrator, or the arbitrators, who are to be named by the employees as provided above in this section. Sec. 4. That the agreement to arbitrate — First. Shall be in writing; Second. Shall stipulate that the arbitration is had under the provisions of this Act; 169 APPENDIX I Third. Shall state whether the board of arbitra- tion is to consist of three or six members ; Fourth. Shall be signed by duly accredited rep- resentatives of the employer or employers and of the employees; Fifth. Shall state specifically the questions to be submitted to the said board for decision ; Sixth. Shall stipulate that a majority of said board shall be competent to make a valid and bind- ing award; Seventh. Shall fix a period from the date of the appointment of the arbitrator or arbitrators nec- essary to complete the board, as provided for in the agreement, within which the said board shall commence its hearings ; Eighth. Shall fix a period from the beginning of the hearings within which the said board shall make and file its award: Provided, That this period shall be thirty days unless a different pe- riod be agreed to ; Ninth. Shall provide for the date from which the award shall become effective and shall fix the period during which the said award shall continue in force; Tenth. Shall provide that the respective par- ties to the award will each faithfully execute the same; 170 APPENDIX I Eleventh. Shall provide that the award and the papers and proceedings, including the testi- mony relating thereto, certified under the hands of the arbitrators, and which shall have the force and effect of a bill of exceptions, shall be filed in the clerk's office of the district court of the United States for the district wherein the controversy arises or the arbitration is entered into, and shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to the agreement unless set aside for error of law ap- parent on the record ; Twelfth. May also provide that any differ- ence arising as to the meaning or the application of the provisions of an award made by a board of arbitration shall be referred back to the same board or to a subcommittee of such board for a ruling, which ruling shall have the same force and effect as the original award; and if any member of the original board is unable or unwilling to serve another arbitrator shall be named in the same manner as such original member was named. Sec. 5. That for the purposes of this Act the arbitrators herein provided for, or either of them, shall have power to administer oaths and affirma- tions, sign subpenas, require the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and the production of such books, papers, contracts, agreements, and docu- 171 APPENDIX I merits material to a just determination of the mat- ters under investigation as may be ordered by the court; and may invoke the aid of the United States courts to compel witnesses to attend and testify and to produce such books, papers, con- tracts, agreements, and documents to the same ex- tent and under the same conditions and penalties as is provided for in the Act to regulate commerce, approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and the amendments thereto. Sec. 6. That every agreement of arbitration under this Act shall be acknowledged by the par- ties thereto before a notary public or a clerk of the district or the circuit court of appeals of the United States, or before a member of the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, the members of which are hereby authorized to take such acknowl- edgments ; and when so acknowledged shall be de- livered to a member of said board or transmitted to said board to be filed in its office. When such agreement of arbitration has been filed with the said board, or one of its members, and when the said board, or a member thereof, has been furnished the names of the arbitrators chosen by the respective parties to the contro- versy, the board, or a member thereof, shall cause a notice in writing to be served upon the said arbi- 172 APPENDIX I trators, notifying them of their appointment, re- questing them to meet promptly to name the re- maining arbitrator or arbitrators necessary to complete the board, and advising them of the period within which, as provided in the agreement of arbitration, they are empowered to name such arbitrator or arbitrators. When the arbitrators selected by the respective parties have agreed upon the remaining arbitrator or arbitrators, they shall notify the Board of Me- diation and Conciliation ; and in the event of their failure to agree upon any or upon all of the nec- essary arbitrators within the period fixed by this Act they shall, at the expiration of such period, notify the Board of Mediation and Conciliation of the arbitrators selected, if any, or of their failure to make or to complete such selection. If the parties to an arbitration desire the recon- vening of a board to pass upon any controversy arising over the meaning or application of an award, they shall jointly so notify the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, and shall state in such written notice the question or questions to be submitted to such reconvened board. The Board of Mediation and Conciliation shall there- upon promptly communicate with the members of the board of arbitration or a subcommittee of such 173 APPENDIX I board appointed for such purpose pursuant to the provisions of the agreement of arbitration, and arrange for the reconvening of said board or sub- committee, and shall notify the respective parties to the controversy of the time and place at which the board will meet for hearings upon the matters in controversy to be submitted to it. Sec. 7. That the board of arbitration shall organize and select its own chairman and make all necessary rules for conducting its hearings ; but in its award or awards the said board shall con- fine itself to findings or recommendations as to the questions specifically submitted to it or matters directly bearing thereon. All testimony before said board shall be given under oath or affirma- tion, and any member of the board of arbitration shall have the power to administer oaths or af- firmations. It may employ such assistants as may be necessary in carrying on its work. It shall, whenever practicable, be supplied with suitable quarters in any Federal building located at its place of meeting or at any place where the board may adjourn for its deliberations. The board of arbitration shall furnish a certified copy of its awards to the respective parties to the contro- versy, and shall transmit the original, together with the papers and proceedings and a transcript of 174 APPENDIX I the testimony taken at the hearings, certified un- der the hands of the arbitrators, to the clerk of the district court of the United States for the dis- trict wherein the controversy arose or the arbitra- tion is entered into, to be filed in said clerk's office as provided in paragraph eleven of section four of this Act. And said board shall also fur- nish a certified copy of its award, and the papers and proceedings, including the testimony relating thereto, to the Board of Mediation and Concilia- tion, to be filed in its office. The United States Commerce Court, the Inter- State Commerce Commission, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics are hereby authorized to turn over to the Board of Mediation and Conciliation upon its request any papers and documents here- tofore filed with them and bearing upon mediation or arbitration proceedings held under the provi- sions of the Act approved June first, eighteen hun- dred and ninety-eight, providing for mediation and arbitration. Sec. 8. That the award, being filed in the clerk's office of a district court of the United States as hereinbefore provided, shall go into practical operation, and judgment shall be entered thereon accordingly at the expiration of ten days from such filing, unless within such ten days either 175 APPENDIX I party shall file exceptions thereto for matter of law apparent upon the record, in which case said award shall go into practical operation, and judg- ment be entered accordingly, when such exceptions shall have been finally disposed of either by said district court or on appeal therefrom. At the expiration of ten days from the decision of the district court upon exceptions taken to said award as aforesaid judgment shall be entered in accordance with said decision, unless during said ten days either party shall appeal therefrom to the circuit court of appeals. In such case only such portion of the record shall be transmitted to the appellate court as is necessary to the proper understanding and consideration of the questions of law presented by said exceptions and to be de- cided. The determination of said circuit court of ap- peals upon said questions shall be final, and, be- ing certified by the clerk thereof to said district court, judgment pursuant thereto shall thereupon be entered by said district court. If exceptions to an award are finally sustained, judgment shall be entered setting aside the award in whole or in part; but in such case the parties may agree upon a judgment to be entered dispos- ing of the subject matter of the controversy, 176 APPENDIX I which judgment when entered shall have the same force and effect as judgment entered upon an award. Nothing in this Act contained shall be con- strued to require an employee to render personal service without his consent, and no injunction or other legal process shall be issued which shall com- pel the performance by any employee against his will of a contract for personal labor or service. Sec. 9. That whenever receivers appointed by a Federal court are in the possession and control of the business of employers covered by this Act the employees of such employers shall have the right to be heard through their representatives in such court upon all questions affecting the terms and conditions of their employment ; and no reduc- tion of wages shall be made by such receivers with- out the authority of the court therefor, after no- tice to such employees, said notice to be given not less than twenty days before the hearing upon the receivers' petition or application, and to be posted upon all customary bulletin boards along or upon the railway or in the customary places on the premises of other employers covered by this Act. Sec. 10. That each member of the board of arbitration created under the provisions of this Act shall receive such compensation as may be 177 APPENDIX I fixed by the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, together with his traveling and other necessary ex- penses. The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available and to continue avail- able until the close of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, for the necessary and proper expenses incurred in con- nection with any arbitration or with the carry- ing on of the work of mediation and conciliation, including per diem, traveling, and other necessary expenses of members or employees of boards of ar- bitration and rent in the District of Columbia, furniture, office fixtures and supplies, books, sal- aries, traveling expenses, and other necessary ex- penses of members or employees of the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, to be approved by the chairman of said board and audited by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury. Sec. 11. There shall be a Commissioner of Mediation and Conciliation, who shall be ap- pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and whose salary shall be $7,500 per annum, who shall hold his office for a term of seven years and until a successor quali- fies, and who shall be removable by the President only for misconduct in office. The President 178 APPENDIX I shall also designate not more than two other offi- cials of the Government who have been appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the officials thus designated, together with the Commissioner of Mediation and Conciliation, shall constitute a board to be known as the United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation. There shall also be an Assistant Commissioner of Mediation and Conciliation, who shall be ap- pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and whose salary shall be $5,000 per annum. In the absence of the Com- missioner of Mediation and Conciliation, or when that office shall become vacant, the assistant com- missioner shall exercise the functions and perform the duties of that office. Under the direction of the Commissioner of Mediation and Conciliation, the assistant commissioner shall assist in the work of mediation and conciliation and when acting alone in any case he shall have the right to take ac- knowledgments, receive agreements of arbitration, and cause the notices in writing to be served upon the arbitrators chosen by the respective parties to the controversy, as provided for in section five of this Act. The Act of June first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, relating to the mediation and arbi- 179 APPENDIX I tration of controversies between railway com- panies and certain classes of their employees is hereby repealed : Provided, That any agreement of arbitration which, at the time of the passage of this Act, shall have been executed in accordance with the provisions of said Act of June first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be gov- erned by the provisions of said Act of June first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and the pro- ceedings thereunder shall be conducted in accord- ance with the provisions of said Act. Approved July 15, 1918. APPENDIX II REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON INDUS- TRIAL RELATIONS The report of Mr. Basil M. Manly, Director of Research and Investigation, contained the follow- ing statement and recommendations tenth reference to agencies of mediation, investigation, and arbi- tration. 1 The result of the very extensive investigations which have been made regarding the agencies for mediation and arbitration in this country and abroad have been embodied in the plan for legis- lation which is attached hereto. The plan as pre- sented is limited to a National System, but it is recommended that the State legislatures should enact legislation along the same general lines. The general principles which have governed in drawing up this plan may be stated as fol- lows: 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, pp. 194-201. 181 APPENDIX II 1. The Mediation Commission should be inde- pendent of, and definitely divorced from, every other department of the State or Federal Gov- ernment. Its only power grows out of its im- partiality and this can not be secured if it is subordinate to any other body whose sympa- thies either with labor or with capital can be questioned. 2. Mediation should be entrusted to a person as far as possible distinct from those who act as arbitrators or appoint arbitrators. 3. The office of mediator should be placed beyond the suspicion that the office is being used as a reward for party services. 4. The mediator should appoint his own subordi- nates. 5. It is desirable in the event of the failure of mediation by an official mediator, that the par- ties should be asked to consent to the appoint- ment of a Board of Mediation and Investiga- tion consisting of three persons, one selected by each party and the third by these two. Such a board, it appears, would be able to secure an agreement in many cases where the mediator fails. These boards should have power to sum- mon witnesses and compel the production of papers. In the event that the board could not 182 ' APPENDIX II secure an agreement during the investigation, it should be empowered to make a public report stating the terms on which, in its judgment, the parties should settle. 6. In those cases in which the parties are unable to agree on the third member of the Board of Me- diation and Investigation, he should be ap- pointed in the State Systems by the State Board of Arbitration, and in the National Sys- tem by the mediators, from a list prepared in advance by an Advisory Board, consisting of ten representatives of employers' associations and ten representatives of trade unions. 7. National Boards of Mediation and Investiga- tion are to be formed only in disputes involv- ing interstate commerce and in those cases in which the legislature or the executive of a State has requested the intervention of the Federal Government. 8. The Secretary of Labor, or in the States the official, bureau or commission which is created for the protection of the workers, should be empowered to appear before the Board of Mediation and Investigation, when it is holding public hearings, either at the request of the board as amicus curiae, in the ascertainment of facts regarding labor conditions, or, if ap- 183 APPENDIX II pealed to, as the spokesman for the employees in the presentation of their case. PROPOSED PLAN OF A NATIONAL SYSTEM OF MEDIATION, INVESTIGATION AND ARBITRATION ORGANIZATION 1. Scope of Authority. The National Mediation Commission should be given exclusive authority to intervene, under the conditions hereinafter defined, in all industrial dis- putes involving any corporation, firm, or estab- lishment except public service establishments, which is engaged in interstate commerce or whose products enter into interstate or foreign com- merce. This provision differentiates its functions from those of the Mediation Commission existing at present under the Newlands Act. It is consid- ered desirable for the present to provide for the existence of the two commissions, at least until the proposed commission has been thoroughly tested. It is believed to be wise, however, to provide for their close cooperation from the very beginning, with the idea that they will ultimately be consoli- dated. 184 APPENDIX II It will be noted that this provision also will have the effect of supplanting the mediation pow- ers which are now vested in the Department of Labor. There is no desire to criticise or belittle the past activities of the mediators operating un- der the Department of Labor, for such criticism is absolutely unwarranted. It is also freely ad- mitted that the Department of Labor has not had either the time or the resources necessary for the proper development of this function. The pro- posal is made, however, primarily upon three grounds which seem to be sound and, in fact, com- pelling: First, the function of mediation depends absolutely upon the permanent assurance of im- partiality. The Department of Labor was cre- ated to represent the interests of labor and it seems not only inevitable but desirable and proper that the Secretary of Labor should always be drawn from the ranks of organized labor. The function of mediation may be administered with absolute impartiality under any particular Secre- tary, or even under every Secretary, and yet it seems impossible, even under such conditions, to create that absolute assurance of impartiality which is the prime essential. Second, it is the pre- rogative and duty of the Department of Labor to act, aggressively if need be, for the protection 185 APPENDIX II of the workers at all times, and to utilize every re- source at its command to give them that protec- tion. The Department must necessarily be greatly impeded in such frankly partisan action, it would seem, if it must at the same time preserve either the substance or the shadow of impartiality in carrying out its function of mediation. Third, in the bitterest disputes, where the public interest most strongly demands intervention, mediation is seldom successful, and a stage is quickly reached where the most vital necessity is for the full and exact facts regarding the dispute, in order that public opinion may be intelligently formed and di- rected. Experience has shown that such facts can best be secured fully, quickly, and effectively through the medium of public inquiry. This means that the inquiring body must have power to summon witnesses, compel the production of books and papers, and compel testimony, or the proceeding is worse than a farce. It may be re- garded as certain that such powers will never be entrusted to the Department of Labor. #. Membership. The members of the Mediation Commission should be appointed by the President with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate. The members 186 APPENDIX II should represent in proper balance the interests of employers, employees, and the public. The members should serve for terms of six years. 8. Advisory Board. The President of the United States should designate an equal number of leading organiza- tions of employers and leading organizations of employees to appoint representatives to act as an advisory body to the President, to Congress, and to the Mediation Commission. This body, desig- nated hereinafter the Advisory Board, should give advice regarding the duties of the commission, the administration of its affairs and the selection of mediators, and be empowered to make recom- mendations regarding legislation. The Advisory Board should also prepare lists of persons who may be called upon to serve on boards of arbitra- tion and on boards of mediation and investigation. The Advisory Board should be called together at least once a year by the Chairman of the Media- tion Commission; it should have an organization independent of the commission and elect its own chairman and secretary. The members of the Advisory Board should be paid traveling and other necessary expenses and such compensation as may be determined upon. Provision should be made for the removal of 187 APPENDIX II members by the organizations which they repre- sent. If.. Subordinate Officers and Assistants. The Mediation Commission should have power to appoint, remove at pleasure, and fix the com- pensation of a secretary (and a limited number of clerks). The appointment of other officers and assistants, such as mediators, examiners, investi- gators, technical assessors, experts, disbursing of- ficer, clerks, and other employees, should be sub- ject to the Civil Service rules. But arrangements should be made to have the examination include experience and other proper qualifications, and to give the Mediation Commission power to examine all candidates orally. POWERS, DUTIES, AND JUBISDICTION 5. In Interstate Commerce. (a) Mediation: Whenever a controversy con- cerning conditions of employment arises between employer and employees engaged in interstate commerce other than public service corporations, either party should be able to apply to the chair- man of the Mediation Commission for its services in the bringing about of an amicable adjustment of the controversy. Or, the chairman of the com- 188 APPENDIX II mission should be authorized to offer, on his own initiative, the services of the mediators of the commission. If efforts to bring about an ami- cable adjustment through mediation should be un- successful, the commission should at once, if pos- sible, induce the parties to submit their differences to arbitration. (b) Arbitration: Procedure should be similar to that outlined in the Newlands Act. If it is nec- essary for the Mediation Commission to appoint arbitrators, they should be taken from a list pre- pared by the Advisory Board. (c) Boards of Mediation and Investigation: If the parties to the controversy can not be in- duced to arbitrate, and if the controversy should threaten to interrupt the business of employers and employees to the detriment of the public in- terest, the commission should be authorized to re- quest the two parties to consent to the creation of a Board of Mediation and Investigation. If the consent of the parties to the controversy is se- cured, the commission shall form such a board. Of the three members of the board, one should be selected by the employers, one by the employees, and a third on the recommendation of the members so chosen. If either side fails to recommend a member, he should be appointed by the commis- 189 APPENDIX II sion. If after a stated time the third member is not recommended, the commission should select him. Appointments to boards of mediation and investigation shall be made by the commission from a list prepared for this purpose by the Ad- visory board. The Board of Mediation and In- vestigation should offer its friendly offices in bringing about a settlement of the dispute through mediation. If mediation should not be success- ful and if the parties to the controversy refuse to arbitrate, this board should have power to make an investigation of the controversy, and should be required to submit to the commission a full re- port thereon, including recommendations for its settlement. The commission should be empow- ered to give this report and recommendations ade- quate publicity. (d) Powers to Secure Evidence: A Board of Mediation and Investigation should have power to administer oaths, to subpena and compel the at- tendance and testimony of witnesses, and the pro- duction of books, papers, documents, etc., and to conduct hearings and investigations, and to exercise such other similar powers as might be necessary. It should not have power to pro- hibit, or to impose penalties for, strikes or lock- outs. 190 APPENDIX II 6. Not in Interstate Commerce. It should be provided that the commission, or a Board of Mediation and Investigation created by it, may exercise the foregoing powers except the compulsory powers under subdivision "d" of Proposal 5, for settling industrial controversies between parties not engaged in interstate com- merce, if they are requested to do so by the Gov- ernor or legislature of a State, or by the mayor, council, or commission of a municipality. 7. The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce should be authorized to bring to the attention of the commission any dispute in which the intervention of the commission seems desir- able. The Secretary of Labor, or such officer as he may designate, should also be authorized to appear before any Board of Mediation and Inves- tigation, either at the request of the board as amicus curiae for the ascertainment of facts re- garding labor conditions, or, if appealed to, as a spokesman for the employees in the presentation of their case. COOPERATION 8. Cooperation with State and Local 'Authorities. The commission should be authorized and di- 191 APPENDIX II rected to cooperate with state, local, and terri- torial authorities and similar departments of for- eign countries which deal with the adjustment of industrial disputes. 9. Cooperation with Other Federal Agencies. The commission should, as far as practicable, coordinate its activities and cooperate with other Federal departments in the performance of their duties. The report of Mr. Manly as a whole was signed by Chairman Frank P. Walsh, and Commissioners John B. Lennon, James O'Connell, and Austin B. Garretson. All of those signing the report of Mr. Manly wrote also supplemental statements which contain refetences to the section of the re- port relating to agencies of mediation, investiga- tion, and arbitration. The sections of these sup- plemental reports dealing with the subject are contained in Appendix HI, APPENDIX III REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON INDUS- TRIAL RELATIONS The supplemental statement of Commissioners' John B. Lennon and James O'Connell contains the following passage relating to the subject: * EXTENT OP UNREST The principal duty imposed, under the law cre- ating the commission, was to seek to ascertain the causes of industrial unrest and offer such rec- ommendations as we believe might alleviate that unrest. There can be no question but that un- rest exists, in some instances, to an alarming ex- tent. Thousands and tens of thousands of our people feel that they are deprived, under existing conditions in industry, of an opportunity to se- cure for themselves and their families a standard of living commensurate with the best ideals of manhood, womanhood, and childhood. They re- 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, pp. 283-286. 193 APPENDIX III sent the fact that the existing system of the dis- tribution of wealth creates at one end of our industrial scale a few multi-millionaires and at the other end thousands and tens of thousands of men, women, and children who are at all times in a situation where they are uncertain as to where their next meal will come from. Hungry, poorly clothed, and without the opportunities that a fully rounded life requires, they become filled with a sullen resentment that bodes no good for the fu- ture of our Republic. We have found men and women who are inclined to ascribe this condition to the fact that the Gov- ernment exercises no power of mandatory char- acter to prevent strikes and lockouts. Many have been the propositions submitted to us for compulsory arbitration or, at least, compulsory investigation with power to recommend a settle- ment. Some have proposed an elaborate machin- ery to be set up by the general Government, and of a similar character by the States, providing for conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and inves- tigation, all of which, while without definite com- pulsory features, establish a legal machinery that must of necessity exercise an influence in that di- rection. The plan for the creation of an industrial com- 194 APPENDIX III mission, both National and State, proposes to assign to a commission of three members the ad- ministration of all labor laws of either State or Nation, giving to them powers far in excess of those exercised by the President of the United States, or the Governor of any State. This we believe to be Bureaucracy run mad, and a subver- sion of Democracy dangerous to the civil and so- cial liberty of all citizens. We hold that all power should be in the final analysis with the people, and we therefore, dissent from any such plan. NEW GOVERNMENTAL. MACHINERY UNWISE The activities of such a commission supple- mented by the proposed advisory committees of employers and labor representatives would be so balanced as to prevent substantial progress, and tend to perpetuate present conditions. Such a plan conceives of labor and capital as static forces and of the relations between them as always to re- main unchanging. We believe that the work now being done by the Department of Labor in industry generally, and by the Board of Mediation and Conciliation, dealing with interstate public utilities, is better than any that could be expected of any additional 195 APPENDIX III board that has been suggested to this commis- sion. We believe that the Department of Labor, with further experience and larger appropria- tions, will develop a high state of efficiency in ad- justing labor disputes that are capable of being adjusted by any one other than the parties di- rectly interested, and will adequately carry on the work provided by the law creating the Department of Labor, to wit : Section 1. The purpose of the Department of Labor shall be to foster, promote, and de- velop the welfare of the wage earners in the United States, to improve their working condi- tions, and to advance their opportunities for profitable employment. Section 8. The Secretary of Labor shall have power to act as mediator and to appoint commissioners of conciliation in labor disputes whenever in his judgment the interests of indus- trial peace require it to be done. We favor the extension of the Newlands Act to cover all employees engaged in interstate com- merce, such as the railroad telegraphers, the shop and track men employed by railroads, the em- ployees of express companies, of the Pullman Company, of commercial telegraph and telephone companies, and other public utilities performing 196 APPENDIX III interstate service that, in the interest of the Na- tion, must be continuous. The evidence submitted to this commission is substantially to the effect that where trade union organization exists among the workers, there, at the same time, exists the least amount of indus- trial unrest of a character that is dangerous to the peace and welfare of our nation. It is true that the union men and women are not satisfied with their conditions ; they are not, however, de- spondent as to the possibility of securing better conditions ; they know what the unions have accom- plished, and they have an abiding faith that their further desires can be attained. Instead of any elaborate machinery for the prevention of strikes or lockouts we are convinced, from the testimony gathered by this commission, that the most effectual course that can be pur- sued to bring about general contentment among our people, based upon a humane standard of liv- ing, is the promotion of labor organization. The most casual investigator will soon discover that in those lines of industry where organization of labor is the strongest, there is the least danger of in- dustrial revolt that would endanger the fundamen- tal principles of our Government and the main- tenance of a nation with respect for law and or- 197 APPENDIX III der. Where organization is lacking, dangerous discontent is found on every hand ; low wages and long hours prevail; exploitation in every direc- tion is practiced; the people become sullen, have no regard for law or government and are, in real- ity, a latent volcano, as dangerous to society as are the volcanoes of nature to the landscape sur- rounding them. The supplemental statement of Commissioner Austin B. Garretson contains the following pas- sages relating to the subject: l My signature is appended to the Report of Mr. Basil M. Manly, Director of Research and Investigation of the United States Commission on Industrial Relations, submitted to the commission and transmitted herewith, as to the findings of fact contained therein. I am in general agreement with the recommen- dations contained in that Report except as to the formation of the system of State and Fed- eral Commissions and a Federal Industrial Coun- cil. On this recommendation I neither approve nor condemn. But out of regard for the opinion of 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, p. 291. 198 APPENDIX III the great body of intra-state labor most directly affected, I dissent. . . . I am favorable to the extension of the provi- sions of the Newlands Act to all classes of inter- state employees who can constitutionally be brought under its provisions and would favor the enlargement of the body administering it to meet the added responsibilities which would thereby be placed upon it, but limiting the powers thereof to the settlement of industrial disagreements and to the gathering of information germane to their mis- sion. I favor the creation of state commissions, simi- larly constituted and acting in corelation and un- derstanding with the Federal Board. I heartily concur with the Report of Commis- sioners Lennon and O'Connell except on those points where disagreement is herein noted. I dis- sent in whole from the report rendered by Commis- sioner J. R. Commons. The supplemental statement of Chairman Frank P. Walsh contains the following passage relating to the subject : 1 Although I have signed the report prepared 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, p. 302. 199 APPENDIX III by Mr. Basil M. Manly, Director of Research and Investigation, because I believe it represents an unassailable statement of the existing industrial situation, because it fully complies with the re- quirements of the Act of Congress creating the commission, and because the recommendations are as a whole wise and necessary for the welfare of the Nation, I, nevertheless, desire to record my dissent on the following points — 1. The recommendation for new administra- tive machinery for mediation and arbitration in the form of a special commission. I believe that the commission created by the Newlands Act, and the Department of Labor, if their powers are en- larged and they are adequately supported, will be fully able to deal with the situation. . . . APPENDIX IV REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON INDUS- TRIAL RELATIONS The report of Commissioners John R. Com' mons and Florence J. Harriman contains the fol- lowing recommendations relating to mediation, *»- vestigation, and arbitration. 1 MEDIATION AND MINIMUM WAGE The Industrial Commission (State or Federal) shall appoint, remove and fix the compensation of a chief mediator of industrial disputes. The chief mediator to hold his position until removed by the Industrial Commission and to appoint such assistants as may be needed, and to fix their com- pensation with the approval of the Industrial Com- mission. He should appoint temporary mediators for special cases, without requiring them to give up their private business or offices. The chief mediator and all assistant mediators 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, pp. 364-366, 376-377. 201 APPENDIX IV to be selected from an eligible list prepared by the Civil Service Commission on a nonassembled examination, with the assistance of the Industrial Commission and the Advisory Council. The chief mediator and his staff to have no powers whatever of compulsory testimony and to be prohibited from arbitrating any dispute, from making any public recommendation, or from re- vealing in any way, directly or indirectly, any information which they may have secured from any parties relative to an industrial dispute. Any violation to be sufficient ground for im- mediate removal by the Industrial Commission. The powers of the mediators to be those solely of voluntary mediation or conciliation but the chief mediator shall offer his services in confi- dence to both sides of a dispute which, in his judgment, is of public importance. The chief mediator and his staff to be wholly independent of the Industrial Commission, except as to appointment and removal, to the extent that they be prohibited from reporting any facts or recommendations whatever to the Industrial Com- mission or any other authority, relative to the merits of any industrial dispute. In case the mediator is unable to secure an agreement through conciliation, he shall recom- 202 APPENDIX IV mend arbitration to both parties, and if both con- sent to abide by the decision of arbitrators he shall proceed to assist them in selecting a board of arbitration in any way, and consisting of any number of members, that both sides may agree upon. If agreement is not reached within a speci- fied time on the third party to the board of media- tion, the chief mediator shall appoint the same. In case both parties do not consent to arbitra- tion the mediator shall recommend the appoint- ment of a board of mediation and investigation, which shall have power to make public its find- ings and recommendations, but such recommenda- tions shall not be binding on any person. If both parties shall consent to such a board the mediator shall assist them in creating the same, and shall appoint the third member if the par- ties can not agree on the same within a speci- fied number of days. In case both parties accept either a board of arbitration or a board of mediation and investi- gation, such board, as the case may be, shall have power of compelling testimony. The "Newlands Act" and the Department of Labor act should be so amended that all mediation and conciliation, whether on railways or in other industries, shall be consolidated under the mediator of the Fed- 203 APPENDIX IV eral Industrial Commission. The Federal Com- mission should cooperate with State mediators. In the case of women and children, minimum wage boards should be created by the state indus- trial commissions. The foregoing recommendation is intended to provide for strictly "voluntary" methods of mediation and arbitration. When engaged in this branch of its work the commission is not only pro- hibited from using its compulsory powers, but its mediation work is so rigidly separated from its other work that it can not even be suspected of using the coercive power of Government to favor either side. The mediator and his staff are to be strictly confidential advisors to the opposing interests, without the power of Government, or even the threat of using that power, to coerce either side of a collective dispute. If coercion is used in the form of " compulsory testimony" it is only with the previous voluntary consent of both sides. . . . After considering all forms of Governmental compulsion in collective disputes and even admit- ting their partial success in other countries, we conclude that, on the whole, in this country, as much can be accomplished in the long run by strictly voluntary methods as by compulsory meth- 204 APPENDIX IV ods of avoiding strikes and lockouts. It can not be expected that strikes and lockouts can be abol- ished altogether. Even countries with compulsory systems have not succeeded in preventing all of them. In our country, the voluntary method in collective bargaining avoids the much more serious evil of discrediting the agencies of Government which must be looked to for impartial enforcement of laws affecting the individual labor contract. It is to the enactment and enforcement of laws pro- tecting laborers as individuals that we must look for the removal of underlying causes of indus- trial unrest and for the eventual reduction of strikes that now spring from the cumulative abuses that individuals suffer without other effective remedies. But the removal of these abuses can not be accomplished without the efficient and non- partisan administration of laws, and this is the main purport of our recommendation for indus- trial commissions to regulate the individual labor contract. The report of Commissioners Commons and Harriman was signed also by Commissioners Har- ris Wemstock, S. Thurston Ballard, and Richard H. Aishton. Commissioners Weinstock, Ballard, and Aishton made also a joint supplemental re- 205 APPENDIX IV port in which the following passage relating to the subject occurs: 1 We concur in the report prepared by Commis- sioner Commons, dissenting, however, on the two following points, and supplementing it by cer- tain other findings and recommendations following herewith. . . . Second. We further dissent from said report in its limitation of public inquiry in labor dis- putes only to cases where both sides invite such inquiry. We believe that in the public interest there are times when compulsion in labor dis- putes is thoroughly justified. We feel, with or- ganized labor, that there should be no restriction put upon the right to strike, realizing as we do, that the strike is the only weapon which, in the interest of labor, can be effectively and legally used to aid in bettering its conditions. We feel, also, that there should be no restriction placed upon the employer in his right to declare a lock- out in order to better protect what he regards as his interest, and we therefore would not favor any plan that would inflict penalties upon the worker or upon the employer for declaring a strike or lockout. 1 Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Re- lations, 1915, pp. 407, 409-411. 206 APPENDIX IV Where the two sides to a labor controversy are fairly well balanced in strength, the winning side must depend, in the last analysis, upon the sup- port of public opinion. Public opinion, there- fore, becomes a most important factor in the in- terest of industrial peace. Such public opinion, however, to be of value, must be enlightened. Under prevailing conditions this is almost im- possible. All that the public is now able to get, as a rule, are garbled and ex parte statements, more or less misleading and unreliable, which sim- ply tend to confuse the public mind. Where strikes and lockouts take place on a large scale, and more especially in connection with public utilities, the public inevitably becomes a third party to the issue, in that it has more at stake than both parties to the dispute combined. For example, if the street railways of a large city are tied up, the loss to the railway com- panies in the way of revenue, and to the workers in the way of wages, is great, but this loss be- comes insignificant compared with the loss in- flicted upon the rest of the community, to say nothing of the annoyance, inconvenience, and men- ace to life and property, which not infrequently occur in such industrial disputes. The public, therefore, as the third party to the issue, is jus- 207 APPENDIX IV tified in demanding that an investigation take place, and that the facts be ascertained and pre- sented in an impartial spirit to the general pub- lic, so that ways and means may be found of ad- judicating the dispute or of throwing the influence of a properly informed public opinion on the side which has the right in its favor. We, therefore, earnestly recommend that in the case of public utilities, the proposed industrial commission shall not only have power to mediate and conciliate, but also, at the request of either side to a dispute, or upon the initiative of the com- mission itself, should have the power, all volun- tary methods having failed, to undertake a com- pulsory public inquiry when, in the discretion of the commission, public interest demands it; that it be given the fullest powers to summon wit- nesses, place them under oath, demand books and documents, all with a view of ascertaining the underlying causes of the dispute and the issues involved, to the end of making recommendations that, in the judgment of the board of inquiry, con- sisting of three members, one to be chosen by each side and the third to be chosen by these two, would be a fair and reasonable settlement of the points in dispute. It being understood, how- ever, that neither side is obliged to accept such 208 APPENDIX IV recommendations, but may continue to strike or lock out, as the case may be. Meanwhile, how- ever, the public will have ascertained in the most reliable way, the issues involved, the facts as they have been found by the board of inquiry, and the basis upon which a fair settlement can be estab- lished, thus enabling the public more intelligently to throw its support where it rightfully belongs. (1) ■JJJjERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 029 963 6