(Ln. t ~ ' \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. FROM THH LIBRAE i >l BENJAMIN PARKE AVERY. ( ;iFT OF MRS. AVERY, s Ani;usl. if. if, Accessions No.tpj fl.jly r;A/ss No. B , SPECIMENS OF BEING Impreffions of Wood-cuts IN THE POSSESSION of" the PUBLISHER UinrBBSITY WILLIAM DODD, No. 5, BIGG MARKET. 1862. Only icx) Copies printed. INTRODUCTION **"- OF THB *^X [N bringing this Collection of Impreflions from Old Wood Cuts before the public, it appears defirable to fupply fome account of their hiftory, fo far as may be afcertained. They were probably firft gathered together by John White of Newcaftle, for many are obferved on the broadfides, ballads, and other works of a fimilar kind, printed and published by him. He was a citizen of Tork, and came here in 1708, where he eflablifhed himfelf as a printer. Apart from commencing the Gourant newspaper in 1711, he printed and fold to chapmen and the public a large variety of " fmall books, ballads and fongs " Many of the blocks, however, are of an earlier date than the time when he lived, for amongft them is the original cut which appeared on the title page of the first known edition of Robin Hood's Garland, published in 1670 ; a fac-simile of which is given in " Douce's Illuftrations of Shakfpeare," and also in " Jackfon and Chatto's Hifcory of Wood Engraving." Some of thefe he may have procured from his father at Tork, who was fole printer to King William, for the five northern counties of England. John White lived to the age of 8 1, dying at his houfe in Pilgrim Street, in 1769. He was fucceeded by Thomas Saint, who probably came into pofleffion of his col- lection of wood blocks, for he alfo printed hiftories and ballads for the common people in large quantities. Still, in this line of production, he would appear to have had a formid- able rival, in Thomas Angus, to whom he likely difpofed of his collection of cuts ; for they were extenfively ufed in printing the above fpecies of popular literature both by the latter and his fon, George Angus, whofe name is fo frequently feen on nearly all the old hiftories and ballads which were publifhed at Newcajtle. At the fale of the effects of George Angus, which took place a number of years ago, the whole collection was purchafed by the late Emerfon Charnley. Subfequently his fon had a few copies of impreffions taken for private diftribution. Many applications were afterwards received by parties wifhing to purchafe the work, and as it was favourably noticed at the time by the general press, the prefent owner of the cuts has been induced to have a limited number of copies drawn, and arranged for fale. Newcaftle, therefore, has been long diftinguished for producing at a cheap rate such popular tracts as " Tom Hickathrift," " Jack and the Giants" " Chevy Chafe" " Valentine and Or/on" " Dr. Faustus," " Robin Hood," " Lord Bateman," " The King and the Cobbler," The Seven Champions of chriftendom," and other rare, " Antique Ballads fung to crowds of old Now cheaply bought at thrice their weight in gold." Thefe were ufually adorned by the following cuts, and we may fuppofe that the greater num- ber pafled under the eye of Thomas Bewick, affording him important material for contemplation. But that individual, in the true fpirit of genius, was not flow to obferve wherein other engravers 'had been defective, and accordingly he rofe in that department to be the firft man of his age. At the end of the volume will be found impreffions from a few blocks which received their laft touches from that great artift's unrivalled hand. The work, therefore, independent of its curiofity, may be considered valuable as a contribution to the Hiftory of Wood Engraving, previous to its revival in the eighteenth century. Newcaftle -on- Tyne. 30th Dec. 1862. 01 THX '-^ fairiVWSITY] Of THT8 [MIVW3IT7] l*> ?CS*C>- faithful unto Death, and \ ' />. I7EEHITY ;iTia ^IFO* STIVE I TJj-XTIT7 r> - e 'te^ V IV3HSITT 4, ow I - .II7BSSITT THriTIRSITY ^^w * Of THK fo'SITBRSITT] *&>' " OT THK gift flUIl SIT T] or THS"^ . ;T THJS~^4^ VTOT"**^ fwriwiTY] I&JH7ERSIT7! WoW &WS** [DlriVBRSITT] &% &II7SRSIT7 Wi MR WILLIAM MARKHAM. I . \ EiimmiummiTiij .0*1 ' ' Grocer&Tea-dealer > V ' TREASURE :^3f^ SvMATRAll INSVLA Breeches Heart Infant 3u Lamb er Owl Pearl Trumpet Vizcrd (Whale IZeal 5IVBE3ITT TEES TJI IT IE-SI wsm I r^ll OITHB^^ [trfflVBRSITY] dp^rn**^ [TJ1TI7BRSITY) Moon. TlTLL. MOON: X XT >0] SZTI7ERSIT7 0* THS XTlftSITTl o* -lV/ UKI7BRSITY UNI7BRSIT7 UKI7BRSIT7 TUHVBRSITT U3STI7BESIT7 ^ Of THB TJHIVBESITY] . USITBRSITT U&I7BKSIT7 UHI7BRSITY Ibex ife Nag tJuicorn .Zebra U1TI7BIISITY UHIVBESITT UITIVERSITl Of THS UHI7BRSIT7 f*j* o? TTHIVBESITY] ; IYBRSIT7 " WILL .NC ReASE TO SO^ENT E PE NALTY D AY AND TO $, oo ON TH THE FOURTH OVERDUE. mE SEVENTH DAY . : : . . !