rnfrM^ University of California Berkeley PLEASANT PAGES BOOKS AND CARDS WORTH] [~ GIVING, FROM THE PRESSES T PAUL ELDER & COMPANY - BAHCT. Though long ago the word was penned, "Of making books there is no end/ Who chooses aught of this array Of books and cards, shall truly say, "Of making books there is an end This book was made to please my friend. " AT NTWO- THIRTY- NINE GRANT 1 AVENUE, IN THE GOOD CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, BY THE GOLDEN GATE The Vanished Ruin Era From the Review by George Hamlin Fitch A BOOK that will make a strong appeal to all San Francis- cans who passed through the period after the earthquake and fire of April, 1906, is " The Vanished Ruin Era : San Francisco's Classic Artistry of Ruins Recalled in Picture and Song," by Louis J. Stellman. The book is brought out in large octavo, finely illustrated with mezzogravure tints, by Paul Elder and Company, and is sold at $2.50 net. The " classic artistry of ruins' 1 is shown by reproductions of photographs which are mounted on the right-hand side of every page. Here are wonderful pictures of the ruins of the Iroquois Hotel, seen through the leafless branches of the trees surrounding it; the shattered wall of the coliseum on Strawberry Hill, in Golden Gate Park; the well-known Ionic portal of the Towne residence on Nob Hill, which looks as though it had been taken from the Acropolis at Athens; the towers of the Sutter Street Synagogue; bits of Italian gardens that have all the appearance of those which have come down from the Renaissance. And as a supplement are several views of the superb rebuilding of the business district. Opposite each picture is a bit of verse by Mr. Stellman, in which he embodies the sentiment of the ruins. Some of this verse reflect very faithfully the curious Old World tone stamped on these fan- tastic ruins by the flames. The pictures of the new city, rising magnificent among the ruins of the old, are full of inspiration. It is these glimpses of the recon- struction period that give the book a touch of the future. These pictures of the new and greater San Francisco prove that the picturesque ruins merely serve as an artistic background for the unparalleled work of the builders a work which has excited the amazement and admiration of the civilized world. It is this feature of the book that will present the strongest appeal to those who do not know San Francisco. To have restored practically all of the business district of a great commercial city within four years after the flames swept it bare is an achievement which in the next century will be ranked with the digging of the Panama Canal and the boring of the great railroad tunnels under the Hudson River as specimens of the energy and the constructive genius of the early years of the twentieth century. The volume has been given a dress which reflects the greatest credit upon the artistic skill of the local publishers. In appear- ance it is distinctive and absolutely unlike other books about the great disaster. The pages are heavy brown plate paper, and the volume is bound in strong boards and enclosed in a box. It will make a very fine gift book. S. F. Chronicle, .For the City. The strange, weird loveliness of a city, beautiful in destruction," and scenes of the vigorous upbuilding. A generous sized volume, 8# * 11- Refer to paga 21 and second page of cover. I In Gardens Green. "Patience and Her Garden," a whimsical parable. Refer to page 12 and reverse of title page. "Ye Gardeyne Boke," a compilation. Refer to page 13. " Ye Garden Book of California," a practical manual. Refer to pages 13 and 23. J o cc O j X < H MHBBI i On Friendship's Altar. Three " Envelope Booklets." Exquisite examples of typog- raphy and dainty book-making. Refer to pages 5, 6 and 33 and fourth page of od will help trice pear what comtsr f jov or sorrow. Js ^ORLD.^vTTH ITS LOVf & US L'GHT; SlNG ITWiT^KrANT: VOUIL HMD ITALl RIGHF;- terr GOOD T/ie Book of Father Time. Calendars for 1911 : No. 5, is the Calendar of Strength- eners ; No. 6, A Guide for Living ; No. 1, the new Sunbeams ; No. 4, Pretty Good "World, to which No. 10 is a companion, issued in similar style. Refer to pages 47, 48 and 33. The Merry Note. Prosit." The Spinners' volume. Refer to page 10. "Ebisu,the Luck God." Refer to page 7. "The Complete Cynic. 1 ' Not a calendar. Refer to page 7. An additional Merry Note may be found on page 34. Wedding Bells. " The House That Jack Built." A remarkable example of color printing, the sheets having passed through the press nine times, producing a great variety of harmonious color tones. The pictorial panel at the head of the page is continuous, without a break from the beginning to the end of the volume. Kach page is provided with subject heads to assist in filling in the record, one page being the formal certificate. The paper used is a beautiful toned French vellum, plate finish, bound in double leaves held by heavy silk cord and inserted with specially designed end papers. The binding is in several styles, such as white buckram, silver Shiki silk, and white calf. Refer to page 15. "3fail (Suest, we ask not wl>at H)ou art: *3f friend, we greet thec "3 f stranger, sucfy no longer be; Uf foe, our love sfyall conquer t^ee. of HKbspitalitics an6 a 5\ecor6 of (Bucsts >>PUl>aTorw>r6 on ^olhfousc Sttottoe* by (Bultermaa and Ccnipanf il Records of Pleasant Visits. "The Remembrance Guest Book" and "The Crafts- man Guest Book," each in several attractive bindings, are described on pages 13 and 14; "A Book of Hospitalities," a reading guest book, on page 14. On Parnassus. "Sonnets from the Portuguese." The open volume at the top of the plate displays the composition in Caslon Italic with specially designed initials. "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," Fitzgerald's final version, with " The Literal Omar." "My Soul's Cathedral." Refer to pages 3 and 4. PLEASANT PAGES SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS, S* VALENTINE'S DAY, ST PATRICK'S DAY, EASTER, WED- DING DAYS, THANKSGIVING AND ALL OTHER LOVING -TIME DAYS <* THE IN- BETWEEN DAYS. BEING A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS #> CARDS WORTH GIVING, FROM THE PRESSES OF PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO WRITTEN RIGHT INTERESTINGLY BY ARTHUR GUITERMAN. EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY PAUL ELDER. COMPOSED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF JOHN HENRY NASH, TYPOGRAPHER, AND MADE INTO A BOOKLET BY PAUL ELDER & COMPANY AT THEIR TOMOYE PRESS, N TWO-THIRTY-NINE GRANT AVENUE, IN THE GOOD CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO BY THE GOLDEN GATE, FOR THE SEASON NINETEEN-TEN # NINETEEN-ELEVEN From Patience & Her Garden By Ida Smith Decker ND it came to pass that there dwelt in the land a woman called "Patience." They named her "Patience" because they foresaw that she would be able to stand a lot, and she did. For Patience loved her friends generously, her children help- fully; she was just to the servant within her gates, and was, for the most part, patient with her husband. And, behold, Patience was possessed of a beautiful garden. In the fall, when she had buried the brown bulbs in the earth, her heart had rejoiced in the time when the hyacinths would bear their spikes and the tulips put on their golden crowns ; and in the spring she had digged in her garden and planted it and watered it and it daily waxed more promising. And it was the season of the spring pestilence and the children of Patience languished and sickened, for this was in the days when people said not in their hearts, " There is no such thing as contagion, and our infirmities of the flesh are of our vain imag- inings." So they languished, and Patience ministered unto her children, but she longed for the tulip banks and the smell of the hyacinths in her nostrils. And Patience heartened her children by telling them about the garden paths and the sun-dial, and the robin that warbled in the bridal-wreath, and when the days of fumigation were past, Pa- tience said within herself, "When my dwelling-place is cleansed and the outside of my abode garnished, I shall enjoy myself in my garden." And, behold, she cleaned mightily and made cleanly her dwell- ing both without and within. And, when after two weeks of this mighty effort she waxed weary, she said: "Next week I shall enjoy myself in my garden." And after many days she prepared her- self and went forth early into her garden. In one hand she bore a sack and in the sack were divers buttons and fastenings, and in the other hand she bore a sack and in that sack were divers foot coverings for her family, and, behold, they were torn and full of rents, for Patience had borne sons, and on her back she bore a burden and in the burden were garments for her family, to be made whole. And Patience sewed and patched mightily and put new cloth in old garments for she was quick with her needle and deft. And, behold, she lifted up her eyes and she saw that it was night, and she said within herself: " Tomorrow I shall enjoy my garden but peradventure today I have been too busy. But now that the rents are all mended and the sleeves in my daughters' garments are all made long and tight again and the waists of their garments are all lifted up, I shall now have leisure to enjoy **#*##*## Refer to page 12. Contents A guide to Books and Cards designed To cheer the Soul, to feed the mind. Books and Booklets On Parnassus: p a&e Sonnets from thePortuguese,by Eliza- beth Barrett Browning . . .3 My Soul's Cathedral &> Other Poems, by James Henry MacLafferty . . 3 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, by Ed- ward Fitzgerald 4 You ^ Some Others,by Agness Greene Foster 4 Lavender &* Other Verse, by Edward Robeson Taylor 5 Sonnets, by Fanny Purdy Palmer . 5 On Friendship's Altar: Friendship, by Paul Elder . . .5 To Friendship, by Agness Greene Fos- ter 6 Love and Friendship,by Lillyan ShafF- ner 6 A Book of Hospitalities and a Record of Guests, by Arthur Guiterman . 6 The Merry Note : The Complete Cynic, by Oliver Her- ford, Ethel Watts Mumford, Addison Mizner 7 Ebisu, by W. O. McGeehan . . .7 How to Tell the Birds from the Flow- ers, by Robert Williams Wood . . 8 Animal Analogues, by R. W. Wood . 8 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr., by "Wallace Irwin .... 8 The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum, by Wallace Irwin 8 The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor, by Wallace Irwin . . .9 In Lighter Vein, by John De Morgan . 9 Betel Nuts, by Arthur Guiterman . 9 Prosit, by The Spinners' Club . . 10 A Century of Misquotations, by Mary B. Dimond 10 Sovereign Woman, by Jennie Day Haines 10 Good Housewifery: The 101 Epicurean Thrills . . .11 Spots : Or 202 Cleansers, by Clarice T. Courvoisier 11 Messages to Mothers, by Herman Partsch, M. D 11 Secrets of Beauty and Mysteries of Health, by Cora Brown Potter . . 12 In Gardens Green: Patience and Her Garden, by Ida Smith Decker 12 Ye Gardeyne Boke, by Jennie Day Haines .... . . 13 The Garden Book of California, by Belle Sumner Angier . . . .13 Records of Pleasant Visits : Page The Remembrance Guest Book, by Robert Wilson Hyde, Arther Guiter- man 13 The Craftsman Guest Book, by Robert Wilson Hyde, Arthur Guiterman . 14 A Book of Hospitalities and a Record of Guests, by Arthur Guiterman . 14 The Auto Guest Book, by Ethel Watts Mumford-Grant, R. B. Glaenzer . . 15 Wedding Bells: The House That Jack Built A Wed- ding Book, by Robert Wilson Hyde . 15 Choice Presents: The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe . . 16 Christmasse Tyde, by Jennie Day Haines 16 The Spinners' Book of Fiction, by The Spinners' Club 17 Western Classics . . 17 The Sea Fogs, by Robert Louis Ste- venson 18 The Case of Summerfield, by Wil- liam H. Rhodes 18 Tennessee's Partner, by Bret Harte . 18 A Son of the Gods and A Horseman in the Sky, by Ambrose Bierce . 18 Weather Opinions, by Jennie Day Haines 18 In Other Lands : By the Way, by Agness Greene Foster 18 Impressions of Ukiyo-ye . . .19 The Princess of Manoa, by Mrs. Frank R. Day 19 Obil, Keeper of Camels, by Lucia Chase Bell 20 The Tocsin, by Esther Brown Tiffany 20 For the City: The City Loved Around the World, by James Henry MacLafferty . . .20 The Vanished Ruin Era, by Louis J. Stellmann 21 College Days: The College Freshman's Don't Book, by George Fulerton Evans . . 21 The Girl's College Record, by Virginia Woodson Frame 22 California Harvests : Bird Notes Afield, Charles A. Keeler . 22 The Garden Bookof California,by Belle Sumner Angier 23 The Mother of California, bf Arthur Walbridge North 23 Contents Continued The Children's Hour: Page The Hump Tree Stories, by Mary Joss Jones 23 Slumber Sea Chantey s,by Lucia Chase Bell, Rita Bell James, Carrie Stone Freeman 25 The Potato Child and Others, by Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury . . . .25 Book of Nature, by Johnny Jones . . 26 Wonders of the Deep, by Johnny Jones 26 The Little Brown Hen Hears the Song of the Nightingale, by Jasmine Stone Van Dresser 26 The Twins and The "Whys, by Susan F. Thompson 26 Blottentots and How to Make Them, by John Prosper Carmel . . .27 Tidings of Comfort and Joy : Obil, Keeper of Camels,by Lucia Chase Bell 27 Light Through the Valley, by James Henry MacLafferty . . . .28 Good Things and Graces, by Isabel Goodhue 28 Fear Not, by Delia J. Desel . . .28 Quatrains of Christ, by George Creel 28 Blessings, by Agness Greene Foster 29 Syllogisms, by Lee "Washington . . 29 The Philosophy of Hope, by David Starr Jordan 29 The Works of Jesus, by Edna S. Little 29 Bible Mosaics, by Agness Greene Fos- ter 30 The Blue Monday Book, by Jennie Day Haines 30 Easy-Chair Studies: The Call of the City, by Charles Mul- ford Robinson 30 The Ministry of Beauty, by Stanton Davis Kirkham 31 Where Dwells the Soul Serene, by Stanton Davis Kirkham . . .31 32 Easy-Chair Studies Continued p a g c The Philosophy of Ingersoll, by Vere Goldthwaite 31 Mosaic Essays ( Collected ), by Paul Elder 31 Mosaic Essays ( Booklets ) , by Paul Elder 32 The Green Baize Table : * Small Talks on Auction Bridge, by Virginia M. Meyer Auction Bridge Score Pad, by Vir- ginia M. Meyer 32 Tasteful Tokens: Envelope Booklets 33 Envelope Calendars . . . .33 The Merry Note ( continued ) : Army Goose Melodies, by Florence Kellogg Krebs .... Booklovers' Luxuries: London Bindings, selected volumes, executed by Root and Riviere . A Pleasant Forecast: Flowers from Mediaeval History, by Minnie D. Kellogg Recipe for a Happy Life, by Marie West King ...... 38 Feastday Dishes and Everyday Graces Isy Isabel Goodhue . . 38 Tony's White Room,by Winifred Rich 39 Privately Printed: An Address to the Right Reverend William Ford Nichols . . .39 Testimonial Presented to Mr. Henry Dernham 40 Album Presented to His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai Hsun . . 40 Alphabetical List: Books and Booklets . . . . .41 34 35 37 Father Time: Page Sunbeams . . . . . . .47 Heloise 47 Impressions 47 Pretty Good 'World 48 Calendars, 1911 Father Time Continued p a ge Strengtheners 48 A Guide for Living 48 Ducks on the Wing 48 Sunshine Philosophy . . . .48 Greetings and Decorations Cards for Occasions: Birthday Cards For Special Occasions . . . .49 Christmas and New Year Cards . . 50 Easter Cards 52 Guest Room Verses . . . . , 53 St. Patrick's Day 59 Valentines 59 Leaflets and Mottoes Book Markers 53 TV, ^ Children's Leaflets 53 Place Cards: Doggerel Dodgers 53 Good Cheer Leaflets . . . .54 Good Things and Graces . . .54 Page Leaflets and Mottoes Continued p a ge 48 Homely Maxims 54 Hospitalities 54 Impression Leaflets . . . .55 Miniature Leaflets 56 Miscellaneous 56 Post Cards 57 Shadowings 57 Strengtheners~ 57 Sunbeams 57 Funny Favors 58 Place Cards 58 Toasts 59 "D1 ~ oo T-l + T^O rr^Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from A ICctoctll L -IT ctg the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Personality /Tpo ALL who share that priceless gift, the JL love of books, it is indeed a sad thing that anything that comes from the presses book, pamphlet, card or leaf should ever be a mere soulless piece of merchandise, manufactured wholly for profit A true book is never only so much paper, printers' ink and binding; for, from the earliest days of printing, when old Gutenberg lifted the sheets of his first Bible from his rude hand press, something of the spirit of its maker has entered into every book worthy of the name. Publications are only worthy when they are not mechanical, but human. They are "presentable" not when they are merely merchandise, but only when the maker has put something of himself into each one when paper, type, binding and decoration have been studied and selected with truly loving care. Such works are not arbitrarily and sordidly made. Often they grow under the maker's hands, developing finally in a manner quite different from the original plan, for the skilled compositor has found a new face of type and a method of composition still better suited to the work. The binder has suggested finer, stronger, more graceful materials. Paper of more delicate tone and better texture presents itself. The artist, in consultation, suggests more appeal- TD1 p^ 0*3 -p 4- "Do Q*PQ Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder 8* Company ing designs, more alluring combinations of color. Then when the book, pamphlet or card is completed, it has been enriched by zealous hearts and trained hands working in harmony. It is warm with the personality of its makers, and this personality delights and blesses him that gives and him that receives. Now, with- out false assumption, the publishers of the books, cards and calendars described in the following pages can say that for years they have worked as artists, not for profit alone, but with love of their work; and they are proud to know that their efforts have been rewarded not only by the appreciation of many booklovers, but also by generous acknowledg- ments of fellow-publishers of their pre-emi- nence in their chosen field the production of the most artistic, tasteful and beautiful works that issue from the presses. In the earlier pages of this little book the various publica- tions are briefly described, while in the back pages, books, booklets, calendars and cards are grouped and listed alphabetically, with speci- fications of editions and prices. :::::::::: Greeting of The Books Thy Host loves well, when Nights are wild and cold, To pore upon our Pages manifold. We Books are Friends of his, so, prithee, make His Friends thy Friends, O Friend, for Friendship's sake ! A Book of Hospitalities. Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder <> Company On Parnassus: Never before was there a wider appreciation of verse. Great poems of the older singers are read as they never were during the lives of their authors ; and at the same time the humbler work of recent writers has won speedy recognition for freshness and spontaneity. With an ear for song in many keys, the singer's audience asks but that his song shall be of the best of its kind. ::::::::::::: Sonnets From the Portuguese With Lyric Interludes by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Edited, with Preface, Notes and Appendix, by Arthur Guiterman UNLIKE all other arrangements of this noblest and tenderest of son- net sequences, the present limited edition sets forth the sonnets as Robert Browning, to whom they were addressed, loved to read them that is, with his wife's lyrics on the same personal theme as inter- ludes. The preface and notes throw new light upon slightly obscure pas- sages in the sonnets, and make them still more vividly human by showing to what episodes in the courtship of the two poets specific lines refer. Robert Browning's poems to his wife are also included in the appendix ; in fact, the edition is so arranged as to present the whole beautiful lyric love story of the Brownings. The book is exquisitely printed in Caslon italic old style type, hand set, with specially designed initial decorations on Van Gelder hand-made paper, with a photogravure frontispiece, and bound either in dainty Ancona boards or in full leather. The sonnets, with their splendid note of true devotion, are necessary to every library and an ideal gift; and this edition, the chief example of distinctive book making produced by the publishers for this year, is confidently commended for its beauty, taste and thoroughness. Prices: Ancona boards, $1.75 net; by mail, $1.84. Suede boards, $3.00 net; by mail, $3.10. Refer to page 46. My Soul's Cathedral and Other Poems By James Henry MacLafferty SOME rare verses linger in the memory like the chime of distant church bells calling the soul to peace and prayer, soothing in their cadence, comforting in their suggestion of the pure calm that is born of assured faith. Not from the cloistered heart, but from the heart of he who has lived in the world of men, who in the midst of action has solved his own doubts and questionings, comes the song that most surely cheers, exalts, consoles. Thus, there is in Mr. MacLafferty 's lyrics a warm, sympathetic appeal often lacking in more pretentious verse ; for whether his theme be the secret recesses of " My Soul's Cathedral," the trill of "The Meadow Lark," or the deep voice of "The Columbia River " rushing "through the golden doors of morning," his song is ever brave and uplifting, ever instinct with the fervor of " the man I am, the man I long to be." "D1 *a^ oo -t-i + "Do rr/ao Books and Cards Worth Giving, from IT ICctOctll I XT^dgCb the Presses of Paul Elder # Company My Soul's Cathedral Continued His little book speaks intimately to the reader, creating or awakening strong, aspiring thought, and in its simple earnestness confers a bene- diction like that of the warm presence of a friend. The book is printed in two colors on Italian hand-made paper, from hand-set type distinctively composed of letter-spaced caps and small caps and is bound in simple Fabriano boards. A sonnet entitled "The Temple of Silence" is arranged as an appropriate frontispiece suggesting the earnest purpose of the volume. Price : 90 cents net ; by mail, 96 cents. Refer to page 44. Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam FitzGerald's Final Version with The Literal Omar Edited with Original Notes by Arthur Guiterman T only is FitzGerald's immortal adaptation presented in a most delightful form, but in " The Literal Omar." printed as an appendix, lovers of the Astronomer-Poet may see, stanza for stanza, how the the old Persian originally phrased the verses that the Irish recluse so musically echoed in English. Thus, in " The Literal Omar," the famous twelfth quatrain, "A book of verses," is given: " I desire a little Ruby "Wine, and a Book of Verses, 'With Haifa Loaf of Bread just enough to nourish me; And then, that Thou and I should sit in the Wilderness Is better than the Kingdom of a Sultan." Such features as these, together with perfect typography, attractively rubricated, unusual and effective bindings and the eight beautiful author- ized reproductions of the drawings by Gilbert James, make the book one of those rare presentation volumes that are sure to be welcome wherever sent. But a moderate quantity of the first printing on Italian hand-made paper, either in boards or leather, remain, and only a few copies of the limited numbered issue on Arnold hand-made paper. Prices : Oriental boards, $1.50 net, by mail, $1.58. Flexible leather, $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.07. Number edition, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.08. Refer to page 45. You and Some Others Poems for Occasions by Agness Greene Foster "Love is at sixty as at twenty." IMPULSIVE, heart-warm phrases such as these instantly endeared Mrs. Foster's work to many readers, who rapidly exhausted the earlier edition. The new edition is considerably enlarged and con- tains nearly three times the number of poems, grouped in accordance with their applicability to the various holidays, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc., as well as to family festivals and other red- letter days. These graceful and charming verses are suitable for reading, recitation or inscription in gift books or upon greeting cards for holidays, birthdays and other occasions, and tender lines such as "The You I Love " make the volume unusually suitable for presentation to intimate friends and loved ones. It is daintily printed on toned Fabriano hand- made stock with a frontispiece reproducing " My Lady's Garden " from the Tate Gallery, London, and bound either in flexible Ancona or in boards. Prices : Flexible Ancona, 75 cents net ; by mail, 80 cents. Ancona boards, $1.25 net ; by mail, $1.32. Refer to page 47. "Po fyia^ Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JET dgCo the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Lavender and Other Verse By Edward Robeson Taylor IN THIS simple but elegant volume, published in a limited edition of 230 numbered copies of which but 200 are for sale, the former Mayor of San Francisco has collected his later sonnets and translations. The book is printed from antique black-face type on Italian hand-made paper and bound in full Ancona Perugia with back bands. Of the verses it is but necessary to say that they show the same true feeling and fine crafts- manship that mark Mr. Taylor's earlier poems. Price: $2.00 net; by mail, $2.11. Refer to page 43. Sonnets By Fanny Purdy Palmer A I AHE contents are arranged in two groups, first "California Sonnets" ? followed by " Post Meridiem," presenting the author's more intimate ^ fancies and speculations. * * * " * The Meadow Lark ' * * * that is poetry of absolute grandeur, and of beautiful form; and is, moreover, the work of a human intellect of great strength and quality and yet this re- markable book is filled with just such specimens, showing how a rugged human intellect can handle dancing thought. * * * I have not seen a book in forty years its equal in construction and taste. The themes are great, and the publisher's work is in excellent keeping with that of the author." From an extended review in "Book Notes" by Sidney S. Rider. Printed on Italian hand-made paper in a limited edition, bound in Fab- riano boards, boxed. Price: $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.09. Refer to page 46. Two other volumes of verse, namely "Quatrains of Christ,'* a Rubaiyat of Christian Faith, by George Creel, and "Light Through the Valley." a Poem of Consolation, by James Henry MaLafferty are described in the group Tidings of Comfort and Joy. . On Friendship's Altar: After all, that Brotherhood of Man, toward which, optimistic prophets declare, we are constantly progressing, is but universal Friend- ship. Not Love, romantic Love in the narrower sense, but Friendship, which has been defined as "Love without his wings/' is the highest compelling influence in our modern world. So what wonder that books on Friendship are in such constant request as gifts from friend to friend. ::::::::::::::::::::: Friendship A Mosaic Essay by Paul Elder SO MANY mighty pens have been employed on this one great theme that it often seems better to present the best of what has been said rather than to endeavor to say something new. In this peculiarly presentable book, the utterances of great thinkers are so pieced together "PI PZ5 ^fl Tl i" ^^ rriao Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder &* Company Friendship Con tin ued as to form a consecutive treatise on Friendship in all its moods and tenses. The frontispiece is a decorated motto card, "Just One Friend," by Robert Louis Stevenson. The essay has been recom posed in hand-set Cheltenham type and beautifully printed and rubricated on Van Gelder hand-made paper. The Comrade Edition is bound in rich Totomi Omi boards, ex- tremely thin but quaintly bookish. The Amigo Edition, with its delicately colored flexible binding in gold and tint, is not only delightfully giveable, but also in its uniform envelope is superlatively sendable. Price : Totomi Omi boards or flexible binding", 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. Refer to page 42. To Friendship A Lyric Toast by Agness Greene Foster "just love ! Love something 1 , some one, And friends will flock Like snow-birds to the window-ledge Where lies the crumb." FOSTER'S fine exaltation of Friendship is now presented in a decorated booklet, with a photogravure of Calderon's touching painting of Ruth and Naomi, "Intreat me not to leave thee." tipped on as a frontispiece. The booklet is printed with decorations in two colors on blue-toned Italian hand-made paper, and in its flexible gray Arches cover is enclosed in a gold-stamped envelope of the same color and material. Pricc . ^ Ccnt8 net . by mailj ^ cents> Refer to page 42> Love and Friendship New Epigrams by Lillyan Shaffher "V TT TORDS are Love's weapon; deeds, friendship's defense." "Love \/\/ is the benediction of life; friendship, the altar on which we ** ** burn this priceless incense." Both thoughtfulness and unusual power of compact expression mark these contrasted modern maxims. The booklet starts with an original frontispiece, an attractive type display of "A New Commandment " being the following gentle admonition : " With friendly eyes, salute God's world each day ; with friendly hands, help lift the ones who fall ; with friendly thoughts, speak words of truth ; with friendly hearts, believe there 's good in all ; with honest soul, seek friend- ship with thy God." This and the maxims that follow are set in old-style Bookman and printed on toned French vellum plate, with borders by Harold Sichel in a blending gray tint. The Eglantine Edition, in flexible wine-colored, gold-stamped binding, is enclosed in a gold-stamped uniform envelope. p r i ce , 35 cents net ; by mail, 38 cents. Refer to page 43. A Book of Hospitalities A Guest Book with Verses and House Mottoes by Arthur Guiterman HOSPITALITY is surely one of the manifestations of Friendship, and this book is a most suitable acknowledgment of hospitality to send to hospitable friends. On each left-hand page are consecutive verses in which the inmates and parts of the house in turn speak a wel- come to the guest. Each right-hand page is left blank for records of visits. "Do rr^O Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL d.gCb the Presses of Paul Elder & Company A Book Of Hospitalities Continued An interesting essay printed as a foreword gives many unusual house mottoes well adapted for use in modern homes. The book is printed on Brittany printing paper, with borders and decorations in color tone by Charles Frank Ingerson, and strongly bound in Brittany boards with leather back, or in full Ieather Prices: Brittany boards, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. Full leather, $3.00 net; by mail, $3.12. Refer to page 42. The Merry Note: Fun is a most distinct and im- portant element in our literature, even though it is not discussed in learned essays as are Wit <^ Humor. Fun is high-spirited and joyous with a boyish light- ness and irresponsibility that even Humor cannot compass. It is that gay trilogy, Fun, Wit <^ Humor, that keeps the old World young and merry, :::::: The Complete Cynic Being Bunches of Wisdom Culled from the Calendars of Oliver Herford, Ethel Watts Mumford & Addison Mizner THIS, may it please you, is a select example of clear wit. Every one who has seen any one of the calendars of the last five years, the best things of which appear in this thrice-refined essence of them all, will realize how good it must be. The many illustrations and the very decorations in red and black arc full of laughter. And the perverted prov- erbs which form part of the contents are funnier and often much truer than the originals. For instance : " People who love in glass houses should pull down the blinds." " Where there's a will there's a law-suit." "What is home without another ? " " Actresses will happen in the best regulated families." " Only the young die good." It is not a calendar this year, but a bright, gaily printed, profusely illustrated, attractively bound book, full from cover to cover with clever material in text, illustration and decoration. Price : 75 cents net ; by mail, 81 cents. Refer to page 42. Ebisu, The Luck God His Greetings, Rhymed by W. O. McGeehan NOW this is a bit of pure fun. Ebisu, you must know, is a Japanese God of Good Luck, " Keeper of the Luck Gate's key, warden of the good to be," son of Izanagi and Izanami, and his jolly photographs are reproduced from an image of old Shigaraki ware, dated about 1460. His greetings are sent in a triple screen of heavy, antique finish cover. On the reverse of the middle leaf of the screen appears a photograph of the god's droll rear view, with a request to turn him for luck. Following this good advice, the friend who receives the folder will be confronted with Ebisu's irresistible, pervasive smile and his good luck wishes. Mr. Mc- Geehan's interpretative verses are pleasantly musical and poetical in their rendering of the jolly god's mission and provide him with special settings of Christmas or Every Day Greetings as desired. Price : 25 cents net; by mail, 30 cents. Refer to pages 53 and 56. "D1 ^Q o n t-i -f "Do rr*ao Book s and Cards Worth Giving, from A ICdodll L JL dgCO the Presses of Paul Elder &> Company How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers A Manual of Flornithology for Beginners by Robert Williams Wood ANOTHER bit of pure Fun. And the only danger in it is that its success may eclipse the author's reputation as a scientist, well- earned by very practical discoveries in the course of his work as professor of experimental physics at Johns Hopkins University. In the course of his gambols with Flora and Fame, Professor Wood discloses the only safe method for distinguishing the Bird from the Burdock, the Parrot from the Carrot, the Clover from the Plover, and the Rue from the Rooster. He does it in verse, too, and with lots of pictures that he drew all by him- self, free-hand, just like Michael Angelo. It comes in a box. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 56 cents. Refer to page 42. Animal Analogues Further Extravagances of a Flori-faunal Unnaturalist by Robert Williams Wood THIS is a serious case of ingrowing depravity. Herein Professor Wood continues his mad career, expatiating upon the resemblances between the Doe and the Dodo, the Antelope and the Cantelope, the Pansy and the Chimpanzee, the Pipe-fish and the Sea-gar, and others too numerous to mention. It was necessary to enclose each copy tightly in a bright red box to keep Professor Wood's pictures from biting each other. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 56 cents. Refer to page 41. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr. Expert Poetical Opinions on Tobacco, Kisses, Hairpins and Things by Wallace Irwin. Illustrated by Gelett Burgess DISCARDING adjectives, let us quote one of the recollections of the poet's pipe. (Query : Ought a poet to call on his best girl with a pipe ? ) Dumbly he saw the rosy-tinted bliss When Sacharissa kissed her maiden kiss, t Her innocence betraying in the cry, Oh, how can you respect me after this ! ' " Full of discreet observation and youthful philosophy, the new edition looks quite jaunty in its fresh, flexible cover. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 55 cents. Refer to page 45. The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum Slangful Strains of Sweet Colloquial Song by Wallace Irwin ^T^HE Hoodlum, after drying the tears of passionate adoration from his * eyes, used his nice, clean red Bandanna handkerchief to bind this ^ volume in which his heart's outpourings are recorded. Don't be afraid of the slang however extravagant it may be, somehow it is always intelligible. And as for the verse honest, it's good stuff. Price : Flexible cloth of gold, 25 cents net ; by mail, 28 cents. Bandanna handkerchief, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 43. 8 "D1 *o on t-i 4- TDn rr**o Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL ICdbdll L the Presses of Paul Elder # Company W The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor How the Bell-pull Artist Wooed His Fair by Wallace Irwin 'ELL, it wasn't easy, but he got the girl, and doesn't care: '* For when your arms are full of girl and fluff, You hide your nerve behind a yard of grin ; You'd spit into a wild-cat's face and bluff A flock of dragons with a safety-pin." A single quotation, however, is not fair. Any one who appreciates fun, human nature, and perfect metrical construction ought to take in the whole clear symphony. And then, as the author says, " If you don't like the language, send your copy to Germany, where they don't care." The thrilling scenes of this melodious Trolley drama are decorated by Ray- mond Carter and bound in red transfer boards. Price: 50 cents net ; by mail, 57 cents. Refer to page 43. In Lighter Vein Sprightly Anecdotes and Witty Sayings Gathered by John De Morgan GOOD book to read before dining out," says one critic, and he's right; for Mr. De Morgan has the knack of picking up the good stories that the other fellow does n't know. Besides, there are worse occu- pations on a rainy day than sitting in an easy-chair and reading the best things said by the cleverest people at all stages of the world's career. The col- lection is not raked out of old calendars and other homes for superannuated jests ; it is a rich hoard of treasure-trove dug out of biographies, letters, rem- iniscences and other long-neglected records of celebrated men and women. Price : Buckram, $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.64. Flexible leather, $3.50 net; by mail, $3.64. Craftsman leather, $6.00 net. Refer to page 43. Betel Nuts What "They Say" in Hindustan. Oriental Epigrams Interpreted and Rhymed in English by Arthur Guiterman \ULL of wit and color, these Eastern proverbs sometimes parallel Western thought and sometimes diverge from it, yet always have the spice and tang of the Orient : " He has killed a thousand men ! " " Ah ! he 's half a doctor then." " Can Love devise That Love shall not be seen ? Nay ; Eyes meet Eyes, And Love slips out between." Many other sayings showing what the Hindu thinks of business, philoso- phy, religion, love, marriage, medicine, war, daily life and all else imagin- able are similarly presented in rhymes, printed in Oriental style with a striking frontispiece by Will Jenkins. The binding is of plain buff boards, with a lining of rich red silk fibre suggesting the color of the betel nut. Price : 75 cents net ; by mail, 80 cents. Refer to page 41. TD1 f*r* oo t-l 4- T3o rr^O Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL JLCctOdll L the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Prosit A Book of Toasts, Compiled by The Spinners' Club IT ISN'T easy to think of some fitting sentiment on the spur of the moment when called upon at a spread or a banquet, but here is a profusion of witty toasts to everything toastable. " Here 's to the model husband always some other woman's!" Good to read and well worth memorizing, they are presented in an attractive new edition in heavy hinged boards with tape fasteners, and with a jovial frontispiece in two colors. Price: Tar boards, 75 cents net ; by mail, 81 cents. Flexible leather, $3.00 net; by mail, $3.11. Craftsman Edition, $6.00 net. Refer to page 45. A Century of Misquotations Wise Sayings Mirthfully Arranged by Mary B. Diamond IF TRUTH must be told, this is a triumph of audacity and cleverness, the author further being aided by a unique sense of humor. The scheme of the book is deliciously simple. One hundred familiar quo- tations are united in unholy wedlock with as many others. Mere clever- ness could never have inspired its creation. It took nerve just that. It is gaily printed in green and black and bound in flexible Fabriano. Price : 40 cents. Refer to page 41. Sovereign "Woman Versus Mere Man Charges and Countercharges Against Men and Women, in Merry Quotations, Compiled by Jennie Day Haines foundations of this little book were laid when Adam and Eve first fell out. It is printed on double-leaf Japan paper with graceful ^ decorations, and bound in flexible Rhinos. Price : $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.07. Refer to page 46. Good Housewifery : Recipes for reducing the cost of living are the order of the day. But in spite of governmental investigations, no one has as yet sug- gested anything much better than good but econom- ical cooking to prevent waste of food; proper care of the wardrobe to prevent waste of clothing, and due attention to health to cut down doctors' bills. :::::: The 101 Epicurean Thrills Series A Kitchen Library of Original Recipes Conveniently Classified by May E. Southworth F I \HERE are eleven of these little books for the -good housewife, each containing 101 recipes. Four have been issued in a new popular ^ edition, printed in two colors and bound in strong, gaily colored paper covers and each enclosed in a uniform envelope as follows : 2. 101 Salads 4. 101 Mexican Dishes 3. 101 Chafingr-Dish Recipes 7. 101 Beverages 10 Pleasant Pages Books and Card3 w - rth Giving> from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company The 101 Epicurean Thrills Series Con tin ued Any one of these will make a pleasant gift, especially to the young house- keeper, and at the price the complete set of four booklets will be an inex- pensive though especially attractive present. Price : Each volume, 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 cents. Refer to page 44. Other volumes in the same series appear in the Grill Room Edition, bound in heavy Herculean covers, as follows : 1. 101 Sandwiches 8. 101 Candies 5. 101 Sauces 9. 101 Desserts 6. 101 Entrees 10. 101 Layer Cakes 11. 101 Oysters Price : Each volume, 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 44. The Country Club Edition, bound in canvas boards, contains the following : 1. 101 Sandwiches. 7. 101 Beverages 2. 101 Salads 9. 101 Desserts 5. 101 Sauces 10. 101 Layer Cakes 6. 101 Entrees 11. 101 Oysters Price : Each volume, $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.05. Refer to page 44. The yet more elaborate Tomoye Edition, elegantly bound in hand-fin- ished flexible suede calf, includes : 1. 101 Sandwiches 7. 101 Beverages 2. 101 Salads 8. 101 Candies 3. 101 Chafing-Dish Recipes 9. 101 Desserts 4. 101 Mexican Dishes 10. 101 Layer Cakes 5. 101 Sauces 11. 101 Oysters Price : Each volume, $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.05. Refer to page 44. Spots: Or 202 Cleansers Compiled by Clarice T. Courvoisier THIS useful booklet might well have been dedicated to " The Lady of the Spotless Gown." Only, it contains recipes for removing spots not only from fabrics, but from everything else, animal, vegetable or mineral. These are arranged in classified groups with an adequate index and are conveniently ready at all times to lighten the housekeeper's contin- uous battle. The booklet is attractively bound in paper, in the same style as the new edition of the 101 Epicurean Thrills, rubricated throughout, the cover in two colors, and enclosed in an envelope uniform with the cover. Price : 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 cents. Refer to page 46. Messages to Mothers Talks on Simple Methods and Natural Diet by Herman Partsch, M. D. AN INVALUABLE aid towards eliminating preventable ills, present- ing a practical and natural method for the care and treatment of mother and child. The valuable contents are: Power in Physio- logical Functions, Sickness of Pregnancy, Natural Infant Feeding, The Maternity Nurse, Ills of the Weaning Period, Sweet Fruits Versus Confec- tions, Some Failures at School. Attractively printed with a frontispiece reproducing Delia Robbia's " Bambino," and bound in full linen. Price : $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.61. Refer to page 43. 11 TD1 pko O O -n -f "Do fT^O Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JK ICctOdll L IT dCO the Presses of Paul Elder # Coman the Presses of Paul Elder # Company The Secrets of Beauty & Mysteries of Health 'With Recipes Gathered in Many Lands by Cora Brown Potter HYSICIAN, cure thyselfj" said old ^sop, implying that it is folly to buy hair-restorers from a bald-headed chemist. On the other hand, take note that, as one gallant reviewer says of Mrs. Potter's book, " It is written by one whose health and beauty are proof of the truth she expounds." The book is liberally illustrated and bound in a flexible weath- ered red cover or in red satin finish linen. Price : Flexible cover, 75 cents net ; by mail, 85 cents. Linen boards, $1.75 net ; by mail, $1.88. Refer to page 45. In Gardens Green : To those who have themselves tasted those joys of Eden, sowing and watering, and gathering the fruits or flowers of their own rearing, all literature relating to gardens, be it practical or poetical, is endeared for the sake of the subject alone. Besides, through heredity we are all gardeners at heart and cannot but love the lore of sweet earth and green things growing. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Patience and Her Garden A Whimsical Parable for Clubwomen, Housekeepers and Gardeners, by Ida Smith Decker NOW Patience had a garden as have many others and it was her heart's delight to toil in her chosen little plot made sweet by the kiss of sunbeams and the caresses of rain and dew. For, in the words of the lovely lyric illumined upon the leaflet serving as a frontis- piece for the winsome booklet wherein her tale is told, **A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot ! Rose plot, fringed pool, fern 'd grot The veriest school Of peace ; and yet the fool Contends that God is not Not God ! in gardens ! when the eve is cool? Nay, but I have a sign : 'T is very sure God walks in mine." Yet her garden, like other gardens, had enemies even more potent than snail or slug or small green worm, and how this truth became clear to her, and what she did when the scales fell from her eyes, is the theme of this half-sportive little story. Then let all true garden-lovers read the brief narrative of Patience and Her Garden, so that their own gardens shall more abundantly flourish with leaf and flower and fruit. Yea, and upon all true garden-lovers be that old Anglo-Saxon benediction, "May they be blest with the blessing of grapes and apples." The booklet is charm- ingly printed in two colors on distinctive Spanish hand-made paper, water marked, with a frontispiece, and is bound in green flexible Fabriano, enclosed in uniform gold-stamped envelope. Price : 35 cent net; by mail, 38 cents. Refer to page 45. 12 "Pa O JTdg Books and Cards Worth Givin & from the Presses of Paul Elder &> Company Ye Gardeyne Boke Sayings About Gardens and Plants That Grow Therein Compiled by Jennie Day Haines "IT TT TTHAT *S the use of having views if no one confirms or contradicts \f\/ them ? Well, here are the words, pleasant, wise or sentimental, * in which many minds have expressed their views on gardens, plants and flowers, gathered together for the approval or disapproval of gardeners and garden-lovers. It is a tasteful book, printed, bound and decorated as the subject demands. Prices: Flexible Sugiyama, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.09. Buckram, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.63. Flexible leather, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.10. Craftsman leather, $8.00 net. Refer to page 47. The Garden Book of California By Belle Sumner Angier F | ^HIS well-illustrated volume on far Western gardens contains much information of interest to garden lovers east or west. It is the out- **" come of experiences with far Western gardens that will be of value to all v/ho enjoy persuading things to grow. Prices : Linen, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.12. Spanish leather, $3.50 net ; by mail, $3.65. Craftsman leather, $6.00 net. Refer to page 42. Records of Pleasant Visits: Kind Host and Wel- come Guest, let not all recollection of mutually agree- able tarryings end with "Good-by." But let each Guest leave written record of his stay as a remem- brance to the Host, and for other Guests to read, and for himself to review upon the happy day when he shall come again. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Remembrance Guest Book Designed by Robert Wilson Hyde with Verses by Arthur Guiterman ^T TT T*HEN in doubt what to give a friend in acknowledgment of hos- \/\/ pitality or as a gift for the new home or the old, remember The Remembrance Guest Book. Its heavy French cream vellum pages decorated in dark green are arranged to receive each guest's rec- ord of his visit. Other pages are reserved for sketches by guests skilled with brush or pencil, and for souvenirs. At the top of each record page is a pleasant verse of greeting from some one or something in the house, as when the canary sings: Like thee, a willing prisoner am I. O Fellow-Guest, why should we seek to fly ? " In the front of the volume, in place of the usual title page, is a rubricated leaf upon which the owner's name may be engrossed. The double-page frontispiece, representing the reception of guests at the gate of a medieval 13 "Pd OV=*Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL dgCo the Presses of Paul Elder & Company The Remembrance Guest Book Con tinued castle, is a wonderful example of elaborate color work. The dimensions of the book are 8^ x UK inches. The Cozy-Corner Edition is serviceably bound in durable buckram. The Host Edition is most attractively bound in rich golden fabric ; the Greeting Edition in full Shiki silk, and the Welcome Edition in full russet pigskin. Each copy is enclosed in an appropriate box. Prices: Fabric, $3.50 net; by mail, $3.82. Shiki silk, $5.00 net; by mail, $5.32. Shiki silk in silk case, $6.00 net; by mail, $6.32. Pigskin, $10.00 net; by mail, $10.32. Refer to page 42. The Craftsman Guest Book Designed by Robert Wilson Hyde, with Verses by Arthur Guiterman LIKE the Remembrance Guest Book in contents and decoration, this imposing gift book is considerably larger, iSJ^xll^ inches, a size that entitles it to a place on the table of the foyer, library or living- room. Here, too, the guest finds his greeting on every page. The Dog says : " My softest Paw I give in faithful sign Of Amity ; my Master's Friends are mine." The House Gift Edition is bound in a specially woven golden fabric ; the All Hail Edition, in full russet pigskin. Each volume carefully boxed. Prices : Golden fabric, $7.50 net; by express, $8.14. Pigskin, $15.00 net ; by express, $15.64. Refer to page 42. A Book of Hospitalities With a Foreword on Old Hou^e Mottoes by Arthur Guiterman f I \HIS might be called a reading guest book. The foreword is a bright essay on house mottoes, giving many old verses applicable to mod- * ern dwellings. On the left-hand pages throughout are printed a connected series of greetings to guests. THE HEARTH "The Hearth am I, the deep Heart of the Dwelling; A pleasant Nook for Ease and Story-telling ; Where Friendship's Flame shall find a glad Renewal, While Mirth and kindly chat supply the Fuel." These are set forth in a decorative but legible black text letter within a border appropriately designed from a motif of English hawthorn by Charles Frank Ingerson. The right-hand pages except for the text head-line and border are left blank for records and comments of guests. Truly a delightful book in appearance j agreeable in size, 6^ x 10 X inches, the text in black and green harmoniously blending with the rich brown-toned Brittany paper up- on which it is printed, and with the binding a deeper ^brown-toned Brittany boards stamped in gold and green with backbone of rough, gray leather, or, if preferred, a binding of full heavy Spanish leather stamped in gold. Prices : Brittany boards, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.67. Full leather, $3.00 net; by mail, $3.12. Refer to page 42. 14 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company The Auto Guest Book For Recording Motor Trips and Adventures, by Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant and R. B. Glaenzer SINCE so many good Americans only use houses to sleep in, but autos to live in, the rich-toned, humorously decorated pages of this book have been prepared to receive full accounts of motor trips, adven- tures, yes, and mishaps and expenses, for those who choose to remember such things. Not only bright drawings in two colors, but also the electro- gasoline maxims of Punbad the Railer enliven the pages. The Motor Edi- tion is bound in full linen ; the Spark Plug Edition, in full red automobile leather, and each book is enclosed in a red box on which appears the gold cup, the "Trophy of the Chased." Prices : Linen, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.10. Leather, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.10. Refer to page 41. Wedding Bells: All the world loves a bride. On one brief day in a woman's life she is the most important person in her circle ; and on that day friends would leave undone nothing that could add to her happiness. Meet is it, then, to preserve in suitable form all the records and memorials of her most memorable day. "Wedding Book The House That Jack Built by Robert Wilson Hyde / a ^HE skill of binder and colorist, the resources of art, humor and senti- ment combine to make this book worthy, as no other ever has been, * to preserve all memories of the bridal day. " This is the House that Jack Built. This is Sir Jack of High Renown, You've heard of him, I'll wager a crown, That built the House that Jack Built. This is the Maid of the Dainty Gown That captured Jack of High Renown And lived in the House that Jack Built." So the merry rhyme runs from page to page, telling of the bride, the bride- groom, their future home, the bridesmaids, the bridesmen, the day, the church, the " parchment " (which naturally means the marriage certificate), the kith and kin, aunts, uncles, cousins and all, the friends, the gifts, thoroughly classified, the feast and the toasts and songs with which it was celebrated, all with ample room for recording details under these and other heads. A broad panel design, gorgeous in many colors and gold, shows all the char- acters, properties and scenery of this great domestic drama, running con- tinuously along the upper part of the doubled pages; and the pictures are none the less attractive because the characters are portrayed with the splendid costumes and appointments of the Middle Ages. Below this design on each page is the space for records and the mounting of photographs and souvenirs, in some copies left entirely blank, but in others filled in with 15 TD1 AO CO ft 4- T^O OV^O Books and Cards Worth Giving, from J- A^dOClll L JT dgCO the Presses of Paul Elder Company Wedding Book Continued the various suggestive headings, the form for the marriage certificate, etc. The book is 10xll# inches, beautifully and durably bound in buckram, Shiki silk or white calf according to edition, and enclosed in a suitable box. Prices : Buckram, $3.50 net ; by mail, $3.75. Shiki silk, $5.00 net; by mail, $5.25. Shiki silk in silk case, $6.00 net ; by mail, $6.25. White calf, $10.00 net ; by mail, $10.25. White calf in calf case, $15.00 net; by mail, $15.30. Refer to page 46. Choice Presents: In addition to the value of their contents, some books possess, by virtue of the care and skill that has been lavished in their making, that peculiar quality of " giveableness " which we attach to goldsmiths' and silversmiths' work and other artis- tic productions. All good books are worthy presents ; but gift books declare in unmistakable language, " I am a present." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Raven Prefaced by The Philosophy of Composition by Edgar Allan Poe BY MANY "The Raven "is considered the most remarkable Ameri- can poem; and the essay, The Philosophy of Composition, in which the poet describes the method by which his masterpiece was con- structed, is an illuminative contribution to the literature of critical analysis which may more fittingly precede a reprint of the poem than any intro- duction written by another hand. The poem with the author's own com- mentary is here published in a large quarto printed on Arches hand-made paper in perfect typography with liberal use of photogravure illustration, and rubricated designed initials. The Pallas Edition is bound in gray Ancona boards with leather backbone. The Fordham Edition in chocolate Flemish kiphide suede, and the new Lenore Edition in shadow boards, through which show graceful traceries of leaves. In every particular this is a finished example of sumptuous bookmaking, worthy of Poe's classic. Prices- Shadow-paper boards. $5.00 net: by mail, $5.24. Ancona boards, $6.00 net; by mail, $6.24. Flemish suede, $10.00 net; by mail, $10.24. Refer to page 45. Christmasse Tyde Yule-tide Quotations and Holiday Lore, Compiled by Jennie Day Haines CHRISTMAS books are ever in demand ; but this book, most Christ- massy in its contents, combines interest and utility with the highest degree of beauty. It contains Christmas poems, selections, hymns and carols; little chapters on Ye Holly Branch, Ye Mistletoe Bough, Ye Yule Log, Ye Christmasse Waytes, Christmasse Lullabies, and all subjects pertaining to the Twelve Days of Yule. What else is needed for Christ- 16 "PI fao O O n + "Po OV=>Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from i lCd.bd.ll L JTdgCO the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Christmasse Tyde Continued mas reading or the school celebration? Printed in the clear old missal style, the rich black text and the strong headings in their rules of antique red stand out as though embossed upon the creamy ground of old Nor- mandy vellum. The frontispiece, a Madonna and Child by Gordon Ross, is printed in delicate colors on hand-made Japan tissue. Each book is boxed. The Mistletoe Edition is bound in flexible Chameleon covers with a chang- ing effect; the Holly Edition in Ancona Italian hand-made boards; the Yule Log Edition in full champagne Siberian kid, and the Craftsman Edi- tion in heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored. Prices: Chameleon covers, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.38. Ancona boards, $2-00 net ; by mail, $2.14. Siberian kid, $5.00 net. Craftsman leather, $10.00 net. Refer to page 42. The Spinners' Book of Fiction Colorful Stories by Modern Western Writers Collected by the Book Committee of the Spinners' Club MANY tales are called " typically Western." But there are not only representative stories by seventeen distinguished California authors, but they have also been selected with critical care by San Fran- cisco's celebrated literary group, the Spinners' Club, and are illustrated in color from paintings by six prominent California artists. That the book contains the work of such authors as Gertrude Atherton, Jack London, Geraldine Bonner, James Hopper, Mary Halleck Foote, Frank Norris and Miriam Michelson alone guarantee the quality of the contents. It is the strong voice of the far West. Printed on fine white deckle-edge paper and bound in durable Spinners' linen, with a medallion on the cover, it is an ideal gift. Full of good tales, well told and perfectly set forth. Price : $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.22. Refer to page 46. Western Classics Four Masterpieces from the Pacific Coast LITTLE gems of American literature in perfect settings that will be prized in any library not merely for their literary appeal, but as ex- amples of exquisite book craft. Each volume is individually com- posed in hand-set type best adapted to the subject, the Sea Fogs in Caslon Old Style in combination with chaste hand-mitered rule panels ; another volume in Bookman Antique, a third in Cheltenham. In each the decoration, reserved in character, is in perfect harmony with the text. Each book is printed upon Italian hand- made paper with a photogravure frontis- piece on Japan vellum, and is bound in heavy Ancona beveled boards with sheepskin parchment backs. In the Tamalpais Edition, collected, the set of four volumes is enclosed in a cabinet box of heavy lacquered Japanese fibre stock, richly colored, a striking contrast to the parchment volumes. The Tamalpais Edition, single, presents the separate volumes each in a hinged case of a similar character. In the Bookcraft Edition, each volume is enclosed in a jacket of hand-made Ancona to match the binding in color and inserted in a uniform slide-box. Either individually or as a set, the Western Classics would make a delightful remembrance to any one inter- ested either in good literature or good bookmaking. The titles are : 17 "PI ^d CO Tl + T^O rr^o Books and Cards Worth Giving, from - A^dOdll L JT dgCO the Presses of Paul Elder & Company The Western Classics Continued 1. The Sea Fogs. By Robert Louis Stevenson. The introduction is by Thomas R. Bacon and the frontispiece by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 2. The Case Of Summerfield. By William H. Rhodes. Geraldine Bonner supplies the introduction and Galen J. Perrett the frontispiece. 3. Tennessee's Partner. By Bret Harte. The introduction is by William Dallam Armes. The frontispiece is by Albertine Randall Wheelan. 4. A Son of the Gods ^ A Horseman in the Sky. By Ambrose Bierce. Introduction by W. C. Morrow. Frontispiece by Will Jenkins. Prices : Tamalpais Edition, Collected, $7.50 net ; by mail, $7.78. Single volumes, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.10. Book Craft Edition, the set, $7 .50 net ; by mail, $7.75. Single volumes, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.08. Refer to page 46. Weather Opinions Well-weathered Wisdom with Interleaves on Weather Subjects, Compiled by Jennie Day Haines HERE are quotations, proverbs, weather rhymes, weather signs and cheerful weather philosophy to help out the perennial discussion of society's favorite subject. The book is printed on cream Nor- mandy vellum with green border rules and original decorations. Also, there are interleaves on all sorts of amusing topics connected with the weather. Most people are weather grumblers. This is an appropriate gift to all such, being a certain cure for weather grumbling. Prices : Chameleon cover, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.37. Fabnano boards, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.16. Champagne kid, $5.00 net; by mail, $5.16. Refer to page 46. In Other Lands: " Homekeeping youth have ever homely wits." Still, many of us are compelled to do our traveling in the spirit rather than in the body. And, after all, there are plenty of alert readers who have obtained broader views of foreign lands from the printed page than many travelers have taken in through the naked or spectacled eye. Not only the book of foreign travel, but also books on foreign liter- ature, art history and romance may be our mental passports into other climes. :::::::::::::::::::: By the Way Pleasant Travel Letters with Useful Notes for Tourists by Agness Greene Foster TOO many travelers go to foreign lands to find fault because things are different from what they are at home. But the author of" By the Way," a simple-natured, sweet-hearted observer on each of her tours, went to enjoy new sights and to drink in new beauties without the incessant 18 TD1 Aoeonf T^O CT^C Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JrlCaod.Il L the Presses of Paul Elder 8> Company By the Way Continued query whether they were inferior or superior to others. There is nothing of dry guide-book recital in this book ; it is more like a travel novel, and is full of the author's kindly personality, written in a wonderfully enjoyable man- ner, bright, vivid, conversational, presenting an exceptionally entertaining story in an easy, picturesque style. The information is cleverly woven in through a series of bright letters dealing with interesting people and places. England, Ireland, Scotland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Aus- tria-Hungary, Italy, Greece, and European and Asiatic Turkey are among the countries visited, with characteristic comment and anecdote. Here is a little bit which forms the closing paragraph of the chapter on Turkey, and which may be taken as a specimen of the writer's literary skill : " In spite of the night spent on and in the black waters of the Bosphorus, when I think of Constantinople, it is not of this not of its filthy streets, nor its thousands of pariah dogs, not of their howls nor the well nigh unbearable din of bells and yells but of my first view of a phantom-like city, seated on seven hills, the sides covered with many-colored roofs which slope down to a long, white kiosk, of minarets, of mosques with slender spires, and of one tall sentinel cypress tree in the foreground, all seen through the haze of dawn over Marmora's blue waters." The book is thoroughly indexed, and a list of hotels and pensions in places visited will be found a feature of great value to the tourist of moderate means. The many charming illus- trations are reproductions of photographs in brown duotone mezzograv- ures tipped upon pages blank except for the title of the picture. Nothing could be better as a "Bon Voyage " gift than this book, neatly and service- ably bound in flexible linen. Price : $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.58. Refer to page 41. Impressions of Ukiyo-ye Telling of the Japanese Color-print Artists and Their Work by Dora Amsden FROM this fascinating survey of the national art of Japan one cannot but gain an idea of Japan itself, for the old Japanese color prints do not concern themselves so much with history or classic allegories as with the every-day, intimate life of the people. The book is of itself an art treasure, printed in Japanese effects on double-leaved Japan paper and illustrated with many fine examples of the work of the old artists whose romantic lives and notable productions are interpreted and described in the text. The characteristic Japanese touch also appears in the workman- ship of the unbleached linen binding. Price : $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.58. Refer to page 43. The Princess of Manoa With Other Romantic Folk-tales of Old Hawaii by Mrs. Frank R. Day HERE are the well-told legends of a wild yet lovable race stories of love and heroism, tales of the tawny Kanakas and their potent fire-goddess whose palace is in the red heart of their ever-smolder- ing volcano. Printed on golden-brown paper, it is illustrated with dark- toned photogravures of great charm, tipped upon mounting sheets. Prices : Basket buckram, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. Spanish leather, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.12. Craftsman leather, $8.00 net. Refer to page 45. 19 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder $? Company Obil, Keeper of Camels Being the Parable of the Man Whom the Disciples Saw Casting Out Devils, by Lucia Chase Bell A STRONG, vivid tale of Palestine in the days of the Christ. Simply, devoutly, and well in accordance with this spirit of sacred tradition, Mrs. Bell has woven a tale of this unnamed doer of deeds in a pictur- esque parable, the deep intrinsic truth of which will be recognized by all. Prices : Flexible Ancona, 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. Flexible boards, 75 cents net ; by mail, 79 cents. Refer to page 44. The Tocsin A Stirring Drama of Florence in the Time of the Medici by Esther Brown Tiffany E fancies 'The Tocsin 'as it might seem were it offered on the stage, a modern miracle play, and the thought is all in its favor, for assuredly it is something susceptible of most satisfactory and suc- cessful presentation to an audience sufficiently refined to recognize its great merit. Doubtless through this channel more will be heard of this remarkable play, for its value in this direction will scarcely be overlooked by discerning artists seeking a medium through which to command public approval and support. As a literary production, regardless of its further possibilities, 'The Tocsin ' is of superlative delicacy and rare distinction." The Bellman. Printed on hand-made paper and bound in Fabriano boards in a limited edition, of which there are but a few copies left. Price : $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.11. Refer to page 46. For the City! It cannot be called mere local pride that makes the people of San Francisco exalt their city, for by their full devotion they have proven that city worthy the patriotic ardor that she has inspired. A noble pride is a promise of high endeavor. It is well that one should be unashamed to proclaim him- self " a citizen of no mean city." :::::::::::::::: The City Loved Around the World A Toast to San Francisco by James Henry MacLafferty SO GENERAL has been the acclaim of this exaltation of" The City that Is ! The City to Be ! " and its wide acceptance as the very epitome of the spirit and aspirations of San Francisco, that h was found necessary to present it in durable form, for use as a gift or as a souvenir at banquets and celebrations. It is printed with decorations in two colors in a booklet of kid-skin parchment. Price : 10 cents net. Refer to page 42. 20 B o<> k s and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company The Vanished Ruin Era San Francisco's Classic Artistry of Ruins Recalled in Picture and Song by Louis J. Stellmann IN THIS volume the strange, weird loveliness of a city, beautiful in de- struction, is recorded in pictures and verses for those who now glory in the splendor of that city born anew. To quote the author's preface: " To those upon whose minds the panorama of the events of four reconstructive years is ineffaceably impressed, there are memories beautiful as well as awe- some, and among these are the pictures of that modern Acropolis which the Fire God created that ephemeral and vanished ruin era which in its weird, flame-wrought transformation made things of beauty out of hovels, which carved shapes of classic dignity out of structural atrocities, which lent a touch of magical, if spurious, age-refinement to the fire-ravaged areas, akin to the time-hallowed grandeur of Athens and of Rome." On every right- hand page is mounted a duotone print of some noble wraith of architecture in the tragedy of desolation, the broken coliseum of the Strawberry Hill Observatory; a shattered Ionic portal recalling the Temple of the Acropolis ; views of the cathedral towers and arches rising still above tumbled walls ; sundered splendors of palaces, Italian gardens and civic monuments, and at the last, scenes of the vigorous upbuilding and triumphant renewal of an unconquerable city. On the facing left-hand pages are the author's verses describing each view and voicing the feelings with which the original in- spired him. The book is beautifully bound in strong boards, enclosed in a box, and finished throughout in a style both elegant and unique. It is a volume that will appeal irresistibly to every loyal San Franciscan and every lover of Art. As a gift book de luxe it has few equals. Price : $2.50 net ; by mail, $2.78. Refer to page 46. College Days : It is precisely because college life is so distinct and apart, that college training is of so great value. In the democracy of the college world the young men or young women must work out their salvation through their own merits, thus uncon- sciously fitting themselves to do the same in their post-graduate course in the greater world. No mem- ories are more tenderly treasured than memories of collegiate years. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The College Freshman's Don't Book Prepared for Unguided Freshmen at Large by George Fulerton Evans ( A. B.), a Sympathizer THIS good advice costs 75 cents, and by the same token can be proved mathematically to be infinitely more valuable than the advice that costs nothing. From a perusal of the little notes printed on the broad margins of the neat pages, you will find that the advice covers a remark- ably large number of things that the average Freshman usually learns from 21 and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder &* Company The College Freshman's Don't Book Continued diversely flavored experience. The most unusual thing about it is, that it is expert advice, good advice and takeable advice; not all good advice is takeable ; most of it is too priggish ; this is n't. Different pieces of advice are illustrated by Charles Frank Ingerson, and the pages are adorned with decorations and initials by Raymond Carter. On the cover of blue Fabriano boards appears a touching representation of an aspiring Freshman essaying to shin up the Tree of Knowledge. Only the author's evident modesty kept him from adding as a final piece of advice of transcending importance, " Buy a copy of the book for every Freshman of your acquaintance." It blesses him that gives and him that receives. Price : 75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. Refer to page 42. The Girl's College Record A Treasury for Memories of Student Days Arranged by Virginia Woodson Frame HEREIN is space for the records of all the events and impressions of a girl's college life, social and scholastic, sports, examinations, dances, larks, studies and vacations, remembrances of teachers, hobbies and friendships. It is printed on heavy-toned paper, suitable for mounting pho- tographs and other souvenirs, with full-page cartoons, topical decorations and verses, in short, it is just the gift for a college girl. Prices: Buckram, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.66. Suede boards, $3.50 net; by mail, $3.66. Craftsman leather, $6.00 net. Refer to page 42. Californian Harvests: Many have remarked that to visit California is to enter a new -world, so distinct is the State from all her sister commonwealths. Yet differences in physical features, climate, vegetation, architecture and even modes and customs by no means imply lack of mutual sympathy. All the world is interested in California, as California is interested in all the world. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bird Notes Afield Essays on the Winged Folk of the Pacific Coast, with a Field Check List, by Charles A. Keeler SNAPSHOTS of wild birds at home illustrate this delightful work, written by one who is on intimate visiting terms with his little feath- ered friends. His stories of the haunts and ways of the bird neighbors are both readable and important as contributions to the study of the orni- thology of the Western Coast. The book contains a valuable field check list which is a complete guide for the identification of each specie. It is printed on warm-toned paper and is bound in strong linen. Prices: Linen, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.18; Spanish leather, $3.50 net; by mail, $3.67. Refer to page 41. 22 "D1 ^O 00 -n + "Po OV*Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from Jtrieaod.Il L the Presses of Paul Elder # Company The Garden Book of California Pleasant Discourses for Those 'Who Dig and Plant by Belle Sumner Angier CALIFORNIA gardens are famous, and this book tells of some of them and of California gardening methods, with twenty photographic views. Moreover, the information contained in such chapters as Simple Gar- dening Methods, Little Brown Bulbs, Ferns and Ferneries, Back-yard Prob- lems and Tropical Plants, will be found valuable both East and West. Prices : Linen, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.12. Spanish leather, $3.50 net ; by mail, $3.65. Refer to page 42. The Mother of California Lower California Its Strange History and Coming Importance, by Arthur Walbridge North WITH an Introduction by Cyrus C. Adams of the American Geo- graphical Society. Prospecting in territory but slightly touched by the historian, Mr. North has reconstructed from old Spanish documents and later records the first history of the long finger of land that points to the Panama Canal, the peninsula which, he tells us, we occu- pied during the Mexican War, but, failing to recognize its coming strategic importance, relinquished as "the tail-end of an earthquake." The book is illustrated with thirty-two views, and contains the only modern authorita- tive chart of an interesting but little-known region. The volume is one that will deeply interest all those who care for geographical and historical research and also all those who take delight in the romance of history. Price : $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.18. Refer to page 44. The Children's Hour: Interesting the children is not so difficult a task for those who have learned that the little ones have a strong appreciation of clear, naive humor, stories rippling with merry little inci- dents, simple, well-cadenced songs and sound, straight- forward but not "preachy" morality. But those who realize that tastes should be formed as early as possi- ble will place in a child's hands only such books as are beautiful and free from vulgarity. :::::::::::: The Hump Tree Stories Merry Tales of Little Folk of Field and Forest, Marsh and Garden, by Mary Joss Jones NOW these stories are all true, for they are told mainly on the excellent authority of Mr. Big Bill Brown Bird of the Low-Limbed Hump Tree. And they tell of the adventures of High-Hopper Grasshop- per, Hum per, the Green Worm, Black Brother, the Little Wild Pig, Mr. and Mrs. Black Bird who are so wise and clever, Little Miss Tadlets the Ambi- 23 Pleasant Pages f h r ks and Cards Worth Giving ' from : Presses of Paul Elder 8> Company The Hump Tree Stories Continued tious Froglet, the Pink Butterfly who is called Winky-Pink because he winks with his wings, Dickey Swift, the Squirrel, and other entertaining folk of the Woodland, the River Bank, the Garden Lands, the Green Grass Region and The Swamp _G rass country, "Where the willows shake, "Where the grasses wave, And the Blackbirds say * Good Morning.* " The book is full of occasional little lilts of song like this, and the adventures of the little people it tells about are most eye-widening and hair-curling and excitingly true. It is full of pictures by R. L. Hudson, wonderfully illus- trative, and of delightful decorations, head and tail pieces and initial letters that are both interesting and entertaining and very good drawing. The book is brightly printed in two colors and bound in extra boards with fabric back, a substantial, entertaining volume for the nursery reading-table or library. Price : $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.11. Refer to page 43. The Hump Tree Booklets SOMETIMES it is pleasant to send a child a little gift in a delightful form, or to prolong a pleasure by sending a succession of little gifts instead of one large present. So here are the individual Hump Tree Stories, each in a little illustrated book by itself bound in a gaily colored flexible cloth-of-gold cover. And they are called: 1. Mr. High-Hopper Grasshopper. "High-Hopper Grasshopper, quick as a wink; Did he hop to the sun, or what do you think ? ** 2. Humper, the Green Worm. " Open my leaves and then you will see How Humper, the Green Worm, kept house in my Tree.** 3. Black Hawk, the Sky Pirate. "Little Mrs. Black Bird, safely in her nest ; And far away goes old Black Hawk winging to his rest. 1 * 4. Black Brother. " 'Come here to Me-e-e- ' calls Mother, and all the Piggies run ; Black Brother ? No, he 's lagging he *s the naughty little one.'* 5. Mrs. Wriggles in the Swamp-Grass Country. "Hooked within tlv's leafy book and this is what I found i A wriggling Mrs. Wriggles, wriggling all around." 6. Luminiferous Miss Tadlets. "Is that Miss Tadlets sitting in the cool pool all alone? I wonder if she's wondering where all the flies have flown ! w 7. Winky Pink, the Butterfly. " Winky Pink, Winky Pink, where do you fly, Like a little pink flower afloat in the sky ? " 8. Dickey Swift, the Squirrel : His Escape. "Dickey Swift, scurry to the tip end of your bough, And scold the greedy, grunting Pigs that tease the kind old Sow." It would be hard to find anything more pleasing to a bright youngster than these booklets or the complete volume, for the stories are of the sort that will be read again and again, never forgotten, but dearer with each repetition. Price : Each booklet, 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 cents. Refer to page 43. 24 TD1 pr| o % -pi 4- TPp CTpQ Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Slumber Sea Chanteys Little Songs for Little Voyagers to Dreamland Words by Lucia Chase Bell and Rita Bell James Music by Carrie Stone Freeman ^ AHESE are real chanteys, simple and sweet and of varied subjects and rhythms, that were so loved by the real baby to whom they * were first sung that they are now printed to help other babies in their cruises on the Dreamland Sea. They can be chanted with their pleas- ant repetitions in any key, and their prettiness is indicated in the titles: Little Brown Owl in the Redwood Tree, Wee White Bark on Slumber Sea, Pattie Footie Play, The Winds, Song of Baby's Wordies, The Ride to Supper Town, on Grandpa's Foot, Rain Song, The Umbrella Partee, The Crickets, Babykin's Train Song. The pages with the words, airs and piano accompaniments are decorated with " little flocks of pen and ink sketches," inspired by the same tiny " Billy Winkum " for whose benefit the songs were first sung. While perfectly adapted to the delicate ear and sensibili- ties of a little child, every number of this music is good music, as it should be, the "Rain Song "and " Crickets " being especially lovely and poetic in melody and accompaniment. They were written with true sympathy for all that the child knows, feels and thinks, and should prove a boon to the mother, not used to woo him to sleep in her arms, but as a part of those happy loving-times which rightfully belong to every child. Some of the best primary teachers and kindergartners are finding these little home chanteys suited to their use also, and the former editor of two of the greatest magazines for children has written, " I wish to congratulate all who have been associated in the making of this delightful book." The book, 9x12, is bound in strong flexible Tekoa. Price : $1.00. Refer to page 45. The Potato Child and Others Three Tender Christmas Stories The Potato Child, A Story That Never Ends, and A Nazareth Christmas by Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury If only our help could begin as soon as our hindrance does." "f- a \HE Potato Child" was only a doll made out of a healthy potato* by a lonely, love-hungry little waif; but " there is no knowing how ^ much good one sweet, loving, contented potato child can do in a house." "A Story That Never Ends" shows how a very normal but angry little boy learned the lesson of forgiveness from a boyish vision of the greatest of ail teachers in His boyhood. In " A Nazareth Christmas" is the story of the Nativity told by the Mother of Jesus when He was yet a boy in Nazareth. These touching tales are little in size but big in their appeal to the heart, and are told in the simple manner that is the best art. The frontispiece is a reproduction of a charming bas-relief by Elizabeth Ferrea, representing little Elsie tending the Potato Child. The booklet is bound in flexible covers in a new and pleasing effect and enclosed in a uniform, gold-stamped envelope as a delightful little holiday gift. Price : 35 cents net ; by mail, 38 cents. Refer to page 45. 25 "pi po QO f| ^~ "P3 CXf^Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder &* Company O Book of Nature Impressions of Living Things in Rhyme and Picture by Johnny Jones (Spelling by his Mother) THER children have pretty much the same impressions of birds, beasts, insects and reptiles ; that 's one reason that they like Johnny's first book in natural history. "I'm very fond of little doves, I love to hear them coo; It 's such a peaceful kind of sound, And sort of mournful, too." In its new flexible Kaiser cover this original little work is as welcome as a holiday. p r i ces . Flexible cover, 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 centa net. Cambric, 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 41. Wonders of the Deep Studies of Fishes and the Like by Johnny Jones A AHIRTY creatures of the sea and sand are written up in rhyme and pictured in Johnny's own, inimitable style. The Aquarium Edition ^" is bound in flexible green royal melton; the School Edition is cov- ered with cambric by Johnny's Mother in traditional schoolbook style. Prices : Flexible melton, 25 cents net ; by mail, 28 cents. Cambric, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 47. The Little Brown Hen Hears the Song of the Nightingale, and The Golden Harvest by Jasmine Stone Van Dresser BOTH of these charming stories are marked by the sunny lovableness and minor truth characteristic of the tales of Hans Christian Andersen. The Service Edition, in its green Japanese wood-boards, is a remark- able bit of bookmaking. The popular Harmony Edition is bound in flexible covers. Prices : Flexible cover, 50 cents net ; by mail, 55 cents. Japanese wood-boards, 75 cents net ; by mail, 80 cents. Refer to page 43. The Twins and The Whys A Fairy Tale for Young and Old by Susan F. Thompson \ WO little girls with the suggestive names " Cannie " and " Cantie " set forth on a small pilgrimage through this world of "Whys" and meet with characteristic adventures. Prices : Italian boards, 50 cents net; by mail, 56 cents. Flexible lambskin, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. Spanish leather, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.08. Craftsman leather, $4.50 net. Refer to page 46. 26 "Po -IT a Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Blottentots and How to Make Them A Magic Book With Which to Conjure Up Inky Sprites by John Prosper Carmel ** If you Ve never made a Blottentot This book will help you quite a lot." JUST ink and paper are all else that is necessary. The book is illus- trated with real Blottentots named and described in clever jingles, and is bound in Blottentotted boards in Chinese silver. Price : 50 cents. Refer to page 41. Tidings of Comfort and Joy: From the hours of printing, when Gutenberg, awed by the possibilities of his great invention, turned over the leaves of that quaint Bible, which was the first work of his rude press, the worthiest function of the typographer's art has been the multiplication of books that comfort, cheer, inspire faith, hope and peace, and make strong the soul. What can one send to others better than messages that cheer and bless !::::::::::::::::: Obil, Keeper of Camels Being the Parable of the Man Whom the Disciples Saw Casting Out Devils by Lucia Chase Bell INSPIRED imagination is the key with which man unlocks all mys- teries even the mysteries of religion and of science. "How did it happen that this unknown man could work this tremendous miracle ? " asks the seeker, pondering the story of the man of whom John said to Jesus, "Master, we saw one casting out devils in Thy name." Then, with the reverent imagination she reconstructs the tale of this unnamed marvel- worker, telling a strong, simple story so logically developed upon the basis of the Master's teachings, full of such deep faith and comforting assurance, that one must feel that she has found the truth. " Somewhere, somehow, the World-Brother had looked into his soul, seized him, owned him, filled him with His own power, pity and love. He had entered into the divine joy, the divine comradeship. He was working miracles of love because he must, not because he could." It is the story of a deeply wronged man, embittered by hatred, whose hatred turned to compassion for his enemy, and who through compassion and faith wrought greatly in the Master's name. Clearly printed in large type and rubricated, the book is issued in two bindings ; the Palm Leaf Edition, in blue flexible Ancona, and the Hebron Edition, in light gray boards with gold stamped title. Prices : Flexible Ancona, 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents net. Flexible boards, 75 cents net ; by mail, 79 cents. Refer to page 44. 27 T^l *O C O -n f" "Po rr*=kO B oo k3 a ^d Cards Worth Giving, from JLJ.^/CtOClllL JTClfciCo the Presses of Paul Elder #> Comnanv the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Light Through the Valley A Poem of Consolation by James Henry MacLafferty MANY hearts will echo these brave lines with their apostrophe to Death and the prayer, " That I may trust as now, so then, the One whose Messenger Thou art." It is an unrhymed ode addressed to the light that shines through the valley of the shadow of death, gracefully balanced, phrased with the felicity of true art and voicing a hopeful concep- tion of the destroying angel. For a frontispiece there is an excellent repro- duction of Louis Ricardo Falero's " Toward a Better World," which so aptly illustrates the poem. The booklet is printed in Caxton Antique type in dark purple-black ink in combination with an elaborate mitered rule scheme in light purple. The paper is Mukuroka hand-made of such a beautiful sur- face as to give the effect of exquisite parchment. The binding is flexible Teshio, a Japanese cover. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. Refer to page 43. Good Things and Graces Blithe Counsels Served in the Form of Alluring Recipes by Isabel Goodhue IN A delightful little book, what is best in life is mirrored in ethical recipes for Game Pie, Hash, Irish Stew, Lady Fingers, Johnny Cake, Brown Betty and the like, all printed with decorations in two colors. The ingredients of Brown Betty, for example, are: "Short dress, stout shoes, girl inside ; health, laughter, courage inside of girl ; rowing, riding, climbing, golf, tennis, generosity, purity, jollity; sun-kissed cheeks. All served with abundance of out-door air." And after each recipe is an appropriate poetic grace. The new Gingersnap Edition, in flexible cloth of gold binding, is enclosed in a uniform envelope. Prices : 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. Flexible suede, $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.05. Refer to page 42. Fear Not Brave Words of Strong Souls Compiled by Delia J. Desel IN QUOTATIONS from the Bible and the works of many great-minded men, this little book presents convincing reasons why "fear" should be a forgotten word. It is printed on strong antique Japan paper with bold rubrications. The new Samson Edition, bound in a flexible brown Kaiser cover, is enclosed in a uniform envelope. Price : 35 cents net ; by mail, 39 cents. Refer to page 42. Quatrains of Christ A Rubaiyat of Christian Faith, by George Creel TTN A sequence of musical quatrains, the author re-echoes the glorious, ! simple faith of primitive Christianity, holding up again the Christ-ideal ^ to the modern world. Beautifully printed, the new Galilee Edition in flexible, gold-stamped Kaiser cover is enclosed in a uniform envelope. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 45. 28 Books and Cards Worth Givix.*, from the Presses of Paul Elder & Company Blessings Foundations of Faith in Bible Mosaics Arranged by Agness Greene Foster EACH of the five chapters Blessings, Promises, Commands, Admon- itions and Answers is a mosaic of Scripture verses, arranged to form a coherent essay illustrating vital truths of life. The book is printed in two colors on fine Normandy vellum with a frontispiece, repro- ducing Blashfield's " The Angels of the Chimes," each chapter also hav- ing its individual frontispiece, reproduced from a great painting, the series including " Plockhorst's " Christ Blessing Little Children," Hoffman's " Christ," etc. Prices: Flexible Florentine, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. Fabriano boards and Shiki silk, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.33. Refer to page 41. Syllogisms Reasons for Faith, Joy and Strength for Every Day Compiled by Lee Washington ON THE toned Cheltenham pages of this comforting book, under each date in the year, is set a text from the Bible supplying a thought for the day, and below it a quotation emphasizing or developing the scriptural thought. Thus it is a spiritual calendar. Nine full-page photo- gravure reproductions of works of great masters are the pictorial features. Prices : Buckram, $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.19. Angora kid, $4.00 net ; by mail, $4.19. Refer to page 46. The Philosophy of Hope A Scholarly Counterblast Against Pessimism by David Starr Jordan ONE earnest critic says of this inspired expression of militant optimism, "I wish that the new plates of this little book might be worn out with repeated printings of editions to go into the hands of every young cynic and old pessimist in the land." There have been repeated printings. Prices: Tokugawa boards, 75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. Flexible roan, $1.75 net; by mail, $1.81. Craftsman binding, $4.50 net. Refer to page 45. The Works of Jesus Christ's Healing Acts, followed by the Sermon on the Mount Arranged by Edna S. Little WHAT Jesus wrought is here set forth in a literal compilation from the New Testament, without comment. The Sermon on the Mount is appended as the authentic epitome of Christian doc- trine. The frontispiece is the noble head of Christ from " The Last Sup- per," by Leonardo da Vinci. Prices: Flexible Fabriano, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. Fabriano boards, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.33. Refer to page 47. 29 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder $? Company Bible Mosaics Bible Essays, Arranged by Agness Greene Foster / I \HESE grouped Scriptural quotations are arranged in four booklets, entitled, Promises, Commands, Admonitions and Answers, each with "*" a frontispiece and printed in two colors on doubled-leaved paper. Commands and Admonitions are bound both in flexible Strathmore and in flexible leather. Promises and Answers are bound only in flexible leather. Prices : Each volume, flexible Strathmore, 50 cents net. Flexible leather, $1.25. Refer to page 41. The Blue Monday Book Silver Linings for all Clouds. Prepared by Jennie Day Haines P I %HIS little bok of comfortable bits of prose and verse for every day in the year is a sure cure for the blues on the bluest Monday. It is * tastefully printed in two colors on American vellum. Prices : Flexible Fabriano, 50 cents net ; by mail, 55 cents. Craftsman leather, $6-00 net Refer to page 41. Easy -Chair Studies: Well-conceived essays are designed not merely to express the writer's thoughts, but to express them in such a way as to arouse the reader's mind to active agreement or dissent. Through the essay the reader, alone in his library, may enjoy the pleasure and mental stimulation that is awakened by converse with a clear-witted, well-informed friend. The Call of the City A City Lover on the Delights of City Life by Charles Mulford Robinson TAKING up the cudgels for the disparaged town, Mr. Robinson, in a dozen winning essays, tells of the fascination which, since walls were first raised, has steadily been drawing mankind toward the crowded streets. Who Qnce haQ knowli the city , s , ureg May cast them off in vain; Its clangor on his ear endures, Its lights are in his brain. Edwin L. Sabin. Not only the charm of the city, but its advantages, mental and moral, are touched upon. The chapters treat of such subjects as : The City's Beauty, Its Human Interest, Its Fellowship, Its Comforts, The Charm of the Past, and When Phyllis Is In Town. The book is printed in exceptional taste on Exeter white wove paper, with a frontispiece in photogravure, and bound in nut-brown weathered boards. Price: $1.25 net; by mail, $1.34. Refer to page 41. 30 TD1 /an 0 buckram back, $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.64. Refer to page 45. Mosaic Essays (Collected) Noble Words on Lofty Themes Compiled by Paul Elder P I ^HESE utterances of great thinkers are arranged so as to form con- secutive treatises on Friendship, Love, Happiness, Success and Na- * ture. These five essays have been collected in a single volume, beautifully printed, with illuminated frontispiece and title page and rubri- cated text pages. Prices . Full leather> $3 00 net . by mail> $3 08> Craftsman leather, $7.50 net, Refer to page 44. 31 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder S* Company Mosaic Essays (Booklets) %OUR of these essays, Love, Happiness, Success and Nature, are issued in separate attractive booklets, and are bound either in flexible cover enclosed in uniform envelopes, or in flexible suede, boxed. Prices: Flexible Sultan, each volume, 50 cents net; by mail, 53 cents. Flexible suede, each volume, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.30. Refer to page 44. The Green Baize Table: As civilization advances, card games of pure chance, in which the excitement of gambling furnished the diversion, are more and more supplanted by games in which the interest centers in the contest of skill and intellectual force. Formerly it was the rude soldier, today it is the mental worker who finds the greatest diversion in the peaceful campaigns of the card table. ::::::::: Small Talks on Auction Bridge Clear Instruction in a Fascinating Game by Virginia M. Meyer, author of " Small Talks on Bridge," " Small Talks on Scat," etc, FIRST detailing the laws and rules of the game, the author proceeds to give a series of " Ready Reference Hints," and then other terse instructions, negative and affirmative, under the headings " Don'ts " and "Always." The last few pages are left blank for the player's own *' Auction Bridge Notes." As Mrs. Meyer states in her note, Auction Bridge, while not difficult, needs a sound foundation and the bints in this little manual are so concise and simply worded that they cannot fail to make the stepping-stones to the game easy. After these are passed much license may be used if done with good judgment. The pamphlet is rubricated throughout, the decorations being arrangements of aces in their proper colors. It is durably bound in flexible Tekoa. Price : 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. Refer to page 41. Auction Bridge Score Pad An Indispensable for the Card Table. Prepared by Virginia M. Meyer t ^HIS convenient tablet has the same simplicity that gave value to the originator's "Virginia Bridge Cards" and "Virginia Score Cards." * Each leaf is ruled for recording " Honors " and " Tricks " in a man- ner that is most convenient for the requirements of the game, which are essentially different from those of any other score. The rubricated covers display the laws of auction bridge in compact form. Price : 25 cents. Refer to page 41. 32 "D1 *=>o 00 f-i + "Do rYVao Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JrlCciod.Il L JL dgCO the Presses of Paul Elder #> Company Tasteful Tokens: Often when one wishes to send a kindly remembrance to a friend, a full-fledged book seems too weighty a gift for the occasion. Then some one of the Envelope Booklets or Calendars will be found exactly suitable, for they are all of a high lit- erary standard. Their contents present a variety adapted to different ages, moods and needs. They are inexpensive, yet no one receiving them is likely to figure whether they cost much or little, for above all they are beautiful and delightful. :::::::::::::: Envelope Booklets Attractive Brochures on Divers Subjects by Various Hands EACH of these graceful booklets, bound in flexible covers, is enclosed in a decorated envelope uniform in material and treatment with the binding ; thus they are in an especially convenient form for mailing. The booklets "Friendship," " To Friendship," and "Love and Friendship," are pleasant gifts for any friend. The booklet editions of the Mosaic Es- says severally on "Love," "Happiness," "Success" and "Nature" have a wide application. Strong, sweet messages of faith, hope and cheer may be conveyed through the booklets of Bible Mosaics "Promises," "Com- mands," " Admonitions " and " Answers," or through " Fear Not," "Good Things and Graces," or the musical "Quatrains of Christ." The good housewife is remembered in the 101 Epicurean Thrills Series, for " 101 Salads," "101 Chafing-Dishes," "101 Mexican Dishes," and "101 Bever- ages," appear in separate envelope booklets, as also do "Spots: or 202 Cleansers." The witty lesson in the pamphlet " Patience and Her Garden," moreover, is applicable to housewives, clubwomen, gardeners and, in fact, all others. Nor are the children forgotten. For them there are the tender Christmas tales in the booklet edition of " The Potato Ctyld and Others." Envelope Calendars Mottoes and Pictures Daintily Mounted and Tied with Silk Cord OR SHOULD the desire be to select a calendar to mark and cheer the passing day, several are provided from which to choose, each being provided with an attractive envelope, usually uniform with the mount. "Sunbeams," helpful lyrics, by Mrs. Foster, and " Strengtheners," mottoes of trust, will appeal to the thoughtful. The sportsman will unquestionably appreciate the color study " Ducks on the Wing," and the artist will re- spond to the photogravure of Heloise." " Pretty Good World " and " Sun- shine Philosophy," good cheer mottoes, will satisfy almost any healthy person, and "A Guide for Living" is not as much of a sermon as its title suggests. Details concerning these may be found on pages 47 and 48. 33 "D o mac Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL dgCO the Presses of Paul Elder & Company The Merry Note: The late acceptance of an addi- tional volume calculated to contribute to the Gaiety of the Nations necessitates a continuation of this group begun on page seven. :::::::::::::::::::::::: Army Goose Melodies Merry Jingle Flings at Army Traits by Florence Kellogg Krebs (an Army Woman) Publication Date, November 15, 1910 THAT gay trilogy, Fun, Wit and Humor, should be converted into a quartette by the acceptance of Frivolity as a running mate, for the wisest of mankind have their frivolous moments, if for nothing else than as a safety valve from serious effort. "Army Goose Melodies" will prove an efficient tickler to even the most serious-minded, either within or without the dignified and worthy organization at which its rhymed sallies are directed. As for instance : M Baa, baa, black sheep, You must have some pulL Yes, sir; yes, sir; "Washington is full Of Generals and Senators That of my near kin be, If it were not for their kindness Out of service I would be." The volume consists of a goodly number of Army jingles parodying familiar Mother Goose Melodies, each one being amplified and illustrated by a clever, well-drawn design by Herbert Morton Stoops, gaily printed in red and black. " Tom, Tom, the Chaplain's son," " Sing a song of six pence, a Colonel full of rye," "The old K. O. was a jolly old beau," "Lieutenant Jack Homer," " Little Bo Bat," are merely a few of the catch lines, but they will serve to suggest the possibilities of these melodious interpreta- tions! of which the following is a fair sample : '* Richard and Robert were two pretty aides, "Who sought bed at dawn with two aching heads ; At 11 a. m. Robert leaped from his bed, * Oh, Richard, the General will be waiting,' he said. 'Shut up,' said Richard, * Don't make such a fuss ; The General was fuller than either of us.' " All of them however do not suggest the gay life and one at least may recall certain unhappy endurance tests : "Ride a Q M horse the country across, You will come home very much at a loss To know how on earth your dinner you '11 eat, Since you 're sure you would rather not sit in a seat." Army Goose Melodies is generously illustrated and decorated and is printed in red and black on American drawing-paper. The binding is of heavy Army blue boards with a decorated label in red and white, obviously faithful to suggestion but with a reserve that secures an attractive, artistic result. Price: 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. 34 TD1 *o oo t-i 4- "Do fY*c* Books and Cards Worth Giving, from XT ICdodll L JT dgCo the Presses of Paul Elder # Company Booklovers' Luxuries: A well bound volume com- bined with typographical excellence is a joy forever both to the specialized bibliophile and the mere lover of the beautiful, and a volume substantially bound in fine leather by a skilled worker of the old world shops in conventional style is of equal importance with the individual interest of the original and Craftsman bindings. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: London Bindings A few copies each of Selected Volumes in Library Bindings executed by Root, Riviere, Julihn and others Abelard and Heloise. By Ella C. Bennett. Full calf, by Riviere, $6.00 ; full morocco, by Riviere, $7.50 ; full crushed morocco, extra, by Root, $9.00. Bird Notes Afield. By Charles A. Keeler. Half morocco, $6.00; full calf, by Riviere, $6.00 ; full polished calf, by Root, $9.00 ; full crushed Levant, plain, by Riviere, $11.50. Bird Notes Afield and The Garden Book of California. Two volumes. Full polished calf, by Root, $18.00; full crushed morocco, by Riviere, $20.00 ; full morocco, extra, by Root, $24.00 ; full crushed Levant, extra, by Root, $28.00. The Blue Monday Book. By Jennie Day Haines. Full polished calf, by Root, $3.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $4.00 ; full crushed Levant, by Root, $6.00. The Case of Summerfield. By William H. Rhodes. Full calf, by Riviere, $4.00; full morocco, by Riviere, $5.00; full calf, by Root, $4.00; full morocco, by Root, $5.00; full crushed Levant, by Root, $6.50. The Girl's College Record. Full morocco, by Root, $7.50 ; full pan- eled calf, by Root, $8.00 ; full crushed Levant, by Root, $8.00 ; full ooze calf, by Root, $6.00. Fear Not. By D. J. D. Full polished calf, by Root, $3.00; full crushed Levant, by Reviere, $5.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $4.00 ; full paneled calfj by Root, $4.50. The Garden Book of California. By Belle Sumner Angier. Half morocco, $6.00; full morocco, by Root, $12.00. Good Things and Graces. By Isabel Goodhue. F^li morocco, by Riviere, $4.00 ; full crushed Levant, by Riviere, $6.00. In Lighter Vein. By John De Morgan. Full calf, by Riviere, $4.00 ; full morocco, by Riviere, $5.00; full calfj by Root, $5.00; full morocco, by Root, $6.00 ; full paneled calf, by Root, $7.50 ; full crushed Levant, by Root, $9.00 ; full crushed Levant, by Riviere, $8.00. Impressions of Ukiyo-ye. Full calf, by Root, $6.00; full mottled cal by Root, $6.00; full crushed Levant, by Root, $10.00. Ministry of Beauty. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Full calf, by Riviere, $6.00; full morocco, by Root, $7.50; full morocco, by Riviere, $8,00; paneled calf, by Root, $8.00. 35 "D1 ^ o C o T* -f "Do CYt*C* Books and Cards Worth Giving, from A ICctodll L -IT CtgCo the Presses of Paul Elder &> Company London Bindings Continued Ministry of Beauty and "Where Dwells the Soul Serene. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Two volumes. Full polished calf, by Root, $12.00 ; full paneled calf, by Root, $16.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $16.00; full crushed Levant, plain, by Root, $20.00 ; mil crushed Levant, by Root, $24.00. Mosaic Essays. Compiled by Paul Elder. Full calf, by Root, $4.00 ; full mottled calf, by Root, $4.50 ; full morocco, by Riviere, $5.00 ; full crushed Levant, plain, by Riviere, $6.00 ; full paneled calf, by Root, $6.00 ; full alli- gator calf, by Root, $6.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $6.00 ; full crushed Levant, by Root, $7.50. Panel Classics. Specially imported pocket editions of twenty great works, each volume individually bound by Root or Riviere in a variety of styles as follows : Half calf, $3.00 ; half morocco, $3.50 ; full flexible calf or morocco, $4.00 ; full polished calf or morocco, $4.50 ; fall polished Levant, $5.00. 1. Memoirs of Count Grammont by Anthony Hamilton. 2. Don Juan by Byron. 3. The Life of Beau Nash by Goldsmith. 4. Silas Marner by George Eliot. 5. Decisive Battles of the World by Creasy. 6. The Devil on Two Sticks by Le Sage. 7. Sheridan's Plays. 8. Oliver Twist by Dickens. 9. The Art of Love by Ovid. 10. Cranford by Mrs. Gaskell. 11. Tales from Decameron by Bocaccio. 12. Nelson's Letters to Lady Hamilton. 13. Sapho by Daudet. 14. The Confessions of Rousseau. 15. Wuthering Heights by Bronte. 16. Idylls of the King by Tennyson. 17. Salambo by Flaubert. 18. A Sentimental Journey. 19. The Black Tulip by Dumas. 20. The Maxims of Napoleon. The Philosophy of Hope. By David Starr Jordan. Full polished calf, by Root, $4.50 ; full paneled calf, by Root, $6.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $6.00. Philosophy Of IngerSOll. By Vere Goldthwaite. Full polished calf, by Root, $8.50 ; full morocco, by Root, $11.00 ; full paneled calf, by Root, $12.00. Princess of Manoa. By Mrs. Frank R. Day. Full polished calf, by Root, $9.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $15.00. Prosit. By The Spinners' Club. Full polished calf, by Root, $5.00 ; full crushed Levant, plain, by Root, $7.50; full crushed morocco, $7.50; full crushed Levant, by Root, $9.00. Psychological Year Book. By Janet Young. Full calf, by Root, $3.00. Psychological Year Book. First and Second Series. Two volumes. Full calf, by Root, $6.00. Romance of the Commonplace. By Gelett Burgess. Full crushed Levant, extra, by Mclntyre, $25.00. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. ( Fitzgerald.) Half calf, by Root, $7.50 ; half crushed Levant, by Root, $8.50 ; full crushed Levant, by Julihn, $35.00. Sunday Symphonies. By Jennie Day Haines. Full calf, by Riviere, $3.00 ; full calf, by Root, $3.00 ; full morocco, by Root, $4.00. Sonnets of Heredia. By Edward Robeson Taylor. Full calf, by Root, $7.50. Sovereign Woman Versus Mere Man. By Jennie Day Haines. Full calf, by Root, $5.00. Twins and Whys. By Susan F. Thompson. Full calf, by Root, $3.00; full mottled cal by Root, $3.50. 36 "D1 ^00on Company Alphabetical List of Publications Books neatly bound and cards in colors gay Reviewed in alphabetical array. Books and Booklets ANIMAL ANALOGUES. Happy Contributions to Mirthful Zoology. By Robert Wil- liams Wood. Denatured Edition : School-book boards, boxed, 50 cents net ; by mail, 57 cents. AUCTION BRIDGE (SMALL TALKS ON). Elucidating a Fascinating Game. By Vir- ginia M. Meyer, author of "Small Talks on Bridge," "Small Talks on Skat," "Virginia Bridge Cards," "Virginia Score Cards." No-Trump Edition: Rubri- cated, bound in flexible Tekoa, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. AUCTION BRIDGE SCORE PAD. An Indispensable for the Card Table. By Virginia M. Meyer. Jack-of-Hearts Edition : Rubricated, 25 cents. AUTO GUEST BOOK (THE). For Recording Motor-car Joys and Sorrows. By Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant and R. B. Glaenzer. Motor Edition : Full linen, boxed, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.10. Spark Plug Edition: Full automobile leather, boxed, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.10. BETEL NUTS. What "They Say" in Hindustan. Many-colored proverbs and jests of the Orient, interpreted and rhymed in English by Arthur Guiterman. Kama Deva Edition: Buff boards and red silk fibre, boxed, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. BIBLE MOSAICS. Basic Truths of Scripture, Arranged to Form Essays of Promise and Encouragement. By Agness Greene Foster. Students' Edition: Flexible Strathmore Japan in Strathmore envelope; each 50 cents. Commands. Frontispiece, "Christ in Gethsemane," after Hofmann. Admonitions. Frontispiece, "San Giovanni Battista," after Del Sarto. Jordan Edition : Flexible suede, boxed ; each $1.25. Promises. Frontispiece, "Christ Among the Doctors," after Hofmann. Commands. Frontispiece, "Christ in Gethsemane," after Hofmann. Admonitions. Frontispiece, "San Giovanni Battista," after Del Sarto. Answers. Frontispiece, "Samuel," after Reynolds. BIRD NOTES AFIELD. Intimate Talks on the Birds of the Pacific Coast, with a Field Check List. By Charles A. Keeler. Illustrated. Woodthrush Edition : Full rough linen, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.18. Field Edition : Spanish leather, slide-box, *$3.50 net ; by mail, $3.67. BLESSINGS. Bible Mosaics of Blessings,Promises, Commands, Answers, and Admoni- tions. Compiled by Agness Greene Foster. The four volumes described under "Bible Mosaics," bound in one. Reliance Edition: Flexible Florentine, *75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. Resurgam Edition : Shiki silk with Fabriano sides, boxed, *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.33. BLOTTENTOTS AND HOW TO MAKE THEM. A Magic Book with Which to Con- jure up Inky Sprites. By John Prosper Carmel. Ink-bottle Edition : Blottentotted silver boards; 50 cents. BLUE MONDAY BOOK (THE). Comfortable Sayings of Cheer Compounded as Anti- dotes Against all Blue Days. By Jennie Day Haines. Optimists' Edition : Flexible blue Fabriano, 50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, $5.00 net. BOOK OF NATURE. A Lively Excursion into Zoology and Rhyme. By Johnnie Jones (Spelling by His Mother). Menagerie Edition : Bound in flexible Kaiser cover, 25 cents net; by mail, 29 cents. School Edition : Mother's scrap-bag cambric, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. BY THE WAY. Pleasant Travel Letters with Useful Notes for Tourists. By Agness Greene Foster. Illustrated. Steamerchair Edition: Flexible linen, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.58. CALL OF THE CITY (THE). An Exaltation of the Beauties and Delights of Urban Life. By Charles Mulford Robinson. Metropolitan Edition : Nut-brown weathered boards, *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.34. CENTURY OF MISQUOTATIONS (A). Subtle Sayings Aptly Disarranged. By Mary B. Diamond. Malaprop Edition : Flexible cover, 40 cents. 41 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS -Continued CHRISTMASSE TYDE. A Most Christmassy Book of all Sorts of Holiday Facts and Fancies. Compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Mistletoe Edition : Flexible Chameleon, boxed, $1.25 net ; by mail, $1.38. Holly Edition : Ancona Italian hand-made boards, boxed, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.14. Yule Log Edition : Full champagne Siberian kid, boxed, $5.00 net. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, $10.00 net. CITY LOVED AROUND THE WORLD (THE). The Toast to San Francisco That Has Been Recognized as the Best Characterization of a City Restored. By James Henry MacLafferty. A booklet, 3^ x5MJ inches, printed with decorations in two colors. Onward Edition: Kidskin parchment, 10 cents net. COLLEGE FRESHMAN'S DON'T BOOK (THE). Chunks of the Wisdom Born of Ex- perience, Dispensed to Freshmen at Large, by George Fulerton Evans (A. B.),A Sympathizer. Illustrated. Faculty Edition : Bound in Fabriano boards, fabric back, 75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. COMPLETE CYNIC (THE). Being the Choicest Pickings from the Calendars of Oliver Herford, Ethel "Watts Mumford, and Addison Mizner. Illustrated. Touchstone Edi- tion: Bound in gay gingham backs, extra board sides, 75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. FEAR NOT. Treasured Words of Courage Unfailing. Compiled by Delia J. Desel. Samson Edition : Flexible brown Kaiser cover, embellished in gold, enclosed in uni- form envelope, 35 cents net ; by mail, 39 cents. FRIENDSHIP. A Mosaic Essay on a Lofty Theme. Compiled by Paul Elder. Com- rade Edition : Flexible Totomi Omi boards, 50 cents net; by mail, 53 cents. Amigo Edition: Flexible cover, enclosed in uniform envelope, 50 cents net; by mail, 53 cents. FRIENDSHIP (TO). A Lyric Exaltation of Pure Friendship. By Agness Greene Fos- ter. Concord Edition : Flexible Arches cover, enclosed in uniform envelope, 35 cents net; by mail, 38 cents. GARDEN BOOK OF CALIFORNIA (THE). Pleasant Discourses for Those Who Dig and Plant. By Belle Sumner Angier. Illustrated. Workers' Edition : Full rough linen, *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.12. Garden Edition : Spanish leather, *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.65. Craftsman Edition: Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, *$6.00 net. GIRLS' COLLEGE RECORD (THE). A Treasury for Pleasant Memories of Student Days. Arranged by Virginia Woodson Frame. Illustrated. Campus Edition: Crash buckram, boxed, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.66. Ivy Edition : Suede leather boards, boxed, $3.50 net ; by mail, $3.66. Craftsman Edition : Suede calf with Oriental embroidery, $6.00 net. GOOD THINGS AND GRACES. Everyday Ethics Mirthfully Served in the Guise of Alluring Dishes. By Isabel Goodhue. Gingersnap Edition: Flexible binding, en- closed in uniform envelope, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. Good Cheer Edition : Flexible green suede, boxed, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.05. GUEST BOOK (THE CRAFTSMAN). A Sumptuous Volume, l5 l / 2 x \\% inches, with Many Pages for the Bright Chronicles of Hospitality. Designed by Robert "Wilson Hyde, with verses by Arthur Guiterman. House Gift Edition : Golden fabric, hinged, boxed, *$7.50 net ; by express, $8.14. All Hail Edition : Full russet pigskin, boxed,*$15.00 net ; by express, $15.64. GUEST BOOK (THE REMEMBRANCE). A Record Book for Host and Guest, 8^ xllM inches. Designed by Robert "Wilson Hyde, with verses by Arthur Guiterman. Host Edition : Golden fabric, boxed, *$3.50 net; by express, $3.82. Greeting Edition : Full Shiki silk, boxed, *$5.00 net ; by express, $5.32. Greeting Edition, Extra : Full Shiki silk, in silk case, boxed, *$6.00, by express, $6.32. Welcome Edition : Full russet pigskin, boxed, *$10.00 net ; by express, $10.32. HOSPITALITIES (A BOOK OF). With a Foreword on Old House Mottoes. A Guest Book, 10/4 x 6K inches, with verses by Arthur Guiterman. Printed on toned Brit- tany Printing Paper, with frontispiece and border decorations by Charles Frank Inge'rson. Latch-string Edition : Brittany boards, leather~back, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. Bide-a-wee Edition : Bound in full leather, extra, *$3.00 net ; by mail, $3.12. HOW TO TELL THE BIRDS FROM THE FLOWERS. A Manual of Flornithology for Beginners. By Robert "Williams "Wood. Burbank Edition : Bound in blue school- book boards, boxed, 50 cents net; by mail, 56 cents. 42 "D1 **o oo -n -f T3^ r*V*o Books and Cards Worth Giving, from A ICctOdll L the Presses of Paul Elder # Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS -Continued HUMP TREE STORIES (THE). Eight Sprightly Tales about High-Hopper Grasshop- per, Big Bill Brown Bird, Bumble Buster, and Other Little Folks of the Orchard. By Mary Joss Jones. Illustrated by R. L. Hudson, and printed in two colors. Hop- pergrass Edition : Bound in extra boards, fabric back, $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.11. HUMP TREE SERIES (THE). The Eight Bedtime Tales of the Hump Tree Colony, in Separate Booklets. By Mary Joss Jones. Illustrated by R. L. Hudson. Orchard Edition : Bound in flexible Kaiser cover in varied colors, each, 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 cents. 1. Mr. High-Hopper Grasshopper. 2. Humper, the Green Worm. 3. Black Hawk, the Sky Pirate. 4. Black Brother. 5. Mrs. Wriggles in the Swamp-Grass Country. 6. Luminiferous Miss Tadlets. 7. The Pink Butterfly. 8. Dickey Swift, the Squirrel. His Escape. IMPRESSIONS OF UKIYO-YE. A Delightful and Instructive Survey of the 'Work of the Japanese Color-print Artists. By Dora Amsden. Illustrated. Fuji Edition : Unbleached linen, Japanesque, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.58. Craftsman Edition: Heavy leather, laced boards, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, *$9.00 net. IN LIGHTER VEIN. Sprightly Anecdotes and Witty Sayings. Gathered by John De Morgan. After-Dinner Edition : Blue Fab-Ri-Ko-Na buckram, boxed, *$1.50 net ; by mail, $1.64. Speakers' Edition: Flexible New Zealand roan leather, boxed, *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.64. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-carved and colored, boxed, *$6.00 net. IN THE OPEN. Happy-hearted Nature Talks. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Illus- trated. Hilltop Edition : Heavy green French boards, square buckram back, *$1.75 net; by mail, $1.84. LAVENDER AND OTHER VERSED By Edward Robeson Taylor. Translator of "Sonnets of Heredia." Author of "Moods and Other Verse," "into the Light," etc. Set in antique black-face type and printed on Italian hand-made paper. Wildrose Edition : Bound in full Ancona Perugia, back bands, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.11. LIGHT THROUGH THE VALLEY. A Poem of Consolation. By James Henry Mac- Lafferty. Printed in two colors on Mokuroka hand-made paper, with frontispiece, ** Toward a Better World." Daybreak Edition : Bound in flexible Teshio, 50 cents net; by mail, 53 cents. LITTLE BROWN HEN (THE) HEARS THE SONG OF THE NIGHTINGALE, and GOLDEN HARVEST (THE). Two Kindly Parables for Children. By Jasmine Stone Van Dresser. Harmony Edition : Flexible cover, 50 cents net ; by mail, 55 cents. Service Edition: Green Japanese wood-boards, inlay with color, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. New Epigrams on Life's Great Benedictions. By Lillyan Shaffner. Printed in two colors with borders by Harold Sichel, on French Japan, and with frontispiece, "A New Commandment." Eglantine Edition: Bound in flexible Hartgeheimte, enclosed in uniform holiday envelope, 35 cents net; by mail, 38 cents. LOVE SONNETS OF A CAR CONDUCTOR (THE). How the Bell-pull Artist Wooed His Fair. By Wallace Irwin. Step-lively Edition : Red transfer boards, boxed, 50 cents net; by mail, 57 cents. LOVE SONNETS OF A HOODLUM (THE). Soulful Strains of Sweet Colloquial Song. By Wallace Irwin. Lyric Edition : Flexible cloth of gold, 25 cents net ; by mail, 28 cents. Bandanna Edition : Genuine hoodlum handkerchief, 50 cents net ; by mail, 54 cents. MESSAGES TO MOTHERS. Presenting Simple, Natural Rules for Diet and the Care of Children. By Herman Partsch, M. D. Bambino Edition : Book linen, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.61. MINISTRY OF BEAUTY (THE). Ethical Essays of Love and Service. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Twilight Edition : Krash-Ko-Na buckram, gilt top, *$1.50 net ; by mail, $1.62. Continued on next page. 43 "pi p^ q^j --. 4. TDo CXpQ Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder &* Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS Continued Starlight Edition : Holiday boards, boxed, *$1.75 net ; by mail, $1.90. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, *$6.00 net. MOSAIC ESSAYS. Noble Words of Great Thinkers on High Subjects. Pieced together by Paul Elder. In four graceful pamphlets. Remembrance Edition: Flexible Sultan, in uniform envelope, each 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. Souvenir Edition : Flexible suede, boxed, each $1.25 net ; by mail, $1.30. 1. Love. The love of sentiment, of ideals, of lofty and serious thought. 2. Happiness. Happiness is an essential of development frequently overlooked. 3. Success. The arrangement interprets the real success and its attainment. 4. Nature. The peace, love, strength and companionship of nature; its inter- pretation and teaching. MOSAIC ESSAYS (COLLECTED). Five Chapters on Friendship, Love, Happiness, Success and Nature in one Volume. By Paul Elder. Stratford Edition: Flexible leather, boxed, *$3.00 net ; by mail, $3.08. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, *$7.50 net. MOTHER OF CALIFORNIA (THE). A Historical Sketch of Lower California. By Arthur Walbridge North. Illustrated. Diaz Edition : Book linen, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.18. MY SOUL'S CATHEDRAL AND OTHER POEMS. Lyrics of Deep Feeling. By James Henry MacLafferty. Frontispiece, " The Temple of Silence," a sonnet. Printed in two colors on Fabriano, hand made. Meadow Lark Edition : Bound in blue Fab- riano boards, *90 cents net ; by mail, 96 cents. OBIL, KEEPER OF CAMELS. Being the Parable of the Man Whom the Disciples Saw Casting Out Devils. By Lucia Chase Bell. Palmleaf Edition : Flexible Ancona, 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. Hebron Edition : Bound in attractive boards, 75 cents net ; by mail, 79 cents. 101 EPICUREAN THRILLS SERIES (THE). A Little Library of Original Recipes Conveniently Classified. By May E. Southworth. Kitchen Edition ; Bound in flexible Del Monte cover. Enclosed in uniform envelope. Each, 25 cents net ; by mail, 29 cents. 2. 101 Salads. Invaluable hints for novel ways of preparing piquant salads. 3. 101 Chafing-Dish Recipes. In this Bohemia finds a true and resourceful friend. 4. 101 Mexican Dishes. Typical Mexican dishes adapted to American kitchens. 7. 101 Beverages. Cool shivers on hot days, mellow satisfaction on cold days. Grill Room Edition: Heavy herculean cover, buckram hinges. Each, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. 5. 101 Sauces. Not least in importance in cookery is the blending of a sauce. 6. 101 Entrees. 101 answers to the problem, what shall I provide for an entree ? 9. 101 Desserts. A boon to housewives bereft of ideas for preparing dainty dishes. 10. 101 Layer Cakes. Each with some special virtue to recommend it. 11. 101 Oysters. 101 directions for preparing and serving the succulent bivalve. Country Club Edition : Canvas boards, each, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.05. 1. 101 Sandwiches. 101 suggestions for preparing light refreshments of all kinds. 2. 101 Salads. Invaluable hints for novel ways of preparing piquant salads. 5. 101 Sauces. Not least in importance in cookery is the blending of a sauce. 6. 101 Entrees. 101 answers to the problem, what shall I provide for an entree ? 7. 101 Beverages. Cool shivers on hot days, mellow satisfaction on cold days. 9. 101 Desserts. A boon to housewives bereft of ideas for preparing dainty dishes. 10. 101 Layer Cakes. Each recipe with some special virtue to recommend it. 11. 101 Oysters. 101 recipes for preparing and serving the succulent bivalve. Tomoye Edition: Flexible suede calf, hand-finished, each, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.06. 1. 101 Sandwiches. 101 suggestions for preparing light refreshments of all kinds. 2. 101 Salads. Invaluable hints for novel ways of preparing piquant salads. 3. 101 Chafing-Dish Recipes. In this Bohemia finds a true and resourceful friend. 4. 101 Mexican Dishes. Typical Mexican dishes adapted to American kitchens. 5. 101 Sauces. Not least in importance in cookery is the blending of a sauce. 7. 101 Beverages. Cool shivers on hot days, mellow satisfaction on warm days. 8. 101 Candies. For those who love sweets and the fun of making them. 9. 101 Desserts. A boon to housewives bereft of ideas for preparing dainty dishes. 10. 101 Layer Cakes. Each with some special virtue to recommend it. 11. 101 Oysters. 101 recipes for preparing and serving the succulent bivalve. "PI **0 00 Tl 4" "Po OV*0 B oks and Cards Worth Giving, from JtrlCdbclIl L JTclgCO the Presses of Paul Elder & Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS -Continued PATIENCE AND HER GARDEN. -Whimsically Setting Forth a Lesson for Gar- deners and Clubwomen. By Ida Smith Decker. Printed in two colors on Spanish hand-made paper, with frontispiece, "A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot." Sensibelle Edition : Bound in flexible Fabriano, enclosed in uniform envelope, 35 cents net; by mail, 38 cents. PHILOSOPHY OF HOPE (THE). A Scholarly Counterblast Against Pessimism. By David Starr Jordan. Esperanza Edition : Tokugawa red-brown boards, *75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. Anchor Edition : Flexible coffee-brown New Zealand roan leather, boxed, *$1.75 net ; by mail, $1.81. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, *$4.50 net. PHILOSOPHY OF INGERSOLL (THE). Brilliant Flashes from a Great Intellect. Compiled by Vere Goldthwaite. Alethea Edition : Bjornson golden-brown boards, buckram back, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.64. POTATO CHILD AND OTHERS (THE). Three Tender Christmas Tales. By Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury. Frontispiece from a bas-relief by Elizabeth Ferrea. Rain- bow Edition : Flexible boards, enclosed in uniform holiday envelope, 35 cents net ; by mail, 38 cents. PRINCESS OF MANOA (THE). With 'Other Romantic Tales from the Folk-lore of Old Hawaii. By Mrs. Frank R. Day. Canoe Edition : Full brown basket buckram, *$1.50 net ; by mail, $1.62. Kanaka Holiday Edition : Red-brown Spanish leather, slide box, *$3.00 net ; by mail, $3.12. (craftsman Edition : Rough calf boards, hand-colored, boxed, *$8.00 net. PROSIT. A Book of Toasts. Compiled by the Spinners' Club. New Convivial Edition : Tar boards, buckram back, taped, 75 cents net ; by mail, 81 cents. Omarian Edition : Flexible nut-brown leather, leather-lined and boxed, $3.00 net ; by mail, $3.11. Craftsman Edition : Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, boxed, $6.00 net. PSYCHOLOGICAL YEAR BOOK (THE). First Series. Stimulating Thoughts for Each Day in the Calendar. Compiled by Janet Young. Craftsman Edition : Hand-mod- eled and colored, $3.00 net. QUATRAINS OF CHRIST. A Reverent Expression of the Soul's Belief in its Saviour. By George Creel. Frontispiece. Galilee Edition : Flexible cloudy Kaiser cover and gold, in uniform envelope, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. RAVEN (THE). Prefaced by the Philosophy of Composition. By Edgar Allan Poe. Photogravure Illustrations. Lenore Edition : Flexible Japanese shadow-paper boards, boxed, *$5.00 net ; by mail, $5.24. Pallas Edition : Gray Ancona boards, leather back, slide-box of Italian gray, *$6.00 net; by mail, $6.24. Fordham Edition: Full chocolate oak-tanned Flemish kiphide suede, slide-box, *$10.00 net ; by mail, $10.24. RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM (THE). FitzGer aid's Final Version, with the Literal Omar. Edited by Arthur Guiterman. Illustrated. Naishapur Edition' Hand-made Oriental boards, boxed, *$1.50 net ; by mail, $1.58. "Wilderness Edition: Flexible leather, boxed, *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.07. Tentmakers' Edition : 200 copies on Arnold hand-made paper, hand-printed flexible boards, *$3.00 net; by mail, $3.08. RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, JR. (THE). Singing of Tobacco and Beauty, Philosophy and Hairpins. By Wallace Irwin. Illustrated by Gelett Burgess. Nic- otine Edition: Flexible cover, 50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents. SECRETS OF BEAUTY AND MYSTERIES OF HEALTH (THE). Containing Recipes from all Parts of the "World. By Cora Brown Potter. Illustrated. Calypso Edition : Flexible red weathered cover, 75 cents net; by mail, 85 cents. De Milo Edition: Satin-finish linen, $1.75 net; by mail, $1.88. SLUMBER SEA CHANTEYS. Dreamy Cradle Songs by Lucia Chase Bell and Reta Bell James. Music by Carrie Stone Freeman. Decorated. Nautilus Edition : Flex- ible Tekoa, $1.00. SONNETS. A Notable Contribution to the Poetry of California. By Fannie Purdy Palmer. Limited Canyon Edition : Hand-made paper, Fabriano boards, boxed, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.09. 45 "PI pO ,p 4- Tpo P"PQ Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS Continued SONNETS PROM THE PORTUGUESE. With Lyric Interludes. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited with preface and notes, by Arthur Guiterman. Frontispiece in photogravure. Limited Casa Guidi Edition : Printed on Van Gelder hand-made pa- per, Ancona boards, *$1.75 net ; by mail, $1.84. Limited Florentine Edition : Full suede boards, *$3.00 net ; by mail, $3.10. SOVEREIGN WOMAN VERSUS MERE MAN. A Merry Medley of Impertinent Quo- tations, Arraigning Both Sexes. Compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Double-leaf Japan paper. Xantippe Edition : Flexible Rhinos, boxed, $1.00 net ; by mail, $1.07. SPINNERS' BOOK OF FICTION. Choice Tales by Leading Western Authors. Col- lected by the Book Committee of the Spinners' Club. Illustrated. Shasta Edition : Spinners' linen, boxed, *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.22. SPOTS : OR 202 CLEANSERS. Compiled by Clarice T. Courvoisier. Rubricated. Ob- long format. Housewife Edition: Flexible cover, uniform envelope, 25 cents net; by mail, 29 cents. Tomoye Edition : Flexible suede calf, hand finished, $2.00 net; by mail, $2.06. Craftsman Edition : Hand-modeled and colored, $3.00 net. SYLLOGISMS. Logical Reasons for Faith, Joy and Strength, from the Bible and Other Sources. Arranged for each day in the year by Lee Washington. Illustrated. Ajalon Edition: Fab-Ri-Ko-Na buckram, boxed, *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.19. Study Table Edition : Full nut-brown Angora kid, slide-box, *$4.00 net ; by mail, $4.19. TOCSIN ( THE ). A Spirited, Romantic Drama of the Renaissance. By Esther Brown. Tiffany. Limited Florentine Edition : Hand-made paper, Fabriano boards, boxed, *$3.00 net; by mail, $3.11. TWINS AND THE "WHYS (THE). A Fairy Tale for Young and Old. By Susan F. Thompson. Sandal Edition: Italian boards, linen back, 50 cents net; by mail,56 cents. Pilgrim Edition: Flexible lambskin, boxed, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents. Holiday Edition : Spanish leather, boxed, $1.00 net; by mail, $1.05. Craftsman Edition: Heavy leather, hand-modeled and colored, $4.50. VANISHED RUIN ERA (THE). San Francisco's Classic Artistry of Ruins Depicted in Picture and Song. By Louis J. Stellmann. Illustrated with mounted duotone prints. Resurgam Edition : Bound in boards, fabric back, boxed, *$2.50 net ; by mail, $2.78. WEATHER OPINIONS. Well-weathered Wisdom, with Interleaves on Weather Subjects. Compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Weathercock Edition: Flexible Cham- eleon, boxed, $1.25 net; by mail, $1.37. Halcyon Edition : Fabriano boards, Sugiyama golden back, boxed, $2.00 net ; by mail, $2.16. The Weather Clerk's Edition : Full champagne kid, boxed, $5.00 net ; by mail, $5.16. WEDDING BOOK (THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT). A Splendid Record Book for Marriage Gifts, Guests and Memories. By Robert "Wilson Hyde. Full color and gold. Bridal Edition : Buckram, boxed, *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.75. Joy Bell Edition : Full Shiki silk, boxed, *$5.00 net ; by mail, $5.25. Joy Bell Edition, Extra : Full Shiki silk, Shiki silk case, boxed, *$6.00 net ; by mail, $6.25. Orange Blossom Edition : Full white calf, boxed, *$10.00 net ; by mail, $10.25. Orange Blossom Edition, Extra : Full white calf, enclosed in white calf case, boxed, *$15.00 net ; by mail, $1530. WESTERN CLASSICS. Four Masterpieces from the Pacific Coast. Each with an in- troduction. Printed on Italian hand-made paper, with a frontispiece in photo- gravure on Japan vellum. Bound in heavy Ancona beveled boards, sheepskin parchment backs. The Tamalpais Edition, Collected. The set of four volumes enclosed in a cabinet box of heavy lacquered Japanese fibre stock, boxed, *$7.50 net ; by mail, $7.78. The Tamalpais Edition, Single : Each volume enclosed in a hinged case of heavy lacquered Japanese fibre stock, boxed, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.10. The Book Craft Edition : Each volume, with a jacket of Ancona handmade, enclosed in a uniform slide-box, *$2.00 net ; by mail, $2.08. The set of four volumes, *$7.50 met; by mail, $7.75. 1. The Sea Fogs. By Robert Louis Stevenson. 2. The Case of Summerfield. By William H. Rhodes. 3. Tennessee's Partner. By Bret Harte. 4. A Son of the God* and a Horseman in the Sky. By Ambrose Bierce. 46 Pleasant ^ rr ^ Books and Cards Worth 3*%, from the Presses of Paul Elder # Company BOOKS AND BOOKLETS-Conf/nuecf WHERE DWELLS THE SOUL SERENE. Essays of Practical Idealism. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Armchair Edition : Fab-Ri-Ko-Na, *$1.50 net ; by mail, $1.63. Hearthside Edition: Frontispiece, Holiday boards, boxed, *$1.75 net; by mail, $1.84. Craftsman Edition: Leather, hand-modeled, colored, boxed, *$6.00 net. WONDERS OF THE DEEP. Rhythmic Observations on Fishes and Things. By Johnny Jones. Aquarium Edition: Green royal melton, 25 cents net; by mail, 28 cents. School Edition : Mother's scrap-bag cambric, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. WORKS OF JESUS (THE). Christ's Healing Acts, followed by the Sermon on the Mount. Arranged by Edna S. Little. Bethlehem Edition : Flexible Fabriano, *75 cents net ; by mail, 80 cents. Olivet Edition : Fabriano boards, boxed, *$1.25 net ; by mail, $1.33. YE GARDEYNE BOKE. Sayings about Gardens and Green Things Growing. Com- piled by Jennie Day Haines. Trellis Edition : Flexible Sugiyama boards, boxed, *$1.00 net ; by mail, $1.09. Arbor Edition : Buckram, boxed, *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.63. Pergola Edition : Green Italian leather, boxed, *$3.00 net; by mail, $3.10. Craftsman Edition: Leather, hand-modeled, colored, boxed, *$8.00 net. YOU AND SOME OTHERS. Poems for Occasions. By Agness Greene Foster. Enlarged Issue. Rosemary Edition : Flexible Ancona, *75 cents net ; by mail, 80 cents. Friendship Edition : Ancona boards, boxed, *$1.25 net; by mai Calendars, 1911 With pictured leaves and words of cheer The golden milestones of the year. Pages from the Book of Father Time. Richly simple, for while every leaf is beautifully illustrated in color, great care has been exercised to avoid that over-elaboration which gradually palls upon the eye. Both words and decorations have been chosen in view of the fact that the calendars we send to our friends should not be things of a day, but works of art and thought to be looked upon with pleasure through all the coming year and even treasured when that year is with the past. 1. SUNBEAMS. A Calendar of Helpful Lyrics. By Agness Greene Foster. Designed by Harold Sichel. The six verses, "just Think," " All," " No Fear," " Keep Me Simple," "His Hand," and "Can There Be Aught But Gladness " are lettered and designed with attractive decorative freedom and simplicity, and printed in color on hand- made Florentine stock. These are mounted on uniform leaves of a harmonizing brown tone, with date panels in gold and enclosed in uniform envelope. Size, 7^ x8H. 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. 2. HELOISE. A Calendar in Photogravure, Reproducing the Beautiful Painting by Jenkins. This is printed with exquisite richness on French vellum plate and mounted on a leaf of delicate toned Hartgeheimte, upon which is affixed a small tablet calendar; enclosed in a uniform envelope stamped in gold. Size, 5/^x12. 35 cents net ; by mail, 38 cents. 3. IMPRESSIONS CALENDAR. All doubts as to what calendar will make the richest gift will be dispelled at the first sight of the new Impressions Calendar a weekly calendar composed of fifty-four beautiful mottoes, illustrated and illuminated in many colors. Although the fifty-four motto-cards reproduced on the leaves are each worth 10 cents, or $5.40 in all, the calendar costs but 50 cents. The mottoes have been most carefully selected, and the calendar will furnish a varied literary and artistic treat throughout the year. On the cover leaf is the decorated card, "Life's Mirror," incorporated in a border design by Charles Frank Ingerson, of a water-lily in luminous blue, green and golden brown, followed by selections from Stevenson, Van Dyke and many other well-loved authors. The calendar is printed on Dutch drawing-paper, size 6% x 10 inches, tied with white cord and enclosed in a red holiday box. A well-proportioned, well-designed and well-executed calendar of unprecedented value and interest 50 cents net ; by mail, 60 cents. 47 "PI AO OO Tft 4" "Po ryf=*Q Books and Cards Worth Giving, from JL jLV^dOdl JL L T ClgGO the Presses of Paul Elder #* Company CALENDARS Continued 4. PRETTY GOOD "WORLD. A Calendar of Cheer. Six mottoes from the "Good Cheer Leaflets," printed in colors on French vellum plate, are mounted on leaves of gray hand-made Florentine with border and date panels in gold. Enclosed in uniform envelope. Size, 7K x82i inches. 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. 5. STRENGTHENERS. A Calendar of Trust. Lyric calls to action and promises of peace, designed in color by Harold Sichel. Printed on heavy cards of antique cream board and enclosed in a rich red envelope. Size, S%x9 inches. 50 cents net ; by mail, 55 cents. 6. A GUIDE FOR LIVING. A miniature motto calendar consisting of twelve bright cards of good counsel from Dickens, Lincoln, Lowell, Emerson and others. These are mounted on leaves of unusual rich mahogany red Japanese fibre paper, hand made, with the date panel in gold. Enclosed in brown envelope. Size,4K x8j^ in- ches. 50 cents net ; by mail, 53 cents. 9. DUCKS ON THE WING. A Calendar of Inspiration. Fuertes' marvelous color study of wild life and open sky, mounted upon a daintily tinted background of German Changeant stock, to which is attached a tablet calendar. Enclosed in uniform en- velope. Size,6^ x 11# inches. 35 cents net; by mail, 38 cents. 10. SUNSHINE PHILOSOPHY. A Calendar of Optimism. The remaining six Good Cheer Leaflets by Riley, Ella "Wheeler Wilcox, Bangs, Browning and others, treated similarly to " Pretty Good "World," but mounted on Florentine of a beauti- ful terra cotta color. Enclosed in uniform envelope. Size, 7)^ x8)i inches. 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. Greetings and Decorations A thought to speak the giver's heart, A motto wrought with graceful art. On how many occasions when we wish to send a message of congratu- lation, greeting or good cheer, do we find ordinary pen and ink inade- quate. Then it is that a tasteful leaflet, with well-chosen words and beautifully colored decorations, devised with the care that makes it a thing to be kept and treasured, proves a boon indeed. All the resources of color printing and fine paper making have been taxed to make these mottoes, wall cards, leaflets and favors more beautiful, more varied than ever. Added to this, the varietv and individuality of hand work is present in a large assortment of cards and favors that have been illustrated or deco- rated in water-colors by skilled artists. Birthday Cards We merely come to say to you, " A merry natal day to you." MANY HAPPY RETURNS ! Birthday cards are really a comparatively recent though long-needed development, yet here are many, the product both of the color press and of the artist's brush. Nothing could be much more appropriate or pleasing as a birthday greeting than one of the series of twelve Italian deckle-edge, hand- made cards in uniform envelopes, each displaying a hand painting of the flower of the month, or any one of the others mentioned below, with cheerful verse or kindly greeting. Each card or folder has a page reserved for the written personal greeting of the sender and is provided with a special hand-made envelope. 1. To My Bonnie Friend. " Hale be your heart, hale be your fiddle ! " Burns. Scotch Thistle design in gold, hand colored. A four-page folder of gray Florentine, size 3x554. 15 cents net. 2. A Birthday Prophecy. "Love is at sixty as at twenty." Agness Greene Foster. The horn of plenty, hand colored. A four-page folder of terra cotta Florentine, size 2.K x5f. 20 cents net. 48 "D1 /^o o o r-i 4- "Do rYtf*o Books and Cards Worth Giving, from IT ICdOclIl L the Presses of Paul Elder # Company GREETINGS AND DECORATIONS -Continued 3a. A Merry Birthday. "l love a laugh." Nellie Blessing Eyster. Printed in gold. A four-page folder of cream Chameleon, size 2 3 A x6 l /a. 10 cents net. 3b. The same, hand colored. 25 cents net. 4a. A Birthday Oracle. "The Master - Helmsman always near.*' Agness Greene Foster. A treasure ship designed by Harold Sichel. Printed in color and gold. A card of French vellum with fly-leaf, size 2ji x5&. 15 cents net. 4b. The same, hand colored. 25 cents net. 5. My Birthday "Wish for You. "I'll ne'er go by your door." Four-leaf clover. Hand colored. A card of green-toned onyx with fly-leaf, size 5x3. 15 cents net. 6. A Birthday Rosary. "Thine be every joy." Nellie Blessing Eyster. Doves and olive branches. Printed in gold and gray. Designed by Harold Sichel. A card of cream bristol with fly-leaf, size 5/^ x 3^. 15 cents net. 7. "A Happy Birthday." A series of twelve hand-colored cards, each having the symbol-flower for a month. In ordering please state which month is desired. Ital- ian deckle-edge hand-made card in uniform envelope, size 3% x6. 25 cents net. 7a. Snowdrop, January. 7b. Primrose, February. 7c. Violet, March. 7d. Daisy, April. 7e. Hawthorne, May. 7f. Honeysuckle, June. 7g. Water-lily, July. 7h. Poppy, August. 7i. Morning-glory, September. 7j. Hops, October. 7k. Chrysanthemum, November. 71 Holly, December. 8. "Many Happy Returns of the Day." A greeting, deeply stamped in gold on a rich, magenta Italian hand-made folder, size 3 l /s x 4%. 5 cents net. 9. "A Happy Birthday to You." "God Bless the Boys, Old and Young." For the youngsters. An appropriate design by Gordon Ross, hand colored. A four-page folder of toned Chameleon, size 2 l /z x6 l A. 25 cents net. 10. Book-Marker Birthday Greeting. To be slipped into the birthday gift book. Stamped deeply in gold on blue hand-made folder, size V/A, x9%. 5 cents net. Cards for Occasions The kindly thought, the timely word By these the heart is doubly stirred. FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. How often one is at a loss to know just what message to send! But here are graceful cards of condolence "The Chord of Sympathy" by W. J. Locke, and a prayer attributed to Gladstone, full of meaning yet not so direct as to grate upon the feelings. Also, there are delicate messages of affection and farewell, and beautifully hand-colored cards, on the one hand to announce baby's arrival, and on the other to congratulate the happy parents. 1. A Prayer for the Soul of One Beloved in Paradise. Consolation. Gladstone. A card of Japanese vellum, size 6% x9 l /8. 25 cents net. 2. The You I Love. " What is this ' you ' I love so well ? " Agness Greene Foster. A lily-of-the-valley design by Harold Sichel. In gold, hand-colored. A four-page folder of toned Chameleon, size 2 3 A x6 l /8. 25 cents net. 3. Just Know. For Departure. " All are in God's loving care." Agness Greene Foster. A light-brown Florentine card with fly-leaf, in gold and colors, hand colored, size 5% x5&. 15 cents net. 4. Love. "All things flag but only Love." Christina Rossetti. Gracefully designed by Harold Sichel. In gold, hand colored. A four-page folder of toned Chameleon, size 3x7#. 25 cents net. 5. Chord of Sympathy (The), "it is only the overtones of suffering." By W.J.Locke. Condolence. Design by Harold Sichel. Printed in gold and tints. A card with fly- leaf, of white Chameleon, size 4x5. 15 cents net. 49 "PI Company GREETINGS AND DECORATIONS -Continued 49. For Grace. " Have mercy on each in his deficiency." Robert Louis Stevenson. 50. The Prayer Perfect. " Look on all I love tenderly today ! " Riley. 51. A Man's Life. " Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King." Tennyson. 52. A Mile with Me. " Oh, who will walk a mile with me along life's merry way ? '* Henry Van Dyke. 53. Just One Friend. " If we have but one to whom we can speak out of our heart." R. L. S. 54. The Rainbow. "My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.** "Wordsworth. MINIATURE LEAFLETS. "Where noble words in color glow Like jewels cut in cameo. Compact messages, brave and wise, are imprinted in large lettering with embellishments in color and gold on strong cardboard folders, just the size to slip into a letter, 3x5 inches. Designed by Harold Sichel. Enclosed in envelopes. Each 10 cents net. 1. Do Not "Worry. "Eat three square meals a day; say your prayers." Abraham Lincoln. 2. Rest. "Rest is the fitting of life to its sphere." Goethe. 3. The Savor of Past Mercies. " Like the voice of a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memory survive in the hour of darkness." R. L. S. 4. Individual Responsibility. " No one can acquire for another." "Walt Whitman. 5. " Thankful Bee for Blessings Today." Adolphus Gosse. 6. Things That Make Men Happy. John Ruskin. 7. The Optimist's Creed. Dickens. 8. Life Is But Once. " Drink the cup, wear the roses.** Mary Johnston. 9. The Man "Worth "While. "The one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong." Ella "Wheeler Wilcox. 10. " Never Strike Sail to a Fear." Ralph "Waldo Emerson. 11. Feed Thy Soul. "Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul." James Terry White. 12. A Brief Prayer. "To find my place and keep it." Wallace. 13. Greatly Begin. " Not failure, but low aim is crime." James Russel Lowell. 14. The Simplest Creed. " Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever." Kingsley. 15. Mend Your Scales. "A trouble is what you make it." Edmund Vance Cooke. 16. Air Castles. " Now put foundations under them." Henry D. Thoreau. 17. "Working Rules. " Have more than thou showest." King Lear. 18. Search Thyself. " Dress and undress thy soul." George Herbert. MISCELLANEOUS. And here be works of brush and pen, To phrase a wish, to dress a den, To counsel doubt, to bring a ray Of joy to loved ones far away. Screens, wall cards, mottoes, to make the cosy corner brighter, grace the home and gladden the hearth. " Through This "Wide Opening Gate " is an exceptional ex- ample of elaborate color printing worthy of place as a hall welcome to greet the coming guest. " Money and a Friende," ** "Woman's Rights " and " Ebisu, the Luck God" will add zest to the "den." And the beautiful "Morning Hymn," and "Evening Hymn," "Mother Love" and other cards appeal to the heart and will wear well at the reading desk or wherever they may be seen most often. Through This "Wide Opening Gate. A mounted screen in the richest colors, showing a bevy of gaily clad guests received at the gate of a medieval castle. Designed by Robert "Wilson Hyde. Size, open, 11 x30 inches. Enclosed in envelope, $1.00 net. Money and a Friende. An ancient rhyme for borrowers and lenders, illustrated by Spencer "Wright upon a leaf, 7% x 12% inches. Enclosed in envelope, 25 cents net. A Collect for Club Women. "Keep us, O God, from pettiness." Mary Stuart. Embel- lished by Will Jenkins on a card 7^ x9 inches. Enclosed in envelope, 15 cents net. "Woman's Rights. " What does a woman want in rights whin she has priv'leges?" By Mr. Dooley. Illustrated by Raymond Carter on a card 8x5 inches. Enclosed in envelope, 15 cents net. Tain't No Use to Grumble. "When God sorts out the weather and sends rain, why, rain 's my choice." By James Whitcomb Riley. Printed on a white panel with designs by Harold Sichel, and mounted on a brown Ancona sheet, 6/4 x7/^ inches. Enclosed in envelope, 10 cents net. Ebisu. The God of Good Luck. His greetings, phrased by W. O. McGeehan, with his photographs on a three-leaf screen, 7 x 11 inches closed. Enclosed in envelope, 25 cents net. 56 Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder #> Company GREETINGS AND DECORATIONS -Continued The "Weaving of Life's Fabric. "Wouldst thou have the fabric of thy life wrought in rare and beauteous design ? " By Agness Greene Foster. Illuminated by "Will Jenkins and mounted on red Shimizugoe paper, \zVz x 9K inches. Enclosed in envelope, 35 cents net. Morning Hymn and Evening Hymn. Two songs of perfect faith, by Violet M. Firth, with designs by Raymond Carter, on facing pages of a folder, 6% x 9& inches. Enclosed in envelope, 25 cents net. Morning Hymn. " The love that kept me through the passing night." By Violet M. Firth. Designed by Harold Sichel on a card, 5x9 inches. Enclosed in envelope, 10 cents net. Evening Hymn. " I sink to sleep by thoughts of Heaven blest.** By Violet M. Firth. Designed by Harold Sichel on a card, 5x9 inches. Enclosed in envelope, 10 cents net. Mother Love. Toulmouche's graceful picture of mother and child. In two tones upon Imperial Japan vellum, 9^ x 11 inches. Enclosed in envelope, 25 cents net. Beauty, the Light That Lighteth Every Man. " Beauty is not to be left solely to poets." By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Designed by Harold Sichel on a card 5% x8K inches. Enclosed in envelope, 10 cents net. The Kingdom of Heaven Is "Within. " Never to be seen through another's vision.'* By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Designed by Harold Sichel on a card,5}4 x8% inches, Enclosed in envelope, 10 cents net. POST-CARDS. Doggerel Dodger. Bits of fun to send in jest Puppies, Bunnies and the rest. By Albertine Randall Wheelan. Miniature reproductions in quadri-color of the Doggerel Dodgers, on cards 3/^ x 5/4. Set of six cards enclosed in envelope, 15 cents net. For It's Always Fair Weather. Buns and Rolls. Teddy Bear's Seal of Love. On the Lynx. The Kitten Debutante. So Near and Yet Chauffeur! SHADOWTNGS. Silver notes revealing Mellow depths of feeling. Sweet, brief lyrics, lettered by Harold Sichel on shadow-paper, mounted on sheets of brown and gray wood veneer, 3 x8/4 inches. Enclosed in envelopes, each 10 cents net. 1. Evolution. "Out of the cloud a silence, then, a lark." By John B.Tabb. 2. Friends. " Such friends to laugh regrets away." By Herman Charles Merivale. 3. Morn. " Pray, , Sweet, for me." By Emily Henrietta Hickey. 4. Love Stays. " Time flies, Love stays." Sun-dial verse by Angela Gordon. 5. Afterwards Day ! ** Here a star, and there a star, some lose their way." By Emily Dickinson. 6. Light Your Fire. " Life was made for love and cheer." Henry Van Dyke. STRENGTHENERS. Pure draughts to make the soul more strong, To work for Right, to conquer "Wrong. Designed by Harold Sichel in bold colors on cards, 3x8% inches. Enclosed in envelopes, each 10 cents net. 1. An Individual Strengthener. "All that belongs to God belongs to thee.** B. 2. So Live Today. " Love for man and faith in God." Osgood Elliott. 3. Divine Peace. " Enfolded in Thy Love divine." Alice A. Russell. 4. Live Thy Creed. "Hold up to earth the torch divine." Horatius Bonar. 5. A Little Fence of Trust. " Build a little fence of trust around today." Mrs. Butts. 6. True Living. "Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world's famine feed.'* Horatius Bonar. SUNBEAMS. Gentle words of faith and peace Tell of love without surcease. Verses by Agness Greene Foster. Illuminated with colored designs by Harold Sichel upon gray Florentine Cellini folders, 5 Ji x5& inches. Enclosed in envelopes, each 10 cents net. 1. No Fear. " Oh, help me keep Thine image clear ! " 2. His Hand. " Hold fast to His hand." 3. Just Think. " No time to read ? No time to pray ? " 4. All. "The strength of the strong is love." 5. Keep Me Simple. "Make me of use to Thee." 6. Can There Be Aught But Gladness. " Where God is All and in His All ? " 57 Pleasant Pages Books and Cards Worth Giving, fron the Presses of Paul Elder & Company GREETINGS AND DECORATIONS Continued New Year Cards Merry words of cheer To usher in the year. See Christmas and New Year Cards. Numbers 10, 22, 24, 34, 54 and 55. Place Cards, Favors, Tallies, Toasts The guest at entertainments we enable To find a partner or a place at table. HELPS TO HOST AND HOSTESS. Place cards for dinners, toast cards for banquets, favors for choosing partners and "mixing" guests, tallies for card parties and other gamesome gatherings all these are matters for weighty consideration. The "Funny Favors" from "How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers" serve a noble purpose in teaching you " How to Tell Your Partner from the Other Fel- low's." As for place cards, there is a delightful series, hand colored in a variety of designs suited to many feasts, from a banquet of farewell to a distinguished guest to a children's entertainment. Besides, a series of finely painted poster toast-cards will be found a great assistance to the toastmaster and a great adornment to the table. FUNNY FAVORS. A. How to Tell Your Partners. Paired pictures from " Birds and Flowers" are provided in sets for the purpose of "mixing" guests and assigning partners at card parties, dances, dinners and other functions. Thus, the holder of the " Parrot " will look for a partner who has received the " Carrot." Also used as tally-cards. Sixteen subjects, or pairs, supply tally-cards for thirty-two guests without duplicates. Per dozen pairs, 60 cents net. Funny Favors B. The same. Hand colored. Per dozen pairs, $1.20 net. PLACE CARDS. Our pleasant function is, again we state, To point a partner or or adorn a plate. These are of various designs, suited to dinners celebrating different occasions. They are delicately colored by hand on folders of a variety of materials, all sufficiently firm to stand upright by each plate. 1. Branch of Fruit Blossoms and Birds. Size, 2 x4^ inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 2. Butterflies and Spring Blossoms. Size,2^ x4K inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 3. Grapes and Vine. Size, 1% x5 inches. $1.50 net a dozen. 4. The Summer Girl. Size, 2% x6/^ inches upright. $1.50 net a dozen. 5. The Hoop-Skirt Girl, A Dainty Maid. Size, 3 x5 inches upright. $1.50 net a dozen. 6. Ye Herald. Announcement of engagement; for dinners to betrothed pairs. A scroll, size 4 1 A inches wide. $2.00 net a dozen. 7. Roses. Size, 3x5 inches upright. $1.00 net a dozen. 8. Ship in Full Sail. For a farewell dinner before the departure of the host or the honored guest. Size, 3x5 inches upright. $1.25 net a dozen. 9. Chrysanthemums. Size, 3 x5 inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 10. The Ship of Good Hope. For a farewell dinner. Size,2^ x6# inches upright. $1.25 net a dozen. 11. Violets. Size, 2% x 3 inches. $1.00 net a dozen. 12. St. Patrick. Size,2^ x&A inches upright. $1.25 net a dozen. 13. The Youngster in the Lily Pond. For children's entertainments. Size, 2^x6^ inches upright. $1.50 net a dozen. 14. Child and Butterflies. For children's entertainments. Size, 2^x5 inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 15. Carnations. Size, 2/4 x4K inches upright. $1.25 net a dozen. 16. Flower Basket with Envelope and Card. Announcement of engagement for din- ners to betrothed pairs. Size, 2& x3% inches. $1.50 net a dozen. 17. Folded Heart with "Wax Seal and Gold Cord. Announcement of engagement for dinners to betrothed pairs. Size, 3x5 inches triangle. $2.00 net a dozen. 18. Mistletoe. For Christmas banquets. Size, I 7 /* x5% inches. $1.00 net a dozen. 19. The Harvest Panel. For Thanksgiving feasts. Size, Iji x5} inches upright. $1.00 net a dozen. 58 "Do rr JL dg Books and Cards Worth Giving, from the Presses of Paul Elder & Company GREETINGS AND DECORATIONS -Continued 20. Autumn Leaves. For Thanksgiving feasts. Size,2K x5 inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 21. Poinsettia. Size, 2% x 5 inches. $1.25 net a dozen. 22. Holly. For holiday banquets. Size, 2 x 4 inches. $1.25 net per dozen. TOASTS. Our missipn is to help the kindly host Correctly to assign each rousing toast. These Toast Cards, twelve in number, provide a series of appropriate toasts. They may also be used as a set of peculiarly rich and effective place cards. There are three convivial designs in poster treatment, tipped upon a rich green or red mount upon which the words of the toast are printed. Per dozen, $2.40 net. 1. "A glass is good, a lass is good." John O'Keefe. 2. " Here 's to God's second thought, * "Woman * ! Second thoughts are always best." 3. " Turkey when you are hungry, champagne when you are dry." 4. " A friend sincere and true." 5. "Drink to me only with thine eyes." Ben Jonson. 6. "Give me the glass that felt her lippe." Peter Pindar. 7. "May each be at his own house when Fortune makes her call." Alonzo Rice. 8. "Fill your glass to Anything, and, thank the Lord, I'll drink it ! " "Wallace Irwin. 9. " Let's be gay while we may," 10. "Here's to the hostess who has worried all day." Francis "Wilson. 11. "A pretzel und a stein o' peer." After Omar. 12. "Laugh at all things, great and small things." Byron. St. Patrick's Day Who would not celebrate the day Of him that drove the snakes away ! 1. St. Patrick. "May the saints kape us shtiddy ! " Design by Gordon Ross, hand colored on a folder, 2% x 6%. 25 cents net. 2. Irish Stew. From Good Things and Graces folders. 15 cents net. Valentines If you love me as I love you You'll send me one or maybe two. "HERE'S MY HEART ! " Valentines are no longer merely affairs of doves, forget-me- not, pierced hearts, cupids and lace-paper. Modern taste demands more original and delicate expressions of devotion. Accordingly, here are Valentines, most cor- rect in sentiment and coloring, among them many colored by hand. Some of them are humorous not comic ; all are pleasing and not one can offend. 1. The Protected Heart, "if one should give me a heart to keep." Cupids, hearts and keys, hand colored on a card, 3 x7K- 25 cents net. 2. A Valentine Triolet. " One loving word but send to me." Swallows, hand colored on a four-page onyx folder, 3 x 8. 25 cents net. 3. My Valentine. " More peril in thine eyes than twenty swords." An old-fashioned beauty, hand colored upon a four-page onyx folder, 2% x5. 15 cents net. 4. Ye Herald Of the Queen of Hearts. " Oh, tell your love, ye bashful swains." A hand-colored onyx folder, four pages, 4^ x2 l /z. 20 cents net. 5. "Sweet as the Primrose." Folded heart, free-hand color design. "When open, 5^x6. 25 cents net. 6. The Sealed Heart. " H is for Heart ; mine beats but for you." When open, 5H x 6. Sealed with gold cord and wax. 25 cents net. 7. Alphabet Valentine. "A's for affection." Printed in red and black on a folder, 6%x3%. 10 cents net. 8a. "Love can turn all things to beauty." Cupid and hour-glass design on green folder, 5 x 3%. 10 cents net. 8b. Same, hand colored on folder of light tint, 5 x 3%. 15 cents net. 9. Love. "All things flag but only Love." By Christina Rosetti. Hand-colored four- page folder, 7K x3. 25 cents net. 10. "My love is like a river, deep it flows." "Wild roses and river landscape. Hand- colored card by Harold Sichel,4^ x6%. 25 cents net. 59 TD1 AO CO -n + T^O ry^C Books and Cards Worth Giving, from A It/dOCt 11 L AT d Co the Presses of Paul Elder Coman the Presses of Paul Elder Company GREETINGS AND DECOR AT1ONS- Continued 11. Love*s Holiday. " Let 's away to the mead together." Cupids'and rose wreaths on a hand-colored folder of cream Chameleon, 6K x5/4. 25 cents net. 12. A Heart. "Did you take it forever or only for play ? " By Agness Greene Foster. Free-hand rose, hand-colored folder, 8x5. 35 cents net. 13a. Ye True Heart. Printed on folder, 5K x 2 %. 5 cents net. 13b. Ye True Heart. Hand colored on folder, 5% x2%. 10 cents net. 14. Thy Loving Valentine. " Now all my days are trances." Parchment folder with hand-colored initial, 4^ x2& 10 cents net. 15. Cupid and a Camera. " Cupid worked with perfect art." Hand-colored mounted heart, 5% x6. 20 cents net. 16. "it's not a long tale. Just, I love you." Mouse, hand colored on mounted heart, 5H x 6. 20 cents net. 17. ** No Negative from Mine." Cupid with camera. Hand colored on mounted heart, 5)ix6. 20 cents net. 18. The Grand Bow-wows. " Listen to my earnest vows." Dog, hand colored on mounted heart, 5H x 6. 20 cents net. 19. A Perfect Duck. " If I only had the pluck." Duckling hand-colored on mounted heart. 5>6 x6. 20 cents net. 20. " More than dolly * * * do I love you." Little girl hand colored on folder, 4 x 6K. 25 cents net. 21. "More than all the boys * * * I love you love you lots." Old-fashioned boy hand colored on mounted card, 4x6^. 25 cents net. 22. "My Valentine is a sure 'nuf dandy." Little girl seated on heart. Hand colored on mounted card, 4 x 6^. 25 cents net. 23. The Knocker. Cupid knocking on heart. " Ouvre moi ta porte." Hand colored on folder, 4 x 5&. 25 cents net. 24. Mistletoe. Although it's out of season, I am sure you'll know Why I send on cupid's day this piece of mistletoe. Hand colored on heart, 5% x6. 15 cents net. 25. Book-Marker. "My Valentine." Printed in gold on rose-colored slip. Folded, 2 l Ax6H. 5 cents net. Life's Paradoxes Light out of darkness, Surcease from pain; Joy out of sadness, Out of loss, gain. Strength from our weakness, Rest from our care, God recompenses For all that we bear. From My Soul's Cathedral by James Henry MacLafferty. 60 VfclUS KEP- ME ^IVl UNffflS 9EI2V D AWORJJDWORJH LIVING Nh WHO OLAIMS1HAJ HI KNOWS ABOUT IT BUT I, AND THE BEES, AND THE BIRDS, WE DOUBT IT AND THINIC IT A WORLD WORTH LIVING IN* \~ tllA WHllilS For Special Occasions and Mottoes. No. 6, Baby's Announcement Card ; No. 5B, A Chord of Sympathy ; Cards for Occasions. Refer to page 49. No. 1, Sunbeams. Refer to page 57. No. 6A, Shadowings. Refer to page 57. No. 2B, Good Cheer Leaflets. Refer to page 54. R1rcKint> -filled &o full "Kut> Ar?'plun?6, bii ole btjlick, Till Cbrit>tm<*t) cymt> Agin r?ex' i|ev tuc Here's My Heart!" Valentines, most correct in sentiment and coloring, many are colored by hand, some are humorous not comic. Refer to pages 59 and 60. Christ is Risen. Cards and tokens for the Eastertide. Nos. 1 and 7 are printed in gold and colors. The balance are daintily colored by hand. Refer to page 52. toa sing the song of all oeatknv- brave sky-fra glad-wind Wowing \y, ckar trail firan hour far meditation, long dayand thejy to hard task&- the nuuck acc naoafira vrerlkrmtcntoj gloam $!>od strife and no to leave rtr* . still ni^lit and tke far red li^Ktj of home. HERE a loyal Kwrt*. -tlv2K2 ace jpirto bave, And tha bcstNvUl coma backlpyou in jcur utmost ifl show TKeir fidlk inyour word. * iwd. Rar life isdw Tis juiT wkar >ruarc andi do; And tha best will come back *> >*u merry Xcomrade bMie 6 fall of Who dares to loud arui free And ktKis feolic Like alwppy cKild,throu^l nenr, dermal arc not to be admii4 not even to be pardone4 if they brin^ bitterness Gentleness and cheerful TKatfilltke field & fringe The Book of Father Time, "impressions Calendar" for"l911: Fifty-four leaves of beautifully designed mottoes, printed in many colors, worth separately 10 cents each or $5.40 in all, yet the Calenlar costs but 50 cents net, or 60 cents by mail. Refer to page 47 and third page of cover. Impressions Calendar for 1911 Fifty-four Leaves in Color Price: 50 cents net; by mail, 60 cents Life's Mirror The Cover Motto There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true ; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you. Give love, and love to your heart will flow, A strength in your utmost need ; Have faith and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed. For life is the mirror of king and slave, 'T is just what you are and do ; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you. Impressions Calendar for 1911, includes the following Fifty-four Mottoes: 1. Life's Mirror, by Madeline S. Bridges. 2. desiderata, by Henry Van Dyke. 3. Climb the Mountains, by John Muir. 4. Happiness, by Geo. W. Cable. 5. Light, by Francis Bourdillon. 6. Life's Purpose, by Browning. 7. Heroic Hearts, by Tennyson. 8. A Heaven on Earth, by William Morris. 9. The Life Beautiful, by Emperor William II of Germany. 10. The World's Need, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. 11. And I, too, Sing the Song of All Creation. 12. Then Away with Longing and Ho ! for Labor ! 13. A Prayer, by R. L. S. 14. My Symphony, by Wm. Henry Channing. 15. A Prayer, by Henry Van Dyke. 16. For Grace, by R. L. S. 17. Inspiration, by Tennyson. 18. Much in Little, by Robert Herrick. 19. Jesus saith. 20. The Year's at the Spring, by Browning. 21. The Word, by John Kendrick Bangs. 22. To Be Honest, by R. L. S. 23. On Easy Lives, by Phillips Brooks. 24. Be Strong, by Maltbie Davenport Babcock. 25. Love's Magic, by Tennyson. 26. The Value of a Friend, R. L. S. 27. Man Am I Grown, by Tennyson. 28. The Truth that is Real, by David Starr Jordan. 29. Happiness. 30. A Garden is a Lovesome Thing, by Thomas Edward Brown. 31. Then Welcome Each Rebuff, by Robert Browning. 32. Requiem, by R. L. S. 33. The Heart that Dares, by Sweeney. 34. Sleep to Wake, by Browning. 35. Morality, by R. L. S. 36. The Soul's Victory, by Shelley. 37. Thanksgiving, by Juliet Wilbur Tompkins. 38. A Prayer, by R. L. S. 39. The Foot Path to Peace, by Henry Van Dyke. 40. My Creed, by John Ruskin. 41. I Am the Captain of My Soul, by Henley. 42. The Rain bow, by Wordsworth. 43. A Mile with Me, by Henry Van Dyke. 44. Happy Thought, by R. L.S. 45. Will is Fate, by E. R. Sill. 46. The Road to Laughtertown, by Katherine D. Blake. 47. O For a Booke and a Shadie Nooke, by Avebury. 48. Life, by Edward Rowland Sill. 49. The Value of a Good Life, by Edward Howard Griggs. 50. Today is Your Day and Mine, by David Starr Jordan. 51. Sweetness with Strength, by R. L. S. 52. The Prayer Perfect, by James Whitcomb Riley. 53. Peace, by Edward Rowland Sill. 54. Just One Friend, by R. L. S. Refer to page 47. A New Commandment With friendly eyes, salute God's world each day; with friendly hands, help lift the ones who fall; with friendly thoughts, speak words of truth; with friendly hearts, believe there's good in all; with honest soul, seek friendship with thy God. From Love and Friendship by Lillyan Shaflher Refer to page 6