A . PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR WITH EXERCISES AND THEMES BY EUGENE W. MANNING, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES IN DE PAUW UNIVERSITY FOURTH EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PRESERVATION COPY ADDED , I .'." COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY HENRY HOLT & CO. ROBERT DRTTMMOND, ELECTROTYPER AND PRINTER, NEW YORK. PREFACE. THE following pages, written at first for my classes in Cornell University, are now handed over to the public in the hope that they may be of some help in introducing others, as well as college students, to the Spanish language ' and literature. My aim has been to write a practical grammar and, so far as college students are concerned, one that may be tolerably well mastered (leaving time for reading about 150 ordinary duodecimo pages of Spanish in one college year), provided two recitations per week are devoted to it. My own custom has been to have the students learn the advance lesson only so thoroughly as to be able to write out the theme ; to have them put the theme on the board ; to correct jt myself, having the students correct their themes as I indicate mistakes and state reasons for changes, and on the review (next time we meet) to give (without book or theme) the Spanish for the English (as well as the English for the Spanish) on my reading the sentences aloud. A part at least of the Spanish reading lessons was also translated on review (as above) from hearing me read the Spanish. This method seemed to work admira- bly at Cornell ; but is given here simply for such teachers as may not have a definite and possibly better method of their own. Since Spanish is rarely taken up until after some m IV PKEFACE. other language than the mother-tongue has been studied, much has been left out that otherwise would have found its way into the book. The statements about the pronunciation of Spanish are the results of some months' careful listening to the best Spanish orators in the Ateneo at Madrid. In the vocabulary the order of the English alphabet has been followed, since that is of course much more familiar to English- speaking persons. No great effort has been made after the first half-dozen themes to have the sentences easy, and so the vocabularies are long. It will be found, however, that only about one half the words are used in the themes (masculine nouns coming first in the lesson vocabularies, then feminine nouns, then other words). The reading of easy Spanish may be begun with profit after the first conjugation (12th lesson) has been mastered. It will be noted that the arrangement of the Span- ish verb is an entirely new one, which it is believed will greatly facilitate the mastering of the verb. A short chapter on the history of Spanish, especially in its relation to Latin, will be found just before the general vocabularies. A list of all irregular verbs in the Spanish, for which I am indebted chiefly to Knapp's Spanish Grammar, will be found on pp. 113-127, and a general index at the end of the book. While acknowl- edging my indebtedness to the Spanish Academy Grammar, to Wigger's "Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache " (to this latter especially for the treatise on the subjunctive mood), and to others, no one has been so closely followed as to make its author responsible for what is here, though I have taken from many sources whatever suited my purpose. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE ALPHABET AND PRONUNCIATION, 1 Alphabet, 1. Gender of Letters, 2. Capital Letters, 3. Remarks on Letters, 4. Sound of Vowels, 5. Quality of Vowels, 6. Diphthongs, 7. Triphthongs, 8. Consonants, 9-32. Double Consonants, 33. Tonic Accent, 34-36. Graphic Accent, 37. Division of Syllables, 38. Punctuation, 39. LESSONS WITH EXERCISES AND THEMES. I. GENDER, ARTICLE, etc. : Present of ser, . 7 II. NOUN s GENDER, NUMBER, CASE, etc.: Imper- fect of ser, .0 10 III. NOUNS WITH ARTICLE, and as Diminutive and Augmentative, and Present Tense of tener, 14 IV. ADJECTIVES : Present Tense of estar, . . 18 V. ADJECTIVES (Comparison of) : ser and estar distinguished, . . . c . .21 VI. NUMERALS : Present of haber, c . .25 VII. CONJUNCTIVE AND DISJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS, and Present Tense of amar, . 30 VIII. CONJUNCTIVE AND DISJUNCTIVE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS: Present Tense of comer, 36 IX. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND DEMON- STRATIVE PRONOUNS : Present Tense of recibir, 40 X. RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS : Imperfect of amar, . . . . .44 XI. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS : Preterite of amar, . 49 XII. VERB-FORMS : hablar (First Conjugation), . 54 XIII. SECOND AND THIRD CONJUGATION : temer, recibir, 60 XIV. EUPHONIC CHANGES IN REGULAR VERBS: tocar, etc., .... . 64 v VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE XV. COMPOUND TENSES and haber, to have, . 68 XVI. PASSIVE VOICE : ser and estar, . . .72 XVII. REFLEXIVE VERBS and tener, . . . 77 XVIII. IRREGULAR VERBS : acertar and others First Conjugation, 81 XIX. IRREGULAR VERBS: atender and others Second Conjugation, 87 XX. IRREGULAR VERBS Second Conjugation (con- cluded) : DEFECTIVE VERBS, ... 93 XXI. IRREGULAR VERBS : sentir and others Third Conjugation, 99 XXII. IRREGULAR VERBS: Third Conjugation (con- cluded) DEFECTIVE VERBS, . . . 103 XXIII. IMPERSONAL VERBS : Verbs used negatively and interrogatively, 109 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS AND PRINCIPAL DEFEC- TIVE VERBS, 113 XXIV. USE OF THE TENSES : Simple Tenses, . . 128 XXV. SIMPLE TENSES (concluded) : COMPOUND TENSES, 132 XXVI. THE IMPERATIVE MOOD: CONDITIONAL MOOD, 136 XXVII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD in Independent and Dependent Sentences, .... 140 XXVIII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD in Dependent Sen- tences (concluded): Sequence of Tenses, . 144 XXIX. THE INFINITIVE MOOD, 148 XXX. THE INFINITIVE MOOD (concluded), . .152 XXXI. PRESENT PARTICIPLE : PAST PARTICIPLE, . 156 XXXII. ADVERBS, 160 XXXIII. PREPOSITIONS, 164 XXXIV. PREPOSITIONS (concluded), . . . .169 XXXV. CONJUNCTIONS AND INTERJECTIONS, . .175 SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE, especially in its Relation with Latin, . . . 179 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY, 195 VOCABULARY OF SPANISH PROPER NAMES, . . .219 ENGLISH- SPANISH VOCABULARY, 221 GENERAL INDEX, 237 PKACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR 1. ALPHABET AND PRONUHCIATION. Letters. Names. Pronounced. A a a a in ah B b be bd in bane C c ce thd in thane Ch ch che chd in change D d de da in date E e e d in ate P f efe a'fay 2 G g ge *h l d in hate ' H h I i hache i a'tchay^ 7&1tfieel J i jota 'h^'ta K 4 k 4 ke kay 2 L 1 ele a'lay 2 LL 11 elle a r ly 3 ay* M m erne a'may 8 N n ene a'nay 2 N n ene S'ny 5 ay 2 o P p pe pa in pane Q q cu coo in coon R r ere a'ray 2 RR rr erre ar'ray 2 S s ese a'say 24 T t te ta in tame U u u oo in ooze V v ve va in vane W 6 w' doble u do r blay 2 oo ' X x equis a'keece Y y i griega ee greea^ga Z z zeta thaOa r ~ - ^ 1 Strongly and deeply aspirated. 2 ay having the sound of ey in they. 8 Like Hi in William. 4 Used only in borrowed words, as kilometro. 5 ny here like ni in um0n. 6 Used only in foreign words, as Wj,M;i$ton, and pronounced as oo in ooze, 2 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 2. All letters are of the feminine gender : as, una a, una b, etc. 3. Capital letters are used in general as in English. The names of the months and days of the week, also adjectives formed from names of nations, provinces, towns, and men and yo ( = /), begin with small letters. 4. (a) The vowel sounds (which occur of tener than in English) are full and distinct, (b) The consonants are rather touched upon than distinctly pronounced. (c) The only new sound (not found in English) is that of g before e or i, and of j (always like Spanish g be- fore e or i). (d) H (except in ch [see 11] and in initial hie 1 and hue) is silent, (e) U, except when it has the diaeresis 2 (ii), is silent between g and e or i, and always after q. 5. A like a in ah or in far: arma, casa. E " a in ate: edad, doble. I " ee in eel: indicar, inutil. " o in go: obra, modo. TT " oo in ooze: lugar, unos. Y 4 as vowel like Spanish i : voy, doy, soy. 6. The quality of the vowels remains the same, though they are short in unaccented and (generally) long in accented syllables. 7. DIPHTHONGS. 5 Each of the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) may be doubled (without forming a diphthong), or 1 Very lightly touched even here. Many say it is silent. 2 Always used to break up a diphthong. 8 See 4 (e). * Y is a vowel when alone, as in y (and), and at the end of a word or syllable; elsewhere a consonant. 5 In diphthongs and triphthpngs t e&clj vowel is slightly DIPHTHONGS TRIPHTHONGS CONSONANTS. 3 be followed 1 by and may form a diphthong 1 with each 2 of the other four vowels. If one of the vowels of these combinations is accented, they generally do not form a diphthong ; if neither is accented, they generally form a diphthong. (See 8 (&).) 8. (a) TRIPHTHONGS. These are iai, as in preciais ; iei, as in precieis ; uai (or nay), as in santiguais, guay ; uei (or uey), as in bueitre (buitre), buey. (b) Note that the triphthongs (and diphthongs) have each vowel sounded and with its usual sound, only each vowel unites more or less intimately with the other vowel (s). 9. CONSONANTS. B as in English before 1 and r; elsewhere not so distinctly (with lips scarcely touch- ing), and by some, though incorrectly, almost like v. 10. C like k before a, o, u, or a consonant (except h), and sounds like th (as in thin) before e or i. Cc used only before i and like k'th : as, accion. 11. Ch. like ch in much (mucho). 12. D as in English, except with lighter pressure of the tongue; before r or final very slightly sounded, or almost like th in then. 13. F like English/. 14. G 3 , before a, o, u, or another consonant, as in English go. Before e or i is nearly like h in hate, deeply and fully aspirated (or better, ch in German Tuch, deep and full). Gn as in signal. sounded, and except in the combinations io, oi, and some- times eo, it is the vowel first in alphabetical order that gen- erally receives the tonic, if not the graphic, accent. 1 Y takes the place of final i, except when i is accented: as, jabali. 2 H between vowels has no effect on the pronunciation. See4(e). 4 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 15. H: see 4 (d) and page 3, note 2. 16. J always like g before e or i. (See 14.) 17. K like k in kind. 18. L as in English. 19. LI like Hi in William. 20. M as in English; never doubled, m or nm used instead and rarely final. 21. N as in English; when doubled, both sounded. 22. N 1 as ni in union. 23. P as in English (initial only before 1 or r or a vowel). 24. ft always followed by u, and sounds like k being silent). 25. R is strongly rolled at the beginning of a word or syllable, or after 1, n, s, and whenever doubled. 26. S always hard, as in English sand. 27. T always (even before i) like t in tin. 28. V 2 as in English, except that the upper teeth and lower lip scarcely touch. 29. W as in English (when used at all). 30. X now always like Ics : as, x in wax. 31. Y as consonant (i.e., at beginning of word or followed by a vowel in same syllable) is pronounced as in English. 32. Z always like c before e or i (that is, as th in thin). 33. Spanish avoids assimilation of consonants (using inmortal [Eng. immortal]), and generally sim- plifies double consonants (as dificil [Eng. difficult]). Except n and 1, only c and r are capable of being doubled: as, ella, ennoblecer, accion, error. (Double 1 For description of this sign see 37. 2 Found only before vowels. TONIC ACCENT GRAPHIC ACCENT. 5 1 [= 11] and double r [= rr] are phonetically indepen- dent letters.) 34. TONIC ACCENT. (a) Words ending in a con- sonant ' (including infinitives, imperatives [2d plu.], and the second person plural of verbs), except plurals in s or es, and verb-forms in s, es, mos, an, en, and on, are accented on the final syllable, unless other- wise marked, (b) Proper names in ez, and some in es, are accented on the next to the last syllable: as, Lopez, Cervantes. 35. Words ending in a vowel or diphthong (counted as one syllable 2 ), and plurals in s or es, and verb- forms in s, es, mos, an, en, and on, are accented on the next 8 to the last syllable, unless otherwise marked. 36. Plurals keep the accent of the singular (except carcterand regimen, caract6res and regimenes); and compounds, the accent (not always marked) of the separate parts : as, mondadientes = m6nda-di6ntes. 37. GEAPHIC ACCENT. (a) The acute accent (') is used 4 to distinguish a word-form used in one sense from the same form used in another sense: as, el = the, 61 = Tie ; se = self, s6 = / know ; etc. : and to indicate irregularly accented syllables and interrogative words, etc. (b) The tilde (~) is used over n when the vowel 1 Or in a diphthong with y as the last letter. 2 Providing the word has a syllable preceding the diph- thong, which, to fall under the rule, must be i plus a vowel or u plus a vowel; but tio is pronounced ti'-o, and aldea = al-de'-a, etc. Many verbs-forms in ia, ie, io, ua, ue, no sometimes graphically accent the i or u. 3 The rules of the Spanish Academy for the accent differ somewhat from the above; but the Academy rules have not, up to the present, been generally followed by publishers. 4 Even over capital letters. 6 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. sound following n is to be preceded by the sound of initial y: hence aiio = anyo. (c) The diaeresis (") is placed over the vowel u in the syllables giie, giii to denote that the u must be pronounced; and in poetry it also breaks up diphthongs : as, riiido, viaje. (cl) Other graphic signs (except as elsewhere referred to) as in English. 38. DIVISION OF SYLLABLES. (a) One consonant, including ch, 11, n (rr 1 ), belongs to the following vowel : as, ca-lle, ha-cer, ha-llar, sue-no, (b) Two consonants, if they are such as may begin a Spanish word (b^c^j^ g, and p followed by 1 or r, and d or t followed by r), go with the following vowel: as, ha-blar, con-cluir, etc. (c) In other cases the first (or the first plus s) of several consonants goes with the preceding vowel, (even x is divided into c-s): as, con-mover, ins-pi- rar, mac-simo (maximo). (d) Unaccented diphthongs are generally not divided: as, a-gua, bue-no, etc.; but continu-a, continu-e, etc. (e) Compound words are divided between the different parts : as, pro-nom-bre ; but in many words little attention is paid to the origi- nal Latin division : as, su-bir, des-cripcion, etc., instead of sub-ir, de-scripcion, etc. 39. (a) Owing to the difficulty in distinguishing the interrogative or exclamatory sentence by its form, the sign of interrogation 2 or exclamation 2 (only inverted) is usually placed before it : as, j due* me quieres ? 2 ; Como llueve ! 2 (b) Other punctuation in Spanisa is about the same as in English. J Authorities differ as to rr, but the dictionaries consulted generally divide: as, per-ro. 2 The inverted sign is generally omitted at the beginning with short sentences. GENDER, ARTICLES, ETC. 7 % LESSON I. GENDER, ARTICLES, ETC. 40. CASES. There are two cases 1 (nominative and objective), as in English. 41. GENDER. There are three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter, though the neuter 2 is very sel- dom used. 42. NUMBER. There are two numbers, singular and plural; and the sign of the plural is s or es, as in English. 43. DEFINITE ARTICLE. m. el ) m. los ) , /. la [ sing. /. las f P lu ' n. lo ) n. (no plural.) 44. INDEFINITE ARTICLE. m. un ) a or an m. unos 4 ) ones or a few. /. 3 una ) sing. /. unas 4 ) plu. n. (wanting.) n. (wanting.) 1 The Spanish Academy Grammar gives six cases, as follows: Masculine. Feminine. Nom. el lobo, the wolf. la carta, the letter. Gen. (de el) del lobo, of the de la carta, of the letter. wolf. [to the wolf. Dat. (a el) al or para el lobo, a or para la carta, to the let- Ac", el lobo, the wolf. la carta, the letter. [ter. Vov. lobo, wolf. carta, letter. Abl. con el lobo, with the wolf. con la carta, with the letter. 8 Used chiefly with adjectives, pronouns, and possessives: as, the good, lo bueno; (the) mine, lo mio. 3 See 61 and 46. 4 Really indefinite adjectives; at times indefinite pronouns or even nouns. 8 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. I 45. De el (of the) are contracted to del,, and a el (to the) to al. 46. El is used for euphony before feminine nouns of. two syllables 1 (not adjectives) beginning with an accented a or ha : as, el ala, el ave ; also del ala, al ave : but plural regular: las alas, las aves, de las alas, a las aves, etc. Tin is used for una, just as el for la ; though this usage is not to be commended. 47. INFLECTION OF PRESENT TENSE OF ser, to be. yo soy, / am. nosotros somos, we are. C(tu eres, 2 ihou art.) ffvosotros sois,*^6 are.) ^_Usted es, 3 you are. \JJstedes son, 3 you are. el es, he is. ellos son, they are. ella es, she is. ellas son, they are. 48. listed and Ustedes are contractions for vuestra merced (your honor) and vuestras mercedes (your worf t ships), and are still further contracted to V. 4 (for sin- gular) and VV. 4 (for plural); but they represent the English you singular and plural: as, V. 4 ("UV esmiamigo. VV. 4 (Ustedes) son hermanos (brother 49. i Habla V. ? means, do you speak ? are you .7/ endure the pain and tears (article not repeated). 61. IKDBFINTB ARTICLE. Some is generally un- derstood: as, tiene hijos, lie has (some) children; vinie- ron soldados, (some) soldiers came; d6me V. pan, give me some bread. And in apposition and predicate in- definite article is generally omitted: as, Ileg6 & Bona, ciudad de Prusia, he came to Bonn, a city in Prussia; es Aleman, he is a German; la vida es sueno, life is a dream. 62. AUGMEOTATIVES AND DIMINUTIVES. Many nouns and adjectives (and a few participles and ad- verbs) increase or decrease, or otherwise change their meaning, by assuming certain terminations. The most usual augmentatives are : on, ona ; azo, aza ; ote, ota; acho, acha. Diminutives are: ito, ita; illo, ilia ; ico, ica ; uelo, uela; hombre, man; hombron, 1 big man ; fusilazo, a gun-shot ; seiior, gentleman ; seiiorito, little or young gentleman ; seiior a, lady ; senorita, little or young lady ; Maria, Mary ; Mari- quita, little Mary? 1 Also hombrazo, very big man; hombracho or hombrote, mon- strous or ridiculous man. 2 Other cases will appear in sentences. 16 PEACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. PKESENT TENSE OF tener, to have. tengo, 1 haw. tenemos, we haw. V. tiene, you have. VV. tienen, you have. tiene, he, she, it has. tienen, they have. VOCABULARY III. el Alejandro^ Alexander. amigote, great friend. amiguito, little friend. animal, animal. bastonazo, blow with a cane. Canada, Canada. conde, count. corazon, heart. cristiano, Christian. descuido, heedlessness. espiritu, spirit. hierro, iron. hugonote, Huguenot. Juanito, little John. nombre, name. papel, paper. perro, dog. perrillo, little dog. primito, little cousin. puerto, port. Rin, Rhine. Rodano, Rhone. vecino, neighbor. (el) agua (f.), water. la avecita, little bird. ballena, whale. Barcelona, Barcelona. la Berna, Berne. calentura, fever. capital, capital. carne, meat. casita, little house. condesa, countess. cosa, thing. Habana, Havana. mano, hand. memoria, memory. Pepita, Josephine. priesa, haste. el Sena, Seine. como, how. catolico, Catholic. cuando, when. deme V., give me. diez, ten (o'clock). en, in. esta, is. esto, this. feliz, happy, good. inmortal, immorta. meridional, south. porque, why. que, what, ricazo, very rich. EXERCISE III. 1. Las ballenas son animates. 2. <; Sefior Sanchez habla 1 V. ingles ? 3. Si, y la seflora Sanchez y la pe- 1 See 49. NOUN WITH ARTICLE AUGMEOTATIVES, ETC. 17 quena Pepita, hablan f ranees. 4. El Canada y la Florida son paises de America. 5. El Kodano, el Kin, el Sena son rios de Europa. 6. El senor conde de N. es mi vecino. 7. Son las diez. 8. El senorito era hijo de un mercader. 9. Alejandro tuvo (had) el nombre de grande. 1 0. La seflorita tiene calen- tura. 11. Tiene feliz memoria. 12. Tiene buen corazon. 13. Tiene a su vecino por buen cristiano. 14. Deme V. agua. 15. Mi amigote da un bastonazo al perro. 16. Mi amiguito tiene una casita de papel. 17. Un buque de hierro esta en el puerto de Barce- lona. THEME III. <-* 1. The spirit of man is immortal. 2. Havana is the capital of (la) Cuba. 3. The why, the when, and the how are not always easy. 4. The countess gives a hat to the little John. 5. Brazil is a country of South America. 6. The young lady has small hands. 7. It is ten o'clock. 8. Iron is the most useful metal. 9. Haste and heedlessness make 1 many things difficult. 10. My father was an Englishman. 11. The Huguenots were Protestants. 12. Give me [some] meat. 13. He came 2 to Berne, [a] city of Switzerland. 14. My little cousins have little dogs 'and little birds. 15. The merchant is very rich. 16. Gladstone has a good memory. 17. My father regards 3 (the) Mr. Sanchez as 4 [a] good Catholic. 1 See 57, last sentence. 3 Regards = tiene. 2 See 61. 4 As = por. 16 PEACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. PRESENT TENSE OF tener, to liave. tengo, 1 have. tenemos, we have. V. tiene, you have. W. tienen, you have. tiene, he, she, it has. tienen, they have. VOCABULARY III. el Alejandro^ Alexander. amlgote, great friend. amiguito, little friend. animal, animal. bastonazo, blow with a Canada, Canada. conde, count. corazon, heart. cristiano, -Christian. descuido, heedlessness. espiritu, spirit. hierro, iron. hugonote, Huguenot. Juanito, little John. nombre, name. papel, paper. perro, dog. perrillo, little dog. primito, little cousin. puerto, port. Rin, Rhine. Rodano, Rhone. vecino, neighbor. (el) agua (f.), water. la avecita, little bird. ballena, whale. Barcelona, Barcelona. la Berna, Berne. calentura, fever. capital, capital. carne, meat, cane. casita, little house. condesa, countess. cosa, thing. Habana, Havana. mano, hand. memoria, memory. Pepita, Josephine. priesa, haste. el Sena, Seine. I como, how. catolico, Catholic. cuando, when. deme V., give me. diez, ten (o'clock). en, in. esta, is. esto, this. feliz, happy, good. inmortal, immorta-. meridional, south. porque, why. que, what. ricazo, very rich. EXERCISE III. 1. Las ballenas son animates. 2. Senor Sanchez habla 1 V. ingles ? 3. Si, y la seflora Sanchez y la pe- 1 See 49. NOUN WITH AETICLE AUGMENTATIVES, ETC. 17 quena Pepita, hablan f ranees. 4. El Canada y la Florida son paises de America. 5. El Rodano, el Rin, el Sena son rios de Europa. 6. El senor conde de N. es mi vecino. 7. Son las diez. 8. El senorito era hijo de un mercader. 9. Alejandro tuvo (had) el nombre de grande. 10. La senorita tiene calen- tura. 11. Tiene feliz memoria. 12. Tiene buen corazon. 13. Tiene a su vecino por buen cristiano. 14. Deme V. agua. 15. Mi amigote da un bastonazo al perro. 16. Mi amiguito tiene una casita de papel. 17. Un buque de hierro esta en el puerto de Barce- lona. THEME III. 1. The spirit of man is immortal. 2. Havana is the capital of (la) Cuba. 3. The why, the when, and the how are not always easy. 4. The countess gives a hat to the little John. 5. Brazil is a country of South America. 6. The young lady has small hands. 7. It is ten o'clock. 8. Iron is the most useful metal. 9. Haste and heedlessness make 1 many things difficult. 10. My father was an Englishman. 11. The Huguenots were Protestants. 12. Give me [some] meat. 13. He came 2 to Berne, [a] city of Switzerland. 14. My little cousins have little dogs 'and little birds. 15. The merchant is very rich. 16. Gladstone has a good memory. 17. My father regards 3 (the) Mr. Sanchez as 4 [a] good Catholic. 1 See 57, last sentence. 3 Regards = tiene. * See 61. 4 As = por. 18 PEACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. LESSON IV. ADJECTIVES. 63. The rules for the plural of adjectives are in general the same as for the plural of nouns ; and an adjective qualifying two or more nouns is usually in the masculine 1 plural : as, boca y ojos pequenos, 2 small mouth and eyes. 64. Adjectives ending in o in the masculine, proper adjectives/ and most of those ending in an, on, and or, change the jp^l letter into (or add) a for the feminine ; and nearly all others (in a, e [not ete, ote], i t Lr,.s, z) remain unchanged in the feminine : as, frio, cold, fria ; frances, French, francesa ; holga- zan, indolent, holgazana; traidor, treacherous, trai- dora; but agricola (m. and f.), agricultural. 65. (a) Adjectives, except such as indicate an in- herent quality (as, duro hierro), or number or quan- tity (as, dos, nmcho), regularly follow 4 their nouns, though some change their meaning according as they stand before (in figurative sense) or (in literal sense) after their noun : as, la mano tr6mula (trembling) ; mucho vino ; un pobre escritor, a poor writer ; un escritor pobre, an indigent writer, (b) The position of the adjective often depends much on the euphony of the sentence. 1 But feminine if all nouns are feminine. 2 Adjective agrees with first noun if it precedes; and with plu- ral nouns adjectives agree with the nearest. 3 Not already ending in a. 4 Only todo (all) can precede the article : as, todos los reyes, all the kings. ADJECTIVES. L9 66. Alguno (some), bueno, 1 malo, 1 ninguno (not any), postrero^/a^er), primero 3 (first), tercero 2 (third), and uno lose o before masculine nouns (or nouns preceded by adjectives)! in the singular-: grande 1 generally loses the last syllable (de) before all nouns (masc, or fern.) in the singular beginning with any consonant/ except h; santo 1 (not santa) generally becomes" san before the names of New Testament characters and calendar saints ; cual- quiera, any, and its plural, cualsquiera, may lose the final a immediately before (not after) any noun : as, el primer hombre, cualquier libro. 67. The adjective, both singular and plural, may be used as a noun : as, el bueno, the good one ; los buenos, the good ones ; and lo bueno, the good. PRESENT TENSE OF estar, 5 to be. estoy, I am. estamos, we are. V. esta, you are. W. estan, you are. esta, he, she, it is. estan, they are. VOCABULARY IV. - el aconsejador, counsellor. el filosofo, philosopher. Ateneo, Athenwum. invierno, winter. autor, author. Mateo, Matthew. consejo, advice, counsel. negocio, affair. cuchillo, knife. Pablo, Paul. 1 Buen, mal, gran, and san must immediately precede the noun; otherwise bueno, etc., are used. 2 Sometimes o is retained in this word. 3 This and some others of these words occasionally lose a of the feminine form. 4 Occasionally also before vowels. 5 The difference in meaning between ser and estar will be noted in Lesson V. 20 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. el personaje, personage. con, with. sabio, wise. contentisimo, very well pleased. Salvador, Saviour. docto, learned. segundo, second. feroz , ferocious. traje, dress. fiel, faithful. la batalla, battle. griego, Greek. tiiesgT&cia, /"misfortune, latino, Latin. estacion, season. liter ario, literary. fB,ma,,fame. negro, black. fortuna, fortune. nuevo, new. guerra, war. par a, for. [rich. iglesia, church. ( after noun, poor, not lengua, language. ^ re ' ( before n., poor, worth- politica, politics. protestante, Protestant. [less. sociedad, society. tenia, had. ahora, now. fail, useful. brillante, brilliant. venir, to come. cientifico (-a), scientific. verdadero, true. EXERCISE IV. 1. Las lenguas latina y griega son bellas. 2. El invierno es la estacion fria del ano. 3. El rey y la reina, contentisimos del libro, hicieron (made or had) venir aP autor. 4. Un muchacho holgazan 6 una muchacha holgazana es una desgracia cruel (severe) para sus padres. 5. Los grandes hombres no tienen siempre casas grandes. 6. Una mala pluma es una amiga traidora. 7. El primer libro del Nuevo Testa- mento es el de San Mateo. 8. San Daniel, San Pablo y Santa Maria eran grandes personajes. 9. Deme V. un cuchillo cualquiera. 10. El bueno ama (loves) lo bueno, el poeta ama lo bello, el sabio ama lo verda- dero. 11. Todos los hombres aman (love) lo agra- dable. 12. Pocas mujeres aman la politica. 13. El 1 See page 10, note 2. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES ser AND estar. 21 perro es un animal fiel y util. 14. La senora del traje negro es la hermana del oficial ingles. 15. Na- poleon era un gran general. THEME IV. 1. The whole hattle was an affair of some seconds. 2. Galdos and Valera are two great Spanish authors. 3. Echegaray is now the great dramatic author of Spain. 4. The Athenaeum is a scientific and literary society in Madrid. 5. Madrid has few Protestant churches. 6. The wise do not love (see Ex. IV. sen. 11) war. 7. A poor (not rich) author is not al- ways a worthless author. 8. St. Paul was a very learned man. 9. St. Mary was the mother of the Saviour. 10. The philosopher loves the good, the beautiful, and the true. 11. The philosopher Lotze had brilliant and beautiful eyes. 12. Fortune and fame are treacherous friends. 13. Elephants have small mouths and eyes. 14. Ferocious animals are the enemies of man. 15. A wise father gives wise counsel to his children. 16. A wise counsellor is a good friend. LESSON V. COMPAKISON OF ADJECTIVES AND DISTINCTION BETWEEN ser AND estar. 68. The comparative degree is formed by prefixing m&s, more, or m6nos, less, to the . positive, and the superlative is generally formed by prefixing the ar- ticle or possessive adjective to the comparative : as, " No habia en el pueblo hombre tan acaudalado como 22 PRACTICAL SPAKISH GRAMMAR. 61, ni ms soberbio ni m6nos caritativo" " There was not in the town (a) man so wealthy as he, nor more proud, nor less charitable" 69. Some adjectives have double forms of compar- ison ; the most important are : (1) bueno, mejor, el etc. mejor (also rarely ms and el m&s bueno) 6ptimo. s (2) malo, peor, el etc. peor (also rarely m&s and el ms malo) pesimo. 3 (3) grande, mayor, 1 el etc. mayor, or m&s, and el ms grande, mximo. 3 (4) pequeno, menor, 2 el etc. menor, or ms, and el m&s pequeno, minimo. 3 (5) alto, superior, supremo. (6) bajo, inferior, infimo. 70. Other forms of comparison: as, tan como (see 68), tanto cuanto (with verb after cuanto), m&s que (de), 4 cuanto m&s, tanto ms, etc., will be found : as, es m&s docto de lo 6 que parece (appears). 71. (a) When the article or a possessive adjective precedes the noun, a superlative without the article may follow ; and at, in, and of with a superlative are generally rendered by de ; as, una de las posesiones m&s remotas de Espana es la Habana. (b) For no with comparative, and without full negative force, see 223 (e). 72. The absolute superlative is sometimes formed 1 Of persons older. 2 Of persons younger. 3 Absolute superlative (very good, etc.); rarely used. 4 With numerals. 5 Used with verb in second clause ; being neuter with ad- jectives, but masculine or feminine with nouns. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES ser AND estar. 23 with bien, muy, 1 very, etc.; but generally by dropping the final vowel or diphthong,. and adding isimo (or 6rrimo) 2 to the adjective, whose stem diphthong (ie, ue) becomes a simple vowel (e, o) : as, bueno, boni- simo, very good. C of final syllables usually changes to qu, g to gu, z to c, ble to old form bil, and a few other changes will be noted : as, fiel (faithful), fide- lisimo. 73. To be is rendered by ser when it refers to what is essential and permanent, and by estar for what is accidental and temporary : as, la pnerta (door) es de madera (wood) ; la puerta est& abierta (open) ; es Espanol, he is a Spaniard ; est& en Espana; este hombre es bueno ; este hombre est& bueno (well) ; 61 es soldado ; 61 est leyendo (reading) ; este es el nino que est& enfermo, but eso es claro or est& claro. VOCABULARY V. la mina, mine. noche, night. parte, part. pobreza, poverty. quietud, quietness. sopa, soup. tierra, land. tumba, tomb. anchisimo, very broad. andante, errant. aquel, that. avanzado, advanced. beneficentisimo, very beneficent. bonito, very pretty. el arado, plough. campo, country. clima, climate. error, error. esclavo, slave. escudero, shield-bearer. medico, doctor. la calle, street. controversia, discussion. desdicha, misfortune. edad, age. elocuencia, eloquence. figura, stature. Maria, Mary. 1 Muy sometimes means too. * Added to words ending in ro, re, which letters are dropped and errimo takes their place. 24 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. celeberrimo, very celebrated. optimo, best. (se) dice, they say. pequeno, small. dulce, sweet. perdido, lost. energico, vigorous. poc o, little. esperar, A0p0. prudente, prudent. friisimo (frio), ^ cold. riquisimo (rico), very rich. gana (ganar), gains. tan-como, as (thorough) as. gasta (gastar), spends, [happy, tan bien como, as well as. infelicisimo (infeliz), very un- tanto mas que, the more as. larguisimo (largo), very large, tenido, had. See tener. metieronle (meter), they laid him. valiente, valiant. muy espanol, a tlwough Span- vivo vivo, living, iard. EXERCISE V. 1. Este libro es pequeno, ese es mas pequefio y aquel es ei mas pequeno de todos. 2. Este error fue (was, see 165) grandisimo. 3. A una edad tan poco avanzada es ya doctisimo. 4. Paris es mas grande que Nueva York. 5. Cuanto mas virtuosos son los hombres, tanto mas felices son. 6. Maria es la me- jor amiga de mi hermana. 7. Cuanto menos dinero gana tanto mas gasta. 8. <; Habla V. espanol tan bien como su hermano ? 9. Se dice en espanol "el mas bonito 1 muchacho" 6 "el muchacho mas bo- nito," pero solamente " el clima mas frio.^ 10. Whit- tier tiene mas de ochenta aflos. 11. Pase (I passed, see 144) la noche con mas quietud de la 2 que po- dia (I could, see 196) esperar. 12. Su elocuencia es mas energica que dulce. 13. Mas dice la sefiora Teresa de lo 2 que piensa (thinks, see 177, and pensar, voc.). 14. Es tanto mas amable cuanto que es modesta. 15. El tiene la mas mala (peor) figura 1 Superlatives may never precede their nouns, except when their positives may do so. 2 See note 5, page 22. NUMERALS. 25 que jamas he visto. 16. El ha (lias) perdido la mayor parte de su dinero. THEME V. 1. Of the -two sisters the older is the more prudent, and the younger the more beautiful. 2. Dr. Agnew is one of the wisest doctors in the land. 3. Sancho is one of the best shield -bearers that [a] knight- errant has had. 4. This woman is very beneficent. 5. He is as valiant as wise. 6. (The) Mr. Benot is a thorough Spaniard. 7. They laid him living in a tomb. 8. Luther's discussions are very celebrated. 9. The soup is good, but it is very cold. 10. I am better in the country than in the city. 11. The mines of California are very rich. 12. The streets of Paris are very broad. 13. Slaves are very unhappy. 14. My best friend is very ill. 15. They are as tho- rough gentlemen as he. 16. Poverty is not the greatest misfortune. 17. Most (the greater part of) birds fly (vuelan). 18. The best ploughs come (vie nen) from Syracuse. LESSON VI. NUMERALS. CARDINALS. zero. 5 cinco. 10 diez. 1 uno, -a, un. 1 6 seis. 11 once. 2 dos. 7 siete. 12 doce. 3 tres. 8 ocho. 13 trece. 4 cuatro. 9 nueve. 14 catorce. 1 These words agree with the nouns to which they refer (see 66); but uno and una lake no plurals as numerals. PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 15 quince. 16 diez y seis.* 17 diez y siete. 18 diez y ocho. 19 diez y nueve. 20 veinte. 21 veinte y uno, -a. 1 30 treinta. 40 cuarenta. 50 cincuenta. 60 sesenta. 70 setenta. 80 ochenta. 90 noventa. 100 ciento, cien. 5 6 101 ciento y uno, -a. 1 200 doscientos. 3 -as. 3 500 quinientos, -as. 700 setecientos, -as. 900 novecientos, 4 -as. 1000 mil. 5 1100 mil 5 y ciento. 100,000 cien mil. 1,000,000 un millon, un cuento. 1,000,000,000 un millar de cuentos. 1 billon (un millon de millones). 1 trillon (un millon de billones). ORDINALS. 1st primer o, -a. 13th 2d segundo, -a. 20th 3d tercero, -a. 21st 4th cuarto, a. 30th 5th quinto, -a. 40th 6th sexto, -a; sesto, -a. 50th 7th septimo, -a; setimo, -a. 60th 8th octavo, -a. 70th 9th noveno, -a; nono, -a. 80th 10th decimo, -a. 90th llth undecimo, -a. 101st 12th duodecimo, -a. 7 74. The cardinals are used days of the month (except the decimo (-a) tercio (-a) vigesimo, -a. vigesimo (-a) primo (-8^ trigesimo, -a. cuadragesimo, -a. quincuagesimo, -a. sexagesimo, -a. septuagesimo, -a. octogesimo, a. nonagesimo, -a. centesimo(-a) prim(er o (-a). in speaking (a) of the first): as, el cinco de 1 See note on page 25. 3 Dos cientos. etc.; also docientos. 2 Also written dieciseis, etc., veintiunc, etc. 4 Others not mentioned formed regularly. 5 Cannot have un before it (except as in 201,000, doscientos y un mil). 6 Cien used as multiplier before another numeral, or imme- diately before a noun, or a noun preceded by an adjective. 7 Other ordinal forms (doceno, treinteno, setuagesimo, etc.) are often met with. KUMEKALS. 27 mayo (May), but el primero de enero (January), (b) In speaking of the sovereigns, after the tenth : as, Luis catorce, but Felipe cuarto. (c) Generally in speaking of chapters, pages, verses, etc. : as, pa- gina treinta, page thirty, (d) In speaking of age (generally) : as, a los doce aiios de edad (age). 75. (a) With numerals 1 de, not que, is used for than : as, mas de cien perros. (b) The numeral be- fore mil agrees in gender with the noun : as, dos cientas mil aves (birds), (c) Mil takes es only as noun : as, este hombre gana muchos miles (thou- sands), (d) Uno takes no s (except as indefinite pronoun) : as, treinta y un hombres. (e) y belongs only between the last two terms of compound nu- merals : as, mil ochocientos y ocho. 76. Notice the following : (a) uno y uno, one and one ; (b) uno por uno, one by one ; (c) quince dias, two weeks ; (d) una vez, once ; (e) dos veces, twice ; (f) la mitad (media parte), the half; (g) la tercera parte, the third ; (h) dos pesos y cuarto, 2% dollars ; (i) simple, simple; (/) doble, double; (k) un par, a pair ; (1) una docena, a dozen. 77. We ask for the day of the month thus : (a) i A cu&ntos estamos (del mes) ? At what are we of the month ? A primero, a veinte, etc. (b) i due" dia del mes tenemos (or es hoy) ? What day of the month have we (or is to-day) ? El primero, el dos, el diez, etc. We give the year thus : El ano (de), en el ano (de), or en 2 mil ocho cientos ochenta y nueve. C&diz, agosto 6 de 1820. 1 But que is sometimes used when the sentence is negative. 2 But numeral cannot be given without preposition. PKACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 78. For sentences asking and telling the time of the day, see Exercise VI. PRESENT TENSE OF haber, to have (AUX.). he, I have. hemos, we have. V. ha, you have. VV. han, you have. ha, he, she, it has. han, they have. VOCABULARY VI. el agosto, August. ano, year. Becquer, 1 Becquer. dinero, money. febrero, February. el (la) habitante, inhabitant. h rt0 ' I garden. jardin, \ 9 junio, June. lugar, village. marzo, March. mayo, May. minute, minute. otono, fall. par, pair. setiembre, September. verano, summer. volumen, volume. la biblioteca, library. maiiana, morning. mitad, half. la obra, work. pagina, page. parte, part. primavera, spring (time). tarde, afternoon. vez, time. agradable, agreeable. ancho, broad. aqui. here. calido, hot. cuanto, how much ? de, than of. dentro de, within. hace, since. largo, long. medio (a), half. murio (morir), died. nacio (nacer), was born. por, by, in. sabe (saber) V., do you know f todavia, yet. EXERCISE VI. 1. <; Que hora es ? Es la una, son las cinco. 2. Es la una y media ; son las dos, menos cuarto. 3. Son 1 For proper names of persons and places see vocabulary of proper names, page 219. NUMERALS. 29 las ocho y cuarto, son las nueve y diez minutos. 4. Son las seis, menos siete minutos y medio. 5. <; A que hora esta V. en casa ? 6. A las tres, al (a) medio dia, a media noche, por la manana. 7. Juan estuvo (was, see 167) en el lugar hace dos horas. 8. Pedro estara (will be, see 167) aqui dentro de tres horas. 9. Un mes tiene veinte y ocho, veinte y nueve, treinta 6 treinta y un dias. 10. Un ano tiene tres cientos sesenta y cinco 6 tres cientos sesenta y seis dias. 11. tiene V. en la mano, y aquel folleto que esta sobre la DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AKD PROKOUNS. 43 mesa, son de mi tfo. 2. " Este es el siglo de la ilus- tracion, decia el orador (me acuerdo [/ remember] bien de ese dia) " aquellos eran tiempos de mucha barbaridad." 3. He comprado en Madrid ese libro que esta sobre la mesa, y aquel que esta en el estante. 4. Ese btique que llego ayer, y aquel que naufrago (shipwrecked) el ano pasado, eran muy semejantes. 5. Mi libro, y el que (or aquel que) el tenia (had), estan en el cuarto de V. ; traigame (bring) V. el que (or aquel que) a V. le parezca (may appear) mejor. 6. Como van los negooios en esa (ciudad) ? En esta no hay (there is) novedad. 7. Carlos era grande, Federico ambicioso ; este (Federico) valiente, aquel (Carlos) poderoso. 8. Aquellas dos mujeres son her- manas ; la que tiene el sombrero negro, habla frances. 9. Aquel cuya sabiduria es poca, muchas veces es muy altanero. 10. Por consecuencia de lo (negocio) de ayer, Andres ha tornado las (calzas) de Villadiego a la (or a lo) de Dios es Cristo (Andrew has taken French leave like a good fellow). THEME IX. 1. This soldier is not courageous enough, but he is more valiant than that one. 2. This wine is from Malaga, that from Jerez, and that from Madeira. 3. Being seated under this tree, I have caught this pretty butterfly. 4. What is this ? and that ? I do not know what they are. 5. Prefer (prefiera V.) moderation to excess : the former will make (hara) you happy, the latter miserable. 6. He is a relative of that gentleman whom you met (encontr6) here some days ago (hace dias). 7. That is what he may do (puede hacer); that is to say, what he ought t^ do. 44 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 8. Those who speak ill of her very surely do not know her. 9. He that is wise speaks when it is necessary ; but he that only presumes (presume) to be so speaks incessantly. 10. I beg you to pass (sub.) me that fruit, because my neighbor does not wish any of these. 11. Who is that man with whom you have spoken on the street ? He is my uncle. 1 2. This (man) who is my brother will represent (sustituir&) me when I may absent (me ausente) myself. 13. Di- vided were [the] knights and [the] squires ; these recounting their labors, those their loves. 14. Gen- tlemen, those arms are not the ones with which we ought to serve ourselves. LESSON X. RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 111. The relative pronouns are : qne 1 (invariable), who, which, that; quien 2 (only of persons and things personified), who, he who ; quienes, who, those who; el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales, who, which ; el qne, la que, los que, las que, ivho, he who, etc., loJiich; lo cual, lofiich; lo que, that ivliich, what; cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas, of whom, of ivhich, whose, which; aquel que, etc., he who, etc. ; aquello que, that (thing, etc.) which. 1 Que is not generally immediately preceded by a comma, as are el cual, etc., and is more closely related with its antece- dent (which it generally immediately follows) than is el cual, etc. (and other relatives}. 2 (a) Quien also used as partitive : as, quien se salvo a nado, RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 45 112. The relative pronouns are never understood, but always expressed, and cannot be separated from their prepositions as in English : the city I speak of, la ciudad de que hablo. 113. Clue, 1 which occurs more frequently than any other relative, is used for both persons and things ; it does not take & before it when referring to persons as object of verb, and takes ^article with it, (a) often when accompanied by a preposition; (b) when it re- fers to whole sentence; (c) to complete meaning of verb (article follows) Pedro es el que lo ha dicho ; (d) to avoid ambiguity pidi6 la libertad de su Mjo, la que consigui6. 114. El cual, 1 etc. (more definite in form than que), lose the article and much of their relative force when used as partitives or comparatives : as, cual llora, cual canta, one weeps, another sings ; estas frutas son cuales (tales) como las deseamos, these fruits are such as we desire ; \ cu&l le ha!16 ! how wretched I found him !; conoci6 cual era la verdadera causa de su des- gracia, he knew what was the true cause of his mis- fortune. 115. Cuyo, 2 etc., have a relative and also a posses- sive force ; they agree in gender and number with the following noun (and so have the force of adjec- quien en lanchas. (6) When quien does not include its ante- cedent (but immediately follows it in same case), it cannot be subject of a proposition: not el hombre quien, but el hombre que vino. 1 When preceded by prepositions (not a, except of things), que and el cual, etc., used without distinction. 2 Cuyo never takes the article (nor does quien). 46 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. tives, to which the other relatives are sometimes sim- ilar): as, alia esta el principe, cuyos caballos hemos visto, there is the prince, whose horses we have seen. 116. Donde with or without a preposition often has a relative force : as, la posada donde pas6 la noche ; la casa en donde esta ; la ciudad adonde va. 117. The interrogative pronouns 1 (also used except qui6n as interrogative adjectives) are: qui6n, who; cual, which; qu6, 2 what ; cuyo, whose (or de qui6n [-es], ivhose) : as, con qui6nes andan ? with whom (plur.) are they going 9 118. Cual, which, is used when one or more of sev- eral objects are referred to as, cual es de V. ? which is yours ? and stands for qu6 in predicate with the verb to be : j cuales son sus amigos ? 119. A question asked by a preposition and an in- terrogative pronoun requires the same preposition in the answer : as, j Con qui6n vino ? Conmigo With whom did he come 9 With me. And the answer takes de when the question had cuyo, etc. : as, i Cuyo es este reloj ? De mi padre. Whose watch is this 9 My father's. IMPERFECT TENSE OF amar. amaba, amabamos, V. amaba, VV. amaban, amaba, amaban. 1 Same forms used and under similar conditions in exclama- tion. 2 In exclamations when followed by an adjective quo means how : as, \ que feliz ! how happy I RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 47 VOCABULARY X. el conocimiento, knowledge. cuadro, picture. delincuente, criminal. deseo, desire. [fact). efecto ven efecto), effect (in ejercito, army. interes, interest. paiio. cloth. precio, price. reloj, watch. servicio, service. suceso, event. la botanica, botany. cancion, song. ciencia. science. comedia, comedy. libertad liberty. ociosidad, idleness. persona, person. prision, prison. respuesta, answer, re la soledad, loneliness. aceptar to accept. admirar, admire. cantar, to sing. contemporaneo, contemporary. delante de, before. dicho, said. enganado, deceived. enganar, to deceive. ( handed. entregado, estimar, to esteem. estudiar, to study. favorable, favorable. lejos, far. miserable, miserable. maduro (-a), ripe. responder, to respond. tal, such (such a). ya, at all. EXERCISE X. 1. Los senores que (or a quienes, or a los cuales) vimos (we saw) y con quienes liable 1 estudian la bo- tanica, una ciencia de la cual tengo muy poco cono- cimiento. 2. Se dice que el presidente esta aqui ? Quien lo dice, se engafia. 3. Los hombres a quienes vimos y de quienes (or de los cuales) huimos (we fled) eran nuestros. hermanos. 4. Este jardin, que (that which) no puede ser mas herrnoso, no esta lejos de mi casa. 5. El arbol cuya fruta esta madura, esta de- lante de la casa de que V. habla. 6. E'l es, a quien [ See 141, 142. 48 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. debo la vida. Pedro es el que lo ha dicho. 7. He estado en el campo, lo que me ha hecho mucho bien. 8. La cancion que cantaba Maria es muy dulce. 9. j Que de dinero (or cuanto dinero) y que de cosas (or cuantas cosas) tienen W. ! 10. Tenia el desdichado una hija, la que todos los dias iba (went) a la prision. 11. Preguntaronle (they asked) de donde era y que hacia en aquella soledad : a lo cual respondio. 12. Veo al hijo de su hermana, a la cual (sister) or al cual (son) mi padre no conoce. 13. Veo alia unos hombres, cuyos sombreros son ne- gros, <; quienes son ? 14. Que quiere V. ? Quiero saber de quien (cuyo) es este buque y cual es su precio. THEME X. 1. A man that spends his life in idleness dies (muere) miserable. 2. Cervantes, whose works we admire, is the greatest of Spanish authors. 3. Lope de Vega, who died in 1635, was a great Spanish poet contemporary with (de) Cervantes. 4. He does not wish to accept any (ninguna) thing (of what) you offer him to-day. 5. I know the general of the army who has sent you this picture. 6. It was certainly not interest that inspired me with such a desire. 7. I met (encontr6) a week ago the sons of that woman whom I know and esteem. 8. His answers are always favorable to the person to whom he gives them. 9. It is said that he is in fact a criminal, which I do not at all believe since this event. 10. He composed (compuso) a thousand comedies, many of which cost (costaron) him only one day of work. 11. A soldier has come who has handed me a letter PRONOUNS. 49 which came (vino) from my father. 12. It seems to me that he who fears being (to be) deceived ought to be so. 13. The book that I wish is that which treats of the war of Germany and that of Portugal. 14. To whom have you given the cloth? To the child. To which ? To the large one. 15. To whose service is a son under greater obligation (more obliged [obligado]) than to that of his father? 16. Whose is this watch, and to whom have you brought (traido) it ? It is my father's, and I have brought it to my mother. LESSON XL INDEFINITE PRONOUNS 1 AND PRONOMINAL ADJEC- TIVES. 120. (a) Most of the so-called indefinite pronouns, when used with nouns, are more properly adjectives. (b) Except various compounds too numerous to men- tion, the most important indefinite pronouns are : algo, cualquiera, nada, quienquiera, alguien, cuanto, nadie, tal, alguno, fulano, ninguno, todo, ambos, mismo, otro, uno, cada, mucho, poco, varies. 1 In Spanish the following pronouns : nobody, none, not one, neither, nottimgn&tiLie, ninguno, ni uno, ni uno ni otro, nada generally require that the verb be preceded by the negative when they are placed after it, but this negative is suppressed when they precede it : en nada puede sobresalir, no puede sobre- salir en nada. Jamas, never (adv.), follows same rule. 50 PKACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 121. Algo, something (as adverb somewhat), is not declined (alguna cosa being often used for algo), and an adjective quali- fying algo is preceded by de : tengo algo (or alguna cosa) que decirle. i Tiene V. algo de bueno ? Este libro es algo dificil. 122. Alguien and alguno (-a), (-os), (-as) ; both mean somebody or some one; alguien, being undeclined, used only of persons and not allowing de immediately after it. Alguno refers to persons and things : j Lo ha visto alguien (or alguno) ? Quiero algun dinero y algunas letras de cambio (letters of exchange). 123. Ambos (-as), both (sometimes entrambos, though generally los dos or uno y otro, is used in this sense) : ambos (los dos) estan a cab all o 124. Cada, each or every (invariable), is used when a noun immediately follows; otherwise cada uno (-a), cada cual, are used : cada pais tiene sus costumbres ; doy a cada uno cuatro vestidos. 125. (a) Cualquiera 1 (with plural cualesquiera), whatever, whichever, whoever, may follow its noun if singular, while all that which is rendered by todo lo que, etc. : dame cualquier libro (or un libro cualquiera) ; hare (/ will do) todo lo que V. me mande. (b) Cual, such as. 126. Cuanto, as much or how much, as many as or how many (declined) : as, tengo flores; i cuantas 1; no se cuantas. 127. Fulano, such a one ; fulano y zutano, such and such a one ; fulano, zutano y mengano, such, such and such a one, all take the feminine form in a, but no plural : fulano (or fulano de tal) ha venido a hablarme; he visto esta manana a fulana, a zutana y a mengana. 128. Mismo, same, very, self (declined) : no soy la misma que te hablo ayer ; mi hijo me ha escrito lo mismo ; el mismo (very) dia (or el dia mismo) ella misma vino a decirmelo. 129. Mucho, much, many (declined), as pronoun refers to persons ; other uses as in English : muchos hablan a tontas y a locas (sillily and madly). 130. Nada 2 , not anything, nothing (not declined), takes adjec- tive (often preceded by de) in masculine ; when used before an infinitive que precedes it : no dice nada (or nada dice) ; no tengo nada bueno ni malo (or nada de nuevo) que decir. 1 See 66. 8 See note 1, p. 49. INDEFINITE PKONOUNS. 51 131. Nadie 1 (not declined) and ninguno (declined) both mean nobody, no one ; nadie refers to persons only. Ninguno only (not nadie) is used with partitives (de) : nadie (or ninguno) esta aqui ; ninguno de esos soldados tiene miedo (fear) ; nadie ha venido ; no espero (await) a nadie. 132. Otro, another, other (declined) : deme V. otro ; tengo otras cosas que hacer. 133. Poco 2 , little, few (declined): habia (there were) pocas mujeres en el teatro ; gana poco ; me dio un poco de pan ; to- mare (I will take) unos pocos (or unos cuantos). 134. Quienquiera, whoever, whosoever, whomever (not declined): quienquiera que sea, whoever he may be ; de quienquiera que V. liable, of whomever you speak. 135. Tal, such, such a one (takes plur.) : tal ha reido. (laughed) que llora (weeps) ; un tal lo ha dicho (said) ; no tiene tales casas. 136. Todo, all, every (declined), is extensively used, and about as its English equivalents ; before singular definite article or a pronoun, and in el todo, it means the whole : as, he comido (eaten) todas las peras ; el todo es mayor que una de sus partes. 137. Uno 3 , one (sing.), some, a few (plur.), has many com- pounds (as, uno y otro, etc.); is used like se in se dice, they say: la gente (people) dice ; llama gente (some one calls) ; no esta uno siempre contento ; deme V. unas almendras (almonds). 138. Varios (-as), several : mi padre tiene varios de estos lapi- ces, los he visto varias veces. PRETERITE TENSE OF amar. ame, amamos, V. amo, VV. amaron, amo, amaron. 1 See note 1, p. 49. a Pocuisimo (-a), but little : pocuisimos (-as), but few. 3 Uno is frequently used in connection with otro expressed or understood. 52 PRACTICAL SPAKISH GEAMMAE. VOCABULAEY XL el apetito, appetite. asunto, subject. baul, trunk. cambio, exchange. cuarto, farthing. deber, duty. esfuerzo, effort. oceano, ocean. pais, country. [contrary). reves (al reves), 'back (on the romance, romance. tono, tone. verano, summer. vicio. vice. la a ventura, adventure. ayuda, aid. camisa, shirt. costumbre, custom. cuenta, account, bill. especulacion speculation. experiencia, experience. faccion, feature. filosofia, philosophy. hazana, exploit. legua, league. locucion, expression. relacion, narration. suerte, lot. a menudo, often. andar, to go. atento, attentive. baladi, frivolous. baiiarse, to bathe (one's self). ciego, blind. convertir, to change. dichoso, happy. dificil, difficult. diligente, diligent. dormir, to sleep. ensartado, strung, linked. escribir, to write. escuchar, to listen. explicar, to explain. famoso, famous. funesto, lamentable. ignorar, to be ignorant of. impedir, to prevent. llevado a cabo, achieved. lograr, to gain. manifestado, showed. nunca, pensar, to think. pintado, described. preguntado, asked. sacrificar, to sacrifice. sucedido, happened. traido, brought. usar, to use. verdaderamente, really. vestido, dressed. EXEECISE XL 1. Mas esta para dormir, que para escuchar a nadie. 2. Nunca habia (had) leido que ningnno lo hubiese (had) traido (el dinero). 3. <; Ha visto V. a alguno de mis hijos? Algunos ninos estan en mi INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 53 huerta. 4. Unos cantan y otros lloran ; no me agra- dan ni unos ni otros ; uno(s) y otro(s) son infelices. 5. No tengo ni una camisa que ponerme, ni un cuarto (para) con que comprarla. 6. Cada uno de estos libros tiene seiscientas paginas. 7. La cosa ha pasado todo al reves de lo que se cuenta (relate). 8. Aunque es soldado (or con ser soldado), no ha manifestado mucho valor. 9. Algo ha sucedido que ignoramos (we are ignorant of); pero nadie esta aqui para explicar- noslo. 10. El apetito ciego ; a cuantos precipita (hasten) y que por lograr unfnada, un todo sacrifican ! 11. ; Que de cosas has (tliou hast) ensartado, unas en otras ! me ha dicho mi padre. 12. Fulano le dice a zutano, que mengano habla mal de sus vecinos. 13. Para hablar una lengua, no hay (there is) cosa como saber los pron ombres. 14. Tal es, senores, la relacion de mi funesta historia, de mis hazanas tales cuales son. 15. La filosofia de el es poco util en si misma, porque todo lo da a la especulacion y nada a la expenencia. 16. En el famoso romance de Cer- vantes, Don Quijote tiene por sefiora a una tal Dul- cinea de Toboso. 17. <; Cuantas leguas tenemos que andar todavia ? No lo se (no se cuantas). 18. Poco importa (imports) es una locucion que se usa muy a menudo por muchos. THEME XL 1. We do not require much to be really and always happy. 2. If we are attentive and diligent, little or nothing can (puede) prevent our doing our duty. 3. I cannot 1 write with any of these pens, and 1 have no 1 Poder, 196. 54 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. others. 4. Neither the one nor the other of the men knows (sabe) what he is doing (hace). 5. Does any one know a certain man, dressed in black, who passes here every morning ? 6. No one can change iron into gold, nor vice into virtue. 7. All say (dicen) that both have the same features and the same tone of voice. 8. Each of the brothers goes every day in summer to bathe in the ocean. 9. Such as my father and my mother had (habian) described her to me, such I find her. 10. One ought not to think too much of the most frivolous things that it is as important (importa) to be ignorant of as to know (them). 11. I have asked the merchant how much I owe him, but I have not yet received my bill. 12. Whosoever writes (escriba) to me on this subject will lose (perderd) his time and his efforts. 13. It is said that such a knight has achieved such and such an adventure with the aid of such a one, his squire. 14. No one is content with his lot ; each one desires to be happier. 15. I know one, said (decia) the child, who is more beautiful than that lady my mother. 16. Have you some books in your trunk to read during the summer? Yes, I have several. LESSON XII. VERB-FORMS. 139. There are three different forms of inflection (called conjugation) in Spanish, to which all verbs, irregular as well as regular, belong. They are dis- VERB-FORMS. 55 tinguished by the ending of the infinitive. Those ending in ar (as hablar) are of the first ; those in er (as temer) of the second ; those in ir (as recibir) of the third conjugation. 140. There are five principal parts of a Spanish verb, from which the other parts may be obtained by certain regular changes (this applies in general to irregular as well as regular verbs ; since the irregular- ities generally occur in the principal parts, and not in the parts obtained from them). The names of the five principal and their obtained parts are : i. ii. m. INFINITIVE. PRES. PART. 1 PAST PART. - (Derived Parts . ) (No derived parts. ) (Derived Parts. ) Imperfect Indie. Generally like Pres. ; Compound tenses. Future Indie. sometimes like Pret., Conditional. or unlike both. IV. V. PRESENT INDICATIVE. PRETERITE INDICATIVE. (Derived Parts.) (Derived Parts.) Present Subjunctive. 1st Imperfect Subjunctive. Imperative. 2d Imperfect Subjunctive. Future Subjunctive. 141. Taking now the regular verb hablar, of the first conjugation, and placing the forms as indicated in 140, we have the following schedule : hablar habl-ando habl-ado habl-o habl-e hablaba he hablado habl-e habl-ara hablar-e etc. habl-a habl-ase hablar-ia habl-are All regular verbs in ar are conjugated as hablar. 1 Really not Pres. Part., but GERUND; called "Pres. Part.," because that name is more familiar. 56 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 142. The general meaning of these forms is as fol- lows : i. H. ra. To speak Speaking Spoken I was speaking I have spoken I shall speak etc. I would speak IV. V. I speak I spoke I may speak I might speak Speak (thou) I might speak I should speak 143. By observing the schedule of 141 (and those of 145 and 147) it will be seen that by drop- ping the termination of the infinitive and adding aba (or ia) we have the imperfect indicative ; that by adding 6 to the infinitive form we have the future indicative ; and by adding ia to the infinitive we have the conditional. The compound tenses are formed by adding the past participle to the varioui forms of haber. By changing o of the present indie ative into e (or a) we get present subjunctive ; and by changing o into a (or e) we get present impera- tive. By changing 6 (or i) of the preterite to ara or ase (or iera or iese) we get first and second imperfect subjunctive ; and by changing the 6 (or i) into are (or iere) we get the future subjunctive. The 6 of the future indicative and the ia of conditional stand re- spectively for he, / have, and habia, / had. 144. The following is a conjugation in full of the verb hablar, to speak: VBRB-FOEMS. 57 FIRST CONJUGATION. habl-ar hablando hablado 1 habl-o habl-e -aba -as -aste -abas -a -6 -aba -amps -amos -abamos -ais -asteis -abais -an -aron -aban hablar-e habl-e habl-ara, ase -as -es -aras, -ases -a -e -ara, -ase -emos -emos -aramos, -asemos -eis -eis -arais, -aseis -an -en -aran -asen hablar-ia 2 habl-are -ias habl-a (thou) -ares -fa habl-e V. -are -iamos -aremos -iais hablad (ye) -areis -ian hablen VV. -aren VOCABULAEY XII. el la el anillo, ring. auxilio, help. correo, post (office). empleo, place, employment. estado, state. extranjero, stranger, foreigner. huracan, hurricane. ingenio, mind. organo, organ (tool). polvo, dust. silencio, silence. viaje, trip, wyage. yerno, son-in-law. alma (f.), soul. atencion, attention. bondad, kindness. escritura, writing. espada, sword. estima, esteem. hostilidad, hostility. ignorancia, ignorance. inocencia, innocence. 1 By prefixing the various forms of haber we get compound lenses of hablar. For conjugation of haber see 158. 2 Other forms, if needed, are taken from present subjunctive. All forms taken from subjunctive when used negatively : no hables, etc. 58 PBACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. la masa, mass, rank. nube, cloud. presencia, presence. prudencia, prudence. pureza, purity. rectitud, rectitude. acompaiiar, to accompany. aconsejar, to advise. alzar (se), to raise (itself). anoclie, last night. apenas, scarcely. aprobar, to approve. asegurar, to assure. aun, even. bello, beautiful. buscar, to look for. casi, almost. cuando, when, if. cultivar, to cultivate. desconfiar (de), to distrust. diga V., tell. Dios quiera, God grant. durable, durable. durar, to last. empezar, to begin. encontrar, to meet. floreciente, flourishing. fundado, founded. furioso, furious. gustar, to please. hacer, to make, do, hasta, until. Jose, Joseph, levantar, to raise. llevar, to carry, to raise. lograr, to succeed, hit upon. maduramente, maturely. mientras mas, the more. necesitar, to need. obrar, to work, act. pelear, to fight. presentar, to present. prestar, to lend. procurado, procured. prometer, to promise. recibir, to receive. reir, to laugh. regalar, to present. remediar, to remedy. salir, to go out. sin, witliout. sino, except. texner, to fear. tratar, to try. unido (-a), united. vivir, to live. EXERCISE XII. 1. Mi hermano acompana a mi padre en sus viajes. 2. Los Arabes no peleaban como los Bomanos, en masas compactas. 3. Apenas empezaron las hos- tilidades, se alzo un furioso huracan que Ievant6 grandes nubes de polvo. 4. El piensa (thinks) que V. le regalara el libro y no el reloj. 5. No, el pen- saba que (yo) se lo presentaria, pero no puedo VERB-FOKMS. 59 hacerlo. 6. Llevando mi yerno una espada muy larga, todos se reian de el. 7. Ha hablado V. a su yerno ? Le he hablado,, y quiero hablarle otra vez. 8. He de esperar (esperare) hasta que hable del asunto. 9. (a) Acompana a tu hermana : no acorn- panes a tus amigos esta tarde. (b) Acompane V. a su hermana ; no acorn pane V. a sus amigos esta tarde. 10. Su hermana de V. busco el anillo anoche, pero" no lo hallo. 11. Aun cuando tratara (or tratase) de re- inediar el mal, no podria lograrlo. 12. Mi padre desea que estudie la lengua espanola, y a mi me gusta estudiarla. 13. <; Aprobaba V. que esos mucha- chos me hablasen asi, en su presencia? 14. Su padre de Y. me ha dicho que si V. estudiare bien, le dara a V. un bonito reloj. 15. He visto a mi padre ; el deseaba que yo lie vase esta carta al correo. 16. Pro- metio darme el dinero que yo necesitara (necesitase). 17. \ to like, to love. satisfacer, to satisfy. sonar, to dream. trabajar, to work. traer, to bring, to wear. valuar, to appreciate. volver, to return. EXERCISE XIX. 1. Pedro quiere a ese hombre, pero yo le aborrezco. 2. i Que pretenden los nuevos reform adores con su sofiada igualdad? 3. ) The conjunction that naturally intro- duces a conditional sentence cannot be omitted at will as in English : as, si tuviera papel, escribiria una carta; we cannot say tuviera papel, etc. (c) When the principal verb l of the sentence de- notes supposition, hope, fear, promise or affirma- tion, and precedes the conjunction que *, the condi- tional may be used : as, pensaba que su criado acudiria a la hora seiialada. (d) A modest request or wish is often expressed by the conditional mood : as, desearia ver los muebles en casa de V., but querer (in subj. ) is more usual. If, however, an interjection is used, the conditional cannot be : as, ojala no le hubiera (or hubiese) yo conocido. (e) The conditional is often used in modest, approximate, or uncertain statements: as, serian las diez de la noche. (/) It is also used in interrogative expressions of politeness (see d)] and of doubt, concerning possibility or fitness : as, jme atreveria yo a pedir? j,seria verdad? (g) In indirect quotations after verbs in the past or conditional, the conditional is used: as, dijo que vendria. (h) Could, when a condition is expressed or implied, is ren- dered by the conditional of poder : as, yo podria ir si quisiera. {i) Might, expressing power or ability, is also rendered by the conditional of poder : as, el podria venir, si quisiera. (j) Should, meaning ought to, is rendered by the conditional of deber: as, V. deberia venir conmigo. (k) The preposition a, followed by an infinitive, is sometimes used to form a conditional sentence: as, a ser cierta la noticia, me alegraria mucho ; si fuese cierta la noticia, me alegraria mucho. 1 Not always expressed. 138 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. VOCABULARY XXVI. el canto, singing. acudirl^ come credito, credit. (to come(by appointment}. delirante, raver. afirmar, to affirm. delito, crime. avenir, to agree, to join. extravio, frenzy. cometer, to commit. favor, favor. contentar, to content. idioma, language. hebreo, Hebrew. individuo, individual, person, inevitable, inevitable. marroqui, morocco leather. jurar, to swear. mueble, furniture. navegar, to navigate. plato, dish. ofrecer, to offer. la aldea, hamlet. osar, to dare. cadena, chain. permitir, to permit. chinela, slipper. radical, radical. nave, ship. vano, vain. ocasion, occasion. EXERCISE XXVL 1. Permita V. que diga lo que he oido sobre ego. 2. No vaya V. tarcje, es preciso que V. este alii tem- prano. 3. Los individuos que deseen aprender el idioma hebreo acudiran a la calle de D. 4. Ama a tu projimo, como a ti mistfio. 5. Leeria los libros que estan aqui, si tuviera el tiempo. 6. Aun cuando me hubiera ofrecido otro tanto, yo no iria. 7. Si yo tuviese una casa de campo, viviria siempre en ella. 8. Puesto (caso) que durmiese, y no despertase ; en vano seria mi canto. 9. Si V. se hubiese levantado mas temprano, habria almorzado con nosotros. 10. No fui tan simple, que tomase el camino de Toledo; por- que (by which) me expondria a encontrarme con el. 11. Desearia un par de chinelas y las quisiera en (de) THE IMPERATIVE MOOD. THE CONDITIONAL MOOD. 139 marroqui. 12. Con todo eso, osaria afirmar y jurar que son radicales. 13. Tendria en aquel tiempo la ciudad sesenta mil vecinos. 14. <; Es posible que los extravios de un delirante, cuya razon evidentemente descon- certaria la proximidad de la muerte, hayan encon- trado credito ? 15. ^Deberia yo dar ocasion a que cometiese otros nuevos delitos ? THEME XXVI. 1. The war is inevitable, and let it come ! I repeat it, let it come ! 2. Do not suffer that they betray you with promises. 3. Do me the favor to tell me where the doctor lives. 4. Speak to this man; and ask him what you wish. 5. He would certainly be [the] son of a grandee, if this had been in his power. 6. I would have given him the watch and the chain, if he merited them. 7. If I had known that you were not at home, I would not have come. 8. He would have much more wealth (-s), if he had not spent it (them) in voyages. 9. I would have invited him, if he under- stood the German language. 10. It seems to me that we would not agree badly living together. 11. I would content myself with any (whatever) of these dishes. 12. It was about two o'clock in the after- noon, when they reached the village. 13. They might have sailed two hours when they discovered a power- ful ship. 14. Would you have the kindness to tell me where the post [office] is ? 15. The gentleman said that you might know the truth, if you wished. 16. Could you find your way in the city without me ? 140 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. i LESSON XXVII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 240. (a) The subjunctive mood in independent sen- tences expresses command, exhortation, wish, con- cession, uncertainty: as, pagueseme lo que se me debe; hagame V. el favor ; sepamos caal es mas looo ; venga esta dueiia y pida lo que quisiere ; viva 61 y viva yo ; saiga lo que saliere (come what may}, (b) The sub- junctive in independent sentences is really used as an imperative, see 238 and Exercise XXVI. 241. The subjunctive mood is used in dependent sentences whose meaning is represented rather as a conception than a reality; and which are connected (either as subject or object) with the principal sen- tence 1 by que 2 ; or as object by an interrogative pro- noun or conjunction. Note the following: aunque estaba alii (ind.) ; aunque estu- viese alii (subj.); though lie was there (sure); though he might be there (doubtful); aunque viene hoy, no le vere (he surely comes)\ aunque viniese hoy, no le veria (coming not sure). 242. This dependent subjunctive is used: (a) After expressions that deny or question the reality or possi- bility of the statement in the dependent sentence : as, no es verdad que lo haya dicho. j Es verdad que lo haya dicho? Dudo que venga; dud6 que viniese (but no dudo que vendra) ; no dudo que seas mi amigo. (b) After expressions (that represent the statement in the dependent sentence as a subject) of fear, hope, or 1 Sometimes understood or placed after the subjunctive. 2 Generally que or a compound of que, rarely others. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 141 expectation : as, temia descubriese la trampa ; espe- rando se cumpla el numero del vapuleo ; but temo (/ fear = I am sure) no ha de llegar el dia. (c) After expressions (that represent the statement in the dependent sentence as a subject) of command, wish, concession, etc.: as, guardaos de que no os enga-^ nen; conjiirote que me digas quien eres; concede que todo lo que dices sea verdad. (d) After expres- sions of feeling, emotion, etc. : as, le agradecer6 a Vr- que me d6 un poco de papel; me alegraria de que 61 viniese (viniera). (e) After impersonal expressions, representing what follows them as an idea or concep- tion of the speaker or writer: as, lo mejor es que no corran; es necesario que vaya. (/) Generally after saber used negatively or interrogatively: as, no s6 qu6 diga. (g) Sometimes after decir l and in some other constructions, where we might expect the conditional : as,dijo que lo hiciera, si no fuera prohibido : but the sub- junctive of indirect statement is not a regular Spanish construction: as, dije,-pens6 (dijo, pens6) que era ver- dad. (h) After verbs of causing, occasioning, accom- plishing, etc.: as, consigues que seas respetado: but after such followed by de manera que, de suerte que, or tan made prominent, the result must be a future one to be expressed by the subjunctive : as, se porta de manera que es amado de todos; portate de manera que seas amado de todos. 243. DISTINCTION IN USE BETWEEN FIRST (ending in ra) AND SECOND (ending in se) IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE. (a) When the imperfect subjunctive is preceded by si, con tal que, cuando, or by an interjection expressing desire, either the first or the second subjunctive may be used : as, si tuviera, or tu- 1 See under conditional mood. 142 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. viese, dinero, comprarialibros; ojalafuera, or fuese cierto. (b) In cases similar to these in (a), but without the conjunction, either the first subjunctive or the conditional is used : as, de buena gana saliera, or saldria. [NOTE. From (a) and (5) it follows that ra (1st subj.) may sometimes take the place of se (2d subj ) or of ria (conditional), but that se and ria differ.] (c) Se is generally used if a relative pronoun precedes: as, premiare a todos los que hubiesen hecho su deber. (d) Ra is generally used in exclamations : as, quien lo hubiera pensado ! or, habria pen- sado ! (e) Partial list of impersonal expressions generally tak- ing the subjunctive mood after them : es necesario es malo conviene es precise es justo es bien es menester es injusto es hora es fuerza es lastima lo mejor es es bueno es verguenza menos mal es, etc. VOCABULARY XXVII. el destine, destiny. cumplir (-se), to complete, fulfil. nfLmero, number. desterrar, to banish. perro, dog. determinar, to determine. puesto, place, position. dudar, to doubt. sacrificio, sacrifice. espantar, to frighten. uso, use. fiar (-se), to trust. vapuleo, whipping. ladrar, to bark. la burla, jest, sport. loco, foolish, simple. duda, doubt. mantener, to keep. duena, lady (married). ojala, would that. las letras, learning. permanecer, to persist, remain. la patria, native land. premiar, to reward. trampa, trap, fraud. prohibir, to prohibit. advertir, to inform. proseguir, to pursue. agradecer, to thank. respetar, to respect. alcanzar, to reach. separar, to separate. apear (-se), to dismount. ya, now. conjurar, to entreat. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 143 EXEKCISE XXVII. 1. Ojala la tierra se me abriera antes que me viese puesto en esta condicion. 2. Sea el que fuere el uso que V. hiciere de mi papel, no dudo que lo aprobare. 3. Aunque ladren los perros, no me despertaran en este cuarto. 4. Que no se espante V. de verme, que no se muera V. al (de) verme. 5. No puede ser que mi destino se separe del tuyo 6 del suyo. 6. Tengo determinado que vaya V. por una parte del monte y yo por otra. 7. Mi amigo estaba contento con que (ivlien) me hallase en casa. 8. Es hora que prosigamos nuestro camino sale el sol. 9. Entre tan alegre como si supiera adonde habia de ir a comer. 10. Te juro que si pudiera subir 6 apearme (que) yo te hubiera vengado. 11. Aun cuando tratara (or tratase) de re- mediar el mal, etc. 12. Le advirtio que a cuanto ella le dijese, le respondiese (-ra). 13. Aunque me lo haya dicho el otro dia, no me acuerdo ya de ello. 14. Le hubiera ido a ver ayer, si hubiese sabido esta noticia. 15. Si permaneciere aqui algun tiempo se lo avisare a V. 16. Si el hubiere dejado Granada antes que le alcance mi carta, etc. THEME XXVII. 1. Do not think that my destiny can ever be sepa- rated from thine. 2. Either it was to gain my con- fidence or to make fun of me. 3. That he may keep the place, I have made many sacrifices. 4. There is no doubt that you might be deceived by that letter. 5. Our destiny has not wished that we should die in our native land. 6. I did not wish (imp.) that any 144 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. one should know-that I had money. 7. I am astonished to see that a man so without letters (education) says such things. 8. It is necessary that you know and do your task and your duty. 9. I do not know what I would do then; this I know, what I wish to do now. 10. It would be well that they should banish that old criminal. 11. I called him that he might go out with me. 12. There was no one in the city that trusted them. 13. I shall not return until they have delivered me the money. 14. He would have paid me, if he had had money at home. 15. I will bring you what (-ever) they may give me. 16. Even if he should have written him before he (might) arrive, etc. LESSON XXVIII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD IN DEPENDENT SENTENCES (CONTINUED). SEQUENCE OF TENSES. 244. The subjunctive mood is used after certain conjunctions. The important ones used with the subjunctive are l : a fin de que, to the end that, como quiera que, notwithstanding. a menos que, unless. como si, as if. antes que, before. con tal que, provided that. apenas, scarcely. cual si, as if. asi que, so that. cuando, when. aunque, although. dado que, granted that. bien que, although. en caso de que, in case that. como, as, when. en vez de que, instead of. 1 The same conjunction will be followed by the indicative or subjunctive mood according to the sense in which it is used, see 241. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 145 hasta qua, until para que, ) fe ^^ ^ hast a donde, as far as. porque, > luego que, as soon as. por...que, however. mientras, while. siempre que, whenever. no sea que, lest. sin que, without. ojala, would that. supuesto que, supposing that. NOTE. Other conjunctions are sometimes used with the subjunctive. 245. (a) The subjunctive is used in relative senten- ces, when the relative pronoun or adverb refers to a negative idea: as, no habia quien les creyese. (Z>) When the relative refers to an unknown or indefinite person or thing : as, yo le dir6 cosas que le admiren. (c) Often when the relative has a general force (as, any one whatever, anywhere whatever, etc.): as, V. hara lo que mejor le pareciere (or parezca). (d) The relative referring to a superlative 1 does not require the sub- junctive : as, la ingratitud es uno de los mayores peca- dos que se conoce. (e) When the relative expresses a purpose, the subjunctive is used : as, quiso irse donde sus ojos no la viesen jamas. 246. (a) The future of the subjunctive is but little used, the present subjunctive generally taking its place : as, todo lo que me den, all thai they may give me; cuando vengan, when they should come, (b) But when used it is only in sentences beginning with si, cuando, mientras, or a relative adverb or pronoun : as, saldr6 si no lloviere (or llueva). (c) The compound of the present subjunctive is generally used for the compound of the future subjunctive : as, cuando haya acabado mi tarea, etc. 1 The superlative relative is found with the subjunctive, but it is not the superlative as such that requires it. 146 PEACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. 247. SEQUENCE OF TENSES, (a) Verbs in the pres- ent or future indicative or the present subjunctive are generally followed by the present subjunctive or compound of the present : as, manda que se haga luego; me alegro que lo haya vencido; desear6 que V. se divierta. (b) Verbs in any of the past tenses, simple or compound, of the indicative, conditional or subjunc- tive, or in the compound future of the indicative, are generally followed by the imperfects of the subjunc- tive, simple or compound: as, he mandado' que lo llevara (or llevase) V. ; me alegraba que lo hubiera visto. VOCABULARY XXVIII. el caballero andante, knight- confundir, to confound. cura, priest. [errant, consultar, to consult. ganapan, porter. decidir, to decide. ignorante, ignorant (one). devolver, to return. . insensate, stupid (one). dispensar, to excuse. oficio, office. disponer, to dispose. pecado, sin. inducir, to lead (induce). sello, seal. luego, presently, immediately. vencedor, conqueror. morar, to dwell. la accion, action. ofender, to offend. ingratitud, ingratitude. para que, in order that. insula (isla), island. procurar, to try. mentira, lie. resolver (-se), to resolve. profesion, profession. suplicar, to supplicate. serial, sign. EXERCISE XXVIII. 1. Los describio a fin de que los ignorantes no los confundan con los verdaderos sabios. 2. Me escape sin que me viesen. 3. V. habla como si la profesion de las armas fuese oficio de ganapanes. 4. Lo digo para THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. 147 que (a fin que) V. lo sepa. 5. Me suplico que le hablase de modo que se resolviese. 6. Buscaba a su amo por largo tiempo, sin que le hallase. 7. <; Cuando quiere el banquero que yo le devuelva el dinero? 8. Quien la oiga, creera que esta ya decidido que me quedo. 9. Cualquiera palabra 6 accion que pueda inducir a otros en error es mentira. 10. Haced bien a los que os hayan ofendido. 11. Deme V., dijo el estudiante un libro que pueda consultar. 12. En cual- quiera figura que haya sido, he quedado vencedor de mi enemigo. 13. Con la mas minima sefial que me haga V. pondre un sello en mi boca. 14. a- pos, Sp. fanal (ship-light or light-house). The following is Korting's summing-up of the characteristics of Spanish : " The purity and clearness of the vowels, viz. the absence of all modified and nasal vowels, gives to the Spanish richness of sound, the numerous final consonants energy; the regularity of the accent on the last or next to the last syllable gives preciseness and dignity; the frequent occurrence of the guttural sound of j ! roughness, the relatively frequent occurrence of the palatal ch ruggedness. Of all Eomance languages the Spanish, so far as its sounds are concerned, has perhaps remained most like the Latin and best preserved its (Latin's) vigor." The Spaniards themselves say of their native tongue that " it is the language of the gods." Spanish is spoken in Europe by more than ten mil- lions (some seven millions in Spain speak Catalan, Galician, and Basque) and probably by more than twenty millions in America (North and South), and, as the language of our southern neighbors and of a large part of South America, is of real importance to us as Americans. There are about one hundred thousand Spanish-speaking persons in the French- African pro- vince of Oran, and about one hundred thousand Spanish-speaking Jews in the Turkish Empire. Span- ish is the most widely spoken of the Komance lan- guages. It would be out of place to speak at any length here 8 The Spanish sound of j is not taken from the Arabic, but is a late development based rather on the Germanic element. 194 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. of the literature of the language, so a few words must suffice. Beginning with the poem of the " Cid " (middle of the twelfth century) and the works of Al- fonso the Wise (middle of the thirteenth century), the Spanish passed through a period of great splendor in the first half of the seventeenth century, when its influence was the most important of the times, and when Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Calderon added the splendor of their productions to the national liter- ary treasure, After a long period of almost uninter- rupted literary inactivity since that time, the Spanish has recently shown unmistakable signs of literary vigor, and in the writings of Harzenbusch, Fernan Caballero (a woman), Zorrilla, Trueba, Jose de Espron- ceda, Valdes, Juan Valera (a critic, as well as romance- writer, who is introducing American writers of Span- ish to the literary world), Echegaray (a dramatist of unusual power) and others, Spain has entered upon what is not unlikely to prove a brilliant literary period. Since foreign books may be had at much less cost and inconvenience than formerly (the duty on all but English books being now removed), it is to be hoped that the recent revival of interest in Spanish, which has arisen from our nearer commercial relations with Spanish-speaking countries, may be made permanent both by intimate and permanent commercial and political relations with those countries, and by our enjoying and properly estimating the many masterly productions of the Spanish people, to whom we as Americans owe so much. SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 195 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Abbreviations : /., feminine noun ; m., masculine noun. a, for, to, at abandonar, to abandon abogado, m., advocate, lawyer abolir, to abolish aborrecer, to hate abrazar, to embrace abrigar, to shelter abrigo, m., shelter abril, m., April abrir, to open abuela, /., grandmother acabado, achieved acabar, to finish acaecer, to happen acaso, perhaps acaudalado, wealth accion,/., action acento, m., accent aceptar, to accept acerca de, about, concerning acercando (acercar), approach- acertar, to hit the mark [ing acoger, to receive acompaiiar, to accompany aconsejador, m., counsellor aconsejar, to advise, to counsel acontecer, to happen acordar (-se) to remember, to agree, to remind acostar (-se), to go to bed [self) acreditar (-se), to prove (one's acribillado, drubbed active, active acudir, to come (to help), to come (by appointment) acusar, to accuse adelanto, m., advancement aderezar, to prepare (victuals) administrar, administer admiracion, /. , wonder admirar, to admire admitir, to admit adonde, where adornado (adornar), adorned adquirir, to acquire advertir, to inform a fin de que, to the end that afirmar, to affirm agitar, to agitate agosto, m., August agradable, agreeable agradar, to please agradecer, to thank agricola, m. &/., agricultural agrio, sour agua, /. , water aguar, to mix with water aguardar, to wait 196 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. ahora, now aire, m., air, wind ajeno (-a), another's (al, to the) alabanza. /. . praise alabar, to praise alargar, to pass, reach alcance, m., pursuit alcanzar, to reach aldea,/., hamlet alegrar, to please alegrar (-se), to rejoice alegre, joyful alegria,/., joy algo, anything, something alguien, somebody, some one alguno, some one, somebody, aliento, ??z., breath [some alia, there (motion) alii, there (rest) alma,/., soul almacen, m., store almendra,/., almond almorzar, to breakfast altanero, haughty alto, m., halt alto, high, tall alzarse, to arise amable, amiable amar, to love ambar, m., amber ambicion, /. , ambition ambicioso, ambitious ambiguo, ambiguous ambos, both amenazar, to threaten a menudo, often americano, American amigo, m., friend amiga,/, friend amigote, m., great friend amiguillo, m., little friend amistad,/., friendship amo, m., master amontonar, to amass amor, m. , love amparar, to protect ancho, broad (de ancho, of width) anciana, /., old woman anciano, m., old man andante, errant andar, to go anillo, m., ring animal, m., animal ammo, m. , mind ano, m. t year anoche, last night antes, before antes < antes que. antiguo, old, ancient antojo, m., whim anunciar, to announce apartarse, to separate apearse, dismount apenas. scarcely apetito, m., appetite apoderar, to get possession aprender, to learn aprieto, m. , difficult situation aprobar, to approve [tage aprovechar (-se), to take advan- aquel, that (yonder) of time, before or after any time aquello (-a), that aquel que, etc., he who, etc. aquello que, etc., that which aquese, that aqueste, this lde ' [before que, ) SPAJSTISH-EKGLISH VOCABULARY. 197 aqui, here arado, m., plough arbol, m., tree arma, /., arm (weapon) armonia,/., harmony arrancar, to root out arreglar, to put in order [ance arrepentimiento, m., repent- arrepentir (-se), to repent arroyo, m., brook arruinar, to ruin artes, /., intrigues, arts arzobispo, m., archbishop asador, m., spit (stick) asaltar, to assault asalto, m., assault asegurar, to assure asi, so, thus asiduo, asiduous asiento, m., seat asir, to seize asno, m., ass astro, m., star ' asunto, m., subject atacar, to attack atencion,/., attention atender, to mind, heed, attend atentamente, attentively atento, attentive a todo lo largo, all along atractivo, attractive atreverse, to venture aumentar, to augment aun, even aunque, although ausencia, /., absence ausente, absent autor, m., author autoridad,/., authority auxilio, m., help avanzado, advance avanzar, to advance avasallar, to enslave ave, /., bird avecica,/., little bird avenida, /., inundation avenir, to agree, to join aventura, /., adventure avergonzar, to be ashamed avisar, to inform, advise i ay dolor!, alas! ayer, yesterday ayuda,/., aid azucar, m., sugar azul, blue bailar, to dance baile, m., ball bajar, to descend bajo, under, low, softly bala,/., ball (shot) baladi, frivolous ballena, /., whale banado (-a), bathed banarse, to bathe one's self banco, m. , bank bandearse, to shift for one's self bandera, /., flag banquero, m., banker banquete, m., banquet barbaridad,/., barbarity barbaro, m., barbarian bastar, to be enough bastonazo, m., blow with a stick batalla,/., battle baul, m., trunk beber, to drink bello, beautiful bendecir, to bless 198 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. beneficentisimo. very beneficent beneficio, m., benefit, favor besamanos, m. , kissing of the hand, salute biblioteca, /. , library bien, well bien, m., good bledo, m., wild amaranth boca, /., mouth bofetada, /., slap bolsa, /., purse bolsillo, m., pocket [ness bondad, /., goodness, kind- bomsimo, very good bonito, pretty bosque, m., woods botaniea. /., botany breve, short, brief brillante, brilliant bruto, m., brute bueno, good buenos dias, good-day buitre, m., vulture buque, m., ship burla, /. , jest, sport buscar, to look for cabalgadura,/., baggage-horse caballero, m., horseman, knight [errant caballero andante, m. , knight- caballo, m., horse cabello, m., hair caber, to be contained cabeza,/., head cabra, /., goat cada, each, every [every cada cual, cada uno, each, cadena, /., chain caer, to fall cafe, m., coffee, cafe cajon, 77i., chest calentura, /. , fever calidad,/., quality calido, hot callar, to keep silent calle, /. , street calmante, narcotic calor, m., heat cama, /., bed eambio, m. y exchange oambiar, to change caminar, to walk camino, m., way, road camino de hierro, m., railway camisa, /. , shirt campanario, m., belfry campo, m., field, country canape, m., couch cancion, m., song candor, m., candor cansar, to weary cantando, recounting cantar, to sing cantidad,/., quantity canto, m., singing capa, f. , cloak capital,/., capital (city) capitan, m., captain cara, /. , face carcel, /., prison carestia, /., famine carga, /., charge (obligation) cargar, to charge (in account) caritativo, charitable carne, /., meat carnero, m., sheep carpintero, m., carpenter SPAKISH-EJSTGLISH VOCABULAKY. 199 carruaje, m., carriage carta,/., letter casa, /., house casar, to marry casi, almost casica, /. , little house castigar, chastise catedral, /. , cathedral caterva, /. , crowd cateto, m., side of right tri- catolico, Catholic [angle caudal, m., fund causa,/., cause causar, to cause cazar, to chase cebada,/., barley cegar, to blind celeberrimo, very celebrated cena, /., supper cerca (de), near cerrar, to close chinela, /., slipper ciego, blind cLlo, m., heaven ciencia, /. , science cientifico, scientific cierto, certain cinco, five cincuenta, fifty circo, m., circus cirujano, m., surgeon ciudad, /., city clase,/., class, rank clasico, m., classic clima, ra., climate cocerse, to cook, to boil coche, m., coach cocina,/., kitchen cofre, m., trunk coger, to catch cogido (coger), caught colmar, to overwhelm colocacion, /., situation combatir, to combat comedia, /. , comedy comedor, m., dining-room comercio, m., commerce comer, to eat cometer, to commit comida,/. (repast), meal como, how compact o, compact compania, /., company comparar, to compare comparecer, to appear componer, to compose comprado (comprar), bought comprar, to buy comprender, to comprehend oomprobar, to prove (verify) comprometer, to compromise con, with concernir, to concern concierto, m., concert concluir, to finish conde, m., the count condenar, to condemn condesa, /., countess condicion, /. , condition conducir, to conduct conducta,/., conduct confesar, to confess confianza, /., confidence confiar, to intrust conform, according to confundir, to confound confuso, confused congreso, m., congress 200 PRACTICAL SPANISH GEAMMAK. conjuracion, /., conspiracy conjurar, to entreat conmigo, with me conocer, to know conocido (well) known conocimiento, m. t knowledge con...que, however conquistar, to conquer consecuencia, / , consequence conseguir, to obtain consejo, m., advice, counsel consentir, to consent considerar, to consider consigo, with himself, etc. consistir, to consist constancia,/., constancy [ed construir (-se),to be construct- consultar, to consult con tal que, provided that contar, to relate, to count contemporaneo , contemporary contentar, to content content o, content, satisfaction contentisimo, very well pleas- contento, m., contentment [ed contigo, with thee contrahaz,/., wrong side contrario, m., opposer controversia, /., controversy convencer, to convince conversacion,/., conversation convertir, to change convidar, to invite convite, m., invitation copa, /., bowerlike branch corazon, m., heart coronar, to crown coronel, m., colonel correo, m., post (office) correr, to run corriente, m., present (month) corriente, current (present) corrientemente, fluently cortado (cortar), cut cortaplumas, m., penknife cortarse, to cut corte,/, court city (capital) cortesmente, politely cosa, /., thing cosecha, /., harvest costar, to cost costumbre, /. , custom credito, m., credit creer, to believe criado, m., servant crianza, /., breeding cristiano, Christian cuadrado, m., square cuadro, m., picture cual. . . cual, one. . . another cual (el cual, etc.), who, which cual, who?, which? cual, such as cualquiera, any, whatever, whichever, wherever cuando, when cuando, when cuanto (-a, etc.), what, how much, how many, as cuanto mas, the more cuanto menos, the less cuarenta, forty [quarter cuarto, m. , farthing, room, cuatro, four cubrir. to cover cuchillo, m. , knife cuello, m., collar cuenta, /. , account SPAKISH-EHGLISH VOCABULARY. 201 cuento, m., story cuerda, /., string cuerpo, m., body cuesta,/., hill Question,/., question cuidado, m. t care cuidarse, to take care culpa, /., blame cultivar, cultivate cumplirse, to complete, fulfil cura, m., priest curarse, to take account curioso, curious cuyo (-a), whose cuyo (-a, etc.), whose? dama,/., lady dando (-dar), giving dano, m., loss dar, to give de, than (usually of) deber, m. t duty deber, to be obliged, owe decaer, to decline decidir, to decide decir, to say, tell decision,/., decision dedo, m., finger defender, to defend [self degradar(-se),to degrade one's dejar. to let, allow, leave, delante de, before [cease deleitar, to delight delincuente, m., criminal delinquir, to transgress delirante, m., raver delito, m., crime demasido, too much democratic, democratic dentro, within derecho, m., right desanimarse, to be discouraged desaparecer, to disappear desaprobar, to disapprove descanso, m., rest desconcertar, to disturb desconfiar (de), to distrust desconocido, unknown descontar, to discount describir, to describe descubrir, to discover descuidar, to neglect descuido, m., heedlessness desde, since desdicha, / , misfortune desdichado !, unhappy ! desear, to desire deseo, m., desire desertor, m., deserter desgracia, / , disgrace desgraciado, unfortunate desiqualdad, /., inequality desistir, to desist desmayado, fainted desmayarse, to faint desordenado, lawless despacio, slowly despedir, dismiss despertar, to awake despoblar, to depopulate despreciable, despicable despreciar, to despise despues (de), after desterrar, to banish destino, m., destiny destreza, /., dexterity destruir, to destroy desventurado, unfortunate 202 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. determinacion. /., determina- determinar, to determine [tion detestable, detestable detras de. behind deuda,/, debt devolver, to return devoto, m., devout (man) dia m., day dibujar, to draw dicho (decir), said dichoso, happy dictar, to dictate diez, ten diferencia, /. , difference diferente, different diferir, to defer dificil, difficult dificultad, /. , difficulty diligencia, /. , diligence diligente, diligent dinero, m., money dios quiera, God grant diputado, m., deputy dirigir, to direct discurrir, to discuss disgustar, to disgust dispensar, to excuse disponer, to dispose, arrange disputa,/., dispute distancia, /., difference distinguir, to distinguish divertirse, to amuse (one's dividido, divided [self) doble, double doce, twelve docena, /., dozen docil, tractable docto, learned doctrina,/., doctrine doler, to pain doliente, sorrowful dolor, m., pain domingo, m., Sunday doncella, /. , maiden donde, where donde ? where? dormir, to sleep dos, two dotado, endowed duda, /., doubt dudar, to doubt duena, /. , lady (married) dueiio, m., owner dulce, sweet durable, durable durante, during durar, to last duro, ?7i., dollar duro, hard echar, to throw edad,/., age edificado, built edificar, to build efecto, m., effect ejecucion, /., execution ejemplo, m., example ejercicio, m., exercise ejercito, m., army el, the el, he elegantemente, elegantly elegir, to elect ello, it elocuencia, /. , eloquence elocuentemente, eloquently ella, she, her embajada, /., embassy SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 203 embarazar, to embarrass embarazo, m. y perplexity emborrachar, to get drunk empecer (obs.), to offend emperador, m., emperor empezar, to begin emplear to employ empleo, m. y place, employ- ment, rank empresa, /. , undertaking en, in, on [self encaminarse, to betake one's encantador, ra., enchanter encantar, to delight [with encontrar, to meet, to meet endeudado, in debt enero, ra., January enfadar, to vex enfermar (-se), to become ill enfermidad, /. , disease enfermo, m., a sick (man) enfrenar, to bridle (de) enfrente, opposite enganado, deceived enganar, to deceive enhoramala, /. , ill-luck enmendar, to improve, reform ensartado, strung, linked ensenar, to teach entender, to understand enteramente, entirely [self) enterarse, to inform (on'es entonces, then entrambos, both entrar, to enter entre, between entregado, given, handed entregar, to abandon, to hand over entretender, to entertain entristecer, to sadden enviado, sent enviar, to send epidemia,/., epidemic, disease equivocar, to mistake erguir, to hold up errar, to err error, m., error erudito, learned escaparse, to run off esclavo, m., slave escoger, to choose esconder, to hide escopeta, /., gun escribano, m., scribe escribir, to write escrito (-a), written escritor, m. t writer escritura, /. , writing escuchar, to listen escudero, m., shield-bearer ese, that (by you) esforzado, vigorous esforzar, to make efforts esfuerzo, m. , effort esotro (-a), that other espacio, ra., space espada, /. , sword espanol, Spanish espantar, to frighten esparcir, to scatter especulation, /. , speculation esperanza, /. , hope esperar, to hope, expect espiritu, m., spirit esposa,/., wife esposicion, /. , exposition establecer, to establish 204 PRACTICAL SPAKISH GRAMMAR. estacion, /., season estado, m., state estado, been estando, being estante, m., shelf estar, to be estar bien, to become (suit) este, this estima, /., esteem estimacion, /., esteem estimado, esteemed estimar, to esteem esto, this estotro (-a), this other estrago, m., ravage estrella, /., star estudiante, m., student estudiar, to study evidentemente, evidently evitar, to avoid exceso, m., excess exclamar, to exclaim experiencia , /. , experience explicar, to explain exponer, to expose expresion,/., expression extender, to reach extranjero, m., stranger extrano, m., foreigner extra vio, m ., frenzy faccion,/., feature fachada, /., fa9ade facil, easy facilitar, to facilitate factura,/., invoice falta,/., fault faltar, to fail faltriquera, /. , pocket fama,/., fame famoso, famous fatiga,/., fatigue favor, m., favor favorable, favorable favorecido, favored faz,/., face fe, / , faith febrero, m., February feliz, happy (good) femenino, feminine feroz, ferocious ferro-carril, m., railway fiarse, to trust fidelisimo, very faithful fiestas (las), holidays figura,/., stature (form), char- acter (of play) filosofia,/., philosophy filosofo, m., philosopher fin, m. t end fingir, to feign flor,/., flower florear, to flourish floreciente, flourishing florero, m., flower-pot folleto, m., pamphlet fortaleza, /. , fortress fortuna, /., fortune fragilidad,/., frailty francos, French francos, m., Frenchman franco, frank frecuentar, frequent frifsimo, very cold frio, cold fruta,/., fruit fruto, m., fruit (on tree) fuego, m., fire SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 205 fuente,/., spring fuera (de), out (of) fuerte, strong fuerza, /, force fulano, such a one fundada (/.), founded funesto, lamentable furia,/., fury furioso, furious fusilazo, m., a gun-shot gala,/., ornament gana,/, desire, inclination ganapan, m. t porter ganar, to gain gastar, to spend general, m., general generalmente, generally genio, m., genius gente, f. t people gigante (-a), gigantic girar, to turn gloria,/., glory gobernar, to govern gobierno, m. t government gozar, to enjoy gramatica,/., grammar grande, large, great grande, m., grandee granjear, to win griego, Greek gris, gray grito, m. t cry guante, m., glove guardar, to keep, to watch guerra,/., war guerrero, m., warrior gustar, to please gusto, m. t pleasure haber, to have habitable, habitable habitante, m.,f., inhabitant hablado, spoken hablar, to speak* hace, since, ago hacer, to do, to make hacer a la vela, to set sail hacha, /., hatchet hacia, towards hacienda,/, farm hallar, to find hambre,/., hunger harto, enough hasta, until, even hay, there are, there is hazana, /., exploit hebreo, Hebrew hecho, made helar, to freeze heno, m., hay heredar, to inherit herir, to wound hermana, /, sister hermano, m., brother hermoso, beautiful hermosura, / , beauty hielo, m., ice hiena, /., hyena hierro, m., iron hijo, son hipotenusa,/, hypothenuse historia,/, history holgazan (-a), indolent hombre, m.> man hombron, m., big man homenaje, m., homage honesto, modest honrar, to honor 206 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. hora, /., hour hornillo, m., stove (kitchen) horroroso, frightful horrible, horrible hospital, m., hospital hostilidad,/., hostility hoy. to-day huerfano, m., orphan huerto, m., garden huevo, m., egg huir, to escape, fly humilde, humble huracan, m., hurricane idea,/, idea idioma, m., language ido (-s), departed, gone iglesia, /. , church ignorancia,/., ignorance ignorante, m. , ignorant person ignorar, to be ignorant of ignal, equal igualar, to equal igualdad, /., equality ilustracion,/., enlightenment imagen,/., figure (of speech) imitar, to imitate impedir, to prevent importa, imports importe, m. t amount imposible, impossible impresion, /., impression improbable, improbable incendiar, to set on fire incesantemente, incessantly indicio, m., indication indispuesto, indisposed individuo, individual, person inducir, to lead (induce) indultado, freed industrioso, industrious inevitable, inevitable infancia, /. , childhood infelicisimo, very unhappy infeliz, unhappy influjo, m., influence informal, to inform ingenio, m., mind ingles, English ingles, m., Englishman, Eng- lish language ingratitud, /. , ingratitude inmediatamente, immediately inmortal, immortal inocencia, f. , innocence insensate, m., stupid (one) instancia, m., solicitation instante, m. , instant instante (-al), immediately instruir, to instruct instrumento, m., instrument insula, /. , island intencion, intention intentar, to attempt interes, m., interest inter esante, interesting interrumpir, to interrupt invierno, m. y winter ir, to go irracional, irrational italiano, Italian jabali, m., wild boar jamas, never, ever joven, m., youth juego, m., game juez, m., judge jugar, to play SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 207 julio, m., July junio, m., June junto, near, united (joined) juramento, m., oath jurar, to swear justicia, /., justice juventud,/., youth la, the la, her laborioso, painstaking labrador a,/., working woman lacayo, m., servant ladrar, to bark ladron, m., robber lagrima, /., tear lamento, m., lamentation lapiz, m., pencil (lead) largo (-a), large, long larguisimo, very large lastima,/, pity lastimar, to grieve latino, Latin lavarse, to wash le, him (to him, her, it) leal, loyal leccion, /., lesson lecho, m., bed leer, to read legua,/., league legumbre, /., vegetable leido, read lejos, far lengua,/., language, tongue lenguaje, m., language letra,/., letter letras,/., learning levantar, to raise levantarse, to get up levita, /., frock-coat ley,/., law leyendo, reading libertad,/., liberty -libra,/., pound libreria, /., book-store libro, m., book licencia,/., license limpiar, to clean limpio, clean lista, /., list (bill of fare) literario (-a), literary llamar, to call Have,/., key llegado, arrived llegar, to arrive llenar, to fill lleno, full llevar, to raise, to take (along) llorar, to weep, shed tears Hover, to rain lo, the lo, it lobo, m., wolf loco, foolish, simple locura,/., folly locucion,/., expression [upon lograr, to gain, succeed, hit lo que, what luego, soon, presently, imme- luego que, as soon as [diately lugar, m., village, place lugubre, gloomy luna, /., moon lunes, m., Monday luz,/., light madera,/., wood madre, /., mother 208 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. maduramente, maturely maduro (-a), ripe maestro, m., master, teacher magistratura, /. , magistracy magnifico, magnificent mal, m., ill maldecir, to curse malecon, m., dike malicia, /., malice malo, bad mama, /., mamma manana, /., morning mandar,to command, to order, manera, /., manner [to send mando, m., power manifestado, shown [show manifestar, to manifest, to manjar, m., dish (food) mano, f. , hand mantel, m. , tablecloth mantener, to keep manzana, f. , apple mar,/., sea maravilla, /. , wonder maravillar, to admire maravillarse, to wonder marcharse, to go off marinero, m., sailor mariposa, f. , butterfly marroqui, m. , morocco leather martes, m., Tuesday martillo, m., hammer martir, m.,f., martyr marzo, m., March (lo) mas, most mas-que (de), more than mas vale, it is better masa, /., mass, rank matar, to kill material, m., material mayo, m., May mayor, larger mayores, m. t forefathers me, me mecer, to agitate a mediados, about the midst of mediano, mediocre mediante, by means of medico, m., doctor medio, m., means medio, half mejor, better memorias, /., regards memorial, m., memorandum- book, brief menester, necessary mengano, such a menor, smaller menos, less (except) mensaje, m., message mensajero, m., messenger mentir, to lie mentira, /., lie mercader, m., merchant mercadera,/., merchant's wife mercaderia, f. , goods a merced, gratis merecer, to merit merendar, to lunch merito, m., merit mes, m., month mesa,/., table metal, m., metal meter, to put mi, my mi, me miedo, m., fear miente (-s), /, thoughts mientras mas, the more mientras que, whilst SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 209 mil, thousand milagro, w., miracle millon, m., million mina,/., mine ministro, m., minister minuto, m., minute mio, mine mirada,/., glance mirar, to see misantropia, /. , misanthropy miserable, miserable misericordia, /. , mercy mismo, self (emphatic), same mitad,/., half mocedad,/., youth modales, m. (pi.), manners moderacion, /. , moderation modestia, /., modesty modificarse, to be modified modo, m., mode, manner monje, m., monk monte, m., mountain morar, to dwell morder, to bite moreno, chestnut morir, to die moro, m., Moor mortal, mortal mostrar, to show motive, m., reason mover, to move movimiento, m., movement muchacha, /. , girl muchacho, m., boy mucho, much, many mudar, to change mueble, m., furniture muerte, /., death muerto, dead muestra,/., sign mujer, /., woman, wife mundo, m., world murmurar, to murmur muro, m. y wall museo, m., museum musico, m., musician muy, very [iard muy espanol, a thorough Span- nacer, #., to be born nacer, m., appearance nacio, was born nacion, /., nation nada, not anything, nothing nadar, to swim nadie, nobody, no one naipe, m. t card naranja, /., orange nariz, /., nose naturaleza, /. , nature naufragar, to shipwreck nave,/., ship navegar, to navigate necesario, necessary necesidad, /. , necessity neoesitar, to need negar, to deny negocio, m., affair, business negro, black nervioso, nervous nevar, to snow ni, nor nicho, m., niche nieve, /., snow nineria,/., puerility ninguno (-a), no one, nobody ni...ni, neither.. .nor nino, m., child 210 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. no, no noche, /., night nombre, m., name [ever no obstante, nevertheless, ho w- norte, m. , north nos, we, us nosotros, we, us notar, to notice noticia, /., news novedad, /., news nube,/, cloud nublado, cloudy nuestro (-a), our nueve, nine nuevo, new numero, m. t number nunca, never 6, or obedecer, to obey obediente, obedient obligar, oblige obra, /., work obrar, to act obtenir, to obtain ocasion, /. , occasion oceano, m., ocean ochenta, eighty ocho, eight ochocientos, eight hundred ociosidad,/., idleness ocupar, to busy K odiar, to hate ofender, to offend oficial, m., officer oficio, m., office (employment) ofrecer, to offer oido, m., ear oir, to hear ojala, would that ! ojo, m., eye ola, /., wave oler, to smell, to scent olvidar, to forget once, eleven opera,/., opera opinion,/., opinion, renown oportuno, opportune, suitable optimo, best orador, m., orator orden, m.,f., order ordenar, to order organo, m., organ (tool) oriente, m., east orno, m., oven oro, m., gold os, you osar, to dare oscuro, dark otono, m. , fall otro (-a), other, another (en) otra parte, elsewhere oveja, /., sheep (ewe) pacer, to pasture paciencia, /., patience padec^r, to suffer padre, m., father padres, m., parents pagar, to pay pagina,/, page pais, m., country paja, /., straw pajaro, m,, bird paje, m., page palabra, /., word palacio, m., palace palo, m., blow (with stick) pan, m., bread SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 211 paiio, m., cloth pantalon, m., pantaloon papa, m., papa papel, m., paper par, m., pair para, for (in order to) para que, in order that parecer, m., opinion parecer, to seem pariente, m., relative par que, m. , park parte, /. , part partida, /., party partido, m., resolution partir, to depart pasado, passed pasar, to pass pasearse,to walk (for pleasure) paseo, m., walk pasion, /., passion paterno, paternal patria, /., native land paz,/., peace pecado, m., sin pedir, to ask pelear, to fight peligro, m., peril pelota, /. , ball (game) pena,/., pain, punishment peninsula,/., peninsula pensamiento, m., thought pensar, to think pensativo, thoughtful peor, worse pequeno, little percibir, to perceive, see perder, to lose perdido, lost perfecto, perfect perfidia,/., perfidy periodico, m. t newspaper perjuicio, m., prejudice permanecer, to persist, remain permitir, to permit pero, but perorar, to harangue perrillo, m., little dog perro, m., dog perseguir, to pursue persona,/., person personaje, m., personage pesante, heavy pesar (-se), to weigh, distress pescar, to fish peseta, /. , peseta, franc (20 cts.) peso, m., dollar piano, m., piano picaro, m., rogue pie, m., foot pieza,/., piece (play) piloto, m., pilot pina, /., cone pino, m., pine pintado described pintarse, to paint pintor, m., painter pistola, /. , pistol placer, to please pla'to, m., dish plaza, /. , place, market, square pleito, m. t dispute, lawsuit pluma,/., pen plural, plural pobre, poor (not rich, worthless) pobreza,/., poverty poblar, to populate poco, little, few poder, to be able poderoso, powerful podido, been able 212 PKACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. podrir, to rot poesia,/., poetry poeta, m., poet politica, /., politics polvo, m. t dust poner, to place, to put poner (-se), to put on por, by, in por donde, through por en cima, on top, over por mas, however (great) porque, because porque, why por...que, however porvenir, m., future posada,/., inn posesion, /., possession posible, possible postre, m., dessert postrero, later practicar, to practise precaution, /. , precaution precio, m., price precioso, precious precise, necessary preferir, to prefer pregunta, /., question preguntado, asked preguntar, to ask premiar, to reward prendado, smitten preparar, to prepare prescribir, to prescribe presencia,/., presence presentar, to present, to intro- duce presente, present presente, m., present (time) presidente, m., president prestar, to lend pretender, to pretend pretension, /. , pretension prevenir, to inform priesa, /., haste primavera, /. , spring (time) primer^ (-0), (-a), first primito, m., little cousin primo, first primo, ?%, cousin primoroso, fine principe, ra., prince a principios, early (de) prisa, fast prision, /., prison privar, to deprive probar, to prove proceder, to proceed procurado, procured procurar, to try prodigo, prodigal producir, to produce profesion, /., profession progreso, m., progress prohibir, to prohibit projimo, m., neighbor promesa, /. , promise promoter, to promise pronombre, in., pronoun pronto, soon propio, own prorumpir, to break forth proseguir, to pursue prosperidad, /., prosperity proteger, to protect protestante, Protestant provenir, to arise proximidad, /., nearness prdximo, next SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 213 prudencia, /. , prudence prudente, prudent prueba,/., trial, proof publico, public pudrir, to rot pueblo, m., town, populace puente, m,, /., bridge puerta,/., door, gate puerto, m., port pues, since puesto, m., place (position) puesto que, since puesto (caso) que, if punetazo, m., blow with fist punto, m., point pureza,/., purity que, than, who, which que, what, how quedarse, to remain quejarse, to complain querer, to want, will, wish, like, love querido, loved, dear que tal, how quien, who quien, who? quien... quien, one... another, some... other quienquiera, whoever, whose- ever, whomever quietud, /., quietness quince, fifteen quince dias, two weeks quintp (-a), fifth quitarse, to take off, away quiza, perhaps rabia, /., anger racional, rational radical, radical rato, m., time (short) rayo, m., flash (of lightning) razon, /. (reason), right ac- real, royal (state) [count real, m., Spanish coin (5 cts.) relrnno, m. , flock rebuznar, to bray recibido, received recibir, to receive recompensa, /., recompense reconocer, to recognize reconocimiento, m., gratitude recomendar, to recommend recorrer, to travel about rectitud,/., rectitude red,/., net rededor, m. t envious al rededor, de, about redondo, round referir, to report, mention reflexion,/., reflection reflexionar, to reflect reformador, m., reformer refrenar, to restrain regalar, to present regano, m., scolding reina,/., queen reinado, m., reign reino, m., kingdom reir, to laugh reirse, to laugh (with derision) relacion, /., narration relampaguear, to lighten reliquia, /., relic reloj, m., watch relucir, to glitter remediar, to remedy remedio, m., resource 214 PRACTICAL SPAXISH GRAMMAR. remendar, to mend remote, remote rendir, to render renir, to scold renta,/., income reo, m., criminal reparable, worthy of attention repetir, to repeat representar, to represent reprimir, to repress reprobar, to reprove requisite, m., requisite resarcir, to compensate resolverse, to resolve, decide respetar, to respect respeto, m., respect respirar, to breathe responder, to respond respuesta, /., answer, reply restablecer, to re-establish restante, m., rest retirar, to withdraw retirar (-se), to retire retrato, m., portrait revelar, to reveal reverencia, /., veneration reves, m., back, back part al reves, on the contrary revolution, /., revolution rey, m., king ribera, /. , shore ricazo, very rich rico, m., rich (man) ridicule, ridiculous rigor, m., rigor rio, m., river riqueza, /., wealth riquisimo, very rich risa,/., laughter robar, to rob rodilla, /., knee romance, m., romance romper, to break rondar, to go round ropa,/., clothes rostro, m., face roto, defeated rubor, m. t blush ruego, m., request ruido, m., noise ruso, Russian sabana, /., sheet saber, to know sabiduria,/., knowledge, wis- sabio, wise [dom sacar, to pull out saciar, to satisfy sacrificar, to sacrifice sacrificio, m., sacrifice sala,/., hall salario, m., salary salida,/., exit salir, to go out salud,/., health saludable, salutary saludar, to greet santa,/., saint santo, m., saint san, m., saint sastre, m. , tailor satisfaccion, /. , satisfaction satisfacer, to satisfy satisfecho, satisfied sauce, m., willow se, self seco, dry, meagre secreto, m., secret SPAKISH-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. 215 secuaz, m., follower sed,/., thirst seguir, to follow, continue segundo, m., second seguro, surely, safe seis, six sello, m., seal selva,/., forest semana, /., week semejante, similar semejar, to resemble sena, /. , sign serial,/, sign senda, /., path seiior, m., gentleman senora, /. , lady, mistress senorita, /., a little or young lady senorito, m., a little or young aentado, seated [man sentarse, to sit down sentenciar, to sentence sentido, m., sense sentirse, to feel, perceive separar, to separate sepulcro, m., sepulchre ser, to be servicio, m., service servir, to serve sesenta, sixty setentrionale, north setiembre, m., September sexto, sixth si, if si, self, yes siempre, always siete, seven siglo, m., age, century siguiente, following silencio, m., silence silla,/., chair simple, simple sin, without sin embargo, notwithstanding sino, except, but soberbio, proud sobre, besides, upon sobresalir, to excel sobrina,/., niece sobrino, m., nephew social, social sociedad, /., society socorro, m., help sofa, m., sofa sol, m., sun solamente, only soldado, m., soldier soledad,/., loneliness soler, to be accustomed solicito, solicitous solo, alone solo, only sombrero, m., hat sonar, to dream of sopa, /., soup soplar, to blow sordo, deaf sorprender, to surprise sosegado, quiet su, his, her, its, your, their suavidad, /., gentleness subdito, m., subject subir, to ascend, mount suceder, to happen sucedido, happened sucesivemente, ) pocoapoco, pttle by little suceso, m., event, success sud. m., south suelo, m., ground 216 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. suefio, m., sleep termino, m., limit suerte,/., lot, sort tesoro, m., treasure sufrir, to suffer testamento, testament suma,/., sum, amount testimonio, testimony superar, to surpass tiempo, m., time suplica, /., petition tierra,/., eaith, land suplicar, to supplicate tildar, tc censure supuesto, granted tio, m., uncle sustento, m. y sustenance tiro, m., shot suyo, his, her, its, your, their, tocar, to touch, to play yours, theirs todavia, yet tal, such (such a) todo, whole, all, every talento, m., talent tomar, to take tal vez, often (perhaps) tono, m., tone tambien, also traba, /., trammel tambien...como, as well... as trabajar, to work tan, so, as trabajo, m., work, labor tan (-to)...como, as.. .as tradncir, translate tanta mas...que, the more.. .as traer, to bring, to wear tanto, so much traido, brought tardar, to tarry traidor (-a), treacherous tarde,/., afternoon (evening) traje, m., dress (suit) tarde, late trampa, /. , trap, fraud tarea,/., task tranquilidad,/., tranquillity te, m., tea tras, behind teatro, m., theatre traspasado, afflicted tema, m., theme tratado, m., treatise temblar, to tremble tratar, to try, to make a treaty temer, to fear treinta, thirty temeroso, afraid tremulo, tremulous tempestad, /., storm tren, m., train templo, m., temple tres, three temporal, m., storm trescientos, three hundred temprano, early tribu, m., tribe tenderse, to stretch (one's self) trigo, m., wheat tener, to hold, have tristeza, /., grief, sadness teologo, m., theologian trocar, to exchange tercero, third tronar, to thunder terminar, to terminate tropa,/. , troop, body of soldiers SPAKISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.. 217 tu, thy tu. thou tumba,/., tomb turbar, to confuse tuyo, thy (thine) un, m. , a or an una, /. , a 0r an una docena, a dozen una vez, once unido (-a), united uno, one unos, one's usar, to use uso, m., use usted (V.), you ntil, useful utilidad,/., profit vaca, f., cow vale, farewell valer, to be worth valeroso, courageous valiente, valiant valle, m., valley valuar, appreciate valor, m., courage vano, vain vapor, m., steam, steamboat vapuleo, m., whipping variar, to vary varios (-as), several, various vecino, m., neighbor, inhabi- tant vehementemente, with force veinte, twenty vela,/., sail velar, to watch vencedor, m., conqueror veneer, to conquer vender, to sell venganza,/., vengeance vengar, to avenge venido, to come venir, to come venta, /., sale ventaja,/., advantage ventana,/., window ver, to see verano, m. y summer de veras, really verdad, /. , truth verdaderamente, really verdadero, true vergiienza,/., shame vero, true vestido, m., dress, garment vestido, dressed vestir, to dress vez,/., time una vez, once viajar, to travel viaje, m., trip, voyage vicio, m., vice victoria, /. , victory vida,/, life viento, m., wind las de Villadiego, French leave vino, m., wine violin, m., violin virtud, /., virtue virtuoso, virtuous vista, /. , prospect, eye visitar, to visit visto (ver), seen viveres, m., victuals 218 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. vivir, to live vulgarmente, commonly vivo, vivo, living vivo, lively y, and volar, to fly ya, already, yet, now volumen, ra., volume yacer, to lie (down) voluntad, /. , will yerba, /. , grass volver, to return yerno, m., son-in-law (voy[-ir], I go) yo, I vos (you), ye vosotros, you zapato, m. y shoe voz,/., voice zutano, such a vuestro, your VOCABULARY OF SPANISH PBOPEK NAMES. 219 VOCABULAEY OF SPANISH PROPER NAMES, AS USED IN PRECEDING PAGES. Africa, Africa Alejandro, Alexander aleman, m., German Alemania,/., Germany Alpes (los), Alps America,/., America Arabe, w., Arab Atesidora, proper name Barcelona, Barcelone Bona, Bonn Becquer, Becquer Berna, Bern Brasil, m., Brazil Bretana, /. , Brittany Cairo, m., Cairo Canada, m., Canada Carlos, Charles Cervantes, Cervantes Castilla,/., Castile China,/., China chino, Chinese Ciceron, Cicero Colon, Columbus Copernico, Copernicus Cortes, Cortes Espana,/, Spain [States Estados Unidos (los), United Europa,/., Europe Felipe, Philip Florida,/, Florida Francia,/, France Frederico, Frederic Granada,/., Granada Habana,/, Havana Victor Hugo, Victor Hugo hugonote, Huguenot Inglaterra,/., England Juan, John Luis, Louis Londres, London Madrid, Madrid Malaga, Malaga Maria, Mary Mariquilla, little Mary Mateo, m. , Matthew Dulcinea, Dulcinea Nueva York, New York 220 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. Pablo, Paul Pedro, Peter Pepita, Josephine Portugal, m., Portugal Prusia,/., Prussia Bin, m., Rhine Rodano, m., the Rhone Romano, m., Roman Salvador, Saviour, Salvador Sena, /. , the Seine Sicilia,/., Sicily Sierra,/., Sierra Suiza,/., Switzerland Tasso, m., Tasso Teresa, Theresa Toledo, Toledo Viena, Vienna Villadiego, Villadiego Wostenholm, Wostenholm ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 221 ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. Abbreviations : /., feminine noun; m., masculine noun ; v., verb. a or an, un (-0), (-a) abandon, v., abandonar, de- jar, entregar abolish, ., abolir [como about, cerca de, acerca de, above, sobre accept, v., aceptar accompany, v., acompanar according to, conforme account, cuenta,/., razon,/. accuse, v., acusar ache, dolor, m. ache, #., doler achieved, acabado act, v., obrar action, accion, /. admire, v., admirar admit, v., admitir adorned, adornado advanced, avanzado advantage, ventaja, /. adventure, aventura,/. advice, consejo, m. advise, v., aconsejar affair, negocio, m. afraid (fear), miedo, m. after, despues (de) afternoon, tarde,/. against, contra age, edad,/. agitate, v., agitar ago, hace agree, v., avenirse agreeable, agradable aid, ayuda, /. aid, ., ayudar alas ! ay dolor ! Alfred, Alfredo all, todo all along, a todo lo largo almond, almendra,/. almost, casi alone, solo along, por allow, ., permitir already, ya also, tambien although, aunque always, siempre amass, v., amontonar America, America American, americano among, entre ancient, antiguo and, y, e Andrew, Andres animal, animal, m. announce, v., anunciar another, otro answer, v., responder answer, respuesta, /. any, algun 222 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. anything, algo any (whatever), cualquiera appear, v., parecer apple, manzana, /. arise, v., provenir arm (weapon), arma,/. arm (one's self), v., armarse army, ejercito, m. arrange, v., arreglar arrive, v., llegar arrived, llegado arts, artes, /. as ... as, I tanto . . . como as much as, ) as long as, mientras que ashamed, verguenza, /. ask, 0., pedir, preguntar ass, donkey, asno, m. assault, asalto, m. assault, v., asaltar assure, v., asegurar astonished, admirado at, a at all, ya attempt, intentar Athenaeum, Ateneo attention, atencion, f. attentive, atento attractive, atractivo augment, v., aumentar author, autor, m. avoid, v. } evitar await, v., esperar awake, v., despertar bad, malo badly, mal ball (shot), bala,/. banish, v., desterrar bank, banco, m. banker, banquero, m. barbarous, barbaro Barcelona, Barcelona bathe (one's self), v., banarse battle, batalla, /. be, v. , ser, estar be able, v. , poder beautiful, hermoso beauty, nermosura, /. be born, #., nacer because, porque bed, cama, /., lecho, m. before, antes, delante (de), antes de (or que) beg, supiicar begin, v.. empezar, echarse behind, tras be ignorant of, v., ignorar being, estando belfry, campanario, m. believe, v., creer benefit, beneficio, m. Berne, Berna besides, sobre betray, v., vender (it is) better, mas vale between, por entre, de bill, cuenta, /. bird, pajaro, m., ave,/ black, negro blame, culpa,/. bless, v., bendecir blind, v., cegar blow, v., soplar [m. blow (with stick), bastonazo, blue, azul boar (wild), jabali, m. Bonn, Bona book, libro, m. ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 223 book-store, libreria, /. Bordeaux, Burdeos Bossuet, Bosuet Bostoo, Boston both, ambos (-as) both ... and, tanto . . . como Bothnia, Bothnia boy, nmehacho, m. Brazil, Brasil, m. bray, v., rebuznar bread, pan, m. breakfast, V., almorzar breath, aliento, m. breeding, crianza, /. bridle, ., enfrenar brilliant, brillante bring, v. , traer broad, ancho brother, hermano, m. built, edificado business, negocio, m. busy, v., ocupar but, pero, sino butterfly, mariposa,/. buy, v., comprar by, por call, v., llamar Canada, Canada, m. candor, candor, m. capital, capital,/. captain, capitan, m. care, cuidado, m. carry, v., llevar Catholic, catolico caught, cogido cause, ., causar cease, v., dejar certain, cierto [mente certainly, por cierto, cierta- Cervantes, Cervantes chain, cadena,/. chair, silla,/. change, ?., convertir charity, caridad chase, v,, cazar child, nino, m., nina,/. children, ninos, hijos childhood, infancia,/. Chinese, chino Christian, cristiano church, iglesia, /. circus, circo, m. city, ciudad,/. classic, clasico, m. clean, limpio clear, claro climate, clima, m. cloak, capa, /. close, v., cerrar cloth, pano, m. clothes, ropa,/. cloud, nube,/. coach, coche, m. coat (frock), levita, /. cold, frio combat, v., combatir come, v., venir come, llegado (participle) comedy, comedia,/. commerce, comercio, m. companion, companero, m. compare, v., comparar compete, ., competir concerning, acerca de concert, concierto, m. ( condicion, /. condition, jsituacion,/. conduct, conducta, /. 224 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. cone, pina,/. confidence, confianza,/. confuse, v., turbar congress, congreso, m. ( conquistar conquer, *.,j vencer consent, v. t consentir consider, v., considerar conspiracy, conjuracion, /. constancy, constancia, /. construct, v., construirse contain, v., contener contemporary, contemporaneo content, contento content, v., content ar contentment, contento, m. conversation, conversacion, /. convince, v. , convencer cook, #., cocer cost, v., costar couch, lecho, m. counsel, consejo, m. counsel, v., aconsejar count, conde, m. count, v., contar countess, condesa,/. country, pais, m., campo, m. courageous, valeroso court-city, corte,/. cousin, primo, m. criminal, delincuente, m., reo, crown, v., coronar [m. cultivate, v., cultivar curious, curioso cut, 0., cortarse danger, peligro, m. day, dia, m. dead, muerto death, muerte,/. debt, deuda,/. deceive, v., enganag deceived, enganado decline, v., decaer degrade (one's self), v. , degradar [(-se) degree, grado, m. delight, v., encantar deliver, v. , entregar deny, v., negar depart, ., partir deputy, diputado, m. described, pintado desire, deseo, m. desire, v., desear desist, #., desistir despicable, despreciable destiny, destino, m. y suerte, /. destroy, v. , destruir determine, v., determinar dexterity, destreza, /. dictate, v., dictar die, v., morir, perecer difference, distancia,/. difficult, dificil difficulty, dificultad,/., aprieto, dike, malecon, m. [m. diligent, diligente dimmish, v. , decaer dine, 0., comer dinner, comida, /. disappear, v., desaparecer discount, ., discontar discover, v., descubrir discuss, ., discurrir discussion, controversia, /. disease, enfermedad, /. disgust, v., disgustar dish (food), manjar, m., plato, dispose, v., disponer [m. ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 225 dispute, disputa,/. distrust, v., deiconfiar divided, dividido do, v., hacer doctor, medico, m. doctrine, doctrina,/. document, papel, m. dog, perro, m. dollar, peso, m. door, puerta, /. double, doble doubt, duda, /. doubt, v., dudar dozen, docena,/. dramatic, dramatico dress, traje, m., vestido, m. dressed, vestido drink, ., beber duchess, duquesa,/. durable, durable during, durante dust, polvo, m. duty, deber, m. dwell, v., morar early, temprano earn, v., ganar earth, tierra,/. east, oriente m. easy, facil eat, v., comer education, educacion,/. Edward, Eduardo effect, efecto, m. effort, esfuerzo, m. egg, huevo, m. eight, ocho either... or, 6... 6 elect, v., elegir elephant, elefante, m. eleven, once eloquence, elocuencia, /. elsewhere, (en) otra parte emperor, emperador, m. employment, empleo, m. encounter, v., encontrar end, fin, m. enemy, enemigo, m. England, Inglaterra English, ingles Englishman, ingles enough, bastante enter, v., entrar equal, igual equal, igualar equality, igualdad, /. error, error, m. escape, salida, /. establish, v. t establecer estate, hacienda,/, esteem, estima,/., estimacion,/. esteem, ., estimar esteemed, estimado Europe, Europa,/. even, tambien, aun, hasta evening, tarde, /. event, suceso, m. ever, jamas, nunca every, cada excellent, excelente except, menos, sino excess, exceso, m. exchange, cambio, m. exclaim, v., exclamar excuse, v., dispensar exercise, ejercicio, m. exposition, exposicion,/. expression (word), voz,/ eye, ojo, m. 226 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR, facade, fachada, /. face, rostro, m. facilitate, v., facilitar (in) fact, (en) efecto, m. faith, fe,/. faithful, fiel fall, v., caer fall, otono, m. fame, fama, /. famine, carestia,/. farm, hacienda, /. fast (de), prisa,/. father, padre, m. fatigue, fatiga, /. favor, favor, m. favorable, favorable fear, miedo, m. fear, v., temer feature, faccion,/. February, febrero, m. feel, v., sentirse feminine, femenino ferocious, feroz fever, calentura, /. field, campo, m. fifteen, quince fifth, quinto fifty, cincuenta find, hallar, encontrar fine, bello finger, dedo, m. finish, fl., acabar fire, fuego, m. first, primo, primer o fish, fl., pescar five, cinco flag, bandera, /. flourishing, floreciente flower, flor, /. flower-pot, florero, m. fly (to escape), ., huir follow, -y., seguir foot, pie, m. for, para, por, a for, porque force, fuerza, /. (with) force, vehementemente forest, selva, /. forget, v. , olvidar formerly (before), antes fortress, fortaleza, /. fortune, for tuna,/. forty, cuarenta founded, fundado four, cuatro frailty, fragilidad, /. France, Francia,/. franc, franco, m. frank, franco free, libre freeze, -y., helar French (man), frances friend, amigo, m., amiga,/, frightful, horroroso frivolous, frivolo, baladi from, de fruit, fruta,/., fruto, m. full, lleno fulfil, v., complirse fun, burla,/. funds, caudales, m. future, porvenir, m. gain, ., ganar Galatea, Galatea game, juego, m. garden, huerto, m. gate, puerta,/. garment, vestido, m. ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 227 general, general, m. generally, generalmente genius, genio, m. gentleman, senor, m., eabal- [lero, m. gentleness, suavidad, /. German, aleman Germany, Alemania, f. get, 0., lograr get drunk, v., emborracharse get possession, v., apoderarse get out, v., salir - get up, v., levantarse girl, muchacha, /. give, v. , dar gloomy, lugubre glory, gloria,/, glove, guante, m. go, v. , IT, andar goat, cabra,/. go away, v. , irse God grant, Dios quiera gold, oro, m. good, bueno good-day, buenos dias goodness, bondad, /. goods, mercaderia, /. go out, v., salir go to bed, v., acostarse government, gobierno, m. grandee, grande, m. grandmother, abuela, /. granted, supuesto greatest, mayor Greece, Grecia,/. Greek, griego habitable, habitable hair, cabello, m. half, medio hamlet, aldea, /. hand, mano, /. handed, entregado hand over, v., entregar happen, v., pasar, suceder happy, feliz, dichoso harangue, v., perorar harvest, cosecha, /. haste, priesa,/. hat, sombrero, m. hatchet, hacha,/. Havana, Habana,/. have, 0., tener, haber he, el head, cabeza, /. headache, dolor (m.) de cabeza health, salud, /. hear, v., oir heart, corazon, m. heat, calor, m. heaven, cielo, m. heedlessness, descuido, m. help, ayuda,/. her, la, ella her, su, suyo. here, aqui, aca Herrera, Herrera he who, aquel que hide, v., esconder high, alto highest, sumo him, le his, su, suyo history, historia,/. hit upon, v. , lograr hold, v., tener homage, homenaje, m. home (at), en casa hope, v., esperer horse, caballo, m. hot, calido 228 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. hour, hora,/. house, casa,/. how, como how ! que ! however, por...que, con... que how much, cuanto Huguenot, hugonote humble, humilde hunger, hambre,/. hunt, v., cazar I, yo idea, idea, / idleness, ociosidad,/. idle, holgazan idler, holgazarano, m. if, si, cuando ignorance, ignorancia, /. ill, mal, adv., malo, adj. ill-luck, enhoramala, /. image, imagen, /. immediately, inmediatamente immortal, inmortal in, en, por incessantly, iricesantemente India, Indias (las) indication, indicio, m. inequality, desigualdad, / inevitable, inevitable infirm, enfermizo influence, influjo, m. inform, v., informarse, ente- rarse, avisar innocence, inocencia,/. inspire, v., inspirar instead of, en vez de instruct, v., instruir instrument, instrument, m. interest, interes, m. interrupt, v., interrumpir introduce, v., presentar inundation, avenida, /. invite, v., convidar iron, hierro, m. it, ello, lo its, su, suyo January, enero, m. Jerez, Jerez jest, burla, / John, Juan little John, Juanito joined, junto Joseph, Jose judge, juez, m. July, Julio, m. June, junio, m. keep, v. , mantener, tener keep on, irse key, Have,/ kill, D., matar kind of weather, tiempo, m. kindness, bondad,/ king, rey, m. kingdom, reino, m. kitchen, cocina,/ knee, rodilla, /. on the knees, de rodillas knife, cuchillo, m. knight-errant, caballero andan- knock, v., tocar [te, m. know, v., saber, conocer knowledge, conocimiento, m. known, conocido labor, trabajo, m. lady, senora, /, dama, /. lady (young), seiiorita language, lengua, /. EHGLISH-SPAHISH VOCABULAKY. 229 large, grande lunch, v., merendar last, v., durar Madeira, Madeira last night, anoche magnificent, magnifico late, tarde maiden, doncella,/. Latin, latino make, ., hacer laugh, v.j reir make a treaty, v., tratar laughter, risa,/. make use of, servirse de law, ley,/. Malaga, Malaga lawyer, abogado, m. man, hombre, m. lead, 0., conducir , manner, manera, /. learn, v., aprender, saber manners, costumbres, /., moda- learning, letras, /. many, mucho [les, m. learned, docto, erudito, leido march, v., marchar French leave, las de Villadiego March, marzo, m. lend, v., prestar marry, v., casarse less, menos Mary, Maria lesson, leccion,/. master, amo, m., senor, m. let (allow), v., dejar Mataro, Mataro letter, carta, /. matter (what is the matter), que letter of exchange, letra de Matthew, Mateo, m. [tiene VJ cambio maturely, maduramente liberty, libertad,/. May, mayo, m. lie, v., mentir me, me, mi life, vida, /. meal (repast), comida, /. like, ., querer means, medio, m. listen, ., escuchar by means of, mediante little, pequeno, poco meat, came, /. little by little, sucesivemente, Mediterranean, Mediterraneo,w. live, v., vivir [poco a poco meet, ., encontrar lock, v. t cerrar mend, v., remendar look, v., buscar, mirar mention, v., referir London, Londres mentioned, dicho long, largo merchant, mercader, m. lose, v., perder merit, v., merecer loss, dano, m. messenger, mensagero, m. lot, suerte, /. metal, metal, m. love, 0., amar midday, mediodia, m. love, amor, m. mind, ingenio, m., animo, m. loyal, leal mine, mio, 230 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. minute, minuto, m. miserable, miserable misfortune, desdicha,desgracia, mistress, seiiora,/ [/. moderation, moderacion, /. modesty, modestia, f. be modified, v., modificarse Monday, Innes, m. money, dinero, m. monk, monje, m. month, mes, m. the more, mientras mas morning, manana, f. mother, madre,/. mount, v., subir mountain, monte, m. mouth, boca,/. much, mucho music, musica, /. musician, musico, m. must, v., deber my, mi name, nombre, m. name, v. , llamarse native land, patria,/. nature, naturaleza,/. navigate, v., navegar near, cerca (de), junto necessary, menester, necesario need, v., necesitar (has need), ha menester negro, negro, m. neighbor, vecino, m. neither, tampoco neither... nor, ni...ni never, jamas, nunca new, nuevo news, noticia, /., novedad,/. newspaper, periodic , m. next, que viene, proximo niche, nicho, m, niece, sobrina. /. night, noche, /. nine, nueve no, no nobody, nadie noon, mediodian, m. no one, ninguno nor, ni north, norte, m. not, no not yet, no todavia nose, nariz, /. nothing, nada notice, v , notar now, ahora, ya number, numero, m. obey, ., obedecer oblige, v. y obligar observe, v. , observar obtain, v., obtener, conseguir ocean, oceano, m. be occupied, ., pasar of, de offer, v., ofrecer officer, oficial, m. often, a menudo, muchas vezes old, viejo, antiguo old man, anciano, m. on, en, sobre, on account of, por once, una vez one, un (-0), (-a) only, solo, sino open, v. f abrir opinion, parecer, m. opportune, oportuno or, 6 orange, naranja,/. ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 231 orator, orador, m. order, v., mandar in order that, para que in order to, para ought, v. , deber our, nuestro overcome, v., superar owner, dueno, m. owe, v., deber page, pagina,/. pain, dolor, m. painter, pintor, m. pair, par, m. paper, papel, m. part, parte, /. party, partida,/. pass, v. , pasar pass (hand), *>., pasar, alargar passion, pasion, /. Paul, Pablo pay, v., pagar pay attention to, v., atender peace, paz,/. pear, pera,/. pen, pluma, /. pencil (lead), lapiz, m. penin sula, peninsula, /. people, gente, /. perfect, perfecto peril, peligro, m. permission, licencia, /. perplexity, embarazo, m. person, persona, /. peseta (20 cts.), peseta,/, philosopher, filosofo, m. physician, medico, m. piano, piano, m. picture, cuadro, retrato, m. pine, pino, m. pilot, piloto, m. place, v., poner [empleo, m. place, puesto, m., lugar, m., play, -., tocar, representar please, v., gustar, alegrar, pleasure, gusto, m. [placer plough, arado, m. pocket, faltriquera, /. poet, poeta, m. poor, pobre portrait, retrato, m. Portugal, Portugal, m. possible, posible post, correo, m. poverty, pobreza,/. power, mano, f. , mando, m>. 9 powerful, poderoso [poder, m. practice, v., practicar praise, v., alabar prefer, ., preferl/ prejudice, perjuicio, m. prepare, v. , preparar, aderezar present, presente present (month), corriente, m. present, v., presentar pretension, pretension, /. pretty, bonito prevent, 0., impedir priest, cur a, m. prison, prision,/. prodigal, prodigo produce, ., producir profit, utilidad, /. promise, promesa, f. promise, v. t promoter proof, prueba,/. prospect, vista,/. Protestant, protest ante provided that, con tal que prudence, prudencia,/. 232 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. prudent, prudente prudently, prudentemente public, pnblico purity, pureza, /. purse, bolsa, /. put, $., poner, meter put in order, ., arreglar put on, V., ponerse quantity, cantidad, /. question, cuestion, /. quiet, sosegado, sereno Quintan a, Quintana railway, camino de hierro, m. rain, $., Hover rarely, rara vez read, ., leer reach, v. t echar mano a, llegar really, verdaderamente reason, motivo, m., razon, f. receive, v., recibir received, recibido recounting, cantando rectitude, rectitud, /. regain, v., alcanzar rejoice, v., alegrarse regret, ., sentir relate, v. t contar, referir relative, pariente, m. and/, relic, reliquia, /. remain, v., quedarse render, #., rendir repeat, v., repetir repent, v., arrepentirse [m. repentance, arrepentimiento, reply, respuesta, /. represent, ., representar reprove, t>.,reprobar reputation, opinion,/, require, v., necesitar resolution, partido, m. resource, remedio, m. respond, ., responder rest, v., descansar rest, restante, m. retire, ., retirarse return, ., volverse Rhine, Rin, m. Rhone, Rodano, m. rich (man), rico, m. ridicule, v., burlarse [risa ridiculous, ridiculo, digno de right, derecho, m., razon,/. rightly, con razon river, rio, m. road, camino, m. rob, v., robar robber, ladron, m. Roman, Romano, m. romance, romance, m. Rome, Roma room, pieza, /. , cuarto, m. sacrifice, sacrificio, m. sadness, tristeza,/. safe, seguro sail, v., navegar sailor, mariner o, m. saint, santo (-a), m.,f. sale, venta,/. sally forth, v., salir salutary, saludable same, mismo satisfy, ., satisfacer Saviour, Salvador, m, say, v., decir scarcely, apenas science, ciencia, /. ESTGLISH-SPAHISH VOCABULARY. 233 scold, v., renir scribe, escribano, m. sea, mar, m.,f. season, estacion,/. seated, sentado second, segundo, m. Sedan, Sedan see, ., ver, mirar seek, v., buscar seem, v., parecer Seine, Sena,/. self, se, si, mismo select, v., escoger sell, v., vender send, v., enviar sense, sentido, m. sent, entregado separate, ., separarse September, setiembre, m. sepulchre, sepulcro, m. servant, lacayo, criado, ra. serve, v., servir set sail, hacer a la vela seven, siete several, varios (-as) shame, verguenza,/. she, ella shield-bearer, escudero, m. sheep, carnero, m. sheet, sabana,/ shelter, v., abrigar shift for one's self, bandearse ship, buque, m., nave,/. shoe, zapato, m. should (must), v., deber show, ., manifestar shut, ., cerrar [m. side (of right triangle), cateto, sign, muestra, /. silence, silencio. m. silver, plata,/. since, pues, puesto que, desde, despues de, despues, como single, solo sister, hermana, /. sit down, v., sentarse situation, colocacion, /., em- six, seis [pleo, m. sixth, sexto slave, esclavo, m. sleep, ., dormir sleepy (sleep), sueno, m. small, pequeno smell, v., oler snow, v., nevar so, tan, si social, social society, sociedad,/. softly, bajo soldier, soldado, m. some, something, also, algnno some one, alguien, alguno somewhere, en cualquiera parte son, hijo, m. soon, luego sooner, antes soul, alma, /. sour, agrio south, sud, m. Spain, Espafia,/. Spanish, espanol speak, v. t hablar speedy, presto spend, v., gastar, pasar spirit, espiritu, m. spoken, hablado spring (time), primavera,/. square, cuadrado, m. sqiu're, escudero, m. 234 PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. star, astro, m., estrella,/. state, estado, m. The United States, Los Estados stature, figura,/. [Unidos steam (boat), vapor, m. still, todavia store, almacen, m. story (narration), historia, /. storm, temporal, m. storm, v., asaltar stove, hornillo, m. street, calle,/. stretch, v., tender se string, cuerda,/. strong, fuerte student, estudiante, m. study, ., estudiar stupid (one), insensate subject, asunto, m. such, tal such great, tanto suffer, v., sufrir, permitir suitable, oportuno sum (amount), suma, /. summer, verano, m. sun, sol, m. Sunday, domingo, m. supplicate, v., suplicar sure, cierto, seguro (estoy cierto surely, seguro surgeon, cirujano, m. surpass, ., superar surprise, admiration,/. surprise,^., sorprender swear, v. , jurar sweet, dulce swim, v., nadar sword, espada,/. table, mesa,/. tailor, sastre, m. take off or away, quitar (-se) take, v., tomar, llevar, quitar talent, talento, m. tall, alto, grande task, tarea,/. taste, gusto, m. tear,- lagrima, /. teachable, docile tell, v., decir ten, diez than, que, de thanks, gracias, /. that, que that, para que that, ese, aquel, aquello that which, aquello que the, el, la, lo theatre, teatro, m. then, entonces their, su, suyo theme, tema, m. theologian, teologo, m. there, alia, alii thing, cosa, f. think, v., pensar, creer third, tercero thirst, sed,/. this, este, esto (esta,/.) thou, tu thought, pensamiento, m. thousand, mil three, tres through which, por donde thus, asi thy, tu, tuyo time, tiempo, m., hora,/. time (one), vez, /. ENGLISH-SPANISH VOCABULARY. 235 tire, cansar to, a to-day, hoy together, junto (-s) to-morrow, xnanana, /. tone, tono, m. tongue, lengua,/. too much, demasiado tooth, diente, m. toward, contra towards, hacia town, pueblo, m. tractable, docil trammel, traba,/. translate, 0., traducir travel, 0., viajar treacherous, traidor treasure, tesoro, m. treat, ., tratar tree, arbol, m. tremble, v., temblar true, verdadero trunk, baul, m., cofre, m. trust, -., fiarse truth, verdad, /. try, v., procurar Tuesday, martes, m. twelve, doce two, dos two weeks, quince dias uncle, tio, m. under, bajo, understand, v., entender undertaking, empresa, /. unfortunate, desgraciado unhappiness, infelicidad, /. unhappy, infeliz, desdichado United States, Estados Unidos until, hasta que upon, sobre us, nos use, ., usar useful, util Valdes, Valdes (author) Lope de Vega, Lope de Vega very, muy, mismo vice, vicio, m. victory, victoria,/. village, aldea,/., lugar, m. violin, violin, m. virtue, virtud, /. visit, fl., visitar voice, voz,/. voyage, viaje, m. wait, v., esperar caminar wall, muro, m. war, guerra, /. wash, 0., lavar watch, reloj, m. watch, ., velar water, agua,/. way, camino, m. we, nosotros wealth, riqueza,jp wear, v., traer wear out, ., usar weary, 0., cansar week, semana, /. weigh, v., pesar well, bien what, lo que what(ever), lo que what?, que? wheat, trigo, m. when, cuando where, donde, donde t 236 PEACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR. which, que, cual white, bianco who, que who, cual, el cual, etc., cual ? who, quien, quien? whole, todo be worth, v., valer whose, cuyo (of) width, (de) ancho will, voluntad,/. win, v., granjear wind, viento, m. window, ventana,/. wine, vino, m. winter, invierno, m. wise, sabio wish, 0., querer with, con within, dentro (de) with it, consigo without, sin woman, mujer,/. wonder, admiracion, /. woods, bosque, 'm. word, palabra, /. work, v., trabajar work, trabajo, m., obra,/. worn out, usado worthless, pobre worthy of attention , reparable wretched, infeliz write, v., escribir write out, v., componer written, escrito ye (you), vos year, ano, m. yes, si yesterday, ayer yet, todavia, ya, pero you, Usted,V., m.,/., vosotros, young, joven [vos your, su, suyo, vuestro youth, mocedad,/. GENERAL INDEX. JKf References are to sections except where page is specially indicated. a, 1; pronounced, 5. a before personal nouns, Les. II, page 29 (note 2); with infinitive, Les. XXX, 239 (k), 262. accent (acute), 37(a) ; graphic, 37; tonic, 34. acertar, etc., Les. XVIII, 176, 177. acordar, 178, 179. adjectives, Les. IV; compari- son of, Les. V; pronominal, Les XI, 117 (note 2), 255 (d), 274. adquirir, 210. adverbs, Les. XXXII; of affir- mation and negation, 256; comparison of, 257; peculiar- ities of, 257; place of, 258. afraid, 172. age, 172. alegrar (-se), 173, 174. algo, 120, 121, 255 (> ZZI19Z THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY