$he 9hneer "Women of California Kenstitutkn, and $is1 cf Members . . . , 1*908 . . . . FRED LOCKLEY RARE WESTERN BOOKS 4227 S. E. Stark St. PORTLAND 15.0RE. UCSB LIBRARY The Association f Pioneer Women of California CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND LIST OF MEMBERS = 1 9 8 Place of Meeting : PIONEER HALL, No. 5 PIONEER PLACE San Francisco, California. Regular Meetings : First Friday of Each Month. of ArtirLea of Sturorporatum AaBflriatum nf Jlumrcr Itomnt of (Ealtforma. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF STATE. I, C. F. Curry, Secretary of State of the State of California, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the annexed copy of Articles of Incorporation* of THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA with the certified copy of the original now on file in my office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. Also that this authentication is in due form and by the proper officer. Witness my hand and the Great Seal of State, at office in Sacra- mento, California, the 29th day of October, A. D. 1906. C. F. CURRY, [GREAT SEAL Secretary of State. OF STATE.] J. HOESCH, Deputy. Arttrlw nf ifnrorjwratum of AfiBOriatum of jluinm Homnt af OJaltfarma Know all men by these presents: That we, the undersigned, all of whom are citizens and residents of California, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of California, and we hereby certify that the name of said corporation shall be THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA. That the purposes for which it is formed are as follows: To collect and preserve the history and reminiscences of pioneer women of California. To cultivate social intercourse. To foster the industries and development of California, particularly mining, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, dairying and poultry raising. To sympathize with and encourage the workers in these lines and to co-operate with those who are working for the preservation of the forest and song birds. To familiarize the members with the laws of the State bearing on the above-mentioned interests. To encourage the pioneer women of California and their female descendants to become members of this organization. To acquire and hold, rent, lease, improve or otherwise have and dispose of real, personal and mixed property for the purpose and benefit of this Society. To grant permits for and to organize branch or associate Societies, under the permission, by the authority, and with the assistance of this Corporation. And generally to do all things incident to the objects of this Association and all other acts that may be legally done under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California. That the term for which this Corporation is to exist is fifty years from and after the date of its incorporation. That the place where the principal business of said Corporation is to be transacted is at the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. That the number of Directors of said Corporation shall be five. That in accordance with the rules and regulations of THE ASSOCIA- TION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA, an election was held at a regular meeting of said Association, held at the City and County of San Francisco, on the seventh day of March, 1901, at which meeting there was a majority of all the members present, who took part and voted at said election, and the following named members received the majority of the votes and were elected Directors of said Association and as Directors of said Association for the first year : Names. Whose Residence is at : . Mrs. Tirza J. Wear Martin 2001 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. Louise Shepheard Chase 1536A Dolores St., San Francisco Mrs. Agnes Macdonald 68 Haight St., San Francisco Mrs. Anna Yount Reed 1631 Baker St., San Francisco Mrs. Hattie P. Watt St. Nicholas Hotel, San Francisco In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal this seventh day of March, 1901. TIRZA J. WEAR MARTIN, LOUISE SHEPHEARD CHASE, AGNES MACDONALD, ANNA YOUNT REED, HATTIE PATTERSON WATT. Witness : JANE CLEVELAND BURNETT. 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. On this seventh day of March, in the year one thousand nine hundred and one, before me, N. E. W. Smith, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared, Tirza J. Wear Martin, Louise Shepheard Chase, Agnes Macdonald, Anna Yount Reed and Hattie P. Watt, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. [NOTARIAL SEAL.] N. E. W. SMITH, Notary Public in and for said City and County of San Francisco, State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Tirza J. Wear Martin and Louise Shepheard Chase, being duly sworn, each for herself, says, that Tirza J. Wear Martin was President, and said Louise Shepheard Chase was Secretary, presiding and acting as such respectively, at a meeting and election of THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA, held at the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, on the seventh day of March, 1901, and that they were and are the officers who conducted said election and that at such meeting a majority of all members of the said Association forming and comprising said Corporation were present and voted at said election, and that said election was held between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. M. of said date; that as a result of said election the persons above named as Directors were elected Directors of said Corporation for the first year and received a majority of all the votes cast at such election; that the affiants and each of them have read the foregoing articles of incorporation and know the contents thereof and that the same is true of their own knowledge. TIRZA J. WEAR MARTIN, LOUISE SHEPHEARD CHASE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this seventh day of March, 1901. [NOTARIAL SEAL.] N. E. W. SMITH, Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. I, Wm. A. Dean, County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the original Articles of Incorporation of THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA, filed in my office on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1901. Attest my hand and my official seal this 7th day of March, A. D. 1901. WM. A. DEAN, [SEAL.] County Clerk. By JOSEPH RIORDAN, Deputy County Clerk. ENDORSED : Filed in the office of the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1901. WM. A. DEAN, County Clerk. By JOSEPH RIORDAN, Deputy Clerk. Filed, 1901. From the first report of THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA : Mrs. Tirza J. Wear Martin, President. Pursuant to a call from Mrs. Martin through the daily papers of San Francisco, August 12, 1900, seven ladies met at Pioneer Hall, Fourth Street, San Francisco, on the 28th day of August, and signified their intention of organizing an Association of Pioneer Women of California, which they did on that date. These ladies were Mrs. Tirza J. Wear Martin, Mrs. Ann Fassett Germain, Mrs. Margaret F. McCormick, Mrs. A. B. Wharff Huntington, Mrs. E. P. Thorndyke, Mrs. Mary A. McGiveney, Mr-s. Sarah A. Whidden, who each con- tributed one dollar to the treasury. The meeting was called to order and the following officers were elected : Mrs. Martin, President ; Mrs. Germain, Secretary; Mrs. Thorndyke, Treasurer. . On September 1, 1900, the organization was completed. Mrs. Ger- main, on account of illness, resigned as Secretary and Mrs. Angeline G. Gardner was appointed Secretary pro tem. When new business was in order Mrs. Louise S. Chase was duly elected Secretary. On September 10 and 11, 1900, receptions were held at Red Men's Hall, Post Street, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of California as a State. Among the many guests were the Historical Committee of the Pioneers of California; delegates from the various parlors of Native Sons and Daughters, and Mrs. Mary Davis Bucknall, the lady who represented California in the first Fourth of July cele- bration after the admission of California into the Union as a State. A Constitution and By-Laws were prepared and accepted in 1900 and amended in 1901 and 1903. These, and all records in the keeping of the Secretary, also the Articles of Incorporation, obtained March 7, 1901, were destroyed in the fire of April 18, 1906. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation was obtained from the State, October 29, 1906. The Constitution and By-Laws, with changes inserted as read, were adopted February 7, 1908. THE ASSOCIATION OF PIONEER WOMEN OF CALIFORNIA now stands ready to welcome to its ranks all eligible pioneer women and the female descendants of pioneer parents who arrived in California prior to and including the thirty-first day of December, 1853. 8 jteambb Conscious of the dignity of the part which Providence as- signs to women in determining the character of any State or people, and believing that by publicly uniting forces we can more successfully accomplish the high duties devolving upon us by reason of that natural endowment, we organize to that end, under the following Constitution : ARTICLE I. NAME. This organization shall be known as "The Association of Pioneer Women of California." ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. The objects of this Association shall be as follows: To collect and preserve the history and reminiscences of Pioneer Women. To cultivate social intercourse. To foster the industries and development of California. To sympathize with and encourage workers, and to 9 co-operate with those who are working for the preservation of the forests and song-birds. To familiarize the members with the laws of the State bearing on the above-mentioned interests. And to work for any other interest which may appeal to The Association of Pioneer Women. ARTICLE III. QUALIFICATIONS. All moral white women who were residents of California prior to and including the thirty-first day of December, 1853, and all moral white womfen who are descendants of pioneer women and pioneer men, residents of California prior to and including the thirty-first day of December, 1853, shall be eligible to membership. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers of The Association shall consist of a Presi- dent, two Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Marshal, Board of Directors, to con- sist of the President, the Recording Secretary and three members; Board of Trustees, to consist of five members. Said officers to be elected by ballot. 10 ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES. All committees to be appointed by the President: i. Historical. 2. Investigating. 3. Visiting. 4. Fun- eral. 5. Entertainment. 6. Auditing. And all special committees. ARTICLE VI. PRESIDENTS. No President can serve two terms, unless otherwise re- quested by two-thirds of the members present at the monthly meeting. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. Section I. The President shall preside at all meetings of The Association and shall determine the order of business. She shall strictly enforce the provisions of the Constitution and the Standing Rules and Orders, and shall see that all officers and committees perform their respective duties. Sec. 2. She shall neither offer nor second any resolu- tion, nor take part in any debate, while in the chair. Sec. 3. She may state points of law, and hold discussion to the point. If exception is taken to her rulings an appeal may be taken to The Association. When appeal has been made she shall state her rulings, and the exception thereto, 11 and proceed to take vote, first asking, "Shall the Chair be sustained?" A majority voting shall decide the question without debate. Sec. 4. She shall inspect and announce the result of all ballotings or other votings of The Association. Any Vice- President, in the absence of the President, shall exercise the same power and authority as the President. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF RECORDING SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceed- ings of each and every meeting of The Association. She shall record its By-Laws, Rules and Ordinances in a book to be kept solely for that purpose. She shall preserve a correct register of the names of the members and shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of all books and papers pertaining to her office. She shall certify all accounts and countersign all orders on the Treasurer when signed by the President. She shall make reports of her work at such times as may be required by the Board of Directors. She shall whenever directed by the President notify the members of all meetings. She shall perform the duties of Corresponding Secretary and render such other reasonable services as the President may require to carry on properly the work of The Associa- tion. 12 ARTICLE IX. SEAL. The seal of The Association of Pioneer Women of Cali- fornia, Incorporated March gth, 1901, shall be applied to all proper documents going from the office of this Association. ARTICLE X. FINANCIAL SECRETARY. She shall collect all moneys due The Association and pay same to the Treasurer at close of each meeting, with a written report, and take a receipt for same, and such report shall appear in full on the minutes of The Association. She shall be responsible for all books and papers pertaining to her office. She shall report to The Association the names of mem- bers six months in arrears on the First Friday in March and the First Friday in September of each year. She shall render any reasonable service required by the President in the conduct of the business of The Association. ARTICLE XI. DUTIES OF TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep a book in which she shall re- cord all receipts and disbursements, and shall report the same annually, or at such periods as the Board of Directors may require ; she shall pay no moneys without an order signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. 13 She shall give such bonds for the faithful performance of her duties as may be ordered by the Board of Directors. At the expiration of her term of office she shall deliver all books, papers, moneys, vouchers and other property belong- ing to The Association in her possession, into the hands of her successor. ARTICLE XII. DUTIES OF MARSHAL. The Marshal shall have charge of the door, seat the guests, introduce all strangers to the President, conduct and introduce all new members to the Financial Secretary, see that they pay the fee prescribed by the By-Laws and get a receipt for the same, and afterward conduct them to the Sec- retary to sign the Constitution, and finally to the President to be welcomed. ARTICLE XIII. DUTIES AND POWERS OF DIRECTORS. Section i. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President and Secretary of The Association and three other members elected at an annual election. They shall meet at least once a month, and a majority must be present for the transaction of business. Any vacancy which may occur in the Board shall be filled by the Board. Sec. 2. They shall have a general supervision of all 14 business, subject to the ratification of The Association, and shall have power to grant charters for the establishment of Auxiliary Associations. All Auxiliary Associations shall be under the control of the Board of Directors of The Asso- ciation of Pioneer Women of California. Five or more Pioneer women or the female descendants of Pioneers, outside of San Francisco and Alameda coun- ties, may, with the consent of the Board of Directors, or- ganize an Auxiliary Association with power to receive ap- plications and elect applicants to membership in said Auxiliary Association. On receipt of Charter the applicants have power to elect officers and Board of Di- rectors, collect dues, and make their own laws, provided such laws do not conflict with the laws and objects of The Association of Pioneer Women of California, which are set forth in Article II and in Article III of the Constitution. Sec. 3. Upon satisfactory proof of violation of the Constitution and By-Laws of The Association of Pioneer Women of California, the Board of Directors shall revoke Charter granted Auxiliary Association, and all history and reminiscences collected by said Auxiliary shall be turned over to The Association of Pioneer Women of California. The Board of Directors shall make monthly reports in writing of all business transacted. The Board must elect a President of the Board from one of the five members of the Board and a Secretary from The Association. 15 Sec. 4. The Board of Directors shall determine the compensation to be paid to the Secretaries. The Treasurer's bonds shall be placed in the possession of the President for safekeeping. Sec. 5. Any member who shall neglect for six months to pay dues may be stricken from the roll of membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. REMISSION OF DUES. Sec. 6. When the Board of Directors shall be satisfied that any member of The Association is unable, for the time being, to pay the monthly dues, it shall have the power to remit such dues. ARTICLE XIV. DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. They shall have charge of all property and special funds belonging to The Association, and must be responsible for the safekeeping of everything entrusted to them by The Association. As the Special Fund accumulates they are empowered to invest and manage the same, only with the approval and consent of The Association. They shall be ex-officio Librarians of The Association. They shall receive and preserve all books, pamphlets, records, magazines, etc., which may have been purchased for, donated or loaned to The Association, and shall keep a record of such donors. They shall give such bonds for the faithful performance of their duties as may be ordered by the Board of Directors. 16 ARTICLE XV. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. The duty of this committee shall be to collect all the his- tory available of Pioneer days and the personal experiences and history of each member of this Association. Blanks for this purpose may be obtained from the committee. When these blanks are filled out and returned to the Committee, they will write the names and dates of arrival in a History book kept for that purpose ; and longer articles will be in- dexed and filed for a book to be published later. The His- torical Committee shall also have charge of the Scrap Book. ARTICLE XVI. ELECTIONS. Section I. All elections of officers of this Association shall be by ballot and when there is only one candidate for any office the Secretary shall cast the vote of The Associa- tion upon order of the President without motion. The bal- lots shall be saved by the Secretary until officers are qual- ified and take their seats. Sec. 2. All members who pay dues and are in good standing on the books are entitled to vote at elections of officers or upon any question. Sec. 3. The election of officers to be held on the First Friday in October of each year. 17 The fiscal year to begin on the First Friday in Novem- ber of each year. The officers shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 4. Outgoing officers shall have all books in their possession properly posted and balanced, with report of Auditors in due and proper form, and shall deliver to the incoming officers when qualified all books, records, money, papers, and any and all property of whatever kind in their possession belonging to The Association of Pioneer Women of California. ARTICLE XVII. MEETINGS. Stated Meetings for the transaction of business shall be held on the First Friday of each month at 2 o'clock, mem- bers to be notified by postals from Recording Secretary stating place of meeting. Special Meetings shall be called at the written request of five members in good standing. ARTICLE XVIII. VISITORS. Visitors shall not be admitted to the business meetings of The Association before 3 o'clock. 18 ARTICLE XIX. DUTIES OF MEMBERS. It shall be the duty of every member of The Association to use all laudable efforts to collect and procure such rec- ords, relics, minerals, curiosities, etc., connected with the early history of this State, as may be useful and beneficial to The Association, and to forward the same, together with any information that may be of interest to The Association. ARTICLE XX. ANNUAL CELEBRATION. The anniversary of The Association is the 28th of August, but for the convenience of the members, the Annual Celebration shall be held on the last Saturday of August. ARTICLE XXI. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. Section i. Each applicant for membership shall be recommended by one member of The Association, upon a blank application prepared for that purpose. All applica- tions for membership must be signed by the applicant and one member of The Association as voucher for the appli- cant's eligibility. Applicants shall be referred to an in- vestigating committee of three appointed by the President. Sec. 2. Any one becoming a member fraudulently may, on proof of same, be expelled by a majority vote of The Association at a stated meeting. Sec. 3. If any Pioneer Woman living in the country 19 and unable to come to the city, desires to apply for member- ship by letter, the Secretary shall be empowered to write to her voucher for recommendation and, if the same be sat- isfactory, shall sign the roll for said applicant. ARTICLE XXII. FLORAL PIECE. Upon the passing away of a member of The Associa- tion, the Funeral Committee shall send, in the name of The Association, a floral piece made of yellow flowers, if possi- ble, that being The Association color, not to exceed in cost the sum of two dollars. The Memorial Services shall be held on the first Friday in May of each year. ARTICLE XXIII. QUORUM. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. ARTICLE XXIV. WITHDRAWAL. Any member in good standing in this Association who may wish to withdraw from the same shall, by riling a re- quest in writing with the Secretary and paying all demands to date of application, be entitled to a letter signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary and bearing the Seal of The Association. 20 ARTICLE XXV. DISCIPLINE. Upon the failure of any officer to perform the duties of her office, the Board of Directors after giving said officer thirty days' notice, may declare the office vacant. ARTICLE XXVI. MISCONDUCT. Any member who shall furnish matter for publication derogatory to a member, or prejudicial to the good name of The Association, or who shall slander a member, or whose actions are calculated to injure a member, shall be tried by the Board of Directors, and upon proof of the same, shall be dropped from The Association, provided, that the mem- ber shall have the privilege of referring her case to The Association at a regular meeting for final action. Charges must be presented in writing by any member in good stand- ing. ARTICLE XXVII. AMENDMENTS OF CONSTITUTION. This Constitution shall not be altered or amended ex- cept by a two-thirds vote of members voting at a stated meeting. All such alterations and amendments shall be proposed in writing at a stated meeting of The Association at least four weeks prior to action thereon. The parliamentary procedure of The Association shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 21 CANDIDATES TO QUALIFY. Section i. Each member on applying for membership in this Association shall pay into its Treasury the sum of one dollar to the credit of the General Fund and shall sign the Constitution, with her name in full, maiden and married, together with her place of birth, residence, and the month and year of her arrival (or that of her parents) with- in the limits of this State. If any person residing in the City of San Francisco shall for one month after her acceptance, or if residing in any other part of the State shall for six months after her acceptance, neglect to sign the Constitution, she shall be considered as having declined to become a member and her admission fee shall be forfeited to The Association. Sec. 2. The dues of The Association shall be twenty-five cents per month. AUDITING COMMITTEE. Sec. 3. The President shall appoint an Auditing Com- mittee, who shall examine all accounts against The Associa- tion ; and no bill or account shall be paid unless the same shall have been endorsed "approved," and signed by the committee, nor until the warrant on the Treasurer in pay- 22 ment of the same shall have been signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. DELINQUENCIES. Sec. 4. Any member who shall neglect for six months to pay dues may be stricken from the roll of membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any member thus stricken from the roll of membership shall cease to be a member of The Association and shall not again become a member except by acceptance and the pay- ing into its Treasury the sum of one dollar to the credit of the General Fund in the manner prescribed by the Con- stitution and By-Laws for the acceptance of New Members. ACCEPTANCE OF RETURNING MEMBERS. Sec. 5. The Association can at any regular meeting vote as to the acceptance of a returning member who must have a two-thirds vote of those present to be ad- mitted again as a member. MISCONDUCT. Sec. 6. No member shall take from The Association room any newspaper, pamphlet, book, or any other property belonging to The Association. AMENDMENTS. Sec. /. No By-Laws shall be enacted, nor any amend- ment made thereto, unless notice of the same shall have been given at a regular monthly meeting, and action thereon 23 shall be taken at the next monthly meeting after the intro- duction of the same. DECORUM. Sec. 8. Each member when speaking shall address the presiding officer, and when called to order by her shall im- mediately take her seat; but she may appeal from such order, and a majority of the members present may re- verse it. In debate no member shall be personal in her remarks. MOTION IN WRITING. Sec. 9. All motions shall be in writing, if so required by the Chair. HONORARY MEMBERS. Sec. 10. Application for honorary membership shall be on blanks same as for membership; voucher to state the character of service rendered by person she proposes for honorary membership. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws. EMELINE NORTH WHITCOMB, AGNES BRANKS MACDONALD, HENRIETTA BARRY BYRNE. ANNA YOUNT REED, President. ANNA E. McINTYRE, Chairman. [Constitution and By-Laws adopted with changes as read, February 7th, 1908.] 24 of iBusto 00 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call of Officers. 3. Reading of Minutes of Previous Session. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Reading of Minutes of Board of Directors. 6. Reading of Minutes of Board of Trustees. 7. Report of Financial Secretary. 8. Report of Treasurer. 9. Reports of Standing Committees. 1. Historical Committee. 2. Visiting Committee. 3. Funeral Committee. 4. Entertainment Committee. 5. Auditing Committee. 6. Investigating Committee. 10. Propositions for Membership. 11. Introduction of New Members. 12. Recess. 13. Unfinished Business. 14. Communications. 15. Bills. 16. New Business. 17. Good of The Association. 18. Adjournment. 25 President. Mrs. Anna Yount Reed. First Vice-President. Mrs. Theklay D. Kleinclaus. Second Vice-President. Mrs. Sarah C. Gorham. Recording Secretary. Mrs. Hermina Mosse Pollock. Financial Secretary. Mrs. Carrie L. Burr. Treasurer. Mrs. Margaret F. McCormick. Treasurer Special Fund. Mrs. Mary C. Van Orden. Marshal. Mrs. Mary H. Gamage. 26 Iloarb of Simtnra Mrs. Anna Yount, President. Mrs. Hermina M. Pollock, Secretary. Mrs. Emeline North Whitcomb. Mrs. Agnes Branks Macdonald. Mrs. Anna B. Staniels. Mrs. Anna E. Mclntyre, Secretary of Board. Itoaro of uJntHtwa Mrs. E. E. Chapin. Mrs. P. G. Shattuck. Miss Kathryn Cole. Mrs. Mary Morton. Mrs. Angeline G. Gardner. Mrs. Mary C. Van Orden, Treasurer. Mrs. Tirza J. Wear Martin ..... 1900-1902 Mrs. Anna E. Mclntyre ........ 1902-1904 Mrs. Agnes Branks Macdonald.. 1904-1905 Mrs. Louisa McKew Berryman.. 1905-1906 Mrs. Emeline North Whitcomb. .1906-1907 Mrs. Louise Olive Shattuck Hodgkins. 27 1849 Armstrong, Mary, Mrs 255 Twentieth avenue 1857 *Bagley, Ellen A. Downing, Mrs.Healdsburg, Cal. fBainbridge, Augusta Cameron, Mrs 610 Tenth avenue 1851 Harrington, Honora T. Connolly, Mrs 50 E. Santa Clara, San Jose fBarrows, Ella A. Croft, Mrs. . . .255 Twentieth avenue 1850 Bell, Jane Dickson, Mrs 1219^ Stanyan 1853 Benjamin, Mary C., Mrs 8371/2 San Pablo av., Oakland f Bergman, Flora Mayer, Mrs.... 437 Locust street 1849 Berryman, Louisa McKew, Mrs.i557 Webster, Oakland fBlanchard, Martha E. Owen, Mrs 703 Thirty-ninth, Oakland fBoulon, Noonie, Mrs noo Sutter street, Vallejo 1853 Boyd, Rose Reynolds, Mrs 1463 Winfield, Los Angeles 1852 *Bragg, Mary J., Miss 215 Castro street fBray, Susie Blaikie, Mrs Calistoga, Cal. 1852 *Breidenstein, A. M. Hagan, Mrs.28oo Bush street 1853 Brodie, Agnes, Mrs 232 N. San Joaquin, Stockton Charter Member. t Daughter or granddaughter of Pioneers. 28 fBuckman, Laura Keiser, Mrs.. .Truckee, Cal. 1852 *Burr, Carrie L. Smith, Mrs 3023 Twenty-first street 1852 Burt, Sarah Webb, Mrs 3012 Grove street, Berkeley. 1850 *Byrne, Henrietta Barry, Mrs... 2279 Green street fByrne, Kathleen L. Casey 916 Page street fByrne, Winnifred Kelley, Dr.... 894 Eddy street fCarr, Lizzie Macy, Mrs The York Hotel 1849 Chaigneau, Victoire, Mrs 1406 Guerrero street 1851 *Chapin, E. E. Williams, Mrs... 576 Sanchez street 1852 Choynski, Harriet Ashim, Mrs. .61 Sixth avenue fCoghlan, Mary Riley, Mrs 1908 Green street fCole, Kathryn L., Miss 1542 California street fCollins, Josephine F. Barr, Mrs.3 Broderick street fCollins, Lillian Broad, Mrs....ioio Hyde street 1854 Cowie, Elizabeth, Mrs 134 Liberty street 1853 *Crittenden, Dora K. Scott, Mrs.. .690 Waller street fCroall, Annabelle, Dr Larkspur fCumming, Virginia, Miss 3423 Twenty-first street 1853 Curry, Anna D. Caldwell, Mrs.. 41 Carl street fCurry, Blanch Edna, Miss 41 Carl street 1852 Davenport, Ellen C., Mrs 434 Seventeenth street 1850 *Davis, John, Mrs Richmond, Contra Costa Co. Charter Member tDaughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 29 1850 *Dean, Mary E. Beach, Mrs 581 El Dorado ave., Linda Vista Terrace, Oakland 1852 Dennison, E. S., Mrs 953 Eighth street, Oakland fDennison, Lurana, Miss 953 Eighth street, Oakland fDolliver, Ellen R., Miss 670 Walsworth av., Oakland 1851 *Donzel, Alice A. Boston, Mrs.. .77 Fair Oaks street. fDruhm, Carrie Alma Hickson, Mrs 603^ Haight street 1853 Eells, Lucy Atwood, Mrs 2520 Folsom street fEgbert, Cornelia J., Mrs 1378 24th av., East Oakland 1853 Farwell, Henrietta, Mrs 234a Fourth avenue 1850 *Finger, Augusta Rebaul, Mrs.. 708 Capp street 1851 Forrister, Kate Winterton, Mrs..Larkspur 1852 Frakes, Elizabeth A., Mrs Sutter Creek, Amador Co. fFrakes, Laura J., Miss 17 Scott street 1849 Franzini, Elma A. Hay, Mrs 1374 Grove street fFreeman, Josephine B., Mrs 3084 Washington street 1850 Galehouse, Fanny M., Mrs 44th and Market, Oakland fGamage, Mary Harding, Mrs. . .2429 Vallejo street 1853 *Gardner, Angeline Griffin, Mrs...i3i4 Eighth street, Oakland 1853 Geary, Emily Baillie, Mrs 2374 Sutter street 1857 *Gleason, Sarah A., Mrs 1725 Vallejo street fGoosen, Katheryn Pinkham,Mrs.589 Frederick street *Charter Member tDauffhter or granddaughter of Pioneers 30 1852 *Gorham, Sarah C. Smith, Mrs.. 3184 Twenty-first street 1852 Grant, George E., Mrs 1253 East I5th St., Oakland fGray, Emma Buxton, Mrs 175 North Orange, Riverside 1849 *Gummer, Sarah Sanor, Mrs pi2a Devisadero street fHale, Julia Caldwell, Mrs 368 Third avenue 1852 *Harris, Minda Moore, Mrs 45 Hartford street f Heard, Mary E., Miss 1811 Broderick street 1849 Henderson, Levinia Selby, Mrs.. San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1853 Hendry, Margaret Murray, Mrs.247o Folsom street 1851 Hobart, Minnie Elliott, Mrs 2404 Devisadero street 1852 Holmes, Augusta P. Copp, Mrs..iooo Seventh, Los Angeles fHornage, Ella Bonsall, Mrs 1028 Sutter st., Stockton 1853 Hotaling, M. McCarty, Mrs 904 College ave., Santa Rosa fHudson, Mattie Auser, Mrs Point Richmond 1854 *Hunt, Harriet Turner, Mrs 523 Hobart street, Oakland fHyde, Eliza J., Mrs 604 Eighth street, Oakland 1855 *Jaquillard, Mary Hannon, Mrs.. Martinez, Contra Costa Co. 1852 *Joslin, Adelia M., Mrs 307 Vienna street f Keith, Eliza D., Miss 1221 Noe street 1853 Keith, Sarah Atwill, Mrs 1221 Noe street. f Kellogg, Mary, Mrs 233 Tenth avenue 1852 Kidder, Antoinette, Mrs 3750 Twenty -first street 1846 *King, Sophia P. Clark, Mrs 2154 Lincoln ave., Alameda 'Charter Member tDaughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 31 1852 Kinsman, Annie Collins, Mrs. . .430 S. State st., Los Angeles 1849 *Kleinclaus, Theklay Dutard, Mrs 2405 Howard street 1849 Ladd, Helen B. Skinner, Mrs... 1646 Grove street 1849 *Lehritter, Mary Arnold, Mrs. . .Oakland fLeigh, Ella Lees, Mrs 1133 Hayes street 1852 *Lightner, E. G., Mrs 27 Beulah street fLoud, Emily Griffin, Mrs 2902 Bush street 1849 Maddock, Sarah Hester, Mrs... 285 Devisadero street 1851 *Mau, Mary J. Prescott, Mrs Plymouth ave., Ocean View f Morton, Mary Bunker, Mrs 1645 Fulton street 1848 *Mosse, Caroline Ellis, Mrs 154 Twenty-seventh street 1849 Macdonald, Agnes Branks, Mrs..i Broderick street fMcAvoy, Emma, Miss 27 Beulah street 1850 McCaslin, Eveline Ingram, Mrs..522 Twenty-fifth, Oakland 1850 *McCormick, Margaret F. Mc- Lellan, Mrs 1080 Dolores street 1853 *McIntyre, Anna E. Hayes, Mrs.io Bartlett street 1851 *McMahan, Lavenia Ellen, Mrs.. Bartlett Springs fMacPherson, Jeannette Jones, Mrs 1343 Fountain, Alameda 1849 Neal, S. S. Louderback, Mrs... 1709 Oak street Charter Member tDaughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 32 fOat, Lydia Fuller, Mrs 619 Capp street fO'Donnell, Emma Gummer, Mrs 9i2a Devisadero street 1849 Pendergast, Mary Palmer, Mrs..i657 Hayes street 1853 *Phelps, Eliza Donnellan, Mrs. .67 Borland street fPhelps, Isabel K. Macdonald, Mrs i Broderick street 1849 Phelps, Laura Hester, Mrs 2112 Addison, Berkeley fPolastri, E. Josie Freeman, Mrs 2004 Pierce street fPollock, Hermina Mosse, Mrs.. .154 Twenty-seventh street t Powers, Margaret Gorman, Mrs.344 Sanchez street 1853 Prescott, Annah Mason, Mrs... 25 D street, San Rafael. fRackerby, Lizzie Macy, Mrs... 4116 Seventeenth street fReay, Christiania Gunn, Mrs... 219 Second avenue 1851 *Reed, Anna Yount, Mrs 1631 Baker street 1853 Rixford, Catherine T., Mrs ion Fell street 1856 Roberts, Lottie Buttner, Mrs... 2304 Geary street fRyan, Elizabeth Williams, Mrs.i2ii Devisadero street fSalcido, Manuella, Miss 1400 McAllister street 1850 Sea, Anna Jordan, Mrs 130 Presidio avenue. fSears, Emma B., Mrs 1219^ Stanyan 1853 Shattuck, Phoebe Gage, Mrs 325 Tenth avenue 1852 *Shaw, Emma E. Craddock, Mrs.i65 Tremont avenue Charter Member tDaughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 33 tShellard, Helen C, Miss 1624 Berkeley way, Berkeley f Smith, Agnes Auser, Mrs 227 London street 1851 Smith, Amanda S., Mrs Larkspur, Cal. 1849 Smith, Harriet Zumwalt, Mrs. . .Oroville, Cal. fStaniels, Anna Buxton, Mrs.... 2529 Pine street 1853 *Stevens, Mary Louise Rauschert, Mrs 724 Virginia street, Vallejo. fSwanton, Agnes Davenport, Mrs.4O34 Seventeenth street f Thompson, Adrienne, Miss 1876 Fifteenth street. fThompson, Nellie, Miss 1876 Fifteenth street. f Trevor, Grace L., Miss 486 Merrimac, Oakland. 1849 *Trevor, Mary A. McKew, Mrs.. 486 Merrimac, Oakland. 1854 *Van Orden, Mary Catherine Newins, Mrs 2813 Twenty-fourth street 1851 *Von der Mehden, Mary B., Mrs.5i5 Third avenue 1849 Wainwright, Lizzie F., Mrs. . .2205 Devisadero street 1850 Wangaman, Lizzie Sheppard, Mrs 1272 I2th ave., Sunset Dist. fWashburn, Georgia Griffin, Mrs.29O2 Bush street 1852 *Weston, Emily H., Mrs 510 Seventeenth St., Oakland 1851 Whitcomb, Emeline Anderson North, Mrs 2414 Pacific avenue 1850 Willatts, Kate J., Mrs 1001 Ellis street f Young, Marian Wilburn, Mrs. . .827 Guerrero street 'Charter Member tDaughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 34 1853 Atwill, Eliza Dugliss, Mrs. 1853 *Blaikie, Susannah Legge, Mrs. fBoyce, Aggie Harris, Mrs. fBrown, Julia Randle, Mrs. 1851 *Burckhalter, Mary E., Mrs. 1847 *Cameron, Hannah Parks, Mrs. 1849 *Chase, Louise Shepheard, Mrs. 1849 *Cochran, Eliza M. Storry, Mrs. 1853 *Cole, Mary Butler, Mrs. fConrad, Isabella W. Eddy, Mrs. 1852 *Cumming, Marion Bain, Mrs. 1849 *Figel, P. E. Shannon, Mrs. 1849 *Heurne, Zelie Blanchard, Mrs. 1849 Harding, Margaret C., Mrs. 1849 *Hale, Mary Jane, Mrs. 1851 Huntington, A. B. Wharff, Mrs. 1851 King, Margaret B., Mrs. * Charter Member t Daughter or granddaughter of Pioneers 35 1853 Kozminsky, E. D. Tandler, Mrs. 1852 *Liese, Anna M., Mrs. 1853 Loudenslager, Agnes, Mrs. 1849 *Loyn, Dorothea Eggers, Mrs. 1852 Mayer, Esther, Mrs. 1849 *Miller, Theresa Shepheard, Mrs. 1850 *Morris, Bridget Kinling, Mrs. 1849 *McGiveney, Mary A. Adams, Mrs. fMcLure, Ruth Ella Martin, Mrs. 1849 Reeve, Charlotta, Mrs. 1849 Relley, Minnie Phelps, Mrs. 1853 *Richardson, Sarah Clinton, Mrs. 1851 *Saunders, Amelia Wartman, Mrs. 1849 *Scholl, Susannah, Mrs. 1849 *Scooffy, Martha J., Mrs. f Sykes, Jane Bell, Mrs. 1851 *Thorndyke, Elvira P., Mrs. 1849 Val Schmidt, Olive, Mrs. 1852 *Watt, Hattie Patterson, Mrs. 1856 *Wheeland, Margaret J., Mrs. 1851 *Whidden, Sarah A., Mrs. 1858 * Wight, R. H., Mrs. 'Charter Member tDaughter or Rrranddaughter of Pioneers 36 Page Incorporation Papers 4 History 8 Preamble 9 Constitution 9 Article I Name 9 Article II Objects 9 Article III Qualifications 10 Article IV Officers 10 Article V Committees 11 Article VI Presidents 11 Article VII Duties of President and Vice-Presidents 11 Article VIII Recording Secretary 12 Article IX Seal 13 Article X Financial Secretary 13 Article XI Duties of Treasurer 13 Article XII Duties of Marshal 14 Article XIII Duties of Board of Directors 14 Article XIV Duties of Trustees 16 Article XV Historical Committee 17 Article XVI Elections 17 Article XVII Meetings 18 Article XVIII Visitors 18 Article XIX Duties of Members 19 Article XX Annual Celebration 19 Article XXI Application for Membership 19 Article XXII Floral Piece 20 Article XXIII Quorum 20 Article XXIV Withdrawal 20 Article XXV Discipline 21 Article XXVI Misconduct 21 Article XXVII Amendments to Constitution . . 21 Page By-Laws 22 Sec. 1. Candidates to Qualify 22 Sec. 2. Dues 22 Sec. 3. Auditing Committee 22 Sec. 4. Delinquencies 23 Sec. 5. Acceptance of Returning Members 23 Sec. 6. Misconduct 23 Sec. 7. Amendments 23 Sec. 8. Decorum 24 Sec. 9. Motion in Writing 24 Sec. 10. Honorary Members 24 Committee on Constitution and By-Laws 24 Order of Business 25 Officers 26 Board of Directors 27 Board of Trustees 27 Past Presidents 27 Honorary Members 27 List of Members 28 List of Deceased Members . . 35 000 614074 PR K- ' I'HiLi.irs iS: VAN UKI >AN KRANTlsrO