ACT OF INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS The Maine Historical Society. PORTLAND, ME. JULY, 1884. UCSB LIBRARY ACT OF INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS OP The Maine Historical Society. PORTLAND, ME. JULY, 1884. STEPHEN BERRY. PRINTER, PORTLAND. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ACT OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF MAINE. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. An Act to incorporate the Maine Historical Society. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature as- sembled, That William Allen, Albion K. Parris, Prentiss Mellen, William P. Preble, Ichabod Nichols, Edward Payson, Joshua Wingate, Junior, Stephen Longfellow, Junior, George Bradbury, Ashur Ware, Edward Russell, Ben- jamin Orr, Benjamin Hasey, William King, Daniel Rose, Benjamin Ames, Isaac Lincoln, Benjamin Vaughan, Nathan Weston, Junior, Daniel Coney, Robert H. Gardiner, Sanford Kingsbery, Eliphalet Gillet, Thomas Bond, John Merrick, Peleg Sprague, James Parker, Ariel Mann, Ebenezer T. Warren, Benjamin Tappan, Reuel Williams, James Bridge, Heze- kiah Packard, Samuel E. Smith, William Ab- bot, Leonard Jarvis, John Wilson, William D. Williamson, Jacob McGaw, David Sewall, John Holmes, Jonathan Cogswell, Josiah W. Seaver, William A. Hayes, Joseph Dane, Ether Shep- ley, Enoch Lincoln, Horatio G. Balch, and Judah Dana, with their fellows, or associates, and successors be, and they hereby are, made a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Maine Historical Society ; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be im- pleaded ; and may have a common seal, which they may alter at pleasure ; and may hold real estate, to an amount not exceeding the yearly value of five thousand dollars, and personal es- tate to an amount not exceeding, at any one time, fifty thousand dollars ; and may choose a President, Librarian, Treasurer, and such other officers, as they may think proper; and may make and ordain by-laws for the government of said Society; provided the same are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State. SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the annual meeting of said Society shall be held at Brunswick, on the Tuesday next preceding the annual Commencement at Bowdoin College, for the choice of officers, and the admission of fellows, and a general examination into the state of the funds and concerns of the Society. SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said Society to collect and preserve, as far as the state of their funds will admit, whatever, in their opinion, may tend to explain and illustrate any department of civil, ecclesiastical and natural history, especially of this State, and of the United States. And the Legislature of this State shall ever have the right to examine into and ascertain the con- dition of said Society, and to alter, limit, restrain, enlarge, or repeal any of the powers conferred by this charter of incorporation. SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That Pren- tiss Mellen, Ichabod Nichols and Edward Pay- son, or any two of them, are authorized to call the first meeting of said Society, for the purpose of organizing the same, to be held at such time and place as they may designate, by publishing a notification of such intended meeting two weeks successively in such of the public news- papers, printed in Portland and Hallowell, as they may think proper. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, February 4, 1822. This bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. BENJAMIN AMES, Speaker. IN SENATE, February 5, 1822. This bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. DANIEL ROSE, President. FEBRUARY 5, 1822. Approved, ALBION K. PARRIS. STATE OF MAINE. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. An Act repealing the second section of an Act entitled " An Act to incorporate the Maine Historical Society," passed February 5th, A. D. 1828, [should be 1822] and for other purposes. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature as- sembled, That the second section of the Act aforesaid, to which this is in addition, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Maine Historical Society be, and hereby are, authorized to hold their annual and other meetings, at such times and places as they may think proper. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, February 13, 1828. This Bill, having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. JOHN RUGGLES, Speaker. IN SENATE, February 14, 1828. This Bill, having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. ROBERT P. DUNLAP, President. February 15, 1828. Approved. ENOCH LINCOLN. The first meeting of the MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY was held at the Council Chamber in Portland, April nth, 1822, when it was duly organized, and the following officers chosen, viz: ALBION K. PARRIS, President. BENJAMIN HASEY, Recording Secretary. EDWARD RUSSELL, Corresponding Secretary. PRENTISS MELLEN, Treasurer. EDWARD PAYSON, Librarian. BY-LAWS OF THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, REVISED AND RE-ADOPTED JULY n, 1884. CHAPTER I OF MEMBERS. The Society shall consist of Resident, Corre- sponding and Honorary members. Resident members alone shall be required to contribute to the funds of the Society. ART. II. Each resident member shall pay to the Treasurer an admission fee of ten dollars for the general purposes of the Society. If he shall neglect to pay his fee for one year after being notified of his election, his election shall be void. The person so chosen shall be notified im- mediately by the Corresponding Secretary of his election, and be furnished with an attested copy of this article ; and the Treasurer shall, as cases may occur, report to the Society the names of those persons who have neglected to pay their admission fee. ART. III. Resident members shall be citizens of Maine, and their number shall not exceed one hundred. Corresponding members shall be elected from among persons who are not citizens of the State. When a resident member ceases to be a citizen of the State, his member- ship shall cease. Honorary members may be residents or non-residents of the State. ART. IV. A book shall be kept by the Re- cording Secretary, in which any resident mem- ber of the Society may enter the name of any person, whom he may regard as suitable to be nominated as a resident or corresponding mem- ber; which nomination is not to be made known abroad, but no nomination shall be made to the Society except by report of the Standing Committee. Persons may be nominated at any regular meeting of the Society, but no action shall be taken thereon except at the annual meeting. ART. V. All members shall be elected by ballot, but no election shall be valid unless there be fifteen members present, nor unless three-fourths of all the members present shall have voted affirmatively. Resident members only shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of the Society. ART. VI. Any resident member who shall fail to attend three successive annual meetings, and shall also fail to attend, within that period, the 10 other meetings of the Society, or who shall fail to comply with its requirements in respect to its publications, for the term of six months after he shall have been notified thereof, shall forfeit his membership, unless he shall send to the President, within the period embraced by said annual meetings, such excuse as shall be sat- isfactory to the Society. Provided, that the Society, at any annual meeting, may, in proper case, suspend the action of this rule. Persons who have forfeited their membership may be placed on a list of retired members, and shall have the right to attend the meetings and take part in the discussions, but without the right to vote. CHAPTER II OF MEETINGS. The meetings of the Society shall be as fol- lows: ART. I. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in Brunswick during Commence- ment week, at such time and place as the Standing Committee may appoint. At this meeting the officers of the Society, for the ensuing year, shall be chosen, and all business of the Society transacted. This meeting may be adjourned from day to day, but not for a longer period. ART. II. For the purpose of receiving and 11 reading papers, and the hearing of such ad- dresses as come within the purview of the So- ciety, meetings may be held in such places and at such times as the Standing Committee may direct. ART. III. At all meetings, as soon as the President has taken the chair, the record of the preceding meeting shall be read, after which, at special meetings, the business for which the meeting was called shall be transacted ; and at the regular meetings the order of business shall be as follows, viz : ist. The Librarian and Cabinet Keeper shall make a detailed report of whatever has been received by them since the last meeting. 2d. The Corresponding Secretary shall read any communications he may have received. 3d. The unfinished business and assign- ments of the last meeting shall be announced to the President, and taken up in their order. 4th. The Standing Committee shall be called upon to report its doings since the last meeting. 5th. Reports from other committees shall be called for, after which, members shall be called on to submit any propositions or com- munications on the objects of the Society ; and discuss any subjects proposed. ART. IV. Nine members shall be a quorum for all purposes, except the election of mem- 12 bers, as herein before provided, and excepting also alterations of the By-Laws, which shall not be made unless fifteen persons are present, nor unless the subject has been discussed, or re- ported on, at a previous meeting, by a commit- tee appointed for the purpose. ART. V. It shall be the duty of the Presi- dent, and in his absence, of the Vice President, to call special meetings of the Society, on the application in writing of the Standing Commit- tee or any five members, and the object of the call shall be stated in the notice. The time, place and object of the Annual and Special Meetings shall be published in at least three of the newspapers of this State, seven days before the meeting, by the Record- ing Secretary, or in his absence by the Corre- sponding Secretary, or in the absence or in- ability of both, by the President. CHAPTER III OF OFFICERS. ART. I. There shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting, a President, a Vice Presi- dent, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Sec- retary, a Treasurer, a Biographer, a Librarian, a Cabinet Keeper, and a Standing Committee of seven, of which committee four shall constitute a quorum, and said committee shall have au- thority to appoint a publishing committee when they shall judge it expedient. 13 ART. II. The President shall preside in all meetings of the Society when present, and when absent, the Vice-President. In absence of both, a temporary President shall be chosen by hand vote. The President shall be, ex-officio, chairman of the Standing Committee. The Recording Secretary shall keep an exact record of all the meetings of the Society with the names of the members present, and enter in full all reports of committees that may be accepted by the Society, unless otherwise di- rected. He shall be, ex-officio, a member of the Standing Committee. THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall carry on the correspondence of the Society not other- wise provided for, and deposit copies of the letters sent and the original letters received in regular files in the library. He shall inform all persons of their election as members of the Society, sending to Resi- dent Members the terms of their election. And he shall report to the annual meeting the names of the members of the Society who have failed at the end of the year to comply with the requirements of the by-laws. THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys 14 belonging to the Society, and shall make and keep fair entries in a book to be kept for that purpose, of all moneys and funds of the Society that may come to his hands, and of all receipts and expenditures connected with the same; which accounts shall be open to the inspection of the members ; and at every annual meeting shall exhibit in writing to the Society, a statement of his accounts, and of the funds of the Society, and the condition of all the property entrusted to him. He shall pay no moneys except on vote of the Society or upon the order of the Standing Committee. He shall give bond with sufficient sureties in the sum of eight thousand dollars. A committee of two persons, to be nominated by the chair, shall be appointed at the annual meeting to examine the Treasurer's accounts for the year, and report thereon at the succeed- ing annual meeting. THE BIOGRAPHER. It shall be the duty of the Biographer to request from each resident member an autobi- graphy in brief, also a cabinet photograph por- trait, and to report at each annual meeting the necrology of the members for the year. STANDING COMMITTEE. ART. I. The Standing Committee shall reg- ulate all the common expenses of the Society, 15 and make the necessary purchases of such articles as may be wanted, and shall have power to draw on the Treasurer to defray the expense. ART. II. They shall assist the Librarian and Cabinet Keeper when it shall be necessary, in arranging and preserving the books, manu- scripts, &c., belonging to the Society. ART. III. They shall frequently inspect the Records, and inquire whether all the orders of the Society are carried into effect with prompt- itude and fidelity. ART. IV. It shall be a part of their duty to inquire for, and take judicious measures, within the means of the Society, to procure books, manuscripts, and articles of curiosity, for the benefit of the institution. ART. V. They shall prepare such business as may deserve the attention of the Society. ART. VI. They shall report all nominations of persons for admission as members, and shall, at their discretion, as vacancies occur in the Society, report nominations for resident mem- bers to fill the same. ART. VII. All investments and changes of funds shall be under their direction. THE LIBRARY AND CABINET. ART. I. At every annual meeting of the Society, a catalogue of the books, pamphlets, 16 manuscripts and maps shall be laid before the Society by the Librarian, and a catalogue of the curiosities by the Cabinet Keeper. ART. II. Once every year, the Standing Committee shall report to the Society respect- ing the state of the Library and Cabinet. ART. III. No book shall be taken from the Library but with the knowledge of the Libra- rian, who shall make a record of the same. A member shall not have more than three books at a time without permission from the Standing Committee. No member shall retain a book more than eight weeks without leave of the Standing Committee ; nor, without the same leave, be permitted, after having it for that period, to return and receive it again, till after an interval of three months. ART. IV. The Publishing Committee may make use of the Library without restriction. ART. V. Newspapers and maps may be taken from the Library only by the Publishing Committee. ART. VI. Fines for not returning books according to the third article shall be ten cents per week for every book less than an octavo ; twenty cents for an octavo, thirty cents for a quarto, and forty cents for a folio. ART. VII. All persons who take books from 17 the Library shall be answerable for any injury or loss of the same, which shall be estimated by the Standing Committee. ART. VIII. The privilege of using the Li- brary shall be denied to those who are indebted to the Society for fines or assessments, and which are of longer standing than one month, provided they have received due notice of them from the Librarian or Standing Committee. ART. IX. All pamphlets shall be bound, and such a catalogue be kept by the Librarian as will render it easy for any member to find any pamphlet or manuscript in the Library he may wish to see. ART. X. He shall acknowledge each dona- tion that may be made to the Library or Cabinet, by a certificate addressed to the person making it. ART. XI. A printed ticket shall be pasted on the inside of the cover of each volume, signifying that it is the property of the Society, and, if a present, the name of the donor. ART. XII. He shall at every meeting report in writing all additions made to the Library or Cabinet since the preceding meeting, and at the annual meeting submit a detailed state- ment of their condition and the number of volumes, pamphlets and manuscripts in the Library. 18 ART. XIII. No maps, newspapers or books of great rarity or constant reference shall be taken from the Library except by vote of the Standing Committee. PUBLICATIONS. ART. I. Each resident member shall take and pay for the publications of the Society at their cost. ART. II. The Librarian is authorized and required to transmit to other societies the pub- lications of this Society in exchange for pub- lications received from them, and also to such public Institutions and Libraries as the Stand- ing Committee may designate. 19 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OFFICERS FOR 1884-85. President, Cor. Secretary, Treasurer, Biographer, JAMES WARE BRADBURY, Augusta, Me. Vice President, WILLIAM GRISWOLD BARROWS, Brunswick, Me. WILLIAM GOOLD, LEWIS PIERCE, Windham, Me. Portland, Me. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, Belfast, Me. Recording Secretary, ) TT Librarian, [ HUBBARD WIXSLOW BRYANT, Cabinet Keeper, ) Portland, Me. 20 STANDING COMMITTEE. KUFUS KING SEWALL, Wiscasset, Me. WILLIAM BERRY LAPHAM, Augusta, WILLIAM GOOLD, Windham, " EDWARD HENRY ELWELL, Deering, JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, Belfast, JAMES PHINNEY BAXTER, Portland, JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN, Brunswick, 21 RESIDENT MEMBERS, JULY, 1884. Allen, Charles Frederick Anderson, John Farwell Appleton, John Bailey, Samuel Donnell Barker, Lewis Barrows, George Bradley Barrows, William Griswold Baxter, James Phinney Berry, Stephen Blake, Samuel Harward Boardman, Samuel Lane Bourne, Edward Emerson Bradbury, James Ware Brown, John Marshall Brown, Philip Henry Bryant, Hubbard Winslow Burnham, Edward Payson Burrage, Henry Sweetser Butler, Francis Gould Chamberlain, Joshua '. Chapman, Henry Leland Chase, Alden Fitzroy Cilley, Jonathan Prince Connor, Selden Cram, Marshall Crosby, Josiah Residence. Election. rick Brunswick, 1884. rell Portland, 1881. Ban go r, 1864. ell Bath, 1878. Ban go r, 1872. dley Fryeburg, 1880. iswold Brunswick, 1862. ley Portland, 1878. Portland, 1882. ard Bangor, 1869. ane Augusta, 1868. ?rson Kennebunk, 1877. ire Augusta, 1846. ,11 Portland, 1865. T 1872. nslow " 1865. ayson Saco, 1870. etser Portland, 1878. d Farmington, 1881. Lawrence Brunswick, 1865. and " 1877. Bucksport, 1884. ace Kockland, 1877. Augusta, 1877. Brunswick, 1870. Dexter, 1867. 22 Cushman, David Quimby Bath, 1859. Dalton, Asa Portland, 1882. Daveis, Edward Henry Portland, 1881. Peering, Henry Portland, 1877. Dike, Samuel Fuller Bath, 1864. Douglas, Joshua Lufkin Bath, 1884. Drummond, Josiah Hayden Portland, 1878. Duren, Elnathan Freeman Bangor, 1867. Elder, Janus Granville Lewiston, 1867. Elwell, Edward Henry Deering, 1879. Emery, Lucilius Alonzo Ellsworth, 1877. Emery, George Freeman Portland, 1884. Field, Edward Mann Bangor, 1869. Fiske, John Orr Bath, 1859. Frye, Wakefield Gale Belfast, 1882. Gardiner, Kohert Hallowell Gardiner, 1868. Gilman, Charles Jervis Brunswick, 1864. Goddard, Charles William Portland, 1883. Goold, William Windham, 1873. Gould, William Edward Portland, 1879. Hall, Edward Winslow Waterville, 1881. Ham, Jacob Barker Lewiston, 1881. Haskell, Thomas Hawes Portland, 1877. Hathaway, Joshua Warren Norridgewock, 1873. Hight, Horatio Portland, 1881. Hill, Winfield Scott Augusta, 1881. Humphrey, Samuel Fisher Bangor, 1872. Holway, Oscar Augusta, 1882. Hyde, Thomas Worcester Bath, 1878. Ingalls, Henry Wiscasset, 1870. Jackson, George Edwin Bartol Portland, 1866. Johnson, Edward Belfast, 1883. Lapham, William Berry Augusta, 1872. Levensaler, Henry Coombs Thomastou, 1882. Little, George Thomas Brunswick, 1881. Longfellow, Alexander Wads worth Portland, 1873. 23 Libby, Charles Freeman Portland, 1884. Manning, Prentice Cheney Portland, 1882. Morrell, Hiram Kelley Gardiner, 1883. Nash, Charles Elventon Augusta, 1883. Nealley, Edward Bowdoin Bangor, 1877. Neely, Henry Adams Portland, 1868. Packard, Alpheus Spring Brunswick, 1829. Paine, Albert Winslow Bangor, 1881. Perham, Sidney Portland, 1872. Peters, John Andrew Bangor, 1866. Pierce, Lewis Portland, 1869. Porter, Joseph Whitcomb Bangor, 1877. Putnam, William LeBaron Portland, 1881. Eichardson, Hobart Wood Portland, 1877. Roberts, Charles Wentworth Bangor, 1872. Sewall, Frederic Dummer Bath, 1861. Sewall, John Smith Bangor, 1869. Sewall, Rufus King Wiscasset, 1859. Small, Albion Woodbury Waterville, 1881. Smith, William Robinson Augusta, 1879. Sprague, John Francis Monson, 1884. Stewart, David Dinsmore St. Albans, 1879. Symonds, Joseph White Portland, 1882. Talbot, George Foster Portland, 1867. Tenney, Albert Gorham Brunswick, 1872. Thayer, Henry Otis Woolwich, 1880. Thomas, William Widgery, Jr. Portland, 1870. Torsey, Henry Pierson Readfield, 1854. True, Nathaniel Tuckerman Bethel, 1861. Waterman, John Anderson Gorham, 1864. Wheeler, George Augustus Castine, 1876. Williams, Joseph Hartwell Augusta, 1864. Williamson, Joseph Belfast, 1850. Witherle, William Howe Castine, 1868. Wood, William Portland, 1881. Woods, Noah Bangor, 1872. Young, Stephen Jewett Brunswick, 1877. UCSB LIBRARY 000 653 509