SB bflfl GIFT OF . W . E. VU^X for % $iraropwnt of &rf8, IpTOfacfttm, anto Cmnnuw. CANTOR LECTURES. ON THE [LINE OR COAL TAR COLOURS. THKEE LECTURES, DELIVERED BEFORE THE ABOVE SOCIETY, BY W. H. PBRKIN, ESQ., F. E. S Reprinted from the "Journal of the Society of Arts." LONDON : W. TROUNCE, PRINTER, 9, CURSITOR-STREET, CHANCERY-LANE. 1869. ON THE MILINE OE COAL TAR COLOURS, LECTURE I. DELIVERED MONDAY, DECEMBER TTH, 1868. COAL TAR, BENZOL, NITROBENZOL, ANILINE, AND ANILINE PURPLE OR MAUVE, In this short course of lectures it is my desire to bring before you a somewhat condensed history of the artificial colouring matters, generally known as the " Coal Tar Colours." By this designation it is not meant to imply that colouring matters actually exist in coal tar, and may, therefore, be extracted from it, but that coal tar is the source of certain products which, when changed by various chemical processes, are capable of yielding coloured derivatives. You will thus perceive that it is important for us to consider the various means employed to obtain the raw materials before giving our attention to the colouring matters themselves. We will, therefore, at once proceed to the consideration of "coal tar;" its formation and constitution. Coal tar consists of the oily fluid formed by the destruc- tive distillation of coal, and is obtained as a secondary product in the manufacture of coal gas. Originally, coal tar was a great nuisance to the gas manufacturer, and it was often a problem to him what he should do with it. I need scarcely say that this state of things is now changed. In the gas works the coal is distilled in large retorts, sometimes 25 or 30 feet in length. They are made of fire-clay or iron, and several are arranged in one furnace, or oven, as it is usually termed. Each retort is fitted with an iron mouth-piece, from which a vertical tube rises, the mouth-piece also having a door fastened with a cross-bar and screw. When in use these retorts are rapidly filled with coal by means of a proper scoop, and then the doors luted and fixed so as to be air-tight. Distillation commences immediately, as the retorts are constantly kept red hot. The gas and other products which form pass up the front vertical pipe (connected with the mouth piece), through a bend, and down into a long horizontal tube, called the " hydraulic main." Here most of the oily products condense, and as they accumulate pass on with the gas down the general main, and flow into a tank provided for their reception. These oily products constitute "coal tar." The coal gas, leaving this tar behind, passes on to the condensers, and deposits a second but smaller quantity of tar, and is then purified and stored in the gas holders. The gas, however, does not interest us now. I am here distilling some coal in a small glass retort, the beak of which is inserted into one of the openings of a three-necked receiver. The second opening is con- nected with the tube, so that the gaseous products may be examined, whilst the third and lower one is fitted to a small bottle, in which you see we have already obtained a quantity of an oily fluid. This is our coal tar. 242941 Having now seen how coal tar is produced, we will consider of what it consists. Coal tar is by no means a definite body, but contains a great number of different substances, as a glance at the following table will show : TABLE I. PRODUCTS OF THE DISTILLATION OF COAL. Name. Formula. Boiling point. Centigr. HH t Marsh gas (hydride of methyl) Hydride of hexyl (CH 3 )H (C 6 H 13 >H 65 Hydride of octyl 'C 8 H 17 >H 106 m T-T >TT (^ 10 1 21 J-tl 158 Olefiant gas (ethylent:) C.& 4 Propylene (tritylene) cX Caproylene (hexylene) 55 OEnanthylene (heptylene) Paraffin . H? 99 C 2 H, . . Benzol oX 80-8 oX 97-5 Toluol C 7 H 8 110 Xylol OX 139 oX 148-4 Ci n-H-l 4 1707 Naphthalene c X 212 Paranaphthalene (anthracene). . n TT %fe; C 15 H 4 Water {I} 100 I H ) / H U { TT > O IHJ ( H \q < /nxr\ 4 " I (9 ) J CO 1 1 COj . . CS 2 47 S0 2 10 l fC* TT C\\ 1 120 \ (C 2 H 3 O) J H J Q 188 \ (C 6 H 5 ) j (,AJ 203 Phlorylic alcohol (phlorol) I (C,H,) i {C<&)} Name. Formula. Boiling point. (Viiti.::r. (H) H N 33 (H) I (C ^MN 182 ( H ) (C.H.)'"N 115 (LH, 131 (CLHJ"^ 154 (C.H'irN 170 O!H"Y"N 188 c'rf! a Y"N 211 C^H,, '"N 230 Viridine c "H ;>N 251 011,'% 235 C 10 H S )'"N 260 oiXiHB 256 C*H>N 133 HCN 26-5 This list, however, does not indicate all the constituents of coal tar, but only those which chemists have tip to the present time succeeded in separating from it ; more- over, when we consider how greatly coal differs in composition, and also that the products vary according to the temperature to which the coal has been submitted, it is evident that coal tar must be an almost endless source of chemical products. Many would perhaps consider this list a perfectly hopeless jumble of names impossible to impress upon the memory ; but, fortun- ately, chemists are able to classify their products, so that this formidable array of substances may be grouped under three or four different heads only, and, therefore, their relationship being once understood, little difficulty is experienced in remembering their names. Amongst these products, and at the lower part of this table, you will observe a substance called "aniline." This substance is of great interest to us, being one of the principal sources of the coal-tar colours. Aniline was discovered by Unverdorben, in 1826, amongst the products of the distillation of indigo, and from its pro- perty of forming crystalline compounds with acids was called " crystalline." Afterwards Runge obtained it from the distillation of coal, and, because it gave a blue coloura- tion with a solution of chloride of lime, called it "kyanol " or blue oil. Fritzsche, still later, obtained aniline by the distillation of indigo with hydrate of potassium, and gave it its present name, derived from anil, the Portuguese for indigo. A.bout this time Zinin discovered a remarkable reaction, by which ho obtained aniline from a substance called nitrobenzol ; he called it, however, benzidam. The products obtained by these different chemists were not at first known to be identical ; and it was not until Dr. Hofmann investigated the subject that they were all shown to be the same body, aniline. Zinin' s process for the conversion of nitrobenzol into aniline consisted in treating the nitrobenzol with an alcoholic solution of sulphide of ammonium ; this was greatly improved upon by Bechainp, who employed a mixture of finely-divided iron and acetic acid, in place -of sulphide of ammonium. This is a brief sketch of the history of aniline up to the time of the discovery of the mauve dye ; it was then purely a laboratory product, and was prepared in very small quantities at the time, and only when required for scientific research. Chemists have always been desirous of producing natural organic bodies artificially, and have in many instances been successful. It was while trying to solve one of these questions that I discovered the " mauve." I was endeavouring to convert an artificial base into the natural alcaloid quinine, but my experi- ment, instead of yielding the colourless quinine, gave a reddish powder. With a desire to understand this peculiar result, a different base of more simple construc- tion was'selected, viz., aniline, and in this case I obtained a perfectly black product; this was purified and dried, and when arlic acid. In working on tin; largo scale it is necessary to add the nitrobenzol and ace tit- acid in small quantities at a time, otherwise the re- action is so violent as to almost burst the apparatus : by working carefully, however, there is no need to fear any difficulties, especially if the stirrer is well used. By the time all the charge has been introduced, a quantity of fluid will have distilled orer ; this is returned into the cylinder and the fire lit, and the aniline distilled off. The principal change which has taken place in this process consists in using high pressure or superheated steam for the distillation instead of fire, and working the apparatus by means of a steam-engine instead of by hand. In Fig. 4 is shown a sketch of the apparatus now generally employed for the preparation of aniline. You will observe that the stirrer, which is worked by bevel wheels, has a hollow shaft or spindle, , as seen in the section. This is ground to an elbow, , connected to the steam main, e, and held down by a screw, so that when the steam is turned on, it passes through the hollow elbow down the shaft, and then blows out at the bottom, d, among the products ; and in this manner the aniline is volatilized, and passes with the steam through the neck, , and is condensed by a worm, not shown in this drawing. Aniline thus obtained is generally redistilled, and sometimes with a little lime or caustic soda, for the purpose of decomposing a body called acetanilide, which is often produced in the manufacture of aniline, especially if the operation is conducted over a fire instead of with steam. Commercial aniline generally appears of a pale sherry colour ; when chemically pure, it is colourless, but if kept long it becomes quite brown. It possesses a peculiar odour, which is slightly vinous when the aniline is pure. It burns with a smoky flame, but is not very inflammable ; its boiling point is 182 C. One of its most characteristic re-actions is its power of producing a blue or blue violet colouration with chloride of lime, to which I shall again have occasion to refer. Aniline differs entirely from benzol and nitrobenzol, being perfectly soluble in dilute acids. This is owing to its being an organic base, and forming compounds with acids. Thus with hydro- chloric acid, it forms hydrochlorate of aniline ; with sulphuric acid, sulphate of aniline, &c. We will now, in a very rapid and general way, glance at the chemical changes which take place in converting benzol into nitrobenzol and aniline. Benzol, as I have already stated, is a hydrocarbon, i.e., a body composed of hydrogen and carbon only ; it is represented by 6 H 6 This is treated with nitric acid, which contains HNO, The nitric acid acts upon the benzol and introduces its nitrogen and part of its oxygen, at the same time removing hydrogen and forming water. ?j^ + 2^2 = SlEt^IP.! + H 2 O Nitric acid. Benzol. Nitrobenzol. Water. Nitrobenzol, when treated with iron and acetic acid, is converted into aniline by the influence of hydrogen gas, in what is termed the nascent state, or the peculiar condition in which it is when being liberated from a compound. This hydrogen unites with the oxygen of nitrobenzol and removes it as water, and at the same time two atoms of hydrogen combine with the deoxygenated nitrobenzol, forming aniline. C 6 H 5 N0 2 + H 6 = C 6 H,N + 2H 2 Nitrobenzol. Aniline. FlG. 4. 8 Having now seen the various operations which require to be performed for the production of aniline from coal tar, AVC are prepared for the consideration of its coloured derivatives. We will, therefore, commence at once with the first of the coal tar colours, " the mauve dye." I have already t;iven you the history of its discovery; I will now tell you how it is made. First of all aniline and sulphuric acid, in the proper proportions for the formation of sulphate of aniline, are mixed in a large vat with water, and boiled until perfectly dissolved. Bichromate of potassium is then dissolved in a second largo vat. These two solutions, when cold, are mixed in a third and still larger vessel, and allowed to stand one or two days. In this way a large quantity of a fine black precipitate is formed ; this is collected upon shallow filters, well washed with water, and then dried. When dry it is a most unpromising sooty -black powder, and contains various products besides the mauve ; the most troublesome of these is a brown, resinous product, soluble in most of the solvents of the colouring matter itself. At first this resinous substance was removed by digestion with coal tar naphtha previously to the extrac- tion of the colouring matter, which was afterwards effected with methylated spirits of wine, and the solution thus obtained when distilled left the mauve as a fusible bronze-coloured mass. When digesting the black precipitate with naphtha or strong spirits of wine, the operation had to be performed in closed vessels under pressure or in connection with a condensing arrangement, otherwise large quantities of these valuable solvents would have been lost, and great difficulty was experienced in getting apparatus perfectly tight, on account of the " searching" character of these fluids. Substitutes had also to be found for the ordinary materials employed by engineers for making good manhole joints, and a number of other matters which are apparently of but small importance, but it is remarkable the amount of difficulty and annoy- ance they caused. The method of extraction has, however, been materially improved upon by substi- tuting dilute methylated spirits of wine for strong, as this weaker spirit dissolves only a small quantity ol resinous matter but all the colouring matter, so that the digestion with coal tar naphtha is now found unnecessary. The solution of the colouring matter in dilute spirit is placed in a still and the spirit distilled off, the colour- ing matter remaining behind in aqueous solution ; this is filtered and then precipitated with caustic soda. It is afterwards collected on a filter, washed with water, and drained until of a thick pasty consistence, and, i: necessary, dried. The solid mauve dissolves very freely in spirits o wine, forming an intensely coloured solution ; it is also soluble to a small extent in water, but the aqueous solution on cooling forms a kind of jelly. The formation of the mauve or aniline purple by th< action of bichromate of potassium upon sulphate o aniline is a process of oxidation, and since the pub lication of the original specification at the Paten Office a great number of patents have been taken out for the preparation of this colouring matter, in which the bichromate has been replaced by ther oxidizing agents, as peroxide of lead, permanga- late of potassium, peroxide of manganese, chloride of ime, ferricyanide of potassium, chloride of copper, &c. ; ut I need not make any special remarks upon these various processes, as experience has shown that bichro- mate of potassium and a salt of aniline, the reagents first roposed, possess advantages over all others, and are low nearly universally employed for the preparation of iniline purple. The next best process appears to bo ,hat of Dale and Caro, in which chloride of copper is jmployed. The affinity of aniline purple for silk or wool is very remarkable, and if I take some wool and pass it through i solution of mauve, you will see how rapidly it absorbs .t, even from a very dilute solution. Aniline purple is sent into the market in three different conditions, in paste, in solution, and in crystals ; but the latter are very rarely employed, as they are very expensive and do not offer corresponding advantages to the consumer. The mauve is the most permanent coal-tar purple mown, especially with respect to its power of resisting Lhe action of light. I will now endeavour to give you some idea of the approximate amount of the various products we have considered obtainable from lOOlbs. of coal, and for this purpose I have arranged them in the following table with their respective weights : Iba. ozs. Coal 100 Coal-tar 10 12 Coal-tar naphtha Benzol Nitrobenzol Aniline Mauve You see the smallness of the amount of colouring matter obtainable from coal or coal tar; but there is fortunately one thing which, to some extent, compensates for this, and that is the wonderful intensity of this colouring matter. I will illustrate this remarkable fact. I have here a large carboy containing nine gallons of water, and will now add to this a solution containing one grain of rnauve, and illuminate the liquid with the magnesium lamp, and you see the single grain has coloured this large bulk of water. A gallon of water contains 70,000 grains, therefore nine gallons contain 630,000 grains. This solution, then, contains only one part of mauve to 630,000 of water. I have now shown you the manifold operations which have to be performed before we can derive the mauve from coal tar, and have also mentioned a few of the obstacles which had to be overcome before its manufac- ture on the large scale could be accomplished. We have thus laid the ground work of our subject, and in our next lecture I hope to tell you a little more about mauve, and then give an account of the many other colouring matters of which it may be considered the parent. LECTURE II. DELIVERED MONDAY, DECEMBER MTU, 1868. MAUVE, MAGENTA, AND SOME OF THEIR DERIVATIVES. You will rcmcmLcr that in my last lecture we went over all the various steps between coal and colour. . We saw how coal tar was produced from coal ; how coal tar, naphtha, and benzol were separated from coal tar; how nitrobenzol and aniline were made from benzol, and concluded with an account of the preparation of aniline purple, or mauve from aniline. We will now proceed to the study of some of the most remarkable properties of aniline purple. This colouring matter is sometimes supplied to con- sumers in a pure and beautifully crystalline condition. This product is found to be a salt of a compound, chemically termed an organic base. This base has been called " mauveine ;" it is composed exclusively of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, in the following pro- portions : C 27 H 24 N 4 Mauveine, although the base of aniline purple, when in solution is not of a purple but of a dull violet shade, and in the solid state is a nearly black crystalline powder. The moment, however, mauveine is brought in contact with an acid so as to form a salt, its solution changes to a purple colour. This takes place even with that feeble acid cai'bonic. I have here a dilute solution of mauveine ; you will observe the dull violet colour it possesses, but if my assistant only breathes through it a few moments the carbonic acid of his breath will combine with it, and it will acquire the ordinary colour of aniline purple. Mauveine is a most powerful chemical body, and will easily decompose ammoniacal salts. This may be readily seen if some mauveine be heated with chloride of ammonium and a little water, when an abundance of ammonia gas will be evolved, which can be distin- guished not only by its odour, but by the white fumes it produces with hydrochloric acid. The salts of mauveine are beautifully crystalline, and possess a splendid green metallic lustre. The crystal- lised commercial product consists of the acetate. Mauveine possesses one of the peculiar properties of indigo, indigo, when treated with reducing agents, such as a mixture of sulphate of iron and lime, is rendered nearly colourless and soluble, but this colourless indigo, when subjected to the oxidising influence of the atmo- sphere, rapidly becomes blue again. I here refer to the indigo vat so much used by dyers. Mauveine, when treated in a similar manner, is also nearly decolourised, changing to a pale brownish yellow fluid, but the moment this is exposed to the air it assumes its original colour far more quickly than indigo. This remarkable fact may be strikingly illustrated by boiling an alcoholic solution of salt of mauveine with a few strips of zinc in a sealed tube from which the air has been previously removed. The dark purple solution will gradually lose its colour, and change to a very pale-yellowish brown shade. I have a tube containing some aniline purple decolour- ised in this manner, and now if I open it, the air rushes in and the solution instantly assumes the ordinary purple colour. Ordinary indigo is quite insoluble in water, and, therefore, its property of becoming soluble, as well as colourless, when treated with reducing agents, is of great practical value, as the dyer, by immersing his goods in this solution of indigo, and then exposing them to the oxidising influence of the air, gets the colouring matter firmly fixed in the fibre of his materials. But as the mauve is always soluble in water, this property has not been found of any practical value. Aniline purple, when introduced as a dye, being the first colour of its kind, had to encounter many prejudices, and, on account of its peculiar nature, required the adoption of new or modified processes for its application. These difficulties, however, once overcome, its progress was very rapid. At first it was principally employed by the silk dyer and printer, its application to silk being comparatively easy, but it was not used by the calico- printer till a few years afterwards. I distinctly remember, the first time I induced a calico- printer to make trials of this colour, that the only report I obtained was that it was too dear, and it was not until nearly two years afterwards, when French printers put aniline purple into their patterns, that it began to interest British printers. It will be seen that to introduce a new coal-tar colour after the mauve was a comparatively simple matter. The difficulty in the manufacture of all the raw mate- rials had been overcome, as well as the obstacles in the way of the practical applications of an aniline colour tc the arts. We will now turn our attention to a colouring matter which has often been confounded with aniline purple. I have designated it as "Runge's blue," as it was first observed by Hunge. I have mentioned that Runge, when he first obtained aniline, termed it "kyanol," or blue oil, on account of the blue-coloured solution it gave with chloride of lime. After discovering the mauve, I naturally made experi- / ments with this coloured product of Runge's, to see if its contained aniline purple, but my experiments answered the inquiry in the negative. A few years afterwards, however, I was puzzled by finding that French manu- facturers were beginning to produce aniline purple by the agency of chloride of lime and a salt of aniline ; being much occupied at that time, I was unable to look care- fully into the matter ; and it was not until investigating these apparently opposite results a short time since that I was able to understand them. I will perform Runge's experiments, and for that purpose will take a solution of hydrochlorato of aniline, and add to it a very dilute solution of chloride of lime (taking care not to add too much). The solution is now changing, and getting slightly opaque ; by daylight it has an appearance like indigo, but if I render it clear by the addition of alcohol, and place it before the magnesium lamp, it is seen to be of a brilliant colour, and nearly pure blue, quite unlike aniline purple. I have lately succeeded in obtaining this blue product in the solid condition, by treating a solution of hydro - chlorate of aniline with a dilute solution of chloride of lime, and precipitating the resulting colouring matter with common salt; it is thus obtained in an impure con- dition, and may be collected upon a filter ; by treatment with cold ether or benzol, a large quantity of brown im- purities are separated, the colouring matter being left in the solid condition. This substance dissolves in alcohol, forming a nearly pure blue solution, and is capable of dyeing silk a blue or blue-violet colour. An alcoholic solution of Runge's blue behaves with caustic potash quite differently to aniline purple, forming a brownish red-coloured solution instead of a violet. Therefore, there can no longer be any reason for con- founding this body with aniline purple, it being entirely different, both in colour and chemical properties. But as this colouring matter is produced by oxidising hydro- chlorate of aniline with chloride of lime, how is it that manufacturers have succeeded in preparing aniline purple with the same re-agents ? This question I find is very easy to answer ; the manufacturer has gone a step further and boiled his product. Now, if I take a piece of silk dyed with Runge's blue, and, instead of boiling it, which would wet it, and make it difficult to manipulate, do that which is equivalent steam it a very remarkable change takes place Runge's blue being changed into the mauve. So, here we have cleared up the mystery, and find that by the action of chloride of lime on hydrochlorate of aniline, we first get Runge's blue, and then, by heating this blue, we change it into mauve. Runge's blue is a very unstable body, and of no practical value, its alcoholic solution changing into mauve in a day or two. This change takes place directly by boiling. We must now pass on to another colouring matter, in name well-known to all of you, I mean magenta, also called roseine, fuchsine, aniline red, and various other names. The discovery of this body and its manufacture were strangely dependent upon the source which had been selected for the preparation of aniline for the mauve. Had the aniline contained in coal tar, or the aniline obtained from indigo, been employed for the preparation of the mauve, instead of that prepared from commercial benzol, magenta and its train of 10 coloured derivatives would in all probability have remained unknown to this present day, from the simple fact that magenta cannot be produced from pure aniline, a second body being also required. You will observe, by reference to the table of coal tar products, that next to benzol there is a substance named toluol, a substance having a boiling point not very much above that of benzol. On this account toluol is always contained in commercial benzol, and possesses most of its properties. With nitric acid it forms nitrotoluol, very similar to nitrobenzol ; with iron and acetic acid it is converted into a base, toluidine, very similar to aniline, except that it is solid instead of liquid, when pure. Therefore, aniline prepared from com- mercial benzol always contains a little toluidine, and this is the second body requisite for the formation of magenta. An apparatus for the fractional distillation of coal tar naphtha has been devised, so that its constituents may be almost completely separated from each other, and thus pure benzol or pure toluol may be obtained.* Having obtained these hydrocarbons, pure aniline and pure toluidine may be prepared and then mixed in the most suitable proportions for manufacturing magenta. This process is not very generally employed, however, but the quality of the mixture of aniline and toluidine is determined by distillation, noting the quantities which come over at different temperatures. The necessity of toluidine as well as aniline for the production of magenta was discovered by Dr. Hofmann, who found that it could not be produced by perfectly pure aniline, nor perfectly pure toluidine, but that a mixture of these two bases yielded it in quantity. Magenta was apparently first observed by Natanson, in 1856, when examining the action of chloride of ethylene on aniline, and afterwards by Dr. Hofmann, in 1858, when studying the action of tetrachloride of carbon on aniline, but industrially the discovery of magenta was made by M. Virguin, of Lyons, in 1859, three years after the mauve. M. Virguin' s process consisted in treating commercial aniline with a fuming liquid, called tetrachloride of tin, and was first carried out by Messrs. Renard Brothers, of Lyons. Since 1859 patents have been taken out for the production of this colouring matter with aniline, and almost all chemicals known, whether capable or incapable of forming magenta. I may mention one process which was extensively employed, and is still used to some extent in Germany, and that is the method of making magenta with commercial aniline and nitrate of mercury. With care this process works very well, and the colour- ing mutter produced is of good quality. When first introduced, mngenta prepared by this method was not purified, but sent into the market in a crude form, so that before using it the dyer had to extract it with water. In the preparation of magenta by this process, all the mercury of the nitrate of mercury employed is recovered in the metallic state, but although this process may possess some advantages, vet the use of mercury salts is most undesirable, on account of their fearfully deleterious influence upon the workmen. The process, which has almost superseded all others, is that for the use of arsenic acid, as proposed by Med- lock, and patented by him in January, I860. This patent is notorious for the amount of litigation it has caused, showing that a patentee should not only be a discoverer but a lawyer, and even more, and able to discover precisely how much to claim and disclaim in his patent, and also to arrange his specification so that the intellects of the whole world may not be able to dis- cover a single flaw in his description ; and it is a com- mon misfortune to inventors who wish to thoroughly protect themselves, to find that they have claimed too much. The manufacture of magenta, as now carried on, is a * See " Clarke's Specification," A.D. 1863. June 5th, No. 1,405. very simple process ; it is conducted in an apparatus somewhat similar to that represented by fig. 5. FIG. 5, This apparatus consists of a large iron pot, a, about 4ft. diameter, set in a furnace of brick-work ; it is provided with a stirrer, b, worked by hand. All the gearing for this stirrer is fixed to the lid, so that stirrer, lid, and ail may be lifted away by means of a crane, or other suit- able apparatus. There is also a bent tube fixed into the lid, and connected to a condensing worm, fl, by means of a joint, which can be made or broken at pleasure. In preparing magenta, a quantity of aniline, containing about 25 per cent, of toluidine, and a nearly-saturated solution of arsenic acid, is introduced into this appara- tus, and well mixed by working the stirrer ; the pro- portions of the materials are in aboxit the ratio of 1 of aniline to 1'5 of a 75 per cent, solution of arsenic acid. When these are well mixed the fire is lighted. After the product has been heated for some time water begins to distil over, then aniline and water, and lastly nearly pure aniline. This operation requires some hours for completion, and this is determined by inserting an iron rod, from time to time, and drawing out a portion of the product for examination, as well as by the amount of aniline which distils over. When the heating has been completed, a steam-pipo is introduced into the apparatus, and steam blown through the fused mass ; by this means an addi- tional quantity of aniline is separated. The lid is then liberated and lifted, with the stirrer, from the apparatus, and the product left to cool before it is removed. A more elaborate and larger apparatus is sometimes used, which possesses considerable advantages over the smaller one. The iron pot is larger, and is provided with an outlet at the side, which is closed during the opera- tion, and the shaft of the stirrer is hollow (as in the aniline apparatus described last lecture, fig. 4), and worked by sl':mi. When the operation of heating is concluded, steam is blown down the shaft, and after the addition of water the product is boiled and run out of the outlet in the side of the pot; by this arrangement it is unnecessary to disconnect the lid of the apparatus, and the product does not require to be removed by me- chanical me;m<, as with the apparatus previously de- scribed. The crude product obtained by heating aniline and arsenic acid, is next transferred to vats, boiled with water and filtered. Common salt is then added, which precipitates the crude magenta; this is collected and dissolved in boiling water, again filtered, and the solution, on cooling, deposits the colouring matter in the crystal- lino condition. This, when recrystallised, constitutes commercial magenta. 11 Commercial magenta consists of brilliant crystals, sometimes half-an-inch in length, having a beautiful golden green metallic appearance ; these dissolve in warm water almost entirely, forming an intense purplish red solution. Dr. Hofmann has carefully studied the chemical nature of magenta, and has found it to consist of the salt of an organic base, which he has called rosaniline. This base may be obtained from the commercial product, by dissolving it in water and boiling it with an alkali, or alkaline earth, such as ammonia, potash, or lime ; it is thus rendered nearly colourless, and after filtration rosaniline separates from the clear solution, on cooling, in colourless crystals. It is composed of carbon, hydro- gen, and nitrogen when anhydrous, but generally contains un equivalent of water also. The anhydrous base has the formula C 20 H 19 N 3 This colourless base immediately becomes dark red upon combining with an acid, as I can show you by heating some with acetic acid, when the colour is immediately developed. The magenta produced by heating commercial aniline with nitrate of mercury is the nitrate of rosaniline ; that produced with arsenic acid is the arseniate, but in the process of purifica- tion this latter salt becomes converted into hydro- chlorate, which is the salt most generally found in the market. Other salts are also commercially manufac- tured, such as the oxalate and acetate, especially when a very pure product is required; these salts are generally prepared from pure rosaniline, by combining it with the required acid, and crystallising from water. The acetate of rosaniline crystallises in magnificent octahedra, possessing the ordinary golden green metallic lustre to a very high degree ; it is also the most soluble salt of rosaniline known. The affinity of rosaniline salts for animal fibres is very great ; it does not, however, resist the action of light nearly to the same extent as the mauve. All the derivatives of rosaniline also possess a very great affinity for animal fibres, in most cases quite equal to that of magenta itself. When speaking of aniline purple, I showed you that by reducing agents it became colourless, or nearly so, but that the original colour was developed when it was exposed to the oxygen of the air. Salts of rosaniline or magenta are also decolourised by reducing agents, but, unlike aniline purple, the colour is not restored by exposure to the air. Dr. Hofmann has found that in this case a new organic base is produced which he has called leucaniline. This substance differs only from rosaniline in containing an additional quantity of hydro- gen. It may be reconverted into rosaniline by oxidising agents such as bichromate of potassium, Sec. There is another very peculiar reaction of rosaniline. This base, when brought in contact with hydrocyanic acid, instead of forming a coloured hydrocyanate of rosaniline, yields a perfectly colourless body, which is not a salt but a base. This remarkable fact was dis- covered by Dr. Hugo Muller, and he has called this new body hydrocyanrosiline. We shall have occasion to refer again to this substance and leucaniline. In the formation of magenta, a second product is obtained, commercially called phosphinc. This substance was first introduced by Mr. E. Nicholson. Dr. Hofmann has investigated it, and found it also to contain an organic base, which he has called chrysaniline. Phosphinc or chrysaniline is not capable of being pro- duced at will, and the quantity formed in the manu- facture of magenta is variable. In shade it is of rather a yellow orange. This colouring matter differs from rosaniline, the base of magenta, in exactly the opposite direction to leucaniline, containing two atoms less of hydrogen. Leucaniline, rosaniline, and chrysaniline, are thus related : Leucaniline C 20 H 21 N 3 Eosaniline C 20 H 19 N 3 Chrysaniline C ZO TL 1 7 N_ The principal use of phosphine is for the formation of a scarlet with magenta. It is not converted into magenta, nor decolourized with reducing agents or hydrocyanic acid, and therefore does not seem to be of the same class of colouring matters as rosaniline. From the residues obtained in the manufacture of magenta three new colours have been obtained by Messrs. G-irard and Delaire, but, I am sorry to say, my time will not allow me to enter into the particulars of these pro- ducts. I believe they have not been commercially intro- duced as yet. Magenta is now more used as a source of other colours than as a dye. This has caused its manufacture to be conducted on a very extensive scale, and it is now looked upon by the manufacturer as a raw material much in the same way as aniline was regarded in the early days of aniline purple. We will next consider some of the derivatives of magenta, and the first we will study is aniline blue or bleu de Lyon. If aniline be treated with a salt of rosaniline or magenta, a remarkable change takes place ; at first the colour gradually becomes purple, biit afterwards gets quite blue, ammonia being evolved at the same time. This peculiar reaction was observed by MM. Girard and Delaire, who found that this change of colour was due to the formation of a new body, which they termed the bleu de Lyon ; intermediate products were likewise obtained, to which we shall refer presently. MM. Girard and Delaire patented their process in January, 1861. This new aniline blue is one of the most important of the artificial colouring matters, and its v manufacture has been very much improved upon since its discovery. There are several circumstances which materially influence the beauty of its tint, such as the quality of the aniline and the particular salt of rosaniline employed in its manufacture. It is found by experience that the aniline should be as pure and free from toluidine as possible, and that the salt of rosaniline should contain a feeble acid, such as the acetate, valerate, oleate, or benzoate ; but why the latter is necessary chemists are unable to understand at present. Practically, the various salts of rosaniline required for the manufacture of the blue are not prepared separately, but are produced in the operation by double decomposition, which is simply a process of exchange ; thus, if acetate of rosaniline is required, a mixture of hydrochlorate of rosaniline and acetate of sodium is employed ; these re-act on each other, and change into acetate of rosaniline and chloride of sodium. On the large scale, the process of making aniline blue is carried out in various ways, but many employ the apparatus shown in fig. 6. This apparatus con- sists of an oil bath, a, set in a brick furnace ; it has a cover, b, perforated with large holes ; into these holes are placed small enamelled cast-iron pots, recipitated with chloride of sodium, but sometimes it is irst treated with caustic alkali, to remove all the iodine, o that it may be recovered. Thus obtained, the colour- ing matter is of a golden lustre if of a blue shade, and of greenish if of a red shade. Like all the other colours we have considered, the EEofmann violets are nearly white organic bases, their composition differing according to the shade of colour, ;hus : A red shade is composed of .. C 22 H 23 N 3 A red violet shade, of ...... C 24 H 2 ,N 3 A very blue shade .......... C 2 6 H 3 1 N 3 The colours of the Hofmann violets are remarkable for ;heir brilliancy, but, unfortunately, they do not resist the action of light so well as might be desired ; it is re- markable, however, that the regard for fastness seems ;o have given way to the desire for brilliancy. In the early days of coal-tar colours fastness was so much talked about, that when magenta was first intro- duced it was thought by some that it would not be .argely used how different has it proved to be. ^ Al- though not very fast upon cotton, the Hofmann violets are sufficiently so for woollen and silk goods, as colours always resist the light better when applied to animal fibres. In the formation of Hofmann violets we see that rosaniline, when treated with iodide of ethyl, becomes blue, the red being converted into violet; but with mauveine, the base of the mauve, exactly the reverse takes place, the mauveine being converted into a much redder shade with iodide of ethyl. The colouring matter produced from mauveine and iodide of ethyl is com- mercially known as ' dahlia ;" the colour is intermediate in shade between aniline purple and magenta. This colouring matter possesses the same character for fast- ness as the mauve, and also gives the same reactions with acids; unfortunately it is rather expensive, and has therefore not been very extensively used. Lastly, there has been a process proposed for the pro- duction of colouring-matters similar to the Hofmann violets, by first converting the aniline into ethyl- aniline, a base previously discovered by Dr. Hofmann. It is found that by substituting this base for aniline, in some of the processes which have been employed for the manufacture of magenta, the ethyl-aniline yields purple or violet colouring-matters. This process has been patented by M.M. Poirier and Chappat, but the reaction appears to have been first ob- served by M. E. Kopp. From the great similarity of these colouring matters to the Hofmann violets, I need not enter into any lengthened description of their pro- perties. Sea- water contains, besides iodine, another remarkable element called bromine ; it is a liquid giving off very irritating orange-coloured vapours. This remarkable body yields, with many hydro- carbons, a great variety of compounds. With ordinary turpentine, it acts with great violence ; but if the action be moderated by the presence of a large quantity of water, a thick viscid oil is obtained. This body was examined by Mr. C. Greville Williams, who found it to possess the formula I have found that this substance, when heated with a solution of magenta in methylated spirits, produces a purple colouring matter of great beauty, commonly known as the Britannia violet ; it is very extensively employed for dyeing and printing, and can be produced of any shade, from purple to a blue violet. The Britannia violet possesses the golden green lustre so common to all, the aniline colours. It is easily fusible, amorphous, and very soluble in water. In my last lecture I showed you the great intensity of the mauve dye. I will now make a few experiments, to illustrate the great intensity of some of the colouring matters we have been considering this evening. I have here some screens of white paper, on which I have dusted a very small quantity of the solid colouring matters, so small a quantity that I dare say you can scarcely discover its presence. If I now project spirits of wine upon these screens, so as to dissolve the colours, you will see their remarkable intensity. Let us now consider for a moment the great rapidity with which the discovery of new coal-tar colours followed that of the mauve or aniline purple. Aniline purple was discovered in 1856 ; tlirce years afterwards, in 1859, the magenta was introduced. In 1861 we had the aniline blue; in 1863 the Hofmann violet; and in 1865 the Britannia violet. Thus we see that all these colours have not only been discovered, but introduced commercially, in a period of less than ten years. We have now reviewed the principal coal-tar colours, but there still remain some important ones for our con- sideration next lecture ; and although some of these are not at present largely used, yet it is to them, per- haps, that we may look for the future development of this branch of industry. LECTURE III. DELIVERED MONDAY, DECEMBER 21sT, 1868. VARIOUS ANILINE, PHENOL, AND NAPHTHALIN COLOURS -APPLICATION OF THE COAL TAR COLOURS TO THE ARTS. Last lecture we considered, among other subjects magenta and some of its coloured derivatives, as the' blues and violets. This evening we commence with some of the green colouring matters which have also been produced from magenta. The first green colouring matter we shall consider is the "aldehyd green," which owes its name to a substance called "aldehyd" being employed in its preparation. I must, therefore, first tell you what aldehyd is. Aldehyd is a product of the oxidation of alcohol ; it is a volatile liquid possessing a very peculiar odour, and was discovered by a chemist named Dobereiner, but analysed by Liebig. It is obtained by treating alcohol with a mixture of bichromate of potassium and sulphuric acid, and was generally prepared in glass retorts, but, now that it is required for colour making, the glass apparatus is replaced by copper or leaden vessels. Towards the end of 1861, M. Lauth described a reaction by which rosaniline could be made to produce a blue colouring matter ; but this product was found to be useless as a dye, on account of its instability. It was produced by the action of aldehyd upon a solution of rosaniline and sulphuric acid. This useless colour was afterwards experimented upon by a dyer named Chirpin, who, after a number of fruitless attempts at fixing it, told his difficulties to a photographic friend, who evidently thought if it was possible to fix a photograph it was possible to fix anything else. He, therefore, advised his confidant to try hyposulphite of sodium. On making this experiment, however, the dyer did not succeed in fixing his blue, but found ic converted into a splendid green dye, now known as aldehyd green. To prepare this colouring matter, a cold solution of magenta, consisting of one part of colouring matter dissolved in a mixture of three parts of sulphuric acid. and one part of water, is employed ; about on" and a -hall parts of aldehyd arc added by degrees to this solutim. and when the whole is mixed it is heated on a water bath, until a drop of the product diffused in water produces a fine blue colouration. It is then poured into n. Large quantity of boiling water, containing three or four times as much hyposulphite of sodium as the magenta employed. After boiling a short time the product is filtered off from a greyish insoluble residue which forms, The filtrate contains the green. This process I being a very simple one, a great number of dyers now I prepare the colouring matter as they require it. It may, however, be precipitated by means of tannin or acetate of sodium, collected on filters and drained to a paste, and, if necessary, dried. In both these forms it is found in the market. The aldehyd green is principally employed in silk dyeing. It is a splendid colour, and very brilliant both by day and artificial light. The chemistry of this green is at present hidden in obscurity, as it is very difficult to obtain in a chemically pure condition. But like the colouring matter previously described, it is undoubtedly the salt of an organic base apparently containing sulphur. This base is colourless, or nearly so, and becomes changed to the normal colour of aldehyd green upon absorption of carbonic acid. It will also decompose ammonia salts, combining with the acid and becoming green. I have here a solution containing the colourless base of this green, an ammonia salt and a little free ammonia. If I pour it upon a piece of white blotting-paper it does not stain it, but if I heat it the ammonia salt is decomposed, and we get the green developed with its ordinary intensity. There is another green of an entirely different nature to the aldehyd green; it is called the iodine green. This colouring matter is always produced, but in variable quantities, in the preparation of the Hofmann violets, from magenta and iodide of ethyl or methyl. Of late much attention has been directed to this colouring matter, and by making a few alterations in the process for preparing the Hofmann, from forty to fifty per cent, of product can now be obtained from the magenta used. The iodine green is much used for cotton and silk dyeing ; its colour is Uuer than that of aldehyd green, and it is, therefore, more useful, as it yields, with the addition of yellow, a greater variety of green shades. Iodine green contains an organic base which is not precipitated by alkaline carbonates. With picric acid it forms 1957. 30i 6,'14 '-/