m I I CHEAP BOOKS, PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY GRIGG & ELLIOT, No. 9, N. FOURTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, And for Sale by Booksellers generally in the United States. THE following books are particularly adapted for family reading, and we | do hope, as our political troubles are ended for awhile, that our friends will now settle down to their " sober second thoughts," and as " knowledge is power," and " information capital," that instead of being satisfied with the periodical trash of the day, they will store their minds with something more solid, and for that purpose make a selection from the following list : MASON'S POPULAR SYSTEM OF FARRIERY; comprising a general description of the noble and useful animal the Horse, together with the quickest and simplest mode of fattening ; necessary treatment while undergoing excessive fatigue, or on a journey ; the construction and man- agement of stables ; different marks for ascertaining the age of a Horse : also, a concise account of the diseases to which the Horse is subject ; with such remedies as long experience has proved to be effectual. 'By Richard Mason, M. D., formerly of Surrey Co., Va. Ninth edition, with additions. To which is added, a Prize Essay on Mules, and Jin Appendix containing observations and recipes for the cure of most of the common distempers incident to Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Swine, Dogs, &c. &c. Selected from different authors. Also, an Addenda, containing Annals of the Turf, American Stud Book, Rules for Training, Racing, &c. The publishers have received numerous flattering notices of the great practical value of these works. The distinguished editor of the American Farmer, speak- ing of them, observes "We cannot too highly recommend these books, and therefore advise every owner of a horse to obtain them." THE STOCK RAISERS MANUAL; a Guide to the raising and im- provement of Cattle, being a Treatise on their Breeds, Management and Diseases. By W. Youatt, author of a "Treatise on the Horse," with numerous Illustrations. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. This work will be found of the greatest importance to Farmers and Cattle Rais- ers throughout the United States, and should be in the possessiorvof every Farmer, as it is the most complete work on this subject ever published. ' HIND'S POPULAR SYSTEM OF FARRIERY, taught on a new and easy plan, being a Treatise on all the diseases and accidents to which the Horse is liable. With considerable additions and improvements, adapted particularly to this country, by Thomas M. Smith, Veterinary Sur- geon, and Member of the London Veterinary Medical Society. In 1 vol. ! 12mo. CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GR1GG & ELLIOT. LETTERS FROM A FATHER TO HIS SONS IN COLLEGE. By Samuel Miller, D. D., Professor in the Theological Seminary, Prince- ton, New Jersey. The writer of this volume has had five sons trained and graduated in the Colilge of New Jersey. These Letters, not indeed precisely in their present form, but in substance, were actually addressed to them. There is, probably, not one idea contained in this manual which was not, during their course in the Institution, dis- tinctly communicated to them, either orally or in writing. The influence of these counsels on their minds, it is believed, was not wholly useless. May they prove still more useful when presented in this revised and more public form. THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY RELIGION ; with a Selection of Hymns and Prayers, adapted to Family Worship, and Tables for the regular Reading of the Scriptures. By the Rev. S. G. Winchester, A. M., late Pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, and the Pres- byterian Church at Natchez, Miss. In 1 vol. 12mo. The subject is one of incalculable practical importance, and is treated in a mas- terly manner. It contains an able, elaborate and highly instructive Essay on the obligation, nature and importance of Family Religion ; and we hope, ere long, it will be found in the Library of every family. BOOK OF POLITENESS. The Gentleman and Lady's Book of Po- liteness and Propriety of Deportment. Dedicated to the Youth of both sexes. By Madame Celnart. Translated from the Sixth Paris edition, enlarged and improved. Fifth American edition. THE BEAUTIES OF HISTORY, or Examples of the Opposite Effects of Virtue and Vice, for the use of Schools and Families, with Questions for the Examination of Students. 1 vol. 12mo., with plates. This work is introduced into our High School. It is particularly adapted for a Class Book in all our male and female Seminaries, &c. "We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, a very neat duodecimo volume, entitled ' The Beauties of History ; or, Examples of the oppo- site effects of Virtue and Vice, drawn from real life.' After a careful examination of this book, we can conscientiously recommend it to parents and teachers as a most meritorious performance. There are here collected, within a narrow com- pass, the most striking examples of individual virtue and vice which are spread forth on the pages of history, or are recorded in personal biography. The noblest precepts are recommended for the guidance of youth ; and in the most impressive manner is he taught to conquer the degrading impulses which lower the standard of the human character. We have not lately met with a volume which, in design and execution, seemed so acceptable as this. The book, moreover, is handsomely got up, and illustrated with wood engravings." GRIMSHAW'S LADIES' LEXICON, and Parlour Companion; con- taining nearly every word in the English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs, being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, Esq., author of the Gentlemen's Lexicon, &c. THE GENTLEMEN'S LEXICON, or Pocket Dictionary; containing nearly every word in the English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs ; being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, author of the Ladies' Lexicon, History of England, of the United States, &c. " Tue public are again indebted to the talents of Mr. Grimshaw, for the very useful books which he has called ' The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicon.' The peculiarity and advantages of these works may be collected from the following CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GRIGG & ELLIOT. portion of the preface. ' They differ from all preceding works of the kind in this, that they exhibit the plurals of all nouns which are not formed by the mere addi- tion of the letter S, and also the participles of every verb now generally used, and unless accompanied by a particular caution. No word has been admitted which is not now of polite or popular use, and no word has been excluded which is required either in epistolary composition or conversation.' " A DICTIONARY OF SELECT AND POPULAR QUOTATIONS, which are in daily use : taken from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, and Italian languages ; together with a copious collection of Law maxims and Law terms ; translated into English, with illustrations, historical and idio- matic. Sixth American edition, corrected with additions. 1 vol. 12mo. In preparing this sixth edition for the press, care has been taken to give the work a thorough revision r to correct some errors which had before escaped notice, and to insert many additional Quotations, Law maxims and Law terms. In this state it is offered to the public in the stereotype form. This little work should find its way into every family library. MALTE-BRUN'S NEW AND ELEGANT QUARTO ATLAS; containing forty coloured maps. The Atlas is particularly adapted for Colleges, Academies, Schools, and private families. There is no work that ever was published in this country which has received more numerous and flattering recommendations. THE AMERICAN CHESTERFIELD; or "Youth's Guide to the Way to Wealth, Honor, and Distinction," &c. : containing also a complete treatise on the art of Carving. " We most cordially recommend the American Chesterfield to general atten- tion; but to young persons particularly, as one of the best works of the kind that has ever been published in this country. It cannot be too highly appreciated, nor its perusal be unproductive of satisfaction and usefulness." SENECA'S MORALS By way of abstract to which is added, a Dis- course under the title of an After-Thought, by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. A new fine edition, in 1 vol. 18mo. A copy of this valuable little work should be found in every family library. THE DAUGHTER'S OWN BOOK; Or Practical Hints from a Fa- ther to his Daughter. In 1 vol. 18mo. This is one of the most practical and truly valuable treatises on the culture and discipline of the female mind, which has hitherto been published in this country, and the publishers are very confident, from the great demand for this invaluable little work, that ere long it will be found in the library of every young lady. GOLDSMITH'S ANIMATED NATURE, in 2 vols. 8vo., beautifully illustrated. " Goldsmith can never be made obsolete, while delicate genius, exquisite feeling, fine^invention, the most harmonious metre, and the happiest diction are at all valued.'' This is a work that should be in the library of every family, being written by one of the most talented authors in the English language. THE WORKS OF LAURENCE STERNE, in 1 vol. 8vo., with a life of the author, written by himself. The beauties of this author are so well known, and his errors in style and expression so few and far between, that one reads with renewed delight his deli- cate turns, &c. CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GR1GG & ELLIOT. JOSEPHUS'S (FLAVIUS) WORKS. By the late William Whiston, A. M. From the last London edition, complete. As a matter of course, every family in our country has a copy of the Holy Bible and as the presumption is, the greater portion often consult its pages, we take the liberty of saying to all those that do, that the perusal of the writings of Jose- phus will be found very interesting and instructing. All those who wish to possess a beautiful and correct copy of this invaluable work, would do well to purchase this edition. It is for sale at all the principal bookstores in the United States, by country merchants generally in the Southern and Western States. SAY'S POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Treatise on Political Economy, or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. By Jean Baptiste Say. Fifth American edition, with Additional Notes, by C. C. Biddle, Esq., in 1 vol. 8vo. The editor of the North American Review, speaking of Say, observes, that " he is the most popular, and perhaps the most able writer on Political Economy, since the time of Smith." BENNET'S (Rev. John) LETTERS TO A YOUNG LADY, on a variety of subjects calculated to improve the heart, to form the manners, and enlighten the understanding. " That our Daughters may be as polished corners of the Temple." The publishers sincerely hope, (for the happiness of mankind,) that a copy of this valuable little work .will be found the companion of every young lady, as much of the happiness of every family depends on the proper cultivation of the female mind. BURDER'S VILLAGE SERMONS, or 101 plain and short Discourses on the principal doctrines of the Gospel ; intended for the use of families, Sunday schools, or companies assembled for religious instruction in country villages. By George Burder. To which is added, to each Sermon, a short Prayer, with some general prayers for families, schools, &c., at the end of the work. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. These sermons, which are characterized by a beautiful simplicity, the entire absence of controversy, and a true evangelical spirit, have gone through many and large editions, and been translated into several of the continental languages. " They have also been the honored means not only of converting many individuals, but also of introducing the Gospel into districts, and even into parish churches, where before it was comparatively unknown." " This work fully deserves the immortality it has attained." This is a fine library edition of this invaluable work, and when we say that it should be found in the possession of every family, we only reiterate the sentiments and sincere wishes of all who take a deep interest in the eternal welfare of mankind. NEW SONG BOOK. Grigg's Southern and Western Songster ; being a choice collection of the most fashionable songs, many of which are ori- ginal, in 1 vol. 18mo. Great care was taken in the selection, to admit no song that contained, in the slightest degree, any indelicate or improper allusions, and with great propriety it may claim the title of " The Parlour Song Book or Songster." The immortal Shakspeare observes ''The man that hath not music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for (reasons, stratagems, and spoils." FAMILY PRAYERS AND HYMNS, adapted to family worship, and tables for the regular reading of the Scriptures. By Rev. S. C. Winches- ter, A. M., late Pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, and the Presbyterian Church at Natchez, Miss. 1 vol. 12mo. CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GRIGG & ELLIOT. 5 BYRON'S WORKS, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., including all his Sup- pressed and Attributed Poems. $3= This edition has been carefully compared with the recent London edition of Mr. Murray, and made complete by the addition of more than fifty pages of poems heretofore unpublished in England. Among these there are a number that have never appeared in any American edition ; and the Publishers believe they are war- ranted in saying, that this is the most complete edition of Lord Byron's Poetical Works ever published in the United States. COWPER AND THOMSON'S PROSE AND POETICAL WORKS, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., including two hundred and fifty Letters, and sundry Poems of Cowper, never before published in this country; and of Thom- son a new and interesting Memoir, and upwards of twenty new Poems, for the first time printed from his own Manuscripts, taken from a late edition of the Aldine Poets now publishing in London. The distinguished Professor Silliman, speaking of this edition, observes, " I am as much gratified by the elegance and fine taste of your edition, as by the noble tribute 01 genius and moral excellence which these delightful authors have left for all future generations; and Cowper especially, is not less conspicuous as a true Christian moralist and teacher, than as a poet of great power and exquisite taste." THE POETICAL WORKS OF MRS. HEMANS, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. 95 This is a new and complete edition, with a splendid engraved likeness of Mrs. Hemans, on steel. " As no work in the English language can be commended with more confidence, it will argue bad taste in a female in this country to be without a complete edition of the writings of one who was an honor to her sex and to humanity, and whose productions, from first to last, contain no syllable calculated to call a blush to the cheek of modesty and virtue. There is, moreover, in Mrs. Hemans' poetry a moral purity, and a religious feeling, which commend it, in an especial manner, to the discriminating reader. No parent or guardian will be under the necessity of imposing restrictions with regard to the free perusal of every production emanating from this gifted woman. There breathes throughout the whole a most eminent exemption from impropriety of thought or diction ; and there is at times a pen- siveness of tone, a winning sadness in her more serious compositions, which tells of a soul which has been lifted from the contemplation of terrestrial things, to divine communings with beings of a purer world." THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROGERS, CAMPBELL, MONT- GOMERY, LAMB, AND KIRK WHITE, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. MILTON, YOUNG, GRAY, BEATTIE, AND COLLINS' POETI- CAL WORKS, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. HEBER, POLLOK AND CRABBE'S POETICAL WORKS, com- plete in 1 vol. 8vo. " Among the beautiful, valuable, and interesting volumes which the enterprise and taste of our publishers have presented to the reading community, we have sel- dom met with one which we have more cordially greeted and can more confidently and satisfactorily recommend, than that, embracing in a single, substantial, well- bound, and handsomely printed octavo, the poetical works of Bishop Heber, Ro- bert Pollok, and the Rev. George Crabbe. What a constellation of poetic ardor, glowing piety, and intellectual brilliaficy ! Such writers require no eulogy. Their fame is established and universal. The sublimity, pathos, and piety of all these writers, have given them a rank at once with the lovers of poetry and the friends of religion, unsurpassed perhaps by that of any other recent authors in our lan- guage. A more delightful addition could scarcely be made to the library of the gentleman or lady of taste and refinement. The prize poems, hymns, and mis- 6 CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GR1GG & ELLIOT. cellaneous writings of Bishop Heber, the ' Course of Time' by Pollok, and the rich, various, and splendid productions of the Rev. George Crabbe, are among the standard works, the classics of our language. To obtain and preserve them in one volume, cannot but be a desirable object to their admirers." And it is to be hoped it will be found in the library of every family. A writer in the Boston Traveller holds the following language with reference to these valuable editions : Mr. Editor I wish, without any idea of puffing, to say a word or two upon the " Library of English Poets" that is now published at Philadelphia, by Grigg &, Elliot ; it is certainly, taking into consideration the elegant manner in which it is printed, and the reasonable price at which it is afforded to purchasers, the best edition of the modern British Poets that has ever been published in this country. Each volume is an octavo of about 500 pages, double columns, stereotyped, and accompanied with fine engravings, and biographical sketches, and most of them are reprinted from Galignani's 1 rench edition. As to its value we need only men- tion that it contains the entire works of Montgomery, Gray, Beattie, Collins, By- ron, Cowper, Thomson, Burns, Milton, Young, Scott, Moore, Coleridge, Rogers, Campbell, Lamb, Hemans, Heber, Kirk White, Crabbe, the Miscellaneous Works of Goldsmith, and other martyrs of the lyre. The publishers are doing a great service by their publication, and their volumes are almost in as great demand as the fashionable novels of the day, and they deserve to be so, for they are certainly printed in a style superior to that in which we have before had the works of the English Poets. BIGLANDS NATURAL HISTORY of Animals, Birds, Fishes, Rep- tiles and Insects, illustrated with numerous and beautiful engravings. By John Bigland, author of a " View of the World," " Letters on Universal History^' &c. Complete in 1 vol. 12mo. &5~ This work is particularly adapted for the use of Schools and Families, form- ing the most elegantly written and complete work on the subject of Natural His- tory ever published, and is worthy of the special attention of the Teachers of all our Schools and Academies. BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY OF ANIMALS, illustrated with 12 beautifully coloured engravings. BIGLAND'S HISTORY OF BIRDS, illustrated with 12 beautifully coloured engravings. PERSIA. A DESCRIPTION OF. By Shoberl, with 12 coloured plates. These works are got up in a very superior style, and well deserve an introduction to the shelves of every family library, as they are very interesting, and particularly adapted to the juvenile class of readers. CONVERSATIONS ON ITALY, in English and French, designed for the use of Schools, Academies, &c., by Miss Julia S. Hawkes, in 1 vol. 12mo. $?T This work is spoken very highly of by Miss C. Beecher, (who formerly taught in Hartford, Conn., and who has done as much for the elevation of the female character, and for education generally, as any other lady in this country), and has received the highest recommendation from our most distinguished Teach- ers, and the American Press. Miss Hawkes was for many years, and now is, one of the most accomplished and distinguished female teachers in the City of Philadelphia. SMILEY'S ARITHMETICAL RULES AND TABLES, for young beginners. This is the oest work oT the kind now in print ; but teachers are particularly requested to examine for themselves. CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GRIGG & ELLIOT. SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC, or the New Federal Calculator, in dollars and cents. This work contains, among other important improvements, Questions on the Rules and Theory of Arithmetic, which are considered by teachers generally, very conducive to the improvement of the pupil. Although a prejudice exists among some teachers in favour of the old works on arithmetic, yet the very liberal patronage which this work has received, must be considered as decisive evidence of the great estimation in which it is held by most of the instructors of youth. Upwards of 250,000 copies have been printed' and sold. The s*ums being altogether in dollars and cents, gives it a decided preference over any other arithmetic in use. The most distinguished teachers of pur city pronounce it superior to any other like work ; therefore the publisher sincerely hopes this useful improvement will overcome the prejudice that many teachers have to introducing new works, particularly those preceptors who wish to discharge their duty faithfully to parent and child. The editors of the New York Telegraph, speaking of Smiley's Arithmetic, observe, " We do not hesitate to pronounce it an improvement upon every work of that kind previously before the public, and as such recommend its adoption in all our schools and academies.' ' A .KEY TO THE ABOVE ARITHMETIC ; in which all the exam- ples necessary for a learner are wrought at large, and also solutions given of all the various rules. Designed principally to facilitate the labour of teachers, and assist such as have not the opportunity of a tutor's aid. By T. T. Smiley, author of the New Federal Calculator, &c. &c. CONVERSATIONS ON CHEMISTRY; in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained and illustrated by Experiments and Engravings on wood. From the last London edition. In which all the late Discoveries and Improvements are brought up to the present time, by Dr. Thomas P. Jones. All preceptors who have a sincere desire to impart a correct knowledge of this important science to their pupils, will please examine the present edition, as the correction of all the errors in the body of the work renders it very valuable. The eminent Professor Bigelow, of Harvard University, in noticing this work, observes, " I am satisfied that it contains the fundamental principles and truths of that science, expressed in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. The high character of the author, as a lecturer, and a man of science, will, I doubt not, secure for the work the good opinion of the public, and cause its extensive adoption among seminaries and students." The learned Professor Silliman observes, that this edition is decidedly more valuable than any preceding one. CONVERSATIONS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. Illustrated with plates. By the author of " Conversations on Chemistry," &c. With con- siderable additions, corrections, and improvements in the body of the work, appropriate Questions, and a Glossary. By Dr. Thomas P. Jones. The correction of all the errors in the body of the work, renders this edition very valuable ; and all who understand the subject, consider it superior to any other in use. CARPENTER'S NEW GUIDE. Being a complete Book of Lines, for Carpentry, Joinery, &c., in 1 vol. 4to. The Theory and Practice well explained, and fully exemplified on eighty- four copperplates, including some observations, &c., on the strength of Timber ; by Peter Nicholson. Tenth edition. This invaluable work superseded, on its first appearance, all existing works on the subject, and still retains its original celebrity. Every Carpenter in our country should possess a copy of this invaluable work. 8 CHEAP BOOKS PUBLISHED BY GR1GG & ELLIOT. WEEMS' LIFE OF GEN. MARION. WEEMS' LIFE OF GEN. WASHINGTON. LIFE OF ANDREW JACKSON. ; GRIMSHAW T 'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, - - - bound. " QUESTIONS TO Do., .... stitched. KEY TO Do., .... stitched. HISTORY OF ROME, -' ; - bound. " QUESTIONS TO Do., - ^ stitched. " KEY TO Do,, .... stitched. " HISTORY OF THE U. STATES, - - bound. " QUESTIONS TO Do., .... stitched. " KEY TO Do., .... stitched. " HISTORY OF GREECE, - - - bound. " QUESTIONS TO Do., .... stitched. " ' KEY TO Do., - - - - stitched. HISTORY OF FRANCE, - - - bound. KEYS AND QUESTIONS TO Do., - stitched. HISTORY OF NAPOLEON, - - - bound. KEYS AND QUESTIONS TO Do., - stitched. THE YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S LEXICON, - - - sheep. THE YOUNG LADIES' LEXICON, - - - - sheep. MALTE-BRUN'S NEW COLLEGE AND FAMILY AT- LAS, with 40 coloured Maps, 4to., ----- bound. VIRGIL DELPHINI, bound. HORACE DELPHINI, bound. HUTCHINSON'S XENOPHON, (with notes),- - - bound. TORREY'S FIRST BOOK FOR CHILDREN, - - stitched. " PLEASING COMPANION,- - - -half-bound. " MORAL INSTRUCTOR, .... half-bound. MURRAY'S EXERCISES, 12mo., half-bound. " KEY TO Do., half-bound. FIRST READING LESSONS. GRIGG & ELLIOT'S NEW SERIES OF COMMON SCHOOL E BADE US, NUMBERS FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD. These books are particularly adapted for an introduction into the Schools generally in the South and West ; and Teachers who feel a deep interest in promoting the welfare of their pupils, will no doubt after a careful exa- mination give them a preference over all other Readers now in use. Public, private, and social libraries, and all who purchase to sell again, supplied on the most reasonable terms with every article in the Book and Stationary line ' including new novels, and all new works in every department of literature and science. All orders will toe thankfully received and promptly attended to* THE GENTLEMAN'S NEW POCKET FARRIER, COMPRISING A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE NOBLE AND USEFUL ANIMAL THE HORSE; TOGETHER WITH THE QUICKEST AND SIMPLEST MODE OF FATTENING ; NECESSARY TREAT MENT WHILE UNDERGOING EXCESSIVE FATIGUE-, OR ON A JOURNEY J THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF STABLES ; DIFFERENT MARKS FOR ASCERTAINING THE AGE OF A HORSE. ALSO, A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF THE DISEASES TO WHICH THE HORSE IS SUBJECT WITH SUCH REMEDIES AS LONG EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED TO BE EFFECTUAL. BY RICHARD MASON, M. D. FORMERLY OF SURRY\!OUNTY, VIRGINIA. EIGHTH EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A PRIZE ESSAY ON MULES ; AND AN APPENDIX, Containing Observations and Recipes for the cure of most of the common distempers incident to Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Swine, Dogs, &c. &c. Selected from differer.it nuthorj. ALSO, AN ADDENDA, CONTAINING ANNALS OF THE TURF, AMERICAN STUD BOOK, RULES FOR TRAINING, RACING, &c. PHILADELPHIA: GRIGG & ELLIOT, No. 9 NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1844. 35 Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1840, by JOHN GRIGG, in the clerk's office of the district court of the United States, in and for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. PRINTED BY T. K- & P. O. COLLINS, PHILA. PREFACE. FEW subjects can more justly claim the attention of the public, than that noble and useful animal, the horse ; and there are few indeed of any moment, that have met with more neglect from society. Not more than one or two authors in the United States have turned their attention to this interesting subject. This neglect, in which every individual is so deeply interested, must have proceeded frpm the low standing in society to which the horse has been sunk by men destitute of veracity, too often having the opportunity of dealing in those invaluable animals, committing frauds, making false statements of age, gaits, condition, &c. to the injury of those who are unfortunate enough to confide in their assertions, or to deal with them. In this little work, whose size is calculated for the pocket, I shall endeavour to guard the unsuspecting against the arts of the jockey, and to point out so plainly the difference between an elegant and a common horse a good and bad horse, a sound and an unsound horse, that any person may become a tolerable judge, by reading this little book with attention, however unfa- miliar the subject may have been heretofore. It is my object to be useful rather than offend, or appear learned. I shall avoid all hard names, technical terms, &c. ; and will offer to the public the information 1 '* 821848 4 PREFACE. possess, with candour and simplicity. In a work of this nature, the claim to entire originality must be relinquished; so far from attempting it, I confess 1 have, in a few instances, made quotations from other authors, when I have found from experience they con- tained matter, useful, clear, plain, and familiar for my purpose. I hope this acknowledgment will be received in place of marks of quotation. Amongst the great number of animals under the control of man, the excellent horse, unquestionably, is the most serviceable. How often do we see him the sole dependence of the poor farmer and his family, with whom he divides the morsel, shares in the toils, and by slowly turning up the soil, not only keeps them free from want, but fills the barn with plenty ! Trace him from the lowest to the highest situation, you will find him faithful, affectionate, and no less useful. Jn every species of farming, the horse bears the principal burden, and is the means of increasing wealth and happiness. In the transportation of foreign growth and manufactures to the interior of our country, and the exportation of the produce of the United States, the faithful horse affords a speedy conveyance to and from the water's edge. For the quick communications by posts and stages, even with the most remote parts of the union, we are indebted to the horse. Even our happy republican government has been established, protected, defended, and administered, by the means and aid of these noble animals. Men of every pro- fession, must all acknowledge the benefit derived from him; indeed he has been the very spring of punctuality and attention to business of almost every description. The horse, in his nature, is mild, patient, forgiving, and affectionate. After being hard used, half starved, and unmercifully beaten, who recol- PREFACE. O lects ever to have seen him appear to feel the injury, pout over his scanty allowance, or discover hatred towards his cruel master? View his gentleness and kindness to a sot, who has "indulged too long over his glass, often bending, turning and yielding to his giddy head ; and finally, when he is prostrated in the dust, now often does the sagacious animal, when compelled to tread on him, bear lightly and tenderly ; and when loose, appear unwilling to leave the helpless drunkard ; how often on his back are we conveyed in safety at night amidst difficulties, dangers, and unfamiliar roads ? And where is the traveller that does not re- collect that when returning on his journey, and in search of his home, when a road before unnoticed, .had bewildered and stopped his progress, how readily and how faithfully has the horse thrown his ears to- wards the right road, and with quickening steps dis- covered his eagerness to reach his home ? See him in the race, resolute, eager, and delighted, swelling every vein, and exerting every muscle and fibre to win the prize. Behold him in the field of battle, furious, in- trepid, and full of fire, forgetful of danger, rushing on the point of the' bayonet, delighting in the glittering of arms, and panting for victory. View him in the civil and more happy circles of domestic life, in the service of the rich, the liberal, and the happy, proudly and smoothly rolling behind him the rattling chariot wheels, with an aspect lively, gay, and cheerful. If to an animal like this, I can be the cause of adding to his comfort, improving his condition, making him fat, relieving his pain, removing disease, and sometimes save life, I shall feel as if I had rendered a service to the community at large, and performed a part of the task assigned me. 6 PREFACE. When the reader reflects that a large volume has been written on the anatomy of the horse's foot alone, he will easily conceive my confined, embarrassed, and cramped situation ; having to treat of so many differ- ent parts and subjects, within the scope of two hun- dred pages. In doing of this, it will be impossible for me to give more than the skeleton or bare outline of the interesting theme, which I hope, at some future day, will be filled up and completed by some more fortunate genius. THE AUTHOR. TABLE OF CONTENTS, TO MASON S FARRIER. Appendix to Mason, PAGE 195 Journey, treatment on PAGE 68 Addenda to Mason, 289 Keeping 23 Age, 72 Legs 82 by feeling, 76 Lam pass 103 Breeding and rassing, 29 Lock Jaw 148 do. do. by Broadnax 34 Lost appetite 149 Blooded horse, to choose 37 Marks 78 Blaze or star 79 Mane and tail 85 Body 81 Moon Eyes 92 Broken wind 98 Mange 137 Bots or grubs 118 Mash 156 Bruises 132 Mules 159 Big head 140 Narrow heels 101 Blisters 153 Neck and shoulders 82 Bleeding 157 Nicking 48 Carriage horses 19 Ostler 45 Castrating colts 60 Pricking 58 Crib biting 97 Poll evil 146 Chest founder 100 Purging or Diarrhoea 151 Colds 150 Race horse 22 Colic or Gripes 113 rider 28 Clyster or glyster 154 Horses, English mode Docking 59 of management. &c. 39 Diseases, infectious to prev. 126 Ring bone 110 Diarrhosa or purging 151 Saddle horse 13 Diabetes 152 Stables 46 Driving 158 Star or Blaze 79 Excessive fatigue 65 Shoeing 83 Eyes, good and bad 86 Starting 93 moon 92 Stumbling 95 Foxing 58 Spavin 96 Fattening 63 String halt 99 Founder, chest 100 Splint 102 Founder 110 Scratches 117 Farcy 105 Strangles 123 Fistula 145 Stone or gravel in bladder 124 Fomentations 155 Strains 133 Galls, wind Gravel in the bladder 104 124 Staggers Surfeit 134 138 in the hoofs 128 Sore tongue 140 Glyster or clyster 154 Saddle galls 150 Head 80 Sitfasts 151 Heels, narrow 101 Spot a white horse 157 Hoofs 85 Treatment on a journey 68 gravel in 128 Wind broken 98 Hidebound 137 Wind galls 104 Hooks or Haws 121 Wounds 129 Hinny and Mule 159 Wall's receipt 158 Infectious diseases to prev't. 126 Yellow water 125 CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. following are Numbered instead of being Paged. Alterative medicine for live stock No. 129 Astringent medicines for live stock 131 Balls and drinks, mode ot giving to horses 111 Balls, cordial cough, &c. used in Veterinary practice 147 Belly, diseases of 39 Bladder, inflammation of 62 in cattle 193 Bloody urine in horses 63 Blistering 118 Sweating of Liquid 120 Bleeding 126 Blisters used in Veterinary Pharmacopeia 138 Blood or bog spavin 89 Bloody ray (see dysentery) 196 Blown or hove in cattle 187 Blast or hove in sheep 220 Blood rot in do. 222 Bowels, inflammation of 45 Bone spavin and splints 87 Braxy or dysentery in cattle 196 in sheep 224 Broken wind 37 Bridle sores 26 Broken knees 85 Catarrhal fever in horses 13 Capulet of the hock in do. 81 Canker or quittor in do. 106 Castration, nicking, docking and cropping 125 Castrating lambs, &c. 241 swine 243 Catarrh or influenza in cattle 177 Cattle surgery 201 obstetrics 204 vermin on 209 CALVES, diseases of 207 Calving 205 Chronic cough 36 and 218 Clysters used in Veterinary Medicine 143 Claveau, or sheep pox 214 Clystering 122 Condition of horses 2 Cough, chronic 36 - in sheep 218 Colic, red or enteritis No. 45 , fret or gullion 53 , in horn cattle 189 and 194 Corns in the feet of horses 101 Cracks 95 Cud, loss of 198 Cutting in feet of horses 108 Curb of the hock in horses 92 Cutting and spaying pigs 243 Daisy or turning in cattle 199 Diseases of horses, see horse Diseases in feet of horses 96 Founder 98 Contraction 99 Pumiced foot 100 Corns 101 Burning thrush 103 Sand Cracks 104 Pricks 105 Quittor and canker 106 Treads 107 Cutting 108 Diarrhoaa or looseness in cattle Diseases of sheep swine 52 195 210 242 Diuretic used in Veterinary Medicine 151 Diseases of horn'd cattle 173, 183 Diabetes, profuse staling or pissing evil 64 Drinks and balls, mode of giving in Vet. Surgery 111 Drinks in Vet. medicine 149 Dysenteric inflammation 49 Dysentery or braxy in cattle 196 in sheep 224 244 245 248 249 250 251 252 254 255 256 257 262 264 DOGS, diseases of Asthma Sore eyes Cancer Colic Cough Distemper Fits Inflamed bowels Inflamed lungs Madness Worming whelps Mange 263 Worms CONTENTS OP APPENDIX. Embrocations used in Ve- terinary practice No. 154 Epidemic fever or pest 15 Epilepsy Eyes, horses, diseases of 18 Farcy, 74 Feet, founder of 96 Fetlock, strains of the 83 Fever in horned cattle 174 & 183 Fever medicine, used in ve- terinary practice 157 Fistulous withers 28 Firing 121 Fret, colic gripes or gullion 54 Flux, slimy, see dysentery Frontal worms in sheep 236 Fomentations in veterinary surgery 113 Founder of the feet 96 Foot stoppings for horses 166 Foul in the foot in cattle 202 Foot rot in sheep 232 Fumigations used in veteri- nary practice 157 Gall in sheep 224 Gidin do. 233 Goggles in do. 233 Glanders 71 Glanderous rot in sheep 217 Grease 93 Gravel and stone in horses 65 Gripes, colic, fret or gullion 53 Gutta serena 20 Gullion, colic, gripes or fret 53 HORSES, diseases of 1 In and out of con- dition, and when diseased. 2, 3, 4 Inflammatory diseases 5 Diseases of the head 17 Neck 28 Chest 31 Skin 66 Glanders and farcy 71 Diseases of the ex- tremities 76 Diseases of the Feet 96 Hepatitis or yellows 58 Hide bound 70 Hoof Liquid for veterinary practice 162 Hove or blown in cattle 187 Horn distemper or horn ail 208 Hove blast or wind colic in sheep No. 220 Hogs, see swine Hydatids or staggers in shesp 223 Inflammatory fever in horse diseases " 5 General 6 Local 7 Inflammation of the brain or phrenitis 8 Inflammatory fever in horse diseases, general 33 local 7 Influenza or catarrh fever in horses 13 Inflammation of the lungs in horses in cattle 31 184 Inflammation, of the bowels 45 of the liver 58 in sheep 222 Incontinence of urine 63 Influenza or catarrh 177 Inflammation of the stomach in cattle 185, 189 Inflammation of the kidneys or red water 191 Inflammation of the bladder 193 Jaundice in sheep 223 Knees broken, in horses Lampass or mouth disease 25 Lambs, castration of diseases of 238 Liver, chronic inflammation of 58 , diseases of in horses 58 Lock jaw, in horses 11 Looseness or diarrhoea 52 Lungs, inflammation of 31 Malignant fever in horses 15 Madness, canine 257 Mange 66 in Dogs 263 Mallenders and sallenders 84 Malignant epidemic or mur- rain in sheep 216 Megrims 17 Morfounder or catarrhal fe- ver in horses Moon blindness or opthalmia 19 Mineral poison Murrain or pest 15 in cattle ' 179 Murrain in sheep 216 10 CONTENTS OP APPENDIX. Neck, diseases of No. 28, 30 Stone or gravel in horses No, 66 Opthalmia or blindness 19 Stomach staggers 43 Ointments used for horses, , inflammation of cattle, sheep, &c. by Vete- in sheep 219 rinary practitioners 169 Strain in the shoulder 76 Obstetrics in cattle 204 , in the whirl bone 78 Overreach or tread in the , in the stifle 80 feet 107 , in the back sinews 81 Pest or murrain 15 > of the leg 82 Peripneumonia or inflamed , of the fetlock and cof- lungs in sheep 217 Pendro, a disease in sheep 233 fin joints Shoulder strains in horses 76 Pinning do. in do. 226 Splints and bone spavins 86 Pharmacopoeia in horses and Spavin, blood and bog 89 cattle 128 Skin, diseases of in horses 65 Poll Evil 21 Surfeit 67 Poison, mineral 40 Surgery in cattle 199 , vegetable 42 Swelled neck 30 in "hccp 39 SWINE diseases of 242 Poultices in Veter. surgery 115 Pneumonia or inflammation Tag-belt in sheep 226 of the lungs 34 Tetanus or locked jaw in Physicking 123 horses 11 Process 124 in cattle 200 Pricks in the feet 105 Teeth 27 Pumiced foot 100 Throat, diseases of 29 Purging medicine in Veteri- Thick wind or pneumonia 34 nary practice 163 Thoroughpin or blood spavin 89 Puckeridge or wornals in Treads or overreach in the cattle 203 feet 107 Pigs, see swine Ticks in sheep, to destroy 240 Quitter and canker in the Turnsick, in horses 17 feet of horses 106 , in sheep 233 Salivation 41 Urinary organs of horses, Sand cracks 104 diseases of 60 Sallenders and mallenders 84 Urine, suppression of Setons 116 bloody or stranguary 63 Scalding mixture for poll incontinence of 63 evil 165 Veterinary operations on Scouring or diarrhoea in horn- horses 109 ed cattle 195 Veterinary Pharmacopoeia 127 Scour in sheep 224 Vives or ives 24 Scab or shab in sheep 231 Vermin on cattle 209 SHEEP, diseases of 210 Warbles 68 Sore throat 28 Warts 69 Staggers in horses 9 and 43 Wash medicines used by ve- in cattle 199 teriricirv pmctitioners IfiT Staggers in sheep 233 Wind broken or pneumonia 37 Sturdy 17 Whirl bone strains in cheep ^33 \V"orrns j^ Jiorses 57 Strangles, vives or ives 22 in sheep 236 and 237 Stranguary or suppression of Wounds, treatment of 110 urine 63 Wornals or puckeridge 203 CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. 11 Worm under the horn, a dis- ease in sheep, No. 233 Watery head in sheep 233 Wind colic in do. 221 Yellows or liver complaint No. 58 , hot, in cattle 190 and 19? , in sheep 22 THE POCKET FAltKIER. SADDLE HORSE. WHEN a horse is purchased for the saddle alone, it is to be presumed he must be clear of all defects, strike the fancy, entirely please the eye, and, from his happy symmetry and due proportion of form, stand the second beauty in the world. When this is the case, he is seldom disposed of at too high a price. Amongst the great number of people in the United States, I am induced to believe, there are but few good judges of a horse calculated for the saddle. In- deed, they are better informed upon almost any other subject that can be mentioned. Yet the Virginians have a large number of fine horses, and are accused of devoting too much attention to that beautiful ani- mal. Among all the difficulties attending the affairs of common life, there is not, perhaps, a greater than that of choosing a beautiful, an elegant, or good horse. Nor will this appear strange, when we consider the number of circumstances that are to be taken into consideration, with regard to shape, size, movements, limbs, marks, eyes, colour, age, &c. &c. which are so various that it would fill a volume to describe; and indeed the best judges are often obliged to content themselves with guessing at some things, unless they have sufficient time to make a thorough trial. If I were asked, what were the two most beautiful objects 14 SADDLE HORSE. in nature, I would answer, that woman, lovely woman, before wlfose charms the soul of man bows with re- verence and submission, stands unparalleled ; next to this matchless paragon, a beautiful horse displays nature in her highest polish and greatest perfection ; li,- gay and cheerful appearance, proudly prancing and bounding, his elegance of shape, smoothness of limbs, polish of skin, due proportion of form, and gracefulness of action, united to a mild, soft, faithful, and patient disposition, raise him far above the rest of the brute creation. I shall now proceed to lay down some rules, and to give some hints, for the examina- tion of a horse previous to a purchase being made, to prevent the liberty of exaggeration, which is too fre- quently taken by dealers in those animals, and which too often terminates to the serious injury of the pur- chaser. It is to be much lamented, that men who entertain a proper idea of honour in all the common affairs of life, so soon as they become the owner of a horse, feel at liberty, without being sensible of doing violence to their morals, to knock off two or three years from his real age, and express themselves, with apparent delight, of services, gaits, and qualities, to which he never had any sort of claim or pretention ; carefully keeping a secret every vice and defect to which he is subject. I do not pretend to say this is the case with all who exchange or sell a horse, but that it has often occurred no person will deny. If a fraud can be prac- tised at all, it is sufficient reason for the inexperienced and unsuspecting to be placed on their guard. W nen a horse is offered for sale, I would advise the pur- chaser to ask one question, viz: Is he in all respects perfectly sound? Should a cheat be practised on you, -under such circumstances, an action would lie against SADDLE I1ORSE. 15 the seller, and damages could be recoverable ; but be your own judge, not permitting any declaration that may be made by the seller, to alter your opinion of form, age, condition, movements, action, &c. As the eyes of a horse are the most important organ, first Jet him undergo a strict examination ; ascertain his age, examine his figure and action; guarding yourself against being too much pleased or fascinated with the appearance of a new object; view his feet and legs; large ridges on the hoofs, or very flat feet, discover a horse to be subject to founder : large gouty legs, with enlarged tendons indicate strains and other injuries, examine his hind legs, with great attention, just below the hock and inside the hind knee; if there is any unnatural prominence or knot, unlike the other knee, it wears the appearance of a spavin, which renders a horse of but little value. Splint, which appears on the inside of the fore legs, and wind-galls, upon the ancles, are unpleasant to the eye, but seldom produce serious lameness ; they furnish plain proof that a horse has been serviceable, and are very seldom productive of any other injury than stiffness, as he advances in years. Ride yourself, for the purpose of trying his gaits and qualities ; as a rider accustomed to a horse, by private signs, such as manner of riding, bearing on the bit, leaning forward or backward, holding the heels close to his sides, &c. &c. &c., can make a dull horse appear gay and spirited, a wild horse gentle, a stumbler clear footed, one that is blind appear to see, and a starting horse free from that great objection, &c. &c. Before mounting him, examine his knees, to discover if they are skinned, tke hair off, or scarred ; those are strong symptoms of his politeness to a fault. Ride with your bridle loose over any uneven ground : if he is in the habit of stumbling, he will very readily inform you: 2* ^16 SADDLE HORSE. then approach some object offensive to the sight; if he appears much alarmed, stopping suddenly, and attempting to turn round, paying but little respect to the bearing of the bridle, you may judge he has been long in the habit of that bad practice. Ride him in all his different gaits, to ascertain if they are smooth, easy, and agreeable ; move him about a mile, out and back, in fully half speed; frequently stopping him suddenly to try his wind, also if he is spavined ; if his wind has been injured, he will blow unnaturally; making a loud wheezing noise, with great difficulty of breathing. While warm, ride him in cold water above the belly ; after which let him cool fifteen or twenty minutes, and if he is spavined, and has received temporary relief, by applications of any kind, the disease will make its appearance so plain, that you will discover evident marks of lameness. The spavin is often relieved for a time ; and in a few instances has been permanently cured, by blistering, bathing with double distilled spirits, &c. The brisk exercise, &c. is intended to bring on a return of its effects, in case the animal should have had temporary relief from that distressing disease. Having given such hints as I am persuaded will lead to the discovery of any material defects in a horse about to be purchased, I shall now proceed to the description of a horse that I consider elegant and fil for the saddle. In order that he may have just claim to beauty and elegance, his head must be small, thin, bony, and tapering; his countenance lively and cheerful; his ears quick of action, high, erect, narraw, thin, and pointing together; his eyes krge, round, full, and black, sparkling with cheerfulness, yet hushing his agitating passions into order and obedience ; his nostrils large SADDLE HORSE. 17 and expanded, and when in motion, disclosing a deep red colour ; his brow and forehead smooth, and not too flat ; his nose somewhat rising, of good turn, and a little inclined to the Roman shape ; his neck long, thin, delicate, and arched, forming a beautiful grada- tion from the breast and shoulders ; his mane half the width of his neck, thin and smooth ; his shoulders high, tapering, and thrown well back ; his breast plump, full, and of moderate width; his fore legs straight, flat, sinewy, and thin ; his arms large and muscular ; his back short, and not too much swayed for strength and durability, but pretty even and straight ; his body rather round and swelling than flat, and of propor- tionable size ; his flanks plump and full, and the last rib approaching near the hip bones ; his hips and but- tocks full, round, and well covered with muscles ; his chine broad; his tail well placed, and naturally or artificially elegant, which adds much to his figure and gay appearance ; his thighs long, from the hip to the haunch bone large and bulging with muscles; his hocks broad, sinewy, bony, and clear of puffs ; his hind legs from the hocks short, bending a little rather than straight, flat, and sinewy ; his pasterns of moderate length, small and bony ; his hoofs cupped, small, round, and smooth ; his hind parts not tucked, but of easy turn and graceful slope ; when mounted his appearance should be bold, lofty, and majestic ; his eyes shining with intrepidity and fire ; his movements light and airy as a phantom, with a fairy step, that would scarcely break a dew drop ; his actions smooth and graceful ; his colour should suit the taste of the pur- chaser, though a mahogany bay is certainly the best colour ; his marks large, of irregular white, to light up the countenance, and at least two white legs, which will add much to his beauty though it must be ac- 18 SADDLE HORSE. knowledged, that all parts of a horse that are white, are much more tender than any other colour. When a horse is rode by any person for you to judge of his gaits, you should have him moved towards you, from you, and finally by you, as you may have the oppor- tunity of discovering, if there is any turning in and out about his knees and ancles, before or behind, w r hich is very objectionable. A well shaped horse will track as true, or his legs will follow each other in as direct a line, as the wheels of a well constructed carriage. For him to be considered a good riding horse, he should move with ease to himself, and pass over the ground with great rapidity. Hard steps, short going, and great apparent labour, is offensive to the sight, unpleasant to the rider, and fatiguing to the horse him- self. With respect to the colour of horses, people differ very widely ; a black horse, with white face and legs ; a grey, or a mahogany bay, with white marks, when well kept, are all showy colours ; but for actual service, experience has proved, that dark colours, without any white feet, are far preferable ; for who ever recollects to have seen a black, sorrel, or bay horse, with a bald face and four white legs, distinguish himself on the turf, in four mile heats ? I am inclined to believe there is no first rate race horse, of that de- scription, within the United States. I have, perhaps, stated some facts relative to horse jockeys, in a manner so plain and candid, as to draw from them their displeasure. My object is not to offend, but to instruct and be useful to those who want experience on the subject, for which this little book is designed. The annexed engraving (See Frontispiece) presents my idea of an elegant saddle horse ; by a reference to _. CARRIAGE HORSES. ID which, thQ judgment of a purchaser will not only bo benefited, but meet with considerable support. CARRIAGE HORSES. HORSES intended for a carriage or draft of any description, should be from five feet to five feet four inches high; though there are many excellent and truly valuable draft horses of much smaller size. The greatest attention should be paid to their habits, temper, quality, and disposition. A horse that has been once frightened in harness, never again is safe for that employment. So retentive are their memories, that they do not forget an alarm of that kind during their whole lives. For the want of experience on this subject, horses that have been frightened in harness have been hitched to carriages, which too often has been the cause of the untimely death of many amiable females and helpless children. Indeed, a pair of good and welt matched, gentle carriage horses, is rarely to be met with; as so many good qualities, together with a similarity of age, colour, size, and marks, is required to make them complete and valuable. Their eyes should be good, carriage lofty, bodies proportionaoly large, breasts full and wide, their whole bodies heavily- muscled; their heads, necks, and ears delicate; their legs large, sinewy, and bony ; their pasterns short, and their hoofs moderately large, and not too flat. They should be free from starting, stumbling, and kicking; 20 CARRIAGE HORSES. and tneir dispositions patient, gentle, and obedient. It very often happens that horses are kept together as a match, on account of their colour and similarity of marks, when no respect is paid to their difference of form, spirit, and movements, which often differ as widely as the mettled racer from the dull cart horse. When thus badly matched, they would very soon be separated by a good judge, and nothing short of necessity should ever permit them to draw together. Carriage horses should carry good tails, naturally or artificially, which adds much to their gay and elegant appearance; presenting figures ready, apparently, to move upon the wind, whilst they are perfectly gentle and manageable. Horses of different colours, whose spirit, size, and movements are similar, are a much better match in harness than those of the same colour, with three or four inches difference in height; or one dull, and the other spirited; one young, the other old; one fat, the other poor ; one with a bald face and white legs, the other with white legs ; or one active, and the other clumsy. I have thus taken up the time of the reader, to make him the better judge, and give him a correct idea of a bad match of carriage horses, which will assist him much in selecting those that are good. After being thoroughly satisfied about the shape, age, condition, &c., of a pair of carriage horses you may be about to purchase, it will be necessary, in justice to yourself, to try them in harness ; though the seller will assure you they are as gentle as lambs, true as honour, and finally, the best pair of horses in the world; although it is possible for such a statement to be a fact, I would advise that a trial should be made, and the purchaser become his own judge ; for which purpose have them hitched in a carriage, and driven several times up and CARRIAGE HORSES. 21 down the steepest hill that the road may cross, which is most convenient: if they have any tricks, or are not true draft horses, it can be readily discovered: next, for the purpose of discovering if they have ever been alarmed in harness, frequently open and shut the car- riage door, also move and rattle the steps ; if they have ever been frightened in harness you will very soon be compelled to desist ; then by coming to their front, and with attention observing their ears and eyes, you will be informed to your entire satisfaction, if they are safe. Horses that have been once alarmed in harness, so soon as they hear any rattling noise behind them, begin to grow restless, sinking or squatting behind, holding the head high, snorting, fetching long breaths, moving the ears with great quickness, at the same time showing the whites of their eyes. Let me warn the reader against the purchase of such horses ; they are unfit and unsafe for the use of a family. Horses for harness, that are fiery and fretful, are very objec- tionable, and should always be avoided; but great care should be taken to distinguish between animals of this description, and those that are eager and spirited; the former begin to prance and fret the moment they are out of the stable, until they exhaust themselves with fatigue ; but the latter endeavour only to be first in the chase, or foremost in the field, and are truly valuable ; possessing those qualities that resemble prudence and courage; the others, intemperate heat and rashness. Whenever carriage horses are driven, they should be moved off fifteen or twenty steps in a slow walk, without the cracking or flourishing of a whip, which is so much the custom, and which is very frequently the cause of high tempered horses refusing to draw ; after which their speed may be quickened to whatever gait you may prefer, by the use of some kind word, 3 22 RACE HORSE. to which all horses should be accustomed. It is very much the practice with drivers to leave their horses standing in a carriage, without any person to hold them, for hours together. Having seen the worst of consequences result from this practice, (and with horses under the character of being gentle,) I would recom mend that drivers should never give up their reins, until they are prepared with some person sufficiently strong to hold them. By using such precaution, the overturning and breaking many fine carriages, and the ruining for ever many valuable and elegant carriage horses, would be avoided. RACE HORSE. IT is a remarkable fact, that horses run in all shapes. But most generally, those excel upon the turf, that are -of the following form: head and neck thin, small, and delicate; eyes large, plump, and full of expression; nostrils wide, red, and expanded; throttle large; shoulders high, thin, and running very far back; breast plump, full, and wide ; body long, round, and rather light than heavy ; back short as possible ; thighs long, large, full, and bulging; fore arm large and swelling towards his breast ; hocks broad, strong, and bony ; legs of moderate size, thin, flat, and sinewy; pasterns rather long and small, than otherwise; feet of propor- tionable size to the balance of his form ; though, of the two extremes, small is the best; he should be nervous, tractable, and of good spirit, and he should be from five feet to five feet four inches high. Such a horse, well managed, kept and placed in races, will seldom fail to distinguish himself on the turf. KEEPING. 23 KEEPING. THE keeping a horse for a race is attended with much trouble, and requires great attention: but is more simple than is generally believed by persons wanting experience on that subject. A large majority of grooms, even to the present day, are in the habit of giving to race horses large quanti- ties of physic, (though the number engaged in this practice has been diminished within the last te,n years,) and for the sake of those very valuable animals, I hope ere long, such an injurious practice will be entirely abolished. All the medicine on earth will never give to a horse speed and bottom, that is naturally deficient in those respects ; and if he is affected at all by its use, it must operate to his disadvantage. The plainest and simplest mode of keeping horses, has proved much the best, to all who have ventured, in defiance of old opinions and customs, to use that course. When a horse is in health, the medicine ge- nerally given by grooms, has the effect of relaxing the muscles, enfeebling the system, and expanding the pores of the skin. I am clearly of opinion, that those large doses, which are so often given, never cause a horse, when running, to fetch a longer breath, braced his muscles, added to the elasticity of his tendons, in- vigorated his system, or gave him, in any way, extra powers to perform the task assigned him ; but on the contrary, are frequently the means of throwing a horse out of order, that in all probability, under dif- ferent treatment, would have proved successful, if not master on the turf: indeed, this has sometimes been proved by the change of owners, and when a good 24 KEEPING. horse has fallen into the hands of one that has observed plain and simple treatment-* the horse that previous to the change never was more than second or third best, has run with more than anticipated success. But many old and ignorant grooms who have never been benefited by experience, and all the knowledge they possess have been handed to them by persons equally ignorant with themselves, are under a belief, that unless a horse swallows a certain number of wind balls, that it is impossible he can win a race ; added to which, they are extremely superstitious, and some, even at the present day, confide in tricks and witch- craft. It is to be much regretted that a good horse snouid. e~ T er fall into the hands of such blockheads. The first thing necessary in the keeping a race horse is, a good log stable, about fifteen feet square : then provide a plenty of good and sweet old corn, fodder, and oats, and a sufficient quantity of clean and dry straw, to change his bed every two or three days. Most horses, when first taken up for the purpose of being kept, require bleeding ; which a groom can always be a judge of from the appearance of the ani- mal. Good cloths, girts, &c. should be provided and kept on the horse, except at the hours for rubbing, which should be regularly three times a day ; in the morning, and evening after practice, and at twelve o'clock ; for which purpose a curry-comb, brush, straw and a large woollen cloth, must be provided and well used. Good rubbing assists in putting a horse in order, and places on his skin a beautiful gloss. His legs must be washed three times a day in clear cold water, after which they must be rubbed dry with straw, and the naked hand rubbed over the ancles and pasterns, until a small degree of warmth is felt. The stable should be kept perfectly clean. KEEPING. 25 A horse should be given such practice as he is well able to bear. As those animals frequently differ in every respect so widely from each other, it is impos- sible to lay down any rule that should govern, relative to the speed or quantity of practice necessary for horses in training. 1 will only remark, that a horse should be practised in a moderate gallop, the distance he is intended to be run, moving briskly every time he passes the stand, and for a short distance on the back of the ground: he then should be walked about a mile, and again gallopped in manner first directed. Some fleet and delicate horses require very little practice indeed; while other hardy and hard bottomed horses require and can bear verv hard practice. But the appetite of a horse is the best criterion, as relates to that subject. If a horse refuses to eat, it is an evidence that his practice is either too hard or too quick ; when he eats heartily, it is a proof that he is able to bear what is given him. When a horse is first taken into keeping, his allowance for the first two or three days, should be rather short ; which should be offered four times a day. His exercise should be walking, for the first three or four days ; two or three times the distance, or round the course of his contemplated race j after which time, his food may be increased with his exercise, and he may be regularly fed with from two quarts at a feed to four quarts. His food should be often changed and prepared thus : his hommony (Indian corn ground coarse) should be first winded, then thrown into clean water, so as to separate the part that is nutritious from the husk and chaff; the oats should be lightly beaten in a common hommony mortar, to separate them from the hull or chaff, which may be blown off; his fodder should be stemmed whenever it is discovered he has ~ KEEPING. too much belly. A horse never should be drawn suddenly, as nothing -is more weakening. The best medicine on earth, that can be employed in keeping of a horse, to give him wind and bottom, as the grooms term it, is good and sweet food. A greater proportion of old oats, hay, or hommony, opens the bowels ; and a large proportion of fodder and oats, when prepared in the way directed, has the reverse effect; so that by using food that actually contains nourishment, and will certainly benefit your horse, you may place him in whatever kind of order you think proper, without using those medicines which have a certain tendency to weaken and relax him. About two mashes during the time of keeping, is very bene- ficial ; the first as soon as you commence ; the second, about eight days previous to his running; composed of one gallon of bran, one table spoonful of flour of sulphur, and one tea spoonful of saltpetre. Most grooms are in the habit of giving one, two, or three sweats, during the time of keeping ; which method of hardening the flesh I am much opposed to. If a horse is too gross, gradually increase his exercise, which will have the desired effect. Whenever a horse has to undergo one of those sweats, he is so much weakened and relaxed, as to require at least one week to recovei his strength. Should a horse, in keeping, lose his appetite, it can readily be restored, by a single inno- cent drench, composed of a quarter of an ounce of asafoetida, one table spoonful of salt> and one quart of sassafras tea. Good food, regular feeding, moderate exercise, and strict attention to rubbing, are of much more importance and benefit to a horse in keeping, than the administering of large doses of physic, which his nature does not require. When a horse is well kept, he will not appear very KEEPING. 27 fat, but his flesh will be very firm and hard ; his legs and ancles must be perfectly cool, and not puffed or swelled ; his eyes should be lively, and countenance cheerful: he should "possess no bad habits, but be tractable, gentle, and manageable ; his actions smooth and graceful ; he should be taught patience ; and often practised in starting around the race course, never permitting him to go ofly until the word GO is given. Many advantages result in a race, to a horse, being Droperly broke in starting. After a horse has gone through his practice, and has been well rubbed, &c. &c. his feet should be stuffed, (during the time of his standing in the stable) with fresh cow manure, or clay and salt, to prevent his ancles from swelling or being heated ; his legs should be bathed once a week, with equal parts of old peach brandy and fresh butter, or sweet oil and vinegar, stewed over the fire until well mixed, and applied warm as the hand can bear it. Whenever a horse commences his brisk exercise, the under part of his ancles should be occasionally greased, to prevent their cracking and the scratches being produced. The heels of most young horses crack, during their exercise, unless this precaution is used ; fresh butter, sweet oil, or hog's lard, answers well for that purpose. The subject of keeping horses is so extensive, that to treat fully on it, would require a book at least the size of this ; the reader, therefore, must be content with the few hints and few pages I have devoted to this subject. 28 RACE RIDER. RACE RIDER. To become a valuable and a good race rider, requires more capacity, judgment, experience, and honour, than are often found in boys in the habit of riding. And no person can be successful on the turf, unless he can place the utmost confidence in his rider ; whose in- tegrity and honour it would be advisable frequently to put to the test. Boys are sometimes so young, foolish, and destitute of principle, as to receive bribes and promises : preventing the best horse from winning, to the disgrace of all concerned, and the serious injury of his owner ; who, in such cases, never should fail to make an example of all persons engaged in the villany. A good race rider will have the pad of his saddle wet, before he mounts, to keep it firm in its place ; he will try his stirrups, and prove them long enough to raise himself about two or three inches clear of the saddle : he will then tie his bridle a length that will allow his horse, when he bears him gradually and steadily, to run at his ease, without being jerked or jostled ; he should never make a false start, but come up even and go off smoothly, without fretting or causing his horse to rear; and above all other things BREEDING. 29 strict and pointed attention should be paid to the orders given, and they rigidly adhered to. A rider should bear a little forward, steadily as possible, and without altering the attitude of his body, when whipping, pushing, or running at his ease, taking great care to remain steady in his stirrups, holding his elbows close, and his hands low. A rider, after running his heat, should never dis- mount, or give up his horse to any other person, until it is his turn to prove his weight, and is directed to come to the stand. THE BREEDING AND RAISING OF HORSES. THE breeding and raising of horses, to most persons, is a very amusing and pleasing task; but it is attended with much trouble and expense, unless well managed, and then it becomes not only a subject of profit, but is well worth the attention of any person, whose situ- ation will admit of it, for the purpose of making a fortune. The raising of cold blooded or common horses, is generally a disadvantage to any person, being neither interesting or profitable. A colt three years old, of the above description, seldom costs the owner less than one hundred and twenty dollars; and when he makes a sale, twice out of three times that sum cannot be obtained; consequently there is a loss, independent of trouble. But colts, three or four years old, from the best stock in the United States, of large size and 4 SO BREEDING. having distinguished themselves on the turf, have x/tn- manded from one hundred to one thousand pounds ! ! By raising and running such horses, large sums of money have been accumulated in the United States, and particularly in Virginia, where the blood, speed, and beauty of horses, are equal to any in the world. Much has been stated by English authors, on the subject of blood, form, and speed of the English horses; particularly Dorimant, Bay Malton, Eclipse, High- flyer, Matchem, Shark, Childers, &c. &c. &c. But could the blood, form, speed, and bottom, of our Ame- rican horses, Brimmer, Chanticleer, Leviathan, Virago, Surprise, Florizel, Potomac, American Eclipse, &c. &c. &c. have been contrasted with them, I am induced to believe they would have had the same claim to the page of record and superior performance. True it is, that of Flying Childers it is stated, that he run a mile in a few seconds over a minute. My regard for the life of every human being, particularly a valuable race rider, induces me to wish our horses may never perform the mile in that time, though we have several amongst us whose speed is unknown, although they were on the turf several years, contending with very fine race horses. I must confess, that for a horse to run a mile in a minute, or eighty-two and a half feet in a second, (as stated) surpasses any idea that I have entertained of the velocity that a horse was capable of. In order to raise a beautiful and good racer, a stud should be made choice of, that will be a good cross, and of the best blood ; not less than five feet two, though five feet four inches high, is a preferable size. He should be well proportioned, elegantly formed, of maho- gany bay colour, and clear of all defects, particu- BREEDING. 31 larly spavin and blindness : and should not only have proved himself in possession of speed on the turf, but bottom also ; and should be a sure foal getter. A mare should be made choice of, not less than five feet high, with a delicate head and neck, great length of body, large belly, and above all other things, one that has proved herself, by her colts, to be a good breeder. When you commence breeding with a mare of this kind, you are almost certain of raising a valuable colt. But when you commence with one untried, you run a great risk of losing time and raising a horse of the 120 dollar price, unless the mare, or stock from which she originated, was first rate and remarkable for their fine colts. Indeed there appears to be the same simi- larity in the blood of horses that exist in men, as respects their good and bad qualities, shape, &c. &c. We find vice common throughout some families, while we see virtue reigning in others. One breed of horses, under every care and attention, will only raise you a coarse horse or pony ; whilst good blooded horses, even half starved and under every disadvantage, will show strong marks of beauty, activity, and size ; and after winning from his master kind treatment, often becomes the chafhpion of the turf. I have known several first rate race horses that were once plough and draft horses. A brood mare, that has produced one or two good racers, from a good cross, in all probability will, at any time produce one, when under similar advantages. When a colt is foaled early in the spring, he will be under every benefit that can be derived from size, strength, and age ; consequently, it would be advisable to put a mare to horse at such time as would produce a colt about the fifteenth or twentieth of April. A 3*J BREEDING. mare generally goes with foal eleven months and as many days as she is years old. A colt foaled in April, when three years old would have to carry no more weight in a race field than one foaled in August ; which would give to the one first foaled a difference of three months of age, and of equal blood and under similar advantages. The one first foaled ought very certainly to prove best on the turf, from three to seven years old. After your mare has been put to the horse of your choice, she should not be confined during her preg- nancy, but a house or shed about twelve feet square, should be built for the purpose of sheltering her from the rain or bad weather ; the south side of this house should be left entirely open, so that the mare might come in or go out at pleasure : and a manger and rack should be confined in it for the purpose of feeding. A good bed of straw, and that frequently changed, will add much to her comfort, and she will be induced to sleep under the shelter if the litter is kept clean. Adjoining this house there should be a lot, enclosed with post and railing, containing from one to four acres of ground, clear of snags, grubs, and stumps ; in which the mare should be confined about two or three weeks previous to her foaling : she will then be con- venient to assistance, should any be necessary. Mares frequently produce colts at fourteen or fifteen years of age, and sometimes twenty ; but from five to twelve years of age, from experiments made, appears to be the most valuable part of a mare's life for raising colts. Experience has also proved the great advan- tage resulting to the form and size of a colt, from letting him get thin upon grass alone, two or three times previous to his being three years old; after which time he may be constantly pushed as much as possible. When the dam and sire of a colt are small, it is to BREEDING. 83 be presumed a colt produced by them will make a small horse, although there may be no objection to the blood ; and if he makes a race horse, it twill be of the unprofitable kind. He may be a winner at three years old; at four years old, second best; and being too small to carry weight, he never can win again. Such a horse will not command a high price with a judge of horses, as it is evident that a large horse, with the same weight, will beat a small one, when they are equal in all respects except size. Indeed, for the purpose of draft or riding, a large horse will command double the sum of a small one, which plainly proves the importance of breeding from a large stock. When a colt arrives at the age of two and a half years, it is time he should be handled, and taught the use of the bit. It is of great consequence he should be first gentled by a person who well understands the management of horses, to prevent bad habits; as first impressions are never entirely removed from man or beast. 34 BREEDING. {The following is the mode of raising Blooded Horses, as pursued by Wm. E. Broadnax, of Brunswick County, Virginia.] [FROM THE AMERICAN FARMER.] MODE OF RAISING BLOODED HORSES. " In the first place, be particular in selecting a good stock to breed from. When the mare is near foaling, let her be to herself, and if early in the season, let her have a good roomy stable to foal in; and in good weather, let her and her colt be turned into a lot, (of wheat I prefer.) Wean the colt the first of October in a stable, until it is done snickering after its dam ; then turn it in a lot ; if you have more than one, they will do best together. " Stable them at night, and turn them out in the day, except in very bad weather : force them all you can the first winter. To do this, their principal food should be cut oats moistened with a due proportion of corn meal sprinkled over and mixed with them. Most foals are apt to be too delicate ; forcing them, and keeping them warm at night, will increase the size of their limbs in proportion to the weight of their bodies. After they are one year old, they should not be kept so fat, nor yet permitted to get poor. A stud colt, which is intended to be kept as such, should be separated from other horses at a year old, and stabled of nights; his rack and manger should be so high as to strain him a little to get food; the windows of the stable should also be high, as he will be looking out at them : by these means his shoulders will be thrown back, and his withers raised. If it be wished to increase his quar- teis, enlarge his muscles, and other material parts, keep him in the stable frequently, for several days together, which will animate him ; then turn him out in BREEDING. 35 a lot, and encourage him to run and exert himself all you can, as his parts will acquire size and strength in proportion to the use made of them. "I would recommend a mare of good form and thorough blood, though she cost the most, because her colts would cost 10 more to raise them than those from an ordinary mare, and would probably sell for more than three or four times as much. The reason I would wean in a stable is, that in the usual way of weaning in cornfields, &c. the colts run themselves poor before they are weaned. I prefer wheat lots for mares and colts, because they like it better than any thing else, and I think it agrees better with them. I find oats made use of as above stated, not only the most healthy and best, but also the cheapest food for mares and colts. In pursuing the course which has been laid down, I obtained the following results : " I selected a mare which I knew to be of good stock, but from improper raising was only four feet six inches high, and very delicate : The first removal from her was four feet ten inches ; the second remova five feet; the third was five feet two inches; the fourth was five feet six inches." 36 RAISING OF COLTS. RAISING OF COLTS. [ The following answers were returned by William R. Johnson, to questions propounded by J. Marshall, of Fauquier Co. Va." " SENATE CHAMBER, February 4, 1829. 1. Keep the colts in pretty good order, not too fat, until they are too years old, then break them gently. 2. Keep them in lots, it does not matter as to size, taking care not to allow them to see other horses more than possible. 3 and 4. Grass lots are best, and short grass. 5. Dry food mostly when young, cut oats. 6. Give corn in the winter ; oats in the summer ; not more at a time than they eat clean. When they are once fat very light feeding is best. 7. It is not at all necessary to rub them until they are two years old. 8. Wean the colts at about six months old. Should ihe above answers to your questions not be sufficiently explicit, they will be with great pleasure added to. Respectfully, WILLIAM R. JOHNSON. RACE HORSE. 37 [FROM THE AMERICAN FARMER.] THE BLOODED HORSE. How to choose a race horse by his external appearance, and to be a judge of his symmetry by angular demonstration. RULES. 1st. Draw a base line from the stifle joint along the bottom of the chest to the extreme point of the elbow, and to the shoulder-blade joint. 2dly. Draw a line from the curb or hock by the hip joint above the back, to an imaginary point. 3dly. Draw another line from the point of the shoul- der, ranging with the shoulder, and passing above the back, until it intersects the line at the imaginary point. 4thly. Draw a line from the intersecting point of the shoulders, giving the same declension until it intersects the base line. 5thly. From the stifle to the point of the buttock thence to the hip joint, thence declining to the stifle. Gthly. Draw a line from the hip to the base line, right angular declension, then to the shoulder up to the chest. Tthly. Then draw a straight line, regardless of the curve of the back, to a straight line intersecting at the shoulder at the beginning of the crest. Sthly. Then take a line from the point of the shoul- der, and angular degree, ranging with the shoulder- blade to the top of the crest. Othly. Then, regardless of the rising of the crest, 38 RACE HORSE. draw a straight line from the top of the shoulder-blade to intersect with the point of the former line. Thus the real symmetry of a grand and beautiful horse, possessed with muscular powers and strength, is formed by a right-angled triangle ; and the farther from it a race horse's form is, the less pretensions that horse has to beauty, speed, bottom, or lastingness, ability to carry weight, or activity. A thick, upright shoulder, is a very certain mark of a " stum bier," and is fit for no use whatever but the slow draft. A low coupling in the back, is a true mark of weak- ness ; it denotes want of strength, lastingness, ability to carry weight, or speed. A low loin, is a certain mark of weakness, and a weakly and washy constitution. But, a rising loin, of ability to carry weight, speed, activity, and lastingness, and a good constitution, sym- metry, beauty, and muscular strength. A race horse's legs cannot be too short. A great declivity, and thin shoulders, denotes speed. A narrow breast, weakness. A horse's breast bone, formed like that of the rabbit, denotes also speed, and it is the best form for a race horse. A short, broad hock, denotes strength ; a broad stifle, well let down to the curb or hock, denotes bottom or lastingness, strength, and activity. There are not two race horses in five hundred, pro- perly formed in the knees ; which should be small, divested of superfluous appendages, and strong; they denote activitv and strength. RACE HORSE. 39 A lax, bending pastern, denotes also speed ; a long horse is preferable to a short one, because he can cover a great deal of ground, and can bear pressing better and longer. The race horse, upon the whole, whose form in general, is composed of the essential properties of the following animals, viz. the rabbit, grey hound, and ostrich is the best. GORWOOD. December 6, 1827. The following is the English mode of management and working of Race Horses. In the managing and working of race horses, three things are to be considered : the preparation of the horse, the conduct of the rider, and the after treatment of the horse. The preparation of a race horse for running a race is not the work of a few days, if there be any great dependence on the success. A month at least, is required to harden his muscles in training, by proper food and exercise, and to refine his wind, by clearing his body to that degree of perfec- tion that is attainable by art. It is first necessary to ascertain correctly the present state of the horse, as whether he be low or high in flesh ; and in either case, a proper estimate should be formed of the time and means required to bring him into true running condition. 40 RACE HORSE. If a race horse be low in flesh, it is necessary to fudge of the cause of such state, and to act accordingly. It is to be remarked, that spices are less to be depended on for this purpose than generous food, as malt mashes ; and if any thing of the kind be used, let it be the simple cordial ball. Feed frequently, and by little at a time : while he is thus low, let his exercise be walking only, and by no means spare his water, or he will become hide-bound: carefully watch him, that full feeding may not disagree by making his heels swell, or his coat unthrifty ; and if such appearances occur, mash him and begin his scourings, otherwise abstain from physic until he is in better health. As he improves in condition, increase his exercise, but not to such a degree as to make him sweat : his food must now be the best oats and beans, with wheaten or barley bread ; the beans and oats are to be put into a bag and beaten until the hulls are all off, and then winnowed clean ; the bread instead of being chipped in the common way, is to have the crust clean off. If the horse be in good flesh and spirits when taken up for his month's preparation, cordials are altogether unnecessary; and the chief business will be to give him good food, and so much exercise as will keep him in wind, without over-sweating or tiring his spirits. When he takes larger exercise afterwards, towards the end of the month, it will be proper to have some horses in the place to run against him. This will put him upon his mettle, and the beating them will give him spirits. This, howe-ver, is t- > be cautiously observed, that he has not a bloody he*at given him for ten days or a fortnight before the plate is to be run for ; and that the last heat that is given him the day before the raoe, must be in his clothes : this will make him run with greatly more vigour when stripped for the race, and feeling the RACE HORSE. 41 cold wind on every part. In the second week, the horse should have the same food and more exercise ; and in the last fortnight he must have dried oats, that have been hulled by beating ; after this jockeys wet them with the whites of eggs beaten up, and then laid out in the sun to dry ; and when dry as before, the horse is to have them : this sort of food being considered by them as very light of digestion, and very good for the creature's wind. The beans in this time should be given more sparingly, and the bread should be made of three parts wheat and one part beans, or of wheat and barley m equal parts. If he should become costive under this course, he must then have bran- water to drink, or some ale and whites of eggs beaten together ; and keep his body moist. In the last week all mashing is to be omitted, and barley-water given him in its place ; and every day, till the day before the race, he should have his fill of hay ; then he must have it given him more sparingly, that he may have time to digest it ; and in the morning of the race day, he must have a toast or two of white bread soaked in ale, and the same 'ust before he is led out of the field. This is an excel- lent method, because the two extremes of fulness and fasting are at this time to be equally avoided ; the one heating his wind, and the other occasioning a faintness that may make him loose. After he has had his food, the litter is to be shook up, and the stable kept quiet, that he may be disturbed by nothing till he is taken out to run. In the choice of a rider for winning a race, it is necessary, as far as possible, to select one that is not only expert and able, but honest. He must have a very close seat, his knees being turned close to the saddle skirts, and held firmly there ; and the toes turned inwards, so that the spurs may be turned outwards to 5 42 RACE HORSE. the horse's belly ; his left hand governing the horse's mouth, and his right the whip. During the whole time of the race, he must take care to sit firm in the saddle, without waving or standing up in the stirrups. Some jockeys fancy the last a becoming seat ; but it is certain that all motions of this kind do really incommode the horse. In spurring the horse, it is not to be done by sticking the calves of the legs close to the horse's side, as if it were intended to press the wind out of his body ; but on the contrary, the toes are to be turned a little outwards, and the heels being brought in, the spurs may just be brought to touch the side. A sharp touch of this kind will be of more service toward the quicken- ing of a horse's pace, and will sooner draw blood than one of the common coarse kicks. The expert jockey will never spur his horse until there is great occasion, and then he will avoid striking him under the fore bowels, between the shoulders and the girt ; this is the tenderest part of a horse, and a touch there is to be reserved for the greatest extremity. As to whipping the horse, it ought always to be done over the shoulder, on the near side, except in very hard running, and on the point of victory ; then the horse is to be struck on the flank with a strong jerk; for the skin is the most tender of all there, and most sensible of the lash. When a horse is whipped and spurred, and is at the top of his speed, if he clap his cars in his pole or whisk his tail, it is a proof that the jockey treats him hard, and then he ought to give him as much comfort as he can, by sawing the snaffle back- wards and forwards in his mouth, and by that means forcing him to open his mouth, which will give him wind, and be of great service. If there be any high wind stirring in the time of riding, the artful jockey will let his adversary lead, holding hard behind him, RACE HORSE. 43 till he sees an opportunity of giving a loose ; yet m this case he must keep so close behind, that the other horse may keep the wind from him ; and that he, sit- ting low, may at once shelter himself under him, and assist the strength of the horse. If the wind happen to be in their back, the expert jockey is to keep directly behind the adversary, that he may have aL the advantage of the wind to blow his horse along, as it were, and at the same time intercept it in regard to his adversary. When running on level smooth ground, the jockey is to beat his horse as much as the adversary will give him leave, because the horse is naturally more in- clined to spend himself on this ground ; on the con- trary, on deep earths, he may have more liberty, as he will there spare himself. In riding up hill the horse is always to be favoured, by bearing him hard, for fear of running him out of wind ; but in running down hill, if the horse's feet and shoulders will bear it, and the rider dares venture his neck, he may have a full loose. If the horse have the heels of the rest, the jockey must always spare him a little, that he may have a reserve of strength to make a push at the last post. On the joclicijs knowing the nature of the horse that is to run against him, a great deal depends ; for by managing accordingly, great advantages are to be obtained : thus, if the opposite horse is of a hot and fiery disposition, the jockey is either to run just behind him or cheek-by-jole with him, making a noise with the whip, and by that means forcing him on faster than his rider would have him, and consequently, spending him so much the sooner ; or else keep him just before him in such a slow gallop that he may either overreach, or by 44 RACE HORSE. treading on the heels of the fore horse, endanger tumbling over. Whatever be the ground that the adversary's horse runs worst on, the cunning x jockey is to ride the most violently over ; and by this means it will often happen, that in following he either stum- bles or claps on the back sinews. The several cor- rections of the hand, the whip and the spur, are also to be observed in the adversary, and in what manner he makes use oi them : and when it is perceived by any of the symptoms of holding down the ears, or whisking the tail, or stretching out the nose like a pig, that the horse is almost blown, the business is to keep him on to his speed, and he will be soon thrown out or distanced. If the horse of the opponent looks dull, it is a sign his strength fails him ; and if his flanks beat much, it is a sign that his wind begins to fail him, and his strength will soon do so too. T/ie after management of a horse that has run, in eludes the treatment between the heats, and the treat ment after the race is over. After every heat, there must be dry straw and dry cloths, both linen and woollen, ready to rub him down all over, after taking off the sweat with what is called a sweat-knife ; that is, a piece of an old sword blade or some such thing. After the horse has been well rubbed, he should be chafed all over with cloths wet in common water, till the time of starting again. When it is certainly known that the horse is good at the bottom, and will stick at the mark, he should be rode every heat to the best of his performance ; and the jockey is, as much as possible, to avoid riding at any particular horse, or slaying for any, but to ride out the whole heat with the best speed he can. If, on the contrary, he has a fiery horse to ride, and one that is hard to manage, hard mouthed, and difficult to be held, he is to be started HOSTLER. 45 behind the rest of the horses with all imaginable cool- ness and gentleness ; and when he begins to ride at some command, then the jockey is to put up to the other horses ; and if they ride at their ease, and are hard held, they are to be drawn on faster ; and if it be perceived that their wind begins to rake hot, and they want a sob, the business is to keep them up to that speed ; and when they are all come within three quar- ters of a mile of the post, then is the time to push for it, and use the utmost speed in the creature's power. When the racz is over, the horse is immediately to be clothed up and rode home ; and immediately on his coming into the stable, the following drink is to be given him : Beat up the yelks of three eggs, and put them into a pint and a half of sound ale, made warm ; and let it be given with a horn. After this, he is to be rubbed well down, and the saddle-place rubbed over with warm water and vinegar, and places where the spurs have touched, with the same ; after this he should have a feed of rye bread, then a good mash, and at some time after these as much hay and oats as he will eat. His legs, after this, should be bathed some time with a mixture of vinegar and water, ' HOSTLER. No situation that a servant can be placed in, requires more activity, sobriety, strength, attention, and indus- try, than that of an hostler. And how often do we see weak, lazy, careless, crippled, and even extreme old men, worn out with age and infirmity, placed in tnat employment'? Indeed, those are often made 46 STABLES. choice of that are unable to perform labour of any description. Nothing can be more agreeable to a fatigued traveller, than to place his horse in possession of every pleasure, every comfort possible, after his having faithfully performed a hard ride, or on a journey ; which he cannot have the opportunity of doing, unless a fit person is selected for an hostler. Many fine horses and stables have been destroyed by carelessness. Hostlers that smoke pipes or segars, are unfit for that employment. STABLES. NOTHING conduces more to the health of a horse, than a good and wholesome stable. It should be built upon a high, airy, and firm situation, that the horse, in bad weather, may come in and go out clean. No animal delights more in cleanliness than the horse, or to whom bad smells are more disagreeable and perni- cious. Great attention should be paid to the removal of all offensive and putrid matter, to prevent the farcy and other troublesome and distressing diseases, which frequently proceed from such neglect. A log stable is preferable to any other, on account of its admitting a free circulation of air in summer; and by the use of slabs or straw in winter, can be made warm and com- fortable. Opposite to each stall there should be a lattice or window, with a shutter ; by which means you can, at pleasure, either welcome the cheering breeze, or bar out the threatening storm. The rack should be smooth, high, and firmly fastened to the wall ; which will prevent a horse injuring his eyes, skinning his STABLES. 47 face, and doing himself other injury when feeding. The upright pieces in a rack should be four, or foui and a half inches apart, to prevent long food from being unnecessarily wasted. The halter should never be tied to the rack, (several fine horses having been ruined by such carelesness,) but should be passed through a ring in the manger, and confined to a longer or smooth piece of wood, weighing about a pound. With a halter of this description, there is no danger of a horse's hanging, alarming, or injuring himself. A stall should be four and a half or five feet wide, which will allow him to lie down with comfort. The stable floor should be planked, to m?ke the coat of hair show to advantage ; but a dirt floor is far preferable, when a horse is wanted for actual service : there is a mois- ture received by the hoof from the earth, which is absolutely necessary to make it tough and service- able. Either kind of stable floors should be a little raised towards the manger, to turn the urine from the stall, which produces an unpleasant smell, and (when permitted to stand a length of time) very unwhole- some vapours. When the size of a stable is calculated for several horses, the partitions between the stalls should be neatly and smoothly planked low enough to the floor, to prevent the horse when lying down, getting his legs through, and high enough at top to prevent them from smelling, biting, and molesting each other. A plentiful bed of clean, dry straw affords, to a fatigued or travelling horse, as great a welcome as his food, and is as necessary in a stable as the pitchfork, curry-comb, and brush. 48 NICKING. NICKING. NICKING a horse has been generally believed to be Attended with much difficulty, and to require great in- genuity and art to perform the operation. The nicking alone, is by far the easiest part, as the curing and pullying requires considerable attention and trouble. Nicking is an operation performed for the purpose of making a horse carry an elegant artificial tail, which adds much to his beauty and value. A horse may be finely shaped, even without fault, except carrying a bad tail, and he will not command a larger sum than one of very loose and ordinary shape elegantly nicked. One thus operated on, will have an appearance of gaiety, sprightliness, and life, which cannot be given by art in any other way ; indeed, it very Irequently happens the tail sells for one fourth the value of the horse, which argues strongly in favour of the opera- tion being performed on every tolerable likely horse, that is naturally deficient in that respect. Some are of opinion, and particularly our plain, good old farmers, who are in the habit of raising fine horses, that nicking is injurious, weakening the back, unstringing the tendons, relaxing the muscles about the hind parts, causing a horse frequently to fall and some- times to catch upoji their ancles behind, almost breaking the rider's back ; in all of which they are entirely mistaken, and would readily be convinced of the fact, if they were to study the anatomy of the horse. Every tendon, muscle, nerve, artery, &c. that is separated in nicking, is always cut in docking ; and we do not find it the result of experiment, that a horse with a long tail is more durable, stronger, ree NICKING. 49 from catching or sinking behind, than a horse that has been docked. Nicking will never make a bad horse a good one, or a good horse a bad one. The opinion unfavourable to nicking, no doubt, has taken its rise from many delicate, weak, long-legged horses being nicked for the purpose of selling them. When the operation succeeds well, the horse assumes a new appearance, being more like a dancing master than a grave digger, after which he will continue to practise his old habits of catching behind, or making a bow, although he appears as if he could glide upon the wind. This elegant tail causes them to forget this is the same tender and weak horse that was in bad habits before he was nicked ; and almost proves, without reflection, that nicking is the cause of his apparent weak- ness. Indeed if such opinions were founded on fact, all horses that had been nicked, would fall and catch behind, whenever they had to descend a small hill. I have never known an instance of a horse catching behind after being nicked, that was not in the habit previous to the operation being performed. Before I describe the operation of nicking, it may be necessary to inquire into the effect, or how the elevation of the tail is brought about. In order to do this, and judge of the operation with propriety, we must consider the tail elevated or raised by one set of muscles, ending in large tendons, and depressed or drawn down by another ; the muscles and tendons that elevate the tail, are stronger and more numerous, and nearer to the bone than those that depress it ; they are closely connected to the bones of the tail by fleshy fibres, and terminate in strong tendons at the extre- mity. The tendons that throw down or depress the tail, are two in number, and may be found within a 50 NICKING . quarter of an inch of the outer sides of the fail, next to the hair. There are three arteries ; two large, on the outer side and immediately under the tendons, and one in the centre between the two nearer the bone, all running into a longitudinal direction, and decreasing in size to the extreme end. To perform the operation of nicking, it is first neces- sary the horse should be well secured, to prevent his kicking or doing other injury ; a twitch is to be put on his upper lip, but not so high as to prevent his breath- ing; a cord is to be made fast to the fetlock of one of his hind legs, tbence carried forward and made fast to his fore leg above the knee, which will effectually prevent his doing injury during the operation. [See Plate.] Being now confined, you are ready to commence the operation, which chiefly consists in a transverse division of those depressing tendons of the tail, and such a position afterwards as will keep their extremi- ties again from eoming into contact ; so that an inter- vening callous fills up the vacuity, and elevates, erects, and props the tail. There are three different modes of nicking, all of which I will proceed to explain, giving an opportunity to any person, about to perform the operation, to make their selection. To make a horse carry an elegant tail, is attended with some uncertainty, as much depends upon the spirit, disposition, form, size of the bone of the tail, &c. &c. &c. A horse of good spirit, tolerable shape, and a small bone in the tail, can be made to carry an elegant tail with the greatest ease ; particularly if he carried a tolerably natural tail. But a dull, leather- headed, flop-eared horse, with a remarkable large bone in his tail, will set you a task, although you may break NICKING. 51 the bone in two or three places indeed there is so much difference in horses, that some judgment must be exercised about the mode best to be adopted to the accomplishment of the object in view. Nothing can more disfigure the appearance of a horse, than to be half nicked. The form of the tail, when this unfortunately happens, departs from the simplicity of nature, and never attains the elegance of art. The first mode of nicking I shall describe, is the simplest, and attended with the least trouble ; and although it succeeds well, twice out of three times, yet I think inferior to the other two I shall presently de- scribe. Being prepared with a sharp knife and a crooked piece of iron or buck's horn, for the purpose of performing the operation. 1st. Have a twitch placed upon his nose as directed in the engraving annexed. Figure 3. 2d. With a strong rope, confine his left hind leg to his left fore leg, above the knee. Figures 5 < 6. 3d. Plat 'the tail close and neatly, from the root to the end, clubbing or turning it over a small stick. Figure 7. 4th. Turn the tail up, with a strong arm that can keep it firm and steady, in a direct line with his rump and back-bone. Figure 7. 5th. With a sharp knife make an incision on each side of the tail about three inches long, in a longitu- dinal direction, about two inches from the root, and about a quarter of an inch from the outer edge of the tail, next to the hair ; so soon as you get through the skin, you will find exposed the two large tendons. 6 52 NICKING 6th. Make a second pair of incisions, similar to the first, commencing within about two inches of the termination of the first. 7th. Make one other pair of incisions, in length pro- portioned to the length of the tail, taking care to leave about two inches at the end. 8th. With a crooked iron or horn, take up the ten- dons at the first incision, as near the root of the tail as possible, and cut them smoothly in two. 9th. Take up the tendons at the second incision, and by using strength, draw those in the first incision out at the second. 10th. Draw those of the second out at the third incision, and cut them off smoothly. llth. Wash the tail in strong salt and water, and take from the neck vein half a gallon of blood, three times within a week. 12th. The horse may be turned out or used mode- rately, and should be fed on green or light food ; his tail should be washed clean, with soap and water, three or four times within a fortnight ; by which* time, in all probability, he will be entirely well. A horse nicked in this way will require no pulleying, provided the tail is well strained up, with a strong arm, twice a day. The second mode of nicking is attended with more trouble than the first ; but with the greatest certainty of a horse carrying an elegant tail. Having confined the horse as first directed, and prepared yourself with a sharp knife 1st. Make an incision entirely across the under part of the horse's tail, deep enough on each side to cut in two the depressors or tendons, but shallow in the middle, and about two inches from the root of NICKING. 53 the tail. When the* depressors are entirely cut in two, one end of them will suddenly draw towards the rump, and the other will slip or shoot out of the wound about half an inch, which must be cut off smoothly and even with the wound. 2d. The second incisions must be made like the first, from which they must be distant about three inches. 3d. The third incisions should be made like the second, except deeper. If any artery should be cut, it is no cause of alarm ; as a plentiful bleeding is ot infinite service in speedily curing the tail thus operated on, and the blood is easily stopped by wrapping the tail up with a small quantity of salt, added to a handful of flour, or by placing him in the pulleys ; though from a gallon to a gallon and a half of blood would not be too much to lose. 4th. After nicking, the tail should be washed in strong salt and water, and the horse *may not be pul- leyed for three or four days, at which time all blood, dirt, &c. should be carefully removed, not only from the under part of the tail, buf from amongst the hair also, and should be kept clean until he is cured, which will be about three weeks ; by which time should he not be fat, his condition will be much improved. 5th. The tail should be taken out of the pulleys every three or four days, unplatted, and washed clean with strong soap-suds. 6th. Bleed every five or six days, taking from a half to a gallon of blood at each bleeding, and if the tail appears much inflamed, bleed oftener; it will remove fever and inflammation, and cause the wounds to heal very quick. 54 NICKING. 7th. His food should be easy of digestion, light and cool, such as bran, oats, or green food of any kind. If the root of the tail should be inflamed, (which is very often the case after pulleying,) or should small biles appear, apply a little tincture of myrrh, copperas, or blue-stone water. It very often happens, that the hair in the tail of a nicked horse shows a disposition to drop, which should be prevented, by washing the tail in sharp vinegar, and keeping it nice and clean with soap-suds. The matter discharged from the wounds, if permitted to remain amongst the hair for twenty-four hours, will take it off as readily as a knife. It is of very great importance to prevent this, as the best nicked horse in the world will look ugly, if he has little or no hair in his tail ; besides, it generally takes twelve months to replace it. Horses are sometimes nicked, when their blood is in a bad state, which is the cause of their tails swelling and showing marks of violent inflammation ; to remove which, it will be only necessary to bleed plentifully, and apply a poultice made of a strong decoction of red oak bark and corn meal ^ If this operation should be performed in a season of the year when flies are troublesome, the tail and buttocks of the horse should be anointed with stur- geon's oil, which will effectually remove them. I shall now proceed to describe the third and best mode of nicking every description of horses; and which, if well attended to, will seldom or never fail to succeed. 1st. The stall, pulleys, halter, and manger, should all be prepared for the reception of a horse, previous to being nicked, as directed in the engraving pre- fixed. The pulleys (figure 2) about six or eight feet NICKING 55 apart, and about the same distance from the stable floor, over each side of the stall, and firmly fastened to the wall ; a smooth and small cord is then to be passed through each of the pulleys, and to each end must be confined two equal weights, as figure 10 ; the halter should be constructed and fastened as figure 11 ; the trough should be securely fastened to the stall or wall, to prevent its being pulled down, (figure 8,) the stall should be three or three and an half feet wide, and not deep enough to allow a horse to rub and disfigure his tail, as figure 9. 2d. The horse should be confined, as figures 5, 6, and 3, and the tail closely and neatly platted up and clubbed at the end, or turned over a small stick, and securely tied with a waxed string, as figures 7 and 4. 3d. Being provided with a sharp knife and a crook- ed piece of buck's horn, and the tail being turned up by a strong arm, in a direct line with the back bone, as before mentioned, commence the operation by mak- ing a transverse incision, immediately across the tail, one and a half inches from the root, and deep enough to separate entirely the tendons on each side of the under part of the tail, which will be found about a quarter of an inch from the hair on the outer edge ; this incision in the middle may be shallow. The large arteries lie so immediately under the tendons, that they are often wounded or separated in performing this operation, which will be a great advantage in the healing of the wounds, instead of doing injury by the loss of blood. But whenever a horse may have bled from one to two gallons, the bleeding will readily stop by placing the tail in pulleys, or by applying a small quantity of flour and salt to the wound, and wrap the tail up moderately tight with a linen rag, from the root to the end. 6* 56 NICKING. 4th. Make two incisions lengthwise or longitudi- nally, (commencing about two or two and a half inches from the cross or transverse incision,) and about three inches in length, which will expose the large tendons on each side. 5th. Make two other incisions of the same kind, commencing about one inch from the second, and in length running within about two inches of the end of the tail. 6th. Make a transverse incision within half an inch of the termination of the longitudinal incisions, (or those made lengthwise,) pretty deep. 7th. With a buck's horn take up the large tendons in the second incisions, and draw the ends out of the first ; take up those in the third and draw* the ends out of the second, and at the upper part of the wound cut off the tendons even and smooth. 8th. With a strong arm strain up the tail opposite the second incisions, until the bone slips or breaks ; treat the tail opposite the third incisions in the same manner also the fourth and last, which should be made across. 9th. Wash the tail in strong salt water, and the horse may be placed in a stall, turned in a pasture, or elsewhere, for two or three days. 10th. Wash the wound and tail clean with strong soap suds, and place the horse in the pulleys, by pas- sing a small noose (Figure 1) over the stick confined in the hair, at the end of the tail (Figure 4.) 1 1th. Take from the neck vein half a gallon of blood, each week, until he gets well ; or double the quantity should the tail be much inflamed. He should remain in the pulleys about three weeks, in order to give the new flesh time to get firm, and should be washed once NICKING. 57 ii day with castile soap, so that it may be kept entirely clean. The tail should be taken out of the pulleys twice a week, the hair unplatted, and permitted to remain down all night, and the horse changed to a clean and large stall, with a good bed of straw, for the purpose of sleeping and refreshing himself. Before he is again confined, he may be rode two or three hundred yards, slow, and without being fretted. Whilst stand- ing in the pulleys, his legs should be frequently bathed with pot-liquor, in which bacon was boiled; vinegai and sweet oil, or lard and spirits of any kind ; and a mash should be given him at least once a week, of one gallon of bran or oats, with a table spoonful of powdered brimstone, and one tea spoonful of salt- petre; not permitting him to drink for six hours after- wards. His halter should be made of substantial materials, to prevent his breaking loose whilst confined in the pulleys, pulling the hair out of the end of the tail, and doing himself other injury. A bucket of salt and water may be given twice a week during his con- finement, which will be very grateful to the taste and cooling to the system. 12th. Great pains should be taken to have the weights to the pulleys equal, in order to keep the tail in a per- pendicular direction, and prevent it from turning to either side during the time of healing ; as a horse that carries his tail round to one side, instead of being elegantly nicked, is ruined. The wounds, occasionally, should be washed in blue-stone or copperas water, which will cause them to heal rapidly; the horse should have as much green and light food as he can eat, such as bran, oats, &c. Some horses that are nicked in this way, and are pulleyed only four or five days, carry very handsome tails ; but I am of opinion, 58 PRICKING. FOXING. to ensure success, it is necessary they should be kept in the pulleys until the wounds are perfectly well. PRICKING. THE pricking a horse has proved to be as useless an operation as it is simple, seldom or never having the desired effect; consequently the practice should be abolished. Many nicked horses fail to carry good tails; and much less is it to be expected from a horse that is pricked. I would recommend that the operation should never be performed. FOXING. To fox a horse is an operation so simple, that it can be performed by almost any person. The only skill is, to select such horses as will be improved by being foxed. There is an instrument generally used for this purpose ; but the operation can be performed very correctly without it. The simplest and easiest mode is, to take a very small paint-brush, and with paint that will form a contrast to the colour of the horse, mark the ears of the shape and length you prefer ; then place on his nose a twitch ; have one of his fore DOCKING. 59 legs held up ; and with a sharp knife cut off the ears, carefully following the line which was previously made with the brush ; the skin will immediately slip down and leave the gristly part a little naked, which must be washed in salt and water once a day for about a week, after which they should be greased with a little sweet oil, fresh butter, or hog's lard, and they will get entirely well in two or three weeks. A horse with a small, thin, delicate head, will always be much im- proved by being foxed. But a horse with a fleshy, heavy, thick, or long head, will show with less advan- tage after his ears are cut off, even if he carried them extremely bad previous to the operation. DOCKING. DOCKING a horse is an operation so simple, as to re quire but little skill or judgment in its performance. A twitch is to be placed upon the upper lip of the horse, but not so high as to prevent his breathing, (as in the engraving for nicking, figure 3,) one of his fore legs must be held up to prevent his kicking or doing other injury, and a waxed string must be tied very tight twice round the tail, just above the place where it is to be cut off; a large block of wood is to be placed upon his rump, and the tail turned up and iaid smoothly on the block ; then, with a sharp instru ment, you may cut the tail the length you prefer, (though horses docked short generally carry the best tails,) or after the waxed string is securely tied, take 00 CASTRATING. the tail in one hand, and a large knife (sharpened on a brick to give it a rough edge) in the other, and with ease, at one stroke, you may cut the tail in two : then take a piece of iron, moderately hot, place a little rosin in the wound, and sear it, recollecting to cut off the waxed string two or three days afterwards, and grease the tail with a little fresh butter or sweet oil, which will cause it to heal very quickly afterwards. When a horse is docked, the same tendons, arteries, and nerves are separated, that are divided in nicking ; and it is very rare that a horse's life is endangered or lost in consequence of performing either operation. [FROM LOUDON'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AGRICULTURE.] CASTRATING COLTS. THE time for ca-strating or gelding of colts is usually when they are about a year old ; although this operation is frequently suspended till the second year, especially when it is intended to keep them on hand, and without employing them in labour till the following season. Parkinson disapproves of delaying this operation so long, and recommends twitching the colts, a practice well known to the ram breeders, any time after a week old, or as soon after as the testicles are come down ; and this method, he says, lie has followed himself, with great success. Elaine's remarks on the subject of castration appear wor- thy of notice: he says, when the breed is particu- CASTRATING. 61 . / larly good, and many considerable expectations arc formed on the colt, it is always prudent to wait till twelve months: at this period, if his fore parts are correspondent with his hinder, proceed to castrate ; but if he be not sufficiently well up before, or his neck be too long and thin, and his shoulders spare, he will assuredly improve by being allowed to remain whole six or eight months longer. Another writer suggests for experiment, the spaying of mares, thinking they would work better, and have more wind than geldings. But he does not appear to have been aware that this is by no means a new experiment ; for Tusser, who wrote in 1562, speaks of gelding fillies as a common practice at that period. The main objection to this operation is not that brood mares would become scarce, as he supposes ; but that, by incapacitating them from breed- ing, in case of accident, and in old age, the loss in this expensive species of live stock would be greatly enhanced. An old or lame mare would then be as worthless as an old or lame gelding is at present. [ The following mode of castrating colts is taken from Mr. Skinner's American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine.] The operator must in the first place provide himself with a strong rope, a couple of clamps for each colt, (if he intends altering more than one,) a little paste, a ball of twine or good thread, and a phial of the following mixture : R. Two tea-spoonfuls of red precipitate, One do. nf corrosive sublimate, to be well ground separately, and then intimately mixed. The clamp is made thus: Take a piece or G2 CASTRATING. elder six inches long and from three quarters to one inch in diameter ; bark it, and split it through the middle, and having taken out the pith, cut one adjoining end of each piece with a slope, from the inside out- wards, about an inch, and notch it on the outside, as also the other end that is not sloped, that they may be securely tied together. Fill the hollows nicely with the paste, and sprinkle over it some of the mixture in phial. Then place the sloped ends together in such a manner that the other ends will be separated about an inch, and tie them by several turns of the thread in that position, thus: Every preparation being made; the colt thrown and care folly tied; the integuments of the testicles are to be laid open, the stone pulled out, and the epididy- mis separated from its adhesion to the lower end of the testicle -as in the ordinary way. The cord is then caught in one of the clamps, which is pressed hard upon it, and firmly tied at the open end. When this is accomplished, the cord must be cut directly off, close to the edge of the clamp, and a little more of the above mixture should be sprinkled upon the ends exposed by the knife. After the operation is concluded, the clamps should be suffered to remain on eighteen or twenty-four hours. They may then be taken off by penning the colt in a confined place, and cutting the strings which tie their blunt ends. Neither swelling, nor stiffness, nor any other inconvenience follows this operation, and the animal appears, after he is relieved of the clamps, as well as ever he was. This method may, with equal efficacy, be applied to every other animal whoso age or size renders the old way precarious. FATTENING. 63 FATTENING. To fatten a horse in a short space of time, has generally been considered a very great art, and at- tended with much difficulty. Some authors are of opinion, it is necessary for a horse to swallow a certain quantity of medicine to produce the desired effect ; while others rely on an uncommon or peculiar kind of food ; but experience has proved that both opinions are erroneous, and that the few simples which I shall here recommend, together with good rubbing and a particular manner of feeding, will accomplish the fat- tening of a horse that is not a garran or extremely poor, within three or four weeks. After your stable is prepared, (as directed in pages 46 and 47,) provide a plenty of good sweet corn, hommony, oats, bran, and fodder ; also a sufficient quantity of straw to keep him with a comfortable and clean bed; then notice the condition of the animal, for the purpose of bleeding in the neck. Should he be very poor, take from him only one quart of blood ; if in tolerable plight, two quarts repeating the bleeding at the expiration of every eight or ten days, until he is fat. Take of flaxseed one pint, boil it to a strong tea of one quart ; take oi powdered brimstone, one table spoonful ; salt-petre, one tea spoonful ; of bran, one and a half gallons ; mix them all together, scalding the bran with the tea, form- ing a mash; which may be given every eight days : not permitting the horse to drink cold water for eight or ten hours afterwards. Take of asafcetida (which can be procured from any apothecary's shop) half an ounce ; wrap it in a clean linen rag, and nail it in the bottom of the manger where the animal is fed; at first the horse will eat unwillingly where it is placed, but in a few days he will grow remarkably fond of it. 7 G4 FATTENING. When you commence kind treatment towards a horse that has been cruelly used, let it be with great caution, or you may produce a founder or some other injury ; those serviceable animals being too often hard used and half starved. For three or four days, allow- ance a horse you contemplate fattening, to two and a half gallons a day, six or eight bundles of fodder, or an equal quantity of hay ; after which you may keep your rack constantly full of long food, and never permit the manger to be entirely empty : taking care to change the food every day, giving the largest pro- portion of bran, viz.: bran and homrnony, bran and oats, bran and corn, bran alone, oats, corn, hommony, &c. &c. The food moistened occasionally with strong sassafras tea, produces an admirable effect ; it whets the appetite, enriches the blood, and opens the bowels. Whenever a horse is fed, all dust, sour food, &c. should be removed from his manger, which should be washed twice a week with vinegar and salt ; this kind of attention will aid the appetite and keep the manger sweet and clean. If the season of the year you undertake to fatten in, affords green food of any kind, a little about twelve o'clock would assist you much in accomplishing your object. In the bucket in which you water, throw a handful of salt, two or three times a week; it becomes very grateful to the taste, after a few days' confinement, and will prevent his pawing and eating dirt. If the object is to fatten a horse as speedily as possible, giving to him unusual life and spirits, he should not be brought out of the stable, nor even led to water. But if flesh is to be placed upon a horse to render hard service, I would recommend moderate exercise once every three days, carefully avoiding fretting or alarming him ; more in- jury may be done a horse by fretting him one day, EXCESSIVE FATIGUE. 65 than you can remove in a week by the kindest treat- ment. The hoofs should be cleaned out every morn- ing and evening, stuffed with clay and salt, or fresh cow manure, to keep the feet cool and prevent a swel- ling in the legs. A plenty of good rubbing is abso- lutely necessary for the placing of flesh speedily on a horse ; and a blanket as a covering, at any time except the summer months, will place on his coat of hair a beautiful gloss, and add much to his comfort and ap- parent value. EXCESSIVE FATIGUE, FOR a horse to undergo very great fatigue without injury, requires at least one week's preparation. Pre- vious to entering him on his journey, he should be fed plentifully on solid old food, such as corn, fodder, hay or oats, and smartly exercised from five to ten miles a day. He should be well rubbed two or three times every twenty-four hours, which will very readily have the effect of making his flesh not only firm, but hard. I have no doubt, from the experiments I have made, that any tolerable good and active horse may be rode one hundred miles, in a pleasant long day, with- out receiving any permanent injury, by observing the treatment I shall here recommend. Experience has proved that rainy or drizzly weather is more favoura- ble to the performance of an excessive hard ride, than a day that is fair or sultry, with sunshine ; rain has the effect of keeping him cool, suppling his limbs, oi moistening and refreshing him. On the night pre- 66 EXCESSIVE FATIGUE. vious to his engaging in this laborious undertaking, feed your horse with one and a half gallon of oats, or one gallon of corn and six bundles of fodder ; in the morning feed with one quart of oats or corn only, and offer some salt and water, of which a horse is apt to drink but little early in the morning. You then set out on your journey, in such speed as is proportioned to the distance you contemplate going in the day. A rider, who is compelled to perform a long journey in haste, and with certainty, in a given time, should be extremely particular in his manner of riding. He should bear lightly and steadily on his bridle and stir- rups, never jerking, checking, or stopping his horse suddenly, or change his gaits too frequently ; all these things have a tendency to weaken and fatigue a horse extremely. A good rider will more resemble the light and airy movements of a feather, than the dull and leaden gravity of a bullet ; the same horse can convey a good rider twenty miles farther in a day than he can one unskilled in this necessary and elegant accomplish- ment. After progressing about fifteen or eighteen miles, refreshment will be necessary, not only for the horse, but the rider also. You will then give him a bucket of salt and water with two handfuls of corn meal thrown therein, and one quart of oats or corn ; at twelve o'clock and at dinner time, feed and water in the same manner. Great care should be taken to pre- vent your I'orse from drinking cold pond or well water, or indulge in any inviting rivulet he may meet in his road, more than to moisten his mouth. It is a prac- tice " among hostlers, when they have no particular directions, to plunge horses that are tired and heated at twelve o'clock, into cold pond water ; in preference to which I would advise that their legs should be well rubbed with about half a pint of any kind of spirits. EXCESSIVE FATIGUE. 67 Your last feed being at two o'clock, or dinner time, your horse will require nothing more until night. The day's ride being performed, turn him into a lot to cool and wallow ; after which let him be placed in a stall, on a good bed of straw. 1st. Offer him a bucket of water. 2d. Remove all dirt and dust from his legs and ancles with soap and warm water. 3d. Bathe him from his belly to his hoofs with equal parts of vinegar and spirits, to which add a little sweet oil, fresh butter, or hog's lard, stewing them all together, and make use of the mixture as warm as the hand can bear it. 4th. He must be well curried, brushed, and finally polished with a sheepskin or woollen cloth. 5th. His feet should be nicely cleaned out, and stuffed with clay and salt, or fresh cow manure. 6th. He should be fed with one gallon of old corn, or one and a half gallons of oats, and six bundles of old fodder. Your horse being now in possession of every attention and comfort you could offer him, will soon be refreshed, forget his hard service, and be again prepared, by the next morning, to obey you whither you may direct his footsteps. If you have more than one day's journey to perform with great rapidity, observe the same rules of feeding, watering, and attention, as directed for the first day, except the feed at twelve o'clock, which quantity must be doubled. Many elegant and high spirited horses have been ruined and rendered useless by per- sons wanting experience on the above subject, who were disposed to treat those faithful animals with every kindness in their power; yet being under the neces- sity of performing a long journey in a limited time, arid not knowing that the will of a heated and fatigued horse should be controlled, they have permitted him to eat as much as he pleased, or when heated, to drink as much cold pond or branch water as his great thirst 68 TREATMENT ON A JOURNEY. would induce him ; which have often been the means of producing cholic, founder, and other diseases, that too frequently prove fatal in the hands of a common farrier, to which title every hostler, blacksmith, and every blockhead of a servant, who does not even understand the currying of a horse, have pretensions. The loss of two or three quarts of blood, to a horse that has undergone excessive fatigue, will remove the soreness and stiffness of his limbs, the natural consequence of violent exertions. TREATMENT ON A JOURNEY. To perform a long journey, with comfort and ease to a horse, and satisfaction to the rider, requires some attention to the feeding, for eight or ten days previous to the setting out. A horse uncommonly fat, running late at grass, fed with unsubstantial food, such as bran, &c. or unaccustomed to exercise and fatigue, is very unfit to perform a journey on, unless prepared by being fed on old and solid food, for eight or ten days, such as corn, fodder, oats, or hay, and given moderate exercise. A horse about half fat is in the best situa- tion to bear the fatigue and labour of a journey by following the mode of treatment I shall here recom- mend. If he is only a tolerably good one, by the time he reaches his journey's end, should it last four or five weeks, his condition will be much improved, if he is not entirely fat. 1st. It is necessary to have your horse shod with a good and substantial set of shoes, TREATMENT ON A JOURNEY. 69 taking care that they fit easy, set well, and are not placed so near the inside of the foot as to cut the ankles in travelling, which often produces stiffness, considerable swelling of the legs, and sometimes lame- ness. 2d. Examine your saddle, valise, portmanteau, harness, &c. as the case may be, to discover if they fit with ease and comfort to your horse, taking care to let them undergo the same examination every two or three days. For a saddle to fit properly, it must be neither wide enough in the tree to slip upon the shoulders, or so narrow as to pinch or break the skin on the withers ; the bolstering or stuffing in the pannels should be adapted to the hollow spaces on each side of the back bone or spine. When thus properly fitted, a crupper will be useless. 3d. Your valise should be fastened on by passing two straps underneath two pieces con- fined to the valise pad, and through two loops at the back of the saddle ; by which means it will be kept steadily in its proper place, and the rider will not be perplexed by its swinging first on one side, and then on the other, and the danger of the horse having a sore back from friction will be avoided. The only differenca between the customary way of fastening a valise and the one I here recommend, is the passing straps through the loops to the back of the saddle. On the night previous to your commencing your journey, after your horse is placed on a good bed of straw, and is well rubbed, feed with two gallons of oats, or one and a half gallons Q old corn and hommony, and eight or ten bundles of fodder, or a quantity of hay equal to it. In the morning feed with half a gallon of oats, after which ofFerc>a bucket of water. It is customary for horses to be watered before being fed ; but it is much better not to water them until afterwards ; a large draught of water very often 70 TREATMENT ON A JOURNEY. destroys the appetite, and makes a horse dull and sluggish for a whole day afterwards. When he is watered in this way, he seldom drinks too much, and his mouth is washed clean and is moist when he commences his journey. It also measurably destroys his incclina- tion to drink out of every stream he may cross in the road, which is so tiresome and unpleasant to a rider. Being now completely prepared for the contem- plated journey, the following rules must be strictly observed. 1st. Never permit your horse, while tra- velling, to drink cold branch, well, or pond water, or more than is necessary to wet or moisten his mouth. 2d. Every time you stop to feed, (which will be morn- ing, breakfast, and dinner time,) give him a bucket of water, made a little salt, with about two handfuls of corn meal stirred in it ; he will very soon grow fond of it, and indeed prefer it to any other drink ; it cools the system, relieves thirst, and contains considerable nutriment. 3d. Whenever you stop for the purpose of breakfasting, let your horse cool about ten minutes ; then feed with half a gallon of oats or corn, and two bundles of fodder, not forgetting to offer him again the water, meal, and salt. 4th. At dinner time* observe the same treatment as directed at breakfast. 5th. At night (having arrived at the place you intend stopping at) have your horse turned into a lot, for the purpose of wallowing, cooling, &c. 6th. With soap and water have all dirt removed from his legs. 7th. Have him placed on a good bed of straw, then take of spirits of any kind half a pint, of vinegar half a pint, mix them together, and let his legs be rubbed with the mixture until they are dry. 8th. Let him be well curried, brushed, and rubbed with straw. 9th. Water him plentifully. 10th. Feed him with two gallons of oats, or one and a half gallons of c^rn or hommony, TREATMENT ON A JOURNEY. 71 and eight or ten bundles of fodder, llth. Let his hoofs be nicely cleaned out and stuffed with fresh cow manure ; this application keeps them tough, moist, and cool. 12th. Change your food as often as possible, care- fully avoiding using any that is new, or just gathered. ( )bserve the above rules to your journey's end, except your horse should prove a great feeder, and in that case you may indulge him a little ; but the quantity 1 have here recommended, is enough for any common horse when travelling. It may not be amiss to remind the young traveller to inspect his horse's shoes once a day, and whatever appears amiss about them to have immediately rectified. It frequently happens that the skin of young horses, unaccustomed to travel, is chafed and scalded by the friction of the girth; the part, washed clean with a little soap and water, and then washed with a little salt and water, will immediately cure and toughen the skin. It often happens at little baiting places or country taverns, (met with on the road by travellers,) that towards the end of harvest, servants are apt to feed with green oats or wheat, in consequence of the scar- city of fodder, unless otherwise directed; food of this kind is poison to a travelling horse, and will produce a diarrhoea and extreme debility. It would be much better he should not have long food for two weeks, than to give it to him green from the field. When persons travelling are not attentive to their horses, they are frequently given mouldy oats and corn, which is productive of the worst effects ; there being but few kinds of food that can be given a horse, that will ter- minate his existence more speedily. Many of those valuable animals have been destroyed by such means, when the owners have been frequently at a loss to know with what disease or from what cause they had died. 72 AGE. To be able to ascertain the age of a hors,e, with tolerable certainty, from three to nine years old, is a subject of considerable importance to every person who may have occasion to purchase. Unless we pos- sess this information, we are subject to the imposition and to become the sport of every jockey, whose vice and depravity frequently surpass those of the most untractable horse. Some judges undertake to tell the age until a horse is fifteen or twenty years old, which in my opinion is impossible ; they merely make a guess, without any rule by widen they are governed, and four times out of five they labour under a mistake. If I am enabled to describe such marks and appear- ances as will make any person a judge of a horse's age, from three to nine's years old, I shall conceive I have performed a useful task, and shall be the means of preventing many impositions. Horses that have not arrived at three years of age, are unfit for use, and those that are more than nine, decrease in value with great rapidity. All that are particularly fond of horses, will always be filled with regret on viewing an elegant horse worn out with old age, yet possessing strong marks of beauty, and even former fine and graceful actions. It is to be much lamented that so beautiful an animal should so soon feel decay and be no longer useful. I shall proceed to lay down such rules for ascertaining the age of a horse, as will enable any man to speak with tolerable certainty on that subject. Every horse has six teeth above and below ; befoie he arrives at the age of three he sheds his two middle tooth, by the young teeth rising and shoving the old AGE. 73 ones out of their place. When he arrives at the age of three, he sheds one more on each side of the middle teeth ; when four years old, he sheds his two corner and last of his fore teeth ; between four and five he cuts his under tusks, and when five will cut his upper tusks, and have a mouth full and complete; his teeth appearing to have their full growth, except the tusks, and will be even, regularly placed, and pretty much grooved on the inside, with hollows of a very dark brown colour. There is always a very plain difference between colts' and horses' teeth; the colts' being without grooves and hollows, and never so large and strong. Some horses are without upper tusks even to the end of their lives; but this is not common. The appearance of the lower tusks, and them fully grown, is the most certain proof that the horse is five years old, even if one of his colt's teeth remains unshed. At six years old, the grooves and hol- lows in a horse's mouth begin to fill up a little, and their tusks have their full growth, with their points sharp, and a little concave or hollow on the inside. At seven years old, the grooves and hollows will be pretty well filled below, except the corner teeth, leaving where the dark brown hollows formerly were, little brown spots At eight, the whole of the hollows and grooves are filled up, and you see the appearance of what is termed smooth below. At nine years old, there very often appears a small bill to the outside corner teeth ; the point of the tusk is worn off, and the part that was concave begins to fill up and become rounding ; the squares of the middle teeth begin to disappear, and the gums leave them small and narrow at top. Dealers in horses sometimes drill or hollow the teeth with a graver, and black the hollows by using a hot iron, for the purpose of passing an old horse for a young 74 AGE. one, upon those who have but little or no experience upon the subject. But a discerning eye will readily discover the cheat, by the unnatural shape and black- ness of the hollows, the dulness and roundness of the tusks, together with the want of squares to the front teeth, and by many other visible marks, which denote the advanced age of a horse. Between nine and ten years of age, a horse generally loses the marks of the mouth, though there are a few exceptions ; as some horses retain good mouths until they are fourteen or fifteen years old, with their teeth white, even, and regular, and many other marks of freshness and vigour. But when a horse grows old, it may be discovered by these indications, which com- monly attend old age, viz.: The gums wear away and leave the roots of the teeth long and slender ; the roots grow yellow, and often brownish; the bars of the mouth (which are always fleshy, plump, and dry, in a young horse, and form so many distinct, firm ridges,) in an old horse, are lean, smooth, and covered with saliva, with few or no ridges. The eyes of a young horse appear plump, full, and lively; the lids with few wrinkles, the hollows above the ball small, and no gray hairs upon the brow, unless they proceed from the colour or marks of the horse. The eyes of an old horse appe?r sleepy, dim, and sunk, and the lids loose and very much shrivelled with large hollows and the brow gray. The countenance of a young horse is bold, gay, and lively ; while that of an old one is sad, dejected, and melancholy, unless mounted, and artificial means used to give him spirit. The chin of a horse, in my opinion, is by far the best mark to enable you to ascertain his age, inasmuch as it does not admit of the practice of those arts, by AGE. 75 which the jockey so often passes off an old broken down horse for a young one. The appearance of the chin can be changed only by nature : and he who will become an attentive observer, will soon be convinced, that it is not more difficult to tell an old horse from a young one. by the appearance of their chins, than it is for a^ skilful physician to distinguish a cheek of health from one that is wasted, diseased, and superannuated. The chin of a young horse is round, full, plump, full of wrinkles, and the pores close and small ; that of a horse advanced in years, flat, wrinkled, flabby, and the pores open and large. Indeed, after some experience, together with particular attention to this mark of age, there will be but little difficulty of ascertaining, with certainty, the age of a horse from three to nine years old. I have sometimes met with travellers on the road, whom I never before had seen, and in travelling along, have told the age of their horses by their chins. An examination of the lips and nostrils of a horse, may aid, corroborate, and strengthen the opinion of age, founded on the appearance of the chin. The lips and nostrils of a young horse are smooth and free from wrinkles, while those of an old one abound in them. Were I in pursuit of truth and honour, I nevei should seek them in the lower class of dealers in horses or horse jockeys. Whenever they have a horse to dispose of, they assure a purchaser he possesses every desirable quality, &c. and whenever they have effected a sale, they smile at their success, and expose every vice to which the horse was addicted, to the next person they meet. The physiognomy of a horse will assist much in ascertaining his age ; but the chin is certainly the safest guide. 8 70 AGK. [FROM THE AMERICAN FARMER.] AGE BY FEELING. A wonderful discovery recently made in an old Horse's age ! ! " 'Tis to the pen and press we mortals owe, All we believe, and almost all we know." SINCE the age of that noble animal, the horse, after a certain period of life, (that is to say) after the marks in his incisors and cuspidati are entirely obliterated, to be able to ascertain his age, with any tolerable degree of certainty, appears to the generality of " horse age judges" to be a subject of very much uncertainty. I now take the liberty of laying before the public, through the medium of your paper, an infallible method, (subject to very few exceptions) of ascertaining it in such a manner, after a horse loses his marks, or after he arrives to the age of nine years or over ; so that any person concerned in horses, even of the meanest capacity, may not be imposed upon in a horse's age, from nine years of age and over, more than three years at farthest, until the animal arrives at the age ot twenty years and upwards, by just feeling the sub- maxillary bone, or the bone of the lower jaw. This method I discovered, by making many ana- tomical observations on the skulls of dead horses and repeated dissections. In order, therefore, to elucidate the above, I must in the first place beg leave to remark ; tha the subm axillary bone, or the lower jaw bone AGE. 77 of all young horses, about four or five years of age, immediately above the bifurcation, is invariably thick and very round at the bottom ; the cavity of said bone being very small, contains a good deal of marrow, and generally continues in this state until the animal arrives at that period which is generally termed an "aged horse," or until the animal acquires his full size in height or thickness; or according to sporting language, is completely finished, with very little variation. But after this period, the cavity as aforesaid becomes larger, and more marrow is contained therein. Hence the submaxillary bone becomes thinner and sharper a little above the bifurcation. This indelible mark may always be observed in a small degree in horses above eight years of age ; but at nine years old it is still more perceptible. It continues growing a little thinner and sharper at the bottom until twelve years of age. From thence until fifteen, it is still thinner, and about as sharp as the back of a case knife near the handle. From this period until the ages 18, 19, 20, and upwards, it is exceedingly so; and is as sharp, in many subjects, as the dull edge of that instrument. RULES. 1st. Put your three fingers about half an inch or an inch immediately above the bifurcation, and grasp the submaxillary bone, or the lower jaw bone. If it is thick at the sides, and very round indeed^at the bottom, the animal is most certainly under nine years of age. 2d. If the bone is not very thick, and it is per- ceivably not very round at the bottom, he is from nine to twelve years old, and so on. From twelve to fifteen, the bone is sharper at bottom, and thinner at tne 78 MARKS. sides, the bottom is generally as sharp as the back of a case knife; and from 15 to 18, 19, 20, and upwards, without many exceptions, the bone, when divested of its integuments, is as sharp as the dull edge of that instrument. 3d. Allowances must always be made between heavy, large western or wagon horses, or carriage horses, and fine blooded ones. By practising and strictly attending to the above rules, upon all descrip- tions of horses, the performer in a little time will become very accurate in the accomplishment of his desires, more especially if he attentively observes the lower jaw bone of dead horses." MARKS. PERHAPS there is no subject to be found, that admits of a greater diversity of opinion, than the form and number of marks necessary to constitute the beauty of a horse. Many white marks, when of irregular shape, and handsomely placed, give to a handsome horse a gay and sprightly appearance, lightening up the coun- tenance, and forming a beautiful contrast to his colour. Indeed, marks are sometimes so irregularly and fanci- fully placed, as not only to please, but to delight most persons who are judges on this subject; while others of such regular, common, and unbecoming shape, and so unnaturally placed as to be unfavourable to beauty and have a tendency to disfigure the animal they are BLAZE OR STAR. 79 intended to beautify ; such as a face blazed large, high, and regular, like an ox ; the two fore legs white above the knees, and no white behind ; one white leg to the knee, behind on the right ; one fore leg white to the knee before on the left : a bald face and no white legs: a dim blaze, commencing with an awkward star, end- ing with a snip on the one side, &c. &c. A horse without marks, always has a deadness in his aspect and one well marked, always appears the more beautiful for it. But it must be acknowledged, by every person of experience, that a horse with white feet, is much more tender than one without them. Even in cases of lameness not proceeding from acci- dent, nine times out of ten, if a horse has a white foot, that will be the one that will first fail him. White feet are also more subject to the scratches and other diseases, than those of different colours, and a very remarkable fact exists, that I never have seen or heard, in my life, of a first rate four mile heat racer, that had a bald face and white legs to the knees. White marks add to the beauty of a horse, but les sen his services. BLAZE OR STAR. WHEN we have a pair of horses that match well in every respect, except that one has a blaze or star in the face, it becomes very interesting and important to know how to make their faces match, and to give 8* 80 HEAD. them blazes or stars precisely alike. This may be done in the following manner: Number 1. Take a razor and shave off the hair the form and size you wish the blaze or star to be made : then take a small quantity of oil of vitriol, and with a feather anoint the part once, which will be quite suffi- cient. After the application of the vitriol, the part will become a little sore and inflamed ; which may be readily removed and healed up, by washing the sore with copperas water. Great care should be used to prevent the vitriol from getting on clothes, as it will entirely destroy them. Number 2. Take a piece of oznaburgs the size you want the blaze or star: spread it with warm pitch and apply it to the horse's face : let it remain two or three days, by which time it will bring off the hair clean, and make the part a little tender ; then take of elixir vitriol a small quantity ; then anoint the part two or three times; or, of a very common weed. called as- mart, a small handful, bruise it and add to it about a gill of water, use it as a wash until the face gets well, when the huir will grow out entirely white. HEAD. THE head of a horse should be small, bony, thin, and delicate ; his jaws wide apart, yet thin ; his throttle large and arched; his ears long, thin, narrow, high and pointing together ; his eyes prominent, large, and BODY- 81 full, of a dark cinnamon or black colour, bright, lively, and shining ; his nostrils wide, red, and expanded; his mouth and lips thin, small, and plump ; his chin full, sharp, and delicate ; his face rather of a Roman order than straight, with irregular white, either in a star or blaze, to give expression and light up the countenance. BODY. THE body of a horse should be large, in proportion to the balance of his frame, compact, round, and swel- ling; his flanks plump and full ; and his last or small- est rib, approaching near the hip bone, which is never placed too near the point of the shoulders ; the back should be very short, smooth, and nearly even, neither swayed nor humped ; the hips wide apart, full, round, and even with the body. A horse with a light flat body, open and gaunt about the flanks, with high spirit, long legs, &c. is unfit for any purpose, except for show ; and that not for more than two or three hours ; for his rider, after that time, as well as every spectator, will discover him sinking under fatigue, and completely giving up. 82 rtECK AND SHOULDERS. LEGS. NECK AND SHOULDERS. THE neck of a horse should be long, thin, and deli- cate (indeed they are never too long or too delicate) growing deeper from the joining of the head to the shoulders ; the upper edge should form the half of an arch, gradually falling in height and shape from the head to the shoulders ; the mane should be thin, smooth, and in length half the width of the neck. The shoulders of a horse should be thin, high, and thrown very far back ; for experience has proved, that those with low shoulders and high rumps, although they may have many good parts, can never show to ad van tage, and seldom make good saddle or race horses. LEGS. THE fore legs of a horse should bear a just propoi- tion to his size ; the arms large, long, and full ; the legs bony, flat, and sinewy ; the pasterns rather long than otherwise, and tolerably straight. Small lean arms, a bending back or trembling of the knees, bow legs, small and round legs, extremely delicate back sinews, or those unnaturally large, indicate weakness or some injury, and should be avoided. The hind parts of a ho^se, from the hip bone to the hock, should be of great length ; the thighs and muscles should be full, large, and bulging ; the hock broad, sinewy, and SHOEING. 83 strong ; the hind legs flat, smooth, bony, and M oi sinew, clear of knots, and rather crooked in the hock than straight ; the pasterns of moderate length, small and rather straight than otherwise. The horse should be neither knock-kneed or bow-legged, or his feet turned in or out; as a horse thus shaped, moves ugly, and never can be sure footed. SHOEING. DISEASES are sometimes produced in the feet, ii orn which a horse is never again free during his life ; it is therefore important that a valuable horse should not be placed in the hands of every blockhead who pleases to call himself a horse shoer, but entrusted only to persons of known skill. For a horse to be well shod, the hoof should be pared with a buttress, (instead of giving in to the cruel and injurious practice of burning the foot with a red hot shoe until it fits,) smooth and level, to a reasonable size; the frog should be nicely trimmed, in shape a little convex, rather lower than the foot ; the shoes should be made of good and tough iron, and precisely the shape of the hoof after being trimmed, not so wide between the heels as to show on the out- side, or so narrow as to cramp the foot, and produce narrow heels, (which is a very troublesome disease.) The nails should be made of old horseshoes, or some other tough iron, with small heads, and drove regular, smooth, and even; not high enough to reach the 84 SHOEING. quick, yet with hold sufficient to confine the shoe three or four months. The points of the nails should be formed into neat and small clinches, and should be well driven up Some taste may be displayed in the rasping and shaping the hoof, after the shoe is confined. When it is left more sharp than flat around at the toe, it adds much to its beauty and neat appearance. When a horse is well shod, if water is poured upon the bottom of his foot, it will not pass between the hoof and the shoe. A smith, who resided in Williams- burg, in the year 1804, was in the habit of shoeing in this exact and elegant style. Shoes for draft horses, that have seldom occasion to go out of a walk, should be heavy, strong, and with high heels, and pointed at the toe with steel. Horse shoeing is what every worker of iron, who has acquired the name of a blacksmith, pretends to be well skilled in ; but there are few indeed in possession of sufficient knowledge on that subject, to make it safe to place under their care a horse of value, for the purpose of being shod. To perform this operation correctly, and without present or future injury, requires not only good skill and judgment, but a thorough acquaintance with the anatomy of a horse's foot, which is a know ledge but few of our blacksmiths are in possession of, and is the cause of so many horses being rendered useless. Almost all the diseases in the feet, are, more or less, the result of bad shoeing, by wounding muscles, veins, nerves, or arteries in this way. HOOFS. MANE AND TAIL. 85 HOOFS. THE hoofs of a horse should be proportioned to his size ; of a dark colour, smooth, tough, and nearly round ; not too flat nor too upright, and the bottom hollow. White hoofs are much more tender than any other colour, nor do they retain or bear a shoe so well. One that is flat, turning up at the toe or full of ridges, or flat and pumiced on the under side, strongly indicates founder or other injury. If the hair lie smooth at the top of the hoof, it is an evidence of its being good, should there be nothing unnatural in its shape ; but if the hair stands up and appears rough, and the flesh swelled a little beyond the circle of the hoof, it is a proof the foot is in some way diseased and a ring bone may be apprehended. MANE AND TAIL. THE mane and tail of a horse, when the hair is even, smooth, long, and well proportioned, adds much to the beauty, boldness, and majesty of his figure. Great judgment and taste may be displayed in the trimming and proportioning those two ornaments. A very large horse, even if elegant, appears mean and trifling if you attach to him a little rat tail ; one very small with a monstrous long, bushy tail ; or a square, narrow hipped, lathy horse, with a small bob tail, only serves 86 EYES. to point out his imperfections, and attach to his ap- pearance an idea of insignificance and meanness. One with a remarkably long body, with a thin switch bob tail, bears no better proportion than the legs and thighs of a dwarf to the head and body. A large horse, roached and bobbed, nev^r shows to advantage, as the appearance of the riding horse is given up, and the round and snug appearance of the nimble footed pony can never be attained. For a horse to look well with a bob tail, he should be plump, round, full, and com- pact ; but all tails that are full of hair, show to much more advantage than those that are thin and frizzled. Previous to a tail's being trimmed, great respect should be paid to the shape and proportion of the horse, and the tail should be made an equal propor- tionable part. The manes of all horses, except ponies, should be long, smooth, and reaching at least half way down the neek ; nothing can more disfigure him than a short frizzled mane : it even alters, apparently, the shape of the neck, and when once in this situation, it will take twelve months to grow of proper length. The mane~of a horse may be combed two or three times a day, as a thin mane looks well ; but his tail, if well proportioned and elegant, should not be combed oftener than twice a week. GOOD AND BAD EYES. THE eye is an organ of more use and more value than any that belongs to the horse, and should always undergo an examination by a purchaser with the EYES. 87 -i greatest attention and minuteness. Nothing can more affect his value than the want of vision ; as any elegant horse, that would readily command in cash two hundred dollars, if blind, in all probability, would be well sold at fifty dollars, which plainly proves the necessity and importance of using on this subject the greatest caution. To give a full description of the anatomy of a horse's eye, would take up more room and time than can at present be devoted to this topic: the reader must be content with a description of those parts most familiar and most important. The eye is the organ of sight, whereby the ideas of all outward objects are represented to the common sensory ; its form is a convex globular, covered by its proper lids, and enclosed within an orbit or socket: the eyelids preserve the eye from dust or external injury, and an expansion of the muscles and skin, the inner membrane being of an exquisite contexture, that it may in no manner hurt or impair the surface of the eye : their edges have a cartilaginous or gristly rim, by which they are so fitted as to meet close together at pressure ; the orbit or cavity in which the eye is situated, is lined with a very pliable, loose fat, which is not only easy to the eye in its various motions, but serves to keep it sufficiently moist, as the lachamalial glands, seated in the outer corner of the eye, serve to moisten its surface, or wash off any dust or dirt that may happen to get into it: at the inner corner of the eye, next the nose, is a carbuncle, which some are of opinion is placed to keep that corner of the eye from being entirely closed, that any tears or gummy matter may be discharged even in time of sleep, or into the punctua lachamalia, which are little holes for the 9 88 EYES. purpose of carrying off any superfluous moisture or tears into the nose: the eye has four coats or mem- branes, and three humours ; the first membrane is called tunika adnata, and covers all that part of the eye that in a man appears white, but in a horse is variegated with streaks and spots of brown, and being reflected back, lines the inside of the eyelids, and by that inver- sion becomes the means to prevent motes, dust, small flies, or any extraneous matter getting behind the eye- ball into the orbit, which would be extremely danger- ous : this coat is full of blood vessels, which appear in little red streaks on the human eye when inflamed, and when there is but little white in the eyes of horses, they appear fiery, and the eyelids, when opened and turned back, look red : the second coat has its forepart very strong and transparent, like horn, and is therefore called the cornea ; and the other part, which is opaque and dark, is called the schlerotis : under the cornea lies the iris, which in a horse inclines to cinnamon colour: the middle of this membrane, or coat, is perforated for the admission of the rays of light, and is called the pupil : under the iris lies the processes ciliares, which go off in little rays, and in a sound eye are plainly to be seen. As often as these processes contract, they dilate the pupil, which may always be observed in places where the light is small ; but in a strong light, the circular fibres of the iris act as a sphincter muscle, and lessen the size of the pupil ; and therefore a dilated and wide pupil, in a strong light, is generally an evidence of a bad eye. Under the schlerotis lies the choroides, which is the third coat of the eye : in men it is of a dusky brown ; but in horses the greater part of this coat is white ; which enables them to see bodies of all colours better than men in the night, as white reflects all colours, EYES. 89 But horses and other animals that feed on grass, have some parts of this membrane of a light green, which enables them to see with little light, and makes grass an object that they can discern with greatest strength, and therefore it is sometimes called tunicia uvea, from its resembling the colour of a grape. The inner- most or fourth coat is called the membrana retina, which is only an expansion of the optic nerve upon the choroides, and encompasseth the glossy humour like a net. By the continuation of the rays of light upon the fine filaments of this membrane, all the external images are conveyed by the optic nerves to the brain. Within the coats of the eye are seated the three humours that chiefly compose the eyeball ; the first is the aqueous or watery humour, which lies foremost and seems chiefly as a proper medium to preserve the crystalline humours from injuries in case of wounds, bruises, or any other external cause. Behind the aqueous humour lies the crystalline lens, in a very firm membrane called arena, being like a spider's web its use is to refract the rays of light that pass through it, so that all the rays proceeding from the same point of any object, being first refracted on the cornea, may be united on the retina the vitreous humour lies behind the crystalline, being con- cave on its foreside to make a convenient lodgement for the crystalline, and its hinder part convex agreeable to the globular form of the eye, upon which the tunica retina and choroides are 'spread: this humour pos- sesses a space larger than the other two, and being i a hue like a light coloured green glass, is a proper medium, not only to keep the crystalline humour and the retina at a proper distance from each other, but by its colour to prevent the rays o f light falling too for 00 EYES. cibly upon the latter, which might weaken or impair the sight. The eyes of horses differ so widely in their appear- ance, that the best judges will be sometimes mistaken as to their power of vision ; but I shall here recom- mend such modes of examination as will rarely de- ceive, having already described that organ fully, when in its most perfect state. For the purpose of making a fair trial of a horse's eyes, that you suspect to be bad, and to ascertain their quality, 1st. Have him confined in a dark stable about fif- teen minutes, then led hastily out into a strong light : if he winks fast, wrinkles his brows, throwing his head up as if desirous of receiving more light, and moves his ears backwards and forwards slowly, in an unmeaning manner, his eyes are not good. 2d. If his eyes appear sunk, with the lids shrivelled or very much swelled, it is a proof they have received an injury. 3d. If the ball of the eye appears covered with a film, or the remains of one about the corners, with the pupil large and light coloured, without occasionally contracting with a look wild and vacant, his eyes are diseased. 4th. If he can be rode against a tree or any other object which he should avoid, and which should alarm him, his eyes are bad. 5th. If when moved he lifts his feet high and awk- wardly, and appears not to know where he is about to place them, you may immediately conclude he is blind. 6th. If when rode over small gullies or old corn ground, he blunders much, and requires the constant attention of the rider to guide him, his eyes are not good. EYES. 91 7th. If you shake your hand near his eyes in such a manner that he cannot feel the wind from it, and he pays no attention to it, by winking quick, and moving his ears, his eyes are such as should not be made choice of. 8th. If at night, when you approach him with a candle, and the pupil of his eye looks large, of a light blue colour, without having near its middle, and on the upper part, little rough spots, of a dark brown colour, resembling moss, or if the pupil contains large white opaque lumps, the horse is either blind or occasionally subject to blindness, and should be avoided by a purchaser. The eyes of some horses are very subject to films, which have been sometimes removed by large bleed- ngs, or the use of double refined loaf sugar, or glass bottle, powdered. Eyes thus affected are much to be dreaded, as it is very difficult to discover them. One hard ride will make a horse blind; and one large bleeding will remove the film. To detect such eyes, examine minutely the corners, as the film leaves those parts of the eye last, and will appear there, when it has been removed from the middle of the eye for several days. The eyes of a horse are never too large, but very frequently too small ; and when shaped like JSL pig's, are neither durable nor handsome, and form a serious objection. The wall or white eyes are truly valuable, being much hardier and less subject to disease than eyes of any other description ; for who ever recollects to have seen a horse blind, or even with diseased eyes, that had wall eyes ? and unquestionably they can see be-tter in the night than a horse without them. 9* EYES. The eyes of a horse should be large, round, full, lively, dark coloured, clear, and shining, that you may see far into them ; and when moving, but little of the white should appear. Dealers in those animals are very apt to endeavour to lead a purchaser from any defect he by chance may discover about a horse, to some part without fault, or some of his best parts ; and as to eyes, speak of them as if they were of little or no consequence. Purchasers should always be on their guard when dealing with men that possess so much artifice and cunning. MOON EYES. WE sometimes observe the eyes of a horse to change colour, and to vary in appearance monthly. Eyes thus affected, are called moon eyes, from the prevailing opinion that the affection increases or decreases with the course of the moon ; insomuch that in the full moon the eyes are muddy, discharging a thin ichorous water so sharp as sometimes to excoriate the skin, and at new moon clear up again. At first appearance of this disease, the eyes are much swelled, and very often shut, and the whole eyeball of a muddy brown ; the veins of the temple, and near the eyes, appear remark- ably full of blood, and both eyes are seldom affected at the same time. Large bleedings, and the eyes washed frequently in cold water, give temporary relief; but this disease is the forerunner of a cataract, which seldom admits of a cure ; the cases generally end in blindness of one, if not both eyes. STARTING 93 The eyes of horses are very frequently wounded and injured by blows, flies, accidents, &c. which can always be distinguished from diseased eyes by a proper examination. To perform a cure, when thus injured, wash them three or four times a day in clean, cold spring water, after which repeat the washing, adding a small quantity of sugar of lead to the water, when the eye gets strong enough to open of its own accord, in the light. Should a film appear on the surface, (which is absolutely necessary, if the eye has received a wound, before it can heal,) take of double refined loaf sugar, or glass bottle powdered to a fine dust, a small quantity in the end of a quill ; blow it in the eye affected, every third morning for a week : bleed at least three times within the week, taking about half a gallon of blood at each bleeding ; if the horse is not disposed to go blind, the cure will in a short time be completed. STARTING. HORSES, as we A as men, sometimes acquiie bad habits, of which they can but seldom divest themselves. Starting is one among the worst habits a horse can possess, and has a tendency to reduce his value at least one fourth, in consequence of endangering the life of any person who may back him. A good rider has sometimes been thrown by his horse in starting, that would have defied his agility in any other way. A rider never can guard against a starting horse, as he gives no notice of his intentions, by the moving ol ->fc,*g ,<*<:-. _ 91 STARTING. his ears, eyes, manner of going, &c. as they generally do in rearing, jumping, kicking, sullenness, and such vices. Some few horses are broke of starting by mild means, others by cruel treatment ; but whoever engages in it, at least runs the risk of breaking his own neck before his object is accomplished. A horse subject to starting, labours under an ocular deception, or rather an optic defect, seeing nothing perfectly, or in proper shape or colour ; and can as easily make a scare-crow of a little bush or chunk, that may happen to lay in his road, as the most frightful object that could meet his sight. To ascertain that a horse starts, is very easy indeed. Mount him yourself, ride first slow, and then fast, towards and by such objects as are offensive to the eye, and you will readily discover if he possesses that bad habit. Some horses that are free from this objection, will notice particularly all objects they meet, and may sidle a little ; but a starting horse, on approaching any object that may displease him, whether frightful or not, will either suddenly spring from one side of the road to the other, jump back, or when going in a full gallop, stop suddenly, turn round, and run in an opposite direction from the one he was going. Such horses are neither agreeable or safe for any kind of service. STUMBLING. 05 STUMBLING. THE stumbling of a horse may be either natural or produced by accidents, such as splint, wind galls, sinew strains, shoulder sprains, withers injured, &c. &c. but whether produced by accident or natural defect, cannot be remedied. All horses, and particu- larly those that go well, stumble more or less ; but there is a very wide distinction between a light tip or touch on the foot, and a stumble that will bring a horse and sometimes his rider flat in the dirt. Horses given to this practice, are very much lessened in value, and can never be rode by any person aware of his bad quality, without being in pain, dreading every time he lifts his feet, that all will be prostrated in the dust. To ascertain if a horse stumbles, 1st. Examine well his knees, to discover if they are scarred, or the hair knocked off. 2d. Take him amongst uneven ground, small gullies, or old corn ground, and let him be rode with the bridle hanging slack upon his neck, in all the different gaits he has been accustomed to, and if he is in the habit of stumbling, he will very soon make a sufficient number of low bows to convince you of the fact. 3d. When a horse stumbles and immediately springs off, appearing alarmed, it is a proof that he is an old offender, and is under the apprehension of having one other flogging added to the great number he had, no doubt, receive-d for the same fault. Such a horse I consider unsafe, and therefore cannot recommend him to 'purchasers ; he being not so good, even for a slow draft, as one possessing more activity. 06 SPAVIN. SPAVIN. A SPAVINED horse may be considered as one com- pletely ruined, for a permanent cure can rarely be effected, if attempted, even on its first appearance. The spavin is a lump, knot, or swelling, on the inside of the hock, below the joint, that benumbs the limbs, and destroys the free use of the hind legs. It causes a horse to be extremely lame, and to experience, apparently, very excruciating pain. In the purchase of a horse, great respect should be paid to his bringing up his hind parts well, as a spavined horse never makes a full step with the leg affected ; also to the shape of his hocks, in order to discover if there is any knot or unnatural prominence about the joint, which is an evidence of the spavin. When a horse is thus diseased, he is unfit for any kind of service, even the meanest drudgery, being in constant pain, and unable to perform. Horses sometimes have the spavin, when there is no lump apparent near the joint, the disease being seated in the joint. To detect such spavin, and to prevent a cunning fellow (who may have given the animal rest, blistered and bathed the part with double distilled spirits, and formed a temporary relief,) from* imposing on a purchaser, have the horse rode in three quarters speed, about one mile out and back, occasionally fretting, cracking, and drawing him up suddenly and short; after which let him be rode in cold water up to the belly ; then place him in a stall without interruption, for about half an hour, by which time h^ will be perfectly cool ; then have him led out, and moved gently: if he has received a temporary CRIB BITING. 97 cure of the spavin, he will show lameness. A blister of Spanish flies applied to the part affected (after shaving off the hair) with a bath of strong spirits or vinegar, and a week's rest, will frequently suspend the lameness produced by the spavin for a time, but a radical cure may not be expected. CRIB BITING. CRIB BITING is one amongst the number of bad habits to which some horses are addicted. It consists in his catching hold of the manger, grunting and sucking in wind, until he is almost ready to burst. To discover this vice, it is only necessary to have a horse- fed : whenever they eat, at least one half of his victuals is wasted, by their catching hold of the manger, grunting, straining, and swallowing large quantities of wind every two or three mouthfuls, which produces the cholic and other distressing diseases. Whenever this very bad habit is acquired, it is practised as long as the animal lives. Many experi- ments and fruitless attempts have been made to remedy it, but without success. An elegant horse, when once he becomes a crib biter, is reduced in value to little or nothing. He always looks hollow, jaded, and delicate, and is incapable of rendering service in any situation OS BROKEN WIND. BROKEN WIND BROKEN WIND is one amongst the number ot incurable diseases to which the horse is subject. When affected with this disease, he is disagreeable to his rider, and is of but little value, however beautiful or elegant he may be in his appearance. All the boasted pretensions of farriers to cure, are vain and frivolous, since their utmost skill, now and then, can only palliate the symptoms, and mitigate their violence. It is easy to discover'a broken winded horse. By giving him a little brisk exercise, he will draw up his flanks and drop them suddenly, breathe with great difficulty, and make a disagreeable wheezing noise. The seat of the disease appears, from dissection, to be in the lungs ; the heart and lungs being found of twice their natural size, which prevents their performing their office with ease, in the action of respiration. Broken wind is sometimes produced in a horse by excessive fatigue, heavy drafts, sudden changes from heat to cold, and other cruel treatment. It would be advisable to dispose of such horses at any price, as they are not worth their feeding. This complaint, I believe, does not admit of perfect cure: but by much care may be greatly relieved. The food should be compact and nutritious, such as corn and old hay. Carrots are excellent in this case, as are parsnips and beet roots, probably on account of the saccharine matter they contain. I have heard that molasses has been given in the water (which should be in very small quantities) with very great Some have used tar water ; others praise STRING HALT. tf# the effects of lime water ; but the greatest dependence should be in very sparing supplies of substantial food. The exercise ought to be regular, but never beyond a walking pace. If the symptomatic cough should be troublesome, take away about three quarts of blood every other day. STRING HALT. THE string halt affects horses in their hind legs, and consists in a false action or involuntary use of a muscle, which twitches one of the legs almost up to the belly, and sometimes both. The string halt is produced by a muscle being over strained, or a violent blow on the hind parts. Good rubbing, and baths of warm vinegar and sweet oil, afford momentary relief, but a permanent cure may not be expected. A horse thus injured, is incapable of faithfully performing a journey, although he may be rode four or five miles without appearing to sink with fatigue. Such a horse is very objectionable, being uneasy to the rider, and must give pain to every peison who is in the habit of seeing him rode. 1Q 100 CHEST FOUNDER. CHEST FOUNDER. THE chest founder appears to be a disease but little understood by farriers in general ; they are, however, not backward in offering many remedies, and speak of some with much confidence, when they propose performing a cure. But experience has proved, beyond the possibility of a doubt, that the chest founder is one of those dreadful diseases to which the horse is subject, that admits of no cure. 1 can here be of more use, by speaking of its seat, and describing its symptoms to a purchaser, than by pretending there exists, for that disease, a specific medicine, or propose its use to the owner of such an unfortunate animal. The chest founder is sometimes produced by violent exercise on a full stomach, and drinking large quan- tities of cold branch water ; by the use of mouldy bran, corn, or oats, or by eating large quantities oi green food, such as oats, wheat, peas, &c. while per- forming hard labour. From dissection, it appears that the seat of the disease is in the lungs ; the heart and liver are also considerably enlarged, insomuch that there is not room for them to perform their office with ease. The liver, lungs, diaphragm, and surrounding parts, are all covered with large brown spots, and are much inflamed. A horse that is chest foundered, will straddle or stake with his fore legs, showing an unwillingness to bring his feet together ; and if they are placed near each other, he will not permit them to remain so for a minute. Indeed they are frequently twelve or NA.RROW HEELS. 101 eighteen inches apart, which is caused by a fulness, and continual uneasiness about the chest : the cavity being too small to contain the lungs, &c. in their enlarged situation with ease. The hind legs are free from the palsied appearance of those before, and it is not difficult to distinguish it from a common founder, as it is wanting in all its symptoms, except the stiff and numbed appearance ol the legs. Large bleedings and half an ounce of aloes, given internally in a ball, have sometimes afforded momen- tary relief. No effectual remedy has yet been dis- covered. A horse labouring under this disease, is worth but little more than his board, as he is unable to bear fatigue, or undergo severe service. NARROW HEELS, Is a disease that often produces lameness without the master of the horse knowing from what cause it proceeds ; often examining his legs, cleaning his hoofs, paring the frogs of his feet, &c. &c. without paying any respect to the shape of the horse's heels, which are always close together and unaturally shaped. A horse with narrow heels is unfit to travel, as he is tender footed, and goes cramped, short, and is al- ways subject to lameness, more or less. Narrow heels is the effect of shoes being permitted to remain on a horse that is not used, for three or four 102 SPLINT. months, which cause the heels to grow together, pinch- ing and confining the coronet. The cure is simple, though tedious. Have his shoes taken off and his feet cut down as small as possible, without injuring the quick ; then turn him out upon a marsh or low ground, where his hoofs may be con- stantly moist for three or four months, and his heels will expand, his hoofs again assume their natural shape, and the horse will be fit for any kind of service. SPLINT. THE .splint ib a hard lump or excrescence that grows upon the fore legs of a horse between the fetlock and the knee. It is unpleasant to the eye, but seldom does injury, unless situated on the back of the leg and im- mediately under the large tendons, in which case lameness is always produced, and the cure rendered difficult. When the splint is situated in the usual place, and grows so large as to be unfavourable to beauty to remove it, bathe the part with hot vinegar twice a day, and have the knot or splint rubbed with a smooth round stick, after bathing for ten or fifteen minutes ; by the expiration of a week the knot will perceptibly decrease in size, and finally, in a short time will disappear. But should such means not have the desired effect, shave off the hair over the lump, and apply a blister of Spanish flies, which in a short time will effectually remove it. LAMPASS. 103 The splint, when first making its appearance, will cause a horse to limp a little: and, as he advances in years, may stiffen him, and cause him to stumble. But I have never known any serious injury to result from such an excrescence, unless placed beneath the large tendons. LAMPASS. ALL young horses are subject to the lampass, and some suffer extremely before it is discovered. It is a swelling or enlarging of the gums on the inside of the upper jaw : the growth is sometimes so luxuriant as to prevent a horse from eating with any comfort. The cure is simple; and after being per- formed, a horse will improve in his condition with great rapidity. Take a hot iron, flat, sharp, and a little crooked at the end, burn the lampass out just below the level of the teeth, using great care to prevent the hot iron from bearing or resting upon the teeth. After the operation is performed, the horse should be given a little bran or meal, with a small quantity of salt in it. Some farriers have recommended cutting for the lampass, which only gives momentary relief, and would require the same operation to be performed every three or four months ; but when it is once burnt out, it never again makes its appearance. 10* 104 WIND CALLS. WIND GALLS. WIND GALLS are spongy and flatulent humours, that make their appearance on both sides of the legs, just above the pastern joint or fetlock. It is seldom that a horse is found entirely clear of them, particularly about the hind legs, if he be much used. They are produced by hard usage, strains, bruises, &c. &c. of the back sinews or the sheath that covers them, which by being over-stretched, have some of their fibres ruptured ; whence probably may ooze out the fluid which is commonly found with the included air. When wind galls make their first appearance, they are easily cured by a bath and bandage. Boil red oak bark to a strong decoction, add some sharp vinegar and a little alum, let the parts be fomented twice a day, warm as the hand can be held in ft ; then take a woollen cloth, dip it in the bath, and bind the ancle up, tight as possible, without giving pain to the horse. Should this method not succeed, after a thorough trial, the swelled or puffed parts may be opened with a sharp knife ; but blistering with flies is less dangerous, and generally attended with equal success. Wind galls give to a horse a gouty and clumsy appearance ; but I have never known lameness pro- duced by them, or any other injury, except that of stiffening his legs as he advances in years. They furnish strong proof that the animal has rendered much service. FARCY. 105 FARCY. THE farcy is a contagious disease among horses, and is more to be dreaded than any malady to which they are subject. It sometimes makes its appearance on a particular part, while at other times it spreads its horrid ravages through the whole system. It may be found in the neighbourhood of each blood vessel, following the track of the veins, and when inveterate, appears to thicken their coats and integuments. Its characteristics are a fulness and hardness of the veins, a number of small lumps or buds on the limbs or lower parts of the body, which at first appearance are hard, but soon turn into soft blisters, and which (when broken) discharge an oily or bloody ichor, and turn into foul, spreading ulcers. In some horses it appears in the head only, in others near the external jugular or plate veins, inside the fore arms, on the hind parts, near the large veins inside the thighs, about the pasterns, and parti- cularly about the knees of the horse, which are fre- quently swelled until they appear deformed. The poison of the farcy appears to be slow in its operation, as a horse will frequently linger and dwindle away for six or nine months, and the ulcers increase in number and size, until the flesh appears almost dis- posed to fall from the bones, before life is destroyed, The appetite of a horse thus diseased is generally good to the last, but his hair looks dead, and his eyes sad and desponding. The farcy, in its first stage, readily admits of a cure : but after running on a horse for a length 01 time 106 FARCY. and the absorbents or lymphatics about the ulcers become inflamed from an absorption of poisonous mat- ter, the cure is rendered extremely difficult. Whenever the farcy rises on the spine, it shows great malignancy, and is considered dangerous, parti- cularly to horses that are fat, and full of blood. When it is general in the system, as is sometimes the case, it rises on several parts of the body at once, forming many large and foul ulcers, causing a profuse running of greenish corrupted matter from both nostrils, and soon terminates the existence of the animal by general mortification. In the lower limbs the farcy sometimes remains concealed for a great length of time, and makes so slow a progress that it is often mistaken for a wound, or some other disease. A single bud will sometimes appear opposite the pastern joint, and run upwards in an uneven and knotty form ; and unless some steps are taken to check its progress, it will slowly steal upon the animal until it becomes general in the sys- tem, and finally centres in the lungs; shortly after which a gangrene ensues, and the horse is unburdened of a life that is not only painful to himself, but to all that behold him. To effect a cure in this distressing disease, in its first stage bleed three times the first week, taking half a gallon of blood at each bleeding, feed principally on bran, oats, or any food easily digested, and the long food green, (if to be had ;) remove all filth from or about the stable, taking care to keep it neat and clean afterwards ; give three mashes a week, of bran, scalded with sassafras tea, one table spoonful of powdered brimstone, and one tea spoonful of saltpetre, (not per- FARCY. 107 mitting the horse to drink for six hours afterwards,) take half an ounce of asafoetida, which can be pro- cured in any apothecary's shop ; wrap it in a clean linen rag, and nail it in the bottom of the manger in which he is fed ; all his drink must be equal quantities of sassafras boiled in water to a strong decoction, and half an ounce of asafoetida should be placed in his watering bucket in the same manner as directed for the manger; the buds or ulcers should be washed once a day with blue-stone or copperas water, and if the knees or ancles are swelled, spread on a piece of buck- skin mercurial ointment, and bind them up as tight as possible without giving pain. The second week bleed twice, taking half a gallon of blood each bleeding, if the horse is in tolerable order ; or if poor, only half the quantity; give the same number of mashes as directed for the first week, also the same drink, taking care to renew the asafoetida in the man- ger and bucket, should it be sufficiently exhausted to require it. The third week bleed but once, taking one quart of blood ; in other respects observe the same treatment as directed for the first and second weeks. The horse should be moderately exercised about a mile, twice a day, and occasionally should be offered a little hom- mony, as a change of food, to keep up his appetite. By the time your attentions for the third week expire, if the disease is only local, it will not only be removed, but the plight of the horse will be much improved. When the farcy make its appearance epidemically, the cure is rendered difficult, and will require the aid of more active medicine. Prepare and give to a horse 108 FARCY. thus diseased, a ball, every night for a week, com- posed of twenty-five grains of calomel, a quarter of an ounce of powdered fennel seed, a small quantity of syrup of any kind, and as much crumb of loaf bread as will make a ball about the size of an English walnut; all buds or ulcers should be washed clean in blue-stone water, after which they shonld be well rubbed around with mercurial ointment once a day ; a narrow pitch plaster should be laid on at the joining of the head and neck, in the direction of the throat latch, for the purpose of taking off the hair, which will happen in two or three days; after which, a lump of mercu- rial ointment, about the size of a hickory nut, must be rubbed on the naked part, amongst the large glands of the throat, until it' is entirely absorbed, every night and morning, until the expiration of the week ; added to which, the treatment generally may be the same as before recommended in the more simple stage of the farcy, with these exceptions; the drink should never be cold, but the air taken off, or milk warm ; the mashes without sulphur, during the week the balls are given, as the sulphur counteracts the effects of the calomel and ointment; he should not be bled, and great care should be used to prevent his getting wet, and catching cold in any way while under the course of physic. At the expiration of the first week, stop with the balls and ointment for a week, adding sulphur to the mashes, as directed in the first stage of farcy. At the expiration of the second week, stop with the sulphur, and again commence with the balls and ointment. Go on in this manner, continuing to change the medicine each week, until the cure is performed. FARCY. J 09 It may sometimes happen that a horse's mouth will become sore before the expiration of a week, when taking the balls and using the ointment. Whenever this is discovered, stop with the balls, an d add sulphur to the mashes, which will readily remove the soreness about the mouth. The farcy is so contagious that it often destroys horses of every description upon a plantation, and leaves the plough of industry standing still in the far- mer's field. Not long since, a gentlemen in the county of Sussex, lost upwards of forty horses by this fatal disease, without being able to save one. For the oenefit of those who have more than one horse, I would recommend the use of asafoetida in the manger, watering bucket, and to the bridle bit, to prevent the farcy from dealing out destruction to their whole stock. I have made a fair experiment with this simple preventive, by placing a horse violently affected with it, and which fell a victim to it, in the same stable with one in health, without any ill consequences resulting from their contiguous situation. The farcy has visited several farms within th%- tolacca decandra) and extracting the juice by pressure, and stewing it in hog's lard, or of the Jamestown weed, or thorn apple, (datura stramonium^) prepared in the same way. These applications may be made use of with advantage as soon as it is discovered that the parts begin to separate. If the weather be warm it may be necessary to anoint the parts with a mixture of common tar and hog's lard, or the juice of elder stewed in hog's lard, in order to keep away the blow fly, which will be attracted to the parts by the offen- siveness of the scent emitted. It cannot be expected that a horse which has thus been operated upon, will regain the beauty of his head, particularly if he be an old horse, or has been affected on both sides of the face, or the disease has been suffered to run too long 144 BIG HEAD. before applying the remedy : this is evidenced by the appearance of my mare. 1 suffered the disease to run too long, because I was fearful that the arsenic might injure the foal, but was induced to risk it rather than lose the mare : the stallion on the contrary, exhibits the effects of it in but a slight degree. It may be proper to remark, that a less quantity of arsenic will answer for a colt than for an old horse ; and that it ought to be inserted as high up on the face as the seat of the disease will admit of; perhaps on the upper edge of the swelled part will answer the same end. Another remedy has been communicated to me, which is much more simple ; and if it be a remedy, certainly possesses great advantages over the one on which I have been treating. I have never known it tried, but I am induced to believe that it is a remedy, both fn>m its analogy to the arsenic, and from the authority from which I derived my information. It is this : Instead of the arsenic, take half a pint of strong ashes, (hickory I suppose,) put them into a tin cup, (of about a pint measure,) smaller at the mouth than at the bottom, say about one and a half inches at the mouth in diameter ; fill the cup or pot with water, and let it boil for half an hour, or until the water has been evaporated, or absorbed by the ashes, cord the horse's nose in the usual way, or otherwise confine him, in order that he may be still, and apply the mouth of the cup to the part affected, with the ashes quite hot and nearly dry, having previously covered it with a thin cloth to prevent the ashes from coming in contact with the skin of the horse, and hold it in that position until the heat has subsided, when it may be removed : in a day or two the parts will exhibit a gluey exudation, which will disappear in the course of a week, leaving FISTULA. 145 an inconsiderable sore like a burn, which may be soon cured by treating it as such. It may be necessary in some cases to make the second application. The horse may be used as usual at the time, and when the wound heals up, scarcely any scar will remain. Or, Take blood from the neck vein and bathe the swelled parts with spirits of turpentine once or twige a week, rubbing it in with a hard brush until you dis- cover the swelling is stopped: the lumps always remain, but as they cease to grow the horse gets better. Or, Give stramonium (Jamestown or Jimeson weed) in doses of one drachm, mixed with his feed for several days, then turning him out for two or three months. FISTULA. THE fistula in the withers, generally proceeds from some blow or bruise, and is the most disagreeable disease to which a horse is subject. I would recom- mend it to every person, whose situation will admit of the sacrifice, to dispose of a horse thus unfortunately affected, for whatever sum he would bring, or even give him away, sooner than be at the expense and trouble, and run the risk of performing a cure which, if completed, would be tedious, and the horse be much lessened in value in consequence of being disfigured by the scar which unavoidably will be left. The remedy here recommended is severe, but it will have the desired effect more speedily than any other. 146 POLL-EVIL. So soon as the fistula assumes a formidable appear- ance, fomentations of bitter herbs should be employed, such as wormwood, camomile, bay leaves, mullen, life-everlasting, &c. boiled in water to a strong decoc- tion, and after being strained, should be applied hot as the horse can bear it without giving pain, by means of large woollen cloths. This application promotes suppuration, and when matter is formed let the tumour be opened, so that its contents may be completely evacuated ; after which let the sore be nicely washed with strong soap suds, and apply the following oint- ment once a day : Take of verdigris, half an ounce ; copperas, half an ounce ; oil turpentine, one ounce ; ointment of yellow rosin, four ounces ; to be well mixed together. As soon as healthy matter is discharged from the fistula the ointment may, be discontinued, and nothing more will be necessary, except keeping it perfectly clean with strong soap suds. When the fistula first makes its appearance, it may be removed or prevented by placing a rowel or seton in each shoulder, just below the swelled or inflamed part which should be kept running two or three weeks. POLL-EVIL. THE poll-evil, like the fistula, proceeds from some blow, bruise, or external injury, and its consequences are much to be dreaded. A horse thus diseased would be well sold almost at any price, though the cure is tolerably certain, .yet extremely slow. The poll-evil POLL-EVIL. 147 is an abscess or swelling found in the sinews, between the noil bone and the uppermost vertebra of the neck, immediately on the poll or nap of the neck. When this swelling first makes it appearance, bathe it fre- quently with hot vinegar ; and if the hair be fretted off, with an oozing through the skin, make use of equal parts of vinegar and spirits of wine ; but if there be an itching, with heat and inflammation, the safest way will be to bleed plentifully, and apply a red oak poul- tice, which will sometimes disperse the swelling and put an end to the disease. But whenever the tumour is critical, having all the signs of matter, and appears not benefited by the applications already recommend- ed, it will be advisable to bring it to a head as speedily as possible, with the following poultice : Corn meal, marsh mallows, oil turpentine, and hog's lard. When the tumour becomes ripe or full of matter, it may be either opened or permitted to break of itself; if opened with a knife, great care should be used to prevent wounding the tendinous ligument that runs along the neck under the mane. When the matter appears to be on both sides, the tumours must be opened on both sides, and the ligament between remain undivided ; ii the matter flows in great quantities, resembling melted glue, and is of an oily consistence, it will require a second incision, especially if any cavities are dis- covered by the fingers or probe ; these should be opened by the knife, and the wound should be dressed with spirits of turpentine, honey, and tincture of myrrh, until light and thick coloured matter is found. Cleanse the sore well with strong soap suds and a sponge ; then take of verdigris, half an ounce ; oil of tur- pentine, four ounces; of blue-stone, two ounces; of green copperas, half an ounce ; mix them well to- gether, and hold them over a fire until they are as not 14 LOCK-JAW. 148 as the horse can bear them : then pour them into the abscess and close the lips by one or two stitches ; this is to remain for several days without any other dres- sing, except bathing with spirits of wine. Should matter flow in great abundance, and of thin consisten- cy, the above application must be again repeated until the matter decreases in quantity, and becomes of a whitish colour and healthy appearance. LOCK-JAW. V* THE lock-jaw is so fatal in its consequences, that it is a fortunate circumstance it occurs so seldom amongst horses. It commences with a difficulty in mastication, and shortly after the jaws are so completely and im move- ably closed, that it is with much difficulty that medi- cines can be administered. The muscles of the neck appear much contracted, and the animal appears to suffer great pain. The lock-jaw is frequently brought on by trifling causes, such as cuts, wounding of nerves, tendons, &c. Generally speaking, the cure is very uncertain ; but it will chiefly depend on opium, the warm bath, and other antispasmodics. Sometimes the sudden appli- cation of cold water, in great quantities, has been serviceable ; friction of turpentine oil or spirits, gene- rally proves useful, as does a clyster made with two LOST APPETITE. 149 ounces of spirits of hartshorn, four ounces of oil of turpentine, and the yelks of three or four eggs, mixed with a quart of strong ale and gin or whiskey. It is a great object to promote urine, sweat, &c. Opium, samphor, and copious bleedings, have been found, in some cases, very beneficial ; and when they have failed, hartshorn, ether, opium, and brandy, have been employed with some success ; though the lock- jaw is often a symptom of approaching dissolution, and frequently defies the power of any kind of medi- cine that can be employed. LOST APPETITE. HOUSES lose their appetites from various causes, viz: Excessive fatigue, want of a change in food, dirty fodder, mouldy corn, or a dirty manger, &c. &c. but most frequently by the approach of some disease. So soon as you discover a horse has lost his appetite, observe the following treatment, viz : Take from the neck vein half a gallon of blood ; take of asafcetida, a quarter of an ounce ; salt, one table spoonful ; sassafras tea, one quart ; mix and give them as a drench. On the second day, take of glauber salts, one pound ; warm water, one quart ; after dissolving the salts give it as a drench, and in two or three days the appetite will be restored, unless the animal is labouring under some disease, which may be ascertained by the symp- toms. '150 COLDS. SADDLE GALLS. COLDS. NOTHING is more common than colds among horses, of all ages. They are frequently produced by a want of good rubbing after violent exercise, which strikes a chilliness and dampness over the whole body ; being changed from a warm and comfortable stable to one cold and open; standing out late in dew at night plunging deep in cold water while heated in a profuse perspiration ; all of which have a tendency to check the perspirable matter and contract the pores of the skin. Colds sometimes produce a slight running at the nose ; the remedy is simple and almost certain bleed plentifully. SADDLE GALLS. SADDLE GALLS are generally occasioned by an un- equal pressure of the saddle, or by a saddle being badly fitted to a horse's back, and if neglected they grow into very ugly and troublesome sores. When these inflamed tumours are first discovered, cold water alone is frequently sufficient to disperse and drive them away, if applied as soon as the saddle is pulled off but when that will not have the desired effect, by washing them twice a day in the mixture I shall here recommend, the cure will be readily performed. Take of sharp vinegar, one gill; spirits, of any kind, one gill ; sweet oil or fresh butter, one table spoonful; to be well mixed before used. SITFASTS. DIARRIKEA. 151 SITFASTS. SITFASTS proceed from the part being frequently bruised with a saddle, until it becomes extremely hard, and after remaining some length of time it is not unlike a horny substance. The cure cannot be per- formed unless the knife is used for the purpose of cutting it entirely out. After which the fresh wound can be healed with the greatest ease, in a very short time, by using either of the following mixtures : No. 1: Take of brandy, half a pint ; honey, half a pint ; alum, two ounces. No. 2. Take of blue-stone, a quarter of an ounce ; spirits of turpentine, two table spoonfuls ; spring water, one pint. No. 3. Take sugar of lead half an ounce ; alum, one ounce ; copperas, half an ounce ; let them be well mixed, and the sitfast washed twice a day, after the wound is washed clean with soap and water. DIARRHOEA OR PURGING. A DIARRHOEA amongst horses seldom occurs and is easv of cure. It may be produced by a suppression of perspiration or by an increased secretion of bile. The following ball (No. 1.) generally gives relief, but should it^not have the desired effect, No. 2 may be employed. No 1. Take of sue. aloes, six drachms; Castile soap, four drachms ; and syrup enough to form the ball 14* 152 DIABETES. No. 2. Take of opium, one drachm ; antimony, three drachms ; powdered ginger, two drachms ; and syrup enough, of any kind, to form a ball. It will benefit a horse very much by keeping him warmly clothed while labouring under this disease. DIABETES. A DIABETES is a profuse staling or a constant dis- charge of water ; it is attended with great weakness, loss of flesh and appetite, with every appearance oi decay and approaching dissolution. It is frequently the result of old disorders, surfeits, excessive hard rides, &c. &c. A horse of a delicate and weak constitution is extremely difficult to cure, as he soon loses flesh and appetite, his hair becomes rough, his eyes weak, sad, and dejected, and in a very short time he is unfit for any kind of labour. But if the following remedies are employed, when the disease first makes its appearance, if the horse possesses a tolerable good constitution, the cure, by proper atten- tion, can be rendered almost certain. Remedy. No. 1. Take of opium, one drachm ; asafoetida, two drachms ; powdered ginger, two ditto ; red oak bark, powdered, one ounce ; syrup of any kind, a sufficient quantity to make two" balls for one dose, which must be repeated three times within a week, and the horse must not be permitted to drink an unusual quantity of water. A little salt thrown into that he is permitted to use, will be found very beneficial. BLISTERS. 153 No. 2. Take of red wine, one pint ; water, one pint ; gum Arabic, one ounce ; mix and give them as a drench three times within a week. No. 3. Take of salts of hartshorn, three drachms ; opium, one drachm ; powdered ginger, two drachms ; liquorice, half an ounce ; syrup, of any kind, a suffi- cient quantity to make the ingredients into two balls, which may be given twice within a week. Nourish- ing food, moderate exercise, and a clean, wholesome stable will assist much in effecting a cure. BLISTERS. PREVIOUS to the application of a blister to any part of a horse, the hair should either be shaved or cut off as close as possible ; the blistering ointment should be regularly spread with a warm knife on a stout piece of oznaburgs ; and during the operation of the blister, the horse should be tid short to prevent his biting the part or doing other injury. Blister No. 1. Take of Spanish flies half an ounce, oil turpentine one ounce, hog's lard four ounces ; mix them well and the blister is ready for use. No. 2 Take of tar, four ounces ; vitriolic acid two drachms, oil of origanum, half an ounce ; hog's lard, two ounces ; Spanish flies, two ounces. This blistei is excellent for the spavin. 154 CLYSTERS. - :-..*'!*!** CLYSTER OR GLYSTER. As clysters very often are the means of saving horses' lives, I shall here recommend the best and sim- plest mode of administering them. Take a large bladder, cut off the neck and soften it in warm water, take a pewter pipe, common reed, or any other smooth tube, nine or ten inches long and not more than an inch in diameter ; the clyster must then be poured through a funnel into the bag, and securely tied around one end of the tube ; the other must be made perfectly smooth and rounding, well oiled, and introduced into the anus several inches ; the liquid in the bladder must be forced through the tube by pressure with the hand. When a clyster is given, a horse should be placed with his head down hill, and if he refuses to stand, a twitch should be put upon his nose. Glysters are of three kinds opening, anodyne, and nourishing. For the first purpose take a gallon of warm water, with from half a pound to a pound of common salt dissolved in it; to which add four or five ounces of olive or linseed oil. For the second, take two drachms of solid opium, dissolve them, or rather mix them well with about half a pint of warm water, and add from a quart to three pints of Indian meal or wheat flour gruel. For the third purpose, rich broths, wheat flour gruel, and other nourishing fluids are recommended. With respect to the first kind of glysters, it may be observed that gruel is com- monly preferred to warm water ; but according to my experience, the latter does just as well as the former As to the second, tincture of opium may be substitu- FOMENTATIONS. 1 55 ted for solid opium, and is by some preferred to it, but the quantity should not exceed two ounces, on account of the spirit in which this opium is dissolved. The third kind of glyster is required only in lock-jaw, or in diseases of the throat which prevent swallowing, and in these its utility seems to be very questionable. As soon as the glyster has been injected, the tail should be kept close to the fundament for a few minutes to prevent its being too hastily returned. This is parti- cularly necessary when the anodyne clyster is em- ployed. The pipe must be oiled or greased before it is introduced, and if its passage be obstructed by hard dung lodged in the gut, the hand should be gradually introduced in order to remove it. FOMENTATIONS. FOMENTATIONS are generally made of bitter herbs, such as wormwood, camomile, mullen, bay leaves, sutherwood, life-everlasting, &c. &c. boiled in water to a strong decoction, strained off, and applied with large woollen cloths, hot as the animal can bear it that it is intended to benefit. The efficacy of fomentations often depends on the length of time they are employed, and their being frequently repeated. Poultice. The following mixtures will be found useful as a poultice : No 1. Take of bran, one quart; of sharp vine- gar (scalding hot) half a pint ; hog's lard, one table spoonful mix them for use. 156 MASH. No. 2. Take of red oak bark a sufficiency to boil to one quart of strong decoction ; take of Indian meal, a sufficient quantity to form the poultice. No. 3. Take of sharp vinegar, half a pint ; of meal one quart ; of hog's lard, two table spoonfuls ; pour a sufficient quantity of boiling water to form it into a mash, when it will be ready for use. MASH. A MASH is generally given to a horse for the pur- pose of cooling the system, opening the bowels, and for disguising different kinds of medicines which may be necessary to be administered ; which if given in any other way, would be attended with trouble and difficulty, and would not be productive of effects so salutary. Mash. No. 1. Take of bran one gallon, sassafras tea (scalding hot) one quart, powdered brimstone one table spoonful, saltpetre one tea spoonful. No. 2. Take of oats one gallon, flour sulphur one table spoonful, saltpetre one tea spoonful, boiling water one quart. No. 3. Take of bran one gallon, salts (glauber) four ounces, sulphur one table spoonful, sassafras tea (scalding hot) one quart let them be well mixed and given milk warm, not permitting the horse to drink cold water for six hours afterwards. BLEEDING. TO SPOT A WHITE HORSE. ] 51 BLEEDING. THE bleeding of a horse is so common and simple, that but little instruction can be necessary for the per- formance of the operation. The blood should always be caught in some vessel for the purpose of judging ol its quantity and quality ; if after it has coagulated a light buff coloured jelly forms the surface, it is an evi- dence of the inflammatory state of the blood. Blooa drawn from a healthy horse very soon coagulates and appears like a uniformly red jelly, with a small quantit of fluid, resembling water, floating on the surface. . consists of two parts the red jelly (termed crassa- mentum) and the water or serum ; the former may be separated into two parts by washing the red globules and coagulable lymph. Bleeding is extremely beneficial in many diseases ; and with safety from one quart to one and a half gal ions may be taken at one time. TO SPOT A WHITE HORSE WITH BLACK SPOTS. TAKE litharage, three ounces ; quick lime, six ounces ; beat it fine and mix it together : put it into a pan and pour a sharp ley over it ; then boil it and you will have a fat substance swim on top, with which anoint the horse in such places as you design to have black, and it will turn to the colour immediately. 158 DRIVING. - TRIBUTE TO THE HORSE. It has the same effect in changing hair that is red fnto a black colour, with only this difference, viz. : Take an equal quantity of lime and litharage, and instead of boiling it with ley, boil it only with fresh water ; what swims at top, is fit for use and will an- swer your expectation ; what hairs you anoint with it in the evening, will be black the next morning. DRIVING. IT may be generally remarked, that men who drive fast have swift horses ; not that they drive fast because they have swift horses, but because fast driving makes horses swift. A horse may commonly be trained to a dull and heavy, or to an airy and fleet gait. Nature unquestionably does much ; but education does far more towards producing the great difference in the speed of horses, than most men are willing to allow. Horses are more frequently injured by driving them beyond their habitual pace, than beyond their native po wer. The best direction for the education of horses is, "drive fast and stop often." A TRIBUTE TO THE HORSE. TAKE half a pound of saltpetre, half a pound of alum, and half a pound of alum salt ; pulverize and mix them well together, and every eight days give him a table spoonful in his food ; his coat, flesh, and spirits will soon reward his master for his care. MULES MULE AND HINNY, HYBRIDS OF THE HORSE AND ASS. THE mule is the hybrid produce of an ass with a mare ; having a large clumsy head, long erect ears, a short mane, and a thin tail. The hinny is the hybrid produce between the she- ass and a stallion ; the head is long and thin, the ears are like those of a horse, the mane is short, and the tail is well filled with hair. The hinny is much less common than the mule, because, being less hardy and useful than the other, he is never cultivated. The mule, commonly so called, is much valued for the saddle, and for drawing carriages in Spain, Portu- gal, Italy, and the East, and in the warmer parts of America. In those countries where great attention is paid to the breed, it is as tail as the horse, exceedingly w r ell-limbed, but not so handsome, especially about the head and tail. These animals are mostly sterile ; some, indeed, have thought that they are altogether incapable of producing their kind ; but some few instances have occurred, in which 'female mules have had foals, and in which even the male has impregnated females both of the ass and horse species, though such instances are exceedingly rare. The mules made use of in the southern parts of Europe, are now brought to an astonishing perfection as well as great size. They are usually black, strong, 15 160 MULES. well-limbed, and large, being mostly bred out of fine Spanish mares. They are sometimes fifteen or six- teen hands high, and the best of them worth forty or fifty pounds. No creatures are so proper for large burdens, and none so sure footed. They are much stronger for draft than our horses, and are often as thick set as our dray horses, and will travel several months together, with six or eight hundred weight upon their backs. Some think it surprising that these animals are not more propagated here, as they are so much hardier and stronger than horses, less subject to diseases, and capable of living and working to twice the age of a horse. Those that are bred in cold coun- tries are more hardy and fit for labour than those brea in hot ; and those which are light made are fitter for riding than horses, as to the walk and trot ; but they are apt to gallop rough ; though these do it much less than the short-made ones. The general complaint made against them is, that they kick and are stubborn; but this is owing to neglect in breeding them, for they are as gentle as horses, in countries where they are bred with proper care. In the breeding of mules, mares that are of a very large breed and well made, should be employed. They should be young, full of life, large barrelled, but smalled limbed, with a moderate sized head, and a good forehead. It is found of advantage to have the foals from the time of their being dropped often handled, to make them gentle : it prevents their hurt- ing themselves by skittishness and sudden frights ; and they are much easier broken at the proper age, and become docile and harmless, having nothing of that viciousness which is so commonly complained of in these animals. They may be broken at three years MULES. 161 old, but should never be permitted to do much hard work till four, as they are thus secured from being hurt by hard labour, till they have acquired strength enough to bear it without injury. An expert breeder of these animals found, that feeding them too well while young, though it made them very fat, was far from being any advantage to them ; as it was not only incurring a much larger expense than was any way necessary, but also made them wonderfully nice and delicate in their appetites ever after, and also by increasing their weight of flesh, rendered them more subject to strains and hurts in their morning gambols. He therefore contented himself with giving them food enough to prevent their losing flesh, and to keep up their growth without palling their appetites with deli- cacies, or making them over fat ; he also took care to defend them from the injuries of the weather by allow- ing them stable room, and good litter to sleep on, besides causing them every day to be well rubbed down, with a hard wisp of straw, by an active groom. This was scarcely ever omitted, particularly in cold, raw, wet weather, when they were least inclined to exercise themselves. When three years old, mules are proper for use. The shoe for the mule is for the fore foot very simi- lar to that which farriers call the bar shoe. It is very wide and large, especially at the toe, where it some- times projects four inches and upwards beyond the hoof. This excess is given it with a view to enlarge the basis of the foot, which is in general exceedingly narrow in this animal. The shoe for the hind feet is open at the keels like a horse's shoe ; but is lengthened at the toe like the preceding one. Mules are, how- ever, by no means invariably shod in this manner : /t 162 MULES. is not unusual to shoe them either like horses or asses, as they approach the one or the other in size or work required. [FROM THE AMERICAN FARMER.] PRIZE ESSAY. [The premium of a silver cup, of thirty dollars value, offered bf Robert Oliver, Esq. to the author of the best essay on the natural history of the Mule, and its value for the general purposes of agri- culture, in comparison with horses, was awarded by a committee, appointed by the Trustees of the Maryland Agricultural Socie'.jr, to the author of the following essay.] A DISSERTATION ON THE MULE, With the view of promoting an improvement in the breed, and of demonstrating the utility of employing him as a substitute fm the horse, in the labours of husbandry, canals, * years old. He informed me a few days since, that he could not perceive the least failure in him, and would not exchange him for any farm horse in the country. And I am just informed, from a source entitled to perfect confidence, that a highly respectable gentleman and eminent agriculturist, near Centreville, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, owns a mule that is MULES. thirty-five years old, as capable of labour as at any former period. The great Roman naturalist, in one of the most beautiful passages of his elaborate history of nature, observes that " the earth is constantly teased more to furnish the .luxuries of man than his necessities."* We can have no doubt but that the remark applied with great justice to the habits of the Romans in the time of Pliny; and I am muoh mistaken if ample proofs cannot be adduced, that it will lose none of its force or truth, at this present period, in all northern climates, or any section of the United States where the horse is employed for agriculture as well as for pleasure. Far be it from me, however, to disparage this noble animal ; on the contrary, I feel a strong attachment for him, and at the same time a full convic- tion, that the substitution of the mule, for the purposes before stated, as extensively as may be consistent with the requisite production of each species, will have the effect of restoring the horse to the station from which he has been degraded, and place him as in former ages, upon a more dignified footing, an object of ac knowledged luxury ; and thereby introduce a more * " It is the earth that, like a kind mother receives us at our birth, and sustains us when born. It is this alone, of all the ele- ments around us, that is never found an enemy to man. The body of waters deluge him with rains, oppress him with hail, and drown him with inundations ; the air rushes on in storms, prepares the tempest, or lights up the volcano ; but the earth, gentle and indul- gent, ever subservient to the wants of man, spreads his walks with flowers, and his table with plenty ; returns with interest every good committed to her care, and though she produces the poison, she still supplies the antidote, though constantly teased more to furnish the luxuries of man, than his necessities, yet even to the last, she continues her kind indulgence, and when life is over, she piously lades his remains in her bosom." Pliny's Natural History, Book II. Chap. 63. MULES. 183 correct system of breeding and management, in which our countrymen are so generally deficient, consequently more perfect animals and such an advance in the price of them, that will afford the farmer what he is now a stranger to such remuneration as will make his brood mares a profitable species of stock. And it is obvious that the system will be followed by an improvement in the breed of mules, in the same ratio as the miserable race of scrub mares, which are now consuming the profits of agriculture, shall become extinct. It does not appear that the horse was employed by the ancients for any purpose of husbandry. The ox and ass drew the plough and the wain, and performed all kinds of drudgery until after the feudal system was established in Europe, when the numerous retainers of the feudal lords, who held their lands by the tenure of performing knight's service, found themselves under the necessity of making the horses they were obliged to keep, contribute towards their support in the culti- vation. From this time I believe, we may date, and from this cause may be attributed the introduction of the horse for the purposes of agriculture. Since that period, the history of Europe is little else than the annals of war and its preparations ; and no material for that scourge, except the deluded human victims, seems more necessary than the horse accordingly we find that throughout the whole country, from the Rhine or the Seine, to beyond the Danube and Vistula, which has been the principal arena, the system of agriculture has embraced, extensively, the breeding of horses of different grades and forms adapted to the several uses in war. Indeed whole provinces were appropriated almost exclusively to the rearing those animals for disposal to the different combatants ; and it must be 17 184 MULES. obvious, that their general use in husbandry, at the same time, would follow as a necessary consequence. It cannot be expected therefore, but that the Dutch and Germans who have emigrated to our country, should bring with them such strong predilections for the horse, which have continued with most of their descendants, especially in those sections where com- munities of that respectable and industrious portion of our population have been located. In Great Britain, to the causes which have produced the effects described on the continent, may be added the insular position of the United Kingdoms, vulnerable from numberless and distant points, the horse Has been considered, in connexion with the unconquerable spirit of the nation, as one of the most efficient means of repelling inva- sion: a circumstance that would of itself be sufficient to account for the over-weaning attachment to this animal. But identified as his services have been for a long period, with the convenience, sports, and recrea- tions, of all ranks and classes, and the science of breeding and training, forming a characteristic feature, it could not excite surprise, if the approach of that terrible spectre famine, should produce little or no effect in the reduction of the number. And although some of the most distinguished characters in the nation, eminent for their practical knowledge in rural econ- omy, have been for half a century advocating the substitution of the ox for the purposes of agriculture, and demonstrating the feasibility, economy, and vast saving of food, yet it is said the number of labouring oxen have lately diminished and horses increased. Five millions of the latter are now supposed to subsist in the United Kingdom, and two-thirds employed in husbandry consuming, at a moderate estimate, the MULES. 185 product of twenty millions of highly cultivated acres !* And what is the consequence ? consumption follows so close upon supply, that at every season of harvest, let the preceding one be never so abundant, fast sailing vessels are found in the various ports, with their anchors atrip, to convey intelligence of the result, to all parts of the world where a surplus of bread corn is grown exciting such an interest in our own country, that the farmer on the shores of Erie and Ontario, and on the banks of the Ohio, may be seen reading bulletins of British weather the rain and sunshine of every day in August and the two following months often within thirty days after the time of their publication in London or Liverpool. Can it be supposed that in a country where an attachment to the horse borders so nearly upon infatuation, that the question of the utility of the mule as a substitute, would be seriously agitated, or engage scarce a momentary investigation ? In no country is the mule better adapted to all the purposes of husbandry, for which the horse is used, than in every section of our own. And it would be highly desirable to be able to exhibit a calculation of the actual saving, in dollars and cents, by his employ- ment but unfortunately no correct data can be had. And as I consider such calculations, unless founded upon experimental facts, and those multiplied, to be as " tinkling cymbals," I shall merely submit a desultory * Mr. Pitt, in an able " Essay on the consumption of corn," published by the Beard of Agriculture, in 1806, estimates that each draught horse, employed on roads, canals, and mines, in pleasure carriages of all descriptions, and carts in cities, consume the average product of four acres for oats and beans, and three acres for hay. It is stated in the same essay, that " the aggregate ef oats imported into England (only) for twenty years, ending in 1797, amounted to the enormous quantity of 8,655,046 quarters' 1 upwards of sixty-nine millions of bushels .' 186 MULES. comparison between the mule and the horse, derived from such facts as my own experience, and information from authentic sources, will justify the assumption of. From what has been stated respecting the longevity of the mule, I think it may be fairly assumed, that he does not deteriorate more rapidly after twenty years of age, than the horse after ten, allowing the same extent of work and similar treatment to each. The contrast in the mule's freedom from malady or disease, compared with the horse, is not less striking. Arthur Young, during his tour in Ireland, was informed that a gentleman had lost several fine mules by feeding them on wheat straw cut and I have been informed that a mule dealer, in the western part of New York, attributed the loss of a number of young mules, in a severe winter, when his hay was exhausted, to feeding them exclusively on cut straw and Indian corn meal. In no other instance have I ever heard or known of a mule being attacked with any disorder or complaint, except two or three cases of inflammation of the intes- tines, caused by gross neglect in permitting them to remain exposed to cold and wet, when in a high state of perspiration after severe labour, and drinking to excess of cold water. From his light frame and more cautious movements, the mule is less subject to casualties than the horse. Indeed, it is not improbable, but a farmer may work the same team of mules above twenty years and never be presented with a farrier's bill, or find it necessary to exercise the art himself. Sir John Sinclair, in his " Reports on the Agricul- ture of Scotland," remarks that " if the whole period of a horse's labour be fifteen years, the first six may be equal in value to that of the remaining nine: there- fore, a horse of ten years old after working six years MULES. 187 may be worth half his original value.'* He estimates the annual decline of a horse to be equal to fifty per cent, on his price every six years, and supposes one out of twenty-five that are regularly employed in agricul- ture, to die every year : constituting a charge of four per cent, per annum for insurance against diseases and accidents. He considers five acres of land, of medium quality, necessary for the maintenance of each horse, and the annual expense, including harness, shoeing, farriery, insurance, and decline in value, allowing him to cost two hundred dollars, to exceed that sum about five per cent, which is the only difference between the estimate of this illustrious and accurate agriculturist, and that of a respectable committee of the Farmers* Society of Barnwell district, South Carolina, who, in a report published in the Charleston Courier, of 23d of February last, state, that " the annual expense ot keeping a horse is equal to his value !" The same committee also state, that " at four years old a horse will seldom sell for more than the expense of rearing him." That " the superiority of the mule over the horse, had long been appreciated by some of their most judicious planters that two mules could be raised at less expense than one horse that a mule is fit for service at an earlier period, if of sufficient size will perform as much labour, and if attended to when first put to work, his gait and habits may be formed to suit the taste of the owner." This report may be con- sidered a most valuable document, emanating as it does, from enlightened practical fanners and planters, in a section of country where we may suppose a horse can be maintained cheaper than in Maryland or any State farther North. J am convinced that the small breed of mules will consume less in proportion to the labour they are 17* 188 MULES. capable of performing, than the large race, bu*t I shall confine the comparison to the latter those that stand from fourteen and a half to rising of fifteen hands, and equal to any labour that a horse is usually put to. From repeated experiments in the course of two win- ters, I found that three mules of this description, that were constantly at work, consumed about the same quantity of hay, and only one fourth the provender that was given to two middling sized coach horses moderately worked. And from many years' attentive observation, I am led to believe that a large sized mule will not require more than three-fifths to two-thirds the food to keep him in good order, that will be necessary for a horse performing the same extent of labour. Although a mule will work and endure on such mean and hard fare, that a horse would soon give out upon, he has an equal relish for that which is good ; and it is strict economy to indulge him, for no animal will pay better for extra keep, by extra work. But if by hard fare, or hard work, he is reduced to a skeleton, two or three weeks' rest and good keeping will put him in flesh and high condition for labour. I have witnessed several such examples with subjects twenty years old ; so much cannot be said of a horse at that age. The expense of shoeing a mule the year round, does not amount to more than one-third that of a horse, his hoofs being harder, more horny, and so slow in their growth, the shoes require no removal, and hold on till worn out and the wear, from the lightness of the animal, is much less. In answer to the charge generally prevalent against the mule, that he is " vicious, stubborn and slow," I can assert, that out of about twenty that have been employed on my estate, at different periods during a course of thirty years, and those picked up chiefly on MULES. 189 account of their size and spirit, wherever they could be found, one only had any vicious propensities, and those might have been subdued by proper management when young. I have always found them truer pullers and quicker travellers with a load, than horses. Their vision and hearing is much more accurate. I have used them in my family carriage, in a gig, and under the saddle : and have never known one to start or run from any object or noise : a fault in the horse that continually causes the maiming and death of numbers of human beings. The mule is more steady in his draught and less likely to waste his strength than the horse : hence more suitable to work with oxen ; and as he walks faster, will habituate them to a quicker gait. But for none of the purposes of agriculture does his superiority appear more conspicuous than ploughing among crops, his feet being smaller and follow each other so much more in a line, that he seldom treads down the ridges or crops. The facility of instructing him to obey implicitly the voice of his driver or the ploughman, is astonishing. The best ploughed tillage land 1 ever saw, I have had performed by two mules tandem, without lines or driver. There is one plausible objection often uiged against the mule, that " on deep soils and deep roads, his feet being so much smaller than those of the horse, sink farther in ; but it should be considered that he can extricate them with as much greater facility. Few can be ignorant of the capacity of the mule to endure labour in a temperature of heat that would be destructive to the horse, who have any knowledge of the preference for him merely on that account, in the West Indies, and in the Southern States. It is full time to bring our comparison to a close, which I shall do by assuming the position, that the 190 MULES. "^i'^j farmer who substitutes mules for horses, will have this portion of his animal labour performed, with the expense of one spire of grass instead of two ; which may be equal, so far, to making " two spires grow where one grew before." For although a large sized mule will consume somewhat more than half the food necessary for the horse, as has been observed, yet if we take into account the saving in expense of shoeing, farriery, and insurance against diseases and accidents, we may safely affirm, that a clear saving of one half can be fully substantiated. But in addition to this, the mule farmer may calculate, with tolerable certainty, upon the continuation of his capital for thirty years : whereas the horse farmer at the expiration of fifteen years, must look to his crops, to his acres, or a bank, for the renewal of his or perhaps, what is worse, he must commence horse jockey at an early period. The intense interest with which the public mind is at present occupied on the subject of canals now in operation and progress, encourages me to offer the mule as an important auxiliary in the economy of their management : as I trust, it will not be denied, that on the cheapness of transportation on them, depends their utility as well as profit to the stockholders. The mule seems so peculiarly adapted for the labour on canals, that compared with the horse, he may be considered almost equal to a locomotive power engine. Among the advantages we have enumerated respecting his use in husbandry, the most of which are applicable to canal labour, that of the much greater security from diseases and casualties, which must necessarily require a great number of supernumerary horses, to prevent interrup- tion in the line of passage, is not the least important, nor is the very trifling expense at which the mule can be supported during the winter months, as he will bear MULES. 101 being taken off his feed till the boats are about to be launched in the spring, and in a few days can be made fit for efficient duty while a horse will require at least half feed if he does nothing, or must be fed high for some time before he can resume the labour that will be demanded of him. The same advantages 'may be derived by his employment on railways. In a communication published in the Utica Observer, the 16th of May, inst. by Henry Seymour, Esq. one of the canal commissioners of New York, it is stated that a packet boat on the Erie Canal, requires a team of three horses to tow sixteen miles, going eighty miles in the twenty-four hours, including stoppages and detention at locks ; the relays demanding fifteen horses for each nautical day. If it takes five days for a boat to be towed from Lake Erie to the Hudson, seventy-five horses will be required. I am not certain but it may be done in a less time, but as there must always be supernumeraries kept, we shall be within bounds to estimate that number. In the same communication the expense of each horse is estimated at fifty cents per day, I presume for subsistence only, without reference to interest or deterioration of capital, for the object of the estimate seems merely to show a comparison between the packet boats and freight boats, on a ques- tion of profit and loss : as it is remarked that "many contingent expenses might be added to both." Taking this data, it will cost thirty-five dollars per day for the horse subsistence of a single packet boat. The freight boats require two, and allowing for the time occupied in taking in and discharging their cargoes, with the other necessary detentions, average forty miles per day which being double the time of the packet boats, although they may not require the same number of relays, the expense cannot materially differ. From 192 MULES. these premises we may conclude, that for every boat navigating the grand Erie Canal, there must be ex- pended three hundred and seventy-five dollars for the subsistence of the horses, each time they tow her from the Lake to the Hudson and back.* Now, if this can be done as effectually by mules for one half this sum, and with an extension of capital free of interest, fifteen years longer than that vested in horses, the aggregate of this immense saving will appear by ascertaining the number of boats at the present time on the canal. But this is out of my power, and I should, perhaps, lead the reader nearer the verge of incredulity, were I to offer my prediction what that number will be thirty years hence, the ordinary period of a mule's labour, and which will then be some years less than a single century since the prime mover and guardian of this stupendous undertaking, the present Governor (De Witt Clinton) of New York, first saw the light of Heaven. I cannot resist an impulse to exhibit the mule in one other point of view. For the movement of machinery, the employment of this animal, when judiciously selected, has met with a most decided preference, in comparison with the horse, independent of the eco- nomy in using him. And if we consider the rapid and probably progressive increase of labour-saving machines, in every department where they can be made subservient to the requirements of society, it is * This estimate (three hundred and seventy-five dollars} is the maximum of expense for subsistence and other items, supposing the whole number of horses should be required for one boat ; but they will unquestionably be employed for a succession of other boats. And should all the relays perform a tour on the line every day, the minimum of expense would be seventy-five dollars for each boat. Facts derived from further information may enable us to fix the medium MULES. 1 93 evident that there will be a corresponding demand for animal power, as well as for that more potent, derived from the elements ; and although tne latter may vastly predominate, yet should the horse be employed, and his increase for other purposes continue, as it now does in the ratio of population, the number, at no very distant period, may become as alarming in our own, as it is at present in our mother country. And not- withstanding we may feel secure, from the extent of our territory and extreme diversity of soil and climate, but, above all, from being in possession of Indian corn the GOLDEN FLEECE found by our "pilgrim fathers," when they first landed on these shores ; yet such peculiar advantages may not insure us against the visitations of one of the most distressing calamities that a feeling community can possibly be subjected to. Brighton, Mass. May 27, 1825. APPENDIX TO MASON'S FARRIER; CONTAINING OBSERVATIONS AND RECEIPTS FOR THE CURE OF MOST OF THE COMMON DISTEMPERS, INCIDENT TO HORSES, OXEN, COWS, CAL.VES, SHEEP, LAMBS, SWINE, BOOS, &c. &c. SELECTED FROM VARIOUS AUTHOR? 18 APPENDIX OF THE DISEASES OR THE HORSE. 1. The diseases of the horse are as numerous and as important as his complicated structure and the artifi- cial state of his present mode of life would lead one to expect. Until of late the treatment of these diseases was confined to the hands of ignorant farriers, presumptuous grooms, or shoeing smiths ; and the fate of the animals was commensurate with the wretched treatment they were subjected to. The establishment 198 DISEASES OF HORSES. of a school for the veterinary art, has disseminated an improved practice, and spread improved practitioners throughout the country ; and we would earnestly re- commend an application to one of established reputa- tion in all cases of difficulty and danger. But as it is not always that such a one is within reach, to enable the agriculturalist to have in his own hands the means of informing himself, or to being a check to others, we submit a concise view of the diseases of the head, neck, trunk, and extremities, preceded by some general observations. GENERAL REMARKS On the Healthy and Diseased State of the Hon>e. 2. Condition of Horses. Being in condition, in stable language, signifies not only perfect health internally, but such an appear, ance externally, as the philosopher would call unnatural, or at least artificial : while the amateur considers it as an essential requi- site to the other qualities of the horse. This external condition is denoted by a sleek, short, shining coat, with a degree of flesh neither bordering on fatness nor emaciation. Even in this sense of the term, condition must be varied according to the uses of the animal. In the cart horse, provided there be a sleekness of coat, looseness of hide, sound wind, freedom from grease or swelled legs, with good digestion ; a fulness.&nd rotundity of bulk, instead of detracting from his beauty or impeding his exertions, will add to the one and assist the other. In the coach horse, the hackney, the hunter, and the racer, a different condition is expected, varying in different degrees from that of the cart horse. In both cart horse and racer, it is equally necessary that the various internal organs should be in a state to act uninterruptedly for the benefit of the whole ; but in addition to this, it is necessary to the racer, that the greatest possible quantity of animal fibres should be condensed into the smallest possible bulk, and that the absorption of all useless fat and other interstitial matter should be promoted by every possible means, as essentially necessary to unite lightness of body with full strength and elasticity. It is in the attempts to produce such a state in its full perfection, that all the secrets of training consist: but whether a total departure from natural rules, by DISEASES OF HORSES. 199 Unnatural heat, deprivation of "light, stimulating food, restraint from water, and excessive clothing, are best calculated to promote it, admits of much doubt ; and it is to be observed that the dawn of reason and science appears to be shining through the crevices of these darkened casements ; for even at Newmarket the system has lately much relaxed from its artificial rigor. 3. To bring a horse into condition, not only should the purposes he is intended for be taken into account, but also his previous* state. If he be taken up from grass with much flesh on him, it i? evident that what is required is to remove the soft instertitlal mat. ter it may be supposed he has gained by green food, and to replacs it by hard flesh ; and also to produce a sleekness of coat and beauty of appearance. To accomplish these ends, the horse should be accustomed to clothing and the full heat of the stable by degrees only ; and also by degrees only to the meditated change of food ; which is best done by mashes. In two or three days a mild dose of physic may be given, during all which moderate exercise only should be allowed, as walking, but which may be continued two hours at a time. After the physic has set, begin to dress his coat, increase his exercise and his food, and accustom him to an increase of warmth. In four or five days time again mash him for two days and give a second dose of physic, a little stronger than the first. (123) After this still further increase his warmth, his exercise, and his food, by which his belly will be taken up, his flesh will harden and his coat begin to fall. A third dose of physic or urine kails, &c. are only necessary in the training of hunters, &/c. and even in these, a gradual increase of exercise, rather long continued than violent, with proper food, will effect the end, if not so quickly, more beneficially to the animal. To bring a lean horse into condi. tion, a somewhat different plan should be pursued. If from grass, still mash him for a day or two, by no means stint him in his water, and with his mash let oats be also soaked. If oats be speared or malted, it will produce flesh sooner. But even here, give the horse moderate walking exercise, and if he be not too much reduced, add a mild dose of physic to prevent his heels flying, or his getting hide-bound by the increased food ; but if great emaciation forbid the physic, give him nightly an alterative. (Vet. Pharm. 129, No. 1.1 As his appearance improves, gradually harden his food and increase his exercise. 4. Diseased condition of horses. What has been already said relates to that alteration from one state to another, neither being an 18* 200 DISEASES OF HORSES. unhealthy one, which custom has rendered necessary ; thus a man in training for running or fighting, and a man out of training, are both considered equally healthy. But there are circumstances that produce a morbid state of condition different from all these. It is common to hear persons say " my horse is sadly out of condition, and I cannot tell either what is the matter with him, or how to get him into better case." Various are the causes that may produce this : a sudden alteration of the food, or temperature, or of habits altogether, may become a cause. Removing a horse from grass to a heated stable, full feeding, and hard exercise, will often do it : therefore these changes should always be gradual. Bad food, as mow-burnt hay, musty oats, beans, &c., likewise mineral waters, foul air, &.C., are frequent causes. Diabetes, or profuse staling, is often brought on by these means, and the condition of the horse becomes greatly reduced. It is requisite, therefore, to enquire whether any of these errors are in existence, and to immediately remove them : but it often happens that the stomach has become relaxed and the hide become bound ; neither of which readily remove, even though the original evil may be amended. When the relaxed stomach has produced lampas, treat the mouth as described under that disease (25,) but the stomach itself must be principally attended to. First mash and give a dose of physic ; after it has sc.t, com?nence the treatment, if the horse be of a full habit, by moderate bleeding and a nightly alterative. (Vet. Pharm. 129, No, 1 or 2.) Buf if he be not in full, but in low flesh, commence by a daily tonic, (Vet. Pharm. 130, No. 1 or 2,) which will gradu- ally remove the swelling within the mouth, and loosen the hide. A sudden cold applied to the skin often brings on a want of con- dition with surfeit. In which case, bleeding, with nightly altera- tive, (Vet. Pharm. 129, No. 1 or 2,) with or without an assistant dose of physic, as the habits of the horse may require, constitute the proper treatment. Worms form another cause of morbid con- dition which are to be removed as described (57.) Excessive fatigue is also productive of a bad state of condition, which often proves very obstinate. Turning out to very good grass is the quickest care, and when that is impracticable, soiling in the stable, or feeding with carrots, parsnips, beet root, &c. will be food restora- tives ; as medicines give tonics daily. (Vet. Pharm. 130, No. 1 or 2.) It will be only necessary to add, that in considering the state, of a horse's condition, the effect is apt to be mistaken for the cause, and the symptoms for the disease. Hide-bound and lampas are not in themselves any thing more than effects, or symptoms ; the former being commonly, and the latter always dependent on a deranged DISEASES OF HORSES. 20 1 state of the stomach : both are therefore to be treated accordingly. Exactly the same will apply to all the other symptoms of morbid condition. Inflammatory Diseases of the Horse. 5. The inflammatory diseases of the horse are nu- merous, but his fevers are few : a febrile state being generally brought on by the inflammation of some important organ. Inflammation may be considered as general or diffused, and local or confined, and both seem to arise from an affection of the blood vessels, and perhaps from a peculiar state of the blood itself. 6. General or diffused inflammation constitutes fever or extensive inflammatory affection, and appears to consist in an increased action of the heart and arte- ries, accompanied with an increase of heat. In some instances where the fever is purely symptomatic, and dependent on the inflammation of some important organ, as the lungs, or the intestines, the circulation appears retarded rather than increased, from interrup- tion arising to its passage through the heart. 7. Local or confined inflammation is also dependent on an affection of the blood vessels, but confined prin- cipally to the blood vessels of the part affected. It is betokened by redness in the skin, tumour or swelling, heat and tenderness, with pain. Inflammations, both diffused and local, are brought on by excitements, such as over feeding, excessive heat, reaction produced aftei cold, and the reaction produced by inordinate exertion. Those more exterior, arise from injuries, the appli- cation of improper substances, &c. Inflammations terminate in various ways ; but it is to be remarked, that in consequence of the very large circulatory system of the horse, his febrile affections rage higher, 202 DISEASES OF HORSES. and terminate sooner tnan in man. The usual ter- mination of inflammatory affections in the horse, are by resolution, effusion, suppuration, and gangrene. Scirrhus is not at all a common termination of inflam- mation in the horse. 8. Inflammation of the brain, (phrentis) brain fever, phrcnsy fever, staggers, mad and sleepy. There are few diseases more likely to be mistaken by inexperienced farriers than this ; it is not to be wondered at, therefore, if indifferent persons should be led into error by it. It appears in two forms, a violent frantic one, and a sleepy lethargic one ; and the latter appearance is also common to a disease, not dependent as this is, on idiopathic inflammation of the brain ; but on a paralytic affection of the stomach, and thence it is called stomach staggers. This latter affection, however, may be distinguished from the former by attending to the colour of the eye- lids, nose linings, mouth, &c. which in stomach staggers are usually more yellow than red ; whereas in sleepy staggers, they are more red than yellow. Inflammation of the brain shews itself in general cases by disinclination to food and motion, drowsiness, accompanied by a heaviness and closing of the eyelids, with moisture and red- ness of them ; and also of the linings of the mouth and nose. Sometimes these symptoms increase, until the horse becomes comatose, and after a few frightful struggles, sinks to rise no more. la these cases the pulse is apt to be oppressed instead of in- creased. But most frequently after the first stages he becomes furious, plunges about, and is vicious to himself and others, ap- proaching to a state of madness, in which state he continues till he sinks from his own exertions, when he rises again to renew his violence. 9. The cause of staggers may be various: the immediate are either an original accumulation of blood within the brain, or the translation of the inflammation of some organ to the brain: as a remote cause is often brought on by too full feeding, without suf- ficient exercise, and particularly in horses at one time working very hard, and at another suffered to remain inactive ; but which horses, whether used or not, are equally fed. Sudden cold, vio- lence, &c. may bring it on. 10 The treatment of staggers should be begun by abstracting a very large quantity of blood promptly, by opening botL jugulars, DISEASES OF HORSES. 203 and letting the horse bleed to the amount of ten or even twelve quarts; repeating the same until the delirium ceases. After the first bleeding, back rake, throw up a laxative clyster, (Vet Pharm. 143.) blister the head, promote a current of free air in the stable, and treat altogether as directed under other febrile in- fections. 11. Locked jaw, stag-evil, or tetanus, arises from cold, excessive fatigue, sometimes perhaps from worms, but more often from a wound of some part, as pricks in shoeing, &c. Such wound is seldom in a recent state ; but after two or three weeks continuance, sometimes after it has healed even : it follows docking, gelding and nicking frequently; and is preceded by a flabby unhealthy state of the wound. It appears as an affection of the brain, which transmits its morbid irritation, particularly to the nerves attached to muscles, by which they become cramped, or may be considered as in a high state of action, giving the horse a peculiar look of energy, as though immediately stopped from full speed ; with his nostrils extended, his head raised, and his nose carried forward ; his legs straddle wide, and his tail is cocked and quivers, as after violent exercise. The jaws will now be found, if not closed, yet nearly so, when he is called jaw set. 12. The treatment is not often successful, but, however, it is sufficiently frequent that it is so, to deserve the utmost attention. Blaine informs us that enormous bleedings have succeeded ; but he places his principal dependence on the application of cold by means of ice, or of constant dashing with cold water, with an active blister applied the whole length of the spine. Balls of camphor and opium, to the amount of two drachms each, may be given every three hours. If any room remain in the mouth, the ball may be passed up by means of a stick, or it may be given as a drink by means of a syringe, and even when the mouth is entirely closed, he informs us we may give a drink by the nostrils. Moor- croft used cold also. Fearon, on the contrary, has experienced benefit from a bath, heated to ninety degrees, and kept at that temperature for three hours. White recommends camphor and opium ; Wilkinson of Newcastle, has been very successful by keeping up heat and stimulus over the skin in general, by means of newly stripped sheep skins put on hot. Perhaps if the body were previously rubbed with oil of turpentine one part, and common oil two parts, it might assist Wilkinson's plan. When locked aw arises from nicking, it might be prudent for a veterinary 204 DISEASES OF HORSES. surgeon to dissect down on the nerves of the tail, and divide them ; and when from nicking, it would be advisaW.3 to cut off another portion of the tail, which practices in both instances would afford a moderate chance of saving the animal. It is necessary further to remark, that it is of great consequence that the bowels be kept free from faeces, by raking and clysters. With regard to the latter they are very important in this disease, as a medium, commonly the only one, of giving support. A horse has been kept alive on nourishing clysters alone, for seven or eight days. (Vet. Pharm. 145.) 13. Catarrhal fever, epidemic catarrh, influenza, distemper, cold, viorfoundering. n of firing. 88. Ring bone is of the same nature, being an exostosis or bony sircle, formed around the coronet, the treatment of which is the same with splint and spavin. 89. Blood spavin, bog spavin, and thoroug Jipin, are all of them originally of the nature of wind galls, and are nothing more than enlargements of the brusal capsules described in the anatomy as surrounding tendons, ligaments, and bones, to furnish them with 234 DISEASES OF HORSES. the lubricating medium.. By over exertion or hard work these brusal bags become extended, and their contents increased, and distended into puffy swellings in the hock, called, when on the ply, bog spavin. The pressure of this sometimes occasions a varicose state of the superficial vein, which passes directly over it on the inner side of the hock, and which enlargement then receives the name of blood spavin. When the brusal enlargement extends through the hock, it is called thoroughpin. When it is situated below in the bursse of the flexor tendons, near the fetlock joint, it receives the name of wind gall. 90. The treatment in all these cases must be similar in principle, and consists in lessening the distended sac not as was formerly practised to the destruction of the horse often, by letting out the contents of these wind galls ; but by strengthening the sides of the tumours by stimulants or by pressure. The more active stimulants are the liquid blister, (Vet. Pharm. 141,) milder ones are found in the astringent wash. (Vet. Pha. 134, No. 1.) Bandages assist greatly, when well applied to the part, and in desperate cases firing has been resorted to, which is nothing more than a more violent stimu- lant and a more permanent bandage. 91. Capulet is a bursal enlargement of the point of the hock, and is to be treated by friction, astringents and bandage. 92. Curb is an inflammation of the ligaments at the back of the hock, and is usually removed by astringents. (Vet. Pha. 134.) When it does not give way to these, the sweating liquid blister may be applied. (Vet. Pha. 142.) 93. Cracks and grease may be considered as modifications of one and the same affection, and are commonly brought on by some neglect in all horses ; but when they occur in any but the thick, heeled low bred animals, they are invariably so. Over feeding or under feeding, but much more frequently the former, will bring it on. A very frequent cause of it is the practice of washing the legs of horses and suffering them to dry of themselves. In every ease without exception, washing the legs should be avoided, unless they be rubbed perfectly dry afterwards. When horses have long hairs about their heels, and are washed and then left wet, the evil must be doubled ; as the evaporation going on, cools and chills the heels, and thus produces a species of chilblain ; and we well know how difficult these are to heal when broken. Cracks in the heels very often occur in horses removed too suddenly into full keep from pre- vi 5us straw or grass, or from these to a hot stable j which by the heat DISEASES OF HORSES. 235 and moisture of the litter, occasions a determination of blood, and humours to the legs, and they break out into cracks or scabs, from which issue a bloody ichor, or a more thick matter. Between the sores the hair stares and gets pen feathered, and the horse finds difficulty and pain in moving. 94. The treatment must depend on the state in which the animal is at the present. If there be reason to suspect the horse to be full and foul, bleed, lower his food, soil him in the stable ; or mash and give him a mild dose of physic. But when some mismanagement is the sole cause, remove that, and if the case be a severe one, by means of an old stocking drawn over the foot, bury the whole heel in a poultice, made of scraped carrots or turnips ; which will subdue the irritation and bring the parts into a state to bear the application of the astringent paste, (Vet. Pha, 136, No. 2,) or if more con- venient, of the astringent wash, (Vet. Pka. 134, No. I or 2.) Mode- rate exercise should be continued, and the heels carefully cleaned from dirt by soft soap and water on each return therefrom ; after which, always again apply the astringent. 95. Grease is nothing more than an aggravated state of the same affection, and is more common to the hind than the fore legs. Coarse fleshy legged horses are peculiarly prone to the affection from the great accumulation that takes place in their legs; and from the difficulty that the capillaries find in carrying the increased quantity of lymph upwards. In these, long stable confinement should be avoided, and when that is impossible, it should be coun- teracted by exercise frequently and judiciously administered. Many cart horses never go out but to work ; they often work three days incessantly, or nearly so ; and they perhaps rest two days entirely Can it be wondered at, that the change occasions swelling, acting on the weakness and exhaustion of previous fatigue, and could not this be avoided by turning out for an hour, or walking for half an hour night and morning ? stable soiling should be used ; bleeding and physicking also in very bad cases ; and when the inflammation and irritation or soreness are great, the poultices recommended for cracks, should be applied until these circumstances are removed ; when commence the use of some of the astringents recommended. (Vet. Pharm. 134.) White has stated two remarkable cases of grease cured by the application of corrosive sublimate in the form of a wash, as of two drachms of sublimate to ten ounces of water ; increasing it to three drachms if the pain occasioned by the first be not too considerable. Blaine says that the clivers or goose grass has been known to be of great service in bad cases of grease~-half 21* 236 DISEASES OF HORSES. a pint of the expressed juice to be given daily as a drink ; and a poultice of the herb to be applied to the heels. In some cases of long standing when the running has ceased, a thickened state of the limb remains ; which is best removed by firing, and which like- wise is a preventive to a return. Diseases of the Feet. 96. Founder of the feet is of two kinds, an acute and a chronic. Acute founder is a disease that, until lately, was less understood than almost any other. After a very severe day's work, or when very much heated, if a horse get a sudden chill by standing in snow or cold water, it is not uncommon for him to be seized with universal stiffness, and every symptom of great fever. Such a horse is said to be body foundered. By degrees, however, it is observed that the animal has an extreme disinclination to remain on his feet ; from whence it will appear that the whole of them are affected, when the horse draws his hind feet under him, his fore only are affected, and when he draws his fore feet under him his hinder feet are the seat of the complaint ; but which is seldom the case. On feeling the feet they will be found intensely hot, and the pastern arteries beat with great violence. After a few days, unless the disease abate, a separation of the hoofs from the coronet takes place, and at last they fall entirely off. 97. The treatment. At the commencement of the disease bleed largely, as well by the neck as from the toe of each affected foot, by paring, until the blood flows freely. After which immerse each foot in a goulard poultice (115,) give the fever powder or drink, (Vet. Pha. 157 & 158,) litter up to the belly ; and if amendment do not take place, renew the bleedings, and blister round the pasterns. 98. Chronic founder, contraction or fever in the feet. The arti- ficial life that horses lead, subjects them to many diseases ; one of the principal of which is that of contracted feet. Elaine considers a neglect of sufficient paring of the hoof, the application of artificial heat from hot stables, and hot litter, the deprivation of natural moisture, constitutional liability, and the existence of thrushes, as among the principal causes of this evil. It is more common amoag blood horses, than to others, and he observes, that dark chesnuts are of all others most prone to it. 99 The treatment of contraction in the feet. It is better to pre. vent, than to be under the necessity of attempting to cure the evil. DISEASES OP HORSES. 237 Prevention may bo practised by avoiding the acting causes. As soon as at all suspected to be likely to occur ; keep the hoofs pared low ; never suffer the horse to stand on litter, nor allow the stable to be too hot ; feed moderately, and never allow the horse to go without daily exercise ; whatever increases the general fulness of habit flies to the feet. Above all, keep the feet moist by means of wet cloths tied closely around the coronet, falling over the whole hoof, but not extending beyond the edge. Then moisten repeatedly, and stop the feet (166) every night. When contraction has already taken place, many plans have been recommended ; as jointed shoes, by Goleman, Clark, and others, but it is not found that mechanical expansion in this way produces permanent benefit. The most effectual mode is to obviate all previous causes of contraction ; and then to thin the hoofs around the heels from each quarter so thin as to be able to produce an impression by means of the thumb ; in fact, to remove so much of the horn as is consistent with safety, from the coronet downwards. It is also prudent to put in a score or two from above downwards, drawn a quarter of an inch deep on each side towards the front of the hoof; but whether this be done or not, the front of the hoof should be rasped thin about an inch in width ; by which means a hinge is formed, which operates most advanta- geously in opening the heels. After this is done, tips should be put on, and the horse should be turned out to grass, where he should remain three months, by which time the new formed heels will have reached the ground, and will bear a shoe. 100. The pumiced foot is a very common consequence of acute founder, in which the elasticity of the laminae becoming destroyed the support of the coffin bone is removed, and it rests wholly on the sole, which it gradually sinks from a concave to a convex surface, drawing with it the front of the hoof inwards. In weak, broad heavy feet, this evil comes on sometimes without founder; the treatment can only be palliative, a wide webbed shoe exactly fitted to the foot, without at all pressing on it, prevents the lamenesa consequent to the disease, a shoe exactly the contrary to this has been tried in some cases with benefit, the form of which has been one with a web so narrow as only to cover the crust, but so thick as to remove the feet from accidental pressure. In other cases, no shoe answers so well as a strong bar shoe. 101. Corns are most troublesome, aliments, to which horses are very liable, and which injure and ruin thousands ; they are wholly accidental ; no horse having any peculiar tendency to them, but being always brought on them by some improper pressure, usually 238 DISEASES OF HORSES. of the shoe, or from something getting between the shoe and the horny heel. A shoe too long worn is a very common cause, and a still more frequent one is the clubbing the heels of the shoe ; neithei is it necessary to the production of corns that the shoe itself should press on the sole ; but they are equally produced when the outer horn of the heels or of the bars, is the immediate offending part rendered so by two luxuriant growth, by unequnl wear, or by secondary pressure from the shoe, or by gravel working in. It is the fleshy sole itself that is bruised, from which a speck of extra- vasated blood follows, and if not immediately relieved it gathers, or the part becomes habitually defective, and instead of forming healthy horn, it always afterwards forms a spongy substance of extreme sensibility, and thus always is liable to produce pain and lameness when exposed to pressure. 102. The treatment of corns is seldom difficult or unsuccessful at their first appearance, but afterwards it can be only palliative. Blaine directs that by means of a fine drawing knife every portion of diseased horn should be pared away, and the extravasation under- neath likewise. Having done this, he advises to introduce some butter of antimony into the opening, to place over this some tow, which should be kept in its place by means of a splint. If any contraction of the heels be present it will materially assist the cure to lower them, and to thin the hoof a little around the quarters, and afterwards to put on a shoe without heels opposed to the corn, or a shoe chambered opposite the weak part : or a bar shoe may bo applied so framed as completely to leave the heel untouched. Intro- duce the butter of antimony once or twice more, with the interval of two days between, and then turn the horse out to grass ; in about six weeks time the foot will be sound. The treatment of corns, when of long standing, does not materially differ : for although they are never wholly eradicated, they may be rendered but little troublesome. The diseased part must be carefully pared out at each shoeing, and such a shoe put on as will completely free the heel from pressure. 103. Running thrush is alicays a dangerous disease, and few errors in horse management are more glaring than the common one of supposing they are necessary to carry off humours. If less food, more exercise, cool stables, and dry standings, were substituted to correct the fulness, instead of thrushes, which invariably contract the feet whenever they continue any length of time, it would save many valuable horses. To the cure, begin by cleaning out all the fissu-es of the frog from loose ragged hern, and then introduce to DISEASES OF HORSES. 239 the bottom of the sinuses, by means of a thin piece of wood, some of the thrush paste (Vet. Pharm. 133,) smeared on tow, which will enable it to be held within the cleft, especially if it be guarded by splints of wood passed under the shoe ; renew the dressing daily ; turning out to grass may be practised to great advantage for thrushes by this mode of dressing. 104. Sand cracks are fissures in the hoofs, commonly of those before, and usually towards the inner, but now and then towards the outer quarter also, from above downwards : from the crack, a little oozing of blood or moisture is seen ; and the sensible parts underneath getting between the edges of horn, being pressed on, lame the horse. White recommends to fire the fissure crossways, so as to destroy the connection between the divided and undivided parts of the hoof. 105. Pricks or punctures of the feet are often very serious evils, either when received by nails in shoeing, or by one picked up in the road, &c. The danger arises from inflammation, which is always great from any injury done to the sensible and viscular parts within the foot. This inflammation quickly proceeds to suppuration ; and the matter is apt to make its way upwards, unless it find a ready vent below. When it does not break out at the coronet, it will often penetrate under the sole, and finally disease the bones, liga- ments, or cartilages, and produce quittor. It is very seldom that a horse is pricked in shoeing, but that the smith is aware of it by tho peculiarity of the feel on the hammer, and by the flinching of the animal. At such times were he to immediately draw the nail a little, enlarge the opening, and introduce some spirit within the puncture, nothing would occur ; but on the contrary, he sends the horse homo to avoid trouble, who, the next, or following day, is found lame, with his foot hot, if the nail be not driven too near the sensible laminae, it will only require to be removed to free the horse from his evil ; but if it have been driven through, and have wounded them, then suppuration ensues, and on examining the foot by the pincers when the shoe is removed, he will flinch at the pressure on the diseased part. It is probable, on the removal of the shoe that matter will at once flow out at the immediate nail hole, if not, the drawing knife will soon detect the injury. If the heat be great, and instead of matter, bloody dark ichor flows out, wrap the foot up in a poul tice ; but if healthy matter flows out this will not be necessary , sometimes it is requisite-to detach all the horn that is underrun by the matter. But when the injury has not proceeded to this extent, apply over the part a pledget of tow steeped in friar's balsam ; tacli 210 DISEASES OF HORSES. on the shoe lightly, and retain the dressing by means of splints, which are thin pieces of wood passed under the shoe ; repeat the dressing daily, and avoid moisture, which would encourage quittor A nail picked up on the road, and which passes through the sole below or through the frog, is to be treated in the same manner, and also when the matter breaks out at the coronet ; but when a nail is picked up and penetrates the coffin joint, which is known by the synovia or joint oil appearing, such opening should be immediately stopped by paring towards the wounded joint, and then applying a heated budding-iron, not to the capsular ligament itself, but to the skin immediately near it; if this be inconvenient, put a pledget dipped in a little butter of antimony, just within the opening, but do not press it into the cavity of the joint : if this be insufficient to stop the flow, but more particularly if the original wound be pene- trated to the bone, it is probable that the bone itself will become in some measure diseased, which is known by the rough grating felt at the point of the probe when passed. In this case, enlarge the opening so as to be able to scrape the diseased bone away. Bruises of the sole, from whatever cause, will all fall under some of these points of view, according as the case may be. 10G. Quittor and canker are the consequences of these injuries, when neglected, or originally extensive. In these cases either the bones, ligaments, or cartilages, or all, become diseased ; and a cure can only be obtained by removing the diseased parts by the knife or by caustic. 107. Treads, over-reach, $c. A wound on the coronet is not uncommon from one foot being placed on the other ; or the hinder foot may strike it, &c. First wipe away the dirt, and remove any loose edges that cannot unite ; avoid washing, unless stones and dirt are suspected to be within, and bind up, having first placed over the wound a pledget of lint or tow moistened with balsamic tincture, or tincture of myrrh, or of aloes. &c. Over-reaching, or over-stepping, is often an injury done to tne fetlock joint before, by the hinder foot, or to the back sinew higher up. Sometimes it is simply a violent bruise, at others the laceration is extensive, in which case treat as a tread ; and when no laceration has taken place treat as a bruise or strain. 108. Cutting is a defect to which some horses are liable from their form, as when they turn their toes out, or have bent legs. Others cut only when they are lean, which brings their legs nearer together. Weak horses cut because they cross their legs when VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 241 ^atigued, and young unfurnished horses cut at youthful periods and 2row out of it afterwards. The part in which a foot interferes with the opposed limb is very different. When it strikes the shank high up it is called speedy-cut, and is best remedied by wearing knee boots or rollers. When it is at the fetlock the cutting is at the side, or rather backward, according to circumstances. Some horses cut by the side of the shoe, others by the hoof at the quarters ; and some by the point of the heels. It is to be remarked, that it is better to put up with the evil of cutting, than to do as is too frequently done, which is, to pare away the hoof until it excites contraction. The shoe may be feather edged, or may be set a little within the cutting quarter ; but by no means alter the size or form of the hoofs them- selves, and particularly avoid taking liberties of this kind with the fore feet. Boots or rollers, are but little trouble to put on, and when not buckled too tight never injure : whereas to allow a horse to continue to cut produces a callus, and often throws the animal down. VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 109. The general practises to be here enumerated are chiefly the treatment of wounds, the application of fomentations, setons, blisters, clysters, and physicking, and the operation of castrating, nicking, bleeding, &c. Treatment of Wounds. 110. A wound must be treated in some measure according to the part of the horse's body in which it happens : but there are some principles to be observed alike in all horse surgery. There are likewise a few, which, as they differ from the principles of human surgery, should be first noticed, and which should guide the prae- tice of those who might be misled by analogy. The wounds ot horses, however carefully brought together and confined in their situation, as well as shut out from the stimulus of the external air, are seldom disposed to unite at once, or as it is called in surgical language, by the first intention. It is always, therefore, necessary to expect the suppurative process ; but as the adhesive inflammation 242 VETERINARY OPERATIONS. does now and then occur, we should never wash with water or other liquids a mere laceration, if no foreign matter, as dirt, &c. be suspected to be lodged within it, still less should we stuff it with candle or tents of any kind. On the contrary, it should be care- fully and smoothly brought together, and simply bound up in ita own blood ; and if it do not wholly unite at once, and by the first intention, perhaps some portion of it may ; and at all events, its future progress will be more natural, and the disfiguration less than when stuffed with tents, tow, &c. or irritated with heating oils or spirits. When an extensively lacerated wound takes place it is common, and it is often necessary to insert sutures, or stitches, into the lips of the wound : and here we have to notice another considerable variation from the principles of human inflammation, which is, that these stitches in the horse, ox, and dog, soon ulcerate out, seldom remaining longer than the third or fourth day at far- thest. It therefore is the more necessary to be careful, that by perfect rest, and the appropriation of good bandages we secure the wound from distortion. In this we may be assisted by strips of sticking plaster, made with diachylon and pitch ; but these strips should be guarded from touching the wound itself by means of lint or tow first put over it. When in addition to laceration in a wound, there is a destruction of substance, then the caution of washing will not apply, as it will be necessary to bathe with some warming spirit, as, tincture of myrrh, tincture of aloes, or friar's balsam, to assist in restoring the life of the part, and in preventing mortification. Bleeding must be stopped by pressure and astringents, as powdered alum; when it is very considerable the vessel from whence the blood comes must be taken up. When great inflammation follows wounds or bruises, counteract it by bleeding, a cooling temperature, opening medicines, and continual fomentations to the part itself. Balls and Drinks. 111. Mode of giving a ball. Back the horse in his stall, and being elevated on a stool, (not a bucket turned upside down,) gently draw the tongue out of the mouth, so as to prevent its rising to resist the passage of the hand : the tongue should however not be laid hold of alone, but it should be held firmly by the fingers of the left hand against the jaw. The ball previously oiled should be taken into the right hand, which should be squeezed into as narrow a shape as possible, must be passed up close to the roof of the mouth, and the ball placed on the root of the tongue, when both hands being withdrawn, it will readily pass down. This mode is much preferable, when a person is at all handy, to using a balling iron. VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 243 112. Mode of giving a drink. Exactly the same process is pur sued, except that a horn holding the liquid matter is forced up the mouth ; the passage being raised beyond the level line, the liquid is poured out from the larger end of the horn, and when the tongue is loosened it is swallowed. Clark, however, ingeniously proposes to substitute the smaller end of the horn, the larger being closed, by which, he says, the horn can be forced up the mouth between the teeth, and poured farther back so as to ensure its not returning. Fomentations and Poultices. 113. Fomentations are very commonly recommended of various herbs, as rhue, chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, bay leaves, &c. but the principal virtue is to be found in warmth and moisture, which unload the vessels ; but this warmth ought not to be too con- siderable, except when the inflammation is within, as in inflamed bowels. Here we foment to stimulate the skin, and cannot foment too hot ; but when we do it at once to an* inflamed part, it ought not to be more than of blood heat ; and it should be continued long, and when removed the part should be dried or covered, or cold may be taken, and the inflammation increased instead of diminished. Ano- dyne fomentations are made of poppy heads and of tobacco, and are frequently of great use. 114. The method of applying fomentations is conveniently done by means of two large woollen cloths wrung out of the heated liquors ; as one is cooling the other should be ready to be applied. 115. Poultices act in the same way as fomentations in allaying irritation and inflammation; but are in other respects more conve nient because they act continually. It is an error to suppose that poultices, to be beneficial, should be very hot ; however hot they may be applied, they soon become of the temperature of the sur- rounding parts. When poultices are applied to the extremities, a stocking, as has been before stated, is a convenient method of appli- cation. When it is drawn over the leg and bound around the lower part of the hoof, or of the pastern, or otherwise, the matter of the poultice may be put within, and it may be then kept in its situation, if" high up on the extremity, by means of tape fastened to one part of it, and passed over the withers or back to the other side, and again fastened to the stocking. In this way, also, loose bandages may be retained from slipping. Cold poultices are often useful in the inflammations arising from strains, &c. In these cases bran and goulard water form a convenient medium ; but when the poul 22 244 VETERINARY OPERATIONS. tice is necessarily hot, a little linseed meal added to the bran wil render it adhesive, and give it consistence. It is a very necessary caution in this, as in every instance where bandages are wanted around the extremities, to have them broad, and only so tight as to secure the matters contained, as in a poultice, or as in common bandaging. It is often supposed that " as strong as a horse," de- notes that nothing can be too strong for him, nor any means too violent to hurt him. The horse, on the contrary, is one of the most tender animals alive : and a string tied very tight round the ieg would occasion first a falling off of the hoof, next a mortification of the rest of the limb, and lastly the death of the animal ; and all this as certainly as though he were shot with a bullet through tne head, Setons and Rowels. 116. Scions are often useful in keeping up a drain to draw what are termed humours from parts ; or by their irritations on one part, they lessen the inflammation in another part not very remote, as when applied to the cheek for ophthalmia or inflamed eyes. They also in the same way lessen old swellings by exciting absorption. Another useful action they have is to make a dependent or conve- nient orifice for the escape of lodged matter : thus a seton passed fiom the upper part of the opening of pole evil, through the upper pait ot the integuments of the neck, as low as the sinuses run, will often ettect a cure without further application. The same with fistu- ious withers, wnich sometimes run under the shoulder blade, and appear at the arm point ; in which case a blunt seton needle, of sufficient length to be passed down to that point, and to be then cut down upon, will form the only efficient mode of treatment. Setons may be passed in domestic farriery, with a common packing needle and a skein of thread, or piece of tape : but in professional farriery tiiey are made by a proper needle armed with tape or lamp cotton, or skeins of thread or silk smeared over with digestive ointment. When the seton needle is removed, the ends of the tape should be joined together, or otherwise netted, to prevent them from coming out. 117. Rowels in their intention act as setons, and as irritating a larger surface, so when a general drain is required they act better ; as in case of grease, &c. but when their action is confined to a part only, setons are more convenient. Any person may apply a rowel by making an incision in the loose skin about an inch separating with the finger its adherence around, and then inserting in the VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 245 opening a piece of round leather, with a hole in the middle, smeare.1 with a blistering ointment. Then plug the opening with tow, and in three days, when the suppuration has begun, remove it. The rowel leather is afterwards to be daily removed and cleaned. Blistering and Firing. 118. Blistering answers the same purposes as setons, and is prac- tised by first cutting or shaving the hair from the part, when the blistering ointment (Vet. Pha. 138.) should be well rubbed in for ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour. Some of the ointment after the rubbing may be smeared over the part. The head of the horse should now be tied up to prevent his gnawing or licking. If a neck cradle be at hand, it may also for safety be put on ; in which the head may be let down the third day. 119. A neck cradle for blistered horses is very convenient for other occasions also, when the mouth is to be kept from licking or biting other parts ; or to keep other parts from being rubbed against the head. Il is of very simple construction, and may be made by a dozen pieces of wood of about an inch and half diameter, as old broom handles, &c. These bored at each end admit a rope to pass through ; and as each is passed on, a knot may be tied to the upper part of the pieces of the cradle, two inches apart ; and those which form the lower part, four inches ; by which means the neck will be fitted by the cradle when it is put en ; and the horse will be pre- vented from bending his head to lick or gnaw parts to be protected. When the lower parts of the legs, particularly the hinder, required blistering, it is necessary to bear in mind that in gross full horses, particularly in autumn, grease is very apt to follow blistering; and almost certainly if the back of the heels below the fetlock be blis- tered. First, therefore, smear this part overjwith lard or suet, and afterwards avoid touching it with the ointment. After blistering in summer, the horse is often turned out before the blistered parts aio quite sound ; in this case guard them from flies by some kind o* covering, or they may become fly-blown : and likewise on the fourth or fifth day rub into the blistered part some oil or lard to prevent the skin from cracking. 120. Sweating or liquid blisters, (Vet. Pha. 142,) are only more gentle stimulants, which are daily applied to produce the same effects on a diseased part without removing the hair. Of course lesa activity is expected ; yet as the action is repeated, they are often more beneficial even than blistering itself; as in old strains and stiffnesses. 246 VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 121. Firing, as requiring the assistance of an experienced prac- titioner, we shall not describe ; it will be prudent only to point out that it is a more active mode of blistering ; and that it acts very powerfully as a stimulant, not only while its effects last as blisters do, but also after its escharotic effect is over, by its pressure ; and in this way it is that it operates so favourably in bony exostosis, as splints and spavins ; and in this way it is so useful in old ligamentary weaknesses; because by lessening the dilatability of the skin it becomes a continual bandage to the part. Clystering and Physicking. 122. Clystering should always be preceded by back-raking, which consists in oiling one hand and arm, and passing them up the fun- dament, and by that means to remove all the dung balls that can be reached. The large pewter syringe for clystering, is neither a useful or safe machine. A much better consists in a turned box pipe, to which may be attached a large pig or ox bladder, by which four or five quarts of liquid can be administered at one time. (Vet. Pharm. 134, to 146.) The pipe should be previously oiled, by which means it passes more easily : the liquor should then be steadily pressed up ; and when the pipe is removed, the tail should be held down over the fundament a little to prevent the return of the clyster. In some cases of a spasmodic nature, as gripes and locked jaw, great force is made by the bowels to return the clyster, and nothing but con- tinued pressure over the fundament can enable it to be retained. Clysters not only act in relaxing the bowels, but they may be used as means of nutriment when it cannot be taken by the mouth ; as in locked jaw, wounds of the mouth, throat, &c. &c. In locked jaw, it was observed by Gibson, that he kept a horse alive many days by clysters alone ; and by clysters also, many medicines may be given more conveniently than by the mouth. 123. Physicking of horses. It is equally an error to refrain altogether from giving horses physic, as it is to give it on every occasion, as some do. Neither is it necessary for horses to be bled and physicked every spring and autumn, if they be in perfect health, and the less so, as at this time they are generally weak and faint from the change going on in their coats nor is it always necessary to give to horses physic when they come from grass or a straw yard ; provided the change from the one state to the other be very moderately brought about. But on such a removal, it certainly expedites all the phenomena of condition, (2) and such horses are less likely to fall to pieces, as it is termed afterwards. (3.) In various morbid states physic is particularly useful, as in worms, hide bound, VETERINARY OPERATIONS. 247 Irom too full a habit, &c. &c. It is not advisable to physic horses in either very cold or very warm weather. Strong physic is always hurtful ; all that physic can do is as well operated by a mild as by a strong dose, with infinitely less hazard. No horse should be physicked whose bowels have not been previously prepared by mashing for two days at least before. By these means the physic will work kindly, and a moderate quantity only is requisite. Most of the articles put into the purging balls for horses, to assist the aloes, are useless. Jalap will not purge a horse, nor rhubarb either. Aloes are the only proper drug to be depended on for this purpose, and of all the varieties of aloes the socotorine and Cape are the best. (Vet. Pha. 163.) Barbadoes aloes are also not improper, but are thought more rough than the socotorine. For formulae of purging balls, see Vet. Pha. (163.) Blaine gives the following as the process : 124. Physicking process. The horse having fasted an hour or two in the morning from food, but having had his water as usual, give him his purge, and two hours after offer him a little chilled, but not warm water, as is often done, by which horses are disgusted from taking any ; it may be here remarked that in this particular much error is frequently committed. Many horses will" drink water with the chill taken off, provided it be perfectly clean, and do not smell of smoke from the fire, kettle or sauce-pan ; but few, very few, will drink warm or hot water ; and still fewer, if it be in the least degree greasy or smoky. After the ball has been given two hours, a warm bran mash may be offered, and a very little hay. He should have walking exercise as usual moderately clothed ; and altogether he should be kept rather warmer than usual. At noon mash again, and give a little hay, which should be repeated at night, giving him at intervals chilled water. On the following morning the physic may be expected to work ; which if it do briskly, keep the horse quiet ; but should it not move his bowels, or only relax them, walk him quietly half an hour, which will probably have the desired effect. Continue to give mashes and warm water, repeating them every two or three hours to support him. When physic gripes a horse, give a clyster of warm water, and hand rub the belly, as well as walk him out. If the griping prove severe, give him four ounces of gin in half a pint of strong ale, which will soon relieve him. On the next day the physic will probably set, but should it continue to work him severely, pour down some boiled starch ; and if this fail, turn to the directions under diarrhoea. (52.) The horse should return to his usual habits of feeding and full exercise by degrees; and if more than one dose is to be given, a week should intervene. It ia often requisite to make the second and third doses rather stronger 22* VETERINARY OPERATIONS. than the first. A very mild dose of physic is likewise often given to horses while at grass in very warm weather, and without any injury. When worms, or skin foulness are present, and mercuria* physic is deemed necessary, it is better to give two drachms 01 calomel in a mash the previous night, than to put it into the pur ging ball. Castration, Nicking, Docking, fyc. 125. The operations of castration, docking, nicking, aud that of cropping, (which is seldom practised,) all require the assistance of a veterinary surgeon ; and it is only necessary to remark of them, that the after treatment must be the same as in all other wounds. To avoid irritation, to preserve a cool temperature and a moderate diet; and if active febrile symptoms make their appearance, to obviate them by bleeding, &c. &c. It likewise is proper to direct the attention of the agriculturist who attends to these matters him. self, that the moment the wo-und following any of these operations looks otherwise than healthy, locked jaw is to be feared, and no time should be lost in seeking the best assistance that can be obtained. (11.) See Mason, p. 148. Bleeding. 126. Bleeding is a very common, and to the horse a very impor- tant operation, because his inflammatory diseases, on account of the great strength of his arterial system, run to a fatal termination very soon and can only be checked in the rapidity of their progress by abstracting blood, which diminishes the momentum of circulation. Bleeding is more particularly important in the inflammatory dis- eases of the horse ; because we cannot, as in the human, lower the circulation by readily nauseating the stomach. Bleeding also lessens irritation, particularly in the young and plethoric, or those of full habit: hence we bleed in spasms of the bowels, in locked jaw, &c. with good effect. Bleeding is general or topical. General as from the neck, when we mean to lessen the general momentum. Topical when we bleed from a particular part, as the eye, the plate vein, the toe, &c. Most expert practitioners use a large lancet to bleed with ; and when the habit of using it is acquired, it is by far the best instrument, particularly for superficial veins where a blow might earry the fleam through the vessel. In common hands the fleam as the more general instrument is best adapted to the usual cases requiring the agriculturists notice. Care should, however, be taken not to strike it with vehemence, and the hair being first wetted and smoothed down, it should be pressed close between the hairs, so THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPEIA. 249 that its progress may not be impeded by them. A ligature should be first passed round the neck, and a hand held over the eye, unless the operator be very expert, when the use of the fingers will dispense with the ligature. The quantity of blood taken is usually too small. In inflammatory diseases, a large horse, particularly in the early stage of a complaint, will bear to lose eight or ten quarts : and half the quantity may be taken away two or three times afterwards, if the violence of tke symptoms seem to require it ; and the blood should be drawn in a large stream to do all the good it is capable of. After the bleeding is finished introduce a sharp pin, and avoid drawing the skin away from the vein while pinning, which lets the blood escape between the vein and skin ; wrap round a piece of tow or hemp, and next day remove the pin, which might otherwise inflame the neck. In drawing blood let it always be measured ; letting it fall on the ground prevents the ascertaining the quantity ; it also prevents anv observation on the state of the blood ; which if it form itself into a cup-like cavity on its surface, and exhibit a tough yellow crust over this cavity it betokens an inflammatory state of blood that will require further bleedings, unless the weak. ness forbid. After the bleeding, it now and then happens from rusty lancets, too violent a stroke with the blood stick, or from drawing away the skin too much while pinning up, that the orifice inflames and hardens, and ichor is seen to ooze out between its edges. Immediately after this is discovered, recourse must be had to an able veterinary surgeon, or the horse will lose the vein, and perhaps his life. THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. 127. The following formula for veterinary practice have been compiled from the works of the most eminent veterinary writers of the present day, as Elaine, Clark, Laurence, Peel, White, &c.; and we can from our own experience also, confidently recommend the selec- tion to the notice of agriculturists, and the owners of horses in general. It would be prudent for such as have many horses, and particularly for such as live at a distance from the assistance of an able veterinarian, to keep the more necessary articles by them in case of emergence : some venders of horse drugs kee-p 250 THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. veterinary medicine chests : and where the compo- sitions can be depended on, and the uncompounded drugs are genuine and good, one of these is a most convenient appendage to every stable. 128. The veterinary pharmacopoeia for oxen, calves, and sheep has been included in the arrangement. Where any speciality occurs, or where distinct recipes are requisite, they have been carefully noticed ; it will therefore only be necessary to be kept in mind, that with the exception of acrid substances, as mineral acids, &c. which no cattle can bear with equal impu- nity with the horse ; the remedies prescribed require about the following proportions : A large ox will bear the proportions of a moderate sized horse ; a moderate sized cow something less ; a calf about a third of the quantity ; and a sheep about a quarter, or at most a third of the proportions directed for the cow. It is also to be remarked, that the degrees in strength in the different recipes, are usually regulated by their numbers, the mildest standing first. 129. Alteratives. 1. Levigated antimony, 2 drachms. Cream of tartar, Flour of sulphur, each half an ounce. 2. Cream of tartar, Nitre, of each half an ounce. 3. ^Ethiop's mineral, Levigated antimony, Powdered resin, each three drachms. Give in a mash, or in oats and bran, a little wetted, every night, or make into a ball with honey. 130. Tonic Alteratives. 1. Gentian, Aloes, Ginger, Blue vitriol, in powder, of each 1 drachm, Oak bark in powder, 6 drachms. 2. Winter's bark in powder, three drachms. Green vitriol, do. one and a half drachms, Gentian, do. three drachms. Make either of these into a ball with honey, and give every morning. 3. White vitriol, 1 drachm, Ginger or pimento, ground, two drachms, Powdered quassia half an ounce, Ale 8 ounces. Mix and give as a drink. THE VETERINRY PHARMACOPOEIA. 4. Arsenic, 10 grains, Oatmeal, 1 ounce. Mix and give in a mash, or moistened oats nightly. 131. Astringent Mixtures for Diarrhoea, Lax or Scouring. 1. Powdered ipecacuanha, one drachm, Do. opium, half a drachm, Prepared chalk, 2 ounces, Boiled starch, 1 pint. 2. Suet 4 ounces, boiled in Milk, 8 ounces, Boiled starch, 6 ounces, Powdered alurn, 1 drachm. The following has been very strongly recommended in some cases, for the lax of horses and cattle. 3. Glauber's salts 2 ounces, Epsom do. 1 ounce, Green vitriol 4 grains, Gruel, half a pint. When the lax or scouring at all approaches to dysentery or molten grease, the following drink should be first given. 4. Castor oil, 4 ounces, Glauber's salts, dissolved, two ounces, Powdered rhubarb, half a drachm, Powdered opium, 4 grains, Gruel, 1 pint. 132. Astringent balls foi Dia- betes or pissing evil. Catechu, [Japan earth] half an ounce, Alum powdered, half a drachm, Sugar of lead, 10 grains, Conserve of roses, to ma-ke a ball. 133. Astringent paste for thrush, foot-rot, foul in the foot, $-c. Prepared calamine, Verdigris, of each half an ounce, White vitriol, Alum, of each half a drachm, Tar, 3 ounces : mix. 134. Astringent washes for cracks in the heels, wounds, $-c. 1. Sugar of lead, 2 drachms, White vitriol, 1 drachm, Strong infusion of oak, or elm bark, 1 pint : mix. 2. Green vitriol, 1 drachm, Infuskm of galls, half a pint, Mix and wash the parts three times a day. 135. Powder for Cracks, $c. 3. Prepared calamine, 1 ounce, Fuller's earth, powdered, Pipe clay, do. of each 2 ounces, Mix and put within gauze, and dab the moist surfaces of the sores frequently. 136. Astringent Paste for Grease. 1. Prepared calamine, Tutty, powdered, Charcoal, do. of each 2 ounces, Yeast enough to make a paste. 2. To the above, if more strength be required, add of alum and ver- digris each a drachm. 137. Astringent Wash for do. 3. Corrosive sublimate, 2 drachms, Spirit of wine or brandy 1 ounce, Soft water, 10 ounces. Rub the sublimate in a mor- tar with the spirit till dissolved, tben add the water. This is a strong prepi ration, and has often proved successful in very bad 252 THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. eases of grease, which have re- sisted all the usual remedies. 138. Blisters. 1. A general one. Cantharides powdered, 2 ounces, Venice turpentine, do. Resin, do. Palm oil or lard, 2 Ibs. Melt the three latter article ogether, and when not too ho tir in the Spanish flies. 2. i39. A strong cheap blister, bu not proper to be used in fevers o inflammations, as of the lungs bowels, 2 ounces, Capsicum or pepper, half an oz Thin gruel, 4 quarts. 145. Nutritious Clyster. 3. Thick gruel, three quarts, Strong sound ale, one quart. Or 4. Strong broth, 2 quarts, Thickened milk, 2 quarts. 146. Astringent Clyster. O. Tripe liquor or suet boiled in milk, three pints, Thick starch, 2 pints, ^audanum, half an ounce. Or 6. Alum whey, one quart, Soiled starch, two quarts. 147. Cordial Balls. jJentian powdered, 4 ounces, Ginger do. 2 ounces, Coriander seeds do. 4 ounces, faraway do. 4 ounces, 'il of aniseed, quarter of an oz Make into a mass with honey, reacle or lard, and give an ounce nd a half for a dose. 148. Chronic Cough Balls. a,omel 1 scruple, THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. 253 Gum ammoniacum, Horse radish, of each 2 drachms, Balsam of Tolu, Squills, each one drachm. Beat all together, and make into a ball with honey, and give svery morning fasting. 149. Drink for the same. 2. Tar water, Lime water, of each half a pint, Tincture of squills, half an oz. 150. Powder for the same. 3. Tartar emetic, 2 drachms, Powdered foxglove, half a drachm, Powdered squill, half a drachm, Calomel, one scruple, Nitre 3 drachms. Give every night in a malt mash. 151. Diuretic Balls. Resin, yellow, 1 pound, Nitre half a pound, Horse turpentine, half a pound, Yellow soap, quarter of a pound. Melt the resin, soap, and tur- pentine over a slow fire ; when cooling add the nitre. For a strong dose, an ounce and a half, for a mild one an ounce. It should be kept in mind, that mild diuretics are always equal to what is required ; and that strong diuretics are always hurtful. 152. Diuretic Powders. Yellow resin, powdered, 4 ozs. Nitre, ditto, 8 ounces, Cream of tartar, do. 4 ounces. Dose 6, 8, or 10 drs. nightly, which some horses will readily eat in a mash. 153. Urine Drink Glauber's salts, two ounces, Nitre, 6 drachms. Dissolve in a pint of warra water. 154. Embrocations cooling for inflammations. Goulard's extract, half an ounce, Spirit of wine or brandy 1 ounce, Soft water, 1 quart. 2. Mindererus spirit, 4 ounces, Water, 12 ounces. 155. For Strains. Bay salt, bruised, half a pound. Crude sal ammoniac, 2 ounces, Sugar of lead, quarter of an oz Vinegar one pint and a half, Water, one pint. 156. For the Eyes. Sugar of lead, 1 drachm, White vitriol, 2 scruples, Water, 1 pint. 2. Brandy, 1 ounce, Infusion of green tea, 4 ounces Tincture of opium, 2 drachms, Infusion of red roses, 4 ounces 3. Rose water, 6 ounces, Mindererus spirit, 3 ounces. 4. Corrosive sublimate, 4 grains, Alcohol, 1 ounce, Lime water, 1 pint. 5. Alum, powdered, 1 drachm, Calomel, half a drachm. Mix and insert a little at ono corner of the eye. The custom of blowing it in alarms the horse. 157 Fever Powders. 1. Tartar emetic, 2 drachms, Nitre, 5 drachms. 2. Antimo lial powder, 2 drachm*, 254 THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. Cream of tartar, Nitre, of each four drachms. 158. Fever Drink. 3. Sweet spirit of nitre, 1 ounce, Mindererus spirit, 6 ounces, Water, 4 ounces. 159. Epidemic Fever Drink. 4. Sweet spirit of nitre, 1 ounce, Simple oxymel, 6 ounces, Tartar emetic, 3 drachms, 160 Malignant Epidemic Fever. iPf Simple oxymel, Mindererus spirit, Beer yeast, of each 4 ounces, Sweet spirit of nitre, 1 ounce. 161. Fumigations for purifying infected stables, sheds, tyc. Manganese, 2 ounces, Common salt, do. Oil of vitriol, 3 ounces, Water, 1 ounce. Put the mixed manganese and salt into a bason ; then, having before mixed the vitriol and wa- ter very gradually, pour them by means of tongs, or any thing that will enable you to stand at a sufficient distance, on the ar- ticles in the bason gradually. As soon as the fumes rise, retire and shut up the door close. 162. Hoof Liquid. Oil of turpentine, 4 ounces, Tar, 4 ounces, Whale oil, 8 ounces. This softens and toughens the hoofs extremely, when brushed over them night and morning. 163. Purging Medicines. Balls very mild. Aloes, powdered, 6 drachms, Oil of turpentine, 1 drachm* Mild. Aloes, powdered, 8 drachms, Oil of turpentine, 1 drachm. Strong. Aloes, powdered, 10 drachms, Oil of turpentine, 1 drachm. The aloes may be beaten with treacle to a mass, adding, during the beating, the oil of turpen- tine. All spices, cream of tar- tar, oil of tartar, jalap, &c. are useless, and often hurtful addi- tion^. 164. Liquid Purge. Epsom salts, dissolved, 8 ozs. Castor oil, 4 ounces, Watery tincture of aloes, 8 ozs. Mix The watery tincture of aloes is made by beating pow- dered aloes with the yelk of egg, adding water by degrees ; by these means half an ounce of aloes may be suspended in 8 ounces of water, and such a purge is useful when a ball can- not be got down, as in partial locked jaw. 165. Scalding Mixture for Pott Evil. Corrosive sublimate, finely pow- dered, 1 drachm, Yellow basilicon, 4 ounces. 166. Foot Stoppings. Horse and cow dung, each about 2 pounds. Tar, half a pound. 167. Wash for coring out, de. straying fungus, or proud fesh, $c. $c. Lunar caustic one drachm, Water, 2 ounces. 168. Wash for Mange. Corrosive sublimate, 2 drachms, Spirit of wine or brandy, 1 oz. Decoction of tobacco, Do. of white helebore, of each 1 pint THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. 255 Dissolve the mercury in the spirit, and then add the decoc- tions. 169. Ointments for healing. Turner's cerate, two ounces, White vitriol powdered, half a drachm, Lard, 4 ounces. 170. For Digesting. 2. Turner's cerate, two ounces, White vitriol, 1 drachm, Yellow basilicon, 5 ounces. 171. For Mange. Sulphur vivum, 8 ounces, Arsenic in powder, 2 drachms, Mercurial ointment, 2 ounces, Turpentine, 2 ounces, Lard, 8 ounces. Mix, and dress with every morning. 172. For Scab or Shab in Sheep, Mallenders and Sellenders in Horses, and foul blotches and eruptions in cattle in general. Camphor, 1 drachm, Sugar of lead, half a drachm, Mercurial ointment 1 ounce. 23 OF THE DISEASES OF HORNED CATTLE. 173. Cattle are subject to some very dangerous dis- eases, but as their life is less artificial, and their struc- ture less complex, they are not liable to the variety of aliments which affect the horse. The general pathology of the horse and ox being little different, the funda- mental rules for veterinary practice, and the requisite medicines, when not particularized, will be found in the Veterinary Pharmacopoeia, already given. (126.) 174. Mild fever, pantas or pantasia. Cattle sometimes appear affected with heat, redness of the nostrils and eyelids ; they refuse food, are dull, evacuate and stale with difficulty ; and the urine is high coloured. These symptoms are often aggravated every other day, giving it the appearance of intermittent affection. The com- plaint is often brought on by over driving in very hot weather, occa- sionally by pushing their fattening process too fast. If there be no appearance of malignancy, and the heaving be considerable, bleed, and give half an ounce of nitre in a drink night and morning ; bu\ unless the weather be cold do not house the animal. 175. Inflammatory fever is called among farriers, cow-leeches, and graziers, by the various names of black quarter, joint felon, DISEASES OF CATTLE. 257 quarter evil, quarter ill, showing of blood, joint murrain, striking in of the blood, &c. Various causes may bring this on. It is some- times epidemic, and at others it seems occasioned by a sudden change from low to very full keeping. Over driving has brought it on. No age is exempt from it, but the young oftener have it than the mature. Its inflammatory stage continues but a few days, and shows itself by a dull heavy countenance, red eyes and eyelids : the nostrils are also red, and a slight mucus flows from them. Ths pulse is peculiarly quick ; the animal is sometimes stupid, at others watchful, particularly at first ; and in some instances irritable. The appetite is usually entirely lost at the end of the second day, and the dung and urine either stop altogether, or the one is hard and the other is red. About the third day a critical deposit takes place, which terminates the inflammatory action : and it is to the various parts on which this occurs, that the disease receives its various names. The deposit is, however, sometimes universal, in the form of a bloody suffusion throughout the whole skin lu others, swellings from the joints, or on the back or belly ; and in fact, no part is exempt from their attack. Sometimes the animal swells generally or partially, and the air being suffused under the skin, crackles to the feel. After any of these appearances have come on, the disease assumes a very malignant type, and is highly contagious. 176. Treatment of inflammatory fever. Before the critical abscess form, or at the very outset of the disease, bleed liberally, and purge also : give likewise a fever drink (158.) If, however, the disease be not attended to, in this early stage, carefully abstain from bleeding or even purging : but instead, throw up clysters of warm water and salt to empty the bowels, and in other respects treat as detailed under malignant epidemic. (15.) It may be added, that four drachms of muriatic acid, in three pints of oak bark decoction, given twice a day, has proved useful. The swellings themselves may be washed with warm vinegar both before and after they burst. 177. Catarrh or influenza in cattle, also known by the name of felon, is only a more mild form of the next disease. Even in this mild form it is sometimes epidemic, or prevalent among numbers ; or endemical by being local. Very stormy wet weather, changing frequently, and greatly also in its temperature, are common causes. We have seen it brought on by change of food from good to bad , nnd from too close pasturage. It first appears by a defluxion from the nose ; the nostrils and the eyelids are red ; the animal heaves, is tucked up in the flanks, and on the third day ho loses the cud. 258 DISEASES OF CATTLE. There is a distressing and painful cough, and not unfrequently a Bore throat also, in which case the beast almost invariably holds down his head. The treatment does not at all differ from that directed under the same disease in horses (13.) Bleeding only the first two days, carefully sheltering, but in an open airy place, lit- tering well up. 178. The malignant epidemic influenza is popularly called mur- ain or pest ; and has at various times made terrible havoc among jattle. Ancient history affords ample proof of its long existence, and by the accounts handed down, it does not seem to have varied its types materially. In 1757 it visited Britain, producing extreme fatality among the kine. From 1710 to 1714 it continued to rage on the continent with unabated fury, (Lancisiss Disputatio His- torica de Bovilla Peste.) The years 1730 and 1731, and from 1744 to 1746, witnessed its attack, and produced many written descrip- tions of it, among which stands pre-eminent that of Sauvages, the celebrated professor of medicine, at Montpelier. The British visi- tation of the malady in 1757, elicited an excellent work from the pen of Dr. Layard, a physician of London, which was afterwards trans- lated into several languages. 179. Symptoms of the murrain. Dr. Layard describes it as com- mencing by a difficulty of swallowing, and itching of the ears, shaking of the head, with excessive weakness and staggering gait ; which occasions a continual desire to lie down. A sanious fetid discharge invariably appears from the nostrils, and eyes also. The cough was frequent and urgent. Fever, exacerbiating, par- ticularly at night, when it usually produced quickened pulse. There was constant scouring of green foetid dung after the first two days, which tainted every thing around, even the breath, per- spiration, and urine were highly fo3tid. Little tumours or boils were very commonly felt under the skin, and if about the seventh or ninth day these eruptions become larger, and boils or buboes appear with lessened discharge of faeces, they proved critical and the animal often, recovered ; but if on the contrary, the scouring continued, and the breath became cold, and the mouth dark in colour, he informs us mortality followed. Sauvages describes the murrain as showing itself by trembling, cold shivers, nose excorated with an acid dis- charge from it ; purging after the first two days, but previous to which there was often costiveness. Great tenderness about the spine and withers was also a characteristic, with emphysema, or a blowing up of the skin by air discharged underneath it. DISEASES OF CATTLE. 259 180. Dissections of those that have died of this disease, according to Sauvages, have shown marks of great inflammation, and of a great putrid tendency ; but the solid parts seldom ran. into gan- grene. The fluid secretions however, always were sufficiently dissolved and broken down by putridity. The paunch, he says, was usually filled with undigested matter, and the other stomachs highly inflamed : the gall bladder was also commonly distended, with acrid thick brown bile. Goelich, who likewise dissected these subjects, describes the gall as particularly profuse and in- tolerably foetid. According to him, the whole alimentary canal, from the mouth to the anus was excorated ; and Lancisi, contrary to Sauvages, found the viscera of the chest and belly, in some cases sphacelated and gangrenous. Gazola describes the murrain as accompanied with pustulous sores ; and so great was the putrid tendency, that even the milk, before it dried up, which it usually did before the fourth day, became foetid. 181. The treatment of the murrain. In the very early stages, all eminent authors recommend bleeding ; but which should not only be confined to the very early periods, as to the two first days ; but also to such subjects as by their previous health and condition can Dear it. The animals should be placed in an open airy place ; the litter should be frequently renewed ; and the place itself should be fumigated with the preventative fumigation. (161.) It has been recommended to burn green boughs with pitch as a substitute ; even charcoal fires occasionally carried around the place would be useful. Dr. Layard advises the body to be washed with aromatic herbs in water ; but vinegar would have been better. In early stages, saline purgatives, as from ten to twenty ounces of Epsom salts are to be invariably used. If the scouring have already come on, still, however, purge; but with only half the quantity; an arti- ficial purge will carry off the morbid bile ; and if excessive weakness do not come on, the same may be advantageously repeated. Setons are also recommended in the dewlap. When abscess appear, they may be opened, and their contents discharged, washing the wound with brandy or vinegar, if putrid sloughing takes place. The em- physematous swellings or cracklings, may also be opened, and the air discharged. The other essentials of medical treatment, as detailed under malignant epidemic among horses, is here applicable in every particular. When recovery takes place, it is usually a very slow process, and requires care to prevent other diseases super- vening. The animal should continue to be housed, and neither exposed to sun or wind for some time, and the feeding should be nutritious. The following infallible cure of the bloody murrain in 23* 260 DISEASES OF CATTLE. cattle, was given by Mr. Jones, of Gloucester county, Va. to Mr. Benjamin Harrison, of Charles City County, Va. " A quart of the infusion of cedar berries, (containing about half a pint of the ber- ries) was given at a time, and in nearly every case the good effects were almost instantaneous : a considerable discharge from the bladder and bowels followed, and in five or ten minutes time, the animal began to eat. In nineteen cases out of twenty a perfect cure was effected. It may be necessary to repeat the drench four or five times." 182. The prevention of the murrain, or the prevention of its spreading, in many respects is even more important than its medical treatment. Where it has already appeared, all the out-buildings, but particularly the ox-lodges or stalls, should be daily fumigated with the preventive fumigation (161 ;) and, even the whole of the infected districts should have frequent fires of green wood made in the open air, and every such district should be put under rigorous quarantine. The cattle on every farm should be carefelly examined three or four times every day, and the moment one is found to droop, he should be removed to a distance from the others. In very bad weather, while it is prevalent, the healthy cattle should be housed, and particularly well fed ; and their pastures should also be changed. The bodies of those who die of the disease should be buried with their skins on, very deep in the earth, and quick lime should be strewed over them. Prevention Mr. Wrn. Minge, (of James River, Va.) recommends tho me of a mixture of clay, salt, (in the common proportion for stock) tar and powdered brimstone. For fifty head, one gallon of tar and half a pound of brimstone, per week, put in a trough to which the cattle had free access. The disease, it appears, is endemic in Virginia, particularly in the districts bor dering on tide water. 183. Phrenzy fever, or inflammation of the brain, called also cough, now and then, but by no means frequently, attacks cattle The symptoms differ but little from those which attack horses.- The treatment must be exactly similar. 184. Inflammation of the lungs occasionally occurs in cattle, in which also the symptoms, progress, and proper treatment, are similar to those detailed under that head in horse pathology (31.) 185. Inflammation of the stomach sometimes occurs from poison- ous matters ; and in such cases, when the nature of the poison is discovered, the treatment detailed under poison in horse pathology DISEASES OF CATTLE. 20 1 must be pursued. But there is a species of indigestion, to which cattle are liable in the spring, from eating voraciously of the young sprouts of wood ; to which some woods are more conducive than others. The symptoms are heat, thirst, costiveness, lessened urine, quick and hard pulse, with heat and redness in the mouth and nose ; the belly is hard and painful, and the stools, when they appear, are covered with glare. When the mouth and nose discharge a serous fluid, the animal usually dies. 186. Treatment. Bleed at first, open the bowels by saline pur. gatives (164.) After this give large quantities of nitrated water, and clyster also largely. 187. The hove or blown in cattle is also an inflammatory affec- tion of the paunch, ending in paralysis and rupture of its substance. From the frequency of its occurrence, it has become a subject of investigation with almost every rational grazier, and a particular matter of inquiry with every agricultural body ; from whence it is now very successfully treated by the usual attendants on cattle, when skilful ; but when otherwise, it usually proves fatal. It is observed to be more frequent in warm weather and when the grass is wet. When either oxen, cows, or sheep, meet with any food they are particularly fond of, or of which they have been long deprived, as potatoes, turnips, the different grasses, particularly red clover ; they eat greedily, and forget to lie down to ruminate ; by which means the first stomach or paunch, becomes so distended as to be incapable of expelling its contents. From this inflammation follows, and fermentation begins to take place : a large quantity oi air is let loose, which still adds to the distention, till the stomach either bursts, or by its pressure on the diaphragm, the animal is suffocated. This situation of the beast is known by the uneasiness and general swelling of the abdomen ; with the circumstances of the animal being found with such food, or the presumption that i* has met with it. 188. Treatment. There are three modes of relieving the com- plaint, which may be adverted to according to the degree of distention, and length of time it has existed. These are internal medicines ; the introduction of a probang of some kind into the paunch by the throat: and the puncturing it by the sides. Dr. Whyatt of Edinburgh, is said to have cured eighteen out of twenty hoved cows, by giving a pint of gin to each. Oil, by condensing the air, has been successfully tried. Any* other substance also, that has.-a, strong power of absorbing air, may be advantageously given. 262 DISEASES OF CATTLE. Common salt and water, made strongly saline, is a usual country remedy. New milk, with a proportion of tar equal to one-sixth of the milk, is highly spoken of. A strong solution of prepared am- nionia in water often brings off a great quantity of air, and relieves the animdfl. Any of these internal Ifcmedies may be made use of when the hoven has recently taken place, and is not in a violent degree. But when otherwise, the introduction of an instrument is proper, and is now very generally resorted to. The one principally in use is a species of probang, invented by Dr. Munro, of Edinburgh, Another consisting of a cane of six feet in length, and of con siderable diameter, having a bulbous knob of wood, has been invented by Eager, which is a more simple machine, but hardly so effica- cious. It is probable that in cases of emergency, even the larger end of a common cart whip, dexterously used, might answer the end. But by far the best instrument for relieving hoven cattle, as well as for clystering them, is Read's enema apparatus, which is alike applicable to horses, cattle, and dogs. It consists of a syringe, to which tubes of different kinds are applied, according to the pur- pose, and the kind of animal to be operated upon. There is a long flexible tube for giving an enema to horses and cattle, and a smaller one for dogs. To relieve hoven bullocks eifectually, it is necessary not only to free the stomach from an accumulation of gas, but from the fermenting pultaceous mixture which generates it ; for this pur- pose a tube is applied to the extremity of the syringe, and then passed into the animal's stomach, through the mouth, and being put in action, the offending matter is discharged by a side opening When the same operation is performed on sheep, a smaller tube is made use of. The characteristic excellency of Read's instrument, is, that there is no limit to the quantity of fluid that may not be injected or extracted. The same syringe is used for extracting poison from the stomach of man, for smoking insects, extinguishing fires, and syringing fruit trees. The introduction of any of these instruments may be effected by the help of an assistant, who should hold the horn of the animal by one hand and the dividing cartilage of the nose with the other ; while the operator himself, taking the tongue in his left hand, employs his right in skilfully and carefully introducing the instrument; the assistant bringing the head and neck into such an attitude as to make the passage nearly straight, which will greatly facilitate the operation. But when no instru- ments can be procured, or as cases may occur when indeed it is not advisable to try them, as when the disease has existed a considerable time, or the animal has become outrageous, or the stomach so much distended with air that there is danger of immediate suffocation or bursting : in these instances the puncture of the maw must be DISEASES OF CATTLE. 263 instantly performed, which is called pauncking. This may be done with the greatest ease ; midway between the illium or haunch bone, and the last rib of the left side, to which the paunch inclines ; a sharp pen-knife is frequently used, and persons in veterinary prac- tice should always keep a long trochar ; which will be found much the most efficacious, and by far the most safe, as it permits the air escaping certainly and quickly, at the same time that it prevents its entrance into the cavity of the abdomen, which would occasion an equal distention. As soon as the air is perfectly evacuated, and the paunch resumes its office, the trochar may be removed ; and in what- ever way it is done, the wound should be carefully closed with sticking plaster or other adhesive matter. It is necessary to observe, that this operation is so safe, that whenever a medical assistant cannot be obtained, no person should hesitate a moment about doing it himself. After relief has been afforded, a stimulant drink may yet be very properly given, such as half a pint of common gin ; or one ounce of spirit of hartshorn in a pint of ale ; or two ounces of spirit of turpentine in ale, may any of them be used as an assistant stimulus. When also the cud is again chewed, still some relaxation of the digestive organs may remain ; at first, therefore, feed spar ingly and give for a few mornings a tonic. [130 No. I.] 189. Inflammation of the bowels, or red colic, is by no means unknown in cattle pathology ; the symptoms of which do not differ from those common to the horse, and the treatment also, is in every respect the same. (45.) 190. Inflammation of the liver, or hot yellows, sometimes occur, in which case, in addition to the symptoms detailed under hepatitis in the horse (58,) there is, from the presence of systic bile in the ox, a more determined yellowness of the eye-lids, mouth, and nostrils ; the treatment must be similar. (58.) 191. Inflammation of the kidnies, called red water, by the cow- iceches, is not uncommon among cattle, and is perhaps dependent on the lobulated form of these parts in them. The animal to the other symptoms of fever, adds stiffness behind, and often straddles, but always shrinks on being pinched across the loins, where fre- quently increased heat is felt, the urine is sometimes scanty, and now and then increased in quantity, but it is always first red, then purple, and afterwards brown or black, when a fatal termination may be prognosticated. The treatment has been fully detailed under nephritis in the horse pathology, (60) and which consists in plentiful oleedings, &c. but carefully abstaining from the use of diuretic?, aa advised by ignorant cow-leeches 264 DISEASES OF CATTLE. 192. Black water is only the aggravated and latter stages of tho above 193. Inflammation of the bladder also now and then occurs, and in no wise differs from the cystisis of the horse, in consequences and treatment. (62.) 194. The colics of cattle, arise from different causes ; they are subject to a spasmodic colic, not unlike that of horses, and which is removed by the same means. (53.) Costiveness also brings on a colic in them, called clue bound, fardel bound, &c. which often ends in red colic, unless early removed ; the treatment of this we have fully detailed. (55.) Another colic is accompanied with relaxation of bowels. 195. Diarrhoea, scouring, or scouring cow, is corsmon in cattle, and is brought on by exposure to rain, improper change of food, over driving, and other violences. It is essentially necessary that the animals be taken under cover, kept warm and dry, and have nutritious food allowed them. The medical treatment has been detailed. (52.) 196. Dysentery or braxy, bloody ray, and slimy flux, differs from simple scouring, in a greater degree of fever attending it, and in its being an inflammation of a particular kind, and part of the intes- tines. It is frequently dependent on a vitiated putrid state of the bile, brought on by over driving in hot weather, low damp pastures in autumn, &c. The discharge is characterized by its bad smell, and by the mucous stringy patches in it, and also by its heat and smoking when voided ; all which are very different from the mere discharge of the aliments in a state of solution in diarrhoea, and which differences should be carefully marked to distinguish the one from the other ; treat as under dysentery in the horse. (49.) 197. Yellows. When active fever is not present, and yet cattle are very dull, with great yellowness of eyelids, nostrils, &c. it arises from some biliary obstruction, to which oxen and cows are more liable than horses, from their being furnished with a gall bladder ; it is a more common complaint in some of the cold pro- vinces on the continent, where they are housed and stall fed all thft year round, than it is in England. The treatment is the same as detailed for chronic inflammation of the liver in horses (59) adding in every instance to it, a change of pasturage, and if convenient, into salt marshes, which will alone often effect a euro DISEASES OF CATTLE. 265 198. Loss of the cud. This enters the list of most cow-leeches' diseases, but is less a disease than a symptom of some other affec- tion ; indeed it is evident that any attack sufficient to destroy the appetite will generally occasion the loss of the cud. It is possible, however, that an occasional local affection or paralysis of the paunch may occur, particularly when it is distended with unhealthy sub- stances, as acorns, crabs, the tops of some of the woody shrubs, &c. The treatment in such cases consists in stimulating the stomach by tonics, as aloes, pepper, and gin mixed; though these, as liquids may not enter the stomach in common cases, yet in this disease or impaired action of the rumen, they will readily enter there. 199. Staggers, daisy or turning, are sometimes the consequences of over feeding, particularly when from low keeping, cattle ars suddenly removed to better pasturage. Treat with bleeding and purging. 200. Tetanus, or locked jaw, now and then attacks cattle, in which case it presents the same appearances and requires the same treat, ment as in horses. (11.) 201. Cattle surgery is in no respect different from- that in prac tice among horses, the wounds are treated in the same manner. Goring with the horns will sometimes penetrate the cavity of the belly, and let out the intestines ; the treatment of which is the same as in the horse. (56.) Strains, bruises, &c. are also to be treated like these of horses. 202. Foul in the foot. This occasionally comes on of itself, but is more often the effect of accident : cleanse it well and keep it from dirt: apply the foot paste. (166.) 203. Wornals, or puckeridge, are tumours on the backs of cattle occasioned by a dipterous insect which punctures their skin, and deposits its eggs in each puncture. When the eggs are hatched, and the larvas or maggots are arrived at their full size, they make their way out, and leave a large hole in the hide, to prevent which the destruction of the egg should be attempted by nipping the tumour, or thrusting in a hot wire. 204. Cattle obstetrics are not very varied ; young cows of very full habits have sometimes a super-abundant secretion of milk before calving, which produces fever and heat ; sometimes from cold taken , the same will occur after calving also : in either case, give mild dry food, or hay ; bathe the udder also with vinegar and water ; in some 266 DISEASES OF CATTLE. cases, warm -fomentations do best. If the fever run high, treat as under fever in horse pathology. 205. The process of calving is usually performed without diffi- culty; sometimes, however, cross presentations take place, and sometimes a constriction of parts prevents the natural passage of the calf. To act properly on these occasions, great patience is required, and much mildness ; many cows have been lost by brutal pulling ; we have seen all the men and boys of a farm mustered to pull at a rope affixed about a calf, partly protruded, which, when it was thus brought away, was forced to be killed, and the mother soon died also from the protrusion of parts this bruta? force brought with the calf. A steady, moderate pull, during the throes of the animal, will assist much ; having first directed the attention to the situation of the calf, and that the presentation is such as not to obstruct its progress ; if it does, the calf must be forced back, and turned or placed aright. 206. IVhethering, or retention of the after-birth or burden. It sometimes happens that this is retained ; for which no better remedy has been hitherto discovered than warm clothing and drenching with ale, administered as a forcer. 207. The diseases of calves are principally confined to a species of convulsions which now and then attacks them, and which some- times arises from worms, and at others from cold. When the first cause operates, it is then relieved by giving a mild aloetic purge, or in default of that, a mild dose of oil of turpentine, as half an ounce night and morning. In the second, wrap up the animal warm, and drench with ale and laudanum a drachm. Calves are also very subject to diarrhoea or scouring, which will readily yield to the usual medicines. (131.) 208. Horn distemper or horn ail. A disorder incident to horned cattle, by which the internal substance of the horn (commonly called the pith, which is the spongy part of the bone) wastes away, &c. This disorder may be known by a dullness in the countenance, a sluggish motion, want of appetite, a desire to lie down frequently, shake their head and appear dizzy, &c. To be sure of this disease, take a small gimblet and perforate the horn 2 or 3 inches above the head : if it is hollow and no blood follows, it is the hollow horn ; This distemper is generally brought on by poverty, &c. Bore each horn at the upper and lower side that the drain may have vent, and administer at least two or three doses of salts or DISEASES OF CATTLE. 267 some gentle purgative ; inject into the horn strong vinegar and cam- phorated spirits of salt and vinegar : this will cleanse the horn and effect a cure. Sawing off the horn is sometimes performed, but the above receipt is preferable. 209. Vermin on cattle. It is found that a strong decoction of tobacco washed over a beast infected with vermin will generally drive them away. It sometimes will make the beast very sick for a short time. But a better remedy is to mix a plenty of strong Scotch snuff in train oil, and rub the back and neck of the creature with it ; which will effectually kill or drive away all vermin from a quadruped. Salt Let it be remembered, when given to animals, enables the farmer to increase his live stock and keep them in health ; hence it ought freely to be given to sheep and cattle of every description ; but, to imitate nature, it should be previously dissolved and then mixed with pure fine clay in a mass, which is to be placed under a niieUcr so that the animals may lap it at pleasure. 268 DISEASES OF SHEEP. THE DISEASES OF SHEEP. 210. The diseases of sheep are numerous ; for these animals are now so highly cultivated that they may be regarded in some respects as artificial machines : and thus, as a natural consequence, they are subject to a variety of artificial defects and maladies. 211. The rot is a popular term among shepherds, and includes within its range diseases widely different. We shall not therefore follow the custom of treating the different rots of sheep together ; but we shall allow them to fall in the natural order, according to the plan pursued with the diseases of oxen. 212. The inflammatory and putrid fever, popularly known by the names higham striking or blood striking, does not differ materially from the same disease in oxen and cows : and is in sheep also some- times epidemic ; appearing by panting, dullness, watery mucus from the nose and eyes, and great redness of all such parts as aro usually white. 213. The red water. The inflammatory fever sometimes resolves itself into an universal secretion of serum throughout all the cavi- iies ; in which case after a few days, the lymph tinged with blood will come away from the nose and mouth in large quantities. Some- times after death the bloody serum is found suffused throughout the &kin as in the blood striking of skins. DISEASES OF SHEEP. 269 214. The claveau or sheep pox is also another variety of this dis- ease, in which it takes on a pustular form. About the third day small variolae appear : sometimes they are rather blotches than pus- tules. The weakness is usually extreme, and the putridity great. This form of the disease is seldom seen with us ; but it is still known on the continent, where the pastures are very poor and low, and the general keeping meagre. 215. The treatment of all these in no wise differs from that di- rected under the inflammatory putrid fever of the ox. The doses of medicines being about a third of what is directed for them. 216. Malignant epidemic or murrain. Sometimes an epidemic prevails which greatly resembles the murrain of oxen ; in appear- ances, termination, and treatment it resembles malignant epidemic of oxen. (178.) 217. Peripneumonia or inflamed lungs, rising of the lights, glan- derous rot, hose, $c. These terms are all modifications of an in- flamed state of the viscera of the chest, caught by undue exposure, bad pasturage, and often from over driving. The cough, trem- blings, the redness of the eyes and nostrils, and the distillation of a fluid from them, with the heavings and hot breath, are all simi- lar to those which characterize pneumonia or rising of the lights in oxen. We remember to have seen the disease strongly marked in the February of 1808, on a farm in the neighbourhood of Streat- ham ; where eleven sheep were attacked almost together, after a very stormy night. They were first affected by a loss of appetite ; next with a fixed steadfast look, which was common to every one After this, they reeled about, fell backwards and became convulsed. When seen, five were almost dead, whose internal appearances fully confirmed the nature of the disease. The rest recovered by bleeding and drenching, with drenches composed of nitre and tar- tar emetic. Sometimes the symptoms of pneumonia do not kill immediately, but degenerate into an ulceration of the lungs ; which is then called the glanderous rot. This stage is always fatal : the others may, by early attention, be combatted by judicious treat- ment, as detailed under the same disease in oxen. 218. A chronic cough in sheep, when not symptomatic of rot, is always cured by a change of pasturage, particularly into a salt mash. 219. Inflammation of the stomach occurs from various causes. A 270 DISEASES OF SHEEP. common one arises from eating noxious vegetables, and produces the affections termed tremblings. It also produces the grass ill in Iambs, which latter is always accompanied with black foatid fteces, and is readily removed by an ounce of castor oil ; while the for- mer usually yields to half an ounce of oil of turpentine, beaten up with the yelk of an egg. Some herbs (as Atropa belladonna) when eaten produce spasmodic affections, which are called by shepherds leaping ill : in such cases the water solution of aloes (Vet. Pha 164,) in doses of two or three ounces is useful. Daffy's elixir we have also known to be given with good effect. 220. The hove, blast, or wind colic. Sheep are as liable to be distended with an enormous collection within the maw, as oxen. An instrument similar to that invented by Dr. Monro is also made for them ; and when not relieved by these means, the same reme- dies are applicable, as are directed for oxen. (188.) 221. A wind colic will also sometimes affect sheep more from the quality than the quantity of what they eat ; it is best relieved by an ounce of castor or salad oil with an ounce of gin. 222. Inflamed liver, blood rot, or hot yellows, are liver affections arising from fever settling in that organ ; or from obstructed bjle irritating it. Sometimes there are great marks of fever, and at others more of putridity ; according to which, treat as may be gathered from ox pathology. 223. Jaundice also now and then occurs, when refer to that dis- ease in oxen. (197.) 224. Dysentary, gall scour, braxy, are all affections brought on by sudden changes of temperature, or of undue moisture acting with cold pasturage. It is often seen in sultry autumns : Treat as under ox braxy. (196.) 225. Scouring is the diarrhoea of sheep, and in very hot weather soon carries them off. It should be early attended to, by abstract, ing the affected and housing them. The treatment is seen under diarrhoea of oxen, Q95,) which it closely resembles. 226. Pinning, tag-belt, break-share. The two former are only the adhesion of the tail to the wool, and the excoriation brought on by diarrhoea ; the latter is the diarrhoea itself, known to some by this term. 227. The rot in sheep is also called great rot, and hydropic rot, . They are bred upon a similar soil and sprung from the desert like the Arabians, of which they are generally deemed a variety. In goodness of temper and docility these horses resemble the former, and are said to be very sure footed ; generally cold tempered and slow, requiring to be roused and animated, on which they will discover great vigour, wind and speed, being in their gallop great striders. The Turkish horses resembled the Barbs, and were said to be handsome, elegantly formed, full of spirit, possessing fine hair, soft skins, good speed, but more particularly remarkable for their un- failing wind, enabling them to undergo much labour and fatigue. It is a curious physical question, that the Arabian, Barb, and Turkish horses, should, only in particular individuals, have proved valuable foal getters, and that these properties should be denied to the generality of them, and that the whole of them should BO soon be laid aside. Out of the vast number of these foreign horses imported into England in early times, but very few of them estab- lished their characters as the propagators of high formed racers ; and it may be assumed as a fact, that for some more than half a century past, not a solitary Arabian, Barb, or Turkish stallion has been used in England ; or if used at all, were found to be utterly Worthless. England soon discovered that from her fine climate and soil, she had obtained in size, form and speed, every quality which the best models of the original foreign breeding countries could afford to her, it is true she had to resort to the Arabians and Barbs for a foundation ; but as soo e.s the stock arising f/om them had been sufficiently acclinal-d and diffused tlnough die country, she found 26* AhjVALS OF THE TURF. it safest to rely upon them for all those qualities which they them selves had acquired from their foreign progenitors. The early English breeders found the Arabian stock to consti- tute an excellent cross upon the Barb and Turk, as from the Ara- bian blood was acquired speed, stoutness and stride from the Barb, length and height from the Turk. But of all the foreign stallions imported into England in early times, the fame of the two great Arabians, the Darley and Godol- phin, has swallowed up that of all the rest ; and the best English horses for nearly a century past, have been either deeply imbued in their blood, or entirely derived from it. They have produced stock of vast size, bone and substance, and at the same time en dowed with such extraordinary and before unheard of powers of speed and continuance, as to render it probable that individuals of them have reached nature's ultimate point of perfection. The descendants of these Arabians have rendered the English courser superior to all the others, not only in the race, where indeed he has long excelled, but as a breeding stock. To such of my readers as are unacquainted with the history of that justly celebrated horse, the Godolphin Arabian, the following particulars of him may not be unacceptable. He was in colour a brown bay, somewhat mottled on the buttocks and crest, but with no white excepting the off heel behind ; about fifteen hands high, with good bone and substance. The fame of the Godolphin Ara- bian was greatly increased by the famous picture which was taken of him by the immortal Stubbs, and which sold at his sale for 246 guineas. This portrait of the Godolphin is doubtless an admirable piece ; it represents his crest as exceedingly large, swelling and elevated, his neck elegantly curved at the sitting on of the head, and his muzzle very fine. He had considerable length ; his ca- pacious shoulders were in the true declining position, and of every part materially contributary to action, nature had allowed him an ample measure : add to this, there is in his whole appear- ance, the express image of a wild animal, such as we may sup- pose the horse of the desert. Certainly the horse was no beauty, but with his peculiar and interesting figure before me, I cannot help wondering, that it should not occur to his noble proprietor, a true sportsman as he was, that the Arabian might be worthy of a trial as a stallion. This horse was imported by Mr. Coke into England, and it was strongly suspected that he was stolen, as no pedigree was obtained with him, or the least item given, as to the country where he was bred ; the only notice given, was, that ho was foaled in 1724. Mr. Coke gave him to Mr. Williams, keeper of the St. James' Coffee House, who presented him to the Earl of Godolphin. In this noble lords' stud he was kept as a teazer to Hobgoblin, during the years 1730 and 1731, when that stallion re- fusing to cover Roxana, she was covered by the Arabian, the pro- duce of which was Lath, not only a very elegant and beautiful horse, but, in the general opinion, the best which had appeared on the turf since Flying Childers. The Arabian served for the re- mainder of his life in the same stud, producing a yearly succession of prodigies of the species. He died in the year 1753, in his 29th ANNALS OF THE TURF. 297 year, and was decently buried, and cakes and ale were given at the funeral of his flesh. The followin-g famous horses, some of which were of great size and powers, besides many others with a great number of capital racing and brood mares, descended from the Go- dolphin Arabian, viz : Lath, Cade, Regulus, Babram, Blank, Dis- inal, Bajazet, Tamerlane, Tarquin, Phoenix, Slug, Blossom, Dor- mouse, Skewball, Sultan, Old England, Noble, the Gower Stal- lion, Godolphin Colt, Cripple, Entrance. Mr. Darley, of a sporting family in Yorkshire, being a mercan- tile agent in the Levant, and belonging to a hunting club at Alep- po, made interest to purchase a horse, one of the most valuable ever imported in England, and which fully established the worth of the Arabian stock. He was a bay horse, his near foot before, with his two hind feet white, with a blaze in his face, and about fifteen hands high; he was imported into England in the year 1703, then four years of age. The Darley Arabian, (for such he was called,) got Flying Chil. ders, Bartlett's Childers, Almanzor, Whitelegs, Cupid, Brisk, Dee. dalus, Skipjack, Manika, Aleppo, Bully Rock, Whistlejacket, &c. This horse had not that variety of mares which annually pour- ed in upon the Godolphin Arabian, indeed he covered very few except those of Mr. Darley his proprietor but from these sprung the largest and speediest race horses which were ever known. Flying Childers and Eclipse, the swiftest beyond a doubt of all quadrupeds, were the son and great grand son of this Arabian, from which, also, through Childers and Blaze, descended Samp, son, the strongest horse that ever raced before or since his time ; and from Sampson was descended Bay Malton, who ran at York four miles in seven minutes forty-three and a half seconds, being seven and a half seconds less than it was ever done before over the same course. On crossing, breeding and rearing the Turf Horse. The subject of crossing is one of the most important which has ever engaged the attention of the breeder or amateur, and it is still left in doubt whether we ought to adhere to remote crossing in propagating the race horse, or that we may successively breed "in and in," viz. putting horses and mares together of the same family. All that we can do is to disclose the facts which that unerring guide, experience, has established, and the exceptions to the rule which those facts have pointed out to us. Crossing, or intermix- ing the blood of different racing breeds, has ever prevailed upon the turf, and experience has proven it to be a rational practice, when adopted with the view of an interchange of the requisite qualifications, external or internal ; such as the union of speed and bottom, slenderness and substance, short and long shapes. Experience tells us that the greatest success has ever attended those breeders and that the most valuable stock has resulted there. from, who have adhered to remote crosses. The finest running and highest formed horses that have appeared in England were bred from the union of two distinct stocks, the Herod and Eclipse. Tho former stock was invariably remarkable for stoutness and lasting, ness, the latter for speed and by the union of these opposite ANNALS OF THE TURF. qualities (whereby a remote cross was taken up,) a stock was ob- tained in which was blended a sufficiency of the requisite quali- ties of both to make first rate running horses. There was another distinct stock in England, which crossed well upon the Herod and Eclipse branches ; I allude to the Matchem or Godolphin Arabian Stock ; and it may here be remarked, that there has not been in England a first rate running horse on the turf for the last 70 years, without more or less blood of this valuable horse. How- ever necessary a remote cross may be considered, yet exceptions have arisen to it as a rule, as some of the most distinguished horses in England were bred considerably in and in Flying Childers for instance, considered the fleetest horse in the world. Old Fox, also a celebrated racer and valuable stallion, had an affinity of blood in his pedigree, as well as other high formed racers and stallions. But these exceptions arose in Great Britain in her early days of breed- ing, when that country was enriched by the importation of par- ticular Barb, Turk, and Arabian horses that had peculiar and ex- traordinary properties as stock getters, as their immediate descen- dants constituted the best racers of those days, and demonstrated that the character of the English race horse had attained its utmost perfection at that early date. At a later period, but little success had attended the efforts of those who have bred in and in. The Earl of Egremont has occa- sionally tried it, as well as Lord Derby (the owner of Sir Peter Teazle,) but with little encouragement. Still the British writers are divided on the subject : Morland, in his treatise on the gene- alogy of the English blood horse, expressly says, that incestuous crosses should be avoided, viz : putting horses and mares together of the same class ; while on the other hand Lawrence, in his splendid work on the " History and delineation of the Race Horse," makes the following remark of an opposite tendency : " An adhe- rence to the practice (of remote crossing) cannot be held indispen- sably necessary on any sound theory ; nor need any disadvantage be apprehended from coupling horses and mares of the same breed or family, even the nearest relative, upon the principles above and hereafter laid down. I have often heard of, and indeed seen, mis- erable legged and spindled stock resulting from such a course, but other very visible causes existed for the result. "According to the adage, "like produces like," we ought to follow form and qualification ; and if a brother and sister, or father and daughter excel in those respects all others within our reach, we ought to enjoin them with good expectations, for aught I know to the end of the chapter : and the prejudiced fear of adopting this practice, has often led our breeders into the error of adopting an inferior form from the presumed necessity of a cross." The present remarks are peculiarly applicable to the breeders of the race horse in Virginia, for they are at this very time making the experiment of breeding " in and in," or from the same family of horses, as it is well known that all the turf horses now and for the last ten years past, produced in that state, are of the " Sir Archy stock." It were to be wished that there was a greater variety of the race blood in tliat state to give breeders a wider field for selection J a descendant ANNALS OF THE TURF. 209 of Medley or Citizen would cross well upon the present numerous stock of Sir Archy, and it would perhaps have been a fortunate cir- cumstance, could the celebrated horse Pocolet, (who was bred and raised in Virginia,) have been retained in that state. The subject of breeding is the next which claims our attention. The business of breeding is divided into the systematic and chance medley ; the formation of regular studs and observing some fixed principles, characterize the former ; while the latter is a kind of random arrair, common to the whole country where foals are raised for a man's pleasure or convenience, for which no extra pre- parations are made, or much reflection bestowed, further than to make use of any mare that may chance to be in possession, and of any horse which the vicinity affords or custom may present. In the formation of studs, the object generally had in view is breeding for the turf, and one of the first principles is to breed from no stallions unless they be thorough bred; in plain terms, both their sires and dams must be of the purest of the Turkish, Barb or Arabian coursers exclusively, and this must be tested in an authentic pedigree, throughout whatever number of descents or crosses.* The brood mare should be equally pure or thorough bred, arid par- ticular attention should be paid to her form, as one of the prime causes of failure of most breeders is confining their attention solely to the horse, without paying sufficient attention to the form of the rnare, and permitting fashionable blood and the supposed necessity of a cross to have too decided a preference to correctness of shape. To constitute a thorough bred animal, and to assure the attainment of every desired quality or perfection, both the male and iViiu.le ought to possess it. Experience has proven the correctness of the principle that " like produces like ;" acting upon this principle, we have the best assurances to expect success from a junction of the best shapes or the greater number of good points we can combine, both in the horse and the mare, from such junction the average will be favourable, true form will result from the union of true form in both sire and dam ; and the next general result will be, that every horse sufficiently well formed, and furnished in the material points, will excel either in speed or continuance, or will possess an advan- tageous mixture of both. Blood is blood, but form is superiority. In rearing of turf horses, the following principles are recom- mended by the most successful breeders : the land to be dry and sound, the harder the better, provided it be fertile : irregularity of surface a recommendation. Fresh springs or streams, shade and shelter, and extensive range. Sufficient number of inclosures, both for each species, which it is necessary to keep apart, and to prevent too great a number of any being crowded together. Houses ^There is a practice in Virginia and North Carolina, in giving the pedi gree of a stallion, to name only one or two crosses, particularly on the dani'i side, and then pronounce him "the finest bred horse in the world." Who can pronounce on a horse's good or bad blood unless we know the whola of it? He may trace to the common dray breed of the country for aught we know. 800 ANNALS OF THE TURF. or sheds in the mclosures ; soft and sweet herbage for the colts and milk mares ; and finally a very liberal allowance of land in propor- tion to the stock, that there may be not only ample grazing in the grass season, but an equally ample quantity of provisions of the requisite kind during the winter. A firm, dry, and hard soil, will have a corresponding effect upon the feet, limbs, and tendinous system of horses bred upon it ; as will a dry, clear and elastic air upon their wind, animal spirits and general habit. Such are the advantages enjoyed by the horses of the mountain and the desert ; but these advantages are greatly en- hanced in a country where abundant herbage and moderate tem- perature are superadded. All breeders concur in the propriety of keeping colts well the first and second winters ; for colts from the best shaped parents will degenerate upon insufficient nourishment, and be stinted from the palsying effects of damp and cold in the winter, if a comfortable and general shelter is not allowed them. Good keeping and warmth, during the first and second years, is indispensable, in order to invi- gorate the circulation of the animal's blood, to expand his frame, to plump up and enlarge his muscles, to encourage the growth of his bones, and to impart to them that solidity and strength which pre- serves them in the right line of symmetry. It must be interesting to the amateur, the sportsman, and the breeder, to give a correct, though concise account of the most dis- tinguished turf stock of blood horses, which existed in Virginia between the years 1750 and 1790, a period more remarkable for fine horses, than perhaps any other, either prior or subsequent to that lime. It was during this period that " races were established almost at every town and considerable place in Virginia : when the inhabi- tants, almost to a man, were devoted to this fascinating and rational amusement : when all ranks and denominations were fond of horses, especially those of the race breed ; when gentlemen of fortune ex- pended large sums on their stud, sparing no pains or trouble in importing the best stock, and improving the breed by judicious cross- ing." The effects of the revolutionary war put a stop to the spirit of racing until about the year 1790, when it began to revive, and under the most promising auspices as regarded the breed of turf horses, for just at that time or a little previous, the capital stallion Old Medley was imported, who contributed his full share to the reputation of the racing stock, whose value had been before so well established. Previous to the year 1800, but little degeneracy had taken place either in the purity of "the blood, the form or perform- ances of the Virginia race horse ; and in searching for the causes of a change for the worse, after this period, the most prominent one was the injudicious importation of inferior stallions from England. About the period of time last mentioned, Colonel Hoomes and many others, availing themselves of the passion for racing, inundated Virginia with imported stallions, bought up frequently at low prices in England, having little reputation there, and of less approved blood, thereby greatly contaminating the tried and approved stocks which had long and eminently distinguished themselves for theif ANNALS OF THE TURF. 301 feats on the turf, their services under the saddle, and as valuable cavalry horses during the revolutionary war. In recommending renewed efforts to the Virginians, for the further improvement and preservation of their stock of blood horses, the necessity and im- portance of the immediate publication of a Stud Book (and of a Racing Calendar hereafter) cannot be overlooked. It is the wish of the writer, that the tendency of this, and the fol- lowing pages, may excite a spirit and a desire for such a work, by showing that there are valuable materials extant, only requiring diligence and zeal to bring them to light, capable of being made up into a valuable publication on this subject. The want of such a work as a Stud Book, is now lamentably seen and felt in Virginia, where few pedigrees of any particular stock can be traced far back, before they are lost in the mazes of uncertainty and conjecture. It mav safely be asserted that the stock of horses in Virginia never can arrive to that degree of improvement and perfection, and more particularly high value as to price, they otherwise would do, unless a record of this kind is published and preserved, to be resorted to for a correct knowledge of their blood. In breeding for the turf and selling turf horses, blood is every thing ; as it has been found that particular strains or pedigrees of horses of this class, are re- markable for their speed and bottom, while others are miserably defective in these essential qualities of the race horse. A Stud Book and Racing Calendar will be a standing record, always ena- bling us to avoid the bad, and to cherish those particular strains of horses, that have established their good qualities for the turf. How has Virginia been injured in her racing stock by some particular stallions, bred in that state ? Potomac, for instance, who, although they raced it well, yet being badly bred, propagated an inferior race of horses. Let me therefore, emphatically remind the breeder of the race horse to use great particularity and caution as to the stallions from which he breeds ; examine well into their pedigrees, and to the qualities of the stock from which they are descended ; as an expe- rience of more than a century in England has proven the fact, that where a stallion has been stained with an inferior or " dunghill'' cross, however remote in his pedigree, it is certain to lurk out and exhibit itself in his progeny, no matter how well he may have raced it himself. We should breed back as much as possible upon the good old stocks of Jolly Roger, Janus, Morton's Traveller, Fearnought, and Medley, of which I propose to give a particular account in the suc- ceeding pages. It has been well for us that the importation of stallions from England has long since ceased, and I hope never to see it revived again. The sod of the Beacon course (four miles and upwards) is now too little trod by the English race horse : short races with light weights are now too common ; the consequences are, that their stock of blood horses are rapidly losing that stamina and inherent goodness of constitution or stoutness, which enabled them in former days to carry high weights, and to support frequent and hard running. Fifteen or twenty years ago, the Virginians bred altogether from imported English stallions, and at that 'ima 302 ANNALS OF THE TURF. also, there were more sportsmen on the turf; yet we have at this day better race horses, under less patronage, from American bred stallions, than at that day. Does not this prove that by adhering to our own stock, and breeding from large highly formed, full blooded stallions, that our turf horses will soon equal or exceed any in the world ? and as our race stock is considered stronger and more active, it will be found advisable to breed them for the saddle, plough or wagon. Jolly Roger, was the first horse that gave distinction to the racing stock of Virginia. His performances on the English turf, and that of his pedigree, are recorded in the name of "Roger of the Vale." After he was imported into this country he took the name by which he is now known ; he was foaled in 1741, and commenced covering in Virginia about the year 1748. He was got by Roundhead, who was by Flying Childers, who was by the Darley Arabian. The dam of Roundhead was the famous " plate" mare Rdxana by the Bald Galloway, the dam of the celebrated racers and stallions Lath and Cade by the Godolphin Arabian. The dam of Jolly Roger was got by Mr. Croft's famous horse Partner, the best racer and stallion of his day, his grandam by Woodcock Croft's Bay Barb; Makeless ; Brimmer ; Son of Dodsworth ; Burton Barb mare. Jolly Roger got many fine racers, stallions and brood mares, and is a favourite cross in the pedigree of the Virginia bred turf horse, and very justly too. Jolly Roger got Spanking Roger, out of the imported mare Jen- ny Dismal, and Longsdale out of an imported Monkey mare. Janus was a chesnut horse, foaled in England in 1746, and got by Janus, a bay horse foaled in 1738, full brother to Blank and Old England, being got by the Godolphin Arabian out of the fa- mous ' Little Hartley mare' by Bartlett's Childers, son of the Dar- ley Arabian. Janus was imported into Virginia by Mr. Mordecai Booth, of Gloucester county, Va. in the year 1752 ; his dam was got by old Fox, [whose name stood eminent in the English pedigree,] his grandam by the Bald Galloway. Although Janus partook of every cross in his pedigree calcula- ted for the distance turf horse, yet his stock were more remarka, ble for speed than bottom. Janus, from his shoulders back, was considered the most perfect formed horse ever seen in Virginia, by the most skilful connoisseurs ; he was remarkable for roundness of contour, strength of articulation, and indicating great powers and stamina in his whole conformation. His stock partook of these qualities in an eminent degree, and for thirty or forty years they were eonsidered as a ' peculiar stock,' us they invariably exhibited even in the third and fourth genera- tions from the old horse, the same compactness of form, strength and power. The Janus stock have exceeded all others in the Uni- ted States for speed, durability and general uniformity of good form ; and more good saddle and harness horses have sprung from them than from any other stock. ANNALS OF THE TURF. 303 Celer was justly considered as the best son of old Janus, as he propagated a stock equal in every quality to those of the stock begotten by his sire. He was bred by Mr. Mead of Virginia, and foaled in 1774, and died in 1802, aged 28 years. As the pedigree on his dam's side is not generally known, I will here give it. The dam of Celer was got by the imported horse Aristotle, a brown bay, finely formed, full 15 hands high, bred by Mr. Bladen and got by the Cullen Arabian, his dam by Crab, his grandam by Hobgoblin, great grandam by the Godolphin Arabian, out of a famous mare called White Cheeks. Morton's imported horse Traveller contributed in an eminent degree to the improvement of the turf stock of horses in Virginia He was a bay horse, foaled about the year 1748, and was a cover- ing stallion at Richmond court house, Va. as early as the year 1754 He was bred by Mr. Crofts, at Raby in Yorkshire (who was the for tunate breeder and owner of some of the first horses in England) and was got by his famous horse Partner, who was a grandson of the Byerly Turk, and was himself the grandsire of King Herod. The dam of Traveller was by Bloody Buttocks (an Arabian) Grey- hound ; Makeless ; Brimmer ; Place's White Turk ; Dodsworth ; Layton Barb mare. Morton's Traveller was bred from the bes+ running stock in England in that day : the famous Wetherington mare was full sister to Traveller ; she bred Shepherd's Crab and other capital racers. Morton's Traveller got Tryall and Yorick out of Blazella, im- ported, and Burwell's Traveller out of a Janus and Lycurgus ; al. so Lloyd's Traveller out of a Jenny Cameron, and Tristam Shandy out qf a Janus, Ariel full brother to Partner, and Partner out of colonel Tasker's imported mare Selima. Partner was the best son of Morton's Traveller, proving to be not only a fine race horse, but a valuable stallion. He was foaled about the year 1755. Partner got Rockingham out of Nelson's im- ported mare Blossom, and Fitz Partner out of the dam of Celer and the celebrated horse Mark Anthony. Mark Anthony's dam was by Othello, (a son of Mr. Parton's capi- tal English horse Crab) his grandam the imported mare Moll Bra- zons : she was sired by Spark, who was imported to this country by Governor Ogle, of Maryland, and was given to him by Lord Baltimore, who received him from Frederick, Prince of Wales. Marie Anthony was foaled about the year 1763, and did not ex- ceed fifteen hands in height, and was a horse of beauty and intrin- sic value, whether viewed as a racer or stallion. In the former character he was not excelled by any horse of his day, being " remarkable for his swiftness," having at the same time good wind, enabling him to run four miles heats in good form. In the latter character he stood deservedly celebrated, and propagated a stock which were held in the highest estimation for their various valu- able qualities, whether for the turf, the saddle or the harness. Mark Anthony got Collector out of a Centinel, and Monarch out of a thorough bred mare, and Romulus out of a Valiant. 27 304 ANNALS OF THE TURF. Yorick got Pilgrim out of a little Davie, and Bucephalus out of a Careless, and Junius out of an Othello. BurweWs Traveller got Southall's Traveller out of an imported mare, and Camillus out of a Fearnought mare. Lloyd's Traveller got Leonidas out of a Morton's Traveller mare. Junius got Spangloss out of a Jolly Roger mare. Fearnought holds the first claim prior to the day of Medley, and is therefore entitled to the palm in preference to any stallion that had preceded him in giving the Virginia turf stock a standing equal to that of any running stock in the world. The blood which flow- ed in the veins of old Fearnought must have been peculiarly rich in those qualities that make up the conformation of the race horse, as not only the whole stock got by Fearnought run well, but also his sons and his grandsons were remarkable for generally getting good running stock. There was also strength and stamina univer- sally pervading the Fearnought stock, to which may be added good size,, that made them the best, distance horses of their day. The fact is that the Fearnoughts run well all distances, and the old horse stood higher than any other horse on the continent for get- ting racers ; arid he got more of them than any other he also was the sire of more fine stallions than any other horse of his day-. Old Fearnought was bred by William Warren of England, and foaled in the year 1755. He came out of Mr. Warren's fine brood mare ' Silvertail,' and was got by Regulus the best son of the Go- dolphin Arabian. Regulus, when six years old, won eight King's plates. He never" was beat, being very superior to any horse of his day. Silvertail the dam of Fearnought, was foaled in 1738, and got by Heneage's Whitenose ; her dam by Rattle Darley's Arabian the old Child mare, got by Sir Thomas Gresley's bay Arabian out of Mr. Cook's Vixen, who was got by the Helmsly Turk, out of a Royal Barb mare. Fearnought was imported into this country by Col. Jn. Baylor, who advertised him in the year 1765, as " a bright bay, 15 hands 3 inches high, remarkably strong and active, and the full brother to the late Mr. Warren's invincible horse Careless." Old Fear- nought died in the fall of 1776, at the age of 21 years. Among other capital stallions and racers, he got the following, viz : Nonpareil, out of a Janus mare. Nimrod, out of a Partner. America, out of a Jolly Roger. Regulus out of the imported mare Jenny Dismal. Godolphin, full brother to Regulus. Shakspeare, out of an imported Cub mare. Gallant, out of a Stateley mare. Shakspeare, out of an imported Shakspeare mare. Apollo, out of an imported Cullin Arabian mare. Harris's Eclipse, out of Baylor's imported Shakspeare mare. Laurel, out of a Fearnought. Matchless, out of Sober John. King Herod, out of an Othello. ANNALS OF THE TURF. #05 Whynot, out of an Othello. Dandridge's Fearnought, out of Symmes' Wildair, out of a Jolly Roger, who proved to be tho best son of old Fearnought. Wildair got Commutation, out of a Yorick mare. Highflyer, out of a Yorick mare. Chanticleer, out of a Pantaloon mare. Chanticleer, the best son of Wildair, got Magog, out of a Wildair. Prestley, [full sister to Magog,] the dam of Wilkes' Madison Cornelia, the dam of Mr. Randolph's Gracchus. The stock of old Medley may justly be ranked as among the most /emarkable and valuable that have ever signalized themselves on a Virginia race course. This stock of horses lacked nothing but size to have made the best racers in the world ; and yet their want of size was not manifested on the turf: as their ability to carry weight exceeded that of any other stock ; they were also remarka- ble for good wind or bottom, for fine limbs and good eyes, than other race of horses that have been bred in Virginia. These quali- ties resulted in this stock [and were more peculiar to them than to any other,] from the close proximity of the points of the hips to the shoulder, from the uncommon solidity of their bones, the close tex- ture of their sinews, and the bulk and substance of their tendons, which always enabled them to carry the highest weights, and to endure the greatest stress on their bodily powers. To these quali- ties may be added their uncommon purity of blood, derived from their sire old Medley, who was one of the purest blooded horses ever bred in England. Gimcrack the sire of Medley, was one of the most remarkable horses of his day in England. He was a grey, and called the " lit- tie grey horse Gimcrack," foaled in 1760, got by Cripple, a son of the Godolphin Arabian. Gimcrack was one of the severest running and hardest bottomed horses that ever ran in England ; although small, yet his ability to carry weight was very great, for he frequently gave the odds as high as 28 pounds, and he con- tinued on the turf until 11 years of age, thereby showing his un- common hardiness of constitution and firmness of limbs which he richly transmitted into the veins of Medley. Gimcrack at four years old won seven 50Z. plates, 4 miles ; also in 1765, at 4 miles, 50Z; also 1000 guineas, 250 guineas forfeit. He beat the Duke of Cumberland's Drone, 4 miles- for 500 guineas, giving him 21 Ibs. In 17G6 he was sent to France, and in 1767 returned to England, and won in that year, four 5QL plates, 5 miles. In 1768, two 50Z. plates and the silver bowl. He beat Mr. Vernon's Barber for 300 guineas giving him 28 Ibs. in 1770. He beat Lord Rockingham's Tacho for 3000 guineas, giving him 28 Ibs ; also Lord Rockingham's Pilgrim for the whip and 200 guineas, the whip equal to the gui- neas. Gimcrack was then 10 years of age. Earl Grosvenor had two portraits taken of Gimcrack. That of Gimcrack preparing to start is reckoned excellent of its kind. The two portraits, it is said, represent thi? horse in different shades of grey ; the iron 306 ANNALS OF THE TURF. grey of his youth, and the hoary white of his old age. Gimcrack had acquired such fame and celebrity that his last proprietor left him a length of time at Tattersal's for the inspection of the public. The dam of Medley was Arminda, by Snap, (full sister to Papil- lon, the dam of Sir Peter Teazle, the best in England.) Medley acquired his beautiful symmetry and proportions from Snap, who was a horse of great beauty and justness of proportion, strong, vigorous, and muscular, and was upon an equality as a racer, if not superior to any horse of his time. Medley was imported to this country by Malcomb Hart, in the year 1785. Among many other distinguished racers and stallions, Medley got the following, viz : Boxer, out of a Fearnought mare. Opernico, out of a Lindsey Arabian mare. Quicksilver, out of a Wildair. Young Medley, out of a Blue and all Black. Melzar, out of a Wildair. Lamplighter, out of a Longsdale. Fitz-Medley, out of a Dandridge Fearnought mare. Gimcrack, out of an Ariel. Bellair, out of a Yorick. Bellair may justly be distinguished as the best son of old Medley, not only as being upon an equality as a racer, but as having got more fine stallions, racers, and brood mares, and as being decidedly the best bred son of his distinguished sire. Bellair partook of the best blood that has been highly valued in Virginia, viz: of Morton's Traveller through Yorick, Fearnought, Partner, Mark Anthony, &c. Colonel Tasker's famous running mare Selima, that was the dam of Partner, was the great grandam of Bellair ; and I will here take occasion to correct an error in the pedigree of this celebrated mare, as it has prevailed for more than thirty years in all the published pedigrees which I have seen of Bellair. Col. Tasker's Selima, is represented to have come out of a mare called Snap Dragon, by Snap ; this is a manifest error : the Godolphin Arabian, who sired Selima, died in 1753; Snap was foaled in 1750 and did not com- mence covering until 6 years old, hence the first Snap mares were not foaled till 1757, 4 years after the Godolphin was dead. Col. Tasker's Selima was bred by Lord Godolphin, and came out of a mare by Old Fox, that was the dam of Daphne, and also of the celebrated running horse Weasel, that was the property of Lord Rockingham ; the grandam of Selima by Flying Childers, Make- less Taffolet Barb Natural Barb mare. I would urge upon the breeders of the Virginia Turf Horse to take in, in their different crosses, as much of the blood of old Med- ley and Bellair as possible, to give their stock firm limbs, very much needed at this time, as the Virginia race horses of the present day train off the turf too early. The following letter appropriate to the present subject, is from that eminent breeder and sportsman Col. John Tayloe, fqrmerly of Mount Airy, Virginia, now of Washington City. " In reply to your favour, I shall be happy if any information I am able to give you in regard to old Medley, and such of his stock ANNALS OF THE TURF. 307 as I nave owned, can be of service to you. Old Medley was im- ported to this country about the year 1785, was owned by Mr. Mai- comb Hart, and stood at Hanover Court House. He was one of the most beautiful horses I ever saw. I cannot at this remote period pretend to describe him further than he was a grey horse of the finest proportions and not more than 14 1-2 to 15 hands high. I have always esteemed him one of the best horses ever imported into the United States, and concur with you in opinion that his stock is decidedly the best we have had. His colts were the best racers of their day, although they were generally small ; but their limbs were remarkably fine, and they were distinguished for their ability to carry weight. I owned some of the best of his colts. Bellair and Calypso I bred ; Grey Diomed and Quicksilver, I purchased from the profits which I realized from their successful performances on the turf. I have reason to hold Medley in grateful remembrance. " As respects Bellair, he was strong built and rather stout, good eyes and remarkable fine bony legs : rather above fifteen hands. I do not think his bottom was surpassed by any horse on record ; if ever he locked his antagonist I felt confident of success. When he ran with Mr. Randolph's Gimcrack, he was in excessive bad order, after a long journey, in bad weather, from Maryland, they ran tlwee 4 mile heats, in each of which Bellair mended, and was not beat far. I refused 500 guineas for him immediately after the race. " I concur with you respecting the old Virginia stock, which should not be lost." Having given an account of Col. Tasker's imported mare Selima, it may not here be improper to add that of Carter Braxton's im- ported inare Kitty Fisher : as those two mares bred more fine stock in Virginia than any other imported mares brought to this country ; it being well known to the sportsmen and breeders for the turf, that some of the highest formed racers and stallions bred in that State were descended from those two mares. - Kitty Fisher was a gray mare foaled in 1755, and imported by Carter Braxton in the fall of 1759. She was bought by Mr. Brax- ton, at New Market, England, in the spring of 1759, being then the property of the Marquis of Granby, and stood at the time en gaged in a sweepstake for 3GOOZ. for three years old fillies ; but the Marquis being abroad with the British armies, he was allowed to withdraw himself from his racing engagements, and directed all his running stock to be sold. At the sale she was purchased as above and sent over to this country. She was got by Cade, (one of the finest sons of the Godolphin Arabian) her dam by the Cullen Ara- bian, out of the famous mare Bald Charlotte. (Bald Charlotte was a high bred mare, of the finest form and winner of King's plates.) Kitty Fisher was trained in this country and run, and won easily several matches. It is peculiarly pleasing to recur to those periods in Virginia, when the blooded horse held such a high place in the estimation of the people; when men the most distinguished for their wealth, their talents or patriotism, were seen vying with each othei wiio 27* 308 ANNALS OF THE TURF should import the finest blood horses or mares from England, oi raise them from those already imported. It was the object of the writer, in the preceding pages, to call up those periods to review, and give an account of the most valuable stallions and mares, from which the Virginia stock were bred during those times, hoping it will serve to animate the breeders of the present day, and stimulate them to emulate their ancestors in their zeal and success in rearing the blood horse. Justice, a chesnut horse, fifteen hands high, was bred by Wm. Manby, of Gloucestershire, England, and got by Regulus out of the Bolton Sweepstakes. Justice covered in Prince George county, Virginia, in 1761. Othello, a beautiful black, fifteen hands high, very strong was got by Mr. Panton's Crab, in England, out of the Duke of Somer- set's favorite brood mare. Othello covered in Virginia, on James' River, in 1761, and was a most capital stallion. He got Selim and the dam of Mark Anthony. Crawford, a fine dapple grey, 15 hands high, was bred by his royal highness the Duke of Cumberland, and got by his Arabian. Covered in Virginia in 1762. Juniper, a fine bay, 15 hands one inch high, foaled in 1752, was got by Babraham, one of the best sons of the Godolphin Arabian. The dam of Juniper by the Stamford Turk, &c. Juniper covered in Charles City, Va. in 1762, and was an excellent stallion. He is a remote cross in the Virginia pedigree. Ranter, a beautiful bay, 15 hands high, foaled in 1755, imported into Virginia in 1762, by Wm. S. Wadman. He was got by Dimple, a son of the Godolphin Arabian ; the dam of Ranter by old Crab, Bloody Buttocks, &c. Ranter stood in Stafford County, Va. in 1753, and is an old cross in our pedigrees. Aristotle, brown bay, 15 hands high, got by the Cullen Arabian, his dam by old Crab, &c. Aristotle was one of the finest and highest formed horses imported into Virginia in h'is day ; he pro- pagated a most valuable stock for the time he lived, having died shortly after coming into Virginia. He stood at Berkely, Charles City county, in 1764. Bucephalus, brown bay, 15 1-2 hands high, foaled in 1758, was got by Sir Matthew Wetherton's horse Locust, his dam by Old Cade, Partner, &c. Bucephalus was a very strong horse, and stood at Tappahannock, Va. in 1765. David, a bay horse, 15 hands high, well made, very active, and descended from the best stock in England Stood in Virginia in 1765. Dotterell, a high formed horse, 15 1-2 hands high, a powerful strong boned horse, was got by Changeling, his dam by a son of Winn's Arabian, &c. Changeling was one of the finest horses in England of his day. Dotterell stood in Westmoreland county, Va. in 1766. Merry Tom, a. beautiful bay, 4 feet 11 inches high, he was got by Regulus, (one of the best sons of the Godolphin Arabian,) his dam by Locust, a son of Crab, his grandam by a son of Flying ANNALS OF THE TURF. 309 Childers, &c. In 1762, he won 200 guineas sweepstakes at Rich- mond ; in 1753, he won 50/. at Durham, and the noblemen and gentlemen's subscription at Cupar, in Scotland. Merry Tom stood in Prince George county, in 1767 ; he was the sire of the noted horse Smiling Tom. Sterling, a fine dapple grey, foaled in 1762, was got by the Bell- size Arabian, (which Mr. J. Simpson offered 1500 guineas for,) out of Mr. Simpson's Snake mare; she was got by Snake, a son of the Lister Turk, out of the Duke of Cumberland's famous mare, the dam of Cato. Sterling traces down to the famous old mare bred by Mr. Crofts at Raby, in Yorkshire, and sold to the Duke of Cleveland. Sterling was a very fine horse, and became famous as a valuable foal getter. He was owned by Wm. Evans, and stood in Surry county, Va. in 1768. He did not exceed 15 1-2 hands in height. Lath, a bay horse, 15 hands one inch high, strong and bony, was got by Shepherd's Crab, his dam by Lath, a son of the Godolphin Arabian, &c. Lath was landed in this country in 1768, and won that year the 50/. weight for ago plate, at New Market, on long Island. In 1769 he won the Jockey Club purse of 100Z at Phila. delphia, beating the then best running horses in that State and from Maryland. In 1770, he also won the 100/. plate at the same place. In 1771, he won the 100Z. plate at New Market, and never was beat but once, when he ran out of condition. Lath was de- scended from the most valuable blood in England, and contributed in an eminent degree to. the improvement of the stock of horses of his day. Whirligig, was a dark bay 15 hands high, and was imported from England in the year 1773. He was got by Lord Portmore's bay horse Captain, (a son of young Cartouch,) his dam by the Devon- shire Blacklegs, son of Flying Childers, &c. In April 1769, when this fine horse was rising six years old, his owner received forfeit of 1000 guineas from Rapid ; the same year he beat Volunteer, for '200 guineas. In October 1770, he beat Warwickshire Wag for 100 guineas; and the same year he beat Atrides for 100 guineas, &c. Whirligig stood to mares in Halifax county, N. C. in the year 1777. Sclim. This beautiful and valuable stallion was a dark bay, a little rising 15 hands high, was got by Othello, (commonly called Black and all Black,) whose sire was old Crab. The dam of Selim was a beautiful mare of that name, got by the Godolphin Arabian, and full sister to the celebrated horse Babraham of England. Se- lim was a tried and approved racer, and a stallion of deserved celebrity. He stood in Virginia from the year 1770 to 1780, and propagated a valuable race of horses. A retrospect of the older stallions of Virginia, evinces the im- portant fact that they did not exceed from 15 to 15 1-2 hands in height ; and yet Virginia in those days had a stock of horses equal to any in the world. They were remarkable for substance or fine stamina. This stock of horses was the immediate descendants of the best Arabian, Barb, or Turkish blood which had been earlj 310 ANNALS OP THE TURF. imported into England from Oriental countries, and has exhibited a degeneracy as to substauce or stamina, in proportion as it has been removed from this elder foreign blood. The above stallions were the descendants of Oriental stock, as well as Janus and Fearnought, [who were the grandsons of the Godolphin Arabian.] During the days of those horses and their offspring, Virginia was famed for her fine saddle horses, and their weights on the turf was 144 Ibs. for aged horses : now it is pro- verbial that the blood horse of Virginia rarely produces a fine sad- dle horse, nor have they a single turf horse capable of running four miles in good time with their former weight. All their good races are now made by young horses carrying light weight, say from 90 to 103 Ibs. The same retrospect of the English stock discloses the same facts : Lawrence remarks, that a " retrospect seems to evince great superiority in the foreign horses of former times, many of the best English racers in these days, being the immediate descendants, on both sides, of Arabs, Barbs, or Turks, or their sires and dams. That union of substance and action, which was to be met with in for mer days, has been of late years still more scarce." As evidence of the correctness of Lawrence's opinion, it may be adduced that the established weights on the English turf, in former days were increased to 168 Ibs. and it was during this pe- riod that their horses continued to improve both in substance and speed, and notwithstanding the great weight of 168 Ibs. they had to carry, they ran four miles from 7 minutes 30 seconds to 7 min utes 50 seconds. From the days of Eclipse, the weights were gra- dually reduced, and have been brought down to 119 Ibs. and on no track exceeding 133 Ibs. Yet there is not a racer now in England able to run his distance in as good time as they were in former days with their high weights. The present rage for breeding horses to a great height should not be so much attended to as obtaining the requisite substance, and from the above list we see that from 15 to 15 1-2 hands in height, has combined with it that necessary union of substance and action which enabled the horses in former times to run in such fine form and carry such high weights. The most obvious way to insure this desirable substance or stamina in our stock, is to increase the weights of the turf to the old standard, and not to permit colts to start in public until four years old. The great su- periority of the elder English race horses is in part to be attribu- ted to the favorable circumstance of their not having started in public until five or six years old. This delay has the obvious fa- vorable effect of enabling the bulk and substance of their limbs and inferior joints to become strong in proportion to their weight, and their whole tendinous system consolidated and firm. Flying Chil ders, Bay Bolton, Brocklesby, Betty, Bonny Black, Buckhunter, the famous Carlisle gelding, Eclipse, and a great number of others, dii not race in public until five and six years old ; and they were racers of the highest eminence for performance and heavy weight, of any on record in the English annals of the turf. ANNALS OF THE TURF. 311 The first step towards an American Stud Beok or collecting an account of our blood horses, is to ascertain the number of stal. lions imported from England, with their pedigrees annexed, be. cause it is to the importation of horses and mares from that king, dom, that we are indebted not only for the foundation of our stock of Turf Horses, but for their present value. There is not a pedigree of a single blood horse or mare in this country, but what goes in every cross directly or remotely back to English stock. STUD BOOK. AMERICAN STUD BOOR. A. ABELINO, g. c. by Dragon, dam Celerrima. 1804. John Hoomes. ACQUITTAL, by Timoleon, dam (dam .of Bolivar) by Sir Hal, &o. William Wynne. ACTEON, ch. h. by Dandridge's Fearnought, dam [by imp'd] Fearnought, gr. dam by imp'd Jolly Roger, out of an imp'd mare, &c. Chesterfield, Va. 1712. Thos. Woolridge. ch. c. by Kosciusko, dam Artless. 1829. S. Carolina. Harrison. ACTIVE, by Chatam, dam Shepherdess, (by imp'd] Slim. ADAMANT, b. h. by Boxer, dam by Lindsay's Arabian, g. dam by Oscar, out of Kitty Fisher. 1799. Nicholas Wynne. ADELINE, b. f. by Henry, dam by Old Oscar, g. dam the Maid "of Nor- thumberland, &c. New Jersey. J. Vandike. br. m. by Spread Eagle Whistle Jacket Rockingh'am Old Cub, &c. ' 1806. John Tayloe. - YOUNG, by Topgallant, dam Adeline by Spread Eagle. 1809. John Tayloe. ADELA, b. f. by Ratlei, dam young Adeline. Dr. Irvine. ADELAIDE, b. f. by Thornton's Ratler, dam Desdemona by Miner Es- cape, &.C. ADRIA, b. f. by Pacific, dam Oceana. 1831. J. Southall. ADMIRAL NELSON, [imp'd] b. h. by John Bull, dam Olivia, by Justice Cypher, &c. Foaled 1795. William Lightfoot. AFRICAN, bl. h. by Careless, dam by Lloyd's Traveller, gr. dam by Othello. Flatbush, 1788. A. Giles. AGNES, or the Thrift mare, by Bellair, dam by Wildair, gr. dam by Fearnought, &c. William Thrift. b. m. by Sir Solomon, (by Tickle Toby,) her dam Young Romp, by Duroc, g. dam Romp, by [imp'd] Messenger. 1822. Gen Coles 28 316 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. AGRICOLA, il. h. by Highflyer, dam by [imp'd] Dove, gr. dam Emery's noted running mare. Chesterfield, V a . Reuben Short. AGRIPPA, g. h. by the Winter Arabian, dam by Harrison's Pretender, (who was by Hyde's [imp'd] Pretender,) g. dam by (imp'd) Dio- mede, &c. Kentucky. R. J. Bieckenridge. AJAX, (See Kill Devil.) ALFRED SIR, (See Sir Alfred.) ALARICUS, by Haskin's Americus, dam (Henderson's) Young Medley, g. dam, by Thornton's Wildair, &c. ALEXANDER, [imp'd] was bred by Sir William Wynne, Bart, got by Lord Grosvenor's Old Alexander, (son of Eclipse) his dam Sweet- brier, g. dam out of Monimia's dam, who was by Alcides, her dam by Crab, out of Snap's dam, &c. Virginia. Wm. Smalley. [Imp'd] got by Champion, dam Countess, &c. Claverick, New- York, 1797. gr. c. by Old Pacolet, dam Jenny Riland. [by imp'd] Bedford, dam Imp'd mare Drone, &c. Col. Platt. ALEXANDRIA, sor. m. [by imp'd] Alexander, dam Black Maria by Shark. 1811. J. Tayloe. [Imp'd] was by Alexander, her dam by Woodpecker, g. dam by Phlegon, out of Lord Egremont's Highflyer mare, &c. Foaled, 1796. John Hoomes. ALBEMARLE, by Diomede, dam Penelope, by Shark Indian Queen by Pilgrim, &c. ALDERMAN, [Imp'd] got by PotSos, dam Lady Bolingbrooke, by Squir- rell, Cypron, the dam of king Herod, &c. John Banks. Mare, dk. b. by Alderman, dam by Clockfast, out of a Wrl- dair mare. 1799. J. Wickham. ALARM, [Imp'd] br. m. by Thunderbolt, dam Tadora, &c. ALABAMA PACOLET, (see Pacolet Alabama.) ALBERT, by Americus, dam by Wildair, (by Fearnought,) g. dam by Vampire, g. g. dam by [Imp'd] Kitty Fisher. 1798 Robert Saunders. ALCIDES, b. c. by Galatin, dam Clio, [by Imp'd] Whip. Richard A. Rapley. ALFRETTA, ch. f. by Christian's Hotspur, (by Timoleon,) dam Lady Al- fred, by old Sir Alfred. 1831. Hugh Campbell. ALGERINA, b. f. by Jones' Arabian dam Equa. P. Wallis. ALIDA, ch. f by Bagdad, dam Nancy Nichol, [by Imp'd] Eagle, her dam by Little Wonder, &c. W. W. A.LIERKER, a. g. by Old Sir Hal, dam by Wonder, her g. dam by Bellair, g. g. dam by Medley, &c. Wm. D. Taylor. \LICE, gr. f. by Henry, dam Spirtmistress. Queens Cy. New-York, 1829. Thos. Pearsall. \LICE GRAY, gr. f. by Brilliant, dam by Sir Archy. Foaled, 1829. Thomas Snowden, Jun. ALLAKROKA,b.m. by Telegraph, dam Crazy Jane by Sky Scraper. Lewis Berkley. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 317 ALL TRUMPS, s. m. by Sir Archy, dam [by /mp'cq Jack Andrews. Richard Adams. ALL WORTHY, b. c. by Aratus, dam Miss Gatewood. ALKNOMAC, ch. c. by Kosciusko, dam by Buzzard, g. dam [by Imp'd] Speculator, &c. Kentucky. Ed. M. Blackburn. ALZIRA, by Archduke, dam by Bedford, g. dam by Pollyphemus, g. g. dam by Sloe out of Celesta. Wm. Garnett. AMANDA, by Grey Diomede, dam Amanda by Bedford. Powhatan, Va. Wade Mosby. -- b. m. by Bedford, dam by Old Cade, g. dam by Col. Hick- man's Independence, (by Fearnought,) out of Dolly Fine, &c. Pur- chased by J. Hoomes. J. Broaddus. -Duroc, b. m. by Duroc, dam by Sir Solomon, g. dam ~~ Trumpetta, &c. 1827. AMAZON, by Dictator, dam Statira by Percy, g. dam Homespun by Rom- ulus. 1800. Wade Hampton. AMAZONIA, b. m. by Tecumseh Sir Harry Celer, &c. Nash. Cy. N. C. 1815. Nath. Ward. AMAGAZA, b. m. [by Imp'd] Chance, dam by Carolinian Chanticleer - Flimnap Fearnought Old Janus, &c. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, (or New- York,) s. h. by Duroc, dam Miller's Damsel, (by Messenger,) g. dam [Imp'd] PotSos mare by Eclipse, d] by Cub a son of Fox, her dam by Torismond, son of the Bolton Starling, her g. dam by second brother to Snip, &c. 1767. Delancy. CUB, (called Old,) b. h. by Yorick by Silver Legs out of Moll Brazen, &c. Westmoreland, Va. Daniel McCarthy. MARE, b. m. [by Imp^d] Figure out of imp'd Cub mare, (killed running a race.) J. L. Gibson. CUMBERLAND, gr. h. by Pacolel, clam Virginia by Dare Devil. James Jackson. CUPBEARER, b. h. by Bedford, -dam Louisa by Harris' Eclipse. John Tayloe. by Florizelle, dam by Bellair. CURTIUS, by Dioinede, dam by Bedford, g. dam by Patriot. CUT LEG, ch. f. by Gracchus, dam Everlasting. IS 18. John Runaolpii. 331 AMERICAN STUD BOOK CUPID OSCAR, h. h. bv Fdelin's Oscar, jun. dam by Thornton's Mercury, g. (lain bv Bowifi^ Sportsman, &c. Pr. Ceo. Maryland, 1327. Thomas N. Baden. CYPRON, b. in. by Van Tromp, dam Miss Madison by Lurcher. CYPRUS, dap. gr. by Smiling Tom, dam by Silver Legs, (the dam of McCarthy's Cub.) CYPHAX, by Janus out of an [Imp'd] Mare. Jas. City, Va. 1775. John Walker. CYGNET, by Cormorant out of Blossom. Turner Dixon. DABSTER, [Imp'd] by Hobgoblin Spanker Hautboy, &c. Imp'd 1741. DARE DEVIL, [Imp'd] b. h. by Magnet, dam Hebe by Chrysolite out of Proserpine sister to Eclipse, '*__ i nnn "t*7 rpu^- Washington City, 1808. Wm. Thornton. VIRGINIA, (See Virginia Eclipse.) -OF THE WEST, b. h. by Duroc, dam [Imp'd] Moggy Slamerkm, &c. Warren, Ohio, 1825. LIGHTFOOT, bl. c. by American Eclipse, dam Lady Lightfoot, &c. 1825. -by Virginius, dam Anvelina 1812. J. B. Richardson. MARE, dk. bay by Harris' Eclipse Black and All Black Old Mark Anthony, &c. thorough bred mare. Halifax Cy. N. C. 1797. Vaughan. -NORTHERN, [Imp'd] by O'Kelly's Eclipse, dam Amyrillis by Adolphus, &c. Foaled, 1770. Annapolis, 1780. Wallace & Muire. [Imp'd} ch. was got by O'Kelly's famous Eclipse, dam Phebe full sister of Apollo Phebe by Regulus, her dam by Cottingham, g. dam by Snake, &c. Prince George Cy. Richard B. Hall. EFFIE DEANS, b. rn. by (Farmer's) Florizelle, (by Ball's Florizelle,) dam by Clockfast, gr. dam by Jones' Coeur de Lion Robin Redbreast- Dare Devil, &c. ELECTION, c. c. by Spectator, dam Fairy by Bedford. 1811. J. Hoomes. ELEGANT, [by Imp'd] Fearnought, dam by Bellair Wildair, &c. ELIZA, ch. m. by Bagdad, dam Mellwood by Topgallant. Tennessee. L. J. Polk. [by Imp'd] Bedford, dam imp'd Mambrino, &c. b. f. by Justice, dam Nancy Dawson. 1803. James Ferguson, -ch. m. by Timoleon, dam by Sir Alfred (the dam of Waxey, &c.) Red House, N. C. J. W. Jeffries. ADAMS, by Hornet, dam [by Imp'd] Jack Andrews. W. H. Minge. REILEY, b, f. by Sir Archy, dam Bet Bounce. Dr. J. Minge. SPLOTCH, g. f. by Sir Archy, dam by Diomede. WALKER, b. f. by American Eclipse, dam by Moore's Sir Ar- chy, g. dam Jenny Deans. -WHITE, b. f. by Sk Archy, dam by Djomede. by -WHARTON, b. by Director, dam by Bedford Proserpine by Dare Devil. DRAKE, ch. f. by Shawnee, dam by Sir Archy. John White, (of Jackson. ELIZABETH, by Sir Archy, dam by Robin Redbreast. Gen. Wynne b. m. by Alfred out of the dam of Sally Hornet by Hornet. 30 340 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. ELVIRA, ch. f. by Bedford, dam Virginia Sorrel. (Sold to H. King.) J. Tayloo. EMIGRANT, by Carolinian, dam Pet by St. Tammany. EMPRESS, [by Imp'd] Baronet, dam by Old Messenger Snap True Briton, &c. Flatbush, Long Island. ENDLESS, ch. f. by Gracchus, out of sister to Everlasting. 1819. J. Randolph. ENTERPRISE, b. h. by Diomede, dam Forlorn Hope. Henry Macklin. by Florizelle, dam by Saltram, (the dam of Timoleon and Constitution.) -(See Grey Diomede.) ENGINEER, ch. [by Imp'd} Eagle, dam by imp'd Archduke out of imp'd Castianira, &c. Broadnax. EQUA, ch. m. [by Imp'd} Chance, dam by Republican President, g. dam by imp'd Figure Dove, &c. 1815. Isaac Duckett. EQUINOX, ch. c. [by Imp'd] Baronet, dam Tulip. 1799. T. M. Forman. ERIEL, (or Ariel,) gr. m. by Am. Eclipse, dam Empress by Financier. ESCAPE, (or HORNS,) [Imp'd] ch. h. fifteen and a half hands high, was got by Precipitate, his dam by Woodpecker, his g. dbert Saunders. ETHIOPIA,bl.m.byTayloe'sBedford(by Bedford) dam by PotSos, who was by Old Medley out of a Conductor mare, g. dam Celer, &c. EVELINA, by Phenomenon, dam by Regulus, g. dam by Lindsay's Ara- bian, &c. EUDORA, b. m. [by Imp'd] Dragon, dam by impV Clifden, g. dam by Flag of Truce Goode's Brimmer H. Baldwin, jun. EXILE, ch. c. by Coeur de Lion, dam oyren Silver, g. dam Caroline by Eclipse, &c. Davidson, Tennessee. 1806. EXPECTATION, (See Galatin.) EXPEDITION, or Ballinamuc, [Imp'd] fifteen hands, three and a half in- ches high, was got by Pegasus, his dam Active by Woodpecker, gr dam Laura by Whistlejacket, g. g. dam Pretty Polly by Starling. Foaled, 1795. J. Humphreys. EXPRESS, [Imp'd] was got by Postmaster out of a Cypron mare, g. dam by Matchem, g. g. dam by Snip, Regulus, &c. 1785. AMERICAN STUD BOOK 341 F. FAIR PLAY, b. c. by Play or Pay, dam Bellaria. 1802. J. Hoorncs. by Citizen, dam by Medley. Gen. Eaton. FAIR FORESTER, b. m. [by Imp'd] Chance, Celia by Symmes' Old Wil- dair Lady Bolingbroke, &c. John Baker. FAIRFAX, (afterwards called Ratthr}l>j Rattler, dam Laura by Arabarb, Imp'd by Col. Lear, an Arabian horse. FAIR MAID, by First Consul, dam Jane Lowndes, by Driver. FAIR RACHEL, by Diomede, dam Susan Jones by Old Shark, Wildair, &c. ROSAMOND, gr. m. by Sir Archy, dam Forlorn Hope. H. Macklin. FAIRY, by Sir Alfred, dam [Imp'd] Promise. b. in. by Tom Tough, dam [by Imp'd] Archibald Lothario Whig, &c. by Herod, dam by Diomede Gimcrack, &c. Joseph Bailey, -by Bedford, dam Mambrino by Mambrino full sister of Nai- lor's Sail}'. Foaled, 1797. A. Spotswood. FAIR STAR, b. f. by Torpedo, dam Betsy Wilkes. Foaled, 1831. G. A. Blaney, U. S. A. FANNY, ch. f. by Coeur de Lion, dam Fanny Foster by Wildair. Tennessee", 1808. FANNY FOSTER, ch. by Old Wildair, dam by Old Partner Old Fear- nought Old Jolly Roger, &c. N. Carolina, 1795. John Foster. MURRAY, g. f. own sister to Miss Peyton. 1814. John Randolph. COLE, br. b. by Francisco, dam Sting by Jack Andrews. Benjamin Harrison. FAIRMAID, ch. m. by Rob Roy, dam Fairmaid by First Con- sul, &c. HILL, ch. f. by Sir William, dam Diomede mare by Ragland's Diomede, &c. FANTAIL, br. m. by Sir Archy, dam Sally McGhee. FANCY, br. m. by Wilke's Wonder, dam by Mark Anthony, Fearnought, &c. Tennessee, 1809. J. Sumner. by Jubilee, (by Independence,) dam Stella. by Independence, (by Atkinson's Fearnought) dam by Ameri- cus [Imp'd] Traveller Monkey, &c. H. Macklin. FARMER JOHN, b. c. by Sterling, dam [Imp'd] Janette. Richard Hoomes. FAVOURITE, [Imp'd] b. m. by Volunteer, dam by Matchem, Dainty Da vey-~Bayton, &c. bred by Mr. Fenwick. Foaled, 1790. Imp'd 1796. John Hoomes. by Old Fearnought dam. Gen. Jones. (Old) by Bellair, dam by Bedford, Pantaloon, &c. (Wyche's.) F. Thornton, (of Warren.) 342 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. FAYETTE, by Fitzhugh's Regulus, dam by Othello, [Imp'd] Juniper, Mer- ton's Traveller, &c. Charles City Cy. Va. 1788. Presley Thornton. FEARNOUGHT, [Imp'd} br. bay, fifteen hands three inches high got by Regulus, (who was by the Godolphin Arabian) dam Silver Tail oy Heneague's Whitenose, her dam by Rattler, &c. Died 1 776, aged 21 years. J. Baylor. DRANDRIGES, [by Imp'd] Fearnought, dam . _ BATH & MACKLIN'S, [by Imp'd] Fearnought, dam an imp'd mare, bought of the widow of Col. Mail near Norfolk, &c. VVicksford, Va. 1777. Edwards. FEATHER, ch. f. by Rattler, dam Marianna. Fred. Cy. Va. 1827. B. F. Whiting. FEDERALIST, by Lath, dam by Old Fearnought out of Col. Tasker's Se- lima, raised by J. Tayloe. J. Pryor. FENELLA, by Silver Heels, dam Black Merino by Vintzun Comet Don Carlos Old Figure, &c. EasVon, Maryland. G. S. Winder. ch, m. by Smith's Alfred, dam by Dungannon Nimrod [Imp'd} Hamilton Ball's Florizelle, &c. u - Cornet (by Tayloe's Yorick,) dam by Don Carlos. Mount Calvert, 1795. John Brown, ch. f. by Stockholder, dam Rosetta by Wilke's Wonder. FIDELITY, c. f. by Sir Charles, dam by Sir Alfred Florizelle Diomede, Pensa. Edward Parker. FIGURE, [Imp'd] b. h. by Grey Figure Old Figure by an Arabian, his dam the dam of Bowie's Cyrus, and got by Young Standout, his gr. dam. Old Jason, Young Figure's dam was Marianna dam of Ralph Gore's gr. mare. 1767. Dr. Hamilton. [Imp'd] gr. h. by Standard, dam a Beaufort Arabian mare Lord Brooke's Arabian Brimmer Darley's Arabian, &c. Foaled, 1747. b. h. by Hamilton's [Imp'd] Figure, dam Brent's Ebony. Mecklenberg, Va. 1777. P. Skepwith. -YOUNG, (See Young Figure.) -by Yorick, dam an Ebony m; FINANCIER, by Tippoo Saib, (who was by Old Messenger) dam by Old Messenger Bashaw, &c. FIREFLY, ch. f. by Reigo, dam Shepherdess by Phenomenon. Richard Adams. FIRETAIL, [Imp'd} b. by Phenomenon out of Columbine by Espusike's, &c. 1801. Imp'd by Cain & Ray. FIREBRAND, [Imp'd] ch. c. by Buzzard out of Fanny, own sister to King Fergus the sire of Hamiltonian. FIRST CONSUL, by Flag of Truce, dam [by Imp'd] Slender, g. dam imp'd Dion by famous Eclipse. Philadelphia, 1804-5. John P. Bond. FIRST FRUITS, dk. br. c. by Randolph's Roanoake, dam Cameleon by Virginian Rosetta, Sac. FITZPARTNER, by Old Partner, dam Brandon [by Imp'd] Aristotle. Albemarle, Va. 1800. David Clarkson. FLAGELLATOR, ch. h. by Sea Gull, dam Honesty [by Imp'd] Expedi- tion, g. dam by Imp'd Messenger, &c. John Frost. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 343 FLAG OF TRUCE, (Goode's) byGoldfinder,damby Flimnap Aristotle Fearnought, &c. Prince George Cy. Col. Portress. FLEETWOOD, b. c. by Washington, ciam by Sir Robin, (he by Robin Red- breast,) g. dam by Dare Devil, &c. FLIMNAP, [Irnp'd] b. h. fourteen and a half hands high, by South, darn Cygnet mare, bred by Sir John Moore, g. dam by Ebony Childers, &c. South Carolina, 1780. Foaled, 1765. FLIRTILLA, b. m. by Sir Archy, dam by Robin Redbreast Obscurity, &c. Sussex Cy. Va. Win. Wynne. [/mp'efj ch. m. by Virtumnus, O'Kelly's Flirtilla by Squirrel Helen by Blank Crab out of own sister to Old Partner. (Died 1798.) J. Tayloe. FLORIZELLE, [Imp'J] (Helen's) dap. bay sixteen hands high by the noted Florizelle, out of a brown mare by Alfred, his g. dam Fairy Queen by Young Cade, g. g. dam Black Eyes by Crab out of Warlock, Gal- loway by Snake, &c. [Imp'd] 1794 by Helen for Ringgold & Co. ch. s. [by Imp'd} Diomede, dam by Imp'd Shark Harris' Eclipse Fearnought Old Jolly Roger. Broad Rock, Va. 1806. Wm. Ball. c. by Grey Diomede, dam Louisa by Eclipse. Foaled, 1795. J. Tayloe. (GRAVES') by Old Florizelle, dam by Old Spread Eagle, gr. dam by Boxer, g. g. dam by Eclipse Fearnought, &c. YOUNG. (See Young Florizelle.) John M. Burton. -MARE, ch. by Ball's Florizelle, dam [by Imp^d] Cripple Wonder Old Bedford, &c. J. Selden. FLORIZELLA, br. f. [by Imp'd] Florizelle, dam Betsy Bell. Foaled, 1802. Thos. M. Forman. (or Grey Tail) by Ball's Florizelle, dam (Dr. Cutler's race mare) by Wildair, g. dam by Apollo Eclipse Mark Anthony [Imp^d] Partner, &c. y Florizelle, dam Black Eyed Susan by Potomac. Georgia. Jos. Hester. FLORA, by Roanoake, dam [Imp'd] Lady G. , b. m. by Florizelle, dam Miss Dance by Roebuck, g. dam by Independence, &c. Alex. F. Rose, ch m. by Ball's Florizelle, dam Iris. J. Lewis. -b. f. by Heath's Childers, dam Maggy Lauder. Foaled, 1789. T. M. Forman. -ch. by Am. Eagle, (by [Imp'd] Spread Eagle,) darn by Imp'd Dare Devil, g. dam by True Whig Regulus, &c. FLOUNCE, g. f. by Buzzard, dam Portia. Delaware, 1828. Thos. Massey. FLORETTA, (Edelin's) [by Imp'd] Spread Eagle, dam by Hall's Unioiv- Leonidas Othello, &c. FLORIDA, b. f. by Contention, dam by FranciscoJack Andrews Dare Devil Clock fast, &c. by Old Rattler, dam Flora by Ball's Florizelle. 1K27. ' J. Lewis. FLOTE, ch. c. by NeaPs Archy, (by Old Sir Archy, N dam Mary Grey. 30 * L. J. Gist. 344 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. FLUVIA, by Partner, dam Fluvia by Celer. FLYING DUTCHMAN, b. h. by John Richards, dam'by Ec.ipse, g. dam by Tippoo Saib [Imp'd] Royalist, &c. FLYING CHILDERS, ch. h. by Sir Archy, dam (the dam of Sumpter,) J. Tayloe. h. by John Richards, dam by E( ip'd] Royalist, &c. i. by Sir Archy, dam (the dam by Robin Redbreast. Wynne. FORLORN HOPE, gr. m. by Bellair, dam Fancy by Independence. Henry Macklin. FORTUNATUS, by Conway's Black and All Black, dam a full bred daughter of Tavloe's Yorick. Goochland Cy/Va. 1782. FORTUNIO, b. c. by Cormorant, dam Broadnax by Old Janus, &c. 1798. J. Tayloe. FORESTER, ch. h. by Sir Alfred out of a Hornet mare. Sold Mr. Powder, Fred. Md. Rich. Craddock. [Imp'd] by Magog, dam by Forester. (Stood in Kentucky, FOREST MAID, b. m. (See Maid of the Forest.) FOSKARI, b. c. by Kosciusko; dam by Whip, gr. dam by Columbus, &c. Kentucky. Ed. M. Blackburn. FRANCISCO, [iy Imp'd\ Hambleton, dam Nightingale by Chanticleer- Jolly Roger, &c. John Minge. FRANKLINA, b. m. by Sir Solomon, dam [by Imp'd] Expedition Imp'd Slender Gen. Herd's Snap, &c. C. Cruser. FRANCES PUCKETT, b. by Arab, dam by Knowsly, g. dam by Sal- tram, &c. Thos. Doswell. FREDERICA, by Escape, (Horn's,) dam a thorough bred mare, owned by Messrs. Norwoods, Maryland. Messrs. Tayloes. FREDERICK THE GREAT, br. h. by Young Sir Harry, (who was out of the full sister to-Defiance by Old [Imp'd] Sir Harry,) dam by Hamil- ton ian Cormorant, &c. FREDERICKSBURG, dk. ch. by Old Gracchus, dam by Friendship Old Paragon [Imp'd] Bedford, &c. Jefferson Minor. FRENZY, by Sans Culotte, dam Minikin. J. Randolph. FRIENDSHIP, sor. h. by Apollo, (he by Old Apollo,) darn a full bred mare, &c. 1789. Chas. Bewail. FROLIC, b. f. by Argus, dam Amazon by Dictator Statira by Percy Homespun by Romulus, &c. Rich. A. Rapley. b. f. by Sir Charles' dam. J. M. Selden. FURJOSO, gr. c. by Dare Devil, dam Medley mare Bolton Fearnought, &c. Maupin. FYLDE, [Imp'd] br. h. sixteen and a half hands high, by Antonio out of Fadlidinida, she by Sir Peter Teazle, her dam Fanny out of Arn- brosia by Woodpecker, he by Herod out of Miss Ramsden, she by Old Cade, a son of Godolphin Arabian, &c. Imo'd 1832. John A very. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 345 G. GABRIEL, [Imp'd] b. h. got by Doremont, dam by Highflyer, g. dam by Snap out of the dam of Chalkstone Iris Planet, &.C., she by Shepherd's Crab, her dam Miss Meredith by Cade out of the little Hartley mare. Foaled, 1790. 1799. John Tayloe. GABRIELLA, ch. m. by Sir Archy, dam by Bellair. 1826. J. S. Garrison. b. f. by Baronet, dam Temptation. 1799. Thos. M. Forman. GALLENA, alias Madame Norflect, b. m. by Sir Archy, dam (a mare [Imp'd] by Thos. B. Hill of Halifax, N. C.).by Oscar, g. darn Me- lissa, &c. GALLANT, b. h. by Fearnought, his dam Stately by Sober John out of an [Imp'd] mare. Robert Taylor. GALLATIN, (Expectation) by Bedford, dam Mambrina out of a sister of Nailer's Sally, and sold to Col. Alston for $4000. 1798. J. Tayloe. GAMESTER, b. c. by Spread Eagle, dam Sappho by Buckskin. 1803. Richard A. Rapley. GANYMEDE, by Hephestion dam. South Carolina. Richard Singleton. GARRICK, by Celer, dam by Janus, g. dam the Partner mare, &c. Granville, N. C. Chas. Eaton. by Americus, dam [Imp'd] Kitty Fisher. Benj. Hoskins. GASTERIA, flmp'd] b. f. by Balloon, (he by Highflyer,) darn a Marske mare her dam Cremona by Regulus, &c. 1798. GASCOIGNE, by Roanoake, dam Lady G. 1824. J. Randolph. GATROMINA, ch. f. by Timoleon, dam Nili. GAY, by Celer, dam by Old Partner, g. dam by Valiant, Col. Byr d's [Imp'd} Tryall, &c. GAYOSO, b. c. by Rinaldo, dam Orange. 1829. Thos. Massey. GAZELLA, by Bussora, darn Hyacinth. GEMIMA, by Bedford, dam [Imp'd] Rachel by Drone. Wad Hampton GENESIS, b. c. by Sir Archy, dam Henrietta by Sir Hal. Bait. 1827. Ph. Wallis. GENTLE KITTY, by Young Post Boy, dam Gen. Ridgby's Dairy Maid by Bedford. by Archibald dam. GEORGE ST. (See St. George.) GEORGIANA, by Sir Archy, dam Gattellier's mare, 1826. Wm. Wynne. ch. m. by Napoleon, dam Old Poll by Druid. E. B. Hicks. GESTION, by Spread Eagle, dam Calypso. 1802. J. Tayloe. GIANNINI, bl. b. m. by Burwell's Post Boy [Imp cfj tio;e Chariot ou. o! the Cumming's mare, &c. Granville, N. C. 1809. GIANT, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Anderson's Twig, (by Old Twig,) g. d by Commutation Eaton's Garrick, &c. 346 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. GIFT. (See America.) GILES SCROGGINS, by Sir Archy, dam Lady Bedford. N. Carolina, 1828. W. B. Moses. GIMCRACK, ro. h. by Hart's [Imp'd] Medley, dam by Ariel, &c. 1788. Peter Randolph. GIPSEY, ch. f. by Sterling, dam Hebe, by Dare Devil, g. dam by Old Med- ley, &c. Hoomes, Parish, & Co. -b. m. [by Imp'd] Bedford, dam by Soldier, g. dam by Imp'd Sea Gull, g. g. dam by King Herod, &c. 1814. Fairfield, Va. Rich. Adams. GLIDER, (2nd) b. c. by Glider, dam Temptation. 1802. Thos. M. Forman. GODOLPHIN, [by Imp'd] Diomede, dam Sally Shark by Shark, g. dara Betsy Prmgle. Newmarket, Va. John Baylor. -(Dr. Brown's) ch. h.by Godolphin, (by Diomede,) dam (Indian or Black Herod, &c. James Ware. Hen) [by Imp'd] Shark, g. dam by Wormleys Frederick Cy. -b. h. [by Imp'd] Fearnought, dam Jenny Dismal. Dinwiddie Cy. Va. 1777. Thos. Field, -by Sprigg's Careless, dam by Selim,g. dam by Panton's Ara- bian, &c. -MARE, by Godolphin, (by Diomede,) dam by the Pennsylva- nia Farmer, g. dam by Pegasus Bolton, &c. Sent to Kentucky. John Hoomes. GOHANNA, br. b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Merino Ewe, by Jack Andrews, &c. 1829. Half Sink, near Richmond. John M. Botts. GOLD FINDER, by Old Fearnought, dam Kitty Fisher. . ch. m. by Virginius, dam Miss Fortune, g. dam [Imp'd] An- velina. GOLIAH, ch. h. by American Eclipse, dam Lady of the Lake, &c. 1827. W. Livingston. GOLDEN ROD, by Mousetrap, dam Nancy Bell bred by Gen. Jones. GEORGE'S JUNIPER. (See Juniper George's.) [Imp'd]. GOUTY, [Imp'd] b. h. five and a quarter feet high, by Sir Peter Teazle, his dam the famous yellow mare by Tandem, g. dam Perdita, by Herod, Fair Forester by Sloe Forester Partner Croft's bay Barb Makeless Brimmer, &c. Foaled, 1796. Wm. Rives. GRACE, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Wildfire. 1822. John Randolph. GRACCHUS, ch. h. by Diomede, dam Cornelia by Chanticleer, &c. 1806. John Randolph. MARE, by Gracchus [Imp j d] horse Dion imp'd Highflyer Apollo, &c. Halifax, Va. 1818. John Sims. GRACE, b. m. by Ravens wood, dam Old Everlasting by Sans Cuiotte. 1822. J- Randolph. GRAND DUTCHESS, ch. m. by Gracchus, dam [Imp'd] Dutchess. J. Randolph. GREENSVILLE, g. f. by Bedford, dam Arminda by Medley. Sold J. Jones, 1803. J. Hoomes. GRECIAN PRINCESS, b. m. by Virginian, her dam Calypso by Bellair, g dam Irby's Dare Devil mare, &c. 1824. G. W. Jeffries. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 347 GREGORY, ch. by Gracchus, dam Red Eye, g. dam by Sarpedon, g. g. dam by Traveller. GRENADIER, b. h. by Wilkes (who was by Old Figure,) dam by behm Britania, &c. Petersburg, 1 782. Thomas Eaton. GREY MARE, by Slouch, [by Imp'd] Medley out of a full bred rnare. N. B. The dam of the gr. m. was sold by W. A. Lee to Doctor Ir- vine. GREY ARCHY, by Old Sir Archy, dam by Grey Medley, (son of [Imp'd] Medley,) g. dam by imp'd Messenger, &c. Tennessee, 1810. B. Philips. GREY DOLL, by Spot, (before he was castrated,) dam by Stirling (son of Volunteer) Duetta by Silver Tail. John RandoJph. MEDLEY, (Barry's) by Old Medley, dam by Black and AH Black, g. dam by Bay Bolton Old Partner, &c. N. Carolina. George Williams. ALFRED, by Lindsay's Arabian, dam [by Imp'd] Tom Jones. DiOMEDE, gr. h. [by Imp'd] Diomede, dam by Flag of Truce Brimmer Silver Eye, &c. 1808. - Barksdale. -DIOMEDE, or ENTERPRISE, [by Imp'd] Medley, dam by Sloe, g dam by Vampire, &c. Sold to J. Tayloe, 1793. Richard Brooke. BEARD, by Kosciusko, dam [Imp'd] Psyche. R. Singleton. BADGER, by Eden's [Imp'd] Badger, dam by imp'd Selim. Benjamin Ogle. CHILDERS, by Medley, dam by Partner. Thomas Eaton. ORPHAN, by Orphan, (he by Ball's Florizelle,) dam by Imp'6 Diomede, dam of Grey Orphan, Mary Grey. John Gist. GREYHOUND, gr. [by Imp'd] Spread Eagle, dam Pandora by imp'd Med ley, &c. 1806. H. T. Thornton. GUNNILDA, [Imp'd] got by Star, by Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian GULNARE, gr. f. by Duroc, dam Sportmistress. Queens Cy. N. Y. 1824. Thomas Pearsall. H. HACKABOUT, [Imp'd] got by Eclipse, dam by Cyphon and sister to Tan- dem, g. dam sister to Apollo by Regulus Snip, &c. Foaled 1794. Imp'd 1798. John Hoomes. HAIL STORM, b. h. [by Imp'd] Pantaloon, dam Wingyfeet by Jolly Ro- ger, g. dam Melpomone by Bui-well's Traveller, &c. Charles City, Itt02. Fr. H. Dancey. HALF PONE, by Rattler, dam Maid of Patuxent by Magie, g. dam Kitty Fox, by a son of imp'd Venetian. H. G. S. Key. HALL'S UNION, (See Union Hall's.) HAMBLETON, or HAMILTON, [Imp'd] br. b. sixteen hands high by Dun gannon, his dam by Snap, gr. dam by Blank, Partner, Greyborodj &c. Foaled, 1791. Win. Lightfoot. HAMILTONIAN, or HAMLINTONIAN, ch. h. by Diomede, dam by Shark, g. dam by Spot by Apollo. 1801. J. Tayioe. 348 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. HAMLET, b. c. by Maryland Eclipse, dam Forest Maid. Laurenceviile, Va. 1830. R. K. Meade sor . (ch.) h. by Hall's Eclipse, dam Shepherdess by Chatam, &c. J. H. Harrison. HANOVER, by Bussora, dam by Sir Archy, &c. HANNIBAL, by Sir William, dam Sally Currie. 1828. J. W. Jeffries. HANNAH, b. m. by Moore's Archy, dam by Buchanan's Medley OH Celer Hector, &c. HANDEL, by Goode's Herod, (he by Diomede,) dam by Thornton's Wil- dair Bellair Sy names' Wildair, &c. H. D. HAPHAZARD, by Collector, dam by Fearnought Spadilla, &c. 1805. J. Tayloe. HARDINIA BURNLEY, bl. m. by Old Roebuck, dam by Old Bedford Bellair, &c. W. D. Taylor. HARMONY, [by Imp'd} Figure, dam Stella, (the dam of Primrose and Thistle) by imp'd Dove. Hamilton. b. m. by Cragg's Sweeper, dam [by Imp'd] Dove, g. dam Se- Ihrm by Othello, &c. 1 784. W alter Bowie. HARVEY BIRCH, by Richmond, dam by Sir Alfred. HARLEQUIN, ch. h. by Gabriel, dam by Venetian True Whig Cub, &c. HARPER, by Grey Diomede, dam Polly Peachem. 1799. J. Tayloe. HARRIET, b. f. by Bedford, dam Proserpine. 1804. J- Hoomes. HARWOOD, by Archy, dam Asmoplede by Diomede. A. J. Davie. HAUTBOY, gr. c. by Gallatin, dam Sappho by Tartar. 1815. HAYMAKER, dk. ch.- s. h. [by Imp'd} Clifden, dam Harlot by Hall's Eclipse, &c. Albany, 1829. C. M. Bennett. N. B. This horse was bred by Col. Lyles of Maryland. HAVOC, c. c. by Sir Charles, dam by Alfred. Corbin. HAZARD, ch. c. by Timoleon, dam [by Imp'd] Royalist, g. dam by Dio- mede, &c. Tennessee, 1829. John Swinney. HEDGFORD, [Imp'd] br. by Filh da Puta, dam Miss Cragie by Orville, g. dam by Lurcher Phenomenon, &c. Fiiho da Puta by Haphaz- ard Ws> xey Woodpecker Squirrel, &c. Foalea, 1826. Imp'd 1832. W 7 m. Jackson. HEATH'S CHILDERS, (See Childers Heath's.) HEBE, b. f. by Florizelle, dam Tartar mare, 'd] Expe dition, &c- 31 352 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. JANE GREY, gr. 1. by Old Slouch, dam Nancy Dawson. LOWNDF.S, [by Imp'd] Driver, dam Modesty, g. d. Madge by HalPs Union. JANUS, [Imp'd] bl. h. fifteen hands one inch high, by Old Stirling Old Crab Monkey Basto, &c. Foaled, 1754. Win. Hynes'. [Imp'd} ch. by Janus, dam by Fox Bald Galloway, &e. Died 1 779-80, aged 34: Gloucester Cy. Va. Mordecai Booth, ch. h. by Sir Archy, dam Frenzy by Sans Culotte. YOUNG, b. (See Young Janus.) J. Randolph, b. c. by Spread Eagle, dam Broadnax. 1802. Rich. Hoomes. -MARE, ch. by Old ch. Janus, [Imp'd] dam by Dapple John out of a full sister to Harlot by Janus. "JEFF, br. c. by Stockholder, dam Maria Hill by Oscar. Nimrod Porter. JEFFERSON, br. h. by Virginian, dam Old Favourite by Bellair, &c. 1825. J. J. Harrison. JENNY, by Archduke, dam [by Imp'd] Stirling, g. dam by Imp'd Obscuri- ty out of Miss Slamerkin. JENNY CAMERON, by Lloyd's Traveller, clam Kitty Fisher. 1785. Wm. Scott. [Imp'd] was got by Cuddy, a son of Old Fox, by Miss Beli- voir. John Tayloe. -DISMAL, [Imp'd] by Old Dismal, he by the Godolphro Ara- bian her dam by Lord Godolphir.'s Whitefoot, &c. Col. Baylor. -DEANS, ch. m. by Gracchus, dam Cornelia. 1815. J. Randolph. DEANS, br. b. by Virginian, dam by Bainbridge, g. dam by Jolly Air, g. g dam by Why Not, &c. Wilmington, N. C. W T . B. Meats. DUTKR, by True Briton, dam Quaker Lass by Juniper, g. d. 'y the Old Grey Ara bian, g. g. dam by Ariel Othello, &c. Ridgley. by Wrangler, dam B. Wilkes POTOMAC, b. h. by Imp'd Diomede, dam by Pegasus, &c. Mecklenburg, Va. 1804. Rich. Dennis. MARE, by Potomac, dam by Gallatin. Kentucky. Jefferson Scott. POT8OS, by Old Medley, dam by Conductor, g. dam by Celer, &c. ' MARE, [Imp'd] was got by Eclipse, dam by Gimcrack, &c. Foaled, 1792. Wm. Constable. FOWHATAN, by Oscar, (he by Assiduous,) dam a Bashaw mare. Spotsylvania Cy. Va. ' John HoUiday. gr. h. by Old Pacolet, dam by Powhatan, by Imp'd Diomede. by fmp'd Diomede, dam by Imp'd Shark Old Celer Imp'd mare, &c. POWWANCY, by Sir Alfred, dam Virgo by Imp'd Young Sir Peter Tea z)e, g. darn Castianira. 378 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. PRECIPITATE, [Imp 'J] a sorrel horse, fifteen and a naif hands high, bred by the Earl of Egremont, got by Mercury, dam by Herod, g. dam by Matchem out of Mr. Pratt's Old Squirt mare, &c. Foaled, 1787. Imp'd 1804. Wm. Lightfoot. PRESTLEY, by Chanticleer, dam Camilla by Wildair, g. dam Minerva by Obscurity, &c. PRESIDENT, by Old Celer, dam by Mark Anthony out of Bonny Lass. dap. gr. by Imp'd Clockfast, dam Haines' Old Poll by Fear- nought Moore's Partner, &c. Dinwiddie Cy. Va. 1 796. Drury Jones. PRIMROSE, (Dr. Stockett's) by Grey Medley, dam by Apollo, g. dam by Imp'd Granby Hamilton's Figure, &c. by Dove, dam Stella by Othello, Imp'd Selima. Dr. Hamilton. -(RIDGLEY'S) by Apollo, dam by Imp'd Granby Hamilton's Fi- gure, &c. PRIMERO, by Mason's Rattler, dam Kitty Russell. Thomas Carter. PRINCE FREDERICK, [Tmp'd] a bay fifteen and a half hands high, was got by Fortunio by Flororet, riam by Lexicon, g. dam by Sportsman, g. g. dam Golden Locks by Oronooko Valiant, &c. Boston, 1798. Edw. Davis. EPM'ARP, ch. by Muckle John out of a Whip mare, &c. Georgia, 1828. C. A. Rudd. RLPLRT, by Tom Tough, dam by Imp'd Sir Harry. King Wm. Thos. Carter. PRINCESS, by Sir Archy, dam a full blooded mare, bred by Lemuel Long of North Carolina, &c. Amiss. PRIZE FIGHTER, by ImpJd Expedition, dam Zelippa by Imp'd Messen- ger, &c. PROMISE, [Imp'd] ch. m. by Buzzard out of a Precipitate mare, the dam of Wizard, her dam out of Lady Harriet by Mark Anthony, &c. Win. Haxall. by Grey Medley, dam by Apollo, g. dam by Imp'd Granby, &c. Gen Ridgley. PROSERPINE, by Dare Devil, dam a Clodius mare, g. dam by Bolton, g. g. dam Sally Wright by Yorick, &c. 1797. J. Hoomes. b m. by (Tenn.) Oscar, dam by Pacolet, second Diomede by Imp'd Diomede Wildair, &c. Tennessee, 1823. J. C. Guild. PSYCHE, [Imp'd] gr. m- by Sir Peter Teazle, dam Bab by Bordeaux out of Speranza, own sister to Saltram by Eclipse Snap, &c. Imp'd by Gen. McPherson. South Carolina. Foaled, 1802. PUNCH, [Imp'd] got by King Herod, dam by Old Marske Cullen Ara- bianBlack Eyes by Regulus Crab Warlock Galloway, &c. 1799. Wm. Powers. PUNCH1NELLA, [Imp'd] by Punch, dam Craig's Highflyer by Highflyer of Tattersalls, g. dam by Galloway's Selim, &c. Washington City, 1808. Wm. Thornton. PURITY, gr. m. by Sir Archy, dam by Bedford, g. dam (dam of Trifle) bj Bellair Shark Wildair, &,c. Foaled, 1827. Chas. Botts & T. Lawsoa. PURE GOLD, by Stirling, dam by Escape, g. dam by Lord Louvaine's Percy Arabian King Herod, &c. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 379 PULASKI, ch. h. by Virginian, dam Constitution (by Diomede,) g. dam the dam of Lady Lagrange by irnp'd Dragon, Bet Bounce, &,c. Thomas S. Goodrum. QUAKER LASS, by Jumper, aam imp'd Molly Pacolet by Kouli Kahn, darn by Valiant, g. dam imp'd by Wiuiam Byrd, and foaled 1769. Theoderick Bland. QUEEN ISABELLLA, brT m. by First Consul, clam Nancy Dawson by Old Messenger. MAB, [Imp'd] by Musgrove's Grey Arabian, dam Harrison's Arabian, g. clam by his Chestnut Arabian, Leeds, &c. Imported by Gov. Ogle. OF MAY, by imp'd Shark, dam by imp'd Janus, &c. 1789. Thomas. QUICKSILVER, (formerly SNAP,) s. h. by imp'd Medley, dam by Wildair, g. dam by Spark out of Col. Overton's Jolly Roger, and Valiant mare sold to H. Heath. 1789. J. Tayloe. by Mercury, dam Brondon by Aristotle. 1783. Benjamin Harrison, QUIETUS, b. c. by Sir Henry, dam Slow and Easy by Duroc, &c. Sherman, -b. c. by Speculator, dam Alexandria. 1808. John Hoornes. QUIDNUNC, b. c. by Arabian Bagdad, dam Rosy Carey, (by Sir Archy,> g. dam Sally Jones by imp'd Wrangler imp'd Traveller, &c. Tennessee, 1826. Rev. H. M. Cryer. K. RABBI, g. c. by Winter's Arabian, dam by one of the best sons of Hamble- tonian, g. dam by Spread Eagle. Alabama. J. & A. Gist. RACHEL FOSTER, gr. m. by Virginian, dam by Palafox Betty Mufti by imp'd Mufti, &c. RAFFLE, ch. m. by Bellair out of a full sister to Narcissa. 1798. Samuel Tyler. RANDOLPH, gr. c. by Rinaldo, dam (Ridgley's) Ophelia by little Medley, &c. RANGER, [Imp'd} a Milk White horse got by Regulus, (son of Godolphin Arabian,) his dam by Mercury, Andrew, her dam by Steady, &c. (Unsuccessful in racing.) Dr. Hamilton. < b. c. by Roanoake, dam Never Tire. John Randolph. (See Arabian Lindsay's.) dk. b. by Bussora, darn Alarm. ch. c. by Heath's Childers, dam Tulip by Lindsay's White Arabian, imp'd Othello, George's Juniper, &c. 1 793. Thos. M. Forman. RANTER, [I/np'd] b. foaled 1755, got by Dimple, (son of the Godolphin Arabian,; dam by Crab out of Bloody Buttocks, &c. Imp'd in 1762, and stood in Stafford County, Va. in 1763. YOCM;, (See Young Ranter.) KASSELAS, by Sir Archy, dam by imp'd Play or Pay, g. dam by Bellair, imp'd Pantaloon, &c. 1823. 33* 380 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. RATTLER, or (RATTLE,) by imp'd Shark, dam Lady Leggs, (the Ham of Collector,) by Centinel imp'd Fearnought and imp'd mare, &c. N. Carolina, (foaled, 1796.) Bignell. eh. h. by Rattler, (by Sir Archy,) dam by Old Prize Fighter, g. dam Luff borough's Spread Eagle mare. Lancaster, Pa. 1829. Edward Parker, -by Sir Archy, dam by imp'd Robin Redbreast, e. dam by imp'd Obscurity, Old Slamerkin, &c. Wynne. ch. by Thornton's Rattler, dam Maid of the Mill. Walter Livingston. by Rattler, (by Shark,) dam Polly McCulloch. Peebles. (See Fairfax.) -ch. c. by Kosciusko, dam by Archer. Kentucky. Edward M. Blackburn. -(Alias Stafford,) ch. h. by Timoleon, dam Constitution (by Diornede,) g. dam imp'd Saltram, Old Wildair, Fearnought, &c. E. Mason. MARE, c. m. by Rattler, dam Jenny Windflower. C. Irvine. RATRAY, by imp'd Clifden, dam by Fitzpartner out of Ariminna by Brimmer. RAPLEY, gr. c. by Bassino, dam Clio by imp'd Whip. Gen. Taylor, (Georgia.) RAPID, by Columbus, dam by Sir Archy. RAPPAHANNOCK, by Richmond, dam by Sir Alfred, g. dam by Sey mour's Spread Eagle, Pantaloon, &c. Pennsylvania, 1830. RAVENS WOOD, dk. b. h. by Sir Harry, dam Dutchess by Grouse. 1815. J. Randolph. REALITY, by Sir Archy, dam by Medley, g. dam by Centinel, Mark An- thony, Janus, &-C. REAPHOOK, by Old Sir Archy, dam Irby's Dare Devil mare. E. Irby. RECRUIT, ch. by imp'd Stirling, dam Citizen by Wildair, gr. dam Miner. va by Obscurity, g. g. dam Diana by Claudius, &c. Hickory Hill, 1807. Samuel Marshall. RED MURDOCK, (See Murdock.) RED ROVER, ch. h. (See Marcellus.) ch. h. by Carolinian, dam Sycorax. Richard S. Nicholson. RED FOX, by Virginian, dam by imp'd Knowsley. REFORM, br. h. by Marylander, (by Thornton's Rattler,) dam by Rich- mond Ogle's Oscar Grey Diomede Hall's Union Leonidas, &c. Prince George Cy. Maryland. Geo. Simms. b. i. by Tariff, dam the dam of Chieftain. REGULUS, (L. Burwell's) [Imp'd\ got by Regulus, (a son of theGodolphin Arabian,) he was half brother to Bald Partner by Smiling TOMI out of a Partner mare, her dam by Cupid Hautboy Bustler, &c. Foaled, 1747. -by Silver Eye, grand sire Valiant, g. g. sire Jolly Roger, &c York Cy. Va. 1770. James Shields. (FITZHUOH'S,) b. h. by imp'd Fearnought, dam imp'd Jenny Dismal. Chatam near Fredg. 1774 REINDEER, b. c. by Arab, dam by Marske, &e. 1827. J. J. Hauison. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 381 REMUS, [Imp'd} by Dove Spanker Flying Childers out of Betsy Leeds (sister to Leeds,) by the Leeds Arabian, &c. N. Carolina, 1777. John Baird. RENOVATOR, g. c. by Chichester's Brilliant, dam Indiana by Florizelle. 1831. H. A. Tayloe. REPUBLICAN, by True Whig, dam Young Selima sister to the noted Chatam, &c. William Brent. bl. by imp'd Shark, dam by Fitzhughs' True Whig Worm ley's King Herod imp'd Silver Eye, &,c. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, by imp'd Highflyer, dam by imp'd Venitian Don Carlos imp'd Ranger imp'd Dove, &c. 1805. Isaac Duckett. RESTLESS, [Imp^d] adk. brown sixteen hands high, got by Phenomenon, his dam Dutchess, she by Lesang, her dam Caliope by Slouch Oro nooko, &c. Foaled, 1788. Wm. Lightfoot. by Virginian, dam Roxana, (formerly Betsy Haxall.) Wm. R. Johnson. REVENGE, ch. c. by Florizelle, dam Britannia. 1812. J. Tayloe. or YOUNG JANUS, by Sir Archy, dam Frenzy by Gracchus. J. Randolph. RHODIAN, gr. m. by Ragland's Diomede, Quicksilver, imp'd Pantaloon, imp'd Fearnought, &c. Halifax Cy. 1816. Robert Easley. RHEA, by Chatam, dam by Eclipse, (who was the sire of Brimmer, &c.) g. dam by irnp'd Shark, g. g. dam by imp'd Silver Eye. RICHMOND, ch. c. by Ball's Florizelle, dam Chestnut mare by Diomede, &c. Sold Dr. Thornton. 1812. J. Wickham. RIEGO, bl. h. by Francisco, dam by imp'd Sir Peter Teazle, g. dam imp'd Castianira. Hector Davis. RIOT, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam by Burdett. Richard Long. RINALDO, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Miss Ryland by Gracchus. J. Randolph. RINALDINI, ch. c. by Baronet, dam Temptation by Heath's Childers, &o. 1804. Thos. M. Forman. RIPLEY, ch. by Sir Charles, dam Betsy Robinson by Thaddeus. ROAN COLT, [Imp'd] got by Sir Peter Teazle, dam by Mercury, g. dam Cytherea by Herod, g. g. dam by Blank, &c. Foaled, 1802. Imp'd by John McPherson. ROANOAKE, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Lady Bunbury by Trumpeter, &c. 1817. J. Randolph. S. c. by Magic, dam Johnson's Old Medley mare. OHN, b. h. by Ravenswood, dam Flora by Am. Eagle. Essex, Va. Jefferson Minor. ROANOAKA, ch. f. by Ball's Florizelle, dam Cornelia by Chanticleer- Vanity by Celer, &c. 1815. J. Randolph. ROEBUCK, by Sweeper, (son of Beaver's great Driver,) dam by imp'd Ba xjazett. hh. by Fitzhughs' Othello, dam by imp'd Othello. 1783. Wm. M. Wilkins. 382 AMERICAN STUD BOOK, ROEBUCK, by Roebuck, (who was got by Powell's Selim, a son of Old Selim,) dam of Young Roebuck by imp'd Druid, Shark, Figure, Mark .Anthony, &c. Bremo. Foaled, 1810. John H. Cocke, Sen. ROBERT BURNS, or Sir Archy, (See Sir Archy.) br. by Stockholder, dam by Sir Archy, (Robert Burns,) g. dam by imp'd Bedford, Hart's imp'd Medley. ROB ROY, ch. h. by Gracchus, dam imp'd Lady Bunbury. J. Randolph. by Sir Archy, dam imp'd Psyche. Col. Singleton. ; gr. h. by Winter's Arabian, dam by Young Baronet, g. dam by imp'd Damon, &,c. ROBIN ADA1R, by Sir Archy, dam Lady Burton by Sir Archy. Dr. Win. Terrell, (Geo.) ROBIN REDBREAST, [Imp'd] b. h. by Sir Peter Teazle, his dam Wren by Woodpecker out of Papillon by Snap, (the dam of Sir Peter Tea- zle,) Woodpecker by Herod, Sir Peter by Highflyer, Herod, &c. Foaled, 1796. Virginia, 1800. ROBIN GRAY, by imp'd Royalist, dam by Grey Diomede, g. dam by imp'd St. George, Cassius, &c. ROBIN HOOD, b. c. by Tippoo Sultan, dam Rosalia by imp'd Express, &c. ROCHESTER, b. c. by Alderman, dam Thresher. ROCKINGHAM, b. h. by Old Partner, dam imp'd Blossom. 1775. Gen. Nelson. by Sir Archy, dam by Rattler, g. dam by Medley, (lost Ins eyes at 2 years old.) J. D. Amis. RODERICK, by Dare Devil, dam by Bellair, g. dam by Wildair. 1808. John Thornton. by Winter Arabian, dam by Lorenzo, g. dam by Blaze, &c. Lexington, Kentuck}-. RODERICK DHU, b. h. by Sir Charles, dam by Bedford, g. dam by Bel- lair, Shark, Wildair, &,c. T. Cary. RODERICO, ro. h. by imp'd Monkey, imp'd Silver Eye, imp'd mare, &c. RODOLPHO, bl. h. by imp'd Hob or Nob, darn an imp'd mare, foaled 1768. N. Carolina. John McDermut. ROGER OF THE VALE, (See imp'd Jolly Roger.) ROMAN, [/wijuV] b. h. got by Camillus, darn by Eagle, g. dam by Trumpe- ter, g. g. dam by Highflyer, g. g. g. dam by Snap out of Miss Cleve- land by Regulus, &c. Imported into N. York, 1823. S. Williams. . gr. h. by Roman, darn Ariel's dam Empress. b. h. by Roman, dam Pinkney's mare. Sherman. ROMP, bi . f. by Leander, dam Rosalia by Express. T. M. Forman. by imp'd Messenger and full sister to Miller's Damsel. Livingston. ROMULUS, s. h. by Mark Anthony, dam Pompadour by Valiant Jsnny Cameron, &c. Charles City Cy. Va. 1775. Peter Dunn. by Sweeper, dam by imp'd Ranger, g. dam by Ariel, Othello &c. 1789. Wm. Stewart. ' ROQUA, by Trafalgar, dam Fancy by Jubilee. Hanover, Va. N. Berkley. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 383 ROSALBA, b. f. by Spread Eagle, dam Alexandria. 1801. J- Hoomes. -by Trafalgar, dam Rosalba by Spread Eagle. ROSALIA, b. f. by imp'd Express, dam Betsy Bell by Old Cub. Thos. M. Forman. ROSALIE, gr. f. by Knowsley, dam Calypso. ROSABELLA, ch. m. by Topgallant, dam by imp'd Play or Pay, g. dam by Old Bellair imp'd Pantaloon Janus, &c. Southampton Cy. Va. 1819. James Rochelle. ROSALINDA, gr. m. by Tayloe's Oscar, dam by imp'd Expedition imp'd Grey Highlander imp'd Traveller, &c. Ps 7 ew Jersey. Jacob Vandyke. ROSAMUNDA, b. f. by Bedford, dam Gasteria. 1804. J- Hoomes. ROSEMARY, by imp'd Diomede, dam Celia by Old Wildair, g. dam Lady Bolingbroke, &c. ROSETTA, by imp'd Centinel, dam Diana by Claudius. by imp'd Dion, dam by imp'd Druid Old Shark imp'd Med- ley imp'd Fearnought, &c. :h. f. by Sir Archy, dam Bet Bounce by Sir Harry, h. in. by Wilkes' Wonder, dam Rosy Clack by Saltram, &c. Tennessee. Lewis J. Polk. by Columbus, dam Lady Northumberland. L. Butler. by Sir Harry, dam Spot by Bedford, &c. Wm. Dandridge. ROSICRUC10N, b. c. by Dragon, dam imp'd Anvelina. 1803. J- B. Richardson. ROSY CLACK, by imp'd Saltram, dam Camilla by Wildair. ROSY CAREY, by Sir Archy, dam Sally Jones by imp'd Wrangler. ROSELLA, b. m. by Obscurity, dam Maggy Lauder. 1817. Thos. M. Forman. ROWENA, br. m. full sister to Lafayette by Virginian. ch. m. by Sumpter, dam Lady Grey by Robin Gray, &c. ROXALANA, gr. f. by Selim, (the Arabian,) dam Britannia by Pegasus. &c. 1806. J. Tayloe. ROXANA, by Sir Solomon, dam Aurora. by Hephestion, dam by imp'd Archer Dare Devil, &c. by Sir Harry, dam by Saltram, . dam by Wildair Fearnought Driver, &c. blood b. by Gohanna, dam Kitty Clover. or BETSY HAXEN, by Sir Harry, dam the dam of Timoleon by Sir Archy, (fee. ROYAL CHARLIE, dk. ch. by Arastus, dam Aurelia by Hephestion. ROYALIST, [Imp'd] b. h. by Saltram, dam by King Herod, g. dam by Marske Blank Dizzley Driver Smiling Tom, &c. Foaled, 1790. Died in Tennessee, aged 24. ROYAL OAK, bl. h. by imp'd Othello, (or Black and All Black.) His dam was Dr. Maglather's Lovelace by Flying Childers, near the city of Anopolis, his gr. dam an imp'd mare by Bosphorus, &c. Salem Cy. New Jersey, 1777. Wm. Riddle. RUSTY ROBIN, c. by Diomede, dam by Shark, g. dam Black Eyed Susan, &c. Thos. Good* RULER MARE, [Imp'd] by Ruler, dam by Turk, (he by Regulus,) g. dam by Snake, &c. 384 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. VLAND, b. c. by Roanoake, dam Miss Ryland. 1324. J. Randolph S. SALLY BARONET, by Dungannon, dam bv Michau's Celer, g. darn by Celer Old Fearnought, &c. BROWN, gr. by Buck Rabbit, dam by imp'd Knowsley, g. dam by Bellair, &c. VVm. D. Taylor. BAXTER, b. f. by Ogle's Oscar, dam Dianora by imp'd Expedition. Thos. M. Forman. CURRIE, ch. m. by Matchless Diomede, (he by imp'd Diomede,) dam by Celer, g. dam by imp'd Shark, &c. DUFFEE, gr. m. by Diomede, dam Forlorn Hope, &c. H. Macklin. HOPE, ch. f. by Sir Archy, dam a bay mare imp'd by Dunlop of Pe- tersburg, was by Chance, and was own sister to Grimalkin, tV.at was sold to the Emperor of Austria for $7933, her gr. dam by Phe- nomenon, ttc. HORNET, b. f. by Sir Charles, dam by Hornet. Hector Davis. HARVIE, by Virginian, dam an Archy^iare. HILL, dk. ch. m. by Trafalgar, dam JVlusidora by imp'd Archduke, g. dam Proserpine by imp'd Dare Devil, &c. 1818. C. B. Berkley. MAGIC. (See Pandora.) MATJF.E, b. m. by Carolinian, dam by Jack Andrews imp'd Drive '.Jiflver, &ic. Vf. D. Taylo- MORHIS, b. by Superior, dam by Tom Tough Bedford, &c jYltLviLLE, b. f. by Virginian, dam Bet Bounce. NAILOR, b}' imp'd Wonder, dam Primrose by Dove. I\AILOR, oy Spread Eagle, dam PAINTER, gr. m. by Evans' Stirling, dam Old Silver by Bellsize Ara bian. SMITH, by Virginian, dam a Gallatin mare. SLOLXH, bl. m. full sister AO W. R. Johnson's Star. SHARK, by imp'd Shark, dam Betsy Pringle by Old Fearnought, &c. TAYLOR, ch. m. full sister of Betsy Robins. S. Carolina. B. F. Taylor. TRENT, ch. m. sister to Gohanna. W. R. Johnson. WILSON, br. in. by Blackburn's Whip, dam by Hamiltonian by imp'd Diomede. WKIGHT, by Yorick out of a full bred mare. J. Tayloe. W T ALKER, by Timoleon, dam by Dragon out of Honeycomb by Jack Andrews Pill Box by Pantaloon, &c. F. P. Corbin. by Muckle John, (by Muckle John,) dam Black Eyed Susan by Po- tomac. Georgia. J. Heister. SALTRAM, [Imp'd] dk. b. h. fifteen hands three inches high, (was near MS old when imp'd,) was got by Eclipse, his darn Virago by Snap, g. dam by Regulus out of own sister to Black and All Black, sire of Tuting's Polly, &c. Foaled, 1730. Win. Li-jhtfoot AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 385 SALTRAM, by Stirling, dam Marcia by Shark. 1800. ' Alex. Spotswood. SALADIN, b. c. by Crusader, dam Onea by Dockon. 1830. James Ferguson. SALVADOR, by Singleton's Ganymede, dam Clio by inip'd Whip, g. dam Sultana by Spread Eagle, &c. SAMBO, ch. c. by Sir Archy, dam by imp'd Buzzard, g. dam imp'd Sym- nietry-by Trumpeter. SAM PATCH, T5y Rob Roy, dam by Telegraph, g. dam by Oscar, g.gr. dam Ridgley's Primrose. 1826. SAMSON, bl. h. by Traveller out of a fine English hunting mare. 1767. John Wormley. SANS CULOTTE, ch. s. by Old Celer, dam Logania by imp'd Medley, &c. Charlotte Cy. Va. 1802. Stephen Davis. SAPPHO, by Buckskin, dam Dutchess by Hero Brutus Tarquin Old Prince, &,c. 1791. gr. f. by Tartar, dam Sultana by Spread Eagle. SARAH JANE, ch. m. by Virginian, dam Lady Jane by Potomac. SASSAFRAS, b. c. by Ware's Godolphin, dam Rosalia by Express. SATELLITE, by Citizen, dam an imp'd mare by Waxy, imp'd by Col Bland of Prince George Cy. SAUCY PAT, f. by Cormorant, dam Minerva. Eagle's Nest, 1803. . B. Grymes. SAXE W1EMAR, full brother to Crusader and Kosciusko. SCARIOUS, by Roanoake, dam Miss Peyton. 1829. ' J. Randolph. SCREAMER, ch. f. by Henry, dam Lady Lightfoot. SEAGULL, [/mp'tT] by \Voodpecker, dam Middlesex by Snap Miss Cleveland by Regulus out of Midge, &c. Foaled, 1786. Bush. by Sir Archy, dam Nancy Air by Bedford. Kentucky- SECOND DIOMEDE. (See Diomede Second.) SELAH, dap. gr. by Bussora Arabian, dam by imp'd Messenger out of a full bred mare. C. W. Van Ranst. SELIMA, by Topgallant, dam Jack Bull by Gabriel. T. Murphy. s. m. by Spread Eagle, dam Virago by Shark. J. Tayloe. bl. m. by Old Fearnought, dam imp'd Selima. by imp'd Othello, dam imp'd Selima, &G, Tulip Hill. Samuel Galloway. ch. s. m. by Dandridge's Fearnought, dam by Bolton Monkey Dart, &c. Walter Coles. b. m. by Yorick, dam bl. Selima, (by Fearnought.) (TASKKR'S) [frnj^d] was by the Godolphin Arabian, dam by Old Fox Flying Childers, &c. Foaled, 1772. YOUNG. (See Young Selima.) SELTM, [Imp'd] was by Bajazet, clam Miss Thign by Rib Lady Thign by Partner Bloody Buttocks Greyhound Makeless Brimmer, &c. Foaled, 1760. 386 AMERICAN STUD BO&K. SELJM, dk. b. h. by Othello, (or Black and All Black,) dam Selim mare, &c. 1770. Galloway. MARE, jet black, by imp'd Selim imp'd Hob or Nob imp'd Evans* Stirling imp'd Merry Tom imp'd Bucephalus out of a thorough bred mare, &c. North Carolina. Foaled, 1774. Died, 1781. gr. h. (See Arabian Seliin.) SENECA, by Old Rattler, dam Cora by Brown's Godolphin. Georgetown, D. C. G. W. Peter. SENATOR, b. c. by imp'd Paymaster, dam Tulip "by Lindsay's Arabian. SEPTIMA, [Imp'd] by Othello, damJMoll Brazen by Shark, &c. SEPTIMUS, ch. c. by Gohanna, dam Vixen by Trafalgar. SERAB, [Imp'd} by Phantom out of Jesse, by Totteridge, &c. ; her dam Cracker by Highflyer, out of Nutcracker by Matchem Regulus- Crab Childers Basto, &c. Foaled, 1821. S. & I. Coffin. Sold in England for $14,000. SEVERITY, by Napoleon, dam by Old Pacolet. SHARK, \Irnp' d] adk. br. b. by Marshe, his dam by Shafton's Snap, g. dam by Marlborough, (brother to Babraham,) out of a natural Barb mare. Foaled, 1771. Nottingham near Fredg. Va. 17G7. Alex. Spotswood. br. h. by Sir Andrew, dam Kitty by imp'd Whip. C. A. Rudd. MARE, by imp'd Shark, dam 1793. J. Tayloe. bl. c. by American Eclipse, dam Lady Lightfbot. 1830. MARK, ch. by Shark, dam Fetnah by Grey Diomede Old Medley. E. Branch. SHAKSPEARE, dk. br. h. by Baylor's Fearnought, dam Stella by Othel- lo, &c. 1777. Robert Baylor dap. gr. h. by Baylor's Fearnought, dam imp'd, was by Cub, a son of Old Fox, &,c. Northumberland, Va. 1776. P. P. Thornton -b. h. by Virginian, dam by Shenandoah, by Potomac. SHAWNE^E, by Tecumseh, dam by Citizen, full sister of the dam of Ma- rion. SHENANDOAH, by Potomac, dam Hill's bay mare by imp'd Febrifuge- Grey Diomede Wildair, &c. - gr. c. by Pilgrim, dam Swan by imp'd Eagle. 1828. J. Randolph. SHEPHERDESS, bl. m. by Sweeper, (by Hamilton's Figure,) dam by Tasker's Othello Morton's Traveller, &c. 1829. T. J. Hanson. - s. m. by Phenomenon, dam by imp'd Diomede imp'd Shark imp'd Medley, &c. Richard Adams. --- by imp'd Slim, dam Shrewsbury by Old Figure, g. dam by Dove Selima by Othello, &c. New York. SHOCK, [Imp^il] b. h. by Jig, dam by Snake, Grey Wilkes by Hautboy, Miss D'Arcy's Pet mare, daughter of Sedbury Royal mare. Foaled, 1729. SHOWMAN, by imp'd Fearnought, dam imp'd Jenny Disrnal. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 363 MARIUS, by Selim, dam [Imp'd.] MARK TIME, b. by Ar. Bagdad, dam [by Imp'd] Spread Eagle Quick- silver, (by Hart's Medley,) &c. MARK ANTHONY, [Imfd] by Spectator, dam Rachel by Bland Regu- lus Soreheels Makeless Dr. Arcy's royal mare, &c. Foaled, 1767. Stood in Virginia. dk. b. by Old Partner, dam [Imp'd] Septiina by Othello, &c. Caroline Cy. Va. 1771. I,. Hardyinan. -(RANDOLPH'S,) bro. h. by Sir Archy, dam Roanoake. 1826. J. Randolph. MARLBOROUGH, by Thornton's Rattler, dam Young Red Eye, g. dam [by Imp'd] Bedford imp'd Gasteria, &c. MARMALUKE, b. f. [by Imp'd] Venetian, dam Magg Lauder. Rose Hill, Maryland. f hos. A. Foreman. MARSKE, (or Mask, ) by Shark, darn [Imp'd\ Virago. Orange Cy. Va. 1799. Robert Young. by'Diomede, dam by Medley. Charlotte Cy. Va. 1808. Charles Wyllie. by Marske, (by Diomede,) Hart's Old Medley thorough bred mare, &c. Russells. MARSHAL NEY, dap. gr. by Pacolet, dam Virginia by Dare Devil. MARMlON, by Virginian, dam by Sir Archy Cotton's Phenomenon, (he iby Imp'd] Restless) Whirligig by imp'd Whirligig, &c. 825. MARYLAND ECLIPSE, (See Eclipse Maryland.) MARYLANDER, by (Wynnes') Rattler, dam sister to Sir Archy, on the dam's side by Tayloe's Topgallant, &c. G. S. MARSHAL, by Spread Eagle, dam Virginia Nell. DLTROC, by Old Duroc, dam Maid of the Oaks. 1812. Bela Badger. , by Am. Eclipse, dam Diana by First Consul. Elkton, Maryland, 1828. Samuel Hollingsworth. MARS, r. h. by Mountaineer, dam Camilla by Peace Maker, &,c. Albemarle, 1829. Walter Coles. MARTHA JEFFERSON, b. f. by Sir Archy, dam [by Imp'd] Buzzard, imp'd Symmetry, &c. MATILDA, g. m. [by Imp'd] Jonah, dam by Grey Diomede, Whistle Jacket, &c. 1810. D. W. Sumner. b. m. by Sir Archy, dam [Imp'd] Dutchess. G. H. Burwell. POI.K, gr. f. by Marion, darn Parallel by Virginian, Pacolet'3 dam [by Imp'd] Medley, &c. 1828. MATCHEM, ch. c. by Janus, dam Amy Robsart. J. Randolph. by Dion, dam [Imp'd] Favourite. John Hoomes. MATCHLESS, [by Imp'd] Slender, dam Fair American by Lloyd's Tra- veller, g. dam Old Slamerkin by Wildair. b. h. by Old Fearnought, dam by Sober John Dabster, &c. Caroline Cy. Va. 1777. Robt. Taliaffera. -DIOMEDE, [by Imp'd] Diomede, dam MATOUCA, b. m. by Combination, dam by Multum in Parvo, g. dam by Green's Potomac, vtc. 32 364 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. MARY DACRE, bl. f. [by Imp'd} Valentine, dam Wright's Selima. 1829. MAY DAY, by Sir Archy, dam Eliza Adams. Messrs. Minge. b. c. by Virginian, dam by Florizelle. J. K. Van meter. MEDLEY, [Imp'd'] gr. h. by Gimcrack, he by Cripple, &c. darn of Medley was Arminda by Snap, &c. Foaled, 1776. Hanover Court House, Va. 1785. Malcomb Hart. gr. c. by Sir Hal, dam Old Reality. 1824. W. R. Johnson. b. c. by Bedford, dam Hebe by Dare Devil. Farish, Coleman &, Hoomes. MARE, bred by J. Hoomes, foaled [by Imp'd} Medley, dam by Bolton Fearnought Tristram Shandy out of a Sober John mare, MARE, ch. by Am. Eclipse, dam Clio by Sir Archy. C. W. Van Ranst. gr.' c. by Polafox, dam Miss Bailey [by Imp'd'] Boaster. Natchez. Chambers. CHANCE, (See Chance Medley.) -FiTz, (See Fitz Medley.) GREY, by Hart's [Imp'd] Medley, dam by Black and All Black Bay Bolton Old Partner Old Fearnought, &c. N. Carolina, 1795-6. B. Williams. (JONES') by Old Medley, dam by Mark Anthony Fearnought Janus Jolly Roger, &c. (THORNTON'S) [by Imp'd] Punch, dam Helen by imp'd Med- ley, &c (THOMPSON'S,) [by Iny'd] Medley, dam by imp'd Aristotle, g. dam b}' Fearnought, &.c. Stood in Scott Cy. Kentucky, 1803. WILD, by Old Medley, dam Wildair, g. dam Shandy, g. g. dam Sportley by Old Janus, &c. YOUNG, (See Young Medley,) (two.) MEDORA, ch. f. by Rattler, dam Sportmistress by Old Hickory, out of Miller's Damsel, &c. Butler Coles. MEAD'S ORACLE, (See Oracle Mead's.) MEG DODDS, br. in. by Sir Archy, dam Black Ghost [by Imp'd] Oscar, &,c. Nansimond, Va. J. G. Green. MEG MERRIL1ES, b. in. by Trafalgar, ([by Imp'd] Mufti,) dam by imp'd Dragon Lamplighter Highflyer Escape, &c. London, Va. Lewis Berkley. MEG OF WAITING, b. f. by Bedford, dam [Imp 1 *] Alexandria. MELE MELE, by Virginian, dam Lady Burton. 1826. MELPOMONE, by Burwell's Traveller, dam Virginia by Old Mark Antho- ny g. dam Polly Byrd, &c. MELUNTHEE, gr. c. by Hephestion, dam Castianira, dam of Sir Archy. MELZAR, b. h. [by Imp'd} Medley, dam Kitty Fisher by Wildair, (went to Kentucky.) MERCURY, by Dr. Thornton's \Trnp' d] Driver, dam by imp'd Eclipse, g. dam by Union, by imp'd Traveller, &c. MERINO EWE bv Jack Andrews, dam Spot by Bedford. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 365 MERLIN, by Old Archy, dam by Old Bedford Dare Devil Old Shark, &c. ' MENDOZA, (BRUISER,) by Boxer, dam Nancy Dawson, dam of Isabella. 1796. ' J. Tavloe. MERRY TOM, [Imp'd] by Regulus, dam by Locust, (a Son of Crab,) g. dam by a son of Flying Childers, his gr. dam by Croft's Partner, &c. Prince George Cy. 1767. John Baird. MERRYFIELD, [Imp'd] by Cockfighter, dam by Popinjay, Bourbon's dam, (fee. MERCURY, b. by Virginian, dam by Citizen, &c. by Janus, dam Celesta. 1777. ' Col. William Byrd. by Spread Eagle, dam Janetta. J. Hoomes. MERRYFELLOW, b. c. by W. R. Johnson's Byron, dam the dam of Ca- milla, &c. Kin.-; & Queen, Va. 1831. H. Campbell. MERRY GOLD, b. f. [by Imp'd] Barefoot, dam Meg Dodds. N. Jersey, 1831. W. Gibbons. MERETRIX, by Magog, dam Narcissa. MESSENGER, {Imp'd] gr. h. by Mambrino, dam by Turf, g. dam by Regu- lus out of a sister of Figurant by Stirling, out of the Fox mare, the dam of Snap, &c. Foaled, 1780. C. W. Van Ranst. DUROC, dk. ch. by Duroc, darn Vincenta [hy Imp'd] Messen- ger hnp'd Slender imp'd Lath, &c. New-Yotk, 1790. E. & A. Stephens. METEOR, b. c. by Comet, dam Nancy Dawson. MEXICAN, [Imp'd} by Snap out of Matchem Middleton, &c. MIDAS, by Am. Eclipse, dam by Sir Robin, (he [by Imp'd] Robin Red breast,) g. dam by Dare Devil, imp'd Shark Apollo, &c. 1 !!-'. Win. Tovvndes. MILLER'S DAMSEL, [by Imp'd] Messenger dam the English PotSos mare by" Eclipse. MAID, full sister to American Eclipse. 1820. C. W. Van Ranst. MILK MAID, by Centinel, dam Gen. Carney. MILK SOP, b. f [by Imp'd] Justice, dam the Brilliant mare by Matchem. b. f. by Coeur de Lion, dam Bolton mare, g. dam Sally Wright by Yorick. 1798. J. Hoomes. MILWOOD, by Topgallant, dam by Kenedy's Pantaloon by Bedford. MINERVA, [by Imp'd] Obscurity, dam Diana by Claudius. Wm. E. B road n ax. eh. m. by Dr. Thornton's Rattler, dam Rosalba by Trafalgar Old Rosalba [by Imp'd] Eagle, &c. Bellair, dam by Symmes' Wildair, g. dam by Vampire out of Braxton's Kitty Fisher. MINK, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Cut Leggs. 1329. J. Randolph. MINIKIN, by President Old Celer Tristram Shandy, &c. MINIMUS, b. c. by Roanoake, dam Young Minikin. J. Randolph. MISCHIEF, b. f. by Virginian, dam by Bedford Bellair Shark, &c. John M. Bolts 366 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. ch. in. by Rattler, dam by Ogle's Oscar Ridgley's Hamlet, &c. Fred. Maryland. J. Powder, Jun. MISS FORTUNE, by Am. Eclipse, dam the dam of Maryland Eclipse, &c. J. Sewall. CHANCE, [by Imp'd] Chance, dam Roxana by Ar. Selim. Messrs. Tayloes. CRAWLER, b. m. [by Imp'd] Crawler, dam byMelzar Grey Alfred imp'd Tom Jones, &c. BELL, [Imp'd] by Othello, dam of Durigolah. S. Carolina, 1783-4. H. Haynes. BAILEY, [by Imp'd] Boaster, dam (mother of Maria Haney,) by Bel- lair Wildair, &c. DANCE, by Roebuck, dam by Independence, [Imp'd] Centinel (or Flimnap,) Old Janus, &c. Stafford, Va. Alexander F. Rose. DOE, hy Old Celer, dam by Diomede out of Bynbam's Filly, (a noted running mare in Va.) EAGLE, b. f. by Spread Eagle, dam [Imp'd] Hackabout. FITZROY, by Roanoake, dam Wakefield. J. Randolph. . FAUNTLEROY, b. m. by Wildair, dam by Yorick Little David Mor- ton's Traveller, &c. FIRE, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Wakefield. J. Randolph. EUSTON, b. f. by Roanoake, dam by Gracchus. John Randolph. FORTUNE, ch. f. [by Imp'd] Star, dam Anvelina. S. Carolina. James B. Richardson. FLORA HAMILTON, b. m. by a son of old Hamiltonian, (by Diomede,) dam by Old Hamiltonian, g. dam [by Imp'd] Spark, &c. GATEWOOD, alight b. m. [by Imp'd] Buzzard, dam by Melzar, Shark, Union, &c. Lexington, Kentucky. E. Warfield. GRAFTON, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Wakefield, &c. J. Randolph. HAGGWJ, br. m. by Blackburn's Whip, dam Blackburn's Buzzard, g. dam by Celer, &,c. . HARRIET, b~f. f. by Sir Hal, dam Miss Waxy, g. dam by Saltram, &c. Petersburg. Wm. Haxall. JEFFERSON, ch. f. by Diomede, dam Johnson's Medley mare, &c. MADISON, ch. m. by Lurcher, ([by Imp'd] Bedford,) dam by Ver- mont, (a son of Deceus, a son of Old Celer,) her dam by Fearnought, Old Shark, &c. Wm. R. Johnson. MUNROE, ch. f. by Precipitate, dam SF.RAB, b. f. [by Imp'd] Serab, dam Agnus, by Sir Solomon, &c. 1830. MAKELESS, b. f. by Spread Eagle, dam Hebe by Dare Devil, &c. v J. Hoomes. MAKSKE, b. f. by Bedford, dam Gasteria. MIDDLETON, b. f. by Cormorant, clam Janette by Mercury, &c. MIDWAY, ch. rn. by Kosciusko, dam Ruth by Big Ben, Psyche, &c. B. F. Taylor. MONEY MAKER, b. f. by Speculator, dam Milksop by Coeur de Lion. J. Hoomes. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 367 MISS PELHAM, b. m. by Virginian, dam Sugar by Constitution, g. dam fby Imp'di Dragon Atalanta, &c. James Bleik. PONE, cli. f. by Dare Devil, dam Milksop by Coeur de Lion, &c. 1306. J- Hoomes. p F .YTON r gr. m. by Gracchus, dam Telegraph by Old Wildair, &c. 1812. RYLAND, g. in. by Gracchus, dam Duetta by Silvertail Vanity by Celer, &c. 1813. J- Randolph. SLAMF.RKIX. (See Maria and Maggy Slamerkin.) TUCKER, b. f. by Arab, dam [by Imp'd] Archduke, g. dam by Preci- pitate, &c. TUDOR, b. m. by Hyperion, dam Logania by Medley, &c. 1808. J. Randolph. WAXY, by Sir Archy, dam [Imp' l d] Mermaid by Waxy out of Pro- mise. W. R. Johnson. WALKER, en. m. by Tartar, (by Diomede,) dam [by Imp\l] Mufti - Flag of Truce Old Fearnought, &c. Kentucky. E. Warfield. MODESTY, by Hall's Union, dam Madge, (by Galloway's Selim,) g. dam an [Imp^d] mare by Spot, &c. Benjamin Lowndes. ch. m. by Ridgley's Tuckahoe, dam Dairy Maid. MOGGY, b. m. by Defiance, dam by Old Messenger. 1820. MOHICAN, b. h. by Young Topgallant, dam by Telegraph, g. dam by Med- ley, &c. Dr. E. L. Botcler. MOLLY ANDREWS, by Jack Andrews, dam by Dare Devil, &c. Randolph Harrison. MOLL BRAZEN, [Imp'd] by Spark, dam by Torismond, g. dam by second brother to Snip, g. g. dam by Mogul, brother to Babraham, &c. by Spread Eagle, dam Nancy Medley. Fredericksburg. James Smock. MOLL or MOLLY, by Grey Figure, darn Old Slamerkin by Wildair. MOL IN THE WAD, [/m/>VJ t>. by Sir Peter Teazle, dam the famous yel- low mare by Tandem. Foaled, 1797. Imp'd 1803. John Tayloe. MOLLY PACOLET, [Imp'tZ] by Pacolet, dam by Old Spark, g. dam Queen Mab, &,c. Garrett Vanderveer. MOLLY FISHER, b. in. by Janus, dam Gemimaby Bedford, g. dam Imp'd Rachel by Drone. 1814. Gen. W. Hampton. MOLO, c. c. by Timoleon, dam by Tom Paine. O. Shelby. MOLTON MARE, light b. by Molton Fleetwood [Tmp'd] Bashaw Imp'd Jolly Roger Starling, &c. out of a thorough bred English mare. MONROE, [by fmp'd] Wonder, darn the dam of Madison. MONSJEURtPNSON, (or Sir John,) by Pacolet, (by Citizen,) dam bj Topgallant, g. darn by Grey Medley Imp'd Oscar Imp'd Fear nought, &c. Thos. Watson. MONOMIA, gr. m. by Bellair, dam Sweetest by Highflyer Virago, c 32 # J Tayloe. 368 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. MONKEY, [lmp'd]by the Lonsdale Arabian Curwen's Bay Barb Byer ly Turk. (This horse was 22 years old when imported, and stood in Virginia and North Carolina, and got some fine colts.) MONARCH, by Mark Anthony, and the pedigree of his dam side unex* ceptionable. New Kent, Va. 1775. Geo. B. Poindexter. MOORE'S PARTNER. (See Partner Moore's.) MERDANTO, b. [by Imp'd] Pantaloon, dam by Morton's Traveller Bol- ton Monkey Jolly Roger, &c. MOREAU, by Bedford out of Miranda. Gen. Ridgley. YOUNG. (See Young Moreau.) MOUNT AIRY, by Byron, dam Roxalana. B. S. Forest. MORTON'S TRAVELLER. (See Traveller Morton's.) MORG1ANA, bl. f. by Sir Archy, dam by Sir Hal. J. S. Garrison. b. in. by Kosciusko, dam Wm. Wynne. MORGAN RATTLER, b. h. by Rattler, dam Iris. 1823. J. Lewis. MORNING BRIDE, by Spread Eagle, dam Samuel Love's roan mare. Edw. Carter. MOUNTAIN LEADER, ch. s. h. by Old Wildair, dam a Mousetrap mare. Chesterfield, 1803. Caleb Boush. MOUNTAINEER, by Spread Eagle, dam Spot by Bedford, &c. Wm. Dandridge. ch. s. h. by Old Peacemaker, dam Jane by Knowsley. 1822. Walter Coles. ch. h. by Contention, dam Iris. J. Lewis. MORVENNA, b. f. [by Imp'd] Syphax, dam Brenda. J. J. Ambler. MOSCOW, c. c. by American Eclipse, dam Die Vernon by Old Florizelle, &c. Yonkers, N. Y. 1826. W. Lyles. MOSES, [by Imp'd] Sir Harry, dam by Waxey, g. dam by Imp'd Buzzard, &c. W. Haxhall. MARE, br. by Moses, dam Lady Harrison [by Imp'd] Spread Eagle Herod, &c. MOUSETRAP, or Jack Rap, [Imp'd] ch. h. by Young Marske out of Gen- tle Kitty by Silvio, Dorimond Portia by Regulus Hutton's Spot Fox Cub, &c. Foaled, 1787. North Carolina, 1793. ch. h. [by Imp'd] Mousetrap, darn by Imp'd Fearnought Partner Imp'd Janus, &c. MULATTO MARY, by Sir Archy, MURAT, ch. c. by Old Madison, dam Maria Archy. 1826. MULTI FLORA, b. f. by Old Sir Archy, dam Weazle by Shylock. E. Irby. ch. m. by Kosciusko, dam by Rosicrucian. J. Atchison. MUCKLE JOHN, by Sir Archy, dam the dam of Sir William by Bellair, &G, Reed. AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 369 MUCKLE JOHN, by Muckle John, dam Black Eyed Susan by Potomac, &c. MUFTI, [fmp'd] was by Fitzherod, (he by King Herod,) Mufti's dam by Infant, son of the Godolphin Arabian, g. dam by Whiltington out of a full sister of Black and All Black, fifteen hands one inch high. Foaled, 1775. John Tayloe. MUSIDORA, by Archduke, dam by Dare Devil. J. Tayloe. MURDOCH, by Sir Charles, dam gr. m. by Bedford, her dam by Old Wil- dair. Chesterfield, Va. 1830. Charles Graves. MUZZLE DIOMEDE, [by Imp'd] Diomede, dam by Hymen, by Clotus, by Fearnought, &c. MYRTILLA, br. f. by Marylander, dam Desdemona by Miner's Escape. Foaled, 1828. Dr. Crawford. nr. NAMELESS, [Imp'd] b. m. by Felho da Puta, by Haphazard, out of Miss Barnet, her dam Rosetta by Young Woodpecker Dungannon Justice, &c. Foaled, 1825. Imp'dl829. N. Y. Chas. Green. NANCY, b. f. by Spread Eagle, dam b. m. by Ball's Fkuizelle, dam the Bedford mare Spot. 1814. Walter Coles. ABNER, by Sir Archy, dam AIR, [by Imp'd] Bedford, dam Annette by Old Shark, g. dam by Rockingham Gallant, &c. Foaled, 1799. Died 1822. James B. Richardson. AIR, b. m. by Virginius, dam Old Nancy Air. J. B. Richaru'son. BELL, by Fearnought, dam by Imp'd Miss Bell, &c. BY WELL, [Imp'd] b. m. got by Matchem, dam by Goliah Red Rose Curwen Old Spot, &c. COLEMAN, by Young Fearnought, dam Latonia by Old Partner, gr. dam by Imp'd Jolly Roger, &c. 1806. J. Verrell. CREIGHTON, by Francisco, dam Molly Andrews by Jack Andrews. Messrs. Minges. DAWSON, by Lloyd's Traveller, dam Phillis (by Fearnought,) g. dam a celebrated mare of Col. Baylor's by Imp'd Sober John. Foaled, 1783. Wm. Scott. DAWSON, b. by Eagle, dam by Bellair. -MARTIN, ch. m. by Bolingbroke, dam by Bedford Selim Tyler's Independence, &c. MEDLEY, by Old Medley, dam Mead's Oracle. WHIRLIGIG, [by Imp'd] Figure, dam by Mark Anthony Jolly Ro- ?r Imp'd Mary Grey, &c. O, c. f. by Pantaloon, dam Young Selima by Yorick. 1788. J. Tayloe. NAOMI, ch. f. by Pulaski, dam by Young Wonder Srnilax Grey Dio- mede< Atalanta by Imp'd Medley. NAPOLEON, br. b. by Imp'd Diomede, dam by Eclipse, g. dam by Mercu- ry, &c. 1808. H. Cheshire. by Gouty, dam by Sir Harry, g. dam by Diomede Flag e Truce, &c. 370 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. NAPOLEON, ch. h. by Napoleon, (by Diomede,) dam by Florizelle. by ImpV Wonder, dam by Diomede Hart's Medley out of a favourite man. of Col. Selden's, &c. S. M. Spangler. by Sir Archy, dam by Sir Harry, g. dam by Dare Devil. by Imp'd Punch, dam Luffborough's Selirua, the third by by J Hall's Eclipse, ( Killed 1 805. ) N. Luif borough, -by Oscar, dam Letitia by Truxton. Tennessee. A. B. Shelby. NARCISSA, by Imp'd Shark, dam Rosetta by Wilkins' Centinel Diana by Claudius, &c. J. J. Harrison. by Wildair, dam Melpomone, g. ^am Virginia by Mark An- thonyFolly Byrd, &c. J. Hoomes. NELLY SPARKS, br. m. by Bertrand, dam by Whip, (by Imp'd Whip) Bompard, &c. Kentucky, 1828. Edw. M. Blackburn. NELL GWYNN, ch. f. by Thornton's Rattler, dam Vixen by Trafalgar. SAUNDERS, ch. m. by Wonder, dam by Imp'd Dare Devil imp J Centinel, &c. NETTLE, ch. m. by Wildair, dam Desdemona. Dr. E. A. Darcy. full sister to Virago by Wildair, by Ajax. A. F. Rose. NETTLETOP, by Imp'd Spread Eagle, dam by Shark Old Janus, &c. out of a thorough bred mare. ch. m. by Trafalgar, (by Imp'd Mufti,) dam Netlletop by Spread Eagle &c. L. Berkley. by Bellair, dam by Mark Anthony Fearnought. Foaled, 1794. Reeves. < by Diomede, dam Betsy Lewis, &c. Wm. Herndan. NERISSA, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Jessica by Shylock. 1825. J. Randolph. NEVERT1RE, b. f. by Roanoake, dam Endless. J. Randolph. NET, b. h. by Mountaineer, dam Lady Eagle. 1827. Walter Coles. NIGHTINGALE, by Chanticleer, dam Winguryfeet, (by Jolly Roger,) g. dam Melpomone by Burwell's Traveller. NILI, bl. m. by Black and All Black, dam by Careless Augustus Pil- grim Fearnought, &c. Tennessee. H. Baldwin, jun. NIMROD, ch. c. by Baylor's Fearnought out of a Partner mare Imp'd Janus Imp'd Jolly Roger. Williamsburg, Va. 1775. Richard Taliaferro. NOLI ME TANGERE, by Richmond, dam Noli Me Tangere by Topgallant. 1800. Dr. Thornton. . by Topgallant, dam Castianira. J. Tayloe. NONPAREIL, dk. b. by Old Fearnought, dam by Janus, &c. York Town, 1773. Thomas Lilly. NORNA, b. f. by. Director, dam by Sir Harry Bedford Dare Devil Wildair, &c AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 371 NORTH CAROLINIAN, by Virginian, dam by imp'd Dion, g. dam Betsj Baker by imp'd Clown, Golden Figure, &c. NORTHAMPTON, b. c. by Ogle's Oscar, dam Jane Lowndes. Gov. Sprigg. NORTHERN ECLIPSE, (See Eclipse Northern.) NORTH EAST, b. c. by imp'd Highlander, dam Tulip by Ranger or Lind say's Arabian. 1797. Thomas M. Foreman. NORTH STAR, [Imp^d] b. by Matchem, dam Lass of the Mill by Oranoo- ko, g. dam by Traveller Miss Makeless by Young Greyhound. Foaled, 1768. Thomas Peter. NORVAL, dap. gr. by imp'd Spark, dam by Shakspeare, g. dam imp'd Lady Northumberland. John Rose. NORTHUMBERLAND, by Bellair, dam by Wildair Shakspeare, &c. J. Tayloe NULLIFIER, b. c. by Am. Eclipse, dam Roxana by Sir Harry, &c. Messrs. Corbins. o. OATHMAN, b. c. by Selim, dam B, Ruler mare, (by Ruler in England,) Turk, &c. OAKLEY, ch. c. by Crusader, dam Josephine by Bedford. S. Carolina, 1829. J. J. Moore OBSCURITY, [Imp'd] dk. ch. got by O'Kelly's Eclipse, dam by Carele, ), f. dam by Cullen Arabian, g. g. dam by North Country Diomede, &.j 'oaled, 1778. John Forman. OCEAN A, b. f. by Bagdad, dam Florida by Conqueror Rosemary, (South all's mare,) by Diomede Celia by Wildair. 1827. J. Southall. OCTAV.IA, b. f. by Rockingham, dam Frederica by Escape. Charles Tayloe OCEAN, ch. o. by Timoleon, dam Anna by Truxton. Tennessee, 1828. OHIO, ch. h. by Bacchus, dam Crazy Jane, &c. Cones. O'KELLY, [Imp^d] b. by Anvil, dam by Eclipse, g. dam by Blank, g. g. dam by Snip Godolphin Arabian, &e. 1798. Thomas Reeves. -by Virginian, dam by Bay Yankee, g. dam by sorrel Diomede Jet by Hay lies' Flimnap, &c. OLYMPIA, bl. f. by Roanoake, dam Jet by Bluster. J. Randolph. OLIVIA, b. f. by Am. Eclipse, dam Brunette, (by Telegraph) out of Aibira full sister to Defiance. OROONOKO, b. c. by Hyperion, dam Minikin, &c. 1B10. John Randolph. ORACLE, (MEAD'S,) [by Imp'd} Obscurity, dam by Citizen imp'd Old Partner Janus Valiant, &c. ORANGE, b. m. by Cooper's Messenger, dam by Slasher, (he by Messen- ger,) g. dam bred by Gen. Green of Philadelphia out of a Va. brea mare, &c. ORELIA, b. h. by Pacolet, clam by Truxon, g. dam Dr. Butler's Rosella by imp'd Mendoza, &.c. ORPHAN BOY, b. h. by Am. Eclipse, dam Maid of the Oaks, &c. L'athgate & Purdy 372 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. ORPHAN, b. c. by Cormorant, dam Darlington mare by Darlington. by Ball's Florizelle, dam bv imp'd Diomede. ONEA, br. f. by Pacotaligo, dam Virginia (^Coquette.) 1821. ONORER, b. m. by Sir Archy, dam Black Ghost. C. Ridgley. OPHELIA, by Grey Diomede, dam Primrose by Apollo. gr. in. by Gen. Ridgley's Little Medley, dam Ophelia by Grey Diomede, &,c. Gen. Ridgley. OPOSSUM, g. m. by Shark, damby Old Twig-g.damby[/mp'c/J Fearnought Jolly Roger, &c. Mark Alexander. OPERNICO, b. b. [by Imp'd] Medley, dam by Lindsay's Arabian, g. dam by imp'd Oscar, &c. New Castle, Va. 1797. Nicholas Symme OSCAR, [Imp'd] a deep sorrel by Young Snip, dam by Lord Morton's Aia- bian, g. dam by Old Crab, g. g. dam by the Bald Galloway, &c. Cumberland Cy. Va. 1777. William Gay. (OGLE'S,) b. h. [by Imp'd] Gabriel, dam Vixen by Old Med- ley, g. dam Penelope by Yorick, &c. Bellair, Maryland, 1800. [Imp\l] br. h. by Saltram, dam by Highflyer Herod Miss Midrlleton by Regulus Camilla by a son of Bay 13olton Bartlett's Childers, &c. Foaled, 1795. William Lightfoot. JI-N. by Ogle's Oscar, dam Edelin's Floretta by imp'd Spread Eagle, &c. Carlisle, Pa. 1822. -dk. b. h. by Wonder, (son of Diomede,) dam Rosetta, (Rosy Clack,) by Saltram, &c. (Tennessee.) -YOUNG, b. h. by Tuckahoe, dam by Ogle's Oscar, g. dam by Medley, Cub, Tamerlane, &c. Maryland, 1824. Charles Ridgley. -Ir. gr. by Roanoake, dam Lady Eagle. 1829. Walter Coles. OSSORY, b. c. by Old Rattler, dam Desdemona, &c. J. Tayloe. OTHO, dk. b. h. [bylmp^d] Shock, imp'd Morton's Traveller, imp'd Jus- tice, imp'd Juniper, imp'd Othello, imp'd Childers out of a thorough bred mare purchased from the stud of King George II. Foaled, 1765. George Branham. OTHELLO or BLACK AND ALL BLACK, [7/rcp'd] a beautiful black got by Portmore's Crab, out of the Duke of Somerset's favourite mare Miss Slamerkin, &c. Foaled, 1743. Imp'd 1755-6. Gov. Sharpe, (Maryd.) P. PACKINGHAM, by Florizelle, dam by Magog, g. dam by Flimnap Mark Anthony, &c. PACIFIC, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Eliza, (full sister of Gallatin,) by imp'd Bedford out of imp'd Mambrino, &c. Nashville, Tennessee. D. W. Sumner. PACOTAT1GO, [by Imp'd] Bedford, dam Milksop by Justice. AMEHICAN STUD BOOK. 373 PALAFOX, by Express, dam by Cub Heath's Chilcfers do. Traveller- Old Dove Othello, &c. -, .-. . gr. h. bv Old Diomede, dam Eppes' Tippoo Saib mare, <5Lc. PACOLET MARE, [imp'd] by Pacolet, dam Whiieueck by Crab-^Godol- phin Arabian Conyer's Arabian, &c. imp'd into Pennsylvania. Hiltzheimer. -by Pacolet, dam by Dragon, g. dam by Truxton Bompard - Pillgarlick, &c. Tennessee, 1824. Reuben Cage. PACOLET, by Old Pacolet, dam by Albrack, (by Truxton.) St. Louis, Mobile. B. McMenomy. (OLD,) [by Imp'd} Citizen, darn by Tippoo Saib, (the darn of Palafox by Old Diomede, Wilkes' Wonder, &c.) Died 1825, iged 17 years. Simmer Cy. Tennessee. Geo. Elliott. -ALABAMA, by Old Pacolet, dam by imp'd Whip, Old Shark, Shakspeare, &c. PANDORA, by Bellair, dam by Soldier, g. dam by imp'd Oscar, Merry Tom, &c. E. A. Massey. or SALLY GEE, b. f. by Archy, dam a Citizen mare, dam of Marion. W T est. II. by Gov. Wright's Silver Heels, dam Equa. P. Wallis. by Grey Diomede, dam the dam of Floietta. Gov. Wright -by Hart's imp'd Medley, dam by Lonsdale out of Braxton's inip'd Kitty Fisher. -b. m. by Palafox, dam by Wonder, Snip, imp'd Bedford, np'd Wonder out of a Chanticleer mare. J. M. Sdldea. 396 AMERICAN STUD BOOK. TUCKAHOE, by Florizelle, dam oy imp'd Alderman, g. dam by Clock- fast, &c. Va. 1827. J. Wickharn. b. h. by Tuckahoe, dam by irnp'cl Expedition, imp'd Slender, Herd's ^Snap, &c. N. Jersey. Corns. Cruser. TUBEROSE, ch. f. by Timoleon, (sire of Sally Walker,) dam Rhodian by Raclland's Diomede, SORRF.L, s. h. by Black and All Black, (Othello,) dam by Tay. loe's Yorick, g. dam by imp'd Whittington, imp'd Silver Eye, &c. P. Con way. -WiNN, ch. by Charles, dam by Tom Tough, imp'd Hamilton, Wildair, Fearnought, &c. VIRGINIAN, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Meretrix by Magog, Narcissa by Shark, Rosetta by Centinel, Diana by Claudius, &c. vTDrM Foaleci ' 1815 ' J - J ' Harrison. VIRGIN! US, by imp'd Diomede, dam Rhea by Chatam, g. dam by Eclipse. (who was the sire of Brimmer, Wilton Roan, &.c.) imp'd Shark Silver Eye, &.c. -ch. by Virginius, dam Transport. T 18^6. j. B. Richardson. VIOLANTE, s. m. by Sir Peter Teazle, dam Selima by Spread Eagle, &c. ' " J. Tayloe VIVIAN GREY, Ir. gr. by Lonsdale, dam MegMerrilies by Trafalgar, &c. VIXEN, full sister to Nettletop by Trafalgar. L. Berkley. ; by Old Medley, dam Penelope by Yorick.. VOLANTE, [Imp\l] by Volunteer, dam Lava by Sulphur, e. dam Maria by Blank, Snip, Lath, &c. Foaled, 1797. Imp'd 1799. J. Hoomes. VOLTAIRE, by Smiling Tom, dam by Silver Legs out of Moll Brazen. Northumberland Cy. Va. 1781. J. Thornton. VOLUNTEER, [Imp'd] ch. h. by Volunteer, dam by Whipcord, own bro- ther to Woodpecker, Blank, Old Crab, Childers, &c. 1794. John Tayloe. by First Consul, (by imp'd Slender,) dam by imp'd Arakoo- ker, imp'd Messenger out of a Bashaw mare, &c. b. c. by Bedford, dam imp'd Favourite. (Sold Mr. Morton of Kentucky.) 1799. J. Hcomes. W. WABASH, by Sir William, dam by Eagle. WAKEF1ELD, br. f. by Sir Hal, dam Grand Dutcness. J. Randolph. AMERICAN STUD-BOOK. 399 WALNUT, by imp'd Archibald, darn Cremona by Spread Eagle, g. dam Gasteria by Balloon. WARSAW, dk. cli. by American Eclipse, dam Princess by Sir Arcby, g. dam by Peebles' Rattler, g. g. dam Dangola. WASHINGTON, gr. by Pacolet, dam Old Rosy Clack by imp'd Saltram, O. Shelby. ch. h. by Timoleon, dam Ariadne by Citizen. North Carolina, 1829. -ch. by Rattler, (he by Sir Archy,) dam Lady Jane by mp'd Obscurity, g. dam Molly by Grey Figure, &c. Dixon. WAXEY, b. by Sir Archy, dam by Sir Alfred, g. dam by Haxall's imp'd mare Primrose by Bu/zard. WAVERLEY, b. c. by Sir Charles, dam Josephine by Flying Dragon, g. dam. by Hamiltonian St. George King Herod, &c. 1829. Winchester, Va. J. M. Brome. WEAZEL, by Shylock, dam Irby's Dare Devil mare. ch. f. by imp'd Wrangler, dam Thresher. Mark Alexander. WEDDING DAY, (The) r. h. by Bellair, dam by Fearnought. Foaled, 1791. J. Tayloe. WEEFIAWK, by Slmwnee, dam by Gallatin. WHALEBONE, br. c. by imp'd Alderman, dam Atalanta by Hart's Old Medley. WHIG, by Fitzhughs' Regulus out of the dam of Apollo. WHIT, [Imp'd] br. b. fifteen hands three inches high, got by Saltram, his dam by King Herod, g. dam by Oronooko Cartouch, &c- Foaled, 1794. Imp'd 1801. Richard Bland (COOK'S) by imp'd Whip, dam by Spread Eagle Bellair, &c. WHIRLIGIG, [Jmp'd] dk. b. fifteen hands high, by Lord Portmure's horse Captain, he by Cartouch, &c. his dam by the Devonshire Blacklegs, son of Flying Chilcters, &c. 1774. WHITE FEATHER, by Conqueror, dam by Diomede. L. Long. WHITE LEATHER, b. c. by Roanoake, darn Everlasting. 1824. J. Randolph. WHITE STOCKINGS, by Silver Heels, dam Snip by Oscar out of Bri tannia, &c. Maryland. Robert Wright. WHISTLE JACKET, by Diomede, dam Lucy Locket by Bellair, &c. blood b. by imp'd Monkey imp'd Silver Eye Mor- ton's Traveller, &c. out of a thorough bred imp'd mare, &c. Capt. Tinnesvvood. WHISKEY, by Chanticleer, dam Poll by Partner. (WASHINGTON'S) g. by Saltram, dam by Bellair, g. dam by Wildair imp'd Driver, &c. WHY NOT, b. h. by Old Fearnought, dam by Othello, g. dam by Spark, V.] (See Florizelle imp'd.) FLORIZELLE, by Ball's Florizelle, dam Fair Maid by First Consul, &c. Gov. Sprigg. FICHJRE, blood b. h. by imp'd Highflyer, dam by Old Figure, g. dam by Camillus, &c. FRENZY, by Gracchus, dam Minikin, &c. J. Randolph. ^GRAND OUTGUESS, by Sir Archy, dam Old Grand Dutchess. J. Randolph. HICKORY, by Hickory, dam Lavinia. JANUS, b. h. by Hynes' imp'd Janus, dam a Lycurgus mare imp'c Crawford imp'd Justice, &c. Wm. Hynes. JANUS. (See Revenge, or Young Janus.) LOTTERY, by Sir Archy, dam Lottery by Bedford. MADISON, by Madison, dam Minerva by Diomede. MEDLEY, by Cup Bearer, dam by Old Medley, g. dam by Hams' Eclipse, Lonsdale, imp'd Shark. Frederick Cy. Matthew Page. MEDLEY, Ir. gr. by Bellair, dam by Pennsylvania Farmer out of a Partner mare, &c. Thomas Wells. MOREAU, by Ridgley's Moreau, dam Virginia by Skyscraper, &c. Spencers. MINIKIN, by Gracchus, dam Old Minikin, &c. J.R. NARCISSA, b. f. by Play or Pay, dam Old Narcissa by Wildair, &c. 1802. J. Hoomes. OSCAR, (See Oscar Young.) PAUL JONES, by Old Paul Jones, dam by Marius, (belonging to Charles Carroll of Carrollton,) gr. dam by Old Silver Heels, Crab, &c. Samuel Norwood. PACOLET, gr. by Pacolet, dam by imp'd Coeur de Lion, Juba, Pea- cock, Old Partner, &c. PEGGY, ch. m. by Gallatin, dam Trumpetta by Hephestion, g. dam Peggy by Bedford. Foaled^ 1821. W. Hampton, jun. - -POST BOY, by Ridgley's Post Boy, his dam out of the Mountain Filly, sometimes called Selima AMERICAN STUD BOOK. 403 YOUNG RANTER, br. b. by Ranter, dam a fine blooded mare. - ROMP, (dam of Livingston's Camilla,) by Duroc, dam Romp by imp'd Messenger. - SHARK, by Shark, dam by Eclipse, g. dam by Eclipse out of Britannia. - SF.I.IMA, by Old Fearnought, dam Ebony by Othello. - SPOT, [Imp'd] ch. by Old Spot and he by Blank, Spot's dam by Ma) - tindales' Regulus, Jig, Goliah, &c. Lnp'd by Mr. Hyde of Fredericksbg. - SIR PETER TEAZLE, [Imp'd] (See Sir Peter Teazle.) SIR SOLOMON, jun. by Old Sir Solomon, dam Maid of Northampton by imp'd Clifden. 1823. Henry Lazier. - SUPERIOR, by Superior, dam Pirate by Lamplighter, &c. - TOM TOUGH, by Old Tom Tough, dam by imp'd Buzzard, g. dam by Jones' Wildair. - TRUFFLE, [Imp'd] br. h. bred by the Duke De Guiche, was got by Truffle out of Helen by Whiskey, her dan. Brown Justice by Jus- tice, Old Truffle was got by Sorcerer out of Hornby Lass by Buz zard, &c. Orange Cy. Va. 1830. James Barbour. -- TRAVELLER, (See Traveller Young.) - TOPGALLANT, by Old Topgallant, dam by Shark, g. dam by Harris Eclipse, Mark Anthony, &c. - VIRGINIAN, b. h. by Virginian, dam by Enterprise (by FloiizelJe.) - YORICK, by Tayloe's Yorick. dam by Figure, g. dam by Dove, Task- er's Othello out of Selima, &c. 1783. Fielder Bowie. Z. ZABUD, by the Winter Arabian, dam by imp'd Spread Eagle, g. dam by Sir Peyton, (by Shylock.) Kentucky. R. J. Breckenridge. ZAMOR, gr. by Silver Heels, (by Ogle's Oscar,) dam Aurora (by Vintzun,) g. dam Pandora, (by Grey Diomede,) g. g. dam by Hall's Union, Leonidas, &,c. ZENOiMA, by Don Carlos, dam by George's Juniper. ZEL1EKA, ch. m. by Gracchus, dam Miss Chance by imp'd Chance. Messrs. Tayloes. ZELIPPA, by Old Messenger, dam Dido by imp'd Bay Richmond, g. dam Old Slainerkin, (by Wildair,) g. g. dam imp'd Cub mare, &,c 35* 405 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRAINING, BY CHARLES DUVALL. Let the horse be in good flesh when you put him up ; night and morning walk him four miles, well clothed with one blanket and a suit of horse clothes, for eight days ; water him between the walk- ing with forty swallows ; feed him at nine in the morning, at twelve o'clock, at six in the evening, and at nine at night, with three quarts of oats and chopped corn, one-fifth chopped corn, giving him one bundle of blades after feeding in the morning, at twelve o'clock, and at six o'clock : after feeding at nine at night, give him two bundles of blades. Let him be well rubbed before each feed with straw as to his body, and his legs with woollen rubbers ; let him have a good bed of straw ; let his feet and legs, night and morning, before you take him in, be washed with warm water and Castile soap ; then for eight days more, in the morning, gallop two miles before wa- tering and one mile after, and in the evening one mile before wa- tering and one mile after, clothing and rubbing before each feed as before. After that prepare him for sweating, by feeding with two quarts at six o'clock, and at nine o'clock the same, giving him no blades, and having him well muzzled ; let him be well rubbed and have a good bed of straw, always keeping his feet well stuffed with cow-dung. Let your turf be kept well harrowed and soft. At day-break take him to his training ground with three, four, or five blankets, and his body-clothes ; let him go four miles, the first three half-speed, the fourth mile at a sweeping rate with a tight rein, and a rider not exceeding the weight the horse should carry. Then strip him on the field, carefully scraping, rubbing, and brushing him till dry ; then put on his usual clothes and walk him an hour ; then take him to the stable ; then scald a gallon of bran, add cold water to it till milk warm, and let him drink what he will of it. Then let him be well rubbed and dressed ; then scald two quarts of bran, and two quarts of oats ; mix them, putting among them a table spoonful of flour of sulphur and as much antimony as will lie on a cent, and let the horse eat it warm ; then take two bundles of stemmed blades, and sprinkle them with salt and water, and give him ; then take some warm bran and water and wash his legs, rub- 406 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRAINING. bing them dry with straw and woollen rubbers ; then leave him till twelve o'clock J then feed as usual with three quarts at twelve ; at four iu the evening brush him and let him walk an hour ; then wa- ter him with water aired or branch water ; then walk him a quar- ter of an hour, take him in and have him well cleaned and rubbed ; then feed at six and nine with three quarts of grain ; then muzzle him. In the morning after his sweat take him to the ground and strip him as for a race ; then run him two miles with a tight rein, and continue him two miles more in a loose ; then clean him and rub him dry, ; clothe him and walk him till cool, then take him in, wash his feet, and rub them dry, cleaning him, rubbing him, stuff- ing his feet, and feeding as usual : so continue te gallop every night and morning, as before directed, to wit : In the morning first gal- lop two miles, second gallop one mile, and in the evening one mile each gallop ; sweat every eight days. Train your colts in martin. gales ; bleed after the first sweat, and if necessary after the second sweat. Those are the rules I observe in training. CHARLES DUVALL. From which, the rules observed by Mr. Thomas Larkin, of Vir- ginia, varied in these particulars : he feeds in the morning with four quarts, at twelve with two quarts, and at night with four quarts ; same blades as Mr. Duvall. Morning gallops first two milea and a half, second two miles. Evening, gallops first two miles, second one mile and a half. Sweats five miles, and brushes his horse before he takes him in ; after cleaning, and rubbing, and dry- ing him, two miles. He washes with cold water, except when he sweats his horse, and waters after the horse comes in and is clean, just before feeding, forty swallows morning arid evening, and twelve swallows at twelve o'clock ; mixes a spoonful of sulphur in the mash, after sweating, but no antimony ; walks before galloping, two miles ; between the gallops, one mile. Mr. Duvall, in 1797, gave me the foregoing rules : Mr. Larkin trained for me two years. And as a sportsman, that all horses may run in the best order, and that their superiority of foot and bottom alone may entitle them to the palm, I with pleasure comply with your request, that through your inestimable paper, all excuses by gentlemen having fine horses, as to the mode of training them, may be removed, and the friends of the turf gratified with fine sport. American Farmer. [FROM THE AMERICAN TURF REGISTER.] Mr. Editor The within was recently found among the papers of an old sportsman of the turf, (a pencil memorandum) in the shape of answers to questions, by a gentleman well known to the Virginia turfites, who was at that time about to begin his racing career. I have examined it with a trainer of long experience, and with few alterations hand it to you for publication in the Sporting Magazine A VIRWINIAN. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRAINING. 407 A horse when put in training should be fat: his exercise ought to commence with walking about eight miles a day ; three in tho morning, two at twelve o'clock, and three in the evening. This should be continued at least four weeks. A light gallop of a mile in the morning, should now be added, and at the end of a week, a mile in the evening. In another week, half a mile more morning and evening. He will now be in condition for his first sweat ; his exercise may now be the same as the last week, except a " burst of heels" once or twice in the week, of three or four hundred yards ; at which time he will be ready for his second sweat. This given, the horse should have, every other morning, a move of a quarter of a mile ; this continued for a week, and his third sweat may be given. After this his exercise may be increased to two miles, morn- ing and evening ; one mile of which (in the morning) should be at half-speed, with a dash of a quarter every other morning, more or less according to his appetite. The sweats should vary according to the high or low condition of the animal. At the end of the week, after the fourth sweat, he may, perhaps, require a draw,* and another a day or two before he runs. I do not approve of physic- ing generally ; when there is much grossness, or general bad health, a purge may be necessary. Race-horses should be watered regu- larly three times a day, in a clear brook, in the morning after exer- cise, at twelve o'clock, and in the evening: after exercise walking them until perfectly cool, previous to watering. They should be fed with hominy and oats, (the first divested of its mealy particles,) in the proportion of one of the first to two of the latter. Sometimes, when the condition of the horse is low, he should be allowr-d a greater proportion of hominy ; as horses when in training must feed well, every thing in the food way must be tried to make them do so : as hominy alone, oats, corn in the ear, meal, cut oats, &o. I once trained a mare, and ran her successfully, feeding her three days in the week on meal with chopped or cut oats. They should be fed five times a day : at day-break, after the morning exercise, at eleven o'clock, a little before the evening exercise, and at night : one quart at first, three the second time, three at eleven o'clock, one the fourth time, and three the last, with about nine pounds of blades without picking, divided as the grain. Some horses eat more than others, and should be allowed accordingly .f When there is costiveness, sprinkling the fodder with water, or a mash must bo given : a bucket of salt and water is also sometimes useful. Sweat- ing should be done by heavy clothing and gentle exercise, giving the horse a swallow or two of water with a little meal stirred in it two or three times during the sweat. To put a horse in order, at least twelve weeks are necessary ; for a colt, nine weeks. A cort, to be in condition to run a good race, should just be low enough to feel his ribs pretty plainly, but they should not be seen : a horse should be much lower. The usual preparation for a sweat is a mash at night, muzzled, hea *" A very light sweat. t Particularly large horses : small horses sometimes will eat fourteen 01 fil'ujon quarts a day. I think thirteen enough fc r the latter more is apt, 1 think, to give them gorty logs, &c. 408 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRAINING. vy clothing, (three or four blankets) the next morning, after break- fast, walk three or four miles, and gallop one slowly; give a mouth- ful or two of water,f and gallop two or more, as the weather is warmer or colder: carry him then to the stable, take out the unde- blanket, rolling the cover up, half at a time, scrape well, rub body and legs until perfectly dry, put on blanket and hood, and walk for an hour or two, occasionally giving a mouthful of water with a handful of meal in it, about milk warm at first. His legs, when per- fectly cool, should be washed with warm water and soap, rubbed dry, and the horse put to rest and given a mash,t (scalded oats,) in the evening walked four or five miles. The quantity of exercise mentioned, is for horses, after four years old, and upwards ; few colts require more than three miles a day. Every eight or ten days the horses should be taken from the exer- cise ground and walked on the road. A careful trainer will always know the condition of his horse's legs every morning before gal- loping, and decide whether they receive their work or be sent, if their legs be feverish, to have the fever extracted by standing in the water, to the pond. To keep up the appetite, I have known nothing better than a table spoonful of the powder of poplar bark, (the liriodendron tulipifera,) every day or two when it is observed that they are mincing their food : salt should be given once a week. [ It will be seen by a comparison of the above instructions, which correspond with the system now usually pursued in the South, that it is mucli milder than the system laid down by Mr. Duvall of the olden tinji\ It is wonderful, (observes our correspondent,) how their horses could stand such severe training : and he supposes that the greater fleotness of the horses of the present day may be ascrib- ed, in some measure, to changes which have been adopted in the eystem of training. It is true that many of our fine horses are let down and trained off at an early age, but that may be attributed to the severe trials to which they are put at a tender age four mils heats, in quick time at three years old !] * Milk-narm, with a little meal stirred in it. t Not always necessary, except there is mjuch costiveness. 409 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE RICHMOND JOCKEY CLUB.* WHEREAS it is necessary that all well-regulated associations should have some Rules for their government, and the RICHMOND JOCKEY CLUB being sensibly impressed with this truth, Therefore^ Resolved, that the following be the Rules and Regulations of the Richmond Jockey Club : 1st. There shall be two regular meetings of this Club, at Tree Hill, each year, and each to continue four days, to be called Spring and Fall Meetings. The Spring Meeting shall commence on the second Tuesday in May, and the Fall Meeting the third Tuesday in October. %d. There shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Trea- surer, and four Stewards, appointed by ballot. 3d. It shall be the duty of the President to preside in all meet- ings of the Club; to act as Judge in each day's race ; appoint his assistant Judges on the evening preceding each day's race ; report the result of each day's race, and stand as Judge in all sweepstakes, with such other persons as the parties may appoint. 4th. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to attend all meet- ings of the Club ; assist the President in the discharge of his duty act as President pro tern, in the absence of the President. 5th. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend the Judges on each day's race ; assist them with his counsel ; keep a book, in which he shall record the members' names, the Rules of the Club, and add to them any Resolutions which may change the character of either ; also record the proceedings of each meeting ; the entries of horses ; an account of each day's race, including the time of run- ning each heat ; publish the races, and after they are over, publish the result ; for this service, he shall be exempt from paying his subscription. 6th. The Stewards shall be appointed by ballot, and serve for one meeting next succeeding their appointment. They shall wear a white rose on the left side of the cape of their coat. It shall be their duty to attend on the course, preserve order, clear the track, keep off the crowd from horses coming to the stand after the close of a heat ; may employ able-bodied men to assist them, who shall be paid out of any money in the hands of the Treasurer, and they be designated by a red sash. * The Rules of New-Market, (near Petersburg, Va.) Broad Rock, and most of the courses in Virginia, are nearly the game. 410 RULES OF RACING. 7th. There shall be three Judges in the starting stand, the Presi . dent and two assistant Judges, whose duty it shall be to keep the stand clear of any intrusion during the pendency of a heat, except the officers, trainers, and weigher,~and also see that the riders are dressed in jockey style. 8th. All disputes shall be decided by the Judges of the day, from whose decision there shall be no appeal, unless at the Judges' dis- cretion ; and no evidence to be received of foul riding, except from Distance Judges and Patroles. 9^. There shall be two Distance and three Patrole Judges, who shall repair to the Judges' stand after each heat, and report the nags that are distanced, and foul riding, if there be any. Wth. The distance of the Proprietor's Purse shall be three mile' !ieats, and be run for on the second day of each regular meeting The purse shall be $300 entrance $15. \\th. The distance for the Jockey Club purse shall be four mile heats, spring and fall, ami be run for on the third day of each regu- lar meeting entrance $20. l%th. All Sweepstakes, advertised to be run for over the Tree Hill course, on any day of the regular meeting of the Club, shall be under the cognizance of this Club ; and that whenever a subscri- ber makes an entry, he may change it at any time before the stakes closes. No person shall start a horse for any purse under the con- trol of this Club, other than a member, he being at least one-third interested, and producing proof of his horse's age ; nor shall any member start a horse, unless his entrance and subscription be paid before starting. lth. All entries of horses to run, shall be made in open Club, on the evening preceding each day's race, by 5 o'clock, or during the sitting of the Club, and no entry made after that time shall be al- kwed ; Provided, if there be no meeting, then with the Secretary or Treasurer, by 5 o'clock. , I5lh. No person shall be benefited by the winning of any purse, under the control of this Club, unless he be a member or the owner of the horse. 16^. Any person desirous of becoming a member for the purpose of starting a horse, may do so, he being approved by the Club, and paying double entrance. 17th. The winning horse of the Jockey Club Purse shall not be permitted to start for the Proprietor's purse, nor the winning horse of the Proprietor's purse for the Jockey Club purse, during the same meeting. 18^. No compromise or agreement between any two persons starting hor&ea, or their agents or grooms, not to oppose each other RULES OF RACING. 4] 1 upon a promised division of the purse, shall be permitted or allowed, a-nd no person shall run their nags in conjunction, that is, with a determination to oppose, jointly, any other horse or horses which may run against them. In either case, upon satisfactory evidence produced before the Judges, the purse shall be awarded to the next best horse, mare, or gelding ; and the persons so offending, shall never again be permitted to start a horse on this course. 19th. No two riders from the same stabk shall be allowed to ride in the same race ; nor shall two horses, trained in the same stable, be allowed to start in the same race. 20f h. Riders shall not be permitted to ride in a race unless dressed in tlie jockey style. "* 21s. Riders, after the heat is ended, must repair to the Judges stand, not dismount until ordered by the Judges, and then carry their saddles themselves to the scales, there to be weighed. 22