THE TEACHER'S MANUAL AND YY ^cv Tn-w^ xrnn TS/^-srv-o"- J^VST 1LS iRXT DOCK CM ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY AND EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL fin D RASSWEILER LIBR G LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OK Received on No. ^ ^ $/ . Class No. * THE TEACHERS' MANUAL PUPILS' TEXT BOOK Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND NARCOTICS UPON THE HUMAN SYSTEM, DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY THE TEACHERS' ANATOMICAL AID IJY PROF. J. K. RASSWEILER, A. M. PUBLISHED BY CENTRAL SCHOOL SUPPLY HOUSE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. BIOLOGY LIBRARY G Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, BY CENTRAL SCHOOL SUPPLY HOUSE, in the office of Ihe Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C PREFACE. This book is intended to go into the schools of the country as a companion to the " TEACHERS' ANA- TOMICAL AID," which is supposed to be before the class during every exercise or recitation in Physi- ology, and to which the illustrative references, found throughout these pages, relate. To the teacher who gives oral lessons in Physi- ology, by the use of the Aid, this volume offers assistance in presenting the truths of the science in proper order, plain language, and with many illus- trations gathered within the range of the pupils' observation and experience. Thus, even inexperi- enced teachers are furnished with methods and material to conduct a well-arranged course of daily drills on a subject of surpassing importance and interest. To the teacher who conducts a recitation, with the use of the Aid, this work offers guidance in point- ing out, precisely, by its frequent references, those parts or features on the plates or manikin sections, which illustrate any topic in hand, as found in the current text-books on Physiology. While this book is thus intended to be helpful to (1) 2 PREFACE. teachers of all grades of experience, it is, at the same time, adapted for use as a text-book for ele- mentary classes. The practical results which may be obtained from such a use of it, in connection with the Anatomical Aid, will be found to be more satisfactory than those which can be attained by any other method of instruction in the elements of Physiology. When used as a text-book with the Aid, the latter should be made conveniently accessible to the pupils. This can easily be done in any school- room. The objection that the pupils will injure the charts by handling them, is a mischievous notion. They are entitled to such privileges. If well and kindly advised, they will handle them properly and will take pride in carefully preserving them from injury. TABLE OF CONTENTS. THE SKELETON. PAGE. Bones Like the Framework of a House Number of Bones Shape * Structure How United Bound Together by Ligaments Uses of the Bones Division of the Skeleton Table of the Skeleton Bones of the Head The Skull The Face Bones of the Trunk The Spinal Column Vertebrae The Chest The Pelvis Bones of the Upper Extremities The Shoulder The Arm "Bones of the Lower Extremities T\\Q Thigh Lower Leg and Foot Health of the Bones Outline Questions 5 THE MUSCULAR- SYSTEM. The Muscles Number and Structure of Muscles Tendons Use of the Muscles Language of the Muscles Two Kinds of Muscular Action How Muscles Act Antagonists or Counter Muscles- Some Prominent Muscles and Their Names Health of the Mus- cles Outline Questions 19 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Brain - Structure Protection to the Brain Divisions of the Brain Hemispheres Work of the Cerebrum Work of the Cere- bellumThe Spinal Cord The Nerves iNervous Action Reflex Nervous Action Sympathetic Nervous Action Health of the Ner- vous System Outline Questions 29 THE SPECIAL SENSES. Nerves of Common Sensation Nerves of Special Sensation The Eye Protection of the Eye Tear Apparatus The White Coat of the Eyeball The Black Coat The Nervous Coat-Thp Humors of the Eye 7 he Kar-The Nerve of Hearing The Outer Kar The Middle Ear -The Inner Ear How We Hear The Sense of Smell- How We Perceive Odors The Sense of Taste The Tongue How We Perceive Taste^- Outline Questions 41 THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Organs of the Circulatory System The Heart The Arteries The Veins The Capillaries Blood Change in the Capillaries -The Course of the Blood Three Divisions of the Circulation Inter- esting Facts Health of the Circulatory System Outline Ques- tions 54 THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Structure of the Lungs Use of the Lungs Breathing How We Breath Chief Breathing Muscles Pleura Health of the Respira- tory Organs Exercise Impurities of the Breath Ventilation The Voice The Larynx An Experiment Speech Outline- Questions 62 4: CONTENTS. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Body Building from Blood Aid of the Muscular System Work of the Teeth -Number of Teeth Structure of a Tooth Work of the _ Salivary Glands Work of the Pharynx and Oesophagus Work of the Stomach Use of the Gastric Juice Work of the Pylorus- Work of the Liver Work of the Pancreas Health of the Diges- tive System -Eating too Fast Eating too Much Eating too Fre- quently- Eating Indigestible Food Exercise Outline Questions. 71 THE ABSORPTIVE SYSTEM. Absorption Intestinal Villi Two classes of Absorbents in theViili Veins in the Villi - Portal Circulation The Second Route Lac- teals in the Villi Chyliferous Vessels and Lymphatic Glands- Thoracic Duct What Has Been Done Assimilation Recapitula- tionThe Lymphatic Vessels Lymph Origin of Lymph The Lymphatics The Lymphatics a System of Drainage The Lym- phatic Glands The Lacteals, a part of the Lymphatics Lympha- tics Om pared with the Blood Vessels Other Functions of the Lymphatics -Suggestions to the Teacher Outline Questions 87 THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM. Excretory Organs Impurities .Thrown Off by the Lungs Carbon Di- oxide Carbon Acid Test Test of the Breath Watery Vapor Ex- haled The Liver As an Excretor" Organ The Kidneys Work of the Kidneys The Kidneys at Work Difference Between the Secretions of the Liver and Kidneys 93 MICROSCOPIC LESSON. Its Purpose The Microscope as an Aid in Physiology Microscopic Structure of the Arteries Ot the Veins Of the Capillaries Of the Mucus Membrane Of the Looped Capillaries of the Skin Of the Intestinal Villi -Of the Air Cells of the Lungs Capillaries of the Parotid Gland, Brain and Cellular Tissue Of the Elastic Tissues. Muscular Fiber and Bone Corpuscles Of Voluntary Mus- cles Of the Glands of the Stomach Of the Nerve Fibers of the Brain Of the Hepatic Vein Of the Kidney Structure- Of Red Blood Corpuscles Of Tendinous Fiber Adipose Tissue Epithe- lial Cells Cells of Epidermis Pigment from Choroid Coat of Jiye Other Views 98 EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. Value of a Sound Body Abuse of the Body Strong Drink Alcohol and What is It! What is Its Origin How is It Done Fermenta- tion Acetous Fermentation Beer from Barley Distillation Two Classes of Strong Drink A Healthy Stomach Inflamma- tion -Uloeration Last Stages of Alcohol Poisoning Alcohol and the Liver The Result Alcohol and the Kidneys- Effects on the Brain The Brain the geat of the Mind Consequences Alco- holic Softening of the Brain Delirium Tremens Effect on the Nerves Different Effects of Intoxicants upon the Heart Synop- sis What It Will not Do 106 TOBACCO AND ITS EFFECTS. Tobacco is a Poison Its Effects upon the Young Cigarette Smoking An Experiment The Respiratory Organs How Affected -Con- clusion 119 OF THB UNIVERSITY THE SKELETON. BONES. Like the The framework of the body is com- r/a^ouse 1 * P ose d ^ bones and ligaments. It is called the skeleton. What beams, joists and rafters are to a house, bones are to the body. As each timber in the framework of a building is fitted for its own particular place and purpose, so each one of the bones of the body has its own place and is in every way precisely adapted, in shape and strength, for a special use. There are two hundred and eight bones Number j n ^ Q gk e i e ton. This does not include oi Bones. the teeth, for they are really not a part of the skeleton. Thirty-four of the bones of the body are single only one of the same kind. Besides these, there are eighty-seven pairs, the two bones of each pair being alike one on each side of the body. The skeleton plate shows that the bones Shape. ...- . _. are very different in shape. Some are long, like this (leg bone), for example. Others (5) 6 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. are nearly round, like these bones of the wrist. Some are quite flat, like this large, spreading bone at the shoulder (16), or these broad bones in the lower part of the main body (3). structure ^~^ 6 bones are very hard and strong. "Hard as a bone" is a familiar compar- ison. We shall not be surprised at their hardness aod strength when we shall have learned what im- portant uses they serve in the body. There are two kinds of material in the structure of a bone. One part is called animal matter and the other is called mineral matter. If the bone were composed of animal matter alone, it would bear no pressure and keep no permanent shape. If it were made entirely of mineral matter it would be too brittle, and conse- quently would break very easily. So these two kinds of material 'are united together in such a way as to secure strength without too great brittleness. In childhood the bones are not easily broken. This is because in early life they contain about twice as much animal matter as mineral matter. What a wise protection against the "bumps" and "tumbles" of the little ones. In middle life the two kinds of material are more nearly equally divided. In old age, however, the bones are very brittle, because, then, there is about twice as much mineral matter as animal matter in their structure. It is an easy and interesting experiment to sepa- rate these two kinds of bone material . Throw a flat bone, or piece of bone, into the fire. After a while THE SKELETON. 7 you will find a part of it, like a cinder, among the ashes. This is the mineral part. The fire has burned out the animal matter. Take the "drum- stick" bone of a chicken and place it in a bottle con- taining a mixture made by filling the bottle half full of water and adding about half as much muriatic acid a common drug which you can get for a trifle at the nearest drug store. This will take out the mineral matter from the bone and leave the animal matter. The mineral matter which you took from the fire was brittle or crumbling. The animal matter, when taken from the acid, is gluey and can be wound, like a cord, about the finger. The broad or flat bones, like those of the head, are not entirely solid. Between the two outside layers of such a bone there is a layer of spongy-like material. These three layers of structure in a flat bone can be clearly seen hy looking at the edge of such a bone which has been sawed through. The long bones are generally hollow and contain a substance called marrow. At the ends they are usually thicker and more spongy. This serves to break the force or shock of heavy stepping or jump- ing with the lower limbs, or a hard stroke with the arm. The ends of the long bones are also covered with a smooth, white substance called cartilage. This aids in giving the bone an easy motion at the joint where it is united to another bone. 8 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. The bones are united to each other in United, different ways. Those which are quite movable are connected by joints. Some of these are called hinge-joints because they work like the hinge of a door. These (arm) bones which meet at the elbow are hinge-jointed. Eaise and lower your forearm and notice particularly how the joint acts. The joints in the fingers and the knee are also hinge-joints. Another kind is called the ball and socket joint, where the round end of one bone moves in a hollow place of another. Here (a) at the hip is a good example of a ball and socket joint, where the round head of this large upper bone of the leg moves in a deep hollow of this lower bone of the main body. The bones of the head meet each other with jagged edges forming a seam-like junc- tion called a suture. One of these is clearly shown on this skeleton (12). Between the bones of the back are placed cushions of cartilage. This is a substance softer than bone and quite elastic, like rubber. This cushion arrangement between the bones of the back, is nicely shown on this plate. (Refer to cartilages between lumbar vertebrae.) The bones are bound to one another Bound To- . _ Bother by by ligaments. These are very strong Ligament*. and hol( j foe bones firmly in position. Some of these stout bands or ligaments are shown on this plate. Here (XVI) are the ligaments which bind together the bones of the hip. These (XXV, XXVI) are the ligaments of the elbow joint THE SKELETON. 9 The bones of the body serve several important purposes. 1. They give the body its general shape. 2. They sup- port the softer material of the body within and around them. 3. They protect delicate and impor- tant parts against injury from without, as, for exam- ple, the brain, lungs and heart. 4. They serve as levers, to be moved by the muscles in the various movements of the body, as we shall learn more clearly, somewhat later. ^ the figure of the skeleton of the we perceive that the bones are grouped Skeleton. . , - , ,. . . , 1 into four natural divisions, namely: 1. The bones of the head. 2. Those of the main body, or trunk. 3. Those of the upper extremities, or arms. 4. Those of the lower extremities, or legs. We have now learned about the number, shapes, material, union, uses and groups of the bones of the skeleton. We are now ready to study the more important bones of each group more closely. 10 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. hH W Lj M "* *_, X ezIv&SJi ^Sli! B4lt Jl?f Ilt . a-a&Bl*^!' 11 o; 3jpl-2-S^ B^3YSi1|,VS ,; >g! 3N ^^o x ^'^2 5 .1|S^C5 w s* E x .c ^ a. * *2 THE SKELETON. 11 BONES OF THE HEAD. There are twenty-two bones in the head. skull, - these are shaped and united in such a way as to form a sort of round box which is called the s/atZZ, or cranium. This is one of the most important parts of the skeleton, since it contains the brain, the most delicate organ of the body. The word organ, in physiology, means any single part of the body which serves a special purpose. Thus, the brain, heart, lungs and veins are organs. The skull, or brain-box, is placed, like a dome, at the top of the structure of the body. It is wonderfully fitted for the protection of its tender contents. It is shaped for strength as well as for beauty. The front of the skull is formed by the frontal bone (1), or bone of the forehead. The two parietal bones (2) form the upper sides, and the two tem- poral bones (3) form the lower sides of the skull. At the back of the head (4, back view of skeleton) is the occipital bone. Two more of the skull bones form its lower part or base. These we will not name here ; but you will find them named in the full table of the bones which has been given. The remaining fourteen bones of the The Face. head give shape to the face. The two nasal bones (6) form the bridge of the nose, and the two malar bones (4) the prominence of the cheeks. The upper jaw is formed of the two upper maxillary bones (7). The lower jaw bone (8) is called the 12 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. lower maxillary. The teeth are set in sockets of these maxillary bones. BONES OF THE TRUNK. The main body is called the trunk. The upper part of the trunk is fitted to contain the lungs and the heart. Its lower part contains .the stomach, liver and bowels. The great pillar of the body is the spinal column!** column. It bears aloft the head the crowning part of the whole structure. It supports the great vital organs of the main body. It is most wonderfully constructed with reference to comfort and safety of life. Instead of being com- posed of but one or a few bones, it is built up of twenty-six pieces, which, while laid up one above the other, are separated from each other by very elastic cushions of cartilage. This does not only make the back-bone capable of bending forward, backward and sideways, but it makes the whole pillar springy, so that the delicate brain which rides at its summit is not affected by jarring from the heavy movements of the body. Twenty-four of the bones of the spinal column, or back, are called veriebrce These are firmly bound together by ligaments and interlocked with each other by their own projecting parts. An opening runs through each vertebra. These openings form the spinal canal through which THE SKELETON. 13 the spinal cord, of which we shall learn hereafter, passes. The vertebrae are divided into three sets. The seven upper ones are in the neck. The next twelve are in the back proper; to these the twelve pairs of ribs are attached. The five lower vertebrae are in the region of the loins. They are very stout, as the figure shows, just as we would expect them to be, since they support a large part of the weight of the body. The upper part of the trunk, which con- The Chest. tains the heart and lungs, is called the chest. The skeleton of the chest is formed behind, as you see, by the middle division of the spinal col- umn; on the sides by the ribs (12, 13), and in front by the sternum (10) or breast-bone. Here, again, we find a wise provision for the protection of life. The breast-bone is not near so hard as most of the other bones. It is consequently more flexible. The ribs are not directly united to the sternum, but are joined to it by cartilages. By these means, a heavy blow on the breast, which otherwise would seriously injure the organs within, is made comparatively harmless. The plate of the skeleton shows that the ribs are not all joined to the breast-bone in front. Seven pairs (12-13) are so joined. These are called true ribs. The remaining five pairs (14-15) are called false ribs. The bones of the lower part of the trunk The Pelvis. , ., . . .. are shaped and joined so as to form a large bowl-shaped cavity. This is called the pelvis. 14 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Notice how broad and peculiarly formed these two (3) bones are. The sacrum (1) bone is wedged between these two bones at the back. BONES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. The In examining the shoulder, we first notice shoulder, these two collar-bones (8). Their use is to brace the shoulders properly apart ; so one end rests against the breast-bone and the other against the shoulder. Next comes the shoulder-blade. (16). These are so broad to allow the attachment of some very strong muscles of the upper part of the body. The upper arm has one large bone called Tin* Vrm the humerus ( 1 ) . The radius ( 2 ) and the ulna (3) are the bones of the lower arm. There are eight roundish little bones in each wrist (4), five longer ones in the middle of each hand (5), three short bones in each finger (6, 9, 10) and two in each thumb (7, 8). BONES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Here we meet the largest bone of the The Thigh. _ . , ,.. Tl . ,, .. . ,, skeleton (1). It is called the femur. Observe the round shape of its upper end (a). This is called the head of the femur. Moving in a hollow place of this large bone (3) ,it forms the ball and socket joint of the hip. Do not fail to notice how securely the lower limbs are bound to the main body by these numerous strong ligaments. THE SKELETON.' 15 The lower leg has two bones the tibia and Foot!* ( a )> and the^ftwZa (b). The knee-joint, between the thigh bone and the bones of the lower leg, is protected by a flat bone called the knee-pan (2). There are seven bones in each heel, five in the middle part of each foot, three in each of the larger toes, and two in each great toe. Notice this peculiarity in the form of the foot. It is curved or arched from the heel to the front. Here is another arrangement for springiness, with- out which, walking would not only become clumsy but painful. The bones of a grown person are so much hardened by the mineral matter which has increased in their structure, that they are not easily changed in shape. They are more easily broken than bent. Neither is the full-grown joint likely to change in shape and character during the active years of life. So the general carriage of the body in adult life, depends on the habits and circumstances which shaped it in youth. We have learned that in childhood the bones are quite flexible and disposed to bend, instead of breaking, under a strain. For this reason, children who begin to walk very early become more or less bow-legged. Pupils who are in the habit of leaning forward on the desk, in school, will certainly, more or less deform their bodies. If a boy, in walking, carries his body in a lazy, stoop-shouldered position, he will go bent and deformed through life. Avoid leaning the body 16 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. forward in sitting. When lying down, do not bolster up the head with high pillows. While stand- ing or walking, hold the head erect, throw the shoul- ders back, and take in full breaths of air. If these positions in lying, sitting, standing or walking are carefully kept in youth, all the curvings and efforts of the body and limbs which come from ordinary labor, will not injure them, and the full-grown figure will be straight, graceful and strong. OUTLINE. THE BONES OF THE SKELETON. framework of the body. 208. Eighty-seven pairs. Thirty-four single. Shapes: Long, flat, round, irregular. Composed of animal and mineral matter. United by joints, sutures and cartilages. Bound together by ligaments. Arranged in four groups: Head, Trunk, Upper and Lower Extremities. (* Twenty-two in the head. I Fifty-four in the trunk. WHERE? { Sixty-four in the upper extremities. I Sixty in the lower extremities. ^ Eight in the ears. ( To give shape to the body. To support the softer parts of the body within and WHY? < around them. To protect important organs. I To serve as levers to be moved by the muscles. WHAT? 4 THE SKELETON. 17 SUGGESTIONS TO THE TEACHER. Be sure that the acid and burning experiments on the com- position of bones are performed either by yourself or by the pupils. Get a piece of flat bone sawed to show the layers. Get a leg joint at the butcher's; remove muscles and tendons, to show the ligaments; then sever the bones at the joint to show cartilage. Show a fresh piece of long bone containing marrow. TEST QUESTIONS. Of what is the skeleton composed? To what parts of a house are the bones compared? How many bones in the skeleton? Do the teeth belong to the skeleton proper? How many single bones in the body? How many are in pairs? What variety of shapes have the bones? What two kinds of material in the bones? Which material makes the bone flexible? What is the effect of the mineral matter? How do these materials vary at different ages? What wise provision in this arrangement? Why are the ends of the long bones more spongy? Why are they covered with cartilage? In what ways are the bones united? Locate a hinge-joint of the body. Where is a ball and socket joint found? What bones are united by sutures? What bones are united by cartilages? Ho\v are the bones bound to each other? Name four uses of the bones. Into how many groups are the bones divided? What is the skull? Point out on the Aid, the frontal bone, the parietal tem- poral occipital. How many bones form the face? What two form the bridge of the nose? Where are the malar bones? 18 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. The upper maxillary? Lower maxillary? What is meant by the trunk? Where is the spinal column? Why is it built so strong? How is it made, elastic or springy? What benefit in this arrangement? How many vertebrae in the back-bone? How many of these are in the neck? How many have ribs attached to them? How many are in the loins? What bones make the frame of the chest? Are the ribs united directly to the sternum? Is the sternum as hard as other bones? What benefit in these arrangements? How is the lower part of the skeleton of the trunk shaped? What is it called? What three bones come together at the shoulder? What two in the forearm? How many in the wrist? How many in the middle of the hand? In each finger? In each thumb? Which is the longest bone in the skeleton? What two bones in the lower leg? How many heel bones in each foot? Why is the foot arched instead of flat? THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. MUSCLES. We have studied the framework or skeleton of the body. We have seen from the figure of it in the Anatomical Aid, how it resembles the framework of a house before it is weather-boarded and shingled. The plate of the body which is now before us pre- sents altogether a different view from that which we have been studying. We notice that it looks more like the full body, more like a house that is enclosed. The bones are here quite concealed by another division of organs the muscular system. The word system in Physiology means the whole collec- tion of parts or organs of the body, which perform similar work or which work together for some com- mon purpose. We are already acquainted with the bony system. We will now study the muscular system. The muscles form the lean flesh of the body. The meat which we eat for food 31 uscles. * is chiefly muscle. We are all familiar with the dark red color of beef when it is (19) 20 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. raw. You have also undoubtedly noticed that the muscle or lean meat of pork is of a paler red, and the meat on the breast-bone of a chicken is quite white; so muscle is not always red; but it is gen- erally red, and the plate shows us that the muscles of the human body are of a quite red color. There are 527 muscles in your body. Number and Each one of these is made up of many Structure of J Muscles. strands or string-like fibers. These are laid side by sjde in the mniscle, sometimes making quite a thick bundle. Each fiber of a muscle bundle is, however, separated from the rest by a very delicate substance. If you will take a piece of cooked meat, when it is cold, yo^ can pull the muscles apart into strands, and these strands can be separated into many finer fibers or threads of muscle. "While this is being done, you can observe the breaking and crackling of the very thin layer of matter which separates the fibers. The muscles differ from each other in shape. Some are spread out much like a fan. Others are -quite circular in form, like this one (5) around the eye, or this (15) around the mouth. Some are quite long and of nearly even thickness. The largest muscle in the body is this (60), called the tailor muscle. It is nearly a yard long and does the work of crossing the legs. The ends of the muscles are attached to the bones by means of a hard white sub- stance or cord, which is called a tendon. These THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 21 tendons are very strong. Besides binding the muscles very fiiiniy at their ends to the bones, they are very usefal :n giving a graceful shape to many parts of the body. For instance, if these (39 and 40) muscles of the forearm, which must have a con- nection with the fingers, were all continued as mus- cular bundles, through the wrist, hand and finger- joints, the hand would have a very clumsy figure. But these muscles reach out to the finger- joints by means of their tendons, and these tendons are neatly bound down, to run snugly along the bones, by means of ligaments, Kke this (45), so that the hand is really a very shapely organ. This (63) shows the tendon of this (62) muscle of the leg, and here (68) is the tendon of this (66) large muscle of the thigh. The muscles have been very appropriately the called "our servants," furnished us with Muscles. u the - house ^ which we liye They are indeed very faithful servants. It is their work to move, in many ways, the different parts of the body ; or, as in walking, to move the body as a whole. There is no movement of any part of the body which is not produced by the action of one or more mus- cles. Every step we take, the slightest motion of a finger, the movement of the lips in speaking, the chest in breathing, or the eye in winking - all these movements are produced by the muscles. The rapidity with which these muscles work is quite astonishing. To be convinced of this, 22 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. we may observe the movements of the fingers of a skillful pianist or a rapid type-writer. To help you understand still better how very rapidly the muscles can act, you may remember that in say- ing the one word muscle, the mouth, tongue and voice organs must be pat, in succession, into four different shapes or positions, all of which is done by the proper muscles. We must not get the idea that only the bones are moved by the muscles. Many other parts of the body are moved by their action. For instance, the lips in whistling, the eye -lids in winking, the skin in wrinkling the forehead, or the heart in its ceaseless beating. When a dog pricks up his ears, or a horse drives off the flies by shak- ing his skin, it is done by the action of the muscles. There is another use which the muscles Language of the serve, which is very interesting. It may be called the language of the muscles, and it is remarkable how often they speak for us. A frown on the face is purely the work of the mus- cles; yet everybody understands its meaning. The same is true of a smile. You see two men at a dis- tance standing face to face and near together, with clenched fist and up-raised arm. You do not hear a word they say, but the action of their muscles, which you see, tells you how they feel. You pass near by a vicious horse, as he lays back his ears, or approach a dog whose hair on his neck is drawn up stiff and straight, you hear no sounds, but you understand the warning. It is the silent but expressive lan- guage of the muscles. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 23 _ v Some of the muscles of the body act Two Kinds of Muscular only when they are directed to do so by the mind or the will, These are called voluntary muscles. Others act without being con- trolled by the will. These are called involuntary muscles. The muscles of the arm, for example, are voluntary muscles. The muscles which produce the action of the heart are involuntary. Some muscles may act either with or without the action of our will. For instance, the muscles which produce winking usually " wait for no thinking." But we may will to wink, and wink whenever we please. On the other hand, the will usually controls the action of the motion of the jaws. But sometimes, as in the case of a chill, these muscles produce chattering of the teeth rather contrary to the direction of the will. HOW the Motion is produced by the muscles, by the contraction of the fibers. A muscle Act. shortens more or less according to the degree of motion which it is to produce. The short- ening in length is caused by a swelling out of the muscles sideways. This swelling or bulging of a muscle can easily be perceived while it is contracted and pulling or holding the part which it moves. Grasp your arm between the elbow and shoulder firmly between your thumb and fingers. Now raise your forearm toward your shoulder; you feel the thickening of the muscle which raises your arm. This (84) is the muscle whose action you so plainly feel. It is called the biceps muscle of the arm. This 24 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. name means double-beaded, and this muscle is so called because it lias two upper tendons or starting places. Here (32) is the one, and here (33) is the other. The return of the muscle to its usual shape and length is called its relaxation. The relaxation of this (34) biceps must take place to permit the arm to straighten out; but, at the same time, some other muscle or muscles must contract to move it into the straight position. A muscle which bends a part is called a flexor. One which serves to straighten a part is called an extensor. . . ._ Most of the muscles of the body are Antagonists, J or counter paired off in their work. That is, the motion of a part produced by a certain muscle is reversed by the contraction of some other muscle. Such muscles are called antagonists, or counter muscles. Here again we refer to the chart for illustration. To raise the forearm, as we have seen, this (34) biceps must contract ; but to straighten it out again requires the action of this muscle (36), the triceps. So the biceps and triceps are antag- onists. These muscles (43 and 44) bend the fingers, while these (51 and 52) straighten or extend them another illustration of counter muscles. The names of the muscles are very Prominent . and long and difficult to remember. It Their Names. wou u be unwise and unreasonable to ask you now to learn many of them. But by studying a few of the more prominent ones you will learn something about their uses, and also how their THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 25 names are formed. This (1) muscle, which occu- pies a very prominent place, begins on the occipital or back bone of the head, and reaches forward to the skin of the forehead over the frontal bone. Its con- traction raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead. It is called the occipito-frontalis. It takes its name from the parts which it connects. This (15) curious muscle, when it contracts, puckers the lips. Physi- ologists call it orbicularis oris. Orbicularis means circular, and oris means of the mouth. So this muscle is named from its shape and position. Here (51) is a muscle which bears the name extensor indicis, which means the straightener of the index finger, this being precisely the work which the muscle performs. This muscle (22) takes its name from its position under the clavicle or collar-bone. So it is called the sub-clavian muscle. We see that some muscles are named after the parts which they connect; some from their shape and position; some from the work which they do, and others from their location. So the many long and difficult names of the muscles which you find on this plate (to which the figure seems to be pointing), and which are so meaningless to you now, are really very expressive and full of meaning, and may, some day, when you are more advanced in your studies, become very interesting to you. Health ^ ie com ^ or * ^ the body, its grace of of the form and the prompt activity of all its es ' parts depend very largely on the healthy 26 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. and vigorous condition of all the muscles. To keep them all in that condition, each one mast be used without being abused. A muscle which is not used loses its power of contraction, becomes weak and flabby, and finally altogether useless. On the other hand, if a muscle is overworked, it loses its power. If you were to tie up your arm in a sling, or bind it down to your side for a long time, you would lose the use of it entirely. If you should swing your arm for a long time, the muscles which produce its motion would cry out in paiuful protest against the abuse which they suffer ; and were you to disregard their protest, they would " strike " and refuse, positively, to do the bidding of your will. The effect of the vigorous exercise of the muscles without overtaxing them, is to make them firm and strong; the stout arm of a blacksmith, and the strong limbs of a foot- man illustrate this. The difference between the robust figure and good health of a sturdy country boy and the slender body and feeble strength of his young friend in the city, lies mostly in the difference in amount of their general muscular exercise. But we must be careful not to mistake a bulky body, or thickness of the limbs, as a sign of stoutness and strength of muscle. It is true, indeed, that as the muscles grow stronger they grow thicker, and conse- quently increase the size of the limbs and trunk of the body. But the effect of the fat of the body is often mistaken for an " abundance of muscle." THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 27 OUTLINE. THE MUSCLES. f The lean flesh of the body. Color, red. Number, 527. Composed of many fibers. Shapes : long, fan-shaped, flat and circular. Bound to the bones by tendons. WHAT? ^ Voluntary and involuntary. Have power of contraction. Swell out when they shorten. Antagonists produce counter motion. Flexors bend, extensors straighten. I Are kept healthy by exercise. WHERE? -^ Found distributed in all parts of the body. WHY? To give motion to all parts of the body by the contraction and relaxation of their fibers. SUGGESTIONS TO THE TEACHER. In these lessons, whether you teach them by oral exercises or in recitation by the pupils, you can add much interest and practical instruction by bringing before your class illustrations of the real working of the parts or organs which are being studied. This can often be done very conveniently, and will contribute much to the pupils' knowledge of the functions or use of the organs (physiology), while the Anatomical Aid gives them a correct view of the structure (anatomy) of the parts. In studying the muscles, especially, such real examples of their work are very easily given. Name and point out on the plate a certain muscle. Make it serve your will as your pupils look on. Then let the class, in concert, join you in the perform- ance. Wrinkle the forehead, close the eyes, pucker the mouth, swell the cheeks, raise the arm, etc. This will make the information which is imparted "stick," because it is stored in the mind among the pleasures of memory. The "drum-stick" of a chicken which some pupil may like to contribute will, at this stage, furnish a very good object- 28 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. lesson. Show how the muscles are grouped about the upper part and gradually taper down to the bone. Below the muscle, lying along the bone, is a tendon. Separate the muscle. If the "drum-stick" has become cold, after having been cooked, you may hear the crackling of the delicate little sheaths which encase the fibers. When you have removed all the muscles, you have left two representatives of the bony system the larger bone, the tibia, and the slender bone by its side, the fibula, corresponding, in position, to the same bones in the human body. TEST QUESTIONS. What part of the body do the muscles form? What is the usual color of the muscles? How many muscles are in the body? What can you tell of the structure of a muscle? How do muscles differ in shape? What is the shape of the muscle which closes the eye? What and where is the longest muscle of the body? What is the use of the tendons? Can you explain how the tendons assist in giving a graceful shape to the body? What is the use of the muscles? What parts, besides the bones, are moved by the muscles? Can you give an illustration of the language of the muscles? What is meant by a voluntary muscle? What is an involuntary muscle? What is meant by the contraction of a muscle? What by relaxation? What is the difference between a flexor and extensor muscle? What are antagonists or counter muscles? How is a muscle affected by being unused? What is the result of too severe exercise? Is a bulky body always a strong body? What is likely to make the body bulky? THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. So far as we have now studied the body we have its framework and the muscles which are to give motion to its various parts. We have learned how the mus- cles act, and now comes the question : "What causes them to act as they do? We have learned of the obedience of the voluntary muscles to the will. But how does the mind or will direct them token, how much, and how long to_act? For the purpose of enabling the mind to control the action of .the mus- cles, a very interesting system of organs is provided in the body, namely, the nervous system. This plate gives us an excellent view of it. The brain is, in many respects, the most The Brain. . _ ,. _ r 1 important organ of the body. It occu- pies the loftiest chamber of the body house. (Raise the face section and refer to the brain on plate. ) Here the mind the invisible tenant or occupant of the body seems to form its purposes and send out its orders to its hundreds of servants stationed at as many points, between top and toe. Here, also, it receives its messages of intelligence from the body and from the outside world. These messages may (29) 30 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. bring it pleasure or pain ; and they largely influence its decisions, its orders and its temper. The brain is an exceedingly soft and Structure. . & J delicate organ. If it were not enclosed in a triple sac and nicely fitted into its bony cham- ber it would fall apart from its own weight. It is composed of two kinds of substance, one of which is gray in color and the other white. The outer por- tion of the brain is composed of the gray matter. The white matter occupies the inside portion. The brain is surrounded by three coats Protection or me mbranes. The one lying next to to the Brain. J & it is a delicate covering containing vessels which supply the brain with blood. This membrane takes its name from its purpose of careful protection ; so it is called the pia mater which means a tender mother. It lies very close to the surface, stretching over the little hills and dipping down into the little valleys, with which the outside of the brain is covered. Next to the pia mater lies a membrane so delicate that it was named after a spider's web arachnoid. This membrane performs its work of protection by collecting from the blood a watery fluid to moisten the surface of the brain and prevent any possible friction. The outer coat is quite tough and substantial: so it is called the dura mater, or hard mother. It lies close to the inside surface of the skull bones. Now wo can see how the brain is protected, for instance, against a blow on the head. The effectof such a blow would be diminished, first, by THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 31 the hair, then by the skin and muscles overlying the skull, then by the bone, next by the hard coat, then by the water coat, and finally by the soft coat mak- ing no less than a half-dozen successive defenses against harm to the castle of the mind. The brain is divided into two parts, one ^ whicl1 is mucb lar g er tnan the other. These parts are shown here, in this section which represents the head as divided from top to bottom, close behind the ears. We will now refer to the manikin of the head, where we will get a very clear view of the size and position of these brain parts. (Fourth section of the head.) This (74) large upper brain is called the cerebrum. It fills the whole front and upper part of the brain-box. The small brain (75) is called the cerebellum. Notice that it lies behind and below the large divi- sion of the brain. When this small brain is cut through, its inner structure has this tree-like appear- ance (shown on plate), called the arbor vitce. Both the cerebrum and cerebellum Hemisphere*. *, n i AT are divided into two parts, called the right and left hemispheres. The lower parts of the two hemispheres are united by several small mys- terious-looking organs, whose particular use has been a puzzle even to many wise heads, but which certainly have some special part to perform in the wonderful control of the-mind over the body. The last section of the head (turn to it), which repre- sents it as cut through from front to back, in the 32 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. middle, shows us the right hemisphere of both the larger and the smaller brain. The red vessels, in the figure, are blood-vessels which bring large quantities of the purest blood in the body to the brain, for a purpose of which we shall learn hereafter. From many observations and experi- ments which have been made by physiologists, it has been learned that the large brain is the thinking organ of the mind. It is here that impressions received from the outside world are translated into thought and feeling. Here the purposes of the will are formed, and from here all orders for the action of the volun- tary muscles are issued. The work of the small brain seems to Work of the , . . , cerebellum " e to regulate the muscuJar movements which are directed to be made by the large brain. It has been discovered that when the cerebellum is injured, a person can not balance the body, as is required even in standing and much more in walking. A bird whose small brain is seriously injured or removed, can move its wings and its legs, but it can neither fly nor walk. The nervous matter of the brain is con- Cord. P " * tinned down through the back, passing through openings in the bones of the spinal column. This is called the spinal cord. Here (131, last section of the head) is where the spinal cord begins. This (124) upper part of the cord (medulla oblongata) is a very important part of the THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 33 nervous system, for the reason that it seems to have control of some of the most vital operations of the body. When it is injured, .the breathing muscles fail to act, which, of course, means instant death. Here (150) we see the spinal cord continued down- ward. Now we will turn again to the nervous plate of the Aid, where the whole of this great nervous cord is shown with its numerous branches of nerves. The nerves are composed of the same TheXerves. ji i_ mi -i substance as the brain. Iney are sil- very threads which branch out from the brain and spinal cord and are distributed to all parts of the body. Twelve pairs pass out through openings of the cranium. These are called cranial nerves. Thirty-one pairs pass out from the spinal cord through openings of the back-bone, as shown on the plate. These are called spinal nerves. The cranial nerves go to the eye, ear, nose, tongue and other important organs. The spinal nerves go to the arms, trunk and legs. Besides the nerves which branch out from the brain and spinal cord, there is, on each side of the back-bone, a chain of nerve centers little bits of brains, as it were running down through the body. From these small nerve knots, delicate nerves run out, some to the heart, lungs and stomach, and others to the blood-vessels and to the cranial and spinal nerves. So all the important organs of the body are, in this way, connected with each other and with the brain. This figure (The Sympathetic System) shows, 34 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. beautifully, this wonderful nervous connection. The interesting object of this arrangement which is called the sympathetic nervous system we shall soon learn. There are three kinds of nervous action. Action!** We will first consider the relation between mind, brain and nerve. The nervous system is very much like a telegraph system. The mind has been called the operator, the brain and spinal cord the sending or receiving offices or instruments, and the nerves the wires or lines running to all parts of the body. The comparison is very apt, indeed. One set of nerves runs from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles, so that every muscular fiber is in direct communication with head- quarters. Now, wherever a muscle is to act, every fiber of it, in some mysterious way, gets a message over its nerve line, from the nervous capital, directing it precisely how much to contract or relax. For example, you make up your mind to close your eyes. The order is sent out over the nerve lines which go to the fibers of the circular muscle which we have found to lie around the eye, and promptly the eyelids close. The nerves which carry messages to the muscles are called nerves of motion. Another set of nerves are called nerves of feeling. They carry impressions from the body to the brain. These nerves are distributed so thickly near the surface of the body, in the skin, that it would be almost impos- sible to find a point on the body where the prick of THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 35 a pin would not be felt. If you touch your body on its skin surface anywhere, even with the fine point of a needle, you are sure to disturb one or more of the nerves of feeling. Quicker than thought they report the impression, according to the degree of its severity, to the brain, which, if the situation at the surface demands it, will promptly return an order, over the nerves of motion, to the muscles of the endangered part, to do their best to get it out of the way of harm. For instance, a mosquito may alight on your forehead so lightly as to make no impression on your nerves of feeling, and, con- sequently, you are not aware of it. But now he punctures the skin and touches a nerve with his wonderful little stiletto. The news of his attack has been received by the brain, and an order sent back for defense and protection. Quicker than thought your hand has come up and routed or crushed the little assassin. But the impressions which the nerves df feeling carry to the brain and mind are not all alarming or painful. Many of them are impressions of comfort or pleasure. A gentle breeze fans your body on a hot summer day. Hundreds of nerves are telling it to the mind, which enjoys it as a pleasure. Light impresses the nerve of sight, and beautiful views of form and color are spread before the mind. Sound excites the nerve of hearing and the charms of music are enjoyed. Invisible particles from a rose come in contact with the nerve of smell and we are delighted with the fragrance of the flower. 36 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. If all the muscles were voluntary muscles, Nervous that is, if no movement of the organs of on * the body could be made without a special order from the mind, the continuance and enjoyment of life would be impossible. Every breath, every heart- beat, and many other operations of organs which can scarcely be dispensed with for even a few moments, would need to be constantly thought of and directed. Fortunately, the mind, and even the brain, is relieved from the ordinary control of the operations of organs upon whose regular and con- stant action cur life depends. So the heart goes on beating, the lungs continue breathing and the stom- ach keeps on working, while the mind rests and the brain sleeps. Let us see how this is done. The spinal cord may be regarded as a continua- tion of the brain. It is composed of the same two kinds of matter white and gray. We may also look upon the spinal cord as a deputy brain. A deputy is appointed as a substitute for another, and empow- ered to act for him. An officer may have more duties to perform than he can personally attend to. So an assistant is given him, who is entrusted with certain lines of work for which he is held responsible. When serious questions or difficulties arise in the assist- ant's department of work, he appeals for special advice to the chief officer. So in the body, while the brain executes the orders of the mind, and controls the voluntary operations and movements of the body, the spinal cord is entrusted with the control of the THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 37 involuntary muscles which perform the work of the heart, lungs, stomach and other vital organs, except in cases of emergency. For example, when food comes into the stomach, certain movements of the walls of that organ are necessary. So the food makes an impression on the nerves which report its pres- ence, not to the brain or to the mind, as a sensation, but to the origin center of those nerves, in the spinal cord. Here the cord exercises its authority and returns (reflects) an order over motor nerves to the muscles of the stomach to perform the needed service. In the same way, the presence of impure air or the absence of air in the lungs causes impressions which are carried to the cord, which returns orders for the action of the breathing-out or breathing-in muscles, as the case may be. All these performances go on steadily, whether we are awake or asleep. But when an emergency arises, as, for instance, if the muscles of the chest are strongly resisted in their efforts to expand it, by outside compression, the news of the trouble is carried beyond the nerve cen- ters of the cord up to the brain, where the mind quickly grasps the situation and promptly issues orders for the best possible measures of relief. A familiar illustration of reflex action is found in the flapping of a fowl whose head has been cut off. Its muscles which produce its violent motions are not in connection with the brain, and can not be controlled by it. Each fall to the ground produces an impres- 38 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. sion which starts from the cord a message for the repetition of these muscular movements. Even when it seems to have settled down quietly, if you touch its body the movements will be renewed. s m athetic ^ e ^ ave seen ^ ow the sympathetic nerves connect important organs with each other and each with the brain. So if one organ suffers, the others suffer more or less with it. When the stomach is distressed, the head aches. When the heart's action is excited, the stomach is affected. When the brain is impressed with the mind's sense of shame or modesty, the little blood-vessels in the skin of the cheeks swell out and are more than usually filled with blood, and we call this delicate expression of their sympathy, blushing. Health of ^ e wou ^ naturally suppose that organs the Nervous so delicately constructed, and yet so prominent in the operations of the body as those of the nervous system, would need the most proper care to prevent their derangement or injury. And so it is. The brain needs especial care. It needs rest at proper intervals ; not only from severe application, but the complete rest of sleep. An overworked brain is a diseased brain. On the other hand, the brain must have a proper amount of exer- cise to keep it in vigor. Besides healthy and varied exercise, the brain needs pure blood regularly and in proper quantities. Too much or too little blood will paralyze it. Hence its dependence on the proper action of the blood-circulating system. Impure THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 39 blood will weaken its action. Hence its dependence on the blood-purify ing system. Severe excitement of the mind or long continued anxiety cripple the work of the brain, and finally result in insanity. A cheerful state of the rnind is favorable to healthy nerves and long life. Conse- quently, all proper enjoyments, as the delights of music, pleasant changes of scenery, varied means of recreation and social pleasures, are like tonics to the nervous system first, and through it to the whole body. There is no system of the body that is more severely outraged by the habit of drink and the use of narcotics than the nervous system. But this sub- ject is so very important that it will be fully explained in a special chapter, after we are still better acquainted with the structure of the body. OUTLINE. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Consists of brain, spinal cord and nerves. Very soft and delicate in structure. Composed of white and gray matter. The large brain called the cerebrum. The smaller brain the cerebellum. Right and left halves of brain called hemispheres. Nerves of two kinds, nerves of sensation or im- pression and nerves of motion. f Brain enclosed in cranium. Spinal cord extends from base of brain through the spinal canal of back-bone. WHERE. ^ Nerves branch out from the brain, spinal cord and the sympathetic nerve knots, and are distributed to all parts of the body. WHAT? 40 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. To serve the mind in directing the voluntary movements of the body. To control, by reflex action, the involuntary mus- WHY? { cles * To bring to the mind, from the body and from the outside world, impressions producing the sensa- tions or feeling of touch, taste, light, sound, smell, pain or pleasure. QUESTIONS. What are the organs of the nervous system? What position in the body does the brain occupy? Whose special instrument does the brain seem to be? What can you say of the brain's structure? What difference in the color of its substance? Describe how the brain is protected. What is the cerebrum? What is the cerebellum? What is the arbor vitse? What is meant by the hemispheres of the brain? What can you tell of the work of the cerebrum? What seems to be the use of the cerebellum? Where is the spinal cord ? What is its upper part called? What makes this part so very important? What are the nerves? From where do they start? Where do they go? How many pairs pass out from the skull? What are these nerves called? How many pairs branch off from the spinal cord? What are these called? Where do the cranial nerves chiefly go? To what part are the spinal nerves chiefly sent? What can you tell of the sympathetic nerves? To what have we compared the nervous system? Tell what you can of the comparison. Do all the nerves perform the same kind of work? Explain what is meant by the nerves of motion. THE SPECIAL SENSES. 41 What is meant by the nerves of feeling? Does the mind attend to all the movements of the body? If not, will you explain your answer? What kind of muscles are controlled by the nervous system independently of the mind? What is such nervous action called? Can you give an example of reflex action? What is sympathetic nervous action? Can you give an example of it? Why does the nervous system need special care? What kind of exercise is needed by the brain? By what habits are these organs especially injured? THE SPECIAL SENSES. All the sensory nerves except four, Werves of .. common sen- are nerves of common sensation. They are distributed everywhere throughout the body. They need no special organs to enable them to receive impressions. Near the surface of the body or in the skin, they end in little folds or loops called papillce. All the nerves of the sense of touch are nerves of common sensation. There are four nerves of special sensa- Xerves of Special Sen- tion. These are the nerves of sight, hearing, smell and taste. Each of these nerves has a special organ without which no impres- sion can be received to be carried to the brain. These organs are very delicate and wonderful struc- tures. They are really special instruments of the nervous system. 42 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. THE EYE. (Third Section of Head Manikin.) This (46) is one of the nerves of special sensa- tion the optic nerve, or nerve of sight. It connects with and terminates in the eye. This nerve is impressible only by light. Without the eye, the light would not impress it. The eye is an instrument to gather the light which is reflected to it from objects and to bring it to bear on the optic nerve in such a way that an impression is made and carried to the brain, where the mind receives the impression as a picture of the objects from which the light came. How all this is done is very mysterious. But the organs which are concerned in the process can be easily examined and studied. Let us notice, first, that the eye is the Eyl! 0n f l d ged in a deep socket of the bones of the head. Besides this feature of protection, there is placed behind and around the eye, quite a layer of fat, so that, even if the eye is struck, the force of the stroke is very much lessened by this fatty cushion. In front, it is guarded by the eyelids, eyebrows and eyelashes. The eyelids serve as a curtain. The eyebrows prevent the perspiration from running down from the forehead upon the lids. The eyelashes prevent dust from entering between the eyelids. (Manikin of the Eye.) Turning aside this outer section which ratus. APP *~ represents the natural open eye, we see a gland lying in the outer corner above THE SPECIAL SENSES. 43 the eye. This is called the lachrymal or tear gland. It secretes from the blood a watery fluid which it pours out upon the eyeball. By the act of winking the eyeball is entirely bathed by this fluid, which after it has flowed over the eye, collects in a little lake at the inner angle, from whence it is drained by two little channels (2) into the tear duct (1) which communicates with the nose. Shedding tears is simply an overflow of this eye-bathing fluid, when it is secreted in unusual quantity. At such times the little channels cannot carry it away sufficiently rapid; so it flows over upon the cheeks. This unu- sual activity of the tear gland may be produced by certain states of the mind, as sorrow or great joy; or by certain diseased conditions of the parts about the eye, as an inflammation or a severe cold. The eyeball has three coats. The outer The wVhite Coat of the coat, or white of the eye, is called the Eyeball. sclerotic. It is a strong, tough mem- brane which forms quite a substantial case into which the cornea is set in front, like the glass or crystal of a watch. The sclerotic coat is not sensi- tive ; that is, it has no nerves of feeling. But it is covered, in front, with a very delicate membrane which contains very fine blood-vessels and nerves. When these little blood-vessels become swollen with an unusual amount of blood, the eye is said to be "bloodshot;" and when a cinder or dust grain lodges on the eye and makes an impression on the delicate nerves of this fine protecting veil, the sen- 44 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. sation is very painful. No light passes through the sclerotic coat; but the cornea is very transparent. Next to the tough outside white coat The Black Hes ^ chor aid. This is a soft black t^oat. membrane. It prevents the reflection of strong light from the inner surf ace of the eyeball, and this serves an important part in making the sight sharp and clear. The front part of the choroid coat is arranged like a circular curtain. This is called the iris. This is what gives the eye its so-called color. The difference between a black eye and a blue eye is, that the cells of the iris of the one have a black coloring matter in them, while the cells of the iris of the other contain blue coloring matter. In the center of the iris is a circular opening called the pupil which you can see by looking directly into the eye of another person who stands close before you. Through this little circular window, surrounded by the curtains of the iris, the light must pass on its way to the back inner part of the eyeball. The amount of light which passes through the pupil is regulated by an interesting action of the iris. When the light is strong, the little muscles which are threaded through the curtain produce the effect of making the pupil smaller so as to pass less light. When we go from a light place into a dark, these same muscles bring about an opposite effect, that is, the pupil is made larger so as to admit more rays. This adjustment of the curtain of the eye is not in- stantly done. It requires some time. This you can OF T1 TJNIVEB THE SPECIAL SENSES. easily observe. For, in going from the dark into a very light room you can not see well until the change in the size of the pupil-window of your eye has been made. So, also, when going from a bright room into a dark place, at first it seems to be " pitch dark ;" but, by and by, when your eye is adjusted to the change, you may be surprised to find that it is not so dark after all. The third or inner coat of the eye is the retina. This lies only over the back part of the inner eyeball. It is really the end of the optic nerve, or nerve of sight, spread out to receive the impression of the light in the eye. By turning to the last section of this eye-manikin, we find this clearly represented. Here is a small part of the white coat of the back part of the eye- ball. It shows the opening (23) where the optic nerve enters through this coat. Turning down the section which lies just before this, we see the open- ing (21) for the nerve through (22) the choroid coat. Turning forward another section we come to the retina (15) into which the nerve is expanded and over which the blood-vessels (19, 20) which enter the eyeball with the nerve, are distributed. The retina is an exceedingly delicate nervous screen on which the action of the different parts of the eye makes a picture of the object we look at. How this picture is carried by the nerve to the brain and there grasped or perceived by the mind we do not understand. 46 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. (Sense of Sight.) Between the cornea and the iris, in the front P art of the e y e is a water y fluid called the aqueous humor (18). Back of the iris lies the crystalline lens (23). This is a beautiful gem-like little body as clear as a crystal. Back of the lens, and between it and the retina, the eyeball is filled with another clear jelly-like sub- stance called the vitreous humor (25). The effect of these three humors which are contained in the eye, and especially the effect of the lens, is to produce the image of things on the retina, as has already been mentioned. (Third Section of Eye Manikin.) These muscles, which are shown to be attached to the outer sclerotic coat, produce some of the prin- cipal movements of the eye upward, downward, in- ward and outward. By the way, we also mention that the action of the muscles of the iris in regulat- ing the size of the pupil, is an interesting example of what we have already learned to name reflex nervous action. THE EAR. The nerve of special sensation which The iferve goes from the brain to the ear is called of Hearing. the auditory nerve. As the nerve of sight is sensitive only to light, this is sensitive only, to sound. The ear is an instrument to collect sounds and bring them to bear on the auditory nerve in THE SPECIAL SENSES. 47 such a way that an impression is made and carried to the brain to be recognized by the mind. The ear is divided into the outer, middle Outer Ear. and inner ear. Tne outer ear has a more or less cartilaginous frame. This allows motion, and, at the same time, keeps it in shape and position. It has also a few small muscles. But in the human ear these are nearly altogether useless, since men do not move or flop their ears. In animals which move their ears in various ways, these muscles are quite well developed. (Sense of Hearing.) From the outer ear (1) a tube, a little Ear Middle over an inch long, called the auditory canal (2), leads in to the middle ear, where it is closed by a membrane called the mem- brana tympani, which means the membrane of the tympanum or drum (3). The middle ear is often called the "ear-drum," and the membrane just men- tioned may be called the "drum-head," for it does, indeed, act very much like the head of a drum. Between this membrane of the drum and its inner, opposite side or end, there is stretched a very curious little suspension bridge of four small bones. The first of these is attached to the drum-head, and from its shape like a hammer is celled the malleus (4). The next is called the incus, because it is shaped like an anvil (7). The third is a very small pebble of a bone called the orbicular or round bone (10). It 48 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. is followed by the stapes or stirrup bone (12), the last span in the little bridge. This rests against a small window-like membrane which is stretched over an opening in the inner side of the drum. At the bottom of the ear-drum or middle ear is an opening into a tube which leads from the ear to the throat This is called the Eustachian tube. Its object is to supply the ear-drum with air, for without air inside to balance the pressure of the air on the outside of the drum-head, the action of the latter would be very imperfect and our hearing, in consequence, very dull. We frequently experience the truth of this statement; for whenever the Eustachian tube be- comes clogged, as in the case of a very bad cold, our hearing is very much impaired, The inner ear is carefully hidden in a Ear InnCr hU w P lace in tne s li surrounded by the meshes of the small veins just described, is a single minute duct or rootlet called a lacteal. Lac means milk, and it is owing to the milk-like appearance of their contents that the term lacteal is applied to these vessels. 84 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. As ID the case of the blood-vessels, Vesse^Tand wn i c h are the beginnings of the portal Lymphatic circulation, so the lacteals unite and finally form the thoracic duct (10). Just as small creeks flow together and form larger streams, so the lacteals form chyliferous vessels, which are shown here at (7) on the Anatomical Aid. These vessels carry the chyle absorbed by the lac- teals through numerous glands called lymphatic glands (6), and finally empty it into the chyle recep- tacle, which is seen here at (9). The chyle receptacle is a sac-like expan- Thorarie g | ou Q ^ l ower en( J o f t } ie tJ lorac i c JLPUft. duct, which is about as large as a slate pencil or goose quill. The direction in which it carries the chyle is very plainly seen by referring to the Aid. It passes upward in front of the spinal column and behind the oesophagus (2). At its upper end it bends forward and downward, something like the crook of a walking cane, and pours its contents into the left subclavian vein. From this point the chyle passes into the innominate vein (14), and then through the upper vena cava (15) into the right auricle of the heart. Thus we have traced the different sub- Been Done. What Has stances of which the digestive food is composed by different routes to the same cavity of the heart, there to mingle with each other, and with the impure blood collected from all THE ABSORPTIVE SYSTEM. 87 5. Being fatty substance, it is absorbed chiefly by the lacteals. 6. The chyliferous vessels (7) carry it through the lymphatic glands (6) into the chyle receptacle (9). 7. The thoracic duct (10) empties it into the subclavian vein at 11, by which it reaches the right auricle of the heart 8. From this point the two kinds of food travel together toward the outposts of the body, carrying nourishment wherever needed. THE LYMPHATIC VESSELS. Besides the blood which is found cir- culating in all parts of the body, there is another fluid, almost colorless in appearance, which is also found widely distributed throughout the system. This fluid is called lymph, which sig- nifies transparent fluid. In composition the lymph closely resembles the plasma of the blood, and con- tains minute bodies or corpuscles resembling the white corpuscles of the blood; these are called lymph globules or lymph corpuscles. This fluid is supposed to be mostly S'm *" worn-out materials gathered from all parts of the body. It consists probably of portions of blood- ingredients which have oozed through the walls of the arteries, veins and blood- capillaries, together with certain products of the combustion which takes place in the body. These sub- stances are gathered up by tiny vessels, and, after 88 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. being worked over in a manner not well understood, they are capable of further use in the body. Thus we see a wise economy in allowing nothing to go to waste which can in any way be put to further use. This reminds us of the economy practiced in sifting coal ashes taken from our stoves and furnaces, sav- ing therefrom such partly burned coal as may be capable of giving off more heat if put into the fire again. The vessels which carry the lymph just lymphatics described are called lymphatics. They are more delicate in their structure than the veins and arteries and permeate every part of the body. Wherever blood capillaries are found, there lymph capillaries are also found, though on account of their minute size they can not be seen until injected with mercury or some colored fluid. They vary in number with the variation of the number of blood vessels. The functions of the lymphatics of the system may be regarded as similar m of to those of tiles, or drain pipes, which farmers so frequently lay in wet, swampy lands for the purpose of carrying off the surplus water. The water soaks into these tiles, which carry it off under ground, thus drying the field. Likewise the surplus fluids which collect in all parts of the body are absorbed by the lymphatics the drain pipes of the body which unite, forming larger vessel s, which empty into the thoracic duct, with the contents of which the lymph reaches the heart. THE ABSORPTIVE SYSTEM. 89 In all parts of the system the lymphat- ics pass through small bodies called phatic <; lands. lymphatic glands, which vary in size from that of a pin-head to an inch in diameter. It is not definitely known what the function of these glands is; but it is probable that they renovate or work over the waste and surplus material brought to them by the lymphatics, and that the lymph globules originate in them. Whether this is true or not, there can be no doubt that these glands are essential to health; because, when they become hardened or inflamed, as is often the case in persons of a scrofulous tendency, health fails and the patient grows thin and emaciated, even though his diet may be of the proper kind and quantity. The lacteals, which we have considered The Lacteals, . m ' a Part of the in connection with the absorption of the cs " food from the alimentary canal, are a part of the lymphatic system. They constitute that portion which begins in the villi of the intestines. When the process of digestion is completed, they serve as drain-pipes, like the lymphatics in the system at large. Their special work, however, is that in connection with the absorption of fatty food through the walls of the intestines. We have learned how the blood "cir- TheL,ymphat- , . , ics compared culates; how it starts from the heart e , and after making the complete circuit, Blood- Vessels. ' is brought back to the heart again. We 90 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. have learned also that the blood-vessels both give off tissue-making substances and take on waste and worn-out material, which they carry away. In con- trast with this the lymph does not "circulate." It is carried toward the heart, where it enters the life- giving stream the blood. In the lymphatic system there are, therefore, no vessels to correspond with arteries. Again, the lymphatics collect worn-out tis- sues, etc., but give nothing in return. The work of the lymphatics is not Con- Other Func- J . r tions or the fined to the absorption of food from the Lymphatics. i n t es ti neg an( j collecting surplus and waste materials from the system in general. Certain other phenomena, all of which are of interest to us, are due to the absorbing power of these vessels. For instance, when a poisonous substance is placed upon the skin the lymphatics at once absorb it and carry it into the circulation. The lymphatics of the lungs take in the poison of disease and diffuse it through- out the system. When the appetite fails during long-continued illness, life is sustained by the uncon- scious consumption of one's own flesh, which is absorbed by the lymphatics and carried out into the circulation. In a similar manner, as we will learn further on, the poisonous nicotine of tobacco is absorbed in the lungs and the system poisoned. Thus we see that these vessels, which are ever active, take up, indis- criminately, foods, poisons, medicines, or the waste of worn-out material THE ABSORPTIVE SYSTEM. 91 In concluding our consideration of the Suggestions * . to the absorptive system, let it be suggested Teacher. tliat the Anatomical Aid be constantly referred to. In all topics discussed, it will be an Aid indeed, and the work be made incomparably more effective. OUTLINE. Food is absorbed. It is conveyed to the circulation. WHAT? -J Surplus and worn-out tissues are collected. They are renovated and prepared for use, and are again thrown into the blood to be used. In the walls of the alimentary canal. In the system at large. WHERE? ^ In the tissue of the skin. In the cells of the lungs. Wherever blood-vessels are found. WHY? -| To collect and transfer material. QUESTIONS. What is absorption? How do plants illustrate the manner in which food is taken from the intestines? What is there in plants to correspond with blood in animals? What gives the lining membrane of the intestines its smooth, velvet-like appearance ? What do the intestinal villi contain ? Describe their structure. What is the portal vein ? Trace the food absorbed by the veins, from the intestines to the heart. How is the blood changed in its passage through the liver ? Where is the hepatic vein ? and what is its function ? What are the lacteals ? What is their function ? Of what general system are they a part ? 9 2 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Through what glands do they pass ? Into what do they empty ? What is chyle ? Why are the lacteals so called ? What are the chyliferous vessels ? Describe the thoracic duct. Locate it. What is the chyle receptacle ? Describe it. Explain assimilation. Where does it take place ? Trace a mouthful of food from the mouth to the tissue in the body. What is lymph ? What does it resemble ? What are 1;, niph globules ? Explain the origin of lymph. What vessels carry it ? Describe fully the action of the lymphatics. With what may they be compared ? In what respects do the lymphatics differ from the blood- vessels of the general circulation ? What is the difference between lymph and blood ? Explain how the lymph vessels constitute a drainage system of the body. Whither is the lymph carried ? What are lymphatic glands ? Describe them. What effect have they upon the general health when they become diseased or hardened ? Why should we be careful not to touch poison ivy ? What danger is there in breathing the air of a sick chamber? When a squirrel or other animal hibernates, on what does it subsist ? Why is medicine sometimes injected under the skin, and how is it rendered effective ? Name all the vessels which constitute parts of the absorptive system. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM. 93 THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM. It will be remembered that the material collected by the lymphatics is principally such as is capable of being worked over in the little workshops, the lymphatic glands, and used again as building mate- rial of the body. There is, however, much waste matter which can not be thus elaborated for further use in tissue- building; and yet some of this material is taken from the blood by organs adapted to this particular purpose, and converted into substances essential to some of the vital processes. Other parts are fit for nothing whatever, and must be expelled from the system, because, if allowed to remain in the blood, they would not only be useless, but an actual poison to the system. The organs whose function it is to take The Excre- tory from the blood such substances as can ^^ ^ Q utilized again in the body -build- ing process, but which must either be changed into some other substance, or expelled from the body, are the lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Each of these is suited to take from the blood its own kind of impurities, and either elaborate them into some usable substance or start them in their course lead- ing from the body . 94 ELEMENTARY PH YSIOLOGY. THE The excretory functions of the lungs Impurities J Thrown off (Turn to manikin of the body, 8, 9.) e Lungs. j iave b een referred to under Respira- tion, and their structure there explained. The pure air, taken into the lungs, gives up its life-giving oxygen, and in return becomes heavily loaded with carbon dioxide, or, as it is more commonly called, carbonic acid gas. The chief of the excretions fcrom the moxide lungs is carbon dioxide. It is a re- sult of the union of the oxygen of the air inhaled, and carbon from the tissues of the body. This compound will not only fail to support life, but is an actual poison. The destructive nature of this gas is illustrated in many ways. As for in- stance, if a man goes down into a well and is overcome, becomes unconscious and helpless, it is this gas which causes his condition. It is of the same kind as that which is thrown off by the lungs, is colorless, and is heavier than air, and conse- quently settles to the floor, or into cellars, wells, etc. Therefore it is safer to sleep on a bed than on the floor, since this deadly gas settles, during the night, on the floor. As it will not support life in man and animals, so it will not support combustion, or burning. Hence, if it should become necessary to go down into a well, THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM. 95 it would be advisable to first lower into it a lighted candle. If the candle continues to burn, it may be concluded that the well is sufficiently free from carbon dioxide to enter it with safety. That the lungs expel a gas which is Test of the identical with that' which collects in i>reuin. wells may be illustrated by breathing into a glass jar, after having held the breath in the lungs for some time. If a lighted taper or wax candle be lowered into the jar containing this exhaled breath, it will go out, thus showing the absence of pure air and the presence of carbonic oxide. Again, to show that other substances, such as particles of animal matter, are contained in air once breathed, let the contents of the lungs after a full inspiration be breathed into a bottle and corked up. The effete matter excreted with the breath will decompose and soon give off an offensive odor. Thus we may understand the need of ventilation already mentioned. We can understand how the excretions from the lungs soon make the air in a closed roojn unfit for breathing, causing drowsiness and headache. The especial need of well- aired school-rooms is therefore urged for the consideration of teachers and pupils. Let pupils make the simple tests men- tioned and see for themselves the importance of proper ventilation. Besides what has already been men- tioned ' the lun s 8 take from the blood a watery vapor which is ordinarily not 96 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. visible, but in cold weather is condensed and collects on the windows, or can even be seen as it comes with the breath from the nostrils or mouth. It is chiefly the vapor of alcohol which is expelled from the lungs of a person who has used strong drinks, and his breath thus tells the tale of his indulgence. It has been carefully estimated that about one or one and one-fourth pounds of water is daily given off with the breath of a man. THE LIVER. The liver, and its connection with the tor "oif^an*" P rocess ^ digestion and also the portal circulation have been spoken of else- where. But it must also be considered as an excre- tory organ. Its function is not merely to secrete from the blood a fluid needed in the process of digestion, but by so doing it acts as a blood purifier. It is a well established fact, that, in case of a diseased liver, when that organ fails properly to perform its work of secreting the bile, which thus remains in the blood, a disease known as jaundice ensues, and, if this disease is hot checked, the person dies with symptoms of poisoning. THE KIDNEYS. The kidneys are two bean-shaped bodies, a little more than half as large as the closed fist. They are located in the back part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the spinal column. Their shape, size, appearance, color and structure are very THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM. 97 plainly shown by the Anatomical Aid (manikin of the body). These dark-colored little glands have a very important function to perform. They cannot delegate their work to any other organ of the body, as is the case with some of the other glands. They alone can perform the work assigned them. Hence, when diseased, their work is not done, and sickness ensues. The particular and only work of the Work of the i i P 111 Kidneys. kidneys is to separate from the blood brought to them, a substance called urea. This is a very poisonous matter, which, if not removed from the body by the healthy action of the kidneys, will accumulate, and finally cause death. The renal arteries (g) constantly carry The Kidneys . , . .. V / , , i at work. to the kidneys a portion of the blood, which passes through the capillaries of the kidneys, as seen by turning back the first sec- tion of the right kidney of the manikin. The blood is again collected by the veins, and conveyed through the renal vein (h) to the large veins lead- ing to the heart. In the capillaries of the kidneys the blood loses its watery part, which carries, in so- lution, impurities called urea. This watery fluid soaks through the thin capillary walls, is collected and conveyed by two tubes (56), called ureters, to the bladder (57), whence it is expelled from the body. 98 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Difference be- As has been shown, the bile, secreted tween sec-re- f rom the blood, is utilized in the diges- tions of the Liver and tive process. But the secretions Kidneys. Q ^ Q kidneys are poisonous to the system, cannot be used in any process whatever, hence must be at once removed from the system. Thus the kidneys are exclusively excretory organs. LESSONS FROM THE MICROSCOPE. There are about us myriads of wonder- ful creations which cannot be perceived by our unaided senses. Our sense of sight is not sufficiently acute to see the countless numbers of minute living bodies which throng every drop of water taken from a pond. We can not see the tiny corpuscles which float in the blood and give it its color, just as indigo dissolved in water will give it a blue color. Many persons know nothing of the wondrous beauty with which God has clothed the insects which swarm about us. With the unaided eye we see no beauty in the so-called dust which covers the wings of our moths and butterflies. But, when we call to our aid proper instruments, made for the purpose, the dust on the wings and body of the butterfly is at once transformed into beautifully formed scales, of brillian: rainbow colors and the most perfect shape and structure. The instrument LESSONS FROM THE MICROSCOPE. 99 constructed to aid us in seeing things which are too small for us to see without this apparatus is the microscope. Its structure and principles upon which it operates, can not here be explained. Let it be sufficient to say that the microscope is a combina- tion of glass lenses so arranged as to make things seen through it much lai-ger. If you take your grandmother's spectacles and hold them just right, objects seen through the glasses will appear larger. In a similar way and for a similar purpose the glasses, or lenses, of a microscope are used, only that the microscope makes a much greater difference in the apparent and real size of objects seen through it. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE TISSUES. As the minute scales of the butterfly scope as an can n t be satisfactorily examined with- Ajd m ou ^ ^ Q m i crO scope, so the proper and successful study of the different tissues of the body requires the aid of this instrument. And since it is not possible for all pupils to have access to a microscope, it is fortunate that those who have made physiology a careful study, and have examined the various structures and tissues with great care, have made drawings and sketches which we may study. Thus we have here on the Aid a series of marvelous paintings, true to nature, which we can study with even more satisfaction than if we were to prepare the specimens and look at them through the microscope ourselves, We have spoken of the body 100 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. as "the house in which we live." We may carry the comparison a little farther and consider the different tissues as the material used in the body-building, where they serve a purpose much like that of sand, stone, lime, glass, bricks and so on, in the construc- tion of a building. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE. Here (1) we see the three coats of the (')". arteries. The outer layer is made up of a fibrous matter, more or less elastic. Next to it lies the middle coat, which consists of alternating layers of elastic tissue and muscular fibers, and the inner lining consists prin- cipally of a net- work of elastic tissue. As in the arteries, the veins under the Vei^sf (*) microscope show three distinct coats, but the entire vein wall is much thin- ner than that of the artery. Here at (2) the structure of the vein is shown. We see also the valves, men- tioned under the circulation, which consists of pouch- like folds of the inner coat. Here we see three valves; but sometimes there are but two, and even one. From their shape' and position you may see that they will allow blood to pass through them in one direction, but not in the other. Thus, blood can not flow backward, which, you will perceive, is a very wise provision. The shape of these valves as shown here will suggest the appropriateness of the name, semilunar valves. LESSONS FROM THE MICROSCOPE. 101 of capiiia- At (3) we have represented the net- ries between WO rk of capillaries which constitutes Arteries and veins (3). the connection between the arteries and veins. Here the outer and middle walls of the arteries have disappeared, and only the inner coat remains. The filtering process can thus take place with little difficulty. of MUCOUS All cavities of the body which com- Membrane (4.) municate directly or indirectly with the outside surface are lined with a soft, smooth membrane called the mucous membrane. This is a continuation of the skin. At the lips, for example, we may see that the skin merges into a softer and more sensitive coat, the mucous membrane. Here, at (4) you may notice its net- work of capillaries. 1.00 eda>ii- At (5) we see the capillary meshes of lariesoftne the skin. Through their folds are absorbed many substances which are then carried into the system, as we learned under Absorption. The activity of these capillaries as absorbents makes it possible for sailors to quench thirst by spraying their garments with sea water when their supply of fresh water is exhausted. The wet garments come in contact with the skin, and the moisture is absorbed. This (6) gives the eye an opportunity tinai vim**) to ai d tne m i n ). structure or the kidneys is here repre- sented (19). The peculiar little cap- sules or balls, called Malpighian Corpuscles, are a part of the mysterious organism provided for the secretion of the urea from the blood. 104 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Red Blood ^S' (20) shows the red corpuscles of the blood of different animals. Blood consists of a countless number of solid bodies floating in a liquid. Some of these solids are of a red color, while others are pale or white. These solids are called corpuscles or blood- discs. They vary also in shape in different ani- mals. In man, the discs are usually nearly or quite circular, though, when seen in different positions, they present different appearances; 'just as a coin, looked at perpendicularly to its surface, looks cir- cular, and, when we look at it edgewise, seems of an entirely* different shape. These wonderful little bodies are so small that, of the red discs, 3,500, laid side by side, would measure only an inch, and, if placed one upon another, 18,000 would be required to make a column of that height. They usually arrange themselves in piles, and fit in each other like so many saucers or butter plates. It is the great number of these corpuscles which gives blood its color. The structure of the strong tendons by niter pi which the muscles are attached to the Adipose Tis- bones, is shown very plainly at (21,. As will be seen here they consist of many longitudinal fibers. Number (22) shows us how adipose cells appear under the microscope (23), and gives us another view of the structure of the bones. This is from the ulna of the forearm. LESSONS FROM THE MICROSCOPE. 105 The mucous membrane lining the mou th, nose and other cavities com- Ceiis of Kpi- municating with the outside, is covered dermis at (24) we have a magnified view of these cells from the mouth; at (25) we see, as through a micro- scope, the cells of the epidermis. Though the worn- out particles of the cr.ticle can be seen with the naked eye, their peculiar structure can not bo thus perceived. The choroid coat of the eye is of a Pigment from <;oat dark color, and absorbs the superflu- (26). ous ^^ brought into the eye. Its color is due to a dark pigment consisting of regu- larly formed six-sided cells. Their shape is seen at (26). The bile is secreted in the liver cells, Other Views . * i to (3 1), a microscopic view of which is given us at (28). Each of the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves has two branches, as seen from (29). The posterior root has a ganglion of nerve matter which has the power of originating motion. (30 and (31) show us how the different nerve-cells appear when seen through the microscope. Thus we have afforded us a series of views by a careful study of which we may be led to appreciate the fact that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. The principal organs of the body, and 8ound < Body *^ e f unc ^ ons ^ each, are now quite familiar to us. Let us now consider briefly the necessity of guarding against anything and everything which would in any way impair the health of these organs, or interfere with them in the performance of their work. If a grain of sand should find its way into the eye, inflammation would at once result; sight, the function of the eye, would be interrupted. If, on account of some disease, the muscles of the heart should cease to contract and expand with their ordinary regularity, or stop their action entirely, the blood would cease to circulate and life would end. Thus, the well-being of the body, yea, life itself, depends upon the healthy action of the various organs which are our servants in our body- house. Does it not seem strange, then, that so of the manv thousands should still persist in abusing their bodies, which are made "in the image of {heir Creator"? Yet there are such who willfully take into their systems that which not only interferes with the healthy action of their bodily organs, but leads to certain death. More than this, they injure not only their bodies, but destroy their mental faculties, dethrone reason, bring misery and woe upon their families, and fail to accomplish life's ends. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 107 What is strong drink? It is a liquid strong Drink. which conta i ns ai^hol i n l ar ge or small quantity; and, if taken into the system, will affect, more or less, all the organs and tissues of the body; and, if the quantity is sufficient, will cause what is called drunkenness or intoxication. It is a liquid which in appearance can what is if?* not be distinguished from water. If one vial be filled with water and an- other with alcohol, at a little distance it cannot be told which contains the water and which the alcohol. But the properties of the two are remarkably dif- ferent. The alcohol has a strong odor, and a hot, biting taste. A small quantity may be placed in a shallow dish and a burning match held to it, when it will readily burn with a pale flame, but giving off much heat. If the white (albumen) of an egg be put in a cup, and alcohol poured on it, the albu- men will soon become white, hard and tough, as if cooked. In all these and in many other particulars, it differs very much from water, which it so much resembles in appearance. Nearly all of the grains, as wheat, rye, origin? 8 barley, corn and rice, contain much starch. Corn-starch is made from corn, and sold by the grocer. The starch of these grains can, under certain circumstances, be converted into sugar, and this, in turn, can be changed into two very different substances, carbonic acid gas and 108 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. alcohol. Thus alcohol may be made from many sub stances. The juices of all fruits contain the sugar from which it may be produced. From the grape, currant, blackberry, elderberry and cherry, wine is made; from apples, cider is pressed; whisky is made from corn, barley, rye and other grains; rum is made from molasses and sugar cane. All of these contain alcohol in different quantities. If you take an apple and squeeze out Sone? 8 ^ ^ ^ ie J u ^ ce ' y u w iH have cider. If this is allowed to stand in the warm open air, it will very soon begin to change its nature. If watched closely, small bubbles will be seen rising to the top and escaping. These are bub- bles of carbonic acid gas, one of the products of the change of the fruit-sugar. The other is alcohol, which mixes with the liquid. The cider is now no longer sweet, but contains alcohol, is properly called "hard cider," and is a dangerous drink. It is the escaping gas that makes cider sparkle, and beer foam. The change of the cider, from sweet to Fermentation -hard, or from the harmless juice of the apple to that containing alcohol, is called fermenta- tion. All alcohol is the result of the fermentation of sugar, or some substance containing sugar. The apple juice, as soon as exposed to the warm atmos- phere, absorbs from the air a peculiar substance called a ferment, which is something like yeast. It EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 109 at once begins to " worK," that is, it begins to change the sugar to carbonic acid gas and alcohol. Thus wine is made from grapes, currants and other fruits. This kind of fermentation is called vinous fermenta- tion. If the process of fermentation is allowed Fermentation ^ con tinue, the hard cider and the fer- mented wine will again change their nature. If a barrel containing cider is left in the warm sun, with an open bung (why), it first changes its sugar into alcohol. Additional ferment will change the alcohol of the hard cider to acetic acid, or cider-vinegar. This is called acetous fer- mentation. Beer brewers add water to barley, >m IJarley. and keep it sufficiently warm to cause it to sprout, when the starch it contains will change to sugar. More heat is added, and the germs or young sprouts are killed, and the water evaporated. This is now called malt, which is soaked in water, the sugar which it contains is dis- solved and the sweet liquid drained off. Yeast is added to this liquid, to start the process of fermen- tation, or change of sugar to carbonic acid gas and alcohol. It is now called beer. If a cold cup be inverted and held Distillation. over the spout of a tea-kettle from which steam is escaping, the steam will be condensed and gather in drops on the inner surface of the cup. 110 ELEMENT AE Y PHYSIOLOG Y. The water is first changed to vapor and this in turn is condensed to a liquid again. This is called distillation. Now, if a quantity of wine or hard cider be placed in a vessel with an opening something like the spout of a tea-kettle, and heat applied, distilla- tion will take place. But alcohol will boil, that is, change to vapor, at a temperature of 173, while water requires 212. Hence, the alcohol will be vaporized and pass off as steam before the watery portions will have reached a sufficient temperature. Thus, the vapor of alcohol can be condensed and collected as almost or quite pure alcohol. But suffi- cient heat may be applied to drive off some of the water with the alcohol. When about as much water is driven off as alcohol, the result of the process of distillation is brandy, whisky or rum. Thus, we have seen that there are Two Classes or strong two kinds, or classes, of strong drink, the pernicious element in each being alcohol. One kind is called fermented liquors, such as wine, beer, ale and cider, and contain from three to twenty per cent, of alcohol. The other kind is known as distilled liquors, rum, whisky and brandy, containing as high as fifty-five per cent, of alcohol. An appetite for these liquors is the cause of more poverty, unhappiness, wickedness and crime than all other causes combined. We will now consider their effects upon the human system, EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. Ill EFFECTS ON THE DIGKESTIVE SYSTEM. To possess a healthy digestion is a g reat blessing. It is essential to our physical well-being. Here we have a fine representation of a healthy stomach and liver. (See Aid.) The liver naturally lies across the stomach, but here* it is turned up to show us the healthy appearance of a stomach which has never been abused by that terrible destroyer, alcohol. If taken in an undiluted form, alcohol " would burn the mouth and throat. The stomach would suffer in a similar way. But in its most diluted form it has an irritating effect upon the lining membrane of the stomach and intestines. Inflammation tells the story of the unnatural condi- tion of things. The gastric juice becomes thick and unfit for its work in the digestive process. The constant inflammation indicates unnatural heat, and an unnatural thirst ensues, which is the probable reason for the fact that the more liquor a man drinks the more he wants. The quantity he drinks to-day will not satisfy him to-morrow, since more and more will be needed to counteract the ever-increasing inflammation. This second cut shows us plainly the early stages of inflammation. It represents, perhaps, the stomach of one who has had his first experience with the deadly stuff; and yet how different in appearance from the stomach represented above. OF THP UNIVERSITY 112 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. At the bottom of this chart we see a uiceration. more a( j v anced stage of the difficulty. The blood-vessels are very much dilated, and indi- cate that extraordinary work has devolved upon this organ. The blood-vessels seem to have lost their power to contract sufficiently to expel the increased amount of blood brought hither. And here we see the results (first cut, next chart), of long continued distension of the blood-vessels. They have broken and sores or ulcers are the result. The stomach is now no longer able to perform its functions; the food is no longer properly digested, and as a con- sequence the blood is impoverished, and the general health has failed. All on account of the drink-habit which has now become so firmly fixed upon its victim that it is almost beyond human effort to break loose from it. The faithful servant of the body, the L,ast Stages * ' of Alcohol stomach, tries, from the first, to adapt ins " itself to the derangements caused by the use of alcohol as a beverage. Just as the cuti- cle of the hand thickens and hardens, when we use an ax or shovel, so the stomach, if it is constantly being irritated by the presence of alcohol, becomes thick, tough and unnatural; and consequently becomes better adapted for the purpose of a whisky jug, but less for the purpose for which it was intended to digest food. The blood vessels of the stomach, having been dilated to their utmost, their diseased walls give way and ugly ulcers are formed. THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 113 These canker-like eruptions seen here, first eat through the inner coat, then the outer is attacked and the painful sores cause great suffering. Ulti- mately it can no longer accommodate itself to the condition of things. It gives up in despair. It can no longer retain and much less digest food. Its con- dition and appearance is shown here on the chart. A long and painful disease follows, and at last death relieves the poor slave to appetite. Let us observe right here, how gradual is the pro- cess. How small and seemingly insignificant the beginning. And yet how certainly does the gratifi- cation of one thirst create the next. We would all do well to accept as our motto: " Touch not, taste not, handle not." We have just seen how alarming is the effect of alcohol on the stomach. But the liver, the healthy action of which we have found so necessary in the food-preparing and blood-purifying processes, suffers fully as much from the use of alcoholic drinks. It is probable that most of the alcohol taken into the stomach is there absorbed and carried directly to the liver without passing into the intestines. A proper secretion of the bile in the liver demands that the cellular structure of that organ remain un- changed. Alcohol causes a change of these cells to fatty tissue, and an enlargement of the organ follows. Its tissues then become lumpy or knobbed, and pro- duces what is known as u gin, or hobnailed liver." 114 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Let us compare its appearance under such conditions as we have it here represented, with its looks when in health, as seen on a previous plate. What is the result of a liver thus dis- eased? The answer is two-fold: First, the bile and liver sugar are not properly taken from the blood, and whatever poisonous matter may be contained in the blood which should be removed with the bile must remain in the system, and will certainly prove destructive to health. In the second place, the digestive process is not furnished with the needed bile, and the work of preparing the food will be imperfectly performed. The effect of a continued use of alcohol fheKidnry 8 . u P on the kidneys is much like that upon the liver. In the kidneys the blood is constantly being filtered, and the poisonous urea is being taken from it and expelled from the body. If the blood carries alcohol into the cells of these organs they will be irritated, inflamed, and sometimes destroyed. This is known as Brighfs disease, though other causes may lead to the same difficulties and terminate in the same disease. Here we have a view of a very common derangement with drinkers. It is an accumulation of fat about the kidneys, and may prove fatal. EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Medical authorities tell us that after On the Brain. ^ death Qf ft hard drinkerj more a ] co _ hol is found in the tissues of the various parts of THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 115 the nervous system than any other part of the body. It has been found in sufficient quantities in the brain to distill it from the brain tissue. Its abundance in the nervous tissue is probably due to the amount of water which nerve tissue contains, and for which alcohol has a remarkable affinity or greed. As stated elsewhere, if alcohol is poured in a cup contain- ing the white of an egg , it will harden or coagulate it. The tissue of the brain is similarly affected and made less sensitive. This loss of feeling is called paralysis. It also causes inflammation as seen here in the first plate of this chart. Compare the appear- ance of the two hemispheres of this important organ, one side represents the brain in health and the other as affected by strong drink. THE BRAIN IS THE SEAT OF THE MIND. If alcohol effects its tissues as we have >< L iieii<-eK. i earne( j i n the preceding topic, we may understand to some extent at least, how the habitual use of alcoholic drinks causes temporary insanity; and men are made silly in their actions, boastful in conversation and unmanly in every respect. That part of the brain which controls the voluntary mus- cles shows the effects of stimulants very promptly. The hand trembles and shakes "like a leaf." Walk- ing soon becomes a difficult task. The control of the lips is lost and a quivering is the result. The tongue becomes ungovernable, and the poor toper becomes an object of pity, as he staggers through 116 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. the streets no longer a man, but a poor, degraded wretch, made so by his appetite for drink. The effect of alcohol upon the brain sometimes manifests inself in a degen- the Brain. eration of the brain tisssue. Fat accu- mulates as a result of frequent intoxications and the result is known as alcoholic softening, and the appearance of the brain in such condition is showp by the plate. The last cut of the stomach on the tem- Tremens! perance charts gave us a view of that organ of a patient suffering from de- lirium tremens. The Aid furnishes us a correspond- ing view of the brain of such a patient. It is usually supposed that this condition is reached only after years of dissipation and drunkenness. Ordinarily this is true. But reliable medical authorities affirm that persons of a particularly nervous disposition are sometimes attacked by this terrible malady when but small quantities of intoxicants are taken. Those who indulge in strong drink are never absolutely safe. It may attack them at any time. The victim of delirium tremens is in terrible fear and anxiety. His mind is so completely disturbed and his imagination so thoroughly aroused as to cause him to think his best friends enemies who would do him harm. He sees horrible sights and hears noises which alarm him. In his awful con- dition he raves and tears, cutting, tearing and biting himself like a madman ; and not unfrequently dies THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 117 and thus escapes from his agony. Oh, that human beings should so abuse themselves as to bring them- selves into such a condition ! The same paralyzing effect of alcohol x^rve* on the brain of which we made mention in the preceding topics, is noticeable in the nerves. The alcohol takes up the moisture in the nerve tissues, leaving them more or less inca- pable of transmitting sensation. There is on record an account of a man, who, in his drunken stupor, burned his foot almost to a crisp without becoming conscious enough to remove it from the camp fire into which he had unconsciously placed it. The nerves were so thoroughly paralyzed by alcohol as to fail to transmit sensation to the brain, even if that organ had been in a fit condition to receive the intelligence. The brain and nerve tissues are among the first substances of the body to become affected by alcohol. The effect of alcohol on the heart is more or less indirect - ft is through it-ant* upon the affected nerves that its effect upon the heart and circulation is brought about. The action of the heart is governed by the nerves, which act as a sort of brake, thus preventing a too violent action. Now when these nerves be- come affected and lose their control of the heart's action, it will beat more rapidly, and also with greater force. Thus the strain upon the heart is greatly increased, while the intervals of rest be- 118 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. tween the beats is diminished, which must be injuri- ous to that important organ. With the increased activity of the heart, comes an increased rapidity of the flow of blood through the blood-vessels- The blood is forced to the surface, which becomes flushed, and, if long continued, the blood-capillaries at the surface lose their power of contraction, and the drunkard's nose is the result. As in the kidneys, the tissue of the heart-walls will degenerate and change to fat. A fatty coat may run back from about it, and it is known as fatty accumulation. If the use of alcohol is continued, the heart will finally succumb; its fibers will become relaxed, its cavities become enlarged, it will entirely lose its power to contract, and death will ensue from paralysis of the heart Sometimes the heart continues its efforts to expel the blood, even when the cavities have increased their capacity, and the walls become thin and weak. Alcoholic rupture is then likely to occur. The effect on the appearance of the nerves, eye and blood- vessels is shown on the Aid. "Without going farther into the details synopsis. o a ] co hol 5 and other effects upon the human system just mentioned in these lessons, let us recall briefly what it will not do, and then resolve never to use it except as a medicine, and then only when directed to do so by a competent physician. Following are a few of the many facts concerning alcohol, which have so frequently been demonstrated THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. 119 as to be no longer questioned: WHAT IT WILL NOT DO. 1. Alcohol is not a food, hence 2. It will not nourish the system. 3. It is not assimilated and made a part of the body tissue. 4. It will not fortify against cold. 5. It will not quench thirst. 6. It will not increase our powers of endurance. 7. It will not make the nerves more steady. 8. Its use will not make us more manly. 9. It will not increase our mental powers. 10. It will in no way benefit the system, except as a prescribed medicine. 11. It will not prolong life. 12. Its use can in no way add to our good name or reputation. TOBACCO AND ITS EFFECTS. The use of tobacco is so prevalent that all know what it is. Like alcohol, it does little or nothing for which its use can be recommended, while, on the other hand, there are many reasons for which its use should be entirely avoided. It contains a substance called nicotine, poL a on IS * which is a deadl 7 poison. This poison can be extracted from the leaves of the tobacco plant, and is a dark-colored liquid of a sharp, biting taste. It has been found that a few 120 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. drops of this poison, placed on the tongue of a dog, will cause death. This nicotine, extracted from the tobacco and evaporated, forms large parts of the crust in the bowl of an old tobacco pipe. Its use is unnatural. When first at-