EACH IN HIS OWN j. NX/ILLIAM HERBERT CAI\I\UTH ; v *-" * Vf- * ?* ^ i^A^$>rs^P3 ^*V^ -^ W* >- ; ^ : - -:5^SS^Mir-5^J5 : f> gp^* VJ* $,<; **?fHJ53 "fete EACH IN HIS OWN TONGUE WILLIAM HERBERT CAI\I\UTH PUBLISHED BV P.F.VOLLAND COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO ^oi&(2X^grcg^^ ^o&@^gjf<g^^ y\ fire ~mist and a planet, y\ crystal and a cell , y\ jelkj-j ish and a saurian, : And ca^es ^cohere the ca^>e~men dwell ; Then a sense of lax)0 and beau"b9_____^ y\nd a face turned from the clod - Some call it Evolution , y\nd others call it q d. @^5>%(2X^grcg)cs^ @^Q)@^0^<^ f\ haze on the far horizon, w/ The infinite, tender sk;)?, The ripe , rich tint of the cornfields y\nd the xtfild aeese sailina hiah ; y\nd all o^Oer upland and lo^X)land The charm Off the aolden~rod, Some of us call ity\utumn, y\nd others call it @&<S>%2X5%(gj^ L @^@@^(S5^C^^ N ike tides on a crescent sea ~- beach, (XX/hen the moon is nexx) and thin , Into our hearts hiqh d ~9earninas Come \x)ellinci and 6 surqinq in ; 6 a Come jrom the mj?stic ocean CvJhose rim no foot has trod , Some of us call it Lonaing, \nd others call it (&&Q%!@&@^%^^ y\ picket frozen on duty, y\. mother starred for her brood , Socrates drinkinq the hemlock., y\nd Jesus on the rood ; y\nd millions xtfho, humble and nameless , The straiqht , hard i i pathxXta)? plod,- Some call it Consecration , y\nd others call it Cjod. i Vv^ ;-$$ ^v v r v -": i? ; t- ** ; !.. 1 . ., - jft iSi% | A>:..^.\xi H" ? .-. >: : -?. v-.y:;.v. : . #-.] . * ^ . ^r ^ ; : ^4^:V y* 1 * ^ -> .* :-.*-. ^v^* r 7 r ~y.i J j v:^v/ ^ t_iSCT t ^* ; -" " v.?^ ; uji^ g v " M* i".T;V- , - ;S--* ^^^v : W^?S:^l y - : . T iiij- .; ;,X-..-.: l >; ===> ,:^V : :--V.>v*fv;- ;-;; <-75 -V:-v s ^r^t4v:; : v^-- % UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 753 483 7 y . * ,- v-.. .-