^L \'^ \o ^'\o^^bf dV pgftlfj^ ^\%\ u K .^ ■HAZTFTARJ, TM.1 OF THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF THE CAOUTCHOFC OE INDIA -RUBBER MANUFACTURE IN ENGLAND. By THOMAS HANCOCK, OF THE FIEM OP CHARLES MACINTOSH AND CO. Eontjon anti IHancliester. VriTH ENGRAVINGS. TO WHICH IS ADDED SOME ACCOTJNT OP THE PLANTS FROM WHICH CAOUTCHOUC IS OBTAINED, ITS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, STATISTICAL TABLES, ETC. ETC. WITH CONTAINING THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE AUTHOE'S PATENTS. LONDON : LONGMAN, BEOWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, & EOBEETS. 1857. The yi'jM of translation is resei'ved. London : Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., Nevr-street-Square. \i a P R E E A C E. In writing a personal narrative, it is impossible to escape the very disagreeable necessity of frequently repeating the pronoun I, — my readers must excuse this unavoidable egotism. This humble relation is in no respect to be con- sidered a treatise on Caoutchouc ; it is simply an account of my own progress in the manufacture — feeling conscious that no one had preceded me in this path, or I should not have assumed as much in the Title-page. This claim is not of recent date, as my Patents will show, and the notices of my manufactures from time to time in the " Mechanic's Magazine,'* established in 1823 by the late Mr. Robertson, who many years ago honoured me in that periodical with the title of " Father of this important and wonderfully increasing branch of the Arts." Although duly appreciating the impermeability of Caoutchouc, it is its elastic property that is so valuable, — a property which no other substance possesses in the same degree or kind, and hitherto A 2 135S566 IV PREFACE. nothing has been discovered which would even be a substitute for it ; and yet, though so unique in its character, it is not unfrequently applied to pur- poses where neither its impermeability nor elas- ticity are required. There are exceptions to every rule, and for some purposes rubber vulcanized to the hard horny state may be advantageously em- ployed ; but the article should be used in this form only for special purposes. There are other materials of a non-elastic nature in abundance, the com- parative cheapness of which is the best safeguard against the perversion of so valuable a substance as rubber from its legitimate use, and which will secure it to the manufacturer at moderate cost for the uses for which, from its peculiar properties, it is so admirably adapted. In public discussions, the word Caoutchouc has been objected to, as being difficult to pronounce, and for that reason it should be called " Rubber J'^ I have also adopted this name, which is, indeed, its ordinary one. I have inserted all the authentic statistical Tables I have been able to procure. I have also subjoined a list of most of the articles we at present commonly manufacture, and a few engravings to illustrate some of them. I do so for the information of such of my readers who might PREFACE. V not know the extent to which this manufacture has been carried, and also as a record of what has been done in our time for the amusement of those who are to succeed us. In this place, as an act of justice to my late partner Mr. Macintosh, I may quote a passage from a memoir (printed for private circulation) by his son and successor in the firm — the late Mr. George Macintosh — as it furnishes a detail of the circum- stances which led to his Invention of the Waterproof Double Textures, that made his name celebrated throughout the world : — *' Upon the introduction of coal gas in Britain for the purposes of lighting apartments, and the streets of towns and cities, the manufacturers of the article found that the tar and other liquid products resulting from the process accumulated upon their hands, in the shape of a most disagree- able and inconvenient nuisance. Mr. Macintosh, chiefly with the view to the production of ammonia to be employed in the manufacture of Cudbear, entered, in 1819, into a contract with the proprietors of the Glasgow gas works, to receive for a term of years the tar and ammoniacal water produced at their works. After the separation of the ammonia in the conversion of the tar into pitch, to suit the purposes of consumers, the essential oil termed VI PREFACE. naplitlia is produced ; and the thought occurred to him of its being possible to render this also useful, from its powers as a solvent of caoutchouc, or india rubber. By exposure to the action of the volatile oil termed naphtha, obtained from the coal tar, he converted this substance into a waterproof varnish, the thickness and consistency of which he could vary according to the quantity of naphtha which he employed in the process. Mr. Macintosh obtained a patent for this process in 1823, and established a manufactory of waterproof articles, which was, in the first instance, carried on at Glasgow ; but eventually he formed a partnership concern with Messrs. Birley and other friends in Manchester, where operations on a very extensive scale were entered upon, and the business carried on under the firm of Charles Macintosh and Co." I have taken considerable pains whilst writing my narrative to be correct in its facts, and to this end I have ransacked letters, papers, and books, and have also had recourse to old samples kept from time to time as memorials of my progress and success in the pursuit to which I have devoted myself. This search has brought to my remem- brance much of the minutia3 which occurred on different occasions, and under the varied circum- stances, wherein I have been called on to act. After TREFACE. VI I the lapse of thirty years, "these had in many cases escaped my memory. Although the task has been somewhat laborious, I do not regret having undertaken it ; and if my reader is young, it may serve to stimulate and encourage him to find that, with very slender means and small beginnings, by care and industry, with the blessing of God, he may eventually hope to reap the reward of his exertions. To those who need no such encouragement, my narrative may prove interesting, as divulging the origin and pro- gress of a new and useful manufacture. Such as it is, I present it to the public, hoping that, being the production of one little versed or skilled in an undertaking of this kind, the utmost indulgence will be extended to the author. I wdsh to observe, that although there have been many new applications of Rubber and improve- ments in those which I have not thought it necessary to particularise, yet I believe there is no really new mode of manufacturing the substance itself beside those I have mentioned. If any such exists, it has not come under my notice. THOMAS HANCOCK. Stoke Newington, 21st November, 1856. ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OP THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE IN ENGLAND. • DuKiNG the space of thirty- six years in which I «^, have been engaged in the manufacture of Caout- chouc or India-rubber, I have frequently had in- quiries made both as to the motive which prompted me to commence my first experiments on this sub- ^ stance, and also the manner in which, during my progress, the valuable properties it possesses were developed and applied to so great a variety of purposes. These inquiries have by no means ceased, and I know of no way in which I can more readily reply to them than by carrying into execution a design I have long had in ray mind of writing a simple narrative of things as they have occurred, as far as the failing memory of seventy years and the memoranda I may muster will permit me. I have no very clear recollection when I first began to notice the peculiar qualities of India- B 2 OKIGIN AND PROGRESS OF rubber, but well remember that the more I thought about it and tested its properties, the more I be- came surprised that a substance possessing such peculiar qualities should have remained so long neglected, and that the only use of it should be that of rubbing out pencil marks. I had spent my earlier days in mechanical pursuits, and was well acquainted with the materials generally employed therein, and also with the use of tools, so far as to enable me to make with my own hands almost any kind of machinery required to carry out my views ; but of chemical knowledge I had almost none. I premise this because it will be seen in the course of my narrative, that, although the substance I was contemplating apparently required to be treated chemically, I owe my success principally to the practical knowledge and the degree of skill I had acquired in mechanical manipulation, which proved eventually to be the best preparation I could have had for operating upon rubber ; and it is a sino;ular fact that, althoug-h this substance had at- tracted the notice of chemists from the earliest date of its importation into Europe, and some of the ablest had employed themselves upon it, they failed to discover any means of manufacturing it into solid masses or to facilitate its solution. I was at first imbued with the notion that, to make it useful, I must find a good solvent ; and I think my first experiments were directed to some attempts to dissolve it in oil of turpentine, but I found I could only make veiy thin solutions, and these dried so badly, or rather not at all, that they were THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 3 useless. The oil of turpentine then procurable was no doubt of inferior quality ; when pure, it dries perfectly. This was about the year 1819. Failing in making useful solutions, I began to think it might be applied as an elastic to various purposes, particularly to articles of wearing apparel. I knew that, although perfectly flexible and extremely elastic when warm, it became rigid Avhen exposed to a low temperature, but still that the warmth of the body was sufficient ; consequently, when in use, it retained its elasticity. After various trials, I entertained no doubt that I could adapt it to many uses where elasticity was desirable. My first patent was dated the 29th April, 1820, " For an improvement in the application of a certain material to various articles of dress and other articles, that the same may be rendered more elastic." The specification of this patent was settled by Mr Bolland, then at the bar, afterwards Baron Bolland, and will be found in the Appendix. I will therefore only mention hero some of the purposes enumerated therein : to the wrists of gloves, to waistcoat backs and waist-bands ; to pockets, to prevent their being picked ; to trouser and gaiter straps, to braces, to stockings and garters, to riding-belts, to stays ; to boots, shoes, clogs, and pattens, when the object is to put them on and off without lacing or tying ; to the soles of shoes and boots, &c. &c. When I began to carry my inventions into prac- tice I found some unexpected difficulties. The B 2 4 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF India-rubber springs must of course be attached in some way to the article to be elasticated, and women were set to work to sew them in with needle and thread ; but after they had been a short time in use I found the holes made by the needles so many tearing-places, and also that if a needle was passed through any part of the rubber it en- dangered a fracture. To remedy this in some measure, I made the ends of the springs much thicker and wider than the central parts, so that the weaker part yielded its elasticity sufficiently with- out bringing much strain upon the thick ends, where the punctures of the needle were made. But the necessity for this form of spring brought other difficulties : instead of cutting in straight lines, each spring had to be hollowed out, tapering on both sides and both edges, and contrivances had to be adopted for this purpose. The needle-holes did not then tear out. I soon found that the knives and cutting tools required to be kept wet with water. These springs, however, had not long been in use before they were returned in numbers broken. By pulling out new springs smartly and allowing them to return quickly, I observed, after a time, that the angles became finely serrated like a saw, and each nick increased in size as I followed up the operation, until the spring snapped in two. This appeared to be a very formidable obstacle to success as regarded springs, but was soon over- come, for I observed that some of the new springs were, and some were not, affected in this way; and on tracing back the steps that had been taken THE liTDIA-KUBBER MANUFACTURE. 5 with the two kinds, I found that those springs on which I had used boiling Avater, after they were cut, did not crack on the edges ; and I had no farther trouble on this score, always taking care in all future cases, when edges were freshly cut, to give them a hot bath. This discovery was of great value to me, as fur- nishing the fact, at this early period, of the great importance of employing heat in treating this substance, as will be seen throughout the progress of its future manufacture. At the period of which I am speaking, there was brought into this country a certain proportion of small thin bottles of rubber ; these I selected, and cut them into rings. The rings, requiring no sewing, were used chiefly for the wrists of gloves ; they had the hot bath, and were then passed on to the glove, and a strip of thin leather sewed over them, so that they were in a kind of pipe. Springs were put into stockings in the same way ; both the stocking or glove and spring being kept to their utmost tension, whilst the leather slip, or tape, or ribbon, was stitched on, and the rubber, when set at liberty and warmed, gathered up the whole by its resilient action. It will be seen by referring to the specification the extent to which this patent has been applied ; and although there have been great improvements made since in these applications (as will be seen hereafter), yet the principle is the same — that is, the acquiring of any degree of elasticity by means of a soft flexible substance in articles of dress, B 3 6 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF which before was only to be acquired by means of hard springs of steel or wire. I also applied rubber to the soles of shoes and boots both externally and internally, which ren- dered them both elastic and waterproof; but this was done at first with only such rubber as I found thin enough amongst the raw material, and this I flattened by heat and pressure. It was not lono^ before the waste cuttino-s of the rubber began to accumulate fast ; and with the then scanty supply in the market, particularly of the kind fit for my use, I foresaw that I should soon be at a loss for suitable material, unless I could find some means of working up the waste, and I at length resolved upon attempting it. I remember that, in my experiments about this time, I employed a Papin's digester, such as is used for culinary purposes, but the only result that I recollect was the production of a thick fluid of the appearance of treacle: I could, however, make little or no use of it. I had observed that when pieces with fresh-cut edges had been long in the hot bath, and then dried, they would perfectly unite ; but the outer surfaces, which had been exposed, would not unite, however clean, or however heated or pressed. This was the more perplexing, as the rubber came to this country in irregular shapes and forms, rendering almost impossible, at any reasonable cost, the paring of the surfaces. However, I resolved to make a beginning (for the want of which begin- ning we often fail of things within our reach). My THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 7 first step was to procure a hollow punch one inch square^; with this I punched out squares of rubber. I chose this small size that I might waste the less in facing them. In the meantime I got an iron mould made of the size of the squares : into this mould, which was perfectly true inside, I had a plunger fitted at each end, and, putting the surfaced squares into the mould and then the plungers, I submitted them to severe pressure in boihng water. On withdrawing my charge, I discovered that air had got between some of the surfaces and prevented a perfect union, but others were quite perfect. I now found that I could thus obtain solid blocks, four or five inches long, and one inch square, and true in form. This was a grand move, as it enabled me to make another step in advance, namely, to cut from the surface of the end of the blocks sheets of any thickness. This I did by means of a circular knife in a lathe, the block being confined in a trough, having a screw at the end which would by a turn bring up the block to the knife in succession as the sheets were cut off, the trough and block being carried past the knife by a slide motion : the knife working in water, and having a keen edge, I cut off sheets exceedingly thin and smooth, well suited to some of my purposes. I have a good part of one of these blocks now before me. Although I had thus advanced one step in form- ing solid blocks, still this could only be done with the thickest and best of the bottle-rubber ; and did, B 4 B ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF not aid me at all in using up my waste cuttings. Finding that fresh-cut surfaces united so perfectly, I began to consider how I could improve upon this knowledge in uniting smaller pieces ; and it occurred to me that, if minced up very small, the amount of fresh-cut surface would be greatly in- creased, and by heat and pressure might possibly unite sufficiently for some purposes. I accord- ingly put this plan into operation ; but although I spent much time and took great pains to bring about a good result, I could not succeed to any useful extent. The uncut surfaces, however small, would not unite either to each other, or to a cut surface, so that the mass easily separated, and I was obliged to abandon this mode. These discouragements were for a time very vexatious, as my means were but slender. Al- though I was making way, I could perceive that unless some mode could be found to unite not only the waste cuttings, but also a large proportion of the material as imported (which was so uncouth in form, and irregular in surface and size, that it could at present be turned to no useful account), my object would not be attained. My mind being solely directed to this subject, I saw the prospect of new applications to an enormous extent of a substance with the properties of which I was daily becomino; more and more conversant. I did not give up the pursuit : the object I had in view seemed within my reach by what I had already done, but the object itself I could not yet grasp. Revolving in my mind the readiness with which THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 9 newly cut surfaces would unite, I thought that a tearing action might do better than simply cutting. This could only be done by a machine, and I ac- cordingly constructed a small experimental one, such as I thought most likely to effect the tearing of the rubber into small shreds. I can best de- scribe this by a sectional sketch. (It is given in perspective, with the large masticator.) /lW''■■'.'\■^-'~'^-'^'^''^^'\^•l^^.^■ A A, two pieces of wood bolted together. B, a hollow cylinder cut out of A A, and studded with teeth. C, a cylinder of wood studded with teeth, and having a sjiindlc passed through it. D, space between the two cylinders B and C. E, an opening with a cover. r F, two pieces of wood bolted on both sides of A A, and enclosing the space D, and cylinder C. G, a winch. The darkened spot in space D represents the charge of nibber. 10 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF At the top of the hollow cylinder is an opening, into which was put some hot rubber : when closed, the cylinder C was put in motion by the winch G. The rubber being now dragged in, and the motion continued, the teeth began to operate, and it soon became evident that some action was going on inside that I had not reckoned upon, as much greater power became necessary to turn the winch. After turning some time, the hole at the top of the hollow cylinder was opened, and presently, to my great surprise, came out a round solid ball. This ball, when cut open, presented a marbled or grained appearance ; the union of the pieces was complete ; the graining exhibited the pieces curiously joined too-ether, the exterior surface of them havinof' been acted upon so as apparently to alter their con- dition, whilst the interior portion of the pieces seemed to be in the same condition as when put in. The ball was replaced and the action was con- tinued for a long time, and when taken out again it had become very hot ; and on cutting it open all the graining had disappeared ; the whole had become a solid homogeneous mass. This opera- tion was repeated until my experimental machine, constructed chiefly of wood, would no longer hold together, and I lost no time in applying to Messrs. Hague and Topham, the engineers, to make a proper working apparatus upon the same principle. With my experimental machine I could not operate on more than about two ounces of rubber for a charge, and I found this quantity required nearly THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 11 the power of one man to work it. I therefore cal- culated the capacity of my new machine for one pound, and, in order to enable one man still to act upon it, I had the speed reduced by one-half by spur-wheel gearing. I had it made very strong, as I found the charge might be increased to any amount that the space between the cylinders would admit, provided sufficient power was applied to give motion to the cylinder. Experience taught me afterwards that, with a smaller charge and in- creased speed, I could produce the same effect ; in other words the result depended entirely upon the amount of motive power employed, and whether fast or slow. Whilst this machine was being made, I reflected on the effect produced on the rubber by this singular operation. I observed that if the rubber was put into the machine hot and dry, the effect was only thereby hastened a little ; for, if put in cold, it soon became heated: nor was it of much importance whether the pieces of rubber were larger or smaller, so that they were dry. The pieces soon began to unite, and presently all were worked up into a rough uncouth shape ; but by continuing the action, the roughness and deformity gradually disappeared, until at length the mass assumed a regular spherical form, the exterior merely showing the indentations made by the teeth. I deduced from these facts that the union and consolidation of scraps, cuttings, bottles, shoes, or lumps of rubber, promiscuously thrown into this 12 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF machine, was due to the combined action of heat and motion under severe pressure: when a heavy charge is operated on, the heat it acquires is very surprising. I have since found, on cutting a heavy charge open and closing it upon the bulb of a thermometer, that the temperature reached 280° Fahr., and this heat could only be due to the motion of the machine and the action of the rubber upon itself during the transition state, as the same resulting temperature was attained when the rubber was put in cold and the machine also cold. My new machine was at length delivered, and I found my calculation correct; a man could just manage to keep up the action of the cylinder with a pound charge of rubber in it. The machine wrought the charge into a cylindrical form, which it assumed in a very short time, and tlien evidently revolved upon its own axis around the solid cylinder : the charge came out, I think, about seven inches long, and one inch and a quarter in diameter. I had now at command the means of reducing all kinds of rubber, whatever size or form the original pieces might be, to a solid mass, with- out any foreign admixture, or the use of any solvent, or having recourse to any chemical pro- cess, the effect being produced solely by a mecha- nical action on the rubber itself disturbing the orjo-inal structure of the substance and recom- posing it, without materially altering its peculiar qualities, or unfitting it for any of the purposes THE INDTA-RUBBER MANUFACTlTRE. 13 to which it could be applied in its naturally con- stituted state. I wish here to remark that the discovery of this process was unquestionably the origin and com- mencement of the india-rubber manufacture, pro- perly so called : nothing that had been done before had amounted to a manufacture of this substance, but consisted merely in experimental attempts to dissolve it; and even this had never yet been effected for any useful purposes. These experiments and the results produced occurred during the summer of 1820. The manufacturing of promiscuous forms of the raw material into solid masses and combinations without the use of solvents, now called masticating, has been from time to time adopted by others, and even introduced into specifications without the least acknowledgment, and not unfrequently quoted from these into scientific works, as if origi- nated by the parties who had taken this liberty and adopted it as if it were their own. I have mentioned that the new machine pro- duced the rubber in a cylindrical form ; but this form did not suit me, and I then had recourse to an iron mould, which would exactly contain one charge of the machine ; and as the charge immedi- ately on removal was in a semi-plastic state, pres- sure quickly applied caused it to conform to the shape and size of the mould. I have preserved one of these first small blocks as a curiosity ; it is now lying before me ; it was the produce of a 14 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF very small charge, and measures six inches long, one and a half inch wide, and three-quarters of an inch thick. Although I could cut some of my elastics and other things from these small blocks, yet I soon found it necessary to increase their size ; and whilst a larger machine was being constructed I had moulds made of sufficient capacity to contain four of the largest charges the present machine would produce, and, putting them together into the mould Avhilst hot, they united perfectly, and gave me a block four times larger. I remember at that time, when exhibiting a piece of my solid rubber to an old gentleman, he examined it, and on returning it made this remark (which bids fair to be realised) : " The child is yet unborn who ivill see the end of that" In the place I then occupied I could only employ manual labour ; my second new machine was calcu- lated for the power of two men, and by uniting four charges of this machine I obtained blocks of con- siderable size ; but the demand increasing, I found it necessary in the following year, 1821, to move into larger premises in Goswell Mews, Goswell Road, London. Here I had a horse-mill put up, and connected the power not only to larger machines, but also to iron rollers, which I now found very useful ; as, by passing the raw rubber through them several times when hot, it formed itself into a kind of rough corrugated sheet, which not only brought it into a good state of preparation for the machine, but greatly facilitated the drying. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. lo — a process which became more and more necessary, as I made purchases of newly imported rubber, and therefore frequently in a moist state. I think my blocks now amounted to fourteen or fifteen pounds each, and all the operations could be carried through with certainty and despatch. I must not omit to state here that, all through these operations, heat was indispensable ; and, when it became necessary (as it soon did) to hasten the production, it was found of great advantage to expose the rubber before it entered the machine to as high a temperature as could be safely adopted. To carry this work out, I had a brick oven built, and employed a regular baker to attend it. The rubber was placed in earthern pans, and he was directed to keep his oven at such a heat as would make the rubber as hot as possible without melting it : and this he did with tolerable accuracy, judging of the temperature by modes at that time used by bakers, to which he adhered ; but as he did not use a thermometer, I cannot now give the degree of heat. I have no doubt it was sometimes as high as 300°. This mode of heating was followed until, in 1822, I began to heat the rubber in metal vessels surrounded by high-pressure steam. During the process of mastication I sometimes introduced colouring matters : they combined perfectly with the rubber : the colours were not very good, as the dark colour of the rubber injured them. As I took no patent for my process, it was of course an object with me to keep it secret.. I 16 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF pledged my men to this, and treated them well; and they in return kept faith with me, and, in order to disguise the matter as much as possible, the machine was called "a pickle," and retained that name long after the secret became public : it has since been called a masticator or masticating machine. This name having now become common, I shall hereafter use that designation. Whilst on this subject, I may just mention that I kept this process perfectly secret for twelve or thirteen years, that is till about the year 1832. I believe I may now dismiss the description of the masticator with this remark, that no alteration has been made in the principle of its construction or use, except the omission of teeth in the hollow cylinder, as it was soon found that the mass would revolve without them. Of course the dimensions have, step by step, undergone great changes. The first charge ever produced did not exceed two ounces ; and the masticators now in use at our works in Manchester are charged with from 180 to 200 pounds each ; and the blocks resulting, without joining, are six feet long, twelve or thirteen inches wide, and about seven inches thick. At first, in 1820, some of the blocks were cut into springs, and used for other purposes of my patent, but very soon after into square pieces, and sold by stationers for rubbing out pencil marks, much of the present form and size. In a short time it became obvious that the blocks might easily be cut into sheets and used for a variety of purposes ; and THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 17 to eiFect this object, a simple machine was con- structed. It consisted of a wooden box of the size of the largest blocks I then could make, probably about eight inches long, four wide, and three thick. This box had a movable bottom, which was raised or depressed by four long screws, acting in the fixed bottom of the box ; the upper ends of the screws, having a shoulder, were made to act in metal holes, on the lower side of the movable bottom ; on the upper edge of the sides of the box, smooth steel plates were attached. When the machine was to be brought into operation, the screws were drawn quite down, followed by the movable bottom, and the block of rubber with its sides well soaped, was put into the box and pressed down upon it ; the screws, having cross handles at the lower end, were then equally turned until the block of rubber rose a little above the steel plates on the upper edges of the box ; a strong, straight knife with a keen edge, kept wet by water dripping upon it, was then inserted at the right-hand end, and by a steady cutting and thrusting motion passed through the block to the other end. This first cut took off the rough sur- face, and this was continued until a smooth, solid surface was obtained ; then followed the cutting of sheets by giving each of the screws as many turns as were necessary to raise the block above the surface of the steel plates to the thickness of the sheet required ; and then repeating the operation with the knife, a beautiful clear sheet of rubber was c 18 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF produced, and could by this machine be cut so thin as to be semi-transparent. The sheets when warm could be joined edge to edge with great facility ; and large sheets were made in that way. During the early part of 1822, a person who had a patent for uniting two pieces of young cork together, with the intention of producing an article more free from the perforations in ordinary cork, applied to me to cover with rubber so much of the cork as projected above the neck of the bottle, to preserve the cement with which they Avere united from the effects of mildew. I mention this as one of the first applications of the cut sheet rubber, and as having been the cause of turning my attention again to discover some practical mode of producing a useful solution of rubber to effect the capping of these corks ; and I was agreeably surprised to find that my manufactured sheet rubber yielded to good oil of turpentine with the greatest facility. I found, however, on applying it to the corks, that, although the solution dried perfectly, the corks when covered with it, and afterwards brought in contact, would unite together : this adhesive character of the solution when dry afterwards became of great value, not only for these corks, but in a great variety of ways, and continues so to this day. I ultimately applied the cut sheet rubber to tlie capping of the corks ; and as this was done in a novel manner, I wish to show how gradually the qualities and uses of rubber became developed, THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 19 and the step-by-step progress that was first made in adapting it to practical purposes. A great number of boys were employed about this work; but I will proceed to describe it in the person of one. He had a small kind of lathe, with multi- plying gear, turned by his left hand ; there was a taper hollow chuck to the lathe, of the size to receive corks of the varying diameters ; he had also a small rest for his hand, and a small pot of rubber solution (now called varnish) ; he put the cork into the chuck, and slightly adjusted it ; and then, dipping his brush in the rubber- varnish, he laid it on the cork at the proper distance on- wards from the end, and turning the lathe, the intended portion of the side of the cork, and its end was covered. When dry, it was ready for the sheet capping, which was effected in the following manner : — The pieces of sheet rubber employed were about an inch square, and some- thing less than one sixteenth of an inch thick ; these were laid on a flat tin vessel heated by steam ; the boy had a contrivance, fixed to his bench, which held the cork with the varnished end up- wards ; the whole turning on a pivot, so that the cork could be turned round. The cork being so placed, the boy took the square of rubber hot from the tin vessel, and dexterously and quickly ex- tending it in all directions with his fingers, until he more than doubled its dimensions, clapped it in an instant on the top of the cork, and pulling it down over the sides of the cork, at the same c 2 20 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF moment twirling it round between his hands, the cap was secured to the cork as far as he had before ]:^jd on the varnish ; then passing a knife sharply round, the superfluous sheet flew off, leaving the cork beautifully covered with a neat rubber cap. I have mentioned that I had found solutions of rubber of considerable consistence could be made with the manufactured rubber with great facility ; this I attribute to its having undergone a previous disintegration in the masticator, wliereby it is also somewhat softened, admitting a more ready penetration (if I may use that expression) by the solvent ; at all events, it is a fact that masticated rubber dissolves freely. Finding that pitch and tar could be readily combined with rubber, in the course of 1823 I obtained a patent for these compounds. I at first mixed the tar with stiff solutions of rubber, and the pitch likewise, by melting the latter, and treating the compound wdth heat, both during the mixing and when using it ; and these are the modes stated in my specification of that patent inserted in the Appendix. I afterwards found in practice that pitch would combine readily with rubber in the masticator, and thus save the cost of solvent. This compound was made of different proportions of the materials ; the two most useful being equal weights of each, or one of rubber to two of pitch. It was necessary to use water in the masticator to prevent adliesion to the cylinder. Tlie facility with which those substances TPIE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 2 L combine, and the prodigious increase in bulk whilst hot, were surprising. These compounds were spread by means of hot iron rollers, and a wet cloth passed with the com- pound rubber between the rollers. I thus obtained a smooth sheet of equal substance throughout, and of any i^equired thickness. Mr. Cassell of Poplar, who supplied me with coal naphtha, was at this time applying coal tar asphalte of different degrees of hardness to road-making and other purposes ; and I obtained from him samples of this material, which I combined with the rubber in the masticator, as I had done the vegetable Stockholm pitch, but I found the latter to combine more readily, and generally preferred it. Claims have recently been made to these compounds of rubber, pitch, and asphalte, but they are not only included in this patent, but also in my patent of 1843. Sheets of this compound were applied extensively to the sheathing of ships' bottoms, under the copper, as a protection against the destructive ravages of worms, which do immense damage to the timbers in some waters ; and for which sheets of tarred felt had hitherto been used. I remember that in some instances sulphur, cow's-hair, and other things, were mixed with the compounds of rubber and pitch used for this purpose, as substances likely to repel the worms ; these compound sheets were submitted to pressure between hot plates. The first vessel sheathed with the sheets was the yacht of the first Sir W. Curtis, and the second was the Kinnersley c 3 22 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF Castle. The specification of this patent was settled in consultation by Sir John Copley, the present Lord Lyndhurst, and duly enrolled. I subse- quently parted Avith this patent to my late brother Walter Hancock, and others, who, after making great improvements in the mode of expediting the production, and sheathing a great number of ships, got into litigation amongst themselves, and the business ceased. In the year 1823, one of my late partners, Mr. Charles Macintosh of Glasgow, obtained a patent for rendering two fabrics waterproof, uniting them with a solution of rubber ; hence they were called " waterproof double textures," and afterwards came to be universally known by the name of " Macin- toshes." Early in the year 1825, 1 obtained a license from Mr. j\Iacintosh for the use of his patent ; he had also entered into engagements with parties in Manchester to carry out his plans, and a large building, with machinery, was erected there for the purpose. Mr. Macintosh manufactured the varnish at Glaso-ow, where he also manufactured the coal naphtha which he used as the solvent of the rubber. I had from the commencement some advantage over the firm at Manchester, inasmuch as my concern was not only already in operation, but was also on a more limited scale, and therefore could be pushed on with greater despatch. At length, how- ever, the two concerns were moving, each in its sphere. Mr. Macintosh's solutions were very thin. THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 23 and therefore penetrated more into the textures ; and consequently the odour of the naphtha was not only very prevalent when they left the works, but they also retained this strong odour for a very long time. In this respect I had a decided advantage. I employed for my solvent equal parts of naphtha, and very pure oil of turpentine, which greatly mitigated the smell of the goods. But I had another and still greater advantage, inasmuch as my solutions were made with masticated rubber, and consequently with less than one half the pro- portion of solvent which Mr. Macintosh found it necessary to employ in the process by which his solutions were made. Knowing this to be the case, I wrote to Mr. Macintosh, and offered to supply Messrs. Macintosh and Co. with my solu- tion ; but this offer was at that time declined. In the meantime these fabrics were quietly becoming known to the public, and the goods were taken up nearly as fast as we could respectively produce them. The late lamented Captain John Franklin (after- wards Sir John Franklin), in a letter to Mr. Mac- intosh dated 30th April, 1824, after acknowledging the receipt of a large quantity of waterproof canvas for covering boats, &c., says, "Will you also make up four life preservers of a size for stout men, and eighteen bags about six feet long, and three broad, fitted with corks for filling with air for the party to sleep on, and four for pillows of the size of the one you gave me." I insert this c 4 24 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF extract to show liow early these waterproof double textures were appreciated, and the application of the material to air-beds, pillows, and life-preservers. With the view of keeping up something like a chronological order in my narrative, I will for the present leave the double textures, and resume the subject of the progress made with my first patent of 1820. It will be remembered that, in applying the rubber springs, considerable difficulty was ex- perienced in attaching them securely to the articles to which they were otherwise so well adapted. This difficulty was now entirely removed. The facility with which solutions could be made of a consistence suitable to the purposes of a cement suggested a new mode of making elastics, which has continued in use to the present time. In order to illustrate this new mode, I will take the instance of a glove. The glove was turned inside out, and a plate of tin thrust into the top of it, of such a size as to stretch the glove to its greatest width ; a coat of solution was then laid either on one side of the glove or all round it, but generally on one side only, about half an inch wide, and then laid aside to dry. As soon as a sufficient number were done to admit of the first glove becoming dry, it was then ready for the next operation. A small light wooden frame was prepared about a foot long, having a piece of tin attached to each end ; these pieces had very narrow slits cut in them, about an eighth of an inch apart ; the rubber spring, now called rubber thread, cut to a proper size and length, and taken THE INDIA-RUBBER MAI^UFACTURE. 25 from a hot plate, was stretched the whole length of the frame, and the ends entered into the slits ; for gloves there were generally three threads used. Three or four gloves in the position before described were laid side by side, and the extended threads in the frame placed on the prepared part of the glove, and pressed down upon them : a slip of kid leather or silk cut diagonally (to admit of its more ready contraction) coated with solution was then placed over the threads, and rubbed down. The threads were then cut off at each end, when the tins being taken out of the gloves, the resilient action of the rubber immediately contracted the glove to nearly its original size, neatly corrugating the leather. This was a great improvement, as no sewing what- ever was necessary, and the top of the glove rendered perfectly elastic, so as to admit the hand with ease, and then contract to the size of the wrist. An immense quantity of gloves were thus elasticated until another improvement was introduced some years after, of which more anon. By this mode a great number of articles were rendered elastic; such as garters, braces, trouser- straps, shoe gussets, waist-bands, knee-caps, bands, and for a variety of surgical and other purposes. This was the origin of what has since been called " shurred " or corrugated goods ; some of the manu- facturers following precisely this mode, others have introduced machinery, but all their goods are made on the same principle. The application of the thick solution enabled me 26 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF to render the leather used for the soles of shoes and boots perfectly waterproof. This was done by coating the leather first with solution, and applying when warm a thin sheet of the rubber, cut from the masticated blocks. Upper leathers of shoes and boots were also rendered waterproof by a novel mode of operation, I have before mentioned that these solutions continued adhesive after they were perfectly dry. Adhesiveness of the surface was in this case objectionable, and it was remedied thus. The leather was coated with solution, and laid aside to dry ; a piece of the sheet rubber cut from blocks, and about four or five inches square, was laid on a hot plate ; a piece of tin of the required size, say nine or ten inches square, with the edges turned down all round and serrated, was fastened to a block of wood about one inch smaller all round than the tin ; the sheet rubber was then taken from the hot plate and stretched out skilfully with the hand, and brought over the serrated edge of one side of the tin, and then carefully stretched over the other three sides, the serrated part holding the sheet in its extended state, whilst the leather, coated with solution, was laid on and well rubbed down ; the edges of the rubber were then cut round, liberating the leather, covered with a beautiful, thin, smooth, unadhesive film of undissolved rubber. Both upper leathers, quarters, and soles were thus done in con- siderable quantities. Drawino; masters and others using black-lead pencils approved highly of the neat square blocks THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 27 cut from the masticated rubber, and the quantities in demand for this purpose constantly increased ; they are still supplied to a large extent. Pieces, blocks, and forms of much larger dimension s, began to be inquired for, and made for purposes with which I was not made acquainted. The edo:es of wheels and the surfaces of rollers and cylinders were also covered with rubber of various thicknesses for machinists. The billiard-table makers also applied for long, evenly cut pieces to form the cushions of their tables, which were successfully applied, and have continued to be used for that purpose (with modifications) ever since, to the exclusion of all others. In the early part of 1822, I began to make tubing of the cut sheet rubber, and afterwards with alternate plies of cloth coated with solution ; some also were covered with leather, velvet, &c. I had forgotten many of these things till I had recourse to my books and memo- randa ; many of which, on making search, I have unexpectedly found, with specimens made at the time, also preserved. In the course of my early progress, I found that some of the rubber I employed was very quickly decomposed when exposed to the sun. As the heat was never more than about 90°, and rubber when exposed to artificial heat of a much higher tem- perature was not injured by it, I suspected that light had some effect in producing this mischief. To ascertain this I cut two squares from a piece of white rubber ; one of these I coloured black, and 28 OKIGIN AND PROGRESS OF exposed the two to the sun's rays ; in a short time the piece that had been left white wasted away, and the sharp angles disappeared, and it assumed the shape of a piece of soap that has been some time in use ; the blackened piece was not at all altered or affected. The lesson taught me by this experiment was of great value ever after. The following extract will show how early the masticated cut sheet rubber came under the notice of scientific persons. The sheets were supplied to Professor Faraday. The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, AND the Fine Arts. Edited at the Royal Insti- tution of Great Britain, vol. xvii. Lond. 1824: p. 364. No. XXXIV. : — "Mr. T. Hancock has succeeded, by some pro- cess the results of long investigation, but which he has not published, in working caoutchouc with great facility and readiness. It is cast, as we understand, into large ingots or cakes, and being cut with a wet knife into leaves or sheets about one-eighth or one-tenth of an inch in thickness, can be applied to almost any purpose for which the properties of the material render it fit. The caout- chouc thus prepared is more flexible and adhesive than that which is generally found in the shops, and is worked with singular facility. Kecent sections, made with a sharp knife or scissors, when brought together and prepared, adhere so firmly as to resist rupture as strongly as any other part, so that if two sheets be laid together and cut round, THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 29 the mere act of cutting joins the edges, and a little pressure on them makes a perfect bag of one piece of substance. The adhesion of the substance in those parts where it is not required is entirely prevented by rubbing them Avith a little flour or other substance in fine powder. In this way flexible tubes, catheters, &c. are prepared ; the tubes, being intended for experiments on gases, and where occasion might require they should sustain considerable internal pressure, are made double, and have a piece of twine twisted spirally round between the two. This, therefore, is imbedded in the caoutchouc, and at the same time that it allows of any extension in the length of the tube, prevents its expanding laterally. " The caoutchouc is, in this state, exceedingly elastic. Bags made of it, as before described, have been expanded by having air forced into them, until the caoutchouc was quite transparent, and when expanded by hydrogen tliey were so light as to form balloons with considerable ascending power, but the hydrogen gradually escaped, per- haps through the pores of this thin film of caout- chouc. On expanding the bags in this way, tlie junctions yielded like the other parts, and ulti- mately almost disappeared. " When cut thin or when extended, this substance forms excellent washers or collars for stop-cocks ; very little pressure being sufficient to render them perfectly tight. Leather has also been coated on one surface with the caoutchouc, and without being 30 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF at all adhesive, or having any particular odour, is perfectly watertight. " Before caoutchouc was thus worked it was often observed how many uses it might in such a case be applied to ; now that it is so worked, it is sur- prising how few the cases are in which persons are induced to use it. Even for bougies and catheters it does not come into use, although one would sup- pose that the material was eminently fitted for the construction of those instruments." I must now enter upon quite a new era in the manufacture of rubber. In the month of May, 1824, I received from Central America (I believe Guatamala) a considerable quantity of this sub- stance in the pure liquid state as drawn from the trees; it came in vessels formed of two or three joints of the larger kind of cane, four or five inches in diameter, with a small hole at the end securely stopped. This liquid was of the consistence of thick cream, and of exactly the same colour, so that in appearance it might have been taken to be cream. I found that when the moisture was eva- porated from it by exposure to the atmosphere, the residue was pure rubber of the finest quality, but it had lost more than one half its weight when in the liquid state. I made many experiments with it, and found little difficulty in applying it to various useful purposes, and obtained a patent for one of these objects, which was sealed on the 29th Nov., 1824. I was assisted in writing this specifi- THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 31 cation by the late Mr. Bryan Donkin, C.E., and it was afterwards settled in consultation by Mr. Frederick Pollock, the present Lord Chief Baron, and duly enrolled, and will be found in the Appendix. The principal feature in this patent is the manu- facture of a kind of artificial leather, which was produced by saturating felt, carded cotton wool, and hair, and in combining other fibrous sub- stances, such as hemp and flax, with the liquid rub- ber, and when dry submitting the whole to pressure : by these means a very strong, tough, and useful material could be made, very much of the appearance of real leather, and of various degrees of quality, some suitable for rough purposes, such as soles of shoes, hose-pipes, straps, harness, &c., and others very thin, soft, and flexible, and of every variety of colour, all of them having this advan- tage over real leather, in being more or less water- proof according to the quantity of liquid rubber employed in more closely or loosely uniting the fibres. The surface when exposed to the atmos- phere lost its adhesiveness; and as colouring matters could be freely mixed with the liquid, the external surface of the articles could be treated with such coloured liquid so as to cover the fibres, and leave a smooth face of any required colour. The liquid when dry became of a dark colour, but when necessary tlie colouring matter could be removed by repeated washings in clear water : the colourino- matter subsided with the water, when 32 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF the clear liquid floating on the top could be drawn off; this washing could be carried on until the resulting clear liquid rubber, when dried, was colourless, and rendered fit to receive any delicate tint. Some authors have stated that the natives, when making articles from this liquid, suspend them over the smoke of some particular vegetable for the purpose of drying them, and that this smoking produces the dark colour. From such experience as I have had, I am inclined to doubt whether the colour is so acquired. I found that the liquid when used in its unwashed and primitive state always became gradually of a dark colour whilst drying, and that by exposure to the sun and at- mosphere the surface acquired that beautiful soft feel peculiar to a well-finished native article. I have always considered the dark colouring matter it contains to be a kind of natural protection against the efi'ects of light, as I found when deprived of this colouring matter by washing that it speedily became decomposed by the ordinary light of ray room. When the first coating has become dry I have found that a succeeding coat would not very readily spread itself equally on the previous surface (as if it were greasy), and I am inclined to think that the smoking alluded to is employed to dry the liquid, and partly to promote a more ready and equal flowing and adhesion of the succeeding coat. In the following year, 1825, I obtained a patent THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 33 for other modes of manufacturing artificial leather, in which I employed a solution of rubber instead of the liquid of the former patent, for combining fibrous substances in their manufactured or un- manufactured state, such as wool, silk, cotton, hemp, flax, or hair, carded, hackled, or felted. A fleece of carded cotton was brought from the carding engine upon a piece of cotton-cloth pre- viously coated with rubber solution before it was quite dry, and then another cloth similarly coated was laid upon the fleece of cotton ; the whole was then submitted to pressure so as to force the carded cotton through the solution, which united the fibres into a sheet. The cloth, if previously sized, could be stripped ofi", and the compound passed between heated rollers, producing a thin paper- like material. Any number could be united into one sheet, of any thickness or length. This prin- ciple of uniting fibrous substances by means of a solution of rubber has served as the groundwork of several patents wherein the invention is claimed as new ; but they contain only modifications and mechanical contrivances ; the principle is the same. I also united as many plies of cotton, linen, or woollen cloth together as would make up the thickness I required. I also introduced into the solution, for some of the most common purposes, black resin, size, glue, ochre, powdered pumice, whiting, &c. That made of a number of plies of cloth was used during this year, 1825, for the backs of cards in carding machines, instead of D 34 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF leather, and has been found to answer the purpose so satisfactorily that it is now very extensively employed in preference to leather : the advan- tage being that, as great lengths are required, this material can be made of any length without joining, whereas leather can only be had of the length of the skin or hide. Uniformity of thickness is also essential, and leather requires skilful manipulation and great labour to accomplish this : nor is uni- formity of texture and elasticity of less importance. All these conditions are met in this artificial leather. This article is also used extensively as printer's blankets in calico-printing. I also made in this manner very strong straps for driving machinery, and furnished one of the first to the late Sir Isambert Brunei, for his engine, when sinking the shaft for the Thames Tunnel. Such straps have continued ever since, and are still, much used. It was also during this year that I began to make deckle straps for paper-machines, suggested by Mr. Bryan Donkin, C. E. ; and these also continue to be em- ployed for that purpose. In this same year, 1825, I took out another patent for employing the liquid rubber in the manufacture of ropes and cordage, and other similar articles, with the view of rendering them water- proof. I proposed to use the liquid rubber in the same manner as is commonly practised with tar. I insert another extract from the Journal of Science, for the purpose of giving to my readers the analysis of pure caoutchouc. THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 35 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Vol. XXI. pp. 130, 131. Proceedings of the Royal Institution, London, February Srd, 1826. " The members held their first weekly meeting at half-past eight o'clock. In the lecture-room were exhibited a great variety of specimens of caoutchouc or elastic gum in all its states, from the uncoagulated crude sap of the tree to that of perfect purity and aggregation, and also as united to various fabrics, producing a variety of strong, flexible, and perfectly water-tight materials, some being of extreme delicacy, and others of great thickness and strength. These were fur- nished for the occasion by Mr. Thomas Hancock, who has had peculiar opportunities of manipu- lating with this substance, and possesses the know- ledge of a process by which it can be rendered fluid, and yet retain the power of hardening and assuming its elastic state again. Mr. Faraday ex- plained the nature of caoutchouc, and gave the results of an analysis of the unchanged sap. The various specimens of cotton, silk, linen, felt, woollen, &c., which were upon the table, had been rendered water-tight by the intervention of a layer of caout- chouc between two layers of the fabric, — as for instance, cotton or silk, — and the adhesion was so perfect that the substance seemed but as one web. The perfect retention of water by these substances was shown by a calico bag, into which a quart of water had been introduced, and the opening closed D 2 3G ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF up : not a drop or particle of moisture could be per- ceived on the exterior, though the bag was much handled and pressed. "When several folds of calico, linen, or canvas, were cemented together by this substance, a ma- terial was produced answering many of the pur- poses of leather, and surpassing it in value in nu- merous applications. Its use in the construction of connecting bands for machinery and card-fillets for carding engines has been tried and approved of. In consequence of the manner in which the caoutchouc is applied, no limit occurs as to the form, or size, or delicacy, or strength of the water- vessels or things which may be made : it is equally appli- cable to the cloak and the caravan cover, to the most ornamented flower-vase, and the strongest water-bucket. ON PURE CAOUTCHOUC. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. Vol. XXI. No. XLi. London: J. Murray, 1826. " On Pure Caoutchouc and the Substances by ichich it is accompanied in the state of Sap, or Juice. By M. Faraday, F.R.S., Corresp. Memb. Inst. France. [ Commujiicated by the Author."] " I have had an opportunity latterly, through the kindness of Mr. Thomas Hancock, of examining the chemical properties of caoutchouc in its pure form, as well as of ascertaining the nature and propor- THE INDIA-RUBBEE MANUFACTURE. 37 tions of the other substances with which it is mixed, when it exudes as sap or juice from the tree. At present much importance attaches to this substance, in consequence of its many peculiar and excellent qualities, and its increasing application to useful purposes. I have thought, therefore, that a correct account of its chemical nature would possess some interest. " The extensive uses, both domestic and scientific, to which Mr. Hancock has applied common caout- chouc, in consequence of his peculiar mode of liquefying it, are well known. Hence he was fully alive to the importance of its applications when in its original state of division. When he gave me the substance, he communicated many of his observations upon it, which, with others of my own, form the present paper. " The fluid, I understood, had been obtained from the southern part of Mexico, and was very nearly in the state in which it came from the tree ; it had been altered simply by the formation of a slight film of solid caoutchouc on the surface of the cork which closed the bottle. The caoutchouc thus removed was not a five-hundredth part of the ^whole. The fluid was a pale yellow, thick, creamy- looking substance, of uniform consistency. It had a disagreeable acescent odour, something resem- bling that of putrescent milk ; its specific gravity was 1011*74. When exposed to the air in thin films it soon dried, losing weight, and leaving caoutchouc of the usual appearance and colour, D 3 38 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF and very tough and elastic ; 202*4 grains of the liquid dried in a Wedgewood basin 10(^° Fahr. became in a few days 94*4 grains, and the solid piece formed being then removed from the capsule, and exposed on all sides to the air until quite dr}'-, became 91 grains; hence 100 parts of sap left nearly 45 of solid matter. " Heat caused immediate coagulation of the sap, the caoutchouc separating in the solid form, and leaving an aqueous solution of the other substances existing with it in its first state. " Alcohol poured into the sap in a sufficient quantity, caused a coagulum and a precipitate, both of which were caoutchouc of considerable purity. The alcohol retained in solution the extraneous matters, which, possessing peculiar pro- perties, will be hereafter described. *' Solution of alkali added to the sap evolved a very fetid odour, but did not appear to exert any particular action on the caoutchouc. " The sap, left to itself for several days, gradually separated into two parts : the opaque portion con- tracted upwards, leaving beneath a deep bro's\Ti, but transparent, solution, evidently containing sub- stances very different in their nature from caout-* chouc itself, and which, considering the specific gravity of the sap and of pure caoutchouc (the latter being lighter than water), were probably present in considerable quantity. " It was found that, by mixing the sap with water, no other change took place than mere dilution. The mixture was uniform, and had all the pro- THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 39 perties of a weak or thin sap. Heat, evaporation, acids, and alkalies produced the same effects, gene- rally, as before. " When the diluted sap was suffered to remain at rest, a separation soon took place, similar to that which occurred with the native juice, but to a greater extent ; a creamy portion rose to the top, whilst a clear aqueous solution remained beneath. Hence it was found easy to wash the caoutchouc, and remove from it other principles which had been generally involved in it to a greater or smaller ex- tent during its coagulation. For this purpose a portion of the sap was mixed with about four vo- lumes of water, and the mixture put into a funnel, stopped below by a cork : in the course of eighteen or twenty-four hours, when the caoutchouc had risen to the top, and occupied about its original volume, the aperture at the bottom of the funnel was opened, and the solution drawn off; more water was then added to, and mixed with, the caoutchouc, and the operation repeated ; and this was done four or five times, until the water came away nearly pure. During the latter washings, the" caoutchouc required a longer time to rise to the surface, in consequence of the decreasing specific gravity of the solution in which it was suspended. This was obviated at times, according to the ex- periments for which the caoutchouc was required, by performing the first washings with solutions of common salt, muriatic acid, &c., and ultimately finishing with pure water. D 4 40 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF " In tills way the caoutchouc was purified, with- out any alteration of its original state. It now ap- peared in its state of mixture with water, perfectly white : portions of it left for a twelvemonth over water underwent no change in that time, except coagulation and a slight film upon the surface ; the rest was as miscible with the water as at first, and, when coagulated, equally elastic. The sap, or the washed caoutchouc, is much more easily preserved in the diluted than in the concentrated state. " It produced no particular appearance with the solutions of iron or other metals. " When evaporated, either on paper, or in a cap- sule, or otherwise, the caoutchouc was left in its elastic state, and perfectly unaltered, except Avith respect to purity. When put on to absorbent surfaces, as bibulous paper, chalk, or plaster of Paris, the water was rapidly abstracted, and the caoutchouc almost immediately united into a mass, retaining the form of the thing on which it was cast. Mr. Hancock in this way has made beauti- ful medallions with the sap. Poured on to a filter, the water passes through, and the caoutchouc coagulates. " When aggregated in any of these ways, the caoutchouc appears at first as a soft white solid, almost like curd, which by pressure exudes much water, contracts, becomes more compact, has ac- quired elasticity, but is still soft, white, and opaque. The opacity belonging to it is not an essential pro- perty of the body, but due to water enclosed THE INDIA-KUBBER MANUFACTURE. 41 within its mass ; further exposure to air allows of the gradual dissipation of this water, and then the caoutchouc appears in its pure and dry state, as a perfectly transparent, colourless, and elastic body, except it be in thick masses, when a trace of colour is perceived. The change from first to last is best seen by pouring enough of the pure mixture into a Wedgewood or glass basin to form ultimately a plate of one-tenth or one-twelfth of an inch in thickness, and leaving it exposed to air at common temperatures undisturbed. " No appearance of texture can be observed in the pure transparent caoutchouc ; it resembles exactly a piece of clear strong jelly. All the phenomena dependent upon its elasticity, v/hich are known to belong to common caoutchouc, are well exhibited by it. When very much extended, it assumes a beau- tiful pearly or fibrous appearance, probably belong- ing to the effects which Dr. Brewster has observed elastic bodies to produce, when in a state of ten- sion, upon light. When it has been extended and doubled several times, until further extension in the same direction is difficult, it is found to pos- sess very great strength. Its specific gravity is 0'925, and no reduplication and pressure of it in a Bramah's press was found permanently to alter it. It is evidently pervious to water in a slight degree, or otherwise the interior of a piece of caoutchouc coagulated from the sap would always remain opaque. It is equally evident that water passes but very slowly, from the time it takes to 4:2 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF evaporate that which lies in the middle of a thin cake. It is a non-conductor of electricity. " The pure caoutchouc has a very adhesive sur- face, which it retains after many months' exposure to air. Its fresh-cut surfaces pressed together also adhere with a force equal to that of any other part of the piece. "A strip of it boiled in solution of potash, so strong as to be solid when cold, was not at all affected by it, except that its surface assumed a pearly or tendinous appearance ; no swelling or softening, above what would have been produced by water, occurred. " The combustibility of caoutchouc is well known. When the pure substance is heated in a tube, it is resolved into substances more or less volatile, with the deposition of only a small trace of charcoal ; at a higher temperature it is resolved into charcoal and compounds of carbon and hydrogen ; it yields no ammonia by destructive distillation, nor any compounds of oxygen, and my experiments agree with those of Dr. Ure, in indicating carbon and hydrogen as its only elements. I have not, how- ever, been able to verify his proportions, which are 90 carbon, 9'11 hydrogen, or by theory nearly 3 proportionals of carbon to 2 of hydrogen, and have never obtained quite so much as 7 carbon to 1 of hydrogen by weight. The mean of my experi- ments gives — Carbon - 6-812 1 J" 8 proportionals nearly Hydrogen - lOOOJ^^i? THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 43 " No means whiGli have yet been discovered seem competent, when the caoutchouc has once been aggregated, to restore it to its pristine state. Previous to its aggregation it may be either scented or coloured. A solution of camphor in alcohol was added to water, so as to precipitate the camphor in a fiocculent state ; a little of this was added to the pure caoutchouc in water, well agitated, and then coagulation caused by heat or absorption : the caoutchouc obtained was highly odorous. " In the trials made to give it colour, the body- colours were found to answer best : — indigo, cinna- bar, chrome-yellow, carmine, lake, &c., were rubbed very fine with water, then mixed well with the pure caoutchouc, in a somewhat diluted state, and coagulation induced either upon an absorbent sur- face, or otherwise. Perfectly coloured specimens were thus obtained. " The liquid obtained either by letting the sap stand for some time, or by the first and second washing, was of a brown colour, bitter, acid to litmus, in consequence of the presence of acetic acid, due apparently to spontaneous changes in the substances present. It was difiicult to filter. Being boiled, acid vapours rose, a precipitate fell to the bottom, and now the solution became clear, either by standing or filtration, and could be separated from the solid matter. " The precipitate or substance thus obtained was dark brown, glossy, and brittle, much heavier than 44 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF water, not soluble in alcohol, ether, water, essential or fixed oils. Weak solution of alkali dissolves it, forming a deep brown solution, precipitable by dilute muriatic acid. It burns upon platina-foil, like animal matter, with flame, leaving a bulky charcoal. When heated on a tube, it chars, yield- ins: much ammonia. It resembles albumen more than any other substance, and is the source of the nitrogen or ammonia obtained by the distillation of common caoutchouc. " The brown aqueous solution becomes frothy on agitation ; alkali rendered it of a deep yellow colour, and produced a putrescent odour, similar to that evolved by alkali, or quick lime, from white of egg, or blood. It was remarkably distinguished by the deep green colour it produced with per-salts of iron, especially when a little alkali was present, and the dense yellow precipitates it formed with muriate of zinc and nitrate of lead ; indeed, pre- cipitates were produced in solutions of most of the metals by it. The colour produced with iron does not seem to be a precipitate. " With the hope of obtaining something peculiar from this solution, a quantity of it was precipitated by nitrate of lead ; a colourless solution and a yellowish green precipitate were obtained. The latter, being well washed, was next diffused through water, and sulphuretted hydrogen passed through it ; by filtration a deep brown solid was obtained, and a yellowish solution. The precipitate when washed and dried was brittle and hard ; on platina- THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 45 foil it at first burnt with flame, swelling much, and giving out odour of ammonia like animal matter ; after that, sulphurous acid burnt off, and ulti- mately lead and oxide of lead remained ; hence it was a combination of sulphuret of lead and a highly azoted substance. Heated in a tube, it gave out much ammonia ; digested in alcohol, scarcely a trace of matter was removed. " The sulphuretted hydrogen solution being boiled and evaporated, left a yellow varnish-like substance not deliquescent, soluble in water, acid to taste and to litmus, the acid not being sulphuric ; it rendered per-sulphate of iron green, precipitated nitrate of lead, and gave no ammonia by heat. " The concentrated solution acted upon by alcohol had an insoluble matter thrown down, which, being separated and well washed with al- cohol, w^as afterwards treated with water ; a deep brown aqueous solution was obtained, and a small insoluble portion left ; this Avas almost black when dried, tasteless, brittle, burning with diffi- culty, and when heated in a tube giving much ammonia. " The solution was almost tasteless, and when dried left a green, shining, brittle substance, re- soluble in water, and of course precipitable by al- cohol. It colours solution of per-sulphate of iron green ; but if its strong aqueous solution be treated with muriatic acid, a reddish brown precipitate is formed, which, when separated, dissolves in water, does not colour per-salts of iron, and when evapo- 46 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF rated yields a pulverulent substance, burning, but not with facility, and producing a little ammonia when heated in a tube. " The alcoholic solution from which these matters had been separated contained the particular prin- ciple which colours per-salts of iron green. When evaporated, it left a brown, brittle, transparent, substance, becoming soft by exposure to moist air. It is very bitter, soluble in water, &c., slightly acid. When heated on platina-foil it does not burn easily, but runs out into a bulky charcoal much like animal matter ; at the same time it does not yield ammonia when heated in a tube per se, though the smell is very animal. " Ether warmed with it dissolved a small portion of matter, and the solution, upon evaporation, left globules, which in all their characters corresponded with wax : its quantity was but small. " Nine hundred and eighty-one grains of the original sap were washed in water several times. The washed caoutchouc, being coagulated by heat and perfectly dried, weighed 311 grains. The aqueous solutions, upon being boiled, yielded suffi- cient of the heavy precipitate to equal, when dried, 18'6 grains. The clear solution was now evapo- rated to dryness, and digested in alcohol ; 28*5 grains of insoluble matter were left, and the solu- tion, upon evaporation, afforded 70 grains of dry- matter. Hence the following are the contents of nearly 1 000 parts of the original sap. THE INDIA-nUBBER MANUFACTURE. 47 Caoutchouc . _ - 317-0 Albuminous precipitate 19-0 Peculiar bitter colouring matter, a-j highly azotated substance - | - 71-3 Wax - - - -J Substance soluble in water, not al- cohol - - - - 29-0 Water, acid, &c. - 563-7 1000- " Thinking it probable that whilst in its natural state of division the caoutchouc would combine more intimately or readily with fixed and volatile oils than when aggregated, as it generally is in commerce, an experiment or two were made in consequence. A portion of well-washed milky caoutchouc being added to olive-oil, and the two beaten well together, a singularly adhesive stringy substance was produced, which, holding the water diffused through it, assumed a very pearly aspect, stiffened, and was almost solid ; upon being heated so as to drive off the water, it became oily, fluid, and clear, and was then a solution of caoutchouc in the fixed oil. On adding water and stirring considerably, it again became adhesive as before. Thus introduced, caoutchouc would probably be a useful element in varnishes. " Oil of turpentine being added to a mixture of one volume of sap and one volume of water, and well agitated with it, was found to be only imper- fectly miscible : after standing twenty-four hours, three portions were formed ; the lower, the usual aqueous solution ; the upper, oil of turpentine, 48 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF holding little caoutchouc in solution ; the interven- ing part, a clot or tenacious mass, soft and adhesive, like bird-lime, consisting of caoutchouc, with some oil of turpentine. It was very difficult to dry, and always remained adhesive at the surface ; but ex- periments of this kind were not pursued, for want, at that time, of further quantities of the original sap. " Such is a general view of the nature of the sap from which the substance is obtained, and of the substance itself. I have not endeavoured to give an accurate account of the properties or quantities of the other substances present, because there is reason to believe that both vary in different speci- mens, probably according to the age of the tree, the time of the year, or the manner in which the sap is drawn ; nor have I dwelt upon the inaccu- racies of former accounts, inasmuch as they are evidently referable to the impurity of the sub- stance examined." I will now return to the double textures. I have said little yet of a somewhat important part of these manufactures known as pneumatic articles. I think I began with making beds capable of being inflated, and sufficiently strong and air-tight to sustain the necessary weight : or, the first may have been a pillow, cushion, or life preserver ; for all these were made about the same time, and on similar principles. I will first take a bed : this was made in only one compartment, so that, when inflated, it assumed a pin -cushion shape, and its THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 49 rotundity was such that to place yourself upon it and remain there was impossible; try as you might to balance yourself, in a moment you lost your equilibrium and came rolling on to the floor ; each bystander thought he could do it, but the air- bed set him tumbling about, and all at length acknowledged a defeat, and declared that air-beds " would never answer." A portion of the air was let out, but the same kind of objection remained ; and although this was repeated until nearly the whole of the air was exhausted, this principle of construction was still evidently defective. The same inconvenience was found to attend an air- cushion : — you could not sit still a minute ; make but the least alteration in your position, and you commenced a rolling motion, to which there seemed to be no end as long as you sat there. This was a defeat, and, if I remember right, the first attempt to remedy it was a really good one, as it fully answered the purpose, and possessed many advantages, although it has not been much in use. It consisted in preparing a case of ordinary bed- ticking divided into seven or eight compartments ; an air-proof cylindrical chamber of a proper length and diameter was made for each of these compart- ments, and inflated to any desired degree. This was an obvious improvement, and the air-bed thus constructed, whilst it yielded sufiiciently to the form of the body, supplied at the same time a more elastic resting-place than ever the human form had before reclined upon. There was another advan- E 50 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF tage in this mode : if any accident, allowing the air to escape, happened to one or two of the cylinders, they could be placed under the feet, where they would be subject to less pressure : a defective cylinder could be sent for repair, and the bed still be tolerably effective. This old mode of construc- tion has since been applied to nautical contrivances, and is apparently supposed to be a new idea ! Cushions were soon made on the same principle with equal success. This mode, however, did not last long ; it was said that one of the main advan- tages derived from the employment of air for these purposes was lost ; in other words, they were not so portable in this form as they might be ; the outer case was simply an encumbrance. This objection gave rise to another contrivance: — the framework (if I may so term it) intended for the interior was made of the form and size of the intended cushion, which was divided into small compartments, by sewing in partitions that were to limit the thickness of the cushion. These partitions were all laid down flat, and the whole stretched by tacks upon a board, and then paid over with a coating or tw^o of solution ; when dry, it was turned over and treated in tlie same way on the other side : when again dry, this frame of the cushion was laid upon a piece of jeanet, previously ren- dered air-proof, which projected all round half an inch beyond the frame ; the cushion was turned over, and a similar piece of air-proof cloth laid on that side : the whole was then well rubbed down, Re-etied 0.ishio/i . I-rc/ic/i Cushion . Circid/ir Cushion I' i I' t Tlam TiM^m: Jf^ytt/Yss 6 i) ij/u/i uu j JJt lC . f ^■"■-'-**^ 'Cir. rt I IJ.rflfl I THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 51 and the projecting edges of the air-proof cloth care- fully united. This cushion, when inflated, formed nearly a flat surface on each side, excepting that where the partitions occurred there was a slight indentation, bringing the surface into a kind of reeded form ; and hence such cushions were ever after called "reeded cushions." Nothing apparently could be better than this, and these cushions in general seemed to give satisfaction. Other forms of surface for cushions were adopted, but this form and one other, which was depressed in the centre, with radiating partitions, took the lead. There was, however, yet one great improvement in the economy of their manufacture, which consisted in dispensing entirely with the sewing, and employing solution as a cement universally in its stead. Pillows were generally preferred with partitions ; but a kind of collar- cushion for the neck had no partition. Life-preservers were at first made of a cylindrical form, but afterwards flat in the reeded form ; as were beds also. Pillows, cushions, beds, and life-preservers, were externally made of cambric or jeanet in general ; but pillows and cushions had sometimes an external covering of silk, or kid and morocco leather, some of which latter were used by George IV. in his last illness. At first the aperture for admitting the air was simply a stop-cock ; but, after a variety of methods had been tried to supersede it, the screw- valve at present in use was adopted, and is univer- sally preferred. B 2 52 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF For an easier method of inflating beds and other articles of large capacity, a kind of cylindrical bellows was made of air-proof cloth. Late in the year 1825 it was proposed that Messrs. Macintosh and Co. and myself should come to some arrangement by which articles made under Mr. Macintosh's patent should emanate from the esta- blishment of the firm ; and, during this correspon- dence, I stated in some detail to Messrs. Macintosh and Co. the large extent to which I contemplated carrying out my views in regard to the applications of rubber, and the patents I had taken out to secure them, and that it would be necessary for me to engage with capitalists ready and willing to co- operate with me. This correspondence resulted in an arrangement in February, 1826, by which I engaged to manufacture for Messrs. Macintosh and Co. the articles covered by Mr. Macintosh's patent, providing that a partnership should be avoided (to which I ever had a dislike), that my name should be stamped on all the goods I made for them, and that no other goods but those made by me should be sold within the limits of the bills of mortality. This arrangement did not interfere with my business in other respects ; for the present our relations extended no further. I should mention here that neither the firm nor myself ever intended to have any retail shops; and we desired by all means to avoid the making of garments, and wished to sell our goods only in a warehouse ; but we were compelled to do all three, THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 53 or lose our business. Some — most — of the tailors set their faces against the use of our material ; others made it up so badly that the garments were not waterproof: at every seam the cloth, being necessarily punctured by the needle, allowed the water to pass. Our advice was to make no close garments, and as few seams as possible ; and to enable them to do this, we furnished the cloths wide enough to make the length of cloaks and capes : but they persisted in making garments to sit close, and were greatly oflfended when told that they could not sew a water-tight seam, and that it was necessary to send their garments to us to have the seams lined to make them proof. Some of them persisted, and actually made a double row of stitches to make sure work of it ! We tired of all this, and opened retail shops, and employed our own tailors, and proofed our seams ; and, even then, so accustomed were these men to pin their work, that we very frequently found pin and needle holes in the body of the cloth. This business of securing stitched seams against the entrance of rain proved extremely difficult for a long time, even to our- selves : constant complaints were made of the water coming through, even in those cases where the seams had been treated by our most earnest and careful workpeople. It must be understood that in double textures the seam-proofing was done inside ; we at length, however, discovered, after repeated observation, research, and much attention to the subject, that although the direct E 3 54 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF entrance of the water was stopped by the means adopted, yet that the thread of the tailor, taking up the moisture, became the medium of conveyance to the threads of the inner cloth of the double tex- ture, and that the Avater so introduced was carried by capillary attraction along the warp or weft of the cloth, and so spread over an extent of surface depending upon the length of time for which the garment was exposed to the rain, and the absorb- ing capacity of the tissue for taking it up, which not unfrequently would allow of the water spread- ing over nearly the whole surface : no doubt in many cases the insensible perspiration of the wearer met the rain half way, and increased the evil. Complaints arising from this source long annoyed us, and exposed us to no end of abuse, whilst we were using our utmost efforts to furnish to the public garments which should be a certain protection from a wet skin. I mention this as one, only one, of countless difficulties that for a long time attended us in the first years of our progress ; and, as we proceeded, other difficulties, losses, and vexations followed us up, of which I could give a long list, but it would only tire the reader. We were most fortunate in obtaining a superin- tendent in London of first rate ability, not only as a man of business and integrit}^, but uniting firm- ness of character with conciliatory manners ; and knowino; well the aim and intentions of his employers, he conducted our affairs with the greatest prudence and discretion, and indeed the nature of the new kind of business he had to con- THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 55 duct required the ability of such a man, and I feel pleasure whilst I write in bearing my testimony to the value of the long and tried services of Mr. S. Matthews' I may here mention that a waterproof military cloak of blue cloth, lined with crimson silk, had been made for the Duke of York, and the officers of the Guards began to wear light drab cambric capes on their way to field exercise, and other young men as usual following their example, our material (especially of this drab colour) began to take with the public generally, and more and more as the value of it, and its really waterproof quality, became known. Before I close this part of my narrative I may mention that which occasioned us much trouble and annoyance, — the persistence of the public for a long time in having garments made to fit too close, which brought the material into some degree of disrepute from the want of free escape of insensible perspiration when taking active exercise. Time only demonstrated the absolute necessity for wear- ing them large and loose, as now universally practised. As we progressed Avith our manufactures, great improvements were introduced into air-proof ar- ticles. These were first appreciated by invalids, not only as ordinary beds, pillows and cushions, but in a variety of forms to be used by bed-ridden patients, and in the hospitals, and in lieu of splints, pads, bandages, &c. by surgeons, who also began E 4 66 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF to recommend their use in carriages; so that at length this branch of our business became a very important one, and served at the same time to bring the knowledge of the peculiar qualities of our manufactures before the public. Althougli so far successful in the main, yet further experience brought new difficulties and vexations to light : — we frequently had garments returned defective in the waterproof qualities of the cloth itself : the cause of these defects was not easily discoverable ; great pains were taken to trace back the defective articles to the pieces from which they had been cut, and then to the mill-books, to ascertain if possible if any deviation from the usual course could be discovered. At length an acci- dental circumstance enabled us to trace the source of one cause of evil, which I will explain. In order to expedite the work, it had become the practice to unite a number of pieces of cloth together at the ends, so as to form them into one length; and in this way the whole passed through the machine together. It so happened that a case occurred where one or more of these pieces turned out defective by decomposition, whilst the rest re- mained sound ; and it was ultimately proved that the defective pieces, being worsted goods, had not been properly scoured, but retained in the body of the cloth remains of greasy matter. We had become well aware that grease acted in- juriously on rubber, particularly on thin films : we had therefore given special directions to our manu- facturers, and repeatedly cautioned them to be most THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 57 particular in attending to this matter, foreseeing the mischief any carelessness would occasion. On examining our stock we found the rubber on 900/. worth of goods in a state of incipient decomposi- tion. This serious matter was referred to arbitra- tion, and we recovered that sum, and destroyed most of the goods. We had many cases of this sort, and the reputation of our goods suffered from this cause, besides occasioning us great annoyance, trouble, and expense ; as we met every reasonable case by exchanging the article. Another cause of decomposition was the use of chemical processes in the preparation of some of the colouring matters used by the dyers of our cotton goods. These had to be searched out until we ascertained what colours we could safely use. The goods so ren- dered defective were destroyed. The injurious effect of the sun's rays upon thin films of rubber we discovered and provided against before much damao:e accrued. All these thing's are now cheaply known to those who have followed us by men leaving our employ, and the specifica- tions of our patents; but they had all to be under- gone in our early progress at an enormous cost, as well as of trouble and vexation : and none but those who have passed through the ordeal can con- ceive the mortification experienced during those years ; for whilst we were, regardless of cost, making every possible exertion to introduce an article confessedly much wanted and long sought for, and operating upon a new material, hitherto 58 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF comparatively little known in the arts, and sur- rounded with unforeseen difficulties, an impatient public gave us little credit for our exertions, and persisted in attributing that which was our mis- fortune in any occasional failure to any cause but the true one ; being nothing less forsooth than an imposition upon their complacent and confiding good nature ! In the year 1826 bags began to be made for containing gas for temporary illuminating purposes, and we have continued making them up to this day, for various experimental purposes, and also for the popular exhibition of the oxy hydrogen microscope; but the first was made in May 1826, at the suggestion and for the use of the late Lieutenant Drummond, during his trigonometrical survey. These were made of very strong materials, not only to enable them to sustain the internal pres- sure of the gas, but the rough usage they were likely to be exposed to in such a service. The air- proof lining was of thin cut sheet-rubber, and the exterior of fustian. I had the curiosity at the time to make a bag of this material, which I filled with water and sealed hermetically. I did this for the purpose of discovering whether rubber is or is not absolutely impervious to water. I suspected it was not. This bag is now before me, and I will copy from the record written upon it of its original weight when filled, and the periodical decrease of the water contained. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 59 lb. OZ. dr. Oct. 21st, 1826 - - 1 1 4 Oct. 25tli, 1827 - - 1 1 2 Oct. 2nd, 1835 - 1 Nov. 1844 - - 14 12 Oct. 1849 - - 13 4 Feb. 1851 - - 7 8 May, 1854 - - 3 14 I have just now, 1856, cut it open ; it is quite dry, and weighs three ounces twelve drachms, proving that rubber is not absolutely impermeable to water, but admits of a slow and gradual absorp- tion of moisture through its substance ; and in this case the whole of the contents of the bag escaped, or rather more than twelve ounces, in the long course of twenty-five years ! Bags made of air-proof cloth, that is, with only a thin coating of rubber, soon evaporated sufficiently to moisten the cloth, when the bags were piled upon each other, and produced mildew. This slow evaporation does not interfere Avith its efficiency for ordinary purposes. Captain Parry, in the Narrative of his Attempt to reach the North Pole, in His Majesty's ship " Hecla," in the year 1827, thus speaks of this invention, p. 72 : — "Just before halting at 6. a.m. on the 5tli July, 1827, the ice at the margin of the floe broke while the men were handing the provisions out of the boats ; and we narrowly escaped the loss of a bag of cocoa, which fell overboard, but fortunately rested on a tongue. This bag, being made of Macintosh's waterproof canvas, did not suffer the slightest 60 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF injury. Of this invaluable manufacture, which consists, I believe, in applying a solution of elastic gum or caoutchouc between two parts of canvas, it is impossible to speak too highly. I know of no material which with an equal weight is equally durable and water-tight — in the latter quality, indeed, it is altogether perfect, so long as the material lasts." — Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole in Boats attached to His Majesty's Ship " Hecla^^ in the year 1827, by Captain Parry, E.N. F.R.S. London: 1828. About the year 1825 tubes made of rubber came into some demand for surgical and other purposes. About this time a popular toy was introduced : it was made by inserting a condensing syringe into the mouth of a bottle of ordinary rubber ; the bottle was kept ordinarily warm whilst the injection of the air proceeded, until at length it became so much extended as to form a tolerably strong semi- transparent sphere, and made a good nursery play- ball for children. Some were made of a large size to be attached to the blow-pipe of the chemists : they were in fact made of all sizes, and afterwards, when the supply of bottles fell short, means were found to use flat pieces for the purpose. They were sometimes ornamented by painting and by covering them with fanciful network. This toy had a prodigious run for some years, and the trade in them lias been several times revived : they still continue to be made. The cut sheet rubber began about this time, THE INDIA-EUBBER MANUFACTURE. 61 1825, to be used for a number of surgical purposes, as before mentioned. All these kinds of articles were taken up by my late brother, John Hancock, and manufactured by him from materials supplied by me. Those for surgical purposes need not be enumerated here, although some of these applica- tions were important and still continue to be made. He also devoted a great deal of his attention to the manufacture of tubing, made sometimes solely of sheet-rubber, and also by uniting plies of cloth. This gradually led to the introduction of rubber hose-pipe, which met with a vast amount of oppo- sition from the leather-hose makers, and amono^st brewers and distillers, — particularly the men, who were in league with the old makers. It appears that the leather-hose used in breweries could not be made so perfect as to prevent a great loss of liquor. It was stated to one of the great firms (Messrs. Barclay and Co.) that rubber-hose would not admit of any escape ; and one of the firm in- sisted upon its being tried : it was found effectual, but imparted a bad flavour to the liquor. This was for a time a great obstruction to its use ; but it was found that, by allowing waste liquor to run through the hose for a while, it became sweetened, and ultimately (if I mistake not) about 1800 feet was constantly in use in that brewery alone. Others followed, and rubber hose and tubing be- came a staple manufacture, and continues so to this day. The hose-pipe was composed of two, three, or more plies of cloth, coated on both sides with solu- 62 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF tion, and then rolled up on mandrels. They were generally lined with sheet-rubber ; suction- hose had spiral wire inside to prevent it from collapsing. Shoes began to be made of the cut sheet-rubber, I think as early as 1825 or 1826, but not in con- siderable quantities till 1828 and 1830. They were made by folding the sheet, cut to the form of an " upper," over to the bottom of a wooden last, and held there by a few stitches across from edge to edge ; and then the sole, cut to its proper size and form, was cemented on with solution. These shoes were generally lined with cloth and leather. The soles were sometimes made of ordinar}'' sole- leather and cemented on with solution. Several parties soon began to make these shoes, but in a rather clumsy manner : there were exceptions, however, and some of very tolerable form. Mr. Sparkes Hall soon took the lead, and maintained it. He has told me that he began in 1830, and made twelve pairs a day with his own hands. All these parties took their cut sheet-rubber of me : indeed there was yet no other manufacturer of this article, the sale of which was become rather large ; and for this and the other branches of my rubber business I now constantly employed four horses. About this time I supplied the Board of Ordnance with some waterproof calico, which I understood was applied to large and small cartridges, to prove whether the powder would be kept dry by using this material. I expected some good ordei^ from THE INDIA-KUBBER MANUFACTURE. 63 these experiments, but I do not remember ever hearing anything more about it. The only articles with which we at first supplied the Government were " saddle water-decks," for covering the saddle, &c., when the soldier was dismounted; and we have supplied these articles at various periods ever since. We also used air-proof cloth about this time for making the well-known diving dresses, and sheet- rubber tubings for keeping up the supply of air to the diver, and to enable him to communicate with the people in the vessels above. The manufacture of rubber goods had not yet reached the Continent, and in 1828 proposals were made to me by parties who were desirous of esta- blishing it in Paris. Terms were soon agreed on, and I immediately put such machinery in hand as the nature of the arrangements required. I was to supply the solution from England, so that I did not impart to them my secret mode of masticating the rubber, nor of making the solution. I engaged a sufficient number of men, and instructed them at my own works in the modes of applying the solu- tion, and doubling the cloths, and also in the manu- facture of air-proof beds, cushions, &c. In the summer of 1828 I took out to Paris Mr. Christopher Nickells and Mr. Edward Woodcock, Jun., and several other subordinate work-people, and the machinery I had prepared, but found it immensely difficult to pass the machinery through the Custom House ; and I was obliged to wait at Calais whilst communications passed between the 64 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF officers there and the superior authorities in Paris. At length, after unpacking the Avhole, and explain- ing the parts to an engineer who, I believe, under- stood nothing of my explanations, the whole was allowed to pass. We had similar difficulty with the solution: they opened the casks, put in a stick, and stirred it to the bottom ; and, on withdrawing it covered with the solution, they smelt its disagree- able perfume, turned up their noses, exclaimed " Chimie," and let it pass. I met with a most cordial reception at Paris, as well as my men ; and after fixing the machinery, and seeing all in operation, and the men well to their work, I came home, having spent, I think, about three weeks in Paris, participating in the hospitality of my new friends, Messrs. Rattier and Guibal, whose attentions and politeness I shall never forget. The manufacture commenced at St. Denis, near Paris, in the beginning of July of the same year, and the first piece of cloth was waterproofed by Mr. E. Woodcock. The shop for the sale of goods was opened in the Rue de Fosses Montmartre in October. Mr. Woodcock (except during a short interval) continued in the employ of the firm until its dissolution, and remains the superintendent of the successors of the business to the present day ; being an ingenious man and skilful mechanician, he has contributed perhaps more than any other person to the introduction of useful applications of the rubber manufactures in that country. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 65 Mr. Nickells remained also in the service of Messrs. Rattier and Guibal some years, and has since, with some others in this country, pursued the elastic web and other manufactures with great success. I continued to supply the solution for some con- siderable time, and at length furnished the means for making the solution in France. The difficulty of procuring very pure oil of turpentine caused some loss and disappointment; but this was ulti- mately overcome, and very excellent goods were manufactured. The sale of waterproof cloths and pneumatic articles did not, however, make much progress at first; but the adaptations of the ma- terial to some surgical purposes were eminently successful. In 1830 I took out another patent for the appli- cation of the pure liquid rubber as drawn from the trees to a number of useful purposes, as described in the specification of this date in the Appendix. This sepcification was settled by Mr. Serjt. Bompas. I was induced to take this patent from the persuasion that this article, having once been brought over in the liquid state, could be brought again, if proper steps were taken to pro- cure it. On the recommendation of a friend, I employed a person in Tampico to conduct this business, and sent him instructions for collecting it according to the best information I had been able to obtain. A large quantity was collected and sent over in good sound barrels, well stopped ; but, on p 66 OKIGIN AND PROGRESS OF opening, I found in the majority of them a solid mass of good rubber and a brown fluid. On in- spection it was evident that the sohd part of the rubber had separated from a dark-coloured watery fluid, and had taken the form of the end of the barrel, where it was found depositedc In some of the barrels, however, the separation had only par- tially taken place, and I obtained some rubber in the creamy state. Another lot arrived much in the same condition; and such were the expenses in- curred and the loss sustained, that I gave up the attempt, and all my patents for the application of the liquid expired before I could obtain it in any sufficient quantity. Nevertheless, I am persuaded that its importation is practicable, as I have in my possession a small quantity which I treated in a particular way many years ago : and it remains a fluid to this day. I may also mention that several barrels were afterwards sent to this country, which had undergone some treatment in the country where it had been produced, by which it was pre- served in a kind of semi-fluid state, and was in the market here, and purchased by several persons. Samples have recently been brought here and proved satisfactory : these last had been treated with an admixture of ammonia. Although rubber in this state would be very use- ful, and many things could be done with it which are hardly practicable with the solutions ; yet the loss of weight by evaporation being nearly two- thirds of the whole, the expense of vessels, and the THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 67 freight of so much worthless matter, will probably prevent its ever being used extensively. Before the diiJiculty of dissolving ordinary rubber was overcome, it was thought that the liquid, if it could be obtained, would be invaluable ; but now, all things considered, the dry material, for nearly all the purposes of manufacture, is the cheapest and most easily applied ; although, to persons un- acquainted with practical details, this may appear enigmatical. I have made very sharp and clean casts with this liquid, and as it is susceptible of tinting with delicate colours, it might, for orna- mental purposes, be rendered very beautiful. I have before observed that my mode of intro- ducing rubber elastics into articles of dress and wearing apparel became ultimately superseded by an improved mode of applying it. I have under- stood, that a German whose name I am not ac- quainted with, conceived the idea of introducing a thread of rubber into a woven web or fabric, so as to form the warp, and, by keeping it confined in an extended state during the operation of weaving, and then releasing it, the fabric would be gathered up and elasticated. It appears that he was at a loss how to cut the thread, which proved a difficulty wliich he could not overcome ; and to obtain assistance, he went to Paris, and, I believe, communicated to my friends there his invention, and his difficulty. Experi- ments were commenced at their works, and the person I took out with me and left to superintend F 2 68 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF the waterproof manufacture succeeded in producing a thread of rubber. I think, if I am rightly in- formed, the little sample originally produced by the German had been covered with a thread of cotton or silk: at all events it was thought necessary then, and for some time after, that the thread of rubber should be covered in some way, and the braiding machine was put in requisition for the purpose. Soon after this elastic web appeared in this coun- try, I had some made, the cutting of the thread not being very difficult to me. A very pretty article was soon produced : the only obstacle to success lay in the weaving, an art with which I had very little acquaintance ; and when a practical weaver was found, who could weave it well, she was greatly perplexed to keep all the threads, or elastic warps, to an equal tension. The conse- quence was that the web, when taken out of the loom, ran up into a crooked serpentine form, caused by the threads which were more extended than the rest during the weaving contracting more when set at liberty. All this was matter of detail, and a more fitting business for a ribbon or tape manufacturer. I accordingly entered into a mu- tually beneficial arrangement with an eminent house of Manchester in that line, supplying them with the rubber thread (then called gut), which they soon manufactured into beautiful webs of different widths and different degrees of elasticity and strength. This arrangement subsisted for some THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 69 time; but having now a great deal to attend to, I agreed upon terms to relinquish the whole business in their favour, furnishing them with my modes of preparing and cutting the thread, and two of my men to carry it on. Their practical know- ledge in braiding and weaving enabled them to perfect the manufacture. In order to show, as I before observed, the step- by-step progress of new manufactures, I will de- vote a few lines to the subject of cutting rubber- thread, which may produce a little feeling of com- placency in those who now get this material furnished to them in so perfect a condition without trouble. My manufactured sheet-rubber was too inferior in elastic power, when cut into such minute di- mensions, to produce a good result ; and although web has since been made of masticated rubber, it did not add to the reputation of the article in its elastic qualities, whatever it may have done in regard to an even surface and a neat appearance. I began, therefore, to cut the thread from the rubber as imported, choosing the best quality and the largest and thickest of the bottle kind. After trying various modes, the followmg was practised for some time. I must premise that these bottles were very irregular in form, and of different sizes and thicknesses. After softening them in hot water, they were cut through the middle lengthwise, and placed between plates, and sub- mitted to pressure to flatten them, and remained F 3 70 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF until cold. They were then cemented to a board, and ready for the cutting machine, which Avas a kind of lathe carrying a circular knife, the edge of which just came in contact with the surface of the board, on which the flattened halves of a number of bottles were cemented : a slide movement carried the board and rubber past the knife, which, having a suitable motion communicated to it and water dropping on it, made a clean cut through the rubber, near to its edge : a screw motion now pushed the board and rubber as far beyond the knife as would produce the thread of the in- tended thickness to be cut. The rubber was then pushed past the knife as before, and so on, until the whole breadth of the rubber was filled with these cuts (which were in general about one-six- teenth of an inch apart). The next operation was to put the board and rubber into a machine exactly similar to that for cutting sheets ; after a few cuts to level the surface, the screws were made to raise the rubber, say one-sixteenth of an inch above the steel-plates, and then passing the knife through the rubber as in cutting sheets. The threads then came off in a square form, of the intended size. These threads averaged about five inches in length, and when hot might be extended to about a yard. Now these threads, being intended for warps, were re- quired of great length, and, to obtain them, the short lengths had to be united ; this operation was done very neatly and quickly by girls ; with a pair of sharp scissors they cut each end of the THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 71 thread wedge-shaped, and, when warm, they were brought into juxtaposition splice-fashion; and then, giving them a rub, they were perfectly joined to any length. A great improvement was afterwards made by putting the rubber bottle on a mandrel in a lathe, and by means of a circular knife and a screw and slide motion a tape-like long slip was obtained ; and this was again cut into square threads in another machine, and then united as before, but with fewer joinings, and consequently less labour and cost. Some time before I gave up this manufacture I had a cylinder made of masticated rubber of such a size as would be most convenient for this purpose, and sent it to Para as a pattern for the natives ; and great numbers of such cylinders were soon after in the market, and were well made, and of the best quality of rubber, as desired, and called tubes. Such cylinders are still imported. Before I quit this web business, I will mention a peculiar pro- perty in rubber, which was taken advantage of, and was of great importance at that time. The threads, during the weaving, had to be kept equally stretched, which was a difficult matter. This was obviated thus : — the thread was immersed in hot water and stretched out to its utmost tension, and kept in that position on frames. After standing by for some days, it became " set " (that is, it remained so extended by the action of cold) and was transferred to the loom. When the web was taken out, a hot iron was passed over it, when the restored resi- T 4 72 ORIGIN AND PROGKESS OF liency of the threads contracted the web to its proper length. In 1830 Messrs. Macintosh and Co. made trial of my solution at Manchester, which resulted in a proposal to me to manufacture the solution there : the terms proposed were liberal ; and, as we had now become well acquainted with each other, and had always gone on cordially together, the arrange- ment was soon made — but still avoiding a part- nership. It was resolved for the present not to carry on the masticating there, and for some time the masticated rubber for making the solution was furnished by me. In pursuance of this arrangement I now visited Manchester for the first time ; and after surveying the works there, and suggesting the necessary alterations, I returned, and put the machinery in hand for making and straining the solution, and for spreading it on the cloth ; and, as it was necessary still to continue operations in London, took on fresh hands, who were practised for some time at my works in making and straining the solution, and in the use of the machines em- ployed in spreading it on the cloths and doubling them, in rendering the seams waterproof, and making boots, diving dresses, and other similar articles, and air-beds, cushions, pillows, life-jackets, life-preservers, hot-water bags, &c. As soon as the works were ready at Manchester, I accom- panied the men thither, and soon brought the whole into successful operation. I met with a great improvement here in drying with despatch "ME C HAEIC AIL FF R'FO S E S Gas Bill] lor /ifi /Vvw End El£vntioncifI'ontPO}b. Haft Tibbe . ) ■■ /, . , - / i>iii'y fonli-xm Bi'llows. :^^. del. iz ^aj^ m:""'-''^ '■».*:; ■»spiip 'Sr-. "■^ '" -V // , ;■> S/. '•■". f t'll i r: '■J 'A- - ,/',o ,• - ::^A THE INDIA-RUBBEE MANUFACTURE. 113 rubber after "vulcanization" of any excess of sulphur it might retain, and I fully succeeded in effecting this very desirable object, by submitting it to a strong solution of the sulphate of soda or potash at a temperature of about 200°. This process enables me to extract the sulphur to such an extent as not to leave the least appearance of it ; restoring the rubber to its natural colour and semitransparency, yet still retaining its vulcanized properties. This has given rise to much speculation ; some chemists consider that there is no real che- mical combination of the rubber and sulphur at all, but that the change takes place simply by contact of the two substances, under certain circumstances and conditions (some cases very similar are known), or that some new molecular arrangement takes place ; but hitherto no definite conclusion has been arriv^ed at which will satisfactorily account for so extraordinary a transformation. The speci- fication of this patent soon appeared in the scientific periodicals, and the process of pure " vulcanization," and the use of the sulphur bath and vulcanizing by steam, was speedily adopted in France, and the latter almost immediately and very extensively in the United States of America. I come now to the melancholy task of recording the death of another of my partners, Mr. Hugh Hornby Birley, who died on the 31st July, 1845. He took great interest and a very active part in forwarding the views of Mr. Macintosh, both at the commencement of this manufacture, and during his I 114 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF after life in promoting and personally superintend- ing it, and many valuable suggestions and improve- ments owe their origin to his devotion to our concern ; he also bestowed great attention to the construction of both buildings and machinery, when extensions became necessary. He was a most estimable man in all the relations of life, and with uprightness of character, he possessed a calm and dignified amenity, which endears his memory doubtless to many, and especially to me. It will be easily imagined that the introduction of so new and useful a material as vulcanized rubber would soon attract the attention of inge- nious persons. Without taking the trouble of ascertaining what has been done in patents of applications since the Great Exhibition of 1851, I may mention that there had been then upwards of fifty patents taken out by different persons adapting and applying it to their various purposes. The first patentees who applied for vulcanized rubber were Messrs. Perry & Co., in December, 1844, for the formation of their patent Elastic Bands, which have been so extensively brought into use ; and in the same month thick sheeting was supplied to Messrs. Betts & Co. Washers and packing for steam pipe joints and other uses were at the same time extensively distributed to various engineers for trial, and in February following orders came in daily for these purposes, and went on increasing, and have never ceased. In May, 1845, engine-valves were sent out and success- SHJ]R{&I€A]L^^ mOi^IPITAL AH^TJCLIES, HydrostaXiyC cr :-_ WaUr £ed rriti/'lete- witA, Cistern-. Iro7i £edstt:/zd i'witk£la,stic Sacking J CO. a. . Side, of' tTi^e- £e/istecuZ b . 7?. Jizil>ierIiiK.^.s parsed over tfte. c . c . Can V(X,s6- J a. ckirt^. d.d. Ch.7ie- pas-sirLq /nroTj^k:&:c - BrJ SJtetf "S/i-uin./ /7t. Ff,nn^l.l JIo t and Co 7 d .' m 1 " ' / ill S /l I L'/i S Sc J' J 1 1 O ri'^y . StfcutT-c ^ Oblong. ■-^Il'l Toot Pillow. r I.Slxcer.dil. k j-c THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 115 fully applied. In June, we sent nearly 4000 lbs. of corrugated vulcanized sheets to the South Devon Railway Company. In the same month we supplied vulcanized printers' blankets ; billiard cushions followed, spongy vulcanized rubber for musical instruments ; then hose-pipe, tubing, and surgical bottles, besides experimental matters to various persons ; all these things were done during the ji7'st years of my patent, and I believe nearly all Avere of pure vulcanized rubber, although for part of it some of the adulterating mixtures mentioned in my specification were introduced to lessen elasticity, &c. During the following year, 1846, we made vulcanized blankets with spongy surfaces, - — gig and carriage springs, solid rubber wheel -tires *, draw and buifer springs for railway carriages, artificial leather, with japanned surfaces, pump-buckets, gas-holders, artificial lea- ther for carding-engines, buoys and air-vessels, inflated wheel-tires, vulcanized thread. Then followed trouser-straps, vest back straps, swimming- belts, socket pipe joints, printers' rollers, boots, over-shoes, machinery bands, spherical valves, horse boots, and knee caps, furnishers for calico printers, &c. &c. AYe also made a very useful material for the soles of boots and shoes by combining asphalte * These tires are about an inch and a half wide, and one and a quarter thick. Wheels shod with them make no noise, and they greatly relieve concussion on pavements and rough roads; they have lately been patronised by her Majesty. I 2 116 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF and fibrous materials with rubber and sulphur and other matters, and vulcanizing them ; these soles wear much longer than leather, and are of course waterproof, and always retain their elasticity. This material has also been applied to steam pack- ing, pump-buckets, and other uses. We found, at a very early period of vulcanizing, that a substance resembling sponge could be readily produced of various qualities ; it has been used as an elastic stuffing, and answers well for such purposes, but the dark colour renders it objectionable as a general substitute for sponge ; this material can be moulded into any form ; it has been proposed to employ it for billiard cushions, but as these require exact uniformity in their elasticity throughout, sponginess cannot be produced with sufficient accuracy ; solid rubber cushions have long been used. I mention these to show that we were ready at once to supply whatever was asked for ; my process of heating by steam was, in fact, the system which enabled us to appear so early and so successfully in the field with many of these articles ; I have not extended the list of applica- tion here, as I intend to insert one at greater length hereafter. Some time ago, the subject of preventing the destructive effect of shot upon iron ships was much discussed. With the view of ascertaining, as far as I could by mechanical means, how vulcanized rubber would operate in obviating this mischief, I proposed to Mr. James Nasmyth, the eminent 13 O ME S T I 1 IR T I € iL E § .Tl-^." i Bain- :SC^. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 117 engineer, the trial of different thicknesses by the test of one of his steam hammers, to which he readily assented, and very politely undertook to conduct the experiment himself at the works at Patricroft ; I had three pieces of vulcanized rubber prepared, each a foot square ; one an inch thick, one an inch and a half, and the other two inches. That the trial might be (although in a small degree) somewhat similar to the effect of a gun shot, I had an iron hemisphere cast six inches in diameter, thus forming the half of a six-inch ball ; the steam hammer was first brought down upon the piece of vulcanized rubber one inch thick, upon which it produced no visible effect ; the iron casting was then laid on the piece one and a half thick, with the flat side up ; the hammer was brought down upon the casting, and broke it to pieces, but made no visible impression on the rubber. The tAVO-inch piece was then laid on the anvil, and a round six-inch shot laid on it ; the hammer was again brought down with tremendous force, which broke the shot into several pieces ; on examining the fragments, we found that the shot had come into contact with the anvil, and was flattened slightly ; we now examined the rubber, and found it had sustained no injury ; on bending it sharply over the acute angle of the anvil, a slight incision could be perceived, three small cuts radiating from a centre. On another occasion, a pair of heavy rollers were set so as to produce a piece of lead passed between them a quarter of an inch I 3 118 OKIGIN AND TROGKESS OF thick. With the rollers in this position, a piece of vulcanized rubber about seven inches square, and one inch and a half thick, was passed between them ; the rubber resumed its original form and size the moment it escaped from the grip of the rollers. During the Crimean campaign I tried an ex- periment with a compound structure of metal and vulcanized rubber to serve as a kind of protection to the men engaged in the rifle-pits, and had one made for trial by the military. I gave it to some officers, but I heard nothing further of it. I am inclined to think it should have had attention, as from trials on my model the results were pro- mising. I have had to convince several persons that rubber would not resist the force of a bullet ; they had fired at it with paper in front ; this made a hole in the paper, but none (as they said) in the rubber, they were unable to find the hole in the rubber ; because the shot had taken nothing out, and the hole closed up. One gentleman had made an appointment to exhibit this feat before the Duke of York, and called on me for the rubber. I told him of his mistake, but he continued po- sitive ; that he might be convinced, and saved from ridicule, I proposed a trial, he would have it as nearly as possible like shooting at a man. I went into the garden, and had a breast of mutton fixed on the wail, and a piece of rubber attached to it. I then took a rifle and sent a ball not only through the rubber and mutton, but half way through the wall ^'^ ■'* '<^ -R T I A" {-■. \ R -r -I (• r -!.■ V Fis/ii/! o o o o o o o C C O O o o c -Foot & Fl ap Va Ive s for Scotirn. En. Qin&s. tw.l u< a pfr&peftive i of'th^ Valve A-'.K. with thje BiUiter Valve covcrinxi Ou perforated plate. ~ r A.ra>TesenLf tficM'talf Va/veMi-. B a Curved/ Metul Cruard Flate . r 7 T> r ■ P " ^^ Sheet ot ml i^esenJsu.piMLcta\ruLujJu:ixLdRuJ>h^ Valvi- J'titte. the perMr(jjred\je.aired hv holts surttLcebet}L(]thatcrLwhu-}i [ betweerv&iijw. B. 'hrRubh,'r Valve heaU: The, ch tied Imtsshv thuKncber Vaive. partly operv. FmjL/ic P(U-k.uui VulcaT/izedJ^^RvMerVaJvcs tor Ooeojh Steamers ScCondensim, FTLciiru-jjicnLraJh T.t the, Ffj-fcrated Valve, Tlate B The, VaJ.ve, Gua.rd,. .J. <■ '"" y^itcmui.ed IruhcL Huhler Vajvc ri the .ipace, ld»em. Ou^ J'Tib'e Plate, ,t dueird .^'■rfi.i// of .-Irr Pii/ii/i Viilvt V) 1 Plan of perforaJx'd Valve Bed AKisthe Cv Under of die Air Pump. with bvo rowjt of perforations aroujid tlw- I UY/aiifireMre-. rwar die hcttom . BB « Cylinder of Viiljca7)l2.ed India Rubbei. stretched on A A so iIa to r-over the perforation.t und axt as the d, •livery Valve,. CC s}uwst?ie djiiivery ho.r. whidt ' also fcLSttais ihe^ levper part of di£. Cvlfnder'&i Slazo-. dsi.. ic sc-tlp. \Secti/>rui} 9ketrht!t% ; Ra/n 4v fiintp iCy Under will, Vul m-iiruL-z,etl Indzu I Huhhfr Foot tuui v \ Delivery Vixlves Viilcojiized India Rubber lalve'. D D j/l^ws the. circnlarj'tat& of Vidrani%i-d Tn/Ua Buhler that torjii^, do? foot Vah'e by /v/Uiiu) on the. perforated bed E 1' IS the .\MjjI ijuuj d that pre-vetitstlic Valve DD worfUru/ bevond its proper diftijnxr; .The. dotted line.y sheu' die action ot both Valves THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 141 its long endurance, exposed to perpetual concussion and heat, is most extraordinary, and it is question- able whether any other substance could be substi- tuted for it, or, at least, with the same advantages. I have a letter now before me from Messrs. T. B. Palmer and Co. of Jarrow, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in which they state that they fitted a screw steamer built by them, the " John Bowes," with our vul- canized rubber valves, which have been in use four years, during which time the vessel ran upwards of 100,000 miles, the speed of the engines sometimes upwards of 100 strokes a minute ; usual speed, 75 strokes a minute. I will not enumerate more, but simply state that engineers, machinists, surgeons, chemist&, and others find in this new state of the rubber a fitness for their purposes which is daily more and more de- veloped. The vulcanized rubber thread has lately been introduced into the Jacquard loom, by Messrs. Bonnet and Co., Manchester. The thread is used to supersede the use of weights ; the number of these sometimes amounts to from two to three thousand in one loom. Although all this is due to the altered state of the material, yet it may easily be imagined that no small amount of thought and skill have been brought to bear upon these applications, to provide apparatus, and to devise means to carry into exe- cution the requirements of the various parties who have discovered its fitness for their respective pur- 142 ORIGIN AND PROGHESS 'OF poses, and the applications of this new substance to our general business in water-proofing, moulding, &c. &c. I have mentioned that in 1847 we had granted an exclusive license to the Hayward Rubber Com- pany in America, for the importation of vulcanized rubber over- shoes of their own manufacture. These over-shoes sold slowly at first, as they were rather heavy and clumsy, but in America they speedily became popular, and many were soon engaged in their manufacture, and consequently a rather rapid improvement was made in the article, and our licensees were amongst the foremost in the race. The shoes eventually appeared with a better polish, and their forms and general appearance became such as to invite the attention. of shoe-dealers, and through them the attention of the public. Their usefulness also began to be appreciated, and in the course of time they came to be very generally sold. Under these circumstances the other manufacturers in America, as well as the shoe-dealers here, became jealous of the Hayward Rubber Company and their exclusive license. However much any of these parties may have been aff'ected by the license, we were not to blame, for I doubt whether, at the early period at which the license was granted, there existed any other considerable manufacturers of these articles in America, or at all events 1 do not remember that we had any knowledge of any such existing, the Hayward Rubber Company being the only parties THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 143 that applied for a license. The shoes as then made were, as before observed, very inferior in quality to those sold afterwards, and the trade in them at that time quite in its infancy. Whatever might have been the feeling amongst rival manufacturers elsewhere, it is not easy to imagine why the shoe-dealers in this country should not have been content to have taken their shoes from our licensees (who paid only a very moderate royalty) ; they would then have all been served on equal terms, and the competition which followed, arising from an opposite course, would not have occurred, nor an excellent and profitable trade spoiled by it, as it since has been. Unfor- tunately, the dealers decided on disputing the validity of my patent, and subscribed a purse among them to defray the expenses. I shall not trouble myself or my readers by entering at any length upon the subject of litigation ; suffice it to say that an action was tried in the Court of Common Pleas on the 20th and 21st June, 1851, and was concluded by the jury returning a verdict for me on all the counts, and the judge certified that the validity of the patent came into question in the action. I have now brought my narrative up to the latter end of the year 1854, and to the eleventh year of my patent. It may therefore be readily imagined that I felt pretty well assured that my patent would now be allowed to run out its remain- ing days in peace; and, indeed, both myself, my 144 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF partners, and our esteemed solicitor, Mr. Henry Karslake, who had conducted our various law pro- ceedings with great ability, and whose earnest zeal and indefatigable exertion never tired, and will never be erased from a grateful remembrance, were all of us weary of a long course of litigation (which had been kept up for seven years), and required the repose that now seemed to have been secured. It has pleased the Almighty that I should out- live all my orighial partners, and during the long course in which we have prosecuted our manu- factures and business, a kindness of feeling and a cordiality has existed which renders the task of recording another loss — though of a later partner — painful to me, as the same feeling still animated us all. I now allude to Mr. Brockedon, who died on the 29th of August, 1854. He had for some years paid considerable attention to applications of rubber to various purposes, and was well informed in all that related to its manufacture, and it is to him that I owe the terra " vulcanization," by which name rubber in its new state is now universally called. His literary works, his extensive informa- tion, his scientific acquirements, and his bland and gentlemanly bearing, are too well known to need more than a passing memento in my simple narra- tive. It has been said that " security is dangerous 'when men will not believe any bees to be in tlie hive until they have a sharp sense of their stings," and so I found it ; for on my birth-day, the 8th of THE INDIA-liUBBER MANUFACTURE. 145 May, 1855, in the sixty-ninth year of my age, I had a writ of scire facias issued against my long tried patent ; and on the 7th of July, exactly twelve years after I applied for it, this writ came on for trial. I will not dwell upon it. The prosecutors did not promote delay, and after two day's trial in the Court of Queen's Bench, before Lord Chief Justice Campbell and a special jury, a verdict was returned in my favour, being now the second clear verdict which I had obtained. This process of scire facias so severely tests a patent that most that have been exposed to its sifting character have been lost whilst passing through the ordeal. It appears since the trial that if the parties who promoted this proceeding had clearly understood our respec- tive positions it would never have been taken, and they subsequently agreed to terms, for the use of the patent, for the purposes to which they were desirous of applying it. The other infringers against whom proceedings had been taken sub- mitted to terms, and the trade of vulcanizing rubber is now . carried on in this country by our- selves and our various licensees. If I could have known in 1843 that the laws of the land would have undergone such a sweeping change as that I should be called upon thereafter to give evidence upon oath of all the minute par- ticulars passing in my laboratory during my experiments whilst making this discovery, I might have taken care to have had other corroborating testimony ; but I was not possessed of prescience, L 146 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF and had no remedy for the want of it. Supposing I had employed an assistant, there was no provi- sional specification to protect me in those days, and I might have been betrayed, especially when it is considered how extremely uncertain are the opinions of the judges on patent law, and parti- cularly as to what constitutes a publication fatal to a patent. I ought to explain that before the com- mencement of these two last trials the new law of evidence had come into operation ; I could therefore be examined on my own behalf, and this doubtless in many cases might be a great privilege, and was so in some measure to me, but it was nevertheless in such a case as mine an anxious and arduous task, and one on which I would not have entered, but that I might have been called on the other side ao-ainst myself. In ordinary cases all would in general be easy enough ; but the reader can have no idea, nor is it possible for me to convey by language the vast difficulty of being prepared or such an ordeal as I had to undergo, nor could the legislature, when passing the new law, ever have contemplated such a case. I will just mention some of the allegations which w^ere preferred against the validity of my patent : — that I ^vas not the first inventor in this realm; that I had not invented that which I claimed; that if I had invented it, I had not invented it at the time I applied for my patent ; that there had been a publication of the invention by the exhibition of articles made in the same way, &c. Szc. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 147 Now, reader, you may judge of the hardship of my case. How could I prove that I was the first inventor ? How could I prove that I had made the invention at the time I applied for my patent ? I could assert it, but how could I prove it ? Twelve years had elapsed, I had grown old ; and my memory was failing. I worked alone ; not a human being entered my laboratory during the whole time of making those tedious experiments I have mentioned ; I could, therefore, call no witness, I had none. I kept no record, not having the least idea that I should ever have to give any account whatever of these proceedings : how was I to call to mind the minute circumstances ? the order ? the tages of progress — the moments of favourable appearances, and the substances or circumstances that attended or occasioned them ? And yet this was pressed upon me with all the subtility of one of the most astute and able counsel that could be procured, sifting, catching at every word — per- verting or altering my language — urging me to state the minutest particulars during my researches and experiments, in the endeavour to bring to light a discovery, acknowledged — be it remembered — when made, to be one of the most abstruse and obscure in science. Under this pressure, I could only have recourse to my failing memory, as to what I did myself; and to such circumstances as I could bring to mind or obtain, corroborative more or less of the facts. I was enabled to grapple with all these proceedings in a manner that surprised L 2 148 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF myself; at the suggestion of my able and inde- fatigable solicitor, I ransacked all my drawers, boxes, and receptacles, and amongst my experi- mental scraps, found plenty of very early ones that were vulcanized ; but mostly without dates. There was fortunately, however, one dated the 4th of June, and several in August, one of which was hard vulcanised. Of these dates, I could be quite positive, although they were nearly obliterated ; and the scraps were ragged, insignificant little things. Then my servant could prove that ice was taken in daily for my private use, from the ice- cart that passed my gate ; she could also prove that when my laboratory was pulled down in March, 1843, I used the kitchen oven during the summer till it was rebuilt ; I also found the bills for sulphur (with regular dates) procured in the village at the time. These not only assisted my memory, but were in themselves all substantial evidence, and when listened to with attention by an intelligent jury, they readily found a verdict in my favour, and came to me after the trial, and said they had never heard evidence given with more clearness and satisfaction to themselves. This is only a very faint outline of what affected me personally in these contests. I have said nothing of the intrinsic evidence of science necessary to be obtained ; nor the attending to purchases to prove infringements : often purposely made difficult of proof by the devices of the infringers and their advisers, procuring analysis by scientific witnesses; THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 149 endless time at the office of our solicitor, attending consultations of counsel, and answering innu- merable questions as to details of manufacture, &c. Besides these law suits, there were injunctions to be moved for ; affidavits to be prepared and sworn both by myself and the scientific gentlemen and others ; attendance before masters in Chancery ; and attendance at the courts on the different motions, judgments, &c. &c. Though called upon to do so, we have never in- terfered in the disputes on this question abroad, nor have we made any attempt to monopolise any por- tion of the rubber trade in America, or any other foreign country. I, 3 150 ORIGIN AND TROGRESS OF I am greatly indebted to Dr. Lindley, who at my request has been so good as to furnish me with the following notice of the plants that yield the best caoutchouc. " Of the plants that yield commercial caoutchouc, the most important are the following : — "I. Siphonia elastica. — This, which yields the caoutchouc of Para, is a tree inhabiting dense forests on the banks of the river Amazon, and several of its tributaries, where it is called the Seringue. The chief district from which its caoutchouc is obtained is, according to Wallace, the country between Para and the Xingui river. Aublet speaks of it as also occurring in the forests of French Guiana, where it is called Siringa by the Garipon Indians, Heve by the natives of Esme- raldas, and Caoutchouc by the Mainas. " According to this author, the trees are from fifty to sixty feet high, and from two to two feet and a half in diameter. The bark is greyish, and by no means thick ; the wood is white and light. The leaves each consist of three or more blunt leaflets attached by a joint to a long slender foot- stalk, and having an oblong form narrowing to the base ; they are green above, but ash-coloured on the under side. The flowers are small, greenish, in long, loose bunches ; the fruit is about as big as a walnut, with a rind that separates of itself, and a hard bony shell splitting with elasticity into half a dozen pieces. In each cavity of the fruit are found from one to three seeds, about as large as Ike :' Samc^cTc/ Jitn^'.'Deli/ y^/hedS'I'ei^rri?! . Siphon ia Elastica. I The' Skncecfi/ Jlt/ri/^ 2>eZe' ^i/r-ed^ sTmer^ ruA Hancornia Speciosa. ■ THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 151 a filbert, but shining, rmd mottled with brown upon grey in the manner of castor-oil seeds. They are agreeable to the taste, and are stored up by the Indians, who experience no inconvenience from eating them, notwithstanding their relation to such acrid plants as the West Indian purging nut, or the Tiglium bushes of the East Indies. Aublet himself was able to eat them in abundance without inconvenience. " It was long supposed that there was only one species of Siphonia ; but the enterprise of Mr. Spruce, a distinguished naturalist, now engaged in investigating Brazil, has made botanists ac- quainted with several others, viz. ; — Siphonia lutea^ Be7itham — found near Panure, on the river Uaupes. Siphonia discolor^ Spruce — from the north bank of the Amazon at its junction with the Rio Negro, and also from Panure. Siphonia pauci folia ^ Spruce — from Panure. Sijyhonia rigidifolia, Spruce — from Panure. Siphonia Spruceaiia, Bentham — from Santarem in the province of Para. " 11. Hancornia Speciosa. — Under the name of Mangaba or Mangava the Brazilians have a fruit the produce of an Apocynaceous plant, to which botanists have given this appellation. It is very common about Pernambuco and Olinda, and also occurs at Bahia. Gardner describes it as ' reach- ing to the size of an ordinary apple tree, though its small leaves and drooping branches give it L 4 152 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF more the appearance of the weeping birch. The fruit is yelloAv, a little streaked with red on one side, about the size of an Orleans phnn, and of delicious flavour. When in season, it is brought in great quantities to Pernarabuco for sale.' Ac- cording to Mr. Claussen, the tree is found ' on the high plateaux of South America, between 10° and 12° S. lat., at a height from 3000 to .5000 feet above the sea. The leaves are opposite each other on the slender branches, about two inches long, oblong, suddenly ending in a blunt point, shining above, but on the under side pale, with fine parallel veins. The flowers are slender, tubular, about one-and-a- half inches long, and grow singly from among the leaves.' In his communication to the British Association in 1855, Mr. Claussen stated that the Hancornia belonged to the same Sapotaceous order as the gutta percha tree, but in this he was mistaken. AVe have no further particulars concern- ing this tree, which yields Pernambuco caoutchouc. " III. Ficus elastica. — This familiar Indian plant, now so common in green-houses, is, according to Roxburgh, known by the name of Kasmeer to the inhabitants of the Pundua and Juntipoor mountains, which bound the province of Silhet on the north ; it is there found wild, and forms a tree fully as large as the sycamore in England. The trunk is said to be from five to six or more feet in circumference, the wood soft, porous, of a light brown colour, and only fit for fuel or charcoal. Its branches are numerous, spreading and rising y> ThM7n/i6lfana/.c^ Jv/jru^Deli/. yfl/rfasTeiter: ZM- Ficus Elastica .dssoym Tho fJHancocfo Jtui' '^X'eii- ^ii^-ui SJ-etcer. ZvCii.- Urceola Elastica. THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 153 in every direction, forming a very extensive and shady head. The figs grow in pairs from the base of the broad, leathery, shining, deep green leaves ; when ripe they are oval, about the size of an olive, smooth, and of a greenish-yellow colour. They do not appear to be eaten. " Roxburgh says, that with the milk, while in its recent state, * the natives of the mountains, a most barbarous race as can be found in any part of the world, pay the inside of their rude utensils, that are intended to hold fluids ; the caoutchouc itself, being very inflammable, furnishes them with can- dles and flambeaux.' Roxburgh found it perfectly soluble in Cajuputi oil. " IV. Urceola elastica. — Mr. James Howison, a surgeon residing in Prince of Wales's Island, is the authority for the following fact, taken from a memoir published by him in the year 1798, in the fifth volume of the ' Asiatic Researches.' While clearing a way through jungle with cutlasses, it was remarked that a vine had been divided, the milk of which, drying on the blade of the weapon, possessed all the properties of American caoutchouc. The vine was about as thick as a man's arm, with a strong cracked ash-coloured bark. It had joints at a small distance from each other, often sent out roots, seldom branches, ran along the ground to a great length, and at last rose upon the highest trees into the open air. It was found in the greatest plenty at the foot of the mountains, upon a red clay mixed with sand, in 154 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF situations completely shaded. It was afterwards met with on the west coast of Sumatra, and other Malay countries. " Roxburgh describes its leaves as being opposite, on short stalks, oblong, pointed, a little rough, with a few scattered white hairs on the underside. The flowers are small, of a dull greenish colour, and are produced at the ends of the shoots in bunches, like those of a lilac bush. The seed-vessel is laterally compressed into the form of a turnip, is wrinkled, leathery, about three inches in the greatest diameter. The seeds are very numerous, and immersed in pulp. " Like Hancornia, this plant belongs to the Apo- cynaceous order, or race of Dogbanes." As the following letter (which we have received from our correspondents in Para) contains some additional and interesting information on the pro- ceedings of the collectors of the liquid rubber, and their modes of manufacturing it into bottles, and other forms, I here insert it : — " Per Steamer. Para, 1st July, 1856. " Gentlemen, " We can give you to-day the follow- ing brief outline of the way in which india- rubber is manufactured. " The Indians unite together generally in a pretty good number, and proceed to discover some THE INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE. 155 spot in the virgin forest where there are rubber trees. As soon as they have found such a place, they cut paths through the wood to it. This is the sole difficulty experienced in procuring rubber, but it is a great one, as, owing to the fertility of the soil, the vegetation forms an almost closed mass, and every step must be gained by the axe. As soon as this labour is accomplished, they make an incision in the tree, at the height of a man's body from the ground, and arrange rude bowls of clay which hold about a tumbler full, stick the bowls to the trees a little below the incision, and collect therein the milk running out ; such a bowl is filled in about three hours, if the tree be fruitful. When the ^first cutting ceases to yield, they make a second one the same distance lower down, and so on until they have exhausted the milk in the tree, which is done by making in all four incisions, all at equal distances ; they then pour the milk into larger vessels, gather heaps of Urucari or Inaja nuts, which yield a thick oily smoke, and set them on fire ; they now begin the manufacturing process by covering the Avooden forms for sheets, long and flat bottles, &c. with clay (in order to be able to detach the rubber easily afterwards), dip the forms into the milk, and hold them over the smoke. As soon as the milk is dry, they dip them a second time, and so on till the rubber is of sufficient thickness ; they then take it oif the form, and the rubber is ready for exportation. All rubber is manufactured in 156 ORIGIN OF THE INDIA-RUBBEll MANUFACTURE. this manner, the difference in quality depending upon the greater or lesser amount of clay and dirt which has become mixed with the milk. The first manufactured is the best (fine) ; and the last, made of milk adulterated with clay which has fallen from the difi'erent forms already dipped in, is the worst. A tree cannot be again made use of for two years, as it requires that time to recover its exhausted strength. There is another way of getting the milk, which is, however, for- bidden by Government, as it destroys the tree. This is, to bind the tree at the top and bottom with willow twigs, and then draw ofi" all the milk at once with incision. " In the smoking process they have tried different qualities of coals and woods, but without use. Perhaps you observed already small lots of not smoked fine rubber which they sell here as mixed ; this rubber comes from the interior of the Amazon province, where they don't have the above-men- tioned fruits, and in consequence cannot smoke the rubber perfectly. All Indians give the prefer- ence to the nuts. ** We are, Gentlemen, " Your obedient servants, &c. &c." TABLES EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. The annexed Tables, exhibiting the exports of india rubber from Para from 1836 to 1855 inclusive ; the imports to, and the exports from, Singapore from 1849 to 1855 ; and the imports to, and the exports from, the United King- dom" from 1842 to 1855, are all specially compiled for this work from official documents, involving considerable ex- pense, and it'is hoped that they will not be copied with- out acknowledgment. 158 % EXPORTS OF INDIA-llUBBER FROM PARA. Ports of Destination. J83G to 1837. 1837 to 1838. 1838 to 1839. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes.; Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Fine and mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. lbs. Fine and mixed. Coarse ,' and Ser- namby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Si-r» namby. Antwerp Pairs. lbs. Pairs. 800 lbs. 3,714 lbs. Pairs. 480 lbs. 19,448 lbs. Baltic ... •"• ... Baltimore ... ... Barbadoes • ... ,. ... Barcelona ... • .1 ,., ... Bordeaux ... ... ... ... Boston 7,654 5,165 23,813 7,003 17,694 2,176 ... Bremen ... ... ... Cayenne 514 ... 3,286 850 6,268 ... Copenhagen ... ... Cowes ... ... ... ... Falmouth ... ... ... ... ... ... Genoa ... ... ...] 6,206 ... Gibraltar ... 672 117 ... Guadaloupe ... ... 5,446 ... Hamburg 3,605 3,104 ... 22,349 11,228 11,691 18,21C ... Havre ... ... ... ... 16,553 ... ... ... Leghorn 12,860 125 ... ... Lisbon 43,489 44,555 2,440 26,406 ... Liverpool ... ... ... ... ... London 363 25,321 11,717 71,271 16,631 111,087 ... Marseilles 600 24,336 ,2,659 10,501 ... ... ... Nantes ... 1,304 199 ... ... Newhaven ... ... ... '... ... New York 35,56 1 12,387 ... 52,335 3,756 ... ... Oporto ... ... ... 96 Salem 69,82? 27,808 97,486 20,753 77,982 8,946 ... Surinam ... • •. ... 300 ... ... Trieste ... ... ... 1 30,979 141,735 ... 212,463 193,587 1 128,185 204,199 EXPORTS OF INDIA-RUBBER EROM PARA. 159 Ports of Destination. 1839 to 1840. 1840 to 1841. 1841 to 1842. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoos. jDifferent Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Sliapes. Fine and mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Fine and mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Fine and Mixed. Co.nrse and Ser- namby. Antwerp Pairs. lbs. lbs. Pairs, 282 lbs. 5,536 1 JS. Pairs. lbs. lbs. Baltic ... ... ... ... .. Baltimore ... ... ... ... Baibadoes ... ... ... ... Barcelona 19 ... 6,979 Bordeaux ... ... ... Boston 80,026 19,401 70,198 •7,111 100,035 11,401 Bremen ... ... Cayenne ... ... 1,146 5,808 ... .. Copenhagen ... ... ... Cowes ... ... ... ... Falmouth ... ... ... ... Genoa 2,432 ... ;i,760 ... .. Gibraltar 580 17,056 ... ... ... Guadaloupe ... ... ... ... ... .. Hamburg 9,889 26,038 2,690 28,736 9,500 23,764 Havre 16,021 133,016 1,662 20,592 2,598 31,976 Leghorn ... ... Lisbon 72,346 1,500 138,098 520 25,194 Liverpool ... ... 564 22,869 29,365 London 732 241,354 587 178,891 ... 40,996 Marseilles ... 18,479 296 .. 1,340 6,368 .. Nantes 3,583 79,804 ... ... 7,112 .. Newbaven ... ... ... ... New York 27,403 2,568 96,878 50,656 123,080 37,965 Oporto ... 358 439 960 2,272 5,034 Salem 96,127 18,048 141,341 49,698 239,115 19,114 Surinam 100 ... ... Trieste ... 234,483 630,900 317,287 511,011 478,460 245,265 160 EXPORTS OF INDIA-RUBBER FROM PARA. Ports 01 Destination. 1842 to 1843. 1843 to 1844. 1844 to 1845. Native Shoes. .Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- 'iiamby. Fine and Mixed. ' Coarse and Ser- namby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- naniby. Antwerp Pairs. 692 lbs. 10,816 1 bs.'; Pairs. 350 lbs. 7,552 lbs. Pairs. lbs. lbs. Baltic ... ... Baltimore ... ... ... ... Barbadoes ... ... ... ... ... ... Barcelona ... ... 11,360 Bordeaux 6,410 4,182 ... ... Coston 99,997 13,156 78,042 37,501 ... 57,1 85 41,920 Bremen ... ... ... Cayenne 1287 8,400 ... ... ... Copenhagen ... ... ... Cowes 18,700 5,856 ... ... ... ... Falmouth ... ... ... Genoa ... 102 18,144 ... Gibraltar 1,000 4,667 1,568 ... 1,385 ... Guadaloupe ... ■•• Hamburg 8,762 8,848 70,033 27,496 ... 11,307 13,568 Havre 10,182 21,456 7,334 10,240 17,290 22,516 Leghorn ... ... ... Lisbon 15,925 9,592 962 2,518 ... 3,520j ... Liverpool ... 28,172 ... ... 18,192 London 26,492 ... 4,902 105,202 ... 131,696 Marseilles 2,600 13,024 4,298 3,200 ... 200 12,960 Nantes 512 9,626 17,071 17,008 ... 8,586 21,472 Newhaven ... ... ... ... ... New York 80,141 13,156 108,223 39,488 ... 129,403 140,176 Oporto 1,193 1,376 800 25C ... 488 Salem 119,339 15,466 99,871 46,400 189,982 129,408 Surinam ... ... ... ... Trieste ... ... 386,822 158,944 403,065 320,755 ... 415,338 547,276 ... EXPORTS OF I.VDIA-RUBBER FROM PARA. 161 Ports of Destiaatiun. 1845 to 1846. 1846 to 1847. . _ i 1847 to 1848. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- naraby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- naniby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- naniby. Antwerp Pairs. 625 lbs. lbs. Pairs. 1,341 lbs. 7,872 lbs. Pairs. lbs. lbs. Baltic 14,555 10,720 ... ... ... Baltimore 3,200 ... ... Barbadoes ... ... .. . Barcelona ... ... Bordeaux 2,220 10,208 ... Boston 3,386 21,16{- 31,654 8,992 ... .. Bremen 18,193 2,048 Cayenne 200 ... ... 476 ... Copenhagen ... ... ... 300 1,152 Cowes 2,740 4,256 ... ... Falmouth 20,928 ... Genoa ... 1 1 ,80H 55 3,328 5,376 Gibraltar ... ... Guadaloupe ... ... ... Hamburgh 51,757 62,752 11,332 5,824 9,383 69,616 Havre 1,614 21,664 13,419 25,720 400 13,312 Leghorn ... ... ... .. Lisbon 883 3,248 2,030 10,91'i 2,635 2,160 .. Liverpool ... 32,320 9,062 181,248 176,864 iondon 8,354 68,864 112,160 45,824 .. INIarseilles 6,500 33,728 4,234 992 6,592 Nantes 25,700 68,09f. 24,07 S 4,064 4,600 40,881 Newhaven ... ... New York 168,111 222,208 207,219 406,112 110,964 , 443,424 1,984 Oporto 2,445 1,044 ... 200 Salem 127,008 186,238 ... 107,128 237,152 108,421 S16,41C • • Surinam ... ... ... .. Trieste ... ... ICO ... 416,078 781,406 430j889 1,006,424 237,379 1,021,617 1,984 M 162 EXPORTS OF INDIA-RUBBER FROM PARA. Ports of Destination. 1848 to 1849. 1849 to 1850. 1850 to 1851. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native shoes. Different Shapes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser. nambj. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Antwerp P airs. lbs. 704 lbs. Pairs. 265 lbs. 1 bs. Pairs. 233 lbs. 6,496 1 bs. Baltic ... ... ... Baltimore ... ... ... Barbadoes ... ... 32 Barcelona ... 1,856 Bordeaux Boston ... 6,217 50,912 ... Bremen ... Cayenne ... ... Copenhagen ... ... ... Cowes ... Falmouth ,200 10,784 ... ... ... Genoa 15,136 Gibraltar ... Guadaloupe ... ... Hamburg ... 12,155 24,544 31,384 90,656 Havre 87,968 600 74,944 6,470 69,664 Leghorn ... ... ... ... .. Lisbon 6,112 ... 85,286 512 7,695 1,264 Liverpool 384,544 2,816 8,532 244,400 12,350 899,104 17,948 London 64,560 ... 18,176 8,495 188,000 17,920 Marseilles 210 6,688 ... ... 28,256 400 4,512 ... Nantes 5,725 134,528 6,074 87,776 120 154,880 Newhaven ... ... New York 1 90,535 730,496 2,656 165,254 656,480 16,550 743,135 6,048 Oporto 57 288 96 7,618 ... Salem 115,898 176,640 80,496 530,816 47,557 738,464 6,720 Surinam ... ... ... Trieste ... ... ... 313,625 1,603,312 5,472 314,879 1,733,936 138,872 2,896,175 48,672 EXPORTS OF INDIA-RUBBER FROM PARA. 163 Ports of Destination. 1851 to 1852. 1852 to 1853. 1853 to 1854. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. ■ ■- — Different Shapes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- nainby. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Antwerp Pairs. 511 lbs. 11,200 bs. Pairs. 2,567 lbs. lbs. Pairs. lbs. lbs. Baltic ... ... ... Baltimore ... ... ... Barbadoes ... ... ... ... ... Barcelona ... ... ... ... ... Bordeaux ... ... ... ... ... Boston ... 83,888 52,302 Bremen ... ... ... Cayenne ... ... ... ... ... Copenhagen ... ... Cowes ... ... ... ... ... Falmouth ... ... Genoa ... 1,408 ... ... ... Gibraltar ... 5,120 ... ... • ... Guadaloupe Hamburg 21,948 124,352 15,187 38,496 5,976 ... 32,106 17,378 Havre 192,800 ... 57,452 7,008 66,704 24,790 Leghorn ... ... Lisbon 42,93J 14,037 7,145 2,140 ... 22 262 Liverpool 906,449 208,384 8,354 299,478 828,520 578,530 792,445 London 291,936 38,400 54,624 19,334 40,103 56,847 Marseilles 630 20,704 ... ... 19,824 2,126 Nantes ... 92,256 ... 12,586 ... ... 20,992 25,ri80 Newhaven ... 143,808 1,952 110,048 50,016 144,185 63,220 New York ... 899,889 14,520 6,875 736,992 572,208 1,636,852 638,212 Oporto 1,50S 2,184 ... 300 64 ... 68 ... Salem 19,28S 389,643 16,320 39,455 520,316 166,242 15,787 517,504 232,784 Surinam ... ... ... ... ... Trieste ... ... ... ... 86,779 3,095,786 279,576 79,883 1,832,196 1,649,304 15,809 3,141,018 1,905,984 M 2 1G4 EXPORTS OF INDIA-EUBBER FROM PARA. Ports of Destination. 1854 to 1855. 1855 to 1856. Different Shapes. Different Shapes. Native Shoes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Native Shoes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Antwerp Pairs. lbs. 16,518 lbs. P airs. lbs. 5,378 lbs. Baltic ... ... Baltimore ... •• ... ... Barbadoes ... ... Barcelona ... ... Bordeaux ... ... ... Boston 287,010 133,582 228,668 5,557 Bremen ... Cayenne ... ... ... Copenhagen ... Cowes ... •• ... Falmouth ... Genoa ... ... ... ... Gibraltar ... Guadaloupe ... ... Hamburg 114,780 21,145 56,884 6,952 Havre 112,005 2,655 59,075 5,214 Leghorn ... Lisbon 4,883 5,729 6,120 Liverpool 1,079,401 976,779 969,919 739,877 London 62,866 29,436 80,492 141,722 Marseilles 32 ... Nantes 23,694 5,594 .. 43,679 790 Newhaven 231,820 52,016 ]07,?97 7,104 New York 1,448,103 535,834 1,417,332 45,635 Oporto ... 280 288 Salem 387,976 196,802 502,080 17,074 Surinam ... ... .. Trieste 3,769,056 1,953,843 3,477,445 976,333 EXPORTS OF INDIA-RUBBER FROM PARA. 165 Ports of Destination. Total, 1836 to 1856. Native Shoes. Different Shapes. Fine and Mixed. Coarse and Ser- namby. Antwerp Baltic Baltimore Barbadoes . Barcelona Bordeaux Boston Bremen Cayenne Copenhagen , Cowes Falmouth Genoa Gibraltar Guadaloupe . Hamburg Havre Leghorn Lisbon Liverpool London Marseilles Nantes Newhaven New York Oporto Salem Surinam Trieste Pairs. 8,146 14,555 19 8,610 575,904 18,193 4,473 300 21,440 1,200 157 7,749 302,972 77,490 12,860 119,977 38,862 78,273 23,741 97,353 1,518,532 17,871 1,792,098 400 100 lbs. 95,234 10,720 3,200 32 20,192 14,390 825,472 2,048 23,762 1,152 10,112 31,712 65,598 24,416 5,446 781,008 1,037,657 125 416,977 5.822,683 1,961,579 210,492 818,653 737,758 9,641,175 11,548 4,738,886 191,441 51,451 39,667 6,120 3,566,805 303,659 2,126 32,264 174,308 1,817,097 288 635,942 4,741,275 27,312,027 6,821,168 M 3 166 BIPORTS AND EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. Imports of India-Ruhher to the United Kingdom for the Years 1842 to 1855 inclusive. IMPORTS. From 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. East Indies lbs. 42,112 lbs. 7,504 lbs. lbs. lbs. 1,568 lbs. 13,776 lbs. 45,472 lbs. 62,608 United States - 33,936 17,024 13,664 1,232 55,552 2,576 ... ... Brazil - 222,432 306,320 422,576 329,952 440,272 630,336 417,200 515,760 Java 27,664 2,240 ... 224 11,760 6,608 8,400 Elsewhere 18,704 784 10,416 9,408 54,096 1,120 2,016 9,968 Total 317,184 359,296 448,896 340,592 551,712 659,568 471,296 596,736 From 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. Total. East Indies lbs. 32,480 lbs. 66,864 lbs. 356,272 lbs. 391,216 lbs. 663,936 lbs. 940,128 lbs. 2,623,936 United States - 61,488 181,88? ... 21,392 277,200 284,928 950,880 Brazil - 668,304 I,237,93€ 1,435,056 1,143,520 1 ,660,960 2,395,344 11,825,968 Java 35,504 191,96£ 293,888 77,280 184,912 203,304 1,060,752 Elsewhere 55,328 31,47S 110,768 307,104 302,848 1,166,032 2,080,064 Total 858,104 1,710,128 2,195,984 1,940,512 3,089,856 5,006,736 18,541,600 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. 167 Exports of India- Rubber from the United Kingdom for the Years 1842 to 1855 inclusive. EXPORTS. Destination. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. Russia lbs. 8,624 lbs. 35,392 lbs. 10,080 lbs. 15,904 lbs. 18,704 lbs. 54,320 lbs. 77,616 lbs. 87,472 Hanse Towns 13,440 11,536 26,880 13,216 3,696 24,528 224 32,368 Holland 6,272 43,232 29,792 37,184 112 26,432 112 61,040 Belgium 4,592 38,752 74,816 120,736 13,552 4,032 ... 3,024 France ... 1,008 22,064 448 ... 224 United States 112 ... ... ... 18,256 ... Elsewhere ... 672 2,576 1,232 ... ... 6,384 896 2,688 Total 33,712 132,496 ] 64,864 187,488 36,064 134,176 78,848 186,592 Destination. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. Total. Russia lbs. 39,088 lbs. lbs. 28,784 lbs. 14,896 lbs. lbs. lbs. 390,880 Hanse Towns 49,392 57,904 52,528 25,038 163,520 300,496 774,816 Holland 6,160 60,704 88,592 1 22,640 72,464 5,936 560,672 Belgium 22,176 57,344 232,512 290,752 135,856 36,400 1,034,544 France 560 193,984 475,776 694,064 United States 168,448 189,616 210,784 638,736 103,040 1,328,992 Elsewhere ... 2,576 5,488 6,384 13,104 13,552 55,552 Total 117,376 346,976 597,520 670,544 1,217,664 935,200 4,839,520 M 4 168 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT SINGAPORE. Imports and Exports of India-Rubber at Sincapore, for the Years 1849-50 to 1854-55. IMPORTS. 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 Total. 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Java lbs. 20,608 lbs. 17,248 'lbs. 37,856 lbs. 175,616 lbs. 57,904 lbs. 49,504 Ibg. 358,736 Sumatra 1,344 448 1 94,096 139,104 428,288 763,280 China ... 1,680 ... ... 1,680 Manilla ... 14,896 ... 14,896 Borneo ... 2,688 224 112 3,024 Malay Peninsula ... 448 ... 448 Penang and Malacca ... 127,120 126,448 253,568 Elsewhere ... 96,544 ... 33,712 130,256 Total lbs. 21,952 34,272 37,856 469,392 324,352 638,064 1,525,888 EXPORTS. Destination. 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1354 1854 1855. Total. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Great Britain 21,840 37,856 109,200 538,8;?2 449,120 390,768 1,547,616 North America 21,280 6,832 3,136 18,592 133,952 341,040 524,832 France ... 10,080 63,392 42,560 1 1 6,032 Hamburg ... 60,032 60,032 Java ... ... ... 1,344 1,344 Total lbs. 43,120 44,688 112,336 567,504 646,464 835,744 2,249,856 The above Statement shows an Export during six years, in excess of tlie Imports, of 723,968 lbs., the produce of Sincapore. 169 MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS OF VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER. Note. — A, Quality is the most elastic. It weighs about 60 lbs. per cubic foot, or l-29th of a lb. per cubic inch. D, Quality weighs about 82 lbs. per cubic foot, or l-21th of a lb, per cubic inch. E, Quality more elastic than D — weighs about 92 lbs, per cubic foot, or l-19th of a lb. per cubic inch. F, C. — Fibrous compound, used for flange washers, valves, and pump buckets. Weight l-25th of a lb, per cubic inch. The following list describes some of the applications of india-rubber. Many of these articles are formed of pure vulcanized rubber, and others prepared with various pig- ments according to the required colour, quality, or in- tended application of the article, each modification of quality being distinguished by a letter, thus enabling the consumer to select either pure vulcanized rubber or any of the stated compounds. Buffer and Bearing Springs. {Fuller and UBergueh Patent.^ A patent application of the vulcanized india-rubber to the purposes of draw springs, buffers, and bearing springs of railway carriages ; more efficient, durable, and economical than any modification of steel springs for such purposes. Cylinders. These are made of any dimensions of bore and thick- ness ; they are supplied for the formation of buffers, washers, and springs, where enormous compression is used, and to relieve the concussion of steam hammers, fulling mills, &c. &c. 170 MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS OF Foot and Pump Valves for Ocean Steamers. These valves are rapidly superseding the metallic valves ; concussion is avoided ; a perfect joint formed under the most rapid motion of a steam engine ; they are extensively used in steam ships constructed with paddle wheels ; for screw steamers they are quite indispensable. Valve Canvass. This is a modification of the above ; it is prepared for various mechanical purposes, and is much less elastic than the vulcanized india-rubber, in which canvass or other fibrous materials are not incorporated. Engine Packing. This article, being a compound of india-rubber and fibrous materials, is eminently adapted for packing pistons, stuffing boxes, and the various parts of steam engines that require packing ; it is supplied in sheets, slips or rings, and the fibres are so arranged in the compound as to give the greatest possible amount of durability and relief from friction. Washers for Flange and Socket Joints. By means of these washers an Instantaneous joint may be made for every purpose, and in every con- ceivable situation in manufacturing establishments ; they are made to any figure or size, from that of the smallest pipe to the largest chemical cistern. Wheel Tires. For this purpose the vulcanized india-rubber is finnly attached to a metal hoop or tire, of the usual width, or an endless band of rubber Is sprung on to an ordinary wheel tire, and kept in position by a flange on either side; the rubber, projecting from the flanges, rests on the ground, and this prevents the concussion to which the wheels are ordinarily sub- jected, and altogether increases the durability of the VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER. 171" carriage. Carriages having these tires roll along without the slightest noise, and in an extraordinarily- soft and easy manner. They are particularly valu- able for trucking goods in warehouses, railway stations, and for bath and invalid chairs. Rolling Piston for Lifting and Forcing Pumps. (^Woodcock's Patent.^ A patent application of the vulcanized india-rubber. The rolling pistons prevent all friction in pump barrels and water meters, and they are economical, enduring, and cannot " choke," whatever be the fluid they are employed to pump. Rings, Strips, and Cords for Elastic Purposes. These may be applied to the most delicate or most powerful mechanical purposes. Flexible Pumps for Forcing or Exhausting Aik, Gases, &c. &c. Pump Buckets. These are made of various forms, and their advan- tages are, durability, and the facility with which water, liquid manures, and chemical liquids of any temperature may be pumped Avithout injury to the vulcanized india-rubber. Plug Valves. These are conical valves for ships, chemical and water cisterns, and as plugs for hot or cold water baths ; they never corrode, or fail in forming a perfect joint. Coach Loops or Round Robbins. These are used by coachmakers instead of those of combined iron and leather, as being more safe, quiet, and durable for the support of carriage bodies. Teagle or Hoist Straps. These are more enduring, safe, and economical than the ordinary hempen rope. 172 MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS OF Gas Bags. A useful and certain apparatus for the repair or alteration of gas mains ; by its aid a town need no longer be placed in darkness during the laying of pipes. DiAPHRAMS. These are made of vulcanized india-rubber, for dry gas meters, and for measuring the supply of water to towns, manufactories, or private dwellings. Door Springs. These are used in a variety of ways: one of Its simplest applications is, as a strong loop slipped over two hooks, one in the door and one in the jamb or door frame. Corrugated Rubber Felt. This article is extensively used for manufacturing and railway purposes ; in the latter, its peculiar properties are exhibited when placed under the chairs or flat rails ; concussion is prevented, and wear and tear of the rails and carriages much diminished ; it is also used extensively for the bottoms of vulcanized India- rubber over-shoes. Hose Pipes and Tubing. These are made of any bore and length, suited to the delivery hose and suction pipes of fire engines, and for the conveyance of gas, steam, acids, alkalies, and other fluids ; they are also soft and pliable, and not Injuriously affected by heat or cold. Locomotive Piping. This is a modification of the above class of articles ; for this purpose the ordinary strength Is increased. Rollers for Letter-Press Printing. A substitute for the ordinary glue and treacle rollers. The chief recommendations are their permanent elasticity and durability. VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER. 173 Blankets for Calico Printing. These are formed of alternate layers of india-rubber and cloth ; by their use, a printer can produce fine and delicate patterns, that could not result from the ordinary woollen blanket. These patent blankets are capable of printing 25,000 pieces of cloth, and the power required is much diminished, in conse- quence of their peculiar elasticity requiring less pressure to produce the pattern. Furnishers for Calico Printing. These are formed of vulcanized india-rubber, with a roughened surface which takes up the colour, and applies it to the engraved roller. The same furnisher can readily be applied to any colour without waste ; the composition of printing colours has no injurious effect on these furnishers, which perform their work for a series of years. Sieves or Furnishers for Surface Printing. These are found to be a great improvement on the ordinary woollen sieve, especially in an economical point of view, as they prevent the absorption of the colour. Artificial Leather for Card Backs. This article is too well known to cotton and woollen manufacturers to need comment or explanation ; suffice it to say, that its chief advantages are cheapness, evenness, large size of sheets, and elasti- city. Moulded Articles — Elastic. Under this head is comprised the endless variety of forms in which the vulcanized india-rubber is pro- duced for manufacturing, surgical, domestic, and fancy purposes, which may require moulds for their production. It is the peculiar property of vulcan- ized india-rubber to retain, permanently, the form in which it is vulcanized. 174 MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS OF Moulded Articles — Hard Vulcanized. Under this head is included all the before-mentioned ; the degree of hardness is adapted to the purposes to which the substance is required to be applied. Hard vulcanized rubber is supplied in the form of sheets, slabs, bars, tubes, and can be moulded to any desired figure. It is a substitute for bone, ivory, whalebone, hard- woods, &c., and is capable of being worked by the ordinary tools used for those substances. It can be worked in the lathe, sawn, planed, drilled, screwed, or engraved. The properties of this material are : — resistance to the action of hot and cold acids, alkalies or chemically impregnated solutions, the sulphur in gas; and it is suited to any uses in which metals are objectionable. Cushions for Billiard Tables. These are an improvement upon the original india- rubber cushions, which in cold weather were hard, and in that state useless. The patent cushions never alter in their elasticity, and consequently are to be depended upon ; they are highly approved of by scientific players. Sewer and Sink Valves. {Dr. C. BeWs Patent) These effectually prevent the escape of eflfluvium in all situations ; they are simple in application, and the vulcanized india-rubber is not injured by contact with any fluids that may pass through the valve into the sewer. CUMULATORS, OR ELASTIC PoWER PURCHASES FOR Projectile and Lifting Apparatus, &c. {Hodge s Patent.) Here the vulcanized india-rubber is used in the form of tubes or cords. Simple or compound springs are brought to bear upon harpoons, arrows, balls, shot, and other missiles, and made to project them with VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER. 175 immense velocity and precision. In case of lifting and suspending great weights, an assemblage of these springs are brought into use, by which a child may lift an enormous weight. Thread — Vulcanized India-Rubber. This article, by reason of its great strength and permanent elasticity, has greatly extended the trade in elastic woven and knitted fabrics. It is prepared of several degrees of fineness, and supersedes the original native, or common india-rubber thread. Vulcanized Sheet Rubber. These sheets are supplied in grey or black of any thickness from the 70th of an inch upwards, and varying from 5 to 50 yards in length, by 50 inches and upwards in width ; from these may be cut bandages, springs, strips for joints, and linings for chemical and other vessels, &c. Rubber and Cloth Combined in Sheets. This is commonly known as "insertion" rubber; where required, the cloth is made highly elastic, so as to stretch to the extent of the rubber; where this material is required not to stretch, a non-elastic cloth is used. Fine Cut Sheet Rubber. These sheets are supplied to any thickness, and are capable of being joined up for the manufacture of various articles. Fine Sheet Rubber, Made of any thickness from 36 inches wide and upwards, and from 5 to 50 yards long. India-Rubber Solution, or Varnish. 176 SURGICAL PURPOSES. SURGICAL PURPOSES. Hydrostatic Beds. These beds afford great relief to the afflicted — fiicilitate their movement, and supply a soft support to every part of the person. Iron Bedsteads with Elastic Sacking. These are adapted for hospitals and public insti- tutions generally; they afford the greatest facility for attendance on the sick; are much cheaper than hydrostatic beds, and very simple in construction. Mattresses, Beds, and Pillows. (^With bellows for inflation.^ These articles are prepared from air-proof materials, and when inflated assume their figure of mattress, bed, pillow, &c. ; they are very easy, light, and portable, and made to any size and figure. Bellows are supplied for the inflation of the larger articles, and the operation is at once simple and easy. Elastic Woven Bandages. Are formed as stockings, knee-caps, leggings, thigh pieces, anklets, armlets, Avristlets, &c. ; they are extensively used for the relief of glandular swellings, and varicose veins, abdominal belts, &c. ; nothing can be more easy and efficacious in use, or more elegant in appearance, than these applications of the vulcanized india-rubber thread. Bed Sheets. Applied as a cover, so that in cases of Hemorrhage, &c., a valuable bed is entirely protected from injury. Water Pillows and Beds. Are exceedingly elastic, either inflated for reclining on, or for the application of hot or cold water to any part of the body ; to bed-ridden patients they are SURGICAL PURPOSES. 177 invaluable, as they entirely prevent the friction pro- duced by ordinary cushions or pillows. Chemical Aprons, Sleeves, and Gloves. Are used by surgeons in dissecting operations, and prevent all risk from contact with poisonous fluids. They are also valuable for manufacturing chemists, dyers, and others, as they protect the person and clothing from the action of caustic, alkalies, acids, and other dangerous liquids. Gas Vessels. Are made in the form of bags of any size or figure. They are used for the purposes of illumination, and for containing separate gases for chemical and experi- mental purposes ; as, for instance, the oxy-hydrogen microscope, &c. Tubing, Braided or Plain. For the conveyance of gas or other fluids, for moveable lights and general use in manufactories, chemical works, &c. Ligatures, &c. These are made in the forms of thread, cords, bandages, rings, &c., and are useful in cases of dis- location, for the tourniquet and various other purposes in surgical operations. Injection Bottles, Breast Bottles, Exhausting Bells, Enemas, Pessaries, Urinals. Pic Nics, Ear Pads, Truss Pads, Corn Protectors, Finger Stalls, &c. Appliances for medical and surgical purposes : their uses are indicated by their names, and are well adapted to their varied purposes. N 178 DOMESTIC APPLIANCES. DOMESTIC APPLIANCES. Inflated Cushions and Beds. Are made of any form and to any dimensions : they are useful for chairs and sofas, or for the purposes of travelling — particularly in second class carriages on railways. Chest Expanders. Afford agreeable and healthful exercise to children and persons engaged in sedentary employment : they strengthen the muscular powers, expand the chest, and promote health. For schools and families they are particularly useful. Sponging Baths. A portable and efficient accompaniment of the modern bed-chamber : no water is absorbed by the material, and the bath can be packed away immediately after use ; hence its value to persons travelling. Jar Covers and Capsules. For pickles, preserves, and anatomical specimens. They can be removed in a moment, and soundly re- placed, afford protection from the atmosphere, and are perfectly self-fastening. Gum Rings, Corals, Nipples. Crib Sheets. Nursing Aprons. Arm Gussets. Sponge Bags. Straps for Baby Jumpers. Dress Dilators. Bathing Caps. Tobacco Pouches. Bottling Corks and Bungs. Decanter Stoppers. Table Mats. WEARING APPAREL. 179" Seats and Backs for Chairs and Stools. Playing Balls. Foot Balls. Cricket Gloves and Bat Covers. Gloves of all Sizes. The names of the above articles indicate their use, and they are found safer and better adapted to their several uses than the articles they have superseded. WEARING APPAREL. Piece Goods, Waterproof Fabrics. Cambric, Sheeting, Linen, Stuff, Alpaca, Silk, Woollen, &c. &c.. Double and Single Texture. Capes. Capes with Sleeves or Loose Coats. Chesterfield Wrappers. Coachmen's Coats. Ladies' Paletots. Bonnet Hoods with Short Cape. Overalls. Braces. Vest Backs. Garters. Gaiters. Trouser Straps. Over Shoes. Webbing for Gussets. " Braces. " Elastic Boots. " Bandages and Rollers. Sandling. Apron Bands. AVristlets. N 2 180 NAUTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ARTICLES. Ladies' Pages. Elastic Belts. Gloves. Any explanation or statement of properties possessed by the above, is rendered almost supei'fluous by their general use by the public ; but it may be observed, that of late years, the fashion has very much re- vived the use of waterproof clothing : the loose, open, easy character of the pi*esent dress renders a waterproof overcoat unobservable, made as they now are of materials such as are regularly worn in an unproof state, and consequently unobjectionable in appearance, whilst at the same time all the ad- vantages of being kept perfectly dry in rain, is due to the india-rubber fabric alone. NAUTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ARTICLES. Ship Sheets. Are used for the purpose of passing under a ship's bottom in case of leakage or accident at sea. They eflPectually stop the ingress of the water, and enable the ship to proceed on her voyage without repairing the leak ; on arriving at a port, the damage can be effectually repaired without taking the ship into dock, — advantages that have been appreciated by the Go- vernment and private traders. Safety Tubes. {Holdsworth's Patent.) Are used for life boats, life buoys, watching buoys, &c., and are peculiarly adapted for giving buoy- ancy to boats of all descriptions. They can be placed fore and aft, secured by nettings to the raisings or rails fitted for the purpose, or be secured across the boats under the tliwarts, as the judgment NAUTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ARTICLES. 181 of the owner may direct, thus converting any boat into a life boat. As life buoys, they may be thrown to the assistance of persons falling overboard : they are so light as not to do injury to the person who may be struck with them, while their buoyancy is such, that they are capable of supporting three persons in the water until assistance arrives. Life Belts, or Life 'Preservers. Are made light, portable, and efficient for the pro- tection of life and property in cases of wreck or other accidents at sea : many valuable lives have been saved by their use ; and it is not too much to say, that in ordinary cases of shipwreck, the whole of the passengers and crew might be saved, if the properties of these valuable articles were more gene- rally knoAvn. Boats Inflated. Are intended for pleasure purposes on lakes, for fishing, and for exploring parties going abroad. They can be packed in small compass while travelling, and, when required, can be converted into a boat in five minutes. Sou'-Westers, Deck Boots, Over Sfits, &c. Are essential to officers, and sea-faring persons gene- rally, as they preserve the usual clothing perfectly dry in the roughest weather. Diving Dresses. These entirely envelope the person, and enable divers and others engaged in submarine operations to perform their work in security. Cart, "Waggon, and Rick Covers. Are thoroughly waterproof, very light, portable, and . do not crack in use. 182 TRAVELLING AND SPORTING ARTICLES. Malting Shoes. Are used by persons engaged in malting, and similar operations. They can be attached to common shoes, and enable persons to walk upon the grain without crushing or otherwise injuring it. Hose and Suction Pipes. For the conveyance of liquid manure, and the general purposes of land irrigation. Horse Stockings, Brush and Ring Boots, Knee Caps, and Shoe Pads. These are found to answer the purpose much better than the ordinary leather ones, to which they are now preferred. TRAVELLING AND SPORTING ARTICLES. Travelling Cushions, Beds, Rugs, Bags, &c. Gig Aprons. Driving Gloves. Canteens and Bottles. Drinking Cups. Horse Cloths. Mud Boots. Handles for Sticks, Umbrellas, &c. Shooting Boots. Gun Covers. Game Bags. Shooting Hats. Riding Belts. Fishing Boots. Fishing Stockings. Fishing Trousers. Fishing Coats. Yachting Trousers. Tents. STATIONERY PURPOSES. — ORNAMENTAL. 183 STATIONERY PURPOSES. Elastic Bands for Papers, Letters, &c. {Perry and Daffs Patent.) Inkstands with Elastic Bottle. Writing Tablets. Parcel Bands. Book Covers. Erasing Rubber in Squares and Bottles. ORNAMENTAL. Enamelled Sheets. Embossed " Marbled " Prints from Engraved Plates. Maps. Bas Reliefs. Medallions. Embossings, Flowers, Figures, Animals. Coloured Thread, Plain and Braided. Some of these articles exhibit the applicability of the vulcanized india-rubber to the Arts in cases where durable embossing of any degree of hardness, of fineness, of execution, susceptibility of colouring or elasticity are required. Among the applications of embossing are the production of durable books for the Blind, and both hard and elastic type for printing. APPENDIX. SPECIFICATIONS FOURTEEN PATENTS Granted by Geo. IV., Will. IV., and Victoria, FROM April 29. 1820, to Dec. 30. 1847, THOMAS HANCOCK, OF STOKE NEWINGTON, FOR THE TREATMENT AND APPLICATION OF INDI A-EUBBER. SYNOPSIS. Articles of Dress Pitch and Tar Leather by Liquid Leather by Solution Ropes and Cordage Ornaments, etc. by Liquid Expanding Cushions Dough "Waterproofing ... Dough Sheets Vulcanising Obtaining Forms by Moulds, etc Converting Applications Printing Vulcanised Solutions DATE OF SPEClFICATIOy. PAGl; .. April 29. 1820 . .. 189 .. Mar. 22. 1823 . .. 192 .. Nov. 29. 1824 . .. 196 .. Mar. 15. 1825 . .. 204 ... 3Iar. 15. 1825 . .. 208 .. Aug. 0. 1830 . .. 211 ... Jjine 4. 1835 . .. 218 ... April 18. 1837 . .. 224 .. Jan. 23. 1838 . .. 231 .. Nov. 21. 1843 . .. 236 re. 3Iar. 18. 1846 . .. 247 ... Nov. 19. 1846 . .. 256 ... Nov. 2. 1847 . .. 271 ... Dec. 30. 1847 . .. 273 With reference to Native Shoes, in the Statistical Tables, it should be mentioned that, in this country these shoes wei'e mostly used as rawmaterial ; in America, on the contraiy, they were worn as over shoes. APPENDIX. SPECIFICATIONS ARTICLES or DRESS. Specification of Patent granted to Thomas Hancock, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for an Improvement in the Application of a certain Material to various Articles of Di-ess and other Articles, that the same may he ren- dered more Elastic. — Dated April 29. 1820. The material I use is caoutchouc : I cut it into slips of a convenient length and thickness, according to the purpose for which it is to be used, and the degree of elasticity necessary. If the quality of the caoutchouc is not the best, or the spring is not required to be very substantial, I pre- pare those slips by putting them into hot water, and steeping them awhile, to prevent their cracking on the edges ; when the substance of the spring is required to be more con- siderable, or the quality of the caoutchouc better, I use it without such preparation. I apply the caoutchouc spring to gloves in the following manner. A case or pipe of leather, linen, or cotton, or other similar material, is made, as long as it is necessary the spring should stretch ; the spring is then fastened at the extremities of the pipe or case, by sewing or otherwise, in such a manner as that the pipe may contract or gather up very considerably. The case or pij)e is then fixed in the wrist of the glove, so as to contract the glove to the size of the wrist, care being taken not to make the spring so strong but that the glove will easily draw over p 190 THOMAS Hancock's patents. the hand. The case or pipe may be made in the glove itself, and the spring introduced in the manner I have described. Attention must be paid in fastening the caout- chouc that it is not pierced anywhere between the extre- mities by the needle, otherwise it will be liable to tear and break. In a similar manner I apply the caoutchouc spring to any article of dress where elasticity is desirable at any particular part. I apply the caoutchouc springs to waist- coats and waistbands, to make them contract and sit close to the body ; to coat-sleeve linings, to draw them closer round the wrist ; to the mouth of pockets, to prevent their con- tents from falling out when in an inverted position, and to prevent their being easily picked; to trowser and gaiter straps, to enable them to lengthen and shorten to the bend of the knees and ankle-joints; to braces, instead of wire and other springs, as now commonly used ; to stockings, to prevent their slipping down the leg ; to garters, to shirt- wrists, to the knees of drawers and breeches ; to wigs, false curls and fronts, to keep them tight on the head; to pocket-books and purses, instead of the strap and loop, and wire springs ; to riding-belts, to stays, and such parts of the apparel and dress of women as require to be kejit close to the person, and yet to be elastic as fastenings ; to boots, shoes, clogs, and pattens, when the object is to take them off and on without any lacing or tying. I apply caoutchouc to the soles of boots, shoes, and clogs, by making either the whole sole of caoutchouc, or the inner or outer sole only, or by fastening a piece of caoutchouc between the soles ; and in either case boots, shoes, and clogs, are rendered more elastic to the foot. I apply the caoutchouc spring to stiff- eners for neckcloths. I use caoutchouc in stirrups to render them elastic to the feet, by forming a piece to the bottom of the stirrup, which I fasten on by having holes drilled in the stirrup, and sewing on the caoutchouc with wax thread, or wire, or by riveting or screwing it on with iron. In this specification I do not insist upon any particular mode of ARTICLES OF DRESS. 191 applying or fastening the caoutchouc to the various articles described, as that may be varied as convenience may re- quire ; my object being to produce and apply a better kind of spring than any now in use for the purposes above- mentioned. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled August 8. 1820. p 2 192 THOMAS Hancock's patents. PITCH AND TAR. Specification of Patent granted to TnOMAS Hancock, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for an Improvement in the Preparation for various useful purposes of Pitch and of Tar, separately or in union, by an Admixture of other Ingredients icith either or both of them. — Dated March 22. 1823. My Invention consists in the mixing caoutchouc and its solvent with pitch or tar, or with pitch and tar combined together in various proportions, and thereby rendering these substances, namely, pitch and tar, whether separately or in combination with each other, less soluble in water, tougher, more elastic, and more durable than pitch or tar, or pitch and tar mixed together, and used in their natural state, are found to be. Previously to describing my method of pre- paring the solution of caoutchouc, &c., it is necessary for me to state that caoutchouc is the substance which is more generally known by the names elastic gum and Indian rubber. Many, if not all, of the essential oils will dissolve the Indian rubber ; but for the sake of cheapness I prefer, and therefore employ, the essential oil of turpentine, or the essential oil of tar, either of which is a good solvent of the Indian rubber. I make the solution by first cutting the Indian rubber into very thin slips, in order to increase the quantity of surface of the said rubber and thereby to expe- dite its solution when it is immersed in the essential oil ; riTCII AND TAR. 193 and I immerse it in the said essential oil either in a warm or cold state, and occasionally stir it until the solution of the Indian rubber is effected. I find by experience that the solution is effected in a shorter time by exposing the essen- tial oil and Indian rubber to a moderate degree of heat, that is, not exceeding 180° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. To make a solution of Indian rubber of about the consistence of tar, when at a temperature of 60° I put about one pound of the Indian rubber into one gallon of the essential oil of turpentine. I mention this only by way of example, and not as the definite proportions which I uniformly adhere to, for I vary these according to the nature and value of the object to which the composition is to be applied. If the composition is to be made of pitch and of a solution of Indian rubber, I mix them together, by submitting them to such a degree of heat as is just sufficient to melt and keep the pitch in a fluid state, and by stirring it until the union is complete. Tar, so long as it is sufficiently fluid (and it generally is so except in very cold weather), mixes very well with the solution of Indian rubber without being heated. In making a composition of both pitch and tar and the solution of Indian rubber, I first melt the pitch, and mix it with tar in the required proportion, and then add the solution of Indian rubber. In preparing a com- pound to be applied to wooden buildings or wooden fences, &c., by paying or smearing the same therewith, I have found the following proportions to answer very well ; namely, to one gallon of the essential oil I put one pound and a half of Indian rubber, mixing with it eight or nine pounds of tar. If the compound is to be employed in making ropes, or for covering canvas, &c., I use a solution of one pound and a half of Indian rubber in one gallon of essential oil, mixing with it about one pound of pitch, and six or seven pounds of tar. If the compound is to be used in paying the bottoms of ships, or to be employed in pre- paring sheathing for ships, or paper or other substances P 3 194 THOMAS Hancock's patents. for covering the bottoms of ships or the roofs of houses or other buildings, I dissolve three pounds of India rubber in one gallon of essential oil, and mix it with six pounds of pitch. And, lastly, with regard to the proportions or relative quantities of the materials to be employed, namely, of the essential oil, of the caoutchouc or Indian rubber, of the pitch, of the tar, or of pitch and tar mixed, as have hereinbefore been described, it is evident that such pi*o- portions or quantities may be infinitely varied at the dis- cretion of the operator ; and I have only to remark that, in making any of the compounds hereinbefore mentioned, that the elasticity, toughness, and durability of such com- pound will be increased by increasing the quantity of Indian rubber. I would here also observe that I prefer making use of the best Stockholm tar and Stockholm pitch. Any of the hereinbefore-mentioned compounds, when suffi- ciently thin and fluid, may be laid on cold with a brush ; those which are thicker require tobe moderately warmed, so as to produce the required fluidity : they may then be spread upon wood, paper, canvas, &c., with a brush or trowel, or by any other of the well-known methods for spreading or laying on compositions of a similar nature. In using the trowel, or any other instrument of a similar kind, to spread the composition, I occasionally dip it in water, to prevent the adhesion of the composition to the trowel or instrument. The composition, when employed in making ropes, is applied in the same manner as is commonly practised in making tarred ropes. In all the before-mentioned processes I take care to avoid exposing the composition to a greater degree of heat than about 180° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Lastly, I do declare that, although I have hereinbefore described the method I employ for making a solution of caoutchouc, or Indian rubber, in essential oil of turpentine, or in other essential oil, I lay no claim to the method of making such solution as forming any part of my invention, the same having been heretofore known and used, but that PITCH AND TAR. 195 my invention consists in the admixture of caoutchouc and its solvent with tar, or with pitch, or with both tar and pitch, so as to form a compound possessing the properties of being less soluble in water, of being more tough, of being more elastic, and of being more durable when ex- posed in the open air, or under water, than tar or pitch, or any mixture of tar and pitch (without the aforesaid admixture) possess when similarly exposed. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled September 17. 1823. p 4 196 THOMAS Hancock's patents. LEATHER BY LIQUID. Specification of Patent granted to Thomas Hancock, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for Improvements in the Method of Making or Manufacturing an Article which may be, in m.any instances, substituted for Leather , and be applied to various other useful purposes. — Dated Nov. 29. 1824. The nature of my invention consists in combining to- gether the fibres or filaments of various matters, such as flax, hemp, cotton, wool, hair, or other matters of the like flexible nature, by saturating them, in connexion or in con- tact with each other, with a liquid which, when partially evaporated, becomes a flexible and adhesive substance ; such fibres being previously arranged or disposed, as to shape and dimensions, according to the purpose to which they are afterwai'ds to be applied, so as to produce a uniform com- bination of the fibres and the substance, or in such a manner as that every individual fibre may be so surrounded with the said substance as that the whole of the fibres composing the mass, when united by the substance, may form a com- pound or article somewhat resembling leather, and which said compound substance or article may in many cases be substituted forleather, more or less advantageously ; namely, for harness, straps, belts, accoutrements, boots, shoes, flexible pipes, air-tight bags, and a variety of other things, which LEATHER BY LIQUID. 197 have heretofore been made of leather ; and the said sub- stance or article may also be applied to various other use- ful purposes, such as in parts of wearing apparel which it may be desirable to have waterproof, and which commonly are made of other substances than leather. The article may also be applied for the roofs of verandahs, awnings, tent coverings, and to other similar purposes. I shall now pro- ceed to describe the method of making the said article, and the manner in which my said invention is to be performed ; and in order the more clearly to describe the same, I will premise that the choice of the particular kind of fibres to be used, and the manner of preparing the said fibres, will depend upon the use or purpose to which the article is to be applied when made. Many of the substances I have men- tioned, such as hair, wool, cotton, flax, and others, having i?hort fibres or filaments, are capable of being carded in the same manner as is commonly practised in carding wool and cotton for making yarn or thread ; I therefore employ the carding machine (a machine well known and in common use, and therefore needing no further description) to card the aforesaid fibres, and those which are capable of being felted may have that operation performed. And by tliis means I am enabled to obtain a layer of fibres of uniform thickness, and of any convenient dimensions as to length and width. I take one or more of such layers of fibres, according to the required thickness of the article when made, and spread it or them upon a flat board. When the thick- ness of the article to be made requires more than one of such layers of fibres, I spread them out upon a flat board, as before mentioned, layer upon layer, until the number is completed ; I then sprinkle the whole Avith cold or warm water (but the latter answers best), at the same time I press the layers together, until the whole becomes uniformly wetted. In this state they are placed bet ween two flat boards, or flat plates, of any suitable metal, and exposed to strong pressure in a screw or other press, or by passing the said 198 THOMAS Hancock's patents. boards and plates, together with the layers of fibres between them, through or between a pair of rollers. By this means the whole of the fibres become more uniformly wetted, and the superfluous water is expelled, or got rid of. The said layers having been thus wetted are now ready, or in a proper state to be saturated with the liquid which forms the flexible and adhesive substance hereinbefore mentioned. At the time of applying the same it is in a liquid state, and I saturate the layer or layers of fibres therewith, by first pouring a proper quantity of it upon the surface of the said layer or layers ; and I spread the same over the said layer or layers with a smooth spatula, or other suitable instru- ment, made of wood, or other proper material, and by gently pressing the said layer or layers of fibres with the spatula, or other suitable instrument, the liquid is made to sink into, and mix with, and pervade the whole mass of fibres through- out the said layer or layers. I also perform the said opera- tion of saturating in a more convenient manner, by placing the said layer or layers of fibres in a shallow trough, with a flat and level bottom, and by this means a greater quantity of the said liquid may be poured over the layers, as the sides of the trough will prevent its running to waste ; and the fibres are thus more easily saturated, by dabbing or pressing them with the hand or a spatula. A trough may also be advantageously used for placing the layer or layers of fibres in when they are to be wetted with water, as before described : when the layer or layers of fibres have been suificiently saturated with the liquid, I place them upon a flat board in an inclining position, and in order to squeeze or press out any excess of the liquid, I pass a wooden roller over the surface of the layer or layers of fibres, at the same time applying a sufl&cient force by hand, or otherwise, to the roller, to force or squeeze out the liquid : this operation may be carried on by exposing the layers to a strong mechanical pressure, if necessaiy. The process having been carried on LEATHER BY LIQUID. 199 SO far, the layer or layers of fibres now require to be dried. I therefore now place the said layer or layers of fibres in a room heated to eighty or ninety degrees of temperature, and and allow them to remain there till they are nearly dry, or until the liquid becomes viscous, glutinous, and adhesive. The layer or layers of fibres having been thus dried, I ex- pose them again to a strong pressure, by which the whole of the fibres are brought into closer contact with each other and with the interposed substance, so as that the said fibres are made to adhere firmly to each other. If on exposing the layer or layers of fibres to pressure for the first time after being dried, I perceive that any water or fluid matter exudes, or is driven out by the pressure, I conclude that the first drying has not been continued long enough; I therefore place the layer or layers of fibres in the warm room a second time, and afterwards subject the said layer or layers to a second pressure. It is, in some cases, re- quisite to give a smooth surface to the article, and this I effect by polishing the surfaces of the plates between which the dried layers are pressed for the last time. The liquid I use for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned is brought into this country, and said to be the juice obtained from certain trees which grow in several parts of South America, the East Indies, and other places abroad. It is stated in Mr. William Nicholson's translation ofFourcroy's" Gene- ral System of Chemical Knowledge," that this juice is ob- tained in South America from a tree called the hevaea. The juice or liquid I have made use of was obtained from South America ; and from my own experience I find that the said juice or liquid, when exposed to the open air in the sun, or in a warm room, becomes inspissated, or dried, and then forms a substance exactly resembling, and which I believe to be identically of the same nature and to possess the same properties with the substance well known by the names of caoutchouc, or Indian rubber, or elastic gum, and 200 THOMAS UANCOCK's PATENTS. it is employed abroad for that purpose. Its colour and consistence very much resemble cream. In manufacturing any article where the colour is not an object, I employ this liquid in its natural state, without any previous prepara- tion, excepting that of freeing it from ligneous or other substances by straining it through a sieve or open cloth. But if the article is intended to be of a light or delicate colour, it is necessary to free the liquid from the colouring matter combined with it, and for this purpose I put it into a glass bottle, or other vessel of an appropriate size, and add to it three or four times its bulk of clean water. I then stop or cork the mouth of the bottle or vessel so as to prevent evaporation, and after well shaking the liquid and water together, I allow it to stand undisturbed till I perceive the Avhole of the water has subsided to the bottom of the vessel, which it does in a few hours, and leaves the liquid floating at the top. The vessel which I employ for this purpose has a hole through its side, at or near the bottom, and through this hole, which is provided with a cork or stopper, I draAv oif the water after it has completely sepa- rated from the said liquid above. This operation of wash- ing or cleansing the liquid I repeat as often as I find necessary for rendering it sufficiently clear and colourless. As the method of manufacturing the article intended to be employed as a substitute for leather, which I have herein- before described, applies only to the formation of pieces of uniform texture and strength in every direction, I will now proceed to describe the method I employ in manufac- turing any article such as a strap or band, or such as require the greatest strength in one direction only. In such cases I make use of longer fibres, as the long wools, hemp, flax, &c. ; and instead of subjecting the said fibres to the carding operation, I cause them to be combed or hackled, and thus lay the greatest number of the said fibres nearly parallel with each other. In the operation of comb- ing wool or hackling flax it necessarily happens that you LEATHER BY LIQUID. 201 obtain a quantity or bundle of long and short fibres, mixed together in such a manner as to cause the bundle to con- tain more fibres, and therefore to be thicker, in the middle than at the ends ; or, in other words, the bundle tapers off from the middle towards the ends. In order, therefore, to obtain a layer of such fibres of unifoi*m thickness, of a proper length and width required for the strap I intend to make, and ultimately to produce a strap of uniform strength, or nearly so, throughout its length, I first make a wooden trough of the required length and breadth, with a flat bottom. In this trough I place in succession small bundles of such fibres as are proper for the purpose, taking care that the end of each consecutive bundle shall be laid upon, or over, the middle of that which preceded it ; and thus filling the trough from side to side, and from end to end, I obtain a uniform mixture or splicing of the fibres one with another. The layer being thus completed, I proceed to wet it, saturate it with the liquid, to dry and press it in a similar manner to that hereinbefore described. But although straps and bands require the greatest strength in the direction of their length, I also find it necessary to strengthen them in the lateral direction, by interposing between the layers of longitudinal fibres several layers of shorter fibres, lying across the strap. If great stiffness, solidity, and firmness be required in the article to be made, I saturate the layer, or layers, of fibres with the liquid, as hereinbefore described, and afterwards press it very lightly with the roller, in order that a considerable quantity of the substance may remain incorporated with the layer of fibres, because the comparative solidity, stiffness, and firm- ness of the article will depend upon the quantity of the elastic and adhesive substance remaining: in combination with the fibres, as well as upon the degree of pressure to which the layers are subjected when dried ; and if after saturation a great portion of the liquid be pressed out, the softer and more flexible will be the article when finished. 202 THOMAS Hancock's patents. Consequently, when I intend to manufacture an article to be substituted for the softer kinds of leather, I expose the layer of fibres, after being saturated with the liquid, to a greater degree of pressure, so as to drive out a greater proportion of the liquid. In making an article of the kind last mentioned I find it convenient, before I use the liquid, to mix with it about one fourth of its bulk of water. After adding the water to the liquid, they must be shaken to- gether until a uniform mixture is produced, and it must be used while in this state of mixture. From what I have hereinbefore stated, and from the nature of the process, any competent manufacturer will be led to make a proper choice of the fineness, coarseness, and kind of fibre to be used for the various kinds and qualities of the articles in- tended to be made. It is necessary for me to mention here, that when I make use of the liquid in a washed or purified state, I take care to place the layers of fibres to be saturated therewith in a trough made of some of the whiter woods, such as sycamore or American pine, or such as will communicate no tinge or stain to the liquid or fibres ; and I also use the same precaution in pressing out the superfluous quantity of liquid, by effecting the pressure between boards of the same kind. And I have also to state that the liquid acts upon, or is acted upon, by iron, copper, and brass, and even tin in a slight degree, and that these metals communicate a stain or tinge, more or less, to the liquid in contact with them. But for pressing the layers of fibres after being saturated and dried, metal plates may safely be used, and are necessary to give a smooth or glossy surface. It will often happen, on account of the great variety of purposes to which the article may be applied, that it may, or will, require a combination of the fibres of several substances to be mixed together, and formed into one layer, or the combination of two or more layers, in which the fibres of one layer may be of a different sub- stance from the fibres of another layer : for instance, in makino; the article as a fit substitute for leather harness. LEATHER BY LIQUID. 203 where it would be desirable to combine a neat, smooth surface, to great strength, I interpose one or more layers of flax or hemp between two layers of cotton ; and other combinations may be made, according to the properties which it may be desired to give to the finished article, or as economy may dictate. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled May 28. 1825. 204 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. LEATHER BY SOLUTION. Specification of Patent granted ^oThomasHancock, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for a New or Improved Manufacture, which may, in many instances, be used as a Substitute for Leather, and othericise. — Dated March 15. 1825. My said invention consists in filling, saturating, and com- bining various fibrous substances, in their manufactured and unmanufactured state, with a composition, which leaves to the fibres sufficient flexibility, and at the same time unites and consolidates them into one mass, thereby in- creasing their strength and durability, and producing by these means a manufacture which may be, in many in- stances, substituted for leather, and be applied to other use- ful purposes ; such as soles for shoes and boots, hose, pipes, pails, and other articles which have heretofore been made of leather ; and also to other useful purposes, such as the roofs of verandahs, corn and flour-sacks, packing-cloths, and tar- paulins. The fibrous substances I employ in this manu- facture are wool, cotton, hair, silk, flax, hemp — carded, combed, or hackled, and combined with the same substances, woven and manufactured. As the same process is applic- able to all the combinations, it will be necessary to describe LEATHER BY SOLUTION. 205 the method I pursue in one case only, as any variation may be made in arranging the different substances at the discretion of the operator. I take a piece of cotton cloth, of any convenient size, and strain it on a board, and spread over it, with a spatula or other convenient instrument, a full coating of one of the compounds to be hereinafter de- sci'ibed. I then spread on, or over, the compound a layer of carded cotton, somewhat similar to the article known by the name of wadding, spreading over this again another piece of cotton cloth, prepared as the first. I then submit the whole to sufficient pressure between boards, or plates of metal, either passing them through or between rollers, or otherwise, to force the composition quite through the layer of carded cotton ; I then carefully remove it from the boards, or plates, and leave it to dry, either in the open air or in a warm room heated to 80° or 90° of temperature, and proceed to make others in the same manner. When I perceive that they are nearly or quite dry, I again sub- mit them to the press ; or if one of these strata is not sufficient to make up the thickness I require, I put two, three, four, or more together, spreading the said compound on the surfaces again if necessary, and increasing the pressure. After they have been in the press some hours they may again be exposed to the air, or returned to the warm room to complete the drying, and if necessary pressed again. AVhen I wish to have the carded cotton for either, or both surfaces, I carefully separate, at the end of two or more pressings, the last layer or layers of cloth from the cotton below it ; soon after I take it out of the press, as it will then separate, and proceed as before described. In this manner I introduce into this manufac- ture hair, wool, silk, hemp, and the like, or any mixture of these fibrous substances, or any or all of them, mixed with chopped hemp or tow, and carded together; or I hackle or comb hemp or flax, and lay the fibres parallel with each other, and combine any intermixture of these Q 206 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. different materials with the different kinds of manufactured wool, silk, linen, cotton, and the like, according to the purpose to which the article is to be applied, or as economy- may dictate. For soles of boots and shoes I prefer wool, hair, and cotton, in about equal proportions. For hose, pipes, pails, and accoutrements, chopped hemp, tow, or cotton. I prefer the woven materials to be made of wool or cotton, and these of an open, loose, coarse texture, except- ing where it is intended for a finer surface ; in such cases I choose the fabric of a finer quality. If the article is re- quired to have a smooth surface, I produce it by using polislied metal plates the last time the article is pressed. I make the compound, or compounds, with which I unite or combine the said substances, as follows. (No. 1.) I take two pounds of caoutchouc, dissolved in one gallon of equal parts of oil of turpentine and highly rectified coal-tar oil, six ounces of black resin, two pounds of strong glue size, and one pound of ochre, powdered pumice, or whiting, and mix the whole together ; or (No. 2.) one pound and a half of caoutchouc, dissolved as before stated, one pound of strong glue size. I melt and mix the resin and size in a water or steam bath, and then add the other ingredients, stirring; the whole until it is mixed thi'ouo-hout. The solu- tion of the caoutchouc is expedited by a water or steam bath, and the undissolved portions may be separated by straining it through a fine wire or other sieve. The mix- ture No. 1. is applicable to articles where stiffness and cheapness are required ; No. 2. is preferable where pliancy and strength are more required. But I think it proper here to state that the proportions above mentioned may be varied according to the different applications of the article to be manufactured. If varied qualities of stiffness or cheapness should be desired, the proportion of size and whiting may be increased till they make up one-third of the mass : if flexibility be required, the quantity of dis- solved caoutchouc in the compound No. 2. may be in- LEATHER BY SOLUTION. 207 creased, and especially where great strength and pliancy are required. This last is also preferable for articles that are to be much exposed to the weather. — In wit- ness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled September 14. 1825. Q 2 208 THOMAS nANCOCK'S PATENTS. EOPES AND COrvDACxE. Specification of Patent granted to Thomas HanCOCK, Stoke Neiuington, Middlesex^ Esquire, for an Improvement or Improvements in the Preparation or in the Process of Making or Manufacturing of Ropes or Cordage, and other Articles from Hemp, Flax, and other Fibrous Sub- stances. — Dated March 15. 1825. The nature of my said improvement, or improvements. In the preparation, or in the process of making or manufac- turing of ropes or cordage, and other articles from hemp, flax, and other fibrous substances, consists in the mixing, or covering, the said fibrous substances when they are formed into yarns, strands, ropes, or cordage, or woollen, cotton, or silk threads, with a liquid which I shall herein- after more particularly describe, so as to render the said substances, when formed into ropes, cordage, or other articles, less liable to injury from air or moisture, and thereby increasing their durability. The liquid I use for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned is brought into tliis country, and is said to be the juice obtained from certain trees which grow in several parts of South America, the East Indies, and other places abroad. It is stated in Mr. ROPES AND CORDAGE. 209 William Nicholson's translation of Fourcroy's " General System of Chemical Knowledge," that this juice is ob- tained in South America from a tree called the hevrea. The juice, or liquid, I have made use of was obtained from South America; and from my own experience I find that the said juice, or liquid, when exposed to the open air in the sun, or in a warm room, becomes in- spissated, or dried, and then forms a substance exactly resembling, and which I believe to be identically of the same nature, and to possess the same properties with, the substance manufactured into bottles and other articles, and well known by the names of caoutchouc, or Indian rubber, or elastic gum. In colour and consistence the said juice very much resembles cream. The application of the said liquid to the aforesaid fibrous substances, when formed into yarns, strands, ropes or cordage, or Avoolleu, or cotton, or silk threads, is easily effected ; and to this end I employ a process (as being a convenient one) exactly similar to that employed by ropemakers in making tarred ropes, or in saturating the strands of the rope with tar, and which process is well known to persons employed in rope-making, with this difference only, that I employ the said liquid instead of the tar ; but the said liquid is not heated, and the strands, yarns, or threads must be separated whilst in their wet state, or they will become more or less united. If it is wished to increase the quantity of the liquid on the yarns, threads, or ropes, I effect this by repeated coatings, until the required thickness is obtained, laying it on always just before the previous coating is quite dry, and keeping them separated. The substances having been thus saturated, or coated, with the liquid, I then place them in a warm room, or in the open air, until tlie evapor- able part of the liquid has been completely dissipated. I lastly declare, that my invention consists in the application of the liquid hereinbefore described to ropes or cordage, and other articles, such as woollen, yarn, silk, and cotton Q 3 10 THOMAS Hancock's patents. thread, or to ropes, cordage, strands, yarns, or threads made from other fibrous substances, so as to render the ropes, cordage, strands, yarns, or threads, less liable to injury from exposure to air or moisture. — In wit- ness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled September 14. 1825. ORNAMENTS, ETC., BY LIQUID. 211 ORNAMENTS, ETC., BY LIQUID. Specification of Patent granted to Thomas HancOCK, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for Improvements in the Manufacture of certain Articles of Dress or Wear- ing Apparel, Fancy Ornaments, and Figures, and in the Method of rendering certain Manufactures and Sub- stances in a degree, or entirely, impervious to Air and Water, and of protecting certain Manufactures and Sub- stances from being injured by Air, Water, or Moisture. — Dated August 5. 1830. The improvements in the manufacture of certain articles of dress and wearing apparel, fancy ornaments, and figures, consist in making them of a certain fibrous material, as hereinafter described, and coating them, where necessary, with a certain liquid composition, or varnish, as hereinafter also described. The principal ingredient used in the improvements for which this patent is granted is liquid caoutchouc, which is obtained from South America, the East Indies, and other places, and when dried forms the substance called Indian rubber, and is more particularly described in the specifica- tion enrolled in the Petty Bag Ofiice in the Court of Clian- Q 4 212 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. eery, under a patent for an invention granted to me, dated the 29th day of November, in the year 1824, to which I hereby refer. The fibrous compound, or material, is made by mixing hair, wool, cotton, or other fibrous substance, with liquid caoutchouc, to which should be added certain substances, according to the intended object, such as whiting, ochre, brickdust, emery -powder, or other such sub- stances. The following proportions may be advantageously used : 10 lbs. of liquid caoutchouc, 10 oz. of whiting, 10 oz. of Oxford ochre, and 10 oz. of hair, wool, cotton, or other similar fibrous substances. The whiting and ochre should be first mixed with a very small quantity of w^ater ; and the hair, avooI, or cotton, or fibrous substance, is generally better cut very short, averaging about one-eighth of an inch in the staple. The whole should be well mixed together. Sheets may be made of this compound by spreading some of it on a flat surface, such as a stone, or on plaster cast, and leaving it to dry, either in the open air or in a warm room; when dry it may be made more compact and firm by pres- sure. This maybe effected bypassing it between rollers, or pressing it in a common screw-press between plates ; and the operation will be facilitated by the temperature of the plates and rollers being kept Avhile used at about blood- heat. These ingredients may be altered or varied very considerably, according to the purposes to which it is in- tended to apply the material when made. If intended for purposes where sewing is required, the quantity of fibrous ingredients should be increased, and the fibres used some- what longer. If greater stiffness is required, a small quan- tity of glue-size, thin starch, or paste, or a thin solution of gum-arabic, may be added. For some purposes the wxt pulp of rags, such as is used by papermakers, may be used instead of the before-mentioned fibrous substances. The colour may be varied by adding a little lamp-black, chrome yellow, blue verditer, Venetian red, or other colouring matter. With these, sheets, gaiters, goloshes, boots, shoes. ORNAMENTS, ETC., BY LIQUID. 213 hats, caps, and other articles of dress and wearing apparel, may be manufactured in the usual manner. Hats, shoes, caps, and other such articles of dress and wearing apparel which may be moulded, and also fancy ornaments and figures, may be manufactured by preparing moulds of plas- ter of Paris, or other substances. The fibrous compound should be poured into the mould, and allowed to stand a few minutes, and all the compound that will then run out should be poured from it, and the mould be allowed to stand till that which remains is nearly dry. The mould should be again filled, and so from time to time till the proper thickness is obtained for the article or purpose re- quired. In forming large figures, such as the human figure, anatomical subjects or busts, that part of the figure which forms the aperture by Avhich the compound is poured into the mould, should be formed into a neck, in which a valve or stop-cock should be inserted, by which sufficient air may be introduced into the figure when it is taken out of the mould to fill out its form. Or the aperture may be made larger, so that the figure may be filled with bran, fine saw- dust, or any other such material ; or it may be filled, before it is taken out of the mould, with glue dissolved in equal parts of water and treacle, by boiling. For shoes, hats, caps, and other articles requiring strength, the quantity of fibrous matter may be increased, and the thickness of any part may be increased by pouring into the mould a small quantity of the compound, and allowing it to cover that part only, and repeat the operation as before stated. The soles of shoes or boots may be thickened in the same manner, or they may be formed of the sheets before described, and cemented on to the other part of the shoes or boots by a fresh application of the compound, or liquid caoutchouc. In forming the sheets for soles of shoes, or other articles requiring great firmness, it is better to substitute for the ochre and whiting harder substances, such as brickdust or fine emery. If from any cause so great a quantity of 214 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. fibrous or other ingredients should have been mixed with the liquid caoutchouc, that the compound formed should be too porous for the designed purpose, coatings of the liquid caoutchouc may he applied in sufficient quantities to bring it to the desired closeness. The improvements in the me- thod of rendering certain manufactures and substances in a degree, or entirely, impervious to air and water, and of protecting certain manufactures and substances from being injm^ed by air, water, and moisture, consist in the appli- cation, in the manner hereinafter described, of liquid caout- chouc, having mixed with it as much of the colouring matters hereinbefore mentioned, or others, such as extract of cochineal, logwood, indigo, lake liquor, or red or black ink, as should be thought desirable to give it any required tint, Avell stirring and mixing it together, and using no more of the colouring matter than is necessary. The colouring substances, when solid, must be first ground very fine in water, and the whole composition well stirred and mixed together ; but no more of the colouring matter must be used than necessary to give the colour required. If a light colour should be required, and the liquid caoutchouc should be too dark, it may be washed by adding to it pure Avater, in a proper vessel, and shaking it well together. It should be then left undisturbed ; the pvu'e caoutchouc will separate and float on the top, ^nd the one may be drawn off from tifie other. Most of the colours require that tl i s last-mentioned composition or varnish should be used immediately it is mixed ; and where the article is intended to be used under any exposure to the rays of the sun, the colour should be black or dark, as otherwise caoutchouc when so exposed is liable to soften and crack. When the sheets before de- scribed are required (from the use to which it is intended they should be applied) to be exposed to the sun's rays, or to be rendered more completely waterproof, the coloured composition or varnish should be applied to them after they have been rolled or pressed, spreading it on them as uni- ORNAMENTS, ETC., BY LIQUID. 215 formly as possible with a spatula, or other convenient instru- ment ; or by diluting it with water, and laying it on with a brush or other suitable instrument, and when nearly dry repeating the coating either over the whole or a part, as the case may require. When a fine surface is required, the sheets should be again pressed, when dr.y, between smooth or polished rollers or plates. The various other manufac- tured articles may be made waterproof by applying the varnish in the same manner as to the sheets, except that in some cases they cannot be conveniently subjected to pressure. Where articles of the fibrous compound which are formed in moulds require to be protected from moisture or air, and it is wished to give them a fine surface, the coloured composition or varnish should be first poured into the moulds and allowed to dry, and then as many coatings of the fibrous compound, or of the liquid caoutchouc, added as may be necessary. To render articles made of linen, cotton, woollen, silk, leather, and also packing-cases, tanks, and other articles of wood or metal, impervious to water and air, more or less, as may be required, they are to be coated on one or both sides in such thickness as may be necessary with the coloured composition or varnish ; and in the same manner, by coatings of the varnish, substances such as metals, paper, plaster casts, walls and the interior of rooms may be protected from being injured by air, water, or moisture. If one part of any article is not required to be so perfectly impervious to water as another, the coloured composition or varnish may be diluted by mixing with it one third of its weight of water, or more or less, according to the degree of protection required, and giving that part only one or two coatings. A boot or shoe, for instance, made of woollen or other cloth, felt, or leather, may first have applied one or two coatings of the diluted varnish; and then, beginning at the sole, as many coatings of the thicker varnish as shall be necessary, according to the substance of Avhich the boot or shoe is formed, may be applied as high as 216 THOMAS Hancock's patents. it may be wished tbat the boot or shoe should be more perfectly impervious. If the article is required to be im- pervious to water throughout, such as fishing-boots, or stockings, gloves, hose, pipe, or bags to contain liquid, they may be filled with the thicker varnish, which should be allowed to remain lono; enough within the article to satu- rate the material of which it is composed. The varnish should then be poured out, its sides being kept from col- lapsing until the varnish is dry. The article may then be immersed in the varnish, so as to saturate the outside, and the external coating allowed to dry ; and this proceeding may be continued from time to time until the article is waterproof. The operation may be carried on and com- pleted on one side only, either within or without. Articles intended to contain air, such as beds, pillows, or cushions, may be formed of linen, cotton, silk, or other suitable material. They must be sewed strongly together, and made with the necessary partitions, so as to preserve their form, and an aperture or apertures should be made by which they may be inflated. They should be immersed in the liquid caoutchouc, and then withdrawn, or it should be spread over them ; and this should be repeated as each coating becomes dry, or nearly so, until the material is well saturated. The article should then be finished with the coloured varnish, adding as many coatings as may be neces- sary to render them air-tight. Cloths of all kinds, leather or other materials for great-coats, cloaks, gaiters, travelling bags, portmanteaus, wrappers, flour-sacks, cart-covers, and other purposes required to be rendered waterproof by the varnish, may be strained on frames, and the varnish ap- plied in repeated coatings until they become impermeable to moisture. If it is wished to form any impression of figures, letters, or ornaments, on the surface of any of the articles for which the fibrous compound or varnish is used, it may be done with a stamp appropriate to the purpose before the composition is quite dry, when a slight pressure ORNAMENTS, ETC., BY LIQUID. 217 is sufficient. Although certain proportions of materials have been hereinbefore stated as those which may be ad- vantageously used, it is evident that such proportions may be considerably varied, according to the discretion of the operator and the quality of the liquid caoutchouc ; but it is to be observed that the elasticity and toughness of the com- pound is increased with the proportion of the caoutchouc. Lastly, I hereby state that I only claim as the subject of this patent the manufacture of various articles as herein- before mentioned, of the combination or compound of liquid caoutchouc with fibrous and other matters, as hereinbefore described, and the application of the coloured composition or varnish to the various purposes as hereinbefore also described. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled October 5, 1830. 218 THOMAS Hancock's patents. EXPANDING CUSHIONS. Specification of Patent granted to Thomas Hancock, Stoke Neicington, Middlesex, Esquire, for an Improvement or Improvements in Air-Beds, Cushions, and other Articles manufactured from. Caoutchouc or Indian Rubber, or of Cloth or other flexible material, coated or lined with Caout- chouc or Indian Rubber. — Dated June 4. 1835. The nature of the said invention consists in the application of strips of Indian rubber to caoutchouc, or to India rubber cloth or other material of which the said air-beds, cushions, or other articles intended to be inflated with air are made, so as to contract or gather up the cloth, India rubber, or other material, in order to cause or increase elasticity therein. And the manner in which the same invention is to be performed is as follows (that is to say) : If the ma- terial to be used in making the said air-beds, cushions, or other articles, be India rubber only, a flat piece of India rubber should obtained suflicient to form one side, or half of the article. For this purpose India rubber in sheets may be conveniently used, such as are sold in the shops ; and if the sheets are not sufficiently large, two or more sheets may be joined by the well-known process of cutting their edges straight, and, after making them quite warm, EXPANDING CUSHIONS. 219 bringing the edges into contact, and pressing tlicm to- gether. The piece or sheet of India rubber should be then laid upon a flat board or surface, of somewhat larger dimensions than the sheet of India rubber itself. Some of the best India rubber should then be procured, and that known by the name of Bottle India rubber, being of good quality, will answer the purpose. This should be cut into thin strips, which may be called contractile strips. For cushions and other articles requiring a similar elas- ticity, the strips may be one sixteenth of an inch thick, and three eighths of an inch wide ; for beds and articles requiring a similar elasticity one quarter of an inch thick, and half an inch wide. The particular dimensions of these strips are not essential. If the thickness be increased, and the width diminished in the same proportion, the effect will be nearly the same ; and by diminishing the sum of the dimensions the force of contraction will be diminished, and by increasing the dimensions it will be increased. These strips should then be heated to a temperature of from 150° to 200°, by which means they become less liable to crack or break when extended or stretched ; this may be easily accomplished by putting the strips into water heated to that temperature. This temperature is not essential, as the effect may be accomplished, but not so well, without the high temperature mentioned. The strips when dry, and cut of the proper length, should be extended or stretched almost as much as they can bear without breaking, and should be laid across the flat piece or sheet of India rubber, and fastened in their state of extension, which may be easily effected by a nail or tack driven through each end, carried beyond the flat piece or sheet of India rubber and the upper surface of the board into the sides or edges, or to the underside of the board on which it may be placed. The number of conti'actile strips must vary according to the elasticity or contraction required. For cushions and articles requiring similar elasticity the strips may be placed from 220 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. three to four inches apart, and for beds and articles re- quiring similar elasticity from six to eight inches apart, and for other articles in proportion. The distance and arrange- ment of the strips may be varied as the manufacturer shall choose to vary or increase or diminish their contractile effect. The contractile strips being thus placed upon the said flat piece or sheet of India rubber, they should be pressed down upon it with a moderate force until they become united to it, which Avill be effected in a short period. The piece or sheet of India rubber must then be coated with thin glue, size, and whiting, leaving uncoated, for cushions and similar articles, about half an inch round the edge, and half an inch across where each strip is placed (and of which half inch the strip will be better in the middle) ; except that across or over each strip one or more spaces or lines, of about an inch broad, must be coated with the whiting, so as to form a coated or protected communi- cation from space to space between each strip. For beds and similar articles the space uncoated may be an inch broad, instead of half an inch. To complete the article another piece or sheet of India rubber similar to the first should be prepared in the same manner, with the same number of strips, placed in the same relative situations, and coated in the same manner. The two pieces or sheets of India rubber, while remaining upon the boards, must be placed one upon the other, accurately bringing into contact the coated and uncoated parts respectively of each sheet, and the whole submitted to moderate pressure by weights or otherwise. After remaining about an hour, the parts which were uncoated will have become united, and those parts should be further well rubbed down with the hand ; the parts which were coated will remain disunited, and form receptacles for the air. The article may then be taken from the board, and the ends of the strips cut off. If the India rubber used is not perfectly clean, or has been long exposed to the air, or from any other cause does not EXPANDING CUSHIONS. 221 readily unite, the parts upon which the contractile strips are to be laid, and all the parts intended to be united should be coated with a solution of India rubber, taking care that such coatings are nearly dry before the parts are brought into contact. Instead of thin glue, size, or whiting, 7ts. 1837, and to tliat sj)ecification I refer for the particulars 0/ sucli process. I will now describe the manner in which I form this prepared caoutchouc into sheets. I take linen, silk, cotton, or other suitable cloth, and saturate or fill the texture with common glue, size, gum, paste, or any other similar sub- stance easily removable by Avater, and when dry I pass this cloth through a calender, or otherwise smooth the surface of it more or less, as the case may require. I then spread the prepared caoutchouc upon this cloth by means of a machine similar to that described in my said former speci- fication as suitable for this purpose. If one coating is not sufficient, I repeat the operation, and when the coating is dry I immerse the whole in moderately warm Avater, and let it remain until the gum or size is sufficiently softened to allow the caoutchouc to be separated from the cloth. If the sheets are required of greater thickness than can be conveniently made by successive coatings upon one cloth, I spread the caoutchouc upon two cloths, and unite the two coated sides together before they are quite dry, and I then strip off the cloth from one side, and apj)ly a third coating, which has been spread upon prepared cloth, in the manner before described, on that side, and continue to add fresh coatings in the same manner, until the required thickness is obtained. Instead of filling the cloth with gum or size, one side of it may be covered with paper pasted on, and caoutchouc spread ujoon it, and the cloth and sheet separated by immersion in water, as before stated. If it is desired to attach the sheets permanently to cloth, leather, &c., I spread a coating or two of the well-knoAvn common solution of caoutchouc upon it by way of cement, and Avhen nearly dry unite the sheets thereto by pressure, and then strip off the gummed cloth by immersion in Avater, as before described. Any suitable pattern or graining may be given to tlie sheets of caout- chouc by raising figure^ previously on the prepared cloth, DOUGH SHEETS. 233 either by embossing or otherwise. Colouring matter may be added to the caoutchouc in the manner described in the aforesaid specification ; or the sheets may be coloured by laying on with a brush any of the common pigments, such as flake white, vermilion, lamp black, blue verditer, &c., mixed with a very thin solution of caoutchouc, com- posed of about ten ounces of manufactured caoutchouc to one gallon of rectified coal oil, or turpentine. The sheets may be printed with the same colours by means of plates, type, blocks, or stencilling, in the manner com- monly practised. I also form sheets to be used as tablets for writing or drawing on, Avith crayons, French chalk, &c., by adding pumice powder, fine emeiy, or other similar gritty substances, either in the manner described in my said former specification, with reference to colouring matters during the preparation of the caoutchouc, or by coatings of these substances mixed with a thin solution of caoutchouc after the sheets are made, as befcTTe described. I also form sheets from the original native and liquid caoutchouc as imported from South America, by preparing the cloth with gum or size, as before stated ; and I find a convenient mode of doing this is by attaching tAvo of the gummed cloths together by means of paste or gum, and then im- mersing the cloths in the liquid caoutchouc, and allowing the superfluous liquid to run off. I then hang up the cloth to dry, and Avhen dry immerse it again in the contrary direction, and again allow it to dry, and continue the opera- tion until the sheet has acquired the desii'ed thickness ; I then separate the cloth from it by immersion in water, in the manner before described. The edges must be trimmed or cut off, if necessary, to allow the Avater to penetrate into the cloth. The surface of the cloth may be either plain or figured, as before described, and colouring matter, or emery, or pumice powder, introduced into the first or subsequent coatings. If the sheets are required to be only 234 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. of a comparatively small size, or of particular shapes, I form the flat or figured surface upon which I make them of plaster of Paris, and pour on the liquid caoutchouc. If required of considerable thickness, I find it best to pour on a thin coating first, and allow it to dry, and continue to do so until the desired thickness is obtained. If a very smooth surface is wished, I spread it upon plate-glass. In some cases I employ a raised edge of wood or other mate- rial as a guide to regulate the required thickness of the sheet, and to prevent the caoutchouc from spreading too far. I also find for some purposes that a coating of native liquid caoutchouc improves the sheets formed of manu- factured caoutchouc first described ; in such cases I apply it either by dipping the sheets in the liquid, or spreading it on with a spatula, or other convenient instrument. I manufacture the long uniform slips or threads from the native liquid caoutchouc upon cylinders of wood or metal, by turning or otherwise forming a spiral groove of the width and depth of the required slip or thread. I fill this groove by immersing the cylinders in the liquid, and with a straight piece of wood or metal clear the liquid from the projecting parts ; and when dry I immerse it again, and continue so to do until the groove is filled, when, by immersing the cylinder for some time in moderately warm water, the slip or thread of caoutchouc may be drawn off, and will be of the length and size of the spiral groove. I also follow the same process of coating a plain cylinder with the liquid, until a uniform substance of the required thick- ness is obtained ; the cylinder is then put into a machine attached to a screw motion, and the slips or threads cut with a circular knife to the required size. As this machine is well known to persons conversant wdth this manufacture, I need not further describe it. And, lastly, I do further declare that I do not, under the said first-recited patent, claim as new the processes described by my said former DOUGH SHEETS. 235 specification, nor the mixing of colouring matters with the caoutchouc, nor the common solution of caoutchouc as a cement, nor the use of calenders, or of any other machinery, matters, or things that have been previously used or prac- tised. — In witness whereof, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled July 23, 1838. 236 THOMAS Hancock's patents. VULCANISING. Specificatiori of the Patent granted to Thoma.S PIan- COCK, of Gosicell Meios, Gosivell Road, in the Count)/ of 3Tiddlesex, IFaterproof Cloth Manufacturer, for Improvements in the Preparation or Manufacture of Caoutchouc in Comhination with other S^ihstances, which Preparation or Manufacture is suitable for rendering Leather Cloth and other Fabrics Waterproof, and to various other purposes for ivliich Caoutchouc is employed. — Sealed November 21, 1843. To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c. — The nature of my improvement or improvements in the pre- paration or manufacture of caoutchouc in combination with other substances, consists in diminishing or obviating their clammy adhesiveness, and also in diminishing or entirely preventing their tendency to stiffen and harden by cold, and to become softened or decomposed by heat, grease, and oil. I will first describe the means by which I correct, obviate, or lessen, the clammy adhesiveness of caoutchouc, and caoutchouc in combination with other substances. And I would first premise, that as the essential oils employed in softening and dissolving caoutchouc are ultimately almost VULCANISING. 237 entirely evaporated, I wish to be understood wlien speaking of proportions, that the dry materials are meant, more or less solvent may be used, according as it may be convenient to employ the combination in a stiff and plastic state, or diluted in any degree down to the consistence of painters' varnish. I take ten pounds of caoutchouc, and pass it two or three times between iron rollers, until a roughly uniform sheet is obtained ; I then take twenty pounds of silicate of magnesia (sometimes called Venetian or French chalk and talc), and reduce it to a fine powder, and I continue rolling the sheet, shifting the silicate upon it as it passes through or between the rollers, and I carry on this opera- tion until the whole is well mixed in. I then Avork uj) the mass into a state of uniform consistence by means of the machine or apparatus commonly employed in making what is called manufactured caoutchouc, which machine is fully described in the specification of a patent granted to me on the 18th day of April, 1837. If the mass is in- tended for cutting into sheets or other forms, I press it in moulds, and cut it up in the manner commonly practised, and well known to persons acquainted with such manufac- tures. When I require this combination in the form of large sheets, and they are not required of very fine quality, I pass it between rollers, beginning with them rather wide apart, and gradually closing them each time of passing through, until they produce the thickness I want. The rollers may be used cold, or heated to about 80° Fahren- heit. When it is required to spread the combination on cloth, either for the purpose of rendering a previous coating of caoutchouc unadhesive or upon the surface of the cloth itself, I proceed to soften the combination by the application of a small quantity of solvent, so as to make it of the consistence of dough or putty, in the manner set forth in the before-mentioned specification of a patent granted to me in 1837, in respect to caoutchouc ; and I spread it also in the manner and by a spreading machine similar to the one s 238 THOMAS Hancock's patents. therein described. If very thin sheets or fihns are re- quired, I spread the combination on cloth previously satu- rated with size, and proceed with this operation in the same manner as is set forth with respect to caoutchouc sheets, under a patent granted to me, bearing date the 23rd day of January, 1838. The combination in this state, if not of too soft a consistence, may be spread by means of iron rollers into sheets, either alone or upon cloth, so as to remain permanently attached to the same, or upon sized cloth, to be afterwards stripped off; the surface of the iron in contact with the sheet should be kept wet, to lessen or prevent adhesion. Instead of a smooth even face, I some- times obtain impressions on the surface by pressure between plates previously engraved of the desired pattern, or by means of rollers, by engraving one or both, so as to pro- duce the required graining, or device ; these plates or rollers may be used cold, or if the consistence of the com- bination is hard and stiff, they may be heated to any re- quired degree. If a dead or dull matted appearance is required, I pass woollen cloth or other suitable fabric through or between the rollers, in contact with the coated surface of the cloth or sheet, and afterwards strip off the fabric, which should be previously sized, as before stated. By these and similar means, I frequently give to sheets of the combination, or to fabrics coated with it, a very close resemblance to a variety of woven and other manufactures, some of which may be used as substitutes for the article imitated. For coarse and cheap articles a proportion of washed lime or fullers' earth, dried, and sifted very fine, may be mixed with the silicate, and the quantity of the latter proportionably reduced. I sometimes make the ex- terior of an article of a combination that will be inadhesive, and of fine materials, and the interior with a combination containing either more caoutchouc, or more of the lime or fullers' earth, as the case may require. The combinations hereinbefore described Avill be of a light drab coloiu', or VULCANISING. 239 of a darker shade, according to the proportion of the sili- cate ; but if required of other colours, I mix with the sili- cate any suitable pigment commonly used for such pur- poses. If patterns are required to be printed on these manufactures, I mix the colour with a thin solution of caoutchouc, as mentioned in the specification of my patent of the 23rd day of January, 1838. When a dark colour is not objectionable, I employ asphalte instead of, or combined with, the silicate. The combination of asphalte with caout- chouc may be effected in the dry state by reducing the asphalte to a fine powdei', and treating it in the same manner as before stated in respect to the silicate. Plum- bago may also be introduced when the colour is dai'k. I find that from six to seven pounds of asphalte, according to its quality, to eight pounds of caoutchouc answers the purpose ; if silicate also is used, the quantity of asphalte should be proportionably less. When this combination is required for spreading on cloth, or for thin sheets, I soften it, and treat it in the same manner as before de- scribed for the silicate ; if it is wished, more asphalte or silicate may be added during this operation. Nearly the same results are obtained by dissolving the asphalte in coal naptha, and employing such solution instead of naph- tha, or other solvent, in softening the caoutchouc, to bring it to a suitable consistence for the spreading machine ; and if silicate is employed with the asphalte, it may be sifted in, as directed in respect of colouring matters, in the speci- fication before referred to, of 1837. Raised patterns may also be produced on the surface by the means before de- scribed. These combinations may be manufactured into sheets and various other articles, or applied generally to caoutchouc and caoutchouc manufactures, where it is de- sirable to obviate the clammy adhesiveness of the surface ; and I apply them for the purpose of rendering cloth more or less waterproof by means of the spreading machine before alluded to, and to other purposes, by means of a spatula, or s 2 240 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. other convenient instrument, and in a more diluted state, in the manner of painting, or varnishing with a common brush. Of course the different proportions may be varied accord- ing to the purposes to which the combinations are to be ap- plied. Itmay be necessary here to observe that all the sub- stances employed in the before-mentioned combinations have a tendency to weaken, more or less, the elastic properties of caoutchouc, and in particular the proportion of silicate of magnesia may be increased until the caoutchouc is nearly deprived of those properties. Any person practically ac- quainted with caoutchouc manufactures will be able, from the descriptions already given, to obtain the proper con- sistence and quality, and to adapt the combinations to the various purposes for whicli they may be required. It is well known that caoutchouc stiffens and becomes hard when exposed to a cold temperature ; and that it is liable to become soft and decomposed by heat and ex- posure to the atmosphere ; and by contact with oil or grease ; that it is easily acted upon by solvents, and its elastic properties weakened by the means usually employed for its manufacture. I diminish or obviate these effects by intimately blending sulphur Avith caoutchouc during the process of its manufacture or preparation, and then treating the combination in the manner hereafter described. Sulphur may be blended with caoutchouc in various ways, but the following I find to answer the desired purpose : — I melt in an iron vessel a quantity of sulphur, at a tem- perature ranging from about 240° to 250° Fahrenheit, and immerse it in the caoutchouc, previously rolled into rough sheets, or cut to any convenient form or size, and allow it to remain until the sulphur has penetrated quite through the caoutchouc, which may be ascertained by cutting a portion of it asunder with a wet knife ; if the operation is complete, the colour of the caoutchouc will be changed throughout to a yellowish tint : if there is only a mai'gin of yellow around the cut part the operation must be con- VULCANISING. 241 tinued longer, until the colour of the whole is changed ; the sulphur adhering to the surface being scraped off, the caoutchouc will then have taken up a quantity of sulphur, from one-sixth to one -tenth of its weight. With caoutchouc thus prepared, I proceed with the further manufacture of it into the consistence of dough or putty, or making solu- tions of it, and spread it on cloth or into sheets in the manner already stated or referred to. Sulphur may also be blended with caoutchouc by reducing the former to a fine powder, and mixing it mechanically in the manner and by the means before mentioned for silicate of magnesia. Sulphur may also be blended with the surface of some articles, such as sheets of caoutchouc, by heating the latter to about 200°, and sifting and rubbing flour of sul- phur on it. Instead of the preceding, I sometimes blend sulphur with caoutchouc by means of a solvent. In that case I saturate the solvent I mean to employ with as much sulphur as it will take up by boiling, and employ as much of this saturated solvent as will, after evaporation, leave the requisite proportion of sulphur before indicated blended with the caoutchouc. Wiien this saturated solvent is allowed to cool, any excess of sulphur will fall down in crystals ; if, therefore, for any purpose, it is wished to employ a larger proportion of sulphur, it must be kept hot. I prefer in this case to use oil of turpentine as the solvent. Either of the foregoing, or any other convenient mode, may be adopted for blending the sulphur and caoutchouc to- gether, care being taken to ensure as much as possible a uniform mixture. The silicate of magnesia and the other substances mentioned in the first part of this specification may, if wished, be mixed Avith the combination of sulphur and caoutchouc in such proportions as may be necessary to obviate or correct the clammy adhesiveness before men- tioned ; but I wish it to be clearly understood that the combination of the silicate of magnesia with caoutchouc has the effect in all cases of lessening Hs elastic properties in s 3 242 THOMAS Hancock's patents. proportion to the quantity of silicate employed. This combination of sulphur and caoutchouc, and of sulphur and caoutchouc mixed with the silicate of magnesia and the other substances before mentioned, may be applied to various purposes in the manner hereinbefore stated or referred to, and introduced by similar or other convenient means into caoutchouc manufactures. Having described the methods by which I blend sulphur with caoutchovic, and the manner in which I apply the same to various purposes, I would here observe that the combination is still as soluble as before, and has not yet undergone the change or modification by which the im- provement or improvements contemplated in this portion of my invention are carried out. When caoutchouc alone is to be operated upon, I find that the desired effect, which for brevity's sake I will hereafter call the change, may be produced by immersing the caoutchouc in melted sulphur, as hereinbefore mentioned ; I then raise the temperature to 300°, or from 300° to 370°, and continuing it so im- mersed for a longer or a shorter period, according to the thickness or bulk of the caoutchouc or the extent to which the change is to be carried ; for instance, if sheet caout- chouc one-sixteenth of an inch thick is continued in sul- phur at 350° to 370° from ten to fifteen minutes, the change before alluded to is produced; or, instead of so high a temperature, the sulphur is raised only from 310° to 320°, and the caoutchouc immersed in it from fifty to sixty minutes, the result will be much the same ; and if con- tinued for two hours at the same temperature, the eftect will be proportionably increased : and if continued longer, the caoutchouc becomes of a darker colour, and nearly loses its property of stretching ; and if carried still farther, turns nearly black, and has something the appearance of horn, and may be pared with a knife similarly to that sub- stance. By the effect of this high temperature such a change in, or modification of, the properties of the caout- VULCANISING. 243 choac and most of its combinations will be produced, that tlie elastic force or property of manufactured caoutchouc to recover its form after being extended is greatly in- creased, and it will, after being so treated, resist to a con- siderable extent the action of heat, oil, and grease, as well as the effect of cold, and be more capable of resisting the menstrua by which caoutchouc is commonly dissolved. I would here observe that the temperature and the time which have been stated produce a degree of change suit- able for many purposes, but may be varied discretionally. And I would here make this general remark, tliat the higher the temperature the shorter is the time required ; and, on the contrary, a lower temperature requires a longer time. And I would here observe that the proportion of sulphur is, to a certain extent, increased by contiued immersion ; and the time and temperature just indicated is equally applicable to the combinations of caoutchouc and sulphur with the silicate of magnesia and other substances men- tioned in the first part of this my specification. The sul- phur which adheres to the surface may be easily removed by friction or scraping. I employ this mode of operating in preference generally where practicable, particularly for articles made of manufactured caoutchouc, such as sheets and thread for elastic manufactures, whether made from manufactured caoutchouc or of the raw material as im- ported. When the combination is spread upon cloth, or attached to other substances capable of enduring the ne- cessary temperature, I pass such articles over plates or cylinders heated sufficiently to effect the change ; if the side on which the combination of caoutchouc and sulphur is sj)read is brought into contact with the heated surface of the plate or cylinder, the temperature and the time in contact formerly indicated in respect of melted sulphur will answer the purpose ; and this is the mode I prefer in cases where substances, such as leather, coated with the combination, will not so well endure a high temperature ; S 4 244 THOMAS Hancock's patents. but when the combination is spread on cloth or other sub- stance which is to be brought into contact with the heated surface, the temperature will require to be raised, or the article longer exposed to it, according to the extent to which the heat is impeded by the thickness or quality of the intervening substance, which may be easily ascertained by testing small pieces as a guide. In some cases, such as for the strapping on the seams of garments, it may be useful to employ hot irons to effect the change. Another mode of submitting the articles to the necessary temperature, is by means of a stove heated to the required degree, which degree, and the proper period for the article to remain in it, must, as before stated, depend on the nature of the case : if it is sheet caoutchouc, or thread, or any similar article, the time and temperature before indicated will answer, according to the extent to which the change is to be car- ried, or the size or bulk of the articles to be operated on. If the article is partly composed of cloth coated on one side, as, for instance, a single texture of calico, rendered water- proof by a very thin coating of the combination, a tempera- ture of from 290° to 300" will be sufficient, and the period for remaining in or passing through the stove from one and a half to two minutes. If a thicker coat of the combina- tion is laid on the calico, a somewhat longer time must be given ; and so in respect of a union of two plies of cloth, the time and temparature must be regulated according to the thickness of the textures and the interposed coating of the combination. When a greater number of plies of cloth are required to be united, as in the manufacture of artificial leather for straps, card-backs, hose-pipe, and the like, I pro- ceed as in the case just mentioned ; but if, from the thick- ness of the cloth, or the number of plies required, I conceive the heat will not readily or sufficiently peneti'ate the mass, I unite two folds of the cloth first, and pass them through the stove until the change is effected ; I then unite another fold to the former, and pass it again through the stove. VULCANISING. 245 and so proceed until the required number of folds are united ; and, if required, I lastly coat the surfaces in the above manner, and finish by again submitting the whole to the stove. Another mode of obtaining the temperature for effecting the change is by immersing the articles in water or steam, under pressure, raised to the required temperature. I find that a very small quantity of boiled linseed oil, stearine, or spermaceti, introduced with the sulphur, communicates an agreeable smoothness to the sur- face. I would here also remark, that when surfaces are to be united, the union should be effected before the change takes place. When the combination is required for pur- poses where it could not be conveniently used of the con- sistence of dough, such as for saturating cloth, felt, or other similar purposes, or for coating uneven surfaces, I dilute it with solvent to any required consistence, and apply it with a brush, or other convenient means, and afterwards submit the articles to the influence of heal, in the manner already described, or by any other that may be convenient. The sulphur may, if required, be more or less discharged from the caoutchouc, after it has undergone the change, by submitting it to the known solvents of sulphur, of which I prefer a solution of the sulphite of soda in water, kept to a temperature of about 200°. Other and similar modes may be devised for carrying these improvements into effect. But enough has now been said to enable any person of common skill, and practically acquainted with caoutchouc manufactures, to follow out these operations with success. What I claim as my invention and dis- covery is. Firstly, The combination of caoutchouc with silicate of magnesia, whereby manufactured caoutchouc is rendered free from that clammy and adhesive character which it usually possesses. Secondly, I claim the modes herein described of com- bining asphalte with caoutchouc ; and. 246 THOMAS Hancock's patents. Thirdly, I claim the treating of caoutchouc (either alone or in combination with other substances) with sulphur when acted on by heat, and thus changing the character of caoutchouc as herein described. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled May 21. 1844. FORMS BY VULCANISING. 247 FOR OBTAINING FORMS BY MOULDS AND VULCANISING. Specificationof Patent granted to TuoMk^ Hancock, Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Esquire, for Improvements in the Manufacturing and Treating of Articles made of Caout- chouc, either alone or in Combination with other Substances, and in the Means used or employed in their Manufacture. Sealed March 18. 1846. To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c. — My improvements consist in manufacturing articles made of caoutchouc, either alone or in combination with other sub- stances, also in forming and giving to such articles specific and permanent shapes or forms ; also in producing a per- forated, perflable, or vesicular manufacture, and also in certain compounds of caoutchouc with other substances. I would first premise, that in all the compounds and most of the articles comprised in this specification I em- ploy sulphur and heat, as describe'd in the specification of my patent of November 21. 1843, which process is now com- monly designated " Vulcanising," and I shall, for brevity's sake, use that term in this specification, whether it is api^lied to the whole process described in my said specification, or only to the completion thereof by heat when sulphur has already been introduced into the compounds ; and by the 248 THOMAS Hancock's patp:nts. term compound, I wish to be understood always to mean any of the combinations comprehended in this specification that may be severally most suitable for each purpose. When I manufacture these compounds into articles re- quiring to be of a permanent shape or form, I make such articles in or upon forms, moulds, plates, or engraved sur- faces or patterns, by pressing, fitting, placing, or moulding such compounds, previously prepared in sheets or otherwise, in or upon such moulds or forms, and allowing the* articles to remain there whilst exposed to the vulcanising process, which effectually sets them permanently to the respective forms. In order to prevent adhesion to the mould, I employ silicate of magnesia, either by dusting it on in the form of a powder, or with a brush when mixed with water, applied either to the mould or the compound, as may be most desirable. In some cases I find it convenient to re- move the articles from the moulds before vulcanising, in which case I submit them for a short time before removal to a temperature of from 220° to 300°, according to the size or bulk of the article, for which purpose I prefer a water or steam bath, under sufficient pressure to produce the required heat. When cold, I remove them from the moulds, and afterwards vulcanise them to make their forms permanent. The same process of obtaining ornamental surfaces by moulds may be resorted to with advantage when caoutchouc, without the process of vulcanisation, is em- ployed. For some articles that are not of much bulk, I take sheets composed of caoutchouc only, and obtain im- pressions from moulds, in manner just mentioned, in respect of compound sheets which I remove from the moulds, and then apply a thin solution of caoutchouc, containing a large proportion of sulphur, to the surfaces of such articles, or I rub dry powdered sulphur upon them, or immerse them in a sulphur bath and then vulcanise them, or I saturate any suitable solvent of caoutchouc with sulphur, and apply suc- cessive coatings to these articles, and when dry vulcanise FORMS BY VULCANISING. 249 them. The same proceeding may be followed in making similar articles in moulds from solutions of caoutchouc only. If the solvent employed is previously sufficiently saturated with sulphur at a temperature of from 300° to 320°, these articles will be thereby sufficiently vulcanised for some purposes Avithout carrying the process farther, but I prefer applying heat afterwards. I sometimes employ a solution of caoutchouc, or caoutchouc softened to the consistence of dough by the addition of a small quantity of solvent, as described in the specification of my patent of April, 1837 (blending or mixing sulphur therewith). I pour the solu- tion or press the dough into moulds, forms, or patterns, and allow them to dry and then vulcanise them. The thinner solutions answer well for hollow moulds, into which I pour a sufficient quantity to cover all the parts. I then allow the solution to drain out, and place the mould in a stove or Avarm room ; and when this first coat is dry I repeat the operation until the desired thickness is obtained, and, when perfectly dry, I vulcanise them. If necessary, the moulds may be made in parts, as is well known and understood. In some cases I make the figures in or on parts of moulds, and then cement the parts together, and replace the entire fio'ure in or on the moulds and vulcanise it. In some cases I make the first coating with the solution, and thicken up parts or the whole with dough, prepared as before men- tioned. Instead of the foregoing, I sometimes make these figures of the compound prepared in sheets of any desired thickness, and join them up to the form of the mould. When for an internal figui*e, the opening being secured, I apply internal pressure, by admitting through a stop-cock, steam, or air, or by any other convenient mode, so as to obtain the requisite pressure to bring up the pattern, and continue such pressure during the process of vulcanising. Instead of steam, or air, I sometimes fill the interior of the hollow figure with mercury, or any metal that will fuse at the temperature employed in vulcanising the article; as the 250 THOMAS Hancock's patents. pressure in these cases is obtained simply by the weight of the metal, the sheet of compound forming the hollow figure should be proportionably thin. It is generally necessary to make small holes in the mould for the escape of air from between the mould and the article or figure. In cases where great pressure can be applied, I find that in shaping the figure before it is put into the mould an approximation only is required to the form of the mould, the heat and pressure being sufficient to bring up the finer parts. Bottles, and other vessels of capacity, I make in the same way. These hollow moulds require to be made strong in proportion to the size of the work and the required internal pressure. Casts from flat moulds, such as bas-reliefs and engravings, I also sometimes make of sheet compound, and force it into the moulds by heat and pressure, and then vulcanise them. This mode, amongst other uses, is particularly applicable to produce printing surfaces ; I press the material into the moulds with screw-cramps, or by presses, or other well- known means ; these or any other convenient modes may be adopted. I mention these as examples sufficient to show the workman what is my design, and how it may be carried out. I raise figures on or emboss cylindrical and other similar forms or articles, by engraving or otherwise, pro- ducino; raised or sunken designs on the external surface of cylindrical moulds. I then form tubes of the sheet com- pound of such a size as will draw closely on the mould. I then wind very tightly over the whole a strip of cotton or linen cloth, so as to produce sufficient pressure to obtain the impression, or the requisite pressure may be applied by any other convenient means, and I then vulcanise them ; and when the article is withdrawn from the mould, I turn it inside out, which brings the pattern to the outside. I find that impressions perfect enough for some purposes may be obtained on sheets of the compound, and sufficiently set for vulcanising by means of engraved rollers heated to about 240°. The pressure must be as light as the nature of the FOKMS BY VULCANISING. 251 article will allow, and the motion of the rollers slow, and I prefer them of large diameter. AYhen I wish to prevent extensibility in any of these articles, I either mix fibrous matters with the compound, or I attach, by means of the sul- phured solution beforementioned, previously to vulcanising, any suitable fabric, preferring cotton or linen. For some of the purposes to which the compound is applied, it is desirable that articles formed of it should be so manu- factured as to admit of air or perspiration passing through it. To effect this in sheets or articles made of the compound that are not very thick, I take out, by means of hollow punches of any required form, as much of the substance as the case requires ; and I do this either before or after vul- canising, but I prefer the former. Instead of punching, I sometimes make incisions in the articles, and keep these in- cisions a little on the strain, or open in the required direction during the process of vulcanising, or I otherwise puncture the sheet or article and follow the same treatment. The punching, incising, or puncturing, maybe done by hand or by machinery, the chief care being required in preventing any closing of the openings during the vulcanising process ; if the articles are ornamented by embossing, and it is de- sirable to conceal or obviate the appearance of these per- forations, I form my design for such ornament so as that the openings may form part of such design. If it is wished to make any part of an article weaker at certain points, I find perforating or punching out the material a convenient mode of effecting this object to any required degree; the parts so weakened will be less liable to tear out if the per- forations are made previously to vulcanising. If for any purpose it is required that the sheets or articles should be punctured to a certain depth, but not through, I take two sheets, one punctured and the other plain, and unite them face to face before I vulcanise them. If for any purpose articles require either to be sewn to- gether, or to any other material, I make the compound 252 THOMAS Hancock's patents. thicker in the part where the needle is to pass ; or, pre- viously to vulcanising, I place or insert a strip of cotton or linen coated with solution upon or between them. For low-priced articles, I sometimes combine caoutchouc and sulphur with vegetable or Stockholm pitch ; and when spread into sheets, or made up into other forms, I vulcanise the compound. The proportions may be varied very con- siderably, as well as the temperatures at which they are vulcanised, but I find the following to answer well : eight parts caoutchouc, two sulphur, three pitch ; or eight parts caoutchouc, two sulphur, one pitch, submitted to a tem- perature of 290° for an hour, to prevent blistering and porosity if necessary, I employ pressure, by means of screw-cramps and plates, or otherwise, during the vul- canising. This material is applicable to railway packing, and other rouo-h uses. I also combine and vulcanise in the same manner caoutchouc, sulphur, and resins, pre- ferring, on account of its cheapness, the common resin of commerce. The proportions and temperature, as in the case of pitch, may be varied, but the following I find to be useful for many purposes : sixteen parts caoutchouc, two parts sulphur, six parts resin ; or sixteen caoutchouc, four sulphur, two resin. These compounds may be sub- mitted to the same treatment as in the case of pitch, and are applicable to similar uses. For some purposes I also combine caoutchouc and sulphur with wood or cork dust, or fibrous substances, such as hemp or flax, and any other suitable material, cut into short lengths, and vulcanise such compounds, either in blocks, or spread, or otherwise wrought into sheets, or formed into figures, or embossed or ornamented, as before described. When it is desirable to obtain from caoutchouc a great amount of elasticity, to counteract the collision of g-reat forces, or heavy bodies, as in the case of carriage-springs, and the buffers of railway-carriages, and for other similar FORMS BY VULCANISING. 253 purposes, I form the material in sucli a manner as to obtain a large amount of divisions or openings, so as to expose and bring into action a great extent of moving or movable sur- face ; and I do this either by cutting or otherwise shaping any given quantity of material into parallel or suitable forms, either square, hexagonal, or octagonal, or into solid or open hollow cylinders, corrugated sheets, or any other suitable forms ; and before vulcanising, build them up and cement them together, either across each other at right angles, or diagonally or otherwise, always leaving as much space between each as to admit of the free action of the surfaces when compressed. Hollow cylinders, or other hollow forms, I sometimes cement together, laying them longitudinally side by side, and in either case continue to build up, until I obtain the dimensions necessary to pro- duce the required amount of elasticity. Similar struc- tural forms may be advantageously applied to other uses. When it is desirable that extensibility in any direction should be prevented, I apply, by cementing on or be- tween some of the layers, when building up the structure, linen cloth of suitable strength, coated with solution, as before mentioned. I have in a former part of this specification described a mode of manufacturing figures in strong hollow moulds ; I pursue the same methods in forming chambers to contain air for resisting pressure and blows, when used for carriage- springs, buffers, and other elastic surfaces for railways, and when stuffing or padding beds, seats, cushions, and other surfaces requiring elasticity. In some cases, such as railway buffers, it may be neces- sary to make provision against accidental ruptures in these chambers, which may be done by enclosing several one within another. I effect this by making them in parts, with flanges at the joints ; and after vulcanising, riveting, or bolting the parts together, or in any other convenient way, the sizes T 254 THOMAS uancock's tatents. of such chambers to be so regulated as to leave sufficient space for the projection of the flanges : when necessary, I make apertures for the purpose of inflating these chambers to any required degree, in the manner well known in similar manufactures. A series of cylindrical or other forms for containing air may be cemented together, and then vulcanised, the openings by which they are to be in- flated being left open during the process of vulcanisation. For mattrasses, beds, life-preservers, cushions, pads, carriage-linings, parts of saddles, and horse-collars, and other the like purposes, I apply these air-chambers, of cylindrical or other forms, by enclosing them in cloth or leather cases, divided into compartments to receive them, or in cases of the vulcanised material, either plain or orna- mented. I have mentioned in a former part of this spe- cification that I combine pitch, resin, and various other substances with caoutchouc, previously to vulcanising ; and I wish now to state that I do this by the means de- scribed in my former specifications, to Avhich I would add, that in combining pitch and resin with caoutchouc by me- chanical power, I find it useful to introduce water into the machine during the operation. Tlie moulds I make of glass, when it can be conveniently applied, tin, type-metal, porcelain, and highly-vulcanised caoutchouc. They may be made of any other suitable material, but I prefer the above. If for smooth or polished surfaces, I use sheets of plate glass ; if for ornamental pur- poses, I cast them of glass of the required pattern or form. I have now stated the manner in which I manufacture articles of caoutchouc, either alone or in combination with other substances ; the means by which I give permanency of shape or form to such articles, and the compound sub- stances employed in the various manufactures. I have mentioned also, in several instances, the purposes to Avhich the compounds are suited, and modes of application ; yet I have done so only by way of example, the modes and com- FORMS BY VULCANISING. 255 pounds being well adapted to a great variety of other articles and purposes, such as embossed fancy articles of dress, bracelets, collars, ornamental edgings and borders, military epaulettes, belts, and other similar articles. Imita- tions of crape, and of cord lace and fringe, for coach-linings and other purposes, picture and other frames, ornaments for the decoration of cabinet furniture, and hangings and draperies, either elastic or attached to cloth. AYhat I claim as my invention is. Firstly, the making, forming, or shaping articles from the combination of caoutchouc with other substances, as hereinbefore described, in or upon moulds, plates, or forms, and retaining such articles in or upon such moulds, plates, or forms, during the process described in my specification of 1843, and now commonly called vulcanising, whereby the form of such articles is rendered permanent. Secondly, the making, forming, or shaping articles of caoutchouc in or upon engraved or otherwise ornamented plates or moulds ; and after forcing the caoutchouc into such moulds by pressure and heat, submitting the whole, by means of a water or steam bath, or any other suitable mode, to a high temperature, whereby the articles are sufficiently set to be removable from the moulds, and which may be afterwards, if desired, subjected to the vulcanising process. Thirdly, the manufacturing articles, by combining caout- chouc with vegetable pitch, resin, wood, and cork dust, and fibrous substances, and subjecting them to the process of vulcanisation. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled September 18. 1846. X 2 256 THOMAS Hancock's patents. CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. Specification of the Patent granted to WiLLlAM Brockedon, of Devonshire Street, Queen Square, Gentleman, and Thomas Hancock, of Stoke Newington, Gentleman, for Improvements in the Manufacture of Articles where India Rubber or Gutta Percha is used. — Sealed Novem- ber 19. 1846. To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c. — The improvements we have made in the manufacture of articles where India rubber or gutta percha is used, consist of peculiar means of applying these substances to a variety of purposes to which they have not heretofore been so applied, by means of the processes described in the specification of a patent granted to Mr. Alexander Parkes, dated the 25th of March, 1846, entitled, "Improvements in the preparation of certain vegetable and animal substances, and in certain combinations of the same substances, alone or with other matters." The processes enumerated in this patent produce certain changes in the qualities of caoutchouc and gutta percha, some of them similar to those produced by sulphur and heat in the process now termed "vulcanising," in others purifying and colouring those substances, and by these means rendering them suitable to a great variety of pur- poses. In this specification we propose to follow ]\Ir. Parkes generally in calling these substances by the names of CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 257 caoutchouc and gutta percha, which will be found con- venient ; but we wish to be understood, that when using these terms we intend to comprehend all those peculiar hydro-carbon substances known to botanists as a vegetable constituent under the various names by which caoutchouc or India rubber is known. Some of these are derived from the country from which they are obtained, as Para, Assam, West Indian, Madagascar, Java, &c. ; some are names given by the natives, such as saikwah, jintarvan, gutta tuban, gutta percha, doll, &c. ; others from the condition in which it is received, as liquid, cake, bottle, root, sheet, scrap, &c. ; and they differ also in colour, some being black, others white, red, brown, yellow, mottled, &c. ; many of these varieties are reported by Dr. Roxburgh, Lieutenant Veith, and others, in the " Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India ; " and these products also vary in their hardness, from that of the solidity of wood to that of the soft and viscous state of birdlime, which does not harden naturally. And we would state that India rubber, or the peculiar property of the vegetable matter first introduced into this country under that name, consists in this, that it is tapped from a tree or plant, and for the most part it coagulates ; part of the fluidity being evapo- rated, the product thus obtained is not soluble in water, and in this particular it differs from ordinary gums, sugar, and starch ; and, further, India rubber and all other of the vegetable products having the properties above mentioned will, on distillation, produce caoutchoucine. These sub- stances, under whatever name and however mixed and compounded, are all liquefied by the same solvents, and all require, in their preliminary manipulations and manufacture, the same or simple modifications of the same modes of treatment as ordinary India rubber, these being solvents ; also destructive distillation, to obtain the spirit called caout- choucine ; also to rollers, masticating, spreading, cutting, and other machines ; also to processes for colouring, em- T 3 258 THOMAS Hancock's patents. embossing, printing, moulding, &c. &c., which are well known, and been before described in the specifications of other patents; amongst others, in the specifications of the patents granted to the within-named Thomas Hancock, dated the 18th April, 1837, 23rd January, 1838, 21st November, 1843, and the 18th March, 1846, as well as to the first-named patent of Mr. Parkes. The details of manijiulation, which are described in these patents, will be found amply sufficient for the guidance of any workman conversant with such manufactures, and we have found the proportions enumerated therein to answer well for general operations and for the several purposes for which they may be required. AYith regard to dissolving varieties apparently different, such as ordinary India rubber and gutta percha, it may be necessary to mention, that the process is precisely the same in all respects with both during summer ; and although the former may be dissolved at any of the ordinary temperatures of the atmosphere, yet the process is facilitated by heat, and may, therefore, at all times be carried on advantageously in the same room with gutta percha, which should have a temperature of Irom 80° to 90° of Fahrenheit. It is also necessary to keep both the spreader and the bed of the spreading machine heated when using gutta percha or compound, and the same remark applies to the masticating machine, say from 190° to 200° Fahrenheit. The principal defect of gutta percha consists in this, that although much harder than ordinary India rubber (meaning by that name that description which was first brought into this country), when at low temperatures, it becomes inconveniently yielding and plastic at comparatively low temperatures when com- pared with ordinary India rubber ; but it is found, by treating it according to Mr. Parkes's patent, this j^roperty is materially obviated, both in respect to its hardness and capability of bearing heat. We would here observe, that when we hereafter adopt CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 259 from Mr. Parkes's specification the word " change," we use it to denote the same process or processes, and also that by the word " immersion," the mode of producing the change by immersing articles in solvents capable of producing such " change " is meant, Avhich process we generally prefer. We render leather, cloth, linen, silk, and other f ibrics and materials partially or entirely waterproof by coating their surfaces or uniting two or more of them tosfether with caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound of these matters in a state of solution or otherwise, as described in the patents of the said Thomas Hancock before referred to ; and we make the coated surfaces of these cloths either plain, coloured, embossed, printed, or otherwise ornamented, and then produce the "change" by " immersion; " these manu- factures differing from those of Mr. Parkes and Mr. Han- cock's inventions only inasmuch as operating on the manu- factured article in place of acting on the raw material of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or the compounds of those materials. A convenient mode of immersion with printed or dyed fabrics coated on one side only is to join up the selvages the whole length and the ends, and render the seam Avaterproof, and then immerse it in this bag-like form. When it is necessary to protect fibrous and other substances liable to injury by contact with the changing solvents, we coat or saturate them with glue-size, and remove it afterwards by rinsing in warm water, or we employ an aqueous solution of lac, which we remove afterwards by any suitable alkaline solution. By the same means we stop out the efiect of the changing solvent in any part of an article formed of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof. These manufiictures we introduce into a great variety of articles, such as cloaks, capes, overalls, fishing stockings, collars, stocks, hats, caps, bonnets, hat linings, hat bands, aprons, and other articles of dress, or to be worn about the person ; also, table covers, wrappers, carriage roofs, seats, and linings, portable baths, diving dresses, life preservers, beds, cushions, T 4 260 THOMAS Hancock's patents. pads, and other pneumatic articles, printers' blankets, sieve cloths, card backs, draperies, hangings, covering walls. These articles are made up by modes similar to these commonly practised in making up caoutchouc goods. When these articles require seams, or to be otherwise sewed together, the waterproofing substances (solutions of the above materials) employed to such parts will require afterwards to undergo the " change " by applying the converting solvent with a brush or otherwise. We some- times make up garments or other articles of dress, such as gloves, gaiters, shoes, boots, leggings, galoshes, overalls, aprons, portmanteaus, and other similar articles, either of leather, cloth, or other material, and then apply coatings of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or of their compounds, in a state of solution, coloured or plain, by dipping or by hand, with a brush, or other means, and afterwards immerse them to obtain the change. We would here remark, that although gutta percha is improved by the '^ change," in respect to its elasticity, it is still inferior in that respect to ordinary India rubber, and ■5till possesses so little elasticity that it should be intro- duced sparingly, if at all, when that quality is required. Articles intended for inflation, such as beds, cushions, pads, and other similar manufactures, we first make in the manner commonly practised in similar caoutchouc manu- factures, employing either that substance or gutta percha, or a compound thereof, and " immerse " them afterwards. We prefer caoutchouc to gutta percha, the latter being too rigid for most of these purposes. AVhen the exterior of the article is required to be of cloth or other texture, we protect the fabric when producing the " change" from the action of the changing agent, by forming the air-j^roof lining in such a manner as to cover the whole interior surface of such fabric, and obtain the "change" by pouring in the changing solvent, allowing it to remain only for the necessary period. When the exterior of the article is to be formed of CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 261 caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, we stop up the orifice and immerse the article. And in all cases the colouring, embossing, printing, or otherwise ornamenting, we prefer to execute previously to effecting the " change." We also manufacture vessels intended to contain air, water, or other fluids, composed entirely of caoutchouc or gutta percha, or of a compound thereof, by the modes described in the patents before referred to of the within- mentioned Thomas Hancock, and afterwards we immerse them to produce the change. We also manufacture caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, with or without gritty or colouring matters and fibrous substances, and form them into sheets of any required thickness, by means similar to those de- scribed in the patents of the said Thomas Hancock before referred to, and employ them in the formation of any of the articles herein described, producing the " change," either when in the form of sheets, or after making them up into such articles as may be thought most convenient. From these sheets, whether combined with fabrics and fibrous and other substances or not, we manufacture straps for driving machinery ; deckle straps, reins, traces, and other parts of harness, horse collars, horse-shoe linings, horse furniture, such as knee-caps, fetlock boots, parts of saddles, and sad- dlery ; soles of shoes and boots, portmanteaus, balls, belts, gaiters, trouser straps, braces, shoulder straps for stays, waistcoat and waistband springs, shoe and boot fastenings, shoes, boots, galoshes, uppers, quarters, and vamps; air- chambers, bottles, and other vessels for containing fluids ; printers' furnishers, covering and lapping rollers, bowls, and other similar articles ; roofing, sheathing, washers for water, steam, and other joints; hose pipe, and tubing; railway valves ; and packing block or springs, to prevent the recoil of guns, pump valves, and buckets ; covering stoppers and bungs; covers of pickle jars; capsules for bottles ; bandages, knee-caps, ligatures, and other surgical 262 THOMAS Hancock's tatents. apparatus ; a variety of embossed articles, such as fancy articles of dress, bracelets, ornamental edgings and borders, imitations of crape, fringe, and lace ; picture frames, orna- ments for the decoration of furniture, forms and impres- sions to print from type. We also manufacture cushions for billiard tables, by uniting any number of sheets together, either entirely of caoutchouc or of a compound of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or intermixtures of sheets of both in alternate layers, to modify the degree of elasticity, and immerse them to pro- duce the change. These sheets we also apply to cover and l^rotect plates of metal, and to the lining of metallic and other vessels, and to chests and tanks of wood or other material, effecting their union either by heat or by means of the ordinary solution of caoutchouc, or of the compounds, and produce the change after the sheets are applied, or if the " change " be first produced to the sheets, we apply the cement hereafter described. From these sheets we also manufacture springs for carriages and railway buffers, in the forms and by similar means to those described in the patent of the said Thomas Hancock of 1846, uniting the parts by means therein directed ; or, as regards gutta percha and the compound thereof, by the means hereafter mentioned ; and we then " immerse" them to produce the change. "VYe also manufacture caoutchouc, gutta percha, and compounds thereof with thread, and produce new manufac- tures of such threads by combining the changing process of Mr. Parkes's patent in this manufacture ; and we produce different degrees of elasticity by varying the proportions of the compound. The time of applying the changing process may be either before or after cutting the substance used into thread. We prefer, however, to make sheets of the desired thickness of the thread, then to obtain the " chano-e," and then to cut tlie same into thread ; vrliich avc do by coiling a sheet thereof around a cylinder of wood, or CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 263 other fit material, using a solution of shellac over the whole surface of the sheet, by which the coiled mass will be retained together. This cylinder we put on centres and cause it to revolve against a knife constantly supplied with water, by which successive discs of thread are cut off, the cement being afterwards discharged by boiling in a solution of potash. When the sheets are of considerable thickness for coarse thread, we find it only necessary to use the cement towards the outer coil or end of the sheet ; India rubber or gutta percha thread, or thread of their com- pounds, may be made into cords, ropes, braidings, plaitings, webs, whips, and other similar articles, and then immersed ; by which we not only effect the change, but firmly unite all tlireads into one mass, and in doing so different coloured threads may be combined. The handles of whips or parts of the articles may have wood or other material introduced during their manufiicture, to give those parts additional strength or stiffness. If elastic thread is first woven up with other thread of animal fibre, we take the woven fixbric in the elastic state and extend its length, and retain it stretched during the immersion, and also after it is removed, until the solvent taken up is evaporated ; the thread when liberated will contract considerably. We manufacture caoutchouc, gutta percha, and the compounds thereof, into various forms and patterns, by making such forms in or upon moulds, plates, and engraved or otherwise wrought and figured surfaces, sunk or in re- lief, by means similar to those described for caoutchouc in the aforesaid specification of Thomas Hancock, and after- wards immerse them, either before or after removing them from the moulds or forms. When immersing moulded or other articles which have fine impressions, or are of a delicate or light construction, we find it convenient to give them a dip in the changing solvent, and out again immediately, to harden the surface, and when dry to im- merse them for the required period. 264 THOMAS HANXOCK's PATENTS. We manufacture gutta percha or compounds thereof into gun or pistol-stocks, umbrella, knife, sword, and other handles, by means of moulds, on which we engrave any pattern or design ; or we make them of any desired colour, or colour them after leaving the mould. We sometimes form a foundation of wood, or metal, or other material, which we introduce into the interior of such articles before it is moulded, and when all is completed we immerse them. If the article is made entirely of gutta percha, without the use of solvents, we proceed to operate in the manner directed in the notice issued by Dr. Montgomery, in November 1843, when he introduced this substance into this country through the Society of Arts, by whom several manufac- turers and other persons were furnished with samples and an account of his mode of treating it. We cannot give it better than in his own words : — " The gutta percha when dipped in water near boiling can then be readily united, and becomes quite plastic, so as to be formed, before it cools to 130° or 140°, in any re- quired form, which it retains at any temj)erature below 110°. We take as much of it as is necessary, throw it into hot water, when it soon softens and becomes as plastic as putty, when it can be moulded as required." It is desirable to warm the moulds to about a blood- heat. When simple gutta percha is required to be made into sheets, the process is of the most simple kind ; as it is only necessary to bring it to this plastic state by heat, and treat it by the means directed in similar operations with compounds in the specification of the said Thomas Hancock's patents of 1837 and 1838, before referred to ; they may then be immersed, or they may be first employed for making up any article, and immersed to produce the " change :"' thus, by combining the mode of making sheets invented by the said Thomas Hancock with the process of ]\lr. Parkes, an improved manufacture of sheets of gutta percha will result. CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 265 Black-lead, gritty, or colouring matters, and fibrous substances, may, if wished, be worked in previously. To prevent the gutta percha or its compounds adhering to the rollers, we cover them with calico or other fabric, and keep the fabric moistened with a solution of soap or soda. The sheets are more evenly rolled and buckle less when the gutta percha contains colouring matters, such as ochre or plaster of Paris. We sometimes use gutta percha not previously formed into sheets, and when softened by heat to the consistence of putty as recommended by Dr. Mont- gomery, and employ it in the formation of a great variety of articles by moulding with the hand or otherwise, and then immerse them to produce the "change." When gutta percha alone or compound thereof containing but a small proportion of caoutchouc is formed into blocks by the means before referred to, shavings and sheets can be readily taken therefrom with a common joiner's plane, and such planes may be made of any required size and strength, and set to produce varied thicknesses of sheets. We form gutta percha or compounds into cylindrical blocks, and cut, by the plane or other cutter, straps helically there- from; these narrow sheets when immersed, and thereby *' changed," form straps for driving machinery and other uses : but we would state, that the fault of gutta-percha driving-straps is their being liable to suflTer by abrasion and heat; this, however, is much obviated by the "change," and, in some cases, these articles may with advantage receive a coating of caoutchouc or compound thereof previously to immersing them. Blocks of this material cut up more freely when they contain a considerable portion of finely-pulverised pigment or earthy matter, such as ochre or pipe-cJay. These blocks may be drilled with a common drill ; por- tions of them may be turned in a lathe ; screws cut out, and holes tapped for them, by common screw tools. Gutta percha and compounds thereof may be carved and morticed. 266 THosiAs Hancock's patent?. and various articles of furniture made from it, and then immersed to produce the " change." We find that some articles formed of gutta percha are improved by being coated with caoutchouc, coloured or plain, and then immersed to produce the " change," and the same remark applies to the coating of caoutchouc with gutta percha or compound. For any articles of great delicacy, and when a light colour is desirable, we purify the gutta percha in the manner described in IMr. Parkes's patent. We employ caoutchouc, gutta percha, or compound, in binding books, portfolios, and similar articles, in the manner commonly practised with caoutchouc, and immerse the necessary parts or otherwise apply the changing solvent to them. By this means we obviate the great defect in caout- chouc bookbinding, that of stiffening in cold weather, as we render the backs always alike flexible and elastic. Leather or cloth coated and embossed, coloured, printed, or other- wise ornamented, as before described, we employ for the surface of the covers of books and other similar articles. We manufacture a material from caoutchouc, gutta percha, or compound, suitable for many purposes, by cutting out with punches or by other means, from sheets of diiferent colours, patterns or designs, so formed and arranged that the pieces cut from one sheet of one colour, say red, shall exactly fit and coincide with that cut from another, say black, in the manner of buhl-work ; these pieces of different colours are placed one within another and cemented to cloth or other material, and submitted to pressure with a gentle heat, and then immersed to produce the " change." Instead of placing these pieces within each other, they may be placed singly upon plain or coloured sheets, or coated cloth, so as to form patterns sunk or in relief, and then immersed to produce the "change;" any of these when cemented to cloth are suitable for table-cloths, or to be glued or attached to furniture and other uses. AYhen CONVERTING APPLICATIONS. 267 made thicker and from bolder designs and of cheaper colours, or cloth or other material, some of them are suitable for covering floors, staircases, &c. We cover or completely case and envelope, so as if necessary to seal hermetically, articles or vessels made of wood, metal, leather, paper, cast, plaster, cord, string, and other substances, by dipping them in a thin solution of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or compound ; and, when dry, immerse them to produce the " change." The coatings may be repeated before immersion until any required thickness is obtained. Other articles variously compounded, such as of treacle and glue, or the like matters, after being made of the required form, may be dipped into the solutions of caoutchouc, or of gutta percha, or of their compounds, and thereby rendered impermeable, and then immersed to pro- duce the " change." Various substances, such as wood- shavings or dust, cork, leather, pulp, and similar matters, mixed and cemented with glue, paste, or gum, and formed into any desired shape, and, when dry, may be dipped in a solution of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or compound thereof, to produce the " change." "We manufacture an article very much resembling sponge by mixing with a solution of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, a solution of chloride of sulphur, as described by Mr. Parkes ; after a short time the whole becomes coagulated or gelatinised, it is then to be exposed to a temperature of about 212°, in water or otherwise, until the solvents are evaporated, and if greater stiffness is desired it may be immersed in the changing solution. We prefer caoutchouc to gutta percha for these purposes. Another mode of proceeding is to subdivide into larger or smaller pieces either caoutchouc or a compound, or both, preferring the former, and filling rather loosely with these pieces a vessel of any open or net- like construction of the required form and immerse it to produce the " change," allowing the superfluous solvents to run ofi"; by which means the pieces will be sufficiently 268 THOMAS HANCOCK'S PATENTS. united to form a compressible and elastic mass suitable for cushions, pads, and other purposes. We manufacture hose-pipes and tubing of caoutchouc, gutta percha, and compound in various ways. We take threads made of either of the above, of a size proportioned to the hose, and braid it upon a core formed of rope which has previously been coated with treacle and glue, or glue and whiting, and made perfectly smooth. The braiding may be repeated, or a coating of either of the solutions may, if necessary, be given, and when dry rolled under pressure with a gentle heat ; we finish by immersing the whole, and thereby pro- duce the " change " and unite all the coatings ; the core it afterwards removed by boiling in water. For fancy tubing the threads may be of various colours. By another mode we take woollen or worsted yarn, of a size proportioned to the strength of the required hose or tubing, and saturate and coat it with a solution of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, until the fibres are all covered, and when dry we braid it upon a core as above ; we then roll it under pressure with heat, or, if necessary, give it a pre- vious coat or two of either of the solutions, and then im- merse it to produce the " change." We manufacture these articles also by winding these threads or narroAV strips spirally round the core, keeping the edges quite close, and, if necessary, wind another tape or thread over the first in the contrary direction ; we then roll them well under pres- sure and heat and immerse them to produce the " change," removing the core as before mentioned. Woven hose and hose and tubing manufactured of leather or felt, coated or lined with the above or any other mode in which caout- chouc or gutta percha are employed, we treat by immer- sion to produce the "change," either during their manu- facture or when finished. We also coat the exterior or interior surface of ordinary caoutchouc hose and tubing with either of the above solutions in their ordinary state or coloured, and immerse them afterwards to produce the CONVEKTING APPLICATIONS. 269 " change." Silk or wool, or other animal fibre, is most suitable when used in combination with these substances in articles intended for subsequent immersion to produce " the change." For some purposes we cover or coat the surfaces of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or compound, with ground flock or other suitable powdery substance by giving the article to be flocked a coating of caoutchouc varnish, and then dusting or spreading the flock or powder over it; when dry we immerse the article to produce the " change." Such surfaces, among many other uses, are particularly suitable to the lining of vamps and the interior of shoes, galoshes, &c. Sheets or other articles formed wholly or in part of vul- canised or ordinary caoutchouc, we colour by dipping, or otherwise coating them with coloured caoutchouc varnish, and then immerse them for a short period ; thus producing coloured surfaces to vulcanised India rubber or caoutchouc. As the union of these substances, caoutchouc and gutta percha, can be so readily effected before the " change," we prefer to do so when convenient; but when joinings are necessary to be made after the ** change," we employ the cement by Avhich we unite vulcanised caoutchouc, composed of vulcanised caoutchouc melted by heat, and when nearly cold, add to and mix with it an equal quantity of the changing solvent. These are to be well stirred together at a gentle heat. We prefer to apply it warm in thin coatings, and when dry, if necessary, we give both surfaces a second coat; the union should take place when the cement is nearly dry, and the parts kept under gentle pressure for some time in a warm place : it is difficult to describe the exact condition required in the state of the cement as the best moment of junction, but it should be nearly dry ; a little practice will, however, enable a workman to accomplish the object. When articles made of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, are required of considerable thick- ness, Mr. Parkes recommends a weaker solution of the u 270 THOMAS HAXCOCK's PATENTS. chloride of sulpliur, and the article to be immersed for a somewhat longer time ; and we have also found that caoutchouc and the compounds may for many purposes be made of any required thickness, by uniting sheets or other forms together, by pressure, as they come wet or only partially dried out of the immersion. If the surface of any inflexible or other article, coated or otherwise treated with or made of caoutchouc, gutta percha, or a compound thereof, requires in whole or in part to be more or less indurated, this may be done by frequently immersing the article in the changing solvent (allowing it to become nearly dry each time), until it becomes, if necessary, as hard or harder than ivory, and may then be filed and wrought with tools, and highly polished for such purpose. We have found that the proportion of chloride of sulphur in the changing solvent may be increased so as to expedite the hardening. For producing the " change," we wish always to be understood to prefer employing the chloride of sulphur, dissolved in bisulphuret of carbon or other fit solvent of caoutchouc, in the proportions mentioned by Mr. Parkes ; but do not confine ourselves thereto, immersing the articles for the periods mentioned by him, varying them in both respects according to tlie thickness of the articles or the degree of change we wish to produce. We have also found that equal parts of bisulphuret of carbon and coal naphtha answer well, but in this case the naphtha must be very pure. — In witness, &c. William BROCKEDOisr, Thomas Hancock. > Enrolled May 19, 1847. PRINTING. 271 PRINTING. Specification of a Patent granted to Thomas Haxcock, Stohe Neioington, Middlesex, Esquire, for Improvements in Fabrics elasticated by Gutta Percha or any of the Varieties of Caoutchouc. — Dated 2nd November, 1847. Gutta Percha, and all the varieties of caoutehouc and combinations of these varieties, are in their natural state more or less affected by differences of temperature, but means have been discovered by which such variations in their elasticity are overcome, and the improved substances are thereby better suited to the manufacture of fabrics elasticated by gutta percha or any of the varieties of caoutchouc. Elastic, braided, woven, or other fabrics, whether of cotton, wool, silk, or other substances, have hitherto been generally manufactured either white or of some dyed or undyed ground, or if ornamented, the colours were intro- duced in the coui'se of weaving, either in stripes by the common loom, or having patterns produced by looms of a more complicated character and at a proportiouably in- creased cost, in which patterns were of necessity formal and often ill-suited to the articles to which they were ap- plied. My improvements in these manufactures consist in printing their surfaces, and thereby enabling the manu- facturer to produce at much less cost ornaments of a superior quality and of every variety of taste or pattern, colour or design. U 2 272 THOMAS Hancock's patents. Sometimes elastic fabrics are formed by cementing to caoutchouc, when in an extended state, silk, cotton, leather, or other covering, the surfaces of which I ornament also by printing them. Although caoutchouc which has been rendered perma- nently elastic is much more suitable for these manufac- tures than ordinary caoutchouc, yet articles, when elasti- cated by the latter, I also ornament by the same means. These fabrics or articles may be printed by any of the well-known means employed in printing manufactured goods, such as blocks, cylinders, or any suitable apparatus, and with the colours and processes ordinarily used in printing the various materials of which the exterior of the combined' fabric may be formed. These fabrics or articles I generally print when in their contracted state ; the effect of which is that the pattern is always the same, when after extension the article is allowed to recover its original dimensions. I do not, however, always print these fabrics when In a state of contraction, but extend them, more or less, and print them when in the extended state ; by which means I obtain from some designs a novel effect ; the articles on being allowed to contract concentrating parts of the design or pattern and changing its figure. There is another advantage in this mode of proceeding. — Elastic articles, such as garters, bracelets, bands, &c., are, when actually In use, generally somewhat extended ; if, therefore, the pattern presents its most perfect phase, when of the dimensions or proportions originally designed, I stretch the article when printing it to about the same extent It would assume when In use, and thereby secure the desired result. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock. Enrolled May 2, 1848. VULCANISED SOLUTIONS. 273 VULCANISED SOLUTIONS. Sj)ecification of a Patent granted to Thomas Hancock and Reuben PuiLLirsybr improvements in the Treat- ing or Manufacture of Gutta Pcrclia or any of the Va- rieties of Caoutchouc. — Dated December 30, 1847. Our improvements consist in dissolving gutta percha or any of the varieties of caoutchouc, or reducing them to a soft, pulpy, or gelatinous state, after they have undergone the process of " vulcanisation " or " conversion ; " and also in heating unvulcanised solutions, or preparations of these substances, so as to bring them to a vulcanised state. Also in improvements in moulds employed in the manufacture of articles from these substances. The terms *' vulcanising " and ** converting," as applied to these matters, are now well known as designating certain improvements in the manufacture of caoutchouc, whereby it is rendered less liable to be affected by variations of temperature; and our improved solutions, when dried, partake, more or less, of the same property ; the first- named process is described in the specification of a patent granted to the said Thomas Hancock, dated the 21st November, 1843 ; and the second, in the specification of a patent granted to Alexander Parkes, dated 25th March, 1846. "When using the term " gutta percha," or any of the varieties of caoutchouc, we wish to be vmderstood as com- prehending all those substances known by the Indians or " u 3 274 THOMAS Hancock's patents. natives in the country where it is produced under the names of saikwah, jintawan, gutta tuban, gutta percha, dollah, &c. ; and in the markets of this country by similar names, and others, such as caoutchouc, liquid, cake, bottle ; and for the sake of brevity we will, in this specification, designate the different varieties under the general terra " caoutchouc," and our improved solutions by the term " vulcanised solutions." In operating on these substances, when in a vulcanised or converted state, we generally take the waste or cuttings of these materials and pass them between rollers, or otherwise reducing them to shreds or sheets, and boil them in oil of turpentine until they are dissolved, keeping the mass well stirred during the opera- tion. Other solvents may be used, such as coal naphtha and other of the essential oils ; but the necessary temperature in such cases cannot well be attained without employing closed vessels : we, therefore, prefer using the oil of tur- pentine. As these cuttings and waste vary greatly in quality, it is scarcely possible to state any precise rule as to the pro- portions of substance and solvent ; nor is it at all material. A good mode of proceeding is to put into the vessel, in which the vulcanised solution is to be made, as much solvent as will cover the shreds of caoutchouc, and then add about one third, more or less, of the solvent ; and when, in the course of dissolving, the solution becomes of the desired consistence, to pour it off, and then make up the next charge according to the remaining deposit, or an estimate of the results obtained. In general we find that, although a thick pulpy or gelatinised solution may be ob- tained by one operation, we prefer making the solution of moderate consistence, and, if necessary, evaporate aAvay the superfluous solvent by any of the well-known means. With regard to varieties in the qualities of the cuttings or waste, we can only furnish some general remarks for the VULCANISED SOLUTIONS. 275 guidance and discretion of the workman, who will soon acquire sufficient experience to enable him to carry on the operation with success. If the vulcanising or converting processes have been carried so far as to render the sub- stances hard and horny, they may be nearly insoluble, or require so long a time as to render them scarcely worth operating upon ; but if the vulcanising or converting has been carried so far only as to render the substance strongly elastic, or if it retain a degree of flexibility not very different from its original state, it will dissolve at the boiling-point of oil of turpentine. Variations in vulcanised or converted vv'aste are some- times also occasioned by its having been originally formed of two or more of the varieties of caeutchouc, and we have found that those samples that contain any considerable pro- portion of the softer kinds, or those that in their ordinary state are more readily liquefied by heat, produce solutions that are proportionably more fluid. Although we have stated that boiling oil of turpentine answers the purpose very well, yet we would observe that a lower temperature may be employed in some cases, such as last mentioned ; for instance, when, if the vulcanising or converting has been carried only to a moderate extent, a temperature as low as 250° may suffice, and probably in some cases still lower. * The degree of heat employed does not, however, require any nice adjustment ; a range from 250° to 312° will not prove injurious in any case, and a little experience will enable the workmen to regiilate it according to circumstances. These vulcanised solutions may be diluted, if desired, with oil of turpentine or coal naphtha ; they then become a good and elastic medium for mixing and combining colours. Instead of operating upon the cuttings or waste of vulcanised or converted caoutchouc, we sometimes take a solution of unvulcanised or unconverted caoutchouc, and mix sulphur with it in the proportion of from 8 to 12 parts U 4 276 THOMAS Hancock's patents. of sulphur to 100 parts of dry caoutchouc, and then submit the mixture to a temperature of about 300°, or from that to the boiling point of oil of turpentine, for a period vaiying from 15 to 30 minutes, and we thereby obtain a somewhat similar result; or the caoutchouc, the solvent, and the sulphur, may be heated in the same manner without previously dissolving the caoutchouc : but we prefer em- j)loying the vulcanised or converted waste, the appro- priating of which to a useful purj)ose being the chief object we have in view. When the proportion of dry material predominates in any of these vulcanised solutions so as to form a thick and plastic mass, they generally become gelatinous, ropy, and intractable. We hav^ found that this condition may be considerably ameliorated or entirely obviated by grinding or levigation, employing any of the well-know means used for grinding colours. We apply these vulcanised solutions to a great variety of purposes, by coating therewith leather, cloth, and other fabrics, and thereby rendering them air and waterproof; and we manufacture from those materials so prepared various articles, such as pneumatic beds, cushions, and other similar articles ; also cloaks, capes, boots, shoes, and other articles. When it is wished to prevent too great an absorp- tion of the more fluid of these vulcanised solutions into cloth or other materials, we mix or combine with them a thicker solution of unvulcanised or unconverted caout- chouc, and first apply to the cloth, or other materials, one or two coatings of such mixture. We also saturate with the vulcanised solutions, leather, cloth, felt, and other substances, and manufacture articles from materials which have been so saturated. We also use the vulcanised solutions or cements for uniting together vulcanised or converted caoutchouc, and fabrics and other articles. We also coat with them wood, metal, paper, plaster casts, and other articles and substances requiring VULCANISED SOLUTIONS. 277 to be protected from the effects of air and wet. We also employ these vulcanised solutions for taking impressions, by pouring or pressing them into moulds, preferring to use moulds of glass. We have before mentioned that we mix colouring matters with these vulcanised solutions, and we employ such coloured vulcanised solutions to coat the surfaces of articles and for colouring and printing leather, calico, and other fabrics, and for walls and decorations. For some purposes we mix with these vulcanised so- lutions boiled drying oils, black japan, and oil and spirit varnishes. For inferior purposes, or in order to harden or impart other qualities to these vulcanised solutions, we mix or compound with them gums, resins, pitch, asphalte, metallic oxides, earths, wood and cork dust, and fibrous and other substances. These vulcanised solutions may be applied in any of the modes practised in respect of ordinary paints, varnishes, and solutions of caoutchouc. As they dry somewhat slowly, we prefer exposing them to a temperature of about 180^. Our improvements in the moulds employed in the manu- facture of articles from the vulcanised solutions consist in making such moulds of materials capable of being dissolved or melted, at temperatures so low as not to be injurious to the manufacture ; such as the fusible metal known as Darcey's alloy, which melts in boiling water, or compounds of gum, glue, &c. The object in employing these moulds beino" to facilitate their removal after the vulcanised solu- tions are dry, by melting or dissolving such moulds as are undercut, or such as have delicate or intricate designs. — In witness, &c. Thomas Hancock, Keuben PiiiLLirs. Enrolled June 30, 1848. INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS. Accoutrements, 196. 206. Air-chambers, to apply to beds, &c., 249. 251. 254. 261. Aprons, 259, 260. Articles for inflation, 260. Articles, to protect, Avhen exterior is of cloth, 260. Articles, to immerse delicate, 263. Articles, compound, required thick, 269. Articles to be indurated, 270. Articles, printed in contracted state, 272. Assam rubber, 257. Asphalte, 239. 245. 277. Awnings, 197. Bags, travelling, 106. 216. Balls, 261. Bands, 272. Bandages, 261. Bas-relief, 250. Baths, 259. Beds, air, 215. 218, 219, 220. 223. 254. 259. 276. Belts, 196. 255. 261. Billiard tables, cushions for, 262. Bisulphuret of carbon, 270. Black colour, 214. Black lead, 264. Blankets, printers', 259. Blocks, printing, 233. 272. Blocks of rubber, 265 Blue verditer, 212. 233. Bonnets, 259. Bookbinding, 266. Book covers, 266. Boots, 190. 196. 212, 215. 217. 260, 261. 276. Bottoms of ships, 193. Bottles, 250. 261. Bottle rubber, 257. 274. Braces, 190. 261. Bracelets, 255 272. Braidings, 263. 268. 271. Bran, 213. Brass, 202. Breeches, 190. Brickdust, 212,213. Brush, 194. 215. 226. 233. 240. 245. 248. 260. Busts, 213. Buffers, 252,253.262. Cake rubber, 257. 274. Calender, 232. 235. Canvass, 193, 194. Caoutchoiicine, 257. Caoutchouc, cementing, to extend cotton, &c., 272. Caps, 212,213. 259. Capsules, 261. Carriage springs, 252, 253. Carriage linings, 254, 255. Carriage roofs, 259. Card backs, 244. 259. Carded cotton, 205. Carding machine, 197. 200. Cart covers, 216. Casts, 250. Chrome yellow, 212. Cloaks, 216.259.276. Cloth, 2i>l. 224. 232. 237, 238. 241. 259,260. 276. Cloth, to unite plies of, 244. Cloth, conducting, 230. Coat to surfaces, 268. Coating, 209. 211. 215, 216. 220, 221, 222, 223. 228. 232, 233, 234. 237. 243, 244, 245. 249. 259, 260. Coal- oil, 226. 233. 239. 270. 274, 275. Cochineal, 214. Converting, 273. 275. Collision, to prevent, 252. Collars, 254. 259. 280 INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS. Colour to sheets, 269. 277. Colouring substances, 214, 215. 217. 226. 233. 235. 256, 257. 259. 261. 264,265. 277. Combed fibres, 200. 204, 205. Compound, 248, 249, 250, 251. Copper, 202. Cord, 261. Cord lace and fringe, 255. Corlc dust, 252.255.277. Corn and flour sacks, 204. 214. Corrugated, or sliirred cushions, beds, &c., 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223. Cotton, 196, 197. 203, 204. 206. 208, 209. 212.215,216. 232.251. 271. Cotton cloth, 205. 250. Crape, 255. 261. Cushions, 216. 254. 259. 276, Cushions, bed, &c., extending, con- tractile, or corrugated, 218,219, 220,221,222,223. Cutting machine, 257. Darcy's alloy, 277. Dark colours, 239. Different degrees of elasticity, 262. 271. Distillation produces caoutchoucine, 257. Diving dress, 259. Dollah, 257.274. Double texture, 244. Dough or putty, 237. 241, 245. 249, Drab colour, 238. Draperies, 259. Drawers, 190. Dress, 211.255. Earths, 277. Embossing, 233. 250, 251, 252. 255. Emery, 202. 233. Engraving, 238. 248. 250. 263. Engraved rollers, 250. Epaulettes, 255. Fancy tubing, 268. Fastenings for shoes, &c., 261. Felt, 215.245,276. Fibrous compound, 212, 213. 215. 251. Fil)rous compound, to protect, 259. Fibres and filaments. 196, 197, 198, 199. 204, 205. 211, 212. 252. 255. 264.277. Figures, 211. 213. 216. 232, 233, 2.34. 249, 250. 252, 253. Films, or thin sheets, 229, 230, 231. Fishing-boots, 216. 259. Flake white, 233. Flax, 196, 197. 200, 201, 202, 203, 204. 208. 252. Floor covers, 266. Forms, 248, 249. 262, 263. Frames, 216.262. Fringe, 261. Fuller's earth, 238. Gaiter straps, 190. 216. 260, 261. Garters, 190. 272. Glass moulds, 254. 276. Gloves, 189.216.260. Glue, 211.213.232. 268.277. Glue size, 206. 212. 220. 233. Goloshes, 260, 261. Graining, 232. 238. Grease, 240. 243. Gritty matters, 264. Gum arable, 212. 232. 277. Gun or pistol stocks, 263. Gutta percha, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 271. 273, 274. Gutta percha blocks, 265. Gutta percha furniture, 265. Gutta percha machinery straps, 265. Gutta percha, softness obviated, 258. Gutta percha sheets, 264, 265. Gutta perclia sheets, to roll evenly, 265. Gutta percha, to prevent adhering to rollers, 265. Gutta percha, to purif}^, 266. Gutta percha, to dissolve, 273. Gutta tuban, 257. 274. Hair, 196, 197. 204, 205. 212. Handles of whips, 263. Handles of umbrellas, swords, 263. Hardening, to expedite, 270. Harness, 196. Hard converting, 270. Hats, 212,213.259. Heat, 193. 205. 219. 225, 226. 229. 243. 245, 246. 249, 250. 266. Heating unvalc.anised solutions, Hemp, 196. 200. 203, 204, 205, 208. 252. Hermetically to seal, 266. Sic, 228 2G5, 27.3. 206. INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS. 281 Hevaea, 199. 209. Hollow moulds, 249, 250. 253. Hollow punches, 251. Horn, or hard vulcanising, 142. Horse collars, 254 261. Hydro-carbon substances, 257. Incisions, 251. Indigo, 214. India-rubber cloth, 222. 224. 226. 229. Ink, red or black, 214. Immersion, 259, 260. 262, 2G3, 20-1, 265.268.270. Immersion, mode of, with printed or dyed fabrics, 259. Iron, 202. Ivory, hard as, 270. Japan black, 277. Jarva rubber, 257. Jintawan, 257. 274. Joinings after the cliarge, 209. Kid, 121. Knee-caps, 261. Lac, 259. Lace, 261 Lake liquor, 214. Lamp black, 212. 233. Leather, 196. 200, 201. 204. 215, 216. 221. 232. 243, 244. 259, 200. 266.276,277. Leather harness, 202. Leggings, 260. Letters, to form, 216. Ligatures, 261. Life-preservers, 254. 259. Linen, 206. 216. 232. 250,251.259. Linings of vamps, shoes, &c., 269. Linseed oil, boiled, 245. Liquid caoutchouc, 212, 213, 214. 216, 217. 233,234. 257. 274. Logwood, 214. Madagascar mbber, 257. Manufactm-ed rubber, 233, 234. 243. Masticator, 224. 237. 257. Mattrasses, 254. Mercuiy, 249. Metal, 215. 221. 249. 264. 276. Metallic oxides, 277. Montgomery, Dr., 264, 205. Moulds, 213. 215. 237. 248, 249, 250. 254, 255. 258. 263, 264. 265. 277. Moulds, improvements in, 273. Moulds, to facilitate removal of, 277. Names given to rubber, 257. Neckcloth stiffness, 190. Ochre, 206. 212,313. 265. Oil, effects of, on rubber, 240. 243. 277. Ornaments, 211. 213. 216. 248. 251, 252. 254. 259. 262. 271, 272. Ornamental edges, 255. 261. Ornaments for cabinet furniture- hangings. Sec, 255. 259. Overalls, 259, 260. Packing-blocks for guns, 2G1. Packing cases, waterproof lining, 215. Packing- cloths, 204. Pads, 254. 259. Padding or stuffing, 253. Pails, 204. 206. Paper, 194. 215. 221. 232. 270. Paste, 232, 233. Pattern, 232. 238, 239. 248, 249. 254. 263. 266. 271, 272. Para rubber, 257. Parkes, Mr. A., 256. 258, 259. 262. 204. 273. Peculiar property of rubber, 257. Perforated manufacture. 257. Permanent shapes, 247, 248. 255. Pickle-jar covers, 261. Picture-frames, 255. Pillows, 210. 221. Pipes, 190. 204. 200. 216. 244. 261. 267. Pitch, 192, 193, 194, 195. 254, 255. 277. Pitch, Stockholm, 194. 252. Plaister casts, 212, 213. 215. 276. Plaister of Paris, 234. 265. Plaitings, 261. Plate-glass, 234. 254. Plates, metal, 238. 243. 248. 252. 255. Plates, metal, to protect, 202. Plumbago, 239. Pockets, 190. Pocket-books, 190. Polished articles, 270. Porcelain moulds, 254. Portmanteaus, 216. 200. 261. 282 INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS. Pressing, 248. 255. Presses, 250. Printing, 233. 239. 250, 258, 259. 261, 262. 266. 272. 277. Printers' furnishers, &e., 261. Pulp of rags, 212. Pumiee, 206. 233. Puncturing, 251. Puncturing, not through, 251. Purses, 190. Railway packing, 252. Reins, 261. Resin, black. 206. 252. 254, 255. 277. Ribbon, 223. Riding-belts. 190. Rollers, 198. 201. 205. 212. 215. 225,226. 229. 237, 238. 251. 257. Roofs of houses or buildings, 194. 261. Root-rubber, 257. Ropes, 193, 194. 208, 209. 263. Ruptures to prevent in chambers, 253. Saddles, 254. 261. Saturating, 196. 198. 201, 202. 204. 209. 216. 232. 241. 245. 248. 276. Sawdust, 213. Scraping, 243. Screw-press, 197. 212. Screw-cramps, 250. 252. Seams required, 260. Scams, strapping on, 244. Sheathing, 261. Sheets, cut rubber, 212. 215. 218, 219, 220, 221. 224, 225, 226. 231. 232, 233, 234. 237, 238. 240, 241. 243, 244. 248. 250, 251, 252. 261, 262. 265. Shellac, 262. Shirt-wrists, 190. Shoes, 190. 196. 212,213. 215. 260, 261. 276. Shoulder-straps, 261. Sieve-cloths, 259. Silicate of magnesia, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241. 243. 245. 248. Silk, 204, 205, 206. 208,209.215, 216. 232. 259. 271. Single texture, 244. Size, 221, 232, 233. Sleeve-linings, 190. Soda, 264. Soles, of boots, &c., 190. 204. 206. 215.261. Solutions, vulcanised, 274. Solutions, urivuleanised, 275. Spatula, 198. 205. 214. 234. 239. Spermaceti, 245. Sponge, article like, 267. Spreading machine, 227. 230. 232. 237. 239. 257, 258. Spring, 189. Stair-covers, 268. Starch, 212. Stays, 190. Stamp, 216. Steam, 249. Steam-bath, 206. 248. 255. Stearine, 245. Stencilling, 233. Strands, 208, 209. Straps, 196. 200, 201. 261. Strips of rubber, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 231. 234. Stirrups, 190. Stocks, 259. Stockings, 190. 216. Stop-cock, 221, 222, 223. Stop out the effects of solvent, 259. Stoppers and bungs, 261. Sulphur, 240, 241, 242, 243. 245, 246. 248, 249. 252. 256. 275. Sulphur bath, 248. Sulphur, chloride of, 267. 269. Sulphite of soda, 245. Sulphured solution, 249. 251. Surfaces, printed, 271. Surgical apparatus, 261. Table covers, 259. Tablets, 233, Tanks, watertight, 215. Tanks, to protect, 262. Tar, 192, 193. 194, 195. 209. Tar, oil of, 192, 193, 194. Tar, Stockholm, 194. Tar, oil of coal, 206. Tarpaulings, 204. Temperaturo, high, 219. Tent coverii!gs, 197. The change, 242. 244, 245. 258, 259, 260, 261, 262. 264, 265, 266. 268, 269, 270. The change, to produce, 270. Thread, 243. 244. 262, 263. 267. Tin, 202. 254. Traces, 261. Treacle, 213. 268. INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS. 283 Trowel, 194, Trowser straps, 190. 261. Tubing, 261. Tubing, to manufacture, 267. Turpentine, oil of, 192, 193, 194, 206. 223. 233. 241. 274, 275,276. Types, 233. 254. 262. Valve, 213. 261. Vamps, 261. Varieties of rubber dissolving, 258. Varnish, 214, 215, 216, 217. 221. 240. 277. Venetian red, 212. Verandahs, 197. 204. Vermilion, 233. Vessels to contain air or fluids, 261. Vulcanising, 240. 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252. 254, 255, 256. 273. 275. Vulcanising hard, 242. Vulcanised solutions, 274. diluted, 275. to make, 274. to prevent too great absorption, 276. to obviate when gelatinous, 276. to coat with, 276. to saturate with, 276. Vulcanised solutions, to impart other qualities, 277. to take impressions with, 276. applications of, 276. how applied, 277. if so as to be hard or horny, 275. if to a moderate extent, 275. Walls, 215. 259. 277. Waistcoat springs, 190, 261. Waistband, 190. 261. Washers, 261. Waste or cuttings, quality in, 274, 275. Waste, vulcanised, 276. Weakened, any article, 251. Webs, elastic, 263. West Indian rubber, 257. Whips, 263. Whiting, 212, 213. 220, 221. 268. Wigs, 190. Wire coils, 221. Wood, 194. 215. 234. 255. 276. Wooden buildings, or fences, 193. Wooden trough, 201. Wool, 196, 197. 200. 204, 205, 205. 208, 209. 212. 215. 271. Wrappers, 216. 259. Yams, 208, 209. THE END. London : Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street-Square. nST of WORKS in GENERAL LITERATURE, PUBLISHED BY Messrs. LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, and ROBERTS, 39, PATEBNOSTEE EOW, XONDON. CLASSIFIED INDEX Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Pages. Bavldon on Yaluins Rents, &c. - i Caird's Letters on Agriculture - 6 Cecil's Stud Farm . - - 6 Loudon's Agriculture - - . 13 Low's Elements of Agriculture - 13 Arts, Manufactures, and Architecture. 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