mm ■J^S!x ■■ .1- -r- w mM RKELEY BRARY IVEHSITY OF ALIFORMIA fegia*.*. CATALOGUE THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION H jHanuficvipts FROM Hamilton Palace. FIEST DAY'S SALE. JBOU FAZL (A^iziER) DESCRIPTION OF THE jj PRINCIPAL COUNTPJES OF HINDOSTAN, with the Names and Dates of the Sovereigns, the Arts, Sciences, Statistics, Games, Revenues, Manners and Customs, &c. &c. IN Persian Fine Manuscript by an eminent Persian Caligrapher (14 hy ^ indies), written on paper powdered tcith gold, within gold lines, and ornamented with 2 Portraits, Delineations of Weapons, Mings and Ornaments, Diagrams, &c. Oriental binding, decorated inside and out withfloivers tvorked in gold, gilt edges, in a russia case folio Abrege de I'Histoire ancienne et Romaine, par Demandes et Reponses Manuscript, dated 1737 (8| by 6 inches), calf 4/0. S^c. XVIII (1737) ACTA APOSTOLORUM, EpistoL^ et Apocalypsis Manuscript on vellum (16 by llf i7iches), mncmiented with 12 elegant Initial Letters, painted on a gold ground, old green morocco roijal folio. S^C. xiii ADONIS MARTIROLOGIUM Manuscript on vellum (11 by 9 inches), with Music in Neumes^ russia extra, blind tooled and bevelled in the antique style, leather joints, by C. Meyer folio. Smc. xi B 263 2 yESOPI FABUL^ metrice versae Manuscript on vellum (10| hy 1\ inrhes), with illnminated Capital, vellum 4jec. xrv 61 AUGUSTINUS (S.) DE CIVITATE DEI Fine Manuscript on vellum (14f by 9f inches), ornamented with 22 beautifully floriated Initial Letters, finely painted in vivid colours on a gold ground, russia, by C. LevAs folio. S^C. XV 62 AUGUSTIN (SAINCT) LA CITE DE DIEU traduite en Fran9ois par Raoul de Praelles, 2 vol. Superb Manuscript on vellum (17 by 12| inches), ormimented with 23 MAGNIFICENT PAINTINGS in brilliant colours, richly ornamented loith gold icith diapered backgrounds, the first repre- senting the Translator presenting his work to Charles V oj France, surnamed the Wise, for wham this gorgemis Mamiscript was undoubtedly executed in the finest style of French art, and in another is a representation of St. Augustine writing, surrounded hy demons carrying away his books, 22 floriated Borders and 967 Initial Letters, all beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, oak boards covered in russia, leather joints, by C. Meyer folio. Sjec. xiv (1371-75) *^* At the end of vol. II there is a statement that Raoul de Praelles commenced this translation in 1371 and finished it on the first of September, 1375 63 AUGUSTINO (Santo) Fiore estrati de Latino in Volgare del Libro del secreto Parlare Manuscript on vellum (7^ by 5 inches), ornamented Border, containing Portrait of St. Augustine, and Initial Letter (historiated with Madonna and Child) ito. S.-EC. XIV 64 AuLi Gellii Noctes Attic.e cum Commontario Manuscript (8| hy 5| inches), with Name of Scribe and date, "Caruli BilibU 16 Juhi 1^70," half bound, ilo. S.Ec. xv. (1470) 65 Barbaro (Marco) della Cronica Libro ([uarto. Contion I'Aggregazion di molte Famiglio alia Nobilta ^\'nl•ta dopiio il Serraro del Maggior Conseglio sin all' Anno 1 400 Manuscript (lU^ l>y 7^ inches) of a work composed in 1568 iio. Sjeo. XVIII XI 11 66 Barbi (Ludovici) Epistola ad Monacos Congregationis de Olaser- vantia Sanctse Justinse de Padua ; Autograph Manuscript on vellum (9 hy 6 inches), wnamented / with Initial Letter hisloriated with Pmirait of St. Benedict, I surrounded hy floriated Border, in which are introduced Portraits of St. Justina and of the author- praying, illuminated in gold and colours, dated 30 June, 1440, crimson morocco, gilt edges Uo. S^c. xv (1440) %* The author was Abbot of St. Justina Monastery and subse- quently Bishop of Treviso. At end is written "Scrip turn manu mea in Palatio Tarvisino 30 Junii 1440." 67 BARTOLOMMEO DA S. CONCORDIO (ERA) FRAMMENTI DELLA STORIA ROMANA con la Guerra Jugurtina e la Congiura Catilinaria di Sallustio Manuscript on vellum (17^ hy 11^ inches), ornamented with Drawing of a Procession and 14: painted Initials, finely historiated with human figures, oak boards, covered in russia leather, blind tooled, with bevelled edges, in the old style folio. S^C. XIV 68 Basiri. Collection of Anecdotes in Turkish Manuscript (8 by 5 inches) Uo. S^c. xviii 69 Becichemi (Marini) Carmen de Scodrse Doloribus panegyricum ad Augustinum Barbadicum Venetorum Ducem Manuscript on vellum (10| by 7| inches), with Painting representing the author presenting his poem to the Doge, and an elegant Border with the Barharigo arms illuminated in the lower compartment, old black morocco, gold tooling, with arms of the Doge Agostino Barharigo painted in centre of obverse and reverse of cover ito. SjEG. XVI *^* Becichemus was the author of Centuria epistolicarum quses- tionum, edited by Angelus Britannicus in 1506. 70 BED^ PREB7TERI HISTORIA ECCLESI^ GENTIS ANGLORUM Manuscript on vellum (llf by 7| inches), with name of English scribe, " Gillelmus Clericus ad Manus suas me fecit," having a hymn, " Lauda anima mea dominum," with Neumes prefixed, calf gilt folio. S^EC, X 71 BENEDICTI (BE ATI) REGUL^ Manuscript on vellum (8| by 5| inches), with painted Capitals, calf Uo. SiEC. X 72 BENEDICTINI. De ordinanda et reformanda Ordine S. Benedicti Manuscript on vellum (5| by 4 inches), calf 8vo. S^c. xv 73 BENEDICTIONES EPISCOPALES Manuscript on vellum (8J by 6^ inches), with large and elegant Capitals, flourished in gold, silver and colours, blue morocco, gilt edges, by Simier Uo. S^EC. xii 12 74 Bertrand (Le Chevalier) une Histoire ; L' Amour et la Joie, une Fable ; et Histoire de La Fever Manuscript (7f by 6 inches), green vellum ito. S^c. xix 75 Berxardi (Sancti) Sermones in Cantica Canticorum Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5f inches) 4/a xiv j 76 BESSAPJOXLS CARDIXALIS ET PATPJAKCH^ CON- I STANTIXOPOLITAXI LIBEfi DEFEXSIONUM COXTRA f OBJECTIOXES IX PLATOXEM Fine Manuscript on velll^m (9| &y 6| inches), by an Italian scribe, ornamented loith Border containing arms of Cardinal Bessarion and Initial Letter finely illuminated in gold and colours, red velvet, gilt edges Uo. S^C. xv BESTIARIUM. De Creatione Mundi ; de Natura Bestianim, Volucrum, Herbarum, Serpentium, Vermium, Apum, Arborum, et Hominum ; atque de Terra et Orbis Partibus Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6 inches), by an English scribe, (J , with 106 rude Delineations of Animals, &c. painted on gold grounds, green morocco extra, gilt edges ito. Sjec. XII *^* On the fly-leaf, dated 1187, is a list of ]\Ianuscripts given by Philippus Ap'lor Came' Line. Ecc^ to God and the Church of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert de Radeford for the Use of the Brethren, including this Bestiarium. 78 BH AC A V AD GIT A and other Episodes of the Mahabharata in Sanscrit ito. Beautiful Manuscript (7^ by 5 inches), written in large letters ivithin margins of gold, and ornamented ivith 105 exquisite Miniatures painted in vivid colours Imghtened icith gold, red velvet embroidered with gold S^EC. xviil 79 BHAGAVATA PURAXA in Sanskrit Umo. Beautiful Ma^nuscript (3J by 2f), tvritten in minute De- vandgarl CJuiracfers within borders of gold, and onuimented with 62 exquisite Miniatures, painted in vivid colours, heightened with gold in the best style of Oriental art, red velvet, decorated with elegant gold embroidery, enclosed in a silk bag S-EC. XVIII 80 BIBLIA SACEA HEBEAICA CUM punctis 2 tH>i. Manuscript on vellum, in 3 columns {vol. I 15 J by 12 inches, and vol. II IS\ by 13| inches) oak boards covered with IcatJicr richly ornamented with gold tooling, and with bi-ass corner.'^, bosses and clasjjs folio. S/EC. X I II ( 1 2 9 2) *^^* This important Manuscript is written in the (Jennan character in a very sumptuous styl(% and, according to an inscription at end, by the scribe .1. Meyer, tlie son of RabbiJacol), A.M. 5052 (a,I). 1292), for Rabl)i Natlian and hi.s chililren and his cliil- dren's children lor ever, trusting this Book may not be / 13 damaged until the Ass ascends the Ladder, a rude representa- tion of the Ass and Ladder being added. The pointing of the text was done by Hajim the son of Eabbi Scheniur. The arrangement of the Books is very singular, and the Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are omitted. The first volume contains the Pentateuch, and the five Megilloth (Song of Songs, Euth, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations and Esther). The second volume comprises Isaiah, the twelve minor Prophets, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, the five Megilloth repeated, Daniel and the two Books of Chronicles. The Massorah is placed in the upper and lower margins, and when commencing the several books and divisions elegantly ornamented with Beasts, Birds, &c. The Keri and Ketib are placed by the side of the columns. The capitals at the commencement of some of the books are truly elegant, and the manuscript seems to have been carefully corrected and omissions added in a more recent hand on the margin. In some places there are also some notes in Hebrew explanatory of various parts of Scripture, evidently by a learned Rabbi. This venerable Manuscript formed one of the gems of the Meerman Collection, and bears the autograph of its former distinguished possessor. 81 BIBLIA HEBRAIC A, cum Massora et Megilloth Hebraice Manuscript on vellum (8| hy 6^ inches), in a beautiful Spanish caligraphij, with elegant Borders and Headings, finely illuminated in gold and colours, oak hoards Uo. S^EC. XIV V V \'82 BIBLIA LATINA cum Prologis Sancti Hieronimi \ /\ Venerable Manuscript on vellum (19^ hy 14 inches), oak )( hoards covered in russia royal folio. S^c. X ' ''' *^* This important Manuscript appears to have been written by ; . -. Aldibaldus the Monk, by command of Guilielmus the Abbot. '~1 ■ 'I ^M i ; To the New Testament is prefixed the Canon of Eusebius, — " written between 5 paintetl columns, and filling 8 pages. After I, . '^^ ^ ^ the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles follow the seven Canonical i , ^ J 7 Epistles, then the Apocalypse, and lastly the Epistles of !' ('-''■'" St. Paul. The readings of this venerable Codex merit atten- \\ tion, as the conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans differs from the Vulgate. >A \ 83 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA Manuscript on vellum (6^ hy 4| inches), ornamented with numerous Initial Letters (many finely histariated uith figures), illumiruded in gold and colours, russia extra, gilt edges, hy C. Lewis, with arms of Hanrott and motto Carpe Diem stamped in gold on sides ?>vo. S.EC. XII 84 BiBLiA Sacra Latina Manuscript on vellum (6f hy 4| inches), with painted capitals (several historiated ivith figures), vellum, with clasps, 8vo. S^c. xiii A'Ar ill 14 85 BIBLIA LATINA. cum peologis s. HiERONYi^n ft Interpretatione Hebraicorum Nominum Superb Manuscript on \'t:llum, mth gorgeous lUummat'wns {several divided into compartments) (15 by 10| incJies), u-ritten hy John of Ravenna {see Colophon) : " Hujus biblie scriptor Eterne sit vite possessor Cujus nomen habitur De Ravenna magister Johannes." Bed velvet, covered with gilt nails and tears, gilt gaufr^ edges, in a red morocco cover lined with damask silk folio. S.EC. xrv *#* This magnificent Manuscript of the Bible, one of the finest ever offered for sale, is gorgeously decorated with 279 superb Paintings {one rontaining 60 poiiraits), 127 beautiful ^Minia- tures, 130 elegantly floriated Borders (100 of trhich are exquisitely historiated tvith figures and the arms of the Bogiers Viscounts of Touraine) and 1432 beautiful Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours by a Ravenna artist remarkable for his great skill in drawing and illumination. 86 BIBLIA CIOE TUTTO IL TESTAMENTO VECCHIO Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (14^ by lOf inches), very distinctly written, with numerous ornamented capitals in blue and red ink, and finely decorated 'with painting of full-length figures of Adam and Eve listening to tlie Serpent ttvined round the Tree of Knowledge, executed in colours on a gold ground, and snr- rounded by a mosaic border, 11 fine Miniatures, 3 Borders and 73 Initial Letters, all exqumtely illuminaled in gold and colours, red morocco extra, broad dentelle borders of gold, gilt edges, with Papal Arms in gold on sides folio. xiv (1396) *^* This magnificent Bible appears to have belonged to the Sahnati Family, and on the first leaf of Genesis is a written permission for Giovan Batista Salviati to keej) and read this Bible, signed by the Inquisitor Thomas de Scotis, dated Roma 28 de Juglio 1559. On the last leaf the Scribe has written, " Questo libra scripse Giovanni di Barthuloiiieo Nicchuli et compietto di scribere adi XX di Gennaio MCCCLXXXXVI." 87 BIBLE HYSTORICUS ou les Hystoires Escolastres trans- latee de Latin en Francois de Pierre Comestor ou Le Mangeur par Girard des Moulins en 1291 Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (14 hy 10^ inch's), exqui- sitely ornamented icith 113 Initial Leiters, richly illumi- nated in gold and colours, and with 76 ELEC.ANT MINIATURES by au early French Artist, executed in Grisaille and vivid colours on a diapered gold ground, black morocco, gilt edges, by Boyet with perforated brass coi'vers, inscribed Phupics, and Tablet with Anns 15 of the Comte de Clermont Tonnerre on sides. From the Lamoignon Collection, in russia Solander case lined uith citron morocco folio. Sjec. xiii-xiv 88 BIBLI^ PARS quse legitur ad Mensam per totum Anni Circulmn cum Prologis S. Hieronymi (Epistolae S. Pauli ; Actus Aposto- lorum ; Epistol?e Canonicae ; Apochalypsis cum Tractatu B. Bedse ; Ecclesiasticus ; Thobias ; Judyth ; et Hester) Manuscript on vellum (12 by 8^ inches), orncmmted with beautiful floriated Borders, 4 Miniatures of Saints, and 44 Initial Letters, allfinehj illuminated in gold and colours folio. Smc. XV 89 BIBLIORUM SACRORUM REGUL^, PROLOGI ET EXPO- SITIONES. Item Libellus Martini Episcopi Scotti ad Ozilonem Regem ; Formula Vitae honestae ; Ysidori Opuscula ; Hugonis Definitiones ; et Guigonis Prioris Cartusia? Meditationes JVIanuscript on ^^ellum icith pointed Gapitcds (12| by 9 inches), presented by Chccrles V King of France, "pro Libraria istius Convent. Trecen. Ordinis Praedicatorum," green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome, lettered on obverse of Cover, "^Manuscritdu \ Roi Charles V." folio. SiEC. xiv ^ 90 BOCCACCIO (GIOVA^^NI) IL DECAMEEONE Manuscript on vellum (14 J by 10 J incJies), with 13 curious Drawings, russia folio. Sjeo. xiv *^* The extraordinary rarity of Manuscripts of the Decameron, prior to being printed, is too well known to require any com- ment. Even the early impressions are excessively scarce, so much so, that the first Edition printed by Valdarfer, in 1471, a century later than tliis Manuscript, sold for £2260 in the Roxburghe sale. 91 Boccaccio (Giovanni) il Philocholo Manuscript (9 by 6^ inches), with illuminated Initial, vellum ifo. S.-EC. XV 92 BOCCACCIO (G.) AMETO. Finisse il Libro composto P. Mess. Zouani Bocasso de Firenze intitolato di Am otto Manuscript on p.iper by a Venetian Scribe (8^ by b\ indies), having on reverse tioo MS. Sonnets {to Philip Duhe of Milan and Ansioer), oak boards, covered in calf ito. S.iic. xv 93 Boccaccio (G.) Ninfali e il Poema di Cecco d'Ascoli IManuscript (7f by 5 inches), old stamped binding 8vo. S^c. xv 94 BOCCACE (JEAN) LES ILLUSTRES MALHEUREUX. Le Livre de Jehan Bocace des Cas des nobles Hommes et Femmes infortunez traduit par Laurens de Premierfait Magnificent Manuscript on \t:llum {16h by 11^ inches), beau- tifully written and decorated with 84 exquisite Miniatures (9 16 large and 75 small), 9 floriated Borders, and nvmerous Capital Letters {tlie first historiaicd uith portrait of Boccaccio), all finely illuminated in gold and colours, by a first-rate French Artid, with a titlepage written expressly fm- this Volume in 17 12 by L. Gilbert, tlie famous Caligrapher, red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup, from tlie Pontclmrtrain Library folio. S^C. XV (1409) 95 BODINI (JoANNis) COLLOQUIUM HEPTAPLOMERES de abditis Rerum sublimium Arcanis Libris VI digestum Manuscript (15 by 9| inches), distinctly written, red morocco, gilt edges folio. Sjec. xvii *^* This deistical Work of Bodin has always been considered the most dangerous of all his "OTitings, and was never printed until Noack edited the work, at Schwerin, in 1857. Manuscripts, which differ materially, formerly sold for high prices, Dufay's for instance selling for 300 francs. 96 BoECE DE CoNSOLACiON translate de Latin en Francois par Jehan de Meun k la Requeste du Roy Phelipe IV Manuscript on vellum {111 by 7^ inches), with Capitals illumi- nated in gold and colours, green parchment folio. S^C. XV 97 BoEcius DE Consolatione Philosophic Manuscript on vellum (7^ by 5 inches), with Capitals finely illuminated in gold and colours, brown moi'occo extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with Arms of P. A. Hanrott in gold on sides Svo. Sjec. XV 98 BoETHius DE Consolatione Philosophle cum Apostillis et Commentario B. Thomae de Aquino Manuscript on vellum (13^ by 9 incites), ornamented tcith Border and 5 historiated Initials, illuminated in gold and colours, oak boards folio. S.EC. XV *^* From the famous Library of S. Andrea de Littore at Venice. 99 Boethius de Consolatione philosopiiica cum Expositione edita a Fratre Nicolao Theotonico Ordinis Pranlicatorum. Accedit Poetarium Alberici Manuscript (13 % 9^ inches), icith name of Scribe and date 1431, calf gilt folio. x v ( 1 4 3 1 ) *** With the following inscrii)tion at end of Boethius : "Anno Dni milleximo quatricentesimo trigcsimo primo die vigesimo quarto novcnibris die sabati hora tcrciarum conqtletuni fnit hoc opus per me Nicolaum Pergulonseni Physiouni salariatum Comitis Sibenici." 100 Boetii Liber de Trinitate ct alia Opuscula theologioa. Accedunt Abbreviacio et Tabula Decreti ; Lsidori Sinoninia ; Johannes Chrisostomus do Compunctione Cordis, Quor in 1824. This copy be- longed to Antonio Veniero, Praetor of Padua, who seems to have used it for his Album, as on the fly-leaves are Latin Verses in the Autographs of Johannes Colpwinius, F. Buzaca- rinus, Andreas Peregrinus, M. A. Averoldus, B. Bembo, L. Cendrata and A. Capellus. 109 BoNEVENTUR^ (Jacobi) Tractatus de Forma Novitiorum, de Reformatione Mentis et de Profectu Religiouis Manuscript on vellum (6-^ by 4^ inches) 8to. Sjec. xv 110 BoNiFACii \TII Processus factus per Dominum Guillelmum de Nogaret Militem et Doctorem Manuscript on vellum (8 J by 5^ inches), %dth Border and Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, oak boards covered in calf, stamped with blind tooling ito. Sjec. xrv 111 BONIFACII VIII LIBER SEXTUS DECRETALIUM, cum Commentario Manuscript on vellum (8| by 5| inches), ornamented uith in- numerable letters and other ornamentations illuminated in gold and colours, and tvith elegant miniature of the Writer presenting his book to the Pope, and arms of Bp. Briqucville, calf, gilt marbled edges Ato. SiEC. XV 112 BoRNius de Sala InclitPe Celsitudinis V Filius ac Servitor ad Illustrissimum Principem Borsium Ducem Mutinic, &c. Manuscript on vellum (8^ by 5^ inches), with initial letter finely ilhiminated in gold and culours, red morocco, leather joints, gilt edges 4to. SJEC. XV i %* A very learned letter written in Italian to shew " Come la Vita activa corporale i'.xcihIc in pcrfcttion la vita contonii)lativa ot come per contrario la coiitcmplativa c.Kcedc lactiva ;" in which the author, Ix'sides classical authors, quotes Boccaccio, Pe- trarca, the Bible and Fathers of the Church. At the end is added an autogra^jh letter of Bornio to the Duke. 113 Bourbon (Louis de) Journal du Voyage ou j'accompagnay le Roy d'Espagiie (Philippe V Due d'Aiijou st)n Frere) thins ses Etats MANUSt;RiPr (7y^ by 5 inches), red morocco, gilt marbled edges, by Boyet Ato. '^jeq. xviii (1701) i 19 lU BEABANTINI LIBEK DE NATURA RERUM Manuscript on vellum (lOf hy 1\ inches), dated 1295, and ornamented ivith 18 initials (historiated with figures) and ivith 18 elegani borders in ivhich are displayed games of children and 4~/j: figures of animals {including elephant with tower on his hack, peor 1^^ cock, &c.), calf folio. S^C. Xiii (1295) *^* The author in conclusion asserts that France, Germany and England have furnished him books from whence he has com- piled his \York, and informs us " Hunc Librum ego dictus Brabantinus finivi anno domini millesimo ducentesimo nona- gesimo quinto (1295) mense Augusti die Jovis ante festum beati Bartholomei ApostoH. Finis adest mette Mercedes quero dicte Explicit expliceat Ludere scriptor eat. As Fabricius and other Bibliographers do not mention this Work of Brabantinus, it appears to have never been printed. 115 Brandolini (Lippi) Dialogus de humanae Vitse Conditione et do toUeranda Corporis Egritudine Manuscript, dated " 1494 pridie Kalendas martias" (9| hy 6^ inches) Ato. Sjec. XV (1494) 116 Brandolini Lippi junioris (Eaphaelis) Epistol^ ad Card. A. Palavicino et ad Alexandrum VI. Accedit de quatuor Belli Rationibus in Turcas suscipiendi Libellus Manuscript on vellum (6| by 4^ inches), (probably inedited as these ivritings ivere unknown to Fabricius), with borders and initials illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges 8tu S^c. XVI (1500-1) 117 Breviarium, Armenice Manuscript on Boiibyx paper, idth illuminated heading (5 hy 3| inches), calf l2mo. SJEC. XVI SECOND DAY'S SALE. LOT 118 119 120 121 122 SIZES MIXED. REVIARIUM, Armenice Manuscript on Bombyx paper, Oriental binding l2mo. S.EC. XVII BREVIAEIUM GR^CO-ROMANUM Manuscript on vellum (lOf by 8f inches), ornamented with 372 very curioiis Paintings, imiyle velvet, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with arms of the Duke of Hamilton in gold on sides, 4to. SiEC. xiii %* Prefixed is a Calendar in Latin and a Treatise in old French containing notices of Christ and his Apostles, and of the origin of Christianity filling 72 pages. On the fly-leaf is written, " Isto Libro la Regina Charlottade Jerousalem, de Chyjjre at Armenie." BREVIARIUM ROMANUM Manuscript on vellum (11^ by 8 inches), ornamented ivith 34 7-ude Paintings, 192 Initial Letters, executed in gold on coloured '' ' grounds, and painted Capitals, purple velvet, gilt edges, with silver . clasps folio. S^C. XII — xiii {circa 1200) BREVIARIUM ROMANUM, cum Calendario 2 vol. Manuscript on vellum (7^ by b\ inches), written in double columns by a German scribe, and ornamented xcith 39 elegant Borders, in which are delineated various coats of arms, Birds (including Peacock), Beasts, Floivers, Fruit, Figures of Saints, a Knight in armour, &c. numermis Initials finely illuminated in gold and colours (M historiated ivith elegant Miniatures), and an immense number of Capitals, many executed in gold vo. S^c. xviii *^* Mr. Bcckford has written on fly-leaf : " La Gourmandise et la consideration — voila les re^.^ources de la veillesse." 141 Chalvalcha (Dominicho) Trat.vdo detto Disciplina deli Spirituali et como li Exempli de Rei inducono luomo a paciencia et a grande fervore di bene fare Manuscript (8| by 6 inches), oak boards covered in leather, with clasp 4:to. S.EC. XV 142 CHAMBRi: (ANNE SIEUR DE) LIVRE DE LA RHE- TORIQUE DES DIEUX Manuscript on vellum, beautifully written by Sieur Damoiselet (6f by 8 inches), with Music by the famous Denis Gaultier, orna- mented with Miniature portraits of the owner, Anne de Chambri, and of Demoiselle Geneviefve Benoist his wife, by the celebrated Nanteuil, 2 Title-pages drawn by Bosse (the second from a design by Eustache Le Sueur), followed by 12 other beautiful Drawings by Bosse (tlie last representing Mars seated on the Arms of the Sieur de ChambrS) and a Monogram designed by Sieur Belluchan, bound in sealskin, gilt edges, decorated with elegant brass ornaments forming Cyphers of ChambrS and his wife, corners and clasps by Baslin, the famous goldsmith, and Ferrier oblong ito. S/EC. xvi 24 U3 CHANSONS Manuscript on vellum (10| hy 7^ iwcM, decorated tcith 12 Aliniatures (Le Chevalier Ancian, Anciano Ennamorat, Enamorat Maquerelle, Kegnault de Trye, Chambrillac, Due d'Orleans (with anns), Lionnet de Coelmes, Jaquet Dorliens, Jehan de Mally, Yuri, Francois Daubergicourt, and Bastart de Couci), 12 Borders and Capital Letters, illuminated in gold and colours, calf, gilt edges, with the arms of Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria, icife of Monsieur Frhre de Louis XIV, in gold on sides folio. xrv *** This curious metrical Romance apparently belonged to Ren6 of Anjou, whose arms are partially obliterated in the first border. 144 CHARTIER (Alain) CEUVRES en Prose et en "Vers Manuscript on vellum (11^ hi/ 8\ inches), ornamented with 4 floriated Borders, containing arms of the owner (a Band or with star gules on afield azure with boar's head sable), 13 ]\1inia- TURES, and numerous Initial Letters Uhaninated in gold and colours, calf folio. S.EC. XV *i(* Manuscripts of Alain Chartier are extremely rare. 145 CHARTIER (ALAIN) LE QUADRILOGUE ET POESIES Fine Manuscript on vellum (11^ by 1\ inches), ornamented tvith 8 Miniatures, 10 floriated Borders and numerous Initial Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, russia extra folio. S-^c. xiv — xv 146 Chartier (Alain) Le Quadrilogue, le Livre d'Esperance, &c. ^ en Prose et en Vers / Manuscript in the handwriting of Eobinet Brongnart {\\\ by I 7 1 incJies), with Miniature, Border and Initial Letter illuminated in gold and colours, half calf folio. S.EC. XV 147 Charles I, Letters to his Queen (1645-46) Manuscript (8^ by 7 inches), vellum ito xvii (1645-46) 148 Chateauroux (Duchesse de) SoiRiiES amusantes revues, corrig(jes et augment^es par elle meme et dediees par I'Auteur k Madame la Marquise de Pompadour Manuscript (10| by S\ inches), calf 4to. xviii 149 Chronaca Veneta sino all' Anno 1427 Manuscripton paper {U\by8inches), calf, folio. xv (1427) 150 CIIRONIQUES DE FRANCE appelk'cs Chroniques dc Saint Dcnys dcpuis los Troiens jusqu'a Charles VI 2 vol. Manuscript on vellum (16 by 10 inches), ornamented with 91 Miniatures, 87 floriated Borders and 1021 Capital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, slightly damaged by water, vellum folio. xv / / 25 151 CHRONYCLE OF ENGLONDE Manuscript on vellum (11 by 7 1 inches), with long holograph f A .s letter from Sir Walter Scott (i pages), giving his reasons for con- , [T . -tf . sidcring it to have been "written before the Time of Henry VI," ^'"^^ ^^"^ telling his correspondent, " I cannot believe it has ever been printed," and also mentioning that although Caxton in his Frucius Temporum has copied many passages, yet many others do not occur, especially that Prophecy of Merlin "which is said to have spurred Glendower to his rebelhon alluded to by Shakespeare, Mirror for Magistrates, and Holished," and ichich " I believe to EXIST AT length NOWHERE BUT IN YOUR MS." Sir Walter considers the recovery of this Prophecy " very interesting TO THE Commentators and Admirers or Shakespeare" folio. ^JEC. XV, circa 1410 152 CHRYSOLOR^ (EMANUELIS) GRAMMATICS GRSCS EPITOME, Gr^ce, (Auctore B. Guarino Veronesi). Accedit S. Basilii Magni Oratio, Grsece Manuscript on vellum (8f by 6 iyiches), with 2 Initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, vellum Uo. S^C. XV 153 Chrysolor^e (Manuelis) Erotemata Grammatics, Grsece Manuscript on vellum, icritten by Hermokms Barbarossa (5f by 3f inches), black morocco, covered with gold tooling, the figure of Charity forming centre ornament Svo. Smc. XV 154 Cicero de Legibus. Accedit Apuleii Cosmographia Manuscript on \^llum (9^ by 6^ inches) Medicean binding folio. Ssc. XV 155 Cicero de Officiis et de Amicitia Manuscript on vellum (8f by 5| inches), oak boards covered in russia, ivith leather joints ito. S^c. XIV 156 Cicero de Officiis Manuscript (8| by 5| inches), oak boards ito. S^ec. xv 157 Cicero de Officiis Manuscript by an Italian Scribe, on vellum (9^ by 6 inches), with numerous capitals illuminated in gold and colours, Medicean binding ito. Sjeg. XV 158 Cicero de Officiis, de Fato et de Sompno Scipionis Manuscript, on Vellum and Paper mixed (8^ by 5^ inches), with Initials illuminated in gold and colours Ato. S^C. XV 159 Cicero de Officiis et Ejusdem Epistolse, 2 vol. Manuscript on vellum (6| by 3f inches), with Initials illum,i- nated in gold and colours, half calf Svo. S^c. XV 26 160 CICERO DE OFFICIIS ET DE SOMNIO SCIPIONIS Manuscript on vellum (9^ hy 5^ inches), by an Italian scribe, with Border and Capital Letters illuminated in gold and colours, with Arms {lion rampant azure on field ARGE^iT), green morocco, lined with red leather, gilt edges small folio. S.EC. XV 161 CICERO DE NATURA DEORUM ET DE DIVINATIOXE. Accedit Rhetorica ad HeTennium Manuscript on vellum (8^ by 6^ inches), loith Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours Uo. S.^C. xv 162 CICERO DE ORATORE Manuscript on vellum (9f hy Q>\ inches), with Initial illuminated in gold and colours, white morocco extra, blind tooling, by C. Bering Uo. SiEC. XV *^* At the end are two manuscript Sonnets, in Italian, headed Barri. 163 CICERO DE ORATORE Manuscript on vellum (9-^ by 6 inches), ivith Border and Initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, Medicean morocco Ato. S^c. XV 164 CICERONIS DE ORATORE LIBRI III, BRUTUS, ORATOR ET PARADOXA Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe (12 by 8^ inches), russia, gilt edges folio. Sjec. xv 165 CiCERONis Cato et LiELius. Accedunt ejusdem Paradoxa et Responsio Apolinii ad M. T. Ciceronem Manuscript (8^ by 5^ inches), with name of scribe and date, " Otobonus de Sassello, 1459," oak boards ito. SiEC. XV (1459) 166 CICERONIS EPISTOL^ AD ATTICUM Manuscript on vellum (13 by 9 inches), uritten by the famous Poggius, as appears by the following colophon : " Scripsit Poggius Anno Domini M.cccc.viii a Mundi vcro Creatione vi. Mil. et DC VII," icith Axdograph of the famous Saint " Caroli Car- DINALIS Borromei," russia extra, gilt edges, by Benedict folio. S.EC. XV (1408) 167 CICERONIS EPISTOLiE AD FAJVIILIARES Superb Manuscript on vellum (12| by 8 inches), dated xvi Kalcnd. Septemhr. 1472, exquisitely decorated with a beautiful Border ornamented with tlie Arms of Ferdinand VI, and with Initial Letters and Capitals richly illuminated in gold and colours, red velvet super extra, gilt edges, with the Arms of the Duke of Hamilton in gold on sides folio. ii/EV. xv (1472) 27 168 CICERONIS EPISTOL^ AD FAMILIAEES, AD BRUTUM ET AD ATTICUM Fine Manuscript on vellum, hy an Italian scribe (13| by 9^ inches), loith Initials {first historiated loith portrait) and elegant Border finely illuminated in gold and colours, pigskin with border of gold, gilt edges, by C. Lewis folio. S-iEC. XV 169 CICERONIS ORATIONES PHILIPPICS Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6^ inches), dated 1458, and beautifully written, ornamented with Initial Letters and Arms of a Bishop {spread eagle and giron sable on field or) fin£ly illvr- minated in gold and colours, russia, gilt edges, Uo. SiEC. XV (1458) 170 CICERONIS ORATIONES Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe, with painted Capitals (13| by 9f inches), russia, gilt edges, by C. Lewis folio. SiEC. XV 171 CICERONIS ORATIONES Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe {12 by 9 inches), with Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, by Fadeloup folio. S^ec. XV 172 CICERONIS ORATIONES VERRINS ET PHILIPPICS Fine Manuscript on vellum (13 % 9 inches), first page orna- mented with elegant Border, and having the Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, russia extra, gilt edges folio. Sjec. XV 173 CICERONIS ORATIONES PHILIPPICS JManuscript on vellum, with name of scribe, "Stephanus Pauli de Marganis scripsit" (9 by 6 inches), oak boards, covered with purple morocco Uo. S^C. XV 174 CICERONIS Paradoxa, Cato et Lselius. Item Lactantius de Religione Manuscript on vellum (81 by 5^ inches), icith illuminated Initial, russia ito. SiEC. XV 175 Ciceronis Rhetorica nova JVIanuscript on paper (9 by 6| inches) Uo. S^c. xv 176 Ciceronis Rhetorica Manuscript on vellum (7| by 5^ inches), by an Italian scribe, with Initial illuminated in gold and colours 4:to. 8jeg. XV 177 Ciceronis Rhetorica ad Herennium Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6 inches), with Border and \ Initial Letter illuminated in gold and colours, oak boards itO. SvEC. XV 28 178 CiCERONIS TuSCULANiE DiSPUTATIONES ET TOPICA Manuscript on vellum (10^ hj 7 inches), by an Italian scribe, u-ith Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, blue morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Bering folio. S.^C. XV 179 CiCERONIS TUSCULAN^ QU^STIONES Manuscript on vellum, by an Italian scribe (10 by 6f inches), with Border and Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours folio. S.«:c. XV 180 CICERONIS TUSCULAN^ QU^STIONES Manuscript on vellum {lO^by 1\ inches), with beautiful floriated Border containing Arms of Erizo, and 5 historiated Initials finely illuminated in gold aiul colours, calf, bevelled edges, leather joints, old style, with sides of old Medicean binding preserved, by C. Meyer folio. S.EC. XV 181 CLEMENTIS V CONSTITUTIONES una cum Apparatu Joannis Andraese Manuscript on vellum (12^ by 8§ inches), on the last page are various medical Recipes, green morocco folio. S.EC. xiv 182 Cleomedes de Contemplatione Orbium excelsorum Charolo [Valentino] Brixiense Interprete Manuscript on vellum (8 by b\ inches), dedicated to Cardinal Ccesar Borgia, with Cardinal's Arms, and 2 Initials illuminated in gold and colours 4/o. xv 183 CNUTONIS MAGNI, REGIS ANGLIC, GESTA Manuscript on vellum (7 by 4^ inches), u-ritten circa 1036, by an Anglo-Saxon Scribe, with liustic Capitals, anda Drawing of Author presenting his Book to Emma, IFidow of Canute, russia, y ^c^io gilt edges Svo. S.EC. xi -^ *^* This important Manuscript, which ori«;inally belonged to the Monastery of St. Augustine, in Canterbury, appears to have been written immediately after the death of the King, and is dedicated to Emma, his widowed Queen. 184 COLUMELLA DE RE RUSTIC A Splendid Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 7| inches), with name of scribe and date, " Henrietus Roffinus de Murialdo scripsit mcccclxviiii Die x Sejjtembris," finely ornamented with 14 beatdiful Borders, by Girolamo da i Libi-i, in which are introduced Miniatures of various rustic employments of the seasons, the Anns of the owner, &c. and also decorated with Initial Letters richly illuminated in gold and colours, and with Capitals of gold, red morocco, gilt edges, with Arms of Salignac La Mothe Fenclon in gold on sides Ho. S/EC. XV (14G9) 29 185 COLUMELLA DE RE RUSTICA Fine Manuscript on vellum (10^ hy 6^ inches), ornamented with Initial Letters beautifidly illuminated in gold and colours, blue morocco super extra, tooled leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from the Library of Bev. Henry Drury, with his autograph folio. Sjec. XV 186 Columna (Guidonis de) Historia Troy an a Manuscript on paper (9 by 7 inches) 4:to. Sjec. xv *^* This celebrated Romance by Guido Colonna, who accompanied Edward I to England on his return from the Crusade, was written in 1287, and was so extremely popular as to find translators into every language of Europe, our early English Poet Lydgate among the number. 187 Commentary on Grammar, in Arabic Manuscript (7 by 5 incJies) Ato. S^c. xviii 188 CONCIONES VARIiE Manuscript on vellum (6f by 4f inches) small Uo. S^c. xiii 189 Confessionale Volgare Manuscript on vellum (6|- by i\ inches), vellum, 8w. S^ec. xv 190 CONFLANS (A. DE) TRAITE DE MARIN Manuscript on vellum (10:^ hy 1^ inches), with 2 painted Borders of flowers and insects, and 152 Initial Letters, beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, russia, gilt edges ito. S.EC. xvi 191 CONTES DEVOTS (en Vers) Manuscript on vellum (7| hy 5 inches), with 2 Miniatures j I , illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges small Uo. S^c. xiv 192 COUSTUMES DE NORMANDIE, avec Calendrier, 2 vol. Manuscript on vellum (3| by 2f inches), the Calendar loith Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours \2mo. S^C. XV (1403) *^* At end is written " Actum et scriptum Anno Dni MCCCC tertio post festum assumptionem Beatae Marise Virginis mense Augusti." ^193 COUSTUMES ET USAGES DE BEAUVOISINS PAR / PHILIPPE DE BEAUMANOIR (Grand Bailli de Clermont ' Z' en Beauvaisis du Terns de S. Louis) Manuscript of 1283 on vellum (10^ hy 7^ inches), finely ivriiten in double columns, and ornamented with 74 Miniatures in the early French style, blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges folio. S^C. XIII (1283) *^* From a MS. Note prefixed by M. Bucquet de Bracheux, dated December, 1784, this Codex of a work, "si precieux pour I'Histoire de notre Droit public," would be valuable to a future editor. 30 194 CRESCENTIIS (PETRI DE) RURALIUM COMMODORUM Libri XII Manuscript on paper (10^ hy 8^ inches), Tiissia extra, gilt edges, by C. LevAs folio. S^EC. XV 195 CRETIN (GUILLAUME) DEB AT ENTRE DEUX DAMES SUR LE PASSE TEMPS DES CHIENS ET OYSEAULX (en Vers) Manuscript on vellum (8| hy 6 inches), with Capitals illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco, gilt edges, hy Thouvenin Uo. S-EC. XV *^* This interesting Poem on Hunting differs considerably from the printed editions. 196 CRONICA DE VENEXIA, sine mcccliiii C h 7 -, / Manuscript on vellum (11 hy 8^ inches), half hound ' ' ^ folio. S.EC. XIV 197 CRONIQUES DE FRANCE (1286-1380), avec les Ligneez de plusieurs Roys de France et comme Lutesse fut nomme Paris et Gaule France Manuscript on vellum (13^ hy 9f inches), ornamented icith 440 ^ Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, an elegant Miniature of the Author presenting his hook to Charles VI of France, Arms of the Due de Bourhon, and floriated Border illu- minated in gold and colours, vellum folio. S.EC. XIV 198 Cusa (Nicolai Cardinalis de) de Concord antia Catholica Libri III. Accedunt Tractatus de Relationibus et Funda- mentis earum Dominici Episcopi Torcellani postea Brixiensis ; ^ Tractatus de Sanguine Chrysti per eundem ; De Communione ; De Notoriis ; et Pii II Litterae Apostolicre Manuscript on paper {first leaf on vellum, uith Painting of Bishop Dominicus lecturing and floriated Border containing his Arms, finely illuminated in gold and colours) written for Dominicus de Dominicis Episcopus Torcellamis, ivho, in an autograpih note, puts dou-n the cost of the volume (11^ by 8^ inches), as "fore ducatis 6," he having paid 9 carlinifor the 7niniature, parchment folio. S^C. XV (1494) 199 Cipriani (Sancti) EpiSTOLi?;: cum Vita : accedunt Versus ot Laudes Manuscript on vellum (U hy 7^ inches), with Border and Initial finely illuminated in gold and colours, oak hoards covered in citron morocco, leatlier joints, gilt edges, by C. Meyer folio. SiEC. XV 200 CYPRIANI (S.) OPERA VARIA Manuscript on vellum (10^ hy 7 inches), with illuminated Border and Arms of Cardiiul FiscoiUi, old red morocco k'lio. S.£C. XV 31 201 DANTE ALIGHIERI, COMMEDIA Manuscript on vellum by a Tuscan Scribe, tvritten in the XVth Century (18f hy 12^ inches), superhhj ornamented with 88 exquisitely beautiful Designs hy Sandro Botticelli, all except six tJie full size of the page (including a splendid Drawing of the Mouth of Hell in colours, and full-length portraits of Dante), half red morocco folio. S.^C. XV {circa 1480) *:* Of all the manuscripts •«tiich have ever occurred for sale this aiay without exaggeration be described as the most biportant, from an artistic point of view, Botticelli's designs, engraved for the Dante of 1481, HA^^ always been ESTEEMED AMONG THE MOST PRECIOUS MONTOIENTS OF ITALIAN ART, BUT THEY SINK INTO INSIGNIFI- CANCE WHEN CONSIDERED BESIDE THESE MARVELLOUS WORKS, "WTIICH FOR POWER OF DRAWING, FERTILITY OF DESIGN AND TENDERNESS OF FEELING ARE UNAPPROACHED AND UNAP- PROACHABLE. This highly valuable Manuscript, with its mag- nificent illustrations, has the Purgatorio and Paradiso complete, but wants in the Inferno Cantos I to YI and YIII to XV. 202 DANTE ALIGHIEEI, COMEDIA Manuscript on vellum (13 &^ 9| inches), with painted Initials historiated with portraits, oak hoards, covered in purple morocco, ivith leatlier joints folio. S^C. XIV {circa 1340) 203 DANTE ALIGHIEEI, COMEDIA Manuscript on VELLUi\i(146_?/10^m.),?ft7A2eZe^a/i^BoRDERS and 3 Initial Letters {historiated with portraits), and ornamented with paintedCapitals,tasf€fidlyflourished,halfbound,folio.8jEC.xiv{134:7) *^* This important Manuscript, which has never been collated and is very valuable for its various readings, appears to have been transcribed from an older Codex by Tomasius, son of Piero Benecti, Citizen and Merchant of Lucca, in the year 1347. An inscription describes the Scribe as "Juvenem de annis XVIIII multum discretum et sapientem," who died of the plague in 1348, and lies buried in the Church of St. Augustine at Lucca. 204 DANTE ALIGHIERI, COMEDIA Manuscript on velluisi (1 2| bySlin. ),icith SInitialLettershistoriated icithhisportrait,&c.andilluminatedingoldandcolours,folio. S^c.Xiv 205 DANTE ALIGHIERI, Divina Commedia JVIanuscript on \T;LLUM(10f hy9>\ inches), with Z Initial Letters his- toriated tcith figures and 3 Borders in colours,vellum, folio. S^C.XIV 206 DANTE ALIGHIERI CHOMEDIA Manuscript on vellum (lli hy 8 inches), with 2 illuminated Capitals, slightly imperfect folio. SJEC. XV 207 DANTE ALIGHIERI, COM]\IEDIA Manuscript on paper (llf 5?/ 8i inches), vellum fol. S^c. XV *^* This Manuscript, written in the early part of the XVth Cen- tury, appears to have been purchased in London in the year 1451, See inscription at end of last leaf 32 208 DANTE ALIGHIERI, PARADIS Ceste la troisieme Partie De la Comedie de Dantes Qui de bon sens nest departie Ains par questions evidentes Donne a cognoistre en ses beaulx ditz Les joyes qui sont permanentes Et se iutitulle Paradis Traduite par F. Bergaigne (en Vers), avec Rondeaux sur les Chapitres et Declaracion (en Prose) Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5^ inches), dedicated to Admiral F. GouJlJier, with fine Painting of his Arms emblazoned in gold and colours, arid exquisitely ornamented xcith 7 elegant bordered Miniatures in vivid colours, heightened with gold, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome 4/o. S^EC. XVI %* This translation was presented to Admiral Gouffier, and lias never been printed. 209 De Jure Precedenti^ inter Cosimum Florentiae Ducem et Alphunsum Ducem Ferrarise (Latine et Italice) Manuscript (8J by 6 inches) ito. xvi 210 DELAPLANCHE (PIERRE) TRIOMPHE DE LA ROME CHRESTIENNE ou sont les Amies des Souverains Pontifes de I'Eglise et des Cardinaux cr6es depuis lAn 1050 Autograph Manuscript, " Le tout mis en ordre, dessign6 et enlumin6 par Pierre Delaplanche Parisien, 1656" (13^ by 8^ inches), with 1776 Coats oj Arms emblazoned in their proper colours, calf folio. S.EC. xvii (1656) 211 DELLA BELLA (S.) SCHERZI DI PIGMEI ET ANIMALI A Collection of 81 very clever and humorous Sketches, in pen and ink, by this eminent Artist (4 by 3 inches), olive mwocco, doubU icith leather, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 16mo. S-EC. xvii 212 DIODORE SICILIEN LES TROYS PREMIERS LIVRES DES ANTIQUITEZ DyEGYPTE, ETHIOPIE ET AUTRES PAYS DASIE ET DAFFRIQUE, translatez en Fiuncoys PAR Maistre Anthoine Macault, Notairc Secretaire et Valet de Chambre ordinaire du Roy Magnificent Manuscript on vellum (11^ by 11 inches), from the Library of Francis I, at whose express command it appears to have been executed, richly ornamejited with Cajntals and otfier Decorations worked in gold and colours. Prefixed to the History is a Painting of the King seated under a canopy, powdered with fleurs-de-lis, surrounded by his Courtiers, his three Sons {the Datir phin Francis, Henry afterwards Henry II, and Charles Duke of Orleans), dressed in rich habits standing in the foreground, listening 83 to MacauU reading his Translation ; a beautiful greyhound ivatch- ing the finger of Duke Charles, and a marmozet sifting on a table near tlie King's left hand, being jyrominent features in the group. (The portrait of Francis I with his Marmozet from this painting was engraved by W. Behnes for Clarke's Repertorium Biblio- graphicum). In addition to this exqvAsite illumination the volume is enriched with 58 large Initial Letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours icith peculiar delicacy, and historiated icith 41 ELEGANT Miniatures, including Portrait of Translator in his study, Occurrences described in the Book, Views, Fleurs-de-lis of France, Flowers, Fruit, Birds, dr. &c. In the oiiginal morocco binding, gilt edges, the back marked with crowned F, and the sides ornamented with Fleurs-de-lis and Initial Letter F, Jmving inscribed on obverse and reverse of cover in golden capitals — DIODO AU ROY RE FRAN SI COYS CILIEN PREMIER Forming altogether a most desirable specimen of the choice Library of Francis the First, the Patron and Friend of Literature and Art folio. S^C. XYI {circa 1530) 213 DioxYSii Alexaxdri Liber de Situ Orbis metrice translatus cum Vita. Accedit Algorismus ]\Iaxuscript on \t:llum (8| by b\ inches), tcith Drawing of a Map, calf gilt ito. S.EC. xv 214 DIT AU LION (en Vers) Manuscript on \t:llum (12 by 7f inches), with 10 Miniatures and floriated borders, illuminated in gold and colours by a Norman Illuminator, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome, folio. S.^C. XllI 215 DOCTEINAL DE NOBLESSE (en Prose et en Vers) Fine Manuscript on yellum (8^ by 5| inches), with Autograph of G. Paperel {Echevin de Metz en 1361), having his Arms emblazoned on first leaf, ornamented with historiated Initial Letter and numerous Capitals (many marked loith the fleur-de-lis), richly illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco, gilt edges, by Derome 4cto. Sjec. xiv 216 Dorothei (S.) Oratio de Huxiilitate cum Epistola dedicatoria Cardiuali Foscaro Jacobi Leoniceni. Accedunt Omniboni Leoniceni Oratio de Laudibus Eloqueutias et Epistola de Concordia ]\La.nuscript of Dorotheus on vellum (5| by 4 inches), tlie rest on paper, with Initials and Foscari Arms illuminated in gold and colours, old Medicean morocco ^vo. S^C. XV *^* Prefixed are 14 lines of Latin Verses (Hexameter and Penta- meter) " Joannis Capitonis Aretini ad Marcum Foscarum eloquentissimum Oratorem Veuetum ad Adrianum Pont. VL" D 34 217 DUBOIS (G. CARDINAL). Histoire de Son Eminence Mon seigneur le Cardinal Dubois, Premier et Principal Ministre d'Estat, Archevesque Due de Cambray, Prince du St. Empire, Abbti d'Airvaux, de St. Jude, de Nogent sous Coucy, de Bour- guieil, de Cercamps, de Bergues St. Winox et de St. Bertin de St. Omer, &c. ou Vie epineuse et raboteuse de I'Homme ou du Ministre abondonne des le commencement k luy mesme par son Prince pour le Gouvemement du Royaume (par M. De La Houssaye Pegeault) Manuscript (14 by 9 inches), ornamented with fine Drawing of a Bouquet of Floicers, in water-colours, 2 engraved Portraits of the Cardinal, by Drevet and Boy, after Eigaud, 2 coloured Borders (one with emblazoned Arms of the Duke of Orleans), ornamented Initial Letters, &c. old red morocco, g. e. folio. ^MG. XViii *^* With Dedication to Cardinal Fleury, Ministre d'Estat, con- cluding with " Si j'ai le bonheur de faire rire V. E. et mesme le Roy si elle le juge apropos, j'ose esperer que Ton me fera rire aussi a mon tour." Carefully read by Mr. Beckford, with his MS. Notes on fly-leaf. 218 DUOALE of Andrea Gritti appointing Giovanni Michael Captain of the GalUes proceeding to Baruti, with Instructions Official Manuscript on vellum (9f by 6^ inches), orna- mented with an elegant Painting of the Lion of Venice, snrronnded by a floriated border, in ivhich are represented the Almighty blessing, 2 Saints and a Venetian Galley, by Tintoixtto, Venetian red morocco, gold tooling, gilt edges ito. 1532 219 DucALE of Augustinus Barbadicus, appointing Giovanni Capello Procurator of the Church of St. Marc the Evangelist Official Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 1\ inches), ornamented with beautiftd Border, Amis of Capello and 2 Initial Letters, his- toriated with figures of Saints finely illuminated in gold and colotirs (from design by Titian), and also decorated loith Capitals in gold and colours alternately, old Venetian morocco, blind tooling, taih brass bosses and corners small folio. S.EC. XV 220 DuCALE of Doge Agostino Barbarigo, appointing Pietro Capello Podesta of Vicenza, dated 6 October, HOG Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 6 inches), first page illuminated in silver and colours, the Capello Anns forming the bottom compart- ment, old Venetian morocco, ornamented tcith gold tooling, gilt edges 4to. S/EC. XV (149G) 221 DUCALE OF THE DOGE FRANCISCO DONATO, appoint- ing Giovanni Capello Captain of Padua for sixteen Months Official Document on vellum, dated 1548, with Signatures (9^ 35 by 6^ inches), beautifully ornamented with Portrait of Capello pray- ing to Virgin and Child, and elegant bordered Painting of Fame, 2 Saints, Capello Arms, &c. by Tintoi'etto, red velvet, gilt edges 4to. 8mc. XVI (1548) 222 DuCALE of Doge Giovanni Mocenigo, appointing Jacopo Marcelo Captain of Padua for one Year Official Document (9^ by 6| inches), very distinctly written and ornamented with Initial Letter and Mar cello Arms, illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco Uo. 25 Sept. 1480 223 DUCALE OF THE DOGE NICOLO DA PONTE, appointing Pietro Capello Podesta of the City of Crema Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6^ inches), ornamented with 2 beau- tiful Paintings by Tintoretto, representing Virgin and Child {having beneath the Capello Arms), and Portraits of P. Capello and his Son kneeling in prayer, supported by Saint Peter (having beneath ^t. Ann. LIIII), in old Venetian red morocco, covered with gold tooling in the Gh'olier style, g. e. Uo. S^C. xvi (1581) 224 DuCALE of Leonardo Lauredano, appointing Pietro Capello Podesta of Brescia Official Manuscript on vellum, dated 1501 (9f by 6| inches), with Initial Letter and Border, containing Capello Arms, finely illuminated in gold and colours, old gilt Venetian morocco Uo. SyEC. XVI (1501) 225 Ducale of Pasquale Maripetro, appointing Andrea Venerio Count at Spoleto Official Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 6| inches), dated 23 Jidy, 1450, vellum ito. S^C. xv 226 DU GUESCLIN. le roumant de Mre. bertran DU GLAISQUm JADIS CHEVALIER ET CONNES- TABLE DE FRANCE (en Vers) Manuscript on vellum (12| by 9| inches), very distinctly ivritten and ornamented with numerous Capitals finely illuminated in gold and colours, olive morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup, folio. S^C. XV *^* The first 24 pages are supplied in a more recent handwriting. 227 Edmundi [Rich] Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis (Sancti) Commen- TARIUS in Epistolas minores Manuscript on vellum (6| by 4i inches), calf, sm. ito. S^ec. xiii 228 EMBLEMATA BRANDENDURGENSIA Manuscript on fine vellum (13 % 8 inches), ornamented with Portrait of George Frederic Margrave of Brandenburg and with 31 elegant Drawings of Emblems, executed in water-colours folio d2 36 229 EMPEREURS DE ROME ET DALMAIGNE PAR ORDRE de Julles Cesar jusques Frederick III ; Les Rapes de Romme de Saint Pierre jusques Alexandre VI ; et Les Roys de Franx'E depuis Pharamon jusques Loys dorleans, 1497 ^Manuscript on vellum (8^ hy 5| indies), hemtifulhj uritten loith intitulations in gold, and numerous Capitals in gold and colours, and ornamented with 3 beautiful Paintings {icithin elaborate Bor- ders) representing Frederic III, Alexander VI and Louis XII in state), and Arms of Owner {chevron gules loith moor's head sable, and three scolop shells, SABLE, on afield, on), red morocco, gilt edges, hj Derome ito. S.EC. XV (U98) 230 Enchiridio de Maometani, Arabice Manuscript (4 by 3 inches), in Oriental binding l2mo. 231 ENGLAND. The Inter-Regnum or Proceedings of the Lords of the Council and others from the Withdrawing of King James to the Meeting of the Convention, 1688 Manuscript (12 by 8 inches), vellum, g. c. folio. Sjec. xvii (1688) 232 ENTREE MAGNIFIQUE DE MONSEIGNEUR FRANCOYS FILZ DE FRANCE FRERE UNICQUE DU ROY, par la Grace de Dieu Due de Lothier, de Brabant, d'Anjou, &c. en sa tres-renomm(3e Ville do Gand le XX""*. d'Aougst, 1582, par L. d'Heere (en Prose et en Vers) Manuscript (16 by 10^ inches), finely ivriiten and oimamented icith 11 elegant Drawings in water-colours of the Triujnphal Arches, Procession, Arms, &c. calf extra, g. e. folio. S-EC. xvi (1582) *** Apparently the original Manuscript from which the rare Pageant was printed. THIRD DAY'S SALE. LOT 233 234 235 SIZES MIXED. PISTOL.^ Apostolic.e cum Glossis et Commentario Manuscript on vellum (8 hj 5^ inches), calf Mo. S^c. XIV Epistol^e Canonic^ cum Commentariis Manuscript on velll^ (10 by 6 indies) small folio. xii Esther, Hebraice Eolled ^Manuscript {measuring 8 feet 5^ inches by II inches), uriiten within engraved Arches and m-namented with small Etchings of the Events 236 EuCLiDE, Les quatre premiers Li\Tes des Elemens en Francois par Fr. de Saint-Marc a Mademoiselle Diane de Foix de la tres-illustre Maison de Candale 1578 Manuscript (7^ bi/ 5 inches), icith Diagrams, beautifully ivritten, with Dedication "Dian^ Flossati," and her Monogram in letters of gold, having lier Arms tvith Siqypmiers emblazoned as a frontis- piece, in a curious contemjwary binding^ covered with gold tooling, with medallions as centre ornaments, gilt gaufrd edges Svo. S.EC. XVI (1578) *^* The dedication to the Princesse de Candale Mademoiselle Diane de Foix is signed by Saint Marc, and prefixed is a Sonnet to St. Marc by J. Guijon. Diane, after-n-ards Countess of Gunson, was celebrated for her great talent, and to her Montaigne dedicated the 25th Chapter of Book I of his Essays. 237 EUEOPA. Orationes seu potius Declamationes et Epistolte seu sub Fabula allegorica Ascalapho Imperatori Eerum Europse Seeculo XVI Commentarii incerti Auctoris Manuscript {ll\ by % inches), old broivn morocco fol. xvi 238 EuSEBii (Beati) Epistola de Morte gloriosissimi Confessoris Jeronimi Presbyteri. Item Epistola B. Augustini de Magnifi- 38 centiis B. Jeronimi et Epistola S. Cirili de Miraculis B. Jeronimi Manuscript on vellum (8| hj 6J inches), icith 3 bordered Initial Letters historiated ivith Portraits of the Saints, finely illuminated in gold and colours, morocco extra, Hind tooling, g. e. ito. S.EC. XV 239 EUSEBII (S.) LIBER HISTORI^E ECCLESIASTICS a Eufino /?'? ^ Presbytero de Grseco in Latinum translatus Manuscript on vellum (9f by 6^ inches) folio. Sjec. x 240 EuTHiMii Monachi in priores Davidis Psaijvios Scholia Manuscript {11^ by 8 inches) folio. Smc. xvii 241 EUTROPII HISTOPIA ROMANA Beautiful Manuscript on pure vellum (4| by 2^ inches), exquisitely written by Angelo Durante, of Messina, fm- Andreas Mattheo Acquaviva Principe di Aragona, and beautifully ornamented with Dedication to the Prince in Chxek Capitals in letters of gold on a Pillar draivn on purple vellum, historiated Capital P, 10 elegant Borders (first containing emblazoned Arms of the Prince of Aragon), and 10 Initial Letters, all very elegantly and delicately illuminated in gold and colours, brown morocco extra, doubU tcith brown leatJier, gilt gaufri edges, by J. Mackenzie 12mo. Smc. XV 242 EUTROPII HISTORIOGRAPHI LIBER DE HISTORIIS ITALIC. Accedunt Pii 11 Epistolse Manuscript on paper (11| by 8^ inches), with ilhminated Initials, green morocco folio. 8jec. XV 243 EUTROPIUS. Cy comance le Hvre de leflorement du Monde nom6 Eutropius comet Dieu forma Adam ct Eve, &c. Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (12^ by 9 inches), ornamented with flowered border containing Arms of France, 51 elegant Miniatures and 1218 Initial Letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by Derome folio. xv 244 EVANGELIA IV, Grsece Very valuable Manuscript on vellum (9i by 6| inches), finely decorated icHh Full-length Figures of St. Mattlicw and of Virgin and Child painted on a gold ground, the Canons of Eusebius written in letters of gold between Human Figures standing on Columns sfupporting Arched Arabesque Friezes finely painted in gold and colours, 4 finely painted Borders, 4 Arabesques, one at the beginning of each Gospel, executed in vivid colours on a gold grmmd. Headings of Chapters and Initial Letters in gold, dx. A fine Si'Ecimen of Byzantine Art, crimson velvet, gilt edges, in a morocco case 4to. S^EC. xii Z9 245 EVANGELISTARIUM sive Evangelia IV per Anni Circu- lum, Grsece Magnificent Manuscript on vellum (13 % 10 inches), beauti- fully ornamented with 12 large and 21 small miniatures, in the best style of early Byzantine Art, painted in vivid colours on a gold ground, and ivith immerous finely illuminated Initials, intitulations and letters in gold, purple velvet super extra, gilt gaufri edges, with pierced gilt silver clasps {one broken), in a russia solander case, lined with crimson silk folio. S^c. XI 246 EVANGELISTARIUM ET MENOLOGIUM, Gr^ce Fine Manuscript on vellum (13 by 10^ inches), ornamented with Canons of Eusebiiis written loithin Columns suppoiiing Heads of Saints and 2 Paintings of Saints, splendidly bound in morocco super extra, doubU with leather, covered inside and out with blind tooling, by C, Lewis folio. S^c. X 247 EVANGELII IV CONCOKDATI IN" UNO (in Terzine) Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (9| by 1\ inches), decorated with elegant frontispiece representing Giacomo Gradenico kneeling and pointing to the Representations of the Symbols of the four Evangelists, and ornamented with 44 exquisite Miniatures drawn with pen and ink on a green ground, blue velvet, gilt edges folio. SiEC. XIV (1399) *^* This Poem, which seems never to have been printed, was prob- ably the work of Giacomo Gradenico as at its conclusion is written, "Expletum Padue de MCCCLXXXXViiii die primo Mensis Octubris per me Jacobum Gradonico Militem Venetum." At the end is a pedigree of the Gradenigi Family with em- blazoned arms occupying 4 pages apparently written circa 1600, which is the last date given therein. 248 EVANGELIA IV, Latine, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, Canone S, Eusebii et Capitulare Evangeliorum Anni Circuli Fine Manuscript on vellum (lOl by 8 inches), with Canon of Eusebius written between Arches supported by Columns painted in gold and colours, finely ornamented with Intitulations and Capitals in letters of gold, blue velvet, with gold lace borders, gilt edges, having an ivory plaque (3 J by 2\ inches), carved\cith the Crucifixion let in on obverse of cover Uo. SiEC. X 249 EVANGELIA IV, Latine, cum Prologis S. Hieronimi, Canone Eusebii et Capitulare de Circulo Anni Manuscript on vellum (9| by 8 inches), russia, g. e. Uo. S^ec. xi 250 EVANGELIA IV, Latine Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 1\ inches), blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Simier, from the Library of the Duke of Sussex ito. S^c. XI — XII 40 251 EVANGELIA IV, LATINE Beautiful Manuscript written on Purple Vellum in . />! . Capital Letters of gold (14^ by lOf inches), of extra- I ORDINARY RARITY, red jnorocco super extra, broad borders of gold, ^ \ U uith Arms of Henry VIII painted on first leaf icith foUouing lines I in capital letters of gold Fato servatus tibi sum ter maxime Princeps Te quoque servarunt aurea fata michi Instaurata nitent per te sacra Dogmata peri Aureus est author Christus ubique meus. folio. S-EC. vii-viii *^* Manuscripts A\Titten on purple vellum in letters of gold must always be regarded as gems of the highest value. At present only three or four are known to exist, and this priceless gift from the Pope is a convincing proof of the value he set on securing the friendship of England's King in opposing Luther and the Protestant Heresy. This extraordinary rarity was presented to Henry YIH by Leo X when he conferred upon him the Title of Defender of the Faith. 252 EVANGELIA PER ANNI DECURSUM. Accedunt Orationes Ecclesiasticae per Anni Decursum et Orationes varise «/, ]VLi.NUSCRiPT ON vellum (10| by 71 inches), transcribed from the original in the Autograph of St. Otto Bishop of Bamberg, the Apostle of Fomerania, calf folio. Sjec. Xii 253 EVANGELLi QUATUOR, Latine Splendid Manuscript on vellum (12 by S^itiches), icith boards covered in leather stamped with fleurs-de-lis and other floicers u,\Sl/ folio. S.EC. viii *^* This venerable Manuscript, from the Benedictine Convent at Stavelot, is beautifully written in what is designated " jMinus- cule Carlovingienne." At the commencement is a tal)le of the chapters, following which is the i)reface of Jerome and the Table of the Canons. The beginning of each book is written in large Capitals in gold, in tlie best Carlovingian style, tlie Initials of the four Gospels measuring nearly eight inclics. The first page of each Gospel, perfectly executed, is equal to any in the celebrated missal of Charles le Chauve in the National Library of Paris. The Canons of Euseliius, sur- rounded with large coloured columns, arc written in uncial characters, as well as the rul)rics of this volume, which is quite entire and perfectly j)reserved. 254 EXCERPTA VARIA: viz. RufU Sexti Ilistoria Romana ; Notte Litterarum per quas Epigrammata anticpia logi possint ex P. Dyacono ; Figume Litterarum ; Do Origine Civitatis Vene- \ tiarum; Valerii Nota; Juris ; Gencalogia Catoniset Soipiojuim; Duo Privilegia Ecclesia^ Ajpiilegicnsi ; Carmina diversorum ; Frontinus (le A(iuitMluctibus Romiu ; Epigrammata Gneca et Latina Littoris majusrulis ; Cathalogus lni]H>ratorum Roman- 41 orum a Julio Caesar ad Federicum II; Cathalogus Pontificum a B. Petro ad Nicolaum V (quo Mentio de Joanna Papissa) ; Duo Privelegia Ecclesise Paduanse; Kalendarium antiquum; Inscriptiones Latinae ; Index Librorum Grsecorum ; Schismata XXIV; &c. Manusceipt on vellum (9| hy 7 inches), written by an Italian Scribe, probably Pius Ilf^neas Sylvius), as on last leaf is written, " Summi Pontificis Pii adest," red morocco extra, blind tooling, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Meyer small folio. Sjkc xv 255 EXIMINEZ (Frere Francoys des Freres Mineurs) LIVEE DES ANGES Manusceipt on vellum (12i by 9 inches), ornamented with Painting representing the Trinity, with Angels, Kings, Princes, Bishops, Monks, Nuns, &c. floriated Border, and numerous Capital Letters all finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome folio. Sjeg. xv 256 EXOECISMES. La veritable C16 ou Clavicule de I'Enchiridion Manusceipt (6| by 4J inches), red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome 8vo. Smc. XVIII 257 FABLIAUX ET POESIES DES XII ET XIII Sli:CLES Manusceipt on vellum (12| by 8^ inches), very distinctly written and containing 40 Poems (including U Hotel St. Martin the original of Chaucer's Reve's Tale), containing Variations from those given by Barbazan and Le Gi-and {see MS. Account in the Autograph of Francis Douce the Antiquary prefixed), red velvet, folio. S^c. xiv 258 Feliciani Veeonensis (Foelicis) Epigeammaton ex vetustissimis Lapididibus inscriptis Manusceipt on papee (8| by 5| inches), calf, by C. Meyer, with Autograph Letter from the Binder added ito. Bjeg. xv 259 Fenwick (Sir John). Whole Peoceedings in the House of Lords upon the Bill of his Attainder, with the Letters, Papers and Deposicions relating to the Correspondence held between the Earle of Monmouth, Dutchess of Norfolk and the Lady Mary Fenwick, and also Sir J. Fenwick's Confession, Manusceipt (11^ by 7^ inches), 1696 — Tryal, Condemnation and Execution of Sir John Fenwick, Printed at the Hague, 1697, calf in 1 vol. folio 260 FIRDOUSI (Abul-Casim-Mansur) SHAH NAMEH. A Series of heroic Poems on the ancient History of Persia from the earliest Times until its Conquest by the Mahometans under the Reign of King Yuzdjird, in Persian Fine Manusceipt (17 by 10 i7iches), ornamented with 40 elegant paintings by a Persian artist, heightened with gold and silver, Oriental binding, ornamented with flowers tvorked in gold folio 42 261 Flori Historia Romana Manuscript on vellum (6;^ hy 4 inches), u-ith name of scribe and date, "Scripsit Joannes Lucius Eomse die xiiii Januarii Anno Domini mcccclxiii," ornamented ivith initial letter and border with arms illuminated in gold and colours, calf 8m S^C. XV (1463) 262 Flori Historia Romana. Accedunt Sexti Rufi Annumeratio Romanse Historise et Cornelii Nepotis Vita Attici Manuscript on vellum by an Italian Scribe (llf by 7 inches), with initial letter and shield (arms erased) in gold and colours, morocco extra, blind tooling, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Meyer folio. S.^C. xv 263 FRANCE. Commentaire historique sur I'Etat de France, avec I'Explication de I'Etat imprim6 ou il est traits de la Noblesse, de la Justice, de la Police, du tierce Etat, du Clerg6 et du Parlement en Particulier Manuscript, dated Anno D, 1684 (llf 5^ 7f inches), panelled calf folio. SiEC. XVII (1684) 264 FRANgOIS I, (EUVRES, beautifully written in Italics — Fans Filz de Priam et autres Poesies, finely written, ivith miniature of Rape of Helena and numerous capitcd letters illuminated in gold and colours, in 1 vol. Manuscript (7f by b\ inches), red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome ito. SjEC. XVI 265 FREZZI (Federigo) IL QUADRIREGGIO sopra i Regni d'Amore, di Satanasso, de' Vezii et delle Virtu (in Terzine) Manuscript (13 by 9^ inches), vellum folio. xv %* In this curious Poem the author, who died in 1416, has at- tempted in the manner of Dante a Descrii)tion of the Kingdoms of Cupid, Satan, Vice and Virtue, to each of which an entire Canto is devoted. Quadrio considers these Verses quite worthy of Dante. Manuscripts of the Quadrireggio are ex- cessively rare. 266 FROISSART (Jehan) CRONICQUES DE FRANCE, D'AN- GLETTERRE ET DES PAIS VOISINS. Le troisiesme Livre Manuscript on vellum (12| by 9 inches), with floriated border and initial letter containing arms of Boulainvilliers, finely illumi- nated in gold and colaurs, and ornamented with letters of gold alternately with colotired capitals, half red morocco folio. xv *^* At the end is bound up a Manuscript on Paper containing a List of the Sovereigns of liurgundy, finisliiiig with the Death of the Duke IMiili]., 1.^ .Iiiiie, 1 107, at Bruges, with his Ei)itaj)h in Verse, and ioUowcd l)y Accounts of Disputes as to the riglit to theDutfliy, List of liiipcrial Towns of Germany, &c. 43 267 Frontini (Julii) Strategematicon Libri IV Manuscript on vellum (8| hy 5f inches), lo'ith illuminated bordered initial letter, oak boards covered in calf, leather joints, old style, by C. Meyer Uo. S^C. xiv 268 FEOULLAY (Le Bailly de) LIVEE INTITULE MONUMENS DE ERODES, 2 vol. {vol. lU^by ^, vol. II 11^ by 7i) Manuscript, vol. I containing 33 clever draivings in water-colours by Comparet dit Bellicourt, " qui n'a jamais appris h dessiner n^y cb peindre," and vol. II all the inscriptions of the Mausolea and Monuments contained in vol. I, in the autograph of the famous Jean J. EOUSSEAU of Geneva, celebrated for carrying off the Dijon Prize in 1760, with pmirait of the Grand Master, E. Pinto, to whom the booh was presented and plan of Rhodes prefixed, veau fauve, with arms of Le Bailly de Froidlay in gold on sides, folio. SiEC. xviil 269 FURNESS ABBEY, eegisteum caetaeum et SCEIPTOEUM MONASTEEII SANCT^ MAEI^ DE FUENESS A.D. 1412 PEE VENEEABILEM WILLEL- /lld ^^ ^ h^^'h ^^^ DALTON ABBATEM '^ '^ ' ' Important Manuscript on vellum (U by 10 inches), orna- mented with numerous capital letters of gold and with 530 beautiful embellishments, including, illuminated in gold and colours, 442 floriated capitals and 76 very elegant initials, of which 68 are his- toriated with coats of arms, emblazoned in their proper colours of the different Kings of England, Adam of Berwyk, Edmund de Horneby, Margaret de Penille de Horneby, Balph de Bethuin, Adam de Asinnderlalb, Eda de Wedacce, Godith and Gervase de Boulton, Ralph de Daker, John de Bighingh, Robert de Onxeline, Robert and William Abbots of Furness, Roger Benedict and William Gernet, William Earl Warren, Henry Duke of Lan- caster, Robert de Stalmyne, Richard de Oxclyfe, Richard de Hakenes, Roger, Nigel, William and John de Moivbray, Robert and Godart de Boynell, William de Percy, Alexander de Midel- ton, John de Canzfelde, Eustace de Rilleston, Walter de TJioma, Mattheiv de Redman, John de Heideliston, David de Midcastre, Alan de Peniton, Adam de Denventwater, &c. &c. It is also de- corated with 9 miniature portraits of benefactors to the Abbey, namely William Dalton Abbot of Furness, Ralph de Bonelton, Robert Abbot of Furness, John Earl of Moreton, Henry I, Robert de Stalwyne, Alicia de Stanelay (Stanley), Walter Archbishop of York, and Peter Cross of Beverley ; red morocco extra, borders of gold, gilt edges folio. 8jec. XV (1412) *^* On the fly-leaf is a Poem of 1 6 lines, stating that this second Part of the Eegister of Furness Abbey was compiled by Wil- liam Dalton, the Abbot, and that John Stall (a pen and ink 44 portrait of Jiim being sketched on reverse of folio xi) was the Scribe, is thus recorded : " Hunc John Stell digitis monachus scripsit sine penna." For a History of Furness Abbey this Register is invaluable. 270 GALENI OPERA, GrKce JVIanuscript on paper (10 by 6| inches), calf fulio. xv i 271 Gallle Antiquitates Manuscript (10 by 7^ indies), with 99 Drawings of Antiquities at Grenoble, Fienne, Aiignon, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre, &c. apparently by Benoict Durandet, parchment, folio. S^C. xvii (1666) 272 Gazii (Antonii) de Philosophica Inquisitione Libellus Manuscript on paper (9f by 7 inches), dated 8 September, 1494, with illuminated Capital and Soranzo Shield (arms erased), red morocco, blind tooling, leather joints, by C. Meyer folio. Sjec. XV (1494) *^* This author wrote a Treatise de Sanitate tuenda, printed several times, but the present Avork appears never to have been published. 273 GENEALOGIE DE LA SAIXTE VIERGE (en Vers) ET LIVRES APELES TRESORS (en Prose) Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (llf by 81 inches), dated 1323, and ornamented with 42 Miniatures, 55 Historiated Initials and numerous Capitals in gold, finely executed in gold and colours by a Norman artist, red morocco, gilt edges folio. S.EC. XIV (1323) 274 Georgerine Archevesque de Samos (Joseph) Est at present DES Isles de Samos, de Nicarie, Pathmos et du Mont Athos traduit du Grec Vulgaire en Francois par Antoine Gallaud Manuscript (6 J &?/ 4| inches), red morocco, gilt edges, Svo. xviii *^* Prepared for the Press with Preface by the Translator. 275 GIOVANNI GRISOSTIMO LIBRO DELLA COXPUNITIONE DEL CUORE Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6| inches) by an Italian scribe, with autograph of Tito di Strocci, and icith Border, Initial Letter and arms of Due d' Orleans illuminated in gold and colours, black morocco, blind Medicean tooling, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, ito. S.EC. xv 276 Gisleberti Antissiodorensis Canonioi ExpositioLamentationum HieremL'E (ex lougiorc Paschasii Ratberti Comnientario fere contracta) Manuscript on vellum (8^ by 5J inches), with Initial Letter historiated with Author's Portrait, calf 4/o. S.-EC. xii *^* This early MS. formerly belonged to the Carthusian Monastery of the Holy Trinity near Dijon. 45 277 Glanville (B.) de Proprietatibus Rerum. Accedit Summa de Vitiis Manuscript on vellum (7-^ hy 5| inches), calf ito. Smc. xiv %* A manuscript note in a later handwriting states that this book was given to Dr. Francis de Cardomberg by the citizens of Sala in the year 1446. 278 Gradenigo (Pietro di Giacomo) Memorie istorico — cronologiche spettanti ad Ambasciadori della S. Republica di Venezia spediti a Sommi Pontefici Romani presentate al Kavalier Giovanni da Lezze nel Punto di intraprendere FAmbasciata a Benedetto XIV I'Anno 1743 Manuscript on vellum, "transcritta da Michel Angelo Schena " (13 by 9 inches), red morocco, gilt edges, folio. S^C. xvill 279 GRATIANI DECRETUM : Discordantium Canonum Concordia cum Apparatu Bartholomsei Brixiensis Manuscript on vellum (17 by 11 inches), ivith 42 Miniatures and 42 Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, vellum folio. 8jeg. xiii 280 GREGORII MAGNI (BEATI) DIALOGUS DE VITA SANCTORUM Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 6f inches), with Initial Letter ilhiminated in gold and colours, and ivith name of scribe and date, "Explicit Liber Dialogorum quem scribi fecit Prater Franciscus de Bardis Ordinis Minorum 1423," calf, folio. S^c. xv (1423) 281 GREGORII MAGNI (Beati) MORALIA IN JOB Manuscript on vellum (10 by 7 1 inches), written in double columns, and ornamented tvith historiated Initial and Border, russia extra, with gold line tooling, leather joints, old style, by C. Meyer folio. Sjec. xv 282 Gregorii Magni Dialogorum Libri IV Manuscript on veluim (101 by 6^ inches), calf, folio. S^ec. xiii 283 GREGORII PAP^ (SANCTI) EXPOSICIO MORALIUM LIBRI BEATI JOB Manuscript on vellum (12 by 8 inches), ornamented with Initial Letters in gold and colours and with figures drawn in pen and ink, red morocco extra, gilt edges folio. Sjec. XIV 284 Gregorio Papa Homilie sopra diverse Evangelii Manuscript partly on vellum and partly on paper (8| by 5| inches), very distinctly written, and dated 1454, calf ito. S^EC. xv (1454) 285 GUILLEVILLE (GUILLAUME DE) PELERINAGE DE VIE HUMAINE (en Vers) Important and valuable Manuscript on vellum {10 by 46 7^ inches), very distinctly loritten in double columns, blue morocco, gilt edges, by De Rome folio. S.EC. XIV — XV *^* In manuscripts of the Pelerinage only, can the genuine text of the Poet be found, as Pierre Virgin, the Monk of Clairvaux, before printing took the liberty of revising, altering and even adding verses of his own. This copy originally belonged to Robert Gueteville, Conseiller au Parlement de Paris, from 1414 to 1427. 286 GUILLEVILLE (GUILLAUME DE) PELERINAGE DE VIE HUMAINE (en Vers) Beautiful Manuscript on velluim (14 by \0\ inches), dated 1457, written by J. Frommentln, who for his reward asks, "Detur pro pena scriptori pulchra puella," decorated with 281 ELEGANT Miniatures and numerous Capital Letters in gold and colours, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian, folio. S^EC. XV *^* This splendid Manuscript of a work, which is said to have suggested to Bunyan his Pilgrim's Progress, appears to have been executed for " Loys Mastel Chevalier Seigneur d'Angie- ville Conseillier et Chamberlain de Monsieur le Due de Nevers." 287 Haeimyliani (Quintii) Carmina Manuscript on vellum {1\ by 4| inches), with Intitulations in letters of gold and arms of Hicronymo Vcndramini finely emblazoned, citron morocco, leather joints Svo. S-EC. XV 288 HAGGADAH of the Easter Festival, in Hebrew ito. Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6^ indies), ornamented with curious Paintings, rough calf Sjec. XV 289 Hale (Sir M.) Originall Institution and Power of Parlia- ments Manuscript (12^ by 8 inches) folio. xvii— xviii 290 Halitgarii Pcenitentiale. Accedunt Collectio principalium Vicionum et Liber Cherubim sex Alis Manuscript on vellum (8 by 4| inches), very distinctly written 8vo. S.EC. XI 291 HAWES (ROBERT) HISTORY OF FRMILINGHAM AND IVES-HUNDRED IN SUFFOLK The original Manuscript (12 by 7| inches), beautifully written and wruimented ivith 153 coats of arms emblazoned in tJwir proper colours, 44 Drawings of Castles, Churches, Seats, Costume, Antiqui- ties, Seals, i&c. in Indian Ink and Colours, and with 50 engraved portraits, dated Frainlingham, 1712, but with additions bringing the work dowm to 1731, roxigh calf folio. S/EC. xvii *^* On the fly-leaves are " Extracts of divers old Wills communi- cated to me by my worthy friend Mr. Commissary Tanner." 47 292 HEEBARIO. A Collection of 191 Flowering Plants Beautifully painted on ^^:LLL^^I in vivid colours by an Italian artist (11 1 by 8^ inches), red morocco, gilt edges, tcith Sagredi arms in gold on sides 4:to. xvii 293 Hericurtii (C. Laudunensis Ecclesiae Decani) de Sacro Jesu Christi Triumpho habito Lauduni adversus Dsemonem Mulierculse Corpus agitantem compendiosa Historia Manuscript on vellum, u-ith vanous Documents in Proof at end (11 1 by 7f incites), prepared for piMication, with Dedication to Pius V signed "Lauduni 14 Calendis Aprilis Anno 1569," with 3 complimentary Odes of C. Pioillet, but never printed, half red morocco folio. Laon, 1569 294 HEEODOTO tradotto per M. M. Boiardo Conte di Scandiano Manuscript on paper (12 5?/ 8 inches), u-ith Initial Letter and beautiful Border containing arms finely painted and heightened with gold, old brown morocco folio. S^c. xvi (1505) *^* This Manuscript was transcribed from the original by Domenico Gaza in 1505. 295 HEURES A L'USAGE D'ANGERS, avec Calendrier, Superb Manuscript on vellum (8f by 6 inches), decorated with 392 floriated Borders and ornamented with 38 beautiful Miniatures (including the four Evangelists and exquisite full- length representations of the twelve Apostles in historiated Borders)^ 24 small Paintings of Signs of the Zodiac and Occupations of the Months, and numerous Cap)it(d Letters all gorgeously illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, icith Soubise Devices in gold on sides and back, in red morocco case, lettered "Les 12 Apotres de Durfe MS." Uo. S^c. xv *^* The following note is written on fly-leaf : " Ce superbe Manu- scrit le plus beau de la Bib. Soubise provient de la Bib. de Durfe. Ce fut I'Abb^ Des Escort qui le procura au Cardinal de Soubise sous la Minorite du Marquis Du Chatelet. II couta trente louis a ce prelat qui en faisoit le plus grand cas et I'avoit fait relier a ses armes. Dupuy." 296 HIEROCLES. Erodes in Versus Pytagore aureos appellatos Commentarii (J. Aurispa Interprete) IManuscript (7| by 5f inches) 4:to. S^c. xv 297 HIEROXYMI (DIVI) EPISTOL^ Beautiful Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe (11^ by 7| inches), decorated with a siagnificent full-page Painting in colours, Grisaille and gold, in a superb Border, in ichich the Mocenigo Arms are introduced, by Marco Attavanti, and 108 r 48 Initial Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges folio. Sjec. XV *^* On a fly-leaf prefixed is an autograph Poem of 34 lines in Hexameters and Pentameters intituled "Valerii Superchi Carmen ad Frauciscum Cornelium." 298 HiERONYMi (Eusebii) contra Jovianoi Libri II, Apologeticus et Vita Beatae Paulse. Accedit Aurelius Augustinus de vera Eeligione Manuscript on vellum (8f hy Q^ inches), Initials finely illumi^ nated in gold and colours, calf, with arms of the Comte de ChastiUon in gold on sides Ato. Sjec. xv 299 HIERONYMI (S.) BREVIAEIUS IN PSALMOS. Accedunt Anselmi Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi Cur Deus Homo aliaque Opuscula ; et S. Ambrosii Liber de Bono Mortis, Pastorale contra Symoniacos, &c. Manuscript on velll^ji (11 by 6| inches), line morocco super extra, broad dentelle Borders, tooled leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Leivis folio. xii 300 HIERONYMI (S.) EPISTOL^ Manuscript on velll':m, by an Italian scribe (10| by 7 inches) icith Initial Letter, Border and arms of the Venetian family of Bon, to ichose ancestor, whilst Ambassador in France, 2cas granted the privilege of bearing three fieurs-dc-lis in gold, old red morocco folio. S^C. XV 301 HIERONYMI (SANCTI) EPISTOL^. Accedunt Rabi Samuelis Ysmaelitse Epistola3 ; Disputatio cum Jud^is ; Sibillarum de Christo Vaticinia ; &c. Manuscript on vellum, by an Italian scribe (lOi by 7i inches) with Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco, leather joints, by C. Meyer folio. XV 302 Hieronymi (S.) Vitas Patrum. Incommiucia il secundo Libre de Vita Patrum Manuscript on vellum (11 by ^ inches), with Bordered Initial (historiated with portrait of the Saint), illuminated in gold and colours folio. S^EC, XV 303 HIERONIMO. Vita di San Jeronimo Manuscript (8| by 6 inches) ito. xv 304 HINDOO ALBUM 4to. Manuscript (11 by 8 inches), containing 112 crquisitcly finished Draunngs, ininvid colours heightened trith gold, by Oriental Artists, of Butterflies, Birds, Portraits of Indian Princes and Princesses, Ameers, &c. and Specimens of Persian caligrajyhy mounted on cardboard with floriated borders and sjn-inklcd with gold, Oriental red morocco, decorated with gold tooling SJEC. will 49 305 HINDOO DRAWINGS. A Collection of 30 beautiful Designs (12 hy 9 inches), representing the Hindoo " Raginis " or Symbols of Music with their Names in Persian Characters, finished in the best style of Oriental Art in vivid colours heightened with gold, mounted on cardboard decorated with elegant floriated Borders, Oriental black morocco, with gold tooling Uo. S.EC. X\ail 306 HINDOO DKAWINGS, TUSVERAN, a Series of Hindoo Albums containing upwards of 200 Dra^vings by Native artists beautifully executed in gold and colours, representing subjects of Hindu Life and Mythology, the " Raginis " or Hindoo Symbols of Music, Females in various Attitudes, Portraits of Princes and Ameers, &c. with a few European Engravings neatly mounted on cardboard richly ornamented and sprinkled with gold and silver leaves. Each Volume contains a number of Specimens of Caligraphy written in Persian or Arabic by celebrated Penmen, 8 vol. folio {li bij 10 inches), in Oriented ornamented bindings S^C. XVII & XVIII 307 HiPOCRATis AD Meccenatem Epistola. Accedunt Epistola Antonii Musse ad Agrippam de Herba Betonica; Apuleii Herbarium ; Regis ^gyptiorum Epistola ad Augustum de Melle bestiolo; et Liber Medicinae Sexti Papiriensis ex Animalibus et ex Herbis Manuscript on vellum (5^ by 4f inches), icith name of scribe and date, "Michael Crancri de Sinfredo 14 Feb. 1466," reUuni Uo. S.EC. XV (1466) 308 HISTOIRE DU MONDE Manuscript on vellum (14| by 10^ inches), ornamented ivith 63 bordered Initials historiated with Miniatures, and 410 Capital Letters, all finely illuminated en grisaille, gold and colours, brown mwocco super extra, blind tooled, gilt edges, by C. Lewis folio. S^c. xiv-xv *^* This volume commences " Coument Herodes Antipas fist coper le chief Saint Jehan Baptiste et la souffrance nostre Segnour," and then proceeds to describe the Kingdoms of the Goths, Huns, Osti^egoths, Vandals, Bretaigne, King Arthur and his Successors, William the Conqueror and his Successors, the later Roman Empire, Charlemagne and Successors, Em- perors of Germany, Kings of France, the Crusades, Mahomet, Pope Gerbert, Counts of Flanders ; Accounts of Richard sans Peur, Robert the Devil, William the Conqueror ; of the Families of Coucy, Courtenay, &c. This Manuscript appears to have been executed for Ryneck Le Anine. 309 HOMILIARIUM Manuscript on vellum (7J by 5^ indies) ito. S^c. xiv 50 310 HOMILLE S. HiERONYMi, Venerabilis Bedae, S. Johannis Chrysos- tomi, S. Augustini, S. Grcgorii Magni, et S, Benedict! Manuscript on vellum (18^ by \2 inches) folio. SiEC. xi 311 HOR^ BEAT^ MAEI^E VIRGINIS, secundum Usum Ro- manum, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (5^ by 3| inches), ornamented uith 14 MINLA.TURES surwiinded by 14 of the 37 floriated Borders com- of flowers, leaves and fruit, 36 Initials ^minted on a gold (8 decorated ivith the Arms of Britanny ami Scotland), and nearly 1700 Capitals and innumerable decorations to fill up vacant spaces, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, executed for Isabeau, Daughter of James I of Scotland and Duchess of Britanny by her marriage icith the Duke Francis I, on 30 October, 1442 {see long jjrinted account of this valuable MS. prefixed), old calf, with Ren6 on obverse and Millon on reverse of cover, in letters of gold, in a black morocco case, lettered " Heures d'Isabeau d'Ecosse" 8w. S^c. XV (1440-42) *^* This Manuscript must have been commenced in 1440, as in the Calendar Easter Sunday is set down as falling on 27 March, and as it did not fall again on that day until 1502, was finished probably in the year of the Marriage of the Duchess Isabeau, who died in 1494. The Arms must have been filled in after the marriage, and probably also the Miniatures. The first miniature represents the Duchess Isabeau on her knees praying, with St. Francis sustaining her and presenting to her a cross (intended doubtless as an allegorical figure of Duke Francis, her husband), her robe bipartcd with Arms of Britanny and Scotland, which are often repeated throughout the volume. The other Paintings represent the Angelical Salutation, the Visitation, Christ crucified, Descent of the Holy Ghost, the Nativity, Announcement to the Shepherds, Adoration of the Magi, Circumcision, Flight into Egypt, the Reception of the Virgin in Heaven, the Resurrection, the Funeral Service and Jesus in the Garden of Olives. The Rubrics are nearly all in French, and the seven last leaves are filled with a French Treatise, " EnseignenuMit pour les Pucelles et pour aultres." Between the Otlice for the Dead and Hours of the Angels the scribe had left 7 pages blank, which are filled up with Prayers to Christ in the AUT0Glt(U»H OF tue Duchess Isabeau herself. 312 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, in Usum Romauum, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (G by 4 i7ichcs), very distinctly ^rritlcn within floriated Borders, in which arc introduced the C. M. and M. C. of the Morel family, and decorated in the Calendar with 24 Miniatures of the Signs of the Zodiac and Occupatio7is of the Month, 42 other Miniatures in the ivork itself, and nutncrous 51 Capital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, S^EC. XV — Jamet {Lyon, Secretaire de Renee de France, Duchesse de Ferrare et Ami de Clement Marof) La Gloire de la Mere de Dieu, Eondeau, MS. on vellum, with 3 Etchings by Eisen added, 1546 — Quentin (Jehan) Examen de Conscience, PRINTED ON VELLL^i, in blac& letter, with elegant woodciit, EXTREMELY RARE. Paris, s. d. (1499), calf gilt in I vol. 8vo. 313 HOE^ BEAT^ MAEI^ VIEGIXIS SECUNDUM USUM ECCLESI.E PAEISIENSIS, cum Calendario Manuscript on velll^m (8^ by of inches), finely ornamented with Signs of tJie Zodiac and tlie Occupations of the Mordhs, 32 MiNiA- TLTIES (18 large and 14 small), tJie first representing a Tree icith Birds, against which is affixed a Shield uith the Arms of France, and below a Greyhoxind and Ha/res, 214 very curious and droll Borders composed of Architectural Designs, tJie Fleur-de-lis, 3fan- Jceys playing on instruments, riding, and in various attitudes. Birds (including Peacock, Swans, Cocks fighting, &c.). Sporting Siibjecfs, Boars, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Mice, Frogs, Reptiles, Insects, Trees, Flowers, Fruit and ludicrous Crotesques, and 1341 Capitals finely illuminated in gold and colours, calf covered with interlaced A A of the Due de Lorraine in gold on sides ito. S^C. XV 314 HOE^ BEAT^ JMAEIyE VIEGIXIS cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on yelll^^i (9^ by 7 inches), profusely ornamented by a French Artist with 408 elegant fioriated Borders generally historiated with Signs of the Zodiac, Occupations of tlie Months, Rural Sports, Monks striking Bells, Wolves in Monks' Clothing, Bishops, Monks and Nuns, Angels, Pilgrims, Knights in Armour {including St. George and Dragon), Qiuidrupeds {including Unicorn, Camel, Stag, Lion, Fox running away tcith a Fowl, Bears playing musical Lnstruments, Donkeys driven by a Boy and dancing to a Boy beating tlie drum. Horse with Boy riding, &c.). Mermaid, Men catching Bidferfiies or playing on musical Instruments, Birds (including Ostrich, Peacock, Eagle devouring Hare, Stork, Cocks fighting, dr.). Monstrosities and Nondescripts, and tvith 1855 Capital Letters, and 29 elegant Miniaiures, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, a beautiful Specimen of the binding of Pierre Roffet dit Le Faucheux, in olive morocco, gilt gaufri edges, covered with gold tooling and variegated leathers scrolled in the G-rolier style, with Arms of the Due de Guise stamped in gold forming the centre ornaments on sides, in a calf case ito. Sjeg. XV 315 HOE.E BEAT^ MAEI^ VIEGIXIS, secundum Usum Eo- manum, cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (4 by 1\ inches), by a French 52 scrile, exquisitely wnaiiunttd loith 91 elegant Borders composed of Flowers, Shells, Insects, Birds, interlaced icitli H. M. and H. H. Arms of Owner, &c., 27 large and 48 small Miniatures, and numerous Capital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, red velvet, gilt edges, tvith chased gilt silver clasp l27no. Sjec. XV *^* The Miniatures of this beautiful volume are of a very un- common and superior character to those usually used in decoration, see particularly the Almighty supporting the crucified Body of Christ, the Funeral Procession, the Pro- cession of All Saints headed by the Pope, Christ bearing His Cross, the Entombment, Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, David and Goliath, Bride and Bridegroom pursued by Deaths, Virgin and Child (on back of which is written " J'A Tort seutfre A Swartzeberch "), &c. 316 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, secundum Usum Ro- manum, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (5| by 4 inches), the Calendar ornamented ivith 12 elegant Miniatures, shoiving the Occupation of the Month with a small representation of the Sign of the Zodiac painted in the sky of each, and 12 Paintings of Birds (inchiding Peacock), Insects, &c. The Horce are decorated tvith 27 elegant Borders composed of Flowers, Quadrupeds, Frog, Birds {including Peacock), Insects, Gold and Silver Coins, the Letters G A, Arms of Owner, Portrait of Widow praying, &c. numerous Capitals {many tvith elegantly floriated Borders), and 25 superb Miniatures (8 full page and 17 small), all richly illuminated in gold and colotirs by a Dutch Artist of no mean skill as an Illuminator, old red morocco, gold tooling, gilt edges, from Dr. Clumncy's Collection, 8vo. Sjec. XV *^* The Rubrics are in Dutch. 317 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (7 by 4| inches), omammtcd, with 2 full- page Coats of Arms finely emblazoned, ivith 12 beautiful Borders to the Calendar representing the Signs of the Zodkic aud Occupations of the Months, painted by a Flemish artist, Jwightencd with gold. The volume is also decorated ivith 6 singular Paintings of Turrets, having different views as backgrounds, with a Prisoner looking through the Bars, each having inscribed on gold grounds, " Pro- batio," — " Patientia," — " Tribulatio," — " Hie latet invisum Spes," with Inscription on side on scroll, " Nudus voni Dubius vixi Anxius morior Nescio quo vado Ens entium Miseroro Mei," with \0 Initial Letters and nmneroits Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, old French red morocco, gilt edges, Svo. S.-EC. XV *^* On the tly-leaves are rocordetl Deaths iu the Lalemaut Euniiiy from 1494 to 1548. 53 318 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIEGINIS, cum Calendario Manuscript ox velloi (5f % 4 inches), hy a French scribe, ornamented ivith ^ full-page Paintings, 16 Miniatures, 24 Illus- trations of the Signs of the Zodiac and Monthhj Occupations, 280 Borders [composed of Birds, Insects, Floicers, Fruit and Gro- tesques), numerous Capital Letters and other Ornamentations, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, old purple velvet, gilt edges 8vo. SiEC. XV 319 HOE^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIEGmiS, in Usum Eomanum, cum Calendario Manuscript on \t:llum (6 by 4^ inches), extensively decwated icith 39 beautiful Miniatures, 326 exquisite Borders (20 orna- mented with ELEGANT PAINTINGS, tJie oflurs being floriated), and numerous Capital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, by a Belgian Artist, very precious on account of the Deline- tion of Costumes, blue morocco extra, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Derome le Jeune, ivith Ms ticket, from tlie MacCarthy Collection 8ro. '&JEC. XV 320 HOE^ BEAT^ MAEI^ VIEGIXIS, secundum Usum Eo- manse Ecclesise, cum Calendario Beautiful IVIanuscript on vellum (6 J by 4^ inches), gorgeously decorated tcith 24 Paintings of the Signs of the Zodiac and Occu- pations of the Months, and 310 elegant Borders composed of Floicers, Fruit, Birds, Insects, Monkeys, Bears and Foxes, finely illuminated in gold and colours, and richly ornamented with 35 Miniatures painted in brilliant colours by a Flemish artist, heightened iicith gold, old red morocco, gilt edges, from Consid Smith's Library 8vo. S.-ec. xv 321 HOE^ BEAT^ MAEI^ VIEGINIS, in Usum Eomanum, Bealtiful Manuscript on \txlum (7f by 5 inches), gorgeously ornamented with 152 beautiful Borders composed of Flowers, Fruit, Birds {including Peacock), Nondescripts, dr. in brilliant colours heightened tcith gold, and decorated with 103 elegant Miniatures exquisitely finished in gold and colours in a very unusual style, brown morocco, gilt edges, ivith silver clasps 8vo. S.EC. XV 322 HOE^ BEAT^ MAEI^ VIEGINIS, cum Calendario IManuscript on VELLUM (8 by 5J inches), beautifully tcritten by a French scribe, icithin ftmiated Borders, and ornamented tcith 20 Miniatures, numerous Capital Letters and other Becm-ations, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, silk, gilt edges ito. Smc. XV 54 323 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, secundum Usura Curije Romance, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (3| hj 2| inches), (yrnamented u-ith 6 Miniatures, 12 flmiated Bwders, and numerous Capitals illumi- nated in gold and colours, bou/nd in silk l2mo. Sjec. xv 324 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, ad Usum Ecclesia Parisiensis, cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on vellum by a French scribe (6| by 4^ inches), superhly illuminated with Calendar containing 24 small Miniatures representing the Signs of the Zodiac and Occupations of the Months, 33 exquisite Paintings, 378 Borders composed of Floivers, Fruit, Birds and Nondescripts, numerous capital letters and other ornamentations, finely illuminated in gold and colours, wooden boards covered in silk, gilt edges 8vo. Sjec. XV 325 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, in Usum Romanum, cum Calendario. Accedunt Officium Passionis, Officium Crucis, Septem Psalmi penitentiales, &c. Manuscript on vellum (5| by 3f inches), vith the name of the scribe, " Hunc libellum scripsit Frater Johannes Antonius de Novaria," finely ornamented tcith Signs of the Zodiac, with 4 Borders and 15 Initial Letters {all beautifully historiated), and with Rubrics and Capitals in Letters of gold, blue morocco, gilt edges small Sro. XV 326 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, secundum Usum Ro- manum, cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (5^ by 3§ inches), written by a first rate Caligrapher, xcithin golden lines, and ornamented with 19 exquisite Miniatures by a French artist, 32 elegant Borders, 213 floriated Initials, and numerous Capitals, all very tastefully in gold and colours for a Member of the Royal Family of France, red morocco, gilt edges, in a case stamped with Arms of France Svo. S.EC. XV 327 HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS, in Usum Romanum, cum Calendario Fine Manuscript on vellum (3^ by 5| inches), ornamental u-ith 13 beautiful Miniatures, 17 Borders (10 historiated), and 1206 Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, by a French artist, old morocco, richly decorated with minute gold tooling and variegated leathers, in the style of Grolier, by N. Ere small Svo. S.EC. XV 328 HOR/E BEAT.Ti: MARTyI<: VIRGINIS, cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (7^ by 5 inches), ornamented with 24 small Miniatures for Calendar, and 27 large in the work 55 itself, and richly decorated with 28 Borders {composed of Flowers, Fruit, Quadrupeds, Birds, Nondescripts, dc), and numerous Capitals all finely illuminated in gold and colours by a French artist, red velvet, gilt gaufre edges 8vo. S.EC. xv *^* At the end, in a later handwriting, are various Prayers in French. 329 HOR^ BEATISSIM^ VIRGINIS IMARLE, secundum Usum Eomanee Ecclesise, cum Calendario Exquisitely beautiful Manuscript on vellum, by an Italian scribe, measuring only \\by\^ inches, decorated with 21 elegant Miniatures and 720 Capital Letters, all fi,nely illuminated in gold and colours, expensively encased in a pierced gold cover, ivith clasps, ornamented with 27 real Diamonds, in a bag embroidered in gold and silk, with gold lace strings and tassels 64?/io. S^C. XV- XVI 330 HOR^ BEATISSIM^ VIRGINIS, secundum Consuetudinem Romanae Curiae, cum Litaniis, SymboUs et Orationibus, Graece Manuscript on vellum (5| by 3f inches), a Beautiful Specimen of Caligraphy, ornamented tcifh 5 exquisite Miniatures, painted in brilliant colours and en Grisaille, Coats of Arms and numerous Capital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, blue moi-occo super extra, tooled leather joints, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune, in vellum case 8vo. S^C. xvi, circa 1540 *^* This beautiful Manuscript was the gift of R. Donguyes to his Brother in Law, Francis Patye who, on a scroll has inscribed \n Letters of Gold, Sic FuiT IN Fatis F. P. On the fly-leaves are Memoranda of the Marriage of Josyne Sterk and Roger Pathie, and of the Births of their Children. 331 HOR^ GLORIOS^ VIRGINIS MARI^, secundum Consue- tudinem Ecclesiae Romanae Manuscript on vellum (6| by 3f inches), exquisitely uritten in Italic Letters and beaidifidly decorated with innumerable Capitals (166 of tchich are floriated), and other ornamentations, illuminated in gold and colours, and also ornamented loith 14 superb Minia- tures, icithin ELEGANT Borders composed of Birds, Insects, Flowers, Fruit, Vases, Medals, Instruments of the Passion, Por- traits of Saints, &c. painted in finest style of French art, olive morocco, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clovis Eve, Svo. S^c. xvi 332 HORATII CARMINA Fine Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6 inches), by an Italian Scribe, with Border and Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, calf, gilt edges ito. Sjec. xv *^* On the fly-leaf is written " Pretium hujus libri est ducatorum sex auri ad minus." 56 333 HORATII CARMINA Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5 inches), by an Italian Scribe, calf 8vo. S/EC. XV 334 HORATII CARMINA Superb Manuscript on vellum (16 by 10 inches), by an Italian Scribe for Ferdinand I of Naples, exquisitely ornamented with an Initial Letter in gold, representing the Three Graces, and a BEAUTIFUL BoRDER illuminated in tJie finest style of Italian art by M. Attavanti, Miniator di Leone X, in which the Arms of Ferdinand I are twice inserted, and also profusely decorated with 9 other Borders, 10 large Initials (3 historiated with Putti), and 160 Capitals, finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, leather joints, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by Stagge- meicr folio. S.EC. xv *^* In this splendid Manuscript all the Intitulations and every alternate Letter at commencement of each line are in letters of gold. 335 HUGUTIONIS (sive Hugonis de Vercellis) DERIVATIOXES BOLONIENSES Manuscript on vellum (8i ly Q>\ inches), velvet ito. xiv 336 HUMAYUN N AIM AH, a Turkish Version of the Kalila-wa Dimna, or Fables of Pilpay Fine Manuscript (10 by 6 inches), written icithin gold lines and ornamented with Amvan, illuminated in gold and colours. Oriental binding with gold tooling Ato. S/EC. XVI 337 HUON. LE ROMAN DU LOYAL COMTE HUON (en Vers) Splendid Manuscript on vellum (15 by 10| inches), icritten in 2 columns and ornamented with 76 curious Paintings illustrating the Romance, heightened unth gold and silver, velhim, fol. S/EC. xiv *^* Manuscripts of the Romance of Huon are of extraordinary rarity. The following is the Colophon of the present — Por la deugrace et dou ber sainct martin De scrivro mons cist Hvrc treit afin Mille.ccc.xl. coruit / los ans dou sir duun En un mart di on lore de matin Ce fut del mois d(^ julli / trctot sans nul tiniii Que comencee fu loure / alonor sainct augustin In mille.ccc.xlj. / fu complie toto la fin En un sal>adi / (pie i)aruit le ior serin Et fu del mf)is daurillc / que ilori fut li jardin Nicolaus trombaor / fuic au mastre la franchiu Fut la .scripture / etot Ic iston-s auiin Cel cpie dcu rofoille / gant ucnra pres do la fm En son saint-regne. ochante le kerubin Amen. Am. Amen. 57 338 HYGINI POETICON ASTRONOMICON et Macrobius in Som- nium Scipionis Manuscript on vellum, hj an Italian Scribe {\l hy 1\ inches), ornamented ivitli elegant Border and 46 Initial Letters, finely illu- minated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, gilt edges folio. S^c. XIV 339 HYMNI ECCLESI^, Grsece Manuscript (6 hj 4 inches), calf 8vo. 8mc. xv 340 HYSTOIRE DE TROYE LA GRANT (Roman de Chevalerie ^en Prose) Manuscript on vellum (13^ by 9 inches), by a French Scribe, with Initial Letter illuminated in gold and colours, containing Arms of Owner {Band dividing 6 Scollop Shells OR on a field gules) folio. SiEC. XV %* This Manuscript has apparently been prepared for Miniatures, vacant spaces being left to paint them. 341 HYSTOIRES DE CEULX QUI REGNOIENT APRES LE DELUGE. At end Expliciunt Historise Imperatorum scrip tse per Johannem Fabri Manuscript on vellum {12 by 8^ inches), with Arms of Claude d'Urfd emblazoned in silver and colours, ivithin a shield of gold, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome folio. S^C. xv 342 Innocentius III de Expositione Miss^ Manuscript on vellum {6 by i indies) 8vo. Sjec. xiii 343 Insha, or Complete Letter-Writer, in Turkish Manuscript (8^ by 5^ inches), icritten in a fine D'licdnl hand with gold-sprinkled ink oblong ito. SJEC. XVII 344 Insha, or Models of Epistolary Composition, in Turkish Manuscript (9f % 6^ inches), written in the Kirma, Dlwdnl and Ahiskhi characters. Oriental binding Ato. S^C. XVIII 345 IVONIS EPISCOPI CARNOTENSIS EXCERPTA Manuscript on vellum (10 by 6 inches), half calf small folio. S^C. Xiv 346 Jala'l-ud-Deen Rumi, the Mathnawi, in Persian with marginal Notes Manuscript, finely written loithin lines of gold and ornamented with 6 Amvans, illuminated in gold and colours, Oriental binding with gold tooling small folio (11 by 7 inches). SiEC. XVii 347 Jala'l-ud-Deen Rumi. Another copy of the Mathnawi, with Notes Manuscript (13^ by 8\ inches), written within golden lines and with illuminated Anwans, half russia folio. Sjec. xvii 58 348 JACOPONE DA TODI (Beato), LAUDE (Cantici) Manuscript (8| hy 6 inches), very distinctly uritten, calf ito. Sjec. XV *^* These Hymns are highly esteemed in Italy, and according to Haym " La Lingua ItaUana non ha Poesie, ne piii gagliarde, ne piu efficaci di queste a sgridare i vizj, e a infiammare alia virtii. Sono piene di Vocabli Todiiii, Calabresi, Siciliani, Napolitani." Manuscripts of these Laude are very rare, espe- cially those like the present containing the Stabat Mater. Hsenel quotes none, and, exclusive of some Fragments, Mar- sand could find only two perfect copies in all the Libraries of Paris. The Author, although after his death canonized as a Saint, "was for severe censures against the Pope for many years in prison, and one of his most celebrated Laude relates the hardships of his prison life. As a specimen of the value of this MS. and the various readings it contains when com- pared with the Venetian edition of 1617, that quoted by the Crusca Academy, we give the commencement of that famous Poem — IVLvNUSCRiPT (folio 81). Que fai frate Jacopone Tu sei venuto al paragone I fui al monte pellestrina Anno e mezo in disciplina Quive pigliai la mala lina Unde agio questa presone. Prebendato in chorte de Eoma Tale nho rechata soma Omne mia fama sa foma Tal nhagio maledictione. Or vedete al prebendato El chapuzo me mozato Imperpetuo carcerato Incathenato como leone La prebende che me data He una Casa soterrata Aresce cum una privata Che non fu fraga de moscone, &c. Printed Edition Q). 61). Che farai fra Jacopone Ch'or se' giunto al paragone 1 Fui al Monte Pelestrina Anno e mezo in discipUna : Pigliai quivi la malina Onde n'haggio esta prigione Prebendato in corte Roma Questa m'ho recuta soma ; Ogni fama mia s'affuma, Tal nio haggio, maledezione. Or vedete il prebendato Chel cupuccio m'6 mozato In perpetuo carcerato Catenato qual leone La prigione die m'6 data, Una casa sotterata Vi riesce una pravata Che non fraga de moscone, &c. FOUETH DAY'S SALE SIZES MIXED. CQUES DE COSSOLES, LE JEU DES ESCHES applique et tournd aux bonnes Meurs des Personnes translate de Latin en Francois par Jelian Ferron de rOrdre des Freres Presclieurs pour noble Homme Bertrand Aubert de Tarascon. Le Livre de bonnes Meurs. Senecque des Ke:medes contre les Maulz de Fortune, translate de Latin en Francois par Jacques Bauchant Fine Manuscript on vellum (11^ hy Scinches), ornamented icith 3 Miniatures and 3 bordered Initial Letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Padeloup folio. Sjec. XV 350 JAKRY (N.) LIVEE D'EMBLEMES jManuscript on pure ^TILLUM (9 hy 6| inches), exquisitely xcritten within golden lines and decorated with 30 Drawings of Emblems in Indian Ink, Intitulations and Capitals in gold, &c. red morocco, dentelle borders, g. e. by Derome ito. xvii (circa 1650) 351 JAERY (XICOLAI) PEECES CHRISTIANS CUM PAEVO OFFICIO BEATS YIEGINIS MAEIS Manuscript on vellum (5 by 3 inches), exquisitely ivritten, vAth Intitidations in gold by this famous Caligrapher, and ornamented with a titlepage within a garland of beautifully painted flowers and vignettes, red morocco super extra, double icith red leather and covered inside and out icith gold tooling (d, petits fers) by Le Gascon, a fine specimen of his bibliopegistic skill l2mo. Nic. Jarry, Paris scrihebat, M.DC.LII *^* This manuscript sold for 1210 francs in the MacCarthy sale. 352 JAERY (N.) LES SEPT OFFICES POUE LA SEMAINE Beautiful Manuscript on pure vellum (4| by 2| inches), within lines of gold, an exquisite specimen of Jarry's Caligraphy, 60 decorated loith painted Flowers and Letters of gold, sealskin with silver-gilt clasps Xlmo. Paris, 1663 *^* This splendid Manuscript sold for 800 francs in D'Han- gard's sale. 353 JOHANNA FERNAXDI IIYSPAXL^ REGIS FILLE ET PHILIPPI ARCHIDUCLS AUSTRLF: COXJUGIS OC- CURSUS IN BRUXELLARUM OPPIDUM quinto Ydus Decembris mccccxcvi. Entree de la Reine Jeanne dans la Ville de Bruxelles Manuscript (14 hy 10 inches), illustrated with 60 curious Drawings in water-colotirs {including frontispiece and leaves filled with 42 Coats of Arms), calf extra, g. e. hy C. Lewis folio. 1496 354 JOHANXES CHRYSOSTOMUS (S.) DE SACERDOTIS ET CONTRA JUD^OS, Grajce Manuscript on vellum (10^ hj 7 indies), a few leaves at end damaged, oak hoards, covered with calf folio. S-EC. xii 355 JOANNIS CHRYSOSTOMI (SANCTI) ORATIONES IN EPISTOLAM ad HEBR^OS, Greece Manuscript on vellum {\^\hj 9f indies), calf fol. xiii 356 Johannis Chrysostomi (S.) Adversus Vituperatores Yitje. Monastics Libri tres translati per Ambrogium Monacum Camaldulensem in Latinum Manuscript on vellum (7| hy 5^ imlm), with 5 //(///((/ Letters illuminated in gold and colours, stamped Medicean binding 4:t0. S-EC. XV 357 JOHANNIS CRISOSTOMI (S.) LIBER DE REPARACIONE LAPSI ; Liber quod nemo potest ledi al) alio nisi a semetipso ; et Libri II de Compunctione Manuscript on vellum withjMinted Capitals (Sh hy 6 inches) 4to. S.EC. XIV 358 JOHANNIS CRISOSTOMI (BEATI) EXPOSITIO super Epis- tolas Beati Pauli Apostoli per Ambrosiura Monachum Camal- dulensem ex Gra3co in Latinum traducta Manuscript on vellum (13^9 inches), by an Italian Scribe, ornamented ivith Initial Letters and elegant Border containing Arms of Mocenigo, finely illuminated in gold and colours, old brown mwocco folio. S.EC. XV 359 JOSEPIII (FLAVII) ANTIQUITATES JUDAIC^ Manuscuipt on vellum (14J hy 10^ inches), with elegantly painted Initial Letters, russia folio. S/EC. XIV 360 JOSEPIII lllSTORIARUM EXPLICATIO Manuscript on vellum (9f by 7^ inches) ito. xv 61 361 JOSEPHI (FLAVII) ANTIQUITATES JUDAIC^ ET DE BELLO JUDAICO LIBRI, Latine Manuscript on vellum (17| hy 13 inches), ornamented xoith 4 Borders containing 27 small Miniatures, 1 Border of G-rotesqiies, 24 heaidiful Initial Letters {2^ finely historiated with figures and 10 with herders), illuminated in gold and colours, and numerous painted Capitals, calf, blind tooled, tcith leather joints folio. 8jec. XIV *^* From the Carthusian Monastery of the Holy Trinity, near Dijon. 362 JosEPHi (Flavii) Histoeia Belli Judaici Manuscript on vellum {li^ by 10^ inches), ivith vacant spaces left for illuminations, calf folio. Sjec. XV 363 JUDAS MACHABEUS, Eoman de Chevalerie (en Vers) Manuscript (9f by 6f inches), ornamented icith Montmorency Arms, 23 Miniatures executed in the Nwrnan style en grisaille and colours on gold grounds, and 542 Capitals illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, hy Derome, icith Arms of the Duke of Roxburghe in gold on sides Uo. S^c. XIV 364 JUSTINIANI IMPERATORIS DIGESTORUM SEU PAN- DECTARUM juris CIVILIS LIBRI L, cum Com- mentario Manuscript on \t:llum {\1\by W inches), uritten by an Anglo- Norman Scribe, and ornamented with 25 Bordered Miniatures and 151 Initial Letters (45 historiated with portraits), illuminated in gold and colours, old red morocco, with Ducal Arms in gold on sides folio. SiEC. Xll 365 JUSTINIANI IMPERATORIS DIGESTUM INFORTIATUM CUM GLOSSA Manuscript on velltbi (16| by 10^ inches), uritten by an Anglo- Norman Scribe and ornamented with 15 Miniatures aud 15 histo- riated Capitals illuminated in gold and colours, old red morocco, with Ducal Arms in gold on sides folio. Smc. Xll 366 JusTiNi, Abhreviatoris Trogi Pompeii, Epitome Historiarum Manuscript (11 by 8| inches), imperfect at end folio. S^C. XV *^* Important for a new edition as it offers several valuable various readings. 367 JusTiNO Hystoriographo translato in vulgare (per Girolamo Squarciafico) Manuscript (12^ by 9 inches), ornamented tcith elegant Border, Arms {chevron AZURE between 3 lion-heads SABLE on a field OR) and 43 Capital Letters, all beautifidly ilkiminated in gold and colours, calf folio. S^c. xv 62 368 JuvENALis Satyrs cum Glossis Manuscript (8|%5| indies), loritten per me Johannem Antonium de Castaliis Anno 1474 die 4 Januarii, rough calf ito. Sjec. XV (1474) 369 JirV'ENALIS SATIRiE Manuscript, dated 1477 (8^ by 5^ indies), calf Uo. S^c. XV (1477) 370 JUVEN.VLIS SATYR.E cum Glossis et Commentario Manuscript on vellum (9 hy 6^ indies), veUiim, ito. xiv 371 JUVENALIS SATYRS: HOEATII POETICA: ET OVIDIUS DE PONTO, cum Glossis & Commentariis Manuscript on vellum (8 hy 5 indies), green morocco, bevelled edges, leather joints, ornamented with blind tooling, ito. S.EC. xrv 372 JuvENALis Satyrs Manuscript (8| by 5| inches), hy an Italian Scribe, rough calf Mo. S.^c. XV 373 JuvENALis Satire Manuscript on paper hy an Italian Scribe (11^^^ 7| indies), with Initial Letter and Border with Arms of Cardinal Bembo {Clucron between 3 Roses or on afield azure) in gold and colours, old brown morocco folio. S.^C. xv 374 JuvENALis Satyrs Manuscript on vellum by an Italian Scribe (8§ by 5^ inches), . ivith illuminated Initial Uo. S^EC. XV 375 KHOSRO (EMIR) DIWAN, Persian Poems Manuscript on gold-sprinkled Paper {\\\by 7^ inches), beanti fully written within golden lines and ornamented uith 2 Anwans, dated A.H. 981 (A.D. 1573), russia folio. S.EC. xvi (1573) 376 Kitabu 'l Irshad, a Hanafite Compendium of Canonical Law in Arabic Manuscript (5| by 3| inches) 8vo. Sjec. xix 376 KORAN in Arabic Manuscript (6^ by i inches), finely u'rilicn within lines of gold, the first two jjciges richly illuminated in gold and colours and the com- mencement of the Sentences gilt, fine specimen of Oriental Caligraphy and Binding Bra 378 KORAN IN ARABIC Superb Manuscript (16 by 10 inches), beautifully uTitten within borders of gold and very tastefully and extensively ornamented with gorgeous golden decorations, Oriental morocco binding, douhU with red Icatlier, gilt edges, in blue morocco case folio *^* This magnificoiit Manuscript, jjrobably one of the finest ever ofl'crcd for sale, was a jtrescnt from Nijiob al Dowlah tho famous General, through Maulowoo Mohammed Ahmed. 63 379 KORAN in Arabic, with interlineary Translation into Persian Manuscript (17 by 8| inches), beautifully ivritten ivithin gold lines, russia lined with red leatlier, covered icith gold tooling, g. e. folio 380 KORAN, in Arabic with copious side-notes and with an interlinear Translation into Persian written in red ink A VERY BEAUTIFUL MANUSCRIPT {12 by 7 inches), ivritten ivithin gold lines, having the first tivo pages finely illuminated in gold and colours, with golden ornaments to denote Cluipters ami Sentences, in richly gilt Oriental morocco folio 381 KORMTCKY, or Spiritual Guide, in the Glagolitic or Church Slavonic Dialect of Russia ]\L4NUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (11| hy 9 inches), ivritten in Capital Letters, russia extra, leather joints, panelled and ornamented with blind tooling in the antique style, by C. Meyer ito. SiEC. XII *^* Early Russian Manuscripts are of the greatest rarity. 382 KURA PURE : or History of the Wars of Orjuun and Kura, a Poem describing the Battles between the Kauravas and Pau- davas written by Sew Sing in the 1663'''*of Asam Manuscript in tJie Assamese Dialect, most beautifully written in Sanscrit Letters on 68 Leaves of Bark, and containing above 130 brilliantly coloured historical Paintings of a very elaborate character and mostly about 17 inches in length, in fine preservation, placed between tico boards ornamented with 4 Circles with painted Idols and 4 Circles ivith flowers (17 by 5^ inches) *^* Assamese Manuseripts are of extraordinary rarity. 383 LACTANTII OPERA MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUii (9 by 6| inches), with Initials illuminated in gold and colours, written by an Italian Scribe, calf, with Bucal Arms in gold an sides 4to, Bjeg. xiv 384 LACTANTII OPERA Fine Manuscript on vellum 5y an Italian Scribe {12 by 8| incites), ornamented ivith hiitials finely illuminated in gold and colours elegantly bound in pigskin, with joints and gilt edges, by C. Lewis folio. SiEC. XV 385 LACTANTII DIVINE INSTITUTIONES Manuscript on vellum by a Venetian Scribe dated Novemher 1458 (lOf by 7f inches), ornamented unth Initial Letters finely illumi- nated in gold and colours, vellum folio. ^MC. XV (1458) 386 Lactantius de falsa Religione Manuscript on vellum {12 by ^\ inches), by an Italian Scribe, with Initial Letters and Border containing Visconti Arms illumi- nated in gold and colours, old brown morocco folio. S^c. xiv *jf* In this Manuscript the Greek Quotations are inserted in a different handwriting. 64 387 Lactantius de Ira Dei, de Opificio Dei, et ejusdem Carmen de PhcMnice. Accedit Claudiani de Phcenice Carmen Manuscript on vellum (8 hj 5| inches) (dated 143-i) 4/0. S-EC. XV (1434) 388 Lactantius de Ira Dei et de Oinficio Dei Manuscript on vellum by an Italian Scribe (9 by 6 inches), orna- mented ivith Arms of Owner (3 CJieirons Argent on a Field Azure uith Stag's Head or in gold aiul the Initials A. N. also in gold), and 2 Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco, joints, gilt edges Ato. S.EC. xv 389 Legrange-Chancel (J, de) Ses Philippiques Manuscript, transcribed from the Author's Original (7 by i\ inches), red morocco, dentelle borders, silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome 8m XVIII (1720) *^* Besides the 5 Odes of Philippiques, this vokime contains the Quatrain under Author's engraved portrait and an Ode to the Princesse de Conti, 390 LANGUEDOQUE. A collection of important WORKS chiefly IN THE DIALECT OF LANGUEDOC, and therefore of excessive rarity Manuscript on vellum (10| by 6| inches), ornamented with 473 clever Paintings, red morocco, gilt edges small folio. S.EC. XIII *^* This remarkably curious and venerable volume contains Yoca- bolario Latino-Toscano ; Sortes explanatse ; Fabula? ; Ad explanandum Sompnium ; LiBRO DE Ugu^ON di Lahodho (in verse) ; Complexiones et Certa de Hominibus ; Splanamento DE LI Proverbii (in verse) ; Proverbes sur la Nature des Femmes (in verse) ; LiBER Panfili Latine et Italice ; and Officium Mortuorum. 391 LAPIDAIRE. Pour I'Amour du bon Roy Philippe de France fut fait ce Livre qui est appcUe Lapidaire Manuscript on vellum (7f by 5^ inches), ornamented with 39 Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, reau fauve, gilt edges ito. S.EC. xiv (1313) 392 LA VIGNE (GRACE DE) ROMANTZ DES OISEAULX (en Vers) Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (15f by 11 inches) written in double columns and ormimented with exquisite Miniature of the Authoi- presenting his Work to Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy; a sujm-b Jwrder composed of Coat of Arms of horaine, Pirds, Flowers, Fruit and Nondescripts; and numerous Capitals all finely illuminated in gold and colours, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pudehmp folio. S.IX'. XV 65 393 LA VIGNE (ANDRY DE) SACEE DE LA ROYNE ANNE DE BRETAGNE, EPOUSE DE LOUIS XII, SOX EXTREE DIDEXS PARIS COUROXXEE, ET SOUPER '"' / ^^ Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5^ inches), (yrnamented tcith 3 fine large Paintings of the Coronation ,Entrg into Paris and View of the Supper, 3 elegant Borders ivith Monograms of the Queen and 175 Capital Letters all leautifulhj illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, ivith Arms and Device of Cardinal de Bourbon {diaries X of the League) stamped in gold on back ito. Sjec. XVI (1504) *^* This Account of a splendid Pageant appears never to have been printed. The Author's name is given in an acrostic at end. 394 LECTIOXES ET HOMILI^ Venerabilis Bed®, St. Gregorii Magni, B. Augustini, B. Ambrosii, S. Hieronymi, et S. Johannis Chrysostomi ad Usum Ecclesise Ratisponensis Manuscript on vellum icith elegantly flourished Liitial Letters (17 by 11 incites), oak boards covered in stamped leatlier with clasps folio. S.EC. XI 395 Lectionarium Antiquum Manuscript on vellum (6| % 4^ indies), calf 8vo. S^c. xiv 396 LIBER COXPASSUUM SIVE PORTUUM totius I\Iaris in quo potest navigari Italic. — MCCLXXXXVI Mense Januarii fuit inceptum Opus istud. Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5^ inches), vellum Uo. S.EC. XIII-XIV *^* This Portolano is extremely valuable and must not be con- founded with that of Luigi da Mosto who was alive in 1480. 397 Liber de ingenuis Moribus et liberalibus Disciplinis. Accedit Epistola P. Lentuli de Christo Manuscript (8^ by 6 inches) Uo. xv 398 Liber quatuor novissimorum seu Tractatus de Morte, Judicio, Gehenna et Gloria Manuscript on vellum (6| by 4| inches), ivith Border, Arms of Oicner and Capital Letters illuminated in gold and colours, in the original binding, stamped with Figures of Saints and Flowers, gilt edges 8m S.EC. xv 399 Liber Virtutem Bonorum et Casus Malorum ostendens (Quses- tiones de S. Scriptura) Manuscript on vellum (12 by 8f inches), calf folio. Smc. xv *^* This work is divided into four parts and according to the author " Scriptura Sacra exponitur ad Litteram, mistice, moraliter et anagogyce.'' F 66 400 LiBRO DELE ViRTUDE ET Vicii. Tractato del glorioso Sancto Bernardino a la Via de la Verita Manuscript (11|- % 8 inches) folio. xv 401 LiTURGiA EcCLESLE NovALViENSis cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (8J by 6 inches), calf Uo. S^c. xv 402 LIVII (TITI) HISTOEIiE DE REBUS GESTIS ROMANORUM LIBRI X Splendid Manuscript on vellum (13^ by 9| inches), uith 10 elegant Borders and 10 Initial Letters (historiated uith Miniature PmiraitsJ by a first-rate Italian miniatore for one of the Poi-pora Family and tcith name of the scribe, " Scriptus manu mea fratris Johannis Batholi de Signa Castro Florentinorum Ordinis Heremitarum Sancti Augustini exigui Professoris Anno Domini MCCCCXVI," 2^ur2)le morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, ivith arms of the Duke of Hamilton in gold on sides folio. S.EC. xv (1416) *^* The rarity of Manuscripts of Li^y is too well knowni to require any comment, and the opportunity of olitaining one with the name of the scribe may never occur again. 403 LIVII HISTORIA ROMANA Fine Manuscript on vellum, by an Italian scribe, (12f by 9 inches,) Initial Letter and elegant Boi-der with arms of Cardinal Giuliano delta Rovere (afterwards Pope Julius II) finely ilhminated in gold and colours, citron morocco extra, boi'ders of gold, leather joints, gilt edges, by Benedict folio. S.EC. xv 404 LIVIO (TITO) ESTORIE DEL POPOLO DI ROMA Manuscript on vellum, with painted Cajyitals, {13 by d^ inches,) ornamented with 12 finely bordered Initials, historiated uith human figures painted in colours on a gold ground, vellum, folio. Sjec. xv 405 LIVRE DES LOANGES SAINT JEHAN EVANGELISTE Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 7 inches), with 20 elegant Minia- tures en grisaille in finely floriated borders, illuminated in gold a7ul colours, blue morocco, gilt edges, by Derome folio. S/EC. xv 406 LIVRE D'HEURES PEINT ET ORNfi DANS LE STYLE DES MANUSCRIPTS DU XIV Sli:CLE PAR FR£DJ£1UC LEPELLE DE BOIS GALLAY Beautiful Manuscript (7^ by 5\ inches), written on the finest vellum i/i Gothic character, in letters of gold, and decorated with Borders on the recto of every leaf painted in gold and colours in the style of the XlVth Century, not copied from other Manuscrijits, but designed l>i/ the artist himself. In these Borders M. Lep^Hi /'<'>'' 67 introduced minute representations of about 200 birds, draicn with the greatest finish and beaidy from living specimens in the Jardin des Flantes at Paris. It is also embellished with 12 EXQUISITE MlNIATTEES DELICATELY EXECUTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. The imting, in letters of gold, is one of the finest specimens of modern caligraphy, tlie Initials being illumi- nated in gold and colours, and cost M. Lepelle one thousand francs. Bound in purple velvet, v/ith silver clasps, and enclosed in a purple mwocco case small ito. S^c. xix *^* This beautiful volume, pronounced by competent judges THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF MODERN Art, vras undertaken by M. Lepelle (famous for his charming facsimiles in M. Bastard's grand -work and in the Paleographie of M. Silvestre), for Her Majesty Maria Christina, Queen Mother of Spain, and its execution "was his chief occupation for four years. He was to have received 10,000 francs as his remuneration, but, in consequence of the Queen's return to Spain, the work was left on his hands. "With it will be sold a folio volume, m blue morocco (12 byS inches), containing a Dedication to Queen Marie Christine executed in letters of gold and silver on a brown ground, and another in M. Lepelle's autograph containing a short Essay on early Illuminations, decorated with a few beautifully executed facsimiles of Capital Letters and Miniature Paintings in illustration of the subject. 407 LIVEE QUE MAYCOES ET YPOCRAS FIPvENT et les autres maistres qui y'apres sont nommes cj^ui extrahurent de physique pour cognoistre la force des herbes Manuscript on vellum (10 J by 7^ inches), decorated vAth Borders and 7 Initial Letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, having at end 448 coloured Draivings of Quadrupeds, Plants, Fishes, Serpents, Minerals, Shells and other natural productions, blue morocco, gilt edges, by Bozerian Uo. S^c. XV *^* This A^'aluable Manuscript contains, besides the "Livre de Maycoes et Ypocras," the curious Poem (printed as prose) " Livre de Medicine Piime par Maistre Jehan Sauvaige lec^uel sappelle par droit nom thesaurus pauperum"; "Livre qui apprent a cognoistre quil convient user"; "Schola Salernitana" in Latin verse ; Eeceptes des Onguemens ; &c. 408 Logica, Persice Manuscript (8 by 6 inches) ito. 409 Logica, Persice Manuscript (8 by 5f inches) ito. 410 Logica, Persice Manuscript (7| by 5 inches) ito. 68 411 LOUIS XIV. PRODUITS GENERAUX DES FERRIES UXIES (lont a este fait Bail a ^Mr Francois Le Gendre pour six Annees (1668-74) Beautiful Manuscript on very pure vellum, uritten by Gilbert, the celebrated caligrapher of the Dauphin, icith Title and Intitulations in letters of gold, red morocco, gilt edges, by small 4to. 1674 *^* This exquisitely written Manuscript is most important for the History of Duties and Financiers (Fermiers G6n6raux) in the Reign of Louis XIV. It exhibits a list of all the Provinces subject to taxation, a catalogue of tlie various taxes and of the rights peculiar to various towns, and lastly furnishes the exact quantities of wine, cattle, sheep, calves and swine entering Paris during five years. See printed account of this valuable Manuscript, measuring 7^ by 5| inches, prefixed. 412 LOYS JADIS ROY DE FRANCE (SAINT) SA VIE ET CANONISATION Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6| inches), finely uritten and decorated ivith 98 bordered Initial Letters and 4 Miniature Portraits of the Saint, beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Padeloup ito. S.-ec. xv *^* From the Library of M. Buquesnoy, who describes it as "Exemplaire unique achet6 de I'lnventaire de M. de Scnicourt" for 1207 francs 7 sous on 12 July 1766. 413 LUCANI PHARSALIA cum Glossis et Commentario Manuscript on paper (9'| by 6f inches), dated 8 October, 1469, oak boards Uo. S^C. xv (1469) *^* Prefixed is an Italian Poem in Terzine, filling 4} pages. The Commentary is probably by the famous Baptista (.iuarinus as in a MS. note at end is stated that Guarinus finished his public lecture at Ferrara on Lucan " maxinio lionore et maxima scholarium multitudinc 11 August! 1470 et rursus die 26 Mail 1471." 414 LUCANI PHARSALIA, cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (9 by 4^ inches), old morocco small folio. S.EC. xiv *^* Worthy of the attention of a future editor, on account of its, valuable various readings. 415 LuciANi Liber de Calumnia per Lapum Castellioinoulum o Grreco in Latinum traductus MANUSf;RiPT ON vellum, (62 by 3^ inches), with bordered Initial and Arms of La four d'Aiivergne, illuminated in gold and colours, caff Sro. S.Ec. xv 69 416 Luciano de la Calumnia da B. Fontio traducta con due Sonetti Manuscript on vellum, (dedicated to the Duke of Ferrara,) (8;| by 5| inches,) ivith Miniature inscribed " Apellis Pictui'a de Calumnia," elegant Border, Initial Letter and arms of Hercole d'Este Duca cli Ferrara, illuminated in gold and colours, old red morocco, Medicean blind tooling, gilt edges ito. S^c. xv 417 LUCIANI ASINUS per Poggium traductus. Luciani Libellus de Longsevis et Patrise Laudatio Interprete Lapo Castellumculo. Diogenis Epistolse Francisco Claretino Interprete cum ejus Elegia et Prsefatione ad Pium II. Poggii Florentini An Seni sit Uxor ducenda Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6^ inches), icith Border and Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, ichite morocco, leather joints, gilt edges Uo. SiEC. xv 418 LuCRETio tradotto da A. Marchetti , Manuscript (7| by 5| inches), velhim Uo. SiEC. xviii 419 LUIGI XIV. Politici Arcani del Gabinetto piu secretto di Luigi XIV Ee di Francia con la Inteligenza clie tiene con tutti gl'altri Preucipi dell' Europa Relazione Manuscript (llf by 7| inches), folio. Sec. xviii *^* A valuable historical MS. being the information furnished to the Senate by the Venetian Ambassador. 420 Mackay (M.) Memoires touchant la Campagne d'Irlande Manuscript (6^ by 3f inches), calf 8m S.'EC. xviii 421 MACROBII EXPOSITIO IN SOMNIUM SCIPIONIS Manuscript on vellum, icith diagrams, (9 by 5 inches,) calf Uo. SiEC, XV 422 JMahmud, Gulshan-i-Eaz or the Rosebud of Mystery, a Sufi Poem in Persian Manuscript (7|%5|m7ies),^.^. 972 {A.D. 1564), Uo. S^c.xvi 423 MALABAR HISTORY LIanuscript (9 5]/ IJ inches), bemdifully im])ressed idth a Stylus on Pcdm Leaves, in the Tamil character, strung together beticeen two carved ebony boards S^C. XVIII 424 MARCO POLO, VIaGGI Manuscript on paper (8f by 5| inches), icritten circa 1450 RES PRISON VARIAQUE ANTIQUITATIS MONUMENTA undique ex omni Orbe Collecta Manuscript on 'PA:PER,icrittencircal550,vellum,4:to. SiEC.xv-xvi 70 425 MARGUERITE DE VALOYS, ROYNE DE NAVARRE, SES NOUYELLES (E'Reptameron) Manusckipt (11^ hy 8), ornamented title in letters of gold, with arms of Medici, &c. and Initial Letter finely illuminated in gold and colours, blue morocco, gilt edges, with arms of France in gold on sides, from the Library of Queen Catherine de Medicis folio. S.EC. XVI 426 MARIA THERESA (Empress) LETTER (in German) detailing the Services of John Mathias Puechberg, conferring on him and his heirs the dignity of Ritter (Knight) and granting him a Coat of Arms Official Document, dated 30 June, 1780, beaidifully written in the best style of German caligrajjhy (14 by 12 inches), with auto- graplb signatures of Maria Theresa, Henry Count of Blumegen, Henry and Joseph Counts of Auersperg, &c. &c. and ornamented with scrolled Borders drawn in pen and ink and with coat of arms superbly emblazoned in gold, silver and colours, u'ith great Seal of Austria in gilt silver case attached folio. fFien, 17 SO 427 MarI/E Virginis (Beatre) Miracula Manuscript on vellum (4| by 3^ inches), wanting a leaf at end, vellum IGino. S.-ec. xiii *^* A very curious vohime of Legends, "which appears to have been given in the XIYth Century "Loco Raconixii S. Vincentii " by " Guliehnus de Mediolano Ordinis Praxlica- toruni." At end is an entry of the death of the Duke Francis Sforza, 13 March, 146G. 428 MARIANI DE VULTERRA, MONACI CARTUSIENSIS, CARMINA (Contra Poctistas ; Eptalogi Nostri Salvatoris in Cruce Libri VII compilati ab a.d. 1427 ad 1430 corrccti 1438 in qua con^ectione addidit Auctor Versuum duo millia vel circa ; contra Defensorem Poetistarum ; Poemata Sacra) Manuscript on vellum (11^ by S inches), beautifully ornamented loith 2 floriated Borders (inclosing the words HuNC DUM Cerno TUAM and Jesu Crucifixe Figuram in letters of gold on coloured grmmds, the Initial H exquisitely illumiiuited and his- toriated with the author j^raying to Christ on tJie Cross) and decoi'ated tvith 67 elegantly floriated hiitials finely illuminated in gold and colours, pigskin, gilt edges, by G. Lewis S.EC. xv 429 MARTIAL IS EPIGRAMMATA Manuscku'T on vei,lum (lOi //// 7) inchis), with Border containing Sforza arms and 15 bordered Initiuls, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, a few leaves damaged by damp folio. S.EC. XV * ^'* Manuscripta of Martial arc cxceediugly rare. '1U ' 71 430 MARTINES DE MESSINA (Joan Cosmografpho del Rey nostra Segnor en Napoles Anno 1591) PORTULANO (16 by U^ inches) A collection of 14: Coasting Charts (inchuling N. and S. America and a Mappamondo) exquisitely drawn and painted in gold and colours upon vellum of the piirest quality, ornamented with the 3fariner's Compass, old red morocco, covered %oith gold tooling, gilt edges folio. S^C. XVI (1591) *^* For the History of Geography, but chiefly of America as known at the end of the XVIth Century, these Charts are invaluable. 431 MARTINI POLONI CRONICA. Accedunt eadem amplior et perfectior (in qua ViTA Joann^e Papiss^) ; Landulphus de Columpna de Statu et Mutatione Romani Imperii; Tabula Capitulorum tertise Decadis Titi Livii ; et Sententise ex codem Auctore excerptse Manuscript on vellum (14-| hy lOf inches), %mth illuminated Initial, calf folio. S^C. xiv 432 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. Miscellanies during the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots (1558-85) Transcripts of very important Documents made in 1703 for the Duke of Hamilton hy William Cleland, whose receipt for loriting the volume (^£36 15s J is prefixed, calf (14:^ by 9 inches) folio. Sjec. xviii (1703) *^* Amongst the more important Papers are Sir Henry Percy's Account of what passed between him and the Duke of Chastell- Herauld in 1558 in Behalf of the Lords of the Congregation owning the Reformation ; Writings between the Earle of Northumberland and the Earle of Bothwell ; Declaration of the Protestant Nobility of their taking Arms against the Queen Dowager of Scotland; Letters to and from Sir R. Sadler ; various Instructions of Q. Elizabeth ; Letters of Doysell, Q. Dowager, &c. deciphered ; Correspondence of J. Knox and Sir J. Crofts ; Correspondence of the Cardinal of Lorraine and Duke of Guise ; Letters to the Lord Protector; Lord Ruthen's Discourse of the late Troubles between the Queen and the King her Husband ; Letters of Mary Queen of Scots ; &c. &c. 433 IMEDICINA. XI Regole del Colegio delli Medici de Parise. Tractatus de Dolore Capitis compositus per Magnificum Mili- tem Artiumque et Medicinse Doctorem D. Magistrum Johan- nem Martinum ex Ferrariis de Parma. Liber de Syntomatibus et Passionibus Mulierum qui dicitur Trocula Mulierum quam duse Mcretrices mater et filia sua ediderunt. Liber de Secretis Mulierum. Experimenta probatissima contra diversas In- 72 firmitates. Tavolla dello sallazare et flobotamia. Plastra, Unguenta, Pillulse, &c. Iiifirmita de dello Verga. Recetti per el Mai Francoso. Restaurativo universale, &c. &c. Manuscript hy an Italian Physician (11-| by 7 J inches), morocco folio. SiEC. XVI (1544) 434 MiiMoiRES DE Madame de S** Manuscript (8f hy 6| inches), red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome 4t0. HJEC. XVIII *^* Highly interesting and important for the Lives of the Due et Duchesse du Maine. 435 Merul^ (Gaudentii) Interpretatio in Epistolam Ariadnes ad Theseum Manuscript (11 by 7f inches) folio. Sjec. xvi 436 MESPARAULTE. Enqueste de Nobilitd faicte par Thierry Du- mont et Nicole Mathieu en faveur de Messire de Mesparaulte General en chef en titre d'Office de la Seneschaussee de Guienne. Avec un Brevet signe de la main de Henri HI, par laquel il promet-a Mesparaulte Maitre des Requets envoy6 en Languedoc, dans le cas ou il meurre k sa Mission, de trans- mettre a son Heritier la charge de Maitre des Requestes, et dans les cas ou il soit fait Prisonnier, de payer sa Ran^on Official Manuscript on vellum (12 by 9 J indies), (interleaved with a transcript on paper), signed by Dumont and Mathien, uith the OFFICIAL Brevet on vellum, bearing autograph Signa- tures OF Henri HI and of his Secretary, dated 24 March, 1578 folio. 1543-78 437 MINIATURES (20) illnminated in gold and vivid colonrs uithin beautifid borders composed of fioicers, fruit and birds {including peacock), apparently copies from a svperbly illuminated copy of the Horce, red morocco extra, borders of gold, gilt edges (G| by 4f inches) 8ro. 438 Mirandula (Johannes Picus) de Ente et Uno ad Angelum Politianum cum ejusdem Epistola Antonio Faveutino Manuscript (8^ by 5f inches) ito. xv 439 MISS^ CANON Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (17 by 12 inches), beautifully written in large characters and miiamentcd with 71 capital letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours; also having two superb paintings, the full size of the page, representing an Angel appearing to St. Francis and the Crucifixion, both surrottnded by very elegant hoixlers by a lioinan artist ; red morocco extra, completely covered with gold tooling, the Albani arms forming the centre ornament folio. S^EC. XV 11 440 MISSALE, Armenice, Interprete P. Fr<=° Mattheo Mattel Manuscript (8| hj 6f inches), with old woodcuts of St. John and St. Crregory pasted inside the covers 4:to. Smc. XVII 441 mSSALE PEO NOYALICIENSE CAPELLA SS. AN- GELORUM Very ancient Manuscript (10 by 6^ inches), with painted capi- tals (many heightened with gold and silver), russia extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Bering small folio. S^ec. XI 442 MISSALE EOMAIS^UM Manuscript on vellum (lOi- by 7 inches), ornamented with numerous painted capitals, 3 e'egant floriated borders (the first containing the emblazoned arms of Guyot de Chesne), and 155 initial letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, calf gilt folio. S.EC. XV 443 MISSALE EOMANUM cum Calendario Superb Manuscript on vellum (15 by 10^ inches), goi-geausly decoi-ated iciih exquisite illuminations in the finest style of Italian art, comprising miniatures, beautiful borders, heads of Saints, me- dals, gems, quadrupeds, birds, fruit, flowers, precious stones, pearls, emblems, poiiraits of Can-inals and Priests, monsters and gro- tesques, Medicean devices, mottos, and arms of Cardinal Julius DE Medicis, aftenvards Pope Clement VII, oak boards, covered in red morocco, gilt gatifre' edges folio. S.EC. xvi (1520) *^* Probably the most magnificent Misml ever ofiFered for sale, and in the finest state of preservation. On the last page is the name of the Scribe " Sedente Leone X Pont. Maximo Ludo- vicus Vincentinus scribebat Romse An. Sal. MDXx" This Ludovico Yicentino was the celebrated Caligrapher, author of the first Italian work on Penmanship, and considered the finest penman of his time. This truly splendid volume contains 13 large and 19 small miniatures, exquisitely illumi- nated in gold and colours, by the famous Medicean illuminator Marco Attavanti, assisted by Marco Antonio and Tadeo Miniator, and also 28 full-page beautiful borders, 38 initials finely historiated with figures and coats of arms, 550 capitals ornamented with flowers aiid fruit, and 25ri0 letters in gold and colours, forming altc^ether a most gorgeous volume. 444 MISSALE SECUNDUM' USUM ECCLESI^ ROMANS, SLAYONICE, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (121 ly ql inches), ornanunted icith painted Capitals (6 historiated with Figures illuminated in gold and colouis), and with a rude Painting of the Crucifixion, having prefixed an account of this rare Missal in the autograph of Professor Coperan, dated Kensington House, 21 7'"^ 1808, russia, leatlier joints, old style folio, SiEC. xv (1402) 74 445 MISSALE SECUNDUM USUM FRATRUM ORDINIS BEAT.E DEI GEXITEICIS MARI^ DE MONTE C.VR- MELI cum Calendario Splendid Manuscript on vellum (15 by \Q\ inches), uritten for tlie Use of Anglers Cathedral, 'gorgeously ornamented with Miniatures, Borders, Capital Letters and Coats of Arms Jinely illuminated iji gold and colours, blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges, by Buzcrian folio. S^EC. XV *^* This magnificent Manuscript is decorated with 24 small Miniatures illustrating the Signs of the Zodiac and Occu- pations of the Seasons, 2926 Capital Letters illuminated in gold and colours (of which 26 are beautifully historiated), 284 elegantly iloriated Borders, 15 small Miniatures, 27 large exquisite Miniatures measuring 4| by 6;^ inches, and 2 large Paintings representing the Crucifixion and the Almighty sur- rounded by Angels, with the four Evangelists at the corners. 446 MISSO (ANTONIO) GEOGRAFIA MODERNA Fine Manuscript on vellum (20 by 15i inches), dated 1586, ornamented with Paintings of " Mare Occeano," in which are represented Shipping, Inhabitants of the Sea and Cape St. Vincent ; Figura dela Sphera Accidentale ; a volvelle entitled Cor so del Sole e dela Luna; Figura delta SjyJiera s^ibstantiale ; various Diagrams; and 14 beautiful Charts, adorned icith Drawings in Colours of the Mariner's Compass, Ships, Toivns, Mountains, Lakes^^ Rivers, Forests, Flags, Coats of Arms, &c. elegantly drawn on card- . board in colours heightened with gold and silver, old russia extra, covered with gold tooling, gilt edges royal folio. Sjec. xvi (1586) *^* The Maps include N. and S. AMERICA, Africa, India with China, &c., Europe, Northern Regions, Flanders, Great Britain and Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece and Islands, &c. 447 MODUS. LIVRE DU ROY MODUS ET DE LA ROYNE RACIO lequel fait mencion comment on doit deviser de toutes Manieres de Chasses (en Prose et en Vers) Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 7 inches), ornamented icith 78 curious Miniatures illustrative of the Chace, painted in vivid colours, and decorated %clth numerous Capitals finely illuminated In gold and colours, silk folio. S.EC. xiv (1380) *:^* On folio 34 is a Cure for Hydrophobia. 448 MORUKKA, or Specimens of Oriental Penmanship, written by the finest Caligraphers for the Use of the Emperor Jehanghir, on the Bark of Trees, the last two Pages coatributcd by tho most celebrated Penmen of Persia Splendid Manuscript (16 by Winches), gorgeously decorated with ornainentatlons in gold and colours, in fine Oriental binding folio *:f^* A Manuscrijjt of great value, and one of the most beautiful Si)ecinicns of Oriental Caligraphy ever ollered for sale. 75 449 MOYERS (P.) BLASON D'AEMOIEIES ET BERNEIL DE NOBLESSE Beautiful Manuscript ox vellum (13 hy 8^ inches), orna- mented with magnificent Paintings of the Author presenting kis Book to Francis I, seated on his throne svrrounded by his Court, of a Savage p-esenting Shields of Arms to his Attendants, of the Arms of France supported hy two Angels, of tJie Arms of Francis I, and of the Arms of France held by two Angels tvithin a border of fleur-de-lis, all exquisitely illuminated in gold and colours. It is also decorated with 30 finely illuminated Initials heightened with gold, and 326 Armorial Shields emblazoned in gold, silver and colours, blue morocco, gilt edges, from tlie Lamoignon Collection folio. S^c. XVI 450 Munro (A.) Petrarch Crowned, or the Eevival of Learning in Europe (Poem written for the Lord Eector's Gold Medal) with Xotes Manuscript (ll^ by 9^ inches), tcith Prefatory Bemarls, dated 20 March, 1828, calf extra, gilt edges Mo. xix (1828) 451 MUSIC. A Collection of Sacred Music without Words (except Le Serviteur) Manuscript on vellum (9f by ^ inches), ornamented luitk Initial P, historiated tcith Smith striking on his Anvil, Arms of Owner, and 148 Initial Letters (49 in Gold), blue velvet, gilt edges Uo. S^c. XVI %* At end are some Latin Hjnnns, with Music, in a modern hand- writing, very similar to that of Mr. Beckford. 452 MuTll (Johannis) DE Officiis continente Yitse religione Epistola Autograph j\La.nusgript {unpublished) on VELLLiyi, dated 10 Sept. 1450, (6f by 4^ incites), with illuminated Initial, Medicean binding 8m S^c. XV (1450) 453 NiCEPHORi Gregory OpuscuTiA inedita, Graece jManuscript {see List of Contents on fly-leaf), very distinctly written (12 by 8 inches), vellum folio. xv 454 NICOLOSI (Giobattista, Secretario del Senato di Venezia) Memorie Manuscript (12 &?/ 8 inches), transcribed in 1731 from the original Aidograph in the possession of the Author's Nephetus folio. S^c. XVIII (1731) 455 NOXXI DIOXYSL^CA, Grsece Manuscript (13 by 8^ inches), beautifully ivritten, old red morocco folio. SiEC. XV-XVI 76 456 (EUVEES SPIRITUELS AU EOY DE FRANCE ET DE POLOGNE (Stances au Roy ; a son LnTe ; Sonnets Spirituels XXIV ; Paraphrases sur les sept Pseaumes peuitentiels ; et Priere en Forme de Confession) Manuscript (7| by 5| inches), beautifully uritten in Italics, and ornamented icith Title, Intitulations and Capitals in Letters of Gold, and irresented to Henry III of France, olive morocco, super extra, gilt edges, sides covered with fleur-de-lis, crowned Cypher and Arms of Henry III stamped in gold, a fine Specimen of tlie King's Library and of Nicholas Eve's binding Uo. S^EC. xvi *^* The Stances au Roy commence — " L'Amoureux chantera des flammes amoureuses Le guerrier descrira les guerres perilleuses L'esclave parlera de sa captivity Le nocher de la mer, Le vicieux du vice Le riche des tresors, Le juste de justice Moy Chrestien j'escriray de la Divinity." 457 OFFICIUM BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGIXIS, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (7f by 5 inches), ornamented ivith 13 Miniatures loithin Borders composed of Beasts, Birds, Flowers, &c. and Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, calf small ito. S.EC. XV *^* The Calendar is in French. 458 OFFICIUM BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS secundum Consue- tudinem Romanse Curiae, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (4 by 2| inches), by an Italian scribe, ornamented u'ith 16 Miniatures (4 large arid 12 small) and 8 floriated Borders illuminated in gold and colours, broun velvet, with clasp 12 wo. S.EC. XV 459 OFFICIUM BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS secundum Usum Romanse Ecclesiae, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (4i by 3 inches), written by an Italian scribe, and ornamented with 15 elegant ]\Iimatures, 31 floriated Borders and numerous Capital Leiters, all beautifully illu- mijuited in gold and colours, green velvet, with silver gilt chased clasp l2mo. S.-ec. XV 460 OFFICIUM BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS, secundum Usum Romana3 Curiaj, cum Calendario Manuscript on vellum (4 by 2f inches), by an Italian scribe, finely written and ornamented with 44 elegant floriated Borders, in which are introduced Birds (including VcacocL), Beasts, Insects, Nondescripts, f£r. and with 14 Miniatures, numerous Initial and Captital Letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, %cith Contarini Arms finely emblazoned on first leaf, calf, gilt gaufrd edges, with silver corners, bosses and clasps 2imo. S^c. xv \ 77 461 OFFICIUM BEAT^ MAEI^ VIRGINIS secundum Consue- tudinem Romance Curiae, cum Calendario Magnificent Manuscript on vellum (6J hy 4^ inches), superbly ornamented for the Emperor Charles V hy a Spanish Artist, with 17 exquisite Bordered Miniatures, 30 beautiful Initial Letters and 1050 elegant Vajntals, all finely illu- minated in gold and colours, and also decorated with 28 Prayers written in Letters of Gold on purple, red and blue grounds, and having the Imperial Arms finely emblazoned under the first exquisite Miniature representing tlie Salvator Mundi, green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Derome le Jeune, with his ticket 8vo. Hjec. XVI, circa 1520 462 OFFICIUM DIV^ MARI^ SEMPER VIRGINIS secundum Usum Ecclesise Parisiensis, cum Calendario Manuscript on the finest vellum (4 by 2| inches), exquisitely written in beautiful Italics within Borders painted on a gold ground, every page composed of Globes and motto Non Mudera, and having the Intitulations ami Capitals in Letters of Gold. The Caleridar is ornamented uith the Signs of the Zodiac, and 12 elegant Miniatures representing the Occupations of the Months. The Officium itself is superbly decorated icith Miniatures of the Evangelists, and ivith 46 lovely Paintings of Sacred Subjects and Heads of Saints, delicately executed tvith brilliant colours in the best style of French Art, on golden grounds and heightened with gold, forming one of the most charming of Books of Hours. Sealskin, ornamented by a v/reath in centre with the letters W. W, ami having at each corner a croumed L. D. interlaced 24:mo. 8mc. xv-xvi *^* In the centre of the book, written on a gold ground, are the following lines : — " Mon coeur une fois attache Ignore le changement Mon coeur ayant une fois aim6 Aime toujours tendrement. Que ton coeur semblable au mien Ne connoise point linconstance Quil naime helas jamais clien Que la douce perseverance. S****** " 463 OFFICIUM DIV^ MARI^ \aRGmiS secundum Usum Romanse Ecclesite, cum Calendario Beautiful Manuscript on pure vellum (9 by 5| inches), ornamented with 16 fullpage exquisite Paintings, 29 charm- ing Miniatures, 31 beautiful architectural and floriated Borders, and numerous Capitals, &c. richly illuminated in gold and colours hy no mean Italian artist {probably Tadeo Miniator), red morocco extra, denfelle borders, gilt edges, hy Derome ito. S^C. XV 78 464 OKAM (GULIELMI) DIALOGI DE JURISDICTIONE ET POTESTATE ECCLESI^ ET DE DOGMATIBUS Manuscript on vellum (llf hy 8§ inches), with Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold ami colours, and with Autograph and Arms of " Frai\ciscu3 de Zanchicourt," red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome folio. S^c. XV *^* William Ockham was an English Monk, born at Ockham, in Surrey, who studied at Merton College, Oxford, under the celebrated Duns Scotus, whose doctrines he subsequently- opposed and became the head of the so-called Nominalists. His most famous work is that known as " Dialogi," in which he wrote violently against Pope John XXII, and for the wi'iting of which he was excommunicated. r> > FIFTH DAY'S SALE SIZES MIXED. |noxander de Re militari Nicolao Sagondino Inter- prete cum Prefacione ad Regem Alfonsum Manuscript on vellum (8 hy 5^ indies), u-ith 2 Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours ito. S^C. XV 466 Onoxaxdro de optimo Imperatore traducto da Lengua Latina in Italiaua da Chrisostomo Colonna Manuscript on A'H.lum (7 by 4| inches), ornamented with harder, Initial Letter historiated icith equestrian Knight in Armour, Arms of Owner (Lion rampant Azure on a field Or), and Letters of Gold, oak boards covered icith crimson mmvcco Svo. S^ec. xv *^* Probably unpublished, as the only Version of this Work men- tioned by Haym is that by Fabio Cotta, printed by Giolito in 1546 and in 1548. 467 Opinioxi fondate sull' Esperienza di A. A, {on Military Subjects) Manuscript (10| % 7| inches) Uo. S^c. xviii 468 OPUSCULA THEOLOGICA, Gr^ce IManuscript (1 1 1 hy 8 inches), imj^erfect at beginning and end folio. S.EC. XVI (1532) 469 ORDRE DE CHEVALERIE Manuscript on vellum (5^ by 4 inches), ornamented with 2 elegant Miniatures {Author presenting his Book to Charles VIII, and the King making a Knight), floriated borders. Initial Letters and Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, old green silk, gilt edges 8vo. S^C. XV *^* Prefixed is an autograph Declaration by Claude de La Riviere of his Marriage with Catherine de Koncy, signed, and at end memoranda of the births of his children. From this famous work Caxton translated and printed the Ordre of Chyvalery. 80 470 ORDRE QUE UNG PRINCE OU CHEF DE GUERRE DOIT TEXIR QUI VEULT COXQUESTER UXG PAYS, et passer ou transverser le Paj's de ses Eunemis Fine Manuscript on vellum , 0^ by 7 inches), decorated uUh a beautiful Fainting of an ■tdvancirr/ Anni/, Initial Letters and other ornamentations, illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup 4fo. SiEC. XVI 471 OviDii Ars Aimatoria, Remedia Amoris et Amores Manuscript on velluji (lOf by 6i inches), carefully corrected throughout, vellum small folio. S.EC. xiv 472 OviDii Epistol.e Heroihes, cum Glossis Manuscript (8^ by 5J inches), calf, old style ito. xv 473 OVIDII FASTI Manuscript on vellum by an Italian Scribe (10 J by 6^ inches), half bound small fotio. S^c, xv 474 OVIDII METAMORPHOSES Manuscript on paper (12 by 8| incites), purple morocco folio. S.EC. XV ^ 475 Palmerii (Matliei) de Temporibus ad Annum .MCCCCXLVIII Liber Manuscript on paper (8| by Gl inches), Medicean Binding 4:to. Sjec. XV *^* Portions of this Chronicle, which is remarkable as containing the History of Pope Joan, have been printed in 1475 and 1483. 476 PALMIERI (Matteo) CITTA DI VITA, Poema inedito in Imi- tazione della Divina Commedia, Transcript of the Codex Magli- abechl Palch. 2 No. 41 written in 14G5— LEOXARDI DATHI EXPOSITIOXES IX LIBROS CIVITATIS VIT^E M. PALMERII, Transcript of the Codct 53 rUd. 40 Biblioth. Laur. written in 1473 Manuscript in a very neat hand (12 by 8 incites) 2 vol. folio. S.EC. XIX 477 PancIROLLO (Guido) Discorso dclle Cose antichc c moderno perdute o trovate Manuscript dated 1591 (llf by S\ inches) fol. S.-EC. xvi (1501) 478 PANGXACHARATA in Sanscrit Manuscript (5| by 4 inches), bcatififully urittcn in sihrr letters on a dark blue ground ami oi-namcnted jcith 24 cxqui.tite J\iintivgs in hrilliant colours, lieightcned with gold, in the best style of Oriental Art, in red velvet brocaded with gold and silver 81 479 PA^^ORMIT^ (ANTONII [BeccateUi]) HERi\IAPHRODITI LIBELLUS ad Cosmum Medicem Florentinum cum Xotis. Accedunt Cannina A. Panormitae et L. Vallas ; atque Epistolae Guarini Veronensis et Poggii de Hermaphrodito. Item Virgilii Maronis Priapeia cum Commentario Manuscript written in 1469 (8| by 5i indies), half hound ito. S.EC. XV (1469) *^* At the end of tlie infamous Hermaphroditus is the following inscription. " Hie liber est meus Ludo^ici Laurentii de Puppio Florentino agro et sic scriptus per me ipsum Senis 1469." Prefixed to the Priapeia are 14 lines (Hexameters and Pen- tameters) apparently the composition of L. L. de Puppio followed by the distich " Sunt obscena quidem depicta et scripta libello hoc Non aperi si odio sit inhonesta tibi." 480 Parliament Proceedings began 6 March 1678 to its Dissolution Manuscript (12 by 7^ inches) folio. xvii (1678-79) 481 PASCASII EADBEPtTI EXPOSITIO IN LAMEXTATIOXI- BUS HIEREMI^. Accedunt Hrabanus Maurus de Edificio Templi Domini et S. Augustini Eectractationes Manuscript on vellum {11^ by 8^ inches), with historiated Ini- tials, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome folio. S.EC. xii 482 Patritii (Francisci) Episcopi Caeitani Carmina Manuscript on velllti, written by Antonius Sinbaldus 1 1 October 1461 (9^ by 5| inches), Medicean Binding rebacked ito. S-EC. xv(1461) *^* As neither Fabricius nor Brunet mention this Author's Carmina they are probably unpubhshed. At the end is a Poem entitled Responsio Pii II ad F. Patritium in the handwriting of Petrus Sabinus, and other Verses. 483 PAULI (SAXCTI) EPISTOLJE CUM COMMEXTAEIO ^Manuscript on vellum (12^ by 9 indies), decorated icith 12 Pictorial Initials finely executed in gold and colours, vellum folio. S^c. XII 484 PAULI (SAXCTI) EPISTOL^, Graece et Arabice Manuscript on cotton paper (14i by 10 inches), russia, leather joints folio. SiEC. xiii 485 PAULI (S.) EPISTOL^ Manuscript on vellum (9f by 6f inches), ivith 21 finely jointed Initial Letters folio S^^EC. xv 486 PAULI (SAXCTI) EPISTOL^. Accedunt Epistolie Canonicse Beautiful Manuscript on pure vellum (4^ by 2h inches), by an Italian Scribe for one of the Family De Medicis, ornamented with 6 Miniatures xoithin architectural Borders representing Saints G 82 Jerome, Paul, James, Peter, John and Jnde, and also decorated with Intitidations in Letters of Gold, 144 Capitals and 6 elegant Borders composed of Birds, Insects, Flmcers and Fruit, finely illuminated in gold and colours, a charming volume in green velvet, gilt edges, tcith chased silver clasps, incorporating the Medicis Arms engraved on Lajns Lazuli and having engraved on backs " Spes mea Deus a Juventute mea." 487 Paulini Veronensis Epistola (inedita) ad Moniales S. Benedicti de Perfectione monastica. Accedunt Sermo B. Augustini de Peni- tentia et ejusdem Dialogi atque Difinitio Domarum Ecclesias- ticorum; S. Bernard! Opuscula ; &c. Manvschivt (9 by 6^ inches), calf gilt 4to. S/EC. XV 488 PEESIAN ALBUM Manuscript {17 by 11 h inches), of Arabic and Persian Caligraphy, containing 65 beautiful Draicings by a first-rate Oriental Artist executed in vivid colours heightened uith gold, including a Panther chasing Gazelles, Portraits of Nizam-al-Muluk' s Grandfather, Kossd the Unlucky, Davud Shah the Faquir, Squire of Aurungzeeb, Two Musicians of Delhi painted by Haslmm, Barjyron the Mahrafta Chief Midlah Dopiazch, Shah Abbas, Courtier of Aurangzeeby . Aurangzeeb, Shah Karuk, Shair Shah, Tekeli Khan, Aurangzeeh when old. Shah Shariif Bon, AH Calendar, Abdil Shah, Jehangir with Nour Jehan, Baber, Mohammed Bey, Combat of Persian Knights in antique armour. Quarrel of Drinkers of Barig and Chewers of Opium, JVliite Fhphant, Stag, Horse, Chasing by Bits * at night. Fire Works, Mahometan Ladies and Gentlemen, Illustra- tions of Indian Tales, Women presenting Infant to a Faquirni, Dance of Sufis, d:c. &c. mmmtecl on ornamented cardboard S2y7-inkled ivith gold-leaf, a magnificent volume in splendid Oriental binding covered ivith floriated designs in gold folio. S.-EC. xviii 489 PERSIAN DRAWINGS. A Collection of 40 PAIXTINCJS by a first-rate Persian Artist ro})rosenting Subjects of Persian Life, Portraits (including full-length of Azim Shah), t^c. exe- cuted in vivid colours Jieightened with gold, having ojyposite to each Persian Verses (ivritten in the finest style of Oriental Caligraphy) mounted on cardboard ornamented with beaxdiful floriated borders (15i by 11 inches), Oriental Binding folio. 8jec. XVIII 490 PERSIl ET JUVENALIS SATYRS ManuSCIUIT on vkllum (9| by 6A indies), by an Italian Scribe, with Initials ilhiiuinnti'd in gold and colours, blue morocco, leather joints, with Dvkc if llainilton's Crest in gold on back, fol. S/EC. XIV 83 491 Persii Satyrs VI. Juvenalis Satyrse XYI. Joannis Sulpitii Veru= lani de MoribusPuerorum Carmen juvenile. Ovidii Heroidarum Epistolae XV Manuscript (llibt/ 8^ iTiches), vellum folio. xv 492 Persii Satyr.?:; Statii Achilles : Claudianus de Eaptu Helense ; et Carmen de Urbe Veneta IManuscript on \'ELLUM by an Italian Scribe (9^ by 5|- indies), with Border and 10 Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, vellum small folio. xv \* Prefixed are the arms of Bishop Giustiniani emblazoned in gold and colours. 493 Petrarca (F.) de sui ipsius et multoroi Ignorantia IVIanuscript on vellum, with painted Initial (6 J by 4:\ inches), blue morocco, old style . 8ra. S-^c. XV 494 Petrarca (F.) Libro della Vita solitaria, traducto per Tito degH Strozzi ad Instantia et Nome del Magnifico Conte Lorenzo suo Fratello Manuscript on \t:lll^i (9J by 6| inches), with numerous Initial Letters and Arms of owner (2 Fleurs de Lis OR with label of 3 peVf dants gules in a field azure for 1 and 4, and a ferse with 3 crescents aegent in afield or for 2 and 3), finely illumi- nated in gold and colours, calf ito. S^C. XV 495 PETRAECA (F.) EIME Manuscript on paper (8f by 6 inches), dated 29 Martii 1452, with MS. Verses in Italian and Latin at end, including an Italian Poem by Lucresia Borusia Veneta and Latin Verses of Virgil, Ovid, Gallus, Guarini, Cascotiiis, F. de Variotio, Joannas Carpensis (Lucretice Borusice), &c. old stamped calf with figures of Saints ito. S^c. XY (1452; 496 PETEAECA (F.) EIME col Expositione di F. Philelfo Splendid Manuscript on vellum (10 by 7^ inches), executed in a style of uncommon magnificence and oi-namented with 221 Initial LettersandCapitcdshistoriated icith Portraits of Petrcarh and Laura, purple morocco extra, leatlier joints, gilt edges Ato. S.EC. xv 497 PETEAECA (F.) EIME (including the suppressed) Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5^ inches), russia ito. xv 498 PETEAECA (F.) EIME Manuscript on vellum (9| by 6| inches), ornamented with 2 beautifully illuminated Borders and Letters of gold, old morocco Mo. S^c. XV *^* At the end is a Sonnet by Meratti Cassinense decan benedet- tino di S. Giorgio Maggiore by which he presents this MS, to his Monastery. g2 84 499 PETRARCA (F) RIME Manuscript on \t:llum (7| by 4| inches), finely uritfen in elegant Italic Letters, vellum Svo. S.EC. XV 500 PETRARCA (F.) RIME Fine Manuscript on vellum (10 ly G^ inches), by an Italian Scribe, russia, leather joints, gilt edges, by Benedict, fol. S^EC. XV 501 PETRARCHA (FRANCESCO) RIME col Comento sopra de Misere Francesco Pliilelpho Poeta Superb Manuscript on vellum (13 J by 9^ inches), executed under the superintendence of Filelfo himself icith extraordinary magnificence, and ornamented ivith 12 EXQUISITE Illuminations within Borders composed of Putti, Birds, Floicers, &c. apparently by Girolamo da i Libri, the famous Miniator, and also deco- rated with numerous Capital Letters, all beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, silk, gilt gaufrS edges folio. S.EC. XV *^* One of the finest Manuscripts of Petrarch ever offered for sale, and equal if not superior to that which sold for £250 in the Libri sale. 502 PetrarC/E (F.) Epistol^e cum Vita Manuscript (llf J^ 8 in.), with the foUoiving colophon: Hie liber est mei del carlis bartholomei Manus scriptoris salvetur omnibus horis. vellum folio. S.-ec. xiv-xv *;^* At end in a more modern hand of the XVth Century is added F. Petrarca de sui ipsius et multorum ignorancia with 2 painted initials. 503 PETRI COMESTORIS HISTORIA SCHOLASTIC A VE- TERIS ET NOVI TESTAMENTI cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (13| by &h inches), by an English Scribe, old English red morocco, borders of gold, g. e. folio. S.-EC. XIII *^* On the first leaf is the following; inscription : " Orate pro anima Reverentissimi IMagistri Fratris Johannis Poole qui laudalnliter vixit in Ordine suo 50 Annis et ultra qui istum liliruni dodit Conventui Carmilit. de Coventre et si quis alienavit Anathema sit. Precium 20 solidos." 504 Petri Comestoris Liber allegoriarum Ystoriarum. Acccdit Summa Johannis Beleth Angli Manuscript on vellum {1\ by 5 inches) ito. S.€c. xiv 605 PETRI DE RIGA AURORA sive Paraphrasis metrica Vcteris et Novi Testamenti MANUSCRirr on vellum (8 J by 51 inches), with painted Capitals, calf ito. XIII 85 506 Petri de Riga Aurora cum Commentario Manuscript on vellum (9| hy 6 inches), ivith Draioingof Christy Adam and Eve, and Serpent with Tree of Life, half bound small folio. S.EC. xiii 507 Petri de Eiga Aurora sive Paraplirasis metrica Veteris et Novi Testamenti Manuscript on vellibi (7f Jy 4| inches), uritten for the Bene- dictine Monks of St. Justine de Fadua, adf B,vo. S^C. Xlll 508 Petri de Riga Aurora sive Paraplirasis metrica Veteris et Novi Testamenti Manuscript on vellum (7| hy b\ inches), painted Capitals, green morocco extra, silk linings, g. e. hy Thouvenin Uo. SiEC. Xiii 509 Petruccii (Andreotii) Epistol^e Manuscript on vellum (9 hy 6| inches), calf ito. S.«c. xv 510 Philelfi (Jo. Marii) de Isott.^ pudicissimse Virginis et gene- rosae ac prsestantissimae Mulieris Veronensis Moribus Doctri- naque atque Vita et Morte Carmen Autograph JVIanuscript, "Veronse III Nonas Octobris 1468 Marius Philelfus manu propria " (6| hy 4f inches), ornamented with Initial Letter and G-iustiniani Arms, finely illuminated in gold and colours, red velvet, silk linings, g. e. Uo. S.EC. XV (1468) *^* At the end are two Sonnets in Italian, addressed to Isotta, by Philelfo, and at the commencement Latin verses, headed " Clara Terravegii Mario Philelpho Foefce Sal." 511 Philelphi (F.) Carmina Manuscript (8| hy 5f inches), with Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours 4:to. Sjeg. XV 512 Philosophise Cursus juxta Aristotelem, Grsece Manuscript on paper (12 hy 8| inches), slightly defective in the beginning, ccdf, with Arms of Abbot of St. Michael de Muriano folio. S^c. xiv-xv 513 Phalaridis, Diogenis et Bruti Epistol^e, traductse per Fran- ciscum Aretinum Manuscript on vellum (8| by 5| inches), with illuminated Bor- der, Arms and Initial Letters in gold and colours, Medicean binding, gilt edges 4:to. SiEC. XV 514 PIETRO SPANO THESAURUS PAUPERUM, ItaHce, Qui finisse el Libro el quale neu chiamo Thesaurus Pauperum (Libro di Medecina) Manuscript on vellum (9f by 6f inches), black morocco, leather joints folio. SiEC. XV *^* A very favourite book on Medicine, quoted by the Crusca Academy as one of the Testi di Lingua. The author, Pietro Spano, was afterwards created Pope and took the name of John XXI. 615 Pii II (-^nese Sylvii Piccolominei) EpiSTOLA ad Malmmethem Principein Turcorum Manuscript on vellum, hy an Italian Scribe (9J hj 6J indies), wanting first leaf, morocco ito. S^EC. XV 616 Pii II REGULiE Cancellari^e (1458) Manuscript (8f by 5f inches) Uo. S^c. xv (1458) 517 PLINII HISTORIA NATURALIS Fine Manuscript on vellum (15^ by 12 inches), ornamented with painted Initials, red velvet, gilt edges folio. S.EC. Xi 618 Plutarchi Apophthegmata F. Filelfo Interprete Manuscript on paper (11 by 7f inches), icith illuminated Initial, old red morocco folio. S^C. XV 619 Plutarchi Apophthegmata (a F. Philelplio Latine reddita) Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6^ inches), u-hite moi-occo, old style 4/0. S.EC. XV 620 POEMS. The Wanderer's Lament in 242 Quatrains ; and Love's Lament for Christ's Absence, by M. I. D. in 34 Stanzas of 12 lines each Manuscript (14 by 9 iticlies), black morocco extra, Harleian gold tooling, gilt edges folio. S^C. XViii 621 PoGGio (Jacopo) SOPRA EL Triompho BELLA Fama di F. Petrarca Manuscript on paper (lOf by 8§ inches), with the Text of the Poem in red ink, illuminated bordered Initial and liovcre Arms, vellum folio. Sjec. xv 622 PoGGius Florentinus de Infelicitate Principum ; de Miseria Conditionis humanfc ; et de Varictate Rerum Fortinuv (Nioolai Veneti Itinerarium ad Intima India^) Manuscript on vellum (8^ by 5| inches), with 3 illuminated Initials, calf 4/0. xv *^* This Manuscript formerly belonged to the famous Lilius Gregorius Gyraldus, and in addition to his Autograph at the beginning, has at end " Perlecta ha;c a mo Opuscula sunt anno 1535 Lilii Gireg". Gyraldi." 623 PoGGius Florentinus de Varietate Fortun/E Manuscript on vellum (lOJ by 7 inches), wilh Initials illu- minated in gold and colours, stained, Mediccan binding folio. S/EC. XV ■.i 87 524 Pompeii Festi Excerpta :Manuscript on paper (9 hy 6| inches), calf, leather joints, old style Uo. S^C. XV *^* Manuscripts of the Abridgment of the great work of Verrius riaccus de Verborum Significatione by Pompeius Festus are very rare. 525 PoiiPEius Festus de Verborum veterum Significatione cum Pauli Diaconi ex iisdem Epitoma et ejusdem Epistola ad Carolum Magnum Imperatorem, Manuscript, uritten hy Francis Starola — KLriegfelt (Xicolaus) de Logica et Metaphysica, autograph Manuscript, dated 1419 — Entisberi Logica, AUTOGRAPH jManuscript of N. Kicgfelt, 1419 (11| hy 8^ inches), vellum in 1 vol. folio 526 PoMPONius Mella de Situ totius Orbis JManuscript on vellum (7^ hy 4^ inches), hy an Italian Scribe, with 8 ijages of various Medical Recipes in Italian at end, calf, blind tooled ^vo. S^C. XV 527 PONTIFICUM EOMAXORUM CATHALOGUS (in quo Vita JOAXX^ PAPISS^). AcceduntlmperatoresEomani a Julio Csesare usque ad Annum MCCCXXIV; Genealogise et Vitas Eegum Francorum et Angliae ; Comites Tholosani, &c. JManuscript on vellum (13 hy 8| inches), decorated with 149 Portraits of Kings, citron morocco, gilt edges folio. S-EC. xiv *^* At end in the Autograph of Pierre de Longueil, Bishop of Auxerre, is added a jManuscript of 8 closely written pages, entitled " Ai'enga sive Propositio facta Tholosae per Gaucelmum de Bosc[ueto Domino nostro Eegi Karolo VI Anno Domini millesimo CCC octuagesimo nono de mense Decembris," 528 POETULAXO overo Carte Nauticale JVIanuscript on pure velllii (8| hy 6| inches). A Collection of 11 very early Charts, finely drawn, in which all the then known Sea-Ports are very distinctly written, and extremely valuable for the Names of the A^ferican Ports, old red morocco, Medicean gold tooling, g. e. Uo. S.EC. xvi {circa 1530) 529 POETULAXO. A Collection of 16 Charts, exquisitely drawn and painted in gold and colours ON THE PUREST VELLUM (17 hy llf inches), by an Itahan Geographer (with Inscriptions in Itahan), and ornamented with Mariner's Compass, Ships, Heads of the Winds, Eepresentations of Sovereigns on their Thrones, Citadels, Towns (including Londra), Tents, &c. and especially valuable for giving a Survey of the Coast of 88 America in the latter part of the XVIth Century (certainly not prior to 1587, as Sigismund is mentioned as King of Poland, and who only ascended the throne in that year). Prefixed are two Paintings, a Zodiacal Instrument and a Celestial Chart, surrounded by the Signs of the Zodiac illu- minated in gold, silver and colours, oak hoards, covered in old Vemtian morocco, completely decorated with rich gold tooling, having a capital C as centre oi-nament, and capntal I over four stars at tap and bottom oj ewer folio. S^c. xvi {circa 1590) 530 PEACES PI^ Manuscript on pure \t:llum, hy a French Scribe (4| by 3| indies), beautifully ornamented icith 28 Borders, exquisitely painted in vivid colours, heightened ivith gold, representing tJie Arms of Owner, Quadrupeds, Monkeys, Birds, Insects, Snails, Flowers, Fruit and Grotesques, and decorated with 12 charming Miniatures, Initial Letters (4 historiated with tlie Four Evangelists), and numerous Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, red mwocco siiper extra, richly ornamented with gold tooling and varie- gated leathers by Monnier, silk linings, gilt edges, in half morocco case l2mo. S^c. xv 531 PE^PARATIO AD MISSAM in Usum SS. Pontificis Leonis X Magnificent Manuscript on vellum (15J by 10| inches), gorgeously decorated with a superb Painting of the Pope seated in Council, his Throne dated MDXX, with Inscription beneath, Leo. X. Patria. Florent. Pot. M. and sun-ounded by an exquisite Border, comprising Christ tiith attending Angels, 6 Heads of Saints, Medicean Devices, Cherubs, 8 Angels supporting a wreath, in which are painted the Papal Arms, Flowers, Pearls, &c. illuminated in gold and colours in the finest style of Italian art, by the celebrated Miniator Marco Attavante, from a Design by Puipjhael. The volume is also beautifully ornamented with 18 similar exquisite Borders, the first repi-esenting the Almighty attended hy Angels in the act of blessing, 6 Reads of Saints, Medi- cean Devices, Cherubs, 8 Angels s^tpypoiiing the Papal Aiins, which without the Angels are introduced into nearly all the rest. These Borders exhibit Medicean Devices and Mottoes, Gems, Emblems, Cfwrubs, Birds, Monkeys with Musical Instruments, Flowers, Pearls, &c. All the Iluhrics are in letters of gold, and every page is brilliant with Capital Letters and other ornamentations, finely illuminated in gold and colours. The Initial Letters are historiated with 29 exquisitely painted Portraits of Leo X in his various robes, having backgrounds heightened with gold and colours, purple morocco super extra, lined with brown leather, richly ornamented with gold scroll tooling in the Grolier style, gilt edges, by a Lewis folio. Smc. xvi (1520) *^(.* The celebrated Marco Attavante was principal Illuminator to Pope Leo X, and his "bellissime Miniature" are highly- praised by Vasari and other Historians of Painting. 532 PEEVOST (M.) PRIEEES DU SALUT POUE LA CHA- PELLE DU EOY Exquisitely beautiful Manuscript on very pure vellum (6^ by 4 inches), written within lines of gold fw and dedicated to Marie Leczinska, Queen of Louis XV, in a Caligraphy rivalling that of Jarry, and ornamented with Letters of Gold, tlie Royal Arms of tJie Queen, 5 Initial Letters with beautiful landscapes, and other decorations, superbly illuminated in gold and colours, black morocco extra, gilt edges, by Fadeloup, with the Queen's Arms and Monogram in gold on sides and back 8wo. 533 PEIERES DE LA MESSE ^crites par Eousselet a Paris Manuscript on paper (4f by 3 inches), within Borders of gold, a fine specimen of Caligraphy, ornamented with Bordered Title- page, 2 Miniatures and 2 Vignettes, beautifully designed and painted in blue, surrounded by Bm'ders illuminated in gold and colours, and also decorated ivith 2 Paintings of Culs-de-Lampe and Initial Letters, painted on a gold ground, olive morocco, doubU with red leatlier, covered with minute gold tooling {h petits fers), by Le Gascon, gilt fl.yleaves and edges ; from the Library of J. T. Aubry with his Book-plate llmo. S^C. xvil 534 PEISCIANI AETIS GEAMMATIC^ LIBEI XVI Manuscript on vellum (11 byl inches), with Border and painted Initials (the first historiated with portrait of the Author), vellum folio. S.EC. XIV *^* This Codex contains the portion of Priscian known as Pris- CIANUS Major or Larger Grammar, to distinguish it from the smaller in two Books, called Priscianus Minor. It is very distinctly written with the Greek Quotations in Capitals, so very rare an occurrence that the learned Vinet, who intended editing an edition of the work, was never able to discover an ancient Manuscript with the Greek Quotations. 635 Prisciani Grammatica Minor Manuscript on vellum (7f by 4f indies), green parchment 8m SiEC. XIV 536 Procies de Gilles de Eays Mareschal de France en I'An 1440 Manuscript (7^ by 4f inches), veau fame 8vo. S^c. xviii *^* Marshal Gilles de Eays was executed, with Poitou and Henriet his Servants, for the Abduction, criminal intercourse and murder of a number of children 90 637 Prolegomena in Philosophiam, Graece Manuscript (9 by 5| indies), very distinctly written, but stained and wormed, calf ito. SJEC. XV 538 PEOMPTUAIRE DES MONNOYES Manuscript (ll^ by 7^ inches), with npioards of 1500 Drawings of Coins of all Nations, red morocco folio. SiEC. xvi 539 Prosperi Aquitanici Carmina Manuscript on vellum (lOf by 7h inches) folio. S.^c. xiv 540 Prosperi Aquitanici Carmina Finito Libro sit laus et gratia Cristo Meum nomen non pono quia me laudare nolo Si vultis scire Johannis fuit ille. Joannis Genesii Carmina. Prudentii Enchiridion Novi et Veteris Testament! Dicta Sapientum Manuscript (8 ly 5f inches) in 1 wl. ito. Sjec. xv 541 Prosperi Equitanici Epigrajmmata, Manuscript on ^t:llum, SiEC. XIV — De Cultu Equorum, ]\Ianuscript on vellum, Smc. XIV — Commissione del Doge Francesco Contarini a G. B. Tagiapiera Proveditore di Asso, Official Manuscript on vellum, dated 20 September, 1624 — Excerpta varia ad Usum Disciplorum, MANUSCRIPT on paper in the autograph of Antonio Barbaro, dated "Idibus Decembris 1505 " (9i by 6^ inches) in 1 vol. ito. *^* From the famous Library of Apostolo Zeno. 542 PRUDENTII OPERA cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5^ inches), portion of last leaf deficient, written in Carlovingian characters, with Rubrics and 1 Headings in r%Lstic Capitals in red ink, oak boards, covered in green morocco, bevelled edges, leather joints, blind tooled in the old style ito. S.EC. X * * Ancient Manuscripts of this Author arc so rare that not above three or four are known written before the XlVth Century. In this, wliich formerly belonged to the Monastery of St. Galle the metres used by Prudentins arc prctixcd Snd after the Passio Sanctis Agnetis follows a Poem entitled "Versus Constantin;e Constantiui Fili;e scripti in Capsida Basilicixi (piam condidit in Jlonon^ Agiietis N'irgiiiis " said to be unpublished. To a future editor this important Codox oilers various readings worthy of attontiou. 91 543 PSALMI SEPTEM PCENITENTIALES, cum Litania, Ora- tionibus pro Paulo V, &c. Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (4 hy 2| inches), an exquisite specimen of caligraphy with name of scribe, " Antonius Saccus Eavennae scripsit MDcmiii," elegantly m-nam^nted uith Borghese arms, Miniature of King David, 21 Initial Letters (several with Borghese Quarterings and one historiated with Madonna and Child), 24 heautifid vignettes and numerous letters of gold, richly hound in calf covered with gold tooling composed of scrolls and Borghese arms painted gilt edges, a fine specimen of the Lih-ary of Pope Paid V l2mo. Barennce, 1609 544 PSALTERIUM cum Canticis, Hymnis, Orationibus, Symbolo S. Athanasii, &c. uritten on 97 Leaves, with 13 Initial Letters beautifully histoiiated tvith Miniatures, each painted on a gold ground — MARTYROLOGIUM de universis Anni Festivita- tibus, loritten on 86 Leaves, 91 pages of ivhich are decorated uith numerous artistic delineations of Martyrdoms cleverly painted on gold leaf, 2 vol. in 1, Manuscript, very distinctly written, dark brown morocco, gilt edges (10 by 6^ inches) Uo. S^EC. xi 545 PSALTERIUM, cum Canticis, Litania, Orationibus, Lectionibus .et Calendario , Manuscript on vellltvi, hy an early German scribe (9f by 6| inches), ornamented loith a beautiful Initial B, historiated with a Painting of the Trinity in vivid colours on a gold ground; an illuminated Calendar with fidl-length Portraits of the ttvelve Apostles, the signs of the Zodiac and Occupations of the Months painted on gold ground ; 7 rude Paintings of the Holy Family, Baptism of Christ, Flagelation, Crucifixion, Christ delivering Souls from Hell, Resurrection and Christ in Glory, executed in vivid colours on gold grounds; the first page mitten in white letters between broad gold lines on variously coloured grounds; 150 Letters of gold heightened with various colours; and 9 oma- \ ' mental Initials painted on gold coloured grounds, red velvet, gilt Ato. S^c. xin 546 PSALTEEIUM cum Canticis, Litania et Orationibus. Accedunt HoR.E Beat.-e Marle Virgin is secundum Usum Ambianum cum Calendario Fine IVIanuscript on vellum (9 by 6| inches), beautifully decorated with 450 Capitals, 34 Initial Letters historiated with human figures, 28 Borders of Flowers and Ch-otesques (including Wolf in Monk's clothing) and 40 Miniatures all finely illuminated in gold and colours probably by a Monk of Amiens, calf Uo. S^c. XIV {circa 1350) 647 PSALTERIUM CUM COMMENTARIO D. KBICHII, Hebraice Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (9| by 7 inches), the first page decorated with 4 Miniatures surrounded by an elegant border representing Clierubs, Quadrupeds, Birds and Flowers by Grirolamo da i Libri and ornamented with bordered Initial Letters richly illuminated in gold and colours, in old Medicean binding, rebacked ito. Sjec. XV 648 PSALTERIUM cum Hymnis. Accedunt Officia B. Mariae Virginis, Defunctorum, S. Crucis, et pro -^grotis cum Calendario Manuscript of vellum, dated 1461 (4^ by 3 inches), ornamented with musical hand and diagrams, and also with floriated Borders and Initials (historiated with figures) illuminated in gold and colours, old wooden boards, covered in calf, tooled with gold l6mo. Sjec. XV (1461) 549 PSALTERIUM cum Prologis, Canticis, Orationibus, Symbolis S. Atlianasii et Apostolorum, Litania, &c. Manuscript on vellum (lOf by 7^ inches), ornamented with grotesque Initial painted on a gold ground, 9 painted Initials, numerous Capitals in red and blue ink, and 200 Draicings in colours containing upwards of 1100 figures by a Norman scribe, pmple velvet, gilt edges small folio. S.^EC. Xii 550 PSALTERIUM cum Symbolis, Oratione Dominica, Litania, Canticis et Hjmanis. Accedunt Horse B. Marice Virginis, Lectionarium, Orationes, &c. Manuscript on vellum (7| by 5-| inches), ivifh Capitals finely illuminated in gold and colours small ito. Sjec. XV 661 PSALTERIUM FERIALE secundum Usum Paris. Ecclesiae cum Calendario, Canticis et Breviario Manuscript on vellum (7 by 5 inches), uith 2 large Miniatures (Crucifixion and Salvator Mundi) illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges 8ro. S.EC. xv 552 PSALTERIUM GR^CO-LATINUM • , An important and excessively valu.vble Manuscript on vellum (9 J by 7| inches), uritten in a very legible hand with the pecidiarity of the Greek being written in h'oman characters, thus giving us tJie exact pronunciation of the Greek language as spoken when the Byzantine Empire ivas in its literary glory and abmtt the period wlien the schism between the Greek ami Riman Churches originated, drab morocco extra, leather joints, bevelled edges, by C. Lewis ito. 8mc. ix The date of the execution of this veneral)le Manuscript is discovered in the (}rc('k insciiptioii in Capital Lcttcra prctixcd, slu)\\iiig it belonged to tiie Monastery of St. Anil)rose at Milan, when Peter II was Abbot who was created iu 850 and died in 897. // I'HI M 93 553 PSALTERIUM SANCT^ SALABERG^, Fundatricis et primae Abbatissse hujus Monasterii Sancti Joannis Laudunensis Manuscript on vellum (13| hy 9| inclies) in double columns, WRITTEN IN UNCIAL CHARACTERS loith singularly curious rustic Capitals, blue morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, hy Kalthceber folio. S^C. VII, circa 650 *^(.* This venerable Manuscript, written for the use of the Nuns of St. Jean Baptiste de Laon by their Abbess Saint Salaberge, who died in the year 655, is an extraordinary rarity, and as such is mentioned by Mabillon in his De Re Diplomatica, wherein he has also given a facsimile of it. In the Creed there are three remarkable variations from later versions, viz. 1, natum ex patre ; 2, omitting Deum ex Deo before Lumen de Lumine ; 3, Spiritus Sanctus ex Patre procedens not ex Patre et Filio. Opposite folio 27 is added a long list of articles in the Treasury of the Church of St. John the Baptist at Laon made for the Abbess Adelaide II, circa 1120 554 PSALTERIUM in Usum Romanum cum Calendario et cum Canticis, Hymnis, Symbolis Apostolorum et S. Athanasii, Litania, &c. Manuscript on vellum (7 hy 5 inches), with musical Notes, ornamented with a Border illuminated in gold and colours in which the arms of the owner (an Urn with A. M. or on a field azure), the capitals A. D. and I. H. S with motto Memento mei Domine in letters of gold, vellum ito. S^EC. xv 555 PSELLI (Michaelis) RHETORICA ET SYNTAGMA PHILOSO- PHIC, Gr^ce Manuscript (6J hy 4^ inches), calf 8vo. Smc. xv 556 PTOLEMCI CATALOGUS STELLARUM FIXARUM e Grseco in Latinum translatus cum Imaginibus verificatis Tempore Alfonsi Regis Manuscript on vellum (14| hy 9| inches), with 46 large and curious Paintings and historiated Initial in gold and colours, half bound folio. SiEC. xiii 557 Ptolem^i Liber qui Centiloquium appellatur. Accedunt Liber Albumasarii de Floribus ; Versus de Tonitru ; et Capitulum de Segete Manuscript on vellum with Diagrams (9 by 6f inches), vellum, 4:to. Sjec. xv 558 Querini (Zuane) Historia Venetiana Manuscript (11| by 7| inches), 2 vol. written in 1 61 2 folio. Smc. xvii (1612) 94 659 EADEGONDE. vie et legexde de madame SAINCTE RADEGOXDE Fille du Roy de Thoringue et Espouse du Roy Clothaire I extraicte tant des Legendes composees par Monseigneur Sainct Fortune Evesque de Poictiers et Baudouyne Religieuse et Servante de ladite Dame, que de Vincent Historial et Grans Chroniccjues de France (en Prose et en Vers). Officium Beatissimae Rade- gundis et deux Miracles Manuscript on vellum (lOJ hy 7 inches), ormmented zcith 10 beautiful Paintings executed in vivid colours, heightened uiih gold, elegant borders historiated tiith arms of France, of the Dauphin, and Due de Bourbon, Fleur-de-lis, Birds, Nondescripts and Flowers, and also decorated ivith Initial Letters, finely illumi- nated in gold and colours, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Simier folio. S.EC. XV %* See on fly-leaf Mr. Beckford's curious quotations from this work. 560 Raimundi Fratris Ordinis Predicatorum SuMiU cum Com- mentario Manuscript on vellum (9 by 6^ incJies), a few leaves of Com- mentary at tlie commencement damaged, rough calf, ito. Sjec. XV 561 RALLI (Manilii Cabacii) CARMINA Manuscript on vellum (7| by 4| incJies), beautifully written in Italic Letters, with name of the scribe, " Jo. Luchinus Curtius opusculi Scriptor," the first page ornamented with Initial Letter and arms of Cardinal F. de La Rovere (aftei- wards Sixtus IK) (a tree or on a field azure), old red morocco, covered with gold tooling in the Medicean style, gilt edges, the Cardinal's arms in gold forming the centre ornament 8vo. S.EC. XV *^t* Ralli is praised by Pontano in Book II of Hendecasyllabon. 562 Raphael de Pornasio de Potestate Consilii Manuscript (10^ by 7| inches), folio S.€C. xV 663 RECUEIL contenant la Traduction dos Relations de I'Ambassade de Mehemet Effcndy en France, de cello de Dourry Effendy en Perse, de la Lettre du Grand Vizir Sadry Azan .^ ritimadildevlet de Perse, avec des Memoircs et Rcmanjues servant d'Eclaircissement aux dittos Relations et autros Pieces y ayant Raport Manuscript (13 by 8J inches), hiving at end the Turkish Text, Oriental binding in yellow morocco, with ornamentatianii stamped in silver folio. S.'EC. xviii 95 564 REFFY BAZIL (Mirza) HUMLAH HEYDEREE GOOFLAHY or Wars of the Prophet Ali, in Persian Beautiful Manuscript, tcith cypher of Genghi Eustem Behader (13 J by 9^ inches), decorated with 182 superb Paintings in brilliant colours, heightened tvith gold and siher, Oriental russia binding folio 665 REMIGII ANTISSIODORENSIS COMMENTARIA IN PSALMOS JMaxuscript on vellum (14| by 10^ inches), ccdf folio. S^c. xi 566 REXE ROI DE SICILE, DUG D'AXJOU, &c. TRAICTIE DEXTEE LA^IE DEVOTE ET LE CUER LE QUEL SAPPELLE LE MORTIFIEMEXT DEVAIXE PLALSANCE Manuscript on velluini (10 by 6f inches, ornamented with floriated border tcith arms, 87 Capital Letters and 8 curious Paintings, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges small folio. S^C. XV 567 REZEXDE (Silverio Manoel de) MARAVILHAS DO PAR- XASO : ou Collec^ao especial de varias Flores Poeticas culti- vadas nos Jardins de Apolo por alguas das estimaveis Musas Portuguesas Manuscript, containing a Collection of unpublished Por- tuguese Poetry (8 by 5f inches), finely written on 212 leaves, green morocco, gilt edges ; from the Library of the late Marquis de Marialva *^* This Manuscript contains : 22 Sonnets of the Conde de Ta- rouca Joao Gomes de Sylva Teles ; 20 Sonnets by Alex. Ant. de Lima ; 33 Sonnets by Joao Xer. de Matos ; 23 Sonnets by Ant. Con. Yiana ; 1 Sonnet by Joaquim Leocadia de Faria ; and 1 AnonjTnous. Gloza ao do Assumpto en outavas ; Aos trez Assumptos en outavos do J. X. de Matos ; A, B, C Poetico que escreveu hu Sogeito na Bahia en outavas ; Despedida de hum Amante de sua Freyra do Convto do Almoter auzen- tandose della para o Alemtijo en outavas ; Manleo Torcato Romance Endecasilabo ; Pauzanias Romance Endecasilabo ; Romance heroico ao Rey D. Joao V. do Abbe de S. Bade Mel Moreira de Souza. Romance Endecasilabo do mesmo ; Ro- momance Endecasalibo ; Romance heroico do J. X. de Matos ; Romance heroico de A. C. Vianna ; Romance Endecasilabo de mesmo ; Romance heroico de mesmo ; Romance heroico de mesmo ; A Fortuna e^a Disgrassa Xovela exemplar ; Lament- a9ao metrica por Jose Joaquim da Mota Mamso Romance (50 pages) Carta de Dona Ignez de Castro para o Principe Dom Pedro, &c. Romance do Abbe de S. Bade M. Moreira de Souza (21 pages) ; Romance de Julio de Melo de Castro ; Queixasde Albano Romance ; Romance Pastoril ; Decima de J. X. de Matos ; 1 5 Glozas de mesmo ; Gloza (por Ant. de Cunha Sotomayor) ; 3 Glozas de Ant. de Brito de Viana ; 16 Glozas (Anonymous) ; Gloza de Joao de Lemos Barros ; Gloza de Soror Romaria Caetana de Sta. Ma. Religiosa em Vilaviciosa. 96 668 Rhetor ex Alcorano Manuscript (7| ly 4| inches) 8m S.«c. xvtii 569 Rhetoric, Arabic Tracts relating to Manuscript (7| hy 4| inches) Svo. Sjec. xvii-xviii 570 RICOBALDI FERRARIENSIS (Gervasii) POMERIUM sive Chronicon totius Orbis Beautiful IVIanuscript on \telloi (13^ by 9 J inches), the first page surrounded hy an exquisite border, and the work ornamented with 7 initial letters, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, leather joints folio. S.«C. XV *^* According to Fabricius this valuable work has never been printed, excejDt the portion relative to the Monarchs from Charlemagne to 1298, pubUshed by Eccard in his Scriptores medii ^vi. Peter Scriverius possessed a manuscript which he intended to edit, but which at his death could not be found. This manuscript was presented by Rozina, widow of Andrea Dandulo, to the Monks of S. Francis de Yineasi at Venice, 22 September, 1474. 571 RiTUALE. Liber Benedictionum S. Gregorii Magni Manuscript on vellum (8| by%\ inches), wi th painted capitals ito. ^JEC. X 672 Rivera (Don Francisco de) y Don Antonio Matheos Murillo Amputaciones para una Cronica Principe Historia de los Prin- cipes des Asturias (1387-1504) Unpublished Manuscript (12 % 8 inches), with drawings of 8 genealogical trees, 5 portraits and 5 medals, in pen and ink, red morocco, gilt edges folio. Madrid, 1770 573 Rolandini Bononiensis Flos super ultimis Yoluntatibus De- functorum Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6 inches), with name of scribe, " Scriptus a Thomeo de Pannicis de Mantua sed Nacione Pa- duano,") parchment Uo. S.EC. XV 574 ROLANDINI PATAVINI CRONICA MARCHLE TERVI- SIN^ ET DE ECCELLINOKUM TYRANNIDE Manuscript on vellum (11 by 7^ inches), ornamented u-ith the arms of Padua and the Ezzelini, border loith 2 miniature portraits, and 12 bordered initials historiated with miniature portraits, all finely illuminated in colours on a gold ground, Mcdicean binding, with clasps folio. S^C. XV 576 ROMANS DE LIMAGE DU MONDE (en Yers) Manuscript on vellum (9i by GA inches), u-ith 20 painted dia- grams and numerous capital letters, reau fauve, gilt edges small folio. S.t;c. xiv 97 576 ROMANT DE LA ROSE OU TOUT L'ART DAMOURS EST ENCLOSE (par Guillaume de Louis et Jean de Meun), Magnificent Manuscript (8| hy 6 inches), apparently written coeval vnth Jean de Meun, one of the authors, gorgeously ornamented with superb borders, composed of flowers, birds, fruit, nondescripts, &c. and exquisitely decorated loith 2 full-page paintings and 100 elegant MINIATURES, and numerous capitals beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, black morocco, gilt edges, hy Clovis Eve, let- tered on sides Cest Ou la Ler Rtd Oman Amou Tde Res La Ro Tend Use Ose small 4/a S^EC. xiv 577 ROMANT DE LA ROSE, ivith 13 miniatiires in gold and colours, Ymage del Monde (en Vers), with 28 coloured diagrams. Vie Sainct Brandani (en Vers), Coment Nature fist un Home (en Vers), Dun Pliilosophe qui ocist sa mere par sa parole (en Vers), Les sept Ars damours (en Vers), Les Demandes et les Responses damours (en Vers) Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6^ inches), red morocco, gilt edges ito. SiEC. XIV 578 ROMANT DE LA ROSE Splendid Manuscript on vellum (14| by \Q inches) written in ancienne Batarde in double columns and beautifully ornamented with 1 01 exquisite miniatures en grisaille heightened with gold, beautiful borders and numerous initial letters finely illumi- nated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges, by Boyet folio, SiEC. XIV 579 ROMULEON translate de Latin en Francois, Roman de Chevalerie Manuscript on paper (15^ J?/ 1 If inches), ornamented with 127 large half page drawings in indian ink [the first an equestrian por- trait of Chauvigni Chevalier Pluvet with his Squire bearing his standard), and extremely curious and almost invaluable as giving the costume, armour, cannons, guns, bows, &c. used in the XVth cen- tury, calf, with arms and devices of Chancelier d'Agmsseau in gold on sides and back folio. S^C. XV 580 RONSARD (Pierre de) DE LA FRANCIADE, Livre I & II Manuscript on paper, dated 1570 (lOJ by 1^ inches), having Book I written in letters of gold on a purple ground, and Book II in letters of silver on a green ground, old brown morocco, gilt edges, with arms of Grandprd in gold on sides folio. Sjec. XVI (1570) H SIXTH DAY'S SALE SIZES MIXED. BOUMANS DE BRANOR LE VIEL CHEVALIER ET DU ROY MELYADUS. ET DU ROY ARTUS ET COMPAGNONS DE LA TABLE RONDE ET DE GALEHOT LE BRUN ET PLUSIEURS AULTRES (traduit par Rustiens de Pise) Manuscript on vellum (19 by 13| inches), finely uritten and ornamented with 34 beautiful floriated Borders, 34 Initial Letters and numerous Capitals, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, red moi-occo, gilt edges, by Derome royal folio. S.EC. XV 582 RUSSIAN ARMORIAL Manuscript (9 by 6| inches), containing a Collection of 52 Coats of Arms of Russian Nobility exquisitely painted on Vellum in gold; and colours, red morocco, gilt edges ito. Sjec. xix 583 Sabbadino (Christoforo) Discorsi con Opinioni dei Signori Alvise Cornaro et di C. Sabbadino sopra la Laguna di Venetia Manuscript (16^ by 11 inches), imth 2 coloured Maps by Sabbadino and Cornaro, and Lunar Figure, vellum, folio. S^C. xvi (1551) 584 SADLER (SIR RALPH) COLLECTION OF LETTERS (1539-43) whilst Ambassador from Henry YIII in Scotland Transcripts from the Original Letters, old English blue morocco, gilt edges, with MS. Index unbound (12 by 7^ inches) 2 vol. folio 685 SAIDI, Verses in Turkish, Persian and Arabic Manuscript (7| by 5^ iiicJu's), uritten within gold lines 4t0. S/EC. XVIII 686 SAINT-GELAIS (OCTAVIEN DE) POESIES Manuscript on vellum (9| by 6h inches), ornamented with a beautiful Painting (f the Author seated in his Library in tJte act of composing, with Arms of Bethunc emblazoned below, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome 4to. S-EC. XV 99 587 SAINT GERMAIN (MATTHIEU DE) EMBLEMES ET DE- VISES POUE LA ROYNE MERE DU ROY Manuscript on vellum (7 hy 5 inches), beautifully written within lines of red and gold, with the Arms of Marie de Medicis {Royne Mere du Roy) painted in gold and colours on title, and extensively ornamented tvith 60 coloured Drawings of Emblems within Borders, citron morocco ito. 1625 588 Sallustii Opera Manuscript on vellum (10 by 7 inches), vellum, folio. S^c. xiv 589 Salomone Figlio di David Re di Israele Clavicola tradotta dall Ebraicho all Volgare da Isach Colorninutu Manuscript on vellum, with Diagrams (6^ by 4 inches), having at end a large folded Charm (21^ by i^ inches), fw Filipo Figliolo di Nicoleta, blue morocco, gilt edges, with clasps, by Boyet, having the Arms of Count Hoym stamped in gold on sides, 8vo. S^c. xvii 590 Salvador Juif, Histoire critique de Jesus tir6e d'Ouvrages authentiques, traduite par un Fran9ais R6fugi6 Manuscript (9| by 6| inches), vellum ito. Sjeg. xviii *^* At the end is " Examen r^fl^chi des diverses Situations ou se sont trouv^s les Hommes par Rapport k la Religion jusqu'4 I'Epoque du Christianisme, avec des Observations sur ce que la Religion Chr^tienne peut avoir de nuisible ou utile aux Societ6s par un Membre de I'Academie Fran9aise." 591 SANAZARI (JACOBI) ECLOGHE Manuscript on velluivi (9^ by 5i inches), a fine Specimen of Italian Caligraphy, with Initials illuminated in gold and colours, vellum extra, ornamented with gilt borders on blue morocco, gilt by C. Lewis Uo. S^c. xv 592 SCHAUWENBURGH (JOANNIS) ITINERARIUM ROMAM versus et Roma lerosolymam Manuscript (6;^ by 3| inches), illustrated with 20 coloured Drawings of Monasteries visited, and 2 of Maronite Costume, purple morocco extra, covered luith gold tooling in the Grolier style, leather joints, gilt edges, by J. Mackenzie 8vo. 8mc. xvii {ciixa 1650) *^* The Author was a Franciscan Monk in the Monastery of Munster, in Westphalia, who, by command of his Superior, " Fr. Gerhardus Joannis Minister Provincialis," proceeded in 1650 to Rome, to consult with the General of the Order con- cerning Monastic Affairs, which concluded, he travelled " per Germaniam et Italiam Solymos versus et per Gallos et Belgas ad Wesphalos reducet." The Work was evidently intended for the Press even to the " Prologium ad Benevolum Lectorem," h2 100 693 SCOTLAND. REGISTRUM DE ABERBROTHOCK Manuscript on vellum, %cith painted Capitals (11 by 7^ it (10 leaves deficient), russia folio. Sjec. xiv-XV *^* A very important Volume for the Historj' of Aberbrothick, which ought to be secured in a pubHc Library. At the end of the List of Contents, which is in a later handwriting than the work itself, is the following inscription : " Richardus Augustinus De La Haye Scotus Canonicus Regularis Divae GenoveftB Parisiensis Prior Fani Petri de Petri Monte ad Altum Fluvium refecit Anno 1696." 694 SCOTLAND. A MOST IMPORTANT AND INVALU- ABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT PAPERS RESPECTING TRANSACTIONS BETWIXT THE KINGDOMS OF SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND FROM THE YEARS 1532 TO 1544 INCLUSIVE, AND ALSO IN THE YEARS 1548, 1584 AND 1585, many in Cyplier, arranged chrono- logically in \1 vols, calf folio. 1532-85 ♦^* This extensive and priceless Collection of original Documents and State Papers throws much light on the History of the Period, and ^dll be, it is to be hoped, secured for some public Library, so that future Historians may have access to the very valuable contents of these volumes. In them are » numerous Letters of James V, and of his ^Mother IMargaret (Sister of Henry VIII), addressed to Henry VIII, with auto- graph signatures and seals. Amongst the more valuable Letters are those addressed to Henry VIII by the Archbishop of Glasgow as Chancellor of Scotland, Sir Thomas Wharton, Sir Cuthbert Radclyf, Lord Maxwell, Thomas Bellenden, Thomas Wryothesley, Bryan Layton, John Haryngton, Thomas Rutland, John Latymer, John Uvedale, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, W. Lord Southampton, Cuthbert Duresme, Sir Anthony Browne, George Lawson, Edward Shelley, E. Earl of Hertford, James Earl of Murray, John Viscount Lisle, Thomas Dawe, Thomas Wentworth, Sir George Douglas, A. Earl of Angus, P. Earl of Bothwell, G. Earl of Cassils, Earl of Glencarne, Cardinal of Scotland, C. Duke of Suffolk, Correspondence of Sir Ralph Sadler (many in Cypher), Robert Landaff, W. Lord Parr, James Earl of Arran Protector and Governor of Scotland, William Evre, Sir N. Throckmorton, Earl of Northumi!ERI-,\ni), Thomas Hylton, George Bowes, F. Earl of Siirewsiury, Richard Robinson, Sir R. Gary, Robert Brandlyng, Thomas Gower, Richard Lee, Patrick Greme, W. Redman, Thomas Karlell (Carlisle), Michael Stanhope, Gilbert Ewing, Sir Janios Wil- ford {in Cypher), Thomas Palmer, Do (}anil)ara, Sir F. Wal- SINGIIAM, G. Stonehouse, E. Clynton, Henry Johnos, Henry Bulhner, Ricliard Maners, John lirende, W. Scot, John Luttrell, Sir F. Leek, Pasipiil against Mr. Kandolph signed Boldiiic, Lord Scrojx', F. Dasvtrcy, Kdwanl Decryng, Thomas Miller, Sir John Forster, Edward Wotton, Thomas Kiiigesmill, and other eminent Statesmen of the Period. 101 595 SCOTLAISTD. Illuminated Peerage of Scotland Manuscript (13 hy 8| inches), xoith Coats of Arms most heaitti- fully painted and ornamented, by Order of King Charles I, hy the Herald Painters of the Lyon Office, Edinburgh, for His Majesty's private Library, old black morocco, richly ornamented with gold tooling and variegated leathers folio. S^C, xvil 596 SCOTLAND. Book of Valuations of Presbiteries (1639) IVIanuscript (11 J by 1\ inches) folio. SvEC. xvii (1642) 597 SCOTLAND. Accompt of His Majesties propper Kents extracted out of y« Eolles and Kegisters be Sir William Purves his Ma" SoUicitor in Anno 1681 ^L^NUSCRiPT (14 5y 9 inclus), with Arms of Charles II in gold on sides folio. S^c. xvii (1681) 598 SCOTLAND. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners for a Union between Scotland and England ]\LiNUSCRiPT (141 J^ 91 iriches) folio. S.EC. xviii (1702-3) 599 SCOTLAND. Transcripts of Documents relating to Aberdeen, Scroon and Aberbrothick IVLy^usCRiPT (121 hy 7| indies), from the Earl of Panmure's Library, calf folio. S^EC. XVlli 600 SCOTIA NUMISMATA Manuscript (8| by 5^ inches), tree-marbled calf, gilt edges 8vo. Smc. xviii 601 SCOTT (SIR WALTEPv) THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER, A TALE Autograph Manuscript (12 by 8^ inches), green morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford folio. 1829 602 Sedulii Carmen Paschale / "^yi Manuscript on vellum (7| by 4| incJies) ito. Sjec. xiv ■ 603 SENECA EPISTOL^ REFORMATS CXXIV Manuscript on paper (16 by 11^ inches), with name of scribe and date, " Scriptus est liber iste per me Jo. Truter Anno D. 1427 in die sancti benedicti," with autograph of Cardinal Crimani on first leaf, oak boards folio. Sjec. XV (1427) 604 SENECA OPUSCULA MORALIA ]Manuscript on ^^:LLUM (8| by 6 inches), first page within an illuminated Border in which is delineated a fiying Cupid bearing a Cardinal's Hat and the Visconti Arms, old red morocco Uo. SiEC. XIII 605 Sermon on the Mediator Manuscript by a Scotch Divine (7J by 5| inches) ito. S^ec. xvii 102 606 SQUERRER (Arnaud, Procureur et Recevieur de Gaston DE Foix) HISTOIRE de GASTON IV COMTE DE FOIX, en Prose et en Vers Manuscript on vellum (11 J hy 8^ inches), apparently deficient of ttvo leaves at tlie commencement, red morocco, gilt edges folio. Sjec. XV *^* This History is said to be by Squerrer, but the following acrostic at end of the volume seems to prove that the real author was Guillaume Le Seur — " Grace a Dieu et a nostre Dame Venu suys about de monsieur Instruyt au vraye sans mesdit dame Lay fait peu a peu livre a livre Long propos grand matiere livre Autant pane que drap coment Vain euvre ceu millier se delivre Muable home a molle fin vrient Et Le Seur a bon port pervient." 607 Statu Achilleis. Accedit Sallustii Belli Chatelinarii Liber. Cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 6^ inches) folio. xiv 608 STATU ACHILLEIS cum Glossis et Commentario Manuscript on vellum (Hi by 8 inches), tcith Initial Letter historiated with Knight in Armour, and a Border in which a Negro playing the Bagpipes, green inorocco, by C. Leicis, folio. S^C. XIV *^* Manuscripts of the Achilleis are extremely rare. 609 STATU OPERA, cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 4^ inches), yellow morocco, leather joints, blind tooling, bevelled edges, in the old style Agenda folio. Sjec. XI *^t* Manuscripts of Statius are of extraordinary rarity, and this Codex with its numerous Glosses deserves the careful collation of any future editor. 610 STATU OPERA, cum Glossis et Commentario Manuscript on vellum (9| by 4| inches), with Initial Letter and Morosini Arms illuminated in gold and colours, old vwnKCO small folio. S/EC. XIV 611 STATU OPERA Manuscript on vellum (8 by 5| inches), by an Italian scribe, with Initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, calf ito. SiEC. XV 612 Statutes of the Order of the Thistle ManusckU'T (7 by 4^ inches), green morocco, gilt edges Sro. S/EC. XViii(17G3) 103 613 STROZII (T. V.) CARMINA Manuscript on vellum (9 hj 6f inches), with Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, ivith inscription on fly-leaf " Titi Strocii Codex ab Ill"°Duce Borsio donatus 1460," rvd morocco, leather joints ito. Sjec. XV 614 STROZZ^ (Titi Vespasiani) EROTICON LIBRI IV Fine Manuscript on vellum {9^ by 6| inches), ornamented with 3 Miniature Portraits, scrolled Borders with Arms of owner {Lion rampant AZURE on a field argent) and numerotis Initials, all finely illuminated in gold and colours, calf, ito. SiEC. XV (1482) *^* At end is the inscription " Hie Liber est Antonii Nigrisoli Ferrarige Calendis Aug. MCCCCLXXXII." 615 SUETONII VIT^ XII C^SARUM Manuscript on vellum (10 J by 6|- inches), loith Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Bering small folio. SiEC. XV 616 SUETONII VlT^ XII C^sarum Manuscript on paper (11| J?/ 8f inches), calf folio. xv *^* At the end is bound up an Italian Version of Jacopo de Cessolis Giuocho di Scacchi with 5 Drawings of the Pieces, but wanting the beginning as far as Chapter IV. 617 SYNAXAEIA SIVE VIT^ sanctorum, Greece Manuscript on vellum (13| by 10 inches), ve7-y distinctly written, old red morocco, with clasps folio. S.EC. Xiil 618 TAGLIACII ARCHIEPISCOPI PATRENSIS (Stephani) COM- MENTARIUS IN CANTICA CANTICORUM Manuscript on vellum (9^ by 6J inches), ivith beautifully illu- minated Border and Initial ivith floriated border, fijiely illuminated in gold and colours, yellmo mm-occo, leather joints, g. e. ito. Sjec. XV *^* This Work is not mentioned by Fabricius and seems never to have been printed. 619 TERENTII COMCEDI^, cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (7| by 5| inches), vnth Capitals illumi- nated in gold and colours, oak boards covered in stamped leather 4to. Smc. xrv 620 TERENTII COMCEDI^, cum Glossis Manuscript on vellum (12 J by 9 inches), by an Italian Scribe (Johannes Scriptor), with Initials {first historiated uith poiirait of Terence) and Arms finely illuminated in gold and colours, russia extra folio. S^ec. xiv 621 TERENTII COMCEDI^ cum Glossis et Commentario Beautiful Manuscript on fine vellum (9| by 1\ inches), exquisitely tvritten by an Italian Scribe, the Commentary and Glosses 104 in a mmute caligraphy, ornamented ivith a Border containing the Tkpolo Arms, 6 bordered Initials (historiated with portraits) and 156 Capitals all finely illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome le Jeune (with his ticket) ^to. S^C. XV 622 TERENTII COMCEDI^ sex cum Glossis et Notis, Manuscript written in 1424 by Johannes Notarius Nicolai de Marciis VILICHINI JUDICIS SPOLETINI HISTOEIA ALEXANDRI MAGNI REGIS, quam Versibus condidit Anno 1236 tran- scrij^ta per Johannem Notarium Nicolai de Marciis 1421. Manuscript dated 1421 DICTIONARII ANTIQUI PARS ad Litteram perveniens, Manuscript apparently by the same Scribe, vellum (11^ by 8| •. inches) in 1 vol. folio. SjEC. XV 623 TERENTII COMCEDI^, cum Glossis Manuscript on paper (5| by 8| inches), first page ornamented with Border and Covdarini Arms, &c. decorated with Initial Letters illuminated in gold and colours, old red morocco Uo. S.€C. xv *^* An important Manuscript affording many various readings. 624 TERENTII COMCEDI^ < Manuscript on vellum (9| by 6J inches), oi-namenied with Border and Initial letters illuminated in gold and colours ♦ folio. Sjec. XV (1458) *^* The name of the Scribe and date are written on the last leaf thus: "Per me Philippum Bartholomei Berthuldi Domini J Philippi de Corsinis Die VIIIP Augusti MCCCCLYIII." ; * 625 TESTAMENTI NOVI LECTIONARIUM, Gr^ce Manuscript on vellum (5| by 4| inches), oak boards covered in calf, leather joints, old style, by C. Meyer 8vo. SiEC. Xil 626 TESTAMENTI NOVI CODICIS EBNERIANI PAL^OGRA- PHI^ SPECIMINA A GODEFRIDO THOMASIO (9 by 6| inches), blue velvet, gilt edges ito. S.«C. XVIII *^* A very beautiful Manuscript containing facsimiles on vellum, exquisitely finished in gold and colours, of all the ornamented Greek Initial Letters in the famous Codex Ebnerianus, written in 1391 and now in the Bodleian Library, alphabetically arranged, with 12 finely executed Drawings in Indian Ink of the large Illuminations and of the chased Figures on the Binding. 627 Testamentum Novum, Latino Manuscript on vellum (7^ by 5 inches), with painted Initials, a few leaves deficient, half knnid 4to. S.EC. XIII *^* Between Epistola ad Hel)ra'os and Epistola Jacobi Apostoli is inserted Sermo S. Augustini de Triuitate. 105 628 Taelofori HeremitSB Epistola ad Antonium Januensem Ducem (Profetise) Manuscript on vellum hj an Italian Scribe (11 hj 1\ inches), ornamented with 24 curious Paintings, russia, g. e. folio. S^c. XV 629 THOMAS D'ACQUIN LIVEE DU REGIME DES PRINCES. Cy commence le Livre du regime des Princes translate de Latin en Francois a la requeste de treshault et puissant prince mon tresredoute seigneur Mens, le Comte Dangolesme Charles premier de ce Nom (par Octavien de Sainct Gelais Evesque d'Angolesme) Beautiful Manuscript on vellum (13| ly 8| inches) having a VERY FINE illumination representing the Translator presenting his Work to his Patron the Count d'Angmileme with 3 other elegant Miniatures and numerous Capital Letters all exquisitely illumi- nated in gold and colours by a French Artist, richly bound in olive morocco, covered with fleur-de-lis stamped in gold folio. SiEC. XV 630 Thom^ de Aquino (Sancti) de Perfectione Vit^ Spiritualis Liber, Liber de Rege et Regibus, Formula honestse Vitse, Quodam de Emptoribus et Venditionibus, CoUationes de Articulis Fidei et Responsiones de Casibus Conscientise, Acce- dit Aristoteles de Regimine Principum et de Physonomia Manuscript (9| by 7 inches) with painted Capitals, russia, lined with morocco folio. Sjec. xiv (circa 1380) 631 THOMiE DE Aquino Tractatus de Articulis Fidel Accedunt Liber Peregrinationum Sanctae Civitatis Jerusalem ; Liber Soli- loquiorum S. Augustini ; Opus Fratris Bonaventurae in Arbore figuratum , et Expositio divinae Orationis, &c. Manuscript on vellum (10| by 6| inches) folio. Smc. xiv 632 Thom^ de Aquino (Sancti) Tractatus de divinis Moribus; et de Cognitione, Amore, Fruitione, Unione, Laudatione, Grati- arum Actione et Congratulatione Animse beatse. Accedit Omelia Origenis Manuscript on vellum (7;^ by 5| inches) Uo. S^ec. xv 633 Thomas a Kempis de Imitatione Christl Accedunt Devota Exortatio ad sacram Corporis Christi Communionem ; B. Ber- nardi Speculum Monachorum et Epistola de honesta Vita ; B. Ambrosius de Moribus et honesta Vita ; B. Basilii Epistola ad Monachos ; et B. Augustinus de Contemptu Mundi Manuscript (3f Sy 3 wicAes), ^Z/ ca^/" 16mo. S^c. xv 634 THUCYDIDIS HISTORIC, Greece Manuscript (11 5^ 7| inches) folio. S^c. xv *^* An important Manuscript for a future Editor, 106 635 ToHUFFEH AL Berar, in Persian Manuscript (8 hy 4^ inches), finely written within gold borders, russia extra 8vo. SjEC. xviii 636 TiBULLi Carmina Manuscript on vellum by an Italian Scribe (7 by 4f inches), vellum 8vo. S^EC. xv 637 TiBULLi Carmna et Vibius Sequester Manuscript on vellum (7| by 5^ inches), oak boards, from the Library of Apostolo Zeni 4to. Sjec. XV 638 TIBULLI CARMINA. Explicit die decimo nono mensis junii 1452 per me Jo. Kar. Lou. Bo. Ve— OVIDII CARMINA Manuscript on vellum (7^ by 4f inches), ornamented tvith Border, Capitals and Arms of Owner [Lion rampant Azure on a field Argent) finely illuminated, green mmocco, leather joints, gilt edges 8vo. S^C. xv (1452) 639 TOISON D'OR. Institution et Statuts de I'Ordre avec Liste des Chevaliers trespassez et essens Manuscript on vellum, with Capitals illuminated in gold and colours (11 by 7^ inches), having the Arms of Philip Duke of Burgundy finely emblazoned, prefixed, vellum folio. Sjec. XV (1481) 640 Trattati seri e satirici Manuscript (12^ by 9 inches) folio. S.^c. xviii *^* A most interesting and very curious Volume, containing Letters from the Venetian Republic to Clement XIII and XIV with Replies; Papers relating to various Orders of Monks ; Sonnets; Pianto d'un povero Fratte ; Satires on the Fall of the Jesuits ; Dialogo tra Pasquino e Marforio; Sonnets on Popes and Kings ; Testamento della Compagnia di Jesu ; Parodies ; and many- amusing Satires. 641 Trattati seri e satirici Manuscript (13 by 9 inches) folio. xviii *^* Another similar Collection containing Votum Cardinalis Azolini pro Cardinale Bellarmini ; Bolla di Sisto V contra Bellarmini ; Riflessioni d'un Suizzero contro la Casad'Austria; Descrizione del Re di I*russia ; Parody on the Te Di'um contra Carolum Federicum Prussianorum Regem ; Torzine sopra il Merito del Matrinionio ; Sojjra I'Uso del Tal>acco ; Sopra un Marito impotente ; and numerous Sonnets and Satires. 642 TURCIA. Nicolaus V Constantino Romeorum Imperatori 1451 — Pii II Convocatio ad Mantuanam Dietam et Oratio contra perfidum Turcum 1458 — F. Philelphi Oratio ad Pium II — Oratio Bisarion (liessarioni.s) Cardinalis pro Kxpeditiono contra Turcas — Timotei VeronensisCanonici Ej)istola ad exortandum omncs Italiaj Principes contra Turcum 1453 Beautiful Manuscriit on vellum {7k by ih inrhrs), finely 107 written in Italic cursive characters and ornamented with 6 beautiful Initial Letters and the Rover e Arms supported by two Cupids ex- quisitely illuminated in gold and colours, probably executed for Julius II prior to his becoming Pope, bound in rich silk, xvith silk linings 8^'0, S^C. XV 643 Turcica Orationes Manuscript (4: by 2^ inches), in Oriental binding \2mo. 644 TURKISH DRAWINGS. A Collection of 231 Delineations of Turkish Costume, &c. including 209 in Water-colours and 22 in Indian Ink, comprising 24 Portraits of the Sultans, Cos- tumes of the principal Officials, Male and Female, Dancing Girls, Dwarfs, Interior of a Bath, Camel, Horses and Mules with Trappings, &c. &c. with Manuscript Designations in Italian (14 by 9| inches), old red morocco, Oriental binding folio. S^C. XVIII 645 TuRST (C.) Helvetia Descriptio Manuscript on vellum (8| by 6| inches), dedicated to Ludovico Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan, whose Arms are illuminated in the Initial Letter, calf ito. S^EC. XV 646 USUARDI MONACHI MARTYROLOGIUM cum Prologis diversis, Calendario et Dedicatione Carolo Cano Important Manuscript on vellum (13i by 10 J inches), blue morocco super extra, blind tooling, g. e. by C. Lewis, fol. Sjec. xiv 647 USUARDI MARTYROLOGIUM. Accedunt Epistola^ S. Pauii et Canonicae cum Prologis Beati Jeronimi Manuscript on vellum, by a German Scribe (13i by 10 inches), oak boards, covered in brown stamped morocco with clasps folio. S^C. XIV 648 VALERII MAXIMI FACTA ET DICTA MEMORABILIA cum Notis marginalibus et Commentaria, 2 vol. Fine Manuscript on vellum (10^ by 7| incites), ornamented with Arms and Supporters of Duke of Orleans, 10 floriated Bor- ders, Initial Letter historiated with Miniature Portrait, 9 other Initials with Arms of Charles Duke of Orleans, the Poet, and 82 Capitals, finely illuminated in gold and colours, red mwocco, leather joints, silk linings, gilt edges, by Padeloup small folio. S^c. xv (1423-53) *** Specimens of the Library of the Poet Charles Duke of Orleans, who possessed 80 Illuminated Manuscripts, are of extraordinary- rarity. The Text of Valerius Maximus at end has the name of Scribe and Date: "Scriptus manu mei Francisci Nuti Fran- cisci Anno Dni MCCCCXXIII die XVII mensis Martii," and also the following inscription in the Autograph of Charles Duke of Orleans : " Hunc librum dedit Episcopus Baiorum mihi Duci Aurelianensi MCCCCXL Karolus." The second 108 volume, containing the Commentary, appears from the inscrip- tion at end to have been written by the Duke's Secretary : " Scriptum per me Nicolaum Astesanum Illustrissimi et excellentissimi Principis et Dni Dni Ducis Aurelianensis et Mediolaniensem Secretarium ad opus et utilitatem ipsius Dni Ducis Anno Dni 1453." 649 VALERIUS MAXIMUS DE FACTIS ET DICTIS MEMO- RABILIBUS cum Epistola super Declaratione Maximi Valerii edita a Dyonisio de Burgo Manuscript on vellum (12f J// 9 inclm), ivith Name of Scribe and Date (Alexander de Verona, 1416), ornamented vnth 2 Initial Letters, illuminated in gold and colours, and with a painted Border containing the Arms of Cardinal Visconti, old red morocco' \ folio. S^C. XV (1416) 650 Valerius Maximus Manuscript on velluivi (9| hy 7 inches), containing Book I to IV, oak boards 4/o, S.^:c. xv 651 VANDEN CLOOSTER (Peeter) OORSPRONCK EXDE BE- GINTSELE DER GULDE VANDEN EDELEN BIDDER ENDE MARTELAER S. lOORIS binnen Brussele ends Voort-Ganck derselver. Jan de Kegel heest als Over-Deken ter Ordinantie vande Guide desen Boeck doen maecken in den Jaere M.DC.LII Magnificent Manuscript beautifully written on x^h- LUM (15|- by 10| inches), superbly ornamented with Paint- ing of St. George slaying the Dragon with View of Brussels in the background; beautiful Portraits of Maria of Austria, , William of Nassau, Charles van Mansfelt, Earl of Fontis, Peter Ernest van Mansfelt, and Leopold fFilliam Archduke of Austria; View of the Procession to the Popinjay, View of the Palace, Scene of the Popinjay, Vieiv of the Popinjay at Laeken; 6 Paintings of Military Costume, Flags, and Trumpet with mtisic for Marche des Volontaires, and 31 Coats of Arms, all gorgeously EMBLAZONED IN GOLD, SILVER AND COLOURS, birund in red velvet, decoi-ated with 8 chased metal corners, 7 bosses and 2 cla^Sy having a medal of Archduke Leopold as centre ornament on obverse and Arms of the Guild on reverse of cox'er, in a case folio. 8mc. XVII (1652) 652 VARTIIEMA (LUDOVICO) ITINERARIO NE LO I<:G YPTO, ne la Surria, ne la Arabia, ne la I'crsia, ne la India ot ne la Ethioi)ia Manuhckii'T ON VELLUM (11 by 7i inclu's), 01-mwunted tcith Capiitals illuminated in gold and colours, ajid with Side Notes in letters of gold, green morocco extra, g. c. by C. Leuis, fol. S.iiC. XV *^* At the end is an Italian Quatrain and a Translation of it into French. 109 653 VEGETIUS DE EE MILITARI ]\Ianusckipt on VELLUii, by an Italian Scribe (5^ by SJ inches), ornamented with 5 floriated Borders (the first with the Gradenigo Arms emblazoned), 5 elegant Miniatures {depicting a Tournament, Knights in Armour of tJie XVth Century, a Battle, Siege of a Town loith Canons, and a Naval Fight), brown morocco extra, ornamented iiith variegated leatJiers and gold tooling, gilt edges 8vo. SiEC. XV 654 VENETIA. A Collection of Transcripts of original Documents respecting the Venetian Eepublic, m^my of great importance and highly interesting Manuscript (12J by 8J inches), red morocco 7 vol. folio 655 VENETIA. Istoria Veneta, Chroniclia de tute Chaxade de la nobel Zitade de Veniexia, e Vite dei Dogi Manuscript (13 by 9 indies), tcith 300 Coats of Arms emblazoned in their proper colours, calf gilt folio. S^C. XV *^* Probably written by one of the Tornado Family, as their Arms are emblazoned at the bottom of the first page. 656 VENETIA. Procuratorum Electiones (816-1612) Manuscript (13 &?/ 9 inches), vellum folio. xvi-xvii 657 VENETIA. Famiglie Venete Manuscript (14 by 10 inches), with 900 Coats of Arms draicn in ink (several emblazoned in their proper colours), vellum folio. SiEC XVII 658 VENETIA. Cronica della nobel Citade clamada Venexia Manuscript, with Arms of Doges (12|- by 8| inches), first portion damaged folio. SiEC. XV 659 VENETIA. Cronica Veneta Manuscript (13 by 9 inches), apparently a portion only, as it com- mences with folio 437 and ends with 637, illustrated with pen and ink Sketches, vellum folio. S.EC. XV 660 VENETIA. Cronica Veneta (1379-1725) Manuscript (9|- by 7 inches), calf ito. Sjec. xviii 661 VENETIA. Croniche dell' Origine delle Famiglie nobili Venete con alcune delli CanceUieri Grandi et delle Secretarii dell' Ecc"". Cons°. di Died Manuscript (13 by 8| inches) folio. Sjec. xviii 662 VENETIA. Cronica delle Famiglie nobili Graeco- Venete Manuscript, iciih Pedigrees (15J by \0\ inches) fol. S^c. xviir no 663 VENETIA. Notitie Venete Manuscript (14 by 9| inches) folio. S^c. xviii *^* Containing a short Chronicle of the Doges ; a List of Venetian Families; Descritione fatta I'Anno 1586 di tutte I'Anime che si trovano nella Citta di Venetia, &c. &c. 664 VENETIA. Serie de Giustiziati (706-1791) Manuscript (12| 5?/ 9 inches) folio. x\'III *:^* A very important Manuscript, containing curious information respecting Criminals and their execution. 665 VENETIA. A Collection of 22 Works relative to the Venetian Eepublic Transcripts from the originals (U hy ^ inches), vellum folio. S.EC. xviii *^* A list of the Contents of this volume is -written on fly-leaf, amongst M^hich wall be found : P. Mauroceni Apologia cum J. Cornelii Additione ; Z. Tri\asani Orationes ad Gregorium XII ; Gregorius Corrarius de Commodis Vitte regularis et ejusdem Soliloquium ; Laus Nicolai Throni Ducis, Deposizione del Doge Foscari ; Dominii de Veneziani che erano del Stato di Milano ; Itinerario di Germania dell' Ambasciatori Veneti ; Memorie di Bianca Capello ; Martirio di Girolamo Mazza ; Notizie della Famiglia Ciera ; Notizie di Tommaso Filologo, &c. &c. 666 VENETIA. Corona delle Croniche concernenti la Eepublica di Venetia Manuscript (12 hy 8^ indies), vellum folio. S^ec. xviii 667 Venetiarum Ducum Chronicon Manuscript (8^ by 5| inches), with bordered Initial Letters, having Arms of Owner (Band argent on a field sinople) on first page, old Venetian calf tvith blind tooling ito. S^C. XIV *^* This Chronicle concludes with Michael Moresini, who was elected in 1382. 668 VENEZIA. Origine delle Famiglie fatte Nobili dal Anno 1646 sino tutto I'Anno 1669 Manuscript (10 by 8 inches) ito. xvii (1670) 669 VERBORUM SIGNIFICATIONES. Hunc Librum transcribi feci ego Marcellus Cincius Sccretarius Apostolicus Tempore Sancta) Memoriai Nicolai V Papa; nostri Anno Jubelei MCCCCL Manuscript {\5h by 9J inches), with bordered Initial and Coat of Arms (erased), illuminated in gold and colours, calf with leather joints folio. S.EC. XV (1450) 670 Verdizutti (F.) Leggi di Venetia Manuscript (lU by S\ inches), calf ito. S^c. xvii Ill 671 VEEONA Hsec sunt Statuta Officii Sortium et Regularum circa Civitatem et Burgos Veronse ac etiam Vicariorum Vilarum Districtu Veronensi Manuscript on vellum (9| hj 6| inches), parchment folio. SiEC. XV 672 VEETUS ET DEVOIES D'UN PEINCE Manuscript on vellum (10| hy 7J inches), wanting a few leaves at commencement {Chapter I to XVI), green morocco, douhU with leather folio. S^EC. XV 673 VICTOIRE ET TEIUMPHE D'AEGENT CONTEE LE DIEU D'AMOUES nagueres vaincu dedans Paris ; avec la Victoire et Triumphe d'Honneur et d' Amour centre Argent vaincu et desconfict a la Cour ; la Eesponce des Oracles d' Apollo revellee par la saincte Sybille Curaee I'An de Grace 1531 de la divine et meveilleuse Destinee des tresnobles et tresillustres Princes les trois Enfans de France par les troys fleurs de lys mysticque- ment figurez ; Vision et Prodiges celestes precedens le Trespas de Madame Mere du Eoy, et Epistre enoye au Eoy de par Madame apres son Trespas (en Vers). Aussi la Legende Madame Saincte Valere Vierge et Martire (en Prose) Manuscript on vellum (9 hy 6f inches), decorated with 2 beau- tiful Paintings, representing the Triumphs, finely executed in silver, gold and colours, and ivith 54 Initial Letters, richly illu- minated in gold and colours, elegantly hound in hrown morocco speckled with green spots, elegant gold tooling {a petits fers), gilt edges, hy Clovis Eve Uo. S^C. xv 674 VILLON (FEANgOYS) (EUVEES POETIQUES Manuscript on vellum (6f hy ^ inches), with Miniature and Border loith Arms, illuminated in gold and colours, hlue morocco extra, silk linings, gilt edges, hy C. Lewis 8vo. Sjec. xv 675 VINDLER (HANS) BUCK VON DEN TUGENDEN UND UNTUGENDEN Long Manuscript Poem, written hy a German Scribe on very pure vellum (12| hy 9| inches), and decorated with Border, Initial Letter ivith Arms, 116 curious Miniatures and numerous Capitals, finely illuminated in gold and colours, hlue morocco super extra, elegant gold borders, leather joints, silk linings, gilt edges, by Kalthosber folio. Sjec. xv *^* The Poet has introduced many curious Stories in illustration of Virtue and Vice. 112 676 VIKGILII OPERA cum Glossis et Commentario Beautiful Manuscript (5f hy 4 inches) {including Priapeia and Carmina Minora), dated 30 June, 1318, with Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco, gilt edges hy Derome 8vo. Sjec. xiv (1318) %* At the end of the ^neid is the name of scribe with the date of its completion : " Hoc volumen VirgiUi expletum fuit a me Johanne Baptista de Lanciis An. Mcccxviii die ultima Junii Romse." 677 ViRGiLii BucOLiCA. Accedit Ciceronis Oratio pro A. Licinio Manuscript (7^ by 5^ inches), oak boards covered with leather ito. Sjec. XV 678 VIRGILII ^NEIDOS LIBRI XII cum Glossis et Commentariis Manuscript on vellum (9 by 5 inches), with painted Capitals and arms of Cardinal Barbi, russia extra small folio. S^EC. XIV 679 VIRGILII ^NEIS, cum Glossis Fine Manuscript on vellum (10 by 6^ inches), by an Italian Scribe, oi'namented loith Border and Initial Letters, finely illu- minated in gold and colours, russia siiuill folio. S.EC. xrv 680 VIRGILII ^NEIS Manuscript on paper (Uf by 8| inches), dated 1457 and written by Matheus Lens, vellum folio. S.EC. XV (1457) k 681 VISCONTI (GASPARO) ROMANZO DEI DUE AMA.NTI PAOLO E DARIA (in ottava Rima) Fine Manuscript on vellum (10| by 7 inches), written for Ludovico Maria Sforza (iL MoRo), tchose arms are painted ^n the fifth Border. Ornamented inth 7 beautiful Boi-ders, in which are introduced 20 elegant Miniatures of events told in the Romance, arms, medals, architectural ornaments, d:c. by a Milanese artist, brown mmocco, blind tooling in the old style, gilt edges, by Hardy, in half morocco case . folio. Sjec. xv 682 Vita Sancti Silvestri Pap^ Urbis Homje Manuscript on vellum (8^ by 6J inches), a few lines deficient at end 4/0. S.«C. XIV 683 VIT^ SANCTORUM ET COLLATIONES SS. PATRUM {; .')^^ Manuscript on vellum, by an English Scribe (12 by 8h inches), half bound folio. Smc. XU 684 VIT^ SANCTORUM, Gra^ce Manuscript on vellum (13 by 9\ itwhes), written in double columns on 271 leaves in a very clear and legible character, red morocco folio. S.EC. XI II *^* Tlio rarity of oariy Greek Manuscrij)ts is too well known to nujuire any comment. Tlii.s voncrablo Codex is said to contain several lives hitiierto ineditcd. V H. 113 685 WASSAIL CUP. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE WASSAIL CUP BY DR. J. LETTSOM, with Quotations from Shakespear and other Authors who have mentioned THE Wassail Manuscript (10| hij 8i imhes), heautifidhj written hj Adams and exquisitely decorated with 76 clever Drawings in water- colours hj Henning, Stephanoff, Meadows, Bone and Poynter {including 50 Initial Letters of the most splendid and varied description, heightened icith gold, designed and executed hij WiLLiMENT), green morocco extra, gold tooling, gilt edges, hy C. Leu-is, with arms of P. A. Hanrott in gold on sides, Ato. S.EC. xix *** The decorations in this unique volume include a finished dra^ng m water-colours by Henning of three CavaHers attended by a page holding Wassail ; a clever drawin^^ in water-colours by Henning of a Musical Party drinking, in the Flemish style of the XVIIth Century; drawings of the Wassail Cup and sections in bistre by Stephanoff ; a water- colour drawing by Poynter of tlie Wassail Procession repre- senting a Gothic staircase with figures descending, admirable for effect of light and perspective; three facetious vignettes by Poynter ; a Shakespearean illustration by Meadows of Sir Toby Belch and his companions, told A^th wonderful truth and effect ; a capital coloured drawing by Stephanoff repre- senting May-day Sports spiritedly touched ; a very clever Drinking Scene in colours by Stephanoff; designed with all the torce of Hogarth; a splendid miniature by Bone of a Cavalier hugging the Wassail-Cup; &c. &c. The Vignettes by Meadows and splendid Initials by Williment are admirable, and combined with the elegant Drawings of the othg^lRists form a gem of the present century worthy of any iSbrary^ (^%^ XEXOFOXTE VITA DI CIRO traducta da Poggio Florentine Manuscript on vellum (11 by 7i indies), icritten hy an Italian scribe and ornamented with a beautiful triumphal car drawn hy four white horses, 2 Borders and Initial Letters finely illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, leatJier joints, gilt edges by a Lewis y^^^-^_ xv *^* This appears to have been the original and identical Manuscript presented by Jacopo Poggio the Translator to Ferdinand Kin- ot Xaples, to whom he dedicated the work. See long MS note m the autograph of Mr. Hanrott. 687 Yechiel Ben Yekuthiel (Eabbi) Sefer Ma-^aloth h^m- MiDDOTH, an Ethic Work in Hebrew 1VL4NUSCRIPT (81 by 5h inches) 4/0. S.EC. xviii 688 YMNARIUM cum Orationibus xAlANUSCRiPT ON VELLUM (6 by 41 inches), with Music and Initial Letter histonated with portrait of a Saint illuminated in gold and colours o 8vo. S^c. XV ^. 114 689 YSIDORI HISPALIENSIS ETYMOLOGIARUM LIBRI XX cum Libro de Astronomia, Geographia, &c. Manuscript on vellum, icith Diagrams (lOf hy 8 inches) folio. S,EC. XII 690 ZACHARI^ CHRYSOPOLITANI {i.e. Goldsborough) COM- MENTARIUS IN UNUM EX QUATUOR SIVE IN CONCORDIAM EVANGELICAM AMMONII ALEXAN- DRINI, cum Canone S. Eusebii Manuscript on vellum (14 hj 9f inches), by O^ IIRPADYIK J CD5M737' I- ffimil CD5M737^^T RETURN TO-^ %UW 1 2 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW s..;r^ ".^'^iiL JAN 2 fi ^^^^ LLC, :.. .. --.': / SENT ON ^a jUN 2 1 ZD07 U.C.BEHl -^.H ^SMfm m.m'^&Pmi