- V' ' PAX iMUNDI. PAX MUNDI A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF THE PROGRESS OF THE MOVEMENT FOR PEACE EY MEANS OF ARBITRATION, NEUTRALIZATION, INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DISARMAMENT BY K. P. ARNOLDSON Member of tJie Second Chamber of the Swedish Riksdag AUTHORIZED ENGLISH EDITION WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE BISHOP OF DURHAM 3Eontiau SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. PATERNOSTER SQUARE 1892 <.^\^ Butler & Tanner, The Selvvood Printing Works, Frome, and London. CONTENTS. TAGE Introduction i Arbitration 8 Neutrality 40 Further Developments 82 The Prospects 138 Appendix 165 29055,1 PREFATORY NOTE. This little work, written by one who has long- been known as a consistent and able advocate of the views herein maintained, has been trans- lated by a lady who has already rendered great services to the cause, in the belief that it will be found useful by the increasing number of those who are interested in the movement for the substitution of Law for War in international affairs. J. F. G. INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. It is natural that the advocates of international Peace should sometimes orrow discouragfed and Impatient through what they are tempted to con- sider the slow progress of their cause. Sudden outbursts of popular feeling, selfish plans for national aggrandisement, unremoved causes of antipathy between neighbours, lead them to overlook the general tendency of circumstances and opinions which, when it is regarded on a large scale, is sufficient to justify their lofti- est hopes. It is this general tendency of thought and fact, corresponding to the maturer growth of peoples, which brings to us the certain assurance that the Angelic Hymn which welcomed the Birth of Christ advances, slowly It may be as men count slowness, but at least unmistakably, towards fulfilment. There are pauses and interruptions in the movement; but, on the whole, no one who patiently regards the course of human history can doubt that we are drawing nearer from generation to generation to a practical sense of that brotherhood and XU INTRODUCTION. that solidarity of men — both words are neces- sary — which find their foundation and their crown in the message of the Gospel. Under this aspect the Essay of Mr. Arnold- son is of great value, as giving a calm and comprehensive view of the progress of the course of Peace during the last century, and of the influences which are likely to accelerate its progress in the near future. Mr. Arnoldson, who, as a member of the Swedish Parliament, is a practical statesman, indulges in no illusions. The fulness with which he dwells on the political problems of Scandinavia shows that he is not inclined to forget practical questions under the attraction of splendid theories. He marks the chief dangers which threaten the peace of Europe, without the least sio^n of dissemblinor their gravity. And looking steadily upon them, he remains bold in hope ; for confidence in a great cause does not come from disregarding or dis- paraging the difficulties by which it is beset, but from the reasonable conviction that there are forces at work which are adequate to over- come them. We believe that it is so in the case of a INTRODUCTION. Xlll policy of Peace ; and the facts to which Mr. Arnoldson directs attention amply justify the belief. It is of great significance that since 1 794 there have been " at least sixty-seven instances in which disputes of a menacing character have been averted by arbitration '' ; and perhaps the unquestioning acceptance by England of the Genevan award will hereafter be reckoned as one of her noblest services to the world. It is no less important that since the principle of arbitration was solemnly recognised by the Congress of Paris in 1856, arbitral clauses have been introduced into many treaties, while the question of establishing a universal system of international arbitration has been entertained and discussed sympa- thetically by many parliaments. At the same time Mr. Arnoldson justly insists on the steady increase of the power of neutrals. Without accepting the possibility of *' a Neutral League," he points out how a necessary regard to the interests of neutrals restrains the powers which are meditating war. And I cannot but believe that he is right when he suggests that the problems of the neutralization of Scandinavia, of Alsace and XIV INTRODUCTION. Lorraine, of the Balkan States, of the Bos- phorus and Dardanelles, demand the attention of all who seek to hasten ^' the coming peace." It would be easy to overrate the direct value of these facts ; but their value as signs of the direction in which public opinion is rapidly- moving can hardly be overrated. They are symptoms of a growing recognition of the obligations of man to man, and of people to people, of our common human interests and of our universal interdependence. I should not lay great stress on the deterrent power of the prospect of the ruinous losses and desolations likely to follow from future wars. A great principle might well demand from a nation great sacrifices ; and the very strength of a policy of Peace lies in the postponement of material interests to human duties. But none the less the wide expansion of commercial and social intercourse, joint enterprises, even rivalries not always ungenerous, exercise a salutary influence upon the feeling of nation for nation, and make what were once regarded as natural animosities no longer possible. Under the action of these forces we are learning more and more to endeavour to regard INTRODUCTION. XV debated questions from the point of sight of our adversaries, to take account of their reason- able aspirations, to make allowance for their difficulties, even to consider how they can best render their appropriate service to the race, while we strive no less resolutely to keep or ta secure the power of fulfilling our own. We could not regard our enemies as our grand- fathers regarded theirs. Already the conviction begins to make itself felt that the loss of one people is the loss of all. Meanwhile the growth of popular power and popular responsibility brings a wider and more collective judgment to bear upon national questions. The masses of peoples have more in common than their leaders, among whom individual character has fuller development. The average opinion of men, when the facts are set forth, responds to pleas of fellowship and righteousness, and tends to become domi- nant. Such influences in favour of international Peace spring out of steady movements which, as they continue, will increase them. The past does not limit their power, but simply reveals the line of their action. Above all, they cor- XVI INTRODUCTION. respond with that view of our Christian faith which the Holy Spirit is disclosing to us by means of the trials of our age. Through many sorrows and many disappointments we are learning that the fact of the Incarnation assures to us the unity of men and classes and nations; and a wider study of history, which is now possible, shows that the course of events makes for the establishment of that unity for which we were created. I cannot therefore but hope that the Essay of Mr. Arnoldson, which gives substantial evi- dence of the reality and growth of this move- ment towards Peace, will confirm in courage ous and patient labour for an assured end all who join in the prayer that it may please God '' to give to all nations unity, peace, and con- cord." b. f. dunelm. Auckland Castle, October \\th, 1891. PAX MUNDI. INTRODUCTION. It was the small beginning of a great matter when, on December 22nd, 1620, a hundred Puritans landed from the ship Mayflower upon the rocky shore of the New World, having, during the voyage, signed a constitution to be observed by the colonists. These pious pilgrims were guided by the conception of religious freedom which should construct for them there a new kingdom. They had, say the annalists of the colony, crossed the world's sea and had reached their goal ; but no friend came forth to meet them ; no house offered them shelter. And it was mid- winter. Those who know that distant clime, know how bitter are the winters and how dangerous the storms which at that season ;2^; ^/ ; /; ',_; '. ; : .'?AX mundi. ravage the coast. It were bad enough in similar circumstances to travel in a well-known region ; but how much worse when it is a question of seeking to settle on an entirely un- known shore. They saw around them only a bare, cheerless country, filled with wild animals and inhabited by men of questionable disposition and in un- known numbers. The country was frozen and overgrown with woods and thickets. The whole aspect was wild ; and behind them lay the measureless ocean, which severed them from the civilized world. Comfort and hope were to be found only in turning their gaze heaven- ward. That they did conquer that ungrateful land and open the way for the boundless stream of immigration which for wellnigh three centuries has unceasingly poured in, must find its ex- planation in the faith that upheld their ways amid the dangers of the wilderness, amid the hunger, cold, and all manner of disheartening things, and gave them that power which re- moved mountains and made the desert bloom. These Puritans, strong in faith, were the founders of the New World's greatness ; and INTRODUCTION. 3 their spirit spoke out to the Old World in the greeting with which the President of the United States consecrated the first transatlantic tele- graph cable in 1866 : — *' Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men." When this messacre came to us, the roar of cannon was but newly hushed, and the man of *' blood and iron" had victoriously set his foot upon one of Europe's great powers ; the same Austria which since then has, by the Triple Al- liance, united its warlike strength with Germany. But that messao^e has not been an unheeded sound to all ; especially to those whose warn- ing voices the people never listen to before the misfortune falls, but who are always justified after it has struck. Yes ! perchance in the near future it may again appeal to their reason, and find a hearing only when Europe has fallen into untold miseries after another war. While menacing forebodings of this long ex- expected war were spreading in the summer of 1887 through various parts of our continent, a little company of courageous men, strong in faith, like the pious pilgrims of the Mayfiowei^ gathered together for the voyage across the 4 PAX MUNDI. sea to the New World, there to lay the founda- tion of a lasting work for peace. Their first object was to present to the President of the United States and to Con- gress an address aiming at the establishment of a Court of Arbitration, qualified to deal with disputes which might arise between Great Britain and the United States of North America. In that address, signed by 270 Members of the British Parliament, allusion was made to the resolutions on peace which from time to time had been brought into Congress ; and' those who undersigned it declared themselves, ready to bring all their influence to bear in inducing the Government of Great Britain to- accept the proposition which should come from the Congress. Amongst those who signed it were, besides many distinguished Members of the House of Commons, several peers, includ- ing some of the bishops. The address was presented to President Cleveland on October 31st, by a deputation of twelve Members of Parliament, whose spokes- man, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in his introductory speech, said : '' Few events in the world s history would rank with the making of suck INTRODUCTION. 5 a treaty. Perhaps only two in our own country's history could fitly be compared with it. Washington's administration established the republic ; Lincoln's administration abolished human slavery. We fondly hope, sir, that it may be reserved for yours to conclude a treaty not only with the government of the other great English-speaking nation, but with other lands as well, which shall henceforth and for ever secure to those nations the blessiuQ^s of mutual peace and goodwill. The conclusion of such a treaty will have done much to remove from humanity its greatest stain — the killing of man by man. And we venture to hope, that if the two great nations here represented set such an example, other nations may be induced to follow it, and war be thus ultimately banished from the face of the earth." In the President's favourable answer he men- tioned that no nation in its moral and material development could show more victories in the domain of peace than the American ; and it appeared to him that the land which had produced such proofs of the blessings of peace, and therefore need not fear being accused of weakness, must be in a specially favourable e> PAX MUNDI. position to listen to a proposal like the present ; wherefore he received it with pleasure and satisfaction. A week later, Nov. 8th, the son-in-law of Queen Victoria, the Marquis of Lome, presided over a great meeting in London, at which many eminent men were present. The chairman emphatically remarked in his speech, that the settlement of international disputes by a Court of Arbitration has the advantage that, through the delay which is necessary, the first excite- ment has time to cool. The meeting declared itself unanimously in favour of the proposed memorial. Thereupon followed many similar expressions of opinion in England, whilst simul- taneously in twenty of the largest cities of North America mass meetings were held, which with unanimous enthusiasm gave ad- hesion to the cause, and petitions of the same character flowed in to the President and Con- gress from the various parts of the great re- public. Encouraged by these preparatory movements amongst the two great English-speaking peoples, M. Frederic Passy, with other Members of the Legislative Assembly of France, placed himself INTRODUCTION. 7 at the head of a movement to petition the French Government, requesting that it should conclude an Arbitration Treaty with the United States. Such a memorial, bearing the signatures of 1 12 deputies and i6 senators, was received with much interest by the President. On April 21st, 1888, Passy and forty- four other deputies moved a resolution in the Chamber to the same effect ; and the idea has been carried forward in many ways since then, especially by a petition to the President of the United States from three International Con- gresses held in Paris, June 2 3rd-30th, 1889. ARBITRATION. Should these efforts lead in the near future to the intended result, International Law would thereby have made an important progress. It can no longer be denied that International Law does actually exist ; but we undervalue its significance because we are impatient. We do not notice the advances it has made because they have been small ; but they have been numerous ; and slowly, step by step, inter- national jurisprudence has progressed. This affects not only the awakening sense of justice and acknowledged principles, but also their application, which from the days of Hugo Grotius, 250 years ago, down to Martens, Blunt- schli, Calvo, and other most distinguished jurists of our day, has been the subject of great scholarly activity, by means of which the various regulations of jurisprudence have little by little been pieced together into a foundation and substance of universally accepted law. ARBITRATION CLAUSES. 9 What has been most generally done to gain the object in view has been the insertion of ARBITRAL CLAUSES in treaties which were being concluded or had already been concluded in reference to other questions. In this direction SiGNOR Mancini of Italy has been especially active. As during the time he was Minister of Foreisfn Affairs he had the concludinof of a great number of treaties between Italy and other countries, he made use of the opportunity to insert into almost all — in nineteen instances^ — an arbitral clause. We have examples of treaties with such clauses in the commercial treaty between Italy and England, 1883 ; Norway, Sweden, and Spain, by a supplement in 1887 ; also England and Greece, 1886. According to the first two agreements, all disputes about the right under- standing of the treaties shall be settled by arbitration, as soon as it becomes apparent that it is vain to hope for a friendly arrange- ment. In the Greco-English treaty it is further stipulated that all disputes which directly or indirectly may arise in consequence of that ^ Mazzoleni, in his *^ L'ltalia nel movimento per la Pace," gives twenty instances. See pp. 58, 59. trans. lO PAX MUNDI. treaty always shall, if they cannot be amicably- arranged, be referred to a committee of arbi- tration, which shall be nominated by each party with a like number of members ; also that if this committee cannot agree, there shall be appointed a tribunal of arbitration, whose de- cision both nations bind themselves to accept. The idea of concluding distinct treaties of ARBITRATION, or of giving a widely extended range to arbitral clauses, so that they should affect the whole relation of the contracting parties to one another, is comparatively new. So far as I know, Mr. William Jay was the first who in modern times advocated this idea, in a work which came out in New York in 1842, and in which he proposed : that in the next treaty between, for example, the United States and France, it should be stated that in case any dispute should arise between the two- nations, not only in respect of the interpretation of that treaty, but also in respect of any other subject whatever, the dispute should be settled by means of an arbitration by one or more friendly powers. A similar proposition was presented to Lord Clarendon in 1853. By sending a deputation. ARBITRATION TREATIES. I I to the plenipotentiaries at the Congress at Parts in 1856, the Enghsh *' Peace Society "• succeeded in inducing them to introduce into^ one of the protocols a solemn recognition of the principle of Arbitration. In the name of their governments they expressed the wish that the states between which any serious misunder- standing should arise, should, as far as circum- stances permitted, submit the question to the arbitration of a friendly power before resorting to arms. This proposition, which was unani- mously adopted, was made by Lord Clarendon, the representative of England, and supported by the emissaries of France, Prussia, and Italy, — Walewsky, Manteufel, and Cavour. But the first movement in favour of indepen- dent Treaties of Arbitration came up in a peti- tion in 1847, from the English Peace Society to> Parliament. The next year this subject was discussed in the Peace Congress at Brussels. A few months later, Cobden brought forward in the House of Commons an address to the Government, with the request that the Minister of Foreign Affairs should be charged to invite foreign powers to enter into treaties with this 12 . PAX MUNDI. object. The proposal was In the beginning received with astonishment and scorn ; but called forth later an earnest and important debate. About six years later, H enry Richard drew the attention of many influential members of the American Congress to the relations which were felt to be favourable for trying to arrange a treaty of arbitration between Great Britain and the United States. American statesmen, less bound by the old traditions of European •diplomacy would, it was thought, be able with greater freedom to attempt such a novelty. The replies to this application were very favourable and encouraging, and in various ways since then attempts have been made to realize the idea. In many Parliaments from time to time propositions in this direction have been brought forward and approved. On July 8th, 1873, Henry Richard brought before the English Parliament a proposition requesting the Government to invite negotia- tion with foreign powers for creating a uni- versal and well-established international system of arbitration. The then Prime Minister, PARLIAMENTS ON ARBITRATION. 1 3, Gladstone, expressed himself as favourable ta the proposal, but advised its being withdrawn. Richard, nevertheless, persisted that it should be dealt with, and obtained the remarkable result, that it was carried with a majority of ten. This example was followed by the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Nov. 24th of the same year; and again on July 12th, 1890;^ by the States General of Holland, Nov. 27th, 1874; by the Belgian Chamber of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 19th, 1875 ; and shortly after by the Senate of the United States of America, and Congress also, June 17th, 1874 ; and April 4th, 1890. The last-named resolution of Congress had been accepted by the Senate, Feb. 15th of the same year, being recommended by the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs, and runs thus : — The President be, and is hereby requested to invite from* time to time, as fit occasions may arise, negotiations with any government with which the United States has or may have diplomatic relations, to the end that any difficulties or disputes arising between them, which cannot be adjusted 1 On a motion by Ruggiero Bonghi, supported by Crispi in a speech in which he said that the future depended upon a European tribunal of arbitration. 14 PAX MUNDT. by diplomatic agency, may be referred to arbitration, and be peaceably adjusted by such means. On May 9th, 1890, Don Arturode Marcoartu moved in the Spanish Senate that the Spanish "Government should enter into relations with •other European powers to bring about a per- manent tribunal of arbitration in Europe. In the first place, the mover proposed that the states should come to an agreement upon a general truce for five years. In that interval a congress of emissaries from all the European examples of some of the most recent of these may be named : The post and telegraph con- ferences ; the conference on maritime law in Washington, representing twenty- one separate States, with the purpose of working out a universal system of signals for preventing collisions ; the African conference at Brussels, with representatives of most of the European powers for considering the best way of civiliz- ing Africa, getting rid of the slave trade, and limiting the exportation of alcohol ; ^ the rail- way meeting at Lugano, for introducing a uniform time table and scale of freight, on all railways of the European continent ; the Madrid conference, for international protection of industrial property, and above all the Labour Congress held at Berlin by William H/s invita- tion. 1 In the United States Congress, Mr. Blaine has intro- duced a bill for calling an international conference in Washington, in 1891, for making an alHance, whose object is the suppression of slavery and the prohibition of alcohol in uncivilized countries. The conference is further to dis- cuss the creation of a tribunal of Arbitration, for the solution of international questions, and a general disarmament. PEACE SOCIETIES. I I 3 Whilst In this way the nations own desire and the needs of the case grow and branch into great common interests, the friends of peace unceasingly set before themselves this distinct goal, *' Right before might." To paint the historic background of the activity of the friends of peace would be almost synonymous with bringing forward all that is uniting, important and lasting in the history of the nations. It would be a '* saga " on the welfare of the human race through all time. Such a task I do not undertake. I give only a short indication of what, in our own time, organized peace-work is. Its activity was almost a result of the wars of Napoleon, which were terminated by the Peace of Paris, November, 1815. These wars had deeply stirred the minds of many, both in the old and new world, and directed their thoughts to the apathy of the Christian Churches in not proclaiming, with unmistakable emphasis, that war is irreconcilable with the teaching of Christ. This view was represented in America by Dr. W. Ellery Channing, and Dr. Noah Worcester, who as early as 1814 stirred up I I 1 4 PAX MUNDI. the friends of peace to organize themselves into united work. A Peace Society was formed in New York in August, 1815; and in November of the same year the Ohio Peace Society. The Massa- chusetts Peace Association (Boston) started in January, 18 16, and a similar society was begun in Rhode and Maine in 181 7. These, with that of South Carolina, united in 1828, and formed the American Peace Society, an association which is still in active operation. Also in Phila- delphia an association was formed, which was suc- ceeded in 1868 by the Universal Peace Union. In 1 8 14 a zealous philanthropist, Mr. William Allen, a member of the Society of Friends, invited a number of persons to his house in London to form a peace association. They did not at once agree upon the best method, and the proposal was deferred for a time. But after the conclusion of peace was signed in 18 16, Mr. Allen, with the assistance of his friend Mr. Joseph Tregelles Price, also a member of the Society of Friends, called his friends to- gether again, and succeeded in bringing into existence the English peace association, under the name of the Peace Society. PEACE SOCIETY. I I 5 The source from which the association sprang is to be found in the Society of Friends (Quakers), that sect which has always been a faithful proclaimer of the peace principles of Christianity. But the founders were not all of this society. Some were members of the Church of England and of other religious per- suasions. As the foundation of its effort, the associa- tion advanced the great principle that war is contrary to the spirit of Christianity and to the true interests of mankind. It has always been open to persons of all persuasions. One of its first stipulations was, that '' the society shall consist of all ranks of society who will unite in forwarding peace on earth and good-will amongst men.'* The association has always been international. From its commencement it proclaimed its desire to bring other nations as far as possible within the reach of its opera- tions. Some of the first acts of the founders were to translate its most important writings into French, German, Spanish and Italian. Immediately after, in 1816, Mr. J. T. Price, the most zealous amongst the founders, under- took a journey to France to gain adhesion and Il6 PAX MUNDI. co-operation amongst Christians and philan- thropists in that country. Many hindrances lay in the way of forming an association in that country which should have peace only for its object. These difficulties were overcome by founding a Society of Christian Morals (Z^ SocidU de morale Ckr^iienne), whose aim was to bring the teaching of Christianity to bear upon the social question. This society continued for more than a quarter of a century and numbered amongst its members many illustrious French- men. Its first president was the Duke of Rochefoucauld- Liancourt ; its vice-president was the Marquis of the same name, the son of the above. Amongst the members were Benjamin Constant, the Duke of Broglie, de Lamartine, Guizot, Carnot, and Duchatel. The promotion of peace was one of the objects of the Society. A branch of it was formed in Geneva, under the leadership of Count Sellon, and the Eng- lish parent society stood in close and lively connection with both these associations. It had for many years in its service an active man, Stephen Rigaud, who travelled through France, Belgium, Germany and Holland, held meetings, FRENCH PEACE SOCIETIES. I I 7 distributed tracts, and formed committees and associations in furtherance of peace. Between the years 1848 and 185 1 a still greater aggressive peace movement was set on foot upon the European continent, by means of congresses held at Brussels, Paris and Frank- fort, and by the attendance of many hundred delegates from all the countries of Europe. This effort for peace was entered upon by the Secretary, Mr. Henry Richard. At least twenty times he visited the Continent, speaking for peace and arbitration in many, if not most, of the largest cities — Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Pesth, Dresden, Leipsic, Munich, Frankfort, Brussels, Antwerp, Bremen, Cologne, the Hague, Amsterdam, Genoa, Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Turin, etc. These efforts bore good fruit. The friends of peace began to stir. Peace societies were formed, devoted attachments were made, and personal intercourse created between the adher- ents of peace principles in various lands. This was especially the case in France, where la Ligue Internationale de la Paix was founded by M. Frederic Passy. In 1872 the name of the league was changed to the I 1 8 PAX MUNDI. Socidtd Franpaise des Amis de la Paix, This name it retained until its amalgamation with the Comitd de Paris de la Fdddration Inter- nationale de r Arbitrage et de la Paix, founded by Mr. Hodgson Pratt in 1883. The new society, formed of the union of the two, bears the name of the SocietS Franpaise de F Arbitrage entre Nations, The Ligue Internationale de la Paix et de la Libertd was founded at Geneva by M. Charles Lemonnier as far back as 1867. Under the powerful leadership of this aged captain of peace the league has, by its activity in promot- ing the idea of the '' United States of Europe," constantly sought to work in a practical way for its object, — peace and freedom. The same year, too, were founded the Ligue du Ddsarmement and the Union de la Paix, at Havre. But the most remarkable occurrence in this domain was the spontaneous interchange of addresses and greetings between workmen in France and Germany, which led to the for- mation, in Biebrich on the Rhine, of an As- sociation OF German and French working- men. DUTCH AND BELGIAN SOCIETIES. II9 As a result of a visit from Mr. Richard three years later, there was founded at the Hague, Sept. 8th, 1870, " The Dutch Peace Society," by Mr. Van Eck and others. Later in the same year ten similar associations sprang up in the Hague, Amsterdam, Zwolle, Groningen and other places. One of these, the '* Women's Peace Society," in Amsterdam, under the leadership of Miss Bergendahl, deserves to be named, on account of its advanced character. In 1871 this union took the name of the ''Peace Society s National Union for Holland',' and in 1878 of the '' Peace League of the Nether- lands." Its present name is the '' Universal Peace Association for the Netherlands'' {Alge- meen Nederlandsch Vredesbond). For seven- teen years Mr. Geo. Belinfante as the in- defatigable secretary of this Union. He died in 1888, and was succeeded by M. C. Bake, of the Hague. In 187 1 the Belgian Association was formed at Brussels, and at the same time a local association at Verviers. Later on, April 15th, 1889, was founded the Belgian branch of the International Arbitration and Peace Asso- ciation {Fdddration Internationale de I Arbitrage I20 PAX MUNDI. et de la Paix, section Beige), under the leader- ship of M. E. de Laveleye. The English parent society has, in the course of three-quarters of a century, employed every means that can serve to advance a public cause. By lectures and public meetings ; by the distribution of literature and a diligent use of the press ; by appeals to the peoples ; peti- tions to the Governments ; resolutions in par- liament ; by adapting themselves to Sunday and other schools, by influencing the religious community, the clergy and teachers ; by com- binations and interviews with peace friends in all lands — by all practicable means it has sought to work tow^ards its goal. First and foremost, it has advocated arbitra- tion as a substitute for war, laboured for the final establishment of an International Law, and a Tribunal for the nations, and for a gradual re- duction of standing armies ; at the same time it has never ceased to raise its voice against the wars in which England and other nations have engaged. At a Universal International Peace Congress, held in London under the auspices of the society in 1843, it was resolved to send an address ''to the Governments of the civilized AMERICAN SOCIETIES. 12 1 world," whereby they should be earnestly con- jured to consider the principle of arbitration, and to recognise it. This address was sent to forty-five Governments. By a deputation to the powers at the Paris Congress in 1856, this society succeeded, as before said, in getting the principle of arbitration recognised, etc. From the commencement, the English and American peace societies have worked side by side with brotherly concord. There are over forty peace societies in America. Besides these already named — viz., the American Peace Society y and the Universal Peace Union — the following are most important : The Christian Arbitration and Peace Society, Philadelphia ; the National Arbitration League, Washington; the American Friends Peace Society, for Indiana and Ohio, founded December i, 1873; and the International Code Committee, New York, of which David Dudley Field is president. On the 25th of July, 1870, the English Workmen's Peace Association, now called the International Arbitration League, was founded by members of the ** Reform League,'' a great union of workmen in London. Two years later this Arbitration League, under Mr. W. 122 PAX MUNDI. R. Cremer's powerful leadership, had well-ap- pointed local associations all over the country, and nearly a hundred zealous leaders in various towns. Since then Mr. Cremer has become a Member of Parliament, and as such has had the opportunity of helping the peace cause in many ways ; for example, as a zealous partici- pant in the deputation of twelve to the Presi- dent of the United States, which has been mentioned more particularly in the beginning of this work. In April, 1874, was formed the Women's Auxiliary of the Peace Society. This con- tinued to work in connection with the English parent society until 1882, when a division took place. Part of the members gathered them- selves into an auxiliary, now called the Local Peace Association Auxiliary of the Peace Society, which has thirty-three sub-associations in England only. The other part formed the Women's Peace and Arbitration Associa- tion.^ At the same time great progress was made upon the Continent. 1 Since amalgamated with the Women's Committee of the International Arbitration and Peace Association. SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETIES. I 23 In Italy a League of Peace and Brother- hood was founded as early as 1878, by Signer E. T. Moneta. A workmen's peace association was formed at Paris in 1879, by M. Desmoulins and others, under the name of the SocidU des travailleurs de la Paix. At the close of 1882, The Danish Peace Society, or " Society for the Neutralization of Denmark/' was founded in Copenhagen, with Fredrik Bajer, M. p., as chairman, and twenty- five local associations in Denmark.^ There is also at Copenhagen a " Women's Progress Society," which, with Mrs. Bajer as president, placed the cause of peace prominently upon its programme. At a meeting of members of the Riksdag, in the spring of 1883, a Swedish Peace Society was formed, which has for its object to co- operate with the International Arbitration and Peace Association of Great Britain and Ireland, in working for the preservation of peace among nations, and the establishment of an Interna- tional Tribunal of Arbitration, under the mutual protection of the States, to which disputes that ^ For the objects of this Association see Appendix. 124 PAX MUNDI. may arise may be referred. The first chairman of the society was S. A. Hedlund, who haslong^ laboured in Sweden for the spread of informa- tion as to the efforts of the friends of peace. The same year a Norwegian Peace Society was formed, which, however, like the Swedish sister association, has been apparently only dead-alive of late. This is the result, certainly in great degree, of the slender interest taken by the cultivated classes, who in general pose as either indifferent or antagonistic to peace work ; indifferent, be- cause, in ignorance of the subject, they look upon organized peace effort as fanciful and fruitless ; antagonistic, because they see in these efforts a hindrance to getting the national de- fence strengthened by increased military forces. As regards Norway, there are, however, signs that a different view of things has lately begun to make itself felt.^ In France the peace societies received strength in 1884, through the foundation by M. GoDiN of the Socidtd de Paix et d' Arbitrage ^ "On August 8th, 1891, at a meeting at Seljord, a New- Norwegian Peace Association was formed, and a provisional Committee appointed." Trans. GERMAN AND ITALIAN SOCIETIES. 1 25 International du Familisth^e de Guise (Aisne), Godin's activity has embraced not less than forty-two departments in France. Besides these may be named the Socidt^ d' Aide Frater- nelle et d' Etudes Sociales, the Socidtd de Paix par r Education at Paris, the Groupe des Amis de la paix a Clermont-Ferrand, La Fraternitd Universelle Grammond, Canton de St. Galmier (Loire), and the Association des Jeunes Amis de la Paix, Nimes. The International Arbitration and Peace Association for Great Britain and Ireland was founded in 1880.^ This association, with which the Scandinavian society should co- operate the most closely, has a worthy chairman in Mr. Hodgson Pratt, a man whose devoted and untiring zeal has made him a distinguished leader of the peace movement, to which he has dedicated the whole business of his life. His sphere of action has also included the Continent, and borne good fruit. Amongst others he succeeded in instituting peace societies at Darmstadt, Stuttgart and Frank- fort ; a committee of the association at Buda- pest ; and in Rome, the Associazione per V ^ For programme of the Association see Appendix. 126 PAX MUNDI. Arbitrato e la Pace tra le Nazione, with RuGGiERO BoNGHi as president ; and also in Milan, the Unione Lombarda per la Pace e r Arbitrato Internazionale, In the course of the last three years, 1886-90, the idea of peace has made great progress in Italy. The movement has not been confined to any special class of society, or to any par- ticular political or religious party, but has spread alike amongst all. In the autumn of 1888 the central committee of the Italian League of Peace and Liberty sent out a leaflet, with a protest against any war with France. The central committee, which numbers amongst its members, senators, deputies, and many of Garibaldi's former companions in arms, declares : '' The league requires all Italians, young and old, women and men, philosophers, tradesmen and working men, to unite all their energies in the great work of peace ; that there may be an end of armaments, which are a positive ruin to all nations.'* In the course of 1889 several important peace congresses were held. In Milan, such a congress met for the first time, January 13th, representing 200 associations in France, Italy, THE PEACE MOVEMENT IN ITALY. 12J and Spain ; and for the second time, April 28th, when fifty-four Italian societies were repre- sented. Eight days after the first Milan meet- ing, a similar one took place in Naples, attended by 3,000 persons, which expressed the united views of five hundred associations. Lastly, a congress was held in Rome, May 10-14, which represented thirty-nine peace associations, the ex-minister Bonghi in the chair. The meeting expressed the desire that governments would find means to diminish the war burdens by international agreements similar to those by which economic and scientific matters are already arranged, as well as ques- tions dealing with general sanitary concerns. A committee, consisting of six senators and deputies, was afterwards chosen for further work in the cause of peace. A specially noteworthy feature in these Italian peace congresses is the deep repugnance to the Triple Alliance — which is regarded as a standing menace of war, — and a strong craving for good relations with France. The. way to this lies through increased peaceful connection. This was especially manifest in the meeting at Rome, which had 128 PAX MUNDI. to prepare for the participation of Italians in the Peace Congress at Paris in the summer of 1889. The Congresses of 1889 formed part of the great commemoration of the Revolution ; that meeting of international fraternity which, in the words of President Carnot in his opening speech, " shall hasten the time when the re- sources of the nations, and the labour of man- kind, shall be dedicated only to the works of peace/' One of these gatherings, the Universal Peace Congress, June 23-27, which was composed of delegates from the peace societies of Europe and America, had, amongst other vocations, to express itself on certain general principles for carrying forward the idea of arbitration. It specially maintained and emphasized that the principle of arbitration ought to form a part of fundamental law in the constitution of every State. -^ Before the meeting closed, it ^ This principle is likely to be realized by the bill of the constitution of the Brazilian Republic, sanctioned by th6 executive of the new free State, which proclaims that the Government may not begin a war without having first appealed to arbitration. INTERPARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCE. I 29 was decided that the next Universal Congress should be held in London in 1890. The other assembly, an Interparliamen- tary Conference (June 29-30), composed ex- clusively of legislators from m^any lands, was entitled to express itself more definitely on the adoption of actual measures ; notably, on the best means of bringing about arbitration treaties between certain States and groups of States. With this Interparliamentary Conference, this international parliamentary meeting, we come to the beginning of a new and exalted organization, forming almost a powerful prelude to co-operation between England, iVmerica and France, such as I spoke of in the com- mencement of this book. After the emissaries of the 270 members of the legislature had in the autumn of 1887 fulfilled their mission to America, and had started an active movement there which has since spread over the whole American con- tinent, English and French representatives of the people met in Paris, October 31st, 1888^ and decided on behalf of many hundreds of their absent associates that a meetino; of members of as many parliaments as possible K 130 PAX MUNDI. should take place during the Universal Exposi- tion in 1889. This resolution was carried into effect. On June 20th about one hundred parliamentary representatives assembled in Paris from Bel- gium, Denmark, England, France, Hungary, Italy, Liberia, the United States and Spain. Nearly four hundred members of various parliaments had given their adhesion to the design of the meeting. Jules Simon opened the proceedings. Many important resolutions were passed, with a view to practically carrying into effect the principle of arbitration. After this it was arranged that a similar assembly should meet annually in one or other of the capital cities of the countries in sympathy ; in 1890, in London; and lastly, a committee of forty was chosen, composed, according to reso- lution, of six members of every nationality, which should undertake the preparation of the next conference, send out the invitations, collect the necessary contributions, and in the interim do all in their power to remove the misunder- standings which might possibly arise, when it appealed, as it would be needful to do, to public opinion LONDON confer:ence, 1890. 131 Pursuant to the invitation of this committee, the second International Assembly of Members ■of Parliament met in Londonjuly 22-23, 1890. In consequence of the second Universal Peace Congress, the central gathering of the peace societies, being held only a short time previously (July 14-19), a large number of influential men attended this international meeting of legislators ; but whilst amongst those who took part in the first named con- ference, the Universal Peace Congress, were a fair number of M.P.s of various countries, yet {with few exceptions) all those who took part in the interparliamentary meeting were members of one or other national legislative assembly. The second Interparliamentary Conference, in London, 1890, had double the attendance of the first, in Paris, — members from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden ; besides which, more than a thousand representatives of the people, who were pre- vented attending, signified by letter their adhesion. Amongst these were Gladstone, Clemenceau, the Vice-president of the Ger- .man Reichstag, Baumbach, the Italian Prime 132 PAX MUNDI. Minister Crispi, Andrassy, and three French Ministers. Ninety- four Italian senators and deputies, and thirty-one members of the Spanish Cortes, in their respective addresses, expressed their sympathy with the work of the conference. The ex- Lord Chancellor, Lord Herschell, acted as chairman. The most important resolution of the meet- ing was, that all civilized governments were urged to refer all disputes in which they might be involved to arbitration for solution. Those present bound themselves to work to- the best of their ability for the object, espe- cially through the press and in the national assembly of their own lands, and thus grad- ually win public opinion over to the cause. As a first step towards practically settling international disputes by arbitration, the con- ference urged that in all treaties affecting trade, literature, or other arrangements, a special arbitral clause should be inserted. Amongst other resolutions it was voted, that: a parliamentary committee should be created in each country for mutual consultation on in- ternational matters. Lastly, a standing interparliamentary com- INTERPARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCES. I 33 mittee of thirty members was chosen, to serve as a connecting link in the interval between the conferences. The third Interparliamentary Conference will meet in Rome in 1891. In the fact that these conferences are com- posed of legislators chosen by the people lies their peculiar significance. They speak with power, because they are supported by millions of electors in various lands. The weight of their utterances naturally increases in the proportion in which the number of members grows. As yet this parliament of the peoples represents only a minority of the national assemblies ; but the day may be coming when it will express the opinion of the majority, and that would be the triumph of right over might. In the effort to reach this goal there must be no settling into stagnation. The peace societies especially must work with all their might to get friends of peace into parliament, and subscribe to enable them to take part in the interparliamentary meetings. It would, of course, be still better if the means for their attendance were supplied by a public grant. 134 PAX MUNDI. Here the Norwegian Storting has set an example which will be to its honour for all time ; for after about sixty members had joined the interparliamentary union, and chosen Messrs. Ullmann, Horst and Lund as repre- sentatives to the conference in London, 1890 ; and after the Arbitration resolution moved had been adopted by the Storting (voted July 2nd, 1890, by eighty votes against twenty-nine), a subsidy of 1,200 kroner was granted for the travelling expenses of the three delegates tO' the London conference. This is probably the first time in the life of the nations that a State has granted money in support of a direct effort to make a breach in the old system of Cain. There is less strain in America : a similar inception seems to be at hand. Long before the great rousing in 1887, the present United States Minister, James G. Blaine, was pos- sessed with the idea of bringing about a peace- treaty between all the independent States of North and South America. He stood at the head of the Foreign Department of the Union when General Garfield was President, 1881,. and already at that time entertained this PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. I 35 grand idea. He desired, in order to realize it, to invite all the American States, by means of government emissaries, to take part in an international congress at Washington. In the interim Garfield died, and when Arthur became President, Blaine ceased to be Minister of Foreign Affairs ; but as soon as, upon Harrison being chosen to the presidency, he became Foreign Minister again, he resumed the inter- rupted work. In June, 1888, the President confirmed a resolution adopted by Congress, empowering him to invite all the American States to a conference composed of emissaries from their governments, with the view of establishing a Tribunal of Arbitration for settling differences that may arise between them ; and for estab- lishing by commercial treaties more facile trade combinations, adapted to the needs of the various States, and their productive and economic well-being. The invitations were issued, and met with approval by all the independent States through- out America. The representatives of these States met at Washington, Oct. ist, 1889, in a deliberative 1^6 PAX MUNDI. assembly, which was styled the Pan-American Conference. Mr. Blaine was voted to the chair, and under his leading the members of the congress decided to begin with a circular tour of forty days through the whole of the States of the Union. Its labours were afterwards con- tinued until April i8th, 1890. The results of the Conference as regards the common interests of trade and commerce, etc., will only be felt gradually, since many of these matters are of intricate character, and in some instances require entirely fresh international transactions. But as regards the chief thing — viz., the establishment of a permanent tribunal of arbitration — the object was achieved. Congress almost unanimously ^ adopted the resolution of the report of the committee re- specting the election of such a supreme judicial authority in case of any menacing international disagreement. The members of the Conference were not authorized to conclude binding treaties. Their task was confined to deliberating upon affairs 1 The scruples entertained by Chili, Argentina and Mexico appear to have been dropped, in the case at least of the two last named. PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE. I 37 which might have a reciprocal interest in various countries, and then laying before their governments such resolutions as in the opinion of the Conference might best promote the well- being of all the States. Nevertheless the majority of the States later bound themselves to the conclusions of the congress. Indeed, a week before the assembly broke up the respective members for Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, Equador, Guatemala, Hayti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador, were em- powered to sign at Washington the arbitration- treaty adopted by the Pan-American Con- ference ; and the other governments have since in the same way sanctioned it.^ When this document has been fully confirmed, a quarter of the inhabited world v/ill be ren- dered inviolate, and 120 millions of men set free from the chronic frenzy of war. If minor breaches of the peace possibly may Jiot thereby be for ever prevented, yet certainly the irresponsible system of violence will become powerless against the force of civilization which is spreading over the whole Western hemi- sphere. ^ For provisions of this Treaty see Appendix. THE PROSPECTS. The events which I have here described will perhaps one day be regarded as the transition into a new era. But specially here, in the Old World, with its many unsettled accounts, we cannot rely upon bright pictures of the future. We are convinced of nothing beyond the range of our own knowledge and experi- ence. I have thought so myself, and therefore I have endeavoured to keep to facts which no- one can deny. It is a fact that wars continually diminish in proportion as peoples are brought nearer, to one another by trade and commerce. The old warlike condition has ceased. Formerly not a year passed without war in Europe — in the Middle Ages hardly a week. After 1815 an international peace reigned over most of the European States for forty years. In the Scan- dinavian peninsula that peace is continuing still. Before that time, at least until 1721, Sweden 138 CAUSES OF WAR REMOVED. 1 39 was almost continually involved in war. We reckon two hundred and sixty years of war to the Kalmar Union, and the proneness to invade and defend the countries on the other side the Baltic. The old CAUSES of war are being removed. Certainly new ones arise as a result of selfish patriotism, breaking out in new acts of violence. But these outbreaks of barbarism become con- tinually more rare. Unhappily, they are so much the more horrible when they do occur, but yet much more transitory. This is applic- able to all the great wars in the last half of the- present century. No thirty years' war is known now. In consequence of the shorter flow of blood the wounds get time to heal, and the divided interests are allowed to grow together again. The levers of civilization are again in motion ; commerce spreads over land and sea by steam, electricity, and other motive powers. The vic- tories of Alexander and Napoleon are cast into the shade by the triumphal procession of the tiny postage stamp around the. world. Trade and industry, art and science, efforts la- the direction of universal morality and enlight- 140 PAX MUNDI. enment, all branch out and weave around the nations a boundless web of common inter- ests, which, though at certain intervals violently torn asunder by brute force, grows together again with increased strength and in broader 'Compass ; until one day, under the majesty of law, it will form an irresistible civilizing power. This is what in reality is taking place. Men do not in general see it ; and this, because they busy themselves so much with warlike notions, and trouble themselves so little about -events of the character that I have dwelt upon in the foregoing pages. The friends of peace ought to stimulate one another, especially when there is gloom over the great world, and no one knows whence the ap- proaching calamity may spring. Once it was warded off from our land by a wise measure of one of our kings. I refer to Oscar I., when he saved us from being embroiled in the chances -of war, by drawing up a declaration of neu- trality in 1854, which was approved by the united powers, and earned for him the homage and gratitude of the Swedish Riksdag, in an WAR AVERTED. I4I address which lauded him as one of the wisest and noblest of kings.^ But there is little security that the same ex- pedient will always lead to a like successful result, if people wait till war is at the door before setting to work. 1 Transactions of the Riksdag, 1853-1854, No. 4. In the introduction to the address to the Riksdag the king observed, that he had, in providing for the welfare of the nation, found himself obliged to declare Sweden neutral ; consequently he informed the Riksdag of the Declaration of Neutrality, respecting which the king said : — "The system which the king intends steadily to adhere to and employ is a strict neutrality, founded upon sincerity, impartiality, and full regard to the rights of all the powers. This neutrality will entail upon the government of his Majesty of Sweden and Norway the following duties, and secure to it the following benefits ; i. To hold himself free from any participation in any contentions which directly or indirectly may be advantageous to one and injurious to- another of the belligerent States. . . . "Such are the general principles of the neutral position, which his Majesty of Sweden and Norway designs to take in case war should break out in Europe. His Majesty feels persuaded that it will be accepted as in accordance with international law, and that the exact and impartial observ- ance of these principles wilLmake it possible for his Majesty to continue to sustain those connections with friendly and allied powers which his Majesty, for his people's weal, so- greatly desires to preserve from every infringement.'^ To this communication, satisfactory answers, accepting. 142 PAX MUNDI. In time of peace, and during the specially good relations which obtain between the two English-speaking nations, as well as between France and America, our fellow-workers on the decision announced by his Majesty, arrived from the various Governments in the following words : . . . " His Majesty has been pleased to announce to the assem- bled Estates of the Realm the attainment of this result, so satisfactory for the undisturbed continuance of peaceful transactions and the uninterrupted course of trade and navigation ; so much the more as on account of the politi- cal relations of Sweden and Norway with foreign powers, they may be regarded as for the present amply secured. His Majesty gratefully acknowledges that the patriotism and the reliance upon the paternal designs of his Majesty which the Estates of the Realm have manifested on this occasion may be regarded as having in an important degree contri- buted to the attainment of the desired object. His Majesty, in expressing his sincere satisfaction, will continue to devote incessant pains to all the measures which the maintenance of neutrality may require in harmony with the principles laid down and promulgated by his Majesty. With his Majesty's royal favour and constant best wishes to the Estates of the Realm." The address of thanks from the Riksdag to the king : — "After the Declaration of Neutrality made by your Majesty on behalf of the united kingdoms, and in concert with the King of Denmark, had been accepted by the European powers and also the United States, it pleased your Majesty to inform the Estates of the Realm of this result, so satis- factory for the undisturbed continuance of our peaceful transactions, and for the uninterrupted course of our trade GOOD RELATIONS ESTABLISHED. 1 43 l30th sides the Atlantic are making use of the favourable opportunity for trying to get this good relation established by law. It may well be asked why we, who are and navigation. Your Majesty has at the same time been pleased also to express your gracious appreciation of the patriotism and reliance upon your paternal designs which the Estates of the Realm have on this occasion manifested. "The representatives of the Swedish people hold in grate- ful remembrance these expressions of your Majesty's high satisfaction, and beg respectfully to assure your Majesty of their deep and warm gratitude. The Fatherland is in- debted to your Majesty's incessant and unremitting pains in securing the friendly relations of the united kingdoms to- wards foreign powers during the contests in which a great part of Europe is at present embroiled. The Estates of the Realm offer sincere homage to the resolution and wise fore- thought with which your Majesty, under these troublous conditions, has safeguarded the interests, the independence and power of the united kingdoms. With confidence be- tween the king and the people, with mutual co-operation in working together to promote the true welfare of our beloved Fatherland, they will, with the blessing of the Highest, be henceforth preserved. The peace we enjoy is the dearer because it is the evidence of the fidelity with which the best interests of the country are guarded by your Majesty. Ready to follow her noble king in all vicissitudes, the Swedish nation implores the blessings of Providence upon the vigilant fatherly love whose untiring care for the people's welfare reaps its reward In this answering love. *' The Estates of the Realm, remain," etc. 144 P^^ MUNDI. friendly with the whole world, should not be able to do the same, not only with respect to Siam, but also first and foremost with our near xieighbours. It was this thought which led to the Arbitra- tion resolution in 1890, in the Storting and in the Riksdag. At the first meeting of the Left (Liberals) of the Storting, Feb. 4th, the subject was discussed and gained unanimous adhesion. Whereupon followed the resolution in the Storting on the 2 1 St, which was adopted by a large majority, March 5th, after the Minister of State (Stang) had delivered a long speech against the resolu- tion in vain. After this successful result, a similar resolu- tion for Sweden was brought into the First Chamber by F. T. Borg, and in the Second by J. Andersson. The reports of the committees upon it ran diversely. The committee of the First Chamber opposed, and that of the Second Chamber approved, the resolution. On May 1 2th the question was thrown out in both Chambers.-^ 1 Riksdagen protocol, 1890. First Chamber, No. 37 ; Second Chamber, No. 45. SWEDISH RIKSDAG. 1 45 Mr. Borg spoke with dignity for his resolution in a long speech. This was answered by the chairman of the committee, with a reminder of the perverse condition of the world and of the human race. The resolution contained a ''meaningless expression of opinion." It was a real danger for small nations to go to sleep, hoping and believing in a lasting peace. It was now just as in the olden times : those who loved peace and would preserve it '' must pre- pare for war." The speaker had, as chairman of the committee, expressed sympathy with the resolution, but he added, '' one does not get far with paper and words ; and, accord- ing to my opinion, the honourable mover of the resolution will certainly show more love for peace if he, next year, on coming back with this peace business, will set about it with a proposition for some ironclads and artillery regiments or such like things, of more effectual service than the platonic love which he has ex- pressed ; and I venture to predict that both the committee and the Chamber will support him more powerfully than to-day." After another distinguished genius had ex- pressed himself in the same well-known fashion, L 146 PAX MUNDI. wherein proofs were conspicuous by their ab- sence, and the narrow circle of thought was filled with scorn and slighting talk about '' pious notions/' etc., the High Chamber threw out the bill by fifty-six votes against four. In the Second Chamber the debate was opened by the Foreign Minister with a speech which clearly enough justifies the '* Memorial DIPLOMATIQUE " where it points to the necessity of the study of the arbitration-system having a high place amongst the requirements made of those who enter the path of diplomacy ; — a thing that they have actually begun seriously to set before themselves in England. In full accord with the evidence brought forward above, the judicial professor of the Chamber declared in short that the Chamber would disgrace itself by adopting the resolu- tion before it. After the mover of the resolution and some who shared his views had expressed their hope that the Chamber would not fall back from the position it took in 1874 upon this question, a speaker rose who requires to be met, Herr A. Hedin. He began with the assertion that if a refusal SWEDEN AND SPAIN. 1 47 of the report of the committee would show that the Chamber had now changed its opinion, they had before them sufficient reason for this. He wondered that a resolution of such a nature as this had been brought forward, so soon after the unpleasant experience which the country and people of Sweden lately had in a so-called decision by arbitration. '' The Chamber will please to remember," continued the speaker, '* that the king, with no authority from the Riksdag, agreed with Spain to appeal to arbi- tration upon the difficulties that had arisen on the right understanding of the prolonged com- mercial treaty with Spain. Also the Chamber will please to remember that this arbitration tribunal neither acted upon the plan settled in the agreement, nor did it act in harmony with the instructions of the treaty ; and what was worse, the so-called, or supposed, sentence which this one-man arbitration tribunal passed did not concern the matter, which according to the agreement was to have been settled by arbitration, but quite another, which could not reasonably be subjected to arbitration — though the matter was, so far as we were legally con- cerned, made to appear as though Sweden had 148 PAX MUNDI. received an injustice in the principal matter which should have been tried by arbitration, but which was not — a circumstance which, with the Spanish authorities, has greatly weakened the position in law due to Swedish citizens, whose rights have been violated in so unpre- cedented a manner by the mode of procedure in consequence of which arbitration was ap- pealed to." All this had truth in it. But does that prove anything against the usefulness of arbitration clauses in treaties of commerce ? The agreement referred to between the united kingdoms and Spain, January 8th, 1887, establishes : — " A question which affects customs or the carrying out of comniercial treaties, or relates to results of some special violation of the same, shall, when all attempts to come to an amicable agreement and all friendly discussions have proved fruitless, be referred to an arbitration tribunal, whose decision shall be binding on both parties." According to this it may be plainly seen, that the well-known Swedo-Spanish Spirit-dispute, to which Mr. Hedin alluded, ought to have been solved in its entirety by arbitration. The Spanish Government, however, maintained that BRANDY DISPUTE. 1 49 this affected Spanish internal concerns, since in fact the forced sale of Karlstamms-Volagets brandy stores in Spain took place as a result of a new spirit law, to which the arbitration clause in this case could not be applied. This starting-point for the judgment of the whole dispute was accepted by the Swedish Government ; which also agreed to let an arbi- trator settle whether the question of the spirit tax was independent of the treaty or not. Both Governments agreed to choose the Portuguese ex-Foreign Minister, Count de Casal Riberio, as arbitrator, and he expressed himself in favour of the Spanish construction. And with this the whole matter was settled. No one can seriously think that the method of procedure on the Swedish side, which led to so distressing a violation of justice as that re- ferred to by Herr Hedin, could prove anything against the principle of arbitration. On the other hand, it appears to betray the character of the statesmanship of our then Foreign Minister; which indeed earned for him a diamond-set snuffbox from the Emperor William II., but otherwise, the blame only of sensible people. 150 PAX MUNDI. Herr Hedin, who has a weakness for strong expressions, had the opportunity of using some such in their right place. Unhappily, this can- not be said with truth of the closing words of his speech, where he remarks that the expres- sions of the Foreign Minister are so decisive against the bill that they deal the report of the committee of the Second Chamber a right deadly blow. The committee had proposed that the king, with the authority which § 1 1 in the form of government accords him, should seek to bring about such agreements with foreign powers, that future possible differences be- tween the powers named and Sweden should be settled by arbitration. The deadly blow must be the remark of the Foreign Minister that questions affecting the existence and independence of nations must be excepted from decisions by arbitration. This principle is known to be universally ac- cepted, and in no way stands in antagonism to the report of the committee, which of course left the hands of the king as free as possible to promote the idea of arbitration according to circumstances. BILL REJECTED. I5I However, the report of the committee was thrown out by eighty-eight votes against eighty- three. Herr Hedin got his way. He has always been the consistent opposer of the active friends of peace ; and this time he has besides won the gratitude even of our Government organ, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, which calls his speech glittering ; meaning that upon this resolution '' there was no need to waste many words," and continues thus : — ** The resolution is worthy of notice, because it shows the return of the Chamber to a sounder perception of this ques- tion. It seems at last to recognise the extravagance of the expectation certain fanatics entertain of bringing about a lasting peace by so apparently simple a means as a tribunal of arbitration. We have indeed, as Herr Hedin reminded us, now had experience ourselves of how unsatisfactory this can be ; and it certainly appears that they must be lacking in common sense who would question the justice of the Foreign Minister's reminder, that arbitration cannot be appealed to when a nation's political freedom or indepen- dence is touched by the issue. '* I may here beg leave to calm the ruffled feelings of the honourable Government organ by bringing to remembrance the lesson, other- wise applicable also, which our dismembered 152 PAX MUNDI. sister-land on the other side of the Sound ofifers us. At the London Conference in 1864, the re- presentative of England, Lord Russell, referred to the decision arrived at by the Paris Congress in 1856, that States which had any serious dispute should appeal to the mediation of a friendly power before taking to arms. In har- mony with this the British plenipotentiary pro- posed that the question, whether the boundary line should be drawn between the lines of Aabenraa-Toender, on the one side, or Danne- werke-Sli on the other, should be decided by arbitration. Prussia and Austria consented to accept the mediation of a neutral power ; but Denmark replied to the proposition with a distinct refusal. In the same way Denmark refused the proposal made first by Prussia, and later by France, that a means of deciding the boundary should be sought in a plebiscite of the people in Sleswick. Denmark trusted too much tipon might and too little upon right. Otherwise Sleswick had still been Danish. If the axiom be correct, that disputes which affect the existence and independence of na- INDEPENDENCE OF NATIONS. 1 53 tions ought not to be submitted for solution to arbitration, it is of so much the greater moment to try to get international complications settled in this way, because they may swell up into questions of the kind first named ; since in any case this means could be adopted as a last re- source in time of need. History knows of no example of the destruction of a free nation by the impartial judgment of arbitration. Now it may well appear honourable on the part of the free nations of the Scandinavian peninsula that they should openly show to the whole world that they are prepared (in full harmony with King Oscar II.'s pacific expres- sions in the speech from the throne to the Riksdag and the Storting in 1890), for their own part, in all international circumstances to substitute justice for brute force, — and this with- out compromising and meaningless limitations. In the Swedish arbitration resolution, as well as in the Norse, lies the road certainly to effi- ciently carrying out the neutral policy so strongly emphasized in the speech from the throne. Besides the public gain, which a favourable result in both Chambers would have been, a 154 PAX MUNDI. unanimous co-operation in this cause would in a great degree have faciHtated the solving of the important Question of the Union (Union- ELLE TvISTEMAAL). The last named consideration will indeed claim more attention as the consequences of the divergent decisions of the Storting and the Riksdag develop themselves. That these con- sequences will be scattering, rather than uniting, the friends of peace in both lands must keep in view ; and must look out, in time, for means to soothe them, as long as they continue. That which lies nearest my heart has been to help, with cheering words, to strengthen the faith of my fellow- workers. If these words have succeeded also, here and there, in scatter- ing doubts, so much the better. Little-faith is faint-hearted. Without confidence in a cause, there is no action. Ignorance may be en- lightened, superstition wiped out ; intolerance may become tolerant, and hate be changed into love ; ideas may be quickened, intelli- gence widened, and men's hearts may be en- nobled ; but from pessimism which can see nothing but gloomy visions nothing is to be PESSIMISTS. 155 expected. This offspring of materialism is one of the most powerful opponents which the cause of international law and justice has to encounter. It is only self-deception to conceal the fact that it still reigns in our Christian community. These gloomy-sighted people refer us to history, which on every page tells of crime and blood, sorrow and tears. We answer by point- ing to the development of civilization, and show how all things slowly grow and ripen, whether in human life or in the world of nature. Human perfection does not provide for an individual beinof a law-abidino[' member of a human community, and exclude a community from being a law-abiding member of an alliance of States. The abolition of war therefore in no way pre-supposes universal righteousness, but only a certain degree of moral cultivation. But that this perfection is not attained to cannot be any rational objection against striving after the perfect. Discontent with imperfection ought much rather to goad us on to work for what is better. Now, war is not something imperfect only : it is a summing up of all human depravity — 156 PAX MUNDI. a condition which we might expect all en- lightened men and women would turn against with combined energies. That this does not take place is an evidence that the enlighten- ment is not so great among so-called cultivated people. The dazzling external show of war conceals from many its inner reality. This applies not only to the horrors of the battle-field and their ghastly accompaniments. Fancy's wildest pic- tures of the infernal abyss are nothing to the descriptions eye-witnesses give of this veritable hell. Tolstoi's pen and Veretschagin's pencil give us an idea of it.^ From this misery spring untold sufferings for thousands upon thousands of innocent victims ; and, besides, it remains to be a flowing source of fresh calamities. The Armed Peace is a similar calamity, which threatens European civilization with complete overthrow. We have got so far in the general race in the science of armaments that the yearly outlay in Europe for military purposes, including the interest of national ^ When Wellington once, as a victor, went over the field of battle, he burst out with the cry, " There is nothing so disastrous as a victory, except a defeat." THIRTY MILLIONS OF MEN. 1 57 debts, is reckoned as about twelve milliards of kroner/ 650 millions sterling, which of course must imply a corresponding limitation of pro- ductive labour. In time of peace the European armies are reckoned at four millions of men. In time of war this can grow to nineteen millions ; and in a few years when, as intended, the new conscrip- tion law comes into full effect, to something like thirty millions.^ War, the personification of all human de- pravity, desolates the progressive work of culture, and the armed peace which ruins the nations prepares new wars and augments the misery. Ignorance, war, and poverty follow one another in an unvarying circle. By the side of this wild race for armaments goes on a terrible struggle for existence, and discontent reigns in all lands. This condition of things, which fills the world with unrest and fear, must in the near future have an end. It ^ That is 12,000,000,000; sufficient to furnish the annual pension of a minister of State, 2,000 kroner, for every man and woman, old man and suckling in the whole of Norway. — Ed. of Danish edition. 2 Five times as many able-bodied men as there are men, women, old men and children in the whole of Norway. — Do. 158 PAX MUNDI. will either come in the form of a social revolu- tion, which will embrace the whole of our con- tinent, or it may come by the introduction of an established condition of international law. It is the last named outcome that active friends of peace labour for. They strive to enlighten the nations as to the means of re- moving and preventing these calamities ; and they hope that the so-called educated classes will cease to be inactive spectators of these efforts. While they do not feel called upon to oppose the nonsense of folly, they listen respect- fully to objections dictated by a sincere patriot- ism. In that feeling we ought all to be able to join. It depends upon the way in which this is expressed whether we can work to- gether or must go on separate lines. Commonly, we commend an action as vir- tuous when it does not oppose our interests, but brand it as blameworthy when it in some way threatens our position. Thus we read, with glad appreciation, the deeds of our own warriors ; but our admiration is changed into resentment when the exploits are achieved against ourselves by the heroes of other nations. When one says in Sweden, '* I ARBITRATION HONOURABLE. I 59 am not a Russian, indeed " ; they say in Russia, " You behave yourself like a Swede/' It needs an independent third party to give an impartial judgment. Right must be right. If our so-called enemy is really in the right, he does not become wrong because he is called our enemy ; and if we conquer and kill him, we only thereby increase a hundredfold our terrible guilt. It is in the long run a loss to both sides. Here, at any rate at least, a compromise is needed, for it is seldom the fault of one when two quarrel. But the endeavour to get a permanent arbi- tration tribunal established cannot, in any way, be reasonably opposed to efforts for the welfare of one's own country. The very conscious- ness of the existence of such a tribunal would little by little, as a matter of course, bring about the reign of law. It would indeed be a marvel- lous perversion of ideas which esteemed it dishonourable to feel bound, in case of disputes with other countries, to appeal to law and justice ; inasmuch as this very unwillingness to seek the path of justice must excite a serious suspicion as to the cause you maintain. To lay hold on the sword under the influence l6o PAX MUNDI. of passion is like taking a knife when intoxi- cated ; and it is a crying absurdity to expect people, who soberly know^ what they are doing, to go to homicide with a light heart. That is to say, that a good man in severe conflict as to his duty, may possibly be forced to do a bad action to escape participation in a still worse. If he forbears to kill his brother, this last will murder his father. When warriors are led out to battle, the brilliant uniform ought to be laid aside, and the troops clad in sombre mourning, which would better accord with the naked reality. When they have slain many and come back in triumph, decorated with honourable Cain-badges, they are wont in their homes to point with pride to their brothers who lie silent in their blood. They earn a character for having done something great ; they are received with exultation and honourable distinctions, and praised as gods in popular story. But the whole spirit and conception is false if Christ's teaching of love is true ; and we should long since have grown out of this heathenish religion if there had not been incorporated with it so much patriotism, both true and false — the false wrapped in those high sounding words and BARRIERS REMOVED. l6l phrases of self-love and vanity which still exercise so great a power over the easily excited spirit of the nations. But if we set our thoughts free, confined as they are by warm devotion to our hereditary soil, and now and then venture to look out over the wide world, we shall see points of contact in the progressive effort of humanity ; and it is our hicrhest honour to be able to take an active part in this. Barriers are crumbling away one after the other. They do not go down with violence ; they vanish as new ideas smooth the way for a higher con- ception of human dignity. Inquiry dissipates prejudice, and continually shows us new phases of the inner cohesion of the life of nations. The inhabitants of Europe, says Draper, show a constantly increasing disposition towards the complete levelling of their mutual dissimi- larities. Climatic and meteorological differences are more and more dissolved by artificial means and new inventions ; and thence arises a simi- larity, not only in habits of life, but in physical conformation. Such inventions soften the in- fluences to which men are subjected, and bring them nearer to an average type. With this M l62 PAX MUNDI. greater affinity one to the other in bodily form, follows also a greater similarity in feeling, habit and thought. Day by day, too, the economic fellowship of Europe increases. Communications by ship, railroad, post and telegraph are developed ; by means of State loans, share and exchange con- nections, interests are knit together. Therefore we see the Bourse, the barometer of economic life, fluctuate when serious rumours of war are afloat ; an evidence that common economic interests and war are at variance one with the other. I shall not venture further, but simply indicate in closing that even the differences in language will certainly go on being gradually adjusted. It is a remarkable fact, says the above-named investigator, that in nearly all I ndo- Germanic races, family appellatives, father, mother, sister, brother, daughter, are the same. A similar agreement may be observed in the names of a great number of everyday things, such as house, door, way ; but one finds that whilst these observations hold good in respect to the designation of objects of a peaceful character, THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 1 63 many of the words which have a military signification are different in the different lan- guages. Here lies, perhaps, the germ of a future progressive growth which will rise higher heavenward than the tower of Babel. I believe, for my part, that the English language, both on the ground of its cos- mopolitan character and of its great expansion, is already on the path of transition into a universal common language. According to Mulhall, it has spread since 1801, 310 per cent., whilst German has increased 70, and French 36 per cent. A hundred years ago, Gladstone says, the English tongue was spoken by fifteen millions; it is now spoken by 150 millions; ^nd according to the computation of Barham Zincke, in another hundred it will be spoken by at least 1,000 millions. The computation is probably correct ; and then not only in America, but in every part of our globe, the remembrance will be treasured of the little flock of Puritans who, ere they landed from their frail Mayflower upon the desolate rocks of a strange coast, drew up in that undeveloped language the great social law 164 PAX MUNDI. for their future, which begins with the words, *' In the name of God be it enacted." Mankind will hold them in remembrance for their faith in a high ideal, these persecuted, weary, sick, and hungry men. For it was that faith which upheld them under continued trials and sufferings, and brought them a victory guiltless of blood, but fraught with blessing to coming generations. Even if many of us do not believe in the way those Christian heroes believed, yet we may in this materialistic age have strong con- fidence in the power of good, and so pronounced, that we shall gain something for our cause. In the life of Society, however, as in ex- ternal nature with all its teeming variety, we observe a subserviency to law, which may bq taken as the surest pledge of the final triumph of the cause of peace. For my part, I see herein the Divine government of the world. And therefore my love for this idea can never be extinguished. APPENDIX. Note on page 123. The Association for the Neutralization of Denmark. The objects of this Association are to work for : 1. Securing for Denmark a permanent neutrality recognised by Europe, like that of Belgium or Switzerland ; 2. The concluding of Arbitration treaties between Denmark and other independent States, especially the two Northern Kingdoms ; 3. The solution by a pacific means of the North Sleswick question in accordance with the principle of popular veto. Note on page 125. International Arbitration and Peace Association (40 and 41, Outer Temple, London, W.C.). OBJECTS. Among the objects of this Association are the following : 1. To create, educate, and organize public opinion throughout Europe in favour of the substitution of Arbitration for War. 2. To promote a better understanding and more friendly feeling between the citizens of different nations. 3. To correct erroneous statements in the public press or in Parlia- ments on International questions. MODES OF ACTION. 1. To establish in the chief cities of Europe Committees or Societies which shall correspond with each other on all matters likely to create disputes, with the view of ascertaining the facts and of suggesting just and practical modes of settlement. 2. Where Committees cannot at present be formed, to obtain the services of individuals acting in co-operation for the same purpose. 3. To form a medium of communication between men of different countries by a Journal devoted to these purposes, and to promote Inter- national fraternity and co-operation, mutual appreciation and esteem. 4. To hold periodical conferences and congresses in all parts of Europe. 5. To correspond and work with similar Associations and com- mittees in America. 165 1 66 APPENDIX. WHAT THE ASSOCIATION HAS DONE. It has held two International Congresses on the European continent. Many visits have been paid to cities in Germany, Italy, France, Switzer- land, Belgium, Austria, and Hungary, for the above purpose. In these countries, including America, the Association has directly or indirectly corresponded with more than six hundred persons, many of whom are Members of Parliament, journalists, literary men, professors, merchants, and manufacturers. Corresponding Committees and Societies have been founded by the Association in Germany, Hungary, Italy and France ; and Societies are affiliated in Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and California. WHAT IT DESIRES TO DO. To complete the ** International Federation" of Peace-makers pro posed by the Congress held at Berne in 1883. To promote the formation of Societies belonging to this Federation in all parts of Europe. To form Branches of the Association in various parts of England. To publish a foreign edition of the monthly paper, Concord^ in French and German. Note on page 137. The following are the provisions of the Treaty agreed to at the Pan- American Conference. Article I. — The republics of North, Central, and South America hereby adopt arbitration as a principle of American International Law for the settlement of all differences, disputes, or controversies that may arise between them. Article II. — Arbitration shall be obligatory in all controversies con- cerning diplomatic and consular privileges, boundaries, territories, indemnities, the right of navigation, and the validity, construction, and enforcement of treaties. Article III. — Arbitration shall be equally obligatory in all cases other than those mentioned in the foregoing article, whatever may be their origin, nature, or occasion ; with the single exception mentioned in the next following article. Article IV. — The sole questions excepted from the provisions of the preceding article are those which, in the judgment of any one of the nations involved in the controversy, may imperil its independence. In which case, for such nation, arbitration shall be optional ; but it shall be obligatory upon the adversary power. APPENDIX. 167 Article V. — All controversies or differences, with the exception stated in Article IV., whether pending or hereafter arising, shall be submitted to arbitration, even though they may have originated in occurrences ante-dating the present treaty. Article VI. — No question shall be revived by virtue of this treaty concerning which a definite agreement shall already have been reached. In such cases arbitration shall be resorted to only for the settlement of questions concerning the validity, interpretation, or enforcement of such agreements. Article VII. — Any Government may serve in the capacity of arbi- trator which maintains friendly relations with the nation opposed to the one selecting it. The office of arbitrator may also be entrusted to tribunals of justice, to scientific bodies, to public officials, or to private individuals, whether citizens or not of the States selecting them. Article VIII. — The court of arbitration may consist of one or more persons. If of one person, he shall be selected jointly by the nations concerned. If of several persons, their selection may be jointly made by the nations concerned. Should no choice be made, each nation claiming a distinct interest in the question at issue shall have the right to appoint one arbitrator on its own behalf. Article IX. — When the court shall consist of an even number of arbitrators, the nations concerned shall appoint an umpire, who shall decide all questions upon which the arbitrators may disagree. If the nations interested fail to agree in the selection of an umpire, such umpire shall be selected by the arbitrators already appointed. Article X. — The appointment of an umpire, and his acceptance, shall take place before the arbitrators enter upon the hearing of the question in dispute. Article XL — The umpire shall not act as a member of the court, but his duties and powers shall be limited to the decision of questions upon which the arbitrators shall be unable to agree. Article XII. — Should any arbitrator, or an umpire, be prevented from serving by reason of death, resignation, or other cause, such arbitrator or umpire shall be replaced by a substitute to be selected in the same manner in which the original arbitrator or umpire shall have been chosen. Article XIII. — The court shall hold its sessions at such place as the parties in interest may agree upon, and in case of disagreement or failure to name a place the court itself may determine the location. Article XIV. —When the court shall consist of several arbitrators, a majority of the whole number may act notwithstanding the absence or withdrawal of the minority. In such case the majority shall continue 1 68 APPENDIX. 4 in the performance of their duties, until they shall have reached a final determination of the questions submitted for their consideration. Article XV. — The decision of a majority of the whole number of arbitrators shall be final both on the main and incidental issues, unless in the agreement to arbitrate it shall have been expressly provided that unanimity is essential. Article XVI. — The general expenses of arbitration proceedings shall be paid in equal proportions by the governments that are parties thereto ; but expenses incurred by either party in the preparation and prosecution of its case shall be defrayed by it individually. Anicle XVII. — Whenever disputes arise the nations involved shall apl oint courts of arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the preceding articles. Only by the mutual and free consent of all of such nations may those provisions be disregarded, and courts of arbitration appointed under different arrangements. Article XVIII. — This treaty shall remain in force for twenty years from the date of the exchange of ratifications. After the expiration of that period, it shall continue in operation until one of the contracting parties shall have notified all the others of its desire to terminate it. In the event of such notice the treaty shall continue obligatory upon the party giving it for at least one year thereafter, but the withdrawal of one or more nations shall not invalidate the treaty with respect to the other nations concerned. Article XIX. — This treaty shall be ratified by all the nations ap- proving it, according to their respective constitutional methods ; and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Washington on or before the first day of May, a.d. 1891. Any other nation may accept this treaty and become a party thereto, by signing a copy thereof and depositing the same with the Government of the United States ; whereupon the said Government shall communicate this fact to the other contracting parties. Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London. ^TT TS DUE • ON THE LAST DATE THIS BOOK l^^^ED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS OVERDUE. Jm-^^-^ LD 21-100m-8,'34 290^-'^^ UNIVERSITY OF CAIvIFORNIA LIBRARY