/^^f IN MEMORIAM FLORiAN CAJORl 7^-^^oc ^ Qj>^^^^^ V // NATURE OF THE ROOTS 01 NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. BY JAMES LOCKHART, F.R.A.S., Author of ' The Resolution of Equations by Inferior and Superior Limits,' inscribed, by permission, to the President and Council of the Royal Astronomical Society. \ Longum iter est per prsecepta, breve et eflScax per Exempla. Seneca. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. AND J. ADLAED, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. 1850. PEEI^ACE. About forty years since, the study of Numerical Equations, in England, was confined to few persons, at the head of whom were Mr. Baron Ma seres and the Rev. Mr. Frend. The latter was a gentleman of great mathematical ability, and an accomplished scholar in classical learning and biblical know- ledge. The Church- squabbles of the present day would have been odious to him. Both Maseres and He dismissed imaginary and negative roots from the doctrine of equations, following the example of many learned men, their predecessors in science. They were at no loss to find such real roots as satisfied the conditions of a problem. Mr. Erend's solution of Col. Titus's problem is generally known and admired^ " ""^ However, as the fashion of the day requires obedience, we have in the following treatise complied, in every respect, with its algebraical dictates. The same was done in the year 1842, when we published the * Resolution of Equations by means of Inferior and Superior Limits,' in which some ideas, enter- tained in the present treatise, appeared. The reader should be acquainted with the theory and solu- tion of equations, particularly with that by Prof. Young. This will enable him to understand each process, and to satisfy IT PREFACE. any doubt that he may entertain. Besides this, some of the equations are taken from the Professor's admirable work. It is no part of our plan to discover the figures appertaining to real roots, except in the case of equal roots, nor to find those belonging to imaginary roots, which has been happily < effected by our friend Dr. RuTHERroRD, in a work recently published, embracing equations of every degree, and combining truth with simplicity, its chief ornament. Following the example of Dr. Prideaux, in the Preface to the * Connections,' we must beg the reader to excuse, on account of our age, now verging towards eighty-seven years, any errors he may discover in this treaTise^ eitEer~Srcomp^^ tation or doctrine. No one has assisted in either. The later homihes of the Archbishop of Grenada have place in our hbrary. Fasnacloich, Argyllshire ; May, 1850. NATURE OF THE ROOTS or NUMERICAL EQUATIONS, The Equations here proposed for examination have, exchisively, integral indices and coefficients, unity being the coefficient of the leading term. Every such equation can be transformed into another, having its alternate signs beginning at the second term, minus and plus. This may easily be accomplished by Newton's superior limit, where the signs are all plus. Alternating the signs, the nature of the roots is not changed. None of the preceding equations can have more positive roots between and 1, or between two depressing consecutive integers, or between 2n intervals of such depression, than the integers contained in — , n being the o highest index of the equation. Thus, an equation of the 41st degree can have only 27 positive roots so situated ; those of the 4 2d and 43d degree only 28 such roots ; for since a quadratic can have only one root so situated, it can only impart its two roots to a cubic under the same circumstance, and therefore the cubic can only have two roots so situated ; and as all higher equations are compounded of one or both of these, or may be supposed to be so compounded, they partake of the nature of their origin. Take the triads (2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7), (8, 9, 10) (41, 42, 43) n w— 1, w, w + 1 ; the middle number contains — cubics; and since each o 2n cubic can only have two positive roots so situated, — positive roots can o only be situated in an equation where n is the highest index, and divisible by 3. The demonstration for the indices {n—\) and (w 4- 1) follows so readily, that we shall not enlarge on it. If w — 1 =41, it consists of 13 cubics and 1 quadratic, or 27 roots, w = 42, of 14 cubics, or 28 roots, w = 43, of 1 3 cubics and two quadratics, or 28 roots, which are all supposed to be positive. NATURE OF THE ROOTS The foregoing property enables us to decide with certainty that roots are imaginary under circumstances similar to the following : Let a?s — 2a?2 + 3a? — 1 = 0, depress by '7, 1 +-1 + 1-67 +'463, three changes of sign are lost, which would have taken place if the roots had been real, and a superior limit taken ; but since three real roots between and I cannot exist in a cubic, the loss of the signs is occasioned by two imaginary roots. This is of frequent occurrence in equations of high degree, pervading many steps of examination. (A.) Let d: r be the absolute term of an equation, or of any equation derived therefrom by depression, either of them having one or more roots between and 1 . Let q be the greatest coefficient whose sign is contrary to that of r. Consider them as positive. Then the least positive root of the equation 18 greater than . gr + r See all the treatises on equations. (B.) Let an equation, whose variations of sign permit the idea of its having two or more real roots between Oand 1, be depressed by a quantity^ less than unity, so tliat the resulting equation may have two or some equal number of signs less than the former. Change the alternate signs of the equation in ^, beginning at the second. Let c be the greatest coefficient under this last circumstance, having its sign contrary to that of the absolute term ± c?, where they are both to be C T taken positive. Then if — (1 — ^) is less or equal to as de- rived in the last article, the roots passed over are imaginary, agreeing with the equal number of signs lost. q r Thus, let a?2— la?+ 1 =0, c d depressed by (-6), 1 + -2 + "76 V \ c = •— and , — (1 — '6) is negative. q -\- r 2 c -^ d ° This is explained in the work alluded to in the preface. (C.) In any part of the process of examination, if a quantity equal to or less than (which of course is changed in value at every depression) , should, as a depressor, cause two or some equal number of signs to dis- appear, two or some even number of imaginary roots are discovered. (D.) The contradiction to article (B) confirms the present. Two imaginary roots, at least, exist in every equation whose signs are alternately — -f , beginning at the second term, if the coefficient of the second terra, taken positively, is less than the highest index ; and even if OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. the second coefficient is equal to the highest, there are imaginary roots, unless all the roots are equal to each other. (E.) In the equation x^—bx-{-c = 0, all the roots are imaginary if n is even, and b^ Tx — =i greater than ^, if n is odd, there is but one real root, of which x^ — 21a? + 38 = is an example. (F.) The preceding means are employed in respect of the following examples, which the reader may suppose to be derived from equations with greater coefficients, and brought by depression to a proper state for the exami- nation of their roots. 1 r For the most part — has been taken for a depressor, when was less than — , for such substitution generally teaches whether we should advance or retrograde. It often occurs that a single depression is not satisfactory, for no means are yet known, the method of Sturm excepted, to exempt us from trials in almost every department of search after the character of roots. Example 1. q r a;8 _a?7 + 4x^ — 2x^ + 6x^-'2x^ + 5a?2 — a; + 2 = 0, by (B) i» > iTj by which depress the roots, the result is ; 1 + -5 + 375 -f- + + + + + ; since no change of sign takes place in the depressed equation, all the roots are imaginary. (D.) Example 2. q r ^6_7^5 _|_ i^x'^ — llx^ + 21a;2 — 9a?+ 1 =0, finding that no root exists so great as unity, if a positive root exists it is greater than — . 28 Depressing by — ■, q r l_-4 4.5.25 — 4 + 1'1875 — -75 — -640625 («.) Thus, by the change of sign in the absolute term, there is a positive root between and -5 ; but as five changes of sign still remain, we are yet unacquainted with the nature of four roots. 8 NATURE OF THE ROOTS Depressing the last equation by '5, making the whole depression unity, there results 1 — 1—1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1, showing the loss of four signs. in (a) is a positive quantity ; b„tby(C), _i-^_(,_^)=^-i=0 = .-. four roots of the original are imaginary, and two real. Example 3. a?5 — 7a^+ 16a^— 18a?2 + 9a;— 3 = in (a?- -4) 1 —5 + 6-4 — 4-88 + 0-616 — 1 {a) c d in (a?— -5) l — 5-5 + 4*5 —3-25 - 0-1875 — 1-40625 (b) in(a?-l) i_2-2~2-2 — 2 (c). Depressing by -5 two signs are lost ; but as one of the terms is very small, it is probable that with -4 they will be restored, which is found to be the case as above. The equations (a) and (b) will determine the nature of two roots. From(«), a;>^ = -13.... From (b)y x < -- (1 — -1) = a negative quantity. The superior limit being less than the inferior, the two roots are imaginary. The equations (b) and (c) determine the nature of the two remaining roots : ^ 1-4062 5 , . ^2 1 ^ ^>4r90625 = +'^^^^ -——.—: = *8 but a depression by -1 leaves no change of sign, the 5th term being '6158. This last proof requires nothing more than regarding the smaU term — '1875 in contrast with the others. of numerical equations. 9 Example 4. x^ H- 3a?*-f-2a^ — 3a?2 — 2a: — 2 = 0, one root is seen to be positive. Alternating the signs 1—3 + 2 + 3 — 2+2, 2 4 if another positive root exists it is > — ^^ ~X' ^^* ^ depression by "3 causes two changes of sign to disappear ; .*. the two roots are imaginary in (ar--5) 1--5-1-5 + 275 + 1-315 + 1-84375; . . . 1-84375 if a real root exist it is > = -55 3-34375 but with '5 1 as depressor the terms are all positive ; .-. there are four imaginary roots. Example 5. q r ^6 _|. — = 76 . . . that in (b) < — = '6. The contradiction shows that the two roots are unreal. This example was selected by the learned society in order to clear up some doubts respecting the resolution of the higher orders of equations. It shall now be treated in a different manner, 4i/^ — 5i/2 — 16 = is one limiting equation, 5?/^ — 1 Oy is the usual limit. The root of the former is nearly 1 -4, „ of the latter, nearly 1-25. But as the first value exceeds the second, the four roots are imaginary. This method we published in 1837. It is only convenient in binomial and trinomial equations. 12 NATURE OF THE ROOTS Example 9. r 8 a^ + 312^3 ^ 23337:»2 _ i4874a? + 2360 = 0. An acquaintance with the manner of separating the figures which concur in the real roots of equations is implied in the process of discovering the existence of imaginary roots. ♦ The reader will observe that the following is not given as a rule appli- cable under all circumstances, nevertheless it is of such frequent occurrence in success, that it is thought advisable to insert it : 2s 4720 7=lT874=^^^--- Depress the roots of the equation by '316, and in the resulting equation take 2s' -02089 ^^^,^, 7=3-R245 = -«^^^^^- The sum of these results is -316664, which is so far correct for the least root of the original equation; the greater root being '316665 . . . This equation is ably managed in Dr. Rutherford's recent work, and in Prof. Young's * Analysis and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations.' Example 10. a?7 Oafi — 2a?5 Oa;^ _ 3-^ ^. 4^2 _ 5^ ^ g _ 0. The roots of the equation are increased by -2 in order to avoid the ambiguity of signs preceding the meros, in (a;+-2) 1--1-4 — 1-16+1-720 — 3-7440-J-5-95328 — 6-975552+7-1846272 ... (a) depressing the roots in a? by '1, c d in {x — -1) 1 +-7 — 1-79 — -965 — 3-1965 + 3-08021 — 4-290993 + 5-5369801 ... (A) - + - + — Here two changes of sign are lost, and it is to be remarked that («) is depressed '3, so that |) = -3 c) . 7* 18 If a positive root exist in (a) it is >• -^ = -5 . . . ^ V y ^ 7-18... +6-975... but in {b) the greatest root > -— -7 = a negative quantity ; D '5 ... = ^ 5' + r' OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 13 Depressing it by '6, the result is c d l+4-9 + 8'29+5-005-4-3965— 5-63053— 5-387457+3-1772143 .. (/). Here are only two changes of sign, 8*29 by (C) the root in (b) < — — - -4 = 7 . . . -'4 . . .= -3 . . . which, being less than 'S^i^he two roots are imaginary. The remaining roots of the equation are real, two positive and one negative ; for if the equation in x be depressed by unity, and again by '5, the last term of the resulting equation will be — 6* 2734375. The long route we have taken is for the sake of showing how, in higher equations, the signs belonging to the zeros may be found. In the work mentioned in the Preface, the imaginary roots of this equation are found in a compendious way. See the 147th page of Prof. Young's 'Theory of Equations,' where this equation of Fourier occurs. Example 11. a?8 4- Ax^ — a?6 — 10^5 ^ 5^4 __ 5^ _ i0a?2 - lOa? — 5 = 0, taken from the * Arithmetica Universalis.' In (a?- 1) 1 + 12 + 55 + 124+ 150 + 91 +2—45—31. Here two changes of sign are lost ; if a positive root exist in the interval, 5 1 ^'">I0 = 2' 150 but by (C) it is <-— - — -5 = -82 - -5 = -32 . . . 181 .'. the two roots are imaginary. Alternating the signs of the equation l-.4_l + 10+5 + 5-10 + l-5, 5 the least positive root > — = -333 . . . 15 But depressing by '3, in a very early part of the process, two changes of sign are lost, the coefficient related to — 10 becoming + .*. the two roots in this interval are imaginary. In the whole process it is readily discovered that the equation contains one positive and three negative roots. It was with some surprise that we found, on searching for the surd divisors, to show which seems to be the object of the renowned author, that the equation has the following factors : a?6 + 5^5 _|_ 5^4 ^_{. i0a?2 + 5a? +5 = a?2 — la? - 1 = therefore the surd divisors are confined to the equation of the 6th degree. 14 NATURE OF THE ROOTS A method for surd divisors was published in 1658 by Johannes Hudde, Burgomaster of Amsterdam, who gave the following instance : a^ + 4a;3 _ 3^2 _ 8a? + 4 = 0, whose factors are a?2 + (2 - V3) a? - 2 = a?2 + (2 + V3) a? - 2 = Example 12. a?6 — 7^5 + 19^ __ 22a?3 + l ia?2 — I5x + 25 = 0, 25 the least root > — = '59 . . . ^ 37 depressing by its inferior limit '5 . In (^--5) 1 — 4 +5-25 + 1 — 1-3125 — 13 + 18-484375 («) .-. two roots in this interval are imaginary, because two signs are lost. Now depress (a) by -8, in order to render the second term positive, there results 1 + -8 — 1-15 + 2-44 + 6-9115 — 8-65392 + 8-858199 {b) The least root in (S) > '5, by which depress in (a?'— -5) 1 + 3-8+4-6+4-64+10-784 — -04992 + 6-532864 (c). Two signs being lost, the roots are imaginary in the interval of (a) and (6). 6*53 The least root in (c) > '-^ = '9 . . . ^ ^ ^ 6-53 . . . +-049 It is unnecessary to operate further, for it is evident that a very low decimal will occasion the loss of two signs, if (c) is depressed by it. The six roots are imaginary. The equation has two pairs of equal roots. They form no obstacle to this method of discovering their character. Nor can any other similar equation be proposed that can defeat the means used in respect of the present equation. The factors of the equation are : «2 + la? + 1 = x^ — 4a? + 5 = twice. Example 13. a;io - 196830a' + 531442 =0. By (F) all the roots are imaginary. or NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 15 Example 14. x^ - 16a;5 + 85a?4 — 144a^ — 57a?2 + 126^ + 54 = 0. This equation was proposed many years since by a learned society in Italy, doubtless with the view that the character of its roots should be ascertained on some general principle. No such object could have been attained. We alliifed to this equation in a former work. It is but lately that we have reverted to this equation, and found that it had the following factors : a;2 _ 6a? + 6 = a?2 — 5^ ■— 3 = twice. Consequently it has six real roots, or four positive and two negative roots, of which two positive roots are equal as well as two negative roots equal, and these are incommensurable roots. It is easily seen that an equation of the fourth degree, with integral cofficients, the first being unity, cannot be constituted with only a single pair of equal incommensurable roots. Two pairs of such roots must simultaneously exist. Thence every equation of a higher degree having one pair of such roots, must have another pair, and such equation must necessarily have a biquadratic factor. The difficulty of discovering the character of roots that are supposed to be equal by taking the figures of a root to a great extent, and endeavouring, without success, to separate it from another root, is discouraging to the analyst. If the root on which he is operating belongs to a pair of equal roots, he will find the same obstacle on examining another root belonging to another pair, as well as that connexion between the decimals of the former and the latter, which amounts to all but certainty that two pairs have, separately, equal roots. We refer to Prof. Young's * Theory of Equations,* page 116, where the subject of equal roots is amply discussed. The theorem of Sturm will, undoubtedly, discover the presence of equal roots, but it is impracticable in equations of high degree, notwithstanding the great improvement it has received from Prof. Young. A thought has occurred to us of finding a substitute for the common measure, in respect of an equation having two pairs of equal incommen- surable roots, and no more. The foundation was a biquadratic, formed from the two equations a;2 + 2«a? — 1 = a?2-f (2« + I)^— 1 =0 taking a = 998. The quadratics are a;^ + 998a? — 1 = a?2 + 999a? —1 = whose roots are — 499 ± \/249002 -499 5 ±n/249501-25. 16 NATURE OF THE ROOTS The decimals in these roots separate almost immediately. The biquadratic is x^-\- \997a^+ 997000^2 _ 1997^+ 1 =0. As the remarks we are about to make are peculiarly connected with the separation of decimals, it may be of use to state that the decimals following very high numbers, whose difference is unity, separate for the most part at the 5th or 6th place ; for instance, ^ V7896547852144 = 2810079-687636 V7896547852145 = 28100/9-687639 Supposing that the biquadratic had been proposed from these numbers, we should have soon discovered, by the early separation of decimals, that the roots were not equal. The cause of this early separation is the fewness of the figures employed in its construction, connected with their magnitude, and the law of sepa- ration is easily traced. It will be remarked that the greatest number of figures in any of the coefficients is six. It is much easier to find eight figures of a root of an equation of high degree than to find what is generally known by the name of the "common measure." If assent is given, it may be stated that an equation of any degree, having no coefficient, consisting of more than six figures, and which has, or may be supposed to have, two pairs of equal incommensurable roots, and no more, can be freed from the necessity of our finding its common measure. Let it be supposed that such equation is of the 10th degree, having no more than six figures in any one coefficient. If it have two pairs of equal roots, a biquadratic factor must exist. This cannot be avoided. If it have several concurring figures, a separation must take place in not later than the 6th decimal place, even supposing that the equation has no factors. But we are confident that an equation of the 10th or any higher degree cannot be formed without factors, and with such limit in the figures of one coefficient containing six concurrent decimals in two of its roots, the coefficients being integral, as before mentioned. This opinion is derived from long study and experience on the subject. We venture, then, to subjoin the following rule in respect of equations of all degrees, above the third of course, whose highest coefficient does not consist of more than six figures : Find eight correct decimals of a root : increase the last decimal by a unit. Depress the equation resulting from the previous work by the decimal so changed. If two changes of sign are lost, two roots are equal. For example: let the derived decimals be -31479305; depress by •00000006. This may cause three changes of signs to be lost, provided another root, such as '314793058 ... be passed over. This, however, would be no obstacle ; it would only show the existence of another positive root. If, then, we have succeeded in the attempt to dispense with the "common measure" when the highest coefficient contains six figures only, we can if. OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 17 equally do so when the highest coefficient contains any number of figures, because a biquadratic could be easily found accommodated to the require- ments of the case. Finally, we would remark, that all idea of perplexity, arising from taking the real part of an imaginary root and proceeding with it as if it were one of the real roots, is totally excluded. See Prof. Young's * Theory of Equations,' page 309, where a constant is immediately preceptible. See also the 1 2th Example, which has been expressly constructed for the pur- pose of showing tnat we are enabled to decide that the equal roots are imaginary, if such be the case, in any proposed interval ; and our previous reasoning is subject to the preceding remark if a case should occur requiring the interference ; but this, we are of opinion, can never happen, under the limited magnitude of the highest coefficient. Any number of equal roots, mutatis mutandis^ can be discovered to exist in an equation of any degree. Example 15. a?4 __ 72a?3 4- 1344a?2 — 1728:r -}- 576 = 0. . Two roots of some kind appear to take place between -6 and 7, and a 2o separation of the decimals not being yet attainable, we take — , the result is '66. In {x --m) 1 — 69-36 -M204-0536 - 46*859616 + -45643536, taking -f = -0194, and adding it to -66, there is derived -6794. Depressing the last equation by -0194, found as before, and taking -\, It and adding, as before, x = -679491924 . . . This is so far the value of two equal roots ; for, depressing again by •000000005, two changes of sign are lost. (See the last Example). Observation on the Limiting Equations. Let a?4 — 10a?3 + 31a?2- 30a? + 9 = 0, ^^^^ 3a^ — 20a?3-F31a?2--9 4aj3 _ 30a;2 + 62a? _ 30 "" O' There are two pairs of equal roots, which in this case are 2-5 + V3-25 . 2-5--V3-25'^^^^- (See the 8th Example.) 18 ON THE PECULIAR EttUATION X^ — bx==l. Example 16. afi + 370x^ + 33736ar* — 90160a^ + 116333^^ - 50858a^ + 6962 = 0. No means are yet known of obtaining, without trial, the first figure of the root of an equation. This example is given to exemplify the fact, for it obtains in the first and second figures ; therefore recourse has been had to trial for the first three figures. There are also some peculiarities in the. roots, the development of which is left to the student. The three following steps are given, unabridged, as well for his assistance, as to give him confidence in the accuracy of the calculations in this treatise. Depressed by '3, 1 + 371-8 + 34292-35 - 49343-260 -f 53.506-4615 — 1742-91242 + 14-411429. This by -01, 1 + 371-86 + 34310-9415 — 47971-194180 + 52046-74282875 — 687-4489800094 +2-283950650681. This by -006, 1+371-896 + 34322-097840-47147-597709080 + 51 190673299529040 -68-039307979776544 + -022622204367150016. ADDENDA. ON THE PECULIAR EQUATION a^-~bx=\, 1 . Let p^ — rp =she & cubic equation having three real roots, and let it be represented by . /b*-6ix 2«» 2i'^, ... ^-(— 3-)^=27--T + * (*) then will i.,.,-.^.. «^««^^« It is apparent that these approximating roots may be derived from each other, an unusual circumstance in ordinary operations. By means of the resolution of the proposed equation, the following are resolved : 1. The equation y^ + hy'^=. 1, whose roots are — (a^-j-a^), _-(52^^5)^ + ab when the roots of the proposed are a -\- b, — a, —b. 2. The equation y^ — b^y = b^, since bx ^-y. 3. The equation y^ — I'y =■ s, when -^ = b^, for — = y, reference s s being had to the equation a^ — b^x = b^. Another class comprehends all cubic equations having roots real or imaginary. The same formulas are used as in the preceding resolutions, with the exception that a variable quantity is employed, which in the former was a constant, and that constant was — b. Keeping to the equation x^ — bx = I, having three real roots, and where the value of b is not less than 6, let it be connected with p^ ^ (^-n^ + 3n + b)p = (^l - —y + bn^ -]- —n+ 1, where n may be any number or fraction whatever, positive or negative. Having found the approximate values of the roots of o?^ — bx = l, equations are obtained in p, which are brought into relation with those in x by assuming 2bn i> + — + w2 ^ = * (D.) np — --n^+l Thus let the equation be x^ — 6x — I, one of whose roots has been found above, and if w = + 1, then we have p^ -- 2lp = 16, n= — l „ „ y _ 15^ = _ 2, w = + 2 „ „ p3__60i) = -47, 71 =-2 „ „ p^-4Sp= 97, &c.,;) = 7776. And the roots of these equations can readily be obtained from those of the equation a:^—6a?=l. Selecting the equationjp^ — 15p^=— 2, we have, by(D), P~^ . = _ -16744919 = Xi -i>- 1 hence jp = +3*8045115. C. and J. Adlard, Printers, Bartholomew Close. mwrnrnm^fw. U DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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