LIBRARY . OF THE University of California. GIF^T OF^ A KEY , CONTAINING THE STATEMENTS AND SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS PEOFESSOE OHAELES DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. FOE THE USE OF TEACHERS ONLY. V or THF UNIVER « NEW YORK : BARNES & BURR, PUBLISHERS, 51 & 53 JOHN ST. CHICAGO : GEORGE SHERWOOD, 118 LAKE ST. CINCINNATI: RICKEY a; — 2b^x + a^^a; - 5^^ = 4a252 - a63 - 4aP + )* + «* - «^^^ + a^b^ + 2ab^ -{- b' -f 3a36 — 3a53. 6 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAEY ALGEBEA. [125. Collecting terms and factoring, 2bx{2a'^ + ab ^ P) z= a^ + Sa^b + 4a^b^ - eaP + 25*; a^ + Sa^b + ia^^ - 6aP + 25* hence, 25(2a2 + ab - b^) Page 125. (13.) Denote D'^s share by ic. Then, by the conditions of the question, aj + 360 = B's share, and 2x + 720 — 1000 = A^s share. But, X z=: D^s share, and 360 — C'>s share; hence, 4a; + 440 = 2520, the whole estate; from which equation we find cc = 520. (14.) Let X denote the share of each daughter. Then, by the conditions of the question, 2x = the share of each son. Also, since there are three daughters and two sons, Sx =z the amount received by the daughters, and 4x = the amount received by the sons ; also, 7cc + 500 = the amount received by the widow, and 14aj -{- 500 = 7500, the whole estate ; and from this last equation the value of cc is readily found, equal to 500. (15.) Let X denote the number of women. Then, by the con- ditions of the question, X + S =: the number of men. 126.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DKGKEE. 7 and 2aj + 8 + 20 = children. But, X =z women ; hence, 4aj + 36 = 180, the whole number ; from which we find cc = 36. (16.) Let X denote the share of the youngest brother. Then, x + 40 = 2d son's share, X -{- 80 =: 3d son's share, aj + 120 =z 4th son's share, cc + 160 = 5th son's share, and 5x + 400 = 2000, the whole estat^ ; from which we find x = 320. (17.) Let the share of A be denoted by x. Then, since A^s share is to be to JB^s as 6 to 11, it follows that J5'5 shar == 2/ -f 15, and 03 + 15 =: 15(2/ - 15) - 10; from which we have x and y. ( 16.) • Let X denote the number of dollars in A^s salary, and y that in ^'5 ; then, aj + y r= 900 ; and by the second condition, a, - !«, = y + ia,; from which x and y are easily found. Page 137, (11.) Let X denote the number of dollars which A has, and y the number B has ; then, by the first condition, aj + 2/ = 20000 ; by the second condition, y =: Sx; whence, x z= 5000, and y = 15000. (12.) Let X denote the value of the first, and y that of the second. Then, by the first condition, x -{- 1 = Sy; and, by the second condition, 5x = 2/ + V ; from which we have x and y. 20 KEY TO DAVIES' NKW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [146. (13.) Let the numbers be denoted by x and y. Then, by 1st condition, 6cc = Sy, and by the second, aj — 1 = y — 2 ; from which we have, a; = 5, and y z=z ^. (14.) Let the numbers be denoted by x and y. By first condition, aj + 2 = Hy; or, a; + 2 = 13 by second condition. X 2 ~" 2/ + 4; from which we find, X =z 24, and 2/ = 8. (15.) Let the present ages of the father and son be denoted by X and y; then, by 1st condition, a; — 12 = 2y ; by 2d condition, 4{y — 12) + 12 =z a; + 12 ; from which we have, x = 12^ and y = 30. Page 145. (4.) Let X and y denote the numbers. Then, x — y z= *Jy and a 4- 2/ = ^^ ; which equations give, aj =r 20, and y = 13. 146.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 21 (5.) Let X denote the greater, and y the lesser part. Then, by 1st condition, x ■\- y = 75 ; and by 2d condition, , Sx = 1y + 15; which give, aj = 54, and y = 21. (6.) Let X denote the number of gallons of wine, and y the cider. X ~\~ 1/ Then, by 1st condition, — -— ^ + 25 = x; and by 2d condition, — — ^ — 5=2/; from which we have, x = 85, and y = 35. ( ^0 Let X denote the number of guineas, and y the number of moidores used. N^ow, it is evident that the number of pieces used, of each kind, multiplied by the number of shillings in the jDiece, will give the number of shillings paid in that particular kind of money. That is, 21i« will be the number of shillings paid in guineas, and 21 y the number paid in moidores. Then, observing that the whole bill, £120 = 2400^., we have, by 1st condition, x + y = 100; by 2d condition, 21CC + 21y = 2400; which give, a; = 50, and y = 50, (8.) Let X denote the distance traveled by the first, and y the distance traveled by the second. Then, x + y = 150 22 KEY TO DA VI is' m:w i;lkmkntary algkbra. [146. But, since the first travels 8 miles, while the second travels but 7, the distance which they respectively travel will be in the proportion of 8 to V ; that is, ce : 2/ : : 8 : 7; or, 1x = ^y\ from which we find x = 80, and y = VO; and if the entire distance traveled by each be divided by the distance trav eled each day, the quotient AviU be the time, 10 days. (0-) Let X denote the number of votes cast for the first, and 2/ the number cast for the second. Then, x -{- y — 375, and X — y =z 91 ; which give, x = 233, and y = 142. (lO.) Let X denote the value of the poorest horse, and y that of the other. Then, by 1st condition, aj + 50 = 2i/, and by 2d condition, y -\- 50 = Sx; which give, x = £30, and y = £40. (XI.) In this example, we must bear in mind that the minute hand goes entirely round the face of the clock, while the hour hand passes from one hour to the other ; that is, the minute hand travels twelve times as fast as the hour hand. If, then, we suppose the face of the clock to be divided into twelve equal parts, corresponding to the hours, and x and y to represent the distances passed over by the hour 146.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 23 and minute hands, from the time of separating mitil they are again together, we shall have, and 2/ ~ ^ = 12 ; since, when the hands come together, the minute hand will have gained the entire twelve spaces on the hour hand. Multiplying the second equation by 12, and adding them together, w^e have, 122/ = 2/ + 144; 144 or, y = — = 13Jy; that is, the minute hand will have gone once around the face, and lyV ^^ ^^ hour spaces in addition ; consequently, the time required will be 1 hour, 5 minutes, Jy of 5 minutes, or y\ of one minute. If we subtract the second from the first equation of con- dition, we have, 12 \\x = 12, and x = — = 1tt5 that is, X is equal to 1 and yV of the hour spaces, which, reduced to ti7ne^ gives 1 hour 5/y minutes, as before. (12.) Denote by x the portion of the beer which the man would drink in a single day. Then, by the conditions of the question, the man and woman together would drink J^ of the cask in a single day, and the woman gV of it ; hence, what the man would drink must be equal to the difference ; that is, 1 1 30 — 12 18 1 X = 12 30 360 360 20' 24 KEY TO DAVILS' NKW j;LI:MKNTAKY ALGEBRA. [146. that is, the man will drink gV of the beer in a single day ; and hence, the whole of it in 20 days. (13.) Let the fresh water to be added be denoted by x. Then, the amount of the mixture will be denoted by cc + 32. But the addition of the fresh water will not increase the quantity of salt in the 32 lbs. of salt water; hence, the cc + 32 pounds of the mixture will contain one pound, or 16 ounces, of salt. But, by the conditions of the question, 32 lbs. of this mixture are to contain 2 ounces of salt ; hence, a? + 32 : 32 : : 16o^. : 2o2. ; consequently, 2cc + 64 = 512 ; or, X z=z 224. (14.) In this example, we must bear in mind that, if the rate of interest be divided by 100, and the quotient multiplied by the principal, the product will always be the amount of interest. Let X denote the greater part, and y the lesser. Then, x -\- y =: 100000; also, — - = what the larger part produced ; 4v and, -~ = interest of lesser part ; 5x 4?y consequently, -— - + —~ = 4640 ; ^ •^' 100 100 ' from which we find, X = 64000, and y = 36000. 147.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 25 (15.) Denote the number of votes received by the successful candidate, by x, and the number received by the other, by 2/. Then, by the first condition, X — y = 1500. Had the first received ^ of y in addition, the second would have received y — \y =z f y, and we should have, a; + -y zzr 3 X -2/- 3500; or 4a3 4- 2/ = 9^ — 14000; from which we have, X = 6500, and y = 5000. (16.) Let X denote the value of the gold watch, and y that of the silver watch. Then, x + 25 = S^y = \j, 2/+ 25 =. 1+ 15; that is, 2cc + 50 = 72/, and 22/ + 50 = cc + 30 ; from which we have, X = 80, and y = 30. (ly.) ^ The separate figures which are placed by the side of each other, in order to express any number, are called digits. Now, from the relative value of these figures, resulting from the places which they occupy, we can easily see how the numbers may be expressed. For example, if the number is > or THF UNIVERSITY or 26 KEY TO DA vies' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [147, expressed by two digits, then the first figure on the right, plus ten times the second figure, will always give the num- ber. Thus, 36 = 3 X 10 4- 6; and, 87 = 8 X 10 + 7, &c. If the number is expressed by three figures, then one hun- dred times the left-hand figure, plus ten times the middle figure, plus the right-hand figure, will express the number. Thus, 246 = 100 X 2 + 10 X 4 H- 6 = 200 -f 40 + 6 = 246. Let X z=z the left-hand digit, and y = the other. Then, a; + y = 11 ; also, a; -f 13 = 3y; from which we have, a; = 5, and y z= Q, (18.) Let X denote the number of gentlemen, and y the num- ber of ladies. Then, y — 15 = the ladies who remained, and X ~ 45 =z the gentleman who remained. And, by the conditions of the question, aj = 2(?/ - 15) = 2y - 30, and, 5{x - 45) = 2/ - 15 ; or, 5aj - 225 = y - 15 ; from which we have, X = 50, and y =z 40. .( 10-) aiicij^^^if, X denote the value of the horse in dollars, and y the number of tickets. If he sells the tickets at $2, he will receive $21/ ; if at $3, he will receive $Sy, Then, 2y = x — 30, and, 3y = aj + 30 ; which give, aj = 150, and y = 60. 148.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIEST DEOEEE. 27 (20.) Let X denote the number of bushels of wheat purchased, and y the number of bushels of rye. Then, lOOoj + I5i/ = 11V50 cents; also, 100 X tCC + 75 X -2/ = 2750 cents; 4 5 or, 25a; + 15y = 2750 cents; from which we have, X = 80, and y = 50, (21.) Let X denote the number A took, and y the number JS took. Then, 52 — cc = what A left, and, 52 — 2/ == what JB left. But, by the conditions, X = 2(52 — 2/), and y = 7(52 — x) ; that is, X = 104 — 27, and y = 364 — Ix, Hence, a; = 48, and y = 28. (22.) Let X denote the number of dollars which A has, and y the number jB has. Then, x + %y z=z 1200, and y -^ ^x — 1200; from which we find, X = 800, and y = 600. 28 KEY TO DA vies' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [156. (23.) Let X denote the price of the brandy, and y that of the sherry. If, now, we make the first mixture, that is, two dozen of sherry and one dozen of brandy, the mixture itself will contain three dozens, and will, consequently, be worth 785. X 3 = 2345. Hence, we have, 2aj + 2/ = 234, for the first, and, 7cc + 2y = 79 X 9 = Vll, for the second; which equations give, tc = 81, and y = 72. Page 156. (3.) Let aj, y, and z denote the separate ages of -4, J?, and C. Then, cc = 2y, y — Sz, and, X + y '\' z = 140 ; fi'om which we find, 03 = 84, y = 42, and z = 14. Or, this example may be solved ^vith a single unknown quantity. Thus: let x = C^s age; then, (7'5 age =z a?, ^'5 age = 3cc, A^s age = Ccc, and, X + dx -\- 6x = lOaj = 140; whence, a; = 14. 156. J EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. ^9 (4.) Let X denote the cost of the horse ; y, the cost of the harness ; and z^ the cost of the chaise. Then, x -\' y ■\- z — £60 ; also, X = 2y, and z = 2(cc +y) ; from which we find the several answers. But we may resolve the question by means of but a single unknown quantity. Thus, let x denote the price of the harness. Then, x = the cost of the harness, 2x = the price of the horse, ilnd, Qx = the cost of the horse and harness ; Also, X + 2x + Qx = 9x = £60 ; or, cc = £6 135. 4:d. (5.) Let 0?, y, and z, denote, respectively, the three parts. Then, x + y ~\- z = 36 ; also, -X = -V, and -y = -z: ' 2 3*^' 3^ 4 ' or, 3a; == 2y, and 4y =z 3z; from which we find, tc = 8, y = 12, and s = 16. This example may be resolved by only two unknown quantities. Thus, let x and y represent the first and second numbers, then will 36 — cc — y, denote the thuxl, and we shall have, -X = -y, or 3a; = 2y; and -y = ■ ^ , or 4y = 108 — 3x— Sy; from which we find, x and y, as before, equal to 8 and 12. 30 KEY TO DAVlKd' JSliW KL15MENTAEY ALGEBRA. [156. (6.) Let X, y, and a?, denote, respectively, the fractions of the work which A^ J5, and C would do in a single day, and let the whole work to be done be denoted by s. Then, in one day, A would do xs of the work ; in two days, 2xs of the work ; in three days, dxs of the work, &c. ; and the same for the others. Hence, by the conditions, 8XS + 8^/5 r= 5, 9xs + 9^5 = 5, 10y5 + lOys = s; and, by dividing by s, we have, 8x + 8y = 1, 9a; + 9z = 1, lOy + 10^ = 1 ; from which equations we find x = j^-^-^^ y — ^4J_, and z — -^^-L., the parts of the work that each person will do in a single day. Then, if each can do in one day the part of the work represented by each of these fractions, it is plain that the number of times which 1 contains each fraction, will express the number of days in which each person would do the whole work ; that is, A would do it in — = — — - — 1*4 — days; 49 49 49 "^ ' ^720 7? • 1 V20 .23 , •^ '"^ 41 = IT = ^^41 '^^^'' 720 n ' 1 '^20 ^^7 , <7 ^ ^ = IT = 23-- days. 157.] EQUATIONS OF TIU: IIKST DEGREE. 31 Let cc, 2/, and ^, denote, respectively, the sums mth whicli each began to play. Then, x -{: y + z = 600 ; first game, a; + - y = 2y, second game, x + -7/ — z = x; from which we find, x = $300, y = |200, and z = $100. (80 Let Xj y, and ^, denote, respectively, the sum of each. Then, x + y + z == 3640 ; second condition, x + 400 — y — 400 + 320, third condition, 2/ + 140 = 2 — 140; from which we have, x = 800, y = 1280, and z — 1560. (9.) Let X denote the amount of the bill in dollars, y the amount possessed by A^ and z the amount possessed by B ; and let it be remembered that C has |8. Then, first condition, 2/ + 7^ = ^ 5 ' second condition, z + 1 = x; third condition, - + 8 = x: ' 2 from which we have, x = $13, y = $10, and z = $12. 32 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAET ALGEBEA. [157. { 10.) We may again remark here, that if the rate of interest be divided by 100, and the quotient multiplied by the principal, the product will always be the amount of interest. Let X denote the rate of interest received on the 1st sum ; then, aj + 1 and cc + 2, will be the other rates. Let y de- note the capital of the first ; then, y + 10000 and y -\- 15000, will denote, respectively, the capital of the second and third. Then, by 1st condition, and, by 2d condition, -^ = ^ili X (2/ + 15000) - 1500; 100 100 ^^ ^ ^ ' that is, xy = xy -\- lOOOOcc + 2/ — TOOOO, and xy z=z xy + 15000a; + 2y — 120000; or, = 10000a; + y — 70000, and = 15000a; + 2y - 120000; from which we find, a; = 4, and y — 30000 ; and hence the other two sums are easily found. (11.) Let X denote a daughter's share. Then, 2a; = what each son received ; also, 3a; + 4a; = what the children received ; 3a; + 4a; + 1 000 = widow's share ; hence, 6a; + 8a; + 1000 — 15000; or, 14a; = 15000 — 1000 = 14000; or, X = 1000. 158.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGEEE. 33 12.) Let the sum to be divided be denoted by x, X Then, A's share = - ~ 3000, 2 B's X share = - — 1000, 3 G's X share = t + 800 ; X =z l + f + f-3200; then the sum, or, 24a; = 12aj + Sx + 6x — V6800; hence, 2x = ^76800; or x = $38400. (13.) Let the values of the horses be denoted, respectively, by X, y, and z. Then, jc + 220 = 2/ + ^ ; 2d condition, y + 220 = 2{x + z) = 2x + 2z ; 3d condition, z + 220 = S{x + y) = 3aj + 3y ; from which we find, x = 20, y r=: .100, and z = 140. (14.) Let the number of guns be denoted by cc, the number of soldiers by y, and the sailors by z. Now, as there are 22 seamen to every three guns, there will be ^/- seamen to each gun, and 22 X cc, for X guns; hence. 1st condition gives. 22 z =z — X x+ 10; or, 2d condition, 2* Sz = 22a; + 30 . . . . (1.) y + ^ = 5(y + a;) = 5y + 5x. (2.) 34 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAKY ALGEBRA. [158 Now, if we denote the number of slain by 5, then, 2/ + ^ — 5 = the survivors, and l{y + ^- s) =z s, or s r= -(y + s) ; 1 4 then, y ^ z — -(y + z) = ~{y + z) = survivors, and o o 4 13 by 3d condition, -(y + g) 4- 5 == ^x ; 5 2 that is, 8y + 82 + 50 = 65a; ; ... (3.) from which three equations we find, a; = 90, y = 55, and z ■=: 670. (15.) Let x^ 2/, and ^, denote the sums which they respectively had at first. Then, x — y — z — what A had, 2y = what JB had, and 2z = what (7 had, after the division with A, Also, 2x — 2y — 2z = what A had, 2y •— {x — y — z) — 2^ = what JB had, and Az = what (7 had, after the division with JB. Again, 4x — 4y — 4z = what A had, 4y — 2{x — y ^ z) — 4z = what JB had, 4s — (2a; — 2y — 2;^) — [2y — (a; — y — s) — 2^] = what C had, after his division with A and i?. But these three last sums are all equal to each other, and 159.] EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. 35 the sum of a?, y, and s, is equal to 96. Hence, after reduc- ing, we have, a; + 2/ + ^ = 96, Gx — lOy = 2z, and 5x — 3y = llz; from which we find, x = $52, y = $28, and s = $10. (160 Let the parts be denoted by cc, y, and z. Then, cc + y + ^ = a, and, X : y : : 7n : n; or, ^cc = my ; also, y : z :: p : q; or, qy = pz; From these equations we find, _ amp _ anp __ anq '" mp-^-np+nq^ ~~ mp-\-np-\rnq'^ ~~ mp-\-np-\-nq ( IV.) Instead of denoting the parts of the work done by -4, B, and C, by jc, y, and z, as in Example 6, page 156, let us denote the times in which each would perform the work, respectively, by x, y, and z, and denote the work to be done, by 1. Now, if it takes A, x days to do the work, he will, in one day, do a part of the work denoted by - ; hence, X - = the part A can do in a day, X - = what B could do in a day, y - = what G could do in a day ; z 36 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAET ALGEBRA. [150. and these, multiplied by any number of days, would give what each could do in those days. Hence, 12 12 111 1st condition, 1 = 1 ; or, - + -=-- : (1.) 20 , 20 , 11 1 ,^x 2^' 7+T = ^5 or, - + -^=2-5' (2-) 3d, l-^ii^l; or, i + i = i. (3.) X Z ^ ^ X Z lb ^ ^ Subtracting the second equation from the first, we have, l_l___l._JL-_^_i. X z '^ 12 20 ~" 240 "" 30* Then, adding the third to this, we have, 2 1,1 3 60 '^ ^ = 30 + 15 = 50' "^' ^ ==¥ = '"' and y = 30, and z = 60. Now, the three together could do in one day, 20 "*" 30 "^ 60 " 60 60 60 ~ 60 ~ 10 ' of the work ; hence, they could do the whole work in ten days. Page 204. (6.) Let the number be denoted by x. *Aien, ~x X ^ = 108; that is, j-x^ = 108; or, cc^ = 1296; hence, x = ^1296 = 36. 204.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 37 (7.) Let the number be denoted by x. Then, ~x x -x -^ 10 =z 3; 5 6 x"^ x^ that is, —---10 = 3; or, — — = 3 ; ' 30 ' ' 300 ' hence, x^ — 900, and x ~ -^^900 = 30. (8.) Let the number be denoted by x. x^ Then, aj^ + 18 = -+ 30^; hence, 2cc + 36 = cc^ + 61 ; consequently, x — -y^ = 5 (11.) Let X denote the greater number ; then, -a; will denote the less. Then, x^ - {^x\'' = 28; 9 that is, a;2 cc^ = 28 ; 16 ' or, 16x^ — 9x^ = 448, and ^x'^ = 448; hence, x^ = 64, and x = S. (12.) Let x denote the greater number ; then —x will denote the less. 38 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAKY ALGEBRA. [208 25 Then, aj2 ^ ^,2 ^^ 534^ and, 121cc2 + 25aj2 = 70664; hence, 146aj2 =::= 70664, and x^ =484; hence, a; = 22. Denote the age of the elder by x ; then - will denote (13.) 3 e the age of the younger. Then, c«2 - ^^2 _ 240, and, 16aj2 — cc^ = 3840; or, x = 16. Page 208. (5.) Let the two numbers be denoted by x and y. Then, by first condition, cc2 + 2/2 = 117; by second condition, aj2 _ 2/2 =: 45 ; from which we have, a! = 9, and 9/ = 6. (6.) Let the two numbers be denoted by x and y. Then, aj2 + 2/2 -_. ^^ and, aj2 — 2/^ = ^5 hence. '» ^ =" V ^2~' ^^* ^ ^ V~ 208.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 39 (9'.) Denote tlie numbers by x and y. Then, a; : 2/ : : 3 : 4 ; or, 4a; = 3y, and, cc2 j^ y^ — 225 ; from which we have, 03 = 9, and y — 12. (8.) Denote the numbers by x and y. Then, x \ y \\ m \ n\ or, nx =z my^ and, «;2 + 2/2 _ ^2^ Squaring the first equation, and multiplying the second by w?^ we have, by transposing in the second, n^x^ = rn?y'^^ and, n%^^ = w?o? — m?y'^ ; and then, by addition, we obtain, x^(m? + 'n?) = nh^a\ T ma - na and, X — - _ ; also, y (9.) Let the largest number be denoted by 2cc ; then the less will be denoted by x. We shall then have, 4i»2 — a;2 = 75, and, 3i«2 = 75, and a;^ = 25 ; or, a; = 5. 40 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAET ALGEBRA. [i^08. (10.) Let the numbers be denoted by x and y. Then x \ y :: m : n\ or, nx = my^ and, x^ ~ y"^ =z b^; from which we find, mb T nb :, and y = (11.) Let the amount in dollars, placed at interest, be denoted by X. Then, — — x cc = the interest for one year, '100 4 and, — - X cc = the interest for six months, ^"^^^^ Too ^ ^ ^ 25 "^ 562500, and, x^ = 14062500,^ and x = 3750. (12.) Let x denote the number of women, and y the number of boys. Then, x : y : : S : 4; or, 4cc = 3y, and, X = -y; and, X + y = the number of persons, ^ = what the boys receive. and, 2y = what the women receive. 221.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 41 Then, ^ t ^ + 2y r= 138, and, aj + 2/ + 4y = 276, Then, _ 2/, + 2/ + 4y = 276, and, 3y + 4y + 16y = 1104; or, 23y = 1104, and y = 48. Note. — This, it will be seen, is an equation of the Jirst degree^ and is placed among those of the second degree, to lead the student to have confidence in his own methods, and not to rely too implicitly on the arrangements of the author. Page 221.) ( 10.) Clearing of fractions, a^n^ + b'^91^ — 2bn'^x + n^x'^ =: m'^x'^. Transposing, arranging the terms, and factoring, we have, [n^ — m^)x'^ — 2bn^x = — ahi^ ~ b^-ri^ ; dividing by the coefficient of cc^, we have, y.2 25^2 -— a^nP' — y^n? 'X = w^ — m^ n^ — m 2 Completing the square, 2bn^ lh%^ -d'n'^—'b'^n^ . Ihi"^ -,x + ^2,2 _ ^2*^ '^ (,2,2 _ ^^2)2 ^^2 _^2 ^ (^^2 _ ,^^2)2' Multiplying the numerator and denominator of the first 42 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAPwY ALGEBRA. [2'f3. term of the second member, by n^ — m^, so as to reduce both to a common denominator, we have, """ (n^ — rn^Y Cancelling like terms, and factoring, then extracting the root of both members, 03 — . _- -J- — I . Transposing and factoring, n' n rti^ n^ n m^ n^ — w? a;" = -^ ^ {bn — -y/a^m^ + ^^^2 __ ^2^aj^ Page 243, (4.) Let X denote the greater number ; then 11 — a will denote the less. By the conditions of the question, x^ + 121 — 22a; -^ x^ z=z 61 ; whence, 1x^ — 22a; = — 60 ; or, x^ — 11a; = — 30 ; whence, a;' = 6, and a;" = 5. Either root will satisfy the conditions of the problem. 243.J EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 4:3 (5.) Let X denote the greater number ; then, since the differ- ence of the two numbers is 3, cc — 3 will denote the less. By the conditions of the question, aj2 + cc2 — 6cc + 9 = 89 ; hence, 203^ — 6a? = 80, and ic^ — 3a3 = 40; hence, cc' = +8, and cc" zz: — 5. The plus value belongs to the problem ; hence, the num- bers are 8 and 5. (6.) Let X denote the number of sheep which he purchased. Then, — = the cost of a single sheep ; or, z=: the cost of a single sheep in shillings, , 1200 X 15 18000 , n.., . and = = cost of fifteen sheep. XX' ^ Then, the number of sheep sold will be represented by a; — 15, and 2(03 — 15) = the amount of profit. Now, had there been no profit, the amount received for the sheep would have been just equal to the cost, less the value of the fifteen unsold ; and, consequently, the amount received, less the profit, must be just equal to this difference. That is, reducing to shillings, 1080 - 2{x ~ 15) = 1200 - H^; X hence, 1080aj — 2x'^ + SOx z= 1200i« — 18000; and, by reducing and dividing by the coeflicient of x\ we have, j»2 + 45a; = 9000 ; from which, by taking the positive value, we have, x = 75. 44 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAEY ALGEBEA. [243. {'if') Let the number of pieces be denoted by x ; and by re- ducing the cost and the amount received to shillings, we find that he paid 675 shillings, and sold for 48 shillings per piece, 675 Then, = the price ]3er piece in shillings, and ASx = what he received for the whole. But what he received, minus what he gave, must be equal to his -profits ; that is, to the cost of a single piece. That is, 675 48a; - 675 = , X and 48a;2 - 675aj = 675 ; 675 675 -^'"--4^^ = I8-' and by completing the square, , 675 . (675)2 675 , (675)^ 48 ^ (96)2 - 48 ^ (96)2 _ 1350 (675)2 ~ 96 "^ (96)2 _ 1350 X 96 (675)2 ~ (96)2 "^ 96 585225 - (96) Then, by extracting the square root of both members, and taking the positive root, which answers to the question in its arithmetical sense, we have, __ 675 _ 765^ ^ "" 96 ~ 96 ' 675 , 765 1440 and* X = — H = = 15, ' 96 96 96 243.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 45 (8.) Let X denote the greater number ; then, since the differ- ence of the two numbers is equal to 9, the less will be de- noted by cc — 9 ; and their sum, by 2cc — 9. By the con- ditions of the question, (x — 9)x = 266 ; or, x^ — 9x = 266 ; from which we find, cc = 14 ; and, consequently, the less number is equal to 5. (9.) Let the number be denoted by x. Then, (10 — x)x =z 21 ; hence, lOcc — x- = 21 ; or, x^ ■— 10a; = — 21. Completing the square, i«2 - lOa; + 25 r;=: - 21 + 25 = 4 ; hence, xz=z5±^=:5±:2 = 7^ and 3. (10.) Let X denote the distance traveled in one hour; then, X — 2 will denote the distance when he travels 2 miles an hour slower. 105 Then, — = the number of hours, under the first sup- position ; J.05 and, = the number of hours, under the second X — 2 ' supposition. 46 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 1 244 But, by tlie conditions, 105 105 a; - 2 X ~ ' whence, 105a; — 105aj + 210 — Qx^ — 12a;; that is, 6a;2 — I2x = 210, a;2 - 2x =: 35. • X = 1 (11.) Let X denote the number of sheep ; then, — = what was paid for each ; and, 448 [- 2 = what he would have paid, under the X second supposition, llien, by the conditions of the question, — + 4 = x; whence, 896 + 4a; = a;^; from which we find, a; = 32. (12.) Let x denote the greater number. Then, since the differ- ence of the numbers is 7, x — 1 Avill denote the lesser, and their sum will be denoted by 2a; — 7. By the condi- tions of the question, (2a; — 1)x = 130; or 2a;2 — 1x = 130; whence, we find the plus value of a;, which belongs to the problem, to be 10; hence, the numbers are 10 and 7. 244,] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGKEE. 47 (13.) Let X denote the greater number ; then, since their sum is 100, 100 — a; will denote the less. By the conditions of the question, a;2 + 10000 - 200a3 + x^ = 5392; hence, 2aj2 — 200a; = 5392 - 10000 — — 4608; or, x^ — lOOcc = — 2304 ; whence, we find the positive value of cc, which belongs to the problem, to be 64. Let X denote the number of feet in the side of the smaller court yard; then, x ■\- \1 will denote the side of the larger, in feet. Then, since each stone contains 1 square foot, (x + 12) ~ cc2+ 24aj + 144 = number of stones in larger, and, Qi? z= number in smaller ; hence, 2cc2+ 24cc + 144 = 2120; or, x'^-h 12x z=z 1060 - 12 - 988 ; whence, x = 26. (15.) Let X denote the number of persons. 240 Then, = what each received in the first distribution ; X and, = what each received in the 2d distribution. X'\- 4 48 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [244. By the conditions of the question, 240 240 — - = 10; X X -[- 4: whence, 240a; + 960 — 240a; = lOx^ + 40a;; whence, lOa;^ + 40a; = 960 ; or, x^ -\- 4:X = 96 ; whence, cc' = 8, and a;" = — 14. The plus value alone belongs to the problem ; and the numbers of persons were 8 and 12. (10.) Let X denote the number of dollars in A's capital. Then, since he received 520 dollars as capital and profits, he gained, in dollars, 520 — a;, in 12 months; hence, the number of dollars which he gained in 1 month, will be denoted by — • ^ 12 Now, B^s gain was the whole gain diminished by A^s ; hence, B''s gain is denoted by 360 — (520 —a;) = a;— 160; since B'^s capital was in trade 16 months, his gain in 1 month will be denoted by ^ 16 But the gains of each in 1 month must be proportional to the capitals they employed ; hence, 520 — a; x — 160 X : 600 12 * 16 ' X — 160 ^^^ 520 — X or, X X — -^ — = 600 X j^— • Clearing of fractions, and reducing, a;2 — 160a; = 416000 — 800a;; or, x^ + 640a; =: 416000; whence, we find the plus value of a; = 400. 255.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 49 . * Page 255. (3.) Let X denote one number, and y the other. Then, by the conditions, aj + y = 8 (1.) and, x^+ y^ = S4: . . \ . . (2.) From the first equation, we have, X =z S — y, and cc^ -_ 54 _ jgy + y^. Substituting for aj^, in Equation ( 2 ), we have, 64 _ 162/ + 2/^+ 2/^ = 34; whence, 2y^ —1^2/ = — 30, 2/2 - 82/ =: - 15. Hence, 2/' = ^? ^^^ 2/" = ^• Hence, cc' = 3, and a;" = 5. (4.) Let X denote the first number, and y the second. Then, by the conditions, X : y :: y : IQ; whence, 16x = y^ (1.) cc2+ 2/2 = 225 (2.) Substituting the value of 2/% from Equation ( 1 ), we have, x^ + Ux = 225; whence, a? = 9, and y z= 12, L 3 50 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [256. (5.) Let X denote the less, and y tlie greater. Then, by the conditions, 2/ :: 3 ; 5; whence, bx = Zy , . . . . . (1.) 2d condition, x^ ■\- y'^ = 1666 (2.) From Equation (1), we have, 25 Substituting this value in Equation ( 2 ), -~ + y^=- 1666 ; whence, 342/^ = 41650; and 2/2 = 1225 ; or, y = 35. Hence, the numbers are 21 and 35. (6.) Let X denote the less number, and y the greater. Then, by the conditions, y — X = 7 ; whence, y = jc + 7, and, ^ + 30 = x\ Substituting for y, its value, we have, ^^^ ^ "^^ + 30 = ic2; or, ic^ _^ 7aj + 60 = 17?\ whence, x^ — ^x — 60; or, X — 12, and y — 19. 256.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGKEE. 51 Let the numbers be denoted by x and y, X + y = 5 (1.) aj3 + 2/3 = 35 (2.) x^ + Zx^y + 3aj?/2 -\- y^ = 125, by cubing (1), Zx^y + 3CCI/2 — 90, by subtraction, Zxy(x -\- y) = 90, by factoring, 15xy — 90, fromEq. (1); hence, ^2/ = 6 (3.) Combining (1) and (3), we find, a; — 2, and y = 3. (8.) Let X denote the greater, and y the less. Then, by the conditions, cc + y : cc : : 11 : 7; whence, 1x + 1y — lice; or, aJ = ^2/; or, aj^ ^ _y2. 2d condition, a;^ __ ^/^ _ 132. whence, by substitution, -^-y'^= 132; or, 491/2 - 162/2 = 2112, 332/2 — 2112, 2/2 = 64 ; and, 2/ = ^/^ = ^> and X is found to be equal to 14. 52 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [256. (9.) Let X and y denote the numbers. Then, by the conditions, a? + 2/ = 100 (1.) ajy : cc2 + 2/^ : : 6 : 13 ; hence, 13ajy = ea:^ + 6^/^ . . . . (2.) From Equation ( 1 ), we have, cc = 100 ~ 2/, and x^ = 10000 — 200y + y^. Substituting these values of x and aj^, in Equation ( 2 ), we shall have, 13y(100 — y) — 6(10000 — 200y + y'^) + 6y2. Perfoi:ming the operations indicated, we have, 1300y — 13y2 — 60000 - 1200?/ + 6?/2 + e*/'-^ ; or, 25^/2 _ 2500y — — 60000 ; or, 2/^ — lOOy = — 2400 ; whence, y = 60, and a; = 40. (10.) Let X denote the distance, in miles, traveled by -4, and y, the distance traveled by JB, Then, by the conditions, 1st condition, cc — 2/ = 18 (1.) Now, the rate of travel, or the distance traveled in a single day, will be found by dividing the distance by the number of days ; hence, -^ = what A traveled in 1 day ; 15|- and, — = what JB traveled in 1 day. 28 256.] EQUATIONS OF THE SKCOND DEGREE. 53 [N'ow, the e^itire distance traveled by A^ divided by what he traveled in 1 day, will give the time he Avas traveling ; and the same for J?. But these times are equal ; hence, ^ __ y (y\ ~ (-)' \15}/ \28/ and, by reducing, 15faj2 _ 282/2; or, reducing to 4ths, 63aj2 ~ 112?/2. Substituting the value of x^^ from Equation (1), we have, 63(324 + 36?/ + y^) =^ lUy^ ', or, 20412 + 22682/ -f 63y2 = U2y^; 492/2 — 22682/ = 20412 ; 2 2268 __ 20412 ^ igT^ ~" 49 ' Completing the square. 2268 (2268)2 20412 , (2268)2 ^ 49 *^ (98)2 - 49 ^ (98)2 ' 2 ^^^^ I (2268)2 _ 40824 X 98 (2268)^^ and y - -—y + -j^^ - — (^p + 798)^ ' which, after performing the operations indicated, gives, 2/ = 54, and, consequently, x = 72, (11.) Denote the less number by x. Then the greater will be denoted by cc + 15 ; and we shall have, (^ + 15)a? ^ 2 ' and, dividing by a?, a; + 15 = 2a;2; 54 KEY TO DAVIKS' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [256. and, by transposing, x'^ — -x = 7.5 ; and, completing the square, x^ — .5x + .0625 =r 7.5625 ; hence, aj := .25 ± V^5625 = 3, by taking the positive root. (12.) Let the greater number be denoted by x, and the less ^7 2/- Then, by first condition, (x + y)^ = 77 .... (1.) by second condition, (x — y)y == 12 .... (2.) that is, aj^ -f ccy r= 77 . . . . (3.) and, ccy — 2/^ =: 12 . . . . (4.) By adding, we have, x^ — y"^ + 2aji/ = 89 ; and, by transposing, x^ — y'^ = 89 — 2xy, K we multiply the first and second equations together, we obtain, {x^- — y'^)xy =z 924 ; and hence, x"^ — y"^ = • '' xy Placing this value of cc^ — ^/^ equal to that found above, and Ave have, 924 89 — 2xy = ; xy or, S9xy — 2a;y = 924 ; and, placing xy = z, we obtain, 89s - 2^2 = 924 ; 257.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGEEE. 65 and hence, by changing the signs and dividing, we have, a;2 __ 44.5^ — _ 462. Then, by completing the square, ^2 - 44.5^ + 495.0625 = 33.0625 ; hence, z = 22.25 ± -v/53.0625 ; or, z z=z 22.25 ± ; or, s'rr 28; and, z^' — 16.5. Snbstitutmg the first value of z for xy^ in Equations ( 3 ) and ( 4.) , gives cc r= 7, and y = 4 ; and substituting the second value, s" = 16.5, for xy^ in the same equations, we find, (13.) Let the numbers be denoted by x^ and y'^. Then, cc^ + ^/^ = 100 (1.) and, X + y = 14 (2.) From the second equation, we have, by transposing, aj = 14 - 2/; and, by squaring, x^ = 196 — 28y -{- y\ Substituting this value in Equation ( 1 ), we have, 196 - 2Sy + y^ + y^ = 100; and, by reducing, y^ — liy = — 48. Completing the square, we have, - y2 __ i4y _|. 49 _ _ 48 + 49 = 1, and, 2/=z:+7±l = 8; 66 KEY TO DA vies' NEW ELEMP:NTARY ALGEBRA. [257. or, if we take the minus sign, then 7/ =z Q, If we take 2/ = 8, we find x .— 6, and if we take y = 6, we find X = 8 ; hence, the numbers are 64 and 36. (14.) Let the numbers be denoted by x and y. Then, x -{- y = 24^ and XT/ = 35(cc — y) = S5x — 35y. From the first equation, we have, x — 24 — 9/, Substituting this value in the second, we obtain, 2/(24 - y) = 35(24 - 2/) - 35^; that is, 24y — y'^ — 840 — 351/ — 35y ; hence, j/^ — 94^/ = — 840. Completing the square, 2/2 __ 94y j^ 2209 = 1369, and, y = 47 ± 37 = 84, and 10. If we take the first root, 84, the value of x will be — CO, and these two numbers will satisfy the two equations of condition. But the enunciation of the question required the number 24 to be divided into two parts, and this re- quired that neither x nor y should have a value exceeding 24 ; hence, we must take the second value of y = 10. This gives jc = 14. (15.) Let the numbers be denoted by x and y. Then, a; + 2/ = 8 (1.) and, a;3 + 2/^ = 152 .... (2.) 257.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 57 By cubing both members of Equation ( 1 ), we have, x^ -f 3cc2y + 3CC2/2 + 2/3 = 512 . . (3.) and, by subtracting the second equation from the third, we have, 3aj2y + 3032/2 :^ 360 ; and, dividing by 3, ive obtain, x^y + xy"^ = 120; factoring, xy{x + y) = 120 ; but, since, in Equation ( 1 ), X + y =2 8, we have, 8xy = 120 ; or, xy = 15. Combining this with Equation ( 1 ), we readily find, cc =: 3, and y =: 5. (16,) Let the number of yards sold by the first, be denoted by x, and the number sold by the second, by y. N"ow, if the whole amount received, for any number of things solely be divided by the number of things, the quo- tient will be the cost of each thmg. Hence, if 24 dollars be divided by the number of yards of stufi* sold by the second, the quotient will be the amount per yard received by the first; and, for a like reason, 12^ divided by cc, will be the amount per yard received by the second. 24 That is, — = what the first received per yard. 12^ and, — ~ = what the second received per yard. But, the first sold x yards, and the second y yards ; and, 3* 58 KEY TO DAVIES' KEW ELEMENTAKY ALGEBRA. [257. if the amount per yard be multiplied by the number of yards, the product will be the amount received. Hence, 24 , 124- — X X -\ ~ X 2/ = 35 ; 2/ ^ . and, by the second condition, 2/ — X = S; or, y = x + S, Then, by clearing the first equation of fractions, we have, 24a;2 + 12^2/^ = SBxy ; and, by substituting for y its value, a: + 3, we obtain, 24a;2 + 12i(aj2 + 6a; + 9) =z 35a;(a; + 3); that is, 24cc2 + 12iaj2 4- "jBx + 1121 = S5x'^ + 105a;; and reducing, l-^a;^ — 30a; := — 112J; and, dividing by 1^, we have, a;2 — 20a; = — 75 ; which gives, a; = 10 ± 5 = 15, and 5 ; ^i'om which we have the corresponding values of y = 18, or y =1 8, (17.) Let the highest rate of interest be denoted by y, and the lowest by z. Now, as the incomes are to be equal, it is plain that the first sum put at interest will be the least, which let us denote by x. Then, the larger, or second part will be denoted by 13000 — x. Then, since the amount of interest on any sum is equal to the sum, multiplied by the " rate, divided by 100, we have, by first condition, x X ~~ = ^13000 — a^) X -— ; 257.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 69 Z by second condition, x x — — -— 360 ; , by third condition, (13000 — ^-^ = 490. Clearing of fractions,, we have, xy — 130003 — CCS .... (1.) xz =2 36000 (2.) and, 13000y — xy = 49000 (3.) If, now, we substitute the value of xz from Equation (2), in Equation (1 ), we shall have, xy =z 13000s - 36000 .... (4.) then, adding together Equations (3) and (4), we have, 13000y =: 13000s + 13000; or, ISy = 13s + 13; or, y = z + 1 . (5.) l^ow, to elimmate x from Equations (2) and (3), mul- tiply the first by y, and the second by s, and we have, xyz — 36000y, and, 13000ys — xyz = 49000s, and by adding, 13000ys = 36000y + 49000s; or, 13ys = 36y + 49s. Now, substituting for y its value in Equation ( 5 ), we have, 13s(s + 1) = 36(s + 1) + 49s; that is, 13s2 + 13s = 36s + 36 + 49s; A ■ '72 36 and, ,2___, ^_. z^ 72 , -r3^ + (36)^ (13)^ = 36 /3( 13 "^ UJ 36 X 13 (13)2 z = 36 13 ~ 13 = 13 60 KEY TO DAVIKS' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [257. by completing the square, we have, 4- Hence, The negative value of z is not applicable to the. ques{ion. (18.). Let the second number be denoted by a;, and the differ- ence between the second and first by y. Then, ^ — V = 1st number, ic = 2d number, and, a; + 2/ + 6 = 3d number. Then, 3cc + 6 == 33, and, hence, x = 9; also, {x - yY -\- x^ + (x + y + 6)^ = 467 ; that is, 3aj2 + 120? + 12?/ + 2y2 = 431 ; or, substituting for cc, its value, 9, 351 + 12y + 22/2 = 431; hence, y^ + ^y = 40, and, y = 4, or — 10. Hence, the numbers are 5, 9, and 19. (19.) Let X denote the digit which stands in the ten's place, and y the digit which stands in the unit's place. Then, lOx -{- y ~ the number. 257.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 61 By the first condition, 10^ + y ^ 3 xy ' and, by the second, lOcc + y + 18 = 102/ + ^5 from which we readily find, £c = 2, and y = 4. (20.) Let X and y denote the numbers. Then, x : y : i m : n\ or, y = — • • (1.) and, cc2 + 2/2 _ 52 (2.) Substituting the vahie of y"^ from Equation (1 ), we have, 9 . ^^^^ J. or, w?x^ + n^x^ - = m?h 5 or, {m? + n^)x^ - = . m% 2 m^h and X — m^/b and, from Equation ( 1 ), y = n^/h (21. ) Let X and y denote the numbers. Then, by the conditions. 7lX X : y : : m : n: or v = — * • (!•) and, cc^ — 2/^^ = ^* 62 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [258, Substituting the value of y^ from Equation ( 1 ), we have, aj2 = 5 ; 'in^/h hence, x = and, y = myfb (22.) Let the numbers be denoted, respectively, by a?, y, and z. Then, ccy = 2, xz — 4, y^ + ^^ _. 20. From the first equation, we have, 2 2^ aj = - ; and hence, — = 4 ; or, ^ = 2.v. 2/ y Substituting this value of s in the third condition, we have, y1 + 4i/2 :::. 20 ; whence, 5^/^ =20, 2/^=4, and y = 2, Hence, the numbers are 1, 2, and 4. (23.) Let the numbers be denoted by cc, y, and z. Then, j» + y + s = 38 .... (1.) a;2+ 2/2^ a:2 = 634 .... (2.) and, 2/--cc = ^ — 2/ + 7 . . . (3.) Adding the first and third equations, we have, 3y = 45; or, y = 15 ; from which we easily find, cc =: 3, and z = 20. 258.] EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 63 (24.) Let the numbers be denoted by x^ y, and z. Then, ccy = a, xz = 5, y^ -{- z^ = c. From the first equation, we have, . a -, - az ^ X = - . and hence, — = o: y y or, az = 5y, and y^ = —z^ ; hence, |V + ^^ ^ c; or, z = h^J —^—^, y = ^\/5^5 or, X =^/~r + b^' ' V a2 4_ 52 (25.) Let the greater number be denoted by cc, and the less by y. Then, {x + y)x = lU . . . . ( 1.) {x-y)y=zU .... (2.) and multiplying the equations together, we obtain, (x2 - y'^)xy = 2016 .... (3.) But Equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) may be put under the forms, x'^ -\- xy = 144, and, xy — y^ =z 14 ; or, xy = 14 + 2/2. and subtracting, aj2 + 2/2 _ 130; or, x'^ = 130 — y\ Substituting in Equation (3), the value of xy = 144 — a;^, and then for x^, its value, 130 — y^, and we obtain, (130 - 2^2) (14 _^ 2/2) = 2016; that is, 1820 — 28.y2 4. i30?/2 — 2y^ = 2016. 64: KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [264. Hence, y* — ol^/^ = — 98. Then, placing z = y\ and z^ for y*^ we have, which gives, by taking the j)ositive root, which is the one corresponding to the arithmetical enunciation, z^ = 49, and, consequently, y^ = 49, or y = 7. The value of x is easily found, and is equal to 9. Page 264. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. (2.) I z= a — {n — l)r. Make, « = 90, r = 4, and n = 15 ; then, I = 90 — (15 — 1)4 = 90 — 56 = 34. (3.) I = a — (n — l)r. Make, a = 100, n — 40, and r = 2; then, I = 100 - (40 - 1)2 = 100 — '78 = 22. (4.) I = a — {n — l)n Make, a = 80, n = 10, and r = 4; then, I = 80 - (10 — 1)4 = 80 - 36 = 44. (5.) I ~ a — {n — l)r. Make, a == 600, n = 100, and r = 5; then, I = 600 — (100 - 1)5 = 600 — 495 = 105. 266.] AKmiMETICAL PEOGEESSION. 66 (6.) ^ = a — {n — l)r. Make, a = 800, 7i = 200, and r = 2; then, I = 800 — (200 - 1)2 = 800 — 398 = 402. Page 266. (2.) =m Make, a = a, I = 21^ and ^i = 12; Q I 2'7 then, aS = "^ X 12 = 180. (3.) Make, a = 4, I = 20, and n = 10. then, S = (—2^) X 10 = 120. (4.) S = (-^} X n. Make, a = 100, 5 = 200, and n = 80. then, S = (1^^°) X 80 = 12000. 66 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTAEY ALGEBEA. [269. (5.) Make, a = 500, 3 = 60, and n = 20; /500 + 60\ then, S = ( J- — j X 20 = 5600. (6.) ^ == (-2-) ^ ^- Make, a = 800, b ~ 1200, and 9i =-. 50. '800 + 1200\ ^^ ^^^^^ 1 X 50 == 50000. then, S = \^ Page 267. (2.) I — a r = -• w — 1 Make, ^ = 22, a = 4, and ?i = 10; 22 — 4 18 then, r = 10-1 9 Page 269. (2.) z= a + {n — l)r. Make, a = 2, n = 100, and r = 7; then, Z = 2 + (100 - nV == 2 + 693 = 695. 270. 1 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 67 (3.) First, to find the last term. We have, I — a -\- {n — l)r ; and, making a = 1^ ti = 100, and r = 2, we have, 1=1 + (100 - 1)2 := 1 + 198 =: 199; then, S = (^^) xn = ^— X 100 = 10000. (4.) To find the last term. We have, I = a — (n — l)r\ and, making a == '70, ;z = 21, and r = 3, we have, ^ = 70 - (21 - 1) X 3 = 70 — 60 = 10; then, 8 = \ T ) X ^^l and, making a = 70, ^ = 10, and n = 21, we have, S = (— ~^) X 21 = 840. (5.) To find the last term. We have, I = a + {n — l)r; and, making a = 4, ^ = 8, and r = 8, we have, ^ = 4 + (8 — 1)8 = 4 + 56 = 60; then, S = \ T ) X n; and, making a = 4, ^ =i 60, and ^ = 8, we have S = i—^) X 8 = 256. 68 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELiaiENTARY ALGEBKA. [270. (6.) b — a T = -. n — 1 Make, b = 20, a = 2, and n =z 10, , , 20 — 2 18 and we have, r = -— = — = 2. b — a r = . n + 1 . Make, 5 = 19, a = 4, and n = 4; .-u 1. 19 - 4 15 then we have, r = — - — =z -— — Si 5 5 hence, 4. 7. 10. 13. 16. 19, form the series. (8.) First, to find the last term. We have, I = a — {71 — l)r. Make, a = 10, n = 21, and r — ^\ then, I =: 10 - (21 - l)\ == 10 - 6| = 3i; then, a /10 + 3J-\ ^^ 30,10 ^^ 40 ^, 840 ,,^ 2 (9.) We have the equations, S = y I X ^^, and I =z a + {7i — l)r. 270.] AEITHMKTTCAL PKOGRKSSION. 69 In these equations all the quantities are known, except a and I, Substituting the numbers for the known quantities, we have, 2945 = (^-H!yx n, and 185 = a + {n - 1)6. ( 10.) We have, from Art. 183, h — a m + 1 Making 5 = 5, and a =: 2, and m = 9, 5 2 we have, r = = 0.3 ; from which the terms are easily found. (11.) We have the formula, S = (-f-) X n. Now, (^ = 1, and I =: n; hence, (1 + n\ (n + 1\ ^=(-2-)><^^ = H-2-)- (12.) The formula for the last term, I = a -{- {n — 1) X r. 'Making a = 1, and r = 2, we have, Z = 1 + (?i — 1)2 =: 1 + 2?2 — 2 = 2/^ — 1. Then, in the formula, 70 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [285. substitute for Z, its value, and for a, its value, 1, and we have, ^ n + 2n — 1\ /3 = I 1 X n = n X n zzz n^. (IS.) In this example, we know that the person must travel four yards to place the first stone in the basket, and that he must travel four yards in addition for each additional stone which he brings. Hence, we have the first term, the com- mon difference, and the number of terms, to find the sum of the series. First, to find the last term. We have, I = a -{- {n — l)r. Making a = 4, ^ = 100, and r = 4, we have, 1 = 4= + (100 — 1)4 = 4 + 396 = 400; then, S = (^^ xn = (^— ) X 100 = 20200 yards, which, divided by 1760, the number of yards in a mile, gives 11 miles and 840 yards. Page 285. (6.) Here we have given the first term, the common ratio, and the number of terms, to find the last term. Hence, i: = 1 x 2^ = 1 x 512 = 512 cents. Page 287. (4.) In this example, we have the first term, the common ratio, 288.] GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 71 and the number of terms given, to find the last term and the sum of the series. ^ = 1 X 2^1 = 1 X 2048 = 2048. Then, to find the sum of the series, we have, ^ ^ Iq - a q -1' in which I = 2048, q = 2, and a = 1; 4096 - 1 ,^^, hence, S = = 4095. (5.) In this example, we have given the first term, the common ratio, and the number of terms, to find the sum of the series. First, to find the last term, we have, Z = 1 X 2" = 2048. r^, rY Iq — a 4096 — 1 ,^^^ , .,,. Then, S = -^ r= • = 4095 shilhngs, which is equal to £204 155. (6.) In this example, we have the first term, the ratio, and the number of terms, to find the last term and the sum of the series. We have, l:=zlxZ^ — IX 19683 =: 19683 cents. ^ Iq — a 19683 x 3 — 1 ^^^^, S = = = 29524 cents 9 — 1 2 In this example, we have the first term, the ratio, and the number of terms, to find the last term and the sum of the series. 72 KEY TO DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. [289. I— 4 X 8^5 r= 4 X 35184372088832 - 140737488355328. For the sum of the series, we have, 140737488355328 X 8 — 4 ^= • 8-~I that is, S — 160842843834660 (3.) First, to find the last term, we have, I = aq^j and making a = 512, and q — ^^ we have, 1 ^ = 512 X HY == 512 X 1024 rrn ^ a — ZO' 512 — -i Then, S = ^ = — ^ = 682^. I - q i 2 (4.) First, to find the last term, we have, I — aq^ = 2187 X (iY = 3. Then, 'S = ^^ = ^-^ = 3279. (5.) First, to find the last term, we have, I = aq^ = 972 X (i)^ = 4. Then, g^a-lq _^12-^ _ ,,,, Then, S 1 — !Z (6.) I zz : aq'^ = 147456 X {\r = 9. a -Iq 147456 - ± ^ 196605, UNIVERSITY Of A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. %tM\xm' pftravy* ALEXIS DE TOCQUEYILLE. WITH NOTES BY HON. JOHN C. SPENCER. 460 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. This book is one of the most valuable treatises upon our social and political establishments that has ever been issued from the press. Written by a liberal- minded and enlightened European statesman, it is free from party and national bias. General information upon the social and political history of the country, of which teachers stand in great need, will be found in this volume especially adapted to their wants. EECOMMENDATION. It is generally conceded by reflecting critics, that the most philosophical and reliable work on the institutions of this country is that of De Tocqueville. He appreciated the principles and comprehended the actual workings of our govern- ment better than any foreign writer who has attempted their elucidation. We therefore welcome an edition of his work, in which the practical and essential portions are condensed and arranged, the speculative winnowed from the descrip- tive, and the whole arranged so as to instruct. In its present form it is an ad- mirable treatise for seminaries of learning, — Home Journal. A. S. Barnes & Burfs Publications, %tM\im' pftt^aty* By BEIlTJAMIIT W. DWIGHT. 347 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. Discarding the narrow views of education far too prevalent, the author presents in this volume the claims of moral and rehgious training. It will be found to be very suggestive to teachers in conducting this department of education, and will inspire them with the proper views and the correct way of impart- ino; them to others. RECOMMENDATIONS. Its sound philosophy, its common sense, its elegant diction, and its catbolio i^pirit, leave little to bo said on the subject. — Hon. John G. McMynn, Superin- kndent of Schools, Eacine, Wisconsiyi. This is a noble work in its aim, its scope, and its execution. It presents edu- cation in its true province— the culture of body, mind, and soul;. every power, lentiment, and affection ; every sense, faculty, and propensity, so as to make the numan being a recipient of the Divine influence, a reflection of the Divine image, and a fiicile instrument for working out the Divine purposes. In this light the grandeur of the teacher's oflice, the high self-culture, the thorough religious dis- cipline which he needs, the zeal, patience, gentleness, and love which alone can fit him for his work, are vividly portrayed. The contents of the phrase, " The True Christian Scholar," are exhibited with a fullness and fervor adapted to awaken a holy enthusiasm, to inspire the loftiest endeavor, and to lead the soul to that dependence on a Higher Power which is the sole condition of its energy and progress.— iVbr//i American. A, S, Barnes <& Burros Publications. %ut\\m' pftnu*a* By SAMUEL P. BATES. - 319 pp. 12rao., cloth. Price $1.26. This work is one of great practical value to the teacher. The lecture on '' Yocal Culture'' contains one of the most logical and lucid statements of the science of Elocution anywhere to be found. That on '' Language" is by itself a complete treatise on the study of Grammar and cognate branches. And that on '' Education of the Moral Sensibilities'' will be found of great aid to a teacher in introducing this branch of instruction into schools. The work em- braces nine lectures, characterized by great vigor of thought and beauty of expression. RECOMMENDATIONS. We find them well written, replete with sound views, and full of information. — Fornei/s Phil. Press. These Lectures are full of life and varied instruction, and are pervaded by- sound moral aud religious principles. They are well fitted to impress teachers with the importance and dignity of their work, and to awaken a noble enthusiasm in its prosecution. — Rev. Dr. Masses, in Watcliman and Reflector, Boston, Mass. I cannot express the gratification which I have experienced in reading your book, not merely on account of the lucid and pleasing style in which it is written, but especially on accouut of the important views and excellent precepts which it contains. — Prof. James R. Boise, Professor of Greek Language and Literature in the University of Michigan. I was especially pleased with those upon the Power of Spoken Thought, Vocal Culture, and the Study of Language.— JEnos If. Taft, Member of the JV. Y. Bar. This lecture on Language, alone might prove a hundred times more valuable than the price of the book to many an old fogy teacher, to say nothing of his pupils.— 0/iiO Educational Monthly. A, K Barnes & Burros Puhlicatioiis. l^tM\ux$' phnwM* By PHILOBIBLIUS. with an introduction by henry barnard, ll.d. 310 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. The present work furnishes such an account of the various systems of education which have character- ized races, or have enjoyed a successive pre-eminence during the historical ages of the world, as shall afford the student a competent general view of theu' spirit and practice. The views given will enable the reader to form an intelligent judgment upon all the leading practical questions of education. It traces their his- tory in practice from nation to nation, and from age to age, and the zealous student will not fail to find in it much food for thought, and a valuable stimulus to further investigation. As the pioneer American work in its department, it must legitimately betspeak kind consideration and credit. RECOMMENDATION. A work, giving in condensed form the history and progress of education, has long been a deaiderHtum among teachers and educators. It is an admirable book, nnd will be hailed with delight by thousands of anxious teachers through- out the land. It has long been meet that the history of education should bo giithercd from among the many and ponderous volumes through which it lies scattered, and presented in a condensed and succinct form that would fall within the reach of every one. This book has accomplished this.— iV^c»(7i- Western Home and School Journal. A. S. Barnes & Burros Publications. %tM\xm' pftwn^y. By DAYID p. page, A.M. 349 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. This truly noble work is now passing through, its thirty-fifth edition. It is a book which no teacher can afford to do without. It contains invaluable truths and counsels to all whose aim it is to stand upon the heights of the profession. They have originated in the convictions derived from the reali- ties of the school-room during some twenty years of active service as a teacher. RECOMMENDATIONS. It is altogether the best book on this subject I have ever seen. — Hon. S. Young. I have read it with all that absorbing, self-denying interest which, in my younger days, was reserved for fiction and poetry. — Pres. North, of Hamilton College. I am pleased with and commend this work to the attention of school-teachers, for light and instruction to guide and govern them in the discliarge of their deli- cate and important duties. — N. S. Benton, SupH of Com. Schools, State of N. York. I received, a few days since, your Theory and Practice of Teaching, and a capi- tal theory and capital practice it is. I have read it with unmingled delight. Even if I should look through a critic's microscope, I should hardly find a single sentiment to dissent from, and certainly not one to condemn. It is a GRAND BOOK, AND I THANK HeAVEN THAT TOU HAVE WRITTEN IT.—Hon. Horace Mann, Secretary of Board of Education, Massachusetts. Were it our business to examine teachers, we would never dismiss a candidate without naming this book. In one indifferent to such a work we should certainly have little confidence, however he might appear in other respects.— F<. Citron. A. S. Barnes <& Burros Publications. Mmikm' ^iftiarM. BY ALFRED HOLBROOK. 456 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. This volume is designed to take a working school on a visit to teachers. It presents to its readers, in succession, classes in the several grades of the com- mon branches in actual operation, and the teachers pursuing such methods as have proved abundantly successful with large numbers who have tried them. The definite instruction given for teaching the com- mon-school branches causes the book to be very useful and popular among teachers. RECOMMENDATIONS I have examined the Normal, by Alfred Holbrook, and am much pleased with its plan and object. In the hands of inquiring, thoughtful teachers it must be of much service. It will also be of important use to school committees and others, in defining clearly the scope of certain duties and the methods to be pur-' sued in teaching. — David iV. Camp, SiipH of Conn. Common Schools. The above is undoubtedly one of the most valuable books comprised within the whole range of school literature. The methods recommended are clear, logical, exhaustive, and equally happy in their application to primary or advanced teaching.— IHinow Teacher. A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. %iM\\m' pftrartf* By OHAKLES DAYIES, LL.D. 375 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.25. This work is not intended as a treatise on any special branch of mathematical science, and there- fore demands for its full appreciation a general ac- quaintance with the leading methods and routine of mathematical investigation. It is an elaborate and lucid exposition of the principles which lie at the foundation of pure mathematics, and a highly inge- nious application of their results to the development of the essential idea of Arithmetic, Geometry, Al- gebra, Analytical Geometry, and the DifTerential and Integral Calculus. The work is preceded by a gen- eral view of the science of Logic, and closes with an essay on the utility of Mathematics. RECOMMENDATIONS. We are very much mistaken if this work shall not prove more popular and more useful than any which the distinguished author has given to the public. — Lutheran Observer. We have been much interested both in the plan and in the execution of the work, and would recommend the study of it to the theologian as a discipline in close and accurate thinking, and in logical method and reasoning. It will be useful also to the general scholar and to the practical mechanic. Nowhere have we seen a finer illustration of the connection between the abstractly scientific and the \>v»,cX\ca\.— Independent. A. S. Barnes & Burros Publications. %n\t)xm' "§\)ixm\s. By EDWARD D. MANSFIELD. 320 pp. 12mo., cloth. Price $1.26. This work is suggestive of principles, and not in- tended to point out a course of studies. Its aim is to excite attention to what should be the elements of an American Education : or, in other words, what are the ideas of a Republican and Christian Educa- tion, in this period of rapid development. The author has aimed to turn the thoughts of those engaged in the direction of youth to the fact that it is the entire soul, in all its faculties, which needs educa- tion, and not any one of its talents ; and that this is a need especially of our country and times. To do this requires a complete discipline of mind and analy- sis of society. KECOMMENLATIONS. The author could not have applied his pen to the production of a book upon a subject of more importance than the one he has chosen. His views upon the elements of an American education, and its bearings upon our institutions, are sound, and worthy the attention of those to whom they are piuticuhuly a^- dressed.— ifoc7iesplant Noah Webster's in popularity. — Samuel P. Bates, Deputy Superin- tendent Common ScJiools of Pennsylvania. This book is far in advance of any similar work with which we are acquainted. After a critical examination, we are happy to recommend it to teachers and school-officers, as being every way worthy of the prominent position the Spelling- book ought to occupy in primary instruction. — New York Teacher. This is one of the most complete works with which we have met. The arrange- ment of words, and the systematic classification in its preparation, can not fail to accomplish the vrork designed. — Prof. F. A. Allen, Principal of Normal School, Westchester, Pa. I have examined the National Pronouncing Speller, and am free to say that it is the only work I ever saw which exactly meets my idea of what a Spelling-book should be. It is pre-eminently practical ; it requires the child to do what it will be necessary for him to do all through his life ; it requires him not only to tell how the letters are arranged to fo'-m the word, but to write it, using it according to its signification. It needs only to be seen and understood to meet with favor.— If. R. Barnard, Prin. Union School, Ithaca, N. T. A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. §atio»at ^tx'm. BY K. G. PARKER and J. M. WATSON. NATIOJVAli FIRST READER, 118 pp $ NATIONAL SECONO READER, ^^4: pp NATIONAL! THIRD READER, ^88 pp NATIONAL FOURTH READER, 405 pp NATIONAL. FIFTH READER, 600 pp This series of Readers is unsurpassed bj any ever issued from the American press, in the excellence of its selections, in the proper grading of the pieces, in its admirable system of elocution, in the variety and interest of the matter appended in the form of notes, and in the substantial and beautiful style of art in which they are published. BECOMMENDATIONS. These Readers, in my opinion, are the best I have ever examined. I have had better success witu my reading-classes since T commenced training them on these, than I ever met with before. — A. P. Harrington, Principal of Union School, Marathon, iV. Y. In the simplicity and clearness •with which the principles are stated, in the ap- propriateness of the selections for reading, and in the happy adaptation of the different parts of the series to each other, these works are superior to any other text-books on this subject which I have examined.— C7iar?ea S. Halsey, Prin. Collegiate Institute, Newton, JV. J. From a brief examination of them, I am led to believe that we have none eiiual to them. I hope they will prove as popular as they are excellent. — Pro/. Fred. S. Jewell, N. Y. State Normal School. The National Readers and Speller I have examined, and carefully compared with others, and must pronounce them decidedly superior, in respect to literary merit, style, and price. — iV^. A. Ilamilton, Pres. Teachers^ Union, Whitewater, Wis. I consider them emphatically the Readers of the present day, and T believo that their intrinsic merit will insure for them a full measure of popularity,— J. W. Schertnerhorn, Prin. Coll. Institute, Middletoton, N. J. A. S. Barnes & Burr'st Publications. ^ixtimnl ^»m^. #tt|Iirt « By S. W. OLAKK, A.M. Clark's First Lessons in English Grammar $ Clark's New English Grammar Key; to Clark's Grammar Analysis of the English Language Grammatical Chart The true place to test any text-book is the class- room. Tried by this test, Clark^s Grammars have won unqualified commendation. Pupils become in- terested in the study more readily and generally by this than by any other system. The reason is ob- vious. Any species of instruction that can be ad- dressed to the eye is more easily and quickly seized than when presented in any other way. The system of diagrams, with the use of the blackboard, makes it both easy and philosophic. RECOMMENDATION. Clark's Grammar is a new thing in the study of langnage ; by his system, the blackboard, the great weapon of the modern educator, is made to play an im- portant part even in the ordinarily dry and dull study of English Grammar. His diagrams are at once simple and unique in conception, and universal in application. The most wild and uncouth sentences that Carlyle ever wrote, equally with the most polished and njellifluous of Byron or Tom Moore, are readily caught, tamed, and made to trot in double or single harness through the scholar's parsing vocabulary. While looking over the pages of Clark's New Grammar, we could not but think of old Lindley Murray, and the aching heads that used in our boyish days to pore over his crabbed pages, at d wonder why nobody thought of so obvious an improvement before. — Racine Advocate. A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. §niimu\ 3tn6^- BY JAMES MON^TEITIT and FRAKCIS McN"ALLY. Monteith's First Lessons in Geography i Monteith's Introduction to Manual of Geography Monteith's Wew Manual of Geography McWally's Complete School Geography RECOMMENDATIONS. All the geographies in use in our common schools have received from ir.e a careful and critical examination. The National Series was one of two series that received my full approbation. The opinion that I formed of their gieat merit is justiGed by their extensive use in the public schools of this city. I hHve found, by examination of the Book of Supply of our Board, that considerably the largest number of any series now used in our public schools, is the National, by Monteith and McNally. — B. A. Adams, Chairman of ^'^ Conimittee on Course of Studies and School-hooJfs,^' and Member of " Committee of Supplies" of Board of Education of New York. During an experience of ten years in teachinsj, I have found no series of Geographies so well calculated, in matter, arrangement, and system, to facilitate the progress of the learner as Monteith and McNally's.— Solomon ili/erl, Prof. of English Grammar and Geography in the York Co. Normal School, Pa. This s;nies was adopted after a careful examination of the best works in this branch of study, and a year's experience makes us better and better satisfied with our choice. — Josiah T. Read, Priii. JIarshall (Mich.) Union SchooL We have used McXally's Oeogrnphy since its publication, deetning it the best class-book in the market. It not only is the equal of its rivals in positive merits, bnt is superior to most of them as to icJiat it omits. It is both practical and prac- ticahle as a text-book. — Jiev. Joseph E. King, A.M., Principal of Fort Edward Institute, N. Y. We have used McNally's and Monteith's Geographies for three years, and would not exchange them for any others In the maiKet. — Rev. B. St. James Fry, A. M., President of Worthington Female College, Ohio. A. S. ISarnes <£• Burr's Publications. ptioual 3ixiu. DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' KEY TO DAVIES' KEY TO DAVIES' DAVIES' KEY TO DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' KEY TO DAVIES' KEY TO DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' DAVIES' By CHARLES DAVIES, LL.D. Elementarg (Course. PRIMARY ARITHMETIC AND TABLE-BOOK $ FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC NEW SCHOOL ARITHMETIC DAVIES' NEW SCHOOL ARITHMETIC NEW UNIVERSITY ARITHMETIC DAVIES' NEW UNIVERSITY ARITHMETIC... e GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA DAVIES' NEW ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY PRACTICAL M ATHEM ATICS ^Ttj&anceti Louise, UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA DAVIES' UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA BOURDON'S ALGEBRA DAVIES' BOURDON'S ALGEBRA LKGENDRE'S GEOMETRY ELEMENTS OF SURVEYING ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY SHADES, SHADOWS, AND PERSPECTIVE LOGIC OP MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY Mathematical Chart (Sheet) EECOMMENDATIONS. We have tested the completeness of tliis dictionary by looking: for a consider- able number and variety of titles, under all of which we have found statements and discussions, succinct without being obscure, and sufficiently thorough to render the work a reference-book for proficients as well as for pupils in Mathematics. It is just such a book as we have needed for a score of years. — North Amer. Review. Each treatise serves as an introduction to the next higher by the similarity of its reasonings and methods, and the student is carried forward by easy and gradual steps over the whole field of mathematical inquiry, and that, too, in a shorter time than is usually occupied in mastering a single department. I sin- cerely and heartily commend them to the attention of ray fellow-teachers in Canada. — John McLean Bell, B. A., Prin. Lower Canada College. The undersigned has examined with care, and taught some time since, several volumes of Davies' Mathematics, and is of the opinion that, as a whole, it is the most complete and best course for academic and collegiate instruction with which he is acquainted. — Horace Webster, LL.D., Fres. N. Y. Free Academy. A. S, Barries S Burros Publications. i»ti0ma Mxm. tm By EMMA WILLARD. School History of the United States $0.75 Large History of the United States 1.50 The author^s long experience as a teacher at the head of one of the most noted Seminaries of the country, gave her great advantage in preparing a book on our National History adapted to use in schools. The unqualified commendation bestowed upon these books by the leadmg statesmen of the age is a sufficient guarantee of their merit. EECOMMENDATIONS. I can not better express my sense of the value of your History of the United States, than by saying I keep it near me as a book of reference accurate in facts and dates. — Daniel Webster. Similar testimonials have been received from Henry Clay, John McLean, Elijah Willard, Senator Dickinson and many other eminent men. This is a noble and well-'w'ritten book, whi;h it is both a pleasure aiid a profit to read. The sty .6 is lucid, and varies with the impulse of the subject. Mrs. Willard should 1 e considered as a benefactress, not only by her own sex, of whom 6h« became in early years a pyorainent and permanent educator, but by the country at large, to whose good she has dedicated the gathered learning and faithful labor of life's later periods. The truths that she has recorded, and the principles that she has impressed, will win from a future race gratitude that can not grow old, and a garland that will never fade.— Jfrs. Z. //. Sigoumey. 18 A. S. Barnes & Burros Puhlicaiions. 1. Principles of Chemistry, embracing the most recent discoveries " in the Science, and the outlines of its application to Agriculture and the Arts. Illustrated bj numerous experiments newly adapted to the sim- plest apparatus. By John A. Poetek, A. M., M. D., Professor of Agriculture and Organic Chemistry in Yale College. Price $1.25. [A Box OF Apparatus prepared expressly for this Work, will COST ONLY $8.00.] 2. First Book of Chemistry, and Allied Sciences, in- cluding an outline of Agricultural Chemistry, by Prof. John A. Poetee. Price 60 cents. RECOMMENDATIONS. I am greatly pleased with Porter's Chemistry. It does not give a mere outline, but exhibits the atomic proportions in all combinations so as to make the student scientific in his processes. It is fully up with the progress of the age in this most rapidly advancing science ; and last, not least, in its behalf, it is so simple, easy, and beautiful, that a teacher can make himself a chemist while teaching a class. — Prof. J. Young, of the North- Western. ChrUtian University. 1 put a class into it last winter, which nearly finished it. I think I never used & text-book on any subject that pleased me so well. It seems just what our acade- mies require. I feel sure that this book meets a great and general want, and shall be much mistaken if it does not prove one of the most successful ever issued. — M. Sfurges, Monroe, Butler County, Ohio. I have examined Porter's Chemistry with no little attention. As an elementary Text-book it is a model. The bork must greatly extend the study of this important science.— JS. A. Grant, Franlcfort, Ky. I do not hesitate to pronounce it a work most admirably adapted to convey to any inquiring mind a clear idea of the elements of chemistry. — M. L. Morse, Prin- cipal of High School, Dover, N. H. We have read this book with great pleasure, and can recommend it as the sim- plest, most concise, and most comprehensive School Chemistry known to us. Its simplicity is its great va.QXit.— Massachusetts Teacher. A. S. Barnes & Burr'' 8 Publications. "§'Ximm\ 3txm. INTRODDCTORY COUKSE OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. FROM THE FRENCH OF M. GANOT. By professor W. G. PECK, M. A. Price $1.25. One of the most attractive volumes ever published is this new work on Natural Philosophy. The original edi- tion is regarded as the standard text-book in France, and emanates from one of her ablest and most popular writers. It has been Americanized and adapted with remarkable skill to the peculiarities of our systems of instruction, by Professor Peck. One of the most striking features of the book is its profuse and magnificent system of illustration. By special arrangement with M. Ganot, fac-similes of all the original engravings are presented, rendering it un- equalled in point of beauty, accuracy, abundance and general adaptation of illustration. The volume embraces a full and logical development of all the elementary prin- ciples of Physics. RECOMMENDATIONS. I have examined Peck's Ganot's Natural Philosophy with some care, and know not which to admire most, the lucid, compact, and charming style of the composi- tion, or the beautiful and faultless mechanical execution of the book. The typo- graphical execution seems to be unsurpassed, and the illustrations are numerous, accurate, and elegant. It is just such a book as students should have in their hands, as a model of excellent scholarship and good taste. We have adopted it in this Institution.— /rri W. AUetiy Smtior rrofeasor of Union Chrintian College. The Natural Philosophy of M. Ganot, edited by Prof. Peck, is, in my opinion, the best work of its kind, for the use intended, ever published in this country.— D. C. Van Norman, Principal of the Van Norman Inslitule, New York. A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. %ixXm\\\ ^n'm. EMBRACING Grammar, Conversation, Literature, and Commercial Cor- respondence, together with an Adequate Dictionary. By Louis Pujol, A. M., of the University of France, and D. C. Van Norman, LL.D., of N. Y. Young Ladies' Institute. Price $1.50. Part I. inchides an elaborate Treatise on Pronunciation; u Theoretical and Practical Grammar, on a plan entirely new, with Exercises in both French and English, and a series of Vocabula- ries, forming an adequate dictionary. Part IL presents a complete and orderly development of French Syntax, with Exercises in both French and English, and Polite Conversations ilhistrative of the idiomatical rules. It includes also a general Course of Versions, which embraces an instructive series of biographies, and a very useful abstract of the history of France. ^ Part IlL contains a new system for teaching French Conversa- tion. The exercises embrace a great variety of topics, and are illustrative of more than four thousand words and phrases in common use. Part IV, includes— 1. Progressive Lessons in Translating, as an introduction to French Literature. — 2. Selections in prose and verse, from the French Classics and the best modern writers. Also, an Appendix of Polite and Commercial Correspondence, and translations of all the more difficult words and phrases, with figures of reference, together with an Adequate Dictionary, RECOMMENDATIONS I take great pleasure in recommending Pujol and Van Norman's French Class- book, and there is no French Grammar or Class-book which can be compared with it in completeness, system, clearness, and general utility. — Elias Peissner, Prof, of German, and Lecturer on Political Economy, Union College. I have been examining with increasing admiration your Course of Instruction in the French L8,Tiguage. It furnishes all that is needful to qualify the student not only to speak and write the French with fluency, I ut also to read any French author.— i?eu. A. L. Lindsey, A. 31., Prin. Parsonage I;,st., South Salem, iV. Y. The plan of your Complete French Class-book is as ingenious as it is unique, and appears to me admirably adapted tojthe purposes of instruction. — Bev. W. Ormistan, D.D., of Hamilton, Canada West. '" Having been engaged, occasionally, for forty years in teaching the French lan- guage, I have ca»-efully examined nearly all the works on the subject that have been published in this country, and am free to say that I consider thic, on the whole, decidedly superior to any other. I have already adopted it in my class.— — A. Curtis, M.M., M.D.^ Pres. Lit. and Sci. Institute, Cincinnati. A. S. Barnes & Burros Publications. %^imxdX ^nm. CLASS-BOOK OF BOTANY; being Outlines of the Structure, Philosophy, and Classification of Plants, with a Flora of the United States and Canada. By Alphonso Wood, A.M., Principal of Female Academy, Brooklyn. 832 pp. 8vo. Price $2 25. Teachers, pupils, and amateurs, ^vill find in the new Class-book of Botany the following peculiar advantages : First The Scientific Treatise embraced in Parts I., II., and III., is re- markable for its comprehensiveness, clearness, and brevity; is divided into short paragraphs, suited to the learner's convenience, and each paragraph, with the topic prefixed in capitals, is adapted to recitation and reviews. Second. The Flora comprehends a wider territory than that of any School Botany now in use, extending from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. Third. The Flora comprehends not only our native, spontaneous vege- tation, but also one thousand species of cultivated plants — almost our entire exotic flora, growing in the field, the garden, and the conservatory; thus rendering the study of Botany as practicable in the city as in the country. Fourth, The descriptions of species are unusually full, graphic, and popular in style. Fifth. The Tables for analysis are far in advance of those in the former editions, both in simplicity and extent, reaching now from the Grand Divi- sion to the Species, and by thoir peculiar form adapted to class exercise throughout the entire route ; thus rendering the pursuit at once a vigorous discipline and an exciting amusement RECOMMENDATION. Professor Wood is well known among Botanists, and it wonld be presumption in us to affect to praise him. His Class-book was first issued fifteen years ago, and has had extensive sale and use. It is now thoroughly revised ; we might say, re- written. The results of the author's repeated and far-extended journeys and re- searches are here given. Ue says that most of the descriptions are verified by his own personal observation. The list of plants includes every species known to exist from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and also the exotics which have obtained any considerable culture in this country. The illustrations are abundant (numbered to 745), and well cut. The first part of the book, nearly 200 pages, treats at length of the structure *of plants, of ibo uses of their parts, and of classification. The information given is full, and the style is clear and direct ; with excellent tables, index, and a glossary. The book is excellent, both in substance and in style. — lUinoia Teacher. A. S. Barnes & Burr's Publications. patwiral Mnu. POR TEACHERS IN PiaMAlU' SCHOOLS AND rRIMARY CLASSES. BY A. S. WELCH, PRINCIPAL OF MIOrilGAN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. From Pestalozzi: — ^''Observation is the al)solute lasts of all knowl- edge. The first object, then, in education^ must be to lead a child to observe with accuracy; the second^ to express with correctness the result of Jiis observations.'^'' Principles, without application, have been harbored and sus- tained by many of the so-called disciples of Comenius and Pesta- lozzi, but we look in vain for a development, in systematic ob- servation, at all commensurate with the practical results that might have been expected to follow the teachings of these two educators. In commending this book to the general examination of teach- ers, the publishers would remark, that the author brings to its preparation great and varied experience in our schools, and ex- tended observation in those schools of England and Germany where a systematic presentation of the subject has been secured. The following Text-books will be found to contain principles involving the method of Obiect-teaching, and are warmly com- mended to the attention of educators : • J. — Object Lessons ; designed for the use of Teachers in Primary Classes and Primary Schools. By A. S. Welch. Price 50 cents. 2.— Exercises for Dictation and Pronunciation ; embracing a numerous col- lection of difficult words, including nearly 300 military and war terms, together with a variety of useful lessons. By Charles Northend. Price 50 cents. 3. — Juvenile Definer : a collection and classification of familiar 'words and names, correctly spelled, accented, and defined. By Wm. W. Smith. Price 30 cents. — The words are grouped with referenc'e to similar signification or use : as the several kinds of huildings compose one class, vessels another, cloths another, &c., &c. 4.— First Book in Composition. By F. Brookfield. Price 30 cents.— This little book is a successful attempt to aid thought, by a series of illustrations and suggestions of topics calculated to inspire interest in a study heretofore repulsive to a child. Subjects have been selected upon which the thoughts of all children exercise themselves spontaneously. 5.— The Child's Book in Natural History ; illustrating.the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms, with application to the Arts. By M. M. Carl. Price 35 cents, 5. — Treasury c/Knowledge : embracing Elementary Lessons in common things! —Practical Lessons on common objects— Introduction to the Sciences. By Wil- liam and Robert Chambers. Price 75 cents.— This last-named book contains a vast amount of information, and deserves a place in every school-room. A. S. Barnes & Burr'^s Publications. §ati0»»I 3mt^. BY CHAKLES'NORTHEND, A.M. 250 pp. 18mo. Price 50 cts. IsTo work has been prepared for teachers and scholars that will excite more interest and pleasure, than a small book by Charles ISTorthexd, of the State Normal School of Connecticut, entitled "Exekoises for Dictation and Pronunciation;" containing a large numberof the most difficult words in the language, including nearly three hundred military and war terms, and two thousand words which are frequently mispronounced as well as misspelled ; alphabetically arranged, pronunciation indicated, and mean- ing given ; together with a variety of other useful lessons. This work will prove a valuable Hand-book for both teacher and scholar, and should have a place in every school. It has not been the aim of the author to furnish a substitute for the spelling-book, but rather to prepare an accompaniment to it, for the use of higher classes. In the several collections or group- ings of words, the most prominent in each department have been brought together. The various miscellaneous exercises in the book will, it is believed, readily commend themselves to teachers, and open a wide field for nnich general instruction in every-day matters — making a good basis for useful Object Lessons. The following table of contents will, perhaps, best exhibit the main features of the work, viz. : Hints on Spelling— Rnles for the use of Capitals— Rules of Spelling— Words simi- lar in pronunciation, but dissimilar in spelling and meaning- Words pronounced nearly alike, but differing in spelling and dcUning — Words of two pronunciations — Synonyms- Words of special resemblance- Words varying in use— Words liable to be misspelled— Cluistian names of males and females— Occupations— Professions — Auiraals—Birds— Fishes— Trees— Flowers— Productions of the farm and garden — Agricultural implements— Furniture and articles of household-Arithmetic— Geog- raphy— Grammar— Philosophy— Botany— Physiology— Forms— Books— Wearing apparel— Architective origin of words — Military and government terras — Hardware —Boats and parts of a ship— Marine journal— Review of tho market— Monetary affairs— Exports— Prefixes— State mottoes— Abbreviations— Proof-marks, &c. -.'."l'*™"^^^ CENTS DAY AND TO $Uo! oTthbV^ ''°^'^rH OVERDUE. 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