u> $C 14fl 57T VlBRARy OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ^ ©IHNOONOY JoA//v ^ia/i^U^of'l/^/i?^: ^ 4 ^ A 4 41* 4 A 7 8 9 Ale 10 A w A 12 ^ 14- K I •i= A 18 19 ^20 A. ^ 22 A 23 24 25 & Z6 E 27 1^ 28 1^ 29 t 30 31 t t. H 34- en 35 H 36 H 37 l-R 38 H 39 9« 4-1 42 43 1^ 44 45 +6 4-7 48 49 50 51 K A 53 54 n 55 ^ 57 M 58 ^ 60 /A. 61 ML 62 M 63 i:n 1^ 67 68 M 69 70 71 N 7Z 73 74 ISE 75 M 76 S 78 1 73 80 81 82 1 1 85 EE 86 ® 87 G5- 88 89 90 '^ ^ 94 t 17^ 96 97 t^ '99 100 TCfl m 102 w 103 104 105 106 14 107 n 108 lib 109 ITI no i^„, \ t 113 IM- 115 1 t 117 118* ^ l£0 •tti IZI K 123 124 X 125 CTP 126 '127 128 ifr N 130 Monograms on Coins of the Achaean League Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogofcoinsofOOclerrich CATALOGUE THE COINS THE ACHiEAN LEAGUE ILLUSTRATED BY THIRTEEN PLATES CONTAINING 311 COINS COMPILED BY MAJOR-GENERAL M. G. CLERK Elifl. No. 20. M. LONDON BERNARD QUARITCH 15 Piccadilly 1895 grniien flreas: J. VAVV AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. M640187 CTV07 Pages. Preface ii to viii. Catalogue of Early Silver and Copper Coins ... 1 „ Later Silver 2 to 20 „ Later Copper 21 to 31 List of Towns of which Coins are given in the Catalogue. . 32 List of Symbols found on League Coins .... 33 List of Towns of the League of which Coins are unknown . 33 List of Proper Names found on Achaian League Coins . . 34, 35 ERRATA. Page 5, No. 64, Column 8, insert I after 123. 9, 148, 7, for I read I. 13, 214, 3, for Z read I. 15, 237, 9, for IX. 9. 11, read IX. 9. X. 11. 15, 261, 10, after 3511 insert a. 15, 262, 10, for ^g read ^j 15, 263, 3, for "Eight "read "Left." 18, 289, 6, for CW read CXiAI. 19, 318, 6, for 100 read 102. COKRECTIONS. PREFACE. Page I. Line 17, for "Gardiner" read " Gardner." „ V. „ 3, for"KOPONEIA"read«KOPllNAIA." „ „ „ 1 1, for " Gardiner " read " Gardner." „ „ „ 17, margin, erase " over e in Troezen. „ „ „ 19, for "Mantiniea" read " Mantineia." ,. „ „ 26) „ „ „ 27 > erase " over e in Troezen. .» » .1 28 J „ VI. „ 1, for " Lycoeea" read "Lyrcaea." „ „ „ 1 , for " Gardiner " read " Gardner." „ „ „ 19, for " Leprion " read " Lepreon." CATALOGUE. Page 3, N" 5, „ 5, „ 5, „ 5. .. "i 1) 5f ., 6, „ 6, „ 7, „ 7, „ 7, „ 36. 8, Column 7, erase |. 64. 2 the same. 65. 3/' 73.11, Column 9, for " 10" read " 11." 74.12, 78.16, 79.17, 82.20, 83.21, 101.11, 102.12, 106.16, 9, for "11 "read "10." 8, add " A " after " R." 10, erase " C." 4, for " Below " read " Above." 4, for " Above " read " Below." 9, for"V. 12" read "V. 11." 9, for«V. 11 " read "V. 12." 10, insert " Cousin6ry." 9, for " PAGE" read " PAGAE." 9, N». 145. 9, Column 4, for „ read " Below." 9. 11, 11. 11, 13, 13, 16, 16, 149.13, 174. 1, 177. 4, 178. 5, 212. 9, 214.11, 256.28, 260.32, 4, for „ read " Above." 6, for "left" read "right" 6, for " left " read " right." 6, for " left " read " right." 3, for "IX "read " Bl." 3, for "BZ" read "Bl." 5, for " Mon : 93 " read " Mon : 89." 3, insert ■■o behind." CORRECTIONS IN CATALOGUE— continued. Page 16, N". 261.33, Column 10, for "g^j " read "ggfia." „ 16, „ 262.34, „ 10, for "7^" read "e^;" „ 16, „ 263.35, „ 3, for " right " read " left." „ 17, „ 274.46, „ 10, erase "C." „ 17, „ 280.52, „ 10, for "g^;" read "5^;" „ 17, „ 281.53, „ 10, for "g^^;" read 'fi" „ 18, „ 289.61, „ 6, for "CW'read "CX2AI." „ 18, for « MESSINE " read " MESSENK" „ 19, N". 318. 5, Column 6, for " 100" read " 102." „ 20, „ 326.13, „ 6, for "Zn" read "Men: 113." „ 21, „ 6.6, „ 4, for " O " read " n." „ 22, „ 17. 2, „ 5, for " B " read " A." „ 22, „ 20.1, „ 4, for "ZY"read"ZI." „ 23, „ 28.2, „ 3, for "KAAAI"rekd "KAAI." „ 24, „ 41. 4, „ 3, erase "and." „ 24, „ 41. 4, :, 3, erase " C." „ 31, Corone, N°. 106. 1, for " ANAPI AAZ " read " ANAPIAAZ." „ 31, Corone, „ 107. 2, for " XAEAPX " read " KAEAPX-" „ 32, Dyme, for " 62 " read " 62a." „ 32, Dyme, for " 17 " read " 17a." LIST OF TOWNS. Page 33, for " Metrana " read " Methana." for " Herea " read " Heraea." for " Stumphalos " read " Stymphalos." for " Kynathea " read " Kynaethea." for " Leprion " read' " Lepreon." LIST OF NAMES. Page 34, for " AiriKO(POZ) " read " AiriKO(PEYZ)." „ „ under E add " EYNOMOZ," Dyme, ^. „ „ for"AAMO . . . NOZ"read"AAMO(ZE)NOZ." „ 35, for " ( AY)Z I M A( KOZ) " read " ( AY)Z I M A( XOZ)." „ „ for "PAKAin-PAKAEI" read "PAKAII(HPAKAEITOZ)?" „ „ add Line 1, " KAEAPXoZ. Tegea, M." ADDITIONS. JR. Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 62a 12 )> )> AY sym : rt. 0^ — — c. 5 79a 17a ») »j A sym : left ^ E — 0. c. 6 82a 20a J) Above TEI sym : left A N — B. 6 84a 22a )> Below no sym : N n A — 0. 9 143a 7a 11 Above club right — — A- — 0. 9 148a 12a »» Below — harpa rt n — 0. 12 190a 7a )» Below — sym : rt. E Y — 0. C. 12 191a 9 >J 11 M sym: left A r — C. 13 205a 2a )» 5» pedum It. — K A — 0. 15 242a 14a 11 »• A fulmen FA \^ — B. 16 246a 18a SI ., Ex n FA AA — B. 20 331a 6 It »» — AN E Y — C. \ 22 17a M. EYNOMOZ behind AXAIHN AYMAIHN round PREFACE. HAVING found that many coins of the Achaean League were not included in the catalogue by Herr Dr. Weil, published in the Zeitschrift fv/r Numisirmtic, at Berlin, in 1882, I thought that numismatists would like to have a catalogue, with plates of all the silver and some of the copper of which I could obtain casts or impressions, with a description of all silver and copper ones that I could hear of or find described in other works, collected in one list. Those mentioned in Weil's catalogue are marked with *. I have mentioned in the catalogue where the individual coins are to be found, but it does not follow that they are to be found only in the collections mentioned. For the history of the Achaean League I must refer to the Paper in the Zeitschrift of 1882, by the illustrious Professor Dr. E. Weil, prefixed to the above - mentioned catalogue ; the Essay on Greek Federal Coinage, by Mr. Leicester Warren ; a Paper, by Mr. Findlay in the Numismatic Chronicle for 1866, and the Introduction to the B. M. Catalogue of Coins of the Peloponesus, Mr. Percy Gardiner, Litt.D. ; but more especially to the late Professor Freeman's very full account of the League in his " Federal Government," London, 1863. The silver coins of the League are divided by Weil into two classes. The first, those struck from about B.C. 330 to B.C. 280 ; the second, those struck after B.C. 280. Those of the first class have, on the obverse, a head of Jupiter M 1st class. laureated, of good workmanship, with no border on those that I have seen ; and, on the reverse, a wreath of leaves tied above, surrounding the League monogram. No. 128, either with a letter or symbols, or alone. Their weight is about 40-41 E. grains = 2'66 grammes. Weight. The silver coins of the second class have, on obverse, a head of -^ 2nd class. Jupiter laureated, but of coarser workmanship, both with and without C iv ) Weight. Copper coins. jE 1st class. iE 2nd class. M 3rd class. JE 4th class. Weight. New coin of Lusi. No. in catalogue 183. Coins of Clei tor. Nos. in cata- logue 179, 180. a border ; and, on the reverse, a wreath (tied either above, below, or, on one coin of Corinth, at the side) suiTounding the Achaean League monogram, having symbols, letters or monograms round it. Their weight is from 32-5 grains E. to 44 grains E. = 2'10 to 2"85 grammes. The copper Coins may be divided into four classes. The first class have both obverse and reverse the same as the M coins, first class, but wreath tied either above or below. The second class have, on obverse, a head of Jupiter, laureated, with long hair, sometimes a name is found behind the head ; and, on reverse, the League monogram, alone in wreath, tied above or below. The third class has head of Jupiter, like second class silver, on obverse ; on reverse, the Achaean League monogram with a letter or symbol, surrounded by wreath tied below. The copper of the fourth class are coins of a much thicker fabric, and have, on obverse, Jupiter, naked, standing to left, holding in right hand a winged figure of Nike, and in left, a long sceptre ; reverse, Demeter Panachaia seated to left, holding in right hand a wreath, and in left, a long sceptre. The name of the issuing town is always on these coins, so, if they are well preserved (which is seldom the case), there can be little doubt about the name of the town issuing them. These coins of the fourth class seem to weigh from 71 "5 grains to 87 grains = 4-63 to 5-508 grammes. The JE coins of the other classes weigh about 29 grains to 40 grains = 1-870 to 2-592 grammes. In Plate I there is a new silver coin from the author's collection. It belongs to the later class, and has AOY. below theA. L. monogram, and is, therefore, assigned to Lusi. The two coins on the same plate, with symbol of the sun facing radiate, were obtained by Mr. C. Oman, of All Souls', Oxford. One is still in his collection, and the otiier is in that of the author, and are assigned to Cleitor, from the letters KAH. and the symbol of the sun on the reverse. ( V ) The first three coins of those assigned to Ceryneia may perhaps Nos. 46-48. belong to Corone, as the monograms on the reverse can be read KOPONEIA., leaving the last three for Ceryneia. Nos. 49-51. No. 312, under Messene, also may be assigned to Corone. No. 312. The four coins, Nos. 133 to 136, have been tentatively assigned to Nos. 133-136. Paga and Megara. They evidently belong to the one and the same town or towns. If fl A. does not refer to a town, I should assign them all to Messene, as FIANTIZOZ. appears as a name on League copper coins of Messene. The coin, No. 173, assigned by me to Hermione, on Plate VII, has No. 174. been attributed to Messene and Sicyon by Dr. Percy Gardiber, Dr. Weil, and Mons. Cousinery. The monogram on left of the tripod is a common one for Hermione. The one on right of tripod can be read MAZ. Now, Masses was the port of Hermione, and the symbol above the tripod, the head of a trident, seems to show that the tripod was sacred to Poseidon, who certainly had temples near those places. Coins of Troe- The last two coins. No. 7 on Plate VIII and No. 8 of catalogue ^^n? Nos. 190, under Mantiniea may, perhaps, belong to Troezen. Also No. 5 in the No. 331. catalogue under Uncertain. They all have a trident symbol, and on the left a letter |:, like an E with no middle stroke and the vertical line prolonged above and below the horizontal strokes. The letter to right on No. 7 may be a Y or a T. The monogram on right of No. 331 is a curious one, like a C with a small F joined to it on its left side, the r being half the size of the C (square sigma). The trident is a symbol of Troezen. . Nos. 17 and 18 of Patrae may also belong to Troezen, as the dol- Nos. 79, 80 of phin is also a symbol of Troezen, or to ^gina. Is. caUilogue. No. 12 of Laeedffimon is curious, in having a club as well as the jjo. 125 of caps of the Dioscuri. This is in the Koyal Museum at Athens, and was, catalogue. I believe, found with some 1,500 others of the League in a jar at or near Patras. By the courtesy of Dr. J. N. Svoronos, the distinguished Curator, I was kindly permitted to examine them, and was furnished with casts or impressions of such coins as I required. The coins 3 and 4 of Uncertain may be assigned to Lycoa or Nos. 329, 330. ( vi ) Lyqpea, as suggested by Mr. Gardiner in his Preface to British Museum Catalogue of the Coins of the Peloponesus. Nos. 171, 172. Coins Nos. 20 and 21 of Epidaurus I assign to that place, as No. 19 has the same letters, AY A., with the symbol of a cupping-glass in the place of E. I have found an exception to the rule, that all monograms and symbols are within the wreath, on the reverse of silver Achsean League coins. On looking closely at No. 12 of Epidaurus on Plate VII, traces of a monogram may be seen below the wreath, and, on another coin, the monogi-am, No. 98, is quite clear. Nos. 327, 328. Coins 1 and 2, under Uncertain, are from the find mentioned above. From two other examples of No. 1, they appear to have on them a legend that may be read A A. or A P. on left, I or a piUar above, Y on right, with A below. I should take the A to be the initial of the town, and the I on top to be a symbol, and APY. or A AY. to be for the magistrate's name. There are two towns mentioned by Dr. Weil as having no known coins, though they belonged to the League, viz., Leontion and Leprfrn, whose names begin with an A, and I should give it to one of them. Cleitor, No. 332. Mr. Oman has just sent me the description of a new coin of Cleitor. Obverse, head of Jupiter to left ; reverse, head of sun radiate below the Achaean League monogram, and A to left with M to right of the same. There are in the catalogue 3 silver and 9 copper coins of the Earlier Types, 32^ silver and 111 copper of the Later Types ; making a total of 442 coins in this catalogue. Professor Weil's catalogue gives 1 silver, 5 copper of the Earlier Types, 152 silver and 80 copper of Later Types ; making a total of 238 coins. ( vii ) EXPLANATION, The Achfean League monogram is taken to be erect with the stroke across the lower part and the way the symbol stands and the letters read. The numbers in the descriptions of coins refer to the numbers on the separate plate of monograms. The early coins and later silver are numbered consecutively, with a second number referring to the coins of different towns. The following are the abbreviations used to distinguish the collections, and the numbers below them the numbers in the lists supplied me : — A. Royal Museum, Athens, Greece. B. British Museum, London, England. Ber. Imperial Museum, Berlin, Germany. '' G. University Museum, Gotha, Germany. Ha. Eoyal Museum, The Hague, Holland. P. National Museum, Paris, France. "V. Imperial Museum, Vienna, Austria. T. Museum of Science and Fine Arts, Turin, Italy. N. Museum at Naples, Italy. H. Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Scotland. Bod. Bodleian Museum, Oxford, England. F.W. FitzWilliam Museum, Cambridge, England. I. B. Collection of Dr. Herr Imhoff Bliimer, Switzerland. W. Collection of Dr. H. Weber, London. O. Collection of C. W. C. Oman, Esq., F.S.A., Oxford. S. Collection of Col. J. Glas. Sandeman. C. Collection of Author. I have to express my grateful thanks to the curators and collectors above-mentioned for their courtesy in sending me the cast or impres- sions that I asked for. ( viii ) In Catalogue of Silver Coins : The 1st column gives consecutive number. 2nd „ „ number in each separate town. 3rd „ „ side to which obverse head turns. 4th „ shows where wreath is tied on reverse. 5th „ „ letter, symbol or monogram above Ach. monogram. 6th „ „ „ „ below „ 7th „ „ „ „ on left of „ 8th „ „ „ „ on right of „ 9th „ „ number of plate where illustrated. 10th „ „ where coins are to be found. 11th ,, ,, remarks. In Catalogue of Copper Coins : The 1st column gives consecutive number. 2nd i> y> 3rd )> »j 4th j> >» 5th „ sho\ 6th l> 11 number of each separate town, legends on obverse. „ reverse, shows where coins are to be found, remarks. The numbers in columns 5-6-7-8 of catalogue of silver, and in columns 3-4 of catalogue of copper coins, refer to the plate of mono- grams in frontispiece. CATALOGUE OF COINS OF THE ACHAIAN LEAGUE. EARLY STYLE. Before 330 b.o. to 280 b.c. SILVER. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks. Total. of Town. Above Below Mod: Mon: L: of Mon: R: of Mon: 1 2 3 1 2 3 Eight Above A Dove flying right. hang- ing gar- land I. 1. 1.2. L3. A. V.C.Ber. 3329. 1. A. OB. 1. IB. *& COPPER. 4 1 Eight Above L 1. 5 2 >» Below 1 L2. 6 3 Left, long hair »» L3. 7 8 9 4 5 6 Left, long hair Qfvtpa behind. Left, long hair Eight Above Below ♦ hi. 1.5. L6. 10 11 7 8 ful- men L7. L8. 12 9 yy 1} acorn XI IL 9. B. A. C. 2. 3329a. B. V. 3. 4. 2. A. 3330. Ber. * weight 38 grs. c. r. A. 3331. IB. weight 29 grs. * Ber. * small Ber. size + SILVER COINS. After 280 b.c. AEG IRA. Symbol half goat. Number. Obverse. Reverse in Monogram No. 128. Plate Num: Where to be found. Remarks. Total. of Type to Wreath Above Below 1 L: of E: of Town. tied. Men: Mon: 1 Men: | Mon; 13 1 Eight Below sym: right A A II.l. B. C.O.S. H. 19. 20. * U 2 >> )) »» A P II. 2. B. A. 16. 3335. * 15 3 >i >y sym: right H A P II. 3. A. 3337. * 16 4 iy » sym: right AA Kl II. 4. B. C. Ha.O. 14.15. 11. * 17 5 »> » )) A K A 1 II. 5. B. C. 13. 18 6 )j )) i> K 1 AA A II. 16. Ber. * 19 7 }j » )f FA AY II. 6. H. S. C. 7. V. H. C. P. * 20 8 )) }i }f r A II. 7. A Y 8. 9. 6. 21 9 » }> » A E P II. 8. A. 3341. 22 10 >» )> sym: right H r NX2 II. 9. 0. 23 11 j> )} sym: left A Mo: 38 Y II. 15. B. 21. 24 12 fi j> sym: HI ta s II. 10. Ber. A. right 3346. 25 13 ») ») » 1 n n o II. 11. B. 0. 18. * 26 14 )i If » N 1 II. 12. B. C. 20. * 27 15 )) )) )} H N 1 II. 13. B. 17. * 28 16 )' 1) i> - E II. 14. A. 3345. * SILVER COINS. After 280 b.o.— continued. AEGIUM. Symbol fulmin. Number. Obverse. Reverse . Monogram No. 128. Plate. Where to be Type to in Wreath tied. Num : found. Remarks. Total. 1 of Town. Above Mod: Below Mon: Mon: E;of Mon: 29 1 Eight Below Al Al sym: A E II. 1. Ber. T. * 30 2 >> )) Al sym: O TEI II. 2. B. CO 22. 28. * 31 3 )> )) IL j> :] < II. 3. A. > 3850. 32 4 }) i) IJ i> ^ < II. 4. A.C.H. * A behind 3363. 33 5 Eight 19 irv II - O n. 5. A. 3866. 34 6 >» »i Al II A A S. 35 7 »» » IJ II o < II. 6. V. 7. 36 8 Kight. - E behind. A. Mon: 2 before. >> J II ^ O II. 7. 0. c 37 9 Right. ETTEI before. » Ar II Al n II. 8. A. 3348. 38 10 Right. t'l'l'lCI before. »1 IJ II -1 < III. 9. A. 3349. 39 11 Right. fj IJ II 5 < III. 10. c. EV behind. TEI before. II 40 12 as last I) FA Al n III. 11. A. 3351. 41 13 >i »l LP II < < III. 12. A. 3352. 42 14 Right. ETTEI before. » sym: J nir > < III. 13. T. 43 15 Right. ET behind. )) sym: J nir > ^" III. 14. A. C. 3353. * TEI before. weight 2 26 44 16 Rieht. AII^OJN » API MOC CTO AA III. 15. B.O C. V. grammes= 24. 24. 35 grainsB. 45 17 behind. as last » n II >i II V. 25. 1-77 gram- mes =27-6 grains E. 52 1 53 2 64 3 55 4 56 5 57 6 58 7 59 8 60 9 61 10 62 11 (la a SILVER COINS. After 280 B.o.—continued. CERYNEIA. Symbol teident. Number. Obverse. Reverse Monogram No. 128- Plate. Where to be Type to in Wreath Num: found. Hetnarks. Total of Above Below L : of E:of Town. tied. Mod: Mod: Mon: Mon: 46 1 Right Below sym: left Mo: 44. Mo: 75. 1.1. c. 1 47 2 )» )> sym: right Mo: 46. Mo: 76. 1.2. A. C. 3673. * Coro- ■ ne? 48 3 J) jj fi Mo: 45. Mo: 77. 1.3. FW. 49 4 n Above sym: left Mo: 50. 1.4. Ber.O.C. * 50 5 »» )j )) Mo: 49. I. 5. A. 3876. * 51 6 }) jj )) Mo: 48. 1.6. A. * 3862. DYME. Symbol fish. Right Below Mo: 23. sym: right Mo: 129. Mo: 2. III. 1. Ber. C. H. 33. * Mo: 23. » Mo: 6. ♦ III. 2. V. B. 0. P. Ha. U. 30. 8. 0* Mo: 23. )i T Mo: 2. III. 3. B. C. 0- 31. * AY » Mo: 13. HI. 4. 5. A. B. 0. G. P. 3389. 29. * AY » A N III. 6. A. 3385. AY II Mo. 29. AA III. 7. A. H. Ber. C. 3392. 10. * Mo: 66. 11 Mo: 21. III. 8. V. B. C. 12. 33. * Mo: 69. II Mo: 21. III. 9. B. C. 34. Mo: 67. »i Mo: 20. III. 10. B. C. Ha. 32. 7. Mo: 23. II Mo: 123. Mo: 2. ;iii. 11. H. 34a. YA sym: left Mo: 3. Numismatic Chroniclel864 * AY -s - • C. SILVER COINS. After 280 b.o.— continued. PATRAE. Symbol dolphin. Nnmb«r. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogram No. 128. Plate Num: Where to be found. Remarks. Total. of TOWD. Above Mon: Below Mon: L: of Men; K: of Mon: 63 1 Eight Below HA sym; right TA A 1 III. 1. B. Ber. Ha. C. 36. 18. 19. * 64 2 }) 11 HA if ♦ Mo: 123. 1 III. 2. C. 65 3 » II HA i> ♦ Mo: 123. III. 3. B. Ber. V. C. 37. 50. * 66 4 )> 11 HA I) ♦ Ae III. 4. B. 38. 67 5 H II HA II Mo: 56. III. 5. B. 0. 39. A. 68 6 )1 II Mo: 100. ' » AP HA III. 6. 3401. 69 7 Jf II Mo: 105. 11 Mo: 25. HA IV. 7. BerJIJC. V. P. 64. B. C. H. Ha. * 70 8 )) II EY 11 A HA IV. 8. * 41. 19. 18. 71 9 1) II AX II A HA IV. 9. B.CA. Ber. FW. 40. 3402. * 72 10 » II AX II HA A XIII.22. C. H. 24. B. Ber. C. H. 73 11 »> II l 11 ZE HA IV. 10. 13. 30. 74 12 99 11 ♦1 11 Mo: 84. HA IV. 11. c. 75 13 19 II I4> 11 Mo: 86. HA IV. 13. Ber. 76 14 >> »y Mo: 2. 11 ZE n IV. 15. A. Ber. H. C. *B 79 790- 17 11 )i mAs.i ri».i5i sym: left r E IV. 16. 3414. 5. Ber.bC./'V. ^ 65. 80 18 II II 0E 11 — E IV. 17. Ber.&C. H. 16. * Troez AEGI] 81 19 II ZI2 sym: Mo: 84. HA iv.18.1 BerBC. V. * right 1 51. 6 SILVER COINS. After 280 B.c.—c(mUnued. FATBAE continued. Symbol Dolphin. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks. of Above Below L : of B: of Total. Town.l tied, i Mon: Mon: Mon : Mon : IF 20 Right te^ Wi sfmir A N IV. 19. * Ber. * right reversed 83 21 )> BtUvir Mo: 110. sym: left A N IV. 20. A. C. 3418, 84 22 ti )> sym : A n IV. 21. B. Ber.C. * 84o 2X'f. ■ji ;> )»iv^-> 1) Mo: 113. A sym: K A 0. Reported by 87 1 88 2 89 3 90 4 91 1 92 2 93 3 94 4 95 5 96 6 PELLENE. Symbols small ltbb ob vase. Right Below Mo: 108. LYBE A 1 IV. 1, M Mo: 108. ij A 1 IV. 2. 71 LYRE A0 l )J Mo: 108. VASE A0 i Mo: 89. Mo: 2. rv. 3. » Mo: 89. A p IV. i. }i Mo: 91. P A IV. 5. i> Mo: 89. A E IV. 6. A.C. Ber. 3419. A. O. .3421. A.C. .3422. A. 3442. A. 3437. A. c. B. 3447. Ber. G. 19. A. 3452. o. SILVER COINS. After 280 b.c— continued. SICYON continued. S3rmbol Dove Flying. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num: Where to be found. Remarks. Total. Of Town. AboTe Mod: Below Mon: L:of Mod: E: of Mon : 97 98 7 8 Right Above Mo: 90. Al sym: right 11 El N Mo: 43. V. 7. V. 8. A. 3451. A. 3435. * 99 9 )) n Al II N 1 V. 9. A. Bar. P.O. 3423. * Reverse inverted in 100 10 *» St Mo: 12. 11 A 1 V. 10. A. 3434. Plate. 101 11 »> n Mo: 104. 11 N 1 V. 14. Ber. C. * 102 12 )) II Mo: 60. H N 1 V. la. B. Ber. C. H. 44. 21. * 103 13 H it Mo: 89. II Mo: 46. V. 13. A. FW. G. 3436. * 104 14 J} it Mo: 103. 11 Mo: 59. V. 14. A. 3438. 105 15 » II M 19 Y S. 106 16 >» 11 Z » Couf/A«^y. * 107 108 17 18 if sym: left E r Y V. 15. V. 16. Ber. C. B. O.A.C. 45. 3385. * * 109 19 )> 11 EY £ 1 V. 17. V. c. 56. 110 20 11 11 EY Zl V. 18. A. Ha. 3433. 26. 111 1 112 2 113 3 114 4 Left CORINTH. Symbol pegasus. Left sym; right K A Z 1. 1. Above sym: right Mo: 94. Mo: 40. 1.2. » sym: right Mo: 94. K » sym: right Mo: 89. XIII. 3. O.S.C. Ha. 9. B. 27. P. 7. C. B. O 28. 8 SILVER COINS. After 280 b.c— continued. CORINTH continued. Symbol Fegasns. Number. Obverse. Type to Eevewe in Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks Total. of Town. Wreath tied. Above Mon : Below Mon : L : of K : of Mon : Mon : 115 116 117 5 6 7 Eight Below Mo: 9. Mo: 93. Mo: 91. Mo; 40. Mo: 40. Mo: 40. 1.3. 1.4. XIII. 6. 0. A. Ha. 3373. 3874. 10. Ber. * 118 1 119 2 120 3 121 4 122 5 123 6 124 7 125 8 126 9 127 10 128 11 129 12 130 13 131 14 132 15 Eight MEGARA. Symbol large ltee. Below sym: AO A 1 V. 1. » i> ♦ A 1 V. 2. 1) n An PO V. 3. » }) H PO V. 4. )} a A H p V. 5. »» » NY H PO V. 6. }) )» ©O KA V. 7. >) »j ME rn V. 8. }) )j AA n E V. 9. » j> T M A V. 10. )> »» 0O n Y V. 11. »> n cw KP V. 12. )t »> Mo: 112. £ a VI. 13. n »» — ♦1 AO VI. 14. >> )} Mo: 29. X n B. V. C. 5. 45. B. C. 6. B. C. 7. 8. B. V. C. H. Ha. 9. 43.44. 14. 20. V. C. 47. c. B. CO 10. B. V. C. 11. 46. c A. 3320. A. 3314. A. 3321. C. 6.B. A. 12. 3323. C. s. d SILVER COINS. After 280 b.g.— continued. PAGE and MEGARA. No Symbol. Number. Obverse. Reverse. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Where to be Type to ID Num : found. Remarks. Tnfal of Wreath Above Below L:of E:of XOCM. Town tied. Mon : Mon : Mon : Mon : 133 1 Left Below HA M E VI. 1. A 3539. 134 2 » }) Mo: 60. n A VI. 2. A. 3560. 135 3 Eight J) M n A VI. 3. B. Ha. 117. 17. 136 4 » )) M A n VI. 4. Ber. 17 ♦ ARGO 1 S. Symbols woLi ^'S HE AD, CLUB, OB HABPA. 137 1 Right Above A wolf's head right Cousinery * 138 2 )> )) Mo: 116. )} z VI. 1. 0. 139 3 i> )) Mo: 116. J) VI. 2. B. C. 87. * 140 4 » )> )) K Mo: 116. 0. Repor- ted by 141 5 Left j» Mo: 116. }) VI. 3. c. * 142 6 n 1) » Mo: 116. VI. 4. 0. 0. 143 7 Right )) club Mo: 116. VI. 6. B. A. C. V. •Reverse 144 8 » 19 right club left Mo: 116. M VI. 6. q90. 3613. c. inverted in Plate. 146 9 I) Beiou' club left A VI. 7. A. S. 3605. 146 10 >i » M club right VI. 8. A. 3608. 147 11 11 if Mo: 116. harpa right VI. 9. A. 3576. 148 12 iy >9 harpa I il VI. 10. B. C. 148. 11* •• left,- Si, ^ ^ «9- 149 13 Left Atflira harm right Mo: 57. '** VI. 11. 0. V. Ha. C. 21. * 150 14 l» j> )> Mo: 53. n 1 VI. 12. B. 80. 161 15 n f) Mo: 116. wolf's head ? I H. 12. right 10 SILVER COINS. After 280 b.o.— continued. EPIDAURUS. Symbols coiled snake or cupping vase. Number. Total.l of Town. Obverse. Type to Reverse. Monogram No. 128. Wreath ! Above Below L. : of tied, i Mod : Mod : Mop : K: of Mod ; Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks. 152 153 2 154 3 155 4 156 5 157 6 158 7 159 8 160 9 161 10 162 11 163 12 164 13 165 14 166 15 167 16 168 17 169 18 Eight Below sym: snake I A snake snake Mo: 88. cupping vase Mo: 10. KO EY OA Zl YZ KA lA Mo: 98. AP snake AA lA 0A N Mo: 27. N O z CUJ z z zn T T T AE Z P z N A IE I A CI n a A A I I TOC n fi n VI. 1. VI. 2. VI. 3. VI. 4. VI. 5. VI. 6. VII. 7. VII. 8. VII. 9. VII. 10. VII. 11. VII. 12. VII. 13. VII. 14. VII. 13, VII. 16, P. c. . . Ber. W. B. C. 92. * A. 3629. A. Ber. 3630. * G. * B. A. 00. 91. 3630a. * A. 3631. B. P. 94. P. s. B. C. 93. • Mon : 98 below wreath A. C. 3626. V.C 23. Cousinery Ber. OA. O. 8604. B. C. 95. S. 11 SILVER COINS. After 280 b.c— continued. EPIDAUEUS contimied. Symljols Coiled Snake or Cupping Vase. Kamb«r. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. . Monogram No. 128. Plate Num: Where to be found. Remarks. Total. of Town. Above Mon: Below Mon: L: of Mon: R: of Mon: 170 19 Right Below A cupping vase Y A VII. 17. A. S. 3886. 171 20 >i H Y E A A VII. 18. V. 0. 24. 0. 172 21 i> )» Y E A A Repor- ted by 174 175 176 177 178 183 HERMIONE. Symbols tbipod and head op trident. 173 1 Right Below Mo : 27. sym: Mo : 69. IZ Mo: 16. Vll. 1. Right CAPHYAE. Symbol head or pallas Below 11 Mo: 33. ^o: 34. sym: 11 K K A A VII. 1. VII. 2. » Mo" 98. K A VII. 3. 11 Mo: 98. sjrm: Mo: 28. K A VII. 4. 11 AY sym: E N VII. 5. B. C. A. 75. S. A. Ber. 3761. 3764 A.d. V. 3765. 10. B. 109. A. Ber. 3760. 0. p. c. 179 1 180 2 181 3 182 4 CLE I TOR. Symbol head op sun, radiate PACiNa. Right Left Right Below sym: Mo: 109. KA H 1.1. » Mo: 89. sym: A 1 1.2. 11 KA H Vll. 4. 11 A K H VII. 3. Right I Below LUSI. No Symbol. AOY 1. 1. c. 0. Ber. C. * Ber. * C. weight 35grs. 12 SILVER COINS.— continued. MANTINEIA. Before 222 b.c. Symbol trident. Number. Obverse. Reverse. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Where to be Type to in Wreath Num: found. Remarks. Total. Of Above Below L;0f I E: of Town. tied. Mod: Mon: Mon: Mon: 184 I Right Below M sym: vert. Cousinery * 185 2 >) f} Mo: 58. sym: right A VII. 1. B.P.V.Ha.H.C. 98. 28. 7. 8. 29. + 186 3 lAPbehind » M J9 A VII. 2. C. 187 4 Right » )J A VII. 3. V. 30. 188 5 ji » 1) A VII. 4. B. C. H. Ha. 96. 9. 4. 97. * 189 6 Al behind )) t) AE VIII. 5. C. B. ?9 C. 190 7 Right i> 99 Mo: 42. Y VIII. 6. * t^t>» K ■ f T P r a a. 191 8 » n i sym: E Y 0. Repor- i<)i Mo: 62. syrinx B If Bl M syrinx ») B syrinx n — )) » Z II >) - 11 ft Mo: 61. Mo: 61. K A E A A E E A E A A E A E K 1 K 1 1 K N 'h N VIII. 1. VIII. 2. VIII. 3 VIII. 4. A VIII. 5. VIII. 6 VIII. 7. VIII. 8, VIII. y, VIII.10. IX. 11. IX. 12. A. G. C. 3773. Cousinery O B. C. O.Ha. 114. 16. B. 113. B. C. Ha. 112. 13. FW. A. 3780. A. 3799. C. A. V. C. Ha .3787. 37. 14. A. 3789. V. Ha.O.C. 36. 15. G. C. V. H. C. 42. 22. 14 221 222 223 1 224 2 225 3 226 4 227 5 228 6 SILVEK COINS. After 222 b.g.— continued. PALANTIUM. Symbol trident. Number. Obverse. Eeverse Monogram No. 128. Plate Where to be Type to m Wreath Nam: found. Remarks of Above Below 1 L: of 1 E; of Town. tied. Men: Mon: 1 Mon: 1 Moil: 217 1 Eight Below A sym: vert. n A IX. 1. B. V. HAC. 122. 49. 2. * 218 2 i> 1> A sym: right n A IX. 2. B. C. 121. * 219 3 jj >» A sym: vert. Mo: 29. n A IX. 3. B. Ha. V. H. C. 124. 5. 48.23. 125. 126. * 22U 4 n }* A sym : vert. Mo: 130. n A IX. 4. B. C. 123. * PHENEUS. Symbol oaduoeus. Eight Below sym: E Y IX. 1. j» E Y IX. 2. A. 0. Ber. 3636. A. V. 3636a , 31. TEGEA. No Symbol. Eight Below T Mo: 35. Mo: 36. EYA PEI T E IX. 1. B. V. H.QC. 127. 57. 25. 128. E IX. 2. B. H. C. 129. 42. E TX 3. c. T E IX. 4. B. A.>V. C. 130.38o5a.58. 131. Ha. 12. T E IX. 5. A. P. C. 3854. T E IX. 6. B. 132. 15 SILVEE COINS. After 222 b.c— continued. ELIS. Symbol aquila oe fulmen. Number. Obverse. Type to Bever»e in Wreath Monogra m No. 128. Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks Total. of Above Below L: of B: of Town. tied. Mod: Mod; Mod: Men; 229 1 Right Below Aquila right FA N 1 IX. 1. 0. C. * 230 2 »i tl r fulmen A IX. 2. A. P. 0. 3465. 231 3 >j n Mo: 113. » A IX. 3. A. C. 3518. * 232 4 >> f) Mo: 113. A fulmen A IX. 4. H. C. 16. * 233 5 )) )) Mo: 113. r fulmen A IX. 5. B. C. 48. * 234 6 »> }t Mo: 113. Mo: 114. fulmen A IX. 6. C. B. 49. 50. 235 7 » ii Mo: 118. Mo: 114. 1 fulmen A IX. 7. A. 3528. 236 8 1} » 1 fulmen A IX. 8. A. 3462. 237 9 )> f) A X fulmen Mo: 39. IX. 9.11. n B. A. C. 56. 3472. 238 10 )i » lA X fulmen Mo: 39. IX. 10. A. 239 11 ») »» X Mo. 39. fulmen A LX. 12. A. C. 3486. 240 12 » f) /f fulmen A XI. 35. c. 241 13 )? )> Mo: 107. Nl fulmen A X. 13. c. a * 242 14 J) 1) Mo: 28. fulmen FA Mo: 72. X. 14. B. Ulc i+- /) »» A '1 FA tY\ B. 58. 243 15 )) >» Mo: 118. » AlU X. 15. B.C. 57. 244 16 )i j» Mo: 28. }) Mo: 41, X 16. G. * 245 17 i> 11 AH » AA X. 17. 0. 16 SILVBE COINS. After 222 B.C.— continued. ELIS continued. Sjrmljol Fulmen. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num ; Where to be found. Remarks ^°^- ToL Abore Mod; Below Mon: L : of fi : of Mon : Mon : 247 i8» 19 Eight Below 1» Mo: 30. Mo: 26. fulmen 11 FA FA FA aa Mo: 92. X. 18. X. 19. B. C. *. 65. 0. Bod. C. 248 249 20 21 11 Mo: 113. Mo: 72. 1} II FA FA Mo: 124. AA X. 20. Found in Crete by Mr. Myers, CO., OxfordjC C. ■ 250 22 )» n o J> FA Mo: 37. X. 21. T. 251 23 }) j> Mo: 41. n FA Mo: 39. X. 22. FW. 252 253 24 25 26 27 28 Left Eight I) J) » Mo: 102. Mo: 95. » II II 11 FA FA FA FA FA Mo: 117. Mo: 117. Mo: 117. Mo: 117, Mo: 117. X. 23. X. 24. X. 25. XI. 36. X. 26. B. V. H. C. 62, 63. 19. 31. B. C. 64. B. *' H. 61. 32. B. H. C. 59. 29. O.C. + 254 255 256 MYP Mo: 102. Mo:^- 257 29 if )> Mo: 29. II FA Mo: 117. X. 27. c. 258 30 II » Mo: 27. II FA Mo: 117. p. CHa. 259 260 31 32 II » Mo: 22. Mo: 106. II 1) FA FA Mo: 124. Mo: 124. X. 28. X. 29. A. H.Ber.C. 3505. 28. c. p. * 261 262 33 34 Right In front Mo: 51. Right. In front AK. 1} Mo: 115. Mo: 47. 1) FA FA Mo: 124. Mo: 124. X. 30. X. 31. A. C.H. V. B. 351]». 42.22.66. B. P. C. '7 :. * * 263 264 35 36 btSt. Behind NKIA. Right. Behind AnOAAONIOS J) Mo: 71. Mo: 82. 11 11 FA FA Mo: 15. Mo; 124. X. 32. X. 33. A. 3499. Ber. C. * 265 37 Right. Behind AnOAAONIOS j> Mo: 99. II FA Mo: 124. X. 34. B. 68. 17 SILVER COINS. After 222 b.c— continued. ELIS continued. Symbol Fnlmen. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogram No. 128. Plate. Num : Where to be found. Remarks Total. of- Town. Above Mod: Below Mon: L: of Mon: K: of Mon; . - . ^* ; 266 38 Right. Behind AAMAinN. Below Mo: 12. fulmen FA Mo: 117. XI. 37. B. H. 60. 69. 41. * 267 39 Right. Behind EniNIKOS. II Mo. 79. Mo: 74. Mo: 81. XI. 39. Ber. C. * 268 40 Right. Behind EniNIKOC. II — FA Mo: 81. XI. 38. V. 20. 269 270 41 42 Right. Behind EniMKOS. Left. Behind EniNIKOC. II II Mo: 79. Mo: 83. Mo: 79. Mo: 80. Mo: 29. XI. 40. 0. c. Repor- ted by 271 43 Right. Behind ©AAIAPXOC. II Mo: 78. AA Mo: 79. XI. 41. Ber. 13. * 272 44 Right. Behind ePAKTAEUN. 11 Mo: 80. FA Mo. 124. XI. 42. B. H. C. 70. 34. ♦ 273 45 Right. Behind KAAAin. II Mo: 119. Mo: 79. Mo: 124. XI. 43. B. H. V. Ha.C 73. 39a. 21. 2. + 274 46 Left. Behind KAAAinnos. II FA Mo: 124. XI. 44. B. € 74. 275 47 Right. Behind KAAAinnos. II ♦ FA Mo: 124. XI. 45. B. C. H. 71. 72. 28. + 276 48 Right. Behind NIKEOT. 11 Mo: 47. FA Mo: 18. XL 46. c. + 277 278 49 50 Right. Behind HAOMENIOS. Left. Behind ? II II Mo: 121. Mo: 71. - FA Mo: 79. Mo: 124. Mo: 29. GNam. Chr. XIX. Page 362 Ha. 3. No S] nnbol. 279 51 Eight II F A XI. 47. A. 280 52 1) 11 AY F A XI. 48. 3468. B. V. H. P.C. 6*. 16. 18. 52. 17. 281 53 » 11 AY zn F A XL 49. 53. B. V. C. * 282 54 II 11 FA A Y XL 60. 54. 18. Ber. * 283 55 i» II » >) ClU Mo: 130. F A XI. 55. B. 47. 288 60 »J 1} ClUCI AN F A XI. 56. c. 289 61 »J }} cab\ FA CI XL 57. c. 290 62 3J )) FA A N XI. 58. Ber. V C. 16. * 291 63 )) J) FA A N XI. 59. B.C^>Ber. 55. * 292 64 n ») AN F A XII. 60. V. c. 14. 293 65 )} J) K FA Mo: 124 Cousinery MESSINE. Symbol fulmen or none. Right Below ZB ZB Mo: 122 ZE Mo: 62. sym : Mo: 63. sym: M M Mo: 60. M M K K A O A A A P XII. 1. XII. 2. XII. 3. XII. 4. XII. 5. XII. 6. XII. 7. Ber. V. C 38. 39. B. H. U 76. 17. A. 3540. B. A. C 116. 3805.3807. B. 115. A. 3551. B. V. H. O.C. 120. 40.13. 19 SILVER COINS. After 222 b.c— continued. MESSINE continued. Symbol Fnlmen or None. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath tied. Monogran 1 No. 128 Plate. Niun : Where to be found. Remarks. ■"^■\to°L, Above Mod : below Mon : L : of 1 Mon : 1 K: or Mon : 301 8 Left Below HE M o P XII. 8. B. 0. H. 119. 16. 302 9 Right )) M ZE o P XII. 9. C. 303 10 Left *) M HE o P XII. 10. V. A. 41. 3783. 304 11 Right }} OP M o N XII. 11. B. A. C. 118. 3801. ♦ 305 12 It >) ♦ M H E XII. 12. c. 306 13 1i »j Mo: 62. =■ E XII. 13. A. 3573. 307 14 » » Mo: 125. Mo: 60. — E XII. 14. A. 3580. 308 15 Left i9 Mo: 64. xn ^ E XII. 15. A. 3576. + 309 16 1) »> Mo: 64. Mo: 97. ^ E XII. IG. A. 3577. 310 17 J> IJ Mo: 97. Mo: 60. - E XII. 17. A. 3578. 3579. 311 18 Right )» Mo: 60. n A XII. 18. C. 312 19 Left U KO =■ E XII. 19. 0. Perhaps C'orone 313 20 Right »J E M £ XII. 20 B. A. 77. 3537. * LACE DAE MON. Symbols caps of the Right DIOSCUEI AND CLUB. 314 1 315 2 316 3 317 4 318 5 J/8a . S9i Below Mo: 57. nv sym: sym: XII. 1. ii Mo: 57. Mo: 41. J) 11 XII. 2. » Mo: 57. Mo: 53. 1) n XIII. 3. )) Mo: 57. Mo: 54. i» )» XIII. 4. » Mo: 57. A Mo: 10a> )} i> XIII. 5. V. Ha. c. 27. 24. B . c 85. 86. B. H. c. 83. 37. B. 84. c. a. *■&. 20 SILVER COINS. After 222 b.c— continued. LACEDAEMON continued. Symbols Caps of the Dioscuri and Club. Number. Obverse. Type to Reverse in Wreath 1 tied. 1 Monogram No. 128. Plate Num: Where to be found. Remarks Total. of Town. Above Moil : Below 1 L: of I R: of Mon: 1 Mon: 1 Mon; 319 6 Right Below Mo: 57. Mo: 101. sym : sym: XIII. 6. B. H. C. 81. 82. 36. * 320 7 >> Mo: 57. lU ,, Kill. 7. B. 0. 78. * 321 8 )j Mo: 57. EY XIII. 8. B. V. 79. 26. * 322 9 }) Mo: 57. Mo: 42. Y XIII. 9. B. V. 80. 25. 323 10 » Mo: 57. Mo: 127. " XIII.IO. Ber. 0. C. * 324 11 n AA Mo : 60. " XIII.ll. 0. N. C. Ha. 7181. 23. * 325 12 }) AA Mo: 60. club left XIII.12. A. 3583. 326 13 )) zn A A XIII.13. B. A. 133. 3584. 327 1 328 2 329 3 330 4 331 5 UNCERTAIN. 332 Eight Left Right CLE I TOR. Symbol head op sun radiate. Left (Below | sym: | A | M I I 0. Below 1 A SA Y XIII. 1. )i 1 A AA Y XIII. 2. AY AY fish right A A P A XIII. 3. XIII. 4. » trident Mo: 42. Mo: 17. •1 AN f T A. Bet 3857. A. 3868. B. Ber. C. * ^^ 110.111. o ^ A. \ii 3585. )^^ ? Troezen? t See PL XIII. Fi. 1. 2. ACHAIAN LEAGUE COINS. LATER COPPER. After 280 AEGIRA. B.O. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reyerse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks Total. of Town. 1 1 XE in field Round AXAinN AiriPATHN V. 5y. 2 3 2 3 4 Mon : 96 in field Mon : 2 in field Vertical behind AAMI YAZ AXAinN AiriPATAN U B. 136. A. W7 R A. 266. 5 5 Vertical behind AYZAN l> B. 137. * 6 6 HPA AXAIflN AiriPATnN IB. C. 7 7 No legend » Ber. * 8 8 No legend AEGIL In front . . 1 EA IM. COPPER. Wiczay. * 9 1 No legend Vertical front AXAIIU Below NTE. A Vertical behind irEXlN A. 254. 10 2 Vertical behind HPAKAEIOZ Round AXAIHN AirEXlN Wiczay. Niim.Chr.64 p.82. * 11 3 Behind HPA In front KAEI Round AXAIHN AirEHN A. 255. 12 4 Vertical behind 0ISM In front UN It A. Ber. 3368. * 13 5 . . xm . . . » Leake * 14 6 Behind ^ >i B. 138. 22 LATER COPPER. After 280 b.c— continued. CERYNEIA. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks Tot'l- ToL. 15 1 In field Mon : 52 Eound AXAIilN KAPYNEX2N DYM E. A. 3369. + 16 1 No legend Round AXAIHN AYMAII2N Ber. C. * 17 2 3 A . . AAMOZ PATRy »» \E. No Copper. ST.A- PELLENE. 18 1 Behind vertical A0ANin In front vertical flOZ Round AXAinN HEAA ANEHN B. Munich 113. * 19 2 Behind vertical APXE MA XI ■ 5ICY0N. Ber.C. P. + 20 1 In field Mon : 18 Round AXAIHN ZYKY XlNinN B. Ber. 147. * 21 22 23 2 3 4 „ Mon : 55 Mon: 101 Mon: 60 B. 148. 149. B. 150. W. * * 24 25 5 6 „ Mon: 69 „ Mon: 70 Ber.C. A. 3457. V. 68. * 26 7 Mon: 14 S. + 23 LATER COPPER. After 280 b.c— continued. PHLIUS. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, j holding Nike and Sceptre. j Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks Tot^l-lTown. 27 1 Vertical behind HAZriN Round AXAinN AEIAZII2N B. V. C. 145. 66. 146. 67. * 28 2 Vertical behind KAAAI » Sestini * CORINTH. 29 1 Behind vertical EPMOKPA In front vertical THZ Round AXAIilN KOPIN0 B. 139, * 30 2 Behind vertical KPATI In front vertical NOC » B. V. 140. 60. ♦ 31 3 Behind vertical XAIPEAZ F 'AGAE. B. A. 141. 142. ♦ 32 1 Behind vertical AYMAAAZ Round AXAIX2N nAFAiriN Sestini, p. 11,22 * 33 2 Behind vertical XAPMIAAZ M EGARA. A. B. 137. * 34 1 No legend Behind TAAZI Round AXAiriN ME TAPEflN B. A. 134. 252. 35 2 Vertical behind AHMHTPI Round AXAII2N ME TAPEflN Ber. P. * 36 3 Vertical behind A0ANA Exergue Ail V. 62. * 37 4 Vertical behind AMAX-AA In front MErAPEflN Behind AXAinN A. 251. 24 LATEB, COPPER. After 280 ^.g.— continued. ARGOS. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Wliere to be found. Remarks Total. |,„"i. 38 1 No legend In front <|>AH NOC Kound AXAIIIN APfEIIlN B. Ber. A.C I :,:-,. 3«22. * 39 2 Vertical behind APrEIXlN In front Mon : 73 Pound AXAIfiN AHNOZ B. IB 1.5(i. 40 3 Vertical behind APrEi In front Mon : 52 « Ber. A. 2EI PEHN ASEA. B. Hi). * 54 1 Behind vertical EENIAZ Round AXAinN AZEATAN B. A. Ber. C 161.3763. * 55 2 HEMHAN n Rollin. * 56 3 KA AA TP OX Cy Round AXAIHN ACEATriN ^LL1STA. Bod. Sestini * 57 1 Behind vertical ANTAN In front vertical APOZ Round from right to left AXAiriN KAAAI CTATAN B. Turin * 26 LATER COPPER. After 280 ^.g.— continued. CAPHYAE. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks l'"'"!- ToL, 58 Behind \'ei'tical HEAANHAZ Round AXAIXIN KAYEr2N P. Wiczay * 59 60 Behind In front vertical XOY Behind KAAA 9> Ber. Num. Chr. 1864,- page 89. * * 61 Behin A. 3768. CLEITOR. 62 Behind vertical . IKIAZ In front Mon : 18. Round . . AII2N KAETOP DIPAEA. A. 3989. * 63 Behind vertical AAZIAZ El Round AXAinN AlPAiriN -ISPHASII. Ber. * 64 In field K AE Round AXAIXlN.AIZAZinN Ber. ♦ 65 2 No legend Round .. AIHN EAICM* AZIHN Ber. * 66 3 In field Mon : 46 Round AX ZAZinN B. 163. 27 LATER COPPEE. After 280 ^.o.— continued. GORTYS. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse, Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks Total. 1 of Town 67 1 No legend Round AXAIXINKOPTINIHN Exergue Mon : 8 B. 162. * 68 2 NIK OZ TPA TO Z Round . XAI TYNIXIN Vertical behind chair NIKO In front Mon : 2 Ber. Komnos. * 69 3 NIK OZ TPA TO z Round nN KOPTYNinN Vertical behind chair Mon: 2 A. 3770. 70 4 Vertical behind NIKOZ Round AXAIHN ...TYNEilN HEREA. A. 270. 71 1 0EOE E NOZ Round AXAIX2N HPAIflN LUSI. B. C. 164. * 72 1 Vertical behind ANTIM 20XA AN Round AXAIfZN AOYZ lATAN ITIGONEIA. B. A. 165. 269. * 73 1 In front XI ME Round AXAinN ANTirO NEinN THYDRIUM. B. 160. * 74 1 Vertical behind ANAPE AZ Round AXAIXIN ME0IAPI In exergue EXiN A. 2831. * 28 LATER COPPER. After 280 b.c— continued. MEGALOPOLIS. Number. Obverse. Jupitci' naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Kemarks T°t»l-|Tol. 75 76 1 2 No legend No legend Eound AX . . ilN M . TA . . nOAITHN Exergue NYZ Eound AXAinN MEfA AOnOAITXlN Behind chair Mon : 1 Sestini Warren, PI. III. 15. * * 77 3 Vertical behind HANTIZ Vertical in front OKNHZ Round AXAIHN MEPAAO Vertical behind Afin Exergue RAN B. 166. 78 4 Vertical in front OPAlii Vertical behind HANQZ PAL Round AXAinN MEfA Aono ... nN -LANTIUM. A. 3820. 79 1 Vertical behind innAPxoz p Round AXAiriN HAAAAN TEilN HIGALEA. B. V. 167. 65. * 80 1 Behind vertical KAEOAI Before vertical XOZ Round axaihn <|)irAAEnN B. A. Ber 169. 383.S. * 81 2 Behind vertical KAEAP Before vertical XOZ 9) Bronsted Collection * 29 LA.TER COPPER. After 280 ^.o.— continued. PHENEUS. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks T»t^- Town, 82 1 Behind vertical NIKAIOZ Round AXAiriN +ENEnN B. 168. 83 2 Behind vertical MNAZI Before vertical AAOZ Ronnd AXAII2N IENEHN Ber. A. 3832. * 84 3 Vertical behind HPniAA Round AXAinN +ENEnN B. W. 158. 85 4 Vertical behind TP12IA As last IB. STYMPHALUS. 86 1 Behind vertical nvenN Round AXAinN ZTYM AAII2N B. 170. * 87 2 In field front Mon : 1 1 1 Round AXAIHN ZT. M •I'ANXIN G. * 88 3 No legend Round AXAIilN ZTYM «I>AAII1N TEGEA. Warren, PI. X. 10. * 89 1 In field 0PAZE AZ Round AXAinN TErEATAN B. C. 171. * 90 2 Behind vertical TIMNAZ EATAN B. 172. 173. 91 3 Behind vertical TIM KAI K Round . XAinN TEPEATAN w. Plate XIII. 1. 92 4 In field r Round AXAinN TErEA . . . Ber. * 93 5 In field mnxiN Round AXAinN TEfEA. C. IB. 30 LATER COPPER. After 280 b.c— continued. TEGEA continued. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks T"'-!' ToL 94 6 Behind vertical KAEAP In front vertical xoz Round AXAIflN TEPEATAN A. .S856. * 95 7 ... AIOZ As last V. 69. TEUTHIS. 96 1 No legend Round AXAIX2N TEYOIAAN TNHZEAZ B. 174. * THEISOA. 97 1 In field no AY HP HZ T Round AXAinN ©IZOAinN HELPUSA. A. G. 3858. * 98 1 Behind vertical XAPAZMA Before vertical XI Round AXAinN 0EA nOYZIllN IB. * 99 1 In field lEPilN ELIS. Round AXAII2N AAEIHN Eckhel, N. V, p. 138. Sestini, p. 24. * 100 2 Behind vertical EENAIN. Before vertical TOZ as last Ber. G. * 101 3 Behind vertical AAMO... Before vertical NOZ as last Ber. * 102 4 Behind vertical .. YAI . Before vertical XOZ as last Wiczay Babington + 31 LATER COPPER. After 280 n.c— continued. ELIS continued. Number. Obverse. Jupiter naked, standing left, holding Nike and Sceptre. Reverse. Female seated left, holding Wreath and Sceptre. Where to be found. Remarks ^•""•iTo^'n, 103 5 In field nnN oz Round AXAIHN AAEIXIN countermarked with Zeus holding eagleandfulmen F A A. Plate XIII. 2 HYPANA. 104 1 In field 0PA ZY MAX OZ Round AXAIHN YPANXIN ASINE. B. Lambros. 1.51. * 105 1 Behind vertical Eound JIMOKPAT AXAiriN .ZINAIX2N TH^ ^ CORONE. B. P. Babington. 152. 1.53. * 106 1 Behind vertical ANAPIA AZ Round AXAinN KOPONA II2N Wiczay. * 107 2 Behind vertical XAEAPX M As last ESSENE. V. fii. * 108 1 Behind vertical AEHIAZ Round AXAinN MEZZ ANIHN B. Ber. V. 1.54. 63. 64. ♦Plate XIII. 3 109 2 Behind vertical APrEIAZ As last Ber. * 110 3 Behind vertical HANTIZOZ In field Mon : 1 . A.s last Museum Daniae. * 111 4 Behind vertical EYNEMHZ As last Wiczay. * 82 LIST or TOWNS OF which coins aee given in the CATALOGUE, WITH CONSECUTIVE NUMBEES OF THE SAME. NAMES. Early. Befme 222 B.c, LATER STYLE. Aegira Aegium Ceryneia Dyme Patrae Pellene Sicyon Phlius Corinth Megara Pagae Argos Cleone Epidaurus Hermione Alea Alipheira Asea Callista Caphyae Cleitor Dipaea Elisphafiii Silver. 1-3 13-28 29-45 46-51 52-62«, 63-86 87-90 91-110 111-117 118-132 133-136 137-151 152-172 173 174-178 /179-182 \332 Copper. 4-12 1-8 9-14 15 16-1 7c 18-19 20-26 27-28 29-31 34-37 32-33 38-43 44 45-47 48 49-52 53 54-56 57 58-61 62 63 64-66 NAMES. Cortys or Gortys Heraea Lusi Mantineia. Befwe 222 B.C. After 222 B.C. called Antigoneia Megalopolis Methydrium Pallantium Pheneus Phigalea Stymphalus Tegea Teuthis Theisoa Thelpusa Elis Hypana Asine Corone 1 .. Corone ? Messene Lacedsemon Uncertain Silver. 183 184-191(i 192-203 204-216 217-220 221-222 223-228 229-293 46-48 1 312) 294-313 314-326 327-331 Copper. 67-70 71 72 73 75-78 74 79 82-85 80-81 86-88 89-95 96 97 98 99-103 104 105 106-107 108-111 33 LIST OF SYMBOLS FOUND ON COINS OF THE ACHAIAN LEAGUE, And towns TO WHICH ATTKIBUTED & PLATES WHERE ILLUSTRATED. Acorn Early Copper, Plate xiii. 9. Caduceus Pheneus, Silver, ix. 1. Club Argos, iR, V. 5-9. Lacedaimon, .(R, Xlll. 12. Cupping Vessel a-ixva Epidaurus, M, vii. 15, 16, 17. Caps and Stars of Dioscuri Lacedaemon, JR, Xil. xiil. 1-12. Dolphin ,, Patrae, M, in. 1-6, iv. 7-21, xiii. 22. Dove flying Sicyon, M, iv. 1 to v. 18. Eagle standing Elis, ./R, ix. 1. Fish Dyme, iR, III. 1-11. Uncertain, xiii. 3. Thunderbolt, Fulmen Aigium, M, II. 1-8, III. 9-15. Early Copper, I. 7. „ Elis, ^, IX. 2-12, X. 13-34, XI. 35-46. „ Messene, .iR, XII. 1, 2. Garland Early Silver, I. 2. Half Goat ... Aegira, .(R, ii. 1-14. Hai-pa Argos, iR, VI. 9-12. Lyre, Small. Pellene, jR, iv. 1-3. Lyre, Large Megara, M, v. 1-12, vi. 13-14. Pallas, Head of Caphyae, M, VII. 1-5. Pegasus Corinth, M, i. 1-2, xiii. 3. Pedum Megalopolis, .(R, VIII. 1. Snake Epidaurus, M, vi. 1-6, vii. 7-14. Sun, Head of Radiate Cleitor, M, i. 1-2. Syrinx Megalopolis, M, viii. 2-10. Trident Ceryneia, ^, i. 1-6. „ Mantineia, .(R, VII. 1-6. „ Pallantium, .iR, IX. 1-4. ,, Uncertain, .iR. Tripod Hermione, .(R, VII. 1. Vase Pellene, .^, IV. 3. Wolf, Head of Argos, M, vi. 1-4. LIST OF TOWNS OF THE LEAGUE, ARE NOT KNOWN SHEWING METAL. or WHICH COII^ Patrae JE Bura M,JE Leontion M,^ Pharae JRj j^ Triteia M, JE Pagae alone M Troezen JRy Jhi Metbana JR>f Jhi Aegina Is : JR>y JE Alea M Alipheira M Asea M Callista M Lepiton M, M Cortys M Cyparissia M, M Hei^a M Pvlos M, JE Mantineia. Mothone iTV, j31j Before B.C. 222 M Pharae JR>y Jtj Methydrium M Abia M,M Phigalea M Hypana A\ Stymphalus M Thuria ./TVj JEa Caryae Kyn^b^H jR, JE Teuthis M M, M Theisoa M Orchomenos iR, ^Lj Thelpusa M Psophis iR) .aii Laced aimon M 34 LIST OF NAMES FOUND ON COINS OF THE ACH AI AN LEAGUE SHEWING METAL AND TOWNS. ArAIOZ AinKO(P£1lS) ... AfEY , Ann AETOZ AAKI AAAAP0OX AOANinnoz ... A0 A0ANA AMAX A. AAMOZ ANAPIAAZ ANAPEAZ ANTANAPOZ ... ANTIMAXOZ ... APFEIAZ APIZTOAAMOZ APIZTOAAZ ... AnOAAHNIOZ APXEMAXI APxmnoz r rAAY TNnZEAZ A AAM AAMAiriN AAMO^H€)NOZ AAME AEEIAZ AHMHTPI AIAO Al AYMAAAZ AX2 AHPO Cleone M Aegium JR Hermione M Megalopolis ^. Epidaurus JR Aegira JR Asea JE Pellene M Pelleae JR Megara M Megara M Dyme JE Corone ^ Mefchydrium JE Callista M Lusi JE Messine JE Aegium JR Epidaurus M Elis JR Pellene JE Aigium M Aegira JR Teuthis M Epidaurus ^ Elis M Elis Aegira Messine Megara JE JE Megara M Megara JE Pagae Megara Megara JR JE JE EniNIKOS EPMOKPATHZ EYNEMHZ EYAPEI(ZTOZ) EYTEI H HPA HPAKAEIOZ HPONY HPX2IAAZ 0AAIAPXOZ . .. 0EOZENOZ 0EU ". ..... KAAAinnOZ KAEAPX Elis JR Corinth JE Messine JE Tegeia JR Aegium JR yc Aegira JR, JE •Aegium M Megara JR Pheneus ^ Elis Heraea Early Megara Elis _ Tegeia Hypana JR, M M JR JR JE JE Elis M Pallantium M Aegira JR Tegeia JE Asea Elis ? Caphyae Callista Phlius Elis Corone JR JE JE JE JE JE M 35 ' LIST OF 'NAMES— continued. KAEAPKOZ KAEOAIXOZ KAHANAPOZ .. KAHAPXOZ KPATINOZ KPieXlN A AAZIAC AYZAN (AY)ZIMA(JCOZ) M Phigalea Phigalea Argos Tegeia Corinth Aegium Dipoea Aegium Alipheira MAXI Thelpusa MEm MNAZIAAOZ . MNHZIZ(TPATOZ) JE M JE M JE Megara N NIKAIOZ NIKEOZ (N)IKIAZ NIKO NIKOZTPATOZ NYZ EANOZ ZENAIETOZ £ENIAZ O OKNHZ o nnriNOZ ... OPAII2 n JR Pheneus JE Epidaurus 1 M Pheneus JE Elis JR Cleitor JE Epidaurus JR, Cortys JE Megalopolis ^ Megalopolis JE Elis JE Asea JE Megalopolis M Elis JE Megalopolis JE RANTIZ OKNHZ. i Megalopolis JE HAN Ann nANTIZOZ HAZiiN nEAA nEAANHAZ HEMHAN ... nOAYHPHZ nY0O nY0I2N -PAKAXnHPAKAEI PIl. lA. z ZXIAA ZX2KPA ZX2nA(THP) ZXIZKAZ) zWAKA....'.'.r.'.'.!".;!' T TIMNAZ.IA Tl lA TIMNAZ TIMOKPAT TAAZI ♦ AHNOZ ♦ IAOMENIOZ IAOZ l X XAIPEAZ XAPAZ MAXI XAPMIAAZ XAPI12N Megalopolis M Messene JE Phlius Megara Caphyae Asea Theisoa Megara JR JE JE JR Stymphalus M Argos M Epidaurus JR Epidaurus JR Megara JR Antigoneiaiil Epidaurus JR Elis M Epidaurus JR Epidaurus JR Epidaurus JR Tegea JE Asine JE Megara ^ Argos Elis jR Megara M Pellene M Corinth Thelpusa Pagae Argos JE JE M ACHAIAN LEAGUE EARLY STYe.E. 0m 09 ©• #• m CEF<,VNEIA. i-A-rBfiSTYt. L.USI. cm M mm COKirxTH. mm mm CLP.tTOR. ACHAI AN SiCYON CONT? • • • 9 14- MECARA. •:#iii» mm ACNAl AN f^l-. v///. ,■ ^^^^^ ^m^^^ ^H^^^^ A< w m .^.4114 CONT" #.## fy.-' ^ DHENEUS TECEA .<^. r.' i- ^^ ?t)>^ vi! *- S-;»j ^v. ->;• •:• •:• #B j^ V- ■y \ ACH A IAN Pi., x// ELIS CONT"? MESSINA ^S^^^W ^^18^^ ^^19^^ '' LACED/tMON f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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