$B 30fi 024 DISCOVERIES WHICH MAKE (| MENTAL THERAPEUTICS AND j THE TRANSMISSION OF MENTAL COMMUNICATIONS AN v EXACT SCIENCE y LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Q.„lA).^.5.k^aAA^ Class Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/discoverieswhichOOstarrich Discoveries Which Make Mental Therapeutics AND The Transmission of Mental Communications an Exact Science Containing the Discovery of the Exact Mechanical Proof of the Law Underlying All Mind Cures and the Transmission of Mental Communications; Also Showing How to Make Mental Photographic Diagnosis of Diseases Whether the Patient Be Present or Absent BY D. W. STARRETT o UNIVERSITY Oakland 1908 Copyright by D. W. STARRETT August 10, 1908 _|_ / xji U -Jt o TO MY WIFE WHOSE ELEVATING PRESENCE HAS EVER ASSISTED ME IN FORGING AHEAD TO DO AND DARE THIS VOLUME IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED BY The Author PREFACE When writing the preface of "Mental Thera- peutics, or How to Cure all Diseases With the Mind," the author did not dream of the fullness of joy with which he would be filled at sight of the glorious country that would come into view as he journeyed upward. If you have climbed the beautiful mountains and felt the impulse to fly like a bird to view quickly that dreamland and ocean beyond, you will know the exultation possessing him at the sight of wonderful things he never dared to dream of. To be able to prove with so simple an instru- ment as a thermometer the laws underlying these mind cures, whether the patient is present, or absent many miles, would seem enough pleasure for one lifetime. But to have another discovery of such vast importance thrust upon you that your mind is in a whirl of wonderment at the possibilities contained therein would seem too good to be true. I refer to the discovery of the mental diagnosis of diseases. Mental Therapeutics To surmount, by hard climbing, the great ob- stacle to human progress — sickness — was task enough to try the stoutest heart. The greater task of learning how to know, before it was too late, the condition of one's body, so that by the prevention of disease the cure will not be needed, was hard enough to discourage all attempts at its solution. It was discovered only by tenacity of purpose, without skill or knowledge. If you desire to possess it you will have to use the same quality. I do not believe there are any short cuts for acquiring such knowledge. I have positive proof that all brain disorders can be overcome if the parts are not entirely gone ; that the desire for drink can be eradicated by the destruction of the germs in the intestines ; and so on, with many of the desires for sin which the human mind is constantly tempted with. The great vineyard will be in the teaching of little children day after day as they journey to- wards man's estate. The whole solar system is thought to be mov- ing through space in a vast sweeping curve, at the rate of thirteen miles per second. We do not know whence it came nor whither it is mov- ing. Man was thrust out of the Garden of Eden for his disobedience. He too is traveling in a vast sweeping circle which can end only at one point. An Exact Science When lost individually you are always prone to circles which lead you whence you came. Already the top of the old "Tree of Knowl- edge" is coming to view. When sickness and sin have been permanently overcome, at that in- stant the old familiar "Garden Gates" will be reached and man's long journey completed, with the full knowledge that he has been lost and is found. Discoveries Which Make Mental Therapeutics and the Trans- mission of Mental Com- munications an Exact Science. I. The practice of the discovery which I have dis- closed to the public in my work entitled "Mental Therapeutics, or How to Cure All Diseases With the Mind" has led to other discoveries of such far-reaching possibilities that I feel it my duty to make them public property also. Keener minds than my own may then take up the work and the world will be much benefited thereby. Why should not scientific men be willing to follow new lines of thought even when discovered primarily by an untrained mind? From the further practice of the discovery de- scribed in the above mentioned work I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is a fundamental discovery, and that sometime it must be so recognized. Had some noted physician 13 Mental Therapeutics given it to the world clothed in professional language the world would have taken it up at once and even now would be reaping rich rewards of health and strength. I am content, however, to await my turn, knowing full well that every man who earnestly does his duty will sooner or later come into his own. I desire to repeat a statement made in my for- mer book, that no one person ever succeeded alone in getting any great discovery before the people. I wish to give honor to whom it belongs for the help I have received from their labors. From the work of the world's greatest bacteri- ologist I have gained my knowledge of the won- ders of germ life ; from the text-books of the pub- lic schools, a partial understanding of anatomy and a general knowledge of the blood. I must mention specifically the writings of E. F. Arnold, B. S., M. D., on the subject of "How the Blood Defends the Body" and an excellent article by William Hanna Thomson, M. D., LL. D. on "The Nervous System and the Blood." Both works deserve more than ordinary mention. Next comes that wonderful woman, Mary Baker G. Eddy. What I desire to praise most in her is the wonderful, almost supernatural, tenacity of purpose. To be sure I think she has builded on an insecure foundation. Yet, but for her, the world would have had to wait many 14 An Exact Science years for the scientific knowledge it is getting now. The force of her work has compelled scientists to investigate, with the result that they have found truth therein. But for that tenacity of purpose I should never have been led to in- vestigate the "why" of sickness. Perhaps she, in her turn, is indebted to Mr. Quimby; but the energy displayed in putting results before the world was all her own. II. The law that I propounded in my previous work was that any one of sound mind can by practice get control of the corpuscle and cellular life of his body and make it do his bidding at any time ; also that he can control the same life in the body of another, absent or present, provided only that that other person does not oppose such con- trol. Under that law one can direct the cor- puscle and cell life to destroy or drive off the enemy, the bacteria which are ever ready to dive into the body because they are hungry and cold and desire a place to propagate their kind. I have proven beyond a doubt that this is a mechanical problem. In mechanics, if you have a certain weight to lift, you know that you must provide power enough to outbalance that weight, with some to spare. The same is true in this method of curing bodily ills, your own or 15 Mental Therapeutics another's. You have to generate enough power to destroy or drive out the germs that are causing the trouble. I have found that in common stom- ach troubles one can dispel them with so little effort that it hardly seems work at all. Nerve troubles require the expenditure of more energy — magnetism, electricity, heat, or whatever you like to call it — to destroy the enemy. The germs of catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and those that destroy the optic nerve of the eye, where it has become organically injured, demand much more power to conquer them than many other diseases. When I say that it takes the ex- penditure of a certain amount of mechanical power to kill the disease germs, I mean it just as literally as you would say it takes ten-horse power to drive an automobile, or a ten horse- power motor to run a laundry. For instance I have raised the temperature of a man weighing one hundred and seventy pounds seven-tenths of a degree in three minutes, when distant one hundred and twenty-six miles. From this it should be easy to figure the exact power transmitted, making it purely a mathematical problem. If the waves go out in all directions, which they do, one can readily see that the power which I sent for useful work to this man's body, if mul- tiplied by that which I could have transmitted 16 y*\A J (UNIVE! O! OF An Exact Science to the number of men who might stand within a half sphere of one hundred and twenty-six miles radius, would make it a "boot strap proposition" if each received the same amount. So to keep the problem within the bounds of mathematics, it must be like a child who liberates the energy of tons of dynamite by the pressure of an electric button, or that each man who is added to the half sphere detracts or takes away a part of the energy that would have gone to those who were already within the radius of my power. If I send out waves of electricity which signal to his workmen all through the body to start work at once, and it causes the cell life at the pores of the skin to close "dampers" a little, then it becomes a reasonable proposition. However, this is for the scientist to determine. If a ten horse-power generator is sitting on the floor unconnected with power, and if you are standing by it without thinking or giving expres- sion to your thoughts, you and the generator are very similar. Both of you are of very little use to the world; yet you are both full of power or magnetism. The whole secret in each case is to get this magnetism out of the machine so that it may give up its equivalent, which is heat. To get power from the generator, you put on the belt and start it to revolving, thereby producing a difference of pressure, or a higher pressure, which 17 Mental Therapeutics causes the electricity to flow back through the re- turn wire to its starting point. If there is a loss in its passage, which of course there is, the supply is kept up from the earth, which is the great reservoir, or perhaps to some extent from the air. To get power from the human machine you must do the same thing. When we eat we pro- vide the source of energy. The disintegration of the food produces the difference in pressure — a lower one — which causes the magnetism from earth and air to flow in. By thinking, we cause this magnetism to flow out in all directions just as in wireless telegraphy. The amount of the current we send out depends on the amount of energy exerted in thinking. If you ask how the mind, an immaterial thing, can produce an effect on a material body, I will say frankly that I do not know, but think that that great problem will be solved in time. It is not necessary to know for our present purpose. We are sure that it does so act; for example, when the mind gives an order to the leg to move for- ward, the leg obeys every time, if that mind is in a perfect machine — i. e., if the body has no de- formity or ailments. The order is issued from the cerebrum to the cerebellum, where the circuit is closed, so that the electricity can flow along the proper nerve to the stations of gray matter, the intelligent life therein delivers it to the cell 18 An Exact Science life in the cords for execution of the order to a nicety. In my discovery I claimed that all one has to do is to practice giving orders to his corpuscles and cell life, if he would get back the control, which he never had, that would enable him to direct them to fight off the enemy, either in his own body or that of another, thereby stop- ping pain at once and giving the cell life a chance to rebuild the lost tissues. The orders will be executed just as above, only, in this case, the flow of electricity goes out in all directions, as in wireless telegraphy. The corpuscles do not obey well till one can send out a strong current. To reach the corpus- cles in one's own blood or in another's, the cur- rent must flow without the medium of nerve wires. The mind or soul starts the waves, just as the spark starts them in wireless telegraphy. These waves travel out in all directions, and as far as the energy generated sends them. They strike all bodies within their circle, producing heat from the resistance to the flow through the flesh. Heat is the first step in making a cure, but it is not sufficient in itself, for the germs love heat, and while it may make the corpuscles lively and more combative, it is liable to do the same thing for the germs. The second step in the cure 19 Mental Therapeutics is to order the corpuscles to go to the diseased spot and work with the cellular life to destroy the enemy. III. In this chapter I shall produce the proof of the above assertions. In the preface of my first work on this subject, I made the statement that I do not believe in mysteries. I referred especially to the mystery of the power that accomplishes all these so-called mind cures. I explained the way in which I had figured out the exact "how" of it, as I have just done more briefly in the preceding chapter. While the explanation looked reasonable to an outsider, still a very good one could be made quite easily by all of the new mind cure methods. At that time I had no idea how I was to prove to a scientific mind that when one thinks of another, absent or present, he is sending power — heat to that person's body. I knew that no matter how hard one exercises to make himself perspire freely, the thermometer will not show any more heat in the body. It seems that the cellular life which controls the valves at all the pores of the skin, knows when one exercises and immediately opens the valves to allow just enough heat to escape to maintain an even temperature. I even went so far as to prove by actual experiment what 20 An Exact Science I had read about the conditions under which one's temperature can be raised or lowered. I tried running up a very steep hill after having taken my temperature. Of course, although I felt very warm, I found no change. Then I tried it be- fore and after eating, and found a rise after eat- ing. Under no other test except the one which I will subsequently relate, could I make any change. I estimated that the life within the stations of brain matter and the cellular life under their charge knew when to open the perspiration valves and when not to. From this the thought came to me that if I sent electric waves to the discharge artery of my heart, which would produce heat there, the perspiration valves would not be opened; first, because there would be no order for so doing from the brain; and, secondly, be- cause these valve operators would not act without such orders, it being an extraordinary case. I took my temperature for two minutes, then read it and held the thermometer under my tongue for two minutes. I had raised the temperature three-eighths of a degree. I felt much elated at my success and tried it several times, finding that I could put up my temperature as much as a de- gree in a few minutes and at times lower it as much. Then I went to a druggist, from whom I had purchased the instrument, and told him that 21 Mental Therapeutics it would not register twice alike, and that I thought it was a poor one, not telling him, of course, what I was doing. He tried it and it registered always the same. Of course he said that I had not read it correctly. He was a regu- larly graduated physician and knew that it would not change except under the well known condi- tions, and perhaps a little for nervousness. This test proved conclusively the first step in my chain of reasoning. The second step was to try whether I could send heat to another's body at any distance. I knew that if the thermometer rose in the same manner, especially if the other person did not know what I was making the tests for, it would prove to any scientific mind that there was a transmission of power from one person to another. I tried it first with my wife. I took her normal temperature for two minutes, read it, and allowed her to hold the thermometer under her tongue for two minutes, not telling her what I was doing it for. The first time I tried it I was within a few feet of her and put the tem- perature up one-half a degree. I repeated the experiment, this time going out of doors and closing the door. The result was about the same. After her temperature had settled back to the normal, I made a third trial, going this time about a quarter of a mile out into the forest. Distance did not seem to make any difference. 22 An Exact Science I went to my son, who was entirely ignorant of what I had discovered, and told him to take his normal temperature for two minutes, mark it down, and then take it for two minutes more. If he found a rise of two-fifths of a degree or more, he was to come to me at once. I would be in the house a block away. I centered my thoughts on his heart. In about seven minutes he came to the house and I asked him why he had done so. He replied that he had received my message. I said to him, "You have had the pleasure of partici- pating in the transmission of the first thought message sent wirelessly and recorded by the use of a mechanical instrument." (The thing may have been done before, but, if so, it has not been made known to the public in general.) I did not think it possible that I was sending out a stream of electric corpuscles direct to the party on whom I centered my thoughts. Com- mon sense caused me to make the assertion, in my first work, that the waves went out as in wireless telegraphy. My third step was to prove that statement. At the first test I had a friend close by take one thermometer, and my wife, standing about thirty feet away from the friend, at a right angle to a line drawn between us, took another. After taking her normal temperature I said to my wife, "I will now raise my friend's temper- ature, not thinking of you at all or trying to Mental Therapeutics raise yours." The results proved my theory con- clusively, for both temperatures went up about three-fifths of a degree. Later on I tried it blocks away with the same result. I also found that it made some difference whether one had the knowledge that I was going to try to raise his temperature. In such cases it would rise even when I did not try to make it. For instance I set an exact moment when I would try to raise or lower another's temperature for five consecutive times. I tried to change his normal temperature for the first three nights and did so; but the last two nights I did not try, though without the other person's knowing that I did not. Still his temperature was raised. I ex- plain it in this way: Although he tried not to think of himself, yet the fact from previous trials was known to the intelligent corpuscle and cellular life, and they caused the heart to beat a little faster or closed the pores. I found that it worked in that manner only after considerable practice. If one is sick and the heart is beating too slowly, I can always raise his vitality by sending the elec- tric heat to the organ, coupled with an order for the cellular gray matter in command at that station to have the cellular life in the walls of the heart to work a little faster. This may sound foolish, until you try it yourself and get results. If the heart is beating too fast it can be slowed down in the same manner. 24 An Exact Science IV. The fourth step was to prove whether the thought waves, or rather electric waves, went out to any considerable distance. My first experiments along this line were made while I was at Carmel-by-the-Sea, Monterey County, California. After having tried it many times between parties at different places in that beautiful little town, I made arrangements for a test between Carmel and San Francisco. The distance seemed to make no difference. It must, of course, be remembered that, at the time of these trials, I had been, for about four years, practicing the sending out of electric waves and healing people at a distance. I found out very soon that it was no especial gift which I pos- sessed, that enabled me to get those results. I tried the same experiments with a lady who was sick, and who had practiced curing herself for only about five months. She could raise my tem- perature at a distance of one hundred and twenty- six miles. It requires two talents only, and these every one has if he will use them. I will return to them later on. I have now proved that wireless waves can be sent out, by a person's thinking in the right way, for a distance of seven hundred and fifty miles. Mind cures have been made from a distance of ten thousand miles, as recorded by Mr. Hudson 25 Mental Therapeutics in one of his works on Mental Therapeutics. It is only a question of power and, in connection with this, thought force. I have gone without consuming fuel — food — for three days and found that I did not send out waves of sufficient power to raise my own or another's temperature. Without a doubt there was some flow of current. I made this experi- ment to find out if it was the spirit alone which caused the waves to flow — or did the material body have much to do with it? It seems to prove conclusively that one must take in fuel to keep up his "fires" the same as in any other mechanical work, if power is to be obtained. I realized what a wonderful thing it would be, if I could send out electric corpuscles in one steady stream, instead of wasting so much power in projecting them in all directions. It takes one thousand times more power to send a message by wireless telegraph than by wire. With the wire line energy is spent in earning money for first cost; in the wireless system, it is spent in pro- viding daily power. I hope that some keen mind will study out a way to keep one's thoughts moving in one defi- nite direction. When the above facts become generally known, some scientist will invent a ma- chine which will pick up these wireless waves and use them for the personal transmission of mes- 26 An Exact Science sages between two or more individuals. This machine will be so small that it can be carried in the pocket ; yet it will enable one to talk with his friends at any time and at any distance. This is no idle dream, for if I can raise another's tem- perature at a distance of one thousand miles, even though I only liberate the power in his body, that rise can be made to mean a word or a whole sentence. There is the foundation to work on. The first proofs are so simple that I fear that the men who can really make such instruments will overlook their value, I do not know of any case where ideas have been conveyed from one to another, through the medium of the mind, in such a manner that they could be repeated at will. This simple experiment opens the way to an ex- planation of all phenomena connected with mind- reading, spiritism, occult science, and mental tele- pathy. When I was making my experiments between Carmel-by-the-Sea and San Francisco, I found that I became very much exhausted at times. This fact started me on a new line of thought, and I began a series of experiments, which, while not conclusive, lead in the right direction. It oc- curred to me that if I were sending out elec- tricity all the time, it might be possible that I did not get a return fast enough to keep up the normal supply. Electricity and magnetism are 27 Mental Therapeutics omnipresent. They penetrate some materials more than others. It seemed reasonable that the body may not always get a proper amount back. When quite exhausted from this kind of work, I took hold of the water-pipe to get a return flow. Immediately I felt a soothed feeling creep- ing over me, just as one feels, who takes food after a fast. I made arrangements for experi- ments to prove this apparent fact by making a series of alternate tests with the body connected and disconnected with the ground. So far the tests have not proved to me positively that my reasoning is correct along that line. In the greater number of the tests, however, after a long concentration of mind, the body being discon- nected with the ground, I found that my tem- perature had fallen. This would seem to prove the theory. The life within us which controls the opening and closing of the pores of the skin, soon learns to open them and let the heat off, and vice versa. This makes it rather difficult to get a long series of tests which would prove the facts beyond a doubt. I hope that those who have the means to make such tests properly will become inter- ested enough to do so. Not being of a technical turn of mind, myself, such work does not appeal to me, even if I were in a position to make them. The great Napoleon, with several of his gen- 28 An Exact Science erals, was once crossing French fields. That par- ticular part of the country was unfamiliar to them all. Napoleon stopped and asked a little peasant girl, who was playing by the roadside, to direct him to a certain cross-road. The little girl, who had lived there all her life, had the necessary knowledge. That knowledge changed the destinies of nations. In the matter now in hand, I, like the little girl, have the knowledge to point out the way. In treating a person for a very bad organic disease, I have found that, if I endeavor to send heat directly to the weak part, the temperature will fall. I have had it drop as much as one- half of a degree. I account for it in this way : — The normal temperature was taken with the in- strument under the tongue. By switching all the heat possible to the diseased part, I have drawn the blood thither in great quantities, and have, of course, lowered the temperature under the tongue for a few moments. When I first noticed this, I thought it was a great discovery ; but later, upon trying it with a well person, I found the drop so small that all my hopes were crushed for the time. Since then I have discovered a positive way to do that same thing. Further on I will make it plain, for it has a very important bearing upon the cure of many diseases. 29 Mental Therapeutics If it is necessary to connect electric machines with the earth it is reasonable to suppose that the human machines should likewise be grounded. Consider the millions of hustling business men w T ho work in almost air-tight offices, insulated from all inflow of magnetism from the earth. Is it any wonder that eight men out of every ten have what is called "nerves"? There is no way for men to get a proper sup- ply of electricity from the air. From the tests I have made, I am fully convinced that every office should be supplied with a ground connection. Foot-boards, seats, and foot-wear should have continuous connection therewith; and that every person should be grounded when in bed. When water collects in the mountains it starts at once trying to get back to its source, the ocean. When a human being is born into the world, he too starts on that long journey back to his ocean, Heaven. When the clouds become surcharged with electricity, that, too, gets back to its ocean, the earth, in the form of the electric bolt. The earth is the reservoir whence the clouds get overcharged. Otherwise it would not flow back. If it were not for this, human beings would have disappeared from the face of the An Exact Science earth long ago, because of their ignorance dis- played in insulating the body entirely from the mother earth. It is no wonder that men have found it refreshing to go back to nature by doing away with foot-wear and clothes. One does not have to go back to Adam to overcome that ignorance. The water which collects on the mountains can not get back to the ocean until it has a tremen- dous pressure to force it back. The difference in atmospheric pressure or potential, draws the magnetism from the earth, and it must have pres- sure to force it back. I have already made the assertion that food provides in a like manner a difference of potential in the body, which causes the inflow. The mind, with practice, can make more or less pressure to send out the electric waves, which always flow to the point of least resistance, the air. The assertion has been made that one should be insulated from the earth in order to prevent the loss of magnetism; but the argument does not seem to hold, when paralleled with natural phenomena. Electric stimulus is the means through which the mind acts to move the body in all its parts. The mind speaks a com- mand into the gray matter of the cerebrum. It is conveyed to the cerebellum, from where it is sent through the nerve wires to the stations of gray matter in all the principal parts of the body, 31 Mental Therapeutics which we may call the superintending offices. Thence it is sent to the foremen of the cell life in the detailed parts. Human business affairs are conducted in a like manner. No business can succeed without this mode of procedure. "Now," I ask, "did the body- get its business methods from the way human affairs are arranged on the outside?" No! It could not be so! We unconsciously copy on the outside just what is done on the inside. The mind knew how to conduct the business of the body long before it had any outside business to perform. When the time came to do business outside, the mind worked along the same lines. If you admit that such reasoning is good com- mon sense, that the mind, in doing something it has not before done, will adopt its old methods, as in the above case, then, when I tell you that I can make the same mind, corpuscles and cel- lular life, attack and destroy the body's deadly enemy, and that these work by an order given, and perform just as fine operations in adjusting the complicated machinery to produce health as they do when one plays the piano or makes any other of the wonderful movements the body is capable of, it should not be doubted. Consider the wonderful new method of opera- ting a typewriter without looking at the keys. The mind is reading the stenographic notes while 32 An Exact Science the fingers move over the keyboard with hardly ever a mistake. The statement is often made that the heart performs a wonderful feat in running a whole lifetime without a stop. Yet that same feat is seen in everyday life with mention never made of it. A great railroad system, for example, runs its trains on schedule time for years. No one ever writes about that, because we all know the details. We know that the same locomotive does not run all those years. It may have been re- built several times. So, too, with the cars and rolling stock. In just this manner the heart is repaired by the little workers, who are intelligent and know the "how" of doing it. To refer again to our great railroad system — the same crew does not work night and day. There is the night crew as well as the day crew, both composed of trained workmen. To one who sat on a high place, day after day, watching the trains come and go, and who did not know how they were run, it might seem miraculous. That is just our case when we look at the work- ings of our body, not knowing the details. There are two crews at work in our body and perhaps three, which take their shift as the workmen on the railroad. Whether they are union or non- union I cannot say. One who desires to get up at a certain time in 33 Mental Therapeutics the morning can give an order to his night crew to that effect and, invariably, if he has not been slothful in his habits, they will awaken him in time. I have been for months without a clock or watch and never failed to get up on time. Very few people have ever stopped to ask' how this feat is performed. In the light of all these arguments, which are proof against being shelved, is it asking too much of a plain American citizen to believe that he can order his little crews of workmen around to keep clean the inside of his body as well as the outside? Must he run to another every time he desires or needs an inside bath? I will exclude from this question all cases of broken limbs or other parts deranged from acci- dents. One must use common sense in all things. I will also make this apparently preposterous statement — namely, that one might just as well go to a physician who gives good medicine as to a mind doctor or a metaphysical healer. After a practice of about four years with this particular method of curing, I have found that it is impossible for me to make anyone immune from sickness. The same patients are always coming back with new or old troubles for me to treat. I knew that this was true with physicians of the regular schools, but did not suspect that it could be true with this seeming miraculous 34 An Exact Science way. I have taken pains to look into the matter and find that every one of the modern mind-cure doctors, whether religious or otherwise, have the same patients always coming back for more mind "dope." If anyone doubts my statement, let him go to the Christian Science healers and watch. Or he may come to me and see who take the most treat- ments. In view of these facts I have made up my mind to the right mode of procedure. First, teach the rising generation, beginning at about the age of eight, to cure their own little ills, and impress it upon their minds from that age till they leave school, that they, and only they, can cure themselves of bodily, as well as of mental trouble, which has its cause in the brain. Although the time will probably never come when we will be immune from bodily sickness without a constant watchfulness on our part, still I believe that we can, by long years of practice, so educate the intelligent life within us that that watchfulness to keep out the enemy will go on without more conscious effort on our part than we expend in the effort of walking % Outside attacks on the body from flies, fleas, mosquitoes and different kinds of bacteria will always be present. As I have said in my former work, opposition seems necessary to our develop- ment. We must always have enough reserve 85 Mental Therapeutics power within us to keep control in our own hands — just enough and no more, for then we should deteriorate. VI. Why do patients always come back for more medicine of any kind? In metaphysical healing we give the patient heat from electric waves which are produced by the flesh's acting as resisting coil to the flow of the current. Then we order the corpuscles to the disease center to destroy the germs. If to-day we give one-fifth of a de- gree of heat more than usual to get the corpuscles to act, to-morrow we must give as much before they will go to work. We cannot tell when to stop sending heat to another's body, so that we may send to-day too much or too little with cor- responding results. The corpuscles and cellular life act in the same way in respect to our eating or drinking as to our taking medicine. They will wait every time for anything that does their work for them by either destroying the germs, or by making them, them- selves, stronger to do it. That is just what human beings will do in everyday life, as all can testify. This again serves to show how closely we, in the affairs of life, follow the example within us. If one forms the habit of eating heavily, the little fellows will make a great fuss 36 An Exact Science if they do not get as much at each meal there- after. They will gnaw and scratch until one thinks he must have the usual quantity. The worst is that they keep asking for a little extra every day. This is true with all kinds of stimu- lants and with smoking. Another man can never tell just how much you can eat or drink, without getting more than is necessary to do your work. If another could feed you and give you drink when distant from you, it would be about parallel with this healing another perfectly. Even when giving mind cure to one present, the effects are the same, unless the patient is alive to how it is being done and knows just when to call a halt. You alone can with safety treat yourself. You alone can tell to a nicety zvhen the pain is gone, or the lost parts rebuilt. Here I will repeat. The cure comes, in the first instance, from the heat caused by the body's resistance to the flow of the current, which heat, the germs as well as the corpuscles and cellular life love, so that it alone cannot be depended upon to make the cures. It may even, by making both sides more vigorous, cause the battle to rage with greater discomfort to the patient. God has placed you in charge of your body, and if the battle is going on, you have it in your power to decide the issues of the day, by backing 37 Mental Therapeutics up the little fighters in your system with com- mands that will make them work harder. It is ever the same in actual warfare; the commander who watches the tide of battle most carefully, who keeps his soldiers well supplied with food and ammunition, and who at the right moment rushes in his reserves most promptly, wins the day. I proved in my experiments with the thermome- ter that the waves go out in all directions. To satisfy myself that heat alone does not make the cures (although it will do so under some condi- tions) I sent the waves to another's body until his temperature was raised. Still the pain was not checked. Either immediately or after some time I would give the command for the fighters to get busy, and as soon as I did so the pain ceased. Again I experimented with two patients. In one case I ordered the corpuscles to the diseased spot and the pain stopped, but in the other case there was no change at this order except greater heat. At another time, when I gave commands to the little fighters, one after the other, both patients got relief. I am firmly convinced that under this new order of things fires in the house should be discontinued except for cooking purposes. This may seem like a wild idea until you accept the theory that to 38 An Exact Science keep healthy one must keep his little fighters at an even temperature. One catches cold from a falling temperature, because the fighters desert their posts to get inside, where it is warmer. Now, consider what is continually happening in every household. A fire is burning in one room while there is none in the others. Every time a door is opened between the heated room and the others a draught is created. If the family had the knowledge which I have given in my previous work, matters would not be so bad, for then they would themselves supply the lost heat. But where they have no protection, it is not strange that nearly everyone is diseased. I do not advocate going to extremes and trying to do entirely without fires. But no doubt that is the ideal way to live. Each of us has a furnace within himself, which he can regulate to suit all conditions. If he is cold he can heat the body up in a fe w^rninutes. by a few deep breaths or by thinking of the heart for a few minutes, or both. If you do not believe this, try it and you will be convinced. This is the only ideal way to get heat. Artificial external heat does not do the good that we intend it should. The sun's heat seems ideal. Its light travels at the rate of one hundred and eighty thousand miles per second, and the blow from such terrific speed seems to penetrate us through and through Mental Therapeutics — that is to say, heat from the blow is evenly distributed. Now that is true likewise of the heat generated within us. The artificial heat on the contrary seems to warm the surface too much, while the inner body remains relatively cold. If you feel cold it is caused usually by one of three derangements of your machinery, and these you can correct. The first is a poor circulation, due to faulty working of the heart; the sec- ond is a clogging of the pipe lines (arteries and veins), which must be cleared of obstructions; the third is the failure of the regulators at each pore of the skin to close the valves sufficiently. This last is a mechanical feat easy to understand. Each pore is a heat vent or waste-pipe and there are millions of them. If they fail to open and close the valves properly, the whole system gives notice of the mistake at once. In a fever too much heat is produced in the body. The cellular life in the valves will not open them enough, and, consequently, you are burning up. When you are cold, if other condi- tions are right, these valve regulators are neglect- ing their work. You can control them just as you can the white corpuscles. In both cases it takes practice, of perhaps a week, to get a start that will give you faith in the work, or even, pos- sibly, of several months. I worked about three months before I got any results; but I was 40 An Exact Science without assistance. You should be able to make some showing in a shorter time. You can regulate your temperature to a nicety by giving orders to the proper department. If your heart is bad, send your thoughts to it for some ten minutes or more, with an order to the corpuscles to fight the germs that are causing the trouble. If it is the pipe lines that are failing in their duty, order the corpuscles to remove all ob- structions, as you move your thoughts up and down their length. In the coldest country, if you have food within you, you can have all the heat necessary for com- fort, simply by regulating your "dampers." Remember that the germs too, love the heat, and will always be found thickest on the outside, where houses are kept nice and warm, and in- side the body on the arteries and veins near the heart. Tests on the Pullman palace and tourist coaches show more danger from disease in the palace sleepers. Houses with the carpets tacked down are much more dangerous than those with removable rugs only. Careful housewives all use the rugs. Why is it thought necessary to cook every- thing we eat ? Because fire is the only thing that destroys bacteria without injuring us. It is espe- cially necessary to subject meat and milk to a temperature of 212 degrees before using. 41 Mental Therapeutics VII. After practicing my discovery about three and one-half years, getting rid of nearly all my own troubles and curing those of many others, absent and present, I came upon the track of another great discovery — a discovery so far-reaching, so far beyond anything I ever dared to dream of that I almost hesitate to give it to the public. I have made a solemn promise to myself that I will not yield to the ever present temptation to keep all discoveries secret and play the little god with people, but that I will give every one to the public as freely as I can. All men are diseased, and that means that all would pay tribute to me if I organized a healing trust. Even the babies would have to contribute their mite toward filling my coffers. In many works on new thought we are told to concentrate our minds on the pain, as that seems to bring relief most quickly. Mr. Hudson, in his many excellent works, advises this. Although I had never read a new thought book until after I had published my first work, I had soon found out that same fact, as recorded in my "Mental Therapeutics, or How to Cure All Diseases With the Mind." It was the practice of that idea which has led to these further discoveries. Having been in mechanics all my life, I came to these subjects with the fixed idea that there is 42 An Exact Science no such thing as a mystery. In the handling of machinery one must know the "whys" and "wherefores" or his place will soon be filled by someone who does. I learned to notice little things because I found that almost invariably they led to great ones. I was not born an inventor, but acquired a love for that work. I discovered that it was impossible for man to conceive of an idea which was entirely new. Every new idea is built up from a foundation partially composed of old ones. That is the way the world gains knowl- edge. If you do not believe this, just try once to get a thought entirely independent of any other thought ever expressed. The object of this little digression is to show you that what I am going to disclose is builded from old thoughts. Like Columbus, we are reaching out over the unknown ocean, beyond all who have gone before. The beautiful coral islands are built in the same manner. Cell after cell reaches upward a little beyond its fellow workmen till God's sunlight is reached. They did not know for what they were building — neither do we. The spiritist, the telepathist, the mind-reader, and the occultist have been my co-workers in try- ing to reach the sunlight. Therefore I desire to acknowledge my debt to them all. In the early part of 1908 I began to take notice 43 Mental Therapeutics of little things connected with my work when trying to help others. In what follows do not think I had discovered a "gift" within me. Re- member that for about three and one-half years I had been practicing night and day the sending of electric force to others. In that time I had been learning a trade, or profession, as it were. Each one of you may hope to do the same if you have the ability to work and the requisite tenacity of purpose. It need not take you so long because you will have teachers who can show you short cuts. The starting point of my new discoveries came one day when I was thinking of a certain person's diseased lung. When one knows that a person has a bad lung he will naturally see the picture with some kind of a cloud, because he knows be- forehand that it is there. But this day I saw the diseased part with what might be called a halo, or a bright ring of light around it. This was so peculiar that I was immediately on the alert, like a detective when he gets a clue. I never dreamed of such a thing as its being supernatural or spiritual. I studied night and day, feeling sure that I was on the verge of a great discovery. The lung looked to me just as an actor does on the stage when the footlights are out and the electric ma- chine throws the white light around him. The 44 An Exact Science first time it did not last long, nor did it always come when I tried to get that picture. But after that first time it seemed to come and go at will whenever I was thinking of an internal trouble. I noticed too that when I got a picture of a disease it looked black, but that if I switched my thoughts to a person whom I did not know to be without such disease that part looked normal in color. This was really the entering wedge, for I felt sure at once that I was seeing the diseased part. I proved the truth of my surmise by trying whether or not I could locate different persons' troubles without previous knowledge of them. I never made a mistake in diagnosis of prominent troubles. Looking at the outside of an absent person to locate a trouble I could make no headway; but on the inside I could see at once the black where the disease was located. I studied a long time over this before reaching a solution. The first ray of intelligence came from noticing how simi- lar my mental pictures were to X-ray ones, given in works on surgery. Another curious thing was that if I tried to look at a stomach from a back view, I would not see the flesh of the back or the backbone at all. Of all the hard problems this has been the most trying. The failure to solve it nearly made me give up the whole theory, as I began to think the 45 Mental Therapeutics facts supernatural. You will not condemn me in this, for there are many bright men in the pres- ent day who would so regard them without argument. VIII. Before Christ came to dwell upon the earth, the whole Jewish nation were expecting such an event, but never dreamed of it except as a coming in glory and pomp. That He would come as just a poor little boy could not be ! That He would work with His hands and make them rough and calloused was preposterous ! So when He did come, they, not discerning, missed the sunlight of knowing their Master's presence. You may have noticed how, even in these last few months of 1908, some of our greatest writers are predicting the coming of a wonderful change to the world, and that it is already understood to be one of great glory. I refer to the occult forces which have been so much written about and so little understood. All one must do, we are told, is to go into retirement and place himself in a re- ceptive mood and the mysterious force will come. But how are we to use such advice — we who are only human beings ? Perhaps if we were all highly educated in mystic things we might; but even then of what use is it to mankind in general if the laws are not found which govern it? In looking 46 An Exact Science over the whole past of the people of the earth we can see that nothing has ever come to them of lasting good except by slow human progress, taught by experience. I do not wish to be understood as comparing myself and work with the wonderful men of the past and their achievements. But I know that I have made a great discovery, which is simple, easy to comprehend, and will explain many mys- teries when really scientific minds have worked out the laws which govern the principle. Without doubt the time has arrived when the mysteries of so-called occult forces must fade be- fore the light of scientific investigation. If I can assist even in dispelling the fog of mystery once, that alone will have been worth living for. I do not wish to convey the idea that God has nothing to do with mind-curing, as explained in my first work, or that He will not come to you in a direct manner through occult forces or spirit ones. But I know that he did not come to the Jews as they expected ; and that it is very doubt- ful if He will ever come to you in any other way than through material forms and human beings. You are out of a job, for instance, or hungry, and lie down by the wayside, waiting for Him to bring you a loaf of bread or a job. Ah! your coat will be threadbare before He does. On the other hand, suppose you get up and rustle, then 47 NIVERS1TY OF ( Mental Therapeutics you will meet some kindly man who will do some- thing for you. If you are undiscerning you will pass along, your faith gone, looking no more to God, because He did not come to you as you ex- pected. You do not see God's will in the kindly act. When I began to diagnose it took me several days to get a picture of the trouble. The cause of this I will explain later. The first thoroughly satisfactory test case I had was of one who was down with consumption. I told him that the lower parts of both lungs were affected, the right one more than the left ; also that the right one had a rather large black spot in the center. He, not believing that I could see the trouble, went to his physician, to prove whether I was right or wrong. The physician told him that his left lung was the bad one. To prove that I was right, I asked him how he knew that he had a pair of lungs. He replied that he knew by the breathing. Now, if you stop to think, you will see that that is no proof. I requested him to cough hard and to tell me where it hurt him. He replied at once that it was always in the center of his right lung. I asked him if he could tell, by the feeling when he coughed, if he had a left lung. The reply was that he could not. If lungs are sound their owner cannot tell he has them, but when they become sore, he soon knows it. 48 An Exact Science As time passed I saw that I was beginning to be able to diagnose more quickly. By the first of July, 1908, I was able to tell almost instantly where the trouble was. I do not mean to say that I could diagnose the minor troubles of one's body quickly — only those of the main organs. At the present time I can locate almost any trouble or pain inside of ten minutes. As soon as I found that I was learning to do this, I looked at the optic nerves of my own eyes to see if they were all right. I did not think they were, for I could not yet see quite as well by electric light as I should. I found part of the nerves in bad shape. It was reflection on this surprising fact, that I could see my own optic nerves, that solved the first great mystery in this discovery. You who read this will say at once that I saw clairvoyantly. But what does that convey to one who does not believe in mysteries? What does it mean, in any way you look at it? It means just what I did not believe in— a mystery ! If you say that it is a supernatural force, the result is the same. If you say that it is spirits, or God direct, it is still the same — a mystery. Remember that God is continually helping you through human agencies, but rarely in a more direct way. I recall an incident of the woods of western Washington. Finding myself in a tight place dur- ing the panic of 1890-93, I took the job of assess- 49 Mental Therapeutics ing those Washington wilds for the county of Jefferson. One day I came upon an old Irishman out there in the woods, in his dirt-floor shanty, miles from all other human beings. The rain was coming down and he was sick in bed. All he had in the house to eat was potatoes and flour. I saw that he was in a dying condition, and when I arrived at the nearest settler's, about fif- teen miles away, I persuaded them to go for him. They took him in a canoe about fifteen miles down the swift river Hohe to its mouth, then north along the ocean beach to Cape Flattery, where a steamer took him to Port Townsend. Upon my arrival there I visited him in the Sisters' Hospital, where he was being cared for. He told me then that he had always felt that God would not let him die out there in the woods alone, without the last rites of the church. He lived only a few days after that. Now, I had no idea that I was on any other mission than the assessing of the district. When a great railroad or steamship line is started, we think that it is done for gold only — but not so! We must not wait for our Lord's spiritual coming before believing in His daily help. In fact He is continually helping in ordi- nary ways. Right here in Oakland I knew a man who got hard up. He had only forty cents left and spent five of that for fare to San Francisco, where he 50 An Exact Science hoped to find work. He had a family of small children and was worried to know where their living would come from on the morrow unless he secured employment. Just as he was about going aboard the ferry a man asked him for help. His left hand was badly injured and he had had noth- ing to eat since the day before. Our friend felt of his thirty-five cents pretty hard, but decided to give the man ten cents, as he seemed worthy. He was in San Francisco all day without success and made his way home in great dejection. Upon reaching the house he learned that during the day a cat had run up the street, had come through his yard, and jumped over the fence in the back. A lady followed, trying to catch her pet. She had asked one of his little boys to find it, and, upon his success, had given him a dollar and a half. Who do you think it was that really gave that family the money — money that tided them over the pinch till the father got work ? As soon as I was positive that I was really see- ing the diseased parts, I began to study how to account for the apparent phenomenon. As I said before, I noticed the likeness between these and X-ray pictures. This gave me a clue which led to the solution. In X-ray work the patient is so placed that the sensitive paper is beyond him. The picture is printed in much the same way as the sun casts a shadow. That is, the diseased mi* Mental Therapeutics parts or foreign substance in the body is cast upon the paper in the form of a shadow. While at first I saw only the shadow, later on I began to see the flesh colors inside, with scarcely ever a halo. I suppose you all know how a picture is taken with a kodak. The light strikes the ob- ject and is reflected back, leaving the imprint on the sensitive paper. Or, to make it a little plain- er: Suppose you desire a picture of a ten-foot ring on the front of your house transferred to a board twenty feet square, twenty feet away. This board we will paint snow-white. Then we will take one hundred base-balls, covered with lampblack. Now, suppose we can throw them at equal distances apart to divide the ten-foot circle into that many subdivisions. These balls, re- bounding, will strike the twenty-foot board, leav- ing the imprint of the circle perfectly formed on the board. Light acts in the same way as the balls, in the kodak work. While my mental pictures looked much like X-ray work, I soon found that the manner of getting them was more like kodak work. In kodak work you get only a view of exposed parts, while in my pictures I get any view desired. So, you see, it is really different from them both and, if it is to be widely used, it must be explained. It was this remarkable fact that almost conquered me. 52 An Exact Science I have explained previously how, by practice, I found that I was sending out stronger and stronger currents of electric waves; or, in other words, that I was daily becoming a stronger dynamo, sending out waves further and further. In just this way it was that they finally succeeded in getting a wireless message across from New- foundland to England. The resistance of the body to the flow of the wireless waves develops heat and light — not the ordinary light, but one of those finer rays, such as the X-ray, Finsen ray or Roentgen ray, which rebounds from the object like the lamp-blacked balls. You all know that the diaphragm of your telephone is a piece of steel about two inches in diameter by one thirty-second of an inch in thick- ness. Now, I wish to ask you, how can that solid piece of steel vibrate ? Does it move as a whole ? No, it does not. It is composed of molecules which are in constant motion. When you whis- per into it the molecules arrange themselves to suit the pressure of the sound waves, which pro- duce the electric waves which pass over the line. A new phonograph has been invented, though not yet perfected, which is in general like the diaphragm of your telephone. The impressions from sound waves are in it and it can be sent any- where by mail or letter. With an attached appar- 63 Mental Therapeutics atus the recipient can take the message from this piece of steel. The brain is similar to this steel ; it is composed of molecules, which are impressed with electric force. Exactly how this is done, I do not pre- tend to know. I leave that to scientific minds for definite explanation. Whether the picture is really printed in colors or only in black and white, I do not know. We see colored pictures by the flow of light through the optic nerve and I should there- fore judge that the impressions are actually colored in the brain. However, it does not matter in so far as our work in hand is concerned. The mind is in some way enabled to know the colors through the impressions given by light force to the molecules of the brain matter. IX. The picture of an internal organ is transferred through distance, according to the power exerted, to the sensitive molecules of the brain. You see the organ because the picture of it is really in your brain, even if you yourself are miles away from the person whose troubles you are diagnos- ing. At first I saw the organs very indistinctly, because I had not learned to generate power enough. By practice the mental vision became more and more vivid. A number of times I have been put to the test 54 An Exact Science of seeing external injuries when the party was many miles away. Until quite recently I could not do this. Now I have proved beyond a doubt that I can see ex- ternal inflammation as well as internal. It simply requires more force, or a stronger current, to get the light from an outside resistance. The weaker current, in passing through more flesh, produces the same light as a stronger one passing through less flesh. But you will ask how I can see one part of the human anatomy when other parts are in front of it. Must it not require supernatural powers to do that? Not at all. You can get a correct picture of something you never saw printed in your brain either by the ordinary way of seeing or by the way I have described. In the ordinary way the picture is printed whether the mind sees it or not; or it can be printed by description, through its like- ness to another object. In this new way of getting the picture, it is not printed unless the mind sends out the electric force. Now remember that anything you know about and all that you know about it is made known to the mind by impressions in the brain which we call pictures. If I desire to look at the stomach from a back view, the fine light prints all the parts of the body in front of it, so that not only is the stomach picture hung on the walls of my 55 Mental Therapeutics brain, but also all the objects between it and my- self. Let us suppose that you go into a picture gal- lery for a certain picture. You know what you want, and notwithstanding the fact that there are thousands of pictures there, you are able, by look- ing at the index, to go to the right one at once. You may stand there all day viewing it. If it were a statue you could get any desired view by changing your position. The other pictures do not prevent you from seeing this one alone if you so will. Now, do you not see the point? Everything you ever saw is in your brain gallery. The mind is really you, who go into it for a picture or im- pression. The mind knows just where to look for it and either turns the picture around for dif- ferent views or shifts its own viewpoint. These mental rays of light are so strong that every nerve and tissue in the stomach is transferred by wave impressions to the brain gallery. You can section the stomach at will to see if there is trouble in any part of it, even though you are miles from the patient. Therefore you have any view of any part of the anatomy of man at hand for considera- tion. This is the most wonderful of all the discoveries I have yet made known to you. It is so far-reaching that I hesitate to call your 56 An Exact Science attention to all that it means, until I have proved each seeming fact beyond a doubt. Within the last month I have noticed at times, when diagnosing, that the features of the patient will bob into sight for an instant, looking per- fectly natural. You will all remember having had the same experience at times when thinking of an absent friend. I notice the same thing also in regard to the hands and feet. I actually see them as if they were present. This vividness is growing daily. It is because almost all my time is spent in the attempt to cure some one, with full brain knowledge of what I am after. In this way I am gradually becoming stronger. I have felt, to all intents and purposes, as if I stood beside a sick aunt who was over seven hundred miles away. I looked at her at first and could hardly believe that I was not in reality at her side. What is the use of spending time to discover how the spirit, or both body and spirit, could pos- sibly get so far from home and back again in a few seconds? There is a perfect explanation at hand. No doubt you already perceive it ; but, lest some may not, I will make it plain. Remember that I said I felt as if my body were there as well as my spirit. In reality my mind zvas simply zvalking around in its oum brain picture gallery looking at the views of my aunt as they come dozm by "zvireless! 3 57 Mental Therapeutics Since the beginning of time we have been try- ing to attribute this kind of work to spirits. Is it not about time to use our reason? Such pheno- mena can be simply explained, as I have just re- corded. We see the distant moon by reflected light on its surface. If I prove to you that I can send out wireless waves by thinking, which I can prove, then you must acknowledge that if they strike something which causes resistance to the flow, that resistance must cause heat, and light if they have sufficient force. The light must be reflected back and all that one needs, in order to make use of the rebound, is an instrument which will record the wave impressions. We have the instrument or machine which takes those impres- sions, which prints the pictures perfectly and hangs them up in our brain gallery for our in- spection now or fifty years hence. As I have said before in this work, I am not a scientist, but feel capable of erecting a few land- marks which may cause one to stop, at first out of curiosity perhaps, and examine; then to sit down with interest to study a little more; and soon to probe the subject with irresistible force. Whoever admits the above chain of reasoning to be sound will be compelled to probe. He will have to admit the soundness of the argument be- cause the thermometer tests cannot be thrown aside. An Exact Science Parallel lines of reasoning will hold good in that argument as well as in spectroscopic work. If the fusion of a piece of steel always gives the same colors of light, if they are always arranged in the same relative position, and a ray of light from a distant sun when reflected into the same machine gives exactly the same picture of color, form, and arrangement. If this is considered proof positive that that distant sun contains steel or iron, then the scientist cannot with reason re- ject my explanation of this other phenomenon. If he admits that, so far, the arguments are in general correct, then I will proceed to offer him other fields for his inspection. The fact that we have a mental picture gallery is just as positive as that there is red-hot iron in the sun. If I can give a correct description of another man's in- ternal anatomy as well of his external (as ex- plained above, and which I am willing to prove at any time and place), then if I tell you that I can see the pictures hanging in my own salon or brain impression department (a fact which no reasonable person will deny), you should believe me when I say that one can see the pictures in another's mental gallery. Positively this is true ! If you stop and consider you will recognize the truth of this by your own experience. Have you not many times caused a person to turn abruptly about and look at you as if you had 59 Mental Therapeutics asked him a question? Have you not repeatedly found yourself simultaneously thinking and ex- pressing the same thoughts as another? Have you not known persons drawn together by the in- tensity of their love for each other, when there seemed to be no possible hope of such a result? In this latter case, what was the cause? In modern cant it was mental telepathy, but in real intelligible terms it was the transference of brain pictures. You have in your picture gallery views of your old home, your old companions, your father and mother. If I can look into that supposedly private apart- ment and see its hangings, why should you think it a mystery if I can tell you your past? If you write me a description of those things, the picture is printed by the exchange of a piece of paper. If you tell me the same things, my brain gets those pictures to use as long as life lasts, if it needs them. The exchange of pictures in this way is just as mysterious as in the other way, which I have explained. When you tell a person orally, the sound waves make the impressions. When you write to him it is his own thinking about the forms on the paper that does the work. When distant you have the picture transferred through the flesh and skull to the brain or sensitive plate by electric force. Brain pictures have been photographed by a scientist in France successfully. An Exact Science At this minute I have no doubt of soon being able, after forming a picture in my own brain, to cause, by this same electric force, the impres- sions of it to be made in the brain of another person within the circle of my power to send out those waves. I might transfer the picture to another without his knowing it unless he was in some way notified to take a look in his gallery and view it. Just as I can heal another at a dis- tance or raise his temperature without his knowl- edge, so I might send him the picture. Because of this transference of thought pic- tures one should always be very careful of the kind of thoughts that he sends out. There is al- ways some brain sensitive plate which will re- ceive them and perhaps follow their suggestions. Perhaps you do not see all the wonderful pos- sibilities that rest in these arguments if they are true. You will say that it is a dangerous power. If one man can see all that another has in his mind life will be intolerable ; God could not wish such a state. Now, if a person's body can be seen, externally or internally, whether absent or present, then by parallel reasoning why should not the brain's contents? If God made me so that by the discovery of this seeing quality I can do good to others, then he must have made me so that I can do evil also if I so desire. We are free agents while on this earth, to do 61 Mental Therapeutics as we dare, or as we are allowed by our fellow men. I can see good in this as in all other things. If you have friends who are liable to call upon you at any moment you will keep your house clean at all times. Morally and physically, also, one should keep clean, ready for the Great Inspection at any time. If one's friends can view one's body and mind at any time, why, one must keep things in good order in both body and mind, or be little respected. I have often thought that God made a great mistake in allowing us such a way to hide our intentions and inside filth. The world will certainly be better for having its individual mind actions more publicly ex- posed, as well as for having its material insides more closely inspected. Nearly all internal dis- eases are started and perhaps too far gone for effective help before the patient knows of their existence. The same is true of the mind. If a mother could only see the pictures her child is forming in its brain, what a change there would be in the next generation! X. Trying to see my own optic nerve made me wonder how it was, if I were seeing with my eyes, I could possibly look backward. Of course this idea is not new to the world. Many people know that the eyes are only a medium for get- 62 An Exact Science ting the light into the brain. Upon reflection I saw that the eyes were not a necessary mechan- ical instrument for seeing. Here again I invite the scientist to probe. If I can see another's troubles at a distance without the use of eyes, the reflected rays passing through my skull and flesh to the sensitive plate in the brain, I ask why a man who is hopelessly blind so far as his material eyes are concerned can not do the same thing. Do you think that our Lord and Saviour has left us to our miseries without a remedy? No! a thousand times, no ! When I first began to see things without my eyes I did not dream what it meant. I have now been at it for about seven months, during which time the strength of my eyeless sight has been gradually becoming greater. The wonder of it is that I did not realize what it meant until about ten days ago, when I began to see faces perfectly when the persons were absent. I said to myself, "Can it be possible that blind men can see at last?" Other people have seen things probably in the same manner, but because their minds were not open to receive the light they did not make the discovery. The wonder of it is overwhelming. To think that such a simple thing should have been overlooked for so many ages! If I can see the outside of a person's body when distant, then I can learn 63 Mental Therapeutics to see the outside of a building without my ma- terial eyes, or a road or a sidewalk. From par- allel reasoning this is positive proof. As before stated, I can prove beyond a shadow of doubt that I can see the internal organs of a person, and this makes the foundation for the parallel. You will note that I am not trying to prove that I can see the outside of objects as yet. I am not yet strong enough to do so positively. If you read my works and follow the discov- eries made therein you cannot get away from the "deadly parallels." I will give an instance of outside seeing which I have just experienced. My son went to Nevada with his team to play foot-ball. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the day of the game I "saw" a bruise on his right cheek-bone and the right side of his face. It was too early for an accident in the game, which was scheduled for the afternoon. Still I was forced to conclude that they had played in the forenoon and that my boy had been hurt. On his return he told me that he had had a severe swelling come under the right eye, reaching to the cheek-bone. It started while he was on the train and had kept him awake nearly all night. I did not see it exactly as it was. Part of the picture was from imagination, as I could ac- count for it only by thinking that he had fallen on his face and scraped it. An Exact Science A man came to me who had already lost one leg below the knee through a disease which closed up the arteries and caused the foot to decay. The physicians had told him that the other leg must be taken off at once. The toes were black from the absence of circulation. He understood my method and worked on him- self to get the corpuscles moving again through the arteries. That very night when I, too, be- gan to work on the case, I saw the circulation renewed and the black blood disappear, the toes returning to normal color. I told my wife that the black was gone. Two days later when he came to see me, the first thing I asked him was how the black part looked. He replied that he had not inspected it because heretofore whenever he did it had been worse, and that had sickened him. I told him that I thought the black was gone. He admitted that the leg felt much better. When the foot was bared, sure enough, it was perfectly white — much to the man's astonishment. It is not necessary now to mention more in- stances of the same nature. I have been right so often that I know what is coming. What is this "sub-conscious mind" mystery we are hearing so much about? What is this climb- ing of ideas from the sub-conscious mind to the conscious one? If you have not already guessed, I will tell you in a few words. 65 Mental Therapeutics An order given and obeyed necessitates intel- ligence on both sides. This intelligence may be equal on both sides ; but as a rule it is not so. In the body there are the night and day Crews to keep the work going. Now when you talk to the sub-conscious mind of a sleeping person you are simply talking to the night foreman and his workmen — that is, to the gray matter scattered throughout the body, which contains the formen in the sub-picture galleries, and the corpuscles and cellular life to execute the mind's will. Belief in spirits about us, who direct our af- fairs or tell us how to secure our own betterment, is an absurdity. Can anyone show that those who consult with spirits have ever been any better off than those who have not had such guidance ? Suppose you were asked to stand before all the nations of the world, each represented by one man who was an incarnation of all the good and bad qualities of his own country, a$ displayed in its past actions. You are to pick out the one whose works in the past have done the most good to the world in general. I will answer for you that you will be obliged to name one of those who represent Christian countries. Apply the same test to those who believe in spirits, occult things, dreams, and all supersti- tions. You will not pick one of them as a great 66 An Exact Science benefactor to his race. You will, on the con- trary, pick out some cold, unimpassioned scien- tific investigator, whom God has placed among us to keep us in the useful way. When the electric age began it was this scientist who found exact rules for the daily use of the new force. We still do not know what it is; but neither do we know what water is, or air. We may think we know all about water. Yet we might name its parts and subdivide them till the end of time without being any the wiser as to what it is. This knowledge all helps us, however, to make greater use of water. We will not know what anything is until we have arrived at the Great Beyond. It is so with this thought-force, electricity started into motion by Mind. It is not necessary to know what it is in order to make commercial use of it. We must have the scientific investigation to teach us all that is in it, so that it may be turned to use- ful, intelligent work. That is what I cannot do; and, realizing that I cannot, I am calling for help. XL Since time began there have been people who have seen pictures of distant things or persons. Yet not one of them has been able to leave a useful rule that would enable another to "see" 67 Mental Therapeutics also. There are to-day people who are making fortunes by the diagnosis of diseases. When you ask them how it is done the best they can say is that it is a gift. God loved them so much, forsooth, that he has given it to them as a special mark of approval ! They do not know otherwise, else I am sure they would see more in it for them by making such knowledge public property. The same holds good in mind-curing. I do not wish to injure anyone's business. Yet I know that if investigation proves what I think it will, a thousand people will gain where one loses. If I can stop the common practice of metaphysical and medical "doctor chasing" (ex- cept of course in necessary cases), I shall have accomplished a good so far-reaching that it will cover any minor loss to individuals. I desire to affirm again, that it may not be forgotten, that a physician who uses good medi- cine is just as safe as a metaphysical doctor. If one is very sick indeed he cannot treat himself and must of necessity go to some one else for relief. Such healing is legitimate. But the work of the present metaphysical doctors and of irre- sponsible medical ones is worse for the human race than a wholesale giving of alcoholic liquors to the growing generation. Think of the people who believe that God can and does cure their ills just as Christ cured An Exact Science them! They sit in their offices and treat those who come to them at the rate of one dollar for a few minutes' thinking, the poor patient believing God does it. The only proper and safe way is to discriminate and force the "chronics" to rely on their own powers, after instructing them how to heal themselves. We are trying to sail our little ships over life's ocean without compass or rudder. Each one of us is running about in time of tempest to find someone who will tell us how to repair dam- ages. All the ages we have had a remedy within our grasp but did not know it. It is a positive law that one who is educated to its use can keep perfectly well. The whole secret is to begin in time. If you wait until the trouble has had a start it is hard to control it. Suppose you al- lowed a child's evil tendencies to continue un- checked for years. Could you then expect to correct them easily, or even at all? The seeing quality is absolutely essential for the great work of healing. Since opposition is necessary to keep us up to our work, inside as well as outside, it is plain that we ought to have the power to know when the battle is going against us. In the battle of life we can always tell how our affairs are going, and, by extra exertion, often win because of that knowledge. In this inner battle, when we see that the germs Mental Therapeutics are gathering too strongly in certain places we can rout them by a little extra work. The great secret in this curing is actually to see the very center of the enemy's works and to send your little fighters thither. Your intelli- gence keeps ahead of the work in hand; and that is the only way in which lasting good can be accomplished in this world. I can look at a diseased stomach, actually see it all black with germs, and, in ten minutes, view it turn light when the white corpuscles take pos- session. Soon as they do the patient at once feels improvement. I have now acquired the power to see the nerves and their diseased parts. As soon as the germs are destroyed or driven out pain ceases. If this had happened only a few times it might be doubted; but it never fails. You, too, can do the same thing if you desire. You need only two qualities to succeed. Perse- verance and work will make success for you. But you may perhaps say, "I tried it and it did not work." Let us see how long you tried it. "A few minutes, about five at a time, two or three times each day." Your perseverance is truly remarkable! You will go to a doctor and he will give you a prescription. You take this to a druggist, who charges you at least fifty cents. The doctor's bill added to it makes at least two dollars and a half. You spent an hour 70 An Exact Science going to the doctor and a half hour going to the druggist. The two dollars and a half represent ten hours' worth of work. This added to the other time makes a grand total of eleven and a half hours you spent in trying to get relief. If you will spend eleven and a half hours really thinking of your pains, even if you have never tried it before, I will guarantee an abso- lute cure. Before you give up the trial so easily just stop and count up the hard work repre- sented by the cash with which you purchase medicine. You have become used to working for the medicine and do not think of it as time spent in curing yourself. As a race we are just as truly lost to our real surroundings as though we were in the wilds of Africa without knowl- edge of the points of the compass. Since I have developed this seeing faculty I have been watching the old drunks. Every one of them has a collection of germs in his intes- tines caused by the continual tipping of the glass. This trouble can be cured. I have likewise taken notice of boys who are inclined to be bad, and find that they, too, have a colony of bacteria which no doubt are the source of their desire to do wrong. If you have a pin sticking continually into your back, can you be good? Suppose your three nervous sys- tems are loaded with germs, all eating, breeding and keeping warm there. Can you keep calm? 71 Mental Therapeutics This nervous trouble, which only about one woman out of a thousand escapes, is the primary cause of many divorces. Half of the business men also have the terrible disease. You say it cannot be possible, but I assure you that it is true. They do not realize that their whole wire system is being gnawed at by these little rats. They are martyrs, every one of them. What does a few minutes of burning at the stake amount to when compared with whole years of constant pain caused by these little rodents? What we need is an army of Dr. Blues to show us a way to clean up. I find that a person who has "nerves" will, if the germs are routed, at once become a cheer- ful and agreeable companion. Now suppose the case of two persons, man and woman, who from the long struggle with the problem of getting a living have grown into the habit of snarling at each other over every question which comes up. The cause lies in the destruction of their nervous systems. They will at once smile and love each other as of old if those little devils are driven out. Judge no man, for you may be surprised to see him in the next world crowned a martyr, whom in this world you thought a demon. Study yourself and see if perhaps you are not a martyr while your acquaintances think you a bad case. 72 An Exact Science The glorious way in which human beings bear up under such conditions is grand! I have felt sorry for sheep and cattle being driven to the slaughter; but that pity was surpassed by the deeper one when I thought of the prolonged suf- ferings of man in his struggle of life. No doubt the goal is worth the struggle, else God would not permit it. The troubles of a child, at the time of them, are just as distress- ing and real to him as are those of any "grown up." Yet we laugh at our boyhood troubles. So shall we make merry over the worst of our trou- bles here when we shall arrive at the fulfillment of life. You should not grow old! You should not allow your shoulders to droop and your chest to cave in when you pass the fifty-year line. You should have hope that you can and will live for hundreds of years. Just start in after reading this to keep your workers within you up to the mark. Never dream that you are going down the hill. If you begin to idle on life's road, so will they. There was once in Asia a father of a very large family who became so involved that he could no longer support them all. One day he called them to him and so informed them. They were good children, as the world goes, and each one at once promised to do something for him- Mental Therapeutics self. Three of them decided to go south to new countries, while four went north into barbarian wilds. The rest stayed near home to help their father. After years of hardships, it happened that they simultaneously decided to take a trip to view their old home once more. None of them knew that the others would be there. It was a great surprise to the old folks in many ways. The boys who had gone to the southern tropical country came back indolent, ignorant and dirty ; worst of all, the terrible heat had turned their skins black. Those who had gone to the northern snow countries, on the other hand, were energetic, alert, and refined; most surprising of all, they had become almost white. All the boys, when they had left home, had been of a yellowish color. You can imagine how the poor old father felt upon seeing such changes in his family. The sons from the north did not care to associate with those from the south, who were ignorant and ill-kept, while they themselves were refined and fastidious. The father said to himself, "One as bad as the other." What was the cause of his grief ? What really sent this poor father to an early grave? It was blindness, or ignorance if you like, on the chil- dren's part, in not knowing the conditions under which each had lived in his adopted country. Those who went south became indolent because 74 An Exact Science they did not take notice of the excessive heat, which caused their corpuscles and cell life to take it easy. They had nothing to oppose them inside or out; hence they deteriorated. The fierce sun heat discolored their bodies. Those who went north found too much opposition; the terrible struggle to make a living against cold and barbarians made them too active and aggres- sive. They became cold-blooded and proud. The father saw it all and grieved for those whom he loved. If you slacken your pace the least your little defenders will imitate you. My little boy, only twelve years old, can cure all his ills, and see them, too. He has been working at it now about two years; but it is only within the last few weeks that he has begun to see them. I myself have had that knowledge for only about seven months. If a twelve-year-old boy can learn it in so short a time, any grown person should be ashamed to give it up as too hard. The concentration of thought requisite to be successful is acquired by practice. This alone would be sufficient reason for teaching all school children how to cure their own troubles. If chil- dren in all the schools were taught this method the different diseases which go the rounds of the schools would disappear. Children are so sus- ceptible that it would be very easy to make them absolutely healthy men and women. 75 Mental Therapeutics SUMMARY OF INSTRUCTIONS. In concluding this second work I am going to tell you exactly how to set about learning this seeing quality. You must have perseverance and plenty of practice, in order to make much of a success. I desire to have every one possible learn all I have writtten in both works. I have them copy- righted, but will never, so long as I have con- trol, try to stop anyone from making public use of the knowledge contained therein, provided he does not try to make money from those who should do their own work. There will be enough to do in diagnosing peo- ple's troubles and in curing those who cannot help themselves. The medical doctors are the ones who should take up this work; for, with their knowledge of anatomy, they can succeed very quickly in making cures which now would be considered miracles. The first thing to do is to sit down and realize that what I have disclosed is common sense and ought to work, even if it does seem far-fetched. The next thing is to try to get imaginary pic- tures of the trouble. To do this you should look at cuts of the human anatomy. The more you know about it the more you can hope for success. The next step is to try to see the exact center 76 An Exact Science of the disease, which generally looks black. Hold the picture of it just as steady as possible and as long as you can without making your head ache. If you desire to see the backbone, try to imagine you are looking at a skeleton; then you will see only that part. If you desire to see the nervous system of the back, do the same thing by trying to see it with the flesh on and the nerves branching out. When you know that a certain part is diseased and you imagine you can see it looking black, at once switch your thoughts from that to one in a person whom you do not know to be healthy, and note the difference. If you are going to build a house, some one must conceive a picture of it before a mark is made. To make a cure of an organic trouble one must see the organ perfect with the order to the intelligent life to build to those lines. No organic trouble can be positively cured without this knowledge of anatomy. Keep trying this day after day. Each time that you try you are gaining force; some day when you are trying it, you will see the halo around the diseased part. Then you will know that the foundation is laid. To do a thing which no one has ever done before, you must have the idea that you are reaching out into the unknown. Then, like the coral builders, your mind will keep putting out new thoughts, each a little beyond the other, until sunlight is reached. 77 Mental Therapeutics With steady practice your imaginary pictures will surely become real. This is true in anything you undertake, if you use good judgment and persevere. The pictures will first come to you as black and white, something like the X-ray photographs you see in the papers. As you gain strength of current, they will gradually change to the actual color. The halo rarely ever comes to me now. I explain it as caused by a certain strength of current which I have grown beyond. I do not know it all, therefore can only give my experience as it happened. In conclusion I will say to those who make the attempt, "Try, try; always keep trying and you will surely be rewarded/' 78 F. H. ABBOTT, Printer 545 Mission Street San Francisco F. H. ABBOTT, Printer 545 Mission Street San Francisco 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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