PEIVATE LIBEAR1 /^^<-^^M. No. VIDOCQ THE FRENCH POLICE SPY WRITTEN BY HIMSELF NEW YORK GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS 9 LAFAYETTE PLACE PREFACE. As a piece of Autobiography the present work has many peculiar characteristics which stamp it as one of the most interesting and powerful narratives ever penned. Replete with astonishing incident, it affords for the lovers of * sensational ' reading all that the wildest taste could desire of hair-breadth escapes, imminent dangers, and thrilling horrors ; for the admirers of fun, there are sketches as comic as humour can devise ; while for the reflective reader, disposed to search into the motives, and to philosophize on the wit or weakness, power or puerility, of the human mind, ample scope will be found in these instructive pages for the exercise of his meditation. Marvellous as many of the personal deeds and perils of Vidocq may be deemed by some readers, it is only fair and just to bear in mind that his veracity has never been impugned, although many of the persons whom he has handled with severity, and spoken of in no measured terms, were living for several years after the first appearance of his Memoirs, and would, doubtless, have been too happy to refute the charges alleged against them, did not truth forbid denial. Of his wonder- ful and multiplied escapes and adventures, it may be also safely asserted, that no man in his senses would attempt to give fictitious ",Xcrly I am made an officer The quarters of St. Sylvestrc Capelle The revolutionary army Retaking of a vessel I marry Anothei visit to the Baudets My emancipation 24 CHAPTER III. els A forger The roving array The baroness and the baker-boy Arrival at Paris 35 CHAPTER IV. Gypsies A Flemish fair Return to Lille The Bull's-eye Sentence of punishment St. Peter's tower A forgery 47 CHAPTER V. Three escapes The Chauffeurs The suicide I am accused of assassina- tion Fresh escape Ostend Smugglers I am retaken - - - 56 CHAPTER VI. The pewter keys A hussar Retaken and condemned ... - 70 CHAFFER VII. Departure from Douai Revolt of prisoners in the forest of Compiegne The Bicetre The madhouse 82 CHAPTER VIII. Captain Viez and Lieut. Thierry Complaint of the galley-slaves The galley-sergeants encourage plundering Useless attempt to escape The Bagne at Brest Another escape 92 CHAPTER IX. Pursuit of the galley-slave The hospital The mother of robbers - loo CHAPTER X. Cholet Arrival at Paris Captain Villedieu. - - IIO vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. PAGB Journey to Arras Father Lambert Depart for Holland The mutiny- Catastrophe 121 CHAPTER XII. Re-imprisoned at Douai Am I Duval or Vidocq ? Again at Bicetre Captain Labbre Toulon Jossas, the robber Marquis St. Armand The executioner of the Bagne 129 CHAPTER XIII. Father Mathieu My new line of business Ecce Homo, or the psalm- seller A fugitive convict My best contrived escape The gay lady and the burial I detect a thief I get my dismissal 144 CHAPTER XIV. A receiver of stolen goods First treaty with the police Departure for Lyons 156 CHAPTER XV. Again at Arras Disguises Rouen My Arrest 163 CHAPTER XVI. Camp of Boulogne Recruiters of the ancien regime M. Belle-Rose - 171 CHAPTER XVII. The daughters of Mere Thomas The Silver Lion Captain Paulet The pirates The bombardment Lord Lauderdale I embark Sea-fight Capture of a brig-of-war I change my name Death of Dufailli A frigate sunk - - - - 188 CHAPTER XVIII. I enter the marine artillery Become a corporal Secret military societies 'The Olympians' Singular duels I am betrayed, and again in prison Piedmontese bandit Four murderers set at liberty - - - 212 CHAPTER XIX. Sent to Douai My wife re-marries I travel as an officer, and go to Paris The commissary of Melun Execution of Herbaux A robber denounces me Galley-slaves at Auxerre Two fugitives from the Bagne My wife again Receiving stolen goods 228 CHAPTER XX. My wicker car Arrest of two galley-slaves Fearful discovery I offer to serve the police My concealment Disguises Chevalier denounces me Annette Passers of false money I am apprehended and sent to the Bicetre 240 CHAPTER XXI. Plan of escape My agreement with the police Coco-Lacour A band of robbers The old clothes-woman and the assassins - ... 254 CHAPTER XXII. M. Henry, 'the Evil Spirit' Bertaux and Parisot My first capture Arrest of Bouhin and Terrier 264 CHAPTER XXIII. St. Germain proposes to me a murder The plunderers The grandson of Cartouche Annette again aids me Attempt to rob the house of a banker I am said to be killed Arrest of St. Germain and Boudin - 267 CHAPTER XXIV. The inspectors betray me A receiver of stolen goods arrested by me 278 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER XXV. PAGE Gueuvive's gang I pass for a fugitive galley-slave, and engage in a plot against myself Robbery in the Rue Cassette Arrest of Gueuvive 282 CHAPTER XXVI. I trip up GatTre Thief and spy incompatible trades Gaffre again - - 287 CHAPTER XXVII. Destruction of three classes of thieves A new species The Brothers Del/eve 295 CHAPTER XXVIII. More thief-chasing Another 'mother of robbers' An admirable plot Mother Noel sent to St. Lazare 299 R XXIX. Vain pursuit of a robber by the police On the right scent I become a r.nian Fright of a vintner and his wife Mademoiselle Tonneau A search The thief takes me for his mate The jump from the window - 308 CHAIMT.K XXX. Guillotin Double-Croche and the chicken-coop The Orientalists and the 1 >nauts The muttunof the salt inarches The cat's tail Riboulet and .1 la Blonde The little black father The Children of the Sun - 319 CHAPTER XXXI. A frequenter of La Petite Chaise A nocturnal abduction The jolly thief Firt viMt to II:.' ic My life threatened The storm appeased - - 328 CHAPTER XXXII. occurrence The swal'ows of La Greve Madame Bras, or the scrupulous shopkeeper ' Vidocq caught,' a new piece I play the part of Vidocij I let a robber escape- Accusing stocking* and cravat Fight with the vintner I am apprehended My deliverance and recognition - 336 CHAPIT.K XXX I II. Saint Cloud The aspiring spy The Faubourg Saint Marceau The tur- key's claws Explanation of the word Jraiffe The man who arrests himself The r.vw Kpictetus The mistress of a Russian prince Mother i >le The invulnerable The picture of the Sabines The lottery ticket IVnelope The beautiful mask Louison la Blagncust Kmilie in the I'u.i: l-li .u-e Return to Bariole's The Sybil's tripod Jo.-.e^hine Real Three arrests The traitor punished 348 i'TKR. XXXIV. The mania for turning spy Self-denounced female thief The treacherous ^herwoman's basket The stolen child The modern Sappho Liberty not the first of blessings 371 CHAPTER XXXV. Our friends our enemies The jeweller and the clergyman The hiding- place and the coffer The Cossicks innocent The false sol-lii The ers wife at Livry -Local reputation I am a Jew My p,l ; . i ,;ige with the nun of Dounlans My m> t;itnor;>hosis into a German servant li'i' '1 The church rat -The flesh-colonred coat My history Bat'.le of Montereau I have robbed my master Projects of escape Journey to Germany The black hen My release Flight with an unfortunate companion A great store of diamonds . 378 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVI. PAQB The stolen looking-glasses The Turk and his odalisques General Boucher Little Saint Jean The grand uniform, and the banknotes Capture of twenty-two thieves What it is to be knowing The almoner of the regi- ment Surprise at the Cafe Hardi T go to the Tuileries A great lord The director of the police of the Chateau Assassination of the Due de Berri The robber-giant A scene of Madame de Genlis I become accoucheur Baptismof the child My gossip at St. Lazare The thieves' alley The dangerous doctor Old friends A dinner at Capucin The trap The Bohemians An exploit at a duchess's The moral hump- backed lady Fair of Versailles Disturbed rest of a milliner Love and tyranny Scenes of jealousy I vanish ...... 388 CHAPTER XXXVII. The jolly butcher A murder The magistrates of Corbeil Removal of the body The criminating wound I hit upon the right man Arrest of a suspected pair The goguettes, or the bards of the Quai du Nord I become a scullion Removal to the prefecture Confession A dealer in poultry, etc. Somnambulism The guilty parties confronted A supper under lock and key Departure from Paris - - - -413 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Arrival at Corbeil Popular legends Poulailler and Captain Picard The dealer in turkeys General Beufort Public opinion on myself Terror of a sous prefet Assassins and their victim Important discoveries, etc. - 429 CHAPTER XXXIX. A journey to the frontiers A robber Mother Bardou A feigned recogni- tion The false smuggler A brigand astonished I deliver the country from a scourge Hercules with the skin of a bear .... 435 CHAPTER XL. A visit to Versailles Resignation A criminal's agony Sleep of a mur- derer New converts They invite me to witness their execution Reflec- tions on a gold box The fatal hour The Carline The crucifixes I embrace two death's-heads Spirit of vengeance A last adieu Eternity 442 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, THE FRENCH POLICE SPY. CHAPTER I. My birth I become a journeyman baker First theft Stolen plate Prison Quit Arras, and seek a ship M. Comus, the ^r<.\it phyMciau - 1 < company of rope-dancers I'unch and the Theatie uf \'.nuiu-> -A p jealousy I enter the service of a quack doctor Return home Acquaint- ance with an actress Another du>e 1 join a I \^\ over to the enemy A flog^in^ Return to my old standard A duiu tic robbery Wounded in a duel--! join the \ I WAS born at Arras ; my continual disguises, the flexibility of my features, and a singular power of grimacing, having cust some doubt concerning my age, it will not be deemed superfluous to declare here, that I was brought into the world on the 23rd of July, 1775, in a house adjoining that in which Robespierre was born sixteen years before. It was night ; the rain fell, lightning flashed, the thunder rolled ; and a relation, who was both midwife and fortune-teller, predicted that my career would be a stormy one However that may be, we will presume that the sky was not troubled on my special account ; and although there is always something very attractive in the marvellous, I am far from think- ing that the turbulence of the elements had much reference to my birth. I had a most robust constitution, and there was plenty of me, so that as soon as I was born, they took me for a child of two years of age; and I gave tokens of that athletic figure, that colossal form, which have since struck terror into the most hardened and powerful ruffians. My father's house being situated in the Place d'Armes, the constant resort of all the blackguards of the vicinity, I had my muscular powers early called into action, io MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. in regularly thrashing my comrades, whose parents were always complaining of me to my father and mother. At home, nothing was talked of but torn ears, black eyes, and rent garments ; at eight years of age, I was the terror of all the dogs, cats, and children of the neighbourhood ; at thirteen I handled a foil, with no little skill and address. My father, preceiving that I associated chiefly with the military of the garrison, was alarmed for me, and desired me to prepare myself for the first receiving of the communion : two devotees undertook to prepare me for this solemn duty. God knows what fruit I have gathered from their lessons. I began at the same time to learn the trade of a baker, which was my father's business, in which he intended that I should succeed him, although I had an elder brother. My employment principally consisted in carrying bread through the city. During my rounds, I made frequent visits to the fencing-rooms, of which my parents were not long in ignorance ; but the cooks all gave such testimony of my politeness and punc- tuality, that they winked at this trifling prank. This went on until they discovered a deficiency in the till, of which they never took away the key. My brother, who visited it in the same manner as myself, was detected in the very act, and sent off in a hurry to a baker at Lille. The day after this event, which had not been explained to me, I was about to explore, according to custom, the convenient drawer, when I perceived that it was carefully closed. The same day, my father desired me to use more alacrity in my rounds, and to return at a certain hour. It was then evident that from this day forward I should be equally deprived of liberty and money. I bewailed this twofold calamity, and hastened to impart it to a comrade named Poyant, older than myself. As a hole was cut in the counter to drop the money through, he first advised me to introduce a feather dipped in glue ; but this ingenious expedient only produced me very small pieces of money, and it became necessary for me to employ a false key, which was made for me by a blacksmith's son. I then dipped again into the till, and we spent together the fruits of these pilferings at a public-house, where we had established our head-quarters. There assembled, attracted by the master of the house, a great many well-known rogues, and some unfortunate young fellows, who, to get re- plenished pockets, used the same expedient as myself. I soon joined the society of the most abandoned vagabonds of the country, who initiated me into all their villainies. Such was the honourable society in the bosom of which I spent iny leisure hours, until one day my father surprised me, as he had done my brother, took away my key. heartily thrashed me, and took such IN PRISON. 1 1 precautions as totally cut off all my hopes of ever again getting a dividend from the receipts therein deposited. My only resource was now, to take my tithes from the bakings. Occasionally I pilfered a loaf or two ; but as in disposing of them I was compelled to sell them very cheaply, I scarcely by their sale obtained sufficient to regale myself with tarts and honey. Neces- sity makes us active ; I had an eye for everything ; all was agree- able to me, wine, sugar, coffee, and liquors. My mother had never known her provisions to disappear so quickly, and perhaps would not have discovered so soon, but two chickens which I had resolved on disposing of to my own peculiar profit raised their voices to accuse me. Hid in my breeches pocket, and concealed by my baker's apron, they thrust out their heads and crowed : and my mother, thus informed of their intended fate, came out to prevent it. She gave me several cuffs of the head, and sent me sun.ierless to bed. I did not sleep a wink, and it was, I think, the evil spirit that kept me awake : all I know is, that I rose with the determination to lay hands on all the plate. One thing alone gave me uneasiness. On each piece the name of VIDCCQ was en- graved in laige letters. Poyant, to whom I broached the matter, overruled all difficulties : and the same day, at dinner time, I swept off ten forks and as many coffee spoons. Twenty minutes afterwards the whole was pawned, and the next day I had not a farthing left of the hundred and fifty francs, which they lent me on them. I did not return home for three days, and on the third evening I was arrested by two police officers, who conveyed me to the Baudets, a place in which mad persons are confined, together with those committed for trial, and the rogues of the district. I was kept in a dungeon for ten days, without being told the cause of my arrest, and then the gaoler told me that I had been im- prisoned at the desire of my father. This information a little com- me : it was a paternal correction that was inflicted on me, and I accordingly judged that its continuance would not be rigor- ous. My mother came to see me the next day, and I was pardoned. Four days afterwards I was set at liberty, and I returned to work with a determination and promise of henceforward conducting myself irreproachably. Vain resolve ! I soon resumed my old habits, except extravagance ; and I had excellent reasons for no more play- ing the prodigal, for my father, who had before been rather care- less and regardless, now exercised a vigilance that would have done credit to the commandant of an advanced guard. If he left the post at the counter, my mother relieved guard ; it was im- possible for me to approach it, although I was conslantly on the 12 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. look out. This put me in despair. At last one of my tavern companions took pity on me ; it was Poyant again, that thorough rogue, of whose abilities in this way the citizens of Arras may still preserve the memory. I confided my sorrows to his friendly bosom. 'What a precious fool you are,' said he,' to remain thus ; and what business has a lad of your age to be short of a farthing ? Ah ! were I in your place, I know what I would do.' ' Well, what?' 'Your parents are rich, and a thousand crowns, more or less, would not hurt them. The old misers ! they are fair game, and we must carry it off.' ' I understand, we must grasp at once what we cannot get in detail.' ' You're right ; and then we will be off, neither seen nor known.' 'Yes, but the police?' 'Hold your tongue ; are you not their son ? and your mother is too fond for that.' This consideration of my mother's love, united to the re- membrance of her indulgence after my late freaks, was powerfully persuasive; I blindly adopted a project which smiled on my audacity ; it only remained to put it in execution, and an oppor- tunity was not long wanting. One evening whilst my mother was at home alone, a confidant of Poyant came kindly to tell her, that, engaged in a debauch with some girls, I was fighting everybody, and breaking and destroying everything in the house, and that, if I were not stopped, there would be at least a hundred francs to pay for the damage done. At this moment my mother was seated in her chair knitting ; the stockings dropped from her hand, she arose with haste, and ran with great alarm to the place of the pretended affray, which had been fixed on at the extremity of the city. Her absence could not be of long continuance, and we hastened to profit by it. A key which I had stolen from the old lady procured us admittance into the shop. The till was closed ; I was almost glad to meet with this obstacle. I recalled the memory of my mother's love for me, not as an inducement to commit the act with impunity, but as ex- citing feelings of coming remorse. I was going to retire ; Poyant held me, his infernal eloquence made me blush for what he called my weakness ; and when he presented me with a crowbar, with which he had the precaution to provide himself, I seized it almost with enthusiasm ; the chest was forced ; it contained nearly 2,000 francs (upwards of ;8o), which we shared, and half an hour after- wards I was alone on the road to Lille. In the trouble which this affair threw me into, I walked at first very quickly, so that when I reached Lens I was much fatigued A return chaise passed, into which I got, and in less than three hours arrived at the capital of French Flanders, whence I immediately started for Dunkirk, being excessively anxious to place myself beyond the reach of pursuit SEEKING A SHIP. 13 I had resolved on visiting the new world My fate forbade this project. The port of Dunkirk was empty ; I reached Calais, in- tending to embark immediately, but they asked me more than the whole sum in my possession. I was induced to hope that at Ostend the fare would be less ; and on going there found the captains not more reasonable than at Calais. Thus disappointed, I fell into that adventurous disposition which induces us to throw ourselves voluntarily into the arms of the first enterprise that offers. Whilst I was walking, I was accosted by a person whose benevolent appearance gave me rather a favourable impression of him. The first words he addressed to me were questions. He had learnt that I was a stranger; he told me that he was a ship-broker; and when he learnt the cause of my coming to Ostend, he offered his services. ' Your countenance pleases me,' said he, * I like an open face ; there is in your features the air of frankness and joviality, which I like, and 1 will prove it to you by procuring for you a .1$. for almost nothing.' I spoke of my gratitude. 'No thanks, my friend, that will be soon enough when your business is completed, which I hope will be soon ; but surely you will be tired of waiting about in this manner?* I said that certainly I was not very much amused. * If you will accompany me to Blakemberg, we will sup there together, with some jolly fellows, who are very fond of Frenchmen.' The broker was so polite, and asked me so cordially, that I thought it would be ungentlemanly to refuse, and therefore accepted his invitation. He conducted me to a house where some very agreeable young ladies welcomed us with all that ancient hospitality which did not confine itself only to feasting. At midnight, probably I say probably, for we took no account of hours my head became heavy, and my legs would no longer support me; there was around me a complete chaos, and things whirled in such a manner, that without preceiving that they had undressed me, I thought I was stripped to my shirt in the same bed with one of the Blakembergian nymphs ; it might be true, but all that I know is, that I soon fell soundly asleep. On waking I found myself cold ; instead of the large green curtains, which had appeared to me in my sleep, my heavy eyes only gazed on a forest of masts, and I heard the watchful cry which only echoes in the sea-ports. I endeavoured to rise, and my hand touched a heap of cordage, against which I was leaning. Did I dream, then, or had I dreamt the previous evening ? I felt about, I got up, and when on my feet I found that I did not dream, and what was worse, that I was not one of the small number of those personages whom fortune favours whilst sleeping. I was half naked, and except two crowns and six livres, which I found in one of my 14 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, breeches pockets, I was pennyless. It was then but too clear of me, as the broker had said, ' my business had soon been done.' I was greatly enraged, but what did that avail me? I was even unable to point out the spot where I had been thus plundered. I made up my mind and returned to the inn, where I had some clothes which remedied the deficiencies of my attire. I had no occasion to tell my misfortune to the landlord. * Ah, ah !' said he to me, as far off as he could see me, ' here comes another. Do you know, young man, that you have got off well ? You return with all your limbs, which is lucky when one gets into such a hornet's nest ; you now know what a land shark is ; they were cer- tainly beautiful sirens ! All pirates are not on the sea, you observe, nor all the sharks within it ; I will wager that they have not left you a farthing.' I drew my two crowns from my pocket to show them to the innkeeper. 'That will be,' said he, 'just enough to pay your bill,' which he then presented. I paid it and took leave of him, without, however, quitting the city. The sea was open to me as a profession, and I resolved to betroth myself to it, at the risk of breaking my neck thirty times a day, by climbing, for eleven francs a month, up the rigging of a ship. I was ready to enter like a novice, when the sound of a trumpet suddenly arrested my attention ; it was not that of a regiment, but of Paillasse (Merry-Andrew) and his master, who, in front of a show bedecked with the emblem of an itinerant menagerie, were awaiting the mob, which never hisses the vulgar exhibitions. I saw the beginning ; and whilst a large crowd was testifying its gratification by loud shouts of laughter, it occurred to me that the master of Paillasse might give me employment. Paillasse appeared to me a good fellow, and I was desirous of securing his protection ; and as I knew that one good turn deserves another, when he got down from his platform, on saying ' 'follow the crowd,' thinking that he might be thirsty, I devoted my last shilling in offering him half a pint of gin. Paillasse, sensible of this politeness, promised instantly to speak for me, and as soon as our half-pint was finished, he presented me to the director. He was the famous Cotte-Comus : he called himself the first physician of the world, and in traversing the country, had united his talents to those of the naturalist Gamier, the learned preceptor of General Jacquot, whom all Paris saw in the square of the Fountains before and after the Revolution. These gentlemen had with them a troop of rope-dancers. Comus, as soon as I appeared before him, asked me what I could do. 'Nothing,' said I. 4 In that case,' said he, ' they will teach you : there are greater fools than you, and then, besides, you have not a clumsy appearance. We shall see if you A COMPANY OF ROPE-DANCERS. 15 have a taste for the stage ; then I will engage you for two years ; the first six months you shall be well fed, and clothed ; at the end of that time you shall have a sixteenth of the profits ; and the year following, if you are bright, I will give you a share like the others ; in the meantime, my friend, I will find occupation for you.' Thus was I introduced, and then went to partake of the flock- bed of the obliging Merry-Andrew. At the break of day we were awakened by the sonorous voice of our master, who, leading me to a kind of small room, said, whilst showing me the lamps and wooden chandeliers ' There is your employment, you must clean these and put them in proper order ; do you understand ? And afterwards you must clean out the cages of the animals, and brush the floors.' I went about my job, which did not greatly please me : the tallow disgusted me, and I was not quite at my ease with the monkeys, who, enraged to see a fool to whom they were not accustomed, made inconceivable efforts to tear my eyes out. But I yielded to iron necessity. My duty performed, I appeared before the director, who said that I was an apt pupil, and that if I was assiduous he would do something for me. I rose early, and was very hungry ; it was ten o'clock, but no signs of breakfast were visible, and yet it was agreed that I should have bed and board. I was sinking from want, when they gave me a piece of brown bread, so hard, that being unable to get through with it, although gifted with sharp teeth, and a famous appetite, I threw the greater portion amongst the animals. I was obliged to light up in the evening, and as, from want of practice, I did not evince in my occupation all possible despatch, the director, who was a brute, administered to me a slight correction, which he renewed the next and following days. A month had not elapsed, before I was in a wretched con- dition ; my clothes, spotted with grease and torn by the monkeys, were in rags ; I was devoured by vermin ; hard diet had made me so thin, that no one would have recognised me ; and then it was that there arose in all imaginable bitterness the regrets for my paternal home, where good food, soft bed, and excellent clothing were mine, and where I had no monkeys to make clean and feed. I was in this mood, when one morning Comus told me that after due consideration he was convinced that I should make an admirable tumbler. He then placed me under the tuition of Sieur Balmate, called the ' little devil,' with orders' to train me. My master just escaped breaking my loins at the first bend which he compelled me to make. I took two or three lessons daily. In less than three weeks, I was able to execute with much skill the monkey's leap, the drunkard's leap, the coward's leap, etc. My 16 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. teacher, delighted at my progress, took pains to forward me; a hundred times I thought that in developing my powers he would dislocate my limbs. At length we reached the difficulties of the art, which became more and more complicated. At my first attempt at the grand fling, I nearly split myself in two ; and in the chair-leap, I broke my nose. Bruised, maimed, and tired of so perilous a business, I determined on telling Comus that I had no desire to become a vaulter. ' Oh, you do not like it/ said he, and without objecting to my refusal, gave me a sound thumping. I then left Balmate entirely and returned to my lamps. Comus had given me up, and it was now for Gamier to give me a turn. One day, after having beaten me more than usual (for he shared this pleasing office with Comus), Gamier, measuring me from head to foot, and viewing with a marked delight the dilapi- dation of my doublet, through which my flesh was visible, said to me, ' I like you : you have reached the point that pleases me. Now, if you are obedient it remains with yourself to be happy : from to-day you must let your nails grow ; your hair is already of a sufficient length ; you are nearly naked, and a decoction of walnut-tree leaves will do the rest' I did not understand what Gamier meant, when he called my friend Paillasse and desired him to bring the tiger skin and club. Paillasse obeyed * Now/ said Gamier, ' we will go through the performance. You are a young savage from the South Seas, and, moreover, a cannibal ; you eat raw flesh, the sight of blood puts you in a fury, and when you are thirsty, you introduce into your mouth flints which you crack; you utter only broken and shrill sounds, you open your eyes widely, your motions are violent ; you only move with leaps and bounds : finally, take for your model the ourang-outang who is in cage number one.' During this lesson, a jar full of small stones quite round was placed at my feet, and near it a cock which was tired with having its legs tied together ; Gamier took it, and offered it to me, saying, ' Gnaw away at this.' I would not bite it ; he threatened me. I rebelled, and demanded to be released ; to which he replied by a dozen cuffs of the ear. But he did not get off scot- free ; irritated at this usage, I seized a stake and should assuredly have knocked the naturalist on the head, if the whole troupe had not fallen on me, and thrust me out at the door with a shower of blows from the fists and kicks of the feet. Some days afterwards, I was at the same public-house, with a showman and his wife who exhibited puppets in the open street We made acquaintance, and I found that I had inspired them with some feelings of interest. The husband pitied me for having been condemned to what he termed the society of beasts. He THE THEATRE OF VARIETIES. 17 compared me with Daniel in the lions' den. We may see that he was learned, and intended for something better than to play 'Punch.' At a later period he superintended a provincial theatrical company, and perhaps superintends it still I shall con- ceal his name. The embryo manager was very witty, though his wife did not perceive it ; he was very ugly, which she plainly per- ceived She was one of those smart brunettes with long eyelashes, whose hearts are of the most inflammable material, which de a better destiny than to light a fire of straw. I was young, and so was the lady : she was only sixteen, her husband thirty-live. As soon as I found myself out of place, I went to see this couple : it struck me that they would advise me correctly. They gave me some dinner, and congratulated me in having dared to free myself from the despotic yoke of Gamier. * Since you are your own master,' said the husband to me, ' you had better accompany us : you will assist us ; at least, when we are three in number, we shall have no lost time between the acts ; you will move the actors whilst Eliza goes round with the hat ; thus the public will be attracted and not go off, and the profits will be more abundant. What say you, Eliza?' Eliza answered, that she would do in this respect all he might desire, and besides, she entirely agreed with him ; and at the same time gave me a look which bespoke that she was not displeased, and that we should soon understand each other. I accepted the new employ with gratitude, and at the next representation I was installed in my office. The situation was infinitely superior to that at Garnier's. Eliza, who, despite my leanness, had discovered that I was not so badly made as I was clothed, made a thousand secret advances, to which I was not backward in reply : at the end of three days she said she loved me. I was not ungrateful ; we were happy and constantly together. At home we only laughed, played, and joked. Eliza's husband took all that for child's sport ; when at work we were side by side under a narrow cabin, formed of four cloth rags, dignified by the splendid title of * Theatre of Amusing Varieties. 1 Eliza was on the right of her husband, and I on her right hand, and filled her place when she was not there to superintend the exits and entrances. One Sunday the play was in full representation, and there was a crowded audience round the stage. Punch had beaten everybody, and our master having nothing more to do with one of his per- sonages (the Serjeant of the Watch) wished it to be removed, and called for his assistant. We heard him not. ' Assistant, assistant,' he repeated with impatience, and at a third time turning round, he saw us enfolding each other in a close embrace. Eliza, surprised, sought for an excuse, but the husband without listening cried out again, at i8 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. 1 Assistant,' and thrust against his eye the hook which served to suspend the serjeant. At the same moment the blood flowed, the representation was interrupted, and a battle ensued between the two married people ; the show was overturned, and we were ex- posed in the midst of a numerous crowd of spectators, from whom this scene drew a lengthened peal of applause and laughter. This disaster again threw me on the wide world, without a home to shelter my head If I had had a decent appearance, I might have procured a situation in a respectable family, but my appear- ance was so wretched that no one would have anything to say to me. In my situation I had but one resource, that of returning to Arras : but then how to exist on the road ? I was a prey to these perplexities, when a person passed near me whom I took by his appearance to be a pedlar. I entered into conversation with him, and he told me he was going to Lille ; that he sold powders, opiates, and elixirs, cut corns, relieved bunions, and sometimes extracted teeth. ' It is a good trade,' added he, hnt I am getting old, and want somebody to carry my pack ; it is a stiff-backed fellow like you that 1 need, with a firm foot and steady eye ; so if you like we will tramp it together.' 'Willingly,' was my reply, and without any further stipulation, we went on our way together. After an eight hours' walk, night drew on, and we could scarcely see our way, when we halted before a wretched village inn. * Here it is,' said the itinerant doctor, knocking at the door. ' Who is there ?' cried a hoarse voice. ' Father Godard with his pack, 3 answered my guide; and, the door immediately opening, we found ourselves in the midst of a crowd of pedlars, tinkers, quack doctors, umbrella vendors, showmen, etc., who hailed my new master, and ordered a plate to be brought for him. I thought they would do me equal honour, and I was about to seat myself at table, when the host, striking me familiarly on the shoulder, asked me if I was not mountebank of Father Godard. ' Who do you call a mounte- bank ?' said I with astonishment. 'The Merry- Andrew, then.' I confess that, despite of the recent reminiscences of the menagerie, and the ' Theatre of Amusing Varieties,' I felt mortified at such an appellation. But I had a devil of an appetite, and as I thought that supper would follow the interrogatory, and that, after all, my situation with Father Godard had not been accurately defined, I consented to pass for his mountebank. On my answering, the host led me at once to a neighbouring spot, a sort of barn, where a dozen of fellows were smoking, drinking, and playing at cards. He said that they would send me in something to eat. Soon afterwards, a stout wench brought me in a mess in a wooden bowl, on which I fed with the utmost avidity. A loin of mutton was THE RETURN HOME. 19 swimming in a sea of pot-liquor with stringy turnips : I cleared the whole up'in a twinkling. This done, I laid myself down with the other packmen's valets on some piles of straw, which we shared with a camel, two muzzled bears, and a crowd of learned dogs. The vicinity of such bedfellows was not the most pleasing ; but it was necessary to put up with it. I did not close my eyes, whilst all the others snored away most gloriously. Father Godard paid for all, and however bad were the beds and the fare, as we drew near Arras, it was necessary that I should not quit him. At length we reached Lille, which we entered on a market day. By way of losing no time, Father Godard went straight to the principal square, and desired me to arrange his table, his chest, his vials, and his packets, and then proposed that I should go and announce his arrival round the place. I had made a good breakfast, and the proposition disgusted me : I could put up with acting with a dromedary, and carrying his baggage from Ostend to Lille, but to go round in parade, at ten leagues from Arras No \ I bade adieu to Father Godard, and then set out towards my native city, of which the clock soon became visible. Having reached the foot of the ramparts, before the closing of the gates, I trembled at the idea of the reception I should meet with : one moment I was tempted to beat a retreat, but fatigue and hunger could not allow that ; rest and food were vitally necessary : I wavered no longer, and ran towards my paternal roof. My mother was alone in the shop : I entered, and throwing myself at her feet, wept, whilst I entreated her forgiveness. The poor old woman, who hardly re- cognised me, so greatly was I altered, was softened She had not power to repulse me, and even appeared to have forgotten all. She reinstated me in my old chamber, after having supplied all my wants. But it was necessary to tell my father of my return. She did not feel courage to face his first bursts of anger : a priest of her acquaintance, the almoner of the regiment of Anjou, garrisoned ai Arras, undertook to be the bearer of the words of peace ; and my father, after having vowed fire and flames, consented to pardon me. I trembled lest he should prove inexorable, and when I learnt that he had yielded, I jumped for joy. The almoner brought the news to me, and followed it up with a moral application, which was no doubt very touching, but 1 do not remember a word of it ; I only recollect that he quoted the parable of the Prodigal Son, which was in truth a history similar to my own. My adventures had made some noise in the city; everybody was anxious to hear them from my own lips. But no one, except one actress of the Arras company, took more interest in them than two milliners of the Rue de Trois Visages : I paid them frequent visits. t --2 20 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. However, the actress soon obtained the exclusive privilege of my attention, and an intrigue followed, in which, disguised as a young girl, I renewed at her house some scenes from the romance of Faublas. A sudden journey to Lille with my conquest, her hus- band, and a very pretty little maid-servant, who passed me off for her sister, proved to my father that I had soon forgotten the troubles of my first campaign. My absence was not of long con- tinuance : three weeks had scarcely elapsed, when, from want of money, Ihe actress refused any longer to allow me to form part of the baggage. I returned quietly to Arras, and my father was con- founded at the straightforward way with which I asked his consent to enter the army. The best he could do was to comply, which he did ; and the next day I was clad in the uniform of the Bourbon regiment. My height, good figure, and skill in arms, procured for me an appointment in a company of chasseurs. Some old veterans took offence at it, and I sent two to the hospital in con- sequence, where I soon joined them myself, on being wounded by one of their comrades. This commencement gave me notoriety, and they took a malicious pleasure in reviewing my past adven- tures ; so that at the end of six months, Reckless for they be- stowed that name on me had killed two men and fought fifteen duels. In other respects I enjoyed all the pleasure of a garrison life. I mounted guard at the cost of some good shopkeepers, whose daughters took on themselves the charge of making me as comfortable as possible. My mother added to these liberalities, and my father made me an allowance ; and besides, I found means to run in debt : thus I really cut a figure, and scarcely felt any- thing of the troubles of discipline. Once only I was sentenced to a fortnight's imprisonment, because I had not answered to three summonses. I underwent my punishment in a dungeon beneath one of the bastions, where one of my comrades was shut up with me, a soldier in the same regiment. He was accused of various robberies, which he had confessed. Scarcely were we alone when he told me the grounds of his detention. Doubtlessly the regiment would give him up, and this idea, joined to the dread of dishonour- ing his family, threw him into despair. I pitied him, and seeing no remedy for so deplorable a case, I counselled him to evade punish- ment either by escape or suicide. He determined to try the former ere he resolved on the latter ; and, aided by a young friend who came to visit me, I prepared all for his flight. At midnight two bars of iron were broken, and we conducted the prisoner to the ramparts, and then I said to him 'Go : you must either jump or hang.' He calculated the height, and hesitating, determined rather to run the chance of his sentence than to break his legs. He was IN THE ARMY. 21 preparing to return to his dungeon : at a moment when he least expected it, we gave him a push over : he shrieked out whilst I bid him be silent. I then returned to my cell : when on my straw, I tasted the repose which the consciousness of a good deed always brings. The next day, on the flight of my companion being dis- covered, I was questioned, and dismissed on saying that I knew nothing of the affair. Some years afterwards, I met this unfortu- nate fellow, who looked on me as his liberator. Since his tail he had been lame, but had become an honest man. I could not remain eternally at Arras ; war had been declared against Austria, and I set out with the regiment, and soon after resent at the route of Marquain, which ended at Lille by the massacre of the brave and unfortunate General Dillon. After this we were ordered against the ramp at Manlde, and then in that de la Lime, when, with the infernal army under the command of Killerman, I was engaged in the battle against tlu> Prussians of the 3oth of October. The next day I was made corporal of grenadiers; thereupon it became necessary to baptize my w<>rsi-d lace, and I acquitted myself with much credit at the drinking booth, when, I know not how or why, I quarrelled with the serjeant-major of the regiment which I had just left. An honour- able meeting, which I proposed, was agreed upon, but when on the ground my adversary pretended that the difference from rank would not allow of his measuring weapons with me. I sought to compel him by violence, he went to make a complaint of me, and the same evening I was, together with my second, placed under arrest. Two days afterwards we were informed that we were to be tried by court-martial, and I thereupon determined to desert. My comrade in his waistcoat only, with a cap on his head, like a soldier about to undergo punishment, walked before me, who had on a hairy cap, my knapsack, and musket, at the end of which was a large packet sealed with red wax, and inscribed ' To the citizen commandant of the quarters at Vitry-le-Francois.' This was our passport, and we reached Vitry in safety, and procured citizens' habits from a Jew. At this period the walls of every city were covered with placards, in which all Frenchmen were invited to fly to the defence of their country. At such a juncture the first comers were enrolled: a quarter-master of the nth chasseurs received us, gave us our route, and we immediately started for the depot at Philippeville. My companion and self had but little cash, when fortunately a lucky windfall was in waiting for us at Chalons. In the same inn with us was a soldier of Beaujolais, who invited us to drink. He was an open-hearted countryman of Picardy, and as I conversed 22 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. with him in the provincial dialect of his country, whilst the glass was circulating, we grew such great friends, that he showed us a portfolio filled with assignats, which he said he had found near Chateau-1' Abbaye. * Comrades,' said he, ' I cannot read, but if you will tell me what these papers are worth, I will give you a share.' The Picard could not have asked any one better able to inform him, and in bulk he had much the greater quantity ; but he had no suspicion that we had retained in value nine-tenths of the sum. This little supply was not useless during the remainder of our journey, which we finished with much glee. Arrived at our place of destination, we had still enough left to keep the pot boil- ing. A short time afterwards we were sufficiently skilled in horse- manship to be appointed to one of the squadrons on service, and we reached the army two days before the battle of Jemmappes. It was not the first time that I had smelt powder, and I was no coward ; indeed, I had reason to know that I had found favour in the eyes of my officers, when my captain informed me, that having been discovered to be a deserter, I should be most certainly arrested. The danger was imminent, and that same evening I saddled my horse, intending to go over to the Austrians. I soon reached their outposts ; and on asking to be admitted, was incorporated at once with the cuirassiers of Kinski. What I most feared was lest I should be compelled next day to cross swords with the French, and I hastened to avoid any such necessity A pretended illness enabled me to be left at Louvain, where after passing some days in the hospital, I offered to give the officers in the garrison lessons in fencing. They were delighted with the pro- posal, and supplied me with masks, gloves, and foils ; and an assault in which I disarmed two or three pretended German masters was enough to give them the highest opinion of my skill. I soon had many pupils, and reaped a good harvest of florins I was too much elated with my success, when at the end of a brisk attack on a brigadier, I was condemned to undergo twenty stripes of the cat, which, according to custom, were given to me on parade. This transported me with rage, and I refused to give another lesson. I was ordered to continue, with a choice of giving lessons or a fresh flogging. I decided on the former ; but the cat annoyed me, and I resolved to dare all to escape from it. Being informed that a lieutenant was about to join the army under General Schroeder, I begged to accompany him as a servant ; to which he agreed, under the idea that I should make a St. George of him ; but he was mistaken, for as we approached Quesnoi I took French leave, and directed my journey towards Landrecies, where I passed for a Belgian who had left the Austrian banner A DOMESTIC ROBBERY. 23 They wished me to enter a cavalry regiment, but the fear of being recognised and shot, if ever I should be brigaded with my old regiment, made me give the preference to the i4th light regiment (the old chasseurs of the barriers). The army of the Sambre and Meuse was then marching towards Aix-la-Chapelle ; the company to which I belonged received orders to follow it. We set out, and on entering Rocroi I saw the chasseurs of the nth. I gave myself up for lost, when my old captain, with whom I could not avoid an interview, gave me courage. This worthy man, who had taken an interest in me ever since he had seen me cut away amongst the hussars of Saxe-Teschen, told me that as an amnesty would henceforward place me out of the reach of all pursuit, he should have much pleasure in again having me under his order. I told him how glad it would make me ; and he, undertaking to arrange the affair, I was once more reinstated in the nth. My old comrades received me with pleasure, and I was not less pleased to find myself once again amongst them ; and nothing was wanting to complete my happiness, when love, who is always busy, determined on playing one of his tricks. It will not be thought sur- prising that at seventeen I captivated the housekeeper of an old gentleman. Manon, for that was her name, was near twice my age, but then she loved me very tenderly, and proved it by making every sacrifice to me unhesitatingly. I was to her taste, the handsomest of chasseurs, because I was hers, and she wished that I should also be the most dashing. She had already given me a watch, and I was proudly adorned with various jewels, proofs of the love with which I had inspired her, wrfen I learnt that Manon was accused by her master of robbery. Manon confessed the fact, but at the same time, to assure herself that after her sentence I should not pass into another's arms, she pointed me out as her accom- plice, and even asserted that I had proposed the theft to her. It had the appearance of probability, and I was consequently impli- cated, and should have extricated myself with difficulty if chance had not brought to light some letters of hers, which established my innocence. Manon, conscience-stricken, retracted. I had been shut up in the house of confinement at Stenay, whence I was set at liberty, and sent back as white as snow. My captain, who had never thought me guilty, was delighted to see me again : but the chasseurs could not forgive my being even suspected ; and in consequence of various allusions and comments, I had no less than six duels in as many days. In the last I was badly wounded, and was conveyed to the hospital, where I remained for a month before I recovered. On going put, my officer, convinced that these quarrels would be renewed if I did not go away for a time, 24 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. gave me a furlough for six weeks. I went to Arras, where I was much astonished to find my father in a public employment. As an old baker, he had been appointed to watch over the supplies of the commissariat. He opposed the distribution of bread at a time of scarcity ; and this discharge of his duty, although he per- formed it gratis, was so offensive that he would assuredly have been conducted to the guillotine, had he not been protected by Citizen (now Lieu tenant-General) Souham, commandant of the 2d batta- lion of Correze, into which I was temporarily drafted. My furlough being out, I rejoined my regiment at Givet, whence we marched for the county of Namur. We were quartered in the villages on the banks of the Meuse ; and as the Austrians were in sight, not a day passed without some firing on both sides. At the termination of an engagement more serious than usual, we were driven back almost under the cannon of Givet : and in the retreat I received a ball in my leg, which compelled me to go again to the hospital, and afterwards to remain at the depot ; and I was there when the Germanic legion passed, principally composed of a party of deserters, fencing-masters, etc. One of the chief officers pro- posed that I should enter this corps, offering the rank of quarter- master. ' Once admitted,' said he, * I will answer for you, you shall be safe from all pursuit.' The certainty of not being asked for, joined to the remembrance of the disagreeables of my intimacy with Manon, decided me ; I accepted the offer, and the next day was with the legion on the road to Flanders. No doubt, in con- tinuing to serve in this corps, where promotion was very rapid, I should have been made an officer, but my wound opened afresh, with such bad symptoms, that I determined to ask for leave again, which on obtaining, I was six days afterwards once more at the gates of Arras. CHAPTER II. Joseph Lebon Orchestra of the guillotine The aristocrat parrot The Sans Culottes Imprisonment Gaoler Beaupre M. de Bethune I get my liberty I am made an officer The quarters of St. Sylvestre Capelle The revolutionary army Retaking of a vessel I marry Another visit to the Baudets My emancipation. ON entering the city, I was struck with the air of consternation which every countenance wore ; some persons whom I questioned looked at me with contempt, and left me without making any reply. What extraordinary business was being transacted ? Pene- trating the crowd, which was thronged in the dark and winding streets, I soon reached the fish-market. Then the first object which struck my sight was the guillotine, raising its blood-red JOSEPH LEBON. 25 boards above the silent multitude. An old man, whom they had just tied to the fatal plank, was the victim ; suddenly I heard the sound of trumpets. On a high place which overlooked the orchestra, was seated a man, still young, clad in a Carmagnole of black and blue stripes. This person, whose appearance announced monastic rather than military habits, was leaning carelessly on a cavalry sabre, the large hilt of which represented the Cap of Liberty ; a row of pistols ornamented his girdle, and his hat, turned up in the Spanish fashion, was surmounted by a large tri- coloured cockade : I recognised Joseph Lebon. At this moment his- mean countenance was animated with a horrid smile ; he paused from beating time with his left foot ; the trumpets stopped ; he made a signal, and the old man was placed under the blade. A sort of clerk, half-drunk, then appeared at the side of the ' avenger of the people,' and read with a hoarse voice a bulletin of the army of the Rhine and Moselle. At each paragraph the orchestra sounded a chord ; and when the reading was concluded, the head of the wretched old man was stricken off amidst shouts of * Vive la rpublique !' repeated by the satellites of the ferocious Lebon. I shall never forget, nor can I adequately depict, the impression of this horrible sight. I reached my father's house almost as lifeless as the miserable being whose agony had been so cruelly prolonged ; and then I learnt that he was M. de Mongon, the old commandant of the citadel, condemned as an aristocrat. A few days before, they had executed at the same place M. de Vicux-Pont, whose only crime was that of having a parrot, in whose chatterings there were some sounds like the cry of * Vive le Roi !' The parrot had escaped the fate of his master ; and it was said that it had been pardoned at the entreaty of the citizeness Lebon, who had undertaken to convert it. The citizeness Lebon had been a nun of the abbey of Vivier : with this qualification added to many others, she was the fitting consort of the ex curate of Neuville, and exercised a powerful influence over the members of the commission at Arras, in which were seated, as judges or jurymen, her brother-in law and three uncles. The ex-nun was no less greedy of gold than blood. One evening at the theatre, she ventured to make this address to the crowded auditory : * Ah, Sans Culottes, they say it is not for you that the guillotine is at work ? What the devil, must we not denounce the enemies of the country ? Do you know any noble, any rich person, any aristo- cratical shopkeeper ? Denounce him and you shall have his money-bags.' The atrocity of this monster was only equalled by that of her husband, who abandoned himself to the greatest ex- cesses. Frequently after his orgies he was seen running through 26 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the city making bestial propositions to one young person, brandish- ing a sabre over another's head, and firing pistols in the ears of women and children. An old apple-woman, with a red-cap and sleeves tucked up to the shoulders, carrying a long stick of hazel-wood, usually attended him in his walks, and they were frequently met arm-in-arm together. This woman, called Mother Duchesne, in allusion to the famous Father Duchesne, figured as the Goddess of Liberty in several democratic solemnities. She regularly assisted at the sittings of the commissions, for which she prepared the arrests by her speeches and denunciations. She thus brought to the guillotine all the inhabitants of one street, which was left entirely desolated. I have often asked myself how, in the midst of such deplorable scenes, the taste for pleasure and amusement lost none of its relish. The fact is, that Arras continued to offer to me the same dissipa- tions as ever ; the ladies were accessible ; and I was easily con- vinced of that, as in a very few days I rose gradually in my amours from the young and pretty Constance, only child of Corporal Latulipe, canteen-keeper of the citadel, to the four daughters of the notary, who had an office at the corner of the Rue des Capucines. Lucky should I have been had I confined myself to that, but I began to pay my homage to a beauty of the Rue de la Justice ; and one day I met my rival in my walks. He, who was the old musician of the regiment, was one of those men who, without boasting of the success which they have obtained, hint in plain terms that they have experienced refusals. I charged him with boasting in this way, and he became enraged ; I provoked him the more, and the more angry he grew : I had forgotten my own cause of anger with him, when I remembered that I had good grounds of offence. I demanded an explanation, which was use- less ; and he only consented to meet me after I had inflicted on him the most degrading humiliation. The rendezvous was fixed for the next morning. I was punctual ; but scarcely had I arrived when I was surrounded by a troop of gendarmes and police- officers, who demanded my sword and ordered me to follow them. I obeyed, and was soon enclosed within the walls of the Baudets, whose use had been changed since the terrorists had put the population of Arras in a state of periodical decapitation. The gaoler, Beaupre", covered with an enormous red cap, and followed by two large black dogs, who never quitted him, conducted me to a vast garret, where he held in his keeping the principal in- habitants of the country. There, deprived of all communication from without, they scarcely received nourishment, and not even that until it had literally been overhauled by Beaupre, who carried M. DE BETHUNE. 27 his precaution so far as to plunge his filthy, dirty hands in the broth, to assure himself that there were no arms or keys. If any- body complained, he said to him, * Umph ! you are very difficult to please for the time you have left to live. How do you know that it will not be your turn to-morrow ? Oh, by the way, what is your name ?' * So and so.' * Ah ! by my faith, it is your turn to- morrow !' And the predictions of Beaupre were the less likely to fail as he himself pointed out the individuals to Joseph Lebon, who, after his dinner, consulted him, saying, * Who shall we bathe to-morrow ?' Amongst the gentry shut up with us was the Count de Bethune. One morning they sent for him to the tribunal. Before leading him out to the forecourt, Beaupre said to him abruptly, * Citizen Bethune, since you are going down there, am not I to have all you leave behind you?' 'Certainly, M. Beauprey answered the old man tranquilly. ' There are no misters now,' said the grinning wretch of a gaoler, ' we are all citizens ;' and at the gate he again cried out to him, ' Adieu, Citizen Bethune !' M. de Bethune was, however, acquitted. He was brought back to prison as a sus- pected person. His return rejoiced us all ; we thought him saved, but the next day he was again called up. Joseph Lebon, during whose absence the sentence of acquittal had been passed, arrived from the country : furious at bciiu,' deprived of the blood of so worthy a man, he had ordered the members of the commission to assemble immediately, and M. de Lethune, condemned at the next sitting, was executed by torchlight. This event, which Beaupre announced to us with ferocious joy, gave me serious uneasiness ; every day they condemned to death men who were ignorant even of the cause of their arrest, and whose fortune or situation in society never intended them for political commotion; and on the other hand, I knew that Beaupre, very scrupulous as to the number, thought not of the quality ; and that frequently, not seeing immediately the number of individuals pointed out, sent the first who came to hand, that the service of the state might suffer nothing from delay. Every moment then might place me in the clutch of Beaupre, and you may believe that this idea was not the most satisfactory in the world. I had been already detained sixteen days, when a visit from Joseph Lebon was announced ; his wife accompanied him, and he had in his train the principal terrorists of the country, amongst whom I recognised my father's old barber, and an emptier of wells, called Delmotte or Lantilette. I asked them to say a word for me to the representative, which they promised ; and I augured trie better of it as they were both in good estimation. However, 28 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. Joseph Lebon went through the rooms, questioning the prisoners in a brutal manner, and pretending to address them with frightful harshness. When he came to me, he stared at me, and said in a tone half severe and half jesting, ' Ah ! ah ! is it you, Frangois ? What, you an aristocrat you speak ill of the Sans Culottes you regret your old Bourbon regiment take care, for I can send you to be cooked (guillotined). But send your mother to me.' I told him, that being so strictly immured (au secret} I could not see her. * Beaupre,' said he to the gaoler, ' let Vidocq's mother come in ;' and went away, leaving me full of hope, as he had evidently treated me with marked amenity. Two hours afterwards I saw my mother, who told me, what I knew not before, that the musician whom I had challenged had denounced me. The denunciation was in the hands of a furious Jacobin, the terrorist Chevalier, who, out of friendship to my rival, would certainly have been much against me, if his sister, at the persuasion of my mother, had not prevailed on him to exert himself to procure my discharge. Having left prison, I was conducted with great state to the patriotic society, where they made me take the oath of fidelity to the republic and hatred to tyrants. I swore all they desired. What sacrifices will not a man make to procure his freedom ! These formalities concluded, I was replaced in the depot, where my comrades testified much pleasure at seeing me again. After what had passed, I should have been deficient in gratitude had I not looked on Chevalier as my deliverer ; I went to thank him, and expressed to his sister how much I was touched at the interest which she had so kindly testified to a poor prisoner. This lady, who was the most amorous of brunettes, but whose large black eyes did not compensate for their ugliness, thought that I was in love because I was polite ; she construed literally some compli- ments which I paid her, and from the first interview, she so greatly misinterpreted my sentiments as to cast her regards upon me. Our union was talked of, and my parents were questioned on the point, who answered that eighteen was too young for marriage, and so the matter went on. Meanwhile battalions were formed at Arras, and being known as an excellent driller, I was summoned, with seven other subaltern officers, to instruct the 2nd Battalion of Pas-de-Calais, to which belonged a corporal of grenadiers of the regiment of Languedoc, named Caesar, now garde champetre at Colombre or Pateux, near Paris. Afterwards I was promoted to the rank of sub-lieutenant on arriving at St. Sylvestre-Capelle, near Bailleul, where we quartered. Caesar had been fencing-master in his own regiment, and my prowess with the advanced guard of Kinski's cuirassiers was well known. We resolved to teach the ST. * YL VES TRE- CAPELLE. 25 practice as well as the theory of fencing to the officers of the battalion, who were much pleased at such an arrangement. Our lessons produced us some money, but not enough for our wants, or, if you please, the desire of men of our abilities. It was par- ticularly in good living that we were found wanting. What increased our regrets and appetites was, that the mayor, with whom we lodged, kept an excellent table. We sought in vain the means of increas- ing our supplies ; an old domineering servant, named Sixca, always defeated our intentions, and disturbed our gastronomic plans. We were disheartened and starving. At length Caesar found out the secret of breaking the charm which kept us from the table of the municipal functionary. At his suggestion, the drum-major came one morning to beat the morning call under the mayor's windows. Judge of the disturbance. It may be surmised that the old Maegara did not fail to request an intervention in putting a stop to this uproar. Caesar promised, with mild air, to use all his influence to put a stop to the noise, and then ran to beg the drum-major to renew the cause of com- plaint ; and the next morning there was a row sufficient to awaken the dead from the adjacent churchyard ; and at length, not to do things by halves, he sent the drum-major to practise with his boys at the back of the house ; a pupil of the Abbe Sicard could not have endured it. The old woman came to us, and invited the cunning Caesar and me very graciously ; but that was not enough. The drummers continued their concert, which only concluded when their respectable chief was admitted, as well as ourselves, to the municipal banquet. From that time no more drums were heard at St. Sylvestre-Capelle, except when detachments were passing by, and everybody was at peace except myself, whom the old woman began to threaten with her obliging favours. This unfortunate passion brought on a scene which must still be re- membered m that part of the country, where it made much noise at the time. It was the village feast : dancing, singing, drinking went on ; and I bore my part so ably that they were compelled to lead me to bed. The next day I awoke before daybreak : as after all similar orgies, I had a giddy head, my mouth parched, and my stomach disordered ; I wanted something to drink , and on rising 1 felt a hand as cold as a well-rope encircling my neck ; my head was still wandering and weak from the over-night's debauch, and I shrieked out lustily. The mayor, who slept in an adjoining chamber, ran with his brother and an old servant, both armed with cudgels. Caesar had not returned, and reflectiun had con- vinced me that the nocturnal visitor could only be Sixca ; and pre- 30 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. tending to be greatly alarmed, I told them that some hobgoblin had come to my side, and had glided out at the foot of the bed. They then laid on several blows with their sticks ; and Sixca, perceiving that she would soon be killed, cried out, ' Gentlemen, do not strike, it is I it is Sixca. I walked in my sleep to the officer's bed.' At the same time she showed her head, and did well ; for although they recognised her voice, yet the superstitious Flemings were about to renew the application of the bastinado. This affair made much noise throughout the place. It spread even to Cassel, and procured me many intrigues. I had, amongst others, one with a pretty barmaid, whom I should not allude to if she had not taught me that at the counter of some coffee-houses a good-looking fellow may get change for cash which he has not paid. We had been quartered for three months when the division was ordered to Stinward. The Austrians had given tokens of an in- tention to proceed to Poperingue, and the 2nd battalion of the Pas-de-Calais was placed in the first rank. The night after our arrival the enemy surprised our outposts, and penetrated to the village of Belle, which we occupied, and we formed in battle array in the greatest haste. In this nocturnal manoeuvre our young recruits evinced that intelligence and alacrity which are only to be found in Frenchmen. About six o'clock in the morning, a squadron of Wurmser hussars debouched on our left, and charged us without being able to break through our ranks. A column of infantry which followed them attacked us at the same time with the bayonet ; and it was only after a brisk encounter that our inferiority of numbers compelled us to fall back upon Stinward, our head- quarters. On arriving there I received the congratulations of General Vandomme, and a billet for the hospital of St. Omer, for I had had two sabre cuts in fighting with an Austrian hussar, who was killed whilst crying, ' Ergib dich 1 ergib dich /' (surrender, sur- render). My wounds were not very severe, since at the end of two months I was enabled to rejoin the battalion which was at Hazebrouek. I then saw the strange corps called the Revolutionary Army. The men with pikes and red caps, who composed it, took with them everywhere the guillotine. The convention had not, they said, found any better way of securing the fidelity of the officers of the fourteen armies which it had on foot, than by placing before their eyes the instrument of punishment reserved for traitors. All that I can say is, that this mournful sight almost killed with fear the inhabitants of the country through which it passed. It did RETAKING A VESSEL. 31 not much flatter the military, and we had many quarrels with the Sans Culottes, who were called the body-guard of the guillotine. I beat one of the party, who took upon himself to censure my gold epaulettes, when the regulation only ordered those of worsted. My fine array would have brought misfortune on me, and I should have paid dearly for my disregard of the sumptuary law, if I had not been allowed to start for Cassel, where I was joined by my batta- lion, which was then arrayed like the other regiments : these officers became plain soldiers, and it was in that capacity that I was directed to enter the 28th battalion of volunteers, which formed part of the army destined to drive the Austrians from Valenciennes and Conde". Shortly afterwards the battalion was quartered at Fresnes. In the farm-house in which I was billeted, there arrived one day the whole family of a pilot, consisting of the husband, wife, and two children, one of whom was a girl of eighteen, who was remarkably handsome. The Austrians had taken the boat, laden with grain, which was their whole fortune ; and these poor people, reduced to the garments which covered them, had no resource left but to take refuse \vith my host, their relation. This circumstance, their pitiable condition, and the beauty of the young girl Delphine, touched my heart. I Hiring a foraging party, I discovered their boat, which the enemy were only gradually unlading and measuring out. I pro- posed to a dozen of my comrades to carry off the spoils from the Austrians. They acceded to the proposition ; our colonel gave us consent ; and on a stormy night, we approached the vessel without being observed by the officer in charge, whom we despatched to feed the fish of the Escant with five strokes of the bayonet. The will- of the pilot, who would follow us, instantly ran for a bag of florins which she had concealed in the grain, and gave them to my charge. We then loosened the boat, to let it float to a point where we had an entrenched post, but at the moment it got into the stream, we were surprised by the challenge of a guard, whom we had not observed amongst the bulrushes which concealed him At the report of his gun which accompanied his second call to ua the next piquet flew to arms, and in a moment the bank wa\ covered with soldiers who fired a shower of balls at the boat, which we were compelled to quit. My comrades and I cast our- selves on a sort of raft which we had, and the women did the same; but the pilot, forgotten in the confusion, or stopping with a hope of escape, was taken by the Austrians, who were not sparing of their blows and kicks. This experiment had, besides, lost us three men, and I had two finders broken by a musket ball. Del- 32 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. phine loaded me with caresses. Her mother having set out foi Ghent, where she knew her husband had been sent as prisoner of war, we betook ourselves to Lille. I there passed my time of con- valescence. As Delphine had a portion of the money found in the grain, we led a very pleasant life. We talked of marriage, and the affair was so far arranged that I started one morning for Arras, whence I was to return with the license and my parents' consent. Delphine had already procured that of her parents, who were still at Ghent. A league from Lille, I remembered that I had forgotten my hospital billet, which it was indispensably necessary to produce before the municipality of Arras, and I returned for it. Arrived at the hotel, I went to the room we occupied and knocked ; no one answered. It was impossible that Delphine could be out so early, it being scarcely six o'clock. I knocked again, and Delphine opened the door, stretching her arms and rubbing her eyes like some one who has been suddenly awakened. To prove her, I proposed that she should go with me to Arras, that I might present her to my parents, and she very tranquilly agreed. My suspicions were disappearing, and yet something whispered to me that she was deceiving me. I at length perceived that she fre- quently glanced towards the wardrobe. I pretended a desire to open it, which my chaste betrothed opposed, and gave me one of those excuses which a woman always has ready. But I was deter- mined ; and at length opened the closet, where I found concealed, beneath a heap of dirty linen, the doctor who had attended me during my convalescence. He was old, ugly, and misshapen. The first feeling was the humiliation of having such a rival ; and yet I should have been more enraged at finding a good-looking fellow, but this I leave for the decision of the numerous lovers who have been similarly circumstanced. As for me, I wished to begin by knocking out the brains of the intriguing Esculapius, but (which seldom happened to me) reflection restrained me. We were in a town of war, where they might play me some trick about my leave of absence. Besides, Delphine was not my wife ; I had no right over her. I determined on kicking her out ; after which, I threw her from the window her clothes, and money enough to take her to Ghent. I allowed myself to retain the remainder of the money, which I thought I had lawfully acquired, since I had directed the splendid expedition which had rescued it from the clutch of the Austrians. I forgot to say that I allowed the doctor to return unmolested. Having got rid of my faithless she, I determined on remaining at Lille, until the time of my furlough should expire ; but it is as easy to conceal one's self in tins city as at Paris, and my residence MARRIAGE. 33 would have been undisturbed but for an affair of gallantry of which I shall spare the details. It will suffice to say, that being arrested in female attire, at the moment I was flying from the rage of a jealous husband, I was taken to the police office, where I at first obstinately refused to give any account of myself; for in fact, by speaking, I should either destroy the female who had been kind to me, or announce myself as a deserter. Some hours' confine- ment changed my resolution ; a superior officer, to whom I had appealed to receive my declaration, and to whom I candidly stated the facts, seemed to take some interest for me. The command- ant-general of the division wished to hear from my own lips this recital, which made him laugh to excess. He then gave orders that I should be set at liberty ; and caused a line forthwith to be given to me to rejoin the 28th battalion at Brabant ; but instead of following this destination, I went to Arras, determined only to enter the service again at the last extremity. My first visit was to the patriot Chevalier. His influence with Joseph Lebon made me hope that I should obtain through his interest an extension of leave, which he procured for me, and I was again introduced to the family of my benefactor. His sister, whose kind intentions towards me are already known, redoubled her kindness ; and, on the other hand, the habit of seeing her daily familiarized me with her ugliness ; in short, matters came to such a point that I was not at all surprised to hear one day that she was pregnant She made no mention of marriage, not even pronouncing the word ; but I saw but too clearly, that to this com- plexion it must come at last, lest I should incur the vengeance of her brother, who would not have hesitated to denounce me as an aristocrat, and, moreover, a deserter. My parents, struck with all these considerations, and conceiving the hope of keeping me near them, gave their consent to the marriage, which the Chevalier family were very anxious about. It was at last settled, and I became a husband at eighteen years of age. I thought myself also almost a father of a family, but scarcely had a few days elapsed, when my wife confessed th'at her pretended pregnancy was the result of a plan to induce me to marry her. The excessive satis- faction which such an avowal gave me, may be conceived; but the same motives which had decided me on contracting the alliance compelled me to be silent ; and I determined to keep my own counsel, enraged as I was. A mercer's shop which my wife had opened, turned out very badly ; I thought that I found the cause of it in the repeated absence of my wife, who was all day at her brother's. I made my observations ; and received orders to rejoin my regiment at Tournay. I might have complained of this expe- 34 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. ditious mode of getting rid of a troublesome husband ; but I was so much tired of the joke of Chevalier, that I resumed with joy my uniform, which I had cast off with so much pleasure. At Tournay, a veteran officer of the Bourbon regiment, then adjutant-general, attached me to his office as a deputy, and particularly in the serving out of clothing. Business soon de- manded that a man of trust should be despatched to Arras. I set out post, and arrived in the city at eleven o'clock at night As I was charged with orders, the gates were opened to me, and by an impulse, for which I cannot account, I was induced to run to my wife's abode. I knocked for a long time and no one answered. A neighbour at length opened the door, and I ran up stairs with all speed to my wife's chamber. On approaching, I heard the clank of a falling sabre, then a window opened, and a man leaped out into the street. It is needless to say that they recognised my voice. I went downstairs with great haste, and soon overtook my Lovelace, in whom I recognised an adjutant- major of the iyth Horse Chasseurs, quartered at Arras. He was half-naked; I led him back to my conjugal domicile, when he finished his toilette, and we then separated, on agreeing to fight the next day. This scene had roused the whole neighbourhood. The greater part of the people assembled at their windows had seen me seize on the guilty adjutant, who had been found guilty of the fact in their presence. I had no lack of witnesses to prove and obtain the divorce, and that was what I intended to do ; but the family of my chaste wife, who were desirous of keeping a protector for her, exerted themselves to check my measures, or at least para- lyze them. The next day, before I could meet the adjutant-major, I was arrested by the police and by gendarmes, who spoke of placing me in the Baudets. Fortunately for me, I plucked up courage, as I saw that there was nothing discouraging in my situa- tion : I demanded to be carried before Joseph Lebon, which could not be denied me. I appeared before the representative of the people, whom I found surrounded by an enormous pile of letters and papers : ' What, is it you,' said he to me, ' who come here with- out permission and for maltreating your wife, too ?' I saw what course I should pursue, I produced my orders, I called for the testimony of my neighbours against my wife, and that of the adjutant-major himself, who could not gainsay the facts. Indeed, I so clearly explained the affair, that Joseph Lebon was forced to confess that the wrongs were not of my committing ; but out of regard, however, to his friend Chevalier, he made me promise not to remain long at Arras ; and as I feared the wind might veer BRUSSELS. 35 against me, as I had seen it with many others, I undertook to comply with his request as promptly as possible. Having com- pleted my mission, I bade farewell to all my friends, and the next morning found me on the road to Tournay. CHAPTER III. Brussels A forger The roving army The baroness and the baker-boy Arrival at Paris. I DID not find the adjutant-general at Tournay ; he had set out for Brussels, and I set out on the following day by the diligence to join him there. At the first glance, I recognised amongst the travellers those individuals whom I had known at Lille, as passing the whole day at the public-houses, and living in a very suspicious manner. To my great astonishment, I found them clothed in uniforms of different regiments, one having the epau- lettes of lieutenant-colonel, the others those of captain or lieutenant. How can they have got them, thought I, for they have never seen service ? I was lost in conjecture. On their side, they appeared at first much confused at the rencontre ; but soon recovering, they testified a mutual surprise at finding me only a plain soldier. When I had explained to them how the regulation of the battalion had deprived me of my rank, the lieutenant-colonel promised me his protection, which I accepted, although scarcely knowing what to think of my protector. I saw clearly, however, that he had plenty of money, and paid for all at the table d'hote, where he testified a violent republican feeling, at the same time affecting to have sprung from an ancient family. I was not more fortunate at Brussels than at Tournay ; the adjutant-general, who seemed to fly from me, had gone to Liege, for which place I set out, relying on not taking a useless journey this time ; but on arriving, I learnt that my man had taken the road to Paris on the previous evening, having been summoned to appear at the bar of the Convention. His absence would not be longer than a fortnight. I waited, but no one arrived. Another month passed, and still no adjutant. My cash was sensibly di- minishing, and I resolved on returning to Brussels, where I hoped to find some means of extricating myself from my embarrassment. To speak with that candour on which I pique myself in giving this history of my life, I must confess that I had begun not to be over scrupulous in my choice of these means ; my education had not 32 36 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. made me a very precise man in such matters, and the injurious society of a garrison, which I had been used to from my child- hood, had corrupted a naturally honourable mind. It was, then, without doing much violence to my delicacy, that I saw myself installed, at Brussels, with a gay lady of my acquaint- ance, who, after having been patronized by General Van-der-Nott, had fallen a little lower into public society. Idle, as are all who have but a precarious mode of existence, I passed whole days and nights at the Cafe Turc, or the Caf de la Monnaie, the rendezvous of knights of the post, and professed gamblers. These fellows spent liberally, and played the devil's games ; and as they had no ostensible means of living, I could not divine how they managed to carry on the war. A young fellow with whom I had associated myself, and whom I questioned on this subject, appeared struck at my inexperience, and I had the greatest difficulty in per- suading him that I was really a novice. ' The men whom you see there every day, and all day,' said he, ' are sharpers ; those who only come once, and do not appear again, are dupes, who lose their money.' Thus instructed, I made many remarks, which till then had escaped me ; I saw tricks of sleight of hand almost incredible ; and what proved that there was still something good within me, I was often tempted to tell the pigeon whom they plucked. What hap- pened to me will prove that my intentions were guessed. A party was one evening engaged at the Cafe Turc ; the dupe (le gonse) lost fifty louis, and, demanding his revenge on the next day, went away. Scarcely had he gone out, when the winner, whom I now see daily in the streets of Paris, approached me, and laid with an air of simplicity, ' On my word, sir, we have played with luck, and you were right to bet on me ; I have won ten games, which, at four crowns a game, will make your share ten louis here they are.' I told him that he was mistaken, and that I had not interested myself in his play ; he made me no answer, but put the ten louis in my hand. ' Take it,' said the young man who had initiated me into these mysteries, and who was sitting next to me, 'take it and follow me.' I obeyed mechanically, and when we reached the street, my mentor added, * They have discovered that you watch the games, and fear lest you should blow the concern ; and as there are no means of intimidating you, because they know that you have a strong arm and a mischievous hand, they have resolved on giving you a slice of the cake, so you have a good means of existence before you : the two coffee-houses will be milch- cows to you, whence you may draw your four or six crowns a day.' In spite of the accommodating propensity of my conscience, I A NEW SOURCE OF INCOME. 37 was desirous of replying and making some observations ' You are a child/ said my honourable friend ; ' we do not talk of robbery here it is fortune only ; and believe me, matters pass in the drawing-room as they do at the tavern there they bubble, that is the word ; and the merchant, who in the morning whilst at his desk would think it a crime to rob you of an hour's interest, would very quietly cheat you at the gaming-table in the evening.' How could I answer such unanswerable arguments ? I had nothing to reply but to keep the money, which I did. These small dividends, joined to a remittance of a hundred crowns from my mother, enabled me to dash a little, and to show my gratitude to Emily, whose devotion to me I was not insensible of. Matters were in this agreeable train when I was one evening arrested at the Theatre du Pare, by several police-officers, and desired to produce my papers. This would have been a dangerous exhibition, and I said that I had none. They conducted me to the Madelonettes ; and the next morning, at my examination, I found that I was unknown, and they had mistaken me for another person. I said that my name was Rousseau, born at Lille, and added, that I had come to Brussels on pleasure, and had not thought it expedient to provide myself with papers. I then asked to be conducted to Lille, at my own expense, by two gendarmes, which was granted, and for a few crowns my escort agreed that poor Emily should accompany me. Having left Brussels, I was so far safe ; but it was still more important that I should not reach Lille, where I should be cer- tainly recognised as a deserter. Escape must be made at all risks, and this was Emily's opinion wjien I communicated my intention to her, and we executed our preconcerted plan on reaching Tournay. I told the gendarmes that before they left me at Lille the next day, where I should be at once set at liberty, I wished to treat them with a good supper. Already taken with my liberality and mirth, they accepted the invitation with much willingness, and in the evening, whilst they were sleeping on the table, stupefied with rum and beer, thinking me in the same condition, I descended by the sheets from the second-floor window. Emily followed, and we struck into the cross-roads, where they would not think of pur- suing us. We thus reached the suburbs of Notre-Dame at Lille, when I dressed myself in the cloak of the horse-chasseurs, taking the precaution to put a black patch on my left eye, which made it impossible to recognise me. But I did not judge it prudent to remain long in a city so near my birthplace, and we started for Ghent. There, by a rather romantic incident, Emily found her father, which determined her to return to her family. It is true 38 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. that she would not consent to part from me, but with an express stipulation that I should rejoin her as soon as matters which 1 said called me to Brussels should be arranged. My business at Brussels was to begin again to levy rates on the Cafe Turc and the Cafe de la Monnaie. But to present myself at this city, I wanted papers which should prove that I was really Rousseau, born at Lille, as I had said at my examination before I made my escape. A captain of Belgian carabineers in the French service, named Labbre, undertook for fifteen louis to supply me with the necessary credentials. At the end of three weeks he brought me a copy of my register of birth, a passport, and a cer- tificate of half-pay in the name of Rousseau, all done better than I ever saw them executed by any other forger. Thus protected, I went to Brussels ; the commandant of the place, an old comrade of Labbre's, undertook to make all right. Quieted in this particular, I hastened to the Cafe Turc. The first persons whom I saw in the room were the pretended officers with whom I had travelled. They received me with acclamation ; and judging from the recital of my adventures that my situation was not over splendid, proposed that I should take the rank of sub-lieutenant of horse-chasseurs, doubtless because they saw the cloak I wore. So advantageous a promotion was not to be re- fused ; and it was then conferred on me: and when I said Rousseau was only an assumed name, the worthy lieutenant- colonel told me to take any one which I preferred. It was im- possible to be more obliging. I resolved on keeping the name of Rousseau, on which they gave me, not a brevet, but a line of route for a sub-lieutenant of the 6th chasseurs, travelling with his horse, and being entitled to lodgings and rations. I thus found myself incorporated with the roving army (arm'ee roulante) composed of officers without brevet, and without troops, and who, furnished with false certificates and false lines of march, imposed the more easily on the commissaries at war, as there was less method at this period in the military arrangements. It is certain that, during a tour which we made through the Netherlands, we got all our allowances without the least demur. Yet the roving army was not then composed of less than two thousand adventurers, who lived like fishes in water. What is still more curious is, that they promoted themselves as rapidly as circumstances would allow; an advancement was the more profitable, as increase of rank brought increase of allowances. I passed in this manner to be captain of hussars ; one of my comrades became chief of a battalion ; but what most astonished me was the promotion of Auffray, our lieutenant-colonel, to the rank of brigadier-general. It is true THE BELGIAN BARONESS. 39 that if the importance of the rank and the notoriety of a promotion of this kind rendered it more difficult to keep up the deception, yet the very audacity of such a step bade defiance to suspicion. Returned to Brussels, we showed our billets, and I was sent to a rich widow, the Baroness d'l . I was received in the manner in which all Frenchmen were welcomed at Brussels at this period that is, with open arms. A very handsome bedchamber was placed at my sole disposal, and my hostess, delighted at my re- served conduct, assured me in the most gracious manner, that if her hours suited me, a place at her table would always be prepared for me. It was impossible to resist, such pressing politeness, and I was profuse in my thanks, and I cook my seat at her board the same day with three other guests, who were ladies, older than the baroness, who was about fifty. They were all charmed with the prepossessing manners of the captain of hussars. At Paris I should have felt somewhat awkward in such society, but I did very well at Brussels for a young man whose premature introduction to the world had necessarily injured his education. The baroness doubt- lessly made some such reflections, for she paid me such little attention as gave me much food for thought. As I was sometimes absent to dine with the general, whose in- vitations I told her it was impossible to refuse, she desired me to present him and my other friends to her. At first I was not over desirous of introducing my associates to the society of this lady, who saw much company, and might have guests at her house who might guess our little speculations. But the baroness insisted on it, and I consented, at the same time stipulating that the general should only meet a small party, as he was desirous of keeping up a sort of incognito. He came ; and the baroness, who received him with marked attention, seated him near her and talked to him for so long a time in an undertone that I was rather piqued. To disturb this tcte-a-tcte, I imagined that it would be a good plan to ask the general to sing us something, and accompany himself on the piano. I knew that he could not make out a note, but I relied that the usual persuasions which guests make on such occasions would at least occupy his attention for some minutes. My stratagem only half succeeded ; the lieutenant-colonel, who was of the party, seeing that the general was so much pressed, kindly offered himself as a substitute, and accordingly seated himself at the piano, and sung some little ditties with sufficient taste to procure him universal approbation, whilst I all the time wished him at the devil. At last this interminable evening concluded, and each person withdrew, I raging with anger and plotting revenge against the rival who I imagined was about to carry off from me, I will not say the 40 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. love, but the kind attentions of the baroness. Full of this idea, I went to my general at his rising, who was much surprised to see me so early. ' Do you know/ said he, without giving me time to break in upon his conversation, ' do you know, my friend, that the baroness is ' ' Who spoke of the baroness ?' interrupted I abruptly, * it is no matter what she is or what she is not.' * So much the worse,' he replied, ' if you are not speaking of her, I have nothing to understand.' And, continuing thus to puzzle me for some time, he ended by telling me that his conversation with the baroness was concerning me only, and that he had so far pushed my interest, that he believed that she was quite disposed to to marry me. I at first thought that my poor comrade's head was turned. That one of the richest women of rank in the United Provinces would marry an adventurer, of whose family, fortune, and ancestors she knew nothing, was an idea that would have staggered the most credulous. Ought I, moreover, to engage in a deceit which must be discovered, sooner or later, and must ruin me ? Besides, was I not really and actually married at Arras ? These objections, and many others, which the remorse I must experience at deceiving the excellent woman who had treated me so kindly excited in my mind, did not for an instant stop my comrade, who thus answered them : * All you say is very fine, and I am quite of your opinion ; and to follow my natural bias for virtuous behaviour, I only want ;i 0,000 a-year. But I see no reason for being scrupulous in your case. What does the baroness want ? A husband, and a husband to her liking. Are you not that husband ? Are you not determined to pay her every attention, and to treat her as a person who is necessary to you, and of whom you have had no cause to complain? You talk of the inequality of your fortunes the baroness thinks not of that. You only want, to complete the matter, one single thing a title of rank, which I will give you yes, I will give it to you ! Why do you stare so ? Listen, and do not interrupt me. You must be acquainted with some young nobleman of your own age and country ; you are he, and your parents have emigrated and are now at Hamburgh. You entered France to endeavour to recover a third of the value of your paternal property, and to carry off the plate and a thousand double- louis concealed beneath the flooring of the drawing-room at the breaking out of the revolution : the presence of some strangers, the haste of departure, which an arrest issued against your father would not allow you to delay, has prevented you from getting this treasure. Arrived in this country, disguised as a journeyman THE COUNT DE B . 41 tanner, you were denounced by the very person who had pledged himself to aid your enterprise; outlawed by the sentence of the republican authorities, you were nearly losing your head on the scaffold, when I fell in with you, half dead from inquietude and necessity. An old friend of the family, I procured for you the brevet of an officer of hussars under the name of Rousseau, until an opportunity should offer of rejoining your noble parents at Hamburgh. The baroness already knows all this ; yes, all, except your name, which, for appearances' sake, I did not tell her , but in fact, because I did not know what appellation you might choose to assume. That is a confidence which I left for yourself to communicate. Thus the affair is quite settled, and you are a gentleman, nothing jean be said against that. Say nothing to me of your jade of a wife; you were divorced at Arras under the name of Vidocq, and you are married at Brussels under the name of Count B . Now listen to me So far, our business has gone on well, but that may be entirely marred at any moment. We have already met with some very inquisitive commissaries, and we may find others still less civil, who may cut off our supplies and send us to the fleet at Toulon. You understand me, I know. The best that can happen to you will be to take up your knapsack and accoutrements in your old regiment, or else be shot for a deserter ; but by marrying, you acquire the means of a splendid life, and will be enabled to assist your friends. Since we have come to this point, let us understand each other ; your wife has a hundred thousand florins a-year ; there are three of us, and you shall give us each a pension of a thousand crowns, payable in advance, and I shall expect besides a premium of thirty thousand francs for having made a count of a baker's son.' I was quite stupefied ; but this harangue, in which the general had so skilfully stated all the difficulties of my situation, overcame all my opposition, which, to say the truth, was not very obstinate. I agreed to everything, and then returned to the baroness. The Count de B fell at her feet ; and the scene was so well played, and, though it may be scarcely believed, I entered so completely into the spirit of my part, that I even for a moment surprised myself which I am told sometimes happens to impostors. The baroness was charmed at the sallies and sentiment with which my situation inspired me. The general was rejoiced with my success, as was every other person. Several expressions escaped me which savoured a little of the canteen, but the general had told the baroness that political events had caused my education to be strangely neglected, and this explanation was satisfactory to her. Subsequently, Marshal Suchet was no less easily satisfied, when 42 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Coignard, addressing him as ( M. le dfo^# pose upon me. Then, knowing all that she could get from my blind infatuation, Rosine soon returned to the charge for cash for a letter of credit for two thousand francs, which she had to pay or else go to prison. Rosine in prison ! The idea was insupportable, and I was about to discharge the debt at once, when chance placed in my way a letter which opened my eyes. It was from the platonic friend of Rosine, who was staying at Versailles, and this interesting personage asked ' when the pigeon would be quite plucked,' that he might make his appearance. I intercepted this agreeable missive in the hands of Rosine's porter. I went to the perfidious woman, but she was absent : and enraged and humiliated at the same time, I could not restrain myself. I was in the bedroom, and at one kick I overthrew a stand covered with china, and a cheval glass was shivered to atoms. Divine, the waiting-maid who had followed me, went down on her knees and begged me to pause from what would cost me so dear : I looked at her and hesitated, and a remnant of common sense induced me to think that she was right. I questioned her and the poor girl, who had always been gentle and attentive, told me all about her mistress. It is the more in place to mention her statement, as the same things occur daily at Paris. When Rosine met me she had not had anybody for two months : and thinking me fair game, from the expensive way I got rid of my money, conceived the plan of profiting by it \ and her lover, whose letter I had intercepted, had consented, and went to Ver- sailles to stay until my money should be exhausted. It was in the name of this lover that the proceedings had been carried on for the bill of exchange which I had formerly taken up, and the debts of the milliner and upholsterer were equally false. Although cursing my egregious folly, I was yet astonished not to see the honourable lady, who had so well tricked me, return. Divine told me that most probably the poiter had told her that I had got the letter, and that she would not very speedily appear. This conjecture was well founded. On learning the catastrophe which had prevented her from plucking the last feather from my wing, Rosine had set out in a hackney-coach for Versailles to rejoin her friend. The finery which she had left in her furnished apart- ments was not sufficient to pay for the two months' lodging due to the landlord, who, when I was going out, compelled me to pay for the china and cheval glass which I had broken in my first transports of anger. Such violent inroads had dreadfully reduced my finances. Fourteen hundred francs alone remained of the ducats of the 1HE TRA VELLING DOCTOR. 47 baroness ! I left the capital with horror, as it had been so unpro- pitious to me, and resolved to regain Lille, where, knowing the localities, I might at least find resources which I should in vain seek for at Paris. CHAPTER IV. Gypsies A Flemish fair Return to Lille The Bull's eye Sentence of punishment St. Peter's tower A forgery. LILLE, as a fortified and frontier town, offered great advantages to all who, like myself, were likely to find there useful acquaintances, either amongst the military of the garrison, or that class of persons who, with one foot in France and the other in Belgium, have really no home in either ; and I relied a little on this for recovering myself, and my hope was not groundless. In the i3th chasseurs I met several officers of the south, and amongst the rest a lieu- tenant named Villedieu, whom we shall presently hear more of. All these persons had only known me in the regiment under one of those noms de guerre which it was the custom at this time to assume, and were therefore not astonished at seeing me bear the name of Rousseau. I spent the day with them at the cafe or fencing-rooms, but this was not lucrative, and I actually began to be in want of money. At this juncture a visitor of the cafe, whom they called Rentier, from his regular life, and who had made me many compliments, of which he was very prodigal to all the world, inquired with some interest into my affairs, and asked me to travel with him. To travel was all very well ; but in what quality ? I was no longer of an age to engage myself as Merry Andrew or valet-de- chambre of monkeys and bears, and nobody would doubtless make me such a proposition : but yet it was necessary to know in what capacity. I asked my new protector very modestly what duties I had to perform in his service. * I am an itinerant doctor,' said this man, whose bushy eyebrows and sunburnt skin gave him a singu- lar physiognomy : * I cure secret diseases with an infallible recipe. I cure animals, and lately restored the horses of a squadron of the 1 3th chasseurs, whom the veterinary surgeon had given over.' 4 Well,' said I to myself, * once more a doctor.' But there was no receding : we agreed to start next morning, and to meet at five in the morning at the gate leading to the Paris road. I was punctual at the rendezvous, and my friend, who was equally punctual, seeing my trunk strapped at the back of a lad, gaid that it would be useless to take it, as we should be only three 48 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. days away, and must go on foot At this observation I sent my goods back to the inn, and we walked on at a brisk rate, having, as my guide said, to make five leagues before mid-day. About this time we reached a solitary farmhouse, where he was received with open arms and saluted by the name of Caron, which was strange to me, who had always heard him called Christian. After a few words the master of the house went into his chamber and returned with two or three bags of crowns, which he spread on the table. My friend took them, and examining them singly with an attention which appeared to me affected, put aside one hundred and fifty, and counted out a like sum for the farmer in different money, with a premium of six crowns : I understood nothing of this operation, which was carried on in a Flemish dialect, of which I understood but very little. I was then much astonished when on leaving the farm, where Christian had said he would soon return, he gave me three crowns, saying that I ought to have a share of the profits. I could not learn what the profits were, and said so. ' That is my ' secret,' said he, with a mysterious air ; ' you shall know it at a future time, if I am satisfied with you.' I told him that he might rely on my discretion, since I knew nothing, only that he had changed crowns for another coin. He told me this was the only point on which I ought to be silent, to avoid difficulties, and I, therefore took the money without knowing what was to result from all this. For four days we made similar excursions to various farms, and every evening I touched two or three crowns. Christian, whom they all called Caron, was well known in this part of Brabant, but only as a doctor ; for, although he everywhere carried on his change of moneys, the conversation was always about healing man or beast. I found besides that he had a reputation for removing the charms cast on animals. A proposal which he made me as we entered the village of Wervique, initiated me into this species of magic : ' May I rely on you ?' said he to me, stopping suddenly. 'Certainly,' said I; 'but for what and how?' 'Listen, and learn.' He took from a sort of game-bag four square packets made up like those of chemists, and apparently containing some specifics ; he then said, ' You see those four farms, situated at some distance from each other : you can enter them the back way, taking care that no one sees you ; get into the stable, and throw into the manger the powder of one of these packets. Take great care that you are not discovered I will take care of the rest.' I objected to this, as I might be surprised at the moment I was climbing the gate, and they would seize me, and perhaps put some awkward THE GIPSY. 49 questions. I refused point-blank, in spite of the perspective of the crowns, and all Christian's eloquence failed in persuading me. I even said that I would quit him at once, unless he would disclose to me his real condition and the mystery of his exchange of money, which seemed to me extremely suspicious. This declaration seemed to embarrass him, and, as we may learn, he endeavoured to draw me off the scent, in making me a half-confidant. * My country ?' said he, answering my latter question, ' I have none. My mother, who was hanged last year at Temeswar, be- longed to a gang of gipsies (Bohemiens) who were traversing the frontiers of Hungary and Bannat, where I was born in a village on the Carpathian mountains. I say Bohemiens that you may under- stand, for this is not our proper name ; we call ourselves Roma- michels, in a language which we are forbidden to teach to any person ; we are also forbidden to travel alone, and that is the reason why we are generally in troops of fifteen or twenty. We have had a long run through France, curing charms and spells of cattle, but this business is pretty well destroyed at present. The countryman has grown too cunning, and we have been driven into Flanders, where they are not so cunning, and the difference of money gives us a finer opportunity for the exercise of our in- dustry. As for me, I have been at Brussels on private business which I have just settled, and in three days I rejoin the troop at the fair of Malines. It is at your pleasure to accompany me : you may be useful to us. But we must have no more non- sense now.' Half-embarrassed as to where I should shelter my head, and half-curious to see the termination of this adventure, I agreed to go with Christian, without at all understanding how I could be useful to him. The third day we reached Malines, whence he told me we should return to Brussels. Having traversed the city, we stopped in the Faubourg de Louvain, before a wretched-looking house with blackened walls, furrowed with wide crevices, and many bundles of straw as substitutes for window-glasses. It was midnight, and I had time to make my observations by the moon- light, for more than half an hour elapsed before the door was opened by one of the most hideous old hags I ever saw in my life. We were then introduced to a long room, where thirty persons of both sexes were indiscriminately smoking and drinking, mingling in strange and licentious positions. Under their blue loose frocks, ornamented with red embroidery, the men wore blue velvet waist- coats with silver buttons, like the Andalusian muleteers ; the cloth- ing of the women was all of one bright colour : there were some ferocious countenances amongst them, but yet they were all feast- 4 So MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. ing. The monotonous sound of the drum, mingled with the howl- ing of two dogs tied under the table, accompanied the strange songs, which I mistook for a funeral psalm. The smoke of tobacco and wood, which filled this den, scarcely allowed me to perceive in the midst of the room a woman who, adorned with a scarlet turban, was performing a wild dance with the most wanton postures. On our entrance there was a pause in the festivity ; the men came to shake hands with Christian and the women to embrace him, and then all eyes were turned on me, who felt much em- barrassed at my present situation. I had been told a thousand strange stories of the Bohe'miens, which did not increase my com- fortable feelings : they might take offence at any scruples I should make, and might get rid of me before it was ever known where I had gone to, since no one could trace me to such a haunt. My disquietude became sufficiently apparent to attract the attention of Ctiristian, who thought to assure me by saying that we were at the house of the duchess (a title which is equivalent to that of mother amongst such comrades), and that we were in perfect safety. My appetite decided me on taking my part at the banquet. The gin bottle was often filled and emptied, when I felt an inclination to go to bed. At the first word that I said Christian conducted me to a neighbouring closet, where were already on clean straw several Bohemiens. Tt did not suit me to be particular ; but I could not prevent myself from asking my patron why he, who had always before selected such good quarters, had made choice of so bad a sleeping place. He told me that in all towns, where there was a house of the Romamichels, they were constrained to lodge, under pain of being considered as a false brother, and as such punished by a council of the tribe. Women and children all slept in this military bed; and the sleep which soon overtook them, proved that it was a familiar couch. At break of day everybody was on foot, and the general toilet was made. But for their prominent features, without their raven- black tresses and that oily and tanned skin, I should scarcely have recognised my companions of the preceding evening. The men clad in rich jockey holland vests, with leathern sashes like those worn by the inhabitants of Poissy, and the women covered with ornaments of gold and silver, assumed the costume of Zealand peasants : even the children, whom I had seen covered with rags, were neatly clothed, and had an entirely different appearance. All soon left the house and took different directions, that they might not reach the market-place all together, where the country people were assembling in crowds. Christian, seeing that I was preparing MALGARET. 51 to follow him, told me that he should not have need of me the whole day, and that I might go wherever I pleased until evening, when we were to meet at the house of the duchess. He then put some crowns in my hand and left me. As in our conversation of the previous evening he had told me that I was not compelled to lodge with the troop, I began by ordering a bed at the inn. Then, not knowing how to kill time, I went to the fair, and had scarcely gone round it four or five times, when I met face to face an old officer of the recruiting battalions, named Malgaret, whom I had known as making one of the gambling set at the Cafe Turc at Brussels. After the first saluta- tions, he asked me why I was staying at Malines. I told him a history, and he was equally communicative about his travels ; and we were thus content, each thinking that he had imposed on the other. Having taken some refreshments we returned to the fair, and every part where there was a crowd I met some of the lodgers of the duchess. Having told my companion that I had no acquaint- ance at Malines, I turned my head that they might not recognise me, for I did not much care to confess that I had such friends; but I had too cunning a fox to deal with. ' Look,' said he to me, looking me full in the face, ' look at those people who are regard- ing you so attentively. Pray do you know them ?' Without turning my head, I replied that I had never seen them before, and did not even know who they were. * Who they are !' replied my com- panion, ' I will tell you supposing you to be ignorant they are robbers !' * Robbers !' I replied. * How do you know it ?' * In the same way that you shall soon know if you will follow me, for it is a fair bet that we shall not have far to go without finding them at work. Come along here they are.' Raising my eyes towards a crowd in front of a menagerie, I per- ceived one of the false jockeys taking the purse of a fat grazier whom we saw the next moment seeking for it in his pockets : the Bohe'mien then entered a jeweller's shop, where were already two of the pretended Zealand peasants, and my companion assured me that he would not come out until he had pilfered some of the jewels that were shown to him. We then left our post of observa- tion to go and dine together : and, at the end of the repast, seeing my companion disposed to talk, I pressed him to tell me precisely who the people were whom he had pointed out to me, assuring him that, in spite of appearances, I knew but very little of them. He complied, and told me as follows : ' It was in the prison (Rasphuys) of Ghent, where I passed six months, some years since, at the end of a game at which some doctors (loaded dice) were discovered, that I made acquaintance 4 2 52 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. with two men of the troop now at Malines. We were in the same cell, and as I passed myself off for an accomplished thief, they told me, without distrust, all their light-fingered tricks : and even gave me the minutest details of their singular existence. These people come from the country about Moldavia, where a hundred and fifty thousand of them vegetate, like the Jews in Poland, without the power of fulfilling any office but that of executioner. Their name changes with their change of country ; they are ziguiners in Germany, gipsies in England, zingari in Italy, gitanos in Spain, and Bohemiens in France and Belgium. They thus traverse all Europe, exercising the lowest and most dangerous trades. They clip dogs, tell fortunes, mend crockery, repair saucepans, play wretched music at the public-house doors, specu- late in rabbit-skins, and change foreign money which they find out of the usual circulation. ' They sell specifics against the illness of cattle, and to promote the business, they despatch trusty envoys, who, under pretences of making purchases, get into the stables, and throw drugs into the mangers, which make the cattle sick. They then present them- selves, and are received with open arms, and knowing the nature of the malady, they easily remove it, and the farmer hardly knows how to be adequately grateful. This is not all ; for before they quit the farm, they learn whether the husbandman has any crowns of such and such a year, or such and such a stamp, promising to give a premium for them. The interested countryman, like all persons who but seldom find an opportunity of getting money, spreads his coin before them, of which they invariably contrive to pilfer a portion. What is almost incredible is, that they are seen to repeat with impunity the same trick frequently at the same house. Indeed, what is most villainous of all in their transactions, is, that they profit by these circumstances, and their knowledge of the localities of the country, to point out to burglars the detached farms in which there is money, and the means of getting at it, and it is needless to add that they come in for their share of the spoil.' Malgaret gave further details concerning the Bohemiens, which determined me on quitting their dangerous society as speedily as possible. He was speaking thus, looking into the streets from time to time from the window near which we were seated, when suddenly I heard him exclaim, ' Oh, the devil ! My friend of the Rasphuys at Ghent !' I looked out, and saw Christian walking very fast, and with an air of busy import. I could scarcely help exclaiming aloud. Malgaret, profiting by the trouble into which his explana- THE BULUS-h YE. 53 tion had thrown me, had not much difficulty in extracting from me how I was associated with the Bohemiens. Seeing me resolved on quitting their company, he proposed that I should accompany him to Coutrai, where, he said, he had some game in view. After having taken from the inn the few things I had brought from the house of the duchess, I set out with my new associate, but we did not find at Coutrai the friends Malgaret had relied on meeting there, and it was our cash, and not theirs, that was spent. Des- pairing of their appearance, we returned to Lille ; I had still one hundred francs left, and Malgaret gambled with them on our mutual account, and lost them, together with what he had of his own, and I afterwards learnt that he had confederated with his antagonist to cheat me out of what I had left. In this extremity, I had recourse to my abilities : and some fencing-masters, to whom I spoke of my situation, gave me a benefit at a fencing-match, which produced me a hundred crowns. Set up with this sum, which for a time secured me from want, I frequented public places, balls, etc. I then formed an intimacy, of which the circumstances and consequences decided the destiny of my whole life. Nothing could be more simple than the com- mencement of this important episode of my history. I met at the Bal de la Montagne with a young lady, with whom I was soon on good terms. Francine, for that was her name, appeared much attached to me, and at every moment made me protestations of fidelity, which did not, however, prevent her from giving private interviews to a captain of engineers. I one day surprised them supping at a tavern in the Place Riourt, and, transported with rage, I heartily thumped the astonished pair. Francine, with her hair hanging loose, fled : but her partner remained, and making a charge against me, I was arrested and conducted to prison of Petit Hotel. Whilst my trial was preparing, I was visited by many females of my acquaintance, who made it a duty to offer me their consolations. Francine learnt this, and, her jealousy aroused, she dismissed the unfortu- nate captain, withdrew the charge against me which she had made at the same time with his, and beseeching me to receive her, I weakly consented. The judges heard of this fact, which was tortured into a premeditated plan between me and Francine, and I was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. From the Petit Hotel I was transferred to St. Peter's Tower, where I obtained a chamber called the Bull's-eye. Francine remained with me there for a part of the day, and the remainder I passed with the other prisoners, amongst whom were two old sergeant-majors, Grouard and Herbaux, the latter son of a bootmaker at Lille, both con- 54 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. demned for forgeries ; and a labourer, named Boitel, condemned for six years' confinement for stealing garden-tools ; this latter, who was the father of a large family, was always bewailing his imprison- ment, which, he said, deprived him of the means of working a small farm, which he only knew how to turn to advantage. In spite of the crime he had committed, much interest was evinced in his favour, or rather towards his children, and many inhabitants of his district had drawn up and presented petitions in his favour, which were as yet unanswered, and the unfortunate man was in despair, often repeating that he would give such and such a sum for his liberty. Grouard and Herbaux, who were in St. Peter's Tower, waiting to be sent to the galleys, thought they could get him pardoned by means of a memorial, which they drew up, or rather plotted together ; a plan which was ultimately so injurious to me. Grouard began to complain that he could not work quietly in the midst of the uproar of the common room, in which were eighteen prisoners singing, swearing, and quarrelling all day. Boitel, who had done me some little kind offices, begged me to lend my chamber to the compilers of his memorial, and I con- sented, although very unwillingly, to give it up to them for four hours a day. From the next morning they were there installed, and the gaoler frequently went there secretly. These comings and goings, and the mystery which pervaded them, would have awakened suspicions in a man accustomed to the intrigues of a prison, but, ignorant of their plans, and occupied in drinking with the friends who visited me, I interested myself but too little with what was going on in the Bull's-eye. At the end of eight days, they thanked me for my kindness, telling me that the memorial was concluded, and that they had every reason to hope for the pardon of the petitioner, without sending it to Paris, from the influence of the representations of the people at Lille. All this was not very clear to me, but I did not give it much attention, thinking it no business of mine ; and there was no occasion for me to concern myself. But it took a turn which throwed blame on my carelessness, for scarcely had forty-eight hours elapsed after the finishing of the memorial, when two brothers of Boitel arrived by express, and came to dine with him at the gaoler's table. At the end of the repast, an order arrived, which being opened by the gaoler, he cried, * Good news, by my faith ! It is an order for the liberation of Boitel ;' at these words they all arose in confusion, embraced him, examined the order, and congratulated him ; and Boitel, ^vho Lad sent away his clothes, etc., the previous evening, immediately left the prison without bidding adieu to any of the prisoners. THE FORGED ORDER. 55 Next day, about ten o'clock in the morning, the inspector of the prisons came to visit us ; and on the gaoler's showing him the order for Boitel's liberation, he cast his eye over it, said that it was a forgery, and that he should not allow the prisoner to depart until he had referred to the authorities. The gaoler then said that Boitel had left on the previous evening. The inspector testified his astonishment that he should have been deceived by an order signed by persons whose names were unknown to him, and at last placed him under a guard. He then took the order away with him, and soon made himself certain that, independently of the forgery of the signatures, there were omissions and errors in form which must have struck any person at all familiar with such papers. It was soon known in the prison that the inspector had placed the gaoler under arrest, for having allowed Boitel to go out under a false order, and I began to surmise the truth. I desired Grouard and Herbaux to tell me the whole, observing indistinctly that the affair might compromise me ; but they swore most solemnly that they had done nothing but draw up the memorial, and were themselves astonished at its prompt success. I did not believe a word of this, but having no opposing proofs, I was compelled to wait for the event. The next day I was summoned to the court, before the judge, and answered, that I knew nothing of the framing of the forged order, and that I had only lent my room, as the only quiet place in the prison, for the preparation of the justificatory memorial. I added, that all these facts could be corroborated by the gaoler, who frequently went into the room during their work, appearing to be much interested for Boitel. Grouard and Herbaux were also interrogated, and then placed in solitary confinement, whilst I returned to my chamber. Scarcely had I entered it, when Boitel's bed-fellow came to me, and told me the whole plot, which I had only before suspected. Grouard, hearing Boitel so often repeat that he would willingly give a hundred crowns to procure his liberty, had planned with Herbaux the means of getting him out, and they had devised no mode so simple as that of forging a false order. Boitel was let into the plot, as may be supposed : they only told him, that as there were many persons to gain over, he must give four hundred francs. It was then that they applied for my chamber, which was indispensable for the due concoction and forging of the order, without being perceived by the other prisoners ; moreover, the gaoler was in their confidence, to judge by his frequent visits, and the circum- stances which had preceded and followed the departure of Boitel. The order had been brought by a friend of Herbaux, named 56 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Stofflet. He appeared besides only to decide Boitel on giving four hundred francs, which the forger had persuaded him was to be shared with me, although I had rendered him no other service than that of lending my room. Thus instructed, I at first wished the person who had given me these particulars to make a declaration of them, but he obstinately refused, saying that he would not reveal to justice a secret confided to his oath ; and, besides, he did not feel desirous of being knocked on the head by the prisoners for turning nose (pour avoir mange le morceau). He dissuaded me even from informing the judge, telling me that I was in no danger. But on arresting Boitel in the country, and bringing him to Lille, and putting him into solitary confine- ment, he named as the aiders and abettors in his escape, Grouard, Herbaux, Stofflet, and Vidocq. On this confession, we were ques- tioned at the Tower, and I persisted in my first declaration, although I could have extricated myself in a moment, by disclos- ing all that Boitel's bed-fellow had told me ; but I was so fuljy convinced that it was impossible to substantiate any charge against me, that I was thunderstruck when, at the expiration of my three months, I was prevented from quitting the prison by an entry stating me as arraigned as an * accomplice in the forgery of authentic and public documents.' CHAPTER V. Three escapes The Chauffeurs The suicide I am accused of assassination Fresh escape Ostend Smugglers I am retaken. I THEN began to think that this affair might turn out badly for me; but any other statement without proof would be more dangerous to me than silence, which it was now too late to think of breaking. All these reflections affected me so much, that I had a severe illness, during which time Francine attended me most carefully. I was scarcely convalescent, when, unable to support the state of incer- titude in which I found my affairs, I resolved on escaping, and to escape by the door, although that may appear a difficult step. Some particular observations made me prefer this method in pre- ference to any other. The wicket-keeper at St. Peter's Tower was a galley-slave from the Bagne (place of confinement) at Brest, sen- tenced for life. After the revision of the penal laws and the code of 1791, he had obtained a commutation of six years' confinement in the prison at Lille, where he had made himself useful to the gaoler, who, persuaded that a man who had passed four yea** at THE ESCAPE, 57 the Bagne must be as watchful as an eagle, since he must know every method of escape, promoted him to the office of gate-keeper, whi^h he thought he could not confide to more trustworthy hands. It was, however, on the stupidity of this prodigy of cunning that I relied for the success of my project ; and it appeared the more easy to deceive him, as he was so confident in his own sagacity. In a word, I relied on passing by him under the disguise of a superior officer, charged with visiting St. Peter's Tower, which was used as a military prison, twice a week. Francine, whom I saw daily, got me the requisite clothing, which she brought me in her muff. I immediately tried them on, and they suited me exactly. Some of the prisoners who saw me thus attired assured me that it was impossible to detect me. I was the same height as the officer whose character I was about to assume, and I made myself appear twenty-five years of age. At the end of a few days, he made his usual round, and whilst one of my friends occupied his attention, under pretext of examining his food, I dis- guised myself hastily, and presented myself at the door, which the gaol-keeper, taking off his cap, opened, and I went out into the street. I ran to a friend of Francine's, as agreed on in case I should succeed, and she soon joined me there. I was there perfectly safe, if I could resolve on keeping con- cealed ; but how could I submit to a slavery almost as severe as that of St. Peter's Tower ? As for three months I had been en- closed within four walls, I was now desirous to exercise the activity so long repressed. I announced my intention of going out ; and, as with me an inflexible determination was always the auxiliary of the most capricious fancy, I did go. My first excursion was safely performed, but the next morning, as I was coming to the Rue Ecremoise, a sergeant named Louis, who had seen me during my imprisonment, stopped me, and asked if I was free. He was a severe practical man, and by a motion of his hand could summon twenty persons. I said that I would follow him ; and begging him to allow me to bid adieu to my mistress, who was in a house of Rue de 1'Hospitai, he consented, and we really met Francine, who was much surprised to see me in such company; and then I told her that, having reflected that my escape might injure me in the estimation of my judges, I had decided on returning to St. Peter's Tower to wait the result of the process. Francine did not at first comprehend why I had expended three hundred francs, to return at the end of four months to prison. A sign put her on her guard, and I found an opportunity of desiring her to put some cinders in my pocket whilst Louis and I took a glass of rum, and then set out for the prison. Having reached a 58 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, deserted street, I blinded my guide with a handful of cinders, and regained my asylum with all speed. Louis having made his declaration, the gendarmes and police- officers were on the full cry after me ; and there was one Jacquard amongst them who undertook to secure me if I were in the city. I was not acquainted with these particulars, and instead of being more circumspect in my behaviour, I affected a ridiculous bravado. It might have been said that I ought to have had a portion of the premium promised for my apprehension. I was certainly hotly pursued, as may be judged from the following incident. Jacquard learnt one day that I was going to dine in Rue Notre- Dame. He immediately went with four assistants, whom he left on the ground-floor, and ascended the staircase to the room where I was about to sit down to the table with two females. A recruit- ing sergeant, who was to have made the fourth, had not yet arrived. I recognised Jacquard, who never having seen me, had not the same advantage, and besides, my disguise would have bid defiance to any description of my person. Without being at all uneasy, I approached, and with the most natural tone I begged him to pass into a closet, the glass-door of which looked on the banquet-room. ' It is Vidocq whom you are looking for,' said I ; ' if you will wait for ten minutes you will see him. There is his cover, he cannot be long. When he enters, I will make you a sign ; but if you are alone, I doubt if you can seize him, as he is armed and resolved to defend himself.' ' I have my gendarmes on the staircase, 7 answered he, * and il he escapes ' ' Take care how you place them, then,' said I, with affected haste. ' If Vidocq should see them he would mistrust some plot, and then farewell to the bird.' ' But where shall I place them ?' ' Oh, why in this closet mind, no noise, that would spoil all ; and I have more desire than your- self that he should not suspect anything.' My commissary was now shut up in four walls with his agents. The door, which was very strong, closed with a double lock. Then, certain of time to escape, I cried to my prisoners, ' You are looking for Vidocq well, it is he who has caged you ; farewell.' And away I went like a dart, leaving the party shouting for help, and making desperate efforts to escape from the unlucky closet. Two escapes of the same sort I effected, but at last I was arrested and carried back to St. Peter's Tower, where, for greater security, I was placed in a dungeon with a man named Calendrin, who was also thus punished for two attempts at escape. Calendrin, who had known me during my first confinement in the prison, imparted to me a fresh plan of escape which he had devised, by means of a hole worked in the wall of the dungeon of the galley- THE HOLE IN THE WALL. 59 slaves, with whom we could communicate. The third night all was managed for our escape, and eight of the prisoners who first went out were so fortunate as to avoid being detected by the sentinel, who was only a short distance off. Seven of us still remained, and we drew straws, as is usual in such circumstances, to determine which of the seven should first pass. I drew the short stra\v, and undressed myself that I might get with greater ease through the hole, which was very narrow, but, to the great disappointment of all, I stuck fast without the possibility of advancing or receding. In vain did my companions endeavour to pull me out by force, I was caught as if in a trap, and the pain of my situation was so extreme, that, not expecting further help from within, I called to the sentry to render me assistance. He ap- proached with the precaution of a man who fears a surprise, and presenting his bayonet to my breast, forbade me to make the slightest movement. At his summons the guard came out, the porters ran with torches, and I was dragged from my hole, not without leaving behind me a portion of my skin and flesh. Torn and wounded as I was, they immediately transferred me to the prison of Petit Hotel, when I was put into a dungeon, fettered hand and foot. Ten days afterwards I was placed among the prisoners, through my entreaties and promises not to attempt again to escape. Up to this time I had lived with men who were sharpers, robbers, and forgers ; but here I found myself in the midst of most hardened villains, and of this number was one of my fellow townsmen, named Desfosseux, a man of wonderful ingenuity, prodigious strength, and who, condemned to the galleys from the age of eighteen, had escaped from the Bagne three times, whence he was to be sent again with the next chain of convicts. He told all his exploits and hair-breadth scapes with much coolness, and said that no doubt ' one day or other the guillotine would make sausage meat of his flesh.' In spite of the secret horror with which this man inspired me, I took a pleasure in conversing with him of the wild life he had led, and what most induced me. to make so many inquiries of him was, that I hoped he would be able to aid me with some means of escape. With the same motive, I assoc iated with many individuals imprisoned as part of a band of forty or fifty Chaffeurs, who infested the adjacent districts, under the command of the famous Sallambier. They were named Chopine (called the Nantzman), Louis (of Douay), Duhamel (called Lilleman), Auguste Poissard (called the Provencal), Caron the younger, Caron the Humpback, and Bruxellois (called the Daring), an appellation which he deserved for an act of courage which is seldom heard of even in bulletins. 60 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. At the moment of entering a farm with six of his comrades, he thrust his left hand through an opening in the shutter to lift the latch, but when he was drawing it back, he found that his wrist had been caught in a slip-knot. Awakened by the noise, the inhabitants of the farm had laid this snare, although too weak to go out against a band of robbers which report had magnified as to numbers. But the attempt being thus defeated, day was fast approaching, and Bruxellois saw his dismayed comrades looking at each other with doubt, when the idea occurred to him that to avoid discovery they would knock out his brains. With his right hand he drew out his clasp knife with a sharp point, which he always had about him, and cutting off his wrist at the joint, fled with his comrades without being stopped by the excessive pain of his horrid wound. This remarkable deed, which has been attri- buted to a thousand different spots, really occurred in the vicinity of Lille, and it is well authenticated in the northern districts, where many persons yet remember to have seen the hero of this tale, who was thence called Manchot (or one-armed) executed. Introduced by so distinguished a worthy as my townsman Des- fosseux, I was received with open arms in the circle of bandits, where from morning to night the means of escape was our only theme. Under these circumstances, as in many others, I re- marked that with prisoners, the thirst for liberty, becoming the engrossing idea, produced plots inconceivable by the man who discusses them at his ease. Liberty ! in this word all is centred, this thought pursues the prisoner throughout the tedious day, and during the wintry nights spent in utter darkness, when abandoned to all the tormenting impulses of impatience. Enter any prison, you will hear shouts of noisy mirth, you may almost imagine your- self at a place of entertainment ; approach mouths grin horribly a ghastly smile, but the eyes betray no pleasure, they are stern and haggard; this assumed gaiety is forced in its hideous yells, like that of a jackal, which dashes against its cage, striving to burst the bars. Well knowing what men they had to guard, our gaolers watched us with a care that marred all our plans ; the only opportunity which gave a chance of success now offered itself, and I seized on it before my companions, cunning as they were, had even thought of it. We were about eighteen of us in the ante-room of the ex- amining judge, where we had been conducted for the purpose of being interrogated, which was guarded by soldiers, and two gen- darmes, one of whom had laid down his hat and cloak near me, whilst he went to the bar, whither his companion was summoned by the ringing of a, bell. I put his hat on my head instantly, and ANOTHER ESCAPE. 61 wrapping myself in his cloak, took a prisoner under my arm as if I was taking him out for a pressing necessity ; I went to the door, which the corporal of the guard immediately opened, and we got out once more. But what could we do without money or papers ? My comrade went into the provinces, and I, at the risk of being retaken, returned to Francine, who, overjoyed at seeing me, deter- mined on selling her furniture, and flying with me to Belgium. This was determined on, when a most unexpected event, attributable only to my incredible carelessness, completely over- threw our plan. The night before our intended departure, I met in the dusk of the evening a woman of Brussels, named Eliza, with whom I had been on intimate terms. She embraced me, and begged me to go and sup with her, and, conquering my weak objections, kept me with her until the next day. I persuaded Francine, who had sought me everywhere, that, pursued by the police officers, I had been compelled to take refuge in a house which I could not quit till daybreak. She was at first satisfied ; but having by accident discovered that I had passed the night with a female, her jealousy burst forth in overwhelming and tearful reproaches against my ingratitude, and in her rage she swore that she would have me arrested. To put me in prison was certainly the best mode of putting a stop to my infidelities ; but Francine was a woman of her word, and I deemed it prudent to allow her anger to evaporate, intending to return after some time, and start with her as we had agreed on. However, as I needed my clothes, and did not wish to ask for them, for fear of a fresh burst of temper, I went alone to our chamber, of which she had the key, and forcing a shutter, I took out what I wanted, and left the house. At the end of five days, clothed like a countryman, I left the place I had inhabited in the suburbs, and going into the city, I went to the house of a seamstress, a friend of Francine's, on whose mediation I relied for reconciling us. This woman seemed so greatly embarrassed, that fearing I should implicate her, I only begged her to go and seek my mistress. * Yes,' said she, with a very remarkable air, and without looking at me. She went out, and I was left alone to reflect on my strange reception. A knock at the door was heard, which I hastened to open, thinking that I should receive Francine in my arms, when a crowd of gendarmes and police-officers appeared, who seizing me, I was carried before the magistrate, who began by asking me where I had been during the last five days. My answer was brief, as I never implicated those who sheltered me. The magistrate observed that my obstinacy in refusing him any explanation would go much 62 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. against me, and that my head was in jeopardy, etc, etc. I only laughed, as imagining this remark to be a trap to force me to confess through fear. I persisted in my silence, and was remanded to the Petit Hotel. Scarcely had I set foot in the street, when all eyes were fixed on me. People called to each other and whispered, which I thought was caused by my disguise, and I scarcely heeded it. They made me enter a cell, where I was left alone in the straw, heavily ironed. At the end of two hours the gaoler came, who, pretending to pity me, and take an interest in me, told me that my resolution not to confess where I had spent the last five days, would injure me in the estimation of the judges ; but I was im- movable, and two more hours elapsed, when the gaoler returned with a turnkey, who took off my fetters, and desired me to go down to the office, where two judges were in attendance. I was again questioned, and made a similar reply, and they then stripped my clothes entirely off, and stamped on my right shoulder a blow that would have killed an ox, which was to mark me ; my clothes were taken away, after being described in the process-verbal ; and I was sent back to my cell, covered with a shirt of sail-cloth, in a surtout half black and half grey, in rags which had served at least two generations of prisoners. All this gave me food for reflection. It was evident that the seamstress had denounced me, but for what ? She had no com- plaint to make of me. In spite of her fury, Francine would have reflected twice before she denounced me ; and if I had withdrawn for some days, it was rather because I did not wish to irritate her by my presence, than from any fear of consequences. Why these reiterated inquiries, these mysterious words of the gaoler, and this description of my attire ? I was lost in a labyrinth of conjecture, and for twenty-five hours I was kept in the strictest solitary confine- ment ; I then underwent an examination which informed me of all. ' What is your name ?' ' Eugene Francois Vidocq.' ' What is your profession ?* 1 Military.' ' Do you know the girl Francine Longuet ?* ' Yes ; she is my mistress.' * Do you know where she is at this moment ?* ' She should be at a friend's house, for she sold her own furni- ture.' 'What is the name of this friend?* * Madame Bourgeois.' * Where does she live f THE EXAMINATION. 63 * At a baker's in the Rue St. Andre*.' ' How long had you left the woman Longuet when you were arrested ?' 1 Five days.' ' Why did you leave her ?* 'To avoid her anger; she knew that I had passed the night with another female, and in a fit of jealousy threatened to have me arrested.' ' Who was the woman with whom you passed the night ?' * A former mistress.' ' What is her name ?' * Eliza I only know her by that name.' * Where does she live ?' ' At Brussels, whither, I believe, she has returned.' ' Where are the things which you had in the house of the woman Longuet ?' ' In a place that I can point out if need be.' * How could you get them, having quarrelled with her, and not wishing to see her ?' 'After our quarrel in the Cafe", where she found me, she threatened to call for the guard to seize me : knowing her per- verseness, I ran down the by-streets, and reached the house before her, which I had hoped to do, and wanting some clothes, I forced a shutter to effect my entrance, and then took out what I wanted. You just now asked me where these things are, and I will now tell you ; they are in the Rue Saint Sauveur, at the house of Duboc, who will corroborate this.' * You do not speak truth before you left Francine at her house, you had a great quarrel; it is said that you struck her.' ' That is false ; I did not see Francine at her own home after the quarrel, and consequently I could not have maltreated her. She can corroborate this.' ' Do you know this knife r 1 Yes ; it is the one I generally use at my meals.' ' You see the blade and haft are covered with blood. Does not the sight of it make any impression upon you ? You are agitated !' ' Yes,' I replied with emotion ; * but what has happened to Fran- cine ? Tell me, and I will give every possible explanation.' 1 Did nothing particular happen to you when you carried off your clothes ?' 1 Nothing that I can call to mind.' 1 You persist in your declarations ? 'Yes.' 64 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. 1 You are imposing on justice that you may have time for re- flection on your position, and the consequences of your obstinacy, I shall now delay the remainder oT your examination until to- morrow. Gendarmes, watch this man most carefully Go.' It was late when I returned to my cell, where they brought me my allowance, which the trouble I experienced from the result of the interrogatory would not allow me to eat ; I could not sleep, and passed the whole night without closing an eye. Some crime had been committed, but on whom ? By whom ? Why was I inculpated? I had asked myself that question a thousand times, without getting at any rational solution, when they came to fetch me on the following morning to renew my examination. After the usual questions, a door was opened, and two gendarmes entered, supporting a female. It was Francine Francine pale, and altered so as to be scarcely recognisable. On seeing me she fainted ; and when I wished to approach her, I was withheld by the gendarmes. They took her away, and I alone remained with the examining judge, who asked me if the sight of the unfortunate woman did not prompt me to confess all. I protested my innocence, asserting that I did not know till that instant that Francine was ill. I was led back to the prison, but not to solitary confinement, and I could then hope that I might be informed of all the events of which I was so singularly the victim. I questioned the gaoler, but he would not answer me ; I wrote to Francine, although I was told that the letters would be detained by the judge, and that she was dismissed. I was on thorns, and at last determined on sending for counsel, who, after having learnt the accusation, told me that I was charged with attempting to assassinate Francine. On the very day I left her, she had been found expiring, stabbed with a knife in five places, and bathed in blood. My precipitate fliglit the secret carrying away of my clothes, which it was known that I had taken from one place to another as if to elude the search of justice the broken shatter in my room the footmark which resembled mine all tended to confirm the suspicions of my guilt, and my disguise still more corroborated it. It was thought that I only disguised myself and returned, to learn whether she had died without accusing me. One particular, which would have been in my favour under any other circum- stances, now aggravated the charge against me ; as soon as the physicians would allow Francine to speak, she declared that she had stabbed herself, in despair, at finding that she was abandoned by a man for whom she had sacrificed all. But her attachment to me rendered her testimony suspected, and it was believed that she only spoke thus to save me. ANOTHER ESCAPE. 65 My counsel had terminated this narrative at least a quarter of an hour, and I was still listening like a man oppressed with the night- mare. At the age of twenty I was suffering under the weight of the twofold accusation of forgery and assassination, without having even dreamt of committing such crimes. I even reflected whether I would not hang myself at the bars of my cell with a straw rope. I was losing my senses, but at last collected myself sufficiently to detail all the facts requisite for my exculpation. In the after- examination they insisted strongly on the blood which the porter, who had carried my luggage, stated he had seen on my hands. This blood had flowed from a cut inflicted by the glass of a window which I had broken to remove the shutter, and I could produce two witnesses of this fact. My counsel, to whom I told all my grounds of defence, assured me that, united with the testi- mony of Francine, which alone had been of no avail, I should be .acquitted, which was the case a few days afterwards. Francine, although still very weak, came immediately to see me, and con- firmed all the particulars which the examination had first acquainted me with. I was thus relieved of an enormous weight, without being yet -entirely freed from uneasiness : my repeated escapes had delayed the decision of the accusation of forgery, in which I had been im- plicated, and nothing indicated its termination, for Grouard had also escaped. The result of the charge from which I had just been freed had, however, given me a hope, and I thought nothing of attempting to escape, when an opportunity presented, which I seized, as it were, by instinct. In the chamber in which I was placed were the temporary prisoners, and on fetching away two of them one morning, the gaoler forgot to close the door, which I perceived, and descending to the ground-floor, found, on looking about me, that I had a chance. It was scarcely daybreak, and the prisoners were all asleep ; I had met no one on the staircase, and there was no one at the gate, which I cleared ; but the gaoler, who was drinking a dram at a public-house opposite the prison, pursued me, crying loudly, ' Stop him ! Stop him !' He cried in vain, for the streets were empty, and the desire of liberty gave me wings. In a few minutes I got out of sight of the gaoler, and soon reached a house in Rue Saint Sauveur, where I was very certain they would not come to seek for me. I was now compelled to quit Lille as quickly as possible, as I was too well known there to be long in safety. At nightfall all were on the look out, and I learnt that all the gates were closed, and no one let out but through the wicket, where police officers and disguised gendarmes were stpHoned to 5 66 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. examine all comers. The gates thus closed on me, I resolved on descending the ramparts, and knowing the spot well, I went at ten o'clock at night to the bastion of Notre-Dame, which I judged the most propitious place for the execution of my project. Having tied to a tree a cord, which I had procured for the purpose, I began to slide down, but the weight of my body impelling me more rapidly than I anticipated, the friction of the cord made my hands so hot that I was compelled to let go about fifteen feet from the ground, and fell so heavily on my right foot, that I sprained it, and in endeavouring to get out of the ditch I thought I should never be able to effect it. Unheard-of efforts at length extricated me, but on reaching the plain I could move no further. There I was, swearing most emphatically against all ditches, ropes, and sprains, but this did not relieve my embarrassment, when a man passed me with one of those cars so common in Flanders. A crown-piece, my only one, prevailed on him to place me on his car, and convey me to the next village. On reaching his house he laid me on a bed, and rubbed my foot with brandy and soap, whilst his wife assisted him very efficiently, although staring with wonder at my clothes, stained with the mud of the ditch. They did not ask for any explanation, but I thought it expedient to give one ; and to prepare myself for it, I pretended that I was greatly in want of sleep, and my host left me. At the end of two hours I called them, like a man just awaking, and told them, in a few words, that in conveying smuggled tobacco up the ramparts, I had fallen, and my comrades, pursued by the custom-house officers, had been compelled to leave me in the ditch ; and I added that I left myself in their hands to do as they pleased with me. These good creatures, who hated the custom-house officers as cordially as the inhabitant of any frontier town ever does, assured me that they would not for the world betray me. To try them, I asked if there was no means of conveyance to my father's house, who lived at the other side, and they said that such a step would expose me, and that it would be better to wait a few days, until I was well. I consented, and to remove all suspicions, it was agreed that I should pass for a relation on a visit. No one, however, made the least observation. Quieted on this head, I began to reflect on my next step, and what I must do. I determined on leaving these parts, and going into Holland. But to execute this plan money was indispensable, and except my watch, which I had offered to my host, I possessed only four shillings and tenpence. I might go to Francine, but then, of course, she was closely watched : and to send her any message would infallibly hazard her safety. At least, I must wait until the OSTEND. 67 heat of the first pursuit was over. I did wait, and at the end of a fortnight I determined to write to Francine, which I intrusted to my host, telling him that, as this female was the go-between of the smugglers, he must use much caution in visiting her. He fulfilled his commission with much care, and brought me next day one hundred and twenty francs in sold. The next day I bade farewell to my friends, whose charges were extremely moderate, and at the end of six days reached Ostend. My intention, as at my first visit to this city, was to go to America or India, but I only met with Danish and Dutch skippers, who refused to take me without credentials. The little cash which I had brought from Lille diminished rapidly, and I was approach- ing that situation with which we become more or less familiarized, but which is not the less disagreeable on that account. Money certainly does not produce wit, nor talents, nor understanding ; but the quiet of mind which it superinduces, the equanimity which it affords, amply supply the place of these qualities ; whilst in the absence of this equanimity these gifts are of no avail with many who possess them. I had heard much of the adventurous and lucrative life of the coasting smugglers, of whom the prisoners had boasted with en- thusiasm ; for this profession was often followed through inclina- tion, by individuals whose fortune and situation did not compel them to adopt so perilous a life. I confess, for my part, that I was not seduced by the prospect of passing whole nights under cliffs, in the midst of rocks, exposed to all winds, and, above all, to the shots of the custom-house officers. It was with real repugnance that I went to the house of a man named Peters, to whom I was directed, as one deeply engaged in the pursuit, and able to introduce me to it. A sea-gull nailed on his door with extended wings, like the owls and weasels that we see on barns, guided me. I found the worthy in a sort of cellar, which by the ropes, sails, oars, hammocks, and barrels, which filled it, might have been taken for a naval depot From the midst of a thick atmosphere of smoke which surrounded him, he viewed me at first with a contempt which had not a good appear- ance, and my conjectures were soon realized, for I had scarcely offered my services than he fell upon me with a shower of blows. I could certainly have resisted him effectually, but astonishment had in a measure deprived me of the power of defence ; and I saw besides, in the court-yard, half a dozen sailors and an enormous Newfoundland dog, which would have been powerful odds. Turned into the street, I endeavoured to account for this singular reception, when it occurred to me that Peters had mistaken me for a spy, a.ncl treated me accordingly. 5* 68 MEMOIRS OF VfDOCQ. This idea determined me on returning to a dealer in Hollands who had told me of him, and he, laughing at the result of my visit, gave me a pass- word that would procure me free access to Peters. Thus empowered, I again went to his formidable abode, having first filled my pockets with large stones which, in case of a second attack, might protect my retreat. Fortunately I had no need of them. At the words 'Beware of the sharks' (custom-house officers), I was received in a most amicable manner, for my strength and activity made me a valuable acquisition to the fraternity, who are often compelled to carry with speed, from one spot to another, the most oppressive loads. A Bordeaux man, who was one of the gang, undertook to initiate me, and teach me the stratagems of the profession, which, however, I was called on to put in practice before my tuition had progressed very far. I slept at Peters' house with a dozen or fifteen smugglers, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, and Russian ; there were no English- men, and only two Frenchmen. The day after my installation, as we were all getting into our hammocks, or flock beds, Peters entered suddenly into our chamber, which was only a cellar, con- tiguous to his own, and so filled with barrels and kegs that we could scarcely find room to sling our hammocks. Peters had put off his usual attire, which was that of ship-caulker, or sail-maker, and had on a hairy cap, and a long red shirt, closed at the breast with a silver pin, fire-arms in his belt, and a pair of thick large fisherman's boots, which reach the top of the thigh, or may be folded down beneath the knee. ' A-hoy ! a-hoy !' cried he at the door, striking the ground with the butt-end of his carbine, ' Down with the hammocks, down with the hammocks ! We will sleep some other day. The Squirrel has made signals for a landing this evening, and we must see what she has in her, muslin or tobacco. Come, come, turn out, my sea-boys.' In a twinkling everybody was ready. They opened an armchest, and every man took out a carbine or blunderbuss, a brace of pistols, and a cutlass or boarding-pike, and we set out, after having drunk so many glasses of brandy and arrack that the bottles were empty. At this time there were not more than twenty of us, but we were joined or met, at one place or another, by so many in- dividuals, that on reaching the sea-side we were forty-seven in number, exclusive of two females and some countrymen from the adjacent villages, who brought hired horses, which they concealed in a hollow behind some rocks. It was night, and the wind was shifting, whilst the sea dashed with so much force that I did not understand how any vessel SMUGGLING. 69 could approach without being cast on shore. What confirmed this idea was, that by the starlight I saw a small boat rowing backwards and forwards as if it feared to land. They told me afterwards that this was only a manoeuvre to ascertain if all was ready for the unloading, and no danger to be apprehended. Peters now lighted a reflecting lantern, which one of the men had brought, and immediately extinguished it ; the Squirrel raised a lantern at her mizen, which only shone for a moment, and then disappeared like a glow-worm on a summer's night. We then saw it approach, and anchor about a gun-shot off from the spot where we were. Our troop then divided into three companies, two of which were placed five hundred paces in front, to resist the revenue officers if they should present themselves. The men of these companies were then placed at intervals along the ground, having at the left arm a packthread which ran from one to the other : in case of alarm, it was announced by a slight pull, and each being ordered to answer this signal by firing his gun, a line of firing was thus kept up, which perplexed the revenue officers. The third company, of which I was one, remained by the sea-side, to cover the land- ing and the transport of the cargo. All being thus arranged, the Newfoundland dog already men- tioned, and who was with us, dashed at a word into the midst of the waves and swam powerfully in the direction of the Squirrel, and in an instant afterwards returned with the end of a rope in his mouth. Peters instantly seized it, and began to draw it towards him, making us signs to assist him, which I obeyed mechanically. After a few tugs, I saw that at the end of the cable were a dozen small casks, which floated towards us. I then perceived that the vessel thus contrived to keep sufficiently far from the shore not to run a risk of being stranded. In an instant the casks, smeared over with something that made them waterproof, were unfastened and placed on horses, which immediately dashed off for the interior of the country. A second cargo arrived with the same success ; but as we were landing the third, some reports of fire-arms announced that our outposts were attacked. ' There is the beginning of the ball,' said Peters calmly ; ' I must go and see who will dance ;' and taking up his carbine, he joined the outposts, which had by this time joined each other. The firing became rapid, and we had two men killed, and others slightly wounded. At the fire of the revenue officers, we soon found that they exceeded us in number, but alarmed, and fearing an ambuscade, they dared not to approach, and we effected our retreat without any attempt on their part to prevent it. From the beginning of the fight the Squirrel had weighed anchor and stood 70 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. out at sea, for fear that the noise of the firing should bring down on her the Government cruiser. I was told that most probably she would unload her cargo in some other part of the coast, where the owners had numerous agents. On the return to Peters' house, at break of day, I threw myself into my hammock, and did not leave it for eight-and-forty hours : the fatigue of the night, the moisture which penetrated my clothes, whilst exercise had made me perspire profusely, and the uneasi- ness of my new situation, all combined to make me ill, and a fever seized me. When it left me, I told Peters that I found the em- ployment too hard, and that I should be glad if he would allow me to go. He agreed more quietly than I expected, and gave me a hundred francs. I have since learnt that he had me followed for several days, to be assured whether or no T took the road to Lille, which I had told him was my intention. I did go to that city, led by a childish wish to see Francine, and take her with me to Holland, where I had formed a plan of a small establishment. But my imprudence was soon punished ; for two gendarmes, who were drinking in a pot-house, saw me cross- ing the street, and they resolved on following me to ask for my papers. They overtook me at a turning, and the trouble which their appearance caused me determined them on apprehending me. They took me to the brigade prison, where I was already looking out for means of escape, when I heard some one say to the gendarmes, * Here is the guard of Lille ; is there any one for the prison ?' Two men of the Lille brigade came to the prison and asked if there was any game in the trap. * Yes,' said the fellows who took me, * we have one named Leger (my assumed name), whom we found without a passport.' They opened the door, and the brigadier of Lille, who had often seen me at the Petit Hotel, cried, * By Jove, 'tis Vidocq !' I was compelled to confess it, and setting out, I entered Lille a few hours afterwards, between my two bodyguards. CHAPTER VI. The pewter keys A hussar Retaken and condemned. I FOUND at the Petit Hotel the greater number of the prisoners who had been emancipated before my escape. Some of them had made but a very short absence, and were speedily apprehended, charged with fresh crimes, or fresh offences. Amongst them was Calandrin, whom I have spoken about : enlarged on the i ith, he was retaken on the i3th, charged with burglary and being an THE PEWTER KEYS. 71 accomplice of the Chauffeurs, whose name alone inspired universal dread. On the strength of the reputation which my various escapes had procured for me, these men looked on me as one on whom they might rely. On my side, I could scarcely separate myself from them. Accused of capital offences, they had a powerful motive for being secret concerning our attempts, whilst the un- fortunate * petty larceny rascal ' might denounce us, in the dread of being accused of being privy to our designs. This is the logic of the prison. This escape, however, was not so very easy a matter, as may be surmised when I say that our dungeons, seven feet square, had walls six feet thick, strengthened with planking crossed and riveted with iron ; a window, two feet by one, closed with three iron gratings placed one after the other, and the door cased with wrought iron. With such precautions, a gaoler might depend on the safe keeping of his charge, but yet we overcame it all. I was in a cell on the second floor with Duhamel. For six francs, a prisoner, who was also a turnkey, procured us two files, a ripping chisel, and two turnscrews. . We had pewter spoons, and our gaoler was probably ignorant of the use which prisoners could make of them. I knew the dungeon key ; it was the counterpart of all the others on the same story ; and I cut a model of it from a large carrot ; then I made a mould with crumb of bread and potatoes. We wanted fire, and we procured it by making a lamp with a piece of fat and the rags of a cotton cap. The key was at last made of pewter, but it was not yet perfect ; and it was only after many trials and various alterations that it fitted at last. Thus masters of the doors, we were compelled to work a hole in the wall, near the barns of the town-hall. Sallambier, who was in the dungeons below, found a way to cut the hole, by working through the planking. All was ready for our escape, and it was fixed for the evening, when the gaoler told me that my term of dungeon imprisonment had expired, and I should be placed again with the other prisoners. A favour was never less welcome ; I saw all my preparations useless, and I might wait for a long time for circumstances as favourable. I was, 'however, compelled to follow the gaoler, whom I wished at the devil with his congratulations. This disappoint- ment affected me so greatly that all the prisoners saw it. One of them, having learnt my secret from me, made some very just ob- servations on the danger I ran in escaping with such men as Sallambier and Duhamel who would perhaps not be out of prison twenty-four hours without committing a murder. He even made me promise to let them go, and wait myself for some other oppor- n MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. tunity. I followed his advice, and it was well that I did so ; I even took the precaution of telling Duhamel and Sallambier that they were suspected, and that they had not a moment to spare in saving themselves. They followed my advice literally, and two hours afterwards they had joined a band of forty-seven Chauf- feurs, of whom twenty-eight were executed the following month at Bruges. The escape of Duhamel and Sallambier made a great noise in the prison, and throughout the city. They found some extra- ordinary circumstances belonging to it, but the gaoler was the more astonished that I had not made one of the party. It was necessary to repair the breach they had made, and workmen came; and they stationed at the bottom of the staircase a guard with orders not to let anyone pass. The thought came to me of de- ceiving the sentinel, and getting out by the breach which was to have aided my escape before. Francine, who came every day to see me, brought me three ells of tricoloured ribbon, which I had requested her to procure. With one piece I made a belt, and ornamenting my hat with the rest, I passed, muffled up, by the soldier ; who, taking me for a municipal officer, presented his arms. I ascended the staircase quickly- reached the opening, which I found guarded by two sentinels, one in the granary of the town-hall, and the other in the passage of the prison. I told the latter that it was impossible for a man to pass through this opening ; he insisted on the contrary ; and his com- rade, as if plotting with me, said that I could get through with my clothes on. I said I would try : and creeping through the hole, I got into the barn. Pretending that I had hurt myself in passing, I told my two men that as I was on that side I should go round by another way. * In this case,' sj>\d he who was in the granary, * wait whilst I open the door ; and putting the key in the lock, I jumped at two bounds down the staircase of the town-hall and got into the street with my ribbon still on, and which would again have caused my arrest had not the day been drawing to a close. I was scarcely out, when the gaoler, who rarely lost sight of me, said, ' Where is Vidocq ?' They told him that I was taking a turn in the yard ; but when he went there to convince himself, he sought me everywhere in vain, calling loudly over all parts of the prison (an official search would not have been more successful) ; no prisoner had seen me go out. It was soon known that I was no longer in the prison ; but how then could I have escaped ? Of this no one knew anything not even Francine, who most in- genuously declared that she knew nothing of how I had liberated myself, for she had brought me the ribbon without knowing the RETAKEN* 73 purpose for which I intended it. She was, however, Confined ; but this revealed nothing, the soldiers, who had allowed me to pass, taking good care not to implicate themselves. Whilst they were thus punishing the pretended authors of my Olivier escape, I left the city and reached Courtrai, where the juggler and the quack Devoye enrolled me in their troop to play panto- mime. I saw there many prisoners who had escaped, whose acting costume, which they always wore (because they had no other), served greatly to mystify the police. From Courtrai we returned to Ghent, whence we were soon to depart for the fair of Enghien. We were in this latter city for five days : and the receipt, of which I had a share, was very good ; when one evening, as I was about to go on the stage, I was arrested by the police officers, to whom I had been betrayed by the Merry-Andrew, out of malice at seeing me fill the chief characters. I was again taken back to Lille, where I learnt, to my great grief, that my poor Francine had been sen- tenced to six months' confinement for having aided my escape. The turnkey Baptiste whose only crime was that of having taken me for a superior officer, and having allowed me in this capacity to quit St. Peter's Tower the unlucky Baptiste was also im- prisoned for the same fault The terrible charge against him was, that the prisoners (overjoyed at an opportunity of revenging them- selves) declared that a hundred crowns had made him take a young man of nineteen for an old soldier on the shady side of fifty. As for me, I was sent to the prison of the Department of Douai, where I was treated as a dangerous man ; that is to say, I was thrust into a dungeon with my hands and legs in fetters. I found there my townsman Desfosseux and a young man named Doyen- ette, condemned to chains for sixteen years for a burglary effected with his father, mother, and two brothers under fifteen years of age. They had been four months in the dungeon where I was put, lying on straw, eaten up with vermin, and living on bean-bread and water. I ordered my provisions, which were soon consumed ; we then talked over our business, and my fellow prisoners told me that for the last fortnight they were making a hole under the pave- ment of the dungeon which would open at the level of the Scarpe, which washed the prison walls. I at first regarded the enterprise as difficult, as it was necessary to pierce a wall five feet thick and yet avoid the observation of the gaoler, whose frequent visits would not allow of our suffering a morsel of rubbish to be seen. We eluded detection from this by throwing out of the window, which overlooked the Scarpe, every handful of rubbish that we got from our mine. Desfosseux had besides found means of ridding 74 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. us of our fetters, and we worked with less fatigue and difficulty. One of us was always in the hole, which was already large enough to admit a man. We thought that we had at length terminated our labours and our captivity, when we discovered that the founda- tions, which we had imagined to be composed of common stone, were formed of masses of sandstone of large size. This compelled us to enlarge our subterranean gallery, and for a week we worked at it unremittingly. To conceal the disappearance of that one of us who might be at work when the guard went round, we had filled a vest and shirt with straw, and placed the figure in the posture of a sleeping man. . After fifty-five days and nights of unrelaxing toil, we at last so far completed our work that we had but one stone to remove, and then should reach the river's banks. One night we determined on making an essay, and all appeared favourable to our design ; the gaoler had locked up earlier than usual, and a dense fog gave us a confident hope of avoiding the sentinel of the bridge. The shaken stone yielded to our efforts, and fell inside the aperture we had made ; but the water followed it at the same time as if impelled by the sluice of a mill. We had calculated our distance incorrectly, and the hole being made some feet beneath the level of the river, we were soon deluged. At first we endeavoured to plunge through the opening ; but the rapidity of the current precluded all attempts, and we were compelled to call for help, or remain immersed in water for the whole night. At our cries the gaoler and turnkeys ran to our assistance, and were greatly astonished at finding them- selves mid-leg deep in water. All was soon discovered and the mischief repaired, whilst we were shut up singly in dungeons in the same gallery. . This catastrophe filled me with very sad reflections, from which I was very soon aroused by the voice of Desfosseux, who told me, in slang terms, not to despair, but to take courage by his example. Desfosseux was certainly endowed with a strength of mind which nothing could depress : cast half naked on the straw in a dungeon, where he could scarcely lie at length, loaded with thirty pounds' weight of fetters, he yet sang with great vociferation, and was only devising means of escape, that he might again do some evil deed ; and opportunity was not long wanting. In the same prison with us were confined the gaoler of the Petit Hotel of Lille, and the turnkey Baptiste, both accused of having aided my escape for a bribe. The day of their trial having arrived, the gaoler was acquitted, but Baptiste's sentence was deferred, the tribunal having decreed a fresh process, in which I to be heard. Poor Baptiste then came to me, begging me to THE CASE OF FILES. 75 tell the truth. At first I only gave him evasive answers ; but Des fosseux having told me that the man might serve us, and that we must arrange terms with him, I promised to do what he wished : on which he made me vast professions of gratitude and offers of service. I took him at his word, and desired him to bring me a knife and two large nails, of which Desfosseux had told me that he had need, and in an hour I had them brought to me. On learning that I had procured them, Desfosseux made as many jumps as his fetters and his bounded space would allow : Doy- enette equally gave himself up to the most excessive joy ; and, as gaiety is in general catching, I felt myself too in a mirthful mood, without exactly knowing why. When these transports had a little subsided, Desfosseux desired me to look at the roof of my dungeon and observe if there were not five stones whiter than the rest : and on my replying in the affirmative, he desired me to try the divisions with the point of my knife, which I did, and found the cement had been replaced by crumbs of bread, whitened with scraping : and Desfosseux told me, that the prisoner who had been there before me had done this to remove the stones and save himself, when he had been taken to another part of the prison. I thus transferred the knife to Des- fosseux, who employed himself with activity in opening a passage to my dungeon, when we were served similar to my predecessor. The gaoler, having got wind of something, changed our dungeons, and placed us all three in a dungeon next to the Scarpe, where we were chained together : so that the least movement of one of us was communicated to the others, a horrid punishment when prolonged, and which ends in a total deprivation of sleep. At the end of two days, Desfosseux, seeing us dejected, resolved on using a means which he only resorted to on desperate occasions, and which he reserved as the preparatory steps towards escape. Like many of the galley-slaves he carried secretly about him a case full of files, with which he set to work, and in less than three hours our fetters fell off; we cast them through the grating into the river. The gaoler coming to visit us the moment after to see if we were quiet, almost fell backwards at finding us freed from our irons, and asked us what we had done with them : to which we only replied with jokes. The inspector of the prison arriving, together with an attendant bailiff named Hurtrel, we were com- pelled to undergo a fresh examination : and Desfosseux, who was much irritated, said, * You ask for our fetters ? Well, the worms have eaten them, and will eat as many as you may load us with. 1 The inspector then suspecting that we had the famous herb which cuts iron, which no botanist had tver yet discovered, ordered ?6 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. us to strip and be examined from head to foot, and then again loaded us with irons, which were again cut off the following night ; for the precious case was not discovered. This time we reserved to ourselves the pleasure of throwing them on the ground in the presence of the inspector and Hurtrel the bailiff, who did not know what to think of it. The report spread through the city, that there was in the prison a conjuror who took fetters off by only touching them. To cut short all these accounts, and particularly to avoid drawing the attention of the other prisoners to means of getting rid of their chains, the public accuser gave an order to shut us up and watch us with particular care a recommendation which did not prevent us from quitting Douai sooner than they expected, or than we ourselves had the least idea of. Twice a week we had leave to consult our counsel in the gallery, of which one door led to the court of justice, and I contrived to get an impression of the lock ; Desfosseux made a key, and one fine day, whilst my counsel was engaged with another client, accused of two murders, we all three got out without being seen. Two other gates, which opposed us, were broken open in a twinkling, and the prison was soon left behind us. But yet I was uneasy : six francs was our whole stock, and we could not get far with such a sum; which I told my companions, who looked at each other with a sinister smile : and on my repeating my obser- vation, they told me that, on the next night, they intended to enter a house in the neighbourhood with which they were well acquainted. I had no intention of turning housebreaker, any more than when I was amongst the Bohemiens. I had profited by the experience of Desfosseux in escaping, but never contemplated uniting myself with such a villain : and yet I was not desirous of entering into any explanation. By evening we had reached a village on the road to Cambrai ; we had not eaten since our escape from prison, and were sorely pressed by hunger. It was absolutely necessary to get provisions in the village. The half-naked appear- ance of my companions might give rise to suspicion, and it was agreed that I should go for the food. I went to a public-house, where, after having taken some bread and brandy, I went out by a different door from that at which I had entered, directing my steps in the opposite direction to that in which I had left the two men whose company I was so greatly desirous of getting rid of. I walked all night, and only stopped at break of day to sleep a few hours on a hay-stack. Four days afterwards I reached Compiegne, on my way to Paris, v.heie I trusted to find some means of existence until my mother BACi: 1O DOUAI. 77 coM send me some succour. At Louvres, meeting a regiment of black hussars, I asked the quarter-master if I could enter, but he told me that they did not enlist ; and the lieutenant, to whom I afterwards applied, gave me the same reply, but, touched by the embarrassment of my situation, he agreed to keep me to clean the extra horses which he was going to procure at Paris. A cap of a police officer and an old cloak which was given to me, enabled me to clear the barrier unquestioned, and I went to the military school with the detachment, which I afterwards accompanied to the depot at Guise. On arriving in this city, I was presented to the colonel, who, although suspecting me to be a deserter, engaged me under the name of Lannoy, which I assumed without being able to justify by any credentials. Concealed by my new uniform, and mingling with the rank of a numerous regiment, I thought myself secure, and began to think of making my way as a soldier, when an unfortunate accident again befell me. On entering the barrack one morning, I met a gendarme who had left Douai fof Guise. He had so frequently seen me, that he knew me at first sight and called to me. We were in the midst of the street, and thoughts of escape were useless ; I therefore went up to him and boldly feigned to be glad to see him. He replied to me, but with an air that seemed to augur me no good. Whilst thus together, a hussar of my squadron, seeing me with the gendarme, approached and said to me, * Well, Lannoy, what are you doing with the round hats?' * Lannoy !' said the gendarme with astonishment. ' Yes, it is a nom de guerre? l Oh, we will see about that,' said he, seizing my collar. I was compelled to follow him to prison, and my identity being confirmed, in opposition to my statements at the regiment, I was by a cursed chance again sent to Douai. This sentence completely overpowered me, and the intelligence that reached me at Douai was not calculated to set me at rest. I heard that Grouard, Herbaux, Stofflet, and Boitel, had decided by lot that one of them should confess the execution of the forgery ; but as this forgery could only be the work of one person, they determined on accusing me, thus punishing me for what I had said of them at my last examination , and I learnt besides, that the prisoner who could have corroborated my statement was dead. If anything could console me, it was that I had escaped in time from Desfosseux and Doyenette, who had been taken four days after our escape with their booty about them, in a mercer's shop in Ponte a-Marcq. I soon saw them, and as they were astonished at my abrupt departure, I told them that the arrival of a gendarme at the public-house where I was purchasing provisions had com- 78 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. pelled me to fly with speed. Again united, we formed new plans of escape, which the approach of our trials rendered of great im- portance to us. One evening a convoy of prisoners arrived, four of whom, ironed, were placed with us. They were the brothers Duhesme, rich farmers of Bailleul, where they had enjoyed the best reputa- tion, until an unexpected accident unfolded their real characters. These four persons, men of powerful strength, were at the head of a band of Chauffeurs, who had struck terror into the vicinity, without any person being able to identify them. The prattling of a little girl of one of the Duhesmes at last exposed the affair. This child, chatting at a neighbour's house, said that she had been very much frightened the night before. ' And with what ?' said the curious neighbour. * Oh, papa came home again with the black men.' 'The black men?' 'Yes, the men who go out with papa every night, and come home in the day-time and count out money ; my mother lights the candle, and my aunt Genevieve also, because my uncles are amongst the black men. I asked my mother one day what it was all about, and she said, * Be discreet, my child; your father has a black hen who finds him in money, but it is only at night, and that he should not scare it, he makes his face as black as her feathers. Be silent, for if you tell anybody what you have seen, the black hen will never come again.' We may easily divine that it was not to visit the mysterious hen that the Duhesmes blackened their faces with smoke. The neighbour, who guessed as much, communicated her suspicion to her husband, who, in his turn, questioned the little girl, and, convinced that the favourites of the black hen were Chauffeurs, he made a deposi- tion, and on measures being taken, the band were apprehended, all disguised, as they were about to sally out on an expedition. The youngest Duhesme had, in the sole of his shoe, a knife- blade, which he had contrived to conceal on the road from Bailleul to Douai. Being told that I knew the way of the prison, he commu- nicated this to me, asking me if it were not possible to effect an escape with its assistance. I was reflecting about it, when a justice of the peace, attended by gendarmes, came to make a strict search throughout our room, and about our persons. No one amongst us knowing the reason of this, I thought it prudent to hide in my mouth a small file which I had always about me, but one of the gendarmes having watched me, cried, 'He is going to swallow it !' ' Swallow what ?' Everybody looked, and we then learnt that they wanted to find the seal which had served to stamp the forged order for Boitel's liberation. Suspected, as we have just learnt, of having got it, I was transferred to the prison of the town-hall, and thrust in CAPTURED AGAIN. 79 a dungeon so chained that my right hand was confined to my left leg, and my left hand to my right leg. The dungeon was, more- over, so damp, that in twenty minutes the straw which they had thrown me was as wet as if it had been dipped in water. I remained eight days in this frightful state, and when they found that it was impossible I could have got rid of the seal in the way suspected, I was ordered to the usual prison. On learning this intelligence, I pretended, as is often done under such circum- stances, to be exceedingly weak and scarcely able to bear the light of day. The unwholesome state of the dungeon made this very probable, and the gendarmes fell completely into the snare, and carried their complaisance so far as to cover my eyes with a hand- kerchief, and then deposited me in a hackney-coach. On the road I took off the handkerchief, and opening the door, with a dexterity never yet surpassed, jumped out into the street ; the gendarmes sought to follow, but, impeded by their sabres and jack-boots, they had scarcely got out of the carriage when I was at a considerable distance. I quitted the city instantly, and resolved on embarking, I reached Dunkirk with some money which my mother had trans- mitted to me. I there made friends with the supercargo of a Swedish brig, who promised to get me a berth on board. While waiting for orders to sail, my new friend proposed that I should accompany him to Saint Omer, where he was going to get a large quantity of biscuit I did not fear recognition in my sailor's clothes, and agreed, as it was impossible to refuse a man to whom I was under such great obligations. I went with him, but my turbulent character would not allow me to remain quiet in a pot- house row, and I was arrested as a riotous fellow and taken to the watch-house. There they asked for my papers, of which I had none, and my answers inducing a belief that I might be an escaped prisoner, they sent me the next day to the central prison of Douai, without allowing me to bid adieu to the supercargo, who was doubtlessly much surprised at this occurrence. At Douai, they put me once more in the prison of the town-hall, where at first the gaoler evinced much kindness towards me, which did not however last. At the termination of a quarrel with the turnkeys, in which I took too active a part, I was thrown into a dark cell under the tower. There were five of us, one of whom, a deserter sentenced to death, was talking of nothing but suicide, until I desired him not to think of that, but rather devise means of escape from this dismal hole, where the rats, which ran about like rabbits in a corn- field, ate our bread and bit our faces whilst we slept. With a bayonet, stolen from one of the soldiers of the National Guard who $id duty at the prison ? we commenced working a hole in the wall, 8o MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. in a direction in which we heard a cobbler hammering his leather. In ten days, and as many nights, we penetrated six feet in depth and seemed to get nearer the cobbler's hammer. On the eleventh day, in the morning, on drawing out a brick, I saw daylight from a window which looked into the street, and gave light to a place where the gaoler kept some rabbits. This discovery inspired us with fresh courage, and the evening visit being concluded, we took from the hole all the loosened bricks, of which there were two courses, and placed them behind the dungeon door, which opened inwards, so as to barricade it, and then set to work with so much industry, that daylight surprised us, when the hole, six feet large at the opening, was only two feet at the end. The gaoler came with our allowances, and finding some resistance, opened the wicket, and saw the high pile of bricks, to his great astonishment. He desired us to open the door, and on our refusal the guard came, then the commissary of the prison, then the public accuser, then the municipal officers clothed with the tricoloured scarves. We held a parley, and during this time one of us continued working at the hole, which the dark- ness did not disclose. We might perhaps escape before the door was forced, when an unexpected event deprived us of our last hope. The gaoler's wife, in going to feed the rabbits, had observed rubbish scattered on the floor. In a prison, nothing is indifferent, and she carefully examined the wall, and although the bricks had t>een so replaced as to conceal the hole, she yet saw that they had been separated ; and on calling for the guard, with a blow from the butt end of a musket, our bricks were knocked out and we were discovered. On both sides they called to us to clear the doorway, or they would fire on us. Entrenched behind the materials, we answered that the first who entered should be knocked on the head with bricks and irons. So much determina- tion alarmed the authorities, and they left us for a few hours to calm ourselves. At noon, a municipal officer appeared at the wicket, which, as well as the hole, had been sedulously guarded, and offered us an amnesty, which we accepted : but scarcely had we removed our chevaux-de-frise, when they attacked us with the butt-end of muskets, flat sides of sabres, and bunches of keys: even the gaoler's mastiff joined the party ; he jumped at me and bit me most severely all over. They then led us into the courtyard, where a body of fifteen men held us, lying on our faces, whilst they riveted our fetters. This job done, they cast me into a dungeon yet more horrible than that I had left, and it was not till the next day that the surgeon Dutilleul (now keeper at the hospital of St. Maude) came to <3kess the bites and bruises which covered me. CONDEMNED. Sr I had scarcely recovered from this when the day of trial came, which my repeated escapes, and those of Grouard, who fled just as I was retaken, had deferred for eight months. The trial began, and I saw that I was lost ; my companions accused me with an animosity, explained by my retarded confessions, which were use- less to myself, and had not at all injured them. Boitel declared that I had asked him how much he would give to get out of prison. Herbaux confessed that he had forged the order, but not added the signatures, and said besides that I had persuaded him to forge it, and then taken it from him without his thinking it of the least importance. The jury thought that nothing indicated that I had materially aided the crime ; all the charge against me was confined to allegations, without proof, that I had furnished the seal. However, Boitel, who remembered having begged for the forged order ; Stofflet, who had brought it to the gaoler ; Grouard, who had at least assisted at the whole operation, were acquitted ; whilst Herbaux and I were condemned to eight years' imprison- ment. This was the termination of the sentence, although many false reports were circulated through the malevolence and stupidity of enemies. Some say that I was sentenced to death for numerous murders ; others state that I had long been chief of a band which robbed the diligences ; the most moderate state that I was con- demned to perpetual labour at the galleys for robbery and house- breaking ; and it has been asserted that I (at a later period) incited wretches to crime that I might show my vigilance in pouncing upon them ; as if there were not a sufficient number of the really guilty. Certainly false comrades, as are everywhere to be found, even among robbers, sometimes instructed me in the plans of their accomplices ; certainly, to confirm the intent whilst we prevented the crime, it was sometimes necessary to allow of a partial com- mission of the deed, for experienced rogues are never caught but in the very act : and I ask, Is there anything in this which has the appearance of an inducement to do ill ? This imputation emanated from the police, amongst whom I have some enemies ; but the imputation fails before the publicity of judicial facts, which would not have failed in revealing the infamies with which I am charged ; and it also fails before the operations of the brigade of safety, which I directed. It is not when proof is given that we have recourse to deception, and the confidence of the clever men who have pre- ceded M. Delavau, in the office of chief magistrate, will acquit me of such wretched expedients. ' He is a lucky fellow,' said, one day, the police officers who had failed in an enterprise in which I succeeded, to M. Angles. * Well,' said he, turning his back on them, ' do you be lucky fellows, too.' 6 82 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Parricide is the only crime of which I have not been charged, and yet I declare that I never was sentenced to, nor underwent, but the sentence which I have just mentioned. My pardon will prove this ; and when I assert that I never aided in this miserable forgery, I should be believed, for it was at last but a prison joke, which, if proved, would at present only subject the offender to a sentence of corporeal punishment. But it was not the suspected accomplice in a foolish forgery that was to be punished ; it was the disorderly, rebellious, and impudent prisoner, the chief of so many plans of escape, of whom an example must be made, and I was sacrificed. CHAPTER VII. Departure from Douai Revolt of prisoners in the forest of Compiegne The Bicetre The madhouse. WORN out by the bad treatment of every species which I ex- perienced in the prison of Douai, tormented by a watchfulness redoubled after my sentence, I took care not to make an appeal, which would keep me there some months. What confirmed me in my resolution was, the information that the prisoners were to be sent forthwith to the Bicetre, and there, making one chain, to be sent on to the Bagne at Brest. It is unnecessary to say, that I relied on escaping on our route. As to the appeal, I was told that I could present a petition for pardon from the Bagne, which would have the same effect. We remained, however, some months at Douai, which made me regret bitterly that I had not made my petition for annulling the sentence. At length the order of removal arrived, and, what would scarcely be credited from men doomed to the galleys, it was hailed with enthusiasm so much were we tired of the torments of Marin, the gaoler. Our new situation was not, however, much more satis- factory; the officer, Hurtrel, who accompanied us, I know not why, had ordered irons of a new construction, which fastened to each of our legs a ball of fifteen pounds weight, whilst we were secured two and two by a massive wrist-cuff of iron. Besides, the vigilance was extreme, and it was impossible to think of dcing anything by address. An attack by main force could alone save us, and I pro- posed it to fourteen of my companions, who agreed on it, and it was settled that the project should be put in execution on our way through the Forest of Compiegne. Desfosseux was of the party, and by means of fine saws which he had always securely secreted about him, our fetters were cut in three days ; the plaster of a par- THE i.EVOLT. 83 ticular sort of gum prevented our keepers from perceiving the trace of the instruments. On reaching the forest and gaining the appointed spot, the signal was given, the fetters fell from us, and we leaped from the carriages which enclosed us to try and gain the thicket ; but the five gen- darmes and the eight dragoons who escorted us charged sword in hand. We entrenched ourselves behind the trees, armed with the stones which are piled up to mend the roads, and with some weapons we had got hold of at the first moment of confusion. The soldiers hesitated for an instant, but, well armed and well mounted, they soon made up their minds, and at the first charge two of our party fell dead, five more terribly wounded, and the others falling on their knees cried for mercy. Surrender was now imperative ; and Desfosseux, myself, and some others who had escaped, got into the carriage, when Hurtrel, who had kept at a very respectful distance from the affray, came up to a poor wretch, who certainly did not hurry himself very much, and thrust his sabre through him. Such baseness enraged us ; the prisoners who had not yet ascended the carriages took up stones, and but for the aid of the dragoons, Hurtrel would have been knocked on the head. The soldiers bid us desist before we brought down destruction on ourselves : and the thing was so evident, that we were compelled to lay down our arms that is, the stones. This circumstance, how- ever, put a termination to the annoyances of Hurtrel, who never approached us but with fear and trembling. At Senlis we were placed in the temporary prison, one of the most horrible I ever tenanted. The gaoler exercising the office of street-keeper, the prison was guarded by his wife : and what a creature was she ! As we had made ourselves notorious, she thrust us into the most secret dungeons, convincing herself by previous personal examination that we had nothing about us that could aid escape. We were, however, trying the walls, when we heard her roar out, ' Rascals, I am coming to you with my bastinado ; I will teach you how to play music.' We took her at her word, and all desisted. The next day we reached Paris, and were lodged in the outer boulevards, and at four in the afternoon we got in sight of Bicetre. On reaching the end of the avenue which looks on the road to Fontainebleau, the carriages turned to the right, and entered an iron gate, above which I read mechanically this inscription ' Hospice de la Vieillesse ' (Hospital for the aged). In the fore- court many old men were walking, clothed in grey garments. They were paupers ; and stared at us with that stupid curiosity which results from a monotonous and purely animal existence ; for it 6 2 84 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. often happens that a person admitted into a hospital, having no longer his own subsistence to provide for, renounces the exercise of his narrow faculties, and ends by falling into a state of perfect idiotcy. On reaching the second court, in which was the chapel, I remarked that the majority of my companions hid their faces with their hands or pocket-handkerchiefs. It may be supposed that they experienced some feeling of shame. No; they were only thinking of allowing their faces to be seen as little as possible, so that if opportunity presented they might the more easily escape. ' Here we are/ said Desfosseux to me : ' you see that square building that is the prison.' We alighted at an iron door, guarded inside by a sentry. Having entered the office, we were only registered, our description being deferred until the next day. I per- ceived, however, that the gaoler looked at us, Desfosseux and me, with a sort of curiosity, and I thence concluded that we had been recommended by the officer Hurtrel, who had preceded us a quarter of an hour from the time of the business of the Forest of Com- piegne. Having opened many low doors, guarded with iron plates, and the Bird-cage Wicket, we were introduced to a large square yard, where about sixty prisoners were playing at fives, and shout- ing so loudly as to sound all over the place. At our appearance their game ceased, and surrounding us, they examined with much surprise the irons which loaded us. It was, besides, to enter Bicetre in the most favourable manner to be decked with such caparisons, for they estimated the deserts of the prisoner, that is to say, his boldness and talent for escape, by the precautions taken to secure him. Desfosseux, who found himself amongst friends, had no difficulty in introducing us as the most distinguished personages of the north ; he did more, he particularly expatiated on my merits, and I was accordingly surrounded and made much of by all the worthies of the prison : Beaumont, Guillaume, Mauger, Jossat, Maltaise, Corun, Blondy, Troaflat, and Richard, one of the parties concerned in the murder of a Lyons courier, never left me. As soon as my fetters were taken off, they took me to a drinking shop, where for two hours I did justice to a thousand invitations, when a tall man with a police-officer's cap, who they told me was the room inspector, took us to a large place called Le Fort Mahon, when we were clothed in the prison garb, consisting of a frock half grey and half black. The inspector told me I should be briga- dier, that is, that I should preside at the giving out of the pro- visions amongst my table-companions, and I had, in consequence, a good bed, whilst others slept on camp couches. In four days I was known to all the prisoners ; but although they had the highest opinion of my courage, Beaumont, wishing to try me, picked a THE BICETRE. 85 quarrel with me ; we fought, and as he was an expert boxer, I was completely conquered. I, however, had my revenge in a room, where Beaumont, unable to display the resources of his art, had the worst of it. My first defeat, however, gave me a desire to be instructed in the mysteries of this art, and the celebrated Jean Goupel, the Saint George of boxing, who was at the Bicetre with us, soon counted me amongst those of his pupils who were destined to do him the most honour. The prison of the Bicetre is a neat quadrangular building, enclosing many other structures and many courts, which have each a different name ; there is the grand cour (great court) where the prisoners walk ; the cour de cuisine (or kitchen court) ; the cour des chiens (or dogs' court) ; the cour de correction (or court of punishment) ; and the cour des fers (or iron court). In this last is a new building five stories high ; each story contains forty cells, capable of holding four prisoners. On the platform, which supplies the place of a roof, was night and day a dog named Dragon, who passed in the prison for the most watchful and incorruptible of its kind ; but some prisoners managed at a subsequent period to corrupt him through the medium of a roasted leg of mutton, which he had the culpable weakness to accept ; so true is it, that there are no seductions more potent than those of gluttony, since they operate indifferently on all organized beings. To ambition, to gaming, and to gallantry, there are bounds fixed by nature ; but gluttony knows nothing of age, and if the appetite sometimes opposes its inert power, we are quits with it by a good fit of indi- gestion. However, the Amphytrions escaped while Dragon was swallowing the mutton ; he was beaten and taken into the cour des chiens, where, chained up and deprived of the free air which he had breathed on the platform, he was inconsolable for his fault, and perished piecemeal, a victim of remorse at his weakness in yielding to a moment of gluttony and error. Near the erection I speak of is the old building, nearly arranged in the same way, and under which were dungeons of safety, in which were enclosed the troublesome and condemned prisoners. It was in one of these dungeons that for forty-three years lived the accomplice of Cartouche, who betrayed him to procure com- mutation ! To obtain a moment's sunshine, he frequently counter- feited death so well that, when he had actually breathed his last sigh, two days passed before they took off his iron collar. A third part of the building, called La Force, comprised various rooms, in which the prisoners were placed who arrived from the provinces, and were destined, like ourselves, to the chain. At this period, the prison of Bicetre, which is only strong from 86 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, the strict guard kept up there, could contain twelve hundred prisoners ; but they were piled on each other, and the conduct of the gaolers in no way assuaged the inconvenience of the place : a sullen air, a rough tone, and brutal manners, were exercised towards the prisoners, and they were in no way to be softened, but through the medium of a bottle of wine, or a pecuniary bribe. Besides, they never attempted to repress any excess or any crime, and provided that no one sought to escape, they might do what- ever they pleased in the prison, without being restrained or pre- vented; whilst men condemned for those attempts which modesty shrinks from naming, openly practised their detestable libertinism, and robbers exercised their industry inside the prison, without any person attempting to check the crime or prevent the bestiality. If any man arrived from the country well clad, who, condemned for a first offence, was not as yet initiated into the customs and usages of prisons, in a twinkling he was stripped of his clothes, which were sold in his presence to the highest bidder. If he had jewels or money, they were alike confiscated to the profit of the society; if he were too long in taking out his ear-rings they snatched them out without the sufferer daring to complain. He was pre- viously warned, that if he spoke of it, they would hang him in the night to the bars of his cell, and afterwards say that he had com- mitted suicide. If a prisoner, out of precaution, when going to sleep, placed his clothes under his head, they waited until he was in his first sleep, and then they tied to his foot a stone, which they balanced at the side of his bed ; at the least motion the stone fell, and, aroused by the noise, the sleeper jumped up, and before he could discover what had occurred, his packet, hoisted by a cord, went through the iron bars to the floor above. I have seen, in the depth of winter, these poor devils, having been deprived of their property in this way, remain in the court in their shirts until some one threw them some rags to cover their nakedness. As long as they remained at Bicetre, by burying themselves, as we may say, in their straw, they co-Jd defy the rigour of the weather; but at the departure of the chain, when they had no other cover- ing than the frock and trousers made of packing-cloth, they often sank exhausted and frozen before they reached the first resting- place. It is necessary, by facts of this, nature, to explain the rapid de- pravity of men whom it was easy to excite to honest feelings : but who, unable to escape the height of misery but by excess of wickedness, sought an alleviation of their lot in the real or appar- ent exaggeration of all species of crime. In society, we dread 1 LETTERS OF JERUSALEM! 87 infamy ; in the society of prisoners, there is no shame but in not being sufficiently infamous. The condemned prisoners are a dis- tinct people ; whoever is cast amongst them must expect to be treated as an enemy as long as he will not speak their language, and will not identify himself with their way of thinking. The abuses I have mentioned are not the only ones ; there are o f hers even more terrible. If a prisoner were marked out as a false brother or as a sneak, he was pitilessly knocked on the head, without any gaoler interfering to prevent it. Matters came to such a pitch, that it was necessary to assign a particular division to those individuals, who, giving an account of their own doings, had made any mention of their comrades which they thought could in any way compromise them. On the other hand the im- pudence of the robbers, and the immoralities of their keepers, were carried to such an extent, that they prepared openly in the prison tricks of swindling and theft, which were to be perpetrated on quitting the walls of the prison. I will mention only one of these plans, which will suffice to evince the measure of credulity of the dupes and the audacity of the plotters. These latter ob- tained the address of certain rich persons living in the province, which was easy from the number of prisoners who were constantly arriving. They then wrote letters to them, called, in the slang language, * letters of Jerusalem,' and which contained in substance what follows. It is useless to observe that the names of places and persons change according to circumstances. 'Sir, You will doubtlessly be astonished at receiving a letter from a person unknown to you, who is about to ask a favour from you ; but from the sad condition in which I am placed, I am lost if some honourable person will not lend me succour : that is the reason of my addressing you, of whom I have heard so much that I cannot for a moment hesitate to confide all my affairs to your kindness. As valet-de-chambre to the Marquis de I emigrated with my master, and that we might avoid suspicion we travelled on foot and I carried the luggage, consisting of a casket contain- ing 16,000 francs in gold and the diamonds of the late mar- chioness. We were on the point of joining the army at , when we were marked out and pursued by a detachment of volunteers. The marquis, seeing how closely we were pressed, desired me to throw the casket into a deep ditch near us, so that it might not implicate us in case we were apprehended I relied on recovering it the following night ; but the country people, aroused by trie tocsin which the commandant of the detachment ofdered to be rung, began to -beat the wood in which we were concealed with so much vigour, that it was necessary to think only of escape. 88 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. On reaching a foreign province, the marquis received some ad- vances from the Prince of ; but these resources soon failing, he resolved on sending me back for the casket thrown into the ditch. I was the more certain of finding it, as on the day after I had thrown it from me, we had made a written memorandum of the localities, in case we should be for any length of time without being able to return for it. I set out, and entering France, reached the village of without accident, near the spot where we had been pursued. You must know the village perfectly, as it is not three-quarters of a league from your residence. I prepared to fulfil my mission, when the landlord of the auberge where I had lodged, a bitter Jacobin and collector of national property, re- marking my embarrassment when he proposed to drink to the health of the republic, had me apprehended as a suspected person : and as I had no passport, and unfortunately resembled an indi- vidual pursued for stopping the diligences, I was taken from prison to prison to be confronted with my pretended accomplices, until on reaching Bicetre I was obliged to go to the infirmary, where I have been for two months. ' In this cruel situation, having heard mention of you by a rela- tion of my master's who had property in your district, I beg to know if I cannot, through your aid, obtain the casket in question, and get a portion of the money which it contains. I could then supply my immediate necessities and pay my counsel, who dictates this, and assures me that by some presents I could extricate my- self from this affair. 'Receive, sir, etc. (Signed) ' N .' Out of one hundred such letters, twenty were always answered : and astonishment will cease when we consider that they were only addressed to men known by their attachment to the old order of things, and that nothing reasons less than the spirit of party. It testified besides, to the person addressed, that unlimited confidence which never fails to produce its effect on self-love or interest. The person answered that he would agree to undertake to get the casket from its place of concealment. Another letter from the pretended valet-de-chambre, stating, that being entirely stripped, he had agreed with the keeper of the infirmary for a very small sum to sell the trunk, in which was, in the false bottom, the plan already alluded to. Then the money arrived, and they received sums sometimes amounting to twelve or fifteen hundred francs. Some individuals, thinking to give a profound proof of sagacity, came even from the remotest parts of their province to Bicetre, where they A PLAN OF ESCAPE. 89 received the destined plan which was to conduct them to this mys- terious forest, which, like the fantastic forests of the romances of chivalry, fled eternally before them. The Parisians themselves sometimes fell into the snare ; and some persons may still remem- ber the adventure of the clothseller of the Rue des Prouvaires, who was caught undermining an arch of the Pont Neuf, where he expected to find the diamonds of the Duchess de Bouillon. We may imagine that such manoeuvres could not be effected but by the consent and with the participation of the keepers, since they received the correspondence of the treasure-seekers. But the gaoler thought that, independently of the direct benefit he thence drew from it, by the increase of the money spent by the prisoners in viands and spirits, they being thus occupied would not think of escaping. On the same principle he tolerated the making varieties of things in straw, wood, and bone, and even false pieces of two sous, with which Paris was at one time inundated. There were also other crafts exercised ; but these were done clandestinely : they made privately false passports with the pen, so well done as to pass currently ; saws for cutting iron, and false hair, which were of great service in escaping from the Bagne the galley-slaves being particularly recognisable by their shorn heads. These various articles were concealed in tin cases, which could be hid in the intestines. As for me, always occupied with the idea of escaping from the Bagne and reaching a seaport from whence I could embark, I was night and day plotting the means of getting away from Bicetre. I at length imagined that by breaking through the quadrangle of Fort-Mahon and reaching the water-courses made under it, we might, by means of a short mine, get into the court of the idiots I have before alluded to, whence there would be no difficulty in reaching the outside. This project was executed in ten days and as many nights. During the whole time the prisoners, of whom we had any distrust, were always accompanied by a trusty man ; but we were obliged to wait until the moon should be on the wane. At length, on the 3rd of October, 1797, at two o'clock in the morning, we descended the watercourse, thirty-three in number, provided with dark lanterns, and we soon opened the subterranean passage and reached the court of the idiots. We wanted a ladder, or something instead of it, to climb the walls ; and at last got hold of a long pole, and we were going to draw lots to decide who should first climb up, when a noise of chains sud- denly broke the silence of night. A dog came out from a kennel placed in an angle of the court ; we stood motionless and held our breath, for it was an important 90 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. moment. After having stretched himself out and yawned, as if he had only wanted to change place, the animal put one foot into his kennel as if about to return, and we then thought ourselves saved. Suddenly he turned his head to the place in which we were huddled together, and fixed on us two eyes which looked like burning coals. A low growling was then followed with barkings which sounded all over the place. Desfosseux wished to try and cut his throat, but he was of a size to render the issue of a contest doubtful. It ap- peared best to us to lie down in a large open space, which served as a walking ground for the idiots ; but the dog still kept up the concert, and, his colleagues having joined him, the din became so excessive that the Inspector Giroux, fancying something particular was passing amongst his lodgers, and knowing his customers, began his round by Fort-Mahon, and almost fell backwards at finding no one. At his cries the gaoler, turnkeys, and guard, all assembled. They soon discovered the road we had taken, and taking the same to get into the court of the idiots, they loosened the dog, who ran straight at us. The guards then entered the place where we were with fixed bayonets, as if about to carry a redoubt. They put handcuffs on us, the usual prelude of any important matter to be done in a prison ; and we then returned, not to Fort-Mahon, but to the Dungeon, without, however, experiencing any bad treatment. This attempt, the boldest of which the prison had for a long time been the theatre, threw the keepers into so much confusion, that it was two days before they perceived that one of the prisoners of Fort-Mahon was missing : it was Desfosseux. Knowing all his address, I thought him at a distance, when, on the morning of the third day, I saw him enter my dungeon, pale, exhausted, and bleeding. When the door was closed on him he told me all his adventure. At the moment when the guard had seized us, he had squatted down in a sort of tub, probably used for baths, and hearing no noise, he had left his retreat : and the pole had aided him in climbing several walls : but yet he always got back to the idiots' court. Day was just breaking, and he heard footsteps going and coming in the buildings, for they are nowhere earlier than in hos- pitals. It was necessary to avoid the gaze of the turnkey, who would soon be in the courts : the wicket of a room was half open he glided in, and was about, with much precaution, to roll him- en, all his accomplices, he contemplated their headless and 122 MMOJ&S OF VLDOCQ. bleeding bodies as they fell one by one by his side, with a calmness and fortitude that never wavered for an instant. This circumstance gave me reason to be satisfied with the step that I had taken. Had I stayed with the cattle-dealer, I was under the necessity of coming twice a week to Paris ; and the police, di- recting its attention against all plots and foreign agents, was assum- ing an extent and energy which might have brought detection on me, as they minutely watched individuals who, perpetually called by business from the departments of the west, might serve as agents between the Chouans and their friends in the capital. I therefore set out without delay, and on the third day reached Arras, which I entered in the evening, at the time when the workmen were re- turning home from labour. I did not go directly to my father's house, but to one of my aunts, who informed my parents. They thought me dead, not having received any of my last letters ; and 1 have never been able to discover how and by whom they were intercepted. Having related all my adventures at length, I asked news of my family, which necessarily led to my inquiring for my wife. I was told that my father had for some time received her at his house, but that her conduct was so scandalous, that she had been disgracefully expelled thence. She was, I was informed, pregnant by an attorney, who supplied most of her wants ; but that for some time nothing had been heard of her, and they had ceased to trouble themselves concerning her. I gave myself no care about her, for I had matters of much greater import which demanded my attention. I might be dis- covered at any moment ; and if apprehended at my parents' house they would be involved in difficulties. It was imperative on me to find an asylum where the vigilance of the police was not so active as at Arras, and I threw my eyes upon a village in the vicinity, Ambercourt, where there resided a quondam Carmelite friar, a friend of my father, who agreed to receive me. At this period (1798) priests were compelled still to say mass in secret, although direct hostilities towards them had ceased. Father Lambert, my host, celebrated his Divine functions in a barn ; and as he had no assistance but from an old man, feeble and impotent, I offered to fulfil the duties of sacristan, which I did so satis- factorily, that one would have supposed it had been my calling all the days of my existence. I also became Father Lambert's as- sistant in giving lessons to the children of the neighbourhood. My skill in teaching made some noise in the district, for I had taken an excellent method to advance my pupils rapidly ; I traced the letters with a lead pencil, which they wrote over with the pen, and the Indian-rubber effected the rest The parents were delighted; A SEVERE PUNISHMENT. 123 only it was rather difficult for my scholars to perform without their master ; but the Artesian peasants, however cunning in the common transactions of business, were good enough not to find this out. This sort of life was rather agreeable to me. Clothed as a wandering friar, and tolerated by the authorities, I had no fear of detection or suspicion : on the other hand, my animal tastes, which I have always held in due consideration, were well supplied, the parents sending us perpetually beer, poultry, and fruit I had in my classes some pretty peasant girls, who were very teachable. All went on well for some time, but at length a distrust of me was evinced ; I was watched, and it was discovered that I pushed my instructions occasionally rather too far, and complaint was made to Father Lambert, who told me of the charges against me, which I stoutly denied. The complainants were silenced, but redoubled their vigilance ; and one night, when impelled by classic zeal, I was about to give a lesson in a hayloft to a female scholar about sixteen years of age, I was seized by four brewers' men, dragged into a hop-ground, stripped of my clothes, and scourged till the blood flowed copiously, with rods of nettles and thistles. The pain was so acute that I lost my senses, and on reviving, found myself in the streets, naked, and covered with blisters and blood. What was to be done ? To return to Father Lambert would be to incur fresh dangers. The night was not much advanced, and although eaten up with excess of fever, I determined to go on to Mareuil, to an uncle's house, and arrived there at two o'clock in the morning, worn out with fatigue, and only covered with a ragged mat which I found near a pond. After having laughed unsparingly at my mishap, they rubbed my body all over with cream mixed with oil ; and at the end of eight days I set out quite well for Arras, but it was impossible for me to remain there. The police might get information at some unlucky moment that I was there, and I therefore decided on starting for Holland, and fixing myself there, taking with me a supply of money, which enabled me to remain at my ease until something should occur that would ^employ me usefully. I passed through Brussels (where I learnt that the Baroness d'l had settled in London), Anvers, and Breda, and then em- barked for Rotterdam, in which city I put up at an inn that had been specially recommended to me. I there met with a French- man who was remarkably attentive and civil to me, and frequently invited me to dinner. I received all his advances with mistrust, knowing that all means were resorted to by the Dutch Government *to recruit their navy. In spite of all my caution, my companion 124 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. contrived to intoxicate me with a particular liquor, and on the next morning I awoke on board a Dutch brig-of-war. All doubt was at an end ; intemperance had given me up as a prey to the ( sellers of souls/ Lying near the shrouds, I was reflecting on my singular destiny, which multiplied so many incidents of my wayward career, when one of the crew, pushing me with his foot, desired me to rise and get on my sailor's clothes. I pretended not to understand him, and then the boatswain gave me the same orders in French. On my replying that I was not a sailor, since I had signed no agree- ment, he seized a rope's end to strike me with ; on which, I grasped a knife belonging to a sailor, who was breakfasting at the foot of the mainmast, and, placing my back against a gun, I swore I would rip up the first man who should assault me. This occasioned much disturbance in the ship, and brought up the captain, who was a man about forty, of good appearance, and whose manners were free from that coarseness so usual with seafaring people. He listened to me with kindness, which was all he could do, for it was not in his power to change the maritime organization of his government We had then on board men whose inclinations and habits of life were so totally foreign from naval service, that the very idea of compelling them to enter it was essentially ridiculous. Of the two hundred individuals pressed like myself, there were not perhaps twenty who had ever set foot on shipboard before. The majority had been carried off by main force, or trepanned by drunkenness : they had inveigled others by a promise of a free passage to Batavia, where they wished to settle ; amongst these were two Frenchmen, one a book-keeper from Burgundy, and the other a gardener of Lemosin, who, it is evident, were admirably calculated to make sailors. To console us, the crew told us that, for fear of desertion, we should not go ashore for six months. To me, who had so long intended to enter the navy, the situa- tion was not so repugnant, if I had not been constrained to it, and if I had not had in perspective the slavery which threatened me; added to which, was the ill-treatment of the boatswain, who could not forgive my first essay with him. On the least false manoeuvre or mistake, the rope's end descended on my back in a style so argu- mentative and convincing, that I even regretted the cudgel of the galley-sergeant at the Bagne. I was in despair, and twenty times resolved to let fall from the maintop a wooden pulley on the head of my tormentor, or else to fling him into the sea when I was on the watch. I should certainly have done one or the other of these, if the lieutenant, who had taken a liking to me because I taught THE MUTINY. 125 him to fence, had not in some measure alleviated my sufferings. Besides, we were forthwith going to Helvoetsluys, where the Hewdrack lay, of whose crew we were to form a part, and in the passage an escape might be effected. The day of transhipment came, and we embarked, to the number of two hundred and seventy, in a small sloop, manned by twenty-five sailors, and with twenty-five soldiers to guard us. The weakness of this detachment determined me to attempt to disarm the soldiers and compel the sailors to conduct us to Anvers. One hundred and twenty of the recruits, French and Belgians, entered into the plot, and we resolved on surprising the men on guard at the moment their comrades were at dinner, whom we could then easily secure. This enterprise was executed with the more success, as they suspected nothing. The commandant of the detachment was seized at the moment he was taking his tea, but was not at all maltreated. A young man of Tournai, engaged as supercargo, and reduced to work as a sailor, explained to him so eloquently the motives that led to our revolt, as he called it, that he allowed himself to be conducted into the hold with his soldiers unre- sistingly. As for the sailors, they were neutral ; a man of Dunkirk only, who was in our plot, took the helm. Night came on, and I wished to lie to, lest we should encounter any guard-ship, to which the sailors would make signals ; but the Dunkirker obstinately refused, and we kept on our course, and at daybreak we were under the cannon of a fort near Helvoetsluys. The Dunkirker then announced his intention of landing to see if we could get on shore safely, and I saw then that we were sold ; but it was impossible to recede : signals had doubtlessly been made, and, on the least movement, the guns of ihe fort could blow us out of the water. It was compulsory then that we should await the event. Soon a boat, with twenty men on board, left the shore and approached the sloop ; three officers who were in it came on deck, without testifying any fear, although it was the scene of a busy struggle between our comrades and the Dutch sentry, who wanted to free the soldiers from the hold. The first word of the eldest officer was to ask for the ringleader, and all remaining mute, I spoke in French : ' Indeed that there had been no plot, but that it was by a simultaneous movement that we had resolved on throwing off the slavery imposed on us ; we had illtreated no one, as the captain and sailors could testify, who knew it was our in- tention to have left them in possession of the vessel, after we had landed at Anvers.' I know not what effect my harangue produced, for I was not allowed to finish it ; only, whilst we were piled up in the hold, in the place of the soldiers whom we had confined there 126 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. on the previous evening, I heard some one say to the pilot 'that more than one would swing at the yard-arm next morning.' The sloop was then turned towards Helvoetsluys, and we reached that place the same day. at about four o'clock in the afternoon. In the roadstead was anchored the Heindrack. The commandant of the fort went in his cutter, and in an hour afterwards I was con- ducted thither also. I found there assembled a sort of maritime council, who questioned me as to the particulars of the mutiny, and the part I had taken in it. I asserted, as I had already done to the fort governor, that having signed no articles of engagement, I thought myself justified in effecting my escape by any means that presented. I was then ordered to retire, to make way for the young man of Tournai who had seized the captain. We were looked on as the leaders in the enterprise, and we know that in such cases it is the ringleaders who undergo the punishment, and we were to suffer nothing more or less than hanging ; fortunately, the young man, who had had time for consideration, corroborated my statement, asserted firmly that no one had suggested it, but that the idea had come across us all at the same moment ; besides, we were quite sure of not being betrayed by our comrades, who showed much concern for us, and swore that if we were condemned, the ship on board which they should be placed, should jump like a rocket ; that is, that they would fire the powder magazine, although they should be blown up with it ; and these were lads who would have dared to do what they ventured to talk about. Whether they feared the results of these menaces, and the bad example that it would afford to the sailors of the fleet who had been recruited in a similar way ; or whether the council held that we were entrenched behind a rampart of legitimate defence, in seeking to withdraw ourselves from a compulsory service; they promised to ask for our pardon from the admiral, on condition that we kept our comrades in due subordination, which appeared not to be their favourite virtue. We promised all that they desired, for nothing makes one so easy to be persuaded or to promise, as the feeling a cord about one's neck. These preliminaries agreed upon, our comrades were transferred on board the ship, and went between decks with the crew, whose complement they were to make up : all was done with the greatest order, neither was any complaint heard, nor was there the smallest disorderly symptom to be repressed. It is right to say, that we were not illtreated, as we had been on board the brig, where our old friend the boatswain did all with the rope's end in his hand. Besides, by giving the marines instruction in fencing,-! was treated A CLEVER RUSE. 127 with some attention, and was even made bombardier, with a pay of twenty-eight florins per month. Two months passed away thus, whilst the vigilance of the English cruisers would not allow of our quitting anchorage. I became reconciled to my new employment, and had no thoughts of leaving it, when news was brought that the French authorities were searching for all Frenchmen who were forming part of the Dutch crews. Researches, however, were continued ; they stationed agents at the ports and taverns, who examined those men who landed by permission or otherwise. In one of my excursions, I was appre- hended. I have long preserved my gratitude for it towards the ship's cook, who honoured me with his personal animosity ever after that I had found fault with his giving us swipes for beer, and stinking cod for fresh fish. Taken before the commanding officer, I said I was a Dutchman, and my knowledge of the language sufficed for me to keep up my assertion ; and besides, I demanded to be taken back to my ship with a guard, that I might procure papers to substantiate my assertion, than which nothing could be more natural. A subaltern was ordered to accompany me, and we set out in the skiff that had conveyed me ashore. On getting near the ship, I made my friend, with whom I had been talking very familiarly, get up alongside first ; and when I saw him en- tangled amongst the rigging, I thrust off suddenly from the ship's side, calling to the boat's crew to pull their hardest, and that they should have something to drink. We were cutting through the water whilst my subaltern friend was jostled about amongst the crew, who did not or pretended not to know him. On getting ashore, I ran to conceal myself in a house which I knew, deter- mined on quitting the vessel, in which it would be difficult for me to appear without being apprehended. My flight would confirm all suspicions raised against me, and therefore the captain gave me his authority, tacitly, to do what I might think best for my own security. A Dunkirk privateer, the Barras, captain Fomentin, was in the roads. At this period, vessels of this kind were seldom overhauled, as they were in a measure a sort of asylum ; and as it suited me to get on board it, I got a lieutenant, to whom I applied, to introduce me to Fomentin, who, on my own statement, admitted me on board as master-at-arms. Four days afterwards, the Barras set sail for a cruise in the Sound. It was at the beginning of the winter 1799, when the tempestuous weather destroyed so many vessels on the coast of the Baltic. Scarcely were we at sea, when a northerly wind rose, quite contrary to our destination. We were compelled to put about, and the roll of the ship was so great, that 128 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. I was excessively ill, so much so, that for three days I could take nothing but weak brandy and water, and half the crew were in the same state, so that a fishing-boat might have taken us without our striking a blow. At length the wind abated, and turned suddenly to the south-west ; and the B arras, an admirable sailor, going ten knots an hour, all hands aboard soon recovered. At this moment, the man at the mast-head cried out, * A sail on the larboard tack !' The captain took his glass, and declared it to be an English coaster, under a neutral flag, and which the squalls had separated from the convoy. We bore down on her, with the wind on our bow. At the second discharge of our guns she struck, before we could board her ; and putting the crew down into the hold, we made for Bergen in Norway, where our cargo was soon disposed of. I remained six months on board the Barms, and my share of the prizes was pretty considerable, when we went to lay up for a time at Ostend. We had scarcely got into the basin, when several police agents came on board to examine the papers of the crew ; and I afterwards learnt that they paid us this unusual visit in order to detect a murderer who was supposed to be on board. When my turn came for examination, I asserted that I was Auguste Duval, born at 1'Orient; and added, that my papers were at Rotterdam, in the office of the Dutch marine department. No notice was taken, and I thought I had well got rid of the affair. When the three hundred men who were on board had been ques- tioned, eight of us were called, and told that we must go to the register office, to give the requisite explanation. Not liking this, I turned off at the first angle of the street, and had already gained thirty yards on the gendarmes, when an old woman, who was washing the steps of a house, put her broom between my legs and I fell. The gendarmes came up to me and put on handcuffs, besides belabouring me pretty well with the butts of carbines and the flat sides of swords, and I was conducted thus to the com- missary, who, after hearing me, asked me if I had not escaped from the hospital of Quimper. I saw that I was caught, for there was equal danger as Duval or Vidocq. However, I decided on the first name, which offered less unfavourable chances of the two ; since the road from Ostend to 1'Orient is longer than from Ostend to Arras, and thus afforded more opportunities for escape. FRANCINE. 129 CHAPTER XII. Re-imprisoned at Douai Am I Duval or Vidocq ? Again at Bicetre Captain Labbre Toulon Jossas, the robber Marquis St. Armand The executioner of the Bagne. EIGHT days elapsed, during which I only once saw the commissary, and was then sent with a party of prisoners, deserters, etc., who were to be conveyed to Lille. It was to be expected that the uncertainty of my identity would terminate on reaching a city where I had so often dwelt ; and, therefore, informed that we should pass through that place, I took such precautions that the gendarmes who had already conducted me did not recognise me ; my features, con- cealed under a thick mask of dust and sweat, were, besides, com- pletely altered by the swelling of my cheeks, almost as large as those of the angels which on the frescoes of churches are seen blowing the trumpet of the last judgment. It was in this state that I entered the Egalite', a military prison, where I was to stay for some days. There to charm away the weariness of my seclusion, I risked several visits to the canteen, in the hope that mingling with the visitors I might find an opportunity of escape. Meeting with a sailor whom I had known on board the Barras> I thought I might make him instrumental to my project. I asked him to breakfast with me, and our meal finished, I returned to my chamber, where I remained for three hours, reflecting on the means of recovering my liberty, when the sailor came to ask me to share the dinner which his wife had just brought him. The sailor, then, had a wife and the thought crossed me, that to elude the vigi- lance of the jailors, she might procure me female attire or some disguise. Full of this idea, I went down to the canteen and drew near the table, when I heard a piercing cry, and a woman fainted. It was my comrade's wife. I ran to raise her good heavens, 'twas Francine ! Alarmed at my own imprudence, which had allowed an expression of astonishment to escape from me, I tried to express the emotion which I had unavoidably testified Sur- prised and astonished, the spectators crowded around us, and overwhelmed me with inquiries, and, after some moments' silence, I told them that it was my sister whom I had so unexpectedly met. This incident passed without any consequences, and next day at da\vn we set off: and I was in consternation at finding that the convoy, instead of following as usual the road to Sens, took that of Douai. Why change the direction of our journey ? I attributed this to some indiscretion of Francine : but I soon learnt that it re- sulted simply from the necessity of leaving at Arras some of the Refractory prisoners from Cambrai, 130 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, Francine, whom I had so unjustly suspected, was awaiting me at our first halt. In spite of the gendarmes she would speak to and embrace me. She wept bitterly, and joined my tears with hers. With what bitterness did she reproach herself for the in- fidelity which was the cause of all my misfortunes ! Her repen- tance was sincere, and I sincerely forgave her : and when, on the order of the brigadier, we were compelled to separate, she slipped into my hands two hundred francs in gold as the only recompense in her power. At length we reached Douai, and at the gate of the prison of the department a gendarme rang the bell. Who answered the summons? Dutilleul, the turnkey, who, after one of my attempts to escape, had dressed my hurts for a month afterwards. He did not appear to know me. At the office I found another person whom I knew, the guard Hurtrel, in such a state of inebriety that I flattered myself his memory had entirely left him. For three days nothing was said to me ; but on the fourth I was led before the examining magistrate, in the presence of Hurtrel and Dutilleul, and was asked if I were not Vidocq. I replied that I was Auguste Duval, which might be confirmed by sending to 1'Orient : and, besides, the motive of my apprehension at Ostend proved it, as I was only charged with having deserted from a ship of war. My straightforward tale seemed to weigh with the judge, who hesitated \ but Hurtrel and Dutilleul persisted in asserting that they were not mistaken. Rausson, the public accuser, came to see me, and also said he knew me, but as I was not disconcerted, he remained in doubt, and to clear up the affair they devised a stratagem. One morning I was told that a person wanted me at the office, and on going thither I found my mother, whom they had sent for from Arras ; with what intention may be easily divined. The poor woman hastened to embrace me, but I saw through the snare, and putting her from me quietly, I said to the magistrate, who was present, that it was an unmanly thing to give the unfortunate woman any hopes of seeing her son, when they were, at least, un- certain of their ability to produce him. My mother, who was put on her guard by a signal which I managed to communicate to her, pretending to examine me attentively, at length declared that a wonderful likeness had deceived her, and then retired, uttering many bitter reproaches against those who had taken her from home only to afford her a fallacious joy. The magistrate and turnkeys were then reduced to their original state of dubiety, when a letter which arrived from 1'Orient seemed to put the matter beyond a doubt. It mentioned a drawing pricked nn the left arm of Duval, who had escaped from the hospital a* AGAIN AT BICETRE. 131 Quimper, as a thing which would at once dispel every doubt as to the identity of the individual detained at Douai. I was again summoned before the examining judge, and Hurtrel, already triumphing in his penetration, was present at the interrogation. At the first words I saw what was coming, and stripping my coat sleeve above my elbow, I showed them the drawing, which they scnrcely expected to find, and which exactly coincided with the description sent from 1'Orient. All were in the clouds again, and what yet made the situation more complicated, was that the autho- rities of 1'Orient demanded me as a deserter from the fleet Fifteen days were thus spent without any decision having been made con- cerning me, when, tired with the severities used towards me, and hoping to procure approbation, I wrote to the president of the criminal tribunal, declaring that I was really Vidocq. I had de- termined on this, under the idea that T should be sent forthwith to Bicetre with a party, and that was actually the result. It was utterly impossible, however, for me to make the least effort to escape by the way, as I was guarded with unremitting vigilance. I made my second entry at Bicetre on the second of April, 1 799, and there found some old prisoners, who, although galley-slaves, had obtained permission to have their sentence to the Bagne re- mitted. I saw at Bicetre Captain Labbre, who, it may be recollected, supplied me, when at Brussels, with papers, by means of which I deceived the Baroness d'l . He had been sentenced to sixteen years at the galleys, for being concerned in an extensive robbery committed at Ghent, at the house of Champon, the aubergist. He was, with us, to depart with the first chain, the near approach of which was disagreeably announced to us. Captain Viez, know- ing the gentlemen who were to be confided to him, had de- clared that, to prevent any chance of escape, he would put on wrist-cuffs and collars until we reached Toulon. However, our promise induced him to forego this formidable project After the riveting of the fetters was done (in a similar way to that in which it had been performed at my first departure) I was put at the head of the first cordon, with Jossas, one of the most cele- brated robbers of Paris and the provinces, better known as the Marquis de Saint-Armand de Faral, which he constantly bore. He was a man about thirty-six years old, with a gentlemanly ap- pearance, and able to assume at will the most perfect suavity of manners. His travelling costume was that of a dandy leaving his bedroom for his boudoir. With pantaloons of silver-grey knit materials, he wore a waistcoat and cap trimmed with Astracan fur, of the same colour, and the whole covered with a large cloak lined 92 132 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. with crimson velvet. His expenditure equalled his appearance, for, not contented with living sumptuously at the places of repose, he also supported three or four others of the cordon. Jossas never had any education, but having entered when very young into the service of a rich colonel, whom he accompanied in his travels, he had acquired manners sufficiently good not to dis- grace any circle. Thus his comrades, seeing him introduce him- self into the first society, named him ' Passe-par-tout.' He was so completely identified with this character, that at the Bagne, when confined in double irons, and mingling indiscriminately with men of the most miserable appearance, he still kept up a portion of his grandeur, though disguised in a convict's cassock. Having provided himself with a splendid dressing-box, he bestowed an hour daily on his toilet, and was extremely particular about the appearance of his hands, which were certainly very handsome. Jossas was one of those thieves of whom, fortunately, but few are now in existence. He meditated and prepared an enterprise sometimes as long as a year beforehand. Operating principally by means of false keys, he began by taking first the impression of the lock of the outer door. The key made, he entered the first part ; if stopped by another door, he took a second impression, had a second key made, and thus in the end attained his object. It may be judged, that only being able to get on during the absence of the tenant of the apartment, he must lose much time before the fitting opportunity would present itself. He only had-recourse to this ex- pedient when in despair, that is, when it was impossible to intro- duce himself to the house ; for if he could contrive to procure admittance under any pretext, he soon obtained impressions of all the locks, and when the keys were ready, he used to invite the persons to dine with him, and whilst they were at table, his accom- plices stripped the apartments, from whence he had also contrived to draw away the servants, either by asking their masters to bring them to help to wait at table, or by engaging the attention of the waiting-maids and cooks by lovers who were in the plot. The porters saw nothing, because they seldom took anything but jewels or money. If by chance any large parcel was to be removed, they folded it up in dirty linen, and it was thrown out of window to an accomplice in waiting with a washerwoman's wheel-barrow. In society, where he passed as a Creole of Havannah, he often met inhabitants of that place, without ever letting anything escape him which could betray him. He frequently led on families of distinction to offer him the hands of their daughters. Taking care always, during the many conversations thereon, to learn where the dowry was deposited, he invariably carried it off, and absconded JOSSAS. 133 at the moment appointed for signing the contract But of all his tricks, that played off on a banker at Lyons is perhaps the most astonishing. Having acquainted himself with the ways of the house, under pretext of arranging accounts and negotiations, in a short time an intimacy arose, which gave him the opportunity of getting the impression of all the locks except that of the cash-chest, of which a secret ward rendered all his attempts unavailing. On the other hand, the chest being built in the wall, and cased with iron, it was impossible to think of breaking it open. The cashier, too, never parted from his key ; but these obstacles did not daunt Jossas. Having formed a close intimacy with the cashier, he pro- posed an excursion of pleasure to Collonges ; and on the day ap- pointed they went in a cabriolet. On approaching Saint Rampert, they saw by the river-side a woman apparently dying, and the blood spouting from her mouth and nostrils ; beside her was a man, who appeared much distressed, assisting her. Jossas, testi- fying considerable emotion, told him that the best method of stopping the effusion of blood was to apply a key to the back of the female. But no one had a key, except the cashier, who at first offered that of his apartment. That had no effect The cashier, alarmed at seeing the blood flow copiously, took out the key of his cash-chest, which was applied with much success between the shoulders of the patient. It has been already guessed that a piece of modelling wax had been placed there previously, and that the whole scene had been preconcerted. Three days after the cash-box was empty. Jossas spent money with the facility of a man who comes easily by it. He was very charitable ; and I could cite many instances of his whimsical generosity. Amongst others, the following : One day he penetrated into an apartment in the Rue du Hazard, which he had been informed would yield a rich booty. At first the wretched- ness of the furniture surprised him, but the proprietor might be a miser. He went on searching, burst open all, broke everything, and only found in the desk a bundle of pawnbrokers' duplicates. He took from his pocket five louis, and placing them on the mantel-piece, wrote on the glass these words, * Payment for broken furniture ;' he then retired, after closing the doors carefully, lest any other robbers, less scrupulous, should carry off what he had respected. When Jossas set out with us for Bicetre it was his third journey. He afterwards escaped twice, was retaken, and died at the Bagne at Rochefort in 1806. On our way to Montereau, I was witness of a scene which may as well be known. A convict; named M auger knew a young man 13* MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. of the city, who was believed by his parents to be sentenced to the galleys ; and recommending his next neighbour to hide his face with his handkerchief, he told several persons we met on our way, that the person who thus concealed himself was the young man in question. The chain went onwards, but scarcely were we a quarter of a league from Montereau, when a man, running after us, gave the captain fifty francs, produced by a collection made for the * man with the handkerchief.' These fifty francs were in the evening distributed arrongst the plotters of the scheme, without any other persons but themselves knowing the cause of such liberality. At Sens, Jossas played another comedy. He had sent for a man, named Sergent, who kept the auberge de 1'Ecu ; and on his arrival, this man testified the most excessive grief. ' What !' he exclaimed, with tears in his eyes, * you here, my noble marquis ! You, the brother of my old master ! I, who thought you on your return to Germany ! Oh heavens ! what a misfortune !' It may be guessed that in some expedition Jossas, being at Sens, had passed himself for an emigrant, returned clandestinely, and the brother of a count with whom Sergent had been cook. Jossas explained to him how, being apprehended with a forged passport at the moment he was gaining the frontier, he had been sentenced as a forger. The good aubergist did not confine himself to empty lamentations, but sent the galley-slave an excellent dinner, which I partook, with an ap- petite greatly contrasted with my wretched situation. Save and except a tremendous chastisement inflicted on two convicts who had tried to escape at Beaume, nothing extraordinary occurred till we reached Chalons, when we were put on board a large boat, filled with straw, very similar to those which convey charcoal to Paris ; the whole covered with a thick cloth. If, to cast a glance over the country, or breathe a purer air, a convict ventured to raise a corner, a shower of blows rained instantly on his shoulders. Although free from such treatment, I was not the less affected at my situation ; scarcely could the gaiety of Jossas, who was never downcast, avail in making me for a moment forget that, on reaching the Bagne, I should be the object of a special vigilance that must frustrate every hope of escape. This idea doubly depressed me when we reached Lyons. On seeing the He Baslie, Jossas said to me, * You are going to see something new.' I saw, on the quay of the Seine, an elegant carriage, which seemed to be awaiting the arrival of a boat. As soon as it came in sight, a female put her head from the window, and waved a white handkerchief. * It is she,' said Jossas, who replied to the signal. The boat having been moored to the quay, the lady descended, and mixed in the crowd of lookers-on ; I could A TERRIBLE STORM. 135 not see her face, which was concealed by a very thick black veil. She remained there from four in the afternoon till evening, and the crowd then dispersing, Jossas sent Lieutenant Thierry to her, who soon returned with a sausage, in which were concealed fifty louis. I learnt that Jossas, having made a conquest of this lady under his title of marquis, had informed her by letter of his con- demnation, which he doubtlessly accounted for as he had done with the aubergist at Sens. These sorts of intrigues, now very rare, were at this period very common. Ignorant of the stratagem plotted to deceive her, the veiled lady reappeared the next day on the quay, and remained there until our departure, to the great satisfaction of Jossas, who not only was recruited in finance, but was assured of an asylum in the event of effecting his escape. \\ e had nearly reached the termination of our navigation, when, two leagues from Pont St. Esprit, we were overtaken by one of those terrific storms so common on the Rhone. It was announced by distant rumblings of thunder. Soon afterwards the rain descended in torrents : gusts of wind, such as are only experienced under the tropics, blew down houses, uprooted trees, and drove the waves mountain high, which threatened at each moment to overwhelm us with destruction. At this moment the spectacle that presented itself was horrific ; by the rapid flashes of lightning were to be seen two hundred men, chained so as to deprive them of the remotest hope of safety, and expressing by fearful cries the anguish of ap- proaching death, rendered inevitable by the weight of their fetters ; on their sinister countenances might be read the desire to preserve a life disputed by the scaffold, a life henceforward to be spent in misery and degradation. Some of the convicts evinced an absolute passiveness ; many, on the contrary, delivered themselves up to a frantic joy. If any unfortunate wretch, mindful of his innocent youth, muttered out the fragment of a prayer, his next companion would perhaps shake his fetters, whilst he howled an obscene song, and the prayer expired in the midst of lengthened howls and shrieks. What redoubled the general consternation was the despair of the mariners, who seemed to have given all over for lost The guards were not more confident, and even gave symptoms of an intention to quit the boat, which was visibly filling fast with water. Then matters took a fresh turn, and they urged on the argousins, crying, ' Make the shore ; let all make for shore.' The darkness, added to the confusion of the moment, affording an opportunity, with impunity, the most intrepid of the convicts rose, declaring that no person should quit the boat until it reached the bank. Lieutenant Thierry was the only one who appeared to have pre- 136 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. served his presence of mind : he put on a bold front, and protested that there was no danger, as neither he nor the sailors had any in- tention of quitting the vessel. We believed him the more as the weather was gradually becoming more moderate. Daylight ap- peared, and on the surface of the water, smooth as ice, there would have been nothing to recall the disasters of the night if the muddy tide had not been strewn with dead cattle, trees, and frag- ments of furniture and houses. Escaped from the tempest, we landed at Avignon, and were confined in the castle. There commenced the vengeance of the argousins ; they had not forgotten what they were pleased to term our insurrection ; refreshing our memories of it by blows from their cudgels, and then preventing the public from giving the convicts that assistance which the end of the journey presented from passing through their hands. * Alms to these vagabonds !' said one of them, called Father Lami, to some ladies who wished to bestow some aid : * it would be money lost. Besides, ask the captain.' Lieutenant Thierry, who ought not to be mentioned with such brutal and inhuman beings, and of whom I have already spoken, gave permission \ but, by a refinement of villany, the argousins made the signal for departure before the distribution was finished. The rest of the journey had no features of interest ; and at length, after thirty-seven days of most painful travel, the chain entered Toulon. The fifteen carriages arrived at the port, and, drawn up in front of the rope-yard, the convicts were ordered to alight, and were then escorted to the court-yard of the Bagne. On the way thither, those who had clothes worth anything made all possible haste to take them off and sell or give them to the crowd which assembled at the arrival of a new chain. When the clothing of the Bagne was distributed, and the manacles had been riveted, as I had seen it done at Brest, we were conveyed on board a cut-down frigate, called Le Husard^ used as the floating Bagne. As soon as the convicts employed as writers had written down our descriptions, the escaped convicts were riveted to the double chain, Their escape added three years' additional confinement to the original sentence, As I was thus circumstanced, I was sent to No. 3, where the most suspected convicts were placed. Lest they should find an opportunity for escaping in going to the harbour, they never went to labour. Always fettered to the * bane,.' lying on the bare plank, eaten up by vermin, and worn out by brutal treatment and want of nourishment and exercise, they presented a most lamentable appearance. THE EXECUTIONER OF THE BAGNE. 137 I found in the cell all the most abandoned scoundrels that ever assembled at the Bagne. I saw there one named Vidal, who even struck the convicts themselves with horror. Apprehended at four- teen years of age, in the midst of a band of brigands in whose crimes he participated, his age alone redeemed him from the scaffold. He was sentenced to imprisonment for twenty-four years ; but scarcely had he reached the prison when, at the conclusion of a quarrel, he killed a comrade with a blow of his knife. A sentence of twenty-four years' hard labour was then substituted for that of imprisonment only. He had been for some years at the Bagne, when a convict was sentenced to death. There was not an executioner to be found in the city, and Vidal eagerly offered his services, which were accepted, and the execution was carried into effect, but they were compelled to put Vidal on the bench with the galley guards, or else the convicts would have knocked him on the head with their fetters. The threats which menaced him did not prevent him from fulfilling his new office again, some time after- wards. Besides, he undertook to administer the sentences of bastinado on the prisoners. At length, in 1794, the revolutionary tribunal having been installed at Toulon, after the taking of that town by Dugommier, Vidal was employed to carry their sentences into effect. He then thought he was liberated, but when the terror had ceased, he was remanded to the Bagne, where he was placed under a special surveillance. On the same bench with Vidal was the Jew Deschamps, one of the principal of the party concerned in the robbing the royal wardrobe, to the details of which the convicts listened with a sinistrous pleasure. At the enumeration of the diamonds and jewels carried off, their eyes sparkled, their muscles contracted by a convulsive motion ; and by the expression of their counten- ances, inferences might unerringly have been drawn of the first uses they would have made of their liberty. This disposition was particularly discernible in those men only convicted of petty offences, who were taunted and bantered as only having stolen objects of small value ; and then, after estimating the plunder of the wardrobe at twenty millions of francs, Deschamps added, with an air of contempt towards a poor devil sentenced for stealing vegetables, 'Ah ! ah ! this was cabbage.' From the moment when the robbery was perpetrated it became the subject of multiplied comments, which circumstances and agita- tion of mind rendered very singular It was during the meeting of the representatives on the Sunday evening (i 6th of September, 792), that Roland, Minister of the Interior, announced the event to the tribune of the convention, complaining bitterly of the in- 138 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. efficient surveillance of the agents and the military guards, who had forsaken their posts, under pretext of the severity of the cold.' Some days afterwards, Thuriot, who was one of the commission charged with searching out the matter, in his turn accused the minister of carelessness, who answered drily, that he had something else to do besides watching the wardrobe. The discussion rested here, but these debates had aroused the public attention, and the sole public theme was of guilty collusions, and plots framed for robbery, of which the produce was devoted to keeping the police agents in pay ; they went so far as to say, that the Government had robbed itself; and what gave a consistency to such a report, was the reprieves granted on the i8th of October to some individuals con- demned for this affair, and from whom confessions were expected. However, on the 22nd of February, 1797, in a report to the Counseil des Anciens, on a proposal to grant a reward of five thousand francs to a Madame Corbin, who had facilitated the discovery of a great quantity of the plundered property, Thiebault declared, in the most formal manner, that this event was not the result of any political measure, and had all been incurred by the defective vigilance of the police, and by the mismanagement which pervaded every department of the administration. At the beginning, the Moniteur had heated the imaginations of the most wary, by speaking of forty armed robbers, who had been surprised in the wardrobe. The truth is, that no one was sur- prised ; and when they first discovered the loss of ' the regent,' the dauphin's coral, and a vast many other jewels, valued at seven- teen millions of francs, for four successive nights, Deschamps, Bernard Salles, and a Portuguese Jew, named Dacosta, had in their turns entered the apartments, without any other arms than the tools requisite to extract the jewels set in the plate, which they disdained to carry off; and thus they removed with the greatest precaution the magnificent rubies which formed the eyes of the ivory fishes. Deschamps, to whom belongs the honour of the invention, first got into the gallery by climbing a window, by means of a lamp- post, at the angle of the Rue Royale and the Place of Louis XV. Bernard Salles and Dacosta, who kept watch, were at first his only comrades : but on the third night, Benoit Naid, Philipponeau, Paumettes, Fraumont, Gay, Monton, lieutenant of the National Guard, and Durand, called ' le Turc,' a jeweller in the Rue Saint Sauveur, were added to the gang, as well as many first-rate * cracks men,' who had been, in a friendly way, invited to come and partici- ; >ate in the spoil. The rendezvous was at a billiard-room in the Ri ? e Rohan : and, besides, they made so little mystery of the robber} DESCHAMPS. 139 that cne morning after the first booty, Paumettes, dining with some girls at a cookshop in the Rue d'Argenteuil, threw on the table to them a handful of rose and small brilliant diamonds. The police, however, got no information. To detect the principal authors it was necessary that Durand, arrested for forging assignats, should confess to obtain his own pardon, and, on his information, * the regent ' was discovered and seized at Tours, sewn up in the head- dress of a woman named Lebiene, who, unable to reach England in consequence of the war, was about to sell it at Bordeaux to a Jew, known to Dacosta. They had attempted to get rid of it in Paris, but the value of the gem, estimated at twelve millions of francs, would have awakened dangerous suspicions ; they had also given up the idea of cutting the stone, lest the lapidary should betray them. Before having been sentenced for the robbery of the wardrobe, Deschamps had been implicated in a capital affair, whence he was extricated, although so guilty, as he boasced to us, by giving details not to be doubted. He had been concerned in the double murder of the jeweller Deslong and his servant maid, committed with his accomplice, the broker Fraumont Deslong had an extensive business, and besides private pur- chases, he also bartered diamonds and pearls; and as he was known to be an honest man, he often had valuable gems intrusted to him, either to sell or unset. He also frequented auctions, when Fraumont first knew him, who was constantly at sales to buy the ropes, altar cloths, and other pillaged church ornaments (1793), which he burnt to get the metal from the gold lace. From the custom of meeting together so frequently in business, a sort of ac quaintance sprang up between the two men, which soon became a closer intimacy. Deslong had no concealment with Fraumont, and consulted him in all his undertakings, informed him of the worth of all the deposits intrusted to him, and even confided to him the secret of a hiding-place in which he kept his most valuable articles. Informed of all these particulars, and having free access at all times to Deslong's house, Fraumont conceived the project o' robbing him whilst he and his wife were at the theatre, which they frequented. He wanted an accomplice to keep watch ; and, beside, it would have been dangerous for Fraumont ,whom everybody knew, to be seen on the premises on the day of the robbery. He first se- lected a locksmith, a fugitive convict, who made the false keys necessary for entering Deslong's house ; but this man, being pursued by the police, was forced to leave Paris, and he then sub- stituted Deschamps. 140 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. On the day fixed for the perpetration of the robbery, Deslong and his wife having gone to the Theatre de la Republique, Frau mont concealed himself at a vintner's to watch for the return of the servant maid, who usually took advantage of the absence of her master and mistress to go and see her lover. Deschamps went up to the apartment, and opened the door gently with one of his false keys. What was his astonishment to see in the hall the maid servant, whom he thought absent (her sister, who was much like her, having in fact left the house a few minutes before). At the sight of Deschamps, whose surprise made his countenance even more frightful, the girl let fall her work and shrieked. Deschamps sprang upon her, threw her down, seized her throat, and gave her ive blows with a clasp knife, which he had about him, in the ight-hand pocket of his trousers. The unhappy creature fell bathed in blood, and whilst the death rattle was yet sounding in ier throat, the ruffian ransacked every corner of the room : but vhether this unexpected event disturbed him, or that he heard ome noise on the staircase, he only carried off some pieces of ,;late which came to hand, and returned to his accomplice at the vintner's and told him the adventure. He (Fraumont) was much grieved, not at the murder of the servant, but at the little infor- mation and clumsiness of Deschamps, whom he reproached with not having discovered the secret closet which he had so plainly pointed out ; and what put the cope-stone on his discontent was, that he foresaw that after such a catastrophe Deslong would be more careful of his property, and it would be impossible ever again f o get such an opportunity. In fact, Deslong did change his lodging after this event, which nspired him with the most excessive fright, and the few persons vhose visits he allowed were received with the greatest precaution. Although Fraumont did not present himself, yet he had no uspicion of him. How could he suspect a man who, if he had erpetrated the crime, would not have failed to have ransacked he closet, of which he knew the secret ? Meeting him at the end )f a few days on the Place Vendome, he pressed him strongly to ome and see him, and became more intimate with him than ever. Kraumont then began plotting again ; but, despairing of breaking open the new place of security, which, besides, was carefully guarded, he determined on changing his plan. Led to Deschamp's house, under pretence of bargaining for a large lot of diamonds, Deslong was assassinated and robbed of seventeen thousand francs, in gold and assigna ; s, with which he had provided himself by advice of Fraumont, who dealt him the first stab. Two days elapsed, and Madame Deslong, not seeing her husband FRAUMONT. 141 return, who never made so long an absence without a previous intimation, and knowing that he had considerable property about him, no longer doubted but that some misfortune had befallen him. She then went to the police, they contrived to get hold of Fraumont and Deschamps ; and the confession of the locksmith, which corresponded with the accounts of the robbery, and who was apprehended soon after, would have had an unpropitious termination for them, had not the authorities refused to give this man the liberty they had promised to reward him with ; and the police agent, Cordat, who had been the go-between, unwilling that his promises should be broken, aided his escape on the way from La Force to the Palace. This circumstance removing the only witness who could be brought forward, Deschamps and Fraumont were set at liberty. Condemned afterwards to eighteen years' imprisonment for other robberies, Fraumont set out for the Bagne at Rochefort ; but he was not yet out of courage, and by means of money, produced by his plunder, he had bribed several persons who were to follow the chain to aid his escape, in case he should attempt it, or even to carry him off by force, if need should be. The use he proposed to make of his liberty was to assassinate M. Delalande, high presi- dent of the tribunal which had condemned him, and commissary of the police of the Section de I'Unite', who had brought such overwhelming charges against him. All was ripe for the execu- tion of this plot, when a common woman, who had learned the details from the lips of one of the accomplices, made a spon- taneous confession, and measures were accordingly taken. The escort was informed of it ; and when the chain left Bicetre, Frau- mont was put in extra chains, which were not removed until his arrival at Rochefort, where he was an object of special vigilance ; and I was told that he died at the Bagne. As for Deschamps, who escaped from Toulon soon after, he was apprehended at the end of three years, as concerned in a robbery committed at Auteuil, sentenced to death by the criminal tribunal of the Seine, and executed at Paris. In cell No. 3, I was only separated from Deschamps by a burglar named Louis Mulot, son of that Cornu who so lorg affrighted the people of Normandy, where his crimes are still un- forgotten. Disguised as a horse-dealer, he frequented the fairs, watched the merchants who had large sums about them, and taking the cross roads, laid in wait for and assassinated them. Married, for the third time, to a young and pretty woman of Bernai, he had at first carefully concealed from her his infernal trade ; but he was not slow in discovering that she was entirely 142 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. worthy of him, and thenceforward she accompanied him in all his expeditions. Frequenting all the fairs as a peripatetic mercer, she easily introduced herself to the rich graziers of the valley of Auge, and more than one met his death at the appointed spot of gallant rendezvous. Often suspected, they brought forward alibis, always successful, and for which they were indebted to the fleetness of the excellent horses with which they were always provided. In 1794, the Cornu family consisted of the father, mother, three sons, two daughters, and their lovers, all of whom had been habituated to crime from their earliest childhood, either in keeping watch or setting fire to barns, etc. The youngest, Florentine, having at first testified some repugnance, they had cured her deli- cacy by compelling her to carry in her apron, for two leagues, the. head of a farmer of the environs of Argentin ! At a later period, entirely devoid of any tender scruples, she had, as her lover, the assassin Capelle, executed in 1802. When the family formed itself into a band of Chauffeurs to infest the country (Caen and Falaise), it was she who put to the torture the wretched farmers, by putting a lighted candle under their armpits, or placing blazing tinder on their toes (whence the name of Chauffeurs or burners). Hotly pursued by the police of Caen, and particularly by that of Rouen, who had apprehended two of the juniors of the family at Brionne, Cornu resolved on retiring for some time to the vicinity of Paris, trusting thus to elude inquiry. Installed with his family in a lone house, on the road to Sevres, he did not fear to take his walks in the Champs-Elysees, where he met nearly all the robbers of his acquaintance. ' Well, Father Cornu/ said they to him one day, ' what are you about now ?' ' Oh, always administer- ing the last consolation (assassination), my sons the last consola- tion.' ' That is droll, Father Cornu ; but discovery may ensue.' ' Oh ! no fear where no witnesses. If I had done for all the corn-thrashers (farmers) whom I have only singed, I should have nothing to funk about now.' In one of his excursions, Cornu met an old comrade, who pro- posed to him to break into a villa, situated in the wood of Ville d'Avray. The robbery was committed and the booty shared, but Cornu found that he had been duped. On reaching the middle of the wood, he let fall his snuff-box whilst offering it to his com- panion, who stooped to pick it up, and at that very instant Cornu blew out his brains with a pistol-shot, plundered him, and regained his own house, where he told the tale to his family with bursts of laughter. Apprehended near Vernon, at the moment he was breaking into CORNU. 143 a farm, Comu was conducted to Rouen, tried before the Criminal Court, and sentenced to death. Soon after this, his wife, who was still at liberty, came every day to bring him food and console him. 1 Listen,' said she to him one morning, when he appeared more dejected than usual, ' listen, Joseph : they say that death affrights you don't play the noodle, at all events, when they lead you to the scaffold. The lads of the game will laugh at you.' 1 Yes,' said Cornu, * all that is very fine, if one's scrag was not in danger ; but with Jack Ketch on one side, and the black sheep (clergyman) on the other, and the traps (gendarmes) behind, it is not quite so pleasant to be turned into food for flies.' ' Joseph, Joseph, do not talk in this way ; I am only a woman, you know ; but I could go through it as if at a wedding, and par- ticularly with you, old lad ! Yes, I tell you again, by the word of Marguerite, I would willingly accompany you.' 1 Are you in earnest?' asked Cornu. 'Yes, quite in earnest,' sighed Marguerite. ' But what are you getting up for ? What are you going to do ?* 1 Nothing,' replied Cornu ; and then, going to a turnkey who was in the passage, * Roch,' said he to him, ' send for the gaoler ; I want to see the public accuser.' ' What !' said his wife, * the public accuser ! Are you going to split (confess) ? Ah, Joseph, consider what a reputation you will leave for our children !' Cornu was silent until the magistrate arrived, and he then de- nounced his wife ; and this unhappy woman, sentenced to death by his confessions, was executed at the same time with him. Mulct, who told me all this, never repeated the narrative without laughing till he cried However, he thought the guillotine no subject for joking ; and for a long time avoided all crimes that could send him to rejoin his father, mother, one of his brothers, and his sister Florentine, all executed at Rouen. When he spoke of them, and the end they had made, he frequently said, 'This is the fruits of playing with fire ; they shall never catch me at such work :' and, in fact, his tricks were not so redoubtable : he con- fined himself to a species of robbery in which he excelled. His eldest sister, whom he had brought to Paris, aided him in all his enterprises. Dressed as a washerwoman, with a pannier at her back and a basket on her arm, she went to all the houses where there was no porter, and, knocking at the doors, if she learnt that the occupants were from home, she returned and told Mulot. Then he, disguised as a journeyman locksmith, went with his bunch of picklocks, and opened the most complicated locks. Frequently his sister, to avoid suspicion, with her apron and a 144 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, modest cap on, and with the disturbed appearance of a nurse who had lost her key, aided his operations. Mulot, though he did not want foresight, was yet one day surprised in the very act, and soon after condemned to imprisonment. CHAPTER XIII. Father Mathieu My new line of business Ecco Homo, or the psalm-seller A fugitive convict My best contrived escape The gay lady and the burial I detect a thief I get my dismissal. I NEVER was so wretched as after my entry at the Bagne at Toulon. Cast at twenty-four years of age amongst the most abandoned wretches, and necessarily in contact with them, although I would have preferred a hundred times to be reduced to living in the midst of people infected with the plague compelled only to see and hear degraded beings, whose minds were incessantly bent on devising evil schemes, I feared the dire contagion of such vicious society. When, day and night, in my presence, they openly prac- tised the most vile and demoralized actions, I was not so confident in the strength of my own character as not to fear that I might become but too much familiarized with such atrocious and dan- gerous conversation. In fact, I had resisted many dangerous temptations ; but want, misery, and the thirst of liberty, will often involuntarily tempt us to a step towards crime. I had never been in any situation where it was more positively incumbent on me to attempt an escape ; and henceforward all my ideas and thoughts were turned to the compassing of this measure. Various plans suggested themselves, but that was not sufficient \ for to put any of them into execution I must await a favourable opportunity, and until then, patience was the only remedy for my woes. Fastened to the same bench with robbers by profession, who had already escaped several times, I was, as well as they, an object of special surveillance, which it was difficult to divert. In their cambrons (watch-boxes), at a short distance from us, the argousins were always on the look-out, and observed our least motions. Father Mathieu, their chief, had the eyes of a lynx, and such a knowledge of the men he had to deal with, that he could tell at the slightest glance if they were scheming to deceive him. This old fox was nearly sixty years of age ; but having a vigorous constitution, which seemed proof against the attacks of time, he was still hale and hearty. He was one of those square figures which never wear out. I have him now in ' my mind's eye,' with his little tail, his grey and powdered locks, and his face in wrinkles so congruous with the business pf his calling. He never spoke without mentioning TOY-MAKING. 145 his cudgel ; it was a never-ending theme of pleasurable recital to talk of the many bastinadoes he had inflicted personally, or ordered to be done. Always at war with the convicts, he knew every one of their tricks. His mistrust was so excessive, that he often accused them of plotting when they were not at all thinking of it. It may be supposed that it was no easy matter to make a sop for this Cerberus. I tried, however, to procure his favour, an attempt in which no one had as yet succeeded : but I soon found that I had not essayed in vain ; for I perceptibly gained on his good will. Father Mathieu sometimes talked to me; a sign, as the experienced told me, that I had made some way with him. I thought I might ask something from him on the strength of this, and I asked him to allow me to make children's toys with the pieces of wood brought in by the working convicts. He granted all I asked, pro- vided I was steady ; and the next day I began my work. My companions cut out roughly, and I finished the toys. Father Mathieu approved of my productions ; and when he saw that I had assistance in my work, he could not forbear testifying his approbation, which he had not expressed for a long time pre- viously. ' Well, well !' said he, ' how I like people to amuse themselves ; it would be well if you all did the same ; it would pass time away ; and with the profits you might purchase some small comforts.' A few days afterwards, the bench was a perfect workshop, where fourteen men, equally anxious to drive away ennui and earn a little money, worked away with much industry. We had all some goods ready, which were sold by the assistants of the convicts who gave us the materials. For a month our trade was very brisk, and every day we had abundant returns, not a sous of which was reserved. Father Mathieu had authorized us to appoint as our treasurer a convict named Pantaragat, who sold provisions in the room in which we were. Unfortunately there are goods which cannot be multiplied without the necessary balance between produce and consumption being destroyed. Toulon was replete with toys of every description, and we must hence- forward sit with folded arms. No longer knowing what to do, I feigned a complaint in my legs, that I might be sent to the hospital. The doctor to whom I was recommended by Father Mathieu, whose protege I had become, actually believed that I was unable to walk. When one would attempt to escape, it is impossible to manage better than to contrive to excite such an opinion. Doctor Ferrant did not for an instant suspect me of an intent to deceive him ; he was one of those disciples of Esculapius, who think that bluntness is a part of their profession : but still he was a humane man, and behaved very kindly to me. The chief surgeon had also JQ 146 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. a liking for me, and to me he trusted the care of his surgery chest ; I scraped his lint, rolled his bandages, and made myself generally useful, so that my willingness procured for me his kindness : every one, even to the argousin of the infirmary, behaved well to me, although no one could exceed in sternness M. 1'Homme (that was his name), whom they called jokingly, * Ecce Homo,' because he had been formerly a seller of psalms and canticles. Although I had been pointed out to him as a daring fellow, M. 1'Homme was so much pleased with my good behaviour, and still more with the bottles of mulled wine which I shared with him, that he perceptibly became more humanized. When I was pretty well assured that I should not excite his suspicions, I unmasked my battery, to over- power his vigilance, as well as that of his fellow guards. I had already procured a wig and black whiskers, and had, besides, con- cealed in my mattress an old pair of boots, which, when well waxed, seemed as good as new ; but that was only an equipment for my head and feet : to complete my toilet, I relied on the head surgeon, who used to lay on my bed his great-coat, hat, cane, and gloves. One morning, whilst he was engaged in amputating an arm, I saw that M. 1'Homme had followed him to assist in the operation, which was performed at the extremity of one of the wards : the opportunity for a disguise was admirable, and I hastened to com- plete it ; and, in my new costume, I went straight to the door. I had to pass through a crowd of argousins, but I ventured boldly, and none of them appeared to pay any attention to me, and I already thought myself out of danger, when I heard a cry, ' Stop him, stop him a prisoner has escaped !' I was not more than twenty steps from the arsenal, and, without losing my pre- sence of mind, I redoubled my speed, and having got to the door, I said to the guard, pointing to a person who was just entering the city, * Run with me, he has escaped from the hospital.' This would, perhaps, have saved me; but, just as I stepped over the wicket, I was seized by the wig, and on turning round, saw M. 1'Homme : resistance would have been certain death ; and I therefore quietly followed him back to the Bagne, where I was put to the double chain. It was evident that I was to undergo punishment, and to avoid it, I cast myself on my knees before the commissary, saying, ' Oh, sir, do not let me be beaten ; that is the only favour I ask ; I would rather undergo three years' additional confinement' The commissary, however touching my petition might have been, could not keep his countenance ; but told me, that he would pardon me on account of my boldness and ingenuity, on condition that I would point out the person who had procured ne the disguise. * You must be aware,' I replied to him, ' that A NEW SCHEME. 147 the people who guard us are wretches, who will do anything for money, but nothing in the world shall induce me to betray mose who serve me.' Pleased with my frankness, he ordered me to be released from the double chain ; and when the argousin murmured at so much indulgence, he desired him to be silent, adding, * You ought to like, rather than be angry with, him, for he has just given you a lesson which you would do well to profit by.' I thanked the commissary, and the next moment was conducted to the fatal bench to which I was to be fastened for the next six years. I then flattered myself with the hopes of returning to my trade of toy- making, but Father Mathieu refusing me, I was compelled un- willingly to remain unemployed. Two months elapsed without any change in my circumstances, when one night, being unable to sleep, there flashed through my brain one of those luminous ideas which only occur in darkness. Jossas was awake, and I mentioned it to him. It may be surmised that he was always intent on effect- ing his escape, and he thought it admirably wonderful as I had. devised it, and begged me not to fail putting it into execution. It will be seen that I did not neglect his advice. One morning, the commissary of the Bagne going his rounds, passed near me,, and I begged leave to speak to him in private. ' What do you want ?' said he. ' Have you any complaint to make ? Speak, my man ; speak out, and I will do you justice.' Encouraged by the kindness of this language, I said, ' Good sir, you see before you a second example of an honest criminal. You may, perhaps, re- member that on coming here, I told you that I was put in my brother's place. I do not accuse him ; I am even pleased at think- ing he was ignorant of the crime imputed to him ; but it was he, who, under my name, was condemned by the Court at Douai ; he escaped from the Bagne at Brest, and now, having reached England, he is free, and I, the victim of a sad mistake, must submit to punishment. Alas ! how fatal to me has been our resemblance ! * Without this circumstance, I should not have been taken to Bicetre ; the keeper would not have sworn to my person. In vain have I begged for an inquiry ; it is because their testimony has been received, that an identity is allowed which does not exist. But the error is consummated, and I have much to bewail ! I know that it is not with you to alter a decision from which there is no appeal, but it is a favour you may grant to me : to be sure of me, I am placed in a cell with suspected men, where I am with a herd of robbers, assassins, and hardened ruffians. At every moment I tremble at the recital of crimes which have been committed, as well as at the hopes of those who are plotting others, to be per* 10 2 J-lS MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. petrated the moment, if it ever arrives, they shall get free from their fetters. Ah ! I beg you, in the name of every sentiment of humanity, to leave me no longer amongst a set of such abandoned miscreants. Put me in a dungeon, load me with chains, do with me whatever you will, but do not leave me any longer with them. Jf I have endeavoured to escape, it has been only that I might get away from such a sink of infamy.' (At this moment I turned towards the convicts.) 'You may see, sir, how ferociously they gaze at me ; they already prepare to make me repent of what I am saying to you ; they pant, they burn, to bathe their hands in my blood : once more I conjure you, do not give me up to the vengeance of these atrocious monsters.' During this discourse, the convicts were petrified with astonish- ment; they could not conceive that one of their comrades would thus upbraid them in their very teeth ; the commissary himself did not know what to think of such a step ; he was silent, and I saw that I had touched him deeply. Then, throwing myself at his feet, with tears in my eyes, I added, * Pity me ; if you refuse me, if you go without removing me from this room, you shall never see me again.' These words produced the desired effect. The commissary, who was a worthy man, had me unloosed in his presence, and gave orders that I should be placed with the working convicts. I was yoked with a man named Salesse, a Gascon, as knavish as a convict may be. The first time we were alone, he asked me if I intended to escape. ' I have no thoughts of it,' replied I ; * I am but too glad that they allow me to work.' But Jossas possessed my secret, and he arranged all for my escape. I had a plain dress which I concealed under my galley clothes without the knowledge even of my yoke-fellow. A moving screw had supplied the place of the rivet in my fetters, and I was ready to start. The third day after leaving my companions I went out to labour, and presemed myself before the argousin ; * Get along, good-for-nought,' said Father Mathieu, 'it is not time.' I was in the rope-room, and the place appeared propitious. I told my companion that I had a call of nature, and he pointed out some pieces of wood behind which I could go, and he was scarcely out of sight, when throwing off my red shirt, and taking out the screw, I ran towards the basin. The jfrigate La Meuron was then under repair, which had brought ]Buonaparte and his suite from Egypt. I went on board and asked for the master carpenter, whom I knew to be in the hospital. The cook, whom I accosted, took me for one of the new crew. I was rejoiced at this, and to confirm the idea, as I knew him to be a man of Auvergne, by his accent, I began conversing with him in his own provincial dialect, and in a tone of nuch assurance. ZSCAPE&. 149 although I was on thorns the whole time j for forty Couples of convicts were at work close to us. They might recognise me in a moment. A cargo soon set off for the town, and I jumped into the boat, when, seizing an oar, I rowed away like an old sailor and we soon reached Toulon. Anxious to reach the country, I went to the Italian gate, but no one was allowed to go without a green card given by the magistrates, and I was refused egress, and whilst I was thinking how I could get out, I heard the three reports of the cannon which announced my escape. At this moment a tremor pervaded all my limbs ; already did I see myself in the power of the argousins, and all the police of the Bagne. I pictured myself in presence of the excellent commissary, whom I had so basely deceived. If I were taken I must be lost. These sad reflections coming over me, I walked away in haste, and that I might avoid a crowd, betook myself to the ramparts. On reaching a solitary spot, I walked very slowly, like a man who, not knowing whither to bend his steps, is full of consideration, when a female accosted me, and asked me in provincial French what the hour was ; I told her that I did not know, and she then began talking of the weather, and concluded by asking me to ac- company her home : * It is only a few yards hence/ she added, * and no one will see us.' The opportunity of finding a place of refuge was too propitious to be refused, and I followed my conductress to a sort of small inn, when I sent for some refreshment. Whilst we were conversing together, three other cannon shots were heard. ' Ah,' cried the girl, with an air of satisfaction, ' there is a second' escape to-day.' ' What !' said I, ' my lass, does that please you ? Should not you like to get the reward ?' ' I, why, you cannot know much of me.' ' Bah, bah,' I replied, * fifty francs are always worth earning, and if I swear to you that if one of these fellows fall into my clutches .' ' You are a wretch !' she said, making a gesture of indignation. * I am on'y a poor girl, but Celestine would never eat the bread earned by means so despicable.' At these words, ) >ronounced with an accent of truth which left no doubt on my mind of her sincerity, I did not hesitate to confide my secret to her. As soon as I had informed her that I was a convict, I cannot express how much she appeared interested in my fate. ' Mon Dieu !' she said, ' they are so much to be pitied ; I would save them all, and have already saved many ;' then, after pausing for an instant, as if to consider, ' Let me manage it,' she then added ; ' I have a lover who has a green card ; I will borrow it from him, and you shall use it, and, once out of the city, you can deposit it under a stone which 1 will point out to you, and in the interim, as we are not in security here, I will take you to my apartment.' On i$o MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. teaching this, she told me that she must leave me for a moment. * I must tell my lover,' said she, ' and will speedily return. 1 Women are sometimes most admirable actresses, and, in spite of her kind protestations, I feared some treachery. Perhaps Celestine was going to denounce me ; she had not reached the street, when I ran down the staircase. ' Well, well,' cried the girl, ' do not fear. If you mistrust me, come along with me.' I thought it most prudent to watch her, and we walked away together, whither I knew not. Scarcely had we gone ten yards, when we met a funeral procession. * Follow the burial,' said my protectress, ' and you will escape ;' and before I had time to thank her, she disappeared. The followers were numerous, and I mixed amongst the crowd of assistants, and, that I might not be thought a stranger at the ceremony, I entered into conversation with an old sailor, from whose communications I soon learnt how to utter a few well- timed remarks on the virtues of the defunct. I was soon convinced that Celestine had not betrayed me. When I left the ramparts behind me, which it had been of such paramount importance for :me to pass, I almost wept for joy ; but that I might not betray -.myself, I still kept up a strain of suitable lamentations. On reaching the cemetery I advanced in my turn to the edge of the grave, and after having cast a handful of earth on c he coffin, I separated from the company by taking a circuitous path. I walked on for many hours without losing sight of Toulon, and -about five o'clock in the evening, just as I was entering a grove of firs, I saw a man armed with a gun. As he was well clad, and liad a game-bag, my first thought was that he was a huntsman ; tut observing the butt of a pistol projecting from his girdle, I feared that I had met with one of these Provencals, who, at the sound of the cannon, always scour the country in search of the runaway galley-slaves. If my fears were just, flight was unavailing ; and it was perhaps best to advance rather than retreat This I did, and on approaching him sufficiently close to be on my guard, in case he should show any hostilities, I asked the road to Aix. ' Do you want the highroad or the byway ?' said he, with peculiar emphasis. ' Oh, either, no matter which,' I answered, hoping by my in- difference to remove his suspicions. ' In that case, follow this path it leads to the station of the gen- darmes ; and if you do not like travelling alone, you can avail yourself of the escort' At this word ' gendarmes ' I turned pale, and the stranger, perceiving the effect his words had produced, added, * Come, come ; J see you are not over-anxious to travel on the highway. Well, A GUIDE. 151 if you are not in a very great hurry, I will conduct you to the village of Pourieres, which is not two leagues from Aix. He seemed so well acquainted with the localities, that I availed myself of his offer, and consented to follow him. Then, without stirring, he pointed out a clump of bushes, where he bid me await his joining me. Two hours passed before he finished his guard, and he then came to me. ' Get up/ said he. I obeyed, and when I thought myself in the thickest of the wood, I found myself at the borders of it, about fifty paces from a house, in front of which were seated several gendarmes. At the sight of their uniforms, I started. ' What ails you, man ?' asked my guide ; ' do you think I would betray you ? If you fear anything, take these and defend yourself;' at the same time offering me his pistols, which I refused. * Well, well ,' he added, and squeezed my hand, to testify how much he was satisfied with my con- fidence. Concealed by the bushes which skirted our path, we stopped. I could not comprehend the motive of a halt so near the enemy. Our stay was protracted till nightfall, when we saw approaching from Toulon a mail, escorted by four gendarmes, who were relieved by the same number from the brigade whose vicinity had so much alarmed me. The mail proceeded on its journey, and was soon out of sight. My companion then, taking my arm, said in an under tone, ' Let us start, nothing can be done to-day.' We then walked away in an opposite direction for about an hour, and my guide, going up to a tree, clasped the trunk in his hands, and I saw that he was counting the number of notches cut by a knife * Good, good ;' he ejaculated, with an air of satisfaction which was to me inexplicable, and taking from his game-bag a piece of bread, which he divided with me, he then gave me a bottle, whence I drank with pleasure. The collation could not have been more opportune, for I was in want of something to recruit my strength. In spite of the darkness we walked so fast that I was tired, and my feet, long unused to exercise, had become so painful that I was going to declare it impossible for me to proceed farther, when a village clock struck three. ' Gently,' said my guide, stooping and placing his ear on the ground ; * do as I do, and listen ; with this cursed Polish legion one must be always on the watch. Did you hear nothing ?' I replied that I thought I heard the footsteps of a body of men. ' Yes,' he added, * it is they ; stir not, on your life, or we shall be taken.' He had scarcely spoken, when a patrol guard came towards the thicket in which we weic concealed. ' Did you see anything, you fellows ?' said some one in a low tone. 'Nothing, sergeant.' i$2 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. * Parbleu ! I thought so ; it is as dark as an oven. This devil of a Roman, whom heaven's thunders crush ! To make us travel all night like wolves in a wood ! Ah, if ever I find him, or any of his gang !' * Qui vive ? (who goes there ?)' cried a soldier suddenly. 'What do you see?' said the sergeant ' Nothing ; but I heard a breathing on this side,' and he indicated the spot where we were. 'Stuff! you are dreaming. You are so much alarmed about Roman, that you think that you always have him in your cart- ridge-box.' Two other soldiers asserted that they had heard the same. ' Hold your tongues/ replied the sergeant. * I see there is nobody, and we must once more, according to custom, return to Pourieres without having trapped our game. Come, my lads, it is time to be off.' The patrol seemed disposed to retreat. ' It is a ruse de guerre] said my companion. ' I know they will beat the wood and return upon us in a semicircle.' It was now necessary that I should be firm and composed, 'Are you fearful ?' said my guide. ' This is no time for fear/ I replied. ' Well, then, follow me : here are my pistols ; when I fire, do you the same, so that the four shots only sound like one report. Now, fire.' The four shots were fired, and we then ran with all speed, with- out being pursued. The fear of falling into an ambuscade had made the soldiers come to a halt, but we did not pause from our flight. On getting near an isolated hut, the stranger said to me, 4 It is now daylight, and we are safe :' and then, leaping the pales of the garden, he took a key from the hollow trunk of a tree, and opening the door of the cot, we immediately entered. An iron lamp, placed on the mantel-piece, lighted up a plain and rustic apartment. I only observed in a corner a barrel, containing, as I thought, gunpowder, and near it on a shelf was a quantity of gun-cartridges. A woman's attire placed on a chair, with one of those large black hats worn by the Provencal peasants, indicated the presence of a sleeping female, whose heavy breathing reached our ears. Whilst I threw a rapid glance about me, my guide pro- duced from an old trunk a quarter of a kid, some onions, oil, and a bottle of wine : he invited me to partake of a repast, of which I felt in the greatest need. He seemed very desirous of interrogating me, but I ate with so much appetite that I believe he felt a scruple of conscience in interrupting me. When I had finished, which was not whilst anything remained on the table, he led me to a sort of A REFUGE. 153 loft, assuring me that I was in perfect safety, and then left me before I could ask if he was going to stay in the hut ; but scarcely had I stretched myself out on the straw when a heavy sleep took possession of all my faculties. When I awoke, I judged by the height of the sun that it was two o'clock. A female peasant, doubtlessly the same whose apparel I had seen, warned by my movements, showed her head at the opening of the door of my garret. ' Do not stir,' said she in a Provencal dialect; ' the environs are full of sapins (gendarmes) who are examining every place.' I did not know what she meant by ' sapins,' but I guessed that it did not refer to anything very pro- pitious for me. At twilight I saw my new friend of the previous evening, who, after some trifling conversation, asked me point-blank who I was, whence I came, and whither I was going. Prepared for these unavoidable questions, I replied that I was a deserter from the ship Ocean, then in the roadstead at Toulon, that I was going to Aix, whence I hoped to get to my own country. 1 That is all very good,' said my host * I see who you are ; but do you know who I am ?' ' I'faith, to tell the honest truth, I first took you for a patrol ; afterwards I took you for a leader of smugglers and now I do not know what to think.' ' You shall know, then. In our country we are brave enough, you see, but object to be made soldiers on compulsion so we did not comply with the requisition when we could do anything to avoid it The quota selected in Pourieres even refused to march at all when called upon. The gendarmes cime to compel the refractory, and they resisted. Men were killed on both sides : and all the townsmen who participated in the affray betook themselves to the woods to escape a court-martial. We thus met, sixty in number, under the orders of M. Roman and the brothers Bisson de Tretz : if you like to remain with us I shall be glad, for last night's experience tells me that you are a man of mould, and I advise you not to be in any fear about gendarmes. Besides, we want for nothing, and run but little risk. The country people inform us of all that passes, and give us provisions. Come, will you join us ?' I did not judge it wise to reject the proposition : and, without reflecting on the consequences, I answered as he wished. I stayed two days at the hut, and on the third set out with my companion, armed with a carbine and two pistols. After many hours' walking over mountains covered with wood, we reached a hut larger than that we h:ivi quitted : it was the head-quarters of Roman- I waited 154 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. a moment at the door for my guide to announce me. He soon returned, and introduced me to a large apartment, where I saw about forty persons, the greater number of whom were grouped about a man who, by his appearance, half-rustic, half-citizen, might have passed for a rich country proprietor. I was presented to this personage, who said to me, * I am delighted to see you : I have heard of your coolness, and know your worth. If you will share our perils, you shall find friendship and freedom : we do not know you, but you have a face which would command friends every- where. To sum up all, our men are honourable and brave for probity and honour are our mottoes.' After this discourse, which could only be addressed to me by Roman, the brothers Bisson, and then all the troop, gave me the embrace of brotherhood. Such was my reception in this society, to which its- leader attributed a political intent ; but it is certain that, after beginning, like the Chouans, to stop the diligences which conveyed the State moneys, Roman had begun to plunder travellers. The mutineers who composed his band had at first much reluctance in com- mitting these robberies ; but habits of an unsettled life, idleness, and especially the difficulty of returning to their homes, soon removed all scruples. The day after my arrival, Roman appointed me to conduct six men to the environs of Saint Maximin. I did not know the purport of the mission. About midnight, on reaching the borders of a small thicket that skirted the road, we ensconced ourselves in a ravine. Roman's lieutenant, Bisson de Tretz, recommended absolute silence. The wheels of a carriage were soon heard, and it passed us. Bisson looked out cautiously, and said, ' It is the Nice diligence ; that will not do for us : it has more soldiers than ducats.' He then ordered us to retreat, and we regained the hut : when Roman, enraged at seeing us return empty-handed, swore loudly, exclaiming, ' Well, well ! they shall pay for this to-morrow.' It was no longer possible for me to deceive myself as to the association to which I belonged : I had decidedly fallen in with that famous band of highwaymen who were spreading terror throughout Provence. If I fell into the hands of justice a fugitive galley-slave I could hardly hope for that pardon which might be granted even to the troop with which I was mingled. Reflecting on all the difficulties of my situation, I was tempted to escape them by flight ; but, so recently enrolled, how was it possible to evade the strict scrutiny with which they regarded me ? On the other hand, to express any desire of withdrawing myself from the ron. cderacy would only have nrovoked ,. suspicion iuiai to JA/ v uA i >ose DISCOVERY. 155 or safety. Might I not be considered as a spy, and be shot as such ? Death and infamy threatened me whichever way I turned. In the midst of these perplexities to which I was a prey, my only idea was to sound the man who had first effected my introduction amongst my comrades ; and, with as much apparent indifference as I could assume, I inquired if it would not be possible to obtain from our captain leave of absence for a few days ? The man looked at me with an air of cunning and suspicion : * Yes, friend,' said he, 4 such favours are sometimes obtained, when our chief knows well the person to whom he grants them.' This said, he turned upon his heel, and left me to rack my brain anew for some happier device to effect my liberty than this had proved. I had now been upwards of eleven days with these bandits, each day more fully resolved to withdraw myself from the honour of their exploits, when, one night that I had fallen asleep through excessive fatigue, I was suddenly aroused by an extraordinary noise ; I listened, and discovered that the confusion which had broken my rest was occasioned by one of the troop having been robbed of a purse heavy with many years' booty : to my consterna- tion I found that, as being the last comer amongst them, their suspicions were directed to me. They surrounded me and formally accused me of having stolen the purse ; the cry was unanimously against me, and drowned my protestations of inno- cence ; they insisted upon searching my person. I had lain down in my clothes, which a hundred hands were ready to strip off me. What were their surprise, anger, and astonishment, at perceiving on my shoulder the brand of a ga'ley-slave ! 'A galley-slave!' exclaimed the captain. 'A galley slave amongst us ! He can only be here as a spy ; knock him on the head, or shoot him, that will be soonest done.' I heard the click of the muskets preparing to obey this last order. 'One moment,' exclaimed the chief; 'let him, before he dies, make restitution of the lost money.' 'Yes,' said I to him, ' the money shall be restored, but on condition that you grant me a few minutes' private conversation.' He consented to listen to what I had to say, under the idea that now I should make a full confession ; but the moment I found myself alone with him, I protested anew that I was entirely innocent of the affair, and suggested an expedient for discovering the culprit, the idea of which was drawn from a work I had read of Berquin's. My plan was acceded to, and the captain returned to his men, holding as many straws in his hand as there were individuals present. ' Ob- serve me well,' said he to them ; 'the longest of these straws will fall into the hands of him who is guilty.' The drawing began, each man in silence plucked out a straw ; 156 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, but when it had concluded, the straws were returned to the captain, and his troop looked with curious eagerness for the result. One alone was found shorter than the others. A man named Joseph d Osiolles presented it. * You are then the thief !' ex- claimed the captain. ' Every straw was of the same length ; you have shortened yours, and thus criminated yourself.' Joseph was searched, and the stolen purse found hid in his belt. My justification was complete ; the whole troop acknowledged my innocence ; and the captain, whilst he sought to excuse the violence to which I had been subjected, added that I must no longer form part of his band. ' It is a sad piece of ill luck for you/ said he ; ' but you must feel that, having been at the galleys .' He did not complete the sentence but, putting fifteen louis in my hands, he compelled me to promise silence as to all I had seen or heard for the next twenty-five days. I was prudent, and faithful to my engagement. CHAPTER XIV. A receiver of stolen goods First treaty with the police Departure for Lyons. AFTER the dangers I had undergone whilst remaining with Roman and his band, some idea may be formed of the joy which I ex- perienced on quitting them. It was evident that the Gcvernment, once determinately seitled, would adopt the most efficacious measures for insuring the safety of the interior. The remains of the bands, which, under the name of * Chevaliers du Soleil, or the Com- pagnie de Jesus,' owed their formation to a political reaction, deferred indefinitely, could not fail to be destroyed as soon as was desired. The only honest excuse for their brigandage royalism no longer existed ;and although Hiver, Lepretre, Boulanger, Bastide, Jansein, and other ' sons of the family,' made a boast of attacking the couriers, because they found their profit in it, it began to be no longer in good taste to think that it was quite correct to appro- priate to one's self the money of the state. All the incroyables who had thought it a service to check, pistol in hand, the circulation of despatches and the collection of the imposts, withdrew now to their firesides ; and those who had profited by their exertions, or wished for other reasons to be forgotten, betook themselves to a distance from the scene of their exploits. In fact, order was re- established, and the time was at hand when robbers, whatever might be their pretext or motive, were no longer to be tolerated. I should have been very desirous, under such circumstances, to THE ROAD TO LYONS. 157 have enrolled myself in a band of robbers, only, the infamy of such a procedure apart, I should have been kept from it by the certainty of being speedily brought to the scaffold. But another thought animated me ; I wished to avoid, at any cost, the oppor- tunities and means of committing crimes : I wished to be free. I knew not how this wish was to be realized, nor did it matter ; my determination was made, and I had, as they say, marked a cross on the prison. In haste to get at a considerable distance, I took the road to Lyons, avoiding the high road, until I reached the environs of Orange ; there I fell in with some Provencal waggoners, whose packages soon revealed to me that they were about to take the same road as myself. I entered into conversation with them ; and as they appeared to me to be hearty jovial fellows, I did not hesitate to tell them that I was a deserter, and that they would serve me materially if, to aid me in avoiding the vigilance of the gen- darmes, they would agree to bestow their patronage on me. This proposal did not surprise them, and it even seemed as if they had suspected that I should claim their protection and secresy. At this period and particularly in the south, it was not rare to meet with fine fellows, who had left their colours and committed them- selves to the care of Heaven. It was then very natural to take my word, and the waggoners received me kindly ; and some money which I displayed, as if by chance, completed the interest which I had already excited. It was agreed that I should pass for the son of the person who had these conveyances in charge. I was accord- ingly clothed with a smock-frock, and was supposed to be making my first journey. I was decorated with ribands and nosegays, emblems which at each public-house procured for me the congratu- lation of all the inmates. A new ' John of Paris,' I filled my part very well; but the donations necessary to support it adequately made such inroads on my purse, that, on reaching the guillotiere, where I was to leave my party, I only had twenty-e ght sous left. Having wandered about for some time in the dirty and dark streets of the second city in France, I remarked, in the Rue des Quatre-Chapeaux, a sort of tavern where I thought that I might procure a supper commensurate with my finances. I was not mistaken : the supper was light enough, and soon despatched. To remain hungry is indeed a disagreeable thing ; and not to know where to find shelter for one's head is equally annoying. When I had wiped my knife, which, however, had not been much engaged, I was reflecting that I must pass the night under the canopy of heaven, when at a table near to mine, I heard a conversation in that bastard German so much spoken in some districts of the Netherlands, and with which I was 158 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. well acquainted. The speakers were a man and woman about to retire, and whom I found to be Jews. Informed that at Lyons, as in many other towns, these people kept furnished houses, in which they received smugglers, I asked if they could direct me to a public-house. I could not have addressed myself to better persons ; for they were lodging-keepers, and offered to become my hosts, which, on agreeing to, I accompanied them. Six beds were in the room in which I was placed, none of which were occupied, although it was ten o'clock, and T fell asleep under the idea that I should have no companions in my room. On awaking, I heard the following conversation in a slang lan- guage which was familiar to me. 4 It is half-past six,' said a voice, which was not unknown to me, * and you lie snoring still. 1 1 Well, and what then ? We wanted to break open the old goldsmith's shop to-night, but he was on his guard, and we ought to have given him a few inches of cold steel, and then the blood would have flowed.' ' Ah, ha ! but you fear the guillotine too much. But that is not the way to go to work to get the money.' ' I would rather murder on the highway than break open shops ; the gendarmes are always at your heels.' * Well, then, you have got no booty ; and yet there were snuff- boxes, watches, and gold chains enough. The Jew will have no business to-day.' ' No ; the false key broke in the lock, the citizen cried for help, and we had to run for it ' * Holla !' said a third person ; * do not wag your tongues so fast ; there is a man in bed, who may be listening.' The advice was too late, but it silenced them, and I half-opened my eyes to see the faces of my companions ; but my bed being very low, I could not perceive them. I remained quiet, that they might suppose me asleep ; when one of the speakers having arisen, I recognised him as an escaped prisoner from Toulon, named Neveu, who had left some days before me. His comrade jumped out of bed, and him I knew to be Cadet-Paul, another fugitive ; a third and then a fourth arose, and I knew them all then to be galley-slaves. I almost fancied myself in my room, No. 3. At length I got up from my bed. and scarcely had I put my foot on the floor, when they all exclaimed, ' 'Tis Vidocq !' They surrounded and congra- tulated me. One of the robbers, Charles Deschamps, who had escaped a few days after me, told me that the whole Bagne were full of admiration at my boldness and success. Nine o'clock having AN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE POLICE. 159 struck, they conducted me to breakfast, where we joined the brothers Quinet, etc. They overwhelmed me with kindnesses, pro- cured me money, clothes, and even a mistress. I was here situated precisely as I had been at Nantes, but I was not more desirous of following the profession of my friends than I had been in Bretagne ; but until I had a remittance from my mother I must live somehow. I thought I might manage to support myself for a time without labour. I proposed most deter- minately only to receive subsistence from the robbers ; but man proposes and God disposes. The fugitives, discontented that I, under various pretexts, always avoided joining their daily plunder- ing parties, at once denounced me, to get rid of a troublesome witness, who might become dangerous. They imagined that I should escape, as a matter of course, and relied that, once known by the police, and having no refuge but with their band, I should then unite myself to their party. In this circumstance, as in all others of a similar kind, in which I have been found, if they were so desirous of my companionship, it was because they had a high opinion of my penetration, my adroitness, and particularly of my strength a valuable quality in a profession in which profit is too often attained by peril. Arrested at A dele Buffin's, in the passage Saint Come, I was taken to the prison of Roan ne, where I learnt from my examination that I had been sold. In the rage which discovery threw me into, I took a sudden step, which was in a measure my introduction to a career entirely new to me. I wrote to M. Dubois, commissary- general of the police, requesting a private interview, and the same evening I was conducted to his private closet. Having explained my situation to him, I offered to put him in the way of seizing the brothers Quinet, then pursued for having assassinated the wife of a mason. I proposed besides to point out the means of appre- hending all the persons lodging as well at the Jew's as at Caffiri the joiner's. In return, I only asked for liberty to quit Lyons. M. Dubois had doubtless been before the dupe of such proposals, and I saw that he hesitated to trust me. * You doubt my word,' said I to him : ' should you still suspect me if I should escape on my way back to prison, and return and surrender myself as your prisoner?' ' No,' he replied. ' Well, then, you shall soon see me again, provided that you consent not to give my guards any ad- ditional orders for my security.' He agreed, and I went away; but on arriving at the corner of the street, I knocked down the two tipstaffs, who had each an arm of mine, and regained the Hotel de Ville with all possible speed, where I found M. Dubois, who was greatly surprised at my prompt reappearance ; but, certain i6o MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. from that that he might rely on me, I was allowed to go a! liberty. The next day I saw the Jew, whose name was Vidal, who di- rected me to a house, where, he said, my friends had gone to live, and thither I went. They knew of my escape ; but as they had no idea of my understanding with the commissary-general of police, and did not think that I knew who had directed the blow which struck me, they gave me a very cordial reception. During the con- versation, I gathered details from the brothers Quinet, which I transmitted to M. Dubois the same evening, and who, convinced of my sincerity, reported my conduct to M. Ganier, secretary- general of the police. I gave this gentleman all necessary infor- mation, and must say that he acted on his part with much tact and activity. Two days before they commenced operations, as I had advised, on Vidal's house, I thought it expedient that I should be again arrested. I was again conducted to the prison of Roanne, where the next day Vidal, Caffin, and many others, whom they had caught in the same snare, were brought in. I was at first kept from communicating with them, because I had thought it best that I should be put * au secret.' When I was released from it, at the end of several days, to join the other prisoners, I pretended much surprise at finding all the party there ; none appeared to have the least idea of the part which I had played. Neveu alone regarded me with distrust ; and on my demanding the cause, he said, that by the way in which they had been pursued and inter- rogated, he could not help suspecting that I was the denouncer. 1 feigned much indignation, and fearing that this opinion might be disseminated, I assembled the prisoners, and informing them of Neveu's suspicions, I demanded if they thought me capable of selling my comrades, and on their answering in the negative, Neveu was compelled to apologize to me. It was important to me that these suspicions should be thus destroyed ; for I knew that certain death would be my doom if they had been confirmed. There had been many instances at Roanne of this retributive justice, which the prisoners exercised towards one another. One named Moissel, suspected of having given information relative to a robbery of church plate, had been knocked on the head in the court, without the assassin being detected. More recently, another individual, accused of a similar indiscretion, had been found one morning hung with a straw band at the bars of his window, and the perpetrator was never discovered. In the meantime M. Dubois sent for me to his closet, where, to avoid suspicion, the other prisjaors were conducted with me, as if POLICE SERVICE. 161 about to undergo an examination. I entered first, and the com- missary-general told me that many very expert robbers had arrived at Lyons from Paris, and the more dangerous, as, being supplied with regular credentials, they might wait in safety for the oppor- tunity of making some decided stroke, and then immediately go away. The names by which they were mentioned were then entirely new to me ; and I told M. Dubois so, adding that possibly they might be false. He wished to release me immediately, that by seeing these individuals in some public place I might assure myself whether I had ever seen them before : but I observed to him, that so abrupt a liberation would certainly compromise me with the prisoners, in case that the good of the service should require me again to be entered as prisoner on the gaoler's books. The reflection appeared just ; and it was agreed that they should devise a means of sending me away the next day without incurring suspicion. Neveu, who was amongst the prisoners, was also examined after me in the commissary's closet. After some minutes he came out in a rage, and I asked him what had happened. 1 What do you think ?' said he, ' the old covey wanted me to turn nose on the cracksmen who have just arrived. If they find no one to blow them but me, they are all right' * Why, I did not think you such a flat,' said I, the idea flash- ing on my mind that I might turn this to advantage ; * I have promised to blow the gang, and insure them a lodging in the stone jug.' 4 What ! you turned nose ? Besides, you are not fly to the gang.' c What matters that ? I shall get out of quod, and show them my heels, whilst you are still clinking the darbies.' Neveu appeared struck with the idea, and expressed much regret for having refused the offers of the commissary-general ; and as I could not get rid of him, I begged him to return to M. Dubois and recall his refusal. He agreed ; and as I had arranged, we were one evening conducted to the great theatre ; then to the Celestins, where Neveu pointed out to me all the men. We then retired, escorted by the police agents, who kept close upon us. For the success of my plan, and to avoid suspicion, it was expedient to make the attempt to escape, which would at least confirm the hope which I had given to my companion, and I told him of my intention. On passing Rue Merciere, we entered abruptly into a passage and closed the door ; and whilst the officers ran to the other end, we went out quietly by the way we had entered. When they returned, ashamed of their stupidity, we were already at a considerable distance, ii 1 62 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Two days afterwards, Neveu, who was no longer wanted, and could not suspect me, was again arrested. I, knowing then the robbers whom we wanted, pointed them out to the police-officers in a church, where they had one Sunday assembled, in the hope of making a good booty on the termination of the prayers. Being no longer useful to the authorities, I then quitted Lyons to go to Paris, where, thanks to M. Dubois, I was sure of arriving in safety. I set out on the Burgundy road by the diligence, which then only travelled by day. At Lucy-le-Bois, where I slept with the other travellers, I was forgotten ; and on waking, learnt that the vehicle had been gone two hours. I trusted to overtake it, in consequence of the ruggedness of the road, which is very steep in these districts ; but on reaching Saint Brice, I was convinced that it was too much in advance to allow of my overtaking it, and I accordingly slackened my pace. A person who was travelling in the same direction, seeing me in a great heat, looked attentively at me, and asked me if I had come from Lucy-le-Bois ; and on my replying in the affirmative, our conversation rested there. This man stopped at Saint Brice, whilst I pushed on to Auxerre. Spent with fatigue, I entered an inn, where, after having dined, I desired to be con- ducted to a bed. I slept for several hours, when I was awakened by a great noise at my door, at which some persons were knocking violently. I got up, half-dressed, and my eyes, heavy from sleep, gazed, as I opened the door, on tricoloured scarves, yellow trousers, and red facings. It was the commissary of police, attended by the quartermaster and gendarmes, a sight which I could not see without some emo- tion. ' See how pale he turns,' said one of them ; { it is he. 7 I raised my eyes, and recognised the man who had spoken to me at Saint Brice ; but nothing explained to me as yet the motive of this sudden invasion. ' Let us proceed methodically,' said the commissary ; * five feet five inches (French measure), that is right ; brown hair eyebrows, and beard, idem common forehead grey eyes prominent nose good- sized mouth round chin full face good colour toler- ably stout' ' It is he,' said the quartermaster, the two gendarmes, and the man of Saint Brice. ' Yes, it is indeed,' said the commissary in his turn. ' Blue sur- tout -trousers of grey casimere white waistcoat black cravat.' This was my dress, certainly. 1 Well, did I not tell you so ?' said the officious guide of the police, exulting at my capture : * he is one of the robbers 1' AGAIN A T ARRAS. 163 The description tallied exactly with mine. But I had stolen nothing ; and yet in my situation I could experience all the dis- quiets of having done so. Perhaps it was a mistake ; perhaps also .... The party were transported with joy. ' Peace !' said the commissary ; and, turning over the leaf, he continued, 'We shall easily recognise his Italian accent. He has, besides, the thumb of the right-hand injured by a shot.' I spoke, and showed my right- hand, which was in a perfectly sound state. All the party stared ; and particularly the man of Saint Brice, who appeared singularly disconcerted : as for me, I felt relieved of an enormous weight. The commissary, whom I questioned in my turn, told me, that on the preceding night a considerable robbery had been committed at Saint Brice. One of the suspected individuals wore clothes similar to mine, and there was a similarity of description. It was to this combination of circumstances, to this strange sport of fortune, that I was indebted for the disagreeable visit which I received. They made excuses, which I accepted with a good grace, very happy at getting off so well ; but yet, in the fear of some new catastrophe, I put myself the same evening into a packet-boat, which conveyed me to Paris, whence I started immediately for Arras. CHAPTER XV. Again at Arras Disguises Rouen My Arrest MANY reasons, which may be divined, did not allow of my pro- ceeding at once to my paternal abode ; and, alighting at the house of one of my aunts, I learnt the death of my father, which sad intelligence was soon confirmed by my mother, who received me with a tenderness widely contrasting with the treatment I had ex- perienced during the two years of my absence. She was extremely anxious to keep me with her ; but it was absolutely necessary that I should be constantly concealed, and I did not leave the house for three months. At the end of that time my confinement began to weary me, and I went out, sometimes under one disguise and sometimes under another. I thought I had not been recognised, when suddenly a report spread through the town that I was there, and the police began to search for me, making constant visits to my mother, without, however, discovering the place of my concealment. Secure in my retreat, out of which I thought it would be difficult to surprise me, I soon took fresh excursions. One day, on Shrove Tuesday, I even carried my daring to such an extent as to appear at a ball, in the midst of upwards of two hundred persons. I was dressed as a marquis ; and a female, with whom I had been on II 2 164 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. intimate terms, having recognised me, told another, who thought that she had a cause of complaint against me ; so that in less than a quarter of an hour everybody knew under what disguise Vidocq was concealed. The report reached the ears of two police sergeants, Delrue and Carpentier, who were on duty at the ball ; and the former, coming up to me, said in a low voice that he wished to speak with me in private : a refusal would have been dangerous, and I followed him into the court, where Delrue asked my name. I did not hesitate to give him a false one ; and proposed politely that he should untie my mask if he doubted me. ' I do not require that,' said he, ' but I shall not object to look at you.' ' Well then, untie my mask, which has got entangled with my hair.' Full of certainty, Delrue went behind me, and at that instant I upset him with a forcible motion of my body backwards, and with a blow of my fist I sent his satellite rolling beside him on the earth. With- out waiting until they arose, I fled with the utmost speed in the direction of the ramparts, relying on being able to climb over them, and get into the country : but scarcely had I run many paces, when I found myself in an alley which had been blocked up at one end since I had quitted Arras. Whilst I was thus wandering out of my way, a noise of iron heels announced that the two sergeants were at hand ; and I soon saw them approach me, sword in hand. I was unarmed ; and seizing the large house-key, as if it had been a pistol, I presented it at them, and compelled them to make way for me. ' Pass quietly, Francois,' said Carpentier, with a tremulous voice ; * do not play any nonsense with us.' I did not want to be told a second time, and in a few minutes reached my retreat. This adventure was noised about, and in spite of the efforts which the two sergeants made to conceal it, they were laughed at by everybody. What was most annoying to me was, that the autho- rities redoubled their vigilance, so that it was almost impossible for me to go out. I remained thus immured for two months, which to me seemed as many centuries. Being no longer able to endure it, I resolved on quitting Arras, and they made me up a pack of lace ; and one fine night, provided with a passport, which Blondel, one of my friends, had lent to me, I set out The de- scription did not answer ; but for want of a better, I was com- pelled to put up with that ; and, in fact, no objection was made to me on my route. I reached Paris. Whilst engaged in disposing of my com- modities, I made indirectly some steps towards finding out if it were not possible to obtain some reversal of my sentence. I . learnt that I must, in the first instance, give myself up as a AGAIN AT ARRAS. 165 prisoner, but I could never resolve on again mixing with the wretches whom I knew so well. It was not the confinement that I dreaded ; I would willingly have submitted to have been enclosed alone between four walls ; and what proves this is, that I then requested leave from the Minister to finish the term of my sen- tence in the madhouse at Arras ; but my application remained unanswered. My lace was sold, but with so little profit that I could not think of turning to this trade as a mode of life. A travelling clerk, who lived in the Rue Saint Martin, in the same hotel as I did, an^ to whom I partly stated my situation, proposed that I should enter the service of a seller of finery, who visited the fairs. I procured the situation, but only kept it for ten months, as we had some disagree- ments which determined me again to return to Arras. I was not long in returning to my nightly excursions. In the house of a young person to whom I paid some attentions, I frequently met the daughter of a gendarme, and endeavoured to learn from her all that was plotting against me. The girl did not know me ; but as in Arras I was the constant subject of conversation, it was not extraordinary to hear her speak of me, and frequently in singular terms. 'Oh,' said she to me one day, 'we shall soon catch that vagabond ; there is our lieutenant who wants him too much not to catch him soon ; I would bet that he would give a day's pay to get hold of him.' ' If I were your lieutenant, and wanted to take Vidocq,' replied I, 'I would contrive that he should not escape me.' ' You ! Oh yes, you and everybody ! He is always completely armed. You know they said that he fired twice at Delrue and Carpentier ; and this is not all, for he can change himself into a bundle of hay whenever he likes/ 'A bundle of hay !' cried I, surprised at the novel endowment assigned to me 'A bundle of hay ! How ?' ' Yes, sir ; my father pursued him one day, and at the moment he laid his hand upon his collar, he found that he only held a handful of hay. He did not only say it, but all the brigade saw the bundle of hay, which was burnt in the barrack yard.' I could not make out this history ; but learnt afterwards that the police-officers, not being able to lay hold of me, had given circulation to this tale amongst the credulous citizens of Arras. With the same motive they obligingly insinuated that I was the double of a certain loup-garou, whose wonderful appearances froze with fear the superstitious inhabitants of the country. For- tunately, these terrors were not shared by some pretty women, whom I had interested in my favour ; and if the demon of 166 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. jealousy had not suddenly seized on one of the number, the authorities would not perhaps have given themselves so much trouble about me. In her anger she was indiscreet ; and the police, who did not clearly know what had become of me, again learnt that 1 was certainly in Arras. One evening as, without mistrust and only armed with a stick, I was returning through the Rue d' Amiens, on crossing the bridge at the end of the Rue des Coquets, I was attacked by seven or eight individuals. They were constables disguised ; and seeing my garments, were already assured of their prize, when, freeing myself by a powerful jerk, I leapt the parapet, and threw myself into the river. It was in December ; the tide was high, the current rapid, and none of the policemen had any inclination to follow me : they thought, besides, that by waiting for me on the bank I should not escape them; but a sewer that I found enabled me to deceive them, and they were still waiting for me when I was at my mother's house. Every day I experienced fresh dangers, and every day the most pressing necessity suggested new expedients for my preservation. However, at length, according to my custom, I grew weary of a liberty which the compulsion of concealment rendered illusory. Some nuns of the Rue had for some time harboured me ; but I resolved on quitting their hospitable roof, and turned over in my mind the means of appearing in public without inconvenience. Some thousands of Austrian prisoners were then in the citadel, whence they went out to work with the citizens, or in the neighbour- ing villages, and the idea occurred to me, that the presence of these strangers might be useful to me. As I spoke German, I entered into conversation with one of them, and inspired him with suffi- cient confidence to confide to me his intention of escaping. This project was favourable to my views ; the prisoner was embarrassed with his Kaiserlik uniform, and I offered to exchange it for mine ; and for some money which I gave him to boot, he was glad to let me have his papers also. From this moment I was an Austrian, even in the eyes of the Austrians themselves, who, belonging to different corps, did not know all their body. Under this new disguise, I joined a young widow, who had a mercery establishment in the Rue de : she found that I had ability, and wished that I would instal myself at her house ; and we soon visited the fairs and markets together. It was evident that I could not aid her, unless I could understand the buyers, and I formed gibberish, half Teutonic, half French, which they understood wonderfully well, and which became so familiar to me, that I insensibly forgot that I knew any other language. Besides, the illusion was so complete, that after cohabiting together for four A NARROW ESCAPE. 167 months, the widow did not suspect any more than the rest of the world that the soi-disant Kaiserlik was one of the friends of hei childhood. However, she treated me so well, that it was impos- sible to deceive her any longer : and one day I told her who I really was, and never was woman more astonished. But, far from its injuring me in her estimation, the confidence in some sort only made our intimacy the closer; so much are women generally smitten by anything that bears the appearance of mystery or ad- venture ! And then, are they not always delighted with the ac- quaintance of a wicked fellow ? Who, better than myself, can know how often they are the providence of fugitive galley-slaves and condemned prisoners ? Eleven months glided away, and nothing occurred to disturb my repose. The frequency of my being in the streets, my constant meetings with the police-officers, who had not evea paid attention to me, all seemed to augur the duration of this tranquillity, wken, one day as we were sitting down to dinner in the back shop, the faces of three gendarmes were visible through a glass door. I was just helping the soup ; the spoon fell from my hands : but recover- ing soon from the stupor into which this unlooked-for visit had thrown me, I darted towards the door, which I bolted, and then jumping out of the window, I got into a loft, whence I gained the roof of the next house, and running down the staircase which led into the street, I found, on reaching the door, two gendarmes. Fortunately they were but novices, who did not know me : ' Go up/ said I to them, * the brigadier has got him, but he resists ; go up, and lend your aid, whilst I run for the guard' The two gen- darmes ascended quickly, and I made off. It was plain that I had been sold to the police. My friend was incapable of such a black deed, but she had, without doubt, been guilty of some indiscretion. Now that the cry was raised against me, ought I to tarty longer at Arras ? It would be in vain to say that I would always remain in my place of concealment ; I could not reconcile myself to a life so wretched, and I determined on quitting the city. My little lady mercer insisted on accompanying me ; she had means of conveyance ; her commodities were soon packed, and we set out together, and the police were informed last of the disappearance of a female, whose measures they ought not to have been in ignorance of. According to some old notions, they imagined that we should go towards Belgium, as if Belgium had still been the country of refuge ; and whilst they were pursuing us in the direction of the old frontier, we were quietly progressing towards Normandy, by cross roads, which my companion had ob- tained a knowledge of in her mercantile journeys. 168 MEMOIRS OP VIDOC& It was at Rouen that we had made up our minds to fix our abode. Arrived in this city, I had with me the passport of Blondel, which I had procured at Arras : the description which it gave was so different from mine, that it was indispensably necessary to make myself a little more like it. To achieve this it was necessary to deceive the police, now become the more vigilant and inquisitive, as the communications of the emigrants in England were made through the Normandy coast. Thus did I contrive it. I went to the townhall, where I had my passport vise for Havre. A visa was obtained without difficulty ; it was sufficient that the passport was not entirely con- tradictory, and mine was not so. The formality gone through, I departed, and two minutes afterwards I entered the office, and asked if any person had found a pocket- book. No one could give me any tidings of it, and then I was in despair ; pressing bufiness called me to Havre, and I wanted to start that very evening, but what was to be done without a passport ? ' It is only that ?' said a clerk. ' With the register of the visa you can get a duplicate passport' This was what I needed; the name Blondel was kept, but this time, at least, my description was correctly given. To complete the effect of my stratagem, not only did I set out for Havre, but I advertised my pocket-book by little bills stuck about, although it had only passed from my hands to that of my companion. By means of this little bit of good management my reinstatement was complete ; and, provided with fitting credentials, I had only to lead an honest life, and I actually began to think of it ; and took, in Rue Mortainville, a repository for mercery and bonnets, in which we did so well, that my mother, whom I had informed secretly of my success, determined on coming to join us. For a year I was really happy ; my business increased, my connections extended, my credit was established, and more* than one banking- house in Rouen may perhaps remember when the signature of Blondel was well respected in the place. At length, after so many storms, I thought I had reached port ; when an incident, which I had never contemplated, involved me in a fresh series of vicissitudes. The lady mercer with whom I lived, this woman who had given me the strongest proofs of devotion and love, began to burn with other fires than those which I had kindled in her heart. I was desirous of persuading myself that she was not unfaithful, but the fault was so flagrant that the offender had not even the resource of those well-supported denials which enable the convenient husband to persuade himself that he is not wronged. At another time, I would not have submitted to such an affront without AGAIN A PRISONER. 169 putting myself into a transport of rage, but how time had changed me ! Witness of my misfortune, I coldly signified my determina- tion to separate ; prayers, supplications, nothing could bend me ; I was immutable. I might have pardoned her, it is true, if only out of gratitude : but who would convince me that she who had befriended me would break off with my rival ? And might I not have cause to fear, that in a moment of tenderness she would com- promise my safety by some disclosure ? We then divided our stock of goods, and my companion quitting me, I never heard of her after. Disgusted with my residence at Rouen, through this adventure, I took to my old trade of travelling merchant ; my journeys com- prised the circuit of Nantes, St Germain, and Versailles, where, in a short time, I formed an excellent connection ; my profits became sufficiently considerable to allow of my renting at Versailles a ware- house, with a small apartment, which my mother inhabited during my journeys. My conduct was then free from any stigma ; I was generally esteemed in the circle which I had formed ; and again I hoped that I had overcome the fatality which so often cast me into the path of dishonour, whence all my efforts were now used to free myself, when, denounced by an early friend, who thus re- venged himself for some disagreement we had once had together, I was arrested on my return from the fair of Nantes. Although I obstinately asserted that I was not Vidocq, but Blondel, as my passport proved, I was sent to St. Denis, whence I was to be sent to Douai. By the extraordinary care taken to prevent my escape, I perceived that I was recommended ; and a glance which I threw over the book of the gendarmerie revealed to me a precaution of a very particular nature. I was thus designated 'SPECIAL SURVEILLANCE. ' VIDOCQ (Eugene Fran9ois), condemned to death for nonappearance. This man is exceedingly enterprising and dangerous.' Thus, to keep the vigilance of my guards on the alert, I was described as a great criminal. I set out to St. Denis in a car, pinioned, so that I could not move, and to Louvres the escort never took eyes off me. These arrangements announced the rigours in store for me, and I roused all the energy that had already so often procured me my liberty. We had been put into the clock-house of Louvres, now trans- formed into a prison, where they brought us two mattresses, a counterpane, and sheets, which, cut and fastened together, would help us to descend into the churchyard. A bar was cut with the knives of three deserters confined with us, and at two o'clock in 170 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. the morning I made the first attempt, and having reached the ex- tremity of the rope, I perceived that it was nearly fifteen feet from the ground ; hesitation availed nought, and I let go, but, as in my fall at the ramparts of Lille, I sprained my left leg so severely that I could scarcely walk ; however, I attempted to climb the walls of the churchyard, when I heard the key turn quietly in the lock. It \vas the gaoler and his dog, who had noses alike for following a scent : the gaoler, at first, passed beneath the cord without seeing it ; and the mastiff near a ditch in which I lay, without smelling me. Having gone the round, they retired, and I thought that my companions would follow my example ; but no one appearing, I climbed the wall and got into the plain. The pain of my foot became more and more acute, but I bore the pain, and courage giving me strength, I made considerable progress. I had nearly advanced a quarter of a league, when I suddenly heard the sound of the tocsin. It was in the middle of May. At the earliest dawn, I saw several armed peasants go out of their dwellings and spread themselves over the plains. They were probably ignorant of what was the cause of disturbance, but my sore leg was a token that might make me suspected. My face was unknown : in all proba- bility, the first persons who met me would secure my person. Had I been in full possession of my limbs, I could have distanced all pursuit ; I must yield at present ; and scarcely had I proceeded two hundred paces when I was overtaken by the gendarmes, who were scouring the country in all directions, and who seized and conveyed me back to the cursed clock-house. The unpropitious result of this attempt did not discourage me. At Bapaume we were placed in the citadel, an old police station, guarded by a detachment of conscripts of the $oth regiment of the line ; one sentinel only was placed over us, and he was under the window, and near enough for me to enter into conversation with him, which I did. The soldier, to whom I addressed myself, ap- peared a good fellow enough, and I thought I could easily bribe him. I offered him fifty francs to let us escape whilst he was on guard. He refused at first ; but by the tone of his voice, and by a certain twinkling of his eyes, I thought I saw his impatience to get such a sum only that he was afraid of consequences. To en- courage him, I increased the dose, and showed him three louis, when he said he would aid us ; at the same time adding, that his round would be from midnight till two o'clock. Having made our arrangements, I commenced operations ; the wall was pierced so as to allow us a free egress, and we only waited until the oppor- tunity should arrive. At length midnight struck ; the soldier immediately announced to me that he was there, and I gave him ANOTHER ESCAPE. 171 the three louis, and then made the necessary dispositions. When all was ready, I called out. ' Is it time ?' I said to the sentinel. * Yes, make haste,' he answered, after a trifling hesitation. I thought it singular that he did not answer instantly, and imagining that his conduct was somewhat dubious, I listened. He seemed to be marching ; and, by the moonlight, I also perceived the shadow of several men in the ditch, and had no longer any doubt but that we were betrayed. However, as I might have been mistaken, to make quite sure, I took some straw, which I stuffed into some clothes, and put it at the aperture which we had made ; and at the same instant, a sabre blow that would have cleft an anvil informed me that 1 had well escaped, and confirmed me more and more in the opinion that we must not always trust to conscripts. The prison was soon filled with gendarmes, who drew up a statement of facts ; they examined us, wishing very much to know all, and I declared that I had given the conscript three louis, which he flatly denied ; he was examined, and on their being found in his shoes, he was put in the black-hole. As for us, we were threatened most menacingly ; but as they could not punish us, they contented themselves with doubling the guard. There was now no method of escape, without one of those opportunities for which I watched incessantly, and which presented itself earlier than I expected. The next day was the day of our departure, and we had descended into the barrack-yard 'lich was all in great confusion from the arrival of a fresh number of prisoners and a detachment of conscripts from Ardennes, who were going to the camp at Boulogne. The adjutants were squabbling with the gendarmes about room for forming three divisions, and making the muster-call. While each were counting their men, I glided cautiously in at the tail of a baggage-waggon just leaving the court, and thus passed through the city, motionless, and in as small a compass as possible, to elude detection. Once beyond the ramparts, I had only to steal away ; and I seized the opportunity whilst the waggoner, thirsty, as these people always are, had gone into an ale- house to refresh himself; and whilst his horses awaited him on the road, I lightened his conveyance of a load of which he was not aware. I slept in a field of maize, and when night arrived, directed my steps eastward. CHAPTER XVI. Camp of Boulogne Recruiters of the ancien regime M. Belle-Rose. I TRAVELLED through Picardy towards Boulogne. At this period, Napoleon had abandoned his intention of a descent on England, and was about to make war against Austria with his vast army, but 172 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. had left many battalions on the shores of the British Channel. There were in the two camps, that on the left and that on the right, depots of almost every corps, and soldiers of every nation in Europe. The uniforms were various, and this variety might be useful in concealing me; but I thought that it would be bad policy to disguise myself by only borrowing a military garb. I thought for a moment of becoming actually a soldier, but then to enter a regiment it would have been necessary to have certain papers, which I had not. I then gave up the intention, and yet my abode at Boulogne was dangerous, until I should decide on something. One day that I was more embarrassed and more unquiet than usual, I met on the walks a sergeant of marine artillery, whom I had met at Paris, and who was, as well as myself, a native of Arras ; but having embarked when very young in a ship of war, he had passed the greater portion of his life in the colonies, and on his return to his native country had learnt nothing of my doings. He only looked on me as a ban vivant ; and a public-house row, in which I energetically espoused his cause, had given him a high opinion of my courage. 4 What, is it you ?' said he, ' Roger Bontemps ; and what are you doing at Boulogne ?' ' What am I doing ? why, seeking employ- ment in the train of the army.' 'Oh, you want employment; do you know that it is devilish difficult to get a berth now ? But, if you will listen to my advice though this is not the place for such conversation ; let us go to Galand's.' We then went to a sort of sutler's booth, which was modestly stationed in one of the angles of the street. * Ah ! good day, Parisian,' said the sergeant to the host. * Good day, Father Dufailli. What will you have this morning ? a dram ? mixed or plain ?' ' Five-and-twenty gods, Papa Garland, do .you take us for black- guards ? It is the best pullet and super-excellent wine that we want, do you hear ?' Then addressing me ' Is it not true, old boy, that the friends of our friends are our friends ? That you must agree to ;' and, taking my hand, he led me into a small room, where M. Galand admitted his favourite customers. I was very hungry, and saw with lively satisfaction the pre- parations for a repast, of which I was to partake. A waiting-maid, from twenty-five to thirty years, well made, and with a face and good humour which such girls have, who can constitute the felicity of a whole regiment, brought in the dishes. She was a native of Liege ; lively, agreeable, chattering her patois, and uttering every moment such low witticisms as excited greatly the mirth of the sergeant, who was delighted with her. 'She is the sister-in-law of our DUFAILLI. 173 host/ said he to me ; c what cat-heads she has ! she is as plump as a ball, and as round as a buoy a dainty lass, upon my faith.' At the same time Dufailli, pulling her about, began to play all kinds of naval tricks ; sometimes drawing her on his knees, sometimes applying to her shining cheeks one of those hearty smacks which bespeak more love than discretion. I confess I was annoyed at this coquetry, which delayed our meal, when Mademoiselle Jeannette (so was the nymph called) having abruptly broken from the arms of my Amphitryon, re- turned with part of a devilled turkey and two bottles, which she placed before us. 1 Well done,' said the sergeant ; ' here is wherewithal to moisten our food, and increase the juices. I shall play my part. After that we shall see ; for here, my boy, it is all as I wish. I have only to make a signal Is it not so, Jeannette ? Yes, my com- rade,' continued he, ' I am master here.' I congratulated him on so much good fortune, and we began to eat and drink with might and main. It was long since I had been at such a festival, and I played my part manfully. Abundance of bottles were emptied ; and we were about, I believe, to uncork the seventh, when the sergeant went out, and soon returned, bringing with him two new guests, a forager and a sergeant-major. ' Five-and-twenty gods ! I like good fellowship,' cried Dufailli. 1 By Jove, I have made two recruits. I know how to go recruiting , ask these gentlemen.' ' Oh yes,' said the forager, c he is the cock, Father Dufailli, to invent plots to seduce conscripts , when I think of them I remem- ber my own adventure.' 'Ah, you still remember that !' 'Yes, yes, my old lad, I remember it, and the major also, when you were deep enough to enlist him as secretary to the regiment.' ' Well ! has he not done well ? A thousand thunders ! is it not better to be the first accountable man in an artillery company than sit scratching away on paper in a study ? What say you, forager ?' ' I agree with you ; but ' ' But, but, you will tell me perhaps, you, that you were happier when, with your old dog of a master, you were obliged to lay hold of the watering-pot, and make yourself dripping wet with throwing frogs' spawn over your tulips. We were going to embark at Brest on board L Invincible, and you would only go out as a flower gardener. " Well then," said I, "go as flower gardener ; the captain likes flowers ; every man to his taste, but also every man to his trade ; " and I carried on mine. 1 think I see you now ; you were rather disappointed when, instead of employing yourself in cultivating marine plants, as you expected, you were sent to man the shrouds of a thirty-six : and when you 174 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. were ordered to fire a bomb-shell, that was a nosegay for you ! But no more of that ; and let us drink a measure of wine. Come, lads, here's to our comrades.' I filled all the glasses, and the sergeant continued ' You see that I am not wanted now, therefore, let us make of all of us but a pair of friends. This is easily done ; I have caught these nicely in my snare, but that is nothing ; we recruiters of the marines are but fools to the recruiters of earlier days : you are still but green- horns. Ah, you never knew Belle-Rose : he was the lad for taking in the knowing ones ! Such as I am, I was not a thorough noodle, and yet he twisted me completely round his finger. I think I have already told you the tale ; but at all events I will give it you again for the general good. ' Under the ancient regime, do you see, we had colonies, the Isle of France, Bourbon, Martinique, etc. ; now they are ours no longer ; we have only the Isle of Oleron left ; it is little more than nothing ; or, as somebody said, it is a foot of earth whilst we wait for the rest. The descent would have restored us all the others ; but bah, the descent we must no longer think of that, that is settled ; the flotilla will rot in thd port, and they will make firewood of the hulls. But I am getting out of my latitude, steering seaward, instead of landward ; now then for Belle-Rose ! ' As I told you, he was a spark who had cut his wisdom teeth, and in his time young fellows were not of the same kidney with those of the present day. ' I had left Arras at fourteen, and been at Paris for six months, apprentice to a gunsmith, when, one morning, my master desired me to carry to the colonel of the carabineers, who lived in the Place Royale, a pair of pistols which he been repairing. I soon performed this commission, and unfortunately these cursed pistols should return eighteen francs to the shop, and the colonel counted out the money, adding a trifle for myself. So far, so good ; but, lo and behold ! in crossing a street I heard somebody knock at a window ; I raised my eyes, supposing that I should see some acquaintance, when what should I see but a Madame de Pompa- dour who, with all her charms displayed, was tapping at a window, and who, by an inclination of her head, accompanied with a charming smile, invited me to go up to her. She might have been called a picture moving in its frame. A magnificent neck, a skin white as snow, a wide chest, and, above all, a delightful counte- nance, combined to inflame me. I went up stairs four at a time, and on introducing myself to my princess, I found her a divinity. "Approach, my little one," said she to me, tapping my cheek lightly; M you are going to make me a little present, are you not ?" DUFAILLL 175 ' I put my trembling hand into my pocket, and taking out the piece of money given to me by the colonel " Well, my child," continued she, " I think you are a Picardy lad, and I am your countrywoman. Oh, you wish to treat your townswoman to a glass of wine." 'The request was urgpd so sweetly, that I had no power of denial left, and the eighteen francs of the colonel were trenched upon. One glass produced another, that generated a third, which begot a fourth, and so on, until I was drunk with wine and delight. Night arrived, and I know not how, but I awoke in the street on a heap of stones at the gate of an hotel. ' My surprise was great on looking about me, and still more when, on looking in my purse, the birds were flown. * How could I return to my master's ? Where sleep ? I de- termined to walk about till daybreak ; I had only to kill time, or rather torment myself about the consequences of a first fault. I turned mechanically towards the Market of the Innocents. "Mind how you trust your countrywomen," said I to myself; " I am nicely fleeced ! If I had only some money left " 1 1 confess that at this moment some droll ideas crossed my brain. I had often seen pasted upon the walls of Paris, " Pocket- book Lost," with one thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand francs reward for the person who would bring it back. I thought I might find one of these, and looking carefully about me on the pavement, and walking like a man who is looking for some- thing, I was seriously intent on the probability of finding so good a windfall, when I was aroused from my reverie by a blow of a fist, which encountered my back. " What, my boy, you out so early this morning ?" " Ah, is it you, Fanfan ; and by what chance in this quarter at this hour ?" 1 Fanfan was a pastry-cook's apprentice, whom I knew, and in a moment he told me that he had left the oven for the last six weeks ; that he had a mistress who fitted him out ; and that for a short time he was from home, because the intimate friend of his mistress had chosen to sleep with her. " As for the rest," said he, " I wink at it. If I pass a night at the Sourciere, I return to my haunt next morning, and recover myself during the day." Fanfan, the pastry- cook, appeared to me a keen fellow ; and thinking that he might devise some plan to extricate me from my embarrassment, I told him the whole of it ' " Is that all ?" said he. " Come to me at mid-day at the public-house at the Barriere des Sergents, and I may give you some useful counsel : under any circumstances we'll dine together," 1 76 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. c I was punctual at the rendezvous, and Fanfan did not keep me waiting ; he was there before me, and on my entrance, I was led into a small room, where I found him seated before a tub of oysters, with a female on each side of him, one of whom, on per- ceiving me, burst out into a loud fit of laughter. " Ah, what is that for ?" said Fanfan. " Oh, heaven, it is my townsman." " It is my townswoman," said I, confused. "Yes, my little one, it is your townswoman." I was going to complain of the trick she had served me on the previous evening, but embracing Fanfan, whom she called her/^/, she laughed more heartily than before, and I saw that the best thing I could do was to join in the laugh like a jolly fellow. ' " Well," said Fanfan, pouring out a glass of white wine, and helping me to a dozen oysters, " you see, you must never despair of Providence. We have some pigs' feet on the gridiron ; do you like pigs' feet ?" And before I could answer his question, they were put on the table. The appetite I displayed was so much in the affirmative, that Fanfan had no farther occasion to ask my opinion of them. The chablis soon put me in spirits, and I forgot the disagreeables which had given me such cause of dreading my master ; and, as the companion of my townswoman had cast a gracious eye on me, I did not hesitate to make desperate love to her. By the honour of Dufailli ! she was soon won, and gave me her hand. ' " You really love me then ?" said Fanchette so was my damsel named. "Love you?" said I; "why, if you like, we will be married" "That is right," said Fanfan, "marry; and to com- mence, I will wed you at once. I marry you, my boy ; do you understand ? so embrace ;" and at the same time, he united our hands and drew our faces towards each other, " Poor child," said Fanchette, giving me a second kiss without the aid of my friend, " be easy ; I will instruct you." ' I was in paradise, and spent a delightful day. In the evening I went to bed with Fanchette, and we were mutually pleased with each other. My education was soon perfected. Fanchette was delighted at having met with a pupil who profited so well from her instructions, and recompensed me generously. ' At this period the Notables had just assembled, and they were good pigeons. Fanchette plucked them, and we shared the spoil. Each day we banqueted without limit. These Notables supplied our throats as well as exerting their own ! And I had always a well-supplied purse. ' P'anchette and I denied ourselves nothing ; but how brief are the moments of happiness ! Oh, how brief | DUFAJLLT. 177 ' Scarcely had a month of this charming life elapsed, when Fanchette and my townswoman were apprehended and taken to prison. What had they done ? I do not know, but evil tongues said something about the abstraction of a repeating-watch. I, who had no particular wish to make acquaintance with the lieutenant- general of police, thought it best to make as few inquiries as possible. ' This arrest was a blow which we had not looked for. Fanfan and I were overwhelmed at it. Fanchette was such a dear girl ! and then how was I to carry on the war ? My kettle was upset ; farewell oysters, farewell chablis, farewell hours of love ! I should have stuck to my anvil ; and Fanfan reproached himself for having quitted his patty-pans. ' We were walking sorrowfully on the Quai de la Ferraille, when we were suddenly aroused by a sound of military music, two clarionets, a large drum, and cymbals. The crowd had gathered round this band, stationed in a car, above which floated colours and plumes. I think they were playing the air, " Where can we find joys equal to those at home?" When the musicians had finished, the drums beat a roll, and a gentleman, covered with gold lace, got up and spoke, showing a large representation of a soldier in full uniform. " By the authority of his majesty," said he, " I am here to explain to the subjects of the King of France the advantages which he offers in admitting them to his colonies. Young men who are round me, you must have heard of the land of Cocagne, and it is to India that we must go to find this fortunate country. There we must go if we would live in clover. ' " Would you have gold, pearls, or diamonds ? The roads are paved with them ; you have only to stoop and pick them up, and not even that, for the savages will collect them for you. 4 " Do you love women ? There they are for all tastes ; negresses, who belong to all the world ; then Creoles, white as you or I, and who dote to madness on white men, which is natural enough in a country where the men are all black ; and note particularly that everyone of them is as rich as Croesus ; which, between ourselves, is very advantageous in marriage. ' " Do you love wine ? It is like the women, of all sorts ; malaga, bordeaux, champagne, etc. For instance, you must not often expect to meet with burgundy I will not deceive you, it will not bear sea carriage : but ask for any other that is made throughout the world, at sixpence a bottle, and believe me, you will find them but too happy to procure it for you. Yes, gentlemen, for sixpence ; and that cannot surprise you, when you learn that sometimes one, two, or three hundred ships, loaded with wines, arrive at the same 12 178 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. time in one single harbour. Picture to yourself the embarrassment of the captains ; in haste to return, they quickly unload, and an- nounce that they shall esteem it a favour from any who will empty the casks gratis. ' " That is not all. Do not you think it would be a sweet life always to have sugar in plenty ; I have not mentioned coffee, lemons, pomegranates, oranges, pine-apples, and the millions of delicious fruits which grow here as wild as they did in Paradise ; and the liqueurs, which are much esteemed. * " If I were addressing women or children, I might expatiate on all these delicacies, but I am speaking to men. ' " Sons of family, I am not ignorant of the efforts usually made by parents to restrain young people from the path which must lead to fortune ; but be more rational than the papas, and par- ticularly the mammas. * '* Do not listen to them, when they tell you that the savages eat the Europeans with only a little salt : that was all very well in the days of Christopher Columbus and Robinson Crusoe. 4 " Do not listen to them, when they endeavour to terrify you about the yellow fever. The yellow fever ? Gentleman, if it were as terrible as people say, there would be nothing but hospitals in the country, and God knows that there is not a single one. ' " Doubtless they will frighten you about the climate. I am too frank not to confess it ; the climate is warm, but nature is so pro- digal in giving refreshments, that, in truth, we must attend to the thing, or we should not perceive it. ' " They will alarm you about the sting of the mosquitoes, and the bite of rattle-snakes. But have you not slaves always about you expressly to drive away the former, and does not the noise of the latier sufficiently inform you of its approach ? * " They will talk to you of shipwrecks. Know that I have crossed the sea fifty-seven times ; that I have again and again crossed the line ; that I look on going from one pole to the other like drinking a glass of water ; and although on the ocean there are neither wooden sledges nor nurses, I think myself more secure on board a seventy four, than in the inside of the coach toAuxerre, or on the conveyance from Paris to St. Cloud. That must be enough to dissipate all fears. I might add a variety of delights ; I might talk of the chase, sporting, fishing ; imagine to yourself forests, where the game is so tame that it never thinks of running away, and so timid that if you only call to it, it falls down ; imagine rivers and lakes, where fish are so abundant that they choke the waters. This is all very wonderful, but perfectly true. ' " J had nearly forgotten to talk to you of horses. Horses M. BELJ.E-ROSE. 179 gentlemen ! you cannot take a step without meeting with thousands of them ; you might call them flocks of sheep, only that they are larger ; are you fond of them ? do you like riding ? Only take a rope in your pocket, which should be rather long, and you must make a running knot in it: you seize the moment when the animals are grazing, and afraid of nothing ; you then approach quietly, and make your choice ; and when your choice is made, you throw the cord, the horse is yours, you have only to back him and lead him where you please and think proper ; for, remember, that here every man is uncontrolled in his actions. ' " Yes, gentlemen, I repeat it, it is all true, very true ; the proof is, that the King of France, his majesty Louis XVL, who can almost hear me in his palace, authorizes me on his part to offer you these advantages. Should I dare to lie so near to him ? ' " The king desires to clothe you, the king wishes to support you, he wishes to make you rich men ; in return, he asks but little from you ; no labour, and good pay; good nourishment ; to rise up and lie down at pleasure ; exercise once a month, at the parade of St. Louis ; this, for I will conceal nothing, cannot be dispensed with, unless you get leave, which is never refused These obliga- tions done, your time is your own. What more can you desire ? A good engagement ? You shall have it : but hasten, I advise you ; to-morrow will perhaps be too late : the ships are about to start, and only wait for a fair wind to set sail. Hasten, then, near to Paris ; hasten. If, perchance, you should grow tired of doing well, you shall have dismissal when you please ; a barque is always in port, ready to conduct to Europe those who are home-sick ; it is ex- pressly used for that purpose. Let those who desire to have farther particulars come to me ; I have no occasion to tell my name ; I am very well known ; my residence is only a few paces distant, at the first lamp, at the house of a wine-merchant. Ask for M. Belle-Rose." * My situation made me attentive to this harangue, which I have remembered, although it is twenty years since I heard it, and I do not think that I forget a single word. ' It made no less impression on Fanfan, and we were consulting together, when a shabby-looking fellow, whom we had not at all offended, gave Fanfan a blow, which knocked his hat off. " I will teach you," said he, "you puppy, to grin at me." Fanfan was be- wildered by the blow, and I defended him, when the blackguard raised his hand against me ; we were soon surrounded, and the quarrel was growing warm, and the people flocked round, trying who should see most of it. Suddenly, some one separated the crowd \ it was M. Belle-Rose. '* What is all this ?'' said he ; and /So MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. looking at Fanfan, who was crying, " I think this gentleman has been struck that cannot be put up with ; but the gentleman is brave, and that will settle the business." Fanfan was desirous of showing that he had done nothing wrong, and then that he had not been struck. " It is all the same, my friend," replied Belle- Rose ; " it cannot be settled that way." " Certainly," said the bully, " it cannot be decided in this way. The gentleman insulted me, and shall give me satisfaction ; one of us must fall." ' " Well, well, be it so ; he will give you satisfaction," replied Belle-Rose : " I will answer for these gentlemen ; what is your hour ?" " Yours." " Five in the morning, behind the bishop's palace I will bring weapons." ' Upon this the blackguard retired ; and Belle-Rose, striking Fanfan on the stomach, heard some pieces chink in the waistcoat pocket, where he carried his money, the last relics of our former splendour. " Really, my lad, I take an interest in you," said he ; "you must come with me; our friend here must go with us:" and so saying, he gave me a poke similar to that he had bestowed on Fanfan. ' M. Belle- Rose conducted us into the Rue de la Juiverie, to a wine-merchant's, where he made us enter. " I will not enter with you," said he to us ; "a man like me must preserve decorum : I am going to pull off my uniform, and will join you in a minute. Ask for a red seal and three glasses." He left us. " A red seal," said he, turning round : " mind the red seal." * We executed the orders of M. Belle-Rose, who was not long in returning, and whom we received cap in-hand. " Ah ! my boys," said he, "put on your hats; no ceremonies between us; I am going to sit down : where is my glass ? the first come, the first served." (He drank it down at a gulp.) "I am devilish thirsty, and the dust sticks in my throat." ' M. Belle-Rose poured out a second whilst he spoke, and then, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief, he leant his two elbows on the table, and assumed a mysterious air, which began to dis- quiet us. ' " Ah, my young friends ! it is to-morrow that we are to have the brush. Do you know," said he to Fanfan, "that you have a devil to meet? one of the best fencers in France: he pinked St. George." " He pinked St. George," replied Fanfan, looking most piteously at me. " Ah ! indeed, he pinked St. George ; but that is not all he has a most unlucky hand." " And so have I," said Fanfan. "What, you too ?" " By Jove, I think a day never passed, when I was at my master's, that I did not break something, if only a plate or two." "Oh, you misunderstand me," said Belle-Rose ; " we say that a man has an. unlucky hand, when he always kills the man whom he fights." M. BELLE-ROSE. 181 * The explanation was but too clear. Fanfan trembled in every limb, the sweat ran down his forehead in large drops, white and blue clouds pervaded the red cheeks of the pastry-cook's apprentice, his face lengthened, his heart beat, and he would have suffocated, had he not heaved an enormous sigh. ' " Bravo!'' cried Belle- Rose, taking his hand in his own, "I like men who have no fear. You are not afraid." Then, striking the table, " Waiter, another bottle of the same ; mind you, my friend here pays. Get up a little, my friend ; move yourself stir about stretch out your arm circulate your blood thrust out : that's it splendid ! admirable! superb!" And during this time Belle- Rose emptied his glass. "On the honour of Belle-Rose I could make a fencer of you. Do you know, you have an excellent idea of it. You would do well at it ; there are more than four of our masters not so well made for it as you. What a pity you were never taught ; but nothing is impossible; you have frequented the schools?" "Oh, I swear not," replied Fanfan. "Come, confess that you fight well." "No, not at all." "No modesty; why conceal your talent that way? I can easily perceive it." " I protest to you," said I, "that he never handled a foil in his life." "Since you attest it, sir, I must believe ; but, ah ! you are two deep fellows ; you must not teach old apes how to grin ; tell me the truth, and do not fear that I would betray you : am not I your friend ? If you have no confidence in me, I may as well go. Fare- well, gentlemen," continued Belle-Rose, with a provoked air, going towards the door, as if about to depart. ' " Oh, M. Belle-Rose, do not forsake us," cried Fanfan. "Rather ask my friend if I have deceived you. I am a pastry-cook by trade, and I cannot help my fate. I have handled the rolling-pin, but " ' " I saw you had handled something," said Belle-Rose. " I like sincerity such sincerity as yours ; it is the chief of military virtues; with that we may go to any extent. I am sure you would make an admirable soldier. But that is not our present business. Waiter, a bottle of wine. Since you tell me you never did fight, I will believe nothing again." (After a moment's silence.) " Never mind, my delight is to confer happiness on young people. I will teach you a thrust a single thrust. " (Fanfan stared.) "You must promise me not to show it to anybody." "I swear it," said Fanfan. " Well, you will be the first to whom I ever showed it. I must love you ! It is a thrust unequalled ; one which I kept only to myself. Never mind, I will initiate you at daylight to- ir.orrow." 4 From this moment Fanfan appeared less alarmed, and over- !2 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. powered M. Belle-Rose with thanks. We drank a few more glasses, during a multitude of protestations on one side and grati- tude on the other ; and then, as it was growing late, M. Belle- Rose took leave of us like a man who knew the world. Before he left us, he showed us a place where we could sleep. " Say that you come from me," said he, " at Griffon's, in the Rue de la Mor- tellerie ; sleep in peace, and you shall find all go well." Fanfan paid the bill, and then Belle-Rose said, " Good-night, to-morrow I shall come and wake you." ' We went to Griffon's, where we procured beds. Fanfan could not close an eye, and was perhaps impatient to learn the thrust which M. Belle-Rose had promised to teach him ; or he might be frightened ; perhaps he was. * At the first peep of day the key turned in the lock, and some one entered. It was Belle-Rose. "Come, boys; what still asleep! Hear the muster-call, my lads," cried he. In a moment we jumped up. When we were ready, he went out a moment with Fanfan, and they soon afterwards returned. " Let us go out," said Belle- Rose : " mind, no nonsense ; you have nothing to do but to give the twisting thrust, and he will pink himself." * In spite of his lesson, Fanfan was not quite tranquil ; and having reached the ground, he was more dead than alive. The adversary and his second had arrived already. " Here we are," said Belle- Rose, taking the foils which he had given to me ; and breaking off the buttons, he measured the blades. " Neither of them is six inches longer than the other. Come take this," said he to M. Fanfan, giving him one of the foils. ' Fanfan hesitated ; and on the second offer, seized the handle so clumsily that he let it fall. "That is nothing," said Belle-Rose, picking it up and putting it in Fanfan's hand : he then placed him opposite his adversary. " Mind, guard ! We shall see who will tickle his man." ' " One moment," said the second of the opponent ; " I have a question to ask first, sir," said he, addressing Fanfan, who could scarcely support himself; "are you either master or provost?' " What do you say ?" replied Fanfan, with the voice of a man half- dead. " According to the laws of duelling," responded the second, " my duty compels me to summon you to declare on your honour, are you master or provost ?" Fanfan was silent, and looked at Belle-Rose, as if to ask him what he should say. " Speak, sir," said the second to Fanfan. " I am I am I am only an ap- prentice," stammered Fanfan. " Apprentice means amateur," added Belle-Rose. "In this case," continued the second, "the gentle- man amateur must undress ; for our business is with his skin." M. BELLE-ROSE. 183 " That is just," said Belle-Rose, " I did think of that ; he will undress himself; quick, quick, M. Fanfan, off with coat and shirt." * Fanfan cut a scurvy figure ; the sleeves of his doublet were very tight, and he unbuttoned at one end and buttoned up at the other. When he had taken off his waistcoat he could not undo the strings of the neck of his shirt, and was compelled to cut them ; and at last, except his breeches, was as naked as a worm. Belle- Rose again gave him the foil. " Now, m^Jriend," said he, " mind your guard !" " Defend yourself," cried the adversary ; swords were crossed. Fanfan's blade shook and trembled; the other weapon was motionless. Fanfan seemed about to faint. '"Enough," suddenly cried Belle-Rose and the second, "you are two brave fellows ; enough, you must not cut each other's throats ; be friends, embrace, and let there be no farther dispute. Good God ! all that is good need not be killed But he is a gallant young lad. Be appeased. M. Fanfan." ' Fanfan breathed again, and plucked up when his courage was mentioned ; his opponent made some difficulties about consenting to an arrangement, but at length was softened ; and they embraced, whilst it was agreed that the reconciliation should be completed by breakfasting at a drinking-house near Notre Dame, where there was good wine to be had. ' \Yhen we reached the place, the breakfast was spread and ready. 'Before we sat down, M. Belle-Rose took Fanfan and myself aside. " Well," said he, " you know now what a duel is ; it is not an out-of-the-way matter ; I am content with you, my dear Fanfan ; you behaved like an angel. But you must be great throughout : you understand me you must not allow him to pay." ' At these words Fanfan turned very red ; for he knew the depth of our purse. " Oh, good Lord, let the mutton boil," added Belle- Rose, who saw his embarrassment. " If you are out of cash I will take care of all that ; here, do you want money ? Will you have thirty francs ? or sixty? Amongst friends, that is nothing." And so saying, he drew a dozen crowns from his pocket. " With you they are in good keeping, and will bring good luck." ' Fanfan hesitated. " Accept them, and pay me when you can. On these terms there can be no hesitation in borrowing." I jogged Fanfan's elbow, as much as to say, "Take it." He obeyed; and we pocketed the crowns, touched at the kindness of Belle-Rose. ' He was soon, however, fo skin us of them. Experience is a great teacher, and M. Belle-Rose was a deep fellow ! * Breakfast went off with spirit ; we talked much of the avarice i84 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. of parents the brutalities of apprentices' masters of the blessings of independence the immense wealth amassed in the Indies : the names of the Cape, Chandernagor, were adroitly introduced ; examples were quoted of the vast fortunes made by the young men whom Belle-Rose had recently engaged. " It is not to boast," said he, " but I am .not an unlucky fellow : it was I who enlisted little Martin ; and now he is a nabob, rolling in gold and silver. I will bet that he has grown proud ; and perhaps if he saw me would not recognise me. Oh, I have found many ingrates in my time ! But what of that ? It is the fate of man !" ' Our sitting was a long one. At the dessert, M. Belle-Rose again brought on the carpet the fine fruits of the Antilles : whilst he drank the wine, " Cape wine for ever," said he ; " how delicious that is !" with the cofifee he expatiated on the Martinique : when they brought the cognac, " Ah ! ah !" said he, making a grimace, " this is not equal to the rum, and still less the excellent pine-apple of Jamaica ;" they poured out some parj "ait amour : " This is drink- able," said he, " but still it is not even small beer in comparison with the liqueurs of the celebrated Madame Anfous." ' Belle-Rose was seated between Fanfan and myself and during the whole repast took great care of us. He kept up the incessant song of " Empty your glasses ;" and he filled them incessantly. " Who made you such half-wet birds ?" said he at intervals. " Come, another glass ; look at me, and do as 1 do." * These phrases, and many others, had due effect. Fanfan and I were pretty well done up ; he particularly. " M. Belle-Rose, is it very far to the colonies, Chandernagor, Seringapatam ? are they very far off?" he repeated, from time to time, and he imagined himself already embarked, so completely was he imbued with the flourishing accounts. " Patience," said Belle-Rose, at length, "and we shall get there ; and in the meantime I am going to tell you a story. One day when I was on guard at the governor's "- " One day when he was governor," said Fanfan. " Hold your peace," said Belle-Rose, putting his hand upon his mouth, " it was only when I was a private," he continued ; " I was quietly seated in front of my sentry-box, reposing on a sofa, when my negro, who carried my gun, you must know that in the colonies every soldier has his male and female slave, as we might here have domestics of both sexes ; only that you may do with them what you please ; and if it be your pleasure, you may kill them as you would a fly ; for you have power of life and death over them. As for the woman, you do what you please with her ; I was on guard, as I just toFd you, and my negro was carrying my gun " * M. Belle-Rose had scarcely got so far, when a soldier in full ' M. BELLE-ROSE. 185 dress entered the room, and gave him a letter, which he opened with haste. " It is from the Minister of the Marine," said he ; " M. de Sartine tells me, that the service of the king summons me to Surinam. The devil !" added he, addressing Fanfan and me, " how awkward it is ; I did not think of quitting so soon ; but as they say, he who reckons without his host, reckons twice ; never mind." ' Belle-Rose then, taking his glass in his right hand, knocked several times on the table, and whilst the other guests withdrew, a waiting-maid entered. " The bill, and send your master ;" and the master came with the bill of our expenses. "Astonishing how soon it mounts up," observed Belle-Rose : " one hundred and ninety livres, twelve sous, six deniers ! Ah! M. Nivet, do you want :<> skin us alive ? Here is an item I will not pass by four lemon-, twenty-four sous. We only had three reduction the first. Peste, Papa Nivet, I am not surprised at your making a fortune. Seven half-glasses, that is very fine ; but how do you make it out, when there were only six of us ? I shall find other mistakes, I am con- vinced. Asparagus, eighteen livres ; that is too much. " " In April," said M. Nivet, " and so early !" " Well, that is right, young peas, artichokes, fish, lettuces, strawberries, twenty-four livres that i ; correct. The wine is fair enough : now I will add it up. Put down nought and carry one the total is correct, deducting the twelve sous and the six deniers there remain one hundred and ninety livres. Well, will you give me credit for the amount, Papa Nivet ?" " Oh !" replied the landlord, " yesterday, yes ; to-day, no ; credit on land as long as you please, but once at sea, how am I to be repaid ? at Surinam ? Devil take the sea-going creditors ! I tell you money I want, and you shall not go out till I am satisfied : otherwise I shall send for the watch, and we shall then see " * M. Nivet went out in an apparent rage. ' " He is a man of his word," said Belle-Rose to us. " But an idea strikes me ; in great distresses, great remedies. Doubtlessly you have no greater wish than myself to be led before M. Lenoir between four guards. The king gives TOO francs a man for recruits ; there are two of you, that makes 200 francs; sign your enrolments; I will go and get the cash, then return and free you. What say you ?" ' Fanfan and I looked at each other in silence. " What ! do you hesitate ? I had a better opinion of you. I, who would cut my- self in quarters and then I do not ask you to do an unpleasant thing. Heavens ! that I was of your age, and knew what I know ! We have always resources whilst we are young. Come," he added, presenting the paper to us, "now is your time to coin money; put your name at the bottom of this paper." 1 86 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. * The persuasions of Belle-Rose were so pressing, and we were so fearful of the watch, that we signed. " That is right," said he, " now I will go and pay ; if you are vexed there is always time : you will have nothing to do but return the money ; but we shall not come to that. Patience, my friends, I will soon return." ' Belle-Rose soon went out and quickly returned. * " The embargo is removed," said he, " and now we are free to go or stay ; but you have not yet seen Madame Belle-Rose I wish to introduce you to her : she is a woman with wit to the end of her nails." ' M. Belle-Rose conducted us to his house ; his lodging was not over-brilliant two rooms on the back of a mean-looking house a little distance from the Arch-Marion. Madame Belle-Rose was in a recess at the end of the second room, her head resting on a heap of pillows. Near her bed were two crutches : and at a little distance, a night table, a spitting-box, a shell snuff-box, a silver goblet, and a bottle of brandy nearly emptied. Madame Belle- Rose was about forty-five or fifty : she was attired in a stylish morning-gown, with top-knot, and head-dress of lace. Her face was distorted as we entered by a violent fit of coughing. " Wait till she has done," said Belle-Rose to us ; and at length, her cough ceasing, " Can you talk, my duck ?" " Yes, my precious," she answered. " Well, you will oblige me by informing my friends here what fortunes are made in the colonies."" Immense ! M. Belle-Rose, immense !" " What alliances ?" " What alliances ? Superb ! M. Belle-Rose, superb ! the meanest heiress has millions of piastres." " What life do they lead ?" " The life of a prince, M. Belle-Rose." 1 " You see," said the husband, ** I did not make her say so." 1 The farce was thus performed. M. Belle-Rose offered us the refreshment of a glass of rum : we drank to his wife, and she drank to our good voyage. " For I suppose," she added, " that these gentlemen are ours. My dear fellow," said she to Fanfan, " you have the face they like in those parts ; square shoulders, wide chest, well-made leg, nose a la Bourbon." Then turning, to me, " And you too; oh ! you are well-limbed fellows." " And lads, too, who will not allow themselves to be trampled on," added Belle-Rose ; " this gentleman has been at it already this morning." " What, already ! I congratulate him. Come here, my dear sir, and let me kiss you ; I always liked young fellows, that is my taste : every- one has their inclination. Do not be jealous, Belle-Rose." u Jealous of what ? My friend behaved like a second Bayard, as I shall tell the regiment ; the colonel shall know it, and advance- ment must follow corporal at least, if not an officer. Ah, when you have the epaulette on your shoulders you will be a noted brave M. BELLE-ROSE. 187 man !" Fanfan jumped for joy. As for me, sure that I was no less brave than he, I said to myself, " If he advances, I shall not hang back." We were both very happy. ' " I ought to tell you one thing," pursued the recruiter ; " re- commended as you are, you must excite jealousy ; there are envious people everywhere ; but remember that if they use a word of abuse I shall take it up ; once under my protection enough. Write to me." " What !" said Fanfan, " do not you go with us ?" " No," replied Belle-Rose, " to my great regret : the Minister has need of me. I shall join you at Brest. To-morrow at eight o'clock I expect you here, not later : to-day I have no leisure to remain longer with you ; duty must be done. Adieu till to- morrow." ' We took leave of Madame Belle-Rose, who embraced us. Next day we were, at half past seven, aroused by the bugs which lodged with us at Griffon's. "Give me punctual men!" said Belle-Rose, when he saw us ; "I am one myself." Then, assuming a more serious air : "If you have any friends and acquaintances, you have the rest of the day for leave-taking. Now, this is your route ; your allowance is three sous per league, with lodging, firing, and candle. You may start as soon as you like, that is no affair of mine ; but do not forget, that if you are found in the streets of Paris to-morrow evening, the police will conduct you to your place of destination." ' This threat cut us up root and branch ; but as we had baked, so we must brew, and we started. From Paris to Brest is a famous long walk, but, in spite of blisters, we made ten leagues a-day. W T e arrived at last, but not without having a thousand times cursed Belle-Rose. A month afterwards we embarked. Ten years after- wards, day for day, I was made corporal, and Fanfan also promoted ; he was knocked on the head at St. Domingo, during Leclerc's ex- pedition. He was a devil amongst the negro women. As for me, I have yet a steady foot and good eye ; my chest is well lined, and I may have the luck to bury you all. I have passed many rough days in my life ; been thrown from one colony to another ; I have rolled my ball as I went, and I have not been a loser ; never mind, the children of glee will never die and then, when they are no more here, they are to be found elsewhere/ continued the Sergeant Dufailli, striking the pockets of his uniform ; and then, lifting up his waistcoat, exposed a leather belt, apparently well lined. 'I say, there is yet butter in the churn, and yellow enough, too, with- out counting what we may chance to borrow from the English, The India Company owe me a balance still, which some three- masters will bring.' * In the meantime, all goes well with you, 1 88 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Father Dufailli,' said the forager. ' Very well,' said the sergeant- major. * Yes, very well, indeed,' thought I ; determining to cultivate an acquaintance which chance rendered so propitious for me. CHAPTER XVII. The daughters of Mere Thomas The Silver Lion Captain Paulet The pirates The bombardment Lord Lauderdale I embark Sea-fight Capture of a brig-of-war I change my name Death of Dufailli A frigate sunk. WHILST giving us the scene of the recruiters, Father Dufailli had drunk at every sentence. He was of opinion that words flowed best when moistened. He might, to be sure, have used water; but he had a great horror of that, he said, ever since he fell into the sea, which was in 1789. Thus it happened, that partly through drinking and partly through talking, he got drunk imper- ceptibly. At last he reached a point, at which he found it impos- sible to express himself but with the utmost difficulty ; his tongue became what we call thick. And then the forager and sergeant- major retired. Dufailli and I remained alone : he was asleep and leant on the table, and began to snore ; whilst I coolly gave myself up to a train of reflections. Three hours elapsed, and he had not finished his sleep. When he awoke, he was quite surprised to find anyone near him ; at first, he looked at me as through a thick fog, which did not allow him to distinguish my features, but insensibly the vapour disappeared, and he recognised me, which was all he could do. He stumbled as he arose ; and ordering a basin of coffee, without milk, into which he emptied a salt-cellar, swallowed the liquid with small gulps ; and having got rid of his short sword, he took my arru, dragging me the door. My aid was most needful to him ; it was the vine twining, about the elm. 'You are going to tow me,' said he, ' and I will pilot you. Do you see the telegraph ? What does it say, with its arms in the air ?' * It makes signals that the Dufailli is lying to.' ' The Dufailli thousand gods ! a ship of three hundred tons at least. Do not fear ; all's right with Dufailli.' At the same time, without letting go my arm, he took off his hat, and placing it on the end of his finger, spun it round. ' See my compass ; attention we go as the cockade points whether the cape of the Rue des Precheurs ! forward, march !' ordered Dufailli ; and we took together the road to the lower town, after he had put on his hat with much noise. Dufailli had promised to advise me, but he was not in a state to do it. I anxiously desired that he should recover his reason, but, DUFAILLI. 189 unfortunately, the air and exercise produced a precisely opposite effect On going down the main street, we were obliged to enter every public-house, with which the residence of the army had filled the place ; everywhere made a stay, shorter or longer. I en- deavoured to make them as brief as possible. Each shop, Dufailli said, was a port, into which we must put, and each port increased the cargo, which he had already so much difficulty to carry. * I am as full as a beggar,' said he to me, in broken words; 'and yet I am not a beggar, for beggars never get drunk, do they, my boy ?' Twenty times I resolved on leaving him ; but Dufailli, when sober, might aid me ; I remembered his full girdle, and even with- out that, 1 knew well that he had other resources than his sergeant's pay. Having reached the church in the Place d'Alton, he took it into his head to have his shoes brushed, which, when done, he lost his balance in moving from the stool ; and, thinking he would fall, I approached to support him. * What, countryman, don't fear because I make a reel or two; I have a sailor's foot.' In the meantime the brush had given brightness to his shoes ; and when they were completely blackened, c Come, the finishing touch,' said Dufailli; 'or is that for to-morrow?' At the same time he gave him a sou. 'You will not make a rich man of me, sergeant' ' What, do you grumble? mind I don't kill you.' Dufailli made a gesture, but his hat fell off, and, blown by the wind, rolled along the pavement ; the shoe-black ran after it and brought it back. ' It is not worth twopence,' cried Dufailli ; ' never mind, you are a good fellow.' Then, thrusting his hands into his pockets, he took out a handful of money: 'Here, drink to my health.' 'Thanks, my colonel,' said the shoe-black, who proportioned his titles to the generosity he met with. 'I must now,' said Dufailli, who seemed by degrees to recover his senses, ' lead you into good quarters.' I had made up my mind to accompany him wherever he went. I had witnessed his liberality, and I was not ignorant that drunkards are the most grateful persons possible to those who give them their company. I allowed myself then to be piloted as he wished, and we reached the Rue des Precheurs. At the door of a new house of elegant appearance was a sentry and several soldiers. * This is it,' said he. ' What, here ? Are you going to take me to the staff-major?' 'The staff-major! nonsense; I say it is the beautiful and fair Magdelaine's ; or, if you like it better, " madame quarante mille hommes" (madam forty thousand men) as they call her.' 'Im- possible, Dufailli, you are under some mistake.' ' Oh, I see double, do I ? Is not that the sentinel ?' Dufailli advanced while speaking, and asked for admittance. ' Go back/ said the quarter- 190 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. master roughly ; ' you ought to know well enough that this is not your day.' Dufailli persisted. 'Go away, I tell you,' said the subaltern, 'or I will take you to the black hole.' This threat made me tremble all over. Dufailli's obstinacy might be fatal to me, and yet it would not have been prudent to tell him my fears ; at all events not where we then were ; and I therefore only made some observations to him, which were, however, entirely lost upon him in his present state. ' Let the fellow go and be , the sun shines equally for us all : liberty, equality, or death,' he repeated, whilst struggling to escape the hold I kept on him, that he might not commit him- self in any way. * Equality, I tell you ;' and in an attitude better conceived than described, he looked at me with that stupid no- meaning stare which a man has when he has 'put an enemy into his mouth to steal away his brains,' and reduce him to the level of a brute. I was in despair, when at the cry, ' Present arms !' followed by this warning, ' Cannoneer, mind what you do ; here is the adjutant, here is Bevignac ;' he suddenly seemed quite to come to himself. A shower-bath falling from a height of fifty feet upon a maniac's head, has not so sudden an effect in restoring his senses. The name of Bevignac made a singular impression on the soldiery, who had ranged themselves in front of the ground-floor of the fair Magdelaine's house. They looked at one another without, as it seemed, daring to breathe, so much were they alarmed. The adjutant, who was a tall, meagre-looking man, having arrived, began to count them, whilst he made motions with his cane. I never saw a face so deeply furrowed ; on his thin and lank jaws were two small unpowdered curls ; on the whole countenance might be traced a certain something, which declared that adjutant Bevignac was a perfect martinet, and determinately opposed to anything like want of discipline. Anger was visible in his face, his eyes were blood-shot, and a horrible convulsion of his jaws announced that he was about to speak. * By the devil's nest ! Well ! All quiet ! You know orders. None but officers ! By Satan's nest! and every man in his turn.' Then, perceiving us and advancing towards us with uplifted cane, ' What are you doing here, you sergeant of powder-monkeys ?' I thought he was about to strike us. 'Oh, I see,' he added, 'it is nothing; only drunk,' addressing Dufailli. ' Well, a jovial cup is excusable ; go to be.l, and do not let me meet you again.' ' Yes, commandant,' replied Dufailli, at this order, and we went away down the Rue des Precheurs. There is no occasion to mention the profession of the fair MOTHER THOMAS. 191 Magdelaine le Picarde ; it must have been already guessed. She was a tall woman of about twenty-three years of age, remarkable for the bloom of her complexion, as well as the beauty of her figure. It was her boast that she belonged to no one person. She N devoted herself, from a principle of conscience, entirely and solely to the army : fifer or field-marshal, all who wore the uniform were equally well received by her; but she professed great contempt for what she called the snobs. There never was a citizen who could boast of her favours : she was somewhat tenacious with marines, whom she called ' tar-buckets/ and fleeced at pleasure, because she could not make up her mind to look on them as soldiers ; and she used to say, that the navy filled her purse, and the army was her lover. This lady, whom I had occasion to visit at a subse- quent period, was, for a long time, the delight of the camp, without her health being at all impaired, and was supposed to be rich. But whether Magdelaine (as I know) was not mercenary, or whether as the old proverb goes, ' What is got over the devil's back is spent under his belly,' Magdelaine died in 1812, at the hospital of Ardres, poor, but true to her flag : but two years more, and, like another nymph well known in Paris, after the disaster of Waterloo, she would have had the grief of calling herself the ' widow of the grand army.' It is very difficult to eradicate an idea from a brain troubled with the fumes of wine. Dufailli had resolved on finishing the day in female society, and nothing could turn him from it. Scarcely had we taken half-a-dozen steps, than, looking back, * He has disap- peared,' said he ; ' come along, this way ; ' and leaving my arm he advanced towards a door, at which he knocked ; and which, after a few minutes, was half opened, and an old woman's head appeared. ' What do you want ?' ' What do we want ?' answered Dufailli; ' don't you know me? Do not you recognise friends?' *Ah! ah! is it you, Father Dufailli; there is no room for you.' * No room for friends ! You are joking, mother ; you are playing off some trick upon us.' *No, on the word of an honest woman ; you know, my old lad, that no one is more welcome than yourself; but my eldest daughter is engaged, and so is Pauline ; but we shall be glad to see you by-and-by.' * Well, if it must be so, Mother Thomas,' said Dufailli, putting a piece of money on his eye, 'it cannot be helped, but you must get us something to drink meanwhile ; you have some little spare corner to put us into.' 'Ay, ay, always a wag, always a wag. Father Dufailli ; it is quite impossible to refuse your insinuating requests. Come ! quick, quick, let no one see you coming in ; hide yoursel\es there, my boys, and muni,' 192 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Madame Thomas had placed us behind an old screen in a low room, through which all persons going out must pass. We did not wait long alone. Mademoiselle Pauline came to us first, and, having whispered to her mother, came and sat down with us to a flask of Rhenish. Pauline was not fifteen years of age, and yet she had already acquired the dissipated air, the bold look, the loose discourse, the hoarse voice, and the disgusting manners of the common courtezan. This early prey to dissipation was destined for my amusement, and was lavish in her endearments. Therese was better suited to the bald head of my companion, who waited until she should be at leisure ; and, at length, the quick step of a hussar boot, garnished with spurs, announced that the cavalier was taking leave of his lady fair. Dufailli, who was somewhat impatient, rose abruptly from his seat, but his short sword getting between his legs, he fell, knocking down the screen, table, bottles, and glasses. 'Excuse me, captain,' he stammered out, whilst endeavouring to rise ; * it was the fault of the wall' * Oh, it is of no consequence,' said the officer ; who, although rather confused, very readily aided in lifting him up, while Pauline, The'rese, and their mother were seized with a fit of irrepressible laughter. When Dufailli had recovered his feet, the captain departed ; and as the fall had pro- duced no bruise nor wound, nothing checked our mirth. I shall throw a veil over the remaining scenes of this evening. We were in a place where Dufailli was well known, and my readers may guess the rest ; suffice it to say, that about one o'clock in the morning, I was buried in profound sleep, when I was suddenly awakened by a most tremendous uproar. Without suspecting the cause, I dressed myself in haste, and some cries of * Guard ! guard ! Murder! murder!' from the shrill lungs of Mother Thomas, warned me that the danger was not far off. I was unarmed, and ran immediately to Dufailli's room, to ask for his tinder-box, of which I knew I could make a better use than he would. It was time, for our castle was invaded by five or six marines, who, with sword in hand, were endeavouring to get our berths. These gen- tlemen were threatening, neither more nor less, than to force us to jump out of the windows ; and, as they swore, besides, to put every- thing to fire and sword in the house, Mother Thomas, with her squeaking pipe, was pealing the tocsin of alarm with a noise that aroused the whole neighbourhood. Although a man not easily frightened, I confess I felt a sensation of fear which I could not repress. The event, whatever it might be, would probably end seriously for me. I was, however, determined to take a resolute part Pauline A NOCTURNAL BRA WL. 193 earnestly besought me to shut myself up with her. ' Fasten the bolt,' said she. ' I beseech you to fasten the bolt.' But the garret in which we were was not impregnable. I might be blockaded ; and preferred defending the approach to the place, rather than run the risk of being taken like a rat in a trap. In spite of Pauline's efforts to detain me, I attempted a sortie, and was soon engaged with the assailants. I darted amongst them from the end of a narrow gallery, and with so much impetuosity, that before they could recover themselves, upset, and thrust headlong from a ladder, by which they were attempting to gain an entrance, they were laid sprawling on the ground, bruised and wounded severely. Then Pauline, her sister, and Dufailli, to render the victory more decisive, flung upon them all that came to hand chairs, tables, stools, and various et caeteras, to detail which would be tedious. At every missile that struck them, the enemy, prostrate on the pavement, cried out with pain and rage. In a moment the passage was filled. This nocturnal brawl could not fail to arouse all in the vicinity ; and the night-guard, police agents, and patrol entered the domicile of Madame Thomas there must have been at least fifty men, all armed, and making a tremendous hubbub. Madame Thomas en- deavoured to testify that her house was quite tranquil, but they would not hear her : and these words, some of which were pretty significant, reached our ears from the ground-floor 'Take this woman off.' 'Come, old , follow us; or shall we get a wheel- barrow to bundle you in, old duchess? Come, no nonsense.' * Sweep off the whole party ; take everyone ; seize their arms. I will teach you, you blackguards, to make a row.' From these words, pronounced in a provincial accent, and mixed with occa- sional interjections, which, like the garlic and pepper, are fruits of his country, we learnt that Adjutant Bevignac was at the head of the party. Dufailli had no inclination to get into his clutches ; and, as for me, I had excellent reasons for wishing to escape. 'The staircase go up the staircase, and guard the passage,' roared out Bevignac. But whilst he thus bellowed and vociferated, I had time to tie a sheet to the window-bar, and the obstacles which separated us from the armed force had not yet been removed, when Pauline, The'rese, Dufailli, and myself were already out of reach. This threat, ' Do not trouble yourselves I will follow you,' which we heard at a distance, only moved our laughter. The danger was over. We consulted as to where we should pass the night. Therese and Pauline proposed that we should quit the city, and make a pastoral excursion into the country. ' No, no,' said Dufailli ; ' let us go to Boutrois;' and this was agreed on. M. Boutrois, although 13 I 9 4 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. it was an untimely hour, opened his doors with much politeness. ' Ah,' said he to Dufailli, ' I learnt that you had received your prize-money, and you are both right and welcome to pay us a visit. I have some admirable claret. What will the ladies please to take? A two-bedded room, I see.' At the same time M. Boutrois, armed with a bunch of keys, and with a candle in his hand, led us to the room destined for us. * You will find yourself quite at home here. No one will disturb you ; where we purvey for the lieutenant of the marine, the commandant in chief, and the commissary-general of police, you know no one dares to interfere. Madame Boutrois, now, does not like a joke, so I shall take care and say that you are alone. Madame B is a very good woman a very good woman ; but her manners, you see her manners are very formal ; and on this point she is strictness per- sonified. Women here ! If she had only the slightest suspicion of such a thing, she would think herself lost for ever ; she has such an opinion of the sex in general ! Oh, mon Dieu ! must we not live with the living ? the jolly ? the vivacious ? I am a philoso- pher myself, provided mind, I say provided that there is no ground for scandal ; and suppose there were, why everyone to his liking, as the elderly gentlewoman said when she embraced her cow ; every person to his own way of thinking and doing ; the only point being, that it does not offend or prejudice anyone.' M. Boutrois treated us to a great many more equally brilliant aphorisms ; aft r which he told us that he had a well-stocked cellar, all of \\hicli was at our service. 'As for the boiler/ he added, * that at the present hour has got rather cool ; but your worships have only to order, and in a brace of seconds all shall be ready.' Dufailli ordered some claret, and a fire, although it was quite hot enough to have done without. The claret was brought, five or six logs were cast on the fire, and an ample collation spread before us. Some cold poultry occu- pied the centre of the table, and formed the resisting point of an unprepared repast where all had been calculated for an enormous appetite. Dufailli desired that nothing should be wanting ; and M. Boutrois, sure of being well paid, was most complying. Therese and her sister devoured all with their eyes, and I was not in a bad humour for commencing the attack and carrying on the war. Whilst I was cutting up the fowl, Dufailli tasted the claret. * Delicious, delicious !' he repeated, smacking his lips, and then began to drink heartily ; and scarcely had we begun to eat, than an unconquerable drowsiness nailed him to his chair, when he snored away most comfortably until the dessert came in. He then CAPTAIN PAULET. 195 awoke, crying out, 'The devil it blows hard where am I? Does it freeze? I feel a sort of an all-overish-I-don't know-how- ishness.' ' Oh/ cried Pauline, who took me for a sapper of the guards, 'his supper has not well digested.' 'The papa's legs and back are asleep,' said Thdrese, in her turn, and opening a sort of sweetmeat-box in which was some snuff; 'take a pinch, my vener- able ; that will clear your eyes.' Dufailli took a pinch ; and if I mention this circumstance, trifling in itself, it is because I have before neglected to say that Pauline's sister was more than thirty, and from the simple fact that she took snuff like a lawyer or com- missary's clerk, we may easily imagine that she was not in the freshness and bloom of youth and beauty. However that may be, Dufailli made much of her. ' I like the little thing,' he said occasionally, 'she is a good girl.' * Oh, that is nothing new,' replied Therese ; ' whenever a vessel anchors in our roads, I have gone through the scrutiny of all the crew ; and I defy any sailor to say " black's the white of my eye." When one knows how to behave as one should, one ' * The wench says right,' interrupted Dufailli. ' I like her because she is open, and so I will give her a good turn.' ' Ah, ah, ah,' cried Pauline, laughing and then addressing me, ' And you, will you give me a similar turn ?' Thus ran on our conversation, when we heard, coming from the road leading to the harbour, a body of men, whose boots made a great noise as they walked. ' Captain Paulet for ever !' they cried out ; ' Captain Paulet for ever !' The troop soon stopped in front of the hotel. * Hollo ! Father Boutrois, Father Boutrois !' they roared out all together. Some tried to force the door ; others thumped with the knocker in a most energetic manner ; some pulled the bell with incredible violence ; and others threw stones at the shutters. At this uproar I started, imagining that our asylum was to be again attacked ; Pauline and her sister were not quite at ease ; and at length somebody running hastily down stairs, four steps at a time, the door was opened, and there was a rush as if the embank- ment of a ditch had given way. The torrent was headlong ; a mixture of voices uttered sounds quite unintelligible to us. * Peter, Paul, Jenny, Eliza, house, everybody, wife, get up ! By Jove, they sleep like dormice.' One might have thought that the house was on fire. We soon heard doors opening and shutting ; there was a noise of tables, an inconceivable uproar, a female servant who was bitterly complaining of indecent treatment, shouts of riotous laughter, and bottles rattling and breaking. Plates, dishes, and glass clashing together, and the winding up of the jack, added to the din ; a clinking of money, oaths in English and French occasion- ally heard amidst this infernal clatter, all made the place a perfect 13 a 196 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. bedlam broke loose. c By Jove, it is joy, or I never heard it before/ said Dufailli. 'What are all these rejoicings for? What does it mean ? Have they captured the Spanish galleons ? But this is not the track for them.' Dufailli cudgelled his brain to make out the cause of all the uproar, which was to me equally inexplicable, when M. Boutrois, with a radiant face, entered, to ask leave to light a fire. ' You do not know,' said he, * that the Revanche has just come into port. Our Paulet has been carrying on the war in his old way ; is he not a fortunate fellow ? A capture of three millions (francs) beneath the very cannon of Dover.' 'Three millions !' cried Dufailli, * and I not there !' ' Do you hear that, sister ? Three millions !' added Pauline, jumping like a young kid. * Three millions !' echoed The'rese, ' I am delighted ! We shall come in for a share !' * Ah, woman, woman,' interrupted Dufailli, ' interest before all : you should rather think of your mother, who is perhaps at this moment in darkness and distress.' ' Mother Thomas is an old ' added The'rese. ' Come, that is neat, very neat,' observed Boutrois, ' for a daughter. " Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long," etc.' * I cannot swallow that three millions,' said Dufailli. * Tell us, Father Boutrois, all about it' Our host excused himself on the plea of business ; ' Besides,' he added, * I do not well know the particulars, and am in a great hurry.' The riot continued : I heard them ranging chairs, and the silence that followed betokened that their jaws were filled. As it was probable that there would be some suspension of these noises, I proposed that we should go to bed, which was agreed on ; and as daybreak was near at hand, that we might not be disturbed by the light, and make up for lost time, we drew the curtains close. However, we were not aroused so soon as I had anticipated : sailors eat fast and drink long. Songs, which shook the very glasses, at length disturbed our repose; forty discordant voices joining in the chorus of the celebrated hymn of Roland. ' Devil take the singers ?' cried Dufailli, * I had the most agreeable dream : I was at Toulon : were you ever at Toulon, old fellow ?' I an- swered Dufailli, that I knew Toulon, but could not see what rela- tion there could be between his agreeable dream and that city. 'I was a galley-slave,' he replied, 'and I had just escaped* Dufailli perceived that this statement made an unpleasant impres- sion on me, which I could not conceal. ' Well, what is the matter with you, countryman ? I had just escaped, and that's no bad dream, I think, for a prisoner. It was only a dream, to be sure j but that is not all, for I entered amongst the corsairs, and got as much gold as I could carry.' CAPTAIN PAULET. 197 Although I have never been superstitious, I must confess I took Dufailli's dream as a prediction on my future lot ; it was perhaps a warning from heaven, to determine the course I should pursue. ' However,' said I to myself, 'at present I do not deserve heaven's interposition, and perhaps I only fancy it.' I soon made another reflection. It occurred to me, that the old sergeant might have been venting his suspicions of me, and the idea vexed me. I rose ; and Dufailli saw that I had an air more serious than usual. ' What ails you ?' said he, ' why, you look as moping as an owl.' ' Has anybody sold you pease which you cannot boil ?' asked Pauline, taking me by the arm, and swinging me round to disturb my reverie. * Is he in the doldrums ?' inquired The'rese. ' Hold your tongue,' replied Dufailli, ' and speak when you have leave to do so ; in the meantime, sleep, sluts, sleep, and do not move till we return.' He then beckoned me to follow him; and in obeying he con- ducted me to a little parlour, where we found Captain Paulet and his crew, the majority of whom were drunk with wine and joy. As soon as we appeared, there was a unanimous shout of * Dufailli ! Dufailli !' ' Hail to mine ancient !' said Paulet ; and then, offering my companion a seat beside him, added, 'Anchor here, my old cock ; we may well say that Providence is good. M. Boutrois, Boutrois, bring more " bishops," as if it rained wine. Come, we will have no sorrow here, from this time henceforward,' he added, pressing Dufailli's hand. Paulet then looked attentively at me, and said, " I think I know you we have met before ; you have handled a marline-spike, my hearty.' I told him that I had been on board the privateer Barras, but that I did not recollect having ever met him before. 'Well, then, we will make acquaintance now. I do not know,' he added, ' but you look like a jolly dog a lad for all sorts of weathers, as we say. I say, my boys, has he not the look of a hearty chap ? I like the cut of his jib. Sit here, on my right hand ; by my fist, what a back and loins ; here are shoulders ! You are just the lad for fishing for Englishmen.' On finishing these words, he put on my head his red cap. ' It does not look amiss on the lad,' he added, with a knowing look, but in which there was much kindness. I saw at once that the captain would not be sorry to number me amongst his crew. Dufailli, who had not yet become speechless, exhorted me most energetically to profit by the opportunity ; this was the good advice he had promised me, and I followed it. It was agreed that I should go a voyage, and that the next day I should go to the owner, M. Choisnard, who would advance me some money. 19$ MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. It must not be doubted but that I was well received by my new comrades ; the captain had placed a thousand crowns to their credit at the hotel, and many of them had other resources in the city. I never witnessed such profusion. Nothing was too dear or delicate for the privateers. M. Boutrois, to satisfy them, was com- pelled to put the whole city and environs in requisition, and even despatched couriers to nourish their luxurious palates, the duration of which was not limited to a single day. It was on Monday, and my companion was not sobered by the following Sunday; as for me, my stomach and head agreed delightfully, and neither received the slightest check. Dufailli had forgotten his promise to the ladies, and I reminded him of it; and quitting our party for a moment, I returned to them, presuming that they were growing impatient at our absence. Pauline was alone her sister had gone to learn what was become of their mother ; she soon returned, and throwing herself on the bed, she exclaimed with an air of despair, 'We are undone for ever.' 'What is the matter?' I asked. 'We are lost/ she answered, with her face bathed in tears. ' Two men have been carried to the hospital with broken ribs, a guard has been wounded, and the commandant has ordered the house to be shut up. What will become of us ? where can we find a home ? ' A home,' said I, ' you shall always find ; but where is your mother ?' Therese answered that her mother was first led to the guard-house, and afterwards to the city prison, and the report was that she would not very easily get out again. This information gave me some uneasiness : Mother Thomas would be questioned, and perhaps had already been examined at the police-office, or by the commissary-general ; and she doubtless had mentioned, or would mention, Dufailli's name; and if he were questioned I should be so also. It was important to prevent this ; I returned with haste to concert with the sergeant the measures necessary to be pursued. Fortunately, he was not so far gone as not to hear reason. I talked only of the danger which threatened him ; he understood me, and taking twenty guineas from his pocket, ' Here,' said he, ' is wherewithal to stop Mother Thomas's blabbing tongue ;' and then calling a waiter to him, he gave him the money, desiring him to carry it forthwith to the prisoner. ' He is the gaoler's son,' said Dufailli, * and has admittance everywhere ; and, moreover, is a close and discreet lad.' Our messenger returned quickly, and told us that Mother Thomas, though twice examined, had mentioned no names, and had received the bribe with gratitude ; vowing that she was deter- mined, if she died for it, to say nothing that could injure us ; and PAULETS LIEUTENANT. 199 thus I was assured that I had nothing to fear on this head. ' And as to the wenches, what must we do with them ?' said I to Dufailli. ' Oh, we must export them to Dunkirk, and I will pay the ex- penses,' he replied ; and we then returned to prepare them for their departure. At first they appeared astonished; but after some arguments, proving it was the best method they could adopt, and that there was danger in remaining longer at Boulogne, they resolved to leave us. The next day we started them off, and the parting did not cost us much pain. Mother Thomas recovered her liberty after six months' confine- ment; Pauline and her sister then returning to the maternal bosom, though torn from their native soil, renewed the courses of their former lives. I know not whether they made a fortune ; it is not impossible. But for want of accurate information, I here end their history, and resume my own. Paulet and his crew had scarcely noticed our absence before we rejoined them ; we sang, drank, and ate alternately without stirring, until midnight ; thus confounding all repasts in one lengthened meal. Paulet and Fleuriot, his second in command, were the heroes of the feast ; physically, as well as morally, they were the perfect antipodes of each other. The former was a stout short man, strong-backed, square-set, with a neck like a bull ;. wide shoulders, a full face, and his features like those of a lion, his aspect either fierce or gentle ; in fight he was pitiless, elsewhere he was humane and compassionate. At the moment of boarding he was a perfect demon ; in the bosom of his family, and with his wife and children, except a little roughness of manner, he was as mild as a dove ; then he was the jolly, simple, bluff, and rough farmer ; a perfect patriarch, whom it was impossible to discern in the pirate. Once on shipboard, his manners and language entirely changed, and he became harsh and coarse to excess ; his will was as despotic as that of an Oriental pasha : abrupt and rude, he had an iron arm and will, and woe to him who opposed either. Paulet was a daring and good man, sensible though brutal ; no one ever possessed more frankness and loyalty. Paulet's lieutenant was one of the most singular beings I ever met with : endowed with a most robust constitution, although yet very young, he had tried it with every sort of excess ; he was one of those libertines who, by dint of anticipating the pleasures of life's stores, spends his revenue before he gets it, eats his calf in the cow's belly. Headstrong, with vivid passions and a heated imagination, he had early abandoned himself to premature ex- cesses. He had not reached his twentieth year, when the decay of his lungs, together with a universal sinking of his whole frame, 200 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. had compelled him to quit the artillery, into which he had entered at eighteen years of age, and now this poor fellow had scarcely a breath of life in him ; he was frightfully thin; two large eyes, whose blackness made more apparent the melancholy paleness of his complexion, were apparently all that remained of this carcase, in which, however, was a soul of fire. Fleuriot was not ignorant that his days were numbered. The most able physicians had pro- nounced his sentence of death, and the certainty of his approaching dissolution had suggested to him. a strange resolution. This is what he told me upon the subject : ' I served,' said he, ' in the fifth regiment of light artillery, where I was entered as a volunteer. The regiment was quartered at Metz. A gay life and hard work had exhausted me, and I was as dry as parchment. One morning the turn-out was sounded, and we set off. I fell sick by the way, and received an hospital order ; and a few days afterwards, the doctors, seeing that I spit blood abundantly, declared that my lungs were not in a state to be subjected to the exercises of a horse, and, con- sequently, I was advised to enter the foot artillery : and scarcely was I well when I did so. I left one berth for another, the small for the large, the six for the twelve, the spur for the spatterdash. I had no longer to gallop hard, but I had to turn my body about on the platform ; to jump up and down like a goat, to roll gun- carriages about, to dig trenches, to strap up artillery gear, and, worse than that, to carry on my back the infernal knapsack, that eternal calf s skin which has killed more conscripts than the guns of Marengo. The calf s skin gave me a knock-down blow. I could not resist its attack. I offered myself to the depot, and was admitted. I had only to undergo, the inspection of the general. He was that martinet Sarrazin. He came to me. " I will wager that he is still weak-chested : are you not ?" " Consumption in the second degree." replied the major. " Is it so ? I thought it. I said so. They are all narrow-shouldered, hollow-chested, lanky- limbed, thick-visaged. Show your legs. Why there are four campaigns in them yet," continued the general, striking me on the calf. " And now, what would you ? Your dismissal ? You shan't have it. Besides," he added, " death only comes to him who pauses: go your way." I wished to speak. "Begone," re- peated the general, " and be silent." 'The inspection concluded, I went and threw myself on my camp-bed, and whilst I reclined on my four-feet-long mattress, re- flecting on the harshness of the general, it occurred to me that I might find him more tractable if I were recommended by one of his brother officers. My father had been intimate with General Legrand, who was then at the camp at Ambleteuse, and I thought PAULETS LIEUTENANT. 201 I might find a protector in him. I saw him, and he welcomed me as the son of an old friend, gave me a letter to Sarrazin, and sent one of his aides-de camp to attend me. The recommendation was pressing, and I made sure of success. We arrived at the camp, and making for the general's abode, a soldier pointed it out to us, and we found ourselves at the gate of a dilapidated barrack, which bore no marks of being a general's residence ; no sentinel, no inscription, no sentry box. I knocked with my sabre-hilt, and a voice cried " Enter," with the accent and tone of displeasure. A packthread, which I pulled, drew up a wooden latch, and the first object that met our eyes on penetrating this asylum, was a woollen covering, under which, lying side by side on the straw, were the general and his negro. In this posture he gave us audience. Sarrazin took the letter, and having read it, without changing his position, he said to the aide-de-camp, " General Legrand takes an interest in this young man. Well, what would he have ? that I put him on half-pay ? Oh ! he cannot think of such a thing." Then addressing me, " How much fatter should you be, if I put you on half-pay ? Oh, you have a fine prospect at home ! if you are rich, to die gradually with over-nursing ; if you are poor, to increase the misery of your parents, and finish your days in an hospital. I am a doctor for you : and my prescription is a bullet, and then your cure will follow : if you escape that, the knapsack will do for you, or marching and exercise will put you to rights ; these are additional chances. Besides, do as I do, drink tar- water : that is worth all your jalaps, and gruels, and messes." At the same time he stretched out his arm, seized a large pitcher, which was near him, and filled a can, which he offered to me, and all refusal was in vain. I was compelled to swallow some of the nauseous stuff, as was also the aide-de-camp ; the general drank after us, and his negro, to whom he handed the can, finished what was left ' There was then no hope of his recalling the decision against which I had appealed, and we withdrew greatly discontented. The aide-de-camp returned to Ambleteuse and I to Fort Chatillon, which I entered more dead than alive. From this moment I became the prey to an apathetic sadness, which absorbed all my faculties : I then obtained an exemption from service : night and day I remained on my couch, indifferent to all around me ; and I think I should have remained in that position till now, if one winter's night the English had not determined to burn our flotilla. An inconceivable fatigue, although I did nothing, seizing on my senses, had induced a profound sleep. Suddenly I was aroused by the report of cannons. I arose, and through the panes of my 202 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. window, I saw a thousand fires crossing each other in the air. On one side were immense trains of fire like rainbows ; on the other side were vast stars, which seemed to grow larger and redder, and my first idea was that I saw fireworks. At length a noise like that of torrents, which precipitate themselves in cascades from the tops of rocks, gave me a sort of shuddering feeling : at intervals darkness usurped the place of the ruddy light, which I can only compare to daylight in hell. The very earth seemed scorched by it. I was already agitated by fever, and I thought rny head was swelling larger and larger. The muster-call was beaten, I heard the cry " To arms !" and on the ground the trampling of horses' feet Terror seized me, and delirium possessed me. I got my boots, and tried to pull them on ; it was impossible ; they were too tight, my legs were entangled in them ; I tried to pull them off again ; I could not. During my exertions each moment in- creased my fears ; all my comrades were dressed ; the silence which reigned about me warned me that I was alone, and whilst, from all parts, persons were running together, without thinking of the inconvenience of my boots, I fled with haste across the country, carrying my clothes under my arms. ' Next day I reappeared amidst all the people whom I found living. Ashamed of a cowardice at which I was myself astonished, I had trumped up a story, which if I could insure belief, would have given me the reputation of a hero. Unfortunately, the tale was not swallowed so easily as I could have desired ; no one was the dupe of my lies : sarcasms and rude jokes without end were thrown out, until I almost burst with spite and rage ; in any other circumstances I would have fought the whole regiment, but I was in a state of weakness, from which I did not rouse till the follow- ing night, when I recovered a little of my wonted energy. * The English had again commenced the bombardment of the city, and were so close to the shore, that we could even hear their voices, and the balls of the thousand cannons on the coast passed over their heads. Movable batteries were then erected, which, to approach them as closely as possible, floated according to the ebb and flow of the tide. I was ordered to the command of a twelve-pounder, which having stationed at the extremity of the rafts, we anchored. At that very moment, a shower of bullets were directed at us : our howitzers were observed under the waggons, and amongst the horses. It was evident that in spite of the obscurity of the night, we had become an object of aim to the enemy. We were about to return the compliment, and had altered the level of our gun, when my corporal, almost as much alarmed as I had been the previous evening, desirous of seeing if the trun- PA ULETS LIEUTENANT. 203 nions had got loose in shifting the gun, placed his hand on them, and suddenly uttered a piercing shriek which was re-echoed all along the bank. His fingers were crushed beneath twenty hundred- weight of metal. He attempted to disengage them, but the in- cumbent mass only pressed the more heavily, and he was still held fast, and when enabled to disengage himself he fainted. A dram of brandy revived him, and I offered to lead him to the camp, which was no doubt set down as a pretext for absenting myself. * The corporal and I walked away together ; but at the moment of entering the artillery warren, which we had to cross, a burning hand-grenade fell between two chests filled with powder. The danger was imminent, and in a few seconds the whole ammunition would have blown up. By running away I could have escaped safely, but a change came over me, and death was no longer fear- ful. Quicker than lightning, I seized on the metal tube, whence brimstone and fiery matter were escaping, and attempted to extin- guish the flame ; but this being impossible, I carried it in my hand, blazing as it was, to a distance ; and the instant I threw it on the earth, it burst with a violence that shivered the metal to pieces. 4 There was a witness of this deed ; my hands, my face, my burnt garments, the sides of the powder-boxes already blackened with fire, all testified my courage. I might have been proud, but I was only satisfied : my companions would henceforward have no right to taunt me with their offensive jokes. We went onwards, and scarcely had we advanced a single step, when the whole atmosphere seemed one blaze of fire ; the flames appeared in seven places at once, and the brilliant and horrible light seemed at the harbour : the slates cracked, whilst the roofs were burning, and we thought we heard the report of musquetry. Some detachments, deceived by this, scoured about to discover the enemy. Nearer to us, at a short distance from the ship-building yard, clouds of smoke and flame rose from a thatch, whence the burning straw was driven in all directions by the wind. We heard a cry of dis- tress the voice of a child which struck to my heart; it was perhaps too late, but I determined to attempt its rescue, and suc- ceeded in restoring the infant to its mother, who, having left it for an instant, was returning to it in an agony of distress. 1 My honour was now redeemed, and cowardice could no longer be charged upon me, I returned to the battery, when every person congratulated me. A chief of a battalion promised me a cross, which he had, however, been unable to procure for himself for forty years, because he had always had the bad luck to get behind, and never in front of the cannon. I was now in a fair way 204 MEMOIRS OF VTDOCQ. of getting renown, and opportunities presented perpetually. There were mediators appointed between England and France to nego- tiate for peace. Lord Lauderdale was in Paris as plenipotentiary, when the telegraph announced the bombardment of Boulogne, which was but the second act to the attack of Copenhagen. At this information, the emperor, indignant at a causeless renewal of hostilities, sent for Lord L., reproached him with the perfidy of his cabinet, and ordered him to quit France instantly. A fort- night afterwards, Lord Lauderdale arrived here at the Canon d'Or. He was an Englishman, and the exasperated people were desirous of revenging themselves on him : they surrounded him, mobbed him, and pressed upon him, and in defiance of the protection of two officers who were attending him, they showered stones and mud upon him from all sides. Pale, trembling, and faltering, the peer thought he was about to fall a sacrifice, when, sword in hand, I cleared my way through the rabble, crying, " Destruction to whoever strikes him !" I harangued the multitude, dispersed them, and led the way to the harbour, where, without being sub- jected to farther insult, he embarked on board a flag-of-truce boat He soon reached the English squadron, which the next evening renewed the bombardment The following night we were again on the shore, and at one o'clock the English, after throwing a few Congreve rockets suspended their firing ; and I, worn out with toil, threw myself on a gun-carriage, and slept soundly. I know not how long my sleep lasted, but when I awoke I was up to my neck in water, my blood was frozen, my limbs stiffened, and my sight and memory bewildered. Boulogne had changed its situation, and I took the fire of the flotilla for that of the enemy. It was the commencement of a lengthened malady, during which I obstinately refused to go to the hospital. At length I was convalescent ; but as I only recovered slowly, I was again named for the half-pay, and this time was reduced against my own wish ; for I had now adopted the opinion of General Sarrazin. 1 1 had no longer any wish to die in my bed, and applying to myself the sense of the words, " There is only death for him that pauses " that I might not pause, I commenced a career in which, without too painful labours, there is a never-ceasing activity requisite. Persuaded that I have but a short time to live, I am determined to employ that time. I have turned privateer, and what risk do I run ? I can but be killed, and have but little to lose ; in the meanwhile I want for nothing emotions of every sort ; perils and pleasures ; and now I never pause' The reader will now judge what sort of men were Captain Paulet and his lieutenant Scarcely had this latter a breath left in PAULETS LIEUTENANT. 205 his body, and yet in fight, as everywhere else, he was the leader. Sometimes he was lost in dull thought, whence he roughly aroused himself, his head giving the impetus to his system, and he evinced a turbulence which was restrained by no bounds. There was no extravagance, no wild sally of which he was not capable ; and in the reckless state of excitation, all was dared by him. He would have scaled heaven itself. I cannot tell all the pranks he played at the first banquet to which Dufailli had presented me. Some- times he proposed one scheme, sometimes another ; at length he bethought him of the theatre. ' What do they play to-night ?' ' "Misanthropy and Repentance." ' ' I prefer the " Two Brothers." Comrades ! which of you is in a snivelling mood ? The captain weeps every year at his festival, we fellows know nothing of such joys. They are confined to the fathers of families. Do you ever go to the play, captain ? You should go ; for there will be all the world there. All the fashionables, shrimp girls in silken gowns ; the nobility of the land. Oh God ! heaven itself is struck to see sows in ruffles. Never mind ; these ladies must have their play, though it would be as well if they understood French. Oh, do go and see them. 1 remember some ladies at the last ball, who being asked to dance, answered, " I'm axed already.'" ' Come, come, will you never hold your gabble ?* said Paulet to his lieutenant, whom none of the men had interrupted. ' Captain,' he replied, * I have made a motion, and no one has answered me ; nobody wants to snivel. Well, good-bye ; I will go and blubber alone.' Fleuriot immediately went out, and the captain then commenced his eulogy. ' He has,' said he, ' a burning brain, but for courage he is not equalled by any man under heaven.' He then informed us how he was indebted to the daring of Fleuriot for the capture he had just made. The recital was animated and well told, in spite of Paulet's manner, who had a strange way of pronunciation, and who informed us that he had knocked out the brains of a dozen Englishmen with a handspike. The evening advanced, and Paulet, who had not seen his wife and children, was about to retire, when Fleuriot returned. He was not alone. * Captain,' said he, entering, ' what think you of this agreeable sailor I have just engaged ? I think that red cap was never placed over a prettier countenance.' ' True,' replied Paulet, ' but is it a cabin-boy you have brought us ? He has no beard. Parbleu !' he added, raising his voice, ' it is a woman !' Then continuing, with more strongly expressed astonish- ment, ' If I am not mistaken, it is the Saint.' * Yes,' replied Fleuriot, 'it is Eliza, the amiable and better half of the manager of the company which now enchants Boulogne ; she has come to congratulate us upon our late good fortune.' * Madame amongst 206 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. privateers !' said the captain, casting on the disguised actress a look of contempt but too expressive of his thoughts. * I compliment her taste ; she will hear agreeable conversation ; the devil must possess her ! A woman, too !' ' Come, come, captain,' cried Fleuriot, ' privateers are not cannibals, they will not eat her up. What harm is there in it ?' c None ; only the season is propitious for a cruise ; my crew are all well, and we were in .no want of madame to improve their health.' At these words, significantly uttered, Eliza cast her eyes on the ground. ' My dear girl, do not blush,' said Fleuriot, * the captain is only jesting.' ' Not I, by Neptune, I never jest. I remember the Saint Napoleon, when the whole staff, beginning with Marshal Brune, was in commotion, ; there was no small battling in that day : madame knows all about it, the how, the when, the why, and the wherefore, and will not wish me to be more explicit.' Eliza, humbled by this language, did not repent, however, of having accompanied Fleuriot ; during her agitation, she attempted to justify her appearance at the Lion d' Argent, with that softness of tone, those insinuating manners, that mildness of countenance, which seem so foreign to licentious behaviour ; she talked of admiration, glory, valour, heroism, etc., that she might make way in Paulet's estimation ; she appealed to his gallantry, and called him a ' Chevalier Frangais.' Flattery has more or less influence over every mind, and Paulet's language became more polished ; he excused himself as well as possible, obtained Eliza's pardon, and took leave of his comrades, recommending them to amuse them- selves, though there was no fear of growing dull As for me, I could not keep my eyes open, and I went to my bed, where I heard and saw nothing. Next day I arose, recruited and in spirits, and Fleuriot took me to the owner, who, on the strength of my appear- ance, advanced me a few five-franc pieces. A week afterwards, seven of our comrades were in the hospital. The name of the actress, Saint , had disappeared from the playbill, and we learnt that she had profited by the offer of part of a postchaise belonging to a colonel, who, tormented by a thirst of gaming, even to the risking the very epaulets of his uniform, had gone off express to Paris. I awaited with anxiety the moment of our embarkation. The five-franc pieces of M. Choisnard were spent, and if they allowed me to live, they scarcely permitted me to cut any figure ; besides, on shore I daily ran the risk of some unpleasant rencontre. Boulogne was infested with a great many bad fellows ; Mansui, Tribout, Sale, were carrying on their trade in the port, where they despoiled the conscripts, under the orders of another thief named MADAME HENRI. 207 Canivet, who, in the face of the army and its commander, ven- tured to call himself the decapitator. I think I still see the legend on his police-cap, where were depicted a death's-head, swords, and thigh-bones crossed. Canivet was the collector, or rather lord- paramount, and had a large number of sub-agents, cabin-boys, and petty fellows, who paid him a tax for the privilege of thieving : he watched them incessantly, and if he suspected them of deceiv- ing him, he generally chastised them with his sword. I thought it likely that in this gang there might be some fugitive from the galleys, and I feared recognition. My apprehensions were the better founded, as I had heard a report that many freed galley- slaves had been placed either in the corps of sappers or that of the military workmen in the fleet For some time nothing was talked of but murders, assassina- tions, robberies ; and all those crimes were evidences of the presence of hardened villains, amongst whom, perchance, might be some with whom I had compulsorily associated when at Toulon. It was absolutely necessary to avoid them : for to come again in contact would have given me much trouble, from the difficulty of not compromising myself. Robbers are like women ; when we would escape their vices and their society, all league against us to prevent it ; all seek to retain the comrade who would fly from evil ; and it is a glory for them to keep him in the abject state whence they themselves wish not to be emancipated, nor would allow others to escape. I recalled to mind the comrades who denounced me at Lyons, and the motives that induced them to have me apprehended. As my experience was fresh, I was very naturally inclined to profit by it, and be on my guard ; and consequently went into the streets as seldom as possible, and passed nearly all my time in the lower town, at Madame Henri's, where the privateers boarded, and were accommodated with credit on the strength of their respective prizes. Madame Henri, sup- posing she had ever been a wife, was now a good-looking widow, and still attractive, though she owned to thirty-six : she had two charming girls, who, without forgetting themselves, yet gave hopes to every jolly lad whom fortune favoured. Whoever spent his money in the house was a welcome guest, and he who squandered most was always first in estimation with the mother and daughters as long as his profusion lasted. The hands of these girls had been promised twenty times ; twenty times had they been betrothed, and yet their reputation for virtue had never been blown upon. They were free in conversation, but reserved in manners ; and although their purity of mind was not unsullied, yet no one could boast of paving induced them to commit a.faux-as. Yet how many naval 208 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. heroes had been subdued by the power of their charms ! How many aspirants, deceived by their unmeaning coquetries, had flattered themselves on a predilection which was to lead them to so much bliss ! And then, how could one not be mistaken as to the real sentiments of these chaste Dianas, whose perpetual amia bility seemed to give the preference to the person last looked upon ? The hero of to-day was feasted, fondled ; a thousand little peculiar privileges permitted a kiss, for instance, on the sly ; a seducing glance of the eye : economical advice was freely be- stowed, whilst seeking to procure something extravagant; they regulated the expenditure of his money, and as funds grew low, which was a matter of course, they learned the fact of approach- ing penury by the well-timed proffer of a temporary loan ; it was rarely refused, and without evincing indifference or disgust, they only expected that necessity and love would send the inamorato to seek new perils. But scarcely was the wind in the sail of the ship of the lover, and he was calculating the happy chances which would ultimately lead to a marriage, and the small loan which he had vowed to return an hundred-fold, when already was his place filled by some other fortunate mortal ; so that in Madame Henri's house the lovers were constantly succeeding each other, and her two girls were like two citadels, which, always besieged, and always on the point of surrender in appearance, yet never yielded. When one raised the siege, another attacked the spot ; there was illusion foi all, and nothing but illusion. Cecile, one of Madame Henri's daughters, had passed her twentieth year ; she was a merry one, a great laugher, and would listen without blushing to the broadest joke ; and denied only the final surrender of the fort. Hortense, her sister, was much like her, only younger, and her character more natural; she sometimes said strange things; but it seemed as if- honey and orange-flower water flowed in the veins of these two females, for they were so mild and gentle on all occasions. There was no inflammable material in their hearts, although they showed no repugnance to a pressing proposal, and evinced no astonish- ment at the familiarity of a sailor ; yet be it said, they did not the ,ess deserve the surname bestowed on the shepherdess of Vau- couleurs, as well as on a little town of Picardy. It was at the fireside of this amiable family that I seated myself for a month, with a constancy that astonished myself, dividing my hours between piquet, cribbage, and mild ale. The inactivity of my life was irksome, but at last it ceased : Paulet was desirous of resuming his cruise, and we set sail ; but the nights were not dark enough, and the days had become too long. All our captures were Jimited to a few poor coal-brigs, and a sloop of no value ; on board DEATH OF FLEVR10T. 209 which we found Lord somebody, who, in the hopes of regaining his appetite, had undertaken a sea voyage, accompanied by his cook. He was sent to spend his money and eat his trout at Verdun. The dull season was at hand, and we had as yet made no prizes. The captain was as moody and dull as a country whipping-post. Fleuriot was entirely out of patience, swore and raved from morning till night, and from night till morning was in a tempest of rage ; all the crew were quite out of sorts (to use a vulgar expression), and I think we were all in a humour which would have led us on to attack a first-rate man-of-war. It was midnight, and we had just left a small bay near Dunkirk, and were steering towards the English coast, when, by the light of the moon, which, bursting forth from the thick clouds, cast her brilliant rays on the waves, at a short distance we saw a sail. It was a brig of war which was ploughing the glittering wave. Paulet instantly discerned it ' My lads,' he cried, ' it is our own ; every man lie down on his face, and I will answer for our success.' In an instant we boarded her. The English crew fought bravely, and a bloody struggle ensued on the deck. Fleuriot, who according to custom was the first to board, fell amongst the number of the dead. Paulet was wounded, but was avenged : and well avenged his lieutenant also. He struck down all who faced him, and never did I witness such a scene of slaughter. In less than ten minutes we were masters of the ship, and the tri-coloured flag was hoisted in the place of the red flag. Twelve of our crew had fallen in the action, in which an equal desperation was testified on both sides. Amongst those who fell was one Lebel, whose resemblance to me was so striking that it daily caused the most singular mistakes. I called to mind that my ' Socia ' had regular credentials, and it occurred to me that I should do wrong to let slip so favourable an opportunity. Lebel had become food for the fishes, and con- sequently had no farther need of a passport, which would stand me in the greatest stead. The idea appeared to me admirable. I only had one cause of fear, which was that Lebel might have left his pocket-book with the owner of the privateer. I was overjoyed at discovering it about his person, and immediately took possession of it without being discovered by any person ; and when they threw into the sea the sacks of sand in which the dead bodies were put that they might the more readily sink, I felt myself lightened of a great weight, thinking that at length I had got rid of that Vidocq who had played me so many scurvy tricks. However, I was not completely assured, for Dufailli, who was our master at arms, knew my name. This circumstance annoyed 14 2io MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. me ; and that I might have .nothing to dread from him, I de- termined to let him into my secret by some pretended confidence. My precaution was useless. I called for Dufailli and sought him in every part of the vessel, but found him not ; I went on board the Revanche and looked for him, called to him, but no answer was given ; I went down to the powder-room, but no Dufailli. What could have become of him ? I went to the spirit-room ; near a barrel of gin and some bottles I saw an extended body : it was he. I shook him, turned him on his backhe was breathless livid dead. Such was the end of my protector : a congestion of the brain, a sudden apoplexy, or instantaneous choking caused by intoxi- cation, had terminated his career. Since the first creation of marine sergeants, never was there one who got drunk with such consistent regularity and unremitting perseverance. A single trait characterized him, and this prince of drunkards related the circum- stance, as the most delightful event of his life. It occurred on twelfth- day. Dufailli had drawn king ; and to honour his royalty, his comrades seated him on a handbarrow borne by four gunners. On each side of him were placed bottles of brandy for distribution ; and elevated on this temporary palanquin, Dufailli made a halt be r ore every booth in the camp, where he drank and made others drink, amidst overwhelming shouts. These rejoicings were so often repeated, that at last his head became giddy; and his ephe- meral majesty, introduced to a public-house, swallowed, without scarcely tasting it, a pound of bacon, which he mistook for Gruyere cheese. The meat was indigestible ; and Dufailli, conducted back to his barrack, threw himself on his bed, when he soon began to experience a most violent convulsion of the stomach, and in vain did he strive to repress the event that followed. The crisis over, he fell asleep, and was only awakened from his lethargic stupor by the growling of a dog and the noise of a cat, who were quarrelling in his room ! Oh, dignity of human nature, where wert thou ? Such were the lessons of temperance which the Spartans gave their children, by making their slaves drunken, and then pointing out the effect of their excesses to them. I have delayed an instant to give the last and finishing touch to my fellow-countryman. He is no more. Peace be to his manes! Returned on board the brig, where Paulet had left me with the captain of the prize and five men of the crew of the Revanche, scarcely had we closed the hatchways on our prisoners, than we began coasting our way into Boulogne : but the report of the cannon fired by the English before we had boarded had summoned one of their frigates, which bore down upon us, crowding all sail ; 1 EVERYONE FOR HIMSELF: 211 and was soon so near that several shots passed over us, and we- were pursued as far as Calais, when the swell of the sea becoming; very great, and a stormy wind blowing on shore, we thought she- would sheer off for fear of getting amongst the breakers ; but she- was no longer under control, and, driven towards land, had to contend at once with the violence of the elements. To run, aground was her only chance of safety, but that was not attempted. In a moment the frigate was impelled beneath the cross fires of the batteries De la Cote de Fer, of the jetty, and of Fort Rouge;; and from every quarter there came a shower of bombs, chain-shot,. and grape. Amidst the horrible noise of a thousand shots, a cry of distress was heard, and the frigate sank without any possibility/ of succour being afforded. An hour afterwards it was daylight ; and in the distance we saw- several fragments floating. A man and woman were tied to a mast, and waved a handkerchief, which we saw just as we were doubling Cape Grenet. I thought we could rescue these unfortu- nate beings, and proposed the attempt to the commander of the prize; and on his refusal to allow us the use of the jolly-boat, in a rage, I threatened to break his skull. ' Well/ said he, with a disdainful smile, and shrugging his shoulders, ' Captain Paulet is more humane than you ; he has seen them, but does not stir about it, because it is useless. They are there, and we are here, and everyone for himself in bad weather ; we have suffered quite loss enough, if it were only Fleuriot.' This answer restored me to my natural coolness, and made me understand that we ourselves were in greater danger than I had imagined. In fact, the waves evinced it; over our heads were gulls and divers, mingling their piercing cries with the shrill whistling of the north wind ; in the horizon, darkening more and more, were long black and red streaks ; the face of heaven was disfigured, and all betokened the impending tempest Fortu- nately, Paulet had skilfully calculated time and distance ; we failed in reaching Boulogne harbour, but found shelter and anchorage at Portel, not far from thence. On going ashore here, we saw lying on the strand the two unfortunates whom I would have succoured; the flow of the tide had cast them lifeless on a foreign shore, on which we gave them burial. They had been lovers, perhaps, and I was touched at their fate; but other cares diminished my regrets. All the population of the village women, children, and old men ^-were assembled on the coast. The families of a hundred and fifty fishermen were in despair at seeing their frail barks fired upon by six English ships of the line, whose solid oaks were furrowing the waves. Each spectator, with an anxiety more easily imagined 212 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. than described, followed with his eyes the barque in which he was most interested, and according as it was sunk or escaped from peril, were cries, tears, lamentations, or transports of rapturous joy evinced. Mothers, daughters, wives, and children, tore their hair, rent their clothes, thiew themselves on the earth, uttering impre- cations and blasphemies. Others, without reflecting how much they insulted distress, without thinking of rendering thanks to Heaven, towards which their suppliant hands had been raised the instant before, danced, sung, and, with faces shining through for- gotten tears, manifested every symptom of the most overpowering joy. Fervent vows, the patronage of Saint Nicholas, the efficacy of his intercession, all was forgotten. Perhaps, next day, recollec- tion might have returned, and a little more compassion been evinced for a suffering neighbour ; but during the storm egotism was paramount ; and, as I was answered, ' everyone for himself.' CHAPTER XVIII. I enter the marine artillery- -Become a corporal Secret military societies 'The Olympians' Singular duels I am betrayed, and again in prison Piedmontese bandit Four murderers set at liberty. I RETURNED to Boulogne the same evening : where I learnt that, in consequence of an order from the general in command, all the individuals who, in each corps, were marked as black sheep, were to be immediately arrested, and sent on board the cruisers. It was a sort of press which was intended to purge the army, and to check its demoralization, which had increased to an alarming extent. Thus I judged it best to quit the Revanche, on board which, to repair the losses of the late fight, the owner did not fail to send some of the men whom the general had deemed it expedient to get rid of. Since Canivet and his myrmidons were no longer in the camp, I thought there could be no ill result if I again turned soldier. Furnished with Lebel's papers, I entered a company of gunners, then employed in coast service ; and as Lebel had formerly been a corporal in this division, I obtained that rank on the first vacancy ; that is, a fortnight after my enrolment Regular be- haviour, and a perfect knowledge of my duties, with which I was well acquainted, as an artillery-man of the old school, soon acquired for me the favour of my officers ; and a circumstance which might have gone greatly against me still farther conciliated them towards me. I was on guard at the fort of Eure, during the spring-tides, and the weather was excessively bad ; mountains of water were dashed over the platform with so much violence, that the thirty-six CORPORAL LEBEL? 213 pounders were shaken from the embrasures, and, at the dash of every wave, it seemed as if the whole fort was rent to pieces. Until the Channel should be calmer, it was evident that no ship would dare to venture out ; and night having come on, I did not station sentinels, but allowed the soldiers to remain in bed until next day. I watched for them, or rather, I could not sleep, as I had no need of repose ; when, about three in the morning, some words, which I knew to be English, struck on my ear ; at the same time a knocking commenced at a door under the steps leading to the battery. I thought we were surprised, and immediately roused everybody. I put them under arms, and had already determined on selling my life dearly, when I heard a woman's voice, who sup- plicated our aid. I scon heard distinctly these words in French : ' Open, we have been shipwrecked !' I wavered an instant, and then with due precaution and a determination to sacrifice the first who on entering should betray any hostile intent, I opened the door, and saw a woman, an infant, and five sailors, all more dead than alive. My first care was to have them all placed before a roaring fire, for they were dripping with wet and almost motionless from cold. My men and I lent them shirts and clothing ; and as soon as they were a little revived, they told us the accident to which their visit to us was attributable. Having sailed for the Havannah, in a three-masted vessel, and on the point of finishing a prosperous voyage, they had dashed upon the mole of our pier, and only escaped death by throwing themselves on our battery from the main-top. Nineteen of their crew, amongst whom was the captain, had perished in the waves. The sea still blockaded us for several days, without any boat daring to venture out to us. At the end of the time, I was rowed on shore with my wrecked sailors, whom I conducted myself to the chief officer of the naval service, who congratulated me, as if I had taken so many prisoners. If it were so brilliant a capture, I could really have said that it had only caused me one single fright. However that may be, in the company it procured for me a very high opinion. 1 continued to fulfil my duties with exemplary punctuality, and three months glided away, during which I had nothing but praise. This I determined always to deserve, but an adventurer's career was still to be my lot. A fatality which I was compelled to submit to unresistingly, and often unknowingly, perpetually threw me in contact with persons and things which were most in opposition to the destiny I was attempting to cut out for myself. It was to this singular fatality that, without being enrolled in the secret societies of the army, I was indebted for being initiated into its mysteries. 214 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. It was at Boulogne that these societies were first formed. The first of all was that of the Olympiens, whose founder was one Crombet of Namur. It was at first only composed of a few young naval officers, but it rapidly increased, and all military men were admitted ; principally, however, those of the artillery corps. Nothing was more common at Boulogne than duelling ; and the mania had extended even to the dull and peaceable Netherlanders of the flotilla under the orders of Admiral Werhwel. There was not far from the camp on the left, at the foot of a hill, a small wood, which could be passed at no hour without observing on the turf a dozen individuals engaged in what they called an affair of honour. It was here that a celebrated amazon, the Demoiselle Div , fell under the sword of a quondam lover, Colonel Camb , who, not recognising her in her male attire, had accepted from her a challenge to single combat. The Demoiselle Div , whom he had .forsaken for another, had wished to perish beneath his hand. One day I was casting my eyes on this scene of bloody encounter, from the extremity of the left camp which peopled the extensive yplain, when I saw at some distance from the little wood two men, fone of whom was advancing towards the other, who was retreating :across the plain. By the white trousers I knew the champions were Hollanders, and I paused a moment to look at them. Soon the ; assailant retrograded in his turn, and then, mutually alarmed, they both retreated, brandishing their sabres ; one, plucking up a little courage, made a thrust at his adversary, and then pursued him to the brink of a ditch which he was unable to leap. Both then throw- ing down their swords, a pugilistic combat commenced between the -heroes, who thus decided their quarrel. I was greatly amused at this comic duel, when I saw near a farm where we sometimes went :to eat ' codiau ' ( a kind of white soup made with flour and eggs) two individuals who, stripped to the skin, were already prepared, s sword in hand, attended by their seconds, who were respectively a ^quarter-master of the tenth regiment of dragoons and a forager of ;artillery. The weapons soon crossed, and the smaller of the two combatants, who was an artillery sergeant, skipped about in a very -singular manner, and having traversed in a strange way at least fifty paces, I thought he must be infallibly run through, when in an instant he disappeared, as if the earth had opened and swallowed him up, and a loud burst of laughter succeeded After the first -shoutings of this noisy mirth, the seconds approached, and I ob- served that they stooped down. Impelled by a feeling of curiosity, I went towards the spot, and arrived just in time to help them in pulling out from a hole dug for the formation of a large hog-trough "She poor devil whose sudden disappearance had so greatly THE DUEL. 215 astonished me. He was almost lifeless, and covered with mire from head to feet The air soon brought him back to his senses, but he was afraid to breathe ; he dared not open his eyes or mouth, so foul was the liquid in which he had been plunged. In this woeful plight, the first words that saluted his ears were jokes. Feeling disgusted at such unfeeling conduct, I yielded to my just indignation, and darted at his antagonist one of those significant glances which between soldier and soldier need no interpreter. ' Enough,' said he, ' 1 am ready for you ;' and scarcely was I on my guard, when on the arm which held the foil, to which I had op- posed mine, I saw a tattooing which I thought was not unknown to me. It was the figure of an anchor, of which the stem was en- circled by the folds of a serpent * I see the tail,' I exclaimed, 4 take care of the head ;' and with this word of advice I thrust at my man, and hit him on the right breast. ' I am wounded,' he then said, * that is first blood.' * It is,' said I, * first blood ;' and without another word I began to tear my shirt to staunch the blood that flowed from his wound. I necessarily exposed his breast, where, as I had judged, I saw the head of the serpent, which was de- lineated as if gnawing the extremity of his bosom. Observing how earnestly I alternately examined his features and this mark, my adversary seemed to grow uneasy : but I hastened to assure him, by these words which I whispered in his ear : * I know you ; but fear nothing, I am discreet.' * I know you too,' "he replied, squeezing my hand, 'and I will be also silent' He who thus promised secrecy was a fugitive galley-slave from the Bagne of Toulon. He told me his assumed name, and stated that he was principal quarter-master of the tenth dragoons, where in expense he surpassed all the officers of his regiment Whilst this mutual recognition was taking place, the individual whose cause I had espoused as the champion of his wrongs, was endeavouring to wash off in a rivulet the thickest of the filth which covered him, and he soon returned to us ; and all were now quiet and well behaved, so that there were no longer any grounds of difference, and the inclination for laughter was turned into an un- common wish for reconciliation. The principal quarter-master, whom I had wounded but slightly, proposed that we should ratify articles of peace at the Canon d'Or, where they had always ready excellent stewed eels and ready- plucked poultry. He there gave us a princely breakfast, which was kept up till supper came, for which his adversary paid. On our separation, the quarter-master made me promise to meet him again, and the sergeant would not be contented unless I ac- companied him home. 2i6 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. This sergeant was M. Bertrand, who lodged in the upper town, in the house of a superior officer. As soon as we were alone, he testified his gratitude with all the warmth of which he was capable ; for after drinking, a coward who has been rescued from peril may evince some feeling. He made me offers of any kind of service, and as I would accept of none, he said, * You think, perhaps, that I have no influence ; I should be but a paltry protector, certainly, comrade, if I had only the power of a subaltern ; but that is because I do not wish to be otherwise. I have no ambition, and all the Olympiens are like me ; they despise the miserable distinction which rank confers.' I asked who the Olympiens were. 'They are/ he replied, ' men who adore liberty, and seek equality : will you be an Olympien ? For if so, say the word, and you shall be admitted instantly.' I thanked M. Bertrand, adding, that I did not see any necessity to enrol myself in a society to which the attention of the police would be drawn sooner or later. * You are right,' he replied ; and then with earnestness added, * Do not enter, for it will go badly with them.' He then gave me details concerning the Olympiens; and, as if impelled by the feeling of confidential communication which champagne so peculiarly excites, he told me, under the seal of secrecy, the object of his mission to Boulogne. After this first interview, I continued to see M. Bertrand, who remained for some time in his office of ' spy,' until, the period having arrived when he was sufficiently instructed, he asked and procured a month's leave of absence, being about, as he said, to obtain a considerable estate ; but at the expiration of the month, M. Bertrand did not return, and the report spread that he had carried off the sum of 12,000 francs, which had been confided to his care by Colonel Aubry, for whom he was to have brought back an equipage and horses ; another sum, destined for purchases on account of the regiment, had also been carried off by the active M. Bertrand. It was known that in Paris he had alighted at the Rue Notre Dame des Victoires, at the Hotel de Milan, where he had pushed his credit to the very utmost extent. All these particulars caused a mystification, of which even the sufferers by it dared not openly to complain. It was only settled that M. Bertrand had disappeared : he was tried, and condemned, as a deserter, to five years' labour. A short time afterwards, an order arrived for the arrest of the principal Olympiens, and for the dissolving of their society. But this order could be but par- tially enforced ; as the leaders, aware that Government was about to interfere with them, and put them into the dungeons of Vin- cennes, or some other State prison, preferred death to a miserable FIVE SUICIDES! 217 existence, and five suicides took place on the same day. A sergeant- major of the twenty-fifth regiment of the line, and two other sergeants of another regiment, blew out their brains. A captain, who had the previous evening received his commission and a com- pany, cut his throat with a razor. He lodged at the Lion d' Argent : and the innkeeper, M. Boutrois, astonished that he did not, as usual, come down to breakfast with the other officers, knocked at his door. The captain was stooping over a large basin which he had placed to receive the blood ; he put on his cravat hastily, opened the door, and fell dead in the effort of speaking. A naval officer, who commanded a brig laden with powder, set fire to it, which communicated to another brig, which also blew up. The earth shook for several miles round, and all the windows in the lower town were broken ; the fronts of several houses on the harbour were shaken down ; pieces of wood, broken masts, and fragments of carcasses, were hurled to a distance of eighteen hundred toises. The crews of the two ships perished. One man only was saved, and that most miraculously. He was a common sailor, and at the time of the explosion in the main-top ; the mast to which he clung was carried almost to the clouds, and then fell perpendicularly into the basin of the harbour, which was dry, and planted itself to the depth of more than six feet The sailor was found alive, but had lost both sight and hearing, which he never after recovered. At Boulogne, these coincidences were the theme of general con- versation. The doctors pretended that these simultaneous suicides were the result of a peculiar affection emanating from the atmo- sphere. They appealed, by way of proof, to an observation made at Vienna, where, the previous summer, a great many young girls, impelled by a sort of frenzy, had thrown themselves into the river on the same day. Some persons thought they could explain what appeared most extraordinary in this circumstance, by saying, that most commonly one suicide, when very generally talked of, is followed by two or three others. In fact, the public understood the cause the less, inasmuch as the police, which feared to allow anything to appear that could characterise the opposition to the imperial regime, de- signedly circulated the wildest reports ; and precautions were so well taken, that in this instance the name Olympien was not once pro- nounced in the camps : but the real origin of these tragic events was in the denunciations of M. Bertrand. Doubtless, he was re- compensed, although I know not in what manner ; but what appears most probable is, that the minister of police, satisfied with his services, continued to employ him ; for, some years afterwards, he was in Spain, in the regiment of Isembourg, where, as a lieutenant, 2i8 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. he was no less thought of than Montmorenci, Saint-Simon, and other offsprings of some of the most illustrious houses of France, who had been placed in his corps. A short time after the disappearance of M. Bertrand, my company was sent to St. Leonard, a small village, at a league from Boulogne. There our duties consisted in guarding a powder-magazine, in which was kept a large quantity of war-like stores and ammunition. The service was not arduous, but the fort was thought dangerous, as many sentinels had been murdered on duty; and it was thought that the English had a design of blowing up this depot. Some such attempts, which had taken place in various posts, left no doubt on the matter ; and we had sufficient reason, therefore, for exercising unremitting vigilance. One night, when it was my turn to keep guard, we were sud- denly roused by the report of a musket, and every one was instantly on foot. I hastened, according to custom, to relieve the guard, who was a conscript, of whose courage there was some doubt : and, on being questioned, I thought, from his answers, that he had been needlessly alarmed. I then went round the magazine, which was an old church ; I had all parts and places examined, but nothing was observable no trace of any person. Persuaded, then, that it was a false alarm, I reprimanded the conscript and threatened him with the black-hole. However, on the return of the relief- piquet, I interrogated him afresh ; and, from the assured tone with which he asserted that he had seen some one, and by the details he gave, I began to think that his terror was not so causeless as I had imagined, and I consequently went out, and going a second time towards the magazine, of which I found the door ajar, I pushed it open, and on entering, my eyes were struck with the faint glimmering of a light which projected from between two rows of boxes filled with cartridges. I dashed along the passage, and on reaching the extremity, I saw a lighted lamp beneath the lowest cask, the flames of which already had smoked the wood, and a smell of turpentine pervaded the place. There was not a moment to lose, and without hesitation I overturned the lamp, and stamped out all the other appearances of sparks, etc. The profound dark- ness that ensued, guaranteed to me the certainty that I had pre- vented the explosion, but I was not at ease until the smell was entirely dissipated, and then I went away. Who was the incen- diary? This I knew not; but there arose in my mind strong suspicions of the magazine-keeper, and to arrive at the truth I went forthwith to his residence. His wife was then alone, and told me that, kept at Boulogne on business, he would sleep there, and would return on the next morning. I asked for the keys PROMOTION. 219 of the magazine, but he had taken them with him ; and this re- moval of the keys confirmed me in the opinion that he was guilty : but, before I made any report, I again visited his house at ten o'clock to convince myself, and he had not then returned. An inventory, which was made the same day, proved that the keeper must have the greatest interest in destroying the depot intrusted to his care, as the only mode by which he could con- ceal the extensive robberies he had committed. Six week elapsed before we learnt what had become of him ; and then some reapers found his dead body in a wheat-field, with a pistol lying beside him. As it had been my presence of mind which had prevented the blowing up of the powder-magazine, I was promoted to the rank of sergeant ; and the general, who desired to see me, promised to recommend me to the consideration of the ministry. As I thought I was now in a fair way to do well, I was very careful to lose, as Lebel, all the bad qualities of Vidocq ; and, if the necessary duty of attending to the distribution of rations had not led me to Boulogne occasionally, I should have been a most exemplary fellow ; but every time I went to the city, I had to visit the quarter-master-in-chief of dragoons, against whom I had espoused the cause of M. Bertrand : not that he exacted this from me, but I thought it needful to be on good terms with him. Then, however, the whole day was consecrated to Bacchus ; and in spite of myself, I lapsed from my good intentions of reform. By the help of a supposititious uncle, a man of wealth and influence, whose property, he said, was secured to him, my old colleague of the Bagne led a very agreeable life ; and the credit he obtained, from the reputation of being a person of family, was unlimited. There was not a Boulognese citizen of wealth but cultivated the acquaintance of a personage of such distinction most sedulously. The most ambitious papas desired nothing more ardently than to have him for a son-in-law; and amongst the young ladies, it was the general wish to catch him : thus he had facilities of dipping into the purses of the one, and obtaining the good graces of the other. He had an equipment like a colonel dogs, horses, and servants, and affected the tone and manners of a nobleman. He possessed in a supreme degree the art of throwing powder in people's eyes and making himself appear a man of consequence; so much so, that to the officers them- selves, who are generally so extremely jealous of the prerogatives belonging to an epaulet, thought it very natural he should eclipse them. In any place but Boulogne, the adventurer would have been soon detected as a swindler, as he had not received any 220 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. education ; but in a city where the citizens of a recent establish- ment were as yet genteel in costume only, it was an easy matter to carry on such an imposition. Fessard was the real name of this quarter-master, who was only known at the Bagne as Hippolyte. He was, I believe, from Low Normandy ; and, with an exterior of much frankness, an open countenance, and the haughty air of a young rake, he combined that sly character which slander has attributed to the inhabitants of Dom front : in a word, he was a shrewd man of the world, and gifted with all that was necessary to inspire confidence. A rood of land in his own country would have been to him sufficient to have produced a thousand actions at law, and quite a sufficient possession to have enabled him to make his fortune by ruining his neighbour ; but Hippolyte really had nothing in the world, and, unable to turn pleader, he became a swindler, then a forger, then we shall learn what, and must not anticipate. Every time I visited the town, Hippolyte paid for dinner ; and one day, between dessert and cheese, he said to me, ' Do you know, I am astonished at you to live in the country like an anchorite ; to be content with a daily pittance; to have just twenty- two sous per diem. I cannot conceive how a person can endure such a lot ; as for me, I would rather die at once. But you have your pickings somewhere, slily ; you are not the lad to live without some such additions.' I told him that my pay sufficed for me; and besides, I was fed, clothed, and in want of nothing. 'All very fine,' he replied, ' but yet we have some priggers here : you have no doubt heard of the "minions of the moon" you must be one; and, if you like, I will quarter you take the environs of St. Leonard.' I was told that the army ' de la Lune ' was a band of male- factors, the leaders of whom were, up to this period, concealed from the scrutiny of the police. These brigands, who had or- ganized a system of murder and robbery for a circuit of more than ten leagues, all belonged to various regiments. At night they ranged about the camps, or concealed themselves on the roads, making pretended rounds and patrols, stopping any person who presented the least hope of booty. That they might not be impeded they provided themselves with uniforms of every de- nomination. At a time of need they were captains, colonels, generals, and used all the proper words of regimental order and discipline pass-words, countersigns, etc. ; with which some trusty friends took care to inform them, from time to time, as they were altered. From what I knew, the proposal of Hippolyte was well calcu- aied to alarm me ; for either he was one of the leaders of this BETRAYED. 221 army de la Lune, or he was one of the secret agents employed by the police to effect the breaking up of this army : perhaps he was both. My situation with him was most embarrassing, and the thread of my destiny was again entangled ; nor could I, as at Lyons, extricate myself from this business by denouncing him : and then, what would it have availed me to have denounced him, had he been an agent ? This idea made me cautious of the mode in which I should reject his proposition, which I did by saying, with firmness, that I was resolved to become an honest man. 'Didn't you see,' said he, 'that I was only joking? and you take up the matter seriously ; I only wanted to try you. I am charmed, my comrade, to find in you such a determination. I have formed a similar one,' he added, * and am on the highway to it ; and the devil shall not again turn me from it.' Then, turning the conver- sation, we left all further mention of the army de la Lune. Eight days after this interview, during which Hippolyte had made me this proposal, so promptly retracted, my captain, on going through the inspection, condemned me to four-and-twenty hours' confinement, for a spot which, he said, was on my uniform. This cursed spot, although I opened my eyes as widely as possible, I was unable to perceive ; but be it as it may, I went to the guard- house without a murmur. Four-and-twenty hours soon pass away! The next morning would terminate my sentence : when, at five o'clock in the morning, I heard the trot of horses, and soon after- wards I heard the following dialogue: 'Who goes there?' ' France.' * What regiment ?' * The imperial corps of gendar- merie.' At the word of gendarmerie, I felt an involuntary shudder, and suddenly my door opened and some one called ' Vidocq.' Never did this name, falling suddenly on the ears of a troop of villains, disconcert them more effectually than it did myself at this moment. 'Come, follow us,' cried out the officer; and, to prevent any possibility of escape, he fastened a rope round me. I was instantly conducted to prison, where I had a tolerable bed, on paying for it. I found a numerous and goodly assemblage. 'Did I not say so?' cried a soldier of artillery, whom, by his accent, r"knew to be a Piedmontese. ' We shall have all the camp. Here is another. I will bet my head that he owes his imprisonment to that thief of a quartermaster. Will no one cut that villain's throat ?' ' Go, look for him, then, your quartermaster,' interrupted a second prisoner, who also seemed to be a new-comer. * What- ever he may have done, he is now at a distance ; he has made himself scarce, a week since. But, my lads, you must own that he is a crafty chap. In less than three months, forty thousand francs in debt in the city. What a lucky dog ! And then, how 222 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. many little boys and girls has he left behind? I should be sorry to father all his flock. Six young ladies, daughters of our leading burgesses, are in a fair way of becoming mammas ! Each thought she had him to herself ; but he seems to have cut his heart into small pieces, and shared it amongst them !' ' Oh, yes !' said a turnkey, who was preparing my bed, ' he has spent like a prodigal, and now must mind what he is about; for, if they catch him, handcuffs are the word. He is marked as a deserter. He will be caught, I think.' 'Do not make too sure/ I replied; 'they will catch him as they caught M. Bertrand.' 'Well, suppose he should be taken,' resumed the Piedmontese, 'would that prevent my being guillotined at Turin ? Besides, I repeat it, I will bet my head .' 'What does the fool say about his head?' cried a fourth. * We are here in prison, and as it was to be, what consequence through whose means ?' This reasoner was right. It would have been useless to lose one's self in a field of conjectures, and we must all have been blind not to have recognised Hippolyte as the author of our arrest. As for me, I could not be deceived, for he was the only person in Boulogne who knew that I had escaped from the Bagne. Many soldiers of different ranks came against their will to fill up a chamber in which were assembled the principal leaders of the army de la Lune. Very seldom in the prison of so small a town was there seen a more singular assemblage of delinquents ; the ' prevot,' that is, the elder of our room, named Lelievre, was a poor devil of a soldier, who, condemned to death three years before, had perpetually before him the chance of the termination of the respite by virtue of which he still existed. The Emperor, to whose mercy he had been recommended, had pardoned him; but as the pardon had not been registered, and as the indispensable official papers had not been transmitted to the chief judge, Lelievre continued a prisoner ; and all that could be done in favour of this unfortunate being, was to suspend the execution until the moment when an opportunity should present itself of again calling the Emperor's attention to his case. In this state, in which his life was un- certain, Lelievre deliberated between the hope of freedom and the fear of death ; he laid down to sleep with the one, and awoke with the other. Every evening he thought himself sure of his liberty, and every morning he expected to be shot ; sometimes gay even to folly, sometimes dull and spiritless, he never enjoyed a moment of equable calm. If he played a game of draughts or matrimony, he paused in the midst of it, threw bown the cards, and striking his forehead with his clenched hands, jumped from his seat, and raving like a madman, he ended by flinging himself on his bed, CHRISTIERN. 223 where, lying on his face, he remained for hours in a state of mental depression. The hospital was Lelievre's house of pleasure; and if he got wearied, he went there for consolation from Sister Alexandrine, who had a most tender heart, and sympathized with all the wretched. This compassionate sister was deeply interested in the prisoner, and Lelievre deserved it, for he was not a criminal but a victim ; and the sentence against him was the unjust result of a feeling but too common in councils of war, that the innocent should even suffer if there are disorders to repress. The con- science and humanity of judges ought to be silent when necessity calls for exemplary punishment Lelievre was one of the few of those men who, steeled against vice, can without danger to their morality remain in contact with the most contaminated. He acquitted himself in his duties of steward (pre'vot) with as much equity as if he had been endued with all the powers of a licensed magistrate ; he never let off a new-comer, but explained to him his duties as a prisoner, endeavouring to render as easy as possible the first days of his captivity ; and rather might be said to do the honours of the prison than to enforce his authority. Another character also attracted the regard and affection of the prisoners, Christiern, whom we called the Dane. He did not speak French, and only understood by signs ; but his intelligence seemed to penetrate our very thoughts ; he was melancholy, thoughtful, and gentle ; in his features there was a mixture of nobleness, candour, and sadness, which insinuated and touched at the same time. He wore a sailor's dress ; but the flowing curls of his long black hair, his snowy-white linen, the delicacy of his complexion and manners, the beauty of his hand, all announced a man of exalted condition. Although a smile was often on his lips, yet Christiern appeared a prey to the deepest sorrow ; but he kept his grief to himself, and no one knew even the cause of his detention. One day he was summoned whilst he was engaged in tracing on the glass with a flint the drawing of a fleet, which was his sole amusement, except occasionally sketching the portrait of a female, whose resemblance he seemed delighted to be perpetually depicting. We saw him go out ; and soon afterwards being brought back, scarcely was the door closed upon him, than, taking from a leathern bag a prayer-book, he was soon engrossed in its perusal. At night he slept as usual until daybreak, when the sound of a drum warned us that a detachment was entering the prison yard, and he then dressed himself hastily, gave his watch and money to Lelievre, who was his bedfellow ; and having fre- quently kissed a small crucifix which he always wore round his neck, he shook hands with all of us. The gaoler, who was present. ^24 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. was very deeply affected ; and when Christiern left us, said, ' They are going to shoot him ; all the troops are assembled, and in less than a quarter of an hour all his misfortunes will terminate. This sailor whom you all took for a Dane, is a native of Dunkirk ; his real name is Vandermot ; he served in the corvette Hirondelle, and was taken prisoner by the English, and placed in the hold of a prison-ship with many others ; when, exhausted with breathing in- fectious air, and almost starving, he consented to a proposal of being removed from his living tomb, on condition that he would embark in a vessel belonging to the East India Company. On the return of the ship it was captured by a privateer, and Van- dermot was brought here with the rest of the crew. He was to have been sent to Valenciennes, but at the moment of departure, an interpreter interrogated him, and it was found by his answers that he was not conversant with the English language ; this gave rise to suspicions, and he declared that he was a subject of the King of Denmark ; but as he had no proof of this assertion, it was decided that he should remain here until the whole affair should be cleared up. Some months elapsed, and Vandermot seemed to have been forgotten, when one day a woman and two children came to the gaol, and asked for Christiern. " My husband !" she cried, seeing him. " My wife ! my children !" he exclaimed, em- bracing them with ardour. " How imprudent you are !" said I, in a whisper, to Christiern ; " It is well that only I am with you !" I promised to be secret, but it was useless. In the joy of having news from him, his wife, to whom he had written, and who thought him dead, had shown his letters to her neighbours, and some of the most officious amongst them had already denounced him the wretches ! it is their deed which this day destroys him. For some old howitzers which the ship mounted, they have treated him as one taken in arms against his country. Are not such laws un- just ?' * Yes, yes, the laws are unjust,' said a number of fellows who were sitting round a bed, playing at cards and drinking spirits. ' Come, push round the glass/ said one, handing it to his neigh- bour. ' Holla !' said a second, who remarked the air of conster- nation expressed in Lelievre's features, and shook his arm ; ' do not put yourself in a fright about it ! His turn to-day, ours to- morrow.' This conversation, horribly prolonged, degenerated into unfeel- ing jokes, until the sound of a drum and fifes, which the echo of the river repeated in various quarters, indicated that the detach- ments of various corps were marching back to the camp. A death-like silence pervaded the prison for several minutes, and we THE PRISONERS. 225 thought that Christiern had already undergone his sentence, but at the instant when his eyes were covered with the fatal bandage, and on his knees he awaited the execution of his sentence, an aide- de-camp had stopped the fire of the musketry. The prisoner again saw the light of heaven, and was to be restored to his wife and children, whose prayers and supplications to Marshal Brune had been the means of saving his life. Christiern, led back to confine- ment, was still full of joy, as he had been assured of his speedy freedom. The emperor had been petitioned for his pardon, and the request, made in the name of the marshal himself, was so generously urged, that it was impossible to doubt of success. The return of Christiern was an event on which we did not fail to congratulate him : we drank to the health of the returned prisoner ; and the arrival of six new prisoners, who paid their entrance fees with much liberality, was an additional incentive to rejoicing. These men, whom I had known as a part of Paulet's crew, were sentenced to a few days' confinement, as a punishment for having, in boarding a prize, in defiance of the articles of war, plundered the English captain. As they had not been compelled to refund, they brought their guineas with them, and spent them freely. We were all satisfied : the gaoler, who collected even to the very smallest portions of this golden shower, was so pleased with his new guests, that he relaxed his vigilance, although there were in one room three prisoners under sentence of death Lelievre, Christiern, and the Piedmontese Orsino, a chief of Barbets, who, having encountered near Alexandria a detachment of conscripts marching towards France, had got into their ranks, where he had supplied the place and name of a deserter. Orsino, whilst serving under this flag, had conducted himself irreproachably, but had marred all by an indiscretion. A price was set upon his head in his own country, and the sentence was to be put into execution at Turin. Five other prisoners were under the weight of charges of the gravest nature. Four were marines ; two of them Corsicans and two Proven9als, charged with the assassination of a woman, from whom they had stolen a golden cross and silver buckles ; the fifth had been, as well as they, of the army de la Lune, and to him were attributed very peculiar powers : the soldiers asserted that he could render himself invisible, and metamorphose himself as he pleased ; he had, besides, the gift of ubiquity ; in fact, he was a sorcerer ; and that because he was hump-backed, facetious, severe, a great tale teller, and, having been a sharper all his days, was clever in many tricks of legerdemain. With such company, most gaolers would have used the greatest precaution, but ours con- sidered us as only skilful practitioners, and constantly associated with 'S 226 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. us. Besides, for ready cash he provided for all our wants, and had no idea that we could have any wish to leave him ; and he was correct to a certain point ; for Lelievre and Christiern had not the least wish to escape ; Orsino was resigned : the marines did not antici- pate a very severe sentence ; the sorcerer relied on the insufficiency of evidence : and the privateers, always drinking, felt no sort of melancholy. I alone nourished the idea of getting away ; but that I might not be suspected, I affected to be undisturbed ; and so well did I conceal my intent, that it seemed as if the prison were my natural element, and all thought that I was as comfortable there as a fish in water. I did not drink but on one occasion, that of Christiern's return amongst us. That night we were all somewhat in liquor, and about two in the morning I felt a burning thirst which seemed to inflame my whole body : and on getting out of bed half awake, I groped about for the pitcher, and on drinking I found a most horrible mistake ; I had taken one vessel for another, and was almost poisoned. By daybreak I had scarcely repressed the violent commotions of my stomach, when one of the turnkeys came to tell us that there was some work to be done : as this afforded an opportunity for getting a little air, which I thought would revive me, I offered myself as a substitute for a privateer, whose clothes I put on ; and crossing the court-yard, I saw a subaltern officer of my acquaintance, who came in with his cloak on his arm. He told me that he was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for having created an uproar in the theatre, and had just been entered on the prison book. ' In that case,' said I, * you can begin your work at once ; here is the trough.' The subaltern was accommodating, and did not require a second hint ; and whilst he very readily went to work, I passed boldly by the sentinel, who, fortunately for me, took no notice of me. Leaving the prison, I made my way into the country, and did not stop till I reached the bridge of Brique, where I paused in a small ravine, whilst I reflected on the best mode of escaping pursuit ; and at first resolved on going to Calais, but my unlucky stars sug- gested my return to Arras. In the evening I went to sleep in a barn, in which travellers rested. One of them, who had left Boulogne three hours after me, told me that the whole city was plunged in grief at the execution of Christiern. * It is the only thing they can talk about,' said he. ' It was expected that the emperor would pardon him, but the telegraph signalled that he was to be shot. He had once narrowly escaped, but to-day he has suffered. It was piteous to hear him cry " Pardon, pardon," whilst endeavour- ing to raise himself after the first fire, amidst the howlings of some dogs behind him, whom the shots had struck ! It went to the very heart, but yet they finished their work. It was his destinv !' FORWARDED TO DOUAl ONCE MORE. 227 Although this information caused me great affliction, I could not help thinking that Christiern's death would effect a diversion in favour of my escape ; and as he told me nothing which seemed as if I had been missed on the general muster-call, I thought myself in security. I reached Bethune without mishap, and went to lodge with an old regimental acquaintance, who received me kindly. But, however prudent one may be, there are always some unexpected occurrences ; I had preferred the hospitality ot" a friend to a lodging at an auberge, and I had thereby placed myself in the jaws of danger ; for my friend was recently married, and his wife's brother was one of those obstinate brutes, whose hearts, insensible to glory, only desire inglorious peace. As a natural consequence, the abode I had chosen, as well as those of all the young fellow's relations, were frequently visited by the gendarmes ; and these very agreeable gentlemen invaded the residence of my friend long before daybreak, and, without any respect to my slumbers, de- manded to see my papers. For want of a passport I endeavoured to enter into certain explanations with them, which was but lost labour. The brigadier, after viewing me attentively, cried out, ' I am not mistaken, 'tis he ; I have seen him at Arras ; 'tis Vidocq !' I was compelled to confess, and in less than a quarter of an hour found myself in the prison of Bethune. Perhaps, before I proceed, my readers will not be sorry to learn the fate of my companions in captivity, whom I had left at Boulogne ; and I can satisfy their curiosity with respect to some of them. We have learnt that Christiern was shot, brave, good fellow as he was ! Lelievre, who was equally worthy, lingered on between hope and fear till the year 1811, when the typhus fever terminated his existence. The four sailors, the murderers, were one night liberated, and sent to Prussia, where two of them received the cross of honour under the walls of Dantzic ; and the sorcerer was released without any sentence having been passed. In 1814 he called himself Collinet, and was the quarter-master of a West- phalian regiment, of which he hoped to get the chest for his own particular profit. This adventurer, not knowing how to dispose of his booty, went on the wings of haste to Burgundy, where, in the neighbourhood, he fell in with a troop of Cossacks, who compelled him to surrender and give an account of himself. This was the last day of his life, for they ran him through with their lances. My stay at Bethune was brief ; for the day after my capture I was forwarded to Douai, whither I was conducted under good escort. MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, CHAPTER XIX. Sent to Douai My wife re-marries I travel as an officer ; and go to Paris The commissary of Melun Execution of Herbaux A robber denounces me Galley-slaves at Auxerre Two fugitives from the Bagne My wife again Receiving stolen goods. I HAD scarcely set foot in prison, when the attorney-general, Rauson, whom my repeated escapes had irritated against me, appeared at the grating, and said * What, Vidocq has arrived ! Have they put him in fetters ?' * What have I done, sir,' said I, 1 that you wish to be so severe with me ? Is it a great crime because I have so frequently escaped? Have I abused the liberty which I hold so precious? When I have been retaken, have I not been found exerting myself to procure honourable modes of livelihood ? I am less guilty than unfortunate ! Have pity on me pity my poor mother ; if I am condemned to return to the Bagne she will die !' These words, pronounced with accents of sincerity, made some impression on M. Rauson, who returned in the evening, and questioned me at length of the mode of my life since I had left Toulon ; and as in proof of what I told him I offered indubitable testimony, he began to evince some kindness towards me. ' Why do you riot draw up,' said he, 4 an application for pardon, or at least for a commutation of the sentence ? I will recommend you to the chief justice.' I thanked the magistrate for his proffered kindness to me, and the same day a barrister of Douai, M. Thomas, who took a real interest in me, brought for my signature a petition, which he had been so kind as to draw up for me. I was in expectation of the answer, when one morning I was sent for to the police-office. Imagining that it was the decision of the minister which was to be communicated to me, and im- patient to know it, I followed the turnkey with the haste of a man who anticipates agreeable intelligence. I relied on seeing the attorney-general, but my wife appeared, accompanied by two strangers. I endeavoured to guess the purport of her visit, when, with the most unembarrassed tone in the world, Madame Vidocq said to me, ' I have come to tell you that the sentence of our divorce has been pronounced. I am going to be married again, and, therefore, I have judged it best to go through this formality. The clerk will give you a copy of the judgment for perusal.' Except obtaining my freedom, nothing could be more agreeable to me than the dissolution of this marriage, as I was for ever em- Uirra&sed with a creature whom I loathed, I do not know if I AGAIN FREE. 229 had sufficient command of myself to restrain my joy, but cer- tainly my countenance must have betokened it; and if, as I have cogent reasons to believe, my successor was present, he retired with a conviction that I did not at all envy him the treasure he was about to possess My detention at Douai was painfully prolonged. I was in sus- pense for five whole months, and nothing arrived from Paris. The attorney-general had evinced much interest for me, but mis- fortune engenders distrust, and I began to fear that he had led me on with a vain hope, that I might form no plans of escape before the departure of the galley-slaves ; and, struck with the idea, I again plotted deeply laid projects for escape. The gaoler, named VVettu, viewing me as gained over and peace- able, showed me various little favours; we frequently dined together tete-a-tete in a small room with one window, which looked on to the Scarpe. It struck me that with the aid of this opening, which was not grated, some day, after dinner, 1 could easily take Fren< leave, and depart ; only it was absolutely necessary that I should secure some disguise, which when I had effected my escape would effectually conceal me from all pursuit, I confided my intentions to some friends, and they provided for me the uniform of an artil- lery officer, of which 1 resolved to avail myself at the very first opportunity. One Sunday evening I was at table with the gaoler and the agent Hurtrel ; the wine had made them very merry, for I had pushed it about very briskly. * Do you know, my hearty/ said Hurtrel to me, * that it would have been no safe business to have put you here seven years ago. A window without bars ! By Jove, I would not have trusted you.' 'And farther, Hurtrel,' I replied, * one should be made of cork to risk a plunge from such a height ; the Scarpe is very deep for a person who cannot swim.' * True,' said the gaoler ; and there the conversation rested ; but my determination was taken. Some friends arrived, and the gaoler sat down to play with them ; and fixing on the moment when he was most intent on his game, I threw myself into the river. At the noise of my fall, all the party ran to the window, whilst Wettu called loudly to the guard and turnkeys to pursue me. Fortunately, twilight rendered it scarcely possible to discern objects ; and my hat, which I had thrown designedly on the bank, seemed to indicate that I had immediately got out of the river, whilst I had continued swimming towards the Water-gate, under which I passed with great difficulty, in consequence of being very cold, and my strength beginning to fail. Once out of the city, I gained the bank, my clothes, full of water, not weighing less than 236 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ,. a hundred-weight ; but I had made up my mind not to delay, and pushed on at once for Blangy, a village two leagues from Arras. It was four in the morning ; and a baker, who was heating his oven, gave me leave to dry my garments, and supplied me with food. As soon as I was dried and refreshed I started for Duisans, where the widow of an old friend of mine, a captain, resided. A messenger was to bring to me there the uniform which had been provided for me at Douai ; and no sooner had I obtained it, than I went to Hersin, where I stayed a few days with a cousin of mine. The advice of my friends, which was very rational, urged me to depart as quickly as possible ; and as I learnt that the police, convinced that I was in the vicinity, were beating up every quarter, and were approaching the place of my abode, I determined not to wait for them. It was evident that Paris only could afford me refuge ; but to get to Paris it was indispensable I should pass through Arras, where I should be infallibly recognised. I cogitated on the means of obviating this danger : and prudence suggested to me to get into the wicker calash of my cousin, who had a famous horse, and was the cleverest fellow in the world for his knowledge of the cross-roads. He pledged himself, on the reputation of his talent as a guide, to carry me in safety by the ramparts of my native town; and I wanted no more at his hands, trusting in my disguise to effect the rest. I was no longer Vidocq, unless I was examined very closely ; and on reaching the bridge of Gy, I saw, without the least alarm, eight horses belonging to gendarmes, tied to the door of a public-house. I confess I would rather have avoided the rencontre ; but it faced me, and it was only by fronting it boldly that I could hope to escape detection. ' Come on,' said I to my cousin ; ' here we must make an essay \ get down ; be as quick as you can, and call for something.' He immediately alighted, and entered the public-house with the air of a man who had no dread of the eye of the brigade. 'Ah!' said they, 'it is your cousin Vidocq that you are driving?' * Perhaps it may be,' he answered, with a laugh ; ' go and see.' A gendarme did approach the calash, but rather from curiosity than suspicion. At the sight of my uniform, he respectfully touched his hat, and said, ' Your servant, captain f and soon afterwards mounted his horse with his comrades. ' Good journey,' cried my cousin, cracking his whip, ' if you lay hold of him, perhaps you will write us word.' ' Go your way,' said the quarter-master, who commanded the troop, ' we know his haunt ; Hersin is the word ; and to-morrow by this time he will be again between four walls.' We continued our journey very quietly, but yet one thing made THE QUARTER-MASTER OF GENDARMES. 231 me somewhat uneasy ; my military dress might expose me to some difficulties which would have an unpleasant result. The war with Prussia had begun, and there were but few officers in the interior, unless they were confined there by some wound. I determined on carrying my arm in a sling as an officer who had been disabled at Jena ; and if any questions were asked, I was prepared to give all particulars on this subject, which I had learnt from the bulletins ; and to add those which I could pick up by hearing a multitude of accounts, some true and some false, from witnesses either ocular or not. In fact, I was quite au fait concerning the battle of Jena, and could speak to all comers with perfect knowledge of the subject ; nobody knew more of it than I did. I acquitted myself in admirable style at Beaumont, when the weariness of our horse, which had conveyed us thirty-three leagues in a day and a half, compelled us to halt. I had already begun conversing in the inn, when I saw a quarter-master of gendarmes go straight up to an officer of dragoons, and ask for his papers. I went up to the quarter- master and asked him the motive of this precaution. I asked him for his route,' he answered, * because when everyone is with the army, a healthy officer would not be left in France.' * You are right, comrade,' said I, * duty must be performed ;' and at the same time, that he might not take a fancy to ask me a similar question, I asked him to dine with us ; and during the meal I so far gained his confidence, that he requested me, on reaching Paris, to use my interest in procuring him a change of quarters. I promised him all he asked, which much pleased him ; as I was to use my own influence, which was great, and that of others still more powerful. We are generally prodigal in bestowing that which we have not. However it may be, the flask circulated rapidly ; and my guest, in the enthusiasm of having secured an interest which was so desirable to him. began to talk that voluble nonsense which usually precedes drunkenness, when a gendarme brought him a packet of despatches. He opened them with an unsteady hand, and attempted to read \hern, but his eyes refused their office, and he begged me to peruse ihem for him. I opened a letter, and the first words which struck my sight were these: 'Brigade of Arras.' I hastily read it, and found that it was advice of my travelling towards Beaumont, and adding that 1 must have taken the diligence of the Silver Lion. In spite of my agitation, I read the letter to him, omitting or adding particulars as I pleased. ' Good ! very good !' said the sober and vigilant quarter-master ; * the conveyance will not pass until to-morrow morning, and I will take due care.' He then sat down with the intention of drinking more, but his strength did not equal his courage, and they were obliged to carry him to bed, to 232 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. the great scandal of all the lookers-on, who repeated with much indignation, ' What ! tne quarter-msster ! a man of rank, to behave so shamefully !' As might be conjectured, I did not wait the uprising of the man of rank ; and at five o'clock got into the Beaumont diligence, which conveyed me safely to Paris, where my mother, who had remained at Versailles, rejoined me. We dwelt together for some months in the Faubourg Saint-Denis, where we saw no one, except a jeweller named Jacquelin, whom I was compelled, to a certain extent, to make my confidant, because he had known me at Rouen under the name of Blondel. It was at his house that I met a Madame de B , who holds the first rank in the affections of my life. Madame de B , or Annette, for so I call her, was a very pretty woman, whom her husband had abandoned in conse- quence of his affairs turning out unfortunate. He had fled to Holland, and had not been heard of for a considerable time. Annette was then quite free ; she pleased me ; I liked her wit, understanding, kindly feeling, and ventured to tell her so ; she saw soon, and without much trouble, my assiduity and regard ; and we found that we could not exist without each other. Annette came to live with me, and as I resumed the trade of a travelling seller of fashionable commodities, she resolved to accompany me in my perambulations. The first journey we undertook together was excessively fortunate. I learnt, however, at the moment I was leaving Melun, from the landlord of the inn at which I had put up, that the commissary of police had testified some regret at not having examined my papers ; but what was deferred was not ended, and that at my next visit he meant to pay me a visit. The infor- mation surprised me, for I must, consequently, have been in some way an object of suspicion. To go on might lead to danger, and I therefore returned to Paris, resolving not to make any other journeys, unless I could render less unfavourable the chances which combined against me. Having started very early, I reached the Faubourg Saint Marceau in good time ; and at my entrance, I heard the hawkers bawling out, * that two well-known persons are to be executed to-day at the Place de Greve.' I listened, and fancied I distinguished the name of Herbaux. Herbaux, the author of the forgery which caused all my misfortunes ! I listened with more attention, but with an in- voluntary shudder ; and this time the crier, to whom I had approached, repeated the sentence with these additions : * Here is the sentence of the criminal tribunal of the department of the Seine, which condemns to death the said Armand Saint Leger, an old sailor, born at Bay^.uie, and Csar Herbaux, a freed galley- slave, bom at Lille, accused and convicied of morclcr,' eic. EXECUTION OF HERB A UX. 233 I could doubt no longer ; the wretch who had heaped so much misery on my head was about to suffer on the scaffold. Shall I confess that I felt a sentiment of joy, and yet I trembled ? Tor- mented again, and agitated with a perpetually renewing uneasiness, 1 would have destroyed all the population of the prisons and Bagnes, who, having been the means of casting me into the abyss of misery, had kept me there by their vile disclosures. It will not excite wonder, when I say that I ran with haste to the palace of justice to assure myself of the truth ; it was not mid-day, and I had great trouble in reaching the grating, near which I fixed myself, waiting for the fatal moment At last four o'clock struck, and the wicket opened. A man ap- peared first on the stage. It was Herbaux. His face was covered with a deadly paleness, whilst he affected a firmness which the convulsive workings of his features belied. He pretended to talk to his companion, who was already incapacitated from hearing him. At the signal of departure, Herbaux, with a countenance into which he infused all the audacity he could force, gazed round on the crowd, and his eyes met mine. He started, and the blood rushed to his face. The procession passed on, and I remained as motionless as the bronze railings on which I was leaning ; and I should probably have remained longer, if an inspector of the palace had not desired me to come away. Twenty minutes afterwards, a car, laden with a red basket, and escorted by a gendarme, was hurried over the Pont-au-Change, going towards the burial ground allotted for felons. Then, with an oppressed feeling at my heart, I went away, and regained my lodgings full of sorrowful reflections. I have since learnt, that during his detention at the Bicetre, Herbaux had expressed his regret at having been instrumental in getting me condemned, when innocent. The crime which had brought this wretch to the scaffold was a murder committed, in company with Saint Leger, on a lady of the Place Dauphine. These two villains had obtained access to their victim under pretence of giving her tidings of her son, whom they said they had seen in the army. Although, in fact, Herbaux's execution could not have any direct influence over my situation, yet it alarmed me, and I was horror-struck at feeling that I had ever been in contact with such brigands, destined to the executioner's arm : my remembrance revealed me to myself, and I blushed, as it were, in my own face. I sought to lose the recollection, and to lay down an impassable line of demarcation between the past and the present ; for I saw but too plainly that the future was dependent on the past ; and I 234 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. was the more wretched, as a police, who have not always due powers of discernment, would not permit me to forget myself. I saw myself again on the point of being snared like a deer. The persuasion that I was interdicted from becoming an honest man drove me to despair; I was silent, morose, and disheartened. Annette perceived it, and sought to console me ; she offered to devote herself for me, pressed me with questions, and my secret escaped me; but I never had cause to regret my confidence. The activity, the zeal, and presence of mind of this woman became very useful to me. I was in want of a passport, and she persuaded Jacquelin to lend me his ; and to teach me how to make use of it, she gave me the most complete account of her family and con- nections. Thus instructed, I set out on my journey, and traversed the whole of Lower Burgundy. Almost everywhere I was examined as to my passport, which, if they had compared it with my person, would have at once disclosed the fraud ; but this was nowhere done, and for more than a year, with trifling excep- tions not worth detailing, the name of Jacquelin was propitious to me. One day that I had unpacked at Auxerre, and was walking peaceably on the quay, I met one Paquay, a robber by profession, whom I had seen at the Bicetre, where he was confined for six years. I would rather have avoided him, but he addressed me abruptly, and, from his first salutation, I found that it would not be safe to pretend no acquaintance with him. He was too in- quisitive about what I was doing ; and as I saw from his conver- sation that he wished me to join him in his robberies, I thought it best, to get rid of him, to talk of the police of Auxerre, whom I represented as very vigilant, and consequently much to be dreaded. I thought I saw that my information made an impression on him, and I coloured the picture still higher, until at length, after having listened with much, but unquiet attention, he suddenly cried, ' Devil take it ! it appears that there is nothing to be done here ; the packet-boat will start in two hours, and if you like we will be off together.' 'Agreed,' said I; 'if you are for starting, I am your man.' I then quitted him, after having promised to rejoin him immediately that I should have made some preparations which were necessary. How pitiable is the condition of a fugitive galley- slave, who, if he would not be denounced or implicated in some evil deed, must be himself the denouncer ! Returned to the public-house, I then wrote the following letter to the lieutenant of the gendarmerie, whom I knew to be on the hunt for the authors of a robbery lately committed at the coach-office : GALLE Y-SLA VES AT A UXERRE. 235 'SiR, 1 A person who does not wish to be known, informs you that one of the authors of the robbery committed at the coach- office in your city, will set out by the packet-boat to go to Soigny, where his accomplices most probably are. Lest you should fail, and not arrest him in time, it would be best for two disguised gendarmes to go on board the packet-boat with him, as it is im- portant that he should be taken with prudence, and not allowed to get out of sight, as he is a very active man.' This missive was accompanied by a description so minute that it was impossible to mistake him. The moment of departure arrived, and I went on the quays, taking a circuitous route, and from the window of a public-house where I stationed myself, I perceived Paquay enter the packet-boat, and soon afterwards the two gendarmes embarked, whom I recognised by a certain air, which may be seen, but cannot be described. At intervals they handed a paper to each other, which they perused, and then cast their eyes on the man, whose dress, contrary to the usual garb of the robbers, was in a bad condition. The boat moved on. and I saw it depart with the more pleasure, as it carried with it Paquay, his propositions, and even his discoveries, if, as I did not doubt, he had the intention of making any. The day after this adventure, whilst I was taking an inventory of my merchandizes, I heard an extraordinary noise, and, looking from the windows, I saw Thierry and his satellites guarding a chain of galley-slaves ! At this sight, so terrible and inauspicious for me, I drew back quickly, but in my haste I broke a pane of glass, and suddenly attracted all looks towards me. I wished my- self in the bowels of the earth. But this was not all ; for to increase my disquietude, somebody opened my door ; it was the landlady of the Pheasant, Madame Gelet ' Here, M. Jacquelin, come and see the chain passing,' she cried ' Oh, it is long since I saw such a fine one ; there are at least one hundred and fifty, and some of them famous fellows ! Do you hear how they are singing ?' I thanked my hostess for her attention, and pretending to be much busied, told her that I would go down in an instant. * Oh, do not hurry yourself,' she answered, * there is plenty of time ; they are going to sleep here in our stables. And then, if you wish to have any conversation with the commandant, they will put him in the chamber next to you.' Lieutenant Thierry my neighbour ! At this intelligence, I know not what passed in my mind ; but I think that if Madame Gelet had observed me she wou^d have seen, my countenance &rpw pale, and my whole frame 236 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. tremble with an involuntary shudder. Lieutenant Thierry my neighbour ! He might recognise me, detect me ; a gesture might betray me ; and it was therefore expedient to avoid a rencontre if possible. The necessity of completing my inventory was an excuse for my apparent want of curiosity. I passed a frightful night, and it was not until four o'clock in the morning, when the departure of the infernal procession was announced to me, that I breathed freely again. He has never suffered, who has not experienced horrors similar to those into which the presence of this troop of banditti and their guard threw me. To be again invested with those fetters which I had broken at the cost of so much endurance and exertion, was an idea which haunted me incessantly. I was not the sole possessor of my own secret, for there were galley-slaves everywhere, who, if I sought to flee from them, would infallibly betray me ; my repose, my very existence, was menaced on all sides, and at all times. The glance of an eye, the name of a commissary, the appearance of a gendarme, the perusal of a sentence, all aroused and excited my alarm. How often did I curse the perverse fate which, deceiving my youth, had smiled at the disorderly license of my passions ; and that tribunal which, by an unjust sentence, had plunged me into a gulf whence I could not extricate myself, nor cleanse myself of the foul imputations which clung to me ; and those institutions which close for ever the door of repentance ! I was excluded from society, and yet I was anxious to give it proofs of good conduct ; I had given them ; and I attest my invariably honourable behaviour after every escape, my habits of regularity, and my punctilious fidelity in fulfilling all my engagements. Now some fears arose in my mind concerning Paquay, in whose arrest I had been instrumental ; and, on reflection, it seemed that I had acted inconsiderately in this circumstance; I felt a forewarn- ing of some impending evil, and the presentiment was realized. Paquay, when conducted to Paris and then brought back to be confronted at Auxerre, learnt that I was still in that city ; he had always suspected me of having denounced him, and determined on his revenge. He told the gaoler all he knew concerning me, and he reported it to the authorities ; but my reputation for probity was so well established in Auxerre, where I remained for three months at a time, that, to avoid an unpleasant business, a magistrate, whose name I will not disclose, sent for me, and gave me notice of what had occurred. There was no occasion for me to avow the truth, my agitation revealed all, and I had only strength to say, ' Sir, I seek to be an honest man.' Without any reply, he went out and left me alone. I comprehended his generous silence, and in a BLOND K 237 quarter of an hour I had lost sight of Auxerre ; and from my retreat I wrote to Annette, to inform her of this fresh catastrophe. But to remove suspicion, I recommended her to stay for a fortnight at the Pheasant, and to tell everybody that I was at Rouen, making purchases, and on the expiration of the time she was to rejoin me at Paris, where she arrived at the day appointed. She told me that the day after my departure disguised gendarmes had called at my warehouse, intending to arrest me, and that not finding me, they had said that they did not mind, for they should discover me at last. They continued their search ; and this deranged all my plans, for, masked under the name of Jacquelin, I saw myself reduced to quit it, and once more renounce the industrious trade which I had created. No passport, however good, could protect me through the dis- tricts which I usually travelled over ; and in those where I was unknown, my unusual appearance would most probably excite sus- picion. The crisis was horridly critical. What could I do ? This was my only thought, when chance introduced me to a tailor of the Cour Saint Martin, who was desirous of selling his business. I treated with him, persuaded that I could nowhere be so safe as in the heart of a capital, where it is easy to lose one's self amid the crowded population. Eight months elapsed, and nothing dis- turbed the tranquillity enjoyed by my mother, Annette, and myself. My trade prospered, and every day augmented it ; nor did I confine myself, as my predecessor had done, to the making up of clothes, but traded also in cloths, and was, perhaps, on the road to fortune, when one morning all my troubles were renewed. I was in my warehouse, when a messenger came to me, and said 1 was wanted at a coffee-house in the Rue Aumaire, and think- ing that it was some matter of business, I immediately went to the place appointed. I was taken into a private room, and there found two fugitives from the Bagne at Brest ; one of them was that Blondy who aided my unfortunate escape from Pont-a-Luzen. 'We have been here these ten days,' said he to me, 'and have not a sou. Yesterday we saw you in a warehouse, that we learnt was your own, which gave us much pleasure ; and I said to my friend, " Let us now cast off all care ;" for we know that you are not the man to leave old comrades in difficulty.' The idea of seeing myself in the power of two ruffians whom I knew capable of the vilest deeds, even of selling me to the police to make a profit of me, although they injured themselves, was over- \vhclming. I did not fail to express my pleasure at seeing them, adding, that I was not rich, and regretting that it was only in my 238 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. power to give them fifty francs. They appeared content with this sum ; and on leaving me, expressed their intention to depart at once for Chalons-sur-Marne, where they said they had business. I should have been but too fortunate had they at once quitted Paris, but on bidding me adieu, they promised soon to see me again, and I remained tormented with the dread of their return. Would they not consider me as a milch-cow, and make the most of their power over me ? Would they not be insatiable ? Who could answer that their demands would be limited to my means ? I already saw myself the banker of these gentlemen and many others ; for it was to be presumed, that, in conformity with the custom of these thieves, if I satisfied them they would introduce their friends to me, who would also draw upon me, and I should only be on good terms with them till my first refusal, and after that they would without doubt serve me a villainous trick. With such bloodhounds let loose upon me, it may be imagined that I was but ill at ease ! It must be allowed that my situation was an un- pleasant one, but it was crowned with a rencontre which made it still worse. It may or may not be remembered that my wife, after her divorce, had married again, and I thought she was in the depart- ment of the Pas-de-Calais, entirely occupied in being happy and making her new husband so, when, in the Rue du Petit-Carreau, I met her, face to face ; and it was impossible to pass her, for she at once recognised me. I spoke to her, without alluding to the wrongs she had done me ; and as the dilapidation of her dress evinced that she was not in very flourishing circumstances I gave her some money. She perhaps imagined that it was an interested generosity, but it certainly was not. It never occurred to me that the ex- Madame Vidocq would denounce me. In truth, in recurring at a later period to our old wrangles, I thought that my heart had only given me prudential suggestions, and then approved of what I had done ; it appeared most proper that this female, in her distress, should rely on me for some assistance. Detained in or far from Paris, I was anxious to relieve her misery. This should have been a consideration to determine her to preserve silence ; and I at least thought so. We shall see whether or not I was deceived in my expectation. The support of my ex-wife was an expense to which I reconciled myself ; but of this charge I did not as yet know the whole weight. A fortnight had elapsed since our interview ; when one morning I was sent for to the Rue de 1'Echiquier, and on going there, at the bottom of a court, in a ground-floor room, very clean, but mear^j: furnished, I saw again not only my wife, but also her nieces and BLOND K 239 ' their father, the terrorist Chevalier, who had just been freed from ai imprisonment of six months, for stealing plate. A glance wa sufficient to assure me that I had now the whole family on my hands. They were in a state of the most complete destitution ; I hated them and cursed them, and yet I could do nothing better than extend my hand to them. I drained myself for them, for to have driven them to despair would have brought on my own ruin ; and rather than return to the power of the police, I resolved on sacrificing my last sou. At this period it seemed as if the whole world was leagued against me ; I was compelled to draw my purse-strings at every moment, and for whom ? For creatures who, looking on my liberality as compulsory, were prepared to betray me as soon as I ceased to be a certain source of reliance. When I went home from my wife's, I had still another proof of the wretchedness affixed to the state of a fugitive galley-slave. Annette and my mother were in tears. During my absence, two drunken men had asked for me, and on being told that I was from home, they had broken forth in oaths and threats which left me no longer in doubt of the perfidy of their intentions. By the description which Annette gave me of these two individuals, I easily recognised Blondy and his comrade Deluc ; I had no trouble in guessing their names ; and, besides, they had left an address, with a formal injunction to send them forty francs, which was more than enough to disclose to me who they were, as there were not in Paris any other persons who could send such an intimation. I was obedient, very obedient ; only in paying my contribution to these two scoundrels, I could not help letting them know how inconsiderately they had behaved. ' Consider what a step you have taken,' said I to them ; ' they knew nothing at my house, and you have told all ; my wife, who carries on the concern in her name, will perhaps turn me out, and then I must be reduced to the lowest ebb of misery.' * Oh, you can come and rob with us,' answered the two rascals. I endeavoured to convince them how much better it was to owe an existence to honest toil, than to be in incessant fear from the police, which sooner or later catches all malefactors in its nets. I added that one crime generally leads to another ; that he would risk his neck who ran straight towards the guillotine ; and the ter- mination of my discourse was, that they would do well to renounce the dangerous career on which they had entered. 4 Not so bad !' cried Blondy, when I had finished my lecture, ' not so bad ! But can you in the meantime point out to us any apartment that we can ransack ? We are, you see, like Harlequin, and have more need of cash than advice ;' and they left me, laugh 240 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. ing deridingly at me. I called them back, to profess my attachment to them, and begged them not to call again at my house. ' If that is all,' said Deluc, * we will keep from that.' * Oh yes, we'll keep away,' added Blondy, ' since that is unpleasant to your mistress. But the latter did not stay away long : the very next day at night- fall he presented himself at my warehouse, and asked to speak to me privately. I took him into my own room. ' We are alone ?' said he to me, looking round at the room in which we were ; and when he was assured that he had no witnesses, he drew from his pocket eleven silver forks and two gold watches, which he placed on a stand. * Four hundred francs for this would not be too much the silver plate and the gold watches. Come, tip us the needful. ' * Four hundred francs !' said I, alarmed at so abrupt a total ; * I have not so much money.' 'Never mind go and sell the goods.' ' But if it should be known ?' * That's your affair ; I want the ready ; or if you like it better, I'll send you customers from the police-ofifice you know what a word would do. Come, come, the cash, the chink, and no gammon.' I understood the scoundrel but too well : I saw myself denounced, dragged from the state into which I had installed myself, and led back to the Bagne. I counted out the four hundred francs. CHAPTER XX. My wicker car Arrest of two galley-slaves Fearful discovery I offer to serve the police My concealment Disguises Chevalier denounces me Annette Passers of false money I am apprehended and sent to the Bicetre. I WAS a receiver of stolen goods! a criminal, in spite of myself! But yet I was one, for I had lent a hand to crime. No hell can be imagined equal to the torment in which I now existed. I was incessantly agitated; remorse and fear assailed me at once night and day; at each moment I was on the rack. I did not sleep, I had no appetite, the cares of business were no longer atended to, all was hateful to me. All! no, I had Annette and my mother with me. But should I not be forced to abandon them? Some- times I trembled at the thoughts of my apprehension, and my home was transformed into a filthy dungeon; sometimes it was surrounded by the police, and their pursuit laid open proofs of a misdeed which would draw down on me the vengeance of the law. Harassed by the family of the Chevalier, who devoured rny substance; tormented by Blondy, who was never wearied with applying to me for money ; dreading all that could occur, that was most horrible and incurable in my situation ; ashamed of the tyranny -exercised over me bv the vilest wretches that disgraced the THE WICKER CAR. 2*1 earth ; irritated that I could not burst through the moral chain which irrevocably bound me to the opprobrium of the human race, I was driven to the brink of despair, and for eight days pondered in my head the direst purposes. Blondy, the wretch Blondy, was the especial object of my wrathful indignation; I could have strangled him with all my heart, and yet I still kept on terms with him, still had a welcome for him. Impetuous and violent as I was by nature, it was astonishing how much patient endurance I exercised; but it was all owing to Annette. Oh! how I prayed, with fervent sincerity, that in one of his frequent excursions some friendly gendarme might drive a bullet through Blondy's brain ! I even trusted that it was an event that would soon occur; but every time that a more extended absence began to inspire me with the hope that I was at length freed from this wretch, he again appeared, and brought with him a renewal of all my cares. One day I saw him come with Deluc and an ex-clerk, named St. Germain, whom I had known at Rouen ; where, like many others, he had barely the reputation of an honest man. St. Germain, who had only known me as the merchant Blonde), was much astonished at the meeting ; but two words from Blondy ex- plained my whole history. I was a thorough rogue. Confidence then replaced astonishment ; and St. Germain, who at first had frowned, joined in the mirth. T Hondy told me that they were going all three to set out for the environs of Senlis, and asked me for the loan of my wicker car, which I made use of when visiting the fairs. Glad to get rid of these fellows on such terms, I hastily wrote a note to the person who had charge of it. He gave them the conveyance and harness, and away they went ; whilst for ten days I heard nothing of them, when St. Germain reappeared. He entered my house one morning, with an alarmed look, and an appearance of much fatigue. * Well,' said he, ' my comrades have been seized.' 'Seized !' cried I, with a joy which I could not repress ; but, assuming all my coolness, I asked for the details, with an af- fectation of being greatly concerned St. Germain told me, in few words, that Blondy and Deluc had only been apprehended because they travelled without credentials. I did not believe any- thing he said, and had no doubt they had been engaged in some robbery; and what confirmed my suspicions was, that, on proposing to send them some money, St. Germain told me that they were not in want of any. On leaving Paris they had fifty francs amongst them ; and certainly with so small a sum, it would have been a difficult matter to have gone on for a fortnight; and yet how was it that they were still not unprovided ? The first idea that flashed through my brain, was that they had committed some ex- 16 242 MEMOIRS OF VTDOCQ. tensive robbery, which they wished to conceal from me; but I soon discovered that the business was of a still more serious nature. Two days after St. Germain's return, I thought I would go and look at my car ; and remarked, at first, that they had altered its exterior appearance. On getting inside, I saw on the lining of white and blue striped ticken, red spots recently washed out ; and then, opening the seat to take out the key, I found it filled with blood, as if a carcase had been laid there ! All was now apparent, and the truth was exposed, even more horrible than my suspicions had foreboded. I did not hesitate ; far more interested than the murderers themselves in getting rid of all traces of the deed, on the next night I took the vehicle to the banks of the Seine, and having got as far as Bercy, in a lone spot, I set fire to some straw and dry wood with which I had filled it, and did not leave the spot until the whole was burnt to ashes. St. Germain, to whom I spoke of the circumstances, without adding that I had burnt my carriage, confessed that the dead body of a waggoner, assassinated by Blondy, between Louvres and Dam martin, had been concealed in it, until they found an oppor- tunity of throwing it into a well. This man, one of the most abandoned villains I ever encountered, spoke of the deed as if it were a most harmless action ; and a laugh was on his lips while he related the facts with the most unembarrassed and easy tone. I was horrified, and listened with a sort of stupefaction ; and when he asked me for the impression of the lock of an apartment with which I was acquainted, I reached the climax of my terrors. I made some observations, to which he replied, ' What is that to me ? business must be done. Because you know him ! Why, that is the stronger reason ; you know all the ways of the house ; you can guide me, and we will share the produce ! Come, it is no use refusing ; I must have the impression.' I pretended to yield to his arguments. ' Such scruples as these hold your tongue!' replied St. Germain; 'you make me sweat [the expression he used was not quite so proper]. But come, all is agreed, and half the plunder is yours.' Good God ! what an associate ! I had no cause to rejoice at Blondy's mishap; I really got rid of a fever and fell into an ague. Blondy would yield to persuasion on certain terms, but St. Germain never ; and he was even more imperious in his demands. Exposed to see myself compromised from one moment to another, I determined to see M. Henry, chief of the division of security in the prefecture of police T went to him ; and having unfolded my situation to him, declared thaf i/ he would tolerate my residence at Paris, 1 would give him exact information IN COMMUNICATION WITH THE POLICE. 243 of a great many fugitive galley-slaves, with whose retreats and plans I was well acquainted. M. Henry received me with much kindness ; but having for a moment reflected on what I had said, answered that he could not enter into any terms with me. ' That should not prevent your giving the information,' he continued, 'and we can then judge how useful it may be ; and perhaps . . . .' ' Ah, sir, no perhaps ; that would risk my life. You are not ignorant of what those individuals are capable whom you denounce ; and if I must be led back to the Bagne after some part of an accusation has stated that I have made communications to the police, I am a dead man.' 'Under these circumstances, let us speak no farther on the subject;' and he left me, without even asking my name. I was deeply grieved at the ill success of my proposition. St. Germain was about to return and demand the performance of my promise. What was I to do? Ought I to inform the individual that we were about to rob him together? If it had been possible to have avoided accompanying St. Germain, it would not have been so dangerous to have given such notice ; but I had promised to assist him, and had no pretext for getting off from my, and I waited for him as I should have done for a sentence of death. One, two, three weeks passed in these perplexities,and at the end of this time I began to breathe again ; and when two months had elapsed, was perfectly at my ease, thinking that he had been apprehended, as well as his two companions. Annette (I shall always remember it) made a nine days' vow, and burnt at least a dozen wax candles in token of joy. 'I pray to heaven, 'she sometimes said, 'that they may continue where they are.' The torment had been of long duration, but the moments of calm were brief, and they preceded the catastrophe which decided my exist- ence. The 3rd of May, 1809, at daybreak, I was awakened by several knocks at my warehouse door ; and going down to see, was on the point of opening the door, when I heard some voices in conversa- tion in a low tone. ' He is a powerful man,' said one; 'we must be wary !' There was no doubt concerning the motives of this early visit, and I returned hastily to my chamber, told Annette what had passed, and opening the window, whilst she entered into conversation with the officers, I glided out in my shirt by a door which opened on the staircase, and soon reached the upper story ; at the fourth I saw an open door and entered, looked about me, listened, and found I was alone. In a recess in the wall was a bed, hidden by a ragged crimson damask curtain. Pressed by circum- stances, and sure that the staircase was guarded, I threw myself 1 6 2. 244 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. beneath the mattress ; but scarcely had I lain down when some one entered, whom I recognised to be a young man named Fosse*, whose father, a brass-worker, was lying in an adjacent room, and a dialogue thus began : SCENE THE FIRST. FATHER, MOTHER, AND SON. SON. 'What do you think, father? They are looking for the tailor they want to seize him all the house is in an uproar. Do you hear the bell ? Hark ! hark ! they are ringing at the watch- maker's.' MOTHER. ' Let them ring do not you meddle in business that does not concern you. (To her husbatid} Come, father, dress; they will soon be here.' FATHER (Yawning, and, as limagined, rubbing his eyes). * The devil fetch them what do they want with the tailor ?' SON. ' I do not know, father ; but there are lots of them bailiffs and gendarmes, and a commissary with them.' FATHER. ' Perhaps it is nothing at all.' MOTHER. * But what can they want with the tailor ? What can he have done ?' FATHER. * What can he have done ? Since he sells cloth, he may have made clothes of English goods.' MOTHER. ' He may have employed foreign goods ? You make me laugh at you. Do you think he would be apprehended for that?' FATHER. * Yes, I think they would apprehend him for that, and the continental blockade.' SON. Continental blockade ! What do you mean by that, father? What has that to do with the matter ?' MOTHER. ' Oh yes ! Tell us, then, what will be the end of this; and let us know the truth of it all.' FATHER. ' The meaning of all this ! that perhaps they will make the tailor a head shorter.' MOTHER. * Good God ! poor man ! I am sure they will take him away criminals, like him, are not guilty ; and if it only de- pended on me, I know I would hide them all in my chemise.' FATHER. * Do you not know the tailor is a large fellow ? he has a famous body of his own.' MOTHER. ' Never mind, I would hide him. I wish he would come here. Do you remember the deserter ?' FATHER. ' Hush, hush ! Here they come. SCENE THE SECOND. ENTER THE COMMISSARY, GENDARMES AND THEIR ATTENDANTS. At this moment the commissary and his staff, having traversed v he house from top to bottom, reached the fourth story. THE SEARCH. 245 COMMISSARY. * Ah ! the door is open. I beg pardon for dis- turbing you, but the interest of society demands it. You have a neighbour, a very bad man a man who would kill either father or mother.' WIFE. What, Monsieur Vidocq ? COMMISSARY. Yes, madam, Vidocq ; and I charge you, in case you or your husband have given him shelter, to tell me without delay.' WIFE. * Ah, Monsieur le Commissaire, you may look everywhere if you please. We give shelter to anyone who ' COMMISSARY. 'Ah, you should beware, for the law is very severe in this particular. It is a subject on which there is no joking ! You would subject yourselves to very severe punishment; for a man condemned to capital punishment, it would be nothing Jess than ' HUSBAND (quickly). 'We are not afraid of that, Monsieur le Commissaire.' COMMISSARY. ' I believe you, and rely on you. However, that I may have nothing to reproach myself with, you will permit me to make a slight search, just a Simple formality. (Addressing his attendants) Gentlemen, are the egresses well guarded ?' After a very minute search of the inner room, the commissary returned to that in which I was. 'And in this bed,' said he, raising the tattered damask curtains, whilst at my feet I felt one of the corners of the mattress shake, which they let fall carelessly, 1 there is no Vidocq here. Come, he must have made himself in- visible ; we must give over our search.' It may be imagined that I felt overjoyed at these words, which removed an enormous weight from my mind. At length all the alguazils retired, the brass-worker's wife attending them with much politeness, and I was left alone with the father and son, and a little child, who did not think that I was so near them. I heard them pitying me ; but Madame Fosse soon ran up the staircase, four steps at a time, until she was quite out of breath, and I still was the theme of con- versation. SCENE THE THIRD. THE HUSBAND, WIFE, AND SON. WIFE. 'Oh, my God ! my God ! how many people there are in the street. Ah, they say fine things about M. Vidocq ; they talk much, and all sorts of things. However, there must be some of it true ; never so much smoke without some fire. I knew very well that this Monsieur Vidocq was a proud chap for a master tailor. His arms were crossed much more frequently than his legs.' HUSBAND. ' There you go, like all the rest, with your supposi- 246 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. tions ; you are a slanderous woman now. Besides, it is no business of ours ; and suppose that it did concern us, of what do they accuse him, what do they chatter about? I am not curious.' WIFE. ' What do they chatter about ? Why, the very thoughts on't make me tremble, when they say he is a man condemned to death for having killed a man. I wish you could hear the little tailor who lives lower down.' HUSBAND. ' Oh, he speaks from a professional jealousy.' WIFE. 'And the porteress at No. 27, who speaks of what she knows well, says, that she has seen him go out every evening with a thick stick, so well disguised that she did not know him.' HUSBAND. ' The porteress says that ?' WIFE. 'And that he went to lay wait for the people in the Champs Elysees.' HUSBAND. ' Are you growing foolish ?' WIFE. 'Ah, is that foolish? The cook-shopman, perhaps, is foolish, when he says that they were all robbers who came in, and that he had seen M. Vidocq with some very ill-looking fellows.' HUSBAND. ' Well, who had ill looks after ' WIFE. '"After all, he is," said the commissary to the grocer, "a worthless man ;" and worse than that, for he added that he was a vile criminal, and justice could not get hold of him.' HUSBAND. ' And you talk nonsense ; you believe the commis- sary because he is beating up our quarters ; but I will never be persuaded that M. Vidocq is a dishonest man. I think, on the other hand, that he is a good fellow a punctual man. Besides, whatever he may be, it is no business of ours ; let us meddle with our own affairs, and time wags onward we must to work ; come, quickly, to work, to work.' The sitting was adjourned; father, mother, son, and little daughter all the Fosse family went away, and I remained locked up, reflecting on the perfidious insinuations of the police, who, to deprive me of the aid of my neighbours, represented me as an infamous villain. I have often seen, subsequently, this species of tactics employed, the success of which is always founded on atro- cious calumnies, and measures revolting because unjust ; clumsy, because they produce an effect entirely contrary to that which is expected; for those persons who would exert themselves personally in the apprehension of a thief, are prevented from fear of struggling with a man, whom the feeling of crime and the prospect of a scaffold drive probably to despair. I had been shut up for two hours ; there was no noise either in the house or in the street, and the groups had dispersed ; I was beginning to take courage, when I heard a key thrust into the lock, THE FOSSA FAMILY. 24? and whilst I again squatted beneath the coverlid, the father, mother, son, and daughter Fosse, entered. The father and son were quarrelling, and by the interference of the mother I had no doubt but blows would arise, when, throwing aside the tattered curtains, I made my appearance in the midst of the astonished family. It may be imagined how much the good folks were surprised. Whilst they were looking at me without saying a word, I told them as briefly as possible how I had got amongst them ; how I had concealed myself under the mattress, etc. The husband and wife were astonished that I had not been stifled in my place of concealment ; they pitied me, and with a cordiality not uncommon amongst people of their class, offered me refreshments, which were necessary after so painful a morning. It may be supposed that I was on thorns during the progress of the whole affair ; I perspired copiously ; at any other moment I should have been amused ; but when I reflected on the inevitable results of a discovery, none less than myself could appreciate the burlesque of my situation. Aftc the reception afforded me by the Fosse' family, it was pro- bable that I should have no jeason to repent of having waited patiently for results. However, I was not yet fully assured : this family was not well off; and it might happen that the first im- pression of kindness and compassion which the most perverse persons sometimes evince would give place to the hope of obtain- ing some reward by surrendering me to the police ; and then, supposing my hosts to be what is called * staunch,' yet an indiscreet expression might betray me. Without being endowed with much penetration, Fosse' guessed the secret of my uneasiness, which he succeeded in dissipating by protestations too sincere to be doubted. He undertook to watch over my safety, and began by disclaim- ing any return for his kindness ; and then informed me that the police agents had fixed themselves in the house and the adjoining streets, and intended to pay a second visit to all the lodgers of the house. On these statements I judged that it was imperative on me to get away, for they would doubtlessly this time ransack all the apartments. The Fosse' family, like many other of the work-people of Paris, used to sup at a wine-shop in the vicinity, where they carried their provisions, and it was agreed that I should seize on that moment to go out with them. Till night I had no time to form my plans, and was first occupied with thinking how I should obtain intelligence of Annette, when Fosse undertook this for me. It would have been the height of imprudence to have communicated directly with 248 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. her, and he thus contrived it. He went into the Rue de Gram- mont, where he brought a pie, into which he introduced the note that follows : ' I am in safety. Be careful of yourself, and trust no one. Do not attend to promises from persons who have neither the intention nor the power of serving you. Confine yourself to these four words : " I do not know. " Play the fool, which will be the best proof of your sense. I cannot meet you ; but when you go out, always go through the Rue St. Martin and the Boulevards. Mind, do not return ; I will answer for all.' The pie, intrusted to a messenger of the Place Vendome, and addressed to Madame Vidocq, fell, as I had foreseen, into the hands of the agents, who allowed it to be delivered, after having read the despatch ; and thus I attained two ends at once, that of deceiving them, by persuading them that I was not in that quarter, and that of assuring Annette that I was out of danger. My expe- dient succeeded, and I was more calm in making preparations for my retreat. Some money, which I had snatched from my night- table, served to procure me pantaloons, stockings, and shoes, a frock, and a blue cotton cap, intended to complete my disguise. When supper-hour came, I left the room with all the family, carrying on my head, as a precaution, a large dish of haricot mutton, the ap- petizing fumes of which sufficiently explained the intent of our excursion. My heart did not beat less anxiously when I met, face to face on the second floor, a police-officer, whom I did not at first perceive, as he was ensconced in a corner. ' Put out your candle,' cried he abruptly to Fosse. ' Why ?' replied he, who had only taken a light that it might not awaken suspicion. ' Go along, and ask no questions/ said the fellow, blowing out the candle himself. I could have hugged him ! In the passage we met several of his comrades, who, more polite than he, made way for us to pass. At length we got out, and the moment we turned the angle of the street, Fosse took the dish from me, and we parted. That I might not attract attention, I walked very slowly to the Rue des Fountains ; but when once there, I did not amuse myself, as the Germans say, in counting my buttons, but directed my steps towards the Boule- vard of the Temple, and running rapidly, reached the Rue de Bondy, without thinking of asking where I was. However, it was not enough to have escaped a first pursuit ; for doubtless other searches more active would be instituted. It was necessary to mislead the police, whose numerous bloodhounds, ac- cording to custom, would leave all other business, and occupy themselves solely in hunting for me. At this juncture 1 resolved to make use of those persons for my safety whom I considered as THE CHEVALIERS. 249 my denouncers. These were the Chevaliers, whom I had seen on the previous evening, and who in conversation had dropped some of those words which make no impression at the time, but which we reflect upon afterwards. Convinced that I had no terms to keep henceforward with these wretched beings, I determined to avenge myself on them, whilst I compelled them to refund all that I could enforce from them. It was on a tacit understanding that I had obliged them ; and they had violated the faith of treaties, even against their own interest ; they had done wrong ; and I in- tended to punish them for having mistaken their own interest. The road is not far from the Boulevard to the Rue de 1' Echi- quier, and I fell like a bomb-shell on Chevalier's domicile, whose surprise at seeing me at liberty confirmed my suspicions. He pre- tended at first an excuse for going out ; but double-locking the door, and putting the key in my pocket, I seized on a knife lying on the table, and told my brother-in-law that if he uttered a cry it was all over with him and his family. This threat could not fail to produce the due effect : I was with people who knew me, and who feared the violence of my despair. The women were more dead than a T ive, and Chevalier, petrified and motionless as the stone-vessel on which he leant, asked me, with a faint voice, what I wanted from him ? ' You shall know/ answered I. I began by asking for a complete suit of clothes, with which I had provided him the month previous, and he gave it to me : I made him also give me a shirt, boots, and a hat ; all of which having been purchased with my means, my demand was only for restitu- tion. Chevalier did all this with a stern look, and I thought I read in his eyes the meditation of some project ; it might be that he in- tended to let his neighbours know by some means the embarrass- ment into which my presence threw him, and prudence demanded that I should insure a retreat in case of a nocturnal visit. A window looking on a garden was closed by two iron bars : I ordered Chevalier to take one of them out ; and as, in spite of my directions, he was exceedingly awkward about it, I took the work in hand myself, without his perceiving that I had laid down the knife which had inspired him with so much fear. The operation ended, I again took up the weapon : 'And now,' said I to him and the terrified women, ' you may go- to bed.' As for me, I was hardly in- clined to sleep, and threw myself into a chair, where I passed a very agitated night. All the vicissitudes of my life passed in review before me, and I did not doubt that a curse hung over me : in vain did I fly from crime, crime came to seek me ; and this fatality, against which I struggled with all the energy of my character, seemed to delight in overturning my plans of conduct in incessantly placing me in contact with infamy and imperious necessity. 250 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. At break of day I roused Chevalier, and asked him what money he had, and on his replying that he had only a few pieces of money, I desired him to take four silver knives and forks, which 1 had given him, to take his permit of residence, and to follow me. I had no need of him, but it would have been dangerous to leave him at home ; for he might have informed the police, and directed them on my route, before I had concerted my plans. Chevalier obeyed, and I was not very fearful of the women, as I took so precious a hostage with me ; and as, besides, they did not precisely partake of his feelings. I contented myself on going out by double- locking the door, and we reached the Champs Elysees by the most deserted streets of the capital, even in daytime. It was four o'clock in the morning, and we met nobody. I carried the knives and forks, which I took good care not to trust to my companion, as I wanted to get off without inconvenience in case he should turn upon me or create a disturbance. Fortunately, he was very quiet, for I had the terrible knife, and Chevalier, who never reasoned, felt persuaded that at the least motion he should make, I would stab him to the heart ; and this salutary dread, which he felt the more deeply as it was not undeserved, kept him in check. We walked for some time in the environs, and Chevalier, who did not foresee how this was to end, walked mechanically beside me, like one bewildered and idiotic. At eight o'clock I made him get into a coach, and conducted him to the passage of the wood of Boulogne, where he pledged in my presence, and under his own name, the four knives and forks, on which they lent him a hundred francs. I took the sum, and, satisfied with having so conveniently recovered in a lump what he had extorted from me in detail, I got into the coach with him once more, which I stopped at the Place de la Concorde. There I alighted, after having given him this piece of advice * Mind and be more circumspect than ever ; if I am arrested, whoever is the cause, look to yourself.' I desired the coachman to drive on to Rue de 1'Echiquier, No. 23 ; and to be sure that he took no other direction, I remained for a short time on the watch ; and then, jumping into a cabriolet, I went to the clothesman of the Croix-Rouge, who gave me the clothes of a workman in exchange for my own. In this new costume I walked towards the Esplanade des Invalides, to learn if it were possible to purchase a uniform of this establishment A wooden-legged man, whom I questioned, directed me to Rue St. Dominique, where, at a broker's, I should find a complete outfit This broker was, it appeared, a chattering fellow. * I am not inquisitive,' said he (that is the preamble to all impertinent inquiries) * You have all your limbs ; I presume the uniform is not for yourself.' ' It is,' said A NEW DISGUISE. 251 I ; and as he testified astonishment, I added that I was going to act in a play. * And in what piece?' ' In 1' Amour Filial.' The bargain concluded, I immediately set out for Passy, where, at the house of a friend, I hastened to effect my metamorphosis. In less than five minutes I was converted into the most maimed of invalids ; my arm, laid over the hollow of the breast, and kept close to my body by a girth and the waistband of my breeches, had en- tirely disappeared ; some ribands introduced into the upper part of one of the sleevt s, the end of which was hung to a button in front, joined a stump admirably deceptive, and which made the disguise most efficient ; a dye which I used to stain my hair and whiskers black, perfected my disguise, under which I was so sure of mislead- ing the physiognomical knowledge of the observers in the quarter St. Martin, that I ventured there that evening. I learnt that the police not only still kept possession of my abode, but were making an inventory of the goods and furniture. By the number of officers whom I saw goinu; and coming i r was easy to perceive that the search was prosecuted with a renewal of activity very extraordinary at this period, when the vigilant administration was not too zealous unless it were in cases of political arrests. Alarmed at such an appearance of investigation, anyone but myself would have judged it prudent to leave Paris without delay, at least for a time. It would have been best, perhaps, to allow the storm to blow over ; but I could not resolve on forsaking Annette in the midst of her troubles, caused by her attachment to me. At this time she must have suffered much ; shut up in the depot of the prefecture, she was placed in solitary confinement for twenty-five days, whence she was only taken to be threatened with being left to rot in St. Lazare, if she would not confess the place of my retreat. But with a dagger at her breast, Annette would not have betrayed me. It may be judged how deeply I was grieved to learn her wretched situation and yet be unable to deliver her. As soon as it depended on me, I hastened to aid her. A friend to whom I had lent a few hundred francs, having returned them to me, I begged him to retain a portion of the sum ; and full of hope that the term of her detention would soon expire, since after all, they had only to re- proach her with having lived with a fugitive galley-slave, I prepared to quit Paris, determining, if she was not set at liberty before my departure, that I would let her know, by some means, where I had betaken myself. I lodged in the Rue Tiquetonne, at the house of a currier, named Bouhin, who undertook, for a compensation, to get for himself a passport which he would give to me. We were exactly alike; he, like me, was fair, with Sine eyes, coloured complexion, 252 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. and, by a singular chance, had on his upper lip a slight cicatrice. He was, however, shorter than I was, and to increase his height so as to reach mine, he put two or three packs of cards in his shoes. Bouhin had recourse to this expedient ; so that, although I could use the strange faculty I had of reducing my height four or five inches at pleasure, the passport which he procured did not need that I should have recourse to this curtailment of my fair propor- tions. Provided with this, I was congratulating myself on a resemblance which insured my liberty, when Bouhin (after I had been at his house eight days) confided to me a secret which made me tremble. He was a forger of false money, and, to give me a sample of his skill, coined in my presence eight five-franc pieces, which his wife passed the same day. It may be believed that the confidence of Bouhin alarmed me. At first I argued that actually from one moment to another, his passport would become but a bad recommendation in the eyes of the gendarmes ; for, from the trade he carried on, Bouhin must sooner or later be the object of an arrest ; besides, the money I had given him was but a rash adventure, and it must be confessed that I had but a small chance of advantage in impersonating such a character. This was not all ; considering that this state of suspicion, which in the opinion of the judge and of the public is always inseparable from the condition of a fugitive galley-slave, was it not likely that if Bouhin was apprehended as a coiner, I should be considered as his accomplice ? Justice has committed many errors ! Condemned once, though innocent, who would answer that I should not a second time be similarly sentenced ? The crime which had been wrongfully imputed to me, inasmuch as it pronounced me a forger, was nominally the same species of crime as that which Bouhin had committed. I saw myself sink beneath a weight of presumptive evidence and appearances, such as, perhaps, my counsel, ashamed of undertaking my defence, would conceive necessary to impel him to throw me on the pity of my juJges. I heard my death-sentence pronounced. My fears redoubled whtn I learnt that Bouhin had an associate, a doctor, named Terrier, who frequently came to his house. This man had a most hanging look, and it seemed to me that, on only looking at him, all the police-officers in the world would have suspected and watched him. Without knowing him, I should have thought that in following him it would be impossible not to attain the knowledge of some perpetrated or intended crime. In a word, he was a bird of ill omen to every place he entered ; and persuaded that his visits would bring mischief to the house, I persuaded Bouhin to give up a business so hazardous as that he followed ; THE COIXERS. 253 but the most cogent reasons prevailed not with him ; all I could obtain by dint of entreaty was, that to avoid giving rise to a search which would certainly betray me to the police, he would suspend the making and the passing of money as long as I should remain with him ; but this promise did not prevent my discovering him two days afterwards hard at work. This time I thought it best to address his fellow-labourer, to whom I represented, in the most glaring colours, the dangers which he ran. * I see,' answered the doctor, * that you are one of those cowardly fellows of whom there are so great a number. Suppose we are detected, what then? There are many others who make their exit at the Place de Greve, and we are not there yet ; for fifteen years I have used these " chamber gentlemen " as my bankers, and nobody has yet doubted me ; it will do yet. And besides, my friend,' he added, in an ill-humoured tone, * do you meddle with your own affairs.' After the turn which this discussion took, I saw that it would be superfluous to continue it, and that I should do wisely to be on my guard, feeling still more the necessity of quitting Paris as speedily as possible. It was Tuesday, and I purposed starting on the following day ; but having learnt that Annette would be set at liberty at the end of the week, I proposed deferring my departure until her release, when on Friday, about three o'clock in the morning, I heard a light knock at the street door. The nature of the rap, the hour, and circumstance, all combined to make me think that they were coming to take me ; and saying nothing to Bouhin. I went out on the staircase, and getting to the top, I got hold of the gutter, and climbing on the roof, hastened to conceal myself behind a stack of chimneys. My presentiments had not deceived me, and in an instant the house was filled with police-agents, who searched everywhere. Surprised at not finding me, and doubtless informed by my clothes, left near my bed, that I had escaped in my shirt, which would not allow me to go far, they imagined that I could not have escaped by the usual way. For want of cavaliers to send in pursuit of me, they sent for some bricklayers, who went all over the roof, where I was found and seized, without the nature of the place allowing me to offer any resistance, which could only have been done at the risk of a most perilous leap. Except a few cuffs, which the agents bestowed on me, my arrest offered nothing remarkable. Con- ducted to the prefecture, I was interrogated by M. Henry, who, remembering perfectly the offer I had made him some months previously, promised to do all in his power to ease my situation ; but still I was taken to the Force, and thence to Bicetre, to await the departure of the next chain of galley-slaves. 254 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. CHAPTER XXI. Plan of escape My agreement with the police Coco-Lacour A band oi robbers The old clothes-women and the assassins. I BEGAN to grow wearied of escapes and the sort of liberty they procured for me ; I did not wish to return to the Bagne ; but I preferred a residence at Toulon to that in Paris, if I were com- pelled to submit to such creatures as Chevalier, Blondy, etc. I was in this mood in the midst of a considerable number of these supporters of the galleys, whom 1 had had but too many oppor- tunities of knowing, when several of them proposed that I should help them in trying for a run through the court of the Bons Pauvres. At any other time the project would have made me smile. I did not decline it ; but I studied it like a man who con- sidered localities, and so as to preserve for myself that prepon- derance which my real successes procured for me, and those which were attributed to me I might say those which I attributed to myself; for as soon as we live amongst rogues, there is always an advantage in passing for the most wicked and the most clever ; and such was my well-established reputation, wherever there were four prisoners, at least three had heard of me ; not at all an extra- ordinary thing, for there were galley-slaves who assumed my name. I was the general to whom all the deeds of his soldiers is attributed; they did not cite the places I had taken by assault, but there was no gaoler whose vigilance I could not escape, no irons that I could not break through, no wall that I could not penetrate. I was no less famed for courage and skill, and it was the general opinion that I was capable of any deed of renown in case of need. At Brest, at Toulon, at Rochfort, in fact everywhere, I was considered amongst robbers as the most cunning and most bold. The most villainous sought my friendship, because they thought there was still something to be learnt from me, and the greatest novices collected my very words as instructions from which they could gather profit. At Bicetre, I had a complete court, and they pressed around me, surrounded me, and made tenders of services and kind offers, and expressed regards of which it would be difficult to form an idea. But now, this prison glory was hateful to me ; the more I read the souls of malefactors, the more they laid themselves open to me, the more I pitied society for having nourished in its bosom suc'.i offspring. I no longer felt that sentiment of the community of misfortune which had formerly inspired my breast; cruel experience and a riper age had convinced me of the necessity of withdrawing myself from these brigands, whose society I loathed, and whose language was a.n abomination to me, Decided, at any A POLICE AGENCY. 255 event, to take part against them for the interest of honest men, I wrote to M. Henry to offer my services afresh, without any other condition than that of not being taken back to the Bagne, resign- ing myself to finish the duration of my sentence in any prison that might be selected. My letter pointed out so fully the information I could supply, that M. Henry was struck with it : only one consideration balanced with him ; it was the example of many accused or condemned persons, who, having engaged to guide the police in its searches, had only given but trifling information, or had even finished them- selves by being detected in criminal deeds. To this powerful argument, I opposed the cause of my condemnation, the regularity of my conduct after my escapes, the constancy of my endeavours to procure an honourable existence, and finally I produced my correspondence, my books, my punctuality, and credit, and I called for the testimony of all persons with whom I had transacted business, and particularly of my creditors, who had all the greatest confidence in me. These facts and documents militated strongly in my favour. M. Henry submitted my proposal to the prefect of police, M. Pasquier, who decided on granting it. After a residence of two months at Bicetre, I was removed to the Force ; and, to avoid suspicion, it was stated amongst the prisoners that I was kept back in consequence of being implicated in a very bad affair, which was to be inquired into. This precaution, joined to my renown, put me entirely in good odour. Not a prisoner dared breathe a doubt of the gravity of the charge against me. Since I had shown so much boldness and perseverance to escape from a sentence of eight years in irons, I must of necessity have a con- science charged with some great crime, capable, if I should be discovered as the author, of sending me to the scaffold It was then whispered, and at last stated openly at La Force, in speaking of me. * He is a cut-throat !' And as, in the place where I was confined, an assassin inspires great confidence, I took care not to refute an error so useful to my plans. I was then far from seeing hat an imposture, which I allowed freely to be charged upon me, A'ould be thence perpetuated ; and that one day, in publishing my Memoirs, it would be necessary to state that I had never com- mitted murder. The engagement I had entered into was not so easily fulfilled as may be supposed. A multitude of robbers were then preying on the capital, and it was impossible to furnish the slightest indication of the principal of them ; it was only on my ancient renown that I could rely for gbtuining any' information of the staff of these 256 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Bedouins of our civilization ; it availed me, I will not say beyond, but equal to what I could desire. At this period there was in Paris a band of fugitive galley-slaves, who daily perpetrated robberies, without any Hope being enter- tained of putting a termination to their plunderings. Many of them had been apprehended, and acquitted for want of evidence ; obstinately entrenched in absence of witnesses, they had long braved the attempts of justice, which could neither oppose to them the testimony of the commission of crime, nor proofs of guilt. To surprise them properly, it would have been necessary to know their domicile ; and they were so well concealed, that discovery seemed impossible. Amongst them was one named France (called Tormel), who, on coming to La Force, had nothing more urgent than to ask me for ten francs to pay his footing, and I was not inclined to refuse his demand He soon came to join me, and feeling obliged to me, did not hesitate to give me his confidence. At the time of his arrest he had concealed two notes of a thousand francs from the police, which he gave to me, begging me to advance him money, from time to time, as he needed it. 'You do not know me,' said he, ' but these bills speak for me ; I trust them to you, because I know they are better in your hands than in mine ; some time or other we will change them, which now would be difficult, and we must wait.' I agreed with France, as he wished; I promised to be his banker, as I risked nothing. Apprehended for a violent burglary at an umbrella shop in the passage Feydeau, France had been often interrogated, and con- stantly declared that he had no residence. However, the police had learnt that he had an abode ; and it was the more interesting to learn it, as it would lead to the discovery of instruments of robbery, as well as a great quantity of stolen goods. It was a detection of the highest importance, since it would adduce most material proofs. M. Henry told me that he relied on me for obtaining this information ; I manoeuvred accordingly, and soon learned that at the time of his arrest France was at the corner of the Rue Montmartin and the Rue Notre Dame des Victoires, in an apartment let by a female receiver of stolen goods, named Josephine Bertrand. These proofs were positive, but it was difficult to make use of the information without betraying my share in the business to France, who, having only confessed to me, could only suspect me of betraying him. I, however, succeeded ; and so little did he suspect that I had abused his confidence, that he told me all his troubles, in proportion as the plan which I had concerted with M. Henry progressed. Besides, the police were so arranged, that they CONVICTION OF FRANCE. 257 seemed only to be guided by chance, and thus were the arrange- ments made. They gained over to their interest one of the lodgers of the house which France had inhabited ; and this lodger told the landlord that, for about three weeks, no movement was seen in the apartment of Madame Bertrand; and this awakened and afforded a wide field for conjecture. It was remembered that a person went frequently in and out of this apartment ; his absence was talked of, and it was a matter of astonishment that he was not seen : the word disappearance was mentioned, and thence the necessity of the intervention of the commissary: then theopening of the door in presence of witnesses ; then the discovery of a great quantity of stolen property belonging to the neigh txmrhood, and many of the instruments made use of to consummate these rob- beries. The next inquiry was, what had become of Josephine Bertrand ? and all the persons were visited to whom she had re- ferred when she hired the apartments, but nothing could be learnt of this woman ; only that a girl, named Lambert, who had suc- ceeded her in the apartment of the Rue Montmartre, had just been apprehended ; and as this girl was known as France's mistress, it was conjectured that these two had a common residence. France was in consequence conducted to the spot, and recognised by the neighbours. He pretended that he had been taken by sur- prise, and that they were mistaken, but the jury before whom he was taken decided otherwise, and he was condemned to the galleys for eight years. France once convicted, it was easy to follow up the traces of his comrades, two of whom were named Fossard and Legagneur. They were watched, but the negligence and want of address in the officers enabled them to escape the pursuit which I directed. The former was a man the more dangerous, as he was very skilful in making false keys. For fifteen months he seemed to defy the police, when one day I learnt that he resided with a hair-dresser in the Rue du Temple, facing the common sewer. To apprehend him from home was almost impossible, for he was skilful in dis- guises, and could detect an officer a hundred paces off ; on the other hand, it would be better to seize him in the midst of his pro- fessional apparatus and the produce of his robberies. But the undertaking presented obstacles : Fossard never answered when they knocked at his door, and it was most likely that he had a means of egress, and facilities for getting over the roofs. It appeared to me, that the only mode of seizing him was to profit by his absence and hide in his lodging. M. Henry was of my opinion ; and the door being broken open in the presence of a 258 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, commissary, three agents placed themselves in a closet adjoining a recess. Nearly seventy-two hours elapsed, and nobody arrived ; at the end of the third day, the officers, having exhausted their provisions, were going away, when they heard a key turn in the lock, and Fossard entered. Immediately two of the officers, in conformity with their instructions, darted from the closet and threw themselves upon him ; but Fossard, arming himself with a knife which they had left on the table, frightened them so, that they themselves opened the door which their comrade had closed; and, having turned the key upon them, Fossard quickly descended the staircase, leaving the three agents all the leisure necessary for draw- ing up a report, in which nothing was wanting except the circum- stance of the knife, which they were very cautious in mentioning. Before being sent to the Conciergerie, France, who had never ceased to think me staunch, recommended one of his friends to me, named Legagneur, a fugitive galley-slave, arrested in the Rue de la Mortellerie, at the moment when he was executing a robbery by the aid of false keys ; and this man, deprived of all resource in consequence of the departure of his comrade, was thinking of sending for the money which he had deposited with a receiver of stolen goods in the Rue St. Dominique, at the Gros-Caillou. Annette, who came constantly to see me at La Force, and some- times ably abetted me in my pursuits, was charged with the com- mission ; but either from distrust, or a desire to retain it for him- self, the receiver received the messenger very ungraciously ; and as she insisted, he threatened her with an arrest. Annette returned to tell us that she had failed in her errand. At this information Legagneur would have denounced the receiver, but that was only the first impulse of anger. Growing more calm, he judged it most fitting to defer his vengeance ; and, moreover, to make it turn to his profit. ' If I denounce him,' said he to me, ' not only shall I get nothing by it, but he may contrive to appear not at all in fault. It will be best to wait until I get out, and then I will make him squeak.' Legagneur, having no farther hope from his receiver, determined to write to two accomplices, Marguerit and Victor Desbois, renowned robbers. Convinced of this old truism, that small presents preserve friendship, in exchange for the aid he asked from them, he sent them the impressions of the locks which he had taken for his own private use. Legagneur again had recourse to the mediation of Annette, who found the two friends at the Ru* Deux-Ponts, on a wretched ground-floor, a place where they neve, met without taking great previous precaution. It was not then residence. Annette, whom I had desired to do all in her powei to learn this, had the sense not to lose sight of them. She followed AN AD VENTURE. 259 them for two days, under different disguises ; and, on the third, informed me that they slept in the small Rue St. Jean, in a house with gardens behind. M. Henry, to whom I communicated this circumstance, arranged all the necessary measures which the nature of the place required ; but his officers were not more courageous, nor more skilful, than those from whom Fossard had e-caped. The two robbers saved themselves by the gardens, and it was not till some time afterwards that they were apprehended in the Rue St. Hyacinthe St. Michel. Legagneur having been in his turn conducted to the Con- ciergerie, was replaced in my room by the son of a vintner at Ver- sailles, named Robin, who, united with the thieves of the capital, told me, in our conversations, their arrangements, as well concern- ing all that had been done, as of their present state and intended plans. He it was who pointed out to me the prisoner Mardargent as a fugitive galley-slave, whilst he was only detained in custody as a deserter ; for this latter crime he had been sentenced to twenty- four years' labour at the galleys : he had passed some time in the Bagne ; and by the help of my notes and recollections, we were soon excellent friends : he fancied (and he was not mistaken) that I should be delighted to meet again my old companions in mis- fortune : he pointed out several amongst the prisoners, and I was fortunate enough to send back to the galleys a considerable number of those individuals whom justice, for want of the neces- sary proofs for their conviction, might have let loose upon society. Never had any period been marked with more important dis- coveries than that which ushered in my debut in the service of the police ; although scarcely enrolled in this administration, I had already done much for the safety of the capital, and even for the whole of France. Were I to relate half my successes in my new department, my reader's patience -would be exhausted; I will simply make mention of an adventure which occurred a few months before I quitted the prison, and which deserves to be rescued from the general oblivion. One afternoon a tumult arose in the court, which terminated in a violent pugilistic combat ; at this hour in the day such occur- rences were very frequent. The two champions were Blignon and Charpentier (called Chante a 1'heure). A violent quarrel had arisen between them ; when the action had ceased, Chante & 1'heure, covered with contusions, entered the drinking-shop to have his bruises fomented. I was there engaged at my game of piquet. Chante \ 1'heure, irritated with his defeat, was no longer master of himself, and as the brandy he had called for to wash his hurts found its ways almost unconsciously to his mouth instead, he t^ 17 a 260 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. came proportionably energetic ; until at last his mind could no longer contain the angry burst of his feelings. ' My good friend,' said he to me, ' (for you are my very good friend) do you see how this beggar of a Blignon has served me ? But he shall not go off scot-free !' * Oh, never heed him/ I replied ; * he is stronger than you, and you must mind what you are about. Do you wish to be half killed a second time?' ' Oh, that is not what I mean. If I choose, I can put a stop to his beating me, or any one else again. I know what I know !' * Well, and what do you know ?' cried I, struck by the tone in which he pronounced these last words. ' Yes, yes,' answered Chante a 1'heure, highly exasperated ; ' he has done well in driving me to this : I have only to blab, and his businesses settled.' * Nonsense ; hold your tongue/ said I, affecting not to believe him : * you are both birds of a feather. When you owe anyone a spite, you have only to blow at his head, and he would instantly fall.' 'You think so, do you?' said Chante a 1'heure, striking the table. ' Suppose I told you that he had slit a woman's weasand !' 'Not so loud, Chante a 1'heure; not so loud,' said I, putting my finger significantly on my lips. 'You know very well that at Lorcefe'e (La Force) walls have ears ; and you must not turn nose against a comrade.' ' What do you call turning nose ?' replied he, the more irritated in proportion as I feigned a wish to stop him from speaking ; ' when I tell you that it only depends on me to split upon him in another case.' 'That is all very well,' I replied ; 'but to bring a man before the big wigs, we must have proofs !' ' Proofs ! Does the devil's child ever want them ? Listen. You know the little shopkeeper who lives near the Pont Notre Dame ?' 'An old procuress, mistress of Chatonnet, and wife of the hump-backed man ?' 'The same. Well, three months ago, as Blignon and I were blowing a cloud quietly in a boozing ken of the Rue Planche- Mibray, she came there to us. " There's swag for you, my lads," said she, " not far off, in the Rue de la Sonnerie ! You are boys of mettle, and I will put you on the lay. An old dowager who has been pocketing lots of blunt, a few days since received fifteen or twenty thousand francs, in notes or gold ; she often comes home in the darkey, and you must slit her windpipe; and when MURDER. 261 you have prigged the chink, fling her into the river.* 1 At first we did not relish the proposition, and would not hear of it, as we never cared to commit a murder ; but the old hag so pestered us by telling us that she was well feathered, and that there was no harm in doing for an old woman, that we agreed to it. It was settled that the procuress should give us notice of the precise time and hour. However, I felt very I don't-know-how-ish about it ; because you see, when you are not used to a job of the kind, you feel queerish a bit. But never mind, all was settled ; when next morning, at the Quatre-Chemine'es, near Sevres, we met with Voivenel and another pal. Blignon told the business to them, at the same time stating his objection to the murder. They there- upon proposed to give us a hand if we chose. " Agreed," replied Blignon : " where there is enough for two, there is enough for four :" thus we settled it, and they were to be in the rig with us. From that time Voivenel's pal never let us rest, and was impatient for the arrival of the moment At length the old mother Murder- love told us all was ready. It was a thick fog on the night of the thirtieth of December. " Now's the time !" said Blignon. Believe me or not, as you like ; but on the word of a thief I would have backed out, but I could not ; I was drawn on, and dogged the old woman with the others ; and, in the evening, when, having, as we knew, received a considerable sum, she was returning from the house of M. Rousset, a person who let out carriages, in the Alley de la Pompe, we did for her. It was Voivenel's friend who stabbed her, whilst Blignon, having blinded her with his cloak, seized her from behind. I was the only one who did not dabble in her blood ; but I saw all, for I was put on the look out ; and I then learnt, and saw, and heard enough to give that scoundrel Blignon his passport to the guillotine.' Chante a 1'heure then, with an insensibility which exceeds belief, detailed to me all the minutest circumstances of this murder. I heard this abominable recital to the close, making incredible efforts to conceal my indignation ; for every word which he uttered was of a nature to make the hair stand on end of even the least susceptible person. When the villain had finished retracing, with a horrible fidelity, the agonies of his victim, I urged him anew not to break off his friendship with Blignon : but at the same time I dexterously threw oil on the fire I appeared solicitous to extinguish. My plan was to lead Chante k 1'heure to make a public confession of the horrible revelation to which rage and revenge had spurred him oa I was farther desirous of being enabled to furnish justice with those means of conviction which would be necessary to punish the assassins. Much yet remained 262 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, in uncertainty ; possibly, after all, this affair was merely the fruits of an over-heated brain, and Chante k 1'heure, when no longer under the influence of wine and vengeance, might disavow all recollection of it. However the business might terminate, I lost no time in despatching to M. Henry a report, in which I ex- plained the affair, as well as the doubts I myself entertained of its veracity ; he was not long in replying to my communication, that the crime I alluded to was but too true. M. Henry begged I would endeavour to procure for him the precise account of everything which had preceded and followed this murder ; and the very next day my plans were laid to obtain them. It was difficult to procure the arrest of any of the guilty party, without their sus- pecting the hand which directed the blow ; but in this dilemma, as well as in many others in which I had been placed, chance came to my assistance. The following day I went to awaken Chante a 1'heure, who, still suffering from the intemperance of the preceding night, was unable to quit his bed ; I seated myself beside him, and began to speak of the state of complete intoxica- tion in which I had seen him, as well as of the indiscreet actions he had committed. The reproof appeared to astonish him ; but when I repeated a few words of the conversation we had held together, his surprise redoubled, and as I had foreseen, he protested the impossibility of his having used such language ; and whether he had effectually lost his recollection, or whether he mis- trusted me, he tried hard to persuade me that he had not the slightest remembrance of what had passed. Whether he at this moment spoke the truth, or not, I profited by it to tell him that he had not confined his confidential communications to one alone, but had spoken of all the circumstances of the murder in a loud tone, in the presence of several prisoners who were sitting near the fire, and had heard all that had passed as well as myself. 'What an unlucky fellow I am!' cried he, with every sign of sincere distress. ' What have I done ? What is to be done to extricate myself from the situation in which it places me?' * Nothing is more simple,' said I ; 'if you should be questioned as to the scene of yesterday, you can say, " Upon my word, when I have taken too much drink, I say or do anything : and if I happen to have a spite against a man, I do not know what I might invent about him." Chante a 1'heure took all this for genuine advice ; but on the same morning, a man named Pinson, who passed for a great sneak, was conducted from La Force to the office of the prefect ; this exchange could not have occurred more opportunely for my project, and I hastened to acquaint Chante a 1'heure with it, adding that all the prisoners believed that Pinson LIBERTY. 263 was only removed in the expectation of his making some very im- portant discoveries. At this intelligence he appeared thunderstruck : 'Was he one of those who were present when I was talking the other night ?' asked he, with strong anxiety. I replied that I had not particularly observed ; he then communicated to me more frankly his fears, and I obtained from him fresh particulars, which, sent off without delay to M. Henry, caused all the accomplices in this murder to fall into the hands of justice ; the shopkeeper and her husband wen: of the number. They were all committed to solitary con- finement ; Blignon and Chante k 1'heure in the new building, the others in the infirmary, where they remained a very long time. The public authorities had inquired into it, and I no longer troubled myself with the affair. Nothing material resulted from the investigation, which had been badly begun from the first, and finally the accused were pardoned. My abode at Bicetre and La Force embraced a point of twenty-one months, during which not a single day passed without my rendering some important service. I believe I might have become a perpetual spy, so far was every one from supposing that any connivance existed between the agents of the public authority and myself. Even the porters and keepers were in ignorance of the mission with which I was intrusted. Adored by the thieves, esteemed by the most de- termined bandits, I could always rely on their devotion to me , they would have been torn to pieces in my service, a proof of which occurred at Bicetre, where Mardargent had several severe battles with some of the prisoners who had dared to assert that I had only quitted La Force to serve the police. Coco-Lacour and Goreau, prisoners in the same gaol as incorrigible thieves, with no less ardour and generous intrepidity undertook my defence. M. Henry did not allow the preTet to remain in ignorance of the numerous discoveries effected by my sagacity. This func- tionary, to whom I was represented as a person on whom he might depend, consented at last to put an end to my detention. Every measure was taken that it might not be known that I had recovered my liberty ; they sent to fetch me from La Force, and carried me from thence without neglecting any of their rigorous precautions. My handcuffs were replaced, and I ascended the wicker car with the private understanding that I was to escape on the road, and I was not slow in profiting by this permission. The same night ^ flight was made known, and all the police weie in search of me. This escape caused much noise, particularly at La Force, where my friends celebrated it with rejoicings, drank to my health, and wished me a safe and prosperous journey, 264 MEMOIRS OF VWOC& CHAPTER XXII. M. Henry, ' the Evil Spirit ' Bertaux and Parisot My first capture Arrest of Bouhin and Terrier. As the secret agent of government, I had duties marked out, and the kind and respectable M. Henry took upon himself to instruct me in their fulfilment ; for in his hands were intrusted nearly the entire safety of the capital : to prevent crimes, discover malefactors, and to give them up to justice, were the principal functions confided to me. By thieves M. Henry was styled the Evil Spirit ; and well did he merit the surname, for with him, cunning and suavity of manners were so conjoined as seldom to fail in their purpose. Among the coadjutors of M. Henry was M. Bertaux, a cross-examiner of great merit The proofs of his talent may be found in the archives of the court. Next to him, I have great pleasure in naming M. Parisot, governor of the prisons. 'In a word, MM. Henry, Bertaux, and Parisot formed a veritable triumvirate, which was incessantly conspiring against the perpetrators of all manner of crimes, to extirpate rogues from Paris, and to procure for the inhabitants of this immense city a perfect security. So soon as I was installed in my new office of secret agent, I commenced my rounds, in order to take my measures well for setting effectually to work. These journeys, which occupied me nearly twenty days, furnished me with many useful and important observations, but as yet I was only preparing to act, and studying my ground. One morning I was hastily summoned to attend the chief of the division. The matter in hand was to discover a man named Watrin, accused of having fabricated and put in circulation false moi|ey and bank notes. The inspectors of the police had already arrested Watrin, but, according to custom, had allowed him to escape. M. Henry gave me every direction '.vhich he deemed likely to assist me in the search after him ; but unfortunately he had only gleaned a few simple particulars of his usual habits and customary haunts ; every place he was known to frequent was freely pointed out to me ; but it was not very likely he would be found in those resorts which prudence would call upon him carefully to avoid ; there remained, therefore, only a chance of reaching him by some by-path. When I learnt that he had left his effects in a furnished house, where he once lodged, on the boulevard of Mont Parnasse, I took it for granted that, sooner or later, he would go there in search of his property ; or at least that he would send some person to fetch it from thence ; con- WATRIN. 265 sequently, I directed all my vigilance to this spot ; and after having reconnoitered the house, I lay in ambush in its vicinity night and day, in order to keep a watchful eye upon all comers and goers. This went on for nearly a week, when, weary of not observing anything, I determined upon engaging the master of the house in my interest, and to hire an apartment of him, where I accordingly established myself with Annette, certain that my presence could give rise to no suspicion. I had occupied this post for about fifteen days, when one evening, at eleven o'clock, I was informed that VVatrin had just come, accompanied by another person. Owing to a slight indisposition, I had retired to bed earlier than usual ; however, at this news I rose hastily, and descended the staircase by four stairs at a time : but whatever diligence I might use, I was only just in time to catch Watrin's companion ; him I had no right to detain, but I made myself sure that I might, by intimidation, obtain farther particulars from him. I therefore seized him, threatened him, and soon drew from him a confession that he was a shoemaker, and that Watrin lived with him, No. 4, Rue des Mauvais Galons. This was all I wanted to know : I had only had time to slip an old great coat over my shirt, and without stopping to put on more garments, I hurried on to the place thus pointed out to me. I reached the house at the very instant that some person was quitting it : persuaded that it was Watrin, I attempted to seize him ; he escaped from me, and I darted after him up a staircase ; but at the moment of grasping him, a violent blow, which struck my chest, drove me down twenty stairs. I sprung forward again, and that so quickly, that to escape from my pursuit he was compelled to return into the house through a sash window. I then knocked loudly at the door, summoning him to open it without delay. This he refused to do. I then de- sired Annette (who had followed me) to go in search of the guard, and whilst she was preparing to obey me, I counterfeited the noise of a man descending the stairs. Watrin, deceived by this feint, \vas anxious to satisfy himself whether I had actually gone, and softly put his head out of window to observe if all was safe. This was exactly what I wanted. I made a vigorous dart forwards, and seized him by the hair of his head : he grasped me in the same manner, and a desperate struggle took place ; jammed against the partition wall which separated us, he opposed me with a deter- mined resistance. Nevertheless, I felt that he was growing weaker ; I collected all my strength for a last effort ; I strained every nerve, and drew him nearly out of the window through which we were struggling : one more trial and the victory was mine ; but in the earnestness of my grasp we both rolled on the 266 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, passage floor, on to which I had pulled him : to rise, snatch from his hands the shoemaker's cutting-knife with which he had armed himself, to bind him, and lead him out of the house, was the work of an instant. Accompanied only by Annette, I conducted him to the prefecture, where I received the congratulations first of M. Henry, and afterwards those of the prefect of police, who be- stowed on me a pecuniary recompense. Watrin was a man of unusual address ; he followed a coarse clumsy business, and yet he had given himself up to making counterfeit money, which re- quired extreme delicacy of hand. Condemned to death, he ob- tained a reprieve the very hour that was destined for his execution; the scaffold was prepared, he was taken down from it, and the lovers of such scenes experienced a disappointment All Paris remembers it. A report was in circulation that he was about to make some very important discoveries; but as he had nothing to reveal, a few days afterwards he underwent his sentence. Watrin was my first capture, and an important one too j this successful beginning awoke the jealousy of the peace-officers, as well as those under my orders ; all were exasperated against me, but in vain ; they could not forgive me for being more successful than themselves. The superiors, on the contrary, were highly pleased with my conduct, and I redoubled my zeal to render myself still more worthy their confidence. About this period a vast number of counterfeit five-franc pieces had got into general circulation ; several of them were shown to me ; whilst examining them, I fancied I could discover the work- manship of Bouhin (who had informed against me) and o"f his friend, Dr. Terrier. I resolved to satisfy my mind as to the truth of this ; and, in consequence of this determination, I set about watching the steps of these two individuals; but, as I durst not follow them too closely, lest they might recognise me, and mis- trust my observation, it was difficult for me to obtain the intelli- gence I wanted. Nevertheless, by dint of unwearied perseverance, I arrived at the certainty of my not having mistaken the matter, and the two coiners were arrested in the very act of fabricating their base coin ; they were shortly after condemned and executed for it. It has been publicly asserted, in consequence of a report set on foot by the inspectors of the police, that Dr. Terrier had been led away by me, and that I had in a manner placed in his hands the instruments of his crime. Let the reader remember the reply which this man made to me, when, at Bouhin's house, I sought to persuade him to renounce his guilty industry, and he will judge whether Terrier was a man to allow himself to be drawn away. ST. G&RMAIN AND BOUDIN. 267 CHAPTER XXIII. St. Germain proposes to me a murder The plunderers The grandson of Cartouche Annette again aids me Attempt to rob the house of a banker I am said to be killed Arrest of St. Germain and Boudin. IN so populous a capital as that of Paris, there are usually a vast many places of bad resort, at which assemble persons of broken fortune and ruined fame. In order to judge of them under my own eye, I frequented every house and street of ill-fame, some- times under one disguise and sometimes under another ; assuming, indeed, all those rapid changes of dress and manner which indi- cated a person desirous of concealing himself from the observation of the police, till the rogues and thieves whom I daily met there firmly believed me to be one of themselves; persuaded of my being a runaway, they would have been cut to pieces before I should have been taken ; for, not only had I acquired their fullest confidence, but their strongest regard ; and so much did they respect my situation as a fugitive galley-slave, that they would not even propose to me to join in any of their daring schemes, lest it might compromise my safety. All, however, did not exercise this delicacy, as will be seen hereafter. Some months had passed since I commenced my secret investigations, when chance threw in my way St. Germain, whose visits had so often rilled me with consternation. He had with him a person named Boudin, whom I had formerly seen as a restaurateur in Paris, in the Rue dea Prouvaires, and of whom I knew no more than that trifling acquaintance which arose from my occasionally exchanging my money for his dinners. He, however, seemed easily to recollect me, and, addressing me with a bold familiarity, which my deter- mined coolness seemed unable to subdue, 'Pray,' said he, ' have I been guilty of any offence towards you, that you seem so resolved upon cutting me ?' * By no means, sir,' replied I ; ' but I have been informed that you have been in the service of the police.' * Oh, oh, is that all ?' cried he ; ' never mind that, my boy ; suppose I have, what then ? I had my reasons ; and when I tell you what they were, I am quite sure you will not bear me any ill- will for it.' 'Come, come,' said St. Germain, 'I must have you good friends. Boudin is an excellent fellow, and I will answer for his honour, as I would do for my own. Many a thing happens in life we should never have dreamt of, and if Boudin did accept the situation you mention, it was but to save his brother ; besides, you must feel satisfied, that were his principles such as a gentle- man ought not to possess, why, you would not find him in my company.' I was much amused with this excellent reasoning, as 268 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. well as with the pledge given for Boudin's good faith ; h wever, I no longer sought to avoid the conversation of Boudin. It was natural enough that St. Germain should relate to me all that had happened to him since his last disappearance, which had given me such pleasure. After complimenting me on my flight, he informed me that after my arrest he had recovered his employment, which he, how- ever, was not fortunate enough to keep ; he lost it a second time, and had since been compelled to trust to his wits to procure a subsistence. I requested he would tell me what had become of Blondy and Deluc. 'What?' said he, 'the two who slit the waggoner's throat? Oh, why the guillotine settled their business at Beauvais.' When I learnt that these two villains had at length reaped the just reward of their crimes, I experienced but one regret, and that was, that the heads of their worthless accomplices had not fallen on the same scaffold. After we had sat together long enough to empty several bottles of wine, we separated. At parting, St. Germain, having observed that I was but meanly clad, inquired what I was doing, and as I carelessly answered that at present I had no occupation, he promised to do his best for me, and to push my interest the first opportunity that offered I suggested that, as I very rarely ventured out for fear of being arrested, we might not possibly meet again for some time. 'You can see me whenever you choose,' said he ; 'I shall expect that you will call on me frequently.' Upon my promise to do so, he gave me his address, without once thinking of asking for mine. St. Germain was no longer an object of such excessive terror as formerly in my eyes ; I even thought it my interest to keep him in sight, for if I applied myself to scrutinising the actions of suspicious persons, who better than he called for the most vigilant attention ? In a word, I resolved upon purging society of such a monster. Meanwhile, I waged a determined war with all the crowd of rogues who infested the capital. About this time robberies of every species were multiplying to a frightful extent ; nothing was talked of but stolen palisades, out-houses broken open, roofs stripped of their lead; more than twenty reflecting lamps were successively stolen from the Rue Fontaine au Roi, without the plunderers being detected. For a whole month the inspectors had been lying in wait in order to surprise them, and the first night of their discontinuing their vigilance the same depredations took place. In this state, which appeared like setting tho police at defiance, I accepted the task which none seemed aHe to accomplish, and in a very short time I was A PROPOSAL OF MURDER. 269 enabled to bring the whole band of these shameless plunderers to public justice, which immediately consigned them to the galleys. Each day increased the number of my discoveries. Of the many who were committed to prison, there were none who did not owe their arrest to me, and yet not one of them, for a moment suspected my share in the business. I managed so well, that neither within nor without its walls had the slightest suspicion transpired. The thieves of my acquaintance looked upon me as their best friend and true comrade ; the others esteemed them- selves happy to have an opportunity of initiating me in their secrets, whether from the pleasure of conversing with me, or in the hope of Benefiting by my counsels. It was principally beyond the barriers that I met with these unfortunate beings. One day that I was crossing the outer Boulevards, I was accosted by St. Germain, who was still accompanied by Boudin. They invited me to dinner. I accepted the proposition, and over a bottle of wine they did me the honour to propose that I should make a third in an intended murder. The matter in hand was to despatch two old men who lived together in the house which Boudin had formerly occupied in the Rue des Prouvaires. Shuddering at the confidence placed in me by these villains, I yet blessed the invisible hand which had led them to seek my aid. At first I affected some scruples at entering into the plot, but at last feigned to yield to their lively and pressing solicitations, and it was agreed that we should wait the favourable moment for putting into execution this most execrable project. This resolution taken, I bade farewell to St. Germain and his companion, and (decided upon preventing the meditated crime) hastened to carry a report of the affair to M. Henry, who sent me without loss of time to obtain more ample details of the discovery I had just made to him. His intention was to satisfy himself whether I had been really solicited to take part in it, or whether, from a mistaken devotion to the cause of justice, I had endeavoured to instigate those unhappy men to an act which would render them amenable to it I protested that I had adopted no such expedient, and as he discovered marks of truth in my manner and declaration, he expressed himself satisfied. He did not, however, omit to impress on me the following discourse upon instigating agents, which penetrated my very heart. Ah, why was it not also heard by those wretches who since the Revolu- tion have made so many victims ! The renewed era of legitimacy would not then in some circumstances have recalled the bloody days of another epoch. ' Remember well,' said M. Henry to me in conclusion, 'remember that the greatest scourge of society is 270 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. he who urges another on to the commission of evil. Where there are no instigators to bad practices, they are committed only by the really hardened, because they alone are capable of conceiving and executing them. Weak beings may be drawn away and excited : to precipitate them into the abyss, it frequently requires no more than to call to your aid their passions or self-love ; but he who avails himself of their weakness to procure their destruction, is more than a monster he is the guilty one, and it is on his head the sword of justice should fall. As to those engaged in the police, they had better remain for ever idle than create matter for employment. Although this lesson was not required in my case, yet I thanked M. Henry for it, who enjoined me not to lose sight of the two assassins, and to use every means in my power to prevent their arriving at the completion of their diabolical plan. ' The police,' said he, * is instituted as much to correct and punish malefactors, as to prevent their committing crimes ; but on every occasion I would wish it to be understood that we hold ourselves under greater obligations to that person who prevents one crime, than to him who procures the punishment of many.' Conformably with these instructions, I did not allow a single day to pass without seeing St. Germain and his friend Boudin. As the blow they meditated was to procure them a considerable quantity of gold, I concluded that I might, without overacting my part, affect a degree of impatience about it. ' Well,' said I to them every time we met, 'and when is this famous affair to take place?' 'When!' replied St. Germain; 'the fruit is not yet ripe; when the right time comes,' added he, pointing to Boudin, ' my friend there will let you know.' Already had several meetings taken place, and yet nothing was decidedly arranged ; once more I hazarded the usual question. ' Ah ! ah ! ' said St. Germain, ' my good friend, now I can satisfy your natural curiosity ; we have fixed upon to-morrow evening, and only waited for you to deliberate upon the best way of going to work.' The meeting was fixed a little way out of Paris. I was punctual to the time and place, nor did St. Germain keep me waiting. ' Hark ye,' said he, ' we have reflected upon this affair, and find that it cannot be put into execution for the present. We have, however, another to propose to you ; and I warn you, you must say at once, without any equivocation, ' yes ' or ' no.' Before we enter upon the object of my coming hither, it is but fair I should let you into a little confidential story respecting yourself, which was told to me by one Carre", who knew you at La Force. The tale runs, that you only escaped its walls upon con- dition of serving the police as its secret agent !' A CHANGE OF PLANS. 271 At the words * secret agent,' a feeling almost approaching; to suffocation stole over me, but I quickly rallied upon per- ceiving that, however true the report might be, it had obtained but little faith with St. Germain, who was evidently waiting for my explanation or denial of it, without once* suspecting its. reality. My ever-ready genius quickly flew to my aid, and with- out hesitation I replied, 'that I was not much surprised at the charge, and for the simple reason that I myself had been the first to set the rumour afloat' St. Germain stared with wonder. 'My good fellow,' said I, 'you are well aware that I managed to escape from the police whilst they were transferring me from La Force to Bicetre. Well, I went to Paris and stayed there till I could go elsewhere. One must live, you know, how and where one can Unfortunately, I am still compelled to play at hide and seek, and it is only by assuming a variety of disguises that I dare venture abroad, to look about and just see what my old friends are doing ; but in spite of all my precautions, I live in constant dread of many individuals, whose keen eye quickly penetrated my assumption of other names and habits than my own ; and who, having formerly been upon terms of familiarity with me, pestered me with questions I had no other means of shaking off, by insinuating that I was in the pay of the police ; and thus I obtained the double advantage of evading in my character of "spy " both their suspicions and ill-will, should they feel disposed to exercise it in the procuring my arrest.' 'Enough enough,' interrupted St. Germain; ' I believe you; and, to convince you of the unbroken confidence I place in you, I will let you into the secret of our plans for to-night. At the corner of the Rue d'Enghein, where it joins the Rue Hautville, lives a banker, whose house looks out upon a very extensive garden; a circumstance greatly in favour both of our expedition and our escape after its completion. This same banker is now absent, and the cash-box, in which is a consider- able sum in specie, besides bank-notes, etc., is only guarded by two persons. Well, you can guess the rest. We mean to make it our own, by the law of possession, this very evening. Three of us are bound by oath to do the job, which will turn out so profitably. But we want another; and now that you have cli your character and given scandal the lie, you shall make the fourth. Come, no refusal ; we reckon on your company and assistance, and if you refuse you are a regular set down sneak.' I was as eager in accepting the invitation, as St. Germain could possibly be in giving it ; both Boudin and himself seemed much pleased with my zeal. Who my remaining coadjutor was I knew 272 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. not, but my surmises on the subject were soon settled by the arrival of a man, a perfect stranger to myself, named Debenne. He was the driver of a cabriolet, the father of a large family, and a man who, more from weak than bad principles, had allowed himself to be seduced by the temptations of his guilty companions. Whilst a mixed conversation was going on between them, my thoughts were busily at work upon the best method of causing them to be taken in the very act they were then discussing. What was my consternation to hear St. Germain, at the moment we all rose to pay our score, address us in these words : * My friends, when a man runs his neck into the compass of a halter, it behoves him to keep a sharp lookout. We have this day decided upon playing a dangerous, but, as I take it, a sure game ; and in order that the chance may be in our favour, I have deter- mined upon the following measure, which I think you will -all approve. About midnight, all four of us will obtain access into the house in question. Boudin and myself will undertake to manage the inside work, whilst you two remain in the garden* ready to second us in case of surprise. This undertaking, if successful, will furnish us with the means of living at our ease for some time ; but it concerns our mutual safety, that we should not quit each other till the hour for putting our plan into execution.' This finale, which I feigned not to hear, was repeated a second time, and filled me with a thousand fears that I might not be able to withdraw myself from the affair, as I had intended. What was to be done ? St. Germain was a man of uncommon daring, eager for money, and always ready to purchase it either with his own blood or that of others ; however, as yet it was but ten o'clock in the morning ; I hoped that, during the long interval between that hour and midnight, some opportunity would present itself of dexterously stealing away and giving information to the police. Meanwhile, 1 made not the slightest objection to the proposition of St. Germain, which was indeed the best pledge we could separately have of the good faith of the others. When he perceived that we were all agreed, St. Germain, who, by his energy, his talents for plotting and carrying his schemes into execution, was the real head of the conspiracy, expressed his satisfaction, and added farther * This unanimity is what I like ; and I beg to say, that, for myself, 1 will leave nothing undone to merit the continuance of so flatter- ing a consent to my wishes and opinions.' It was agreed that we should take a hackney-coach, and proceed together to his house, situate in the Rue St. Antoine. Arrived there, we ascended into his chamber, where he was to keep us under lock and key until the instant of departure. Confine^ between four ANXIOUS MOMENTS. 273 walls, in close converse with these robbers. I knew not what saint to invoke, or what pretext to invent, to effect my escape. St. Germain would have blown out my brains at the least suspicion , and how to act or what was to be done, I knew not My only plan was to resign myself to the event, be it what it might ; and this determination taken, I affected to busy myself with the preparations for our crime, the very sight of which redoubled my perplexity and horror. Pistols were laid on the table, in order to have the charges drawn and to be properly reloaded. Whilst they underwent a strict scrutiny St Germain remarked a pair which seemed to him no longer able ' to do the state any service ;' he laid them aside 1 Here,' said he, ' these toothless barkers will never do ; whilst the rest of you are loading and priming your batteries, I will get these changed for others more likely to aid our purpose.' As he was preparing to quit the room, I bade him to remember that, accord- ing to our contract, none of us could quit the place without being accompanied by a second. * Right quite right,' replied he ; * I like people not only to make, but to keep engagements ; so come with me.'' But,' said I, ' these other two gentlemen ? ' Oh !' laughed St Germain, * they shall be kept out of harm's way till our return ; ' so saying, he very coolly double-locked the door upon them, and then, taking me by the arm, led me to a shop from which he generally supplied himself with what he required for his various expeditions. Upon the present occasion he purchased some balls, powder, flints, exchanged the old pistols for new ones, and then, declaring his business completed, returned with me to his house. On entering, I felt a fresh thrill of horror, from perceiving how ear- nestly and yet calmly the wretch Boudin was occupied in sharpen- ing two large dinner knives on a hone ; the sight froze my blood, and I turned away in disgust. Meanwhile the time was passing away ; one o'clock struck, and no expedient of safety had yet presented itself. I yawned and stretched, feigning weariness, and going into an apartment adjoin- ing the one in which we had assembled, threw myself on a bed, as if in search of repose ; after a few instants, I appeared still more fidgety with this indolence, and I could perceive that the others were not less so than myself. * Suppose we have a glass of some- thing to cheer us,' cried St. Germain. 'An excellent idea,' I replied, almost leaping for joy at the unexpected opening it seemed likely to afford my scheme ; ' a most capital thought and by way of helping it, if you can manage to send to my house, you may have a glass of burgundy, such as cannot be met with every day.' All declared the thought a most seasonable relief to the ennui which was beginning to have hold of them now that all their work of pre- 18 274 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. paration was at an end ; and St. Germain without further delay, despatched his porter to Annette, who was requested to bring the promised treat herself. It was agreed that nothing relative to our plan should be uttered before her ; and whilst my three companions were indulging in rough jokes upon the unexpected pleasure thus offered them, I carelessly resumed my place on the bed, and whilst there traced with a pencil these few lines ' When you leave this place, disguise yourself, and do not for an instant lose sight of myself, St. Germain, or Boudin. Be careful to avoid all observ- ation; and, above all, be sure to pick up anything I may let fall, and to convey it as directed.' Short as was this hurried instruction, it was, I knew, sufficient for Annette, who had frequently received similar directions, and I felt quite assured that she would comprehend it in its fullest sense. It was not long before she joined us, bringing with her the basket of wine Her appearance was the signal for mirth and gaiety. She was complimented by all ; and as for myself, under the semblance of thanking her for her ready attendance with an embrace, I managed to slip the billet into her hand ; she understood me, took leave of the company, and left me far happier than I had felt an hour before. We made a hearty dinner, after which I suggested the idea of going alone with St. Germain to reconnoitre the scene of action, in order to be provided with the means of guarding against any accident. As this seemed merely the counsel of a prudent man, it excited no suspicion ; the only difference in his opinion and mine was, that I proposed taking a hackney-coach, whilst he judged it better to walk. When we reached the part he considered most favourable for scaling, he pointed it out to me ; and I took care to observe it so well, that I could easily describe it to another, with- out fear of any mistake arising. This done, St. Germain recollected that we had all better cover our faces with black crape, and we proceeded towards the Palais Royal, for the purpose of buying some ; and whilst he was in a shop, examining the different sorts, I managed to scrawl hastily on paper every particular and direction which might enable the police to interfere and prevent the crime. St. Germain, whose vigilance never relaxed, and who had as much as possible kept his eye on me with calm scrutiny, conducted me 10 a public-house, where we refreshed ourselves with some beer ; quitting this place, we walked again homewards, without my having been enabled to dispose of the billet I had written ; when, just as we were re-entering his odious den of crimes, my eye caught sight of Annette, who, disguised in a manner that would have effectually deceived every other but myself, was on the watch for our return. Convinced that she had recognised me, I managed to drop my RENDEZVOUS. 275 paper as I crossed the threshold ; and, relieved in a great measure of many of my former apprehensions I committed myself to my fate. As the terrible hour for the fulfilment of our scheme approached, I became a prey to a thousand terrors. Spite of the warning I had sent through Annette, the police might be tardy in obeying its directions, and might, perhaps, arrive too late to prevent the consummation of the crime. Should I at once avow myself, and in my real character arrest St. Germain and his accomplices ? Alas ! what could I do against three powerful men, rendered furious by revenge and desperation ? And, besides, had 1 even succeeded in my attempt, who could say that I might be believed, when I denied all participation with them, except such as was to further the ends of justice ? Instances rose to my recollection, where, under similar circumstances, the police had abandoned its agents, or, confounding them with the guilty wretches with whom they had mingled, refused to acknowledge their innocence. I was in all the agony of such reflections, when St. Germain roused me, by desiring I would accompany Debenne, whose cabriolet was destined to receive the expected treasure of money-bags, and was for that purpose to be stationed at the corner of the street. We went out together, and, as I looked around me, I again met the eye of my faithful Annette, whose glance satisfied me that all my commissions had been attended to. Just then, Debenne inquired of me the place of rendezvous. I know not what good genius suggested to me the idea of saving this unhappy creature. I had observed that he was not wicked at heart, and that he seemed rather drawn to- wards the abyss of guilt by want and bad advice, than by any natural inclination for crime. I hastily assigned to him a post, away from the spot which had been agreed on ; and, happy in having saved him from the snare, rejoined St Germain and Boudin at the angle of the Boulevard St. Denis. It was now about half- past ten, and I gave them to understand that the cabriolet would require some time in getting ready ; that I had given orders to Debenne, that he should take his station in the corner of the Rue du Faubourg Poissonniere, ready to hasten up at the slightest signal. I observed to them, that the sight of a cabriolet too near to the place of our labours might awaken suspicion ; and they agreed in thinking my precautions wisely taken. Eleven o'clock struck we took a glass together in the Fau- bourg St. Denis, and then directed our steps towards the banker's habitation. The tranquillity of Boudin and his infamous associate had something in it almost fiend-like : they walked coolly along, each wiih his pipe in his mouth, which was only removed to hum over so n /v' loose song. 276 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. At last we arrived at the part of the garden wall it had been de- termined to scale, by means of a large post, which would serve as a ladder St. Germain demanded my pistols ; my heart began to beat violently, for I fully expected that, having by some ill chance penetrated my real share in the affair, he meant that I should answer for it with my life ; resistance would have been use- less, and I put them into his hands ; but, to my extreme relief, he merely opened the pan, changed the priming, and returned them to me. After having performed a similar operation on his own p/stols and those of Boudin, he set the example of climbing "the post ; Boudin followed ; and both of them, without interrupting their smoking, sprung into the garden : it became my turn to follow them : trembling, I reached the top of the wall ; all my former apprehensions crowded back upon me. Had the police yet had time to lay their ambuscade ? Might not St Germain have pre- ceded them ? These and a thousand similar questions agitated my mind. My feelings were, however, wrought up to so high a pitch, that, in the midst of such a moment of cruel suspense, I determined on one measure, namely, to prevent the commission of the crime, though I sank in the unequal struggle. However, St. Germain, seeing me still sitting astride on the top of the wall, and becoming impatient at my delay, cried out, * Come, come down with you.' Scarcely had he said the words, than he was vigorously attacked by a number of men. Boudin and himself offered a desperate resistance. A brisk firing commenced the balls whistled and, after a combat of some minutes, the two assassins were seized, though not before several of the police had been wounded. St. Germain and his companion were likewise much hurt. For myself, as I took no part in the engagement, I was not likely to come to any harm : nevertheless, that I might sustain my part to the end, I fell on the field of battle, as though I had been mortally wounded. The next instant I was wrapped in a covering, and in this manner conveyed to a room where Boudin and St. Germain were; the latter appeared deeply touched at my death ; he shed tears, and it was necessary to employ force to remove him from what he believed to be my corpse. St. Germain was a man of about five feet eight inches high, with strongly developed muscles, an enormous head, and very small eyes, half closed, like those of an owl ; his face, deeply marked with the small-pox, was extremely plain ; and yet, from the quickness and vivacity of his expression, he was by many persons considered pleasing. In describing his features, a strong resemblance would suggest itself to those of the hyena and the wolf, particularly if the attention were directed to his immensely A NECESSARY EVIL. 277 wide jaws, furnished with large projecting fangs ; his very organi- zation partook of the animal instinct common to beasts of prey ; he was passionately fond of hunting ; the sight of blood exhilarated him : his other passions were gaming, women, and good eating and drinking. As he had acquired the air and manners of good society, he expressed himself when he chose with ease and fluency, and was almost always fashionably and elegantly dressed; he might be styled a ' well-bred thief When his interest required it, no person could better assume the pleasant mildness of an amiable man ; at other times he was abrupt and brutal. His comrade Boudin was diminutive in stature, scarcely reaching five feet two inches ; thin, with a livid complexion ; his eyes dark and piercing, and deeply sunk in his head. The habit of wielding the carving-knife, and of cutting up meat, had rendered him ferocious. He was bow- legged ; a deformity I have observed among several systematic assassins, as well as among many other individuals distinguished by their crimes. I cannot remember any event of my life which afforded me more real satisfaction than the taking of these two villains. I ap- plauded myself for having delivered society from two monsters, at the same time that I esteemed myself fortunate in having saved Debemne from the fate which would have befallen him, had he been taken with them. However, the share of self-satisfaction produced by the feeling of having been instrumental in rescuing a fellow-creature from destruction, was but a slight compensation for the misery I experienced at being in a manner compelled by the stern duties of the post I filled, either to send a fresh succession of victims to ascend the scaffold, or to mount it myself. The quality of * secret agent ' preserved, it is true, my liberty, and shielded me from the dangers to which, as a fugitive galley-slave, I was formerly exposed ; true, I was no longer subjected to the many terrors which had once agitated me : but still I was not pardoned : and until that happy event took place the liberty I en- joyed was but a precarious possession, which the caprice o/ my employers could deprive me of at any moment. Again, I was not insensible to the general odium attached to the department I filled Still, revolting as were its functions to my own choice and mind, it was a necessary evil, and one from which there was no escape. I therefore strove to reconcile myself to it by arguments such as these : Was I not daily occupied in endeavouring to pro- mote the welfare of society ? Was I not espousing the part of the good and upright against the bad and vicious ? And should I by these steps .draw down upon me the contempt of mankind ? I went about dragging guilt from its hidden recesses, and unmasking 278 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. its many schemes of blood and murder : and should I for this be pointed out with the finger of scorn and hatred ? Attacking thieves, even on the very theatre of their crimes, wresting from them the weapons with which they had armed themselves, I boldly dared their vengeance ; and did I for this merit to be de- spised ? My reason became convinced ; and my mind, satisfied with the upright motives which guided me, regained its calmness and self-command ; and thus armed, I felt that I had courage to dare the ingratitude and obloquy of an unjust opinion respecting me and my occupation. CHAPTER XXIV. Tlie Inspectors betray me A receiver of stolen goods arrested by me. THE thieves, who had experienced a temporary panic at the many arrests which had successively fallen, with unexpected vengeance, on many of their party, were not long in reappearing more numer- ous and more audacious than' ever. Amongst their number were several fugitive galley-slaves, who, having perfected in the Bagnes a very dangerous sort of trade and ready invention, had come to exercise it in Paris, where they soon rendered themselves dreaded by all parties. The police, exasperated at their boldness, resolved upon putting an end to their career. I was accordingly com- manded to seek them out ; and farther orders were given to me, to arrange a plan of action with the peace officers, by which they might be at hand whenever I deemed it likely they could effect the capture of any of these ruffians. It may be easily guessed how difficult my task must be: however, I lost no time in visiting every place of ill-fame, both in the metropolis and its environs. In a very few days I had gained the knowledge of all the dens of vice where I might be likely to meet with these wretches. The barrier de la Courtille, those of the Combat and de Menilmontant, were the places of most favourite resort ; they were, in a manner, their headquarters, and woe to the agent who had shown himself there, no matter for what reason ; he would assuredly have had his brains beaten out. The gendarmes were equally in dread of this well-known and formidable association, and carefully abstained from approaching it. For my own part, I felt less timidity, and ventured without hesitation into the midst of this herd of miserable beings. I frequented their society ; I became to outward sem- blance one of themselves ; and soon gained the advantage of being treated with so much confidence as to be admitted to their nocturnal meetings, where they openly discussed the crimes they had committed, as well as those they meditated. I managed so 'MEN OF CRIMES: 279 skilfully, that I easily drew from them the particulars of their own abode, or that of the females with whom they cohabited. I may go still farther, and assert, that so boundless was the confidence with which I inspired them, that had any one of their members dared to express the shadow of suspicion respecting me, he would have been punished on the spot. In this manner I obtained every requisite information ; so that, when I had once indicated any fit object for arrest, his conviction and condemnation became matters of course. My researches * intra muros ' were not less successful. I frequented every tennis-court in the environs of the Palais-Royal, the Hotel d'Angleterre, the boulevards of the Temple, and in fact the whole city. Not a day passed in which I did not effect some important discovery. Nothing escaped me, either relating to crimes which had been committed, or were in contemplation. I was in all places ; I knew all that was passing or projecting ; and never were the police idly or unprofitably employed when set to work upon my suggestions. M. Henry openly expressed his surprise as well as satisfaction at my zeal and success ; it was not so with many of the peace- officers and sub-agents of police, for, little accustomed to the hard duty and constant watchfulness my plans induced, they openly murmured. Some of them, in their anxiety to be rid of the irk- someness of my direction, were cowardly enough to betray the secret of the disguise under favour of which I had so skilfully manoeuvred This imprudent act drew down upon them severe reprimands, without having the effect of making them more cir- cumspect, or more devoted to the public good. It will be readily understood that, associating as I constantly did with the vilest and most abandoned, I must, as a matter of course, be repeatedly invited to join in their acts of criminal violence ; this I never refused at the moment of asking, but always formed some plea for failing to attend the rendezvous for such pur- poses These men of crimes were generally so absorbed in their villainous machinations, that the most flimsy excuse passed current with them : I may even say, that frequently it did not require the trouble of an excuse to deceive them. Once arrested, they never troubled themselves to find out by what means it had been effected ; and had they even been more awake, my measures were laid too ably for them to have arrived at the chance of suspecting me as the author of it : indeed, I have often been accosted by some of the gang to communicate the sorrowful tidings of the apprehension of one of their number, as well as to beg my advice and assistance in endeavouring to procure his release. Nothing is more easy, when unce on good terms with a thieij 28o MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. than to obtain a knowledge of the persons to whom he disposes of his stolen property. Perhaps the recital of the means I adopted to rid Paris of one of these dangerous characters may not be un- interesting to the reader. For many years the police had had its eye upon him, but as yet had not been able to detect him in any positive act of delinquency. His house had undergone repeated searches without any effect resulting from the most diligent inquiry ; nothing of the most trifling nature cruld be found to rise in evidence against him. Never- theless, he was known to traffic with the thieves ; and many of them, \\ ho were far from suspecting my connection with the police, pointed him out to me as a staunch friend, and a man on whom they could depend. These assertions respecting him were not sufficient to effect his conviction ; it would be requisite to seize him with the stolen articles in his possession, M. Henry had tried every scheme to accomplish this ; but whether from stupidity on the part of the agents employed by him, or the superior address of the receiver of stolen property, all his plans had failed He was desirous of trying whether I should be more successful I willingly undertook the office, and arranged my plans in the following manner. Posted near the house of the suspected dealer in stolen property, I watched for his going out, and following him, when he had gone a few steps down the street, addressed him by a different name to his own. He assured me I was mistaken ; I protested to the contrary : he insisted upon it I was deceived, and I affected to be equally satisfied of his identity, declaring my perfect recognition of his person as that of a man who for some time had been sought after by the police throughout Paris and its environs ' You are grossly mistaken,' replied he warmly. * My name is so and so, and I live in such a street.' ' Come, come, friend,' said I, ' excuses are useless. I know you too well to part with you so easily.' ' This is too much,' cried he ; * but at the next police-station I shall possibly be able to meet with those who can convince you that I know my own name better than you seem to do/ This was exactly the point at which I wished to arrive. 'Agreed,' said I ; and we bent our steps towards the neighbouring guard-house. We entered, and I requested he would show me his papers : he had none about him. I then insisted upon his being searched, and on his person were found three watches and twenty- five double Napoleons, which I caused to be laid aside till he should be examined before a magistrate. These things had been wrapped in a handkerchief, which I contrived to secure ; and after having disguised myself as a messenger, I hastened to the house of this receiver of stolen goods, and demanded to speak with his CONVICTION OF A RECEIVER. 281 wife. She, of course, had no idea of my business, or Knowledge of my person ; and seeing several persons besides herself present, I signified to her that, my business being of a private nature, it was important that I should speak to her alone; and in token of my claims to her confidence, produced the handkerchief, and inquired vv lather she recognized it? Although still ignorant of the cause of my visit, her countenance became troubled, and her whole person was much agitated as she begged me to let her hear my business. ' I am concerned,' replied I, ' to be the bearer of un- pleasant news ; but the fact is, your husband has just been arrested, everything found on his person has been seized, and from some words which he happened to overhear, he suspects he has been betrayed ; he therefore wishes you to remove out of the house certain things you are aware would be dangerous to his safety if found on the premises; if you please, I will lend you a helping hand, but I must forewarn you that you have not one moment to lose.' The information was of the first importance ; the sight of the handkerchief, and the description of the objects it had served to envelope, removed from her mind every doubt as to the truth of the message I had brought her, and she easily fell into the snare I had laid to entrap her. She thanked me for the trouble I had taken, and begged I would go and engage three hackney-coaches, and return to her with a's little delay as possible. I left the house to execute my commission ; but on the road I stopped to give one of my people instructions to keep the coaches in sight, and to seize them, with their contents, directly I should give the signal. The vehicles drew up to the door, and upon re-entering the house, I found things in a high state of preparation for removing. The floor was strewed with articles of every description ; time-pieces, candelabra, Etruscan vases, cloths, cachemires, linen, muslin, etc. All these things had been taken from a closet, the entrance to which was cleverly concealed by a large press, so skilfully con- trived that the most practised eye could not have discovered the deception. I assisted in the removal, and when it was completed, the press having been carefully replaced, the woman begged of me to accompany her, which I did, and no sooner was she in one of the coaches, ready to start, than I suddenly pulled up the window, and at this previously concerted signal, we were immediately sur- rounded by the police. The husband and wife were tried at the assizes, and, as may be easily conceived, were overwhelmed be- neath the weight of an accusation, in support of which there existed a formidable mass of convicting testimony. Some persons may perhaps blame the expedient to which I had 282 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. recourse, in order to free Paris from a receiver of stolen property who had been for a long time a positive nuisance to the capital. Whether it be approved of or not, I have at least the conscious- ness of having done my duty ; besides, when we wish to overreach .scoundrels who are at open war with society, every stratagem is allowable by which to effect their conviction, except endeavouring lo provoke the commission of crime. CHAPTER XXV. Gueuvive's gang I pass for a fugitive galley-slave, and engage in a plot against myself Robbery in the Rue Cassette Arrest of Gueuvive. NEARLY about the same time in which the event mentioned in the last chapter occurred, a gang had formed itself in the Faubourg St. Germain, which was, more particularly, the scene of its exploits. It was composed of individuals who acted under the guidance of a captain named Gueuvive, alias Constantin, shortened by abbre- viation into Antin ; for the same custom exists amongst thieves as amongst bullies, spies, and informers, of being called only by the last syllable of the Christian name. Gueuvive, or Antin, was a fencing master, who, after having served as bully to the lowest prostitutes, and for the humblest wages,, was completing in his present character the many vicissitudes of his ill-spent life. It was well known that he was capable of any action, however bad, and although murder had never been proved against him, yet few doubted his willingness to shed blood, if by so doing he could reap the most trifling advantage. His mistress had been murdered in the Champs Elyse'es, and suspicions were strongly directed against him as the author of the crime. However this may be, Gueuvive was a man of enterprising character, extreme boldness, and possessed of the most unblushing effrontery ; at least, this was the estimate formed of him by his companions, amongst whom he enjoyed a more than common celebrity. For some time the attention of the police had been directed to this man and his associates, but without being enabled to secure any of them, although each day teemed with fresh accounts of their continued attacks upon the property of the citizens of Paris. At length it was seriously resolved to put an end to the misdeeds of these plunderers, and I received, in consequence, orders to go in search of them, and to endeavour to take them in the very fact. I accordingly provided myself with a suitable disguise, and that very evening opened the campaign in the Faubourg St. Germain, frequenting every place of ill-fame in it. About midnight, I went to the house of a person named Boucher, in the Rue Neuve GUEUVIVE 283 Guillemain, where I took a glass of brandy with some common girls ; and, whilst sitting with them, I heard the name of Con stantin pronounced at the table adjoining mine. I at first imagined he was present ; but upon cautiously questioning one of the tfirls, she assured me he was not ; although, added she, 'he seldom fails being here every day to meet his numerous friends.' From the tone in which she spoke, I fancied I could perceive that she was perfectly conversant with the habits of these gentry, and in the hope of drawing further particulars from her, I invited her to sup with me. The offer wis accepted, and by the time I had well plied her with liquor, she gave me the information I required, and with the more readiness as from my dress, actions, and ex- pressions, she had set me down in her own mind as one of the light-fingered brethren. We passed a part of the night together, and I did not quit her till she had fully explained to me the different haunts of Gueuvive. The next day, at twelve o'clock, I repaired to the house of Boucher, where I again met my companion of the preceding ni^ht. I had scarcely entered when she saw me, and, immediately addressing me, cried, ' Now is your time if you wish to speak with Gueuvive he is here ;' and she pointed to an individual of from twenty-eight to thirty years of age, neatly dressed, although but in his waistcoat ; he was about five feet six inches high, extremely good-looking, fine black hair and whiskers, regular teeth in fact, precisely as he had been described to me ; without hesitation I addressed him, requesting he would oblige me with a little tobacco from his box. He examined me from head to foot, and inquired * if I had served in the army.' I replied that I had been in an hussar regiment, and soon over a glass of good drink we fell into a deep conversation upon military affairs. Time passed whilst we were thus engaged, and dinner was talked of; Gueuvive declared that I should make one in a par y he had been arranging, and that my company would afford him much pleasure. It was not very probable I should refuse : I accepted his invitation without farther ceremony; and we went away to- gether to the Barriere du Maine, where four of his friends were awaiting his arrival. We immediately sat down to the dinner- table, and, as I was a stranger to all, the conversation was very guarded. However, a few cant words which occasionally escaped them soon served to convince me that all the members of this charming society were cracksmen (thieves). They were all very curious to h ar what I did for my living, and T soon fudged a tale which satisfied them, and induced them not only to suppose I came from the country, but likewise that I was 284 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. a thief on the look-out for a job. I did not explicitly state these particulars, but affecting certain peculiarities which betray the pro- fession, I allowed them to perceive that I had great reasons for wishing to conceal my person. The wine was not spared, and so well did it loosen every tongue, that before the close of the repast I had learned the abode of Gueuvive, as well as that of his worthy coadjutor, Joubert, and the names of many of their comrades. At the moment of our separating I hinted that I did not exactly know where I should procure a bed, and Joubert immediately offered to give me a night's lodging with him, and conducted me to the Rue St. Jaques, where he occupied a back room on the second floor; there I shared with him the bed of his mistress, the girl Cornevin. We conversed together for some time, and before we fell asleep, Joubert overwhelmed me with questions ; his object was to sift out my present mode of existence, what papers I had about me, etc His curiosity appeared insatiable, and, in order to satisfy it, I con- trived, either by a positive falsehood, or an equivocation, to lead him to suppose me a brother thief. At last, as if he had guessed my meaning, he exclaimed, * Come, do not beat about the bush any longer ; I see how it is, you know you are a prig.' I feigned not to understand these words ; he repeated them ; and I, affecting to take offence, assured him that he was greatly mistaken, and that if he indulged in similar jokes, I should be compelled to withdraw from his company. Joubert was silenced, and nothing farther was said till the next day at ten o'clock, when Gueuvive came to awaken us. It was agreed that we should go and dine at La Glaciere. On the road Gueuvive took me aside and said, ' Hark ye, I see you are a good fellow, and I am willing to do you a service if I can ; do not be so reserved, then, but tell me who and what you are.' Some hint I had purposely thrown out having induced him to believe that I had escaped from the Bagne at Toulon, he recom- mended me to observe a cautious prudence with my companions, ' for though they are the best creatures living,' said he, * yet they are rather fond of chattering.' 'Oh,' replied I, 'I shall keep a sharp lookout, I promise you ; besides, Paris will never do for me, I must be off; there are too many sneaking informers about for me to be safe in it.' 'That's true,' added he, 'but if you can keep Vidocq from guessing at your business, you are safe enough with me, who can smell those beggars as easily as a crow scents powder.' ' Well,' said I, ' I cannot boast of so much penetration, yet I think, too, that from the frequent description I have heard vf this Vidocq, his features are so well engraved in my recollection, WAYLAYING VIDOCQ. 285 that 1 should pretty soon recognise him, if I came unexpectedly in his way.' ' God bless you !' cried he, * it is easy to perceive you are a stranger to the vagabond : just imagine now, that he is never to be seen twice in the same dress ; that he is in the morning perhaps just such another looking person as you ; well, the next hour so altered, that his own brother could not recognise him, and b) the evening, I defy any man to remember ever having seen him before. Only yesterday, I met him disguised in a manner that would have deceived any eye but mine, but he must be a deep hand if he gets over me ; I know these sneaks at the first glance, and if my friends were as knowing as myself, his business would have been done long ago ' ' Nonsense,' cried I ; * everybody says the same thing of him, and yet you see there is no getting rid of him.' 'You are right,' replied he, 'but to prove that I can act as well as talk, if you will lend me a helping hand, this very evening we will waylay him at his door, and 1 warrant we'll settle the job, so as to keep him from giving any of us farther uneasiness.' I felt curious to learn whether he really was acquainted with my residence, and promised readily to join his scheme, and accordingly, about the dusk of the evening, we each tied up in handkerchiefs a number of heavy ten-sous pieces, in order to administer to this scamp of a Vidocq a few effectual blows the moment he should issue from his house. Having fastened the money in a hard knot at the corner of our handkerchiefs, we set out; and Constantin, who seemed just in the humour for the task he had undertaken, led the way to the Rue Neuve St. Francois, and stopped before a house, No. 14 my exact abode. I could not conceive how he had procured my address, and must confess the circumstance gave me great uneasiness, whilst it redoubled my wonder, that being so well acquainted with my dwelling, he should appear to have so little knowledge of my person. We kept watch for several hours, but Vidocq, as may be well imagined, did not make his appearance j Constantin was highly enraged at this disappointment, 'We must give it up for to-night,' said he at length, 4 but the first time I meet the rascal, by heavens he shall pay doubly for keeping me waiting now.' At midnight we retired, putting off the execution of our project till the ensuing night. It was amusing enough to see me thus assisting in laying an ambuscade for myself to be caught in. The readiness with which I embarked in the scheme quite won the good-will of Constantin, who from this moment treated me with the greatest confidence ; he even invited me to make one in a projected plan for robbing a house in the Rue Cassette. I agreed tp join the party, but declared that I neither could nor would 286 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. venture out in the night, without first going home for the necessary papers which would serve me in case of our scheme failing, and our getting into the hands of the police. ' In that case,' replied he, ' you may as well just keep watch for us, whilst we do the job.' At length the robbery took place, and as the night was excessively dark, Constantin and his companions wishing to hurry faster than the absence of all light permitted them, had the boldness to take down a lamp from before a door, and to carry it before them. Upon their return home, this watchlight was placed in the middle of the room, whilst they seated themselves around it to examine and divide their booty; in the midst of their exultation at the rith results of their expedition, a sudden knocking was heard at the door ; the robbers, surprised and alarmed, looked at each other in silent dread. This was a surprise for which they were indebted to me. Again the knocking was heard. Constantin, then, by a sign commanding silence, said in a whisper, "Tis the police; I am sure of it.' Amidst the confusion occasioned by these words, and the increased knocking at the gate, I contrived, unobserved, to crawl under a bed, where I had scarcely concealed myself when the door was burst open, and a swarm of inspectors and other officers of the police entered the room. A general search took place, even the bed where the mistress of Joubert slept did not escape : they struck their sticks both over and under the bed which served as my hiding-place without discovering me, but that, of course, I was prepared for. The commissioner of the police drew up a proces-verbal, an inventory of the stolen property, and it was packed off with the five thieves to the prefecture. This operation completed, I quitted my hiding-place, and found myself alone with the girl Cornevin, who was all astonishment at my good fortune, the reason of which she was far from suspecting. She urged me to remain where I was. ' What are you thinking of?' said I. * Suppose the police return ! No, no ; let me get away now the coast is clear, and I promise to join you at 1'Estrapade.' I sought my own house to procure the repose I so greatly needed, and at the hour agreed on, went to fulfil my appointment with Cornevin, who was expecting me. It was on her I depended to procure a complete list of all the friends and associates of Joubert and Constantin ; and as I stood rather high in her good graces, she soon furnished me with the desired information ; so that in less than a fortnight, thanks to an auxiliary I contrived to introduce amongst the gang, I suc- ceeded in' causing them to be arrested in the very commission of their crimes. There were eighteen in all. who, with Constantin, were condemned to the galleys. GAFFRE. 287 At the moment when the chain to which they belonged was about to set out, Constantin having perceived me, became per- fectly furious, and broke out into the most violent imprecations and invectives ; but, without feeling any offence at his gross and vulgar appellations, I contented myself with approaching him and saying coolly,* 'that it was very surprising how a man like him, who knew Vidocq, and could boast of the precious faculty of " smelling out an informer as far off as a crow scents powder," should have allowed himself to be done in that manner.' This was a knock- down blow to Constantin ; he could make no reply, but with an air oi sullen confusion, turned away irom me and was silent. CHAPTER XXVI. I trip up Gaffre Thief and spy incompatible trades Gnffre' again. I WAS not long the only secret agent of the police of safety ; a Jew named Gaffre was my coadjutor; he had been employed before me by the police, but as our principles did not agree, we did not long go on with harmony together. Gaffre was the only secret agent with a salary. I was no sooner united with him than he tried to get rid of me ; I pretended not to see through his intention, and if he contemplated my destruc- tion, I resolved on my side to defeat his plans. I had a dangerous game to pla> : Gaffre was as. wily as a snake. When I knew him he was called the high-priest of thieves. He had begun at eight years of age, at eighteen he was whipped and marked on the Place du Vieux-Marche', at Rouen. His mother, who was mistress of the famous Flambard, chief of the police in that city, had en- deavoured to save him : but although one of the handsomest Jewesses of her time, the magistrates would grant nothing to her charms: Gaffre was too culpable; Venus in person could not have prevailed upon his judges. He was banished. However, he did not quit France, and when the Revolution burst forth, he was not slow in assuming the old course of his exploits in a band Df chauffeurs, amongst whom he figured under the name of Caille. Like the majority of his confederates, Gaffre had completed his education in the prisons, and then he had became a universal genius, that is to say, there was no species oi prigging in which he was not fully expert. Contrary to custom, he adopted no special or particular line of conduci ; he was essentially the man of the moment ; nothing came amiss to him from cuffing a weasand to draiving a pipe (assassination tc pocket picking). This general aptitude, this variety of contrivance, had enabled him to amass a 288 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. small sum. He had, as they say, shot in the locker, and could live without working ; but people of Gaffre's profession are industrious, and although he was liberally paid by the police, he kept on adding to his accumulations the produce of some unlawful exactions, which did not prevent him from being much considered in his quarter, where, with his acolyte Francfort, another Jew, he had been named captain of the national guard. Gaffre was afraid that I should supplant him, but the old fox was not cunning enough to hide his apprehensions ; I watched him, and was not slow in discovering that he was manoeuvring to get me into a snare. I appeared to be blindly led by him, and he chuckled internally at his anticipated victory ; when, wishing to catch me in a plot which I saw through, he was himself taken in the net, and in the end shut up for eight months in the depot. I never allowed GafTrd to surmise that I had suspected treachery, and he continued to dissemble the hatred which he bore towards me, and that so well, that we were apparently the best friends in the world. 1 was on the same terms with many robbers who were secret agents, and with whom I had associated during my deten- tion. These latter detested me heartily, and although we kept smiling countenances towards each other, they flattered themselves that they should pay me off some day. Goupil, the Saint George of pugilism, was amongst those who afforded me their friendship, and, constantly attached to my person, filled the office of tempter; but he was not more fortunate nor more adroit than Gaffre. Com- pere, Manigant, Corvet, Bouthey, Leloutre, also tried to catch me tripping : but I was invulnerable, thanks to the advice of M. Henry. Gaffr^, having recovered his liberty, did not renounce his design of ruining me. With Manigant and Compere he plotted to get me condemned ; but, persuaded that having once defeated him he would not leave me, but return to the charge with vigour, I was incessantly on my guard. I awaited him firmly, when one day that a religious solemnity had attracted a vast crowd to Saint Roch, he announced to me that he had orders to attend there with me. ' I shall take Compere and Manigant with us,' he added, ' as we learn that at this moment there are many strange robbers in Paris, and they will point out to us all they know.' 'Take whom you please.' I answered, and we set out. When we reached our destina- tion, there was a considerable crowd ; the service that we were upon did not require that we should all unite at one point. Mani- gant and Gaffre went first. Suddenly, in the place they were, I remarked an old man, who, by being pressed against a pillar, did not know where to put his head; he did not cry out, from respect GAFFR& AND MANIGANT. 289 to the sacred place, but his whole person was disarranged and his wig knocked awry ; he lost his footing ; his hat, which fell off, and which he anxiously followed with his eyes, was rolled from place to place, sometimes from and sometimes towards him. ' Gentle- men, I beseech you, I beg of you,' were the only words which he pronounced in a piteous tone ; and, holding in one hand a gold- headed cane and in the other his snuffbox and pocket-handker- chief, he shook his hands in the air, as if he would have reached the ceiling with them. I found he had lost his watch, but what could I do ? I was too far distant from the old gentleman; besides, my advice would be too late ; and then Gaffre, was he not also a witness of the scene ? and although he said nothing, he doubtless had some motive for it. I adopted the wisest plan, and was silent to see what would ensue, and during the space of two hours, the duration of the ceremony, I had an opportunity of observing five or six of these concerted squeezes, and saw Gaffrd and Manigant always in them. The latter, who has since undergone a confine- ment of twelve years in the Bagne at Brest, was at this period the most expert pickpocket in the capital ; he excelled in extracting the money from a person's pocket and transferring it into his own; with him the transmutation of metals was reduced to a simple dis- placing, which he effected with incredible talent. The short stay in the church of St. Roch was not particularly productive; however, without including the old man's watch, he had stolen two purses and some other articles of value. After the ceremony had terminated, we went to dine at a coffee- house ; the worthies paid the expenses, and nothing was spared ; we drank deeply, and at the dessert they confided to me what I could not fail to have known. At first they only mentioned the purses, in which they found a hundred and seventy-five francs in hard cash. The bill paid, there remained a surplus of one hundred francs, of which they handed me over twenty as my portion, counselling me to be silent and discreet. As money has no name, I thought there was no reason for a refusal. The party appeared enchanted at having thus initiated me, and two flasks of Beaune were emptied to celebrate the occasion. No mention was made of the watch, nor did I allude to it ; not only that I might appear ignorant of it, but I was also all eyes and ears, and was not slow in learning that it was in Gaffre's possession. I then began to assume the appearance of a drunken man, and shamming a call of necessity, I desired the waiter to lead me where I wished to go. He conducted me out, and when alone I wrote with a pencil this note : ( Gaffr and Manigant have just stolen a watch in the church of 19 290 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Saint Roch ; in an hour, unless they change their intention, they will cross the market of St. Jean. Gaffre carries the spoil.' I hastily descended, and whilst Gaffre' and his confederate thought me engaged up five pair of stairs, I got into the street and despatched a messenger to M. Henry. I went back again without loss of time, and my absence had not been of long duration. When I entered I was out of breath, and as red as a turkey-cock. They asked me if I felt better. 'Yes, a great deal,' I stammered out, and falling nearly under the table. * Steady, boys, steady,' said Manigant. ' He sees double,' observed Gaffre. * He is done up,' added Compere, ' quite done up, but the air will revive him.' They gave me some sugar and water. * Go to ,' I cried out ' What ! water for me, water for me 1' * Yes, it will do you good.' ' Do you think so ?' I extended my hand, but instead of seizing the glass I upset and broke it. I then played a few silly drunken tricks, which amused the party, and when I judged that M Henry had received my despatch, and taken measures accordingly, I insensibly came to myself. On going out, I saw with pleasure that our route was not changed. We went towards the market of St. Jean, and there saw a file of soldiers. When I saw them sitting at the door, I did not doubt but that they were there in consequence of my message, and the less so as I observed Manager the inspector following us. When we passed they approached us, and, taking us politely by the arm, invited us to enter the guard-house. Gaffre' could not imagine what this meant, but supposed the soldiers were in error. He wished to argue the point. They desired him to obey, and he was compelled quietly to submit. They began with me, but found nothing ; when they came to Gaffre"s turn he was not at all easy. At length the fatal watch was produced from his fob : he was a little disconcerted, but at the moment of his examination, and par- ticularly when he heard the commissary say, * Write : a watch set with brilliants] he turned pale and looked at me. Had he any suspicion of what had passed ? I do not think so, for he was con- vinced that I did not know of the robbery of the watch ; and, be- sides, he was sure that, if I had known it, as I had not left them, I could not have turned nose. Gaffre', on being questioned, pretended that he had bought the watch ; they were persuaded that this was a lie, but the person who GOUPIL. 291 was robbed not being present to claim his property, it was not pos- sible to condemn it He was. however, confined for a time in Bicetre, and then sent under surveillance to Tours, whence at a later period he returned to Paris. This villain died there in 1822. At this period, the police had so little confidence in their agents, that there was no kind of expedient to which they had not recourse to prove them. One day Goupil was let loose upon me, and came with a singular proposal. * You know Francois, the publican,' said he to me. 1 Yes, and what of that ?' * If you will help me, we will draw a tooth or two from him. 1 ' How ?' * Why, he has very frequently addressed the prefecture, to obtain permission to keep open house during part of the night, which re- quest has always been denied ; and I have given him to understand that it only depends upon you to procure what he is so anxious to have.' ' You are wrong, for I can do nothing.' ' You can do nothing ! very true, certainly ! Oh, you can do nothing, but you can buoy him up with the hope that you can do it' ' That is true, but wherein would be the benefit to him ? ' Say the benefit to us. FranQois, if well managed, would bleed well. He is already told that you are the man who is "all in all" in the administration ; he has a good opinion of you, and so no doubt he will tip freely on the first requisition.' ' Do you think he will part with the blunt? ' I am sure, my boy, he will shell out six hundred francs as easily as a penny ; we shall handle the ready, that is the main thing, and we can afterwards leave him to his reflections.' * Well, but he will be enraged.' 1 Never mind, let him do his worst ; but give yourself no trouble, I will provide for all. No black and white work (writing) mind ; you know the proverb, " Writings are men, words but women." ' 4 True as gospel ; no receipt for cash in hand, and yet we can safely pocket.' * Certainly, he who sows should reap : and no labour no profit. Meanwhile I will go and see how the land lies, and sound the old boy.' Goupil then took my hand, and, shaking it heartily, added, * I am now going straight to Fran9ois ; I will tell him you will call in the evening : I shall fix the hour for eight o'clock, but do you 192 292 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. not come till eleven, because (as you must say) you will have been delayed ; at midnight we shall be told to go out, you must appear to comply with this formality, and Frangois will seize the oppor- tunity of urging his request. You are a man of experience, and know how to play your cards. Farewell for the present.' ' Adieu,' I replied, and we separated. Scarcely, however, had we turned our backs on each other than Goupil returned. 4 Oh !' said he, * you know that very frequently the feathers are more valuable than the bird ; I want a pluck at the feathers, other- wise ' and he assumed a peculiar attitude, opening his enormous mouth, holding his hands about six inches from the ground, as if he was about to scrape the pavement, and completing the menace by drawing back his body and advancing his legs, in which the mobility of his feet was not the least comical part of his attitude. * All's right,' said I to Goupil, 'you shall not swallow me. We will divide, it is a bargain.' ' On the word of a thief/ 1 Yes, make yourself easy/ Goupil immediately took the road to the Courtille, where he very frequently went, and I that of the prefecture of police, when I informed M. Henry of the proposal made to me. ' I hope,' said he, 'that you will not lend yourself to the plot.' I protested that I was not at all inclined to do so, and he evinced his pleasure at my free communication. * Now,' he added, ' I will give you a proof of the interest that I take in you ;' and he arose to reach from his chest a packet of papers, which he opened. * You see it is full, and they are all reports against you : they are in abundance, but yet I employ you, because I do not believe one word of what they say/ GafTre' and Goupil having failed in their plans for my destruc- tion, Corvet resolved to try his success in the same way. One morning, when I was in want of some particular information, I went to the house of this agent, whose wife was also attached to the police. I found both man and wife at their lodging, and although I only knew them from having once or twice co-operated with them in some unimportant discoveries, they gave me the in- formation I required with so much good-will, that, like a man who has the feelings of good-fellowship towards those with whom he is associated, I offered to regale them with a bottle of wine at the nearest cabaret. Corvet alone accepted the proffer, and we went together and seated ourselves in a private room. The wine was excellent ; we drank one, two, three bottles. A private room and three bottles of wine lead on to confidence. CORVET. 293 About an hour afterwards, I thought I perceived that Corvet had some proposal to make, and at length he somewhat suddenly said, * Listen, Vidocq' (and he knocked his glass on the table with some emphasis), you are a jolly lad, but you are not open amongst friends ; we know well enough that you are a fellow workman, but you're a deep file : we two might do a fine stroke of business.' I pretended not to comprehend him. * Nonsense, come, come,' he replied, * no gammon, that will not go down with me, I know you are a cunning fellow ; although I don't know your place of work, I will speak to you as I would to my own brother, if I think I may depend upon you. It is all very well to serve the police, but there is nothing to be made out of it, and a crown changed is a crown spent and gone. Now, if you will keep counsel, there is a job or two which I have in my eye which we will do together, and which will not hinder us from doing our friends a good turn.' ' How/ said I, ' would you abuse the confidence placed in you? That is not right, and I am sure that if it were known at the pre- fecture, they would give you two or three years of it at Bicetre.' ' Ah ! you are like all the rest,' replied Corvet, ' you are going to be mealy-mouthed and squeamish ; you are delicate, are you ? Come, come, we know one another.' I testified much astonishment at his holding such language to me, and added that I was fully persuaded that he only said so to try me, or perhaps lay a snare for me. 4 A snare !' cried he, ' a snare ! I bring you into trouble ? I had rather put my own neck in jeopardy ; you must be mad to suppose it I do not beat about the bush ; when I say anything it is blunt and straightforward ; with me there is no back door, and as a proof that all is not as you believe, I will tell you that no later than this evening I am going to work. I have already laid my plan, the keys are made, and if you will come with me, you shall see how I will do the job.' ' I doubt you have either lost your senses, or you wish to entangle me in your net' * What, do you not give me any credit for better feelings ? (Ele- vating his voice). ' I tell you then you shall not have a finger in the pie. What more would you have ? I shall take my wife with me, it will not be the first time, but it will be the last if you choose to make it so. With two men there is always a resource at hand. The business of to-day regards you nothing ; you will wait for us in the coffee-house at the corner of the Rue de la Tabletterie. It is almost facing where we are going to work, and as soon as you stc us come out do you follow ; we will sell the booty, and we will 294 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. go snacks. After that you will no longer distrust us. What think you?' There was so much appearance of sincerity in this discourse, that I really hardly knew how to act with Corvet. Did he want an accomplice, or did he seek a means of destroying me ? I have still my doubts on this point, but in either case Corvet was a manifest rogue. By his own confession his wife and he committed robberies. If he had spoken the truth, it was my duty to deliver him up to justice ; if, on the contrary, he had lied, in the hope of entrapping me into a criminal action to denounce me, it was only right to prosecute the plot to its termination, that I might show to the authorities that to tempt me was labour in vain. I had endeavoured to dissuade Corvet from his design, but when I saw that he persisted, I feigned to allow myself to be seduced. 4 Well then,' I said, ' since it must be so, I accept the proposal.' He instantly embraced me, and the rendezvous was fixed for four o'clock, at a vintner's. Corvet returned home, and as soon as he had left me I wrote to M. Allemaine, commissary of police, in the Rue Cimetiere St. Nicholas, to inform him of the robbery which was to be perpetrated in the evening. I gave him, at the same time, all the necessary information for seizing on the culprits in the very commission of their crime. I was at my post at the agreed hour ; Corvet and his wife were not long after me, and after drinking a bottle or two of wine to cheer them in their work, they proceeded on their enterprise. A moment afterwards, and I saw them enter a courtyard in the Rue de la Haumerie. The commissary had so well contrived that he apprehended the two at the moment when, laden with booty, they left the apartment they had ransacked. This couple were con- demned to ten years' confinement. During the trial Corvet and his wife asserted that I had tempted them to the robbery. Certainly in the line I had pursued there was nothing that could be construed into such a temptation ; besides, in a robbery, I did not see how there can be any provo- cation possible. A man is honest or he is not ; if he be honest, no consideration can be sufficiently powerful to determine him on committing a crime ; if he be not, he only wants the opportunity, and is it not evident tnat it will offer itself sooner or later ? NOVEL ROBBERIES. 95 CHAPTER XXVII. Destruction of three classes of thieves A new species The Brothers Delzeve. IN 1 8 10 robberies of a new kind and inconceivable boldness suddenly awakened the police to the knowledge of the existence of a troop of malefactors of a novel description. Nearly all the robberies had been committed by ladders and forcible entries ; apartments on the first and even second floor had been broken into by these extraordinary thieves, who, till then, had confined themselves to rich houses ; and it was evident that these robbers must have had a knowledge of the localities, by the method of their burglaries. All my efforts to discover these adroit thieves were without success, when a burglary, which seemed almost impracticable, was committed in the Rue Saint-Claude, near the Rue Bourbon- Villeneuve, in an apartment in the second floor above the * entresol,' in a house in which the commissary of police for the district actually resided. The cord of the lantern which hung at his house-door had served for a ladder. A nosebag (a small bag in which corn is put for horses to feed from when on the coach-stand) had been left on the spot, which gave rise to a surmise that the perpetrators might be hackney- coachmen, or, at least, that hackney-coaches had been employed in the enterprise. M. Henry directed me to make my observations amongst the coachmen, and I discovered that the nosebag had belonged to a man named Husson, who drove the fiacre No. 712. I reported this : Husson was apprehended, and from him we obtained infor- mation concerning two brothers named Delzeve, the elder of whom was soon in the hands of the police ; and on his interroga- tion by M. Henry, he made such important discoveries as led to the apprehension of one Mitral, a room-cleaner in the palace of the Empress Josephine. He was stated to be the receiver of the band, composed almost entirely of Savoyards, born in the depart- ment of Leman. The continuation of my search led to my securing them all, twenty-two in number, who were subsequently condemned to imprisonment. These robbers were for the greater part messengers, room- cleaners, or coachmen ; that is, they belonged to a class of individuals proverbial for honesty, and who from time immemorial had been celebrated for probity throughout Paris ; in their district they were all considered as honest men, incapable of appropriating to themselves the property of another; and this opinion con- 296 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. tributed to render them the more formidable, as the persons who employed them, either in sawing wood or in any other kind of work, had no distrust of them, and gave them free ingress and egress everywhere, and at all times. When it was known that they were implicated in a criminal affair, they were not believed to be guilty, and I myself for some time hesitated in my opinion. However, evidence was adduced which was against them, and the ancient renown of the Savoyards, in a capital in which they had resided unsuspected for ages, was blasted, never again to flourish. During the year 1812 I had rendered to justice the principals of the band : but Delzeve the younger had baffled all efforts to capture him, and bid defiance to the pursuits of justice, when, on the 3ist of December, M. Henry said to me, 'I think, if we manage well, we can get hold of the crab Ecrevisse (Delzeve's cognomen) : to-morrow will be New Year's day, and he will be sure to visit the washerwoman, who has so often given him an asylum, as well as his brother ; I have a presentiment that he will be there this evening or during the night, or certainly early in the morning.' I was of the same opinion ; and M. Henry ordered me to go, with three officers, and place ourselves on the watch, near the washerwoman's house, who lived in the Rue de Gresillon. I received this command with a satisfaction which is always with me a presage of good luck. Attended by the three inspectors, I went, at seven o'clock in the evening, to the appointed spot. It was bitterly cold, the ground covered with snow, and never had winter been more severe. We stationed ourselves in ambuscade ; and, after many hours, the inspectors, nipped with cold, and unable any longer to endure it, proposed that we should quit our station. I was half-frozen, having no covering but the light garment of a messenger. I made some remarks to them, and, although it would have been infinitely more agreeable to me to have retired, we determined to remain till midnight Scarcely had the hour agreed upon struck, than they claimed of me the fulfilment of my promise, and we quitted our post, which we had been ordered to keep till daybreak. We went towards the Palais Royal ; a coffee-house was open, which we entered to warm ourselves, and having taken a bowl of hot wine we separated, each to go to his own home. As I went towards mine, I reflected on what I was doing. 'What!' said I to myself, ' so soon forget instructions which have been given to me : thus to deceive the confidence of my superior; it is an un- pardonable baseness ! My conduct not only seems reprehensible, * THE CRAB: 297 but I think that it even deserves the most severe punishment.' I was in despair at having complied with the wishes of the inspec- tors ; and, resolute in repairing my fault, determined to return alone to the post assigned, and pass the night there, even if I died on the spot. I then returned and ensconced myself in a corner, that I might not be seen by Delzeve, in case he should come. For an hour and a half I remained in this position, until my blood congealed, and I felt my courage weakening, when suddenly a luminous idea shone upon me. At a short distance was a dung- hill, whose smoke betrayed a state of fermentation : this depot is called the lay-stall : I ran towards it ; and having made a hole in one corner, sufficiently deep to admit me up to my waist, I jumped into it, and a comfortable warmth soon re-established the circula- tion of my blood. At five in the morning, I was still in my lurk- ing-place, where I did very well, except from the fumes which in- vaded my nostrils. At length the door of the house, which was the one pointed out to me, opened to let out a woman, who did not shut it after her. Instantly, and without noise, I leaped from the dung-heap ; and entering the court, looked about me, but saw no light from any part. I knew that Delzeve's associates had a peculiar way of whistling for him; it was the coachman's whistle, and known to me; I imitated it; and, at the second attempt, I heard some one ex- claim, ' Who calls ?' 'It is the "chauffeur" (a coachman from whom Delzeve had learnt to drive) who whistles for the crab.' * Is it you ?' cried the same voice, which I knew to be Delzeve's. * Yes ; the chauffeur wants you. Come down.' *I am coming wait a minute.' * It is very cold/ I replied ; * I will wait for you at the public- house at the corner ; make haste do you hear ?' The public-house was already open ; for, on New Year's day, they have custom betimes. But I was not tempted to drink ; and that I might trap Delzeve, I opened the side door, and then, letting it shut with violence, without actually going out, I concealed my- self under a flight of steps. Soon afterwards Delzeve came down, and on perceiving him I jumped at him, seized his collar, and holding a pistol to his breast, told him he was my prisoner. ' Follow me,' I said, c and make the slightest signal at your peril ; besides, I am not alone.' Dumb with surprise, Delzeve made no answer, but followed me mechanically. I fastened his hands, and he was then incapacitated from either resisting or flying from me. I hastened to convey him away, and the clock struck six as we 298 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. entered the Rue du Rocher ; a hackney-coach was passing, which I hailed, but the man, seeing me covered with dirt, hesitated, until I offered him double hire : and led by that, he condescended to take us up, and we were soon rolling over the pavement of Paris. To make assurance doubly sure, I tightened his wrist-cuffs, lest, having come to himself, he might have rebelled ; and although, in a personal conflict, I should have been sure of victory, yet, as I contemplated bringing him to a confession, I was unwilling to have any quarrel ; and blows, which would have been inevitably the result of rebellion, would decidedly have produced this result. Delzeve felt aware of the impossibility of escape, and I en- deavoured to make him hear reason : that I might completely wheedle him, I offered him some refreshment, which he accepted; and the coachman having procured us some wine, we kept driving about and drinking, without any determined plan. It was still early, and persuaded that it would be advantageous to prolong our tete-a-tete, I proposed to Delzeve, that we should go and breakfast in a place where we could have a private room. He was then quieted ; and appearing hopeless of escape, accepted my offer, and I took him to the Cadran Bleu ; but, before we got there, he had already told me many pieces of important informa- tion as to the number of his accomplices still at large in Paris ; and I felt convinced that, at table, he would make * a clean breast of it.' I made him understand that the only way to propitiate the favour of justice, was to confess all he knew ; and to fortify his resolution in this case, I used some arguments of a peculiar philosophy, which I have always employed with success in consol- ing criminals ; and at length he was perfectly disposed to do all I wished, when the coach reached the cook-shop. I made him go upstairs first, and when I had ordered the breakfast, I told him that, being desirous of eating my meal at my ease, I must confine him as I wished. I agreed that he should be left sufficiently un- shackled to exercise his arms at the game of knife and fork ; and, at table, no one could desire greater freedom. He was not at all offended at the proposition, and I thus contrived it : with two napkins I tied each leg to the foot of his chair, three or four inches from the bar, which prevented him from attempting to rise without the risk of breaking his head by a fall. He breakfasted with much appetite, and promised to repeat be- fore M. Henry all that he had confessed to me. At noon we left the cafe, Delzeve being well primed with wine, and getting into a coach, quite friends and on good terms with each other, we reached the prefecture ten minutes afterwards. M. Henry was then sur- rounded by his police-officers, who were paying him the compli MADAME NOEL. 299 ments of the New Year's day. I entered and addressed this salutation to him : * I have the honour to wish you a happy and prosperous year, and to present to you the redoubtable Delzeve. ' 'This is indeed a New Year's gift,' said M. Henry to me when he perceived the prisoner, and then, turning to the officers of peace and security : ' It would be a desirable thing, gentlemen, that each of you should have a similar present to offer to your preTet.' Immediately afterwards he gave me the order for con- ducting Delzeve to the depot, saying, with much kindness: 'Vidocq, go and take ' - repose; I am much satisfied with your conduct' CHAPTER XXVIII. More thief-chasing Another ' mother of robbers' An admirable plot Mother Noel sent to St. Lazare. IT is very rare that a fugitive galley-slave escapes with any inten- tion of amendment ; most frequently the aim is to gain the capital, and then put in practice the vicious lessons acquired in the Bagnes, which, like most of our prisons, are schools in which they perfect themselves in the art of appropriating to themselves the property of another. Nearly all celebrated robbers only be- came expert after passing some time at the galleys. Some have undergone five or six sentences before they became thorough scoundrels ; such as the famous Victor Desbois, and his comrade Mongenet, called Le Tambour (Drummer), who during various visits to Paris committed a vast many of those robberies on which people love to descant as proofs of boldness and address. These two men, who for many years were sent away with every chain, and as frequently escaped, were once more back again in Paris ; the police got information of it, and I received the order to search for them. All testified that they had acquaintances with other robbers no less formidable than themselves. A music mis- tress, whose son, called Noel with the Spectacles, was a celebrated robber, was suspected of harbouring these thieves. Madame Noel was a well-educated woman and an admirable musician ; she was esteemed a most accomplished performer by the middle class of tradespeople, who employed her to give lessons to their daughters. She was well known in the Marais and the Quartier Saint Denis, where the polish of her manners, the elegance of her language, the gentility of her dress, and that indescribable air of superiority which the reverse of fortune can never entirely destroy, gave rise to the current belief that she was a member of one of those numerous families to whom the Revolution had only left its hauteur and its regrets. 300 MEMOIRS OF V1DOCQ. To those who heard and saw her without being acquainted, Madame Noel was a most interesting little woman ; and besides, there was something touching in her situation ; it was a mystery, and no one knew what had become of her husband. Some said that she had been early left in a state of widowhood ; others that she had been forsaken ; and a third affirmed that she was a victim of seduction. I know not which of these conjectures approaches nearest to the truth, but I know very well that Madame Noel was a little brunette, whose sparkling eye and roguish look were softened down by that gentle demeanour which seemed to increase the sweetness of her smile and the tone of her voice, which was in the highest degree musical. There was a mixture of the angel and demon in her face, but the latter perhaps preponderated ; for time had developed those traits which characterise evil thoughts. Madame Noel was obliging and good, but only towards those individuals who were at issue with justice ; she received them as the mother of a soldier would welcome the comrade of her son. To insure a welcome with her, it was enough to belong to the same 'regiment' as Noel with the Spectacles'; and then, as much for love of him as from inclination perhaps, she would do all in her power to aid, and was consequently looked upon as a * mother of robbers.' At her house they found shelter ; it was she who pro- vided for all their wants ; she carried her complaisance so far as to seek ' jobs of work ' for them ; and when a passport was in- dispensably requisite for their safety, she was not quiet until by some means she had succeeded in procuring one. Madame Noel had many friends among her own sex, and it was generally in one of their names that the passport was obtained. A powerful mixture of oxygenated muriatic acid obliterated the writing ; and the description of the gentleman who required it, as well as the name which it suited his purpose to assume, replaced the feminine de- scription. Madame Noel had generally by her a supply of these accommodating passports, which were filled according to circum- stances, and the wants of the party requiring such assistance. All the galley-slaves were children of Madame Noel, but those were the most in favour who could give her any account of her son ; for them her devotion was boundless ; her house was open to all fugitives, who made it their rendezvous ; and there must be gratitude even amongst them, for the police were informed that they came frequently to Mother Noel's for the pleasure of seeing her only; she was the confidante of all their plans, all their adventures, all their fears ; in fact, they communicated all un- reservedly, and never had cause to regret their reliance on her fidelity. MADAME NOEL. 301 Mother Noel had never seen me ; my features were quite un- known to her, although she had frequently heard of my name. There was then no difficulty in presenting myself before her, with- out giving her any cause for alarm ; but to get her to point out to me the hiding-place of the men I sought to detect was the end I aimed at. and I felt that it would be impossible to attain it without much skill and management. At first, I resolved on passing myself off as a fugitive galley-slave; but it was necessary to borrow the name of some thief, whom her son or his comrades had mentioned to her in advantageous terms. Moreover, a little resemblance was positively requisite, and I endeavoured to recollect if there were not one of the galley-slaves whom I knew who had been associated with Noel with the Spectacles, and I could not remember one of my age, or whose person and features at all resembled mine. At last, by dint of much effort of memory, I recalled to mind one Germain, alias Royer, alias the ' Captain,' who had been an intimate acquaintance of Noel's, and although our similarity was very slight, yet I determined on personating him. Germain, as well as myself, had often escaped from the Bagnes, and that was the only point of resemblance between us : he was about my age, but a smaller- framed man ; he had dark brown hair, mine was light ; he was thin, and I tolerably stout; his complexion was sallow, and mine fair, with a very clear skin ; besides, Germain had an excessively long nose, took a vast dear of snuff which, begriming his nostrils out- sicte, and stuffing them up within, gave him a peculiarly nasal tone of voice. I had much to do in personating Germain ; but the difficulty did not deter me ; my hair, cut a la mode des Bagnes, was dyed black, as well as my beard, after it had attained a growth of eight days ; to embrown my countenance I washed it with white walnut liquor; and to perfect the imitation, I garnished my upper lip thickly with a kind of coffee-grounds, which I plastered on by means of gum arabic, and thus became as nasal in my twang as Germain himself. My feet were doctored with equal care ; I made blisters on them by rubbing in a certain composition, of which I had obtained the recipe at Brest. I also made the marks of the fetters ; and when all my toilet was finished, dressed myself in the suitable garb. I had neglected nothing which could complete the metamorphosis ; neither the shoes nor the marks of those horrid letters, GAL. The costume was perfect ; and the only thing wanting was a hundred of those companionable insects which people the solitudes of poverty, and which were, I believe, together with locusts and toads, one of the seven plagues of old Egypt. I procured some for money ; and as soon as they were a little 302 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. accustomed to their new domicile, which was speedily the case, I directed my steps towards the residence of Madame Noel, in the Rue Ticquetonne. I arrived there, and knocking at the door, she opened it ; a glance convincing her how matters stood with me, she desired me to enter, and on finding myself alone with her, I told her who I was. 'Ah, my poor lad,' she cried, * there is no occasion to tell me where you have come from ; I am sure you must be dying with hunger.' 'Oh yes,' I answered, 'lam indeed hungry; I have tasted nothing for twenty-four hours.' Instantly, without further question, she went out, and returned with a dish of hog's puddings and a bottle of wine, which she placed before me. I did not eat, I actually devoured ; I stuffed myself, and all had disappeared without my saying a word between my first mouthful and my last. Mother Noel was delighted at my appetite, and when the cloth was removed, she gave me a dram. * Ah, mother/ I exclaimed, em- bracing her, ' you restore me to life ; Noel told me how good and kind you were ;' and I then began to give her a statement of how I had left her son eighteen days before, and gave her information of all the prisoners in whom she felt interested. The details were so true and well known, that she could have no idea that I was an impostor, ' You must have heard of me/ I continued ; ' I have gone through many an enterprise, and experienced many a reverse. I am called Germain, or the Captain ; you must know my name.' ' Yes, yes, my friend/ she said, ' I know you well ; my son and his friends have told me of your misfortunes ; welcome, welcome, my dear captain. But, heavens ! what a state you are in ; you must not remain in such a plight I see you are infested with those wretched tormenting beasts who ; but I will get you a change of linen, and contrive something as a comfortable dress for you.' I expressed my gratitude to Madame Noel ; and when I saw a good opportunity, without giving cause for the slightest suspicion, I asked what had become of Victor Desbois and his comrade Mongenet. * Desbois and Le Tambour ? Ah ! my dear, do not mention them, I beg of you/ she replied ; ' that rogue Vidocq has given them very great uneasiness ; since one Joseph (Joseph Longueville, an old police inspector), whom they have twice met in the streets, told them that there would soon be a search in this quarter, they have been compelled to cut and run, to avoid being taken.' ' What/ cried I, with a disappointed air, ' are they no longer in Paris? MADAME NOEL. 303 ' Oh, they are not very far distant/ replied Mother Noel ; * they have not quitted the environs of the " great village " (Paris) ; I dare say we shall soon see them, for I trust they will speedily pay me a visit. I think they will be delighted to find you here.' * Oh, I assure you,' said I, ' that they will not be more delighted at the meeting than myself ; and if you can write to them, I am sure they would eagerly send for me to join them.' * If I knew where they were,' replied Mother Noel> ' I would go myself and seek for them to please you ; but I do not know their retreat, and the best thing for us to do is to be patient and await their arrival.' In my quality of a new-comer, I excited all Madame Noel's compassion and solicitude, and she attended to nothing but me. ' Are you known to Vidocq and his two bull-dogs, Levesque and Compere ?' she inquired. 'Alas ! yes,' was my reply ; 'they have caught me twice.' I In that case, then, be on your guard : Vidocq is often dis- guised ; he assumes characters, costumes, and shapes to get hold of unfortunates like yourself.' We conversed together for two hours, when Madame Noel offered me a foot-bath, which I accepted ; and when it was pre- pared, I took off my shoes and stockings, on which she discovered my wounded feet, and said, with a most commiserating tone and manner, ' How I pity you ; what must you suffer ! Why did you not tell me of this at first ? you deserve to be scolded for it.' And whilst thus reproaching me, she examined my feet ; and then, pricking the blisters, drew a piece of worsted through each, and anointed my feet with a salve which she assured me would have the effect of speedily curing them. The bath concluded, she brought me some clean linen ; and, as she thought of all that was needful, added a razor, recommending me to shave. ' I shall then see,' she added, ' about buying you some workman's clothes, as that is the best disguise for men who wish to pass unnoticed ; and besides, good luck will turn up, and then you will get yourself some new ones.' As soon as I was thoroughly cleansed, Mother Noel conducted me to a sleeping-room, a small apartment which served as the workshop for false keys, the entrance to which was concealed by several gowns hanging from a row of pegs. ' Here,' said she, * is a bed in which your friends have slept three or four times ; and you need not fear that the police will hunt you out ; you may sleep secure as a dormouse.' I 1 am really in want of sleep,' I replied, and begged her per- mission to take orn.e repose, on which she left me to myself, 304 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Three hours afterwards I awoke, and on getting up we renewed our conference. It was necessary to be armed at all points to deceive Madame Noel ; there was not a trick or custom of the Bagnes with which she was not thoroughly informed ; she knew not only the names of all the robbers whom she had seen, but was acquainted with every particular of the life of a great many others ; and related with enthusiasm anecdotes of the most noted, particu- larly of her son, for whom she had as much veneration as love. 1 The dear boy, you would be delighted to see him !' said I. * Yes, yes, overjoyed.' 1 Well, it is a happiness you will soon enjoy ; for Noel has made arrangements for an escape, and is now only awaiting the propi- tious moment.' Madame Noel was happy in the expectation of seeing her son, and shed tears of tenderness at the very thoughts of it. In the course of conversation, Mother Noel asked me if I had any affair (plan of robbery) in contemplation ; and after having offered to procure me one, in case I was not provided, she ques- tioned me on my skill in fabricating keys. I told her I was as adroit as Fossard. ' If that be the case,' she rejoined, ' I am easy, and you shall be soon furnished ; for, as you are so clever, I will go and buy at the ironmonger's a key which you can fit to my safety lock, so that you will have ingress and egress whenever you require it.' I expressed my feelings of obligation for so great a proof of her kindness ; and, as it was growing late, I went to bed reflecting on the mode of getting away from this lair without running the risk of being assassinated, if perchance any of the villains whom I was seeking should arrive before I had taken the necessary pre- cautions. I did not sleep, and arose as soon as I heard Madame Noel lighting her fire ; she said I was an early riser, and that she would go and procure me what I wanted. A moment afterwards she brought me a key not cut into wards, and gave me files and a small vice, which I fixed on my bed ; and as soon as my tools were in readiness, I began my work in presence of my hostess, who, seeing that I was perfectly conversant with the business, complimented me on my skill ; and what she most admired was the expedition of my work ; for, in (act, in less than four hours I had perfected a most workmanlike key. which I tried, and it fitted most accurately. A few touches of the file completed the instru- ment; and, like the rest, I had the means of unobstructed entrance whenever I wished to visit the house. I was Madame Noel's boarder ; and, after dinner, \ told her I MADAME NOEL. 305 was inclined to take a turn in the dusk, that I might find whether 'a job' \ contemplated was yet feasible, and she approved the suggestion, at the same time recommending me to use all caution. ' That thief of a Vidocq,' she observed, * is a thorn in one's path ; mind him ; and, if I were you, before I made any attempts, I would wait until my feet were well.' ' I shall not go far,' I re- plied ; * nor stay away long.' This assurance of a speedy return seemed to quiet her fears. ' Well, then, go,' she said ; and I went out limping. So far all succeeded to my most sanguine wishes ; it was impos- sible to stand better with Mother Noel ; but, by remaining in her house, who would guarantee that I should not be knocked on the head ? Might not two or three galley-slaves arrive together, recognise me and attack me ? Then farewell to all my plottings ; and it was incumbent that, without losing the fruit of my friendship with Mother Noel, I should prepare myself for the contingent danger. It would have been the height of imprudence to have given her cause to think that I had any motives for avoiding con- tact with her guests, and I consequently endeavoured so to lead her on, that she should herself suggest to me the necessity of quitting her house ; that is, that she should advise me no longer to think of sleeping in her domicile. I had observed that Madame Noel was very intimate with a fruitseller who lived in the house ; and I sent to this woman one of my agents named Manceau, whom I charged to ask her secretly, and yet with a want of skill, for some accounts of Madame Noel. I had dictated the questions, and w?s the more certain that the fruit-woman would not fail to communicate the particulars, as I had desired my man to beg her to observe secrecy. The event proved that I was not deceived ; no sooner had my agent fulfilled his mission, than the fruit-woman hastened to Madame Noel with an account of what had passed ; who, in her turn, lost no time in telling me. On the look-out at the steps of the door of her officious neighbour, as soon as she saw me, she came to me, and, without farther preface, desired me to follow her, which I did ; and, on reaching the Place des Victoires, she stopped, and looking about her to be assured that no one was in hearing, she told me what had passed : * So,' said she, in conclu- sion, c you see, my poor Germain, that it would not be prudent for you to sleep at my house ; you must even be cautious how you approach it by day.' Mother Noel had no idea that this circum- stance, which she bewailed so greatly, was of my own planning ; and, that I might remove all suspicion from her mind, I pretended to be more vexed at it than she was, and cursed and swore bitterly 30 306 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. at that blackguard Vidocq, who would not leave us at peace. I deprecated the necessity to which I was reduced, of finding a shelter out of Paris, and took leave of Madame Noel, who, wishing me good luck and a speedy return, put a thirty-sous-piece into my hand. I knew that Desbois and Mongenet were expected ; and I was also aware that there were comers and goers who visited the house, whether Madame Noel was there or not ; and she was often ab- sent, giving music lessons in the city. It was important that I should know these gentry ; and, to achieve this, I disguised several of my auxiliaries, and stationed them at the corners of the street, where, mixing with the errand boys and messengers, their presence excited no suspicion. These precautions taken, that I might testify all due appearance of fear, I allowed two days to pass before I again visited Madame Noel ; and this period having elapsed, I went one evening to her house, accompanied by a young man, whom I introduced as the brother of a female with whom I had once lived : and who, having met me accidentally in Paris, had given me an asylum. This young man was a secret agent, but I took care to tell Mother Noel that he had my fullest confidence, and that she might con- sider him as my second self; and as he was not known to the spies, I had chosen him to be the messenger to her whenever I did not judge it prudent to show myself. * Henceforward,' I added, * he will be our go-between, and will come every two or three days, that I may have information of you and your friends.' ' I'faith,' said Mother Noel, ' you have lost a pleasure ; for, twenty minutes sooner, and you would have seen a lady of your acquaintance here.' ' Ah ! who was it ?' * Mongenet's sister.' * Oh ! indeed ; she has often seen me with her brother.' ' Yes ; when I mentioned you, she described you as exactly as possible ; "a lanky chap," said she, "with his nose always grimed with snuff."' Madame Noel deeply regretted that I had not arrived before Mongenet's sister had departed ; but certainly not so much as I rejoiced at my narrow escape from an interview which would have destroyed all my projects ; for if this woman knew Germain, she also knew Vidocq ; and it was impossible that she could have mis- taken one for the other, so great was the difference between us ! Although I had altered my features so as to deceive, yet the resemblance which, in description, seemed exact, would not stand the test of a critical examination, and particularly the reminiscences MADAME NOEL. 307 of intimacy. Mother Noel then gave me a very useful warning, when she informed me that Mongenet's sister was a very frequent visitor at her house. From thenceforward I resolved that this female should never catch a glimpse of my countenance ; and to avoid meeting with her, whenever I visited Madame Noel, I sent my pretended brother-in-law first, who, when she was not there, had instructions to let me know it, by sticking a wafer on the window. At this signal I entered, and my aide-de-camp betook himself to his post in the neighbourhood, to guard against any disagreeable surprise. Not very far distant were other auxiliaries, to whom I had confided Mother Noel's key, that they might come to my succour in case of danger ; for, from one instant to another, I might fall suddenly amongst a gang of fugitives, or some of the galley-slaves might recognise and attack me, and then a blow of my fist against a square of glass in the window was the signal which was to denote my need of assistance, to equalize the contending parties. Thus were my schemes concerted, and the finale was at hand. It was on Tuesday, and a letter from the men I was in quest of an- nounced their intended arrival on the Friday following ; a day which I intended should be for them a black Friday. At the first dawn I betook myself to a wine-vault in the vicinity, and, that they might have no motive for watching me, supposing, as was their custom, that they should traverse the street several times up and down before they entered Madame Noel's domicile, I first sent my pre- tended brother-in-law, who returned soon afterwards, and told me that Mongenet's sister was not there, and that I might safely enter. 1 You are not deceiving me ?' said I to my agent, whose tone appeared altered and embarrassed, and fixing on him one of those looks which penetrated the very heart's core, I thought I observed one of those ill-suppressed contractions of the muscles of the face which accompany a premeditated lie ; and then, quick as lightning, the thought came over me that I was betrayed that my agent was a traitor. We were in a private room, and, without a moment's hesitation, I grasped his throat with violence, and told him, in presence of his comrades, that I was informed of his perfidy, and that if he did not instantly confess all, I would shoot him on the spot. Dismayed at my penetration and determined manner, he stammered out a few words of excuse, and, falling on his knees, confessed that he had discovered all to Mother Noel. This baseness, had I not thus detected it, would probably have cost me my life, but I did not think of any personal resentment ; it was only the interest of society which I cared for, and which I regretted to see wrecked when so near port. The traitor, 30 9 3 o8 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. Manceau, was put in confinement, and, young as be was, having many old offences to expiate, was sent to Bicetre, and then to the isle of Oleron, where he terminated his career. It may be con- jectured that the fugitives did not return to the Rue Ticquetonne ; but they were, notwithstanding, apprehended a short time after- wards. Mother Noel did not forgive the trick I had played her ; and, to satisfy her revenge, she one day had all her goods taken away, and when this had been effected, went out without closing her door, and returned, crying out that she had been robbed. The neighbours were made witnesses, a declaration was made before a commissary, and Mother Noel pointed me out as the thief, because, she said, 1 had a key of her apartments. The accusation was a grave one, and she was instantly sent to the prefecture of police, and the next day I received the information. My justifi- cation was not difficult, for the Prefet, as well as M. Henry, saw through the imposture ; and we managed so well, that Mother Noel's property was discovered, proof was obtained of the falsity of the charge, and, to give her time for repentance, she was sentenced for six months to St. Lazare. Such were the issue and the consequences of an enterprise in which I had not failed to use all precaution; and I have often achieved success in affairs in which arrangements had been made, not so skilfully concerted or so ably executed CHAPTER XXIX. Vain pursuit of a robber by the police On the right scent I become a coal man Fright of a vintner and his wife Mademoiselle Tonneau A search The thief takes me for his mate The jump from the window. AFTER having undergone several sentences, two fugitives of the isles, named Gureau and Florentin, called Chatelain (governor), of whom I have already spoken, were detained at Bicetre as incorrigible robbers. Weary of confinement in these cells, where they were buried alive, they sent to M. Henry a letter, in which they offered to give such information as should lead to the apprehension of several of their comrades, who were daily perpe- trating robberies in Paris. Fossard, sentenced for life, who had frequently escaped from the Bagnes, was the one marked out as the most dangerous. * He was,' they wrote, * unequalled for intrepidity, and must be attacked with caution ; for, always armed to the teeth, he had resolved on blowing out the brains of that police-agent who should be hardy enough to attempt to apprehend him.' M. YVRIER. 309 The heads of the police asked nothing better than to free the capital from such a daring thief, and their first idea was to employ me in discovering him : but the informers having suggested to M. Henry that I was too well known to Fossard and his concubine not to defeat an operation which must be most delicately effected, it was decided that the affair should be intrusted to the skill of some police-officers. To them, therefore, were given all the neces- sary instructions to regulate their searches ; but either they were not lucky, or they did not especially approve a rencontre with Fossard, who was * armed to the teeth,' for he continued his exploits, and the numerous complaints to which his activity gave rise announced that, in spite of their apparent zeal, these gentle- men, as usual, made more noise than work. The result was that the preYet, who preferred doings to sayings, sent for them one day, and reprimanded them in a manner which must have been severe, to judge by the discontent which they could not help testifying. They had just received this official proof of disapprobation, when I happened to meet, in the market of Saint-Jean, M. Yvrier, one of the officers in question, whom I saluted, and he thereupon accosted me, almost bursting with rage, saying, ' Ah ! there you are, Mr. Do-so-Much ; you are the cause of our having been reprimanded about that Fossard, the fugitive galley-slave, who they say is in Paris. If we are to believe Monsieur le Prefer,, there is no one but you who can do anything. " If Vidocq," he said to us, " had been ordered to this business, we should have had this fellow apprehended long ago." Well then, let us see, M. Vidocq; set your wits to work to find him, you who are so very clever, and prove that you have all the talent that they say you have.' M. Yvrier was an old man, and it was respect for his age which checked my reply to his impertinence ; and although I was wounded by the tone of his address, I did not care to show it, contenting myself with replying that I had not then the leisure to occupy myself about Fossard, that he was a capture I should reserve till the first of January, that I might have a suitable new- year's gift for M. le PreTet, as the previous year I had brought the famous Delzeve. * Go on your own way,' replied M. Yvrier, irritated at this boast ; * the event will show what you are : a presumptuous fellow, who creates difficulties to show his skill in surmounting them;' and he left me, grumbling out from between his teeth some other epithets and qualities which I neither understood nor heeded. After this scene I went to M. Henry's private room, to whom I 3t6 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. related it 'Ah ! they wince they are angry, are they ?' said he, laughing ; * so much the better ; it proves that they defer to your ability. I see,' added M. Henry, ' that these gentlemen are like the eunuchs of a seraglio : they cannot do themselves, and would not allow others to be doing.' He then gave me the following particulars : ' Fossard lives in Paris, in a street leading from a market-place to a boulevard ; on what story his apartments are is unknown, but the windows may be recognised by having yellow silk curtains and other curtains of embroidered muslin. In the same house resides a little hump-backed woman, a seamstress, and intimate with the female who lives with Fossard.' These particulars were, it may be seen, not sufficiently definite to lead at once to the spot we wished to discover. I was in doubt as to what steps I should first take ; but as I had generally found that, in all my undertakings, it was from females that I gleaned my information, whether women or girls, I soon determined on the disguise which was best adapted for my purpose. It was apparent that I must assume the guise of a very respectable gentleman, and consequently, by means of some false wrinkles, a pig-tail, snowy-white ruffles, a large gold-headed cane, a three- cornered hat, buckles, breeches and coat to match, I was metamorphosed into one of those good sexagenarian citizens, whom all old ladies admire. I had the precise appearance and air of one of those rich old boys of the Marais, whose rubicund and jolly countenance proves the ease of his circumstances, and the desire to bestow charity on those who need it, by way of a recompense to fortune. I was very sure that the hump-backed women would set their caps at me ; and I had the appearance of so good a man, that it was impossible they would make any attempts at deceiving me. Thus disguised, I went into the streets, gazing upwards to dis- cover all the curtains of the prescribed colour. I was so much occupied with this investigation that I was entirely lost to all around me. Had I been a little less substantial-looking I might have been taken for a metaphysician, or perhaps for a poet who was seeking a couplet in the region of the chimney-pots ; twenty times I narrowly escaped the cabriolets ; on all sides the cry of 'Gare! Gare !' (mind, mind) assailed me, and then, on turning round, I was under the wheel, or else close beside a horse ; some- times, whilst I was wiping the dirt from my sleeve, a lash of a whip came across my face, or, if the driver were less brutal, it was some such salutation as this : ' Out of the way, old dunny-head,' or else, * Come, what are you at, old stupid ?' THE SEARCH. 311 My work was not to be completed in a single day, even as far as the yellow curtains went. I marked down more than one hundred and fifty in my memorandum book, which gave choice enough, in all conscience. Might not the curtains behind which Fossard was concealed have been taken down and replaced by white, red, or green ones ? However, if chance was against me, she might yet throw out some favourable hint for my guidance ; and I took courage, although it is a somewhat painful task for a sexagenarian to ascend and descend a hundred and fifty staircases, consisting of at least seven hundred and fifty stories to take more than thirty thousand steps, or twice the height of Chimborazo ; but as I found my breath good, and my legs strong, I undertook the task, sustained by the same hope as that which impelled the Argonauts to sail in quest of the golden fleece. It was my hump- backed lady that I sought ; and in my ascents, in how many land- ing-places have I not stood sentinel for hours together, in the per- suasion that my lucky star would shine upon her? The heroic Don Quixote was not more ardent in the pursuit of his Dulcinea. I knocked at the doors of all the seamstresses ; I examined them one after another, but no humps ; they were all perfectly formed ; or if by chance they had a projection, it was not a deviation of the spine, but one of those temporary exuberances which resolve themselves into maternity. Thus passed several days without presenting to my longing eyes the object of my search, and I was heartily tired of my job, for every night my back ached past bearing, and yet the work was to be recommenced the next morning. I dared ask no questions ; for although then some charitable soul might have put me on the right scent, yet I might get into danger ; and at last, fatigued with this unsatisfactory mode of search, I determined to adopt another. I have remarked that hump-backed women are generally very inquisitive and great chatterers ; they are generally the news-distri- butors of the district, and if not, they are then the registers of petty slanders, and nothing passes with which they are not acquainted. Impressed with this idea, I concluded that, under pretext of getting her little requisites supplied, the unknown humpy lady, who had already cost me so much trouble, would not fail, any more than many others, to come and have her wonted gossip at the milk- man's, the baker's, the fruiterer's, the mercer's, or the grocer's. I resolved, therefore, to station myself at the doors of several of these chattering shops, and as every humpy woman, anxious for a husband, makes a great parade of her abilities as a clever caterer, I was persuaded that mine would be on foot early in the morning, and that I ought, to see her, to station myself at an early hour at my post of observation, and accordingly I went there at daybreak. 312 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. I first employed myself in considering how best to take my measures. To what milkwoman would a hump-backed lady give the preference ? Certainly to her who had most gossip, and sold cheapest. There was one at the corner of the Rue Thevenot, who seemed to me to combine these two qualities ; she had about her a great number of small cans, and from the midst of her circle did not cease to talk and serve, serve and talk. Her customers babbled away to their hearts' content, and she chattered as indefatigably as her customers ; but this was not of any consequence to me ; I had pitched upon an admirable and likely spot, and was determined not to lose sight of it. On going to my second watch in the evening, I impatiently awaited the arrival of my female ^Esop, but there were only young girls, well-made, slender, with good figures, easy appearance, neatly attired, and not one of them that was not as straight and upright as the letter I. I was beginning to despair, when at length my star beamed in the horizon ; I saw the Venus, the prototype of all humped women ! Ye gods ! how handsome she appeared ; and how splendid was the contour of that prominent feature for which I had so anxiously watched, her adorable hump ! I gave myself time to contemplate this protuberance, which naturalists should, I think, take into consideration, and enumerate an additional race in the human species. I thought I was gazing on one of those fairies of the middle age, in whom a deformity of this kind was * a double charm.' This supernatural being, or rather extra-natural, approached the milkwoman, and having gossiped for some time, as I had anticipated, she took her cream ; she then entered the grocer's ; then paused a moment at the tripe-shop, where she pro- cured some lights, probably for her cat ; and then, her stores pro- vided, she turned off in the Rue du Petit Carreau, down the gateway, to a house of which the ground-floor was occupied by a working turner. I cast my eyes instantly on the windows, but, alas ! no yellow curtains met my longing, lingering look. I, how- ever, made the reflection which had before suggested itself, that curtains, of whatever shade, have not the immobility of an original hump ; and I resolved not to retire until I had some converse with the enchanting little hump of deformity, whose appearance had so truly enchanted me. I surmised, that in spite of my disappoint- ment with regard to one of the main circumstances described for my guidance, yet that a conversation would elicit some useful in- formation to lighten my path. I determined to ascend the staircase ; and on getting up to the first landing-place, inquired for ' a little lady rather deformed.' ' Oh, it is the seamstress you want,' was the reply, attended by a THE HUMP-BACK. 313 significant grin. * Yes, the seamstress I want ; a person who has one shoulder somewhat higher than the other.' Again I was laughed at, and her apartment pointed out as on the third story. Although her neighbours were very complaisant, I was rather nettled at their chuckling and laughing ; it was exceedingly unpolite ; but such was my tolerance, that I freely pardoned the expression of their mirth ; and was not that commendable in me ? It preserved the character I had assumed The door was shown to me ; I knocked, and it was opened by my darling little Humpa herself ; and after fifty apologies for the visit, I begged her to give me a few moments' audience, adding that I had personal business to discuss with her. 'Mademoiselle,' said I, with a solemn tone, after she had seated me opposite to herself, ' you are ignorant of the motive which has led me hither ; but when you shall know it, perhaps the step I have taken will excite your interest.' The hump-backed damsel thought that I was going to make an open avowal ; the colour rushed to her cheeks, and her look became animated, although she cast her eyes on the ground. I continued: * Doubtless, you will be astonished that at my age one can be as deeply enamoured as at twenty years old.' 1 Ah, sir, you are still young,' said the amiable Humpina, whose mistake I would not allow to be prolonged. ' Why, pretty well for that,' I added ; ' but it is not of that I would speak. You know that in Paris it is not an uncommon thing for a man and woman to live together without the benediction of holy Mother Church.' ' What do you take me for, sir, to make such a proposal to me ?' cried the little Humpetta, without giving me time to finish my sen- tence. I smiled at her mistake, and continued : ' I have no inten- tion to make any such proposition ; I only request that you will have the goodness to give me some information respecting a young lady, who I am told lives in this house with a gentleman who passes for her husband.' ' I know nothing at all about it,' answered my little lady, very snappishly. I then gave her a tolerably accurate description of Fossard and the demoiselle Tonneau, his lady. ' Ah, I now know,' said she ; * a man of your figure and size about thirty or five-and-thirty years of age, a good looking gentle- man: the lady, a pretty brunette, beautiful eyes, lovely teeth, charming mouth, superb eyelashes, dark brows } nose a little turned up, with a most engaging and modest demeanour. They did live here, but they have removed.' I entreated her to give me their new address ; and on her reply, that she did not know it, I weep- 3U MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. ingly besought her to aid in the recovery of an ungrateful creature, whom I still fondly, dotingly loved, despite her perfidy. The seamstress was touched. The tears I shed moved her tender heart ; and feeling that I had gained ground, I became more and more pathetic. Ah ! her infidelity will cause my death : pity, commiserate a wretched husband ; I conjure you, do not conceal from me her retreat, and I shall owe you more than life.' Your hump-backed women are compassionate ; moreover, a husband is, in their eyes, so inappreciable a treasure ; and as they are not possessed of one, they cannot imagine how anyone can be unfaithful; and thus my seamstress held adultery in utter ab- horrence. She sincerely pitied me, and said she would do all in her power to serve me. ' Unfortunately,' she added, * their goods having been removed by porters not belonging to the district, I am completely ignorant of where they have gone, or what has become of them ; but would you like to see the landlady ?' As I had no doubt of her sincerity, I went to see the landlady, but all I learnt from her was, that they had paid for the term agreed on, and had not left any tidings of their new abode. Except having discovered Fossard's old lodging, I was no for- warder than at first ; but I would not abandon the quest without exhausting every chance and inquiry that would suggest itself. Usually the porters of the various districts know each other; and I interrogated those of the Rue de Petit Carreau, to whom I introduced myself as a wronged husband ; and one of them pointed out to me a comrade who had aided in the removal of my rival's goods and chattels. I saw this individual, and told him my concerted story ; but he was a cunning chap, and intended to trick me. I pretended not to perceive it ; and, as a recompense for promising that he would conduct me the next day to the place where Fossard had pitched his tent, I gave him two five-franc pieces, which were spent the same day at the Courtille, in company with the lady he * pro- tected.' 1ms interview was on the 27th of December, and we were to meet again the next day ; and to fulfil my assertion of the ist of January, there was not much time to lose. I was punctual at the rendezvous, and the porter, whom 1 had caused to be watched by some agents, was also to the time and place. Some more five-franc pieces changed masters from my purse to his, and I paid for his breakfast. We then started, and we arrived at a very pretty house, at the corner of the Rue Duphot and that of Saint Honore. ' Now,' said he, * we must ask the vintner just by if they are still here.' He wanted me to regale him again. I did not refuse ; and FOSSARD. 315 we entered the shop, where we emptied a bottle of good wine. I then left him, fully assured of the residence of my pretended wife and her seducer. I had no farther occasion for my guide, and dismissed him with a mark of my gratitude ; but, to be sure that he did not betray me, in the hope of being doubly paid, I ordered the agents to watch him closely, and to prevent his returning to the vintner's. As well as I remember, to preclude all possibility of his so doing, they put him in the guard-house : in such cases we are not over-particular ; and, to be sincere, it was I who put him in the stone doublet, which was but a just retaliation. 'My friend,' I said to him, ' I have left with the police a note of five hundred francs, destined to reward the man who shall successfully aid me in recovering my wife. It is now yours ; and I will give you a note which will enable you to secure it ;' and I gave him a small note to M. Henry, who, on perusal, said to a police-officer, ' Conduct this gentleman to the chest' The chest was in this instance the Sylvestre-Chamber (a place of confinement), where my friend the porter had a little leisure for salutary reflection. I was not certain of Fossard's residence, but yet relied on the indications given to me, and I was provided with the necessary power for his apprehension. Then the ' richard du Marais ' (the rich old man of the Marais) was suddenly metamorphosed into a coalman ; and in this costume, under which neither the mother who bore me, nor any of the agents of the police, who saw me daily, could have recognised me, I employed myself in studying the ground on which I should so shortly be compelled to man- oeuvre. The friends of Fossard that is, his denouncers had advised that the agents employed in his apprehension should be warned that he was always provided with a dagger and pistols, one of which latter, with double barrels, was concealed in a cambric handkerchief which he always held in his hand. This information called for precaution ; and besides, from the known desperation of Fossard's character, it was certain that, to avoid a confinement worse than death, he would not hesitate about a murder. I felt no anxiety to become his victim ; and thought that it would sensibly diminish my chance of peril, if I came to a previous un- derstanding with the vintner whose tenant Fossard was. The vintner was a good fellow enough, but the police is always in such ill odour, that it is no easy matter to procure the assistance of honest men. I determined to bring him over to my side, by making it much to his interest to do so. I had visited his house several times in my double disguise, and had leisure to make my- self acquainted with all the localities, as well as with the sort of ?I6 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. visitors who came there. I then went in my usual dress, and accosting the man, told him I wished to speak with him in private. He took me into a small room, when I thus addressed him : ' I have to inform you, from the police, that a plan is formed to rob your house ; the thief who has devised the means, and who probably intends perpetrating the robbery himself, lodges in your house ; the female who lives with him comes sometimes behind your counter, sees your wife, and whilst conversing with her, has contrived to get the impression of the key which opens the door by which the proposed entry is to be made. All is arranged ; the alarum is to be cut with nippers whilst the door is ajar ; once inside, they will ascend quickly to your chamber ; and if they have any suspicion that you are awake, as it is a perfect ruffian who con- certs the project, there is no need for me to tell you what will ensue ' * They will cut our throats,' said the alarmed vintner, and then called his wife to communicate the intelligence. Oh, my love, what a world we live in trust nobody ! That ' Madame Hazard, who seemed too good to have a sin to confess would you believe it actually contemplates the cutting of our throats ! This very night they will come and settle the business.' ' No, no, be quiet,' I replied, ' not this night ; the till is not full enough, they wait until the fitting time ; but if you are discreet and will second me, we will defeat them.' Madame Hazard was Mademoiselle Tonneau, who had assumed the name by which Fossard was known in the house ; and I desired the vintner and his wife, who were gladly led by me, to treat their lodgers as usual. It need not be asked how willingly they followed my instructions ; and it was agreed between us that to see Fossard go out, and to be able to decide on the best time to seize on him, I should ensconce myself in a small closet under the stairs. At an early hour on the 291)1 of December, I betook myself to my station it was desperately cold, the watch was a protracted one, and the more painful as we had no fire ; motionless, however, and my eye fixed against a small hole in the shutter, I kept my post. At last, about three o'clock, he went out; I followed gladly, and recognised him ; for up to that period I had my doubts. Certain now of his identity, I wished at that moment to put into execution the order for his apprehension ; but the officer who was with me said he saw the terrible pistol. That I might authenticate the fact, I walked quickly and passed Fossard ; and then returning, saw clearly that the agent was right. To attempt to arrest him would have been useless, and I resolved to defer it ; and on recalling to mind that a fortnight before I had flattered my- FOSSARD. 317 self with the prospect of apprehending Frossard on the ist of January, I was not displeased at the delay ; but till then my vigilance was not to be relaxed for a single instant. On the 3ist of December, at eleven o'clock, when all my bat- teries were charged and my plans perfect, Fossard returned, and without distrust ascended the staircase shaking with cold ; and twenty minutes after, the disappearance of the light indicated that he was in bed. The moment had now arrived. The commissary and gendarmes, summoned by me, were waiting at the nearest guard- house until I should call them, and then enter quietly ; we delibe- rated on the most effectual mode of seizing Frossard without run- ning the risk of being killed or wounded ; for they were persuaded that unless surprised this robber would defend himself desperately. My first thought was to do nothing till daybreak, as I had been told that Fossard's companion went down very early to get the milk ; we should then seize her, and after having taken the key from her, we should enter the room of her lover ; but might it not happen that, contrary to his usual custom, he might go out first ! This reflection led me to adopt another expedient. The vintner's wife, in whose favour, as I was told, M. Hazard was much prepossessed, had one of her nephews at her house, a lad about ten years of age, intelligent beyond his years, and the more desirous of getting money as he was a Norman. I promised him a reward on condition that under pretence of his aunt's being taken suddenly ill, he should go and beg Madame Hazard to give him some Eau de Cologne. I desired the little chap to assume the most piteous tone he could ; and was so well satisfied with a specimen he gave me, that I began to distribute the parts of my performers. The denouement was near at hand. I made all my party take off their shoes, doing the same myself, that we might not be heard whilst going upstairs. The little snivelling pilot was in his shirt; he rang the bell no one answered; again he rang : ' Who's there ?' was heard. * It is I, Madame Hazard ; it is Louis : my poor aunt is very bad, and begs you will be so very obliging as to give her a little eau de Cologne Oh ! she is dying ! I have got a light !' The door was opened ; and scarcely had Mademoiselle Tonneau presented herself, when two powerful gendarmes seized on her, and fastened a napkin over her mouth to prevent her crying out. At the same instant, with more rapidity than the lion when darting on his prey, I threw myself upon Fossard, who, stupefied by what was doing, and already fast bound and confined in his bed, was my prisoner before he could make a single movement, or utter a single word. So great w^s his amazement, that it was nearly an 3i8 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ, hour before he could articulate even a few words. When a light was brought and he saw my black face, and garb of a coalman, he experienced such an increase of terror, that I really believe he imagined himself in the devil's clutches. On coming to himself, he thought of his arms, his pistols and dagger, which were upon the table ; and turning his eyes towards them, he made a struggle, but that was all ; for, reduced to the impossibility of doing any mischief, he was passive, and contented himself with ' chewing the cud of sweet and bitter fancy.' On searching the domicile of this formidable brigand, a great quantity of jewels were found ; diamonds and cash to the amount of eight or ten thousand francs. Fossard, having recovered his spirits, told me that under the marble of the chimney-piece were ten notes of a thousand francs each. ' Take them,' said he : ' we will divide, or you shall take as much as you please.' I took the notes, and getting into a fiacre, we soon reached M. Henry's office, where we deposited the booty found in Fossard's apartment. On making out the inventory, when we came to the last item, the commissary, who had accompanied me in the enterprise, said, 'It now only remains to conclude the proces-verbal.' 'Stay one moment,' I cried, ' here are ten thousand francs which the prisoner has handed over to me.' I displayed this sum, to the great regret of Fossard, who gave me one of those looks which would say, ' This is a turn I will never forgive.' Fossard entered early on a career of crime. Born of reputable parents, he had received a good education ; his friends had done all in their power to divert him from his vicious courses, but, in spite of good advice, he had thrown himself headlong into the vortex of bad company. He began by stealing trifling articles ; but soon after, having acquired a decided taste for such pursuits, and blushing, no doubt, at being confounded with ordinary robbers, ' petty larceny knaves,' he adopted what the gentlemen style ' a distinguished line.' The famous Victor Desbois and Noel with the Spectacles, who now honour the Bagne at Brest with their distinguished presence, were his associates ; and they com- mitted together those robberies which led to their imprisonment for life. Noel, whose talents as a musician, and in his quality of teacher of the pianoforte, got access to all the rich houses, took impressions of the keys, which Fossard then fabricated. It was an art in which he defied Georget and all the locksmiths in the world to surpass him : however complicated the lock, however ingenious and difficult the secret, nothing resisted the efforts of his skill. It may be easily conceived what advantage he made of such a pernicious talent ; being, moreover, a man who could insinuate FOSSARD. 319 himself into the company of honest persons and then dupe them. Besides, he was a close and frigid character, to which he added courage and perseverance. His comrades regarded him as the prince of thieves ; and in fact, amongst the ' tip-top cracksmen/ that is, in the aristocracy of robbers, I never knew but Cognard, Pontis, Comte de St. Helene, and Jossas, who were at all com- parable with him. After I had reinstated him at the Bagne, Fossard often attempted to escape. Some liberated prisoners who have lately seen him, have assured me that he only longs for liberty, that he may avenge himself on me. They say he has threatened to kill me. If the accomplishment of this kind intention depended solely on him, I am sure he would keep his word, if it were only to give a proof of his intrepidity. Two circumstances that have been told me, will give some idea of the man. One day Fossard was about to commit a robbery in an apart- ment on the second story ; his comrades, who were watching with out, were stupid enough to allow the proprietor to ascend the stair- case ; and he, on putting the key into the door, opened it, went through several rooms, and on getting to an inner closet, saw the thief at work ; but Fossard, putting himself on the defensive, escaped. A window was open near him, and, darting out of it, he fell into the street without injury, and disappeared as swift as lightning. Another time, whilst he was escaping, he was surprised on the tiles of Bicetre, and fired at Fossard, never disconcerted, con- tinued to walk along without stopping or hastening his steps, and getting to that side which looks into the fields, he slid down. The fall was enough to have broken a hundred necks, but he received no hurt ; only the slide was so rapid that his clothes were rent in shreds. CHAPTER XXX. Guillotin Double-Croche and the chicken-coop The Orientalists and the Argonauts The mutton of the salt marshes The cat's tail Rihoulet and Manon la Blonde The little black father The Children of the Sun. I DO not think that amongst the readers of these Memoirs one will be found who, even by chance, has set foot at Guillotin's, an unsophisticated adulterer of wines, whose establishment, well known to the most degraded class ot robbers, is situate opposite to the Cloaque Desnoyers, which the raff of the Barriere call the drawing-room of la Courtille. A workman may be honest to a certain extent and venture in, en fassant^ to Papa Desnoyer's. If 320 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. he be awake, and keep his eye on the company, although a row should commence, he may, by the aid of the gendarmes, escape with only a few blows, and pay no one's scot but his own. At Guillotin's he will not come off so well, particularly if his toggery be over spruce, and his pouch has chink in it. Picture to yourself, reader, a square room of considerable mag- nitude, the walls of which, once white, have been blackened by every species of exhalation. Such is, in all its simple modesty, the aspect of a temple consecrated to the worship of Bacchus and Terpsichore. At first, by a very natural optical illusion, we are struck by the confined space before us, but the eye, after a time, piercing through the thick atmosphere of a thousand vapours which are most inodorous, the extent becomes visible by details which escape in the first chaotic glimpse. It is the moment of creation, all is bright, the fog disappears, becomes peopled, is animated, forms appear, they move, they are agitated, they are no illusory shadows, but, on the contrary, essentially material, which cross and recross at every moment. What beatitudes ! what a joyous life ! Never, even for the Epicureans, were so many felicities assembled together. Those who like to wallow in filth, can find it here to their hearts' content : many seated at tables, on which, without ever being wiped away, are renewed a hundred times a day the most disgusting libations, close in a square space reserved for what they call the dancers. At the farther end of this infected cave there is, supported by four worm-eaten pillars, a sort of alcove, constructed from broken-up ship-timber, which is graced by the appearance of two or three rags of old tapestry. It is on this chicken coop that the music is perched : two clarionets, a hurdy- gurdy, a cracked trumpet, and a grumbling bassoon five instru- ments whose harmonious movements are regulated by the crutch of Monsieur Double-Croche, a lame dwarf, who is called the leader of the orchestra. Here all is in harmony the faces, costume, the food that is prepared; a genteel appearance is scouted. There is no closet in which walking-sticks, umbrellas, and cloaks are deposited; the women have their hair all in confusion like a poodle dog, and the kerchief perched on the top of the head, or in a knot tied in front, with the corners in a rosette, or, if you prefer it, a cockade, which threatens the eye in the same manner as those of the country mules. As for the men, it is a waistcoat with a cap and falling collar, if they have a shirt, which is the regulated costume ; breeches are not insisted on ; the supreme bon ton would be an artilleryman's cap, the frock of a hussar, the panaloons of a lancer, the boots of a guardsman - in fact, the cast-off attire of three or four regiments, or the wardrobe of a field of battle ; and there is no GUILLOTINE. 321 out and outer thus attired but is the fancy man of these ladies, who adore the cavalry, and have a decided taste for the dress of the whole army ; but nothing so much pleases them as mustachios, and a broad red cap adorned with leather of the same colour. In this assembly, a beaver hat, unless napless and brimless, would be very rare ; no one ever remembers to have seen a coat there, and should anyone dare to present himself with a great coat, unless a. family man, he would be sure to depart skirtless, or only in his waistcoat. In vain would he ask pardon for those flaps which had offended the eyes of the noble assembly ; too happy would he be if, after having been bandied and knocked about with the utmost unanimity as a greenhorn, only one skirt should be left in the hands of these youthful beauties. Desnoyers' is the resort of the lower orders ; but before stepping over the threshold of the cabaret of Guillotin, even the canaille themselves look twice ; as in this repository are only to be seen .prostitutes with their bullies, pick-pockets, and thieves of all classes, some prigs of the lowest grade, and many of those nocturnal marauders who divide their existence into two parts, consecrating it to the duties of theft and riot. It may be supposed that slang is the only language of this delightful society : it is generally in French, but so perverted from its primitive signification, that there it not a member of the distinguished ' company of forty ' who can flatter himself with a full knowledge of it, and yet the * dons of Guillotin's ' have their purists: those who assert that slang took its rise in the East, and without thinking for a moment of disputing their talent as Orientalists, they take that title to themselves with- out any ceremony, as also that of Argonauts, when they have com- pleted their studies under the direction of the galley-sergeants, in working, in the port of Toulon, the dormant navigation on board a vessel in dock. If notes were pleasing to me, I could here seize the opportunity of making some very learned remarks. I should, perhaps, go into a profound disquisition, but I am about to paint the paradise of these bacchanalians ; the colours are prepared let us finish the picture. If they drink at Guillotin's, they eat also, and the mysteries of the kitchen of this place of delights are well worthy of being known. The little Father Guillotin has no butcher, but he has a purveyor ; and in his brass stew-pans, the ver ligris of which never poisons, the dead horse is transformed into beef a-la-mode , the thighs of the dead dogs found in Rue Gudnegaud become legs of mutton from the salt marshes ; and the magic of a piquant sauce gives to the staggering bob (dead-born veal) of the cow-feeder the appetizing of that of Pontoise. We, are told that the cheer in winter is 21 322 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. excellent, when the rot prevails ; and if ever bread were scarce in summer during the ' massacre of the innocents,' mutton was to be had here at a very cheap rate. In this country of metamorphoses the hare never had the right of citizenship ; it was compelled to yield to the rabbit, and the rabbit how happy the rats are ! ' Ofortunati nimium si n6rint' It was the Domine of St. Mand who taught me this quotation ; he told me it was Latin, perhaps it may be Greek or Hebrew ; no matter, I leave it, come what may, to the will of God ; but still, if the rats could ever have seen what I have seen, unless they had been an ingrate and perverse race, they would have opened a sub- scription for the erection of a statue to the Liberator, little Father Guillotin. One evening, led by my inclination, which a good Frenchman always follows, I went out; in my road I accidentally pushed against a door, it gave way, and, by the freshness of the air, I found I was in a court ; the place was propitious, and I groped along, until I made a trip over some paving stones which had been left in the way. I stretched out my arms to recover myself, and whilst with one hand I grasped hold of a post, I seized with the other something very soft and very long. I was in darkness, but fancied I saw several sparks shining, and by the touch I thought *I recognised a certain velvet appendage of a quadruped's vertebral column. I kept hold of a bunch of it, and drawing it through my hand, there remained a packet of spoils, with which I entered the room at the very moment when M. Double-Croche, pointing out the figures to the dancers, was howling out ' la queue du chat '- (the cat's tail). It needs not to be asked how very a propos this was ; there was throughout the assembly a general mewing, but it was only a joke ; the lovers of fricassee mewed liked the rest, and, after having taken their caps off, they said, * Come on, here is the good stuff! Covered by cat-skin, and fed on cats, we shall not soon be in want ; the mother of tom-cats is not yet dead.' Father Guillotin consumed generally more oil than cotton, but I can, nevertheless, affirm that, in my time, some banquets have been spread at his cabaret, which, subtracting the liquids, could not have cost more at the Cafe Riche or at Grignon's. I remem- ber six individuals, named Driancourt, Vilaites, Pitroux, and three others, who found means to spend 166 francs there in one night. In fact, each one of them had with him his favourite bella. The citizen no doubt pretty well fleeced them, but they did not com- GUILLOTINES. 323 plain, and that quarter of an hour which Rabelais had so much difficulty in passing, caused them no trouble ; they paid like grandees, without forgetting the waiter. I apprehended them whilst they were paying the bill, which they had not even taken the trouble of examining. Thieves are generous when they are caught * i' the vein.' They had just committed many considerable robberies, which they are now repenting in the Bagnes of France. It can scarcely be believed that in the centre of civilization there can exist a den so hideous as the cave of Guillotin ; it must be seen, as I have seen it, to be believed. Men or women all smoked as they danced, the pipe passed from mouth to mouth, and the most refined gallantry that could be offered to the nymphs who came to this rendezvous, to display their graces in the postures and attitudes of the indecent Chahut, was to offer them \h.z pruneau, that is, the quid of tobacco, submitted or not, ac- cording to the degree of familiarity, to the test of a previous mastication. The peace-officers and inspectors were characters too greatly distinguished to appear among such an assemblage they kept themselves most scrupulously aloof, to avoid so repug- nant a contact ; I myself was much disgusted with it, but at the same time was persuaded, that to discover and apprehend male- factors, it would not do to wait until they should come and throw themselves into my arms ; I therefore determined to seek them out, and that my searches might not be fruitless, I endeavoured to find out their haunts, and then, like a fisherman who has found a preserve, I cast my line out with a certainty of a bite. I did not lose my time in searching for a needle in a bottle of hay, as the saying is ; when we lack water, it is useless to go to the source of a dried-up stream and wait for a shower of rain ; but to quit all metaphor, and speak plainly the spy who really means to ferret out the robbers, ought, as much as possible, to dwell amongst them, that he may grasp at every opportunity which presents itself of drawing down upon their heads the sentence of the laws. Upon this principle I acted, and this caused my recruits to say that I made men robbers; I certainly have, in this way, made a vast many, particularly on my first connection with the police. On a particular afternoon I had a presentiment that a visit to Guillotin's would not be without its results. Without being super- stitious, I know not why, 1 have always followed these inspirations; I put my wardrobe in requisition, and, after having suited myself so as not to bear any appearance of being a greenhorn, I left my house with another secret agent, named Riboulet, a downy cove> whom all the houris of the boozing ken claimed as their chevalier, as did also the milliners' girls, who considered him as a complete 21 9 324 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. kiddy. For such an excursion, a woman was an indispensable portion of the baggage, and Riboulet had one who just suited us ; she passed as his mistress, and was a common woman, called Manon la Blonde, on whom he assured me that reliance could be placed. In two seconds she rent her woollen stockings in twenty places, tore the edges of her red cloak, begrimed her shawl, trod her shoes down at heel, dishevelled her locks, and gave to the kerchief with which she graced her brows that indescribable appear- ance which was necessary. She was highly delighted with the character she had to perform. Thus attired and prepared, we set out together, arm-in-arm, towards la Courtille. On reaching the cabaret, we seated our- selves at a table in the corner, that we might the more easily watch whatever should pass. Riboulet was one of those men whose very appearance commanded instant attention : he had not spoken, nor had I, but yet we were instantly attended to. ' You see,' said he, ' the cove knows the time o' day, the lush (wine), meat, and salad.' I asked if we could not have a matelote of eels. ' Snakes,' cried Manon, ' do you want ? cag-mag and snivellers (stinking meat and onions) would be as good.' I said no more, and we began to eat with as much appetite as if we had never been initiated into the mysteries of Papa Guillotin's cookery. During the repast, a noise at the door attracted our attention. It proceeded from some conquerors who made their triumphal entry : men and women, six in number, forming three couples of individuals whose * human face divine ' was most tremendously disfigured : they all had scratched countenances and black eyes ; by the bloody disorder of their attire, and the freshness of their dilapidations in face and garments, it was easy to perceive that they were the heroes of some spree, in which on both sides the quarrel had been decided by fisticuffs. They approached our table. ONE OF THE HEROES. { By your leave, my trumps, is there room for us on this here seat ?' I. 'We shall be squeezed a little, but never mind' (making room). RIBOULET (addressing me). * Come, my covey, make room for the gentlemen.' MANON (to the fresh arrivals). * Are these ladies with you?' ONE OF THE HEROINES. ' Vat is it you say ?' (turning to her friends), * vat does she say ?' HER PAL. ' Hold your jaw, Titine (Celestine), the lady said nothing to affront you.' GUILLOTINES. 325 The whole party seated themselves. A HERO. * Halloo ! come here, Daddy Guillotin ; a little black father, four year old, for eight mag.' (A four-quart jug for eight sous.) GUILLOTIN. 'Coming, coming.' THE WAITER (with the jug in his hand). 'Thirty-two mag t if you please.' 4 I'll give you two-and-thirty kicks of the ; you're chaffing us, my rum un.' WAITER. * No, my knowing ones, but it's the custom, or, if you like, the way of this here house.' The wine was poured into all the glasses, and they also filled ours. * Excuse the liberty,' said the Ganymede of the party. 1 Oh, there's no harm done,' replied Riboulet ' You know one politeness requires another.' ' But you are too polite.' ' Oh no, drink away, nunky pays for all.' ' You are right my boys, so push the wine about.' We did push it about, and so well, that about ten o'clock in the evening all the sympathy left between us was manifested by pro- testations, sight being lost ; and by those explosions of drunken tenderness which develop all the infirmities of the human heart. When the hour of parting had arrived, our new acquaintances, and particularly the softer sex, were completely drunk. Riboulet and his mistress were only somewhat elevated, as well as myself ; they had preserved their senses, but to appear all in unison we pretended to be so tipsy as to be unable to walk ; formed into a phalanx, because in that way the gusts of wind are less to be feared, we left the theatre of our pleasures. Then, that we might neutra- lize, by the aid of a chant^ the reeling tendencies of our troop, Riboulet, with a voice whose echoes vibrated in every court and alley, began to sing, in the most finished slang of his time, one of those ballads with a chorus, which are as long as to-day and to- morrow. ' As from ken (a) to ken I was going, Doing a hit on the prigging lay (6) : Who should I meet, but a jolly blowen (c) Tol lol, lol lol, tol derol, ay ; Who should I meet, but a jolly blowen, Who was fly (d) to the time o' day (*). (a) Ken shop, house. (H) Prigging lay thieving business. (c) Bio-wen girl, strumpet, sweetheart. (d) Fly [contraction of Jlash~\, awake up to, practised in. (e) Time o* day knowledge of business, thieving, etc. 326 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. 1 Who should I meet, but a jolly blowen, Who was fly to the time o' day ; I pattered in flash (/), like a covey (g), knowing Tol lol, etc. " Ay, bub or grubby (h) t I say." ' I pattered in flash, like a covey knowing, "Ay, bub, or grubby, I say." " Lots of gatter " (i), quo' she, " are flowing* Tol lol, etc. Lend me a lift in the family way (/). "Lots of gatter," quo' she, "are flowing, Lend me a lift in the family way. You may have a crib (k) to stow in, Tol lol, etc. Welcome my pal (/), as the flowers in May. ' " You may have a crib to stow in, Welcome, my pal, as the flowers in May." To her ken at once I go in, Tol lol, etc. Where in a corner out of the way ; ' To her ken at once I go in, Where in a corner, out of the way, With his smeller (tn), a trumpet-blowing, Tol lol, etc. A regular swell-cove (n) lushy (o) lay. ' With his smeller, a trumpet -blowing, A regular swell-cove lushy lay ; To his dies (/) my hooks (y) I throw in, Tol lol, etc. And collar his dragons (r) clear away. ' To his dies my hooks I throw in, And collar his dragons clear away $ Then his ticker (s) I set a-going, Tol lol, etc. And his onions (/), chain, and key. ' Then his ticker I set a-going, With his onions, chain, and key. Next slipt off his bottom clo'ing, Tol lol, etc. And his gingerbread topper gay. (f) Pattered in fash spoke in slang. fc) Covey man. (h) Bub and grub drink and food. (a>) Gatter porter. (j ) Family thieves in general. 2 he family way the thieving line. j/6) Crio-bed. (/) /fc/ friend, companion, paramour. (m) Smetfernose. Trumpet-blowing here is not slang, but poetry for snoring. (n) Swell-cove gentleman, dandy. (o) Lushy drunk. ^ (p) dies pockets. (q) hooks fingers ; in full, thieving hooks, (r) Collar his dragons take his sovereigns. (s) Ticforvi&tch. (/) Onions seals. GUILLOTINES. 327 Next slipt off his bottom clo'ing, And his gingerbread topper gay. Then his other toggery (w, stowing, Tol lol, etc. All with the swag (v), I sneak away. ' Then his other toggery stowing, All with the swag, I sneak away ; "Tramp it, tramp it, my jolly blowen, Tol lol, etc. Or be grabbed (w) by the beaks (x) we may. ** Tramp it, tramp it, my jolly blowen, Or be grabbed by the beaks we may ; And we shall caper a-heel-and-toeing, Tol lol, etc. A Newgate hornpipe some fine day. " And we shall caper a-heel and -toeing, A Newgate hornpipe some fine day ; With the mots(y) their ogles(^) throwing, Tol lol, etc. And old Cotton (aa) humming his pray (bb). " With the mots their ogles throwing, And old Cotton humming his pray; And the fogle-hunters (cc) doing, Toi lol, etc. Their morning fake (dd) in the prigging lay." 1 Riboulet having been safely delivered of his fourteen couplets. Manon la Blonde was desirous of evincing the powers of her lungs, * Now for another !' said she. The chorus, which we took up, as it were, from Manon's mouth, was repeated eight or ten times, in a manner which almost broke the windows of the house about us. After this burst of bacchana- lian hilarity, the first fumes of wine, which are usually most potent, beginning somewhat to dissipate, we entered into conversation. The chapter of confidences, according to custom, opened by inter- rogatories. I did not require to be much questioned, but went beyond the communications which they desired to know: a stranger in Paris, I had only known Riboulet in prison at Valenciennes, when he was sent back to his regiment as a deserter ; he was a college chum (a fellow-prisoner), whom I had met again. As to the rest, I took care to represent myself in colours which charmed them : I was a thorough out-and-outer. I know not what I have (u) Toggery clothes, from toga. (v) Swag plunder. (w) Grabbed taken. (x) Beaks Police-officers. (y) Mots girls. (z) Ogteseyes. (aa) Old Cotton the Ordinary of Newgate. (bb] Humming his pray saying his prayers. (cc) Fogle-hunters pickpockets. (dd) Morning fake morning thievery 328 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. not done, and was ready to do anything. I unbosomed myself that they might unbosom as freely in their turn ; it is a tactic which has often been successful with me : the party soon chattered like magpies, and I became as well acquainted with all their doings as if I had never been separated from them. They told me their names, residences, exploits, misfortunes, hopes : they had met a man who was really worthy of their confidence ; I returned it, I suited them, and all was said. Such explanations always make a man thirsty, more or less : all the liquor-shops in our road were visited : more than a hundred toasts were drunk in honour of our new convention, and we were not to separate again. ' Come along with us, come,' they said, and they were so pressing, that, quite unable to refuse their im- portunities, I agreed to go to their abode, Rue des Filles-Dieu > No. 14, where they lodged in a furnished house. Once in their abode, it was impossible to refuse a share of their bed : it is diffi- cult to describe what good fellows they were ; and so was I, and they were the better convinced of it, as, during an hour, whilst I pretended to be sleeping, my friend Riboulet passed a eulogy on me, in a low tone of voice, of which not even half was true, or I should have richly merited a sentence for ten times the term of my natural life. At last Riboulet had so completely placed me in good odour with our hosts, that about break of day they proposed to me to go out upon a job with them, a robbery which they had planned in the Rue de la Verrerie. I had only just time to warn the chief of the second division, who made his arrangements so well, that they were apprehended with the property about their persons. Riboulet and I remained on the lookout, to give alarm in case of danger, as the thieves be- lieved, but, in fact, to see if the police were on their posts. When they passed near us, all three in a coach, whence they could not see us, ' Well !' said Riboulet, * there they are, taken in the very act.' They were also condemned; and if the names of Debuire, Role, and Hippolyte, called la Biche, are still on the muster-roll at the Bagnes, it is the result of an evening passed at Guillotin's amongst the children of the sun. CHAPTER XXXI. A frequenter of La Petite Chaise A nocturnal abduction The jolly thief- First visit to Bicetre My life threatened The storm appeased. THIEVES frequently fell into my clutches when I least expected them ; it was said that their evil genius impelled them to come and find me. It must be confessed that those who thus flung and that is the reason that he stops at Paris. He is a deep file ; when he wants to trap a covey he tries to make friends with him, and, as soon as he has done that, he slips some swag into his cly, and then all is done ; or else he leads him on to some/ and give me a knowing look, which I return, and it is found we are all lads of the same profession. They follow the customary usages of society, a glass more than necessary. I complain of being without a job of work. They complain, and we all complain together. We commence to be very full of mutual compassion and sympathy ; I curse the beaks, they curse them too ; I swear at the big wigs of my quarter who persecute me ; my friends look at each other, consult each other's eyes, and deliberate upon the opportunity offered by, or the disadvantages of, my acquaintance. They take my hand, they press it, I consent ; it is agreed that they may rely on me. Then comes the proposal the character I play is that which, with but few variations, I always have played I only alter a little, by putting the stolen goods into the pockets of my friends. Then was heard the unanimous applause, accompanied by shouts of laughter. * Well done, well done,' cried the actors and the witness of this scene. * Well done, certainly,' said Richelot, ' but see, the sun is setting and it is time to tramp ; the play can finish in the drag^ or else- where, when we have done with the fence ; I will go and get a jarvey, if you fellows like ?' * Yes, yes, let us be off.' The drama was progressing well ; we were approaching the climax, but it was doomed to be a very different one from that anticipated by these gentlemen, for the catastrophe was not in accordance with the title of the piece. We all got into a hackney- coach, and desired the coachman to stop at the corner of the Rue de Bretagne and the Rue de Tourraine. Bras, one of the fences^ was waiting at a short distance. Dubuisson, Commery, and Lenoir alighted, taking with them the portion of the merchandise which we had agreed to sell. Whilst they were agreeing about the price, I saw, on looking from the window, that Annette had fulfilled my intention. Persons whom I saw, some with their noses in the air, as if seeking for some number, others walking about like idlers, were nol in this quarter, I thought, without some motive. After ten minutes of expectation, we were rejoined by our com- rades who had been to Bras. They had brought away one hundred and twenty-five francs for things worth at least six times as much; 344 MEMOIRS OF VIDOC& but it was of no consequence, they were not sorry to realize what they were in haste to enjoy. There remained those bundles which we had reserved for Pomme Rouge. On reaching Rue de la Juiverie, Richelot said to me, ' Come, you must go and bargain, you know the downy fence' ' That will not do,' I replied ; * I owe him money, and we have had a row about it.' I owed Pomme Rouge nothing, but we had seen each other, and he knew that I was Vidocq. It would, therefore, have been imprudent to show myself, and I left my friends to arrange these matters, and on their return, as the appearance of Annette in the vicinity of the shop gave me the certainty that the police were on the qui vive, I proposed to discharge the coach and go and sup in the cabaret of the Grand Casuel, on the Quai Pelletier, at the comer of the Rue Planche Mibray. After the visit to Pomme Rouge we were richer by eighty francs, and the sum at our disposal was so considerable, that we might give way to some excess without fear of distressing ourselves, but we had no time to expend it, for scarcely had we got our glasses in hand when the guard entered, followed by a posse of inspectors. At the sight of the veterans and the spies all their countenances fell, and the general feeling was, ' We are caught.' Thibault, the peace-officer, asked us for our papers ; some had none, and others were not correct, mine were amongst these latter. ' For the charge of all these sparks,' said the peace-officer, 'safe bind, safe find.' We were tied two and two, and conducted to the commissary. Lapierre was coupled with me. ' Have you good legs ?' I said to him in a low tone. * Yes,' was his reply, and when we reached the top of the Rue de la Tannerie, taking out a knife I had con- cealed up my sleeve, I cut the cord. ' Courage, Lapierre, courage !' I cried. With a blow of my elbow I prostrated the veteran who had taken me by the arm ; darted away, and with a few leaps reached a small alley leading to the Seine. Lapierre followed me, and we reached the Quai des Ormes together. They lost all traces of us, and I was very glad to have escaped without being recognised. Lapierre was equally rejoiced, for not having had any time for reflection, he was far from suspecting any sinister motives in me ; but, in fact, if I favoured his escape, it was in the hope of introducing myself, under his auspices, into some other band of thieves. By fleeing with him I removed all suspicions that himself or his companions might have conceived, and kept up the good opinion which they had of me. In this way I hoped to make new discoveries, for as I was a secret agent I was as desirous of acting as quietly as possible, ACCUSING STOCKINGS. 345 Lapierre was free, but I kept him in sight, and was ready to give him up the moment he was no longer useful to me. We continued running towards the hospital, where at length we stopped, and entered a cabaret to recover breath and rest our- selves. I ordered a measure of wine to refresh us. ' Here, lad,' said I to Lapierre, 'here is a comforter.' ' Oh yes, it is hard work.' ' And difficult to keep up, is it not ?' * Nothing can drive the idea from my mind .' < What ?' * Here, let us drink.' And no sooner had he emptied his glass than he becam more pensive. * No, no,' he repeated, ' nothing can drive the idea from my mind ' ' What do you mean ? tell me.' ' Well, then, I will tell you.' 1 You are right : but first you will do well to take off the stockings you have on your feet, and the cravat about your neck.' As it seemed to me that I perceived in the eyes of my friend that dark scowl of mistrust which, if one does not take care, in creases so rapidly, I was glad to testify one of those marks of interest, the effect of which is to reassure a suspicious mind : such was my aim in advising him to remove from his attire some articles of small value, which, during the overhauling of the booty, his associates and himself had immediately applied to their own use. ' What shall I do with them ?' said Lapierre. 'Throw them into the river.' * I'll not be such a fool ! the silk stockings are quite new, and the cravat has never been hemmed.' 'Silly nonsense.' * You want to laugh at me, my boy ; throw away your own first.' I begged him to observe that I had nothing on that could com- promise me. ' You are like the hares,' I added, ' you lose your memory as you run ; do you not remember that there was no cravat for me, and with trousers like these ' (touching those I wore) 'would you have me wear women's stockings ?' He took off the stockings, which, folded up, he enveloped in the cravat. Thieves are at the same time misers and spendthrifts : he felt the necessity of removing these convicting articles out of sight, but his heart bled at the thought of not making a profit by them. It is because the produce of robbery is often so dearly paid for, that the sacrifice of it is always painful. Lapierre was most anxious to sell his stockings and cravat, and 346 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. we went together to the Rue de la Boucherie to offer them to a shopkeeper, who gave us forty-five sous fox them. Lapierre ap- peared to have made up his determination since the catastrophe of Grand Casuel ; yet he was constrained in his manners, and if I am any judge of what was passing in his mind, in spite of my efforts to re-establish myself in his opinion I was strongly suspected. Such feelings were not very favourable to my projects, and persuaded that henceforward I must not temporize, but bring matters to a speedy termination, I said to Lapierre, ' If you like we will go and sup at Place Maubert.' ' I will, if you please,' was the reply. I took him to the Deux Freres, where I called for wine, pork- chops, and cheese. At eleven o'clock we were still at table, everybody had retired, and they brought us in a bill which came to four francs fifteen centimes. I immediately cried out, ' My five-franc piece, my five-franc piece ! where can it be ?' I rummaged all my pockets and searched myself from head to feet. ' My God ! I must have lost it in running ! Look, Lapierre, if you have it !' ' No, I have only my forty-five sous, and not a dump besides.' ' Look for it. I am going to try and arrange with the people.* I offered the cabaretier two francs fifty centimes, promising to bring him the remainder on the morrow ; but he would not listen to me. ' Ah ! you think,' said he, * that you may come and have all you want here, and then pay me with monkey's allowance.' 4 But/ I observed to him, * it is an accident which might happen to the most honest man.' ' That's all my eye ! When one is low in cash we are trickish or so; a cup of wine, or so, one would not mind, but it is no go to have a whole supper on tick? ' Oh, never mind, old lad ; if it accommodates good fellows, never mind.' * Come, come, not so much jaw ; pay me, or I'll fetch the guard.' ' The guard ! that for the guard and you, too !' accom- panying the words with a gesture of contempt much used by common people. * Ah, you vagabond ! is it not enough to carry off my pro- perty ?' cried he, doubling his fist and thrusting it in my face. ' Do not strike me,' I replied to his apostrophe, 'do not strike me, or ' He advanced towards me, and I instantly hit him a blow. A quarrel and uproar followed, which Lapierre thinking would come to serious consequences, judged it best to mizzle ; but on the very moment when he was about to make off and leave me to extricate 'CANDLES OF MAUBEUGE! 347 myself as best I might, the waiter seized him by the throat and cried out, ' Thieves !' The guard-house was nigh, the soldiers came in, and for the second time in that day we were placed between two ranges of "those candles of Maubeuge whose wicks have a smell of gunpowder. .My comrade endeavoured to prove to the corporal that he was 'not in fault, but the veteran was immovable, and we were shut vi p in the guard-house. Lapierre became silent and sad as a brother of La Trappe ; he did not even unclose his teeth. At length, about two o'clock in the morning, the commissary went his round, and a^ked to see the persons in confinement. Lapierre first appeared, and was told he might go if he would pay the bill. I was called in my turn, and on entering the room, recognised M. Legoix. The recognition was mutual, and in two words I ex- plained to him what I had done ; I told him the place where the stockings and cravat had been sold, and whilst he hastened to seize on these articles, which were requisite to convict Lapierre, I returned to him. He was no longer silent. ' The bandage has fallen,' said he ; * I see what is done ; it was all a plot' ' What ! you are laughing at me, but I will speak frankly. Yes, it is done, and it is a plot, but it was you who got us into the trap.' ' No, my friend, it was not me ; I do not know who, but I sus- pect you more than anyone else.' At these words I grew angry, he furious : to threats succeeded blows, and we proceeded to fight until we were separated. As soon as we were parted I found my five-franc piece ; and as the caba- retier had not reckoned the thump I gave him, it was enough for me not only to satisfy all his demands, but also to offer to the corps de garde, I will not say the stirrup-cup, but that small drop of fare- well token which the snob always pays willingly. This tribute paid, there were no farther reasons for my detention, and I started off without paying my adieu to Lapierre, who was now known ; and the next day I learned that the most complete success had crowned my efforts. The two fences, Bras and Pomme Rouge, had been surprised in the midst of ample proofs of the nefarious traffic which they carried on ; the robbers had been apprehended with the pro- perty which they had instantly applied to their use, and they were compelled to confess ; Lapierre alone had tried denial of the facts, "but confronted with the shopkeeper of Rue de la Bucherie, he was -decidedly and positively recognised the stockings and cravat were his accusers. The whole gang, robbers and receivers, were sent to La Force, in the expectation of judgment; there they soon leaint that the comrade who had played the part of ' Vidocq caught,' was, 348 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. in fact, ' Vidocq the catcher.' Great was their surprise ; how they must have commended the admirable talents of the comedian ! The sentence confirmed, all were ordered to the Bagne. The evening before their departure I was present when they were fettered, and, on seeing me, they could not forbear smiling. ' Behold your work, you villain,' said Lapierre; 'you are content, no doubt.' 1 1 have, at least, no reproach to make against myself ; I did not advise you to steal. Did you not make up to me ? Why be so confiding ? When a man exercises a profession like yours, he ought to be more on his guard.' * It is all well,' said Commery ; ' you are sure to be at the galleys again yourself.' 1 In the meantime a good journey to yourself. Keep my place for me, and if ever you return to Pantin ' (Paris), ' do not play at such dangerous games again.' After this reply they conversed together, and Richelot said, ' Well, well ! I owe him a turn.' * As for you,' replied the shipwright, ' you brought him amongst us. Since you knew him, you ought to have known that he was a nose. 9 1 Ah, yes ! it was Richelot who brought it upon us,' sighed Pomme Rouge, who was being fettered, and nearly had his head broken by the hammer which was riveting his collar. ' Do not move,' said the smith loughly. * It was he, it was he,' replied the fence, ' who floored us, and but for him ' 'Stand steady, you fool, and mind your eye.' 1 These were the last words I heard, but as I went away I saw, by certain gestures, that the colloquy grew warmer. What are they saying ? I know not CHAPTER XXXIII. Saint Cloud The aspiring spy The foubourg Saint Marceau The turkey's claws Explanation of the word Traiffe The man who arrests himself The new Epictetus The mistress of a Russian prince Mother Bariole The invulnerable The picture of the Sabines The lottery ticket Penelope The beautiful mask Louison la Blagucuse Emilie in the guard-house Return to Bariole's The Sybil's tripod Josephine Real Three arrests The traitor punished. IN 1812, a professed thief, named Hotot, who had long sought to be reinstated as a secret agent, in which employment he had been engaged previously to my admission into the police, came to offer his services to me for the fete of St. Cloud. It is known as one of the most celebrated of the environs of Paris, and that, led by HOTOT 349 the concourse of persons, pickpockets assemble there in large bodies. It was on Friday that Hotot was brought to me by a comrade. This step appeared to me the more extraordinary, as I had previously given information against him which had led to his being brought before the court of assizes. Perhaps he only desired to connect himself with me that he might the more readily play me some ill turn : such was my first thought, but I received him kindly, and even testified my satisfaction that he had not doubted my wish to be of service to him. I evinced so much apparent sincerity in my proffers of good-will towards him, that it was impossible for him to conceal his intentions from my pene- tration. A sudden change, which overspread his whole face, con- vinced me instantly, that, in accepting his offer, I was favouring some plans which he was not willing to confide to me. I saw his internal congratulations at having duped me. But, be that as it might, I feigned to have the utmost confidence in him, and it was agreed that, on the following Sunday, he should go, at two o'clock, and post himself near the principal basin, that he might point out the thieves of his acquaintance, who, he told me, would come to work at that spot On the day appointed, I went to Saint Cloud with the only two agents I then had under my command. On arriving at the destined place, I looked out for Hotot ; I walked backwards and forward, looked about me on all sides, but no Hotot. At length, after waiting for an hour and a half, my patience being worn nearly threadbare, I despatched one of my staff to the principal walk, desiring him to endeavour to find an auxiliary whose want of punctuality was as suspicious as his zeal. My agent searched for an entire hour, when, wearied with ex- ploring every hole and corner of the garden and park, he returned and told me that he could not find Hotot. The moment after- wards I saw my man himself running towards me bathed in perspiration. ' You do not know,' said he to us, * that I had just got hold of six prigs, but they saw you and instantly mizzled. I am sorry, for they swallowed the bait, but what is deferred is not lost, and I shall have them yet.' I pretended to take all this for gospel, and Hotot was convinced that I had not any doubt of his veracity. We spent the greater portion of the day together, and only separated about twilight. I then went to the gendarmes' station, where the peace-officers told me that many watches had been stolen in a direction precisely opposite to that in which, by the advice of Hotot, our watch was kept. It was then plain to me that he had attracted us to one point, that he might the more easily work in another. Jt is an 350 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. old stratagem in the tactics of diversion and false information given by thieves, that they may have less fear of the police. Hotot, whom I took good care not to reproach in any way, imagined that he had completely gulled me : but if I said nothing, I did not think the less, and increasing my show of friendship towards him, whilst he was meditating a renewal of his Saint- Cloud trickery, I was on the alert to catch him tripping at the first opportunity. Our friendship being still very close, the oppor- tunity presented itself earlier than I had even dared to hope. One morning I suddenly determined to make a visit to Hotot. We were near where he resided. I proposed to my comrade of the watch to accompany me ; and, on his assenting, we went to Hotot's, where, on knocking, he opened the door and appeared surprised to see us ; * what a wonder at this early hour.' * Are you astonished ?' said I ; ' we come to have a glass with you.' * Oh ! you are welcome ;' and then jumping into bed, * where is the liquor ?' ' GarTre will be so kind as to fetch it.' I put my hand into my pocket, and as Gaffre', as a Jew, was less careful of his trouble than his money, he willingly undertook the commission, and went out for that purpose. During his absence I remarked that Hotot had the air of a man who has gone to bed later than usual ; the room was, besides, in a very extraordinary state of disorder. His clothes, rather torn than taken off, seemed to have had a heavy soaking ; and his shoes were covered with white clay, which was still wet. Not to have concluded from all these indications that Hotot had but recently returned, would not have been Vidocq. For the moment I thought nothing more of it, but my fancy soon wandered into the wide field of conjecture, and I conceived suspicions which I took care not to evince ; I would not even appear curious, that is to say indiscreet, and, for fear of disquieting my worthy friend, I did not ask him a single question. We spoke of the rain and the fine weather, but more of the fine weather than the rain, and when we had nothing left to drink, we went away. Once out of the house, I communicated to Gaffre' the remarks; I had made ; ' I am much deceived,' I added, ' or he has been abroad all night ; there has been something in the wind.' ' I think so too, for his clothes are still wet, and his shoes covered with mud ! He has not been walking in the dust.' Hotot hardly thought we were talking of him, but yet his ears must have tingled. ' Where has he been ? What has he done ?* we inquired of each other ; ' perhaps he has joined some gang.* THE TURKEYS CLAWS. 351 Gaflr was no less puzzled than myself, and we were compelled to think that Hotot might be honest after all. At twelve o'clock, we went to make our report of the trans- actions of the night ; our account was not very interesting; * nothing has occurred,' was the whole contents. ' Ah !' said M. Henry to us, ' the people in the Faubourg Saint Marceau are all honest ; I had much better have sent you to the Boulevard Saint Martin ; it appears that the lead-robbers have renewed their work ; they carried more than four hundred and fifty pounds from a house newly built. The watchman, who pursued without catching them, says they were four in number. The robbery was effected during the heavy shower of last night' * During the heavy shower ! parbleu !' I cried, ' you know one of the robbers.' ' Who is he ?' ' Hotot.' * He who served the police, and who asked leave to enter it ?' * The same.' I told M. Henry my suspicions and remarks, and as he was convinced that I was correct, I went out instantly, that I might with all possible speed convert what was at present but presump- tive evidence into proof positive. The commissary of the quarter in which the robbery had been effected, went with me to the spot, and we found in one place on the ground the deep im- print of two nailed shoes, and the earth had been indented by the weight of a man. These traces could afford precise indications ; and precautions were taken that they should not be effaced. I felt perfectly assured that they were exactly fitted to Hotot's shoes, and taking GarTre' with me to him, that I might verify my suspicions without alarming the culprit, I devised the plan, which was thus executed. On getting to Hotot's residence, we made a tremendous noise at the door. 4 Get up, get up, we have brought the poultry.' He arose, turned the key, and we stumbled into the room like men some- what stupid with liquor. ' Hallo !' said Hotot, ' allow me to pay my respects to you. You have been warming the oven early this morning.' ' Yes ; and we have come to you,' I replied, * to finish the baking. You are very cunning,' I added, showing him in its covering a purchase which we made as we came along, 'guess what we have in here.' ' How can I guess.' Then, tearing the corner of the paper, exposed the claws of a bird. * Ah ! sacre dieq !' he cried, ' it is a turkey,' 352 MEMOIRS OF VWOCQ. ' Yes, a brother of yours ; and, as you see, it is by its feet that we know this sort of animal : do you understand me now ?' 4 What does he say?' ' I say it is roasted.' ' Oh ! it should be baked with venison fat.' * Venison fat ! here, look at it.' I handed the bird to him, and whilst he examined and turned it over and over, Gaffre stooped down, picked up his shoes, and put them in his hat. 4 Well, and what did you give for this bit of hollow ? ' Seven bob, a kick, and eight mag.' ' The d ! Seven shillings and tenpence. About the price of a pair of shoes.' ' Exactly so, my boy,' said the pilferer, rubbing his hands. * Here is plenty to bite at ; and how well it smells, quite de- liciously, it is perfectly tempting ! We will soon settle his business.' * Who carves ? I cannot.' ' Well, then, we will help you ; is there a knife in the box ?' * Yes, look in the drawer.' I found a knife, and then sought an excuse to send Gaffre' out. ' Oh, by the way,' said I, whilst I laid the cloth, * you can oblige me by going to my house, and saying, that they need not wait dinner for me.' ' Very well, and then you will be off without me ; that is no go; I shall not cut my stick until I have had some grubbery. 1 ' But we cannot eat without drinking.' * Well, then, I will have the liquor produced.' He opened the window, and called to a vintner. ' And now,' he added, 'you cannot play me any trick.' Gaffre was like the majority of police-agents, and, except being treacherous, a good-enough fellow ; but a perfect gourmand. With him the belly superseded all other business ; and thus, al- though he had Obtained possession of the shoes, which was the main point in the affair, I saw I could not induce him to leave the place until he had his share of eatables. I hastened, therefore, to cut up the bird, and when the wine arrived, * Come to the table,' I cried to my gastronomist, * make haste, and cram your fill.' Hotot's bed was his table, and without any forks but those of father Adam, we made to the god who is within us, that is the god of Ventrus, a sacrifice in the manner of the ancients. We ate like ogres, and the repast was quickly terminated. * Now,' said Gaffre, ' I can toddle. I know not if you are like me, but when the sun shines in my stomach, I am good for nothing ; when the chest is full it is a different matter,' AN ASPIRING SP Y. 353 'Well, then, mizzle? He took his hat, and disappeared. * Now he is gone,' said Hotot, with the tone of a man who is not sorry to be left alone with another for some time. ' Well, my friend Jules, is there never to be a vacancy for Hotot ?' 1 Patience, patience, all will come in good time.' ' It is only for you to say a good word for me, and M. Henry would listen, if you would ' ' It must not be to-day, then, for I expect a good rowing ; Gaffre' will not escape, frflr we have not sent in our report these two days.' This lie was not without its purpose ; it was not necessary that Hotot should think I had been informed of the robbery in which I believed him a participator ; he was without mistrust, and I kept him in that security ; and, for fear he should think of getting up, I led the conversation to those points which most interested him. He spoke to me successively of many affairs. ' Ah !' he said, sighing, * if I were certain of entering the police again, with a pay of twelve or fifteen bob a day, I could give such information ! I know now of a burglary, which would be a welcome disclosure to M. Henry.' ' Do you ?' 1 Yes, three robbers, Berchier called Bicetre, Caffin, and Linois, whom I will give up to him in the actual fact, as sure as you and I make two.' ' If you can, why don't you ? That would be an excellent be- ginning.' ' I know it, but ' * Are you afraid to make yourself seem visible in the business ? If you perform services, I will do my best to insure your admis- sion.' c Ah, my friend, you pour balm into my mind ; you will procure my admission.' 'Oh, that will be easily affected.' 1 Come then, a bumper to luck,' cried Hotot, transported with joy. 1 Yes, let us drink to your approaching reception/ ' And the sooner the better.' Hotot was enchanted, and already laid down a line of conduct : he had his dreams of happiness, and there was in his very legs those inquietudes of hopes which are produced by the prospect of coming pleasure. I was afraid lest he should quit his bed, when at length some person knocked at the door ; it was Gaffre, holding in his hand a small bottle of brandy, which Annette had given to 2 3 354 MEMOIRS OF VIDOCQ. him. Traiffej said my Israelitish colleague as he entered, in that Hebrew slang, which was doubtless the favourite language of our patron, Monsieur Judas. As I pique myself on being a Hebraist of the first order, I instantly comprehended him, and saw how to play my cards. Whilst I was pouring out for the neophyte the nectar of a policeman, Gaffre replaced the shoes. We continued to chat and drink, and before we parted, I learnt that the plunder of the lead was that of which Hotot proposed to point out the perpetrators. The Father Bellemont, a blacksmith of the Rue de la Tannerie, was the fence whom he mentioned to me. As these details were interesting, I told Hotot that I should in- stantly communicate them to M. Henry, and recommended him to find out the place where the three thieves slept. He promised to point out the house, and when we had agreed upon prelimi- naries, we separated. GarTr had not left me. ' Well !' said he, ' it is he ; the shoes fit precisely, and the impression is very deep. In leaping from the window he must have fallen with all his weight.' This was the signification of the word traiffe ; and now I had only to take measures accordingly. I had already explained Hotot's conduct to myself, and I readily conceived the part he wished to play. In the first place, it was clear that he committed the robbery with the intention of making his profit by it, but he was chasing two hares at once ; by pointing out his accomplices he attained his second object, that of making himself of consequence in the eyes of the police, that he might thereby be re-established in their employ. I trembled to think of the consequences of such a combination. Wretch, said I to myself, I will contrive that he may have the recompense of his crime, and if the unhappy crea- tures who have aided him in his expedition are convicted, it is but just that he should be a partaker of their sentence. I did not hesitate to believe him the most guilty of the whole, and from what I knew of his character, it seemed most probable to me that he had led them on to it, only to contrive a job ; I even went so far as to think that it was possible that he alone had committed the robbery, but thought it advisable to accuse of his own crime those individuals whose misconduct made them suspected charac- ters. In each of these suppositions, Hotot was a great rogue, and I determined to rid society of him. I knew that he had two mistresses, one Emilie Simonet, who had several children by him, and with whom he lived as a husband; the other Flicit Renaud, a common girl, who doated upon him. I thought I could contrive to attain my ends by setting these rivals at loggerheads, and by their mutual jealousy light the flambeau that was to show him to justice, Hotot was watched, and in the AN ASPIRING SP Y. 355 afternoon I learned that he was in the Champs Elys