Mc fm^LF ^B 1^6 ^^I M ''i^^^l^^ii^^k^iftm^Ljjm!^^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CA"K)RNIA ttAH? HtfBOfc mmi ^'^'^^^MkkJ^^ ^^eseutea b^f J^af. ^ received. JVc?-' m Section n. rp. , 'I'e »es»ion. If , ' . "^^w, shall bo ret,,™^ '°™"'™ f™- fte Llh "™T T"" '"."■". or fan J'.""'-"' '" "»■ cl».e of ""l^rof H, °r' " ' '"""' "'» »«n,„, ,„ J.'' '""■'■°'^' ""1 before >- «ur„t an ; f"" '* '«MeJ t; I;?" "•■■■ "■■-■".allow' . „/- ;■'• *-''-' ■■■«>■«::::';" "-* - ■>'i^--<'r' "-" -" f «"<■ « a';?*:':;:" ;" ^---t ^IIT"^ *« »™-- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ^^^ CATALOGUE '^ OF THE PUBLIC LIBEAET OF u NDIANAPOLIS, 187 3. INDIANAPOLIS: PRESS OF PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE. 18 7 3. " Books are men of higher stature, And the only men that speak aloud for future times to hear." — E. B. Browning. " Let us consider how great a commodity of doctrine exists in books ; how easily, how secretly, how safely they expose the nakedness of human ignorance, without putting it to shame. These are the masters who instruct us without rods and fer- rules, without h'ard words and anger, without clothes or money. If you approach them, they are not asleep ; if investigating you interrogate them, they conceal noth- ing ; If you mistake them, they never grumble ; if you are ignorant, they cannot laugh at yow.:^— Richard de Bury. Books should to one of these four ends conduce For wisdom, piety, delight, or use." -Denham. nrinp HISTORICAL PREFACE. The need of a Public Library in the City of Indianapolis had long been felt by many of her citizens. The libraries to which they had access were few and unsatisfactory ; few in regard to the number of inhabitants, and unsatisfactory in the manner in which the books could be used. They were first the State Library numbering at the present time ten thousand volumes, one-third of which are duplicates; this library is rich in its departments of state and public documents, and numbers in its collection a few rare and illustrated books, but in any one department it lacks that completeness that gives it value in the eyes of the student — for whom alone it is intended — as the volumes are not allowed to be taken away. Next in size, and in its completeness in the department of law, greater in importance, is the Law Library numbering sixty-five hundred volumes, these also are for use only in the building. The Marion County Library, with a miscellaneous collection of two thou- sand volumes, one-fourth of which are public documents, is open to all citizens of the county, for six hours in the week, on payment of an annual sum of one dollar ; the amount received from this source, with an annual appropriation ($200) from the county, barely pays for the services of the librarian and the repair of the books, and the library has remained of the same size for a number of years; the well-read volumes show that this, the nearest approach to a Public Library, under a more liberal management would have supplied a pressing need in the wants of the city. Less than a thousand volumes, bearing the name of the Township Library, are little known and never used, and a slight examination of their contents show them to be incomplete sets and mutilated volumes. In the rooms of the Y. M. C, A. are less than four hundred volumes of a character not likely to attract. There was then but one library of two thousand volumes at all suited to the wants of the public, the others were for the few. 444 IV HISTORICAL PREFACE. On Thanksgiving day, November 26, 1868, Rev. Hanford A. Edson preached a sermon, which while it breathed throughout his strong regard and care for the welfare of the city, was, to use his own words, " a plea for a Public Library." " The great want of the city," said Mr Edson, " the deficiency that is really fatal to its character, has not yet been pointed out. I mean the want of a Public Library. No community can be respectable, the grandest city must be mean, without books. No one can have books enough of his own. Only a few can have a private library even of the smallest dimensions, while those whose own collections are the largest must con- tinually mourn because they are so small. Provision must be made by which the citizens may borrow books, or to a very hurtful degree they will be compelled to do without them." "This," said he, at the close, "will be a true Thanksgiving day for me, if I have induced any to strive for, or even ardently desire a Public Library." This appeal of Mr. Edson's led to the organization of the Indianapolis Library Association, the aim of which was to make a collection of books, eventually to become the nucleus of a Public Library; to this end the capital stock of the Association was divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, the original subscribers agreeing to pay one hundred and fifty dollars in annual instalments of twenty-five dollars; with a membership of one hundred and thirteen, and an admirably selected library of nearly four thousand volumes, the Association under the careful, judicious management of its officers, was becoming not only a source of entertainment and in- struction to its members, but also to many of the citizens, who were liberally granted the same privilege on payment of a small fee. On the 3d of March 1871, the law under which the city schools are at present organized was passed by the legislature. Section 4th, Article 3d of which authorizes the Board of School Commissioners of any city of thirty thousand or more inhabitants — " To levy a tax each year of not exceeding one-fifth of one mill on each dollar of taxable property assessed for city taxes by the City Assessor for the support of free libraries in connection with the common schools of such city, and to disburse any and all revenue raised by such tax levy in the purchase of books for and in the fitting up of suitable rooms for such libraries, and for salaries to librarians : also to make and enforce such regulations as they may deem necessary for the taking out from and returning to, and i'or the proper care of all books belonging to such libraries, and to prescribe penalties for the violation of such regulations." This tax was levied by the Board of School Commissioners of this city, and a committee consisting of Dr. H. G. Carey, Dr. T. B. Elliott and Austin H, Brown, Esq., were appointed to take charge of the organization of the library HISTORICAL PREFACE. this committee in the discharge of their duties visited several of the cities n which Public Libraries are in operation, and were fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Wm. F. Poole, Librarian of the Public Library of Cin- cinnati to assist them ; lists of books were prepared by Mr. Poole, approved by the committee and placed in the hands of agents in England, Germany and at home for collection ; rooms for the accommodation of the books and of readers were prepared in the High School building, and the work of organization may be said to have fairly begun : at this stage to some one occurred the " happy thought " of donating the library of the Indianapolis Library Association to the then forming Public Library ; this generous purpose was as generously carried out, the entire body of stockholders uniting in transferring their collection to the public. About the 1st of January 1873, the work of cataloguing and preparing for circulation the rapidly arriving volumes was commenced, and on the 1st of April the library was opened to the public for the registration of names, the preliminary step to the circulation of the books. On Tuesday evening April 8th occurred the formal opening of the library, the exer- cises of which took place in the hall of the High School building and con- sisted of singing by the Euterpean society, an invocation by Rev. H. R. Naylor, historical sketch of the organization of the library by Judge A. L. Roache, and addresses by Gov. T. A. Hendricks, Rev. H. A. Edson, Judge E. B. Martindale, Dr. T. B. Elliott, Prof. E. T. Cox and Rev. J. P. E. Kumler. On the following morning, April 9th, 1873, the library opened its doors for the delivery of books, with a registration showing the names of five hundred persons, a number which has increased to three thousand eight hundred and fifty persons, at the issue of this catalogue, and a total delivery in the first six months of its operations, of over fifty thousand volumes. The number of volumes now belonging to the Public Library and in- cluded in this catalogue is twelve thousand seven hundred and ninety; eight hundred and ninety-two of which are duplicate copies of standard authors. That the success of the library shall be only bounded by its usefulness is the ardent wish of ajl connected with its management; but to make it such a library as the City of Indianapolis ought to have, it needs the liberal support of all its patrons and friends who with their families daily enjoy its privileges. Many good books will be looked for in vain on its shelves and in its catalogue, and while these will be obtained as rapidly as the resources of the library will permit, this end and its usefulness might be materially aided by those who have at heart the education and advancement of the people. Public LiBRARy of Indianapolis, November 13, 1873. OFFIOEES, 1873-4. LIBRARY COMMITTEE. HARVEY G. CAREY, Chairmax. AUSTIN H. BROWN. WILLIAM A. BELL. JNO. M. RIDENOUR. JOHN D. HOWLAND. HANFORD A. ED80N. SIMON YANDES. CYRUS C. HINES. LIBRARIAN. CHARLES EVANS. EULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The Library and Reading-rooms shall, on all secular days, be open and free to all citizens from nine o'clock a. m., to nine o'clock p. m., and on Sun- days, for reading and reference only, betwefen the same hours. 2. The Librarian, under direction of the Library Committee, shall have charge of the Library and Reading-rooms and the books and other public property therein. He is responsible for the safety of such books and property, and for the preservation of order in his department. 3. The Library and Reading-rooms shall be closed on such days as the Library Committee may direct. 4. The use of tobacco, and all conversation and other conduct not consis- tent with the quiet and orderly use of the Reading-rooms, is prohibited. 5. Residents of Indianapolis are entitled to use the books of the Library upon registering their names and residences, and complying with either of. the following conditions : First. Giving satisfactory security in the form prescribed by the Board of School Commissioners. Second. Depositing three dollars and, in special cases, such further sums as the value of the book asked for may, in the judgment of the Librarian, require. For such deposit a receipt will be given. 6. The Library Committee has power to admit, for special reasons, to the use of the Library, peisons not actual residents of Indianapolis. 7. Each person permitted to take books from the Library will be supplied with a card inscribed with the name and residence. If this residence is changed immediate notice must be given at the Library, and neglect to give this notice will subject the card holder to forfeiture of the card. VI 11 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 8. The holder of a card is entitled to one volume if octavo; and to two volumes of lesser size, being of the same work. 9. Books may be retained two weeks, and renewed for the same period. The application for renewal must be made within the first fourteen days. 10. Books of recent purchase, labeled " Seven-day Book," shall not be re- tained more than one week and can not be renewed. 11. Encyclopsedias, dictionaries, other works of reference and illustrated books, and such others as may be considered by the Committee unsuited for general circulation, can be used only in the building. 12. All injuries to books beyond reasonable wear, and all losses, shall promptly be made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian. 13. Any one withholding a book beyond the period limited in these rules shall be fined three cents for every day over the time, and no other book shall be delivered until the fine is paid. 14. Books withheld in violation of the rules after proper notice to the delinquent, will be sent for, and to the fine will be added the expense of collection and serving notice. No book will be lent to the delinquent until such fines and charges are paid. 15. If any book is not returned within one month of serving notice, the Librarian shall proceed to collect, through the City Attorney, the value of the book, with accrued fines and other charges to date of payment. 16. Any one abusing the privileges of the Library or violating these rules shall be temporarily suspended from the enjoyment of these privileges ; and the case shall be reported to the Committee for proper action thereon. 17. These regulations are subject to alteration, amendment, or revision, at the pleasure of the Board of School Commissioners. Approved March 21. 1873. LIST OF PERIODICALS. Aldine. American biblioAolist. American chemist. American church review. American historical record. American journal of science. American law review. American naturalist, Appleton's journal. Art journal. Athenseum. Atlantic monthly. Baptist quarterly review. Benham's musical review. Bibliotheca sacra. Blackwood's magazine. Bookseller. Boston journal of chemistry. British quarterly review. Builder. Catholic world. Chamber's journal. Chatterbox. Christian union. Contemporary review. Cornhill magazine. Cultivator and country gentleman. Dark blue. Dublin university magazine. Dwiglit's journal of music. Eclectic magazine. Edinburgh review. Educationist. Engineering. Every Saturday. Examiner. Fortnightly review. Frank Leslie's illustrated paper. Fraser's magazine. Galaxy. Gardener's monthly. Gartenlaube. Godey's lady's book. Good words. Graphic. Hall's journal of health. Harper's bazar. Harper's new monthly magazine. Harper's weekly. Hearth and home. Horticulturist. Illustrated London news. L' Illustration. Journal of speculative philosophy. Lakeside monthly. Lens, (The). LISr OF PERIODICALS. Lippincott's magazine. Literary world. Littell's living age. Little corporal. London society. Macmillan's magazine. Manufacturer and builder, Massachusetts teacher. Merry's museum. Methodist quarterly review. Nation. Nature. New Englander, North American review. Notes and queries. Nursery. Old and new. Oliver Optic's magazine. Our young folks. Overland monthly. Peterson's magazine. Phrenological journal. Popular science monthly. Practical magazine. Presbyterian quarterly. Public opinion. 'Publisher's circular. Publishers' weekly. Punch. Quarterly review. Revue des deux mondes. Religious magazine. Riverside magazine. St. Nicholas. Saint Paul's. Saturday review. Schoolmate. Science gossip. Scientific American. Scribner's monthly. Spectator. Sunday magazine. Temple bar. Ueber Land und Meer. U. S. patent office. Official gazette. Van Nostrand's engineering magazine, Westminster review. EXPLANATIONS. The arrangement of this catalogue is that in general use among Public J.ibraries; the so-called Dictionary system. Each book is entered under the author, title and subject, and the whole arranged in one alphabetical series : the exceptions to the above are anonymous works, the authors of which are unknown ; works of fiction, and those having arbitrary titles which do not admit of being placed under subjects. Pseudonymous works are entered under the authors name when known, with a cross reference from the pseudonym, and under the pseudonym when the real name has not been ascertained. Titles should be looked for under the first word not an article or preposition. Subjects will be found in their alphabetical order^ with a sub alphabetical arrangement of the authors on that subject. Look for a book therefor as you would for a word in the dictionary, under the author, its title, or the subject. Names beginning with Le, La, or L., Du or Des are entered under those letters, by de or rf' under the initial following this prefix. The prefix in English names is r-onsidered part of the surname; as De Foe, De Quincy. Compound names are entered under the first part of the name; as Merle d'Aubigne, Stael-Holstein. British noblemen are entered under their family names, reference being made to these under their titles. A name in italics enclosed in parenthesis, following an authors name, is the pseudonym of such author; as Lewes, M. J, {George Eliot.) The letter in the right-hand margin refers to the department, the figures before it to the number of the book in that department, and may refer to more than one volume; in case a reference is made to some particular volume of a work or series, the entry will contain an additional number, thus: 10-1, C. denotes the 1st volume of 10,C. or Spark's American biography, volume 1., 664-7, J. the shelf-mark of Homer's Iliad, translated by Cowper, refers to the 7th volume of Cowper's works, 664. J. Xll EXPLAIIATIONS. The following abbreviations have been employed: P. D. Public document room; L. R. Librarian's room; R. R. Reading-room; references to these departments are usually accompanied by a star (*), which denotes that the volume is not allowed to be taken from the Library. A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading, followed by another the omission of a subordinate heading. Other abbreviations are : n.d. for no date ; ed. for editor or edited ; tr. for translator or translated ; pseud, for pseudonym ; /o/. folio; 4°. quarto; 8°. octavo; 12°. duodecimo, etc. All persons using the Library are requested to call for the books by their shelf-marks, and not by the titles ; the attendants will furnish slips on which to copy the numbers of the books desired. It is advisable to give the shelf-marks of several, to increase the chances of finding one of them in. CATALOGUE. Abbot, The. Sir W. Scott. Leip. 1860. 16°. . . 1250, J, — The same. Phil. n. d. 12°. .... 2780, A. Abbott.A.W. Impulse and principle and other stories. N.Y. 1871. 16°. 15, B. Abbott, E. A. and Seeley, J. R, English lessons for English people. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . ' . . . 290, 0. Abbott, J. American history. N.Y. 1860-4. 7 v. 16°. Vol. I, Aboriginal America. 160, D. Vol. 4. Northern colonies. 163, D. 2. Discovery of America 161, D. 5. Wars of the colonies. I64, D. 3. The southern colonies 162, D. 6. Revolt of the colonies. 165, D. Vol. 7. War of the revolution. 166, D. — August stories. N.Y. 1871-2. 4 v. 16°. Vol. I. August and Elvie. 20, B. Vol. 3. The schooner Mary Ann. 22, B. 2. Hunter and Tom. 21, B. 4. Granville valley. 23,8. — Franconia stories. N.Y. 1850-8. 10 v. 16°. Vol. I. Malleville.. 24, B. Vol. 6. Rodolphus. 29, B. 2. Wallace. 25,6. 7. Ellen Linn. 30, B. 3. Mary Erskine. 26, B. 8. Stuyvesant. 31, B. 4. Mary Bell. 27, B. 9. Caroline. 32, B. 5. Beechnut. 28,6. 10. Agnes. 33, B. — Harper's story books. N.Y. 1854. 12 v. 16°. . . 40, B. Vol. 1. Bruno; Willie and the mortgage ; The straight gate. 2. Little Louvre ; Prank; Emma. 3. Virginia ; Timboo and Joliba ; Timboo and Fanny. 4. Harper establishment ; Franklin ; The studio. 5. Story of ancient history ; Story of American history ; Story of English history. 6. John True ; Elfred ; The museum. 7. The engineer; Rambles among the Alps ; The three gold dollars. 8. Gibraltar gallery ; The alcove; Dialogues. 9. The great elm ; Aunt Margaret ; Vernon. 10. Carl and Jocko ; Lapstone ; Orkney. 11. Judge Justin ; Minico ; Jasper. 12. Congo; Viola and Arno ; Little Paul. — History of Alexander the great. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of King Alfred. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — History of Charles I. N.Y. 1868. 16°. . — History of Charles II. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of Cleopatra. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of Cyrus the great. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — History of Darius the great. N.Y. 1860. 16°. — History of Queen Elizabeth. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — History of Genghis Khan. N.Y. 1860. 16°. — History of Hannibal. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of Julius Ceesar. N.Y. 1869. 16°. 77, B. 78, B. 79, B. 80, B. 81, B. 82, B. 83, B. 84, B. 85, B. 86, B. 91, B. CATALOGUE OF THE Abbott, J. History of Margaret of Anjou. N.Y. 1861. 16 — History of Mary, queen of Scots. N.Y. 1862. 16°. — History of Nero. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of Peter the great. N. Y. 1868. 16°. — History of Pyrrhus. N.Y. 1854. 16°. — History of Richard I. N.Y. 1857. 16°. — History of Richard II. N.Y. 1858. 16°. — History of Richard III. N.Y. 1858. 16° . — History of Romulus. N.Y. 1868. 16°. — History of William the conqueror. N.Y. 1868. — History of Xerxes the great. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — Marco Paul's voyages and travels. N.Y. 1852-3 Vol.1. Adventures in New York. 34, B. Vol 2. On the Erie canal. 35, B. 3. Forests of Maine. . 36, B. — Rollo series. N.Y. 1868. 14 v. 16°. 16^ 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 6v. 16°. Adventures in Vermont. 37, B. Adventures in Boston. 38, B. AttheSpringfieldarmory.39, B, Vol. I. Rollo learning to talk. 52, B. 2. Rollo learning to read. 53, B. 3. Rollo at work. 54, B. 4. Rollo at play. 55, B. 5. Rollo at school* 56, B. 6,. RoUo's vacation. 57, B, 7. Rollo's experiments. 58, B. — Rollo's tour in Europe. N.Y. Vol. I. Rollo on the Atlantic. 67, B. 2. Rollo in Paris. 68, B. 3. Rollo in Switzerland. 69, B. 4. Rollo in London. 70, B. 5. Rollo on the Rhine. 71, B. — Science for the young. N.Y. Vol. I. Heat. 45, Q- 2. Light. 46, Q. 1868. 1872- Vol. i Hi 12. 13- 14. 10 V. Vol. 6. ■3. 4 Vol. 3. 4. Rollo's museum . 59, B, Rollo's travels. 60, B. Rollo's correspondence, 61, B. Rollo's philosophy-water 62, B. Rollo's philosophy — air. 63, B. Rollo's philosophy — fire. 64, B. Rollo's philosophy — sky. 65, B. 16°. Rollo in Scotland. 72, B. Rollo in Geneva. 73, B. Rollo in Holland. 74i B. Rollo in Naples. 75, B. Rollo in Rome. 76, B. V. 12°. Water and land. Force. 1872. Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. N.Y — Ferdinand de Soto. N.Y. 1873. 12°. — The French revolution of 1789. N.Y. 1859. 8°. — History of Frederick II, called the great. N.Y. 1871. 8°. — History of Henry IV. N.Y. 1856. 16°. — History of Hernando Cortez. N.Y. 1855. 16°. — History of Hortense. N.Y. 1870. 16°. — History of Josephine. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . — History of King Philip of the Wampanoags. N.Y. 1857. 16 — History of Louis Philippe. N.Y. 1871. 16°. — History of Madame Roland. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — History of Marie Antoinette. N.Y. 1867. 16°. — History of Napoleon Bonaparte. N.Y. 1870. 2 v. 8°. — History of Napoleon III. Bost. 1868. 8°. . — Lives of the presidents of the United States. Bost. 1869 — Miles Standish, the puritan captain. N.Y. 1872. 12°. — Napoleon at St. Helena. N.Y. 1871. 8°. ... — The romance of Spanish history. N.Y. 1869. 12°. Abbott, L. Jesus of Nazareth ; his life and teachings. N.Y. 1869 47, Q. 48, Q. 12°. 550, 4512, 1105, . 475, 8^ 87, 88, 89, 90, 98, 92, 103, 94, 1366, 1415, 102, 500, 1365, 4004, '. 328, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. Abdallah, or the four-leaved shamrock. E.Laboulaye. Lond.1868. 16°.1214, M. A^Beckett, G, A, The comic Blackstone. Lond. 1872. 16°. . 5, S, -r- The comic history of England. Lond. n. d. 8°. . . 1905, E. — The comic history of Eome. Lond. n. d, 8°. . 845, E, Abel, C. D. Elementary principles of machinery. Lond. 1860. 12°. 251, J, Atlas of plates. Lond. 1860. 14°. . . . 317, J, Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, G. H. Abernethy, J. Macilwain, G. Memoirs of. N.Y. 1853. 12°. . 2275, C. Abominations of modern society. T. DeW.Talmage. N.Y. 1872, 12°. 2333, L, About, E. F. V. Germaine. Bost. 1860. 12°. . . 1391, M, — Handbook of social economy. N. Y. 1863. 12° . , 38, P. — The king of the mountains. Bost. 1861. 12°. . , 1389, M, — The man with the broken ear. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . , 1387, M. — The Koman question. ^.Y. 1859. 12°. . . 790, E. — Rouge et noir. Phil. 1873. 12° 1392, M, Abrant^s, Duchesse d'. See Junot, Mme. L. P. Abyssinia. Baker, ^S'zVS.W. The Nile tributaries of Phil. 1868. 12°. 991, F, — Blanc, H. Narrative of captivity in Abyssina. Lond. 1868. 12°. 829, F, — Dufton, H. A journey through Abyssinia. Lond. 1868. 8°. 833, F. — Russell, M. Nubia and Abyssina. Edin. 1833. 16°. . 147, J. — Markham., C. R. The Abyssinian expedition. Lond. 1869. 8°' 849, F. Acadia. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 75, D. — Hardy, C. Forest life in Acadie. Lond. 1869. 8°. . 95, D. Accidents. First help in accidents and sickness. Bost. 1871. 12°. 175, T. Acheta Domestica, pseud. See Budgen, L. M. Achilles Tatius. The loves of Clitopho and Leucipo. Lond. 1855. 8°. 459, J. Acoustics. Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics. N.Y. 1870. 12°. ' 10, Q. — Smith, T. R. Acoustics of public buildings. Lond. n. d. 12°. 252, J. Across the continent. S. Bowles. Springfield, 1866. 12°. . 2695, D. Ad fidem. Parish evidences of the Bible. E. F. Burr. Bost. 1872. 12°. 562, R. Adam Bede. M. J. Lewes. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1126, J. — The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. .... 835, A. Adams, A. A naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. Lond. 1870. 8°. 1265, F. Adams, C. Boys at home. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . . 125, B. — Edgar Clifton. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . . . 126, B. Adams, C. F. and J. Q. Life of John Adams. Phil. 1871. 2v. 12°. 560, C. Adams, C. F. jr. and H. Chapters of Erie and other essays. Bost. 1871. 12° 2286, L. Adams, F. C. The Von Toodleburgs. Phil. 1868. 12°. . . 4015, A. Adams, H. G. Life and adventures of Dr. Livingstone. Lond. n.d. 16°. 2750, C. Adams, J. Works ed. by C. F. Adams. Bost. 1856. 10 v. 8°. 2043, L. Vol. I. Life by C. F. Adams. II. Diary ; Notes of debates in congress 1775-6 ; Autobiography ; Appendix. III. Autobiography continued; Diary; Notes of debate in the Senate; Essays ; Canon and feudal law ; Instructions on the stamp act ; Essays on the stamp act ; British constitution ; Essays ; Instructions ; Independence of the judiciary ; Ap- pendix. IV. Novanglus; or, a history of the dispute with America from 1754; Thoughts on government ; Report of a constitution for Massachusetts ; Defence of the constitu- tion of the United States, vol. i. V. Defence of the constitution of the United States, vols. 2 and 3. VI. Discourses on Davila ; Four letters on government ; Three letters on the constitution ; Letters in reply to strictures on defense of the constitution ; Review of the proposition for amending the constitution. VII, VIII and IX. Official letters, messages and public papers. IX and X. General correspondence ; Index. CATALOGUE OF THE Adams, J. Adams, J. Q. and C. F. Life of. Phil. 1871. 2 v. 12°. Adams, J. Q. and C. F. Life of John Adams. Phil. 1871. 2 v. 12°. Adams, N. Evenings with the doctrines. Bost. 1866. 8°. — Life of John Eliot. Bost. 1847. 12° — A south-side view of slavery. Bost. 1855. 12°. . Adams, S. Wells, W.V. Life and public services of. Bost. 1865. 3 v. 8' 560, C. 560, C. 910, R. 59-3, C. 228, P. '. 530, C. Adams, W. Sacred allegories. Leip. 1864. 16°. . . . 750, J. Adams, W. H. D. The buried cities of Campania. Lond. 1872. 12°. 705, E. — Lighthouses and lightships. N.Y. 1870. 12°. ' . . . 5, Q. — Neptune's heroes; or, the sea-kings of England. Lond. 1861. 16°. 199, C. — Record of noble lives. Lond. 1868. 12° 200, B. — Temples, tombs, and monuments of Greece and Rome. Bost. 1872. 16° 353, H. — The circle of the year. See Hofer, J. C. F. — Life in the primeval world. See Meunier, V. Adams, W. T. {Oliver Optic.) Army and navy stories. Bost. 1873. 6v. 16°. Vol.1. The sailor boy . i35, B. 2. The yankee middy. 136, B. 3. Brave old salt. 137, B. Vol.4. 5. 6. The soldier boy. The young lieutenant. Fighting Joe. 138, B. 139, B. 140, B. — Boat club series, Bost. 1872. 6 V. 16°. Vol.1. The boat club. 141,6. 2. All aboard. 142, B. 3. Now or never. 143, B. Vol. 4. 5. 6. Try again . Poor and proud . Little by little. 144, B. 145, B. 146, B. — Lake shore series. Bost. 1873. 6 V. 16°. Vol. I. Through by daylight. 153, B. 2. Lightning express. 154, B. 3. On time. 155, B. Vol. 4. 5- 6. Switch off. Brake up. Bear and forbear. 156, B. 157, B. 158, B. — Starry flag series. Bost. 1869-73 Vol.1. The starry flag. 147, B. 2. Breaking away. 148, B. 3, Seek and find. 149, B. . 6 V. K Vol. 4. 5. 6. )°. Freaks of fortune. Make or break . Down the river. 150, B. 151, B. 152, B. — Upward and onward series. Bost. 1871-2. Vol.1. Field and forest. 159, B. Vol. 4. 2. Plane and plank. 160, B. 5. 3. Desk and debit. 161, B. 6. 6 V. 16°. Cringle and cross tree. Bivouac and battle. Sea and shore. 162, B. 163, B. 164, B. — Woodville stories. Bost. 1873. Vol. I. Rich and humble. 165, B. 2. In school and out. 166, B. 3. Watch and wait. 167,6. — Yacht club series. Bost. 1872. Vol. I. Little Bobtail, 6 V. 16°. Vol. 4- 5. 6. 16°. Work and win . Hope and have. Haste and waste. 183, B. 168, B. 169, B. 170, B. — Young America abroad, ^r^^ series. Vol. I. Outward bound. 171, B. 2. Shamrock and thistle. 172, B. 3. Red cross. 173, B. Bost. 1871-73. 6v. 16°. Vol. 4. Dikes and ditches. 5. Palace and cottage. 6. Down the Rhine, • Young America abroad, second series. Vol. I. Up the Baltic. 177, B. Vol. 3. Cross and crescent. Bost. 1872-73. 3 v. Vol. 2. Northern lands. 179. B. — and Calkins, N. A. The universal speaker. Bost. 1859. 174, B. 175, B. 176, B. 16°. 178, B. 463, 0. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. Addison, J. Works ed. by G. W. Greene. Phil. 1868. 6v. 12°. 1012. L. Vol. I. Macaulay, T. B., Life and writings of Addison; Translations; Poems on several occasions; The campaign; Miscellaneous poems; Rosamond; The drummer; Cato; Poemata. II. Dialogues on medals ; Travels; Essay on Virgil's Georgics; Discourse on ancient and modern learning; Of the Christian religion; Letters; Political writings. III. Freeholder; Notes on the freeholder by Swift; The plebian by R. Steele, with the Old Whig by J. Addison; The lover. IV. The tatler; The guardian. V. and VI. The spectator. — Aikin, L. Life of. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 12°. . . 2157, C. Adela Cathcart. G. MacDonald. Bost. n. d. 8°. . . 2530, A. Adfele. J. Kavanagh. Leip. 1858. 3v. in 2. 16°. . . 1051, J. — The same N.Y. 1872. 12° 780, A. Adirondack Mts. Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness. Bost. 1873, 12° 1378, D. Admirals. Southey R. Lives of British. Lond. 1838-40. 5 v. 16°. 349, J. Adolphus, J. Biog. memoirs of French revolution. Lond.1799. 2v. 8°. 1090, E. — History of England, 1760—1804. Lond. 1840-45. 7 v. 8°. 1968, E. — The royal exile; Memoirsof queen Caroline. Lond. 1821. 4v. 8°. 3590,0. Adopted, (The) heir. J. Pardoe. Phil. n.d. 12°. . . 1050, A. Adrift in the world. A. F. Samuels. Bost. 1872. 16°. . 2210, B. Adulterations. Hassall, A. H. Adulterations in food and medicine. Lond. 1857. 8° 226, T Adventures in the Apache country. J. R. Browne. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 2689, D. Adventures in the Libyan desert. B. St. John. N.Y. 1849. 12°. 830, F. Adventures in the wilderness. W. H. H. Murray. Bost. 1873. 12°.1378, D. Adventures of a brownie. J). M. Craik. N.Y. 1872. 12° . . 299 A. Adventures of a marquis. A.D.Dumas. Phil. (1864.) 8°. . 1440 M. Adventures of a young naturalist. L. Biart. N.Y. 1871. 8° . 1250 M. Adventures of an attorney. S. Warren. Chicago, 1872. 8°. 2925, A. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. A.Smith. Lond. (1856.) 16° . 2820, A. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. E. Bradley. Lond., n.d. 12° 2055, A. Adventures of Philip. W. M. Thackeray. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 16° 1298, J. — The same. Bost. 1873. 12° 2850, A. Adventures of Telemachus. F. de La Motte Fenelon. N.Y. 1868. 8° 1297, M. Adventures on the great hunting grounds. V. Meunier. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 3, Q. Advice to young men. T. S. Arthur. Phil. 1860. 12°.. . . 728, R. ^gyptische (Eine) Konigstochter. G. Ebers. Stuttgart. 1873. 12 v. 8°. 35, M. ^schylus, by R. S. Copleston. Phil. 1871. 16° . . . 4, N. — Tragedies, lit tr., by T. A. Buckley. Lond. 1871. 8°. 430, J. The same. N. Y. 1859. 8° 5, N. Appendix. Lond. 1863. 8° .... 431, J. iEsopus. Fables. Phil. 1869. 12° . . . . .10, N. Afloat and ashore. J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1864. 8° . . 4260, A. Afloat in the forest. M. Reid. Bost. 1873. 16° . . 2150, B. Africa. Anderson, C. J. Four years wandering in. N.Y. 1861. 12° 1035, F. TheOkavango river. N.Y. 1861. 8°. . . . 1036, F. — Baldwin, W. C. African hunting N.Y. 1863. 12°. . 1030, F. — Barth, H. Travels in north and central Africa. N.Y. 1857. 3 v. 8° 935, F. — Burton, R, F. Lake regions of centra,l Africa. N.Y. 1860. 8° 940, F. CATALOGUE OF THE Africa. Burton, B.F. Wanderings in west Africa. Lond. 1863. 2 v. 12°.988, F. — Gumming, R.G. Hunters life in south Africa. N.Y.,n.d. 2 v. 12° 1026, F. — Cumming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts. N.Y. 1872. 12° 1305, F. — Du Chaillur, P. B. Adventures in equatorial Africa. N.Y 1868. 8° 925, F. Journey to Ashango-land. N.Y. 1871. 8° . . 926, F. Lost in the jungle. N.Y. 1873. 12° . . . . 900, F. My Apingi kingdom. N.Y. 1872. 12° . . . 901, F. Stories of the gorilla country. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . 902, F. Wild life under the equator. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 903, F. — Hunting scenes in the wilds of Africa. Phil. 1858. 12° . 1025, F. — Livingstone, D. Missionary travels in south Africa. N.Y. 1868. 8° 971, F. and C. The Zambesi and its tributaries. N.Y. 1866. 8°. 970, F. — Murray, H. Discovery and adventure in Africa. Edin. 1832. 16° 141, J. — Speke, J. H. Discovery of the source of the Nile. N.Y. 1868. 8° 1000, F. — Stanley, H. M. Travels in central Africa. N.Y. 1872. 8° . 965, F. — Swainson, W. Birds of western Africa. Edin. 1837. 2 v. 16° 7, G. — Taylor, J. B. A journey to central Africa. N.Y. 1864. 12°. 910, F. African Crusoes. S. Lee. Bost. 1872. 12° . . . . 1560, B. After a shadow and other stories. T. S. Arthur. N.Y. 1870. 16° 281, B. After dark. W. W. Collins. Leip. 1856. 16° . . . 880, J. After icebergs with a painter. L. L. Noble. N.Y. 1861. 12° . 37, D. After life. E. M. Sewell. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 16° . . 1270, J. After the war ; a southern tour. W. Reid. Gin. 1866. 12° . 2555, D. Against the world. J. R. Hadermann. Bost. 1873. 12° . 574, A. Agassiz, A Seaside studies. See Agassiz, E. G. Agassiz, E. C. and A. Seaside studies in natural history. Bost. 1871. 8° 740, G. — and L. J. R. A journey in Brazil. Bost. 1869. 8°. . 2900, D. Agassiz, L. J. R. Geological sketches. Bost. 1867. 12° . . 1125, G. — Methods of study in natural history. Bost. 1873. 12°. . 60, G. — and E. G. A journey in Brazil. Bost. 1869. 8°.. . . 2900, D. — and Gould A. A. Comparative physiology. Lond. 1870. 8° . 597, J. The same. Bost. 1872. 12° . . . . .130, G. Agatha's husband. D. M. Graik. Leip. 1860. 16° . . 892, J. — The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. .... 303, A. Age of chivalry. T. Bulfinch. Bost. 1869. 12° . . 1625, R. Age of fable. T. Bulfinch. Bost. 1869. 12° . . . 1626, R. Agincourt. G. P. R. James. Leip. 1844. 16° . . . 1023, J. Agnes. J. Abbott. N.Y. 1850. 16° .... 33, B. Agnes. M. 0. W. Oliphant. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 1196, J. Agnes Grey. A. Brontfe. Leip. 1851. 2v.ini. 16° . . 806, J. Agnes of Sorrento. H. B. Stowe. Bost. 1868. 12° . . 1365, A. Agriculture. Allen. L. American farm-book. N.Y. 1865. 12° 975, H. — Andrews, G.H. Agricultural engineering. Lond. 1852. 3v.ini. 12° 203, J. — Burn, R. S. Outlines of modern farming. Lond. 1865-71, 5v: 12° 272, J. — Coleman, H. European agriculture. Bost, 1846-8. 3 v. 8° 1025, H. — Copeland, R. M. Country life. N.Y. 1867. 8° . 1035, H. — Dana, S. L. A muck manual for farmers. N.Y. 1865. 12° . 980, H. — Fownes, G. Application of chemistry to. Lond. 1872. 12° 150, J^ PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. Agriculture. Greeley, H. What I know about farming. N.Y.1871. 12°. 910, H. — Johnson, S. W. How crops grow. N.Y. 1868. 12° . . 970, H. — Johnson, J. F. W. Agricultural chemistry. Edin. 1871. 16° 955, H. — Liebig, J. von. Natural laws of husbandry. N.Y. 1863. 8° 1000, H. — Mitchell, D. G. My farm of Edgewood. N.Y. 1864. 12° . 918, H. — Morris, E. How to get a farm and where to find one. N.Y. 1870. 12° 914. H. Ten acres enough. N.Y. 1865 12° . . . 922, H. — Norton, J. P. Elements of scientific agriculture. N.Y. 1850. 12° 965, H. -^ Roosevelt, R. B. Five acres too much. N.Y. 1869. 12° . 930, H. — Stockhardt, J. A. Chemistry of agriculture. Lond. 1855. 8° 644, J. — Thomas, J. J. Farm implements. N.Y. 1854. 12° . . 994, H. — Ville, G. High farming without manure. Bost. 1866. 16° 905, H. Agrippina II. Scheie de Vere, M. The great empress. Phil. 1870. 12° 825, E. Aguilar, G. The days of Bruce. N.Y. 1873. 12° . . . 50, A. — Home influence. Leip. 1859 2 v. in 1. 16° . . 751, J. — The same. N.Y. 1873. 12° 54, A. — Home scenes and heart studies. N.Y. 1873. 12° .• 51, A. — The mother's recompense. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 752, J. — The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . , . 55, A. — The vale of cedars. N.Y! 1873. 12° . . . . 52, A. — Woman's friendship. N.Y. 1873. 12° . . . 53, A. — The women of Israel. N.Y. 1868. 2 v. 12° . . . 450, R. Ai'^e, H. Carr of Carrlyon. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 753, J. — In that state of life. Leip. 1871. 16° . . . . 754, J. — TheMarstons. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. 16°.. . . 755, J. — Morals and mysteries. Leip. 1872. 16° ... . 756, J. — Rita. Leip. 1859. 16° 757, J. Aikin, J. and Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home. Lond. n. d. 16° 225, B. Aikin, L. Life of Joseph Addison. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 12°. .2157,0. — Memoirs of the court of Charles I. Lond. 1833. 2 v. 8°. 1952, E. — Memoirs of the court of James I. Lond. 1822. 2 v. 8° . 1953, E. — Memoirs of the court of queen Elizabeth. N.Y- 1870. 8° 1950, E. Aimwell, Walter, pseud. See Simonds, W, Ainsworth, W. H. Cardinal Pole, a romance. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16° 758, J. — The constable De Bourbon. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. J 6° . 759, J. — The constable of the tower. Leip 1861. 16° . . 760, J. — The flitch of bacon. Leip. 1854. 16°.. . . . 761, J. — Hilary St. Ives. Leip. 1869. 2v.ini. 16° . . 762, J. — Jack Sheppard. Leip 1846. 16°. ' . . . . 763. J. — John Law, the projector. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. 16° . 764, J. — The lord mayor of London. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 16° . 765, J. — Mervyn Clitheroe. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. 16° . . 766. J. — Myddleton Pomfret. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 16° . . 767, J. — Old court. Leip. 1867. 2v.ini. 16° . . . 768, J. — Ovingdean grange. Leip. 1860. 16°. . . . . 769, J. — Saint James's: Leip. 1844. 16°. . . . . 770, J. — The South-sea bubble. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. 16° . . 771, J. CATALOGUE OF THE 16°. 772, J. 773, J. 774, J. 775, J. 776, J. . 777, J. 225, Q. 16° • 1, K. o 15, D. 10, D. Leip. 778, J. 12°. 2775, C. 990, F. Ainsworth, W. H. The Spanish match. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. — The spendthrift. Leip. 1856. 16°. — The star-chamber. Leip. 1854. 2 v. in 1. 16°. — Talbot Harland. Leip 1870. 16°. — Tower hill. Leip. 1871. 16°. .... — Windsor castle Leip, 1844. 16°. Air. Glaisher, J. Travels in the air. Phil. 1871. 8° Akenside, M. Poetical works, w. life, by A. Dyce. Best. 1864. Alaska. Dall, W. H; Alaska and its resources. Bost. 1870. i — Whymper, F. Travels in Alaska. N. Y. 1869. 8°. - Albert, F. A. A. C. E., prince consort. Speeches and addresses. 1866. 16° — Cxrey, C. ed. Early years of the prince consort. N. Y, 1868. Albert N'yanza, The. Sir S. W. Baker. Phil 1869. 12°. Albigenses. Faber, G. S. History and theology of the ancient Albi- genses. Lond. 1838. 8°. .... 1430, R. Albro, J. A. Life of Thomas Shepard. Bost. 1847. 12°. 59-4, C. Alcock, Sir R. The capital of the Tycoon. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. 12°. 1250, F. Alcohol. Carpenter, W. B. Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. Bost 1851. 12° . 90, T. Alcott, A: B. Tablets. Bost. 1868. 12°. . ' . . 2180, L. Alcott L. M. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag — my boys, etc. Bost. 1872. 16°. 70, A. Shawl-straps. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . . 71, A. — Hospital sketches, and camp and fireside stories. Bost. 1872. 16°. 73, A. — Little men. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . . . 74, A. — Little women. Bost. 1872: 2 v. 16°. . . .75, A. — Moods. Bost. 1864 16° 76, A. — Morning glories, and other stories. N.Y. 1871. 16°. 77, A. — An old-fashioned girl Bost. 1872. 16°. ... 78, A. — Work, a story of experience. Bost. 1873. 12° . . 79, A. Alden, H. M., joint author. See Guernsey, A. H. Aldrich, T. B. The story of a bad boy. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 230, B. Alec Forbes of Howglen. G. MacDonald. Leip. 1865, 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1140, J. — The same. Lond. n.d. 8°. .... 2529, A. Alexander, bishop of Alexandria. The writings of. Edin. 1869. 8°. 1196, R. Alexander of Lycopolis. The writings of Alexander. Edin. 1869. 8°. 1196, R. Alexander the great. Abbott, J. History of N.Y. 1868. 16°. 77, B. — Williams, J. Life and actions of. Lond. 1829. 16°. . 99, J. Alexander, A. Outlines of moral science. N.Y. 1872, 12°. . 465, P. — Alexander, J. W. Life of. Phil 1855 8°. . . 675, C. Alexander, H. C Life of J. A. Alexander. NY. 1870. 2 v. 8°. 1030, C. Alexander, J. A. Sermons. N.Y. 1870. 2v.ini. 12°. . 1102, R. — Alexander H. C. Life of. N.Y. 1870. 2 v. 8^ . 1030, C. Alexander, J. W. Life of Archibald Alexander. Phil. 1855. 8°. 675, C. Alford, F. Life, journals and letters of H. Alford. Phil. 1873. 8°. 2725, C. Alford, H. The Greek Testament, with commentary. Bost. 1873. 4 v. 8°. 25, R. — A plea for the queen's English. Lond. 1866, 16° . 277, 0. — Alford, F. Life, journals and letters of. Phil. 1873. 8°. 2725, C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. Afred the great Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius De consolatione philosophiae, with lit. tr. by S. Fox. Lond. 1866. 8°. . 390, J. — Abbott, J. History of king Alfred. N.Y. 1867. 16°. . 78, B. — • Asserius Menevensis. Life of. Lond. n.d. 8°. . . 415, J. — G-iles, J. A. Life and times of. Oxford. 1854. 8°. . . 1812, E. — Hughes, T. Alfred the great. Lond., n.d.. 12°. 1810, E. — Pauli, R. Lifeof, (added his) history of P. Orosius. Lond. 1857. 8°. 411, J. Alfred Hagart's household. A. Smith. Bost. 1865. 12°. . 2825, A. Algebra. Haddon, J. Elements of Algebra. Lond. 1871. 12°. 224, J. Key to elements. Lond., n.d. 12°. . . . 225, J. — Kirkman, T. P. First mnemonical lessons. Lond. n.d. 12°. 241, J. — Todhunter, I. Algebra. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . 630, Q. Alger. H., jr. Campaign series. Bost. 1864-6. 3 v. 12°. Vol. I. Frank's campaign. 235, B. Vol. 2. Paul Prescott's charge. 236, B. Vol. 3. Charlie Codman's cruise. 237, B. — Luck and pluck series. Bost. 1869-7.2 4 v. 12°. Vol. I. Luck and pluck. 240, B. Vol. 3. Strong and steady. 242, B. 2. Sink or swim. 241, B. 4. Strive and succeed. 243, B. — Ragged Dick series. Bost. 1868-70. 6 v. 16°. Vol. I. Ragged Dick. 245, B. Vol. 4. Rough and ready. 248, B. 2. Fame and fortune. 246 B. 5. Ben, the luggage boy. 249, B. 3. Mark,-the match boy. 247, B. 6. Rufus and Rose. 250, B. — Tattered Tom series. Bost. 1871-2. 4 v. 16°. Vol. I. Tattered Tom. 251, B. Vol. 3. Slow and sure. 253, B. , 2. Paul, the peddler. 252, B. 4. Phil, the fiddler 254, B. Alger, W. R. History of the doctrine of a future life. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 980, R. — The friendships of women. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 60, P. — The poetry of the Orient. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . 560, N. Algeria. Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. Lond, 1868. 8°. 714, F. — Morrell, J. R. History of French Africa. Lond. 1854. 8°. 715, F. Alhambra, The. W. Irving. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 2250, L. Ali Pasha. Davenport, R. A. Life of. Lond. 1837. 16°. . 62, J. Alice. Sir E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Leip. 1842. 16°. . . 816, J. — The same. Phil. 1868. 12°. . . 2070, A. Alice's adventures in wonderland. C. L. Dodgson. Bost. 1869. 12°. 912, B. Alice Franklin. M. Howitt. N Y. 1869. 16°. . . 1295, B. Alice Learmont. D. M. Craik. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 308, A. Alison, iS'2V A. History of Europe, 1789-1852. N.Y. 1867-8. 8 v. 8°. 20, E. — The military lifeof John, duke of Marlborough. N.Y. 1868. 12°. 2125, C. — Miscellaneous essays. N.Y. 1860. 8°. . . . 950, L. All aboard. W. T. Adams. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . 142, B. All for greed, ^arone^^ B. de Bury. Leip. 1868. 16° . 849, J. All for love. E. A. Dupuy. Phil. 1873. 12°. 387, A. "All's not gold that glitters." A. B. Haven. N.Y. 1870. 16° 1230, B. Allegories. Adams, W. Sacred. Leip. 1864. 16° 750, J. Allen, -CB. Cottage building, e^^. by J. Weale. Lond. 1870. 12° 186, J. Allen, E. Sparks, J. Lifeof. N.Y. 1834. 12°. 10-1, C. Allen, J. Battles of the British navy. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. - 520, J. Allen, L. F. Rural architecture. N.Y. 1852. 12°. . . 365, H. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE Allen, R. L. The American farm book. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . 975, H. — Domestic animals. N.Y. 1853. 12°. . . . 580, G. Allen, W. American biographical dictionary. Bost. 1857. 8°. *L. R. Allen, W. and Thomson, T. R. H. Expedition to the river Niger in 1841. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 8°. . • . . 840, F. Allen, W. F. and others. Slave songs of the U. S. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 1057, K. Allen, Z. Philosophy of the mechanics of nature. N.Y. 1852. 8°. 212, Q. Allibone, S. A. Dictionary of English literature and authors. Phil. 1870-1. 3v. 8°. ^L. R. AUworth abbey. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1865. 12°. 1302, A. Almoran and Hamet. J. Hawkesworth. Lond. 1810. 12°, 2968, A. Almost a nun. J. McN. Wright. Phil. 1868. 12°. . . 1515, A. Almost a priest. J. McN. Wright. Phil. 1870. 12°. . 1516, A. Alone. M. V. Terhune. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 1426, A. A lonzo and Melissa. D. Jackson, jr. Phil. 1864. 16°. . . 4640, A. Alps. Bonney,T.G. Alpine regions of Switzerland. Lond. 1868. 8°. 585, E. — Brockedon,W. Journals of excursions in the. Lond. 1833. 12°. 570, E. — Muston, A. The Israel of the Alps. Lond. 1853. 8°. . 1420, R. — Stephen, L. The play ground of Europe. Lond. 1871. 8°. 560, E. — Tyndall.J. Hoursof exercise in the Alps. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 565, E. — Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps. Phil. 1872. 8°. 590, E. — See also Mont Blanc. Alroy. B. Disraeli. Leip. 1846. 16° . . . . 958, J. — The same. Lond. 1868. 12° 2238, A. Alte(Das) Haus. F. Gerstacker. Leip. 1857. 16° . . 65, M. Alton Locke. C. Kingsley. Leip. 1857. 16° . . 1067, J. — The same. N.Y. 1867. 12°. .... 2400, A. Amateur dramas. G.M.Baker. Bost. 1873. 16°. . 1531, K. Amazon river. Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. N.Y. 1870. 8° 2965, D. Amazon, (The.) F. Dinglestedt. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 463, M. Amber (The) gods and other stories. H.E.Spofford. Bost. 1865. 12° 1340, A. Amenities of literature. I. Disraeli. N.Y. 1866. 2 v. 8°. . 30, L. America. Baird, R. Religion in America. N.Y. 1856, S°., . 1760, R. — Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. N.Y. 1872, 12°.. . 1265, G, — Banvard, J. Novelties of the new world. Bost, 1859, 12°. 153, D. Romance of American history. Bost. 1860. 12°, 152, D. — Baxley.H.W. What I saw on the west coast of N.Y. 1865. 8°. 3010, D. — Brinton, D. G. Myths of the new world. N.Y. 1868. 12° 1630, R. — Coues, E. Key to No. American birds. Salem, 1872. 4° . 305, G. — Dixon, W. H. New America. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16° 969, J. — Domenech.E. Seven years'residence in North. Lond. 1860. 2v. 8° 2471, D. — Downing, A. J. Fruit and fruit trees of America. N.Y. 1866. 12° 1260, H. — Draper, J. W. The future civil policy of America. N.Y. 1865 8° 260, D. — Grattan, T. C. Civilized America. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 8° . 2470, D. — Griswold, R. W. Poets and poetry of America. N. Y. 1873.. 8° 1050, K. Prose writers of America. Phil. 1870. 8°. . 135, L. — Hall, B. Travels in N. A. in 1827-8. Edin. 1829. 3 v. 12° 2448, D. — Hawks, F. L. The American forest. N.Y. 1860. 16° . 1040, G. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 11 America. Helps, A. The Spanish conquest in. N.Y. 1868. 4 v. 12° 2880, D. — Humboldt, A. von. Travels to equinoctial. Lond.1872. 3 v. 8°. 622, J. The same. Lond. 1852-3. 3 v. 8°. . . . 2875, D. — Jaegar, B. Life of No. American insects. N.Y. 1871. 12° 217, G. — Jarve8,J. J. Sculpture.painting and architecture in. N.Y. 1870. 16° 5, H. — Martineau, H. Society in America. Lond. 1837. 3 v. 8° 2441, D. — Michaux, F. A. and Nuttall, T. North American sylva. Phil. 1871. 5v. 8° ^1065, G. — Moorman, J. J. Mineral springs of North. Phil. 1873. 12°. 70, T. — Moulet, A. Travels in Central America. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 2765, D. — Murray, H. Historical account of British. Edin. 1839. 3 v. 16°. 137, J. — Myers, H.M. Life and nature under the tropics. N.Y.1841. 12°. 2840, D. — Parkman, F. The Jesuits in North America. Bost. 1870. 8°. 186, D. Pioneers of France in the new world. Bost. 1870. 8°. 185, D. — Peto, S.M. Resources and prospects of America. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 2405, D. — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. N.Y. 1870. 8° . 350, F. — Roberts, 0. W. Central America. Edin. 1827. 16°. . 11, J. — Sala, G. A. My diary in America. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 8°. 2453, D. — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central. N.Y. 1867. 2v. 8°. 2776, D. — Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Camb.1864. 2v. 8°. 250, D. — Trollope, A. North America. N.Y. 1862. 12°. . 2420, D. — Tuckerman, H. T. America and her commentators. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . . . . . 255, D. — Tytler, P. F. Discovery on the northern coasts of. Edin. 1832. 16°. 142, J. — Weld, I. jr. Travels in North America, 1795-7. Lond. 1807. 2v. 8°. 2445,D. — Wilson, A. and Bonaparte, C. L. American ornithology. Phil. n.d. 5 v. 8° and 4°. *310 G. — Wilson, H. Rise and fall of the slave power in. Bost. 1872. 8°. 240, P. American angler's guide. T. Norris. Phil. 1865. 8°. . 1545, H. American annual cyclopeedia, 1861-1871. N.Y. 1868-.72. 11 v. 8°. ^R. R. American (The) baron J. De Mille. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 5400, A. American biography. J. Belknap. N.Y. 1869. 3 v 12°. . 50, C. American (The) cardinal. J. M. Leavitt, N.Y. 1871 12°. . 4607, A. American colleges and American public. N. Porter. N. H. 1870. 12°. 77, 0. American (The) drawing-book. J. G. Chapman. N.Y. 1870. 4°. 203 H. American biographical dictionary. W. Allen. Bost. 1857. 8°. "'^L. R. American eloquence. F.Moore. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 8°. . . 365. L. American (An) family in Germany. J. R. Browne N.Y. 1867. 12°. 490. E. American flag. Hamilton, S. History of. Phil. 1852. 12°. . L. R. American (The) genealogist. W. H. Whitmore. Albany 1868. 8°. *L. R. American (An) girl abroad. A. Trafton. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 60, E. American history. J. Abbott. N.Y. 1S60-4 7 v. 16°. . 160, D. American literature. Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of N.Y. 1859. 12°. 77, L. — Martin, B. N. Choice specimens of N.Y. 1871. 12°. 90, L. — Trubner, N. Guide to American literature. Lond. 1859. 8°. *L. R. — Underwood, F. H. Handbook of American authors. Bost.1873. 8°. 95, L. American manufactures. Bishop, J. L. History of. Phil. 1868. 3v. 8°. 740, H. American merchants. Hunt, P. Lives of. N.Y. 1856. 2 v. 8°. 25, C. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE American note books. Passages from. N.Hawthorne. Bo8t.l868. 2v. 12°. 2375, L. American notes. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip. 1842. 16°. . . 932, J. — The same. Phil. n. d. 12°. .... 2200, A. American political economy. F. Bowen. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . 623, S. American pulpit. Sprague.W. B. Annals of the. N.Y. 1865-73. 9v. 8°. 35, C. American religion. J. Weiss. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 1750, R. American revolution. Botta, C. History of the war of independence. Bost. 1826. 2 V. 8°. 400, D. — Frothingham.R. History of the siege of Boston. Bost. 1872. 8° 1115, D. — Greene, O. W. Historical view of the. Bost. 1865. 12°. 378, D. — Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the. N.Y. 1860. 2 v. 8°. 405, D. — Moore, F. Diary of the American revolution. N.Y. 1860. 2v. 8°. 395, D. Songs and ballads of N.Y. 1856. 12°. . . . 605, K. ~ Sabine, L. Loyalists of the revolution. Bost. 1864. 2v. 8°. 90, C. — Saffell,W. T. R. Records of the revolutionary war. N.Y. 1858. 8°. 380, D. ~ Stone.W.L. Border wars of the. N.Y.1864. 2v. 16°. 375,D. — Watson, H. C. Camp-fires of the revolution. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 385, D. Daring deeds of the revolution. Bost. 1869. 16°. . 2605, B. American sportsman. E. J. Lewis. Phil. 1871. 8°. . ' . 1541, H. American system of government. E. C. Seaman. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 353, S. American woman in Europe. S. R. Urbino. Bost. 1869. 16°. 70, E. American woman's home. C. E. Beecherand H. B. Stowe. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 483,Q. American wonderland. R. M. Bache. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 4070, A. Americanisms. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of. Bost. 1860. 8°, ^L. R. — Scheie de Vere, M. Americanisms. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 322, 0. Ames, M. C. Eirene: or a woman's right. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 1603. A. — Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . 1140, C. Ames, N. (Eleanor Kirk). Up Broadway, and its sequel. N.Y. 1870. 16°. 800, A. Amherst College. Hitchcock, E. Reminiscences of. Northampton 1863. 12° 85, 0. Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history. Lond. 1862. 8°, . 432, J. Among my books. J. R. LowelL Bost. 1870. 12°. . . 2202, L. Among the birds. E. A. Samuels. Bost. 1868. 16°. . . 278, G. Among the brigands. J. De Mille. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . 871, B. Among the hills. J. G. Whittier. Bost. 1869. 12°. . 950, K. Among the pines. J. R. Gilmore. N.Y. 1862. 12°. . . 588, D. Amy Deane, and other tales. V. F. Townsend. N.Y. 1871. 16°. 2405, B. Amy Herbert. E. M. Sewell. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1271, J. — The same. N.Y. 1870. 12°. ..... 1245, A.' Amy as Leigh. C. Kingsley. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1072, J. Anabsis, or, expedition of Cyrus. Xenophon. Lond. 1871. 8°. 490, J. Analogy of religion. J. Butler. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . 657, J. — The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . . 608, R. Analysis. Bolley, P. A. Manual of technical. Lond. 1857. 8°. 600, J. Anastasius. T. Hope. N.Y. 1856. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2350, A. Anatomy. Cutter, C. A treatise on anatomy. Phil. 1852. 12°. 510, T. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 511, T. — Mivart, St. G. Lessons in elementary anatomy. Lond. 1873. 16°. 505, T. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 13 Anatomy of expression. Sir C. Bell. Lond. 1872. 4°. . 200, H. Anatomy of melancholy. E. Burton. Phil. 1868. 8°. . 650, L. Anchors. Cotsell, (r. Ship's anchors. Lond. 1856. 12°. . 242, J. Ancient cities. Bucke, C. Ruins of. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 16°. . 57, J. Ancient states and empires. J. Lord. N.Y. 1869. 8° . . 135, F. Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy legends and tales. Lond. 1870. 8°. 521, J. — Fairy tales. N.Y. 1869. 16° 306, M. — The improvisatore. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . . 310, M. — In Spain and a visit to Portugal. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 1743, E. — 0. T., a romance. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . . 311, M. '— Only a fiddler. N.Y. 1870. 12° 314, M. — Pit3ture8 of travel. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . '. . 320, E. — A poet's bazaar ; travels in Europe. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 110, E. — The sand-hills of Jutland. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 305, M. ■ — Stories and tales. N.Y. 1871. 12° 313, M.. — Story book. N.Y. 1870. 16° 307, M. — The story of my life. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . 4212, C. — The two baronesses. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . . 312, M. — Wonder stories told for children. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 309, M. — Wonderful tales from Denmark. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 308, M. Anderson, C. The annals of the English Bible. Lond. 1845. 4 v. 8°. 115, R. Anderson, M. E. Scenes in the Hawaiian islands. Bost. 1865. 16°. 1510, F. Anderson, R. Foreign missions. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 1795, R. — History of the mission to the Sandwich islands. Bost. 1872. 12°. 1796, R. Anderson, C. J. Lake Ngami : or four years wandering in Africa. N.Y. 1861. 12°. 1035, F. — The Okavango river. N.Y. 1861. 8°. . . . 1036, F. Anderson, J. The strength of materials and structures. N.Y. 1872. 16°. 751, H. Andes. Holton, L F. Twenty months in the Andes. N.Y. 1857. 8°. 2980, D. — Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . 2965, D. Andre, J. Sargent, W. Life of Major Andre. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 2300, C. Andreas Hofer. C. M. Mundt. N.Y. 1868. 8°. . . 575, M. Andr^e de Taverney. A.D.Dumas. Phil. 1862. 8°. . . 1441, M. Andrews, E. A. Critical Latin-English lexicon. N.Y. 1872. 8°. *L. R. Andrews, Gr. H. Agricultural engineering. Lond. 1852. 3 v. in 1. 12°. 203, J. Andy Luttrell. M. A. Denison. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . 884, B. Anecdotes. Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. Bost. 1870. 8°. .... 661, L. ^M^ Cyclopaedia of moral and religious. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . 660, L. t^- ;gigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 15, S. — Byerley, T. The Percy anecdotes. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 645, L. — Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters. Bost. 1870. 8°. 627, L. — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 228, C. — Hood, E. P. Moral and religious anecdotes. Phil. 1872. 8°. 632, L. — Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . 538, J. — Lee, S. Anecdotes of birds, reptiles and fishes. Bost. 1871. 12°. 86, G. Anecdotes ofthe habits and instincts of animals. Bost. 1871. 12°. 85, Gr. — Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters.engravers, etc N.Y.1865. 3v. 8°. 853,H. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE Anecdotes. Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting. Lond. 1871. 8°. 77, H. Angel (The) in the house. C. K. Patmore. Lond. 1866. 16°. . 680, K. Angel of the household and other tales. T. S. Arthur. Phil.1853. 12°. 4030, A. Angelo, Michael. See Buonarotti, M. A. ' Angling. Blakey, R. Sketches of angling literature. Lond.1856. 16°. 203, L. — Davy, J. The angler in the lake district. Lond. 1857. 16°. 1463, H. The angler and his friend. Lond. 1855. 16°. . . 1464, H. — Norris, T. American angler's guide. Phil. 1865. 8°. . 1545, H. — Walton, I. and Cotton, C. The complete angler. Lond. 1861. 8°. 580, J. Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Lond. 1871. 8°. ... 391, J. Anglo-Saxon language. Bosworth, J. Anglo-Saxon and English dic- tionary. Lond. 1855. 8° • *L. R. — Corson, H. Handbook of Anglo-Saxon. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 357 0. — Klipstein, L. F. Grammar of. N.Y. 1859. 12°. . 353, 0. — Shute, S. M. Manual for beginners. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 355, O. Anglo-Saxons. Miller, T. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Lond. 1872. 8°. 554, J. — Palgrave, F. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Lond. 1831. 16"^ The same. Lond. 1869. 8°. ... — Turner, S. History of the Anglo-Saxons, Lond. 1852. 3 v. 8°. Animal physiology. W. B. Carpenter. Lond. 1872. 8°. . — Roget, P. M. Animal physiology. Lond. 1867. 2 v. 8°. Animals. Allen, R. L. Domestic animals. N.Y. 1853. 12° — Aristotle. History of animals. Lond. 1862. 8°. — Cuvier, G., haron de. The animal kingdom. Lond. 1863. 8°. — Darwin, C. R. Variations of animals and plants. N.Y. 1868. 2v. 12° — Hamilton, R. Marine animals. Edin. 1839. 16°. — Helps, A. Seme talk about animals and their masters. Lond. 1873. 12° 927, L. — Jardine, Sir W. Natural History of the felinse. Edin. 1834. 16°. 11, G. Ruminating animals. Edin. 1835-6. 2 v. 16°. . . 15, G. — Kirby, W. History, habits and instincts of Lond. 1853. 2 v. 8°. 602, J. — Lankester, E. Usesof animals in relation to man. Lond. n.d. 8°. 118, G. — Lee, S. Anecdotes of the habits and instinct of. Bost.1871. 12°. 85, O, — Lewes, G. H. Studies in animal life. N.Y. 1860. 12°. . 120, G. — Menault, E. The intelligence of animals. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 4, Q. — Steenstrup, J. J. S. Alternation of generations in. Lond. 1845. 8°. 830,G. — Swainson, W. Animals in menageries. Lond. 1838. 16°. 371, J. Geography and classification of animals. Lond. 1835. 16°. 369, Jj^ Habits and instincts of animals. Lond. 1840. 16°. . 376,^ — Tenney, A. A. Pictures and stories of. N.Y. 1868. 6 v. 16°. 87, G. — Timbs, J. Eccentricities of the animal creation. Bost. 1869. 12°. 110, G. — Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia, or pouched animals. Edin. 1841. 16° 18-11, G. — Wood, J. G. Animal traits and characteristics. Lond. 1855. 16°. 82, G. Bible animals. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . . . 660, G. Annalsof a quiet neighborhood. G. MacDonald. Leip.1867. 2v.ini. 16°.1141,J. — The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . . . 2531, A. 87, J. 1850, E. 1820, E. 612, J. 608, J. , 580, G. 439, J. 670, G. o. 805, G. 19, G. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 15 Annals of Quodlibet. J. P. Kennedy. Phil. 1860. 12°. . . 4710, A. Annals of the parish. J. Gait. Edin. 1821. 16°. . . 2300, A. Anne, queen of England. Stanhope, P. H. History of the reign of. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. 16° 1284, J. Anne of Austria, queen of France. Freer, M. W. Married life of. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 8°. 1275, E. The regency of Anne of Austria. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 8°. 1276, E. Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. Scott. Leip. 1871. 16°. . . 1251, J. — The same. Phil. n. d. 12°. .... 2781, A. Anne Hereford. E. P. Wood. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1342, J.- Anne S^verin. Mme A. Craven. N. Y. 1869. 12°. . . 1323, M. Annie Mason. A. S. Averill. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . . 105, A. Annual record of science and industry, 1871-72. S. F. Baird, ed. N.Y. 1872-3. 2 V. 8°. 152, Q. Anselm, >S'^. Church, R. W. Saint Anselm. Lond. 1870. 8°. 1180, R. Anspach, Eliz. Berkeley. Margravine of. Memoirs. Lond. 1826. 2 v. 8°. 3595, C. Ansted, D. T. Geology, mineralogy and physical geography. Lond. 1869. 8° . . 1107, G. — Geological gossip. Lond. 1861. 16°. . . . 1081. G. — The great stone book of nature. Lond. 1863. 16°. . . 1080, G. — Physical geography. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . . 179, Q. Ante-Nicene christian library. Edin. 1868-72. 24 v. 8°. Vol. I. The writings of the apostolic fathers. 1185, R. 2. The writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras. 1186, R. 3. The writing^s of Tatian, Theophilus, and Clement. 1187, R. 4. The writings of Clement of Alexandria, vol. i. 1188, R. 5. The writings of Irenseus, vol. i. 1190, R. 6. The writings of Hippolytus, bishop of Rome, vol. i. 1189, R. 7. The five books of Q. S. F. Tertullianus against Marcion. 1191, R- 8. The writings of Cyprian, vol. i. 1192, R. 9. Irenaeus, vol. 2 ; Hippolytus, vol. 2. Fragments of the third century. 1193, R. ID. The writings of Origen, vol. i. 1194, R- 11. The writings of Q. S. F. Tertullianus, vol. i. 1195, R- 12. The writings of Clement of Alexandria, vol. 2. 1188, R. 13. The writings of Cyprian, vol. 2. Novatian; Minucius Felix, etc. 1192, R. 14. The writings of Methodius; Alexander of Lycopolis, etc. 1196, R. 15. Writings of Tertullianus, vol. 2. 1197, R. 16. Apocryphal gospels acts, and revelations. 1198, R. 17. Clementine homilies; and Apostolical constitutions. 1200, R. 18. Writings of Tertullianus, vol. 3, with extant works of Victorinus and Commodianus. ii99> R- 19. Arnobius Afer. Seven books of Arnobius adversus Gentes. 1201, R. 20. Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius of Alexander and Archelaus; Syriac documents. 1202, R. 21. The works of Lactantius, vol. i. 1203-1, R. 22. The works of Lactantius, vol. 2 , Testaments of the twelve patriarchs ; Fragments of the second and third centuries. 1203-2, R. 23. The writings of Origen, vol. 2. 1204, R. 24. Liturgies and other documents of the Ante-nicene period. 1205, R. Antesro. G. A. Lawrence. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1081, J. Anthon, C. Classical dictionary. N.Y. 1873. 8°. . ^L. R. Antignostikus. J. A. W. Neauder. Lond- 1864. 8°. . .713, J. Antiquary, (The), ^{r W. Scott. Leip. 1845. 16°. . . 1252, J. 16 CATALOGUE OF THE Antiquary, (The). Sir W. Scott. Phil. n. d. 12°. . . 2782, A. Antiquities. Brand, J. Popular antiquities. Lond. 1853. 3 v. 8°. 392, J. — Chambers, R. The book of days. Phil. 1872. 2 v. 8°. *L. R. — Evans, J. Ancient stone implements. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 1275, G. — Jones,C.C. jr. Antiquities of the southern Indians. N.Y.1873. 8°. 1265, G. ~ Long, G. Egyptian antiquities. Lond. 1832. 2 v. 12°. 113, J. — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. Lond. 1859. 8°. . 406, J. — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman. Lond. 1872. 8°. *L. R. — Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens. Lond. 1858. 8°. . 575, J. Antonia. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. Bost. 1870. 12°. . : 1350, M. Antonina. W. W Collins. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 881, J. Antony Waymouth. W. H. G Kingston. Bost. 1866. 16°. . 1475, B. Anything for sport. L. C Tuthill. Phil. 1845. 24° . 2468, B. Apocalypse revealed. E. Swedenborg. N.Y. 1868. 2 v. 8°. 1497, R. Apologia pro vita sua. J.H.Newman. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . 906, R. Apostles (The). Renan, J. E. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . • . 405, R. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. MacLear, G F. Lond. 1869. 8°. 1456, R. Apostolic fathers of the church. The writings of the. Edin. 1868. 8°1185, R. Appartions. Calmet, A. The phantom world. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 8°. 607, P. Apples. Warder, J. A. American pomology. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 1240, H. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. F. L. Hawks. N.Y. 1866. 8°. . ''^ L. R. Appleton's hand-book of Am. travel — northern and eastern tour. E. H. Hall. N.Y. 1872. 12° 2415, D. Southern tour. C H. Jones. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 2417, D. Western tour. E. H. Hall. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . . 2416, D. Appleton's Journal. N.Y. 1869-72. 7 v. 8°. . . . 5, Z. Apuleius. Works (added) Cupid and Psyche, and Psyche, tr. by Mrs. Tighe. Lond. 1872. 8° 434, J. Aquarium, (The). Gosse, P. H. The aquarium. Lond. 1854. 12°. 711, G. — Sowerby, G. B. The aquarium. Lond. 1865. 16°. . 700, G. — Wood, J. G. Fresh and salt water aquarium. Lond. 1868. 16°. 705, G. Arabella Stuart. G. P. R. James. Leip. 1844. 16°. . . 1025, J. Arabesques. Mrs. R, S. Greenough. Bost. 1872". 12°. . . 545, A. Arabia. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. Edin. 1833. 2 v. 16°. 135, J. — Palgrave, W. G. Central and eastern. Lond. 1866. 2v. 8°. 1450, F. — Taylor, J. B. ed. Travels in Arabia. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 1425, F. — Olin, S. Travels in Arabia Petr^a. N.Y. 1860. 2 v. 12°. 545, F. Arabian (The) nights entertainments. Phil. n. d. 16°. . . 557, N. — The same. Bost. 1873. 12°. .... 572, N. Arabs. Condfe, J. A. History of the Arabs in Spain. Lond. 1854. 8°. 663, J. — Schauck, A. F. von. Poesie und Kunst der Araber'in Spanien und Sicilien. Berlin. 1865. 2 v. 8°. . . . . 178, M. Arago, D. F. Popular Astronomy, ir. by W. H. Smyth and R. Grant. Lond. 1855. 2 vols. 8°. .... . 565, Q. Araucanians, (The.) A tour in Southern Chili. E. R. Smith. N. Y. 1855. 12° 2960, D. Arcadia, Countess of Pembroke's. iSir P. Sidney. Lond. 1868. 8°. 475, L. Archel&us, bishop of Cauha. Remains, ^r. by S.D.F.Salmond. Edin.1871. 8° 1202,R PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 17 Arches, Bland, W, Arches, peers and buttresses. Lond. 1867. 12°. 246, J. Archie Lovell. A.Edwards. Leip. 1867. 2v.ini. 16°. . 977, J. — The same. N.Y. 1872. 8°. .... 1620, A. Architects. Cunningham, A. Lives of British. Lond. 1830-33. 6v. 16°. 60, J. — Spooner, S. Anecdotes of architects. N.Y. 1865. 3v. 8°. 85, H. — Vasari, Gr. Lives of eminent architects. Lond. 1855. 5 v. 8°. 743, J. Architecture. Allen, C. B. Cottage building. Lond. 1870. 12°. 186, J. — Allen, L. F. Rural architecture. N.Y. 1852. 12°. . 365, H. — Arnot, D. H. Gothic architecture. N.Y. 1850. 4°. . 500, H. ■ — Atwood, D. T. Country and suburban houses. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 385, H. — Brooks, S. H. Erection of dwelling houses. Lond. 1870. 12°. 264, J, — Bullock, J. American cottage builder. Phil. 1871. 8°. 435, H, — Bury, T. T. Styles of architecture. Lond. 1867. 12°. . 171, J, — Dallaway, J. Architecture in England. Lond. 1833. 8°. 495, H. — Eassie, W. Healthy houses. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 370, H. — Fergusson, J. Illustrated handbook of. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 8°. 489, H. The palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. Lond. 1851. 8° 490, H. — Fowler, O.S. A home for all. N.Y. 1856. 12°. . 375, H. — Garbett, E. L. Principlesof design in architecture. Lond. 1867. 12° 172, J. — Gordon, G. H. Principlesof beauty in Grecian. Lond. 1860. 12°. 262, J. — Grammar of house planning. Edin. 1864. 12°. . . 354, H. — Gwilt, J. Encyclopaedia of architecture. Lond. 1867. 8°. *485, H. Elements of architectural criticism. Lond. 1837. 8°. 498, H. — Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. N.Y. 1855. 18°. . . 35, K. — Leeds, W. H. Orders of architecture. Lond. 1871. 12°. 171, J. — Lefebre, A. Wonders of architecture. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 11, Q. — Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of architecture. Lond. 1869. 8°. 425, H. — Hemes, J. S. History of architecture. Edin. 1829. 12°. 24, J. — Parker, J. H. Glossary of terms used in. Oxford 1869. 16°. 475, H. Domestic architecture in England 14th and 15th centuries. Oxford 1853-9. 3 v. 8° 492, H. — Eichardson, C. J. House-building. N.Y. 1873. 8°. . 373, H. — Richardson, T. A. Architectural modelling in paper. Lond. 1859. 12°.260, J. — Ruskin, J. Lectures on architecture. N.Y. 1868. 12°. 58, H. Lectures on architecture and painting. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 61, H. The seven lamps of architecture. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . 58, H. The stones of Venice. N.Y. 1869. 3 v. 12°. . . 59, H. The study of architecture. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 57, H. — Sloan, S. Homestead architecture. Phil. 1870. 8°. 440, H. The model architect. Phil. 1868. 2 v. 4°. . . ^505, H. — Turner, T. H. Domestic architecture in England 12th and 13th centuries. Oxford, 1851. 8°. . . . . 492, H. — Vaux,C. Villas and cottages N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 445, H. — Vitruvius PoUio M. Architecture. Lond. 1860. 12°. . 261, J. — Woodward, G. E. Architecture and rural art. N.Y. 1868. 2 v. 12°. 356, H. Country homes. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . . 355, H. Graperies and horticultural buildings. N.Y. 1867. 12°. , 358, H. — See also Building: Naval architecture. 2 18 OATALOQUE OP THE n.d. 8°. 555, Q. toward th e . 48, D. , 55, D. 30, D. . 45, D. J. 2 V. 8°. 50, D. , 28, D. Architecture (The) of the heavens. J. P. Nichol. Lond. Arctic regions. Beechey, F. W. Voyage of discovery north pole. Lond. 1843. 8°. . . . — Hall, C. F. Arctic researches. N.Y. 1866. 8°. — Hayes, I. 1. An arctic boat journey. Bost. 1869. i The open Polar sea. N.Y. 1867. 8°. — Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations, 1853-5. Phil. 1857. — Knights of the frozen sea. N.Y. 1868. 12°. — Leslie,*S'«V J. Adventuresinthepolar sea and regions. Edin.l835.16°.150,J. — M'Clintock, F. L. The voyage of the "Fox." Bost. 1860. 12°. 40, D. — Richardson, ;S'«V J. Arctic searching expedition. N.Y. 1854. 12°. 35, D. Argentine republic. King,J. A. Twenty -four years in the. Lond. 1846. 8°.2998,D. Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, Gc. J. D. Arians, (The) of the 4th century. J. H. Newman, Lond. 1871. 8°. 1575, R. Aristsenetus. Love epistles ^r. by R. B. Sheridan. Lond. 1854. 8°. 479, J. Aristophanes. Comedies, tr. by W. J. Hickie. Lond. 1872. .2 v. 8°. 435, J. Vol. I. The Acharnians ; The knights; The clouds; The wasps ; Peace ; The birds. 2. Lysistrata; Thesmophoriazusae ; The frogs; Ecclesiazusae ; Plutus. Aristotle. History of animals, ir. by R. Cresswell. Lond. 1862. 8° 439, J. — Metaphysics, ir. by J. M'Mahon. Lond. 1857. 8°. . . 438, J. — Nicomachean ethics, ir. by R. W. Browne. Lond. 1871. 8°. 436, J. — Organon; or logical treatises, tr.hy 0. F. Owen. Lond. 1853. 2v. 8°. 440, J. — Politics and economics, tr. by E. Walford. Lond. 1871. 8°. 437, J. — Rhetoric and poetic, lit. tr. by T. Buckley. Lond. 1872. 8°. 441, J. — Grote, G. Aristotle. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8°. . . 20, N. Arithmetic. Arman, A. Stepping stone to arithmetic. Lond. 1866. 12° 278, J. Key to above. Lond. 1865. 12°. . . . 279, J. — Haddon, J. Rudimentary arithmetic. Lond. 1862. 12°. 268, J. — Arman, A. Key to the above. Lond. 1862. 12°. . 269, J. — Hipsley, W. Equational arithmetic. Lond. 1854. 12°. 223, J. — Lardner, D. Treatise on arithmetic. Lond. 1834. 16°. 358, J. — Young, J. R. Rudimentary treatise on arithmetic. Lond. 1868. 12° 221, J. Key to the above. Lond. 1853. 12°. . . . 222, J. Arizona. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. N.Y. 1869. 12° 2689, D. Ark of Elm island. E. Kellogg. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . 1437, B. Armadale. W. W. Collins. Leip. 1866. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . 882, J. — The same. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . . 3015, A. Arman, A. Key to Haddon's rudimentary arithmetic. Lond. 1862. 12°. 269, J. — Ready reckoner for the admeasurement of land. Lond. 1862. 12°. 201, J. — Stepping stone to arithmetic. Lond. 1866. 12°. . 278, J. — Key to the above. Lond. 1865. 12°. . . . 279, J. Armour, J. Iron and heat. Lond. 1871. 12°. . . 295, J. — Power in motion. Lond. 1871. 12°. . . . 296, J. Arms and armour. M. P. Lacombe. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 310, H. Armstrong, J. Life of Anthony Wayne. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 10-4, C. — Life of Richard Montgomery. N.Y. 1834. 12°. . 10-1, C. Armstrong, R. Construction of steam boilers. Lond. 1871. 12°. 199, J. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 19 Army and navy series. W.T.Adams. Bost. 1873. 6 v. 16°. 135, B. Army life in a black regiment. T. W. Higginson. Bost. 1870. 12°. 595, D. Arnd, E. Geschichte der neuesten zeit, 1789-1867. Leip. 1870-1. 7 V. in 6. 8° 110, F. Arne. B. Bjoernson. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . . 327, M. Arnim, B. von. Goethe's correspondence with a child. Bost. 1868. 12°. 565, M. Arnobius Afer. Seven books of Arnobius adversus Gentes. Edin. 1871. 8° 1201, R Arnold, B. Sparks J. Life and treason of. N.Y. 1865. 12°. 10-3, C. Arnold, F. Turning points in life. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 838, L. Arnold, G. Poems. Bost. 1871. 12° 65, K. Arnold, M. Essays in criticism. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . 934, L. — Literature and dogma. Bost. 1873. 12°. . . .96, R. — New poems. Bost. 1867. 12°. .... 71, K. — Poems. Bost. 1856. 12°. . . . . . 70, K. Arnold, R. A. From the Levant. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . 408, E. Arnold, T. History of Rome. N.Y. 1872. 8°. ... 865, E. — Lectures on modern history, ed. by H. Reed. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 260, F. — Life of Hannibal. N.Y. 1870. 16°. ... 820, E. — Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of Bost. 1870. 12°. 2635, C. Arnot, D. H. . Gothic architecture. N.Y. 1850. 4°. . 500, H. Arnot, W. Laws from heaven for life on earth. Lond. 1871. 8°. 818, R. — The parables of our Lord. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . 357, R. Arnott, N. Elements of physics. Lond. 1864. 2 v, 8°. ' , 103, Q. Around a spring. G. Droz. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . . . 1384, M. Around the world. E. D. G. Prime. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 335, F. Arrah Neil. G. P. R. James. Leip. 1844. 16°. . . 1024, J. Arrom, C. Bohl de {Fernan Caballero) Elia; or Spain fifty years ago. N.Y. 1868. 12° 315, N. Art. Clement, C. E. Legendary and mythological art.N.Y. 1873. 8°. 30, H. — Cook, D. Art in England. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . 155, H. — Didron, A. N. Christian iconography. Lond. 1851. 8°. 530, J. — Pallet, C. The princes of art. Bost. 1870. 8°. . 110, H. — Hamerton, P. G. Thoughts about art. Bost. 1871. 16°. 10, H. — Jameson, A. Sacred and legendary art. Bost. 1866. 2 v. 16°. 73, H. Sketches of art. Bost. 1866. 16°. . . . 703, L. • — Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. N.Y. 1855. 12°. . . 35, H. The art-idea. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . . . . 5, H. Art thoughts. N.Y. 1871. 8°. .... 37, H. — Lardner, D. Museum of science and art. Lond. 1859. 12v in 6. 8°. 40, Q. — Long, S. P. Art; its laws, and reasons for them. Bost. 1871. 8°. 45, H. — Lubke, W. Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte. Stutt. 1871. 2v. 8°. 190, H. History of art. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . . 195, H. — Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . 15, H. — Ruskin, J. Lectures on art. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 55, H. The true and beautiful in art. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . 60, H. — Smith, W. Art education. Bost. 1872. 8°. . . 50, H. CATALOGUE OF THE Art. Taine, H. A Art in Greece. N.Y. 1872. 16°. . . 151, H. Art in the Netherlands. N.Y. 1871. 16°. . . 150, H. The ideal in art. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . . . 13, H. — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and symbolism. Lond. 1872. 12°. 28, H. — Viardot, L. Wonders of European art. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 14, Q Wonders of Italian art. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 18, Q. — Waagen, G. F. Treasures of art in Great Britain. Lond. 1854. 3v. 8° 178, H. — Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in Europe. Thil. 1868. 8°. 2393, L. — Winckelmann, J. Ancient art among the Greeks. Lond. 1850.8°. 185, H. Art. a tale. C. Reade. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . . 2696, A. Art and artlessness. H. N. W. Baker. Bost. 1868. 16°. . 385, B. Art (The) of conversation. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . . 1756, H. Art of prolonging life. C. W. Hufeland. Phil. 1870. 12°. . 428, T. Art of travel. F. Galton. Lond. 1872. 12°. . . . 1475, H. Artemus Ward; his book. C. F. Browne. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 4165, A. Artemus Ward; his travels. C. F. Browne. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 4166, A. Artemus Ward in London. C. F. Browne. Bost. 1867. 12°. 4167, A. Arthur, T. S. Advice to young men. Phil. 1860. 12°. . 728, R. — After a shadow and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 281, B. — The angel of the household and other tales. Phil. 1853. 12°. 4030, A. — The good time coming. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . 4031, A. — Heart-histories and life-pictures. Phil. 1857. 12°. . 4032, A. — Hidden wings and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 275, B. ^ Home lights and shadows. Phil. 1853. 12°. . . 4033, A. — Not anything for peace and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. 280, B. ^ Nothing but money. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . . 4034, A. — The peacemaker and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 279, B. ^ Sowing the wind and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 276, B. ^ Sparing to spend. Phil. 1853. 12°. . . . 4035, A. — Sunshine at home and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 277, B. — Ten nights in a bar-room. Phil. 1864. 12°. . . 4036, A. — The three eras of a woman's life. Phil. 1850. 12°. . 4037, A. — Trials and confessions of a housekeeper. Phil. 1859. 12°. 4038, A. — True riches and other tales. Phil. 1850. 12°. . 4039, A. — The way to prosper and other talps. Phil. 1853. 12°. . 4040, A. — and Carpenter, W. H. History of Connecticut. Phil. 1865. 12°. 1300, D. History of Georgia. Phil. 1861. 12°. . . . 1700, D. History of Illinois. Phil. 1867. 12°. . . . 2100, D. History of Kentucky. Phil. 1860. 12°. . . 1815, D. History of New Jersey. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . 1500, D. History of New York. Phil. 1856. 12°. . . 1350, D. History of Ohio. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . . 1875, D. History of Pennsylvania. Phil. 1857. 12°. . . 1530, D. History of Vermont. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . . 1020, D. — - History of Virginia. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . . 1600, D. Arthur Brown. E. Kellogg. Bost. 1871. 16°. . . 1441, B. Arthur Mervyn. C. B. Brown. Phil. 1857. 2 v. 12°. . 4154, A. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 21 Arthur O'Leary. C. .T. Lever. Leip. 1847. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1096, J. — The same. Phil. n. d. 8°. . . . . 3085, A. Artillery. Instructions for field artillery. Phil. 1866. 8°. . 1830, H. — Taubert, Capt. Use of field artillery. Lond. 1856. 12°. 249, J. Artists. Ellet, E. F. Women artists. N.Y. 1859. 12°. . 103, II. — Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 125, H. Artists and arabs. H. Blackburn. Lond. 1868. 8°. . . 714, F. Artist's (The) love. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1872. 12°, 1303, A. Arts. Chevreul, M. E. Application of colours to the arts. Lond. 1872. 8°613,J. — Lardner, D. Geometry, and its application to the. Lond. 1840. 16°. 359, J. — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts. Lond. 1867. 3 v. 8°. . ^35, H. Arvine, K. Cyclopaediaof anecdotes of literature and art. Bost. 1870. 8°.661, L. — Cyclopaedia of moral and religious anecdotes. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 660, L. Ashango-land. Du Chaillu, P. B. Journey to. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 926, F. Asia. Ferrier, J. P. Wanderings in central Asia. Lond. 1856. 8°. 1445, F. — Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Hart. 1871. 8°. 1115, F. — Pumpelly, E. Across America and Asia. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 350, F. — Vdmb^ry, A. Travels in central Asia. N.Y 1865. 8°. 1455, F. Askaros Kassis, the Copt. E. De Leon. Phil. 1870. 12°. . 4350, A. Aslauga's knight. F. de La Motte Fouqu^. N.Y. 1869. 16°. 445, M. Aspendale. H..W. Preston. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 1122, A, Assyria Eawlinson, Gr. History, geography and antiquities of. Lond. 1862-4. 2 v. 8°. . . . . . 725, F. Astoria. W.Irving. N.Y. 1864. 12°. .... 2251. L. Astronomy. Arago, D. F. Popular astronomy. Lond 1855. 2v. 8°. 565, Q. — Burr, E. F. Ecce coelum. Bost. 1867. 12°. . . 590, Q. — Carpenter, W. B. Astronomy. Lond. 1857. 8°. . 610, J. — Flammarion, C. Wonders of the heavens. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 21. Q. — Guillemin, A. The heavens. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 556, Q. — Heather, J. F. Astronomical instruments. Lond. 1871. 12°. 300, J. — Herchel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of astronomy. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 550. Q. Treatise on astronomy. Lond. 1833. 16°. . 362, J. — Hind, J. R. Introduction to astronomy. Lond. 1863. 8°. 620, J. — Kirk wood, D. Meteoric astronomy. Phil. 1867. 8°. . 588, Q. — Kurtz, J. H. The Bible and astronomy. Phil. 1861. 12°. 503, R. — Main, R. Rudimentary astronomy. Lond. 1869. 12°. . 231, J. — Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy. Lond. 1873. 12°. 587, Q. — Mitchell, 0. M. Astronomy of the Bible. N.Y. 1868. 12°. 583. Q. Planetary and stellar worlds. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 584, Q. Popular astronomy. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . . 585, Q. — Nichol, J. P. The architecture of the heavens. Lond. n.d. 8°. 555, Q. System of the world. Edin. 1846. 8°. . . . 605, Q. — Proctor, R. A. Essays on astronomy. Lond. 1872. 8°. . 553, Q. Half hours with the telescope. Lond. 1868. 16°. . 575, Q. The orbs around us. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . . 598, Q. Other worlds than ours. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 596, Q. — Walsh, J. Astronomy and geology compared. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 578, Q. ' — Webb, T. W. Objects for common telescopes. Lond. 1859. 12°. 580, Q. CATALOGUE OF THE Astronomy. Whewell, W. Astronomy with reference to natural theology. Lond. 1871. 8° 604, J. The plurality of worlds. Bost. 1861. 12°. . . 593, Q. — Young, J. R. Navigation and nautical astronomy. Lond. n.d. 12°. 234, J. Tables to the above. Lond. 1872. 12°. 235, J. At anchor. N.Y. 1865. 12° .... . 90, A. At his gates. M. 0. W. Oliphant. N.Y. 1873. 8° . . 1718 A. At home and abroad. J. P. Kennedy. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . 2385 L. At home and abroad. S. M. F. Marchesa rf'Ossoli. Bost. 1856. 12°. 130 E. At home and abroad. J. B. Taylor. N.Y. 1862. 2 v. 12°. 2388 L. At last. M. V. Terhune. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . . 1427, A. At last: a Christmas in the West Indies. C. Kingsley. Lond. 1871. 8°. 2830, D. — The same. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 1068, J. At odds. I. von Tautphoeus. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1290, J. — The same. Phil. 1863. 12° 1390, A. At the back of the north wind. G. Mac Donald. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 2632. A Atalanta in Calydon. A. C. Swinburne. Bost. 1868. 12°. . 795, K. Athense-us. Deipnosophists. ifr. byC. D. Yonge. Lond. 1583. 3 v. 8°. 442, J. Athenagoras. The writings of Athenagoras. Edin. 1868. 8°. . 1186, R. Athens. Boeckh, A. The public economy of. Lond. 1828. 2 v. 8°. 920, E. — Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens. Lond. 1858. 8°. . 575, J. Athens. Its rise and fall. E.L. Bulwer-Lytton Leip. 1843. 2v. inl. 16°. 817, J. Athens county, Ohio. Walker, C. M. History of. Gin. 1869. 8°. 1896, D. Atkins, M. A. Earl Whiting. Bost. 1870. 16°. . . 300, B. — Little pea-nut merchant. Bost. 1869. 16°. . , 301, B. Atkinson, E Nntural philosophy. NY. 1872. 8°. . . 97, Q. Atkinson, J. C. British birds' eggs and nests. Lond. n.d. 16°. . 275, G. — Plavhours and half-holidays. Lond. 1868. 16°- . 306, B. — Walks, talks etc. of two school boys. Lond. 1868. 16°. . 307, B. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and western Siberia. N.Y. 1865. 8°. 1120, F. Atlantic essays. T. W. Higginson. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 2195, L. Atlantic monthly. Nov. 1857-Dec. 1872. Bost. 1858-72. 30 v. 8°. 8, Z. Atlas. Black. A. and C. General Atlas of the world. Edin. 1870. fol. *R.R. — Gage, W. L. Modern historical atlas. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . *65, F. — Mitchell, S. A. New general atlas. PhiL 1873. 4°. . ^R.R. Attache; or, Sam Slick in England. T. C. Haliburton. Lond. n. d. 12° 2326, A. Atterbury, F. T. B. Macaulay. Leip. 1860. 16°. . . 1138, J. Attic (An) philosopher in Paris. E. Souvestre. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 1317, M. Attorneys and solicitors. Warren, S. Duties of. Albany 1870, 12°. 228, S. Atwood, D. T. Country and suburban houses. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 385, H. Auberlen, C. A., and Riggenbach, C. J. Commentary on Thessalonians, ^r. by J. Lillie. N.Y. 1870. 8°. ... 67, R.. Aubrey. A. Marsh-Caldwell. Leip. 1854. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1162, J. Auckland Isles. Musgrave, T. Castaway on the. Lond. 1866. 12°. 1606, F. Audubon, J. J. Audubon, L. Life of N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 735, C. Audubon, L. Life of J. J. Audubon. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 735. C. Auer, A. von It is the iashion. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . 466, M, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 23 Auerbach, B. Gesammelte Schriften. Stutt. 1863-4. 22 v. in 11. 16°. 12. M. Vol. I.-VIII. Schwarzwalder Dorfgeschichten. IV. Barfussele. X.-XI. Spinoza, ein Denkerleben. XII.-XIII. Dichter und Kaufmann. XIV.-XVI. Neues Le- ben. XVII.-XVIII. Schatzkastlein des Gevattermanns. XIX. Deutsche Abende. XX. Schrift und Volk. XXI. Joseph im Schnee. XXII. Edelweiss. Auerbach, B. Auf der Hohe. Stutt. 1870. 2 v. 16°. . . 10, M. — Black forest village stories. N.Y. 1869 12°. . . 495, M. — Edelweiss. Best. 1869. 12°. .... 490, M. — German tales. Bost. 1869. 12°. ; . . . 492, M. — Joseph in the snow. Bost. 1868. 16°. . . . 494, M. — Das Landhaus am Rhein. Stutt. 1869. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . 11, M. — On the heights. Bost. 1873. 12° 496, M. — Villa Eden; the country-house on the Rhine. Bost. 1871. 8°. 602, M. — The villa on the Rhine. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . . . 497, M.. August and Elvie. J.Abbott. N.Y. 1871. 16°. . . . 20, B. Auersperg, A. A. von. The last knight. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . 558, M. Auf der Hohe. B. Auerbach. Stutt. 1870. 2 v. 16°. . . 10, M. Augustine, St. Confessions, ed. by W. G. T. Shedd. Andover 1871. 12°. 1178, R. Aunt Carrie's story book. J. Miller, N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 1775, B. Aunt Fanny, pseud. See Barrow, F. Aunt Hattie. pseud. See Baker, H N. W. Aunt Jane's hero. E.Prentiss. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 1115, A. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. L. M. Alcott. Bost. 1872-3. 2 v. 16°. Vol. I. My boys, etc. 70, A. Vol. 2. Shawl-straps. 71, A. Aunt Kitty's tales. M. J. Mcintosh. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . 1640, B. Aunt Lois. C. E. K. Davis. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . . 851, B Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. C. L. Hentz. Phil. 1872. 12°. . 625, A. Aurelian; or, Rome in the 3d century. W.Ware. N.Y. 1866. 2v. 12°. 5320, A. Aurelius Antonius. M. Thoughts, ?!r. by G. Long. Lond. 1869. 8°. 433, J. Aureola; or, the black sheep. A. S. Mackenzie. Phil. 1871. 12°. 889, A. Aurora Floyd. -M. E. Braddon. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 787, J. Aurora Leigh. E. B. Browning. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . 813, J. Austen, J. Emma. Bost. 1867. 12°. . . . . " 95, A. — Mansfield park. Leip. 1867. 16°. .... 779, J. The same. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . . . 96, A. — Northanger abbey; and Persuasion. Leip. 1871. 16°. . 780, J. — Pride and prejudice; and Northanger abbey. Bost. 1864. 12°. 97, A. — Sense and sensibility. Leip. 1864. 16°. . . . 782, J. and Persuasion. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . . 98, A. Austin, J. G. Cipher. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . . . 1605, A. — Outpost. Bost. 1867. 12°. . . . . . 100, A. — The shadow of Moloch mountain. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . 1606, A. Austin Elliot, il. Kingsley. Leip. 1863. 16°. . . 1074, J. — The same. Bost. 1863. 12°. . . . . 2410, A. Australia. Baird, J. Emigrant's guide to. Lond. 1868. 12°. 289, J. Australian wanderers. S.Lee. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 1561,. B. Austria. Coxe, W. History of the house of. Lond. 1864-72. 4v. 8°. 666, J. — Eden, L. S. My holiday in Austria. Lond. 1869. 8°. . 525, E. 24 CATALOGUE OP THE Austria. Russell, J. Tour in Germany and Austria. Edin. 1828. 2v. 18°. 19, J. Authors. Allibone, S. A. Dictionary of authors. Phil. 1870-71. 3v. 8°. *L.R. Authors. Disraeli, I. Calamities and quarrels of. N.Y. 1868. 2 v. 8°. 32, L. — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. Bost. 1873. 8°. 250, C. — Knight, C. Half hours with the best. Phil. n.d. 6v. in 3. 12°. 491, L. Autobiographic sketches. T. De Quincy. Bost. 1866. 12°. . 430, L. Autobiography of a small boy. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 312, B. Autocrat (The) of the breakfast-table. 0. W. Holmes. Bost.1868. 12°. 2206, L. Autographs for freedom. J.Griffiths. Auburn 1854. 12°. . 2120, L. Autumn holidays of a country parson. A. K. H. Boyd. Bost. 1865. 12° 825, L. Auvergne. Costello, L. S. A pilgrimage to. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 8°. 1619, E. Ava. Symes, M. Embassy to Ava in 1795. Edin. 1827. 2 v. 12°. 5, J. Avenger. (The) an^l other papers. T. De Quincy. Bost. 1866. 12°. 431, L. Averill, A. S. .\niiie Mason. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 105, A. Avery Glibun. R. H. Newell. N.Y. 1867. 8°. • . 5470, A. Away in the wilderness. R. M. Ballantyne. N.Y 1869. 18°. 315, B. Ayrshire legatees. J. Gait. Edin. 1823. 12°. . . 2301, A. Aytoun,W.E. {Bon Gaultier.) Ballads of Scotland. Edin 1859. 2v. 16°. 1023, K. — Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, etc. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 76, K. — Life and times of Richard I, of England. Lond. 1840. 16°. 50, J. — and Martin, T. Book of ballads, and Firmilian. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 75,K. Azarian. H. E. Spofford. Bost. 1864. 12°. . . . 1341, A. B. 0. W. C. (The). J. De Mille. Bost. 1870. 16° . . 865, B. Babbage,C. Economy of machinery and manufactures. Lond. 1832. 16°. 753, H. Babolain, G. Droz. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . . . 1385, M. Babylon. Layard, A. H. Discoveries in the ruins of. Lond. 1853. 8°. 729, F — Rawlinson, G. History and antiquities of. Lond. 1865. 8°. 725, F. Bach, J. S. Barnard, C. Y.,jr. The tone masters. Bost. 1871. 16°. 1612, H. Bache, R. M. American wonderland. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 4070, A. — Vulgarisms and other errors of speech, Phil. 1868. 16°. 287,0. — The young wrecker of the Florida reef. Phil. 1871. 12°. 350, B. Backlog studies. C. D. Warner. Bost. 1872. 12°, . . 2192, L. Bacon, F. Lord. Works ed. by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis and D. D. Heath. N.Y. 1869. 15 V. 8° 985, L. Vol. I. Life of Bacon, by W. Rawley; General preface to the philosophical works, by R. L. Ellis ; Novum organum. II. Parasceve ad historiam naturalem et experimentalem. II-III. De augmentis scientiarum ; Historia ventorum ; Historia vitae et mortis. IV. Historia densi et rari ; Inquisitio de magnete ; Topica inquisitionis de luce et lumine. IV-V, Sylva sylvarum. V. Scala intellectus sive filum labyrinthi ; Prodromi sive anticipationes philosophise secundae ; Cogitationes de natura rerum ; De fluxu et refluxu maris ; De principus atque originibus, etc. New Atlantis ; Magnalia naturae ; Cogitationes de scientia humana. VI. Valerius Terminus ; Advancement of learning ; Filum labyrinthi ; De in- terpretatione naturae prooemium. VII. Temporis partus masculus ; Partis instaurationis secundae delineatio et argumentum ; Redargutio philosophiarum ; Cogitata et visa de in- terpretatione nafurae ; Inquisitio legitima de motu ; Calor et frigus : Historia soni et au- ditus; Phaenomena universi ; Descriptio globi intellectualis ; Thema coeli ; De interpreta. tione naturae sententiae ; XII; Aphorismi et consilia ; Physiological and medical remains. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS, 25 Bacon, F. Lord. Continued, VIII, Translations : The great instauration ; The new organon ; Preparative towards a natural and experimental history. VIII-IX. Dignity and advancement of learning. IX. Natural and experimental history ; History of the winds ; Fragment of Abecedarium naturae. X. History of life and death ; History of dense and rare ; Inquiry respecting the magnet ; Light and luminous matter ; Thoughts on the nature of things ; Ebb and flow of the sea; Principles and origins; Description of the intellectual globe ; Theory of the heavens ; Index to philosophical works. XI. History of the reign of king Henry VII ; Beginning of the history of king Henry VIII ; Beginning of the history of Great Britain ; In felicem me- moriam Elizabethae. XII. In Henricumprincipem Walliae elogium ; Imago civilis Julii Csesaris ; Imago civilis Augusti Caesaris ; Additions and corrections in Camden's Annales ; Essays or counsels civil and moral Appendix. XII-XIII. De sapientia veterum, with translation ; Advertisement touching a holy war ; True greatness of Britain ; Colours of good and evil ; Letter and discourse touching helps for the intellectual powers ; Short notes for civil conversation; Apophthegms new and old XIV. Promus of formularies and el- egancies ; Christian paradoxes ; Maxims of the law ; Reading on the statute of uses ; Use of the law. XV. Discourse upon the commission of Bridewell ; Arguments of law ; Prepa- ration for the union of the laws ; Answers to questions touching the office of constables ; Or- dinances in chancery ; Appendix ; Index. — Moral and historical works, ed. by J. Devey. Lond. 1871. 8°. 650, J. — Physical and metaphysical works, ed. by J. Devey. Lond. 1872. 8°. 598, J. — Dixon, W.H. Personal history of. Leip. 1861. 16°. . 968, J. Bacon, N. Ware W. Memoir of. Bost. 1864. 12°. . 10-13, C. Badeau, A. Military history of U. S. Grant, vol. 1. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 1176, C. Baden, F. H. and Southworth, E. D. E. N. The artist's love and (other) stories. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . 1303, A. The Christmas guest. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . 1308, A. Bahr, C. C. W. F. Commentary on the book of Kings. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 41, R. Bage, R. Man as he is not; or Hermsprong. Lond. 1810. 12°. 2980, A. Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 55, S. Bagg, L. H. Four years at Yale. New Haven. 1871. 12°. . .93,0. Baile,J. Wonders of electricity, ed. by J.W.Armstrong. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 300,Q. Bailey, J. M. Life in Danbury. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 4073, A. Bailey, P. J. Festus ; a poem. N.Y. n.d. 12. . . 100, K. Bailey, R. W. The scholar's companion. Phil. 1872. 12°. " . 293, 0. Bain, A. Mental and moral science. pt. 1, Psychology and history of philosophy. Lond. 1872. 8°. 414, P. pt.2 Theory of ethics and ethical systems. Lond. 1872. 8°. 473, P. — The senses and the intellect. Lond. 1868. 8°. , . 440, P. — The study of character. Lond. 1861. 8°. . . 430, P. Baird, J. Emigrants guide to Australasia — Australia. Lond. 1868. 12° 289, J — - Tasmania : New Zealand. Lond. 1871. 12°. . . 290, J. — The management of health. Lond. 1868. 12°. . . 248, J. Baird, R. Religion in America. N.Y. 1856. 8°. . . 1760, R. Baird, S. F. ed. Annual record of science and industry. 1871-72. N.Y. 1872-3. 2 V. 8° . . . . . 152, Q. Baked meats of the funeral. C. G. Halpine. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 2233, L' Baker, C. R. Practical and scientific fruit culture. Bost. 1866. 8°. 1265, H. Baker, G. M. Amateur dramas. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 1531, K. — A baker's dozen: original humorous dialogues. Bost. 1872. 16°. 1530, K. — The drawing-room stage. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 1534, K. — The mimic stage. Bost. 1871. 16°. . . . 1532, K. 2* CATALOGUE OF THE Baker, G. M. The social stage. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 1533, K. Baker, H. N. W. (Aunt Hattie) (Madeline Leslie) Art and artlessness. Bost. 1868. 16° e385, B. — The governor's pardon. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . 400, B. — The hole in the pocket. Bost. 1866. 16°. . . 375, B.^ — Howard and his teacher and other stories. Bost. 1868. 16°. 392, B — I'll try; or the young housekeeper. Bost. 1871. 16°. . 368, B. — Jack the chimney sweeper and other stories. Bost. 1868. 16°. 393, B. — Little Agnes. Bost. 1871. 16° 387, B. — Live and learn. Bost. 1871. 16°. . . . . 401, B. — The motherless children. Bost. 1868. 16?. . . 394, B. — Play and study. Bost. 1868. 16°. . . . 395, B. — Lost but found. Bost. 1866. 16°. . . . . 376, B. — Stopping the leak. Bost. 1865. 16°. . . . 377, B. — Trying to be useful. Bost. 1871. 16°. . . . 388, B. — Walter and Frank. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . . 402, B. — The wheel of fortune. Bost. 1872. 96°. . . . 370, B. Baker, L. G. History of the U. 8. secret service. Phil. 1867. 8°. 705, D. Baker, Sir S. W. The Albert N'yanza. Phil. 1869. 12°. . 990, F. — Cast up by the sea. Phil. 1871. 12°. . . . 410, B. — Eight years wanderings in Ceylon. Phil. 1869. 12°. . 1520, F. — The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. Phil. 1868. 12°: . 991, F. — The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. Phil. 1871. 12° . 1521, F. Baker,T. Elements of mechanism and machine tools. Lond. 1871. 12°. 233, J. — Land and engineering surveying. Lond. 1871. 12°. . 200, J. — Mathematical theory of the steam engine. Lond. 1870. 12°. 271, J. — Mensuration and measuring, go?, by E. Nugent. Lond, 1871. 12°. 229, J. — Statics and dynamics, ed. by E. Nugent. Lond. 1869. 12°- 232, J. Baker, W. M. The new Timothy. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 4075, A Baker's (A) dozen [dialogues]. G. M. Baker. Bost. 1872. 16°. 1530. K. Bakewell, F. C. Great facts. N.Y. 1860. 12°. . . 460, L. — A manual of electricity. Phil. 1856. 12°. . 280, Q. Balaustion's adventure. R.Browning. Bost. 1871. 12°. . 170, K. Baldwin, J. D Ancient America. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 1265, G. - Pre historic nations. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . ... 865, G. Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders; sketches of Am. statesmen. N.Y. 1868. 12° 70, C. Baldwin, W. C. African hunting. NY. 1863. 12°. . . 1030, F. Ballads. Aytoun, W. E. Ballads of Scotland. Edin. 1859. 2 v. 16°. 1023, K. — - The book of ballads. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . . . 75' K. — Chi\d,F J.ed. English and Scottish ballads. Bost. 1864-.71. 8 v. 16°.2, K. — Moore, F. Ballads of the American revolution. N.Y.1856. 12°. 605, K. — Sheehan, J. ed Bentley ballads. Lond. 1869. 8°. . 120, K. Ballads, lyrics and hymns. A. Gary. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . 226, K. Ballantyne, R. M. Away in the wilderness. N.Y. 1869. 18°. 315, B. — The coral island. Lond. 1867. 12°. . . . 420, B. — Deep down, a tale of the mines. Phil. 1869. 12°. . 421, B. — The dog Crusoe. Phil. n. d. 16°. .... 422, B. — Erling, the bold. Phil. 1871. 12°. . . . 423, B. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 27 Ballantyne, R. M. Fast in the ice. N.Y. 1869. 18°. . 1070, B- — Fighting the flames. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . 434, B. — Fighting the whales. N.Y. 1869. 18°. . . . 1071, B. — The floating light of the Goodwin sands.. Phil. 1871. 16°. 424, B. — Freaks on the fells; "Why I did not become a sailor. Phil. n.d. 12°. 425, B- — Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. Phil. n. d. 12°. . 435, B'. — The gorilla hunters. Phil. n. d. 12°. . 426, B. — The iron horse, or life on the line. Lond. 1871. 12°. . 427, B. — Martin Rattler. Lond. 1858. 16°. . . . 438, B. — Thenorsemen in the west. Lond. 1872. 16°. . . 428, B. — The red Eric. Lond. n. d. 12°. . . . . 429, B. — Shifting winds. Phil. 1866. 16°. . . . . 430, B. — Silver lake ; or. lost in the snow. Phil. 1868. 16°. . 437, B. — Ungava. Lond. 1868. 16°. ..... 431, B. — The wild man of the west. Phil. n. d. 16°. . . 436, B. — The world of ice. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . . 432, B. — The young fur traders. Edin. 1856. 16°. . . 433, B. Ballooning. Glaisher, J. Travels in the air. Phil. 1871. 8°. 225, Q. — Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 8, Q. Bampton lectures, 1866. — Liddon, H. P. Divinity of our Lord. Lond. 1866. 8°. 372, R. Bancroft, G. History of the United States. Bost. 1867. 9 v. 8°. 225, D. Banditti and robbers. McFarlane,C. Lives and exploits of. Lond. 1837. 16° 84, J Bangs.N. History of the M. E. church 1766-1840. N. Y.1845-53. 4v. 12° 1715, R. Banim, M. and J. {O Hara family) The Boyne water. Dublin 1865. 12° 2025, A. — The croppy. Dublin 1865. 12°. .... 2026, A. — The denounced; and The conformists. Dublin 1866. 12°. 2027, A. — The mayor of Wind-gap; and Canvassing. Dublin 1865. 12°. 2028, A. — The peep o' day; Crohoore of the bill-hooks. Dublinl865. 12° 2029, A. — Peter of the castle; The fetchers. Dublin 1866. 12°. . 2030, A. Banished (The) son. C. L. Hentz. Phil. 1852. 12° . . 626, A. Banks, N. P. Thayer, W. M. The bobbin boy. Bost. 1864. 12°. 1105, C. Banks and banking. — Gibbons, J. S. Banks of N.Y. and panic of 1857. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 725, S. — Gilbart J. W. Treatise on banking. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 8°. 760, S. — Macleod, H. D. Theory and practice of banking. Lond. 1855. 3 V. 8° . . 765, S. Banvard, J. The American statesman, D. Webster. Bost. 1866. 16°. 450, B. — Lives of distinguished ancient philosophers. N.Y. 1860. 12°. 226, C. -- Novelties of the new world. Bost. 1859. 12°. . . 153, D. — Plymouth and the pilgrims. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . 1075, D. — Romance of American history. Bost. 1860. 12°. . 152, D. Baptism. Hinton, I. T. History of baptism. Phil. 1840. 12°. 1677, R. Baptist churches.Wayland,F.Principles and practices of. N.Y. 1867.12°.1675,R. Barbara's history. A. B. Edwards. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 972, J. Barbary states. — Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Travels in 1806-7. Lond. 1812. 2 v. 8°. 560, F, CATALOGUE OF THE Barbary States continued. — Russell, M. History of the Barbary states. Edin. 1835. 16°. 136, J. — Sala,G. A. Trip to Barbary by a roundabout route. Lond. 1866. 8°. 732, F. Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home. See Aikin, J. Barbauld, A. L. ed. British novelists. Lond. 1810. 50 v. 12°. Vol. I. Barbauld, A. L. Essay on novel writing. 2960, A. 1-8. Richardson, S. Clarissa Harlowe. 2960, A. 9-15. — Sir Charles Grandison. 2961, A. 16-17. De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe. 2962, A. 18. Fielding, H. Joseph Andrews. ' 2963, A. 19-21. — Tom Jones. 2964, A. 22. Reeve, C. Old English baron. 2965; A. Walpole, H, Castle of Otranto. 2965, A. 23. Coventry, F. Pompey the little, 2966, A. Goldsmith, O. Vicar of Wakefield. 2966. A. 24-25. Lennox, C. Female Quixote. 2967, A. 26. Johnson, S. Rasselas. 2968, A. Hawkesworth, J. Almoran and Hamet. 2968, A. 27. Brooke, F. M. Julia Mandeville. 2969, A. Inchbald, E. Nature and art. 2969, A. 28. — A simple story. 2970, A. 29. Mackenzie, H. Man of feeling; Julia de Roubigne. 2971, A, 30-31. Smollett, T. G. Humphry Clinker. 2972, A. 32-33. Graves, R. Spiritual Quixote. 2973, A. 34-35. Moore, J. Zeluco. 2974, A. 36-37. Smith, C. Old manor house. 2975, A. 38-39. D'Arblay, F. Evelina. 2976, A. 40-42. — ^Cecilia. 2977, A. 43-44. Radcliffe, A. Romance of the forest. 2978, A. 45-47- — Mysteries of Udolpho. 2979, A. 48. Bage, R. Man as he is not. 2980, A. 49-50. Edgeworth, M. Belinda. 2981. A. Barchester towers. A. Trollope. Leip. 1859. 2v.ini. 16°. 1311, J. Bard, S. A. pseud. See Squier, E. G. Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle ages. Phil. 1869. 16°. 1608, R. — Iceland ; its scenes and sagas. Lond. 1863, 8°. . . 349, E. — In exitu Israel. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 2035, A. — Legends of Old Testament characters. Lond. 1871. 12°. 1620, R. — Origin and development of religious belief. N.Y. 1870. 2v. 8°. 1578, R. Vol. I. Heathenism and mosaism. Vol. 2. Christianity. — The silver store. Lond. 1868. 16°. . 105, K. Barker, iao?!/, M. A . Spring comedies. Lond. 1871. 12°. 121, A. — Station life in New Zealand. Lond. 1871. 8° . 1515, F. — Stories about:— Lond. 1871. 8°. ... 120, A. Barnaby Rudge. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip! 1846. 16°. . 946, J. — The same. Phil. n. d. 12°. . .... 2201, A. Barnard, C. F. jr. {Jane Kingsford.) The soprano. Bost. 1869. 8°. 4090, A. — The tone masters. Bach and Beethoven. Bost. 1871. 16°. 1612, H. Handel and Haydn. Bost. 1871. 16°. . 1613, H. Mozart and Mendelssohn. Bost. 1870. 16°. . . 1614, H. Barnard, H. National education in Europe. Hart. 1854. 8°. 40, 0. Barnard, M. R. The life of Thorwaldsen. Lond. 1865. 12°. 4205, C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 29 Barnes, A. Evidences ofchristianity in the 19th century. N.Y.1872. 12°. 558, R. — Notes on the book of Daniel. N.Y. 1853 8°. . . 212, R. — Notes on the book of Job. N.Y. n. d. 2 v. 8°. . . 175, R. — Notes on the book of Isaiah. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 8°. . 200, R. — Notes on the gospels. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . 225, R. — Notes on the acts of the apostles. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 226, R. — Notes on the epistle to the Romans. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 227, R. — Notes on 1st Corinthians. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 228, R. — Notes on 2d Corinthians and Galatians. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 229, R. — Notes on Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. N.Y. 1868. 12°. 230, R. Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 231, R. The epistle to the Hebrews. N.Y. 1870 12°. . . 232, R. Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. N.Y. 1869 12°. 233, R. The book of Revelation. N Y. 1872. 12°. . . 234, R. Barnes, W. Poems of rural life. Boston, 1869. 16°. . . 110, K. Barnum, P. T. The humbugs of the world. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 589, P. — Life by himself. N.Y. 1855. 12°. . . 1055, C. Barren honour. (>. A. Lawrence. Leip. 1862. 16°. . . 1082, J. Barrett, M. William the silent, and the Netherland war. Bost. 1871. 16° 455, B. Barrett, Walter, pseud. See 8coville, J. A. Barriers burned away. E. P. Roe. N. Y. 1872. 12°. . 5090, A. Barrington, Sir J. Personal sketches of his own time. N.Y. n.d. 12°. 2340, C. Barrington. C. J. Lever. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1097. J. Barrow, F. (Aunt Fanny.) Aunt Fanny's story book. N.Y. 1865. 16°. 466, B. — Pop-gun story books. Grasshopper popguns. N.Y. 1869. 16°. 460, B, Post office pop-guns. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . . . 461, B. One big pop-gun. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . . . 462, B. Pop-guns. N Y. 1869. 16°. .... 463, B. Funny pop-guns. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . . . 464, B. All sorts of ^pop-guns. N.Y. 1869. 16°. . . 465, B. Barrow, 1. Works, with life by A. Hill. N.Y. 1845. 3 v. 8°. 1215, R. Barrow, aSm- J. The mutiny of the Bounty. Lond. 1831. 16°. 52, J. — Life of Peter the great. Lond. 1832. 16°. . . . 51, J. Barrows, W. The general; or, twelve nights in the hunters camp. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . . . , . 470, B. Barry, J. Lectures on painting, ed. by R. N. Wornum. Lond. 1848. 8°. 629, J. Barry, P. The fruit garden. Rochester, 1863. 12^ . 1232, H. Barstow, G. History of New Hampshire. Bost. 1853. 8°. . 1000, D. Barth, H. Travels in north and central Africa. N.Y. 1857. 3 v. 8°. 935, F^. Bartholomew fair. Morley, H Memoirs of. Lond. 1859. 8°. 2080, E. Bartlett, J. Familiar quotations. Bost. 1871. 8°. . . 1065, K. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. Bost. I860. 8° ^L.R. — Narrative of explorations and incidents, JJ. S. and Mexican boundary commission. N.Y. 1854. 2 v. 8°. 2260, D. Bartlett, W. H The Nile boat; or, glimpses of Egypt. Lond. 1849. 8° 800, F. — Pictures from Sicily. Lond. 1869. 8°. 740. E. — The pilgrim fatiiej-s of New England, Lond. 1853. 8°. 1095, D. 30 CATALOGUE OP THE Bartley, G. C. T. The schools for the people. Lond. 1871. 8°. 125, O. Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe. Bost. 1855. 12°. . . 250, E. — Radical problems. Bost. 1873. 12°. . . . 2270, L. Bartol, M. Honor May. Bost. 1866. 12°. . . . 130, A. Bartoli, D. and Maffei J. P. LifeofSt. Francis Xavier. Bait. 1868. 12°. 4620, C. Barwell, Mrs. Good in everything. N.Y. 1865. 16°. . . 475, B. Bascom, J. Principles of psychology. N.Y, 1872. 12° . 406, P. — Science, philosophy and religion. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 405. P. Basil. W. W. Collins. Leip. 1862. 16°. 883, J. Basil Godfrey's caprice. H. Parr. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. 16°. 1206, J. Bastard, (Der.) C. Spindler. Stuttgart 1854. 4 v. in 2. 16°. 202, M. Bastian, H. C. The beginnings of life. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 8°. 862, G. Bastiat, F. Harmonies of political economy. Lond. 1860. 2 v. 8°. 626, S. Bastile. Davenport, R. A History of the. Lond. 1838. 16°. . 61, J. Bates, D. Poetical works. Phil. 1870. 16°. . . 113, K. Bates, S. Dream life and other poems. Phil. 1872. 16°. . 114, K. Batkins, J. S. Jones, J. S. Life of Bost. 1871. 8°. . 4655, A. Battle of life. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip. 1856. 16°. . . 933, J. Battles at home. M. G Darling. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 848, B. Battles lost and won. G. E. Merrill. Bost. 1872. 16°. . 1758, B. Battles of the British navy. J. Allen. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . 520, J. Baucher, F. A new method of horsemanship. Phil. 1852. 12°. 513, G. Bauerman, H. Metallu^rgy of iron. Lond. 1872. 12°. . 306, J. — The same. N.Y. 1868. 12° 1216, G. Baxley, H. W. What T saw on the west coast of America. N.Y 1865. 8°. 3010,D. Baxter, R. Practical works Lond. 1854. 4 v. 8°. . 1218, R. Vol. T. Essay on the genius, works and times of Baxter ; Preface; A christian directory ; A moral prognostication ; The reformed liturgy. II. The reasons of the christian religion; More reasons and none against it ; The unreasonableness of infidelity; A treatise of conversion ; A call to the unconverted ; Now or never ; Directions and persuasions to a sound conversion ; A saint or a brute ; Mischief of self-ignorance, and benefit of self-acquaintance ; The right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort ; Gods' goodness vindicated; Directions for weak, distempered christians; Character of a sound, confirmed christian. III. The saint's everlasting rest; A treatise on self-denial; The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ; The life of faith ; The divine life; Divine appointment of lord's day proved; Obedi- ent patience ; Dying thoughts ; Short meditations. IV. Compassionate counsel to all young men; The mother's catechism; The catechising of families ; Poor man's fam- ily book; Sacred hymns; Confirmation and restauration the necessary means of refor- mation and reconciliation ; The reformed pastor; Vain religion of the formal hypocrite ; The fool's prosperity; Cain and Abel malignity; Knowledge and love compared; Catholic unity; The true catholic and catholic church described; Reasons for chris- tian unity and concord; Sermons; Directions to justices of peace ; Letters in answer to the case of marrying with a papist ; Preface to Mr. Alleine's alarm ; Redemption of time ; Sense of the articles of the church of England ; Letters on free-will ; Rea- sons for ministers using the greatest plainness and seriousness in their applications to their people. Bayle, P. Historical and critical dictionary 2d, ed. by P. Des Maizeanx. Lond. 1734-38. 5 v. fol *L.R. Baylies, F. Historical memoir of New Plymouth. Bost. 1830. 8°. 1092, D. Bayly, Mrs. Workmen and their difficulties. Lond. 1861. 16°. 8, P. Bayne, P. The christian life social and individual. Bost. 1864. 12°. 795, L, PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 31 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. Best. 1871. 2 v. 12°. 796, L. — Life and letters of Hugh Miller. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 8°. 2677, C. Baynes, E. H. Lyra Anglicana. Hymns and sacred songs. Leip.1868. 16°. 783, J Bay-path. (The) J. G. Holland. N.Y 1867. 12°. . . 4585, A. Beach, A. E. ed. The science record for 1873. N.Y. J873. 12°. 136, Q. Beadle, J. PI. Life in Utah. Phil. 1870. 8°. . . 1555, B. Beagle. Darwin, C.R. Naturalhistory of the voyage of. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 817,G. Beale, L. S. How to work with the microscope. Phil. 1870. 8°. 350, Q. — Life theories, and religious thought. Lond. 1871. 12°. 863, G. Bear and forbear. W. T. Adams. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 158, B. Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 224, T. — Stimulants, and narcotics. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 85, T. Beard, J. R. Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture. Lond. 1853. 12°. 2820, D. B^arn and the Pyrenees. L. S. Costello. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 8°. 1620, E. Beaton, A. C. The workman's guide to quantities and measurements. Lond. 1871. 12° 287, J. Beatrice. J. Kavanagh. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1052, J. — The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . . 781, A. Beatrice Boville and other stories. L. de la Rame. Phil. 1869. 12°. 1160, A. Beatrice Cenci. F. D. Guerrazzi. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 460, N. Beattie, J. Poetical works w. memoir by A. Dyc'e. Bost. 1866. 16°. 3, K. Beattie, W. Life ^nd letters of T. Campbell. N.Y. 1855. 2 v. 12° 2415, C. Beauchamp. G. P. R. James. Leip. 1846. 16° . . 1026, J. Beauchampe. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1856. 12°. . . 5150, A. Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de. — Lomenie, L. de. Beaumarchais and his times. N.Y. 1857. 12°. 1310, E. Beaumarchais. A. E. Brachvogel. N.Y. 1868. 8°. . . 603, M. Beaumont, F. and Fletcher, J. Works. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 8°. 1700, K. — Selections from their works etc. by J. H. L Hunt. Lond. 1862. 8°. 651, J. Beautiful. Cousin V. The true, beautiful and good. N.Y. 1868.8°. 515, P. Beautiful (The) in nature, art, morals, etc. J. Ruskin. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 60, H. Beautiful Bertha. L. C. Tuthill. N.Y. 1865. 16°. . . 2460, B. Beautiful Miss Barrington. H. Parr. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16° 1207, J. Beautiful snow, and other poems. J. W. Watson. Phil. 1871. 8°. 925, K. Beautiful (The) spy. C. Burdett. Phil. 1865. 12°. . 4175, A. Beautiful (The) widow. M. W. Shelley. Phil. n.d. 12°. . 1265, A. Beauty and the beast, and tales of home. J.B.Taylor. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 5200,A. Beaver. Morgan, L. H. The American beaver. Phil. 1868. 8°. 625, G. Bechstein, J. M. Cage and chamber-birds. Lond. 1864. 8°. . 522, J. Becker, C.F. Weltgeschichte, herausg. von A.Schmidt. Mit der forts. von E. Arnd. Leip. 1870-2. 20 v. in 14. 8°. . 110, F. Becker, W. A. Charicles ; private life of ancient Greeks. N.Y. 1866. 8° 900, E. — Gallus; Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. N.Y. 1866. 8°. 835, E. Beckman, J. Inventions, discoveries and origins. Lond. 1846. 2v. 8°. 710, H. — The same. Lond. 1846. 2 v. 8° 652, J. Beda Venerabilis. Ecclesiastical history of England. Also, the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . 391, J, Bede. Cuthbert. pseud. See Bradley E. 82 OATALOGUE OF THE 1289, A. 1540, A. N.Y. I860. 12°. 757, R. 12°. 12°. 474, 756, Q. R. . N.Y . 1870 . 8° . 483, Q. 8°. 482, Q. 12°. . 958, R. Bede's charity. H. Smith. N.Y. 1872. 12°. Beechcroft. C. M. Yonge. N.Y. 1869. 12°. Beecher, C.E. The people, interpreters of the bible. — Housekeepers and healthkeepers. N.Y. 1873. — Religious training of children. N.Y. 1864. — and Stowe, H. B. The American woman's home. Principles of domestic science. N.Y. 1870. Beecher, C. Redeemer and redeemed. Bost. 1864. Beecher,E.W. Motherly talks with young housekeepers. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 476,Q. Beecher, H. W. Lecture-room talks. N.Y. J 870. 12°. . 1088, R. — Lectures to young men. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 753, R. — Life of Jesus, the Christ. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . 340, R. — Life thoughts. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . ... 2345, L. — Norwood; or village life in New England. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 4110, A. — Sermons in Plymouth church. N.Y. 1872-3. 8 v. 8°. . 1120, R. — Star papers. N.Y. 1873. 12° 2346, L. Beecher, L. Autobiography, ed. by C. Beecher. N.Y. 1871. 2 v. 12°. 690, C. Beechey, F. W. Voyage towards the north pole, 1818. Lond. 1843. 8°. 48,D. Beechnut. J. Abbott. N.Y. 1850. 16°. ... 28, B. Bees. Langstroth, L. L. The hive and honey-bee. Phil. 1872. 12°. 212, G. — Natural history of bees. Edin. 1840. 16°. . . 28-6, G. — Quinby,M. Mysteries of bee-keeping explained. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 220, G. — Samuelson, J. The honey-bee. Lond. 1860. 12°. . 230, G. Beethoven, L. van. Barnard, C.F.j?-. The tone masters. Bost.1871. 16°. 1612,H. — Graeme, E. Beethoven; a memoir. Lond. 1870. 12°. . 4030, C. — Wagner, R. Beethoven. Ind'p'l's. 1873. 12°. . . 4048, C. Beetles. Duncan, J. Natural history of. Edin. 1835. 16°. 27-2, G. Beginnings of life. H. C. Bastian. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 8°. . 862, G. Behind the bars. Mrs. G. Lunt. Bost. 1871, 12°. . . 55, T. " Behind the veil." — Prior. Bost. 1871. 8°. . . . 3130, A. Belcher, Lady D. The mutineers of the Bounty. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 1575, F. Belcher, J. Historical sketches of hymns. Phil. 1869. 12°. . 665, R. Belforest. A. Manning. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 8°. . 914, A. Belief. Baring-Gould, S. Origin and development of. N.Y. 1870. 2v. 8°. 1578, R. — Taylor,!. Restoration of belief. Bost. 1867. 12°. . 552, R. Belinda. M. Edgeworth. Lond. 1810. 2 v. 12°. . . 2981, A. Belknap, J. American biography, ed. by F.M.Hubbard. N.Y. 1869. 3v. 12° 50,C. Bell, Acton, pseua. See Brontd, A". Bell, Sir C. The anatomy of expression. Lond. 1872. 4°. . 200, H. — The hand. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . . . 601, J. Bell, Currer. pseud. See Bronte, C. Bell, 'Em&. pseud. See Bronte, E. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. Edin. 1828. 2 v. 18°. 16, J. — Operations in the Birmese empire. Edin. 1827. 18°. . 5, J. — Phenomena of nature. Edin. 1827. 18°. . . . 8, J. Bell. R. History of Russia. Lond. 1836-38. 3 v. 16°. . 338, J. — Lives of English poets. Lond. 1839. 2 v. 16°. . . 354, J. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 33 Bell, W. A. New tracks in North America. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 8°. 2460, D. Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 198, T. — The philosophy of eating. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 278, T. Bellows, H. W. The old world and its new face. N.Y. 1868. 2v. 12°. 95, E. Bells. Denison, E. B. Clocks, watches and bells. Lond. 1868. 12°. 205, J. Belton (The) estate. A. Trollope. Leip, 1866. 2v.ini. 16°. 1312, J. — The same. Phil. 1866. 12° 2875, A. Bement, C. N. American poulterer's companion. N.Y. 1867. 8°. 595, G. Bemrose, W. ^V. Fret cutting and perforated carving, Lond. n.d. 4°. 276, H. — Manual of wood carving. Lond. n. d. 4°. . . 275, H. Ben, the luggage boy. H. Alger, jr. Bost. 1870. 16°. . 249, B. Ben Farrar's experience. E. D. Kendall. Bost. 1870. 16°. . 1465, B, Ben Sylvester's word. C. M. Yonge, N.Y. 1869. 16°. . 1541, A. Bench and bar. L. J. Bigelow. N.Y 1871. 8°. . " , 15, S. Bending willow. J. G. Fuller. N.Y. 1872. 16°. . . 1095, B. Benedict, F. L. Miss Van Kortland. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . 1706, A, — My daughter Elinor. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . . 1707, A, Bengal. Hunter, W. W. Annals of rural Bengal. N.Y, 1868. 8°. 1375, F, Bengel, J. A. Gnomon of the New Testament. Edin. 1866. 5v. 8°. 238, R. Benger, E. 0. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. Phil n d. 2 v. 12°. 2280, E. — Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn. Phil. n. d. 12°. 3575, C. Benjamin. S. G. W. The choice of Paris. N.Y. 1870. 16°. . 4118,A. Benson, L. ed. The book of remarkable trials. Lond. n. d. 8°. 305, S. Bentham, J. Works ed. by J Bowring. Edin. 1859. 11 v. 8° 1220, R. Vol. I. Burton, J. H. Introduction to the study of Bentham's works; Principles of morals and legislation; Essay on the promulgation of laws and the reasons thereof ; Specimen of a penal code ; Influence of time and place in legislation ; Table of the springs of action ; A fragment of government ; Principles of the civil code ; Principles of penal law. II. Principles of judicial procedure ; The rationale of reward ; Princi- • pies of a constitutional code ; Liberty of the press and public discussion ; Political tactics ; Book of fallacies ; Anarchial fallacies ; Principles of international law ; Pro- test against law taxes; Supply without burden ; Tax with monopoly. III. Defense of usury ; Manual of political economy ; Commercial system ; Circulating annuities : View of a complete code of laws ; Pannomial fragments ; Nomography ; Logical ar- rangements ; Equity dispatch court proposed ; and Bill ; Parliamentary reform ; Radi- cal reform bill ; Radicalism not dangerous. IV. Hard-labour bill ; Panopticon ; vs. New So. Wales ; Plea for the constitution ; Judicial establishment in France compared with that of the national assembly; Emancipate your colonies; Houses of peers and senates in France ; Codification and public instruction ; Codification proposed. V. Scotch reform; Plan of a judicatory; Art of packing special juries ; "Swear not at all ; " Truth vs. Ashhurst ; The king against Edmonds, and others ; The king against Wolesley and Harrison ; Official aptitude maximized ; Commentary on Hum- phrey's property code ; Plan for general register of property ; Justice and codifica- tion petitions ; Lord Brougham displayed. VI-VII. Rationale of evidence; Rationale of judicial evidence; Index. VIII. Chrestomathia ; Ontology; Logic; Language; Universal grammar ; Poor laws and pauper management ; Pitt's poor law bill ; Spanish and Portuguese aff'airs ; Letters to Torreno ; Securities against misrule. IX. Consti- tutional code. X-XI. Memoirs and correspondence ; General index. Bentley (The) ballads. Ed. by J. Sheehan. Lond. 1869. 8°. 120. K. Benton, T. H. Abridgment of the debates in Congress. 1789-1856. N.Y. 1857. 10 V. 8°. . . . . . P.D. — Thirty years' view of American government. 1820-50. N.Y. 1871. 2v. 8° 285, D. 3 34 CATALOGUE OF THE Beppo, the conscript T. A. Trollope. Phil. n. d. 12°. 2890, A. Bdranger, P. J. de. Two hundred lyrical poems. N.Y. 1S69. 12°. 1307, M. Berber, (The.) W. S. Mayo. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 4843, A. Berkeley, G. Works, ed. withlife, by A. C. Eraser. Oxford 1871. 4v. 8°. 1003, L. Vol. I. An essay towards a new theory of vision ; Of the principles of human knowledge; Three dialogues between Hylas and Pholonous ; The theory of vision vindicated and explained. II. Alciphron, or, the minute philosopher ; Siris ; a chain of philo- sophical reflections and inquiries. III. Arithmetica absque algebra aut Euclide demon- strata; Miscellanea mathematica ; De motu ; Passive obedience; Upon the princi- ples of the law of nature ; Essays in the guardian, 1713 ; Essay towards preventing the ruin of Gr. Britain ; A proposal for the better supplying of churches in our foreign plantations ; A sermon preached before the society for the propagation of the gospel ; The analyst; Defence of free-thinking in mathematics; Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's full answer ; The querist ; Discourse addressed to magistrates and men in au- thority ; Letters to the Roman catholics of the diocese of Cloyne ; A word to the wise ; Maxims concerning patriotism ; Letters and thoughts on the virtues of tar-water. IV. Life and letters ; Commonplace book ; Description of the cave of Dunmore ; Jour- nal of a tour in Italy, 1717-18; Sermons; Skeletons of sermons ; Visitation charge; Address on confirmation ; Index. Berlin and Sans-Souci. C. M. Mundt. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 576, M. Bernal, E. Illustrated catalogue of (his) works of art. Lond. 1872. 8°. 566, J. Bernan, W. Warming and ventilating. Lond. 1845. 2 v. iti 1. 16°. 275, Q. Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes, &d. by R. Whiting. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 9, Q. Berry, M. Social life of England and France. Lond. 1828. 8°. 2070, E. — Journals and correspondence. Lond. 1865. 3 v. 8°. . 3598, C. Berry, M. E. Carolina, the hotel-keeper's daughter. Bost 1869. 16°. 485, B. Bertram, J. G. The harvest of the sea. Lond. 1869. 8°. . 745, G. Bertram Noel. E. J. May. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 1745, B. Bertrams, (The.) A. Trollope. Leip. 1859. 2v.ini. 16°. 1313, J. — The same. N.Y. 1867. 12° 2876, A. Besson, C. J. B. Farrer, H. S. A Dominican artist. Phil. 1870. 12°. 1425, E. Bessy's money. A. Manning. Lond. 1863. 16°. . . 915, A. Bessy Rane. E. P. Wood. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1343, J. Bdthune, M. de Due de Sully. Memoirs. Edin. 1819. 5 v. 8°. 1266, E. With historical introduction by Sir^. Scott. Lond. 1856. 4v. 8°. 513, J. The same. Lond. 1856. 4 v. 8°. . . . 1265, E. Betrothed, (The.) Sir W. Scott. Phil. n. d. 12°. . . 2784, A. Betsy Lee. a fo'c's'le yarn. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . . 122, K. Beulah. A.J.Wilson. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 1484, A. Beverly. M. T. Walworth. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 5310, A. Beyond the breakers. R. D. Owen. Phil. 1870. 8°. . 5490, A. Beyond the Mississippi. A. D. Richardson. Hartford 1869. 8°. 2745, D. Biart, L. Adventures of a young naturalist, N.Y. 1871. 8°. 1250, M. Bible. English. — Holy Bible with commentary by A.Clarke. N.Y 1872. 6 v. 8°. 75, R. — The pictorial Bible with notes by J. Kitto. Lond. n.d. 4v. 8°. 10, R. Miscellaneous works. — Anderson, C. Annals of the English Bible. Lond. 1845. 4 v. 8° 115, R. — Arnold, M. Literature and dogma. Bost. 1873. 12°. . 96, R. — Baring-Gould, S. Legends of O.T. characters. Lond. 1871. 12°. 1620, R. — Beecher,C.E. The people, interpreters of the Bible. N.Y. 1860. 12°. 757, R. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 36 Bible. Miscellaneous works continued. — Burr,E.F. Ad fidem; parish evidences ofthe Bible. Bost. 1872. 12°. 562,R. — Bissell, E. C. Historic origin ofthe Bible. N.Y. 1873. 8°. 110, R. — Boardman,H.A. The Bible in the counting-house. Phil. 1869. 12°. 733,R. The Bible in the family. Phil. 1869. 12°. . . 740, E. — Borrow.G. The Bible in Spain. Lond. 1869 12°. . 1735, E. — Cruden. A. Complete concordance to the Bible. Lond. n.d. 8°. 80, R. — Curtis, T.F. Human element in the inspiration ofthe scripture. N.Y. 1867. 12° . 612, R. — Davidson, S. Sacred hermeneutics. Edin. 1843. 8°. . 130, R. — Delitzsch, F. A system of Biblical psychology. Edin. 1869. 8°. 595, R. — Fairbairn, P, The typology of scripture. Edin. 1870. 2 v. 8°. 620, R. — Gesenius, F. H. W. Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament. Lond. n.d. 8°. . . . ^L.R. — Jones, W. The Biblical cyclopsedia. Lond. 1824. 2 v. 8°. 88, R. — Jacox, F. Bible music. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . 658, R. — Kurtz. J. H. The Bible and astronomy. Phil. 1861. 12°. 503, R — - History of the old covenant. Edin. 1870-2. 3v. 8°. . 125, R. Manual of sacred history. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 1328, R. — Lee, W. Inspiration ofthe holy scriptures. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 630, R. — Liber liborum. N Y. 1867. 12°. . . . 95, R. — Maurice,F."D. Claims of the Bible and of science. Lond. 1863. 16°. 492, R. — Mitchell, 0. M. Astronomy ofthe Bible. N Y. 1868. 12°. 583, Q. — Rawlinson, G. Truth of the scripture records. Bost. 1872. 12°. 565, R. — Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine Bost. 1868. 3 v.8°. 686, F. — Smith, W. Dictionary of. the Bible. N.Y. 1868-70. 4 v. 8°. *L.R. — Smith, J. P. The scriptures and geological science. Lond, 1839 .8° 528, R. The same. Lond. 1854. 8° 637, J. — Stuart, M. Critical history and defence of the Old Testament canon. Andover, 1872. 8°. . . . . 108, R. — Trench, R. C. Fitness of holy scripture for unfolding spiritual life. N.Y; 1866. 12°. . . . . . 1060, R. — White, H. Sacred history. Edin. n.d. 12°. . . 1325, R. — Wood, J. G. Bible animals. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . 660, G. Old Testament. — Pentateuch. Colenso,J.W. The Pentateuch critically examined.N.Y.1863.12°.153,R. — Genesis. Browne, E. H. Commentary. N.Y. 1873. 8°. Bush, G. Notes on Genesis. Bost. 1872. 2 v. 12°. Lange, J. P. Commentary on Genesis. N.Y. 1869. 8°. Swedenborg, E. The heavenly arcana. N.Y. 1870. 10 v. 8°. — Exodus. Bush,G. Notes on Exodus. Bost. 1871. 2v in 1. 12°. Swedenborg, E. The heavenly arcana. N.Y. 1870. 10 v. 8°. — Leviticus. Bush, G. Notes on Leviticus. Bost. 1842. 12°. . 162, R. 157, R. 160, R. 35, R. 1498, R. 161, R. 1498, R. CATALOGUE OF THE Bible. Old Testament continued. — Numbers. Bush, G. Notes on 'Numbers. Bost. 1858. 12°. . 163, R. — Joshua. Bush, Gr. Notes on Joshua. Bost. n.d. 12°. . 165, R. Colenso, J. W. Joshua critically examined. N.Y. 1863. 12°. 153, R. Fay, F. R. Commentary on Joshua. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 39, R. — Judges. Bush, G. Notes on Judges. Bost. n.d. 12°. . . 165, R. Cassel, P. Commentary on Judges. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 39, R. — Ruth. Cassel, P. Commentary on Ruth. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 39, R. — Kings. Bahr, C. C.W.F. Commentary on Kings. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 41, R. — Job. Barnes, A. Notes on Job. N.Y. n.d. 2 v. 8°. . 175, R. Delitzsch, F. Commentary on Job. Edin. 1869. 2v. 8°. 178,R. — Psalms. • Delitzsch, F. Commentary on Psalms. Edin. 1871. 3v. 8°. 188, R. Moll, C. B. Commentary on Psalms. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 47, R. ■ Noyes,G.R. A new translation w. introduction. Bost. 1831. 12°. 185, R. — Proverbs. Arnot,W. Illustrations of the book of Proverbs. Lond.1871. 8°. 818, R. Zdckler,0. Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon. N.Y.1873.8°.48,R. ' — Ecclesiastes. . Hamilton, J. Lectures on Ecclesiastes. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 835, R. Zockler, 0. Commentary on Ecclesiastes. N.Y. 1873. 8°. 48, R. - — Song of Solomon. ' Zockler, O. Commentary on the song of Solomon. N.Y. 1873. 8°. 48, R. — Isaiah. ^ - Barnes, A. Notes on Isaiah. N.Y. 1847. 2 v. 8°. . 200, R. Delitzsch, F. Commentary on Isaiah. Edin. 1872. 2v. 8°. 205,R. - — Jeremiah. Naegelsbach, C.W.E. Commentary on Jeremiah. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 50, R. ' — Lamentations. ' Naegelsbach, C. W. E. Commentary on the Lamentations of Jeremiah. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . . 50, R. — Daniel, Barnes, A. Notes on Daniel. N.Y. 1853.* 8°. . 212, R. New Testament. — English. — The New Testament. Authorised English version; with readings from the Greek text by C. Tischendorf. Leip. 1869. 16°. 784, J. — The New Testament with notes, by H. Crosby. N.Y. 1863. 12°. 235, R. — The New Testament, from Tischendorf's Greek text, by W. H. Van Doren. N.Y. 1868. 2 v. 12°. ... 20, R. — The English hexapla ; Six English translations, with Greek text. Lond. n.d. 4° 30, R. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 37 Bible. New Testament continued. — English. — Greek testament revised, with commentary by H. Alford. Bost. 1873. 4 V. 8° 25, E. — Apocryphal gospels, acts and revelations. Edin. 1870. 8°. 1198, R. — Arnot, W. The parables of our lord. Lond. 1872. 8°. . 357, R. — Bengel,J.A. Gnomon of the New Testament. Edin. 1866. 5v. 8°. 238, R. — Chapin, E. H. Characters in the gospels. N.Y. 1852. 12°. 730, R. — Hamilton, J. The pearl of parables. Luke xv. 11-32 . N.Y. 1869. 12°. 833,R. — Olshausen, H. Biblical commentary on N. T. N Y. 1872. 6 v. 8°. 240, R. — Robinson, E. Greek-English lexicon of N. T. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 85, R. Harmony of the four gospels in English. Bost. 1869. 12°. 105, R. — Stier, R. The words of the lord Jesus. N.Y. 1864. 3v. 8°. 395, R. — Stowe,C.E. Origin and history of the books of the. Hart. 1868. 8°.118,R. — Trench, R. C. Authorized version of N. T. Lond. 1859. 8°. 120, R. Synonyms of the New Testament. N.Y. 1871. 2v. 12°. 99. R. — Winer,G.B. Grammar of the idiom of the N. T. Andover, 1872. 8°. 86,R. - Gospels. Barnes, A. Notes on the Gospels. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 12°. 225, R. Vol. I. Matthew; Mark. Vol. II. Luke; John. — Matthew. Lange, J. p. Commentary on Matthew. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 60,R. — Mark. Lange, J. P. Commentary on Mark. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 61, R. — Luke. Oosterzee, J. J. van. Commentary on Luke. N.Y. 1870. Van Doren.W.H. Commentary with notes. N.Y. 1868. 2v. — John. Lange.J.P. Commentary on the gospel of John. N.Y. 1871. Maurice, F. D. Discourses on the gospel of Lond. 1867. 8' Sears, E. H. The fourth gospel. Bost. 1872. 8°. — Acts. Barnes, A. Notes on Acts. N.Y. 1872. 12°. Hackett, H. B. Commentary on Acts. Bost. 1872. 8°. Lechler.G.V. and Gerok,C. Commentary on Acts. N.Y. 1869. — Romans. Barnes, A. Notes on Romans. N.Y. 1871. 12°. Chalmers, T. Lectures on Romans. N.Y. 1868. 8°. Hodge, C. Commentary on Romans. Phil. 1871, 8°. Lange,J.P. andFay,F.R. Commentary on Romans. N.Y. 1872. 8°.64,R. — First Corinthians. — - Barnes. A. Notes on 1st Corinthians. N.Y. 1870. 12°. 228, R. — Second Corinthians. Barnes, A. Notes on 2nd Corinthians. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 229, R. Kling, C. F. Commentary on Corinthians. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 65, R. — Gafatians. Barnes, A, Notes on Galatians. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 229,R. 8°. 61, R. 12°. 250, R. 8°. 62, R. ^°. 1010, R. 360 R. 226, R. 260, R. 9.8°. 63,R. 227, R. 271, R 270, R. 38 CATALOGUE OP THE 8°. 280, R. 8°. 66, R. 230, R. 66, R. 8°. 281, R. 230, R. 1°. 66, R. 2. 8° . 283,R. 230, R ) 66, ,R. i. 8° '. 283,R. Bible. New Testament continued. — fyalatians. Ellicott, C. J. Commentary (Jn Galatians. Bost. 1867. Schmoller, 0. Commentary on Galatians. N.Y. 1870. — Ephesians. Barnes, A. Notes on Ephesians. N.Y. 1868. 12°. — - Braune, C. Commentary on Ephesians. N.Y. 1870. i Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on Ephesians. Bost. 1867. — Philippians. Barnes, A. Notes on Philippians. N.Y. 1868. 12°. Braune, C. Commentary on Philippians. N.Y, 1870. Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on Philippians. Andover 1872. 8°. 283,R. — (Jolossians. Barnes, A. Notes on Colossians. N.Y. 1868. 12°. Braune, C. Commentary on Colossians. N.Y. 1870. Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on Colossians. Andover 1872. — Thessalonians. Auberlen, C. A. and Riggenbach. C. J. Commentary on Thes- salonians. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . ... 67,R. Barnes, A. Notes on Thessalonians. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 231, R. Ellicott,C. J. Commentary on Thessalonians. Andover 1865. 8°. 282,R. — Timothy. Barnes, A. Notes on Timothy. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 231, R. Oosterzee. J. J. van. Commentary on Timothy. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 67,R. — Titus. Barnes, A. Notes on Titus. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 231, R. Oosterzee, J, J. van. Commentary on Titus. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 67, R. — First and Second Timothy and Titus. Ellicott.C.J. Commentary on the pastoral epistles. Bost. 1867.8°. 284,R. — Philemon. Barnes, A. Notes on Philemon. N.Y. 1871. • 12°. . 231, R. Ellicott, C.J. Commentary on Philemon. Andover, 1872. 8°. 283, R. Oosterzee, J. J. van. Commentary on Philemon. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 67, R. — Hehreiiis. Barnes, A. Notes on Hebrews. N.Y. 1870. 12° . 232,R. Delitzsch, F. Commentary on Hebrews. Edin. 1868-70. 2v. 8°. 290,R. Moll.C. B. Commentary on Hebrews. NY. 1870. 8°. 67, R. — James. Barnes, A. Notes on James. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 233, R. Lange, J. P. and Oosterzee, J. J. van Commentary on James. N.Y. 1868. 8° ..... . 69, R. — Peter. Barnes, A. Notes on Peter. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 233,R. Fronmuller, G. F. C. Commentary on Peter. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 69, R. — Epistles of John. Barnes, A. Notes on the general epistle of John. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 233,R. Braune, C. Commentary on the epistles of John. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 69,R. Maurice.F.D. Lectures on the epistles of St. John. Lond. 1867.8°. 1009,R. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 39 Bible. New Testament continued. — Jude. Barnes, A. Notes on Jude. N.Y. 1869. 12°, . . 233,R, — - FronmuUer, G. F. C. Commentary on Jude. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 69, R. — Revelation. Barnes, A. Notes on the book of Revelation. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 234, R. Bibliography. Darling, J. Cyclopaedia bibliographica. Lond. 1854. 3v. 4°. ^L.R. — Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's manual. Lond. 1865. 11 v. 8°. *L.R. — Triibner,N. Bibliographical guide to Am literature. Lond. 1859. 8°. ^L.R. — Watts, R. Bibliotheca Brittanica. Edin. 1824. 4 v. 4°. *L.R. Bibliotheca sacra and theological review, conducted by B. B. Ed- wards, E. A. Park and others. Andover 1844-71. 28 v. 8°. 12, Z. — Index to vols. 1-13 by W. F. Draper. Andover 1857. 8°. Bickmore, A.S. Travelsin the East Indian archipelago. N.Y. 1869. 8°. Biddle, H. P. Poems. N.Y. 1872. 16°. Bigelow, J. Modern inquiries. Bost. 1870. 8°. Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. N.Y. 1871. 8°. Biglow (The) papers. J. R. Lowell. Bost. 1867. 12°. Bill Drook's investment. M. D. Chellis. Bost. 1869. 16°. Bin. L. A winter in Florida. N.Y. 1870. 12°. Billings, Josh, pseud. See Shaw, H. W. Billy Grimes' favorite. H. P. H. Nowell. Bost 1868. 16°. Bingham, J. F. The christian marriage ceremony, N.Y. 1871. 12°. Biographia literaria. S. T. Coleridge. Lond. 1870. 8°. Biographical and critical miscellanies. W. H. Prescott. Phil. 1868. 8°. biographical studies. G. W. Greene. N.Y. 1860. 12°. Biography. Abbott, J.S.C. Lives of the presidents of the U.S. Bost. 1869.8°. 102,C. — Adams, W. H. D. Neptune's heroes. Lond. 1861. 16°. 199, C. Record of noble lives. Lond. 1868. 12°. . . 200, B. — Adolphus,J. Biog.niemoirs of French revolution. Lond.l799.2v.8°.1090,E. — Allen, W. American biographical dictionary. Bost. 1857. 8°, — Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders. N.Y. 1868. 12°. — Banvard, J. Lives of the ancient philosophers. N.Y. 1860. 12°. — Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. Bost. 1871. 12°. — Belknap, J. American biography. N.Y. 1869. 3 v. 12°. — Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. N.Y. 1869. 16°. — Brightwell, C. L. Byepaths of biography. Lond. n. d. 16°. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop. Lond. 1859. 16°. — Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. N.Y. 1865. 12°. — Brougham, H. Lord. Lives of men of letters. Lond. 1855. 12°. — Bulwer, Sir H. L. Historical characters. Lond. 1870. 8°. — Campbell, J. Lord. Chiefjustices of England. Lond. 1849-58.3 v.8°. 355,C. Lives of the lord chancellors of England. Lond. 1868. lOv. 12°. 345, C. — Chambers, R. Biog. dictionary of Scotsmen. Glasgow 1855. 5v. 8°. 390, C. — Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. N.Y. 1855. 12°. 210, C. — Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . 1650, H. — Coleridge, H. Lives of northern worthies. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 16°. 375, C. — Cooper, T. ed. Men of the time. Lond. 1872. 8°. . *h.R. 1560, F. 130, K. 2298, L. 15, ,S. 547, K. 685, B. 1725, D. 1876, B. , 675, R. 662, J. 2305, L. 280, , c. ^L.R. 70, C. 226, c. 796, L. 50, C. 205, c. 201, c. 200, c. 58, c. 340, c. 245, c, 40 CATALOGUE OF THE Biography. Creasy, E.S. Memoirs of eminent Etonians. Lond.1850. 8°. 395, C. — Crichton, A, Lives of individuals who have renounced scepticism for Christianity. Edin. 1827. 2v. 18°. . . 4, J — Crowe, E. E. Lives of foreign statesmen. Lond. 1833-38. 5v 16°. 351,J. — Cust, Sir E. Warriors of the 17th century. Lond. 1865-9. 6v. 8°. 223, C. — Cunningham, A. British painters, sculptors and architects. Lond. 1830. 6 v. 16° 60, J. — Davenport, R. A. Biog. sketches of self made men. Lond. 1841. 16°. 63,J. — Diogenes Laertius. Lives of eminent philosophers. Lond. 1853. 8°. 456, J. — Distinguished men of modern times. Lond. 1838. 4 v. 12°. 115, J. — Doran, J. Queens of England. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . 3555, C. — Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biography. Bost. 1872. 8°. -^L.R. — Dunham, S. A. Literary and scientific men of Great Britain. Lond. 1836-8. 3 v. 16° 355, J. — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. Lond. n. d. 16°. 985, B. — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. Bost. 1864. 12°. 2187, L. — Fallet, C. The princes of art. Bost. 1870. 8°. . . 110, H. — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. Bost. 1872. 8°. 250, C. — Flanders, H. Chief justices of the U. S. Phil. 1869. 2 v. 8°. 30, C. — Forster, J. Statesmen of the commonwealth. N.Y. 1846. 8°. 360, C. — Gleig, G. R. British military commanders. Lond. 1831-2. 3v. 16°. 347, J. — Green, M.A.E. The princesses of England. Lond. 1849-55. 6v. 8°. 3545,C. — Hawks, F. L. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. N.Y. 1866. 8°. ^L.R. — Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. N.Y. 1865. 8°. 96, C. — Hoefer, J. C. F. ed. Nouvelle biographic universelle. Paris 1852-70. 46 V. in 23. 8° *L.R". — Hole. C. A brief biographical dictionary. N.Y. 1866. 16°. *L.R. — Howe, H. American and European mechanics. N.Y, 1846. 12°, 290, C. — Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. N.Y. 1856. 2 v. 8°. 25, C. — Jameson, A. Early Italian painters. Bost. 1866, 16°. . 70, H. Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. Phil. 1870. 12°, 3520, C. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 12°. 3550, C. Memoirs of the loves of the poets. Bost. 1866. 16°. 1080, K. — Jerdan. W. Men I have known. Lond. 1866. 8°. . 298, C. — Johnson, S. Livesof eminent English poets. Lond. 1801. 3 v 8°. 1100, K. — Lamartine, A. de. Celebrated characters. N.Y. 1854. 3 v, 12°. 275, C. — Leckey.W.E.H. Leadersof public opinion in Ireland.N.Y.1872.12°.305,C. — Lives of British physicians, Lond. 1830. 16°. . . 81. J. — Livesof the chief fathers of New England. Bost. 1846-9. 6v. 12°. 59, C. — Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages. Lond. 1859. 8v. 8°. 543, J. — Lossing, B. J. Signers of the declaration of independence, Phil. 1870. 12° 53, C. — Macaulay, T. B. Biographical essays. Leip. 1857. 16°, 1134, J. — McBride, J. Pioneer biography. Cin. 1869. 2 v. 8°. . 105, C. — Macgillivray, W. Lives of eminent zoologists. Edin. 1834. 16°. 143, J. — Mackintosh, J. Lives of British statesmen. Lond. 1831-39. 7v. 16°. 350, J. — Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. N.Y. 1869. 8°, 240, C. — Milnes, R. M. Monographs, personal and social. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 225, C. PUBLIC LIBRAE Y OF INDIANAPOLIS. 41 Biography. Murray, G. The men of the third republic. Phil.1873. 12°. 306, C. — Nepos, C. Lives of eminent S'i> H. Elgin and Phigalian marbles in. Lond. 1833. 2 v. 12° 108,J. Townley gallery inBritish museum. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 12°. 109,J. — Long, G. Egyptian antiquities in. Lond. 1832. 2 v. 12°. 113, J. — Mantell, G. A. Handbook to the gallery of organic remains. Lond. 1851. 8° 632, J. — Nichols, T. Handy-book for every-day readers. Lond. 1870. 8°. 225, H. British navy. Allen, J. Battles of the. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . 520, J. British poets. Howitt, W. Homes and haunts ot. N.Y. 1856. 2 y. 12°. 1095,K. — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. Phil. 1867. 2 v. 12°. 1083, K. British seamen. Murray, H. Adventures of. Edin. 1827. 18°. British spy. Wirt, W. Letters of the. N.Y. 1861. 12°. British (The) theatre. E. Inchbald ec/. Lond. 1808. 25 v. 16° Brittany. Musgrave, G. A ramble into. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 8° Brittany and La Vendue. E. Souvestre. N.Y. 1857. 12°. Brock, S. A. Kenneth, my king. N.Y. 1873. 12°. Brock, W. Biographical sketch of Sir H. Havelock. Leip. 1858. 16*^ Brockedon, W. Journals of excursion in the alps. Lond. 1833. 12° Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. N.Y. 1865. 12°. Grant, Sherman,, Thomas, Sheridan, Farragut. Brocklesby,J. The amateur microscopist. N.Y. 1871. 8°. Broderip, F. F. Wee Maggie and other stories. N.Y. 1871. 16°. 4 2, J. 2051, L. 1600, K. 1611, E. 1315, M. 165, A. °. 801,J. 570, E. 58,0. 345, Q. 590, B. 50 CATALOGUE OF THE Broderip,W.J. Leaves from the notebook of a naturalist, Lond. 1852.8°. 76,G. — Zoological recreations. Lond. 1847. 8°. . . . 125, G. Bro lhead,J.R. History of the state of New York. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 8°. 1365,D. Brodie, Sir B.C. Psychological inquiries. Lond. 1856, 16°. . 49,T. Brodie.G. Constitutional history of the British empire. Lond.l866.3v.8°.2017,E Broken lights. F. P. Cobbe. Lond. 1864. 8^ . . 814, R. Broken to harness. E. H. Yates. Leip. 1866. 2v. in 1. 16°. . 1365, J. Broken toys. A.C.Steele. Bost. 1872. 8°. . . . 1758, A, Bronchitis. Hall.W.W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases.N.Y.1870.12°. 306,T. Bronte, A. (Acton Bell.) Agnes Grey. Leip. 1851. 16°. . . 806, J. — Poems. Lond. 1872. 16° 173, A. — The tenant of Wildfell hall. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 170, A. Bronte, C. {Currer Bell.) Jane Eyre. Leip. 1850. 2v.ini. 16°, 802, J. The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . . . 172, A. — Poems. Lond. 1872. 16°. . . . . 173, A. — The professor. Leip. 1857. 16°. . . . . 803, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. .... 173, A. — Shirley. Leip. 1849. 2v.ini. 16°. . ." . ^ 804, J. The same. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . . . 174, A. — Villette. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 805, J. The same. N.Y. n d. 12^ . . . . 175, A. — Gaskell, E. C. Life of. Leip. 1859. 2v.ini. 16°. . 999, J. . The same. N.Y. 1868. 12°. .... 3635, C. Bronte, E. {Ellis Bell.) Poems. Lond. 1872. 16°. . . 173, A. — Wuthering heights. Leip, 1851. 16°. . . . 806. J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . , . , 176, A. Brook (The) and other poems. W. B. Wright. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 983, K. Brooke, F. M. Julia Mandeville. Lond. 1810. 12°. . 2969, A. Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 1032, R. — Life and letters of F. W. Robertson. Bost. 1866. 2 v. 12\ 2760, C. Brookes of Bridleraere. G. J. W. Melville. Leip. 1864. 2v. in 1. 16°. 1169, J. Brooks, C. S. The silver cord. Leip. 1862. 3 v. in 2 16°. . 807, J. — Sooner or later. Leip. 1859. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . . 808, J. Brooks, J. A seven months' run around the world. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 315, F. Brooks, S. H. The erection of dwelling houses. Lond. 1870. 12°. 264, J. Brother Bertie and his friends. Lond. 1868. 8°. . . 595, B. Brotherhead, A. P. Himself his worst enemy. Phil 1871. 12°. 4147, A. Brougham, H. ior(/. Works. Lond. 1855-60. 11 v. 12°. . 1045, L. Vol. I. Philosophers of the time of George III. II. Men of letters of the time of George III. III-V. Statesmen of the time of George III. VI. Natural theology. VII. Literary dissertations and addresses. VIII. Historical and political disserta- tions. IX-X. Speeches on social and political subjects. XI. The British constitu- tion, its history, structure and working. — Life and times N.Y. 1871. 3 v. 12°. . . . 2445, C. — Men of letters of the time of George III. Lond. 1855. 12°. 340, C. Broughton, R. Cometh up as a flower. Leip. 1867. 16°. . 809, J. The same. N.Y, 1872. 12° 189, A. — Goodbye sweetheart. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . 190, A. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 51 Broughton, R. Not wisely but too well. Leip. 1867. 2v.ini. 16''. 810, J. The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. .... 191. A. — Red as a rose is she. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. 16°. . 811, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . . 192, A. Brown, A. V. Speeches and other writings. Nashville 1854. 8^. 350, L Brown, C. B. Arthur Mervyn. Phil. 1857. 2 v. 12°. , 4154, A — Edgar Huntly. Phil. 1857. 12°. . . . 4155, A. — Jane Talbot. Phil. 1857. 12°. . .. . . . 4156, A. — Ormond; and Clara Howard. Phil. 1857. 12°. . 4157, A. — Wieland ; or, the transformation. Phil. 1857. 12°. . 4153. A. — Prescott, W. H. Life of N.Y. 1834. 12°. . . 10-1, C. Brown, G. Institutes of English grammar. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 365, 0. Brown, J. Rab and his friends, and other papers. Leip. 1862. 16°. 812, J. — Spare hours. Bost. 1867. 2 v. 12°. . . . 833, L. Brown, S. G. Life of Rufus Choate. Bost. 1870. 8°. . . 950, C. Brown, Theron. The story of the Blount family. Bost. 1873. 16°. 600, B. Brown, T. Book of butterflies, sphinxes and moths. Edin. 1832. 3v. 18°. 45, J. The same. Lond. 1834. 3 v. 16°. . . . 203, G. — Land and fresh water conchology of Great Britain. Lond.1845. 8°. 754,G. — The taxidermist's manual. Lond. 1870. 12°. . . 55, G. Brown, Thomas. -C. E. The marine steam-engine. See Main, T. J. Brown, W. Propagation of Christianity among the heathen. Lond. 1854. 3v. 8° 1800, R. Browne,C.F. {Artemus Farrf.)Artemus Ward; his book. N.Y.1867. 12°. 4165,A. — Artemus Ward; his travels. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . 4166, A. — Artemus Ward in London. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . 4167, A. — Kingston, E. P. The genial showman. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12°. 1230, C. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 2689, D. — An American family in Germany. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . 490, E. — Crusoe's island. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . . 2690, D. — The land of Thor. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . . 305, E. — Resources of the Pacific slope. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . . 2660, D. — Yusef; a crusade in the East. N.Y- 1867. 12°. . . 530, F. P.:'owne, M. Chaucer's England. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 8°. . 2060, E. ]:.owne, «S'^VT. Works, e^. by S. Wilkin. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 8°. 393, J. Vol. I. Life by S.Johnson; Memoir by editor; Vulgar errors, I-IV. II. Vulgar errors, V-Vn. Religio medici ; Garden of Cyrus. IIL Urn-burial: Christian morals; Mis- cellanies, etc. The same. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 8°. . . . 975, L. Brownell, H. H. Lyrics of a day. N.Y. 1864. 12°. . . 160, K. Brownies, (The) and other tales. J. H. Ewing. Bost. 1871. 12°. 1015, B. Browning, E. B. . Aurora Leigh. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . 813, J. — Poems. N.Y.1867. 3 v. 12°. .... 165, K. — A selection from her poetry. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . 815, J. Browning, R. Poetical works. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 814, J. Vol. [I-IL] A soul's tragedy ; Luria; Christmas-eve and Easter-day; Men and women. In a balcony; Dramatis personae; Dramatic romances. — Balaustion's adventure. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 170, K. — Red cotton night-cap country. Bost. 1873. 12°. . 171, K. 52 CATALOGUE OF THE Bruce, J. Head, F. B. Life of. Lond. 1830. 16°. . . 72, J. Bruhns, C. Life of A. von Humboldt, tr. by J. and C. Lassell. Lond. 1873. 2v. 8° 4118, C. Bruin ; the grand bear hunt. M. Eeid. Bost. 1866. 16°. . 2154, B. Brunner,A.A. Elementary and pronouncing French reader. Cin.l870.12°403,O. Bruyssel, E.van. Population of an old pear-tree, ed. by C. M. Yonge. Lond. 1870. 12° 207, G. Bryant, H. B. anc/ o E. L. Bulwer-Lytton. Leip. 1849. 2v.ini. 16°. 819, J. — The same. Phil. 1868. 12°. .... 2071, A. Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 16, Q. Cecil and his dog. Story of. N.Y. 1871. 16°. . . 660, B. Cecil Castlemain's gage. L. de la Rame. Leip. 1872. 16°. . 1216, J. — The same. Phil. 1867. 12° 1161, A. Cecil Dreeme. T. Winthrop. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . . 5341, A. Cecil's tryst. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . . . . 856, J. Cecilia. F. D'Arblay. Lond. 1810, 3 v. 12°. . . 2977. A. Celebrated friendships. K. B. Thomson. Lond. 1861. 2 v. 8°. 308, C. Celibacy. Lea, II. C. Sacerdotal celibacy in the christian church. Phil. 1867. 8° 1400, R. Cellini, B. Memoirs tr, by T. Roscoe. Lond. 1871. 8°. . 660, J. Cements. Burnell, G. R. Limes, cements, mortars, etc. Lond. 1872. 12°. 189,J. Cerise. G. J. W Melville. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1170, J. — The same. N.Y. 1872. 12° 2575, A. Cervantes Saavedra. M. de. Don Quixote of La Mancha, tr, by P. A. Motteux. Bost. 1865. 4 v. 8°. . . . . 307, N. — Exemplary novels, (added) El Buscapi^ and La tia fingida, tr. by W. K. Kelley. Lond. n. d. 8°. . . . . 506, J. The same. Lond. 1855. 8°. . . . . 310, N. — Roscoe, J. Life and writings of. Lond. 1839. 16°. . 89, J. Cdsarine Dietrich. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. Bost. 1871. 8°. 1371, M. Ceylon. Baker, ^«> S. W. Eight years wanderings in. Phil. 1869. 12°. 1520,F. The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. Phil. 1871. 12°. 1521, F. — Forbes, F. E. Eleven years in Ceylon. Lond. 1841. 2 v. 8°. 1537, F. — Sullivan, E. The bungalow and the tent. Lond. 1854. 12°. 1534, F. Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct in animals and men. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 860, G. — Lectures on natural theology. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 499, R. Chadwick, W. Life and times of Daniel De Foe. Lond. 1859. 8°. 2145, C. Chainbearer, (The.) J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . 4262, A. Chaldsea. Rawlinson, G. History and antiquities of. Lond. 1862. 8°. 725, F. Chaldee language. — Gesenius, F. H. W. Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon. Lond. n.d. 8°. ^L.R. Challice, A. B. Memories of French palaces. Lond. 1871. 8°. 1605, E. Chalmers.T. Posthumous Works, erf. by W. Hanna. N.Y.1855-60.9v.l2°. 1235,R. Vol. I-III, Daily scripture readings. IV-V. Sabbath scripture readings. VI. Sermons 1798-1847. VII-VIII. Institutes of theology. IX. Lectures. 64 CATALOGUE OF THE Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external nature to man. Lond. 1869. 8°. 605, J, — Evidences of the christian revelation. N.Y. 1857. 2 v. 12°. 555, R. — Lectures on the epistle of Paul to the Romans. N.Y. 1868. 8°. 271, R. — Dodds, J. Biographical study of. Edin. 1870. 12°. . 2458, C. Chamberlin, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. See Colbert, E.. Chambers, R. Biographical dictionary of Scotsmen, with supp. by T. Thomson. Glasgow 1855. 5 v. 8°. . . . 390, C. — The book of days ; popular antiquities. Phil. 1872. 2 v. 8°. *L. R. — Cyclopaedia of English literature. Phil. 1873. 2 v. 8°. . 140, L. — History of the rebellions in Scotland 1638-60. Edin.1828. 2v. 18°. 20,J. — History ofthe rebellions in Scotland in 1689 and 1715.Edin.l829.18°.26, J, — History of the rebellions in Scotland in 1745-6. Edin. 1827. 2v. 18°. 10, J. — Life of James I. Edin. 1830. 2 v. 18°. ... 35, J. — Life of Sir W. Scott, with Abbottsford notanda, by R. Carruth- ers. Lond. 1871. 16° 2370, C. — Chambers, W. Memoir of. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 2690, C. Chambers,W. Memoirof R.Chambers with reminiscences. N.Y.1872.8°. 2690,C. — and R. Information for the people. Phil. n.d. 2 v. 8°. 605, L. Miscellany of instructive and entertaining tracts. Lond. 1872. 10 V. 12° 600, L. Papers for the people. Edin. n.d. 5 v. 8°. . . 601, L. Chamisso, A. von. Werke. Berlin. 1864. 6 v. 16°. . . 20,M. Vol. I. Der Dichter; Lieder und lyrisch-epische Gedichte. II. Sonette und Terzinen; Gelegenheits-Gedichte ; Dramatisches ; Ueberfetzungen ; Adelberts Fabel ; Peter Schlemihl ; Nachlese zu den Gedichten. III-IV. Reise um die Welt. V-VI. Leben und Briefe. Champlain,iayte. Palmer,P.S. History of. 1609-1814. Albany 1866. 8°. 1385,D. Champlain valley. Watson, W.C. Pioneer history of. Albany 1863. 8°. 1386, D. Chance (A) acquaintance. W. D. Howells. Bost. 1873. 16°. 4597, A. Chance (A) child. I. F. Mayo. Phil. 1871. 12^ . . 933, A. Chance (A) for himself. J.T.Trowbridge. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 2436,B. Chancellors of England. — Campbell, J. Lord. Lives of the. Lond. 1868. lOv. 12°. . 345, C. Chandos. L. de la Rame. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1217, J. — The same. Phil. 1869. 12° 1162, A. Changed (The) brides. E. D. E. N. South worth. Phil. 1869. 12°. 1307, A. Changing base. W.Everett. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 1010, B. Channing, E.T. Life of William Ellery. N.Y. 1860. 12°.. . 10-6, C. Channing, W. E. Complete works. Lond. n.d. 8°. . . 2005, L. — The perfect life. ec/. by W.H.Channing. Bost. 1873. 12°. 1080, R. — Memoir, ed. by W. H. Channing. Bost. 1868. 3 v. 12°. 730, C. Channings (The). E. P. Wood. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1345, J. Chapin,E.H. Characters in the gospels. N.Y. 1852. 12°. . 730, R. — Christianity the perfection of manliness. N.Y. 1854. 12°. 737, R. — Humanity in the city. N.Y. 1854. 12°. . . 2325, L. Chaplet of pearls. C. M. Yonge. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1375, J. — The same. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . . 1780, A. Chaplin, J. Lif6 of Henry Dunster. Bost. 1872. 12°. . 510, C. Chaplin, J. D. Out of the wilderness. Bost. 1869. 16°. . 675, B. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 65 Chapman, H. C. Evolutions of life. Phil. J873. 8°. . 900, G. Chapman. J. G. The American drawing-book. N.Y. 1870. 4°. ^203, H. Chapters of Erie. C. F. Adams, jr. Bost. 1871. 12°. . 2286, L. Character. Bain, A. The study of character. Lond. 1861. 8°. 430, P. — Jameson, A. Sketches of character. Bost. 1866. 16°. . 703, L. — Smiles, S. Character. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . 451, L. Character and characteristic men. E. P.Whipple. Bost. 1868. 12°. 2157, C. Characteristics. A. Cooper. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . . 485, L. Characteristics of women. A.Jameson. Bost. 1866. 16°. . 53, P. Charades. Mayhew, H. Acting charades. Lond. n. d. 16°. 1466, H. Charicles; private life of ancient Greeks. W.A.Becker. N.Y. 1866. 8°. 900,E. Charities of Europe. J, De Liede. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 12°. . 167, P. Charlemagne. Bulfinch, T. Legends of. Bost. 1869. 8°. . 1627, R. Charlemont. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . 5152, A. Charles I. King of England. — Abbott, J. History of Charles I. N.Y.1868. 16°. . 79, B. — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of. Lond. 1833, 2 v. 8°. 1952, E. — Disraeli,!. Life and reign of. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 8°. . 1951, E. — Trials of Charles I. and some of the regicides. Lond. 1832. 16°. 95,J. Charles 11. King of England. — Abbott, J. History of Charles II. N.Y.1868. 16°.. . 80, B. — Hamilton, A. Memoirs of the court of. Lond. 1864. 8°. 508, J. Charles V. Emperor of Germany. — Robertson, W. History of Charles V. ed. by W. H. Prescott. N.Y. 1869. 3 V. 8°- 537, E. — Stirling, W. The cloister life of. Lond. 1853. 8°. . • 535, E. Charles VIII. King of France. — Comines, P. de. Memoirs, Lond. 1855. 2v. 8°. . 512, J. Charles the bold. Duhe of Burgundy. — Comines, P. de. Memoirs. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 8°. — Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the bold. Phil. 1864. 3 v. 8°, Charles.E.R. Chronicles oftheScbonberg-Cotta family. N.Y.1868. 16' The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16°. — Cottage by the cathedral and other parables. Leip. 1872. 16° — Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Leip. 1869. 16°. The same. N.Y. 1866. 16°. — The Draytons and the Davenants. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 16°. The same. N.Y. 1867. 16°. .... — The early dawn. N.Y. 1866. 16°. . • . — On both sides of the sea. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 16°. The same. N.Y.1868. 16°. . . . . — The victory of the vanquished. Leip. 1871. 16°. — Winifred Bertram. Leip. 1869. 16°. The same. N.Y. 1866. 16° Charles O'Malley. C. J. Lever. Leip. 1848. 3 v. in 2. 16°. — The same. Phil. n. d. 8°. .... Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8°. — The ministry of life. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . . 5 512, J. . 445, E. \ 229,A. 857, J. '. 858, J. 860, J. 225, A. 859, J. 226, A. 227, A. 861. J. 228, A. 862, J. 863, J. 230, A. 1099, J. 3087, A. 240, A. 241, A. 66 CATALOGUE OF THE Charlie Bell. E. Kellogg. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . . 1436, B. Charlie Codman's cruise. H. Alger jr. Bost. 1866. 16°. . 237, B. CI . rlotte Ackerman. O. MuUer. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 480, M. Charm, (The.) Bost. 1868. 16° 2535, B. Charms and counter-charms. M. J. Mcintosh. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 875, A. Charnock, S. Complete works. Edin. 1864. 5 v. 8°. . . 1240, R. Vol. I-II. Introduction by J. M'Cosh ; Discourses on divine providence; Discourse on the ex- istence and attributes of God. III. The necessity — the nature — the efficient — and the instrument of regeneration ; God the author of reconciliation ; Cleansing virtue of Christ's blood. IV. Discourses on the knowledge of God; Unbelief; The Lord's supper; Self- examination; Christ; Obedience. V. Miscellaneous discourses, indexes, etc. Chat in the play-room and life at a farmhouse. Lond. n. d. 16°. 680, B. Chartism. T. Carlyle. N.Y. 1868. 12°, . . . , 885, L. Chateau Frissac. 0. Sikes. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . . . 1272, A. Chateaubriand. F. A. F^com^e c/e. The martyrs. N.Y. 1859. 12°. 1288, M. — Memoirs of his own times; the congress of Verona. Lond. 1838. 2 V. 8° 1374, E. — Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt and Barbary 1806-7. Lond. 1812. 2 V. 8°. . . . . . . 560, F. Chatrian, A., joint author. See Erckmann, E. Chattaway, E. D. Railways in Cr. Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1855. 12°. 202, J. Chatterton, T. Poetical works with memoir. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 16°. 8, K. Chatto, W. A. Treatise on wood engraving. See Jackson, J. Chaucer, G. Canterbury tales. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 240, K. — Browne, M. Chaucer's England. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 8°. 2060, E. Chauvin, V. The true Robinson Crusoe. See Denis, J. F. Cheever,G. B. Journalof the pilgrims at Plymouth. N.Y. 1848. 12°. 1078, D. — Punishment by death. N.Y. 1855. 12°. . . . 158, P. — Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. N.Y. 1859. 12° 575, E. Cheever, H. T. The island world of the Pacific. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 1580, F. — Life in the Sandwich islands. N.Y. 1856. 12°. . 1525, F. — A reel in the bottle for Jack in the doldrums. N.Y. 1852. 12°. 4210,A. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts. P. Burty. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 235, H. Chellis, M, D. Bill Crock's investment. Bost. 1869. 16°. . 685, B. — The old doctor's son. Bost. 1870. 16°. . . . 686, B. Chemical technology. Wagner, R. Handbook of. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 390, Q. Chemistry. Cooke, J. P. jr. Religion and chemistry. N.Y. 1867. 8°. 518, R. ^- Donovan M. Treatise on chemistry. Lond. 1832. 16°. . 365, J. — Draper, H. Text-book of chemistry. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 378, Q. — Eliot, C. W. Manualof inorganic chemistry. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 382, Q. — Faraday, M. Experimental researches in. Lond. 1859. 8°. 388, Q. Chemical history of a candle. N.Y. 1861. 16°. . 367, Q. — Fownes, G. Manual of elementary. Phil. 1872. 8°. . 386, Q. Rudimentary chemistry. Lond. 1872. 12°. . . 150. J. — Fresenius, C. R. Qualitative chemical analysis. N.Y.1872. 8°. 405, Q. Instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 406, Q. — Hooker, W. Chemistry. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 375, Q. — Johnston,J.F.W. Elements of agricultural. Edin. 1871. 16°. 955, H. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 6T Chemistry continued. — Johnston,J.F.W. Cchemistry of common life. N.Y.1869. 2v. 12°. 155, T. — Miller, W. A. Chemical physics. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 400, Q. Inorganic chemistry. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . 401, Q. The same. N.Y. 1872. 16°. . . * . . 369, Q. Organic chemistry. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . . 402, Q. — Muspratt, S. Chemistry, as applied to the arts. Lond.n.d. 7v. 8°. *L.R. — Piesse,Gr.W.S. Laboratory of chemical wonders. Lond. 1860. 12°, 373, Q. — Prout, W. Chemistry and natural theology. Lond. 1855. 8°. 606, J. — Roscoe,H.E. Lessons in elementary chemistry. Lond. 1871. 16°. 365,Q. — Silliman,B.>. First principles of. N.Y. 1852. 8°. . 372, Q. — Stockhardt, J. A. Chemical field lectures. Lond. 185&. 8°. 644, J. Experimental chemistry. Lond. 1872. 8°. . 643, J. — Thudichum,J.L.W. Manual of chemical physiology. Lond. 1872. 8°.560,T. — Watts, H. Dictionary of chemistry. N.Y.1872. 5v. and supp. 8°. *L.K. Cheney, E. D. Sally Williams, the mountain girl. Bost. 1873. 16°. 245, A. — Social games. Bost. 1871. 18°. . . . 1450, H. Cherbuliez, V. Count Kostia. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . . 1382, M. — Joseph Noirel's revenge. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . .1383, M, Cherry and Violet. A. Manning. Lond- 1870. 16°. . . 916, A. Chesebro' C. The foe in the household. Bost. 1871. 8°. . 1610, A. — Peter Caradine. N.Y. 1863. 12°. .... 250, A. Chesney, G. German conquest of England in 1875. Phil. 1872. 12°. 2135, A. Chess. Fiske, D. W. American chess congress. N.Y. 1859. 12°. 1524, H. — Morphy, P. Games of chess. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . 634, J. — Staunton, H. Chess-player's companion". Lond. 1870. 8°. 641, J. Chess-player's handbook. Lond. 1872. 8°. , . 639, J. Chess praxis. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . . . 640, J. Chess tournament. Lond. 1852. 8°. . . . . 642, J. Chester, G. J. Transatlantic sketches. Lond. 1869. 12°. . 2438, D. Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, P. D. Chevalier (The). A. D. Dumas. Phil. 1864. 8°. . 1443, M. Chevaliers (The) of France. H. W. Herbert. N.Y. 1856. 12°. 4565, A. Chevallier, E. Ancient history of the East. See Lenormant, F. Chevreul, M. E. Harmony and contrast of colours. Lond. 1872. 8°. 613, J. Chew alley. C. E. K. Davis. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . . 852, B. Chicago. Colbert,E. Chicago and the great conflagration. Cin. 1872. 8°. 21 10,D. Chiefjustices of England. Campbell, J. Lives of. Lond. 1849-58. 3v. 8°. 355,C. ChiefjusticesoftheU.S. Flanders, H. Lives of the. Phil.1869. 2v. 8°. 30,C. Child.F. J. ed. English and Scottish ballads. Bost. 1864-71. 8v. 16°. 2,K. Child, G. C The great architect. Benedicte. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . 495,R. Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives. N.Y. 1855. 12°. . 210, C. — Flowers for children. Bost. 1865. 12°. . . . 695, B. — Isaac T. Hopper ; a true life. Bost. 1853. 8°. . . 670, C. — Letters from New York. N.Y. 1852. 2v. 12°. . . 1425,D. — Looking toward sunset. Bost. 1871. 8°. . . . 2110,L. — Rainbows for children. Bost. 1868. 12°. . . . 696, B. — Romance of the republic. Bost. 1871. 12=. . . 260, A. 68 CATALOGUE OP THE Child's book of nature. W.Hooker. N.Y.1871. 12°. . 112,Q. Child of the island glen. E. Kellogg. Bost. 1872. 16°. . 1444,B. Children. — Fonssagrives.J.B. Mother's work with sick children. N.Y.1872.12°.422,T. — Beecher, C. E. Religious training of children. N. Y. 1864. 12°. 756, R. Children's (The) crusade. G.Z.Gray. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . 175, F. Children's holidays. N.Y. 1865. 16°. . . * . . 700, B. Children (The) of Amity court. L. M Thurston. Bost. 1873. 16°. 2390, B. Children (The) of the abbey. R. M. Roche. Phil. 1868. 12°. 1203, A. Children (The) of the frontier. T. Lund. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 1595, B. Children of the New forest. F. Marry at. Leip. 1848. 16°. . 1151, J. Chili Hall, B. Journal on the coast of. Edin. 1826. 2 v. 18°. 1,J. — Smith, E.R. A tour in southern Chili. N.Y.1855. 12°. 2960, D. Chillingworth, W. Works. Oxford 1838. 3 v. 8°. . . 1245, R. Chimes (The). C.J. H, Dickens. Leip. 1846. 16°. . . 935, J. Chimney (The) corner. H. B. Stowe. Bost. 1868. 12°. . 2100, L. China. Brine.L. The Taeping rebellion in. Lond. 1862. 12°. 1190, F. — Corner, J. Pictoral, descriptive and historical. Lond. 1853. 8°. 526, J. — Conwell, R. H. Why and ho-w. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 1155, F. — Cooke, G. W. China in 1857-8. Lond. 1858 16°. . 1150, F. — Davis, J. F. The Chinese. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 12°. . 107, J. — Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. N.Y. 1865. 2 v. 12°. 1160, F. — Forbes, F.E. Five years in China 1842-7. Lond. 1848. 8°. 1205, F. — Fortune, R. Residence among the Chinese. Lond. 1857. 8°. 1198, F. Tea countries of China. Lond. 1852. 8°. . . 1197,F. Yedo and Peking. Lond. 1863. 8°. . . . 1195, F. — Huc.E.R. Christianity in China. Lond.1857. 3 v. 8°. 1199, F. A journey through the Chinese empire. N.Y. n.d. 2 v. 12°. 1170, F. — Medhurst, W. H. The foreigner in far Carthay. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 1158, F. — Murray, H. Historical account of China. Edin. 1836. 3 v. 16°. 139. J. — Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 1180, F. — Speer,W. The oldest and the newest empire. Cin. 1870. 8. 1200, F — Taylor, J. B. A visit to India, China and Japan. N.Y. 1864. 12°. 1185, F. — Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom. N.Y.1871. 2 v. 8°. 1165, F. China seas. Perry, M. C. Expedition in 1852-4. Wash.1856. 3v. 4°. 1275, F. Chips from a German workshop. F. M. MuUer. N.Y. 1869. 2v. 12°. 205, 0. Chittenden, L. E. Debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of theconstitutionalconventionof 1861. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . 480, D. Chivalry. Bulfinch, T. Age of chivalry. Bost. 1869. 12°. . 1625, R. — Mills, C. History of chivalry. Lond.1826. 2 v. 8°. 195, F. — Stebbing, H. Chivalry and the crusades. Edin. 1830. 2v. 18°. 32. J. Chloroform. Sanson, A. E. Action and administration of. Phil.1866. 12°. 95,T. Choate, R. Brown, S. G. Life of. Bost. 1870. 8°. . . 950, C. Choice (The) of Paris. S. G. W. Benjamin. N.Y. 1870. 16°. 4118, A. Choisy. J. P. Story. Bost. 1872. 8° 5520, A. Chopin, F. Liszt, F. Life of. Phil. 1863. 12°. . . 4005, C. Choules, J. O. Young Americans abroad. Bost. 1856. 12°. . 53, E. Chrichton, A. History of Arabia. Edin. 1833. 2v. 16°. . 135, J. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 69 Chrichton, A. and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia. Edin. 1838. 2 v. 16°. 151, Chris and Otho. J. P. Smith. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 1292, A. Christ, Jesus. Abbott, L. Jesus of Nazareth. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 328, R. — Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus, the Christ. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 340, R. — Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 1032, R. — Dorner,J.A. Doctrine of the person of Christ. Edin. 1861-3. 5v. 8°. 385, R. — Griles,C. Incarnation, atonement and mediation of. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 1475, R. — Gladstone, W. E. "Ecce homo." Lond. 1868. 12°. 312, R. — Gordon, A. J. In Christ. Bost. 1872. 12° 350, R. — Harris, J. The great teacher. Bost. 1870. 12°. . 368, R. — Ingraham, J. H. Prince of the house of David. Bost. 1872. 12°. 325, R. — Krummacher, F. W. The suffering saviour. Bost. 1872. 12°. 369, R. — Lange, J. P. Life of the Lord. Edin. 1864. 6 v. 8°. . 335, R. — Liddon, H. P. Divinity of our Lord. Lond. 1868. 8°. 372, R. — Miller, H. The headship of Christ. Bost. 1868. 8°. . 800, L. — Neander, J. A. W. Life of Jesus. Lond. 1871. 8°. . 320, R. — Parker, J. Ecce deus. Bost. 1867. 12°. . . . 310, R, — Renan, J. E. Life of Jesus. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 315, R. — Sears, E. H. The fourth gospel, the heart of Christ. Bost. 1872. 8°. 360, R. — Seeley, J. R.^ Ecce homo. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 311, R. — Stier, R. The words of the Lord Jesus. N.Y. 1864. 3v. 8°. 395, R. — IJllman, C. The sinlessness of Jesus. Edin. 1870. 12°. 365, R. — Young, J. The Christ of history. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . 353, R. Christian art and symbolism. R. St. J. Tyrwhitt. Lond- 1872. 12°. 28, H. Christian dogmas. J. A. W. Neander. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8°. 714, J. Christian iconography. A N. Didron. Lond. 1851. 8°, . 530, J. Christian life. Bayne, P. The christian life. Bost. 1864, 12°. 795, L. — Neander, J. A. W. Memorials of. Lond. 1852. 8°. . 715, J. Christian nurture. H. Bushnell. N.Y 1871. 12°. . . 748, R. Christian's mistake. D. M. Craik. Leip. 1865. 16°. . 894, J. — The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. ..... 305, A. Christianity. Baring-Gould, S. Christianity. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 1578-2, R. — Boston lectures. Christianity and scepticism. Bost.1870-2. 3v. 8°. 925, R. — Chapin,E.H. Christianity the perfection of manliness. N.Y.1854.12°737R. — Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philosophy. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 575, R — Coleman, L. Ancient Christianity exemplified. Phil. 1869. 8°. 585, R. — CoquerilA. ;^/5. First historical transformations of. Bost. 1867. 12°. 1327, R. — DoUinger, J. I. The first age of Christianity. Lond. 1867. 8°. 1343, R. — Fisher, G. P. Supernatifral origin of. N.Y. 1867. 8°. . 580, R. — Gregory, 0. Evidences, doctrines and duties of the christian religion. Lond. 1866 8°. . . . . 680. J. — Guizot,F.P.G. Meditations on the actual state of. Lond.1866. 8°. 569 R. Meditations on the essence of. Lond. 1864. 8°. . 570. R. — Kavanagh, J. Women of Christianity. N.Y. 1866. 12°. 352."> C. — Mackay, R. W. Rise and progress of. Lond. 1854. 8°. 1335, R. — Newman, J. H. Development of christian doctrine. Lond.1846. 8°. 590,R. — Powell, B. Christianity without Judaism. Lond. 1857. 8°. 560, R. — Pressens^, E. de. Early years of Christianity. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 1332, R. 70 CATALOGTTE OF THE Christianity. Whately, R. Rise, progress and corruptions of. N.Y. 1860. 12°. ....... 566, R. — See also Ecclesiastical history; Evidences of Christianity. Christie, W. D. Life of Anthony Astley Cooper. Lond. 1871. 2v. 8°. 2090, C. Christie Johnstone. C. Reade. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 2696, A. Christmas carol. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip. 1846. 16°. . . 935, J. Christmas (The) guest. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1870. 12°. 1308, A. Christmas holidays at Chesnut hill. Cousin Mary, jtjsewc/. Bost. 1868. 16° 2537, B Christmas stories. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip. 1862 16°. . 936, J. — The same. Phil. n. d. 12° 2203, A. Christopher Crooked. W. E. Hathaway. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . 1225, B, Chronicle of Ethelfied. A Manning. Lond. 1861. 16°. . 919, A. Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. Lond. 1854. 8°. . . 398, J. Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon. Lond. 1853. 8°. . 401, J. Chronicles. Six old English, ed. by J. A. Giles. Lond. n. d. 8°. 415, J. Chronicles of Carlingford. M. 0. W. Oliphant. N.Y. 1863. 8°. 1715, A. — The same. Leip. 1870. 7 v. in 4. 16°. The rector and the doctor's family. 1197, J- The perpetual curate. 1203 J' Salem chapel. 1204, J. Miss Majoribanks. 1201, J. Chronicles of London bridge. Lond. 1839. 16°. . . 91, J. Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir W. Scott. Phil. n. d, 12°. 2786, A. Chronicles of the crusades. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . . 394, J. Chronicles of the Schbnberg-Cotta family. E.R. Charles. N.Y. 1868. 16°. 229, A. — The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 857, J. Chronicles of the tombs. T. J. Pettigrew. Lond. 1864. 8°. 395, J. Chronology. Blair, J. Chronological tables. Lond. 1856. 8°. 599, J. — Hawes, S. Synchronology. Bost. 1869. 8° . . 50, F. — Nicolas, Sir N. H. Chronology of history. Lond. 1833. 16°. 323, J. — Rosse, J. W. Index of dates. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . 626, J. — Woodward, B. B. Encyclopaedia of chronology. Bost. 1872. 8°. ^L.R. Chrysostom, J. Perthes, F. M. Life of Bost. 1854 12°. . 1175, R. Church. Labagh, I. P. Theoklesia. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 898, R. — Noel. B. W. Union of church an^d state. N.Y. 1849. 12°. 760, R. — See also England; and Scotland. Church history. See Ecclesiastical history. Church, F. (Marryat.) For ever and ever. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. 16°. 865, J. — Confessions of Cerald Estcourt. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 864, J. — "Gup" sketches of Anglo Indian life. Lond. 1868. 8°. 1325, F. — Her lord and master. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 866, J. — Life and letters of Captain Marryat. N.Y. 1872. 2 v. 8°. 2605, C. — Love's conflict. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 867, J. — Nelly Brooke. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 868, J. — Petronel. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . . 869, J. — The prey of the gods. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . . 870, J. — V^ronique. Leip. 1869. 2v.ini. 16°. . . . 871, J. Church, R. W. Saint Anselm. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . 1180, R. Churchill, C. Poetical works, with life by W. Tooke. Bost. 1864. 3v. 16°. 9,K. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF IJJDIANAPOLIS. 71 Churchill, C. 11. The Druzes and the Maronites. Lond. 1862. 12°. 616, F. — Mount Lebanon ; a ten years residence, 1842-52. Lond. 1853. 3v. 8°. 660,F. Churchill, J. Duke of Marlborough. — Alison, ^eV A. Military life of. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . 2125,, C. — Bucke, C. Life of. Lond. 1839. 16°. . . . . 56, J. — Coxe, W. Memoirs of. Lond. 1867. 3 v. 8°. . . 665, J. Gibber, C. Apology for (his) life. Lond. 1822. 8°. . . 2155, C. Cicero, M. T. Cicero by W. L. (Collins. Phil. 1871. 16°. . 46, N. — Academic questions; De finibus and Disputations. Lond. 1872. 8°. 447, J. — The nature of the gods; divination, fate, etc. Lond. 1871. 8°. 446, J. — Offices; Friendship; Old age, etc. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . 47. N. — Orations, tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1872. 4 v. 8°. . 445, J. — Oratory and orators, with letters, tr. by J. S. Watson. Lond. 1871. 8°. 449, J The same. N.Y. 1867. 8° 48, N — Select orations, tr. by C. D. Yonge. N.Y. 1867. 8°. . 49, N. — Three books of offices, tr. by C. K. Edmonds. Lond. 1871. 8°. 448, J. — Forsyth, W. Life of. N.Y. 1866. 2 v. 8°. . . 54, N. — Hollings, J. F. Life of. Lond. 1839. 16°. . . .73, J. Cincinnati, OAfo. The Cincinnati directory 1819. Cin. 1819. 16°. *P.D. — Cist, C. Cincinnati in 1859. Cin. 1859. 12°. . . 1888, D. — Public library. Catalogue, [by W. F. Poole.] Cin. 1871. 8°. *L.R. Cipher. J. G. Austen. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . . . 1605, A. Circle of the sciences. W. S. Orr. Lond. 1854-6. 9 v. 8°. . 56, Q. Circle of the sciences, ed. by J. Wylde. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 8°. 70, Q. Circle of the year. J. C. F. Hbfer. Edin. 1869. 8°. . 120, Q. Cist, C. Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. Cin. 1859. 12°. 1888, D. Cities. Bucke, C. Ruins of ancient cities. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 16°. 57, J. — Buckley, T. A. The ancient cities of the world. Lond. n.d. 16°. 120, F. — Cities and principal towns of the world. Lond. 1830. 16°. 346, J. City poems. A.Smith. Bost. 1857. 12°. . . . 765, K. Civil engineering. See Engineering. Civilization. Buckle, H. T. Civilization in England. N.Y.1871. 2v. 8°. 2095,E. — Cuizot, F. P. G. History of civilization. Lond. 1871. 3 v. 8°. 682, J. — Lubbock, Sir J. Origin of civilization. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 885, G. — Wynter, A. Curiosities of civilization. Lond. 1860. 12°. 734, L. Clackitts (The) of Inglebrook hall. Mrs. Prosser. N.Y. n. d. 16°. 1130, A. Clara Howard. C.B.Brown. Phil. 1857. 12°. . 4157, A. Clarendon. Earl of. See Hyde, E. Claret and olives. A. B. Reach. Lond. 1852. 12°. . . 1609, E. Clarissa Harlowe. S. Richardson. Leip. 1862. 4 v. in 2. 16°. 1233, J. — The same. Lond. 1810. 8 v. 12°. . . 2960, A. Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters. Bost. 1870. 8°. . 627, L. Clark, E. L. Daleth, or the homestead of nations. Bost. 1864. 8°. 795, F. Clark, G. R. Campaign in the Illinois in 1778-9. Cin. 1869. 8°. 1897, D. Clark, H. An introduction to heraldry. Lond. 1866. 8°. . 614, J. Clark, T. M. John Whopper the newsboy. Bost. 1871. 16°. . 750, B. Clarke, A. Holy Bible with commentary and notes by. N.Y.1872.6v. 8°. 75,R. 72 CATALOGUE OF THE t. 1870-3. 6 V. 16°. 731, B. Vol. 4. Cousin Grace. 732, B. 5- Fairy book. 733, B. 6. Dotty Dimple. Clarke, C. Denise. Leip. 1865. 16°. . . . — Madame Fontenoy. Leip. 1868. 16°. — Mademoiselle Mori. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 16°. — On the edge of the storm. Leip. 1869. 16°. — - The same. N. Y. 1872. 8° — Three courses and a dessert. Lond. 1871. 8°. Clarke, J. F. Orthodoxy; its truths and errors. Bost. 1872. 8° — Ten great religions. Bost. 1871. 8°. . . . Clarke, M. C. Complete concordance to Shakspere. Lond. 1870. ^ — Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. Lond. n. d. • 3 v. 12 — The iron cousin. N.Y. 1871. 12°. Clarke, K. S. {Sophie May.) The doctor's daughter. Bost. 1872. — Dotty Dimple stories. Bost. 1873. 6 v. 16°. Vol. I. Dotty at her grandmother's. 725, B. Vol. 4. Dotty Dimple at play. 2. Dotty Dimple at home. 726, B. 5. Dotty Dimple at school. 3. Dotty Dimple out west. 727, B. 6. Dotty Dimple's flyaway. — Little Prudy series. Bost. Vol. I. Little Prudy. 2. Sister Susy. 3. Captain Horace. , . — Little Prudy's flyaway series. Bost. 1871-3. 5 v. 16' Vol. I. Aunt Madge's story. 737, B. Vol. 3. Little folks astray. 2. Little grandmother. 738, B. 4. Prudy keeping house. Vol. 5. Little grandfather. 741, B. Clarke, W. Exploring expedition in 1804-6. See Lewis, M. Clarke, W. Architect. Pompeii. Lond. 1831. 2 v. 12°. Clarkson, T. A portraiture of quakerism. Ind'n'p'l's. 1870. 8"^ Classical dictionary. C. Anthon. N.Y. 1873. 8°. Claude Gueux. V.M.Hugo. N.Y. 1869. 12°. Claude the colporteur. A. Manning. Lond. 1870. 16°. Claudia. C. Tucker. Lond. 1872. 16°. Claverings, (The.) A. Trollope. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16°. — The same. N.Y. 1866. 8°. . . . . Clay. H. Colton, C. Last seven years of (his) life. N.Y. 1856. — Mallory, D. Life and speeches of. N Y. 1857. 2 v. 8°. — Private correspondence e^/. by C. Colton. N.Y. 1856. 8°. — Swain, J; B. Life and speeches of. N.Y. 1843. 2 v. 8°. Clayton, E.C. Queens of song. N.Y. 1865. 8°. Clemens Alexandrinus. Fragments i!r. by W.Wilson. Edin.1872. — The writings of Clement of Alexandria. Edin. 1868-9. 2 v. Clemens Romanus. — Clementine homilies; Apostolical constitutions. Edin. 1870. — The epistles of Clement concerning virginity. Edin. 1869. — Recognitions of Clement. Edin. 1867. 8° Clemens, S.L. {MarkTwain.) The innocents abroad. Hart. 1872. — Roughing it. Hart. 1872. 8°. . . . . Clement.C.E. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. N.Y.1873.8°.30,H. C\QO\>2Ltv^, Queen of Egypt. Abbott,J. History of. N.Y. 1868. 16°. 81, B. qiergy. .Jeaffreson, J. C. A book about the. Lond. 1870. 2v. 8°. 786, R. 872, J. 873, J. 874, .J. 875, J. 2145, A. 228, J. 873, R. 1585, R. B° 1720, K. 1655, K. 278, A. 16' \ 275, A. 728, B. 729, B. 730, B. 734, B. 735, B. 736, B. 739, B. 740, B. 105, J. 3 1690, R. *L.R. 1426, M. 917, A- 1405, A. 1316, J. 3191, A. 8°. 698, C. 696, C. > 697, C. 695, C. 1640, H. 8^ '. 1205,R. 8^ '. 1188,R. 8^ '. 1200,R. 8°. 1196, R. 1187, R. 8^ \ 185, E. 2740, D. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 73 Clergyman's wife (The.) A. C. Ritchie. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . 1195, A. Cleve hall. E. M. Sewell. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . . . 1246, A. Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of American literature. N.Y. 1859. 12°. 77, L. — Compendium of English literature. N.Y. 1872. 12°. • . 76, L- — English literature of the 19th century. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 75, L. Cleveland, H. R. Life of Henry Hudson. N.Y. 1865. 12°. 10-10, C. Cleveland, H. W. S. Hints to riflemen. N.Y. 1864. 12°. . 1835, H. Clever woman of the family. C. M. Yonge. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1.16°. 1376, J. — The same. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . . . . 1781, A. Cliflf-climbers (The). M. Reid. Bost. 1866. 16°. . . 2156, B. Climate. Blodget, L. Climatology of the United States. Phil.1857. 8°. 650,T. Climbing the rope. H. P. H. Nowell. Bost. 1868 16°. . 1875, B. Clinton ; or boy life in the country. W. Simonds. Bost. 1864. 12°. 2271, B. Clive, C. Paul Ferroll. Leip. 1856. 16°. . . . 877, J. — Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Leip. 1861. 1^°. . 878, J. — Year after year. Leip. 1858. 16°. .... 876, J. Clocks. Denison,E. B. Clocks, watches and bells. Lond. 1868. 12°. 205, J. Cloister (The) and the hearth. C. Reade. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1225, J. — The same. Bost. 1869. 12°. .... 2690, A. Clotilde. A. de Pontmartin. Phil. 1871. 12°. . . 1395,M. Cloud on the heart. A. S. Roe. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 5075, A. Cloud-pictures. F. H Underwood. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . 5275, A. Clouds and sunshine. C. Reade. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 2696, A. Clough,A.H. Poems and prose remains, with memoir. Lond.l869.2v.8°. 246, K. Club life of London. J. Timbs. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 12°. . 2231, E. Clubisten (Die) in Mainz. H. J. Koenig. Berlin 1872. 3 v. 16°. 115, M. Coal. Bowen, E. Coal and coal oil. Phil. 1865. 12°. . 1100, G. — Macfarlane, J. The coal-regions of America. N.Y. 1873. 8°. 1232, G. — Smyth, W.W. Coal and coal-mining. Lond. 1872. 12°. 309, J. — Williams, C. W. Combustion of coal. Lond. 1858. 12° 259, J. Cobbe, F. P. Broken lights. Lond. 1864. 8°. . . . 814, R. — Essays on the pursuits of women. Lond. 1863. 12°. . 92, P. — Hours of work and play. Lond 1867. 12°. . . 2103, L. — Italics ; notes in Italy in 1864. Lond. 1864. 8°. . . 655, E. — Studies of ethical and social subjects. Lond. 1865. 8°. 2125, L. Cobbett,W. Bulwer,H.L. Cobbett,the conscientious man. Leip. 1868. 16°. 844, J. Cobden, P. Beckoning series. Who will win ? Bost. 1872. 16°. 759, B. The turning wheel. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . . 760, B. Going on a mission. Bost 1871. 16°. . . , 761, B. Cobden, R. Political writings. Lond. 1867. 2 v. 8°. . 2065, L. — McGilchrist, J. Political career and services of. N.Y. 1865. 12°. 2715,C. Cochrane, J. D. Pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary. Edin. 1829. 2 v. 18°. .... 22, J. Cockburn, H. T. Lord. Memorials of his time. N.Y. 1856. 8°. 2470, C. Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek philosophy. N.Y. 1870. 8°. 575, R. Cockton, H. Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. Lond. n.d. 16°. 2155, A. — Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. Lond. n.d. 16°. . 2156, A. Cfplobsin search of a wife. H. More. Phil. 1869. 12°. . 968, A. 74 CATALOGUE OF THE Coffin, C.C. {''Carleton.") Following the flag. Bost. 1865. 16°. 585, D. — My days and nights on the battle-field. Bost. 1872. 16°. 586, D. — Our new way round the world. Bost. 1869. 8°. . . 330, F. — The seat of empire. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . . 2670, D. — Winning his way. Bost. 1866. 16°. . . . 770, B. Coffin,E.B. (Barr^/ Gray.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine. N.Y.1868. 12°. 4225,A. — Castles in the air, and other phantasies, N.Y. 1872. 12°. 4226, A. — Matrimonial infelicities. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . 4228, A. — My married life at Hillside. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . 4227, A. — Out of town. N.Y. 1867. 12°. .... 4229, A. Coins. Humphreys, H.N. Coin collector's manual. Lond.l87L 2v. 8°. 624, J. Golange, Jj. ed. Zell's popular encyclopsedia. Phil. 1870-71. 2v. 4°. *L. R. Colbert, E. and Chamberlin, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. Cin. 1872. 8° 2110, D. Colds. Hall, W. W. Coughs and colds. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 305,T. Coleman, Jfr^. C. Life of John J. Crittenden. Phil. 1871. 8°. 845, C. Coleman, L. Ancient Christianity exemplified in the life of the prim- itive christians. Phil. 1869. 8°. . . . . 585, R. Colenso, J. W. The Pentateuch and book of Joshua critically exam- ined. N.Y.1863. 12° 153, R. Coleridge, H. Lives of northern worthies. Lond. 1852. 3v. 16°. 375, C. Coleridge, H. N. Six months in the West Indies in 1825. Lond. 1832. 16°. 58, J. Coleridge, J. T. Memoirs of Rev. J. Keble. N.Y. 1869. 2v. 12°. 2590, C. Coleridge, S. T. Complete works. N.Y.1868. 7 v. 12°. . 1060, L, Vol.1. Aids to reflection; Statesman's manual. II. The friend, ed. by H. N. Coleridge. III. Biographia literaria. IV. Lectures upon Shakespeare and other dramatists. V. The literary remains ; Confessions of an inquiring spirit. VI. Constitution of church and state ; A lay sermon on existing distresses and discontents 1817; Table talk. VII. Poetical and dramatic works. — Biographia literaria. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . . 662, J. — Dissertation on the science of method. Lond. 1872. 12°. 403, P. — The friend. Lond. 1867. 8°. . . . 661, J. — Poems with memoir by F. Freiligrath. Leip. 1860. 16°. . 879,J. — Poetical and dramatic works, by C.E.Norton. Bost.l864.3v.l6°.10,K — Gillman, J. Life of. Lond. 1838. 8°. . . . 2380,C. Coles, A. The microcosm ; a poem. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . 250, K. Collier, J, P. Dyce, A. Strictures on (his) new edition of Shakespeare. Lond. 1859. 8°. 1668, K. Collier, W. F. History of the British empire. Lond. 1868. 16°. 1880, E. Collins, J. H. A first book of mining and quarrying. Lond. 1872. 12°. 193, J. Collins, W. Poetical works with memoir by H. Nicolas. Bost. 1865.16°. 11, K. Collins, W. W. After dark. Leip. 1858. 16°. . . 880, J. — Antonina, or the fall of Rome. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 881, J. — Armadale. Leip. 1866. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . . . 882, J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . . 3015,A. — Basil. Leip. 1862. 16°. ..... 883, J. — Hide and seek. Leip. 1856. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 884, J. — Man and wife. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 885,J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 8°. .... 3017,A. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 75 Collins, W.W. Miss or Mrs? Leip. 1872. 16°. . . . 886, J. — The moonstone. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in. 1. 16°. . . 887, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 8° 3018, A. -- No name. Leip. 1863. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . . . 888, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 8° 3019, A. — No thoroughfare. See Dickens, C. J. H. — A plot in private life. Leip. 1859. 16°. . . . 889, J. — Poor Miss Finch. Leip. 1872. 2v.ini. 16°. . . 890, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . . . 3020, A. — The queen of hearts. N.Y. 1859. 12°. . . . 2165, A. — The woman in white. Leip. 1860. 2v.ini. 16°. . . 891,J. Thesame. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 3021, A. Collyer, K. The life that now is. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . 1078, E. — A man in earnest : Life of A. H. Conant. Bost. 1872. 12°. 1090, C. — Nature and life. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . . 1079, R. Colman, G. and Thornton, B. The connoisseur. Bost. 1864. 2 v. 12°. 409, L. Colman, G. the younger. Poetical vagaries; and vagaries vindicated. Lond. 1814. 12° 249, K. Colman, H. European life and manners. Bost. 1850. 2 v. 12°. 155, E. — European agriculture and rural economy. Bost. 1846-8. 3v. 8°. 1025, H Colonna, V. Harford, J. S. Memoir of. Lond. 1858. 8°. . 4700, C. Colorado. Taylor, J. B. Colorado, a summer trip. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 2675,D. Colour. Cave, M.E. Mauual of color. N.Y. 1869. 12° . 160, H. — Chevreul, M. E. Harmony and contrast of. Lond. 1872. 8°. 613, J. — Field, G. Chromatics. Lond. 1845. 8°. . . . 135, H. Grammar of colouring. Lond. n.d. 12°. . . 177, J. — Hay, D. R. Laws of harmonious colouring. Edin.1847. 12°. 130, H. — Howard, F. Colour as a means of art. Lond . 1849. 12°. 132, H. — Wilkinson, aS'zV J. G. On colour and taste. Lond. 1858. 8°. 136, H. Colquhoun,J.C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time. Lond. 1858. 12°.227,C Savonarola ; Olympia Morata ; Marguerite d'Angouleme ; Jeanne d'Albret. Colshorn, T. Des deutschen knaben wunderhorn. Hannover 1860. 8°. 25, M. Colton, C. C. Lacon; or many things in few words. Phil. 1871. 12°. 550, L. Colton, Calvin. Last seven years of the life of H. Clay. N.Y. 1856. 8°. 698, C. Columbus, C. — rving, W. Life and voyages of Lond. 1830. 16°. . 76, J. The same. N.Y. 1868. 3 v. 12°. . . . 4515,C. Voyages of the companions of Columbus. Lond. 1831. 16°. 78, J. Combe, G. The constitution of man. Phil. 1872. 12°. . 424, T. Comedy (A) of terrors. J. De Mille. Bost. 1873. 8°. . . 5405, A. Cometh up as a flower. R. Broughton. Leip. 1867, 16°. . 809, J. — Thesame. N.Y. 1872. 12° 189, A. Comic (The) Blackstone. G. A. A'Beckett. Lond. 1872. 16°. 5,S. Comic (The) history of England. G. A. A'Beckett. Lond. n.d. 8°. 1905, E. Comic (The) history of Rome. G. A. A'Beckett. Lond. n^d. 8°. 845, E. Comines, P. de. Lord of Argenton. — Memoirs, ed. with life by A. R. Scoble. Lond. 1855. 2v. 8°. 512, J. The same (added) The scandalous chronicles by J. de Troyes. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 8°. . . . . . 1255, E. 76 CATALOGUE OF THE Comins.L.B. {Laura Caxton). The Hartwell farm. Bost. 1871. 12° — Marion Berkley. Bost. 1870. 12°. Commerce and commercial navigation. — Homans, I.S. Cyclopaedia of. N.Y. 1858. 8°. — M'Culloch, J. R. Dictionary of. Lond. 1871. 8°. — McElrath, T. Dictionary of words and phrases used in com- merce. N.Y. 1871. 8:. . . . . Common sayings, words and customs. H. J. Loaring. Phil. n.d. 12°. Common sense. C. J. Newby. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Common sense in the household. M. V. Terhune. N.Y. 1873. 12°. Companions of my solitude. A. Helps. Bost. 1870. 12°. Comparative anatomy. — Huxley, T.H. Anatomy of vertebrated animals. N.Y. 1872. 8°. — Owen, R. Anatomy of vertebrates. Lond. 1866-8. 3 v. 8°. Invertebrate animals. Lond. 1855. 8°. . Comparative longevity E. R. Lankester. Lond. 1870. 12°. Compliment. Palmer, J. W. Poetry of compliment. Bost. 1868. 12° Composition. Hart, J. S. Manual of. Phil. 1873. 12°. Comte, A. A general view of positivism. Paris 1848. 8°. — Philosophy of the sciences, tr. by G.H.Lewes. Lond. 1871. 8°. — Positive philosophy, ed. by H. Martineau. N.Y. 1855, 8°. — Mill, J. S. Auguste Comte and positivism. Phil. 1866. 8°. Comyn, aS'2V R. History of the western empire. Lond. 1841. 2v. 8°. Con Cregan. C. J. Lever. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in 1, 16°. . — The same. Phil. n.d. 8°. .... . Conant, A. H. Collyer, R. A man in earnest. Bost. 1872. 12°. CoMchology. — Brown, T. Land and fresh water conchology. Lond. 1845. 8°. 754, G. — Sowerby, G. B. Popular British conchology. Lond. 1854. 12°. 706,G. — Swainson, W, Treatise on malacology. Lond. 1840. 16°. 374, J. — See also Shells. Concordances. — Clarke,M.C. Complete concordance to Shakespere. Bost.l869.8°. 1720,K. — Cruden, A. Complete concordance to the Bible. Lond. n.d. 8°. 80,R. Concretes. — Burnell, G. R. Concretes, mastics, plastering, e/c, Lond.1872. 12°. 189,J. — Dobson,E. Foundations and concrete works. Lond.1872. 12°. 188,J. Conde, J. A History of the Arabs in Spain. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 8°. 663, J. Condensed novels. F. Bret Harte. Bost. 1871. 12°. . 4535, A. Conduct (The) of life. R.W.Emerson. Bost. 1861. 12°. . 2183,L. Confectionary. Francatelli,C.E. The royal confectioner. Lond. 1866. 8°. 520,Q. Confession ; or, the blind heart. W. G. Simms. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 5153,A. Confessions of an English opium-eater. T. De Quincy. Bost.1866. 12°. 444,L. Confessions of Con Cregan. C. J. Lever, Leip. 1860. 2v.ini. 16°. IKXI.J. Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. F. Church. Leip. 1872. 2v.ini. 16°. 864, J. Conformists (The). M. and J. Banim. Dublin 1866. 12°. . 2027, A. Confucius. Legge, J. Life and teachings of Phil. 1867. 8°. 1518, R. 285, A. 286, A. *L.R. ^L.R. *L.R. 557,L. 1188, J. 477,Q. 925, L. 605,T. 615, T. 616,T. 864, G. 675, K. 500, 0. 373, P. 615,;J. 395, P. 382, P. 545,E. 1100, J. 3088,A. 1090, C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 77 Congregationalism. — Dexter, H.M. Congregationalism. Bost. 1871. 8°. . 877, R. — Uhden, H.F, Congregationalists in New England. Bost.1859. 12°. 870,R. Congreve, W. Dramatic works. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . 1702, K. Conic sections. Hann, J. Conic sections. Lond. 1871. 12°. 227, J. — Todhunter, I. Plane geometry applied to. Lond. 1867. 8°. 635, Q. Coningsby. B. Disraeli. Leip. 1844. 16°. . . . 959, J. — The same. Lond. 1868. 12°. . . . . 2236,A. Connecticut. — Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S. History of. Phil. 1865. 12°. 1300, D. — DeForest, J.W. History of the Indians of. Albany 1871. 8°. 1310, D. Connoisseur, (The). C. Colman and B. Thornton, Bost. 1864. 2v. 12°. 409, L. Conquest of Granada. W.Irving. N.Y. 1864. 12°. . . 2255, L. Conscience, (The.) F. D. Maurice, Lond. 1872. 8°. . 408, P. Conscript, (The). E. Erckmann. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 1414, M. Conservative essays. S. S. Nicholas. Phil. 1865. 8°. . 2310, L. Consolations in travel. Sir H. Davy. Bost. 1870. 12°. . . 478, L. Conspiracies. Lawson, J. P. Remarkable. Edin. 1829. 2v. 18°. 27, J. Constable (The) De Bourbon. W. H. Ainsworth. Leip. 1866. 2v in 1. 16°. 759, J. Constable of the tower. W. H. Ainsworth. Leip. 1861. 16°. 760, J. Constance Aylmer. ^ H.F.Parker. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 1055, A. Constance Sherwood. G. FuUerton. Leip. 1865. 2v.ini. 16°. 989. J. Constantinople. Smith, A. A month in. Leip. 1850. 12°. 988, E. Consuelo. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. Phil. 1870. 12°. . 1360, M. Contarini Fleming. B. Disraeli. Leip. 1846. 16°. . . 960, J. — The same. Lond. 1868. 12°. .... 2240, A. Contentment better than wealth. A. B. Haven. N.Y. 1870. 16°. 1231, B. Contraband, (The). G. J. W. Melville. Leip. 1871. 16°. 1171, J. Contracts. Gibbons, D. Law of contracts. Lond. 1857. 12°. 191, J. Conversation. The art of. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . . 1756,H. Conversations about the whale fishery. F.L.Hawks. N.Y.1860. 2v. 16°. 1259,B. Conversations on the old poets. J. R. Lowell. Camb. 1846. 12°. 1082, K. Conversations on war and general culture. A. Helps. Bost. 1871. 12°. 926, L. Convict, (The). G. P. R. James. Leip. 1847. 2 v in 1. 16°. 1028, J. Convicts. Carpenter, M. Our convicts. Lond. 1864. 2 v. 8°. 185, P. Conway, Derwent. pseud. See Inglis, H. D. Conwell, R H. Why and how the Chinese emigrate, Bost.1871. 12°. 1155,F. Conybeare, W. J. and Howson, J, S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. N.Y. 1872. 2vinl. 8°. . . . ' . . 430, R. Cook, D. Art in England. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . . 155, H. Cook, Capt. J. Three voyages round the world 1768-80. Lond.l821.7v.8°.425,F. Cooke, G.W. China in 1857-8. Lond. 1858. 16°. . . 1150,F. — History of party 1666-1832. Lond. 1836. 2v. 8°. . 125, S. Cooke, J. E. Doctor Vandyke. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . 5390, A. — Fairfax. N.Y. 1871. 12° 4237, A. — Hammer and rapier. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . . 4238, A. — Her majesty the queen. PhiL 1873. 12°. . . . 4241, A. — Hilt to hilt.^ N.Y. 1870. 12° 4239, A. 78 CATALOGUE OF THE Cooke, J. E. Out of the foam. N.Y. 1871. 12° . . 4240,A. — StonewallJackson ; a military biography. N.Y. 1866. 8°. 1195,C. — Surry of Eagle' s-nest. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . . 4242, A. Cooke, J. P. jr. Religion and chemistry. N. Y. 1867. 8°. . 518, R. Cooke, M. C. Account of the British fungi. Lond. 1871. 10°. 975, G. — A manual of structural botany. Lond. 1870. 16°. 943, O. ^ The study of microscopic fungi. Lond. 1872. 16°. . 976, G. Cooking. See Domestic economy. Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery. Lond. 1830-1. 3v. 16°. 342. J. Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. Cooper, A. A. 1^^ JEarl of Shaftesbury. — Christie, W. D. Life of. Lond. 1871. 2 v. 8°. . 2090, C. Cooper, A. Sd Earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristics, ed. by W. M. Hatch. Vol. 1. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . . . 485, L. Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . 4260, A. — The bravo. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4261, A. — The chainbearer. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . 4262, A. — The crater. N.Y. 1864. 8°.. .... 4263, A. — The deerslayer. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . . 4264, A. — The headsman. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . . 4265, A. — The Heidenmauer. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . . 4266, A. — History of the navy of the United States. N.Y. 1866. 8°. 1920, H. — Home as found. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . 4267, A. — Homeward bound. N.Y. 1865. 8°. ... 4268, A. — Jack Tier. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4269, A. — The last of the Mohicans. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . 4273, A. — Lionel Lincoln. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4270, A. — Mercedes of Castile. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . 4271, A. — Miles Wallingford. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4272, A. — The Monikins. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4274, A. — Oak openings. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . . 4275, A. — The pathfinder. N.Y. 1866. 8° 4276, A. — The pilot. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . ... 4278, A. — The pioneers. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . . 4277, A. — The prairie. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . . . 4279, A. — Precaution. N.Y. 1865. 8°. .... 4280, A. — Red Rover. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . ' . . . 4281, A. — The Redskins. N.Y. 1864. 8° 4291, A. — Satanstoe. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . ■ . 4282, A. — The sea-lions. • N.Y. 1864. 8°. .... 4283, A. — The spy. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . . . . 4284, A. — The two admirals. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . •. 4285, A. — The Water-witch. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . 4286, A. — Ways of the hour. N.Y. 1865. 8° ' 4287, A. — The wept of Wish-ton-wish. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . 4289, A. — The Wing-and-wing, or le Feu-follet. N.Y. 1864. 8°. 4288, A. — Wyandotte. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . . . 4290, A. Cooper, T. efl?. Men of the time. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . *L.R. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 79 Coopers, (The.) A. B. Haven. N.Y. 1866. 12°. . . 1232, R Copeland, R. M. Country life. N.Y. 1867. 8°. . . 1035, H. Copp^e, H. Elements of logic. Phil. 1869. 12°. . . 543, P. — Life and services of U. S. Grant. NY. 1868. 12°. . 1172, C. Copper. Lamborn, R. H. Metallurgy of copper. Lond. 1868. 12°. 265, J. Coquerel, A. fits. First historical transformations of Christianity. Bost. 1867. 12°. . . . . . 1327, R. Coral (The) island. R, M. Ballantyne. Lond. 1867. 12°. . 420, B. Corals. Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 750, G. Cord and creese. J. De Mille. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . 5401, A. Corfield,W.H. The treatment and utilisation of sewage. Lond. 1871. 8°. 675, T. Corinne; or, Italy. A. L. G. N. Stael Holstein. N.Y. n.d. 12°. 1326, M. Corneille, P. — Guizot, F. P. G. Corneille and his times. N.Y. 1855. 12°. 1280, E. Cornelius, M. H. The young housekeeper's friend. Bost. 1871. 12°. 475, Q. Cornell, S. S. Grammar-school geography. N.Y. 1869. 4°. . 75, F. Corner, J. China, pictorial, descriptive, and historical. Lond. 1853. 8° 526, J. — India pictorial, descriptive and historical. Lond. 1857. 8°. 537, J. Cornhill magazine. Lond. 1860-72. 25 v. 8°. . . . 20, Z. Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter, B. W. Correlation and conservation of forces. E.L.Youmans, cc?. N.Y.1873. 8°. 80,Q. Corson, H. Handbook of Anglo-Saxon. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . 357,0. Cortez, H. Abbott, J. S.C. History of. N.Y. 1855. 16°. . 88, B. — Hawks, F. L. Adventures of. N.Y. 1870. 18°. . 1257, B. — Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Life of. Edin. 1829. 18°. . 31, J. Cosmos. F. H. A. von Humboldt. Lond. 1864-5. 5 v. 8°. . 177, Q. Costello, D. Tour through the valley of the Mouse. Lond. 1846. 8°. 420, E. Costello, L. S. Beam and the Pyrenees. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 8°. 1620, E. — A pilgrimage to Auvergne. Lond. 1842. 2 v. 8°. . 1619, E. Costume. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England. Lond. 1846. 8°. 320, H. — Hope, T. Costume of the ancients. Lond. 1841. 2 v. 8°. 335, H. — Planche, J. R. British costume. Lond. 1834. 12°. 120, J. — See also Dress. Cotsell, G. Treatise on ships anchors. Lond. 1856. 12°. . 242, J. <:^ottage building. C. B. Allen. Lond. 1870. 12°. . . 186, J. Cottage by the cathedral and other parables. E.R.Charies. Leip.i872.16°.858,J. Cotterill, C. C. and Little, E. D. Ships and sailors. N.Y. 1868. 12°. 1903,- H. Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth, or the exiles of Siberia. N.Y. n.d. 16°. 1222, M. Cotton, C. The complete angler. Lond. 1861. 8°. . . 580, J. Cotton, J. M'Clure, A." W. Life of. Bost. 1846. 12°. . 59-1, C. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain. A. Ure. Lond. 1861. 2v. 8°. 645, J. Coues, E. Key to North American birds. Salem 1872. 4°. . 305, G. Coughs and colds. W. W. Hall. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 305, T. Count Kostia. V. Cherbuliez. N.Y. 1873. 16°. . . 1382, M. Count Mirabeau. T. Mundt. N.Y. 1868. 8°. . . ,. 600, M. Count of Monte-Cristo. A. D. Dumas. Phil. 1869. 8°. . 1444, M. Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. Phil. n. d. 12°. . 2787, A. Countess Gisela. E. John. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . , 407, M. 80 CATALOGUE OP THE 1445, M. . 1457, M. 12°. 1361, M. 355, H. 1035, H. 16°. 2536, B. , 12°. 2080, L. 12°. 105, G. . 243, J. 511, L. . 16^ \ 350, J. 635, P. 12°. 675, K 627, A. 320, A. 641. A. 5°. 1001, J. ^°. 325, P. 515, P. 1288, E, . 2966,A. 12°. 225, G. Countess of Charny. A. D. Dumas. Phil. (1853.) 8°. Countess (The) of Monte-Cristo. Phil. 1871. 8°. Countgss (The) of Eudolstadt. A. L. A D. Dudevant. Phil. 1870. Country homes. G. E. Woodward. N.Y. 1868. 12°. Country life. R. M. Copeland. N.Y. 1867. 8°. Country life and other stories. Cousin Mary, pseud. Bost. 1868. Country living and country thinking. M. A. Dodge. Bost. 1866. Country walks of a naturalist. W. Houghton. Lond. 1869. County court. Guide for suitors in the. Lond. 1870. 12°. Court fools. Doran J. History of Lond. 1858. 8°. Courtenay, T. P. Lives of R. Cecil and T. Osborne. Lond. 1838. Courtesy. Hervey, G. W. The principles of N.Y. 1862. 12' Courtship. Palmer, J. W. Poetry of courtship. Bost. 1868. Courtship and marriage. C. L. Hentz. Phil. 1856. 12°. Cousin Alice, pseud. See Haven, A. B. Cousin from India. G. M. Craik. N.Y. 1872. 16°. Cousin Maude. M. J. Holmes.. N.Y. 1868. 12°. Cousin Phillis and other tales. E. C. Gaskell. Leip. 1867. 16*^ Cousin V. History of modern philosophy. N.Y. 1866. 2 v. — Lectures on the true, beautiful and good. N.Y. 1868. 8 — The youth of Madame de Longueville. N.Y. 1854. 12° Coventry, F. Pompey the little. Lond. 1810. 12°. Cowan, F. Curious facts in the history of insects. Phil. 1865. Cowper, W. Works, et/. with life by R. Southey. Lond.1853-5. 8v. 8°. 664, J, Vols. I-IV. Life and correspondence ; Papers in the Connoisseur ; Commentary on Paradise lost; Index. V-VI. Poetical works. VII. Homer's Iliad, tr. VIII. Homer's Odyssey ; Battle of the frogs and mice. The same. Lond. 1853-5. 8 v. 8°. . . . 1040,L. — Poetical works with memoir by H. Nicolas. Bost. 1871. 3v. 16°. 12,K. Cows. Flint, C.L. Milch cows and dairy farming. Bost. 1868. 12°. 990,H. Cox, E.W. The arts of writing, reading and speaking. N. Y.1872. 12°. 1755,H. Cox, G. W. A manual of mythology. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 1603,R. — Tale of the great Persian war. Lond. 1869. 16°. . . 955,E. — Tales of ancient Greece. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . 956, E. Cox, H. Treatise on the integral calculus. Lond. 1852. 12°. 238, J. Cox,S. S. A buckeye abroad; or wanderings in Europe. N.Y. 1852. 12°. 100,E, — Eight years in Congress. 1857-1865. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . 280, D. — Search for winter sunbeams. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . 750, E. Cox, S. C. Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash val- ley. Lafayette Ind. 1860. 8°. . . . . 1975, D. Cox, Mrs. W. N." {Percy Curtiss.) The Profile house. Bost. 1872. 16°. 775, B. Coxe, Itev. W. History of the house of Austria cont. to 1848 by W.K. Kelly (added) Genesis of the revolution in Austria. Lond. 1864-72. 4v. 8°. . . . . . • 666,J. — Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. Lond. 1867. 3 v. 8°. 665, J. Atlas illustrating the above. Lond. 1865. 4°. . . 665, J. Coxe, W. Esq. View of the cultivation of fruit trees. Phil. 1817. 8°. 1270, H. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia; or, a month with the blue noses. N.Y.1870. 12°. 75, D. PUBLIC IJBKAKY f>F INDIAN APoLfS. 81 Cozzens, F. S. The sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 4300, A. — The Sparrowgrass papers. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . . 4301, A. Crabb, G. English synonymes explained. Lond, 1818. 8°. . ^L.E. Crabbe, G. Life and poetical works. Lond. 1868. 8°. . 1020, L. Cra,hhe,G. the son. Ooutlineofasystenri of natural theology. Lond. 1840. 8°, 530,R Crackers for Christmas. E. H. KnatchbuU-Hugessen. Lond. 1871. 12°. 1500, B. Craik.D.M. (Muloch) The adventures of a Brownie. N.Y. 1872. 12° 299, J. — Agatha's husband. Leip. 1860. 16°. . . . 892, J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12° ... . 303, A. — A brave lady. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 893, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. .... 304, A. — Christian's mistake. Xeip. 1865. 16°. . . . 894, J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. .... .305, A. — Domestic stories. Leip. 1862. 16°. . . . 895, J. — Fair France. Leip. 1872. 16°. : . . . 896, J The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. .... 1600, E. — The fairy book. N.Y. 1873. 12^ .... 306, A. — Hannah. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. 16°. . . . 897, J. The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. .... .307, A. — Head of the family. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 898, J. The same, N.Y. 1871. 12°. ..... 314, A. — A hero; Bread upon the waters; Alice Learmont. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 308, A. — Is it true? N.Y. 1872. 16°. . . . . 300, A. — John Halifax, gentleman. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 899, J. The same. N.Y. 1873. 12° 309, A. — A life for a life. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 900, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12° 310, A. — Little Sunshine's holiday. N.Y. 1871. 16°. . . 301, A. — Lord Erlistoun; Alwyn's first wife; The water cure; The last house in C-street. Leip. 1864. 16°. . . . 901, J. — Mistress and maid. Leip. 1862. 16°. . . . 902, J. 315, A. 903, J. 311, A. . . . . 904, J. 316, A. 16°. . . . 905, J. 317, A. 906, J. — Romantic tales. Leip. 1861. 16°. . . . 907, J. — Studies from life. Leip. 1867. 16°. .... 908, J. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12° 318, A. — Twenty years ago. N.Y. 1872. 16°. .... 302, A. — Two marriages. Leip. 1867. 16°. . . . . 909, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. .... 312, A. — The unkind word and other stories. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 910, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. .... 313, A. — The woman's kingdom. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. 16°. . 911, J. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12°. — A noble life. Leip. 1866. 10°. The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. — The Ogilvies. Leip. 1863. 16°. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. — Olive. Leip, 1866. 2 v. in 1. The same. N.Y. 1871. 12°. — Poems. Leip. 1868. 16°. 82 CATALOGUE OF THE Craik, D. M. cont. The woman's kingdom. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 1615, A. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12^^ .... 319, A. — A woman's thoughts about women. Leip. 1860. 16°. . 912, J. The same. Phil. n.d. 12° 77, P. Craik.G.L. History of English literature and language. N.Y.1871.2v. 8°. 125,L. — Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. Lond. 1830. 16°. 106, J. The same. Lond. 1872. 8° 527, J. The same, ed. by F. Wayland. N.Y. 1859. 2 v. 12°. 455, L. — and MacFarlane, C. and others. The pictorial history of Eng- land B. C. 55.-A. D. 1820. Lond. 1837-44. 8 v. 8°. . 2000, E. Craik, G. M. The cousin from India. N.Y. 1872. 16°. . 320, A. — Esther Hill's secret. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 913, J. — Faith Unwin's ordeal. Leip. 1866. 16°. . . . 914, J. — Hero Trevelyan. Leip. 1872. 16°. . . . 915, J. — Leslie Tyrrell. Leip. 1867. 16° 916, J. — Lost and won. Leip. 1862. 16°. .... 917, J. — Mildred. Leip. 1868. 16°. .... 918, J. — Winifred's wooing and other tales. Leip. 1868. 16°. . 919, J. — Without kith or khi. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 920, J. Crampton. G-. E. C. Silver sands. Bost. n. d. 16°. . . 780, B. Crane, A. M. See SeemuUer, A. M. Cranes. Glynn, J. Construction of cranes. Lond. 1867. 12°. 181, J. Cranford. E. C. Gaskell. Leip. 1867. 16°. . . . 1000, J. — The same. N.Y. 1868. 16° 510, A. Crapsey, E. The nether side of New York. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 1440, D. Crater, (The.) J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1864. 8°. . . 4263, A. Craven, Mme. A. Anne Severin. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 1323, M. — Fleurange. N.Y. 1872. 8° 1341, M. — A sister's story. N.Y. 1871. 8° 1340, M. Craven, J. J. Prison life of Jefferson Davis. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 1005, C. " Craven," pseud. See Carleton, J. W. Crawford, A. W. Lord Lindsay. Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy land. Lond. 1866. 8°. - . . . 542, J. Crayon miscellany. W. Irving. N.Y. 1864. 12°. . . 2254, L. Creasy, iSeVE.S. The fifteen decisive battles of the world. N.Y.1867. 12°. 1820,H. — History of England. Lond.1869-70. 2v. 8°. . . 1921,E. — Memoirs of eminent Etonians. Lond. 1850. 8°. . 395, C. — Rise and progress of the English constitution. N,Y.1860. 12°. 176, S. Creation. Creation a recent work of God. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 485,R. — Haeckel, E. Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte. Berlin 1872. 8°. 903,G. — Hickok.L. P. Creator and creation. Bost. 1872. 8°. . 535, R. — M'Cosh, J. Typical forms in creation. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 625, R, — Winchell, A. Sketches of creation. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 1135, G. Credo. L. T. Townsend. Bost. 1873. 12°. . . . 890, R. Creed. Pearson, J. Exposition of the. Lond.1869. 8°. . . 717,J. Crescent and the cross. E. B. G. Warburton. Leip.1852. 2v.ini. 16°. 1336,J. Cresy, E. Encyclopsedia of civil engineering. Lond. 1861. 8°. ^730,H. Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. Edin. 1827. 2 v. 12°. 4, J. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDf ANAPOLIS. 83 Cricket on the hearth. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip. 1846. 16°. . 935, J. Crimean war. — Kinglake.AW. Invasion of the Crimea. Leip.1863-8. 8v.in4. 16°, 1066,J. The same. N.Y. 1864-8. 2 v. 12°. , . . 1868,H. — Russell, W. H. Pritish expedition to the Crimea. Lond.1858. 8°. ]869,H. Criminal trials. D. Jardine, Lond.1832. 2v. 12°. . . 110,J. Cringle and cross-tree. W.T.Adams. Bost. 1872. 16°. . 162. B. Criticism. Arnold, M. Essays in criticism. Bost. 1866. 12°. 934, L. — Bayne, P. Essays in biography and. Bost.1871 12°. . 796, L. — Dallas, E.S. The gay science. Lond.1866. 2v. 8°. . 940, L. Critique of pure reason. I.Kant. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . 588, J. Crittenden, J.J. Coleman, il/r*. C. Life of. Phil. 1871. 8°. . 845, C. Crockett, D. Life of. Phil. 1865. 12°. . . . 820. C. Crohoore of the bill hooks. M. and J. Banim. Dublin 1865. 12°. 2029, A. Croker, J. "W. Essays on the French revolution. Lond. 1857. 8°. 1095, E. Croker,T.C. Fairy legends and traditions of Ireland. Lond. 1834. 16°. 59,J. Cromwell, 0. Carlyle,T. Letters and speeches of. N.Y.1868. 2v. 12°. 2050,C. The same. Leip. 1861. 4v, in2. 16° . . . 854,J. — Forster, J. Life of. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 16°. . . 350-6,J. — Russell, M. Life of. Edin. 1829. 2 v. 18°. . . 30, J. — Southey, R. - Life of. N.Y. 1870. 18°. . . . 2285, B. Cronise,T.F. The natural wealth of California. San Francisco.1868. 8°.2359,D. Crookes, W. See Kerl, B. Croppy (The). M. and J. Banim. Dublin 1865. 12°. . 2026, A. Crosby, H. The New Testament with notes. N.Y. 1863. 12°. 235, R. Cross and crescent. W. T. Adams. Bost. 1873. 16°. . 179, B. Crouch, J. Three successful girls. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 330, A. Crowe, C. The night side of nature. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 595,P. Crowe, E. E. History of France. Lond. 1830-31. 3v. 16°. . 328,J. — and James, G. P R. Lives of foreign statesmen. Lond. 1833-8. 5v. 16° 351, J. Crowe, J. A. and Cavalcaselle, G. B. History of painting in Italy. Lond. 1864-6. 3 v. 8°. . . ' . . . 180, H. Crowfield, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, H. B. Crown (A) from the spear. C. V. Hamilton. Bost. 1872. 8°. 1670, A. Crown jewels. E. L. Moffett. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 953, A. Crown of success. C.Tucker. Lond. 1872. 16^ . . 1406, A. Crown of wild olive. J. Ruskin. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 61, H. Croyland. Ingulphus. Chronicle oi the abbey of. Lond. 1854. 8°. 402, J. Cruden, A. Ccncoidance of the Old and N(w Testament. Lond.n.d, 8°. 80,R. Cruel as the grave. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1871. 12°. 1309, A. Cruise (The) of the Betsey. H.Miller. Bost.1867. 8°. . 1140, G. Cruise (The) of the Casco. E. Kellogg. Bost. 1872. 16°. . 1443, B. Cruise (The) of the Dashaway. H. P. H. Nowell. Bost. 1869. 16°. 1877, B. Cruise (The) of the Frolic. W. H. G. Kingston. Bost. 1866. 16°. 1477, B. Cruise(The)of the Midge. M.Scott. Kdin.1870. 12°. . 2776, A. Crumbs swept up. T. DeW. Talmage. Phil. 1870. 12°". , 2358, L. 84 CATALOGUE OF THE Crusades. Chronicles of the crusades. Lond. 1870. 8°. . 394, J. — Edgar, J. Gr. Crusades and the crusaders. Lond. n.d. 16°. 176. I'\ ~ Gray, C. Z. The children's crusade. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . 175, F. — Stebbing, H. Chivalry and the crusades. Edin.1830. 2v. 18°. 32,J. Crusoe's island. J. R Browne. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . 2690, D. Crust (The) and the cake. I, F. Mayo. N.Y. n.d. 12°. . 931, A. Cryptogram (The). J. De Mille. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . 5402, A. Cuba. Dana, R.H. jr. To Cuba and back. Bost. 1870. 12°. 2810, D. — Woodruff, J. L. M. My winter in Cuba. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 2825, D. Cudjo's cave. J. T. Trowbridge. Bost. 1864. 12°. . . 5240, A. Cudlip, A. (Thomas.) Called to account. Leip. 1867. 2v.ini. 16°. 921, J. — Denis Donne. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 922, J. — On -uard. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 923, J. — Only herself. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini 16°. . . 924, J. — Played out. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . . 925, J. — Walter Goring. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . . 926, J. Cudworth, R. Intellectual system of the universe, Lond. 1845. 3v. 8°.540,R. Cues from all quarters. F. Jacox. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 720, L. Culinary campaign. A. Soyer. Lond. 1857. 8°. . . 505, Q. Culprit (The) Fay. J. R. Drake. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . 275, K. Culture and religion. J. C. Shairp. N.Y. 1873. 12°. . 930, L. Culture (The) demanded by modern life. E.L. Youmans. N.Y.1867.12°.15,0. Cumming, J. The seventh vial. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 813, R. Gumming, R. G. Five years of a hunter's life in South Africa. N.Y. n. d. 2 V. 12°. ..... 1026, F. Cumming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 1305, F. Cummins, M. S. El. Fureidis. Bost. 1872. 12°. . . 335, A. — Haunted hearts. Bost. 1864 12°. . . . . 336, A. — The lamplighter. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . ,. 337, A. Cunningham, A. Lives of British painters, sculptors and architects. Lond. 1830-33. 6 v. 16° 60, J. Vol. I, II, V and VI. Painters. III. Sculptors. IV. Architects. Cupples, A. J. Singular creatures and how they were found. Bost. 1872. 16° 790, B. Cupples, G. The deserted ship. Bost. 1873. 16°. . . 2169, A. Curate (The) and the rector. N.Y. 1871. 12°. . . . 2175, A. Curiosities of civilization. A. Wynter. Lond. 1860. 8°. . 734, L. Curiosities of literature. I.Disraeli. N.Y. 1869. 4 v. 8°. . 31,L. Curran, J. P. Speeches. Lond.1817. 8°. . • . . 312, L. — Curran, W. H. Life of. Lond. 1819. 2 v. 8°. . . 2280,C. Curran, W.H. Life of J. P. Curran. Lond.1819. 2 v. 8°. . 2280, C. Currents and counter-currents. 0. W. Holmes. Bost. 1861. 12°. 15, T. Currier, S. By the sea. N.Y. 1871. 12°, . . . 342, A. Currying. Dussauce, H. Treatise on the art of. Phil.1867. 8°. 433, Q. Curse (The) of Clifton. E.D.E.N. Southworth. Phil. (1852.) 12°. 1310, A. Curse (The) of gold. A.S.Stephens. Phil.1869. 12°. . 1343, A. Curtis, G.T. Life of Daniel Webster. N.Y. 1870. 2 v. 8°. . 772. C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 85 Curtis, G.W. Howadji in Syria. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . . 610, F. — Lotus-eating. N.Y. 1868. 12° 2383. L. — Nile notes of a Howadji. N.Y. 1856. 12°. . . 760, F. — The Potiphar papers. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . . 4315.A. — Prue and 1. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . . . 4316, A. — Trumps. N.Y. 1861. 12°. . . " . . . 4317, A. Curtis, J. Sedgwick, C. M. Memoir of. N.Y. 1871. 16°. . 755, C. Curtis.T.F. Human element in the inspiration of scripture.N.Y.1867.12°.612,R Curtiss, Percy, pseud. /See Cox, Mrs. W. N. Curtius, E. Griechische Geschichte. Berlin 1868-9. 2 v. 8°. 910, E. — History of Greece, ^r. by A. W.Ward. N.Y. 1871-2. 3 v. 8°. 895, E. Cushing, C. Reminiscenses of Spain. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12°. 1741, E. — The treaty of Washington. N.Y.1873. 8°. . . 115, S. Cushing, L. S. Law and practice of legislative assemblies in the U.S. Bost. 1866. 8° 416, S. — Rules of proceeding in deliberative assemblies. Bost. 1872. 16°. 375, S. Cust, iSiVE. Warriors of the 17th century. Lond. 1865-9. 6 v. 8°. 223, C. Vol. I-Il. Warriors of the 1 hirty years war. IIT-IV. Warriors of the civil wars of France and England. V-VI. Warriors who haVe commanded fleets and armies. Custis, G. W. P Recollections and private memoirs of Washington. N.Y. 1860. 8° 595, C. Cutter, C. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Phil. 1852. 12°. 510, T. human and comparative. Phil. 1871. 12°. . . 511, T. Cuvier, G. C. L. F. D. Baron, and Latreille, P. A. The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization. Lond. 1834-7. 8v. 8°, 650,G. Vol. I. Mammalia— Birds. I. Plates. II. Reptiles— Fishes. II. Plates. III. Mollusca— Annelides — Crustacea — Arachnides — Insecta. III. Plates. IV. Insecta — Zoophytes. IV. Plates. The same. Lond. 1863. 8°. . . . . 670, G. Cyclopaedia. American annual cyclopaedia. 1861-72. 12 v, 8°. ^R.R. — Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes. Bost. 1870. 8°. . .661,L. Cyclopaedia of moral and religious anecdotes. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 660,L. — Burton, W. E. Cyclopaedia of wit and humor. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 665,L. — Chambers,R. Cyclopaedia of English literature. Phil.1873. 2v. 8°. 140,L. — Darling,J. Cyclopaedia bibliographica, Lond. 1854. 3 v. 4°. "^^L.R. — English cyclopaedia, conducted by C.Knight.Lond.1859-72. 26v.4°. ^R.R — Foster, E. New cyclopaedia of illustrations. N.Y. 1870. 8°. *L.R. — Hawks,F.L. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. N.Y.1866. 8°. *L.R. — Homans, I. S. Cyclopaedia of commerce. N.Y. 1858. 8°. *L.R. — M'Clintock J and Strong. J. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. N.Y. 1869-73. 5 v. 8°. . ^L.R. — New American cyclopaedia. N.Y. 1869. 16 v. 8°. . ^R.R. — Nichol,J.P. Cyclopaedia of the physical sciences. Lond. 1868. 8°. 102.Q. — Penny cyclopaedia. Lond. 1833-43. 27 v in 14. 4°. . ^R.R. First supplement. Lond.1845-6. 2v. 4°. . . •'^R.R. Second supplement. Lond. 1858. 4°. ^R.R. — See also Encyclopaedia. Cyprianus, T. C. iS^. The writings of Cyprian. Edin. 1868. 2v. 8°. 1192, R. 86 CATALOGUE OP THE Cyrilla. I. von Tautphoeus. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1291,J. Cyropsedia; or, institution of Cyrus. Xenophon. Lond 1872. 8° 491, J. Cyrus the great. Abbott,!. History of. N.Y. 1807. 16°. . 89, B. Dadd, G. H. American cattle doctor. N.Y. 1851. 12°. . 575, G-. — The modern horse doctor. N.Y. n. d. 12°. . . 509, G. Daffy down dilly, and her friends. H. H. Weston. Bost.1870. 16°. 1^635, B. Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Phil. 1872. 12°. 1250, C. Dahlgren, U. Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir of. Phil. 1872. 12°. 1250, C. Dahome. Burton, R.F. A mission to Gelele, king of. Lond. 1864. 2v. 8°. 835,F. "Daily News" correspondence of the war between France and Ger- many in 1870- 1. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . . 1878, H. Dairy, (The.) — Burn, R. S. Outlines of modern farming. Vol. iv. Lond.1871. 12°. 274, J. — Flint, C. L. Milch cows and dairy farming. Bost. 1868. 12°. 990, H. Daisy. S. Warner. Phil. 1868. 12° 1440, A. Daisy Burns. J. Kavanagh. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 16°. . 1053, J. — The same. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 789, A. Daisy chain. C. M. Yonge. Leip. 1856. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1377, J. Daleth; or, the homestead of nations. E. L. Clark. Bost. 1864. 8°. 795, F. Dall, C. H. Patty Gray's journey. From Boston to Baltimore. Bost. 1869. 16°. . . . . . . . 831, B. — From Baltimore to Washington. Bost. 1870. 16°. . 830, B. — On the way, or Patty at Mt. Vernon. Bost. 1870. 16°. . 832, B. Dall, W. H. Alaska and its resources. Bost.1870. 8°. . 15, D." Dallas, E. S. The gay science. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 8°. . . 940, L. Dallas, R.C. History of the Maroons, and Jamaica. Lond.1803. 2v. 8°. 2830,D. Dallas, W. S. Elements of entomology. Lond. 1857. 12°. . 235, G. Dallas Galbraith. R.H.Davis. Phil. 1868. 8°. . . 1616, A. Dallaway, J. Discourses upon architecture in England. Lond. 1833.8°. 195, H. Dalton, J. C. Treatise on human physiology. Phil. 1871. 8° 575, T. Dalton,W. Lost in Ceylon. Lond. 1861. 16°, . . 840, B. — The nest hunters. Lond. 1863. 16°. . . . 841, B. — The tiger prince. Bost. n. d. 12°. ... 846, B. — The war tiger. Lond. 1859. 16°. . . . 842, B. — The white elephant. Lond. 1860. 16°. . . . 843, B, — Will Adams. Lond. n. d. 16° . . . . 844, B. — The wolf-boy of China. Lond. n. d. 16°. . . 845, B. Daltons, (The.) C. J. Lever. Leip. 1852. 4 v. in 2. 16°. . 1101, J. Dumpier, W. Life and voyages of. Edin. 1832. 16°. . 153, J. Dana, C. A. The household book of poetry. N.Y. 1873. 8°. 1045, K. Dana, J, D. Corals and coral islands. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . 750, G. — Manual of geology. xV.Y. 1862. 8°. . . . 1150, G. — Text-book of geology. N.Y. 1863. 12°. . . 1095, G. — and Brush, G. J. A system of mineralogy. Lond. 1868. 8°. J235, G. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 87 Dana, R. H. Poems and prose writings. N.Y. 1857. 2 v. 12°. 2015, L. Dana, R H. jr. To Cuba and back. Bost. 1870. 12°. . 2810, D. — Two years before the mast. Bost. 1869. 12°. . . 405, F. Dana, S. L. A muck manual for farmers. N.Y. 1865. 12°. . 980, H. Danbury, Conn. Bailey, J. M. Life in Danbury. Bost. 1873. 16° 4073, A. Dance of death. H. Holbein. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . 534, J. Dante Alighieri. The divine comedy, ^r. by I.C.Wright. Lond. 1867. 8°. 529, J. The same, tr. by H. F. Gary. Lond. n.d. 12°. . . 455, N. The same, tr. by H. W. Longfellow. Bost. 1867-9. 3 v. 8°. 485, N. Vol. I. Inferno. II. Purgatorio. III. Paradise. — The new life, tr. by C. E. Norton. Bost. 1867. 8°. . 486, N. — Rosetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante. Bost. 1872. 8°. . 470, N. Danvers papers. C. M. Yonge. Leip. 1867. 16°. . '. 1378, J. D'Arblay, F. (Burney.) Cecilia. Lond. 1810. 3 v. 12°. . 2977, A. — Evelina. Leip. 1850. 16°. ..... 927, J. The same. Lond. 1810. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2976, A. Darby, J. Odd house of a physician. Phil. 1871. 12°. . 2219, L. Darien. E. B. G. Warburton. Leip. 1853. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1337, J. jy^rius, the great. Abbott, J. History of. N.Y. 1860. 16°. . 83. B. Dark (A) night's work. E. C. Gaskell. Leip. 1863. 16°. . 1002, J. Darkness and daylight. M. J. Holmes. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . 642, A. Darley, F. 0. G. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 165, E. Darling, J. Cyclopaedia bibliographica. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 4°. ''^L.R. Darling, M. G. Battles at home. Bost. 1871. 12°. . . 848, B. — In the world. Bost. 1871. 12°. .... 849, B. Darlington, W. American weeds and useful plants. N.Y. 1865. 12°. 990, G. Darwin, C. R. British and foreign orchids. Lond. 1862. 8°. 1010, G. — The descent of man. N.Y. 1871. 2 v. 8°. . . 816, G. — Expressionof the emotions in man and animals. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 818,G. — The origin of species. N.Y. 1873. 8°. . . . 815, G. — Variation of animals and plants under domestication. N.Y. 1868. 2 V. 12°. ...... 805, G. — Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle.— Natural history. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 817, G. Darwinism. Huxley, T. H. The origin of speci.-s. N.Y. 1863. 12°. 815, G. — Mivart, St. G. The genesis of species. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 820, G. — Muller, F. Facts and arguments for Darwin. Lond. 1869. 8°. 810, G. — Wallace, A. R. On natural selection. Lond. 1870. 8°. 807, G. Dates. Rosse, J. W. Index of. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8°. . 626, J. Daubeny, C. Description of volcanos, earthquakes etc. Lond. 1848. 8°. 1173, G D'Aubigne. J. H. Merle. iS^e Merle D'Aubigne, J. H. Daughter (The) of an Egyptain king. G. Ebers Phil. 1871. 12°. 485, M. Daughter (The) of an empress. C. M. Mundt. N.Y. 1869. 8°. 577, M. Daughter of Heth. W. Black. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 785, J. Davenport, J. M'Clure, A. W. Life of. Bost. 1846. 12°. . 59-2, C. Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastile. Lond. 1836. 16°. 61, J. — Life of Ali Pasha. Lond. 1837. 16°. ... 62, J. — Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to emi- nence. Lond. 1841. 16°. . . . . . 63, J. 88 CATALOGUE OF THE Davenport,R.A. Narratives of peril and suffering. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 16°. 64, J. — Sketches of imposture, deception and credulity. Lond. 1837. 16°. 65, J. Davenport Dunn. C. J. Lever. Leip. 1859. 3 v. in 2. 16°. 1102, J. — The same. PhiLn.d. 8°. .... 3089, A. David Copperfield. C. J. H.Dickens. Leip. 1849. 3 v. in 2. 16°. 937, J. — The same. Phil. n,d. 12°. . . , . 2204, A. David Elginbrod. G. Macdonald. Leip.1871. 2v.ini. 16°. 1142, J. — The same. Bost. n.6. 12°. .... 2533, A. David Lloyd's last will. H. Smith. N.Y. n.d. 16°. . 1290, A. Davidson, L. M. Sedgwick, CM. Life of. N.Y. 1860. 12°. 10-7, C. Davidson, S. Sacred hermeneutics. Edin. 1843. 8°. . 130, R. Davie, W. R. Hubbard, F. M. Life of. Bost. 1864. 12°. . 10-25.C. Davies, C. The logic and utility of mathematics. N.Y. 1869. 12°. 670, Q. — Shades, shadows and linear perspective. N.Y. 1865. 8°. 193, H. — Surveying and navigation. N.Y. 1868. 8°. . . 645, Q. — and Peck, W. G. Mathematical dictionary. N.Y. 1872. 8°. 674, Q. Davies, E. Mythology and rites of the British Druids. Lond. 1809. 8°. 1640,R. Davies,T. Preparation and mounting'of microscopic objects. Lond. n.d. 16°.326,Q Davis, A.J. The great harmonia. Bost. 1853-5. 4 v. 12°. . 505,P. Davis, C.E.K. Aunt Lois. Bost. 1872. 16°. . . . 851, B. — Chew alley. Bost. 1872. 16°. .... 852, B. Davis, J. Craven, J. J. Prison life of. N.Y. 1867. 12°. . 1005, C. Davis, J. F. The Chinese. Lond.1836. 2 v. 12°. . . 107, J. Davis, M.L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. N.Y. 1836. 2 v. 8°. . 641, C. Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. N.Y.1861. 8°. . 735, F. Davis, R.H. Dallas Galbraith. Phil. 1868. 8°. . . . 1616,A. Davis, S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. Bost. 1864. 12°. 2030, C. Davis, W.W.H. El Gringo; or New Mexico and her people. N.Y. 1857. i2°.2250,D Davy, Sir H. Consolations in travel. Bost. 1870. 12°. — Salmonia; or days of fly-fishing. Bost. 1870. 16°. — Davy, J. Life of. Lond. 1839. 8°. . . • . — Mayhew, H. The wonders of science. Lond. n.d. 16°. Davy, J. The angler and his friend. Lond. 1855. 16°. — The angler in the lake district. Lond. 1857. 16°. — Memoirs of the life of Sir Humphry Davy. Lond. 1839. 8°. Dawnings of genius. A. Pratt. N.Y. 1870. 18°. Dawson, G. Dictionary of photography. See Sutton, T. Dawson, J. W. Geological survey of Canada. Fossil plants. Mont.1871. Day, H. N. Elements of logic. N.Y. 1871. 12°. — Introduction to English literature. N.Y. 1872. 12°. Day, Horace. The opium habit. N.Y. 1872. 12^ Day, T. The history of Sanford and Merton. Phil. 1868. 16°. Day (A) by the fire, and other papers. J. H. L. Hunt. Bost.1870. 12' Day dreams of a schoolmaster. D'A. W. Thompson. Edin. 1864. 16"^ Day's (A) ride. C. J. Lever. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Days (The) of Bruce. G. Aguilar. N.Y. 1870. 2 v. 12°. Days (The) of my life. M. O. VV. Oliphant. N.Y. 1868. 12°. Dead men's shoes. J. R. Hadermann. Phil. 1872. 12°. 478, L. 1478, H. 2450, C. 1755, B. 1464,H. 1463, H. 2450, C. 2080, B. !°.1191,G 547, P. 70, L. 83, T. 855, B. \ 725, L. \ 154,0. 1103, J. 50, A. 1015, A. 575, A. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 89 Dead sea. Lynch, W. F. U. S. expedition to the. Phil. 1856. 8°. 680, F- Dead-sea fruit. M. E. Braddon. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 788, J. Dean's daughter. C. G. F. Gore. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 1012, J. Debenham's vow. A.B.Edwards. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. 16°. 973, J. Debit and credit. G. Freytag. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . 512, M. Deborah's diary. A. Manning. Lond. 1862. 16°. . . 918, A. Decameron, (The.) G. Boccaccio. Lond. n. d. 8°. . . 505, J. Decatur, S. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of. Bost. 1864. 12°. . 10-21, C. Declaration of independence. — Lossing, B. J. Lives of the signers. Phil. 1870. 12°. . 53, C. De Costa, B. F. Notes on the history of Fort George. N.Y. 1871. 8°. 1395, D. De Cressy. Leip. 1857. 16°. ..... 928, J. Deep down, a tale of the mines. R. M. Ballantyne. Phil. 1869. 12°. 421, B. Deerbrook. H. Martineau. Lond. 1866. 12°. . . 928, A. Deerslayer, (The.) J. F. Cooper. N.Y. 1865. 8°. . . 4264, A. De Foe, D. Novels and miscellaneous works, ed. by Sir W. Scott. Lond. 1868-71. 6 v. 8°. 423, J. Vol. I. Captain Singleton; and Colonel Jack. II. Memoirs of a cavalier; Captain Carleton ; Dickory Cronke ; Everybody's business is nobody's business. III. Moll Flanders; History of the Devil. IV. Roxana; or, the fortunate mistress; Mrs. Christian Davies. V, Plague of London 1665, (added) The great and terrible fire of London, Sept. 2, 1666, (anon;) The storm; Poetical essay on the storm; True-born Englishman. VI, Duncan Campbell ; New voyage round the world ; Political tracts relating to the Hanoverian succession. — Journal of the plague year, 1665. Lond. 1835. 16°. . 66, J. — Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Leip. 1845. 16"^. 929, J. The same. Lond. 1867. 8°. ... 571, J. The same, Lond. 18 LO. 2 v. 12°. . . . 2962, A. — Chadwick, W. Life and times of. Lond 1859. 8°. . 2145, C. — Lee, W. Life and writings of. Lond. 1869. 3 v. 8°. . 1000, L. Do Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecticut Albany 1871. 8°. . . . . ... 1310; D. — Kate Beaumont. Bost. 1872. 8°. ... 5395, A. — Oriental acquaintance or letters from Syria. N.Y. 1856. 12°. 605, F. — Overland. N.Y. 1871. 8°. .... 5396, A. De Krouft, S. II. Little Jakey. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 860, B. De la Beche, Sir H. T. The geological observer. Lond. 1851. 8°. 1165, G. Delaplaine. M.T.Walworth. N.Y. 1871. 12°. • . . 5311, A. De Leon, E. Askaros Kassis, the Copt. Phil. 1870. 12^ . 4350, A. DeLiefde, J. Six months among the charities of Europe. Lond. 1865. 2v. 12°. . . . . . . 167, P. Delitzsch, F. Biblical commentary on Isaiah. Edin.1872. 2v. 8°. 205, R. — Biblical commentary on Job, tr. by F. Bolton. Edin. 1869. 2v. 8°. 178,R. — Biblical commentary on Psalms, tr. by F.Bolton. Edin. 1871. 3v.8°.188,R. — Commentary on Hebrews,//-, by F.L.Kingsbury. Edin.l868-70.2v. 8°.290,R. — System of biblical psychology, tr. by R.E. Wallis. Edin. 1869. 8°. 595. R. DeLolnie, J. L. The constitution of England. Lond. 1853. 8°. 667, J. The same. Lond. 1853. 8°. . . . . 175, S. Delusions. Mackay, C. Extraordinary popular. Lond. 1869. 2v. in 1.8° 585, P. 80 CATALOGUE OF THE De Mille, J. " B. 0. W. C." series. Bost. 1870-2. 6v. 16°. Vol. I. The B. O. W. C. 865, B Vol. 4. Fire in the woods. 868, B. 2. The boys of the Grand Pre school. 866, B. 5. Picked up adrift. 869, B. 3. Lost in the fog. 867, B. 6. The treasure of the seas. 870, B. — Young Dodge Club. Bost. 1872-3. 2 v. 16°. Vol.1. Among the brigands. 871, B. Vol. 2. The seven hills. 872, B. — The American baron. N.Y.1872. 8°. . . . 5400, A. — A comedy of terrors. Bost. 1873. 8°. . . . 5405, A. — Cord and creese. N.Y. 1871. 8°. . . . 5401, A. — The cryptogram. N.Y.1871. 8° 5402, A. — The Dodge club. N.Y. 1872. 8°. . . . 5406, A. — The lady of the ice. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . ' . 5403, A. — An open question. N.Y. 1873. 8°. ... 5404, A. Democracy. Democracy in America. Camb.l864.2v.8°.250,D. Demonology and witchcraft. Sir W.Scott. Lond. 1868. 16°. 575,P. De Morgan, A. Essay on probabilities. Lond. 1838. 16°. . 367, J. Demosthenes. Olynthiac and other public orations. Lond. 1871. 8°. 450, J. The same. N.Y. 1868. 8°. .... 65, N. — Orations on the crown and the embassy. Lond. 1872. 8°. 451, J. The same. N.Y. 1868. 8° 66, N. — Orations against Leptines, Midias, Androtion and Aristocrates. Lond. 1856. 8°. ..... . 452, J. — Orations against Timocrates, Aristogiton, Aphobus, etc. Lond. 1871. 8° 453, J. — Miscellaneous orations with index. Lond. 1863. 8°, . 454, J. Dempsey, G. D. Drainage of districts and lands. Lond. 1869. 12°. 178, J. — Drainage of towns and buildings. Lond. 1869, 12°. . 178, J. - Treatise on the locomotive engine. Lond. 1866. 12°. 2L1, J. Atlas of engravings to the above. Lond. 1866. 4°. . 318, J. — Tubular, girder, and other iron bridges. Lond. 1865. 12°. 187, J. Dempster, C. The hotel du petit St. Jean. Leip. 1871. 16°. 930, J. — Vdra. Leip. 1871. 16°. ..... 931, J. Dene hollow. E.P.Wood. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1346,J. — The same. Phil. 1871. 8°. .... . 1772, A. Denis Donne. A. Cudlip. Leip.1864. 2v. in 1. 16°. . . 922, J. Denis Duval. W.M.Thackeray. Leip. 1867. 16°. . . 1300, J. Denis,J.F. andChauvin,V; The true Robinson Crusoes. Bost.l871.12°. 1212,M. Denise. C. Clarke. Leip. 1865. 16° 872,J. Denisou, E. B. Clocks, watches and bells. Lond. 1868. 12°. 205, J. Denison, M. A. (Clara Vance ) Andy Luttrell. Bost. 1869, 16°. 884, B. — Opposite the jail. Bost. 1858. 16°. . . . 885, B. — The Talbury girls. Bost. 1871. 16° 886, B. Denmark. Dunham,S.A. History of Denmark. Lond.1839-40. 3v. 16°. 3-ll,J. — Gallenga, A. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. Lond. 1864. 2v. 8°. 335, E. — Inglis, H. D. Journey through Denmark. Edin. 1829. 18°. 23, J. — Thorpe, B. Popular tales and traditions of. Lond. 1853. 8°. 416, J. Dennistoun, J. Memoirs of Sir R. Strange and A. Lumisden. Lond. 1855. 2v. 12°. . '. . . . . 2230, C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 91 DennistouuJ. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino. Lond.1851. 3 v. 8°. 4685, C. Denounced (The). M. and J. Banim. Dublin 1866. 12°. . 2027, A. Depping, G-. B. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. N.Y. 1871. 12°. 12,Q. De profundis. W. Gilbert. Lond. 1866. 12°. . . 2310, A. DeQuincy, T. Autobiographic sketches. Bost.1866. 8°. . 430, L. — The avenger ; and other papers. Bost. 1866. 8°. . 431, L. — The Csesars. Bost. 1865. 8°. . . . . 432, L. — Confessions of an English opium-eater; and Suspiria de profundis. Bost.1866. 8° 444, L. — Essays on the poets. Bost.1865. 8°. . ! . 434, L. — Essays on philosophical writers. Bost. 1864. 2 v. 8°. . 433, L. — Historical and critical essays, Bost. 1869. 2 v. 8°. . 435, L. The same. Bost. 1866. 2 v. 8°. . . . . 436 L. — Letters to a young man. Bost.1868. 8°. . . , 437, L. — Literary reminiscences. Bost.1868. 2 v. 8°. . . 438, L, — The logic of political economy ; and other papers. Bost.1866, 8°, 439, L. - Memorials, and other papers. Bost.1865. 2 v. 8°. . 440, L. — Miscellaneous essays. Bost. 1869. 8°. . . . 441, L. — Narrative and miscellaneous papers. Bost.1864. 2 v. 8°. 442, L. — The note book of an opium-eater. Bost. 1866. 8°. . 443, L. — Theological essays. Bost.1864. 2v. 8°. , . 445, L. Derby, G. H. (John Phcenix.) Phcenixiana. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 4355, A. Desbordes-Valmore, M. F. J. Mme. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A, Memoirs of. Bost. 1873. 12°.. . 1390, E. Deschanel, A. P. Natural philosophy, ed. by J. D. Everett. Lond. and N.Y.1870-3. 4v. 8° 101, Q. Vol. I. Mechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics. II Heat. III. Electricity and magnetism. IV. Sound and light. Desert (The) home. M. Keid. Bost.1872. 16°. . , 2157, B. Desert of the exodus. E.H. Palmer. N.Y. 1872, 8°. . , 650,F. Deserted (The) ship. G. Cupples. Bost.1873. 16°. . . 2169,A. Deserted (The) wife. E. D. E. N, Southworth. .Phil.1855. 12°. 1311, A. Design. Garbett. E. L. Principles of, in architecture. Lond. 1867. 12°. 172, J. Desk and debit. W.T.Adams. Bost.1872. 16°. . . 161, B. Destiny. M. Ferrier, Lond, 1831, 16°. .... 452, A. Deutscher, (Ein), 0. Ruppius, Leip.1862. 16°. . . 162, M. De Vere, M. Scheie. See Scheie de Vere, M. Devereux, G. H. Sam Shirk, N.Y. 187L 12°. . . 4360, A . Devereux. a^jVE. L, Bulwer-Lytton. Leip.1842. 16°, . . 820,J. — The same. PhiL1867. 12°. .... 2072,A, Devey, J. Logic ; or the science of inference, Lond, 1854, 8°, 589, J. Dewey, M. E. Life and letters of C. M. Sedgwick. N.Y, 1871. 12°. 870, C. Devil (The) upon two sticks. A. R, Le Sage. Phil. 1860, 24°, 1205, M. De Voe, T. F, The market assistant. N.Y. 1867, 8°. . 516, Q. Devrient, E, Geschicte der Deutschen Schauspielkunst. Leip. 1848-61. 4 v. 16°. 30, M. DeV/ille, E. Johannes Olaf. Bost.1873. 12°. . . 41 0, M. Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism, Bost. 1871. 8°. . . 877,R. 92 CATALOGUE OP THE Dialogues. Baker, W. M. A baker's dozen. Bo8t.l872. 16° 1530, K- — Fette, W. E. Dialogues? from Dickens. Bost.1871. 2v. 12^. 1538,K. — Monroe, L. B. Dialogues and dramas. Bost. 1873. 12^. 1545, K. Diana of Meridor. A.D.Dumas. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . 1446, M. Diary (A). F.Bremer. Lond.1853. 8°. . . . . . 653,J. Diary of a late physician. S.Warren. Leip.1844. 2v.ini. 16°. 1338, J. — The same. Edin.1865. 8°. .... 12925, A. Diary of an ennuy^e A.Jameson, Bost. 1866. 16°. .* . 625, E. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. F. Elliot. Leip.1872. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 98 1, 1. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. E. R. Charles. Leip.1869. 16°. 860, J. — The same. N.Y.1866. 16°. . . . 225, A. Diaz, A.M. William Henry and his friends. Bost.1872. 16°. 895, B. — The William Henry letters. Bost. 1870. 12°. . . 896, B. Dicey, E. Cavour, a memoir. Cambridge 1861, 16°. . 4670, C. — The morning land. Lond.1870. 2v,inl. 8°. . . 535, F. — Six months in the Federal states. Lond.1863. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 625, D. Dick, T. Complete works. Cin. 1870. 2 v. 8°. . . 1068, L. Vol. I. Essay on the improvement of society ; The philosophy of a future state ; The phi- losophy of religion; Mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind; The sin and evil of covetousness. II. The christian philosopher ; Celestial scenery — illus- trated: Siderial heavens, planets, J., The provoked wife; Vanbrugh. Sir}., and Gibber, C, The provoked husband; Gibber. G., Love makes a man ; She wou'd and she wou'd not ; The careless husband. X. Rowe, N., Tamerlane ; The fair penitent ; Jane Shore ; Lady Jane Grey. Hughes, J., The siege of Damascus. XL Gentlivre, S., The busy body ; The wonder ! a woman keeps a secret ; A bold stroke for a wife. Lillo, G., George Barnwell ; Fatal curiosity. XIL Otway, T., The orphan ; Venice preserved. Steele,Sir R.,The conscious lovers ; Young,E., The revenge ; Ga^-. J., The beggar's opera. XIIL Gongreve, W., Love for love; The mourning bride ; Miller, T., Mahomet the impostor; Thompson, J., I'ancred and Sigismunda ; Hoadly, B., The sus- picious husband. XIV. Macklin, G., The man of the world: Moore, K.. The foundling : The gamester. Whitehead, W., The Roman father; Shirley, W., Edward the black prince. XV. Brown, J., Barbarossa ; Murphy, A., The way to keep him , All in the wrong ; Murphy, A., The Grecian daughter; Know your own mmd. XVL Garrick. D., The coun- try girl ; Golman, G., the elder. The jealous wife , Colman, G., the elder, and Garrick, D., The clandestine marriage ; Hartson, H., The countess of Salisbury ; Home, J.. Douglas. XVIL Goldsmith, O., The good-natured man ; She stoops to conquer ; Bickerstaff, L. Love in a village ; Maid of the mill ; Lionel and Clarissa. XVHl. Cumberland, R., The brothers ; The West Indian ; The Jew ; First love ; The wheel of fortune. XIX. La Harpe, J. F. de. The earl of Warwick; Sheridan, R. B., The rivals ; The duenna ; Cowley, H , The belle's stratagem; A bold stroke for a husband. XX. Reynolds, F., The dramatist ; Jephson. R., The count of Narbonne ; Colman, G.. the younger, Inkle and Yarico ; The battle of Hexam; The surrender of Calais. XXI. Colman, G., the yojtnger. The mountaineers; The iron chest ; The heir at law; John Bull ; The poor gentleman. XXII. O'KeefFe, J., The castle of Andalusia ; Fontainbleau ; Wild oats. Burgoyne, J., The heiress ; Jones, H., The earl of Essex. XXIII. Inchbald, E., Such things are; Every one has his fault ; Wives as they were; Lovers' vows ; To marry or not to niarry. XXIV. Holcroft, T., The road to ruin ; The deserted daughter ; Kotzebue, A. F. F. von. The stranger ; Baillie. J., De Monfort ; ivlercier, L. S., The point of honor. XXV. Morton. T., The way to get married ; A cure for the heartache ; Speed the plough ; The school of reform ; Tobin, J.. The honeymoon. — Soott, SirW. ed. Ancient British drama. Lond. 1810. 3v. 8°. 1715, K. Vol. I. Heywood, J., The four P's; Sackville, T., Ferrex and Porrex; Returnefrom Pernassus; Edwards, R., Damon and Pithias ; Still, J , Gammer Gurton's needle ; Lyly, J., Alexander andCampaspe; Marlowe. C, Edward ii; May. T., The heir ; Shirley, J., The bird in a cage ; Marlowe, C., The Jew of ivlalta ; Davenant, Sir W.. 1 he wits ; Sir John Oldcastle, i pt. I ;] Life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell ; London prodigal ; The puritan ; York- shire tragedy; Greene. R., George a-Greene ; Kyd, T.< Jeronimo, [pt. i ;] Kyd, T., Spanish tragedy; Dekker, T., The honest whore. II. Marston, J. The malcontent ; Chapman, G., All fools ; Jonson. B., and others. Eastward hoe ; Tourneur. C , Revenger's tragedy ; Machin, L., The dumb knight ; Wilkins G. Miseries of inforced marriage; Brewer, A.. Lingua; Merry devil of Edmonton ; Middleton, T., A mad world my masters; Barry, 1'., Ram Alley ; Middleton, T., The roaring girl ; Mayne, J., The city match ; Randolph, 1"., Muse's looking-glass ; Heywood, T., Woman killed with kindness ; Rowley, W., A match at midnight; Shirley, J.. The gamester; Nabbes, T., Microcosmus; Cook J., Tu Quoque Tomkis, — Albumazar. III. Webster, J,, The white devils; Tailor. R., The hog hath lost his pearl ; Heywood, T., Foure prentises of London ; Marmion, S., The antiquarj' ; Cart- wright, W., The ordinary ; Brome, R., Jovial crew ; May. T., Old couple ; Shirley, J., An- dromana , Middleton. T.. Mayor of Quinborough ; Grim, the collier of Croydon; Davenport. R.. City night-cap ; Killegrew, T., The parson's wedding ; Tuke, S., Adventures of five hours ;Digby. G., Elnora; Jonson, H.. and others. The widow ; Webster, J . Dutchesse of Malfy ; Rawlins, T., The rebellion ; Middleton, T., The witch. — Scott, .S2V W. ed. Modern British drama. Lond.1811. 5v. 8^ 1715, K. Vol. I. Tragedies : — Shakespeare. W. and I'letcher. J., Two noble kinsmen ; Beaumont F., and Fletcher, J.. A king and no king ; Maid's tragedy; Thierry and Theodoret ; Philaster ; Bon- duca ; The false one; Massinger, P., The bondman; Massinger, P., and Field. N.. The fatal dowry; Ford, J., The broken heart ; Lee, N.. The rival queens ; Theodosius. Dryden, J. All for love ; Don Sebastian. Otway, T., The orphan ; Venice preserved. Southern, T., Isa bella ; Oroonoko. Congreve, W., The mourning bride ; Rowe, N., Tanierlane; Fair penitent ; Jane Shore ; Lady Jane Gray. Addison. J., Cato ; Philips, A., Distrest mother; Hughes, J., Siege of Damascus. II. Young. E., The revenge ; The brothers. Fenton, E, Mari- amne; Lillo, G., George Barnwell ; Fatal curiosity; Arden of Feversham ; Hill, A., Zara ; PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 105 Drama. Scott, Sir W. ed. Modern British drama continuefL Havard, W., King Charles i ; Brooke, H., Gustavus Vasa ; Miller, J., Mahomet ; Thomson, J. Tancred and Sigismunda ; Johnson, S.. Irene; Whitehead. W., Roman father ; Mason, W., f"-!frida; Caractacus. Moore, E., The gamester ; Glover, R., Boadicea ; Jones, H., Earl of Kssex; Brown, J., Barbarossa; Home, J., Douglas; Dodsley, R.. Cleone; Murphy, A., Or- phan of China ; Zenobia ; Grecian daughter ; La Harpe, J. T. de, Earl of Warwick ; Francklin, T., Matilda; Hartson, H., Countess of Salisbury ; Waipole, H., The mysterious mother; Milton, J., Comus ; Macdonald, W., Fair apostate. III. Comedies: — Jonson. B., Every man in his own humour ; Volpone ; Alchemist. Fletcher, J., Rule a wife and have a wife ; The chances. Massinger, P., New way to pay old debts ; Howard, R., The committee; Villiers, G., Duke of Buckingham ; The rehearsal; Key to The rehearsal ; Wycherly, W.. Country girl ; Plain dealer. Congreve, W , Old bacheloi ; Double dealer ; Love for love; Way of the world. Vanbrugh, J., Provoked wife; Confederacy; The mis- take; Vanbrugh, J., and Cibber, C, Provoked husband ; Dryden, J., Spanish friar ; Cibber, C, Love makes a man ; She would and she would not ; Careless husband. IV. Cibber, C., The hypocrite; Farquhar, G., Constant couple; Sir Harry Wildair; The inconstant; Recruiting officer- ; The beaux stratagem. Steele, ,S"zVR., The funeral; The tender hus- band ; Conscious lovers. Centlivre, S., The busy-body; The wonder; Bold stroke for a wife, Addison, J., The drummer; Fielding, H., The miser; Hoadly, B., Suspicious hus- band ; Murphy, A., The way to keep him; Kenrick, G., Falstaff's wedding; Colman, G., Jealous wife; Colman, G., and Garrick, D., Clandestine marriage ; Goldsmith, O., Good- natured man ; She stoops to conquer ; Cumberland, R., The brothers; The West Indian. Sheridan, R. B., The rivals. V. English opera and farce : — Milton, J., Comus ; Ot- way, T., Cheats of Scapin ; Gay, J., Beggar's opera ; Carey, H., The contrivances ; Cro- nonhotonthologus ; Fielding, H., Tom Thumb; Mock doctor; Intriguing chambermaid. Coffey, C, The devil to pay; Dodsley R., King and miller of Mansfield; Sir John Cockle at court ; Garrick, D., The lying valet ; Miss in her teens,; Lethe ; Male conquette ; Guar- dian ; Neck or nothing; Peep behind the curtain; Irish widow; Bon ton ; High life be- low stairs ; Foote, S., Taste; Englishman in Paris ; Knights; Englishman returned from Paris; The author ; The minor; The liar; The orators ; Mayor of Garratt ; The patron ; The commissary ; Devil upon two sticks ; Lame lover; Maid of Bath ; Murphy, A., The apprentice ; The upholsterer ; The old maid ; The citizen ; 1 hree weeks after marriage. Macklin, C, Love a la mode ; Bickerstaff, I., Love in a village; Maid of the mill; The padlock; Bickerstaff, I., and Foote, S. Dr Last in his chariot; Bickerstaff, I., The sultan; Colman, G., The deuce is in him ; O'Hara, K., The two misers; Sheridan, R. B., The critic ; Brooke, F. M., Rosina. Dramatic art and literature. A. W. Schlegel. Lond.1871. 8°. 731, J. Draper, H. Text-book of cliemistry. N.Y.1871. 12°. ■>78, Q. Draper, J. C. e«^. Year-book of nature and science.1872. N.Y.1873. 12°. 134,Q. Draper, J. W. Future civil policy of America. N.Y.1865. 8°. 260, D. — History of the American civil war. X.Y.1868-70. 3v. 8°. 52o, D. — The intellectual development of Europe. X.Y.1870. 8°. 30, E. Drawing. — Chapman, J. G. The American drawing-book N.Y.1870. 4°. ■^'203, H. — Maxton, J. Workman's manual of engineering. Lond.1871. 12°. 301, J. — Ruskin, J. The elements of drawing. N.Y.1869. 12^ . o3. H. — Williams, B. Manual for teaching model-drawing. Lond.1852. 8°. I92,H — See also Perspective. Drawing-room (The) stage. G. M. Baker. Bost.1873. 16°. . ]534,K. Draytons(The)andtheDavenant.s. E.R.Charles. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. 16°. >/^U,.T. — The same. N.Y. 1867. 16°. . . . . 22b, A. Dream children. H.E. Scudder. Cambridge 1864. 16°. . 2229, B. Dream life. D.G.Mitchell. N.Y.1867. 12°. . . . 4871, A. Dream life and other poems. S. Bate.^. Phil.1872. 16. . 114,K. Dreamthorp. A. Smith. Bost.1864. 12°. . . .S3a. L. 106 CATALOGUE OF THE 12°. . 305, H. [6°. . 303, H. L. R. Bo8t.l868. 12°. 75, T. 1384,M. 1385, M. Dress. Gale, E. C. Hints on dress. N.Y.1872. — Phelps, E. S. What to wear. Bost.1873. Drew, B. Pens and types. Bost.1872. 16°. Drinking. Parton, J. Smoking and drinking. Droz, G. Around a spring. N.Y.1873. 16°. — Babolain. N.Y.1873. 16°. Druidism. — Davies.E. Mythology and rites of the British Druids. lond. 1809.8°. 1640,R Druzes (The) and the Maronites. C. H. Churchill. Lond. 1862. 12°. 616, F. Dryden,J. Poetical works with life by J. Mtiford. Bost.1864. 5v. 16°. ]4,K. — The same. N.Y.1867. 2v. 8° 1025,L. DuBreuil, A. Culture of fruit trees, erf. by W.Wardle. Lond.1872. 12°. 307,J. — Vineyard culture improved and cheapened. Cin.1867. 12°. 1083, H. Du Chaillu, P. B. Adventures in Equatorial Africa. N.Y.1868. 8°. 925, F. — A journey to Ashango-land. N.Y.1871. 8°. . . 926, F. — Lost in the jungle. NY. 1873. 12°. . , . . 900, F. — My Apingi kingdom. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . . 901, F. — Stories of the gorilla country. N.Y.1868. 12°. . . 902, F. — Wild life under the Equator. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . . 903, F. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. {George Sand.) Antonia. Bost.1870. 12°. 1350,M. — C^sarine Dietrich. Bost.1871. 8°. . . . 1371,M. — Consuelo. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . • . . . 1360,M. — The countess of Rudolstadt. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . 1361, M. — Handsome Lawrence. Bost.1871. 8°. . . . 1370,M. — Indiana. Phil.lS70. 12°. .... 1363,M. — Jealousy; or, Teverino. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . . 1357,M. — Mile. Merquem. N.Y. 1868. 12°. . . . 1358,M. — Mauprat. Bost.1871. 12°. ..... 1352,M. — The miller of Angibault. Bost.1871. 12°. . . 1353,M. — Monsieur Antoine. Phil.1871. 8°. ... .1367,M. — Monsieur Sylvestre. Bost.1870. 12°. . . . 1354,M. — A rolling stone. Bost.1871. 8°. . ■ . . . 1369,M. — The snow man. Bost.1871. 12°. . . 1356,M. Duels and duelling. — Millingen, J. G. History of duelling. Lond.1841. 2 v. 8°. 630, P. — Sabine, L. Notes on duels and duelling. Lond. 1855. 12°. 628, P. Dufton, H. Narrative of a journey through Abyssinia. Lond, 1867. 8°. 833, F. Dumas, A. D. Adventures ot a marquis. Phil.1864. 8°. . 1440,M. — Andree de Taverney. Phil.1862. 8°. . . . 144l,M. — Bragelonne: the son of Athos. Phil, n d. 8°. . . 1442, M. — The chevalier. Phil.1864. 8° 1443,M. — The count of Monte-Cristo. Phil. 1869. 8°. . . 1444,M. — The countess of Charny. Phil. 1853. 8°. . . 1445,M. — Diana of Meridor. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . . . 1446,M. — Edmond Dantes. Phil. 1849. 8°. . . . 1447,M. — The forty-five guardsmen. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . . 1448,M. — The iron mask. Phil. 1850. 8°. .... 1449,M. — Louise de la Valliere. Phil.1864. 8°. . . . 1450,M. PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 107 Dumas, A. D. Love and liberty. Phil.1869. 12°. . 1451,M. — The memoirs of a physician. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . 1452,M. — The queen's necklace. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . • . 1453,M. — Six years later. Phil. 1851. 8°. . . . . 1454,M. — The three guardsmen. Phil n.d. 8°. . . . 1455,M. — Twenty years after. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . . . 1456,M. Dumas, A. hfils. Camille. Phil. 1860. 12°. . . . 1459,M. Duncan, James. Introduction to entomology. Edin.1840. 16°. ^2,G. — Natural history of beetles. Edin. 1835. 16°. . . 27,(t. — Natural history of British butterflies. Edin. 1835. 16°. . 23,G. — Natural history of British moths, sphinxes, e^c. Edin. 1836. 16°. 24,G. -r- Natural history of exotic moths. Edin. 1841. 16°. . 26,G. — Natural history of foreign butterflies. Edin. 1837. 16°. . 25,G. Duncan, Jonathan, History of Russia. See Rabbe, A. Dunham, S. A. Europe during the middle ages. Lond.1833-4. 4v. 16°. 337, J — History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Lond. 1839-40. 3v. 16°. 341, J. — History of Poland. Lond. 1831. 16°. . . . 340, J. — History of Spain and Portugal. Lond. 1832. 5 v. 16°. . 330, J. — History of the Germanic empire. Lond. 1834-5. 3v. 16°. 331, J. — Literary and scientific men of Great Britain. Lond.l836-8.3v. 16°. 355,J. Dunlap.W. History of New York. N.Y.1855. 2v. 12°. . 1355, D. Dunlop, J. History of fiction. Lond. 1845. 8°. . . 235, L Dunning, A. K. Grace Avery's influence. Bost.1873. 16°. . 945, B. — A story of four lives. Bost.1871. 16°. . . . 385, A. Dunster, H. Chaplin, J. Life of. Bost. 1872- 12°. . . 510, C. Dunton,J. Life and errors, g^. by J.B.Nichols. Lond.1818. 2v, 8°. 2142, C. Duplessis, G. The wonders of engraving. N.Y.1871. ' 12°. . 13, Q. Duppa, R. and Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Life and works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Lond. 1870. 8°. . 553, J. Dupre, A. Origin, nature and varieties of wine. /S^e Thudichum, J. L. W. Dupuy, E. A. All for love. Phil.1873. 12°. . . 387, A. — The cancelled will. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . . 388, A. — Howhedidit. Phil.1871. 12°. . . . . 389, A. — Who shall be victor? Phil.1872. 12°. . . 390, A. Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. N.Y.1867. 2 v. 12°. 140, E. — Observations in the East N.Y.1860. 2 v. 12°- . . 540, F. Diirer, A. Heaton, M. M. Life of. Lond. 1870. 8°. . 4720, C. Dussauce, H. Practical guide for the perfumer. Phil. 1868. 12°. 513, Q. — Tanning, currying and leather dressing. Phil. 1867. 8°. 433, Q. — Treatise on the manufacture of soap. Phil.1869. 8°. . 432, Q. Dutch and Flemish schools of painting. G.Stanley, Lond. 1854. 8°. 638, J. Dutton, A. Woman's work as exhibited in the life of. Bost. 1 873, 12°. 93,P. Dwight, M.A, Grecian and Roman mythology. N.Y.1872. 12°. 1615,R. Dwight, T. Theology explained and defended. N.Y.1864. 4v. 8°. 1110,R. — Sprague, W. B. Life of. Bost. 1864. 12°. . . 10-14, C. Dyce, A. Strictures on Mr. Collier's new edition of Shakespeare. Lond. 1859. 8°. .... 1668. K. 108 CATALOGUE OF THE Dyer, T. H. History of the city of Rome. Lond.1865. 8°. . 859, E. — History of modern Europe. 1453-1857. Lond.1861-4. 4v. 8°. 35, E. — History of the kings of Home. Lond.1868. 8°. . . 860, E. — Life of John Calvin. N.Y.1855. 12°. . . . 4105, C. — Pompeii, its history, buildings and antiquities. Lond. 1868. 8°. 720. E. Dymond, J. Essays on the principles of morality. N.Y.1849. 12°. 4S0, P. Dynamics. Baker, T. Statics and dynamics. Lond. 1869. 12°. 232, J. Dynevor Terrace. C. M. Yonge. Leip.1857. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1380, J. — The same. N.Y.1866. 2 v. 12°. . .• . . 1545, A. E., A. L. 0. pseud. See Tucker, 0. Earl's (The) daughter. E. M. Sevvell. N.Y.1869. 12°. . 1247,A. Earl Whiting. M.A.Atkins. Bost.1870. 16°. . . . 300, B. Earle, J. Philology of the English tongue. Oxford 1871. 12°. 283, Q. Early (The) dawn. E.R.Charles. N.Y.1866. 16°. . . 227, A. Early engagements; and Florence. S. M. Hayden. Cin.1854. 12°. 615, A. Earth. Guyot, A. The earth and man. Bost..l872. 12°. . 183, Q. — Harris, J. Pre-Adamite earth. Bost.1870. 12°. . . 516. R. — Malet, H. P. The interior of the earth. Lond 1870. 8°. 1110, G. — Reclus, E. The earth. N.Y.1871. 8°. . 216, Q. — Schouw, J. F. The earth, plants, and man. Lond. 1859. 8°. 636, J. Earth (The) we live on. Lond. n.d. 16°. . . 960, B. Earthly (The) paradise, a poem. W.Morris. Bost.1871. 3v. 12°. 620, K. Earthquakes. Daubeny, C. Description of. Lond.1848. 8°. 1173, G. — Ponton, M. Earthquakes and volcanoes. Lond.1872. 16°. 1085, G. — Zurcher, F. Volcanoes and earthquakes. Phil. 1869. 8°. 1115, G. Eassie, W. Healthy houses. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . . 370. H. East (The). Alger, W. R. Poetry of the Orient. Bost.1866. 12°. 560, N. — Browne, J. R. Yusef; a crusade in the East. N.Y,1867. 12°, 530, F. — Bryant. W. C. Letters from the East. N.Y.1869. 12°. . 525, F. — Dicey, E. The morning land. Lond. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 535, F. — Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. N.Y.1860. 2v. 12°. 540, F. — Kinglake, A. W. Eothen. Leip.1846. 16°. . . 1065, J. — Leech, H. H. Letters from a sentimental idler. N.Y.1869. 12°. 550, F. — Lenormant,F. Ancient history of the East. Phil. 1869-70. 2v. 12°. 500,F. — Smith, P. The ancient history of the East. N.Y.1872. 12°. 503, F. — Warburton,E.B.G. Crescent and the cross. Leip.1852. 2v.ini. 16°. 1336,J. East and West poems, F. Bret Harte. Bost.1871. 12°. . 365, K. East Indian archipelago. — Bickmore,A.S. Travels in the E.Indian archipelago. N.Y. 1869.8°. 1560,F. — Hall, B. Voyage to the Eastern seas 1816. Edin.1826. 12°. 1, J. EastLynne. E.P.Wood. Leip.1861. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . 1347, J. Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste. Lond.1872. 8°. 395, H. Eastman, J. A. The Romneys of Ridgemont. Bost.1872. 16°. 963, B. J]astman,S. C. White mountain guidebook. Concord,N.H. 1872.16°. 980,D. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 109 Eastwick, E. B. Venezuela. Loncl.1868. 8°. . . 2890, B. Eating. Beard, G.M. Eating and drinking. . N.Y.1871. 12°. 224, T. — Bellows, A. J. The philosophy of eating. N.Y.1868. 12°. 278, T. Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century. Lond.1860. 2v. 8°. 572, J. Eaton. W. Felton, C. C. Life of. N.Y.1860. 12°. . . 10-9, C. Ebb-tide and other stories. F.C.Fisher. N.Y.1872. 8°. . 1641, A. Ebers, G. The daughter of an Egyptian king. Phil.1871. 12°. 485, M — Eine ^gyptische Konigstochter. Stuttgart 1873. 3 v. in 2. 8°. 35, M. Ecce coelum, or parish astronomy. E.F.Burr. Bost.1867. 12°. 590, Q. Eccedeus. J.Parker. Bost.1867. 12°. . . . 310, K. Efccefemina. C.White. Hanover N.H. 1870. 16°. .' . 68, P. Ecce homo. J.R. Seeley. Bost.1869. 12°. . . . 311, R. " Ecce homo."' W. E. Gladstone. Lond.1868. 12°. . . 312, R. Eccentricities of the animal creation. J. Timbs. Bost.1869. 12°. 110, G. Ecclesiastical history. — Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England. Lond.1871. 8°. 391, J. — Blunt, J. J. Christian church during the first three centuries. Lond.1872. 12°. ..... 1333, R. — Dollinger,J.I. The first age of Christianity. Lond.1867. 8°. 1313, R. — Eusebius Pamphilus. Ecclesiastical history. Lond.1870. 8°. 495, J. — Evagrius. History of the church, A.D. 431-594. Lond.1854. 8°. 499, J. — Guericke, H. E. F. Church history. Andover 1870-2. 2 v. 8°.1349, R. — Hagenbach, K. R. History of the church in the 18th and 19th centuries. N.Y.1862. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1390, R. — Kurtz, J. H. Text-book of church history. Phil.1872. 2v. 8°. 1336, R. — Mahan.M. Churchhistory of the first seven centuries. N.Y.1872.8°.1300,R — Marsden,,!. B. Dictionary of christian churches and sects. Lond. 1854. 8°. ..... . 1352, R. — Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. History of the reformation of the 16th century. N.Y.1872. 5v. 12° . . 1375, R. — Milman, H. H. History of Christianity. N.Y.1870. 3v. 8°. 1360, R. History of Latin Christianity. N.Y.1870. 3v. 8°. . 1361, R. — Neander,J.A.W. Christian religion and church. Bost.l872.5v.8°.1355,R. The same.. Lond.1869. lOv. 8°. . ... 711, J. Planting and training of the christian church. Lond.l864.2v. 8°. 713, J. — Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of England and Nor- mandy. Lond. 1853. 4 v. 8°. . . . 410, J. — Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical history. Lond. 1855. 8°. . 498, J. — Socrates Scholasticus. History of the church, A.D.305-439. Lond. 1853. 8°. ..... . 497, J. — Sozomenos Hermias. History of the church. A.D. 324-440. Lond. 1855. 8°. .... . 498, J. — Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the eastern church. N.Y.1872. 8°. 1365, R. — Stebbing,H. History of the christian church. Lond. 1833. 2v. 16°. 343,J. — Theoderet. History of the church, A.D. 322-427. Lond.1854. 8°. 499, J, Echoesof a famous year. [1870-71.] H. Parr. Leip.1872. 16°. 1208, J. Eckardt. J. Modern Russia. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . 410, E. 110 CATALOGUE OF THE Eclipse of faith. H. Eogers. Lond.1852. 8°. . . 932, R. — Defence of. H. Rogers. Lond.1854. 8°. . . 933, R. Eddy, D. 0. Walter's tour in the East. N.Y.1871. Ov. 16°. Vol, I. Walter in Egypt. 970, B. Vol. 4. Walter in Damascus. 973, B. 2. Walter in Jerusalem. 971,6. 5. Walter in Constantinople. 974, B. 3. Walter in Samaria. 972, B. 6. Walter in Athens. 975, B. Ede, G. The management of steel. N.Y.1867. 12°. . , 803, H. Edelweiss. B. Auerbach. Bost.1869. 12°. . . . 490, M. Eden, ^on. E Letters from India. Lond.1872. 2v. 8°. . 1341, F. — The semi-attached couple. Lond.1860. 2v. 12°. . 405, A. — Up the country. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1340, F. Eden, L. S, My holiday in Austria. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . 525, E. Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. Lond.n.d. 16°. . 984, B. — The crusades and the crusaders. Lond n.d. 16°. . . 176, F. — Footprints of famous men. Lond.n.d. 16°. . . 985, B — Great men and gallant deeds. Bost.1868. 16°. . . 986, B. — History for boys. Lond. n.d. 16°. .... 987, B. Edgar Clifton. C.Adams, N.Y. 1870. 12°. ... . 126, B. Edgar Iluntly. C.B.Brown. Phil. 1857. 12°. . . . 4155, A. Edgeworth, M. Tales and novels. N.Y. n.d. 20v. inlO. 12°. 410, A. Vol. [I-II.] Castle Rackrent; Essay on Irish bulls; Essay on self-justification; Forester ; Prussian vase; The good aunt. [III-IV.] Angelina; Good French governess ; Mademoi- selle Panache ; The knapsack ; Lame Jervas ; The will ; The Limerick gloves ; Out of debt out of danger ; The lottery ; Rosanna. [V-VL] Murad the unlucky; The manu- facturers; The contrast ; Grateful negro ; To-morrow; Ennui ; The dun. [VII-VIII.] Manoeuvring ; Almeria ; Vivian. [IX-X.] The absentee ; Madame de Fleury ; Emilie de Coulanges; Modern Griselda. [XI-XIL] Belinda. [XIII-XIV.] Leonora; Letter from a gentleman to his friend upon the birth of a daughter; Answer to the letter; Letters of Julia and Caroline ; Patronage. [XIV-XVI.] Patronage, c<7«^.; Comic dramas ; Love and law ; The rose, thistle and shamrock. [XVII-XVIL] Harrington ; Thoughts on bores; Ormond. [XIX-XX.] Helen. — Belinda. Lond.1810. 2 v. 12°. .... 2981, A. — Early lessons. Bos 1. 1864. 4v 12°. Vol. I, Harry and Lucy. 992,6. Vol. 3. Harry andl^ucy. conc/uded, gg4,B. 2. Frank. 993,6. 4. Sequel to Frank 995,6. Vol. 5. Rosamond. 996, 6. Edinburgh review. Oct. 1802-Oct. 1872. Edin. 1803-72. 135 v. 8°. 30, Z. — General, index. Vol. 1-110. Edin. 1813-62. 4v. 8°. ~ Jeffrey F. Contributions to the. N.Y. 1869. 8°. . 952, L. Edith, the backwoods girl. L. C. Tuthill. N.Y.1865. 16°. . 2461, B. Edith Prescot. E. Marshall. Bost.1871. 16°. . . 1725, B. Edmond Dantes. A. D. Dumas Phil. (1849.) 8°. . 1447, M. Edmonds, C.R. Life and times of Gen. Washington. Lond. 1835. 2v. 16°. 67, J. Edna Browning. M.J. Plolmes. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . 644, A. Edson, N. I. Silent Tom. Bost.1872. 16°. ... 1000,B. Education. — Barnard, H. National education in Europe. Hartford 1854. 8°. 40, 0. — Bartley, G. C. T. The schools for the people. Lond. 1871. 8°. 125,0. — Eggleston, G. C. How to educate yourself. N.Y.1872. 12. 8, O. — Farrar, F. W. Essays on a liberal education. Lond. 1868. 8°. 45,0. — Hamilton, iS'eV W. Discussions on education. N.Y.1868. 8°. 388, P. — Hart, J. S. In the school-room. Phil.1872. 12°. . 179,0. t PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. Ill Education continued. — Hodgson, W. B. Education of girls and employment of women. Lond.1869. 8°. . ... . . . 100, P. — Holbrook, A. Normal methods of teaching. N.Y. 1872. 12°. 167,0. — Markby, T. Practical essays on education. Lond.1868. 12°. 5, 0. — Northend, C. The teacher's assistant. N.Y.1873. 12°.. 169, O. — Porter, N. American colleges and American public. New Haven. 1870. 12° . . . . . 77, 0. — Quain, R. Defects in general education. Lond.1870. 12°. 7, O. — Randall, S. S. Popular education. N.Y. 1869. 12°. . 10. O. — Richter, J. P. F. Levana. Bost.1864. 12°. . . 544, M. — Root, N. W. T. School amusements. N.Y.1869. 12°. . 171, 0. — Sewell, E. M. Principles of education. N.Y.1866. 12°. 20, O. — Smith, W . Art education. Bost. 1872. 8°. . . 50, H. — Spencer, H. Intellectual, moral and physical education. N.Y. 1872. 12°. . . . . . . 12, O. — Todd, J. The student's manual. Northampton 1872. 12°. 195, T. — Wells, W. H. A graded course of instruction for public schools. N.Y. 1863. 12°. .... 162, 0. — Youmans, E. L. culture demanded by modern lile. N.Y. 1867. 12°. 15,0. — See also Kindergarten. Educational (The) compendium. J. CO. Holenshade. Gin. 1873. Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara's history. Leip.1864. 16°. — Debenham's vow. Leip. 1870. 16°. — Half a million of money. Leip.1865. 16°. — Hand and glove. Leip. 1865. 16°. — Miss Carew. Leip.1865. 16°. .... Edwards, Annie. Archie Lovell. Leip. 1867. 16°. Thesame. N.Y.1872. 8°. . . . — The ordeal for wives. N.Y.1872. 12°. — Ought we to vieit her ? Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Thesame. N.Y.1872. 8°. . — Stephen Lawrence, yeoman. Leip. 1869. 16°. Thesame. N.Y.1869. 8°. — Susan Fielding. N.Y. n.d. 8°. . . . . — A vagabond heroine. N.Y.1873. 12°. Edwards, B. B. Writings, with memoir by E. A. Parks. Bost. 1853. 2v. 8°. 980,C Edwards, E; Free town libraries. Lond.1869. 8°. — Life and letters of Sir W. Raleigh. Lond.1868. 2v. 8°. — Memoirs of libraries. Lond.1859. 2v. 8°. Edwards, H. S. History of the opera. Lond.1862. 2v. 12°. — Life of Rossini. Lond.1869. 8°. . , . Edwards, J. Works. N.Y.1869. 4v. 8°. . . . Vol. I. Memoir ; Farewell sermon ; Inquiry concerning qualifications for communion ; Misrepresentations corrected and truth vindicated in reply to S. Williams ; History of the work of redemption ; Distinguishing marks of a work of redemption, and of a work of the spirit of God ; Miscellaneous observations ; Account of the life of D. Brainerd. II. Freedom of the will ; Dissertation concerning the end for which God created the world ; The nature of true virtue; Christian doctrine of original sin defended; Miscel- . 124,0. 972, J. 973, J. 974, J. 975, J. 976, J. 977, J. 1620, A. 415, A. 978, J. 1621, A. 979, J. 1623,A. 1622,A. 416, A. 8°. 980,C ^L.R. 2040, C. ^L.R. 1633, H. 4705, C. 1260, R. 112 CATALOGUE OF THE Edwards, J. Works continued. laneous observations. III. Religious affections; Narrative of surprising conversions: Revival of religion in N.E ; Union in prayer ; Perseverance of saints; Pre-existence of Christ's human soul ; Mysteries of scripture ; Observation on passages of scripture ; Theological questions ; Six occasional sermons IV. Forty sermons on various import- ant subjects. — Miller, S. Life of. N.y.l865, 12°. . . . 10-8, C. Edwards, Matilda B. Doctor Jacob. Bost.1869. 12°. . . 420, A. — The Sylvestres. Leip.1872. 16°. .... 980, J. The same. Phil 1872. 8°. . . . . 1627, A. Edwin Broth ertoft. T. Winthrop. Bost.1871. 12°. . . 5342, A. Edwin Drood. Mystery of. C. J.H.Dickens. Leip.1870. 2v.ini. 16°. 947,J. Eggleston, E. The end of the world. N.Y.1872. 12°. . 4389, A. — The hoosier school-master. N.y.l871. 12°. . . 4390, A. — Mr. Blake's walking-stick, j Chicago 1872. 16°. . 1002, B. — The mystery of Metropolisville. N.Y.1873. 12°. . . 4391, A. Eggleston, G. 0. How to educate yourself. N.Y.1872. 12°. . 8,0. Egypt. Bartlett, W. H. The Nile boat. Lond.1849, 8°. . 800, F. — Bunsen, C. C. J. Egypt's place in history. Lond.1848-67. 5v. 8°. 790,F. — Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Travels in 1806-7. Lond.1812. 2v. 8°. 560, F. — Clark, E. L. Daleth; or, the homestead of nations. Bost.1864. 8°. 795, F. — Crawford, A. W. Letters on Egypt. Lond.1866. 8°. . 542, J. — Lane, E.W. Modern Egyptians. Lond.1836. 2 v. 12°. 780, F. The same. Lond.1837. 2 v. 12°. . . . Ill, J. — Lanoye, F. de. Egypt, 3300 years ago. N.Y.1870. 12°. . 2, Q. — Lepsius, R. Letters from Egypt. . Lond.1853. 8°. . 405, J. — Long, G. Egyptian antiquities. Lond. 1832. 2 v. 12°. 113, J. — Lott, E. Harem life in Egypt. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 12° 772, F. — Olin, S. Travels in Egypt. N.Y.1860. 2 v. 12°. . 545, F. -St. John, B. Village life in Egypt. Bost.1853. 2 v. 12°. 755, F. — Trevor, G. Ancient Egypt. Bost.1863. 16°. . . 752, F. — Wilkinson, /S'^■reL G. Ancient Egyptians. N.Y.1854. 2v. 12°. 780,F. — Zincke,F.B. Egypt of the Pharoahs, and the Kediv^. Lond.l871.8°.785,F. Ehlert, L. Letters on music to a lady. Bost.1870. 16°. . 1608, H. Eichendorflf,J. Baron von. Memoirs of a good-for-nothing. N.Y.1866, 12°. 460,M. Eight years in Congress. S. S. Cox. N.Y.I 865. 8°. . . 280, D. Eight years wanderings in Ceylon. Sir'&. W. Baker. Phil. 1869. 12°. 1520,F. Eighteen (The) christian centuries. J.White. Edin.1870. 8°. 250, F. Eirene; or, a woman's right. M. C. Ames. N.Y.1871. 8°. . 1603, A. Ekkehard. J. V. Schefifel. Stuttgart 1873. 16°. . . 180, M. Ekkoes from Kentucky. D. R. Locke. Bost.1868. 12°. . 4795, A. Elder, W. Biography of E. K. Kane. Phil. 1858. 8°. . 1145, C. Eldon, Earl of. See Scott, J. Eldorado: California and Mexico. J.B.Taylor. N.Y.1864. 12°. 2340, D. Eleanor's three birthdays. H. B. Mc Keever. Phil. 1867. 16°. 1660, B. Eleanor's victory. M. E. Braddon. Leip.1863. 2v.ini. 16°. 790, J. Elective affinities. J. W. von Goethe. Lond. 1872. 8°. . 678, J. El Fureidis. M. S. Cummins. Bost.1872. 12°. . 335, A. El Gringo: New Mexico and her people. W.W.H.Davis. N.Y.1857. 12°. 2250,D. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF IJSDIANAPOLIS. 113 El Medinab. Burton.RF. Narrativeof a pilgrimage to. Lond.l857.2v.8°.I430,F. Elam, C. A physician's problems. Bost.1869. 12°. . 10, T. Electricity. Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. N.Y.1872. 12°. 30, Q — Bakewell, F. C. A manual of electricity. Phil.1856. 12°. 280, Q — Harris, W. S. Animal and voltaic electricity. Lond.1869. 12°. 166, J Rudimentary electricity. Lond.1872. 12°. . . 165, J -- Jenkin, F. Electricity and magnetism. N.Y.1873. 12°. 277, Q — Lardner,. D. Manual of electricity. Lond. 1841-4. 2v. 16°. 366, J — McGregor, W. Magnetism.electricity andtelegrapby. Lond.l868.12°.291,J — Maxwell, J. C. Electricity and magnetism. Oxford 1873. 2v. 8°. 298, Q — Tyndall, J. Light and electricity. N.Y.1871. 12°. . 287, Q — See also Telegraph. Electro-metallurgy practically treated. A. Watt. Lond. 1871. 12°. 267, J Eieonore. E. von Rothenfels. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . . 427, M Elephant (The). Tennent, Sir,l. E. The wild elephant. Lond. 1867. 12°. 93, G Elephant haunts. H. Faulkner. Lond. 1868. 8°. . . 955, F Elgin and Phigalian marbles. /S'lr H. Ellis. Lond.»1833. 2v. 12°. 108, J, Elia. Essays of, and Eliana. C. Lamb. Leip.1869. 16°. . 1079, J — The same. Lond. 1868. 8°. . . . *. 698, J Elia ; or, Spain fifty years ago. C. B. de. Arrom. N.Y.1868. 12°. 315, N. Eliot, C. W. A manual of inorganic chemistry. See^iovev, F. H. Eliot George, pseud. See Lewes, M. J. Eliot, J. Adams, N. Life of. Bost.1847. 12°. . . 59-3, C — Francis, C. Life of N.Y.1860. 12°. . .- . 10-5, C EWot, Sir J. Forster, J. Life of. Lond. 1836. 16°. . . 350, J, Elizabeth, Queen of England. — Abbott, J. History of queen Elizabeth. N.Y.1867. 16°. 84, B — Aiken.L. Memoirs of the court of queen Elizabeth. N.Y.1870.8°. 1950,E Elizabeth de Valois, Queen of Spain. — Freer, M. W. Elizabeth de Valois and the court of Philip II. Lond. 1857. 2v. 8°. .... . 1260, E, Elizabeth; or. the exiles of Siberia. S. R. Cottin. N.Y. n.d. 16°. 1222, M Elizabeth. Story of. A. I. Thackeray. Leip.1863. 16°. . 1296, J Ella; or, turning over a new leaf. W. Simonds. Bost.1870. 12°. 2272, B, Ellen Leslie. M. J. Mc Intosh, N.Y.1868. 24°. . . 1631, B, Ellen Linn. J.Abbott. N.Y.1852. 16° 30, B Ellen Middleton. G. Fullerton. Leip.1846. 16°. . 990, J, Ellery, W. Channing, E. T. Life of. N.Y.1860. 12°. . 10-6, C, Ellet, E.F. Women artists in all ages. N.Y. 1859. 12°. . 103, H, Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on Ephesians. Bost.1867. 12°. . 281, R. — Commentary on Galatians. Bost.1867. 8°. . 280, R. on Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. Andover 1872. 8°. 283, R, — Commentary on Thessalonians. Andover 1865. 8°. . 282, R — Commentary on the pastoral epistles (with) revised translation. Bost.1867. 8°. . . . . . . 284, R, Elliot, C. S. Songs of Yale. New Haven 1870. 16°. . 1618, H. Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Leip.1872. 2v. in 1. 16°. 981, J. L 8 114 CATALOGUE OF THE Elliot, J. Debates in the state conventions on the adoption of the fed- eral constitution, with journal of the federal convention, etc. Phil. 1866. 5v. 8°. . . . . . 400, S. Elliott, A. The play-ground and the parlour. Lond.1868. 12°. 1487, H. Elliott, F.R. The western fruit book. N.Y.1865. 12°. . 1245, H. Ellis, G. Early English metrical romances. Lond. 1848. 8°. 397, J. Ellis, G-. E. Life of Anne Hutchinson. Bost.1864. 12°. , 10-16, C. — Life of John Mason. Bost.1864. 12°. . . . 10-13, C. — Life of William Penn. Bost.1864. 12°. . . . 10-22,0. — Memoirs of B. Thompson, count Rumford. Phil.1871. 8°. 635, C. Ellis, S.S. Hearts and homes. N.Y.1866. 8°. . . 1633, A. — Pictures of private life. Lond, 1834-7. 3v. 16°. . . 434, A. — Prevention better than cure. Lond. n d. 16°. . . 2078, L. — Temper and temperament. N.Y.1855. 12°. . . 435, A. Ellis,>S'?VH. Elgin and Phigalian marbles in Br.Museum.Lond.l833.2v.l2°.108,J — Townley gallery in British Museum. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 12°. 109, J. Ellis, W. Madagascar revisited. Lond.1867. 8°. . . 1066, F. — The martyr church in Madagascar. Lond. n.d. 12°. 1054, F. — Three visits to Madagascar 1853-6. Lond. 1859. 8°. . 1065, F. Ellsworth, 0. Flanders, H. Lives of the chief justices. Phil. 1869. 8°. 30-2,0. Elm Island stories. E. Kellogg. Bost.1871. 6v. 16°. . 1435, B. Elocution. Cox.E.W. The arts of reading and speaking. N.Y.1872.12°.1755,H. — Randall, A. T. Reading and elocution. N.Y.1872. 12°. 458,0. Eloquence. Goodrich, C. A. Select British. N.Y.1870. 8°. 330, L. — Moore, F; American eloquence. N.Y.1872. 2 v. 8°. . 365, L. Elphinstone,M. Accountof the kingdom of Caubul. Lond.1839. 2v. 8°. 1435,F. — History of India. Lond. 1841. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1370. F. Elsie Dinsmore. M. Finley. N.Y.1867. 16°. ! . . 1065,B. Elsie's girlhood. M. Finley. N.Y.1873. 16°. . . . 1066,B. Elsie Venner. 0. W. Holmes. Bost.1868. 2 v. 12°. . 4590, A. Elster's folly. E.P.Wood. Leip.1866. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1348, J. Elton. J. F. With the French in Mexico. Lond.1867. 8°. . 281 9,D. Ely, A. Journal of a prisoner of war in Richmond. N.Y.1872. 12°. 645, D. Elze, 0. Lord Byron, a biography. Lond. 1872. 8°. . . 2552,0. Embankments. Wiggins, J. The practice of embanking lands from the sea. Lond. 1872. 12°. . . . . 214, J. Emblems. Quarles, F. Emblems. Lond. 1861. 8°. . . 825, R. Emerson,N.S. A thanksgiving story; and other poems. N.Y.1873. 12°. 302,K. Emerson. R. W. Oomplete works. Lond.1872. 2v. 8°. Vol. I. Essays; Lectures; Representative men; Poems. II. English traits; Orations; Conduct of life. — The conduct of life. Bost.1861. 12°. — English traits. Bost.1865. 12°. .... — Essays. Bost.1868. 2v. 12°. .... — May-day; and other pieces. Bost.1867. 12°. — Miscellanies. Bost.1860. 12". — Poems. Bost.1863. 12°. ..... — Representative men. Bost.1864. 12°. — Society and solitude. Bost.1871. 12°. 668, J. Nature; 2183, L. 2184, L. 2185 ,L. 305, K. 2186, L. 306, K. 2187, L. 2188, L, PUBLIC LIBRARY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 115 Emery, E. B. Queens. Bost.lH72. 16°. . . . 442, A. Emery, S. A. Three generations. Bost.1872. 8°. . . 1635, A. Emigration. Baird,J. Emigrants guide to Australia, Lond.1868. 12^ 289, J. Emigrants guide to Tasmania and New Zealand. Lond.l871.12^290,J. — General hints to emigrants. Lond.1866. 12°. , . 285, J — Mann, R. J. Emigrants guide to Natal. Lond.1867. 12°. 311, J. Emily Chester. A. M. Seemuller. Bost.1871. 12°. . 1240, A. Emily Herbert. M.J.Mcintosh. N.Y.1868. 24°. . . 1632, B. Emma. J. Austen. Bost.1867. 12°. .... 95, A. Emmens, S. H. Logic pure and applied. Lond.1870. 12°. . 280, J. Emory, W.H. U S. and Mexican boundary survey. Wash. 1857-9. 3v. 4°. 2700,D. Emotions. Darwin, C. R. Expression of the. N.Y-1873. 12°. 818, G-. Empress (The) Josephine. C. M. Mundt. N.Y.1870. 8°. . 578, M. Empty (The) heart. M.V. Terhune. N.Y. 1873. 12°. 1428, A. Enamelling. Gessert, M. A. Art of. Lond.1857. 12°. . 185, J. Enault, L. The pupil of the legion of honor. Phil.1871. 8°. 14G5, M. Enchanted princess. M. D. Nauman. Phil. 1872. 12°. . 1840, B. Enchanting and enchanted. F.W.Hacklander. Phil.1871. 16°. 457. M. Encyclopaedia. — Colange, L. Zell's popular encyclopaedia. Phil.1870-1. 2 v 4°. *L.R. — Cresy, E. Encyclopaedia of civil engineering. Lond.1861. 8°. ^^730, H. — Encyclopaedia Britannica. Bost.1860. 21 v. and index. 4°, *R.R. — Encyclopaedia metropolitan a. ed by E. Smedley, Hugh J. Rose, and Henry J. Rose. Lond.1849. 30v. 4°. . . *R.R. Vol.1. Preface, Henry J. Rose; General introduction by S.T.Coleridge; Pure sciences : — Stoddart, Sir]., Universal grammar; Whately, R., Logic ; Whately, R., Rhetoric ; Barlow, P., Geometry: Peacock, G., Arithmetic; Lardner, D , Algebra; Geometrical analysis; Harlow. P., Theory of numbers ; Airy, G. B. Trigonometry ; Hamilton, H. P., Analytical geometry; Conic sections; Levy, A., Differential and integral calculus. H. Levy, A., • Differential and integral calculus cont. ; Hall, T. G., Calculus of variations ; Calculus of finite differences; DeMorgan, A., Calculus of functions ; Theory of probabilities; Moseley, H., Definite integrals; Maurice, F. D., Moral and metaphysical philosophy; Jebb, R., Princi- ples of law ; Poison, A., Law of nations ; Graves, J. T., Roman law ; Canon law ; Poison, A , English law ; Corrie, G. E., Natural theology ; Rose, H. J., Evidences of revelation ; Scripture doctrine. HL Barlow, P., Mechanics ; Hydronamics, Pneumatics ; Optics; Plane astronomy ; Kater, H., Nautical astronomy; Herschel, Sir }. F. W,, Physical astronomy ; Karlow, P., Magnetism IV. Barlow, P., Electro-magnetism ; Lunn,F., Electricity ; Roget, P M , Galvanism ; Lunn, F-, Heat; Herschel, Sir }. F. W , Light; Lunn, F., Chemistry; Herschel. Sir. J, F W., Sound. V. Harvey, G.. Meteorology; Airy, G. B., Figure of the earth ; Tides and waves ; Narrien, J., Architecture ; Westmacott, R., Sculpture; James, J. T , History of the art of painting ; Lindsay, J . , Theory and practice of the art of painting ; Thompson, H., Heraldry; Green B. R., Numismatics; Hughes, J., Poetry; Gwilt, J., Music; Lindsay, J, Engraving. VI. Russell, M., Agriculture; Don, G., Horticulture ; Lowe, J.. Commerce; Senior,^. W., Political economy; Nicholson, P., Carpentry; Mitch- ell, C. C. and Procter. Capt., Fortification; Harvey, G., Naval architecture; Brooke, H J., Crystallography ; Mineralogy ; Phillips, J. and Daubeny, C. G. B. , Geology. VII Edwards, T., Botany; South, J. F. and others. Zoology; South, J. F. and Clark, F. L., Anatomy; Johnson. G., Materia medica and pharmacy; Williams, R., Principles of medicine; Bowman, W., Surgery; Spooner, W. C, Veterinary art. VIII. Babbage, C, Application of machin- ery to manufactures and the mechanical arts ; Barlow, P., Practical mechanics and engineer- ing; Mechanical processes and manufactures. IX-XIII. History and biography. XIV- XXVI Miscellaneous and lexicographical. xiv. A, — Asc- xv. Asc, — Bridge, xvi. Bri.— Coh. xvii. Coh.— Diff. xviii. DifF.— Fait. xix. Fam. — Gue. xx. Gue.— Ins. 116 CATALOGUE OF THE Encyclopsedia metropolitana continued. XXI. Ins. — Mash. xxii. Mask.— Ozo. xxni. Pab — Rani. xxiv. Rel.— Squeak. XXV. Squeal— Trans, xxvi. Trans.— Zyg. XXVII. General index. yi^^V III . Plates :— Mathematics; Philosophy ; Astronomy; Arts; Crystallography; Geology. XXIX. Plates'. — Botany ; Zoology ; Anatomy ; Veterinary art; Manufactures; Machinery. XXX. Plates: — History ; Miscellaneous ; Maps . — Gwilt, J. Encyclopsedia of architecture. Lond.1867. 8°. *485, H. — Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of architecture. Lond.1869. 8°. 425,11. — Meyer,II.F. Neues Konversations-Lexikon. Hildb'gh'nl87l.l7v.8°.*R.R. — Moore, J. W. Encyclopaedia of music. Bost.1852. 8°. *1660, H. — Woodward, B. B. Encyclopaedia of chronology. Bost.1872. 8°, *L.R. — See also Cyclopaedia. End (The) of the world E. Eggleston. N.Y.1872. 12°. . 4389, A; Engineering. — Andrews, G. Agricultural engineering. Lond. 1852. 3v.ini. 12°. 203, J. — Burnell, G. R. Hydraulic engineering. Lond.1868. 12°. 255, J. — Cresy, E. Encyclopaedia of civil engineering. Lond.1861. 8*^. *730, H. — Law, H. Civil and hydraulic engineering. Lond.1869 12°. 170, J. — Maxton, J. Manual of engineering drawing. Lond.1871. 12°. 301, J. — Stevenson, D. Civil engineering of North America. Lond.l859.12°.254,.J. Engineer's guide to the royal and mercantile navies, ed. by D. F. M'Carthy. Lond.1868, 12°. 286, J. England. A'Beckett,G.A. The comic history of England. Lond.n.d.8°.1905,E — Adolphus.J. History of England 1760-1804. Lond.1840-5. 7v.8° 1968,E. — Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England. Lond.1871. 8°. 391, J. — Berry, M. Social life of England and France. Lond.1828. 8°. 2070,E. — Blunt, I. J. Reformation in England. Lond.1832. 16°. . 53, J. — Brodie, G. Constitutional history of the British empire. Lond. 1866. 3 V. 8°. . . 2017, E. — Browne, M. Chaucer's England. Lond.1869. 2v. 8°. 2060, E. — Buckle, H.T. History of civilization in. N.Y.1871. 2v. 8°. 2095,E. — Burnet, G. History of his own time. Oxford 1833. 6v. 8°. 1957, E. — Burritt, E. Walk from London to John O'Groats. Lond. 1 864. 12°.2144,E. Walk from London to Land's end. Lond.1868. 8°. 2135, E. — Oarrell,J.B.N'.A. Counter-revolution in England. Lond.1857. 8°. 659, J. — Collier, W. F. History of the British empire. Lond.1868. 16°. 1880,E. — Cook, D. Art in England. Lond.1869. 8°. . . 155, H. — Craik.G.L. Pictorial history. B.C.55-A.D. 1820. Lond. 1 837-44. 8v.8°.2000,E. — Creasy, ^2> E. S. History of England. Lond.1869-70. 2v. 8°. 1921, E. — Cust,^64. 8°. 570.R. — Origin of representative government in Europe. Lond.1861. 8°. 649,J. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 151 Ouizot, F. P. G. Saint Louis and Calvin. Phil. n.d. 8°. . . 1250,E. — Shakespeare and his times. N.Y.1864. 12°. . . 1662,K. Gullick,T. J. and Timbs.J. Painting popularly explained. Lond.l864.16°.75,H The same. Lond.1873. 12°. .... 310,J. Gulliver's travels. J. Swift. Leip.1844. 16°. . . . 1288, J. Gunboat series. C. A. Fosdick. Phil. 1867-8. 6v. 16°. . 644, B. "Gup." sketches of Anglo-Indian life. F. Church. Lond.1868. 8°. 1325,F. Gushington, A. pseud. Thoughts on men and things. N.Y.1872. 12° 730,L. Gustave Adolf. Z. Topelius. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . . 332,M. Gustavus II. King of Sweden. — Rollings, J. F. Lifeof Gustavus A dolphus. Lond.1838. 16°. 74,J. Gutzkow, C. F. Die Ritter vom Geiste. Leip.1852. 9 v. 16°. . 78,M. — Der Zauberer von Rom. Leip.1869. 9 v. in 5. 16°. . 79,M. Guy Carlton. D. Wise. N.Y.1870. 16°. . . . 2665,B. Guy Deverell. J. S. Le Fanu. Leip.1865. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1089,J. Guy Earlscourt's wife. M.A.Fleming. N.Y.1873. 12°. . 465,A. Guy Livingstone. G. A. Lawrence. Leip,1860, 16°. . . 1085, J. — The same. N.Y.1870. 12°. .... 2436,A. Guy Mannering. Sir W. Scott. Leip 1846. 16°. . . 1257,J. — The same. Phil. n.d. 12°. .... 2789,A. Guy Rivers. W. G.Simms. N.Y.1855. 12°. . . . 5156,A. Guyot, A. The earth and man. ^r. by C. C. Felton. Bost.1872. 12°. 183,Q. Gwendoline's harvest. Leip.1870. 16°. . . . 1018,J. Gwilt, J. Elements of architectural criticism. Lond,1837. 8°. 498, H. — Encyclopaedia of architecture, erf. by W.Papworth. Lond.l867.8°.*485,H. Gwynne, T. Silas Barnstarke. Lond.n.d. .16°. . . 2320,A. — Young Singleton. Lond. n.d. 16°. . . . . 2321, A. Gymnastics. — Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and gymnastics. Lond.1868. 12°. 1521, H. — Mason, S. W. Manual of gymnastic exercises. N.Y.1871. 16°. 1480,11. — Walker, D. Manly exercises. Lond. 1871. 8°. . . 579, J. Gypsy, (The.) G. P. R. James. Leip.1847. 16°. . . 1031, J. Gypsy series. E.S.Phelps. Bost.1866-71. 4 v. 16°. . . 2040, B. H— family. F. Bremer. Lond. 1853. 8°. . . . Habermeister, (The.) H. Schmid. N.Y.1869. 12°. Habersham, A. W. My last cruise. Phil. 1873. 8°. Habits and men. J. Doran. N.Y.1865. 8°. Hackett, H.B. Commentary on the original text of Acts. Bost.1872. 8^ Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and enchanted. Phil.1871. 16°. Haddon, J. Commercial book-keeping. Lond. 1872. 12°. — Elements of algebra. Lond. 1871. 12°. Key and companion to above. Lond. n.d. 12°. — Examples of differential calculus. Lond. n.d. 12°. — Rudimentary arithmetic, ed. by A. Arman. Lond. 1862. 12°. Key, by A, Arman. Lond 1862. 12°. 653, J. 454, M. 1595, F. 520, L. '. 260, R. 457, M. 218, J. 226, J. 225, ,J. 240, J. 2r,8, J. 269 ,J. 152 CATALOGUE OF THE Haddon hall. Evenings at. Lond.1860. 8°. . . . 525. J. Hadermann, J. R. Against the world. Bost.1873. 12°. 574, A. — Dead men's shoes. Phil. 1 872. 12°. .... 575, A. — Forgiven at last. Phil.1870. 12°. . . . 576, A. Hadley, J. Essays philological and critical. N.Y.1873. 8°. 2307. L. Haeckel, E. NatUrliche schopfungsgeschichte. Berlin 1872. 8°. 903, G. Hagenbach, K. R. History of the church in the 18th and 19th cen- turies, 6-. by J. F. Hurst. N.Y.1869. 2v. 8°. 1390. R. Hair. Jeffries, B. J. Parasites of the human. Boat. 1872. 16°. 350. T. Haldane, A. Memoirs of R. and J. A. Haldane. N.Y.1853. 8°. 2325.C. Haldane, J. A. Haldane, A. Memoir of the life of X.Y.1853. 8°. 2325, C. Haldane, R. Haldane, A. Memoir of the life of N.Y.1853. 8°. 2325, C. Hale, E. E. {Col. Frederick Ingham). How to do it. Bost. 1871 12°. 2215, L. — His level best, and other stories. Bost.1873. 12°. . 4509,A. — H, yes, and perhaps. Bost.1869. 12°. . . . 4510, A. — The Ingham papers. Bost.1869. 12°. . . . 4511, A. — Sybaris and other homes. Bost.1869. 12°. . . 4512, A. — Ten times one is ten. Bost. 1871. 16°. , . . 4513, A. — Ups and downs. Bost.1873. 12°. . . 4514. A. Hale, S. J. Complete dictionary of poetical quotations. Phil. 1871.8°. 1070,K. Half a million of money. A. B. Edwards. Leip.1865. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 974. J. Half century of juvenile delinquents. B. K. Peirce. N.Y.1869. 8°. 175. P. Half-hours of English history. C. Knight. Lond. n.d. 8°. 1910. E. Half-hours with the best authors. C. Knight. Phil. n.d. 6 v. in 3. 12°. 491. L. Half-hours with the best letter-writers. C. Knight. Lond.1867. 2v. 8°. 493.L. Haliburton, T.C. {Sam Slick.) The bubbles of Canada. Lond.1839. S''. 90.D. — Nature and human nature. Lond. n.d. 8°. . . 2325. A. — Sam Slick in England; or, the attach^. Lond. n.d. 12°. 2326. A. Hall, A. M. Can wrong be right? Leip.1868. 16°. . . 1019.J. — The fight of faith. Lond.1869. 2 v. 8°. . . . 585. A. — Ireland. See Hall, S. C. Hall. B. Patchwork. Lond.1841. 3 v. 12°. . . . 12S.E. — Journal on the coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico. Edin.1826. 2v. 18°. 1-2. J. — Travels in North America in 1827-8. Edin.1829. 3v. 12°. 2448,D. — Voyage to the Eastern seas in 1816. Edin.1826. 18°. . l.J. Hall,C.F. Arctic r^i^searches and life among the Esquimaux. N. Y.1866. 8°. 55. D Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. Bost. 1853. 12°. 945. C. Hall, E.H. Appleton's handbook of American travel — northern and eastern tours. N.Y.I 872. 12°. . . . 2415. D. western tour. N.Y.1871. 12°.. . , . . 2416.D. Hall, F. Life of Maximilian I. N.Y.1868. 12°. . . . 4085.C. Hall, James. Legends of the West. Cin.1869. 8°. . . 2620.D. — Letters from the West. Lond. 1828. 8°. . . . 2621. D. — Memoir of Thomas Posey. Bost.1864. 12°. . 10-19.0. — The romance of western history. Cin.1869. 8°. . 2622.D. — The West, its soil, surface, and productions. Cin 1848, 12°. 2605. D. — The wilderness and the war-path. N.Y.1846. 12°. . 2605. D. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 1 63 Hall, John; Papers for home reading. N.Y.1873. 12°. . 2279 L — Questions of the day. N.Y.1873. 12°. . . " . 2280,L. Hall, N. From Liverpool to St. Louis. Lond.1870 16°. . 2400,D. — Homeward bound and other sermons. Lond.1869. 8°. 1015, R. Hall, K. Works, ec^. with memoir by O. Gregory. Lond.1837. 6 v. 8°. ]285,R. Vol. I. Sermons ; Charges; and Circular letters. II. Forms of communion ; Difference between christian baptism and that of John; Reply to J. Kinghorn. III. Tracts political and miscel- laneous. IV. Reviews and miscellaneous pieces. V. Notes on sermons ; Letters. VI. Me- moir ; Observations on his character by J. Foster Sermons ; Index. — Miscellaneous works with memoir by 0. Gregory. Lond.1870. 8°. 688, J. Hall.S.C. and A.M. Ireland; its scenery, character, etc. Lond.l841.3v.8°.2600,E Hall, W. W. Bronchitis, and kindred diseases. N.Y.1870. 12°. 306, T. — Coughs and colds. N.Y.187L 12°. . . 305, T. — Fun better than physic. Springfield, 1871. 8°. . . 187, T. — Guide-board to health. Springfield, 1869. 8°. . . 215, T. — Health and disease. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . . 185, T. — Health by good living. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . . 186, T. — Sleep ; or the hygiene of the night. N.Y.1870. 12°. . 115, T.* Hallam.H. Constitutional history of England,1509-1 760. N.Y.1867.3v.8°.2015,E — Literature of Europe, 15ih to 17th centuries. N.Y.1867. 4 v. 8°. 10,L. — State of Europe during the middle ages. N.Y.1869. 3 v. 8°. 185, F. — Macaulay, T. B. Review of (his) constitutional history. Lond. 1856. 12°. . . .... 1414,J. Halleck, F. G. Poetical writings. N.Y.1869. 12°. . . 350, K. — Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of. N.Y.1869. 8°. . 875, C. Halleck, H. W. International law, and laws of war. Phil. 1872. 12°. 7I.S. — Elements of military art and science. N.Y.1863. 12°. 18-40. H. Halliwell, J. 0. Dictionary of archaic and provincial words, phrases, proverbs and customs. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8°. . . ^L.R. Hallock, C. The fishing tourist. N.Y.1873. 8° . . 1533, H. Halpine,C.G.(M/e5 aReilly.) Baked meats of the funeral. N.Y.1866.12°.2233,L — Life and adventures of private Miles O'Reilly. N.Y.1866. 12°. 4525, A. — Poetical works. N.Y.1869. 12°. .... 355. K. Hamerton, P. G. The etcher's handbook. Lond.1871. 12°. 165, H. — A painter's camp in England, Scotland and France. Bost.l867.12''.ll,H. — Thoughts about art. Bost.1871. 16°. ... 10, H. Hamilton, A. and others. The federalist, a commentary on the consti- tution of the U. S. Phil.1871. 8°. . ". . 395, S. — Hamilton, J. C. History of the United States, as traced in the writings of. Phil.1868. 7 v. 8°. . . . 226,D. — Schmucker, S. M. • Life and times of. Phil. 1856. 12°. 647, C. Hamilton, A. Count.- Fairy tales and romances. Lond. 1849 8°. 1272. M. The same. Lond.1849. 8°. . . . . 507, J. — Grammont's memoirs of the court of Charles II. (also) history of Charles, and the Boscobel tracts by T. Blount. Lond. 1864. 8°. ...... . 508, J. The same. Lond. 1859. 8°. ... 1290, E. Hamilton, C. V. A crown from the spear. Bost.1872. 8°. 1670, A. — Ropes of sand, and other stories. Bost.1873. 8°. . 1672, A. 154 CATALOGUE OF THE Hamilton, C. V. Woven of many threads. Bost.1871. 8°. . . 1671, A. Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, J. Moses the man of God. N.Y.1871. 12°. . 834, R. — The pearl of parables, Luke XV. 11-32. N.Y.1869. 12°. . 833, R. — The royal preacher, lectures on Ecclesiastes. N.Y 1870. 12°. 835, R. Hamilton, J. A. Reminiscences. N.Y.1869. 8°. . . 860, C. Hamilton, J. C. History of the republic of the U. S. as traced in the writings of A. Hamilton and others. Phil. 1868. 7v. 8°. 226,D. Hamilton, R. Natural history of the walrus, seal, etc. Edin.1839. 16°. 19, G. — Natural history of British fishes. Edin.1843. 2 v. 16°. . 30,G. — Natural history of whales. Edin.1837. 16°. . . 20,G. Hamilton, S. History of the national flag of the U.S. Phil.1852. 12°. L.R. Hamilton, W. Discussions on philosophy and literature. N.Y.1868.8°.388,P — Lectures on metaphysics and logic. Bost.1868. 2 v. 8°. 389,P. — Philosophy. N.Y.1868. 8°. . . . . 378,P. Hamley, E. B. Our poor relations, a philozoic essay. Bost.1872. 12°. 95, G, Hamlin, A. C. Martyria ; or Andersonville prison. Bost.1866. 12°. 630,D. Hammer and anvil. F. Spielhagen. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . 505, M. Hammer and rapier. J. E. Cooke. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . 4238,A. Hammond, W. A. Sleep and its derangements. Phil.1873. 12°. 120,T. Hampden, J. Forster, J. Life of Lond.1837. 16°. . . 350,J. — Grenville, G. Memorials of Lond.1860. 8°. . . 517, J. Hamst, Olphar, pseud. See Thomas, R. Hanaford, P. A. Frank Nelson ; or, the runaway boy. Bost.1865. 16°. 1220,B. Hand (The), its mechanism, eifc. /S'ir C. Bell. Lond.1872. 8°. 601,J. Hand and glove. A. B. Edwards. Leip.1865. 16°. . . 975,J. Hand-book of domestic medicine. Lond.1872. 8°. . . 617, J. Hand-book of games. H. G. Bohn. Lond.1867. 8°. . 618, J. Handel, G.F. Barnard, C. F. jr. The tone masters. Bost.1871. 16°. 1613,H. Handsome is that handsome does. M. Bradley. Bost.1869. 16°. 541, B. Handsome Lawrence. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. Bost.l87L 8°. 1370,M. Handy Andy. S. Lover. Lond. n.d. 12^ . . . 2500,A. Hann, J. Analytical geometry and conic sections. Lond. 1871. 12°. 227, J. — Plane and spherical trigonometry. Lond.1867. 2v.ini. 12^. 228, J. — Examples on the integral calculus. Lond. 1850. 12°. . 239, J. Hanna, W. The wars of the Huguenots. N.Y.1872. 12°. 1418,R. Hannah. D. M. Craik. Leip.1871. 2v.ini. 16°. . 897,J. — The same. N.Y.1873. 12°. .... 307,A. Hannah Thurston. J.B.Taylor. N.Y.1865. 12°. . . 5201, A. Hannay, J. and satirists. N.Y. 1855. 12°. . . . 210,L. Hannibal. Abbott, J. History of N.Y.1868. 16°. •. . 86,B. — Arnold, T. Life of N.Y.1870. 16°. .... 820,E. Hans Breitman's ballads. C. G. Leland. Phil.1869. 8^ . 500,K. Hap-hazard. K. Field. Bost.1873. 16°. . . . 2075,L. Happy (The) boy. B. Bjoernson. Bost.1870. 12°. . 328,M. Happy-thought hall. F. C. Burnand. Bost.1872. 12°. . 2103,A. Happy thoughts. F. C. Burnand. Bost.1868. 12°. . . 2100.A. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 155 Hard cash. C. Reade. Leip.1864. 3 v. in 2. 16°. . . 1226,J. — The same. Bost.1869. 12°. .... 2693,A. Hard maple. A. B. Warner. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . 2581, B- Hard-scrabble of Elm island. E. Kellogg. Bost.1871. 16°. . 1440,B. Hard times. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip.1854. 16°. . . . 941,J. — The same. Phil. n.d. 12°. .... 2212.A. Hardy, C. Forest life in Acadie. Lond.1869. 8°. . . . 95,D. Hardy, T. Under the greenwood tree. N.Y.1873. 16°. . 2328,A. Hare, A. J. C. Memorials of a quiet life. Lond.1872. 2 v. 8°. 2655,C. — Walks in Rome. N.Y.1872. 8°. . . . . 710,E. — Wanderings in Spain. Lond.1873. 8°. . . . 1740,E. Hare, J. C. and A. W. Guesses at truth. Bost.1865. 8°. . 840,L. Hare, M. Hare, A. J. C. Memorials of a quiet life. Lond.1872. 2v. 8°. 2655,0. Harem life in Egypt. E. Lott. Lond.1866. 2 v. 12°. . 772.F. Harford, J. S. Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, with poems and letters, also memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael and Vittoria Colonna. Lond.1858. 2 v. 8°. . . . 4700,C. Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harley, A. J. The young Crusoe. Bost.1864. 16°. . . 1223,B. Harold; last of the Saxon kings. /S'^VE.L.Bulwer-Lytton. Phil.1868. 12°. 2077,A — The same.' Leip. 1848. 2v.ini. 16°. . . . 827,J. Harper's new monthly magazine. N.Y. 1850-72. 45 v. 8°. . 45, Z. — An index to vols. 1-40. N.Y. 1870. 8°. . . . 45,Z. Harper's pictorial history of the rebellion. A. H. Guernsey. N Y.n.d 2v.ini. fol. . . . . ." . .800,D. Harper's story books. J.Abbott. N.Y.1854. 12 v. 16°. . 40,B. Harris, J. The great commission. Bost.1870. 12°. . . 1798,R. — The great teacher. Bo8t.l870. 12°. . . . 368, R. — Man primeval. Bost. 1850. 12°. .... 515,R. — Patriarchy; or the family. Bost.1870. 12°. . . 750,R. — Pre-Adamite earth. Bost.1870. 12°. .... 516,R. Harris, M.C. Frank Warrington. N.Y. 1870. 12°. . . 595,A. — Louie's last term at St. Mary's. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . 596,A — Richard Vandermarck. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . . 597,A. — Roundhearts and other stories. N.Y.1867. 12°. . . 598,A. — Rutledge. N Y.1872. 12°. : . . . . 599,A. — St. Philip's. N.Y.1868. 12° 600,A. — TheSutherlands. N.Y.1871. 12°. .... 601, A. Harris,T.W. Insects injurious to vegetation, ed. by C.L.Flint. N.Y.1862.8°.240,G Harris, W.C. The highlands of Ethiopia. Lond.1844. 3 v. 8°. 850,F. Harris, Sir W. S. Galvanism and electricity. Lond.1869. 12^. 166,J. — Rudimentary electricity. Lond.1872. 12°. . . . 165,J. — Rudimentary magnetism. Lond.1872. 12°. . . 167, J. Harrison.W.H. Todd,C.S. Civil and military services of. Cin.1847. 16°. 685,C. Harry and Lucy. M. Edgeworth. Bost.1864. 12°. . . 992,B. Harry's vacation. W. C;. Richards. N.Y.1868. 12°. . . 2175,B. Harry Lorrequer. C. J. Lever. Phil, n.d 8°. . . . 3090,A. — The same. Leip.1847. 2v.ini. 16°. . . . 1106,J. 156 CATALOGUE OF THE Kart, J. S. In the school-room. Phil.1872. 12°. . . 179.0. — Manual of composition and rhetoric. Phil. 1873. 12^. . 500,0. — Manual of English literature. Phil.1872. 12°. . . . 80.L. Ilarte, F. Bret. Condensed novels. Bost 1871. 12°. '. . 4535,A. — East and West poems. Bost. 1871. 12°. . 365,K. — The luck of Roaring camp and other sketches. Bost.1871. 12°. 4536,A. — Poems. Bost.1871. 12°. ..... 366,K. Tlartig, E. Grenesis of the Austrian revolution of 1848. Lond.1872. 8°. 666,J. Hartley, C. B. Life of Daniel Boone. Phil. 1865. 12°. . 551,C. Hartmann, M. Die letzten Tage eine Kdnigs. Stuttgart. 1867. 16°. 85, M. Hartt, C F. Geology and physical geography of Brazil. Bost.l870.8°. 2903,D. Hartwell (The) farm. L. B. Comins. Bost.1871. 12°. . 285,A. Hartwig, G. Harmonies of nature. Lond.1866. 8°. . . 177,G. — The polar world. Lond.1869. 8°. . . 176,G. — The sea and its living wonders. Lond.1866. 8°. . . 746,G. — The tropical world. Lond.1863. 8°. . . . 175.G. Harvard college, Cambridge, Mass. — Quincy, J. History of Harvard university. Bost.1860. 2v. 8°. 130,0. Harvey, E. T. H. Where is the city ? Bost.1868. 12°. . . 893,R. Hassall, A. H. Adulterations in food and medicine. Lond.1857. 8°. 226,T. Hassard, J. R. G. Life of eJohn Hughes. N.Y.1866. 8°. . 2650,C. Hassaurek, F. Four years among Spanish-Americans. Lond.l868.8°.2945,D. Haste and waste. W.T.Adams. Bost.1869. 16°. . . 170,B. Hastings, W. Gleig, G. R. Memoirs of the life of. Lond.1841.3 v.8°.2265,C. — Macaulay. T. B. Lord. Essay on. Lond.1859. 12°. . 1413,J. Haswell, C. H. Book-keeping by double entry. N.Y.1871. 8° 660,Q. Hatch, A. J. Under the cedars. Bost.1873. 12°. . . 607,A. Hathaway, W. E. Christopher Crooked. N.Y.1873. 16°. . 1225,B. Hattie and Nellie; or, For better for worse. Bost. 1872. 16°. 1073,B. Hatton, *S'iV C, Nicolas, »SVr X.H. Life and times of Lond.1847. 8°. 2025,C. Hatton, J. Reminiscences of Mark Lemon. Lond.1871. 12°. 2723,C. Hauff, W. Sammtliche werke. Stuttgart. 1864. 5 v. 16°. . 88.M. Vol I. Leben von G. Schwab ; Gedichte ; Novellen ; Jud Suess ; Die Bettlerin vom Pont de.-. Arts ; Die Saengerin ; Die letzten Ritter von Marienburg. II. Mittheilungen aus den me- moiren des Satan; Das Bild des Kaisers. III. Othello; Der Mann im Monde; Controver- spredigt ueber H. Clauren und den Mann im Mond ; Phantasien im Bremer Rathskeller. IV. Maehrchen ; Skizzen. V. Lichtenstein. $ Haunted (The) and the haunters. .S/r E.L.Bulwer-Lytton. Phil.l867.12°.2086,A Haunted (The) crust. K.Saunders. N.Y.1871. 16°. . 1237,A. Haunted hearts. M. S. Cummins. Bost 1864. 12°. . . 336,-A. Haunted (The) homestead. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Phil. 1860. 12°. 1319, A. Haunted (The) man. C. J. H. Dickens. Leip.1856. 16°. . 933.J. Hausser,L. Geschichte des zeitalters der reformation. Berlin 1868. 8°. 1380,R. Havelock, *S'2V H. Brock, W. Biographical sketch of. Leip.l858.16°. 801.J. — Marshman, J. C. Memoirs of. Lond.1860. 8°. . . 2625.C. Haven,A B. {Coimn Alice.) "All's not gold that glitters."<70.16°.1230.B. — Contentment better than wealth. N.Y.1870. 16°. . 1231, B. — The Coopers. N.Y.1866. 12°. . .... 1232.B. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 15T { Haven, A. B. {Cousin Alice.) Home stories. N.Y.1869. 12°. . . 1233, B. — Loss and gain. N.Y.1860. 12°. .... 1234,B. — " No such word as fail." N.Y.1870. 16°. . . . 1235,B. — Nothing venture, nothing have. N.Y.1870. 16°. . 1236,B. — Out of debt, out of danger. N.Y.1870. 16°. . . 1237,B. — Patient waiting no loss. N.Y.1870. 16°. . . 1238,B. — A place for everything. N.Y.1870. 16°. . . . 1239,B. — Where there's a will there's a way. N.Y.1870. 16°. . 1240,B. — Memoir of. N.Y.1868. 12°. ..... 1205,C. Haven, E. 0. Rhetoric. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . . 499,0. Haven, G. The pilgrim's wallet. N.Y.1867. 12°. . . 57,E. Haven, J. Mental philosophy. Bost.1872. 8°. . . 416,P. — Studies in philosophy and theology. Andover 1869. 8°. 2355, L. Haven, M. Joanna. Bost.1871. 16°. .... 1245,B. Havens, J. Hibben, W. W. Rev. James Havens. Ind'p'l's.l872. 12° 880,C. Hawaiian islands. — Anderson, M. E. Scenes in the Hawaiian islands. Bost.1865. 16°. 1510,F. — Anderson, R. The mission to the Sandwich islands. Bost.1872. 12°. 1796,R — Hopkins, M. Hawaii; past, present and future. N.Y.1869. 8°. J585,F. Haweis, H, R. Music and morals. N.Y.1872. 12°. . . 1630,H. — Thoughts for the times : sermons. N.Y.1872. 12°. . 10J3,R Hawes, M. V. See Terhune, M. V. Hawes,S. Synchronology of theprincipal events in history. Bost.l869.8°.50,F. Hawkesworth. J. The adventurer. Bost.1864. 3 v. 16°. . . 404,L. — Almoran and Hamet. Lond.1810. 12°. . . . 2968,A. Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean. Lond.1869. 2 v. 8°. 2528,C. Hawks,F.L. ( Uncle Philip.) Adventures of Daniel Boone. N.Y.1868. 18°. 1255 B. — The adventures of Henry Hudson. N.Y.1868. 18°. . 1256,B. — The adventures of Hernan Cortes. N.Y.1870. 18°. . 1257,B. — The adventures of Capt. John Smith. N.Y.1868. 18°. 1258,B. — The American forest. N.Y.1860. 16°. . . . 1040,G. — Conversations about the whale fisheries. N.Y.18'60. 2 v. 16°. 1259,B. — ed. Appleton's cyclopaedia of biography. N.Y.1866. 8°. . ^L.R. Hawthorne, J. Bressant, a novel. N.Y.1873. 12°. . . 4542,A. Hawthorne, N. The Blithedale romance. Bost.1868. 12°. . 4549,A. — House of the seven gables. Snow image, etc. Bost.1871. 2v. in 1.12°.4554,A. — The marble faun. Bost.1868. 2 v. 12°. . . . 4550,A. — Mosses from an old manse. Bost.1868. 2 v. 12°. . 4547, A. — Our old home. Bost.1868. 12°. .... 2145,E. — Passages from American note-books. Bost.1868. 2 v. 12°. 2375, L. — Passages from English note-books. Bost.1870. 2 v. 12°. 2376,L. — Passages from French and Italian note-books. Bost.l872.2v.l2°. 2377, L. — The scarlet letter. Bost.1868. 12°. . . . 4548,A. and Blithedale romance. Bost.1873. 12°. . . 4548, A. — Septimius Felton. Bost.1872. 12°. . . . 4555, A. — The snow image, and other twice-told tales. Bost.1868. 12°. 4546, A — Tanglewood tales. Bost. 1868. 12°. . . . 4553, A. — True stories from history and biography. Bost.1868. 12°. 4551, A. 158 CATALOGUE OF THE 4545,A. . 4552, A. 2150,E. [2^ J30.H. 173(),E. 370.K. 12°. 615,A, 16°. ]613,H. 12°. 2525,C. 30,D. 1265,B. . 26.D. 45D. 153,P. 12°. 1411,J, Hawthorne N. con<. Twice-told tales. Bo8t.l868. 2 v. 12°. — The wonder-book for boys and girls. Bost.1868. 12°. Hawthorne, S. Notes on England and Italy. X.y.l869. 12°. Hay, D. R. The laws of harmonious colouring. Edin.1847. Hay, J. Castilian days. Bost.1871. 12°. — Pike county ballads and other pieces. Bost.1871. 12°. Hayden, S. M. Early engagements, and Florence. Gin. 1854. Haydn, J. Barnard, C. F. jr. The tone masters. Bost.1871. Haydon, B. R. Autobiography ed. by T. Taylor. N.Y.1859. 2 v. Hayes, 1. 1. An Arctic boat journey. Bost.1869. 8°. — Cast away in the cold. Bost.1869. 12°. — The land of desolation. N.Y.1872. 12°. — The open Polar sea, N.Y.1867. 8°. . Haynes, Gr. Pictures from prison life. Bost.1869. 12°. Hay ward, A. George Selwyn, his life and times. Lond.1854. — Lord Chesterfield ; his life, character and opinions. Lond.l854.]2°.1411,J Hay ward, C. jr. Life of Sebastian Cabot. N.Y.1860. 12°. . 10-9.C. Hazard, S. Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-82. Phil.1850. 8°. 1555,D. — Santo Domingo, past and present. N.Y.1873. 8°. . 2845,D, Hazen,W.B. The school and army in Germany and France. N.Y. 1872.8°. 1850,H Hazlitt, W. Miscellaneous works. Phil.1866. 5 v. 12°. . 1058,L. Vol. I-II. Table talk. III. Lectures on the dramatic age of Elizabeth; Characters of Shakes- peare's plays. IV. Lectures on the English comic writers ; Lectures on the English poets. V. The spirit of the age ; or, Contemporary portraits. — Lectures on the English poets and comic writers. Lond.1870. 8°, 684, J. — Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth, and Shakes- peare's characters. Lond.1870. 8°. . . . 685, J. — The plain speaker. Lond.1870. 8°. . . . . 686,J. — Round table; Northcote's conversations; Characteristics. Lond. 1871. 8°. .... . 687,J. — Table talk. Lond.1871. 8°. .... . 683,J. Hazlitt, W.C. History of the Venetian republic. Lond.1860. 4 v. 8°. 700,E. He knew he was right. A. Trollope. Leip.1869. 3 v. in 2. 16°. 1320,J. — The same. N.Y;1869. 8°. .... 3199,A. He would be a gentleman. S. Lover. Lond. n.d. 12°. . 2501, A. Head, ^Vgr E. Ballads and other poems. Lond.1868. 12°. . 375,K. Head, iSfr F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. Lond. 1834. 8°. 325,E. — Life of James Bruce. Lond. 1830. 16°. . . . 72, J. — A fortnight in Ireland. Lond. 1852. 8°. . . . 2590,E. — The royal engineer. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . . 1860,H. — Stokers and pokers. Lond. 1861. 12°. . . . 728,L. Head of the family. D. M. Craik. Leip.1858. 2v.ini. 16°. 898,J. Headless (The) horseman. M. Reid. N.Y.1872. 12°. . 5035,A. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. N.Y. 1865. 8°. 96,C. Headley, P. C. Life and campaigns of U. S. Grant. N.Y.1866. 8°. 1174,C. — Life of Lafayette. N.Y.1856. 12°. . . . 1327,E. — Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. N.Y.1856. 12°. . . 1350,E. — Life of the empress Josephine. N.Y.1856. 12°. . . 1372,E. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 159 Headley, P. C. cont. Story life of D. G. Farragut. N.Y.1870. 12°. . 975,C. — Story life of John Ericcson. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . 990,C. — Story life of 0. M. Mitchell. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . 1020,C. — Story life of Phil. H. Sheridan. N.Y.1870. 12°. . 1215,C. — Story life of U. S. Grant. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . . 1170,C. — Story life of W. T. Sherman. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . 1160,C. Heads and hands in the world of labour, W.G.Blaikie. Lond.1865. 16°. 834,L, Headsman (The). J F. Cooper. N.Y.1864. 8°. . . 4265,A. Health. Baird, J. Management of health. Lond.1868. 12°. 248,J. — Bellows, A. J. How not to be Pick. N.Y.1868. 8°. . 198,T. — Bock, C. E. Das Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen. Leip.1872. 8°. . . . . 150,T. — Hall, W. W. Fun better than physic. Springfield. 1871. 8°. 187,T. Guide-board to health. Springfield. 1869. 8°. . . 215,T. Health and disease. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . . 185,T. Health by good living. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . 186,T. — Hinton. J. Health and its conditions. N.Y.1871. 12°. 180,T. — Johnston,,!. F.W. The chemistry of common life. N.Y.1869. 2v.l2°.155,T. — Lewis, D. Our girls. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . . 190,T. Talks about people's stomachs. Bost.1870. 8°. . . 281, T. — Mussey, R. D. Health; its friends and foes. Bost.1866. 12°. 205,T. — Sinclair, 8ir. J. Code of health. Lond.1829. 8°. . 220,T. Healthy houses. W. Eassie. N.Y.1872. 12°. - . . . 370,H. Healy, M. The home theatre. Bost.1872. 12°. . . 1540,K. — Lakeville. N.Y.1873. 8° 1673, A. — A summer's romance. Bost.1872. 12°. . . . 620,A. Heart-histories and life pictures. T.S.Arthur. Phil.1857. 12°. 4032,A. Heart (The) of Mid-Lothian. ^Sfr W. Scott. Leip.1858. 2v.ini. 16°. 1258, J. — The same. Phil. n.d. 12°. .... 2790;A. Hearts and faces. J.T.Trowbridge. N.Y.1870. 12°. . . 2432, B. Hearts and homes. S. S. Ellis. N.Y.1868. 8°. . . 1633, A. Heartsease. C. M. Yonge Leip.1855. 2v.ini. 16°. . . 1381,J. — The same. N.Y.1869. 2 v. 12°. . . . 1547,A. Heat. Abbott, J. Heat. N.Y.1871. 12°. . . . 45rQ. — Armour, J. Iron and heat. Lond.1871. 12°. . . 205,J. — Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. N.Y.1869. 12°. 16.Q. — Lardner, D. Treatise on heat. Lond.1833. 16°. . 364,J. — Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat. N.Y.1872. 16°. . . 279,Q. — Stewart, B. Elementary treatise on heat. Oxford 1871. 16°; 278,Q. — Tyndall, J. Heat a mode of motion. N.Y.1873. 8°. . 288,Q. — Williams, C. W. Heat in its relation to water and steam. Phil. 1871. 8°. . . . . . • . 855,H. Heathenism and mosaism. S. Baring-Gould. N.Y.1870. 8°. 1578-1, R. Heather, J. F. Descriptive geometry with theory of shadows and per- spective. Lond.1871. 12°. .... 209, J. — Mathematical instruments. Lond.1871. 3 v. 12°. . 298, J. Vol. I. Drawing and measuring instruments. II. Optical instruments. III. Surveying and astronomical instruments. I 160 CATALOGUE OF THE Heather, J. F. con^. Practical plane geometry. Lond.1872. 12°. 308, J. — Treatise on mathematical instruments. Lond.1871. 12°. 180,J. Heaton, M. M. History of the life of Albrecht Durer. Lond. 1870.8°. 4720,C. Heaven and hell. E. von Swedenborg. :^hil.l867. 8°. . 1490,R. Heavenly arcana. E. von Swedenborg. N.Y.1870. 10 v. 8°. 1498,R. Heavenward led. J. R. Somers. Phil. 1871. 12°. . . 1300,A. Heber.A. Life (and literary remains)of Reginald Heber. N.Y.1830.2v.8° 2480,C Heber, R. Heber, A. Life of. N.Y.1830. 2 v. 8°. 2480,C. Hebrew heroes. C. Tucker. Lond.1872. 16°. . . . 1410, A. Hebrew language. — Gresenius, F. H. W. Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon. Lond. n.d.8°. *L.R. Hebrides. Buchanan, R. The land of Lome. N.Y.1871. 12°. 2310,E. Heckington. C G. F. Gore. Leip.1858. 2v.ini. 16°. . 1013, J. Hector O'Halloran. W.H.Maxwell. Lond. n.d. 8°. . . 2565,A. Hedge, F. H. The primeval world of Hebrew tradition. Bost.l870.12°.483,R. — Prose writers of Germany. Phil. 1870. 8°. . . 170,L. Hedged in. E.S.Phelps. Bost.1870. 12°. . . 1<)91,A. Hedging. Warder, J. A. Hedges and evergreens. N.Y.1865. 12°. 995,G. Hegel.G.W.F. Lectures on the philosophy of history. Lond.1872. 8°. 585,J. Heidelberg. G. P. R. James. Leip.1846. 16°. . . 1032, J. Heidenmauer, (The.) J. F. Cooper. N.Y.1865. 8°. 4266,A. Heine, H. Sammtliche werke. Hamburg, 1867-9. 18 v. and supp. 16°. 90,M. VoljI-II. Reisebilder. III. Englische fragmente und Shakespeare's Maedchen und Frauen. IV Novellistische Fragmente. V-VII. Ueber Deutschland. VIII-XI. Franzoesische Zus- taende. XII. Ludwig Boerne. XIII-XIV. Vermsichte Schriften. XV-XVIII. Dich- tungen. Suppplement. Letzte Gedichte und Gedanken. — Pictures of travel, tr. by C. G. Leland. N.Y.1866. 8°. . 524,M. — Poems, tr. by E. A. Bowring. Lond. 1870. 8°. . . 689, J. — Poems with life by E. A. Bowring. Lond. 1866. 8°. . 523,M. — Scintillations from (his) prose works. N.Y.1873. 16°. . 521, M. Heir of RedclyfFe. C. M. Yonge. Leip.1855. 2v.ini. 16°. 1382, J. — The same. N.Y.1870. 2 v. 12°. . . . 1548,A. Heir of Wast-Wayland. M. Howitt. N.Y.1855. 12°. . 670, A. Heiress, (The.) A. S. Stephens. Phil. 1859. 12°. . . 1347, A. Heiress of Haughton. A. Marsh-Caldwell. Leip.1855. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 11 65, J. Helen and Arthur. C. L. Hentz. Phil. 1870. 12°. . . 630, A. Helen Gardner's wedding day. M. V. Terhune. N.Y.1872. 12°. 1429,A. Heliodorus. Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclsea. Lond. 1855. 8°. 459, J. Hellenics ; or, Grecian history. Xenophon. Lond.1872. 8°. . 491, J. Helmholtz, H. Popular lectures on scientific subjects. N.Y.1873. 8°. 148, Q. Helper, H. R. The impending crisis of the South. N,Y.1860. 12°. 475,D. Helping-hand series. H. P. H. Nowell. Bost. 1868-9. 5 v. 16°. 1875,B. Helps, Sir A. Casimir Maremma. Bost. 1870. 12°. . . 2335, A. — Companions of my solitude. Bost.1870. 12°. . . 925,L. — Conversations on war and general culture. Bost.1871. 12°. 926, L. — Friends in council. 1st series. Lon'd.1872. 2 v. 16°. . 923,L. The same. 2d series. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 16°. . . 924,L. — Some talk about animals and their masters. Lond. 1873. 12°. 927, L. — Life of Pizarro. Lond. 1869. 8°. . . . . 4525,C. PUBLIC LIBRARY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 161 Helps, *S'?V A. ^on^. Realmah. Bost.1869. 8°. . . 2336,A. — The Spanish conquest in America. N.Y.1867-8. 4 v. 12°. 2880,D. — Thoughts upon government. Bost.1872. 8°. . , 75,S. Hemans, F. D. Complete works. N.Y.I 866. 2 v. 12°. . 380,K. — Select poetical works. Leip.1865. 16°. . . . 1020, J. Henderson, P. Gardening for profit. N.Y.1867. 12°. . 935,H. — Practical floriculture. N.Y.1869. 12°. . . 1333,H. Henrietta Temple. , B. Disraeli. Leip.1859. 16°. . . 961, J. — The same. Lond.1868. 12° ..... 2236,A. Henry III. King of France. — Freer, M. W. Court and times of. Lond. 1858. 3 v. 8°. 1270,E. Henry IV. King of France. — Abbott, J. S. C. History of Henry IV. N.Y.1856. 16°. 87,B. — B^thune, M. de. Memoirs. Lond.1856. 4 v. 8°. . 513,J. - Freer, M. W. History of the reign of. Lond.1861. 2 v. 8°. 1272,E. Henry VIII. King of England — Tytler, P. F. Life of. Edin.1837. 16°. . . . 145,J. Henry VIII and his court. C. M. Mundt. N.Y.1870. 8°. . 582,M, Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle, (added) The acts of Stephen, ed. by T. Forester. Lond. 1833. 8°. . . . 401, J. Henry, P. Everett, A. H. Life of. Bost.1864. 12°. . 10-11,C. — Wirt, W. Life and character of Phil. 1836. 8°. . . 615,C. Henry Dunbar. M. E. Braddon. Leip.1864. 2v.ini. 16°. 792,J. Henry Esmond. W.M.Thackeray. Leip.1852. 2v.ini. 16°. 1303,J. — The same. Bost.1871. 12°. .... 2851, A. Henry Powers, banker. R. B. Kimball. N.Y.1868. 12°. . 4725, A. Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and physiological botany. Lond.1835. 16°. 378,J. Hentz, C. L. Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. Phil. 1872. 12°. . . 625,A. — The banished son ; and other stories. Phil. 1852. 12°. . 626, A. — Courtship and marriage. Phil. 1856. 12°. . . 627, A. — Eoline. Phil.1852. 12° 628,A. — Ernest Linwood. Phil.1869. 12°. . . . 629,A. — Helen and Arthur. Phil.1870. 12°. . . . . . 630,A. — Linda. Phil.1869. 12°. . . ... 631, A. — The lost daughter; and other stories. Phil.1857. 12°. . 632,A. — Love after marriage ; and other stories. Phil.1870. 12°. 633,A. — Marcus Warland. Phil.1869. 12°. . . 634,A. — The planter's northern bride. Phil.1870. 12°. . . 635,A. — Rena ; or, the snow bird. Phil.1869. 12°. . . 636,A. — Robert Graham. Phil. 1855. 12°. , . . . 637, A. Heptameron (The). Margaret, Q^een of Navarre. Lond. 1864. 8°. 509,J. Hepworth, G. H. The whip, hoe and sword. Bost.1864. 12°. 598,D. Her lord and master. F. Church. Leip.1871. 2 v. in 1. 16°. 866,J. Her majesty the queen. J.E.Cooke. Phil.1873. 12°. 4241, A. Her majesty's tower. W.H.Dixon. Phil.1869. 8°. . . 2240,E. Her title of honour. H. Parr. Leip.1871. 16°. . . 1210.J. Heraldry. Clark, H. Introduction to. Lond. 1866. 8°. . 614, J. — Whitmore, W. II. Elements of heraldry. Bost.1866. 8°. *L.R. 11 162 CATALOGUE OF THE Heraud, J. A. The judgment of the flood. Lond.1857. 8°. 385, K. Herbert.G. Poetical works w. memoir by R.A.Willmott Bost.1866. 16°. 19,K. Herbert, G. R. C. Earl of Pembroke and Kingsley, H. South sea bubbles. N.Y.1872. 8° 1540,F. Herbert,H.W. {Frank Forester.) The chevaliers of France. N.Y.1856.12°.4565,A — Fish and fishing of the U. S. and Br. provinces. N.Y.1859. 8°. 1525,H. — Hints to horse-keepers. N.Y.1859. 8°. . . . 510,G — Horse and horsemanship in the United States. N.Y.1871. 2v. 8°. 540.G. Herder. J. G. von. Sammtliche werke. Stuttgart. 1852-3. 40 v. in 21. 16°. 93,M. Vol. I-II. Vom Geist der ebraeischen Poesie. III-IV. Salome's Lieder der Liebe ; Aelteste Urkunde des Menschengeschlechts. V-VI. Zusaetze zu der aeltesten Ur- kunde des Menschengeschlechts; Christliche Reden und Homilien. VII-VIII. Er- laeuterungen zum Neuen Testament; Das Buch von der zukunst deo Herrn, des Neuen Testaments Siegel. IX-XI. Vom Studium der Theologie und dem christ- lichen Predigtant ; Christliche Schriften. XII. Briefe, das" Studium der Theologie betreffend. XIII-XIV. Gedichte. XV. Legenden, Dramatische Stuecke und Dich- tungen. XVI. Stimmen der Voelker in Liedern. XVII. Terpsichore; Lyrische Ge- dichte, Kenotaphium des Dichters Jakob Balde. XVIII-XIX. Fragmente zur deutschen Literatur ; Schriften zur roemischen Literatur. XX. Schriften zur griech- ischen Literatur. XXI. Blumenlese aus morgenlaendischen Dichtern. XXII. Fruechte aus den sogenannt-goldenen Zieten des i8th jahrhunderts. XXIII. Kritische Waelder. XXIV. Abhandlungen und Briefe ueber schoene Literatur und Kunst. XXV. Antiquarische Aufsaetze ; Nachlese zur schoenen Literatur und Kunst. XXVI. Die Vorwelt. XXVII. Praeludien zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit. XXVIII-XXX Ideen zur Geschichte der Menschheit ; Postscenien zur Geschichte der Menschheit. XXXI. Seele und Gott. XXXII. Sophron. XXXIII- XXXIV. Adrastea und das iSthjahrhundert XXXV. Briefe zur Befoerderung der Humanitaet. XXXVI. Nachlese historischer Schriften. XXXVII. Verstand und Erfahrung ; Vernunft und Sprache. XXXVIII. Kalligone. XXXIX-XL. .Erinner- ungen aus dem Leben J. G. von Herder, von M. C. von Herder. Hereditary genius. F. Galton. N.Y.1871. 8°. . . . 62,T. Hereward the Wake. C. Kingsley. Leip.1866. 2v.ini. 16°. 1069,J. Herman; or, young knighthood. S. H. Palfrey. Bost.1866. 2v. 12°. 1045,A. Hermann and Dorothea. J. W. von Goethe. Bost.1870. 12°. 561, M. Hermann Agha. W. G. Palgrave. N.Y.1872. 16°. . . 2630.A. Hermits (The). C. Kingsley. Phil. 1868. 12°. . . 1455,R. Hero, (A.) D. M. Craik. N.Y.1872. 12°. .... 308.A. HeroCarthew. L. Parr. N.Y.1873. 16°. . . 1064.A. Hero Trevelyan. G. M.Craik. Leip.1872. 16°. . . 915,J. Herodotus. History, ^r. by G. Rawlinson. N.Y.1871. 4 v. 8°. 104,N. The same.