'' I 1 I fttH ' '."''':'- I '- I i GIFT OF Wlll?Sa*&ISr8 f Smith :.''"' , '-'.; '" .. ' I ^ ; '.:^-. '..'" / ; /vv V 1 .-" 1 ? 1 : w v: -:;: : &;; r; , : ;;:i r^: LESSONS AND PRACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, THE STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS, ETC., ETC., oaitg (Enpmrs, Jstttknts, aiUt BY THE LATE W. H. KING, U. S. N. REVISED BY CHIEF ENGINEER J. W. KING, U. S. N. [NINETEENTH EDITIO\, ENLARGED.] D. VAN NOSTKANI), Publisher, 23 MTJKRAY STBEET & 27 WAKBEN STBEET. 1879, - * Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, BY J. W. KIXG : In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, PAGE 6. CHAPTER I. STEAM. Steam, 7. Mechanical Effect, 9. Expansion of Steam, 12. Table of Hyperbolic Logarithms, 14. Back Pressure, 16. Gain by Expanded Steam, 18. EXPANSION VALVES. Sickel's, 19. Stevens', 22. Allen & Wells', 23. SLIDE CUT-OFFS. Explanation, 24. Gridiron Valve, 26. W abash Valve, 29. OTHER KINDS OF VALVES. Double Poppet, 30. Single Poppet, 81. Hornblower's, 32. Box Valve, 33- Equilibrium Slide, 34. Double Slide Valve, 34. Piston Valve, 35. Long D Slide, 36. Short D Slide, 37. Worthington Pump Valve, 38. Pitts- burg Cam, 39. CHAPTER II. "THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. The Indicator, 41. Cylinder Diagrams, 44. Air-pump Diagrams, 56. Power Required to Work the Air-pump, 60. CHAPTER HI. THE HYDROMETER. The Hydrometer, 62. Loss by Blowing-off, 64. Gain by the Use of Heaters, 68. Injection Water, 71. Evaporation, 72. Steam and Vacuum Gauges, 75. 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. CAUSALTIES, ETC. Broken Eccentric, 79. Leaking Vessel, 79. Irregular Feed, 80. Foaming, 8L Hot Condenser, 83. Getting Under Way, 85. Coming into Port, 86. Scaling Boilers, 88. On Coming to Anchor, etc., 89. Management of Fires, 90. Patching Boilers, 93. Sweeping Flues, 95. Ash Pits, 95. Smoke-pipe Stays, 96. Grate Bars, &c., 96. Broken Air-pump, 97. Bro- ken Cylinder-head, 98. Selection of Coal, 98. Safety Valve, 99. CHAPTER V. MISCELLANEOUS. Theory of the Paddle Wheel, 101. Centre of Pressure, 114. Screw Propeller,, 116. Altering the Pitch, 132. Parallel Motion, 133. Strength of Mate- rials, 136. Surface Condensers, 141. Cylindrical Boilers, 145. Boiler Explosions, 148. Horse Power, 150. Vibration of Beams, 152. Marine Economy, 154. Limit to Expansion, 155. The Proper Lift for a Valve, 155. Temperature of Condenser, 156. CHAPTER VI. WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. Western River High-Pressure Engine, 159. Side Elevation, 159. End View,, 160. Explanations of Diagrams, 160. Hartuper's Lifter, 165. Stern Wheel Boats, 167. Dimensions and Proportions of the Magnolia, 169. CHAPTER VII. BOILERS, ETC. Water-Tube Boiler, 172. Horizontal Fire Tube, 173. Extracts from Report of Experiments made to Determine the Relative Efficiency of the Two Boilers, 174. Western River Boilers, 179. Boiler Flues, 184. Riveting, 186. Su- perheated Steam, 189. Draft, 191. APPENDIX. MATERIALS. How to Test Iron, 194. Cast Iron, 195. Malleable Iron, 198. Steel, 202. Te- nacity of Metals, 206. Transverse Strength, 206. Resistance to Torsion, 207. Results of Repeated Heating Bar Iron, 207. Strength of Joints of Boiler Plates, 209. THE ELEMENTS OP MACHINERY. Motion, 211. Application of Power, 212. The Lever, 215. Inclined Plane, 217. Wheel and Axle, 219. Pulley, 219. Screw, 223. Wedge, 224. Centre of Gravity, 225. Centre of Pressure, 225 Gravity, 225. Displacement of Fluids, 227. Table of Pressure, Temperature, and Volume of Steam, 228. INTKODUCTION. WHITING a book and then apologizing for having written it, is hardly in accordance with our convic- tions ; but considering, nevertheless, the eminent tal- ent which has preceded us upon the subject we have taken up, a few remarks of explanation may not be out of place. Books heretofore appearing on the steam engine, have been of two classes, or the work itself has been divided into two parts the one for the theorist, the other for the practical man. In the one case long mathematical formulas have been produced, and in the other nothing but simple rules. The prac- tical man, therefore, who has not had the advantage o.f a mathematical education, has nothing presented to him but the bare rules, which he is compelled wholly to reject, or take entirely upon trust. Besides, these works extend over numerous volumes, the study of which involve much time, labor, and expense, and which usually disheartens the practical man before he has made much progress. Having had many of these difficulties to surmount in our earlier studies of the steam engine, we were led to the course of keeping a Steam Journal, in which we noted, from time to time, as we progressed, whatever we thought important, and was made clear to our mind ; and this course we would also recommend the young student ; for, however well 6 INTRODUCTION. " it may be to study books containing other mens 1 : t}iought% 5^hen ;we write we are led to the habit of thinking fo biirselves, which is of the highest impor- : :t^^fe*;^aq4,^b^ l X^pi n g a journal, we have also the very great advantage of having always at our com- mand, in a condensed form, those things which are the more important, and which can be referred to at any time. Much of the present work has been taken from the Author's Journal, and the remainder has been sup- plied, from time to time, as he found leisure from his hours of business. Our object has not been so much to supply want- ing information, as to direct the student into the habit of thinking and reasoning for himself on those subjects which may be presented for his consideration, and which, in order that he may become eminent in his profession, he must thoroughly understand. It is not sufficient to assert that Newton said this, or somebody else said that. The reasons why they said it, and the fundamental principles upon which they based their conclusions, are necessary to be understood, in order to have a clear understanding of the subject ; and if we have succeeded in making any thing more clear, or in rendering any service to that class of persons who are eagerly seeking for information, but who re- quire some assistance to direct them in the proper channel, our only object in launching this, our little bark, on the troubled sea of authorship, is fully accom- plished, conscious all the while, however, of the many imperfections it contains. LESSONS AND PRACTICAL NOTES. CHAPTER I. STEAM. STEAM is a thin, elastic, invisible fluid, generated by the application of heat to any liquid, usually water. That, however, which is generated while the water is in a state of ebullition, is alone generally termed steam, while that which is formed while the surface of the water is quiescent, is denominated vapor a dis- tinction, to our mind, without much difference. The mean pressure of the atmosphere- at the sur- face* of the ocean is equal to 14.7 pounds per square inch, or is equivalent in pressure to a column of mer- cury 29.9212 inches in height. Under this pressure, fresh water boils at a temperature of 212 Fahrenheit. The 212 is, however, not the total number of de- grees in the steam, but simply that which is indicated by the thermometer, and which is termed sensible heat ; for we all know that to raise water from the freezing to the boiling point requires a certain time, and a certain amount of fuel; and we know further, that when the water commences to boil, it does not all evaporate at once, but that the evaporation goes on 8 STEAM. gradually, and the time, and hence the fuel required to evaporate it, is much greater than that required to raise it from the freezing to the boiling point. This extra heat must have gone off somewhere, and must be in the steam, but as it is not indicated by the ther- mometer, it is termed latent heat. When the steam is reconverted into water, the latent heat becomes again sensible, which is evidenced by the large amount of water required to condense a small amount in the shape of steam. The precise ratio the one bears to the other shows the latent, compared with the sensible heat. The subject of latent heat has been one of unusual interest, ever since the invention of the steam engine, and numerous theories have been advanced, and nu- merous experiments made some of them not very carefully in order to determine the exact law it fol- lowed ; but none, up to Regnault's time, seem to have settled the subject satisfactorily. Some maintained that the latent heat of steam was a constant quantity, some that the sum of sensible and latent heat was a constant quantity, and that quantity was 1202 Fahr- enheit. This was the most popular theory, and was the one generally adopted by engineers. Others, again, maintained that neither the sensible, latent, nor sum of the sensible and latent heats, were a constant quantity, but that they all varied. The exact ratio, however, in which they varied was not established until Regnault undertook his able series of experi- ments at the instigation of the French Government. These are the latest and most reliable experiments, and we subjoin, therefore, a table compiled from his labors, which we earnestly recommend to the attention of the reader. MECHANICAL EFFECT. REGNAULT'S EXPERIMENTS. Degrees of heat contained in saturated steam, in Fahrenheit degrees of heat and English inches. J .l~ c;5 ^~ 2 d-2 '^.-' j *o ^.2 Corresponding elastic i ! g H *S ft : Corresponding elastic 2'S e^ 2 *.|1 force sjf 8 S3 force f-ll^ Sl>.3 a_^J3 5 1 *j,g C3 r-( xa T rl p,s g^l In In Atmo- 3~J* ||g| In In Atmo- ffjl !l 1 P o }i 1 o It 1 .2 || | I p 1 IH J? w to w to i to W ft 1.05 .049 3.05 1.115 5.05 1.619 7.05 1.953 9.05 2.203 1.1 .095 3.1 1.131 5.1 1.629 7.1 1.960 9.1 2.208 1.15 .140 3.15 1.147 5.15 1.639 7.15 1.967 9.15 2.214 1.2 .182 ! 3.2 1.163 5.2 1.649 7.2 1.974 9.2 2.219 1.25 .223 i 3.25 1.179 5.25 1.658 7.25 1.981 9.25 2.225 1.3 .262 i 3.3 1.194 5.3 1.668 7.3 1.988 9.3 2.230 1.35 .300 1 3.35 1.209 5.35 1.677 7.35 1.995 9.35 2.235 1.4 .336 1 3.4 1.224 5.4 1.686 7.4 2.001 9.4 2.241 1.45 .372 i 3.45 1.238 5.45 1.696 7.45 2.008 9.45 2.246 1.5 .405 3.5 1.253 5.5 1.705 7.5 2.015 9.5 2.251 1.55 .438 3.55 1.267 5.55 1.714 7.55 2.022 9.55 2.257 1.6 .470 3.6 1.281 5.6 1.723 7.6 2.028 9.6 2.262 1.65 .500 3.65 1.295 5.65 1.732 7.65 2.035 9.65 2.267 1.7 .531 3.7 1.308 : 5.7 1.740 7.7 2.041 9.7 2.272 1.75 .560 3.75 1.322 I 5.75 1.749 7.75 2.048 9.75 2.277 1.8 .588 3.8 1.335 5.8 1.758 7.8 2.054 9.8 2.282 1.85 .615 3.85 1.348 ! 5.85 1.766 7.85 2.061 9.85 2.287 1.9 .642 3.9 1.361 | 5.9 1.775 7.9 2.067 9.9 2.293 1.95 .668 3.95 1.374 1 5.95 1.783 7.95 2.073 9.95 2.298 2. .693 4. ' 1.386 6. 1-792 8. 2.079 10 2.303 2.05 .718 4.05 1.399 ! 6.05 1.800 8.05 2.086 15. 2.708 2.1 .742 4.1 1.411 6.1 1.808 8.1 2.092 20. 2.996 2.15 .765 4.15 1.423 6.15 1.816 8.15 2.098 25. 3.219 2.2 .788 4.2 1.435 6.2 1.824 8.2 2.104 30. 3.401 2.25 .811 4.25 1.447 6.25 1.833 8.25 2.110 1 35. 3.555 2.3 .833 4.3 1.459 6.3 1.841 8.3 2.116 j 40. 3.689 2.35 .854 4.35 1.470 6.35 1.848 8.35 2.122 45. 3.807 2.4 .875 4.4 1.482 6.4 1.856 8.4 2.128 50. 3.912 2.45 .896 4.45 1.493 6.45 1.864 8.45 2.134 55. 4.007 2.5 .916 4.5 1.504 6.5 1.872 8.5 2.140 60. 4.094 2.55 .936 4.55 1.515 6.55 1.879 8.55 2.146 ! 65. 4.174 2.6 .956 4.6 1.526 6.6 1.887 8.6 2.152 70. 4.248 2.65 .975 4.65 1.537 6.65 1.895 8.65 2.158 j 75. 4.317 2.7 .993 4.7 1.548 6.7 1.902 8.7 2.163 80. 4.382 2.75 1.012 4.75 1.558 6.75 1.910 8.75 2. 169 85. 4.443 2.8 1.032 4.8 1.569 6.8 1.917 8.8 2.175 90. 4.500 2.85 1.047 4.85 1.579 6.85 1.924 8.85 2.180 95. 4.554 2.9 1.065 4.9 1.589 6.9 1.931 8.9 2.186 100. 4.605 2.95 1.082 4.95 1.599 6.95 1.939 8.95 2.192 1000. 6.908 3. 1.099 5. 1.609 7. 1.946 1 9. 2.197 0000. 9.210 EXPANSION OF STEAM. 15 FIG. 5. [ a 3 4 5 6 7 C c- D The hyperbolic logarithm of any number can be found by multiplying the common logarithm by 2,30258509. From the nature of hyperbolic logarithms they are thus very useful in working steam, expansively. Let the Line A, B, Fig. 5, represent the pressure of steam which we will as- sume to be unity at the time the cut-off valve closes ; C, D, half the length of A, B, and the line A, C, a hyperbolic curve, .69+ from the table gives the mean length of all the ordinates, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., which before we had to arrive at by approxima- tion. If the cut-off valve, instead of closing at half stroke, had closed at some other point, say, when the piston had traveled only one-fourth its distance, C, D, would be one-fourth of #, 5, and the curve A, C, would have extended from a to J when the valve begins to open to steam in this case, #, instead of being at a', will be half an inch past it ; and, as there has been no lap added to the exhaust side, b will be half an inch past &', so that the exhaust 26 SLIDE CUT-OFFS. must have opened considerably before the piston ar- rived at the end of the stroke ; hence, in this case, we exhaust too soon. All we can do, therefore, in practice, is to strike a mean between these evils ; that is to say, when we add lap to the steam side, add lap also to the exhaust side, but not so much so that we open the exhaust before the piston arrives at the end, and close it again before it reaches the other end. The shortest this kind of valve can be made to cut-off to advantage in practice, is considered about -- from commencement of stroke ; but even this we consider most too short for beneficial working of large engines. Owing to these confined limits, the beneficial re- sults obtainable from the expansive principle by this arrangement is very small, which has led to the adop- tion of an independent slide cut-off valve, situated on a separate face, back of the steam valve, as shown in FIG. 5. Fig. 5, in which a' is the steam, and b b the cut-off valve. The valve a having only sufficient lap to cover the ports a' a' fairly, when it is in the middle of the stroke, operates as in other cases, but the lap on b b can be made to any required extent, so that SLIDE CUT-OFFS. 27 during a large part of the stroke the ports b' V are closed, preventing further access of steam to the cylinder, notwithstanding the steam valve itself is open. The valve b b is operated by an independent eccentric, through the valve stem E. In the position shown in the figure the steam is cut off about half stroke: d' shows another opening covered with the valve d, having a stem c sliding loosely through the valve b b ; the other end of the stem passing through the chest, has a handle attached to it for the purpose of moving the valve d, in order to open the port d', when the engine is stopped. This is necessary, for the reason that the engine may stop when the valve b b is in such a position as to prevent the steam from enter- ing to the steam valve a, and the engine could not, therefore, be started. In the figure, the cut-off valve has but two ports for the admission of steam, but any number of ports can be made the more numerous, the less stroke will be required to get the necessary opening. This is what is termed the gridiron valve, from the resemblance it bears to that very useful in- strument. After this valve is once made, the point of cutting off usually remains fixed, but it can, however, be varied within narrow limits by altering the stroke of the valve. Thus, in Fig. 6, supposing the end of the valve stem to be raised from a to b, the valve, instead of 28 SLIDE CUT-OFFS. being closed, as shown, will be open the distance b c, and will therefore have that much additional to travel before the steam is cut off; hence, by increasing the travel of the valve we increase the point of cutting off, and conversely, supposing the pin a had been lowered in the rock-shaft arm the distance a e, equal to a b, the ports, instead of being closed, as shown, would be closed the distance b c; the steam, therefore, would be cut off sooner. But by altering the point of cutting off we also alter the lead of the valve ; for, taking the case in which we increased the travel of the valve, we see that when it would have been closed with the original lead, it lacked the distance b c. If its travel had been reduced, it would have lacked that much of being open. To obviate this, whenever the travel of the valve is altered, the eccentric should also be altered^ so as to retain the original lead. If the travel of the valve be made too great, the valve d will pass entirely over the port c ; E is a rod attached to the valve stem. F, main shaft of the engine to which the cam is secured. It will be seen that by the revo- lution of the cam a b c, within the yoke ABC D, the rod E will be caused to move back and forth, and thereby open and shut the valve. Fig. 24 is a cam made to cut off at half stroke ; figure 26, J stroke, and figure 25 follows full stroke. The manner in which these cams are laid off is this. From the centre F, with a ra- dius dependent upon the stroke of the valve, de- scribe a circle, as shown partly in dots and partly in full lines in the fig- ures ; divide this circle into any convenient even number of equal parts, say sixteen ; then, supposing we wish to cut off at half 40 OTHER KIND OF VALVES. stroke, taking figure 24, place one foot of the dividers having a radius equal to the diameter of the circle at j$, and describe the arc terminating at , then move the foot of the dividers from c to a, and describe another arc terminating also at b ; then, with the same radius, and b as a centre, describe the arc a c; the figure thus enclosed will be the required cam. It will be observed that, while the cam is traveling the dis- tance a 1 that being an arc of a true circle no mo- tion can be given to the valve, but while it travels from 1 to 2 the valve is opened and shut. Now, then, inasmuch as the piston moves from one end of the cyl- inder to the other for each semi-revolution of the cam, and inasmuch as the distance from a to 1 is the same as from 1 to 2, the valve remains necessarily closed during one-half of the stroke. In figure 25, as no part of the outline of the cam is concentric to the shaft F, the valve must be in motion, all the time the cam is in motion. In figure 26, as three-quarters of the semi-periphery of the cam is con- centric to the shaft F, the valve will remain closed during three-quarters of the stroke. Instead of making the points b sharp, as shown in the figures, they can be turned off, and, to retain the same dimensions on the cam, an equal amount added to the arc a c. Thus, taking figure 25, suppose we cut off the point of the cam to x y, and increase the lower extremity to H I, this will not alter the point of cutting off, but it re- duces the travel of the valve, and has the effect of keeping the valve stationary when wide open, while the earn travels through the arc x y. CHAPTER II. THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. THE steam engine indicator is an instrument used for the purpose of exhibiting the performance of the steam engine. By its application to the steam cylinder we can ascertain the following particulars: Whether the valves are properly constructed and set ; steam and exhaust passages of the right size ; whether the piston or valves leak ; the amount of vacuum or back pres- sure, and pressure of steam upon the piston ; the power of the engine; power required to overcome its friction, and also to work any machinery attached to the same, &c. In truth, it is the stethoscope of the physician, revealing the internal working of the engine. The following description of the instrument and cut, Fig. 27, we take from Paul Stillman's Treatise on the Indicator. The cut shows the style manufactured at the Novelty Iron Works, New York city : A is a brass case enclosing a cylinder, into which a piston is nicely fitted. To the piston-rod a spiral spring is attached to resist the steam and vacuum when acting against it. B is a pencil attached to the piston rod. C is an arm attached to the case, and sup- porting a cylinder D, which may be caused to rotate back and forth a part of a revolution in one direc- tion, by means of a line or cord 0, attached to a suit- able part of the engine and in the other by means of 42 THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS FlGi a strong watch spring within the cylinder D. Outside this cylinder is to be wound a paper, upon which a diagram will be made, by the combined action of the piston and paper cylinder, representing, by its area, the power exerted on one side of the piston during the whole revolution of the engine. ^/' are springs to secure the paper to the cylinder ; g is a scale divided into parts corresponding to the pounds of pressure on the square inch. These divisions, for convenience of measuring the diagrams with a common rule, are generally made in some re- gular parts of an inch, as 8ths, lOths, 12ths, 20ths, 30ths; h is a cock by means of and through which it is connected with the engine cylinder. HoW r TO ATTACH THE INDICATOR. Into whatever part of the engine it may be desired to ap- ply the indicator, there must first be inserted a small stop-cock, with a socket to receive the one connected with the indicator. The instrument is to be set into this in such a position that the line attached to the paper cylinder shall lead through or over the guide pulley toward the place whence it is to receive its motion. An extension of this line should be connected with some part of the THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 43 engine, the motion of which is coincident with that of the piston, and which would give the paper cylinder a motion of about three-fourths of a revolution. If the engine is of the construction denominated beam or lever engine, and is provided with a " parallel motion " the parallel bar, or a pulley on the radius shaft, fur- nishes the proper motion; if otherwise, the beam centre may be resorted to. In the kind denominated square engines, the centre of the air pump gives it. In horizontal and vertical direct acting engines, it will frequently be found necessary to erect a temporary rock-shaft, or lever, connected with the cross-head. Particular care should be taken, when the power of the engine is to be estimated, that the motion communi- cated be perfectly coincident with that of the piston. In nearly all forms of the steam engine, the proper motion may be obtained by attaching a line to the cross-head, and passing it over a delicately constructed pulley, to the axis of which should be attached a smaller one, from which a line shall connect with the indicator. The proportional sizes of the two pulleys, of course, should be as the distance traveled by the piston to the length of motion given to the paper cylinder of the indicator. It will be necessary to at- tach a strong spring to the axis of these pulleys, to produce the reverse motion promptly. In an oscillat- ing engine, it will be necessary that the indicator, with its fixtures, should be attached to the cylinder. As the paper cylinder cannot make more than about three-fourths of a revolution without disturbing the point of the pencil, it will be seen that the line communicating the motion must be of a definite length. It also require* to be readily connected and discon- nected. 44 THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. The indicator having been attached to the steam cylinder, the paper secured smoothly on the cylinder D, figure 27, and the length of the line e being ad- justed so that by the vibration of D it does not strike the stops, we will proceed to take a diagram, first taking care to see that the paper cylinder D is so fixed that the springs// do not come in contact with the pencil B. The pencil B being adjusted so that it touches lightly on the paper, throw it back and attach the hook on the line E to the line receiving motion from the engine ; then open the cock A, and allow the piston to work up and down several times, in order to heat and expand all the parts of the instrument. This being accomplished, turn the pencil on and take the diagram. Shut off the cock A, and apply the pencil again to the paper, and it will describe the atmospheric line. Figure 28 is a diagram taken from the U. S. S. FIG. 28 10) 204.5 20.45 Ibs. mean unbalanced pressure; THE INDICATOR AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 45 Frigate " Powhatan," fitted with the double-poppet balanced valves, and Sickels' cut-off, on the 15th of January, 1854, while on the passage from Hong Kong, China, to the Loo-Choo Islands. At #, the piston of the indicator being at the bottom of its stroke, steam is admitted, forcing it up to b / at b the cylinder upon which the paper is wound having motion coincident with that of the steam piston starts to turn, describ- ing the line b c; at c the expansion valve closes, and the pressure therefore gradually falls to d, where the exhaust valve opens and the pressure falls suddenly to e f the steam piston now starts on the return stroke, and the spring within the cylinder D, fig. 2Y, forces it back to the beginning a of the diagram. The line from a to b is called the receiving line ; from b to c the steam line ; from c to d, the expansibn line ; d to 0, the exhaust; e to #, the vacuum line. The numbers in the vertical column on the right-hand side of the figure, are the pounds pressure ; 14.Y is the true vacuum line, 0, the atmospheric line, and 14, the initial pressure of steam above the atmosphere. The figures along the top line are the feet in length of the cylinder. It will be seen that the cut-off valve closed when the piston had traveled a very little beyond half stroke. The rounding at d and a is the lead and cushion on the exhaust. That is to say, the exhaust valve opened at d, before the piston arrived at the end of the stroke, and it also closed again at &, before the piston reached the other end of the stroke. Had there been no lead both of these corners would have been well defined. LTorder to calculate the power of the engine, the mean pressure on the piston must be known, and from no source but the indicator can it be accurately ascer- tained. The manner of arriving at this is simply by 46 INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. taking the total pressure at different points and adding them up and taking the mean, as shown in fig. 28. Figure 28 is what would be termed among en- gineers a good diagram ; so is also figure 29, which we will take for a further elucidation of the subject. FIG. 29. Steam, 10 " Powhatan " stb. cylinder, bottom Vacuum, 27 Nov. 7, 1855, 10 A. M. Hot well, 106 Fahr. One engine and one wheel in Revolutions,.... 9.5 operation. Throttle, 8. Smooth sea. ATMOSPHERIC LINE Tc// \ i \l It appears from this diagram, however, that the piston of the indicator worked rather tightly, which occasioned it to stick a little in some places, as is evi- denced by the steps in the expansion line, and also at a 1> in the vacuum line. If the piston of the indicator become much scratched, similar effects will be produced. Great care should, therefore, be taken in its use, to see that neither the piston works too tightly nor too loose- ly ; for on the one hand it will stick, and thereby pro- duce an imperfect outline, and on the other hand will produce the same effect by exhibiting false vacuum and expansion lines. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 47 Should figure 29, instead of being as shown in full lines, have the lower right hand corner cut off as shown in dots at c d, the defect would have been that the ex- haust valve closed too soon at c instead of e occa- sioning excessive cushioning. With some engines, however, a large amount of cushioning is necessary to prevent them from thumping on the centres. Had the upper right-hand corner been rounding, as shown by the dotted line f g, the defect would have been that the steam valve opened too late. Had the exhaust corner been cut off, as shown by the dotted lines Ji i, the exhaust valve would have opened too soon ; but had it been in the form shown by the dot- ted line Jc ?, it would have opened too late, and after it did commence to open, would move with too slow a velocity, preventing the free escape of steam, or the exhaust passages would have been too small, which would produce a similar effect to the valve opening too slowly. Had the steam line, instead of being parallel to the atmospheric line, fallen down in the direction m n, it would have shown that the throttle was par- tially closed, or the steam passages too small, prevent- ing the full flow of steam into the cylinder. Should there be excessive lead given to the steam valve, the line d m, instead of being at right angles to the atmospheric line, will have the top inclined to the right as from L to M. In taking a diagram for the purpose of estimating the power of the engine only, the atmospheric line is not necessary ; but in order to ascertain the vacuum it cannot be dispensed with, unless the indicator piston be forced down to the perfect vacuum and held there until that line be described. In a diagram taken 'from a non-condensing engine, 45 INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. the atmospheric line will of course be entirely below it, owing to the back pressure occasioned from the passage of the exhaust steam through the openings and pipes. Had figure 29 been taken from a non-con- densing engine, A B would have been the atmospheric line. Figure 30 we have copied from Main and Brown's Treatise on the Indicator and Dynamometer. It was Fio. 30. taken from an engine fitted with the long D slide. There are two defects exhibited in this diagram ; the steam communication is opened too late and the ex- haust too soon. At C the exhaust closes, causing the steam to be compressed to O, when the piston having arrived at the end of the stroke starts on its return, and the pressure falls to O' ; at O' steam is admitted, causing the line O' A to be traced ; at B the exhaust opens long before the piston arrives at the end of the stroke, allowing the steam to escape too soon. The hook, as shown at O, would only be made in very aggravated cases, where the steam is very much be- hind time. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. 49 Fig. 31 is obtained from the same source as figure 30. In this case the engine was working y as a non- FIQ. 81. condensing engine with a very low pressure of steam. The exhaust closes at A, causing the pent-up steam to be compressed to B, where the steam valve opens, and the pressure in the cylinder being greater than that in the boiler, immediately falls to C. The hook at C is occasioned by the momentum of the indicator piston. At D the cut-off closes, causing the steam to be expanded to E, below the atmosphere. At E the exhaust valve opens and the pressure rises up equal to the back pressure, causing the loop on that corner of the diagram. Figure 32 is a diagram drawn from memory, from one of a non-condensing engine that was once shown the author, with the request that he point out the defect in the engine from which such a diagram was taken. At first we did not see any reason why the pressure should rise from b to - = 13.394 per cent, of the power applied to the wheels. THEORY OF THE PADDLE WHEEL. 109 The same result is obtained as follows : 100.000 (power applied) 25.588 (oblique action) X 18 per cent, (slip of the vertical paddle) = 13.394 per cent. We have, therefore, for a total loss in this radial wheel, 25.588 + 13.394 38.982 per cent, of the power applied to it. Feathering Wheel. Let us take a feathering wheel, of the same di- ameter of centre of pressure, i. e., 26 feet 4 inches in diameter from outside to outside of paddles same immersion, breadth, and number of paddles, and see how it compares with this. It is conceived by some that the only losses in this kind of wheel are the friction of the eccentrics, &c., and the slip, but there is another loss with deep im- mersions, or light slips, occasioned by the drag of the paddles as they enter and leave the water. In figure 3, the paddles are supposed to be verti- cal from the time they enter until they leave the water, and the positions of the arms will be seen at the degrees there laid down. The perpendicular lines drawn across the arcs are intended to represent the breadth of the paddles. It is plain that while the axis of the paddle moves from A to B, it moves horizon- tally the distance A C, and vertically the distance C B, and, supposing the vessel to be moving with the same velocity as the paddles, it will travel the distance A B, while the paddle travels horizontally the distance A C. Now, the distance A C being less than A B> the paddle in this position cannot be giving out any power, but must be keeping the vessel back, by carry- 110 THEORY OF THE PADDLE WHEEL. ing a column of water before it, the base of which is equal to the area of the paddles, and the length equal to the difference in the lengths of the two lines. If A B be represented by unity, A C will be rep- resented by the natural sine of the angle ABC, and if the arc be supposed to be divided into an infinite THEORY OF THE PADDLE WHEEL. Ill number of parts, or composed of an infinite number of straight lines, A B will be at right angles to A D, and, by consequence, the angle ABC will be equal to the angle DAE; and as the sine of B represents the distance traveled horizontally by the paddle, the sine of D A E must manifestly represent the same thing, but the sine of D A E is the cosine of D, which therefore repre- sents the horizontal velocity of the paddle at the angle of 50, its circular velocity being 1. The difference between these two lines is, therefore, the loss from dra<7, supposing there to be no slip, but as all paddle wheels must have some slip, when they are propelling a vessel, the line A B, diminished by the amount of slip, will represent the distance traveled by the vessel, and the loss from drag will therefore, instead of being the difference between A B and A C, be the difference between a fraction of A B and the whole of A C, de- pendent upon the amount of slip. If this fraction of A B be just equal to A C, the loss from drag in this position becomes ; for, though the paddle be giving out no power to the vessel, it occasions no resistance to the vessel's progress through the water, because it is moving horizontally precisely as fast as the vessel itself; and if the fraction be less than A C, the resist- ance will, of course, be on the after instead of the for- ward side of the paddle, and it must, in consequence, necessarily be assisting in propelling the vessel. Now, then, from the above, it must be evident to any one, that so long as the paddle, after it enters the water, is moving horizontally at a less rate than the vessel, it cannot be giving out any power, but must be an actual resistance to the vessel's progress through the water. Taking figure 3, and giving the wheel the same mean loss from slip as the radial wheel, viz., 112 THEORY OF THE PADDLE WHEEL. 13.394 per cent., we will ascertain the loss from slip at the different angles there laid down, and attend to the drag afterwards, which is merely slip in the oppo- site direction, or what might be termed negative slip. To give this wheel the same mean loss from slip as the radial wheel, it has to have on the arm when in the vertical position, or At Cosines . 26.225 per cent. 5 = .99619 - .73775 = 25.844 " " " 10 = .98481 - .73775 = 24.706 " " " 15 = .96593 - .73775 = 22.818 " " " 20 = .93969 .73775 = 20.194 " 25 = .90631 - .73775 = 16.856 " 30 = .86603 - .73775 = 12.828 " " " 35 = .81915 - .73775 = 8.140 " " 40 = .76604 ,73775 = 2.829 " 45=: 0.000 " " 50= 0.000 " " 55= 0.000 " " 134.215 _ 2 Doubled for both sides of the vertical \ c) o A Q A position, \ JOO.40U 26.225 294655 294 655 - = 13.394 per cent, of the power applied to 22 the wheel lost by slip. At the angle of 55 the paddle is .445 part im- mersed, but, being so near, we have taken it at a half for simplicity, and for like reason have considered the paddle at 50 entirely immersed. It will be seen from the above, that the paddle, from the time it enters the water until after it passes " " " " " " " THEOEY OF THE PADDLE WHEEL. 45, is traveling horizontally at a less rate than the vessel, and the same effect ensues as it rises out of the water ; there must, therefore, be a loss from drag or negative slip. Let us see what this amounts to. Cosines. .73775 - .57358 At 55 = - -g- = 8.208 per cent. " 50 = .73775 - .64279 = 9.496 " " " 45 = .73775 - .70711 = 3.064 " " 20.768 _2 Doubled for entering and leaving, 41.536 41.536 29 = 1.933 per cent. We have, then, for a total loss in this wheel, slip (13.394 per cent.) + drag (1.933 per cent.) = 15.327 per cent, of the power applied to it. The total loss in the radial wheel having been shown to be 38.982 per cent, (and in the feathering wheel 15.327 per cent.), we have 23.655 per cent, in favor of the feathering wheel. But of the whole power applied to the engines, about 20 per cent, is ex- pended in overcoming friction of ditto, friction of load on working journals, working air and feed pumps with their loads, &c. Consequently, only 80 per cent, reaches the wheels, and 23.655 per cent, of 80 per cent, equals 18.924 percent, of the total power applied to the engines in favor of the feathering wheel. To stand off against this, we have the friction of the eccentrics, &c. (an amount that, perhaps, can only be estimated) extra weight and wear and tear of the wheels. It will be seen also from the above, that the differ- ence between the velocity of the feathering wheel and 114 CENTKE OF the vessel being 26.235 per cent, of the speed of the wheel, and the difference between the velocity of the radial wheel and the vessel being 18 per cent, of its speed, it follows that, making the same number of revolutions, the speeds of the vessels will be as Y 3.7 7 5 to 82, or as 1.00 to 1.11 ; consequently, the speed of the feathering wheel will have to exceed the speed of the radial wheel 11 per cent, to give the vessel the same velocity, but this speed of the wheel is as shown consequent upon there being less resistance to the pad- dles attained by an expenditure of 18.924 per cent, less power. Centre of Pressure. The centre of pressure of a rectangular plane im- mersed in a fluid, the upper extremity of which is even with the surface of the fluid, is -J- from the bottom ; but, inasmuch as the pressure is as the depth, when its upper extremity is below the surface of the fluid, this law no longer holds good. To ascertain the centre of pressure in such case, " Jamieson on Fluids " gives the following practical rule deduced from elaborate math- ematical calculations : " Divide the difference of the cubes of the extremi- ties of the given plane below the surface of the fluid, by the difference of their squares, and two-thirds of the quotient will give the distance of the centre of pressure below the surface, from which subtract the depth of the upper extremity, and the remainder will show the point in the centre line of the plane in which the centre of pressure is situated." This rule can be applied directly to the feathering wheel, by taking the mean immersion of the paddles CENTRE OF PRESSURE. 115 as they move through the water, and assuming figure 3 to be of the same diameter from outside to outside of paddles, as figure 2, viz : 26 feet, we find the mean immersion of the lower edges of the paddles, after their upper extremity gets below the surface, to be (29.23 + 37.84 -f 46.69 -f- 62.44 -f 58.32 -f 63.09 + 67.02 -fr 69.78 -f * 1.44) 19 2 + 72 = 55.87 inches, and upper edge 35.87 inches. The mean centre of pressure of the paddles in these (C 0>73 _ OC 073 \ 55 ; 872 _ 35 ; 87 -i)|- = 46.59 - 35.87 = 10.72 inches from top, or 9.28 inches from bottom, and the mean centre of pressure from the time the paddle enters until it leaves the water, In the radial wheel, however, as the outer ex- tremity of the paddle moves more rapidly than the inner extremity, and as the resistance is as the square of the velocity, the centre of pressure must be consid- erably nearer the outer extremity on this account. One-third from the bottom, in this case, is, therefore, probably, not much out of the truth ; but as a portion of the paddle only part of the time is immersed, we take the mean of the third of that portion and a third of the whole breadth of the paddle during the time it is entirely immersed. (20 3)x21 + (10-f-3)2 Thus : v - 6.37 inches from 23 the bottom, showing the centre of pressure under these circumstances to be (8.52 6.37 = ) 2.15 inches nearer the lower edge of the paddle in the radial than it is in the feathering wheel. 116 THE SCREW PROPELLER. Practical Remarks on the Foregoing. From what has been shown, it would appear that the use of the feathering wheel over the radial wheel, from the great saving it effects, would lead to its uni- versal adoption ; but, unfortunately, the practical diffi- culties are such that its use is confined within very narrow limits. The increased weight of the wheel, occasioned by the eccentrics, levers, arms, &c., required to work the paddles, amounting, in some cases, to several tons, causing the pillow-block brasses to wear away very rapidly, is a sad objection, to say nothing of the excessive friction they produce. Besides, the pins operating as the axis about which the paddles vibrate are found to wear away very rapidly, requiring not only to be replaced frequently, but the noise and jar occasioned from the wear becomes very objec- tionable. The latter objection, however, can be re- moved by the use of lignumvitse pin bearings. i The Screw Propeller. The great advantages derivable from the successful adaptation of the screw propeller, particularly to ves- sels of war, became well understood in its early his- tory, and inventive genius set to work thenceforth to perfect this important invention ; all kinds of propel- ]ers sprang into use, many of them possessing neither the merit of novelty nor usefulness. One, two, three, four, five, six-bladed, true screws, expanding pitch and no screw at all, are among the number that have been tried experimentally and practically since the intro- duction of the screw propeller, and, strange as it may appear, notwithstanding the large share of attention it has received, the theory of the screw propeller is yet not THE SCREW PROPELLER. generally understood ; but, to our mind, this is owing to one great cause ; and that is, to the very important fact, that those who have undertaken to explain and illustrate it, have apparently thought it more impor- tant to give the history and accounts of the experi- ments though both very useful in themselves than to explain the leading features and the laws governing its action. Besides, a practical engineer does not wish, or if he did, has not the time to spare, to examine large volumes to find what might be condensed into a few pages. We have, therefore, determined to make our remarks on this subject brief, and to confine them to those points which we think are the more impor- tant, allowing the student to build upon them for him- self. The surface of a screw blade may be supposed to be generated by a line revolving around a cylinder, at right angles to the axis, at the same time that it moves along it, and should the revolving motion be a constant ratio to the motion lengthwise, it will be a true screw. Should such a screw as this, Fig. 4, be developed upon a plane it will form a no. 4. right-angled triangle, in B which A B is the pitch, A C the circumference described by the extrem- ity of the blade, and B C the line described by any point in the periphery of the blade by one con- volution of the thread. To make this the more clear, suppose the triangle A B C to be wound round a cyl- inder, having a circumference equal to A C, and sup- pose at C we start to trace a line around the cylinder. 118 THE SCREW PROPELLER. moving along it at the same time in a constant ratio r and that when we have gone all the way around, ar- riving over the starting point C, (C and A will be one and the same point in the case supposed) we have reached the point B, C B will be the line described, which is technically termed the directrix, and A B, being the distance moved in the direction of the axis, will be the pitch. Should the line A B be a curve, instead of a straight line, the screw would have an in- creasing or expanding pitch, instead of an uniform pitch. Figure 5 will illustrate this: Let the curve FIG. 5. B C be the curve of the blade, and the dotted lines B , C c be tangents drawn to this curve, it will be seen that, at different points in the curve B C, the velocity of rotation remaining constant, the ve- locity lengthwise of the axis A B varies, growing greater as we approach B. This is what is termed an expand- ing pitch ; that is to say, the pitch at the anterior por- tion of the blade, is less than the pitch at the posterior portion. The object of such a pitch is this: the ante- rior portion of the blade striking upon water at rest, encounters the resistance due to a solid body moving through water at rest, but this portion of the blade puts the water in motion, it being a yielding medium, so that when the posterior portion of the blade follows it has to act on water in motion, instead of water at rest, and in order, therefore, to make the resistance due to all parts of the blade alike, the pitch of the pos- terior portion of the blade is increased to the extent of the motion given to the water by the anterior por- tion. THE SCEEW PROPELLER. 119 To measure the pitch of a screw blade, did it ex- tend all the way round the shaft to a full convolution of the thread, all we would have to do, would be to measure along the line of the shaft from any point in the blade to any point directly over it, and the dis- tance would be the pitch, or the distance traveled in the direction of the axis by one convolution of the thread; but since in practice, in order to secure the proper resisting area, a full convolution of the thread is not required a very small fraction of it being used it becomes necessary, therefore, to find the pitch from this fraction. Taking figure 4, for instance, let B b be the length of the blade, measured on the peri- phery, and A C the circumference described by the extremity of the blade, B b will be the fraction of the blade used, and B a the fraction of the pitch. We know, therefore, that, starting from B, and traveling along the line B Z>, when we arrive at the point J, we have traveled along the axis the distance B &, and from this we can ascertain what distance will be moved along the axis by continuing all the way round until we arrive at C, which will be the pitch. Practically, we can measure this in two ways : measure the length B b of the blade, and also B a, the length in line with the axis, we have then two legs of a right-angled tri- angle, from which we ascertain the third, a b. Now, then, knowing the circumference described by the ex- tremity of the blade, we derive the following simple proportion : As a b : the whole circumference : : B a : the whole pitch. Or we proceed thus: Lay a straight-edge across the face of the propeller, at right angles to the axis, and a bevel on the periphery of the blade, and look 120 THE SCREW PROPELLER. them out of wTnd, the angle enclosed by the two legs of the bevel will be the angle B b a, which is termed the " angle of the propeller ; " and hence, if B b be supposed unity, the fraction of the pitch of the one blade will be (B a) the natural sine of the angle B b a, therefore, knowing the angle B b a, and the length of the blade B #, we ascertain the pitch thus : As cosine b : whole circumference of propeller : : sine b : to whole pitch. The pitch can also be determined by construction, without any calculation whatever. Thus, supposing the line a b represents the whole circumference of the propeller, we draw the line B b at the angle to a b as- certained from measurement, and erect the perpendic- ular a B, which will give the pitch required. In a true screw, it matters not whether we take the angle at the periphery or any other part of the blade ; for, though the angle will be different, increas- ing as we approach the centre, the pitch will be the same, it only being necessary to know the circumfer- ence at the point where we measure the angle. Should the blade not be a true screw, but an ex- panding pitch, we have to take the angle at two or more points, by drawing tangents to the curve, and take the mean, for the mean angle of the blade. Thus, in figure 5, the mean of the angles B b A and c C A will give the mean angle of the blade. Some propellers are made to expand from hub to periphery, instead of from anterior to posterior portion of the blade. To ascertain the pitch of such a propeller, take the mean of the angles at several points in the blade, and proceed as above. In order to ascertain the pitch of any propeller, it is always proper to take the angles at THE SCREW PROPELLER. two or more points in the blade, from which we learn whether it expands from hub to periphery, whether it be true screw, or no screw at all. The fraction of the pitch, as we have explained it above, is the fraction of the pitch of one blade, but as screw propellers usually have two, three, four, six, &c., blades, constituting fractions of a, double-threaded, treble-threaded, four-threaded, six-threaded, &c., screw, the sum of these constitute the fraction of what is usually termed the fraction of the pitch of the screw ; that is to say, if the screw have three blades, and the fraction of the pitch of one of those blades be y 1 ^, the real fraction of the pitch will be 3 times T V, or J ; for it evidently matters not, as far as this is concerned, whether the screw be in one, or divided into a dozen parts. How to lay down a Propeller. Knowing the diameter, number of blades, and frac- tion of pitch, we intend to use, we proceed thus : Taking figure 6, for in- FIG. & stance, draw the line A C, equal the circumference of the extremities of the blades, and from A erect the per- pendicular A B, equal the pitch ; join B C. Now, then, supposing we desire the pro- A peller to have four blades, and the fraction of the pitch to be -J-, lay off B a, equal to ^ B A, and draw a c, parallel to AC. a c will be the circumference of the extremity of one blade viewed as a disc. Then, taking figure *7, we describe the circle a b c, equal A C, figure 122 THE SCREW PROPELLER. 6, and also the smaller circle, equal the circumference of the hub of the propeller ; divide the larger circle into four equal parts, and, from the centres thus obtained lay off a d, Ti i, bf, e c, each equal to a c, fig- ure 6, and draw lines from each of these points to the centre, terminating in the hub ; such will be the projection of a four-bladed, true screw propeller, viewed from the stern, from which the longitudinal elevation can be drawn. The dimen- sions of the sections of the blade depend upon the diameter of the propeller, the material of which it is constructed, and the pressure it has to sustain. Centre of Pressure. All solid bodies moving through a fluid have a cer- tain point called the centre of pressure, which is the point where the outer and inner pressures just exactly balance. In a screw propeller, the radius of the cir- cle, which is equal to half the area of the whole circle, described by the periphery of the blades, is the centre of pressure from centre of motion. Thus, if a propeller be 16 feet diameter, the area of the circle described by the extremity of the blades =201.06 square feet, and the radius of the circle, having an area equal to half this, is 5 feet 7-f- inches, consequently the centre of pressure in this propeller is 5 feet Y-f- inches from the centre of shaft. The centre of pressure can also be ascertained in the following manner : 1 + 4 + 9 +16+25+36+49+64 o 04 I 1 1 1- 1 - -I i = = 5 feet 8- 1 +2+3+4+5+6+7+8 inches, nearly as before. THE SCREW PROPELLER. 123 The line per sketch represents the radius of the propeller, and i$ divided into divisions of 1 foot each ; the more numerous, of course, the divisions are made, the nearer correct will be the result. In these calculations, the area of the hub is neglected. The above rule holds good so long as there is no variation in the pitch from hub to periphery ; but should the pitch vary in this direction, the velocity of the column of water driven aft from different parts of the blade will also vary, effecting the centre of pres- sure correspondingly. Slip. The slip of a screw propeller is the differ- ence between the velocity of the propeller and the velocity of the ship. EXAMPLE. A propeller having 20 feet pitch makes 70 revolutions per minute, which propels the vessel at the rate of 12 knots an hour, required the slip, the sea knot containing 6082-J feet? ANSWER. 20 X 70 X 6084000 speed of propeller in ft. per hour. 6082| X 12=72992= " vessel " " 11008= slip in feet. 84000 : 11008 : : 100 : 13.1 = slip in per cent, of the speed of the propeller. Thrust. A propeller being put in revolution throws a column of water off from the blades in line with the axis of the propeller, which, as explained above, is the slip ; the resistance of this water acting upon the pro- peller blades, tends to force the shaft inboard, which 124 THE SCREW PROPELLER. resistance has to be sustained by heavy bearings called thrust bearings, and the amount of this resisting pres- sure is called the thrust. In order, in practice, to as- certain the extent of the thrust, an instrument called the dynamometer is attached to some part of the shaft. This instrument consists of a combination of levers or weighing beams, to the final end of which is attached a spring balance, or scale, which indicates the pressure in pounds ; and this pressure being augmented by the number of times the levers are multiplied, gives the total pressure, or thrust on the shaft. And the total thrust being multiplied into the distance moved over in a unit of time by the vessel, shows the actual power absorbed in propelling the vessel. In the application of the dynamometer, care must be taken that it receives the entire thrust of the shaft before the indication of the scale is noted. Did the propeller and steam piston travel through the same distance in any given time, and were all the power applied to the piston transmitted to the water through the propeller, the total pressure upon the steam piston and the thrust of the propeller would be identical, but since such is never the case, we ascertain the theoretical thrust, thus : Total effective pressure on piston in Ibs. x 2 length of stroke in ft. x No. of revols. per min. Pitch of propeller in feet x number of revolutions per minute. = Theoretical thrust in Ibs. The difference between this and the actual thrust, shows the amount lost in friction of engines, propeller, and load, overcoming resistance to edge of propeller blades, working pumps, etc. The loss from slip is independent of this. THE SCKEW PROPELLER. 125 Strain u/pon a Screw Propeller-blade. We can best illustrate this by an example. Given, circumference of centre of pressure of a 3 bladed propeller, 30.9 feet ; distance from hub to cen- tre pressure 41 inches ; pitch 22.5 feet ; thrust 12700 pounds : required, the strain upon each blade at the hub. SOLUTION. Let F G H be the development of the he- lix on a plane, draw B D at right angles to F H, and A E at right angles to G H. Trigonometri cally, we ascertain the c angles at A and D to be each 37 9', and at C and B to be each = 52 5', and the lengths of the lines A E, B D, to be relatively as 1.000 to 1.23Y. Now, inasmuch as the whole thrust can be supposed to be concentrated in the centre of pressure of the blade, and as the 12YOO Ibs. is in a line with the axis, it follows that, if the line A E represents the direction and amount of this thrust, the line B D, at right angles to the pro- peller blade at the centre of pressure, according to the resolution of forces, will represent the resultant of the pressures on the blade, or the total pressure tending to break it. But inasmuch as there are three blades, the pressure will be divided equally among them all ; therefore, each has to sustain but a third of this pres- sure; hence 12700 X 1.237 (proportion B D bears to A E) __ 3 Ibs. pressure on each blade at the centre of pressure. 126 THE SCREW PKOPELLEK. The pressure at the hub on each blade equals 5236 Ibs. X 41 ins. 214676 Ibs. acting with the leverage of one inch. EXAMPLE 2D. Suppose, in example 1, the breadth of the blades at the hub to be 32 inches, and the pro- peller to be made of composition, capable of sustaining a pressure per square inch of cross-section of 520 Ibs., acting through the leverage of 1 inch ; required, the mean thickness of the blade at the hub ? SOLUTION. The strength of beams is directly as their breadths and the squares of their depths, and in- versely as their lengths. In the example before us, the propeller resolves itself into a simple beam ; we 214676 x 1 -,, nave, then, =12.9 inches = square of the o2i X o^O thickness, and v/12.9 = 3.59 inches in thickness. Helicoidal Area. As has already been shown, the development of the helix on a plane is the hypothe- nuse of a right-angled triangle, having the pitch of the screw for the height; and the circumference, corre- sponding to the radii of the helix, for the base. Now, as the propeller can be supposed to have an infinite number of helices, each one becoming longer and longer as we approach the periphery, which alter the lengths at the same time, of the hypothenuse and base of the triangle, we will suppose the propeller to be divided into a number of concentric rings, taking the centre line of each, for the helix or hypothenuse of the trian- gle ; the circumference corresponding to radii of said helix for the base, and the pitch for the height, from which we have all the elements required for the cal- culation. THE SCREW PROPELLER. 127 To make this the more clear, take the triangle BAG; the lines B 1, B 2, B 3, B C, represent the helices having the corresponding circumferences of A 1, A 2, A3, and A C. Now, then, if these helices be the lengths of the rings, or elements for one entire convolution of the thread, all we have to do is to mul- tiply it by the breadth of the element, which will give the area for one convolution ; but as only a fraction of a convolution is used in practice, we multiply by this fraction, whatever it may be, and the product gives the area for the part used. This mode of calcu- lation is, of course, only an approximation ; but when- ever the blade is divided into a considerable number of elements, say 6 inches in breadth each, the result obtains sufficiently near the truth for all practical pur- poses. The following is a calculation on the screw of the U. S. Steam Frigate "Wabash," and which agrees, within a very small fraction, of the area as projected upon a plane : 128 THE SCREW PROPELLER. Diameter of screw, IT feet 4 inches ; diameter of hub, 2 feet 4 inches. 1 If* A | 4 i i fjTJ .2 o>2 2 *> "S OB *o S *O OD to Pitch. * ^ S o c 111! fl ill II i s II i eP |t *l 1 A o A B c D E F G H 2.B x 3.1416 VAM-C 3 DxE FxG ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. sqr. feet. 23 1.5 9.42 24.89 h 7.11 .5 3.555 it 2. 12.56 26.20 7.48 u 3.74 " 2.5 15.70 27.85 ji 7.96 u 3.98 " 3. 18.84 29.73 8.49 C( 4.245 3.5 21.99 31.82 1 9.09 u 4.545 4. 25.13 34.07 1 9.73 (( 4.865 4.5 28.27 36.44 I 10.41 II 5.205 5. 31.41 38.93 1 11.12 ( 5.56 5.5 34.55 41.50 1 11.86 u 5.93 6. 37.69 44.15 /61 12.12 II 6.06 6.5 40.84 46.87 ' 12.86 II 6.43 7. 43.98 49.63 13.54 u 6.77 7.5 47.12 52.43 v 11 13.78 6.89 8. 50.27 55.27 V 4 6 13.82 u 6.91 8.5 53.40 58.14 V. 11.63 5.815 * Helicoidal area of one side of both blades 80.5 square feet. Practical Remarks on the Screw Propeller. In the application of power to the propulsion of the hulls of vessels through water, a portion of the effect is lost by the instrument through which it is transmitted. In the common radial wheel this loss of effect is compounded of two losses, slip, plus oblique action ; in the feathering wheel, slip, plus drag, and in the screw propeller, slip, plus friction of the propeller blades on the water. That instrument, therefore, which, possessing no more practical disadvantages than other * For the calculations of the friction of a screw surface on the water, see Isherwood's calculation on the " San Jacinto," (Journal of the Franklin Insti- tute, Third Series, Vol. XXL, p. 349,) or on the " Arrogant," (Appleton's Me- chanics 1 Magazine, Vol. I., p. 156,) from which the form for the above table is taken. THE SCREW PROPELLER. 129 instruments, and which has the sum of its losses the least, must be the most economical propelling instru- ment. The feathering wheel, from what we have seen, would present itself very conspicuously to our eye as being the best instrument within our knowledge ; but, unfortunately, the practical difficulties are such as to preclude its universal adoption. The loss from ob- lique action in the common radial wheel, particularly where the diameter is comparatively small and the dip of the paddles considerable, amounts to an important percentage of the total power of the engines; and since this loss in the screw propeller does not exist, but is replaced by one of much smaller magnitude, viz., friction of the blades, it follows, that were the slip of the two instruments alike, the screw propeller would be the more economical. In practice, however, with the screw propeller, when contending against head winds, or other increased resistance, the slip is increased to a very serious extent. In fact, in some cases it has occurred, when the engines were going ahead at nearly full speed, the vessel stood nearly still. On the other hand, however, when the sails are set to a fair wind, the slip of the propeller is materially reduced, while the thrust remains unaltered. The increased slip when contending with head winds is also experienced with paddle wheels, but they are not affected to the same extent as the propeller, the increasing or decreas- ing the resistance with the latter instrument, not making a vast difference in the revolutions of the en- gines (as is the case with the paddle wheel) so long as the pressure on the piston remains unaltered. In the application of the sere w propeller, it is well to sink it as low as possible in the water, in order that the hydrostatic pressure above may be sufficient to 130 THE SCREW PROPELLER. cause the water to flow in solid, even to the centre of the propeller, which, therefore, having the proper resisting medium, is less liable to excessive slip. This will also prevent the centrifugal action the throwing of the water off radially from the centre which exists to a small extent in some very aggravated cases. Increasing the helicoidal surface of the screw be- yond what is barely sufficient to transmit the power given to it, has no other effect than to occasion an increased loss by friction, by the increased surface in- terposed. The friction of solids on fluids, unlike solids on solids, depending upon the extent of rubbing sur- face as one of the elements. The object, therefore, to be sought after in practice, is to make the sum of the loss by slip, plus friction, as little as possible, and this sum, manifestly, must depend, to a considerable extent, on the amount of helicoidal surface ; but, nevertheless, there appears to be no general rules yet devised, from theory or practice, which can be used as a reliable guide ; different engineers making considerable differ- ence in the areas of propellers applied to the propulsion of the same sized and modeled steamers. Negative Slip. It would certainly appear a very strange anomaly, were one on board a vessel, which he should discover from the indications of the log was mov- ing actually faster through the water than the screw, there being no other propelling instrument ; yet such has been apparently the case, and there are, perhaps, to this day, persons though we hope they are very few who think that a screw propeller may drive a vessel faster than it is moving itself. There have been cases, it is true, where the log has shown that the ves- sel was apparently moving faster than the screw, which THE SCREW PEOPELLER. 131 alone was the propelling instrument, but that such a thing could be true is absolutely absurd, and hence attention was turned to discovering the anomaly. It is accounted for in two ways. When a body having a blunt stern is drawn through water at a high velocity, the water, not being able to flow in from the sides of the body sufficiently rapid to fill the vacuity occasioned by its passage, flows in from all other directions, and a column of water, therefore, necessarily, follows in the wake of such a body. This is the case with screw propeller vessels having blunt runs, and, by consequence, the propeller, instead of acting upon water at rest, acts upon water in motion, having the same direction as the vessel. Now, then, supposing a propeller, acting upon water at rest, to have a slip of 10 per cent., if a column of water follow the ship with the velocity of 11 per cent, of the speed of the propeller, which still retains its ten per cent, slip, the log, as it takes no cognizance of the velocity of this water, would show a negative slip of 1 per cent., i. e., it would show the vessel to be actually moving 1 per cent, faster than the propeller, when in reality the latter would be moving 10 per cent, the faster. To produce such a result as this, of course, possesses no mechanical or other advantage ; for power must have been originally taken from the engines to pro- duce the current, which cannot be returned to its full extent. It is, therefore, a Very important element in the design of a screw vessel to make the run very sharp the lines fine in order that the water may flow in solid at once, to fill the vacuity occasioned by the vessel's progress, or the propeller's revolutions. The other theory in regard to negative slip is this : All known bodies yield to pressure, it being only 132 ALTERING THE PITCH. necessary in order to cause the amount of yield to be measurable to make the pressure sufficiently great. It is hence conceived, that when a screw propeller is in motion, the pressure of the water on the blades causes them to spring, thereby increasing the pitch; conse- quently, in calculating its speed through the water, if we use the true pitch, instead of the pitch assumed, while it is in niotioD, the velocity given to it will be too small, and may be less than the velocity of the vessel. We would, however, remark, that negative slip in a screw propeller, unassisted by sails, is more imaginary than real, and could only exist under very aggravated circumstances, for a screw propeller usually has about 20 per cent, slip, at least, and to reduce this to nothing, even under the conditions set forth above, would be rather a perversion of circumstances. Altering the Pitch. Propellers are sometimes constructed in such a manner that the pitch can be altered, from time to time, by altering the angle of the blades, which are made adjustable in a large spherical hub. Thus, if it be desired to increase the pitch, increase the angles by turning round the blades ; or if it be desired to de- crease the pitch, reverse the operation. Such an ar- rangement, however, in practice, must be confined within very narrow limits, for, inasmuch as the surface of a screw propeller blade, being that of a helicoid, every point in the blade must have a different angle, which increases as the hub is approached, and if the propeller be constructed so that all the angles be adapted to one particular pitch, it is not very likely PARALLEL MOTION. 133 that they will, after being distorted, be adapted to any other pitch ; that is to say, if the propeller be a true screw, for instance, and have a certain angle at the periphery, if we move the blade so as to increase the angle at that point 10, the angle at, every other point in the blade will also be increased 10, which should not be the case, but should be correspondingly less as the hub is approached; thus, by this arrangement, we give a greater pitch at the hub than there is at the periphery ; and if the operation be reversed, and we decrease the angle at the periphery, the angle at the hub, and every other point in the blade, is decreased to precisely the same extent, thus giving less pitch at the hub than there is at the periphery, or any other point in the blade. We therefore arrive at this con- clusion : That having three conditions presented to us, viz., true screw, expanding screw, from periphery to hub, and expanding from hub to periphery the latter two not in regular ratio it is more than probable that one or the other of these must be found practically to be the superior, and whichever it may be, and that one adopted, the advantage to be derived from alter- ing it, after it is once adopted, does not appear very plain, the arguments to the contrary notwithstanding. Parallel Motion. Parallel motion is a combination of bars and rods, having for its object the guiding of the piston-rod of a steam-engine in a constant straight line, or as near a straight line as can be practically attained. It is ap- plicable, in different forms, to any type of engine, but 134 PARALLEL MOTION. its adaptation to the side-lever engine is the more general. We have constructed figure 10 with the view of FIG. 10. illustrating its application to this type of engine, and to clear it, if possible, of the mystery that usually hangs over it in the shape of formulas. A B is half the length of the side lever, vibrating on the centre B ; A C, the side rod attached to the cross-head at C ; G F, the parallel motion side rod ; D F, the parallel bar, and E F, the radius bar vibrating on the centre E. The object to be attained is to make the point C travel vertically in a straight line, or as near so as pos- sible ; and from the construction of the figure, it will be seen that, when the point G moves to the right the point F moves to the left, and vice versa ; hence it is manifest, that there must be some point H, in the rod F G, which will describe very nearly a straight line, and if the lengths G B and E F were equal, that point would be in the centre of F G ; but, since they are of unequal lengths, H must be in such a position that EFxFHrrBGxGH. PARALLEL MOTION. 135 Now, then, having secured the point H, draw the line B C through H, which will determine C, the cen- tre of the cross-head ; and the triangles B H G, B C A, being similar, and joined together in such manner that, no matter how much the angles of the one may alter, the angles of the other must alter to precisely the same extent ; and hence, these triangles always remain- ing similar, it follows that if the apex (H) of the one moves in a straight line, the apex (C) of the other must move in a straight line also. It matters not where the points D F G may be situated, so long as D does not coincide with C, and the figure A D F G is a parallelogram ; nor does it matter about the respective lengths of the sides of the parallelogram, so long asEFxFH=:BGxGH. In practice, it happens sometimes that the parallel motion gets out of adjustment, the piston rod perhaps rubbing hard on one side of the stuffing-box at the top of the stroke, and hard on the opposite side on the bottom of the stroke ; or it may rub hard on the stuff- ing-box at one end of the stroke, and be quite free at the other. Such a result can be brought about in three ways only : either the sides of the parallelogram A D F G have got out of parallelism, the radius bar E F, of incorrect length from the wear of the brasses, , and de- livered into the hot well q to the delivery pipe r and overboard. The water resulting from condensation is drawn by the fresh water pump/ from the chamber d, through the pipe e e, and delivered into the fresh water reser- voir g ; from this reservoir it passes to the feed pump i, through the pipe A, and is delivered into the boilers through the pipe &. The pipe s is for the purpose of supplying salt water when deficiencies occur. In this condenser, as drawn, all the tubes are firmly secured to both tube heads, but one end of the tube box is free, so that all the tubes can expand and con- CYLINDRICAL BOILERS. 145 tract together ; those recently constructed have each tube secured to the tube head at one head only, the other ends being fitted so that they just pass through the holes, thus allowing each tube to expand or con- tract regardless of the others. There is also a com- munication from the exterior to the interior side of the tubes, so that the vacuum within created by the fresh water pump is equal to that without, created by the large air-pump. In close tube surface condensers, the position of the steam and water, as shown in the figure, is reversed. The exhaust steam is received on the ex- terior of the tubes as at Z, and is condensed by water entering at c' c, and driven through thetubes by a cir- culating pump, attached at b ; it is then discharged through a pipe from d. The pump p is converted into a fresfi water air-pump, receiving the fresh water through the channel-way n and foot- valve <9, and dis- charging it into the reservoir q, whence it is received by the |eed-pump and pumped into the boilers. Cylindrical Boilers. The force tending to rupture a cylinder along the curved sides depends upon the diameter of the cylinder and pressure of steam, and we may regard, hence, the total pressure sustained by the sides to be equal to the diameter x pressure per unit of surface X length of boiler, neglecting any support derivable from the heads,, which, in practice, depends on the length. The shorter the tube, the greater its powers of resistance. This is in 146 CYLINDRICAL BOILERS. consequence of the ends being rigid and unyielding.-^ See latest experiments on this subject by William Fair bairn, Esq., C. E., F. R. S. The force tending to rupture a boiler is termed, by Professor Johnson, the divellant force, and the tenacity or strength of the metal which resists the divellant force is termed the quiescent force. When rupture is about to take place, these two forces must be exactly equal. EXAMPLE. What pressure will a cylinder boiler, 12 ins. diameter, and i in thickness of metal, sustain per square inch, the iron to be of the best English iron? The experiments of the Franklin Institute give for the strength of single riveted seams, 56 per cent, of the sheet, and assuming the tensile strength of the best English iron to be 60,000 Ibs. per square inch of sec- tion, we have 12 (diameter) x 4 (length of band to make 1 eq. in. area of cross section) =70 lb8 ' per 8q< in> But as the opposite side of the boiler will support an equal amount, the true pressure will be double this, or 1400 Ibs. per square inch, one-fourth of which only (350 Ibs.) would be safe to subject it to in practice. From this we see that the bursting pressure of a boiler of the dimensions above given, in a transverse direction, is 1400 Ibs. per square inch. We will now see what force this 1400 Ibs. exerts to tear the boiler asunder in a longitudinal direction. To do this, we have only to multiply the area of the head by the pressure per square inch, and divide by J the circum- ference, (since the iron is J inch thick,) which will give the strain upon each square inch of sectional area. CYLINDRICAL BOILERS. 14:7 113.09 X 1400 . , Thus ^- - = 1 6800 IDS. per square men oT.uy r~ 4 of sectional area, in a longitudinal direction, and 1400 X 12 X 4 = 33600 Ibs. per square inch of sec- tional area in a transverse direction. The 4 in the latter case is the length of the band to give one inch square of sectional area, and we divide by 2 because there are two sides of the boiler to sup- port the pressure. From these figures, it is observed that the strain upon a cylindrical boiler, or other cylindrical vessels, subject to internal pressure, transversely, is exactly double what it is longitudinally. In cast iron, or other cast metal cylindrical vessels, this is made amends for, in a certain degree, by casting ribs, or bands, around the external surface ; but with boilers there appears to have been no attempt to increase the strength by riv- eting bands at intervals on the outer surface, though we see no good reason why such a thing could not be done very advantageously. We remark, from what has appeared, that the strain upon cylindrical boilers increases transversely directly as the diameters, and longitudinally as the squares of the diameters because the areas of the heads increase in that ratio but the circumferences increase also as the diameters ; and hence, though we obtain four times the pressure longitudinally by doub- ling the diameter, we have double the metal in the circumference of the boiler to sustain it, and, therefore, the strain upon a unit of metal, in this direction, in- creases also as the diameter. Hence, no matter what may be the diameter of a boiler, the transverse pres- sure tending to tear it asunder, will always be double the longitudinal pressure. BOILER EXPLOSIONS. Boiler Explosions. There is only one grand direct cause of boiler ex- plosions, and that is the incapacity of the metal, at the time, to sustain the pressure to which it is subjected. This can be brought about in several ways ; defective material of which the boiler is constructed, defective construction, all parts of the boiler being incapable of sustaining the same pressure, gradual accumulated pres- sure without the means of escape, sudden accumulated pressure occasioned by pumping water on red-hot sheets, collapse occasioned by a vacuum in the boiler, the re- verse valve being inoperative ; collapse of flue occa- sioned by internal pressure in the boiler and a partial vacuum in the flue ; overheating the plates, brought about by the accumulation of large quantities of scale upon them, thereby reducing their tenacity. Boilers having been previously tested by hydros- tatic pressure considerably beyond the limit to which it is intended ever to allow the steam to reach, and each and every boiler being fitted with steam and wa- ter-gauges, proper sized safety-valves and such like in- struments, there is never any good excuse, under any circumstances, for the cause of boiler explosions. In- competency or recklessness must be somewhere mani- fest, for the engineer, knowing the pressure which his boiler will with safety bear, should under no circum- stances allow it to exceed that pressure. We would T however, observe here, that we have noticed in many cases, both ashore and afloat where there are a number of boilers connected together, instead of having a steam gauge attached to each one separately, there was but one gauge to the whole number ; and hence, if one or more boilers be shut off from the others, there would BOILER EXPLOSIONS. 149 be no means of ascertaining the pressure within them ; and it is a very common thing with land boilers and boilers of small river boats to have no steam-gauge whatever. In such cases as these the owners take upon themselves the responsibility, which would other- wise be attached to the engineer, of any disastrous result. The legislation in regard to the inspection of steam- boilers is hardly adequate to the cause ; for though the testing the strengths of boilers, from time to time, is very good as far as it goes, it falls short of what the seriousness of the case demands. The same amount of strict, unbiased inspection on the parties who have charge of the very powerful, yet governable element of steam, would be followed by far more beneficial results. Place only those in charge or the steam- engine, boilers, and dependencies, who are competent to the task ; prevent owners from employing any one simply because his services can be secured for a small compensation, and then you touch the subject in a vital point. It is too prevalent an opinion, that any one who can stop and start an engine, have the fires started and hauled, is an engineer, regardless of his knowledge of the element of which he has charge. It is true, however, that the system of rivalry and competition, carried on by steamboat owners and others using steam power, is such as to prevent any one inde- pendently from paying a very high rate of compensa- tion; but if all were compelled to employ equally competent services, no difficulty could be experienced on this head. 150 HOUSE POWER. Hoi*se Power. The standard for a horse power in England and the United States is pretty generally established at 33000 Ibs. raised one foot high in a minute ; but in France a horse power is estimated at 75 kilogrammetres, which is 75 kilogranimiBBs raised one metre high per second, equal to 32554.7 Ibs. avoirdupois, raised one foot high per minute. To ascertain the horse power of a steam engine, multiply the mean unbalanced pressure per square inch on the piston, by the a/i*ea of the piston in square inches, by the length of the stroke in feet, and by the number of strokes in a minute; and divide by 33,000, the quotient will be the Iwrse power. From this figure, in order to ascertain the actual power utilized in propelling the vessel, a deduction has to be made for working the air and feed pumps with their load, friction of working journals, friction of load on working journals, amounting in all to about 20 per cent, of the total power, leaving 80 per cent, to be ap- plied to the propelling instrument, which 80 per cent, has to be reduced by the amount of loss which obtains in the propelling instrument. EXAMPLE. Required the horse power of a con- densing steam-engine, having a cylinder 70 inches diameter, by 10 feet stroke, making 15 revolutions per minute ; mean pressure of steam throughout the stroke 23 Ibs. ; back pressure 3 Ibs. ; and also the actual power utilized in propelling the hull of the vessel, the sum of losses in the propelling instrument being 40 per cent, of the power applied to it ? ANSWER IST. 70 2 X. 7854 x(23-3)x 10x15x2 -33000 --699.7 horse power. HORSE POWER. 151 ANSWEK 2D. Considering 20 per cent, of the total power to be expended in working pumps', in friction, Livingston, of New York ; launched March, 1811, and made a passage to New Orleans the latter part of the same year. We have no reliable information in regard to the kind of machinery used on board that boat. The type at present employed, however, came into use early in the history of Western river steam navigation. It subsequently underwent several modifications, but for a quarter of a century it has been made essentially as represented by the fol- lowing cuts. In fact, so alike have they been made, for many years, that those engaged in constructing them^make no drawings, but continue from year to year to cast from the same patterns, and make and erect without variation. In all the side- wheel boats, the engines are discon- nected, separate, and distinct, so that by revolving the wheels in opposite directions, the boats can be turned on a pivot. WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 159 11 Section through X F. 160 WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. S FIG. 9. Section through W Z. EXPLANATIONS OF DIAGRAMS. The piston is represented to be proceeding in the direction indicated by the arrows, both steam valves closed and one exhaust valve open ; the steam is there- fore cut off, and acting expansively. Like letters refer to like parts in both views : -4, steam cylinder ; B, steam piston, with metallic packing set out with springs, as recently introduced ; c c, piston follower ; Z>, piston rod ; EE, steam side pipe, to which the steam pipe from boilers is attached ; F F, steam valves ; G, exhaust valve ; H H, valve WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 161 stems ; II, valve levers ; K K, steam valve lifters ; L L', arms connecting steam rock shaft with exhaust lifters, on opposite side of engine, shown in Fig. 2 ; N N, points of application of weight or pressure to levers ; P P, fulcrums of levers ; R^ steam rock shaft arm, to which cut off cam rod is connected ; T T, pins of rock shaft arms, to which full stroke cam rod is hooked ; S, starting bar. The lifters for working the exhaust valves, with arm L cast on, are loose, and vibrate on the steam rock shaft. They are on the opposite side of engine, as shown in Fig. 2. The arms L L are of the same length, being used only to connect the exhaust rock shaft to the exhaust lifters. The valves are worked by cams ; the exhaust cam being made for full stroke, and the steam cam to cut off the steam at defined points of the stroke. There is a short shifting link to connect the ex- haust rock shaft arm at Twith the steam rock shaft arm J?, so that when it is desired to work the steam full stroke, instead of expansively, it is only necessary to unhook the steam cam rod from the pin on the arm H, and hook on the short link ; thus connecting all the valve levers, and working all the valves by the full stroke cam. To back the engine, the engineer has only to shift the full stroke cam rod from the lower pin T to the upper pin T. The laborious working of the engines by hand is therefore entirely avoided ; and as there is much backing to be done at the different landings, this is of importance. The pitman (connecting rod) is of wood strapped with iron, and from 3 to 4 times the length of stroke. The valves are of cast iron, sometimes double and 162 WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. balanced, but most frequently single and unbalanced, as represented in the diagrams. In the latter case, con- siderable power is expended in working them against so high a pressure, unless the valve gear be constructed. to reduce the power to a minimum at the point of its application. This, however, is not often done, though it can be so arranged. And, as a matter of exercise for the student's mind, we will give some explanation of it, and of the operation of the valves. The gear may be considered a compound lever, or two connected levers, transmitting the power from the cam rod pins through each other to the point of resist- ance, weight, or pressure. The explanation, then, is as follows: Call lever I No. 1, and lifters K K lever No. 2 ; say the length of the long arms of the levers are 64 and 9 inches, and the short arms 16 and 3 inches. That is, the distance from fulcrum P of lever No. 1 to the end or point where the lifter first touches it and begins to raise the valve is 64 inches, and the distance from centre of steam rock shaft, which is the fulcrum of lever No. 2, to cam rod pin centre is 9 inches ; also that from P to jVJ of lever No. 1, is 16 inches, and from centre of steam rock shaft of lever No. 2 to point on lifter where it commences to raise the valve lever is 3 inches. Now, suppose there to be a pressure of 140 Ibs. per square inch in the pipe HIE, consequently on the valves, and that the diameter of the valve is 6 inches, there is hence a pressure on each valve of 6 X 6 X .7854 = 28.274 x 140 = 3958.36 Ibs., which, added to weight of valve and lever, weighed at N, say 40 Ibs. more, 3998.36. This will be reduced at /, end of lever No. 1, to 3998.36 4 = 999.59 Ibs., and at the pin of steam rock shaft arm to 999.59 -f- 3 WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 163 = 333.196 Ibs. required to operate the valves, friction not included. Or the work may be shortened by mul- tiplying all the long arms together, all the short arms together, dividing one by the other, and the weight by this result, thus : fvi v Q j^| = 12, and 3958.36 + 40. + 12 = 333.196. Ibs. To work the engine by hand, this weight can be reduced by the length of starting bar to say 54.97 Ibs. And it can be further reduced by closing the exhaust valves sooner, so as to partially balance the steam valves : for instance, suppose they be closed when the piston is in the position to leave 6 inches between it and the cylinder head ; that there is a clearance of f of an inch, and that the back pressure against the pis- ton is 5 Ibs. per square inch when the valve is closed ; now, according to the law of expansion and compres- sion of gases, when the piston has travelled 3 inches further, or half the distance from point of closing the valve to cylinder head, there will be a pressure against it of 10 Ibs. per square inch, and when it has travelled 1 inches further, there will be a pressure of 20 Ibs. per square inch, and when f of an inch further, or at end of stroke, there would be a pressure of 40 Ibs. per square inch for the piston to cushion against, but the valve is not relieved to this extent if it has any lead ; say it is opened 1 \ inches before the piston arrives at the end of its stroke, we then have only 20 Ibs. per square inch pressure under the valve to be deducted from the 140 Ibs. per square inch above it, or a total steam pressure on the valve of 3390.08, instead of 3958.36. We have been considering the power necessary to 164 WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. work each steam valve separately : we will now con* sider that requisite to operate each exhaust valve. The proportion of levers and gear remaining the same, the steam cut off at half stroke, and the diameter of valve ^ inches this being the ratio considered neces- sary for the free and quick escape of the steam there will consequently be by the reduction of pressure com* mon to expansion, at the time the valve is to be opened, 70 Ibs. per square inch on it, or in round numbers 1979.18 Ibs. less than on the steam valve. To cut off shorter, this pressure is still further reduced ; to follow longer, it is increased the reduction of pressure and temperature by leakage and condensation in the cylin- der not being considered. This type of engine is peculiarly adapted to the boats on which it has been exclusively employed for more than quarter of a century ; and when well constructed, correctly proportioned, and properly man- aged, it performs the work satisfactorily, can be han- dled with facility, is durable, and could be made eco- nomical. But all these elements are seldom found in any of them. The valve gear is generally arranged so that the valves cannot be worked by hand against the full pressure on them ; the steam valves are set with little or no lead, and the exhaust valves do not close until the piston arrives at the end of the stroke, so that there is only a very small cushion against the pis- tons at the end of the cylinders, and the cranks pass the centres against an unbalanced pressure of from 50 to 60 Ibs. pressure per square inch. The cams for working the steam valves are usually made to cut off the steam at half, five-eighths, or three-quarters from commencement of stroke ; and the cylinders, steam WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 165 pipes and drums, upper portions of boilers, etc., are always uncovered (not jacketed) by non-conducting substances, and exposed to the cold winds sweeping between the decks. It will therefore be seen that a large margin is left for improvement in proportions, and more so for saving fuel. The temperature of the steam in boilers, pipes, etc., may be averaged at 360 Fahrenheit, and the temperature of the atmosphere during the year at 60 ; hence there is a difference be- tween the temperature of steam within the vessels and the atmosphere outside of BOO ; and considering the unusual large radiating surface exposed to the winds and cold air, the loss from the condensation of steam in cylinders, pipes, etc., cannot be less than 15 per cent, of the fuel consumed. And the saving which could be realized in fuel from a high degree of expan- sion, where the pressure is about 140 Ibs. per square inch, may be estimated by the student from calcula- tions under that head commencing at page 12 of this work. The lifter represented in the diagrams was intro- duced not very long ago, and patented by Mr. A. Har- tuper, of Pittsburg, Pa. It is a great improvement over the lifter formerly employed and still used to a great extent. The improvement consists in commencing to lift the valve lever close up to the rock shaft, and starting with an easy curve from the horizontal centre line of the rock shaft downward. Its advantage is to be found in a smooth-working valve gear, and reduced power to work the valves consequent on the reduced distance between the fulcrum of lever No. 2 and application of power on lever No. 1 ; that is, between the centre of 166 WESTERN KIVER BOAT ENGINE. rock shaft and point where the lifter first touches the lever and begins to raise the valve. The valve once started from its seat, steam rushes under it, and assists its ascent; hence, as the bearing point of the lifter approaches its end, the valve becomes balanced from the steam under it. Furthermore, the shape of the lifter is such as to raise the valve quickly. The ordinary lifter begins to raise the valve lever from and near its end, and several inches from the end of lever I, instead of near the fulcrum of lever No. 2 r and at the end of lever No. 1. It will therefore be readily seen that, if this lifter should be substituted for the one represented in the drawing, the power to- work the valves would be greatly increased. As an illustration, suppose the arms TTJTto commence lift- ing 12 inches from centre of rock shaft, and 9 inches from end of lever No. 1 , then there would be a power of 1160.9 Ibs. required at I, and 1546.78 Ibs. at the end of arm JR. In addition to this increased power to work the valves, the sudden striking of the valve levers by the old-fashioned lifters is objectionable, and involves the necessity of putting a leather shoe on the lever to ease the disagreeable noise. In explanation of the reduction of power conse- quent upon the combination of levers, the student must bear in mind that what is gained in power is lost in time, the lifters being but a short space of time raising the valves, during the stroke of the engine. The kind of lifter represented in the diagram, Fig. 1, but with much greater curve downward, is some- times used on land engines, and operated by the eccen- tric to cut off the steam at defined points of the stroke, WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 16? in the same manner as tho Stevens cut off; namely, by lost motion, or, in other words, by causing the toes to travel a considerable distance before commencing to raise the valves. In order to get a clear understanding of this, the student can refer to the diagram of the Stevens cut off, page 22, and consider the steam-lifting toes B B, in that diagram, in the same light as the valve levers // of Fig. 1 in the above. The principle on which the two kinds of cut offs are operated is precisely alike, the only difference being that one is made adjustable and the other is not. Some of the boats plying on the upper rivers have stern wheels, i. e., one paddle wheel applied at and projecting over the stern the whole width of the boat. Many of such of 300 tons burthen draw only from 16 to 20 inches of water : lightness of machinery, compat- ible with strength, is therefore of the first importance in such vessels. The boilers of all of them are, as a rule, placed near and fronting the bow ; and as the stern wheel variety involves the necessity of placing the engines near the stern, the steam pipes are as a consequence exceedingly long, not unfrequently from 90 to 100 feet or more, thus causing still further loss from condensation of the steam. It is proper, however, to remark, that when coal can be furnished, as it is on the upper rivers, at less than one dollar per ton, econ- omy of fuel is a secondary consideration. It is also proper to state that the owners and operators of the boats are slow to make improvements in their steam machinery, even when the advantages of such can be practically demonstrated. As an instance of this, we may mention that spring cylinder piston packing, so 168 WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENUIXE. long successfully applied to the pistons of all types of engines, is now, the year 1862, introduced in the river engines for the first time. It is to be regretted that the Indicator, engine reg- isters, and correct guages have not come into use, and records kept on board of some of the boats, so that correct data for calculating their efficiencies and com- parative economy could be had. If we are not misin- formed, Mr. S. H. Gilman is the only engineer who ever applied the Indicator and made experimental tests for the purpose of getting correct results from the Missis- sippi steamers. Among the few records kept by him, we select for the benefit of those interested that of the " Magnolia," one of the finest and largest steamers ply- ing on the lower Mississippi when the record was taken, namely, in the year 1853, and published immediately afterward in the " Franklin Institute Journal." The diagrams taken from the cylinders of that ves- sel showed the valves to have been set without lead, and that the engines passed the centres with the un- balanced pressure of 60 Ibs. per square inch'; the stroke being 10 feet, and the steam following the pis- tons 6 feet before being cut off that is to say, both the steam and exhaust valves opened and shut pre- cisely at the end of the stroke, and that the steam was expanded down to 60 Ibs. pressure above the atmos- phere when the pistons reached the ends of the cylin ders. WESTERN RIVER BOAT ENGINE. 169 DIMENSIONS AND PROPORTIONS OP THE MAGNOLIA. Length from stem to stern 295 feet. Breadth of beam 35 " Breadth of floor 28 " Depth of hold < . . 9 " Draft of water when light 4 " Tonnage,' carpenters' measurement . . . .914 tons. Diameter of water wheels 40 feet. Length of bucket 12 feet 6 in. Width of do 2 feet. Revolutions per minute up stream . . . , 13.5. Diameter of cylinders 30 inches. Length of stroke 10 feet. Length of connecting rod . . . . . . 35 " Point of cutting off steam from commencement . . 6 " Number of boilers . 6 Length of each boiler 30 feet. Diameter of each boiler 42 inches. Diameter of each flue 16 " Grate area 98.4 sq. ft. Diameter of each chimney 5 feet. Height of chimneys above grates . . . . . 80 " Area over each bridge wall 42.7 sq. ft. Area of cross section of all flues 16.7 " Area of cross section of two chimneys . . . 39.3 u Heating surface of all the boilers .... 2617.8 * Proportion of grate to heating surface . . . 1 to 26.4 Proportion of grate to area bridge wall . . . 1 to 0.47 Horse power developed by engines .... 1229 The fuel consumed was wood : no correct results .as regards evaporation, or coal per horse power per hour, therefore given. In conclusion, we would earnestly direct the atten- tion of western engineers to a study of the subjects here presented, especially the Indicator and its use. We have witnessed some very faulty working engines on the Ohio, occasioned principally by the manner of working the steam ; i. &, the valves not being opened and shut at the proper points of the stroke. On this, 170 WESTERN BIVER BOAT KM; INK. everything else being in order, depends the regularity of motion and smooth working of the engine. It is true that much may be gained by practical tests ; that is, by giving more or less lead to the steam valves, and by closing the exhaust valves sooner or later to give more or less cushion for the pistons to bring up against, until the engines are found to perform best ; but nothing accurate can be arrived at without the application of the Indicator to every cylinder. It is therefore highly important that every engineer having charge should understand that instrument and its use. The diagrams will at first sight doubtless appear intricate and diffi- cult to comprehend, by many of those considering;, themselves entirely practical; but a little study of chapter 2 of this work, together with a few applica- tions of the instrument, and some perseverance, will soon overcome all difficulties, and result in a clear un- derstanding of the subject, and a high appreciation of its importance. CHAPTEE VIL BOILERS, ETC. BOILERS being the source from which the power to actuate steam engines is derived, it becomes of the first importance that not only the best and most improved types be used, but also that the proportions be such as to secure the highest results. Since the introduction of steam to sea and river navigation, many varieties of boilers have been de- signed, tried, and abandoned, and many others having but little merit are still in use. As it is not, however, the purpose of these notes to give the history of in- ventions, but to assist in directing the mind of the stu- dent into a channel of reasoning for himself, we will for the present be content with mentioning only a few of those now most generally used ; namely, the Martin water tube, the horizontal fire tube, and the western river boilers. In designing a boiler for a steam vessel, there are many elements to be considered ; such as cost, proper materials, strength to bear the intended pressure, quan- tity of steam to be furnished in a given time, space occu- pied, weight, circulation of water, durability, facilities for cleaning and repairing, requisite water and steam room, heating and grate surface, area through flues, and area and height of smoke pipe. 172 BOILERS, ETC. All things being equal^ that boiler producing the largest weight of steam per given weight of combusti- ble is the best boiler ; that is, evaporating the greatest number of pounds of water per pound of fuel. By combustible is meant that portion of the fuel put into the furnaces, minus the ashes, clinker, and refuse re- moved. The above drawing represents a side elevation of the water-tube boiler, with the tubes arranged verti- cally above the furnaces, as patented by D. B. Martin, Esq., late Engineer-in-Chief of the U. S. Navy. These boilers are almost exclusively employed in the steamers of our navy. BOILERS, ETC. 173 EXPLANATION OF THE DRAWING. The line r s represents side and bottom of the ship ; o o -s, boiler keelsons, or timbers on which the boiler rests ; a, ash pit ; 0, furnace door ; , grates ; d, furnace ; ra, back connection ; e e, the vertical tubes containing the water within them, and surrounded by the products of combustion tf, arch over furnace ; A, line of water level ; k, steam room ; Z, steam chimney ; g, passage of gases to smoke pipe ; i, water bottom ; n, fire-room. These boilers are generally situated in the vessel face to face, and separated by a fire room of 8 or 9 feet, in the fore and aft direction. The Horizontal Fire Tube, or common marine tubular boiler, has the tubes arranged horizontally above the furnaces, containing the products of combus- tion within, and surrounded with water. In all other respects the two types of boilers can be constructed alike. If, therefore, we imagine all the tubes to be removed from the boiler represented by the drawing> and a set of tubes arranged in it horizontally with the smoke and gases passing through them, we have the common marine tubular boiler so extensively employed in the steamers of all European nations. To an inexperienced eye this simple difference of arrangement of tubes would doubtless appear of little or no consequence ; but as simple as it may seem, it nevertheless makes an important difference in the re- sults utilized ; also in many other respects, as will be seen from the extracts given below, from a report of a Board of four Chief Engineers of the Navy, who, by 174 BOILEKS, ETC. the directions of the Navy Department, tested the efficiency of the two types of boilers, one of each kind having been constructed and placed on board the U. S. Steamer " San Jacinto " for the purpose, of precisely the same shell, both as regards form and dimensions. The only difference between them was in the arrange- ment of the tubes, one being the English or horizontal fire tube ; the other of the water tube type. This ex- periment may be considered the most important, and certainly the most extensive and accurate ever made with marine boilers. EXTRACTS FEOM REPORT. The experiments were made to determine the rela- tive evaporative efficiencies of the two boilers, under the conditions of actual practice on board marine steamers. For this purpose, a short experiment would be valueless from the impossibility of knowing whether the condition of the fires were exactly the same at the commencement and at the end, from the inequality in firing ; from the different proportions of refuse found in different weights of coal ; from fluctuations in draft ; from losses by cleaning the fires ; and from the differ- ent quantity of air in proportion to fuel admitted at different times. It was therefore considered necessary that the experiments with each boiler should continue uninterruptedly four days, or 96 hours. The weight of water evaporated was ascertained from the steam pressure in the cylinders at the end of the stroke of piston, as given by the indicator. The cost of this evaporation was the weight of combustible BOILERS, ETC. 175 consumed. ****** Every pound of coal put into the furnace, and every pound of ashes, clinker, and refuse removed was weighed each hour. The experi- ments were conducted in precisely the same manner with both boilers, and as follows ; namely : At the commencement, no account was taken of the coal re- quired to raise steam, or of the temperature of the water in the boilers ; but after the steam was raised to 22 Ibs. per square inch pressure above the atmos- phere, the level of the water in the boiler was noted, the condition of the fires estimated as nearly as pos- sible by the eye, and the engines started. At the end of each experiment, the water in the boiler and the condition of the fires were left as at the commence- ment. The experiments with both boilers were begun and ended at midday, and continued uninterruptedly 96 hours. During that time, the boiler steam pres- sure and the vacuum in the condenser, by barometer gauges, were noted every 5 minutes ; and at the close of each hour there was recorded for that hour the mean steam pressure and vacuum ; the temperature of the engine room, of the fire room, of the salt and fresh water hot wells, and of the injection water ; also the weight of coal thrown into the furnaces, and the weight of dry refuse in ashes, clinkers, and fine coal withdrawn. Every hour an indicator double diagram was taken from both cylinders, and from the mean of the final pressures as given by these diagrams the evaporation was calculated. ****** At the commencement of each experiment, the boiler was filled with sea water ; and at the expiration of every hour the saturation was recorded ; also the number of inches 12 176 BOILERS, ETC. in depth of water blown off to maintain it at 1 times the natural concentration. The number of double strokes made by the pistons were taken by a self-registering counter. The same firemen fired both boilers, and the same engineers directed them. The experiments were first made on the Horizontal Fire-Tube Boilers ; they were begun at noon on the 10th of June, 1859 ; and after being completed, the steam was shut off from it and let on from the Vertical Water-Tube Boiler, without stopping the engines. The coal was Pennsylvania an- thracite. > RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS. English Horizon- Martin's Vertical tal Fire-Tube Water-Tube Boiler. Boiler. Total number c* Ib,, 01 coal consumed . 100436.00 92512.00 of refuse ashes, etc. . 24908.00 24178.00 " of combustible consumed 75528.00 68334.00 Per centum of coal in refuse .... 24.80 26.14 Mean gross horses power developed by the engines 187.25 201.07 Mean number of Ibs. of coal consumed per hour 1046.21 963.67 Mean No. of Ibs. of coal consumed per sq.ft. of grate 9.7 9.00 Total No. of Ibs. of water evaporated from feed water of 100 Fah .671813455 .720 6914 Pounds of water evaporated from feed water tem- perature of 100 Fah. by 1 Ib. of coal . 6.7 7.8 Pounds of water evaporated from feed water of 100 Fah. by 1 Ib. of combustible 8.9 10.6 COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. We are directed by your order to report to the De- partment the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of boiler as regards space occupied, weight, cost, accessibility for cleaning and repairs, du- rability, evaporative efficiency, and the relative quan- tities of steam that can be furnished in equal times. 1st : As regards -space. In the particular specimens BOILERS, ETC. experimented on, the space occupied by both types of boiler was equal, but not so the area of contained heating surface. If the proper measure of that surface be, as we think it is, the extent exposed to the recep- tion of heat from the products of combustion, then the heating surface in the vertical water-tube boiler ex- ceeded that in the horizontal fire-tube boiler by nearly 23f per centum of the latter. If, however, it be meas- ured by the extent from which water is evaporated, then the superiority will still remain with the vertical water-tube boiler, but reduced to Ty per centum. 2d : As regards the weight of the tivo Boilers. By referring to the table of their dimensions and weights, it will be seen that in this respect the experimental boilers were nearly equal, the horizontal fire tube hav- ing a slight advantage in lightness ; but if the aggre- gate weight of boiler and contained water at the steaming level be compared, then the vertical water tube has a superiority of nearly 5J per centum over its competitor. 3d: Cost. In this particular the horizontal fire- tube boiler is slightly the cheapest, but the difference is unimportant. 4th : Accessibility for cleaning and repairs. For the removal of scale or any insoluble sediment on the water surfaces of the tubes, the vertical water-tube boiler has a decisive superiority from the complete and easy manner in which the entire of those surfaces can be reached by a scaling tool and cleaned mechani- cally. With the horizontal fire-tube boiler this ope- ration is very tedious and difficult, and at the best is only partial. It may indeed be said that the whole of the horizontal tubes cannot be scaled without the 178 BOILERS, ETC. removal of a portion of them ; and from the fact of their becoming more and more coated with scale as their age increases, their evaporative efficiency will be continuously impaired to the extent of the loss of heat thus intercepted. On the other hand, the horizontal fire tubes are much more easily and completely swept of soot and deposit from the furnaces ; they are also more easily plugged when leaking. Furthermore, they are only about one fourth the number of the vertical water tubes, and the liability to leakage is correspond- ingly lessened, but this liability is so trifling as to be of no value in a practical estimate. The remaining portions of both boilers are equally accessible for clean- ing and repairs. 5th : Durability. We have no data on which to base an opinion in this respect, but we believe both boilers to be about equal. 6th : Evaporative Efficiency. The relative evapo- rative efficiency, as given by the experiments, applies rigorously only to the particular specimens of the types of boiler employed, with their peculiarities of propor- tion and under the conditions of the trials ; under other conditions and with other proportions, the relative evaporative efficiency would doubtless be different, and in direction as determined by better or worse pro- portions, and by conditions more or less favorable for one kind of boiler over the other. The proportions given to both boilers in the present case, however, are such as are now generally approved in practice. With these proportions and under the actual conditions of the trials, the evaporative efficiency of the vertical water-tube boiler exceeds that of the horizontal fire tube by 18 per centum of the evaporation of the lat- WESTERN RIVER BOILERS. t ter, making the comparison by weight of combustible consumed ; and by 16| per centum if the comparison be made by weight of coal consumed ; the former is, of course, the proper result. Yth : Relative Quantities of Steam that can be fur- nished in equal times by tlie two Boilers. In this respect the superiority remains with the horizontal fire-tube boiler, in which the combustion of the fuel can be forced to a considerably greater extent than in the vertical water-tube boiler. The additional steam, however, thus obtained will be at a greater pro-rata cost of coal, but we have no data to determine either the increased quantity or its increased cost. Finally, in view of the much greater evaporative efficiency of the vertical water-tube boiler, and of the facility and completeness with which it may be scaled, the two qualities of paramount importance with marine boilers, we would express our decided opinion that its superiority over the horizontal fire-tube boiler is so strongly marked as to unquestionably entitle it to the preference. WESTERN RIVER BOILERS. The first steamboat constructed for the western rivers had cylindrical boilers. Since that date, many types of boilers have been made, and tried on board some of the many steamboats navigating those immense inland waters ; but none of them, except those repre- sented by the following drawings, have ever gained general favor. In consideration of this fact, of the great number constructed every year at different places on the rivers, and of the high pressure of steam used, they deserve more than a passing notice. 180 WESTERN RIVER BOILERS. Transverse Section through Fire Bed. Front Elevation. Longitudinal Section through A B of Front View. WESTERN RIVER BOILERS. 181 DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS.