4 1 l! . - GIFT OF iZT tl ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT No 2037 THE MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS AND OF OPTICAL SYSTEMS A WAR-TIME PROBLEM May, 1921 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Document No. 2037 Office of the Chief of Ordnance TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. CHAPTER I . Introduction 5 The manufacturing problem Production statistics 14 CHAPTER II. The characteristics of optical glass 16 The functions of the eye 16 Intensity of illumination 18 Field of view 19 The lens system of a telescope 39 The quality of the image 22 Monochromatic aberrations 24 Axial spherical aberration 24 Coma, sine condition 25 Astigmatism; curvature of field, distortion 26 Chromatic aberrations 26 Chromatic aberration or axial chromatism 26 Chromatic differences of magnification; lateral chromatism 27 The characteristics of optical glass 28 Homogeneity 29 Uniformity in chemical composition 29 Strise and cords 29 Bubbles and seeds. 33 Stones 35 Crystallization bodies, cloudiness 37 Uniformity in physical state 37 Freedom from strain; state of annealing 37 Refractivity and dispersion 41 Composition-refractivity relations 58 Freedom from color 74 Transparency 76 Treatment of polished glass surfaces to reduce amount of light reflected 76 Weather stability 79 CHAPTER III. The manufactu re of optical glass 81 The organization of an optical glass plant 81 Raw materials 83 Sand 84 Potassium carbonate 85 Sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, barium carbonate, lead oxide, boric acid, etc 86 Specifications for raw materials 86 Melting pots 87 Open versus closed pots 89 The bleaching of pots 90 Furnaces 92 Measurement of furnace temperatures 93 in WAK DEPAKTMENT, OFFICE 'OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, January 3, 1921. This work on the Manufacture of Optical Glass and of Optical Systems was prepared at the request of the artillery division of this office by Lieut. Col. F. E. Wright, Ordnance Reserve Corps. Col. Wright was in charge of production and inspection of optical glass at the plant of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. from April, 1917, to May, 1918; the Army representative on the military optical glass and instrument section of the War Industries Board from March 15, 1918, until after the armistice; chairman of the Army commodity committee on optical glass and instruments under the Director of Purchase, Storage and Traffic from April, 1918, until after the armi- stice; and in charge of optical systems in the fire-control section of the engineering division of this office from August 4, 1918, to June 16, 1919. The treatise is approved for publication. C. C. WILLIAMS, Major General, Chief of Ordnance, United States Army. 3 THE MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS AND OF OPTICAL SYSTEMS. A WAR-TIME PROBLEM Chapter I. INTRODUCTION. War has been called a contest of brains and brawn. Among the ancients emphasis was placed on brawn, on individual prowess and skill; but with the passing centuries and the development of science and technology, the engineering side of warfare has gradually gained the ascendency. At the present time much of warfare is applied engineering. In the recent war Germany had in this respect a great advantage because many of its scientists and technical industrial forces had been engaged for years before the war in the design and manufacture of war materiel, whereas no efforts of like magnitude had been put forth by the allies. In certain branches of industry, moreover, the Germans had established practically a world monopoly. In industries of a highly technical nature, such as the chemical dye industry and the optical glass and instrument industry, the Germans had established such effective control that at the beginning of the war we were seriously embarrassed because we did not manu- facture these commodities, and did not know how to make them. The Germans had been at the task for more than a quarter century and had developed a personnel trained and competent for the tasks. Their best scientists and engineers had originated and followed through the factory processes and were thoroughly familiar with them; with us it was a serious question whether we would be able to accomplish anything adequate in time to be of service on the field of battle. The records show that in the short period of 19 months, we did accomplish much to overtake the decades of German experience. In certain instances, as in optical glass and instruments, there has been developed in this country an industry which more than suffices for our own needs and which will render us independent of Europe if we so desire. What is optical glass and what is its connection with modern war- fare? At the time of the Civil War it was not used to any extent and why should it now have become such a vital necessity ? These 5 D c : ^ INTRODUCTION. questions are best answered by a comparison of the Civil War meth- ods of artillery warfare with those of the present time. During the Civil War artillery was used extensively by both sides and, judged by the standards of that period, was effective and served the purpose well; but, had the same sort of artillery been employed in the recent European war, it would have been of little value, and, in many instances, a positive hindrance to the troops in the field. The cannon of the Civil War were, for the most part, of cast iron and smooth bore, and were loaded at the muzzle. Spherical cast- iron projectiles weighing 6 pounds, 12 pounds, and up to 42 pounds, were used effectively at ranges between one-half mile and 1 mile; shrapnel or spherical case shot between 500 and 800 yards; grape and cannister shot for less distances even down to 150 yards. High- explosive and gas shells were unknown. The cannon were fired point blank at the visible enemy. Both direct and ricochet firing were employed; indirect firing against an invisible target, which plays such an important role in modern artillery practice, was un- known. Distances were estimated by the eye and by observing the fall of projectiles. Range-finding devices were considered to be of little value and were not employed. The guns were pointed by means of. open metal sights attached directly to the cannon barrel ; the sight resembled in many respects the sights on the modern rifle. The gunner pointed the gun by looking through a peephole in the rear sight and aligning the front sight near the muzzle of the gun with the target. After having leveled the gun by a simple spirit level, obtained the line of sight and estimated the distance to the target, the gunner elevated his cannon to the proper angle, which he measured by means of a gunner's quadrant that consisted essentially of a wooden frame with plumb line and bob combined with a graduated circle, or by means of a graduated vertical bar on which the peep sight was arranged to move. Optical instruments for the direction and control of firing were unknown in the Civil War and would have served little purpose with the ordnance then available. During the past half century, however, artillery construction and practice have developed at an unprece- dented rate. The power and precision of the guns have been in- creased to the extent that at the present time relatively small targets may be successfully attacked at ranges up to 40,000 and 60,000 yards. Most of the firing by modern artillery is directed at objects either below the horizon or hidden by intervening obstacles and hence not visible to. the gunner, but whose positions have been accurately located on the map, either by land or aerial reconnaissance. Firing under these conditions becomes an engineering problem and the method of instrumental aim known as indirect fire control is employed. FIRE-CONTROL INSTRUMENTS. 7 This method requires the use of surveying instruments and serves to determine the line of sight and the distance to the target with refer- ence to fixed points that are visible to the battery. This method is used not only in firing at hidden targets located miles away, but also in laying down a barrage, or deluge of missies, in front of an advancing line of troops, thus clearing the way for them and preventing counter- attacks by the enemy. The essential difference between the old and the new artillery practice is one of distance and degree of precision attained. At the time of the Civil War the artillery was fired point blank in the general direction of the enemy, and the effort was made to overwhelm him with shots at close range. The gunners sighted their fieldpieces hastily and banged away, trusting to hit some vital spot. Modern artillery is concerned chiefly with much longer ranges and the aiming must be accurate, otherwise the target is missed altogether. This degree of accuracy is attainable only by means of optical instruments of high precision which serve both as observational instruments for detecting details of distant objects, noting the accuracy of the firing, and as surveying instruments for measuring angles correctly. These instruments are not only exact but also sufficiently rugged to with- stand the violent concussion of rapid artillery fire. The French 75-millimeter gun, for example, which proved so effective in the late war, has a range of 8,300 yards, and can be fired at the rate of 30 shots per minute, as against the 2 shots per minute of the Civil War. The gun, moreover, is an instrument of high precision and the shots can be placed by the gunner practically where he wants them. The best breech-loading musket rifle in Civil War days could be fired 10 times per minute as against 600 shots per minute by a modern machine gun. The gunner of to-day who is not equipped with proper fire-control apparatus is almost helpless in the presence of the enemy; he can not see to aim properly without these aids and his firing serves little purpose. The effectiveness of modern artillery and, with it, that of the active army in the field, depends to a large extent on the quality and the quantity of its fire-control equipment. This is only one of a number of the fundamental requisites of the complex army of to-day. Yesterday many of the essentials of to-day were unknown; and yet, when war comes upon us, we can not fight the war of to-day with the tools of yesterday, nor, unfortunately, the war of to-morrow with the tools of to-day. The fundamental principles of warfare and combat remain ever the same; but the methods and means of attaining the ends desired are in a state of constant change and flux. It behooves us, therefore, to keep in touch with modern developments, so that, when a crisis comes, we may know definitely what is required and also what is not essential. Had this been done during past years this country would have saved vast sums of money, and much waste 8 INTRODUCTION. effort would have been avoided. Production under emergency con- ditions is always expensive. The lessons to be learned from our recent experiences along these lines are so obvious that comment is unnecessary. Such lessons are soon forgotten by the country at large. It is, however, essential that a written record be made of the war-time development of certain of the manufacturing problems as they confronted us and were solved. The record may serve a useful purpose and be of value in case of a future emergency. The present report seeks to outline, in a general way, some of the factors which we encountered in the manufacture of optical glass and of lenses and prisms for fire-control and observational instru- ments for the Army and Navy. The presentation is necessarily general in character, emphasis being placed on underlying principles rather than on details. The report presents in substance the expe- rience of the writer, who, with fellow scientists, entered as strangers into a new branch of endeavor to solve certain problems of a tech- nical nature. Between the lines of the written record may be read many interesting experiences for the scientist in technical work and the gradual change in the attitude of practical factory men toward him. In all problems of high precision, whether technical or laboratory, the scientifically trained observer, who has learned to appreciate* the factors essential to the attainment of high precision and is competent to control these factors, is able to undertake the job with better chance of success than the rule-of-thumb man of the shop who has the factory experience, but lacks the necessary training with which to meet new and radically different problems precipitated by war. In war-time organizations as in peace-time organizations the question of competent personnel is always the fundamental factor and the most difficult to meet satisfactorily. The experience of the recent war proved this statement time and again, and demonstrated the need for a closer and more effective touch between the Army and Navy and the scientific as well as the manufacturing forces of the country. THE MANUFACTURING PROBLEM. At the time of the entrance of the United States into the war, the methods and instruments of indirect artillery fire were already uni- versally employed on the battle fronts and our troops had to be supplied with these instruments if they were to combat the enemy successfully. We were brought, in short, face to face with many technical manufacturing problems which had to be solved and placed on a production basis quickly if our Army and Navy were to get what they wanted when they needed it. Many of these problems arose because manufacturers before the war had been accustomed THE MANUFACTURING PROBLEM. 9 to import supplies of this nature from Europe, especially Germany, and had never felt the need for developing the manufacturing proc- esses in their own plants. Such development meant large expense and it was easier and cheaper to place an order for the commodity in Germany. This applied especially to highly technical products, such as dyes and optical glass. Military fire-control apparatus includes instruments of high pre- cision, and, as one of the integral parts of such instruments, optical glass must measure up to the same standards of high precision. Upon it the quality of the image formed and the precision of each setting of the sighting instrument is dependent. The lens designer computes the shapes and positions of the several different lenses and prisms in an optical instrument and arranges them along the line of sight in such a way that the particular and inevitable defects, or aberrations, are reduced to a minimum. The degree to which these aberrations can be made negligible depends in large measure on the kinds and quality of glass available to the designer. It is important, therefore, that the quality of the glass be 4 of the best and that a sufficient number of different glass types be at hand. Before the war the optical industry in this country was in the hands of a few firms. Several of these were under German influence and one firm was directly affiliated with the largest manufacturer of optical instruments in Germany; the workmen were largely Germans or of German origin; the kinds and design of apparatus produced were for the most part essentially European in character; optical glass was procured entirely from abroad and chiefly from Germany. Educational and research institutions obtained a large part of their equipment from Germany and offered no special inducement for American manufacturers to provide such apparatus. Duty-free im- portation favored and encouraged this dependence on Germany for scientific apparatus. With our declaration of war the European sources of supply for optical glass and for optical instruments were cut off abruptly. Even before our entry into the war and especially after hostilities began in 1914, manufacturers of optical instruments realized that the European supply of optical glass might be stopped and they began experiments on its manufacture. In 1912 the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., of Rochester, N. Y; in 1914 the Bureau of Standards at Pittsburgh, Pa.; in 1915 the Keuffel & Esser Co., of Hoboken, N. J., and the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa.; in 1916 the Spencer Lens Co., of Buffalo, N. Y., started work and produced some optical glass of fair quality. The quality of glass obtained was not, however, entirely satisfactory and by the time we entered the war, the shortage of optical glass of high quality was so serious that unless something were done speedily to relieve the situation, the Army and Navy would not be equipped with the necessary optical instruments. 10 INTRODUCTION. Such was the situation in April, 1917. The fundamental item for fire-control instruments, optical glass, had not been produced satis- factorily in quantity in this country. The methods for its manu- facture on a large scale had still to be developed. After the supply of optical glass had been assured the manufacturing capacity for pre- cision optics had. to be increased to a scale commensurate with the needs, and finally the design of new instruments required proper supervision with reference both to ultimate field use and to speed of production. In this emergency the Government through the Council of National Defense appealed to the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington for assistance in the manufacture of optical glass. This research laboratory had been engaged for many years in the study of silicate solutions, similar to optical glass, at high temperatures, and had a corps of scientists trained along the lines essential to the successful production of optical glass. It was the only organization in the country with a personnel adequate and competent to render aid in a manufacturing problem of this character and magnitude. Obviously the best plan was to cooperate with manufacturers who had had some experience along these lines. In order to ascertain the attitude of one of the manufacturers the writer visited on April 4, 1917, the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., and found them willing to cooperate. Accordingly, when the request from the Government for aid was made shortly after war was declared, a group of scientists, with the writer in charge, went from the Geophysical Laboratory on April 27 to the Rochester plant and began work. Its men were gradually assigned to the different factory operations and made responsible for them. At this plant much of the pioneer development work was accomplished. The methods of manufacture on a large scale were here developed and placed on a production basis. Drs. Day, Allen, Bowen, Fenner, Hostetter, Lombard, Ferguson, Washington, Hall, Merwin, Morey, and Ander- sen were with us for longer or shorter periods of time to May, 1918. At the Geophysical Laboratory special problems were attacked by Drs. Allen, Zies, Posnjak, Bichowsky, Merwin, White, Roberts, Andersen, Adams, and Williamson. To the director of the labora- tory, Dr. A. L. Day, fell the general executive problems involving laboratory personnel and the several phases of their activity in connection especially with the sources and transportation of suitable raw materials and of fuel. He was also instrumental in securing the cooperation of outside firms to undertake special jobs essential to the successful manufacture of optical glass. 1 1 For a detailed account of this important part of the task see the paper by A. L. Day on "Optical glass and its future as an American industry," J. Franklin Institute 190, 453-472, 1920. See also Chapter VII by Harrison E. Howe on " Optical glass for war needs" in the book The New World of Science, edited by R. M. Yerkes and published by the Century Co. New York, 1920. THE MANUFACTURING PROBLEM. 11 As a matter of record, establishing the connection of Ordnance Department with this task, it may be noted that in April, 1917, the writer received his captain's commission in the Engineer Reserve Corps; but, at the request of officers in the Ordnance Department, was transferred to the Ordnance Department. This direct connec- tion with the Army aided the solution of the problem of glass manu- facture in many ways. War-time experience has proved that direct Army and Navy connection with technical problems of this nature is invaluable. Under war conditions the court of last appeal is the Army and the Navy; in situations which arise requiring prompt and effective action it is useful to have this lever available, even though it may not be necessary to employ it. Military optical instruments are for the most part telescopes; for their satisfactory design experience has shown that from three to five different types of optical glass suffice. The problem before us was essentially one of high-speed, quantity production of a relatively small number of glass types. We were not concerned with the development of new types of optical glass, but rather with the manu- facture of only a few kinds, such as ordinary crown, borosilicate crown, light and dense barium crown, light and dense flint. Our task was to reproduce in this country glasses of standard type which had long been produced in Europe. The European methods of manufacture of these glasses, however, were not adequately known, and a large part of our time was devoted to the study and develop- ment of manufacturing processes which eventually enabled us to produce sufficient quantities of optical glass of high quality. The problem before us, although essentially a research problem, differed materially from ordinary research problems in that the properties of the final product were known in detail. After the manufacturing difficulties in connection with this problem had been overcome atten- tion might well have been devoted to the development and manufac- ture of new types of optical glasses; but at that time the need for greater manufacturing capacity for optical instruments was so great that this phase of the situation demanded immediate attention. Our first efforts at the Bausch & Lomb plant in April and May, 1917, were devoted to a study of the glass-making process and of the several factors involved. At the factory we had the hearty coopera- tion of Mr. William Bausch, to whom credit is due for having started the glass plant in 1912, and of Mr. Victor Martin, a practical Belgian glassmaker, who had placed the plant on a running basis and had produced, even in 1912, some optical glass of fair quality. Our task was to build up on Mr. Martin's experience and to introduce into the manufacturing process the element of high precision and control w^hich were not sufficiently recognized, but which were essential to the manufacture of optical glass of uniformly high quality. Our task 12 INTRODUCTION. was not strictly a development of new processes or of a new product, but rather the modification of existing processes as practiced at the plant so as to obtain satisfactory optical glass in large quantities. The search for raw materials of adequate chemical purity in ton lots, the preparation and mixing of the batches, the control of the melting furnaces, of the pot arches, and of the annealing ovens; the stirring of the molten glass; the inspection of the product at the several stages; these and other problems had to be studied in detail and in each case exact information gained regarding the best practice to be followed. Soon after our arrival at the plant it was the writer's good fortune to deduce, as a result of a statistical study of the existing chemical analysis of optical glasses, certain relations which enabled us to write down at once the batch-composition for glasses of desired optical constants, especially in the flint series. This deduction freed our minds of the uncertainty regarding our ability to reproduce optical glasses of standard types, the batches of which were held secret by glass makers. Indirectly it had a much more important effect because it changed the attitude of the factory men toward us; they realized at once that the cut-and-try method, by which their few batch formulas had been obtained, was superseded by a more direct method of attack which gave us control over whole series of glasses rather than over a few isolated members of a series. Addi- tional studies and analyses made at the Geophysical Laboratory have borne out the conclusions deduced from these preliminary studies. The literature on the details of optical glass making is scant, and the processes have heretofore been considered secret and have been closely guarded. The problem before us was one of intense interest and great importance and we soon realized that what was most needed was precision control over all the steps in the manufacturing process. This was emphasized by the writer in Report No. 1, for the week ending May 5, 1917, and in many of the succeeding reports. Reports were prepared weekly on the progress made at the plant, and will be referred to hereafter simply by date and number. By November, 1917, the manufacturing processes at the Bausch & Lomb plant had been developed, mastered, and placed on a pro- duction basis. Large quantities of optical glass of good quality were being produced. In December, 1917, the work was extended and men from the Geophysical Laboratory, who had been connected with the pioneer work at Rochester, took practical charge of the plants of the Spencer Lens Co. and of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. At the Spencer lens plant Dr. C. N. Fenner produced excellent optical glass from the start and was very successful in placing the plant on a production basis and in extending its capacity manyfold. He was assisted at different times by Drs. Allen, Andersen, Bo wen, Morey, and Zies, of the Geophysical Laboratory. In July, 1918, Dr. Morey relieved Dr, Fenner, At the Pittsburgh works Dr. PRODUCTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. 13 Hosteller was put in charge and was confronted with a most difficult problem in organization to convert and build up an old plate-glass plant into an effective system for the manufacture of optical glass. In this task he was assisted by Drs. Andersen, Adams, Bowen, Lombard, Morey, Roberts, Ferguson, Williamson, and Wright, of the Geophysical Laboratory; by Messrs. Taylor, Bleininger, and Kiess, of the Bureau of Standards; and by the staff of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. In the course of some months the organization was accomplished. Much credit is due to these men for the success attained. These details are given because they show how a highly technical problem of this kind was attacked under war-time conditions and solved successfully. The records show that at these three plants approximately 95 per cent of all the optical glass manufactured in this country during the war was produced. In addition to the foregoing plants, optical glass was made by the Keuffel & Esser Co. in quantities sufficient to supply their own needs. Much credit is due Mr. Carl Keuffel, who, on his own initia- tive and before we entered the war, erected a glass-melting furnace, made suitable pots, and produced some glass of good quality without outside help. Small quantities of optical glass were also made in furnaces at the Bureau of Standards at Pittsburgh. Dr. Bleininger developed at this plant a poured, porcelainlike crucible which proved to be satisfactory for use with the dense barium crown melts that attack ordinary clay pots vigorously. Three other firms, the Hazel-Atlas Glass Co., at Washington, Pa.; the Carr-Lowrey Glass Co., of Baltimore; and the H. C. Fry Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., experimented on the manufacture of optical glass, but did not reach the stage of quantity production. In the solution of the optical glass problem, the expense incurred by the Geophysical Laboratory as a voluntary contribution to the Government amounted to about $200,000; at no time during the war or after, did the Geophysical Laboratory request or receive any money from the Government for these or other expenditures ; but the results attained justified the expenditures. This could not have been done, however, without the hearty cooperatkm of the manufacturers, of the Army, especially of the Army Ordnance Department, and of the War Industries Board. The Bureau of Standards aided in the development of a chemically and thoroughly resistant crucible in which to melt op- tical glass; also in the testing of optical glass and especially in the test- ing of optical instruments. The United States Geological Survey aided in locating sources of raw materials, such as sand, of adequate purity. The general situation may be summarized by stating that when we entered the war we not only lacked a supply of optical glass, but 3922921 2 14 INTRODUCTION. we lacked information regarding the processes of its manufacture. We had little knowledge of the quality and sources of supply of the raw materials required. We lacked manufacturing capacity and a trained personnel to handle the problems. The problems to be solved required the cooperation and working together of many diverse elements ; it was a constant source of inspiration for us to witness the whole-hearted spirit of cooperation of the manufacturers in this con- nection and especially of those manufacturers who were not directly concerned with the final product. The quantity production of a few standard types of optical glass of usable quality was our goal rather than the development of new and highly perfect types of optical glass. There is still room for improvement in many details; but the manufacturing processes are known; there are no secrets and the manufacture of optical glass has become one of factory routine. It is with satisfaction that all those who have contributed to this result may look and realize that one more commodity has been added to the list of commodities made in this country. This was accom- plished, however, under high pressure and at large expense/ part of which might have been saved had the problem been attacked under peace-time conditions. The records show that there were produced in this country between April, 1917, and November, 1918, over 600,000 pounds of usable optical glass. Not all of this glass was of the best quality, but it was satisfactory for low-power optical instruments, and some of the product was of the highest quality, equal to the best European glass. On an average its quality was fair and satisfactory for war-time purposes. Six different types of glass were manufactured: Ordinary crown, borosilicate crown, barium crown, dense barium crown, light flint, and dense flint. The total monthly production statistics are listed in Table 1, and presented graphically in figure 1. TABLE I. Estimated total production, in pounds, of usable optical glass (A and B quality) in the United States from April, 1917, to November, 1918. 1917 : Pounds. April 2,850 May 4,600 June 6,500 July 4,800 August.. 4,800 September 10, 775 October 15, 645 November 30, 499 December.. 42,451 Total for year 122, 920 1918: Pounls. January 35,955 February 41, 138 March 41, 842 April 24,363 May 43,397 June 69,328 July.... 55,355 August 71,459 September 67,741 October... 79,275 Total for vear 529, 853 Total 655,773 PRODUCTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. 15 Of these quantities the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. produced over 65 per cent, the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. nearly 20 per cent; the Spencer Lens Co. nearly 10 per cent; the remaining 5 per cent was produced by the other firms, including the Bureau of Standards. The figures, especially those for 1917, are less accurate than those for 1918, but they are of the correct order of magnitude. The figures POUNDS 70OOOO 600000 500 000 400000 300000 200 000 100000 APR. MAY JUNE JULY AU. It has been called the optical constringence, and is the ratio of the refractive index for the D line (sodium light) minus one (effective or excess refractivity) to the difference between the refractive indices for the F and C lines (mean dispersion) ; its reciprocal is a measure of the dispersive power of the glass. In other words the quantity i> = -^ '- expresses the effective refractivity as measured in terms UY UC of the mean dispersion; its reciprocal expresses the mean dispersion in terms of the effective refractivity. To correct for color dispersion and yet to obtain the desired deflec- tion of the light rays the lens designer combines an optical glass of weak dispersion with one of high dispersion; thus in a single prism (fig. 116) the rays on emerging from the prism are dispersed at dif- ferent angles and a beam of white light is thereby resolved into its colored components such that a spectrum is formed; in an achro- matic prism combination, however (fig lie), the dispersion of the first prism is neutralized by that of the second with the result that the incident pencil of light is deflected but emerges as a beam of white light. The spectra produced by the two prisms are superimposed in reversed order so that thje dispersing effect of the first glass is neu- tralized by that of the second. In order that this superposition of spectra be effective, it is obviously necessary that the relative dis- persions in the two glasses be the same. If in the first prism the red end of the spectrum is drawn out relatively to the blue, while in the second the blue end extends over a greater relative range than in the first, the superimposed spectra can not be made to fit, and a considerable amount of residual color will be left in the emergent beam. In lenses the designer brings together to the same focus rays of one or more colors; he folds the spectrum over, as it were; this pro- cedure is successful to the degree that the relative dispersions in the two glasses of the achromatic objective are similar; to the extent that they are dissimilar there is residual color (secondary spectrum) in the image which can not be eliminated. It is evident that two glasses produce a combination the better adapted for achromatizing, 44 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. the less their partial dispersion ratios differ and the more the glasses differ in effective refractivity as expressed in terms of the mean dispersion (V value). It can be proved that the differences in focal length of a telescope objective lens for the different colors in the spectrum decrease with decrease in difference between the partial dispersion ratios and increase with decrease in difference between the v values of the two glasses. In other words, two glasses are the better fitted for achromatizing the more nearly equal are their partial dispersion ratios and the greater the difference in their v values. It can also be shown that the sum of the curvatures of each lens decreases with increase in difference between the v values. By combining lens elements of optical glasses of different refractive indices and dispersions it is possible for the designer to obtain much more perfect images and optical performance than with single lenses. In the older types of optical glass, ordinary crowns and ordinary flints, the lead in the flint glasses dominates the optical behavior of the glass with respect both to refractive index and to dispersions, so that in the series of flint glasses the ratio between refractive index and dispersions is practically linear, the dispersion increasing in direct proportion with the refractive index for any given spectral line. This relation between refractive index and dispersion was used to advantage by lens designers to produce images of fair quality; but it also set a limit to the possibilities of results that could be obtained, and experience showed that under such conditions it was impossible to attain the degree of correction required for more exacting lens systems. If these were to be realized it was necessary that new glasses of different relations between refractivity and dispersion be produced. The task of obtaining glasses of the desired refractivities and dispersion ratios involves the study of the effects which changes in chemical composition produce on the optical constants of the finished optical glass. The oxides which were used half a century ago in glass manufacture were few and included chiefly the oxides of silica, sodium, potassium, calcium, lead, and aluminium. The first attempts to introduce other elements into glass for the purpose of modifying the optical properties were made by Harcourt, 12 in England, between 1834 and 1860 in collaboration with Stokes; he discovered the effects exerted by boron and barium on the optical constants of glass; his experiments were on a small scale only and did not lead to the commercial production of such glasses. In 1880 and the following years detailed studies were made by Schott and Abbe, in Jena, Germany, where, with the financial aid of the Government, a number of new types of optical glass were produced commercially for the first time. Schott introduced ele- 12 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1871, 1874. NEW TYPES OF GLASS. 45 ments, such as boron (as oxide and borates), phosphorus (as phos- phates), barium (as carbonate or oxide), fluorine (as a fluoride), and felt assured of a certain degree of success in obtaining glasses of the desired optical qualities because these elements occur in nature in crystallized compounds, which are characterized optically by extremes in refractivity and dispersion. These extremes have never been attained by optical glasses; there is, moreover, no prospect of pro- ducing glasses of these properties chiefly because of the crystallizing tendencies of melts of such abnormal compositions. These melts can not be chilled with sufficient rapidity on a commercial scale to prevent their crystallization. Glasses of other abnormal composi- tions may not exhibit this tendency to crystallize, but the final product may be chemically unstable, so that the glass is readily attacked by the atmosphere and even by the materials used in the grinding and polishing processes; or the finished glass may be so soft as to be of little service in optical instruments. Glasses of these abnormal compositions showing extremes in refractivity or in dis- persion are always difficult to manufacture; they tend not only to crystallize or to be chemically unstable, but they are prone to attack the glass pot and to develop other troubles, such as bubbles, which are difficult to overcome on a large scale in the factory. The studies undertaken by Schott and Abbe for the purpose of obtaining new types of optical glass extended over a period of years. These investigators developed a number of new types of optical glass in which the dispersion ratios of certain pairs were more nearly in accord than were those of the older glasses. With the new types of optical glass much better color correction can be obtained in optical lens systems. Their new types of glass include the series of borosilicate crowns, of barium crowns, of barium flints, borate flints, the borate and phosphate glasses. In these glasses the character of the dispersion varies from type to type. We shall now consider in some detail and by means chiefly of graphical plots the dispersion relations in optical glasses in order to gain deeper insight into the significance of dispersion in optical glasses and its change with change in chemical composition. A fundamental requirement of optical glass is transparency and free- dom from color; this means the absence of an absorption band in the visible spectrum; and this in turn sets a definite limitation to the pos- sible variations in refractivity and greatly restricts the general char- acter of the dispersion relations. With change in color (wave length of light) the refractive indices of optical glass change in the manner illustrated in figures 12a and 126, in which the refractive indices of different kinds of optical glass 13 are plotted for different wave lengths : , 13 Measured by H. Rubens and H. T. Simon on a series of Schott glasses. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem. N. F. , 53, 555, 1894. * 3922921 4 46 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. OPTICAL DISPERSION. 47 of light extending from the ultra-violet through the visible spectrum into the infra-red. In figure 12a the refractive indices (ordinates) are plotted against the wave lengths, X, directly (abscissae) ; in figure 126 the refractive indices are plotted against the squares of the recip- 1.9C 1.8O 1 7O BaO 1.60 x FLINT -t- BARIUM FLINT L BORATE FL INT I >* CROWN O BARIUM CROWN ZnO> aO FLUOR ILICATE CROWN CROWN GLASS -02 .03 .04 .01 TV r\c * FIG. 13. In this figure the mean dispersions, n f n c , of a series of different types of silicate optical glasses are plotted against the refractive indices, n D . The points of projection for the ordinary crowns and the ordinary flints fall on a practically straight line, as indicated in the diagram. Is of the wave lengths (1/X 2 , frequency squared) . The glasses represented in figures 12a and 6 include the old types of ordinary crowns and flints and also barium crowns, flints, and borate glass ; thus $204 is a borate glass (n D = 1.51007, *>=58.8); O 1092, a light barium crown (n D = 1.57698, ^=62.0); O 1151, a crown of high dispersion 48 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL, GLASS. (ri D = 1.52002, i/ =51.8); S 179, a phosphate crown (n D = 1.56207, y = 67.2); O 561, a light flint (n D = 1.57524, ? = 41.2); O 1143, a barium crown (n D = 1.57422, i/ = 57.1); O 469, a dense flint (n D = 1.64985, ^=33.7); O 500, an extradense flint (n D = 1.75130, ^=27.6); S 163 densest flint (n D = 1.88995, i>=22.3). 1.9C 1.8C 1.6O / / / /' o 4- 4. / & > + * 4* 7 X FLINT -h BARIU l_ BORA" VI FLINT E FLINT Vx .',/ / o CROW BARIU N * CROWN " f~ 4T % \ ^f x . O o BaC L: BOR ATE FL INT nl s XN -* Q t V o X v y -1- _^ c CROWN *l *f ^ + ? t o 1 BARIUM CRC >WN X X^ BOROSIU ICATE ( ROV /N -k 8 (A m o FLUOR CRO WN j ^ O B,C 3. T Q PHOSPh ATE CR DWh< " ^ * < 1- , _i n O.8O 050 1.OO 1.1O 1.20 FIG. 15. In this figure the ratio (w D n A ')/(w G '7i F ), which expresses in effect the length of the red end of the spectrum to that of the blue end, is plotted against the refractive index r? D for a series of different types of silicate optical glasses. shows, moreover, the extent to which the glassmaker has succeeded in changing the refractivities of optical glasses. The diagram includes the borate and phosphate glasses in addition to the silicate glasses. PARTIAL DISPERSION RELATIONS. 51 If now we consider only the partial dispersions and plot, as in figure 16, the partial dispersion n F n c , n F n D and n G ' n F against n D WA' for a series of silicate glasses, the result in each case is a straight line; in figure 16 the partial dispersions of all the silicate glasses listed by Schott of Jena, and by Parra-Mantois of Paris (about 289 different glasses in all) are included except those of the densest .015 FIG. 16. In this figure the partial dispersions, n f n and n G ' n F of all silicate optical glasses listed by Parra-Mantois and by Schott, are plotted as ordinates against the partial dispersion w D -n A ' as abscissae. The result in each case is a straight line. flint S 386 of Schott. This is a remarkable result and states that any partial dispersion of a glass bears a linear relation to any other partial dispersion; the degree of departure from this relation does not exceed one or two units in the fourth decimal place for the glasses plotted. Except for the dense barium crown glasses the dis- 52 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. tance of the points from the straight line is commonly only a few units in the fifth decimal place. This fact, that in a series of optical glasses the partial dispersions are related by linear functions, proves that once a partial dispersion is given, the entire dispersion curve is fixed irrespective of the type of optical glass. This means that within the limits to which this statement holds, namely, one or two units in the fourth decimal place, if any partial dispersion is given, all other dispersions follow auto- matically; in other words, a change in dispersion at one part of the dispersion curve carries with it definite changes in the curve through- out the visible spectrum. Thus a series of standard dispersion curves can be set up independent of the absolute refractive index. This signifies that if, for any optical glass, two refractive indices be given, its dispersion curve can be written down directly; that in case two optical glasses of very different indices are found to have the same actual dispersion for one part of the spectrum, their dispersion curves are identical to one or two units in the fourth decimal place throughout the visible spectrum. If, for example, the refractive index n D , and the v value of an optical glass be given, its mean dispersion, n n c , can be computed from the equation n F n c = (n D I)/?; its partial dispersions n D n A r , n F n D , and n G ' n F can then be read off directly from figure 16 with a fair degree of accuracy, sufficient, at least, to give an adequate idea of the run of dispersion in the glass. From these relations it is possible to build up empirical dispersion formulas containing two or three constants which represent the data in the visible spectrum with a high degree of exactness. 14 The linear relations between the partial dispersions of an optical glass are valid only for that portion of the dispersion curve which is distant from an absorption band. With the approach to an absorp- tion band the dispersion curve departs from its even course and is no longer comparable with the dispersion curves of other glasses. This is well shown in figure 17 in which the measurements of H. Rubens in the infra-red and H. T. Simon 15 in the visible and ultra- violet of a series of optical glasses are plotted in terms of the partial dispersions. The different types of glasses are named on the diagram and are identical with those plotted on figure 12. The similarity in the course of the partial dispersions is well shown by two glasses in the list, namely, a crown of high dispersion, O 1151, of refractive index n D = 1.52002, and a barium crown, O 1143, of refractive index UD= 1.57422. In Table 2 the partial dispersions n r n D are listed. In this table it is evident that the partial dispersions of the two glasses run along fairly well together from the infra-red at 2 JJL to the " F. E. Wright. Journ. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 148-159, 1920. 15 Ann. Phys. u. Chem. N. F. 53, 555, 1894. PARTIAL DISPERSION RELATIONS. 53 violet of the visible spectrum. From here on into the ultra-violet the crown with high dispersion, which contains 13.3 per cent of lead FIG. 17. In this figure the partial dispersions n r n D between the sodium line and the following wave lengths in microns: 2.4, 2.2, 2.0, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.2, 1.0, 0.8, 0.7682, 0.6563, 0.5892, 0.5349, 0.5086, 0.4861, 0.4800, 0.4678, 0.4340, 0.3610, 0.3466, 0.3403, 0.3261, 0.3133, 0.3081, 0.2980, 0.2880, 0.2837, 0.2763, are plotted as ordi- nates against the partial dispersions, n G 'n , for a series of optical glasses measured by H. Rubens and H. T. Simon. The partial dispersions of the following Schott optical glasses are plotted on the diagram: O 1092, light barium crown, (n D =1.51698); S 204, borate glass, ( D = 1.51007); O 1143, dense barium crown, (n D = 1.57422); O 1151, crown of high dispersion, (n D = 1.52002); O 451, light flint, (n D =1.57524); O 469, dense flint, (n D = 1.64985); O 500 dense flint, (n D =1.75130); S 163, extra dense flint, ( D = 1.88995). oxide, approaches an absorption band and its partial dispersions rise accordingly. 54 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. TABLE 2. In this table the partial dispersions, n T n D of a crown of high dispersion, O 1151, and a barium crown, O 1143, are given for a series of wave lengths, r, extending from the infra-red at 2 /* to the ultra-violet at 0.2980 M- Wave length in/*. O 1151. n T -n D . O 1143. r D- Wave length in p. O 1151. r -n D . 1143. ft r D . r 20 0. 02272 0. 02272 r 0.4861 . 0. 00713 0. 00704 1.8 .02012 - .02012 0.4800 .00780 .00766 1 6 .01762 .01772 0.4678 . . . .00901 .00884 1.4 1.2 - .01522 - .01312 - .01542 - .01312 0.4340 ' 0.3610 .01310 . 02664 . 01288 .02500 1.0 .01042 - .01312 0.3466 .03066 . 02977 0.8 0.7682 .. - .00692 .00634 - .00692 - .00640 0.3403 0.3261 . 03260 . 03768 .03161 . 03623 0.6563 - .00290 - .00302 0.3133... . .04305 . 04103 0.5892 .00000 .00000 0.3081.... . . . 04556 . 04103 05349 .00325 .00324 0.2980... . 05091 . 04791 0.5086 .00523 .00516 The different effects of lead, barium, boron, and other glass-making oxides are more clearly shown in the infra-red and ultra-violet than in the visible spectrum. The maximal departure from normal dis- persion curves in the visible spectrum caused by the presence of large amounts of barium is approximately two units in the fourth decimal place. In the series of flint glasses an increase in lead oxide content raises the refractive index and causes the absorption band in the ultra-violet to shift toward the visible spectrum. This is clearly shown by the flint glasses plotted in figure 12, namely O 451, O 469, O 500, S 163. Simon was unable, because of the presence of this absorption band, to measure the refractive indices of the light flint O 451 beyond the wave length 0.2980 /*, of the medium flint O 469 beyond 0.3261 M, of the very dense flint O 500 beyond 0.3403 /u, and of the densest flint S 163 beyond 0.4340 /x. Further evidence of the shift of the absorption band with increase in lead-oxide content has been obtained by the direct measurement of the transparency of the flint glasses in ultra-violet light. Data on the transmission of plates of flint and other optical glasses in the ultra-violet are given in the catalogue of optical glasses issued by Chance Bros. The results of their measurements on the flint and other glasses are reproduced in Table 3 in which the limit of trans- parency of a glass plate 1 centimeter thick is indicated by the wave lengths at which the percentage transmissions are 50 and 10 respectively. OPTICAL DISPERSION. 55 TABLE 3. Transparency of flint and other glasses of Chance Bros, in the ultra-violet. T sT Name. D . V Approxi- mate per centage PbO Wavelengths (*i) for transmission. 50 per cent. 10 per cent. '321 313 330 332 341 360 295 309 311 309 312 309 307 329 353 335 339 320 316 328 7863 6953 572 360 337 4480 7423 646 1203 9322 1066 569 3463 9002 9753 4873 1453 5062 7983 4277 Extra light flint 1.5290 1.5412 1. 6182 1.6225 1.6469 1.7401 1.4785 1.5087 1.5155 1.5186 1. 5149 1. 5152 1.5407 1.5744 1.5881 1.6118 1.6126 1.5515 1.5534 1.5250 51.6 47.6 36.4 36.0 33.7 28.3 70.2 64.2 60.8 60.3 57.9 56.9 59.4 57.9 61.1 59.0 56.7 51.7 46.1 M.7 18 23.5 45 46 51 66 330 316 337 338 347 370 301 315 318 315 323 314 309 338 358 348 350 323 318 337 Light flint Dense flint do Very dense flint do Fluor crown Borosilicate crown Hard crown . do Zinc crown Soft crown Light barium crown Medium barium crown. Dense barium crown do do Light barium flint do Telescope flint With the exception of the first member of this series, which may contain appreciable amounts of zinc or barium oxides that may affect the transparency in the ultra-violet, the absorption band shifts continuously with increase in lead content toward the longer wave lengths and the visible spectrum. The yellow color of the very dense flints has been ascribed to the influence of this absorption band in reducing the intensity of the violet and blue of the visible spectrum ; other factors, however, such as the presence of small amounts of iron oxide and possibly also of lead dioxide or other oxide of lead as impurities, may have a pronounced influence on the color. Very dense flint glasses made of materials of high chemical purity and under conditions of thorough oxidation are noticeably less colored than glasses of the same composition whose batches and heat treatment have not been scrutinized carefully. There are other approximately straight-line dispersion relations within the visible spectrum which may be noted because on them certain empirical dispersion formulas are based. Thus if the refrac- tive indices be plotted as ordinates against the squares of the fre- quency (1/X 2 ) as abscissae, the course of the dispersion of an optical glass is represented by a curve which departs only slightly from a straight line (fig. 126) ; these departures are commonly less than one unit in the third decimal place. 16 A dispersion formula built up on this relation is the two-constant formula of Cauchy, namely The formula may also be written n-l=A'+B/\ 2 . See Sellmeier, Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., 143, 272, 1871; also Pulfrich, Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., 45, 1892; and Hovestadt, Jenaer Glas, p. 46-48. Jena. 1900. 56 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. In view of the fact that the range of refractive indices in optical glasses over the visible spectrum is relatively limited, any approxi- mately straight-line relation between refractive index and a function of the wave length, such as expressed by the foregoing Cauchy formula, becomes an hyperbola if the reciprocal be taken of the refractive index or of the excess refractivity; but the portion of the curve covered by the visible spectrum is so short that, even in this case, the departure of the hyperbola from a straight line is not great and the dispersion relations are still fairly well represented. Thus, the new formula recently suggested by Nutting 17 is the Cauchy formula, in which l/(n 1) is written for (n1). Nutting's formula represents the dispersions in certain cases better than the Cauchy formula, whereas in other glasses the Cauchy formula is the better. It would lead too far to present data of computation on a series of Gifford glasses which bear out this statement. The conclusion is, however, directly evident from a comparison of figures 18a and 18&, in which for all silicate glasses of Schott the squares of the frequency n 1 (1/X 2 ) are plotted as abscissae against =- and its reciprocal n A/ i A '_ j respectively, as ordinates. As a result of this method of plotting all dispersion curves pass through the unit ordinate for the A'-spectrum line. The dispersion curves radiate from this point as approximately straight lines, the departures from straight lines being greatest in the dense flints and also in the very light crowns and borosilicate crowns. 18 Another method of expressing these relations is to plot the fre- quency scale on the horizontal line at unit distance from the ab- scissa axis, to draw lines radiating from the origin through the points on the frequency scale, and to find the intercepts of these lines with ordinates equal to the refractive indices. 19 The disper- sion curves under these conditions are approximately straight lines. These relations suffice to prove that in any dispersion formula (if carried only over the visible spectrum in a transparent colorless substance, such as optical glass) which expresses the dispersion relations in approximately linear form, the reciprocals may be taken of the refractive index or any function of the same and the new dispersion curve thus obtained will again be approximately a straight line. In the ultra-violet and infra-red these relations may no longer obtain, and they inevitably break down as an absorption band is approached. In figure 18a the effective refractivity (n1) for any wave length is expressed for each glass in terms of its effective refractivity for " Revisita d'Ottica e Meccanica di Precisione, I, 54-57, 1919. " Compare F. E. Wright, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 195-204, 1920. w For a brief account of this method of plotting reciprocals see F. E. Wright, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 10, 185-188, 1920. OPTICAL DISPERSION. 57 58 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. the A' wave length (n A - I). The curves of this figure demonstrate that with rise in refractive index the dispersion also rises, and that, in the flint series especially, the dispersion increases relatively faster than the refractive index. This fact of increased rate of rise of dispersion with increase in absolute refringence is also clearly shown by a comparison of the dispersion relations in the flint series of glasses after reduction for each glass of all its refractive indices in the ratio n/n D or n/n A ,. This procedure reduces the refractive index of each glass for the ZMine or A'-\me to unity, and thus renders the relations directly comparable. On plotting the ratios n/n D against X or 1/X 2 we find that, in spite of the reduction of all glasses to a common datum level of absolute refringence (W D = 1), the higher the refringence in the flint glass series the greater the slope of the dispersion curve, thus proving the relatively greater dispersion of the heavy flint glasses. The foregoing relations, together with other relations, such as are shown by graphical plots in which: (a) - -is plotted against 77/F ^D ^-^ > (b) , against the wave length, X r , directly, (c) n r against X r , (d) UT against v r , demonstrate that the actual shape of a dispersion curve in optical glasses can be changed only in a definite manner and that the departures from any one of the set of standard dispersion curves do not exceed two units in the fourth decimal place. The effort of the glassmaker is therefore necessarily directed toward the production of glasses of different refringences for the same general run of dispersions. In the foregoing paragraphs the dispersion relations in optical glasses are presented on diagrams in some detail and from differ- ent viewpoints purposely, because they < are of fundamental impor- tance to the study of dispersion not only in optical glasses, but also in other colorless substances. They indicate clearly the limits which the glassmaker has attained in his efforts to produce different types of optical glass and demonstrate that the paths which he may follow are narrowly prescribed. RELATIONS BETWEEN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND REFRACTIVITY. The study of the refractivity relations in optical glasses, as illus- trated in the foregoing diagrams, indicates that certain chemical oxides in combination with silica dominate certain fields. To determine these relations, chemical analyses are essential. Unfor- tunately, the available analyses are not all of equal value. Table 4 contains the best chemical analyses of optical glasses whose optical constants are given and are at present known to the writer. 20 Many of these " analyses " are synthetic compositions computed from the batch compositions; in the table the sum in each "analysis" of this type is either 100.0 or 99.9. > See also list of analyses published by Williams and Rand, J. American Ceramic Soc., 2, 434-441, 1919. CHEMICAL ANALYSES. 59 1 ts S jS Oi^ ; ;N ; ^^n us ^ ": "t L ? "r "? ^ t '? ^ ^ u ? L ? * "5"? 3 iKllI gggoogoggggooogogog o 8 h f 1 I 05COCO(NOCC5 233SISS53325S323:: ^ |ls ogSoocs Se S>8SoooB!oo 1 18 9, M " s " 22ss= as .s"sS-aa- i S"2g i i .'to f Hi B : : i N 1 I's-g o ! s^sss CROWNS 000050 05 ^!oo | o j S CROWN I 111 1 ill i '2 -3g, . S 6 s :::::: )SILICATE 3 SILICAT] o i iifi- s "I S -2 I*! 3 tf O B S5 N3 i jiff | ; " d 'S So . ' :S co S : : : o!JoSo : : :S i-i : 1 His s* S^-* | r o -n ut -H ,_ 7 IIP is i XiCOCOOOOOC005U7if5C05iOCt^O ^ ^s^'S Q c9 . S O i o ^ CD Tf v$ iC co'co'eo' co'co -co' ico i 'oo !co O 52 O CO O O O ^3 O 00 S dot :o5 ' OoOOOM^HCOoSiCoSo OOCOO500^HCoSCiOiOlNi-H w5rfdo6o6ddaod5o6 oo co i dt>, CO M rfi CO CO r" CO CO 5 CO O >C O C CO O O rj id uj ffj id d oo OOOOt i O t>- t-0005 eOCOCOCO c5 CHEMICAL ANALYSES. 61 :38 :fe > O C^ O I"* CQ 1C *O C O CD '^ ^t' ,c '. : : : ^H ^H i-, CO tN ~ .ooooStooooooS^oc lOOOOiO t^ o5 >o GC t^ 06 oo' t^ T5 r-I co ?D o ": i< arj oc oo ac ac ec c 6 ' ' 3922921 62 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. I , r^ H i g c5(No; :fo^s JcSScc^coS O4 o^co-^eioso^HO O t- OCO OCO O O CO "ca e 000000000 888888888 000000 888888 I M J2 j j j j j j j oo .' : o C3 ^ CO joooo 1 I] 1 1 1 |s i m cc O 00000 O PH H O CN 'CO (N (M PH m 10 ic 10 o o O O w PH 3 ooooco -C O O O OS OS CO * irf t^. to >o >o o *! JJJJJJJJj o o o o o o 2 gSSSSSSKS COCO CO CO CO CO 83S8SS8S= iM CO * >C CO t>- ilslliis- CCCMcCOS^COZcOCC I I I I I I. I I I I CHEMICAL ANALYSES. 63 ^sx-,' :e3 e I O o si et -.odd^Q .-f ^ o II sgj ; 'l^f <0 < _- c i MX: .=3^ b-3 ^ 2ooo||||o o ^wwWa I 64 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. s. J I C b 3 o S I- I ' Q D . bb ^S bS v 1 tf P 5 : i II So 00 II - - O O 82 i i bb 6 $ V^J y 6 6 - 23 ;- -* I I S P P g 3 ^ P oq ! a I 3 11 8 S 2 - 2 i 2< ^ o ^ l Q M I QQ ^J 66 V. o ' S^ ol5o^f N P M ^|o6o|o^|iP^^| l||SSlsSSSSSliliilS^|^^sg^ ^^/-S/^S^-t^M^ -/^(^i^^f^N/^^S/^rVy-Vy^S^vy-S^-., 7 S .-OOISOO ^OOOOOO g , j|?i'8tstiiii I. I. I. I I I. lf U U U I I I I I. I. I. I I. I. I. I I . 888.cs .d & si"! s is E IsilleSSS .s? . OOOOOOOOOgOOOuO U u U t U TTTTT 3 CHEMICAL ANALYSES. 65 j ' g 06 O a d 1 i ^ ^. I I d 11 5 It 3 - O CO QO 00 00 OQ "o o o"o o^o ,&&&.. - oooooo OC0050000 CpCOCBOOKM ??? ????? I I. I M. I ffa5?f c P ( f i.-b-sA't.?. < i s | ) '| ) -' 2? 'i ) * ^ '' f ' I ^ ^ "'' i ^ cf c" if o" o" if p, C. &. & S-"; S22222222 o-o'SS3 OOOOOCOCO ^3XJ5J5^3J3 66 (nrAKACTETUSTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. Table 4 includes 16 precision analyses of a number of types of foreign optical glass; these analyses were made with the greatest care by Drs. E. T. Allen, E. Zies, and E. Posnjak, of the Geophysical Laboratory, and are interesting not only because they furnish reliable data on the essential components of the glasses, but because they prove that the German glasses contain almost negligible amounts of impurities; in short, that the excellence of these glasses is the result of the use of raw materials of high chemical purity and of crucibles of resistant qualities. The analysis of optical glasses is not an easy task and special methods for such work were developed and per- fected by Allen and Zies. 21 Table 4 contains also a number of selected analyses (largely synthetic and deduced evidently from the batch compositions) from a list published by E. Zschimmer in C. Doelter's Handbuch der Mineralchemie, I, pages 869-888, 1912. Many of the analyses in the Zschimmer list were published first by Winkelmann and others and are given in the book on Jena glass by H. Hovestadt (translation by J. D. and A. Everett, London, 1902) on pages 146-147. The Winkelmann-Hovestadt numbers are in- cluded in Table 4. A number of these synthetic analyses have been checked by chemical analyses of the glasses; the results have been in general in fair accord. Analyses computed from the batches of certain other glasses are also included. In Table 4 the refractive index n D , the z>-value, and the density of each glass are listed; also the dispersions of the standard type glasses cited in the optical glass lists of Schott and of Chance. In each case these dispersions are sufficiently near the actual dispersions of the glass whose analysis is given to be substituted for them. The simplest series of optical glasses is evidently the flint series, and for this reason this series was studied first and certain composi- tion-refr activity relations were deduced from it. The chemical relations (weight percentages) were plotted on a triaxial diagram, such as is commonly used in representing the relations in a three- component chemical system. The fact that, for the members of the flint series, the refractivity relations are expressed by means of smooth continuous curves in the foregoing diagrams 13, 14, and 15, indicates that this series is analogous in its behavior, so far as the flint glasses are concerned, to a two-component system. If so, the chemical composition of these glasses, when plotted in the triaxial diagram, should be found to fall on a straight line. In figure 19 the weight-percentage com- positions are plotted directly; the three components are silica (SiO 2 ), lead oxide (PbO), and the alkali oxides (Na,O, K 2 O). The points on the diagram include all available compositions of flint glasses. The potash flints are distinguished in the diagram from the soda- Jour. Am. Ceram Soc., I, 739-786, 1918. CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS. 67 potash flints and from the soda flints. The compositions of all the glasses plotted fall on a practically straight line between the composi- tions: Lead metasilicate (PbO.SiO 2 ) and the potassium silicate glass of the composition (K 2 O.6SiO 2 ), or the sodium silicate glass of the approximate composition Na 2 O.4SiO 2 . The optical constants of a synthetic potassium silicate glass of this composition were found to be n D = 1.4836, ^ = 61.0. The entire flint series is analogous chemically to a two-component mixture; and, as such, any one of its physical constants such as refractive index, y-value, or density varies continuously with change sio K 2 O6Si0 2 Na O PbO Na 2 O FIG. 19. Triaxial diagram showing the weight-percentage compositions of the potash flint, soda-potash flint, and soda-flint glasses. in composition. This variation is illustrated in figure 20 in which the variation in the chemical composition is represented along the abscissa axis as weight percentages of lead oxide. The ordinates give then the values of the refractive index for sodium light, the j>-value, and the density for the glasses of the several compositions. Smooth curves passing through these points enable the observer to read off the percentage of lead oxide required in a glass having any desired constant represented on these curves. In figure 21 the changes in other optical constants (partial dispersions, v-value) as well as in lead-oxide content, with change in refractive index n D , are represented for all Schott and Chance flint and ordinary crown glasses. These 68 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. changes are represented in the flint series by smooth continuous curves. The diagram shows that the flint glasses are characterized by higher dispersions and a relatively more rapid rise in dispersion with rise in refractive index than is the case in the ordinary crown glasses. r 70t2.OO -6O -so- -4O- 20 1.90 1.80 1.7O -30-H.6O I o 1.50 \ V ' \ L 10 20 3O 4O 50 WEIGHT PERCENTAGE PbO 60 70 80 FIG. 20. In this diagram there are shown the changes in the density and the optical constants (refractive index, n D , and v) with changes in lead oxide (1'bO) in the flint series of glasses. The foregoing three figures represent the sum total of empirical efforts on the part of glassmakers to produce a series of flint glasses w r hich have certain optical properties. It is of interest to inquire, in passing, why the glassmakers, who did not know what figure 19 CHEMICAL OPTICAL RELATIONS. 69 clearly demonstrates, should have chosen the particular compositions along the single straight line in the concentration field. The reason is not far to seek. Melts whose compositions lie above the line ap- 1.75 1.7O 1.65 1.6O 1.55 1.50 FIG. 21. In this diagram the changes in the partial dispersions, n f n c ~, n D n A '; WF n ; n c F , in the y- values and in the lead oxide (PbO) content with changes in refractive index, D , are shown for the flint series of glasses. The ranges of partial dispersions in the ordinary crown glasses with changes in the refractive index, n D , are also illustrated. proach pure silica in composition and are extremely viscous and melt at such high temperatures that they can not be produced in furnaces of the ordinary type. Glasses whose compositions are given by points below the line approach either the alkalies or lead oxide in 70 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. composition. Glasses high in alkali melt easily, but are soft and extremely hygroscopic and therefore unsuitable for optical purposes. Glasses high in lead melt readily, but tend to crystallize with great ease and hence are unsuitable from the glassmakers standpoint. The glassmaker is thus forced to adopt those compositions which melt readily, which are not hygroscopic, and which do not crystal- lize too readily on cooling from high temperatures. An extended series of experiments by Mr. Olaf Andersen of the Geophysical Lab- oratory, carried out on a small scale in the laboratory in platinum crucibles, corroborated the above conclusions in detail. The results of his studies are to be published later. BOROSILICATE CROWN o CROWN O BARIUM CROWN X FLINT + BARIUM FLINT L BOROSILICATE FLINT AAAAA; FIG. 22. Triaxial diagram shoeing the weight-percentage compositions of the ordinary crowns, borosili- cate crowns, barium crowns, flints, barium flints, and borosilicate flints of Table 4. In figure 22 a composite diagram of the relations in both the crown and flint silicate glasses of Table 4 is presented. The range of compositions in this diagram, as in figure 19, is restricted to a fairly definite band; the reasons for this narrow belt of compositions are given in the foregoing paragraph. Although there is more lee- way here for the glassmaker in the matter of compositions, there are certain definite limits beyond which he may not pass without inviting trouble and loss. At the time we entered the war, a certain few of the optical glass types had become standard and sufficed for the optical instruments CHEMICAL OPTICAL RELATIONS. 71 required by the Army and Navy ; our task consisted essentially in repro- ducing these types. The first problem was to devise and to develop manufacturing processes competent to meet the situation. The impor- tance was realized of producing optical glass of uniformly high quality in which the departures from the standard types are negligible. The lens manufacturer can not afford to change his grinding and polishing tools with each pot of glass received in order to cope with large changes in optical properties which may occur from melt to melt. It is the task of the manufacturer of optical glass so to control his manufacturing processes that large departures from the standard type do not occur and the variations in optical constants from melt to melt of the same type are small and negligible; like other tasks of high precision these conditions are not always easy to meet. The glassmaker must hold his glass to type within narrow limits. This is obtained from melt to melt by use of raw materials of high chemical purity, by controlling accurately the furnace temperatures, by using chemically and thermally resistant pots in which to melt the glass, by proper stirring methods to insure thorough mixing, also by adding to the molten batch ingredients which change the optical properties (as measured on proofs taken of the glass melt) in the direction required to have the finished product conform to the standard type. In Figure 23 are plotted the variations in refractive index n D for series of melts of optical glasses of different types. These glasses were furnished before the war by Schott und Genossen and by Parra-Mantois to an American manufacturer and indicate how closely in these specially favorable examples the melts were held to type. Each point on a curve of refractive indices represents a different melting. In other glasses the melts do not run so closely to type. In general, the glasses manufactured in this country showed at first somewhat greater departures from type than the European; but during the later months of the war after batch materials, quality, and treatment of melting pots and furnace conditions had been improved and placed on a basis of better factory routine the varia- tions were no greater than in the European glasses. An interesting series of measurements of the variations in refrac- tive indices of optical glass fragments broken from different parts of the same melt was made by J. W. Gifford, 22 who found differences of 0.00033 in the case of a dense barium crown; as a rule the differ- ences were restricted to the fifth decimal place. In general, the refractive index of a glass type may vary from pot to pot by several units in the third decimal place; with certain glasses, such as borosilicate crown, the departure from type is less and restricted practically to 0.001; the rvalue may vary several Proc. Roy. Soc., 87, 189, 1912. 72 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. units in the first decimal place. First-quality glass selected from any one pot should be constant in refractive index within several units in the fourth decimal place; in some pots the difference be- tween extreme limits may be 0.0008, but commonly they are less I.6IA 1.617 1509 FIG. 23. Curves illustrating the variations in refractive index, n v , from pot to pot of melts of the same type as furnished by 'Parra-Mantois and by Schott and Genossen. These particular types show the s.nallest variations of a number of different types from which the selections were made. In each case all the melts of each typeselected are plotted on the diagram. Each point on a curve represents a different melt. The types represented by the curves are: (1) Medium flint, D =1.61(>8, Parra-Mantois; (II) light flint, n D =1.5587, Parra Mantois; (III) barium light flint, D = 1.5825, TypeO 578, Schott and Gen.; (IV) dense flint, n D = 1.6489, TypeO 102, Schott and Gen.; (V), barium silicate crown, n u =1.5726, TypeO 211, Schott and Gen.; (VI) borosilicate crown, n D =1.5100, Type O 144, Schott and Gen.; (VII) borosilicate crown, n D =1.5163, Type O. 3832, Schott and (Jen. than this. The refractive index of a distinctly striated portion of the glass may and commonly does differ from that of the sur- rounding glass only in the fourth decimal place. The refractive index of a stria is commonly lower than that of the adjacent glass. OPTICAL GLASS TYPES. 73 The optical constants of the principal types of glass produced at the several plants in the United States during the war are listed in Table 5. In this table only the more important types are included. The list could be increased manyfold if the variations or departures from type were included. This factor had to be taken into account in the specifications for optical glass furnished to the Army and Navy because in the early months of the war great difficulty was expe- rienced in obtaining satisfactory melting pots which were thermal!} 7 and chemically resistant. The difficulty arising from a wide range in refractivities of glass types was overcome to some extent by dividing the glasses of each general type into lots so that the range of refractivities in each lot was relatively small; the variations within the lot were then within the tolerance limits set by the manufacturer of the particular optical instrument for which the glass was intended. Under the stress of war activities this procedure was not always observed, and manufacturers received glass which necessitated changes of tools and consequent retardation of production. In war time the importance of competent personnel to handle such details can not be overemphasized; the lack of appreciation of the signifi- cance of technical details of this nature causes loss of time and money and may become serious in a crisis. TABLE 5. List of optical constants of principal glass types manufactured in quantity in the United States during 1918. BOROSILICATE CROWN. Manufacturer. n D . " nr-Wc- We- n r . Bausch & Lomb Optical Co .5164 64.9 0. 00795 1. 51423 .52218 Bureau of Standards .5190 .5171 .5100 .5244 64.6 64.3 63.5 64.0 .00803 .00804 .00803 .0082 1. 51659 1. 51470 1.50801 1. 5219 . 52462 . 52274 .51604 .5301 Keuffel & Esser . 51010 63.8 .00799 1 50734 51533 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co .50960 . 51579 63.2 63.8 .00807 .00807 1. 50717 1. 51345 . 51524 52152 Spencer Lens Co .51611 . 51300 . 51123 63.6 62.3 63.4 .00812 . 00823 00806 1. 51358 1. 51056 1 50884 . 52170 . 51879 51690 .51905 . 51358 . 51587 60.7 62.5 64.0 .00854 .00822 .00806 1.51646 1. 51107 1. 51340 .52500 .51929 1. 52146 ORDINARY CROWN. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co 1.5116 61 00839 50923 1 51762 Bureau of Standards . . .5143 . 51979 60.7 60 9 .00847 00850 .51191 51530 1. 52038 52380 Keuffel & Esser 51593 60 8 00849 51530 52194 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co . 52495 59.1 00887 52170 53057 Spencer Lens Co .52400 51635 58.8 60 6 .00890 00851 . 52135 51388 .53026 52239 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co .52389 569 59.5 57 .00880 01000 . 52114 56699 .52994 57699 Bureau of Standards .5721 . 5710 .5728 56.8 56.5 57.7 .01006 . 01010 .0099 .56920 .56805 .5699 . 57926 . 57815 5798 Keuffel & Esser .57485 57 4 01002 57198 58200 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co . 57167 .57718 56.9 56 1 .01003 01040 .56880 57405 .57883 58445 Spencer Lens Co .56100 .59300 57222 57.7 54.5 57 5 .00968 . 01088 00994 . 55816 . 58979 56925 .56784 .59300 57919 . 56822 57.1 .00992 .56529 . 57521 74 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. TABLE 5. List of optical constants of principal glass types manufactured in quantity in the United States during 1918 Continued. DENSE BARIUM CROWN. Manufacturer. m 71 D . V. Hv-nc' n c . F. Bureau of Standards 1.62149 53.6 0.01159 1.61809 1.62968 Spencer Lens Co 1.59500 57.2 . 01040 1. 59182 1.60222 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 1.61100 56. 7 . 01077 1.60796 1.61873 LIGHT FLINT. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co .5619 44.8 0. 01253 1. 55829 . 570X2 Bureau of Standards .5725 .5664 .5802 .58484 42.7 42.6 41.4 40.5 . 01342 . 01331 .01413 . 01439 .56864 . 56258 . 57615 . 58070 ! 575X9 .59028 . 59509 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co . 57220 42.1 . 01365 .56817 . 58182 Spencer Lens Co .56900 .57900 .58069 42.5 41.1 41.1 . 01337 . . 01408 . 01414 .56508 .57499 .57668 .57845 .58907 .59082 MEDIUM FLINT. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co 1.6150 36.8 0. 01779 1.60998 . 62667 Bureau of Standards 1.6180 1. 6218 1.6274 36.5 36.4 36.4 . 01692 .01806 .0172 1.61331 1. 61695 1. 6225 . 63023 . 63401 .6397 Keuff el & Esser . . . 1.61252 37.9 . 01615 1. 60799 .62414 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 1. 61573 1. 61660 1. 61800 37.6 37.5 36.6 . 01634 . 01646 .01686 1.61101 1. 61209 1. 61321 1.62735 1. 62855 .63007 Spencer Lens Co 1.61100 1.62700 1. 60536 37.3 35.6 37.9 . 01640 . 01760 . 01596 1. 60638 1. 62192 1. 60079 1. 62278 1. 63952 1. 61675 1. 61098 1. 62037 1. 63317 37.0 36.4 35.1 .01650 .01704 .01808 1. 60630 1. 61545 1. 62797 1. 62280 1. 63259 1. 64605 DENSE FLINT. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co 1.6465 33.9 0. 01904 .64095 .65999 Bureau of Standards 1.6495 1. 6545 .65555 33.7 33.3 34.4 . 01928 . 01963 . 01903 . 64428 .64906 . 6.5019 .66356 . 66869 . 66922 Keuffel & Esser . 65174 33.8 . 01925 .64628 . 66553 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co .63500 34.9 .01818 .62982 .64800 Spencer Lens Co .64500 .66100 .64015 34.1 32.9 34.6 .01883 . 02013 . 01853 . 63961 . 65527 1. 63489 . 65854 . 67539 . 65342 BARIUM FLINT. Bureau of Standards 1 55000 52 6 01040 1. 54700 1.55740 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 1.60300 44.0 . 01370 1.59910 1. 61280 Spencer Len^ Co 1.60900 1 62210 43.4 38 2 .01405 01628 1. 60495 1 61744 1.61900 1 63372 EXTRA DENSE FLINT. Spencer Lens Co 1 75614 27 2 02778 1 74839 1. 77617 1 III. FREEDOM FROM COLOR. Color in optical glass is caused by the presence of certain coloring agents, which are generally difficult to eliminate from the raw materials, especially from the sand that goes into the glass batch. Iron in appreciable quantities may also be introduced as a result of solution of the walls of the pot. Copper, nickel, cobalt, chromic FREEDOM FROM COLOR. 75 oxide, vanadium, or manganese may also be responsible for some of the coloration. A very small amount of certain of these oxides suffice to produce relatively intense coloration. Iron oxide is the chief source of trouble in this respect. In the ferrous-ferric state it produces intense green coloration, in the pure ferric state the result- ing color is pale yellow. Chemical analyses show that the best European glasses contain less than 0.02 per cent Fe 2 O 3 ; if the iron oxide content exceeds 0.05 per cent the glass is colored noticeably green or yellow green. The exact hue produced by a given amount of iron oxide is different for different glasses; in the barium crowns the color is green to bluish green; in the flints yellow to greenish yellow; in borosilicates a relatively large amount of iron is required to produce decided colora- tion, which is then gray green or gray blue. The amount of iron contributed by the pot is a serious matter and may equal or exceed that contained in the raw materials. Analyses show that the clay used in the German pots contains less than 1 per cent; in the clays used in this country it is commonly over 2 per cent. It is probable that in some of the glasses slight traces of a coloring agent, such as cobalt, may be present and affect appreciably the color* and espe- cially the transmission of the glass; the definite percentage effects on transmission of alumina and of the colorless oxides, such as the alkalies, alkaline earths, boron oxide, and silica on the light-trans- mission is unknown. Experience with glass containing small quantities of iron oxide has proved that the resultant color of the glass is largely dependent on the state of oxidation of the iron; thus a decidedly green colored glass, if melted in a platinum crucible heated in an electric resistance furnace, becomes practically colorless under these conditions of high oxidation. In case manganese be present, the color may even shift to a decided purple. The effect of different degrees of oxidation may occasionally be observed in glass broken from a large melting pot, especially near the top margin of the glass mass. In this periph- eral portion the color of the glass may change rapidly from decidedly green to colorless to purple. The following analyses of two samples taken from a large pot of flint (calculated synthetic composition: SiO 2 46.4, PbO 45.8, K 2 O 2.7, Na 2 O 4.7, B 2 O 3 0.33, MnO 0.075) in which these color differences appeared, prove that the amount of manganese oxide present is the same throughout the mass; the man- ganese is calculated in both samples as MnO; the state of oxidation was not ascertained. 1 MnO 0. 065 MnO . 063 1. A small piece of glass from the top surface of the melt ranging in color from nearly colorless to decidedly purple. E. T. Allen, analyst. ?. Sample taken 5 centimeters from the top surface of the melt; decidedly green in color. E. T. Allen, analyst. 76 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. The chief objection to a slight amount of color is the fact that it indicates a glass of relatively low transmission. Glass intended for prisms, in which the optical glass path is necessarily long, should be relatively less colored than glass intended for thin lens elements. The quality of optical glass with respect to color is best ascertained as it is broken from the melting pot and can be observed in pieces a foot or more thick. Under these conditions all glass is appreciably colored. The same phenomenon can be seen on window or plate glass which appears through the plate to be colorless, but, when viewed through the edges, it is relatively dark green or yellow or blue green. IV. HIGH DEGREE OF TRANSPARENCY. This implies freedom from coloring agents which tend to absorb an- appreciable portion of the incident light. In the best European glasses the light-absorption ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 per cent per centimeter thickness of glass path. High transmission is attained primarily by the use of raw materials of high chemical purity and by melting the glass in chemically resistant pots under conditions of high oxidation. The use of decoloring agents is not to be recom- mended, because they commonly function by contributing to the glass a color complementary to the color which would otherwise be obtained, the resultant effect being neutral gray. By this method relative freedom from color can be had, but only at the expense of the light transmission. High transparency in optical glass for military instruments is important because on it the brightness of the visual image depends and with it the ability of the eye to detect details of distant objects. The better the Army and Navy can see the more effective are they in the presence of the enemy. The treatment of polished glass surfaces to reduce the amount of light reflected. Two factors contribute toward loss of light in a given optical system for a given intensity of illumination of object. These are: (1) Absorption of light by the glass itself; (2) reflection of light from the surfaces of the lens and prism elements. Theoretically the second factor has a definite limiting value which is fixed by the refractive index of the reflecting glass. For vertically incident light this value is expressed by the Fresnel equation | - , | , in which n [ n + i J is the refractive index of the glass. In 1892 H. D. Taylor 23 discovered that old photographic lenses which had become slightly tarnished were faster than new lenses of the same aperture. Evidently the exposed surface was modified in some way such that it reflected less light than before. Taylor " The Adjustment and Testing of Telescope Objectives, published in 1896 by T. C'cok, of York, England . TRANSPARENCY AND REFLECTING POWER. 77 experimented with the problem and found that by the use of certain chemicals he was able to decrease the amount of light reflected by a given glass surface. He did not, however, reveal the actual chemicals which were used except to state that hydrogen sulphide and alkaline sulphides reduced the reflecting power appreciably. Recently F. Kollmorgen 24 has been able, by treatment of glass surfaces, to decrease the amount of light lost in an ordinary flint or barium crown lens from 8 to 10 per cent to 3 or 4 per cent. Experiments of similar nature were also made by Dr. H. Kellner 25 and similar results were obtained. In view of the importance of this matter for range finders, peri- scopes, and other military optical instruments a series of experiments was begun by Dr. J. B. Ferguson and the writer during the early months of the war. Unfortunately other matters prevented the completion of this task, but the results thus far attained are of interest. Polished specimens of light flint glass of refractive index n D = 1.570 were immersed in solutions of different concentrations and held ordi- narily for 18 hours at 80 C. The experiments proved that with a given concentration of solution the surface change is a gradual proc- ess, and that, for the best results, time-temperature-concentration relations are required for each solution with each type of glass. With the light flint specimens the greatest reduction in reflecting power was obtained with a 1 per cent solution of acid sodium phosphate (NaH 2 PO 4 ) acting for 18 hours at 80 C. Solutions containing , 2, and 20 per cent of the salt were tried, but these reduced the reflecting power less. Other solutions nearly equal in effectiveness are: Phos- phoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ), 1 per cent; copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ), 2 per cent; nickel sulphate (NiSO 4 ), 2 per cent; ferric sulphate (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ), 2 per cent with a little free H 2 SO 4 ; potassium dichromate (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) , 2 per cent; less effective are solutions of potassium arsenate, sodium arse- nate, copper chloride, zinc chloride, nickel chloride, cobalt chloride, potassium iodide, copper nitrate, acetic acid, potassium chromate; little, if any, effect was obtained with solutions of ferric nitrate, magnesium sulphate, zinc sulphate, copper chlorate, potassium chlorate, potassium sulphocyanide, potassium fluoride. Solutions of alkali salts, such as sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, etch the surfaces but do not decrease the reflecting power to any extent. In solutions of sodium sulphide and potassium sulphide a sulphide film is formed on the polished surface. It is an interesting fact that the light reflected from a treated surface is in most cases appreciably colored; this color is commonly 2 < Trans. Soc. Illuminating Engineers, 2, 220-234, 191fr. 2 > Private communication. 3922921 6 78 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. a faint blue or blue violet, but in the case of samples treated in solu- tions of potassium bichromate, copper nitrate, borax, potassium arsenate, the color of the reflected light is noticeably yellow. Specimens of borosilicate crown glass were treated in similar man- ner and showed similar decreases in reflecting power. Good results were obtained with solutions of ferric sulphate, 1 and 2 per cent; copper sulphate, 2 per cent; potassium bichromate, 4 per cent; less satisfactory are solutions of copper nitrate, acetic acid, borax, potas- sium binoxalate, nickel sulphate, acid sodium phosphate. The time of exposure in all these experiments was 18 hours at 80 C. Samples of light barium crown glass were found to be readily attacked. Weak solutions of nickel sulphate, acid sodium phosphate, copper sulphate, ferrous sulphate, phosphoric acid, acetic acid, cop-^ per chloride were tried; in all cases a decided decrease in reflecting power was observed, but the surfaces were noticeably etched, indi- cating too long exposure. To account for this phenomenon of decreased reflection below the theoretical limits three tentative hypotheses are suggested : 1. A thin surface film of very low refractive index is deposited on the reflecting surface (adsorbed film) . 2. There is selective solution at the surface such that the refractive index of the exposed residual surface is greatly lowered. 3. In the process of etching by the attacking solution the surface becomes covered with minute pits which are small compared with the wave length of light. Light waves impinging on the reflecting face encounter a plateau surface consisting of the remnants of the original polished surface with the intervening air pockets above the etch pits. As a result the etched surface behaves optically in its reflect- ing power as a material whose reflectivity is equal to the sum of the reflecting powers respectively of the exposed plateau elements of the glass, and of the intervening air spaces which are so small that they do not cause appreciable diffraction of the light waves. The changes in the intensity of normally incident light on reflec- tion with change in refractive index of the reflecting medium as computed by means of the Fresnel equation are listed in Table 6. TABLE 6. Percentage of optically incident light reflected from a single polished surface. Refractive index of glass surface. Per cent. 1.222 j 1.329 2 1.418 3 1.502 4 1.575 . .. I 648 6 1.720 7 1 790 8 1.857 9 1 927 10 , CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL STABILITY. 79 These computations indicate that a glass surface reflecting only 2 per cent of vertically incident light must have a refractive index 1.329, which is less than that of water. The fact of the lowering of reflecting power by treatment in solu- tions is established beyond question. The change produced is so permanent that it does not disappear on ordinary rubbing or cleaning the surface or after several years' exposure to the air. Such surfaces show a tendency to appear faintly colored (blue or violet) in reflected light depending on the solution employed and also on treatment (polishing) just before immersion in the solution. If the refractive indices of original and treated samples are measured by total reflection methods no difference in refr activity between them can be detected. The three hypotheses cited above are not of equal probability. The fact that the reflecting power can be lowered by immersing the glass surface in solutions of widely different character, and that the surface can not be rubbed off is difficult to explain by the first hypothesis. The refractive index required theoretically to give such low reflecting power, and the fact that the index of silica glass is about 1.460 is an argument against the second hypothesis. In favor of the third hypothesis is the observed change in refractive index of the zeolites .and some other water-bearing compounds, namely, that on loss of water, the refractive index of the mineral is lowered and not raised as one might possibly expect. During the war this process of treating polished surfaces to reduce the reflecting power was not developed to the point where it could be adopted as a routine factory operation; before this can be done more experimental data are required. The possibilities, from both a theoretical and a manufacturing viewpoint, are, however, great, and warrant further detailed investigation of this subject. V. HIGH DEGREE OF STABILITY, BOTH CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL. The glass should be of such composition that it is weather resistant, does not tarnish readily, and retains an optical polish well. For most types of glasses this condition obtains; but in a few types, such as certain dense barium crowns and the borate and phosphate glasses, the lack of stability may cause trouble if the lens elements are not adequately protected from attack. Glasses high in alkalies are much less stable than glasses low in alkalies. Hardness and toughness are also a function of the chemical composition and oi the state of annealing of the glass. The glass should be hard and tough, so that under ordinary field conditions the exposed surfaces are not easily scratched and damaged. Experience with glasses in the Tropics has shown that the high temperature and humidity existing there are potent factors in 80 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL GLASS. attacking exposed surfaces of optical glass in instruments. In optical instruments used in the Tropics a brown-colored film or coating may form which gradually dims the image and finally renders the instrument useless. Investigation of this coating has proved that in certain crown glasses crystals of sodium carbonate are formed on the polished lens surfaces; in other glasses an organic mold or growth or film scum appears, especially on instruments which have been sealed and made water-tight. This film may consist of many small liquid drops and occurs especially on the reticules of field glasses and fire-control instruments; in most cases it appears to avoid the area immediately adjacent to the etched lines of the reticule; or it may be much finer and spread uniformly over the polished surface. Experiments have shown that film of this nature is for the most part not an inherent defect of the glass itself, but is organic matter which has evaporated from lacquer and grease and dirt left in the instrument during the assembling process. The remedy for such film is meticulous care and cleanliness in the assembly of optical instruments. In certain cases the glass surfaces are badly attacked and the glass itself is then of faulty composition. The stability of optical glasses is a difficult property to define satisfactorily. In all cases a glass is desired which shall remain unchanged on exposure to all kinds and conditions of weather. To test the stability of the glass under actual conditions is obviously a time-consuming process. The attack on the glass is, however, accelerated by elevating the temperature and the pressure. As a measure of the stability the behavior has been taken of the glass under arbitrarily fixed but reproducible conditions of high tempera- ture and high pressure in acid, neutral, and alkaline solutions of known composition. There is danger, however, that the character of the reactions which take place at higher temperatures and pressures may be, and probably is, different from that of the reactions at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, with the result that the conclusions drawn from the behavior of the glass at high tem- peratures, high pressures, and concentrated solutions may be much in error when applied as criteria of the weathering stability of glass. For this reason it has been deemed better to devise tests of extreme sensitiveness which may be used at ordinary temperatures and atmospheric pressure. These and other tests will be described in Chapter IV on the inspection of optical glass. Chapter III. THE MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. THE ORGANIZATION OF AN OPTICAL GLASS PLANT. Optical glass has been shown to be a product which must meet the strictest demands of extremely high precision and throughout all stages of its manufacture this fact must be recognized. One of the chief difficulties encountered in the rapid development of optical glass manufacture in this country for war purposes was the lack of appreciation on the part of manufacturers, of superintendents, of foremen, and of workmen of this fundamental fact; to educate them to a proper realization of their several responsibilities required time and this necessarily retarded production during the first months of the war. High precision means careful control over all steps of the manufacturing processes and a personnel competent to establish such control; the problem is essentially one of physical and chemical engineering, and the manufacture of optical glass to be successful must be directed by men thoroughly trained along these lines. Tech- nical control of this kind soon pays for itself in the quality and the quantity of the product obtained. An optical glass plant should be so organized that effective con- trol is exercised over each step of manufacture from the raw materials to the finished product. The raw materials should be of uniformly high chemical purity. They should be ordered from manufacturers under definite specifications and with provision for adequate chemical control at the factory to insure the necessary quality. The melting pots require close attention. If the size of the glass plant warrants it, each plant should have its own pot house; this obviates the inevi- table jolts and jars and rapid changes in temperature and in humidity incident upon transportation and makes it possible to develop pots which are best suited to special types of optical glass. The melting and annealing furnace temperatures must be held to schedule. The batches must be properly mixed and filled into the pots. The crucible after removal from the furnace must be so cooled that properly fissured glass results. The inspection of the raw glass must be carefully supervised, otherwise much good glass is butchered and wasted, and much poor glass is taken into work which later has to be discarded. The molding and pressing of the glass into blocks must be properly directed, otherwise serious losses are incurred. 81 82 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In the present chapter the several sections of the glassmaking process will be considered briefly and somewhat in the order of actual manufacture. In the analysis of these steps we shall find that there are many factors involved, and that only with proper regard to their several effects can optical glass of uniformly high quality be produced. In other words, the making of modern optical glasses does not con- sist solely in the mixing together of a secret batch, handed down from father to son, in melting this down in a furnace, and in allowing the melt to cool properly. In many branches of the glass industry there is still much that harks back to the days of the alchemist; many glassworkers are highly skilled artisans trained to their tasks from childhood ; but in the making of optical glass there is little room for the deftness and whim of the artist. The problem is essentially one of precision and factory control; and although the glassmaker's experience is not to be disregarded, optical glass of high quality can not be produced by it alone. The training and the viewpoint of the chemist and physicist are required in addition to attain and to main- tain the high quality of product essential for use in optical instru- ments for military purposes. A physicist or chemist is in a better position to undertake the manufacture of optical glass than is the plate or window glass maker of many years' experience who has fixed ideas on the subject of all glassmaking and can not realize that optical glass is different from the product which he has been accustomed to make. In the management of an optical glass plant, as in all other indus- trial organizations, it is highly essential that each man and woman connected with the plant realize the importance of his or her work, and that the service rendered is contributing directly to the success of the plant and to the welfare of each individual in it. In time of war the spirit of active and wholehearted cooperation should domi- nate the entire plant and is easy to attain by proper appeal to patri- otic motives and to the feeling that each worker is contributing his share toward the weal of the country in the emergency. In order that the organization function properly it is essential that the duties of every position be adequately prescribed, together with the respon- sibility and authority pertaining to the. position. Workers should be selected and assigned with reference to their several capacities; those who show special aptitude and ability should be given oppor- tunity to advance and to realize that their efforts are appreciated. Tact is required at all times to keep the organization running smoothly and effectively. During war time there is liable to be more or less continuous increase in personnel and equipment to meet the demands for more rapid production; also frequent changes in details of fac- tory practice and routine to improve the manufacturing processes; it is necessary therefore to keep the organization of the plant so flexible RAW MATERIALS. 83 that, without fundamental 'changes in its structure, it can take care of the changing demands made upon it. This means, among other tasks, the training of some of the workers for more than one par- ticular task. There are many factors which enter into the problems confronting the management of an organization of diverse human elements and which have to be considered if the desired end is to be attained, namely, high-speed production, together with a satisfied and effec- tively cooperating and loyal group of workers. It would lead too far in this report to consider further this most important of all factors, namely, the human factor, without which nothing can be done in spite of the best and most improved processes of manufacture. Suf- fice it to state that in an emergency, such as war, nearly everyone is eager to do his part, or may be compelled to do so, and to that extent the problems are simplified. RAW MATERIALS. In the foregoing pages reference is made to the many factors which enter into the manufacture of optical glass; of these not the least is purity of raw materials. Except for certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, oxygen, water vapor, etc., which are liber- ated during the fusion process, and for the small amounts of certain somewhat volatile oxides, such as lead oxide, which escape during the melting and fining stages, whatever is put into the batch appears in the final product and can not later be eliminated; this fact makes it imperative for the glassmaker to use batch ingredients of high and definitely known purity. Optical glass is unfortunately sensitive both in color and in refractivity to slight changes in chemical com- position. If the glassmaker neglects to insure proper quality and uniformity of raw batch materials, not only is the glass produced variable and unsatisfactory, but the furnace schedule may be seri- ously affected and production all along the line to the finished optical instrument is impeded and rendered uncertain. The best procedure to reduce to a minimum the variations in com- position and quality of the raw materials is to establish direct con- tract relations with the producer of the raw materials (not with the jobbers), each contract to state explicitly the kinds and amounts of impurities which may be tolerated. Each shipment of raw material should be analyzed at the plant with reference to impurities and to water content. The batches are then computed on the basis of this analysis; if this procedure is not followed, an element of uncertainty is introduced which, in certain types of glass, may cause a departure from the desired optical constants sufficiently large to render the glass useless for the purpose for which it was intended. 84 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. Much time and effort was spent by the Geophysical Laboratory in canvassing the raw material situation throughout the country, in developing rapid routine methods for the testing of such materials, and in educating manufacturers to a realization of what high chem- ical purity in large lots means. To obtain raw materials of adequate purity, it was necessary for the Geophysical Laboratory to make many tests and analyses of samples submitted, to send men to dif- ferent places to examine the methods of production, to suggest changes in method in order to insure proper quality, and to encourage manufacturers to install special apparatus to meet the demands for high chemical purity. The standards required for optical glass are extremely high, and it means very accurate and direct analytical control at the plant to obtain a product of proper quality. In par- ticular, the sand situation and the potassium carbonate situation required close attention. Sand. The requirements of sand for optical glass are high chem- ical purity and uniform, small size of grain. High chemical purity is essential because silica constitutes the major part of most optical glasses. The iron content of the sand should be less than 0.02 per cent iron oxide. The water content of each sand shipment should be determined. Other coloring agents such as chromium, manganese, vanadium, copper, cobalt, etc., should not be present. Most of the sands in this country contain more than 0.02 per cent iron oxide; but with careful selection of the sand at the quarry it is possible in several of the localities to obtain sand of a degree of purity better than 0.02 per cent iron oxide. Experience has shown that sands suitable for optical glass are located at Rockwood, Mich., Hancock, Md., and Ottawa, 111. These deposits are all of friable sandstone deposited under wind-blown, desert conditions during early geologic times (Lower Paleozoic). Of these three deposits, the Rockwood sand is the purest; the best grade contains on an average about 0.015 per cent iron oxide. The sand is pure white and remarkably uniform in size of grain. Optical glass of good quality can be made from the sand of any one of these three localities. l An extended series of experiments was carried out by the Geo- physical Laboratory with a view to extracting the iron from the sands and chiefly from the glass melting pots by chemical means. For this purpose the sands and pots were submitted at high temperatures to an atmosphere of chlorine gas; under these conditions the chlorine attacks the iron oxide and forms iron chloride, which is volatile. This reaction takes place much more rapidly and completely if, in place of chlorine, phosgene gas (carbonyl chloride) is used. The final outcome, however, of these experiments, which were intensely i See Notes on American high-grade glass sands, by P. G. H. Bos well, Trans. Soc. Glass Technology I, 147-152, 1917. POTASSIUM CARBONATE 85 interesting from a laboratory viewpoint and extended over many months, has been that it is not worth the while in war times to attempt the purification of sands on a large scale by such methods. The expense of the chlorination process is, moreover, relatively high, and sufficiently pure sand is available in the open market. Methods for the determination of iron in glass sand are described by J. B. Fer- guson, jn 2 Potassium carbonate. Before the war the better grades of potas- sium carbonate were imported from Germany. It was not a difficult task at that time to obtain potassium carbonate of the desired degree of purity. This source of supply, however, was shut off, and it was necessary for manufacturers to develop new sources and to arrange for the purification of potassium carbonate on a large scale. At the earnest solicitation of the Geophysical Laboratory, the Armour Fertilizer Works, of Chicago, 111., patriotically undertook to produce the quantities of potassium carbonate of the required purity for optical glass. This they were able to do after some months of experimentation, and the supply of potassium carbonate after that time was assured. During the early months of the war it was neces- sary to obtain the potassium carbonate in small, odd lots from jobbers and to analyze each cask. Much of this potassium carbonate contained appreciable quantities, up to 5 per cent, of potassium and sodium chloride and sulphate. The presence of these salts was most unwelcome in the light flint-glass batches, and at first a number of melts were lost because of the fact that the glass turned milky on cooling, thus rendering it useless for optical purposes. It was found necessary in each lot of potassium carbonate to determine the amounts of water, of sulphates, of chlorides, and of iron present in addition to potassium and sodium content. Methods of analysis were developed which enabled these determinations to be made rapidly and accurately. The potassium carbonate furnished by the Armour Co. was in crystallized form (K 2 CO 3 , 2H 2 O) and contained about 18 per cent water of crystallization. The SO 3 content averaged between 0.2 and 0.4 per cent, the chlorine content between 0.1 and 1 per cent, that of iron oxide from 0.01 to 0.02 per cent. In view of the scarcity and high cost of pure potassium carbonate, efforts were made to reduce its quantity in the batches and to sub- stitute for it sodium carbonate and to use a larger quantity of potassium nitrate which was readily obtainable in a relatively pure state. These efforts were entirely successful and it was found that, if in the batches, sodium oxide (as sodium carbonate) is substituted in amounts equal in weight percentage to that of the potassium oxide, the optical constants (refractive index, n D , and v) of the glass are changed but little; the refractive index is raised slightly and the 2 J. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 9, 941, 1917. 86 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. v is lowered slightly. The glass, however, tends to be somewhat duller in appearance and at high temperatures is slightly less viscous than the original potassium melt; for this reason greater care is required in the annealing of soda-rich glasses. This substitution of sodium carbonate for potassium carbonate and the use of relatively larger amounts of potassium nitrate materially reduces the cost of the batches. Sodium carbonate. Experience has shown that sodium carbonate sufficiently pure for all purposes can be obtained in the open market. It should contain less than 0.01 per cent Fe 2 O 3 , 0.03 per cent SO 3 , and 0.4 per cent H 2 O. Calcium carbonate. Precipitated calcium carbonate appears to be the best and purest source of calcium oxide. Certain marbles, such as that from Rutland, Vt., are also satisfactory. The Fe 2 O 3 content should not exceed 0.05 per cent and preferably be less than 0.01 per cent. Barium carbonate. Precipitated barium carbonate of high purity and with an iron content less than 0.01 per cent is produced by several firms in this country. The presence of sulphur compounds in this , material is not desirable as they tend to color the glass. Some chlorine may be present, but it should be less than 0.05 per cent in amount. Lead oxide. Lead oxide in the form of red lead (Pb 3 O 4 ) or of litharge (Pb O) containing less than 0.02 per cent iron oxide was obtained only with difficulty. Sublimed litharge was found to contain the least amount of iron oxide. In flint glasses there is some danger of reduction of the lead oxide to metallic lead; the furnace conditions must accordingly be oxidizing and abundant nitrate should be present in the batch. Boric acid. Boric acid and borax are obtainable without difficulty and in a sufficiently pure state; also zinc oxide, alumina, and arsenious oxide. Specifications for the degree of purity of the raw material for optical glass are based on the observations that for glasses of high transparency the amount of iron oxide Fe 2 O 3 present should not exceed 0.02 per cent; chlorine, 0.6 per cent, and SO 3 , 0.1 per cent; nickel oxide should not be present. Part of the iron oxide in the glass is derived from the batch materials and part from the solution of the walls of the melting pot. A series of analyses, by J. B. Ferguson, of the iron oxide in the raw batches for different types of optical glass and the finished glasses made from these batches proved that in pots of good quality from 15 to 30 per cent of the total iron oxide present in the glass is contributed by the pot; in pots of inferior quality the percentage contributed by them is of course higher. The batch should there- fore contain less than 0.015 per cent iron oxide and perferably less MELTING POTS. 87 than 0.01 per cent. For many of the batch materials, such as KNO 3 , K,CO 3 , NaNO 3 , Na 3 CO 3 , B(OH) 3 , ZnO, a specification of 0.01 per cent Fe 2 O 3 in the oxide itself is easy to meet but in others this is not the case and for these materials reasonable limits should be set which the manufacturers can meet without difficulty. In no case, however, should the percentage of Fe 2 O 3 exceed 0.05, otherwise the total per- centage of Fe 2 O 3 in the glass may exceed 0.02 and the resulting trans- parency be unsatisfactory. To determine the percentage of Fe 2 O 3 , allowable in a salt, such as sodium carbonate Na 2 CO 3 , in order that the Fe 2 O 3 in the oxide Na 2 O shall not exceed 0.01 per cent the ratios in Table 7, page 106, are convenient; thus for Na 2 CO 3 the Fe 2 O 3 content should not exceed 0.0058 per cent. One of the chief results flowing from this need for high chemical purity of raw materials was the realization by certain manufacturers of what must be done in order to obtain the desired chemical purity, and the establishment in their works of methods of high precision. Our experience along these lines proved clearly in many instances that the need for such factory control had not been realized by manu- facturers. To meet the situation, these manufacturers adopted scientific methods of procedure and their products were then equal in every respect to the best European products. MELTING POTS. The art of pot making, like that of glassmaking, has been until recently in the hands of a chosen few, who learned their trade in childhood from their fathers and who have guarded most jealously their acquired knowledge. In recent years, however, the character- istics of the different clays and other materials which enter into the composition of pots have been studied in ceramic laboratories and there is now available a considerable amount of information regarding the clays of this country and their thermal and chemical behavior. At the time when we entered the war great difficulty was experienced in obtaining pots of proper quality and a number of melts were lost because the mol'ten glass dissolved its way through the pot. The clays, which were then used, contained on an average about 2 per cent of iron oxide with the result that, no matter how pure the batch materials were, the solution of a thin film of the inner walls of the pot 1 millimeter thick increased the percentage of iron in the melt from 0.02 to 0.04 per cent, and the finished glass had a decidedly green or yellow color. Through the efforts of several pot makers, especially the Laclede-Christy Co., the Buckeye Clay Pot Co., the Gill Clay Pot Co., the Willetts Clay Pot Co., and, in particular, Dr. A. V. Bleininger, of the Bureau of Standards, 3 with the cooperation of the United States Geological Survey, clays and kaolins relatively 3 Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., I, 1-23, 1918. 88 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. free from iron and highly resistant have been located in this country and pot mixtures have been developed which approach pure kaolin in composition. They contain little if any free quartz and are satisfactory in nearly every respect. The qualities desired in a glass melting pot are resistance to chemical corrosion by the molten glass, freedom from iron oxide, and ability to withstand exposure for a day at least to temperatures of 1,450 to 1,500 C without deformation even when filled with heavy molten glass. A clay pot is necessarily heavy and weighs from 500 pounds to a ton or more; its walls range from 2 to 6 inches in thickness, depending on its size and material. Extreme care is taken during FIG. 21. Clay pots in the making by the hand "building-up" process. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Bausch & Lornb Optical Co.) the drying-out process to avoid the development of small shrinkage cracks because these weaken its strength and furnish entrance channels for the molten glass batch to attack its walls, thereby invit- ing disaster. The same degree of care is exercised on heating a pot to a high temperature; this operation requires ordinarily three to five days. At all stages of this process the glassmaker seeks to attain uniform heating of the entire pot and to avoid direct contact of the heating flame at any one point which then would become superheated and eventually cause the pot to crack. Glass melting pots can be made up either by the old building-up process (fig. 24) or they can be cast or poured into molds. The cast pots have an advantage over the ordinary type of pot in that they MELTING POTS. 89 are more dense and dry out more quickly. The ordinary type of pot requires from three to six months to season, whereas the cast pot of the porcelain-kaolin type is ready for use within two months or less. It is outside the domain of the present report to enter into a detailed discussion regarding the manufacture of these pots. They can now he had commercially from several different firms and there is no reason to fear that in the future such pots will not be available. In war time it is, of course, essential that the output be regulated properly and that standard types of pots only be used. The pots commonly employed for optical glassmaking during the war period were open pots and measured 36 inches outside diameter by 32 inches high (27 inches inside diameter and 27 inches deep). Still smaller pots, 30 inches outside diameter and 23 inches high, were used at first as a makeshift; still larger pots, 49 inches outside diameter and identical in size and shape with the standard ton plate-glass casting pot were successfully employed, especially by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. A method for casting pots of the porcelain-kaolin type was devel- oped during the war by A. V. Bleininger 3 at the Bureau of Standards in Pittsburgh. In these pots broken waste bisque of white-ware potteries, which is relatively free from iron, served as "grog" and the composition of the pot as a whole approached kaolin with only a small amount of iron oxide present; in them dense barium crown glass was melted successfully. Unfortunately these pots were not available in quantity during the war and were not used to any extent in the production of optical glass for war purposes. -The advance which this new process marks is, however, great and much credit is due Dr. Bleininger for having placed it on a satisfactory basis. Open versus closed pots. Manufacturers are not in accord regarding the use of closed pots in the manufacture of optical glass. The greater part of the optical glass in this country is made in open pots, averaging 36 inches in diameter and holding about 1,000 pounds of ordinary crown glass or 1,500 pounds of dense flint glass. So far as can be ascertained from the literature, European practice favors the use of closed pots. The reason for this is obvious. In the open pot the glass melt is exposed to the direct gases and vapors of the furnace; these may be reducing in action, even though the general run of the furnace has an excess of oxygen. This is especially true on windy days when the air supply is more or less irregular. On such days gusts of smoky gas full of soot can be seen sweeping over the pot. There is consequently danger in open pots of reduction phenomena which may seriously affect the quality of the product. A still further objection to the use of open pots is the fact that there plays across the top of the pot an incessant current of gas; this gas consists of several 3 . Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc. f I, 1-23, 1918, 90 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. kinds of vapors which are more or less soluble in the glass melt; moreover, a current of gas passing over the exposed surface of the melt blows away the vapors of alkalies or lead oxide and this increases their rate of volatilization: on turning off the gas to allow the pot to cool down, the vapors over the pot are entirely changed; certain absorbed gases may then tend to escape and thus give rise to bubbles which are difficult to eliminate at this stage of the process. Further- more the uncovered pot is open to a larger space of the furnace, and vapors, absorbed or indigenous, on escaping, may tend only slowly to reach a vapor pressure comparable to their saturation pressure for the given temperature and compositions. The covered pot is protected from the reducing influences of heating gases; there is no circulation of gases over the surface of the melt which tend to sweep the components of the melt away and to accele- rate their rate of evaporation; there is no abrupt change in vapor pressure and in composition of the vapors above the surface of the melt on turning off the gas, or on removing the pot from the furnace. The covered pot tends toward uniformity in the cooling of the melt as well as toward keeping the melt homogeneous; the tendency of the uncovered pot is in the opposite direction. The uncovered pot on the other hand is heated in furnaces of the regenerative and recuperative type, chiefly by radiation from the crown of the furnace, and as a result heats up more rapidly and more efficiently than the covered pot in which the heat has to penetrate through the walls of the pot in order to reach the melt. This rapid rate of heating is not to be underestimated, because by it the time required to melt and to finish the glass is much less than that required when covered pots are used. The glass-melting process even in open pots of ton size in the plate-glass industry takes less than 24 hours. In the manufacture of optical glass the complete melting process may also be finished within 24 hours, thus allowing a melt to be finished in the furnace in one day. With covered pots, such a time-schedule of furnace operations is not possible. During the war open pots or semicovered pots were used in this country even for the production of extra dense flint and dense barium crown glasses. The results prove that the open pot is satisfactory for the melting of any of the ordinary types of optical glass, such as are required in military optical instruments. The bleaching of pots. During the early months of the war the avail- able pots were of poor quality and relatively soluble in the optical glass melts; they contained several per cent of iron oxide; some of this iron was dissolved by, and entered into the rnelt, coloring the glass green and lowering its transparency; the absorption of the glasses ranged from 2 to 5 per cent per centimeter as compared with 1 per cent or less of the European glasses. It was realized that if the iron oxide BLEACHING OF POTS. 91 could be removed from the walls of the clay pot in contact with the melt, other conditions remaining the same, one source of serious trouble would be eliminated. An extended series of experiments was accordingly made by the Geophysical Laboratory on the action of chlo- rine gas on the walls of an empty pot at high temperature; this method was based on the known fact that at high temperatures iron chloride is very volatile. Similar methods had moreover been used before for removing iron from enamels 4 and also from small crucibles 5 and from other materials. To convert the iron contained in the walls of the clay pot into vola- tile iron chloride both chlorine and phosgene gas were tried; phosgene gas is chemically much more active than chlorine gas, especially at its dissociation temperature (slightly below 600 C.). The pot to be bleached was placed in a pot arch or melting furnace and in most in- stances was covered with a clay lid; a continuous stream of chlorine gas was then allowed to flow into the crucible for a given period of time (one-half hour to five hours) at temperatures ranging from 400 to 1 ,250 C. Much iron (up to 80 per cent) was removed by this treatment and the walls of the crucible were bleached to a depth of 15 millimeters ; the rate and effectiveness of the reaction increased with the tempera- ture; crystals of iron oxide (hematite) were deposited in great num- bers along the outer edge of the pot where the escaping iron chloride gas entered the furnace chamber. In spite of the marked decrease in iron content of the pot walls, a corresponding decrease in the iron content of the glass melted in the treated pot was not observed and, in one instance at least, the glass was full of pot stones. The chlorine-gas treatment, by dissolving the iron oxide which formed part of the bond of the clay pot, had evi- dently rendered the walls of the pot more porous and less resistant to attack. It is possible that subsequent baking of the pots after the chlorination treatment would restore the compact structure of the walls as a result of sintering and incipient melting. This situation and the rapid improvement in the quality of the pots at this time stopped further experimentation along these lines. It is better to use pots having a low initial iron content, to bake them thoroughly at very high temperatures, and to shorten the melting period than to attempt to purify the clay in the finished pots and thus to run the risk of spoiling an entire melt because of stones derived from the loosened pot wall texture. 6 * Bole and Howe, Trans. Am. Ceram. Soc. 17, 125 (1915). * G. C. Stone, cited in Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2, 360 (1919). e A detailed description of the experiments on the use of chlorine gas for the volatilization of iron from optical glass pots is given by Hostetter, Roberts, and Ferguson in Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2, 356-372, (1919). 92 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. FURNACES. For the manufacture of optical glass three different types of melt in j. furnace are in common use; of these two are of the reverberatory type and operate either on the regenerative (fig. 25) or recuperative prin- ciple, the air in them being preheated by the hot products of gas com- bustion escaping from the furnace chamber. The third type is a non- regenerative, stackless furnace, heated by a blast; in it the air-gas mixture is injected into the furnace under pressure. In the regenera- tive and recuperative furnaces the heating of the crucible is accom- plished chiefly by radiation from the crown of the furnace. This in- FIG. 25. Batch about to be filled by means of long "scoop : ' into glass-melting pot inside the furnace. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) sures a more even distribution of heat than in any type of furnace in which the combustion of the gases takes place within the furnace itself as in the blast furnace. Experience has shown, however, that good optical glass can be produced in any one of these types of fur- naces, provided they are properly regulated, both with respect to tem- perature control and to gas combustion. Whatever type of furnace is available, two factors are fundamental to the production of good optical glass, namely, maintenance of a definite temperature over a long period of time, and constancy of temperature distribution within the furnace chamber so that the melting pot is uniformly heated. Because of the careful regulation of furnace conditions required in optical glass making, it is common practice to use single-pot melt- TYPES OF FURNACES. 93 1 2; furnaces of dimensions adapted to fit the size of pot used. Dur- i the war pots 36 inches outside diameter were commonly used and generative furnaces with a chamber measuring 4 by 5 by 5 feet, side dimensions, were found to be satisfactory. (Fig. 25.) In these iniaces a heavy door (tuille), suspended by chains and capable of mg raised by a hand crank, closes the front of the furnace. The .n'le in turn has a smaller opening through which the batch is intro- -I'd and later the stirring rod enters. Ordinary fire clay serves to ia>tor up the cracks between the tuille and the brickwork of the < mice. At one of the plants (Bausch & Lomb) several two-pot 'MM i aces of the regenerative type were erected and proved to be i.vessful; these furnaces were equipped with tuilles at each end. operating a two-pot furnace special care must be taken to insure iiuformity of furnace conditions. Batches of the same composition .d pots of the same size must of course be used in any given run in two-pot furnace. On the whole there is no special advantage irained by the two-pot furnace except that it occupies less space than the two single-pot furnaces. It is not germane to the present report to discuss the details of construction of optical glass making furnaces. It is assumed that the builder of such a furnace has considered the type of furnace, the materials for its construction, the best design and size of chamber, the kind of fuel available (natural or artificial gas) , the size of stack, and the best arrangements for the combustion of the gas. Suffice it to state that for ease of regulation and general efficiency the regenerative and recuperative types of furnace are superior to the other types. The single-pot regenerative type is considered to be the best. It is the task of the furnace man, assigned to a furnace of given type, so to run it that the desired temperatures are attained and main- tained and that within the furnace chamber an oxidizing atmosphere is always present, especially in the vicinity of the pot of molten glass. Low, lazy, sooty flames sweeping over the surface of the molten metal are to be avoided, as they indicate a reducing atmosphere. On windy, gusty days such flames are almost inevitable, but the fur- nace operator should be on the alert to reduce their occurrence to a minimum. In the regenerative type of furnace the flow of gas should be reversed at definite intervals in order to insure uniform temperatures; if, through carelessness, the furnace gets out of balance and one side is colder than the other, fluctuations of 50 C. with each reversal of the flow of gas within the furnace may arise. The balance is restored by allowing the cooler checker work of the furnace to be heated for a longer period of time than that of the hotter side. Measurement of furnace temperatures. Different methods are in use for ascertaining furnace temperatures. Formerly this was done 3922921 7 94 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. by the furnace operator who, from long practice and often with no protection for his eyes, estimated with remarkable accuracy the fur- nace temperature by direct inspection. To the untrained observer the furnace at the melting temperatures is at " white heat/' and no details are distinguishable within it; however, with the aid of dark glasses to reduce the intensity of the light and heat radiations, he can readily see the details, but can not estimate the temperatures satisfactorily. The human eye is not infallible and even the expert furnace man may make costly mistakes which would not have occurred had better methods for temperature measurement been used. In the ceramic industry Seger cones are employed, while in the glassmaking industry thermoelements are in general use and are placed in the rear wall of the furnace where they indicate continu- ously the temperature of the hot junction of the thermocouple; the cold junction of the thermocouple is kept at constant temperature either by burying it from 6 to 10 feet in the ground at some distance from the furnace or by immersing it in a pail of water attached to the rear wall of the furnace where it is held at the constant tempera- ture of boiling water. The thermoelement in this position does not indicate the actual furnace temperature, but the temperature of the point within the furnace wall to which it extends. As a result, there is an appreciable lag in its readings of the fluctuations of tempera- ture within the furnace. The exposure, moreover, to the furnace gases which penetrate into the retaining tube causes the thermo- element to deteriorate and to give readings which are too low and inclined to be somewhat erratic. More satisfactory are pyrometers, optical and electrical, which enable the observer to ascertain the actual temperature of any point within the furnace. A portable standard thermoelement of platinum and platinum rhodium with compensating leads can be used if properly shielded from the furnace gases. A device of this sort for purposes of inves- tigation was devised by the writer (Report No. 4 for week ending May 26, 1917) and was constructed by leading the thermoelement wires through a water-cooled iron pipe 10 feet in length to a porce- lain tube 18 inches long, closed at one end, and attached to the end of the pipe; the porcelain tube is made of highly refractory material, and is about 1 centimeter in outside diameter. (Fig. 26.) 7 The cold junction of the thermoelement is held in ice and the electro- motive force of the couple is read off on a direct-reading millivolt- meter. By means of this water-cooled thermoelement rod, tempera- tures at different points within the melting furnace and pot arches were ascertained and compared with the temperatures measured at the same tune and on the same points by the Morse optical pyrometer * Reproduced from article on optical pyrometers by C. N. Fenner in Bull. Am. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng., 1006, 1919. FURNACE TEMPERATURES. 95 (Leeds and Northrup type) and the Fery radiation pyrometer (Taylor Instrument Co., type). To illustrate the distribution of temperature in one of the single-pot furnaces, the following readings were taken along the line extending from a small opening in the furnace tuille (door) to the rear wall of the furnace and over the crucible about 5 inches above the surface of the metal. FIG. 26. Sectional view of end of water-cooled temperature-measuring device. A isthehot junction of platinum-rhodium thermoelement; B, a refractory porcelain tube; C, inner iron pipe; D, asbestos packing; .Band F, iron pipes of water-cooling system; G, specially turned iron terminus of water-cooling system. Distance from out- side of door. Temperature. Feet. 0.5 . C. ,222 ,273 ,287 ,365 I373 ,386 ,396 ,403 ,403 ,403 1,398 1,395 o p 2,232 2,323 2,349 2,489 2,503 2,527 2,545 2,557 2,557 2,557 2,548 2,543 1 1.5 2.0 2 5 3.0 . 35 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 ,.. These readings show that the temperature distribution above the pot itself is fairly uniform; near the furnace door there is of course an appreciable drop in temperature. 8 (Fig. 27.) The thermoelement rod is satisfactory for exploratory purposes, but the porcelain tube at the end is too fragile for factory adaptation. The optical pyrometer, on the other hand, is a satisfactory works instrument. It is essentially a low-power telescope, in the image plane of which a heated metal filament (small electric lamp) is viewed , together with the object whose temperature is to be ascertained. (Fig. 28.) Both image and filament are viewed through a red- colored glass, and the intensity of illumination of the lamp filament 8 These measurements were taken by Dr. C. N. Fenner and the writer and are cited in the article on "The use of optical pyrometers for control of optical glass furnaces, by C. N. Fenner, Bull. Am. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng., 1006, 1919. 96 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. is changed until it practically disappears against the illuminated field. Since the intensity of luminous radiation varies with the fourth power I350 C 1300* IZ50' )200 ( t I 2 3 4- 5 = 59.4; that of silica glass is n D = 1.4585 and ? = 67.9. Evidently borates are formed which impart different properties to the glass from those which might be inferred from the characteristics of the individual components. 12 Similarly alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) which, in the crystallized state has a very high refractive index (1.76), produces with silica a glass of unexpectedly low refractivity. Alumina and magnesia raise the viscosity of most glass melts and tend thereby to prevent crystallization. Phosphorus, although formerly used in appreciable amounts, especially in the series of phosphate glasses, has now been discarded because of the poor weather-resistant qualities of the phosphate glasses. Figure 15 shows that these glasses differ only slightly from the borosilicates and the barium crowns; this difference does not outweigh the practical disadvantage of weathering instability. The essential differences between the ordinary flints and ordinary crowns are the higher refractivity and the greater dispersion, both actual and relative, especially in the blue end of the spectrum, in the flint glasses. With these two types of glasses it is not possible therefore to compensate exactly the dispersive effects of a positive crown element by a negative flint element and secondary spectrum results. By the use of glasses in which the relative dispersions are more nearly similar than between the crowns and flints, it is possible to correct more perfectly for achromatism; the presence of the two chemical elements, barium and boron, in optical glass shifts the relative dispersions in the crowns and flints so that they are more nearly in accord. By the use of these elements in the flint glasses the extreme dispersions of the blue end of the spectrum in the normal flint glasses are reduced relatively and the course of the dispersion throughout the visible spectrum is rendered more nearly like that of a crown glass. The statement made by Hovestadt, Jenaer Glas, p. 11, 1900, that boron oxide tends to lengthen the red end of the spectrum, whereas fluorine has the opposite effect and tends to decrease the red end relatively to the blue is apparently not borne out by the fluor crown glasses, which, however, contain abundant boric oxide and this may veil the effect of the fluorine. 14 See also Zschimmer, Zeitschr. Elektrochemie, 11, 632, 1905. 104 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In writing down the batch composition for a glass of specified refractive index and dispersion the glassmaker has a number of factors to consider, such as chemical composition and the changes in composition resulting from selective volatilization and from pot solution. In the series of ordinary crowns and flints, silica (sand), alkalies (potassium and sodium oxides), lime (calcium oxide), and lead oxide are the essential constituents; in these the proportions of the different elements may not exceed certain limits. If the per- centage of silica is above 75 per cent the melt is so viscous that it can not be properly melted in the furnace; the percentage of alkalies may not exceed 20 per cent, otherwise the resultant glass is hygro- scopic and chemically unstable; over 13 per cent of lime may not be used because of the tendency of melts high in lime to crystallize, and because of the difficulty of fusing such melts properly; lead oxide may be used up to 70 per cent or more, but in glasses containing a large percentage of lead the danger from crystallization and from .attack on the melting pot is serious. In the new series of glasses, boron, barium, zinc, and aluminium oxides are the most important additional constituents which are employed; up to 50 per cent barium oxide may be used, but then ordinarily together with boron and alumina; melts high in barium attack the crucible seriously, espe- cially if any free silica is present in the clay. The dense barium glass melts require, moreover, special furnace treatment to produce a glass free from bubbles and other defects such as crystallization nuclei. 13 Boron oxide may be used up to 20 per cent or more; it replaces in a measure silica. In general the use of small quantities of boric acid in lead glasses is not to be recommended, because experience has shown that its presence favors the development of opalescence in the glass on cooling. Zinc in quantities above 12 per cent is likely to cause crystallization of the glass. More than 5 per cent of alumina tends to render most glass melts exceedingly viscous and practically unworkable at the melting temperatures; in most glasses the presence of alumina decreases the danger from crystallization and renders the glass tough and resistant. In the densest barium crown glasses up to 10 per cent A1 2 O 3 may be used; it aids not only in preventing crystallization of barium disilicate, but it also improves the working qualities of the melt and glass. The presence of chlorine or sulphur in the batch materials is to be avoided because of the danger of opalescence in the finished glass. In case these elements are present, it is advisable to run the melt at a very high temperature. 14 " Compare N. L. Bovven. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 8, 26.5-268, 1918; Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 261-281, 1919. " See J. D. Camvood and W. E. S. Turner. Jour. Soc. Glass Techn., 1, 187, 1917; C. N. Fenner and J. B. Ferguson, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1, 468, 1918: C. N. Fenner, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 106, 1919. BATCH COMPOSITIONS. 105 The presence of arsenic in most glasses is favored by many glass- makers because it tends to increase the transparency and brilliancy of the glasses; certain experiments indicate that the presence of arsenic in the melt probably sets up an oxidizing action at high temperatures 15 and thus reduces the effect of iron as a coloring agent. Although some arsenic is volatilized in the melt yet an appreciable amount remains in the solution. Careful analytical work by Allen and Zies 16 of the Geophysical Laboratory has demon- strated the presence in optical glasses of arsenic in both states of oxidation, as arsenic trioxide and arsenic pentoxide. They consider that the chief function of arsenic may be to cause a "boil" and thus to sweep out small entrapped bubbles which otherwise rise with extreme slowness to the top; they found that in green plate glass in which no nitrate is used much more arsenic escapes from the melt than from a melt such as spectacle crown glass containing niter. R. L. Frink 17 observed crystals of arsenious oxide in bubbles in glass, thus proving that at the high temperatures this oxide is vol- atrilized from the melt. Allen and Zies conclude "that arsenic trioxide is oxidized at low temperature and the product formed is stable enough to remain until a high temperature is reached and the glass becomes fluid, when it slowly dissociates into oxygen and arsenic trioxide. both of which aid in the fining." Fenner 18 adds the suggestion that the large bubbles of arsenic vapors may in addition collect potential bubbles by functioning as vacuum chambers into which volatile substances may evaporate at a rapid rate. Be the effect what it may the general practice is to add a little arsenic to the batch and the results attained by its use warrant its continuance as a component of optical glass batches. In the preparation of batches the nitrates and carbonates of the alkalies are used in proportions ranging from 1 :5 to 1 :2, depending on the type of glass; nitrates alone produce too active a melt, while car- bonates alone do not furnish the desired oxidizing agents. Melts high in alkalies and made from batches containing alkali carbonates, but no nitrates, are difficult to fine properly. The chief function of alka- lies in optical glass is to produce melts which are easily workable; they influence the viscosity of the melt; the viscosity of a potassium flint glass melt changes very slowly with the temperature; that of a so- dium flint glass changes fairly abruptly at a temperature somewhat above the softening point. Increase in the total alkali content of a glass commonly raises its refractive index slightly; thus in the me- dium flint glasses an increase in alkalies with corresponding decrease fc Sec Doelter, Handbueh der Mineralchemie (Leipzig), 1, 861, 1912; also E. T. Allen and E. G. Zies, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1, 787, 1918. Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1/767-794, 1918. u Trans. Am. Ceramic Soc., 17,798, 1915 !8 Jour. Am. Ceramic Soc., 2, 123-124, 1919. 106 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. in silica, the percentage of lead oxide remaining the same, raises the refractive index. Both alumina and magnesia may exert a pro- found effect on the viscosity of the melt. In the computation of batches from chemical analysis the data of Table 7 are useful. TABLE 7.- Table of molecular weights and ratios between molecular weights for use in the computation of glass batches from chemical analyses. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. A1 2 O 3 ; 102.2 As 2 O 3 197. 9 BaO 153.4 Bi 2 O 3 464.0 B 2 O 3 70.0 CdO 128. 4 CaO 56.1 Cr 2 O 3 152.0 CoO 75.0 CaO 56. 1 FeO... . 71.8 K 2 O 94.2 SnO 2 141 Li 2 O 29.9 TiO 2 70. 1 MgO 40.3 U 2 O 3 524 4 MnO . . . 70. 9 V 2 3 ... .. 150.0 Na 2 O 62.0 ZnO 81.4 NiO... .... 74. 7 CO 2 ... 44. PbO. 223.2 N 2 O-> 108. SeO->. . . SiO 2 . . . . 111.2 60.3 CljOj SO 3 .. 150.9 80.0 SrO... .. 103.6 Ratio of oxide to salt I. II. Re- ciprocal of I. Ratio of oxide to salt. I. II. Re- ciprocal of I. BjO 3 to2B (OH) 3 ... 0.564 1.77 MgO to MgCO 3 0.478 2.09 Na 2 B4O 7 10H 2 O .366 2.73 MnO t o MnO-2 .816 1 23 Na 2 B 4 O 7 .713 .40 Na 2 O toNa 2 CO 3 . . .585 1.71 BaO to BaCO 3 . .777 .29 Na 2 SO < .437 2.29 BaSO 4 657 52 2NaNO 3 365 2 74 CaO to CaCO 3 .560 .78 Na2B 4 O 7 lOH 2 O .162 6.11 CaF 2 .718 .39 Na 2 B 4 O 7 .307 3.26 KjO to KjCO 3 . . . .682 .47 PbO to Pb 3 O 4 .977 1.02 KiCO 3 2H 5 O .541 1.85 PbO 2 .933 1.07 K 2 SO<.. .541 1.85 2KNO 3 .466 2.15 2KC1O 3 384 2 61 PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. As an illustration of the use of the foregoing diagrams the batches for several different types of optical glasses will now be deduced. (a) Ascertain the batch for an optical glass of refractive index, n D = 1.649 and v = 33. 7. By definition v= (n D l)/(n F n c ); accordingly the mean disper- sion of this glass is 0.649/33.7 = 0.01925. From figure 13 we find that a glass of these properties is a member of the flint series; we may therefore turn directly to figures 19 to 22 and 26 for the desired information; the batch may be read off directly from figure 26 or ob tamed less directly from figures 19 and 20. The refractive index curve of figure 20 shows that the percentage of lead oxide, PbO, contained in a glass of refractive index n D = 1.649 is 52; from figure 19 in turn we find that the approximate composition of a flint glass containing 52 per cent PbO is SiO 2 , 41; PbO, 52; and the alkalies (K 2 O, or Na 2 O, or ra K 2 O plus n Na 2 O) , 7. By means of the conversion factors listed in Table 7 we now convert the K 2 O into a mixture of K 2 CO 3 and KNO 3 such that the total amount of K 2 CO 3 is three times that of KNO 3 . A simple algebraic computation shows that this will be the case if 0.814, or, roughly, four-fifths of the total BATCH COMPOSITIONS. 107 amount of K 2 O, is assigned to K 2 CO 3 and the rest to KNO 3 ; the corresponding factor for Na 2 O is 0.827. The batch then without allowance for volatilization is: Sand, 100 kiligrams or pounds; litharge (PbO), 126.8; potassium carbonate (anhydrous K 2 CO 3 ), 20.4; potassium nitrate, 6.8. To correct for volatilization the lead oxide should be increased a little; as a first approximation subject to test and slight modification after .a trial melt we may write: Sand, 100; litharge, 127; (or red lead Pb 3 O 4 , 130); potassium carbonate, 20.5; potassium nitrate, 6.8; and arsenious oxide (As 2 O 3 ), 0.6. The batch may also be read off directly from figure 29: Sand, 100; litharge, 127; K 2 CO 3 , 20 ; KNO 3 , 7. In the batch diagram, as given, arsenious oxide is not included; it is, however, common practice among glassmakers to add from 0.2 to 1 kilogram As 2 O 3 per 100 sand. Too much arsenious oxide especially in the flint glasses may cause the glass to turn milky on cooling; but a little is considered to aid in producing a colorless glass of high, brilliant luster. In case the analysis of the raw materials shows the presence of an appreciable amount of water in any one of the substances, such as sand or potassium carbonate, proper correction for this should be made in computing the actual batch to be used. It should be understood that these batch figures are of the correct order of magnitude only; that the nice adjustment of the batch depends on a number of factors which are best ascertained by actual trial; these factors include size and type of melting pot and of melting furnace, resistance of the pot to attack by the glass melt, furnace schedule, and treatment of the glass batch and melt. A departure of one or even two units in the third decimal place in the refractive index and of one or two tenths in the y-value may be found on actual trial. A slight modification of the relative quantities of the batch substances suffices commonly to produce the desired results. (b) State the batch compositions of a glass of refractive index n D = L517 and v=6J h 3; n -n c = 0.00804. The p-value of this glass is so high that it is evidently a borosilicate crown. Reference to Table 4 of analyses indicates that the optical constants of glass No. 17 are closely similar to those desired. In general it may be stated that for a borosilicate glass of such high y-value, the refringence is unusually high, whereas for a crown glass of this refractive index, the v-value is too high. The presence of boron oxide in the glass raises its rvalue; but, if added in quantity, it lowers the refractive index; barium oxide, on the other hand, tends to raise both the refractive index and the rvalue. It is evident, therefore, that in order to attain the higher refractive index together with high y-value, barium oxide should be substituted for the lime of the crown glasses and boron oxide should be present in appreciable quantities in order to approach the type of glass desired. 108 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. The r-value of glass No. 17 is too low; in order to raise it slightly the relative amount of boron oxide should be increased somewhat. A batch computed on the basis of analysis 17 and modified in the manner indicated is the following: Sand, 100; B(OH) 3 , 31; K 2 CO 3 , 31; Na 2 CO 3 , 21; KNO 3 , 5.2; BaCO 3 , 6; As 2 O 3 , 0.3. In case a slightly lower Vvalue, as 64.1 or 64.0, is desired, the amount of B(OH) 3 should be reduced to 30 or even 29. The interplay of boron oxide and barium oxide in optical glasses, as affecting their dispersion and refringence, is a most important factor for the glass- maker to realize. (c) State batch composition of a borosilicate crown of refractive index n= 1.511, v=63.5. In "this glass the refractive index is low and the rvalue high; there is no necessity, therefore, of substituting BaO for CaO. Analyses 9, 10, and 11 may serve as a basis from which to deduce a batch composition for this glass; thus an appropriate batch would be: Sand, 100; B(OH) 3 , 12; Na 2 CO 3 , 22.6; K 2 CO 3 , 15; KNO 3 , 9; CaCO 3 , 4.5; As 2 3 ,0.4. (d) Select two glasses which in combination will produce a telescope objective nearly free from secondary spectrum. Secondary spectrum in a well-constructed telescope objective consisting of two glasses in combination results from the dissimilarity of dispersion in the two glasses. It can be readily proved that, other conditions being the same, the amount of secondary spectrum, for any spectrum interval, present in a doublet depends directly on the partial dispersion ratios of the two glasses and inversely on the difference between the ^-values. The dispersion relations referred to in the foregoing pages enable us to select glasses which meet these requirements. They may in fact be selected directly by inspection of figure 15. As an illustration let it be required to select a suitable glass which may be used in combination with the zinc crown glass No. 26, of Table 4 of glass analyses. The optical constants of this glass are: n D = 1.5128; v = 57.3 ; n v -n c = 0.00894 ; n D - n A/ = 0.00575 ; n F - n D = 0.00630 ; n Q ,-n F = 0.00508. The ratio (n D -n A ,)/(nQ,-n F ) = 1.132. From figure 15 we find that glass No. 45, a dense barium crown, has approxi- mately the same ratio between the two partial dispersions, namely, (n D n A/ )/(n G/ n F ) = 1.127. Its optical constants are: n D = 1.6098; y = 58.8; n F -n c = 0.01037; n-n A , = 0.00665; n -n D = 0.00730; n G/ n F = 0.00590. 19 The partial dispersion ratios for the two glasses are: Nn 7l D WA' Tip WD Tie' n? n v n c n r n c n f -n c 26 0.641 0.704 0.569 45 .642 .704 .569 BATCH COMPOSITIONS. 109 From the analyses of these two glasses it is not a difficult matter to write, down appropriate batches. Thus the batch for the zinc silicate crown, No. 26, is approximately: Sand, 100; zinc oxide, 17; sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 ), 34; and sodium nitrate (NaNO 3 ), 11.3, arsenious oxide (As 2 O 3 ) 0.3. A suitable first trial batch for the glass No. 46 is sand, 100; boric acid (B(OH) 3 ), 69.5; alumina (A1 2 O,), 25.7; barium carbonate (BaCO 3 ), 199.5; arsenious oxide, 0.3. The function of the alumina in this batch is to lessen the, tendency of the barium oxide to form crystallization nuclei of barium .disilicate and also to improve the working qualities of the melt itself. 19 From diagram 15 we note that a third glass, namely, the barium crown No. 27, has almost the same dispersion relations; its ratio (nr> n A ')/(n^ ?I F ) is 1.132. Its partial dispersion ratios are 0.640, 0.703, and 0.565 for the intervals D to A', F to D, and G' to F compared with the mean dispersion for the interval F to C. From analysis 27 a first trial batch composition may be computed by the methods outlined and found to be: Sand, 100; boric acid B (OH) 3 , 9; zinc oxide, 8.4; barium carbonate, 41.7; sodium carbonate, 9; potassium carbonate, 18.5; potassium nitrate, 9.5; arsenious oxide, 0.5. The addition of more barium carbonate to this batch would raise the refractive index. As the amount of BaO is raised, that of the alkalies is lowered in order partly to reduce the corrosive action of the melt on the pot. These examples suffice to indicate that the problem of batch com- positions of optical glasses at the present time, until more data have been made available, is one of interpolation together with a certain amount of experience which enables the glassmaker to determine what the behavior of the melt will be under the conditions at his plant. In all cases it is advisable to prepare small melts, 5 to 50 kilo- grams in weight, to stir these properly, and to ascertain the optical constants of the finished glass. Good quality glass can not be pro- duced by this procedure, and the conditions are distinctly different from those in the melt of a large charge of 500 to 1,000 kilograms; but the order of magnitude of the optical constants obtained is correct. It is also advisable to hold the small charge melt for a relatively long period of time at temperatures somewhat below the final stirring temperatures in order to ascertain the tendency of the melt to crystal- lize or to become milky and opalescent; the batch can then be modi- fied accordingly. It may be of interest to note that this part of the general problem of optical glass manufacture proved, during the war, to be one of 19 The fact that the f values of these two glasses are so nearly alike is unfavorable from a practical stand- point because under these conditions the power of the resulting combination is weak and steep curves are required to attain even a low power. Two glasses, for which the difference in > values is less than 15.0, are not generally considared acceptable for achromatic doublets. 3922921 8 110 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. the least of our troubles and indicated the futility and uselessness of secrecy in this particular phase of optical glass manufacture. As a research problem, the general problem of optical glass manu- facture in war time differs from ordinary research problems because the properties of the final product are definitely known and the task is to reproduce glasses of known characteristics rather than to develop new types of glasses. In the above paragraphs no consideration is given to the more fundamental problem of computing the optical constants of a glass from its chemical composition. The information at hand was not adequate for this purpose and our war-time interest was not concerned with this problem, which still awaits satisfactory solution. 20 Among the batches for different types of optical glass which originated with the Geophysical Laboratory, 21 , those listed in Table 8 are typical: TABLE 8. Batch compositions of optical glasses. - (A) Light crown. n D = 1.516 ,= 60.0 (B) Boro-sili- cate crown. W D = 1.511 ^=64.1 (C) Boro-ili- cate crown. n D = 1.511 y=63.4 (D) Boro-sili- cate crown. D =1.517 >=64.3 (E) Barium crown. TOD= 1.570 ,,= 57.0 Barium crown. n D = 1.571 f=56. 7 Pand.. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 BOsHs 21.0 21.0 31.0 13.6 11.3 A1 2 O 3 2.1 As 2 O 3 1.0 .4 .2 .3 .6 1.0 Pb 3 O4 ZnO 18.3 20.0 CaCOs 20 5 4 BaCO 3 4.7 6.0 75.3 76.7 K 2 CO 3 10.0 15.6 15.0 15.0 5.2 22.0 KNO 3 ... 12.4 14.0 3.0 5.2 11.3 5.0 NajzCOs 19.3 18.2 22.6 21.0 15.1 Light flint. W D - 1.580 K=41.1 (H) Light flint. n D = 1.570 i>=42.0 (I) Medium flint. TO D = 1.605 *=37.6 (J) Dense flint. D = 1.640 r=34.6 (K) Dense flint. W D = 1.649 -=33.5 (L) Barium flint. n D = 1.619 f=37.6 Sand 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 BO 3 H 3 A1 2 O 3 As 2 O 3 .7 .1 .6 .7 .7 .6 Pb 3 O<. 68.1 62.0 90.5 124.1 129.3 89.1 ZnO 7.0 CaCO 3 BaCO? 19.0 K 2 CO 3 .. 9.4 14.2 10.3 5.3 20.0 21.3 KNO 3 .. 8.8 8.5 7.8 10.3 6.7 9.6 Na^Os 20 5 9 5 15 4 16 4 20 The first five papers of a series of articles on "The development of various types of glasses" have re- cently been published by C. J. Peddle in the Jour. Soc. Glass Technology, 4, 3-107, 1920; see also "The optical properties of some lime-soda glasses," by J. R. Clark and W. E. S. Turner, Jour. Soc. Glass Tech- nology, 4, 111-115, 1920. 21 Batches b, e, g, i, k, I are taken from the article by C. N. Fenner, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 143, 1919. MIXING OF THE BATCH. Ill TABLE 8. Batch compositions of optical glasses Continued. PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENTS. Lfght crown. D = 1.516 *=60.0 (B) Boro-sili- cate crown. n D =1.511 K=64.1 (C) Boro-sili- cate crown. D =1.511 >=63.4 (D) Boro-sili- cate crown. n D =1.517 f=64.3 (E) Barium crown. n D =1.570 >=57.0 (F) Barium crown. n D =1.571 c=56.7 SiO 2 . . 71.6 70.0 70.9 67.9 48.9 49.0 BjO 3 8.3 8.4 11.9 3.8 3.1 AhOa"" 1.0 As 2 3 PbO .7 ,3 .1 .2 .3 .5 ZnO 8.9 9.8 CaO 8 1 9 1 6 BaO 2.6 3.2 28.6 29.2 K 2 O 9.0 12.0 8.2 8.5 4.3 8.4 Na 2 O 8.1 7.4 10.8 8.3 4.3 (G) Light flint. W D = 1.580 =41.1 (H) Light flint. D = 1.570 >=42.0 (I) Medium flint. WD= 1.605 v=37.6 (J) Dense flint. D =1.640 r=34. 6 (K) Dense flint. TOD= 1.649 v=33. 5 Barium flint. w D =1.619 *=37.6 SiO 2 52.7 55. 6 47 9 41.7 41.3 43.8 B 2 O 3 Ai 2 o;" As 2 O 3 4 3 3 3 .3 PbO... 35.0 33.7 42.4 50.5 51.6 38.1 ZnO.. 3.1 CaO BaO . . . 6.5 K 2 O 5 5 7 5 5 1 3 5 6 8 8.3 Na 2 O 6 3 3 1 4 3 4 MAGNETIC SEPARATOR. A number of experiments were made with a view to eliminate so far as possible the iron-bearing compounds which might be present in the raw batch materials, particularly the sand. For this purpose a magnetic separator of the Dings type proved to be the most effi- cient. By means of this separator the magnetic particles from the sand and from the cullet were extracted. It was found, however, that in the long run the amount of magnetic material obtained by this method was hardly sufficient to warrant the expense and trouble involved in the operation. In case, however, the raw materials are not of the highest quality a magnetic separator should render valuable service. MIXING OF THE BATCH. The raw materials which enter into the composition of the batch mixture must be thoroughly mixed before they are filled into the pot, in order that the composition before melting is practically uni- form throughout. In smaller plants the mixing of the batch is done by hand after the manner of quartering in assay plants. The mate- rials are weighed out accurately and passed through a sieve of four or six meshes per inch into a long, open wood box, large enough to hold the entire batch. (Fig. 30.) The batch is then thoroughly 112 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. worked over, back and forth, by shoveling the materials from one end of the box to the other; in this operation the effort is made to mix the materials by turning and spreading each shovelful. The workmen soon become skilled at this task, and analyses show that a highly uniform composition throughout the mass can be obtained by this method. It has, however, certain disadvantages. The shifting about of the powdered materials raises an appreciable amount of dust, which is breathed in by the workmen. The workmen are sup- posed to wear aspirators, but they are lax and may fail to regard this precaution; they inhale the dust of lead oxide, arsenic, and strong alkalies, and this in time seriously affects their health. This situation is somewhat improved by the use of strong ventilators FIG. 30. Mixing and sifting the materials for the raw batch by hand. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Spencer Lens Co.) placed about the mixing boxes; such ventilators remove the fine dust from the room fairly well, but if the suction is too violent the lighter portions of the batch are apt to be carried away. Mechanical mixers are in general use at large plants. (Fig. 31.) Experience has shown that these are efficient, the chief objection to them being that, if any metal parts, such as iron, are exposed these are abraded, and iron is thereby introduced into the batch. In the case of optical glass this may seriously affect the color of the glass. Of the mechanical devices the cube mixers lined with wood and equipped with paddles have proved satisfactory; also a conical mixer equipped with paddles. (Fig. 31.) Mixing by mechanical means is of course more rapid than by hand, but in the case of an optical glass plant the capacity is never so large that, were it not for GULLET. 113 the danger to the men's health, mechanical mixers would probably not be used. Gullet. The quality of glass required for optical purposes is so high that the percentage of good glass finally obtained from each pot rarely exceeds 25 per cent. Part of this wastage results from the several operations through which the glass has to pass from the pot stage to that of final acceptance; but a considerable portion of the pot glass is rejected on first inspection because of striae, bubbles, shape and small size of fragments, and other defects. Rejects of pot glass are called "cullet," and are commonly remelted together with FIG. 31. Mechanical batch-mixer. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) fresh batch. Two purposes are thereby served valuable material is saved and the melting pot is protected in a measure from the active corrosive action set up on the melting down of the raw batch mate- rials. The amount of cullet which may be used is more or less indeter- minate. Experience has shown that good results can be obtained from melts free from cullet; also from melts containing 50 per cent of cullet. Good practice is to use up the available cullet and not to allow it to accumulate. Cullet intended for a batch is broken up with a hammer or in a jaw crusher into pieces measuring not over 2 114 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. inches in diameter. In this form it is easy to mix with the batch materials and also to handle in a shovel or scoop. Iron may be in- troduced during this operation, and the cullet fragments should be passed over an electromagnet before mixing with the batch materials. In the handling of cullet the most scrupulous care must be taken to keep the cullet from a particular pot of glass separate from all others. The object in all cases is to obtain optical glass of predetermined optical constants, and the admixture of any cullet of abnormal optical constants has a pronounced effect on the optical constants of the final product. Furthermore, cullet, after having been once through the melting process, is commonly richer in iron and other impurities than the raw batch materials. Cullet which is strongly colored should therefore be used only in limited quantities. In case the optical constants of available collet are slightly different from those of the glass desired it is the task of the manager so to adjust his raw batch composition that the resultant glass will have the correct val- ues. If large quantities of cullet are used, it is considered to be good practice to increase relatively the amount of nitrates in the batch in order to produce an actively oxidizing melt. In no case should cullet containing stones or fragments of pot wall be used. FURNACE OPERATIONS. We come now to the most spectacular and to the novice the most interesting period of the glassmaking process. The batch is moved from the batch room to the furnace hall, where it is to pass through a fiery furnace and there to be transformed into glass. The glass- making process consists not of a single operation, but of a series of operations which are carried out one after the other and for which a definite schedule is commonly arranged. These operations include: (a) Preheating, in a pot arch, of the pot in which glass is to be melted ; (b) transference of the pot from the pot arch to the melting furnace and setting of pot on even keel in the furnace ; (c) baking or burning the pot at a very high temperature; (d) glazing of the pot; (e) filling in the batch; (/) melting and fining; (d) skimming and stirring; (h) cooling of melt in furnace; (i) removal of pot from furnace; (j) cooling of pot to room temperature. These steps will be considered in the order named. Preheating of the pot in the pot arch. To be effective the furnace hall of the optical glass plant requires not only melting furnaces in which to melt the batch but also a number of pot arches in which to preheat the melting pots. The pots, as they are received from the pot-maker, are thoroughly well dried and free from cracks. Al- though massive in appearance and several inches thick, they are in fact very fragile and must be handled with the utmost care as they SETTING OF THE POT. 115 are in reality built-up clay masses which, if jarred severely, may crack and fall apart. The clay of the crucible contains even in the dry state a large amount of water in chemical combination as well as adsorbed water; this must escape during the heating of the crucible. It is the task of the glass maker to heat his crucible so slowly and so uniformly that during the operation it does not crack. The heating is commonly done in a simple type of gas-heated furnace, equipped with a short stack, in which gas flames mount over the breast w r all, pass along the arch or crown and are drawn out through openings in the floor of the furnace. A pot arch of this type is not difficult to regulate, but it requires constant care to keep it properly regulated. If the gas flames play directly on the green pot a crack is certain to develop along the path of the flame. FIG. 32. Preheated pot in process of transfer from pot arch to melting furnace. Furnace door is raised and furnace siege (floor) has been made ready toreceive pot. Pot is trans- ferred by a "pot wagon." (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) The melting pot is placed on three firebrick supports 6 or 8 inches off the ground in the pot arch; the arch is sealed and the heat turned on slowly. The period of slow preheating depends on the size and kind of crucible; but ordinarily three to five days is about right; by this time a temperature of 800 to 1,050 C. (1,475 to 1,900 F.) has been reached and the hot pot may be transferred to the melting fur- nace which is heated to about the same temperature. The pots are transferred by means of a pot wagon, which may be described as a huge pair of tongs (mounted on wheels and with adjustable counter- weights) which grasp the pot beneath the outer flange of the pot. (Fig. 32.) Half a dozen men can handle without difficulty a 36-inch pot even when filled with glass and weighing 1,500 pounds. Setting of the pot.- During the period of intense heat developed in the melting furnace its floor or " siege" becomes somewhat soft, the 116 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. pot of molten glass sticks to it and on removal has to be pried up and loosened from it. This operation leaves the siege uneven. Be- fore introducing the preheated, empty pot the glassmaker accordingly uses long iron rods and pushers to level the siege. He scrapes off protruding high spots as well as possible and then fills in the cavities with fresh sand and spreads a final thin layer of sand over the pot area in order that the pot may rest on a firm, level foundation and not be subjected to unnecessary strains. Care should be taken not use too much fresh sand in this operation, otherwise the siege be- comes too high in the course of time. The pot is set on the level siege, the furnace door (tuille) is lowered and sealed, and the fire is turned on. Baking oj tlie pot. In the course of several hours a furnace tem- perature of 1,400 to 1,500 C. is attained; the empty pot is baked at a temperature of 1,425 to 1,450 C., depending on the kind of pot, generally for an hour or more to allow the clays to sinter together and even locally to show incipient melting, so that the texture of the pot walls becomes dense and is then not readily attacked by the molten glass. The pot is purposely superheated above the fining temperature of the glass, in order to render its inner walls dense and chemically resistant. The duration of the burning differs with the kind of pot employed, but it should always be sufficiently long to insure proper quality of walls. The burning may be done in a pot arch providing a sufficiently high temperature can be reached in the arch; in this case the pot, after burning, is transferred to the melting furnace, thus shortening the glass-melting period. Glazing of the pot. After thorough baking of the pot the furnace temperature may be lowered to the fining temperature of the glass or even slightly lower, to 1,325 C. (2,300 to 2,400 F.). Charges of 40 to 50 pounds of cullet are now filled into the pot at intervals of half an hour by means of a long-handled scoop or ladle; more cullet may be used if desired. In filling in the cullet from his scoop, the glassmaker endeavors to spread the material around the inside upper walls of the pot, whence it flows to the bottom, which it should cover to a depth of at least an inch. The function of the cullet glaze is to protect the walls of the pot from the batch. If the glazing is done at a very high temperature there seems to be a tendency for the thin molten glass to enter into the pot walls and leave them dry and unprotected. The glazing period may extend over one to three hours, depending on the amount of cullet used and on the furnace time- schedule. The furnace has now been held for several hours at a high temperature; during this period its walls and regenerative chambers have been heated thoroughly and a reserve amount of heat has been stored up to aid in the rapid melting down of the cold batch and thus to obtain a satisfactory fining period MELTING AND FINING. 117 Filling in the batch. After the glazing of the pot, the batch is filled in at intervals. This operation should proceed in such a man- ner that the batch is introduced in quantities sufficiently small that they do not seriously cool down the melt in the pot and yet large enough to insure an economical use of fuel and of time. (Fig. 24.) With each fill of the batch and consequent opening of the furnace port, there is a perceptible cooling down of the furnace; with the introduction of each ladle of the batch there is furthermore an appre- ciable amount of the batch lost, which rises as a cloud of dust, enters into the furnace chamber, and is carried away by the gases; the dust settles in part on the walls and arch of the furnace and shortens its life appreciably. During the filling-in period the temperature of the furnace should be kept fairly high. If the temperature is held too low, the reactions within the melt proceed slowly and uneco- nomically; if too high, the reactions proceed too violently and the pot may boil over and be seriously attacked by the chemicals. Each successive fill of batch-mixture is made before the preceding fill has been completely dissolved and while undissolved grains of sand are still present in the melt. Experience has shown that the filling may be done at high temperatures without serious attack of the body walls. It is the task of the furnace operator to hold the temperature of the furnace sufficiently high that the melting down proceeds fairly rapidly without serious danger of boiling over and without serious attack on the walls of the crucible. In short, the filling-in should not be done in such large quantities that the pot is appreciably cooled; nor at too frequent intervals, nor in too small quantities; otherwise there is serious loss by volatilization and escape of dust. As the filling-in proceeds, the temperature of the furnace should be raised to the fining temperature which ranges from 1,375 to 1,425 C. for the ordinary kinds of optical glass. The pot is filled finally with metal to within an inch of the top. Melting and fining. There are certain features of the glass-melting process which have not yet been definitely established and which can only be approximately determined because of the number of varia- bles involved. Raw materials of high purity are essential; freedom from iron is necessary because it is the chief coloring agent. The danger of iron coloration from pot solution can be reduced by using pots of high chemical resistance and low iron content, by a thorough baking of the crucible at a temperature considerably above the fining temperature of the glass, and by shortening the glass-melting period as much as possible. Experience has shown also that the iron in the ferrous-ferric state produces a maximum amount of coloration with a given percentage of iron; that iron in the ferric state produces relatively much less coloration. It is essential, therefore, that care be taken to run the furnace with an appreciable excess of hot air; 118 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. if the furnace construction is good the atmosphere above the batch is oxidizing and long lazy reducing flames do not sweep across the top of the pot and tend to reduce the ferric state of the iron. In the regenerative type of furnace a reducing atmosphere is avoided by first shutting off the gas on one side of the furnace, opening the butterfly, and then waiting for half a minute before turning on the gas on the opposite side of the furnace. This plan enables the fur- nace to get into proper balance and draft, and eliminates the pres- ence of black sooty flames every time the direction of gas flow is reversed (10 or 20 minute intervals). Experience with furnaces indi- cates that the regulation of the temperature of the glass-melting furnaces is one of the most important factors in the manufacture of optical glass; this applies not only to preheating and baking of the empty pots, but also to the filling-in and the glass-melting temperatures. The filling in of the batch and the complete melting and solution of the batch components is accompanied by an evolution of the vola- tile components of the batch; the final product is a solution of silicates free from bubbles. Experience has shown that agitation or vigorous stirring of the melt during, and especially toward the end of the filling- in period accelerates the solution and melting down of the batch and tends furthermore to reduce the differences in concentration in dif- ferent parts of the melt. In particular it prevents the heavy lead oxide components of the batch from sinking to the bottom and thus forming a heavy layer which later is difficult to eliminate. Moreover, the stirring of the melt during the period of intense chemical reaction tends to favor the escape of any bubbles which may be formed. The stirring should not be so violent that the foam which forms on on the surface of the glass melt is stirred into the glass mass. Stirring at this period decreases the time of melting and shields the pot from attack by the solutions and cuts down the amount of gas used. Asa result of the intensive study of these factors Dr. G. W. Morey, 22 of the Geophysical Laboratory, was able to shorten the melting period from 36 hours to 24 hours. At the end of the filling-in period, the glass is fairly well melted, but the chemical reactions, which take place and which mean the replacement of carbonates and nitrates by silicates and borates (if boron be present) and the driving off of the volatile gases, require some hours for completion; during most of this period the molten glass is filled with small bubbles and the escaping gases and chemical reactions tend to keep the temperature of the melt down. Toward the end of the process, the volatile gases have for the most part es- caped. The temperature of the melt may now rise. The evolution of M G. W. Morey, An improved method of optical glass manufacture, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 146-150, 1919. GLASS MELTING PROCESS. 119 gas becomes more pronounced, the melt enters the stage of the "open boil," and then passes into the "fine or plane" stage at which it is relatively free from bubbles and seeds. In the glassmaking industry the fining of the glass melt is a most important factor. The fining is evidently a stage attained by the melt in which the saturation limit for the gases (CO 2 and N 2 O 5 ) is relatively low and presumably becomes progressively lower as the carbonates and nitrates are eliminated from the melt. There is some evidence that the batch containing only nitrates and no carbonates fines at a lower temperature than the nitrate-carbonate batch; there is also evidence that at high temperatures arsenic pentoxide dissociates into oxygen and arsenic trioxide and causes an evolution of gas which tends to sweep the glass metal clear of small seeds toward the end of the fining period. Because of its importance to the whole glass manu- facturing industry a careful study of the gas evolution-time-tempera- ture relations in different glass batch types should be undertaken; preliminary investigations along these lines have been undertaken by Dr. E. G. Zies, of the -Geophysical Laboratory. The data obtained by these studies should give a clearer insight into the glass-melting process than has heretofore been possible and will enable glass- makers to establish scientific control over their melts. The problem is fundamental in character. The study of the chemical reactions at high temperatures which take place on the conversion of the carbonate-nitrate solutions into a solution of silicates is essentially that of the glassmaking process, and the more we know of these reactions and their rates, the better can they be controlled. The optimum temperatures for fining the glass are different for different glass types. In general the crown glasses (light crown, borosilicate crown) fine well at 1,400 C. or a little higher. Medium flint melts, on the other hand, are less viscous and fine well at 1,370 C. In case there is danger of milkiness, because of the presence of small amounts of chlorides or sulphates, or too much arsenic or other opalescence-producing compound, the melt should be fined at a higher temperature, 1,425 C. or still higher, if the pot will stand it. At high temperatures the pot may become fairly soft and be attacked by the metal, and stones or leakage may result; furthermore, because of increased volatilization, the optical constants of the melt change rapidly. The ease with which molten glass rids itself of bubbles depends somewhat on the type of glass. The flint glasses are relatively liquid and commonly fine readily. The crown glasses are in general more viscous and may cause trouble during the fining stage. To facilitate and to expedite the fining of the glass, "blocking" of the melt is frequently resorted to; this process consists in introducing into the melt a small amount of some volatile substance, such as water, which 120 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. on escaping forms large bubbles and sets the melt in violent agitation. The details of this process are described below in the section on stirring. At different periods during the melting and lining stages of the glass, proofs or dips are taken to ascertain the condition of the metal. For this purpose an iron rod flattened at the end, with a shallow cup , attached to the bent end of the rod, is inserted into the metal and a sample of molten glass is ladled out; or a small quantity of glass is gathered on the end of a small iron pipe and blown into a spherical flask. The operation is done as quickly as possible; the rod with its dip of attached glass is withdrawn and examined during cooling. In the case of proofs the base of the cup is cooled in a pail of water; the hemispherical proof is then removed and placed on top of the melting furnace, where it cools down slowly. SJcimming. Toward the end of the fining period bubbles of fair size escape freely and the stage of "open boil" begins; with the close of this period the melt is reasonably free from seeds and bubbles and is said to be "fine" or "plane." During the fining process scum, stones, and other materials which are specifically lighter than the metal rise to the top and can be seen floating on the surface; these are removed by "skimming." A long iron rod with a cross plate attached to the end is passed over the surface of the metal and the froth is skimmed off. Care is taken in this operation not to submerge any of the floating islands of scum because they reappear only slowly; also not to remove any more of the good glass than is necessary because of the changes in optical constants of the glass which may result therefrom. Stirring. Ordinary types of glass consist chiefly of silicates in solution; geological and experimental evidence proves that silicates, such as are found in glass and in igneous rocks, are miscible in all proportions. From the layers which are sometimes observed in optical glass melts, especially in the heavy flints, one might infer that limited miscibility between certain phases exists; but it is easy to prove that the layers are the result of gravitative differentiation, the heavy, lower-melting lead oxide and other components of the batch settling to the bottom, the light sand particles rising to thi surface. Such stratification in layers of different density is not a' uncommon thing in glass melts and is overcome by stirring and by blocking. Once the melt has been rendered thoroughly homogeneous slight differences in composition may still be introduced as a result of volatilization from the surface of the melt and solution of the pot walls along the sides and bottom. The chief purpose of stirring is to render the melt homogeneous. Stirring was first introduced by P. L. Guinand, a Swiss maker of glass, who used a clay stirring rod operated by hand. Guinand pro- STIRRING OPERATIONS. 121 duced glass of good quality, some of which was used by Fraunhofer in astronomical telescopes. Hand stirring (fig. 33) is still employed at many factories during the early part of the melting period for the? purpose of thoroughly mixing the melt so that great differences in composition do not exist; the stirring begins while the melt is still active and undissolved sand grains are still present. Stirring at this stage of the process accelerates the chemical reactions within the melt and aids greatly in the attainment of homogeneity. Hand stirring of this kind is best done intermittently in order not to cool down the molten glass appreciably and also to allow bubbles to escape. FIG. 33. Stirring an optical glass melt by hand. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) Following Guinand's practice, the clay stirring tube or thimble is first carefully heated to a bright red in a small gas furnace and then placed on the breast wall of the melting furnace where it attains a white heat; from here it is conveyed to the edge of the melting pot, nserted slowly into the melt and then withdrawn and allowed to Rremain for another hour on the edge of the crucible with its closed end floating on the molten glass. This treatment allows the glass to penetrate into the clay mixture and to drive out gases which would otherwise escape into the melt and be difficult to eliminate. The clay tube is now attached to the end of the water-cooled rod, and stirring by hand or by machine may begin. The clay stirring tubes should be at least 3 inches thick at the bottom and 4J inches at the top with a collar 1 inch thick to give strength to the end of the tube into which the elbow end of the water-cooled stirring rod passes; also 122 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. to furnish a flange with which to support the tube when the stirring rod is removed. The tube should be about as long as the pot is deep. The tubes are commonly made at the plant from the material of raw. broken pots. (Fig. 34.) The end of the water-cooled, iron-pipe stirring rod is preferably a square block of iron about 4 inches long and 1 inch thick, set at right angles to the rod; it fits fairly snugly into the square hole at the top of the fire-clay stirring tube and holds it in position during the stirring operation. If hand stirring is used, the water-cooled stirring rod passes over a small grooved iron wheel, mounted on a pivot directly in front of the small opening in the furnace door. (Fig. 33.) To relieve the workman of supporting the heavy rod during the stirring operation, it is counterbalanced by weights suspended from pulleys which con- FIG. 34. Clay stirring-rod attached to water-cooled stirring rod mounted on a stirring machine. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Spencer Lens Co.) nect to its cold end; at this end a crossbar, preferably of wood, is attached and with it the rod is held and guided by the workman. Skill and practice are required to stir well by hand. There is danger at first of scraping the sides and bottom of the pot and of disengaging the clay tube, but with practice the motions become routine and workmen find no difficulty in stirring continuously during a 20-minute shift. During actual stirring the eyes of the workman are shielded by proper glasses to cut down the intensity of the light and heat radiated from the furnace. Hand stirring is satisfactory for the early stirring operations, but the mechanical stirrer is superior for the long-continued stirring which follows. The mechanical stirrer is an electrically driven device mounted on a heavy framework which runs on wheels and can be STIRRING PROCESS. 123 moved from one furnace to another. (Fig. 34.) Different mechan- ical means are employed to impart to the stirring tube the desired motions. A rotating metal plate can be used, to which the cold end of the stirrer is attached ; and by an automatic screw feed this end can be made to describe circles of continuously varying radii if desired ; the middle of the tube is pivoted on a metal pin which slides in a groove that can be inclined at different angles, thus imparting the desired degree of up-and-down movement to the stirring tube. A maximum up-and-down stroke of the stirring tube of 4 to 6 inches is about right. With this arrangement the curves described by the stirrer are approximately circles 23 combined with the up-and-down stroke. The stirring machine is adjusted to proper height of the stirrer by means of small jackscrews permanently attached to the framework. Similar motions of the stirrer can be accomplished by means of systems of gearing (planetary) and have proved satisfactory in practice. The curves described by these systems, especially if the axis, on which the rod is pivoted, is fixed, may depart in shape con- siderably from a circle. The requirements to be met by the mechan- ical stirrer are : Ability to impart to the stirrer approximately circular motions of different diameters; at the same time an up-and-down movement if possible; variable speeds varying from 30 down to 4 or 5 revolutions per minute (speed preferably continuously variable or if by steps, by at least four steps) ; stirring rod easily and quickly removable; ease and certainty of manipulation. In all mechanical stirring the stirring tube should never approach nearer than 2 inches to the sides or bottom of the pot. The significance of the stirring process is best realized by analogy. In the case of sugar dissolving in hot water or tea the obvious method to expedite the rate of solution and to render the solution homogeneous is to stir it vigorously with a spoon. Similarly, fine or heavy striae can be absorbed and the glass rendered homogeneous by effective stirring; but this stirring must be done in such a way that the different parts of the melt are thoroughly mixed and at sufficiently high temperatures that the rate at which diffusion acts to eliminate differences in concentration is sufficiently rapid to enable the glass to become homogeneous within a reasonable period of time. The higher the temperature the thinner the metal and the more rapidly are the differences of composition eliminated by diffusion. The need for an up-and-down and an in-and-out motion with a stirring rod of sufficient size to be effective is evident. A homogeneous solution of silicates can only be obtained by proper stirring methods applied at proper temperatures. The solutions are not individual units, such as crystal compounds of definite compositions, but they are solutions of silicates mutually soluble which dissolve the one in the other and finally 23 Williamson and Adams, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 3, 671-677, 1920. 124 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. merge completely to produce a homogeneous mixture. These jr ciples are stated somewhat in detail because they are fundamen to the attainment of good optical glass. This treatment of opti( glass is different from that of any other kind of glass, such as plal' glass, and may therefore not appear to be important to the skilh maker of plate or window glass whose interest centers chiefly K seeds and heavy strire, but not in fine striae which are almost imper-j ,j ceptible to the unaided eye. An instructive experiment to illustrate the formation of striaa and the effect of proper stirring on the elimination of striae is to mix, in a beaker glass, glycerin and water, or glycerin and alcohol, orn syrup, honey, or molasses and water; stirring rods of different shapes,, and sizes may be used to ascertain the effects of the different possible a methods of stirring. During the first part of the mixing process the B more viscous liquid (glycerin or syrup) forms a series of veins, strings, ribbons, which disturb the even course of the light rays through the solution and render it semitransparent. As the stirring i continues the heavy cords and threads decrease in distinctness and sharpness and the solution appears to be filled with fine lines. After further stirring the solution becomes clearer and finally attains a state of complete mixing; it is practically homogeneous. These experiments aid the observer in visualizing the stirring process and impress him not only with the significance of striae and their elimi- nation, but also with the relatively long period of time required to render even a relatively thin solution, such as glycerin and water, homogeneous; he realizes at once the importance of the thorough and long-continued stirring of optical glass at high temperatures in order to attain homogeneity. In the early stages of the final melting process of optical glass pronounced differences in composition exist in the glass melt; diffu- sion acts to diminish these differences in concentration. The rate at which this is accomplished depends on the concentration differences from point to point in the melt; the more numerous and the greater these differences are between adjacent points, the more rapid is the transfer of material by diffusion and the sooner is homogeneity attained. Elements of different composition are spread out and brought into direct contact by stirring. Although at high temper- atures the pot walls are dissolved more rapidly, yet unless the stirring is carried on at a high temperature it is ineffective, and fine striae are introduced which are not completely digested by the metal. The function of the first part of the stirring process which takes place while solution within the melt is still active is to mix the melt thoroughly. The stirring is done rapidly and the melt is vigorously agitated. This kind of stirring should be maintained until all ele- ments in the batch have been completely dissolved and the volatile STIRRING PROCESS. 125 .onents have escaped. It is not necessary, however, that the ring be carried on continuously during this period; in fact, it is ter to stir the melt intermittently, because during this stirring iod the temperature of the furnace necessarily falls and the melt cooled somewhat. Thus by stirring for 15 minutes and then sing up the furnace and allowing it to attain a high tempera- are, the chemical reactions take place more rapidly and there is less chance for great differences in concentration to be set up. Such stirring is best done by hand and an effort is made to stir up-and- down and in-and-out with a spiral motion. This part of the process lixes the melt thoroughly and aids bubbles to escape. The stirring -hould not be done so rapidly that escaping bubbles are carried down nto the melt. Toward the end of this process the characteristic ,tage of the reaction known as the "boil" of the molten glass begins and stirring by machine may now commence. As an aid to hand stirring, blocking may be used ; this mode of treat- nent aids also in the finishing of the melt. Blocking consists essentially in introducing into the melt a highly volatile substance, such as water, or arsenious oxide, or ammonium nitrate, which produces a sudden evolution of gas; this gas, on escaping through the melt, agitates it violently and tends not only to mix the melt, but also to sweep out any fine bubbles which may be held in it. The method of blocking has been used for many years in the plate and window glass industry and derives its name from the fact that blocks of wood soaked in water and held by a proper clamp are commonly thrust down into the melt; the intense heat causes a violent evolution of steam from the water, which produces the desired effect. Lumps of arsenious oxide answer the same purpose ; also sticks of ammonium nitrate. An iron rod is used almost invariably in this connection and inevitably introduces a certain amount of iron into the melt. For optical glass this would be serious if the amount were appreciable, and care should be taken to employ clean iron rods free from scale. The method of blocking can not entirely replace hand stirring because the whole blocking action lasts for an exceedingly short time; but as an aid in fining the glass and in bringing about an open boil, blocking may be advantageous. The blocking is most effective if introduced at the beginning of the " open boil" stage of the melt. The injection of blocking material should be repeated several times in rapid succession, to be followed after an interval of 10 to 20 minutes by a second series of similar injections. The glass is now fairly homogeneous and the task is to attain still greater homogeneity. This is best attained by mechanical stirring at temperatures slightly below the fining temperatures. During the melting process the glass is in a constant state of change. Volatili- zation of certain components of the melt proceeds at an appreciable rate from the time the batch enters the pot until after the pot has 3922921 9 126 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. been removed from the furnace; the walls of the pot are moreover attacked and solution of these walls takes place at a rate dependent on the quality of the pot. The changes in composition which arise from these two sources are restricted, chiefly to the margins of the melt, namely, the bottom, the sides, and the top. In all cases these changes tend toward an increase in the percentage of silica in the melt. Any factor therefore which produces a movement of the margins of the melt toward the center necessarily introduces into the melt streaks of different composition and hence of different opti- cal properties. The factors involved in such transfer of materials are primarily mechanical movement and thermal convection currents set up as a result of differences in temperature between different parts of the metal; in the case of pot solution the lighter, more siliceous material from the pot tends to rise, thus setting up a current and allowing fresh melt to continue the attack on the walls. It is impor- tant that the temperature of the furnace be kept uniform, and that the stirring be done in such a manner that the marginal parts of the melt are disturbed as little as possible. In the case of pots which are chemically resistant, the danger of trouble from the walls of the pot is relatively slight and glass of good quality should extend to the margin of the pot. The stirring rod during mechanical stirring should not approach nearer than 2 inches to the sides or bottom of the pot, the object being to insure homogeneity in the central part of the glass mass and to shield this by leaving an undisturbed shell of molten glass between it and the pot walls. At the beginning of the period of steady mechanical, stirring the rate of stirring should be fairly rapid (25 to 30 strokes per minute) ; there is, however, no special reason for a pronounced up-and-down movement at this stage, because by this time the differences in concentration between different parts of the melt are small and the function of the stirring is simply to eliminate these small differences and to obtain a melt uniform in composition throughout. Machine stirring at fairly high temper- atures is continued for some hours and a high degree of homogeneity is attained thereby in the melt. Were it now possible to have the molten glass acquire instan- taneously room temperature in a well- annealed state, much of the glassmaker's troubles would be eliminated; but this is not the case, and the furnace operator endeavors during the cooling-down period to retain the homogeneity which the metal has acquired. This period is critical, and much glass may be lost in this operation unless extreme care be taken. The gas is turned off and furnace and melt are allowed to cool slowly. Stirring is continued, but at a decreased rate and with shorter stroke, and the vertical motion is eliminated. The function of the stirring from now on is defensive only and seeks to efface the STIRRING PROCESS. 127 inhomogeneities introduced by convection currents into the melt from the walls and bottom of the pot and from the surface of the melt at which selective volatilization is ever active. These sources of inho- mogeneity do not produce great changes in the total composition of the melt, but, if allowed to be carried by convection currents through the melt, they leave a trail of very slightly different composition and this means striae in the final product. When we consider that the refractive index of a heavy stria or cord differs from that of the inclos- ing glass by only one or two units in the third decimal place, we realize how slight the differences in chemical composition actually are and how essential it is to aid diffusion in smoothing out these minute differences by persistent stirring. The rate at which to stir the molten glass during the cooling-down period is a matter to be learned by experience. It is desirable at all times to stir it as rapidly as possible but with certain limitations. As the melt cools the glass becomes stiffer, and the stirrer tends to carry before it a wave of glass which becomes higher and more pro- nounced the more viscous the glass and the faster the stirrer travels through it. The stirring should not be so rapid that part of this wave is at any time infolded into the wall because bubbles and the lower refracting surface film are thereby introduced; the stroke should, moreover, be so slow that the glass at the margin of the pot is left undisturbed. During this part of the process there is little chance for the bot- tom of the pot to cool off, and it tends to function as a heating plate and to set up convection currents within the melt. The effect could be eliminated, if there were some easy method available for raising the pot and setting it on fire-clay supports at this stage, but no satisfactory method for accomplishing this is known to the writer. It is well to keep the door (tuille) of the furnace raised slightly during this period so that through the opening, several inches high, along the bottom, cool air can enter and cool the base of the pot. In case of necessity a cold air blast may be directed against the base of the pot; this has been tried, but the results attained do not seem to warrant the extra trouble involved. Stirring of a cooling-glass melt can not be continued indefinitely because the glass becomes so stiff that further movement is impossible. It is the task of the glass worker to determine when stirring shall cease and the pot be removed from the furnace. It is desirable to continue the stirring as long as possible in order to reduce to a mini- mum the danger from convection currents, which move very slowly in an extremely viscous melt; on the other hand, if the stirring is continued to too low a temperature, the glass becomes so stiff that the mass adhering to the stirring tube grows in size and sweeps far 128 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. out into the marginal shell of the metal, thus introducing striae which the steady stirring seeks to avoid. The temperatures at which different types of glass should be removed from the furnace range from 1,150 C. in certain barium crown glasses to 900 C. in dense flint glasses. Having once ascertained the best temperature for removal of a given type of glass in a given size of pot, the glassmaker endeavers to remove other pots of the same type at the same temperature. To accomplish this, he plots on a chart the temperature readings, and by extrapolation of the time- temperature curve determines the exact time for removal of the pot. This question of pot removal has been closely studied by Dr. C. N. Fenner; 24 the procedure which he adopted for two of his glass types is illustrated in figure 35. A record of the several operations in his treatment of the two glasses is also reproduced from his article. 1400 1300 ,1200 1000 Nxl Si- 6 TIME IO A.M FIG. 35. Time-temperature curves illustrating the procedure followed by C. N. Fenner in furnace operation during the stirring operations of two different types of glass, namely, medium flint (Curve I) and ordinary crown (Curve II). EXAMPLES OF PROCEDURE IN STIRRING (AFTER C. N. FENNER). MEDIUM FLINT (n D = 1.605, F=37.6). Pot 25 inches inside diameter at bottom, 27 inches deep. 8.03 a. m., started stirring machine at 13 revolutions per minute. Radius of stirring circle 6| inches; vertical motion 4 inches. (NOTE. A stirring circle of greater radius would have been pref- erable.) 8.07 a. m. Changes speed to 18 revolutions per minute. 11.00 a. m. (Temperature 1,300 C.) Shut off gas and air and lowered stack damper. 11.30 a. m. (Temperature 1,250 C.) Took off vertical motion (A fig. 35). 12.30 p. m. (Temperature 1,125 C.) Reduced radius of stirring circle to 5J inches. (NOTE. Might have been kept a little larger (B fig. 35). 1.05 p. m. (Temperature 1,080C.) Speed reduced to 13 revolutions per minute. (C fig. 35). 2 < The technique of optical glass melting, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 133-138. 1919. REMOVAL OF POT. 129 1.27 p. m. Radius of stirring circle reduced to 4 inches (D fig. 35). 1.45 p. m. (Temperature 1,030C.) Radius of stirring circle reduced to 3^ inches (E fig. 35). 2.01 p. m. (Temperature 1,013 C.) Radius of stirring circle reduced slightly (F fig. 35). 2.13 p. m. (Temperature 1,003 C.) Radius of stirring circle reduced to H inches (G fig. 35). 2.35p.m. (Temperature 975 C.) Stirring stopped. 2.40 p. m. Pot out. (NOTE. A temperature of 950 C would have been preferable for this type of glass. LIGHT CROWN (71 D = 1.516 J/=60) . Pot 25 inches inside diameter at bottom, 27 inches deep. 8.03 a. m. Stirring machine started at 13 revolutions per minute. No vertics. motion. Radius of stirring circle 6^ inches. 8.25 a. m. Changed speed to 18 revolutions per minute. 8.55 a. m. Changed speed to 13 revolutions per minute. 9.50 a. m. Reduced radius of stirring circle to about 5 inches. (NOTE. A proof taken just before this had shown numerous bubbles; speed of travel was reduced to avoid danger of stirring air into the metal.) 2.35 p. m. Shut off gas, air, etc. 3.02 p. m. Temperature 1,259 C. 3.25 p. m. Radius of stirring circle reduced to 4 inches (A'' fig. 35). 3.35 p. m. Temperature 1,197 C. 3.45 p. m. Temperature 1,182 C. 3.53 p. m. (Temperature 1,168 C.) Radius of stirring circle 2^ inches (B' fig. 35). 4.02 p. m. Temperature, 1,156 C. 4.13 p. m. (Temperature 1,138 C.) Stirring stopped (C' fig. 35). 4.18 p. m. Pot out. Fenner finds that for the borosilicate crown (analysis 10, Table 4) and for the barium flint (analysis 101, Table 4) the best temperatures at which to remove the pot from the furnace are 1,050 C and 975 C, respectively. In the ordinary flint series the higher the lead con- tent of a glass, the lower the temperature at which it is advisable to remove the pot of molten glass. As soon as the optimum temperature for the removal of the pot has been reached, a definite procedure is followed in order to get the pot out of the furnace as quickly as possible; each man is given defi- nite duties to perform and does these day after day. The stirrer is stopped; the clay stirring tube is brought slowly by means of the screw feed of the stirring machine to the side of the pot, where it is grasped and held in position by a forked tool while the water-cooled stirring rod is disengaged. The stirring rod is removed, the stirring machine pushed out of the way, the clay-stirring tube hooked against the side of the pot in an upright position by a heavy U-shaped iron rod, one end of which is inserted into the tube opening while the other end hangs down over the outer edge of the pot. An alternative method is to withdraw the stirring tube entirely from the melt by lifting it with the forked tool very slowly until it slips over the rim of 130 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. the pot. The tuille is now raised about a foot; the pot is commonly so tightly stuck to the siege that it has to be pried loose from it by means of a heavy iron bar acting as a lever on a low iron-block ful- crum placed on the siege in front of the pot; in this operation care is taken not to jerk or tip the pot violently, but rather to raise it slowly. The tuille is now raised high, the pot wagon is wheeled into place, the pot is grasped by the* tongs or tine of the pot wagon, the counter- weights are slid along the pot-wagon arm until the pot is practically counterbalanced. The pot is lifted gently and without jerks and jarring from the siege and wheeled out (fig. 36) on the floor of the furnace hall where it is placed on a support of fire-clay blocks. (Fig. 37.) FIG. 36. Removal of pot of molten glass from the melting furnace. Note the "whiskers " on the bottom of the pot; these are from the siege (floor) of the furuace to which the pot was stuck. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Bausch & Lomb Opti- cal Co.) The siege of the furnace is now scraped and leveled preparatory to the introduction of a fresh pot which is removed from a pot arch where it has been gradually heating for several days. (Fig. 32.) The new pot is removed from the pot arch by the, pot wagon and placed in correct position in the melting furnace; the furnace tuille is lowered and sealed and the gas is turned on preparatory to baking the new pot at a very high temperature. In the meantime the pot of molten glass has been cooling down in the open air. (Fig. 37.) Although the molten glass has not changed its appearance noticeably and is apparently still red hot, a hard crust has formed on the surface which may show an incipient shrinkage crack. It is moved either into the empty hot pot arch from which the fresh pot was removed or it is covered with an insulating cap which retards the rate of cooling, so that when cooled to room temperature the glass is fissured properly and is not highly strained. SCHEDULE OF FURNACE OPERATIONS. 131 This part of the glass-melting process, like the pouring of glass and rolling the molten mass into long sheets in the plate-glass industry, is the most spectacular part of the manufacturing process. The red hot, fuming pot of molten glass radiating such in tense heat that the novice is fearful to approach very near to it creates an impression which is not soon forgotten. SCHEDULE OF FURNACE OPERATIONS. In the factory production of optical glass a definite schedule of the operations and temperatures is followed for each type of glass; FIG. 37. Pot of molten glass cooling down after removal from melting furnace and before insertion into cooling arch or being covered by insulating cap. Note the marks left by the molten glass which has spilled over the pot during the hand-stirring operations. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the plant of the Spencer Lens Co.) the schedules are different for different types of glass and a detailed record is kept of the treatment accorded each melting pot and each glass batch from the time it entered the furnace hall as raw batch to that of its delivery as raw glass to the inspection room. The schedule of furnace operations depends somewhat on the size of the glass plant and the attitude of the manager. Ordinarily it is con- venient under present-day labor conditions to arrange the schedule so that the pots are removed from the furnaces during the afternoon of each day; this means either a 48-hour or a 24-hour schedule. If the plant is a large one and labor is always at hand, an intermediate schedule of 27, 30, or 36 hours may be followed to advantage. 132 MANUFACTURE OY OPTICAL GLASS. In figure 38 five different schedules are presented in graphical form. In this figure the curves are not superimposed and referred to the same zero ordinate; but for the sake of clearness, the temperature scale for each curve is shifted 100 C. (one scale unit) above the curve next below it. Good glass can be, and has been, produced by each schedule; in fact, considerable leeway is permissible in the furnace schedule, providing certain fundamental principles are not violated. The curves of figure 38 are self-explanatory and are taken to illus- trate different types of practice at the different plants where different 1500 1000 40 44 4& FIG. 38. Curves showing different melting-furnace schedules for a medium flint glass as followed at differ- ent times at different plants. In this figure the plan has been followed of separating each curve from the next lower curve by one scale interval of 100 C. instead of superimposing the five curves. For this reason ihe temperature 1,400 C. is repeated five times on the vertical scale. labor and furnace conditions prevailed. The curves represent the schedule for a flint glass of refractive index about 1.61 and contain- ing about 45 per cent lead oxide (PbO) . The 24-hour schedule of melting optical glass. During the latter months of the war, from September, 1918, a shortened glass- melting schedule was introduced by Dr. G. W. Morey, of the Geo- physical Laboratory, at the plant of the Spencer Lens Co. This sched- ule is based on certain logical improvements in glass-melting practice, and is described here in a special section in order that the principles on which it is based may receive adequate emphasis. SCHEDULE OF FURNACE OPERATIONS. 133 Melts in open pots are heated chiefly by radiation from the crown of the furnace; the raw batch is melted accordingly, from the top downward; the easily fusible materials, such as the alkalies and lead oxide, melt first and trickle downward, leaving the sand and less fusible materials to sinter together in the upper layers and thus im- peding their rapid solution. The result is an accumulation of extremely active chemicals, as alkali carbonates and nitrates, and of heavy fluxes, as lead oxide, on the bottom and lower sides of the pot which are thereby energetically attacked. The melting of the highly siliceous and viscous upper layers becomes under these condi- tions a slow and hampered process. In spite of the care taken in the batch room to mix the batch thoroughly, inhomogeneity is thus introduced, by differential melting, at the outset of the melting process. These differences in composition between top and bottom of the melt are, of course, eliminated later by stirring, but they can be avoided to a large extent by stirring the melt during the latter half of the pot-filling period when there is enough material in the pot to support the stirrer in an upright position during hand stirring. The melt should be stirred after each fill in order to insure uniform and rapid distribution of the fresh raw batch through the melt, and thus to expedite solution and to prevent segregation of the fluxes by gravitative differentiation. This is the first change in procedure adopted by Morey; it increases the rate of solution of the batch arid lessens to a marked degree the inhomogeneity arising from differen- tial melting and gravitational settling of' the readily fusible materials. Incidentally some hours are saved by this procedure and the melting pot is attacked less than under the old schedule. The second improvement applies to the "fining" of the glass and seeks to accelerate the escape of bubbles and seeds from the melt by continuous stirring during the fining period. This is best accom- plished by machine stirring with a combined circular or spiral and an up-and-down movement. The bubbles result from the decomposi- tion especially of the alkali-carbonates and nitrates. It is common practice to hold the melt at a high temperature during the fining period to increase its fluidity and thus to facilitate the rise of the es- caping bubbles to the surface. In the plate-glass industry blocking is used near the end of the fining period to aid in washing out the small bubbles in the melt. In optical glass manufacture the usual pro- cedure is to employ intermittent hand stirring with subsequent rest periods during which the melt attains a high and fairly uniform tem- perature throughout. The attainment of adequately high and uni- form temperatures is extremely difficult with continuous stirring. The 24-hour schedule requires for its successful application highly efficient furnaces and gas of good heating quality; the preliminary baking of the pot is best done in a pot arch specially constructed for the attainment of high temperatures. 134 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. With the shortened period of exposure of the pot to the furnace temperatures, there is less pot solution and hence greater transpar- ency and freedom from color of the glass and also less chance for the presence of pot stones. The new schedule represents an appreciable saving in time and operating costs and also a marked increase in the rate of production per melting furnace. The following schedule for the melting of a medium flint of n D = 1.617 and v = 36.5 is given by Morey 25 as an illustration. In this schedule the time is recorded only from that of the first cullet fill. Slightly different schedules are followed for other types of glasses. Schedule for M F 2 glass. Hours. 0.00 Add cullet (1,390 C.). 1.00 Fill pot three-quarters full of batch. 2.30 Fill pot with batch. 4.00 Hand stir, fill pot with batch! 5.30 Hand stir, fill pot with batch. 7.00 Hand stir, fill pot with batch. 7.30 Stirring machine on. 15.00 Gas off. In the practical application of the schedule for this and other types of glass strict attention to details must be given. The schedules are closely timed and the furnaces must be kept in the best running condition EXPERIMENTS WITH STIRRED AND UNSTIRRED POTS OF OPTICAL GLASS. The following experiments are of interest because of their bearing on the general functions of stirring in optical glass. (Experiments described in Report No. 4 for the week ending May 26, 1917.) Four small open pots were filled each with a light flint batch of the following composition in kilograms: Sand, 3.000; red lead, 1.920; potassium carbonate, 0.783; potassium nitrate, 0.237. These pots were held for different periods of time at about 1,400 C. The first pot was not stirred and was removed after exposure to this temperature for 8 hours; the second pot, also not stirred, was removed after 12 hours; the third pot was removed after 15J hours, including a stirring period of 1J hours; the fourth was removed after 19 hours, including a 2-hour stirring period. The glass produced by this treatment in small pots is of course valueless optically. It abounds in bubbles, is not highly transparent, and is only fairly wiiite in color. Especially interesting are the two unstirred pots. The first pot taken out after 8 hours melting is full of small bubbles (seeds) and stones. Each stone and some of the bubbles are seen to have left, in their upward passage through the glass, a tail such that in the aggregate they resemble a *> Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2, 160, 1919. RESULTS ATTAINED BY STIRRING. 135 company of tadpoles marching in parallel columns toward the upper surface. The stones are evidently silica (sand) in process of assim- ilation. (Fig. 39.) 2C Geologically this phenomenon is interesting because it presents the phenomenon of gravity differentiation in place, thus giving rise to a separation into a top layer rich in silica and poor in lead (about 20 per cent lead) and a bottom layer rich in lead (about 46 per cent lead) . The distribution of the layers, as determined by refractive index measurements, is shown in figures 40er to d. A comparison of pots 1 and 2 (fig. 406) shows that the sharp gradations from the top surface to the central portion and also from the bottom layer up to the center, 'H, ;,; v-n, fflfffMfS Jmjjijf '''^wmiff w FIG. 39. Photograph of sand grains in process of solution in a small melt of optical glass. as represented graphically in figure 40e, are less pronounced in pot 2. In other words, diffusion in the course of four hours additional heat- ing has tended to reduce the sharp differences in concentration in the melt. Convection probably aided to a certain extent; but the dis- tribution of the material in the pot does not indicate pronounced con- vection currents. In the stirred pots the distribution of uniform glass is remarkable. The stirring was poorly done; the stirrer scraped the bottom and sides repeatedly; and yet, except for a lower refracting surface film not over 1 millimeter thick, there is little variation in composition from top to bottom or from side to side. The persistence of the lower refracting surface film proves that there is appreciable volatilization 2 6 Experiments carried out by N. L. Bowen and the writer. See N. L. Bowen. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 8, 88-93, 1918. 136 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. of lead and alkalies and that the upper layer is richer in silica. The unstirred pot of glass is not unlike a layer cake in its refractive index distribution. The surfaces of equal refractive index are approxi- mately planes parallel with the upper surface. This being the case 563 0-1.565 /I.5Z8 J 1.560-0 0-1565 1.565^ 1565- 1568^ ^/|.567 I' ^L5aO L600\ ^1.560 l.59g 0-1.555 f> crl-560 1.560 N.565 \\ o-J.568 0-1.565 j.566 oH.573 0-L575 cr\.593 rr-1.596 l.603y. DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM ^coSSSSScJl I ' -=^ ^X ^\\ |1 1 \v \\ X: ^_ 520 .. J30 1.5- = 41.0, PbO = 36.5 percent) after two 1 5-minute periods of hand stirring during each two hours is given in figure 41. After these periods of stirring the pot. began to leak and was removed from the furnace and allowed to cool in the open air. Samples were taken from the different parts of this pot of glass and were measured by the immersion method. It is remarkable that so short a period of stirring should result in so thorough mixing of the melt. Except for the top- film layer which is always lower in refractivity and the sides and bottom which were contaminated with dissolved pot, the refractive indices do not vary more than one or two in the third decimal place. 1.562 1.567 A57S 1*0- \te~* 1578 \580 578 01578 1.577 1.575 578 ,. LA I.575 0-1.579 1.576-c 80^1.560 -V573 0-1.580 ^1580 1.580^5-1.560 1580^ 0-I.58O 1^75o FIG. 41. Diagram illustrating changes in refractive index, n D , at different parts of a pot of light flint glass after two hand-stirring periods of 15 minutes each Pot No. 472, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. In view of the fact that fine striae are caused by only slight differences in refractive index, these measurements indicate that the function of long-continued stirring is chiefly to remove the slight differences in composition which are still present and are constantly arising because of volatilization and of pot solution, which diffusion smooths out only slowly. THE COOLING OF THE MELT. If the operations up to this point have been successful, the pot of molten glass, on removal from the furnace, is sensibly homogeneous except for the peripheral portions where, as a result of selective volatilization at the surface and of pot solution along the sides and bottom, the melt contains more silica (and possibly alumina from the pot) and is more viscous. The temperature of the melt is, moreover, fairly uniform except for the bottom in contact with the thick, over- 138 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. heated base of the pot which has had little chance to cool except by radiation through the melt. Measurements of the temperature of the furnace floor (siege) immediately after removal of the pot show that its temperature, and hence that of the base of the pot, is from 50 to 100 C. higher than that of the metal in the pot. There is, of course, a slight temperature difference between the center and margins of the melt as a result of its continued cooling. The molten glass has now the consistency of thick heavy syrup ; and with further fall in temperature its viscosity increases rapidly. The problem which confronts the glassmaker at this stage is to avoid any tendency which may cause the marginal portions to stream into the body of the melt; also to avoid crystallization phenomena and the formation of bubbles. A lesson learned from experience and not adequately realized by many glassmakers is the fact that during the time interval between the cessation of stirring and the cooling of the melt to 600 C. (temperature fall from 1,000 to 600 C. approximately) much glass is needlessly lost. Were it possible to maintain, through the temperature drop to 600 C., the degree of homogeneity attained in the melt at the end of the stirring period much more glass would be saved than is at present the case. An analysis of the several factors involved will render this clear and sug- gest the precautions to be taken. Convection currents. On removal of the pot from the furnace the melt has the consistency of thick, heavy syrup. With further fall in temperature its viscosity increases so rapidly that any appreciable difference in temperature between different parts of the melt produces a distinct difference in density. Convection currents are set up as a result of the downward flow of cooler and denser portions of the melt, and are serious because they generate heavy striae, cords, and ribbons in the melt, thereby rendering much of it useless. The fact, moreover, of- excess heat at the base of the pot favors an upward trend of the bottom layers of the melt, and their stream lines may pass into the central core of the melt and thus cause stria?. In a viscous melt the rate of transfer of material by convection is relatively slow and decreases with fall in temperature and conse- quent rise in viscosity. The obvious method to reduce convection currents is to cool rapidly and uniformly from 1,000 to 600 C. from the margins of the melt toward the center. The bottom of the pot is, however, much hotter and thicker than the sides; it acts somewhat as a heat reservoir and cools less slowly than the sides or the surface of the melt. An effort should be made to expedite the cooling of the base by allowing a free or forced circulation of air to play around it. The surface of the melt, on the other hand, chills more rapidly in direct contact with the air than either the sides or the bottom; a tendency is thereby set up for its cooled, and hence denser, CRYSTALLIZATION PHENOMENA. 139 material to sink toward the bottom and thus to introduce striae. Its rate of cooling should accordingly be retarded by some method of heat insulation, such as covering it with a layer several inches (commonly 4) thick of light insulating material, as diatomaceous earth. 27 Fine siliceous powder of this nature shows no tendency to sink into the melt and insulates most effectively. Much good glass has been produced, it is true, without the use .of an insulating surface layer; but in this case the pot with melt is allowed to remain in the open air for a short period only, 15 to 30 minutes, and is then inserted into a previously heated pot arch from which the empty pot was taken to replace the finished pot removed from the melting furnace. The temperature of the heated air in the pot arch is high; hence the tend- ency for the surface to cool with extreme rapidity is practically annulled. Vacuum bubbles. There is still another reason for retarding the rate of cooling of the surface of the melt. Glass, on cooling, shrinks, and at low temperatures its viscosity becomes so great that it behaves practically as an elastic solid. If the surface of the melt cools rapidly in the open air, a hard crust forms in the course of half an hour while the center remains nearly as hot as it was when it left the furnace. The surface contracts on cooling, and cracks may begin to form. On further cooling the center tends to draw away from the unyielding crust. If the tensional stresses are not then relieved by cracks and fissures, both horizontal and vertical, large bubbles, called vacuum bubbles, may form and ruin an appreciable quantity of glass. This phenomenon is not so common in large pot melts because in them cracks generally do develop and resemble then in all details the jointing phenomena of lava flows. In small experimental pot melts cracks are not so likely to form and in them vacuum bubbles are of common occurrence. The bubbles can be avoided either by insulating the surface of the melt with a layer of diatomaceous earth or by breaking through the surface crust with a pointed iron rod, thus puncturing the seal established by the crust. Crystallization phenomena. The phenomena of crystallization in optical glasses are so important and so unwelcome to the glassmaker that a practical understanding of the principles involved is essential if crystallization or other precipitation is to be avoided. At high temperatures optical glass is a mobile liquid; with rise in temperature its fluidity increases and it behaves in all respects like an ordinary liquid or like molten metal; with fall in temperature its viscosity This method was first applied by the Geophysical Laboratory and is described in detail by H. S. Roberts in " The cooling of optical glass melts." Jour. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2, 543-563, 1919. K These phenomena are discussed in detail by N. L. Bowen in "Devitrification of glass," Jour. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2, 261-281, 1919. 140 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. increases so rapidly (doubling for each drop of 8 to 10 C. in tem- perature) that at room temperatures its viscosity is nearly infinite and it behaves practically as an elastic solid. Glass has no definite melting temperature, but rather a temperature range over which it softens rapidly and becomes a fluid in the ordinary sense of the word. At all temperatures glass is a solution; at high temperatures a mobile or fluent solution, at low temperatures an immobile solution. As a solution glass is subject to the general laws of solutions. A solution such as sugar and water is able at a given temperature to dissolve a certain quantity of sugar; if now the tem- perature be raised, the solution is found capable of dissolving still more sugar. The saturation limit rises, in this case, with rise in temperature; a solution of a given composition, saturated with respect to a given substance at a high temperature, may be greatly super- saturated with it at a lower temperature. The solution is then not in equilibrium and seeks to attain equilibrium by the precipitation of a certain amount of the phase which is present in excess. Experience with silicate melts of the general type of glass melts has shown that the silicate components are miscible in all proportions and that, on cooling from a high temperature, the solution becomes supersaturated, in general, first with respect to one phase, then to two, and so on. As soon as the saturation limit of any one phase is reached a tendency is set up for this phase to crystallize out. There are, however, certain factors which tend to counteract this tendency. Crystallization in each case means the orderly arrangement of atoms or molecules in space; the rate of building up of each crystal struc- ture depends on a number of factors, such as degree of supersatura- tion of the phase in the solution, the viscosity of the solution (function of composition and temperature), rate of transfer of material in the solution, crystallizing ability of the crystal phase, etc. The molecules in the solution must wander (diffuse) to the crystal nucleus or grow- ing crystal and this takes time; if the viscosity of the solution at this temperature is high, the rate of transfer of the molecules is slow; furthermore the tendency toward crystallization is nil above the temperature at which the saturation limit is reached ; not far below it, the crystallizing tendency increases rapidly, reaches a maximum, and then, because of the greatly increased viscosity, grows less and finally practically disappears when the glass becomes hyperviscous. The power of crystallization of different substances varies greatly. The usual measure for the power of crystallization at a given tem- perature is the number of crystal nuclei formed in unit time in unit volume. A substance of high crystallizing power can not be cooled much below its saturation limit before crystallization sets in; one of low crystallizing power is readily undercooled and may only with diffi- culty be made to crystallize even under the most favorable conditions. CRYSTALLIZATION PHENOMENA. 141 The primary object in optical glass manufacture is to obtain homogeneous, colorless glasses of definite optical constants. In seeking to attain these ends batch-compositions may be tried out which are greatly supersaturated with respect to one of the phases, and this, on the cooling of the melt, crystallizes out and ruins the product. In setting up trial batches for glasses of a given composition, it is advisable in each case to make small trial melts and to hold these at different temperatures between 800 and 1,100 C. in order to ascer- tain their crystallizing tendencies. In the case of the crystallization FIG. 42. Fracture section across a pot of light flint glass. Pot No. 594, B. & L. White rim around edge of glass consists of sillimanite. Pot shows little evidence of attack by glass melt. of one or more phases these can be determined by petrographic microscope methods. Ordinarily the primary phase to appear is silica (in the form of tridymite or cristobalite) , or calcium metasilicate (as wollastonite) . In glasses very high in lead, lead metasilicate may be precipitated- in glasses high in barium, barium disilicate has been observed to crys- tallize in the form of skeleton crystals hexagonal in shape. Near the margins of the glass melt, adjacent to the clay pot walls, a thin white layer is not uncommon (fig. 42) ; it consists generally of an interlacing aggregate of crystallized aluminium metasilicate (needles of sillimanite) . 3922921 10 142 MANUFACTURE OF OETICAL GLASS. In case crystallization (devitrification) of the glass melt occurs within the time-temperature limits of the glassmaking schedule, either the amount of the excess phase must be reduced in the batch or the viscosity of the melt should be changed by the addition of a small amount of alumina (rarely magnesia) or by the substitution of potassium for sodium, or a smaller melting pot may be taken in order to expedite the rate of cooling of the melt. The fact that a melt can be successfully made in a 36-inch pot, holding half a ton of glass, does not signify that the same batch composition will be satisfactory in a 49-inch pot, holding a ton of glass. The time factor has a most important bearing on the crystalliza- tion of glass melts. Molten silicates have relatively large heat capacities and are poor conductors of heat; large masses can not therefore be cooled at a rapid rate even under the most favorable conditions. This means that the larger the pot, the more care must be taken to avoid crystallization. The experimental melts made for the purpose of testing out a batch composition should be held at given temperatures for lengths of time corresponding to those actu- ally obtaininig in the glass pots used. The types of crystallization which develop in the melt depend not only on the kind of substance which is precipitated, but also on the temperature and the composition of the melt. Thus single isolated crystals of barium-disilicate were formed 29 toward the end of the stirring period (1,100 C.) as crystal skeletons in a melt of light barium crown. These were avoided in later melts by reducing the percentage amount of barium oxide in the batch to the extent that the temperature at which the melt became supersaturated with re- spect to barium disilicate was lowered below that of the final stirring period. The amount of reduction was computed, after the melting temperature of pure barium disilicate had been found by measure- ment to be 1,426 C., by assuming, as a first approximation, that the lowering of the saturation temperature was directly proportional to the amount of barium disilicate present. As the required change of composition was only slight and sufficient to lower the saturation limit from 1,100 to about 1,030 C. this assumption was justified. Thus the saturation limit was reduced from 1,426 (pure barium disilicate) to 1,100 C. by a reduction of barium disilicate from 100 per cent to 57 per cent. On the assumption of a linear relation between composition and temperature at the saturation limit, this signifies a lowering of about 7 C. in the temperature of saturation per reduction of 1 per cent barium disilicate. But since all saturation-temperature curves which have been determined in silicate melts are concave toward the origin in a temperature-concentration diagram, the gradient of the curve is likely to be somewhat steeper than a straight N. L. Bowen. ^Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 8, 265-268, 1918. CRYSTALLIZATION' PHENOMENA. 143 line so far away from the pure compound with the result that a reduction of 1 per cent in barium disilicate would probably lower this saturation limit more than 7 and possibly as much as 15 C. Actual test showed that a reduction of 5 per cent in the amount of barium disilicate present in the batch eliminated the presence of its crystals from the melt under the given conditions of melting. Similar methods for the adjustment of batch composition are followed with melts of different compositions in which crystallization may appear. In ordinary types of optical glass silica is present in excess with the result that it is first to crystallize out from the melt usually in the form of radial spherulites of cristobalite or tridymite. Crystalliza- tion in pots of optical glass begins ordinarily at the top surface and sides and proceeds inwards. The surface of the melt, because of volatilization, becomes richer in silica which is then the primary phase to crystallize out. The surface of a cooled pot of glass, such as borosilicate crown or barium crown, is commonly covered with fine, exceedingly thin crystallites, visible only under a hand-lens and resembling hexagonal snowflakes. The surface, if examined closely, is seen to be covered with a hexagonal network of lines which are obviously the directions of tenuous crystal growth in the thin sur- face film. If the cooling of the glass pot is not conducted with sufficient rapidity the crystallites in the surface film extend inward into the glass mass; white radial spherulites are formed. In the case of borosilicate crown, a crust of radial spherulites of crystallized silica 1 to 2 millimeters thick, occurs almost invariably around the margins of the surface of the melt. Crystallization of this kind is not serious from the glassmaker's standpoint because of the relatively small amount of glass wasted. In the case of the molding of glass, surface crystallization may be serious because the crystallized crust is much harder than the glass itself and offers serious resistance to the grind- ing wheels during the plate-grinding operations, so serious in fact that every effort should be made to regulate the temperature in the molding kilns so that crystalline crusts are not formed on plates of borosilicate or barium crowns. In the flint glasses the danger from surface crystallization is much less. Other substances which may crystallize out of certain melts are calcium metasilicate (in the form of wollastonite) , lead metasilicate, and aluminum metasilicate as sillimanite. The first two occur com- monly as radial spherulites, like rounded pellets up to 1 centimeter in diameter throughout the melt. Because of the differences in their rates of contraction as compared with that of the enveloping glass, a large amount of strain is set up in the glass; conical cracks may develop and extend for a short distance from the radial spherulite into the glass. The presence of a crystallization body in a lens or prism is sufficient cause for its rejection. 144 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. Cloudiness or opalescence. Still another phenomenon, allied to precipitation, may arise during the cooling process and ruin the entire pot of glass. In certain types of glass, especially in the flint series, there is a tendency for the melt to turn milky or cloudy during the cooling-down period. Turbidity of this kind in optical glass is a very serious defect and renders it useless for optical purposes. The cloud- iness ordinarily develops at the sides and top of a crucible of glass and proceeds inward from the margins. The factors involved in this problem are not entirely clear, but the following facts are significant: Proofs, taken at high temperatures, of a melt which later becomes turbid, are perfectly clear and show no trace of milkiness; these proofs may develop cloudiness, however, on reheating to temperatures some- what above the softening point of the glass (800 to 1,000 C.). If held for long periods of time (several days) at this temperature, crystallites of a low refracting substance, possibly silica in the form of tridymite or cristobalite, develop. The presence of these crystal- lites does not definitely prove that the substance which causes the milkiness is excess silica. In the milky glass the precipitated material is held in suspension and the particles, whatever their nature may be, whether silica, lead sulphate, lead chloride, boron silicate, or arsenic oxide, may serve as nuclei around which the radial spherulites of crystallized silica cluster when the glass is maintained at 900 to 1 ,000 C. for a long period of time. A thin plate of opalescent light flint examined under the ultra microscope showed the presence of innu- merable particles suspended in the glass. The phenomenon is there- fore one of precipitation either of colloidal particles or of submicro- scopic crystallites. A chemical analysis of a fragment of milky glass showed the presence of 0.146 per cent SO 3 ; this is equivalent to 0.553 per cent lead sulphate. 30 Factory experience proves that the presence of sulphates and chlorides in the raw materials, especially in the potassium carbonate, favors the formation of opalescence. In England 31 the same trouble with cloudiness in flint glass for tableware purposes was experienced during the war and was ascribed to the presence of sulphates and chlor- ides in the poorer grade of available potassium carbonate. Experience has proved that a slight change in the composition of the batch may greatly decrease the probability of the occurrence of milkiness; thus light flint containing 2 per cent boron oxide is especially liable to turn milky; it is possible that the presence of this oxide favors the develop- ment of cloudiness in this flint. It has been found that fining at a high temperature (increased volatilization of certain components), thorough stirring, and rapid cooling of the melt thorough the tempera- so See article by Fenner and Ferguson "On the effect of certain impurities in causing milkiness in optical glass." Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., I, 468, 1918. i Cauwood and Turner, Jour. Soc. Glass Technology, I, 187, 1917, OPALESCENT GLASS. 145 ture range, in which precipitation is liable to occur, are advisable. The addition of 1 or 2 per cent of alumina to the glass aids as a pre- ventative; this oxide tends to increase the viscosity of many glass melts and its presence then necessarily raises their fining temperatures. Long-continued heating (24 hours), 32 at 950 C. in a platinum resist- ance furnace, of a light flint glass containing 2 per cent alumina which was fined at the usual fining temperature of the light flints, proved that glass of this composition did not become milky; whereas the same light flint without the addition of alumina did become milky under the same treatment, thus proving that alumina tends to hinder to some extent the milky precipitation. Observations have proved that by reheating milky flint to a temperature of 1,100 C. it can be rendered clear, but that under these conditions bubbles develop and render the glass useless. In this problem of milky glass we are confronted with the pre- cipitation of some substance possibly colloidal in nature; it is probable that the opalescent effect in the light flints may be produced by different substances. The presence of sulphates and chlorides in the batch favors its formation; thus, light flint glass made from potassium carbonate containing 0.1 per cent SO 3 was clear and of good quality; glass similar in composition, but made from potassium carbonate containing 0.75 per cent SO 3 , turned milky on cooling; while glass made from potassium carbonate containing 0.4 per cent SO 3 became milky only at the margins of the crucible. In medium flints the presence of a relatively large amount of arsenic oxide may also cause cloudiness and should be avoided. That the rate of cooling is an important factor is proved by the fact that large pots containing a ton of optical glass are more liable to become milky on cooling than small pots half this size. Whatever, the precipitate is, the solubility relations are such that at a high temperature the solution is not supersaturated, but on cooling it becomes saturated with respect to some substance and, with still further lowering of the temperature, precipitation begins if sufficient time be allowed for it during the cooling process; the tem- perature range within which precipitation is liable to occur is 500 to 1,000 C. It is possible that the substance in the light flints is silica or lead sulphate, or lead chloride which is only slightly soluble in silicates. On fining the glass at high temperatures the volatiliza- tion of the sulphates and chlorides increases; such heating may also inhibit the formation of the colloidal particles which on cooling pro- duce opalescence; the presence of small amounts of boron oxide seems to favor the formation of such clusters; the presence of alumina tends to hinder their formation. 32 Experiment by C. N. Fenner. 146 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In other branches of glass manufacture milky glass is produced purposely by the addition of certain substances, such as phosphates and fluorides, which are relatively insoluble in the glass melt. When chilled quickly, these glasses may remain clear, but on reheating and cooling down slowly through a temperature range from 800 to 400 C. they become cloudy. The precipitation in opalescent glasses indi- cates the grouping of certain constituents of the melt into particles of at least colloidal size such that they have an appreciable diffracting effect on light waves in the visible spectrum. Closely allied to the development of milky glass in the light flints is the behavior of red and yellow glasses at the annealing tempera- tures. If a glass, colored with cadmium sulphide, selenium, copper ruby, or gold ruby, be chilled rapidly from a high temperature the intensity of its coloration is relatively slight; but if the glass be cooled slowly from high temperatures or be reheated after chilling, it becomes deeply colored, the more intense colors being deep red. This behavior indicates a shift of a strong absorption band from the ultra-violet into the violet or blue. There is evidently a shift in molecular grouping or aggregation within the solution such that the grouping stable during the annealing range absorbs the blue end of the spectrum; this regrouping takes place while the glass is still relatively rigid. Blue and green glasses do not show this pronounced change in color absorption in the visible spectrum on change in heat treatment. In all such cases involving change in color, or the development of opalescence and milkiness, there is probably a selective grouping and aggregation of certain of the atoms or molecules into particles which, though still submicroscopic in size, have an effect on transmitted light waves; the rate and character of this selective grouping is dependent, moreover, on the temperature conditions; the grouping can be practically suppressed by cooling down through the critical temperature range so rapidly that sufficient time is not available for the completion of the process. The fact that the intensity of coloration in the yellow and red glasses is markedly dependent on the heat treatment may have an important bearing on the transmission in optical glasses. Ferric iron colors glasses yellow and absorbs a large part of the ultra-violet; with increase in ferrous iron content the color of the glass shifts to the green and even to the blue in the barium glasses; glasses colored with ferrous iron oxide are good infra-red absorbers. There are indications that the intensity of coloration of glasses containing iron in the ferric state varies with the heat treatment and that the reheat- ing of such glasses for annealing or pressing tends to lower the transmission. IDENTIFICATION OF CRYSTALLITES. 147 Little is definitely known regarding the phenomena involved in the formation of milky and opal glasses and of red and yellow colored glasses. In the milky glasses swarms of particles of some substance or substances, probably excess silica either in the colloidal state or as embryonic crystals of tridymite or of cristobalite, are precipitated and are held in suspension in the molten glass. It has been found that the presence of minute quantities of alkali sulphates or alkali chlorides or both tend to favor this precipitation, acting in this respect after the manner of " catalyzers/' Be the precipitate and the causes therefor what they may, the factory practice to be followed to avoid the occurrence of milkiness is to use materials of high chemical purity, especially potassium carbonate containing less than 0.3 per cent SO 3 and 2 per cent Cl, to fine at high temperatures somewhat above 1,400 C., to stir the melt thoroughly for as long a period as possible, and to cool rapidly through the temperature range of precipitation. The identification of crystallites in optical glass. The identification of crystallization bodies in optical glass is best accomplished by use of the petrographic microscope. Methods have been devised for the measurement of the optical constants of crystals in fine grained aggregates and have been employed for many years in routine work of this nature at the Geophysical Laboratory. 33 For the determina- tion of any given " stone" in a glass it is broken out of the glass and crushed, by tapping with a pestle in an agate mortar, to a fine powder. A few particles of the powder are immersed in a small drop of liquid of known refractive index on a microscope object glass. A small glass cover slip is placed on the drop and the preparation is examined under the microscope. By the use of refractive liquids of different known refringences it is possible to ascertain with the petrographic microscope, the principal refractive indices of the substance or substances, in case more than one be present; also the principal birefringences of each substance, the general shape of its optical ellipsoid, its optical character, its optical axial angle, its pleochroism, etc. These properties enable the observer in most instances to iden- tify the crystals. In view of the relatively small number of crystalli- zation bodies, " stones, " which may possibly occur in optical glass the measurement of the refractive indices alone generally suffices to identify the crystal. The optical properties of the several more common crystals in glass are the following: 34 Silica (SiO 2 ) may appear in any one of three different forms, all of which are found in natural minerals, namely, quartz, tridymite, and cristobalite. 33 F. E. Wright, The methods of petrographic microscope research. Publication 158, Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington, 1911. M See also N. L. Bowen, "The identification of 'stones' in glass." Jour. Amcr. Ceram. Soc., I 594-60% 1918. 148 . MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. Quartz appears rarely and only as undissolved sand grains from the original batch. They occur as irregular rounded grains, are optically uniaxial and positive, birefringence medium with refractive indices, e= 1.554, co= 1.545. Tridymite is similar in every respect to the natural mineral and appears in thin hexagonal-shaped plates of weak birefringence. Examined on edge these plates show parallel extinction and weak negative elongation. The refractive indices are: a = 1.469, 7 = 1.473. Interference figures are difficult to obtain because of the weak bire- fringence. Cristobalite is the form stable 35 between 1,420 C, and its melting temperature 1,710 C. It occurs commonly in the form of skeletal crystals resembling the octahedral growths observed in copper, gold, and common salt. Its crystal aggregates are terminated in many in- stances with spear-shaped, octahedral endings and are not lath- shaped as in the case with tridymite. Its refractive indices are a =1.484, 7-1.487. The birefringence is exceedingly weak. The higher refractive indices and different crystallographic development suffice to distinguish cristobalite from tridymite. Calcium metasilicate (CaSiO 3 ) occurs commonly in the form of radial spherulites of the mineral wollastonite. Its needles extinguisn parallel to the direction of elongation and show either positive or negative elongation. The plane of the optic axes is normal to the elongation; optic axial angle small, optical character negative. Refractive indices are: a = 1.620, 7 = 1.633; birefringence, medium. Sillimanite (Al 2 SiO 5 ) occurs in radial spherulites and interlacing, lath-shaped aggregates. The individual crystals show parallel ex- tinction and positive elongation. The refractive indices are rela- tively high, = 1.660, 7 = 1.681; the birefringence is moderately strong. The crystals frequently exhibit a lower refracting core which may be the result of skeletal development of the laths. Barium disilicate (Ba Si 2 O 5 ) . Crystals of this compound were first identified by Bo wen 36 as orthorhombic. They occur as thin six- sided plates; extinguish parallel with negative elongation. Refrac- tive indices a =1.598, 7 = 1.617; birefringence moderately strong. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. On cooling to a dull red heat, the pot of molten glass becomes increasingly stiffer and with falling temperature acquires more and more the properties of a rigid solid. The rate of cooling is, however, not equal over different parts of the pot and the rates of contraction are correspondingly different; as a result internal stresses and strains C. N. Former, The stability relations of the silica minerals. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 2, 471, 1912; Am. J. Sci. (4), 86, 331-384, 1913. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 8, 265-268, 1918. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 149 are set up. At higher temperatures from 700 C. down to 400 C. or lower the internal stresses are relieved by actual flow of the glass if it is allowed sufficient time to flow. The rate of release of the internal stresses is a function of the magnitude of the stresses and these in turn are caused by differences in the rates of cooling of different parts of the pot of glass. At higher temperatures the stresses are relieved by internal flow as rapidly as they are developed ; at these temperatures the glass behaves as a viscous liquid and is unable to maintain shearing stresses for any length of time. Shear- ing stresses are relieved by actual flow of the melt. With falling temperatures the rate of release of internal stresses becomes slower and practically ceases at low temperatures; it fails, in short, to keep step with the temperature drop and hence the stresses persist and, unless relieved by stresses in the opposite direction, may continue indefinitely at room temperatures. The factors which enter into the problem of the cooling and frac- turing of a pot of optical glass are complex and at the present time are not adequately known to permit of its complete solution. The available information suffices, however, for the establishment of a fairly satisfactory manufacturing routine. The more important factors are: (a) Change of viscosity of the different glasses with temperature. (6) Hates of relief or relaxation times of internal stresses of differ- ent magnitudes at different temperatures. (c) Changes in expansion coefficient with temperature. (d) Temperature distribution within a cooling solid of the shape, dimensions, and thermal characteristics of an optical glass mass cooling in a clay pot. These factors will now be considered in the order given. (a) The most important recent investigation on the change of viscosity of glass with temperature is that of F. Twyman 37 whose experimental results showed that the mobility of most glasses through the critical range from 400 C. to 600 C. doubles for each 8 rise in temperature. In the form of an equation this statement reads or in which M is the mobility (the converse of the viscosity) , 6 the tem- perature, and K and , constants dependent on the kinds of glass. Still more recent experiments by M. So, 38 Tool and Valasek, 39 Littleton and Roberts, 40 and Adams and Williamson 41 have corroborated the 37 The annealing of glass, Jour. Soc. Glass Technology, I, 61-73, 1917. 39 Phys. Math. Soc. Japan, 2, 113-116, 1920, Math. Phys. Soc. Tokyo, Proc. 9, 425-441, 1918. Bur. Standards Bull. No. 358, 1919. < Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 224-229, 1920. < l Jour. Franklin Institute, 190, 597-632, 835-870, 1920. 150 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. results of Twyman and found that the mobility changes differently with different glasses and that it doubles for a rise in temperature of 7.9 C. to nearly 11 C., depending on the type of glass, the value being commonly higher for the crown glasses than for the flint series. These measurements of mobility were made by observing the rate of stretching, or of bending, or of twisting of glass rods under constant load at the different temperatures. As the temperature falls the mobility decreases so rapidly that mechanical methods are no longer practicable and recourse is had to optical methods. Strain in glass signifies physical inhomogeneity and this finds expression in the effects which strained glass exerts on transmitted light waves that encounter different degrees of resistance according to the direction of their transmission. This difference gives rise to the phenomena of double refraction and these can be detected and measured by the use of polarized light and suitable accessory appliances. Early in the last century Brewster 42 discovered that in strained glass the resulting birefringence is proportional to the load; in other words, stress in a glass can be measured in terms of birefringence. Methods, based on the measurements of the bire- fringence in a piece of optical glass, have long been used and afford simple and satisfactory means to study strain in glass from ordinary temperatures up to the softening region of glasses. Commonly the path-difference between the two plane-plorized light waves is meas- ured by means either of a graduated wedge, or of a Babinet com- pensator, or of other device of similar nature, either in white or monochromatic light; or the ellipticity of the emergent beam is determined in monochromatic light and the path difference is then computed from the ellipticity. Measurements by these methods have recently been published by Twyman, 43 Tool and Valasek, 39 Adams and Williamson, 44 and Littleton and Roberts, 45 and prove that the law given for the change of viscosity with temperature is valid for the change of rate of relief of stresses with temperature; except that in the case of birefringence the temperature interval required for a doubling of the rate is found to be somewhat smaller than that necessary for a doubling of the mobility when measured by mechanical methods. This discrepancy may, however, be due to the fact that measurements of the mechanical deformation are made at higher temperatures than those of the change in birefringence. The equation expressing the change in rate of relief of stress or the s Bur. Standards Bull., No. 358, 1919. Philosophical Transactions, 1814. Jour. Soc. Glass Technology, I, 61-73, 1917. Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 213-223, 1920. Jour. Opt. Soc. America IV, 224-229, 1920; Jour. Franklin Inst. 190, 597-fi32, 835-870, 1920. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 151 change in relaxation accordingly time as measured by optical methods is ^ =K ' 2 -0/8 00-0 0.0376 -(0Q-0) -0 (2) or log T= C. (0 -d) = M 2 -M i e (2a) This equation of Twyman, which states in effect that the logarithm of the relaxation is a linear function of the temperature, is important and will be referred to again. (b) In a theoretical presentation of this general subject, Maxwell 47 suggested as a tentative hypothesis that at a given temperature the rate of disappearance of stress in a strained body is proportional to the stress itself. Twyman states that his experimental results confirm this statement. Tool and Valasek 39 found that the relaxa- tion time increases perceptibly with decrease in the stresses and resulting birefringence. Adams and Williamson 48 deduce from their measurements that the rate of relief of the stress varies, not directly, but as the square of the stress. Expressed in terms of decrease in birefringence this leads to the equation 1 10 7 -An 10 7 -An T-t (3) in which An is the initial birefringence (stress) , An the birefringence after the time, t, and T 7 , the relaxation time. Further experimental evidence will be required to explain these discrepancies, namely: (1) The differences in the rates of change of viscosity as determined by optical and by mechanical methods, respectively, and (2) the rate of relief of stress, as a function of the stress at a constant temperature. TABLE 9. Constants ^ C, N of equations 2 and 2 a, and annealing temperatures (centigrade) for different times. Time to reduce strain-birefringence from 50.10~ 7 Mnr M 2 to 5.10-7. Kind of glass. M 2 or 0o N | | 1 . a 1 a i d i A | | ' 1 3 iO - -" ** C c. a c c. c. C r. c Borosilicate crown. . . 0.030 18.68 624 10.00 598 575 565 539 515 493 464 444 Ordinary crown i . 029 17.33 CQO 10.31 573 548 538 511 487 464 434 414 Light barium crown. . . 032 20.10 628 9.41 605 583 574 549 527 506 480 461 Heavy barium crown. Barium flint .038 .028 24.95 16.28 657 582 7.92 10.75 637 555 619 530 611 519 590 491 572 466 554 442 532 412 516 390 Light flint .033 15.92 482 9.12 460 439 429 406 385 364 338 320 Medium flint .038 18.34 483 7.92 463 445 437 416 398 380 358 342 Heavy flint 037 17.51 473 8.13 453 434 426 405 386 368 345 329 Extra heavy flint .033 15.03 456 9.12 433 412 403 379 358 337 312 292 39 Bur. Standards Bull., No. 358, 1920. Adams and Williamson, Jour. Opt. Soc. America IV, 219, 1920. " Phil. Mag. (4), 34, 129, 1868. Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 219, 1920. 152 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In Table 9 49 are listed the relaxation times required for the reduc- tion of the birefringence from 50 X 10~ 7 to 5 X 10~ 7 or, in other words, the path difference per centimeter glass path from 50 millimicrons to 5 millimicrons for different types of glass at different temperatures. The chemical compositions of these glasses are given in Table 11 on page 160. The numbers listed in columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Table 9 are the values of the constants M = C, M 2 / M l = , and N of the foregoing equations 2 and 2a. The time required for the relaxation of any given percentage of a stress at a given temperature is stated by the empirical equation (3) in terms of the resulting birefringences. Thus the times required to reduce the birefringences from 500 10~ 7 to 50 10~ 7 and from 50 10~ 7 to 5 10~ 7 are in the ratio (equation 3). J_ 1 50 500__ 1 I J_ ]0 5 ~ 50 From this it is evident that the smaller the stress the longer it takes to relax it. The values listed in Table 9 may therefore be taken as indicating the order of magnitude of the relaxation times for different glasses at different temperatures. (c) Experiments 50 by Peters and Cragoe have shown that the expansion of optical glasses is practically linear up to about 500 C after which the rate increases perceptibly as shown in Table 10 reproduced from their paper. Somewhat above this temperature, moreover, the glass becomes soft and behaves as a strictly viscous liquid. Heat measurements 51 by Tool and Valasek have shown furthermore a perceptible heat absorption in these glasses at this temperature on heating the glass and an evolution of heat on cooling. This heat effect has been ascribed to a change in the molecular group- ings within the liquid. Be the cause what it may, there seems to be definite proof of a change in the behavior of the glasses within this temperature range, and in critical work this change must be taken into account. The first recorded observation on a heat effect of this kind in a glass is that of Day and Allen 52 on borax glass in the heating of which "a slight but persistent absorption of heat appeared in the same region (490-500 C) and continued over some 20 C, after which the original rate of heating returned." 49 Adams and Williamson, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, 4, 219, 1920. 60 C. G. Peters and C. H. Cragoe, Measurements of the thermal dilatation of glass at high temperatures Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 105-144, 1920. A. Q. Tool and J. Valasek, Bur. Standards Bull. No. 358, 1920. 52 The Isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldspars, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pub. No. 31, p. 34. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. TABLE 10.- Mean coefficient of linear expansion of optical glasses. 153 Kind of glass. Tempera- ture in- terval C. CXHM. Tempera- ture in- terval C. cxio. Light crown 22-426 0.102 502-522 0.555 22-498 090 539-562 393 Barium crown 23-499 .090 589-610 .649 Light flint 22-451 .076 495-511 292 Medium flint 23-402 .097 452-478 .396 Barium flint 22-494 .088 519-550 .331 (d) Measurements of the changes in temperature at different points in a pot of cooling glass have been made by H. S. Roberts 53 by inserting bare base-metal thermoelements (alumel-chromel) into the melt directly after the removal of the pot from the melting furnace. Time-temperature readings were taken for different points within the mass during the entire period of cooling; for each pot of glass a record was also kept of the quality of annealing and of the character of the fracture surfaces. From a series of such data Roberts was able to formulate cooling schedules and methods of treatment of the pot of glass during cooling that insured the kind of fracturing and the quality of annealing desired. General investigations into the temperature distribution of cooling solids and the stresses arising from changes in temperature gradient have been made by Hopkinson, 54 C. Neumann, 55 Winkelmann and Schott, 56 Lord Rayleigh, 57 Schulz, 58 and more recently by Williamson, 59 and Adams and Williamson, 60 and others. 61 Adams and Williamson have computed tables giving numerical values of several factors involved in the annealing of glass bodies of different shapes and sizes. We shall now consider the temperature-strain distribution in a pot of cooling glass and shall, for the present, neglect the changes in expansion coefficient just below the softening region of the glass; and assume with Roberts 62 that the coefficient of linear expansion is practically constant throughout the range from room temperature to that at which the glass begins to soften. Glass on heating expands and on cooling contracts; if different parts of the same glass body cool at different rates, these contract at correspondingly different rates and, as a result, internal stresses are produced. The rate at 53 Jour. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2, 543-563, 1919. 5< Messenger of Mathematics, 8, 168, 1879. Theorie der Elasticitat, Leipzig, p. 112, 1885. 56 Ann. d. Phys. 51, 745, 1894. " Phil. Mag. (6), 1, 169, 1901. i8 Sprechsaal, 47, 460, 478, 1914. 59 Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 9, 209, 1919. 60 Physical Rev. N. S. IV, 99-114, 1919; Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 9, 609-623, 1919; Jour. Opt. Soc. America, 4, 213-223, 1920. 61 Byerly, Fourier Series and spherical Harmonics, Ginn & Co.; Carslaw, Fourier Series and Integrals, Maemillan & Co.; Ingersoll and Zobel, Mathematical Theory of Heat Conduction, Ginn & Co. 62 Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 546, 1919, 154 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. which stresses of this nature are introduced depends on the rate of change, with time, of the temperature gradient, which produces the differences in the rates of contraction. At higher temperatures internal shearing stresses of this kind are relieved by actual flow of the material while at lower temperatures the viscosity becomes so great that such flow is extremely slow and stresses may persist for long periods of time. At the time of removal of the pot from the melting furnace the temperature throughout the pot is sensibly uniform, as shown by measurements of Roberts. The temperature at this time differs 50 100 HOURS FIG. 43. Time-temperature curves for melts of optical glass cooled under different conditions. Curves A, B, C are for a melt cooled in sand; curves D and -E for a melt cooled in the open air without any added insulating material. somewhat for the different types of glasses but ranges between 950 and 1,100 C. On cooling down either in a pot arch or under an insulated casing the temperature of the peripheral portions of the glass melt falls more rapidly than that of the center. The maximum temperature difference is reached generally between 500 C. and 600 C. and may amount to 100 C. or more; but it is commonly less. At 600 C. practically all glasses except dense barium crowns are so soft that any stress arising from a change in the temperature gradient is relieved by flow so rapid that the glass mass remains in an essentially unstrained condition. If it were possible to maintain the tempera- THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 155 ture gradient established at 600 C. as an approximately steady state, by linear cooling down to the point at which the outside of the glass mass reaches room temperature, no strain would be introduced by this procedure. But from here on the central portion. cools down to room temperature, thereby contracting and tending to pull away from the margins and introducing radial tensional stresses which in turn set up tangential compressive stresses in the peripheral portions of the glass mass. The stresses, thus set up because of the changes in temperature gradient, depend on the temperature difference between the center and the margin of the glass mass and also on its shape, size, and elastic character. The rates of cooling of the center (curve A) and the side (curve B) of a 36-inch pot of medium flint (n D = l.Ql) are shown in figure 43, reproduced from Roberts' paper. 63 Curve C shows the rate of c 200 u 100 \ 200 400 600 800 TEMPERATURE AT CENTER 1000' C FIG. 44. Temperature differences between center and margin of melt for different temperatures of the center of three different melts. Curve A is for a melt cooled in air without any added insulation; curve B for a melt cooled in a pot-arch; curve Cfor a melt cooled in sand. cooling of the outside of the pot. In figure 44 the differences in tem- perature between the center and the sides of the glass mass are given for different temperatures (curve 0). This diagram shows that a maximal difference of about 60 C. is reached at 600 C. and that between 600 and 400 C. the decrease in temperature difference is about 20 C. Curve A of figure 43 shows that at 600 C. the melt is cooling at the rate of 17 C. per hour; at 500 C. at the rate of 10 C. per hour; and at 400 C. at the rate of 6 C. per hour. Table 9 of Adams and Williamson, reproduced on page 151, states that at 416 C. the time required to anneal a medium flint is one hour; at higher temperatures the annealing time is much less. The conclusion is therefore justified that at a temperature of 400 C., or slightly above 400 C., the glass mass is free from strain, all stresses resulting from a temperature gradient having been relieved by flow. The meas- urements by Roberts indicate that with appropriate shift of the temperature limits similar relations obtain for all glasses; and that, "Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc.. 2, 559, 156 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. when the glass mass alone is considered without reference to the clay-pot container, the stresses, introduced on further cooling fror i the softening temperature region down to room temperature, result from the gradual decrease of the temperature gradient between the center and the margins; in other words, from this temperature region down to room temperature the center of the glass mass is cooling faster than the periphery. Radial tensional stresses arise as a result of this change in temperature and tend to produce spherical cracks and shells not unlike, in general appearance, the concentric outer shells of an onion. This type of fracture is designated " exfoliation " in geology and is of common occurrence in the field. FIG. 45. Well annealed melt showing plane cracks. (Photograph by H. S. Roberts at the Chirleroi plant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.) It is possible to increase temporarily the temperature difference between the center and the margins by chilling the margins. In this case the outside is chilling at a faster rate than the center and, as a result, stresses of radial compression and tangential tension in the outer shells are introduced, which tend to cause the glass mass to crack or split along radial planes normal to the boundary surfaces, whereas, in the case of the decreasing thermal gradient, cracks paral- lel with the boundary surfaces tend to be produced. A cooling glass melt is similar in many respects to cooling lava. A lava flow, after it has cooled to the temperature of its surroundings, THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 157 is seen to be filled with cracks and fissures running approximately parallel and normal to its surface. These cracks develop as a result of the contraction of the cooling lava and are a characteristic phe- nomenon not only in lavas but also in intrusive igneous rocks and in sedimentary rocks. Similar cracks occur, as mud cracks, in clay or argillaceous material on drying out. Cracks and jointing phenomena of this nature are so well known that further description is unnec- essary. Suffice it to state the glassmaker desires to find each pot of glass, when cold, cracked into large rectangular, well-annealed blocks bounded by relatively plane and smooth surfaces. (Fig. 45.) Under unfavorable or improper rates of cooling, Assuring and jointing of this FIG. 46. Poorly annealed melt showing spherical cracks. (Photograph by H. S. Roberts at the Charleroi plant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Co.) kind does not develop, but spherical cracks abound and shells of the glass mass are found split off and away from a compact, rounded central core. (Fig. 46.) Large " marbles " or " onions " of this type are unwelcome, because they do not split regularly, but into sharp, irregular, and wedge-shaped chunks, with the result that much glass is lost. The glass which is obtained is, moreover, hi fragments unsat- isfactory for molding or pressing; its fracture surfaces are rough and so uneven that the glass can not be satisfactorily inspected. In the properly cooled melt the spherical cracks (analogous to the exfoli- ation cracks in rocks) do not affect a large amount of glass. The body of the glass is fissured by vertical and occasional horizontal 3922921 11 158 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. plane cracks, through which the quality of the glass can be readily seen, as through a polished plane surface. The modes of formation of these radial, plane fissures as contrasted with the concentric spherical cracks (exfoliation) are evidently different and require explanation. In this connection the following facts are significant : The temperature measurements of Roberts cited above prove that, in general, the maximum temperature difference between the center and the margins of a pot of molten glass on cooling from 1,100 or 1,000 C. is reached at approximately 600 C.; at this temperature, all shearing stresses arising from the changes in the temperature gra- dient are eliminated by actual flow of the viscous glass. From this temperature region down to room temperature, the temperature differ- ence between the center and the margins gradually decreases; the center cools more rapidly than the margins and in consequence tends to contract and to pull away, thereby setting up tensional radial stresses. Analysis of the stresses produced in a glass mass cooling under these conditions 64 proves that the radial tensional stresses in a cylinder or a sphere increase from zero at the periphery to the maxi- mum value at the center while the accompanying tangential stresses are compressive at the margins, gradually decrease toward the center, become zero, and then increase as tensional stresses attaining a maximal value equal to the radial stress at the center. In a body cooling under these conditions, the tangential stresses at the margins are compressive arid therefore unfavorable to the for- mation of radial cracks. Some other cause must be sought to account for the observed type of fracture. It was noted during the early months of the war that a change in the make of a pot (change in materials and in thickness of pot walls) resulted in unfavorably fractured pots of glass; this was remedied by a change in the cooling schedule. Experience taught that in general an average cooling rate of 8 C. or less per hour from 600 to 350 C. resulted in satisfactorily fractured and annealed glass whereas cooling at double this rate or 15 C. per hour resulted in poorly annealed and exfoliated " bowlders" or " marbles" of glass. A further proof of the influence of the pot on the character of the fracture of the glass was furnished later by H. S. Roberts, who reheated a " marble" very slowly by insulating it well in sand and then cooled it somewhat more slowly than the cooling rate of the ordinary pot. The result was a well-annealed block without cracks, thus indicating the influence of the pot in producing cracks in the glass mass cooled under these conditions. The coefficient of linear expansion of the material of optical glass pots varies with the ingredients of the pot. As an average we may assume its coefficient of linear expansion to be about 50* 10~ 7 . The * E. D. Williamson, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9, 209-217, 1919. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 159 coefficients of linear expansion of optical glasses range from about 6010- 7 to 100 10 7 . 65 Thus it is 97-1Q- 7 for a medium flint glass (Table 10, page 153). The significant fact is that in all cases the pot walls contract less on cooling than does the glass adhering to them, with the result that the glass is put under elastic tension, whose magnitude depends on the difference in expansion coefficients between the glass and the contain- ing pot. The stresses which arise as a result of these relations can be com- puted on the assumption that the pot of glass is cylindrical in shape and that for diametral plane sections near the center of the pot a plane normal to the axis of the cylinder remains a plane throughout the contraction. The stresses, which arise as a result of linear cooling at such a rate that a difference in temperature between the center and the periphery of 100 C. is attained in the steady state, are for a pot of medium flint glass of radius, r = 40 centimeters (diameter of pot about 30 inches) in kilograms per square centimeter: 66 /o j- i\ T> (Radial) P. - lft[ (Tangential) P.- in these equations P 2 andP 3 are the radial and tangential stresses, respec- tively, at the point r; a = 97 10~ 7 is the expansion coefficient for medium flint; ^ = 0.001C., temperature increase or decrease per second to maintain a constant difference of 100 C. between center and margin of glass cylinder 80 centimeters in diameter; K = 0.004, the diffusivity; O 77" _p_ ~D O J7" _ O D e = -Qn-jr' and/= IQP if are e l as ^ic constants, e being the elongation of glass rod or bar of unit length and area caused by a load of 1 kilogram, and / the accompanying contraction in the direction normal to the direction of the load and axis of the rod; Young's modulus is 1/e and Poisson's ratio, f/e; the constants K and R are, respectively, the modulus of compressibility (bulk modulus) and the modulus of rigidity. Values of the elastic constants for different glass types are listed in Table 11 of Adams and Williamson 67 ; in this table the weight percentage chemical compositions, and data on birefringence, on thermal diffusivity, and on linear expansion are also listed. Peters and Cragoe, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, IV, 105-144, 1920. E. D. Williamson, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 9, 216, 1919. " Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 9, 613, 1919; Jour. Franklin Institute, 190, 607, 1920. 160 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. TABLE 11. Chemical and physical constants of different types of optical glasses. Kind of glass. Chemical composition (approx.) wt. per cent. Si0 2 . A1 2 3 . B 2 3 . PbO. ZnO. BaO. CaO. K 2 0. Na 2 0. BorosilicatG crown 67 73 47 40 46 54 45 42 28 12 4 8 1 5 9 14 3 Ordinary crown . . . 12 Light barium crown Dense barium crown 1 4 3 6 11 8 8 29 43 15 Barium flint 24 35 48 52 69 4 5 4 3 3 3 6 3 3 Light flint Medium flint . Dense flint Extradense flint Kind of glass. Optical properties. Mechanical properties. Thermal properties. Refr. Index D . V Bi-efrin- genee due to 1 kg/cm 2 1-iad. B Modulus of compres- sibility kg/cm 2 . K Modulus of rigidity kg/cm 2 . R CoefT. of linear ex- pansion. a Thermal diffusiv- itv. cm 2 /scc. K Boiosilicate crown .516 .523 .574 .608 .606 .573 .616 .655 .756 62 59 57 57 44 42 37 33 27 -2.85X10-7 -2.57X10- 7 -2.81X10-' -2.15X10- 7 -3.10X10-7 -3.20X10-7 -3.13X10-7 -2.67X10-7 -1.22X10-7 0.43X10" 0.46X10* 0.52X10 6 0.53X10 6 0.42X10 6 0.35X10 6 0.34X10* 0.34X10* ' 0. 32X 10* 0. 29X 10* 0.28X10* 0.30X10* 0.29X10* 0.26X10* 0.24X10* 0.22X10* 0.22X10* 0.20X10* 7.5X10-* 8. 9X 10-* 7.4X10-* 6.4X10- 7.7X10-6 8.4X10-* 8.1X10 8.2X10-* 8. 5X 10-* 0. 0045 0.0047 0. 0039 0.0040 0.003X 0.0040 0.0038 0.0036 0.0033 Ordinary crown Light barium crown Dense barium crown Barium flint Light flint Medium flint Dense flint Extradense flint, Substituting the appropriate values for the medium flint in the above equation, we find for the marginal shell (r = a) the stresses 97-10 7 X 0.001X1600X2 3 ~ 16X0.004X (1.842-10 6 -0.431'10 re ) -343.72 kg. cm 2 . For a rate of linear heating ^ = 0.005 per second, the tangential com- pressive stress 68 is 171.86 kg. cm 2 . The stresses at the center (r = 0) are aha 2 97-10 7 X 0.001x1600 16 X 0.004 Xl.411-10- 6 171.86 kg. cm 2 . Both stresses are tensional. The flint glass mass at a temperature 400 C. or higher is practically without strain in spite of the temperature gradient existing at that temperature. On cooling the temperature gradient gradually dis- appears, but in so doing gives rise to stresses which persist except for that part of the stresses which is eliminated by viscous flow. As a first approximation we may consider the above stresses, tangential and radial, computed for the margin and center of the mass as repre- sentative of the order of magnitude of the actual stresses existing in the glass mass at room temperature. 68 Tensional stresses are considered positive, compressive stresses negative. THE ANNEALING PERIOD. 161 As a result of the difference in coefficients of expansion of the glass mass and of the containing pot to whose walls the glass adheres, elastic tensional stresses are set up and superimposed on the stresses induced by the disappearance of the temperature gradient. These stresses can be computed if, as before, we assume the pot to be cylin- drical in shape and consider only central diamentral planes located at a distance from the ends. The total linear contraction of the glass per unit length from 420 to 20 C. is then 400' 97'10 7 ; the total linear contraction of the pot is 400' 50*10 7 ; and the difference in elongation is 400' 47'10 7 = 0.00188. If the pot walls were perfectly rigid the linear stretching per unit length of the adhering glass mass would be 0.00188, but as this is not the case, we may, as a first approximation, assume that the walls are pulled in as much as the glass is stretched out, in which case the elongation per unit length in the glass mass is 0.00094. Let P lt P 2 , and P 3 be the axial, radial, and tangential stresses, respectively, at a given point. The equations for the elongations E, F, and G in the directions P lt P 2 , and P 3 are then 6=-fP,-fP 2 But, under the assumptions made, P l = and P 2 = P 3 . Therefore P 0. 00094 0. 00094 P * = P * = -<^ = 1.411 XlQ- = 665 ' 19 ^ Cm Under these conditions there are superimposed on the glass mass, as a result of the interaction between pot and glass on cooling, tensile stresses both radial and tangential which approach the elastic limit of the glass in magnitude. The radial tension on the marginal layer of glass is then 665 kg. cm 2 ; the tangential tension is 665-344 = 321 kg. cm. 2 for the larger temperature difference and 493 kg. cm 2 for the smaller temperature interval (^ = 0.0005 per s0c.) Both the tan- gential and the radial tensional stresses increase from the periphery to the center; at the center their order of magnitude is 665 + 172 = 837 kg. cm. 2 The tensional stresses at the center are hydrostatic. The foregoing values are only first approximations; but they indi- cate that in the glass mass itself tensional stresses of considerable mag- nitude are present such that, if a mechanically weak point were to develop in the glass, the system is mechanically unstable and so near failure that cracks of considerable magnitude would probably develop. The pot walls are for the most part, moreover, under heavy tangential compression and show little tendency to crack radially. 162 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In case the pot of glass were to cool more rapidly than usual so that for example & = 0.002 per second, then P 3 = -687.44 kg. cm. 2 Under these conditions the final tangential stress in the marginal layer is still compressive 665 687 = 22 kg. cm. 2 and there is no tendency for radial cracks to form. Under these conditions of rapid cooling the glass is not only poorly annealed, but is not cracked transversely, and a " marble" or " onion" is the result. It is a matter of factory observation that the pot walls at the margins of a cold pot of glass are cracked but little, and that it is in many cases difficult to find a pronounced crack on the outside of the pot without examination of the glass itself. The foregoing explanation of the formation of cracks is not complete and does not account adequately for the fact that in a properly cracked pot of glass a master vertical plane fissure divides the part into halves. The formation of the other joint cracks, roughly perpen- dicular to the master joint-plane, is readily deduced from symmetry relations and the existing tensional shearing stresses. Roberts 69 found that rapid chilling of the pot of glass at about 300 C., induced by removal of the insulation, or by turning off the gas and opening the dampers in the case of melts cooled in the pot arch, favored the formation of radial cracks. Tangential tensional forces are introduced by this procedure, and the general cooling schedule of the glass is thereby disturbed so that a mechanically weak spot might give way and thus introduce the radial cracks. Once radial cracks have begun to appear the tendency for the spherical cracks to form is diminished. It may be noted that the plane cracks (joints), produced as de- scribed above, form slowly and with reference to the distribution of the shearing stresses involved; in other words they form with refer- ence to the symmetry of the pot. Similar phenomena are of common occurrence in nature as, for example the columnar jointing of certain lava flows in which the joint columns are normal to the cooling boundary surfaces. For the formation of plane joint cracks, slow and fairly uniform cooling is essential. In the case of stresses de- veloped by the sharp blow of a hammer, the distribution of the elastic stresses is entirely different, and characteristic wavy or conchoidal fracture surfaces develop in well-annealed glass or other homoge- neous material. If, however, there exist other stresses, as in a block of poorly annealed, badly strained glass, in addition to those devel- oped momentarily by mechanical means, the fracture surface resulting from the hammer blow is uneven and commonly hackly in nature; it is rough and torn as though the glass had been split across some internal structural lines, as in a block of wood. 69 Jour. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2, 543-563, 1919. POT- ARCH COOLING. 163 There is a noticeable difference between the types of fracture developed in a mass of glass or other homogeneous material on cooling and on that produced on heating. As a rule the cooling cracks tend to be plane surfaces intersecting at angles ranging between 60 and 90 and to be approximately normal to, and parallel with, the bound ary surfaces. Cracks developed on rapid heating are commonly warped surfaces, rarely plane and rarely showing any tendency toward regularity in the mode of their intersections. This criterion was successfully applied during the war to detect and to locate sabotage by enemy aliens in the grinding and polishing department of one of the plants devoted to the manufacture of optical munitions. POT-ARCH COOLING. During the war different methods of cooling the melt were employed and served the purpose well. During 1917 the method first described by Schott in 1888 70 was followed; it had been in use at the Bausch & Lomb plant before our arrival. The pot after removal from the furnace was allowed to stand in the open air on fire-clay supports and to cool for a period of 15 to 45 minutes. It was then placed on similar fire-clay supports in the heated pot arch from which the new empty pot had just been removed and set in the melting furnace. During the interval occupied with the exchange of pots the door of the pot arch was left open and its heating chamber allowed to cool to 700 or 800 C. The pot arch was then closed, its burners lighted and the pot temperature allowed to fall to a dull-red heat (500 to 600 C.) in about 20 hours, after which the burners and stack drafts were either closed completely and the pot arch was sealed, or the burners were turned gradually lower so that by the end of the next day (24 hours) the temperature had fallen to about 350 C. It was found by measurement of the pot-arch temperatures that if the cooling rate between 600 and 350 C. averages 8 C. drop per hour satisfactory annealing and transverse fissuring result; but if the temperature falls at a rate of 12 to 15 C. per hour poor annealing and a poor quality of fracturing are obtained. Between 350 to 300 C. the burners are turned off and the furnace is allowed to cool at a normal rate. By this time the transverse fissuring has probably begun. Cold-air drafts should be avoided in the .pot arch, as these may supercool the glass pot locally and thereby induce local irregularities. At the Spencer Lens plant C. N. Fenner modified this schedule somewhat. He found that satisfactory annealing and fracturing results if the pot of molten glass after removal from the melting furnace and an exposure of about 15 minutes to the open air is placed 70 Ueber Glasschmelzerei fur optische und andere wissensch. Zwecke. Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerbefleisses, 4 June, 1888. 164 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. in the heated pot arch and the burners are so adjusted that the tem- perature drops to a dull-red heat (500 to 600 C.) in about 16 hours. The burners are then either turned off completely and the pot arch is sealed so that its heat is lost solely by conduction through the furnace walls, or the burners are so adjusted that the pot-arch tem- perature above the pot drops to 400 C. in about 24 hours. After this the burners are turned off and the pot arch is allowed to cool. At the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. the pot-arch method used by Roberts 71 was not greatly different from the foregoing. The melt was cooled fairly rapidly (in 20 hours) to about 500 C., but still MELT COOLING IN HEATED AIR 600 GOOD ANNEALING 400 200 20 40 60 80 HOURS FIG. 47. Time-temperature curves for optical glass melts cooled in a pot arch. The temperatures are those of the air over and close to the pot. The quality of the annealing and fracture in each case are indicated by the symbols chosen to represent the curve. sufficiently slowly that the temperature difference between the center and the sides of the glass mass did not exceed 75 C. The melt cooled from 500 C. to 300 C. in the next 30 hours when the heat was turned off, the rate of cooling of the pot being thereby temporarily accelerated. In all cases Roberts insulated the top surface by a layer, 3 to 4 inches thick, of diatomaceous earth. The results of the three different methods of cooling are summarized in figure 47 reproduced from Roberts article. 72 These curves show that slow cooling through the high temperature range serves no purpose; whereas slow cooling through the annealing range from n Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 553, 1919. 72 Jour. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2, 556, 1919. THE KATE OF COOLING. 165 500 to 300 C., is essential to successful annealing and to transverse fracturing of the glass mass. INSULATION TO REGULATE RATE OF COOLING. Because of the fact that the temperature range, through which careful regulation of the rate of cooling is required, is below 600 C., it is possible to envelop the pot of molten glass with heat-insulating material and thus to retard its cooling rate as effectively as in a pot arch. This method of pot cooling was developed chiefly at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. and was placed on an effective routine basis by Mr. H. S. Roberts. Either sand or a better heat-insulating material, such as diatomaceous earth (kieselguhr) , may be used and the pot surrounded by it. A layer of sand 8 inches thick suffices for pots 30 to 50 inches in diameter. The moving of the sand is a laborious operation and the final form of insulating device, as devel- oped both at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. and at the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., was essentially a hollow, double-walled, sheet-iron cap in the form of a cylinder closed at one end and equipped with handles for lifting. The space, 3 to 4 inches wide, between the walls and the ends of this cap are filled with light, diatomaceous earth. A drum of this design is easily handled and, when placed in position over the cooling pot, provides adequate heat insulation. The schedule followed by Roberts for this method is briefly: On removal of the pot of molten glass from the melting furnace place it on three fire-clay blocks at least 8 inches high to allow adequate circulation of air along base of pot. Cover surface of melt with a layer 3 to 4 inches thick of diatomaceous earth. Four hours later for 36-inch pots and eight hours later for 49-inch pots apply insulation in the form either of an 8-inch layer of loose sand or of the sheet-iron in- sulating cap. In all cases shovel loose sand or kieselguhr as insula- tion beneath pot. Remove insulation from 36-inch pot three days later and from 49-inch pot five days later. Pot can be broken up two or three days later. The temperatures at the different stages of this operation were measured by Roberts and are listed in Table 12 reproduced from Roberts article. 73 TABLE 12. Approximate temperatures at center of 36-inch pot melts cooled in sand. Type of glass. n D . Tem- perature set out. Tem- perature after 4 hours. Anneal- ing tem- perature. Tem- perature after 72 hours. Light flint. . . 57 C. 1 038 C. 800 C. 465 C. 320 Medium flint 61 '996 780 455 300 Dense flint 66 968 760 445 290 Ordinary crown 52 1 093 850 570 350 Borosilicate crown 52 1 116 860 590 360 Light barium crown 1 57 1*016 790 580 310 Dense barium crown 1.61 i'oi6 790 600 310 7 * Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2, 561, 1919. 166 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. BREAKING UP A POT OF GLASS. The pot of glass, after having cooled to room temperature, is set out on the floor of the furnace hall where it is broken apart. (Fig. 48.) In this operation care is taken to preserve intact the large blocks of glass bounded by joint planes. Commonly a vertical master joint divides the pot into halves; the pot is split along this plane by means of the chisel edge of a crow bar; the blocks of glass are then jarred loose from the pot by tapping it with a sledge hammer. The glass blocks are not hit directly with the hammer because of the FIG. 48. Breaking apart pots of optical glass. Note the sheet-iron insulating cap on left, also storage box for pot of optical glass on right of photograph. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) shattering and loss which would be thereby incurred. All pot fragments are separated from the glass and the entire mass of raw glass is transferred to a box of standard size and divided into several compartments to hold the small and large pieces of glass. (Fig. 48.) Labels are attached to each box giving the number and date of the melt and the type of glass. The boxes are made with raised bottoms, so that a special lifting truck can be used to move them from place to place as needed without tilting. Boxes of this kind, made of heavy lumber and of standard shape and adequate size are con- venient; they can be stored three or four deep and were found to be satisfactory in every respect. It is essential that each pot of glass be treated as a unit in subsequent operations, otherwise there is danger of mixing one type of glass with another and this leads ROLLED OPTICAL GLASS. 167 to disastrous results in later factory routine. Meticulous care should be exercised to avoid mixing different glass melts. Before transferring the box of raw glass to the storage vault, it is examined while still on the floor of the furnace hall by means of a strong electric light 74 for striae, stones, color, bubbles and seeds, character of fracture, size of blocks, and state of annealing; a rough estimate is made of the general quality and percentage yield of usable glass in the melt. A record of this preliminary inspection, together with the optical constants measured on pieces, selected at random from the broken fragments is filed for reference and enables the manager to form an estimate of the kinds and quality of raw glass on hand and available for further operations. The box of glass is now transferred from the furnace hall to the storage vault and passes out of the hands of the glassmaker to the trimmers and thence through the pressing and molding stages to the grinders and polishers, to the inspectors and thence back to the storage vault. These stages of the manufacturing process will now be considered briefly. Before leaving the furnace hall, however, a modification of the standard process of optical glass manufacture may be discussed because it was introduced during the war as a time-saving method and proved in practice to be well adapted for certain purposes. CASTING OF OPTICAL GLASS. Spectacle lenses are made from ordinary crown glass rolled into sheets similar to plate glass. This process of manufacture is dis- tinctly different from that of optical glass and has many advantages in its favor. The casting process, as practiced in the plate-glass industry, is briefly the following: The pot of molten glass, after it has fined properly and cooled somewhat, is removed from the melting furnace and lifted by a traveling crane to a heated, flat, iron casting table, 14 feet wide and 22 feet long, on which the molten glass is poured and then rolled out into a sheet of the desired thickness by means of a heavy cylindrical iron drum 20 inches in diameter. The sheet of glass is then pushed into a heated annealing oven or lehr where it cools down to room temperature in the course of a day or so, depending on the thickness of the sheet. The empty melting pot is returned at once to the melting furnace and is gradually refilled with raw batch for a new run. Casting pots may be used for 10, 20, and even 30 or more runs. The quality of glass has been found to improve after the first two or three runs because the walls of the pot become more tightly sintered and baked, and offer greater resistance to the metal. 74 A portable automobile head or search light answers the purpose well. 168 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. This procedure eliminates many of the troublesome operations connected with the cooling-down process, and also with the molding and pressing, annealing and grinding, and polishing of the blocks of pot glass preparatory to the final inspection. During the rolling operation the striae in the molten glass are spread out as thin sheets and bands or ribbons parallel with the surfaces of the plate and hence do not appear when the plate, after polishing, is examined through the " flats," as for instance in a window pane of plate glass. If, however, the plate is examined through the edges, it resembles a pile or ream of sheets of paper viewed edgewise; hence the plate-glass maker's name, "ream," for this kind of striae. Striae arranged uni- FIG. 49. Casting a small pot of light crown optical glass. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) formly in this manner are readily detected when the glass plates are examined through the fracture surfaces obtained on cutting a sheet of glass into small plates by means of a diamond point or glass-cutter's wheel. Were it possible to produce optical glass of good quality by this method much time and expense would be saved and production expedited materially. Before the war rolled spectacle crown glass had been successfully used for certain lens elements, such as eyepiece field lenses, graduated scales (reticules), and prism shields in certain fire-control instruments. Experiments were accordingly tried both at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. and at the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. to pour and to roll optical glass after the manner of plate glass. ROLLED OPTICAL GLASS. 169 The pot of optical glass is removed from the furnace at a temperature at which the melt is still fairly liquid or fluent and is transferred as quickly as possible to the casting table. Experience is required to pour glass properly, and for the purpose the services of an experienced hand at casting plate glass are valuable. (Fig. 49.) The tempera- tures at which 49-inch pots should be removed from the furnace for casting are, for the different types of glass, the temperatures at which in the stirring operation it is necessary to reduce the size of the stirring circle and are approximately 75 the temperatures listed in Table 13. TABLE 13. Castinj temperatures for different types of optical glass. Temper- ature of " Temper- ature of melt on melt on removal removal Type of glass. D . from furnace Type of glass. n D . from furnace for for casting casting pur- pur- poses. poses. C. C. 1 52 1 200 Light flint 1.575 1,160 1 515 1 200 Medium flint 1.615 1.140 Barium crown 1 57 1 175 Dense Hint . 1.65 1,100 do 1 61 1 200 Barium flint 1.61 1, 175 The results obtained with rolled optical glass prove that it is possi- ble with careful selection to produce optical glass of good quality by this method. For most lens elements rolled optical glass is satisfac- tory, because in these lenses the light passes approximately normal to whatever ream may be present. Striae and ream are present in sheets of glass rolled from well-stirred melts, because even in these melts it is impossible to eliminate entirely the differences in composi- tion between the margins and the center of the melt resulting from pot solution and from selective volatilization of the melt. These peripheral portions are spread through the homogenous central por- tion of the melt by the rolling operation and give rise locally to "ream." Experience with rolled optical glass has proved definitely that the casting method is not only feasible but, in many respects, superior to the ordinary method, especially as a war-time measure. It is an entirely American development and its adoption during the war resulted in an appreciably increased rate of production. For large prisms, especially pentaprisms and roof-angled prisms in which the light rays traverse the prism in different directions, glass practically free from striae is required and is best obtained by the standard method of manufacture. But for ordinary, low-power visual instruments and 75 Taken in part from Hostetter and Roberts, Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc., 3, 1920. 170 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. photographic lenses the quality obtained by pouring and rolling is satisfactory. All types of glass may be cast if certain precautions are observed. The flint series, and even extra dense flints, are of course most readily cast because of their viscosity relations and ease of annealing. Sheets of glass 2 inches thick may be cast by experienced hands under prop- erly regulated conditions. For many purposes inspection through the edges of the small plates cut with a diamond from a large sheet suffices for the detection of imperfections, such as striae, bubbles, stones, strain, and color. For more critical work the edges should be ground and polished so that rec- tangular plates are obtained. Inspection of plates of rolled glass polished on the sides only (flats) may fail to reveal the presence of heavy ream. PREPARATION OF RAW POT GLASS FOR PRESSING OR MOLDING. The operations described in this and the next few sections apply only to raw pot glass and not to rolled optical glass. From a production standpoint one of the advantages of rolled optical glass over ordinary optical glass is the reduction of the number of factory opera- tions required to produce the rolled stock and the conse- quent saving of time and ex- FIG. so. The inspection of optical glass in rough pense which result therefrom. chunks. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant Each pot of raw DOt glass as of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) . . \ it is received from the storage vault or from the furnace hall is inspected in the rough (fig. 50) and the portions of each block which contain striae or other imperfections are trimmed off. The large blocks are broken into smaller pieces suit- able for molding and pressing. For this purpose a heavy hammer and a sharp chisel with a cutting edge 1 to 2 inches long are used. (Fig. 51 .) The block of glass is placed on several thicknesses of thick, compact felt which shields the glass from bruises; the block is struck a sharp quick blow. With practice the operator can break a block of glass into nearly rectangular pieces with approximately flat sidesj To TRIMMING OF GLASS. 171 accomplish this, well annealed glass is essential; poorly annealed glass breaks so irregularly and with such rough surfaces that it is exceedingly difficult to prepare smooth pieces from it. For the direct inspection of the glass blocks a source of illumina- tion interrupted by dark areas is advisable; thus skylight entering through a window of many small panes or through a wide lattice work placed in front of a large window pane is better than uninter- rupted skylight, because faint imperfections, such as fine striae, can be FIG. 51. Trimming raw optical glass. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) seen more readily in half-shadow, oblique illumination than in direct illumination . The pieces containing imperfections are discarded as cul- let ; the pieces free from obvious imperfections are trimmed preparatory to the pressing or molding operations. Reentrant angles are broken off; bruises and blemishes from the chisel are trimmed off; irregular and sharp angles are ground off. The glass blocks are best trimmed by the use of tough steel chipping-blocks; these are essentially square pieces of hard steel, one-fourth to one-half inch thick and 3 or more inches on a side, clamped upright by a screw bolt into a heavy iron 172 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. support. (Fig. 52.) The edges of the plate are ground sharp; the piece of glass to be trimmed is placed against the edge or corner of the steel plate and the glass block is struck a blow on the opposite side with a weighted but light hammer of fiber, leather or celluloid. A hammer of this kind does not bruise the glass and enables the trimmer to chip off pieces of glass of almost any size and shape from the block. With a little practice trimmers become expert and prepare pieces of glass for pressing in a short time. Unless closely supervised, how- ever, they may become careless and waste a considerable amount FIG. 52. Trimming defects from pressed plates of optical glass. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Spencer Lens Co.) of good glass. The trimming tables are brushed off and cleaned thor- oughly after the preparation of each pot of glass in order that glass from different pots may not be mixed. THE INSPECTION OF RAW GLASS BY THE IMMERSION METHOD. For the careful inspection of optical glass it is necessary that the surface imperfections be removed either by grinding and polishing plane-parallel surfaces or by immersing the glass fragment in a liquid of the same refractive index. The latter method was suggested and tried out by the writer in May, 1917 (Weekly Report No. 3 for week ending May 19, 1917), but was not adopted as a factory method INSPECTION OF RAW GLASS. 173 because of the difficulty of obtaining suitable refractive liquids. Half a year later the method was tried and adopted at the Pitts- burgh Plate Glass Co. A mixture of carbonbisulphide and benzol was used, in spite of the danger from fire and of the possibility of distress to the workman caused by the carbonbisulphide fumes. Faint striae in optical glass are detected because their refringence is slightly different from that of the surrounding glass. Two methods are in common use to render faint striae visible; both depend on the deviations, produced by the striae, in the paths of transmitted light rays; these in turn give rise to differences in intensity of field illumin- ation which under favorable conditions can be readily seen. Appro- priate methods for this purpose are described in detail in the next chapter. A simple method for rendering striae visible in a block of glass immersed in a liquid of the same refringence is to examine the block against a background 6 feet away, consisting of a lattice work or a sheet iron plate, in which a series of rows of half-inch holes have been drilled, placed directly in front of a frosted or opal sheet of glass illuminated from behind by an electric light. In the half shadows of the field illuminated in this manner striae stand out dis- tinctly as faint shadows or lines of light. A second, more sensitive method was also used at Pittsburgh and was developed especially by Mr. W. H. Taylor, of the Bureau of Standards. In place of white light, monochromatic light obtained by prismatic refraction (carbonbisulphide dispersion prism with collimator and telescope) was used; it enabled the observer, by proper shift of the spectral color, to obtain a very accurate match in refractive index between the liquid .and the immersed block, thus causing the surface markings of the block to disappear altogether and hence rendering the field illumination uniform in the case of glass free from striae. Lenses are used in this method to render the transmitted rays parallel and thus to increase its sensitiveness. The refractive liquid tank, as developed at the plant of the Pitts- burgh Plate Glass Co., is made of a piece of iron plate one-eighth to one-fourth inch thick and bent into a flat-bottom U -shape; this forms the bottom and two of the sides of the tank. The two remaining parallel sides are of plate glass cemented to the iron plate by a mix- ture of glue and plaster of Paris, or of lime and zinc oxides in sodium silicate. Tanks of different sizes are useful. The blocks of glass are held on a simple wire holder and immersed with it into the refractive liquid. The refractive liquid tank is kept covered as much as possible in order to prevent losses by evaporation and to hold the refractive index of the liquid constant. In place of carbon- bisulphide which has many unfavorable properties, a-monobromnaph- thaline 76 may be used. It is an oily liquid and leaves an oily film on 7 6 Halowax oil, a cheap, impure form of monochlornaphthaline, was also tried. 3922921 12 174 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. each piece of glass examined. The carbonbisulphide volatilizes com- pletely, leaves no film, and is ideal in this respect. A simple method for adjusting the refractive index of the liquid mixture to that of an immersed glass fragment is to sight through any wedge-shaped (prismatic) edge of the piece of glass toward a narrow slit of light, such as a single filament of an electric bulb. Compare the position of the light filament when observed through glass and liquid and then through the liquid alone. In case, on interposing the glass fragment, the filament appears to move toward the thick end of the wedge-shaped glass piece, the index of the liquid is too low, and vice versa. If the liquid and glass prism have the same refractive index for the central part of the spectrum (yellow to green) there is no appreciable shift of the filament on insertion of the glass fragment in the path of light. If viewed under oblique illumination under the conditions of equal refractivity for yellow light the edges of the glass fragments show red and blue and purple colors. This method of liquid inspection has many features in its favor and was operated successfully at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.; but at the Bausch & Lomb plant, in spite of the most improved system of venti- lation and special booths for the purpose, the workmen refused to use the method after a few days trial. In case a suitable high refracting liquid were available which is not poisonous and evil- smelling, the method would be adopted in all glass plants and much labor and expense thereby saved. The immersion method is useful for the rapid determination of the refractive indexes of glass samples and is valuable in separating plates or fragments of different glasses which may have been mixed through error. From one- third to one-half of the pot glass is commonly discarded as cullet or is lost by the breaking and trimming operations pre- paratory to flattening. THE MOLDING AND PRESSING OPERATIONS. The trimmed, but still irregular, blocks are now flattened into place of different thicknesses either by molding or by pressing. In European practice has always been to mold the glass, but in this country the pressing method was largely used during the war. Expe- rience with both methods indicates that for small blocks of glass the pressing method is preferable to the molding method, but that for large blocks or thick plates the latter is superior and that less glass is wasted by this method than by the pressing method. The pressing process. The prepared blocks are put into a preheat- ing kiln and are slowly heated over night to 450 to 500 C v depend- ing on the kind of glass. They are then placed as needed into the muffle, which is heated by a gas-air blast playing from a side entrance over the arch of the muffle. Heat radiates from the crown of the MOLDING AND PRESSING OPERATIONS. '175 muffle to the base plate on which the pieces of glass rest. Soon the glass begins to soften and the operator prevents it from sticking to the base plate by moving it along and by spreading over the slab a mixture of some refractory powder, such as clay and mica, or alumina, or diatomaceous earth or talc or fine graphite or a mixture of these; the fine powder sticks to the glass like flour to molasses taffy or to dough and shields it from the plate. The base plate itself is generally made of fire clay, but it may be of porcelain or of fused silica with a little less binding, material, in which case practically no additional powder is required. Specially prepared plates of graphite, mica, and clay are also employed. The object desired is to prevent the molten glass from sticking and at the same time to avoid, so far as possible, a heavy coat- of powder over the glass surface, which on pressing may be infolded and produce feathers, laps, and folds. For some purposes it is ad- vantageous to heat the base-plate from beneath in order to avoid a one-sided heating of the glass pieces. Heating by radiation from the crown of the muffle liquefies the upper part of the glass block so that it flows down and spreads out beyond the cooler bottom resting on the base plate. As the glass becomes softer the operator paddles it into shape with iron rods, flattened at the ends, and may thereby in certain pieces infold some of the dust-covered surfaces into the glass mass. The operator endeavors to shape the glass pieces so that they fit into the press mold properly. As soon as the glass has attained the proper shape and temperature (750 to 900 C.) it is transferred to a pre- heated iron mold and then placed under the heated plunger of a foot or pneumatic or hydraulic press and flattened to the desired thickness (fig. 53). The flattening operation takes less than a second; during this time the molten glass mass, which is of the consistency of thick tar, must flow under forced pressure; it does so somewhat after the manner of lava, in waves, the troughs of which are liable to be engulfed in the flowing mass and to appear then as " pressing defects/' " feathers," "folds," "laps" in the finished glass plate. With care- less manipulation a very large percentage of all glass can be rendered useless during this operation. In place of a mechanical press, the work- man may shape the glass block to proper size by use of the iron paddles alone. This is, of course, a slow operation, but there is less danger from defects with this method. The rapid action of the plunger of the press is necessary because the outer surface of the glass block chills rapidly in the open air and becomes so stiff that soon the block can no longer be pressed into shape. If the iron mold or plunger is not hot enough, the surface of the pressed plate is chilled too rapidly and becomes filled with fine transverse cracks; in the case of a cold mold the crackling may be so pronounced that it resembles the "craze" of ornamental glassware. 176 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In the pressing process an iron or steel mold of the desired depth is is used. The plunger reaches the rims of the mold and presses the glass to this thickness; in order to accommodate the mold to blocks of different sizes it is closed on the sides and at one end only. A plunger from the other end fits nicely into the mold and slides into it just after the vertical plunger acts and presses the glass into square ends. This operation enables the operator to obtain plates of con- FIG. 53. Block of glass in mold and ready to be pressed into plate by plunger of hydraulic press. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) stant thickness and width but of variable length; the side plunger introduces, however, further infolding of the molten glass and may occasion serious loss if n-value, and other desired information may be im- printed on the block during the pressing operation. A plan to avoid the danger from pressing defects and yet to retain the advantages of the pressing method was proposed by Capt. H. C. Fry, jr./ 7 and put to practical test on a small scale at the optical- glass plant of the Bureau of Standards in Pittsburgh. His method is essentially an adaptation of the method, used in ordinary glass factories, of gathering the desired amount of molten glass on the end of an iron rod (punty) and transferring it then to the press. In the case of optical glass a block of glass is first slowly heated up to near the softening point and is then stuck at one end to a bleb of molten glass, of the same kind at the end of a punty; on the punty it is heated and reheated carefully in the direct flames of a glory hole and is paddled with proper shaping tools from time to time to approximately the desired shape. The actual pressing operation does not then involve much deformation of the glass mass and the danger of infolding is thus reduced to a minimum. Plates, prisms, and lenses pressed by this method have clean surfaces like the glassware produced in ordi- nary glass factories and are free from feathers. Compared with the ordinary method, this method is much slower and only an actual factory test can demonstrate whether its advantages of better quality of product outweigh the disadvantage of greatly decreased rate of output. The molding process. In this method the irregular pieces of glass are taken as they come from the trimmer (practically in the shape as they are broken from the pot because trimming is less essential in the molding process than in the pressing process) and are placed in molds of proper sizes, which are then set at the cool end of a tunnel about 20 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 10 or 12 inches high, inside dimensions; the molds are pushed gradually, one behind the other, toward the hot muffle end of the furnace; about 6 feet from the hot end of the tunnel a clay partition or curtain extends to within 4 or 5 inches of the floor and serves to confine the heat to a certain extent. The molds on reaching this part of the furnace have attained a temper- ature of 500 or 600 C. and may then be thrust into the hot muffle chamber where the temperature rises rapidly to 1,100 and even to 1,200 C. This abrupt rise in temperature is valuable for several reasons; the heat in the muffle is derived from the heated arch by radiation; the glass is therefore heated largely from the top down. By melting down the glass from the top the liability to formation of bubbles is largely avoided; furthermore the glass is taken rapidly through the critical temperature range of devitrification with respect to any one of the components; within this range, precipitation may " J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,'2, 432, 1003, 1919. 178 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. occur either as crystallization and the formation of a devitrified crust, which is very difficult to remove, or as a milky, colloidal develop- ment which is even more serious. In fact, by this process opalescent glass becomes in some instances clear and satisfactory for optical purposes. Once the molds enter the heated chamber the glass melts down rapidly. The molds are gradually pushed forward from the cool end; the hot molds are removed from the muffle end. The time required for the entire process is about two and one-half hours; approximately 25 molds are kept in line; the output per tunnel per day of 24 hours is from 400 to 500 molds. The molds are transferred to a cooling arch, where they are stacked and allowed to cool down slowly for several days. It would be a great improvement if the molding tunnel were heated electrically and made much longer so that the annealing of the molded plates could be accomplished in the same tunnel, thus avoiding the necessity of transfer to an anneal- ing kiln or lehr. In this case careful regulation of the temperatures would be required and also probably an automatic feed to carry the moulds through the tunnel at the prescribed rate. The tunnels are simple in construction and can be built side by side, each offset, echelon fashion, to give room for the muffles. The wear on clay molds is severe; the life of a mold averages about three runs through the tunnel; cast-iron and other metal molds have been used with some success. The temperatures ^required in the muffle furnace vary with the type of glass; the workman learns readily from the behavior of the glass in the molds to regulate the gas blast so that the optimum conditions for each type of glass are obtained. The molding tunnels may well be designed so as to have a curtain chamber beyond the muffle in which the molds can cool down to, say, 600 C, or lower in the case of flint glasses ; the glass plates may then be dropped from the molds and transferred to the annealing kiln. At these temperatures neither the glass nor the molds are so brittle as at ordinary temperatures, and ,they can be handled roughly without danger of breaking. The advantages of this procedure are obvious; the glass plates in sliding into the cooling chamber are not tilted, and consequently cool down on even keel; the removal of the mold from the glass greatly increases the capacity of the annealing furnace. The danger of cracking in the molded glass. plate, because of the dif- ferent rate of contraction of the clay mold, is also eliminated by this operation. In the barium crown glasses cracking of plate^ cooled down in the molds may be serious. In all work of this kind the an- nealing furnace should not be heated so hot that the inserted plates bend out of shape. Before introduction into the tunnel the molds with glass blocks may be preheated by placing them above the molding tunnels, thus expediting the actual tunnel treatment. The chief difficulties and ANNEALING OF GLASS. 179 losses in the molding process arise from the glass plates sticking to the molds; in removing the glass plate either it is broken or the mold is broken, or both. To prevent the glass plates from sticking, the mold is lined with a slip consisting of mixtures of clay and mica or sand, or of alumina, talcum powder, graphite, or other refractory material. If the slip is too thick, some of the powder may be carried up into the molten glass. In the molding operations the best conditions of treat- ment for each type of glass are ascertained only by experience with each kind of mold in each type of tunnel. Porcelain molds have been found to be more satisfactory than the ordinary clay molds, which have a tendency to produce bubbles in the molded plates. Examinations of many hundreds of plates of molded glass, both foreign and domestic, proves that the molding process produces plates freer from defects than are pressed plates. It is therefore less wasteful of glass than the pressing process and is nearly as efficient and rapid, especially for larger plates; for small lens and prism blanks, the pressing method is obviously superior. The molding process is most valuable for the molding of large blocks from which large prisms can be sawed directly. The quality of the glass blocks can be approximately determined as they are taken from the pot; the molding process tends to confine existing defects; the pressing process tends, on the other hand, because of the rapid flow of glass, to cause existing striae to spread out into the good glass and also to introduce infolded portions of the clay and dust between surfaces of the paddled piece of glass. One disadvantage of the molding process is the fact that by it the plates can not be automatically labeled with pot number etc. as they can by the pressing process. In both pressing and molding processes the workmen must be trained to the tasks and carefully supervised, otherwise much good glass may be wasted as well as time and expense. THE ANNEALING OF MOLDED OR PRESSED PLATES. The general principles, on which methods for annealing optical glass are based, have already been stated in the section on the cooling down of pots of optical glass. These principles were known in part when we entered the war, but the details, especially the tem- perature to which each type of glass should be heated for annealing and also the time-temperature relations during the cooling of the several types of glass, had to be ascertained by actual experiment. Accordingly a simple arrangement was adopted which enabled us to observe the course of annealing at all stages of the process. (Fig. 54.) Most of the experimental work was done in a small, gas- heated kiln through the back of which a hole was drilled to allow a beam of plane-polarized light to traverse the furnace. A beam of 180 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. plane-polarized light was obtained by reflection of rays from an in- tense light source by a plane polished plate of opaque glass mounted at the proper polarizing angle; this beam of polarized light traversed the glass plates in the furnace in a horizontal direction and was ana- lyzed by means of a nicol prism and a sensitive tint plate held outside and in front of the furnace, the end openings in the furnace being protected by thin glass windows. By means of this simple arrangement the exact state of strain in a plate in the furnace could be ascertained at any time and its temperature measured by means of a thermo- element and a millivoltmeter or a potentiometer system. Series of strain-temperature-time measurements on plates of the several different types of glass were made and from these practical annealing schedules were worked out which proved satisfactory in practice. In point of actual time expended and of difficulties encountered the FIG. 54. Simple arrangement adopted for the study of strain-temperature-time relations in optical glass. L is an electric bulb; F, a plate of frosted glass; G, a piece of opaque glass placed at the polarization reflecting angle; A, a piece of thin glass; M, the gas-heated annealing oven; P, the glass plate under test; T, the thermoelement; B, a thin glass window; S, a sensitive-tint plate: N, the analyzer. general factory problem of annealing proved to be one of the easiest to solve and to put into routine practice. From a theoretical view- point it is, however, an exceedingly complex problem and many of the factors involved are inadequately known even at the present time. A brief summary of the problem will serve to indicate some of the difficulties which it presents. At high temperatures glass is a mobile liquid; at room-tempera- ture it is practically an elastic solid. On cooling from a high tem- perature the fluidity of molten glass decreases with fall in temperature until its tendency to flow, in the ordinary sense of the word, ceases; the liquid gradually congeals, as it were, and passes from a viscous, fluent body to a plastico-viscous body; with still further decrease of temperature the elastic qualities begin to. dominate until at room- temperature but little evidence of plasticity or viscosity remains. This passage from the one condition to the other is a continuous ANNEALING OF GLASS. 181 process except for a small temperature interval just below the soften- ing region at which the glass begins to flow; in this temperature region 78 there is a rapid rise in the expansion coefficient accompanied by a distinct heat effect (evolution of heat on cooling and heat absorption on heating). The temperature region of special impor- tance in glass annealing has for its upper limit that temperature at which glass is just able to support deformational loads, and hence internal stresses, for appreciable periods of time; from this tempera- ture down to room-temperature the behaviour of glass is interesting to follow. Twyman and others have shown that for the first 100 or 200 C. below the softening temperature (the annealing range) the viscosity' is doubled with each drop of about 8 C. in temperature, or M= K.2 8 in which M is the- measure of the rate of deformation at a given temperature, Kis & constant depending on the kind of glass, and 6 the temperature. If glass were a perfectly elastic body, Hooke's law, that the stress is proportional to the strain, would apply, or S = E B in which S is the stress, B the strain, and E the modulus of elasticity. The change of stress with tune C would be accordingly proportional to the change of strain with tune or dS/dt = E-dB/dt. At the higher temperatures glass is not perfectly elastic and internal stresses, set up by initial strains, are gradually relieved by flow. The simplest assumption, made first by Maxwell 79 is that the rate of relief at a given temperature varies with the stress and the kind of glass or dS/dt=E-dB/dt-S/T'm which T is a constant, the "time of relaxa- tion" as designated by Maxwell. If the strain B is constant, as it is in the case of a body under deformational load at constant tem- perature, or if it changes only slightly with time, we may write as a first approximation an equation which represents the course followed in the release of the inner stress; S is the initial stress; $ t the stress after the time t. If on the other hand the stress, S, is constant, as it is in the case of a glass rod under compression or tension, then S = E-TdB/dt. By measuring the rate at which the glass rod is deformed with time for a given load S we can compute the time of relaxation T] this is the time, according to Twyman, required for annealing the block of glass stressed to the given amount and held at the given temperature. Twyman states that his experimental results corroborate the above assumption suggested tentatively by Maxwell. Adams and William- " Tool and Valasek, Bureau of Standards, Paper No. 358, 1919; Peters and Cragoe. Jour. Opt. Sec America, IV, 105-144, 1920. Phil. Mag. (4), 34, 129, 1868. 182 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. son, on the other hand, state that their more recent data indicate that the relief of stress by flow at a given temperature is proportional not to the stress but to the square of the stress or dS/dT=E-dB/dt-S 2 /T from which we derive for a constant load (dS/dt = 0), S 2 =T-E-dB/dt; and for constant strain (dB/dt = 0~) , ,,,. S 2 lit db/at= m> or s~sT = ~T' In 1912 Zschimmer and Schulz 80 carried out a series of experiments on the amount of strain introduced on the rapid cooling of blocks of glass from different temperatures and found that the effect of tem- perature within the annealing range on the total amount of strain produced is represented by the empirical equation (S -S).(e-o ) = C in which S , GO, and C are constants, 8, the strain, and 6 the tem- perature from which the glass was chilled. These results of Zschim- mer and Schulz are not, however, directly applicable to the above problem and will not be considered further. The coefficient of expansion is practically linear up to a tempera- ture not far below the softening temperature. (Table 10, p. 153.) The temperature distribution in solids of different shapes and sizes during heating or cooling has been investigated repeatedly, espe- cially from a mathematical standpoint; and recently Williamson and Adams have considered the subject with special reference to glass bodies heated either linearly or with the surfaces held at a definite temperature. In the study of strained glass samples optical methods are especially useful and are based on the relation first discovered by Brewster that in a glass block under load the optical effect produced (birefringence or optical path difference per centimeter glass-path) varies directly as the load; in other words, the stress is proportional to the birefringence and the observed changes in birefringence may serve as measures of the relative changes in the stresses. The rela- tions between birefringence and stress in various types of glass are listed in Table 11, as determined by Pockels and Adams and Wil- liamson. Mathematical analysis of the strains and stresses in solids due to temperature gradients was first given by F. Hopkinson and recently has been presented by Williamson with special reference to optical glass solids of simple shape. With these relations in mind let us follow the changes in a block of glass roughly spherical in shape and initially heated to a uniform so Zeits. f. Inst.rumentenkunde, 38, 303, 1912; Sprechsaal, 47, 460-478, 1914; Ann. d. Phys. (4), 42, 345-396, 1913. ANNEALING OF GLASS. 188 500 temperature slightly below its softening temperature as it cools down to room temperature. The glass adjacent to the surface cools at first more quickly than the interior, and in so doing contracts and tends to squeeze the center thereby setting up stresses of radial compression throughout the mass. As the temperature gradient increases on further cooling of the glass mass the amount of stress introduced increases through- out the mass. If given sufficient time, the temperature gradients or the differences in temperature between the center and dif- ferent points along a radius approach a steady state as indicated in (fig. 55) and if the cooling were to continue as linear cooling this tem- perature gradient would per- sist. The strains, thus set up on cooling, produce stress- es in the glass mass which at the higher temperatures are in large measure relieved by actual internal flow. If the cooling were to proceed with sufficient slowness, the entire stress at any high tempera- ture could be relieved. If the normal temperature gradient were established at a suffi- ciently high temperature, all stresses would be relieved by flow, and if this temperature gradient were maintained un- til the surface of the mass reached room temperature no Strp<^ would hp m-PSPTit flt FIG. 55. Curves representing the temperature distribu- tion in a snhere of elass of unit, radius noolinir at , a that instant. From here on however, strain would be introduced rapidly, because of the cooling of the center and its con- sequent contraction and tendency to pull away from the outer shell, thus setting up stresse of radial tension, and accompanying tangential compressive stresses near the periphery; toward the center these tangential stresses decrease, become zero, and pass into tangential tensional stresses which at the center are equal to the radial stresses. 20(J o |00 <> i.o 0.5 0.5 1.0 tion in a sphere of glass of unit radius cooling at a linear rate from 500 C. to C. The zero abscissa represents the center of the sphere ' 184 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. In general the rate of cooling is not linear nor is all the stress relieved by flow. Obviously less stress is introduced and more exist- ing stress is relieved by flow the more slowly the glass mass is cooled. The result is that the temperature gradient becomes a maximum and then decreases with further cooling until it disappears at room tem- peratures. While the temperature gradient during this process is increasing the outside is cooling faster than the center and introducing stresses of radial compression. These are in part relieved by flow, so that the optical effect observed is not so great as it would be for a temperature interval of equal amount in a glass mass in which the stress had been maintained at its full value. On further cooling the temperature gradient is reversed and the center begins to cool more rapidly than the periphery, thus neutralizing the stresses introduced at the higher temperatures. There is this difference, however, that the rate of relief of strain at the low temperatures is exceedingly slow, so that little if any of the stresses introduced are relieved by internal flow. The result is that not only are the stresses which were intro- duced at the high temperatures neutralized, but radial tensional stresses are set up in amount equal to the algebraic sum of the two sets of stresses involved. The normal state of stress in a body at room temperature is accordingly that which results when the center has cooled more rapidly than the outside. This view of the subject was apparently first emphasized by Twyman, and more recently by Williamson and Adams. As a further illustration let a block of glass be heated from room temperature to 100 C., a temperature at which stress is not relieved appreciably in a short period of time. Let the glass block be free from strain at room temperature. On heating the glass, strain is introduced into it and can be readily measured by the polariscope. This strain reaches a maximum and then begins to decrease and finally disappears completely with the attainment of the uniform temperature, 100 C. On cooling, the reverse phenomena can be observed. So long as the glass behaves as a strictly elastic body the above relations hold true; but, if at any temperature part of the stress is relieved by viscous or plastic flow, the phenomena cease to be reversible and the statement is then to that extent incorrect. Having determined the temperatures for the several types of glass at which strain is relieved within a reasonable time and having ascer- tained the times required at several different temperatures to reduce the stress to a certain limit the observer ..still requires data on: (a) The limits of permissible strain in optical glass when used for different purposes; (b) the time- temperature rate of cooling in order that strains of appreciable magnitude are not introduced during the cool- ing period. For the specification of permissible strain a large number of plates .of optical glass of different types, made by Chance Bros., in ANNEALING OF GLASS. 185 England, by Parra-Mantois in France, and by Schott and Genossen, in Germany, were examined in polarized light and the amount of maximum birefringence or the path difference per centimeter glass- path was measured in each piece. This examination showed that the maximum path difference for sodium light per centimeter glass-path rarely exceeded 30 millimicrons and was commonly not over 10 milli- microns. These values were characteristic of glass which before the war had been used for optical instruments of the most diverse kinds, such as range finders, telescopes, field glasses, microscopes, surveying instruments, and had proved satisfactory in actual use. The maxi- mum limit for permissible strain was accordingly arbitrarily set as that which produced a maximum path difference of 20 millimicrons' in a plate when viewed through the edges. This corresponds to a path difference of 10 millimicrons per centimeter glass-path at the center of the plate or a birefringence, 0.000001. The methods for detecting and measuring these quantities are described in the next chapter. It was also stipulated that the strain distribution should be sensibly symmetrical in the plate and that local irregularities should not be present. For a determination of the time-temperature cooling rate the law of Twyman was available that the mobility of glass decreases loga- rithmatically with the temperature; also the statement by Twyman that his measurements corroborated the assumption made by Max- well, as a first approximation, that the time of relief of stress at a given temperature is proportional to the stress itself. By means of the arrangement described above for the study of strain in optical glasses (fig. 54) the temperatures at which the strain disappears very rapidly was found to be (heating rate 40 to 75 C. per hour) in borosilicate crown 590 C., in light barium crown 600 C., in ordinary crown 540 C., in light flint 500 C. At 550 G. the strain disappears from a plate of borosilicate crown in a few hours; at 510 C. over night; at 480 C., 24 hours are not sufficient for the removal of the strain. These and other measurements together with Twyman's work enabled us to set up annealing schedules which pro- duced glass plates as well annealed as the best foreign glass. The annealing schedules were so arranged that, after insertion of the plates into the[annealing kiln, it was held over night at a temperature such' that by morning the entire glass charge would be at a uniform temperature and practically free from strain. This temperature was of course different for different glasses and was commonly 25 to 50 C. below the foregoing temperatures, at which the strain dis- appeared very rapidly. The furnace was then cooled down at an increasing rate in order to avoid the development of strain. The ideal type of time-temperature cooling curve for the annealing of glass is convex upward; the natural curve of a furnace is concave 186 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. upward. The time-temperature curve of a cooling kiln may be made to approximate the proper annealing curve by proper regula- tion of the heat. More accurate and detailed data on the relaxation times (time required to reduce strain-birefringence of different types of glasses from 50- 10' 7 to 5- 10~ 7 are given in Table 10 quoted on page 153 from Adams and Williamson whose measurements are more recent and were made under accurately controlled laboratory conditions. Essential for the proper annealing of optical glass is the annealing furnace. Furnaces of the proper design may be heated either by gas or by electricity. The object to be attained in all designs is uniformity in temperature distribution throughout the entire space occupied by the glass. In the case of a gas-heated furnace this is attained by the use of long perforated gas pipes which serve as gas burners for the gas-air mixture and which extend the length of the furnace and are situated below the two breast walls. Commonly no flue or stack is used to conduct away the products of combustion. In case such flues are used they should be located at intervals in the arch of the kiln and be equipped with dampers so that the flow can be nicely regulated. Any design which sets up a draft in the furnace may introduce currents within the heating chamber and thus give rise to inequalities in temperature distribution. A reliable and accurate thermoelement installation for the meas- urement of furnace temperatures is a second necessity. This con- sists of two parts; the thermoelement (base metal thermoelements answer the purpose well) in which an electromotive force is set up between the hot and cold junctions, the magnitude of this force depending on the temperature difference between the two ends; an instrument for the measurement of the electromotive forces thus set up; this may be either a potentiometer or a direct reader. Experi- ence proved that the potentiometer type of instrument is preferable to the direct reader (millivoltmeter) . Because the temperature dif- ference depends directly on the temperature of the cold junction as well as on that of the hot junction, it is essential that the temperature of the cold junction be kept as nearly constant as possible. A practical method to insure this constancy is to bury the cold junc- tion 8 or 10 feet under ground and at some distance from the annealing furnace. It is also essential that the thermoelements be tested frequently (at least once a month and as a routine job) and the correctness of their readings ascertained. For this purpose additional thermoele- ments should be kept on hand -so that they may be substituted for thermoelements under test, thus insuring continued operation of the annealing furnaces. A convenient standard temperature for ref- erence is that of melting tin which can be kept in a pure state without trouble. It is best to introduce the thermoelement from the top of GLASS AXXEALIXG SCHEDULES. 187 the arch of the furnace and to allow it to extend well into the heating chamber. A record should be kept of the quality of the annealing of each lot of glass. The glass may for the purpose be divided into the following classes : Class 1. Annealing excellent. Maximum strain-birefringence less than 5- 10~ 7 or 5 millimicrons per centimeter glass path. Class 2. Annealing good. Maximum strain-birefringence between 5-10- 7 to 12- 10- 7 . Class 3. Annealing fair. Maximum strain-birefringence between 12- 10' 7 and 20 -10' 7 and symmetrically distributed. Class 4. Annealing poor. Strain-birefringence greater than 20- 10' 7 or, if less, then not symmetrically distributed. The following records of annealing at the Bausch & Lomb plant, supervised by G. W. Morey on January 15, 1918, in routine factory kilns, each with a capacity of more than a ton of glass in pressed plates arranged in the furnace so as to allow some circulation of air, may be of interest. The furnace schedule in the case of the borosilicate was the following: Temperature during filling-in period from 1.40 p. m. to 4.10 p. m. 565 C. (1,050 F.). Temperature maintained at 565 C. (1,050 F.) until midnight, then slowly dropped to 524 C. (975 F.) at 8.30 a. m., .to 432 C. (810 F.) at 1.30 p. m. Gas was then turned off and furnace allowed to cool down. Glass removed the following day. Of the 694 plates exam- ined in this lot 82.5 per cent were in class 1, 9.5 per cent in class 2, 7.7 per cent in class 3, and 0.3 per cent in class 4. In another lot of 1,019 plates annealed at different times and of different kinds of glass, ranging from 9 millimeters to 30 millimeters thickness, 93.5 per cent were in class 1; 4.4 per cent in class 2; 1.3 per cent in class 3, and 0.8 per cent in class 4. It is difficult to avoid a certain num- ber of poorly annealed plates; these may have rested next to the bottom of the kiln or been near the front and chilled by air currents. Annealing schedules for various kinds of glass. In a recent publi- cation on the annealing of glass, Adams and Williamson 81 present in tabular form annealing schedules for glass slabs of different types and thicknesses. These schedules are based on extended mathe- matical and experimental investigations and are the best available schedules at the present time. With slight modifications they can be adjusted for other shaped pieces of glass, such as prisms, lenses, spheres, cylinders, etc. These schedules are listed in Table 14 reproduced from the paper by Adams and Williamson. 81 Jour. Franklin Inst., 190, 850-856, 1920. 188 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. TABLE 14. Annealing schedule for optical glass slabs of different thicknesses; the strain of the annealed plate, as measured optically in polarized light ivhen the slab is viewed through thz edges, not to exceed an optical path difference of 5 millimicrons per centi- meter glass- path. [Hold the glass at the proper annealing temperature for the indicated time and cool at the indicated rate.] Kind of glass. Thickness. Annealing temperatures, degrees centigrade. 1cm. 2cm. 5cm. 10cm. 20cm. Borosilicate crown 561 535 571 608 516 427 434 424 400 541 514 552 592 494 408 418 407 382 515 487 527 572 466 384 397 386 357 495 466 508 556 454 366 382 370 339 475 445 489 540 423 348 366 353 321 Ordinary crown Light barium cr own Dense barium crown Barium flint Light flint. Medium flint Dense flint Extra dense flint Annealing times.- Cooling rates, degrees centigrade per hour. 50 minutes. v, 3 * hours. 21 hours. 86 hours. 14 days. Initial rate 96 24 3.8 1.0 2 Rate after 10... 116 29 4 6 1 2 3 Rate after 20 144 36 5.8 1.4 . 4 Rate after 30 184 46 7.4 1.8 6 Rate after 40 .. 240 60 9 6 2 4 6 Rate after 50 319 80 13.0 3.2 g Rate after 60 432 108 17 4 3 1 i Rate after 70 591 148 24 5 9 1 5 Rate after 80 816 204 33 8.2 2 Rate after 90... 1 134 283 55 11 2 8 Rate after 100 1 584 396 63.0 16.0 4.0 Maximum cooling rate.. 2 400 600 96 24 6 Maximum heating rate 7 200 1 800 288 72 18 Although the factory annealing of plates of pressed lens blanks and of prisms is not difficult, yet it requires constant supervision with reference both to the maintenance of the furnace temperatures and to the furnace schedules for the type and sizes of blocks of glass under treatment. The thicker the plate of glass the slower must be the initial rate of cooling from the annealing temperature. The permis- sible initial rate of cooling decreases about as the square of the recip- rocal of the thickness ; for example, a satisfactory initial cooling rate for a plate of borosilicate crown 1 centimeter thick is 20 F. (11 C.) per hour; for a plate 2 centimeters thick, the proper initial rate would be about 5 F. (3 C.) per hour. In the case of a lehr the rate of annealing is of course much more rapid; thus most of the flint glass in plates 9 millimeters thick and also small lenses and field glass prisms were satisfactorily annealed during the war in a lehr in a period of 9 to 18 hours. Here again the temperature distribution and the rate of travel of the glass through the lehr requires proper supervision and regulation to avoid abrupt changes in temperature as well as air currents which may chill the plates. GRINDING AND POLISHING OPERATIONS. . 189 THE GRINDING AND POLISHING OF PRESSED OR MOLDED PLATES OF GLASS PREPARATORY TO INSPECTION. After removal from the annealing furnaces the plates are inspected, in the rough, through the ends for quality of annealing and are then sent to the grinding and polishing tables where they are made ready for critical inspection for striae, bubbles, stones, and pressing defects. For this purpose the plates are ground either on the sides or on the ends or on both. European optical glass is shipped in plates ground on two opposite ends for inspection. A molded or pressed plate of glass examined critically under these conditions and found to be free from striae is probably free from any striae which would cause trouble in an ordinary optical lens system. If, however, striae are observed, either the plate should be discarded as a whole or the striated portions should be trimmed off; but in performing this operation much good glass may be lost because the exact positions of the striae in the plate are not easy to determine under the conditions of observation. The plate may be rotated about different axes and the position of a stria approximately located and then trimmed off; but after this has been done reinspection of the plate is possible only with the aid of an immersion liquid. The grinding and polishing of the plates on the sides (flats) , on the other hand, enables the inspector to mark the striated or otherwise unsuitable portions plainly during the inspection; these can then be readily trimmed off and discarded so that the remainder of the plate is of first quality glass; such a plate can moreover always be reinspected directly, because the trimming away of a striated portion does not destroy the remainder of the plane surfaces. It is true, on the gen- eral law of probability, that inspection through the ends of a glass plate enables the observer to detect fine striae more readily than through the flats chiefly because of the much longer glass path exam- ined by the first method; but the available methods of inspection are sufficiently sensitive in general to inhibit the release of much striated glass by a good inspector. To be thoroughly satisfactory the glass plates should be inspected both through the ends and also the flats. This is evident when plates of rolled or plate glass are inspected for striae; such plates, examined through the flats, appear to be free from striae, but when viewed through the ends, they are seen to be filled with bands of striae or ream running parallel with the flat surfaces of the rolled sheet. The polishing of pressed or molded plates on the ends represents a great saving of time and expense and also of the glass itself as compared with polishing on the flats. In general it may be stated that for glass relatively free from striae polishing on the ends is to be recommended. If, however, striae are abundant and it is desired 3922921 13 190 MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL GLASS. to eliminate these by trimming, the plates should be ground and polished on the flats. In case glass of the highest quality is desired the plates should be polished both on the flats and on at least two opposite ends. The grinding and polishing of the plates is not a matter of much difficulty. Ordinary factory methods for grinding and polishing are employed (figs. 56 and 57), an effort being made to arrange the machines and the operations in such order that a large quantity of glass can be handled expeditiously and cheaply. Polishing on felt is sufficiently good for the purpose and is much more rapid than polishing on pitch. In the case of pressed plates to be polished on the ends, the blocking of the plates may be done by the use of clamps FIG. 56. Rough grinding wheel for grinding plates of optical glass. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at plant of Spencer Lens Co.) which hold the plates in position between pieces of felt and without the aid of pitch or plaster of paris; much time and expense are saved thereby. War-time experience showed that, in the case of rolled glass, in- spection was possible for ordinary requirements through the fairly smooth fracture surfaces obtained by cutting the sheet of glass into squares by means of a glazier's diamond or a glass cutter's wheel. In this case the striae or ream are all arranged in parallel sheets and are readily detected. The plates after polishing are thoroughly washed and cleaned in hot alkali and soap solutions and are then ready for critical inspec- tion, In case no defects are then found in a given plate it is a finished PERCENTAGE LOSSES OF GLASS. 191 product, so far as the optical glass plant is concerned, and is ready for shipment to the maker of lenses and prisms for optical instruments. In case the inspection reveals the presence of defects, such as striae, bubbles, stones, pressing feathers or folds, or other defects in a plate, it is rejected and returned to the trimmers for elimination of the sources of trouble. Striated portions are trimmed off, pressing defects are trimmed and ground off, either by the use of special grinding tools or by a sand-blast. The fragments of good glass still remaining, if sufficiently large, are repressed, reground, and re- inspected; if only in small fragments they are either discarded or reserved for use in second-grade optical lens systems, especially cheap photographic lenses. FIG. 57. Grinding (lower row) and polishing (upper row) disks for plates of optical glass. (Photograph by J. Harper Snapp at the Hamburg plant of Spencer Lens Co.) PERCENTAGE LOSSES OF GLASS IN THE FACTORY OPERATIONS. The yield of good optical glass is not the same for each pot of glass, but varies within wide limits for different types of glass and for different pots of the same type. A yield of 10 to 20 per cent of good glass from a pot is generally considered to be satisfactory; but during the war period after the factory operations had been properly sys- tematized the percentage yield of good glass in pressed plates was increased to 30 and 35 per cent and, in the case of a particular glass, rose to 50 per cent during one month at one of the factories. At first thought it may appear that these losses are excessive and with proper care might easily be reduced. This is no doubt true, but many of the losses are the result of mechanical operations and these can not readily be avoided. They do not necessarily indicate that the glassmaker is at fault. Even if the pot of raw glass were prac- 192 MANUFACTUBE OF OPTICAL GLASS. tically perfect appreciable percentage losses would result from the breaking up of the pot and from the several trimming operations, especially in preparing the glass for molding or pressing into plates. Many of the fragments obtained on breaking down a pot of glass are small and of irregular shape and therefore useless. Although in actual factory routine the percentage losses caused by any given operation differ from pot to pot and from one type of glass to another, the following general percentage losses may be expected: (a) Preparing raw pot glass for pressing or molding into plates, from 30 to 60 per cent. (b) Molding or pressing operations, from 3 to 5 per cent. (c) Grinding and polishing of pressed plates on flat sides, from 5 to 10 per cent. Grinding and polishing on ends of molded plates, from 1 to 5 per cent. (d) Trimming of plates polished on the flats, from 10 to 15 per cent. In the further preparation of inspected plates as material for lens and prism blanks which are trimmed to pieces of exact weight, there is a loss of 20 to 25 per cent of the weight of the plates or of 8 to 10 per cent of the original weight. In the lens and prism pressing operations a loss of about 10 per cent in the weight of glass plates or of 3 to 5 per cent of the weight of the original raw glass may occur. At one of the factories a yield of 20.5 per cent of glass in the shape of lens and prism blanks was obtained over a considerable period of time. The yield in the form of inspected pressed and polished plates varied with the different types of glasses, but ranged between 20 and 50 per cent. SUMMARY. In this chapter the effort has been made to describe in a general way the processes involved in the manufacture of optical glass. The outstanding feature of these processes is not their intricacy or de- pendency on special apparatus of unusual or extreme characteristics, but their relative simplicity and dependency on accurate control, especially along chemical and thermal lines. Raw batch materials of high chemical purity, optical pots of high thermal and chemical resistance, accurate thermal regulation of the melting and annealing furnaces, and careful attention to schedules as part of the ordinary daily routine are necessary and essential to success in the manufac- ture of optical glass which has to meet the exacting requirements of high precision in so many respects. There is nothing secret or mys- terious in its manufacture; but the organization which fails to appre- ciate the significance of high precision and of adequate scientific con- trol and regulation can not expect to produce optical glass of uni- SUMMARY. 193 f ormly high quality. This statement is emphasized because one of the greatest sources of trouble in the development of the war-time manu- facture of optical glass on a large scale was the lack of appreciation on the part of certain manufacturers of this fundamental fact, and hence their lack of effective cooperation; this, together with a lack of trained personnel, both in the factories and in the inspection and other branches of the Army and Navy, added much to the difficulties of the situation during 1917 and the first half of 1918. During this time, moreover, no information or assistance of any kind was forth- coming from Europe. Fortunately, however, the difficulties were overcome, slowly at first and then more rapidly, so that by the end of 1917 no serious apprehension existed in the minds of the men actually engaged on the tasks regarding the final outcome, nor of our ability to meet all the demands of the military forces in the field. Chapter IV. THE INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. Inspection has only one purpose wherever emplo3^ed, namely, to eliminate the bad from the good and to grade the objects inspected into classes of different degrees of merit. In the manufacture of optical glass proper inspection is essential, and may not be neglected. In the absence of inspection, material of poor quality may continue on through many expensive and painstaking operations, all of which are then wasted, because eventual rejection is inevitable. This means financial loss; vice versa, the use of best-quality material for inferior and cheap instruments serves no purpose. This again means finan- cial loss. In the case of optical glass this is especially true because of the many different uses to which the glass is put. In high-precision measuring instruments, such as military fire-control instruments and microscopes, the best quality glass is necessary; in low-power instru- ments, such as field glasses, which serve chiefly as an aid to vision, the tolerance limits are not so narrow, and less good glass may be employed; a still lower grade of glass serves the purpose adequately in cheap photographic lenses. Wherever the cost of manufacture is high, inefficient and inadequate inspection methods mean financial loss and a serious wastage and misuse of material. Proper inspec- tion by intelligent observers is an expensive process; but in modern business effort such methods have been found by experience to pay manyfold, because they reduce losses in the final product and enable proper control to be established throughout the plant. Experience has demonstrated that in a large organization the inspection department should be operated as a separate and distinct branch, each inspector to report and to be reponsible to the chief of the inspection branch and not to the foreman of the particular shop to which he or she may have been assigned. Unless this is done, each foreman becomes practically the judge of his own product without reference to the assembled instrument as a whole; the in- evitable result is then frequent trouble between the different manu- facturing departments, each department asserting and maintaining that its standards are correct and adequate. Effective organization prescribes that the responsibility for the inspection of the component parts and also of the assembled instrument or article be lodged in a single branch or department which is in a position to establish, in cooperation with the manufacturing departments, proper and ade- 104 COKDS AND STRLE. 195 quate tolerances for the several items in a given instrument and then to insist impartially upon the maintenance of the estahlished toler- ances. The inspection of optical glass in molded, pressed, or rolled plates is an essential step in the manufacturing process, because by it the quality of the raw glass, which is used for the lenses and prisms of optical instruments, is definitely established and unsuitable glass is eliminated at the outset. The requirements, which optical glass has to meet, are stated in detail in Chapter II. These are, in brief, chemical and physical homogeneity, high transparency and freedom from color, durability, and definite optical constants. Homogeneity tests include inspection for bubbles, for stones and crystallization bodies, for pressing defects, such as feathers, folds, or laps, for striae, and for strain. Separate tests are made for chemical durability with reference especially to the behavior of the glass on long-continued exposure to air in different climates. These tests of chemical stability are necessarily of long duration and can be applied in general only to representative samples, not to each piece. The optical constants are measured commonly on a refractometer, and rarely by the immersion method. For purposes of inspection the glass is ordinarily furnished in plates and blocks which are ground and polished either on opposite sides (flats) or on opposite ends. Simple inspection of these plates under special conditions of illumination enables the observer to detect stones, bubbles, pressing defects, feathers, folds, and heavy striae and cords. For the detection of fine striae and threads, more refined methods have to be employed. STRIDE. All methods for the detection of striae are based on the fact that striae are of different refractivity (commonly lower) from the sur- rounding glass and, as a result, deflect the directions of transmitted rays of light. In actual inspection work the transmitted light rays are given very definite directions so that the slightest departure from the prescribed paths results in a local difference in intensity of field illumination, thus rendering the striae visible. The striae not only deflect the light, but function also somewhat as a lens so that different sides of a given stria appear unequally bright, especially if observed under conditions of oblique illumination, as indicated in figs. 7c, 7e, and 58. In figure 58 the stria is represented in section as lens-shaped and the deflection of the light rays is shown in much exaggerated form; the inequality of illumination of opposite sides of a stria when obliquely incident rays traverse the field is the chief distinguishing feature of striae. A little practice enables the observer to distinguish between striae and scratches on the polished surface of the plate, 196 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. especially if the plate is tilted and turned during the examination. In some cases the striae are not sharply defined and there is only a gradual change in refractivity between different parts of the plate. This gives rise to a disturbed, nonuniform, and even wavy illumina- tion of the field which suffices to render the glass unsuitable for high precision work, but still usable for lower-grade optical systems. Poor annealing may also give rise to disturbed field illumination, especially near the edges of the plate. There are a number of different methods available for the detection of striae in optical glass. These may be divided into two general classes, namely, direct- vision methods and projection methods. Both types were used before the war, but not on a scale commen- surate with war-time needs and conditions. It was necessary, therefore, to investigate the several different methods with reference to sensitiveness, simplicity and speed of operation, effect on eyes of inspectors, and general practicability as routine factory methods. FIG. 58. Diagrams illustrating the effect of a body, such as stria, of lenticular cross section on transmitted light rays; ni is the refractive index of the stria, n? that of the inclosing glass. Experience proved that conditions differed greatly . in different plants, and that a method acceptable to the workman in one district was by no means equally acceptable to the workman in another district. In the inspection of optical glass, especially for striae, the personal equation of the inspector plays an important role, and it is extremely difficult to devise methods which insure that the same standard quality of product is passed by different inspectors or even by the same inspector at different times. Certain inspectors, by virtue of keen eyesight and long training and experience in optical work, may detect at a glance fine striae in plates which pass unnoticed by a less skilled inspector. It is also true that in changing from one method of inspection to another, or even from one instrument to another of similar construction, the inspector requires a certain amount of practice before his inspection becomes critical. It is, moreover, well known that heavy striae may be present in a plate and yet escape detection if the plate is examined through one direction only. CORDS AND STRIJE. 197 For example, plates of rolled plate glass, which is not optical glass and is characterized by heavy ream when examined edgewise, appear to be free from striae when inspected through the "flats." On the other hand, it is possible, in the case of ribbon striae, that these can not be detected when the plate is examined edgewise, but they are then easily observed through the flats. The merits of the several different available methods are accordingly difficult to appraise properly, and detailed study under factory conditions is necessary before a satisfactory decision can be made. Experience and nice discrimination are required to draw the line between glass of first quality, second quality, and cullet. In Chapter II the effects of the presence of striae in glass in the different types of optical instruments are discussed in detail. In high-power instru- ments in which good resolution is required the striae which deflect, even slightly, an appreciable number of light rays from then' normal paths produce a noticeable effect on the resulting image and thereby seriously impair the efficiency of the instrument. For such instru- ments optical glass of the best quality is necessary and should be most carefully inspected for striae. For optical glass intended for low-power visual instruments, less critical inspection suffices. In time of war there is a constant tendency to favor quantity in favor of quality; inspectors are inclined, as a result both of this attitude and of their inexperience, to pass much glass as first class which, after having been worked up into high precision lenses and prisms, must be discarded; also carelessly to assign much first-quality glass to second-rate glass. The different methods in common use for rendering visible fire striae in optical glass are illustrated hi figures 59 to 64. DIRECT VISION METHODS. The modified Toepler method. One of the best methods for detect- ing striae is a modification of that employed many years ago by Toepler for the testing of astronomical objectives. This method is illustrated diagrammatically in figure 59, in which S is a source of light, such as a concentrated tungsten filament bulb, D a diffusion screen of finely ground glass or thin opal glass, A a pinhole or narrow cross slit aperture in the rear focus of the collimating achromatic lens, LI (E. F. 30 to 75 centimeters and diameter 5 to 13 centimeters). The larger the diameter of the lens the better, as it furnishes a larger field. The plate to be inspected is placed at P; behind it is the achromatic field lens L 2 , which in the case of 5-inch condenser lenses of long focal length may be used in combination with a second similar lens to shorten the focal lengths to 30 or 40 centi- meters. At B is a movable pinhole aperture, or better, a cross slit, figure 59a, in the rear focal plane of the field lens. This is necessary because the surfaces on the plate may not be strictly parallel and therefore deflect and shift the light slightly. The 198 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. cross slit aperture is held in place by a small spring or dip and can be shifted at will. In practice the eye is moved until the plate to be examined appears in half shadow; in this position the striae are readily seen on tilting and moving the plate across the field. Expe- rience has shown that ribbon striae parallel to the polished surface of the plate are not easily detected by this or any other method. Their presence is indicated by a disturbed illumination of the field, but no striae are seen as such. Plates polished on the sides enable FIG. 59. Modified Toepler method for the inspection of optical glass plates. S is the source of light; D, a diffusing screen; A, a small pinhole aperture; L\, an achromatic lens; P, the plate under examination; L 2 , an achromatic lens; B the cross-slit opening illustrated on a larger scale in 59o; E, the eye of the observer. the observer to determine just where the striae are, and thus to cut out and trim off the striated portions; plates polished on the ends enable the observer to detect the presence of striae through a long glass path, but do not permit him to locate the exact position of a stria with sufficient exactness, so that the striated portion can be cut out from the plate without wasting good glass. The ideal method is to have the glass polished both on the sides and ends. Glass plates and blocks submitted for final inspection should be L. L Z P FIG. 60. The knife-edge method for the inspection of striae in a plate of optical glass. S, is source of light; D, a ground glass diffusing disk; A, a pinhole aperture; LI, an objective lens; /^an objective lens;P, a plane parallel plate; K, a thin metal shield (knife-edge); E, the observer's eye. polished at least on opposite ends. Felt polish is satisfactory for inspection purposes. The arrangement in figure 59 may be modified as shown in figure 60 by using well-corrected objectives and placing the plate between the rear lens and the eye, at which a knife edge or adjustable slit is used. Experience with this method has proved that it is highly sensitive, but that a considerable amount of time is lost because of the shift of the focal point; furthermore, the field covered is normally slightly THE IMMERSION METHOD. 199 less than that obtained by the arrangement of figure 59; for prac- tical factory operations the first device is more rapid and therefore preferable. The concave-mirror test. Another method to obtain rays of definite direction is to use a concave mirror, M, of 25 centimeters diameter and about 1 to 2 meters radius of curvature (fig. 61 ) ; to place near the center of curvature an illuminated pinhole aperture A and a second pin- hole or cross slit aperture near E, and through it to view the plate placed at P, as indicated in figure 61. As in the first method, the presence of striae is shown by lack of uniformity in field illumination. This method is very sensitive, but has the disadvantage that the plate under inspection is 5 or 6 feet away from the observer and can not be tilted or turned and thus readily marked for the trimming off of the striated portions. It may be used, of course, nearer the observer, but the field may not then be fully covered. The principle on which FIG. 61. Concave mirror test for the inspection of striae in plates of optical glass. S is source of light; D, ground glass diffusing disk; A , pinhole aperture; M , a concave mirror; P, plane parallel plate of glass: E, the observer's eye. this method is based is identical with that underlying the Toepler method for the testing of the quality of figuring of an objective lens. The immersion method with monochromatic light. This method was applied by Mr. W. H. Taylor, of the Bureau of Standards, at first to avoid the necessity of polishing plates for inspection. For this purpose the sides of the plates are ground flat. Each end is then covered with a thin film of a liquid of the same refractive index and this is in turn covered with a flat plate. Because of the differ- ence hi dispersion between liquid and optical glass plate a mono- chromatic illuminator of the type shown in figure 62 is used to facil- itate the exact match in refractive index between plate and liquid. Under these conditions the ground surfaces disappear entirely and the plate can be examined critically by any suitable method for striae. This method is, of course, not so rapid as the ordinary methods, which require polished end or side surfaces, but it does avoid the polishing of the plates. 200 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. Taylor adopted later the immersion method for the examination of rough irregular chunks of glass and also of plates for striae; for the purpose he used the arrangements shown in figure 02. 1 The part M is essentially a device for obtaining monochromatic light; it can be rotated as a whole about the axis K and different prismatic colors are thus obtained. A monochromatic illuminator furnishes the simplest means of matching exactly the refringence of immersion liquid to that of the immersed block of glass; the procedure for obtaining an exact FIG. 62. Immersion method for inspection of plates and irregular fragments of optical glass in monochro- matic light as developed by Mr. W. H. Taylor. , c, d and 10 a, 6, c, d, e,f, g. It should be noted that a very large percentage of the glass passed by Government inspectors during the war period was so well annealed that the resulting maximum path difference was less than 10 milli- microns per centimeter, or 5 millimicrons at the center of the plate. Once the polarization apparatus is set up the inspector examines three or four plates at a time. Each plate is examined through the OPTICAL TRANSMISSION. 209 edges; polished edges are not required. The plate is inserted in the line of sight in the diagonal position or so that its edge includes an angle of 45 with the plane of incidence of the reflecting opaque polarization plate G. A plate which shows distinct green or yellow interference colors is rejected and returned for reannealing. Ac- ceptable are plates which show changes in color ranging from orange red or red to purple to blue and in these the color changes must be symmetrical with reference to the outline of the plate. Experience has demonstrated that, although for the exact meas- urement of path differences a graduated quartz wedge or Babinet compensator or other sensitive device is necessary, the above simple apparatus is entirely satisfactory for routine factory inspection. The design and construction of both the striae and the strain in- spection apparatus should be so carried out that the inspector can work with a maximum degree of comfort and with the least ex- penditure of energy in lifting and transferring the plates. Strained positions should be avoided because they tire an inspector and re- duce at once his efficiency. The transparency oj the plates. The inspector is commonly not required to determine the degree of transparency of optical glass plates. This is, however, an important factor and may well be con- sidered briefly in this section. The methods employed are those of the physical laboratory, modified slightly with reference to the problem of light-transmission in optical glass. A number of different instruments can be used for the purpose; they are photometers and, as such, depend on the ability of the observer to match or balance two contiguous, illuminated fields. Under favorable conditions of illumination it is possible to detect differences of 2 and even 1 per cent in the intensity of illumination between the halves of a photometric field. In measurements of the amount of light transmitted by a plane- parallel plate, account must be taken of the light lost by reflection at the plane surfaces. Let p be the amount of light reflected at each boundary surface. Let ft be the amount of light transmitted per unit thickness (1 centimeter) of plate; then I ft is the amount ab- sorbed per unit thickness. For a thickness I the amount of light transmitted is ft 1 . If multiple internal reflection be taken into account, the amount, 7, of light transmitted by a plate of thickness I, is From this equation we find 210 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. If in this equation the value of p, as stated by the Fresnel equation for the intensity of reflected, vertically incident light, namely, /nl\ 2 P = l ~~~i )> m which n is the refractive index of the glass, be sub- stituted, we find a quadratic equation in /3 1 in which n and / are known. The equa- tion is, however, based on the assumption that Fresnel's equation is correct. Experiments with glass plates have proved that the amount of light reflected by a glass surface can be appreciably re- duced by short exposure of the polished surface to certain solutions. It is advisable, therefore, to eliminate p from the equations by measur- ing the transmission on different thicknesses of the glass plate. The first equation can be written for two different thicknesses Z x and Z 2 of the plate From these two equations p can be eliminated. In the resulting equation, I lt 7 2 , l lt and 1 2 are known, so that the value /3 can be ascer- tained. The resulting equation is, however, so complicated that in general the roots can be obtained only by approximation methods. A direct and simple approximate solution can be obtained by neg- lecting p 2 in equation (1) ; in this case we find for two transmissions /!, 7 2 , measured on thicknesses Z x and Z 2 . The value of computed from this equation is too low; but it is of the correct order of magnitude. If internal reflections be neglected, the ratio of the measured transmissions or the two thicknesses is the transmission for the path Za-Zj. The practical effect of neglecting p 2 is therefore to neglect the internal reflections; but these add at most only 0.1 to 0.3 per cent to the transmitted light. To disregard these in the equations is to obtain too high a transmission and hence too small an absorption. In the case of a thick plate of relatively high absorption this error is not great; but in the case of a thin plate of high transparency the percentage error may be appreciable. The above relations show that, in case results of greater accuracy are desired, the only feasible method is to measure the amount of light reflected at vertical incidence. The difference between the original intensity and this reflected amount combined with the amount transmitted gives directly the amount absorbed by the plate. OPTICAL TRANSMISSION. 211 By measuring the intensity ratios for two thicknesses of plate, and by placing each thickness of plate in front, first of the prism set of the photometer and then in front of the second aperture of the photometer, the observer avoids the difficulties arising because of 2.5 THICKNESS OF PLATE IN CM > FIG. 68. Graphical solution of the equation for light- transmission of plane-parallel plates. The abscissae represent the thickness of the plate in centimeters; the radiating lines, the percentage transmission of the glass plate; the ordinates, the absorption in per cent per centimeter glass-path. reflection at the boundary surfaces of the glass plate and because of the decreased field intensity ratio resulting from the prism set. The transmission /3 for a plate of unit thickness can be ascertained from the last equation which may be written 212 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. In figure 68 a graphical solution of this equation is given; the abscissae represent the thickness of the plate in centimeters, the ordinates the absorption in per cent per centimeter glass-path, and the sloping lines the percentage transmission of the plate. During the war there were used for the measurement of the light transmission of optical glass plates and of optical instruments three different types of photometers, namely, a bench photometer, a pho- tometer with neutral tint wedges, and a polarization photometer. In the bench photometer 6 (fig. 69) two shnilar electric bulbs, S 1} S 2 , serve as light sources and are wired on the same circuit; each light illuminates an opal glass plate and these are viewed together by means of a photometer prism-set and eyepiece. The lamp 2 , of part r\ G, FIG. 69. Apparatus for the measurement of the light transmission in optical glass plates. S\ and S 2 are electric lamp bulbs; GI and O 2 , thin plates of milk glass; Pi, a Lummer-Brodhun photometer prism; L, graduated scale; A, position indicator for the lamp S%; E\, eyepiece. Designed and manufactured by Keuflel and Esser. fc, can be moved along a graduated scale L and its distance a from the opal plate G 2 at any position can be read off directly. The fields are brought to uniform illumination throughout and the position of lamp $ 2 is recorded. The glass plate is then inserted between the parts a and 6; the field is again brought to uniform intensity and the position of S 2 recorded (distance a x ). The percentage transmis- sion is then a^/a?. With this instrument in proper adjustment the light transmission can be measured to about 1 per cent. In place of the optical bench with a sliding lamp, a photometer with graduated neutral tint wedges may be used and sighted toward a uniformly illuminated field. A device of this nature (fig. 70) was Designed and constructed by Keuffel and Esser, Hoboken, N. J. OPTICAL TRANSMISSION. 213 constructed during the war in the Geophysical Laboratory and proved to be satisfactory. The details are illustrated in figure 70; F t and TF 2 are carefully graduated neutral tint wedges, 7 P l and P 2 right angle reflecting prisms; L 17 L 2 , objective lenses; A ly A 2 , diaphragms at rear foci of L v and L 2J respectively; P, the reflecting eyepiece prism consisting of two right angle prisms cemented, as indicated, by optical contact; ", a positive eyepiece. A white uniform source of light is obtained by means either of a white diffusing screen of magnesia illuminated by two electric lamps from the sides, or of a box lined with white paper and illuminated by electric lamps properly placed, or of a cylinder of white drawing paper illuminated at one end by a strong electric lamp and closed at the other by a piece of white Belgian opal glass with matt ground surfaces. The halves of the photometric field are first balanced without the glass plate and then FIG. 70. Photometer with neutral tint wedges for the measurement of the light transmission in optical glass plates. W\ and W 2 are graduated neutral tint wedges; PI, P 2 , reflecting prisms; L\, _L 2 objective, lenses; A\, Az, removable stops; P, photometer prism. after the plate has been inserted in front either of W l or W 2 . The wedge readings give then directly the percentage ratio of the light transmitted through the plate. A third type of photometer is the small Koenig-Martens hand polarization photometer. This was adapted to the purpose by the special attachments shown in figure 71, which were constructed in the Geophysical Laboratory. 8 These served for a large series of measurements and proved to be exceedingly useful. The optical arrangement of the photometer is shown in figure 72a. Its essential feature is the Wollaston cube, W which consists of two calcite prisms so cut that the optic axis in each prism is parallel to the end surfaces of the cube, so that, when cemented together along the sloping surfaces, the optic axis of the first prism-half is at right angles to the optic axis of the second. The effect of the prism is to * Supplied by the Eastman Kodak Co. * F. E. Wright, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, 2-8, 65-75, 93-96, 1919. 214 INSPECTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. produce two divergent beams of plane-polarized light polarized at right angles, the first to the second. These are reduced to a common plane of vibration by the analyzer N. The intensity of each beam of light, as observed through the analyzer, is proportional to the square of the cosine of the angle a which its plane of vibration includes with the plane of vibration of the analyzer; at each instant, therefore, the intensity of the one field, 7 2 , is proportional to cos 2 a, that of the other, /u to cos 2 (90 a) = sin 2 a; the ratio of the intensities is i = C tan 2 . The constant C in this equation is the ratio of intensi- M FIG. 71 .The Koenig-Martens hand photometer with special attachments for use in measuring light transmission of optical glass plates and optical instruments. A , the photometer; N, a scale- reading lens; B, an attachment supporting the two reflecting prisms, "and P; C, a tube with eccentrically mounted lens M for use in measuring light transmission in optical instruments; D and E, attachments used in measuring the amount of normally incidentlight reflected from a polished glass surface. ties of the two beams of light emerging from the Wollaston cube. This ratio is approximately equal to unity. An extended series of computations shows that for a Wollaston prism of slope angle 45, (7=1.0026 in case the two end faces are protected by glass slips cemented to the prism with Canada balsam (n= 1.540); for the bare Wollaston prism C= 1.0006. It is, therefore, permissible in this type of prism to consider that C= 1 and OPTICAL TRANSMISSION. 215 The error made by this assumption is negligible. In every instru- ment, however, the validity of this assumption should be tested and the value of C ascertained from the angular position a of the analyzer for which the two halves of the field are equally illuminated. In this photometer the light enters the entrance pupils A and B (fig. 72a) ; these apertures are in the rear focal plane of the lens C cemented to the Wollaston prism W; the rays of light pass from the Wollaston prism through the biprism F whence they pass as parallel beams of light through the analyzer N and the eyepiece lens D, and through the exit pupil at E. In order to separate the two apertures (entrance-pupils) of the photometer, two reflecting prisms, P, K, (fig. 71) are commonly employed. For this purpose the attachment shown in figure 71 was constructed. It is attached directly to the instrument. The large prism P slides in the grooves indicated in the figure and can a. b. C W F FIG. 72. Optical arrangements of Koenig-Martens photometer. In fig. 72o the paths of the rays from the two apertures A, B, are shown; in fig. 726 the paths of the rays when only one aperture, A , is employed. be rotated about the axis at Q. The presence of these prisms decreases the intensity of the one field and the position of equal intensity of the two halves is no longer at 45 but at a different angle . The procedure in measuring the transmission of a plate is briefly : 1. Ascertain position ( ) of analyzer for equal intensity of fields when no plate intervenes. 2. Place plate on flat side (thickness Z t ) in front of prism set and read a lt position of analyzer for equal intensity of fields. 3. Place plate on end (thickness 7 2 ; a 2 (a 4 and in part insoluble, 16 per cent) renders its use a matter of nice manipulation. The turpentine oils, volatile at a low temperature, may be distilled off by heating the Canada balsam in a flat dish over a steam plate with or without the addition of a vacuum chamber. Canada balsam thus hardened is most conveniently kept in short, straight-walled glass tubes, about 1 inch in diameter and 3 inches long, with a flat bottom. A short wooden rod inserted into the Canada balsam while still soft serves as a handle for the balsam stick. The cementing of lenses and prisms is best done in a separate room held as dust-free as possible. Electrically heated plates are commonly used for heating both optical parts and the Canada balsam. Pasteboard or paper covers are used to shield the work from dust. Before cementing, all glass surfaces are thoroughly cleaned with alcohol and dusted with a fine camel's hair brush. Place the glass elements on a sheet of clean paper on an electric plate and heat up slowly. Do not heat so hot that the paper is scorched. When the glass surfaces are sufficiently hot rub over them the stick of Canada balsam or apply hot Canada balsam which has also been heating on an electric plate. All prism surfaces should be blocked up to a hori- zontal position in order that the cement will spread out evenly over the entire surface. In the case of lens elements both the concave and convex surfaces should be treated with the balsam. The ele- ment with the convex surface is then grasped in a pair of warmed tweezers, with ends bent to conform to the curvature of the lens, and is placed on top of the concave lens element. The two are then pressed and rubbed together to squeeze out as much of the excess balsam as possible and allowed to cool. The cemented lens is cleaned with kerosene or alcohol and ether; a second reheating, sufficient to soften the balsam slightly, is common practice, after which the lens is pressed against an angle block to insure the center- ing of the cemented elements. In place of the angle block an optical system may be used by means of which a distant cross or a cross from a collimator is imaged by the heated lens in the front focal plane of an eyepiece at which a cross hair is mounted. The lens is centered when the imaged cross coincides with the cross hairs. For mounting complex prism groups, such as range-finder eyepiece prisms, supporting glass side plates are employed and optical methods 256 MANUFACTURE OF LENSES AND PRISMS. serve to indicate when the several prisms are in satisfactory adjust- ment. In all work with Canada balsam scrupulous cleanliness is essential. Care must be taken not to heat the Canada balsam too hot, other- wise it discolors badly; also not to heat the lenses too hot, otherwise bubbles may form in the balsam film which are not easily pressed out. The Canada balsam, if used in the natural condition and not as hardened balsam, is generally heated for a period of time at a low temperature to drive off the more volatile turpentine oils; after mounting with soft balsam the lenses are baked at a low temperature for some hours. The softer the balsam and the lower the baking temperature, the longer the baking period. Electrically heated ovens are best suited for the baking operations Chapter VI. THE INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. The grinding and polishing department of an optical shop is concerned only with the shapes and sizes, but not with the optical performance, of the lenses and prisms which it produces. It is responsible for: The kinds of glass employed, polish and curvatures of lens surfaces, thickness of lenses, centering of lenses and cemented lens combinations, polish and flatness of prism surfaces, prism interfacial angles, dimensions of prisms. The gauges and other testing divices used in the shop serve the purpose only of measuring the external shapes and dimensions of the individual lenses and prisms. In this department the glass is treated throughout, as is brass or other metal in a machine shop, as a substance on which certain mechanical operations have to be performed to produce pieces or parts of prescribed sizes and shapes. The assembly department, on the other hand, is interested not only in the mechanical features of the lenses and prisms, but also in their optical performance. The apparatus and methods required for testing the optical qualities of a lens, a prism or an optical system are entirely different from the devices for measuring length, thickness, and curvature as employed in the grinding and polishing depart- ment and merit special description. In the present chapter some of the approved methods for ascertaining the optical qualities of a lens, prism, and complete optical system will be described briefly. A general statement only can be given with special emphasis on the underlying principles. During the war it became necessary, in certain cases, for Govern- ment inspectors to pass upon the separate elements of an optical system as well as upon the finished optical instrument. This situa- tion arose because of the fact that here and there throughout the country there were lens-grinding establishments, chiefly spectacle- lens manufacturers, that might be able to produce the optical parts for certain instruments, but not the mechanical parts; on the other hand there were also available precision mechanical shops not fully occupied with war work that might produce the mechanical parts. The situation was not without its troubles, because there was an 257 258 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. inevitable tendency on the part of each manufacturer, the optical and the mechanical, to shift the blame for lack of proper performance of the optical parts on the other fellow. The manufacturer of the optical parts sought to obtain as large tolerance limits as possible in order to attain maximum production with the least trouble and expense. The manufacturer of the mechanical parts, on the other hand, sought to establish as narrow tolerance limits as possible on the optical parts and thus to avoid trouble and expense in the optical assembly room; in general he did not realize the need for some adjustment in the assembly of the mechanical parts, because of the extreme difficulty in manufacturing interchangeable optical elements. To secure the best results from an optical system slight shifts in relative positions are generally necessary, and this means fitting the mechanical parts to the optical. The ideal system, and the system to which the manufacturer of precision metal parts is accustomed, is to make each part to a standard size with a small tolerance limit definitely fixed by gauges, and then to assemble the different parts without much special fitting. In the case of optical elements small changes in the refractivity or in the degree of curvature of the lens and prism elements may produce relatively large changes in the final result, such that some relative adjustment of the different optical parts is necessary; these necessitate slight changes in the mechanical arrangements. To this kind of work the manufacturer of the mechanical parts is not accustomed; and, if he undertakes to assemble the instruments in final form, a specially trained group of assemblers for the optical and mechanical parts is essential. Adjustment and fitting of the mechanical parts of an instrument in order to get the best results from a given optical system is con- sidered necessary even in optical instrument factories of long experi- ence. This is still more essential in the case of spectacle-lens manu- facturers who, in war time, are willing to try to make precision optics; but are not properly equipped to do so and may not have had ade- quate experience to realize the significance of precision work. It requires patience, tact, and nice discrimination on the part of the Government inspectors under such conditions, discouraging alike to the manufacturer of the optical parts and to the instrument maker, to keep up the interest and to establish in a short time production in both factories on a satisfactory routine basis. In general it is good policy to place orders for optical instruments of high precision with firms experienced in their construction, the firm receiving the con- tract to make and to be responsible for the entire instrument. For low power, visual instruments separate contracts may be let for the optical parts and for the mechanical parts, the final assembly to be done preferably by the maker of the mechanical parts. LENSES AND PRISMS. 259 In contracts of this kind definite tolerances, both optical and mechanical, for each part of the optical instrument should be stated specifically; these are determined not only by the kind of optical system desired, but also by the mechanical adjustments available for the final mounting of the optics. In certain instruments the mechanical arrangements are such that only small variations in the lenses, especially in the focal length, are permissible, whereas in other instruments large variations in focal length are tolerated and, except for a slight change in the total magnification, do not materially affect the performance of the optical system. In fire-control and other measuring instruments the tolerances are more exacting than in instruments intended for observation purposes only. Nice discrimination and wide experience are required to prepare fair and adequate specifications for the several optical elements of a given lens system. The tolerances should be so set that every optical element, which will function satisfactorily in the complete instru- ment, is passed and each optical element, which will not. so function, is rejected. METHODS FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE COMPONENT PARTS OF AN OPTICAL SYSTEM. There are in general two different groups of methods available for the inspection of an optical system and its component optical ele- ments; these methods may be termed " direct" and " projection.'* Observations by the first group of methods are made with the aid of auxiliary optical instruments and apparatus and the defects of a given optical element or optical system are ascertained by direct inspec- tion. The continued use of optical instruments for inspection is, however, tiring. In many cases projection methods of inspection have been used to advantage, whereby the optical element (lens or prism) or the image, formed by it, is projected on a suitable screen where it can be viewed in enlarged form and the departures from set standards read off directly on easily legible scales. The eyestrain under these conditions is appreciably less than in instrumental observations with auxiliary telescope or microscope and the readings may be made more rapidly. In this chapter a general outline only is given of the several available methods of inspection for detecting a particular optical defect in a lens or prism or optical instrument. No attempt is made at completeness either in citing all available methods or in describing any given method in detail. To do this would require a separate volume. 260 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL, PARTS AND SYSTEMS. THE INSPECTION OF LENS- AND PRISM-ELEMENTS OF AN OPTICAL SYSTEM. Inspection of lenses for size and shape. The thickness of a lens through the center is measured by means of a screw-micrometer gauge, a vertical comparator, a spherometer, or some similar device. The diameter of the lens is measured by means of a screw-micrometer gauge or of two ring gauges, the first, a go gauge which determines the maximum permissible diameter, the second, a no-go gauge which prescribes the minimum diameter. The curvatures and sphericity of the lens surfaces are measured by means of one of several types of spherometer or by the use of standard test surfaces, or of circular gauges or templets cut out of sheet metal or of glass. Mechanical tests of this kind are so familiar that further description is unnecessary. Inspection for physical defects in a lens. These include: (a) Bub- bles, stones, laps, folds, and other pressing defects; (I) striae; and (c) strain. For the inspection of the first group of defects the lens is placed on 1 a piece of black cloth and is illuminated by a strong light from the side as in figure 65, page 206. In an objective and in other lenses mounted at a distance from the image plane a few small bubbles are tolerated and do no appreciable harm; but in eyepiece field lenses, reticules, and any other optical elements which are located in the image plane or in its conjugate planes, bubbles are not tolerated because they appear in the field of view and may cause trouble in a military optical instrument. Lenses containing stones or crystallization bodies should be rejected. The presence of a pressing defect is commonly sufficient cause for rejection; but in certain cases a small, faint fold at the edge of a lens may not appre- ciably affect its optical ' performance. Heavy ribbon striae in a lens should not be tolerated; objective lenses exhibiting single-thread striae are generally accepted. In most cases of striae, the ultimate criterion is not the presence of striae but rather the optical per- formance of the lens under conditions of test arranged to render its defects easily discernible. Strain is tested by examination of the lens in polarized light. In order to attain uniform illumina- tion of the lens it is customary to employ a point source of light at the rear focal plane of a well-corrected collimator lens and to place a polarizing prism either in front of the small aperture or to reflect the parallel rays from the collimating lens on a flat, opaque, polished glass surface at the polarizing angle. The lens to be ex- amined is placed either at right angles to, or parallel with, the beam of polarized rays and is viewed through an analyzing nicol and sen- sitive tint plate and the strain distribution is thereby ascertained. The lens should not be held in the fingers longer than necessary during the test because of the strains introduced by local heating. LENSES AND LENS ELEMENTS. 261 Under these conditions the lens appears to be best illuminated when the observer's eye is placed at its rear focal point. In the case of a concave lens, it is advantageous to shift the collimator lens or to add a second condenser lens in order to produce sharply convergent polarized light, part of the convergence of which is then neutralized by the negative lens under test. Routine inspection, by projection methods, of lenses for certain physical defects has been practiced for many years in certain optical shops. During the war these methods were widely adopted and with much success. The lens under inspection is illuminated by a strong source of light (fig. 85), and is in turn imaged by a good photographic lens on a dull-white flat screen of drawing paper, or of finely ground opal glass; for certain purposes an undeveloped photographic plate or a carefully faced magnesia block serves as a screen. The screen should be of fine texture without markings of any kind. The en- FIG. 85. Projection method for the inspection of lenses. S is the source of light; D, diffusing screen; A , a pinhole aperture; L\, condenser lens; LZ, lens to be inspected; L s , projection lens; K, projection screen. larged image of a lens illuminated, as indicated in figure 85, shows clearly physical defects, such as bubbles, stones, pressing defects, and striae. By racking the photographic lens in and out, different planes in the lens under inspection can be imaged on the screen and every part of the lens then inspected. At the same time surface defects, such as pits and scratches, and insufficient polish, are imaged on the screen and the lens can be inspected for them. By closing the diaphragm of lens L 3 , figure 85, and shifting the lens L 2 or L 3 slightly, oblique illumination is obtained and aids in rendering faint striae visible. A photographic plate and camera may be substituted for the projection screen and a permanent record of the results of inspection of a particular lens can be thus obtained. The defects illustrated in figures 7, 8, and 9 were photographed in this manner. Similar photographs have been taken before; recently Smith, 1 Bennett, and i T. T. Smith, A. H. Bennett, G. E. Merritt, Characteristics of striae in optical glass, Bureau of Standards, Scientific Paper No. 373, 1920. 262 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. Merritt have published excellent photographs of striae in optical glass, taken by this method, which is essentially that of a special optical system illuminated properly. Mechanical defects. The lens surfaces are examined with a magni- fying glass for pits, scratches, sleeks, grayness, and insufficient polish, chipped edges, and cracks. Illumination from the side by an intense light source is advisable. Wavy or double-curvature polish should not be present; this is commonly first detected in centering the lens. Cemented lenses are inspected for bubbles and blisters in the cement film, for color of the Canada balsam, and for the presence of particles of dirt or of fuzz from the cleaning rag in the balsam. The projection method of inspection described in the last section is suitable for detecting mechanical defects in a lens. Optical qualities. Lenses may be inspected for focal length, accuracy of centering, and quality of image with respect to definition or resolution, spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, distortion, and achromatism. There are many methods available for ascertaining these properties and, in a particular case, the simplest and most direct method should be adopted which will yield results of the desired degree of precision. In routine inspection the effort is made to ascertain if the several characteristics of the lens come within the prescribed limits so that on assembly in the instrument it will function properly as one of the integral parts. In the testing of lenses and optical systems in general, there are certain devices and arrangements which are used in so many methods that it will facilitate the presentation to describe them briefly at this point. These include artificial stars, distant targets and scales, collimators, and collimating devices. Artificial stars are set up as distant point sources of light and serve especially in tests of the optical performance of telescope objectives and telescope systems. Small silvered glass globes, globules of mercury, or small illuminated pinhole apertures in opaque screens located 30 or more feet away, depending on the focal length of the objective from the observer, are used for the purpose. For many purposes an artificial star illuminated by a monochromatic illumi- nator is convenient for testing chromatic aberrations or the change in performance of a lens with change in wave length of light. As source of light a lamp with concentrated tungsten filament or tungsten bead or a Nernst filament is convenient. A condenser lens may also be used to advantage. Distant targets are commonly painted with black or colored lines on a white background. Scales, vertical and horizontal, of definite intervals are thus prepared; also systems of coordinate lines, mutually perpendicular and definitely spaced; also diagrams of lines or sectors radiating from a common center. Targets of this kind are generally LENSES AND LENS ELEMENTS. 263 erected 100 or more feet away from the observer and are useful for testing the performance of military optical instruments. Test plates, either of sheet metal with small holes and slit and cross-slit openings cut into them, or of silvered glass plates with sets of parallel, definitely spaced lines cut with a dividing engine, and small circular holes, or a photographic negative with similar sets of lines are especially useful for measuring the optical quality and the resolving power of an objective or a complete telescope. The metal test plate should be several feet square and should be placed in a window 50 or more feet distant; its perforations are illuminated by skylight. The other test plates are much smaller and have much finer lines. They are illuminated from the rear by a strong source of light and a condenser lens, and are placed 30 or more feet away from the observer. A collimator is widely used for routine factory inspection and is a convenient substitute for the distant target or test plate. It consists essentially of a well-corrected telescope objective mounted at one end of a telescope tube, at the other end of which is placed an opaque plate with small circular aperture located at the rear focus of the collimator objective and illuminated by a lamp or bulb. For certain purposes an astronomical telescope objective, 4 or 5 inches in diam- eter and of long focal length, is used with a small test plate of silvered glass placed at its rear focus. On the test plate are ruled with a dividing engine sets of definitely spaced lines, both vertical and horizontal; also a group of lines diverging from a common center, and several small circular holes of different diameters. The test plate may be 1 inch in diameter and, if the objective of the collimater is of the best quality, serves for testing most of the defects in an optical system. Collimators are compact testing devices, and, were it not for the fact that the images which they form are encumbered with the defects introduced by the collimator objective, they would be even more extensively used than at present; for many purposes collimating telescopes are entirely satisfactory, not only for the inspection of optical elements, but also for the adjustment of optical instruments. Measurement of focal length and external focal length of a lens. The measurement of the equivalent focal length or of the external focal length (back focus) of a lens suffices in many instances to deter- mine the degree of accuracy of the curvature of the lens surfaces. If the focal length is correct, it may be assumed that the lens surfaces are approximately correct. This applies especially to cemented doublets and other combinations. Many methods are available for measuring the equivalent focal length of lenses and are described in detail in textbooks on optics. For work of precision an optical bench with the necessary accessories 264 INSPECTION OP FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. is essential; on it the four principal Gauss points, namely, the two foci and the two principal (and nodal) points are commonly deter- mined with reference to the vertexes of the two external surfaces of the lens or lens combination. A distant artificial star illuminated with strong white light or with monochromatic light commonly serves as test object in these measurements. The exact positions of the principal foci are determined by means of an auxiliary microscope; the positions of the nodal points are ascertained by rotating the lens about a vertical axis and noting that when the axis of rotation coincides with a nodal point, the image of a distant object remains stationary during the rotation of the lens through an appreciable angle. A critical test for zonal variations in equivalent focal length, for spherical aberration, and for other axial aberrations of a lens is the Hartmann 2 method of extra-focus measurements as modified by FIG. 86. Hartmann-Tillyer test for the aberrations in a positive lens or lens combination. Tillyer. 3 For the Hartmann-Tillyer test a metal disk perforated along one or more diametral lines by a set of definitely spaced holes (1 milli- meter in diameter and 3 millimeters apart for lenses of fair size) is placed in front of the lens or objective to be tested (fig. 86), so that monochromatic light from a distant artificial star on entering the objective is restricted to a definite number of small pencils. Two shadow photographs are taken, the one at some distance inside the focus of the lens, the second outside the focus. Each ray pencil forms a small disk on the photographic plate. The exact positions of the ray-pencil disks are accurately determined and from these, together with the distance of separation of the photographic plates, the points of intersection of the rays on the axis can be computed. The distance between these points is the spherical aberration. The angle u which a par axial pencil entering the objective at a height li 2 Zeitschr. Jnstrumontenkunde, 24, pp. 1, 33, 97, 1904. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., 3,,481, 1913; Nat. Bur. Standards, Sci. Paper No. 311, 1917. LENSES AND LENS ELEMENTS. 265 above the axis can also be computed from the data of measurement and found to be a + b tan u= -t wherein a and & are the distances from the axis of the disks formed by the ray pencil on the two photographic plates separated by the distance d. The equivalent focal length is then /= Ji/sm u Tillyer has shown that if the positions of the holes on the screen are known to within 0.005 millimeter, the equivalent focal length for the particular zone can be determined by this method with an average error of 0.05 per cent. The variation of the focal length with dif- ferent zones of the objective is a measure of correction for the sine condition. By using lights of different colors (monochromatic illuminator, cadmium spark) it is possible also to measure the chromatic aberration. A method for ascertaining the exact focus of a lens is the Foucault or "knife-edge" method; this method is based on the fact that in a well-corrected objective the rays are sharply focussed at a point, and radiate as an evenly illuminated cone on either side of the focus. If now a knife-edge be brought slowly across the line of sight at the exact focus directly in front of the observer's eye the illumination of the objective is cut off abruptly as the knife-edge crosses the axis. In case the lens is not well corrected either spherically or chromati- cally, there is no position at which the illumination disappear; suddenly; either the inner or the outer portion of the illuminated lens disk becomes dark first and the lens appears unequally illuminateds in case white light is used the disk appears differently colored for different positions of the knife-edge along the axis. By mounting the lens under test as the objective of a telescope with an astronomical high-power eyepiece and viewing the changes in the image of a distant artificial star when the eyepiece is pushed in and out, the observer can locate the exact position of focus and at the same time determine in a satisfactory manner the extent to which the several aberrations in the lens under test are corrected. In case the lens is well corrected the image of the star appears as a small circular disk of light uniformly illuminated. Its diameter is least at the position of exact focus. In the case of spherical aberration the illumination of the disk is not uniform, the central area of the disk being brighter for one position of the eyepiece, the outer portion for another position. By using different colors of lights and observing the shapes of the disk in different parts of the field the observer can determine the optical performance of the lens with a high degree of accuracy. 4 * This method is described in detail by H. D. Taylor, in The Adjustment and Testing of Telescope Objectives, published in 1896 by T. Cook, of York, England. 266 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. During the war a great many photographic lenses were inspected by means of a distant artificial star (pin hole aperture in front of a monochromatic illuminator) used in conjunction with a precision optical bench constructed in the shape of a T. The lens is mounted on the bench in a holder of the iris diaphragm type and can be rotated, and also slid back and forth in its carriage which is supported on a pillar mounted on a slider which can be moved along the head or cross arm of the T-shaped bench. Along the vertical arm of the T-bench a second pillar is provided which supports an observing microscope and is mounted in a carriage which slides along this arm. The angle of rotation of the lens in its carriage can be read off on an accurately divided circle; the transverse movement of the lens can be read off accurately by a micrometer screw. The observing microscope consists of an 8-millimeter apochromatic objective with compensating eyepiece and cross hairs; its movement in the sliding carriage can also be read off with high precision by micrometer screws. With this bench the Gauss points are first located for the wave length 550 millimicrons (yellow-green color). The character of the image produced by the rays from the distant star (10 meters distant) entering the lens at different angles (in steps of 3 from the axis) is studied and the positions of the radial and tangential astigmatic lines as well as the circles of least confusion are ascertained for dif- ferent colors. From these measurements the astigmatic differences are read off directly; also the degree of flatness of the field, the dis- tortion, and the chromatic differences of magnification. For the oblique rays a correction is- applied to allow for the flat plate. Coma is judged from the character and width of the image of the star for different positions of the lens. From the appearance of the star image alon^, as formed by the photographic lens in different positions, the inspector is able to form a correct estimate of the quality and type of the lens. In the hands of a competent inspector this method proved exceedingly useful and satisfactory. For the testing of photographic lenses a chart method 5 may also be used to advantage but it is less rapid than the foregoing. For ordinary routine inspection of lenses intended for military optical instruments, which are for the most part instruments of low magnification (4 to 12 power) the foregoing methods are unnecessarily refined. For most purposes it suffices to measure the external focal length (back focus) ; this is the distance from the principal fociis to the vertex of the nearest lens surface. This can be done rapidly and with sufficient exactness by placing the lens under test in a ring mount as the objective of a telescope, by setting in front of the tele- scope a collimator having at its rear focus a small test plate with sharp lines or patterns drawn upon it on which the observer can focus 5 A chart method of testing photographic lenses, L. E. Jewell, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, II-III, 51, 1919. LENSES AND LENS ELEMENTS. 267 sharply.' The image of the test plate, as formed by the lens under test, is brought to sharp focus by racking a high power astronomical eyepiece or an observing microscope in and out, its position is read off directly on a suitable scale, so adjusted that the readings give directly the external focal length (back focus) of the lens. Rotation of the ring mount with the lens about its axis is a test for the center- ing of the lens. If the lens is decentered the image is seen to describe a circle during the rotation, the amount of movement depending on the eccentricity of the lens. After a small amount of practice on an apparatus of this kind, the observer is able not only to measure the external focal length rapidly and accurately and to test for centering, but also to measure the resolving power or definition of the objective and to detect spherical and chromatic aberration, coma, astigmatism, and distortion. For this purpose the test plate should have ruled on it sets of equally spaced vertical lines, also several horizontal lines and small circular holes. In general, however, it is advisable not to attempt, in routine inspection, to measure more than the external focal length and to test for centering on a collimating device of this kind. During the measurement an estimate can be made of the general quality of the image formed and of the degree to which the lens is corrected for the several aberrations; but no actual measure- ments of these factors are made. In an optical system the defects of one lens are compensated by equal and opposite defects in other lenses; thus the individual lenses of a system may. show pronounced aberrations whereas the completed system is entirely satisfactory. In order that there be a proper com- pensation of errors between the several components of a system, it is essential that the specifications laid down by the designer be accu- rately followed; if the focal length or external focal length of each element is correct, it is generally safe to assume that the specifications have been so followed. In place of the collimator a system of inspection may be adopted whereby the image, formed by the lens of a test plate, is projected on a screen. For the purpose a silvered glass plate on which two sets of equally spaced, mutually perpendicular lines are ruled with a dividing engine is most satisfactory; less satisfactory, but still service- able is a photographic reproduction (negative) of a suitable drawing of coordinate lines. The test plate is illuminated by parallel rays from a strong, point-source of light at the rear focus of a well corrected condenser lens which covers the entire test plate. The rays emerg- ing from the test plate are practically parallel; the rays from any particular point of the plate pass as a narrow pencil through a small part of the lens, with the result that the image points on the screen are formed by the convergence of narrow bundles of rays, thus reduc- ing the effects of spherical aberration and coma. A sharp image is 268 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PAKTS AND SYSTEMS. formed and a correspondingly accurate setting can be made for the determination of the focal length. The definition on the screen de- creases from the center outwards because of astigmatism and curva- ture of field. An estimate of the amount of spherical aberration and coma present in the lens is obtained by placing back of the test plate a ground glass or opal glass diffusing screen which destroys the parallelism of the rays emerging from the test plate. Decrease in definition, under these conditions, at the center results from spherical aberration, while in other parts of the image it results from astigma- tism, coma, and other defects. When the test plate is moved a definite small amount in a direction transverse to the axis of the lens, the image is shifted by an amount which depends on the focal length of the lens; and from this the focal length can be computed. The other aberrations are estimated from the appearance of the image on the screen. If the two sets of mutually perpendicular lines can not be simultaneously focussed astigmatism is present; if the lines on the margin of the image are curved, distortion is present. Simple apparatus suitable for the testing of lenses and prisms by this method was devised by the Ordnance Department and found to be satisfac- tory for practical testing at Frankford Arsenal. Another method for ascertaining the properties of a lens is to use the metal plate target, described in a foregoing paragraph; the target should be set up at a distance of 100 or more feet from the lens to be tested. The lens is placed in a mounted ring and functions as the objective of a telescope. Its external focal distance, centering, and other properties are then ascertained by the methods described above for the collimator method, except that in this case a correction must be made because the object is not at an infinite distance. For routine inspection, however, where definite tolerances are set this correction is taken into account in the scale used with the eyepiece or the reading microscope. The resolving power is ascertained by this method by sighting upon sets of equally spaced lines drawn on a test plate located at a definite distance, 30 feet (10 meters) or more, and illuminated by a strong light. The spacing of the finest set of lines which can still be distinguished as distinct lines determines the angle which is resolved by the objective. An auxiliary reading microscope is commonly used in the examination of the image formed by the objective. Theoretically the angular separation of two fine lines or stars which Can be imaged as distinct elements by a lens of diameter d is approxi- mately equal to the angle subtended by the wave length of light at a distance equal to the diameter of the lens. For two stars which can be just resolved by a telescope objective the formula derived from the theory of diffraction for the angular separation in radians is 0.61' X PRISMS. 269 wherein X is the wave length of light and r the semidiameter of the lens; to reduce this to seconds of arc divide by 0.0000048; or more directly it is 127000' X/r. For a wave length X = 0.00055 millimeter near the middle of the visible spectrum, this expression reduces to 70/r seconds of arc as the theoretical resolving power of a telescope objective of semidiameter, r, expressed in millimeters. This degree of resolving power is rarely achieved by objectives for military optical instruments. Generally the resolving power of a telescope system equal to 1 minute of arc divided by the magnification is considered to be an upper tolerance limit; commonly it ranges from 35 to 50 seconds of arc divided by the magnification. FIG. 87. Projection method for prism inspection. S is the source of light; D, ground-glass diffusing disk A , pinhole aperture; L\, achromatic doublet; P, prism under test; LI, projection lens; K, projection screen. The inspection of prisms. Prisms, like lenses, are inspected for defects in the glass, such as stones, bubbles, striae, strain, and color; for external dimensions; for mechanical defects, such as lack of polish of surfaces, presence of pits and scratches, degree of flatness of surfaces and accuracy of interfacial angles; for optical qualities, such as distortion and deviation of transmitted light rays from the prescribed paths. The examination for stones, bubbles, and pressing defects is best made under conditions of illumination from the side (dark-ground illumination) ; striae are detected by any one of the methods described in the foregoing section on lenses. These defects can also be seen to advantage by projecting the prism on a screen by the projection 3922921 18 270 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. method described above. This projection method was widely adopted for routine factory inspection during the war and proved to be satis- factory. The optical arrangement for the purpose is shown schemati- cally in figure 87. Prisms are inspected for strain by the standard methods which have already been described. The dimensions of the prisms are measured either by means of calipers or of sets of standard gauges. Interfacial angles may be measured mechanically by standard angle gauges. For inspection purposes it is preferable, however, to test the optical performance of the prism rather than to measure interfacial angles. The degree of flatness of the prism surfaces is best tested against that of a standard optically flat plate accurate to a tenth or a twentieth of a wave length. For most purposes a prism surface flat to one or two wave lengths is satisfactory; but in prisms, such as the Dove inverting prism (vertical rotating prism in the panoramic sight), in which the light rays are reflected at a large angle, a slight departure from flatness in the reflecting surface may cause an appreciable warping of the reflected light-wave front and thus impair the defini- tion of the image. The reflecting surface of such a prism should be flat to a part of a wave length over its entire area. In the manufacture of precision optics, a tolerance of 2' of arc is considered a fair and reasonable specification for most prism angles. In certain prisms, such as the Dove erecting prism and the pentaprism, the angle must be correct within 1' of arc; in the roof-angle prism, the roof angle must be correct within a few seconds of arc. These prism-angle tolerances are commonly meas- ured optically and the specifications are stated in terms of permissible angular deflections of transmitted rays from the prescribed paths. In conformity with the practice adopted at Frankford Arsenal, on the recommendation of Col. G. F. Jenks in 1910 for the inspection of the optical performance of prisms, the following conventions may well be followed: A reflecting prism in an optical instrument serves to change the direction of the optical axis of the instrument through a definite, prescribed angle. Let the plane in which this angle is measured be called the " axial plane." Then the "axial-angle error" of a prism placed with its reflecting surface in the correct position is the angular component, in the axial plane, of the deviation of the reflected ray, after emergence from the prism, from the prescribed path. The " side-angle error" is the angular component, in the plane normal to the axial plane, of the deviation of the reflected ray, after emergence from the prism, from the prescribed direction. The Dove erecting prism serves only to invert and not to change the direc- tion of the axial rays after emergence; for this prism which presents a limiting case, let the axial plane be perpendicular to the hypoth- enuse surface and to the first surface entered by the incident ray; RIGHT ANGLE REFLECTING PRISM. 271 it is the plane of incidence of the incident rays and contains the nor- mals to the incident refracting surface and to the hypothenuse sur- face. These conventions establish the reflecting surface of a prism as the surface of reference. Any other surface might be used, but for the sake of uniformity in the testing and designation of the differ- ent types of prisms the reflecting surface appears to serve the pur- pose best. In the case of roof-edge prisms and pentaprisms two reflecting surfaces replace the single reflecting surface and serve to invert the image; in these types of prisms the two reflecting prisms function as a unit and may be treated as such. Experience has shown that different optical methods of different degrees of sensitiveness may be used to test the optical performance of any given type of reflecting prism. The deviations should be measured of those rays which traverse the prism along the path which they follow in the actual instrument; in other words, a meas- ure of the actual performance of the prism should be taken. In view of the fact that the path of a ray through a prism depends on a number of different factors, such as defects in the glass, degree of flatness of prism surfaces and in addition to different interfacial prism angles, the only feasible method for computing the deviations of transmitted axial rays from the prescribed path, which result from slight departures of the several prism angles from the prescribed angles, is to consider the glass to be free from defects and optically homogeneous and the prism surfaces to be optically flat. Under these assumptions it is possible to ascertain the competency of the several different optical methods available for testing and to determine the significance, in terms of actual prism angles, of different optical .tolerances which may be set. The relations between actual prism angles and the resulting ray deflections in the axial and side (normal to axial) planes are indicated for the different types of prisms in figures 88 to 94. In these figures a section of the correct prism is indicated by dotted lines; the incorrectly oriented surfaces are indi- cated by full lines; the paths of the rays are indicated by full lines with arrow marks. In each set of curves the ordinates are the angles of departure, t, of the prism surface from which the ray emerges; the abscissae, the deviations, d, of the emergent ray from the pre- scribed path; the series of oblique lines represent the departure angles, s, of the incident prism surface. THE RIGHT ANGLE REFLECTING PRISM. Three optical methods may be used to test this type of prism; in two of the methods a telescope and distant target or collimator are employed; in the third an autocollimator serves the purpose. A variation of these methods is obtained by the use of a projection screen in place of the observing telescope. 272 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. FIRST METHOD. Axial angle errors. Let it be assumed, for the sake of simplicity, in this and other cases of axial angle error that the faces of the prism are in the same zone i. e., all vertical to the same plane; this is practically the case in all prisms and the slight depar- tures from this condition introduce departures of the second order only, in the axial angle errors. Let s be the error of the angle (posi- tive if the total angle exceeds 45) which the first side face includes with the hypothenuse (fig. 88) and t the error of the second side face. These errors are always small and do not exceed 10 minutes even in very poor work. The deviation of the emergent ray from its prescribed path in the axial plane is d=(n-l) (s t), wherein n = 1.515 is the refractive index of the prism. In figure 88 the devia- tions of the rays are represented by the abscissae, the angles t by the a. HO' i 3 } > ; / 1 1 II } 1 / // // /I // //Tj t II fl // / ft // fl // / i +*? f '/ II II -f-f II I i / -ft / / / n 1 / / /f / / 1 / ii // 1 1 1 1 // 1 1 / If // // // // // If 1 / / // / / // // // 1 1 if / (j to // // I ) / / /- I 1 // // i / // / // ( // // if // // 1 1 /- 1 // // t / // // f // // // // // II 1 1 / / -T 1 / 't // // '/ // // 1 // // i / 1 // ' 1 // // / (I '/ 1 1 // /I // ' / // '/ / 1 // / '/ u '( / u 1 i / // / // / 1 / / -O 1 / / 1 / i / // / // // // -I 0' i >' c +J 5' +IC FIG. 88. In this diagram are given the deviations of the emergent ray, from the prescribed path, after trans- mission through a right-angle prism of slightly incorrect interfacial angles as indicated in fig. 880. ordinates and the angles s by the series of oblique lines ; thus a prism for which the first interfacial angle is 45 02' (s = + 2') and the second interfacial angle is 45 01' (t= + 1') causes a deviation of the emergent ray in the axial plane of \' from the prescribed path. 'Side-angle errors. In this and other cases of side-angle errors the angles which the side faces include with the hypothenuse face are con- sidered to be exactly 45. This assumption is made in order to facili- tate the computation; the error introduced by it is of the second order only because the departures in these angles from 45 are very slight. In this method the incident ray enters along the normal to the first side surface, is reflected at the hypothenuse face, and is then refracted at the second side surface whose trace on the hypothenuse face includes a small angle t with the trace of the first side surface on the hypothenuse. Under these conditions the deviation of the RIGHT ANGLE REFLECTING PRISM. 273 emergent ray for a prism of refractive index, n = 1.515, is d=l.07t; in other words, the deviation is practically equal to the departure angle, t. With this method, therefore, the angular deviation of the emergent ray from the prescribed path, both in the axial plane and the side plane, is of the same order of magnitude as that of the errors in the interfacial angles, and the method is not especially sensitive. The method has the advantage, however, that the prism is tested under conditions resembling those of actual use. For routine testing by this method either a spectrometer or a combination of a telescope of adequate resolving power and a colli- mator or telescope and distant target is used. The prism is placed with the hypothenuse surface against a fixture having rounded bearing points for both the hypothenuse and first side surface. The fixture is accurately adjusted so that the plane of incidence contains the normals both to the hypothenuse face and to the first side face. A coordinate scale in the image plane of the telescope indicates the axial and side angle departure from the prescribed path. In place of the observing telescope a projection screen with properly arranged coordinate lines to mark the tolerance limits may also be used. SECOND METHOD THE CONSTANT DEVIATION METHOD OF FRANKFORD ARSENAL. Axial-angle error.- The paths of the rays through the prism when used as a constant deviation prism are shown in figure 89. The incident ray is considered to be perpendicular to the hypothenuse face. The deviation, d, of the emergent ray from 90 is then d = 2 s+ (i r) (i f r') } wherein i is the angle of incidence, r, the angle of refraction, and sin i = n sin r, (n = 1.515); r' is the angle of incidence of the emergent ray and equal to (r 3s t), and sin i' = n sin r' . The deviations d for different values of t and s are shown by the curves of figure 89. From these curves it is evident that in a prism whose angles differ from the correct angles by 2', the maximal deviation of the emergent ray from the prescribed path may be d=ll f . The curves show, moreover, that if the prism is observed only in one position, this method may not be adequate to determine its quality; thus for s = 0' and t= +10' the deviation is +9'; if now the prism be reversed so that s = 10' and t = Q' the deviation is d= 46.5'. It is thus evident that unless care is taken to measure a prism from both directions erroneous conclusions regard- ing its quality may be drawn from the result obtained. If, more- over, the incident ray enters at a different angle from normal to the hypothenuse face slightly different deviations result. The deviation depends therefore not only on the prism-angle errors but also on the position of the prism during the observation. The last uncertainty 274 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. is eliminated by prescribing that the incident ray shall coincide in direction with the normal to the hypothenuse face. Side-angle error. Let the prism side angle be 45; let the direc- tion of the incident ray coincide with the normal to the hypothenuse face; let the plane of incidence include the normals to the first side face and to the hypothenuse face; let t be the angle between the traces of the first side face and of the second side face, respectively, on the hypothenuse face. The deviation d of the emergent ray from the prescribed path is then approximately d= t/2.l for n=1.515; in other words the deviation is about half that of the angle t and the method is not especially sensitive in this respect. HO' \ 7 1 i , i / / / / / / / I / / / t / / / I / 1 -f / / 1 j / / j / / / 7 f / / / / I / t / / f / / / / / I / / 7 / / / / / / / 7 1 / / / / i / / / l I / i / / / / 1 / / / / / i / 1 t I / / 7 7 l_ / / / ~i / / / f / 7 / / / j j / 1 / / / / f / 7 / 1 / 1 / / 7 / / / 1 1 i / / 7 f / 1 / / / 7 / / / 1 j 1 f T / / / / i i j / / / j j / / i / / / / j f i j f / j / 7 I 1 / T 7 / / ~/ / i / / / / / / j / 7 1 / / / / / 7 l / i / / / J / / / 1 / 1 i / / i ' / f / t 1 / l / / / 1 / l / ( / / r ! i / / / 1 7 i - / f / / I 1 7 1 7 7 / 1 1 1 / i 7 / I 1 / / / 1 / t ( I ( 1 1 t 1 1 1 / 1 ~f~ ' I I / / o 1 -5 0' . -4 0' - 0' -z o 1 -\ 0' C > +1 0' +2 0' +3 0' -4 0' +5 0' -f( J Hd FIG. 89. Constant deviation method. In this figure the deflections are shown of the emergent ray from the prescribed path, after transmission through a prism of slightly incorrect interfacial prism angles, as indi- cated in fig. 89a. THIRD METHOD AUTOCOLLIMATION METHODS. Axial-angle error. In these methods a well corrected autocolli- mator of adequate resolving power is used; the hypothenuse surface is placed at an angle of 45 with the axis of the collimator. (Fig. 90a.) The deviation of the emergent ray from the original line of sight is then approximately d = 2nt 2(n- l)s = 3.Q3t- 1.03s for a prism of refractive index n= 1.515. The curves of figure 90 show that for errors in the prism interfacial angles of s= +3' and t= +1' the deviation X x X , X x J - , x + 5 x -" : x -'* / x x S ,. X 5 ' x ^x | x _/ , ^ x"" X x x / ^ x' x^ x , X x X x O ^J x x .^ ~ x x x x^ ! ^ | x x , : ^ X / ? _, x X ' x x , " x ^ ,- ; X . > : : X x x - X ' -^> / .- X , X ^ ' iX X x x g / J /> ' : X :> X / , X 10' X '' -' X" ^ x -4 0' -3 0' c i- -i -2 fc- 0' -K )' c ) n D' 4 2 0' h3 0' +4t FIG. 90. Autocollimation method. In this diagram are shown the deviations of the emergent ray from the prescribed path, which on transmission are produced by slight departures s and t in the interfacial prism angles from the correct angles, as indicated in fig. SOa. A projection method may also be used with autocollimation, but this method is simply a modification of the telescope methods and involves nothing new in principle. THE DOVE ERECTING PRISM. Vertical rotating prism of panoramic sight. This prism is in effect a truncated right-angle prism, but it is used to invert the image and not to change the direction of an axial ray in the telescope. 276 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. a. X . ''X', X X^^ 'X'^ 2 ^x x ' / X'X ^x^ x/ \x XX X^x ^x\, XV' X'V ^x' x^v x'x x ! X X x/ x |\x X'x ,'X 1 XX x'/ ; x Xx X'x .0 / ^ ^x XV V^^ ^x XV ^x' Xx x^>< v2! Xx xV , X'x ^x X ^ i x X r- x^ +5 x X'^' / s ^ x x/ ''X'^ x / / \x| x'x ^x/ -^^x x'x x 'x' xv x ^x ^x^ r X x^x / / ' X" S / s ^ / X' x ^ X'x ^x XV 'V", ^^ XV ^x Xx xV X O // ' / , 2 x'. x ^ H2HI x x 1 .X / / / s -^x / / /* ^ -^x X'/' ''^X' x x ^x^ ^ // x'x t > ^ / / / ' / ' / / / / Xx ''x^. Xx x' ^ / x*^ I X ' XX' / y x s / / / X Xx x/ x Xx X^x ' X x 2^ S / // / ^ ' / /s x'^. Xx^ XV ^x xx xv -s 1 XV / / ' / , x/ X */g x / S / >/ 'VX X"/ ;S /,/ X'x /^^ ^x / s ' // XX -"x" XX XV "V Xx ' / '/ XV x^> XX / / ' / X j"/ Xx X . / / x/ x 1 . ' / X'x x ^x XV / ^/ XV XV / / X>x r X'^ / / X' xv^ ^x XV -id / x/ / s // '/^ / "x' x x 2 -a o 1 d -4 *>' -*- "3 0' -2 o' -1 5' c > +i o 1 +2 o' +3 0' +4 o' +5 0' FIG. 91. Autocollimation method. A graphical representation is given in this diagram of -the deviations of the emergent ray from the prescribed path, after transmission through a prism of slightly incorrect interfacial angles, as indicated in fig. 91a. +10' z_/ 1 I ( 1 1 I / I / 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 / i i 1 / -/ / t rz 1 1 -.o'i / K / / / / -4O -3O 1 -2O 1 -IO' +IO' + 2O 1 +3O' FIG. 92. In this figure the deviations are shown of the emergent ray from its prescribed path, after trans- mission through a prism of slightly incorrect interfacial angles, as indicated in fig. 92a. ROOF- EDGE PRISM. 277 In the method commonly used for testing this prism a collimator or distant target together with an observing telescope with coordinate scale in its image plane is employed. The prism is placed in front of the telescope with the hypothenuse face parallel with the line of sight. Axial-angle error. The path of the axial ray through the prism is shown in figure 92a. The deviation d for prism interfacial angle errors s and t is d = 45 t i' wherein sin i' = n sin r'; r' = r + s t', sin (45 - s) = n. sin r and n = 1.515. The curves of figure 92 show that for s= + 1' and t= -1', d= -3.8'; for s= +3' and t= +10', d = Q; but if the prism be reversed so that s = +10' and t = + 3', the deviation d= 26'. In testing a prism by this method, therefore, it should be examined in both positions, otherwise serious errors may arise. This fact should also be noted in the assembly of the prism; as for example, in the assembly of the vertical rotating prism in the pano- ramic sight. Side-angle error. On the assumption that the side angles are cor- rect and equal to 45 and that the axial plane is normal to both the hypothenuse and first side faces, the trace of the second side surface on the hypothenuse face includes a small angle t with the trace of the first side face on the hypothenuse face, the resulting side-angle deviation of a transmitted axial ray is approximately d= t/2.1 for n=1.515. THE ROOF-EDGE PRISM. This prism may be treated as a simple reflecting prism in which the hypothenuse reflecting surface has been replaced by two reflecting surfaces mutually at right angles and truncating, like a roof, the elongated edges of the hypothenuse face. The roof angle must be exactly 90 within a few seconds of arc, otherwise a double image results. The incident light strikes the first reflecting surface at an angle of 60, is reflected across to the second face, and is reflected by it at an angle of 60 , thus inverting the image completely. The tests for axial-angle and side-angle errors may be made by the methods used for ordinary reflecting prisms; of these the autocol- limating methods appear to be the most satisfactory. The correct- ness of the angle is determined by the absence of a double image of the lines on the horizontal line of the target. The following rule is useful in determining, in the case of a double image, whether the roof angle is greater or less than 90. Rack the eyepiece of the observing telescope inward; if the two images approach each other the roof angle is less than 90; if they approach when the eyepiece is racked outward the .roof angle is greater than 90. Another method for testing the roof angle is to grind and polish a small face truncating the edge between the two side faces of the prism; a ray of incident light normal 278 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. to this face should be reflected by the roof faces as a single ray parallel with the original direction. This test is made with an autocolli- mator; the method is, however, hardly to be recommended, as it offers no advantage over the foregoing method and requires the preparation of an additional face on the prism. THE PENTA PRISM. Methods similar to those described in the foregoing paragraphs are used for testing pentaprisms optically. In all cases the prism should be held against a proper fixture so that the incident ray enters normally to the first surface of the prism as indicated in figures 93 a and 94a. -50' -4Q' -3O' -2O 1 -IO -HO* +2O* +3O --4O +50' FIG. 93. In this diagram the deviations are represented of the emergent ray from the prescribed path, aftei transmission through a penta prism of slightly incorrect interfacial prism angles, as indicated in fig. 93a. First method. A collimator or distant target with horizontal and vertical lines is used in conjunction with an observing telescope or projection screen. Axial-angle errors. For a ray entering the prism normal to the first face as shown in figure 93a, the deviation of the emergent ray from the prescribed path is d = n(2 s t), wherein t and s are the small angular errors in the interfacial angles of the penta prism, and n= 1.515 is its refractive index. The series of curves in figure 93 are a graphical solution of the foregoing equation; thus for t= +2', and s=-l', d=-6'; for t= +2', s=+l', d = Q. The equation PENTA PRISM. 279 shows, moreover, that a slight change s in the angle between the two reflecting faces has twice the effect in deflecting a transmitted ray that the same change t has in the angle between the other two faces. The reflecting faces here function as a unit just as do the reflecting faces of a roof edge prism. Side-angle error. Let the line of intersection of the two reflecting faces include an angle t with the line of intersection of the two other faces. This gives a twist to the prism. Let the angle between reflecting faces be 45 and that between the other two faces, 90. The angle of deflection is approximately equal to d = n.t, wherein n= 1.515, the refractive index of the glass. -K>', -5' +5' -50' -3O' -2O -10' -10 +20 FIG. 94.Antocollimation method. In this diagram the deviations are shown of the emergent ray, from the prescribed path, after transmission through a penta prism of slightly incorrect interfacial prism angles, as indicated in fig. 94a. Autocollimation method Axial-angle error. The deflection in this case (fig. 94) is d = 2n(2 s t) or twice that obtained by the first method; thus for t= +2' and s= -1', d= 12'; for t= +2' and s= +1', d = 0. Similarly the side-angle error is approximately twice that found by the first method. The results prove, however, that in these methods a compensation may take place whereby zero deflection may be obtained from a prism whose angles are incorrect. The interfacial angles of these prisms may also be measured directly on a large, specially designed fixture which is essentially a part of a large spectrometer equipped with well-corrected telescope objective lenses, 3 inches in diameter (theoretical resolving power about 2 sec- 280 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. onds of arc) ; as source of illumination in the collimator a fine silk fiber or spider web illuminated by a strong light from the side may be used in place of the slit. For the testing of a right angle an optical square is useful. It con- sists of two plates of glass or quartz mounted together by optical contact; the one plate is polished optically flat on one surface; the second thick plate has at least two optically flat, mutually perpendicu- lar surfaces. One of these surfaces is placed in optical contact with the surface of the first plate. The edge of the second plate is trun- cated slightly before mounting in order to facilitate the cleaning of the edge of the finished optical square. The prism to be tested is placed with its side faces in contact with the faces of the optical square. The interference fringes formed between the several faces are a measure, then, not only of the correctness of the right angle, but also of the degree of flatness of the surfaces as compared with that of the standard optical square. The making of a correct optical square is a task which requires a high degree of skill. The resolving power of prisms is tested in a manner similar to that described for lens; a distant target, consisting of a plate ruled with sets of fine, equally spaced lines and illuminated by a strong light from the rear, or a collimator with a similar but smaller test plate in its rear focal plane, is examined through the prism with a well- corrected telescope. The resolving power is then the angle subtended by the spacing of the finest set of lines which can be seen as distinct lines when viewed under these conditions. In case a prism is to be used in front of an objective, as in a battery commander's telescope or a range finder, its resolving power should be at least equal to that of the objective. By examining, through a high-power telescope, the effect which the prism exerts on rays from fine lines and holes in a distant metal plate target or from a test plate in a collimator, the inspector can determine the optical quality of the prism as regards astigmatism, coma, distortion, achromatism, and the like. If the prism functions properly under these conditions of severe test, it will do so in the optical system for which it is intended. THE INSPECTION OF OPTICAL SYSTEMS. In this section a brief outline only is given of the several factors which enter into the inspection of a completed optical system. No consideration is given to the functioning of an optical instrument as a measuring device of precision; and only a selected few methods for determining certain optical characteristics of a complete optical sys- tem are described in a general way. To do more than this would lead too far. Many military optical instruments, especially ordnance instruments, are telescopes, and these only are considered in the ENTRANCE AND EXIT PUPILS. 281 following sections. In Chapter II, an outline is given of the func- tions of a telescope and of some of the factors with which the designer and manufacturer have to contend in order to attain the desired re- sults as laid down in the specifications. These cover commonly the following items: Size of entrance pupil or objective aperture; size of exit pupil ; eye distance or distance of exit pupil from rear of eyepiece lens; magnifying power of telescope; angular field of view, apparent and actual; resolving power; quality of image with reference to color corrections, to definition in different parts of the field, to distortion, and to other defects; percentage light-transmission of the optical system; polish of lens and prism surfaces and presence of film. Most of these properties can be determined either by the use of auxiliary telescopes and measuring apparatus or by projection methods in which the image is projected on suitable screens by means of suitable auxiliary lenses. Diameter of entrance pupil and of exit pupil. In Chapter II the functions of the several diaphragms in an optical instrument are de- scribed briefly. The aperture of- the lens system determines the rela- tive amount of light which can be received from a distant object point; the aperture in a telescope depends not only on the diameter of the objective, but also on the diaphragms in the telescope. The larger the aperture the more light enters the instrument and the finer the detail which is imaged distinctly; also the shorter the depth of focus. The entrance pupil of the telescope is by definition the smallest diaphragm visible from an object point toward which the axis of the telescope is pointed; similarly the smallest diaphragm visible from the corresponding image point is the exit pupil. En- trance pupil and exit pupil are conjugate with reference to the tele- scope and the one is the image of the other by the lens system. More- over the ratio of the diameter of the entrance pupil to that of the exit pupil is directly a measure of the magnifying power of the telescope. In the design of a telescope the size of aperture is determined by the normal resolving power and the magnification desired ; in military optical instruments intended for field use the diameter of the exit pupil should be about 5 millimeters. In few military instru- ments, with the exception of range finders, is the full resolving power utilized. For naval and other instruments, such as musket and machine-gun telescopic sights, required for use on a moving platform, an exit pupil of 7-millimeter diameter is desirable; but this can be attained only at the sacrifice of other desirable qualities. In case the exit pupil is much larger than the iris of the eye, the image appears to jump as the eye occupies different positions in the exit pupil; strong color fringes are also present in the field. If the telescope is held at a distance from the observer and pointed at the sky, the exit pupil appears as a disk of light, suspended in 282 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. space, back of the eyepiece. Its distance from the eyelens of the eyepiece is the u eye-distance;" when the iris of the observer's eye coincides in position with the exit pupil of the instrument he is able to see the entire field of the telescope. For convenience the " eye- distance" should be at least 12 millimeters; if less than this the eyelashes are liable to touch and brush against the eyelens. The diameter of the exit pupil may be conveniently measured by means of an auxiliary positive eyepiece mounted in a draw tube together with a fine micrometer scale at its rear focus. The eyepiece is focused sharply on the exit pupil and the diameter of the pupil is read off directly on the micrometer scale. The eye distance is also determined by a scale which is attached to the draw tube and indi- cates the distance of the micrometer scale from the front of the draw tube or from the rear surface of the eyelens. The diameter of the entrance pupil is ascertained by placing a scale directly in front of the objective and noting the number of divisions included in the image of this scale as seen in the exit pupil. The ratio of these two diameters is the magnification of the telescope. In place of the eyepiece drawtube attachment the exit pupil may be projected by a lens on a screen and its diameter measured in terms of a scale drawn on the projection screen; similarly the diameter of the entrance pupil can be determined. In all cases the exit pupil should be circular in shape and appear uniformly illuminated. In telescopes of the Galilean type with a dispersive eyepiece the exit pupil is a virtual and not a real image and can not be measured directly. To overcome this difficulty a positive lens is placed at a distance equal to twice its equivalent focal length from the scale of the eyepiece mounted in the drawtube; a real image of the same size as the virtual image is thereby obtained on the micrometer scale. The eye distance in this case is a negative quantity and is located inside the instrument. Magnifying power. As noted in the foregoing section the magni- fying power of a telescope is given by the ratio of the diameter of the entrance pupil to that of the exit pupil, and these in turn are deter- mined by the ratio of the focal length of the objective to that of the eyepiece. Another method for ascertaining the linear magnifying power is to measure the angular vergency of the initial and final zone pencils. For this purpose the angle included at the observer's station between the lines of sight to distant points is first measured directly with a the- odolite or transit; the telescope under test is then focused on a distant object and placed in front of the transit with its objective pointing toward the transit; the angle between the same two distant points is remeasured as seen through telescope and transit. The ratio of the tangents of half the angles thus measured is the linear magnifica- RESOLVING POWEK. 283 tion. The ratio of the angles directly is the angular magnification. In place of the distant objects a collimator with properly ruled test plate may be used. The magnification can also be ascertained by a projection method in which the lines on a ruled test plate in a collimator are projected by means of an auxiliary lens on a ruled screen. The telescope with its objective pointing toward the collimator is inserted between the collimator and the auxiliary lens and the change in the spacing of the projected test-plate lines is noted. From the amount of change as measured by the ruled lines on the projection screen the magnifi- cation can be determined directly. Still another method for ascertaining the approximate magnifica- tion of a telescope is to view a distant target scale simultaneously with the two eyes, the one eye unaided, the second with the telescope placed before it. The number of scale divisions, as seen by the unaided eye, included between two adjacent scale divisions as seen through the telescope with the second eye, is the magnification. The real and apparent fields of view. The actual angular field of the telescope is measured by sighting upon a distant object and observing the angle through which the telescope must be turned in order to bring the image of the distant point from one margin of the field along the horizontal diametral line to the margin on the opposite side. The apparent angular field is obtained by multiplying the angle thus obtained by the magnification. The apparent linear field may be deduced by noting that the magnification is the ratio between the tangent of half the angles of the apparent field and the real field, respectively. Resolving power. -The ability of the telescope to resolve fine details of an object is a measure of its resolving power. To test its resolving power a silvered test plate, placed at a definite distance from the telescope (10 or more meters) and ruled with sets of equally spaced fine lines and intensely illuminated from the rear, is viewed by the telescope. In order to relieve eyes train and to facilitate the observa- tions the telescope image is viewed with a low-power auxiliary tele- scope. The angular equivalent of the spacing between the finest lines, which appear as separate distinct lines under these conditions, is a measure of the resolving power. On a test chart of this kind 6 small pinhole apertures are generally included as artificial stars. P(tYom the changes in appearance of the image of an artificial star as the eyepiece is racked in and out and as the telescope is rotated slightly so that the star appears in different parts of the field, conclu- sions may be drawn regarding the degree of correction of the several aberrations, such as spherical aberration, chromatic aberration, coma, astigmatism, distortion, etc.; also flare and double imagesA A good T. T. Smith, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, II-III, 76, 1919. 284 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. telescope should resolve without difficulty lines separated by an angle equal to 60 seconds of arc divided by the magnification. In many telescopes the resolution is 40 seconds divided by the magnification. Quality of image. To test the optical performance of a telescope lens system a number of different methods are available. One of the simplest of these is the distant artificial star test, especially if the star be illuminated with different monochromatic lights. An auxil- iary telescope magnifying 4 or 5 diameters may be used in the tests to magnify the eyepiece image. The test for spherical aberration is to rack the eyepiece in and out and to note that in a spherically well corrected lens system the disk of light is circular and evenly illumi- nated on both sides of the image plane; if spherical aberration is pres- ent the center of the disk is brighter on one side of the image plane while the periphery is brighter on the other side. Coma is recog- nized by the appearance of a one-sided flare extending from the star image when it is placed near the margin of the field. Astigmatism may also affect the star image when it is placed near the margin of the field; if astigmatism is present, its effect is seen on racking the eyepiece in and out, whereby the star appears either as a short hori- zontal or a vertical line when the eyepiece is racked in and as a short vertical or horizontal line when it is racked out. In an intermediate position of the eyepiece the star image appears as a disk of light. Distortion is recognized by a change in the apparent size of the star image in case it is observed first in the center of the field and then at the margin. Distortion is more readily detected by the use of a distant target ruled with equally spaced coordinate lines. The lines near the margin of the field appear then curved; pincushion and bar- rel-shaped distortion are the two types of distortion which result from the differences in magnification at the center and at the margin of the field. Lack of adequate color correction gives rise to the appear- ance of a colored fringe around the artificial star, the color differing with different positions of the eyepiece. Curvature of field is recog- nized by the fact that when the star is in sharp focus at the center of the field, it is not in focus when placed at the margin, but can be sharply focused by changing the position of the eyepiece. Decrease in definition toward the margin of the field may be incorrectly ascribed to curvature of field when it is actually due to the presence of other aberrations, such as astignatism, coma, spherical zones, etc. Other methods requiring the use of distant targets are in use and are well adapted for inspection purposes but it would lead too far to describe these in detail. Film and lack of polish on lens surfaces. These defects are most readily detected by pointing the telescope with eyepiece or objective toward a strong distant source of light and observing the different elements in the telescope not in the direct light, but with the telescope TRANSMISSION OF LIGHT. 285 rotated slightly so that the lenses and prisms appear in half-shadow. Film and poor polish then appear as a slight haze over the surfaces, which with practice can be detected at a glance. During the war much trouble was encountered because of the appearance of film on lens surfaces; the source of trouble was found to be different in different cases. In some instruments unstable glass caused the trouble; in others the film was found to be organic in nature and deposited from volatile matter such as oil, grease, poorly baked lacquer, etc., included in the instrument at the time of its assembly and adjustment. The general conclusion, reached as a result of many researches into the causes of film, has been that only weather-resistant glass of good quality should be used in military optical instruments and that the most painstaking care should be taken in the assembly of optical instruments to insure cleanliness and freedom from grease and volatile matter in the interior of telescope tubes; under no con- ditions should the operator's fingers touch the lenses and prisms, after cleaning, during their assembly into the instrument. Failure to observe these simple precautions and to provide proper assembly rooms free from dust, was the cause of many rejections of optical instruments, especially binoculars, during the war. The light-transmission of a telescope depends on a number of factors, such as quality and kinds of glass, total glass path, number of reflecting surfaces, quality of polish of the surfaces, condition of Canada balsam layer in cemented lenses. There are available different methods for measuring the light-transmission of telescopes; several of these were described in Chapter IV and need not be repeated here. They are without exception photometric in nature. The essential difference between determining the light-transmission of a piece of glass and a telescope is that in the telescope the rays follow prescribed paths whereas in the glass plate they may be transmitted along any direction. For the measurement of the transmission of a telescope it is essential that the light rays follow a telecentric course and that the exit pupil of the telescope be imaged in the field of the photometer. A simple attachment to the Koenig-Martens polarization photom- eter 7 is shown in figure 71, page 214. It consists essentially of an achromatic lens mounted in a brass cylinder which slips over the front tube of the polarization photometer and images the exit pupil or entrance pupil of the telescope in the field of the photometer. The lens is so placed that the front aperture of the photometer coincides with its rear focal plane. Either the objective or eyepiece end of the telescope may face the photometer. The source of illumi- nation is the same as that described in Chapter IV; also the method i F. E. Wright, Jour. Opt. Soc. America, II-III, 65, 1919. 3922921 19 286 INSPECTION OF FINISHED OPTICAL PARTS AND SYSTEMS. of measurement in which the position angles of the analyzer in the photometer are recorded for settings with the telescope in the field and for settings without the telescope. The ratio of the squares of the tangents of the angles thus obtained is a measure of the per- centage light transmission of the telescope. A photometric bench may also be used to advantage for measuring the percentage light transmission of telescopes. An instrument of this type was manufactured during the war by Keuffel and Esser (Fig. 69, page 212) for the use of inspectors of optical instruments and proved to be satisfactory in practical work. Another type of bench photometer for the measurement of the light transmission of optical glass and of optical instruments is that described by C. V. Drysdale. 8 s Trans. Opt. Soc. London, p. 100, 1902; 18, 375, 1917. Chapter VII. THE OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. In the foregoing chapters a general description is given of the processes of manufacture of optical glass and of the optical parts of lens systems. Emphasis is placed on those processes which were developed during the war period and proved to be suitable for use in an emergency. No picture is, however, given of the development of the optical situation, as a whole, and of the measures taken to meet the ever-increasing demands of the Army and Navy for military optical instruments. As a matter of record a brief sketch is presented in the present chapter of the progress made and of difficulties overcome. In retrospect and with the facts before us it is now a simple matter to state how this and that should have been done; but at the time decisions had to be made on the fragmentary evidence available. The records show, that, although there was much waste effort and confusion, the Army and Navy were actually supplied with most of the optical in- struments which they needed; also that Army and Navy at maximum strength in 1919 would have been adequately equipped with fire- control and other optical instruments. The development of the optical-glass situation is briefly described in Chapter I. Several details may be added here to illustrate the kinds of problems which arose and the manner in which they were solved. These included problems of factory organization, of factory operation, of the procurement and transportation of raw materials and of glass melting pots and of coal; also the more difficult task of obtaining hearty cooperation from certain manufacturers who were vitally interested, but who extended formal cooperation only with a strong undercurrent of passive resistance. Cooperation of this kind leads to innumerable delays and unfilled promises and must be treated both tactfully and firmly to accomplish the desired results. In the game of war-time production everything is subordinated to the one object of producing the desired material within a definite period; the military program requires munitions of many different kinds, and it is the task of the manufacturing forces of the country to furnish these on time. Everything else, including expense, is for the moment, subordinated to speed; as the manufacturing program 287 288 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. gathers momentum, the half-hearted cooperationists either learn their lesson or they are eliminated. Under the stress of high-speed production suggestions and plans for increasing the rate of production are made; and if, after adequate test, these prove to be satisfactory, they are introduced into the factory routine. Many of these sug- gestions come from outside plants. Under the emergency conditions many manufacturers of broad vision are willing to exchange information on factory practice with their peace-time competitors with the result that over the entire country the manufacture of munitions soon attains a state of efficient operations. The procurement and the transportation of the raw materials for optical glass required constant attention throughout the war. At first it was necessary to locate satisfactory sources of supply for these materials. Specifications had to be stated with reference both to the optical glass requirements and to the chemical manufacturing pos- sibilities. Many chemical manufacturing plants were visited by members of the Geophysical Laboratory before the details of the supply of raw materials were properly arranged. The problem of trans- portation continued to be a constant source of trouble throughout the war period. Innumerable delays in the shipment of raw materials occurred; in many instances the General Munitions Board, and later the War Industries Board and the Production Division of the Ord- nance Department rendered valuable service in expediting railway traffic. It is inevitable, however, that in a war-time emergency railway traffic is overtaxed. Under these conditions it is the duty of each manufacturer of munitions to stock, as early as possible, adequate quantities of supplies so that the inevitable delays in the transporta- tion of additional supplies do not retard production. At one time during the early months of the war about 40 manufacturers were actively assisting in the manufacture of optical glass, chiefly in the supply of the necessary raw materials and of glass melting pots. The question of fuel and gas for the glass-melting furnaces and for other operations became serious during the coal shortage of the winter 1917-18. When it is realized that the glass plant at the Bausch & Lomb factory alone consumed 33,000,000 cubic feet of illuminating gas per month, a quantity sufficient to meet the needs of a city of 80,000 inhabitants, the scale of its fuel consumption and of the difficulty of meeting the situation adequately is apparent. From April to December, 1917, the efforts of the Geophysical Laboratory were concentrated chiefly on the development of the manufacture of optical glass. By December, 1917, the production of pot optical glass had reached 40 tons per month; at one plant (Bausch & Lomb) the processes of manufacture had been mastered for the most part; and subsequent efforts were directed chiefly to an PRODUCTION OF OPTICAL GLASS. 289 increase in the manufacturing capacity for optical glass throughout the country. Early in December the Geophysical Laboratory took charge of the Spencer Lens plant and, as a result of hearty coopera- tion on the part of this firm and a modern though small plant, was able to produce satisfactory glass from the first melt on. Late in December the Geophysical Laboratory assumed practical charge of the Charleroi plant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. This plant was an old plate-glass plant in which the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. had installed 16 single-pot glass-melting furnaces of a blast-furnace type and had tried unsuccessfully for several years to produce a satisfactory product. At the time the Geophysical Laboratory arrived at the plant several of the problems involved to place the plant on a running basis were not at first apparent, especially the lack of temperature control in the glass -melting furnaces and the impossi- bility of establishing such control with the system then in operation. The entire battery of furnaces was supplied by air from a single low- pressure line fed by a blower operated on an electric circuit subject to rapid changes in voltage; in this system a change in the flow of air in one furnace affected the rate of flow of air in the remaining furnaces, with the result that violent fluctuations in the temperature of each furnace were the rule. Good optical glass can not be made under these conditions. Each furnace had to be equipped with individual blowers and many fundamental changes effected before satisfactory production could be attained. This required some months for accomplishment and proved to be a task of considerable difficulty, partly because of a lack of appreciation on the part of this company of the significance of the factors underlying the manufacture of optical glass and of the fact that optical glass is not plate glass, nor is a plate-glass maker necessarily a competent maker of optical glass. In retrospect it is now evident that better progress would have been made, more glass produced, and much money saved had either a new optical glass plant been built or, for example, the plant of the Spencer Lens Co. been expanded rather than the attempt made to remodel an old plate-glass plant. Experience proved, furthermore, that in the manufacture of optical glass it is better to start with new hands than with plate or other glass makers, who are necessarily prejudiced and do not readily change their attitude of mind toward certain factory operations. The conservatism and inflexibility of the ordinary fac- tory hand can be appreciated only through actual manufacturing experience. It would seem to be a wise policy for the Government in time of war to concentrate its efforts on two plants for the manufacture of optical glass rather than on three or more. In two plants properly situated adequate quantities of optical glass can be produced to meet 290 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. all needs. In this connection, however, the increased destructiveness of airplane bombs and other demolition agencies should be consid- ered. In case an existing glass plant is ofl'ered for conversion to the manufacture of optical glass, its adaptability for the purpose should bo carefully considered before the conversion is sanctioned. As a result chiefly of the efforts of the plants cited above, the actual manufacturing capacity for optical glass at the time of the signing of the armistice exceeded the total requirements of the Army and Navy planned for 1919. The quality of the glass was, moreover, steadily improving, and the inspection requirements were gradually made more exacting in order that, because of unsuitable optical glass, rejections in finished optics be reduced to a minimum. In the early months of the war the production of optical glass had not reached a sufficiently secure basis to permit the placing of definite Government contracts for optical glass. In October, however, a contract was made by the Army Ordnance Department with the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. for 3,500 pounds of different types of optical glass; by that time it was realized that the manufacture of optical glass was assured and that, although the consumption of optical glass by this plant itself was large, there would soon be a surplus of glass available for use by other optical instrument makers. The first deliveries on this contract were made in November, 1917. At the time this contract was placed there were no Government inspectors available for the inspection of optical glass. Accordingly it was necessary to ascertain first the relative usefulness of the different methods available for the inspection of optical glass and to devise new methods in case the existing methods were found to be inade- quate or otherwise unsuitable. A satisfactory routine for inspection was soon established and the first shipments of optical glass were inspected by the writer. Army Ordnance inspectors were then trained to the task and later Signal Corps and Navy inspectors. In order to expedite production and to establish inspection on a firm basis both Army and Navy inspectors were kept in close touch with the factory operations. They inspected large quantities of glass in process of manufacture before it had reached the stage for final inspection and acceptance. Although this practice was different from the established Government procedure of inspecting only the finished articles specified in the contracts, it was found in every instance to be beneficial both to manufacturer and to inspector because it led to a clear understanding of the significance of the specifications and of the steps essential to meet them satisfactorily. In each Government contract for optical glass the tolerance limits for refractive index and y-value were made as large as possible, about 0.002 in refractive index, n D , for each type of glass. But in the early months of the war good melting pots were not available, and it LACK OF TRAINED PERSONNEL. 291 was difficult for the manufacturer to hold the melts of a given type even to these limits. The difficulty was overcome, in part at least, by shipping to a given manufacturer glass so selected from the differ- ent melts that the range of refractive indices was within certain tolerance limits. Unfortunately this plan was not followed consist- ently because of lack of proper care at the Army and Navy distrib- uting centers; as a result, many manufacturers actualty did receive shipments containing glass with much wider variations in refractive index than should have occurred ; much time was thereby needlessly lost in changing and adapting tools to meet the relatively large fluctuations in refractive index. This situation arose because of a lack of appreciation on the part of certain Army and Navy officials of the optical glass requirements. The same lack of optical sense led one zealous officer to enter a glass plant before adequate inspection had been installed, and to order that a ton of glass, which had not been properly inspected, be sent to a manufacturer who was much in need of optical glass. The manufacturer in turn failed to inspect the plates before putting them into work with the final result that several thousand otherwise high-grade prisms had to be rejected because of faulty glass. This case is cited because it shows that the officer's action, commendable as it may have been in some respects, led only to disaster and waste of effort because the material with which he had to deal was optical glass and not simply glass or copper or zinc for which his order might have been justified. War-time experience proved the need and value of trained personnel to organize and coordinate scientific and technical work; it proved the futility, as in the above case, of assigning any man or officer to a technical task for which he has no background of experience at least along similar lines. It demonstrated the necessity of centralizing among a competent few the task of handling the many factors which arise in connection with a technical matter such as optical glass and optical instruments. The records show that this plan was finally adopted with the result that in the latter part of 1918 the optical glass situation was well coordinated and well in hand. Too strong emphasis can not be placed on the need for properly trained personnel to handle technical problems of this nature. In the last analysis personnel is the prime factor involved, and the nation which, during peace times, properly organizes and coordinates its scientific and technical forces so that they can be called upon in an emergency, has an immense advantage over a nation whose Army and Navy are out of touch with these forces. Proper cooperation between the civilian and military elements is essential in peace times if there is to be an effective working together during war times. Failure to appreciate this fact before the war cost this country much during the war and after. In highly technical lines, especially those 292 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR, lines which have to do with engineering and scientific problems where special skill and experience are necessary, civilian experts are commonly in close touch with the details and are in a position to give good advice and aid. One of the chief difficulties encountered in the optical instrument situation during the war was the remedying of errors made by officials and officers who had been detailed to the job but who lacked knowledge of the problems and were in many instances a hindrance rather than a help. This situation can be met only by a realization of the need for the adequate training of a selected few men in the Army along optical lines, not simply as users of optical instruments, such as range- finder and field battery observers, but also, as inspectors of optical instruments. It is equally essential that a certain number of civilians, who are well grounded in optical theory, be instructed during peace times in ordnance optical instruments, their field use, care, and inspection, so that in case of war these men may be ready, as a nucleus, to bear the burden of inspection and manufacturing super- vision and to train others rapidly to become qualified inspectors. If a peace-time policy of this sort were followed civilian interest in these matters would be maintained with the result that in the event of war a potential organization of high efficiency would be available. War-time experience proved that men with a good working knowledge of optics soon became proficient inspectors and officers competent to handle optical matters; but that men, without this background of optical training, assigned as officers to optical instrument problems, proved incompetent and actually did more harm than good, stopping production here because of the arbitrary setting of tolerance standards which could not be met, and expediting production there which eventually proved to be useless because of the lack of proper toler- ances and competent supervision. In retrospect these occurrences may be passed over with equanimity; but during the war they meant constant trouble and discouragement both for the manufacturer and for the field forces; nor did it increase the respect of the manu- facturer to find the Army officer ignorant of the essentials of the technical subject to which he had been assigned and hence incompe- tent to deal with it intelligently and constructively. On the other hand it was an inspiration to witness the zeal and ability with which a certain few officers of thorough grounding attacked and solved the problems; and particularly to see manufac- turers lay aside other work in order to undertake the making of the military optical munitions needed by the field forces. It was this spirit of willingness to undertake a job and see it through, that carried the manufacturing program through to a successful end in spite of the lack of preparation and adequate training; but the cost of so doing and of learning by experience was excessively high. PRODUCTION OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 293 Early in 1918 the requests for optical glass became so insistent from so many manufacturers that in March, 1918, a special section, called the military optical glass and instrument section, was created by the War Industries Board to handle the situation. Mr. George E. Chatillon, of New York, was appointed chairman of the section; Commander W. R. Van Auken and, later, Commander H. A. Orr, Navy representative, and the writer, Army representative. It soon became necessary, because of the very large demands of the Army and Navy for optical instruments for this section to take complete charge of the industry and, by a system of permissions, to supervise the entire output of all manufacturers of optical glass and of optical instruments. Commercial orders were restricted to absolute necessities; requests for priority were passed upon. The optical glass, as produced, was controlled and distributed by this section to the several Governments departments and to manufacturers having direct Government orders. It was through this absolute control of the optical glass output that the entire optical industry could be so easily and effectively controlled. Responsibility for the manufacture of the required quantities of optical glass was placed by the military optical glass and instrument section with the Director of the Geophysical Laboratory. Statistical reports were prepared weekly at the different plants showing the amounts of different types of optical glass ready for final inspection. The requirements of the Army and Navy for optical instruments were carefully tabulated and their relative needs for optical glass were thereby ascertained. Allocations of optical glass were made with reference to these needs. This mode of operation of the section proved successful in every respect. The manufacturers, realizing the necessity for centralized control, entered into the plan whole-heartedly , accepted the rulings and requests of the section, and observed them conscientiously. The chief function of the War Industries Board was not to restrict industry but to direct it most effectively to work on munitions. How this was done is a familiar story in many other lines of industry and need not be repeated here. Both the Army and Navy placed orders for optical instruments during the early months of the war, at a time before intimate contact with the armies in Europe had been established. With one or two exceptions these orders were placed with optical-instrument makers of established reputation who were in a position to produce the articles ordered, providing the necessary optical glass were made available. The orders, moreover, were for certain standard instru- ments, such as range finders, aiming circles, battery-commander tele- scopes, naval gun sights, field glasses, camera lenses, etc. These orders effectively covered the entire manufacturing capacity in this country for 1917 and for part of 1918. The policy of placing orders _h firms of recognized standing and, in case an inexperienced firm 294 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. solicited a contract, of awarding a part only of the required number to the new firm and the remainder to an old firm, proved to be a wise policy. The old firms proceeded to fill the contracts and in time delivered the instruments; many of the new firms required assistance, and in this connection the War Industries Board aided materially. By the end of 1917 requests for many new types of instruments, which the European armies had found useful in the field, began to flow in from the American Expeditionary Forces; the optical industry was then confronted with the situation that its available capacity had already been bespoken for some months to come. The result was an energetic appeal from the several departments of the Army and Navy to each manufacturer to accept more orders, each department considering only its own needs. Careful search was made for manufacturers who might be persuaded to undertake optical work. By February, 1918, the general confusion which existed because of the many diverse, noncoordinated agencies at work led to the realiztion of the need for centralized control and in a short time furnished additional reasons for the formation of an optical section on the War Industries Board. Much credit is due Mr. Chatillon, chairman of this section, for his effective treatment of the situation arid the organization and coordination of the many factors involved. In April, 1918, an army commodity committee on optical glass and optical instruments was formed with the Army representative on the optical section of the War Industries Board as chairman, for the purpose of coordinating the Army needs for optical instruments. This committee functioned under the Director of Purchases and Sup- plies. It held monthly meetings and served to bring together the Army officers directly concerned with optical munitions. One of the results of the efforts of the Director of Purchases and Supplies was the consolidation, in the Ordnance Department, of the procure- ment of all optical munitions for the Army with the exception of a few special instruments. Strenuous objection to the consolidation was made at first by certain Army departments on the plea that special knowledge was required to purchase the optical instruments required by them; but the results of this consolidation proved that the fears thus expressed were groundless, partly because the officer, Lieut. M. P. Anderson, in the Ordnance Department, directly respon- sible for the procurement of optical munitions, was thoroughly trained to the task and was experienced in optical matters. From April to August, 1918, an earnest effort was made by the War Industries Board, the Army, and the Navy to interest manu- facturers who might undertake the production of optical munitions. The result was that many firms, who had never done work of this kind, patriotically accepted contracts for instruments or optical or OPTICAL TRAINING SCHOOLS. 295 mechanical parts, and at the time of the signing of the armistice were beginning to produce satisfactorily. In general the policy was followed to let contracts for instruments of high precision to expe- rienced firms and to reserve the simple types of instruments for the less experienced makers. As a further incentive to expedite production, the Ordnance Department established a training school for lens and prism oper- atives at Rochester, N. Y. It was felt that, were the opportunity offered, many young women might engage to do work of this kind during the war period. At the Rochester school a number of oper- atives were thus trained, but the results were not altogether satisfac- tory, chiefly because of a lack of real interest and support on the part of -the large optical manufacturers in Rochester. A school of this nature to be successful requires the enthusiasm and interest of good teachers, and these evidently could not be spared by the manu- facturers. A second, more successful school was established at Pasadena, Calif., for the training of expert grinders and polishers for precision optics, chiefly roof-angle prisms. This school was operated in con- nection with the optical- shop of the Mount Wilson Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Credit is due to Mr. G. W. Ritchey for his efficient operation of this school and shop. The optical industry during the war proved equal to the emergency and in November, 1918, was rapidly approaching the peak value of deliveries. Production and deliveries were proceeding on an immense scale. By this time the industry had been well organized and coor- dinated. New additions had been made to old factories, new factories had been erected and a manufacturing capacity for optical ins trumehts adequate to supply the needs of both the Army and Navy for 1919 was available. This condition had been practically attained by September, 1918, so that the optical section of the War Industries Board was able to devote part of its time to the question of design of optical instruments with a view toward simplification and standardi- zation. Many of the instruments in ' course of manufacture were direct copies of European instruments, and manufacturers com- plained because the designs had not been made with reference to American methods of quantity production. In many instruments a great saving both in time and expense could have been effected by appropriate changes in design without affecting in the least the field performance of the instrument; but to accomplish this properly requires time and much consultation. Under the circumstances, it was decided best to go ahead with the production of usable designs, even if they were direct copies of European instruments and thus to insure the desired output. As soon as adequate production had been estab- 296 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. lished, steps could be, and actually were, taken to improve and to standardize the designs of many of the instruments. With the signing of the armistice the need for further production ceased. Many contracts were canceled outright and appropriate settlements were made; other contracts were canceled in part, and still others were allowed to continue to completion. Manufacturers, who had engaged in optical work as a patriotic duty only, returned to their normal peace-time activities. The optical instrument manu- facturers themselves were soon deluged with commercial orders, because of the release of all restrictions and control of the industry by the War Industries Board on November 16, 1918. Thus the transi- tion from war-time to peace- time" activities was begun. After the Civil War there was no corresponding adjustment of the optical industry. The total value of orders for optical apparatus dur- ing the Civil War was almost negligible. During the recent war, the total value of Army and Navy orders for optical munitions was over $65,000,000, of which about $50,000,000 was for the Army. What it may be in another war a century, or even some decades hence, no one .can tell; but, if the lessons of the recent war have not been entirely forgotten this country will be in a better position to produce the neces- sary optical munitions than it was in April, 1917. The purpose of the present report will have been accomplished if a small part of the experience gained in the recent war in the production of fire-control and other optical apparatus is not entirely lost, but is available for use in an emergency. In the manufacture of optical glass it was fortunate for this country that war was not declared in the first decade of this century rather than in the second. In 1905 little was known of the chemistry of silicates at high temperatures and there was then no adequate per- sonnel available for the task. The records show that during the recent war we received no assistance, either direct or indirect, from other countries in the solution of the problems of optical glass manufacture. The details of optical glass manufacture were held secret in all European countries and were not to be divulged, even under the stress of war-time needs. Fortunately, it proved possible for us to make good optical glass without the knowledge of these secrets, which, in point of fact, may prove to be Jouble-edged and serve to impede progress and to be an actual hinderance rather than an aid to a manufacturer if he holds them in too high esteem. This would no doubt have been equally true in 1905. Although large quantities of optical glass are not needed, optical glass is an essential part of all instruments of observation. The optical glass industry is, therefore, a singularly important key industry, the control of which means control over a whole series of industries and of research and technical laboratories and institutions. It was probably for this IMPORTANCE OF TRAINED PERSONNEL. 297 reason that we were unable to secure any information regarding its manufacture from other countries. It was fortunate for us that before this country entered the war certain manufacturers had realized the need for optical glass and had erected optical glass plants of satisfactory design. They had, more- over, produced some optical glass of fair quality and had accumu- lated a good foundation of experience on which it was possible to build. This would not have been the case in 1905. It was also fortunate that there existed at the beginning of the war a scientific research labora- tory with a personnel experienced, not in the manufacture of optical glass, but in the fundamental principles underlying its manufacture. The resources of this laboratory were offered to the Government in the emergency; the offer was accepted and the problem of optical- glass manufacture was attacked as would any similar research problem have been attacked. The research investigator is constantly facing new and unexpected problems in his own work, and, as a result, develops resourcefulness and adaptability as well as the faculty of proceeding directly to the essentials of a problem. Shortly after the work was entered upon the more important defects of the existing practice were discerned by the scientists and appropriate remedies were devised to overcome them. It is only just to admit that in addition to the many other elements essential for the production of optical glass in this country we were favored by good fortune and made the best of it. If a future emer- gency should arise it can hardly be expected that a laboratory of similar experience will be available or that the manufacturers will have builded so wisely beforehand. It is therefore a wise policy for the Government to encourage the manufacture of optical glass in this country by placing orders, during peace times, for optical glass with the manufacturers, thereby building up a reserve stock of good' glass against a possible emergency. This policy is being followed by certain other countries. In the case of optical instruments similar arguments are valid; but the fact that new instruments are being devised constantly makes it inadvisable to store large stocks of these instruments. The maintenance of optical repair and manufacturing plants by the Army and Navy is a wise provision, because these function primarily as training schools for personnel against the hour of need. In view of the highly technical nature of optical instruments both in design, production, and repair it is desirable that a single optical plant with competent personnel serve the entire Army. It is not feasible and would be unwise for the different departments of the Army each to maintain separate optical shops or even separate sec- tions for the design only of optical instruments. The argument has been advanced that in any given branch of the service only the 298 OPTICAL INSTRUMENT SITUATION DURING THE WAR. members of that service have adequate knowledge of the field con- ditions under which it operates and that, therefore, they alone are competent to design the apparatus needed. This is, no doubt, true for much of the material required, but in the case of optical instru- ments special conditions exist which render this plan unworkable. Optical engineers of experience are scarce and unwilling to spend their entire time on the few problems offered by any single branch of the service. The particular problems, moreover, which any Army department considers peculiar to itself have much in common with those of other departments; and for each department to maintain a separate section for the design of optical instruments would mean serious and inefficient duplication of work with consequent waste of time and of public money. The fact that both in war time and in peace time the Ordnance Department is responsible for the bulk of the Army optical work and has built up a satisfactory optical shop at Frankford Arsenal with competent personnel indicates that all Army optical work should be done there; also that Frankford Arsenal should be made responsible for the design and production of all experi- mental optical instruments suggested to meet any new conditions which may arise. The special knowledge of the conditions under which the proposed new instrument is to function can be given by officers or civilians of the special branch of the service which is to use the instrument; but the design of the instrument to sat- isfy these conditions and to be at the same time a manufacturing possibility should be made at Frankford Arsenal as the logical optical organization within the Army. It is imperative that the Army and the Navy each maintain an optical plant not only for the design and test, production, and repair of military instruments, but also for the training of personnel along these lines. It is for this* reason especially that no other department of the Government can function satisfactorily for the Army and Navy in this respect, aiid that the Army and Navy optical shops can not well be consolidated into one large shop. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, Washington, May, 1921. Form No. 2037. Ed. Mar. 17-21-900. INDEX. Page. Abbe, E. : New types of glasses 44, 45, 49 Aberration, chromatic 23, 24, 26, 283, 284 Aberration, spherical 24, 25, 265, 268, 283 Aberration, spherical overcorrected 25 Aberration, spherical undercorrected 25 Aberrations, monochromatic 24 Acetic acid test 222 Adams, L. H.: Optical glass group, 10, 13; strain birefringence, 39, 40, 182. 184, 186; viscosity, 149, 150, 151; temperature distribution, 153; elastic constants, 159 ; annealing schedule 187 Aiming circles 293 A ir bells : 33 Alkalinity, natural 221 Alkalinity, weather : 221 Allen, E. T.: Optical glass group, 10, 12; chemical analyses, 62, 63, 64, 66, 75; oxidation of arsenic, 105: heat effect 152 Andersen, O. : Optical glass group, 10, 12, 13 ; flint glasses 70 Anderson, M. P. : Fire-control instruments 294 Annealing, classes of 187 Annealing furnace 180 Annealing of molded or pressed plates 179-189 Annealing period 148-163 Annealing schedules 187, 188 Annealing, state of 38, 41 Apparatus for inspection of strain 207, 208 Artificial star test 266 Astigmatism 26, 268, 283, 284 Autoclave tests 222 Autocollimation method 274-276, 279, 280 Autocollimator 271 Axial angle error 270 Axial plane 270 Baking of pot 116 Barium carbonate 86 Barium crown 45, 47, 48, 53, 70, 151, 153, 165, 169 Barium crowns, chemical analyses 60 Barium crown, dense 51, 53, 74, 151, 165, 169 Barium crown, dense, elastic constants 160 Barium crown, elastic constants 160 Barium disilicate 36, 148 Barium flint 45, 70, 74, 151, 153, 169 Barium flint, chemical analyses 61, 70 Barium flint, elastic constants 160 Batch, filling in 117 Batch mixer, mechanical 113 Batch, mixing of 111-114 Batches 99-110 299 300 Page, Batches, computation of 100-110 Battery commander telescopes 293 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.: Optical glass manufacture, 9, 11, 12; production of optical glass, 15; refractivity, 41; optical glass types, 73, 74; cooling of glass, 163, 175; annealing of glass, 187; gas consumption, 288; contract for glass 290 Bausch, Wm. : Optical glass manufacture 11 Bichowsky, R. : Optical glass group r 10; autoclave tests 222 Bleininger, A. V. : Optical glass group, 13; cast procelain-like pots 87, 89 Blocking 125 Blocking tool 240 Boil '. , 33 Boil, open 125 Borate flint 45 Borate glasses, chemical analyses 62 Borate optical glass 45, 47, 50, 53, 152 Boric acid 86 Borosilicate crown 45, 70, 73, 151, 153, 165, 169 Borosilicate crown, chemical analyses 59 Borosilicate crown, batch composition of 107, 108 Borosilicate crown, elastic constants '. 160 Borosilicate flint, chemical analyses 61, 70 Bowen, N. L.: Optical glass group, 10, 12, 13; crystallization phenomena, 104, 132, 142; stones, 135; identification of crystallites 147, 148 Bowlders 158 Breaking up pot of glass . . . .' 166 Brewster, David: Strain-birefringence 40, 150, 182 Bubbles 29, 33, 34, 38 Bubbles, inspection for 205, 269 Buckeye Clay Pot Co. : Melting pots 87 Bureau of Standards: Optical glass group, 9, 13, 15; optical glass types, 73, 74; melting pots, 87, 89; molding glass 177, 236 Calcium carbonate 86 Calcium metasilicate 148 Carbonbisulphide 173, 200 Carnegie Institution of Washington : Manufacture of optical glass 10, 295 Carr-Lowrey Glass Co. : Manufacture of optical glass 13 Casting of optical glass 167-170 Casting temperatures 167 Cauchy, A. L. : Dispersion formula, 55, 56. 57 Cauwood, J. D. : Opalescence in glass 104 Cementing of lenses 254-256 Chance Bros. : Transparency of glass, 54, 55; chemical compositions 62, 66, 67 Characteristics of optical glass 16-80 Chatillon, G. E.: War Industries Board 293, 294 Chemical composition 58, 59 Chemical compositions 66-73 Cheshire, R. W. : Immersion method 202 Chromatic differences of magnification 24, 27 Chromatism, axial 20 Chromatism, lateral 27 Civil War 296 Civil War practice 7 INDEX. 301 Page. Clark, J. R. : Optical glass compositions 110 Cloudiness 29, 37, 144-148 Collimator 263 Color, freedom from 29, 74-76 Coma 25, 268, 283, 284 Composition, refractivity relations 58 Compressibility, modulus of 160 Compressibility 159, 160 Concave mirror test 199 Cones, Seger 94 Constant deviation method 273 Constringence, optical 43 Convection currents 138, 139 Cooling of glass plates 183 Cooling of melt 137-148 Cooling rate, insulation for 165 Cords 29, GO, 31 Council of National Defense: Optical glass manufacture 10 Cragoe, C. H.: Thermal dilatation of glass 152, 159 Cristobalite H8 Crown optical glass 28, 153 Crystallization bodies 37 Crystallization bodies, inspection for 205, 269 Crystallization phenomena 139 Crystallites 29, 36, 37 Crystallites, identification of 147, 148 Cullet 113, 174 Curvature of field 26, 268, 284 Cutting of glass 229-231 Czapski, S. : Strain birefringence 39, 40, 41 Day, A. L. : Optical glass manufacture, 10; heat effect in borate glass 152 Definition 18, 268 Devitrification 37 Diameter of entrance pupil 281 Diameter of exit pupil 281 Diamond saws 230 Diaphragm, field of view 20 Diffraction pattern 18 Dimming test 219 Dispersion formulae 55, 56 Dispersion ratios 29, 43 Dispersivity 29, 42, 48 Distortion 26, 283 Dodd, L. E. : Inspection for striae 203 Doelter, C. : Chemical analyses, 59, 66; oxidation of arsenic 105 Double images 283 Dove reflecting prism 244, 270, 275-277 Draper, H. : Grinding and polishing 225 Drysdale, C. V. : Inspection apparatus 286 Eastman Kodak Co. : Ray filters 213 Edging of discs 231 Elastic constants 159, 160 Elsden, A. V. : Dimming test 219 3922921 20 302 INDEX. Entrance port 20 Entrance pupil 20 Entrance pupil, diameter of 281 Entrance window 20 Everett, A. : Chemical analyses, 66; iodoeosin test 220 Everett, J. D. : Chemical analyses, 66; iodoeosin test 220 Exfoliation 158 Exit pupil 20 Exit pupil, diameter of 281 Exner, F. : Strain-birefringence 40 Expansion coefficient 153, 160, 182 External focal length of lens 263-267 Eye distance 282 Eye, far sighted 17 Eye, functions of 16 Eye, iris of 19 Eye, near sighted 17 Feathers 34, 35, 175, 236 Feathers, inspection for 205 Fenner, C. N.: Optical glass group, 10, 12, 13; glass compositions, 62, 63, 64; furnace temperatures, 94, 95; opalescence in glass, 104; batch composi- tions, 110: glass stirring schedule, 128, 129; forms of silica, 148; pot arch cooling 1 fi3 Ferguson, J. B.; Optical glass group, 10, 13; reflection of light, 77; determina- tion of iron, 79; bleaching of pots 91 Meld glasses 293 Field of view 17, 19 Field of view, real and apparent 283 Film on inclosed glass surfaces 223 Film on lens surfaces 284 Film on optical glass surfaces 80 Fining period 117 Fire control instruments 6 Flare 283 Flint, dense 48, 53, 74, 151, 165, 169 Flint, dense, batch composition of 106 Flint, densest 48 Flint, elastic constants 160 Flint, extra dense.- 48, 52, 53, 54, 74, 151 Flint, light 48, 52, 53, 74, 151, 153, 165, 169 Flint optical glass 28 Flint series 68, 70 Flint series, batch compositions 101-102 Flints, chemical analyses 60 Focus of lens , 23 Foerster, F. : Weather stability , 219 Focal length of lens -. 263-267 Folds 175 Folds, inspection for 205 Foucault test 265 Fracturing of optical glass 161 Frankford Arsenal: Inspection of prisms, 268, 270, 273, 274; optical shop 298 Fraunhofer, J. : Optical glass 121 INDEX. 303 Page. French, ,T. W. : Grinding and polishing processes 225, 240. 251-254 Fresnel reflection formula 216 Frink, R. L.: Arsenious oxide 105 Fry, H. C. , Jr. : Lens and prism pressing 177, 235 Fry Co., H. C. : Optical glass manufacture 13 Furnace, annealing 180 Furnace, muffle 234 Furnace operations 114-134 Furnace operations, schedule of 133 Furnace, pressing 233 Furnace schedule, 24-hour 132-134 Furnace temperatures 93-98 Furnaces , 92-98 Gauss points 264, 266 General Munitions Board : Manufacture of optical glass 288 Geological Survey: Raw materials 13, 87 Geophysical Laboratory: Optical glass manufacture, 10, 12, 13, 288, 289, 293; chemical analyses, 66, 70; bleaching of pots, 91; batch compositions, 110; glass melting schedule 118, 119, ; photometer 212, 213 Gifford, J. W.: Refractive indices : 56, 71 Gill Clay Pot Co.: Melting pots 87 Glazing of pot 116 Griffiths, C. H.: Flim on glass 223 Grinding and polishing of pressed plates 189-192 Grinding of lenses 246 Grinding of prisms , 236-241 Grinding operations ' 228. 229 Grinding processes 250-254 Guinand, P. L. : Stirring of optical glass 10, 121 Hall, R. E.: Optical glass group 10 Halle, Bernhard: Grinding and polishing 225 Halowax oil 173 Ham, W. R. : Precision milling of prisms 245 Hand stirring 121, 122 Harcourt, W. V. : New optical glass types 44, 49 Hardness 29 Hartmann, J. : Optical constants of a lens 264 Hartmann-Tillyer test 264 Hazel Atlas Glass Co. : Manufacture of optical glass 13 Homogeneity 29 Hcpkinson, F. : Thermal elastic stresses in glass 153, 182 Hostetter, J. C.: Optical glass group, 10, 13, 16; bleaching of pots, 91; rolled optical glass 169 Hovestadt, H.: Dispersion, 55; chemical analyses, 59, 66; effect of boron, 103; weather stability 220 Howe, H. E. : Manufacture of optical glass 10 Ihmori, T.: Weather stability 220 Illumination, intensity of 17, 18, 19 Image, quality of 22, 284 Immersion method for inspection 172-174, 199-202 Inclusions 29 Inspection of finished optical parts 257-280 I nspection of lenses 260-269 304 INDEX. Page. Inspection of optical glass 194-223 Inspection of optical systems 280-286 Inspection of prisms 269-280 Inspection of raw glass 172 Insulation, rate of cooling . 165 lodoeosin test 220 Jenks, G. F. : Inspection of prisms 270 Jewell, L. E.: Testing of lenses 266 Joint cracks 162 Jointing 162 Jones, H. S.: Dimming test 219 Kellner, H. : Reflection of light 77 Kerr, J. D. : Strain-birefringence 39 Keuffel & Esser Co.: Manufacture of optical glass, 9.13, 286; optical glass types 73, 74;photometer 212 Keuffel, Carl : Manufacture of optical glass 13 Key industry 296 Kiess, C. C. : Optical glass group t 13 Knife-edge test ' 265 Koenig-Martens photometer 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 285 Koenig polarization photometer .. . 213 Kollmorgen, F. : Treatment of glass surfaces . 77 Laclede Christy Co. : Melting pots 87 Laps 34, 175 Laps, inspection for 205 Lead oxide 86 Lehr, annealing in. . . 188 Lenses, defects in 267 Lens, external focal length 263-267 Lens, focal length of 263-267 Lens, mechanical defects in 262 Lens, optical qualities 262, 263 Lens, physical defects in . . 260-262 Lenses, cementing , 254-256 Lenses, flat 246 Lenses, grinding 246 Lenses, of steep curvature 248 Lenses, photographic 31 Lenses, polishing 246 Lenses, pressing '. 232-236 Light transmission 209 Light transmission of telescope 285 Linear expansion 160 Liquid inspection 174 Littleton, J. T.: Viscosity of glass 149, 150 Lombard, R. H. : Optical glass group 10, 13 Losses, percentage of glass 191 Magnetic separator Ill Magnification - . - : 19, 21 Magnifying power 282 Manufacture of lenses and prisms 224-256 Manufacture of optical glass 81-193 Manufacturing problem 8 INDEX. 305 Page. Marbles 157, 158, 162 Martin, L. C.: Film on glass - 223 Martin, Victor: Manufacture of optical glass 11 Measurement of light transmission 209-21 7 Mechanical defects in a lens 262 Melt, cooling of 137-148 Melting and fining 117 Melting pots " 87 Menvin, H. E. : Optical glass group 10 Michelson, A. A. : Striae in optical glass 31 Milky glass 145-148 Milling of prisms 245 Milling operations 228, 229 Molding process 174, 177-179 Molds, pressing 234 Molecular ratios 106 Molecular weights, table of 106 Monobromnaphthaline 173, 200 Monochlornaphthaline 173-201 Morey, G. W.: Optical glass group, 10, 12, 13: 24-hour melting schedule, 118, 132, 134; annealing of glass 187 Mount Wilson Observatory: Optical training school 295 Muffle furnace 234 Mylius, F. : Weather stability, iodoeosin test 219, 220 National Optical Co. : Chemical analysis 62 Natural alkalinity 221 Naval gun sights 293 Neumann, C. : Thermal elastic equations 153 Newton interference colors 242, 243 Nodal points of lens 23 Xutting, P. G. : Dispersion formula : 56 Objective telescope 21 Onions 157, 162 Opalescence 29, 144-148 Operations, grinding and milling 228, 229 Optical glass, annealing schedules for 188 Optical glass, characteristics of 28 Optical glass, chemical analyses 59-65 Optical glass, coefficient of linear expansion 160 Optical glass, composition of 44 Optical glass, cooling of 154-158 Optical glass, expansion coefficient of 153 Optical glass, modulus of compressibility 160 Optical glass, modulus of rigidity : 160 Optical glass, physical and chemical constants 160 Optical glass, strain-birefringence 160 Optical glass, thermal diffusivity 160 Optical glass plant, organization of 81, 82, 83 Optical glass, rate of cooling 165 Optical instrument situation during the war 287-298 Optical munitions, orders for 296 Optical parts, inspection of 257-280 Optical qualities of a lens .- 262, 263 306 INDEX. Page. Optical systems, inspection of 280-286 Ordinary crown 73, 151, 153, 165, 169 Ordinary crown, elastic constants 160 Ordinary crowns, chemical analyses 59 Ordnance Department 13, 288, 290, 294, 295, 298 Orr, H. A. : Navy representative 293 Panoramic sight 31, 244 Parra-Mantois: Optical glass types 39, 49, 51, 71, 72, 185 Partial dispersion ratio 43, 44, 49 Partial dispersions 50, 51, 52, 53 Peddle, C. J. : Optical glass compositions 110 Pentaprism 270, 271, 278-280 Personnel 292 Personnel, importance of 81-83 Peters, C. G. : Thermal dilatation of glass 152, 159 Phosphate glasses, chemical analyses 62 Phosphate optical glass 45, 50 Photographic lenses 293 Physical defects in a lens 260-262 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.: Manufacture of optical glass, 9, 12, 13, 289; pro- duction of optical glass, 15; dips of glass, 41 ; chemical analyses, 62 ; optical glass types, 73, 74; melting pots, 89; cooling of glass, 164, 165; liquid inspection 173 Photometer, bench 212,286 Photometer, polarization 212, 285 Photometer with neutral tint wedges 212 Pockels, F. : Strain-birefringence 39, 40, 182 Poisson's ratio 159 Polarization photometer 212,285 Polish, lack of 284 Polished surfaces, treatment of 76-79 Polishing of lenses 246 Polishing of prisms 241-245 Polishing process 242 Polishing processes 251-254 Polishing tool 241 Posnjak, E. : Optical glass group, 10; chemical analyses 63, 64, 66 Pot, baking of 116 Pot, cooling of 130 Pot, glazing of 116 Pot of glass, breaking up 166 Pot, preheating of 114 Pot, removal from furnace 130 Pot, setting of : 115 Pot wagon 115 Pots, bleaching of 90 Pots, chlorination of 91 Pots of optical glass, stirred and unstirred 134-137 Pots, open versus closed 89 Pots solution 137 Pot-arch cooling 163, 164 Potasium carbonate ......,.., 85 Preheating of pot 114 Preparation of glass for lenses and prisms 225 INDEX. 307 Page. Preparation of raw pot glass 170 Pressing defect 30, 34, 35, 175 Pressing defects, inspection for 205, 269 Pressing furnaces 233 Pressing of lenses and prisms 232 Pressing process 174-177 Principal points of lens 23 Prism, Dove reflecting 244 Prism, resolving power 280 Prism, roof-edge 244 Prisms, grinding of 236-241 Prisms, inspection of 269-280 Prisms, polishing of 241-245 Prisms, pressing 232-236 Prism, right angle 244, 271-275 Prisms, striae in 31, 32 Prism surfaces 270 Production of optical glass 14 Projection methods 202 Pulfrich, C. : Dispersion formula 55 Pyrometer, Fery radiation 95 Pyrometer, optical 94-98 Quality of image 284 Quartz 148 Rand, C. C. : Chemical analyses 58 Range finders 31, 293 Raw materials 12, 83-87 Raw materials, specifications for 86, 87 Rayleigh, Lord: Thermal-stress relations, 153; grinding and polishing proc- esses 225, 250, 252 Ream 29, 30, 32, 169 Reflecting power 76-79 Reflectivity 76 Refractivity 29, 41, 46, 47 Refractive index, variations in 72 Repair shops 297 Resolving power 17, 20, 21, 268, 269 Resolving power of prisms 280 Resolving power of telescope 283 Reticules 32 Ribbons 29 Rigidity, modulus of 160 Ritchey, G. W.: Grinding and polishing process, 225, 241; optical training school 295 Roberts, H. S.: Optical glass group, 10,13; bleaching of pots, 91; annealing period, 153-158; cooling of optical glass melts 164, 165, 169 Roberts, E. H. : Viscosity of glass 149, 150 Roberts, O. : Dimming test 219 Rolled optical glass '. 32, 167-170 Roof-angle prism 270, 271, 277, 278, 295 Roof-edge prism . 244 Rosenhain, W. : Grinding and polishing processes 250 Rough grinding 191 Rubens, H. : Dispersion in optical glasses 45, 46, 52 308 INDEX. Page. Ryland, H. S.: Film on optical glass 223 Sand 84 School for training operatives _ _ 295 Schott, O.: Strained glass 41; new types optical glass 44, 45, 49; strain bire- fringence. 153 Schott & Genossen: Types of optical glass 39, 51, 56, 57, 66, 67, 71, 72, 163, 185 Schulz, H. : Thermal-stress relations 153, 182 Seeds 33 Seeds, inspection for 205, 269 Sellmeier : Dispersion formula 55 Setting of pot 115 Side angle error 270 Signal Corps x 290 Silica 147 Silfcmanite 141, 148 Simon, H. T. : Dispersion in optical glasses 45, 46, 52, 54 Sine condition 24, 25 Sizes of blanks , . . 226 Skimming '. 120 Smith, T. T. : Inspection for striae, 203; resolving power 283 So, M.: Viscosity of glass.. 149 Sodium carbonate 86 Spectrum, secondary 26, 108 Spencer Lens Co.: Manufacture of optical glass, 9, 12, 289; production of opti- cal glass, 215; chemical analyses, 62; types of optical glass, 73, 74; pot arch cooling 163 Spherical zones 25 Spherulites 36 Spherulites, radial 37 Stability, chemical 29 Stability of optical glasses 218 Stability, physical 29 Stirring machine 122,123,126 Stirring process 120, 123-129 Stirring rod % 122 Stokes, G. G. : New types of optical glass 44 Stones. . 29, 34, 35, 36 Stones, inspection for 205, 269 Strain 29, 37 Strain, inspection for. . . '. 206 Strain birefringence 39 Strain birefringence 160 Striae 29, 30, 31, 38 Striae, inspection for 195-205, 269 Taylor, H. D. : Treatment of glass surfaces 76 Taylor, W. H.: Optical glass group, 13; liquid inspection 173, 199, 200 Telescope, lens system of 16, 19, 22 Telescope, light transmission 285 Test plate '. 267 Therelfall, R. : Grinding and polishing operations 225 Thermal diffusivity r . - 160 Thermo-element 94, 186 Threads.. 29,31 INDEX. 309 Tillyer, E. I>. : Optical constants of a lens 264 Toepler method 197 Tolerances 257-259, 290 Tolerances, prism angle 270 Tool, A. Q.: Viscosity 'of glass, 149, 150; heat effects 151,152 Toughness 29 Training school. 295 Transmission of optical instruments 218 Transparency 29 Transparency of glass 209 Tridymite 148 Trimming raw optical glass 171 Turner, W. E. S. : Opalescent glass, 1Q4; optical glass compositions 110 Twyman, F. : Viscosity of glass, 149-151; annealing of glass 184, 185 Types of optical glass 73, 74 Vacuum bubbles 33, 139 Valasek, J. : Viscosity of glass, 149, 150; heat effects 151, 152 Van Auken, W. R. : Navy representative 293 Veins 29 Viscosity 180-182 Volumes of lenses 226-228 War Industries Board: Production of optical glass and of optical instruments.. 13, 288, 293, 294, 295, 296 Warburg, P. : Weather stability 220 Washington, H. S. : Optical glass group 10 Weather alkalinity 221 Weather stability .* 29, 79, 80 Weather stability of optical glasses 218 Weights of lenses 226-228 White, W. P. : Optical glass group 10 Williams, W. S. : Chemical analyses , 58 Williamson, E. W.: Optical glass group, 10, 13; strain birefringence, 39, 40; viscosity, 149-151; thermal stress relations, 153; elastic constants, 159; cool- ing of glass, 182, 184, 18P; a mealing schedules 187 Willetts Clay Pott Co.: Melting pots 87 Winkelmann, A. : Chemical analyses, 59, 66; thermal-stress relations 153 Wollaston prism 214 Wollastonite '. 148 Wright, F. E.: Optical glass group, 10, 13; strain birefringence, 39, 208; partial dispersion relations, 51, 52; dispersion formulae, 56,' chemical compositions, 67-71; treatment of glass surfaces, 77-79; portable thermoelement, 94; statistical study of analyses, 99; batch compositions, 101; differential melting and settling of batch, 135; identification of crystallites, 147; im- mersion method, 172; annealing of plates, 180; inspection for striae, 188; photometer, 213, 214, 285; inspection of prisms, 270-280; inspection of optical glass, 290; Army representative on War Industries Board 293 Young's modulus 159 Zies, E. G.: Optical group, 10, 12; chemical analyses, 63, 64, 66; oxidation of arsenic, 105; time-temperature-gas evolution relations 119 Zinc silicate crown, chemical analysis 59 Zschimmer, E.: Chemical analyses, 59, 66; formation of borates, 103; thermal- stress relations, 182; dimming test, 219., 220; acetic acid test. 222 3922921 21 Q UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JAN 3 1 1948 AQE SEP 2 l952 LU 14Apr54Vl| KC. C1R. JAN 15 LD 21-100m.9,'47(A5702sl6)476 61 REC'D LD MAR 91961 REC'D JAN . 1976 2 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY