urmit at ali SHEEP HUSBANDRY; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE DIFFERENT BEEEDS, AND GENERAL DIRECTIONS IN REGARD TO SUMMER AND WINTER MANAGEMENT, BREED- ING, AND THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. BY HENRY S. RANDALL, LL IATB SBCRETAKT OF STATE OF THE STATS OF MEW TORS. WITH HIS LETTER TO THE TEXAS ALMANAC OX SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS, GEO. W. KENDALL'S ON SHEEP RAISING- IN TEXAS. Neiv-York: JUDD & COMPANY, 245 BROADWAY. \ ' I Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by C. K SAXTOtf, BARKER & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of Ne^ "York. PREFACE. So full and complete is the exposition of tlie subject as discussed in the following pages, and so clearly are the scope of the work and the circumstances which prevailed with its accomplished author, to pass it through our hands to the public, explained in his own " INTRO- DUCTION," that only in compliance with a common custom in book- making, might any thing have been deemed necessary in the way of preface ; were it not to acquit ourselves of the obligation to tender thus publicly to Col. RANDALL, not our own thanks merely, but those of' the agricultural community, for the great benefit which must ensue to it, in the proportion that this instructive contribution to the stock of our agricultural knowledge and literature may command the atten- tion to which it is, on every account, so well entitled. An agricultural correspondence, reaching far back, and spreading widely over the Southern States, to which has been more recently added considerable extent of personal observation, had with us^ already established the conviction, that in no other part of our coun- try, perhaps, does there exist a resource at once so fruitful, and so little availed of, as that which is possessed in that region, for the pro- secution of this one of the most interesting and important branches of Husbandry that any country can enjoy. But while it has been easy to perceive this defect so apparent in their agricultural economy, amounting in the aggregate to a national loss of no inconsiderable magnitude ; it was not so easy to expose, as Col. Randall has done, the fallacy of the difficulties that were sup- posed to stand in the way, or to indicate how the real impedimenta which do exist may be overcome, or materially mitigated. Something of these imaginary difficulties, for successful Sheep Husbandry, may, as we believe, be assumed to have their origin in the prejudices engendered in the minds of Southern agriculturists, by the sweeping condemnation of it to be found in the celebrated and deserv- edly popular essays of ARATOR, by Col. John Taylor clarum vane- rabile nomen ! and it may be that these prejudices are referable in a degree, also, to the concurrent opinions of the no less celebrated John Randolph, " of Roanoke," who, even on the floor of Congress, gave them utterance in vehement and bitter denunciation against the harm- PREFACE. less animal itself going so far in his animosity to it, and to all en- couragement of the great industry which it was formed to subserve, as to declare, that he would at any time go out of his way " to kick a theep !" Nor would it be unreasonable to apprehend that these im- pressions against the policy and profit of sheep-breeding, as an import- ant object of attention for the Southern land-holder, have taken root the more kindly in the minds of a people unaccustomed, if not na- turally averse to that careful and minute attention which the successful prosecution of this business demands a people whose sons, it may be feared, still find it easier, if not more commendable, to follow in the venerated footsteps of their sires, than to encounter for themselves the labor of investigation, and the trouble (together with some expense) of new arrangements incident to every new employment of labor and capital. The general impression, in fact, is, (the reader will judge how far it is just,) that cultivators- of the soil everywhere are, of all classes, the least apt to embark in any new enterprise, however pro- mising. They talk and talk about it, but rarely go about ; and per- haps it may be better that it should be so ; yet it is well to remember that precipitancy is one thing, and torpor quite another ! We once knew a farmer (so called)* in Calvert county, who, being told, as he sat toasting himself in the chimney corner on a cold winter's night, that fhe house was on fire ! without moving, from his seat, answered, call the people!" In opposition to all that has been urged or imagined against Sheep Husbandry in the South, on the score either of ill-adapted climate, deficiency of suitable forage, want of adequate demand for wool, or other obstacles, the whole subject has been so admirably and thoroughly canvassed in the work here offered, that further argument would be superfluous ; otherwise we might oppose to the hitherto prevailing be- lief, if not prejudice, the experience of some, on a limited scale, and the well-settled opinion of yet many more among the most enlightened of our acquaintances in that region gentlemen uniting ample oppor- unities with close habits of observation on all questions of rural economy, and who have not hesitated to express the confident belief, that profitable and interesting as has been the growing of cattle in western Virginia, an equal amount of capital and attention, devoted to sheep and wool growing in the same section of country, would bo yet more remunerating. Looking for reliable information yet further eouth, and back to a period more remote, even anterior to our decla- ration of independence, it may not be out of place to quote an evi- dently careful and intelligent author of a work on the climate and products of each of the then English colonies. Speaking of Georgia, and her well-ascertained adaptation to the growth of silk, the vine, the olive, mr.dder and wool, he remarks : " Wool, we [England] take PREFACE. in large quantities from abroad, because it is of a kind we cannot pro- duce in England : our colonies on the continent of North America, South of New York, produce a wool entirely similar to the Spanish. No staple they could produce would, therefore, be more advantageous to Great Britain. It is well known that a piece of fine broadcloth cannot be made without Spanish wool ; it is also known that the Spaniards have of late years made great efforts to work up their own wool ; if they should succeed, or if they should by any other means prevent the export of it, our woollen fabrics, though they might not be stopped, would at least be burdened with a fresh expense and a new trouble ; all which would be prevented by encouraging the import of wool from America : and at the same time that this good effect was wrought, another would be brought about, in cramping the manufac- tures of the colonies" Unfortunately for the agricultural interest of our country particu- larly, the desire to " cramp the manufactures of the colonies," here so candidly avowed as the settled policy of England, not only survived the Revolution, but has been so well fostered by our own subserviency to it, as to render our independence, in resnect of this and other no less important industrial pursuits, rather nominal and fictitious than substantial and true ; nevertheless, with the odds of pauper labor and immense capital against us, thanks to the ingenuity and enterprise of our people, we need not despair of final success with any thing like fair consideration on the part of our own government. For this opinion we need have no better authority than that of SAMUEL LAWRENCE, the enlightened and liberal proprietor of the Middlesex Mills, at Lowell, who says, the business of manufacturing wool in this coun- try is on a better basis than ever before, inasmuch as the character, skill, and capital engaged in it are such as to defy foreign competi- tion." Occasional revulsions, such as the present, will occur from causes abroad over which we have no control, but let not the wool grower relax in the care of his flock, for the same far-seeing manu- facturer has declared that he could point to articles of wool now im- ported, that will require thirty millions of pounds of medium and fine quality to supply the demand. After all, then, on viewing the importance of the inquiry to nume- rous friends for whose welfare we profess to entertain unaffected con- cern, and the great extent of the district which seemed to us to be so well adapted to the growth of sheep and wool the magnitude of the interest* involved swelled upon the contemplation, begetting a conviction that as a question of practical agriculture, it was not to be worthily and well treated by a few hasty and superficial essays, or by more elaborate compilations in relation to the oft-repeated natural history of the ani- mal, its prominence in scriptural annals, &c., unsustained by that 6 PREFACE. laborious and discriminating comparison of facts and authorities to illustrate its uses and its value, and by that fulness of personal ex- perience in the breeding and management of the various raccs^ " in sickness and in health," which constitute the excellence of these lei ters to Col. Allston. Under all these circumstances, the- reader of the work here pre- sented may well judge how fortunate that it should have been under- taken, con amore, by a gentleman so well prepared by general scholar- ship, by exact practical knowledge, and by extensive inquiry into the .mercantile and manufacturing, as well as the agricultural bearings of the question. It is due, however, no less in justice to ourselves than to truth, to add, that in urging him to undertake it, we had no idea of committing the author to such an amount of labor, even had we foreseen that being, as he says, a " labor of love," it would have thus ended in pro- ducing, as in our judgment it has, decidedly, the best work on the sub- ject of Sheep, that has at any time appeared in our country. . May we not refer, for the soundness of this opinion, as well to its originality and strictly American character, as to the comprehen- siveness with which it presents the subject in its various relations, in- structive alike to the merchant, the manufacturer, the political inquirer, and the legislator ; as to the practical farmer ? Nor is it to be characterized alone by its utility in these respects ; for the reader will agree with us that its entire fairness and freedom from narrow views and local prejudices, much enlarge, in a moral and instructive view, its title to general confidence and favor. Finally, as far as the public judgment may be anticipated in refer- ence to a production originally appearing disadvantageously, in de- tached parts, and not until now finished and embodied ; if we may , conclude from the favorable manner in which such portions have been reviewed and recommended, by some of the leading journals of the country, the writer may well felicitate himself on having rendered a most acceptable service not only to his brother farmers, but to his countrymen generally ; while we may unaffectedly, and, as we think, confidently add, it establishes for Col. Randall himself a claim to stand jn front of those whose pens, some of them under high motives of patriotism, have been engaged in illustrating one of the most irnpor- slant of all our industrial pursuits; nay, one which may be considered essential, in an eminent degree, to our national independence. J. S, SKINNER. INTRODUCTION. TBK subject ol Sheep Husbandry has recently attracted moit attention m oia Southern and South-western States, than at any previous period. The want of a staple or product, the cultivation of which should render productive the capital in* vested in millions of acres of mountain and other lands, which do not now yield ai farthing of income, and which, from their soils, situation, or other circumstances,, are unadapted to the growth of any of the present Southern staples, has struck every Southern man, as well as every traveller of ordinary intelligence, who has passed through the regions indicated. The want, too, of some class of domestic animals to constitute the basis, or pivot as it were, of a system of convertible husbandry on the tillage lands of the South, to take the place of the present imperfect rotations* of crops, and new and old field-system, has become apparent to many of her mor& investigating agriculturists. The fact that the mountain and other unproductive lands alluded to cannot be made to profitably yield any vegetable products but pasturage ; that for the present,, and for a long time to come, at least, the bulk of them will not afford a pasturage adapted to the support of large animals ; could not but suggest the growing of wool,, as their best, if not their only available staple. The similarity of their general clU- mate, too, with that where wool is most cheaply grown on the Eastern Continent, was a consideration promising favorably to this husbandry. And, finally, it had? not failed to strike men of ordinary commercial intelligence, that of those animal' staples, to the production of which a Southern climate is adapted, the Sheep fur- nishes a vastly more marketable one than any of the larger grazing animals. The superiority of the Sheep over other animals for supporting the fertility of tillage lands, by converting a portion of their products into manure, was not s<* apparent. But the well-known fact that they receive the preference for this pur- pose, in some of the best agricultural countries of the world, made it sufficiently- probable to demand a full investigation, before adopting an adverse conclusion, espe- cially as what has been said in relation to climate and the marketableness of animal staples, was as applicable to these lands, in the South, as to those adapted only to grass. But Sheep Husbandry as a system, and especially a system tested by experience* was scarcely known in any of the Southern States excepting in western Virginia. Whether the theoretical considerations and natural circumstances which apparently- farored its introduction would be met, in practice, with unforeseen obstacles, was a matter calling for grave circumspection. The Southern agriculturist is ever wary of innovation, and very properly averse to rash experiment. He knew, it is true y that his roving and untended " native" sheep obtained subsistence, and found n f? INTRODUCTION. enemies to their health but the wolf and cur, on all the Southern zones. Uul whether the local climate and herbage of those different zones the low, level. Tertiary sands of the Atlantic plain the granite hills of the middle, and the ele- vated Paleozoic or Transition regions of the mountain zone would be found to agree with the more valuable breeds of sheep ; whether their wool would retain its qualities or degenerate in these several localities ; whether a greatly increased sup- ply of wool would find a remunerating price in market; whether the mountains could be converted into sheep-pastures, and wool produced on them without an expense which would absorb all the profits ; whether Sheep Husbandry could be made a substitute for " resting," or expensive artificial manures, in restoring to the cotton, tobacco, and grain lands of the middle and tide-water zones the fertility withdrawn by tillage ; and various other important correlative questions were all problems to him. And to add to the difficulties of forming a correct opinion, and especially of instituting safe and satisfactory experiments, he was ignorant of all Ihe practical details and manipulations of Sheep Husbandry : he knew little of the various breeds, and their respective adaptation to his wants. For information on the subject of practical Sheep Husbandry and breeds of sheep, there are a multitude of European, and several American works, of great value. But for the answers to the questions in the preceding paragraph, which involve the particular bearings and adaptation of this husbandry, of the different breeds, etc., to the agricultural circumstances and wants of the various regions of the South- where was the inquirer to find the desired information? Some well-written letters, embracing portions of these topics, have appeared from time to time in our agricul- tural journals. They have been of great value in drawing attention to the subject. But they have not usually occupied limits sufficient for the examination of more than a single phase of the general subject, or they have been mere coup cTceils cf that subject, omitting all but a few important facts and considerations of a general character. They have, too, usually been replied to, or published contemporaneously in the same or other agricultural journals, with contradictory statements some- times with crude and erroneous speculations calculated to confuse or mislead the inexperienced inquirer. Beyond these occasional Letters in the agricultural jour- nals, nothing, so far as I am aware, has appeared on this subject. A practical farmer, I have bred nearly all the approved varieties of almost every iind of domestic stock of every kind commonly kept on Northern farms and ;have been familiar with the details of their management and husbandry. I have owned flocks of sheep, and been more or less familiar with them, from my child- hood ; and for the last fifteen years have made their economy, their habits, their 'comparative profitableness with other kinds of stock, and the comparative value of ilheir breeds, matters of careful and constant observation and experiment. When Corresponding Secretary of the New York State Agricultural Society, a few years since, the facts drawn out by me in an extensive correspondence with eminent Southern agriculturists, united to what knowledge I had previously ob- tained by reading and personal observation of the Southern States, led me to th impression that there were numerous considerations and natural circumstances strongly indicating the expediency of introducing wool-growing extensively into those States. But at that time, my attention, in common with that of many if not tmost, of the Northern flock-masters, was turned towards the prairies of the North- vest, as a region capable of sweeping away all American competition in this branch of husbandry. Glowing estimates and calculations had been predicated on very ipartial experiments. The value of the natural grasses, the character of the winters and general climate, and the general facilities of the prairies for wool-growing, were then little understood here, and had been made the subjects of much favorable exag- INTRODUCTION. 9 geration. Facts subsequently ascertained, have, it cannot be denied, materially changed the impressions of our flock-masters on this subject. Whether correctly or incorrectly, they no longer fear Western competition in growing fine wool. My own coincides with the popular impression on this topic, if we consider that com- petition in its relations to a period, not far distant in the future. The adoption of these views led me to again turn my attention, never entirely withdrawn, more particularly to the capabilities of the South for this branch of hus- bandry. ' My conclusions and the reasons for them will be found in the following Letters. In a letter to Hon. Robfert J. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury, pub- lished in his Treasury Report of 1845, and in a series of letters published in tho Virginia " Valley Farmer," the same year, I stated some of the general conclu- sions I had then arrived at on this topic. These publications were followed by letters from gentlemen residing in Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, making farther inquiries, and usually impart- ing more or less local information on the subject. Some of these were practical men, only seeking information on practical points ; others, eminent for intelligence and legislative experience, embraced a more comprehensive field of investigation, and sought from me, as probably from other, sources, to ascertain by a wide range of general facts and statistics, the probable bearing, now and in future, of an exten- sive system of wool-growing on the Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, domes- tic consumption in short, the whole domestic economy of our Southern States. Answers to these questions demanded careful investigation, and involved a greai variety and complexity of details in the practical department of the subject, ren- dered -far more numerous by the wide differences existing between the soils, esta- blished husbandry, and even the climates, of the three distinct and well-defined zones already alluded to. The location of some of my correspondents was on the mountains of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee others on the hilly zone of the same States others on the Tertiary sands of the tide-water zone, and the Cre- taceous plains of the Mississippi and Arkansas. To give opinions on all the topics referred to, and in reference to natural circumstances so various, supported by even a respectable show of corroborating facts, was an undertaking requiring considera- ble time and labor : to repeat them separately to each correspondent, was wholly out of the question. Requested by Mr. Skinner, a little more than a year since, to prepare a series of Letters on Sheep Husbandry, and especially on Sheep Husbandry in the South, for The Farmers' Library, it occurred to me that a compliance with his request would snable me to answer each of my correspondents by once writing; and moreover, I could feel, under such circumstances, that I could properly afford to bestow an amount of time and elaboration on my communications which I should otherwise find impracticable. And I confess, I also thought if the information I could impart would prove of value to my personal correspondents, it might also prove so to many others among the numerous readers of a popular agricultural magazine. The liberal offer of the Publishers to provide all such cuts as I should choose to direct, was an additional inducement to adopt this medium of communication. I have often felt the want of these in agricultural letters of my own, and in reading the works of others. In describing a breed of sheep, for example, to a person who has never seen them, the best chosen words convey but a vague impression. In many other cases also, cuts exhibit at a glance what it would require much circumlocution to describe ; and they in many instances convey ideas to the mind with a definiteness,, correctness, and exemption from possibility of misunderstanding, which worda alone never could. The cuts include portraits of all the breeds which I supposed could of possibility possess, or claim to possess, superior value, for any region 01 B 10 INTRODUCTION. locality within the United States; all the necessary anatomical figured, with those of the less known insect and parasitic enemies of the sheep ; and finally, represen- tations of every implement, fixture, or process employed in Sheep Husbandry, where I thought they would convey important information and particularly new information more clearly than it could be done by words. Many of the latter class of illustrations have never before been, so far as I am aware, attempted; and, representing as they do the results of years of inquiry and experiment, I trust they may prove of service to beginners particularly in regions where Sheep Husbandry has been hitherto little known. t The Letters were begun and concluded exclusively as a " labor of love." To possess the consciousness that even a limited portion of my fellow-men have been benefited by my labors, would be all, and the noblest recompense to which I could aspire. Nor do I feel, that in attempting to benefit the agriculturists of one section of our country, by urging them to appropriate a branch of industry now giving sub- sistence to those of another section, I am seeking the good of the former at the expense of the latter. Every region has natural advantages, or those resulting from the natural course of events, for different branches of industry. A right to these odvantages enures from a right to the soil ; and the former is just as natural and sacred a right as the latter. To attempt to wrest them from the holder by legisla- tion, is oppressive ; to withhold from him any knowledge necessary to the enjoy- ment of them, is unfraternal and unmanly. If Virginia can grow wool, or any other staple, more cheaply than New York, let her do it. She will only force New York to fall back on the production of some other staple, or to adopt some other branch of industry. And why not ? Why should there not be a division of production, where it is called for by natural circumstances, at least within the limits of a com- mon nation ? It is doubtless well for every region, whether extensive or limited, to produce its own necessaries of life to the greatest economical extent. But an attempt to force Nature against her manifest capabilities, for the sake of attaining a fancied local independence, is to inflict a real evil, in the hope of attaining an ima- ginary good. History is full of instances where the prosperity of large masses of individuals, and even whole nations, has been crippled, in futile efforts to upbuild this or that branch of industry, in spite of natural obstacles, or against the compe- tition of regions possessing greater natural advantages. Among the foolish, selfish, and even iniquitous legislation of past ages, there has been none perhaps productive of more real mischief to human industry than the intermeddling enactments of go- vernments, ostensibly designed for its benefit. Masses of men, because divided by a rivulet, speaking a different language, or owning the sway of different potentates, have aspired to that physical independence of each other, and of the whole world, which the God of nature rendered economically, if not absolutely impossible. The Vexatious restrictions on trade and commerce imposed in pursuit of this object by one government, were met by retaliatory ones by others, until international com- mercial legislation became a confused labyrinth of enactments their absurdity only equaled by their mischievousness. And like the elephants formerly used by bar- oarian nations in battle, they nearly as often trampled down their friends as their enemies. The era of these things is rapidly passing away. That patriotism which includes only a province or State, among one common people, is beginning to be recognised as narrow and sordid : nay, among intelligent men, that philanthropy is beginning to be thought meagre and unexpansive which stops even at the boundaries of Nations. In preparing the following Letters, I have labored under disadvantages insepara- ble from the circumstances under which they have been prepared. I have written them from month to month, amid the hurry of other pursuits, with little idea of what INTRODUCTION. 11 would be their ultimate limits usually with one or more of the immediately pre- ceding numbers in the hands of the printer, and consequently not under my inspec- tion. I have not therefore had that opportunity to proportion the space devoted to the several topics, avoid repetition, and correct errors, possessed by him who com- pletes and revises, before any portion of his manuscript is rendered unalterable by tereotyping. Reliance on insufficient authority has in a very few instances led me into errors, but fortunately, so far as discovered, they have been of trifling importance, and in relation to matters of no especial moment. Those thought worthy of notice have been corrected in subsequent parts of the body of the work. The causes I have named, therefore, affect rather the literary character of the Letters, than their general accuracy. In stating important facts and conclusions, I have consulted such writers of repu- tation as were within my reach. Among the foreign ones who have prepared works on Sheep Husbandry, or expressed important opinions on some of its separate topics or facts, or who have alluded to the Sheep Husbandry of particular countries or nations, reference has been had to the following, either by consulting their works, as I have in most instances been able to do or by quotations from them found in the works of other writers of reputation; Anderson, Bakewell, Barnes, Barrow, Bischoff, Blacklock, Kourgoing, Bright, Carr, Coventry, Culley, Cunningham, D'Arboval, Darwin, Daubenton, Dick, Ellman, Gasparin, Gilbert, Goese, Harrison, Hogg, Hood, Howitt, Hubbard, Jacob, Lang, Lasteyrie, Leeuwenboek, Lichsten- stein, Linnaeus, Low, Luccock, Maitland, Malte-Brun, McCulloch, Moffat, McKenzie, Paget, Parkinson, Parry, Petri, Pictet, Powell, Reaumur, Rodolphi, Sinclair, Slade, Southey, Spallanzani, Spooner, Stephens, Swaine, Trail, Trimmer, Valasnieri, Vanderdonk, Von Thaer, Walz, Western, Willmer & Smith, Youatt, Young, and some others. Of our domestic writers, I have aimed to consult all of the most prominent ones. It is not necessary to enumerate them, extending, as the list would, to hundreds. The examination of these writers, foreign and domestic, has been no recent under- taking with me. For years, I have found It a source both of instruction and plea- sure, to peruse their works. Where they have proposed any thing new to me, which I thought promised favorable results, I have usually sought the first opportunity to put their propositions to the experimentum crucis of actual trial. I haye often thus learned valuable facts. But I have nearly or quite as often ascertained* that what may be true of one breed, in one climate, or under one set of circumstances, is not true when all or a part of these conditions are changed. The English and German systems of management, for example, I regard as almost wholly inapplicable here, on account of the entire different relation which the prices of land and labor beai toward each other in those countries and our own. And I sometimes have had the conviction forced upon me, that writers even of reputation have assumed positions in relation to practical matters, which they must have derived from other sources than direct personal experience. While I have carefully reviewed and collated the opinions of other writers on doubtful practical points, I have in all instances, as will be seen in the following pages, preferred the results of personal experience and observation, to adverse authority, however eminent. Compilations, it seems to me, are sufficiently abun- dant, and I have thought it better to give my own opinions, leaving them to stand or fall, as they shall be found accurate or inaccurate. Where I have found it necessary to rely on others for any fact, or have quoted their opinions, I have uniformly given them credit. To my kind correspondents, particularly my Southern correspondents many of whose communications are not published en account of their reluctance 12 INTRODUCTION. to be cited as authority for facts, where their modesty leads them to underrate theif own comparative knowledg-e and experience I tender my thanks for theif assistance. I have addressed the Letters to Col. R. F. W. ALLSTON, of Waccamaco Beach, near Georgetown, South Carolina a gentleman to wliom I am indebted for much valuable information on the subject of Southern Agriculture, and who has evei evinced a most earnest desire to contribute to the improvement of that Agriculture. HENRY S. RANDALL. COSTTEISTS. LETTER I. EFFECT OF CLIMATE ON THE HEALTH AND WOOL-PRODUCING QUALITIES OF SHEEP, 15 LETTER II. EFFECT OF CLIMATE, (continued,) 23 LETTER IIL ADAPTATION OF THE SOILS, HERBAGE, ETC., OF THE SOUTHERN STATES TO SHEEP HUSBANDRY. 1. OF THE Low OR TIDE-WATER REGION, CO LETTER IV. THE ADAPTATION OF THE SOILS, HERBAGE, ETC., OF THE SOUTHERN STATES TO SHEEP HUSBANDRY, (continued.) 2. OF THE MIDDLE OR HILLY ZONE. 3. Off THE MOUNTAIN REGION, 42 LETTER V. PROFITS OF SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES.!. DIRECT PROFIT ON CAPITAL INVESTED, '. 52 LETTER VI. PROFITS OF SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 2. As THS BASIS OF AMELIORATION IN NATURALLY STERILE AND WORN-OUT SOILS, 6S LETTER VII. PROFITS OF SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 3. BY GIV- ING TO SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE A MIXED AND CONVERTIBLE CHARACTER. 4. BY FURNISHING THE RAW MATERIAL FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF DOMESTIC WOOLLENS,.. 78 LETTER VIII. PROSPECTS OF THS WOOL MARKET FUTURE DEMAND AND SUPPLY, 9-4 LETTER IX. PROSPECTS OF THE WOOL MABKET FUTURE DEMAND AND SUPPLY, 108 LETTER X. BREEDS OF SHEEP IN THE UNITED STATES, 129 LETTER XL THE MOST PROFITABLE BREED OF SHEEP FOR THE SOUTH PRINCIPLES OF BREEDING, 153 LETTER XII. SUMMER MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP, 173 LETTER XIIL WINTER MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP 197 LETTER XIV. ANATOMY AND DISEASE OF SHEEP, 219 LETTER XV. ANATOMY OF THE SHEEP, (continued.) DISEASES AND THEIR TREAT- MENT, 234 LETTER XVI. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT, (continued,) 254 LETTER XVIL SHEEP Does, WOOL DEPOTS, ETC., 278 APPENDIX. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA , 297 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS, 805 SIIEEP RAISING IN TEXAS, 320 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TUB UNITED STATES, A SEKIES OF LETTERS TO E. F. ALLSTOtf, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. LETTER I. EFFECT OF CLIMATE ON THE HEALTH AND WOOL-PRODUCING QUALITIES OF SHEEP. Introductory Remarks. ..Wool-Growing and Manufacturing Statistics of the Southern States compared trith those of New-York... Effect of Warm Climates on the Health of Sheep. ..Sheep in the Southern States below latitude 32. ..Effect of Climate on Wool-Producine Qualities of Sheep on the Quantity ol the Wool... Weight of Fleeces in the Southern States indicated by U. S. Census of 1840 Important Oinig- gions in that Census Other important Errors in it. ..Table of Weights of Fleeces in Four Counties where they average highest in each of the Southern States and in New-York Latitude, Topography and Climate yf those Counties... Warmth of Climate conducive to the Production of Wool Reasons. R. F. W. ALLSTON f .Eaq Dear Sir : That spirit which prompts communities and States to at- tempt to render themselves independent, so far as the supply of physical wants is concerned, of other communities and States, is an eminently proper one, up to certain limits. Beyond these, it degenerates into mere sectional selfishness, as deserving of reprobation in the community as in the individual nay, more so, for it militates more widely against the in- terests and happiness of mankind. Agriculture supplies the most of our physical wants which are not administered to spontaneously by Nature. In this great department of human labor,it is not difficult to decide how far the inhabitants of each particular region are called upon to rear from the earth what their wants require. Nature herself has, in the distribution of soils and climates, both indicated and limited the production of many of the agricultural staples, by geographical boundaries, sometimes topically 15 16 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. and sometimes by whole regions. This compels those practicing Agricul- ture, both as individuals and masses, to make that " division of labor" which, as in the mechanic arts, gives a better knowledge of its principles and a greater expertness in its practical manipulations. It also creates the necessity of exchange. Exchange is commerce, and commerce begets and diffuses civilization. Agricultural production, then, should be controlled by the demand or want, and by the adaptation of the country to such production. It would "he absurd, for example, for New-York to attempt to raise its own rice and cotton, instead of exchanging the surplus of what it can most readily produce for that rice and cotton, or selling its surplus where it is wanted, and buying the rice and cotton with the proceeds. But, on the other hand, it would be equally absurd for New- York to be dependent on South America or Australia for her wools, when she can raise that staple just as well as those countries, and thus save paying for transportation and the hire or commission of the agents of exchange. Though Nature both indicates and limits the production of staples by soils and climates, she too rigidly enforces the primal curse, or perhaps we should say blessing, of labor, to bring forth each, indigenously, in the regions adapted to it, or ever to place them there, unless transported by the enterprise and industry of man. The potato and maize were a recent gift from this continent to the eastern. The debt has been repaid by rice, the sugar cane, the horse, the cow, the sheep, and a multitude of other plants and animals. How singular is the history of some of their deporta- tions ! The sugar cane, now furnishing an important staple in some of our own Southern States, originated in the eastern confines of Asia ; was noF vouchsafed to the Greek and Roman ; traveled into Arabia about the last of the thirteenth century ; passed thence into Africa ; was carried by the Moors into Spain ; by the Spaniards and Portuguese into the West India Islands ; and thence we received it. Rice, the great staple of your own State, sir, a plant of which it has been said that it " has altered the face of the globe and the destiny of nations," originated also in Asia, and has traveled by the same slow stages, until it has reached that low zone which skirts our south-eastern shores, to render its vast marshes, oth- erwise useless, as profitably productive as the best grain or cotton lands of the Southern States. Hero, sir, we find an instructive lesson. Other regions there are in our Southern States, now, nearly as useless as would be her " hammocks " without rice, inviting the introduction of some other great staple to sup- ply, if feasible, a home demand, and a surplus for profitable exportation. If this great object can be achieved, and by the same means, the husbandry of the regions now under cultivation be made to assume that mixed and convertible character which will both add to their present proceeds, and better sustain their fertility, for future demands on them, a benefit will be conferred on the South the present and final results of which it would be difficult to overestimate. Repudiating theoretic speculation and vague conjecture advancing just so far and no farther than we find our way illumined by the broad and certain light of facts, let us inquire what im portant staple there is, not now extensively produced at the South, which would come within and at the same time fill the requirements I have men- tioned. Woolen fabrics constitute an important item in the imports of the South- ern States, and for these they exchange the proceeds of no inconsiderable proportion of their industry with the Northern States and with Europe. The following table will exhibit the population, and the amount of home SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 17 production in these staples, according to the U. S. census of 1840, in the States south of the Ohio and Potomac, and west of the Mississippi, (in- cluding Louisiana,) in 1839. To these are added, by way of comparison, the statistics of the State of New-York, under the same heads, for the same year : TABLE No. 1. STATES. Population. No. of Sheep. Lbs. of Wool. No. of Woolen Factories. Value of Woolen Man ufactured Goods. Virginia . -- 1,239,797 1,293,772 2,538,374 41 147,792 North Carolina . . . South Carolina . . . 753,419 594.398 691 392 538,279 232,981 267 107 625,044 299,170 371,303 3 1 3,900 1,000 3,000 Florida 54 477 7 198 7,285 590 756 163,243 220,353 375651 128,367 175,196 3;"2,411 98,072 49.283 Tennessee . ..... 829,210 741,593 1,060.332 26 14,000 Kentucky 779,825 1,008,240 1,786,847 40 151,246 Total 6.261,336 4,478,852 7,133,187 / 114 320,938 2,428,921 5,118.777 9.845,295 323 3,537,337 The above is only given to indicate approximate general results ; for, as I shall subsequently show, the returns of the product of wool are inac- curate to the last degree. The question now arises, whence the immense disparity in the growth and manufacturing of wool in the State of New-York, comprising 46,000 square miles of territory, and less than two and a half millions of popula- lation, and the ten States above enumerated, covering an area of 495,000 square miles, and exceeding six millions of population ] Is the growing of wool, (for we will first consider this, as the main question, leaving the sub- ject of manufacturing for subsequent examination,) to its present extent, profitable or unprofitable in the State of New- York ] I contend, and shall attempt to prove, that taking a term of say ten or fifteen years, it has been the most profitable branch of industry earned on in the State. If this is true, why is it not equally profitable in the Southern States ]* Is there anything in their climate which renders them less favorable to the health or wool-producing qualities of the sheep or is there anything in their topographical features, soils, herbage, or other circumstances, which unfits them for a natural and easy adaptation to sheep husbandry ] Or have they other staples so much more profitable that it is not an object to grow wool? Having bestowed some attention on these points, and having been prac- tically familiar with the most minute details of sheep husbandry from my childhood, I have thought that the conclusions I have arrived at, and the facts on which I have based them, might not be uninteresting to you. To bring these facts connectedly before you, I shall necessarily be driven to repeat some matter from my own and the writings of others, which you have doubtless before seen in the publications of the day. Let us now take up the first of the two preceding questions ; and first 1 will call your attention to the effect of Climate. Sheep have been bred, time out of mind, on the Eastern Continent, from the Equator to the 65th degree of north latitude, from the burning plains of Africa and Asia, to the almost perpetual frosts cf Iceland. The Merino, (the different families of which, as will be shown, constitute the only varieties suitable for wool growing on a scale of any considerable extent,) has been ired in Europe, for ages, as far south as between the * When I use the words " Southern States," without farther specification, you will understand me to mean the ten enumerated in Table let. (651) C 18 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 36th and 37th parallels of latitude, and has, within the last few years, been acclimated with perfect success as far north as various points in Sweden. If any difficulty exists in the climate of the United States, rendering it unsuitable for the rearing of sheep and wool, it must be its heat ; and this must affect the wool-producing qualities of the animal alone, and not its health, as the following facts will show. There were upward of 660,000 sheep in the five most southern States, in 1839. In Florida, they have been acclimated as far south as the 29th degree. In Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, they not only flourish in the northern and more elevated sections, but on the low, fenny, tide-water region which skirts the Gulf of Mexico. In the above five States there were, in 1839, upward of 190,000 sheep below the 32d degree of latitude, viz. : in Georgia 32,986, Florida 7,198, Alabama 22,053, Mississippi 56,780, Louisiana 81,627-.* They graze with equal impunity the vegetation on the margin of the Great Okefinokee Swamp (in Georgia and Florida) and on that which rankly flourishes among the ooze at the mouths of the Mississippi. It may interest some less acquainted than you are, sir, with this subject, to know that in 1839 the county in which New-Orleans stands (Orleans) contained 1,807 sheep; Jefferson, on the opposite side of the river, 6,871 ; St. Ber- nard, extending from Orleans to the Gulf, 1,154 ; Plaquemine, almost sur- rounded by the waters of the Gulf, and comprising the delta of the Missis- sippi, 1,832 ; Lafourche Interior, on the Gulf, 1,253 ; Terrebonne, another Gulf county, 1,013; St. Mary's, another, 8,211; and La Fayette, another, 2,622.t No portion of the United States is lower, hotter, or more unhealthy than much of the preceding, and none, according to commonly received notions, would be more unsuited to the healthy production of sheep. Yet, that they are healthy in these situations is a matter of perfect notoriety to all conversant with the facts. So far as health is concerned, then, we arc assuredly authorized to assume the position that no portion of the United States is too warm for sheep. We come now to the effect of climate on the wool -producing qualities of the animal. Assuming the census returns of the United States in 1840 as reliable data, they would furnish strong proof that *he warmth of the climate has a marked effect in diminishing the weight of w r ool per sheep ; and they have been adduced as furnishing conclusive evidence to that ef- fect, by persons more accustomed to broad assertion than patient invest! gation. The following will give the weight of wool per head in the States enu- merated in Table No. 1, estimated from the census returns of 1840 : TABLE No. 2. Virginia . . Lbs. Oz. . 1 7 845 Lfa. Oz, 1 4 146 North Carolina .... 1 2 221 1 4 227 1 3 539 8 040 | 1 4 487 1 4 809 1 410 1 6 971 New- York... lib. 7 68( ) OZ. But an examination of the census will show that so far as several cf these States are concerned, it is entitled to very little credit, in this par- ticular, and that it is correct in relation to none of them. In Louisiana, in fourteen counties from which 30,261 sheep, or nearly one-third in the whole State, are returned, not a pound of wool is returned. In Florida, four counties, returning 228 sheep, return no wool. Let ut U. 8. Onsus. 1B4G. Ib SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. (9 examine the comparative products, per head, as set forth in some of the counties from which returns of sheep and wool are both made, with a view of testing their accuracy. Escambia returns 485 sheep, and 837 Ibs. of wool; Walton .386 sheep, and 575 Ibs. of wool; Leon 1,798 sheep, and 3,360 Ibs. of wool or an approximation to 2 Ibs. of wool per head. Nas- sau returns 436 sheep, and 1,200 Ibs. of wool, or about 3 Ibs. per head. On the other hand, Gadsden returns 1,875 sheep and 512 Ibs. of wool ; Jefferson 752 sheep, and 300 Ibs. of wool ; Madison 223 sheep, and 50 Ibs. of wool ; Jackson 960 sheep, and 376 Ibs. of wool, or not quite a third of a pound per fleece ! Now Leon is bounded on the west by Gadsden, and on the east by Jefferson, and all lie in the same latitude, and do not differ essentially in their soil, herbage, or temperature ! Madison lies imme- diately east of Jefferson, (though its southern angle extends somewhat farther south,) and Jackson joins Walton. Nassau is in the same latitude. Hamilton, returning no sheep, returns the product as 20 Ibs. of wool ! In Mississippi, eight counties returning 15,227 sheep, return no wool; and there are repeated instances of the same glaringly obvious errors that have been exhibited in the statistics of Florida. For example, Smith county returns 741 sheep, and 1,067 Ibs. of wool; Wayne 921 sheep, and 1,466 Ibs. of wool. Jasper, bounding Smith on the east, returns 1,848 nheep, and 418 Ibs. of Wool; and Clarke, bounding Wayne on the north, 1,199 sheep, and 188 Ibs. of wool ! By this, the sheep of Clarke shear luss than 3 oz. per head, while those of the next county shear over a pound and a half per head. There are various other instances of under returns in the State. In Alabama, two counties returning 2,138 sheep, return no wool; and 1 in eight counties there are the same glaring instances of under returns witb- those given above. In Georgia there is but one omission to return the wool, where the sheep are returned. In that county there were 3,360 sheep. There are- eight or nine instances of obvious under returns, but these in the aggre- gate of the State are partly balanced by two gross cases of over returns. Cobb county returns 3,524 sheep, and 36,057 Ibs. of wool; and Richmond 758 sheep, and 3,032 Ibs. of wool ! In South Carolina there are at least six instances of under returns. In North Carolina there are no returns of wool in one county, contain- ing 2,163 sheep, and in another 7,260 Ibs. of wool are returned, and no. sheep. There are ten cases of obvious under returns. In one of them 46,340 sheep are made to yield but 12,686 ibs. of wool. In Virginia there are no omissions, and no obvious under returns. There are several over returns. In Tennessee there are no omissions, but there are seven obvious under returns and two or three over returns. In Kentucky and New-York there are not sufficient erroneous returns- to materially vary the aggregate. The foregoing facts show that the Marshals in many counties in the most southern States entirely neglected their duty in returning the pro. duct of wool ; and where over or under returns have been made, it is probable that, by a misapprehension of duty, the amount of wool on hand, was ascertained and noted down, instead of the annual clip. And there is another and general error in these statistics, throughout all the States, by the census including in the number of sheep the lambs of the current season, which had not, of course, been sheared at the time of taking the census. A, at the time of taking the census, owned a flock of 200 sheep over me year old, and 100 lambs. He would o-ive in his flock SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. to the Marshal as 300, of course, for the census makes no distinction be- tween lambs and grown sheep. He gave in 600 Ibs. of wool, which would be 3 Ibs. per head for those which had been sheared. But by the lambs being included in the census returns, it is made to appear that his sheep sheared but 2 Ibs. of wool per head. In the next census the lambs and sheep should be separately returned, not only to obtain accuracy, (without which iueh statistics are valueless,) but the annual increase thus indicated \vould be, of itself, an interesting and valuable statistic. In the preceding enumeration of erroneous returns, I have set down none as under returns where the product of wool has not been given as less than a pound per head; and where it has fallen under that amount, the returns from contiguous counties, possessing the same natural features, exhibiting a far superior product, as well as the general complexion of the returns throughout the State, have authorized me beyond a reasonable doubt so to consider it. I may add, that it is a fact of universal notoriety that there is no variety of sheep in any section of the United States, whick shears but a pound of \vool per head.* A careful inspection of the census, moreover, will not fail to satisfy any one that there are a multitude of under returns, (not specified by me, as the product is given over 1 Ib. of wool per head,) in most of the States. This is shown by the same kind of compari- sons which have already been alluded to. These are far more common in the extreme Southern States, where wool growing had not yet (in 1839) been reduced to any system, and where sheep had been little looked after or regarded. These errors grow less, as we approach the wool-growing regions of the north and north-west. Taking those returns which we are authorized to consider correct,t it will appear that there is no great difference in the average product of wool, per head, in States separated by from ten to fifteen degrees of latitude, and no more than is clearly referable to incidental or extraneous causes, unless we come to the conclusion that the difference is in favor of the Southern States. In proof of this, the following table is offered, giving the products of some of those counties in each of the States enumerated in Tables No. 1 and No. 2, which exhibit the highest averages rer head, (excluding those obviously over returned.)^ TABLE No. 3. STATE. COUNTY. Average Weight of Wool per Sheep. Total average of the Counties given\\ Fauouier . '. - Lbs. - Oz. 2 2f|ff 2 0#yft 2 2-J~~ 2 l|||| 9 Lbs. Oz. 2 1} Harrison North Carolina < Ohio Rockingham . . . Currituck . a ? 2 6JWV i lajjHf* i S T W, 2 1 Person Perquimans . . . Tvrrel.. * I consider such to be unde^ returns, independent of the mistake made by including lamba ia ih numeration, t With the exception of the error arising from tne return of lambs which perhaps would not greatly ry the proportionable result. \ It is proper to say that though I designed to tke the highest averages. I did not go through a formal reckoning of the average in every county in the eleven States. 1 took those which appeared the highest after a somewhat careful general inspection. y Excluding the fractious of the ounces in preceding column. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. TABLE No. 3 (Continued.) STATE. COUNTV. Average WeiglU oj Wool per Sheep. '/'oia/ average ttj Ike Counties given. \ Sou tli Cnrolina . <, [" Beaufort . . - Lbs. Oz. 2 ism* 2 4jWr 2 1 12J-iff JLbs. Oz. 2 3 Darlington Georgetown . . . Richland Bibb 2 3flft 1 15W 2 10 5 Wj 2 1|| 2 3} JVIuiTav Florida I \VI rariety, but the change it equally striking." See Forry'a Climafi of the Uni' 'State*. 52 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER V. FROF1TS OF SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. I. D1RBC7 PROFIT ON CAPITAL INVESTED. Different points of view in which the question of the profitableness of Sheep Husbandry in the ?outhern States is" to be regarded. ..Direct profit on Capital invested first considered. ..Average prices of Wool in New- York... Average weight of fleece Price of Sheep Increase in Lambs Amount of Manure... Price of Land... Number of Sheep supported per acre. .. Estimate of the Expenses nnd Profits of 100 Sheep, taking average prices of Wool for the last fourteen years. ..Present low prices of Sheep Causes Esti- mate of Profits of 100 Sheep, at present prices of Sheep and Wool. ..Profits far below what they might be by breeding better Sheep. ..Writer's Flock Annual yield of Wool Prices sold at for six years Statistics of Premium Flock. . .Show that Wool can be produced at a large profit in New-York at present prices. . . Healthfulness and economy of substituting Mutton for a portion of the P.acon consumed in the Southern States... Economical advantages which Sheep possess over other animals No risk by Death Manure more valuable Best clearers of Briery Lands Improvers of Vegetation. ..The cost of producing Wool in the South, compared with the cost in New-York... Number of Sheep which can be supported per acre South Greater number than on land of the same quality North, by reason of the winter growth of grains and grasses in the former... Col. Allston's statement 11. L. Allen's Col. Hampton's Hon. R. F. Simp- son's in relation to the Atlantic States south of Virginia. ..Price of Lands in those States. ..Winter Vege- tation in Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia. . .Mr. Coles's statement John S. Skinner's. . .Recapitulation. .. Estimate of Profits on 100 Sheep South Compared with New-York. ..Profits on the Southern Mquntaina ...Doct. Brockenboro's statements Mr. Murdock's. ..Economy of Migratory Sheep Husbandry. ..Advan- tages for it in the South compared with those of Spain. ..Drawbacks on Profits of Sheep Husbandry Dogs and Wolves.. -Their depredations compared with those in Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. .. Remedy. Dear Sir: In ascertaining the Profits of Sheep Husbandry in the Southern States, several considerations present themselves, apart from the mere question of direct annual profit or loss on a given investment in Sheep and in land for their subsistence. The more immediate and obvious profit is doubtless the first question ; but in regarding the general advan- tages or disadvantages of this branch of husbandly particularly in a re- gion circumstanced in all particulars as the Southern States are we are farther to consider the practicability and comparative economy of making it the basis of an effectual amelioration in soils naturally sterile, or those which have been rendered so by excessive and injudicious cultivation ; and its comparative efficacy in giving to Southern Agriculture a mixed and convertible character, and thereby sustaining (or improving) all the present good tillage lands, in the place of continuing the " new and old field " system (tilling land until it is worn out, then abandoning it and opening new lands,) once so general, and even now by far too prevalent. And there is another point of no mean importance : whether, independent of preceding considerations, and even if the staples furnished by sheep (husbandry proved no more profitable, in direct returns on capital invested, than some of the present staples, it would not be better economy, on the -whole, for the South to produce the raw material and manufacture domes- tic woolens, particularly for the apparel and bedding of slaves, than to be dependent for them on England or Massachusetts. To ascertain the direct and immediate profit on investment in sheep hus- bandry, let us appeal to well settled facts and statistics, instead of content- ing ourselves with vague and general propositions. For the following Table of the average prices of good wool* in the State of New- York, which was published in my replies to Mr. Walker's "Treasury Circular" in * Such wools as are used fcr the manufacture of broad and other cloth? of good quality ranging, say. from 5th hlood Merino to pure Saxon excluding native, grade (below $th Merino) and alt English wool*. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 53 1845,* I was indebted to a most respectable and extensive purchaser of wool, and its accuracy is beyond question. TABLE No. 7. Year Avtrage price per pound. Year. Average price perpouni. 1882 40 cents. 1839 1833 50 do. 1840 33 do 1834 45 do 1841 35 do 18/5 .48 do. 1842 30 do 1836 . 54 do. 1843... ...-,,. 71 do 1837 30 do 1844 40 do 1838 36 do. 1845.... 32* do. It will thus be seen that for a period of fourteen years preceding 1845, the average price of good wools was 39y cents per pound.t The average weight of fleece in sheep yielding this wool has been about 3 Ibs. ; the pure-blood Saxons less ; but those -bearing the coarsest wool included, in the average, more. The average price of sheep of the quality under consideration, has been not less than $2 per head in the fall, and lambs half that price.J The an- nual increase in lambs would be about 80 per cent., or if less by reason of the number of wethers in the nock, the growth of the latter would give n, corresponding increase in profit. One hundred sheep, properly littered, will make at least forty loads of manure during the one hundred and fifty days during which they are confined to dry feed, in our Northern winters. The grazing lands of New-York, cut up as they are into small farms,[| and each being provided with dwelling and farm buildings, are worth from $15 to $30 per acre. Prime sheep lands will average about $20. In relation to the amount of land necessary to support a given number of sheep, the experience of a good many years has satisfied me that the rule commonly laid down on the grazing lands of New- York and New- England, that, on the average, one acre of land will give subsistence to three fine-wooled sheep throughout the year, is an accurate one.lj On grain farms, it is considered good economy to keep one sheep for every acre of cleared land which the farm contains ; on those where mixed husbandry is practiced, two ; and, on those exclusively devoted to sheep, three. In the following, and all similar estimates, I shall reckon the profits on the land and expenditures, instead of the land and the commonly nuotcd nriccs of grass, hay, &c., consumed. These prices, in the interior, are * See Report, of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1845, p. 461. I thought, and so stnted to Mr. Walker, that the Table placed wools about H cents per pound too high. But subsequent information has convinced me that 1 was in error. In my statement of the average profits of sheep husbandry, in those replies, I estima- ted the average price of wool by the prides paid by a local and much smaller purchaser, and for a com- paratively limited term of years. 1 was not then aware of the utter defectivencss of the U. S. Census re- turns (pointed out in Letter II.) in relation to the annual product of wool, and therefore was misled in the average weight of fleeces ; and, speaking from impression rather than experiment, 1 placed the value of the manure altogether too low. Those questions and replies have led me into experiments and inquiries, which have resulted in more accurate information. I allude to this subject, because I think it every man's fluty to correct any errors or explain any discrepancies subsequently discovers'?- by him, in his statement* which have been thrown before the public, and thus are placed in a position to mislead. t During 1846 it was from 30 to 32 cents per pound, but as this estimate is not based on extensive pur- chases, like the preceding, I have not placed it in the table. J Including grade sheep, which form the greatest proportion of the whole number. There have been rery few pure-blood Merinos in the State, and many of the Saxon flocks have been so miserably deterio- rated in carcass and weight of fleece, that they have sold for low prices. But good Saxons sold much nbove this until within three or four years ; since then, the Merinos have been rapidly driving out th Saxons, and those of good quality and undoubted pedigree have sold for from five to twenty-five times as much. The higher the price, the greater the profits, by reason of the value of the increase. || It would be my impression that the farms in the grazing regions do not, on the average, exceed 138 acres each. Id est, in the grazing region. TT ! say " fine-wooled sheep," because the larger and coarser Downs, Leicesters, Cotsw jlde, &c. consume much more, ae will hereafter be shown. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. merely nominal, as they cannot be obtained for beyond a small portion of the annual crop. They do not, therefore, form a proper basis for correct general estimates. The expenses and losses in keeping sheep, not already alluded to, are all set down below, as high as they will average on well managed farms. />r. $ cts. 100 Sheep to interest on purchase money.... 14 00 To int. on 33i acres of land at $20 per acre 4'! M> " curing and storing luiy on il acres of above. 13 75 " expense of shearing 4 00 " salt, tar and summer care 4 00 " labor of foddering, &.c., during winter, say. 5 00 " loss by death 2 per cent, above the value of pulled wool ' 4 00 Total $9T4i Cr. By ;JOO Ibs. of Wool, at 39 4-7 cts per lb.ll* 7 L 3-7 ' 80 lambs at SI per head 80 00 " 40 2-horse loads of winter manure at 50 cents per load 20 00 " summer manure, calling it only equal to shearing and summer care* 8 00 Total... ...$- 7K^7 Balance $135 30 3-7 Making the net profit of $4 05, or 20^ per cent, per acre on lands worth $20. Since the passage of the Tariff of 1846, there has evidently been a panic among the wool-growers of New- York, and the rise in bread-stuffs, beef, pork, and dairy products, occasioned by the change in the British Tariff, and the famine which has prevailed in Europe by reason of the short crops of 1846, has tended farther to depreciate sheep, by offering inducements supposed to be very strong, to embark in branches of husbandry furnish- ing the former staples.! Sheep are consequently cheaper than they ever were before. Prime grade sheep, bearing wool of as good quality as the average of that embraced in Table 7, have in some instances sold for ten shillings per head, and coarse common sheep for one dollar lambs half a dollar making, in the ordinary proportion between lambs and grown sheep, about 75 cents per head, taking a flock through ! Wool of the quality embraced in Table 7 has fallen to an average of say 31 cents. Under the impression that sheep and wool have reached their minimum prices, | it becomes an interesting subject of inquiry whether they can yet be produced, at a profit, in New- York. The following figures I. think, will fairly show : Dr. $ r.ts. <>. $ rt*. lOOdheep to interest on purchase money, at $1 25 per head 8 75 By :k>0 Ibs of Wool, at 3L cents per pound.. .93 00 " 80 lambs, at 6'^ cents per head 50 00 " 40 2-horse loads of winter manure, at 50 cents per load '2000 To int. on 33$ acres of land at 820 per acre. .46 66 44 . cutting, curing and storing hay on 11 acres " summer manure, calling it only equal to " expense of shearing 4 00 " tar, salt nnd summer care 4 00 " labor of foddering. &c. during winter, say. 5 00 * loss by death 2 per ct. above the value of pulled wool 2 50 Balance f 86 34 Total $84 66 Making $2 59, or nearly 13 per cent, net profit per acre on lands worth 820. In the preceding estimates I have only regarded the profit of sheep hus- bandry, as it has averaged for a series of years, among those possessing good ordinary flocks. * I place the summer manure, undoubtedly, considerably below its actual value. No experienced farmer Will say that good solid sheep manure is worth less than 50 cents per load, and as the summer manure j at. least equal in quantity, and is deposited immediately on the land, I see no reason why it is not equallj valuable. t That the diminution of English duties on these staples will give them a better and steadier market, there en be little doubt ; but not the very high one of the past season, occasioned by the severe famine which has prevailed in many parts of Great Britain. Many, therefore, who have sacrificed their sheep, reckoning on such prices, will probably find that they have "reckoned without their host." I I say this under the decided impression that our wools, at this price, if properly washed and put up, would triumphantly compete in the foreign markets with those of the wool-growing nations of Europe; *nd even with those of Australia, the Cnpe of Good Hope, and other Austro-orjental regions. For a more lull examination of this point, see Appendix D SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 55 It falls far short of that realized by breeders and flock-masters, who started their flocks with the best pure-blood sheep then to be found in the country ; and who have subsequently continued to improve them by great care in breeding", and by a rigorous course of selection. I have bred Merino sheep for a number of years, and latterly in consid- erable numbers : and in no case have my. grown sheep averaged less than 5 Ibs. of well washed wool per annum. The quality of the wool may be inferred from a comparison of the prices at which it has sold, with those in Table 7. In 1846, I sold for 35 cents per pound ; in 1845, for 331 cents ; in 1844, for 48 cents ; in 1843, for 33 J cents ; in 1842, for 35 cents, and KO on. To give more precise data, I select the following statement of the pro- ducts of a flock, on which I drew the first premium offered by the New- York State Agricultural Society for " the best managed flock of sheep," in 1844 : I From the Transactions of the N. V. State Agricultural Society, 1844, p. 254.] In the winter of 1843-4, I wintered in a separate flock fifty-one ewes over one year old, two ewe lambs, two rams, one of them one and one of them two years old. Of the ewee over one year old, twenty-eight were full-blood Merinos ; twenty-three were half-blood Me- rinos and hall-blood South-Downs ; the two ewe lambs were three-fourth-blood Merino and one-fourth-blood South-Down : and the two rams were full-blood Merinos. The flock were kept as follows through the winter: They were fed hay morning and night, and were, as a general rale, recpi>red to eat it up clean. At noon the flock were daily led three bundles of oats and barley (which had grown mixed, say three parts oats and one part* barley,) until the 25th of December after which they recei\ r ed four bundles of oats. The grain was light and shrunken. They received no hay at noon during the winter, and usually consumed all the straw of the grain fed them. They had a good shelter, and access to pure water at all limes. From this flock I raised fifty-three lambs. The full-blood Merinos, including two rains, and the two three-fourth-blood lambs, (in all 'thirty -two,) sheared one hundred and eighty-six pounds and four ounces of washed wool, which I sold at forty-eight cents per pound. Four of the full-bloods had two years' fleeces on. The hall-blood Merinos and half-blood South-Downs (twenty-three) sheared eighty and one-half pounds of washed wool, seventy-one pounds of which I sold at thirty-eight cents per pound. During the summer of 1844, the flock were kept in good ordinary pasture, and salted once a week." Thus, the Merino fleeces averaged 5 Ibs. 13-jL oz. and sold for $2 79| each ; and the grades between Merino and South-Down averaged 3 Ibs. 8 oz. to the fleece, and sold for $1 33 each. It will be observed that four of the full-bloods (they were ewes) had two years' fleeces on. A two years' fleece will not weigh as much as two single years' fleeces from the same sheep. On the average, it will weigh about three-quarters as much.* On the other hand, the lot included two three-quarter-blood lamb fleeces, which would fall below the average weight of the others, and a portion of the flock were yearlings and two- year olds. The Merino never attains its maximum weight of fleece before three years old, and ordinarily not until four, and therefore the aggregate weight of wool of the 32 sheep, given above, does not, to say the least of it, give too favorable a view of the product of sheep of this quality. Thi* is proved by the fact that my entire flock of full-bloods sheared abouf three-twentieths of an ounce over six pounds each, the succeeding year. It would give me great pleasure to subjoin similar statistics of other carefully bred flocks, were authorized statements of them in my posses- sion, or published within my knowledge. It is sufficiently apparent from the above facts and estimates, that woo. has not yet reached the lowest point at which it can be produced at an ample profit, on lands of the value indicated, iftlie sheep are of the froper * That is to Bay / the ehsrfe years' fleeces would equal 6 Ibs. each, a two years' fleeco, instend of weigii- fag twice as much, or 12 IbsJ will not exceed three-quarters of such aggregate weight, or 9 Iba. The wool wastes when it becomes so long, and perhaps does not grow so rapidly. 56 SHEEP IIU.SBANDKV IN THK SOUTH. quality ; and these facts farther suggest the expediency of relyir^ on out Own efforts to " protect " this interest, rather than the fickle support of National legislation. For the production of a cheap, wholesome, and highly nutritious food, no animal excels the sheep. Theoretical considerations, as well as exper- iment, show the superiority of mutton to pork in the formation of vigor- ous muscle ;* and its tendency is less, particularly in hot climates, to en- gender inflammatory and putrid diseases. The consumption of consider- able quantities of fat is indispensable, in cold climates, to supply the necessary amount of carbon to support " combustion," as Lieb'ig terms it, fii the lungs, or, in other words, to maintain the animal heat. Hence the Laplander and the Esquimaux find a grateful diet in train-oil, or the adi- pose parts of Arctic fish and mammalia. That fat pork should be the favorite meat, in the Northern States, is not perhaps so singular, but that it (under the name of bacon) should constitute the principal one consumed in our warm Southern latitudes, and especially that it should constitute so large a proportion of all the food consumed,! is indeed a most anomalous fact, and is' utterly unparalleled among the practices of other nations occu- pying the same latitudes. The tendency of this practice to produce dis- ease, physical inertia, indisposition and incapacity to sustain continued activity, will not, I think, be questioned by the pathologist or the close observer. Mutton and lamb are a favorite, if not the favorite food of the English of all classes. Notwithstanding all that has been said and written of the " roast beef" of " Old England," mutton is more eaten there by people of every rank.f On the other hand, it is evidently not a favorite meat in the United States, though its proportionable consumption is evidently increas- ing. Whence the difference 1 Circumstances have led to habit, and habit, in a great measure, regulates appetite. It needs no other proof than is to be found in the experience of every individual, to show that the appe tite is readily trained to relish what was even positively disgusting, and to become indifferent to what was once the most grateful. That the preceding facts are well worthy of attention among those who are favorable to the introduction of sheep husbandry, among planters who supply not less than 3 Ibs. per week of good bacon, or a full equivalent, to euch slave, on plantations where the number ranges from ten to one hun- dred, and sometimes many more, there can be little doubt. Twenty-five slaves would thus consume 3,900 Ibs. of bacon per annum ; and the more common allowance of the opulent planter is about 200 Ibs. per head, or 5,000 Ibs. for twenty-five. If an equivalent for at least half of this was * The theoretical considerations will be found sufficiently discussed in Liebig's " Animal Chemistry." Fot experimental evidence, I know of none that can be more depended on which approaches any nearer wctnal demonstration than that which is furnished by the English prize-fighters. To attain the proper con- dition to sustain the protracted and tremendous exertions of their brutal trade, their flesh must attain the hardness and toughness of whipcord, and they must, at the same time, maintain that physical elasticity (technically, "corkiness,") which adds agility to iron strength. These men, while training, are snft'ered to eat little or no adipose matter, and not even the lean of pork. Their animal food is exclusively beef or mutton, or both. Some trainers prefer the former, some the latter. I have seen this matter very fully al- i'jtled to, but do not now remember any more explicit authority than that contained in the following note to Carpenter's Principles of Human Physiology, (p. 357.) " The method of training employed by Jackson, (a celebrated trainer of prize-fighters in modern times,) ia deduced from his answers to questions put to him by John Bell, was to begin on a clear foundation by n emetic and two or three purges. Beef and mutton, the lean of fat meat being preferred, constituted the principal food ; veal, lamb and pork were said to be less digestible ('the last purges home men'). Fish was said to be a ' watery kind of diet ;' and is employed by jockeys who wish to reduce weight by sweat' ? I mean this portion of the remark to apply more particularly to the non-laboring classes. The propor- tion consumed by the slave, though ample, is not excessive, when his laboring habits are taken into con iteration f I state this on the authority of various individuals who have been much in England, and who have heen placed in positions to form a pretty accurate opinion. Mr. Col man speaks of the "extraordinary* consumption of mutton in England, without, however, giving any comparative data. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 57 made in mutton, it would be far cheaper, and, if I have not erred in previ- ous statements, better for the slave. There are two or three other highly favorable considerations to oe taken into account among the direct profits of rearing sheep. The risk by death, by ordinary causes, is nothing. Two per cent, is al- lowed in the preceding estimates, as the full product of wool and increase is earned out. But, in reality, the sheep never dies " insolvent." If the colt or the bullock dies on our hands, after two or three years of trouble and expense with it, the loss is nearly a total one. If the fine-wooled sheep dies at any age, the wool then on it, or what it has already produced, more than covers all the cost which it has ever made us.* Not only is the winter manure of the sheep superior to that of any other domestic animal, the hog and fowl excepted, but it practically becomes still more so in proportion, in summer, when scattered over the pastures, by reason of the conditions in which it is deposited. The soft porous ex- crements of the cowf or horse, exposed to the exsiccating action of sun and wind, evolve most of their fertilizing properties into the atmosphere, and this effect would increase in proportion to the warmth of the climate. The excrements of the sheep, on the other hand, are deposited in small, hard, rounded pellets, which fall down between the leaves of the grass, and arc- thus in a great measure protected from the sun and wind, until they are trodden into and incorporated with the soil.J Then, again, they need no spreading,)! like the dung of the horse and cow. And finally, instinct, in leading the sheep almost invariably to seek the summits of the elevations, in warm weather, for its night quarters, leads it to deposit much more ma- nure in proportion, where it is most needed, on the drier and more barren hill-tops ; and where, being more remote from water-courses, less of its juices are liable to be washed away by rains, into the streams, or on to the lands of others. Sheep are also far more efficient than any other animal (if we except the worthless goat) in clearing up new lands, or neglected old ones, ol those briers and shrubs which it is often difficult to eradicate without plow ing; and they often abound on lands which cannot be plowed with profit. And, when plowed, the shrubs in. the fence corners must be left (to the utter shame of all good husbandry), or the fence must be removed-^ some- times at a great inconvenience. The sheep delights to browse on the buds, and to strip the bark of most shrubs, and they thus soon destroy them. It would be good economy for the farmer to keep his neighbors' sheep, with- out charge, on all very briery or coppiced unarable lands, if he could not o stock them himself. Finally, it is generally believed by experienced flock-masters and ob- servation has led me to fully coincide in the opinion that sheep not onlv improve the lands they depasture more than any other animal, but that they exert an almost specific influence in improving tlic character of tft, vegetation. All wild, poor grasses gradually disappear from their pastures * I speak, of course, of the cost of rearing and feeding. t Gaxzeri found that 100 parts of recent cow-dung contain 25 per cent, of dry, solid matter, and that 5 pp eea'c. of this is lost in 40 days by exposure to the air. I do not think this indicateu the full loss which woulc be sustained in a southern latitude. I These rounded pellets are covered, too, in the animal in good condition, with a coating of mucus, which ferther protects them from evaporation. || Their urine, also, is voided in quantities which render it highly beneficial ; while that of the horse and eo* is voided in such large quantities in one place that it is not only in a great measure wasted, but in a Jry dme (so that it is not diluted by the moisture in the soil), its rich salts, so far from benefiting, actually kill the verdure. This is particularly true of the blackberry or bramble (Ri/brus villostts), and the raspberry (Rubut idneus), -)ften great pests on new or neglected lands at the North. Sheep can even be made to attack the elder (Sambucus canadtnsis var. pubescent), and various other troublesome intruders, by turning them upo them in thawing " spells," in the winter, after they have been for gome time confined to dry feed. H 58 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. and are succeeded by the best ones ; and the sward becomes remarkably dense and even. This is probably due to the richness and better distribu- tion of their dung and urine. If upward of twenty per cent, profits, over and above all expenditures, have been and still can be made, on lands worth $20 per acre, by wool- growing on lands, too, where the reign of an iron winter confines sheep to dry feed at least five months of the year how are we to estimate those profits on lands costing but a small part of this sum, which, though inferior to the former, will, by reason of the shortness and mildness of the winter support about an equal number of sheep per acre, and also save the ex- pense of preparing dry feed, of foddering, and a large proportion of thai laid out in barns, shelters, &c. 1 It will be seen that, by assuming the data of the last of the two preced ing estimates (with the exception of the loss by death), the gross cost ol producing 300 Ibs. of wool, on the grazing lands of New- York, is $82 16, or 27^| cts. per pound. This is undoubtedly as low as it can be produced where the fleeces do not exceed the average weight of 3 Ibs. Let us now proceed to inquire what would be the gross expense per pound in the Southern States. You inform me that " one or two not more " sheep find subsistence during the summer on the natural pastures of the tide-water zone in South Carolina.* The broad-tailed, and other large breeds, now mainly fed there, consume nearly double the amount of feed required by the fine- wooled sheep. But, to make our estimate perfectly a safe one, we wilJ assume that two fine-wooled sheep only will consume the summer herbage of an acre. Fields of rye sown in September or October, you farther in- form me, will support " two sheep and their lambs" per acre, " from the 20th of December to the 10th of March." Numerically, then, here you have the same stocking that is borne by the lands of Ndw-York, viz. three sheep per acre. And, making the allowance already alluded to for the different consumption of breeds, an acre would sustain three full-grows Merino sheep. As the rye subsequently yields its crop, the wool is not chargeable with the expense of its tillage. Rye will continue to grow in the winter on all lands not too sterile, 01 too elevated, south of latitude 36, and, in favorable situations, at least two degrees farther north. Grass, and some other hardy esculents, also maintain a winter vegetation in many portions of the whole of this re- gton.f R. L. Allen, Esq., after a recent visit to the plantation of Col. Wade Hampton, near Columbia, S. C., thus speaks of the winter verdure in that region : " Though everything like grass or weeds is rigidly excluded in the early stages of the srops, yet, as these approach maturity, the thick netting of crab and various other grasse* and plants, which are ever struggling tor existence in this warm clime, are allowed to como forward and mature ; and their growth furnishes forage for cattle and sheep during the win- ter, and an important addition to the vegetable manures for turning inider and adding to the fertility of the soil. . . . The sheep, together with the cattle, mules and horses, which are not at work, are turned into the natural pastures in summer, and, in addition to these, they have the run of the corn-fields in winter, and without seeing any other shelter against the severest storms than a thicket or hill -side, they thrive and fatten throughout the year. This condition is secured by the mildness of the climate, and the consequent growth of vego latiou during the entire winter." * f These statements, and all others credited to Col. Allston, are, when not otherwise specified, contained '.' letters from that gentleman to the writer] t Anioiy; iheee, " a plant called -Wild Rye.' affording excellent herbace during the winter months, springs ip spontaneously on the rice-field banks, and between the cotton beds, on some plantations on the River Vcngaree, S ~ " SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 59 John S. Skinner, Esq. thus yvrites me :* " Col. Hampton's flock numbers 800, 1 believe. He kills the finest sort of mutton through out the winter and spring very fat and excellent in all respects. He told me last summer, at Saratoga, that they never get a mouthful except what they can find in the woods and fields." Hon. R. F. Simpson, Member of Congress, of Pendlefc>n, South Caro Una, thus describes the region in which he resides, and some of the contig nous ones :t HENRY S. RANDALL, Esq. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2&, 1847. Dear Sir : I take much pleasure in answering your inquiries, and only regret that I have not more time to do full justice to the subject. If my answers fail to inform you with suffi cient clearness on any point, I shall be most happy to add to them, at your suggestion. The Allegany Mountains, as you are aware, run from N. E. to S. W. That part of them north of the S. C. line lies spread out in different chains or ridges to a distance of nearly 50 miles ; and the whole region is commonly called " on th mountains." The climate is healthy and the grass fine. Many of the valleys in this region are very rich, particularly on the wa- ter-courses. The ground is covered with snow as much as four weeks annually. The range is good, but there may be too much humidity for sheep.t The land is cheap, say $1 per acre but much can be bought at 50 cents. I have leamed from good authority that sheep can be farmed out during the winter at ten cents a head, in any ordinary quantity. The farmers who take them, too, will be liable for loss by death, in many instances. There is a strip of country lying east of tti3 Blue Ridge, and parallel to it, from 20 to 30 miles wide, extending through North and South Carolina and Georgia, which I think espe- cially adapted to sheep husbandry. The land is poor for the production of our southern sta- ples, and is sparsely settled, but the pasturage is good. There is a perennial grass, known as " woods grass," which springs up in the woods after they are burned each winter, which makes excellent pasture for all kinds of stock. It starts vigorously in the spring, and sheep fatten on it by the middle of July. It lasts all the summer, and provides sufficient food for sheep during the entire winter, except when snow is on the ground, which is not more than two or three days at a time, and usually not more than ten days during a winter. The few days during which the grass is covered up with snow are the only ones, during the entire year, when it is necessary to feed sheep. This is usually done with oats in the sheaf. . . . Supposing ten sheep equal to one cow, I think one acre would afford sub aistence to three sheep. But few people mow here. In a few instances, herds-grass has been sown and mowed, but the product not weighed, to my knowledge. Both herds-grass and the natural ones, on our bottom lands, look much richer, and to all appearance would turn off a heavier crop of hay than any meadows to be seen on the line of travel through Virginia. As I have before remarked, the land is poor, except the small bottoms on creeks and branches. The latter are rich, and will produce 30 bushels of corn and from 10 to 15 bush* els of wheat per acre. They also produce oats and rye, 'but I do not know how much by measurement. I suppose from 10 to 20 bushels each. The land is valued low from 50 cte. to $1 50 per acre and it is only necessary to buy $500 or $1,000 worth of it, to embrace sufficient bottom to raise provisions, and oats to feed sheep when snow is on the ground. The rangell is very large, and everybody's stock has liberty to roam over it, without hin- drance or compensation. Our common method of managing sheep is as follows : The flock are kept in the planta- tion during the winter by some ; others turn out in the woods. In May they are sheared, the lambs marked, &c., and they are turned into the out pastures. When they come up. they are salted, and no other attention is paid to them until fall, when most persons shear again. They are. rarely brought up unless to get a lamb for the table. This treatment ren- ders them wild, and prone to jump into the owners' or neighbors' wheat fields, from which they are driven out with rocks and sticks, and sometimes with dogs. They are, in all re- * Jan. 15, 1847. f This letter would have been more appropriately included in my IVth Letter, but was not received in time, and it is by far too valuable and interesting to be omitted. 1 The effect of humidity on sheep is, I think, often misunderstood and greatly exaggerated. Wet, cold toils are uncongenial to sheep, but they suffer no moi-e from those ordinary fogs and vapors which prevail in insular positions, or which are attracted by mountain ranges, than other domestic animals. As has been before remarked, sheep thrive in the peculiarly foggy atmosphere of England also in Holland. Their heUthiness on mountains is proverbial, yet these elevations are usually subject to fogs, and clouds rest on the sides or summits of the loftier ones. As the southern mountains are cleared of their trees, their atmo- sphere will be less humid, and that soft vegetable mould (which excited the fears of Mr. Buckley) will ac- quire the consistency which it always does en a dry foundation, when exposed to the sun and air; and it will be the means of supplying the sheep with rich vegetable nutriment, instead of poisoning them with hoof-ail." || The provincial signification of this word, South, is the uninclosed pasturage in tht Jbrest and "out Eelds," f. e., worn-out lands thrown out to commons. 60 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. pects, treated more like outlaws than domestic animals. When out, all the flocks lath* neighborhood mingle together. From their disposition to ramble, and the incursions of dogs, they get scattered, and scarcely any fanner can get up to the fall shearing more than one- half of his count. The region above described includes Pickens, Grenville and Spartansburg, so far as this State is concerned. ^ Going east of this strip, you at once get into good land, where the set- dements are frequent. Here snow is rare, and wheat, rye and barley are used for winter pastures for sheep, and they continue growing during the winter. Wood grass does not abound in this region, as the woods are not kept burnt.* Very respectfully, yours, &c. R. f. SIMPSON. The preceding statements give a sufficient idea of the expense of feed- ing sheep in the Carolinas, Georgia, and the Gulf States. In all of these, there is a striking similarity in soils and natural products, and also in cli mate with, perhaps, the exception of North Carolina, which is a trifle colder. In all of them, as wfell as in all the other Southern States, land can be bought at the same low prices.t The cost of the winter forage of sheep in Tennessee may be inferred from the statements of Mr. Kramer, (in Letter IV.) On even the lofty Cumberland Mountains, in that State, grass grows during the entire win- ter, and snow rarely covers the ground to exceed forty-eight hours'! Judge Beatty's statements in relation to Kentucky (in the same letter) show that the luxuriant blue-grass pastures of that State will sustain sheep during the entire winter; and that they frequently obtain their whole subsistence on the grasses, even on the mountains. Let us now turn to Virginia, the most northern of the Southern States. In a recent letter to me, John S. Skinner, Esq. says : " Hon. Mr. Coles, a Member of Congress from Virginia* a sedate, attentive and practical fanner once informed me that his flock of 200 sheep, kept in good condition summer and winter, did not cost him $10 a year You must know that they, in the general way, as I believe, never feed their sheep, winter or summer, except where the ground is covered with snow which is rarely the case, and then the snow does not lie more than a day, or at most two days. . . . No doubt winter pasture might be provided by sowing rye in the proper season (the usual system is to sow it the last thing, and as long as the farmer can " catch a chance") and putting the ground in good condition ; and in that way adequate provision might be made for any deficiency of natural pasture When the snow does cover the ground in Virginia, they give the sheep corn-blades an excellent fodder. I think the rule was when I was a boy (in the rare exigency alluded to) to give them a bundle of hlades each. A bundle of blades compacted would be about as large as the upper part of your arm." North- Western Virginia seems to be considerably colder than the corre- sponding portion of tlio State east of the mountains ; and the winter fod- dering season is not greatly shorter though the amount of fodder con- sumed must be far less than in Western Pennsylvania, or in many por- tions of N\v-York.|| Yet, singularly enough, more sheep are bred here in proportion, probably, than in any other portion of the Southern States ! * Some other paragraphs from this letter arts omitted for quotation under the heads 01' which they specif- ically treat t Hon. S. Strong, ft Member of Congress from this (N. Y.) State, writes me, after consultation \vith vari- ous Southern Member*, thai " good lands may be purchased for $>1 50 per acre, and in great abundance, hi most of the Southern State.*." Mr. Garret Andrew*, of Wilkcs Co., Georgia, in n communication in the American Agriculturist (April, 1844), save : "Several hundred acres (in thr. middle or hilly zone) are often gold for a dollar 1 pr left* per ere. The usual rule is to fell the wood-land for what it may bo thought to be worth, and pivc the pur chaser the old landu and the houses for nothing For $1.000 or $1,500, a comfortable house and oat-hou'es, garden, &c. may be had, *vith *ereral hundred acres of land, . . wanting nothing but a fail Chance to become ns fertile as may be 0 miles farther south, as I am informed by Mr. Edward Calhoun the kinds I don't know but here the Globe, Aberdeen, Norfolk, &c., do well If grounds were reserved as you suggest, for the winter feeding of sheep, the full growth being under- pastured, and if some of the stubbles were plowed up and sown broadcast with turnips mixed with rape or colza, very little fodder will be required, in fact only when snow is on the ground, which seldom ex- ceeds fifteen or twenty days during tli Oxide of Iron Oxide of Manganese Lime 8-14 17-38 11-10 2-75 13 -TO Sulphuric Acid 1 Phosphoric Acid 3-36 1-92 -41 3-45 0-90 , Magnesia 1-44 4-35 Carbonic Acid 15-47 17-50 || This fact I consider an important hint to the planters of the tide-water zone, and it is to be hoped tnat; it is one which will not be thrown away. Leached ashes are valuable also on every other class of lands. The southern portion of my farm (lying on Chemung rocks) is silicious. The northern part is covered: with " northern drift," and is therefore calcareous. I use from 3,500 to 4,000 bushels of leached ashes per annum, without any discrimination as regards the soil, and on almost every variety of crops, and invariably with marked advantage. Doct. Emmons, our State Geologist, having in charge the volumes ou Agriculture, stated to me that he considered these leached ashes far more valuable by bulk than a rich marl (accessible to me) containing 90 per cent of carbonate of lime. This word ("reclaim") has a provincial signification throughout the North, when applied to land. It; means "to render productive." Unlike the words "fertilize," "enrich." etc., it implies degree as well a 9. manner. To " reclaim " land, therefore, is to fertilize or enrich it to such a degree that it will yield fair crops. I shall use the word both as a verb and a noun, to avoid the circumlocution otherwise necessarv to express this idea. SHEEP HUSBANDRY N THE SOUTH. whole Tertiary formation, or at least that portion of it extending through the Atlantic States. The second is the swamp mud, which, rich with the alluvial deposition of ages, fills nearly every depression of the surface ca pable of retaining water, in the whole tide-water zone. Mr. Ruffiri recommends the former as the best and most attainable fer- tilizer on both of the classes of soils under examination. He seems to think it adequate, of itself, to their full and permanent amelioration. I do not desire a word which I shall say to bear, or even seem to bear, a con- troversial tone toward the views of this ardent and enlightened friend of Southern Agriculture. In expressing my dissent from them, my limits and the occasion only permit me to allude to a few well-settled principle'? arid facts on which I have based my opinions. Lime acts mechanically and chemically on soils. It stiffens loose and opens clayey ones. It is to a certain extent, one of the necessary constituents of plants ; it neutral izes acid substances in 'the soil; it forms compounds, and promotes the dissolution of existing ones, to prepare suitable food for plants ; and some- times produces certain other minor beneficial effects. But its great, its chief object, is to produce the food of plants by its chemical action on the organic matter in the soil. Hence, says Johnston : " Lime has little or no effect npon soils in which organic matter is deficient;" and he far- ther says : " Under the influence of lime the organic matter disappears more rapidly than it otherwise would do, and that after it has thus disappeared, fresh additions of lime produce no farther good effect ; ... it causes the organic matter itself ultimately to disappear." " It is scarcely practicable," says Brown, ' to restore fertility to land even of the best natural quality, which has been thus abused ; and thin moorish soils, after being exhausted by lime, ar^ not to be restored." "An overdose of shell marl," says Lord Kaimes, "laid perhaps an inch thick, produce* for a time large crops, but at last renders the soil capable of bearing neither corn (grain) noi grass, of which there are many examples in Scotland:" " The same," continues Johnston. "" is true of lime in any form. The increased fertility continues as long as there remains mj adequate supply .of organic (animal and vegetable) matter in the soil ; but as that disappears, the crops every year diminish both in quantity and in qxiality." " On poor arable lands, which are not naturally so, but which are worn out or exhausted 'by repeated liming and cropping, lime produces no good whatever." (Anderson, Brown. Morton.)* Let us now turn to the opinions of some of the most eminent European Continental writers. The celebrated Thaer in his " Principles of Agricul- ture " (Section IV. Part I.) says : " On no soils are the effects of lime BO beneficial as on those which contain a great quan- tity of sour humus prejudicial to vegetation, or on those v/hich have been supplied more or 'less abundantly with animal manure for a considerable period, without receiving an appli- cation of lime, or some other substance of a similar nature. In the latter case it is frequently much more efficacious than an amelioration of stable manure would be ; but it soon impoy. erishes the soil so much that in a few years it becomes indispensably necessary to manure it abundantly with rich animal or vegetable matters. As some portion of the humus, al- though in all probability of an insoluble nature, always remains in arable lam I even when it appears- to be much exhausted, it of course follows that an application of lime will always be productive of very marked effects even on the poorest soils, because it will call into ac- tion all the nutritive particles which they contain. A second amendment of a similar nature bestowed shortly after the first, will be productive of some, although in general of much less benefit ; and the effect of each subsequent amelioration of this nature will be progressively diminished unless the soil receives an additional supply of humus. . . . The effect pro- duced by lime on land of this nature (reclaimed bogs and marshes) is much more beneficial and durable than that of any other manure. On the other hand, repealed ameliorations of lime will soon totally exhaust and impoverish poor and sandy soils, and reduce them to ab- solute sterility, even though each separate application seems to be productive of some good effect. . . . Many persons who have not rightly comprehended the cause of the effects produced by lime, prefer it to manure, and have believed in the possibility of doing entirely without the latter ; but the total exhaustion of the soil winch such a course of proceeding *nust sooner or later produce, caused them to fly to the opposite extreme. . . . An ea> * See Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry, vol. ii. p. 139-142. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 61* lightened and scientific agriculturist will soon perceive tHt the use of lime can never super sede that of dung, but that it renders this kind of manure more energetic in its action. . _. . In many places where its ameliorating effects were known and appreciated, many agricul- turists have calculated that marl would prove a cheaper manure than stable dung ; and have, consequently, determined to do without the latter altogether ; and, therefore, have diminished their stock of cattle, and sold their hay and straw. It may easily be imagined that as soon as the chemical effects of the marl ceased to operate, as must be the case when the land no longer contained undecomposed or insoluble substances, the soil became sterile, and a second marling was incapable of producing any beneficial effects, there being no hu- mus for it to act upon." Petzholdt, in his " Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemistry," (Lecture X VII.) says : " Quick -lime greatly accelerates the decomposition of humus, whether of animal or vege table origin, inducing a more speedy liberation of its salts than would otherwise take place. This is the reason quick-lime has proved so advantageous in the cultivation of bogs ; the lime not only accelerates the decomposition of the humus, but it may be said altogether to be the cause of the decay of humus, which, as it exists in peat, is scarcely by itself under- going the process at all. . . . Where there is neither humus in the soil, nor undecom- posed silicates, the application of lime as manure will be useless. ... So much, how- ever, is deducible from all experience, that the mere application of marl to an exhausted soil is of no use whatever, unless it is earned on the field in such quantities as to constitute a new soil, covering the whole surface to the depth of a foot. ... In a chemical point of view, marl is not of any value except where tke soil requires a supply of lime. . . Tha other minei-al constituents of marl are far too inconsiderable in amount to be reckoned upon.' J Chaptal, in his " Chemistry applied to Agriculture," (Chap, iii., Art. 2,) thus expresses himself : " It is acknowledged that lime is principally useful upon fallow lands which are broken up ; upon grass lands, whether natural or artificial, which are prepared for cultivation : and upon muddy lands, which are to be put into a fit state for culture. It is well known that in all these cases there exists in the land a greater or less quantity of roots, which, by the ap- plication of lime, may be made to serve more immediately for manure, by the solubility it will give to the new products formed by them. . . . Independently of this effect, which, in my opinion, is the most important, lime exercises other powers, which make it a very valuable agent in Agriculture." These authorities might be multiplied ad injinitum. On the alternately too loose or too hard soils of the dry and barren lands of the tide-water zone, lime would doubtless have two salutary effects the mechanical one already noticed, and it would furnish one necessary food of plants. But of its power to render these soils, or the exhausted ones of the middle zone, anything more than transiently fertile, there is no probability, if they are, as I suppose them to be, generally rather, and sometimes very, destitute of organic matter. This destitution I infer from ocular examination ;* also from the fact that they are covered with little vegetation, with the exception of the long-leaf pine, to produce by its an- nual decay a store of organic matter; and, finally, if this organic matter existed in these soils in any considerable quantity, they would not be ster- ile. They probably possess the ordinary inorganic constituents of dry Tertiary and granitic soils, and no properties directly deleterious to vege- tation. Organic matter, then, in my judgment, is what they principally stand in need of to render them fertile. Now, by applying lime to them, it would undoubtedly do good t in two ways, as before admitted; but the considerable temporary apparent amelioration, as evinced in some instances Ly the increased growth of vegetation, is factitious, for the lime is only act- ing with and exhausting the little organic matter in the soil, to leave it to greater eventual sterility. Hence the saying that " lime enriches the father but impoverishes the son," is a true one when the lime is applied to soils possessing but a small proportion of organic matter. On such, lime soon * I have seen no analyses of these soils, and mean therefore as I say, simply, examination by the eye '0 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. leads to exhaustion, unless organic matter is added to the soil in projjortion to the waste. The theoretical and practical considerations which should govern in the application of this fertilizer to soils are discussed more fully aiid, in my judgment, more ably by Johnston, in his Agricultural Chem- istry, than by any other writer. To him I take the liberty to -refer you. Marl raised from pits, as it must necessarily be (except when denuded, or cut through, on the beds of streams, &c.) where it occurs only as au under-stratum in a flat country where the pits, too, often require ma- chiiiery, or much manual labor, to keep them free from water while work- ing must be an expensive manure. From its tendency to sink in the soil it is not so permanent a one as would naturally be expected. On reclaimed swarnp lands as, for example, on tiie rice lands abounding in vegetable matter, it will be found a most efficacious manure, and, when needed, will repay the necessary outlay ; but I fear it will be found otherwise ultimate- ly, if not immediately, on the barren sands and exhausted granite soils of the South. Applied with swamp mud, it would constitute a fertilizer scarcely, perhaps, admitting of a superior, even on the latter soils. In their single effects, however, I cannot but believe that the best swamp mud that which is black arid fetid by the long continued accumulation of or- ganic substances (and especially if charged with shells, and the shields of Infusoria) would be worth more per load than the richest marl. The mud, too, should be considerably cheaper than the marl, no deep excava- tions being required to obtain it.* Digging and draught, and, in the case of the mud, draught alone, would render both decidedly expensive ma- nures, relatively to the value of the land after being ameliorated by them, even assuming that amelioration to be complete and permanent. On lands immediately contiguous to conveniently reached depositions of mud or marl, on a scale so limited that it could be carried on at spare intervals without encroaching on the regular routine of plantation labor, it might be good economy to haul out mud and marl, and thus gradually reclaim small pieces of laiid.f It certainly would be better economy than to waste those intervals in idleness. But in anything like an extended and speedy system of reclamation the fertilization of thirty, forty or fifty acres per annum, instead of one, two or three the means above adverted to are, in my humble judgment, utterly out of the question. The labor would, ab- sorb all the labor of man and beast on the plantation ; and it is exceedingly questionable, in my mind, whether the land, when fertilized, would sell for the cost of the manure. Hard would it be for many a South Carolinian or Virginian to turn his back on the Lares and Penates of his race forgetting many a proud local and ancestral association but as a question of dollars and cents, some- times a necessary one, and, at all events, usually the paramount one,' 1 think it past a reasonable doubt that it would be better economy to de- sert the worn-out or naturally barren soils of our South-eastern coast, and purchase the virgin and fertile lands of the South-west (even including the extra expense of building and fencing), than to attempt to reclaim the former by means so expensive as those above indicated. What, then, is the resort? Are there any means by which those lands can be profitably reclaimed ? I answer, Yes ; and the resort is a mixed system of green arid animal manuring the latter made attainable by sheep husbandry. Experience is the best test of all theories. And we have had * I am inclined to think, however, that this mud, it" sprrnd directly on tho surface, would contaminate the atmosphere with unhealthy miasma, generating agues and bilic't.i diseases. If so, it would require in- corporation with the soil, hy plowing. . t It seems to me, however, that these expensive manures would he more profitably applied in krfpmg up the fertility of the best lands, or as assistants to other and cheaper means of reclaiming the poor ones- SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOtTiH. 71 80 little experience in the premises, in our own country, let us turn to that of the first agricultural nation of the Old World. There is no foreign na- tion where so high a degree of intelligence is brought to bear on farming operations where cause and effect are so carefully studied and accurately noted as in England. This care and accuracy are indispensably neces- sary in a country where high rent and heavy taxation render good farming or bankruptcy unavoidable counter-alternations to the agriculturist. Pre- vailing conclusions among such a class of agriculturists undisputed con- clusions, too are assuredly entitled to great respect, and may almost be regarded as settled facts. Now the farmers of England are perfectly fa miliar with every kind of manure accessible to our Southern farmers, un- less it be swamp mud and cotton seed. Lime, for example, is plentiful and cheap, and is much used in Agriculture all over the kingdom. If either this, or any of the manures of commerce, were considered, of them- selves, economical fertilizers of the poor, sandy or light upland soils of England, there is no country in the world where they are more plentiful, and, when the use of the soil and the price of products are taken into con- sideration, more cheap. What the settled conclusions of the English farmers are, in relation to the profitable amelioration of those soils, will be seen from the following undisputed testimony of some of the most eminent and respectable of them, taken before the Committee of the House of Lords, charged with the in- quiry into the state of the wool trade, &c. in Great Britain, in 1828, from which I have so freely quoted in preceding Letters. Mr. WILJ.IAM FINKNEY, Salisbury Plain: Land such as I occupy could not be main tained without the aid of sheep. . . . The sheep are our principal dependence for suj> porting our crops ; indeed, I could not occupy my farm without my flock. Mr."" JOHN ELLMAN, Jr., Sussex : I do not consider it possible for the light lands upon the Downs to be kept in cultivation without flocks. I could not keep the farm I now hold without sheep. . . On the South Downs the wool must be grown, let the price foe what it will. Mi . FRANCIS HALE, Alringham, Suffolk : The description of land I occupy could not be kept in cultivation without the aid of sheep. Mr. HENRY KING, Chilmark, Wiltshire : The size of my farm is about 4.000 acres. I clip annually about G,500 South-Down sheep. . . . Such lands as I occupy cannot be kept in cultivation without the aid of sheep. Mr. JOHN WOOLLEDGE, near Bury St. Edmunds, Sriffolk : An estate near the aboyjj place contains 8,890 acres, let to tenants, and consists principally of poor sandy and gravelly land, the produce of which in grain is very precarious, amounting in dry summers to little or nothing. The occupiers, therefore, depend almost entirely on their flocks of sheep for the payment of their rents and the employment and support of the population. ... I am of opinion that two-thirds of the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk may be comprehended in the sheep districts, and that they produce two pounds and a half of wool, and three-fourths of a lamb, to the acre, upon an average. . . . The produce of the land depends materi- ally upon the folding system ; there is not sufficient straw for manure without the assistance of sheep. Mr. WILLIAM ILOTT, Alley Milton, Dorsetshire : I calculate the annual growth of wooJ in Dorsetshire at 10,000 pack's of 246 Ibs. each. It is estimated . . . that 800,000 sheep, or one sheep and one-seventh per acre, . . . are kept in this county. A considerable part of the county of Dorset is composed of light lands, and can only be kept in tillage by the aid of sheep. C. C. WESTERN, Esq. : It is utterly impossible that the Down Districts can be cultivate^ to advantage without sheep. We never fold our Merino or other sheep ; the land is too wet. LORD NAPIER : If we had not sheep upon our lands (the highlands of Scotland), it would become the habitation of foxes and snipes, and return to waste ; it would produce nothing but grouse and wild game of different sorts. Is it asked, Why are sheep preferred to horned cattle ] Many of the reasons are given in my preceding Letter. Then, again, the scanty and short pasturage of light lands, on which sheep will thrive, will not afford sufficient " bite" (as it is provincially termed in the Northern States) to 72 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. profitably carry large stock. And, finally, there seems to be a settled con- viction among the English farmers that sheep give a better return for the food consumed, and therefore better repay the extraordinary expenditure necessary to bring poor lands in a fit state for the plow, than any other animal. In an able essay in the London " Plough" (June, 1846), the fol- io wing remarks occur, which may be probably regarded as an expression of the prevailing opinion in England : It is justly admitted that, of all the domestic animals reared and fed for profit in Great Britain, sheep are of the greatest consequence, both individually and in a national point ot view, and afford a better return than can be obtained either from the rearing or feeding of cattle ; the very fleece shorn annually from their backs is worthy of consideration. Sheep husbandry deserves to be esteemed in all its different branches, and claims the prior- ity of coLnideration among agriculturists."* The manner in which the " very fleece" is here spoken of, shows that wool occupies but a mere subsidiary place in making up the profits of English sheep husbandry. I know many intelligent and experienced farm- ers in this country who think sheep feeding more profitable, or equally profitable, with cattle feeding, leaving the wool out of the account.! The experience of the English farmers accords with that of those of our Own Northern and Eastern States, in relation to the superior advantage? of sheep husbandry on poor and light soils. Observation has shown both that such soils do not profitably carry bullocks or other large animals, and that such animals are poorer manurers than sheep. But their methods of availing themselves of the advantages of this husbandry are entirely dis- similar. The English farmer finds mutton and grain the marketable pro ducts which pay best. The first returns a profit on the crop (turnips) which produces it, and at the same time fits the land for the latter. The high price and ready sale of mutton allows the English farmer to force the growth of turnips on poor soils, by the application of highly condensed manures.! In the fall the sheep are turned upon small patches of them, surrounded by an inclpsure of hurdles. The turnips are drawn, sliced, and laid in troughs for the sheep. "When one patch is consumed, the hurdles are removed, and thus the field is gradually passed over the sheep con- verting the whole crop into animal products and manure. The land is theti plowed for grain, and a succession of crops are taken from it. By this means the land is soon reduced to its former level, and the same sys- tem is again entered upon. * After reading this and the preceding testimony, one cannot look back without a smile on the unac- countable monomania of that excellent man and public benefactor, Col. John Taylor, in relation to sheep, lu one of the essays of "Arator," he says: 41 My conclusions are that they require and consume far more food, in proportion to their size, than any other stock ; that they are more liable to disease and death ; and that they cannot be made a profitable ob- ject throughout the whole extent of the warm, dry climate and sandy soil of the United States, but by ban- tahing tillage from vast tracts of country." . . . It is probable that the hot constitution of sheep pro- daces a rapid digestion, and that insatiable appetite, by which the fact is accounted for of their flourishing otily, to any extent, in line meadows or extensive wildernesses. If this voraciousness is not gratiiied, the animal perishes or dwindles ; if it is. he depopulates the country he inhabits. The sheep of Spain have kept out of existence, or sent out of it, more people than the wild beasts of the earth have destroyed from the creation ; and those of England may have caused a greater depopulation than all her extravagant wars. It may be owing to this animal, the independence of one country is almost overthrown, and of the other tottering." (! ! !) He farther expresses the opinion that England, " by the help of her moisture and verdure, ean raise wool cheaper than the United States." (!) It would appear that Col. Taylor formed all his conclusions on a smal] flock kept by himself They ml/ have been a bad and unthrifty flock. But it is strongly probable that he was influenced by deep-rooted prejudices, imbibed before his judgment was ripened, or his experience formed ; and that these, unknown lo himself, warped all his views. I can account in no other way for the evident and palpable hallucination under which he made nearly every statement in his Chapter on Sheep. . f A gentleman who has been one of the most successful feeders of cattle and sheep in this State (P. N. Rust, Esq. of Syracuse) recently remarked to me in conversation that he had invariably found that sheep paid better for feedinc; than cattle. J Bone-dust, and frequently guano or some other manure with it, is drilled in with the turnip seed, so that much cost is obviated by making a little go a he word here in i*.s technical sense. I mean carried beyond mere local limits for sale whether that sale be effected in tbe same State, in some other part of thc'U. 3., or abroad. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 77 in producing beef (or pork*) for exportation to foreign countries. Its im- mense natural pastures the profusion and cheapness with which Indian corn can be produced on its virgin soils give it an advantage which in- creased transportation by no means counterbalances. The question then arises Why, for the same reasons, cannot the vast North-western plains produce wool more cheaply than the South, and undersell her in our own and the foreign markets 1 In the first place, the western pastures that is to say, the wild or natural ones which produce beef so cheaply, are, by reason of the coarseness and rankness of their verdure, not adapted ft: tlie growing of sliccp. Secondly, the shortness and mildness of the south- ern w r inter give a decided advantage in wool growing, by affording green winter feed an advantage not profitably available probably, on an extend- ed scale, with large grass-feeding animals. Again, in the North-west, though there is less snow, the winter is about as long, for all the practical purposes of husbandry, as in New-York.t Killing frosts come as early in autumn ; the naked ground is frozen as solidly, and far more deeply ; and verdure puts forth but little if any earlier in the spring. The South then possesses the same great advantage with the North-west in the production of wool cheap lands ; and, superadded to this, she has the short, mild winters, which give her a decided advantage over both the North and North- west. She has a marked advantage over the Northern and Eastern States in both particulars, and, instead of importing manufactured wooln from them, she aught to supply them, by export, with at least the raw ma- terial. And she will do this at no distant day, unless her sons are content, in the great struggle and battle of industrial interests, to sacrifice their own by apathy or irresolution. * I have not alluded to the rearing of swine any more fully, as they are but partially a grazing animal. But if the position assumed in the text be correct, it is another argument in favor of devoting your lands to the production of surplus wool, instead of surplus corn. f The winter feeding of sheep in New Yorjt has already been stated to average about one hundred *< 78 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER VII. PROFITS OP SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. 3. BY GIV ING TO SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE A MIXED AND CONVERTIBLE CHAR- ACTER. 4. BY FURNISHING THE RAW MATERIAL FOR THE MANUFAC- TURE OF DOMESTIC WOOLENS. Expediency of Rotation in Crops. ..Consequences of omitting it on Wheat Lands of New-York ... Mr. Gay- lord's views. ..Consequences in the Southern States... Mr. Roper's Report in the Legislature of South Carolina [Cotton Statistics of that State Comparison with other States General Agricultural Resources necessity of new staples]. ..Judge Seabrook's Report to the State Agricultural Society of South Caro- Una [Agricultural Statistics- Remedies proposed for present " distress"] . . .Singular omission of Wool as one of the proposed new Staples. ..Southern prejudice on this subject Causes. ..Impropriety of the one- crop system Diminishes crops Deteriorates land Multiplies insects. ..Fertility sustained by Rotation Causes. .." Resting" Its inexpediency. ..Some of the Crops of every Rotation irtust be converted mainly into Manure Superior economy of converting them into Animal Manure Sheep the most profitable ani- mals for this purpose. ..Leading principles of a profitable Southern Rotation Six-shift Course proposed Five-shift Course Six-shift Course for poor soils- ..Col. Taylor's Four-shift Course Objections. ..Com- parative profit of growing Wool, Cotton and Rice, incidentally alluded to. . .Economy of producing the raw material for the Manufacture of Domestic Woolens... Cost of Slave Cloths per head per year... Prices now paid for these Cloths Cost of manufacturing them Data for estimating such cost... Great profits of Man- ufacturers in the Northern States Their Dividends Their method of exchanging Cloth for Wool Work- ins; Wool at the halves. ..Cost of Cloths obtained by these methods. ..The South may obtain the same ad- vantages Natural Facilities Cost of Machinery On what terms worked Operations... Cloths spun and wove by hand cheaper than the imported ones Cost of the several processes of manufacturing them Estimate of Cost per yard at the North... Cost of establishing Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery... Home-made Fabrics diminishing at the North Causes... Same Causes will not operate to so great an ex tent at the South Reasons... Probable Cost of Home-made Cloths, South. Dear Sir : The third great benefit claimed by me among the profits of sheep husbandry in the Southern States was, " its. comparative efficacy in giving to Southern Agriculture a mixed and convertible character, and thereby sustaining (or improving) all the present good tillage lands, in tho place of continuing the " new and old field" system (tilling land until it is worn out, then abandoning it and opening new lands), once so general, and even now by far too prevalent." The first object of mixed husbandry has been already stated -the home supply of the various necessaries of life. Its second, and still more impor- tant one, is the preservation of existing fertility in all soils fit for tillage. It certainly requires no proof or argument to demonstrate the superior ex- pediency of maintaining the fertility of soils, if it can be done, by a rota- tion of crops, even though each of these crops is not, separately considered, the one which would yield the greatest immediate profit. In the language of the hackneyed aphorism, it is never expedient to " kill the goose which lays golden eggs." . This constant cropping with one plant was once extensively practiced on the wheat lands of New- York, as many of their present owners can bitterly attest. Even now there can be no doubt that, on nearly all of them, wheat returns too often in the rotation. These lands were once rapidly, and are still, I fear, slowly declining in value ; while the grazing lands of Southern New-York, where men have been compelled to be more discreet, have been constantly improving and approximating to the former in market value.* * This calls to mind a letter which I received from an old and valued correspondent, the late Willis Gay. lord, but a short time prior to his death. I had spoken of the advantages of his own, the wheat region, ver tho grazing region in which I reside. Mr. G. combated this idea. He thought capital invested her SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The same system has prevailed on the rice, tobacco, and cotton lands of the South, and has, for a variety of reasons not necessary here to be dis- cussed, been, in the case of the two latter at least, more fatally persisted in. I have already alluded to the exhaustion of your soils consequent on this course of culture, but to show the wide extent of the evil its pecu- niary consequences individually, and on whole States the now admitted necessity of a rotation of crops the equally conceded necessity of intro- ducing some new staple, or staples, to render the other crops in the rota- tion, besides cotton, rice, and tobacco, remunerative and various other con siderations having a strong bearing on this whole question I quote the following statements from Southern, as well as highly authoritative sources. The Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives of South Carolina, through their Chairman, Hon. R. W. Roper, made a Report to that body, Dec. 14, 1842, from which the following are extracts : " Let us now turn our consideration to one other great staple, cotton, of which the statis tics are so exact that we can ascertain by calculation what our prospects are as regards com- petition in that article. The United States produce at present 578,012,473 Ibs. more than one-half the crop of the whole world. South Carolina grows of this 43,927,171 Ibs., or 1-13 part of the quantity ; but from this source of profit her palmy days are past. Every yeai opens new lands in the West, where congeniality of soil and climate to this commodity in creases the product per acre far beyond what can be reared at home, and consequently re Juces the value infinitely below the costly prices which formerly enriched Carolina. These new lands produce, on an average, 2,500 Ibs. of cotton per hand, while the lands in Carolina yield but 1,200 Ibs., and the expenses of a laborer being about equal in either place, reduces the Carolina cotton to half its intrinsic value. We have also the declaration of Mr. Dixon H. Lewis, in a recent speech in Congress, that cotton, divested of Government embarrassments, might be grown in Alabama for three cents a pound. "Your Committee will avail itself of the lucid calculations of a distinguished and talented tt-Iividual,* to present another view of the subject, startling in its details, and bearing strong ?J 3n the propriety of summing up all our resources. The crop of the world amounts to 1,000,000,000 Ibs., which would require, at the rate of 250 Ibs. per acre, 4,000,000 of acres to grow this quantity. Now, the four States bordering on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico viz., Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida contain 130,000,000 of acres ; proving, ihat, if only one acre in 32 were found capable of producing 250 Ibs. to the acre, these four States could, alone, supply the demand of all the markets in the world. In this calculation, the produce of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia, with portions of other States, besides 150,000,000 acres in Texas, are entirely excluded. The lands of the Gulf States, therefore, and Texas, are sufficient to supply the demands of the world in all time to como. Where, then, is the hope or prospect of South Carolina in the competition ? . . . " South Carolina comprises within .her borders 16,000,000 acres of land, of which only 1,300,000 are cultivated. Of this, cotton occupies 175,700 acres ; rice, 80,000; Indian com 500,000; potatoes, 22,612; wheat, 24,079 making an aggregate of about 800,000 acres; the balance of 500,000 are taken up in oats, rye, barley, hay, tobacco, and a limited portion ot other articles necessary to the supplies of life. To what use, then, is the balance of our ter returnee! quite as good or better profits, than on the wheat lands. He thought, taken as a whole, the graz- ing farmers were doing better than the wheat farmers. The latter, though ostensibly making an equal and frequently better per centage, were wasting their capital. The gracing laricls and the wheat lands wore rap- idly approaching each other in market value, by the rise of the former and the deterioration of the latter. May this not afford a parallel to what will one day be witnessed in the Southern States ? It is difficult for me to pass by the name of this accomplished writer this pure, upright and philanthropic man without throwing one stone on the cairn of his well-merited fame. He felt himself, from his infancy, cut " would have pr , temporaries. His range of reading and study was remarkable. In his beautiful and sparkling letters to me, every subject and almost every science is touched upon by him in a manner that shows that he at least had mastered their general principles ; and, in the abandon of private intercourse, they seem to have been to him as the flowerets of a garden, among which his spirit could roam with that playful and joyous activ- ity which was denied to his poor, frail body, among the objects of the outer and physical world. Freely, unassumingly, and without an aspiration but for the good of his fellow men, his mind poured out , Its stores on a variety of topics in the publications of the day. Fortunately, he gave his principal attention to the subject of Agriculture, and, if not a discoverer (which he never claimed to be), he investigated and collated with an industriousness of research, discrimination and perspicacity, which brought the truth from ail the different sources where discovery or experience had left its disjecta membra, into essays, so well com- pacted, so clearly airanged, that men of the most ordinary parts could not only understand his separate sen- tences and positions, but their connection tod aggregate bearing, and thus master the whole subject. Peace to his ashes ! * Gov Hairuiond. 80 ' SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ritory, of 14,000,000 of acres, to be appropriated ? Are we forever to be supplied with stock from the West, bread-stuffs from the Middle States, and manufactures from the North ? Is all that we can realize from our labor to be expended abroad ? Nothing to be left for our own improvements or our luxury ? As one means of correcting this evil, your Committee propose an Agricultural Survey of the Slate, to determine our natural advantages, develop our facilities of improvement, exhibit our profits and expenditures, and awaken our citizens to the importance of vying with, the rest of the human family in all the improvements of which our location is susceptible " The exposition which your Committee has given, showing the great competition of for- eign rice with our own, and that South Carolina cannot compete with the West in the cheap production of cotton, and that she must, ere long, be driven from the market, demonstrates the necessity of looking abroad and around us for other sources of advancement and projitt than those we possess. " VVe cannot expect that accident is continually to supply new staples suited to our soil and climate, and place us beyond the reach of contingent circumstances. We must resort to science to improve our Agriculture, and to machinery to enlarge and prepare present arti- cles of culture, or transplant and acclimate new products, which will again, like those wo have lost and will lose, lead off' for a period in the employment of capital, amassing of wealth and diffusion of human happiness." The House and Senate agreed with the Report, the same day, and its principal recommendation, an Agricultural Survey of the State, was adopted. The Committee appointed by the South Carolina State Agricultural So- ciety to consider the scheme of Col. Davie to reduce the quantity of cotton grown, made a Report, through their Chairman, Judge Seabrook, at the winter meeting of the Society, 1845-6, from which the following are ex- tracts :* ''Another cause of our distress is that; in a large portion of the southern country, cotton is cultivated, when its production does not now, and never can, at all compensate the planter for the labor bestowed. There it is desirable for every one that other branches of industry ehould be pursued. . . . We do not intend to encourage the cultivation of cotton to the neglect of the other products necessaty to support or comfort. Every planter should prompt- ly render himself independent in reference to those articles which could be produced on his plantation. In this way he would profitably curtail the quantity of land devoted to the cot- tcu crop. An abandonment of the present extremely defective mode of culture, and the sub- stitution of a better, would insure a larger quantity of cotton than would be lost by diversify- ing the products of industry. In other words, his cotton crop would be larger ; his corn, wheat, rice, oats, barley, horses, mules, hogs, cattle, sheep, butter and vegetables, would be the produce of his farm. " If, however, the cotton crop is to be given up one-half, after all the reductions of it which we have sanctioned, to what else can the planter of the South so profitably turn his attention ? To grain ? He already, in ordinary years, produces twice as much as the Middle States, and about one-eighth more than the West. In Indian corn alone, the produce of the South, by her last census, was 300 million bushels. If the planter of cotton is engaged in an unprofit able business, much more is the grain raised. . . . Millions of acres in South Carolina, including the lower country, are admirably adapted to the raising of rich grasses. This might be added as another branch of industry, from which reasonable profits might be real ized, and might very well be added to the cotton planter's income. The business of tanning and the manufactures of leather might be and ought to be enlarged. In this State, all the means of a successful pursuit of this branch of industry are at hand and within the reach of every one. Hides, lime, bark and mechanics (slaves) are abundant." The remarks in both of the above extracts, though made exclusively in reference to South Carolina, will apply equally well, in many obvious par- ticulars, to all the old cotton and tobacco growing States. To a Northern man, accustomed from his childhood to see sheep hus- bandry blended, to a greater or less extent, in the operations of nearly every farm, and to live among farmers who regard it just as indispensable, and as much a matter of course, as the production of bread-stuffs, it seems singular enough that neither of the above able Committees, in looking for * As has been before stated, the other members of the Committee were Judge O'Neall and W. J. Ailston, Esq. Mr. A. did not concur with his colleagues in the proposition that there was not already an absolute over-production of cotton. He believed there was. In all otlier particulars, and consequently in all era- braced in the extracts given, he concurred in the Report. SHEEP HUSBAVDRY IN THE SOUTH, 8l "other sources of advancement"- " new products" "ether branches of industry" both to bring into use millions of acres of unproductive terri- tory " admirably adapted to the raising of rich grasses," and to render profitable and preserve the fertility of the tillage lands of the State, should not have thought of wool growing or only thought of it, as it were, inci- dentally at the very heel of a catalogue of farm products, and in refer- ence solely to supplying the home want ! Indeed, the estimate which has been set upon sheep husbandry gener- ally, and by all classes of agriculturists, South, is a source of unmixed sur- prise to one acquainted with this pursuit, and with the resources of that region for sustaining it. There appears among many, if I may credit your own writers,* to be even a prejudice against sheep and sheep husbandry, per se ! Is this because these animals bear a staple, and give employment to manufactories, which have claimed the " protection " of Government, to the prejudice, in the opinion of Southern politicians, of Southern interests 1i [s any portion of it due to the scornful denunciations of the brilliant, but eccentric and cynical, statesman of Roanoke, who " would at any time go out of his way to kick a sheep" ] Or is it owing to the, in most respects, justly popular writings of Col. Taylor, of Virginia'? Hon. Andrew Ste- venson, of the same State, in a letter to John S. Skinner, Esq., says :| " The prejudice which the late Col. John Taylor, of Caroline (who, by-the-by, did more for Agriculture than any man in America), had against sheep, has been the means of render- ing this description of stock unpopular in many parts of the southern country. ... If this distinguished patriot and statesman had lived at this day, he would have changed his opinion." The impropriety and inexpediency of giving all the labor and prime land of the country to the exclusive cultivation of one or two crops, even leav- ing the deterioration of the lands, consequent on such a course, out of the question, is forcibly set forth in the Reports above quoted from. But that deterioration is an infinitely more fatal evil, both to individuals and States. An injudicious course of cropping can be easily changed; but, if the land is entirely impoverished, the change comes too late, until labor and capital have been employed on its restoration. The tendency, nay, the absolute connection as cause and effect, between the one-crop system and such dete- rioration, has been proved by too sad an experience at the South is too universally recognized and conceded to find a single questioner who pos- sesses ordinary intelligence. Whether the consequent phenomena are solved by the excretionary theory of De Candolle, or the more ordinary one of the exhaustion of some of those substances which constitute the ne- cessary food of plants, the facts presented are the same.|| The soil yields constantly diminishing crops, until it becomes incapable of producing more than scattering and feeble plants ; an'd the insect enemies of the latter, which would perish if deprived of their aliment by the substitution of some other plants, multiply in a constantly ascending rati \ * Hon. Andrew Stevenson, John S. Skinner, at. al . in Monthly Journal of Agriculture, &c. t If such protection has prejudiced the South, what stronger reason why she should remunerate herself by appropriating a share of it ! J Monthly Journal of Agriculture, July, 1845. || The theory of M. De Candolle, apparently so strongly supported by the experiments of M. Macaire, haa found many belieyers. But the statements of the latter have been contradicted by M. Braconnet. M. Mir bel, and finally are totally overthrown, in my judgment, by the experiments and investigations of Mr. Alfred Gyde, of Scotland. Mr. Gyde shows that the minute excretions of plants have the same composition with their tap; and he also watered plants with a solution of their excretions, not only without injury^but to their manifest benefit ! For Mr. Gyde's able Prize Essay on this subject, see the Transactions of the High- land and Agricultural Society of Scotland (March, 1846). I am not aware that this essay has been repub- lished in our country. It certainly should be. f) Of the latter evil, the past year furnished a pregnant example. I saw it stated last winter, in the South Carolinian (published at Columbia, S. C.), on the authority of an Unite*! States Senator, that the falling off In the cotton crop would be enormous, by reason of the depredation of worms. This evil is constantly in creasing, and must continue to, while the planter continues to provide aliment for each succeeding hord* of destroyers, by continuing on the soil the plants on which they prey. L 82 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Experience lias shown that if vegetables of different classes are made to follow each other, the soil will much longer retain its productiveness.- Even when " exhausted" of some one or more of those ingredients neces- eary for the healthy production of a particular plant, it is found to produce others luxuriantly which do not require the lacking ingredients, or but very minute portions of them And, by a most beautiful arrangement of phys- ical causes and effects, when a plant is removed from the soil, and notwith- standing its place is occupied by others, a process of restoration at once commences to replace all that the absent plant has appropriated, and to prepare the kindly bosom of the earth again for its reception. Nature herself, in ministering to this beneficent end, becomes a great laboratory ; and in her most ordinary, as well as her most unusual operations, she i* constantly producing those chemical changes, and furnishing those chem- ical ingredients, which restore what has been abstracted by man's cupid- ity, or lost by his improvidence. The gentle rain brings down ammonia and carbon to plants. The frost rives the solid rocks, to disengage their fertilizing constituents. The sun, in his flaming path, looks down not only to warm and give us light, but to perform functions in the vegetable econ- omy without which all herbage, except a few miserable fungi, would per- ish ; and to all he imparts their varied and beautiful coloring. The thun- der which shakes the walls of cities, and strikes man with awe, brings to our aid one of the most efficient promoters of vegetation. Even the burst- ing volcano converts its fiery crater into a crucible and retort, and gives off that gas which forms so large a portion of all the vegetable and animal productions of the globe : and the wild winds, which strand navies in their course, equally diffuse it over the earth. It follows from the above positions that naturally good lands* which aits more or less exhausted will be gradually resuscitated by " rest," or an en- tire exemption from tillage ; and hence the absurd idea that lands require physical " rest," in the same sense in which the tired animal muscle re- quires it, after continuous exertion. But, apart from the theciy, the prac- tice of "resting" lands is inexpedient, for the following reasons: If a plant is not continued 'on a soil until it consumes any of those inorganic constituents necessary to its production if, on the other hand, it is suc- ceeded by a plant which makes its heaviest drafts on those inorganic sub- stances which its predecessor required the least of, and vice versa the natural recuperative process above adverted to, aided by means which lose to us none of the value of the crops, will repair the waste made by each plant, before it again occupies the soil, in a judicious rotation. Hence, by a rotation of crops, fertility can be indefinitely sustained, and the earth each year return its increase. Thus the ends of "rest" are attained, with- out its great and unprofitable sacrifices. To sustain the fertility of 'the soil, some portion of the crops of every rotation must be converted into manure. These are the " aiding means" above alluded to. They may be converted into green or animal manure If the former, the whole crop is plowed under. If the latter, the crop is nrst partly converted into animal manure, by animals depastured on it, and than this animal manure, with the remaining vegetation, is plowed under. The last is always the most economical method, on good lands,t becauje the crop is worth almost as much for manure, after passing through the * I say "naturally good lands," for those entirely deficient in several of the necessary condiments of ter'.ile soil might require ages of rest to obtain these constituents if, indeed, they ever would, by merely natural causes. t I have limited the assertion to "pood lands," because a crop of green manure, turned under Rt the proper stage of its growih, will undoubtedly make rather more manuie than in any other way ; and it may be expedient many times to give poor lands all. This is especially true in the reclamation of barren land* SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 83 bodies of a7iimals, as it would be turned under green; arid then we have all the profit made on or by the animals meat, wool, &-c. without any additional cost. Sheep, being the best minurers, and otherwise the most profitable animals, will (with enough other animals to supply all the home demand for the necessaries furnished by them) best sustain a profitable ro- tation. Here, perhaps, the discussion of this topic in connection with the sub- ject matter of these letters should terminate ; but I am unwilling to aban don it, without making a few practical suggestions as to the rotation which would be found most profitable at the Soath more particularly on the valuable cotton lands, which are suffering most for the want of it. It is manifestly impossible to lay down any rule or rules on this subject, which can or should be rigidly acted upon, in all instances. Leading principles can only be declared, and, if correct, the intelligent man can always vary their application so as to meet the exigencies of his particular case. First, I should consider it indispensable on all cotton (or tobacco) lands,* under all circumstances, to keep at least one-third of them in pasturage, to insure the proper amount of manure, over and above cotton seed, and such occasional supplies of swamp mud and marl as might be obtained at spare intervals and all other incidental manures. Another third, 1 be- lieve, should be generally devoted to grain for bread stuffs, for fattening the necessary amount of bacon, and for the winter forage of horses, mules, swine, &c. Unless the horses and mules, and, perhaps I should add, the cows, were wintered entirely, or in great part, on grain and the offal of the grain crops, one-third of the cultivated land in grass, would not support animals enough to produce the manure requisite for two-thirds in cotton and grain. But in making the above division, I spoke only of the arabl& lands fit for the growth of cotton. Most plantations have poor, or swampy, or rough lands, which would most profitably be kept permanently in gray* and these would supply the deficit. The remaining third of the arable- lands might be devoted to cotton, or, in the tobacco region, to tobacco. By the course above proposed, the cotton (or tobacco) and wool would; be made the salable products. The grain, grass, dairy products, bacon,. &c., would be consumed on the plantation. This is as it should be. Eu- ropean famine has given a stir to the latter products this .year, (and it may for a year more,) in the Southern markets ; but with the ordinary Euro- pean demand, the old Southern Atlantic States cannot, as we have seen* compete at a profit with these commodities, which debouch through the- Mississippi, the St. Lawrence, and the northern canals. With the two wools, as they are sometimes called, the " vegetable and animal," these States can undoubtedly sustain, themselves against the pressure of any out- ward competition. Such a division of crops as the one above proposed, could be effected! by a six-course system of rotation. Let us suppose the land of the planta- tion fit to grow corn and cotton, divided into six equal fields. I then pro- pose the following rotation : 1st year, Grass depastured. 8d do. do. 3d Cotton. 4tli Cotton with yard ma- nure, &.c. Sth Corn with peas. 6th Small grains with grass seed. 1st year, 2d .. 3d .. 4th .. 5th .. 6th .. Grass depastured. Cotton. Cotton with yard ma- nure, &c. Corn with peas. Small grains with grass seed. Grass depastured. 1st year, Cotton. 2d .. Cotton with yard rn*> nure, &c. 3d .. Corn with peas. 4th .. Small grains with graw seed. 5th . . Grass depastured. 6th .. do. do. * I have not included the rice lands, because bein? deep beds of alluvial deposits, composed in a great meRsure of organic matter, and being susceptible of irrigation, they will not wear out like ordinary eoila. an-i stand less in need of rotatf n in their crops. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. I at y< ad 3d 4th 5th 6th ;ar, Cotton with yard ma- nure, &.C. Corn with peas. Small grams with grass seed. Grass depastured. do. do. Cotton. 1st year, Corn with pens. 2d .. Small grains with grass seeds. 3d .. Grass depastured. 4th .. do. do. 5th .. Cotton. 6th .. Cotton with yard ma- nure, &c. 1st year, (Small grains with gras* seed. 2d .. Grass depastured. 3d .. do. do. 4th .. Cotton. 5th .. Cotton with yard ma- nure, &c. 6th .. Corn with peas. Supposing each of these fields to contain 50 acres, this would give 100 acres of grass, 100 of cotton, and 100 of grain (50 of corn and 50 of small grains) annually. By this course all the hauled* manure, each year, would be given to one-sixth of the land, and consequently the same field would not receive it but once in six years yet every crop would be adequately manured. The first cotton crop would receive an ample amount from the grass roots and the droppings of animals for two years; the second, from the hauled manure ; the corn, from the manure left by the previous crop, and, if needed, by a small amount of cotton seed, ashes, (or some other mineral fertilizer,) in the hill ; the small grain crop would be amply manured by the peas sown with the preceding corn ; and the land would go back into grass in excellent "heart," and, if the previous tillage was what it should be, entirely free from weeds. The com might intervene between the two cotton crops, and thus remove the objection which exists against taking ;wo crops of the same kind in succession. But I placed cotton 4th, be- jause there should come a manured crop at this period of the rotation, and I thought it better to give the manure to the more valuable crop, and be- cause cotton, as the 5th crop, would not admit of the cultivation of the pea, ito provide manure for the small grain succeeding. The rotation might be thus varied, however, if circumstances should seem to render it desirable. I have put down no meadow in the rotation on the arable lands. But >1 believe the growth of hay to a certain extent, not only to supply any or- dinary deficiency in winter feed beyond the quantity furnished by the usual sourbes but to guard against contingencies, would be good econo- my in all cases. All farm animals must be well wintered, to give a prof- itable return in summer ; and those occasional scarcities of fodder always liable to overtake the farmer, should be providently guarded against. It is never considered poor economy, in the North, to have a few tons of hay even to summer over. The necessary meadows for the plantation might be made on some of the less arable lands before referred to and, when the tillage lands are in an uncommonly fertile state and pasturage plenty, it would do to mow one of the grass crops (the second one) of the above rotation, though, if avoidable, I should think the other course entirely pref- erable. On poorer lands the poorest class which can be profitably devoted to cotton growing I would propose a five-shift course, as follows : 1st year, Grass depastured. 3d year, Cotton. 2d .. do. do. 4th .. Com with peas. 5th year. Small grains with grass seed. "The manure to be given to the third or fourth crop, according to circum stances, or divided between them. On lands of a still inferior grade, but which it may be expcdien tc plow, at intervals, I would propose the following : 1st year Grass depastured. 4th year, Grass depastured (or mown.) 5th .- Corn with peas. Sd 3d do. do. do. do. 6th . . Small grains with grass seed. * I mean by this, the manure from every source which is carted upon the land in quantity, as contradi** tlngnished from that which is dropped there by animate made by plowing under vegetable*, or carried OB fa email quantities to drop in the lull, .&c. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 85 The number of years depastured to depend upon fertility the poorer the land, the longer* it should be kept in pasture. The following is the rotation which was introduced by Col. Taylor, north of the cotton-growing region : let year, Corn. 3d year, Clover (and weeds) not mown nor 2d .. Wheat and clover sown if too grazed, poor for wheat, left at rest and not grazed. 4th - - Clover not mown nor grazed. Of this, Mr. John J. Thomas, one of the Editors of the Albany Cuhi vator, very justly remarks : " It was materially opposed to ihe principles of good husbandry in several respects.- It furnished vegetable manure only to the land. A large portion of the value of this vegetable growth was lost, by dissipation into the air, during its decay. The returns from the land were necessarily small, as only two years out of four produced crops for harvesting. And it greatly increased the labors of tillage, by the increase of noxious weeds." Had this clover been fed off by sheep, a portion of the above objections would be inapplicable, and there would be no danger of the corn leaving the soil too impoverished for wheat, particularly if peas were sown with the former, to be plowed under. A crop of weeds is, of all others, the most to be avoided, as the seeds deposited by it will continue to sprout for years with the subsequent tillage crops, rendering them foul arid difficult of cultivation. I may be in a profound error, but I cannot but believe, after carefully studying Southern Agriculture, and the circumstances which invest it, that by adopting the six-shift system of rotation above recommended, or something analogous to it, on the cotton lands, the desideratum expressed; in Judge Seabrook's Report will be attained. More cotton will ulti- mately, if not even now, be produced from less land : the other necessa- ries of life will become mainly the product of the plantation ; a new staple will be introduced to employ the surplus capital, as profitable at least in its acreable products as cotton, and tending to the constant reparation, as cotton tends to the constant waste of the fertility of the land. , I will not tire you, Sir, with a comparison between the relative profits of wool and cotton growing. On looking over the answers of Southern gentlemen to Mr. Walker's Treasury Circular, (1845,) I find that the stated profits on cotton in the Atlantic and Gulf States, west of Louisiana, range from 1 to 8 per cent, on capital invested the average of all the statements being about 4J per cent. ! I may remark incidentally that in your own able replies to that Circular, you set down the profits of rice growing between 1842 and 1845, at 7 J per cent.; for the ten preceding years, at " about 8 per cent." A reference to Letter V. will show you how these profits compare with those of wool-growing. Admitting the accuracy of the data therein given, there is no very great difference in the cost of growing a pound of wool and a pound of cotton ! We come now to the /0#rZA point of view in which we are to regard the profits of sheep husbandry in the Southern States "whether independent of preceding considerations, and even if the staples furnished by sheep hus- bandry proved no more profitable, in direct returns on capital invested, than some of the present staples, it would not be better economy, on the whole, for the South to produce the raw material and manufacture do- mestic woolens, particularly for the apparel and bedding of slaves, than to be dependent for them on England and Massachusetts ] " The woolen apparel and bedding of slaves, when no part of it is manti factured on the plantation, costs about $6 per head per annum. The blankets imported from England weigh about 4J Ibs. and cost a little over S6 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. $3. Thu Welsh plains, imported from England, weigh%sually net far from 13 ounces per yard, and cost from 65 to 70 cents; and fhe Chelmsfords, a heavy, coarse article, from Massachusetts, from 50 to 58 cents. Now what is the cost of manufacturing (including wool and every other expense,) cloth of the same amount of stock, and better quality, than Welsh plains 1 To the present weight of the cloth per yard add one-third, and you have the weight of the wool in the fleece as bought of the farmer.* If, then, the Welsh plains weigh 13 ounces per yard, they required 17^ ounces of fleece-wool as stock. Wool of the quality worked into " plain cloth " or " sheep's gray," in this State, (New-York,) many shades better in qual- ity than the stock of Welsh plains, has averaged from June to December, 1846, from, say, 20 to 22 cents a poundf or, if pulled from the pelts of slaughtered sheep, as is the case with large quantities of it worked into these cloths, it did not, during the same period, stand the purchaser-in to exceed 18 cents per pound. Assume the average to be 21 cents per pound, and the stock of a yard of these cloths (17J ounces) would cost 22J cents. You are familiar with the character of the " sheep's grays " of New- York. They are worn almost universally by our farmers. Of the twenty- five thousand men you saw at the State Fair at Rochester, at least three- fourths of them ordinarily wear this quality of cloth for pantaloons, and say one-half of them for coats. Its ordinary weight is from that of the Welsh plain to 16 ounces per yard, and its style and expense of manufac ture are superior to those of the former. It can be manufactured, in chiding use of machinery, &c., and every process after the wool is received in the fleece, to fitting it for market, for eleven cents per yard ! A mer- chant of this State owns a manufactory, employing say $25,000 or $30,000 of capital, which turns off from 500 to 600 yards of cloth per diem the fleece-wool being converted into finished cloth in eight days. His whole expenses, including use of manufactory, averages, according to his own statements, not to exceed the above named price per yard. Add this sum to the cost' of wool, and cloths containing an equal quantity and quality of stock with Welsh plains would cost 33f cents per yard ; and you there- fore pay for this class of cloths about one hundred per cent, beyond the first cost, for transportation, duties, and manufacturer's profits. The latter, of course, absorbs most of the immense sum thus paid, or rather thrown away, annually by the Southern States. The Chelmsfords, and various other woolen goods imported by you, are probably manufactured at nearly equal profits. Is it singular, then, that " acres of woolen manufactories " are now in the process of erection in the North 1 or that existing establishments are declaring dividends of from ten to fifteen per cent. 1 J But I have not done with the data of manufacturing. The manufac- turer above alluded to has, to my certain knowledge, exchanged "sheep's grays " requiring a pound of stock per yard, for wool of the same quality as the stock, giving a yard of cloth for i-J- Ibs. of wool. Calling this wool * After being washed in the ordinary manner on the back of the sheep. t Wool has risen since December. 1 1 did contemplate an enumeration of the new woolen manufactories now buiHing, or in contempla tfon, within fhy knowledge, in this Si ate and New-England , but will mention but a few of the most im- portant ones. The Bay State Mills now in process of erection in the new city of Lawrence, Mass.. will Work iiu 2,000,001) Ibs. of wool per annum. One. of the mills, 200 feet long and six stories high, will go intd operation thi* summer. The machine-shop, wool-house, etc., 'the mere offices,) will be, including wings, thirteen hundred feet in length, nd three stories hih. Their very srwcr will cost $25,000 ! A splendid Bteam mill hns iust gone into operation in Utica, in this .^tate, which will work up 1.000,000 Ibs. of wool psi annum. Another of the same size is in contemplation, in Utica ; another in Syracuse ; another in Auburn, &C ! There never was a time when American manufactures stood on firmer basis, or were making bet ter profits with a prospect of having them continuous. This is conceded by the ablest of the manajaciwert tktMsilviS. as 1 shn.ll, in the proper place ; show. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 87 21 cents per pound, the cloth would thus cost the purchaser 36f cents per yard. Any of the manufactories doing custom-work will manufacture these goods " at the halves," so that a yard requiring a pound of stock would cost two pounds t;f wool, or 42 cents. That as heavy as Welsh plains would thus cost 45i cents, it being from 19J to 241 cents per yard less than vou now pay. Yet here the manufacturer of custom-work admits the sufifi ciency of the profit, by asking no more. Blankets are of still coarser wool, having the appearance of Smyrna, or inferior South American. They are not " sheared,"* which diminishes the waste. Neither do they need dyeing matter. But independent of these considerations, calling cost of stock per pound, and the waste from all causes the same, 6 Ibs. of fleece-wool would make a blanket. To the wool costing 21 cents a pound add 11 cents per pound (of the stock) for manufacturing, and the actual cost of the blanket is $1 92. Have them manufactured by the halves, and they would cost you 12 Ibs. of wool each, or $2 52. I have in the previous estimates, based my calculations on the market price of the lower quality of medium wools.t But there is another and a most important view of the subject. It has already been shown that the South can produce wool, to any desirable extent, at a sum not exceeding 8 cents per pound and, in favored localities, at a much lower rate. By the exchanging system (wool for cloth) you would get a yard of cloth equaling the YVelsh plain in stock, and superior in quality, for 2 Ibs. 2|- oz. of wool, costing the producer just 171 cents ! A blanket weighing 4i Ibs. would be obtained for 12 Ibs. of wool, costing 96 cents ! Does this sound a little like dreaming, Sir ? I ask you to carefully examine the premises, and see if there is any escaping from these con elusions 1 Will the South continue to slumber on, thus throwing away the fruits of her industry ] Do you tell me that her people know nothing about manufacturing, and have no taste for it 1 The necessary knowledge is as readily acquired by a Southern as a Northern man ; and when that is ob% tained, and there is a prospect of profit ahead, the taste will not long be wanting ! You have the capital : you have natural facilities to an un- bounded extent both to propel the machinery and produce the staple. What more do you want ] What more can you ask ? A joint stock asso- ciation of planters, at any suitable point, might cause a manufactory to be erected worth say $25,000, under the direction of a skillful and experi- enced machinist. This would turn off, say, 500 yards of cloth per diem. If the machinery was in all respects good, and the water-powei sufficient and unfailing, a competent and responsible Northern manufacturer could be obtained (if desired), to take the establishment, furnishing hands, &c. y and work the wool furnished him into cloth of the kind before described containing about the same stock with Welsh plains, and fitting it for mar * * After a sufficient number of fibres have been torn up from the threads by the teazles or cards of the * gig-mill " to form a sufficiently thick nap on the surface, these fibres are cropped or " sheared " by a ma- chine for that purpose ; and in superfine cloths the process is several times repeated, each time cutting off an additional portion of fibre, which is called "flocks." A dishonest custom now prevails among somt manufacturers of working these flocks again into the body of the cloth to give them weight, denscness, and apparent firmness. By this means the gigging and shearing process can be continued on thinnish cloths un- til a beautiful surface is obtained, without the additional thinness and lightness consequent thereon being apparent to any but an experienced eye. Sheep's grays and other coarse "cloths are gigged and sheared but slightly. In eome manufactories the former process is altogether omitted, and the cloth is simply brushed " prior to shearing. Such cloths are stronger, but do not look as well. t Say of the quality of common South-Down and Native and Long wools, with a sufficient dash of Me- rino blood in the last to make thAm carding-wools, and to bring them to about the same fineness with ihe firs 1 , earned. SS SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ket, for eight or nine cents a yard.* I know of a manufacturer, at no great distance from me, who thus takes t manufactory worth perhaps $8,000 or $10,000, and furnishes the cloth (of the above stamp,) fitted for market, for nine cents a yard, the owner furnishing the wool, the use of the manufac- tory, and the dyeing matter.f The supply of water at this establishment fails during two or three months each year ; and one competent to judge informs me that seven cents would be better pay per yard, if the machine- ry could be kept in motion the year round. It is probable that it would cost rather more at the South to provide the necessary fixtures, obtain machinery, etc. ; and it would also cost more, for a period, to carry on manufacturing, from the greater difficulty of obtaining operatives in case of losing any of those attached to the establishment. All these disadvan- tages, however, not of much importance at the first, will soon disappear. Slaves should, as rapidly as the nature of the case admits of, be converted into operatives, ar.d when the number becomes once adequate to the end, it might be indefinitely multiplied, without those embarrassments which so rommonly attend the attempt to mingle white and black labor. It is cheaper to manufacture by hand,! (with the exception of carding, fulling, and dressing,) than to purchase your slave cloths at present prices, if slave, costs no more than free labor. On the average, 15 knots of warp, and 15 of Jill ing, make one yard of flannel about 5 quarters wide. The ordinary shrinkage of this, in fulling it into cloth, is one quarter in length and width. It would therefore re- quire 40 knots to make a yard of fulled cloth. The carding here in small parcels costs 3 cents per pound, and 1S|- cents per pound for fulling, dye- ino- and dressing. In considerable quantities, the carding can be hired done for 2 cents per pound, and the other processes for one shilling per yard. Spinning (by considerable quantities and for " cash-pay,"||) can be hired done for 7 cents a run (20 knots) for warp, and 5 cents for filling averag- ing 6 cents for both. Weaving can be hired done for 6 cents per yard (of flannel), which brings it, in the dressed cloth, to 8 cents per yard. The ac- count would then stand thus : Small parcels. Large, parcels. 21 cents. 21 cents. 3 " 2 " 14 " 12 " 10 " 8 " 18| 121 ., Total N 66| cents. 55| cents. Making 55-\ cents the price of a yard of domestic cloth, estimating the wool at market price : estimating the latter at oost of production (8 cents) the price of the finished cloth would be 42^ cents per yard, and it is & better article for Wear than either the Welsh plains or Chelmsfords. * I have no doubt it could be done at a fair profit in the North for 7 cents per yard. I nm understood, of course, to mean that the manufacturer pays uo rent, insurance, nor for repairs. The stockholders furnish the wool, which is worked up by the former, at the stipulated price. t Modern ingenuity has reduced the expense of this to a mere trifle. Most of the " sheep's grays," you have observed, are of ferruginous hue. Those of this color are dyed principally by tan bark the bark of the hemlock (Abies canadtnsis), which is sold here at $1 75 to $2 a cord ! 1 1 am aware that to "manufacture" is to make by hand, but I use the word in its popular and more gen. oral signification. It would have been better to have compounded a word from the Latin marhiiM and facto (machinfacture ?) to signiiy made by machinery, and thus expressed the two ideas by properly de- rived and definitive words. II This word " cash-pay " is one of mighty import in the regulation of prices in the interior, where a very general (but now decreasing) system of barter prevails, and under which Wealth too often dictates to Want what it shall receive for its labor, and also prescribes the prices of the commodities in which it pays. 5 Home-made fabrics are usually stronger and wear better than those made by machinery, (or, in other words, manufactured cloths outwear mach.infacture.d ones !) but this is not necessarily so. The several processes via be done undoubtedly, and probably, generally are more perfectly by machinery than by hand. But in machine-made cloths the yarn is commonly spun liner, so there is less stock in a yard. And Ihej are submitted to processes, described iu a previous Note, which farther impair their strength. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 89 $1,500 will set up a carding and cloth-dressing factory, which, with three good hands, will turn off 50 yards of cloth per diem. By Table I. it appears that in 1839 there were but 114 of these factories south of the Potomac aud west of the Mississippi, doing an annual business of $320,- 938, while in the single State of New- York there were 323 factories, doing an annual business of $3,537,337 ! Of the 114 Southern factories 66 were in the States of Kentucky and Tennessee; 41 in Virginia; 3 in each o. the Carolinas ; 1 in Georgia, and in the remaining four, none ! The number is decreasing in New-York, as manufactories of the com- mon fabrics, worn by farmers and other laboring men, are increasing in every direction many of them doing custom-work either at the halves, or at a fixed sum per yard and all of them exchanging cloth for wool. By either of these methods, the cloth can be obtained as cheaply, perhaps cheaper, than to manufacture it in families. But circumstanced as you are at the South, you can, as before asserted, manufacture more cheaply by hand (excepting carding, fulling and dressing), than to import your slave cloths at present prices, if provided with factories to perform theex- cepted processes. Where the institution of slavery exists, and where spinning, weaving, etc., can be done in those intervals of bad weather when the time of laborers would otherwise be entirely thrown away, it is doubtful whether any extension of even the coarse cloth manufactories would, or ought to, in an economical point of view, banish the home-made article. If we count the slave labor thus saved one-half the value of free labor, and dispense with the fulling and dressing* (which we usually dis- pensed with in manufacturing domestic slave cloths, in the interior of the Carolinas, Georgia, etc.), the cloth would cost but 20 cents a yard, and the dyeing might carry it to 22 cents. Let one-half the fabric be made of cot* ton, and the cost would be still farther reduced.f Since the above was written, I have received the samples of Welsh plains, Chelmsford plains, and slave blankets forwarded by you. None of these goods exceed in quantity the estimate I have put upon them in my preceding remarks. The Welsh plain which you state cost 65 cents per yard by the piece, (32 inches wide,) is about the thickness of rather heavy but not the heaviest sheep's gray. It is not, however, by many shades, so close and firm a cloth, for the w r ant of equal fulling ; and perhaps even this would not give it equal firmness, by reason of the loose twist of the yarn. The yarn is considerably coarser, (larger in diameter,) than that ordinarily em- ployed in sheep's gray but it derives no inconsiderable portion of its bulk (which gives the cloth its thickness) from the loose and imperfect man ner in which it was twisted in spinning. This is particularly the case with the filling, which you can scarcely detach from even so open a web, without its breaking in pieces. Accordingly, the cloth tears very easily lengthwise, for that presenting such an apparent amount of stock. With a sufficient amount of fulling, dyeing, (it is white,) and a little gigging and shearing or simply brushing it would become identical in * But still you want carding-machines, to card the wool ; for, by hand, It Is a slow and expensive process. f I was shown a new article of satinets a day or two since. It was double or broadcloth width, black. nd the cotton warp dyed black, and could only be distinguished from a very fair piece of black broad* cloth by examining the cut edge. The manufacturer stated that the cotton warp weighed but 3 oz. per yard ; but I do not credit the assertion. One is strongly inclined to suspect that a cloth of this character could not have been "got up" for any very legitimate purpose, but that it belongs in the wooden-nutmeji nd horn-flint category ! The ordinary satinet, when well made, is a profitable, cheap cloth. M 90 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH appearance with heavy sheep's gray, excepting .in the quality of the wool. That is inferior to any I ever saw in a single piece of the former. It appears to be of two qualities, the finest about like the Asia Minor or African ("Smyrna" or " Mogadore ") wools; and this intermixed with occasional still coarser sharp pointed hairs, which could come only from An animal not many removes from the wild Argali.* In both, there is a peculiarly dry, harsh, wiry feeling, not found in North American wools, and which is more indicative of an inferior staple of brittleness, and want of felting properties than even their coarseness. The staple is not appa- rently a very long one. I conjecture that it is Iceland wool or that, mixed with Orkney, or some of the coarsest short or medium staple wools of Scotland. The Chelmsfords, (31 inches wide,) twilled, undyed,t cost, you inform me, 58 cents per yard. The plain article, (i. e. untwilled,) 28 inches wide, costs 50 cents per yard. The sample of the twilled, forwarded by you, is a thicker, decidedly stronger cloth, with larger and far more tightly twisted yam, than the sample of Welsh plains. The wool is of about the same quality, though at first view it strikes you as decidedly coarser, as the longer nap shows more of the coarse fit>res on the surface, and these are rendered more conspicuous still by their variety of color. But on re- solving portions of each cloth back into unmanufactured wool, I can detect little or ns difference in its fineness, unless it be that the stock of the Chelmsford plains possesses none of those peculiarly coarse fibres or hairs which characterize the other. The wool used in the Chelmsfords is ap- parently of a unger staple. It is probably South American, though it may be Smyrna or Mogadore, as it bears a strong resemblance to the w<_c"i of the broad-tailed sheep of Asia and Africa. You state that the Welsh is generally thotight to outwear the Chelmsfcrd plain. This may be true of the ordinary articles, but I think it cannot be of the samples forwarded. Of these, the latter possesses nearly double the strength of the former and is much the heaviest cloth. The slave blanket, 6 feet 11 inches long, by 6 feet 5 inches wide, weigh- ing 41 Ibs., you state cost about $3 12^ by the piece (a piece containing 16 blankets costs $50). It is manufactured of a very coarse and a long stapled wool not much fulled with a long nap raised on both surfaces. The wool in quality resembles that used in the Chelmsfords. On the receipt of these samples, I forwarded a specimen of the Welsh plains to two manufacturers of experience and perfect pecuniary respon- sibility, asking them at what price per yard they would contract to furnish me 100,000 yards of cloth of the same style and equal quality with the sample. The question was put to both of these gentlemen and received by them, as purely a commercial one the opening of a commercial nego- tiation. Each stood ready to enter immediately on the fulfillment of a contract, based on his offer. The following is the answer of one of the above named gentlemen : HINBY S. RANDALL, Esq. MOBRISVILZ.E, N. Y., April 2C\ 1847. Dear Sir : Yours of the 13th is at hand and duly noticed. I have no wool of the quality of the sample sent, and do not wish to work foreign wool. I would like to make for you 100,000 yards like the sample, out of our American or domestic wool. I would make it as thick and tight as the Mmple sent, 32 inches wide, at 40 cents per yard. I could not say how much less it would cost to get up the article from the same kind of wool with that used in the sample. I do not know What that kind of wool is now worth in market. I have not worked any of it for two years past Yours, truly, ' C. TILLING HAST. * Many of the unimproved breeds have, as is common with wild animals, a coating of hair over a finer p* lAge beneath, and it is difficult to perfectly Feparate them. T A small portion of the wool employed in the filling is blnck, giving the cloth a dirty drab or ash color Rot this I take to be the natural color of the wool. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The first answer of the other manufacturer, S. Newton Dexter, Esq. of Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., (head of the Oriskany Manufacturing Company,) it is not necessary to transcribe entire. Mr. Dexter informed me that his machinery is calculated for the manufacture of fine cloth ; that ihe carding of coarse wool would injure his cards ; that its manufacture would throw him out of his regular course of business ; that he had no wool of the quality used in the sample on hand ; that he should be com pelled to use domestic wool ; and that for these reasons and some other named by him, he could not undertake to fill the contract at less than 42 cents per yard which he knew would be considered a high price. Mr. Dexter being a gentleman equally distinguished for his correct and able business character, and for that capacity and range of information which give value to his opinions on all the topics connected with this in- \3stigation, I addressed him a second communication, asking him what he could manufacture the cloth for, giving him time to procure stock of the same quality used in the sample. I also inclosed him proof-sheets of the preceding part of this letter, asking him his opinion of the correctness of my statements, in relation to the general cost of manufacturing, &c. The following extracts from his reply will be read with interest : Col. HENRY S. RANDALL : WHITESTOWN, April 24, 1847. Dear Sir: Yours reached me on Wednesday. There is no doubt at all but what if I felt cer- tain that wool could be procured of the quality of which your sample was made, at a price pro- portionably low, 1 could have afforded to have manufactured the cloth at 37 cents per yard, aa well as at 42, and use our coarse native wool, at a probable cost of 25 cents There has been an advance of more than 70 per cent, in the price of lard oil. The price a short time since wa* 55 cents. The last I bought cost 95 cents in New-York. Five quarts of this oil are wanted to every 80 yards of these cloths I cannot imagine where the wool was from out of which the sample was made, probably from Iceland for I recollect some twenty years CLSQ t. l p Oriskany Manufacturing Company obtained just such wool somewhere, when Ame'icar wool was deemed too high, and manufactured it into miserable satinets, by which they lost a great deal of money The wool was said to have been imported from Iceland. I was one of the Directors of the mill then, but had nothing to do with " operating "it You request my opinion as to the correctness of your statements of the probable cost of Welsh plains, &c., and generally of the statements put forth by you on the subject of woollen manufac- tories. I am not very good authority as to the cost of manufacturing coarse woolens, never hav- iug done much in that way. I am free to say, however, that your estimates may generally be relied on. Certainly you have allowed liberally for what would have been the cost of such wool by the pound last year ; but I think your estimate of 17 oz. of wool in the fleece, out of which to manufacture one yard of cloth 32 inches wide, similar to the sample inclosed in your letter, too low. I should think it would certainly take 20 oz., or \% pounds. The allowance of 11 cents for manufacturing will, I am inclined to think, pay charges, but it "will not afford any profit, nor in- terest on capital, nor leave anything for keeping machinery in repair. It is a very close calcula- tion, when fuller's soap, lard-oil. &c., are so high. The sheep's gray cloths that you speak of, you will observe, are generally not quite f wide eay 26 inches while the sample you sent me was 32 inches. One pound of well washed fleece wool will make a yard of sheep's gray of medium quality ; but unless the goods are flocked, the calculation is a very close one indeed. I am inclined to think that you overestimate the profit of manufacturing woolen goods, although I admit that in well-managed institutions, that have the most improved machinery, with an abun- dant capital, the profits have, at times, been very large indeed, and our friend Samuel Law- rence, of whom you speak, is the most prominent example of such a manufacturer within my knowledge Every new manufactory erected, if built with judgment, has one advantage over those already in operation, and that is, they have availed themselves of all the improvements of those in operation. And as machinery is constantly being produced at cheaper rates, a factory of increased capacity will probably have cost less money The Oriskany Manufacturing Company is the oldest company now manufacturing woolen goods in the United States. They have made satinets which have sold readily at $3 50 per yard, and have made cloths which have as readily sold for $12 per yard. Satinets full as good can now be bought at "35 cents, and handsomer, if not better cloths, for $3. What a change is here ! And yet the Oriskany Manufacturing Company was perhaps never doing better than now. This Company availed itself of the opportunities offered last year to obtain wool very low, to purchase ft supply for nearly two years. This year the business will be good, that is, pay a profit of 10 per rent, on investments, even where wool is purchased at current rates ; but I do not believe it wiil Bay more. I will furnish you with a brief estimate : 92 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. A mil! will) a capital of $100.000 will manufacture, say 90,000 yards of 6-4 cloth, which will bring i. market an average of S I 50 per yard, or '. $233,006 To get these cloths into cash (for they are sold at 8 mouths, and are charged with commission of 5 per cent., and other charges equal, in all, including in- terest, boxing and transportation, to 12 per cent \. . .$lfi,200 Cott of 225,00(f ibs. of wool at 30 cents 67.500 3.300 gallons sporm,and lard oil at $ 1 3,300 Soap, soft and bard 3,500 800.000 teazles 1,000 Dyeing materials of all kinds 11,500 Fuel 1,000 Paper, tape, twine, nails, lumber, cards, caudles, &c 3.000 Labor, $5,000 per quarter, or JsO.OOQ .. Insurance 2,000 Total $122,000 If I were under oath, I do not believe I should alter any of these items or, at least, I should add as often as I diminished, I have no doubt. You may think SI 50 a low average for cloths, but it must be a very fair cloth to bring that sum, I assure you. You may also think 12 per ceut. a high charge for getting these cloths into cash. &c., but it is scarcely what we pay. And the .records of our wool book will show that 30 cents is the cost of such wool as we worlf. And our books will prove that it has taken, for many years past, 2J Ibs. of wool to make a yard of broad- cloth. There is 13 per cent, left for prolits here, because 1 have not allowed one cent for repairs or taxes, or for the agents' salaries, which will swell the expenses fully up to $124,500 within a fraction of swallowing up all over 10 per cent Well, I admit that 10 per cent, is a great business ; but you speak of 15, and that is going too far Very respectfully your friend and obedient servant, S. NEWTON DEXTEIL If, will be seen from the foregoing" letters : 1st. That where their machinery is adapted to it, manufacturers are will- ing to make and sell goods of the same amount of stock and style of manufacture, with Welsh plains, out of domestic wool for 40 cents per yard ; and that manufacturers of perfect pecuniary responsibility are ready to contract so to furnish it. This (apart from the small item of transporta- tion) is twenty -five cents per yard, or about thirty-nine per cent, cheaper than you now obtain these cloths : and an article manufactured from do- mestic wool would, by reason of the far superior strength and felting prop- erty of the stock, be much stronger and more durable than the foreign goods. 2d. It will be farther seen that a skillful and responsible manufacturer would furnish cloth, corresponding with Welsh plains, at 37 cents per yard, could he procure the same quality of wool now employed in the manufac- ture of those cloths at a price proportionably low with domestic wools, calling the latter 25 cents per pound. Blankets are manufactured at equally exorbitant profits ; and the Chelmsfords, paying less transportation and no duties, approach the same standard of profit though, judging from your samples, I consider them the cheapest goods. I have given Mr. Dexter's undoubtedly fair and candid statements in the premises my object in these letters being, as I once before have stated, to arrive at truth, and not to support a favorite hypothesis, or to maintain, at all hazards, preconceived views. My own estimates and those of Mr. Dexter, of the actual cost of manu- facturing Welsh plains, it will be seen, differ but not so materially as would as first appear, when the advance of wool, soap, oil, &c., are taken into consideration. I have no doubt that, in making his estimates, he had his eye more on the better and more elaborate machinery of his own mills the more expensive arid perfect performance of the various manufactur- ing processes common in .that class of establishments, than on the cheaper machinery and processes necessary in the manufacture of coarse goods. My estimates, or rather statements of cost of manufacturing sheep's gray you will recollect, were given on supposed actual knowledge of what a manufacturer of these goods had made tliem at. To ^hese Mr. IX seerns *o take no exceptions. In relation to the shrinkage of wool, Mr. Dexter undoubtedly bases his RHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 93 opinion mainly on his own experience in manufacturing broad and other sloths of fine quality. In these, the shrinkage of the wool from the fleece is concededly at least half. And the firm, well finished and honestly made Oriskany cloths, I have no doubt require the highest rate of shrinkage in the stock. But Mr. D. concedes that a " pound of fleece wool will make a yard of sheep's gray of medium quality." Now the Welsh plain, of the quality of the sample, weighs 13 oz. per yard. As I have already stated, " the ordinary weight of the sheep's gray is from the weight of the Welsh plain to 16 oz. per yard." Thus a yard of "medium" sheep's gray out- weighs a yard of the Welsh plain. If this is so, the former, of course, re- quires the greatest amount of stock, the mere width making no difference whatever. Mr. Dexter was led into this error, evidently, by overesti- mating the weight of the Welsh plains and this arose from the smallness of the sample submitted for his inspection. His statement of the cost of manufacturing broadcloths by the Oriskany Company is entitled, I have no doubt, to the fullest reliance. In conse- quence of his remarks on this topic I have changed a statement in the preceding part of this letter alluded to by him, for fear it might convey an erroneous idea. Where I spoke of " existing establishments declaring dividends of ffteen per cent.," I have changed it, so that it now reads " from ten to ffteen per cent.," these being the dividends, respectively, of the Oriskany and Middlesex* Companies last year, and exhibiting ab lit the range, probably, f well-managed companies. * Mr. Lawrence's great establishment at Lowell, which works up 1,700,000 ibs. of wool per smuttSB. 94 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER VHL PROSPECTS OF THE WOOL MARKET FUTURE DEMAND AND SUPPLY. Amount of Wool which may be grown in the Southern States. . -If the demand is already supplied, where is it to find a Market?... The cheaper Producer can drive his rival rrom the market, unless the disparity of Capital is greatly against him... In Individual Capital, the South possesses the advantage over the North. . .The South can produce Wool cheaper than New- York- - .North of latitude 40 there will he little difference in the cost of producing Wool. . .Cost of producing it in New-England Pennsylvania New-Jer- eey Ohio. . -The Prairies Their vast Extent Their anticipated Advantages for Sheep Husbandry Flocks driven on them Anticipations blasted, so far as keeping Sheep economically on the Natural Grasses is con- cerned. . .Character of the Prairie Grasses Flourish but during a short season, rendering the time of fodder- ing longer than even in New-England.. .Another Difficulty The Wild Grasses which the Sheep feed on rapidly become extirpated Statements of theEditor of the Prairie Farmer confirmatory of this, and of the assertion in relation to the length of the time of foddering. . .His proposition to introduce Grasses which will grow in the Winter Impracticability Reasons... Burning over the Prairies Objections.. -Indifferent quality of Prairie Hay... Principal Advantages of the Prairies for Sheep Husbandry narrowed down to two Cheapness of Land Privilege of Pasturing the Public Lands... The latter Advantage rapidly lessening. . .Cost of Preparing the Prairies for Sheep Husbandry Materials for Fences, Buildings and Fuel entirely wanting on the interior of them. . .Coal for Fuol plenty, but not economically available. . . Fences those of earth inadequate... Hedges Require fences to protect them while growing Their success then doubtful. . .Timber may be grown for all of the above purposes, but would raise the cost of the land above those of the Sheep Lands of New- York and New-England... The Shepherd System as a Substitute for Fences When the Sheep become numerous, it would cost more to keep them in separate flocks than fences cost in the; East... Pasturing in Common considered The Sheep could not be separated for any ordinary purpose of Sheep Husbandry There would be no protection against theft, promiscuous inter- breeding, untimely impregnation No way of effectually combating contagious disorders Reasons... Nat- ural and unremovable Objections to the Prairies Want of Water A Climate far mqre fickle and excessive than in the Eastern States... Shown by the record of the thermometrical observations kept at the Military i^osts of the United States... These compared... Wool-growing in Mexico In South America. Dear Sir : In recommending the production of Wool on a scale so ex- tensive in the Southern States, as I have done in my preceding Letters, the fact should not be lost sight of, that were these recommendations com- plied with, one of the great staples of commerce would be enormously increased. The Southern States the ten* to which I have confined all my preceding remarks and estimates to say nothing of those in the same latitudes west of the Mississippi include an area of 450,000 square miles, or 288,000,000 square acres. Allow one- eighth of this region to be in a state of cultivation, \ or in natural pastures, and we have 36,000,000 acres which could be more or less devoted to the growth of wool. Assuming that, on the average, every two acres would, under proper tillage, support one sheep, (which, it seems to me, they might do with no very material diminution of present staples,) and that the sheep average 3 Ibs. per fleece, the annual product of wool would be 54,000,000 Ibs. This amount might be indefinitely added to, by diminishing the production of present staples, How far this could be economically done, experience must determine. If we concede the adequacy of the present supply of wool to the demand, *aking the world together, it is apparent that an increase of 50, 7.5, or 100 millions of pounds, in one quarter, will produce an over-supply, (and thus greatly depress prices,) unless met by an increased demand, or a corre spending diminution in production, in some other quarter. I do not concede the adequacy of the present supply, but shall, however, waive that point. The question now arises, where is the wool thus produced to find a market, if the South should, within the next ten, fifteen, or twenty years, * Nine, besides that portion of Louisiana east of the Mississippi t Probably the anrmnt in cultivate n, including that in natural pasture, is set down pretty high. It may no* exceed a tenth. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE .SOUTH. 95 furnish such a surplus 1 Where is the present supply to be diminished, or the demand increased ] Where agricultural competition exists, as a matter of course the pro ducer who can supply the market with the least expense to himself, has an advantage which nothing but a disparity greatly against him in capital can overcome. Large capital, satisfied with less gains than small capital, Trill sometimes sustain competition with the latter, with the advantages of the cheapness of production somewhat against it. But where the differ- ence in first cost is considerable, the cheaper producer can always drive his rival from the market. The aggregate agricultural capital in a region of given size in New-York, probably would ordinarily exceed that of an equal territory in South Carolina or Georgia. But it is not so with indi- vidual or personal capital. While the agricultural territory and capabilities of the latter States are in a comparatively few hands, those of New-York and New-England are parceled out among a multitude of small holders, who must realize the first class of agricultural profits, to support them- selves and their families. The advantage of capital is therefore, in reality, on the side of the South. But independent of this consideration, I have already attempted to show that the South can produce wool so much cheaper than New- York, that the latter will stand no chance whatever in competing with her more favored rival so soon as that rival sees fit to avail herself of her advan- tages. North of latitude 40 there will be but little disparity in the cost of producing wool ; and therefore if the South can drive New- York to relin- quish the production of this staple, she can do the same with all portions of the United States lying north of this parallel, unless on the shores of the Pacific , where the isothermal line is at least 5 north of its course east of the Missouri. I will now enter upon some specifications, and, where ne- cessary, proofs, to sustain this proposition. New-England has, concededly, no advantages over New- York for the cheap production of wool. Northern Pennsylvania is higher, colder, an'd more sterile than most of southern New- York. South-eastern Pennsyl- vania, and the fertile portions of New-Jersey, are the natural producers of bread-stuffs for the less favored regions of those States, and of provisions )f all kinds for the New-York City and Philadelphia markets. The high ^rice which good lands bear in the vicinity of such markets, would prevent them from competing with cheap interior lands in wool-growing. There are sheep lands of good quality in western Pennsylvania; and in the southern section, the winters are. perceptibly a little shorter than in New- York. This will render the production of wool upon them somewhat less expensive than in the latter State, but it will not reduce it low enough to allow them to compete with the cheaper lands and still shorter win- ters of the South. The same remarks will apply to the hilly region con stituting the south-eastern portion of Ohio. Proceeding still farther west, we find a region extending to a vast distance whose topographical and geological features, flora, &c., taken in connec- tion, effectually distinguish it from the territory lying east of the Missis- sippi and Ohio. Vast plains, called prairies, (so named by the early French settlers from t-he French word signifying meadow,) which can be purchased of the Government in the natural state for $1 25 per acre, and which are usually covered with natural grasses would seem, if these grasses are adapted to the summer and winter subsistence of sheep, and there are no counterbalancing disadvantages, to unite facilities for the cheap production of wool not possessed in any other region of our country. And such supe- riority has actually and often been claimed for them. 96 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. I propose to investigate this question at considerable length, because thero are various considerations which, at first view, give great plausibility to this claim. And if the prairios can produce wool cheaper than the South, it is in vain for the latter to embark in the business at least, beyond the ex- tent of supplying the home demand for BO limitless is the extent of these natural pastures throughout the whole northern basin of the Mississippi, that they could, perhaps, supply the entire market demand of the United States for this staple, for an indefinite period, vast as that demand is des- tined to be. But a very few years have elapsed since the most sanguine anticipations were indulged in, by large numbers of our Northern and Eastern flock- masters, in relation to the superior capabilities and advantages of the prai- ries over Eastern lands for sheep-walks ; and large flocks were driven hun- dreds of miles, lands purchased, and establishments created, to realize these supposed advantages. It is not too much to say that these anticipa- tions so far at least, as keeping sheep on the natural herbage of the prai- ries is concerned, were briefly and summarily blasted. Many of the flocks driven there, actually perished in the midst of seeming plenty. On the whole, the experiment is generally conceded to have resulted in failure. Let us see whether this was occasioned by mismanagement temporary and removable causes or whether we must look for those causes in na- tural and unchangeable circumstances. Apportion of the wild prairie grasses are relished by sheep, and they thrive on them ; but these grasses, as well as all the other varieties growing there, flourish during but an unusually limited portion of the season. They be- gin to dry up and lose their nutritive qualities in midsummer, and long be- fore the foddering season has commenced on the bleakest highlands of New-England, they are as unfit for the subsistence of sheep, as dry brush ! Where the natural grasses are alone depended upon, the foddering season on the prairies, north of latitude 40, will range from six to seven months -^rarely, perhaps, fall short of six, on lands which have been previously depastured, provided the sheep are maintained in good condition. And there is another material difficulty with the prairie grasses which sheep feed on. They soon many of them even in a single season be- come extirpated if kept fed down while growing. This is so singular a fact in vegetable physiology, that I chose to state it in the words of an in- telligent resident of the prairie region whose local pride and partiali- ties would naturally prompt him to give as favorable a coloring to the agricultural advantages of his chosen home, as a regard for truth would admit of. From a communication of J. Ambrose Wight, Esq., Editor of the Prairie Farmer, to L. A. Morrel* replete with useful information, and characterized by an admirable candor I make the following extracts : i; Sheep or other stock, but more particularly the former, put upon a given piece of wild prairie, and confined to it, unless the range be very large, would not continue to keep fit one season after another, though they would at first ; but if allowed a new range each season, they would always keep' fat. The reason is this : Sheep in such cases will go over iheir range and select such food as they prefer, and will keep at it until it is gone. Hence' the wild bean and pea vine, and a few other kinds of plants, will obtain their constant at- t entions, and will be kept so short that they will, on a given piece of land, die out the first year. Therefore if turned out on the same grounds another season, the best food will be gone, and the poorer, with which they must then take up, alid which itself gets continually poorer, will not sustain them in their first condition. A small flock of sheep will thus run over a large extent of ground. Hence the utter hollowncss of a supposition which appears to be common at the East, that large flocks of sheep can be sustained on the wild grass of the prairies alone. Thero are many places, it is true, where a fanner might keep a large flock on tha wUi prairies * American Shepherd pp. 138145. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 97 daring the summer months with profit, provided he had not too many neighbors in the same business. But such flocks would continually lessen their own range, at the same time that it is lessening by immigration, settlement and extended culture. I have been in the coun- try about nine years; having gone, at the first, into an entirely unsettled region, and have paid much attention to the matter ; and it is my belief that the wild prairies are desirable for wool-growing to a very limited degree ; but that the cultivated prairies are desirable for this purpose to an almost limitless extent." The following fully sustains my preceding statements in relation to the time of foddering. In answer, to Mr. Morrel's question, " what length of rime is foddering necessary in Northern Illinois 1" Mr. Wight says : " The seasons have been extremely variable since my residence here now nearly nine years. The winter of 1842 and '43 was the severest one since the settlement of the State; and the foddering season lasted from the middle of October to the middle of April. The winter of 1843 and '44, and the present one (1844-5) would require foddering for a less time, by full two months. This is on the supposition, however, that good artificial pasturage is provided. If the wild prairies are relied on alone for pasture and hay, full two months must be added to the foddering season ; and stock would barely get through at that ; and I think that sheep, in multitudes of instances, would perish. In this latitude with Timothy Red-top and Clover pastures, the average time would be from 4 to 5 mouths. If a will not supply lead a life of wild and roving liberty. Tribes of mount- ed Indians, wild, predatory, and constantly at war with the Gauchos, oc- cupy the southern pampas. The facilities for producing wool here closely resemble those of the North American prairies, though wood is wanting over much more exten- sive tracts. The price of land on the pampas is less, but they are moiv remote from markets, as there is little or no manufacturing done in South America. Besides the cost of transportation, wool must pay, before reach- ing market, the duties levied by some foreign nation. The- duty in the United States, by the Tariff of 1846, is 30 per centum ad valorem, with- out regard to quality, thus discontinuing that great discrimination in iavoi of the coarse article, which allowed a large proportion of the wools of * This wold, like llanoi in the Northern States of South America, and prairies in die No.ili Westerr fTnited States, is applied to extensive plains. Those in the North of Chili are caJled pampus del sacrament* t McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary. An arroba-is 101^ Ibs. avoirdupois. % Buenos Ayres is so known in all the official documents of the United States. y Rejxjrt of the Register of the Treasury, Dec.. 1846. 106 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Buenos Ayres, Africa, Turkey, &c., to enter our ports under a merely nominal duty. The present Tariff raised the duty on these wools to six times the former rate, i. e., on wools costing 7 cents, from 3-J mills to 2 cents and 1 mill per pound. This will make an important difference to the for- eign grower and exporter. If these wools continue, as hitherto, to be im ported in the grease and dirt, from which state they lose about half weight in being brought as clean as well washed United States wool, every pound of them so imported will actually pay a double duty, or 4 cents and 2 mills, half of this being paid for dirt. If, on the other hand, they are washed prior to exportation, a reduction of 50 per cent, in their weight will call for a corresponding advance in their price. Wool now costing 7 cents at Buenos Ayres or Smyrna, will cost 14 cents ; and if this is exported into the United States, it must pay a duty of 30 per cent., or 4 cents and 2 mills per pound. It will be seen, therefore, that the lowest priced foreign wools cannot enter our country without paying about this duty (4 cents) per pound, unless under fraudulent invoices ; and this, as has been already shown, is kaJftlie cost of producing wool throughout a region of the United States much greater in extent than all that portion of South America in- cluded within the wool-growing zone. The English duty on wools costing less than 24 cents is 1 cent per pound ; over 24 cents, 2 cents per pound. The French duty is 22 per cent, ad valorem, without regard to cost. The security of life and property is far less in Buenos Ayres than in the United States ; the character of the agricultural population less industri- ous, less skillful, and less methodical. Capitalists from other countries may, on account of the cheapness of the lands, make it profitable to pur- chase large estancias, and raise vast flocks of sheep ; and this has already been done by a few Europeans. But the pampas are subject to the same general objections* with the North American prairies, and when the con- tagious diseases, adverted to in speaking of the latter, once obtain a foot- ing on them, it is not difficult to predict how those diseases will be en- countered by the wild and, so far as agricultural labor is concerned, indo- lent Gaucho. The difficulty of encountering them, with the best skill and industry, under such circumstances of preventing their unlimited spread, constant return and frightful mortality, on plains without inclosures, where flocks have access to each other, or straggling sheep from one flock are liable, by every-day casualties, to be thrown among those of another flock has been stated. It is not improbable that while land remains so low, and the sheep healthy, the actual cost of production in Buenos Ayres will be somewhat less than in the United States ; but taking all things into consideration, and looking to the future, I would sooner advise any one, even in an exclu- sively economical point of view, to purchase the cheap lands of our own Southern States for the objects of Sheep Husbandry, than any part of South America. With the present duty and the cost of transportation against the latter, there is no fear that it can undersell, in our markets, the produce of the former. The 7-cent South American wools, washed, will cost 14 cents, and washing will add about 1 cent a pound to thecost.t Add another cent for agent's commission, and also the U. S. duty, and the wool is brought to 20 cents a pound, independent of freight and insurance, which wi 1 carry it, I should think, to about two shillings. The United States producer can furnish wool of much better quality than the coarse South American article, at this price, and realize a high profit. * Unless it be climatic ones. On this point I have no information, This will be attended with much trouble on largo porti jas of *.h J pampas, AS on our prairies. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 107 But is it said that the 7-cent South American wool sold in our markets in 1845 and 1846, was not all coarse that much of it was actually of a superior quality 1 This is true. Many of the bales were partly made up of an article ranging with American Merino and Saxony wools. But there is little doubt that, to say the least of it, in very many such cases, if the in- voice of the wool was not fraudulent, nominally, it was rendered so, in reality, by a previous fraud. The modus operandi is said to have been as follows : A sends his agent B to Buenos Ayres with instructions to pur- chase the best lots of wool and pay their market price ; and he farther gives him secret instructions to re-sell these wools to C (a second agent) for 7 cents per pound, ostensibly in the ordinary course of business. The second agent C is subsequently senfrout to buy, with no information of the mission of his predecessor ; if he suspect the fraud, he has no direct knowl- edge, of it, and having purchased wool for 7 cents which cost B 15 cents, he can invoice it at the former rate and support the invoice by his oath. I have no direct proof of an instance of this species of fraud. The commonness of such transactions, however, was claimed to be a matter of perfect notoriety, by individuals who had investigated the subject. Allegations of this kind have appeared again and again in the most public manner, and I have yet to listen to the first denial of them, public or private. Fraudulent invoices are no new thing in our commercial his- tory,* and the great discrimination made by the Tariff of 1842, in the du- ties on wool, offered the strongest temptations to them. The same kind of fraud may be still practiced, but the inducement to risk seizure for un- dervaluation is less where the diminution of duty is merely pro rata with the diminution of cost, and where getting the latter invoiced at as low a rate as 7 cents, is not followed, as before, by escape from a specific duty and a sudden descent of Jive-sixths in the ad valorem one. I am free to confess, however, that it has always seemed to me that e determination to vigorously and faithfully discharge their duty in tho premises, with a competent practical knowledge of the quality of the arti- cle, in the proper Custom-House officials, would always, in an unmanu- factured staple, and one so readily classified and valued as wool, be a suf- ficient safeguard against fraudulent undervaluation, to any extent, in the invoice. They might perhaps be undervalued one or two cents on the pound, without making a case strong and obvious enough to justify ap- praisers in legalizing a seizui-e ; but it is not for gains like these that per- juries would be ventured upon, or double agents and other expensive ar- rangements for the perpetration of more roundabout frauds, be found profitable. Not having room, within the limits of this letter, to discuss the capa- bilities of the Old World to compete with us in wool growing, I will reserve that subject for my next. If any one dreams they are, let him read a speech on the Tariff made by Mr. Buchanan in the U. 9 in lB<2another by Mr. Webster on ad valorem duties, made in the same body July 5, 1846, &c. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER IX. PROSPECTS OF THE WOOL MARKETFUTURE DEMAND AND SUPPLY. iports and Exports of Trans-Atlantic Nations... Means of ascertaining their Comparative Produo- bio of the Imports of England... Amount of Wool grown in the United Kingdom, Consumption, The Im fion...Ta of Asia Minor Same of Persia Same of Independent Tartary Same of Afghanistan and Beloochistan Same of Thibet, Little Bucharia, and the remainder of China fame of the Cape of Good Hope Same of Australia and Van Diemen's Land... Conclusions in regard to Comparative Facilities, etc., of above Na- tions and the United States... The Northern States can compete with the most favored of them and of course the South can, to much greater advantage... The South might safely embark in Wool-Growing, re- lying on the European Market alone. ..Rapid Extension of that Market Past and Future. ..But the Ameri- can Wool-Grower is not compelled to seek a Foreign Market. . .Our Production does not meet the Demand of our own Manufactories. . .Table of the Imports of Wool into the United States... Table showing whence we Import Wool... Letter from Samuel Lawrence, Esq., showing the increasing call for Man ufactories The Stability of existing ones andJtheir ability to compete with those of Foreign Countries..' Extent of our Consumption of Woolens above the Supply made by our Manufactories... Table of Imports of Woolens... Probable Increase of our Manufactories ... Reflections on the Tariff... Rapidly Increasing Consumption of our Population Amount Consumed per head. . -Table of Increase of our Population... Future Increase. . .The Amount of Wool Necessary at various Future Periods. Dear Sir : Probably there are few men who now dream of any danger to the wool-grower of the United States, in the home market, from trans-At- lantic competition. But there is another point of view, in which a glance at the facilities of the eastern nations, for the production of this staple, may not be uninteresting. May we not undersell them with the raw material, in their own markets ! He who carefully and intelligently examines all the fects involved in the solution of this question, will find, in spite of the vague popular impressions which prevail on the subject, that so far at least as those nations are concerned, which now produce the greatest amount of the*wool which supplies the markets of the Old World, the United States can, if satisfied with equal profits, easily undersell them. As an importer of the raw and exporter of the manufactured article, England occupies the first place. In these particulars, she probably ex- ceeds, by fully one-half, all the other nations of the Old World. France ranks next, and largely takes precedence of the remaining nations. Hol- land, though shorn, by disastrous political revolutions, of much of her an- cient importance in this class of manufactures, still maintains a trade of some magnitude. Several of the German and Prussian States export par- ticular descriptions of woolens ; Italy sends out some light cloths ; arid Turkey the carpets of that name. A full exhibit of the exports of all tho wool-producing nations, would not, of course, lead us to an accurate knowl- edge of the amount of their production for there is no one which does not manufacture the raw material to some extent. But with what knowl- edge we can obtain of their manufactures, the former information would enable us to ascertain, approximately at least, the amount of their produc- tion. This is all that is necessary for our present purpose, for we do not now, in reality, so much seek their actual as their comparative production. England, as I have before remarked, is the great importer and exporter. Her duties on imported wool are, as has been seen,* exceedingly low, and she makes no discrimination in this particular, in relation to bottoms, or the places of export.t The vastness and variety of her demand giTe a * See Letter VIII. \ With the exception, of course, of her own Colonies, from which it is exported free. SHEEP HUSBANDRY N THE SOUTH. 109 greater certainty to the exporter of prompt and favorable sales, in hei markets, than in those of any other nation. France possesses the advan- tage of maritime contiguity, for securing the raw product of the nations bordering on the Mediterranean; and therefore, in some instancds, as in the case of Turkey, she receives more of that product, in proportion to her manufacturing consumption, than England. But in one respect the latter has the advantage in securing the trade of the Levant. Between the na- tural products, and, of consequence, the exports of France and those of the other nations bordering on the Mediterranean, there exists a great simi- larity. She cannot send her wines to Hungary, nor these nor her silks to Italy, in exchange for wool. Her fruits, and indeed all of her natural pro- ducts are the same with those of the whole south of Europe. England, the producer, and the great mart of the products of Northern Europe, can offer these in the Mediterranean on better terms than France ; and in the manufacture of cotton goods, the main article of dress, and consequently one of the great ones of import throughout the whole Levant, the former possesses a decided superiority. All these natural and artificial circumstances have their weight, sometimes in favor of one, and sometimes the other of these nations, in determining the course of trade and habit, ancient com- mercial associations, and even national predilections also throw their weight into the scale. In looking at the subject as a whole, however, all these facts, unless in a very few instances, so far offset each other, that in obtain- ing a view of the wool trade of England her imports we obtain a suffi- ciently accui ate picture or index of the proportionable exports of all the nations of the Old World. Before proceeding to ascertain the actual facilities of the several coun- tries named in the Table, for the purposes of wool'growing, it may be well to briefly glance at that of England herself. Mr. Luccock* estimated the produce of wool in England and Wales, in 1800, to be 393,236 packs,t or 94,376,640 Ibs. ; and in 1828, Mr. Hwbbard J placed it at 463,169 packs, or 111,160,560 Ibs. According to a Table formed by order of a Committee of the House of Lords, the same year, the quantity produced on an average of years, in England, is 111,160,560 Ibs. According to Mr. Luccock's estimate, (in 1800,) the number of sheep in England and Wales was 26,148,463. It is not thought to have varied much since. The Encyclopaedia Americana,) | (published 1835,) on the authority of the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, sets down the then present number of sheep in the United Kingdom as follows : in Scotland 3,500,000 ; in Ireland probably under 2,000,000 ; in England and Wales the same number as in the time of Mr. Luccock ; so that the aggregate number would be about 32,000,000. It will thus be seen that England and Wales, with an area much less than that of Virginia, have almost 7,000,000 more sheep than the whole number in the United States in 1839 ! Large as is the amount of wool produced in the United Kingdom, it does' not meet, in the number of pounds, the amount required for woolens consumed in the United Kingdom alone.fi It is true that England has exported some combing wool, of her own growth, to meet the wants of a certain class of manufactories (of worsted) in France, which could not ob- tain stock of equal quality in any other quarter ; arid she has also exported considerable quantities of her own coarse short wools. Of the latter, I am ashamed to say, the United States have been considerable purchasers. The whole export of England, in 1824, amounted to but little over 18,000 * See Luccock on Wool, p. 341 and Table. t A pack of wool is 540 Ihs. J Quoted by Mr. Bischott See vol. ii., Appendix. j| Encyclopaedia Americana art Sheep Raising & The area of Virginia is 70.000 square milea, that of England and Wiis 60,000. $ See B'.schoff, vol. ii., p. 171. 110 SHEEP HUSBAINDRYIN THE SOUTH. Ibs. From that time it has gradually increased, and in 1838 it reached 5,851,340 Ibs. ; in 1839; 4,603,799 Ibs. ; in 1840, 4,810,387 Ibs.* Under the last year of the late Tariff, we received from England, of wools not costing to exceed 7 cents per pound, 1,188,800 Ibs., and of those exceeding 7 cents, 28,406 Ibs.; and from Scotland, of the cheaper class*, 21,132 Ibs.t This, however, only shows a surplus in kind, not in quantity. The Eng- lish short wools have, as has been abundantly shown by the testimony of her most eminent manufacturers, \ a harshness and want of felting prop- erties which render them unfit, unmixed with a better stamp of foreign wools, for any but the very lowest description of cloths and stuffs, such as blankets, baizes, army cloths, flushings or bearskins, &c. Nor will they make prime articles, even of these low descriptions. England, therefore, after consuming such portions of these wools as she can, in the manufac- ture of the above-named and similar articles, and by mixing them, in the nature of an alloy, with better foreign wools in a low class of fabrics, such as flannels, livery and sergeant's cloth, etc., exports the balance to su-ch nations as ^YQ foolish enough to purchase it.|| The following Table, compiled from official sources, from Bischoff's " Comprehensive History of the Woolen and Worsted Manufactures, &c.," gives the imports of England every fifth year from 1810 to 1840, TABLE No. 8. | Countries fin,.v}hir.k Imp' ted 1810. 1815. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. I 3 149 97fill 75 614 1 99 101 "0 871 ' 4 i )24 740 11 930 40 984 302 351 741 404 go- 13507 554 13 379717 366 444 605 521 1 5 424 32 889 3 497 380 ] 431 5 961 123 057 105073 107 101 131 100 713 246 256 147 Oij'g4p 778,835 3 137 438 5 113 442 28799661 26 073 88 23 79 J 1 C 6 21 81 099 Holland C 301 <55 } -?,673 432,832 186,051 1,059,243 939,123 ; 23L222 134 095 756,427 230,909 436 678 45093 104 535 48830 3018961 T 146 607 95 187 953 793 461 942 683 31 374 91 r 5,952,407 j,929 579 3,536,229 8 206 427 1 643 515 1 602 752 1 266 905 349 053 12891 3,e51 19250 476 7'37 24 734 Italy 21,554 97.679 2.815 227 453 9461 1 051 005 1 668 541 Malta ' ... 40040 55 804 5050 72 131 39913 2 209 25,983 121 110 81 6 65 4^*03 Turkey 12,513 189,584 513 414 1 281 839 655 964 Syria 34 049 Cape of Good Hope 29,717 23,363 13,869 27,619 33,407 191,624 5102 751,741 337 908 Ht Helena. 4 683 Cast Indies 701 8,056 295 848 2441 370 New South Wales ... C 973,330 C 6 215 329 Van Diemen's Land Port Philip .... 167 73,171 99,415 323,995 i 993,979 1 4,210,301 \ 2,626,178 785 348 4 748 51,590 British America 1,217 139 70 14 15,793 British West Indies United States of America. 2,894 53 8,533 760 578 80,468 1,725 7,313 2.0->9 237,306 3,286 115,095 3009 842 Brazil -... 43,014 4,311 4.277 37 1.148 18,760 9.182 Rio de la Plata 73,159 41,527 68,759 331,265 19,441 962 900 616721 14,792 2 586,796 14,313 5,741 Mexico 1,213,740 Guernsey and Man 41,407 6,264 19,015 22,266 7.745 246 11.830 Total Pounds weight. 10,914,137 13.640,375 9.789.020 43,795,281 32.313.059 42,174,5:32 46,221,781 1 * Bischoflf, Table 6th, Appendix. t Report of the Secretary of tiie Treasury, 1846. ; See Bischoff, vol. ii., pp. 107, 153, 154, 163, 173, 175, 176, &c. The testimon/here alluded to, or nn abstract of it will be given in a subsequent Letter. |[ If these sound like strong expressions, I have to say that I shall be prepared to prove them, and shall to do, in a subsequent Letter, from the testimony of the firt manufacturers of England before a Committe* of the House of Lords. Nor were the facts disputed by an interest represented before the same Committee. who had every inducement to do so, if they could be sustained in it See Appendix of the above work, vol. ii. Misled by the title on the rover, I have nowhere before given the proper desisrnation to Mr. BischofTa work. Wherever the authority of this gentleman is gives fou vi *^derstand that it is derived from the work just named. Published Lcn'iou, 1842. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Ill nd therefore indicates, as well as the case admits of home manufactures remaining the same the rise or decline of wool-growing, in the several nations, for the period indicated. It will be seen from the above, that Spain, (and we may include the whole Peninsula,) once so famous for her wools, has sunk to a fifth or sixth rate wool-producing country, and that her exports are still constantly vbcliriing; that Germany and Prussia have reached their climax, and are on the wane ; that Russia, Italy, Australia and the East Indies are the most rapid increasers. The high prices of land and provisions nearly double those on the Con- tinent* (far more than double those on many portions of it) the onerous gen eral taxes and parochial assessments, will not allow wool to be grown in England for its own sake. The sheep must be reared, as a matter of pure necessity, to sustain her present system of convertible husbandry. A sheep fitted for that object, and to make the most meat in the shortest time, is the main desideratum. Wool is but a secondary consideration.. None but the coarse, early maturing breeds will, therefore, ever be grown there. Unless some great revolution should take place in her Agriculture, these are not likely to ever materially increase or diminish from their present number. If any effect is produced on this husbandry by the abolition of the Corn-Laws, I think it will be to diminish rather than increase the num ber of sheep. France, especially in some of her Southern Provinces, is admirably adapted to Sheep Husbandry. In 1825, the number of sheep in the King- dom was estimated to exceed 30,000,000, but it is supposed to have mate- rially diminished since that period, by reason of the division of landed property, and other causes.t With a population variously estimated from 163-*- to 168 to the square mile,J a soil a fair portion of which is well adapted to the growth of bread-stuffs, and the remainder to the vine, fruits, the mulberry (for silk), etc., France finds it better economy to cultivate these, and draw a considerable portion of her supplies of wool from other countries her fine wools from Germany and Spain, her coarse ones from the regions bordering on the northern shores of the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Venice, and the Black Sea. France exported 84,799 Ibs. of wool, costing less than 7 cents a pound, to the United States in 1846.|| This sma 11 funouiu mrght have been of her own growth, or derived from her transit '*ade, By the statistical Tables appended to his description of France, oy Malte Brun, it appears that of the 51,777,000 hectares which he estimates to comprise the surface, 22,818,000 are in arable land, while the entire extent of meadows and pastures (which are divided about evenly) but little exceeds 7,000,000 hectares.^ Spain, it appears from the Table, now exports less wool to England than Italy or Russia ! and is still (as late as 1840) on the decrease. This is not owing to the increase of her manufactures,** or by a diversion of her exports into other channels. The export to France would, undoubtedly, show a similar falling off. That to the United States is but nominal. In 1836 it was but 20,730 lbs.,tt and as this was wool costing less than 7 cents per pound, and came from the Mediterranean side of Spain, it was prol>- ably in her ports merely in transitu. The Gibraltar trade, given in the Table, I take to be exclusively or mainly a transit one. From the Balan* * See Circular of John Maitlnml and others, Committee of the Woolen Trade in London Bischcff, vol ., p. 3*. t Bischoff, Youatt. J Mitchell assumes the former, and Morse the latter to be the population. j| Report of Secretary of the Treasury, 1846. A hectare is 2 acres 1 rood and about 35-4 roda, IT Malte Bmn, Am. ed. vol. iij., p. 1029. ** Spain w not estimated to manufacture more than one-twentieth of the woolens consumed by nor Ifv yclopredia Amor., art. Spain. tt Report Secretary Treasury, I84f-. 112 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. za Mercantil,* published by the Government, it appears that the exports of Spain of all kinds, in 1826, amounted to only cl,587,507. The exports of raw and manufactured silk and gut reached <243,390 ; lead, .215,360 ; wines, 66189,340 ; wool, <161,650 ; fruits, 152,075 ; brandy, 66107,715 ; barilla, ^79,200, etc. This exhibits not only the smallness of the entire export of wool, but the diminished comparative importance of this once great national staple. The number of sheep in Spain is still placed by many writers as high aa 10,000,000 for the migratory flocks, and 8,000,000 for the stationary ones. Even Mr. Youatt has fallen into this, as it strikes me, unquestionable error. t If Spain possesses 18,000,000 of sheep, what does she do with the wool, which should amount to at least 54,000,000 Ibs. 1 Admitting which prob- ably exceeds the fact that her export to France and other nations equals that to England, and that she manufactures a quantity equal to twice her whole export, the aggregate amount would be less than 8,000,000 Ibs. The author of the article on Sheep Raising in the Encyclopaedia Ameri- cana, places the number of the whole fine-wool sheep in Spain at 4,000,000. This 1 think high enough, and probably not far from the truth. This is a million less sheep than those of the State of New-York in 1839 ! The actual facilities for growing wool in Spain have already been al- luded to in my fifth Letter. I should not consider it necessary to bestow farther examination on them, were it not for the fact that owing to various associations connected with the early history of the Merino sheep, and the lead once taken by Spain in the production of fine wool, her facilities have been, popularly, prodigiously overrated, and even the difficulties under which she has labored for this husbandry, magnified into advantages. Her northern mountains are high, broken, cold, and exposed to peculiarly piercing north winds,! and the winter on them lasts, as I infer from Mr. Livingston, about six months. He says : (| " When the severe weather commences on the mountains, the shepherds prepare to de- part, which is generally about the end of September and throughout the month of October to seek more temperate climates and fresher pasture In April or May, according as the season is late or early, they return to the mountains. It might be practicable to prepare hay for winter use, in favorable posi tions, and particularly on the parameras, on these mountains, and thus tho migratory sheep might become stationary on them. But the Spaniard is too much wedded to ancient customs, too little in love with change of any kind, and, most of all, a change bringing an addition of labor, to thus in- novate on his own habits or those of his flocks. The high basins of the Douro and Tagus (embracing the two Castiles and Leon) are too valuable for the cultivation of grain, vineyards, fruits, etc., to be profitably devoted to the pasturage of sheep. The wheat of Spain is among the best in Europe, and it is stated in Mr. Jacob's Tracts on the Corn Trade, that she frequently does not raise enough for her own consumption.^! For the vine, olive, fig, mulberry, barilla, and various other products of equal profit both for home consumption and for export, ebe is not excelled probably by any country in Europe. A friend of mine who traveled in Spain in 1845, describes the valleys above alluded to, as almost exclusively devoted to tillage crops. In the Southern Provinces, * Quoted by McCulloch Com. Die., art Cadiz. t See Youatt on the Sheep, Lond. ed.. p. 147 et supra. Mr. Livingston in his day estimated the migratory beep at 5,000,000, the stationary at 8,000,000. See Essay on Sheep, pp. 36, 39. Mr. L. was also undoubt- edly in error. | Malte Brun. |j Livingston on Sheep, p. 36. Note by Percival to Am. ed. of Malte Brun ; art. Spain. if Quoted by McCulloch Com. Die. ; art. Odessa. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. where rain does not sometimes fall for months in the Bummer* the grass becomes entirely dried up, so that flocks, to be made stationary there, "vould require hay or other prepared food for several of the e- mmer months The Transkumantes or migratory flocks must still continue, then, to travel from the northern mountains to the warm basins of the Guadiana and the Guadalqui^er for their winter quarters, and return to the moun- tains* in the summer, or this branch of the husbandry would undoubtedly become extinct. The effect on the health and condition of the sheep, and the important item which it would form on the debit side of the account in Sheep Husbandry, to thus drive flocks a six weeks' journey twice a year, (consuming nearly a quarter of the year on the road,) can be estimated by any one acquainted with such matters.! The losses and expenses thus in- curred would absorb all the profits of the husbandry, were it not for the extraordinary privileges conferred on the flockmasters (mainly consisting of the King, nobles and clergy) by the absurd and tyrannical regulations of the Consejo de la Mesta.\ The abolition of-the " Council of tjie Royal Troop," there cannot be a reasonable doubt, would be immediately fol- lowed by the downfall of the migratory Sheep Husbandry in Spain. That the day has gone by when this unfortunate and distracted country catf ever again enjoy the blessings of permanent peace and settled institutions, under which this or any other branch of husbandry can increase or steadily flourish, until she reaches a point of political civilization^tentirely incom patible with the continuance of a relic of tyranny and barbarism so mon strous as the Mesta, I consider equally certain. I see, therefore, no possible, or at least probable contingency under which the migratory Sheep Hus- bandry of Spain is likely to be extended, or even to permanently main- tain its present footing. Nor is there any probability of her again rising into importance as a wool-producing country, from her stationary flocks. Italy, though too accessible to the dry, hot wind of Africa, (the Solano, .' to exhibit the uniformity of deep-green verdure seen north of the Alps, ;$ nevertheless much of it a country of fine pasturage. The great plai^ between the Alps and Appenines, the basin of the Po including Lom- bardy, Sardinia, Parma, Modena, etc. is one of the most productive in Europe, and its extraordinary facilities for irrigation allow five or six crops of hay to be mown in a single season. In Tuscany, the orange and lemon begin to make their appearance the soil is alluvial and rich, and the mountainous districts are finely adapted to pasturage. The States of the Church are also highly fertile, and abound in good herbage ; and on the deadly Campagna di Roma, and even the Pontine Marshes, flocks and herds find an abundant subsistence in winter, and are driven to the Appe- rines in summer. The same remarks apply to the northern portions of the Kingdom of Naples. The southern extremity of Italy is exposed to a burning climate, and exhibits the vegetation of Africa. The whole superficial area of Italy does not exceed 122,000 squar*? miles, and her population is 172 to the square mile. Scarcely raising bread-stuffs enough for her own consumption, taking one year with an- other, || there is not the most remote prospect of her ever becoming an im- portant wool-exporting country. * %e Hon. Wm. Jarvis's Letter to me on the subject of Merino Sheep, when I acted as Corr. Sec'y of ihe N. Y. State Agricultural Society Transactions, 1841, p. 3:32. t Since giving this as the distance from " the middle of Estremadura to the Cantabrinn Mountains" (Let ter V.), I gee it stated in the Encyclopedia Americana that "the whole journey from the mountains to the interior of Estremadura is reckoned at about 690 miles." Measurement on the map will show that it does not exceed 4 degrees or 277 miles, but the difference may be made by the circuitousness of the route, or the writer may refer to more eastern portions of the great Appenine Chain. I find it stated by several wr> ters that each journey consumes six weeks. t For a description of this odious tribunal see Livingston on Sheep, p. 35. D tee McCulloch's Com. Die. ; art. Odessa, P 114 MIEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Turkey both in Europe and Asia, it would appear from Table 8, is but a trifling exporter of wool. It should be remarked, howeve~, that the wools of the Western Provinces, and of Greece, are generally exported from Trieste to France.* Under the late American Tariff, (" Tariff of 1842,") the export to the United States was becoming an important one much greater than that to England. In 1846, it amounted, of wools costing less than 7 cents a pound, to 5,744,328 Ibs.t European Turkey has a colder and less uniform climate than Italy, but still it is a fine one,J and being a broken, mountainous country, wll adapted to pasturage, and but sparsely populated, (55 to the square mile,) it is wonderful that so little attention has been paid to the culture of wool. But the proud and indolent Turk spurns all rural labor, or all interest in it, leaving it to his vassals and these, destitute of any security to person or property, taxed, oppressed, liable to be compelled to make forced sales to bey or ayan or, what, is worse, their property seized outright have little inducement to accumu- late a species of property so easily pounced upon.|| Germany (including Prussia and Austria) is now the great producer of fine wools, supplying not only her own manufactories which are es- timated to consume half the whole product but exporting the large sur- plus indicated in the Table. Nor is this all ; for to France, the Nether- lands, Switzerland, &c., she is supposed to export half as much as toEng- land. The wnole region thus included leaving out the Austrian States in Italy, which have already been considered comprises a territory of 468,000 square miles, and a population of 58,800,000, or 130to the square mile. The country on the north is level, vast plains extending from the declivities of the mountains which occupy the center of* Germany, to the North Sea and the Baltic. The center is mountainous, and its plains are ery elevated. The extreme South is covered with mountains. From the Little Carpathian or Jablunka Mountains, and from the eastern termina- tion of the Styrian and Julian Alps, stretch away the vast Hunprarian and Transylvanian plains to the confines of Turkey. The great northern plain of Germany is low, sandy, flat, often consist- ing of naked silicious sands or those covered with lichens, interspersed with frequent marshes, and terminating in many places on the Baltic in vast morasses, or land redeemed from the sea by dikes. As a whole, the land, particularly in the maritime Provinces, is of an inferior quality, but some portions of it, as for example in Silesia and Saxony, is of a quality ranging from medium to good. The soil of Central and Southern Ger- many (including Austria) must, of course, exhibit many varieties. In gen eral, however, it may be set down as productive in the valleys, and or- dinary or poor on the high lands. The lower plains of Wirtemberg. Baden, the South of Bavaria, etc., are exceedingly fertile. The plains of Hungary on the south-east not uncommonly exhibit soils of remarkable richness, but they alternate with inferior ones, and with vast and un- healthy morasses. Taken together, the region which I have included un- der the designation of Germany, though not a sterile country, is noi favored with soils naturally as productive as those of Italy or Spain ; nor would it at all compare with that portion of the United States west of the Apalachians. The climate of Germany is thus summed up by Malte Brun :fl * Southey, quoted by Bischoff, vol. ii. p. 356. t Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1846. J For a picture of this as well as the other natural features of Turkey, both in Europe and Asia, Gr. eco and the Ionian Isles as lielicately accurate, as eoft and rich as one of the scenes of Claude see C^iilde Harold, Canto II., the opening of the Giaour, the Bride of Abydos, etc. Though this may be deemed i. sin- gular, it is the very best reference, which my reading enables me to make. It See Urquhart on Tuikey and its Resources, p. 139. Encyclopaedia Americana ; art. Woof t Amu ed. f vol. ii., p. 594. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. US " The climate of Germany is greatly modified by the elevation and declivities of the coun try ; but independently of that cause, it does not admit, from its extent in latitude, of any vague or general definition. It may be divided, however, into three great zones, and these too, are susceptible of other subdivisions. The first is that of the northern plains, of which the temperature is not so cold as it is humid and variable ; they are exposed to every wind. while fogs and tempests are conveyed to this region from two seas. The north-west plaii is subject, from its vicinity to the North Sea, to frequent rains and desolating hurricanes. 1 he influence of the Baltic on the north-east plain is less powerful ; the climate, though colder, is not so humid and variable. The second general zone comprehends all the central part of Germany The moun- tains in that extensive region form a barrier against the effects of the maritime climate. The sky is not obscured by mists, and the regular ordei- of the seasons is not interrupted by winds and tempests ; but the elevation of the soil renders the climate colder than in other countries in the same latitude nearer theUevel of the sea The third general zone is that of the Alps. The lofty hights and rapid declivities connect very different climates; thus the cultqre of the vine ceases in Bavaria and Upper Austria, and appears anew with fresh vigor iu the neighborhood of Vienna. The eternal glaciers of Tyrol and Salsburg are contiguous to the valleys of Styria and Carniola, covered with fields of maize or vineyards, and almost border on the olives of Trieste and the lemon-trees of Riva." Contiguous mountains render the north of Hungary extremely cold. Farther south, the climate rapidly becomes warmer, and on the lower plains in the extreme south the heat is intense and the climate insalubrious The- bauer or farmer in those States of Germany where the feudal ten- ures have been abolished, and the land is held in fee simple, owns four or five English acres of land. These men, says Mr. Jacob, " although placed above the pressure of want, or possessing the bare necessaries of life, have very little beyond them. Such as are industrious and frugal, by cultivating their small portion of ground, may raise a sufficient quantity of potatoes for their own consumption, corn for their bread, and provisions for two draught oxen. They all raise a small quantity of flax, and some few contrive to keep Jive or six sheep. It is often no easy matter for those to find occupation, who are desirous ot other employment in addition to the cultivation of then- own laud, for no agricultural labor can be carried on during the long and severe winters. . . It is rare indeed that they can afford to have meat of any kind, and those only who are more prosperous than their neighbors can keep a cow to provide themselves with milk." The wool raised by these owners of five or six sheep, is annually bought up by Jews and other traveling agents, who go from house to house to' collect it. The following extracts from William Howitt's sprightly and interesting' '" Rural and Domestic Life in Germany " will show under what circum- stances a great portion of its wool is grown : " Here you look in vain for anything like the green fields and hedge-rows of England. . . . It is all one fenceless and plowed field. Long rows of trees on each side of the road are all that divide them from the fields. .... The keeping up of the cattle presents you a new feature of rural life. As the quantity of land left for grass is very small, the grass is proper- tionably economized. The little patches of grass between woods and in the open parts of the woods, the little strips along the river-banks and even in gardens and shrubberies, are- carefully preserved for this purpose. You see women in these places cutting grass with a? email hook or smooth-edged sickle, and carrying it away on their heads in baskets lor their cows. You see the grass on the lawns of good houses, on grass-plats, and in shrubberies, very long and wild ; and when you ask why it is not kept closer mown, the reply is that it' is given to the milk-woman, often for a consideration, who cuts it as she wants it. You see other women picking the long grass put of the forests, or under the bushes on the hill-sides- where the slopes have been mown, for the same purpose The children may be seen* landing iu the stream in the villages carefully washing weeds before they are given to the cattle Nettles, chervil, cow-parsnip, which in England are left to seed and rot, are all here cut for the imprisoned cow. You go down to the river-side to fish, and a peasant is BOOH with you, chattering and gesticulating, pointing to your feet and to the grass. It is to lei you know that you are not to angle there, because it treads down the grass ; and accordingly, in Germany, with rivers full offish, you seldom see an angler; if you, he is pretty sure to be an Englishman Not a sheep, a horse, or a cow is to be seen. . . . The mountain tops are covered with wood. The slopes are covered with vineyards. You ask where the cattle are 1 You are answered, in the stalls. Where are the sheep 1 Under the care of shepherds, iomewhere.- Heaven knows where ! you never come across them. It is only 011 the gren? L16 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. plains of the North that you afterward find large flocks and herds, under the care of keeper* kept close together ; for as they have no fences, they are under the momentary peril of uiak ing ravages on their neighbor's crops." Between Leipsic and Berlin, on the plains of Saxony, Mr. Howitt first saw flocks of sheep in the field, and he says : " Onn thing which surprises an Englishman is to see what wretched creatures are th iheep which produce the famous Saxony wool In fact, it is a prevailing idea thai the leaner the sheep the finer the wool. It is the wool to which all the attention of the grow- er is devoted, and therefore, generally speaking, a more miserable assemblage of animal* than a flock of German sheep is not to be seen On the plains they wander under the care of a shepherd, and for the most part on fallows and stubbles, to pick up odds and ends, rather than to enjoy a regular pasture. You may see them penned on a blazing fallow, where not a trace of vegetable matter is to be seen, for the greater part of a summer day, which in this climate is pretty much like being roasted alive For what purpose they are here, except to starve and melt them wito leanness, I never could discover The sheep, be- sides being lean, are generally dreadfully lame with that pestilent complaint the foot-rot, and their keepers, apparently, trouble themselves very little about it." Mr. Howitt states that it is necessary to economize the land so closely, to sustain the population, in some parts of Germany, that the peasants actuah ly convey earth up steep hill-sides in baskets, and cover the rocks with it, to thus add to the tillable soil ! In reviewing the preceding facts, you are struck with no one which would indicate particular natural advantages for sheep rearing in the States of Germany, Prussia, and with an exception presently to be named- Austria. The climate of the North is humid, fickle and tempestuous; that of the middle cold with long winters. Neither possess any advantages over our own Northern States and in some respects are decidedly inferior to them. This was the opinion of that eminent sheep-breeder and excel- lent man, Henry D. Grove,, of this State, who w r as a native of Prussian Saxony, and who certainly would never be suspected by any one who knew him personally, of any want of partiality for anything pertaining to his Fatherland ! In his letter to Benton and Barry on wool-growing, &c.. he says : "Ten years' experience has fully satisfied me on this point. In some respects, we posseai natural advantages over Germany." In what particulars he awarded the preference to the United States, his letters and oral declarations to me, leave no uncertainty. It was both in soil and climate, and in instituting the comparison, he had his eye not on the most favored sections of our country, but on the hills of Rensselaer County in this State, where he resided. If in natural advantages we surpass Germany, how much more we do In artificial ones, may be estimated from the preceding extracts from Messrs, Jacob and Howitt. To these general remarks portions of Hunga- ry form an exception. In these, the climate is fine, the soil rich, and, the feudal tenures remaining unabolished, the land is yet held in those large estates so favorable to Sheep Husbandry. Prince Esterhazy, the former Austrian Ambassador to England, says Mr. Paget,* owns an estate of some- thing more than 7,000 square miles, including 130 villages, 40 towns, and 34 ^castles. His sheep are said to amount to 3,000,000.t Other nobles own flocka of from ten to thirty thousand. The demi-savage Magyar serf, whose labor costs nothing, whose principal garment is a sheep-skin, and whose miserable and scanty food is more than half stolen,! makes a most econom- ical shepherd ! Hungary lacks facilities for internal communication, and -her convenience to the Mediterranean markets excepting Turkey so aa * Paget's Hungary and Transylvania, rol. i. p- 46. t Youatt 4; See Paget's Huugai y, &c., p. 13 to 19. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 117 to first throw her agricultural products into ports where the demand is good, is decidedly inferior to that of Italy, France and Spain. The Danube is the only natural outlet to her commerce which, thanks to a liberality of policy on the part of Turkey,* contrasting most favorably with that of several enlightened nations! under similar ciicumstances, she enjoys without limitation. To reach Trieste, a long land carriage is indispensa* ble. Her exports too, are embarrassed by the imposts and narrow restric- tions of the Imperial Government. She cannot, therefore, export cheap heavy articles, such as provisions, to so great advantage as the Levantine nations : but every circumstance points to her as a country which should be one of the first on the Eastern Continent, for the production of wine, silk, wool, &c. Separated from Hungary and Transylvania only by the Carpathian Moun- tains and Turkish Moldavia, lie the fertile provinces of South-eastern Rus- sia, the basins of the Dniester, the Dnieper, and the Don. From the Car- pathians to the Caspian, across the entire extent of the plains of ancient Scythia, not a.n elevation which could be properly dignified with 'the ap- pellation of a mountain, breaks the immense expanse ! The lower valley of the Dniester or Borysthenes, formerly known as the Ukraine, has been* celebrated for centuries for its pasturage for its horses f and cattle : and re- cently flocks of Merino sheep have been introduced there and successfully crossed with the native variety. In 1839, Mr. Slade states that many of the colonists on the Steppe and in Bessarabia had 20,000 sheep. Merinos were introduced into Crimea or Taurida, by M. Rouvier, a French ad- venturer, in about 1802. || In this favored peninsula, which the learned Pallas describes as little less than an earthly Paradise, they have multiplied exceedingly, and extended to Cherson, Ekatherinoslav, Bessarabia and other provincial Governments. The export- of wool from Odessa in 1829 was 3,402 Ibs.; in 1830, 21,361 Ibs. ; in 1831, 35,058 Ibs. ; in 1832, 41,558 Ibs. ; in 1833, 66,457 Ibs.; in 1834, 66,901 lbs.fi In one respect Southern Russia has the advantage over Hungary. It is more sparsely populated, and land is perhaps in still lower estimation. As in the latter, the land, much of it, is fertile and well adapted to pasturage, and the price of labor is next to nothing. But for causes adverted to in the opening part of my eighth Letter, there is a wide disparity in the climates of the two countries, if we leave Crimea out of view. That of Russia, affect- ed by the north and north-east winds which the Carpathians exclude from Hungary has a winter which for length and intensity is entirely unequaled in the latter, excepting in its northern mountainous regions. Sheep must be housed, and fed for some months on dry food, in Southern Russia. Taking into view the broad, level steppes** and their luxuriant natural verdure taking into view the climate, warm in summer, cold and exposed to winds of great severity in winter, it strikes me that there must be no inconsider- able resemblance between this portion of Russia and our own north- western prairies in corresponding latitudes (45 to 46). But when the cost of land and labor is taken into consideration, wool can be produced cheaper, in my judgment, in South-western Russia than in Spain, France, G ermany, Italy or any other portion of Europe, excepting Hungary. Were * This power is remarkable for its liberality in all its regulations which affect the trade and commerce ol Other nations. t e. g. t the policy of England in relation to the navigation of the St. Lawrence. J This wild region and its horses have been rendered classic by Mazeppa. Who, that ever read, hat far- got the description of the horse on which theHetman performed his fiery and perilous ride I || For an interesting account of the adventures of this fortunate French Jason, see Blade's " Travel* fin Germany and Russia," published London, 1840. * See Slade's Travels; also McCulloch's Com. Die. rt Odessa. IT McCulloch's Com. Die. art. Odessa. "* This Russian word hag a similar signification to prairie, pampas, Hanoi, &c. '(18 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. European Turkey differently populated, and under different institutions, it might constitute another exception. t Central and Northern Russia, like the States north of Germany, 'arc north of the wool zone. Their winters are too long and severe to allow them to compete with regions lying farther south, in wool-growing. Asia Minor, or Turkey in Asia, and Persia have heen alluded to the former, much of it, a fine country with a most delightful climate, but its natural advantages all neutralized by its political systems and the charac- ter of its population the latter, except in occasional favored positions, r *uch as the valleys of Shiraz and Ispahan, a land of mountain and desert, of intense heat and inter.se cold. Independent Tartary, lying immediately north of it, is less exposed to the hot winds of Arabia, but more so to the freezing ones of Siberia. Its vast dry plains are usually deserts, excepting on the borders of its exceed- ly rare streams. Great Bucharia, however, in the south-east, on the head 'waters of the Amoo (Oxus) from the Capital of which Timour (Tamer lane) issued on his desolating path of conquest is a country of great fer- tility. Its natural beauties constitute a favorite theme with the poets and geographers of Persia and Arabia. Since the opening of the navigation of i;he Indus, it has annually sent some wool to Bombay, which constitutes a part of that which is shipped thence to England, and is known in Tablo 8 as East Indian wool. Afghanistan and Beloochistan, protected on the north from the Siberian winds by the lofty Hindoo Koosh mountains, and less exposed on the south to those of Arabia, exhibits a milder and less variable climate than that of the conterminous regions of Persia. Among the Highlands of the north, ; and those skirting the Indus on the east, there is much good pasturage. Sir Alexander Barnes states- that four-fifths of the whole surface of Cabul, B Province of the former, is excellent pasture land. The wool of the broad- tailed sheep of these countries also finds its way, by the Indus, to Bombay, and is classed as East India wool in the Table. From the high, cold, mountain regions of Thibet, Little Bucharia, &c., some wools are exported, through the same channels, which come under the same classification. These countries also export shawl wool.* Most of China north of the great Desert of Gobi is a cold, mountainous country. The southern portion, or China Proper, is too densely populated and closely cultivated to be devoted to pasturage. The wool trade which followed the opening of the Indus (the raw ma- terial being supplied by Afghanistan, Great Bucharia, Thibet and some of the Hindostanese Provinces) might doubtless be swelled into one of great importance, particularly by introducing finer breeds of sheep ; 'but we can scarcely expect this, from what we know of the habits, agri- cultural and commercial, of the population. Among constant political changes wrought by the only Asiatic argument the sword the personal habits and occupations of the Asiatic remain ever the same, and are, per- haps, the best type of persistency to be found in anything short of inv mobile matter. Indeed, the stony features of the Sphinx have changed scarcely less through revolving generations, than have the ethnic ones of this great family of the human race ! Let us now pass to those regions of the Old "World, south of the Equa- .tor, included in the wool-growing zone. The southern extremity of Africa the Cape of Good Hope is included * The table-land of Thibet Is elevated 15.000 feet above the level of the sea. Mr. Ti-ail remarks tbat every animal here, including Carnivorn, produce that down under their hair which te known as shavl toool~ Ihough that manufactured comes mainly from a pecies of goat. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 119 in the wool-growing zone. The following description of it is by Rev- Robert Moflfat, for twenty-three years a resident of it as the agent of the London Missionary Society :* " The Colony extends from west to east about six hundred miles, its average breadth being about two hundred Between the coast and the vast chain of mountains, beyond which lie the Karoo, the country is well watered, fertile and temperate. The other portions of the Colony, with few exceptions, and without a change in the seasons, appear to be doomed to perpetual sterility and drouth. The Karoo country, which is in the background of the Colony, is, as Lichstenstein correctly describes it, a parched and arid plain, stretching out to such an extent that the vast hills by which it is terminated, or rather which divide it from other plains, are lost in the distance. The beds of numberless little rivers, (in which water is rarely to be found) cross, like veins, in a thousand directions, this enormous space. The course of them might, in some places, be clearly distinguished by the dark green of the mimosas spreading along their banks. Excepting these, aslar as the eye can reach, no tree or shrub is visible But even on these hills and sunburnt plains thousands of sheep pasture on a thin sprinkling of verdure and esculents The entire country, extending in some places hundreds of miles on each side of the Orange River, and from where it empr ties itself in the Atlantic, to beyond the 24th degree of east longitude, appears to have the curse of Gilboa resting upon it. It is rare that rains to any extent or quantity fall in those regions. Extreme drouth continues for years together. The fountains are exceedingly few, precarious, and latterly many of these have been dried up altogether." According to Barrow, nearly seven-tenths of the Colony are destitute of vegetation during a greater part of the year. Sand drives before the winds, exercising an unfavorable influence on sheep and wool. Lions, tigers, wolves, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, etc., are numerous on the very skirts of the settlements, making much vigilance necessary for the protec- tion of the sheep ; and they must be nightly driven into the settlements to be folded. But the natives have proved a vastly more destructive enemy than these.t The sheep introduced by the English colonists will probably eventually considerably increase beyond their present number in a country of so great extent, but we are scarcely authorized to believe that the Cape will ever take a high rank among the wool-producing countries of the world. That great island, or continent, known as New South Wales, or Aus- f tralia, has a superficial area equaling that of the United States. But a limited portion of it, however, is included in the wool zone. All of Van Diemen's Land, or Tasmania, is in that zone. The export of Wool from these countries, as will be seen from the Table,J reached nearly ten million pounds in 1840 nearly half that of Germany, including Austria and Prussia, and almost eight times that of Spain ! Here, as at the Cape of Good Hope, there are no woolen manufactories, and being Colonies of England, their export to that country exhibits their whole production. The soil, products, &c. of Australia are thus spoken of by Mr. McCul- loch:|| " The fertility of the soil in most parts of New-Holland that have been explored with any care, is very far indeed from corresponding with the glowing descriptions of some of its casual visitors, whose imaginations seem to have been dazzled by the magnificence of its botanical productions and the clearness and beauty of the climate. The truth is that the bad land bears a much greater proportion to the good in New-Holland than in almost any other coun- try with which we are acnuainted Of course it is not to be supposed but that in a country of such vast extent there must be some fertile districts ; but along the east coast, with which we are best acquainted, these seem to be much more confined than might have been expected ; and the little experience we have had on the west side, at Swan River and other places, does not seem to lead to any more favorable conclusions." After stating that if the Government price of lands " is not a great deal * Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern Africa, pp. 2324. t See Letter V., and Note. J Including Port Philip, Swan River, and Soutb Australia, the export* of which are carried out separatehr 61 Table 8. || McCulloch's Com. Die. Art. Sydney. 120 SI.fiEP HUSBANDRY I1N THE SOUTH. above the mark in New-Holland, it must be a great deal below it in Upper Canada," Professor McCulloch continues : "If the Americans exacted the same price for their public lands that we do, something might be found in favor of extending the principle to Canada. They, however, do nothing cf the sort, but sell much better land at a decidedly lower rate If slaves could be imported into a Colony of this sort, there might be some chance of its succeeding. But while laud of the very best quality may be had in the Valley of the Mississippi for about a dollar an acre or less, we think better of the common sense of our countrymen than to suppose that tny one able to carry himself across the Atlantic will resort to Australia." Of the climate he says : " The climate of such parts of New South Wales as have been explored by the English is particularly mild and salubrious. .... On the other hand, however, it has the serious defect of being too dry. It seems to be subject to the periodical recurrence of severe drouths. These prevail sometimes for 2, 3, or even 4 years together. The last * great drouth' began in 182G, and did not terminate until 1829. Very little rain fell during the whole of this lengthened period, and for more than six months there was not a single shower. In consequence, the whole surface of the ground was so parched and withered that all minor vegetation ceased ; and even culinary vegetables were raised with much difficulty. There was also a pretty severe drouth in 1835. This is the great drawback of the Colony ; and were it more populous the drouths would expose it to still more serious difficulties." Another drouth occurred in 1841, and Mr. Hood thus describes its ef- fects on the sheep : * " It will be scarcely believed in England that the estimated number of sheep which have died within the last twelve months in the Colony from catarrh and drouth is 70,000 .' ! that colonists are compelled in order to save the dam from starvation, to cut the throat of her lamb ; that no means are adopted for securing a stock of lambs for next year ; or that a stockholder would offer 8,000 sheep to any one that would remove them from his runs, and finding that no one could be prevailed upon to taint his own flocks by accepting so danger- ous a present, had recourse to consuming them by fire, and had actually killed and burnt 2,000." .... Of the country Mr. Hood remarks : " The first object on the arrival of every settler should be to procure a good country for his flocks, and this, I have elsewhere said, ia his grand difficulty. Let him be wary on this point. Almost every desirable or habitable spol in the old countries, as the early settled districts are called, is already occupied." Some diseases seem to be peculiar to the country, or, rather, peculiarly inveterate in it. Mr. Youatt says :f " The sheep frequently suffer from the wild and poachy nature of a considerable portion of the pasture. The foot-rot seems to assume a character of its own. .... If neglected, it speedily becomes inveterate and preys upon and destroys the animal. The losses occasioned by it in the early existence of the Colony were frightful." The astringency of the water and other causes have produced severe epidemics. In some years, some of the flockmasters have lost half of their ftheep4 The scab is a prevailing disease, and Doct. Lang says : || " When a convict shepherd has a pique against his master, or even against his overseer, it is often in his power to subject the whole of his master's flock to this obnoxious disease, merely by driving his own flock a few miles from their usual pasture, and bringing them into contact with a diseased flock. The chief source of the wealth and prosperity of th Colony is thus, in a great measure, at the mercy of the most worthless of men." The cost of both land and labor is comparatively (id est, compared with the unoccupied lands of the United States) high. The Government mini- mum is 5s. ($1 15) per acre, but very little if any good land is sold at that price. Mr. Hood states that the portion of Capt. McArthur's immense estate which was obtained by purchase, cost, on the average, 7s. 6d. ($1 72J) per acre. Shepherds receive from <15 to <20 ($69 to $92) with * Quoted by Spooner in " History, Diseases, mr S. RANDAM., Esq., Cortland Village, N. Y My Dear Sir : Your very kind and interesting favor of the 27th ult. duly came to hand and should, if praoticable, have received an earlier reply. The business of wool-growing in this country is destined to be of immense importance, and I am firm in the belief that within twenty-Jive years we shall produce a greater quantity than any other nation. * Compiled by me from Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury. t The fiscal year 1842 ended on the 30th of September. Since then, the returns of imports and export* have been made up to the 30th of June. This year, therefore, embraces the imports of nine months only ending on June 30, 1843; and subsequent years end 30th of June, 1844, 1845, and so on. t Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1846. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. You ask, " Is the present home demand supplied ?" There is not enough annually raised in the country by 10,000,000 Ibs. to meet the demand of the manufactories. You ask, " What countries we can export wool to, &c. ?" This country will not export wool reguLirly for fifteen years, for the reason that the consumption will increase as^rapidlif as the production. I can point out articles made of wool now imported, which willrequirt thirty millions of pounds of that of a medium and fine quality, to supply the consum^ tion The business of manufacturing wool in this country is on a better basis than ever before, inasmuch as the character, skill and capital engaged in it are such that FOREIGN COMPETI- TION is DEFIED. A very few years and all articles of wool used here will be of home manu- facture. Now I beg of you to keep the wool-growers steady to the mark. Let them aim to excel m the blood and condition of their flocks, and the day is not distant when they will be amply remunerated. I shall always have great pleasure in hearing from you, and remain Yours most truly, SAM. LAWRENCE. Mr. Lawrence has certainly got the annual deficit of home wools low enough. Table 10 shows that it was upward of 16,000,000 Ibs. during the last fiscal year, 1846. This, of itself, is something of a margin for the South, or some other new domestic producer, to fill ! Hitherto we have simply considered the amount of wool necessary to supply our manufactories. But these establishments fall very far short of working up all the wool consumed in the United States, even exclusive of home-made fabrics. The following Table* will show the value of the woolens imported for twenty-five years, up to and including 1845 : TABLE No, 11. 1821. $7,437,737 1822. .12,185.904 1823. . 8,268,038 1824. . 8,386,597 1825. .11,392,264 1826.. $8,431,974 1827... 8,742,701 1828... 8,679,505 1829... 6,881,489 1830... 5,776,396 1831. $12,627,229 1832... 9.992,424 1833... 13.262,509 1834. ..11,879,328 1835. ..17.834,424 1836. $21,080,003 1837... 8,500,292 1838. ..11,512,920 1839. ..18,575,945 1840... 9,071,184 1841. $11,001,939 1842... 8,375,725 1843... 2,472,154 1844... 9,475,762 1845. ..10,666.176 Here is another and still broader "margin" for both the American Wool- Grower and the American Manufacturer to fill ! With a country well adapted to the production of wool as any the sun ehines on which, all things considered, can produce it more cheaply than any extended portion of any trans-Atlantic country shall we continue to import raw wool ] Whether we should continue to import woolens is sufficiently answered by the last paragraph but one of Mr. Lawrence's letter, fully sustained as the facts therein set forth are by those infallible tests the dividends of our manufacturing establishments. The minimum of these, in well managed establishments, has already been stated to be about ten per centum pei annum,t and in Mr. Lawrence's own great establishment the dividend of 1846 was fifteen per cent. Does any one suppose that the manufacturers of England, with all the advantage they can derive from cheaper labor | (but with vastly higher prices for suitable sites and buildings land taxes, parochial taxes, income taxes freights and duties on imported wools, etc. etc.) do or can make dividends touching even the lowest rate above stated ] They cannot. \\ * Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1845. f See Letter VII. $ Though not directly advised on the point, I take it for granted that the cost of machinery, also, IB some- what less in Englnnd. |j It may be Said that the two last-named expenses fall on the consumer. They doubtless would, but the English manufacturer has to compete with those of France and the United States, a much larger propor- tion of whose stock is of home growth the latter entirely, in fine fabrics. The abrogation of the Corn-Law* Will be of immense advantage to the English manufacturer, and enable him to better compete with other countries. But while the Bank of England ordinarily discounts paper at from 3 to 4 per cent., and while this is the common rate of interest in that country, it could not be expected that manufacturing capital would be allowed to draw 8 or 10, and much less 15 per cent. Such dividends, in a country whose uninvested capital, or that drawing so low a rate of interest, is so superabundant, would at once invite a competition which would speedily bring the profits of manufacturing capital down to a tevel with those of cicr commercial capita] We may, therefore conclude that uc such dividends are made. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE S. UTH. Is it said that our manufacturing companies have often been com- pelled to suspend, or break up, even under laws as favorable to them aa those now in operation 1 The reason for this is too pointedly and perti- nently* stated by Mr. Lawrence to require any addition at my hands, in the following extract from a letter to me, bearing date April 13, 1847; and it will be seen in the concluding sentence that the bold and man.y decla- rations of his preceding letter were not the result of a casual or momentary confidence, but are deliberately reasserted : " The manufacture of wool has often been disastrous to parties who have embarked in it for many reasons, two of which are sufficient a want of capital and a want of skill. These difficulties are being obviated. Capitalists are more ready to embark under certain auspices, and the amount of skill is very fast increasing, so that this branch is on a footing not to be moved. 11 Undisturbed by those changes of vacillating legislation, or those move- ments in the National Legislature pointing to such changes at one time enormously pampering the manufacturing interest, and leading to over- action and rash adventure at another, threatening it with disaster and utter subversion our manufacturers will steadily,, nay, rapidly advance. If NOW LET ALONE, they will soon not only " defy foreign competition" in the home market, but there is not a single good reason to prevent them from defying it in the great and opening market of South America, and even in the Old World. Some evils or errors in commercial legislation are less to be deprecated than constant changes. The present Tariff, so far as it affects wool and woolens, is the result of a compromise of inter- ests. It may not be perfect in principle or detail. But it does not seem to flagrantly favor or oppress any interest. I speak not in the spirit of a politician, or of the representative of an interest or section, when I express the hope that no change will be made or attempted in this portion of the Tariff, until the lapse of years shall bring about other changes requiring it, or until ample experience shall clearly call for a revision of the system. I have spoken of two "margins" to be filled by the American wool- grower the present deficit in supplying our own manufactories, and sec- ondly, the prospective one, as our manufactures. increase, so as to overtake and then keep pace with the consumption of an increasing population. The demands of our manufactories will advance pari passu with the pro duction, Mr. Lawrence predicts, for at least fifteen years. Why not foi fifty, or a hundred! Let us glance at the prospective consumption, and see if, independent of exportations, it is likely to require any curbs or limits to be placed on production or manufacture. In the debates in Congress on the Tariff in 1828-9, Mr. Mallary esti mated the consumption of woolens in our country at $72,000,000 per ann . . $10,000,000 imported ; $22,000,000 manufactured ; $40,000,000 home-made. The Committee of the " Friends of Domestic Industry," who met in New- York in 1831, reported that the proportion between the amount of wool worked up in factories to that in families was as 3 to 2 ; that the entire annual product of wool and its manufactures in the U. S. was $40,000,000. These are the only accessible published estimates which now occur to we* The Census of J840 shows that the value of woolens made in our iranu- factories in 1839, was $20,696,999. The import of foreign woolens the same year v/as $18,57d,945, and of raw wool* $1,359,445. It should be remarked fcov/ever, that the import of woolens is considerably higher than thaX cf v,y year before or since. Taking the average of the same three * Ck$ the average product of 1837-8-9, as in Table 9. The separate import of 1839 is not before ma. , SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 127 years tor which the import of the raw wool is given,* (1837-8-9,) it would reach but $12,863,051. If we suppose the consumption to equal the sup- ply, this would give $33,560,050 as the value of 'the factory-made woolena consumed in the United States in 1839. I confess I have no data other than conjectural ones, to determine the amount of the home-made manufactures for that or any other year ; nor do I know that any other person has, or can, bave such information. The United States Census, singularly enough does not include this as a separate item. It strikes me, however, that Mr Mallary's estimate is too high, and that of the Report of the " Friends of Domestic Industry " too low. T.he proportion of home-made to factory woolens is, no doubt, annually decreasing, for reasons already stated ;t but as far back as 1839, it would perhaps be a fair estimate to set them down as even. This would give $67,120,100 as the value of the woolens con- sumed by a population of 17,069,453, or nearly $4 per head. Allowing that every dollar in the manufactured article would represent one pound of stock, or raw wool and taking slave-cloths, blankets, carpets, coarse home-made fabrics, factory plains, etc., all into account, a dollar is an am pie sum to offset against every pound of the raw material it follows lha-t our whole population annually consume four pounds of wool per head. Judge Beatty of Kentucky, in an estimate published originally in the American Agriculturist, which has been much quoted, sets down the con- sumption as about 6 Ibs. per head. An ordinary Northern farmer or la- borer, in comfortable circumstances, will consume about 20 Ibs. per an- num ;| the poorer one not far from 15 Ibs. ; a" boy of 8 years old, full 4 Ibs. j a girl of that age (in the country, where females are dressed in woolens,) something more than half of that amount. In the cities and villages there is a large class whose consumption for dress ranges from 30 to 40 and even 50 Ibs., and, including carpets, much more. A Southern slave 'consumes from 8 to 10 Ibs. Four pounds, therefore, would not seem to be a high es- timate, per head, for our whole population. Let us now take a glance at the increase of population in the United States. The six different Censuses give the following results : TABLE 12. 1790, Population 3,929,827 180.0, 5,305,941 1810, 7.239,814 1820, Population 9,638,191 1830 ....12,806,020 1840 17,069,453 It will thus be seen that our population increases at a compound ratio of about three per cent, per annum, which would double it assuming three per cent, to be the precise rate of increase in 23 years 164 days. Cheap and abundant provisions a supply of fertile lands for all who choose to occupy them, &c. the causes which have conspired to give so Tapid an increase, hitherto, still operate to as great an extent as ever, and will continue to, at all events, for half a century, after the Census of 1840. Suppose the rate of increase, then, decreases to two per cent., which would double the population, reckoning as before, once in about 38 years, and * In Table 9. t Letter VII. JHe will wear out, during a year, 1 coat, 4 yards ; 1 pair pants, 3 yards; 1 vest, 1 yard; 1 pair flannel drawer?, 2 yards ; 1 flannel shirt, 2i yards ; 4 pair hose, mittens, &c , 1J fbs., which, calling a yard a pound of wool, al! V-iind, would amount to 14 Ibs. His extra or holiday suit. 8 yards, will last 3 yearn, and hia overcoat, '6 yards, 4 years making the annual consumption of both, 3 1-6 yards. Two flannel shirts, 10 yards, will last two persons say 3 years, making the annual consumption of one, 1 1-9 ynrds. No account is here made of coverlids, wool hats, carpets, still used by many, and the latter, more or less of it, to be found in the houses of m-ar'y &11 farmers in ' comfortable circumstances." It will be seen that 20 Ihs. of wool per head is * mnder*Uv estimate. The above enumeration would not equal to exceed two-thirds, and in some cases tialf the clothing annually consumed by the smartly dressing young men who have labored, on mj (arm! 128 SHEEP HUSBANDRY LN THE SOUTH. that it doubles twice at this rate and the following would be the result, and the amount of wool required by the population at the periods indicated: TABLE No. 13. Year. Population. Amount of Wool. Year. Population. Amount of Wool. 1863-4 34,138,906 136,555,624 1925 136,555,624 546,222,496 1886-7 68,277,812 273,111.248 1963 273.111.248 1,092,444,992 Thus in a little over one hundred years, our population is likely to ex- ceed the present one of Europe, (which is 233,500;000,) and we have now a sufficient territory to sustain it ! At 3 Ibs. of wool per head the number of sheep requisite to supply the home demand in 1963, would be over 364,000,000 ! far more than are now to be found on the whole globe ! Such are some of the reasonable expectations which may be formed of the future prospects of the Home SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH, 129 LETTER X. BREEDS OF SHEEP IN THE UNITED STATES Enumeration of Imported Breeds... No indigenous ones..." Native " Sheep their Origin Views of Mr Youatt Mr. Livingston their true Origin their Early Increase in New-England.. Vandf-rdonk's description of the Sheep and their increase introduced from Holland into New-Netherland (New- York)... Character- istica of the Native Sheep... Account of the Introduction of Merinos into the United States... Their valua- tion at different periods... The Spanish sub-varieties Merged in the United States... Purity of blood of th descendHnts of the Early Importations ... Spurious Merinos... Weight of Fleece of the Spanish and French (Rambouillet) families. ..Description of the latter... American Fumilies their Characte mics.. Doctor Em- mons's Measurements of the Fineness of Wool of individuals of the American, Spanish, and French families also of other breedti.. The Characteristics of the Merino its Crosses. ..The Saxon Sheep its Origin Varieties Treatment in Germany. ..Introduction into the United States... Purity of blood in our present flocks Weight of Fleece Characteristics... The New Leicester or " Bakewell" Origin Character in Kn&Iand Introduction into the United States Valuation in the latter Characteristics... South-Down Sheep Origin Characteristics Introduction into the United States.. Mr Ellman's description of a perfect animal. .Cotswold Sheep Original Stock Crossed the improved variety Characteristics of Introduction into the United States.. Cheviot Sheep Importation into the United States Original Stock Crossed Improved variety Characteristics... Broad-Tailed Sheep Introduction into our Country Characteristics, Dear Sir : It is believed by those competent to judge, and who have investigated the subject, that our country now possesses every known breed of sheep which could be of particular benefit to its husbandry. In pro- ceeding to give an account of the sheep of the United States, I do not deem it necessary to take up your time with a detailed history of each race. The zoologist or breeder anxious to obtain this information, will find it given with great elaboration and accuracy, in the admirable work on Sheep by the late Mr. Youatt.* The principal breeds in the United States are the " Native," (so called) ; the Spanish and Saxon Merinos, introduced from the countries whose names they bear ; the New Leicester or Bakewell, the South-Down, the Cotswold, the Cheviot, and the Lincoln from England. The common sheep of Holland were early imported by the Dutch emigrants who origi- nally colonized New-York, but have long since ceased to exist as a dis- tinct variety. The Broad-Tailed Sheep of Asia and Africa have several times been introduced from Persia, Tunis, Asia Minor, etc. Chancellor Livingston also speaks of two " races as 'indigenous ' to this country, which we have not enumerated, as it is not known to the Com- mittee t that they are now bred in any portion of the United States, viz., the Otter and Smith's Island Sheep, breeds said to have been discov- ered on two islands on our Atlantic coast. An almost infinite variety of crosses have taken place between the Spanish, English, and * native ' fami- lies. To so great an extent, indeed, has this been carried, that there are, * Also in Mr. Bischoffs, Spooner's, etc., (English) works, and Mr. Morrel'a "American Shepherd "the historical parts of all of which are compiled mainly from Mr. Youatt t At the Annual Meeting of the New-York State Agricultural Society, 1837, a Committee was appointed to report at the next Annual Meeting of the Society, on the ' Condition ajj-J Comparative Value of the Several Breeds of Sheep in the United States." The Committee consisted ol Henry S. Randall of Cortland, Henry I). Grove of Rensselaer, John B. Duane of Schenectady, Francis Rotch of Otsego. and C. N Bement of Alba- ny. These gentlemen were at the time breeders of all or nearly all the most important varieties', and it was expected that each would write that portion of the Report treating of the one or ones bred by himself The Committee, however, desired or rather required me to write the whc Je Report, which I did, with the exception of quotations from authors. The Committee met in Albany, prior to the presentation of the Re- port, and the late Thomas Dunn and several other breeders were present by invitation. The Report was unanimously adopted by the Committee, and assented to by the breeders present I do not now quote or adopt all the conclusions of that Report Experience has compelled me to modify some of my opinions, and actual changes in the breeds have taken place But I have mentioned the above facts, to show the au- thority on which the statements which I have quoted, rest ; and also because the Report ha* been often quoted from, sometimes without any credit, and sometimes erroneously credited. [To save constant reference, it will he understood that all the matter quoted in this Letter from the Re- port will, unlike the cases where Mr. Randall quotes at any length from the writings of others, be printed m the same type with the body of the Letter, and simply marked with quotation point*. Publisher.) K 130 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. comparatively speaking, few flocks in the United States that preserve en- tire the distinctive characteristics of any one breed, or that can lay claim tc unmixed purity of blood." NATIVE SHEEP. " Although this name is popularly applied to the com- mon coarse-wooled sheep of the country, which existed here previously to the importation of the improved breeds, there is, properly speaking, no race of sheep ' native ' to North America. Mr. Livingston, in speaking of a race as ' indigenous,' only quoted the language of another,* and his informant was either mistaken as to the fact, or misapprehended the term. The only animal of the genus Ovis Aries, originally inhabiting this coun- try, is the Argali,t known to our enterprising travelers and traders who have penetrated to the Rocky Mountains, where the animal is found, as the Big Horn.f Though the pelage of the Argali approximates but little to the wool of the domestic sheep, they are, as is well known, considered by naturalists to have belonged originally to the same species ; and the changes which have taken place in the form, covering, and habits of the latter, are attributed to his domestication, and the care and skill of Man during a long succession of years. " The common sheep of the United States were of foreign and mostly of English origin. The writer of the volume on Sheep in the ' Farmer's Se- ries,' [Mr. Youatt,] speaks of them as ' although somewhat differing in va- rious districts, consisting chiefly of a coarse kind of Leicester, originally of- British breed.'|| Others have seen, or fancied they saw, in some of them, a strong resemblance to the South-Downs. Mr. Livingston was of this number. But it is far more probable that they can claim a common descent from no one stock. Our ancestors emigrated from different sec- tions of the British Dominions, and some portion of them from other parts of Europe. They brought their implements of husbandry, and their do- mestic animals, to fertilize the wilderness. Each, it would be natural to suppose, made choice of the favorite breed of his own immediate district to transport to the New World, and the admixture of these various races formed the mongrel family now under consideration. Amid the perils of war, and the incursion of beasts of prey, they were preserved with sedu- lous care. As early as 1676, Mr. Edward Randolph, in a * Narrative to the Lords of the Privy Seal,' speaks of New-England as 'abounding with sheep.' "U Vanderdonk, writing in 1790, thus speaks of the sheep introduced from Holland into New-Netherland (now New-York) by the Dutch emi- grants : " Sheep are also kepi in the New-Netherlands, but not as many as in New-England, where the weaving business is earned on, 'and where much more attention is paid to them than by the New-Netherlauders. The sheep, however, thrive well, and become fat enough. I have seen mutton there so exceedingly fat that it was too luscious and offensive. The sheep breed well and are healthy ; they find good pasture in summer, and good hay in winter ; but the flocks require to be guarded and tended on account of the wolves, for which purpose men cannot be spared. There is also a more important hindrance to the keeping of sheep, which are chiefly cultivated for their wool. New-Netherland is a woody country throughout, being almost everywhere beset with trees, stumps and brushwood, wherein the sheep pasture, and by which they lose most of their wool. This is not apparent until they are sheared, wnen the fleeces turn out very light." " The common sheep yielded a wool only suited to the coarsest fabrics, averaging, in the hands of good farmers, from 3 to 3 J Ibs of wool to the - Livingston's Essay on Sheep, pp. 50, GO. t Godmnn's American Natural History. t The " wc>"ly sheep " of the Rocky Mountains, the description of which is quoted by Mr Morrel, (Ameri- can Khepherd, p 131,) from Cpt. Bonneville, is & goat. It will be found described in Godman'a Natural History vol ii. p. 326, et evpra. i Vol'. on Sheep p. 134. Essay on Sheep, p. 53. fl Colonial pajer8 of Massachusetts SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 131 fleece. They were slow in arriving at maturity, compared with the im- proved English breeds, and yielded when fully grown, 'from 10 to 14 Ibs of a middling quality of mutton to the quarter. They were usually long- legged, light in the fore-quarter, and narrow on the breast and back, al- though some rare instances might be found of flocks with the short legs, and some approximation to the general form of the improved breeds. The common sheep were excellent breeders, often rearing, almost entirely des- titute of care, and without shelter, one hundred per cent, of lambs, and it small fl }cks a still larger proportion. These, too, were usually dropped ic March 3r the earlier part of April. Restless in their disposition, their impa- tience of restraint almost equaled that of the untamed Argali, from which they were descended ; and in many sections of our country it was common to see from twenty to fifty of them roving, with little regard to inclosurer*, over the possessions of their owner and his neighbors, leaving a large por- tion of their wool adhering to bushes and thorns, and the remainder placed learly beyond the possibility of carding by the Tory weed ( Cynoglossum vfficinale) and Burdock (Arctium lappa) so common on new lands. " The old common stock of sheep, as a distinct family, have nearly disap- peared, having been universally crossed, to a greater or less extent, with the foreign breeds of later introduction. The first and second cross wi^h the Merino, resulted in a decided improvement, and produced a variety exceedingly valuable for the farmer who rears wool only for domestic pur- poses. The fleeces are of uneven fineness, being hairy on the thighs, dew- lap, &c. ; but the general quality is much improved ; the quantity is con- siderably augmented ; the carcass is more compact and nearer the ground ;: and they have lost their unquiet and roving propensities. The cross with the- fcraxon, for reasons which we shall hereafter allude to, has not been generally? so successful. With the Leicester and Downs the improvement, so far a form, size, and a propensity to take on fat are concerned, is manifest." MERINO HAM. {Defiance. I months old, bred bj- and the property of HVnry S. Randall.) 132 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. SPANISH MERINO. " The history of this celebrated race of sheep, so far as it is known, has so often been brought before the public that it is deemed unnecessary here to recapitulate it. The first importation of them into the United States took place in 1S01. Four were shipped by Mr. Delessert, a banker of Paris, three of which perished on the passage.* The fourth arrived in safety at Rosendale, a farm owned by that gentle- man near Kingston, in this State. The same year Mr. Seth Adams, of Massachusetts, imported a pair from France. In 1802, two pairs were sent from France by Mr. Livingston, the American Minister, to his estate on the Hudson ; and later the same year, Mr. Humphrys, our Spanish Minister, shipped two hundred, on his departure from that country, for the United States." Hon. William Jarvis, of Weathersfield, Vermont, then American Consul at Lisbon, sent home large and valuable flocks in 1809, 1810, and 1811. The particularly favorable circumstances for obtaining the choicest sheep of Spain, under which these were procured, you will find detailed in a letter tome from Mr. Jarvis, dated December, 1841, pub- lished in the Transactions of the New- York State Agricultural Society of that year. Various subsequent importations took place, which it is not important to particularize. . The Merinos "attracted little nptice, until our difficulties with England led to a cessation of commercial intercourse with that power, in 1808 and 1809. The attention of the country being then directed toward manufacturing and wool-growing, the Merino rose into importance. So great, indeed, was the interest excited, that from a thousand to fourteen hundred dollars n head was paid for them." Unfortunately some of the later importations " ar- rived in the worst condition, bringing with them those scourges of tho ovine race, the scab and foot-rot. These evils and the increased supply, soon brought them down to less than a twentieth part of their former price ; they could now be bought for $20 a head. When, however, it was established, by actual experiment, that their wool did not deteriorate, as had been feared by many, in this country, and that they became readily acclimated, they again rose into favor. But the prostration of our manu- factories, which soon after ensued, rendered the Merino comparatively of little value, and brought ruin to numbers who had purchased them at their previous high prices. The rise which has since taken place in the value of fine wool, as well as the causes which led to it, are too recent and well understood to require particular notice. With the rise of wool, the valua- tion of the sheep which bear it, has of course kept pace. " The Merino has been variously described. This arises from the fact that it is but the general appellation of a breed, comprising several varie- ties, presenting essential points of difference in size, form, quality and quantity of wool." And writers of high authority differ even in their descriptions of these families or varieties. M. Lasteyrie, so celebrated as a writer on sheep, and particularly on the Merino, and Mr. Jarvis directly contradict each other on several points.! It is scarcely necessary now to quote their conflicting statements, or inquire which is right as the ques- tions involved possess no practical importance. These families have, gen- erally, been merged, by interbreeding, in the United States and other countries which have received the race from Spain. Purity of Merino blood, and actual excellence in the individual and its ancestors, has long since been the only standard which has guided sensible men in selecting heep of this breed. Families have indeed sprung up, in this country, ex- * Archives of Useful Knowledge. Cultiyator, vol. L p. 183. f See Lnsteyrie on Sheep or, if nit accessible hia statements quoted by Mr. Youatt, p. loG. For Mr farvie's statements, see his Letter t: L. D. Gregory, quoted in American Shepherd, pp. 73, 74. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 133 Mbiting wider points of difference than did those of Spain. In some casea they doubtless owe it to particular courses of breeding but more often, probably, to concealed or forgotten infusions of other blood. The point has, indeed, been occasionally mooted, whether there are any Merinos in the United States, descendants of the early importation*, of unquestionable purity of blood. That there are, has been recently deft nitely settled by a connected chain of undisputable and undisputed testimo- ny,* not necessary here to be repeated. That, on the other hand, in the recent rush of speculation, a marvelous facility has been evinced, in some instances, m suddenly recollecting lost links in the chain of pedigree or in forgetting others which it would not be expedient to remember, no one would require any proof who has seen some of the animals which have been hawked through the country as full-bloods. " Taken collectively, the Spanish rams, according to Chancellor Living- ston, yield about eight and a half pounds of wool, and the ewes five, which loses half in washing making four pounds and a quarter the average weight of fleece of the rams, and two and a half the average of the ewes.t Some varieties considerably exceed this estimate, and probably it would fall short if applied to the prime sheep of any variety." The fleeces of the Merinos at Rambouillet in France, it is stated in the Report of M. Gilbert, to the National Institute, quoted by Mr. Living- ston,! weigh, in the rams, from twelve to thirteen pounds (unwashed) wool taking rams and ewes together, it has "not quite attained to eight pounds, after deducting the tags and the wool of the belly, which are sold sepa- rately." Mr. Livingston remarks that the French pound is about one- twelfth heavier than the English ; but on the other hand, that from the man- ner of folding and housing sheep and feeding them on fallows in Franco, they are very dirty, and lose 60 per cent, in washing.")] This would bring the average of the Rambouillet flock to about four pounds, exclusive of tag arid belly wool. M. Lasteyrie gives the following annual averages per -head of the Ram bouiilet flock : 1796, 6 Ibs. 9 oz. ; 1797, 8 Ibs. ; 1798, 7 Ibs. ; 1799, 8 Ibs. , 1800, S Ibs. ; 1801, 9 Ibs. 1 oz. This is unwashed wool, and will lose half in washing. Mr. Livingston's imported ewes averaged 5 Ibs. 2 oz. ; his rams 6 Ibs. 7 oz., of unwashed wool. The later importations will, judg- ing from the specimens I have seen, average much higher than the latter. They are a large sheep, with good, but not the best, quality of Merino wool some of the larger stocks being rather coarse and not very uni- form, one with another, either in their appearance or fleeces and are most remarkable for the loose pendulous skin which hangs about their necks, and lies in folds about their bodies. They are free from hair- their wool, which is of good style, opens with a creamy color, and rich lus- tre, on a fine rose-colored skin. Their wool is long on the back, shortish on the belly thick, but not so thick as that of many of the American Me- rinos very yolky, but destitute of concrete external gum. The American Merino has, as already intimated, diverged into families or varieties presenting wide points of difference. The minor distinctions are numerous, but they may all, perhaps, be classed under three general heads. Th&jftrst, is a large, short-legged, strong, exceedingly hardy sheep, carrying a heavy fleece, ranging from medium to fine free from hair in properly bred flocks somewhat inclined to tkroatincss, but not so much so as the Rambouillets bred to exhibit external concrete gum in some * This testimony will be found in a Letter from roe to A. B. Allen, Esq., in the December No of American Agriculturist, 1844, and in the Cultivator, I think, of the same date if not, the succeeding No. t Livingston's Essay on Sheep, p. 39. J Ibid., p. 49, et supra. it Livingston's Essay on Sheep, p. 51. Ibid., Appendix. 134 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. flocks, but not commonly so their wool longish on both back and be'iiy and exceedingly dense wool whiter within than the Rambouillets skin the same rich rose-color. The ram on page 131 is a good specimen of thia variety, though his age is not sufficient to give him the substance and com- pactness of an older animal, and the apparent want in these particulars is [lightened by recent shearing.* His first fleece of well-washed wool at thirteen months old, was 8 Ibs. ; was of beautiful quality, and entirely- destitute of hair. At three years old he would have sheared from 10 to 12 ibs. of well-washed wool.f MERINO EWE. The second general class of American Merinos are smaller than the pre- ceding less hardy wool as a general thing finer covered with a black pitchy gum on its extremities fleece about one-fourth lighter than in class first. The third class, which have been bred mostly South, are still smaller and less hardy and carry still finer and lighter fleeces. The fleece is desti- tute of external gum. The sheep and wool bear a close resemblance to the Saxon ; and if not actually mixed with that blood, J they have been formed into a similar variety, by a similar course of breeding. Class first are a larger and stronger sheep than those originally imported from Spain, carry much heavier fleeces, and in well selected flocks, or in- dividuals, the fleece is of a decidedly better quality. The ewe from my flock the portrait of which is given above sheared 7 Ibs. 10 oz. of well- washed wool. ||. The fibre numbered 1. in fig. 1, in the succeeding measure- ments by Dr. Emmons, is from this fleece. The fleece is exceedingly ever and entirely destitute of hair. For the purpose of exhibiting the comparative quality of the wool of * The portrait, on the whole, is strikingly accurate, but the skill of the artist does not compensate for hll want of experience, in animal painting, in aiving the anatomical details and expression of the countenance The fame remark applies to the portrait of the ewe t This valuable anim! died since the above portrait was painted, and prior to his second shearing. * I am not aware what pedigree is claimed for them. They are usually spoken of as Moiinoa. [} . e. washed as clean as practicable in a brook, under a heavy sheet of fulling water. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 135 ihe American, Rambouillet, and early imported Spanish Merinos, 1 copy the following, from the pen of Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., State Geologist, in the American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science, of which publication Dr. E. is the Editor. " Having given you a pretty full report of the farm and stock of Mr. Randall, embracing many details also in the several branches of husbandry, I now propose adding a few wordi as an appendix to that report. I gave some intimation, when speaking of the fineness of .he wool of Mr. R.'s sheep, that on my return home I would furnish something more exact as a test for fineness than the naked eye. In fulfillment of this intimation, I have been efl* gaged since I returned, in measuring the diameter of the different staples which I procured while at Cortlandville, and which I have compared with others obtained of our mutual friend, Luther Tucker, Esq., of the Cultivator. " The different kinds are indicated by numbers. I have prepared a scale which is equal to 100 millimeters ; a millimeter is equal to 0-039 of an inch. The hundredth of a millime- ter,* and the fibres of wool, are all subjected to the same magnifying power of an excellent Chevalier's compound microscope. The comparison is both absolute and relative ; but it it highly interesting to see the perceptible difference between the different fibres of wool. The microscope also reveals other differences ; some of the fibres appeared rather uneven or flat- tened, and destitute of a clear and distinct pith or tube ; and, in fact, I may remark that the microscope is really the best method of testing the real quality of wool." . . . Fig. 1. " No. 1, Mr. Randall's; No. la, fibre of Mr. Randall's prize Merino buck;t No. 16, fibre from one of Mr. Randalls fleeces ; No. 2 and 2, fibres from Mr. Reth Adams's wool ; No. 4, Remilles wool, Shoreham, Vt. ; No. 5, fibre of S. O. Burchard's fine wool, Shoreham ; No. 3, fibre of Charles L. Smith's wool, Shoreham ; No. 6, fibre from Collins's Grandee. The last five were taken from wool left at the Cultivator office. In all the fibres examined there i* a great uniformity in the parcels ; only slight differences, in fact, could be detected in the everal diameters. No. 7 shows the structure of wool as seen under the microscope. In the corner is the scale of measurement. The finest fibre as magnified in this cut is equal to about eighteen-hundredths of an inch in diameter. " Another inquiry equally important with the preceding came up in this place : What ic the strength of a single fibre of wool, and is the coarser comparatively stronger than the finet I set about answering those inquiries at once, and now give you the result below : " Mr. Randall's No. Ib, cm three trials, supported on an average 62 grains ; or, rather, broke when tried with the weight of 62 grains. " Mr. R.'s No. la broke with 57-1 grains. " The fibre from Collins's Grandee, on three trials, supported on an average 84-6 grains. " Mr. Smith's specimen of Shoreham, Vt., on three trials, gave an average of 65-6 grains." No. la is the wool of my ram " Premium," which received the first prize About 1-2500 of an inch. tTaken from the animal by Doct. Emmons. 136 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. at the State Fair at Poughkeepsie, 1844,* and his fleece weighed 10 Ibs. of well washed wool. No. 2 and 2a, (Mr. Seth Adams's wool,) were from the sheep imported by that gentleman. No. 6 was from Grandee, the best ram of Mr. Collins's Rambouillet im- portation. It will be observed, first, that the American wool is the finest, and econd, its strength is greatest in proportion to its diameter. It will probably be as well to bring Doct. Emmons's subsequent meas- urements of the wool of other individuals and varieties together at this place, as to scatter them through the descriptions of the several breeds. It will render a comparison between them more convenient. I would re- mark that the cuts are copied from those of Doct. Emmons, with the strictest fidelity.! Indeed they are perfect fac similes. Fig 2. " Figure 2 (scale of measurement same as in Fig. 1) exhibits the comparative diameters of Ihe wool fibre of two premium Saxon sheep exhibited at the Slate Fair at Utica. 1845. A 1 iii a fibre of wool from the shoulder of the 2d premium sheep (Mr. Church's) ; 2 do. from the flank. B 1, fibre from the shoulder of the first premium sheep (Mr. Crocker's) : 2 do.flank. Fig. 3. " Fig. 3, No. 1. fibre of Bake well about the average fineness of this kind of wool. No. 9, fibre from' Merino ewe belonging to Col. Sherwood, 3 years old (Blakesley sheep. 1 ) No. 1 do. Mr. Bailey's ewe. No. 4 do. Mr. Atwood's. Fig. 4. ,, 4 .__ *$o. 5, fibre of Mr. Ellis's ewe, fleece weighing 6 Ibs. 13 oz. No. 6 do. Mr. Net- s yearling Merino buck. No. 7 do. a sample from the imported 5 per cent. South American wool, which is seen to be nearly as fine as the best of our flocks. No. 8 do. Col. * This is the only time my sheep have ever been shown nt a State Fair, and I first made arrangement* Ibr exhibitiPc, in the expectation of having the privilege of comparing my sheep with the imported Ram- bouiilet8 of Mr. Collins. Mr. C., however, declined my invitation to show. I received the first pnze on rams, and the first and second on ewes. t Executed by William Rowland, of New York, whom I take pleasure in recommending to all wishing U Obtain wood engravings, as an accurate and most obliging artist. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 137 Sherwood's three-year-old buck, sheared 8 Ibs. of wool. No. 9 do. finest Saxon wool ia market. JTJ.T. 5. No. 10, fine Ohio wool. No. 12, do. Saxon l^?- * of the late Mr. Grove's excellent flock. No. 13, do. i\ \ V original imported Spanish wool by Seth Adams. No. l4,"Mr. L. A. Morrell's Saxon The following cut, copied from Youatt, exhibits a fibre of Merino wool viewed 10 1Z 13 both as ah opaque and transparent object, with a microscope manufac- tured by Mr. Powell, of London. The serrations or " beards," which constitute the felting property of wool, are beautifully distinct and sharp. It was a picklock from a Negretti fleece, and Mr. Youatt says it is " very line, being only the yj^th part of an inch in ;! diameter." By consulting Doct. Emmons's preceding statements, it will be seen that the wool of my prize ram " Pre- mium" is only about j-gVo 1 ^ ^ an * ncn * n diameter \ This forcibly shows the improvement which has been made on the Merino wool of Spain in the United States. " The Merino, though the native of a warm climate, becomes readily iii ured to the greatest extremes of cold, flourishing as far north as Sweden, without degenerating in fleece or form. It is a patient, docile animal, bear- ing much confinement without injury to health, and possesses none of that peculiar ' voraciousness of appetite,' ascribed to it by English writers.* Accurately conducted experiments have shown that it consumes " a little over '" two pounds of hay per diem, in winter ; the Leicester consumes from three and a half to four ; and the common wooled American sheep woiild not probably fall short of three. The mutton of the Merino, in spite of the prejudice which exists on the subject, is short grained and of good flavor, when killed at a proper age," and weighs from ten to fourteen pounds to to the quarter. " It is remarkable for its longevity, retaining its teeth and continuing to breed two or three years longer than the common sheep," and at least half a dozen years longer than the improved English Breeds ; " but it should be remarked in connection with this fact, that it is corres- pondingly slow in arriving at maturity. It does not attain its full growth before three years old, and the ewes in the best managed flocks, are rarely permitted to breed before they reach that age." The Merino is a far better breeder than any other fine-wooled sheep, and my experience goes to show that its lambs, when newly dropped, are hardier than the Bakewell, and equally so with the high bred South- Down. The ewe is not so good a nurse, however, as the latter, and will not usually do full justice to more than one lamb. Eighty or ninety per cent, is about the ordinary number of lambs usually reared, though il often reaches one hundred per cent, in carefully managed or sinal' flocks. " We have already adverted to the cross between the Merino and the native sheep. On the introduction of the Saxon family of the Merinos, they were universally engrafted on the parent stock, and the cross was contin- ued until the Spanish blood was nearly bred out." When the admixture took place with judiciously selected Saxons, it resulted not unfavor- ably for certain purposes. But unfortunately these instances of judicious crossing were rare. Our country was flooded by eager speculators, with the feeblest and least hardy Merinos of Germar.y. Fineness of wool during * Youatt, p. 149. 138 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. the period of this strange excitement, was made the only test of excellence, no matter how scanty its quantity, no matter how diminutive or miserable the carcass. Governed by such views, the holders of most of our Merino flocks purchased these over-delicate Saxons, and the consequence was as might have been foreseen their flocks were ruined." SAXON RAM SAXONS. " In the year 1765, Augustus Frederick, Elector of Saxony, ob- tained permission from the Spanish Court to import two hundred Merinos, selected from the choicest flocks of Spain. They were chosen principally from the Escurial flock, and on their arrival in Saxony, were placed on a private estate belonging to the Elector, under the care of Spanish shepherds. So much importance was attached to the experiment, as it was then con- sidered, that a commission was appointed to superintend the affairs of the establishment ; and it was made its duty to diffuse information in relation to the management of the new breed ; to dispose of the surplus rams at prices which would place them within the reach of all holders of sheep ; and finally, by explaining the superior value of the Merinos, to induce the Saxon farmers to cross them with their native breeds. Popular preju- dice, however, was strong against them, and this was hightened by the rava ges of the scab, which had been introduced with them from Spain, and which proved very destructive before it was finally eradicated. But when it became apparent that the Merino, so far from degenerating, had im- proved " in the quality of its wool, in Saxony, " the wise and patriotic efforts of the Elector began to reap their merited success, and a revolution took place in popular sentiment. The call for rams became so great that the Government resolved on a new importation, to enable them more effec- tually to meet it, and to improve still farther the stock already obtained. For this purpose an individual, considered one of the best judges of sheep in Saxony, was dispatched to Spain in 1777, with orders to select three hun- dred. For some reason, probably because he experienced difficulty in obtain- ing a greater number presenting all the qualifications he sought, he return- SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 139 ed with but one hundred and ten. They were from nearly all the different flocks of Spain, but. principally the Escurial and were considered decided- ly superior to the first importation. In addition to the establishment at Stolpen, already founded, others were now commenced at Rennersdorf, Lohmen, &c. ; schools were established for the education of shepherds ; publications were distributed by the commissioners to throw information on the subject before the people ; and the Crown tenants, it is said, were each required to purchase a certain number of the sheep." Mr. Spooner* states that there are two distinct breeds of the Saxon Me- rino sheep, the first " having stouter legs, stouter bodies, head and neck com- paratively short and broad, body round. The wool grows most on the face and legs the grease in the wool is almost pitchy." The other breed call- ed Escurial have longer legs, with a long, spare neck and head, with very little wool on the latter, and a finer, shorter and softer character in its fleece, but less in quantity. The fleece in the Escurial averages from one and a half to two pounds in ewes, and two to three pounds in rams and wethers, while in the others it is from two and a quarter to three and a quarter in ewes, and from four to six pounds in ram and wethers. Those varieties cannot be amalgamated successfully. The preceding portrait is a favorable specimen of the Escurial Saxon, copied from a cut, after a drawing by Harvey, in Mr. Spooner's work. That the German shepherds have sacrificed the hardiness of the Merino, and indeed almost everything else, for fineness of staple, there can be but little doubt. Their method of managing the sheep and its effects are thus described by Mr. Carr, a large sheep-owner of Germany :f " They are always housed at night, even in summer, except in the very finest weather, when they are sometimes folded in the distant fallows, but never taken to pasture until the dew is off the grass. In the winter they are kept within doors altogether, and are fed with a small quantity of sound hay, and every variety of straw, which has not suffered from wet, and which is varied at each feed ; they pick it over carefully, eating the finer parts, and any grain that may have been left by the threshers. Abundance of good water to drink, and rock- salt in their cribs, are indispensables They cannot thrive in a damp climate, and it is quite necessary that they should have a wide range of dry and hilly pasture of short and not over-nutritious herbage. If allowed to feed on swampy or marshy ground, even once or twice, in autumn, they are sure to die of liver complaint ia the following spring. If they are permitted. to eat wet grass, or exposed frequently to rain, they disappear by hundreds with consumption. In these countries it is found the higher bred the sheep is, especially the Escurial, the more tender !" Such are the common views of the sheep, and their treatment over Germany, Prussia, and Austria. Various statements of the methods adopt- ed by Baron Geisler, Graf Hunyadi, and other eminent flockmasters, will be found in Dr. Bright's Travels in Lower Hungary, Paget's Travels in Hungary and Transylvania, Jacob's Travels in Germany, &c. The qualities of the Saxons as breeders and nurses, may be inferred from the following regulations, for the management of his flock, by Baron Geisler.f " During the lambing period, a shepherd should be constantly day and night in the cote, in order that he may place the lamb, a soon as it is cleaned, together with its mother, in a separate pen, which has been before prepared. The ewes which have lambed should, during a week, be driven neither to water or pasture ; but low troughs of water for this pur- pose are to be introduced into each partition, in order that they may easily and at all times quench their thirst. It is also very useful to put a small quantity of barley-meal into the water, Tor by this means the quantity of the ewe's milk is much increased. When the lambs are so strong that they can eat, they are to be separated by degrees from their mothers, and fed with the best and finest oats, being suffered at first to go to them but three times a day. early in the morning, at mid-day, and in the evening, and so to continue till they can travel t pasture, and fully satisfy themselves." * Spooner, p. 51 t Quoted by Spooner, p. 58. I Ibid., p. 59. 1 10 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The following history of the introduction of the Saxons into the United States, was compiled by me from written memoranda, and the oral state- nients of Mr. Grove, submitted to the Committee of New-York State Ag- ricultural Society, already alluded to, of which I was Chairman, and was published in my Report, credited, of course, to Mr. Grove individually, as no other member of the Committee was conversant with the facts nar- rated.* " The first importation of Saxony sheep into the United States was made by Mr. Samuel Hensliaw, a merchant of Boston, at the instance of Col. James Shepherd, of Northampton. They were but six or seven in number. In 1824, Messrs. G. & T. Searle, of Boston, import- ed 77 Saxon sheep. They were selected and purchased by a Mr. Kretchman, a correspond- ent of the above firm, residing in Leipsic, and shipped at Bremen on board the American schooner Velocity. I was engaged to take charge of the sheep on the passage, and I also shipped six on my own account. I am sorry to say that as many as one-third of the sheep Eurchased by Kretchman. (who shared profit and loss in the undertaking,) were not pure- looded sheep. The cargo were sold at auction at Brooklyn, as 'pure-blooded electoral Sax- ons,' and thus unfortunately in the very outset the pure and impure became irrevocably mix- ed. But I feel the greatest certainty that the Messrs. Searle intended to import none but the pure stock the fault lay with Kretchman. In the fall of 1824, 1 entered into an arrange- ment with the Messrs. Searle to return to Saxony, and purchase in connection with Kretch- man, from 160 to 200 Electoral sheep. I was detained at sea seven weeks, which gave riso to the belief that I was shipwrecked and lost. When I finally arrived, the sheep had been al- ready bought by Kretchman. On being informed of what the purchase consisted, I protested against taking them to America, and insisted on a better selection, but to no purpose. A quarrel ensued between us, and Kretchman even went so far as to engage another to take charge of the sheep on their passage. My friends interposing, I was finally induced to take charge of them. The number shipped was 167, 15 of which perished on the passage. They were sold at Brighton, some of them going as high as from $400 to $450. A portion of this importation consisted of grade sheep, which sold as high as the pure-bloods, for the Ameri- can purchasers could not know the difference. It may be readily imagined what an induce- ment the Brighton sale held out to speculation, both in this country and Saxony. The Ger- man newspapers teemed with advertisements of sheep for sale, headed ' Good for the Ameri- can Market ;' and these sheep, in many instances, were actually bought up for the American market at five, eight or ten dollars a head, when the pure-bloods could not be purchased at from less than $30 to $40. In 1836, Messrs. Searle imported three cargoes, amounting in the ag- gregate to 5 13 sheep. They were of about the same character with their prior importations, in the main good, but mixed with some grade sheep. On the same year a cargo of 221 arrived, on German account, Emil Bach, of Leipsic, supercargo. A few were good sheep and of pure blood ; but taken as a lot they were miserable. The owners sunk about $3,000. Next came a cargo of 210 on German account; Wasinuss and Multer, owners. The whole cost of these was about $1,125, in Germany. With the exception of a small number, procured to make a flourish on, in their advertisements of sale they were sheep having no pretensions to purity of blood. In 1827. the same individuals brought out another cargo. These were selected exclusively from grade flocks of low character. On the same year the Messrs. Searle made their last importation, consisting of 182 sheep. Of these I know little. My friends in Ger- many wrote me that they were like their other importations, a mixture of pure and impure blooded sheep. It is due, however, to the Messrs. Scale to say that, as a whole, their im- portations were much better than any other made into Boston. " I will now turn your attention to the importations made into other ports. In 1825, 13 Saxons arrived in Portsmouth. They were miserable creatures. In 1826, 191 sheep arrived in New- York, per brig William, on German account. A portion of these were well descend- ed and valuable animals, the rest were grade sheep. In June the same year, the brig Lou- isa brought out 173 on German account. Not more than one-third of them had the least pre- tensions to purity of blood. Next we find 158, shipped at Bremen, on German account. Some were diseased before they left Bremen, and I am happy to state that twenty-two died before their arrival in New-York. All I intend to say of them is, that they were a most cu rious and motley mess of wretched animals. The next cargo imported arrived in ^he brig Maria Elizabeth, under my own care. They were 165 in number, belonging to myself and F. Gebhard, of New- York. These sheep cost me $65 a head when landed in New- York. They sold at an average of $50 a head, thus sinking about $2,400 ! I need not say that they were exclusively of pure blood. A cargo of 81 arrived soon after, but I know nothing of their quality. The next importation consisted of 184, on German account, per brig Warren. With a few exceptions they were pure-blooded and good sheep. We next have an importa- tion of 200 by the Bremen ship Louisa. They were commonly called the ' stop sale sheep. * Mr. Morrel in his American Shepherd, quotes this as a " Report " drawn and read by Mr. Grove, (one U ieft to infer,) before the New-York State Agricultural Society. This ia doubtless an inadvertance. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN i'HE SOUTH. 141 They were of the most miserable character, some of them being hardly half-grade sheep. The ship Phebe Ann brought 120 sheep, of which I know little ; and GO were landed a! Philadelphia, with the character of which I am unacquainted. Having determined to settle in America, I returned to Saxony, and spent the winter of 1826-7 in visiting aud examining many flocks. I selected 115 from the celebrated flock of Machern, embarked on board the ship 'Albion, and landed in New-York June 27, 1827. In 1828, I received 80 more from the same flock, selected by a friend of mine, an excellent judge of sheep. I first drove them to Shaftsbury, adjoining the town of Hosic, where I now reside. On their arrival they stood me in $70 a head, and the lambs half that sum." " It will be inferred from the facts above stated that there are few Sax- on flocks in the United States that have not been reduced to the quality of grade sheep, by the promiscuous admixture of the pure and the impure which were imported together, and all sold to our breeders as pure stock." And independent of this, there are but exceedingly few flocks which 'have not been again crossed with the Native or Merino sheep of our coun- try, or both. Those who early purchased the Merino, crossed them with the Native ; and, when the Saxons arrived, these mongrels were bred to Saxon rams. This is the history of probably three-quarters of the " Sax- on" flocks of the United States, and among them some, as I know, among the most celebrated. As these sheep have now so long been bred toward the Saxon that their wool equals that of the pure-bloods, it is exceedingly problematical in my mind whether they are any worse for the admixture : when crossed only with the Merino, it is undoubtedly to their advantage. Though I once thought differently, experience has satisfied me that the American Saxon, with these early crosses in its pedigree, is a hardier and more easily kept animal than the pure Escurial or Electoral Saxon. As with the Merino, climate, feed, and other causes, have doubtless conspired to add to their size and vigor ; but, after all, I have not a doubt they usually owe more sf it to those early crosses. The fleeces of the American Saxons weigh, on the average, from 2 or 2J- to 3 Ibs. They are, comparatively speaking, a tender sheep, requiring regular supplies of good food, good shelter in winter, and protection in cool weather from storms of all kinds ; but they are evidently hardier than the parent German stock. In docility and patience under confinement, late maturity, and longevity, they resemble the Merinos, from which they are descended ; though they do not mature so early as the Merino, nor ordinarily live so long. They are poorer nurses ; their lambs smaller, fee- bler, and far more likely to perish, unless sheltered and carefully watched. They do not fatten so well, and, being considerably lighter, they consume an amount of food correspondingly less. Taken together, the American Saxons bear a much finer wool than the American Merinos ; but Dr. Emmons's measurements show that this is not always the case, and many breeders of Saxons are now crossing with the Merino, in the expectation of increasing the weight of their fleeces without deteriorating its quality.* Though I am in possession of wool from Saxons in Connecticut and Ohio, which compares well with the higher grades of German wool,t and though there are doubtless other flocks of equal quality in the country ,J our Saxon wool, as a whole, falls considerably below that of Germany ; and I never have seen a single lock of the American equaling some samples, given me by a friend recently * Mr. Lawrgnce believes this practicable, and Mr. Morrel and various other Saxon breeders hare for ome time bred in this way. t Fully equaling, and, I think, better than some German wool I recently saw, which, all expenses in eluded, stood the^purchaser in $1 60 per pound I J Dr. Emmons stated, subsequently to his measurements above, that he had received wool fcom tb* iock / Dr. Beekman. considerably finer than the S*s jn wool figured. J42 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. from Europe, which came from Styria, south of Vienna, in Austria. The inferiority of the American to the German wool is not due to climate or other natural causes, nor is it owing to a want of skill on the part of our breeders. It is owing to the fact that but a very few of our manufactur- ers have ever felt willing to make that discrimination in prices which would render it profitable to breed those small and delicate animals which pro- duce this exquisite quality of wool. No American breeder thinks of hous- ing his sheep from the summer rains and dew, or observing any of the hot- house regulations at least in the summer of Graf Hunyadi, or Baron Geisler ! If he did, his wool would not probably pay half of its first cost. When our manufacturers wish to find these wools in the home market, they must learn to pay for them in the home market as liberally as they are compelled to to obtain them in foreign ones ! THE NEW LEICESTER, OR BAKEWELL. The portrait above is copied from one of a sheep of this variety, belong- ing to the Duke of Bedford, given in Mr. Youatt's work on Sheep. " The unimproved Leicester was a ' large, heavy, coarse-wooled breed ' of sheep, inhabiting the midland counties of England. It is described alsc as having been ' a slow feeder, and its flesh coarse-grained, and with little flavor.' The breeders of that period regarded only size and weight of fleece. The celebrated Mr. Bakewell, of Dishley, was the first who adopt- ed a system more in accordance with the true principles of breeding. He elected from the flocks about him those sheep ' whose shape possessed the peculiarities which he considered would produce the largest propor- tion of valuable meat, and offal,' and having observed that animals of me- dium size possess a greater aptitude to take on flesh, and consume less food than those which are larger, and that prime fattening qualities are rarely found in sheep carrying a great weight of wool, he gave the prefer- ence to those of smaller size, and was satisfied with lighter fleeces." To reach the wonderful results obtained by Mr. Bakewell, it was supposed that he resorted to a cross with some other varieties, but it is believed by some that he owed his success only to a judicious principle of selectioni ep? teady adherence to certain principles of breeding. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 143 It is exceedingly unfortunate that this eminent breeder has left u.s sc much in the dark in relation to those principles of breeding, adopted by him, which led to such signal success in his efforts to improve both the cattle and sheep of the region in England in which he resided. All of hia measures were veiled in impenetrable secrecy even from his most intimate friends, and he died without voluntarily throwing the least light on the subject. The whole inception and management of his famous " Dishley Society"* betrays selfishness the most intense, and, in plain English, mean- ness the most unalloyed. Should a man claiming to be a gentleman, in this country, make valuable discoveries in breeding, or in any other de- partment of husbandry, and closely conceal them from the public, his con- duct would meet with universal reprehension and contempt ;t yet the thing seems to be considered a matter of course, or is at least passed over with- out censure, in Youatt, Spooner, Bischoff, and a host of earlier writers, all of whom laud Mr. Bakewell to the echo! " The improved Leicester is of large size, but somewhat smaller thai, the original stock, and in this respect falls considerably below the coarser varieties of Cotswold, Lincoln,, &c. Where there is a sufficiency of feed, the New Leicester is unrivaled for its fattening properties, but it will not bear hard stocking, nor must it be compelled to travel far in search of its food. It is, in fact, properly and exclusively a lowland sheep. In its ap- propriate situation, on the luxuriant herbage of the highly cultivated lands of England, it possesses unrivaled earliness of maturity ; and its mutton, when not too fat, is of a good quality, but is usually coarse, and compara- tively deficient in flavor, owing to that unnatural state of fatness which it so readily assumes, and which the breeder, to gain weight, so generally feeds for. The wethers, having reached their second year, are turned off in the succeeding February or March, and weigh at that age from thirty to thirty-five pounds to the quarter. The wool of the New Leicester is long averaging, after the first shearing, about six inches ; and the fleece of the American animal weighs about six pounds. It is of coarse quality, and little used in the manufacture of cloths, on account of its length, and that deficiency of felting properties common, in a greater or less extent, to all the English breeds. As a combing wool, however, it stands first, and is used in the manufacture of the finest worsteds, &c. " The high bred Leicesters of Mr. Bakewell's stock became shy breed- ers and poor nurses, but crosses subsequently adopted " have, to some ex- tent, obviated these defects. So far as my experience has extended in this country, however, the lambs are not very hardy, and require considerable attention at the time of yeaning, particularly if the weather is even moder- ately cold or stormy. Neither can the grown sheep be considered, in my opinion, very hardy. They are much affected by sudden changes in the weather, and a sudden change to cold is pretty sure to be registered on their noses by unmistakable indications of catarrh o-r * snuffles/ "In England, where mutton is generally eaten by*the laboring classes, the meat of this variety is in very great demand ; and the 'consequent re- turn which a sheep possessing such fine feeding qualities is enabled to make, renders it a general favorite with the breeder. Instances are re- corded of the most extraordinary prices having been paid for these am- * For the Regulations of this Society, see Youatt, p. 317. t Of course I do not include in this category those nameless venders of recipes for killing Canada This- tles, ratn, &c. &-r. ; and men who spend their time and property in inventing improved implements, ere., nre entitled to the pay offered by the Patent laws. But, among our agriculturists of standing, who has evrt known of a single instance of a valuable discovery in the operations of husbandry being concealed or with. lurid from the public ? Who has known a breeder of rank wheedle a partner out of one-half of a valuable bull, and then refuse the quondum partner the services of that bull at any price, lest he should prove dangerous rival in breeding ? Yet, what English writer has expressed any contempt for such meanneM These things would not " go down" among us 144 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. mals, and Mr. Bakewell's celebrated buck " Two Pounder" was let foi the enormous price of four hundred guineas for a single season ! The New Leicester has spread into all parts of the British Dominions, and been imported into the other countries of Kurope and the United States. They were first introduced into our own country by the late Christopher Dunn, Esq., of Albany, about twenty-five years since.* Subsequent import- ations have been made by Mr. Powel, of Philadelphia, and various other gentlemen." It is no more than justice to say that this breed has never proved a fa- vorite with any large class of American farmers. Our long, cold winters, but more especially our dry, scorching summers, when it is often difficult to obtain the rich, green, tender feed in which the Leicester delights the general want of green feed in the winter, robs it of its early maturity, and even of the ultimate size which it attains in England. Its mutton is too fat, and the fat and lean are too little intermixed, to suit American taste. Its wool is not very salable, from the much to be regretted dearth of worsted manufactories in our country. Its early decay and loss of wool constitute an objection to it, in a country. where it is often so difficult to advantageously turn off sheep, particularly ewes. But, notwithstanding all these disadvantages, on rich lowland farms, in the vicinities of consid- erable markets, it will always probably make a profitable return. The following description of what constitutes the desirable characterist- ics of this breed, is from the pen of Mr. Youatt :t " The head should be homless, long, small, tapering toward the muzzle, and projecting horizontally forward. The eyes prominent, but with a quiet expression. The ears thin, rather long, and directed backward. The neck full and broad at its base, where it proceeds from the chest, so that there is, with the slightest possible deviation, one continued horizon- tal line from the rump to the poll. The breast broad and full ; the shoulders also broad and round, and no uneven or angular formation where the shoulders join either the neck or the hack particularly no rising of the withers, or hollow behind the situation of these bones. The arm fleshy through its whole extent, and even down to the knee. The bones of the leg small, standing wide apart ; no looseness of skin about them, and comparatively bare of wool. The chest and barrel at once deep and round ; the ribs forming a considerable arch from the spine, so as in some cases, and especially when the animal is in good condition, to make the apparent width of the chest even greater than the depth. The barrel ribbed well home ; no irregularity of line on the back or belly, but on the sides ; the carcass very grad- ually diminishing in width toward the rump. The quarters long and full, and, as with the fore legs, the muscles extending down to the hock ; the thighs also wide and full. The legs of a moderate length ; the pelt also moderately thin, but soft and elastic, and covered with a good quantity of white wool not so long as in some breeds, but considerably finer." THE SOUTH DOWN. " This breed of sheep has existed for several centu- ries in England, on a range of chalky hills called the South Downs. They were, as recently as 1776, small in size, and of a form not superior to the common wooled sheep of the United States. Since that period, a course of judicious breeding, pursued by one man (Mr. Ellman, of Glynde, in Sussex), has mainly contributed to raise this variety to its present high degree of per- fection, and that, too, without the admixture of the slightest degree of foreign blood. In our remarks on this breed of sheep, it will be understood that we speak of the pure improved family, as the original stock, presenting, with trifling modifications, the same characteristics which they exhibited sixty years since, are yet to be found in England and as the middle space is occupied by a variety of grades, rising or falling in value, as they approximate to or recede from the improved blood. " The South- Down is an upland sheep, of medium size, and its wool, which in point of length belongs to the middle class," has been estimated to rank with half-blood Merino, and was so estimated in my Report, quo- * Now about 35 years eince. * YouaK c* %e*o, p. 110, SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 145 tations from which constitute so large a portion of this Letter. But both subsequent experience, and information derived from other sources, have convinced me of the err meousness of this opinion. South-Down wool is SOUTH-DOWN RAM. essentially different from Merino wool of any grade, though the fibre in some of the finest fleeces may be of the same apparent fineness with half or one-quarter blood Merino. The following cut from Youatt,* gives the microscopic appearance, says that gentleman, of a " prime specimen of picklock South-Down wool," 1 being viewed as a transparent, and 2 as an opaque object." The fibre is -g-J^th part of an inch in diameter. The cups or leaves of 2 " are roughened irregular, and some of the leaves have ex- 2 ceedingly short angles," but they are far sharper, more numerous and regular (the points which give wool its felting property) than in ordinary South-Down wool. In the latter, the cups are rounded and have a " rhomboidal " in- stead of that sharp and "hooked" character which distinguishes the Me- rino and Saxon. South-Down wool is deficient in felting properties. It makes a " furzy, hairy " cloth, and is no longer used in England, unless largely admixed wifn foreign wool, even for the lowest class of cloths. The following testimony was given by some of the most eminent manu facturers, wool-factors, staplers, and merchants of England, before the Committee of the Rouse of Lords in 1828, several times previously al- luded tc : t I See Biichoff, TO), ii. pp. 145 to 155. T 146 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Mr. CHART.ES BULL, wool agent, Lewes. " Formerly it [South-Down wool ) was used for clothing purposes ; now it is impossible to sell it lor that manufacture ; . . . it is used for oaizes and flannels in a very large way." Mr. WILLIAM CUNNINGTON, wool-stapler, Wiltshire. " The public will not wear the South-Down cloths, they are so very coarse." Mr. JAMES FISON, wool dealer, Thetford. "There has been deterioration in the quality of (South-Down) wool ; the general weight of the fleece 20 years ago was 2 pounds to 2, and it is now 3 pounds to 3, our wool used to be made into cloths, and returned into Nor- folk, and used by myself and the agriculturists. W T e do not get the same cloth now ; neither myself nor the farmer would wear it, because of the deterioration of quality." Mr. JAMES HUBBARD, wool agent, Leeds. South-Down wool is not "now employed for the purpose of making cloth ; it has been forced down two or three steps in the scale of wool, and is now used for flannels and baize. .... The wool gets more frothy and open, and in manufacturing it does not felt and improve so well ; it works more flannely." .... Mr. JOHN BROOKE, manufacturer, Howley. " Manufacture principally blue cloths from 7s. to 24s. and 25s. per yard, and also narrow cloths Had the Duke of Norfolk's wool, Mr. Ellman, junior's, clip from 1817 and 1822, and Mr. Ellman, senior's, from 1817 to 1821 Kept to English wool longer than any house in the neighborhood Ceased to manufac- ture it entirely in 1823 or 1824, .... found our neighbors were sending out better cloths than we were, not only at the same price, but better manufactured cloths, and we lost our cus- tomers." Mr. BENJAMIN CIOTT, merchant and manufactivrer, Leeds. " I formerly used 150 packs of English wool weekly; the disuse of English wool was gradual, commencing about tne year 1819, continuing to 1823 and 1824, about which time 1 began to manulacture exclu- sively from foreign wool. The disuse of English wool arose from the quality and the ad- vantage of using foreign wool compared with our own. I could not now make an article which would be merchantable at all for the foreign market, (that remark applies equally to the home trade,) in certain descriptions of cloth, except of foreign wool." . . . These wools (the domestic and foreign,) " have different properties." Mr. WILLIAM IRELAND, Blackwell Hall factor, London. " We have been using English wool for second and livery cloths, but recently they have been so very much lowered in quality we have not been able to make use of them at all, and have been obliged to make use of low German and low Spanish wools for that purpose." Mr. J. SUTCLIFFE, wool-stapler, Huddersfield. " South-Down wool was formerly ap- plied for making cloth for home consumption regularly, for the clothing of servants, &c. ll was also used for army clothing. It is now no longer used for those purposes. It makes a furzy, soft, hairy piece ; it has not that fastness in it that foreign wool has." Many other individuals testify to the same effect, and the extremely low character of South-Down wool for carding purposes maybe regarded as definitely settled. But as it has deteriorated it has increased in length of staple in England, and to such an extent that improved machinery enables it to be used as a combing wool for the manufacture of worsteds. Where this has taken place it is quite as profitable, in England, as when it was finer and shorter. In the United States, where the demand for combiner- wool is so small that it is easily met by a better article, perhaps thi would not be the case. And it may be problematical whether the proper combing length will be easily reached, or at least maintained in this coun- try, in the absence of that high feeding system which has undoubtedly given the wool its increased length in England.* The average weight of fleece in the hill-fed sheep is 3 Ibs. ; on rich lowlands a little more. Mr. John Ellman, Jr., testified before the Com- mittee of the House of Lords that he was then " keeping his sheep better than formerly fattening them, which rendered the fleece heavier that they then averaged about 3 Ibs. of wool."t " But the Down is cultivated more particularly for its mutton, which for quality takes precedence of all other" (from sheep of good size) " in the English markets. Its early maturity and extreme aptitude to lay on flesh, render it peculiarly valuable for thfs. purpose. The Down is turned off at two years old, and its weight at that c.ge is, in England, from 80 to 100 Ibs. High fed wethers have reached * Nearly or quite every individual who testifies to the deterioration find increased length of the South Down wool before the Lord'a Committee, assign this as the cause of the change. Biechoff, vol. ii., v . lift SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 147 from 32 to even 40 Ibs. a quarter ! Notwithstanding its weight, the Down has, in the language of Mr. Youatt, a patience of occasional short keep, and an endurance of hard stocking, equal to any other sheep. This gives it a decided advantage over the bulkier Leicester, Lincolns, &c., as a mutton sheep, in hilly districts and those producing short and scanty herbage. It is hardy and healthy, though in common with the other Eng- lish varieties much subject to the catarrh or " snuffles," and no sheep bet- ter withstands our American winters. The ewes are prolific breeders and good nursers. The Down is quiet and docile in its habits, and though an industrious feeder, exhibiting little disposition to rove." Like the Leices- ter, it is comparatively a short-lived animal, and the fleece continues to decrease in weight after it reaches maturity. It crosses better with short and middle wooled breeds than the Leicester. " A sheep possessing such qualities must of course be valuable in upland districts in the vicinity of markets. They have been introduced into every part of the British Do- minions, and imported into various other countries. The Emperor of Russia paid Mr. Ellman three hundred guineas for two rams, and in 1800 4 a ram belonging to the Duke of Bedford, was let for one season at eighty guineas, two others at forty guineas each, and four more at twenty-eight guineas each/ These valuable sheep were introduced into the Uniten States a few years since by Col. J. H. Powell, of Philadelphia, and a smal) number was imported by one of the members of this Committee in 1834. The last were from the flock of Mr. Ellman, at a cost of $60 ahead. Sev- eral other importations have since taken place." The ram and ewe, the portraits of which are given, are the descendants of the importation of Francis Rotch, Esq., alluded to in the preceding- paragraph. They are most spirited likenesses, and were kindly furnished me by that gentleman, to accompany this Letter. They are exceedingly? SOUTH-DOWN KWK. characteristic of the Ellman stock. Not so large as the later importations' of Mr. Rotch from the celebrated flock of Mr. Webb, they are, in t!>f 148 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. opinion of that gentleman, as well as in my own, a more beautifully formed and not less profitable animal. For compactness great weight iu a small compass they are perhaps unrivaled. The following is the description of the perfect South-Down by Mr. Ell- man, the founder of the improved breed : " The head small and hornless ; the face speckled or gray and neither too long nor tn short ; the lips tnm, and the space between the nose and the eyes narrow; the under jaw or chap fine aha thin ; the ears tolerably wide and well covered with wool, and the fore- bead also, and the whole space between the ears well protected by it, as a defence against 44 The eye full and bright but not prominent. The orbits of the eye, the eye-cap or boue not too projecting, that if may not form a fatal obstacle in lambing. 44 The neck of a medium length, thin toward the head, but enlarging toward the shoul- ders, where it should l>e broad and high and straight in its whole course above and below. The breast should be wide, deep, and projecting forward between the fore-legs, indicating a i(ood constitution and a disposition to thrive. Corresponding with this, the shoulders should be on a level with the back, and not too wide above : they should bow outward from the top to the breast, indicating a springing rib beneath, and leaving room for it. 44 The ribs coming out horizontally from the spine, and extending far backward, and the L-ist rib projecting more than others, the back fiat from the shoulders to the setting on of the tail ; the loin > broad and flat; the rump broad and the tail set on high, and nearly on u level with the spine. The hips wide; the space between them* and the last rib on ei- ther side" as narrow as possible, and the ribs generally presenting a circular form like u barrel. " The belly as straight as the back. 41 The legs neither too long nor too short ; the fore-legs straight from the breast to the foot not bending inward at the knee, and standing far apart both before and behind ; the hock having a direction rather outward, and the twist, or the meeting of the thighs behind, being particularly full, the bones fine, yet having no appearance of weakness, and of a speckled or dark color. The belly well defended with wool, and the wool coming down before and behind to the knee and to the hock ; the wool short, close, curled and fine, and free from spiry projecting fibres " THE COTS WOLD SHEEP. The above cut is copied from one in Mr. Spooner's work on Sheep e original drawing being by Harvey. The Ootswolds, until improved by modern crosses, were a very large, SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. coarse, long-legged, flat-ribbed variety, light in the fore-quarter shearing a long, heavy, coarse fleece of wool. They were hardy, prolific breeders and capital nurses. They were deficient in early maturity, and did not possess feeding properties equaling those of the Down or New Leicester; To a cross with the latter variety we owe the modern or improved Cots- wold. Having had no personal experience with the breed,* I prefer quoting the descriptions of the later standard English writers, to the task of compilation. The following is from Spooner : t " The Cotswold is a large breed of sheep, with a long and abundant fleece, and the ewes are very prolific aud good nurses. Formerly they were bred only on the hills, and fatted in the valleys, of the Severn and the Thames ; but with the inclosure of the Cotswold Hills and the improvement of their cultivation they have been reared and fatted in the same district. They have been extensively crossed with the Leicester sheep, by which their size and fleece have been somewhat diminished, but their carcasses considerably im- proved, and their maturity rendered earlier. The wethers are now sometimes fattened at 14 months old, when they weigh from 15 Ibs. to 24 Ibs. per quarter, and at two yeanu old increase to 20 Ibs. or 30 Ibs. The wool is strong, mellow, and of good color, though rather coarse, G to 8 niches in length, and from 7 Ibs. to 8 Ibs. per fleece. The superior hardihood of the improved Cotswold over the Leicester, and their adaptation to common treatment, together with the prolific nature of the ewes and their abundance of milk, have rendered them in many places rivals of the New Leicester, and have obtained for them, of late years, more attention to their selection and general treatment, under which man- agement still farther improvement appears very probable. They have also been used in crossing other breeds, and, as before noticed, have been mixed with the Hampshire Downs. It is, indeed, the improved Cotswold that, under the term New or Improved Oxfordshire Sheep, are so frequently the successful candidates for prizes offered for the best long-wooled sheep at some of the principal agricultural meetings or shows in the Kingdom. The quality of the mutton is considered superior to that of the Leicester, the tallow being less abundant, with a larger development, of muscle or flesh. We may, therefore, regard this breed as one of established reputation, and extending itself throughout every .district of the Kingdom." Of the method of crossing between the Cots wolds and Leicester, Mr. Youatt remarks :J " The degree to which the cross may be carried must depend upon the nature of the old stock, aud on the situation and character of the farm. In exposed situations, and somewhat scanty pasture, the old blood should decidedly prevail. On a more sheltered soil, and on land that will bear closer stocking, a greater use may be made of the Leicester. Another circumstance that will guide the fanner is the object that he principally has in view. If he expects to derive his chief profits from the wool, he will look to the primitive Cotswolds ; if he expects to gain more as a grazier, he will use the Leicester ram more freely." Cotswold sheep of good quality have been imported into the United States by Messrs. Corning & Sotham, of Albany, and are now bred by the latter gentleman. I believe there were several earlier importations- but of their dates or particulars I am not advised. THE CHEVIOT SHEEP. Sheep of this breed have been imported into my immediate neighborhood, and were subject to my frequent inspection for two or three years. They had the appearance of small Leicesters, but were con- siderably inferior in correctness of proportions to high-bred animals of that variety. They perhaps more resemble a cross between the Leicester and the old " native " or common breed of the United States. Their fleeces were too coarse to furnish a good carding wool too short for a good combing one. Mixed with a smaller lot of better wool, their this year's clip sold for 29 cents per pound, while my heavier Merino fleeces sold for 42 cents per pound. They attracted no notice, and might at any time have been bought of their owner for the price of common sheep of the same weight. I believe the flock was broken up and sold to butchers and others this spring, after shearing. They were certainly inferior to the description of the breed by Sir John Sinclair, even in 1792, quoted by Mr. Youatt, |j and * With every breed previously described, I have had ample personal experience. I have merely seen Cotewold flocks. t Q. *., p. 99. J Q. ., p. 340. || Q. t>., pp. 285, 28G. .50 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. had all the defects attributed to the original stock by Cully.* They might not, however, have been favorable specimens of the breed. On the steep, storm-lashed Cheviot Hills, in the extreme North of Eng and, this breed first attracted notice for their great hardiness in resisting CHEVIOT EWK. cold and feeding on coarse heathery herbage. A cross with the Leices- ter, pretty generally resorted to, constitutes the improved variety. The characteristics of the Leicester are quite evident in the portrait of the Cheviot Ewe, above, copied from 1 Mr. Youatt. Professor Low thus speaks of the result of this cross : " The Cheviot breed amalgamates with the Leicester, and a system of breeding has been extensively introduced for producing the first cross of this descent. The rams employed are of the pure Leicester breed, and the progeny is superior in size, weight of wool, and tenden- cy to fatten, to the native Cheviot. . . . The benefit, however, may be said to end with the first cross, and the progeny of this mixed descent is greatly inferior to the pure Leicester in form and fattening properties, and to the pure Cheviot in hardiness of constitution. Of the improved Cheviot Mr. Spooner says : " This breed has greatly extended itself throughout the mountains of Scotland, and in many instances supplanted the Black-faced breed ; but the change, though in many cases ad- vantageous, has in some instances been otherwise, the letter being somewhat, hardier, and more capable of subsisting* on heathy pasturage. They are, however, a hardy nice, well wilted for their native pastures, bearing with comparative impunity the storms of winter, and thriving well on poor keep. Though less hardy than the black-faced sheep of Scotland, they are more profitable as respects their feeding, making more flesh on an equal quantity of food, and making it quicker. They have white faces and legs, open countenances, lively eyes, without horns. The fars are large, and somewhat singular, and there is much space between the ears and eyes. The carcass is long ; the back straight ; the shoulders rather bght ; the ribs circular ; and the quarters good. The legs are small in the b&ne and cov- ered wit\i wool, as well as the body, with the exception of the face. The Cheviot welher is fit for the butcher at three years old, and averages from 12 Ibs. to 18 Ibs. per quarter tho mutton being of a good quality, though inferior to the South-Down, and of less flavor than ihe Black-faced The Cheviot, though a mountain breed, is quiet and docile, and ea- sily managed. The wool \fme, (?) closely covers the body, assisting much in preserving it * He Cully on Liva Stock, p. 150. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 151 from the effects of wet and cold ; the fleece averaging about 3 Ibs. Formerly the wool was extensively employed for making cloths, but having given place to the finer Saxony wools, it has sunk in pr-ice, and been confined to combing purposes. It has thua become altogether a secondary consideration." . . . If Mr. Spooner is not made to say that the wool is " fine " by an omis- sion of qualifying words, or some other misprint, his ideas of fineness must be singular indeed ! The South-Down wool, rejected for carding pur- poses, is several shades finer than the Cheviot! The latter is of aboutthe quality of Leicester, the number of serrations about the same, and, saya Mr. Youatt, speaking of the microscopic appearance of the wool, " the derivation of the breed (from the Leicester) is well illustrated by the formation of the fibre." Mr. John Varley, manufacturer, of Stanningley, near Leeds, thus testi- fied before the Lords' Committee :* " I attribute the low pi-ice of Cheviot wool to deterioration ; it is deteriorated very much in point of hair ; it was formerly the fashion of the day for Cheviot wool to be worn as cloth ; it is not the fashion now. It is not fit to make fine cloths, as it was then The wool is grown coarser and longer, and only fit to make low coatings and flushings." This is confirmed by the testimony of other witnesses before the Com- mittee; and Mr. Youatt on the same subject remarks,! ''that the wool is inferior to the South-Down." BROAD-TAILED ASIATIC AND AFRICAN SHEEP. I allude to the Broad- tailed race of sheep, not from any high estimate which I place upon their value, but because they constitute one of the breeds now existing in a state of purity in the United States. Some " Tunisian Mountain Sheep " were received by Col. Pickering when abroad, and were distributed by him in Pennsylvania.! They are highly spoken of by Col. Powell as a cross with the Dishley and South- Down. They have, I believe, long since become extinct. It was Commodore Porter, I think, who, you informed me, sent home some of the Broad-tailed sheep of Asia, obtained from Smyrna, pure- blooded descendants of which yet exist in South Carolina.|| I have care- fully examined the specimens of wool of the full blood and the grades of this variety forwarded by you. No. 3, taken from the skin of a full-blood, is 8 inches long, pure white, consisting of coarse hairs, uneven in their length and diameter the same hair of uneven diameter in different parts of it, and the whole intermixed for about 4 inches from the roots, with a fine, downy or cottony wool. No. 2, about 3J inches long from the side of a three-fourths blood ram, is much everier in quality, with no hairs a coarse or wool as fine as in No. 3. It contains some jarr, or short, sharp- pointed hairs, and is a dry, and, I should judge, rather unworkable wool, not well adapted to either carding or combing. No. 1, from thigh of same animal, is 8 inches long, resembles No. 3, but not so great a distinction between the hair arid the wool. No. 4, from a three-fourths blood 4-year- old ewe, is about 2 inches long, contains a few colored hairs, resembles No. 2, but is somewhat coarser. All these samples are destitute of yolk, and apparently come from loose, light, dry, open fleeces. Tht>y do not strike me as wools which could be as profitably cultivated as many others, for any objects or under any circumstances. If the object is mutton instead of wool, it seems to me that a better se- lection can be made, from some of the English breeds which intermingle * Bischoff, vol ii, p. 144. Mr. Youatt quotes the substance of the above, and fully sustains Mr. Varley'* riews. t Q. ., p. 2*5. t See Essay on Various Breeds of Sheep, by Col. John Hare Powell, published in the Memoirs of th* Board of Agriculture of the State of New- York, vol. iii., p. 377, (1826.) H In Letter Vth I inadvertently spoke of these as a large breed of eheep. They are not above medium ize, or rather, may be eaid to be a smallish race. [52 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. their fat and muscle in such a manner as to render both palatable, instead of depositing a greatly disproportioned share of the former in one luscious mass, forming an impediment to breeding, and an unsightly appendage in the eye of the breeder. All the different varieties of the Broad-tailed and Fat-rumped sheep will be found described in Youatt, and I will not now consume your time with them. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 15? LETTER XI. THE MOST PROFITABLE BREED OF SHEEP FOR THE SOUTH. PRINCIPLES OF BREEDING. Breeds should be adapted to the circumstances of a Country... Circumstances requiring a Mutton Sheep . . .Comparison between Mutton Sheep The South-Downs, Leicesters and Cotswolds. . -How far the Feed Markets, &c., of the South demand such breeds... What breed of Sheep will give the greatest value of Woo\ from the feed of an acre ?.. .Comparative Consumption and Wool Product'of the Mutton breeds and the Merino Other Expenses Comparative Hardiness, &c... A pound of fine wool can be grown as cheaply- as a pound of coarse worth more for marketer for consumption.. .The Mutton of the Merino and it* Crosses. . .What sub-variety of the Merino best adapted to the wants of the South ?.. .Review of the Hi* rory of Wool-Growing and the Wool Markets since ] 824 . . . Tariff's and Prices.. -Injudicious course of the Manufacturers Have discouraged the growth of tine wool and encouraged that of medium and coarse. .. A surplus of medium wools, and a bare or abort supply of fine. . Manufacturers now in the power of fine wool growers.. Interest of the Manufacturers to encourage the growth of fine wools by paying; better prices are beginning to do so will be compelled to continue this course... Will the North furnish th increasing demand ? No Reasons... Fine wool in every point of view more profitable than coarse for- cultivation in the South... Comparison between Merinos and Saxons... Crosses between them... Point* which constitute excellence in a Merino proper size per centage of wool to live- weight shape and gen- eral appearance skin wrinkles... The wool what parts it should cover itff gum length and weight of fleece evenness style softness serration manner of opening, &c . . . Principles of breeding. . . In and-iti breeding. ..Crossing. ..English Crosses with the Merino... Views of Mr. Livingston concerning the use of cross-bred rams of the French breeders of the author... Great importance of starting a flock with choicw rams with different strains of blood. Dear Sir : No one breed of sheep combines the highest perfection in all those points which give value to this race of animals. One is remarkable for the weight, or early maturity, or excellent quality of its carcass, white it is deficient in quality or quantity of wool ; and another which is valu- able for wool, is comparatively deficient in carcass. Some varieties will flourish only under certain conditions of feed and climate, while others are much less affected by those conditions, and will subsist under the; greatest variations of temperature, and on the most opposite qualities of verdure. In selecting a breed for any given locality, we are to take into consid- eration first, the feed and climate, or the surrounding natural circum- stances ; and, second, the market facilities and demand. We should then make choice of that breed which, with the advantages possessed, and un- der all the circumstances, will yield the greatest net value of marketable product. Rich lowland herbage, in a climate which allows it to remain green duiing a large portion of the yeai, is favorable to the production of large carcasses. If convenient to markets where mutton finds a prompt sale and good prices, then all the conditions are realized which call for a mut- ton, as contradistinguished from a wool-producing sheep. Under such cir- cumstances, the choice should undoubtedly, in my judgment, rest between the improved English varieties the South-Down, the New Leicester, and the improved Cotswold or New Oxfordshire sheep. In deciding between these, minor and more specific circumstances are to be taken into account. If we wish to keep large numbers, the Down will herd* much better than the two larger breeds ; if our feed, though generally plentiful, is liable to be shortish during the drouths of summer, and we have not a certain sup- ply of the most nutritious winter feed, the Down will better .enduie occa- sional short keep : if the market calls for a choice and high-flavored mut ton, the Down possesses a decided superiority. If, on the other hand, wt * That is, remain thriving and healthy when kept together in large number* 154 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. wish to keep but few in the same inclosure, the large breeds will be as healthy as the Downs ; if the pastures be wettish or marshy, the former will better subsist on the rank herbage which usually grows in such situa- tions ; if they do not afford so fine a quality of mutton, they, particularly the Leicester, possess an earlier maturity, and both give more meat for '.he amount of food consumed, and yield more tallow. The next point of comparison between the Long and Middle wooled families, is the value of their wool. Though not the first or principal ol> ject aimed at in the culture of any of these breeds, it is, in this country, an important item or incident in determining their relative profitableness. The American Leicester* yields about 6 Ibs. of long, coarse, combing wool; the Cotswold something more, but this perhaps counterbalanced by other considerations ; the Down from 3 Ibs. to 4 Ibs. of a low quality of carding wool. None of these wools are very salable, at remunerating prices, in the American market. Both will become more so, as manufactures of worsted, and of flannels and baizes, increase. The difference in the weight of fleeces between the breeds is, per sc, a less important consideration than would first appear, and for reasons which will be given when I speak of the connection between the amount of wool produced and the food con- sumed, by sheep. Of the Cheviots I have taken no notice in this connection, as they are obviously inferior to the preceding breeds, except in a capacity to endure rigorous weather, and to subsist on heathy herbage. No part of the South has a climate too severe for the more valuable races, and its grasses and other esculents, wherever found, and as far as they go, are, making the proper allowances for wet and dry lands, highly palatable and nutri- tious to all the varieties which respectively feed in such situations. Under the natural and artificial circumstances already alluded to, which Burround Sheep Husbandry in many parts of England where the fattest and grossest quality of mutton is consumed as almost the only animal food of the laboring classes the heavy, early maturing New Leicester, and the still heavier New Oxfordshire sheep, seem exactly adapted to the wants of producer and consumer, and are of unrivaled value. To depasture poorer soils sustain a folding system and furnish the mutton which sup- plies the tables of the wealthy the South-Down is an equal desideratum. Have we any region in our Southern States, where analogous circum- stances demand the introduction of similar breeds 1 The climate, so far as its effect on the health is concerned, is adapted to any, even the least hardy varieties ; but not so its effects on the verdure on which they are to subsist. The long, scorching summers, so utterly unlike those of England, leave the grass on lands stocked heavily enough for profit, entirely too dry and short for the heavy, sluggish Long Wools. This is particularly true in the tide-water zone. Mutton, too, sheeted over externally with three or four inches of solid fat,t even if it could be made acceptable to the slave, in lieu of his ration of bacon a thing more than doubtful would never find any considerable market off from the plantation. So far as the supply of feed is concerned, the above remarks apply, though not equally, to the South-Down. It will live and thrive where the Long Wools would dwindle away, but it is a mistake to suppose that the heavy im- * I use the word " American " Leicester, because it is notorious that this, as well as the Cotawold and *}.llhe other heavy' Knglish varieties, soon lose in the weight of their fleeces when subjected to the clirnnto and the (best ordinary) system of feeding in the United States. I should except, perhaps, a few highly pampered animals. t Five and even six inches of solid fat. on the rib, is not uncommon in England. In the Cotswolds the fet and lean are more intermixed, and the mutton ie cf a better quality ; but it would be considered ez* wrcly too luscious and tallowy by Americans. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. proved South-Down will subsist, and attain its proper weight and fatness, on very poor or very scant herbage. The old unimproved variety would, like some other smallish and hardy races, obtain a living on keep as. poor as that which grew on the lightest and thinnest soils of Sussex. Moulded by the hand of Ellman, and other breeders, to better fulfill the conditions of a mutton sheep, in size and other particulars, they demand that in- creased supply of food which the formation of additional fat and muscle require. Retaining some of the properties of the parent stock, they are less sluggish, and bear travel better than the Long Wools ; but with them as with the latter, and all other animals, much or prolonged exercise in pursuit of food or otherwise, is unfavorable to obesity. Men, and par- ticularly owners, in advocating the claims of this breed and that, seem not unfrequently to forget that the general physical laws which control in the development of all the animal tissues as well as functions, are uniform. Better organs will doubtless make a better appropriation of animal food ; and they may be taught, so to speak, to appropriate it in particular direc- tions in one breed, more especially to the production of fat in another, of muscle or lean meat in another, wool. But, cccteris paribus, largo animals will always require more food than small ones. Animals which are to be carried to a high state of fatness must have plentiful and nutri- tious food, and they must exercise but little in order to prevent the unne- cessary " combustion v in the lungs, of that carbon which forms more than seven-tenths of their fat. No art of breeding can countervail these estab- lished laws of Nature. Again, there are no facilities in the South for marketing large quantities of mutton of a tithe of that which would be annually fitted for the sham- bles, were Sheep Husbandry introduced to anything like the extent I have recommended, and with the mutton breeds of sheep. With few cities and large villages with a sparse population with an agricultural population the greatest drawback on whose pecuniary prosperity is their inability to market their own surplus edibles not a particle of rational doubt can ex- ist on this point. True, I have expressed the opinion that, both as a mat- ter of healthfulness and economy, mutton should be substituted for a moi- ety of the bacon used on the plantation; but with such a change, in a country so exclusive 1 y agricultural, each landholder would raise his own supply, and thus no market be created. It may then be regarded as a set- tled point that the production of wool is the primary, the great* object of Southern Sheep Husbandry. In instituting a comparison between breeds of sheep for wool-growing purposes, I will, in the outset, lay down the obviously incontrovertible proposition that the question is not what variety will shear the heaviest or even the most valuable fleeces, irrespective of the cost of production. Cost of feed and care, and every other expense, must be deducted, to fairly test the profits of an animal. If a large sheep consume twice as much food as a small one, and give but once and a half as much wool, it is obviously more profitable, other things being equal, to keep two of the smaller sheep. The true question then is, with the same expense in other particulars, From wliat breed will the verdure of an acre of land produce the greatest value of wool ? Let us first proceed to ascertain the comparative amount of food con- sumed by the several breeds. There are no satisfactory experiments which show that breed, in itself considered, has any particular influence on the quantity of food consumed. It is found, with all varieties, that the con- sumption is in proportion to the live weight of the (grown) animal. Of course, this rule is not invariable in its individual application, but its gen- L56 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. eral soundness has been satisfactorily established. Spooner states that grown sheep take up 3J per cent, of their weight in what is equivalent to dry hay per day, to keep in store condition. Veit places the consumption at 2J per cent. My experience would incline me to place it about midway between the two. But whatever the precise amount of the consumption, if it is proportioned to the weight, it follows that if an acre is capable of sustaining three Merinds weighing 100 Ibs. each, it will sustain but two Leicesters weighing 150 Ibs. each, and two and two fifths South-Downs weighing 125 Ibs. each. Merinos of this weight often shear 5 Ibs. per fleece, taking flocks through. The herbage of an acre, then, would give 15 Ibs. of Merino wool, and but 12 Ibs. of Leicester, and but 9f Ibs. of South-Down (estimating the latter as high as 4 Ibs. to the fleece) ! Even the finest and lightest fleeced sheep ordinarily known as Merinos, average about 4 Ibs. to the fleece, so that the feed of an acre would produce as much of the highest quality of wool sold under the name of Merino, as it would of New Leicester, and more than it would of South-Down ! The former would be worth from fifty to one hundred per cent, more per pound than either of the latter ! Nor does this indicate all the actual difference, *as I have, in the preceding estimate, placed the live-weight of the English breeds low, and that of the Merino high. The live-weight of the four- pound fine-fleeced Merino does not exceed 90 Ibs. It ranges from 80 to 90 Ibs., so that 300 Ibs. of live-weight would give a still greater product of wool to the acre.* I consider it perfectly safe to say that the herbage of an acre will uniformly give nearly double the value of Merino, that it will of any of the English Long or Middle wools. The important question now remains, What are the other relative ex- penses of these breeds 1 I speak from experience when I say that the Leicester! is in no respect a hardier sheep than the Merino indeed, it is my firm conviction that it is less hardy, under the most favorable circum- stances. It is more subject to colds, and I think its constitution breaks up more readily under disease. The lambs are more liable to perish from ex- posure to cold, when newly dropped. Under unfavorable circumstances- herded in large flocks, pinched for feed, or subjected to long journeys its capacity to endure, and its ability to rally from the effects of such draw- backs, do not compare with those of the Merino. The high-bred South- Down, though considerably less hardy than the unimproved parent stock, is still fairly entitled to the appellation of a hardy animal. In this respect I consider it just about on a par with the Merino. I do not think, how- ever, it will bear as hard stocking as the latter, without a rapid diminution in size and quality. If the peculiar merits of the animal are to be taken into account in determining the expenses and I think they should be the superior fecundity of the South-Down is a point in its favor, as well for a wool-producing as a mutton sheep. The South-Down ewe not only frequently yeans twin lambs, as do both the Merino and Leicester, but she possesses, unlike the latter, nursing properties to do justice by them. But this advantage is fully counterbalanced by the superior longevity of the Merino. All the English mutton breeds begin to rapidly deteriorate in am unt of wool, capacity to fatten, and in general vigor, at about 5 years old and their early maturity is no offset to this, in a sheep kept for wool- growing purposes. This early decay would require earlier and more -rapid slaughter or sale than would always be economically convenient, or even possible, in a region situated in all respects like the South. It is well, on * It is understood that all of these live-weights refer to eves in fair ordinary, or what is called Btor* condition, t I apeak of fuil-blood I,ci;ester8. Some of its crosses are much hardier than the pure bred sheep. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. properly stocked farms, to slaughter or turn ofFthe Merino wether 'at four or live years old, to make room for the breeding stock ; but he will not particularly deteriorate, and he will richly pay the way with his fleece, for several years longer. Breeding ewes are rarely turned off before eight, and are frequently kept until ten years old, at which period they exhibit no greater marks of age than do the Down and Leicester at jive or six.- I have known instances of Merino ewes breeding uniformly until 15 years old ! Tbe Improved Cotswold is said to be hardier than the Leicester; but I have said less of this variety, throughout this entire Letter, as from their great size* and the consequent amount of food consumed by them, and the other necessary incidents connected with the breeding of so large animals, the idea of their being introduced as a wool-growing sheep any- where, and particularly on lands grassed like those of the South, is, in my judgment, utterly preposterous. There is one advantage which all the coarse races of sheep have over the Merino. Either because their hoofs do not grow long and turn under from the sides, as do those of the Meri- no, and thus hold dirt and filth in constant contact with the foot, the coarse races are less subject to the visitations of the hoof-ail, and, when contract- ed, it spreads with less violence and malignity among them. Taking all the circumstances connected v/ith the peculiar management of each race, and all the incidents, exigencies, and risks of the husbandry of each fairly into account, I am fully convinced that the expenses, other than those of feed, are not smaller per capita, or even in the number required to stock an acre, in either of the English breeds above referred to, than in the Me- rino. Nor should I be disposed to concede even equality, in these respects, to either of those English breeds, excepting the South-Down. You write me, Sir, that many of the South Carolina planters are under the impression that coarse wools will be most profitably grown by them, first, because there is a greater deficit in the supply, and they are better protected from foreign competition; and, secondly, because they furnish the raw material for so great a portion of the woolens consumed in the South. Each of these premises is true, but are the conclusions legitimate ] Notwithstanding the greater deficit and better protection, do the coarse wools bear as high a price as the fine ones ? If not, they are not as profit- able, for I have already shown that, it costs no more to raise a pound of coarse than a pound of fine wool. Nay, a pound of medium Merino wool can be raised more cheaply than a pound of the South-Down, Leicester, or Cotswold ! This I consider clearly established. Grant that the South requires a much greater proportion of coarse than of fine wool, for her own consumption. If a man needing iron for his own consumption, wrought a mine to obtain it, in which he should happen to find gold equally accessible and plentiful, would it be economical in him to neglect the more precious metal because he wanted to use the iron ? or should he dig the gold, obtain the iron by exchange, and pocket the differ- ence in vakie ] Would it be economical to grow surplus wool, wool for market, worth from 25 to 30 cents per pound, when it costs no more per pound to grow that worth from 40 to 45 cents 1 And even for the home want, for the uses of the plantation for slave-cloths, &c. -fine wool is worth more per pound than coarse for actual wear or use ! Is this propo- sition new and incredible to you 1 I challenge the fullest investigation of its truth, through the testimony of those familiar with the subject, or through the direct ordeal of experiment. It is true that a piece of fine broadcloth is not so strong, nor will it wear like a Chelmsford plain of treble thick* I w two at the late N. Y. State Fair, at Saratoga, which weighed over 300 lb. each 1 158 SHEEP HUSBA1VDRY IN THE SOUTH. ness. -The threads of the former are spun to extreme fineness to mize the costly raw material. To give it that finish which is demanded by fashion to give it its beautiful nap these threads are still farther re- duced by "gigging" and "shearing." But spin fine wool into yarn as coarse as that used in Chelmsfords, awd manufacture it in the same way, and it would make a far stronger and more durable cloth. The reasons are obvious. Merino wool is decidedly stronger than the English coarse Long aTid Middle wools or any other coarse wools in proportion to its diameter or bulk. It felts far better, and there is therefore a greater co- hesion between the different fibres of the same thread, and between the different threads. It is also more pliable and elastic, and consequently less subject to " breaking" and abrasion. Unless the views I have advanced are singularly erroneous, it will be seen that, for wool-growing purposes, the Merino possesses a marked and decided superiority over the best breeds and families of coarse-wooled sheep. As a mutton sheep, it is inferior to some of those breeds, but not so much so as it is generally reputed to be. If required to consume the fat and lean together, many who have never tasted Merino mutton, and who have an unfavorable impression of it, would, I suspect, find it more palatable than the luscious and over-fat New Leicester. The mutton of the cross between the Merino and " Native " sheep would certainly be preferred to the Leicester, by anybody but an English laborer used to the latter. It is short-grained, tender, and of good flavor. The same is true of the crosses with the English varieties. These will be, hereafter, more particularly alluded to. Grade Merino wethers (say half-bloods) are favor- ites with the Northern drover and butcher. They are of good size ex- traordinarily heavy for their apparent bulk* make good mutton tallow well and their pelts, from the greater weight of wool on them, command an extra price. They would, in my opinion, furnish a mutton every way suitable for plantation consumption, and one which would be well accept- ed in the Southern markets. In speaking of the Merino in this connection, I have in all cases, unless it is distinctly specified to the contrary, had no reference to the Saxons though they are, as it is well known, pure-blooded descendants of the former. Assuming it now as a settled point, that it is to the Merino race that the wool-grower must look for the most profitable sheep, let us now proceed to inquire which of the widely varying sub-varieties of this race are best adapted to the wants and circumstances of the South. A brief glance at the history of wool-growing, and of the wool markets, for the last few years, will form an useful preliminary inquiry, and will assist us materially in arriving at a correct conclusion. On the introduction of the Saxons, about twenty-four years since, they were sought with avidity by the holders of the fine-wooled flocks of the country, consisting at that time of pure or grade Merinos. The Tariff of 1824 imposed a duty of 20 per cent, on wools costing above 10 cents per pound, gradually rising to 30 per cent., and 15 per cent, on those costing less than 10 cents. Foreign woolen cloths t were subject to an ad valorem duty of 30 per cent, until June 30th, 1825, and after that it was raised to 33J per cent. The Tariff of 1828 immediately raised the duty on all wools to 40 per cent, ad valorem and 4 cents per pound specific duty, and 5 per cent, was to be annually added to the ad valorem duty, until it should reach 5C On account of the shortness of their wool, compared with the coarse breeds. t Where I use the word " cloths " here snd in the statements of the different Tariffs which follow, yo HI understand that I do not include carpetings, t'aaketa, worsted stuff goods. &c. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 159 per cent, (in 1831.) The duty on woolen cloths was also raised (after June, 1829) to 45 per cent., and that exceeding $4 the square yard to 50 per cent. Under the decisive encouragement offered to both the wool- grower and manufacturer by this Act, a great impetus was given to the production of the finest wools, and the Saxons everywhere rapidly su- perseded, or bred out by crossing, the Spanish Merinos. The latter dis- appeared almost entirely from New-York and New-England. In the fine-wool mania which ensued, weight of fleece, constitution, and every- thing else, were sacrificed to the quality of the wool. The Tariff of 1832 imposed a 40 per cent, ad valorem and 4 cents per pound specific duty on wools costing over 8 cents ; and.it raised the duty on all broadcloths to 50 per cent. It made wools costing less than 8 cents per pound free of duty. The " Compromise " Tariff of 1S$3 commenced a system of progressive reductions until the maximum rate of duties should not exceed 20 per cent. The following Table will give the duties of each year, on wool and cloths, under this Act, estimating the ad valorem and specific duties on wools exceeding 8 cents, together in an average per centage :* TABLE 14. Perct ad val. 1833. 1835. 1837. 1839. 1841. 1842. Wool costing less than 8 cents per pound ) free. free. free. free. free. free. 20 54 50-60 47-20 43-80 40-40 30-20 20 Woolen cloths 50 47 44 41 38 29 20 The Tariff of 1841 struck out the 20 per cent, duty on the 8 cent wools. The Tariff of 1842 again imposed an ad valorem duty of 5 per cent, or wools costing seven cents or under, and raised it on the higher wools to 30 pel 1 cent, ad valorem and 3 cents per pound specific duty, and on cloths to 40 per cent, ad valorem. The Tariff of 1846 established an ad valorem duty of 30 per cent, on all wools, and on cloths. By referring to Table 7, Letter V., it will be seen that the prices of wool have not been controlled by *V.3 amount of the protection, They reached their maximum in 1836, and then fell off, not again to rally, (except during the single year 1839) not again to reach 40 cents until 1844. Why was this 1 What pro- duced the sudden depreciation of 1837 ] The Tariffs of 1828 arid 1832 gave too muck protection to both wool-grower and manufacturer. Their pursuits became the El Dorado of agricultural and mercantile speculators. Skill without capital, and capital without skill, and in some cases probably thirst of gain without either, rushed into these favored avocations. The bank inflations of the period fanned the fires of speculation, and taught some of the wisest commercial heads of the country to forget the provi- dence that had hitherto distinguished them. The natural result followed. In the financial crisis of 1837, manufacturing, and all other monetary en- terprises which had not been conducted with skill and providence, and which were not based on adequate and real capital, were involved in a common destruction, and even the solidest and best conducted institutions of the country were shaken by the fury of the explosion. Wool suddenly fell almost 50 per cent, (from 54 to 30 cents per pound.) t In 1838 it ral- lied a little, and in 1839 it again reached 50 cents, but it went down nearly to the minimum point in 1840. The grower began to be discouraged. He who bred the delicate Saxons, (and, as I have already said, they now comprised the flocks of nearly all the large wool-growers in the country,) * The reduction of one-tenth of the excess over 2^ per cent, took place Dec. 31st. each year, to 1841 ; then one-half of the residue of the excess ; and on the 30lh of June, 1842, the other half of eaid residue was de- ducted. t The quality of the wools here alluded to will be found ppecified in a note on the second page of Letter V. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. r/as iiot obtaining the actual first cost per pound of his wool. He clam ored loudly for an increase of duties on the foreign article, as the reduc- tions of the " Compromise " Act were now approaching their ultimate standard 20 per cent. and he attributed the low prices to this cause: Saxon wool continued low, and did not pay its first cost in 1841 and 1842. Was this due solely to the reduction of the Tariff"? A reference to Table 11 (Letter IX.) will show that the import of foreign woolens was less from 1836 up to and including 1842, than for the six preceding years ! Where then was the foreign competition which was driving the manufacturer to keep down the price of wools 1 The Tariff of 1842 raised the duty on wool 10 per cent, and added a specific duty of 3 cents per pound ; and it raised the duty on cloths from 20 to 40 per cent. The import of foreign woolens sunk, the succeeding year, to a lower point than it had touched since 1821, and in 1844 and 1845 it did not reach the average of the six years preceding the enactment of the Tariff of 1842. A reference to Table 9 (Letter IX.) will show that the import of foreign fine wools also largely fell off. This coincided with the expectations of the advocates of a higher Tariff, but another and equally legitimate expectation entertained by the great body of Northern wool-growers that they were to share in the benefits arising from the exclusion of foreign competition was sig- nally disappointed. The Tariff of 1842 was enacted on the 30th day of August, and part of the clip of that year was sold under its operation. Wool sold that year loicer than it had for the five preceding years, viz., for 30 cents. The next year it advanced one penny ! General discourage- jnent now seized upon the growers of fine wool The market was not overstocked foreign competition was light, but still they could not sell their wool for its first cost ! To add to their mortification, the manufac- turer, by a most short-sighted policy, would scarcely make a discrimina- tion of 6d. per pound between Saxon wool and medium Merino and grade wools weighing nearly twice as much to the fleece. If the grower of me- dium wool got 25 cents per pound for fleeces weighing 4 Ibs. thus real- izing $1 per fleece the ordinary Saxon grower would get but 30 cents per pound for fleeces weighing 2^ Ibs., and thus realize but 75 cents ! * When the Saxon growers found that the Tariff of '42 brought them no relief, they began to give up their costly and carefully nursed flocks. The example, once set, became conlagious, and there was a period when it hoemed as if all the Saxon sheep of the country would be sacrificed to this reaction. Many abandoned wool-growing altogether, at a heavy sacri- fice of their fixtures for rearing sheep. Others crossed with coarse-wooled breeds, and rushing from one extreme to the other, some even crossed with the English mutton breeds ! Some more judiciously went back to the parent Merino stock, but usually they selected the heaviest and coarsest wooled Merinos, and thus materially deteriorated the character of their wool. As the preceding period had been distinguished by its mania (or fine wool, this was, by its mania for heavy fleeces /f The English crosses, however, were speedily abandoned.^ The Merino regained his * And though the larger, stronger sheep, bearing the medium wool, would ent more, it was far hardier, required less protection and care of every kind, and would increase more rapidly circumstances which would far more than counterbalance its excess of consumption t I make no claim of having possessed greater sagacity or foresight in these particulars than the mass of breeders. I b^gan with the Merino. These I crossed with the Saxon, and I also bred the pure-blood Sax- ens for several years. Unsatisfied with these, I made some experiments with the English mutton breeds, tioth as pure bloods and crosses. Finding none of them equal to the Merino as a wool-producing sheep, I returned to the latter, and I bred for heavy fleeces until the manufacturers saw fit to make a juster discrim- ination in the prices paid by them for the different qualities of wool. tl mean by those who sought to improve their fine-wooled flocks by an English croes. English and all other t oaree-wooled sheep are immensely and rapidly improved, for wool-growing purposes, by a propel fine w. )led cross, as 1 have already and shall again have occasion to mention. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 16l supremacy, lost for nearly twenty years, and again became the populai favorite. It was generally adopted by those who were commencing flocks in the new Western States, and gives its type to the sheep of those re- gions. It will be seen from the preceding facts that the supply of fine wool* has proportionably decreased, and that of medium and coarse increased. This has driven the manufacturers to make a juster discrimination in prices. They now realize that their own short-sighted economy has been all but fatal to fine wool-growing in the United States. And they cannot but feel that in destroying this interest, they destroy themselves. Our manufacturers are not so miserably blind as to dream of drawing their raw material from foreign countries of paying an import duty of 30 per cent, and then competing with the English manufacturer who pays an import duty not exceeding two pence per pound ! It is doubtful, in my mind, whether the home supply will not fall considerably short of the home demand for fine \voo\for this year !\ The point has been already reached where but a little more discouragement, or a little longer continued discouragement, would have banished these wools from the country ! So far, the manufac- tories have not felt this evil, for they have not been compelled to import. Neither pampered nor persecuted by the Tariff of 1846 called for by the consumption of the country with solid capital and greater experience and skill at their command they are rapidly increasing, and rising on a solider basis than ever before. So, to sustain our manufacturing interest, (that engaged in the manufacture of fine cloths,) it is absolutely necessary that the diminution of fine wools be not only immediately arrested, but that the growth of them be immediately and largely increased. These facts now first beginning to be clearly appreciated by the manufacturer will deter him from resorting to his former suicidal policy. Instances have recently come to my knowledge of manufacturers offering to contract with fine-wool growers for their entire clips, for a term of years, at an ad- vance on present prices prices, be it remembered, higher than they have been except for two years (1839 and 1844) since the overthrow of 1837. Should the manufacturer, however, again forget his own interest, the fine- wool grower has it in his power to teach it to him most effectually. In- stead of being discouraged and driven from the business, he has but to withhold his wools for a season say for a few months, to compel the for- mer to import wools at a ruinous cost stop his machinery, or pay fail- prices at home ! I believe in no combinations to control prices. Some- thing far better than vague report, however, says that several of the large manufacturing establishments of New-England employed the same agents, last season, to buy much, if not all of their wools and that these wools were subsequently divided by bidding or otherwise, among the parties to the transaction ! Is this denied ? I think it will not be denied. If this was so, what was it but a combination to control prices 1 1 But whether * To make myself clearly understood, I will, in the remarks which follow, classify wools as follows : fit- ptrjine., the choicest quality of wool grown in the United States, and never grown here excepting in com. paratively small quantities ; fine, good ordinary Saxon ; good medium, the highest quality of wool usually known in the market as Merino; medium, ordinary Merino; ordinary, crade Merino and perhaps selected South-Down fleeces ; coarse, the English long wools. &c. This subdivision is not minute enough, by any means, to express fully the number of well-defined classes which exist in wool. A farther multiplication of them here, however, I have thought would only tend to confusion. t The position has been all alonj: taken that the general supply was under the demand, but the deficit hitherto has been principally in medium and coarse wools. See Table 9, Letter JX J And before leaving this point, I will ask another question : Why were most of the wools of New- York and New-Encland untouched and unlooked at by the agents of the manufacturers this year, contrary to 11 preceding customs for two or three months subsequently to shearing? These same agents flocked in droves to the Western States and bought up their entire clip immediately after sr earing, while -eporta vrere constantly coming back that this manufactory and that had purchased its entire supply for a year, or perhaps two years ? Was this because the Eastern growers demanded exorbitant prices t Wts it because anything like an approach to a supply of fine wools could be found in the West 1 Or wa it ttd result of a X 162 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. so or not, when we compare the profits which have inured to the growers and manufacturers of fine wool for the last few years, it behooves the for- mer both to speak and act decidedly. Their interests have been sacrificed long enough ! But it is to be hoped that the grower of these wools will not be hereafter driven to the alternative of either suffering himself, or of defending himself by retaliatory measures. Some few of the manufac- turers have always, I believe, taken a high and liberal course. Enough others, as already remarked, now see the necessity of such liberality to prevent any combined or general effort to depress prices. Will the North again turn its attention to the growth of superfine and fine wools again supply the demand, and keep up with it as it increases '\ Not unless stimulated by the inducement of extraordinary profits not, certainly, against the competition of the South. The climate north of 41, or, beyond all dispute, north of 42, is too severe for any variety of sheep commonly knoivn, which bear either of these classes of wools. In fact, the only such variety, in anything like general use, is the Saxon ; and this is a delicate sheep, entirely incapable of safely withstanding our Northern winters, without good shelter, good and regularly administered food, and careful and skillful management in all other particulars. "When the season is a little more than usually backward, so that grass does not start prior to the lambing season, it is difficult to raise the lambs of the mature ewes the young ewes will in many instances disown their lambs, or, if they own them, not have a drop of milk for them ; and if in such a crisis, as it often happens, a north-east or north-west storm comes driving down, bearing snow or sleet on its wings, or there is a sudden depression of the temper- ature from any cause, no care will save multitudes of lambs from perish- ing.* And it will not do to defer the time of having them dropped to es- cape these evils, or they will not attain size and strength enough to pass safely through their first winter.t A few large sheepholders, whose farms, buildings, etc., have been arranged with exclusive reference to the rearing of these sheep, may continue to grow fine wool until driven from it ly the competition of the South ; but many of these have recently adopted a Merino cross. The ordinary farmers, the small sheepholders, who, in the aggregate, grow by far the largest portion of our Northern wools, have im- bibed a deep-seated aversion nay, a positive disgust against the Saxon sheep. They have not the necessary fixtures for their winter protection, and they are entirely unwilling to bestow the necessary amount of care on them. Besides, mutton and wool being about an equal consideration with this class of farmers, they want larger and earlier maturing breeds. But, above all, they want a strong, hardy sheep, which demands no more care than their cattle. The strong, compact, medium-wooled Merino or, per- haps still more generally, its crosses with coarse varieties, producing the wool which I have classified as ordinary will be the general favorites. The same reasons will weigh still more strongly in the North-west, where, as I have shown, the climate is a still worse one for delicate sheep. All these causes will tend to swell the amount of medium, ordinary and coarse concerted movement to bring the Eastern grower into tnking last year's prices ? It Actually did so, in ? multitude of instances or, he .was contented to receive the slightest advance on them ! This will be found true of nearly all who sold goon after the market opened in the East. If not the result of a concerted and combined movement, tine pemral desertion of the Eastern find resort to the Western market by the mauu facturers was a most singular coincidence ! These manufacturers are now fain to purchase Eastern wools at a considerable advance from the prices of 1846 and. as already hinted, it is highly problematical, in my mind, whether they will not be compelled to import at a still higher advance, to eke out deficiency ! It u to be hoped that this will be the last Act in the drama of folly and suicide plajed by our manufacturers. * Not even in close barns, and with constant attendance. t North of latitude 42, it is necessary, as a general rule, that lambs be dropped in the first half of May. to give them this requisite size and strength Occasional cold storms come nearly every season up to that period, and not unfrequently up to the first of June. Mr. Grove was a decided advocate of early lamb*. Be used to say that " it was better to lose two of them in the spring ib Ibs. to 5^ Ibs. of wool, will almost uni- formly produce this lesalt. And it is easier now to get the Saxon than the Merino, fine enough foe this purpose. Or a flock may be bred up from Saxon ewes and a Merino ram. The? objection to both courses is the same, though not equal to that which exisls against breeding the full-blood Sax- ons viz., the production of a feeble and a poor nursing sheep. The latter evil, especially, clings for generations to these cross-bred animals, so far as my experience and observation have extended. And unless Saxons are selected which do not possess the characteristic faults of the variety, the cross-breda- are inferior to pure-blood Merinos in many other and essential particulars, notwithstanding the fleece may be all that we desire. There is another important point where the pure-blood Merino possesses ti marked advantage. Few Southern wool-growers will commence their flocks exclusively with high-bred animate of any kind. With a few of them to breed rams from, and to gradually grow up a full-blood flock, they will mainly depend upon grading up the common sheep of the country. With the long-legged, bare-bellied, open-wooled sheep common in the South (as it once was in the North\ the Saxon makca an indifferent cross. Their faults run too much in the same direction, in all save the fineness of wool, for, however good its shape, the wool of the Saxon is comparatively short and open. It therefore shortens the wool of the common sheep, without adding much or any to its thickness, and thus the fleece remains a light one. Precisely all this is the reverse of what results from a cross between the Merino and the common sheep. The wool is but little shortened, un- less the staple of the common sheep was very 1ongj.it is essentially thick- ened ; it is made to extend over the belly ; the fleece is, therefore, greatly increased in weight ; the sheep is rendered more compact and " stocky," and it is brought nearer to the ground. Even the first cross, though its fleece is somewhat uneven, is a prime sheep for the wants of ordinary farm- ers, and among these it is, accordingly, a decided favorite, over the whole Northern States. A majority of them would, I think, give it preference over any other kind or variety of sheep. Two or three more proper Me- rino crosses raise it to the rank of a Jirst-rate wool-growing shf<"p scarcely SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 165 inferior to the full-blood Merino in anything, save that it docs not transmit its good qualities icith quite so much certainty to its offspring* Let us now proceed to inquire what are the points which constitute ex- cellence, or mark a departure from it, in the class of Merino sheep which I have attempted to show form, in every point of view, the most suitable variety to commence wool-growing with in the South. What should be its size, weight of fleece, shape, general appearance, style of wool, &c. &c. 1 Size, within extremes, is not, per sc, a matter of much consequence. There should, however, be uniformity in this particular, at least through the same Hock, not only for their good appearance, but larger sheep are apt, by their superior strength, to crowd away small ones from the rack or trough. A sheep very small of its breed and family, is commonly less hardy. If very large, it must travel farther to Jill itself ; and, therefore, this would be an objection to it in a breed designed to graze on short and scant pas* turage for the extra exercise thus made necessary would cause it to waste (in the form of carbon, in the lungs) a considerable portion of the food, which would, under other circumstances, be converted into animal tissues. Very large, like very small animals, of the same species and, I am in- clined to think, the former more frequently lack the robustness, vigor of muscle, capacity to endure unusual and protracted exercise, or privation of food, or any other unfavorable deviation from ordinary habits, possessed by compact medium-sized animals. This rule will be found to apply among all domestic animals. Lastly, I am not prepared to prove, but I believe that, with the same breeding, the woolly, like the osseous and muscular tis- sues of a large Merino sheep, will not be as fine as those of a smaller one. I do not found this opinion, so far as wool is concerned, upon, nor do 1 claim that it is supported by, any analogies. I state it as solely the result of individual observation. If it is a tendency which can be successfully re- sisted, I never have been fortunate enough to have a sufficient number of instances brought under my eye, in any one flock, to have them constitute anything more than sparse exceptions to what I deem a well established rule. I have never known a family of very large Merinos bearing anything better than medium wool ; and the first step to any decided improvement in them immediately reduces their weight, for it can only be effected by interbreeding with finer and smaller families. Ewes weighing from 80 Ibs. to 90 Ibs. alive, in good fair store condition, are of about the proper size, in my judgment, where fine wool is the object.t Rams should weigh 40 Ibs. or 50 Ibs. more. Ewes of the large Merino families weigh fiom 100 Ibs. to 110 Ibs. the rams 50 Ibs. more ; nor do even these equal the size of some of the late imported French Merinos. A relation analogous to the preceding one, exists between the weight of the fleece and its quality. This point has already been sufficiently set forth on another page. The opinion is there expressed that the Merino may be easily bred, by judicious selection of sire and dam, to bear 4 Ibs. of fine wool, or wool equaling ordinary Saxon. I would now add that, as a gen- eral rule, and in large flocks, I do not believe more, than this can be ob- tained, without a depreciation in the quality, among ewes. The ram's fleece should in all cases, in a very superior animal, be about double that of the ewe. Five per cent, of the live-weight of the carcass, with ewes, is the maximum weight of fine wool, which we can, in the present state of breeding, look for with any uniform certainty. This would give a fleece of 4 Ibs. to 80 Ibs. of live-weight. As the fine-wool Merinos increase, and thus give a wider range and better selection of materials for nice exper> * The latter point will be more particularly adverted to in a subsequent part of this Letter I Haxorw weigh about 20 Iba. leaf. 166 SHEEP HUSBANDRY N THE SOUTH. mnnts, it is very possible that the per centage of the fleece may be increased. Mr. Lawrence, in speaking of attaining a four-pound fleece of " exquisite* quality, undoubtedly alluded to the wool which I have classed as superfine, The four-pound fleeced fine Merino can undoubtedly be made superfine, by diminishing t^ie weight of its fleece 10 or 12 ounces or a pound ; and even then it will be a hardier 'and better animal than the liner class of Saxons which now produce this w r ool. But whether Mr. Law- rence's standard can be fully attained, neither experience nor obser- vation enable me to decide. If it could, and the sheep be equal to the four-pound ^e-fleeced Merino in other respects, we should have a perfect keep. Such wool has sold this year at upward of 60 cents per pound, which would bring the fleeces to $2 40 a piece ! It may be well here to glance at the comparative worth of fleeces in the several Merino families, taking this year's prices, and taking the weights which are usually found accompanying the several qualities, in prime ordinary flocks. A fine fleece of 4 Ibs., at 50 cents,* would be worth $2 ; good medium, weighing 4J Ibs., at 40 cents, $1 80 ; medium, weighing 5 Ibs., at 32 cents, $1 60. And the consumption of feed rises with the diminution of quality. Admitting the daily consumption of hay for 150 days to be 3 per cent, to the live- weight, 100 fine Merinos, averaging 85 Ibs. each, would consume about 19 tons of hay ; and 100 medium Merinos, averaging 105 Ibs. each, would consume about 23^ tons an important difference in their relative ex penses ! The fine-wooled Merino does not, like the Saxon, lose his ad vantage in this particular by his inferior hardiness. The shape and general appearance of the Merino should be as follows: The head should be well carried up, and in the ewe hornless. It would be better on many accounts to have the ram also hornless, but, being usu- ally characteristic of the Merino, many prefer to see them. The face should be shortish, broad between the eyes, the nose pointed, and in the ewe fine and free from wrinkles. The eye should bo bright, moderately prominent, and gentle in its expression. The neck should be straight (not curving downward), short, round, stout particularly so at its junction with the shoulder, forward of the upper point of which it should not sink below the level of the back. The points of the shoulder should not rise to any perceptible extent above the level of the back. The back, to the hips, should be straight; the crops (that portion of the body immediately back of the shoulder-blades) full ; the ribs well arched ; the body large and ca- pacious ; the flank well let down ; the hind-quarters full and round the flesh meeting well down between the thighs, (or in the " twist.") The bosom should be broad and full ; the legs short, well apart, and perpendic- ular, (*.*., not drawn under the body toward each other when the sheep is standing.) Viewed as a whole, the Merino should present the appearance of a low, stmt, plump, and though differing essentially from the English mutton-sheep model a highly symmetrical sheep. The skin is an important point. It should be loose, singularly mellow, of a rich, delicate pink color. A colorless skin, or one of a tawny, ap- proaching to a butternut hue, indicates bad breeding. On the subject of wrinkles, there is a difference of opinion. Being rather characteristic of the Merino like the black color in a Berkshire hog, or the absence of all color in Durham cattle these wrinkles have been more egarcled, by nov- ices, than those points which give actual value to the animal ; and shrewd breeders have not been slow to act upon this hint ! Many have contended that more wool can be obtained from a .vrinkled skin ; and this is the vicn This is not high for fine Merino wool. Tbotiuh I fold ray lot for 42 cents, I *as offered 50 ccnta for thf of nearly all my later-bred sheep, if I would sell them separately. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH 167 of the case which has induced both the Spanish and Frerch breeders to cultivate them the latter to a monstrosity. I confess that t agree, to a considerable extent, with Mr. Joshua Kirby Trimmer,* that " this idea is as wild as that which some of our theorists have entertained, that, by lay- ing lands in high ridges and low furrows, the surface of the earth and its produce is increased." Though I once entertained a different opinion, thfc steel-yards have satisfied me that an exceedingly wrinkled neck does not add but a little to the weight of the fleece not enough to compensate for the deformity, and the great impediment which it places in the way of the shearer. I have owned rams, the labor of shearing six of which, in a nice and workmanlike manner cutting the wool off" short and smooth, on anti among the multitude of folds and wrinkles was fully equivalent to shear- ing fifteen ordinary Merino rams, or twenty-five ewes that is to say, a day's work for one man. And none but a skillful shearer could, with any time given him, clip the wool short and smooth among the wrinkles, with- out frequently and severely cutting the skin. A smoothly drawn skin, and absence of all dewlap, on the other hand, would not, perhaps, be desirable, The wool of the Merino should densely cover the whole body, where it can possibly grow, from a point between and a little below the eyes, ami well up on the cheeks, to the knees and hocks. Short wool may show, particularly in young animals, on the legs, even below the knees and hocks but long wool covering the legs, and on the nose below the eyes, is unsightly without value and on the faces it frequently impedes the sight of the animal, causing it to be in a state of perpetual alarm, and disqualifying it to escape real danger. Neither is this useless wool, as seems to be thought by some, the slightest indication of a heavy fleece. I have as often seen it on Saxons scarcely shearing 2 Ibs. of wool, and on the very lightest fleeced Merinos. The amount of gum which the wool should exhibit, is another of the mooted points. Here, as in many other particulars, experience has changed my earlier impressions. Merino wool should be yolky or " oily," prior to washing though not to that extreme extent, giving it the ap- pearance of being saturated with grease, occasionally witnessed. The extreme tips of the wool may exhibit a sufficient trace of gum to give the fleece a darkish cast particularly in the ram but a black, pitchy gum, resembling semi-hardened tar, extending an eighth or a quarter of an inch into the fleece, and which cannot be removed in ordinary washing, is, in my opinion, decidedly objectionable. There is a white or yellowish concrete gurn, not removable by common washing, which appears in the interior of some fleeces, which is equally objectionable. The weight of fleece remaining the same, medium length of staple, with compactness, is preferable to long, open wool, inasmuch as it constitutes a better safeguard from inclemencies of weather, and better protects the sheep from ttie bad effects of cold and drenching rains in spring and fall. The wool should be as nearly as possible of even length and thicknesi over the whole body. Shortness on the flank, and shortness or thinness on the belly, are serious defects. " Evenness of fleece " is a point of the first importance. Many sheen exhibit good wool on the shoulder and side, while it is far coarser ana even hairy on the thighs, dewlap, &c. Rams of this stamp should not be bred from by any one aiming to establish a superior fine-wooled flock, and all such ewes should be gradually excluded from those selected for breeding. The "style of the wool" is a point of as much consequence as mere * * Practical Observations on the Improvement of British Fine Wools, &c." by the above, 1828. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. fineness. Some very fine wool is stiff and the fibres almost straight, like hair. It has a dry, cottony look. This is a poor, unsalable article, how- ever fine the fibre. Softness of wool a delicate, silky, highly elastic feel, between the fingers or on the lips, is the first thing to look after. This is usually an index, or inseparable attendant, of the other good qualities, so that an experienced judge can decide, with little difficulty, between the quality of two fleeces, in the dark ! Wool should be finely serrated or crimped from one extremity to the other i. e., it should present a regular series of minute curves, and, generally, the greater the number of these curves in a given length, the higher the quality of wool in all other particulars. The wool should open on the back of the sheep in connected masses, instead of breaking up into little round spiral ringlets of the size of a pipe-stem, which indicate thinness of fleece ; and when the wool is pressed open each way with the hands, it should be dense enough to con- ceal all but a delicate rose-colored line of skin. The interior of the wool should be a pure, glittering white, with a lustre and "liveliness " of look not surpassed in the best silk. The points in the form of the Merino which the breeder is called upon particularly to eschew, are a long, thin head, narrow between the eyes a thin, long neck, arching downward before the shoulders bad crops back falling behind the shoulders narrow loin flat ribs steep, narrow hind quarters long legs thighs scarcely meeting at all legs drawn far under the body at the least approach of cold. All these points were sep- arately or conjointly illustrated in many of the Saxon flocks which have been recently swept from the country. The points to be avoided in the fleece have been sufficiently adverted to. Having thus attempted to establish a standard for the Merino-breeder, it, remains that we examine some of the most important principles, in breeding, by which that standard is to be reached or maintained. The first great starting-point, among pure-blood animals, is that *' like will beget like." If the sire and dam are perfect in any given point, the offspring will generally be ; if either is defective, the offspring will (sub- ject to a law presently to be adverted to) be half way between the two; if both are defective in the same point, the progeny will be more so than either of its parents it will inherit the amount of the defect in both pa- rents added together. There are exceedingly few perfect animals. Breed- ing, then, is a system of counterbalancing breeding out in the offspring, the defects of one parent, by the marked excellence of the other parent. in the same points. The highest blood confers on the parent possessing it the greatest power of stamping its own characteristics on its progeny ; but blood being the same, the male sheep possesses this power in a greater degree than the female. We may, therefore, in the beginning, breed from ewes possessing any defects short of cardinal ones, without impro- Sriety, provided we possess the proper ram for that purpose ; but the ockmaster, aiming at a high standard of quality, should gradually throw out from breeding all ewes possessing even considerable defects. Every year should make him more rigorous in his selection. But from the be- ginning and in the beginning more than at any other time the greatest care should be evinced in the selection of the ram. If he has a defect, that defect is to be inherited by the whole future flock. If it is a material one, as, for example, a hollow back, bad crops, a thin fleece, or a highly uneven fleece, the flock will be one of low quality and little value. If, on the other hand, he is perfect, the defects in the females will be lessened, and gradually bred out. But it being difficult to find perfect rams, we are to take those which have the fewest and lightest defects, anu none of SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 169 these material ones, like those just enumerated. And these defects are U be met and counterbalanced by the decided excellence (sometimes running to a fault) of the ewe, in the same points. If the ram is a little too long togged, the shortest-legged ewes should be selected for him ; if gummy the dryest-wooled ewes ; if his fleece is a trifle below the proper standard' of fineness, (but he has been retained, as it often happens, for weight of fleece and general excellence,) he is to be put to the finest and lightes/ fleeced ewes, and so on. Having a selection of rams, this system of coun terbalancing would require little skill, if each parent possessed but oru fault. If the ewe was a trifle too thin fleeced, and good in all other par ticulars, it would require no nice judgment to decide that she needed to b* bred to an uncommonly thick-fleeced ram. But most animals possess, tc a greater or less degree, several defects. To select so that every one 01 these in the dam shall meet its opposite in the male, and vice versa, re. quires not only plentiful materials to select from, but the keenest dis crimination. The time and the convenient method of selecting the cwci for the several rams, and the subsequent management, will be hereaftei pointed out. We will now suppose that the breeder has established his flock that he has done so successfully, and given them an excellent character. He is soon met with a serious evil. He must " breed in-and-in," as it is called that is, interbreed between animals more or less nearly related in blood or he must seek rams from other flocks, to the risk of losing or changing the distinctive character of his flock, hitherto sought so sedulously, and built up with so much care. It is contended by the opponents of in-and-in breeding that it renders diseases and all other defects hereditary, and that t tends to decrease of size, to debility, and a general breaking up of the constitution. Its apologists, on the other hand, insist that, if the parents are perfectly healthy, incestuous connexion does not, per se, tend to any diminution of healthiness in the offspring ; arid they also claim, what must be conceded, that it enables the skillful breeder much more rapidly to bring his flock to a particular standard or model and much more easily to keep it there unless it be true that, in course of time; they will dwin- dle and grow feeble. So far as the effect on the constitution is concerned, Loth positions may be, to a certain extent, true. But it is, perhaps, diffi- cult to always decide with certainty when ah animal is not only free from disease, but from all tendency or predisposition toward it. A brother and taster may be apparently healthy may be actually so but may possess an idiosyncrasy which, under certain circumstances, will manifest itself. If these circumstances do not chance to occur, they may live, apparently possessing a robust constitution, until old age. If bred together, their off- spring, by a rule already laid down, will possess the idiosyncrasy in a double degree. Suppose the ram be interbred with sisters, half-sisters, daughters, grand-daughters, &c., for several generations, the predisposition toward a particular disease in the first place slight, now strong, and con- stantly growing stronger will pervade, and become radically incorporated into, the constitution of the whole flock. The first time the requisite ex- citing causes are brought to bear, the disease breaks out, and, under such circumstances, with peculiar severity and malignancy. If it be of a fatal character, the flock is rapidly swept away ; if not, it becomes chronic, 01 periodical at frequently recurring intervals. The same remarks apply, in part, to those defects of the outward form which do not at first, fr< m their slightness, attract the notice of the ordinary breeder. They are rapidly increased until, aim vent any struggling. He then resumes cutting upon the flank and rump, and thence on- ward to the head. Thus one side is complete. The sheep is then turned on to the other side, in doing which great care is requisite to prevent the fleece from being torn, and the shearer acts as upon the other, which finishes. He must then take his sheep near to the door through which it is to pass out, and neatly trim the legs, and leave not a solitary loci' anywhere as a harbor for ticks. It is absolutely necessary for him to remove from his stand to trim, otherwise the useless stuff from the legs becomes intermingled with the fleece-wool. In the use of the shears, let the blades be laid as flat to the skin as possible, not lower the points too much, nor cut more than from one to two inches at a clip, frequently not so much, depending on the part and compactness of the wool." In addition to the above, I would remark that the wool should be cut off as close as conveniently practicable, and even. It maybe cut too close, BO that the sheep can scarcely avoid " sun-scaH," but this is very unusual - Pages 179, 180. 2 A ]S6 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. If the wool is left ridgy and uneven, it betrays that want of workmanship which is so distasteful to every good farmer.* Great care should be taken not to cut the wool twice in two, as inexperienced shearers are apt to do. It is a great damage to the wool. It is done by cutting too far from the point of the shears, and suffering the points to get too elevated. Every time the shears are pushed forward, the wool before cut off by the points, say a quarter or three-ieighths of an inch from the hide, is again severed. To keep the fleece entire, so important to its good appearance when done up, (and therefore to its salableness,) it is very essential that the sheep be held easilyybr itself, so that it will not struggle violently. To hold it still by main strength, no man can do, and shear it well. The posture of the shearer should be such that the sheep is actually confined to its position, so that it is unable to start up suddenly and tear its fleece, but it should not be confined there by severe pressure or force, or it will be constantly 'kicking and struggling. Heavy-handed, careless men, therefore, always complain of getting the most troublesome sheep. The neck, for example, may be confined to the floor by placing it between the toe and knee of the leg on which the shearer kneels, but the lazy or brutal shearer who lets his leg rest directly on the neck, soon provokes that struggle which the animal is obliged to make to free itself from severe pain, and even perhaps to draw its breath ! Good shearers will shear, on the average, twenty-five Merinos per day, and a new beginner should not attempt to exceed from one-third to one- half that number. It is the last process in the world which should be hur- ried, as the shearer will soon leave more than enough wool on his sheep to pay for his day's wages. It has been mentioned that but enough sheep should be yarded at once for half a day's shearing. The reason for this is that they shear much more easily, and there is less liability of cutting the skin, when they are distended with food, than when their bellies become flabby and collapsed for the want of it. This precaution, however, is often necessarily omitted in showery weather. It is very convenient to have the outside pen which communicates with the " bay," covered. On my farm, it is one of the regular sheep-houses. If it is showery over night, or showers come up on the day of shearing, a couple of hundred sheep may be run in and kept dry. And they can be let out to feed occasionally during the day on short grass. If let out in long wet grass, their bellies will become wetted. Wool ought not to be sheared, and must not be done up, with any water in it. SHEARING LAMBS, AND SHEARING SHEEP SEMI-ANNUALLY. Shearing lambs is, in my judgment, every way an abominable and unprofitable prac- tice in this climate, at least. The lamb will give you the same wool at a year old, and you strip it of its natural protection from cold when it is young and tender, for the paltry gain of the interest on a pound or a pound and a half of wool for six months not more than two or three cents and this all covered by the expense of shearing. I am aware that it is customary, in many parts of the South, to shear grown sheep twice a year; and there may be a reason for it where they receive so little care that a portion are expected to disappear every half- year, and the wool to be torn from the backs of the remainder by bushes, thorns, &c., if left for a longer period. But when sheep are inclosed, and * I hold that man is not half* farmer who has not a dash of the aesthetic mixed up with his utilitarianism Profit should not often be sacrificed to appearances, but where they are strictly compatible, he who sards the latter betrays a sordid and uncultivated mind. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH 187 FOLDING-TABLE. treated as domestic animals, there may be less barbarity in fall-shearing them than in the case of tender larnbs, but I cannot conceive of any better reason for it than in the former case, on the score of utility. Any gaip resulting from it cannot pay the additional expense it occasions. DOING-UP WOOL. The fleece has been deposited on the " foldmg table," and he whose business it is to do it up, first proceeds to spread it out, the outer ends upward, bringing every part to its natural relative position. The table, with a fleece spread out on Fl S- 23 - it, is represented in fig. 23. The table should be large say five feet wide and eight long that, if necessary, several unsprcad fleeces may be put upon it at the same time, and still give room for spread- ing one. It should be about three feet high. After the fleece is spread, dung, burs, and all other extraneous substances are carefully re- moved from it with a pair of shears. It is then pressed together with the hands, so that it will cover but little if any more space than it would oc- cupy on the skin of the animal, if that was placed unstretched on the table, About a quarter of the fleece, lengthwise, or from head to tail, (represented by 1 in the above cut,) is then turned or folded in (inverting it,) toward the middle. The opposite side (2) is next folded inward in the same way, leaving the fleece in a long strip, say 18 inches wide. The forward end (3) is then folded toward the breech, to a point (represented by dotted line) corresponding with the point of the shoulder. The breech (4) is next folded toward the head. The fleece now presents an oblong square rep- resented by 5 and 6. On the breech, in a small, compact bunch so they can be, subsequently, readily sepa- rated from the fleece- 1 - the clean fribs are placed. They do not include "trimmings," (the wool from the shanks,) which should not be done up in the fleeces. The fribs may be laid in at some earlier stage of the folding but if thrown on top of the fleece, as is very customary, before it is fold- ed at all, they show through, if the latter gets strained apart, as it fre- quently happens in the process of roll- ing and being coarser and perhaps less white than the fine shoulder wool, they injure the appearance of the fleece. The fleece is now folded to- gether by turning 5 over on to 6, and the tyer carefully sliding it around on the table with his arms, so that the shoulder shall be toward him, it appears as in fig. 24, ready to go into the wool-trough. The wool-trough, which is above represented Fig. 24. KMtAMD WOOL-TROUGH. 18S SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. with one of its sides off, to exhibit the interior arrangement, should form a part of the table, and should be about 91 inches wide and 9 deep, and its length corresponding with the width of the table, would be five feet, Near its back end, and about one-third of its width from each side, gimlet holes are bored just large enough for the passage of ordinary wool-twine. Two balls of twine are placed in a vessel beneath, the ends passed through the holes, and the whole length of the trough, and are fastened in front by being drawn into two slits formed by sawing a couple of inches into the bottom of the trough. The holes and slits should be small enough, so that the twine will be kept drawn straight between them. The tyer placing his hands and arms (to the elbow) on each side of the fleece folded as above, now slides it into the trough. There are two methods of having it lie in the trough, represented by the following cuts. That on the left is the more ordinary, but not the best method. It will bring to the two ends ; Fi s- 25 - of the done-up fleece (the parts most seen in the wool-room) the ridge of the back and two lines half way down each side of the sheep. The for- mer is sometimes a little weather-beaten, and if any hay-seeds have fastened in the fleece, they show most on the back.* And the two lower lines are a little below the choicest wool. Placing it in the trough as in the right-hand figure, rolling would bring both ends of the fleece from the wool between four and five inches from the ridge of the back, the choicest part of the fleece. Besides, the edges of the breech fold, which is not so fine as the shoulder, which sometimes show by the first method of rolling, are always concealed by the last. The wool being in the trough, the tyer steps round to the back end of it, and commences rolling the fleece from the breech to the shoulder. He rolls it as tightly as possible, pressing it down and exerting all the strength of his hands minding, however, not to tear the outside fold or strain it so apart as to ex*hibit the outer ends of the next inside layer or fold. When the rolling is completed, he keeps it tight by resting the lower part of his left arm across it, reaches over with the right, and withdrawing one of the ends of the twine from the slit, places it in the left hand. Then seizing the twine on the other side of the fleece with his right hand, he draws the twine once about the fleece with his whole strength, and ties it in a hard or square knot. The fleece will then keep its position, and the other twine is tied in the same way. The twines should be drawn with a force that would cut through the skin of a tender hand in a few moments.! The twines are then cut within an inch of the knots, with a pair of shears. The fleece is slid out of the end of the trough, when it will be a solid, glittering mass of snowy wool, in the shape shown in the cut on the right. If well and tightly done up, however, the divisions given on the end of the fleece, in the cut, to exhibit the foldings, will not be perceptible and nothing but an unbroken mass of the choicest wool of the fleece. The twine should be of flax or hemp, and of the diameter of ordinary sized hardware twine. Cotton might do, if smooth and hard enough so that no particles of it could become incorporated with the wool in which event it does not separate from the wool in any of the subsequent processes, and receiving a different color from the dyes, spots the surface of the cloth, * Hay-Beed, or rather its chaff, will not wash entirely out of wool. t It is customary with some tyers to wear a glove on the right handor cote on the two fore-fingers. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 189 It is scarcely necessary to remark that it is considered perfectly fair by the purchaser, to take all the pains above recommended, to " put the best side out " in doing up wool, provided every fleece is done up by itself. He expects it, and graduates his prices accordingly. He who neglects it, therefore, cheats himself. But to do up coarser fleeces, or any parts of them, in finer ones put in " trimmings " leave in dung or use unne- cessary twine are all base frauds. Sometimes the careless sheep-owner will have his wool filled with burs, which he cannot or will not remove. In that case he is bound to unequivocally apprise the buyer of the fact, and allow him to open fleeces until satisfied of the precise extent of the evil. STORING WOOL. Wool should be stored in a clean, tight, dry room. It is better that it should be an upper room, for reasons presently to be given, and it should be plastered, to exclude dust, vermin, insects, &c. Rats and mice love to build their nests in it, to which they will carry grain chaff and other substances, injuring much wool and it is singular that if accessible to the common bumble-bee, numbers of their nests will be found in it. A north and pretty strong light is preferable for a wool-room. When the wool-tyer removes each fleece from the trough, he places it in a long, high basket, capable of holding a dozen fleeces, and it is imme- diately carried to the wool-room or he piles it on the clean floor in the inclosure in which his table stands, to be subsequently carried away. In oither case, the fleeces are not thrown down promiscuously, which injures their shape, but are laid regularly one above another, on their sides. In the wool-room it is laid in the same way in smooth, straight north and south rows (supposing the light to be let in from the north) with alleys between, in which a man can pass to inspect the wool. The rows ought not, perhaps, to b^ more than two deep, so that the end of every fleece can be examined, but as it cannot be piled up more than about four fleeces high in this way, without liability of falling, it is customary to make the rows three, or four fleeces deep laying the lower ones a little wide, so that the pile may slightly recede as it goes up. In this way they may be piled six fleeces high. Where the character of the flock is known, or that of the seller relied on, it makes little difference. It is considered fairest to pile the fleeces without any discrimination as to quality, in the wool- room. SACKING WOOL. When the wool is sold, or when it must be sent away to find a market, it is put up in bales nine feet long, formed of 40-inch " burlaps." The mouth of the sack is sowed, with twine, round a strono- hoop (riveted together with iron, and kept for the purpose,) and the body of it is let down through a circular aperture in the floor of the wool-room.* The hoop rests on the edge of the aperture, and the sack swings clear of the floor beneath. A man enters the sack, and another passes the fleeces down to him. After covering the bottom with a layer, he places a fleece in the center and forces down others around it, and so on to the,top, which is then sowed up. Each fleece should be placed regularly with tlie Jiands, and then stamped down as compactly as possible, so that the bale when completed shall be hard and well filled in every part. The bulk of a given weight of wool will be greatly affected by the care with which this pro- cess is performed. Those who do not expect buyers to come and look at their wool, sack it immediately after shearing. A temporary scaffolding is erected near * It is to secure this convenience that the wool-room is best placed on the second floor. 190 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. the wool as deposited by the tyer, and one man tosses up fleeces to a sec- ond, who catches them and passes them down to the man in the sack. A light frame, to suspend the sack, and part way up it a standing-place for the catcher, would be a convenient appendage to the establishment of a wool-grower who does not store his wool in a wool-room. With a set of stairs up to his midway standing-place, an active fellow would keep the treader supplied, without any assistance. In the absence of any agreement, the price of wool, delivered at the residence of the purchaser, does not include the cost of sacks and sacking. It is customary, however, for growers of small parcels, and those who keep no conveniences for sacking, to carry their wool tied up in sheets, &c., and deliver it to the purchaser at the nearest village or other point, where he has made arrangements for sacking. SELECTION. The necessity of annually weeding the flock, by excluding all its members falling below a certain standard of quality, and what the points are to which reference should be had in establishing that standard, have already been sufficiently adverted to in discussing the principles of breeding. The time of shearing is by far the most favorable one for the flockmaster to make his selection. He should be present on the shearing- floor, and inspect the fleece of every sheep as it is gradually taken off. If there is a fault about it, he will then discover it better than at any other time. A glance, too, reveals to him every fault of form, previously con- cealed wholly or in part, by the wool, as soon as the newly shorn sheep is permitted to stand on its feet. He takes down the number and age of the sheep on his tablet, and if not sufficiently defective in form or quality of fleece to call for its condemnation, in a pair of scales suspended near the wool-tyer's table, he determines the weight of the fleece. If this, too, is satisfactory, he marks " retained " opposite the sheep's number on his tab- let. If more or less defective in any point, he weighs this against the other points taking also into consideration the age of the sheep, its char- acter as a breeder, its nui'sing properties, quietness of disposition, &c. and then, in view of all these points, the question of retention or exclusion is settled. A remarkably choice ewe is frequently kept until she dies of old age. A poorish nurse or breeder would be excluded for the lightest fault, and so on. I have been in the habit, for a number of years, of using a book kept for this purpose, each page being ruled and headed thus : Niimber. Qua.l. of Fleece. Form. Wt. of Fleece. Conclusion. 27, '42 30, '44 P- 0. f. b. ors in the ends. The following form and description of an English rack is from the " Book of the Farm."* Fig. 33. SPARRED RACK. " I have found," says Mr. Stephens, " this form convenient, containing as much straw a* time as should be given, admitting the straw easily into it, being easily moved abo*-*. ^ * It will be found iu the reprint of this splendid work, in The Farmers' Library, vol. ii., p. 449 2 G 202 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. easy access to the sheep, and being so near the ground as to form an excellent shelter. It is made of wood, is 9 feet in length, 4^ feet in hight, and 3 feet in width, having a sparred rack with a double face below, which is covered with an angled roof of boards to throw off the rain. The rack is supported on two triangular-shaped tressels b, shod with iron at the points, which are pushed into the ground, and act as stays against the effects of the wind from either side. The billet c, fixed on the under or acute edge of the rack, rests upon the ground, and in common with the feet, supports it from bending down in the middle. The lid a is opened on hinges when the fodder is put into the rack Such a rack is easily moved about by two persons, and their position should be changed according to a change of wind indicative of a storm.' I used racks formed of rounds (or " sparred ") for several years, and found them decidedly objectionable. The sheep grasping a lock of hay in its mouth, brings the head to its natural position, and then draws in the adhering fibres in the process of mastication. But when eating from a rack, it will not pick up the liay which it drops under foot. In the box or hole racks (figs. 31 and 32) most sheep will not withdraw their heads from the openings, as they can there hold them in the ordinary position for mastication, and as, if they step back to do so, they are very liable to be crowded out of their places. The hay, therefore, is not drawn out of the rack, and if any is dropped, it falls within it and is saved. At a sparred rack, the sheep will not keep its nose between the randies (in a horizon- tal or upward position) until it detaches a mere mouthfull of hay. It will, particularly when partly sated, twitch out its fodder prior to mastication, and all which scatters off and drops to the ground, is trampled under foot and wasted, except for the mere purpose of manure. A considerable loss will always result from this cause. And there is another objection to this form of rack, particularly where it runs down to an acute edge on the bottom, as in fig. 33. The sheep frequently drawing the hay from the lower part, will shake down from above hay-seeds and chaff into the wool on their head and necks ; and the wind will sometimes carry these as far as their shoulders and even their backs. As heretofore remarked, these cannot be washed out, and they materially lower the market value of the wool. The following rack has been used and is highly approved by my friend George Geddes, Esq., of Fairmount, N. Y., to whom I am indebted for the drawing and description of the cut. It serves both for a rack anc feeding-trough. Fig. 34. THE HOPPER-RACK. The above is intended to represent a section of what I think the best sheep-rack 1 A piece of durable wood about 4 feet long, 6 or 8 inches deep, and 4 inches thick two notches, a, a, cut into it, and two troughs, made of inch boards, b, b, b, b, placed ii SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 203 these notches, and nailed fast, constitutes the foundation. If the rack it to be 14 feet Ions:, three sills will be required. The ends of the rack are made by nailing against the side of the sill-boards that reach up as high as it is desired to have the rack, and nails driven through these end-boards into the ends of the side-boards/,/, secure them. The sides may he farther strengthened by pieces of board on the outside of them, and fitted into the trough. A roof may be put over all if desired. With n roof, the fodder is kept entirely from the weather, and no seeds or chaff can get into the wool." TROUGRS. Threshed grain, chopped roots, &c., when fed to sheep should be laid in troughs. With any of the preceding forms of racks, ex jepting fig. 34, a separate trough would be required. For a number of years I have used those of the following form, and have found them every way satisfactory. J Fig. 35. SHKEP-TRODGH. One of the side-boards is ui aally about ten and the other eleven inches wide. The feet are commonly of two-inch plank, rising high enough on the sides to keep the sides of the trough firm in their places. In our snowy climate they are turned over after feeding, and when falls of snow are anticipated, one end is laid on the yard fence.* The following elaborately ingenious contrivance for keeping grain where sheep can feed on it at will, is from the " Book of the Farm," and I ap- pend the author's description of it.t Fig. 36. Fig. 37. VERTICAL SECTION OF INTERIOR OF GRAIN BOX. GRAIN BOX FOR SHEEP. " There is a mode of preserving corn (grain) for sheep on turnips which has been tried with success in Fife. It consists of a box like a hay-rack, in which the grain is at all times kept closely shut up, except when sheep wish to eat it, and then they get it by a simple contrivance. The box a b contains the grain, into which it is poured through the small hinged lid y. The cover c d concealing the grain, is also hinged, and when elevated the eheep have access to the grain. Its elevation is effected by the pressure of the sheep's fore- feet upon the platform e f, which, moving as a lever, acts upon the lower ends of the up- right rods g and k, raises them up, and elevates the cover c d, under which their heads then find admittance into the box. A similar apparatus gives them access to the other side of the box. The whole machine can be moved about to convenient places by means of * To you, Sir, living on the ocean shore of South Carolina, and who, I think, have not visited the North, in the depth of winter, the idea of a farmer's finding the racks used by him the day before, buried under from eighteen inches to three feet of snow, and having to dig them out, may be rather an odd one J But, nevertheless, it ia a matter of no very rare occurrence, at least at the lowest depth mentioned i See Farmers' Library, voL it., No. 10, p. 476. 204 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. four wheels. The construction of the interior of the box being somewhat peculiar, another fig. 37, is given as a vortical section of it, where b is the hinged lid by which the graip. is put into the box, whence it is at once received into the hopper d, the bottom of which being open, and brought near that of the box, a small space only is left for the grain tc pass into the box, the hopper forming the grain-store , a is the cover of the box raised on its hinges by the rod /, acted upon by the platform ef, fig. 35 ; and, when in this po- sition, the sheep put their heads below a at c, and eat the grain at d. Machines of simi- lar construction to this have also been devised to serve poultry with grain at will." I never have thought it best in feeding or fattening any animals, or, at all events, any quadrupeds, to allow them grain at will preferring stated feeds ; and the same remark is applicable to fodder. If this system is de- parted from in using depository racks, as heretofore recommended, it is because it is rendered necessary by the circumstances of the case. A Me- rino store-sheep, allowed grain ad libitum, would stand a chance to inflict an injury on itself, and I cannot but believe that grain so fed would gen- erally be productive of more injury than benefit. BARNS AND SHEDS, &c. Sheep barns and sheds, at the North, .are fre- quently made very elaborate contrivances particularly on paper. But expensive barns, with feeding-cellars and other arrangements for keeping sheep within doors during a greater portion of the winter, would, it strikes me, be entirely out of place in the South. Even in our rigorous climate none but the breeders of Saxons pretend to make a regular practice or feeding under cover. Humanity and economy both dictate, here, that sheep be provided with shelters to lie under nights, and to which they can resort at will. In our severe winter storms, it is sometimes necessary, or at least by far the best, to feed under shelter for a day or two. It is not an uncommon circum- stance in New- York and New-England, for snow to fall to the depth of 20 or 30 inches within 24 or 48 hours, and then to be succeeded by a strong and intensely cold west or north-west wind of two or three days' continuance,* which lifts the snow, blocking up the roads, and piling huge drifts to the leeward of fences, barns, &c. A flock without shelter will huddle closely together, turning their backs to the storm, constantly step- ping and thus treading down the snow as it rises about them. Strong, close- coated sheep do not seem to suffer as much from the cold, for a period, as would be expected. But it is next to impossible to feed them enough or half enough, under such circumstances, without an immense waste of hay entirely impossible, without racks. The hay is whirled away in an in- stant by the wind, and even if racks are used, the sheep leaving their hud- dle where they were kept warm and even moist by the melting of the snow in their wool, soon get chilled and are disposed to return to their huddle. Imperfectly filled with food, the supply of animal heat is lowered, and at the end of the second or third day, the feeble ones have sunk down hope lessly, the yearlings and oldish ones have received a shock which nothing but careful nursing will recover them from, and even the strongest have Buffered an injurious loss in condition. Few holders of more than 40 or 50 sheep now attempt to get along here without some kind of shelters. The following (fig. 38) is a very common form of a Northern sheep-barn with sheds. The sheds front the south, or, what is a better arrangement, one fronts the east, and the other, being turned to a right angle to the direction of this, fronts the south. 1 have represented hole racks, as in fig. 32, running round the sheds, as, although not yet in general use, they are undoubtedly the best in such sit* * Thoae terriblj wind-storms are of much longer continuance in many parts of New-England. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 20,5 nations. The sheds are not usually framed or silled, but are supported by posts of some durable timber set in the ground. The roofs are formed of boards "battened " with slabs. The barn has no partitions within, and is entirely filled with hay. Fig. 38. SHEEP-BARN. There are many situations where these open sheds are very liable to ha\e snow drifted under them by certain winds, and they are subject in all cases in severe gales, to have the snow carried over them to fall down in large drifts in front, which gradually encroach on the sheltered space, and are very inconvenient particularly when they thaw. I therefore much prefer sheep-houses covered on all sides, with the exception of a wide door-way for ingress and egress, and one or two windows for ventilation when it is necessary. They are convenient for yarding sheep, for the various process- es where this is required, as for shearing, marking, sorting, "doctoring," Fig. 39. THE OUTSIDE STELL. &c., and especially so, for lambing places or the confinement of newly shorn sheep in cold storms. They should be spacious enough, so that in 205 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. addition to the outside racks, others can be placed temporarily through the middle when required. In many parts of Scotland, " Stells," as they are called, are made use of to shelter sheep. Ficr. 39 on the preceding page is the form of one given md the author's descrii in " The Book of the Farm," and lescription of it : " In a storm, their provender cannot be given to the sheep upon snow, safely and conven- iently, as ground-drift may blow and cover both ; and no place is so suitable for the purpose ss a ste.ll It may be formed of planting or high stone-wall. Either will afford shel- ter ; but the former most, though most costly, as it should be fenced by a stone-wall. Of this class I conceive the form represented (fig. 38) a good one, and which may be char- acterized as an outside stell The circumscribing strong black line is a stone-wall six feet high ; the dark ground within is covered with trees. Its four rounded projections shel- ter a corresponding number of recesses embraced between them, so that let the wind blow from what quarter it may, two of the recesses will be always sheltered from the storm. The eize of this stell is regulated by the number of sheep kept ; but this rule may be remem- bered in regard to its accommodation for stock, that each recess occupies about J part of the space comprehended between the extremities of the 4 projections ; so that in a stell covering 4 acres which is perhaps the least size they should be, every recess will contain an acre." The two following are forms of stells, composed of stone-wall, without planting, Fig. 40. ANCIENT STELLS. Figures 42 and 43, on the following page, are forms of circular stells, the first made by stone-walls and planting, as in fig. 39. The open space a is occupied by the sheep, and b is a funnel-shaped opening to it. On the whole I should consider fig. 42 preferable to any of the preceding forms. Figure 43 represents one of the same form, but without the planting, with a stack in the middle, &c. Either of the stells which are formed in part of trees, would be convenient in severe winds, would form excellent shades in summer, and would constitute highly ornamental ob- jects on the farm, and in the landscape. On the most northerly of the Southern mountains, where considerable snow falls, they might even be good contrivances for winter shelter. They might also be convenient on the lowlands farther south, provided the shelter of evergreens could be made dense enough to protect the sheep from the winter rains. In this case, the stell or covert might be of any shape, and ought to have no cen SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 207 tral opening. It would be merely a dense clump of evergreen trees, foi the sheep to take refuge under in storms of rain, and it might be surround- ed on the outside with a tight board fence or stone-wall, if much exposed Fia. 42. THE INSIDE CIRCULAR STELL. to the sweep of cold winds. As the sheep would lie among the trees, a clump 50 or 60 feet in diameter though 100 feet would be better would suffice for 100 sheep. Fig. 43. THE CIRCULAR STELL FITTED UP WITH HAT-RACKS. But in determining upon the best winter shelters, for the various re gions in the South, the fact must not be lost sight of that cold rains, 01 rains of any temperature, wlien immediately succeeded by cold or freezing weather, or cold, piercing winds, are more hurtful to sheep than even snow- storms and that consequently sheep must be adequately guarded against them. There must also be suitable shelter from any storms to which the country is subject, in the lambing season. Any person with the least ex- perience can determine whether an inclosed clump of trees will answer ihese purposes, in his own immediate region. I think it very probable that in the Gulf States, and some of the lower Atlantic ones particularly in regions near the ocean these tree coverts, 233 SHEEP HUSHANDIlf IN THE SOUTH surrounded by fences to break the winds, would be found sufficient. In sections infested with wolves, they might also be made to answer for folds, by carrying the fence to the requisite hight, to bar the ingress of the wolf. But farther north, and on the high lands and mountains, better shelters would, I am inclined to think, in the end, be found more economical. The simplest and cheapest kind of shed is represented in the following cut (fig. 44). It is formed by poles or rails, the upper ends resting on a strong horizontal pole supported by crotched posts set in the ground. It may be rendered rain-proof by pea-haulm, straw, or pine boughs. Fig. 44. SHED OF RAILS. In a region where lumber is very cheap, planks or boards (of sufficient thickness not to spring downward and thus open the roof) battened with slabs, may take the place of the poles and boughs ; and they would make a tighter and more durable roof. If the lower ends of the boards or poles are raised a couple of feet from the ground, by placing a log under them, the shed will shelter more sheep. These movable sheds may be connected with hay-barns, " hay-barracks," stacks, or they may surround an inclosed space with a stack in the middle like fig. 43. In the latter case, however, the yard should be square, in- stead of round, on account of the divergence in the lower ends of the boards or poles, which the round form would render necessaiy. Sheds of this description are frequently made, in the North, between two stacks. The end of the horizontal supporting pole is placed on the stack-pens, when the stacks are built, a'nd the middle is propped by crotched posts. The supporting-pole may rest, in the same way, on the upper girts of two hay-barracks ; or two such sheds (at angles with each other) might form wings to this structure. The " barrack," as it is pro vincially termed in the North, would, it strikes me, afford a most econom- ical and a most convenient way of storing fodder in the South. It is ea- sily movable, so that it possesses the same advantage that stacks do, in manuring different parts of the field or farm. On the other hand, the fod- der cannot be drenched by a winter rain, as in a partly fed out stack Hay can be more rapidly stored in it than on a stack at any time, and you can pitch into it to the last moment, when threatened with rain, without stopping to round up the top as is necessary in a stack. The outside i? not weather-beaten and damaged, as is the case with the sides, and fre quently with a considerable of the top of a stack. Fig. 45 (on the nex* page) represents the form of a barrack. It is 12 feet square on the bot- tom, and the frame is formed by girting together four strong poles, 16 feet long, at the bottom, and 6 feet from the bottom. Boards 6 feet long are nailed perpendicularly on the girts. Two-inch holes are bored at con- venient distances through the corner poles, so that the roof, which rests SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE .SOUTH. 203 It seems to me that this structure Fig. 45. on pins thrust through these holes, can be raised or lowered, at pleasure. It is occasionally lowered as the fodder gets lower in the barrack, so that rain or snow shall not drive under it. would be remarkably well adapted to the storing and feeding out of un- threshed peas, which, as has been remarked in a former Letter, are so advantageously raised at the South, and constitute so admirable a feed for sheep. On all large sheep-farms con- venience requires that there be one barn of considerable size, to con- tain the shearing-floor, and the ne- cessary conveniences about it for yarding the sheep, &c. This should also, for economy, be a hay-barn, (where hay is used,) and from its necessary size (for the shearing- floor), it should hold hay for 400 sheep. BARRACK. It may be constructed in the corner of four fields, so that four hundred sheep can be fed from it, with- out making improperly sized flocks. At this barn it would be expedient to make the best shelters, and to bring together all the breeding-ewes on the farm, if their number did not exceed 400. Thus the shepherd would be saved much travel at all times, and particularly at the lambing-time, and each flock would be under his almost constant supervision. I offer the following ground-plan of a barn with fixtures, &c., as one which I think will be found well adapted to the purpose above specified. The upper is the north part of the plan. fig. 46. The dotted lines a, a, a, a, are the fences dividing four fields, which would corner at the south-east corner of the barn. The barn is surrounded by double lines, and the sheds by double lines on the backs and ends the dots in front of them, representing the crotched posts supporting their front- The single black lines round the yards, represent tight board fences, which screen the four yards b, c, d, e, from every wind. There are two pumps and troughs at k, k, which accommodate the whole four fields, if a want of springs or streams in them render these necessary. The sheds are so ai> 3D 210 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ranged that even without the screens they entirely shut out the north and west winds the prevailing and severe winter ones of this regionand if other ones are more prevalent in other regions, the sheds can be changed accordingly. Each of the sheds is 50 feet long and 12 feet wide six square feet being the smallest proper allowance of sheltered area for eacr sheep. The barn is 48 feet square, a floor 13 feet wide running east ace west through the center, for shearing and for the drawing in of hay. An alley 4 feet wide and 8 feet high (boaided up on the side toward the mow, and covered at the top) cuts off the lower part of each bay from the east wall of the barn. This is for carrying hay into the yards b, c. It is carried into the yards d, e,from the large doors at each end of the shearing- floor (or from smaller ones cut through them.) The south bay is repre- sented as divided by a temporary fence, cutting it into two pensj^ g. The outside inclosure c, for yarding the sheep, communicating by a door with f t and g being used as a room to tie up wool in, presents precisely the same arrangement which is exhibited in the cut of the shearing-barn (fig. 22) in Letter XII. The barn here given (fig. 46) is probably larger than would be neces- sary for 400 sheep, in most parts of the South. Its necessary size is a question to be entirely determined by the climate. For large flocks of sheep, I should regard the storage of some hay or other fodder for winter as an indispensable precautionary measure, at least, in any part of the United States ; and, other things being equal, the farther north, or the more elevated the land, the greater would be the necessary amount to be stored. The shearing-floor shortened to 30 or 35 feet, would still, perhaps, be sufficiently commodious, and this would reduce the dimensions of the barn east and west 13 or 18 feet ; and one of the bays might be dispensed with. But having constructed so large, so smooth, and so tight a barn-floor as the shearing one ought to be, it would be good economy to use it for the threshing of grain. One of the bays, therefore, might be used for the storage of grain in the sheaf. I have always considered this an excellent arrangement in a Northern barn of this description, as in our cold climate the sheep require much straw litter in their sheds, yards, &c. Thrown out to them daily, as threshed, much bright straw and chaff will be con- sumed by them particularly of greenish cut oats. The yards c, e, in fig. 46 are represented but the width of the barn, 48 feet. If these were reduced too much, by diminishing the size of the barn, the shed of c could be carried farther west at^', and that of e farther north at i, being connected with the bam by wind-breakers, composed of a tight board fence, as high as the summit of the sheds. Or, what would perhaps be better, the fences thrown forward in a straight line from the ends of these two sheds might be continued until they intersected each other, and a fence from their point of intersection to the south-east corner of the barn would divide the two yards. FEEDING SHEEP WITH OTHER STOCK. Sheep should not run or be fed, in yards, with any other stock. Cattle hook them, often mortally. Colts tease and frequently injure them. It is often said that " colts will pick up what sheep leave." Well-managed sheep rarely^ leave anything and if they chance to, it is better to rake it up and throw it into the colts'yard, chan to feed them together. If sheep are not required to eat their feeds pretty clean, they will soon learn to waste large quantities. But if sheep are overfed with either hay or grain, it is not proper to compel them by starvation to come back and eat it. They will not unless sorely pinchei fUean out the troughs, or rake up the hay, and the next time feed less. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. HAY-HOLDERS. Where hay or other fodder is thrown out of the upper doors of a barn into the sheep-yard, as it always must necessarily be in a barn constructed like fig. 38, or any mere A#2/-barn, or where it is thrown from a barrack or stack, the sheep immediately rush on it, trampling it and soiling it, and the succeeding forkfulls fall on their backs, filling their wool with dust, seed and chaff. This is avoided by hay-holders yards 10 feet square either portable 'by being made of posts and boards, or simply a pen of rails, placed under the doors of the barns, and by the sides of each stack or barrack. The hay is pitched into the holder, in fair weather enough for a day's foddering at a time, and is taken from this by forkfulls and placed in the racks. I would here offer a necessary caution in rela- tion to the use of rails or poles, for stack-pens or 'hay -holders. The poles should be so small as to entirely prevent the sheep from inserting their heads between them after hay. A sheep will often insert its head where the opening is wide enough for that purpose, shove it along or get crowded along, to where the opening is not wide enough to withdraw the head, and it will hang there until observed and extricated by the shepherd. If, as it often happens, it is thus caught when its fore parts are elevated by climb- ing up the side of the pen, it will continue to lose its fore footing in its struggles, and will soon choke to death. WINTER DRY FEED FOR SHEEP. The proper dry winter fodder for. sheep has already been repeatedly alluded to, in general terms. Volumes have been expended on this subject, particularly in Germany and curious and elaborate systems of feeding given. In Germany great stress is laid on variety in the winter fodder. In the German Farmer's Encyclopaedia, the following table of the proper variations and amounts of feed is given by FETRI. TABLE 15. Day. Lbe. Loth, equal % oz. Morning. Lb3. Loth, equal >6*- Noon. Lbs. Loth, equal MOX. Evening. 1 21 hay 21 hay 21 hay 2 1 1 rye straw- 1 22 hay 1 1 rye straw 3 23 bean straw 26 Vetch-hay 23 bean straw 4 1 wheat straw 1 sainfoin 1 wheat straw 5 1 6 oat straw 21 hay 1 6 oat straw 6 1 6 artichoke stalk 1 19 red clover 1 6 artichoke stalk 7 1 8 turkey wheat 1 12 lucern 1 8 turkey- wheat str'w 8 1 8 buckwheat straw 1 16 hay 1 8 buckwheat straw 9 1 6 oat straw 7 horse-beans 1 6 oat straw 10 19 red clover 19 red clover 19 red clover 11 18 sainfoin 18 sainfoin 18 sainfoin 12 1 6 millet straw 1 6 millet straw 1 6 millet straw 13 30 lentil straw 21 hay 30 lentil straw 14 30 pea straw 21 hay 30 pea straw 15 16 1 30 10 barley straw horse-bean straw 1 1 10 artichoke stalk horse-bean straw 1 30 10 aarley straw horse-bean straw 17 1 1 rye straw 1 11 oat straw 1 1 rye straw 18 1 3 wheat straw 1 9 oat straw 1 3 wheat straw 19 1 6 rye straw 1 turkey-wheat 1 3 wheat straw 20 1 6 oat straw 1 turkey-wheat 1 6 oat straw 21 1 3 wheat straw 22 artichoke stalk 1 6 oat straw 22 30 lentil straw 1 30 vetch straw 30 lentil straw 23 1 6 oat straw 1 6 wheat straw 1 6 oat straw The same writer gives the following as the proper winter feed of a ewe, the month preceding lambing : 212 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. TABLE 16. In the morning, $ Ib. of good oat straw. noon .. of good hay of clover. * evening.. | .. of good barley straw. morning, f... of millet straw. noon 2 .. of potatoes with 4 oz. of chopped straw, and 4 oz. of oata. evening. ,J .. of barley straw, morning . $ .. of hay. noon | . . of hay, evening.. 1 .. of wheat, oat, barley or buckwheat straw, morning . | .. of summer straw. noon .. of chopped straw, with 3 oz. oats and 3 oz. bran, moistened with water. evening. -| .. of winter straw, morning.^ .. of hay. noon 2 .. of potatoes -with % Ib. of chopped straw. evening. . .. of winter straw, morning .% .. of hay. noon as in 4th day, evening..! Ib. of straw. 6th day All this would be infinitely " more nice than wise," in any part of the United States. Variations of dry fodder are well enough, but hundreds- and thousands of Northern flocks receive nothing but ordinary hay, con- sisting mainly of Timothy, (Phleum pratcnsej some Red and White Clo- ver, ( Tnfolium pratense et rcpens,) and frequently a sprinkling of June 01 Spear grass, (Poa pratensis,) during the entire winter. Others receive an occasional fodder of corn-stalks and straw and some farmers give a daily feed of grain through the winter. Where hay is the principal feed, it may oe well, where it is convenient, to give corn-stalks (or "blades") every fifth or sixth feed, or even once a day. Or the daily feed, not ofJiay, might alternate between blades, pea-straw, straw of the cereal grains. &c. Should any other fodder besides hay be the principal one, as, for example, corn blades or pea-haulm, each of the other fodders might be alternated in the same way. It is mainly, in my judgment, a question of convenience with the flock-master, provided a proper supply of palatable nutriment within a proper compass, is given. Hay, clover, properly cured pea-haulm, and corn- blades are palatable to the sheep, and each contain the necessary supply of nutriment in the quantity which the> sheep can readily take into its stom ach. Consequently, from either of these, the sheep can derive its entire subsistence. The same remarks may, possibly, apply to greenish cut oat and barley straw; but it would not, I apprehend, be economical or alto- gether safe to confine any kind of sheep to the straw of the cereal grains unless some of those little hardy varieties of sheep which would be of no -value in this country. Experiment will readily show the flock-master what kinds of food are palatable and agree, with the health of his flock. The following exceedingly valuable Table, prepared by Boussirigault, will give the value of various kinds of feed in comparison with ordinary natu- ral meadow hay, as ascertained by himself, Von Thaer, Block, and other distinguished Agricultural Chemists. The results are obtained by chemi- cal analysis, and by actual experiments in feeding. The amount of nitro- gen in 100 parts is made the chemical test of value, as it shows the quan- tity of fibrin, albumen, and casein, (by multiplying by 6.3.) The experi- mental result is obtained by weighing the animal and the feed, and giving him enough of each to maintain him in good condition. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SO/TH. 215 TABLE 17. FODDERS. TABLE OF THE NUTRITIVE EQUIVALENTS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF FODDERS. Kinds of Food. f| || I f! & ys S-Sg s 1 I ' y CH S3 1" : 1 j i Remarks. Ordinary natural meadow hay Do. of fine quality 11.0 14.0 18.8 14.0 16.6 10.1 76.0 26.0 8.5 5.3 9.4 18.7 12.6 21.0 11.0 8.5 19.0 11.6 9.2 11.0 76.0 88.9 70.9 1.34 1.50 2.40 2.44 1.66 1.70 0.36 0.53 0.43 1.42 0.30 0.50 0.36 0.30 1.95 0.96 0.54 1.18 1.16 2.30 4.50 2.94 1.15 1.30 2.00 2.10 1.38 1.54 0.64 0.27 0.49 0.41 1.33 0.24 0.42 0.30 0.25 1.79 0.78 0.48 1.01 1.14 055 0.50 0.85 0.37 1.45 0.86 0.92 0.72 0.28 0.17 0.13 0.21 0.18 0.30 0.33 0.4-2 0.3fi 0.37 0.30 0.59 0.38 4.37 5.11 3.84 4.58 4.00 1.64 2.10 1.76 2.14 1.74 1.92 2.00 2.09 2.65 1.36 0.85 1.20 3.67 5.06 5.20 4.92 5.51 4.21 5.36 5.24 3.31 8.33 0.80 1.71 100 98 58 55 83 75 311 426 235 280 86 479 i.50 383 460 64 147 240 114 101 209 230 135 311 79 134 125 160 411 676 885 548 669 382 348 274 319 311 383 195 303 26 23 27 25 29 70 55 65 54 68 60 58 55 43 85 135 96 3! 23 22 23 21 27 21 22 35 14 143 68 100 100 430 200 200 200 193 165 160 600 73 67 83 556 533 366 366 205 216 400 30 30 30 33 27 105 160 42 100 90 90 360 500 200 180 200 250 200 200 125 300 500 300 COO ,400 250 200 54 54 54 39 52 64 61 71 52 180 62 100 150 150 150 150 150 250 290 250 225 150 50 48 53 46 100 90 90 450 450 666 190 150 130 130 429 300 526 460 300 200 66 73 66 78 86 64 IOC 100 100 425 300 200 200 150 150 100 600 325 600 250 450 250 250 200 40 40 40 50 60 40 75 90, 90 Dombasle, [Ciud. 500 Rieder. 400 Schwertz. 400 do. 90 Pohl. 80 Boussingault. 280 do. 280 Boussingault 59 Boussingault. C Some specimens I are twice as rich. Do select Do. freed from woody stems lied clover hay, 2d year's growth. Red clover cut in flower, green, do. Do. do. lower parts of the stalk... Do. do. upper part of do. and ear. . Old do Barley do. Millet do. Buckwheat do Vetches cut in flower and dried ? Field-beet leaves.. Jerusalem artichoke stems 86.4 55.0 62.5 57.4 53.6 92.3 91.0 92.5 87.8 R->6 2.70 3.25 2.2!) 2.16 1 .5!! 3.70 1.83 1.70 1.70 1 43 Lime-trees, young shoots Canada Poplar do Oak do Drum cabbage Turnip Field-beet (1838) Do white Silesian Carrots 87.6 79.2 2.40 1.60 220 Jerusalem artichokes (1839) Do. (1836).. .. 75 5 Potatoes (1838) 65.9 79.4 76.8 6.4 70.0 14.6 7.9 8.6 5.0 9.0 18.0 12.5 132 1.50 1.80 1.18 0.63 5.13 -5.50 4.20 4.30 4.40 2.00 2.40 2.02 2.46 2.20 2.22 2.27 2.33 3.18 2.18 0.94 1.39 4.00 5.70 6.00 5.50 5.93 4.78 5.70 5.59 3.53 8.89 3.31 Do. (1836). Do. after keepin" in the pit Cider apple pulp'dried in the air.. Beet-root from the sugar mill Vetches in seed Field-beans .... White peas (dry) White haricots New Indian Corn Buckwheat Barley (1836) Barley-meal 13.0 20.8 12,4 Oats (1838) Do. (1836) live (J838) 11.5 10.5 16.6 37.1 7.6 13.4 8.0 11.2 13.4 10.5 6.5 5.0 6.8 6.0 6.2 6.6 Wheat (1836, Alsace) Do. from highly manured soil Wheat husks or chaff ..... Rice (Piedmont) Gold of Pleasure seed (Madia) Colza do Arachis (Pindars) do Refuse of the wine-press, air-dried j 48.2 214: SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The great value of pea-haul m, as shown in the above Table, is worthy ot the particular notice of the Southern flock-master. Also that of millet straw, another crop peculiarly congenial to the Southern States, provided it can be cured so that sheep will eat it. Corn-stalks are not, unfortunate- ly, included in the Table. According to Petri, 100 pounds of corn " straw," (including stalks and leaves, I suppose,) contains but as much nutriment *s the same weight of " aromatic meadow hay," and not so much by ^ as an equal weight of oat or pea straw, which he makes equivalent to each other! My opinion is that this by no means indicates the comparative value of well cured corn-stalks. No analysis of them now occurs to me, in any authority which I have on hand. Mr. Ellsworth, of the Patent Of- fice, stated in the Cultivator in 1842, that the juice of corn-stalks, on Beaume's Saccharometer, is equal in saccharine matter with that of the cane in this country, five times greater than that of the Northern sugar- maple, (Acer saccharinum,) and three times that of beet! The daily ex- periments of our farmers demonstrate the absurdity of placing corn-stalks below the value of the cereal straws. Cured green and bright they are a highly valuable fodder, and are relished by all herbivorous animals. My friend, James M. Ellis, Esq. of Onondaga, N. Y., one of the best managing flock- masters of this State, has fed corn-stalks largely to his sheep for sev- eral years and with decided succes. EFFECT OF FOOD IN THE PRODUCTION OF WOOL. The fact has been be- fore alluded to that well fed sheep produce more wool than poorly fed ones. The question now arises if the effect on the condition (flesh) of the sheep is the same, will one kind of food produce more wool than another 1 No doctrine is more clearly recognized in Agricultural Chemistry, than that animal tissues derive their chemical components from the same com- ponents existing in their food.* The analyses of Liebig, Johnston, Scherer, Flayfair, Boeckmann, Mulder, &c., show that the chemical composition of wool, hair, hoofs, nails, horns* feathers, lean meat, blood, cellular tissue, nerves, &c. are nearly identical. The organic part of wool, according to Johnston,t consists of carbon 50.65, hydrogen 7.03, nitrogen 17.71, oxy gen and sulphur 24.61. The inorganic constituents are small. When burned, it leaves but 2'0 per cent of ash. The large quantity of nitro gen (17.71) contained in wool, shows that its production is increased by highly azotized food. This is fully verified by the experiments made on Saxon sheep, in Silesia, by Reaumur, whose Table I append. A striking correspondence will be found to exist between the amount of wool and the amount of nitrogen in the food. TABLE 18. Kinds of food. Increase of weight in live animal. Produced wool. Produced tallow. Nitrogen per cent, in food. Ibs. oz. Ibs. oz. 46 44 38 134 155 90 83 146 136 120 58 31 35 6 8J 6 8 5 3J 14 11 13 13J 13 14$ 12 10| 9 12 11 6| 10 4| 7 10$ 15 8 6 1 12 51 10 14| 6 5\ 41 6 59 9 35 111 33 8| 40 8 60 1 33 8 12 14 6 11 4 0.36 0.36 0.21 3.83 2.09 2.00 2.00 1.70 1.90 2.10 1.15 1000 4 * " without salt 1000 . wheat 1000 rye with salt..... ............ 1000 oats 1000 barley 1000 buckwheat ... ' 1000 good hay 1000 . hay, with straw, without other fodder HW9 .. whisky, still-grains or wash * For full information on this whole subject, see Liebig's Animal Chemistry, Part I and II. t See Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry Lecture XVIII. Analyses of the horny tissue*, by Scheror wil) be found in the Appendix to Liebig's Animal Chemistry. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH N The singular difference stated in the'Table, between the amount of wool produced by " good hay," and " hay with straw without other fodder," J confess is scarcely credible to me. It may be a misprint in the Table from which I copy. The peculiar value of pease not only in increasing the wool, where they rank jrs,* but in the average comparative increase which they produce in all the tissues, is again worthy of notice. EFFECT OF FOOD IN PRODUCING FAT AND MUSCLE. The increase of fat and muscle, as of wool, depends upon the nature of the food. It would be foreign from my purpose to enter into an elaborate theoretical exam- ination of this subject. Liebig, in Parts I. and II. of his Animal Chemis- try, has covered the whole ground, and to him I take the liberty to refei you. Mr. Spooner, writing for England, w r here the production of flesh and fat is the primary object of Sheep Husbandry, has given a synopsis of Liebig's positions, analyses, &c., in his chapter (XXI.) on Feeding and Fattening and the substance of this is again repeated by Mr. Morrell in his chapters on the same subjects, in The American Shepherd. To either of the latter I would refer you for sufficient details for practical purposes, or fovfull information, to Liebig. The Tables of Boussingault and Reaumur, already given, (Tables 17 and 18,) sufficiently indicate the value of the various grains, straw, roots, &c., in fattening. It is not very common, in the North, for wool-growers to fatten their wethers, for market, by extra winter feeding. Some give them a little more generous keep the winter before they are to be turned off, and then sell them when they have attained their maximum fatness the succeeding fall. When winter fattening is attempted, sheep require warm, dry shel- ters, and should receive, in addition to all the hay they will eat, meal twice a day in troughs or meal once and chopped roots once. The equivalent of from half a pint to a pint of (yellow) corn meal per head per diem is about as much as ordinary flocks of Merino wethers will profitably con- sume, though in selected flocks consisting of large animals, this amount is frequently exceeded. FEEDING GRAIN TO STORE-SHEEP IN WINTER. The expediency of feed- ing grain to store-sheep in winter depends much upon circumstances. If in a climate where they can obtain a proper supply of grass or other green esculents, it would, of course, be unnecessary. Neither is it a matter of necessity where the ground is frozen or covered with snow for weeks or months, provided the sheep be supplied plentifully with good dry fodder. Near markets where the coarse grains find a good and ready sale, it is not usual in the North, to feed grain. Remote from markets, it is generally frd by the holders of large flocks. Oats are commonly preferred, and they are fed at the rate of a gill a head per day. Some feed half the same amount of (yellow) corn. Fewer sheep particularly lambs, year- lings, and crones get thin and perish, where they receive a daily feed of grain; they consume less hay ; and their fleeces are increased in weigJit. On the whole, therefore, it is considered good economy. Where no grain is fed, three daily feeds of hay are given. It is a common and very good practice to feed greenish cut oats in ike bundle, at noon, and give but two feeds of hay one at morning and one at night. A few feed greenish cut peas in the same way. In warm, thawing weather when sheep get * With the exception of " hay and straw " the given product of which, in wool, I have already slate4 must undoubtedly be misprinted. 2J6 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. to the ground, and refuse dry hay, a little grain assists materially in keeping up their strength and condition. This may furnish a useful hint for many parts of the South. When the feed is shortest in winter, in the South, there are many localities where sheep would get enough grass to take off their appetite for dry hay, but not quite enough to keep them in prime condition. A moderate daily feed of oats or pease placed in the depository racks, would keep them strong, in good plight for the lambing season, and increase their weight of wool. Few Northern farmers feed Indian corn to store-sheep. It is consid- ered " too hot and stimulating," and sheep are thought to be more liable to become " cloyed " on it than on oats, pease, &c. I never have fed it to sheep sufficiently to speak advisedly on this point. A neighboring flock- master whose admirable arrangements for keeping sheep are only equaled by his usual success, lost most of a large flock of lambs a few winters since. They received all they would eat of the best hay, and, as the owner supposed, a half gill of corn a head per day. They were in fine order in the beginning, and for some time into the winter. During a thaw, when they got a little off from their feed, and looked " hollow," the shep- herd, without the knowledge of the owner, increased the feed of corn. This caused them to eat still less hay, and the shepherd not only continued but increased the allowance of the corn as their appetite for hay dimin- ished. In a short time they ate scarcely any hay, and soon after began to eat their corn very irregularly. Their stomachs were now so completely deranged, that they would not eat anything, in quantities sufficient for their subsistence, and they perished rapidly and miserably. The same consequences might doubtless have ensued from feeding other grains, in the same improper manner. But I am inclined to think that the evil would have been less rapid and remediless with some other grains. I do not consider yellow corn a very safe feed, at least for lambs and yearlings. From the obviously different character of the larger Southern varieties, I presume they would be less, and very probably not at all, objectionable for sheep feed. Half a gill of yellow corn, or a gill of oats per head, is a sufficient daily allowance of grain. While there can be nothing more ab- surd than the German starving system to increase the fineness of the wool, excessive fatness is not to be aimed at, especially in breeding-ewes. Store sheep should be kept in good, fair, plump condition. Lambs and yearlings may be as fat as they will become on proper feeding. It will not do to suffer sheep to get thin in the winter, with the idea that their condition can at any time be readily raised by better feed, as with the horse or ox. It is always difficult, and unless properly managed, expensive and hazardous, to attempt to raise the condition of a poor flock in the winter especially if they have reached that point where they mani- fest weakness. If the feeding of a liberal allowance of grain be suddenly commenced, fatal diarrhea will frequently supervene. All extra feeding, ih eie fore, must be begun very gradually, and it does not seem, in any case, to produce proportionable results. I have seen it stated that sheep will eat cotton-seed and thrive on it. [f this be true, this must, of course, be a far more remunerating applica- tion of that product, than as a mere manure to soils. FEEDING ROOTS, BROWSE, c., IN WINTER. Ruta-bagas, Irish potatoes, &c., make a good substitute for grain, as an extra feed for grown sheep, I prefer the ruta-baga to the potato in equivalents of nutriment. I do not consider either of them, or any other root, as good for lambs and yearlings as an eqvmalent in grain. Sheep may be tauglii to eat nearly all the cul SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 2J7 tivated roots. This is done by withholding salt from them, and then feed- ing the chopped root a few times rubbed with just sufficient salt to induce them to eat the root to obtain it ; but not enough to satisfy their appetite for salt before they have acquired a taste for the roots. It is customary with some of our flock-masters to cut down from time to time, in the winter, and draw into the sheep-yards, young trees of the hsmlock (Abies canadensis). The foliage is greedily eaten by sheep, af ter being confined for some time to dry feed. I have known sheep, un- doubtedly, I think, killed by overeating it. This browse is commonly used for some supposed medicinal virtues. It is pronounced " healthy for sheep." The popular supposition is that it is a tonic and stimulant. If this be true, which I will not pause to inquire, of what good use are tonics and stimulants to healthy animals 1 With sheep, as with horses, and even with men, preventive medicines are productive of injury in a thousand cases, where they are of benefit in one. There could be no objection, cer- tainly, to sheep's eating the foliage of the hemlock, if it was constantly accessible to them. Their instincts, in that case, would teach them whether, and in what quantities, to devour it. But when entirely confined to dry feed for a protracted period, sheep will consume hurtful and even poisonous succulents and of the most wholesome ones, hurtful quantities. As a mere laxative, an occasional feed of hemlock may be beneficial ; but in this point of view, a day's run at grass in a thaw, or a feed of roots, would produce the same result. In a climate where grass is obtained most of the time, I should consider browse for medicinal purposes entirety unnecessary. WINTER FEED OP BREEDING-EWES. Until two or three weeks pre- ceding lambing, it is only necessary that breeding-ewes, like other store- sheep, be kept in good plump ordinary condition. Nor are any separate arrangements necessary for them, after that period, in a climate wher?* they obtain sufficient succulent food to provide for a proper secretion of milk. In backward seasons in the North, where the grass does not start prior to the lambing time, careful flock-masters feed their ewes chopped roots, or roots mixed with oat or pea meal. This is, in my judgment, excellent economy.* REGULARITY IN FEEDING. If there is one rule which may be consider ed more imperative than any other in Sheep Husbandry, it is that the ut- most regularity be preserved in feeding. First, there should be regularity as to the times of feeding. However abundantly provided for, when a fljck are foddered sometimes at one hour and sometimes at another sometimes three times a day and sometimes twice some days grain and some days nonetkey cannot be made to thrive. They will .do far better on inferior keep, if fed with strict regularity. In a climate where they re- quire hay three times a day, the best times for feeding are about sunrise in the morning, at noon, and an hour before dark at night. Unlike cattle and horses, sheep do not eat well in the dark, and therefore they should have time to consume their feed before night sets in. Noon is the common time for feeding grain or roots, and is the best time if but two fodderings of hay are given. If the sheep receive hay three times, it is not a. matter of much consequence with which feeding the grain is given, only that the practice be uniform. It is also highly essentid that there be regularity preserved in the amount fed. The consumption of hay will, it is true, depend much upon the * For the effect of the various esculents on the quantity and quality of the milk, see Liebig's Animal Chem 2E 218 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. weather. The keener the cold, the more sheep will eat. In the South much would also depend upon the amount of grass obtained. In manj places a light daily foddering would suffice in others, a light foddering placed in the depository racks once in two days would answer the purpose. In the steady cold weather of the North, the shepherd readily learns to de- termine about how much hay will be consumed before the next foddering time. And this is the amount which should, as near as may be, be regu- larly fed. In feeding grain or roots there is no difficulty in preserving en- tire regularity, and it is vastly more important than in feeding hay. Of the latter a sheep will not overeat and surfeit itself. Of the former it wilL, And if not fed grain to the point of surfeiting, but still over-plenteously, it will expect a like amount at the next feeding, and failing to receive it, will pine for it and manifest uneasiness. The effect of such irregularity on the stomach and system of any animal is bad and the sheep suffers more from it than any other animal. I would much rather that my flock receive no grain at all, than that they receive it without regard to regular- ity in the amount. The shepherd should be required to measure out the grain to sheep in alHnstances instead of guessing it out and to measure it to each separate flock. SALT. Sheep undoubtedly require salt in winter. Some salt their hay when it is stored in the barn or stack. This is objectionable, as you thus constitute yourself the judge, or controller in a matter, where the appetite of the sheep is a much safer guide. It may be left accessible to them in the salt-box (fig. 28) as in summer, or it is an excellent plan to give them an occasional feed of brined hay or straw. This last is done in warm thaw- ing weather, when their appetite is poor, and thus serves a double purpose. With a wisp of straw sprinkle a thin layer of straw with brine then an- other layer of straw and another sprinkling, and so on. Let this lie until the next day, for the brine to be absorbed by the straw, and then feed it to all the grazing animals on the farm which need salting. WATER. Unless sheep have access to succulent food or clean snow, water is indispensable. Constant access to a brook or spring is best, but in default of this, they should be watered, at least once a day, in some other way. THE BEST THINGS TO IMPORT ARE BIPEDS, OH two-legged animals, for they not only consume largely of the products of the cotton-grower, the wool- grower, and the iron-master, (and always in proportion to their wages,) hut by their labour, they produce and add largely to the elements of the best sort of commerce and free-trade commerce and free-trade among ourselves. We therefore rejoice much more when we see amounts of the importation of men and women, than of cattle and sheep. There is no better sign of tLe prosperity of a country than when you see men flocking into it from all parts of the world; and it the labour of the country had been steadily protected, as it was some years since, we should by this tim3 bar<> imported annually, more by a million, than we now do. Talk of military glory! the glory of success in the work of " blood and slaughter I" there is no glory to be compared with that administration of the affairs of a country, which wins for it the regard and admiration of the world, and makes of it a great magnet, attracting the talents, the eapital, and the labour of men of all nations. One year of such bloodless and beneficent glory is worth n eternity of fame, won by arms and by conquest. Immigration, says a New York paper, for the last month has been quite large, yet we see that, as com- pared with the same seven months of last year, instead of going on rapidly augmenting, as it weuld do under a common-sense (not party) system, it had actually fallen off. The Journal of Commerce gives it as 34,810 souls. Of the whole number 16,169 were from Ireland, 8449 from Germany, 4788 from Eng- land, and 1386 from Scotland. The following table will show the immigration at New York for the yean 1849 and 1850, up to the 1st of August : Year 1848. Year 1S5C January 3,258 . 13,154 February 8.8 '9 . 3,206 March ' 9,630 . 5,569 April 19,934 14,627 Immigration leu tk t rear Year 18 18. Year 185C. May 37,406 '. 42,840 Jun 28,985 . 11.763 July 31,634 . 34.810 Total . . 144,656 . 125,975 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 219 LETTER XIV. ANATOMY AND DISEASES OF SHEEP. Cfearacte/ of American ovine veterinary works of the English. ..Anatomical details of the latter valuable necessity of cutting clear from their systems of pathology and therapeutics reasons. ..Exciting causes uf disease even in adjacent localities in England not the same popular superstitions on the subject. ..Ne- cessarily greater differences as between remote countries possessing different climates, etc Ravages of rot in Europe scarcely known in most parts of America... Exciting causes apparently the same in both... Hoof-ail, though retained here by contagion, not primarily produced by the same causes as in England. .. Various European diseases not known here. . .Difference in the pathology of the same diseases in this coun- try and in England... The English ones accompanied with more inflammatory action the American of an asthenia or sinking character. .-.Pathological differences require a corresponding difference in therapeutics English system of therapeutics objectionable for the above reason on account of its expensiveness and, for popular purposes, by the extent of its pharmacopise. . .The proper ovine veterinary system to be adopted manner of classifying diseases. ..Anatomy of the Sheep how far to be studied directions to be- ginners. . .The Omentum. . .The Rumen. . .The Reticulum. ..The Maniplus. . .The Abomasum. . .The func- tions of the different Stomachs... The Duodenum. ..The Jejunum... The Ileum...The Coecum...The Colon... The Rectum... The Mesentary.-.The process of digestion... The Spleen... The Pancreas... The Liver. ..The Kidneys. ..The Bladder.. .The Uterus and Vagina, Dear Sir : Most of the. veterinary works which have appeared in this country in relation to the Sheep, Horse, and other domestic animals, have been made up simply of medical recipes ; or, if they have given systems of veterinary nosology and pathology, these systems have been mere tran- scripts of those of European, and particularly of English writers. I have examined all, 1 believe, of the most celebrated late English au- thors, scientific and empirical,* on the diseases of the Sheep and their cures. For anatomical and general pathological details, the works of some of the former possess great value, and compare favorably with the treatises on the same topics by the most eminent physicians and surgeons. This is particularly true of the work on Sheep by the late Mr. Youatt the fount- ain-head from which most of the later English writers on the same subject have so liberally drawn, and will probably continue so to do for a century to come. For minute accuracy of description, particularly in the depart- ment of pathology for elaborate research into both facts and authorities for clearness and sparkling vivacity of style, this gentleman, it seems to me, is entirely without a competitor among the English veterinarians, and his works will bear reading alongside those of a Cooper, a Louis, and a Chapman. I have hesitated whether to transcribe entire Mr. Youatt's treatise on the Anatomy of the Sheep. It would be the sheerest affectation not to say plagiarism to publish a mere abridgment of his remarks, or their sub- stance dressed up in other words, as some late English writers have done, for the purpose of setting up pretensions to that originality which Mr. You- att has left so little room for in this department. But as these Letters, Sir are published for the benefit of the many, rather than to instruct those al- ready versed to any considerable extent in Veterinary Science, I have been led to doubt whether any systematic treatise on Anatomy is necessary. On the whole, I have come to the conclusion that farther than to exhibit the * I do not use the word "empirical" here in its invidious sense. I mean to describe by it a class of writers verted in experiments merely, as contradistinguished from thce who possess a scientific knowledge f physiology, pathology, therapeutics, &c. 220 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. localities of disease, explain certain operations in the animal economy, anj render terms intelligible, it would be time thrown away. In pathology somewhat, and to a much greater extent in the systems oi therapeutics adopted, [ have found it necessary to cut clear from all Eng lish ovine veterinarians. If this is regarded as presumptuous, I have only to say that the testimony or opinions of that man are worth little who sc far pins his faith on another's views, as to disregard the plain evidence of his own senses. The salutary rule of the law is, each witness testifies tc what lie has seen, and to what, crediting the assertions of his own senses, lie knows. It is for the investigating tribunal to decide what weight shall be attached to the testimony. That tribunal, in the present case, is the public. But in reality, a discrepancy of views on the above subjects, does not ne- cessarily imply an error on either side. The pathology of diseases fre- quently does not coincide, as between different climates and countries, and sometimes, singularly enough, between contiguous localities in the same country. This is especially true as regards the origin or exciting cause of disease. "Where the atmospheric, alimentary, and all other observable conditions are nearly identical, occult causes which baffle the closest and most scientific scrutiny, not unfrequently either periodically or regularly, scourge man or beast with disease in one locality, while another one is al- most uniformly exempt from these attacks. What English pathologist, for example, has ever assigned a physical cause which would answer, quanti- tatively, as a criterion to decide on the proportionable prevalence of the same malady in other regions or the existence of which would even prove that the disease existed at all for the frequent appearance of goitre (bron- chocele) among the inhabitants of Derbyshire, and the comparative exemp-" tion from it of the inhabitants of contiguous counties ?* The theatres of its especial visitation, in other parts of the world, seem to be equally de- termined by chance though undoubtedly dependent upon physical causes which have as yet eluded observation. It is not astonishing, therefore, that the ignorant down to our own times, and even the enlightened, until a period comparatively recent, should have sought the incomprehensible causes of many diseases, in the regions of the preternatural. Among brutes especially, which were supposed to be more given up to such influences, these phenomena were conveniently assigned, by our English and Scotch ancestors, to " some dev'lish cantrip slight" of " warlocks and witches " the malevolence of an offended fairy or spite- ful gnome.t * I understand that the inhabitants o the adjoining counties of Stafford, Nottingham and Leicester are comparatively exempt from the attack of goitre. * In Burns'a inimitable Tarn O'Shanter, some of the singular powers once exercised "by withered beldams auld and droll ****** Lowping and flinging on a crummock" and sometimes, thouch far more rarely, by " ae winsome wench and walie," to turn aside the established 'aivB of Nature and God's providence, are thus enumerated in describing one of the diabolical sisterhood : " Mony a beast to dead she shot, And perished mony a bonny boat. And shook baith meikle corn and bear, And kept the country-side in fear." No one will understand that the witch, in full league with the Devi!, had any occasion for mortal fire- rins, in " shooting" the beasts of her victims. Murrain, and in some cases death, followed a glance of her " evil eye." And even the witches of Burns are tame every-day bodies, compared with those which swell the infernal dramatis persona of Faust, or mingle in the gloomy horrors of Macbeth. Two centuries ago, and even lees, there was not a parish in England, a hill or dell in Scotland, or even p colonized nook in the wild woods of America, where witchcraft was not rife ; and multitudes in every rank la life were consigned to the ga.lows, the faggot, strangling. &c. f for thia crime, by the highest judicial trt SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 221 Equally unphilosophical, and not less mischievous in its effects on the progress of medical science, are those religious views, widely prevalent even at the present day, which in every epizootic as well as epidemic scourge, recognize only a direct Theocratic infliction, operating without ihe intervention of physical causes. If these doctrines do not, as when carried to their full extent among the Mussulmans who yield a passive non-resistance to plague and conflagration as the direct expression of God's will lead to an entire abandonment of remedial measures, they at least deter scrutiny into the inducing natural causes, and thus occasion a neglect * of all preventive, and a much less perfect understanding of appropriate remedial action. Between countries widely separated where their climates and other circumstances exhibit considerable differences it would naturally be ex- pected that still greater discrepancies would appear in their local nosology. England and the United States are subject to several corresponding ovine diseases, yet it is notorious that some of the most destructive ones of the former are unknown, or next to unknown, in the latter. The rot, accord- ing to Mr. Youatt, destroys a million of sheep annually in the British Isl- bunals of England and Scotland the former presided over by such men as Sir Matthew Hale 1 One ap- proved method of detecting witches was to wrap the suspected persons in a sheet, the great toes and thumbs being tied together, and then dragging them through a pond or river. If they sank they were guiltless if not, their fate is thus alluded to by Hudibras in his description of the monster Hopkins, the " Witch-finder General" of England: " And has he not within a year Hanged threescore of them in one shire ? Some only for not being drowned .' " That miserable driveler and pedant, James VI. of Scotland, defended this "trial by water," inasmuch aa witches having renounced their baptism, so it is just that the element through which the holy rite is enforced, should reject them i This pusillanimous monarch, who shook at the sight of a drawn sicord, was the keenest instigator in his kingdom of tortures and prosecutions for suspected witchcraft, and he continued so after his accession to the English throne. He was often present at the examination of accused persons, and the Scotch juries did not dare to acquit their victims, fearing the severest punishment on themselves for " will ful error upon an assize," a proceeding which left them at the mercy of the Crown, and which was in some instances actually resorted to ! The elves or fairies, the dwarfs, etc., have sorely afflicted the shepherd, as well as all other husbandmen, in bygone days. Their caprices were innumerable. Even in this, as Mr. Carlyle would say, 19lh century of God's world, the ugly and monster-headed Phaam is sometimes seen on the lonely Kells of Galloway, and the declivities of the eastern Grampians. He not unfrequently shows himself in the dawn of the morn- ing on the mountains around Cairn Gorm and Lochavin, and if man or beast even goes near the place where he has been before the sun shines upon it, straightway their heads swell enormously and they often die. This is the origin of that frequent disease, the "swelled head" in sheep ! At least, so the inhabitants of those regions informed the Ettrick Shepherd. (See Hogg's Shepherd's Guide.) But alas I for the gay and courtly Fairies the very aristocracy of goblin-dom ! Who would not have his flocks, yea, and his herds too, annually decimated to restore them to our utilitarianized world ! Oberon, Titania, Mab, Puck and Ariel are gone ! They no longer " on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him When he comes back" no longer " in the spiced Indian air, by night, * * * * * They dance then* ringlets to the whistling wind." The elves of the colder regions north of the Alps, who erst danced their " roundel rites" on the banks of the Rhine and the green hillocks of Britain who with their splendid appointments, coursers whose feet purned the limber air, saddles of ' rewel bone " "Bryht with mony a precious stone And compasyd all with crapste," outshone the splendors of Chivalry who fought manful under shield, wounding and discomfiting even hu- man antagonists, as related by Gervase of Tilbury, and by Heinrich von Ofterdingen in the Heldenbuch who loved, wooed and were won much after the human fashion, and sometimes exchanged such favor* with humanity, as is proved by the adventure of Thomas the Rymer under the " Elden tree " all are gone! The trands of Scott and of Bulwer could not stay their departure ! Naked, rugged-featured, unpoetical Utility has it all her own way now-a-days f In the language of Rt. Rev. Dr. Corbett, Bishop of Oxford and Norwich ia the beginning of the 17ft fntury, " Lament, lament, old abbeys, The Fairies' lost command ; They did but change priests' babies. But some have changed your land ; And all your children sprung from hence Are now grown Puritans, Who live as changelings ever since For love of your domains." 222 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ands and in 1830-1, the number swept off much exceeded two millions.* Its ravages are equally fatal in Germany, and more so in Egypt. It is also common in France, Spain, Australia, &c. There is nothing sufficient- ly marked in its diagnosis to effectually distinguish it from some other dis- eases, to a person possessing no previous practical acquaintance with it, or no more veterinary knowledge than is common among farmers ; and when a slow train of wasting symptoms have occurred, and the structure of the liver is found disorganized, after death, it is not uncommon in this country to pronounce it a case of the rot. The same mistake, according to Dr. Coventry (late Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edin- burgh), is often made by even the shepherds and flock-masters of Europe.t There are other diseases besides the rot which specifically attack the in- tegrity of the liver. Even fasciola or flukes in the liver, the most infalli- ble diagnostic, to the common eye, of the rot, also, according to Dr. Cov- entry, accompany hepatitis chronica. I will not take upon me to deny that ;he rot ever exists in the Northern States, but I have yet to see, or hear of, adequately authenticated, the first undoubted instance ; and this would go to show that if isolated cases of it do sometimes occur, it has dwindled from the wholesale destroyer of Europe to an obscure and occasional dis- ease. The same remarks apply to existence of the disease in the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, judging from the statements of my correspond- ents, and from the agricultural newspapers. I cannot learn from either of these sources that anything analogous to this malady is common in those States. According to Mr. Cockerel, of Tennessee, and Mr. Flower, of Illi- nois, the rot docs prevail in our Western States ; and the latter gentleman, who has, I presume, seen the disease in Europe, and who ought therefore to be familiar with its pr 4 BONES OF THE HEAD. 1. The nasal bone. 2. The upper jaw bone. 3. The intermaxillary hone, which supports the pad which supplies the place of upper front teeth. 1.4. The frontal sinus. 5. Cavity or sinus of the horn, communicating with the frontHl sinus. It is here shown by the removal of a section of the base of the horn. 6. The parietal bone. 7. The frontal bone. 8. Vertical section of the brain. 9. Vertical section of the cerebellum. a. The cineritious portion of the brain. b. The medullary portion. 10. The ethmoid bone. 1 1. The cribriform or perforated plate of the ethmoid bone. " It separates the nasal cavity from the brain ; it is thin almost as a wafer, and pierced by numerous holes, through which the olfacto- ry nerve penetrates, in order to spread itself over the inner part of the nose." 12. The lower cell of the ethmoid bone. 13. The superior turbinated bone. 14. The inferior turbinated bone. 17. The sphenoid bone. The above cut, copied from Youatt, gives, with the subjoined explana- tions, a sufficient description of most of the structures of the head.. Some, however, demand a little more particular description. THE BRAIN. The brain of the sheep is smaller in proportion than that of Man, but is shaped so nearly like the latter, and so closely resembles it in its general structure and conformation, that it furnishes the medical student with a good substitute for the brain of the human subject ! The brain is invested in a membrane called the pia mater. The cranium or skull is lined by the dura mater, and between this and the former there is a delicate membrane called the tunica arachnoides. THE NERVES. Ten pair of nerves arise from the brain, and thirty pair from the spinal cord. These supply the sense of seeing, hearing, tasting^ gmelling, feeling, &c. &c. ; and a portion of them, termed neives of me SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. lion, communicate that volition of the brain to the different parts of the system, which produces motion. A description of these various nerves, OT sven an enumeration of them, would be of no 'practical benefit in a mere popular veterinary treatise. THE TEETH. The sheep has 24 molar teeth, and eight incisors. The latter are confined to the lower jaw, being opposed to a firm, hard, elastic pad or cushion on the upper jaw. The incisors are gow^e-shaped i. e., concave without and convex within which enables the sheep to crop tho herbage closer to the ground than our other domestic ruminant, the ox. The lamb is born without incisor teeth, or it has but two. In three or four weeks, it has eight small, shortish ones, as represented Fig. 51. Fig. 52. n fig. 50. Fig. 50. Fig. 54 Fig. 55. Whan not far from a year old though sometimes not until fourteen, fif- teen, or even sixteen months old the two central incisors are shed, and their place is supplied by two longer and broader teeth, as in fig. 51. The sheep is then termed, in this country, a yearling, or yearling jxzst. Two of the " lamb teeth" continue to be annually shed and their places supplied with the permanent ones until the sheep becomes "full-mouthed" Fig. 52 presents the teeth of a two-year-old-past fig. 53 of a three-year-old- past fig. 55 of a four-year-old-past. The four-year-old-past is, in reality, nearly or quite five years old, before it obtains its whole number of full-- grown permanent teeth. The two-year-old and three-year-old also about reach their next year before their additional incisors are fully grown. Hence, the English writers all speak of two broad teeth (meaning fully- grown ones) as indicating the age of two years ; four broad teeth, three years ; six broad teeth, four years ; and eight broad teeth, or full-mouthed, five years. I prefer the English arrangement, as more accurate, but the other is the common one in the Northern and Eastern States; and, as it is a matter of little practical consequence, it will here be adhered to. Fig. 54 gives an inside view of the incisors of a three-year-old-past an outside view of which is given in fig. 53. The two remaining lamb teeth are here shown, which in the outside view are concealed by the last pair of permanent teeth. From their being thus concealed, the three is often mistaken for the four-year-old-past, by those who do not count the perma- nent teeth. At six years old, the incisors begin, to diminish in breadth. At seven they have lost their fan-like shape, being equilateral, long, and narrow. At eight, they are still narrower ; and this year or the next, reversing the flaring or divergent position in which they are shown in fig. 55, they begip 238 SHEEF HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. to point in toward the two central ones. Their narrowness and inward direction increases for a year or two more, when they begin to drop out. Sheep fed on turnips or other roots, lose their teeth earlier than those which only receive grain, hay, &c. in winter. At twelve years old, the in- cisors are usually gone with the exception of one or two loose ones. And here let me remark that when the incisors are reduced to one or two, they should always be twitched out with a pair of nippers. They are useless for the purpose for which they were formed, and they prevent that contact of the lower gum with the pad above, which is now the only substitute for teeth in cropping grass. When all the incisors are gone, the gums of the lower jaw rapidly harden, and I have known ewes to live for years, keep in fair condition and rear lambs, without an incisor tooth in their heads ! The above remarks are more particularly applicable to the Merino breed. The other breeds, so far as my acquaintance extends, lose their teeth, or become " broken-mouthed " somewhat earlier ; and they dwin- dle away and die soon after they begin to lose their teeth. THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. THE BIFLEX CANAL. The lower extremities of the sheep, including the legs, feet, &c., require no anatomical description. I will simply call atten- tion to the biflex or interdigital canal, the nature and diseases of which have been the subjects of so many errors. It is a small orifice openin^ externally on the front of each pastern immediately above the cleft be- tween the toes. It bifurcates within, a tube passing down on each side of the inner face of the pastern, winding round and ending in a cul de sac. The use of this canal is a matter of doubt. Mr. Spooner thinks the hair always found in it is " excreted from the internal surface," and " from the oraallness of the opening it cannot escape, or rather is detained for a use- ful purpose." He continues : " The use of this canal, thus stuffed with hair, is self-evident. We have mentioned the great motion possessed by this pastern joint, which is so great as to threaten to chafe the skin by the friction of one side against the other. It is to prevent or ward off this friction that these biflex canals, or rather hair-stuffed cushions, are provided." In my judgment, this is a very far-fetched conclusion, and Mr. Youatt's is little more satisfactory. Diseases originating in this canal are some- times confounded with hoof-ail ; and the canal, or a portion of it, is often dissected, or rather mangled out by ignorant charlatans in pursuit of an imaginary ivorm, which, they induce the credulous farmer to believe, ori- ginates the hoof-ail ! The hoof-ail proper has nothing to do with, nor do its characteristic lesions extend to this canal. FEBRILE DISEASES. Simple inflammatory, malignant inflammatory, and typhus fevers often devastate the flocks of Europe ; but they seem scarcely to be known in the United States, and are. included in no American work on the diseases of sheep which has fallen under my eye. The same remark applies to phrenitis (inflammation of the brain), pleu- ritis (inflammation of the membrane which lines the thorax), gastritis (in- flammation of the stomach), enteretis (inflammation of the intestines), cys- titis (inflammation of the bladder), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), and several other inflammatory diseases. OPHTHALMIA. Ophthalmia, or inflammation of the eye, is not uncommon SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 239 in our country, but is little noticed, as in most cases it disappears in a few day*, or, at worst, is only followed by cataract. The cataract being usu- ally confined to one eye does not appreciably affect the value of the ani- mal, and therefore has no influence on its market price. As a remedy for this disease, Mr. Grove recommended blowing pulverized red chalk into the inflamed eye ! Others squirt into it tobacco juice, from that ever ready reservoir of this nauseous fluid, their mouths ! I apprehend that all such prescriptions are far worse than nothing. Conceiving it a matter of humanity to do fometlling, I have in some in- stances drawn blood from under the eye, bathed the eye in tepid water, and occasionally with a weak solution of the sulphate of zinc combined with tincture of opium. These applications diminish pain and accelerate the cure. PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is not a com- mon disease, in the Northern States, but undoubted cases of it sometimes occur, after sheep have been exposed to sudden cold particularly when recently shorn. The adhesions occasionally witnessed between the lungs and pleura of slaughtered sheep, betray the former existence of this dis- ease though in many instances it was so slight as to be mistaken, in the time of it, for a hard cold. The sheep laboring under pneumonia is dull, ceases to ruminate, neglects its food, drinks frequently and largely, and its breathing is rapid and laborious. The eye is clouded the nose discharges a tenacious, fetid matter the teeth are ground frequently, so that the sound is audible to some distance. The pulse is at first hard and rapid sometimes intermittent ; but before death it becomes weak. During the hight of the fever, the flanks heave violently. There is a hard, painful eough during the first stages of the disease. This becomes weaker, and &ems to be accompanied with more pain as death approaches. After death, the lungs are found more or less hepatized, i. e. permanently condensed, and engorged with blood, so that their structure resembles that of the hepar, or liver and they have so far lost their integrity that they are torn asunder by the slightest force. It may be well in this place to remark that when sheep die from any cause with their Hood in them, the lungs have a dark hepatized appear- ance. But whether actually hepatized or not, can be readily decided by compressing the windpipe, so that air cannot escape through it, and then between such compression and the body of the lungs, in a closely fitting orifice, insert a goose-quill or other tube, and continue to blow until the lungs are inflated so far as they can be. As they inflate, they will become lighter colored, and t>lainly manifest their cellular structure. If any por- tions of them cannot be inflated, and retain their dark, liver-like consistency and color, they exhibit hepatization the result of high inflammatory ac- tion and a state utterly incompatible, in the living animal, with the dis- charge of the natural functions of the viscus. With the treatment of pneumonia, I have but little personal experience. In the first or inflammatory stages of the disease, bleeding and aperients are clearly called for. Mr. Spooner recommends " early and copious bleeding, repeated, if necessary, in a few hours . . . this followed by aperi- ent medicines, such as 2 oz. of Epsom salts, which may be repeated in smaller doses if the bowels are not sufficiently relaxed. . . . The following sedative may also be given with gruel twice a day : Nitrate of potash 1 drachm. Digitalis, powdered 1 scruple. Tartarized antimony 1 do. 240 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The few cases I have seen have been of a sub-acute character, and would not bear treatment so decidedly and /think dangerously antiphlogistic. Mr. Youatt remarks : " Depletion may be of inestimable value during the continuance the short continuance of the febrile state ; but excitation like this will soon be followed by corresponding ex- haustion, and then the bleeding and the purging would be murderous expedients, and gentian, ginger, and the spirit of nitrous ether will afford the only hope of cure." BRONCHITIS. It would be difficult to suppose that where sheep are sub- ject to pneumonia they would not also be subject to bronchitis which is an inflammation of the mucous membrane which lines the bronchial tubes the air-passes of the lungs. I have seen no cases, however, which 1 have been able to identify as bronchitis, and have examined no subjects, after death, which exhibited its characteristic lesions. Its symptoms are those of an ordinary cold, but attended with more fever and a tenderness of the throat and belly when pressed upon. Treatment. Administer salt in doses from li to 2 oz., with 6 or 8 oz. of lime-water, given in some other part of the day. This is Mr. Youatt'a prescription. CATARRH. Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membrane which lines the nasal passages and it sometimes extends to the larynx and pha- rynx. In the first instance where the lining 1 of the nasal passages is alone and not very violently affected it is merely accompanied by an in- creased discharge of mucus, and is rarely attended with much danger. In this form it is usually termed snuffles, and high-bred English mutton sheep, in this country, are apt to manifest more or less of it, after every sudden change of weather. When the inflammation extends to the mucous lining of the larynx and pharynx, some degree of fever usually supervenes, ac- companied by cough, and some loss of appetite. At this point the Eng- lish veterinarians usually recommend bleeding and purging. Catarrh rarely attacks the American fine-wooled sheep with sufficient violence in summer, to require the exhibition of remedies. I early found that depletion, in catarrh, in our severe winter months, rapidly produced that fatal prostra- tion, from which it is next to impossible to recover the sheep entirely im- possible, without bestowing an amount of time and care on it, costing far more than the price of any ordinary sheep. The best course is to prevent the disease, by judicious precautions. With ,hat amount of attention which every prudent flock-master should bestow on his sheep, the hardy American Merino is little subject to it. Good, comfortable, but well-ventilated shelters, constantly accessible to the sheep in winter, with a sufficiency of food regularly administered, is usually a sufficient safeguard; and after some years of experience, during which I have tried a variety of experiments on this disease, I resort to no other remedies in other words, I do nothing for those occasional cases of ordina- ry catarrh which arise in my flock, and they never prove fatal. MALIGNANT EPIZOOTIC CATARRH. Essentially differing from the pre- ceding in type and virulence is an epidemic, or, more properly speaking, an epizootic, malady, which as often as once in eight or ten years sweeps over extended sections of the Northern States, destroying more sheep than all the other diseases put together. It usually makes its appearance in win- ters characterized 'by rapid and violent changes of temperature. The Northern farmers speak of these as the " bad winters " for sheep fre- quently without assigning any name to the malady. Others term the lat SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ter " The Distemper" and others again call it the " Grub in the Head" at- tributing the evil exclusively to the presence of these parasites. The latter, as I shall hereafter show, is an entirely erroneous hypothesis. The winter of 1846-7 was one of these " bad winters," and the d^ struction of sheep in New-York, and some adjoining States, was very ex tensive. Some flock-masters lost half, others three-quarters, and a few seven-eighths of their flocks. One individual within a few miles of me lost five hundred out of eight hundred another nine hundred out of one thousand ! But these severe losses fell mainly on the holders of the deli- cate Saxon sheep, and perhaps, generally, on those possessing not the best accommodations, or the greatest degree of energy and skill. I lost about fifty sheep during this winter, and never having seen any de- scription of the pathology of this disease, its diagnosis, its lesions or, in short, any attempt to ascertain its specific character or proper classifica- tion in our ovine nosology I shall attempt to supply some of these omis- sions. Not dreaming then of a publication of this kind, my notes were only taken for private reference, and were not as full as they should be for a veterinary treatise. I might supply some of these omissions accurately from recollection, but do not consider it proper thus to endanger the accu- racy of records, which as far as they go, I think may now be implicitly re- lied on. My post-mortem examinations were made at intervals snatched from other pressing engagements. This fact, and certain preconceived views which I subsequently found erroneous prevented me from making those examinations, and more particularly the records of them, as minute and extended as could be wished. I then sought only to convince myself of the true nature and character of the disease. In detailing the results of my experience in the premises, I conceive it a duty to frankly state the whole facts. The records of mismanagement and error, are often as useful, nay, more so, than those of successful manage- ment, and it is a pitiful pride which prevents any man, who pretends to communicate information to the public, from giving that public the bene- fit of his examples which are to be avoided, as well as those which are to hv followed. Up to February, my sheep remained apparently perfectly sound, and they were in good flesh. Each flock had excellent shelters, were fed re- gularly, etc., and although sheep were beginning to perish about the coun- try, my uniform previous impunity in these " bad winters " led me to en- tertain no apprehensions of the prevailing epizootic. About the first of February, my sheep went into the charge of a new man, hired upon the highest recommendations. A few days after, I was called away from home for a week. The weather during my absence was, a part of the time, very- severe. The sheep-house occupied by one flock containing one hundred sheep, was, with the exception of two doors, as close a room as can be made by nailing on the wall-boards vertically and without lapping, as is common on our Northern barns.* One of the doors was always left open, to permit the free ingress and egress of the sheep, and for necessary ventila- tion. A half dozen ewes which had been untimely impregnated by a neighbor's ram, were on the point of lambing, and it being safer to confine the ewes in a warm room over night, the shepherd, instead of removing them to such a room, confined the whole flock in the sheep-house every night, and rendered it warm by closing loth doors ! After two or three hours, the air must have become excessively impure. On entering the sheep-house, on my return, I was at once struck with the fetid, highly of- fensive smell. A change, too, slight but ominous, had taken place in the * Boards in these cases shrink so as tc leave slight cracks between them. 2H 242 SHEEP HUSBANDRY N THE SOUTH. appearance of a part of the flock. They showed no signs of violent colds, ] heard no coughing, sneezing, or labored respiration and the only indica- tion of catarrh which I noticed, was a nasal discharge, by a few sheep, 13t those having this nasal discharge, and some others, looked dull and drooping ; their eyes ran a little were partially closed, the caruncle and lids looked pale their movements were languid and the shepherd com- plained that they did not eat quite so well as the others. The pulse was nearly natural though 1 thought a trifle too languid. Not knowing what the disease was and fully believing that depletion by bleeding or physic was not called for, let the disease be what it would. I contented myself with thoroughly purifying the sheep house seeingthat the feeding, etc.,* was managed with the greatest regularity and closely watching the farther symptoms of disease in the flock. In about a week, the above described symptoms were evidently aggravated, and there had been a rapid emaciation, accompanied with debility, in the sheep first at- tacked. The countenance was exceeding dull and drooping the eye kept more than half closed the caruncle, lids, &c. almost bloodless a gummy yellow secretion below the eye thick glutinous mucus adhering in and about the nostrils appetite feeble pulse languid and the muscu- lar energy greatly prostrated. Nothing unusual was yet noticed about their stools or urine. I now had all the diseased sheep removed from the flock, and placed in rooms the temperature of which could be easily regulated. I commenced giving slight tonics and stimulants, such as gentian, gin- ger, etc., but apparently with no material effect. They rapidly grew weak- er, stumbled and fell as they walked, and soon became unable to rise. The appetite grew feebler the mucus at the nose, in some instances, tinged with dark grumous blood the respiration oppressed, and they died with- in a day or two after they became unable to rise. I proceeded to make some post-mortem examinations, which I shall here detail, although, as I have before remarked, they are extremely im- perfect. I was at first inclined to suspect that the primary disease was one of some of the abdominal or thoracic viscera, and this impression was con- firmed by the abnormal condition of these viscera in the first subjects exam- ined. I therefore improperly confined my attention to these, and some of the external tissues, without any examination of the interior organs of the head and neck. I shall give my notes verbatim as they were taken down at the time, whether the appearances detailed have, as I now believe, any connection with the fatal disease or not. Case 1st. Old sheep. Much emaciated mouth and lips covered with yellow froth yellow waxy matter under eyes adhesive mucus in and about nostrils. On opening, external tissues appear healthy two hyda- tids on omentum of the size of a walnut gall-bladder enlarged and enor- mously distended with pale, and apparently not properly eliminated bile gall-bladder slightly adhering to omentum mesenteric glands enlarged other abdominal viscera believed to be normal- fasces in rectum thought to indicate a constipated habit stomachs rather empty. Thoracic viscera healthy. Case 2d. Two years old. External appearances as in Case 1st, with the exception of the yellow froth about the mouth. External tissues healthy. Gall-bladder very small and nearly empty bile pale and un eliminated mesenteric glands enlarged schirrous tumor at the junction * They had been fed with bright hay three times a day, and turnips. As those affected as above did nl eat their turnips well, I commenced feeding some oats, in addition to the turnips. I believed that a gener out feed was called for, and I gave it SHEEP HUSBANDRY IiN THE SOUTH. 243 of the coecum and colon of the size of a butternut. Superior lobe of left lung adherent to pleura costalis three lobes of right lung ditto, with slight traces of recent inflammation. Hydro-pericarditis the pericardium slight- ly inflamed and containing something more than a gill of serum. Case 3d. Old, and in lamb. External appearances and tissues as in Case 2d. Omentum dark-yellowish, or yellowish-brown by deposition of lymph, the result of inflammatory action gall-bladder precisely as in Caso 2d tabes mesentrica or enlargement of the mesenteric glands, as in the preceding cases. Middle lobe of right lung slightly hepatized, and adher- ent to pleura costalis hydro-pericarditis, (a gill of serum in pericar- dium.) Case 4th. Yearling ram. External appearances and tissues as in pre ceding cases. Two small hydatids on omenturn gall-bladder as in two preceding cases mesenteric glands as in preceding cases. Traces of diar- rhea. Thoracic viscera healthy. Case 5th. Lamb. External appearance as in preceding cases omen- turn as in Case 3d, and small hydatid on it gall-bladder as in three pre- ceding cases ditto of mesenteric glands. Thoracic viscera healthy. Case 6th. Four-year-old ram, killed for examination, in the first stage- of the disease. Yet strong, appetite good, in fair condition, and exhibited no particular external indications of disease except running at the eyes, a slight gummy deposition below them and some mucus about the nostrils.. Oall-bladder but little better filled than in preceding cases mesenteric' glands same as in preceding cases. Thoracic viscera healthy. Remarks on Preceding Cases. I had started on the supposition that the fatal disease would be found one of the lungs, consequent on ca- tarrh. I" thought it might prove a species of pneumonia, though some of the characteristic symptoms of that disease seemed to be wanting ; but I believed it would rather prove to be phthisis pulmonalis, or pulmonary consumption. To the last disease, when it assumes the form of what is. popularly called " quick consumption," it seemed to me to bear several striking analogies. But the post-mortem examinations above detailed, en- tirely overthrow these suppositions. Except in Case 2d, there were no> manifestations of recent inflammation of the lungs. The adhesions in Case- 3d, were evidently referable to a past date. In the other four cases, the lungs were in a healthy condition exhibiting not a trace of hepatization,.. tubercles, ulcers, or other abnormal action ! In Case 6th, where the dis- ease was in its first observable and therefore inflammatory stage, none of the thoracic viscera presented a particle of inflammation ! Then what was the disease ? It was evidently the same in the several' cases, yet the lesions disclosed by post-mortem examination were very va- rious. Hence, I was led to conclude that these lesions were the results of symptomatic disease, and that \he primary one was not yet discovered., The malady continued to spread. New cases occurred daily it began to exhibit itself in my other flocks. It had manifestly put on the charac- ter of an epizootic or, if I may be permitted to coin a word, an en-zo- otic. I now gave orders to have every sheep removed from the several flocks,, its soon as it should be attacked with disease. I also resolved on more ex- tended post-mortem examinations. The following are the notes taken in. the immediately succeeding cases. Case 7th. Yearling. External appearance as in the preceding cases external tissues normal mesenteiic glands slightly enlarged gall-blad- der of natural size, with good bile, and with the natural discolorations about it. Thoracic viscera healthy, with exception of pericardium, which exhibited traces of recent inflammation and contained a gill of serum 244 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The thorax also contained considerable fluid, which escaped without ad- measurement. I now examined the bronchial tubes, the lower portions of the windpipe, oesophagus, &c., and found them all in an apparently healthy condition. Before tracing these passages to the throat, I removed the upper portion of the skull and carefully examined the brain and its investing mem- branes. All seemed in a perfectly normal state. I then made a longitu- dinal section down through the middle part of the whole head, as is shown in fig. 49, and the seat and character of the fatal malady stood at once revealed ! The mucous membrane lining the whole nasal cavity, highly congested and thickened throughout its whole extent, betrayed the most intense in- flammation. At the junction of the cellular ethmoid bones with the cribri- form plate, (in the ethmoidal cells,) slight ulcers were forming on the mem- braneous lining! The inflammation also extended to the mucous mem- brane of the pharynx, and say three inches of the upper portion of the oeso- phagus. Here it rather abruptly terminated. Case 8th. Old, in lamb. External appearances as in preceding cases abdominal parietes healthy-; all the viscera apparently healthy. The in- flammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity, pharynx, and upper portion of oesophagus, as in Case 7th, only not quite so acute no ulcers on the membrane. Cases 5th and 6th reviewed. The heads of these two subjects having neen accidentally preserved, I examined them, and found the inflammatory action of the mucous membrane same as in cases 7th and 8th. Nor have I a particle of doubt that the same would have been found the case in all the preceding subjects, had they been examined. Nosology and Treatment. I had little difficulty in coming to the conclu- sion that the primary and main disease was a species of catarrh. It evidently, however, differed from ordinary catarrh in its diagnosis, and in the extent of the lesions accompanying both the primary and symptomatic dis- eases. In no case, even in the first attack, did I notice anything the fever the accelerated pulse the redness about the eyes and nostrils the cough- ing, etc., accompanying an ordinary severe attack of catarrh. And it was for this reason that I was misled as to the seat of the malady. From the very outset, according to my observations, the type of the disease was typhoid sinking rapidly tending to fatal prostration. How to reduce the local inflammation of the membrane lining the nasal cavities, I was at a loss to determine. I was satisfied that there was too much debility to admit of an antiphlogistic course of treatment. Still, to make myself sure, I bled in vhree or four cases, and, as I anticipated, it evidently accelerated th fatal catastrophe. Blistering could not be brought near to the seat of the inflammation, excepting on the nose, and independ- ent of the extreme difficulty of treating a blister on a spot so constantly exposed to dirt, the rubbing of hay, etc., in winter feeding, I believed it could have little effect, on an account of the thick nasal bone intervening between it and any portion of the inflamed membrane. And, moreover, the greater portion of the inflamed membrane rested on bones detached, except at one extremity, from all connection with the nasal bone. I blew Scotch snuff (through paper tubes) up the nostrils of some of the sheep, for two objects 1, to remove, by sneezing, the mucus, which mechanical- ly, and evidently injuriously, obstructed respiration ; and 2, to produce a new action, by which an increased mucous secretion would be excited, and thus the congested membrane relieved. But, farther than this, I TO- SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 245 sotted to no local or other treatment designed specifically to reach the local inflammation. The next step was to fix nn the constitutional treatment. The liver was evidently in a torpid state. There was a functional derangement in the mesenteric and probably other glands, and a want of activity in the general secretory system. What medicine would stimulate the liver, cause it to secrete the proper quantity as well as quality of bile, change the morbid action of the glands and secretory system, and restore activity and health to the vital functions generally? In my judgment, nothing promised so well as mercury ; and by its well known effect on the entire secretory sys- tem, it would powerfully tend to relieve the congested membranes of the head. In this opinion I was joined by a learned and experienced physi- cian, who, both as a matter of taste and humanity, has given no little at- tention to veterinary science and practice. The proto-chloride of mercury (calomel) was supposed to possess too much specific gravity to reach the fourth stomach, with any certainty, administered in a liquid ; and if ad- ministered as a ball or pill, it would be almost sure not to reach that stom- ach.* The dissolved bi-chloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) was therefore hit upon. One grain was dissolved in two ounces of water, and one-half ounce of the water (or one-eighth of a grain of corrosive sublimate) was exhibited in a day, in two doses. As constipation existed in most of the cases, it was thought that the bowels required to be stimulated into action, and slightly evacuated with a mild laxative. Having noticed in similar cases of debility and torpor of the intestinal cana.1, that purgation is often followed by a serous diarrhea, difficult lo correct, and leading to rapid prostration, and there being no in- testinal irritation to suffer exacerbation, I thought that rhubarb from its well known tendency to give tone to the bowels, and its secondary effect as a mild astringent was particularly indicated. It was given in a decoc- tion the equivalent of ten or fifteen grains at a dose accompanied with the ordinary carminative and stomachic adjuvants, ginger and gentian, in infusion. To a portion of the sheep I administered the rhubarb and its adjuvants alone ; to others I gave the bi-chloride of mercury in addition to the prece- ding. I employed these courses of treatment in a number .of cases, the records of all which have been accidentally destroyed with the exception of the following three. Case 9th. Ram, three years old. Has been drooping and weak, with feeble appetite, for some time has been separated from flock. Has eaten his oats irregularly for several days, and refused turnips, bran, etc., alto- gether much emaciated eyes partly closed, with a yellowish deposit below them caruncle and lids bloodless nostrils impeded with adhesive yellowish mucus. March 17th. Weaker than before would not rise to feed not seen to eat or ruminate gait, when helped up, weak and staggering ; eyes near- ly closed-^-stooled dry, hard faeces urine dark and reddish. Exhibited rhubarb with ginger and gentian in gruel blew snuff into nostrils. March 18th, morning Weaker; refused to eat anything. Exhibited rhubarb, ginger and gentian in gruel. Noon Urine seemingly bloody : breathing labored : exhibited corrosive sublimate in gruel. Night Dying. March 19th, morning Dead. Post-mortem appearances. Inner edges of both lobes of liver softened about two inches from horizontal fissure : hypropericarditis and hydro- * For reasons vrhdch will be hereafter given under the head of " The Proper Way of Administeripf Kedicinoa." 246 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. thorax nearly half pint of serum in latter. Other viscera apparently normal. Lining of superior portion of oesophagus and nasal ca.vity as in Case 8th. Case 10th. Three-year-old ewe. Drooping for several days : sleepy emaciated and weak : cannot rise without help : appearances about nos- trils and eyes as in Case 9th : appetite considerable rumination not ob- served. March 17th. Exhibited ginger and gentian in gruel : blew enuff in nostrils. Latter produced sneezing and a discharge of mucus. 18th : Morning. Weaker and would not eat. Noon. A little live- lier : ate hay and grain ; exhibited ginger and gentian. Night. Evac- uations thin: urine of a natural color. 1 9th. Morning: same. Noon. Exhibited same remedies as before. The same course was pursued for three days : the sheep appearing rather to gain, when one morning it was found dead. No post-mortem examination made. Case llth. Old ewe. Symptoms precisely as in Case 10th, except an occasional grinding of the teeth. March 17th. Treated exactly as in Case 9th. Lived three days and appeared to rally a little, then brought forth a Iamb and died. Post-mortem examination. Abdominal parietes healthy gall-bladder filled with pale bile : liver normal in size but softened throughout its entire extent, and pale : portions of it paler and more disor- ganized than others : no parasites in its ducts. Thoracic viscera normal. Sub-acute inflammation of the mucous lining of the nasal cavity, and of the superior portion of the oesophagus. Slight ulcer in the ethmoidal cells. I made various other post-mortem examinations. Some of the viscera in every case were in a more or less abnormal state ; but there was the same variety in the locality of the diseased action as in the preceding cases. But so far as the seat and character of the catarrhal affection was concerned, it was uniform in every case. The only difference was in in- tensity, as exhibited by the extent of the lesions. Not a single sheep recovered after the emaciation and debility had pro- ceeded to any great extent ! One such only lingered along until shearing. Its wool gradually dropped off: it seemed to rally a little once or twice, and then relapse ; and it perished one night in a rain-storm. In the gen- erality of instances the time from the first observed symptoms until death, varied from fen to fifteen days. A few died in a shorter time. In the three cases last detailed, the disease had evidently proceeded too far to be arrested by any treatment. I much regret the loss of the records of the other cases, which would throw farther light on the subject. I thought that the treatment produced favorable effects in some instances- particularly when resorted to at the commencement of the disease. At all events, some of the sheep recovered under the treatment particularly un- der that including the exhibition of the bi-chloride of mercury and very few, if any, recovered without any treatment. Candor compels me to say, however, that the results of the treatment were far from being highly sat- isfactory that the cases of recovery were much fewer than the deaths. I have merely stated what I believe to be the facts in the premises; I do not feel prepared to make any recommendations. The epizootic gradually abated toward spring, and my flock have since been in perfect health. Near spring, many farmers found what seemed to them an unusual num- ber of grubs in .the head (frontal sinuses) of the sheep which died of the prevailing epizootic, and therefore they attributed the disease to this cause, and this seems to be the prevailing popular opinion. In some of the latest cases in my flock, I discovered more or less grubs ; and, in two or three 'nstances an unusual number. In other cases where the external symj> SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 247 toms and the post-mortem appearances were almost identical, no grubs were to be seen. For this reason, and others which I shall assign when treating of grub in the head, I conclude that the popular opinion is erro- neous. THE RDT. The existence and prevalence of the Rot in the United States have been sufficiently alluded to in Letter XIV. Notwithstanding its comparative rareness here, so far as is known, at present, I think it expedient to give a full description of it. It may be more prevalent hereafter, or it may be found peculiar to localities where sheep have not yet been introduced. And whether so or not, as its existence will often be feared and suspected in diseased flocks, it is proper that the flock- master always have it in his power to clearly identify this terrible des- troyer. The diagnosis of the disease is thus given by Mr. Spoon er.* " The first symptoms attending this disease are by no means strongly marked ; there is no loss of condition, but rather apparently the contrary ; indeed, sheep intended for the butcher have been purposely colhed or rotted in order to increase their fattening propertiea for a few weeks, a practice which was adopted by the celebrated Bakewell. A want of liveliness and paleness of the membranes generally may be considered as the first symptoms of the disease, to which may be added a yellowness of the caruncle at the corner of the eye. Dr. Harrison observes, ' when in warm, sultry or rainy weather, sheep that are grazing on low and moist lands feed rapidly, and some of them die suddenly, there is fear that they have contracted the rot.' This suspicion will be farther increased if, a few weeks afterward, the sheep begin to shrink and become flaccid about the loins. By pressure about the hips at this time a crackling is perceptible now or soon afterward, the countenance looks pale, and upon parting the fleece the skin is found to have changed its vermilion tint for a pale red, and the wool is easily separated from the pelt; and as the disorder advances the skin be- comes dappled with yellow or black spots. To these symptoms succeed increased dullness, loss of condition, greater paleness of the mucous membranes, the eyelids becoming almost white and afterward yellow. This yellowness extends to other parts of the body, and a watery fluid appears tinder the skin, which becomes loose and flabby, the wool coming off readily. The' symptoms of dropsy often extend over the body, and sometimes the sheep becomes checkered, as it is termed a large swelling forms under the jaw, which, from the appearances of the fluid it contains, is in some places called the watery poke. The duration of the disease is uncertain ; the animal occasionally dies shortly after becoming affected, but more frequently it extends to from -three to six months, the sheep gradually losing flesh and pining away, particularly if, as is frequently the case, an obstinate purging supervenes." Mr. Youatt thus describes the post-mortem appearances : t " When a rotted sheep is examined after death, the whole cellular tissue is found to be mfiltrated, and a yellow serous fluid everywhere follows the knife. The muscles are soft and flabby : they have the appearance of being macerated. The kidneys are pale, flaccid, and infiltrated. . The mesenteric glands enlarged, and engorged with yellow serous fluid. The belly is frequently filled with water or purulent matter; the peritoneum is everywhere thickened, and the bowels adhere together by means of an unnatural growth. The heart is enlarged and softened, and the lungs are filled with tubercles. The principal alterations of structure .are in the liver. It is pale, livid, and broken down with the slightest pressure ; and on being boiled it will almost dissolve away. When the liver is not pale, it is often curiously spotted. In some cases it is speckled like the back of a toad. Nevertheless, some parts of it are hard and schirrous ; others are ulcerated, and the biliary ducts are filled with flukes. Here is the decided seat of disease, and it is here that the nature of the malady is to be learned. It is inflammation of the liver. . . . The liver attracts the principal alien- tion of the examiner : it displays the evident effects of acute and destructive inflammation ; and still more plainly the ravages of the parasite with which its ducts are crowded. Here is plainly the original seat of the disease the center whence a destructive influence spreads on every side. . . . The Fluke the Fasciola of Linnajus the Distoma hepaticum ut Rhodolphi the Planaria of Goese is found in the biliary ducts of the sheep, the goat, the deer, the ox, the horse, the ass, the hog, the dog, the rabbit, the guinea-pig, and various other animals, and even in the human being. It is from three quarters of an inch n an inch and a quarter in length, and from one-third to half an inch in greatest breadth. * Spooner, p. 391, et supra. t Youatt, p. 447, et supra. 248 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Figs. 56 and 58 represent this parasite of its usual size and appearance, and its resem- blance to a minute sole, divested of its fins, is very striking. The head is of a pointed form, round above and flat beuftath ; and the mouth opens laterally instead of vertically. Fig. 56. Fig. 57. Fig. 68. Fig. 59. THE FLUKE. There are no barbs or tentaculso, as described by some authors. The eyes are placed on th most prominent part of the head, and are very singularly constructed (fig. 57). They have the bony ring of the bird. . . . The anastomoses of the blood-vessels which ramify over the head are plainly seen through a tolerable microscope. The circulating and digestive organs are also evident, and are seated almost immediately below the head. The situation of the heart is seen in fig. 56, and the two main vessels evidently springing from it, and extending through almost the whole length of the fluke. Smaller blood-vessels, if so they may be called, ramify from them on either side. The convolutions of the bowels appear in fig. 59, and the vent, both for the faeces and the ova, and probably for the connection be- tween the sexes, is on the under part, and almost close to the neck In the belly, if so it may be called, are almost invariably a very great number of oval particles, hundreds of which, taken together, are not equal in bulk to a grain of sand. They are of a pale red color, and are supposed to be the spawn or eggs of the parasite There can be no doubt that the eggs are frequently received in the food. Having been discharged with the dung, they remain on the grass or damp spot on which they may fall, retaining their vital principle for an indefinite period of time. . . . They find not always, or they find not at all, a proper nidus in the places in which they are deposited ; but taken up with the food, escaping the perils of rumination, and threading every vessel and duct until they arrive at the biliary canal, they burst from their shells, and grow, and probably multi- ply Leeuwenhoek says that he has taken 870 flukes out of one liver, exclusive of those that were cut to pieces or destroyed in opening the various ducts. In other cases, and where the sheep have died of the rot, there were not found more than ten or twelve. . . . Then, is the fluke worm the cause or the effect of rot ? To a certain degree both. They aggravate the disease ; they perpetuate a state of irritability and disorganization, which must necessarily undermine the strength of any animal Notwithstanding all thi&, however, if the fluke follow the analogy of other entoza and parasites, it is the effect and not the cause of rot The rot in sheep is evidently connected with the soil or state of the pasture. It is con- fined to wet seasons, or to the feeding on ground moist and marshy at all seasons. It ha reference to the evaporation of water, and to the presence and decomposition of moist vege- table matter. It is rarely or almost never seen on dry or sandy soils and in dry seasons ; it is rarely wanting on boggy or poachy ground, except when that ground is dried by the heat of the summer's eun, or completely covered by the winter's rain. On the same farm there are certain fields on which no sheep can be turned with impunity. There are other* that seldom or never give the rot. The soil of the first is found to be of a pervious nature, on which wet cannot long remain the second takes a long time to dry, or is rarely or never so Some seasons are far more favorable to the development of the rot than others, and there u> no manner of doubt as to the character of those seasons. After a rainy summer or a moist autumn, or during a wet winter, the rot destroys like a pestilence. A return and a continuance of dry weather materially arrests its murderous progress. Most of the sheep SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 249 that had been already infected die ; but the number of those that are lost soon begins to b materially diminished. It is, therefore sufficiently plain that the rot depends upon, or is caused by, the existence of moisture. A rainy season and a tenacious soil are fruitful or inevitable sources of it The mischief is effected with almost incredible rapidity." Mr. Youatt here gives various instances to prove that rot is engendered in a few hours and even minutes. * He farther says : " It is an old observation that all pasture that is suspected to be unsound, the sheep should be folded early in the evening, before the first dews begin to fall, and should not be released from the fold until the dew is partly evaporated Then the mode of prevention that with which the farmer will have most to do, for the sheep having become once decidedly rotten, neither medicine nor management will havn much power in arresting the evil consists in altering the character of as much of the dan gerous ground as he can, and keeping his sheep from those pastures which defy all hia attempts to improve them If all unnecessary moisture is removed from the soil, or if the access of air is cut off by the flooding of the pasture, no poisonous gas has existence, and the sheep continue sound . The account of the treatment of rot must, to a considerable extent, be very unsatis- factory. " Mr. Youatt proceeds to recommend the sale of sheep to the butcfiw when they are found to be rotted ! Rot hastens for a short period the accumulation of fat. Bakewell a man whose name is associated with the exhibition of prodigious abilities in the improvement of stock, but, in my mind tarnished also by an equal exhibition of selfishness and absolute meanness displayed a characteristic sagacity in purposely rotting his sheep to avail himself of the above circumstance ! t It is with pain f make the following quotation from Youatt the only thing of such a char- acter I remember to have noticed in his voluminous works : It is one of the characters of the rot to hasten, and that to a strange degree, the accu- mulation of flesh and fat. Let not the farmer, however, push this experiment too far. I.ol him carefully overlook every sheep daily, and dispose of those which cease to make pro press, or which seem beginning to retrograde. It has already been stated that the meat of the rotted sheep, in the early stage of the disease, is not like thai of the sound one; it is pale and not so firm; but it is not un wholesome (!) and it is coveted by certain epicures, ofa, perhaps, are not altogether aware of the real state of the animal (! !) All this ie matter of calculation, and must be left to the owner of the sheep ; except that, if the breed is not of very considerable value, and the disease has not proceeded to emaciation or other fearful symptoms, the first loss will probably be the least ; and if the owner can get any- thing like a tolerable price for them, the sooner they are sent to the butcher, or consumed at home, the better. Supposing, however, that their appearance is beginning to tell tale* about them, and they are too far gone to be disposed of in the market or consumed at home, are they to be abandoned to their fate ? No : far from it. " Conceding to Mr. Youatt the whole benefit of that .saving clause ab.mi " consumption at home," the above sentence is one which I could well wish stricken from his valuable work. The sale of the meat of diseased animals, for human consumption, is abhorrent to decency and propriety, and there is not a respectable American family which would not revolt at the idea of either selling or consuming such meat. Of the treatment of rot, Mr. Youatt continues : " If it is suited to the convenience of the farmer, and such ground were at all within his roach, the sheep should be sent to a salt-marsh in preference to the best pasture on the best farm. There it will feed on the salt incrusted on the herbage, and pervading the pores of every blade of grass. A healthy salt-marsh permits not the sheep to become rotten which graze upon it ; and if the disease is not considerably advanced, it cures those which are sent upon it with the rot. . . . Are there any indications of fever heated mouth, heaving flanks, or failing appetite ? Is the general inflammation beginning to have a determination to that part on which the disease usually expends its chiefest virulence ? Is there yellow * Youatt, p. 453. t So ey both Spooner and YouaSL 250 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ness of the lips and of the mouth, of the eyes, and of the skin ? At the same tine, a 1 "* there no indications of weakness and decay ? Nothing to show that the constitution is latally undermined ? Bleed abstract, according to the circumstances of the case, eight, ten, or twelve ounces of blood. There is no disease of au inflammatory character at its commencement which is not benefited by early bleeding. To this let a dose of physic succeed two or three ounces of Epsom salts, administered in the cautious manner so fre- quently recommended ; and to these means let a change of diet be immediately added good hay in the field, and hay, straw, or chaff, in the straw-yard. The physic having operated, or an additional dose, perchance, having been administered in order to quicken the action of the first, the farmer will look out for farther means and appliances Two or three grains of calomel may be given daily, but mixed with talf the quantity of opium, in order to secure its beneficial, and ward off its injurious effects on the ruminant. To this should be added a simple and cheap medicine, but that which is the sheet-anchor of the practitioner here common salt In the first place, it i a purgative inferior to few, when given in a full dose ; and it is a tonic as well as a purgative. ... A mild tonic, as well as an aperient, is plainly indicated soon after the commencement of rot. The doses should be from two to three drachms, repeated morning and night. When the inflammatory stage is clearly passed, stronger tonics may be added to the salt, and there are none superior to the gentian and ginger roots ; from one to two drachms of each, finely powdered, may be added to each dose of the salt. .... The sheep having a little recov ered from the disease, should still continue on the best and driest pasture on the farm, and should always have salt within their reach The rot is not infectious." DIARRHEA. This disease is often more properly a nervous than a febrile one in the former case, a morbid increase of the peristaltic motion of the bowels in the latter, an inflammation of the mucous coat of the smallex intestines. But for the purpose of viewing it in connection with dysen- tery, to which it is sometimes closely allied, and into which it often runs and which is clearly a febrile disease it will be described here. Conimon diarrhea, purging, or scours, manifests itself simply by tho copiousness and fluidity of the alvine evacuations. It is brought on by a sudden change from dry feed to green, or by the introduction of im- proper substances into the stomach. It is important to clearly distinguish this disease from dysentery. In diarrhea there is no apparent general fever ; the appetite remains good ; the stools are thin and watery, but unaccompanied with slime (mucus) and blood ; the odor of the fasces is far less offensive than in dysentery ; the general condition of the animal is but little changed. Treatment. Confinement to dry food for a day or two, and a gradual re- turn to it, oftentimes suffice. I have rarely administered anything to grown sheep, and never have lost one from this disease. To lambs, especially if attacked in the fall, the disease is more serious. If the purging is severe, and especially if any mucus is observed with the faeces, the feculent mat- ter should be removed from the bowels by a gentle cathartic as half a drachm of rhubarb, or an ounce of linseed-oil, or half an ounce of Epsom salts to a lamb. This should always be followed by an astringent, and in nine cases out of ten, the latter will serve in the first instance. I gener- ally administer, say, J oz. of prepared chalk in half a pint of tepid milk, once a day for two or three days, at the end of which, and frequently after the first dose, the purging will have ordinarily abated or entirely ceased. The following is the formula of the English " sheep's cordial " usually prescribed in cases of diarrhea by the English veterinarians, and there can be no doubt it is a safe and excellent remedy better probably than sim- ple chalk and milk, in severe cases : Take of prepared chalk one ounce, powdered catechu half an ounce, powdered ginger two drachms, and pow- dered opium half a drachm ; mix them with half a pint of peppermint wa- ter give two or three table-spoonsfull morning and night to a grown thaep, and half that quantity to a lamb SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 251 DYSENTERY. Dysentery is caused by an inflammation of the mucous 01 inner coat of the larger intestines, causing a preternatural increase in their secretions, arid a morbid alteration in the character of those secretions. It is frequently consequent on that form of diarrhea which is caused by an inflammation of the mucous coat of the smaller intestines. The inflam- mation extends throughout the whole alimentary canal, increases in viru- lence, and it becomes dysentery a disease frequently dangerous and ob- stinate in its character, but fortunately not common among sheep in this part of the United States. Its diagnosis differs from that of diarrhea in several readily observed particulars. There is evident fever ; the appe- tite is capricious, ordinarily very feeble ; the stools are as thin or even thin- ner than in diarrhea, but much more adhesive in consequence of the pres- ence of large quantities of mucus. As the erosion of the intestines ad- vances, the faeces are tinged with blood ; their odor is intolerably offensive ; and the animal rapidly wastes away. The .course of the disease extends from a few days to several weeks. Treatment. I have seen but a few well-defined cases of dysentery, and in the half-dozen instances which have occurred in my own flock, T have usually administered a couple of purges of linseed-oil, followed by chalk and milk as in diarrhea (only doubling the dose of chalk), and a few drops of laudanum, say twenty or thirty with ginger and gentian. Ac- cording to my recollection, about one-third of the cases have proved fatal, but they have usually been old and feeble sheep. Farther inquiry satisfies me that moderate bleeding should be resorted to in the first or inflammatory stage of the disease, or whenever decided febrile symptoms are found to be present. Mr. Youatt prescribes bleeding, cathartics, mashes, gruel, &c. He says : " Two doses of physic having been administered, the practitioner will probably have re- course to astringents. The sheep's cordial will probably supply him with the best ; and to this, tonics may soon begin to be added an additional quantity of ginger may enter into the composition of the cordial, and gentian powder will be a useful auxiliary. With this as an excellent stimulus to cause the sphincter of the anus to contract, and also the mouths of the innumerable secretory and exhalent vessels which open on the inner surface of the in- testine a half grain of strychnine may be combined Smaller doses should be given for three or four days." GARGET Is an inflammation of the udder, with or without gene- ral inflammation. Where simply an inflammation of the udder, it is usual- ly caused by a too great accumulation of milk in the latter prior to lamb- ing, or in consequence of the death of the lamb. It is not the serious mala- dy, here, described by the English veterinarians. Treatment. Drawing the milk partly from the bag so that the hungry lamb will butt and work at it an unusual time in pursuit of its food, arid bathing it a few times in cold* water, usually suffices. If the lamb is dead, the milk should be drawn a few times, at increasing intervals, washing the udder for some time in cold water at each milking. In cases of obdurate induration, the udder should be anointed with iodine ointment. If there is general fever in the system, an ounce of Epsom salts may be given. NEK-VOUS DISEASES. APOPLEXY. Soon after the sheep are turned to grass in the spring, one of 3lie best conditioned sheep in the flock is sometimes suddenly found dead. The English veterinarians recommended worn fomentations. 252 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The symptoms which precede the catastrophe are occasionally noted The sheep leaps frantically into the air two or three times, dashes itself on tiie ground and suddenly rises, arid dies in a few moments. Such cases occur but now and then, and none have ever occurred in my flock to my knowledge. I have therefore had no opportunity of observing the diagnosis, or making dissections. There can be little doubt, however, that the disease is apoplexy. Desirous to raise the condition of a poorisli flock (the poorest sheep culled from my other flocks) somewhat too rapidly, perhaps, some winters since, in addition to good hay three times a day, I ordered them fed a gill of oats per head ; and as rapidly as it could be done without bringing on scours, I had them fed a liberal allowance of Swedish turnips about as much as they would eat up clean. They gained perceptibly. One day a sheep was reported to me as having become suddenly blind and motion- less. I immediately examined it. It was in good fair condition. It stood with its head a little down its eyes were glassy and staring it was stone blind ! The evening before nothing unusual had been perceived about it. I bled it at the inner angle of each eye, and the blood had scarcely started before its sight began to return. In less than a minute it walked off among its companions. It had no relapse. Another case was soon re- ported; I treated it in the same way, and with the same apparent effect. The symptoms soon returned, however, and I bled again. This appeared to produce but a partial restoration of the sight. The sheep would not follow its companions into and out of the sheep-house. When approach- ed, it would run about knocking its head against fences, &c. It lost con- dition, finally became unable to rise, and died. Another one, after being bled, fed regularly, but its sight was never restored. It lived along thus for three or four weeks, and then fell into a hole containing water, and perished. Another apparently recovered, all but sight, and continued in my flock for more than a year afterward. The eye was bright and clear, as in gutta serena, and the blindness would not be suspected, unless the sheep was cornered up. Then, if the catchers remained momentarily still, it would as soon run into their arms or against the fence, as in any other direction. Perhaps fifteen cases occurred. In three or four instan- ces the blind sheep, when they moved, constantly traveled round in a circle. In about as many cases, they twisted themselves about without progressing, the head was drawn round toward one side, they fell, ground their teeth, and their mouths were covered with a frothy mucus. In neither of the latter description of cases did bleeding at the inner angles of tne *yes afford anything more than temporary relief. They all proved fatal. At the time these things occurred, I regret to say that I had paid but very little attention to veterinary science, and had never made a dissec- tion. I did nothing but bleed at the inner angles of the eyes, and mado no post-mortem examinations. Taking into consideration the feed and the symptoms, there can be but little doubt, I think, that all these cases were referable to a determination of Hood to the brain. The sheep were not fat, but the secretions of blood were rapidly and powerfully increased by rich and abundant food. Treatment. If the eyes are prominent and fixed, the membranes of the mouth and nose highly florid, the nostrils highly dilated, and the respira- tion labored and stertorous, the veins of the head turgid, the pulse strong and rather slow, and these symptoms attended by a partial or entire IOSH of sight and hearing, it is one of those decided cases of apoplexy which require immediate and decided treatment. As the good effects of vene- SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 253 Bection, in all cases, and especially in this, depend not only upon the amourii of blood abstracted, but also upon the rapidity with which it is drawr from the veins, the eye-veins are not the proper ones to op^n. They are so small that the blood flows slowly, and if cut directly across, as is usually done, they soon contract, and the flow of blood is arrested before a suffi- cient quantity has been abstracted. It is better to have recourse at onco to the jugular vein. The animal should be bled until an obvious constitu tional effect is produced the pulse lowered and the rigidity of the muscles relaxed. An aperient should at once follow bleeding, and if the animal is strong and plethoric, a sheep of the size of the Merino would require at least two ounces of Epsom salts, and one of the large mutton sheep more. tf this should fail to open the bowels, half an ounce of the salts should bs DC given, say, twice a day. In the milder cases which I have mentioned as occurring in my own fiock, I think had I bled more thoroughly, in the very first attack, and given a mild aperient of Epsom salts, most of the sheep would have re- covered. PHRENITIS, TETANUS, EPILEPSY, PALSY, RABIES. I never have seen a well-defined case of either of these maladies among our sheep, though, in a few instances, something which struck me at the time as somewhat analogous to paralysis or palsy. Palsy is a diminution or entire loss of the powers of motion in some part of the body. I have occasionally seen, in the winter, poor lambs, or poor pregnant ewes, or poor feeble ewes immediately after yeaning in the spring, lose the power of walking or standing rather too suddenly to have it satisfactorily referable to in- creasing debility. The animal seems to have lost all strength in its loins, and the hind-quarters are powerless. It makes ineffectual attempts to rise, and cannot stand if placed upon its feet. Treatment. Warmth, gentle stimulants, and good nursing, might raise the patient, but in nineteen cases out of twenty it would be more econo- mical and equally humane, to at once deprive it of life. COLIC. Sheep are occasionally seen, particularly in the winter, lying clown and rising every moment or two, and constantly stretching their fore and hind legs so far apart that their bellies almost touch the ground. They appear to be in much pain, refuse all food, and not unfrequently die, unless relieved. This disease is popularly known as the " stretches" and is erroneously attributed to int.rosusception of an intestine. Some farmers worry the sheep with a dog, and others hold it up by the hind re i I consider it a sort of flatulent colic induced by to effect a cure ! I consider it a sort of flatulent colic induced by costiveness. Treatment. ftalf an ounce of Epsom Falts, a drachm of ginger, and sixty drops of essence of peppermint. The salts alone, however, will effect the cure, as will an equivalent dose of linseed-oil, or even hog's lard. 254 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER XVI. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT (Continued ) Cachectic Diseases... Hydatid on the Brain diagnosis common methods of treating it treatment of French and English veterinarians... The Pelt Hot. ..Local diseases... Grub in the head the nature at the disease, if one erroneous popular opinions location of the grub description of the fly (CEstrua ovis) method of attacking the sheep conduct of the sheep appearance of the larva its habits the chrysalis the larva found in the heads of healthy sheep not believed to be the cause or source of fatal disease Mr. Bracy Clark's and Mr. Youatt's opinion method of preventing and of expelling the grub... Scab nature of it habits of the acari description of them contagiousness of the disease post-mor- tem appearances treatment... Erysipelatous scab treatment. ..Disease of Biflex Canal nature and treatment. ..Hoof-ail first indications erroneous statements of foreign veterinarians of Mr. Youatt author's experience with it diagnosis chronic hoof-ailcan it be cured ? difficulties preparation of the foot ordinary treatment proper treatment cost of curing a flock cheap partial remedies sug- gestions contagiousness of the disease how communicated... Fouls cause and treatment... Broncho- cele or goitre diagnosis treatment... Miscellaneous diseases... Poison from eating Laurel symptoms- treatment... fiore Face cause and treatment... Loss of cud not a disease... Hoove cause symptoms- cure... Obstruction of Gullet, or choking treatment... Fractures treatment, &c... Method of adminis- tering medicine into the stomach... Method of bleeding... The place of feeling the pulse... List of medi- cines employed in treating the diseases of Eheep... Ale. ..Aloes.. .Alum. ..Antimony. ..Arsenic. ..Blue Vitriol.. .Camphor... .Carraway seeds... .Catechu.. . .Chalk. . .Corrosive Sublimate. . .Digitalis. . .Epsom Salta... Gentian. ..Ginger. ..Iodine. ..Lard. ..Lime, carbonate of.. .Lime, chloride of.... Linseed Oil... Mercury... Muriatic Acid... Nitrate of Potash... Nitrate of Silver... Nitric Acid. ..Opium... Pepper. .. Pimento. ..Rhubarb. ..Salt. ..Sulphate of Iron... Sulphur.... Sulphuric Acid.... Spirit of Tar Tar... Tobacco. . . Turpentine . . .Verdigris . . . Zinc. CACHECTIC DISEASES. HYDATID ON THE BRAIN. This disease, known as turnsick, sturdy, staggers, etc., is spoken of by Chancellor Livingston, and other writers of reputation, as having occurred in this country within their own obser- vation. 1 have never seen a case of it, and shall be obliged, therefore, to make use of the descriptions of others. Mr. Spooner says : " The .symptoms are a dull, moping appearance, the sheep separating from the flock, a wandering and blue appearance to the eje, and sometimes partial or total blindness ; tho sheep appears unsteady in its walk, will sometimes stop suddenly and fall down, at others gallop across the field, and after the disease has existed for some time will almost constantly move round in a circle there seems, indeed, to be an aberration of the intellect of the nnimal. These symptoms, though rarely all present iu the same subject, are yet sufficiently marked to prevent the disease being mistaken for any other. On examining the brain of sturdied sheep, we find what appears to be a watery bladder, termed a hydatid, which may be either small or of the size of a hen's egg. This hydatid, one of the class of entozoSns has been termed by naturalists the hydatis polycephalus cerebralis, which signifies the many-headed hydatid of the brain ; these heads being irregularly distributed on the sur- face of the bladder, and on the front part of each head there is a mouth surrounded by minute sharp hooks within a ring of sucking disks. These disks serve as the means of attachment by forming a vacuum, and bring the mouth in contact with the surface, and thus by the aid of the hooks the parasite is nourished. The coats of the hydatid are disposed in several layers, one of which appears to possess a muscular power. These facts are developed by the microscope, which also discovers numerous little bodies adhering to the internal membrane. The fluid in the bladder is usually clear, but occasionally turbid, and Ihen it has been found to contain a number of minute worms. " According to Mr. Youatt, this disease attacks many of the weakly lambs in the English flocks. It usually appears, he remarks, " during the first year of the animal's life, and when he is about or under sis months old." It succeeds a " a severe winter and a cold, wet spring." He says : " If there is only one parasite inhabiting the brain of a sturdied sheep, its situation is very uncertain. It is mostly found beneath the pia-mater, lying upon the brain, and in or upon the scissure betwewn the two hemispheres. If it is within the brain, it is generally in one of the ventricles, but occasionally iu the substance of the brain, and, in a few instances, in &af of the cerebellum .... SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 255 This is a singular disease ; but it is a sadly prevalent and fatal one in wet and moorish districts It is much more fatal in France than in Great Britain. It is supposed that nearly a million of sheep are destroyed in France every year by this pest of the ovin* race. . . . '. The means of cure are exceedingly limited. They are confined to the removal or de< truction of the vesicle. Medicine is altogether out of the question here." Many barbarous methods have been adopted to rupture the hydatid, which I will not disgust you by repeating. Mr. James Hogg thrust a wire up the nostrils of the sheep, and through the plate of the ethmoid bone into the brain, and thus, as he assures us, punctured the hydatid and "cured many a sheep !"* This practice, which I cannot characterize otherwise than as atrocious, is justly condemned by Mr. Youatt. The dotted lines d, e, and d, d, in fig. 49, show how limited a portion of the brain could be reached with a wire or trochar by piercing the plate of the ethmoid bone the only portion of the walls of the skull thin enough to be so pierced by a trochar introduced at the nostrils. Mr. Parkinson " pulled the ears very hard for some time," and then cut them off close to the head ! t Where the hydatid is not imbedded in the brain, its constant pressure, singularly enough, causes a portion of the cranium to be absorbed, and finally the part immediately over the hydatid becomes thin and soft enough to yield under the pressure of the finger. When such a spot is discovered, the English veterinarians usually dissect back the muscular integuments, remove 'a portion of the bone, carefully divide the investing membranes of the brain, and then, if possible, remove the hydatid whole or, failing to do this, remove its fluid contents. The membranes and integuments "are then restored to their position, and an adhesive plaster 1 placed over the whole. The French veterinarians usually simply punc- ture the cranium and the cist with a trochar, and laying the sheep on its back, permit the fluid to run out through the orifice thus made. A com- mon awl would answer every purpose for such a puncture. The puncture would be the preferable method for the unskilled practitioner. But when we take into consideration the hazard and cruelty attending the operation at best, and the conceded liability of a return of the malady the growth of new hydatids it becomes apparent that, in this country, it would not be worth while, unless in the case of uncommonly valuable sheep, to resort to any other remedy than depriving the miserable animal of life. PELT ROT Is classified as a disease by Mr. Livingston, and various other American writers. Mr. Livingston says : " This is often mistaken for the scab, but it is in fact a different and less dangerout disease ; in this the wool will fall off, and leave the sheep nearly naked ; but it is attended with no soreness, though a white crust will cover the skin from the wool which has dropped. It generally arises from hard keeping and much exposure to cold and wet. ard, in Fact, the animal often dies in severe weather from the cold it suffers by the loss of its coat. The remedy is full feeding, and a warm stall, and anointing the hard part of the skin with tar, oil, and butter," t I have seen frequent cases of the pelt rot, but never have done any thing for it, scarcely considering it a disease. If the condition of a poor sheep is raised as suddenly as practicable, by generous keep in the winter, the wool is very apt to drop off, and if yet cold, the sheep will require warm shelter. * Hogg on Sheep, p. 59. 1 Parkuuson on Sheep, vol. 1, p. 412. I Livingston on Sheep, Appendix, p. 179. 256 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LOCAL DISEASES. * GRUB IN THE HEAD." If the " grubs " found in the frontal and max- illary sinuses of the sheep actually, in any case, produce disease, it must be, in my judgment, by the irritation and inflammation which they induce in the mucous membrane which lines those cavities. The popular theory that the grub causes death by boring through the bony walls which sur- round the brain, and attacking the substance of the brain itself, is, it seems to me, utterly absurd. The only part of the skull where it could even be fancied that such a perforation would be practicable, is the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (11 of fig. 49,) which is very thin and is pierced with numerous small holes for the passage of nerves. But an inspection of the same figure will show that the sinus where the parasite is generally found lodged, is not in immediate juxtaposition with the cribriform plate, and that a passage from the former to the brain, would lead directly through the frontal bono the thickest one of the whole cranium. I never saw but one grub in the cells of the ethmoid bone near the cribriform plate, and that, I judged at the time, was thrown there accidentally by the violence attending the opening of the head.* But if the grub actually penetrates to the brain, the fact would readily be disclosed after death. The full- grown grub would necessarily leave an orifice of considerable diameter through the skull. Who has seen any such orifice in the cribriform plate or elsewhere 1 Who has seen any orifice but the natural ones of the crib- riform plate, filled with the nerves which pass through them ? The farmer splits open the head of a sheep with an ax, cutting, mangling and scatter- ing its contents, by the repeated blows necessary to effect his purpose. Under such circumstances grubs are sometimes found scattered through all the nasal cavities over and among the brains and on the ground.* The proof is just as strong, here, that prior to opening the head, some of the grubs were on the ground, as that they were in the brain ! The " grub " of popular parlance is the larva of the (Estrus ovis, or gad-fly of the sheep. The latter is represented of the nat- ural size in figures 60 and 61. It is composed of five rings. It is tiger-colored on the back and belly, sprinkled with spots and patches of 'brown. The wings are striped. The comparative propor- tions of the head, corslet, wings, etc. are sufficient- ly seen in the cuts. He who desires a full, scien- tific description of these insects, or who would SHEEP GAD-FLY. fully investigate their habits and economy, will do well to consult the excellent monograph of them by Mr. Bracy ClarK the celebrated veterinarian. The sheep gad-fly is led by instinct to deposit its eggs within the nos trils of the sheep. Its attempts to do this, most common in July and Au- gust, are always indicated by the sheep, which collect in close clumps with their heads inward and their noses thrust close to the ground, and in-. to it, if any loose dirt or sand is within their reach. If the fly succeeds in depositing its egg, it is immediately hatched by the warmth and moisture of the part, and the young grubs, or larvae, crawl up the nose, finding their devious way to the sinuses, where, by means of their tentaculse, they at- tach themselves to the mucous membrane lining those cavities. During the ascent of the larvae, the sheep stamps, tosses its head violently, and ofr ten dashes away from its companions wildly over the field. The larvae re- * The head was cloven with an ax ! It is proper to pay, however, that various writers epeak of having fenukl the grubs in the ethmoid cells, and indeed in all the nasal cavitiea. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 257 main in the sinuses feeding on the mucus secreted by the membrane, and apparently creating no farther annoyance, until ready to assume their pu- pa form in the succeeding spring. Figures 62 and 63 give the shape an^ an upper and under view of the full-grown larva. Fig. 62. Fig. C3. THE "GRUB" OR LARVA OF THE SHKEP GAD-FLY. The body consists of eleven rings, colorless in the young grub, but tne elevated portions growing darker with age, and becoming a dark brown when the full size is attained. There are round spots of a still darker color on each of these bands. At the edges of the rings are a few short hairs, and lower down some round darkish spots, as shown in fig. 62. Small red spines, as shown in fig. 63, cover the space between the rings on the belly. The remainder of the body (with the exception of the poste- rior stigmata.) is white. The tentaculae, as well as certain appendages on each side of the anus, the purposes of which have not been discovered, are seen in fig. 63. The larva having remained in the sinuses through the fall arid winter, abandons them as the warm weather advances in the latter part of spring. It crawls down the nose, creating even greater irritation and excitement than when it originally ascended, drops on the ground, and rapidly bur- rows into it. In a few hours its skin has contracted, become of a dark brown color, and it has assumed the form of a chrysalis, as seen in fig. 64. Or rather, this figure exhibits the shell of the chrysalis, af- ter the escape of the fly ; and fig. 65 shows the upper ex- Fig '- 4 ' tremity or head of the pupa, detached by the fly in its es- cape. The experiments of Valisnieri go to show that the CEs- trus ovis never eats : and this is the received opinion. The male, after impregnating two or three females, dies, and the latter having deposited their ova in the nostrils of the sheep, also soon perish. The larva in the heads of sheep may, and probably do add to the irritation of those inflammatory diseases, such as catarrh, which attack the membraneous lining of the nasal cavities ; and they are, as we have seen, a powerful source of momentary irritation in the first instance, when ascending to and descending from their lodging-place in the head. But in the interval between these events extending over a period of several months not a movement of the sheep indicates the least annoy- ance at their presence, or reveals to the veterinarian whether they exist in the sinuses or not. It would be very difficult to believe that all the local irritation which these parasites could cause, would be sufficient to termi- nate life, and, so far as my observation has extended, post-mortem exam- ination discloses no lesions which would in anywise sanction such belief. The larvse, moreover, are found, at the proper season, in the heads of near- ly all sheep the healthy as well as the diseased and I never have been able to ascertain that the number of them is greater, on the average, in the heads of those sheep which were supposed to have fallen victims to their attacks, than in the hea'ds of perfectly healthy sheep slaughtered for the table. And to prove that the popular ideas on the subject are but vague 2K SHELL OF CHRYSALIS. 258 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. and crude not the result of that long and close comparison of symptoms, results, and post-mortem appearances, which would give weight to the opinions of the most unerudite we have but to notice a few of the cases popularly referred to the " grub in the head." A sheep in the highest condition and apparent health leaps into the air two or three times, and suddenly dies, and if a grub can be found in the cavities of the head, that is the undoubted destroyer. Another wastes away for months and dies lingeringly, a mere skeleton, and 'the same proof establishes the same fact. Whether there has been fever or no fever whether there has been obsti- nate constipation, or equally obstinate dysentery whether one viscus or another exhibit traces of abnormal action whether the disease has been acute or chronic in a word, whatever the form or character of the mal- ady however diametrically different the diagnosis and the lesions, it is a clear case of 4t grub in the head," if two or three of those parasites are found there ! Mr. Bracy Clark and Mr. Youatt, so far from regarding the larva of the (Estrus ovis as the cause of a fatal disease, suggest that they may even promote the health of the sheep by diminishing the tendency to cerebral disease especially determinations of blood by establishing counter irri- tation ! Mr. Spooner does not speak of their producing fatal effects in any instances, nor am I aware that any late scientific veterinarians do. Treatment. Though the presence of the grub constitutes no disease, some think it well to diminish their number by all convenient means. One simple way of effecting this is by turning up with a plow a furrow of earth in the sheep pasture. Into this the sheep will thrust their noses on the approach of the (Estrus, and thus many of them escape its attacks. Some farmers smear the noses of their sheep with tar occasionally, during the proper season the odor of which is believed to repel the fly. Others compel the sheep to smear their own noses every week or two, by feed- ing them their salt sprinkled over tar. Blacklock says that the larvae may be dislodged even from the sinuses, by blowing tobacco smoke for some moments through the tail of a pipe into each nostril. I have never tried the experiment. THE SCAB. The scab is a cutaneous disease, analogous to the mange in horses and the itch in men. It is caused and propagated by a minute insect, the acarus. M. Walz, a German veterinarian, who has thrown great light on the habits of these parasites, says : little swelling may be detected with the finger, and the skin changes its color, and has a greenish blue tint. The pustule is now rapidly formed, and about the sixteenth day breaks, and the mothers again appear, with their little ones attached to their feet, and covered by a portion of the shell of the egg from which they have just escaped. These little ones im- mediately set to work, and penetrate the neighboring skin, and bury themselves beneath it, and find their proper nourishment, and grow and propagate, until the poor animal has myri- ads of them to prey on him, and it is not wonderful that he should speedily sink. Some of the male acari were placed on the sound skin of a sheep, and they too burrowed their way and disappeared for a while, and the pustule in due time arose ; but the itching and the scab soon disappeared without the employment of any remedy. The figures on the next page are copied from M. Walz's work : The female acarus brings forth from eight to fifteen young at a litter. The scab is often produced spontaneously in England by mismanage- ment of various Junds, such as " bad keep, starvation, hasty driving, dogging, and exposure afterward Lo cold and wet ;" and it spreads rapidly SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 259 by contagion. It is very prevalent there, and annually causes an immense loss in the wool and flesh of the British flocks. In the United States it is comparatively little known, and so far as I am able to learn, never origin- ates spontaneously. It is a singular fact that short-wooled sheep, like the Fig. 66. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. THE ACARUS WHICH CAUSES SCAB. Fig. 67. The acarl of their natural size on a dark ground. Fig. 66. The female of 366 times the natural size, larger than the male, of an oval form, and provide* Uh eight feet, four before and four behind. a. The sucker. b. b. b. b. The four anterior feet, with their trumpet-like appendices. c. e. The two interior hind feet. d. d. The two outward feet, the extremities of which are provided with some long hairs, and on thar other parts of the legs are shorter hairs. To these hairs the young ones adhere, when they first escapee from the pustule. e. The tail, containing the anus and vulva, garnished with some short hairs. Fig. 68. The male on ita back, and eeen by the same magnifying power. a. The sucker. 6. b. b. b. The fore-legs with their trumpet-like appendices, as seen in the female. e. c. The two hind-legs, with the same appendices and hairs. d. The rudiments of the abdominal feet. e. The tail. Merino, are much less subject to its attacks, and this is probably one reason for its little comparative prevalence in the United States. Mr.; Youatt observes : " The old and unhealthy sheep are first attacked, and long-wooled sheep in preference to the short ; a healthy short-wooled sheep will long bid defiance to the contagion, or probably escape it altogether." It spreads from individual to individual and from flock to flock, not only by means of direct contact, but by the acari left on posts, stones, and other substances against which diseased sheep have rubbeid themselves. Healthy sheep are therefore liable to contract the malady if turned on pastures pre- viously occupied by scabby sheep, though some considerable time may have elapsed since the departure of the latter. The sheep laboring under the scab is exceedingly restless. It rubs it- self with violence against trees, stones, fences, &c. It scratches itself with its feet, and bites its sores and tears off its wool with its teeth. A* the pustules are broken, their matter escapes, and forms scabs covering' red, inflamed sores. The sores constantly extend, increasing the misery of the tortured animal. If unrelieved, he pines away and soon perishes. I have never had an opportunity to observe the post-mortem appear* ances. Mr. Youatt says : " The post-mortem appearances are very uncertain and inconclusive. There is generally, chronic inflammation of the intestines, with the presence of a great number of worms. The liver is occas'.onally schirrous. and the spleen enlarged ; and there are frequently serous efib 260 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ions in the belly, and sometimes in the chest. There has bt en evident sympathy belweei the digestive and the cutaneous systems." Treatment. About twelve years since, I purchased 150 fme-woolcd sheep just driven into the county from a considerable distance. I placed them on a farm then owned by me, in another town, and did not see them for about three weeks. One of my men then reported to me that the sheep were amiss that they were shedding off their wool sore spots were be- ginning to show on them and that they rubbed themselves against the fence-corners, &c. Though I had never seen the scab, I took it for granted that this was the disease. No time was to be lost, as I had 700 other sheep on the farm though fortunately, thus far, the new comers had been kept entirely separate from them. Barely looking into Mr. Livingston's work for a remedy, I provided myself with an ample supply of tobacco and set out. The sheep had been shorn, and their backs were covered with scabs and sores. They evidently had the scab. I had a large potash Kettle sunk partly in the ground as an extempore vat, and an uriweighed quantity of tobacco put to boiling in several other kettles. The only caro was to have enough of the decoction, as it was rapidly wasted, and to have it strong enough. A little spirits of turpentine was occasionally thrown on the decoction, say to every third or fourth sheep dipped. It was neces- sary to use it sparingly, as, not mixing with the fluid and floating on the surface, too much of it otherwise came in contact with the sheep. Not at- tending to this at first, two or tbree of the sheep are thrown into great ag- ony, arid appeared to be on the point of dying. I had each sheep caught and its scabs scoured off", by two men who rubbed them with stiff shoe- brushes, dipped in a suds of .tobacco- water and soft soap. The two men then dipped the sheep all over in the large kettle of tobacco- water, rub- bing and kneading the sore spots with their hands while immersed in the fluid. The decoction was so strong that many of the sheep appeared to be sickened either by immersion or by its fumes ; and one of the men who dipped, though a tobacco-chewer, vomited, and became so sick that his .place had to be supplied by another. The effect on the sheep was almost magical ! The sores rapidly healed, the sheep gained in condition, the new wool immediately started, and i never had a more perfectly healthy flock on my farm. Though adminr : ttered with little reference to economy, the remedy was a decisive one. With a vat like fig. 27, (Letter XII,) this would not necessarily be a very 'expensive method, with sheep recently sheared. But the assaults of the scab usually come on in the spring before shearing time, and it would re- rquire an immense quantity of the tobacco decoction to dip sheep with their 'fleeces on, however carefully it might be pressed out. The following is the remedy recommended by Chancellor Livingston : " First, I separate the sheep (for it is very infectious) ; I then cut off the wool as fir .as the tskin feels hard to the finger ; the scab is then washed with soap-suds, and rubbed hard" with a shoe-brush, so as to cleanse and break the scab. I always keep for this use a decoction cf tobacco, to which I add one-third by measure of the lye of wood ashes, as much hog's-lard as will be dissolved by the lye, a small quantity of tar from the tar-bucket, which contains .grease, and ab^nt one-eighth of the whole by measure of spirits of turpentine. This liquor is rubbed upon the part infected, and spread to a little disutnce round it, in three washings, with an interval of three days each. I have never failed in this way to eftect a cure when the disorder was only partial. ... 1 cannot say whether it would cure a sheep infected o as to lose half its fleece."* The following remedies are much used in Great Britain : No. 1. Dip the sheep in an infusion of arsenic, in the proportion of l.iTmg8ton'8 Essay. Appendix p. 177. S1IEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE StUTII.. 261 half a pound of arsenic to twelve gallons of water. The sheep should pre- viously be washed in soap and water. The infusion must not be per- mitted to enter the mouth or nostrils. No. 2. Take common mercurial ointment, for bad cases, rub it own with three times its weight of lard for ordinary cases, five times its weight of lard. Rub a little of this ointment into the head of the sheep. Part the wool so as to expose the skin in a line from the head to the tail, and then apply a little of the ointment with the finger the whole way. Make a sim- ilar furrow and application, on each side, four inches from the first, and so on over the whole body. The quantity of ointment (after being com- pounded with the lard) should not exceed two ounces, and considerably less will generally suffice. A lamb requires but one-third as much as a grown sheep. This will generally cure, but if the sheep should continue to rub itself, a lighter application of the same should be made in ten days. No. 3. Take of lard or palm oil 2 Ibs., oil of tar J lb., sulphur 1 Ib. Gradually mix the last two, then rub down the compound with the first. Apply in the same way as No. 2. No 4. Take of corrosive sublimate \ lb., white hellebore, powdered, J 11)., whale or other oil 6 gallons, rosin 2 Ibs., tallow 2 Ibs. " The first two to be mixed with a little of the oil, and the rest being melted together, the whole to be gradually mixed." This is a powerful preparation and must not be applied too freely. Mr. Spooner gives the preference to No. 1, as least troublesome ; Mr. Youatt to No. 2 ; and the author of the Mountain Shepherd's Manual to No. 4. I should certainly prefer No. 3, if it is, as it is asserted to be, equally effectual, for the reason that it contains no poisonous or dangerous ingredients. An erysipelatous scab,. or erysipelas, attended with considerable itch- ing, sometimes attacks the English flocks, but I have heard of no cases of it here. This would be classified as a febrile disease. ]t is treated with a cooling purgative, venesection, and oil or lard applied to the sores. DISEASE OF THE BIFLEX CANAL. From the introduction of foreign bod ies into the biflex canal, or from other causes, it occasionally becomes the seat of inflammation. This is sometimes confounded with the hoof-ail, but the diseases are entirely distinct and different from each other. In- flammation of the biflex canal causes an enlargement and redness of the pastern, particularly about the external orifice of the canal. The toes are thrown wide apart by the tumor. I never have known it to attack more than one foot, and never have allowed it to go to the point of ulceration, which it is said to do if neglected. There is none of that soreness and disorganization between the back part of the toes and none of that pecu- liar fetor which distinguishes the hoof-ail. I never have found it anything like so serious a disease as it is described tc be by the English veterina- rians. Treatment. I have always scarified the coronet, making one or two deeper incisions in the principal swelling around the mouth of the canal covered the foot with tar and paid no more attention to it. HOOF- AIL. The first symptom of this troublesome malady, which is or- dinarily noticed, is a lameness of one or both of the fore feet. But on daily examining the feeS of a flock which have the disease among them, it will be readily seen that the lesions manifest themselves for several days before they are followed with lameness. Scarcely any English writer* whom I 262 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOI TH. have read, describes with respectable accuracy the first appearances of the hoof-ail as it exhibits itself in this country, and among the Jine-icooled sheep* Mr. Youatt says : " The foot will be found hot and tender, the horn softer than usual, and there will be en- largement about the coronet, and a slight separation of the hoof from it, with portions of the horn worn away, and ulcers formed below, and a discharge of their fetid matter. The ul- cers, if neglected, continue to increase ; they throw out fungous granulations, they separate the hoof more and more from the parts beneath, until at length it drops off.'' The above is not a description of the consecutive symptoms of the hoof- ail as I have seen them. The hoof, instead of being softened, is percepti- bly hardened, I think, by the presence of the disease. There is occasion- ally an enlargement about the coronet, but this is not common in the out- 'set; and so far from the horn first separating from the foot at that point, it is the last place where it usually adheres when the soles are eaten away by the ulcerous matter, and the mere outside shell remains. I never have known a hoof to drop off, entire, in the sense in which I understand the closing part of Mr. Youatt's remark. My~first introduction to this disease was by its breaking out in its most malignant form in a flock of eight hundred sheep, with which I had placed, early in the preceding spring, a few valuable sheep received from abroad which were infected with the hoof-ail, without my having the slightest sus- picion of the fact. The disease, when of long standing, and well kept un- der, shows itself but very little during the winter and spring, unless the foot is directly examined. Every sheep in that eight hundred took the disease, sometimes first in one foot, then in another, then in a third, and when the fourth one was attacked, perhaps it W 7 as again bursting out in one of the cured feet ! I considered the sheep valuable, had much of the esprit du corps of a young flock-master, and was determined to conquer the malady at any cost and at all hazards. I have little doubt that every sheep in the flock was " doctored " on the average ten times each, and it was very rarely that I permitted any other person than myself to cut away the horn and prepare the foot of a single sheep for the application of the reme- dies ! When I look back to that period the sheep on some remote pas- tures not a shed on them to shelter myself or assistants from the burning August sun as we bent ten or twelve hours a day over our task our only " operating room" a yard in the corner of two fields blood and pus en- crusting hands and garments, and occasionally by an unlucky stroke of the knife showered over face and bosom the crawling maggots the intolera- ble fetor : I hardly know whether to take credit to myself for or to laugh at the stanchness of my zeal. But, worst of all, with all my labor, I had " scotch'd the snake, not killed it ! " The disease appeared in my flock, though in a much mitigated form, the next summer. I think I then cured it but I was not allowed to es- cape thus. In the succeeding summer, accident again brought it among my sheep. In a word, I have first and last served a five years' appren- ticeship to combating the hoof-ail. Having seen it in every possible phase having experimented with almost every recommended remedy not obvi- ously empirical I shall be excased if I speak my own opinions with ade- * As 1 have before stated, when discussing " the most profitable breed for the South," the hoof of the Me- rino and that of the English Long-Wooled . res, is essentially different. The latter usually retains its natu- ral ehape and thickness, and although the side-crust sometimes turns under, it is but a comparatively thin lip of horn, which is subsequently worn or broken off or it is easily removed by the knife. The hoof of the Merino grows rapidly, especially when the animal has the. hoof-ail. The horny soles will sometimes be- come nearly an inch thick, and the toes will elongate and turn up in front like horns, to the length of three nd even four inches. The weight of the Merino is much less than that of the Long- Wool. Take these facts into consideration, together with some of the other circumstances detailed in the introductory remark* to Letter XIV, and perhaps it sufficiently accounts for some differences in the diagnosis of the disease be- vreen the two countries. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 263 gree of confidence, even if they chance to conflict with those of professed and eminent veterinarians. As all are aware, the horny covering of the sheep's foot extends up, gradually thinning out, some way between the toes or divisions of the hoof, and above these horny walls the " cleft " ie lined with skin. When the points of the toes are spread apart, this skin is shown in front, covered with short, soft hair. The back part of the toes, or the " heels," can be sep- arated only to a little distance, and the skin in the cleft above them is naked. In a healthy foot, the skin throughout the whole cleft is as firm, sound, dry and uneroded, as on any other part of the animal. The first symptom of hoof-ail is a slight erosion, accompanied with in- flammation and heat of the naked skin in the back part of the cleft, imme- diately above the heels. The skin assumes a macerated appearance, and is kept moist by the presence of a sanious discharge from the ulcerated sur- face. As the inflammation extends, the friction of the parts causes pain and the sheep limps. At this stage the foot externally, in a great ma- jority of cases, exhibits not the least trace of disease, with the exception of a slight redness, and sometimes the appearance of a small sore at the upper edge of the cleft, when viewed from behind. The ulceration of the surface rapidly extends. The thin upper edges of the inner walls of the hoof are disorganized, and an ulceration is estab- lished between the hoof and the fleshy sole. A purulent fetid matter is exuded from the cavity. The extent of the separation daily increases, and the ulcers also form sinuses deep into the fleshy sole. The bottom of the hoof disappears, eaten away by the acrid matter, and the outer walls, en- tirely separated from the flesh, hang only by their attachments at the coro- net. The whole fleshy sole is now entirely disorganized, and the entire foot is a mass of black, putrid ulceration ; or, as it more commonly hap- pens, the fly has struck it, and a dense mass of writhing maggots cover the surface, and burrow in every cavity. The fore-feet are generally first at- tacked, and most usually but one of them. The animal at first manifests but little constitutional disturbance. It eats as usual. By the time that any considerable disorganization of the structures has taken place in the first foot sometimes sooner the other fore-foot is attacked. That be- coming as lame as the first, the miserable animal seeks its food on its knees, and if forced to rise, its strange, hobbling gait betrays the intense agony occasioned by bringing its feet in contact with the ground. There is a bare spot under the brisket of the size of the palm of a man's hand, which looks red and inflamed. There is a degree of general fever and the appetite is dull. The animal rapidly loses condition. The appearance of the maggot soon closes the scene. Where the rotten foot is brought in contact with the side in lying down, the filthy ulcerous matter adheres to and saturates the short wool, (it being but a month and a half or two months af- ter shearing,) and maggots are either carried there by the foot, or they are soon generated there. A black crust is soon formed round the spot. It is the decomposition of the surrounding structures, and innumerable maggots are at work below, burrowing into the integuments and mus- cles and eating np the miserable animal alive. The black festering mass rapidly spreads, and the poor sufferer perishes, we cannot suppose other- wise than in tortures the most excruciating. Sometimes but one fore-foot is attacked, and subsequently one or both hind ones. There is no uniformity in this particular, and it is a singular fact that when two or even three of the feet are dreadfully diseased, the fourth may be entirely sound. So also one foot may be cured, while ev ry other one is laboring under the malady. 264 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. The highly offensive odor of the ulcerated feet is so peculiar that it u strictly pathognomonic of the disease and would reveal its character tu one familiar with it, in the darkest night. When the disease has been well kept under during the first season of its attack, but not entirely eradicated, it will almost or entirely disappear us cold weather approaches, and does not manifest itself until the warm weather of the succeeding summer. It then assumes a mitigated form- the sheep are not rapidly and simultaneously attacked there seems to be loss inflammatory action, constitutionally, and in the diseased parts the course of the disease is less malignant and more tardy, and it more readi- ly yields to treatment. If well kept under the second summer, it is still milder the third. A sheep will occasionally be seen to limp, but its con- dition will scarcely be affected, and dangerous symptoms will rarely su- pervene. One or two applications made during the summer, in such a way, as I shall presently describe, that one thousand sheep can be sub- mitted to the treatment in half a day with but a trifle of labor and ex- pense will now suffice to keep the disease under. At this point a little vigor in the treatment will entirely extinguish the disease. With all its fearful array of symptoms, can the hoof-ail be cured in ita first attack on a flock ] The worst case can be promptly cured, as I know by repeated experiments. Take a single sheep, put it by itself, and ad- minister the remedies daily after the English fashion, or as I shall presently prescribe, and there is not an ovine disease which more surely yields to treatment. But as already remarked, in a preceding Letter, in this country, where sheep are so cheap, and labor in the summer months so dear, it would out of the question for an extensive flock-master to at- tempt to keep each sheep by itself, or to make a daily application of rem- edies. There is not a flock-master within my knowledge who has evet pretended to apply his remedies oftener than once a week, or regularly as often as that, and not one in ten makes any separation between the dis- eased and healthy sheep of a flock into which the malady has been once in- introduced. The consequence necessarily is that though you may cure the sheep now diseased, it has infected or inoculated others and these in turn scatter the contagion, before they are cured. There is not a particle of doubt nay, I know, by repeated observation, that a sheep once entirely cured may again contract the disease, and thus the malady performs a per- petual circle in the flock. Fortunately, however, the susceptibility to con- tract the disease diminishes, according to my observation, with every suc- ceeding attack ; and fortunately also, as already stated, succeeding attacks, ccetcris paribus, became less and less virulent. What course shall then be pursued 1 Shall the flock-master sacrifice his sheep shall he take the ordinary half-way course or shall he! expend more on the sheep than they are worth in attempting to cure them *? Nei- ther. The course I would advise him to pursue, will appear as I detail the experiments, I have made. Treatment. The preparation of the foot, where any separate individual treatment is resolved upon and this is always necessary, at least in bad cases is a subject of no dispute. But the labor can be prodigiously economized by attention to a few not very commonly observed particulars. Sheep should be yarded for the operation immediately after a rain, if prac- ticable, as then the hoofs can be readily cut. In a dry time, and after a night which has left no dew on the grass, their hoofs are almost as tough as horn. They must be driven through no mud, or soft dung, on their way to the yard, which would double the labor of cleaning their feet. The yard m v* be small, so they can be easily caught, and it must be kept SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 265 well littered down, so they shall not fill their feet with their own excre- ment. If the straw is wetted, their hoofs will not of course dry and harden us rapidly as in dry straw. Could the yard be built over a shallow, grav- elly-bottomed brook,* it would be an admirable arrangement. The hoofa would be k3pt so soft that the greatest and most unpleasant part of the la bor, as ordinarily performed, would be in a great measure saved, and they would be kept free from that dung which by any other arrangement will, more or less, get into their clefts. The principal operator or foreman seats himself in a chair a couple of good knives, a whetstone, the powerful toe-nippers (fig. 21, Letter XII,) a bucket of water with a couple of linen rags in it, and such medicines as he chooses to employ, within his reach. The assistant catches a sheep and lays it partly on its back and rump, between the legs of the foreman, the head coming up about to his middle. The assistant then kneels on some straw or seats himself on a low stool at the hinder extremity of the sheep. If the hoofs are long, and especially if they are dry and tough, the assist- ant presents each foot to the foreman, who shortens the hoof with the toe- nippers. If there is any filth between the toes, each -man takes his rag from the bucket of water, and draws it between the toes and rinses it, un- til the filth is removed. Each then seize their knives, and the process of paring away the horn commences. And on tlie effectual performance of this, all else depends. A glance at the foot will show whether it is the seat of the diseased action. The least experience cannot fail in properly set- tling this question. An experienced jinger, placed on the back of the pastern close above the heel, would at once detect the local inflammation (by its heat) in the dark. If the disease is in the first stage i.e. there is merely an erosion and ul- ceration of the cuticle and flesh in the cleft above the walls of the hoof, no paring is necessary. But if ulceration has established itself between the hoof and the fleshy sole, the ulcerated parts, be they more or less exten- sive, MUST BE ENTIRELY DENUDED OF THEia HORNY COVERING, COSt what it may of time and care. It is better not to wound the sole so as to cause it to bleed freely, as the running blood will wash off the subsequent applica- tion, but no fear of wounding the sole must prevent a full compliance with the rule above laid down. At the worst, the blood will stop flowing after a little while, during which time no application need be made to the foot. If the foot is in the third stage a mass of rottenness and filled with maggots in the first, place pour a little spirits of turpentine (a bottle of it, with a quili tbi'Ougn tne cork, should be always ready,) on the maggots and most of tnem will immediately decamp, and the others can be re- moved with a probe or small stick. Then remove every particle of loose horn, though it should, take the entire hoof- and it will generally take the whole hoof in such cases. The foot should be now cleansed with a solu- tion of chloride of lime, in the proportion of one pound of chloride to one gallon of water. If this is not at hand, plunging the foot repeatedly in water, just short of scalding hot, will answer every purpose. The great object is to clean the foot thoroughly. If there are any considerable fun- gous granulations, (" proud-flesh,") they should be excised with a pair of scissors, or the actual cautery (hot iron.) And now comes the important question what constitutes the lest remedy ? The recommended prescriptions are innumerable. The following arc some of the most popular ones.t 1. 4 oz. blue vitriol, 2 oz. of verdigris. * A portion of any little brook might be prepared by planking the bottom, and widening it if desirable \ Ihe first three are given io the American Shepherd, pp. 379-80. 266 SHtEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. to a junk-bottle of wine. 2L Spirits turpentine, tar and veidigris in equal parts. 3. 3 quarts of alcohol. 1 pint spirits of turpentine, i pint of strong vinegar, 1 Ib. blue vitriol, 1 Ib. copperas, 1-J- Ibs. verdigris, 1 Ib. alum, 1 Ib. of saltpetre, pounded fine: mix in a close bottle, shake every day, and let it stand six or eight days before using : also mix 2 pounds of honey and 2 quarts of tar, which must be applied after the previous compound. " Two applications will entirely r6move the disease," says this recipe, which was once, I believe, hawked about the country as a patent cure being sold at five dollars to each purchaser, he giving a promise of inviolable se- crecy ! 4. Apply diluted aquafortis (nitric acid) with a feather to the ul- cerated surface. 5. Apply diluted oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid) in the same way. 6. Same of muriatic acid. 7. Dip the foot in tar nearly at the boiling point, &c. After a thorough trial of the above and a multitude of other prescrip tions,* I have come to the conclusion that in the first and second stages of the disease before the ulcers have formed sinuses into the sole, and wholly or partly destroyed its structure that no application, simple 01 compound, is preferable to a saturated solution of blue vitriol, (sulphate of copper.) In my judgment, no beneficial addition can be made to it as a remedy. Of the manner of applying it I shall speak presently. In the third stage, when the foot is a festering mass of corruption, after it has been cleansed as already directed, it requires some strong caustic to remove the unhealthy granulations the dead muscular structures and to restore healthy action. Lunar caustic I think preferable to any other application, but it is too expensive. Mr. Youatt gives a decided prefer- ence to chloride of antimony, and I think him correct. This is frequently not attainable in the country drug-stores, and muriatic acid may be re- sorted to, or even nitric or sulphuric acid. The diseased surface is touched with the caustic (applied with a swab formed by fastening a little tow on the end of a stick,) until the objects above pointed out are obtained. I have then usually treated the foot with the solution of blue vitriol, and sub- sequently coated it over with tar which, has been boiled, and is properly cooled. The last protects the raw wound from dirt, flies, &c. Sheep in this stage of the disease should certainly be separated from the main flock, and looked to as often as once in three days. With this degree of atten- tion, their cure will be rapid, and it is astonishing with what celerity the obliterated structures of the foot will be restored. The ordinary method of using the solution of blue vitriol is to pour it from a bottle with a quill in the cork, into the foot, when the animal lies on its back between the operators, as already described. In this way a few cents* worth of vitriol will serve for a large number of sheep. But the method is imperfect, because, without remarkable care, there will al most always be some slight ulcerations not uncovered by the knife the passages to them will be devious, and perhaps nearly or quite closed and the solution will not reach them. Thus the disease will only be tem- porarily suppressed, not cured. I had a flock of sheep a few years since which were in the second sea- son of the disease. They had been but little looked to during the sum- mer, and as cold weather was setting in, many of them were consid- erably lame -some of them quite so. The snow fell and they were brought into the yards, limping and hobbling about deplorably. This sight, so dis- graceful to me as a farmer, roused me into activity. I bought a quantity *Many of them resorted to " against the stomach of my sense," to give .nyeelf nnd others indispuU:W ocular proof of their inutility or that they were no Wter than cheaper, simpler, and more easijy rttain- bie medicines SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 2o7 of blue vitriol made the necessary arrangements and once more took the chair as principal operator ! Never were the feet of a flock more thoroughly pared. Into a large washing tub, in which two sheep could stand conveniently, I poured a saturated solution of blue vitriol and water, as hot as could be endured by the hand even for a moment. The liquid was about four inches deep on the bottom of the tub, and was kept at about that depth by frequent additions of hot solution. As soon as a sheep's feet were pared, it was placed in the tub and held there by the neck; by an as- sistant. A second one was prepared and placed beside it. When the third one was ready, the^ri^ was taken out, and so on. Two sheep were thus constantly in the tub, and each remained in it about five minutes. The cure was perfect ! There was not a lame sheep in the flock during the winter or the next summer! The hot liquid penetrated to every cavity of the foot, and doubtless had a far more decisive effect even on the uncovered ulcers, than would have been produced by merely wetting them, Perhaps the lateness of the season was also favorable, as in cold weather the ulcers of ordinary virulence discharge no matter to inoculate the healthy feet, and thus, at the time of applying the remedy, there are no cases where there has been inoculation not yet followed by those lesions which admit of cure. Whether so thorough a soaking would destroy the virus in the in- oc.ulated foot, I cannot pretend to decide. I think that the vitriol required for the above one hundred sheep was about twelve pounds, and that it cost me fifteen cents per pound. The ac- count then would stand thus : 12 Ibs. of vitriol at 15 cents $1,80 Labor of 3 men one day each 2,25 Total $4,05 or about four cents per sheep. I have not a doubt that three such appli- cations at intervals of a week, would effectually cure the disease, as every new case would be arrested and cured before it had time to inoculate others. I have no doubt that it would do this at any time of year, and even during the first and most malignant prevalence of the contagion, PRO- VIDING THE PARING WAS SUFFICIENTLY THOROUGH. The second and third parings would be a mere trifle, and the liquid left at the first and second applications could again be used. Thus sheep could be cured at about twelve cents per head. This is vastly cheaper in the long run than the ordinary temporizing method where people count the cost of a few pounds of blue vitriol, but not their time, and who thus keep the disease lingering in their flocks for years. Indeed, if partial and temporizing treatment is all that is aimed at, if the flockmaster is content to simply keep the disease under I can point out methods quite as efficacious aa the common one by paring and applying washes from a bottle as ordina rily performed and not costing a tithe as much. Between the corners of two sheep-pastures (1, 2, of fig. 69,) construct the dividing fence as represented in the cut. 'A narrow passage is thus left from one field to an- -^-^ . other. This passage should be about 2 or 2J feet wide and 12 feet long. The fence on each side of the passage should be an upright board fence, so that the space can be entirely filled on the bot- tom with a flat trough, (the bottom formed of a { plank) with side and end boards about five inches high. In this trough place say a bushel and a half or two bushels ot un. : 268 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. slacked lime,* slack it, and then fill the trough nearly full of water.* Through this drive the flock several times from one field to the other un- til the lame ones manifest much suffering. Repeat this once a week the first summer that the disease appears, putting in fresh lime each time.- This does not appear to cure the hoof- ail, but it keeps it under ; the sheep keep their condition, and show little lameness. The second or third sum- mer of the disease, three or four such applications usually answer for the entire season. Some use dry slacked lime, as the same trough-full will then answer for several applications. The trough in this case must have a roof over it. I never have tried the last method. If the dry lime will get sufficiently between the toes and it is said to it will answer the purpose where it touches more effectually than even the liquid, but it would not be so likely to penetrate into cavities. Some who use the lime remedy, pare the feet once pretty thoroughly prior to the first application, but afterward neglect them. Others neglect paring entirely, i. e. beyond, shortening the toes once a year, as is practiced with all fine-wooled flocks. Fig. 70 is an improvement on the more common arrangement exhib- ited in fig. 69. The dotted lines enclose good-sized yards in the cor- ners of two adjoining pastures. Two drivers can yard the sheep in one of these, and drive the sheep from one to the other any number of times, without chasing them about a large field. The labor can therefore be performed much more rapidly, and it requires less force. A couple of active fellows would yard and submit a flock of two or three hundred sheep to the process in less than an hour. When the sheep are first yarded, if there are any very lame ones, draw them out and place them in one of the small pens (a, b.) Their feet can be examined, arid if necessary a little extra pains taken with them, by paring, cauterizing, etc. Each sheep as treated is put into the other small pen, where it can be re- tained until the flock is discharged, and then removed to a separate pas- ture from the others, if considered desirable. Where two yards are constructed, as in fig. 70, it is obvious that the- ar- rangement can be made elsewhere as well as in the corner of two fields, though if the sheep are wild, it may require a few rods of wing fence (in the place of the dividing one between the fields, as seen in figures 69 and 70,) for the more convenient cornering of the sheep to yard them. Thus one euch apparatus might be made to conveniently answer for a whole farm, though thousands of diseased sheep were scattered in different flocks over it, and may be placed at a spot where water, etc. are convenient. Where lime and water are used, the sheep must be driven through the trough slowly and quietly as otherwise the lime will be scattered over their wool, into their eyes, &c. If the lime is fresh. burned and highly caustic, it would be likely to destroy their eyes. Indeed, pure fresh-burned lime sometimes will take the hair off from their pasterns and shanks. It is better, therefore, to use it when somewhat re-carbonized by exposure to the air. Wood ashes are said to produce the same effect with lime. It is claimed that sheep kept on lands where the timber has been recently burned, (" new clearings,") will recover from the hoof-ail. Query : If this be true * To be added to, from time to time, if the number of sheep run through is largo enough to waste it mata riafiy, before they ore sufficiently treated. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. might not. the lye of ashes, of the proper strength, make au adequate sub stitute for lime and water '[ Some Northern farmers drive their sheep over dusty roads as a remedy for hoof-ail ! Opposed as it would seem to be to sound theory sadly aa it is at variance with the practice of foreign veterinarians who employ " tow-pledgets," " gaiter boots," etc., to exclude all dirt from the diseased surface, it does actually seem in cases of ordinary virulence especially where the disease is chronic to dry up the. ulcers and keep the malady under! There is an important point to be regarded in exhibiting remedies for the hoof-ail, the mention of which I have reserved until now, as it concerns all remedies equally. Many farmers select rainy weather to " doctor" the sheep. Their feet are then soft, and it is therefore on all accounts good economy, when the feet are to be pared, and each separately treated, pro- vided, they can be kept in sheep-houses, or under shelters of any kind, until the rain is over and the grass again dry. If immediately let out in wet grass of any length, the vitriol or other application is measurably washed away. This is avoided by many, by dipping the feet in warm tar an excellent plan under such circumstances. The tar is probably a good application at any time, "but I do not consider it necessary, in ordinary cases, unless the sheep must be turned out into wet grass. A flock of sheep which have been cured of the hoof-ail, are considered more valuable than one which has never had it. They are far less liable to contract the disease from any casual exposure and its ravages are fai less violent and general among them. I am strongly disposed to believe that hoof-ail is propagated in this country only by inoculation the contact of the matter of a diseased foot with the integuments, lining the bifurcation of a healthy foot. That it is propagated in some of those ways classed under the ordinary designation of contagion is certain. I could indisputably authenticate more than a hundred cases, where the sheep on a farm, indeed through a neighbor- hood, had been notoriously exempt from hoof-ail from the first settlement of the country so that the inhabitants did not even know what the disease was until some diseased flock was introduced from abroad. It was so in the region where I live, and I well recollect when a flock of Saxons, driven from a neighboring county, first introduced it among our sheep. There has not been a diseased flock in the county which could not trace it back to that flock. And the contagion was spread by them as readily on our dry hill-farms as on low and moist ones. That it may be propagated by inoculation I "know by direct experiment I have placed the matter of diseased feet on the skin lining the cleft of a healthy foot under a variety of circumstances sometimes when that skin was in its ordinary and natural state sometimes after a very slight scari- fication sometimes when macerated by moisture. The disease has been communicated, under each of these circumstances, and in a majority of all the instances, amounting to sixteen or seventeen. That tfiere is not even a supposed or pretended case, to my knowledge, on record where the disease has originated spontaneously, in the Northern States, I have already asserted.* I regard Professor Dick's statements of the manner in which the disease originates, which I have quoted,! as wholly inapplicable to our country with its present breeds of taeep t and I cannot sufficiently express my surprise that this eminent veterinarian should nave adopted what I deem so unqualified an absurdity the non contagion theory. I have been disposed to trace the propagatioi }f the disease exclusive* *Io the beginning af Letter XIV. tlb. 270 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. ly to inoculation, from having observed on my own farm arid elsewhere, that healthy flocks have occupied with impunity fields adjoining those oc- cupied by diseased ones-; an open board or rail fence only separating them. I have drawn the same inference also from the manner in which the disease attacks flocks. The whole, or any considerable number, though sometimes rapidly, are never simultaneously attacked, as we should expect among animals so gregarious, if the disease could be communicated by simple contact, inhaling the breath or other effluvium. But not having pos- itive and demonstrative proof of the correctness of the proposition, I would advise no man to incur any risks, unnecessarily, founded on this assump- tion, without first satisfying himself on the point. The matter of diseased feet is left on grass, straw, and other substances, and thus is brought in contact with the inner surfaces of healthy feet. Sheep therefore contract the disease from being driven over the pastures, yarded on the straw, &c., where diseased sheep have been, perhaps even days before. The matter would probably continue to inoculate until dried up by the air and heat, or washed away by the rains. The stiff upright stems of closely mown grass (as on meadows,)_are almost as well calcu- lated to receive the matter of diseased feet, and deposit it in the clefts of healthy ones, as any means which could be" devised artificially. I do not consider it entirely safe to drive healthy sheep over roads, and especially into washing-yards or sheep-houses, where diseased sheep have been, until rain has fallen, or time has elapsed for the matter to dry up. On the moist bottom of a washing-yard, and particularly in houses or sheds, kept from sun and wind, and rain; this matter might be preserved for some tirce in a condition to inoculate. FOULS. Sheep are much loss subject to this disease than cattle, but are subject to it if kept in wet, filthy yards, or on moist, poachy ground. Jt is an irritation of the integument in the cleft of the foot, slightly resembles incipient hoof-ail, and produces lameness. But it produces no serious structural disorganization disappeai's without treatment is not con- tagious and appears in the wet weather of spring and fall, instead of the dry, hot period of summer when the hoof-ail rages most. A little solutior of blue vitriol, or a little spirits of turpentine, either followed by a coat ing of warm tar, promptly cures it. GOITRE OR BRONCHOCELE. I never have seen this classed among the diseases of sheep, but the "swelled neck" in lambs is, like the goitre, an enlargement of the thyroid glands, and it is strikingly analogous to, if not identical with, that disease. It is congenital. The glands at birth are from the size of a pigeon's to that of a hen's egg though more elongated and flattened than an egg in their form. ' The lamb is exceedingly feeble, and often perishes almost without an effort to suck. Many even make no effort to rise, and die as soon as they are dropped. It is rare that one lives though three or four years since, a lamb in my flock having one of the thyroid glands enlarged, grew up a large, healthy sheep. At a year old, when disposed of, the enlarged gland was of the size of a goose-egg. No inconsiderable number of lambs annually perish from this disease. It does not appear to be an epizootic, though I think it more prevalent some seasons than others. It does not seem to depend upon the water, 01 any other natural circumstances of a region, (as goitre is usually supposed to,) as it may not prevail in the same flock or on the same farm once in ten years. I never have been able to trace it to any particular kind of food. That when it does appear, it is induced by some common local or SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 271 alimentary cause, I am induced to infer from the fact that its attacks aro rarely isolated. When there are any instances of it in a flock, there are usually a number of them. I have lost lambs by it two seasons from six to ten per cent, of the whole -number. Francis Rotch, Esq. of Louisville, Otsego county, lost a much heavier per centage than this (my impression would now be nearly fifty per cent.) of his choice South-Down lambs, a few years since. I am acquainted with various other instances where the loss has ranged from ten to twenty per centum. When congenital goitre has thus appeared among my lambs, the ewes have been in unusually high condition. The same was true of Mr. Rotch's ewes, as he wrote me at the time. W T hether this coexistence implies caus- ality, I do not pretend to decide. High condition in the ewe may be one of the inducipg causes. Treatment. I know of no treatment which will reach the case^ Indeed, the lamb is dying, almost, when born and remedies are out of the ques- tion. Should one having the disease chance to live, it would scarcely be worth while to attempt reducing the enlargements of the glands. Perhaps keeping the breeding ewes uniformly in fair, plump, but not high condi- tion, would be as effectual a preventive as any. MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES. POISON FROM EATING LAUREL. I often hear of this from our drovers, who take sheep in the spring to the Philadelphia and New-Jersey mar- kets, through Northern Pennsylvania, on the Old Red Sandstone formation of which the beautiful Kalmia angustifolia is abundant. The following description of the effects on the sheep of eating this plant, and the proper remedial treatment, though, I confess, not very satisfactory to me, I ex- tract entire from the " American Shepherd,"* as I have no experience whatever in the premises, and no better account within my reach : ** Sheep and calves will often, in the winter or spring of the year, eat greedily of the low Laurel (Kalmia angustifolia). The animal appears to be dull and stupid, swells a little, and is constantly gulping up a greenish fluid which it swallows down ; a part of it will trickle out of its mouth, and discolor its lips. The plant probably brings on a fermenta- tion in the stomach, and Nature endeavors to throw off the poison herb by retchin r or vomiting. Treatment. In the early stages, if the greenish fluid be suffered to escape from the stomach, the animal most generally recovers. To effect this, gag the sheep, which may be done in this manner : Take a stick of the size of your wrist and six inches long place it in the animal's mouth tie a string to one end of it, pass it over the head and down to the other end, and there make it fast. The fluid will then run from the mouth as fast as thrown up from the stomach. In addition to this, give roasted onions and sweetened milk freely." I have somewhere, I think, seen drenches of milk and castor-oil pre- scribed for sheep poisoned with laurel ; and I should, without farther knowledge of the subject, consider .it treatment promising oetter results than the preceding. SORE FACE. Sheep feeding on pastures infested with John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) not unfrequently exhibit an irritation of the skin about the nose and face, which causes the hair to drop off from the parts. The irritation sometimes extends over the whole body, though no such case has fallen under my observation. Mr. Morrel says : t "If eaten in too large quantities, it produces violent inflammation of the bowels, and is frequently fatal to lambs, and sometimes to adults. " Treatment Rub a little sulphur and lard on the irritated surface. If there are symptoms of inflammation of the bowels, Mr. Morrell prescribes * American Shepherd, p. 3G1. t Ib. 374. 272 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. tar " putting it into the mouth of the sheep with a flattened stick." Abundance of salt is considered, and probably truly, a preventive. 1 have a sheep pasture considerably infested with this difficultly extermi* nated weed, and I do not recollect an instance of a sheep exhibiting the effects of eating it, in several years. It is certain that my sheep have plenty of salt, whether this is the preventive or not. SORE MOUTH. The lips of sheep sometimes become suddenly sore it the winter, and swell to the thickness of a man's hand. The malady occasionally attacks whole flocks, and becomes quite fatal. No cases of it having been bn-ught under my observation, I am unable to state whether, in accordance with the popular description, the lesions are con- fined to the lips. I should presume not. It is usually attributed to noxious weeds cut with the hay. Treatment. Mr. Morrell states that he has had the d'.sease in his flock, and has cured it immediately by smearing the diseased lips with tar.* Loss OF CUD. The " loss of the cud" ranks as an important disease in the nosology of the " Cattle Doctor," and frequently calls forth all the skill of that functionary to manufacture a new cud, which is placed in the mouth of the animal as a substitute for the one which was lost!. That person must be little versed in the physiology of ruminants who needs to be told that the accidental loss of one of the cuds, in the process of re- mastication, would be a matter of no sort of consequence. The sheep, as well as the cow, not unfrequently nearly or entirely ceases to ruminate but this is the result, not the cause, of disease. It is diagnostic of all important diseases, and when observed, its warning should never go un- heeded. HOOVE. This is not common, to any dangerous degree, among sheep, but if turned upon clover when their stomachs are empty, it will some- times ensue. It is a distention of the paunch by gas extricated from the fermentation of its vegetable contents, and evolved more rapidly, or in larger quantities, than can be neutralized by the natural alkaline secretions of the stomach. When the distention is great, the blood is prevented from circulating in the vessels of the rumen, and is determined to the head. The diaphragm is mechanically obstructed from making its ordi- nary contractions, and respiration, therefore, becomes difficult and imper- fect. Death soon supervenes. In ordinary cases, gentle but prolonged driving will effect a cure. Where the animal appears swelled almost to bursting, and is disinclined to move, it is better to at once open tho paunch. At the most protuberant point of the swelling, on the left side, a little below the hip bone, plunge a trochar or knife, sharp at the point and dull on the edge, into the stomach. The gas will rapidly escape, car- rying with it some of the liquid and solid contents of the stomach. If no measures are taken to prevent it, the peristaltic motion, as well as the collapse of the stomach, will soon cause the orifices through the abdomen and paunch not to coincide, and thus portions of the contents of the former will escape into the cavity of the latter. However perfect the cure of hoove, these substances in the belly will ultimately produce fatal irritation. To prevent this, a canula or little tube should be inserted through both orifices as soon as the puncture is made. Where the case is not imminent, alkalies have been sometirres successfully administered, which combine * American Shepherd, p. 373. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 273 with the carbonic acid gas, and thus at once reduce its volume. A flexi- ble probang or, in default of it, a rattan or grape-vine with a knob on the end, may be gently forced down the gullet, and thus the gas permitted *o escape. OBSTRUCTION OF THE GULLET OR " CHOKING." After pouring a Httle oil in the throat, the obstructing substance can be frequently moved up or down by external manipulation. If not, it may usually be forced down with a flexible rod, the head of which is guarded by a knob or a little bag of flax-seed. The latter having been dipped in hot water for a minute or two, is partly converted into mucilage, which constantly exudes through the cloth, and protects the oesophagus from laceration. But little force must be used, and the whole operation conducted with the utmost care and gentleness, or the oesophagus will be so far lacerated as to produce death, although the obstruction is removed. FRACTURES. Of these Mr. Blacklock concisely says : ' If there be no wound of the soft parts, the bone being simply broken, the treatment 73 extremely easy. Apply a piece of wet leather, taking care to ease the limb when swelling supervenes. When the swelling is considerable, and fever present, you can do no better than open a vein of the head or neck, allowing a quantity of blood to escape, proportioned to the size and condition of the animal, and the urgency of the symptoms. Purgatives in such cases should never be neglected. Epsom salts, in ounce doses, given either as a gruel or a drench, will be found to answer the purpose well. If the broken bones are kept steady, the cure will be complete in from three to four weeks, the process of reunion always proceeding faster in a young than in an old sheep. Should the soft parts be injured to any extent, or the ends of the bone protruding, recovery is very uncertain, and it will become a question whether it would not be better at once to convert the animal into mutton. " TREATMENT. METHOD OP ADMINISTERING MEDICINE INTO THE STOMACH. The 8tomach into which we wish to administer medicines, is the fourth, or digesting stomach. The comparatively insensible walls of the rumen are but slightly acted upon, excepting by doses of very improper magnitude. For the reasons given when the course of the food through the stomachs was described, medicine to reach the fourth stomach should be given in a state as near approaching fluidity as may be. And even then it may be given in such a manner as to defeat our object. Mr. Youatt says : " If the animal forcibly gulps fluids down, or if they are given hastily and bodily by the medical attendant, they will fall on the canal at the base of the gullet with considerable momentum, and force asunder the pillars and enter the rumen ; if they ai-e drank more slowly, or administered gently, they will trickle down the throat and glide over these pillars, and pass on through the maniplus to the true stomach. " METHOD OP BLEEDING. Bleeding from the ears or tail, as is commonly practised, rarely extracts a quantity of blood sufficient to do any good where bleeding is indicated. To bleed from the eye-vein, the point of a knife is usually inserted near the lower extremity of the pouch below the eye, pressed down, and then a cut made inward toward the middle of the face. Daubenton recommends bleeding from the angular or cheek vein, " in the lower part of the cheek, at the spot where the root of the fourth tooth is placed, which is the thickest part of the cheek, and is marked on the external surface of the bone of the upper jaw by a tubercle, sufficiently prominent to be very sensible to the finger when the skin of. the cheek is touched. This tutercle is a certain index to the angular vein which is placed below The shepherd takes the sheep between his legs ; bis left hand more advanced than his right, which he places under the head, and grasp* 2 M 274 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. the under jaw near to the hinder extremity, in order to press the angular vein, which in that place, to make it swell ; he touches the right cheek at the spot nearly equidistant t'rorn the eye and mouth, and there finds the tubercle which is to guide him. and also feels the angular vein swelled below this tubercle ; lie then makes the incision from below upward, half a linger' s breadth below the middle of the tubercle." When the vein is no longer pressed upon, the bleeding ,will ordinarily cease. If not, a pin may be passed through the lips of the orifice, and a lock of wool tied round them. For thorough bleeding, the jugular vein is generally to be preferred. The sheep should be firmly held by the head by an assistant, and the body confined between his knees, with its rump against a wall. Some of the wool is then cut away from the middle of the neck over the jugular vein, and a ligature, brought in contact with the neck by opening the wool, is tied around it below the shorn spot near the shoulder. The vein will soon rise. The orifice may be secured, after bleeding, as described in the pre- ceding method. As once before remarked, the good effects of bleeding depend almost as much on the rapidity with which the blood is abstracted, as on the amount taken. This is especially true in acute disorders. Elacklock tersely remarks : " Either bleed rapidly or bleed not at all" The orifice in the vein, therefore, should be of some length, and I need not inform the least experienced practitioner that it should be made lengthwise with the vein. A lancet is by far the best implement, and even a short-pointed penknife is preferable to the bungling fleam. Another important rule in venesection is that, where indicated at all, it should always be resorted to as nearly as possible to the commencement of the malady. The amount of blood drawn should never be determined by admeasure- ment, but by constitutional effect the lowering of the pulse, and indica- tions of weakness. In urgent cases as, for example, apoplexy or cerebral inflammation, it would be proper to bleed until the sheep staggers or falls. The amount of blood in the sheep is less, in comparison, than that in the horse or ox. The blood of the horse constitutes about one-eighteenth part of his weight, that of the ox at least one-twentieth, while the sheep, hi ordinary condition, is one-twe-nty-second. For this reason, we should be more cautious in bleeding the latter, especially in frequently resorting to it. Otherwise, the vital powers will be rapidly and fatally prostrated. Many a sheep is destroyed by bleeding freely in disorders not requiring it, and in disorders which did require it at the commencement, but of which the inflammatory stage has passed. THE PLACE OF FEELING THE PULSE. The number of pulsations can bo determined by feeling the heart beat on the left side. The femoral artery passes in an oblique direction across the inside of the thigh, and about the middle of the thigh its pulsations and the character of the pulse can be most readily noted. The pulsations per minute in a healthy adult sheep are set down by Gasparin at 65, by Youatt at 70, and by Huitrel d'Arboval at 75. My own observations accord most nearly with those of (jrasparin. LIST OF MEDICINES EMPLOYED IN TREATING THE DISEASES OJT SHEEP ALE. In cases of debility, unaccompanied with fever, a small amoun of ale is sometimes found a good stimulant. It may be given to feeblf SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 275 sheep which have become unable to stand from having been too long cast especially if they have laid on the snow, or on damp cold ground. It is sometimes given in addition to other medicine, in the place of the ordi- nary stimulants. ALOES Are occasionally used as a purgative in sheep medicine by farmers, but thdir use is justly condemned by all veterinarians. ALUM Used as an astringent, but is inferior to many others. ANTIMONY ( The chloride or butyr of) the best caustic to remove fun- gous granulations, dead muscular structures, etc., in the last and worst stage of hoof-ail applied with a swab or feather. ARSENIC Employed in the proportion of half a pound to twelve gal- lons of water, to cure scab. An infusion of it is also used to kill ticks, &c. From its liability to adhere to vessels, or to come in contact with sub- stances which may be subsequently eaten, it is a dangerous remedy, and one which I would never have employed on my farm. BLUE-VITRIOL (Sulphate of Copper) Used internally as a strong tonic, but inferior to others. Dissolved in hot water, and applied to morbid sores, an astringent, alterative, and mild caustic, of the most admirable character. It is superior to all other applications in ordinary cases of hoof-ail. CAMPHOR Used with oil as an external stimulant on swellings, &c. CARRAWAY-SEEDS Given favorably in doses of two or three drachms,. as a stomachic with other medicines. CATECHU A valuable astringent, in doses of half a drachm. It is one of the ingredients of the celebrated " sheep's cordial," spoken of under the head of " diarrhea. " CHALK, Prepared, by its alkaline properties, neutralizes the acidity of the stomach, and thus checks diarrhea. It is a very valuable remedy i doses from half an ounce to an ounce, exhibited as directed under the, head of " diarrhea. " CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE (Bi-chloride of Mercury J The most convenient, form in which mercury can be exhibited internally. The proto-chloride, or calomel, from its great gravity, could not, with any certainty, be made to- reach the fourth stomach. It would seem that mercury should be a use- ful remedy in several of the diseases of sheep. I have administered it only in the cases specified under the head of " malignant epizootic- catarrh," and then apparently with some benefit. It would be well if & series of careful experiments could be instituted of its value in the appro- priate ovine diseases. It is very little used by veterinariaus, in this coun- try or Europe. A solution of corrosive sublimate, is used for the destruc- tion of ticks, &c., and sometimes as a wash in the scab, but its use for these purposes is liable to the same objections with that of arsenic. DIGITALIS (Foxglove) A sedative employed in most of the feverr medicines of the English veterinarians. Dose, one scruple. EPSOM SALTS (Sulphate of Magnesia) In doses from half an ounce* to one, and in some few cases two ounces, the best purgative which can, in almost every disease, be administered to sheep. GENTIAN Decidedly the best vegetable tonic in use. Dose, from one to two drachms. GINGER A stomachic am *onic, given with almost every aperient, in doses of from half a drachm tc a drachm. It prevents griping. IODINE. The hydriodate of potash in the proportion of one part to '276 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. seven or eight parts, by weight, of lard, constitutes an ointment which ia a powerful stimulant to the absorbent vessels, and therefore is an excellen application to glandular swellings, or to indurated tumors. It is a goo application to the swelled udder (q. v.J in garget. LARD A mild and gentle purgative in doses of two ounces. The basis of most ointments, arid applied externally in almost every case as an emollient arid lubricant in the place of oils. LIME, Carbonate of- Used as a caustic to run flocks of sheep through, in the " hoof-ail," quern vide. LIME, Clilorldc of- An excellent antiseptic and disinfectant, and a good application to foul ulcers. LINSEED-OIL A good purgative in two ounce doses. Preferable to Epsom salts in cases of great intestinal irritation, but not otherwise. MERCURY. The common mercurial ointment, rubbed down with five parts of lard, for severe cases, and seven parts for ordinary cases, of scab, is an effectual cure, MURIATIC ACID (Spirit of Salt) Next to chloride of antimony, the best <-a.ustic in the worst stage of hoof-ail. NITRATE OP POTASH (Nitre or Saltpetre) In doses one drachm, a cooling diuretic. NITRATE OF SILVER (Lunar Caustic) Superior to all other caustics, but too expensive for general use. For poisonous wounds, and particularly for the bite of a mad dog, it has no substitute. NITRIC ACID (Aquafortis) Sometimes used as a substitute for chloride of antimony, or muriatic acid, as a caustic in hoof-ail. Used by drovers, also, to harden the soles of feet which have become thin and tender by driving. It is touched over the sole with a feather. OPIUM- An invaluable sedative, and anti-spasmodic, and is employed in nearly all prescriptions for diarrhea 'and dysentary, and also in colic drinks. It is an important part of the " sheeps cordial." It is commonly used in the form of a tincture, or laudanum. Dose, one drachm. PEPPER, Black Given in small quantities in milk, to new-born lambs, -when chilled. PIMENTO (Allspice) A substitute for ginger, in the same doses, but not o valuable. RHUBARB Unites the properties of a cathartic and subsequent astrin- gent. In small doses it is a tonic and stomachic, invigorating the diges- tion. When the bowels are relaxed and torpid, and the stomach in a feeble state, it would seem the most appropriate purgative, when a purga- tive is indicated. SALT (Muriate of Soda) An ounce constitutes a purgative ; in small quantities a tonic and stomachic. The necessity of keeping sheep freely supplied with salt has been referred to under Summer and Winter Man- agement. SULPHATE OF IRON (Copperas, or Green Vitriol) Used in washes for the hoof-ail, but superseded by sulphate of copper. Internally, a tonic. SULPHUR, Flower of- In doses of from one to two ounces, a gooc aperient. It is the basis of various ointments. SULPHURIC ACID (Oil of Vitriol) A powerful caustic used as a sub ctitute for the acids already alluded to, in the worst stage >f hoof-aiL SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 277 SPIRIT OF TAR Destroys maggots, and repels the attack of flies. Fliea will not approach a part over which it has been smeared. TAR Is a valuable application to the feet, nose, back of the horns, &c., under the various circumstances detailed in Summer Management, and in the treatment of grub in the head, hoof-ail, &c. TOBACCO An infusion of it destroys vermin, and also is a cure for scab, qucm vide. TURPENTINE, Spirits of Prevents the attack of flies, and drives away maggots. It is a useful application to old sores, wounds, &c. VERDI-SRIS (Acetate of Copper) Used in hoof-ail ; but adds nothing, 1 think, to the good effects of the sulphate of copper. ZINC, Carbonate of- Mixed with lard, constitutes a valuable emollient and healing ointment. It is mixed in the proportion of one part of the carbonate, by weight, to eight of the lard. 278 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. LETTER XVII. SHEEP-DOGS, WOOL DEPOTS, &c. :imation in which dogs have been held by different nations, &c...The Sheep-Dog Button ion of him. ..The Spanish Sheep-Dog Origin Introduction into the United States Value te his history... The Hungarian Sheep-Dog Mr. I'aget's description of probable origin '] ha The description Arrogante his history... The Hungarian" Sheep-Dog Mr. 1'aget's description of probable origii Depots Mr. Blanchard's account of their oridn Letter from Mr. Peters, describing their object, methods of doing business, and advantages Utility of these depots their especial utility to the South. ..A correc- tion Mr. Ruffin.-.Note in relation to Australia Statistics of its Wool Trade brought down to 1846. Dear Sir : In all ages of the world, and among nearly all nations, savage and civilized,* the dog has been the friend and cherished com- panion of man. The Egyptians placed him among their gods. The Greeks held him in the highest estimation. His figure mingles with that of warriors and demi-gods on their friezes ; and Argus, the dog of Ulysses, lives as immortal in the Odyssey, (vide Book XVII., j>. 344^400) as his sagacious master, or the faithful Penelope. Alexander the Great founded a city in honor of a dog ! The Romans treated him with similar respect. His skin covered the statues of the sacred Lares ; his figure, as the emblem of care and vigilance, stood at the feet of these household gods venerated and loved as the tutelary manes of departed ancestors. Horace in his Ode to Cassius Severus (Book F"., Ode VI.,) compares him- self to the Molossian, or the tawny Spartan d ig, which defends the flocks, and with ears erect, pursues the wild beast through the deep snows. Virgil, in the delightful Georgics, admonishes the Roman shepherds not to neglect the care of their dogs : ' Nee tibi cura canum fuerit postrema : sed un& Veloces Spartaj catulos, acremque Molossum, Pasce. aero pingui : nunquam, custodibus illis, Nocturnum stabulis furem, incursusque Inporum, Aut impacatos & tergo horrebis Iberos." [Georg. Liber III., commencing at line 404. Thus translated by Sotheby : Nor slight thy dogs ; on whey the mastiffs feed, Moloesixn race, and hounds of Spartan breed ; Beneath their care, nor wolves, nor thieves by night, Nor wild Iberian shall thy fear excite. These " Spartan hounds, " I may remark, par parenthesis, are the ones spoken of by Shakspeare, in that glorious description of the music of a pack in full cry, and of the points of a hound, in Midsummer-Night* i Dream : Hippolita.l was with Hercules, and Cadmus, once, When in a wood of Crete they bayed the bear With hounds of Sparta : never did I hear Such gallant chiding ; for, besides the groves, The fckies, the fountains, every region near Seemed all one mutual cry : I never heard So musical a discord, such sweet thunder. Tfieteu*. My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind, So flowed, so sanded; and their heads are hung With ears that sweep away the morning dew : Crook-kneed, and dew-lapped, like Thessalian bulla ; Slow in pursuit, but matched in mouth like bells, Each under each. A cry more tunable Was never hallo'd to, nor cheered with horn, In Crete, in Sparta, nor in Thessaly. * The only exceptions which now occur to me are the Jews, the Hindoos, and the Mahommedan nadaw and tribet . SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOOTH. 279 Arrian, Pliny, Oppian, ^Elian, and a host of othei writers of the Empire, descant on the praises oi' the dog, or give anecdotes of his courage, strength, and fidelity. In the chivalric ages, he was the companion of knights and princes tie eoul of the manly field-sports of those times. Even prelates followed him to the chase. The abbots of St. Hubert bred a celebrated race of hounds St. Hubert himself, St. Eustace, and many others on the canonized calen dar, were keen hunters. " Whereupon, " says the author of the " Noble Art of Venerie," &c., published in 1611, "we may conceive that (by the grace of God) all good huntsmen shall follow them into Paradise ! " Truly, a consoling religious sequitur ! Scott, in his beautifully descriptive poetry, and still more poetical prose, has given us a whole picture gallery of dogs, from the Middle Ages down. The few which start up first in memory, (in my memory,) because, proba- bly, linked with the most interesting associations, are Fangs a genuine Saxon gaunt and unkempt, but stanch as his master, Gurth, the son of Beowulph ; the noble hound of Sir Kenneth ; the " two dogs of black Saint Hubert's breed," that with Fitz-James pursued their quarry into the wild pass of the Trosachs ; the faithful little terrier, which, " on the dark brow of the mighty Hellvellyn, The much-loved remains of her master defended, And chased the hill fox and the raven away ; " and last, not least, Hector Mclntyre's bitch Juno, which stole the butter, and broke the " lachr amatory from Clochmaben," of the glorious old Antiquary. They stand out on the canvas like Landseer's pictures. We pause to hear them bark ! It has often occurred to me that Scott omitted a fine opportunity, indeed, made a hiatus vale dcflendus, in not introducing one or more of the 'Alpine spaniels or dogs of Mount St. Bernard into his Anne of Geierstein, providing it could be done, (on which point I am uninstructed,) without a violent anachronism. When Arthur clung dizzy and stupefied to the trunk of the tree which hung over the beetling vergd of the precipice when the cry of the Swiss maiden announced approach- ing succor, should it not have had for its accompaniment the baying of one of those great dogs of the Alps the deep and far-heard rever Dera- tions of which so often calls help to the perishing traveler, for miles, through the howling storm 1 Should not the dog of Donnerhugel, on the night-watch of Graffs-lust, have been of the same breed huge, shaggy, and daring as himself? The portrait of Barry, a Bernardine dog which saved the lives of forty persons, and finally perished in an avalanche in guid- ing some travelers to St. Pierre, is to be found in every print-shop. It represents him carrying a child on his shoulders clinging by his shaggy hair, which he found in the Glacier of Balsore, and rescued from approaching death. Scott is not the only modern poet who has admired and sung the praises of the dog. And I do not recollect the instance of one, who has mentioned him, that is, the tvcll-bred dog, who has not praised him, except Byron in these moody lines : "Perchance my dog will whine in vain. Till fed by stranger hands ; But long ere I come back again Would tear me where he stands." In his epitaph on his Newfoundland dog, the noble poet retracted this ungenerous libel, and pays one of the warmest tributes to the fidelity of the aog, on record. Volumes of anecdotes of canine sagacity might te easily compiled 280 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. Reasoning powers the dog undoubtedly possesses, quite on a par with ordinary humanity, if we may believe scores of these writers. But it ii probable that the grandsires of some of them " drew good long-lows at Hastings," and they, like Hubert, may lay claim to a hereditary knowledge of the weapon. It is to be feared that dog-stories will soon be sunk to a par \v\\hfis7i-stories ! The truth is, the dog knows enough, and there aie authenticated cases enough of his wonderful sagacity, without having an air of discredit thrown over the whole of them, by fanciful exaggera- tions. The comparative intelligence, and the comparative value to man, of the different species of the dog, would be very differently estimated by those who have been placed in situations to be particularly benefited by the peculiar instincts of this race or that. Nearly every species has some traits, some uses, where it is unequaled by the others ; and each in its place is valuable. I do not, however, mean these remarks, or any others which I have made in favor of the dog, to apply to the mongrel tribe of curs. That there have been valuable individuals from this disreputable stock, all must admit; but the miserable, cowardly and thievish character of the mass of them has been proverbial in all time. Far too many of them are kept by our farmers in the place of noble and serviceable animals and multitudes of them, owned by idlers and vagabonds, infest the country and do ten times more mischief to our flocks than diseases and beasts of prey. THE SHEEP-DOG. Buffbn thus eloquently describes the sheep-dog,* and compares his sagacity and value to man, with other racest : " This animal, faithful to Man, will always preserve a portion of his empire and a degree of superiority over other beings. He reigus at the head of his flock, and makes himself bettci understood than the voice of the shepherd. Safety, order, and discipline are the fruits ol his vigilance and animal. They are a people submitted to his management, whom he con- ducts and protects, and against whom he never applies force but for the preservation of good order. ... If we consider that this animal, notwithstanding his ugliness, and his wild and melancholy look, is superior in instinct to all others ; that he has a decided character v\ which education has comparatively little share ; that he is the only animal born perfectly trained for the service of others ; that, guided by natural powers alone, he applies himself to the cai'e of our flocks, a duty which he executes with singular assiduity, vigilance, and fidel- ity ; that he conducts them with an admirable intelligence, which is a part and portion 01 himself ; that his sagacity astonishes at the same time that it gives repoe to his master, while it requires great time and trouble to instruct other dogs for the purposes to which they are destined ; if we reflect on these facts, we shall be confirmed in the opinion that the shepherd's dog is the true dog of Nature, the stock and model of the whole species." I shall call attention to but a few of the most distinguished varieties of the sheep-dog. THE SPANISH SHEEP-!)OG. Of the origin of this celebrated race, I do not recollect to have seen anything. I have observed them several times spoken of, latterly, in newspapers and agricultural publications, as the same variety with the Alpine Spaniel, or Bernardino dog. This, I think, must be an error, though there may be a general resemblance between the two species. Arrogante, on the next page, though a dog of pro- iigious power, decidedly lacks the massive proportions, both in body and limbs, of several Bernardino dogs, which I have seen, of un question a- * I stated near the close of Letter V. thnt there are no shepherd dogs large and powerful enough to en- counter and kill wolves and vagrant dogs, except the great Sheep-dog of Spain, and that he is so ferocioiu thet he might frequently bring his owner into difficulty, and even endanger human life. I was mistaken. Crosses between this and other species seems to have mitigated the ferocity of the Spanish dog, and BtUI left it within the power of two to overcome a wolf, as will appear from what follows. * Buffon'a Natural History, vol. v., pp. 306, 318. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 281 hie lineage. The temper and disposition of the two species, too, seems tc me to be essentially different. Mr. Trimmer, and various other foreign writers, speak in warm terms of the value of the Spanish sheep-dog, for guarding the migratory flocks of that country from the attacks of wolves staying behind to protect fee- ble and lagging sheep, &c. In the Memoirs of the Pennsylvania Agricul- tural Society, there is a communication from the well-known John Haie Powell, Esq., of Philadelphia, from which the following are extracts : " The first importations of Merino sheep were accompanied by some of the large ar.d powerful dogs of Spain, possessing all the valuable characteristics of the English shepherd"* dog, with sagacity, fidelity and strength peculiar to themselves Their ferocity, when aroused by any intruder, their attachment to their own flock, and devotion to their master would, in the uncultivated parts of America, make them an acquisition of infinite value, by affording a defence against wolves, which they readily kill, and vagrant cur dogs, by which our flocks are often destroyed. The force of their instinctive attachment to sheep, and then resolution in attacking every dog which passes near to their charge, have been forcibly evinced upon my farm. ' Fia 71. AKROGANTK A SPANISH SHEEP-DOO Arrogante, whose portrait is above given with admirable fidelity, was imported from Spain with a flock of Merinos, a number of years since, by a gentleman residing near Bristol, England. His subsequent owner, Francis Rotch, Esq., of this State, thus describes him in a letter to me, which, though not intended for publication, I will venture to make a few extracts from : " I have, as you desired, made you a sketch of the Spanish sheep-dog Arrogante, and a villainous looking rascal he is. A worse countenance I hardly ever saw on a dog . His small blood-shot eyes, set close together, give him that sinister, wolfish look, which is most unattractive ; but his countenance is indicative of his character. There was nothing affec- tionate or joyous about him. He never forgaye an injury or an insult: offend him. and it was for life. I have often been struck with his resemblance to his nation. He was proud and reserved in the extreme, but not quarrelsome. Every little cur would fly out at him, as at some strange animal; and I have seen them fasten for a moment on his heavy, bushy tail, and yet he would stride on; never breaking his long, ' loping,' shambling trot. Once I saw him 2 N 282 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. turn, and the retribution was awful ! It was upon a large, powerful mastiff' we kept as night-guard in the Bank. He then put forth his strength, which proved tremendous ! H.t coat hung about him in thick, loose, matted folds, dirty and uncared-for, so that I presume a dog never got hold of anything about him deeper than his thick, tough skin, which was twice too large to fit him anywhere, and especially around the neck and shoulders. Tho only other evidence of his uncommon strength which T had observed, was the perfect eas< with which he threw himself over a high wall or paling, which often drew my attention, because he seemed to me wanting in that particular physical development which wo are accustomed to consider as necessary to muscular power. He was flat-chested, and flat- Hided, with a somewhat long back and narrow loin. (My drawing foreshortens his length.) Flis neck, forearm and thigh certainly indicated strength. If the Spanish wolf and the dog ever cohabit, he most assuredly had in him such a cross ; the very effluvia of the animal be- trayed it. In all in which he differed from the beautiful Spanish shepherd-dog, he waa wolfish both in form and habits.* But, though no parlor beauty, Arrogante was unquestion- ably a dog of immense value to the mountain-shepherd. Several times, he had met the large wolf of the Appenines, and without aid slain his antagonist. The shepherds who bred him said it was an affair of no doubtful issue, when he encountered a wolf single-handed. Mis history, after reaching England, you know." Some portions of that history I cannot resist the temptation of narrating, as illustrative of the character of this interesting breed, and commemora- tive of the virtues of the stern, but honest and dauntless Arrogante. If his courage was tinctured with ferocity, and sometimes instigated by a revenge, going a little beyond the canon which permits bad debts to be paid in kind, he did everything openly ! He made no sneakish, cur : lik"e attacks, on the heels of his foe. By him, as by Robin Hood and his merry men commemorated by Drayton " Who struck below the kme [was] not counted then a man ;" and his spring was always at the tliroat of his quarry. But he made not that deadly spring until he gave " warning fair and true," and never with- out provocation.! Soon after Arrogante's arrival in England, a ewe under his charge chanced to get cast in a ditch, during the temporary absence of the Span- ish shepherd who had accompanied the flock and dog at their importation. An English shepherd, in a spirit of vaunting, insisted on relieving the fal- len sheep, in preference to having the absent shepherd called, though warned by his companions to desist. The stern stranger dog met him at the gate and also warned him with sullen growls, growing more menacing as he approached the sheep. The shepherd was a powerful and bold man, and felt that it was too late now to retract with credit. On reaching the sheep, he bent carefully forward, with his eyes on the dog, which instantly made a spring at his throat. A quick forward movement of his arm saved his throat, but the arm was so dreadfully lacerated that immediate am- putation became necessary. To save the dog, which had but done his duty, as he 7tad been tauglit it, from the popular excitement, he was ship- ped in a vessel which sailed that very afternoon, from Bristol for America. He was sent to Francis Rotch, Esq., then a resident of New-Bedford. For a long time Arrogante would not pay the least attention to his new master ; the voice of the latter would scarcely arrest him for a moment. After attempting in vain, for several weeks, to obtain some recognition of mastership from him, Mr. Rotch chained him securely to a tree, punished him severely, and then, with not a few misgivings, released him. But he submitted, for he well knew that the punishment came from his master, and afterward gave a cold, haughty obedience to all required of him. * I never have supposed, from the several conversations which I have had with Mr. Rotch on the sub ject, that Arrogante was anything less than a thorough-bred Spanish shepherd-dop. Mr. Rotch here means that he was an ill-favored individual of the family and he thinks that this may be owing lo a bar-sinistrt sn his escutcheon, left there by eome wolfish gallant. His temper was even less ferocious than Mr. Powel' ijewibes that of At* Spanish dogs. Was there anything wolf-like in all of this K SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 283 Stupid ami apparently sleeping much of the day, nothing, however, es -aped his observation, or was subsequently erased from his memory. li led round a building, or enclosure, or even an open space, at night-fall, in a manner to evince particular design, during the entire night like a senti- nel he traversed some part of the guarded ring, permitting neither man nor beast to pass in or out from it. Arroguiite was a " temperance man," of the straightest sect an out-arid out teetotaler and if tolerant of deviations from his creed, he could bear none, from the sobriety of his practice. Never would he confess acquain- tance with a drunken man though the hand of that man fed him. The bailiff, who usually fed Arrogante, used occasionally to come home late in the evening a little "J&tt/'and never could he in this condition get his foot on the premises ! The old man has plead guilty to more than one night's lodgings on the ground, in consequence of Arrogante's temperance scru- ples. On one occasion a couple of sailors, to take advantage of the tide, came unexpectedly, and without giving any notice, on the farm, at 3 A. M., to take away some potatoes they had purchased. Arrogante thought it was not so " nominated in the bond ;" he forced them to clamber into an empty cart, and there he kept them until morning. They tried the expe- riment of putting a leg over the side once or twice, but were admonished in too unequivocal a manner to keep quiet, to need any farther hints. They lost the tide, and were in great tribulation, but, like honest fellows,, confessed the fault was their own. I might, did limits allow, recount many more anecdotes displaying the iron determination and fixed precision with which this noble dog obeyed his instructions in guarding sheep or other property committed to his charge. He was a decided " strict constructionist," swerving not from the letter of his commission, and woe to him who attempted to countervail the tenor of that commission ! Drunkenness was destined to prove as fatal as it was detestable, to Arro- gante. A gentleman occupied a cottage orne by the sea-side, the lane to which ran along the farm, and near the stable which Arrogante made his head-quarters, when not on particular duty. The gentleman wan reg- ularly introduced to him, and warned against ever provoking him. Re- turning him home late one Saturday evening on horseback, from a conviv- ial meeting, as he galloped through the lane, he met the dog, and wan- tonly struck him or struck at him with a hunting-whip. He was a large man, and rode a tall, powerful horse, and being under speed, he escaped before the astonished dog recovered from his surprise. But the insulted blood of Castile rushed in boiling currents through the veins of the mad- dened Arrogante. He felt, like his countryman De Lerma, in Epes Sar- gent's tragedy of Velasco " Struck like a menitil ! buffeted ! degraded ! Spare not my life, if mercy thou would show, Thou givest me back only what thou hast made A burden, a disgrace, a misery !" But AiTOgante frit both the power and will to avenge himself, and he resolved on a bloody retribution. The next mcrning the gentleman was on his way to church, mounted as oefore. The dog heard and knew the tread of his horse, rose from his laii in the stable, walked to the road-side, and stood grimly awaiting his in- Bulter. When the latter had approached within a few yards, Arrogante, like a missile projected from a catapult, met him in the air, in a deadly spring at his throat. The sudden jump and swerve of the frightened and 284 SHEEP HLSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. very active horse, saved the rider's throat and his life but so narrowly nad he escaped, that he felt the gnashing teeth of the frenzied brute scrape down his dress, where they came in contact with and closed upon his watch, tearing it away with the adjacent clothing. The horseman fled for his life, while the baffled dog vented his rage on the gold watch which he had captured, by chewing it into atoms ! The cause of this ter rible onset not being disclosed at the time, Mr. R., though convinced from the character of the dog that he had not been the aggressor, felt constrain- ed to give orders to have him shot. THE HUNGARIAN SHEEP-DOG. The following description of the Hunga- rian Sheep-Dog, occurs in Paget's " Hungary and Transylvania :"* " It would be unjust to quit the subject of the Puszta Shepherd without making due and honorable mention of his constant companion and friend, the juhfisz-hulya the Hungarian shepherd dog. The shepherd dog is comnjonly white, sometimes inclined to a reddish brown, and about the size of our Newfoundland dog. His sharp nose, short erect ears, shaggy coat, and bushy tail give him much the appearance of a wolf ; indeed, so great is the resemblance, that I have known a Hungarian gentleman mistake a wolf for one of his own dogs. Except to their masters, they are so savage that it is unsafe for a stranger to enter the court-yard of a Hungarian cottage, withoulanns. I speak from experience ; for as I was walk- ing through the yard of a post-house, where some of these dogs were lying about, apparently asleep, one of them crept after me, and inflicted a severe wound on my leg, of which I stiil bear the marks. Before I could turn round, the dog was already far off ; for. like the wolf, they bite by snapping, but never hang to the object like the bull-dog or mastiff. Their saga- city in driving and guarding the sheep and cattle, and their courage in protecting them from wolves and robbers, are highly praised ; and the shepherd is so well aware of the value of a good one, that it is difficult to induce him to part with it." I have little doubt that the Hungarian dogs above described are the descendants of the Spanish ones, introduced into Hungary with the Meri- no sheep, though possibly they maybe somewhat crossed by interbreeding with the dogs of the country. THE MEXICAN SHEEP-DOG. The following acccount of these noble dog8 appears as a communication from Mr. J. H. Lyman, in the third volume of the American Agriculturist :t ;< Although Mr. Kendall and some other writers have described this wonderful animal as a cross of the Newfoundland dog, such, I think, cannot be the fact; on the contrary, I have no doubt he is a genuine descendant of the Alphie mastiff, or more properly, Spanish shep- herd dog introduced by them at the time of the Conquest. He is only to be found in the sheep-raising districts of New Mexico. The other Mexican dogs, which number more than a thousand to one of these noble animals, are the results of a cross of everything under the sun having any affinity to the canine race, and even of a still nobler class of animals if Mexi- can stories are to be credited. It is believed in Mexico, that the countless mongrels of that country owe their origin to the assistance of the various kinds of wolves, mountain cats, lynxes, and to almost if not every class of four-footed carnivorous animals. Be this as it may, those who have not seen them can believe as much as they like ; but eye-witnesses can assert, that there never was a country blessed with a greater and more abundant variety of misera- rable, snarling, cowardly packs, than the mongrel dogs of Mexico. That country of a surety would be the plague-spot of this beautiful world, were it not for the redeeming character ol the truly noble shepherd dog, endowed as it is with almost human intellect. I have often thought, when observing the sagacity of this animal, that if very many of the human race possessed one half of the power of inductive reasoning which seems to be the gift of this animal, that it would be far better for themselves and for their fellow-creatures. The peculiar education of these dogs is one of the most important and interesting steps pursued by the shepherd. His method is to select from a multitude of pups a few of tho healthiest and finest-looking, and to put them to a sucking ewe, first depriving her of her own lamb. By force, as well as from a natural desire she has to be relieved of the con- tents of her udder, she soon learns to look upon the little interlopers with all the affection she would manifest for her own natural offspring. For the first w days the pups are kept In the hut, the ewe suckling them morning and evening only ; but gradually, as she be- Hungary and Transylvania, by John Paget. Esq., vol. ii., p. 12, et supra* f Pe 94L SHEEP HUSBANDR\ IJN THE SOUTH. 285 comes accustomed to their sight, she is allowed to run in a small enclosure with them until she becomes so perfectly familiar with their appearance as to take the entire charge of them. After this they are folded with the whole flock for a fortnight or so, they then run about during the day with the flock, which after a while becomes so accustomed to them, na to be able to distinguish them from other clogs even from those of the same litter which have not been nursed among them. The shepherds usually allow the slut to keep one of a litter for her own particular benefit ; the balance are generally destroyed. After the pups are weaned, they never leave the particular drove among which they have been reared. Not even the voice of their master can entice them beyond sight of the ftock; neither hunger or thirst can do it. I have been credibly informed of an instance where a single dog having charge of a small flock of sheep, was allowed to wander with them about the mountains, while the shepherd returned to his village for a few days, having perfect confidence in the ability of his dog to look after the flock during his absence, but with a Rtrange want of foresight as to the provision of the dog for his food. Upon his return to tho flock^he found it several miles from where left, but on the road leading to the village, and the poor faithful animal in the agonies of death, dying of starvation, even in the midst oj plenty ; yet the flock had not been harmed by him. A reciprocal affection exists between them which may put to blush many of the human family. The poor dog recognized them only as brothers and dearly loved friends ; he was ready at all times to lay down his life for them ; to attack not only wolves and mountain cats, with the confidence of vic- tory, but even the bear, when there could be no hope. Of late years, when the shepherds of New Mexico have suffered so much from Indian marauders, instances have frequently occurred where the dog has not hesitated to attack his human foes, and although transfix- ed with arrows, his indomitable courage and faithfulness have been such as to compel his assailants to pin him to the earth with spears, and hold him there until dispatched with stones. In the above instance the starving dog could have helped himself to one of his little bro- ther lambs, or could have deserted the sheep, and very soon have reached the settlements where there was food for him. But faithful even unto death, he would neither leave nor molest them, but followed the promptings of his instinct to lead into the settlement; their unconsciousness of his wants and slow motions in traveling were too much for his exhaust- ing strength. These shepherds are very nomadic in character. They are constantly moving about their camp equipage consisting merely of a kettle and a bag of meal ; their lodges are made in a few minutes, of branches, &c., thrown against cross-sticks. They very seldom go out in the day-time with their flocks, intrusting them entirely^with their dogs, which faithfully return them at night, never permitting any stragglers behind or lost. Sometimes different flocks are brought into the same neighborhood owing to scarcity of grass, when the wonder- ful instincts of the shepherds' dogs are most beautifully displayed ; and to my astonishment, who have been an eye-witness of such scenes, if two flocks approach 'within a few yards of kindly happens, if many make a rush and succeed in joining the other flock, the dogs under whose charge they are, go over and bring them all out, but, strange to say, under such circumstances they are never opposed by the other do<*s. They approach the strange sheep only to prevent their own from leaving the flock, though they offer no assistance in expelling the other sheep But they never permit sheep not under canine protection, nor dogs not in charge of sheep, to approach them. Even the same dogs which are so freely permitted to enteiM.heir flocks in search of their own, are driven away with ignominy if they presume to approach them without that laudable object in view. Many anecdotes could be related of the wonderful instinct of these dogs. I very much doubt if there are shepherd dogs in any other part of the world except Spain, equal to those of New-Mexico in value. The famed Scotch and English dogs sink into insignificance by the side of them. Their superiority may be owing to the peculiar mode of rearing them, but they are certainly very noble animals, naturally of large size, and highly deserving to be introduced into the United States. A pair of them will easily kill a wolf, and flocks under their care need not fear any common enemy to be found in our country. J. H. LYMAN." Mr. Kendall* speaks of meeting, on the Grand Prairie, a flock numbering seventeen thousand, which immense herd was guarded by a very few men, assisted by a large number of noble dogs, which appeared gifted with the faculty of keeping them together. There was no running about, no bai'king or biting in their system of tactics ; or the contrary, they were continually walking up and down, like faithful senti nels, on the outer side of the flock, and should any sheep chance to stray from its fellows, the dog on duty at that particular post, would walk gently up, take him carefully by the ear * Vcl I., p. 268. 286 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. and lead him back to the flock. Not the .east fear did the sheep manifest a* the approach :f these dogs, and there was no occasion for it. These noble animals seem, according to these and various otjier corre- sponding accounts I have seen of them, to leave nothing to desire in the wcy of a sheep-dog, either for guarding or managing flocks. They would be in- valuable in our Southern States, to protect the flocks from the cur-dogs which so often attack them, and from the occasional wolves. I hope efforts will be made to introduce them into our country, and then they should be bred in the utmost purity. SOUTH AMERICAN SHEEP-DOG. Similar to the preceding in character and habits, are the sheep-dogs to be found in various parts of South Amer- ica. They, too, are undoubtedly an offshoot from the Spanish stem. The following interesting account of them is from Darwin's Journal : ." While staying at this estancia (in Banda Oriental), I was amused with 'what I saw and heard of the shepherd dogs of the country. When riding, it is a common thing to meet a large flock of sheep guarded by one or two dogs, at the distance of sdme miles from any house or man. I often wondered how so firm a friendship had been established. The method of education consists in separating the puppy, when very young, from the bitch, and in accustoming it to its future companions. A ewe is held three or four times a day for the little thing to suck, and a nest of wool ig made for it in the sheep-pen. At no time is it allowed to associate with other dogs, or with the children of the family. The puppy, moreover, is generally castrated ; so that when grown up, it can scarcely have any feelinga in common with the rest of its kind. From this education it has no wish to leave the flock, and just as another dog will defend its master, man, so will these the sheep. It is amusing to observe, when approaching a flock, how the dog immediately advances barking and the sheep all close in his rear as if round the oldest ram. These dogs are also easily taught to bring home the flock at a certain time in the evening. Their most troublesome fault "when young is their desire of playing with the sheep, tor in their play, they sometimes gallop their jioor subjects most unmercifully. The shepherd dog comes to the house every day for some meat, and immediately it is given to him he skulks away as if ashamed of himself. On these occasions the house dogs are very tyrannical, and the least of them will attack and pursue the stranger. The minute, however, the latter has reached the flock, he turns round and begins to bark, and then all the house dogs take very quickly to their heels. In a similar manner a whole pack of hungry wild dogs will scarcely ever (and I was told by some, never), venture to attack a flock guarded even by one of these faithful shepherds. The whole account appears to me a curious instance of the pliability of the affections of the dog race ; and yet, whether wild, or however educated, with a mutual feeling of respect and fear for those that are fulfilling their instinct of association. For we can understand on no principle the wild dogs being driven away by the single one with its flock, except that they consider, from some confused notion, that the one thus associated gains power, as if in com- pany with its own kind. F. Cuvier has observed that all animals which enter into domes- tication consider Man as a member of their society, and thus they fulfil their instinct of asso- ciation. In the above case the shepherd dogs rank the sheep as their brethren; and the wild dogs, though knowing that the individual sheep are not dogs, but are good to eat, yet partly consent to this view, when seeing them in a flock, with a shepherd dog at their head!" OTHER LARGE RACES OF SHEEP-DOGS. There are one or two fine species in France, as those of Brie, and Auvergne. In a letter from G. W. Lafayette, to John S. Skinner, Esq., the latter are pronounced equal to the Spanish dogs.* Large powerful races, everywhere possessing the same general characteristics, are to be found in almost every country excepting our own, where the fine-wooled breeds of sheep have been ex J,ensively introduced. With a commerce extending to all the maritime nations of the world, singular it is that so little pains have been taken to introduce them. THE ENGLISH SHEEP-DOG. The following are portraits of a Diovei's dog, * See Fanners' Library, Vol. i., p. 465. SHEEP HUSBANDIU IN THE SOUTH. 287 and a Scotch Colley slut, imported by B. Gates, of Gap Grove, Lee Co Illinois. They are taken from The Farmers* Libiary.* Fig. 72. DROVER'S DOG, AND COLLET SLUT. The Drover's dog, or English sheep-dog, or Butcher's dog for by an of these names is he known is considerably smaller than the specieo CT families heretofore described, but he is a larger and more powerful dog than the Colley. Mr. Gates, in the communication accompanying the portraits, remarks : " Much has already been written on the intelligence of the Scotch Colley. My opinion is that the English " Butcher's dog" is no way lacking on that point. Any reader who has visited Smithfield market in London, on Monday or Friday, will, no doubt, have formed the same opinion. There you have an opportunity of seeing a number of these useful animals at their work. It would, in fact, be almost impossible to conduct this market without their aid. There a vast number of different animals are brought for sale from all parts of the country, to supply this great metropolis, and are collected in the smallest possible space. -the dog always holding them by head, so as not to bruise the body. By a Word or motion of the hand, they will run over the backs of the sheep, to stop them or turn them in a different direction. I have often admired, with astonishment, their quick and intelligent actions. They appear to read the thoughts of their master by his countenance, for their eye is continually on his, or the flock. Nothing else can attract his attention when he has work to perform, and at times I have thought he acted with more judgment than the owner. . . . The breed of " Boxer," (whose portrait is above given,) is sometimes called the Drover's or Tailless breed." Mr. Colman, in one of his Reports, says: " For a week or more before the tryst, the roads leading to Falkink will be found crowded with successive droves of cattle and sheep, proceeding to this central point ; and it is ex Uemely curious on the field to see with what skill and care the different parties and herdt We kept together by themselves. In this matter the shepherds are generally assisted by * Vcl. i. p. 575. 288 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. their dogs, which appear endowed with a sagacity almost human, and almost to know every Individual belonging to their charge. They are sure,, with an inflexible pertinacity, to bricg back a deserter to the flock." Mr T. C. Peters, (now of Buffalo, N. Y.,) on his return from Europe, a few years since, brought over a Drover and a Colley. His testimony to their extraordinary value will be found in the American Agriculturist, vol. iii., page 76. Fig. 73 THE COLLEY. THE SCOTCH SHEEP-DOG OR COLLEY. The light, active, sagacious Colley admits of no superior scarcely of an .equal where it is his business merely to. manage his flock, and not to defend them from beasts larger than himself. Mr. Hogg says that " a single shepherd and his dog will accomplish more in gathering a flock of sheep from a Highland farm than twenty shepherds could do without dogs. Neither hunger, fatigue, nor the worst treatment will drive him from his master's side, and he will follow him through every hardship without murmur or repining." The same well-known writer, in a letter in Blackwood's Magazine, gives a most glowing description of the qualities of his Colley, " Sirrah." One night a flock of lambs, under his care, frightened at something, made what we call in America a regular stampede, scattering over the hills in several different bodies, . " Sirrah, " exclaimed Hogg in despair, " they're a' awa ! " The dog dashed off through the darkness. After spending with his assistants, the whole night in a fruitless search after the fugitives, Mr. Hogg commenced his return to his master's house. Coming to a deep ravine, they found Sirrah in charge, as they at first supposed, of one of the scattered divisions, but what was their joyful surprise to find that not a lamb of the whole flock was missing ! Of the stanch devotedness of the Colley, under any and all circuni SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. f 289 stances, Mr. Peters gives, in the American Agriculturist, the following characteristic illustration, copied from a Scotch paper: " The master of the bitch purchased at a fair some eighty sheep, and having occasion to tay a day longer, sent them forward and directed his faithful Colley to drive them home, a, distance of about 17 miles. The poor bitch, when a few miles on the road, dropped two whelps; but faithful to her charge, she drove the sheep on a mile or two farther then allowing them to stop, she returned for her pups, which she carried some two miles in advance of the sheep, and thus she continued to do, alternately carrying her own young ones, and taking charge of the flock, till she reached home. The manner of her acting on this occasion was gathered by the shepherd from various persons who had observed her on the roud. " The Colleyo aie not no\r uncommon in the Northern States, and I have often seen proofs of their singular sagacity in collecting, driving, and gliding sheep, and in catching out one from the flock when directed by their masteis. I have often seen one drive a flock of fifty or sixty sheep through a crowed street, encountering teams, pedestrians, and other dogs at every rtep without the slightest assistance. THE GHEE? TO THE DOG. It is a mistake to suppose that a trained sheep-dog will manage any strange flock, however wild and unac- customed to such company. The sheep must be gradually made acquainted with, and accustomed to the dog. They must know and they will readily learn it that he is their friend, their guardian and protector, instead of that hereditary enemy which their instinct teaches them to fly from. A vy.int of knowledge of this fact has frequently led to disappoint- ment and disgust, to a giving up of the valuable dog which it has cost pains and money to procure. Mr. Skinner relates a ludicrous incident of Mr. Jefferson, arising from his not being apprized of this fact. A thoroughly broken sheep-dog had been sent him from abroad, and the great Sage of Monticello, after having held forth ore rotundo to some visitors, on the value of these dogs, and their immense convenience nay, their indispens- ability in managing flocks, led forth his guests to give a practical exempli- fication of the qualities of his dog. At the word, the latter made for the sheep. The terrified animals fled in all directions, some of them dashing themselves over precipices and breaking their necks. The dog either shared the same fate, or, mortified at his failure, felt his pride too deeply wounded to return. Mr. Jefferson never recovered him ! WOOL DEPOTS. Commission merchants who confine their operations exclusively to th* sale of Wool, have opened large stores or " Depots," at three or four points in the Northern States. Of the origin of this system, Mr. H. Blanchard, of Kinderhook, N. Y., thus spoke at the Agricultural meeting at the Assembly Chamber, Albany, Feb. 3, 1848 : " From* facts that were ascertained by Hon. J. P. Beekman, (then President of the N. \ State Agricultural Society,) at the State Fair held in Poughkeepsie, in 1844, he became con vinced that the growers of Dutchess county, by reason of the superior facilities afforded them for the sale of their fine wools, were procuring from six to eight cents per pound more than many wool-growers in other sections of the State who produced the same quality of wool. The large quantity of fine wool grown in that county, offered great inducements foi manufacturers ana purchasers of fine wool to make that a place of resort to obtain their sup plies, and thus a fair competition was awakened, which resulted in a just appreciation of the relative value of their wools, and remunerating prices to the fine wool grower. Soon after Or. B.'s return, the evils consequent upon the system of selling wools in our county, as weL es elsewhere, became a matter of discussion between him and other wool-growers in our " : cinity and myself, the result of which was a request from them that I would open what we now term a " Wool Depot." The principles involved in the depot system are not new u oeing conducted upon those of a commission business ; but it is only the details and annli 2O 290 SHEEP HUSBANDRY TN THE SOUTH. cation of these principles to wool when received direct from the grower, that had never be- fore in this country been applied in the same discriminating manner, and with as little expense as by this system." The objects and advantages of the system, and the method of conduct- ing these establishments are clearly set forth in the following letter from my friend Mr. Peters, to whom, as a keeper of one of these Depots, and & gentleman of conceded ability as well as skill, energy and su;cesa \n this and in his other business operations I thought it appropriate to apply for this information. H. S. RANDALL, Esq. BUFFALO. N. Y., Dec. 16, 1847. My Dear Sir: Your kind favor of the 12th inst., making inquiries relative to the Wool Dpot system, is before me. It will give me pleasure to answer your queries, not that by so doing I can add anything to the exceeding great value of your Letters to the whole country, ajid especially to the South and West yet from my own experience as a wool-grower, and in the management of a Wool Depot which I established at this place last spring, I may give some information that will be useful to your readers, and may they be millions. In so doing, I will give you 1st, An account of the object; 2d, The method of doing business ; and 3d, The advantages of the Wool Depot system. THE OBJECT. Upon no sheep is the wool exactly alike over the whole body ; nor is the wool exactly alike upon any single flock. In most flocks there is a great diversity greater than there should be for the farmer's profit. There is, then, a variety of grades of wool in every flock, and in every section of the country where wool is grown. Manufacturers first grade the wool ; that is, sort the fleeces, making from five to eight or nine different grades. Bach fleece is then opened, and stapled, or sorted into the various grades of the factoiy. Some manufactories use only the finest, others only the coarsest, and others again use only one kind of the intermediate sorts, so that from' a single flock, I sold this year wool to five different manufacturers, no one wanting or working the kind that the other wanted. The object of the Wool Depot .is to sort and arrange the wool, that the manufacturer can readily obtain the particular kind adapted to his machinery, and to obtain for each sort its fair market value. METHOD OF DOING BUSINESS. The system originated with Mr. H. Blanchard, at Kinder- hook, some three years ago. Last year, we sent our wool to Mr. Blanchard, and during the winter I visited his establishment, and was so well satisfied with the operation of it, and of the vital importance of the system to the wool-growers everywhere, that I at once made arrangements to open one at this point. I accordingly commenced operalions in the spring, and have been successful beyond my most sanguine expectations. I have a competent and experienced sorter, and when wool is sent in, it is at once sorted in the fleece, each sort weighed, and entered in a book under the name of the person send- ing it. I have adopted Mr. Blanchard's method of sorting, as experience has shown that to be the best, under all circumstances. I make, then, five sorts, taking full-blooded Merino for No. 1, and grading down to coarse common wool, which is No. 5. Saxony I grade into Extra, Prime 1, and Prime 2. Then there is a kind of wool which is admirable for combing, and another kind that is wanted for De Lairies ; these form five more sorts, making thus ten sorts. But as there is such a difference in the condition of wool when brought into the Depot, I usually make two 'sorts of each number. Thus I have No. 2, and No. 2 A. No. 2 is usually good, but No. 2 A is of the same grade, but is in bet. v er coalition, every way * choice article, but still not fine enough to go into a higher grade. The wool is actually worth two or three cents per Ib. more than the other number to which it belongs, and but fc>r making this distinction, would not bring its full value. When the wool is properly sorted, it is piled up in a manner that will enable the-purchaser to see it at a good advantage ; in- sured, an:l held until the market requires it. I make all my sales here, and for cash When the sales are closed, an account is made out and sent to those who have sent me their wool; usually, an account is rendered as fast as any part of a man's wool is sold. I have often been asked, how I could tell whether any man's wool was sold, unless the whole of a eort was sold at a time. It is very easy. Suppose A. has 100 Ibs. of No. 1, and I have sold 20,000 Ibs. out of 40,000 Ibs. that being the whole amount in the Depot. I have sold one- aalf of each man's No. 1, and I turn to A.'s account and give him credit for 50 Ibs. sold, and su go through and credit each man with his proportion of that number sold. The charges are, for receiving, sorting, and selling, one cent per Ib. , and the insurance which is usually about 30 cts. on $100, for three months. Cartage from the dock is usually tlr'ee cents per bale. The sacks are returned or sold at the option of the owner. They are SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. 291 worth about fifty cents, more or less, according to their condition- Each is carefully examined ; if put up in bad order, it is so noted, and a deduction made by !he sorter, to make it as it should be. So that it is no object for a man to send to the Depot wool in a bad condition. THE ADVANTAGES. The foregoing facts would seem to be so plain that it cannot be necessary to refer to the advantages. No man, however, is more at the mercy of the specu- lator, than the wool-grower. The very fact that he has so many kinds of wool in his clip, prevents him from ascertaining the market value of the whole, for being in comparatively small quantities, he has not enough, if ever so well sorted, to make it an object for the differ- ent manufacturers to visit him. He is therefore compelled to sell his whole clip at the price of his present quality, and at prices from five to fifteen cents per Ib. under the real market value of his wool. Allow me to illustrate by an example. A farmer has his wheat, corn, oats, and barley, all mixed, and carries it to market in this condition. Will anybody give him the value of each kind of grain? On the contrary, they_ would not be willing to pay even the value of the cheapest kind. And yet each kind by itself has a market value/ Precisely in the same situation is the wool-grower, except that he has no means of knowing the value of the various sorts of wool, except from the speculator. The advantage of the Depot system, then, is, that there his wool is properly sorted. The wheat is separated from the corn, the corn from the oats, and the oats from the barley, and each is- made to bring its fair mai-ket value. By having an extensive correspondence among the manufacturers throughout the country, I am kept constantly advised of the market ; and knowing the price of cloth in the cities, I am enabled to know to a certainty what the price of the various grades of wool should be. When th manufacturer can get the kind of wool he wants, and in large quantities, he is willing to pay, and does pay a better price than when he has to buy that which he does not want, to get the right sort. It also equalizes the market, and brings the producer and the manufacturer together, without being compelled to pay agents or speculators, and prevents that fluctuation of the market which is always produced by speculation. But there is another very great advantage growing out of the system. It enables the wool- growers in the various sections of the country to compare wool, and to know who has really the best and most profitable kinds of sheep. It has been strikingly manifest with me thir season. For I have been enabled to point out to people in different States West, where they could find the most profitable sheep, by the wool which had been sent me. And in- one instance men had been over five hundred miles after sh'eep, and paid high prices, when there were sheep in their own town worth double the money. There is no difficulty in sending wool here from any part of the country bordering upon the Ohio, or its tributaiies. The expense of transportation will range from one to one and a half cents per Ib. depending much upon the bargain made with the clipper. I have re- ceived wool this year from all the Western States, in some instances as far West as the Mis* sissippi River, and the average cost for freight has been about one cent per Ib. It was urged by many last spring that this city was not a good point, inasmuch as it wa. not sufficiently central in its location. For nothing is more certain, than that a wool Depot,, to be successful, must be so located as to command a large amount of wool. The larger amount you can concentrate at a point, the more rapid and sure will be your sales. To this city the products of the West naturally tend, and to this point the producer can calculate with great certainty when, and at what expense it will arrive. But after its trans-shipment here, expenses accumulate, without any corresponding benefit. And it is peculiarly so, in regard to wool, coming as it often does in bad order, sacks torn, broken, and wet. But I have made my letter already longer than I intended, and in speaking of my own. Depot have perhaps gone more into detail than is necessary. This much I must be permitted to say to every wool-grower, that the Wool Depot system,, properly conducted and patronized, is indispensable to ultimate and profitable success. I remain, my dear sir, Very sincerely yours, T. C. PETERS * Messrs. Perkins and Brown have a Depot at Springfield, Mass. ; and' I believe the establishment of two or three others is in contemplation, by companies or individuals. Conducted with skill and fidelity, there can be but little doubt that these establishments are alike beneficial to the wool-grower and manufacturer, That Mr. Blanchard's and Mr. Peters's have thus far been so conducted, there is not the least doubt. Of the other I know nothing, though report speaks well of it. The design was not regarded with much favor, in the out set, by many of our most extensive wool-growers. They preferred to " dr 29%; SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. theifcown business," and not "pay the wages of an intermediate agent.' But the advantages derived from selling the wool in sorted lots, have been found to far more than overbalance the one cent per pound paid to the " agent" or Depot keeper, and the system is rapidly gaining favor. Many of our most experienced wool growers in this State men the most com- petent to favorably dispose of their wool have sent their wool to Messrs. Blanchard and Peters, and I have yet to see or hear of the first person who has been disappointed in the result. If wool Depots are beneficial in the North, where the agents of different manufacturers, and " speculators," visit every man's barn to bid on his wool and among a class of growers, too, who, from long experience, are familiar with the qualities and comparative values of the staple how much more beneficial would they be to regions in which the growers are so scattered that they are rarely visited by traveling agents or if so, not in numbers sufficient to produce that competition which would compel them to offer the fair market value of the article : and where, perhaps, in many cases, the growers themselves have not sufficient experience to determine the exact grade of their own clips, even supposing them correctly notified from time to time from abroad, of the market value of the several grades The Depot system, in my judgment, removes the great and only serious obsta- cle to successful wool-growing in the Souths It is not necessary that Depots be established in the Southern States, tc have those States reap the full benefit of the system. For the present, and for some time to come, at least, the North will furnish the best home mar- ket for fine wools. The wool therefore must, until some changes take place, come to the North before it is sold ; and the transportation must be equally subtracted from the avails, whether the sale is effected at home or at a Northern wool Depot. Indeed, it would be better to store it in a De- pot at Kinderhook or Buffalo, than at Charleston or Nashville. And this is for the reason that the two former are much nearer to, and can be more speedily visited by the principal woolen manufacturers of the Uni- ted States, than the latter. The New- York -or New-England manufac- turer would be little likely to send an agent to Charleston or Nashville, if he could supply his wants equally cheaply (with the addition of cost of transportation), from Buffalo, Kinderhook, or Springfield. And if supplied any more cheaply at the former places (price of transportation excepted), be it remembered, it would be so much unnecessarily taken out of the pocket of the grower. Should the South at any future day find it more for her interest to ship her wools to Europe, the above considerations will cease to be valid. She would then want Depots as much as now, for far more gain, proportiona- bly, is made by sorting wool for the foreign, than the American markets. But in that event, the Depots would assume a different character, and they would be most appropriately located at the port whence the wools were shipped. A CORRECTION. MR. RUFFIN. In the beginning of Letter VI., 1 made the following remark in relation to Hon. Edmund Ruffin " He seems to think lime, of itself, adequate to the full and permanent amelioration of the tertiary soils." This remark was made on a somewhat too hasty inspection of some of Mr. Ruflin's po- sitions in the Agricultural Survey of South Carolina. Since writing it, I nave had the pleasure of reading for the first time Mr. R.'s highly valua- ble work on Calcareous Manures, and find that I was in error in the state- ment above made. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTH. NOTE IN RELATION TO AUSTRALIA. Since the preceding Letters were completed, the exceedingly interesting article from the (English) Farmers' Magazine, which is published below. has met my eye. It will be seen from it that the conclusions arrived at by me (see page 123,) in relation to the vast increase in the trans-Atlantic demand for wool and woolens, are in a rapid course of verification. 1 wrote from statistics extending down to 1840. In that year the English import of wool was forty-six millions of pounds. In 1845, according to the subjoined authority, it was seventy-six millions of pounds. And this rapid increase took place, notwithstanding the vast extension in the woolen manufactures in other nations, particularly in Germany, France, Spain and Belgium. The extract given from Waterton's " Cyclopeedia of Com- merce," asserting the improbability of a much greater extension of the English woolen manufactures, "unless new markets shall be opened," may be true. But new markets are yet to spring up in Central and Northern Asia, and even in Northern Europe, which will, in the aggregate, require an increase of woolen manufactures which the boldest calculator now scarcely dreams of. For the reasons for this opinion, see page 123. Whether England is to supply a greater or less portion of this increasing demand remains to be seen. If she continues as well prepared as sho now is to compete with other manufacturing nations, doubtless she will contribute her full share to that supply. It will also be seen, from the annexed paper, that what I predicted (see page 121) in relation to the prospective competition (from the year 1840) in wool-growing, between the densely populated countries of Western Europe and those in newer settled regions, where land is cheap and popu- lation comparatively sparse, has already come to pass. Spain, arid even Germany, which in 1840 supplied England with nearly twenty-two million pounds of wool nearly half of the whole import of the latter have now been driven almost entirely out of the English market ! But, says the Sydney Herald, Germany, Spain, etc., have renewed the contest in another form : they have extended their manufacturing operations, and now manu- facture their own wool. Admit this : but if German wools cannot com- pete with others in the English market, which are brought from fifty times the distance, they cannot compete with them even in the German market, unless the latter are kept out by duties. The German manufacturer, then, in working up home wools, pays more for his raw mateiial than the Eng- lish manufacturer, and he cannot, therefore, compete with him in foreign markets, nor even in the home one, without a protective Tariff which would raise the price of the English to that of the German article. Tariffs materially enhancing the cost of the necessaries of life will not long be tolerated by the consuming millions, in regions where civilization has penetrated. It seems that Australia and Van Diemen's Land are the successful com petitors which have driven Germany and Spain from the English wool market. The views set forth by me in Letter IX. in relation to the ad- vantages of the former for woe 1-gro wing compared with those of Hungary, Southern Russia, North and South America, remain the same ; indeed a careful review of my positions has served to farther convince me of their correctness. The character of the population, and the better commercial regulations of Australia, have given her a present advantage over new ri- vals in the Old World ; and America has not yet entered the field of com- petition. When the Anglo-Saxon of North America enters the lists with the Anglo-Saxon of Australia, natural advantages will not, as now, be 294 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN THE SOUTif. overbalanced by superior energy and enterprise. The Anglo-Australian will, to say the least of it, meet his full equal in these particulars. And, on the other hand, there is not a rational doubt that the natural and otlier present advantages of all kinds are on the side of the Anglo- American. The pirtion of North America included in the proper wool-gcowing zone is immensely greater than in Australia ; our climate, all things considered- considering the occasional terrible drouths of Australia is the best; OUT lands are cheaper, and will certainly average as good, including our whole Atlantic coast, and including only our territory between the Apalachians and the Rocky Mountains, our land will average by far the best ; labor is not dearer among us ; we are not a quarter as distant from the English markets ; the wool from all parts of our immense interior, instead of be- ing dragged long and expensive journeys in "bullock drays," is already whirled along by steam, or boated on canals or rivers to the seaboard, at a comparatively trifling expense. It would be difficult to name a particu- lar, excepting in the two-cent duty, in which large portions of the United States have not the advantage over Australia for supplying the English wool market, and in other European markets we have perhaps every ad- vantage over that Colony. THE AUSTRALIAN WOOL TRADE* [By Wm. Westgarth, Esq.] The importance at present assumed by the Australian wool trade in the lists of British Commerce, demands some degree of attention in the history of an Australian settlement. I shall, therefore^ de- vote the "present chapter to a short account of this branch of Commerce, in its capacity both of an export from the Australian Colonies and an import into the British market. In the year 1836, the quantity of wool exported from Sydney amounted to 3,700,000 Ibs. weight. The proportion for the Port Philip district, included in this amount, could not, at so early a period of her existence, have exceeded 60,000 Ibs. weight. Five years afterwai'd the annual produce had attained to 1,578,000 Ibs. ; and the lapse of a similar period, bring- ing us down to the year 1846, exhibits the astonishing quantity of 7,400,000 Ibs.t During this interval of ten years the quantity of wool exported from Sydney, exclusive of any from Australia Felix, had increased from three and a half millions to nearly twelve millions of pounds weight. The importation of wool into the British market appears, indeed like the rise of the Aus- tralian Colonies to be but a business' of yesterday, and one, among numerous other in- stances, of the wonderful extension of Modern Commerce. In 1820, the quantity imported was under ten millions of pounds weight; in 1845, it had risen to seventy-six millions. The proportion from the Australian Colonies in the former year was the one-hundredth part ; it now forms nearly one-half of the whole importationt , and at the steady and rapid ratio of the present increase of Australian wool, the lapse of a few years will exhibit a quantity far greater than the .united total of the wool at present imported into Britain from every quar ter of the world. The following Table exhibits the respective averages, in round numbers, for each period of five years from 1826 to 1845 ; the numbers representing millions of pounds weight : Average of years. Foreign Wool. Colonial Wool. Total 1826-30 25 2 27 1831-35 34 4 33 1836-40 44 10 1841-45 36 22 58 1846 34 30 64 This Table illustrates the extraordinary progress of the colonial production, three-fourth* of which are derived from Australia and Van Diemen's Land. The periodical public sales of colonial wool, which now occupy so important a position amon" the commercial occurrences of the British Capital, date their origin only so lately as the year 1817. The prices at that time, and for some subsequent period, were only from 2d. to 3d. per Ib. ; and it was not until twelve or fourteen years afterward that any important advance took place in the value of this commodity. The fine quality of the Australian wool * From n new work in the press, on Port Philip. tThe wools occasionally sent from Port Philip by way of Sydney, and appearing in the Customs' return* as Sydney exports, are here allowed for. The season or year is taken as ending on the 10th October, aa the usual date of 31st December falls in the midst of the wool shipments, and cannot fairly represent tha quantities and ratio of progress of each year. * t Jii 1846, the relative quantities imported into Britain were, in round numbers, thirty-four millions o pounds of foreign wool and thirty millions of colonial. For the present year the colonial may be fiafelj assumed at some what more than half the importation. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TH^ SOUTH. 295 began soon after to attract notice, and. in 1835 and 1836 to excite tie attention even of foreign manufacturers. From very small beginnings the extent of ihe periodical auction sales gradually increased. An unprecedented number of 750 bales was announced for one seriea of sales in 1825 ; and for some years afterward 400 bales were considered to form a very ex- tensive sale. But in July, 1835, 8,746 bales were brought forward, realizing for the better qualities the considerable rates of from 2s. 6d. to 3s. 8d. per pound ; and at the sales of the same month in 1844, there were exposed no less than 31,358 bales.* The celebrated wools of Australia are derived from two principal breeds of sheep, thd Merino and the Saxon. The former is the finest in quality, but it may be doubted if an adequate price has been hitherto derived to compensate for the lighter weight of the fleece. In the Sydney district, attention was chiefly bestowed on the Merino ; in Van Diemen's Land, on the Saxon ; and the Port Philip district received a share of both, as the colonists from either locality transported their flocks to her pastures. This mixture of breeds wan still farther increased by Dccasional crosses with the Leicester and South-Down. In fact, from the numbers of inexperienced persons who entered on the occupation of sheep farming in this new settlement, and, without any fixed principles, carried on a mere random system of breeding, the greater portion of the wool consists of every shade of quality that natural accidents could produce. The abundant pasturage of Port Philip appears also to affect the pure Merino wool of the Sydney district, which in the former locality acquires a more open appearance, loses somewhat of its fineness, and increases about a quarter or half a pound in the weight of the fleece. The average weight of the good qualities of Port Philip fleeces, after washing, is from 2 to 2| Ibs. ; of the Sydney fleeces about 2 Ibs. There has been for several years a desire to introduce a greater uniformity of quality in the fleeces of each particular grower, and on the whole an inclination to adhere to the production of the finer qualities of wool. [ Here follow details of the Australian method of washing and other preparations for shearing, which are' omitted, as they conform in every important particular to the directions laid down in these Letters for those processes.] The wool is now ready to be packed and dispatched to the port of shipment. Each fleece is cleared of the locks and clippings or other unseemly portions, and is usually tied with a piece of string, and tightly squeezed into bags containing about one hundred each, or from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds weight. The ponderous bullock dray is now yoked to its team of eight or a dozen oxen, and charged with an ample load of the golden fleece, is dispatched from the station on its annual and protracted mission to the port of shipment. The wool on its arrival in town is now generally classed and re-packed at, an establishment for that purpose, unless this process has already been competently performed at the station. The classification distinguishes only the entire fleece ; it is not attempted to proceed to a minuter distinction of qualities by breaking the fleeces. When intended for sale, the wool, on its arrival in town, is conveniently exhibited in the various bins of the sorting establish ment, and its quality and condition are fairly ascertained. At the establishment of the Messrs. Bake well, in Melbourne, the wool is assorted first into the two leading divisions of clothing and combing, and each of these descriptions is run out into five qualities, the fifth or lowest being the coarse Leicester breeds. Extra fine lots- are classed by themselves ; /?er-greasy, or kempy, or other defective fleeces, are also classed apart. The charge for sorting is j.I. per pound. The usual charge for hand-washing is Id. per pflund on the weight returned, and for scouring Id. to l^d. per pound. The system of re-packing is also of use in exposing any wet or damp that the wool may have acquired on the way from the interior, in which condition it is in danger of heating and even of originating fire in the hold of a vessel during a lengthened voyage. The shipping season for the Australian staple commences toward the end of October ; but only a few solitary drays have succeeded in reaching town during that month. Considera- ble quantities have arrived by the end of November ; and during the two succeeding months there is a continuous succession of vehicles pouring with their voluminous loads into the various ports of the district.t These arrivals begin to fall oft' in February ; but during that and the two succeeding months considerable quantities continue to be shipped, including the later short* fleeces of the young lambs. The shipment of other exports, which are comparatively of un- important amount, terminates with that of the wool. A solitary vessel may linger till July or August, when the transactions of the season are finally closed. The following from a late number of the Sydney Herald may be well appended to the above : * This included a small quantity of foreign wool. The proportion from Australia and Van Diemen'a Lurxl on this occasion was 26,134 bales. The early sales were held at Garraway's, and continued ther from 1817 to 1843. when the locality was transferred to the Kail of Commerce, where they still continue The first bale at the first sale, from the novelty of the circumstance, realized 10s. 6d. per pound. [Mark-Lune Express, 7th, ] Ith, and 21st Oct. 7344. f There are five shipping ports in Ausup'aa Felix ; miner*, Melbourne, or its port of W illiamstow-j, Gee lone, Portland, Belfast, tad fort Albert, , 3 f J 00 Making $28 more than 100 per cent - $ 743 300 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA. But try it on a scale that every one ca/i compare with his own expo* rience, B. buys 3 ewes and 1 buck for $4 OC He shears 12 Ibs. of wool at 20 cents, 2 40. 2 lambs at $1, - - - '2 00 Over 100 per cent. 4 40 These are suppositions. Take what has actually occurred in Pickens district. Mr. Striblirig, as I am informed by himself, bought one ewe for $1 : In 1846 she had 3 lambs, $3 00 Sheared 2 Ibs. wool at 20 cents, 40 $3 40 In 1847, same ewe had 2 lambs, - - - -- - 2 00 Sheared again 2 Ibs. wool at 20 cents. ..... 40 Each one of the last year's lambs had a lamb apiece, - - 3 00 And sheared from the 3, 6 Ibs. wool at 20 cents, - - 1 20 This is an increase of eight in two years from one ewe, and Mr. Stribling says at this time the whole are alive. I admit this is an extraordinary case, and it is only mentioned to show there are cases of actual increase far above any of those calculations made above. If, then, the climate be not only adapted to fine wool, but also 10 the coarse if the range, which is abundant and sufficient to feed a flock tne entire year; and if the above calculations are founded on data anywhere near correct, what more can be desired to show the applicability and value of sheep husbandry to this section. ^ From three very respectable wool growers, one from each of the states of Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio, I was told the way to make a calcu- lation on the profits of sheep husbandry in a reasonably safe way, was to put down every year one-ninth less of lambs than you have ewes, and then deduct one-tenth from the whole for deaths in that year. Thus, say you have 100 ewes. From 100 deduct one-ninth, and you have - - - 89 lambs. 189 Then deduct one-tenth for deaths, - - - - 18 And you have To start with the next year. On this basis I have taken one hundred ewes and run the calculation on for eight years. The result was : Wool sheared in eight years, ........ 17,190 Ibs. The gentlemen above alluded to, say that half the wool wia pay all ex- penses, even when the winters require five months' fp',d : Deduct, then, one-half, 8,595, at 20 cents, ...... $171900 The increase amounted to 2067 sheep, at $ 1, .... Total, .... $3786 00 This result, if attained, would exceed fifty per cent, compounded. They say, too, ii is a safe estimate to say that the lambs of each year will pay the expenses of the whole flock for that year in Pennsylvania. They more than SHEEP HUSBANDRY" Itf SOUTH CAKOLIXA. 301 do it here. Allow eighty lambs to one hundred ewes, and you have from five hundred ewes, four hundred lambs ; deduct one-tenth for deaths, and You have 360 at 1, - - - - $360 00 Charge 20 cents per head for 900 sheep, makes - - - 180 00 Charge for shepherd, 150 00 330 00 Lambs over-pay expenses by - - - $30 00 All these calculations are made on the supposition that sheep get a par* of that regular attention which all farmers give to their other domestic ani mals. And to make sheep husbandry successful, it is not only necessary that this attention should be given, but every one who attempts it shoulu know something of their diseases and the cures, and also the summer and \vinter management. This can he acquired only by their own, or the ex- perience of others. Easy access can be had to the experience of northern wool growers, who are proverbial for being close observers. They say the disease called the " scours" is the principal one to which sheep are liable, produced by excess of rich green food, and cured easily by a change to dry, but if allowed to continue, is fatal. From the introduction into the United States, in 1608, of Merino sheep from Spain, owners of this stock have considered it of the first importance to preserve the quality and quantity of their fleece, and if possible, to im prove both. They ascertained that lambs from young and healthy sirea improved, while those from old ewes fell back both in quality and quantity of fleece. Among them it is now a settled practice not to breed from ewes over seven or eight, nor from bucks over six years old. It is very important to resort to the evidence of age the teeth afford. Their books have been par ticular in describing these evidences, which I will copy: "During the first year, lambs have eight small teeth in front, in the upper jaw, called nippers ; at a year old, the centre two shed, and two larger teeth take their place. At two years old, the next two are lost, and supplied by two larger ones. Thus losing and being supplied by two larger ones annually, till five then they have a full set. At eight or nine they begin to lose their nippers two every year and by thirteen or fourteen years old,' they have lost their entire set." It is evident that during the time ewes are losing their teeth, they become less and less able to supply themselves with food, consequently afford less and less milk for their young. Thus the degeneracy is accounte-d for. In Vermont, where wool is as much their staple as cotton in South Carolina, so important do they consider it not to breed from ewes after they begin to lose teeth, that although mutton is not used by the inhabitants for the table, they sell their old stock to be fed to hogs. In most of the other northern states, their ewes at that age are kept from the bucKs, and fattened for market. From their known skill in managing well what they undertake, we may safely take their usage as a guide, when it is applicable to our situation. With them grass is the entire food of then flocks green meadows for summer pasture and hay for winter. Their Avin ters require five months' constant feeding, during which they estimate each sheep to consume fifty cents worth of hay. All stock is then kept enclosed, and the attention to turning sheep to pasture in summer, and feeding sheep in winter, requires but little labor in addition to their other stock. Flocks require close attention but at three times in the year the tupping, the lambing, and shearing seasons. Ewes go with lamb one hundred and twenty-five days, or five months, and they so manage as to have the lambs. 302 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA. brought in April and May ; (here February is esteemed by many a better month.) To do this, the bucks must be kept impounded, except at the time desired. From, the great superiority of early lambs, this part of sheep husbandry is esteemed very important. . During lambing season, close attention is required to guard both ewe and lamb from storms and cold winds to see that the ewe acknowledges her lamb, and to keep up the marking and altering as the lambs get between five and ten days old. Ten days previous to shearing time they prepare for it by washing the wool on the sheep' % s back, that the natural oil of the wool, which is destroyed by the washing, may have time to be renewed, without which the wool feels and works harsh. The washing is done at spouts or pools, prepared for the purpose, and the other flocks are kept on clean pastures till sheared. As the proper preparation of an article for market is justly considered of the next importance to a good article, I will describe this process minutely, ac practised for the northern market. The shearing is done on a clean floor, and each fleece is kept unbroken. When sheared, it is roiled outside in, until it is reduced to a lump about ten inches each way, and then tied with strings in two places. For packing the wool, a bag is used nearly as large as our cotton bags, which, after sewing to a hoop at top, they hang through a hole in an upper floor, a little less in diameter than the hoop ; here the fleeces are packed down by the foot, the weight of an ordinary sized man being a sufficient pressure. Thus finished, the wool is ready for a northern or European market. Manufacturers will not give full price for wool unless the fleeces are unbroken ; because, before manufacturing, they consider it necessary to have each fleece divided into five qualities, which they cannot do if the wool of different fleeces is emptied together. Different modes of summer management are followed in different coun- tries. The one followed in Australia, as described by Mr. Randall, is not only less troublesome, but would be better suited to our mountain region There they roam over the plains, under charge of a shepherd, in flocks of three hundred to one thousand. Every night, some two or more of these flocks are penned together, during the entire year. Breeding promiscuously from the bucks that run with the flocks, allowing three or four to the hun- dred ewes. At the Cape of Good Hope, he says the same practice pre- vails ; and from both of these places the wool exported is equal, and in some instances superior in quality to the Merino. The statements here given, Mr. President, we have carefully considered, and believe to be true and we submit them under the belief that if the im- portance of sheep husbandry was duly considered, especially by the districts lying north and contiguous to the mountains, much additional comfort and wealth might be added to that already delightful region. All which is respectfully submitted. R. F. SIMPSON. Note . Since this report was read, I have been informed by Mr. Thomas ]Vi. Sloan, that his wool does not cost him more than five cents a pound and by Mr. Morris, at Pickens C. H., that for care, shearing, &c., of a small flock of eight ewes, worth eight dollars, kept on Ocone mountain, he paid one-half of the spring clipping, equal to three-quarters of a pound per head, and that from them he had, after paying all expenses, $3 60, arid eight bmbs worth eight dollars $11 60. And bi r Mr. Shepherd a tenant oii ANCRUM OX WOOL MATTRESSES. 305 Mr. J, O.' Lewis's Tamosa estate, that in 1840 he took with him from Green- ville a few sheep, Among which were 4 ewes, worth $4 DO They had 4 lambs, worth ....... 4 00 Thinks he sheared 3 Ibs. per head, but say 2, which is 8 Ibs. at 20 cts. 1 GO 5 GO In 1848, from 8 sheared 14 Ibs. woo* at 20 cents, - - 2 SO And had 8 lambs, worth - - - - 7 00 9 SO $15 40 Salt and shearing was the only expense. He had only offered to feed them once in the two years, and then they refused to taste corn shelled to them. H. ANCRUM ON WOOL MATTRESSES. ASHLEY, Pike county, Mo. A sound man in one night of seven hours' sleep, generally perspires fifty ounces avoirdupois or four pounds troy weight ; we cannot wonder at that, since there are above three hundred thousand millions of pores in the body of a middle-sized man, and that in the last hours of sleep one perspires most ; hence the impropriety and the weakness of lying too long in a soft bed, and the necessity of lying on a comparatively hard elastic bed, such as a wool mattress. In France, wool mattresses are generally adopted, conse- quently you never meet with a bad bed there. I have travelled all over France, and never met with a bad bed, and a very recent intelligent Ameri- can traveller of great observation, mentions, on his removal from England to France, that he found the French beds delicious, because the beds are wool mattresses. Mode of Making a Wool Mattress, The first thing to constitute a good healthy bed is, that it must be absolutely flat, therefore all bedsteads should have wooden laths instead of sacking, which always gives and forms a hol- low ; the wool is carded by hand, and all knots and extraneous matter taken out ; the great point is to make it thick enough. The best bed I slept in, in my life, had sixty pounds of wool in it, but the bed was a very large extra size ; half that quantity will make a small bed, but if you wish to lie luxuriously, yet hard, do not stint the wool, that makes all this difference ; it lasts for ever the covering is washed once a year ; the wool is carded, and a few pounds of wool added, and the bed is sweet and new. However luxuriously he may be, let any gentleman have a good wool mattress made, and let him ride forty or fifty miles and thoroughly fatigue himself, he will then know the value of such a bed. My object is also to increase the home consumption of our wool. There are twenty odd millions in the United States ; say five to each family, four millions ; say three beds to each family, taking the whole population, twelve millions ; say thirty pounds oi wool to each bed, three hundred and sixty millions of pounds of wool ; sa" thirly-four millions of sheep in the United States, say eighty million pounds of wool ; this will consume more than four years' clip of our wool. This ought to be promulgated to increase the consumption of our wool, and such wool as cannot be sold abroad. Independent of the benefit to all in theii health, who adopt wool mattresses on account of their cleanliness and dura- bility, in the end, they are cheaper than any other bedding. Every thing that increases the home consumption of our wool is of na- , tional importance, as is every thing that will promote the general health ol 394. ANCRUM ON WOOL MATTRESSES. our people. In this changeable and rigorous climate in winter, i'f all wert to wear flannel, particularly narrow-chested and delicate females, it would be of the greatest benefit to their health, and save them many a fit of sick- ,t ANVIL.] SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 305 SHEEP HUSBANDKY IN TEXAS. BY H. S. KANDALL, LL.D., Author of" Life of Thomas Jefferson;" Editor of Randall's " Youatl on the Horse," etc., etc. EDITORS OF TEXAS ALMANAC : In pursuance of your request, I proceed to give you some of the results of my experience and investigations in re- gard to wool-growing, and my views of the adaptation of this husbandry to the climate, soil, and other existing conditions of Texas. CLIMATE. The best climate for the cheap production of wool, other things being equal, obviously is that which furnishes the most abundant and suitable pasturage during the greatest portion of the year. This, speaking generally, is to be found in the Northern hemisphere, between latitudes 30 and 40 on the eastern margin of each continent, and be- tween about 3.8 and 48 on the western. The south half of this wool- growing zone, where the other conditions besides climate are favorable, .excels the northern. North of the wool-growing zone, the growth of vegetation is suspend- ed, and the nutritiveness of grasses destroyed by cold, during considera- ble portions of the year ; and then sheep require more expensive dry feed, suitable winter shelter, etc. South of the wool-growing zone, veg- etation, where it flourishes, is too rank and tropical for the smaller rumin- ating animals, and the heat too intense for those carrying so dense a pelage as the fine-woolled sheep. Local exceptions exist to the above classification, owing to a variety of causes; most prominent of which are altitude, the shelter of mountains from northern and southern winds, the contiguity of large bodies of water, etc. I have said, " other things being equal," the question will be immedi- ately asked whether wool of the same variety of sheep grown in latitude 30 is as fine as that grown in latitude 40 or 45 I doubt whether it is. Sheep transported from a climate of long winters to one of perennial, or nearly perennial, pasturage, increase visibly in size, and their descendants permanently become a larger variety. The constant supply of succulent food produces more copious and uniform animal secretions than an inter- rupted supply, or than an alternating supply of green and dry food. In theory, we should expect the same causes to affect the fleece as well as the carcass. They do visibly increase the length of the staple. The in- crease of its diameter (admitting that it does increase) during over twenty years of breeding about as far as my personal observations have extend- on that point is not, I think, perceptible to the naked eye. But be it, greater or smaller, it is more than compensated for by the increased soft- ness and evenness of wools grown in warm and more uniform climates, and on more uniformly succulent nutriment. I must be content to state this as a well-established practical fact. I have not room to array author- ities on every point. SOIL. It would present a very tangible, and by no means a bad test of the proper soils for wool-growing, to say that they are those which produce, or which can be made to produce, the most continuous supply of fine sweet grasses. A marshy soil, a soil containing so great an excess of clay as to poach into mud, and remain long wet after rains, a low, lankly, rich river bottom alluvion, and especially such an alluvion, if annu- ally replenished by slimy deposits of decaying vegetable matter, all inju- 306 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IX TEXAS. riously affect the health of sheep. None of these soils produce the grasses I have mentioned. The best lands for sheep are those which are dry and " sound ;" which admit of the rapid percolation or drainage of water ; and an admixture of sand or gravel in them, is a favorable, though by no means an indispensable condition. Enormous flocks of sheep flourish, in perfect health, on the plains of Illinois, which are " sticky " after every shower. But water does not stand on them as on a stiff clay, nor does it constantly saturate them as it does boggy lands. It is sometimes claimed particularly by that class of tyros who are ready to jump at conclusions on a very limited experience that sheep ow their farms, or in their localities, defy all the preceding conditions. They flourish, if we may believe these gentlemen, in stagnant fens, in " hog- wallows," and on river bottoms, where the malaria is almost yisible, as it steams up from the decomposing mass. It is true that fifty sheep, like a small family of human beings, will occasionally, and for "a limited, period, appear unaffected by such unpropitious circumstances. But, by and by comes the destroyer the pestilence that walketh by noon-day and the increase of years is suddenly swept away. Cholera, yellow fever, or biL ions fever depopulates the human settlement rot, or some other epidemic,' passes, like a tornado, ovei\ the sheep-ranch/ The causes of disease do not bear fruit every year, but the laws of nature are never abrogated. Sheep tolerate almost all chemical varieties of soil. With the proper conditions in other respects, they are seemingly equally healthy on the sterile, pulverized granite of New England, and the rich, calcareous wheat lands of Ohio, or the Valley of Virginia on the tertiary sands of our Atlantic border, and among the rocky cliffs of the Alleghanies. No ani- mal is so necessary to man, and therefore none has been adapted to tin circumstances of so large a portion of the earth's surface. ELEVATION-. Elevation is, I rather think, a pleasing condition to ar animal, which, like the goat, the ibex, etc., zoologists consider the natural denizen of mountain regions ; and mountains and hills often present the other condition which are specially adapted to sheep firm dry soils, short sweet grasses, pure air, and clear water. But elevation is of no conse- quence per se / and if the same favorable conditions are found on plains, they are as healthy localities for sheep as mountains. GRASSES. Sheep will thrive on almost all varieties of gaass, Avhen they are first springing up tender and succulent from the earth. No grass is suitable for them, when its stems have become dry and woody. Tough, aquatic grasses are always unfavorable. We are to .give the preference, then, to those varieties which do not send up coarse seed stems those which are constantly supplying a fine verdure from the root. No variety is preferable to the small, spontaneous, white clover of the north, or the finest spontaneous musquite grasses of Texas. Red clover, Timothy, June, or Blue grass ;* indeed, all the grasses cultivated in the north, will do very well if kept fed down, and this might be the case with many of the coarser varieties in Texas. Some small flock-masters have fancied that sheep would thrive on the dry steins of tall, coarse grasses because they thrive among them. But a few sheep will find tender, nutritious plants, which are screened from casual observation among these taller ones. When the former are gone, sheep will promptly and visibly fall of! in condition. The fact that the natural grass is too coarse for sheep, by no means * I am not sure that the pure?rass of New York and the Blue grass of Kentucky arc the same, nevei kavmg specially investigated the subject : but the late Mr. Clay wrote me that they were the earne. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 307 proves that proper " artificial " varieties would not flourish on the same soil, particularly if the first flush of its virgin fertility was a little reduced by cropping. WATER. Water is not indispensable for sheep, when at pasture. Tho juices of the grass and the dew and rains supply their wants. Thousands and thousands of good sheep-pastures in the north are wholly without other sources of supply. But, of choice, I would prefer water in sheep- pastures clear springs, or rapidly running brooks. Sheep will visit these as regularly as cows or horses. ADAPTATION OF TEXAS. As I remarked in my answers to your inter- rogatories on this same subject, last fall, (published by you in the Graioes- ton jVeios,) I have never set my foot in your State. But, after the expe- rience of many years in sheep-breeding, and after a close and diligent investigation, extending to all available sources of information many of these the minute and careful statements of your own most intelligent and candid citizens I do not entertain a particle of doubt, first, that you have vast regions in Texas admirably adapted to sheep husbandry; and secondly, that wool can now be raised more cheaply in those regions than m any other portion of the globe, where sufficiently good government prevails to make life tolerable and secure, and such property as sheep safe from frequent and extensive depredations. In no such portion of the earth, are lands, furnishing perennial pasturage, (or the use of such lands,) so cheap. In none are the general circumstances more favorable, the ac- cidental and occasional disadvantages fewer. In nearly every particular,, Texas possesses decided advantages over our other Southern States, and} enormous ones over the Northern and Eastern States. As between it and the latter, a brief statement disposes of all contro- versy. The sheep-lands of the Northern and Eastern States cost, on ani average, thirty dollars an acre ; and sheep are frequently kept on those- worth from forty to sixty dollars an acre. On these high-priced lands,, sheep must be fed on dry feed hay and grain about five months of each year. Expensive shelters must be erected, or the sheep-farmer will lose- the cost of them in the loss of life and condition in his flocks. In Texas, prime and desirable pasture-lands can be bought at two dol- lars an acre frequently for considerably less. He who owns a home- stead of a few acres, can pasture thousands of acres of unoccupied land. The pasturage of much of Texas is perennial. Large and small flock- masters have proved this to be a practical fact. Mr. Kendall has wintered a large and constantly increasing number of sheep, for three years, with- out, ho writes rue, giving u an ounce " of dry feed, or providing any arti- ficial shelter, though he agrees with me that a little of both would be desirable for emergencies. (Pe has encountered wet winters and dry winters with equal success. His sheep are perfectly healthy. His testi- mony is fully confirmed by that of some twenty other candid and intelli- gent gentlemen, scattered over various parts of the State, who have' favored me with minute accounts of their experience in sheep-raising. .Theory would anticipate these facts when the natural conditions of Texas are known ; but it is always satisfactory to have the suggestions of theory established and made certain by actual experiment. Your country cannot always enjoy this entire priority in the conditions, for cheap wool production. The success of this husbandry of itself will aid in reducing its profits. Your sheep-lands skirt noble and navigable rivers, Unlike our rough sheep-ranges of the North, they are topograph- ically adapted to the construction of those railroads which the busiu.es* 308 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. of your State will soon demand. An enterprising population is pouring in upon you from the other States of the Union, and from Europe. The boy is now born who will see, not only the good soils in all the counties at present organized in Texas, but in its regions where now roves the wild Camanche, worth twenty or thirty dollars an acre. Then the sunny but unarable slopes of the Alleghanies, in Virginia, the Carolinas, etc., may successfully compete with you in wool-growing, owing to their greater cheapness. PROFITS OF TVOOL-GEOWIXG. Northern flock-masters usually estimate the consumption of eight American Merino sheep equivalent to that of a cow. All prime American Merino flocks should average as high as about five pounds of washed wool per head, or seven and a-half pounds of un- washed wool. Choice breeding flocks should do better still. To show you that I speak from actual knowledge instead of conjecture, let me say that I have two flocks of pure Spanish (American Merino) yearling ewes, which averaged, this year, five pounds and six ounces of well-washed wool per head equivalent to eight pounds and one ounce unwashed; and the yearling never produces as much wool as the adult sheep. A choice small flock of my grown ewes averaged six pounds and a fraction of washed wool per head, equivalent to nine pounds unwashed. In none of these docks were there any rams or wethers to increase the yield of wool: None of them received any pampering, or were sheared at an unusual time. I have cross-breeds between the Drench and Spanish which averaged still higher ; but they are larger, and will consume more. For many years my entire, number of full-blood sheep of all ages, exceed- ed five pounds of washed wool per head. The price of American Merino wool (washed) has been as follows, on the first day of August, in the ye. \rs indicated : 1851 42 to 44 cents. 1852 40 to 43 " 185P 49 to 53 " 1854 38 to 40 " 1855 37 to 3S c; 1856 44 to 4fi " 185? 45 to 48 ' 1858 37 to 41 " 1859 44 to 46 " Assuming five pounds to oe the weight of fleece, and eight ewe sheep to be the equivalent of a cow in consumption, it follows that the feed of a cow would have returned this year eiglffeen dollars in wool, and as many lambs as eight ewes would raise, which would be at least seven. What these seven'lambs would additionally be worth to the Texas grower, I leave you to estimate. Even among common sheep, the lamb is always considered to be worth as much as its dam's fleece. If rams And wethers raise no lambs, they produce greatly more wool than ewes. Now say what are the profits of a cow in Texas, and deduct the difference in the ^rouble of looking after her ard the eight sheep, and you have a compar- ative view of the profits between the animals, which will prove instruc- tive ! po you obtain five dollars per head of net annual profits on cows, en the average ? And yet you raise cattle on a scale which conveys the idea that you find it as profitable as any other of your branches of hus- bandry on the pasture-lands of Texas. In my former letters to you I SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 309 placed tho entire cost of keeping sheep, including interest on land, at fifty cents a head per annum. In this estimate, I included the cost ot shelters, of a month's winter feed, and some other contingencies, all of whicl I am assured by intelligent Texians are unnecessary. I also proceed- ed on the supposition that no lands were to be pastured but those which had been bought and paid for by the flock-master. If these items be struck out, the cost of keeping large flocks ought not to exceed one half of my former estimate. I confess, however, that this sounds almost too favora- ble to be true. Mr. Jefferson deeply lamented the dismemberment of that Texas from the United States which he had bought with Louisiana considering it the very garden of our Southern country. But the "Sage of Monticello " hardly expected to find El Dorado in your sheep- pastures, or Aladdin's lamp on the bank of the Colorado ! I repeat it, the story must be too good to be all true. The first cost of embarking in breeding full-blood sheep is considerable. But the sale of surplus ones at extra prices to newer breeders will soon offset this ; and, at all events, it is so soon repaid by the enormous profits of the husbandry, that it is not to be kept in view as an annual part of the account. Interest ceases to run after the principal is paid ! Another important fact in favor of sheep is always to be taken into view. If the steer or colt dies before it is sold or used if the cow dies before she has produced young the loss is nearly a total one. At best, the colt keeps you waiting on him, say three years, and the steer and heifer, at least two, before they commence making returns. The sheep is a prompter paymaster. He pays you annually. And he never dies iu your debt. If he dies before he is six months old, he has cost you noth- ing that is appreciable. If he dies afterwards, before his first shearing, liia wool will more than pay for what he has consumed ; and this is true of him at whatever age his death occurs, taking the aggregate of his life together. BEST BKEE^D OF SHEEP. "When wool is the main object, and mutton is only an incidental one as always must be the case in a large and thinly inhabited country like Texas, not yet containing populous cities there is but one breed of sheep worth consideration, so far as comparative intrinsic value is concerned. I can declare on a pretty extensive experi- ence but it really needs no experience to arrive at that conclusion that no other breed makes a remote approach to the value of the Merino for the production of wool ; and its mutton is good and palatable. Half and three-quarter breed Merino mutton is especially so, and five Americans out of six would prefer it, on the table, to the tallowy meat of the large long-woolled English mutton varieties. Well-bred Merinos yield about as much wool per head as the largest English long-woolled breeds yield farmore than English middle-woolled breeds yield about twice as much value of wool for the amount of feed consumed as. any English breed and are hardier, and herd (that is, thrive when kept together in large numbers) better than any of the more valuable English varieties. Their length of life is much greater. A Merino is not, to use a common expression, " older at eight" than a Bake- well or Southdown shwp is at five. And, what may not be quite as well understood by those who have not experimented with both races, (as I have,) the Merino is decidedly hardier than the high-bred English sheep. It is less addicted to colds or snuffles, bears extremes of weather better, is capable of travelling farther for its food, and will endure a scarcity oi food with far greater impunity. The English sheep has the advantage of 310 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. arriving earlier at maturity a matter of much importance in a mutton breed, but of comparatively little in a wool-growing one. Of the unimproved English and Scotch varieties, it is unnecessary to speak. Several of them are much superior to the improved varieties of thos-3 countries in hardiness and herding properties ; but they all produce coarse, and, compared with the Merino, light fleeces. None of them are, in my opinion, really essentially superior for wool-growing to what is termed the " native stock" in New- York and New-England. SPANISH MERINOS. I shall not here consume space with the past his- tory of any breed. The ancient Spanish sheep, as imported into this country by Humphreys, Jarvis, and other breeders, whose character gave full warrant of supposed purity of blood, produced of washed wool less than four pounds in the ewes, and seven in the rams. The flocks of Spain, taken as a whole, are declared by that most intelligent observer and investigator, Chancellor Livingston, to have averaged of washed wool, only two pounds and a half in the ewe, and four and a quarter in the ram. (See Livingston's Essay on Sheep, p. 39.) They resembled the present American Merino in form, but were smaller. SAXON MERINOS. The Saxon was the first great offshoot from the parent Merino stem. Partly from the principle of selection first adopted, and partly from the system of management, and the special objects pur- sued in breeding, this variety materially dwindled from the size, consti- tution, and Aveight of fleece of the Spanish sheep, but improved in the quality of the wool. The first considerable importation into the United {States took place in 1824, and the mania for these feeble little things raged to such an extent, for the three succeeding years, that the most miserable mongrels and grade sheep were introduced and sold under their name. (See the authoritative and undenied statements of the dis- tinguished German importer and shepherd, Henry D. Grove, on this sub- ject, made to me as the chairman of a Committee appointed by the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, in 1837, to report on " The condition and Comparative Value of the several Breeds of Sheep in the United States." Society's Transactions, 1841, p. 313.) The American Saxon of the present day is a much larger and stronger sheep than its imported ancestor, with, I think, about the same quality and a greater quantity of wool. Some pure- flocks now produce an average 'of nearly three and a half pounds of washed wool, and others dashed with a strain of fine American Merino blood, not materially changing the quality of the fleece, average very near four pounds. It continues, however, to require considerably more care than the American Merino, and does not rear so large a per centage of lambs. SILESIAN MERINOS. These appear to be something between the Saxon and American Merino-^- heavier fleece than the former, finer fleece than the latter and between the two in size. Some specimens I have seen had fine plump forms, and their wool the oil and external black gum of the gummiest family of Merinos. They might, I should say, prove a desirable variety under certain circumstances, and I think a cross with them would improve the Saxon type of sheep. They are the only Merino family which I have not bred. FREXCII MERINOS. The selection and management of the Spanish Merinos in France, first carried into that country a little more than seventy years ago, produced precisely the contrary effects in several im- portant particulars from those produced by the German system. The carcass was made larger, the fleece heavier and coarser. But a portion SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 311 Df those introduced from France into the United States, within a few years, have not been characteristic specimens of the variet y in either of these particulars. They have been exaggerated specimens or caricatures of the breed. They were those exceptional animals to be found in all flocks, larger and heavier-fleeced than the great body of those flocks, j apprehend also that some of them were exceptional in certain other particulars, as for example, in that enormous " throatiness" which renders them such a marvel to the multitude. There is no doubt, however, that as a variety, the French Merinos are larger and heavier-fleeced than any other Merino family. But in respect to fleece, the best of them do not excel the best American Merino as much as in weight of carcass ; in other words, they do not produce as much wool in proportion to size, and, accordingly, to consumption. There are two causes for this. The first is, their wool has, for reasons which I can not explain, been bred proportionably short. As some very remarkable misconceptions appear to prevail on this particular point, let me state a positive and tangible fact for which I am willing to be held responsible. I recently (to test the accuracy of previous impressions and experiences) carefully measured, lying unstretched on a table, fifteen specimens of French Merino wool, taken indiscriminately (with the aid of the owner) from the sheared fleeces of one year's growth of a pure blood flock, descended from prime sheep of Mr. Taintor's importation, and considered by French breeders prime sheep of the variety. The fifteen specimens averaged a little less than two inches in length. I have owned French sheep from the best imported flocks, have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of others, and they have been almost uniformly rather short-woolled sheep shorter woolled than the longest stapled American Merino flocks. The second reason for the comparative lightness of French fleeces, is their dryness their freedom from oil and gum. Though there are ex- ceptions, there is a constant tendency in this direction among them, and unless care be taken in breeding to prevent it, the wool becomes almost as dry as cotton, aud then the fleece has no proportionate weight for its bulk. The difference in appearance and handling between such and good American wool is very analogous to that between American and choice Italian sewing-silk. The first, in both cases, even when the actual fine- ness (diameter) is the same, is comparatively light, unelastic, unglossy, and " cheap looking." I have sometimes fancied that the pile or fibre of the American Merino wool is actually denser and heavier of its size than the French, independently of all extraneous substances. This, however, may be but a fancy. ^ French wool washes much cleaner than the oily and gummy American Merino wools ; and I think more slowly recovers its maximum of oiliness, after being washed on the back. The overgrown animals of a variety, are rarely of good form. Hence not a few of the imported French sheep, atd their immediate descen- dants, when denuded of their fleeces, were most unsightly, scraggy, " lathy ' animals, excessively bony, crooked in the back, bad in the cross, (that is, hollow behind the shoulders,) and so thin in the chest, that both forelegs seemed, in horseman's phrase, to " come out at the same hole." The last defect is perhaps rather characteristic of the variety ; but I have seen not only individuals, but flocks of French sheep, of moderate size, aa well formed in every other particular, and perhaps even in that, as any other family cf Merinos. 312 SHEEP HUSBANDS Y IN TEXAS. Another difficulty followed the selection of these huge sheep. Over- grown parents do not always produce overgrown offspring ; but the marcel must be kept up, and to do this, a concealed, or at least an un- avowed course of pampering was resorted to in some cases. The lambs were dropped two months before the usual time of having lambs dropped in the North the ewes were stuffed with unusual and succulent food during the winter, regardless of cost ; they were kept in close, warm stables at yeaning time ; the lamb was often given the aid of a " sucking- bottle," or a foster-dam, in addition to its natural parent ; it was taught as soon as possible to eat roots and grain ; it was kept housed from every storm, and even from the dews of the night, during the entire year. This added greatly to the beauty and weight of the wool to its weight, Cwhen sheared unwashed,) because none of its natural oft was washed out by rains. When at length it was exhibited, without any explanations of the preceding facts, at some State fair, in autumn, it presented about .twice the size of carcass, and twice the length of wool, that it would Lave done if dropped at the common time, and treated in the common way. If not sold at a year old, it was not sheared, and the entire fleece was left growing to increase the marvellous product at two years old ; or if it was feared that this fraud would be too apparent, (beyond the gulli bility of the particular market in view,) the yearling was " stubble- sheared," that is, shared a half-inch or inch from the skin, leaving three or four months' growth of wool thereon, to go into the next fleece. I do not say, that the breeder is not authorized to conduct his business to suit himself men clearly have the right to pamper, and to manufacture " marvels." But he who does so, is bound to give warning, " fair and true," to the buyer, whether questioned or unquestioned. Helas ! what was so soon the matter with those gigantic French rams, which first scattered like wild-fire over the North? There came a chilly rain-storm, and they sneezed and coughed. Soon they began to mope, and fall off from their feed. They grew thin, and then weak. Their heads drooped ; yellow waxy matter collected about their dim, half-closed eyes; a sticky discharge clung about their nostrils; at length the faint but rapid heaving of the flanks began to indicate a low fever. Then an- other heavy cold shower, and the farmer's boys presently ran into the house, crying : " Father, father, the great ram is dead !" The farmer had not known that he had set a hothouse plant out of doors! Thus " departed this life," a majority ay, a majority of the first inundation of great French rams many of them without getting a lamb. When they lived, it often proved a greater disaster to their owners. They spoiled the carcass and constitution of his flock, lowered the quality of his wool, and not unfrequently actually diminished its quantity. These circumstances created a violent reaction against French sheep, and I should say, between eighty and ninety per cent, of our best North- ern and Eastern wool-growers now thoroughly detest them. I believe they have jumped off the bridge " on the other side !" Circumstances led me into an extensive course of fresh investigations on this subject last winter. I found French, like other sheep-raisers, divided in about the usual proportion, between quacks and legitimate breeders. I found French Merino flocks, and especially very high-bred grade French flocks, based on an American Merino foundation on the maternal side, which exhibited fine forms, sufficiently rugged constitution, , a good quality and large quantity of wool. If the wool lacked a little of the gloss and style of the choi< e American Merinos, it nevertheless r?as a desirable article. SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 31e and especially so for the manufacturer, on account of its cleanness. Per- haps, after my preceding remarks, justice requires me to add that I found breeders raising the very largest French sheep with undeniably legitimate objects. They considered that great size desirable, and were therefore (erroneously and unavailingly, in my opinion) attempting to perpetuate lit without perpetuating its usual accompanying defects. The careful and certainly disinterested examination of many flocks, which had been judiciously bred for a number of yetirs, and down to the present epoch, somewhat modified, I confess, my own previous views. I believe indeed, I found hardier and every way better sheep than the French stock first brought into our country. I made up my mind, that the prejudice against them was violent and excessive, and that by and by another reaction will set in their favor, and that they will be extensively used for an object which I shall treat under another head. THE AMERICAN MEEINO. About the same amount of fraud and de- ception attended the introduction of the Spanish Merino into the United States, (after Livingston, Humphreys, Jarvis, and a few other elevated men had done their part,) that heralded the advent of the Saxon and French varieties. Like the French, the former sunk into contempv. before it received the general approbation of the country. And it en- countered a far more dangerous foe than contempt, in an almost universal admixture with the puny Saxons. But a remnant was fortunately kept pure, and many flock-masters, after a Saxon cross, bred back to their pre- vious Merino standard. The American Merino of the present day is a considerably heavier and stronger animal than his Spanish progenitor. He has been kept in smaller flocks than in Spain, better fed, (or more uniformly fed,) and subjected to a more careful and intelligent system of breeding. As long ago as 1841, the celebrated early importer and subsequent breeder, Hon. William Jarvis, of Vermont, wrote me that " twenty-five years' experi- ence satisfied him that the wool of the Spanish Merino had rather im- proved " in this country ; that his own wool was better than the samples received from Spain, when he purchased his imported flock. (The whole of this admirable letter will be found in the N. Y. Agricultural Society's Transactions, 1841, pages 320-328.) The same kind of improvement has continued down to the present time, in many flocks. The different Spanish varieties were, as a general thin^, soon inter- mingled with each other in this country, as they had been in France, so that the names of Paular, Negretti, Gaudeloupe, etc., now have no mean- ing, unless in a very few instances, when applied to American sheep. But in point of fact, the same varieties, or somewhat analogous ones, have been reproduced in our country by the systems of breeding pursued by particular persons. Some men, for example, have carefully shunned u oil " and "gum," and made fineness of wool the primary consideration. These have substantially reproduced the Spanish Escurial, a sheep closely resembling the Saxon, except in its larger size. Others have made weight of fleece the primary consideration, at some sacrifice of fineness ; and to this end they have bred as much oil into, and external gum upon the fleece, as practicable. The extreme of these sheep become coated over a few months after shearing, with a natural covering of gum of the color of tar, extending about an eighth of an inch into the wool, which in warm weather sticks to the hand, and in cold becomes a hard rigid crust. The interior of the fleeco looks as if oil had been poured into it, as it exists there not merely as a coating of each filament of wool, but 314 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. rather wears the appearance of a mass of oil, with filaments of wool growing out through it. Some breeders take a middle course, cultivating the oil, but avoiding ;he gum. Some cultivate a medium share of both ; and so on. The well-bred American Merino is probably now the densest and heaviest-fleeced sheep of its size in the world, without the help of any extraneous circumstances ; but when you read of the enormous fleeces you sometimes do, (whether they belong to H. S. K. or A. B. C.,) it is time that you, and all other intelligent men, understand that this enor- mous extra weight is made up of oil and gum. In the first place, wool of this character can not, at best, be well washed on the back of the sheep. In the second, many breeders do not desire to so wash it ; they choose to leave these heavy animal excretions in the wool, and they le*t their flocks run long enough between washing and shearing, to restore all that has been washed away. In fact, washing with them, is little better than a name, a pretence, to prevent the buyer from deducting the usual one-third from the gross weight, as on unwashed wool. Then, further to mislead the purchaser, they do up each fleece in two parts claiming that if that personage sees fit to judge the wool solely by weight of fleece, instead of quality and condition, (as he often does,) it is but a fair retalia- tion, a warrantable " spoiling of the Philistines," to take a course which will compel him to judge the article by legitimate tests, or to suifer the con- sequences. (That is to say, they assume that if the buyer is a blockhead, or screw, it is right to cheat him, if it can be done by silence.) These excessively oily and gummy sheep are rather " the rage " at present in the North. There are two reasons for it. The wool-buyer has obstinately refused to make any proportionate difference in the price- paid for their wool and that paid for cleaner wools. He will usually pay within three or four cents per pound, as much for the first as for the last, when the "greasy" wool weighs two pounds most to the fleece, when it costs no more to raise it, and when it will lose twenty-five per cent, more in cleansing. The manufacturers could have corrected this evil, if they had chosen to do so ; and a class of sham-hating men have continued to breed clean wools, expecting them ultimately to do justice in the matter. But indifference, or the temptation to force these breeders to sell (or sacrifice) their beautiful clips at two or three pennies above the price of " greasy " wool, has generally triumphed over all more manly considerations, though in regions where clean wools are extensively grown, and where the breed- ers can and will stand by each other, they have fared better. The other reason for the popularity of excessively oily and gummy sheep, exists in the fact that they generally sell better to those beginners who are willing to pay breeders' prices. The first thing in a variety or breed, which attracts the eye of a novice, is its salient peculiarities whether they involve valuable characteristics or the contrary; and they are very apt to become his standards of purity of blood arid individual excellence, until experience has taught him better. The Merino, com- pared with others, is an oily and gummy sheep, and " argal," the more oil and gum he possesses, the " more Merino " is he to the novice. The same remarks apply to " throatiness " large corrugations or folds of pen- dulous skin about the neck or throat, and similar folds on other parts of the body. Breeders defer more or less to the tastes of buyers, and thus more " grease and wrinkles " are prbduced than would otherwise be. A pet* tier personage your nomadic ram peddler carries his complaisance still SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 115 further. He 'manufactures traits or peculiarities to please purchasers! He buys up half or three-quarter bred Merinos, which chanc.e to have abundance of " wrinkles," (the mongrel get of a very "wrinkly" ram often show this peculiarity quite as strongly as Ins full-blood descend- ants,) and if the natural gum is wanting, he puts it on by daubing them over, immediately after shearing, with a pigment of linseed oil and burnt amber a composition known in the North as the "Cornwall finish," from the fact that it was first used (as a winter protection to sheep I pre- sume) in Cornwall, Vermont. It soon makes a nearly black external coating, so similar to the natural gum as to be entirely undistinguishable from it, except to a very practised eye. I should say, however, that it was usually a little more evenly put on, and a shade handsomer, than the natural article ! A second good oiling, with clear oil, towards fall, helps along. Armed with these painted mongrels, a demure face, and a cer- tificate of pedigree, purporting to be signed by a "Deacon," and a " Judge of Probate," your ram-peddler sallies forth, Macedonian-like, conquering and to conquer greenhorns ! THE BEST BREED FOE TEXAS. In the views I shall express under this head, I desire neither to advance nor to injure the interests of any indi- vidual certainly to wound no man's feelings. But if I speak at all, of course I am called upon to express those candid convictions, for which I am willing to be held responsible. I am free to say, on the start, that I believe there is altogether too much one-sidedness in the views entertained by individuals, and the pub- lic, in regard to this and other analogous questions. The current sets in some particular direction, and then all influenced by conviction, or the desire to take advantage of other people's convictions, jump into it irre- spective of circumstances. I have no doubt that every variety of the true wool-growing sheep, the Merino, has an appropriate and profitable place. As long as costly woollen fabrics are demanded by the wealthy and luxurious, the delicate Saxon sheep is a want in agriculture. The Silesian supplies the next want, and so on down. If the production is accurately proportioned to the consumption, the laws of trade declare that all these breeds must be profitable, (and something like equally profitable,) under the best circum- stances, for their respective cultivation. I desire to make another statement. In spite of all the pretences and quackeries of rival breeders, I have no doubt that the best animals of each of these varieties, produce about the same value (not amount) of wool for the amount of food consumed. Some, however, require more human labor and supervision than others, some demand milder climate than others, and so on. The time may very probably come when each of the Merino families will be profitably grown almost side by side, in Texas. Your climate is as mild as the feeblest-constitutioned' ones can elsewhere find. The extra labor demanded for the supervision of such, ought to be as cheap with you as in other portions of the United States. You have abundant suste- nance for the strongest fine-wool breeds. And who can say that when YOU have railroads covered with cattle and sheep-cars, that you can not supply the mutton eaten in our Atlantic cities, more cheaply than it can be grown nearer to them, and that it may not thus be made profitable to you to grow coai-se as well as fine wools ? At present, fine wools pay best in the United States ; and among these m Bdium qualities find the most extensive demand and the most remuner 316 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. ating prices. This class of wool is borne both by the American and French Merino. As a pioneer and experimental sheep, you want the hardiest variety one capable of resisting a change of climate and circumstances, general or local difficulties in the way of acclimation, and the effects of inexperienced management. As a distinct variety, there can be no reasonable doubt, I think, that the pure American Merino is better able to ** rough it " in a new country than the pure French Merino, though I appr.ehend the latter will ultimately do well enough in your mild climate. ~No person ac- quainted with both breeds will hesitate to believe, that in a summer drouth, or during a severe winter scarcity, the former will suffer less than the latter as much less as black cattle would suffer, under like cir cumstances, than the larger Shorthorns. The impression is also univer- sal, and certainly every appearance and analogy would seem to favor it, that the American Merino will herd best in very large numbers. But it is not necessary that you limit yourselves exclusively to one variety. He who wants to grow very large wethers for plantation use, or for sale, or he who wishes to grow a larger fine-woolled sheep as a matter of taste, and is prepared to take care of them, wifl find his wishes met by the French sheep ; or if wethers weighing from 150 Ibs. to 200 Ibs., and ewes weighing from 120 Ibs. to 140 Ibs., are large enough for him, he can get them by a cross between the French and American varieties. These last, if well bred, compose a beautiful and hardy sub-variety. I bought a flock of them, last winter, mostly French, which were dropped in May, 1858. They were kept in the common way, without pampering. They were thoroughly washed and sheared at the common time, about the close of June, 1859. Their wool was destitute of gum, about as white at the outer as inner end, and seemingly almost as free from oil as cot- ton. They averaged six pounds and four ounces of wool per head. I be- lieve that a cross between such ewes and a very heavy and " greasy " fleeced American Merino ram, would carry the average a pound higher in the produce. I am so confident of this, that I am availing myself of the results of such a cross on a comprehensive scale. The ewes are un- commonly fine-woolled of their kind. The ram used weighs but 150 Ibs. in full fleece, -and his washed fleece (as well as it could be washed) weighed 14 Ibs. Of course he was excessively oily and gummy, and it was for that very reason he was selected for the experiment. His lambs, two months after birth, began to be colored very perceptibly by the oil inherited from their sire. It is legitimate in breeding, to counteract one defect with another. I have noticed for twenty-five years that the oiliest and gummiest Merino ranis cross best with the dry coarse-woolled varieties. I have recently noticed that the cross between the French ram and such varieties rarely results very satisfactorily. There is another reason for this. Where the size of the male is greatly disproportioned to that of the female, the un- born lamb has not room to expand in the womb, and it is born crooked and unshapely generally thin-chested and flat-ribbed. Hence" I entirely prefer the cross between the French ewe and American Merino ram to the one made conversely. Am I asked at this point, if it is legitimate to breed extraneous sub- stances, like oil and gum, and sell them for wool ? Certainly not. On the other hand, is it legitimate for the wool buyer and manufacturer to make no fair distinction between clean and dirty wool ? He who sells "greasy" woals in broad daylight, without splitting his fleeces or resort- SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 317 ing to any other trick, at leasts commits no fraud ! On the whole, 1 would push towards neither extreme. In your climate, I think you will have to obtain pretty dark-colored and oily rams to keep up the proper medium in that particular in your full-blood American Merino flocks, and still oilier and darker ones, to produce that medium in a cross with coarse 8heep. The wool of the French crosses I 'have described was a shade coarser and a shade lest " stylish" than fair American Merino wool. But the difference in cleanness was in its favor, and the difference in fineness was so little against it, that every lot I mentioned sold, or could have been sold separately, in July, for forty-four or forty-five cents -a pound. An intelligent breeder of these, and of French full-bloods, candidily admitted to me last winter, that he considered the former worth quite as much as the latter for wool-growing. Under common care, and exposed to any disadvantages, I think they would prove most profitable. And such a cross would promptly give additional weight of fleece, and especially size, to American Merino flocks deficient in either particular. But the cross must always be well made not to result in failure. SELECTION OF SHEEP The points of a good Merino's carcass are, good but not extraordinary size for the variety, the barrel well rounded, the chest deep, the cross full, the back level forward of the hips, the loin and buttocks comparatively wide, the flank and twist well let down, the neck round and set on level with the shoulders, the head fine but broad between the cars, the eye lively and mild, the legs straight and moderate- ly long, the whole figure wearing a marked appearance of compactness and solidity. The degree of throatiness is rather a matter of taste. It is a great im- pediment to smooth and rapid shearing ; but as a badge of blood, and as an indication of that loose, large skin which is a characteristic mark and valuable property of the highbred Merino, (and which is often found without throatiness,) it is liked to a reasonable extent by most breeders. The skin should be of SL fresh pink color not dead white, and especially not tawny. The wool of the Merino should be compact at all hazards, and of as great length as can be found united with compactness. It should open with some appreciable resistance to the hand, not drop apart at the touch, like the fur of furbearing animals. The pile, in addition to its fineness, should be finely and regularly crimped from one extremity to the other. This is an important indication of quality, and in the case of the American Merino, of blood. The pure French sheep does not so perfectly or so uniformly exhibit it. The interior of the wool (after it has gained length subsequently to shearing) should be brilliantly glossy, and when properly opened by the hand, every spire of its crimped filaments should seem to be moving, as if instinct with life. This last appearance (of which I can give no definite idea on paper) is the highest possible indication of good breeding. A dry, lustreless appearance, especially a dead appearance, ia very objectionable. If, in addition to this, the wool is destitute of crimp, it is wholly inferior. Except near the outer end, wool should be white, or of a faint golden tinge. If saffron-colored near the skin, it is " yellow- ed," (by some abnormal secretion,) and injured for sale. Slightly brown- ish or nankeen-colored wools, unless so stained by earths, indicate defec- tive breeding. French wools are oftener of this color than those of any Other family of the Merino. The gum whhh is permitted to exist, should be on the outer extremity 318 SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. of the fleece, not scattered through it in small yellow particles resem- bling bee-bread, or in occasional white waxy concretions. The former defect is commonest in the American, the latter in the French Merino. Neither of them appertain to the Saxon. The oil of the fleece should appear like a delicate white perfectly transparent varnish, or some thinner fluid, barely coating over every fibre to give it lustre. As already said, it is objectionable to have it fill up the interstices of the wool, as if it had been poured in, and doubly so if its color is yellowish. If quite yel- low and viscid, it is called " yolk." The wool of the Merino should closely cover every wool-bearing part. It should be thick and long on the belly as well as on the back, and the bare spots for the movements of the legs, etc., should occupy only the surface absolutely necessary for that purpose. It should look, when its pelage is out at full length, like a bundle of wool on legs. But wool below the knees and hocks, and on the point of the nose, is like throati- ness, one of those " fancy points" which is highly valued by some, and objected to by others. The wool on these parts is inferior, and trifling in weight. It does not, as novices often imagine, specially indicate a heavy fleece. That on the legs gets foul with mud or dug, when it comes in contact with it, and that on the nose often so impedes the sight, that unless it is sheared away two or three times a year, the animal can see neither forward nor backward, nor scarcely sideways, without awkwardly twisting about its head. I confess I rather like the peculiarity ; but there can be no doubt it would be undesirable in sheep which must travel and ".look out for themselves" on extensive plains, and particularly so, if there was any chance of their being attacked by dogs or beasts of prey. PRICE OF MERINOS. I shall recur to this subject, because the inciden- tal discussion which has taken place on it, in your paper, renders me desirous to submit some definite and tangible statements. I therefore eay, definitely and tangibly, that pure-blood American Merino flocks ot good quality, including the usual admixture of all ages and sexes, up to four years old, can be bought for eight dollars a head, where one hundred are taken ; for ten dollars a head, where fifty taken ; for twelve dollars a head, where twenty-five are taken ; for twenty-five dollars a head, where a half-dozen are taken. The pure-bred French sheep are comparatively few, and though unpopular with the mass of wool-growers, are highly prized by their breeders on account of their salableness in new regions. I can give no approach to a uniform price on them. Good high-bred French, grades, (a cross with the American Merino) resembling full-blood French can be bought at from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, advance on the price of American Merinos. Mongrel American Merinos not unfrequently denominated " full- bloods," by sheep-growers who have no record of pedigree, oftentimes no distinct conception of what constitutes a pedigree can be purchased in nearly all the Northern and Middle States, at .from two to four dollars a head, according to the prevailing market prices of sheep at the time. Most of them are a cross between the Saxon and " Native" sheep, with a later infusion of Merino blood. Where the Saxon admixture was strong, these sheep are often as fine as pure-blood Merinos. But their fleeces are lighter; their constitutions much less vigorous; and like all mongrels made up between distinct races, they are lacking in uniformity. COST OF IMPORTATION. There are three ways of getting sheep from the Northern States to Texas by the Ocean and Mississppi River routes, and bytb? land route. Where time is no object, and the number of SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS. 319 sheep to be faken large, the latter is by far the cheapest. Freights from New- York City to Galveston, in ship-houses, (water found,) will average about three dollars per head at proper seasons of the year. When enough are sent to fill a ship-house, the usual cost is two dollars a head. The cost of arranging ship-house, keep, and attendance on the passage is then to be added. It should not exceed two dollars per head. Under proper arrangements, the passage is as safe as that of the human passen- ger of the vessel. CROSSING WITH COARSE SHEEP. It may be laid down as a settled rule, that the Merino can be improved, as wool-producing sheep by a cross with no other breed whatever. All legitimate crossing, for that object, is confined to the several varieties of its ow r n breed. Secondly, there is no other breed the quality and quantity of whose wool is not im- proved by a Merino cross. It is a matter of economy first to stock an extensive wool estancia with coarse, cheap breeds of sheep. Any thing, from English long-\vools down to the puny, miserable Mexican sheep, can be used ; and with well-selected rams, (medium-sized, compact, oily, gummy, and heavy-fleeced American Merinos,) the rapidity of the im- provement will appear almost miraculous to inexperienced persons. In selecting the coarse sheep, the carcass is of vastly more importance than the fleece, and hence the Mexicans are the least valuable. But even they are preferable to nothing. Kone but the full-blood Merino ram should be used under any circum- stances. A different course would, at best, lead to a retardation of the desired improvement, of more amount than many times the cost of tho necessary full-blood rams ; and the degree and kind of improvement would become wholly a matter of uncertainty. Every breeder whose means admit of it, will do well also to start with a more limited flock of full-blood ewes. They constitute the foundation of a future pure flock, and are the nursery to draw rams from, without the expense of resorting to new purchases every two or three years. To meet this latter object, the ewes and rams originally imported should be of different strains of blood, and so marked as to be readily distinguish- able from each other. All extensive breeders should keep two or three separate strains of blood, for the convenience of purchasers. MISCELLANEOUS SUGGESTIONS. Every new breeder should start with an established system of marks which will at once point out to him the blood of the particular animal. The brands may be cut out of wood, or constructed of iron, and they are dipped in some pigment and applied to the sheep (to prevent mistakes) as soon as it is sheared. On one side stamp the owner's initials, on the other a cross, a circle, a triangle, or the like, ( or a combination of these marks,) to indicate the precise family. Every sheep of inferior carcass of fleece, should receive a mark at shearing, which indicates that it is to be killed or sold. On the subject of winter shelter and keep, I shall here offer nothing. In this particular, experience is the only guide. But I repeat my former adjuration, to keep down the dogs that curse of sheep-raising in Virginia, the Carolinas, etc., which is more fatal than all others, and which it is next to impossible to get rid of, where it has once got a firm footing. Yours truly and sincerely, HENRY S. RANDALL. Cortland Village, New- York, Aug. 12, 1859. S20 SHEEP RAISING IN TEXAS. SHEEP RAISING IN TEXAS. BY GEORGE W. KENDALL, ESQ. On commencing a third article on " Sheep Raising in Texas," my experience for another year, or since September, 1858, I find that I have but a repetition of the same old story to offer the many readers of your valuable almanac ; my good fortune has continued without an inter ruption, and my losses amount to next to nothing. My flocks have all been extremely healthy, and in the best possible condition, while the few losses I have sustained, (not one per cent, probably,) have mostly resulted from casualty or accident of some kind ; no disease has visited my folds. You may recollect, that I last year said that I could not hope for a con- tinuance of such good luck or fortune as had followed me through the years '56-7 and a part of '58 ; it has continued up to this 1st of August, 1859, and my sheep are now in finer order than I have ever before seen them. In the fall and early winter of 1858, or during the months of October, November, and December, I felt not a little uneasy about the effect of the acorns, of which we had a most abundant crop in the mountains. I had read in one book that they were hurtful to sheep ; I had been told, by those who pretended to know, that their effect would certainly be injurious. To keep my flocks away from them was entirely out of the question ; within a hundred yards of the pens where they were nightly kept, and in almost every direction, they must enter an oak range when turned out in the morning, every tree loaded heavily with acorns. The sheep devoured them with avidity, would run from tree to tree in the morning searching for such as had dropped fresh during the night, and this continued until the heaviest mast we have had in many years was exhausted. What with the grass they cropped meanwhile, (and it was noticed that each day the sheep would graze for hours,) they would come home to their pens at night well filled. And all this time the flocks were bright, healthy, and never in better condition, thus proving past all doubt, that acorns, instead of being injurious to sheep, are a positive benefit, and hereafter the heavier the mast may be at my place, the better I shall like it. In April last, at shearing time, I smeared the noses of my sheep, and especially the lambs, bountifully with tar, and so far they have not been troubled at all with grub in the head. Last year, it may be remembered, I lost a few lambs from this cause ; the tar certainly can do no harm, costs but a trifle, and I believe is beneficial during the spring and early summer months. About the 15th of August, 1858, 1 weaned my lambs, over eleven hun- dred in number, all on the same morning : as nearly all were dropped in the month of April preceding, they were then about four months old. The Merino buck lambs I turned into my regular wether flock, where I keep all my bucks save during the short tupping season in the fall ; the ewe and wether lambs I have kept in a flock by themselves up to this time, and all have grown and thriven remarkably well far better than when the old ewes with their lambs ran together, and from one end of the year to the other. Every one who knows anything about sheep must be well aware that SHEEP RAISING IN TEXAS. 321 long after a ewe has nearly dried up when she gives but a drop of milk the lamb will hang on and worry her, forty times a day, for that drop. It does the latter no good- -it pulls down and pesters the old ewes in short, injures both. For a day or two after they are separated, of course there will be a terrible outcry and clamor, lambs bleating for their mothers, and mothers calling for their lambs. But this is soon over ; both soon set to work in earnest cropping their food, they have the entire day to fill themselves, and my experience has proved that both commence fattening within a week after the weaning is over. The old ewes have a chance to recruit and strengthen themselves before frost sets in, are in finer condition for the bucks in November, and pass through the winter in far better order. I know that where a person has but a single flock of sheep, and that flock small, it creates an additional expense to separate and wean the /ambs. But I hold that anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing well, and the additional expense will be more than repaid by the increased size, strength, condition, and constitution of the flock. My last year's ewe-lambs, (those dropped in the spring of 1858,) I shall put to buck on the 1st of the coming November, or when they are some nineteen months old. They will then be two years of age when they have lambs ; and I am confident this plan is much better than the one so often practised in Texas, of allowing yearling ewes to run with bucks and have lambs before they have attained their growth, and before they are well able to sustain their offspring. I do not increase my stock so fast by following this system ; but I materially improve it, both in size and constitution, and that is what I am constantly striving after. We can all afford to be patient in Texas. I shall have some two thousand ewes to put to buck this foil. Of these, about one hundred and thirty are full-blood Merinoes, which I shall turn into a pasture with two of the best bucks I can find, on 20th of October. On the 25th of the same month I shall put half of my grade ewes to buck, and on the 1st of November the balance. For six weeks only will the bucks be allowed to run with the ewes ; I never wish to see a lamb come in one of my flocks later than the 15th of May. I have proved to my own satisfaction, that a lamb dropped on 1st of April, when the grass is young and fresh and the days comparatively cool, will be larger and better formed the day it is three months old, than will a lamb dropped on the 1st of July, when the grass is apt to be coarse and dry, and the days scorching hot, when it is six months old ; and the former will turn out the best sheep in every respect. Many persons, anxious to increase the num- ber of their flocks, may be loath to believe all this, but let them try both or all systems. The custom of allowing bucks to run with the ewes the year round, and having lambs come twice a year, or during every month in the year, I cannot but believe ruinous. It would worry me 'more to see a buck among my ewes in July, August, or September, or in Febru- ary, March, or April, than a wolf: the latter might kill half a dozen, and there end ; the former would cost me more real loss in the long run. I am induced to give this statement in relation to my system because I am continually receiving letters from persons just starting in the sheep business, making inquiries on the subject. I do not say that I am right ; I ask no one to follow my general plan of management. I shall change it the moment I hear of any one who has had better success than has befallen me, but not until then. Tn the Texas almanac for 1859, 1 see that Thos. Decrow, Esq., after an 322 SHEEP RAISING IN TEXAS. interesting account of his own great .success in sheep-raising on Mata- gorda Bay, sees fit to disagree with me in my estimate of the necessity of breeding from no other than pure Merino bucks. Now, Mr. Decrow may be right, and I altogether in the wrong ; yet his argument does not convince me that a grade buck, which is perhaps just as apt to breed back as ahead, is as useful in a flock of Mexican ewes as a square-built, compact, stout, vigorous, well-woolled, thorough-bred Merino, an animal perfect in all those parts where the Mexican is naturally defective. I this year sheared many grade sheep, three and four removes from common Mexican ewes, which yielded 8, 8-J, and some of them 9 pounds of wool, and wool so fine that it would require a sharp sampler to distinguish it from pure Merino, while the animals were perfect in form, lusty, and of most vigorous constitution. I could not have got along so fast with grade bucks, and I think Mr. Decrow was wrong when he says that he had made up his mind to " sell or exchange his thirteen pure Merino bucks, even at half-price, and furnish his newly purchased Mexican ewes (600 in number) with rams of his own raising, from his own flock in preference." The flock master who breeds altogether from pure Merino bucks, knows always where he is, and where he will come out at the expiration of a certain time ; but if he uses no other than grade rams, he is ever living in uncertainty, and will never reach any particular end. My great object is to breed up until every sheep I may own, may be safely marked a thorough, full-blood Merino ; and in the course of a few years, should I live, I shall achieve this result. But not in a century could I attain an end I neem so desirable, were I to breed continually from grade rams. I do not wash my sheep at all, and for what I deem good reasons. About the middle of April, or at the time when one half my ewes have young lambs at their sides, and the balance are about to drop, would bo the only time I could wash in this region. At this period I would not race or worry my ewes at all on any account ; they should be pestered as little as possible, and any advantage to the fleece from washing cannot make up for the injury to the animal. I might wash my bucks and wethers without injury, and my yearling lamb flock, made up of ewes and wethers, and I may possibly try the experiment ; but my old ewes never. Could my lambs come the latter part of February, as Mr. Decrow deems best, I might then wash all ; but in this high mountain region yeaning time cannot prudently come before the latter part of March or April, the the very period when we must commence washing and shearing. We are apt to have bad weather in February in this section, and even up to the loth or 20th of March. Now, as my lambs come at the outset at the rate of over one hundred a day, a single cold, rainy or nicety norther would carry off one half of those dropped during its continuance ; and hence I sa^r that in this parallel of latitude, and north of it, our yeaning time cannot commence before the latter part of March, without running great risk of loss. I will not trespass farther upon your valuable space at this time ; another year, should you wish it, I will give you a fourth article upon my experience in sheep raising in Texas. Respectfully, your friend, GEO. WILKINS KENDALL. NEW BBAUXFELS, August 1, 1859, INDEX. A. Abdomen, the. Page 228. contents of the, 228233. Abomasum, cut of the, 228. structure and functions of the, 229. Acarus of scab, cut of the, 259. description and habits of the, 258259. how produced, 258. Acetate of copper. See Verdigris. Afghanistan, advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry, 118. Africa, (exclusive of Cape of Good Hope,) sheep of, 151. exports of wool to England from, 110. exports of wool to U. S. in 1846, 124. quality of wool exported from, 90. Age, determined by the teeth, 237, 238. names indicative of the, 237. length of, in different breeds, 156, 157. Agrostis (stricta) yulgaris. See Herds-grass. Air-cells, description of the, 235. Alabama, population of, 17. number of sheep in, 17. pounds of wool grown in, 17. average weight of fleeces in, 18, 21. woollen factories in, 17. value of woollen goods manufactured in, 17. price of land in, 60. adaptation of mountain lands of, to sheep husbandry, 47. Al, the use of, in sheep medicine, 274. Allegheny mountains. See Apalachian moun- tains. Allspice, use of, in sheep medicine, 276. Aloes, use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Alum, use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Anatomy of the sheep, 227, 238. how far necessary to be studied, 227. proper subjects for the study of, 227. directions for studying, 227, 228. Animals which destroy sheep in the South, 64. in Australia, 65. at the Cape of Good Hope, 65. how guarded against, 65. Antimony, the use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Aorta, the, 234. Apalachian mountains of U. S., where situated, 30. area occupied by, 30. geology and soils of, 30, 31, 43,44, 46,49. altitude of, 43. grasses which flourish on, 43, 44, 47, 59, 62. adaptation of, to pasturage, 44, 46, 47, 59, 62. Climate on, 4451, 59. price of lands on, 44, 46 48, 59. Apoplexy, confounded with grub in the head, 258. and treatment of, 251 253. 2 Arachis. See Pindar*. Arctium lappa, injurious to wool, 131. Argentine Republic. See Buenos Ayres. Arsenic, the use of, in sheep practice, 275. Arteries, the, 234. Artichokes, value of, as a fodder, 213. straw of, fed to sheep in Germany, 211 Ashes, as a fertilizer in the South, 67. leached, 67. analysis of, 67. Asia. See names of countries of. exports of wpol from to U. S. in 1846 124. Asiatic sheep. See Broad-tailed sheep. Asia Minor, adaptation of, to sheep hua bandry, 118. Auricles of the heart, the, 234. Australia, introduction of sheep into, 25. introduction of Merinos into, 25. effect of climate of, on quality of wool,, 2529. wools of, compared with Spanish, 26. wools of, compared with Saxon, 26. exports of wool from, 25. exports of wool brought down tol 546, 294'- how sheep are managed in, 26. sheep husbandry of, compared wit In Saxon, 26. general adaptation of, to sheep hus^ bandry, 25, 119121. soils and products of, 119. price of land and labor in, 119121. climate of, 120. remarkable droutns of, 120. wild beasts in, destructive to sheep, 121. vast distance of, from European markets, 121. prospect of the increase of wool in, 121.. note giving statistics of wool trade of brought aown to 1846, 294. Austria, advantages of, for sheep husbandry ,. 1 14, 116. See Germany and Hungary. soils of, 114. climate of, 115. management of sheep in, 1 39. exports of wool from, to U. S. in 1846 r 124. Aquafortis, use of, in sheep practice, 276 B. Baden, advantages of, for sheep husbandry 114. Bakeweil, Mr., the former of the New Lei- cester bteed, 142. the conduct of, as a feeder, censured, 143, 249. Barley, value of, in producing live weight,. wool and tallow, 214. per cent, of nitrogen in, 214. value of straw of, as a fodder, 213. I straw of, fed to sheep in Germany, 311 :24 INDEX. Barns for sheep, cut of. Page 205. ground-plan of, with sheds and yards, 209. Barrack for hay, description and cut of, 209. Bavaria, advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 114, 115. Beans, value of, as a fodder, 213. straw of, fed to sheep in Germany, .61 _ Beet field, value of, as a fodder, 213. white Silesian, value of, as a fodder, 213. Belgium, exports of wool from, 110. exports of wool from, to U. S. in 1846, 124. late increase of manufactures in, 294. Beloochistan, advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry, 118. Bermuda grass in the South, 38. its enormous product, 38. its adaptation to meadow or pasture, 38. its adaptation to barren sands, 38. Bichloride of mercury, use of, in sheep me- dicine, 275. Biflex canal, description of, 238. disease of, 261. Bile, account of the, 231. Biliary duct, description of the, 231. Bladder, the, 233. Blain, unusual in U. S., 222. -Blankets for slaves, description of, 87, 90. cost of manufacturing, 87, 9092. Bleeding, place for, 273, 274. rules for, 274. the quantity of blood to be abstracted in, 274. Blood, the circulation of the, 235. the importance of purity of, in breeding, 168, 171, 172. Bide grass, as the food ot sheep, 212. in the North, 33. in the South, 37. on the Southern mountains, 44, 47, 48. 'Blue Ridge of mountains, location of, 30. Also, see Apalachians. geology of, 30. soils and products of, 31, 4447, 59. advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 4447, 59. 'Bone dust, as a manure in the South, 67. ; Bot. See Grub in the Head. Box for feeding grain to sheep, cut of, 203. for dipping lambs, cut of, 192. Brain, description of the, 236. Brazil, a portion of, in wool zone, 105. exports of wool from, 110. exports of wool from, to U. S. in 1846, 124. breeding, principles of, 168-172. importance of selection in, 168, 190. in and in, effects of, 169. in and in, how avoided, 170, 172. crossing, when admissible in, 170. crossing, how conducted, 172. crossing, method of starting flocks in the South by, 170. crossing, importance of selecting good rams for, 172. register, how kept, 180. British America, exports of wool from, 110. to U. S. in 1846, 124. firitish West Indies, exports ot wool from, 110. to U. S. in 1846, 124. Broad-tailed sheep introduced into the U. S.. 151. wool and mutton of the, 151. Bronchial tubes, the, 235. Bronchitis, description and treatment of, 240. Bronchocele. See Goitre. Browse, feeding of, in winter, 217. Buckwheat, value of, in producing lire weight, wool and tallow, 214. per cent, of nitrogen in, 214. -aioe of straw ofT as a fodder, 213. straw of, fed to sheep in Germany, 21 J. Buenos Ayres, advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry, 105, 106. advantages of, for sheep husbandry, com pared with U. S., 106. exports of wool from, 105. exports of wool from, to U. S., in 1846 124. pampas of, 105. inhabitants of, 105. Burdock, injurious to wool, 131. c. Cabbage, value of, as a fodder, 213. Cabul, advantages of, for sheep husbandry. 118. Cachectic diseases, 254, 255. Camphor, use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Cape of Good Hope, 65, 119. Merinos introduced in, 26. Merinos, their increase in, 26. exports of wool from, 110. exports of, to U. S. in 1846, 124. wool of, compared with Australia, 2<>. advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 65, climate of, 26, 119. climate of, effect of, on quality of wool, 26. face of the country in, 119. remarkable drouths in, 11!). prevalence of wild beasts in, 119. Capillaries, functions of the, 234. Caraway seeds, the use of, in sheep medi cine, 275. Cardiac opening, the, 231. Carrots, value of, as a fodder, 213. Castration of rams, 180. Cataract, the, 239.' Catarrh, common, description and treatment of, 240. malignant epizootic, description of, 240 247. malignant epizootic, ravages of, in U. S., 240. malignant epizootic, treatment of, 245, 246. Catechu, use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Cattle doctor, the most dangerous of mala- dies, 226. Caul. See Omentum. Census of U. S., inaccurate in its wool re turns, 18. Cerebellum, the, 236. Chalk, the use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Chelmsford plains, for slave cloths, 86, 90. quality and cost of manufacturing, 90 93 Cheviot sheep, introduction of, into U. S, 149. description of, 149, 150, 154. low quality of their wool, 151. Chili, portion of, in the wool zone, 105. exports of wool from, 110. exports of wool from, to U. S. in 1846 124. INDEX. 325 China advantages of, for sheep husbandry, Page 118. Choking, treatment of, 273. Chyle, account of the, 231. Climate, not controlled by latitude, 104. of various countries compared, 104. range of, in which fine sheep are bred, 17, 18. range of, in which wool can be most eco- nomically grown, 103, 104. of U. S., favorable to sheep, 18, 103, 104. effect of, on health of sheep, 18, 103. effect of, on the amount of wool, 22. effect of, on the quality of wool, 23, 2729. Clogging sheep, how done, 193. Clover, red, as the food of sheep, 212. value of, cut in different states, as a fod- der, 213. acclimation of, in Virginia, 36. acclimation of, on the mountains of Vir- ginia, 44, 47. acclimation of, south of Virginia, 44, 47. not indispensable, 44, 47. substitute for, as a fodder, and manuring crop, 39, 41. white, as the food of sheep, 212. flourishes on the southern mountains, 45, 47. Coecum, cut of the, 232. Colic, symptoms and treatment of, 253. Cold storms, dangerous effects of, after shear- ing, 191. Colombia, exports of wool from, 110. Colon, cut of the, 232. Cobza, value of, as a fodder, 213. Copperas, sulphate of, use of, in sheep medi- cine, 275. CJcrn, Indian, as food for sheep, 216. value of, as a fodder, 213. blades of, as sheep fodder, 41, 212, 214. stalks of. as a sheep fodder, 41, 212, 214. Corrosive sublimate, use of, in sheep medi- cine, 275. Cotswold sheep, origin of, 149. introduction of, into the U. S., 149. description of_ 149. crosses of, with other breeds, 149. cut of, 148. Cotton, statistics of the crop of, 79. cost of growing, 79, 85. cost of growing, compared with that of growing wool, 85. should alternate with other crops, 78 83. alternating of, with wool growing pro- posed, 81. rotations for such alternation proposed, 83, 84. more should be grown on less land, 80, 85. seed of, as a food for sheep, 216. Crab grass, account of the, 37. Creeping panic grass. See Bermuda grass. Crimea, advantages of, for wool growing, Merinos introduced in, 117. Crook, uses of the, described, 196. cut of the, 196. Crossing breeds and varieties, object of, 170. effects of, 170172. advantages of, under some circumstances, 162, 164, 170. Cud, loss of the, not a disease, 272. Cumberland grass. See Bermuda gnu* Cumberland mountains described, 43. Also, see Apalachians. the adaptation of, to sheep husoandry, 48. Curled kale, as food for sheep, 62. flourishes on southern mountains, 62 Cynodon dactylon. See Bermuda giass. Cynoglossum officinale, injurious "to 174. See Hound' s-tonyue. Cystisis, unusual in U. S., 238. D. Dactylis glomerala. See Orchard grass. Dangerous rams, how managed, 193. Denmark, exports of wool from, 110. Depots for wool. See Wool Depots. Diaphragm, structure and functions of, 234. Diarrhoea, description and treatment of, 250. Digestion, the process of, 229 231. Digitalis, use of, in sheep medicine, 275. Digitaria sanguinalis, account of the, 37. Diseases, the classification of, adopted, 226. same causes do not produce the same, in different countries, 220. popular superstitions concerning causes of, 220, 221. many of those of England not found in U. S., 221 223, 238. difference in the type of, in England and U. S., 224. treatment of, in England and U. S. dif- ferent, 224. English treatment of, too expensive 224, 225. English treatment requires too much skill for popular use, 225. English treatment, its pharmacopeia loo extensive, 225. treatment of, by "cattle doctors" dan- gerous, 226. better do too little for, than too much, 226. Dissection indispensable to learn nature and treatment of diseases, 227. amount of instruction necessary to per- form, 227. directions for, 227, 228. proper subjects for, 227. Division of flocks proper in summer, 193. necessary in winter, 199. Docking sheep, necessity for, 181. how performed, 181. Dogs, sheep. See Sheep dogs. destruction of sheep in the South by, 64 legal enactments in relation to killing sheep by, in New York, 64. methods of protecting sheep from, 65. Down sheep. See Southdowns. Dropsy, acute, unusual in U. S., 222. Drouths, the severe, which prevail in Aus- tralia and the Cape of Good Hope, 119, 120. Ductus choledochus, functions of the, 231. Duodenum, cut of the, 232. Dura mater, the, 236. Dutch West Indies, exports of wool from, io U. S. in 1846, 124. Duties on wool in different nations. See Tariffs. Dysentery, difference between, and diarrhera, 251. ^4. crosses with Saxons, 134, 138, 141, 164. crosses with native sheep, 164. crosses with Southdowns, 170, 171. crosses with Leicesters, 171. the best variety of sheep for the South> 163, 165168. proper size of, 165. proper form of, 166. proper weight of fleece of, 165. proper length and density of wool of, 167. proper evenness of wool of, 167. proper style of wool of, 168. proper amount of gum on wool of, 167. proper quality of skin of, 166. points to be avoided in, 168. Mesentery, cut of the, 232. Mesenteric glands, the, 231. Mexico, adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, 105. exports of wool from, 110. exports of wool from, to IT. S. in 1846, 124. 330 INDEX. Mexico, sheep dogs of. Page 284 28v>. Microscopic views of wool, 135 137, 145. Middle wools. See Southdown wool. Midriff. See Diaphragm. Millet, productiveness of, South, 37, 38. straw ef. fed to sheep in Germany, 211, 212. value of, as a fodder, 213. Milt. See Spleen. Miscellaneous diseases, 271 273. Mississippi, population of, 17. number of sheep in, 17. pounds of wool grown in, 17. average weight of fleeces in, 18, 21 woollen factories in, 17. woollen goods manufactured in, 17. fine wooled sheep bred in, 27. latitude, &c., of, compared with Aus- tralian, 27. Missouri Territory, advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 96103. Modena, advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 113. Mogadore wool, 90. Morea, exports of wool from, 110. See Greece. Morocco. See Africa. Mountains of the South. See Mountain zone, under head of Southern States. Mud, as a fertilizer. See Swamp mud. Muriate of soda. See Salt. Muriatic acid, use of, in sheep medicine, 276. Mutton, economical food for slaves, 56, 57. its effects on the system compared with other meats, 56. the quality of, in cufferent breeds of sheep, 153, 154, 158. Also, see .the different breeds, sheep, the English. See Southdowns, Leicesters, and Colswolds. sheep, where they constitute the most profitable variety, 153, 154. sheep, comparison between varieties of, 153, 154. sheep, unadapted to most parts of the South, 154, 155. sheep, less profitable in the South than Merinos, 158. N. Naples, advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 113. Nasal bones, cut of the, 236. Native sheep (so called) of the U. S., origin of, 130. general characteristics of, 131. crosses with other breeds, 131, 164. policy of grading up with the Merino in the South, 164, 170. selection of, to cross with Merinos, 170. do not cross successfully with Saxons, 164. Nerves, the, 236. Nervous diseases, the, 251. New England, advantages of, for wool growing, 95. New Jersey, advantages of, for wool grow- ing, 95. New Leicester sheep. See Leicester. New Oxfordshire sheep. See Colswolds. New South Wales. See Australia. York population o f , 17. New York, sheep introduced in by the Datdk colonists, 130. number of sheep in, 17. pounds of wool grown in, 17. average weight of fleeces in, 18, 21. woollen factories in, 17. woollen goods manufactured in, 17. grass lands of, how managed, 32. price of grazing lands in, 53. price of sheep in, 53. cost of producing wool per pound in, 61. profits of wool growing in, 53 55. Nitrate of silver. See Lunar caustic. Nitrate of potash, use of, in sheep medicine 276. Nitre. See Nitrate of potash. Nitric acid, use of, in sheep medicine, 276. North Carolina, population of, 17. number of sheep in, 17. amount of wool grown in, 17. average weight of fleeces in, 18, 21. woollen factories in, 17. woollen goods manufactured in, 17. price of land in, 44, 60. adaptation of mountain lands of, to sheep husbandry, 4446. Norway, exports of wool from, 110. climate and flora of, 104, 105. Numbering sheep, advantages of, 178. Se Registering. Von Thaer's system of, 179 cuts illustrating, 179. o. Oats, value of, in producing live weight, wool, and tallow, 214. per cent, of nitrogen in, 214. value of straw of, as a fodder, 213. straw of, fed to sheep in Germany, 211. Odessa, exports of wool from, 117. CEsophagus, course of the, 234 236. entrance of, into stomach, 228, 229. obstructions of the, how treated, 273. CEsophagean canal, structure and functions ol the, 229. OEstrus ovis, description of, 256. natural history of, 256, 257. cuts of, 256. Ohio, advantages of, for wool growing, 90. Omentum, description of the, 228. One crop system of the South, 81. exhaustion of land consequent on the, 81, 82. exhaustion of land consequent on the, De Candolle's, Macaire's, Mirbel's, Braconnet's and Gyde's theories and experiments on, 81. Opium, use of, in sheep medicine, 276. Opthalmia, treatment of the, 239. Orchard grass, unsuccessful in New York, 33. flourishes on the southern mountains, 62. Orkney, wool of, 90. Otter sheep of the U. S., 129. Ovaries, the, 233. P. Palsy, nature and treatment of, 253. Pancreas, structure and functions of the, SSI. Panicum milliaceum. INDEX. Panicuin sanguinale. See Crab grass. Papal States, advantages of, for sheep bus- bandryl Page 113. Parietal bone, cut of a section of, 23x>d- ders, 62. climate of, 4451, 59. climate of, shown by vegetation of, 50, 51. climate of, compared with that of New York, 49, 50. price of lands in, 44. 46, 47, 48, 59. wolves in, 64. Spain, sheep husbandry of, 62, 63. great decrease in wool growing in, 111. migratory sheep husbandry of, and its disadvantages, 113. advantages ot, for migratory sheep hus- bandry, compared with those of south- ern states, 62, 63. evil effects of the Mesta in, 113. height, climate, and vegetation of moun tains 0^ 62, 112. general advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry, 62, 63, 112. soil and products of, 112. number of sheep in, 112. decreased exports of wool from, 110,111. exports of wool to U. S. in 1836 and 1846, 111, 124. other exports from, 112. sheep dogs of, 280284. Speaf 4 ' grass. See Slue grass. Spergula arvensis. See Spurry. Sphenoid bone, cut of, 236. Spirit of salt. See Muriatic acid. of tar, use of, in sheep practice, 277. Spleen, structure and functions cf the, 231 232. Spurry, as a green manuring crop, South, 74. INDEX 335 Staggers. See Hydalid in the brain. Stefl, description of the. Pago 206, 207. cut of outside one, 205. cut of ancient ones, 206. cut of inside circular ones, 207. cut of circular one, with racks, &c., 207. Sternum, the, 228. St. Helena, exports of wool from, 110. Stomachs of the sheep, description of, 228 231. cuts of the, 228. structure and functions of each of the, 228, 229. course of the food through the, 229, 230. conflicting theories concerning, 230. Storing wool, 189. Also see Wool depots. Storms, bad effects of cold ones after shear- ing, 191. Sturdy. See Ilydatid in the brain. Sulphate of copper, use of, in sheep prac- tice, 275. Sulphate of magnesia, use of, in sheep prac- tice, 275. Sulphur, use of, in sheep medicine, 276. Sun-scald, cause and treatment of, 191. Swamp mud, its value as a fertilizer, 70. Sweden, exports of wool from, 110. Sweet-bread. See Pancreas. Syria, climate of, 104. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, 117, 118. T. Table 1. Of population, number of sheep, pounds of wool, woollen factories, and value of manufactured goods in south- ern states and in New York, 17. 2. Of average weight of fleeces in southern states and New York, 18, 20, 21. 3. Of average weight of fleeces in four counties of each of the above states, 20. 4. Of comparative value of manures, 40. 5. Of the flowering of plants, &c., in New York, 49. 6. Of thermometrical observations in New York, 50. 7. Of the average prices of wool in New York, 53. 8. Of importations of wool into Eng- land every fifth year, from 1810 to 1840, 110. 9. Of importations of wool into U. S. annually, from 1837 to 1846, 124. 10. Of importations of wool into U. S. in 1846, with countries from which imported, 124. 11. Of woollens annually imported into U. S., during twenty-five years, 125. 12. Of increase of population in U. S., from 1790 to 1840, 127. 13. Of increase of population and amount of wool required in U. S., at different periods, for one hundred and fifteen years, 128. 14. Of the progressive reductions in du- ties on wool and woollen, under the " Compromise Tariff" of 1833, 159. Tagging, necessity of, 173. how performed, 173, 174. cut explanatory of, 173. Tar, propriety of feeding of, to sheep, 194. uses of, in sheep practice, 277. Tariffs on wool, of France, 106. of England, 106. of U. S., on wools and woollens, enacted in the years 1824, 1828, 1832, 1833, 1841, 1842, and 1846, 158, 159. effect of those of U. S. on the prices of wool, 159, 160. effect of those of U. S. on importation! of wool, 159, 160. effect of those of U. S. on importation* of woollens, 160. effect of those of U. S. on domestic pro- duction of wool, 159. effect of those of U. S. .on *he quality of domestic wool, 159, 160. frauds practised in invoicing coarse wools imported into U. S., under that of 1842, 107. effect of that of 1846 on manufactures of U. S., 106, 125, 126, 161. effect of fluctuations in, on manufac- tures, 126. Tasmania. See Australia. Taurida. See Crimea. Taylor, Col. John, of Virginia, his erroneous views in relation to sheep husbandry, 72, 81. Teeth, number and description of, 237. indicative of the age, 237. cuts of, at different ages, 237. difference in the retention of, by different breeds, 238. causes of premature loss of, 238. should be removed in some cases, 238. Temperature, influence of, on quality of wool. See Climate. Tennessee, population of, 17. number of sheep in, 17. pounds of wool grown in, 17. average weight of fleeces in, 18, 21. woollen factories in, 17. woollen manufactured in, 17. fine wooled sheep introduced in; 27. fine wooled sheep, wool of, not deterio- rated in, 27. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, 27, 48. adaptation, of mountains of, to sheep husbandry, 48. price of lands in, 47, 48. Tetanus, unusual in U. S., 253. Thibet, advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 118. wool exported from, 118. Thoracic duct, the, 231. Thoracic viscera, the, 234. Thorax, the, 234. Thyroid glands, the, 236. diseases of the, 270, 271. Ticks, mode of destroying, and keeping out of flock, 192. Tobacco, use of, in sheep practice, 277. Timothy, the favorite meadow grass, North 33. as the food of sheep, 212. success on southern low.ands question* able, 37. succeeds on southern mountains, 44, 62 Toe-nippers, description and use of, 103 cut of, 183. Tory weed. See Hound" s-tongue. Trees, clumps of, for winter stielter, 207. INDEX. Trifolium repens. See Clover, while. Trifolium pratense. See Clover, red. Troughs, for feeding roots or grain. Page 203, for feeding roots or grain, cuts of, 203. for folding wool, 187. for folding wool, cut of, 187. Tunica arachnoides, the, 236. Tunisian sheep, introduced into U. S., 151 character of, 151, 152. Turbinated bones, cut of the, 236. Turnips, succeed on the southern mountains, 62. how fed off by sheep in England, 72. value of, as a fodder, 213, 216. Swedish. See Ruta laga. Turnsick. See Hydalid in the brain. Turpentine, spirits of, use of, in sheep prac- tice, 277. Turkey, soils and climate of, 118. soils and climate of, in Europe, 114. face of the country in, 114. population of, 114. institutions of, unfavorable to sheep hus- bandry, 114. exports of wool from, 109, 110. exports of carpets, 108. Tuscany, advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry, 113. Typhus fever, not common in U. S., 238. U. tkraine, Merinos introduced in, 117. advantages of, for sheep husbandry, 117. States, number of sheep and pounds of wool in, in 1839, 123. breeds of sheep in, 129. exports of wool to England for thirty years from, 110. ' exports of wool in 1845, 1846, 122. anrma^ imports of wool of, from 1837 to 1843, 124. annua. imports, from what countries, in 1846, 124. annual imports of woollens, from 1821 to 1845, 125. annual consumption of woollens in, 126, 127. annual consumption of woollens in, per head of population, 127. proportion of woollens consumed in, do- mestic, 126. proportion of woollens consumed in, im- ported, 126. proportion of domestic made in manufac- tories, 126. proportion of domestic made in families, 126. increase of population in, 127. amount of wool which will be requisite for population of, at different periods, for one hundred and fifteen years, 128. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry. See Southern States, New England, Prai- ries, and the states by name. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, com- pared with Germany, 116. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, Mr. Grove's opinion concerning, 116. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, com- pared with other countries See Wool grousing. United States, woollen manufactories of. Sef Woollen factories. tariffs of, on wool. See Tariffs. (for all other particulars concerning, ee names of the things in relation .0 which information is sought.) Uraguay, in the wool zone, 105. Ureters, the, 233. Urethra, the, 233. Urinary organs, description of the, 233. Uterus, description of the, 233. V. Vagina, description of (he, 233. Van Diemen's Land. See Australia. Veins, description of the, 234. Vena cava, the, 234. Ventricles, the, 234. Verdigris, use of, in sheep practice, 277. Vetches, dried into hay, value of, as a fodder, 213. Veterinary works, character of American, 219. character of English, 219. how far English ones are applicable in U. S., 220? Virginia, population of, 17. number of sheep in, 17. wool grown in, 17. average weight cf fleeces in, 18, 21 woollen factories in, 17. woollen goods manufactured in, 17. adaptation of, to sheep husbandry, 42, 47, 60. adaptation of mountains of, to sheep husbandry, 47. adaptation of north-western, to sheep husbandry, 60. winter herbage on mountains of, 62. winter pasturage in other parts of, 60. cost of keeping sheep in, 60, 61. price of lands in, 60. Vitriol, blue, value of, in sheep practice. 275. green, use of, in sheep practice, 9,75. oil of, as a caustic in sheep orac^ce, 27G. w. Washing sheep, cut of apparatus, for, 181. vats and yards for, 181. directions for, 182. time to elapse after, before shearing, 184. Water necessary for drink of sheep, 195, 218. Weaning lambs, proper time for, 19'. how managed, 195. Welsh plains, for slave cloths. See Slave cloths. Wheat, value of, in producing live weight, wool, and tallow, 214. per cent, of nitrogen in, 214. straw of, value ot, in different strtes, c* a fodder, 213. fed to sheep in Germany, 211. chaff of, value of, as a fodder, 213. bran of, value of, as a fodder, 213. Wind-pipe, the, 235. Winter feed. See Fodders. Wire grass. See Bermuda grass. Wirtemberg, advantages of, for sheep hn bandry, 114. INDEX. 337 Wisconsin, advantages of, for sheep hus- bandry. Page 95103. Wolves, in the Southern States, 64. how guarded against, 65. See Sheep dogs. Wool, zone in which it can be profitably grown, 103, 104. fabrics of. See Woollens. chemical analysis of, 214. quality of that of different breeds com- pared, 154. growth of, influenced by quantity of feed, 28. growth of, influenced by kind of feed, 214. quality of, influenced by climate, 23 29. quality of, influenced by climate, opinions of eminent judges on this point, 23 29. grows softer and longer in warm cli- mates, 28, 29. quality of, made coarser by abundant feed, 23. can this tendency of abundant feed to coarsen, be counteracted ? 24, 28. felting property of, accounted for, 137. terms used to express different qualities of, 161. fine, proper characteristics of, 167, 168. fine, proper amount of yolk and gum of, 167. fine, proper length of, 167. fine, proper evenness of, 167. fine, proper softness and elasticity of, 168. fine, proper serrations of, 168. fine, proper color and brilliancy of, 168. Merino and Saxon compared, 163. cuts of Merino and Saxon, 135137. middle character and uses of, 110, 145, 146. middle character of, the sheep which pro- dace it, 145. cut of the Southdown, 145. long, character and uses of, 143, 151. long, character of the sheep which pro- duce it, 143, 149, 151. cut of Leicester, 136. comparative profit of growing fine and coarse in U. S., 154163. comparative value of fine and coarse for strength and wear, 157, 158. not a fair discrimination in prices of, made by manufacturers of U. S., 160. promised improvement in above parti- cular, 161. shrinkage of, in manufacturing, 86, 88, 91. prices of, in New York, for fourteen years, 53. prices of, in England, 25. amount of, grown in U. S., 123. amount of, grown in Southern States, 17. amount of, grown in New, York, 17. average weight of, per fleece, in Southern States, 18, 20. average weight of, per fleece, in New York, 18, 21, 53. amount of, grown in U. S., does not meet home consumption, 123126. amount of, annually grown in U. S., 123. mount of, consumed in U. S., 123 127. amount of, consumed per head ir U S., 127. Wool, amount of, imported into U. S., front 1821 to 1846, 124, 125. amount of, exported from U. S., 122. amount of, manufactured in U. S., 126 127. amount of, required to supply demand 'n U. S., at different future periods. 128 table of imports of, into England, 110, table, brought down to 1846, 294. increase in amount of, imported into England, from 1771 to 1840, 123. increase in amount of, imported into England, from 1840 to 1846, 294, increasing demand for, throughout tn world, 123. one of the most marketable agricultural products, 77. amount of, grown in different countries. See names of countries, comparative profits of growing m differ- ent countries. See Wool growing. can be more profitably grown in southern than northern U. S., 163. will northern compete with Southern States in growing ? 162. method of washing, 181. method of washing, cut of arrangements for, 181. method of shearing, 184. method of shearing, cuts of arrange- ments for, 184. method of doing up, 187 189. method of doing up, cut of arrangements for, 187, 188. method of storing in wool room, 189. method of sacking, 189. room for storing, how arranged, 189. depots, origin and objects pC 289. 290. depots, plan and regulations of, 290. depots, advantages of, 291. depots, peculiarly advantageous to the southern wool grower, 292. Woollens, some processes and facts in manu- facturing of, described, 87, 88. amount of, made in factories of U. S., 126, 127. amount of, made in families in U. S., 126, 127. amount of, made in Southern States in 1839, 17. amount of, made in New York, in 1839, amount made in families decreasing, and causes, 89. amount imported into U. S., from 1821 to 1845, 125. amount consumed in U. S., 126, 127. amount consumed per head in U. S., 127. amount required for future consumption in U. S., 128. for slaves. See SJave cloths. Woollen factories, table o*>, in Southern States, and in New York, in 1839,40, rapid increase of, in the North, 86. further increase of, called for, 125, 126. 128. great profits of, in the North, 86 93, 125, 161. would be equally profitable in the South, 86. stability of, inU. S., 125, 126, 161. foreign competition defied by, oresent tariff, 125. B38 INDEX. Woollen factories, injured by vacillating legislation. Page 126. Wool growing, probable increase or decrease of, in various countries, 121, 122. in U. S., advantages for. See names of states and regions. in Alabama, 42", 47, 60. in Florida, 42, 60. in Georgia, 42, 47, 60. in Illinois, 27, 95103. in Indiana, 95103. in Iowa, 95103. in Kentucky, 27, 47, 48. in Louisiana, 18, 30, 38. in Mississippi, 27, 38. in Missouri Territory, 95103. in New England, 95. in New Jersey, 95. in North Carolina, 43 46. in Ohio, 95. in Pennsylvania, 95. on prairies, 95 103. in South Carolina, 47, 5860. in Tennessee, 27, 48. in Virginia, 42, 47, 60. in Wisconsin, 95103. Wool growing in. foreign countries. See names of countries, in Afghanistan, 118. in Asia Minor, 118. in Australia, 25, 119121, 294. in Austria, 114116. in Baden, 114. in Bavaria, 114. in Beloochistan, 118. in Buenos Ayres, 105, 106. in Cabul, 118. in Cape of Good Hope, 65, 119. in China, 118. in Crimea, 117. in England, 111. in France, 111. in Germany, 114 116. in Great Bucharia, 118. in Greece, 114. in Hungary, 116, 117. in Independent Tartary, 118. in Italy, 113. in Loin barely, 113. Wool growing, in Mexico, 105. in Modena, 113.. in Naples, 113. in Papal States, 113. in Parma, 113. in Persia, 104, 118. in Prussia, 114, 116. in Russia, 117. in Sardinia, 113. in Saxony, 116, in Silesia, 104, 114, 115. in South America, 105, 106. in Spain, 62, 112. in Turkey, 114, 118. in Tuscany, 113. in Ukraine, 117. in Van Diemen's Land, 121. in Wirtemberg, 114. Wool market, of the world, 108, 109, 123. of England, 108, 110, 294. of France, 108, 109. of German States, 114, 295, 296. of United States, 123128. foreign producers cannot compete with us in that of U. S., 108, 122, 123. U. S. producers can compete in foreign with foreign producer, 108, 122, 296. prospect of increase in, universally, 123 296. Wool oil. See Yolk. Y. Yards for sheep in winter, 199. necessary in the North, 200. Yoking rams, how done, 193. Yolk of wools, chemical analysis of, 182. proper amount of, in fleece, 167. Youatt, his character as a veterinary writer, 219. z. Zinc, carbonate of, use of, in sheep practice, 27. sulphate of, use of, in sheep practice, 239. APPENDIX. SUKEP HUSBANDRY IN SOUTH CAROLINA 201 BSEE? HUSBANDRY IN TEXAS , $06 >HESP RAISING IN TEXAS .,... . 80 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This jtjpok is DUE on the last date stamped below. DEC 24 1947 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY