V M UC-NRLF B 4 S^7 5ba I SUBMARINES A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY MARY ETHEL JAMESON SCIENCE DIVISION WITH A FOREWORD BY SIMON LAKE NEW YORK 1918 SUBMARINES A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY MARY ETHEL JAMESON SCIENCE DIVISION WITH A FOREWORD BY SIMON LAKE NEW YORK I9I8 b'^ REPRINTED WITH ADDITIONS APRIL 1918 FROM THE BULLETtN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1918 PRINTED AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY form p-111 [iv-8-J8 3c] A FOREWORD TO THE LIST OF REFERENCES ON SUBMARINES By Simon Lake T HAVE read with great interest the proof sheets of this compilation of •^ books, magazines and technical papers relating to submarines. Now that the submarine is becoming recognized as the most important weapon ever introduced into "The art of warfare on the high seas," information regarding its development is being eagerly sought by many people who are interested in the advancement of science. The destiny of the submarine is as yet but little understood by the casual reader; at the present time its introduction into the art of warfare has caused it to be condemned by many, while others look upon it as a means of defense against or a means of destroying overwhelming sea power and, perhaps, think it may be utilized to assist in extending domination over other peoples when combined with military supremacy on land. I think those who use it for any illegitimate purpose will eventually see their error. Submarine inventors have, from the earliest days, considered the sub- marine boat as a means to advanced knowledge of things beneath the surface of the seas, to recover and restore to the use of mankind many of the things that have gone to the bottom of the sea in ships, and also to recover the natural products of the sea, in the nature of shell fish, sponges, coral, pearls, and to reach mineral and other deposits heretofore inaccessible and unavailable to the people. The introduction of the submarine in war will eventually prove a benefit to all of the smaller and less powerful nations, as the submarine is undoubtedly able to offer to any nation the greatest degree of security for the least expenditure of money in the defense of its coast line. This compilation will make available to the student of submarine naviga- tion information that it has heretofore been almost impossible to procure, cover- ing, as it does, published articles on this subject dating back from a period of over two thousand years to the present time. I remember in years gone by, many days spent in searching through various libraries for information regard- ing the submarine, of which little could then be found. I can, therefore, appre- ciate the great amount of time which the compiler of this bibliography must have given to this investigation. Aluch of the literature relating to submarines [3] 3i^9 y 4'. THK NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY is based on hearsa}-. romance and imagination, but imagination may lead to scientific development, so that both the student of the romance of "The mysteries of the deep" and the in\estigator of its uses as a weapon of war. or its possibilities in the commercial field, will all api)reciate the laljor which has been put into the preparation of this bibliograpln-. MiLFORD, CoNX.. January 16, 1918. SUBMARINES A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Compiled by Mary Ethel Jameson Science Division This list of references in The New York Public Library is submitted as an aid to those interested in the history and construction of the submarine boat. Questions of international affairs have not been included, although in several cases the documents have involved this phase of the discussion. The patent records have not been reprinted here, as quite a complete list has already appeared in the General Electric Rciiew for August, 1917. An exception has been made, however, in the case of the mechanism of the deep sea bomb which has proven so effective in combatting the underwater foe, the basic patents for which are listed under date of 1900, covering a self-winding clock. These patents, with modifica- tions and subsequent improvements, have been adapted to the pressure bombs which explode at given depths determined by the regulation of the gauge. So many requests have come to the Science Division for information regarding the transmission and propagation of sound under water that a few references on submarine signalling have been added in a section following the documents. Attention is directed to the list prepared by Mr. W. A. Ellis on Torpedoes and printed in the Bulletin for October, 1917, v. 21, p. 657-726 (also issued in separate form). This very complete bibliography has made the inclusion of such literature quite unnecessary here, although the submarine and the torpedo are so closely related. NoN-OFFiciAL Publications Bibliography L Hosmer, Helen R., compiler. Subma- rines in periodical literature from 1911 to 1917. (Journal of Franklin Institute. Phila- delphia, V. 184, August, 1917, p. 251-306.) VA Selected articles with extensive annotations or abstracts. 2. Rushmore, David P., and others. Bibli- ography of the literature of submarines, mines and torpedoes. (General electric re- view, Schenectady, v. 20, Aug., 1917, p. 675- 694.) ^VGA This bibliography includes the list of United States patents on submarines. 430 B. C? 3. Herodotus. Book viii. Urania. (In his: Herodotus, translated. . .by Isaac Tav- lor. London, 1829. 8°. p. 584-585.) BAE The famous reference by Herodotus to the feat accomplished by Scyllias of Scion and his daughter, who dived under the ships of Xerxes, cutting the anchor chains. Scyllias deserted the Persians in order to inform the Greeks of the plans of the Persians and Herodotus ventures the suggestion that It was in an underwater boat. The Library has many other editions of Herodotus besides the one here cited. 332 B.C.? 4. Aristotle. Problematvm Sectio xxxii. (In his: Aristotelis opervm. Lutetise Paris- iorvm, 1629. f°. tonius 2, p. 826-828.) tVAEF Greek and Latin texts in parallel columns. For an English translation see that of Thomas Taylor, London, 1810, v. 6, p. 554-555, f YAEF. Refers to the difficulties of diving below the surface of the water and suggests that the diver provide himself with a vase or kettle inverted, to l.revent the water rushing into the cars and to facili- tate respiration. 77 A. D. ? 5. Pliny, the elder. The Natural history of Plinv. Translated by Tohn Bostock and H. T. Riley. London: H. G. Bohn, 1857. 6v. 12°. PQC V. 6, book 35, chap. 40, p. 278. Refers to the statue erected in Rome to the great diver Scyllias. 1555 6. Glaus Magnus, bishop of Upsala. De na- uibus insidiosis. illus. (In his: Historia de Gentibvs septentrionalibvs, Romae, 1555. i°. cap. 17, p. 334-335.) Reserve Description of the first Scandinavian submarines. The quaint illustration is an attempt to convey the impression of boats submerged. 1609 7. Lorini, Buonaiuto. Libro strumenti ne quaki possono star gli huomini sotto acqua. illus. (In his: Le Fortificationi. Venetia, 1609. f°. p. 232-233.) ft VWK An air-tight box in which the observer was lowered to the ocean depths and through the glass disks fitted in the sides could view and study the sea life. [51 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1644 8. Mersenne, Marin. Nauis sub aquis na- tans. (In his: Cogitata physico mathema- tica. Parisiis: Sumptibus Antonii Bertier, 1644. 4°. V. 2, p. 251-259.) OKC The question of air supply was the debatable point in this author's opinion. 1648 9. Wilkins, John. Concerning the possi- bility of framing an Ark for submarine Navigations. The difficulties and con- veniences of such a contrivance. (In his: Mathematical! Magick. London, 1648. 8°. p. 178-190.) PBC Quaint consideration of the need of air and how it liiay be supplied to a crew. The author was won- derfully alive to the difficulties of this problem. 1687 10. Schott, Gaspard. Navis Drebellii, Mersenni, & Melitensis, quibus sub aqua navigari possit [and; Cacabus aquaticus, & aquatica Lorica, qua quis tectus sub aquis ambulet. 2 pi. (In his: Technica curiosa, sive Mirabilia artis. . . Herbipoli, 1687. 4°. p. 390-396.) PAD Summarized in La nature, Paris, v. 43, 3 April 191S, p. 228-229, OA. Description and drawing of Drebbel's boat and an account of a diving bell invented at that time. 1716 11. Halley, Edmund. The Art of Living under Water: Or, A discourse concerning the means of furnishing Air at the bottom of the sea, in any ordinary Depths. (Royal Society of London, Philosophical trans- actions, London, v. 29, July -Sept., 1716, p. 492-499.) * EC This paper has become classic in the literature_ of the submarine. While, therefore, it refers to diving bells more particularly, it is included here. 1747 12. Description of a diving ship built by order of his most serene highness, Charles, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel. (Gentleman's iTiagazine, London, v. 17, Dec, 1747, p. 581- 582.) *DA Built "of like kind to Drebel — a wooden tub" — oars were the propulsive power. 1749 13. Lethbridge, John. [Letter to the edi- tor.] (Gentleman's magazine, London, V. 19, Sept., 1749, p. 411-412.) * DA Claims the invention of the diving boat, referred to by Ley, as his own rather than his cousin Symons'. "I have been fathoms deep a hundred times." 14. Ley, Samuel. [Letter to the editor.] (Gentleman's magazine, London, v. 19, July, 1749, p. 312.) *DA Describes a boat built by Nathaniel Symons; "a common house carpenter. . . I shall trouble you with such description as my memory will permit, after twenty years." 15. M., T. The form and use of a diving- ship, to be rowed under water. illus. (Gentleman's magazine, London, v. 19, June, 1749, p. 249.) * DA "The description of the curious diving-vessel in your magazine of Dec, 1747, left us at an uncertainty about the method of pumping out the water, so as to raise or lower the vessel." The article describes the use of "goat-leather bottles fastened to the floor of the ship with their mouths to holes." Quaint engraving shows position of bottles. 1771 16. Martin, Benjamin. Use of the Diving Bell. (In his: Philosophia Britannica. 3. ed. London, 1771. 8°. v. 2, p. 174- 180.) OAD In note on p. 180 an invention is described "con- trived by a gentleman at Newton-Bushel, a Hogs- head... made perfectly air tight." Although illustrations are mentioned in the text these are lacking. 1775 17. Gale, Benjamin. [The American Turtle, built at Saybrook by David Bushnell.] (Connecticut Historical Society, Collec- tions, Hartford, v. 2, 1870, p. 315-318, 322- 323. 333-335.) lAA Letters to Silas Deane, dated at Killingworth, Conn., Nov. 9, 22, and Dec. 7, 177S, in which he reports the progress made on "our machine," gives a description of it and states that Franklin was con- sulted in its construction. 1787 18. Clark, Thomas. D. Bushnell, inventor of the torpedo, etc. (In his: Naval history of the United States. Philadelphia, 1814. 12°. V. 1, p. 63-74.) VYE Description of "torpedoes, submarine boats, etc., used during the Revolution, in attempts to destroy British vessels." Reprint of a letter to Thomas Jefferson dated October, 1787. 1810 19. Bateau sous-marin. (Annales des arts et manufactures, Paris, v. 37, 31 Aug. 1810, p. 117-122.) VA Inventions of Caussin and Fulton described. 19a. Fulton, Robert. Torpedo war, and submarine explosions. New York: printed by William Elliot, 1810. 57(1) p., 1 1.. 5 pi. ob. 8°. Reserve SUBMARINES Non-official Publications, continued. 1810, continued. 19b. New York: printed by W. Eliot, 1810. New York: Reprinted, W. Ab- batt, 1914. 55 p., S pi. 4°. Magazine of his- tory with notes and queries. Extra number, no. 35.) I AG (Magazine) The original pamphlet was reviewed in the Pro- ceedings of the United States Naval Institute, An- napolis, Md., V. 12, 1886, p. 252-254, VXA. 1811 20. Carnot, Lazare. Le nautile sous-marin de MM. Coessin. (Institut de France. — Academie des sciences, Proces-verbaux, Paris, V. 4, 1 April 1913, p. 468-470.) * EO Reprinted in Revue generate des sciences pures et appliquees, Paris, v. 27, 13 Jan. 1916, p. 25-27, OA. Historical sketch beginning with the mention of submarines by Herodotus, concluding with a descrip- tion of the Coessin boat. 1846 25. Bateau sous-marin du docteur Pa- yerne. illus. (L'illustration, Paris, v. 7, 23 July 1846. p. 521-522.) * DM An astonishing boat comparing not unfavourably with modern undersea craft except in the matter of propulsion. 1851 26. Payeme. Observations tendant a de- montrer que, dans les ascensions sur les hautes montagnes, la lassitude et I'anhela- tion eprouvees par la plupart des explora- teurs n'ont pas cause une insuffisance d'oxj'gene dans I'air respire. (Institut de France. — Academie des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 2>3, 1851, p. 198-199.) * EO M. Payerne reports experiments made with diving bells and submarine boats to ascertain the effect upon the respiration. 1813 21. Clark, Thomas. The torpedo, or Ameri- can Turtle-River Delaware. (In his: Sketches of the naval history of the United States. Philadelphia, 1813. 12°. p. 39-46.) VYE 1819 22. Petitot, Claude Bernard. De la defaite et de la prise du Comte de Pembroc devant la Rochelle, par les flotes de Franc et d'Es- pagne dont la premiere etoit commandee par Ivain de Galles. (In his: Collection complete des memoires. . . Paris, 1819. 8°. v. 5, p. 110-123.) DBA Refers to the boats of the Spanish, supplied with combustibles, which were launched against the vessels of the British fleet, setting them on fire. These boats are supposed to have been "like to Drebble's." 1820 23. Griswold, Charles. Submarine naviga- tion. (American journal of science, New Haven, v. 2, April, 1820, p. 94-100.) OA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 79, 22 May 1915, p. 333-334, VA. "Description of a machine, invented and con- structed by David Bushnell. . . with an account of the first attempt with it in Aug., 1776, by Ezra Lee ...to destroy some of the British ships then lying at New York." 1833 24. Sub-marine boat. (American railroad journal and advocate of internal improve- ments. New York, v. 2, June 22, 1833, p. 391.) TPB Description of boat used by M. Villeroi of Nantes, in the autumn of 1832. "The machinery by which it is impelled is said to be a mechanical application of the forms and means with which nature has en- dowed the fish." 1854 27. Burdin. Considerations de mecanique sur la navigation sous-marin et la naviga- tion aerienne. (Institut de France. — Aca- demic des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, V. 38, 29 May 1854, p. 1854.) * EO Note only. 28. Carre. Un bateau plongeur. (Insti- tut de France. — Academie des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 38, 15 May 1854, p. 881.) *EO Note only stating that a paper had been submitted. 1856 28a. Reigart, J. Franklin. The life of Rob- ert Fulton... Philadelphia: C. G. Hender- son & Co., 1856. xxvii, 29-40 p., 21., 41- 297 p., 23 pi., 2 ports. 8°. AN Chapter 7 is devoted to submarine navigation and plunging boats. The prints are from original drawings by Fulton. 1857 29. Burdin. De la navigation sous-marine. (Institut de France. — Academie des scien- ces, Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 44, 16 Feb. 1857, p. 370-378.) * EO M. Burdin proposes a submersible navy and ex- plains the advantages thereof. This paper received more consideration than that submitted by the same author in 1854. 1861 30. Malespine, A. [Le bateau sous-marin.] illus. (Le monde illustre, Paris, v. 9, 6 Julv 1861, p. 438. 445.) * DM Description of submarine invented by M. Villeroi. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY NoH-official Publications, continued. 1863 3L Jalin, Olivier de. Bateau sous-marin. illiis. (Le monde illustre, Paris, v. 13, 12 Dec. 1863, p. 369, 374.) * DM Description of a submarine designed by M. Alstilt. 32. Timbs, John. Living under water: the diving bell. (In his: Stories of inven- tors and discoverers. London, 1863. 16°. p. 33-42.) V Contains several references to early siibmarine boats. 1864 33. New submarine boat. (Scientific American, New York, v. 11, 17 Sept. 1864, p. 183.) VA Torpedo boat invented by Chief Engineer Wood, U. S. N., reported in the New York Herald, 9 Sept. 1864. 34. Submarine firing. (Engineer, London, V. 17, 26 Feb. 1864, p. 125.) VA Extract from Fulton's experiences. 35. Undersea fleet. (Engineer, London, V. 18, 5 Aug. 1864, p. 82.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American, New York, v. 11, 10 Sept. 1864, p. 163, VA. Appeared originally in Ironmonger and metal trade advertiser of Birmingham. Brief but important note on wrought-iron tubes ordered by the Russian government to be used in the construction of submarines. 1868 36. Figuier, Louis. Les bateaux sous-ma- rins. illus. (In his: Les merveilles de la science. Paris, 1868. 4°. v. 4, p. 658-668.) V The connecting links between the diving bell and the submarine are described with illustrations of Payerne's hydrostat submarine and that of Villeroi. solutions for the problem "How to defeat monitors superior in thickness of armor to our own." His solution is a torpedo and the drawings for this im- plement of war are included. 39. Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea; or. The marvellous and ex- citing adventures of Pierre Aronnax, Con- seil, his servant and Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner. New York: J. W. Lovell, 1880. 351 p. illus. 12°. NKV This book was first published in Paris in 1870. 1873 40. Lacomme, A. Alemoire sur un projet de bateau sous-marin. (Institut de France. — Academic des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, V. 77, 20 Oct. 1873, p. 891.) * EO Note only, stating that this paper had been sub- mitted to the Academy. 4L Siebe, Henry. Conquest of the sea; a book about divers and diving. New York: G. Routledge & Sons [1873). 299 p. illus. 12°. VDM A nice bit of history is scattered through the pages showing the transition from diving bell to diving boat. 1875 42. Barber, Francis AI. Lecture on sub- marine boats, and their application to tor- pedo operations. Newport: U. S. Torpedo Station, 1875. 39(1) p., 8 diagr. 8°. (United States. — Ordnance Bureau, Navy Depart- ment.) VXV p.v.l, no.4 "I have endeavored to give a general history of the science of submarine navigation, giving detailed descriptions. . .of special apparatus designed for the purpose." — Preface. 1878 43. Capt. Ericsson's new torpedo-boat. (Manufacturer and builder. New York, V. 10, Oct., 1878, p. 229-230.) VA Description of the Destroyer. 1870 37. Barnes, James S. Submarine warfare. (Engineering, London, v. 9, 18 Feb. 1870, p. 104-105.) VDA Reprinted in Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine, New York, v. 2, April, 1870, p. 409-412, VDA. These are reviews of a book issued by J. S. Barnes in 1869. It deals more particularly with torpedoes, but contains some information concerning contemporary submarines. 38. Ericsson, John. Submarine warfare. (Engineering, London, v. 9, 1 April 1870, p. 213.) VDA Reprinted in Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magasine. New York, v. 2, Tune, 1870, p. 630-636, VDA. A copy of some letters from Capt. Ericsson to the editor of Engineering in which the writer offers 1879 44. Belknap, George E. Reminiscent of the New Ironsides off Charleston. (United service, Philadelphia, v. 1, Jan., 1879, p. 63- 82.) VWA Reprinted in same journal, new series, v. 15, Feb., 1896, p. 147-166. Gives circumstantial account of the attack by the David. 1880 45. Garrett submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Graphic, London, v. 21, 17 Jan. 1880, p. 77.) *DA Reprinted in Scientific American suf'plement, New York, v. 9, 6 March 1880, p. 3464, VA. Brief text. SUBMARINES Non-official Publications, continued. 1882 46. Garrett's submarine torpedo boat, il- lus. (Engineer, London, v. 53, 6 Jan. 1882, p. 6, 13.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York, V. 13, IS Feb. 1882, p. 5096-5097, VA. Sectional plan of boat designed in 1878. Brief text. 1885 47. Experiments with the Nordenfeldt submarine boat before the Prince of Wales, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, V. 87, 3 Oct. 1885, p. 339.) * DA No text. 48. Jaques, William Henry. Ericsson's Destroyer and submarine gun: being a con- sideration of their application to naval war- fare. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. 48 p. illus. 12°. (Questions of the day. no. 31.) VWS p.v.2 49. New torpedo boat. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 23, 5, 12 Sept. 1885, p. 106-107, 117.) ttVWA Zaiinski's boat described. 50. New torpedo boat, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, v. 29, 12 Sept. 1885, p. 599.) *DA Description of submarine to be equipped with armament. 51. Nordenfeld'sche submarine Boote. il- lus. (Illustrirte Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 85, 24 Oct. 1885, p. 414.) * DF Details of the boat with sectional view showing all parts and placing of machinery. 52. Nordenfeldt submarine boat. (Engi- neering news. New York, v. 14, 24 Oct. 1885, p. 257.) VDA General description. 53. Nordenfeldt's submarine boats. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 23, 26 Sept. - 12 Dec. 1885, p. 168, 223, 231, 392-393.) ttVWA Brief notes on trials and experiments with these boats. 54. Nordenfelt's submarine boat, illus. (Scientific American, v. 53, 7 Nov. 1885, p. 295.) VA Boat fulfilled requirements. Motive power steam, reserve steam propulsive power when submerged. Illustrations taken from the Graphic and Illustrated London news. Portraits of Nordenfeldt and Commander Garrett. 55. Le Nouveau torpilleur sous-marin adopte par le gouvernement russe. (L'illus- tration, Paris, v. 86, 28 Nov. 1885, p. 352.) Illustration only. * DM 56. Nuevas construcciones navales. illus. (La ilustraci6n espanola y americana, Ma- drid, afio 29, 15 Oct. 1885, p. 220.) * DR Illustration only of the Nordenfeldt. 57. Submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 53, 26 Dec. 1885, p. 406.) VA Boat designed by J. L. Tuck. Storage batteries used for propulsion. 58. Tried of the Nordenfeldt submarine boat at Landskrona, Sweden, in the pres- ence of the Danish royal family and the Prince of Wales, illus. (Graphic, London, v. 32, 10 Oct. 1885, p. 393, 395.) * DA Autograph of Nordenfeldt and illustrations of his boat. 1886 59. Down in a submarine boat. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 23, 24 July 1886, p. 1065.) ft VWA Brief reprint from New York Herald of reporter's account of trip with Lieut. Zalinski. 60. Goubet's submarine boat, illus. (Tel- egraphic journal and electrical review, Lon- don, V. 18, 4 June 1886, p. 516.) VGA Reprinted in Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 261, 1886, p. 225-226, VA. Electrically propelled. 61. Nordenfeldt, T. Submarine boats, by T. Nordenfelt. (United States Naval Insti- tute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 12, no. 3, 1886, p. 439-443.) VXA Nordenfeldt states the principles of his boats, giv- ing dirnensions and system of construction. This article is reprinted from United States gacette. 1887 62. Hovgaard, George William. Subma- rine boats. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1887. V p., 1 1., 98 p., 2 plans. 12°. VXV History, construction and strategical value of the submarine boat. 63. New Nordenfelt submarine boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 57, 30 July 1887, p. 73.) VA Details of this boat. 64. A New submarine boat. (Scientific American, New York, v. 56, 1 Jan. 1887, p. 6.) VA Boat designed by Campbell and built by Wolesley and Lyon. 65. Nordenfelt submarine boat at Con- stantinople, illus. (Engineer, London, V.63, 24 June 1887. p. 499.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement. New York, V. 23, 23 June 1887, p. 9418-9419, VA. Description of the boat, giving dimensions, opera- tion, and performances. Sectional view. 66. Nordenfelts neuestes submarines Boot, illus. (Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 15, No. 7-8, p. 475- 478, No. 9, p. 584-586.) VXA Full specifications, with illustrations of the boat built for Turkey. 67. Selbstthaetige Gleichgewichtseinstel lung fiir Torpedoboote. illus. (Dingler's 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1887, continued. Dolytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 264, "1887, p. 115-116.) VA Goubet's boat described. 68. Ueber unterseeische Boote. (Mitthei- lungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 15, No. 1, 4, 1887, p. 19-25, 206- 211.) VXA History of the submarine gleaned from various sources. The Peacemaker is especially mentioned. 1888 69. Hovgaard, George William. Proposed design for surface and diving boats. (Insti- tution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 29, 1888, p. 351-365.) VXA Paper read to "promote discussion of the subject of submarine boats." Steam and electric motors to be the propulsive power. 70. Ledieu, A. fitude sur les bateaux sous- marins. illus. (Institut de France. — Aca- demic des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, V. 107, 19 Nov. 1888, p. 817-821.) * EO Description of the Plongenr designed by Admiral Bourgois. 71. Submarine torpedo boat for United States navy. (United States Naval Insti- tute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 14, no. 1, 1888, p. 253-257.) VXA Report of committee giving requirements of United States navy for submarines. 1889 72. Evolution of the torpedo boat. (United service, Philadelphia, new series, v. 2. Dec, 1889, p. 548-572.) VWA 73. Sleeman, Charles William. Submarine torpedo boats, illus. (In his: Torpedoes and torpedo warfare. Portsmouth, 1889. 2. ed. 8°. p. 288-307.) VXV Holland and Nordenfeldt boats described at length. 1890 74. Bush, James C. Development of sub- marine mines and torpedoes, illus. (Mili- tary Service Institution of the United States, Journal, Governor's Island, v. 11, March, May, 1890, p. 179-197, 377-395.) VWA Chapter 8, p. 382-384 discusses types of submarine boats then employed in the navies of the world. 75. Figuier, Louis. La navigation sous- marine, illus. (In his: Les merveilles de la science. Paris, 1890. 4°. Supplement, v. 2, p. 354-364.) t V Inventions since 1871 including the Plongeitr, Facificateur, Gymnote, Goiibet and Peral, all of which are illustrated. 76. New Spanish submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 29, 25 Jan. 1890, p. 11719- 11720.) VA Launched in 1887. Dimensions and details of con- struction given. 77. Sch., F. Erprobungen unterseeischer Fahrzeuge. (Mittheilungen aus dem Ge- biete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 18, No. 1, 1890, p. 45^6.) VXA Note on the Goubct. 78. Das Unterseeische Boot Peral. (Mit- theilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 18, No. 10, 1890, p. 625.) VXA Brief note. 1891 78a. Hughes, W. S. Submarine boats for coast defence, illus. (Cosmopolitan, New York, V. 11, July, 1891, p. 303-311.) * DA History of the submarine from Bushnell, with good illustrations of early American boats. 1892 79. Raineri, S. Guerra sottomarina. (In his: Note marinare. Venezia, 1892. 12°. p. 87-102.) VX Historical sketch beginning with Nordenfeldt. Author's pseud., II capitano Nemo, at top of title- page. 1893 80. Submarine torpedo boats for the United States. (Engineering news. New York, V. 30, 21 Sept. 1893, p. 226-227.) VDA Describes the Holland invention. 1895 81. Le Bateau sous-marin Le Goubet. illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 24, 28 Dec. 1895, p. 55-58.) OA Abstracted in Electrical revieiv, London, v. 38, 10 Jan. 1896, p. 35-37, VGA. Essential characteristics. Illustrations show lines of hull and interior. 82. Dax, A. de. Quelques details du sous- marin Le Goubet. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France. Memoires, Paris, annee 1895, tome 2, 22 Nov. 1895, p. 439-442.) VDA Brief outline of the mechanism and construction of this boat. 83. New submarine torpedo boat. (Manu- facturer and builder. New York, v. 27, Feb., 1895, p. ZZ.) VA Brief note of the Holland boat. 84. Skerrett, Robert G. A submarine tor- pedo boat, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, v. 39, 16 March 1895, p. 244, 246.) *DA Describes the Holland boat authorized by the Navy Department in 1893. SUBMARINES 11 Non-official Publications, continued. 1896 85. Le Bateau sous-marin, Le Goubet. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, serie 3, v. 6, 1 Feb. 1896, p. 239.) VGA Brief description of chief characteristics. 86. Bateaux sous-marins. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Bulletin, Paris, annee 1896, tome 1, p. 370.) VDA Brief note on paramount importance of the sub- marine for the navy, which was then under considera- tion by the Minister of Marine. 87. Dobson, W. A. Submarine boats, il- lus. (Cosmopolitan, New York, v. 20, Jan., 1896, p. 280-288.) * DA Sectional charts of Nordenfeldt's boat and those designed by Baker, Dobson, Holland, and Goubet. 88. Holland submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 74, 25 April 1896, p. 257, 263.) VA Sketch of Holland's efforts and sectional view of his boat. 89. New Goubet submarine boat. (Ameri- can Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, New York, v. 8, Feb., 1896, p. 158-159.) Brief note. VXA 90. Pesce, G. L. La navigation sous-marine. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Memoires, Paris, annee 1896, v. 2, July, 1896, p. 77-146.) VDA Abstracted in Bulletin of the society, Paris, annee 1896, October, 1896, p. 578-580, VDA. Comprehensive historical paper which forms the basis for the first edition of the author's book. 1897 91. Chaudy, M. F. Essai sur la determina- tion de la forme de moindre resistance a I'avancement des bateaux sous-marins. illus. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Memoires, Paris, annee 1897, v. 1, Feb., 1897, p. 193-200.) VDA Mathematical analysis. 92. Pesce, G. L. La navigation sous-ma- rine. Paris: H. Becus, 1897. 3 p.l., viii, 147 p., 2 pi. illus. 4°. VXV History of submarine construction with chro- nology. The illustrations are from rare prints and there are portraits of many of the men identified with the development of the submarine. A large portion of the material appeared first in annee 9-10 of Marine fran^aise. 93. Le Travailleur sous-marin. illus. (Marine, frangaise, Paris, annee 10, July, 1897, p. 502-506.) VXA Extract from book by this author on boat invented by Count Piatti dal Pozzo for submarine observation. Reprinted in Refiie encyclopedique, Paris, 1897, p. 743-744, * i? - t * AP. 94. Submarine boat Plunger launched, illus. (Marine engineering. New York, v.l, Sept., 1897, p. 20.) t VXA Brief note. 95. Submarine exploration. (Electrical en- gineer, London, v. 26, 27 Aug. 1897, p. 258.) VGA Brief editorial on use of submarine in underwater exploration. 96. Submarine vessels. (Engineer, New York, V. 2,Z, 21 Aug. 1897, p. 46-47.) VDA Launching of the Plunger, giving chief charac- teristics. 1898 97. Grouse, George N. Submarine boats. (Yale scientific monthly. New Haven, v. 5, Oct., 1898, p. 12-19.) OA Briefly reviews history of submarine construction. 98. Dary, Georges. Le sous-marin r"Ar- gonaute." illus. (L'electricien, Paris, se- rie 2, tome 15, 2 April 1898, p. 209-211.^ VGA Details of this Lake boat for submarine explora- tions. 99. G. Bateau sous-marin Holland, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 26, 19 Nov. 1898, p. 585-587.) OA Describes and illustrates this boat. 100. Holland submarine boat, illus. (En- gineer, New York, v. 35, IS March 1898, p. 63-64.) VDA One of the best articles on the Holland boat. Illustrations show the boat on the ways and a sec- tional view. 101. Holland submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Locombtive firemen's magazine, Peoria, v. 24, June, 1898, p. 581, 582-585.) TRD Sectional view of the Plunger. 102. Holland submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Railway and engineering review, Chicago. V. 38, 30 April 1898, p. 227.) f TPB Full details of the boat by a contemporary. Diagram. 103. Hopkins, Henry Clayton. The Argo- naut the successful submarine boat, illus. (National magazine, Boston, v. 9, Dec, 1898, p. 250-256.) * DA Mr. Lake's methods of navigation, the object of the Argonaut as a treasure hunter together with a history of the builder's work. Portrait of Mr. Lake. 104. Jaques, William Henry. Holland sub- marine boat. (Marine review, Cleveland, V. 18, 17 Nov. 1898, p. 19-20.) f VXA Brief note summing up the submarine question. 105. Submarine torpedo boats; their influence on torpedo-boat architecture and value in warfare. (Institution of Naval Ar- chitects. Transactions, London, v. 40, 1898, p. 259-273.) VXA The conservative British found it hard to accept the enthusiastic prophecies of the Americans on the future of the submarine. Reprinted in Engineering, London, v. 65, 29 April 1898, p. 543-545, VDA. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1S9S, continued. 106. Kimball, William W. Has the sub- marine boat a place? [With discussion. i (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Transactions, New York, v. 6, Nov., 1898, p. 61-74.) VXA Compares cost of submarines with effectiveness as coast defense. 107. The submarine boat: an able analysis of arguments in favor of submarine boats. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 18, 17 Nov. 1898, p. 20-21.) t VXA Brief note. 108. Lake submarine boat Argonaut, illus. (Electrical engineer. New York, v. 26, 29 Dec. 1898. p. 647-648.) VGA Argonaut illustrated, with details and specifica- tions. 109. Niblack, Albert Parker. A place all to itself; such is the position of the sub- marine l)oat in war- — makes blockading al- most impossible. (Marine review, Cleve- land, V. 18, 17 Nov. 1898, p. 21.) f VXA Brief note. 110. Niblack, Albert Parker, and others. Discussion of the submarine boat. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers, Transactions, New York, v. 6, Nov., 1898, p. 63-74.) VXA Submarine boats should be standardized. 111. Noalhat, Henri. Le probleme de la navigation sous-marine. (Revue technique, Paris, tome 20, 10-25 Dec. 1898, p. 539, 559- 562.) VA Technical analysis of the problems of submergence. 112. Nowy statek podwodny. illus. (Ty- godnik illustrowany, Warszawa, 1898, no. 24, p. 479.) * QPA Holland and Lake boats illustrated. 113. Scott, J. Alvah. Submarine torpedo boat Plunger, illus. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 10, May, 1898, p. 366-373.) VXA Full specifications with illustrations showing the boat on the ways and afloat. 114. Successful trials of the Holland boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 78, 9 April 1898, p. 233-234.) VA Excellent illustrations of the Holland. 1899 115. Baker, Ray Stannard. A voyage on the bottom of the sea. illus. (McClure's magazine. New York, v. 12, Jan., 1899, p. 203-209.) *DA A continuation of a paper on the Argonaut^ by Mr. Lake. In this Mr. I3aker gives his impressions of his voyage and also of the inventor. 116. Clark, Charles Sydney. The new Argonaut, illus. (Harper's weekly, New York, V. 42, 1 April 1899, p. 306.) * DA Details of this boat which could do wrecking work in times of peace and was the first submarine built with any degree of habitability. 117. Fawcett, Waldon. Submarine boat and its future, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 81, 9 Dec. 1899, p. 376-377.) VA Official trial of the Holland boat. 118. Forest, F. Le progres de la naviga- tion sous-marine. illus. (L'illustration, Paris, V. 113, 4 Feb. 1899, p. 72-76.) * DM Reprinted in Scientific American supplement. New York, V. 47, 3-10 June 1899, p. 19586-19587, 19610- 19612, VA. Rather brief text. Excellent sectional illustrations of Bushnell's Tortoise and the Zede of 1892. 119. French submarine torpedo boats, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 80, 8 April 1899, p. 211, 217.) VA Gymnote and Gustave Zcdc illustrated and results of trials given. 120. G. Les sous-marins. illus. (La na- ture, Paris, annee 27, 18 Feb. 1899, p. 177- 179.) OA General description of French boats. 121. Gault, J. W. A practical submarine boat. illus. (United service magazine, London, new series, v. 19, April, 1899, p. 26- 35.) *DA A description of the Argonaut built by Simon Lake. Illustration of the boat. 122. Hachebet, H. Un nouveau bateau sous-marin americain. illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 2,6, 4 Nov. 1899, p. 10-11.) VA Illustrations and description of the Argonaut. 123. Holljind boat and her tests, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 16 Nov. 1899, p. 17.) tVXA Success of trials. Illustration of the Plunger on the ways. 124. Holland submarine boat. (Marine engineer, London, v. 21, Oct. 1, 1899, p. 314.) VXA Account of tests made with the Holland boat by LTnited States naval officers. 125. Holland submarine boat: the business and patents of the company which built it taken over by a new corporation with heavy capital. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 16 Feb. 1899, p. 13.) f VXA Brief note. 126. Improved Goubet submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, v. 48, 4 Nov. 1899, p. 19939.) VA Two unusual pictures of the interior of this boat. Brief text. 127. Interest in the Holland. (Marine re- view, Cleveland, v. 19, 30 Nov. 1899, p. 19.) tVXA Brief note on the report of Capt. John Lowe. SUBMARINES 13 Non-official Publications, coniinticd. 1S99, continued. 128. Interview with the inventor of the Plunger. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 1 June 1899, p. 11.) f VXA Brief interview with J. P. Holland. 129. Irwell, Lawrence. Submarine boats. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 1 June 1899, p. 12-13.) tVXA History of the submarine. 130. Lake, Simon. Voyaging under the sea: the submarine boat Argonaut and her achievements, illus. (McClure's magazine, New York, v. 12, January, 1899, p. 195-202.) *DA Interesting account of the Argonaut and of the voyages made in her by the inventor. A portrait of Mr. Lake is among the illustrations, which include working drawings of the Argonaut, and sketches of the Argonaut Jr., and of the David, which sank the Housatonic in Charleston harbor. 131. The Lake submarine boat. illus. (Engineer, London, v. 88, 6 Oct. 1899. p. 344.) VA Full details of this boat, built primarily for wreck- ing purposes but with naval applications in view. Sectional view of the Argonaut. 132. Manfroni, Camillo. In terra o in mare? (Nuova antologia, Roma, serie 4, V. 79, p. 92-102.) NNA Review of La guerra del 190 . . . In terra e in mare, by A***. Speculations on conditions of war- fare on land and water. 133. Marcillac, P. Les bateaux sous-ma- rins. (L'eclairage electrique, Paris, v. 19, 6-13 May 1899, p. 195-199, 230-234.) VGA British, Swedish, French, and American sub- marines described — propulsion, power, tonnage, etc. 134. The New Argonaut; radical changes embodied by Simon Lake of Baltimore in his new submarine boat soon to be launched. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 29 June 1899, p. 21.) tVXA 135. Noalhat, Henri. Des multiples con- ditions de la navigation sous-marine, illus. (Bulletin technique, Paris, annee 1, 1 April, 1 May, 1899, p. 1-30, 126-153.) VDA A technical analysis of immersion and stability of immersion at various depths. 136. La navigation sous-marine, illus. (Bulletin technique, Paris, annee 1, Jan., 1899, p. 52-78.) VDA Excellent historical sketch with good illustrations of early types. 137. La navigation sous-marine; etude complete sur I'immersion. illus. (Revue technique, Paris, v. 21, 10, 25 May, 25 June, 25 July, 10 Oct. 1899, p. 200-204, 222-226, 279-281, ?,2\-2,2Z, 454-455; v. 22, 25 Feb. 1901, p. 77-81, 102-106.) VA Material destined to appear later in book form. See 1904. This part is a theoretical study of elaborate ex- periments made by M. Noalhat with submerged bodies. 138. Redier, H. Antoine. Un sous-marin et le droit des gens a la conference de la Haye. (Correspondant, Paris, v. 195, 10 May 1899, p. 470-485.) * DM The question of the legitimacy of employing tor- pedoes and submarines in naval warfare. 139. Some details of the Holland subma- rine boat. (Marine engineer, London, v. 21, 1 Oct. 1899, p. 302.) VXA Details. 140. Les Sous-marins. illus. (L'illustra- tion, Paris, tome 113, 28 Jan., 18 Feb., 4 March 1899, p. 54-55, 112, 136.) * DM History of French construction programme. Il- lustrations of the Zcde and Gymnote. 141. Submarine boats. (Engineer, Lon- don, V. 87, 20 Jan. 1899, p. 61-62.) VA Editorial on the trial trip of the Zede. 142. A Submarine problem; into that the torpedo boat Plunger .. .has virtually re- solved itself. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 18 May 1899, p. 12.) f VXA Difficulties in building operations. 143. Submarine torpedo boat Plunger. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 26, 15 July 1899, p. 1104.) ft VWA Brief description of the Holland boat. 144. [Submarine torpedo boats.] (Marine engineer, London, v. 21, Dec. 1, 1899, p. 381.) VXA "Americans have decided. . .submarine torpedo boats shall be adopted for the defence of their ports." — Editorial. 145. Submarine warfare. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 19, 28 Dec. 1899, p. 14.) f VXA Details of the Holland boat. 146. Tests of the Holland submarine boat, illus., maps. (Electrical world and engi- neer. New York, v. 34, 4 Nov. 1899, p. 696- 698.) VGA Abstracted in Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, Stuttgart, Jahrg. 1900, Bd. 315, 17 March 1900, p. 179, VA. Holland adequately met expectations. 147. Le Travailleur sous-marin. illus. (L'illustration, Paris, v. 113, 17 June 1899, p. 384.) *DM Brief text. 1900 148. Bradley, W. P. Submarine naviga- tion, illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, v. 58, Dec, 1900, p. 156-171.) *DA "Safe" submarine navigation discussed and the value of the boats in coast defense and in warfare. Illustrations of the David and Argonaut. 149. Busley, Carl. Die modernen Unter- seeboote. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Ge- sellschaft, Jahrbuch, Berlin, Bd. 1. 1900, p. 65-124.) tVXA Reprinted in Marine engineering. New York, v. 5, Oct. - Dec, 1900, p. 405-409, 466-496, 540-542, v. 6, 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1900, continued. Jan.-May, 1901, p. 24-27, 60-63, 111-114, 148-150, 193-194, t VXA. Fine historical sketch with roost attractive illus- trations. 150. Forest, P.. and Henri Noalhat. Les bateaux sous-marins. Paris: V" Ch. Du- nod, 1900. 2v. illus. 8°. VXV V. 1, History, beginning with a plongeur used at the siege of Tyre in 332 B. C. V. 2, Technical problems of immersion, stability, and navigation are treated in detail with chapters on motive power and machinery. 151. Fulton, Weston M. Motor. (United States patent, no. 685,269, Feb., 1900.) Patents Room 152. Collapsible vessel for atmos- pheric motors. (United States patent, no. 729,926, Nov., 1901.) Patents Room 153. Winding mechanisin for clocks. (United States patent, no. 778,237, August, 1903.) Patents Room These mechanisms comprise the basic principles of the deep sea bombs, which have been the most potent enemy of the submarine. At a given depth the pressure of the water, determined by an adjust- able gauge, works upon the device which causes the bomb to explode. The water is compressed to such a degree that the hull of the submarine is caused to collapse or spring leaks. There have been subsequent patents which have been combined with these (all patents of Mr. Fulton's) to evolve this formidable weapon. 154. Geitel, Max. Unterseeboot. illus. (In his: Der Siegeslauf der Technik. Stutt- gart, 1900. 4°. Bd. 3, p. 412-416.) V Interesting illustration of Bauer's boat. 155. Hichborn, Philip. Demonstrated suc- cess of the submarine boat, illus. (Engi- neering magazine, New York, v. 19, June, 1900, p. 321-324.) VDA Historical outline showing development in naval experimentation, with synopsis of the report of the Endicott Board. Illustrates the Argonaut and Hol- land. 156. Holland, John Philip. The subma- rine boat and its future. (North American review. New York, v. 174, Dec, 1900, p. 894- 903.) * DA The inventor of the Holland boat believed that passengers would travel across channel and other short routes by submarine. This paper was criticised editorially in the Engineering news. New York, v. 45, 10 Jan. 1901, p. 29-30, VDA. 157. Holland submarine boat. (Marine engineer, London, v. 21, Jan. 1, 1900, p. 447.) VXA American Inspection and Survey Board reports that trials with this boat were successful. 158. Hovgaard, George William. Strength of elliptic sections under fluid pressure. [With discussion.] diagr. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, V. 42, 1900, p. 93-121.) VXA Detailed mathematical investigations as applied to submarine boats. 159. John P. Holland on the submarine boat. port. (Marine review, Cleveland, V. 21, 24 May 1900, p. 18.) t VXA A biographical sketch of Holland as given in interview. 160. Kimball, William W. Submarine tor- pedo boats. (Harper's monthly magazine, New York, v. 101, Sept., 1900, p. 558-569.) *DA Follows submarine development in popular vein. Gives good idea of habitability and operation. 161. Lake Submarine Company. The sub- marine boat "Argonaut." What she was built for and what she has accomplished. [New York, 1900?] 16 p. illus. 8°. VXV p. box 2 Detailed description. 162. Position of the Navy Department re- garding Holland. (Marine review, Cleve- land, V. 21, 15 Feb. 1900, p. 20.) f VXA Letter from Secretary Long concerning the pur- chase of the Plunger. 163. Raddatz submarine boat. (Scientific American, New York, v. 82, 13 Jan. 1900, p. 23.) VA Brief note. 164. Der Stande der Unterseebootfrage zu Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. (Dingler's polytechnisches Tournal, Stutt- gart, Jahrg. 1900, Bd. 315, 5 May 1900, p. 277-281.) VA Interesting history with bibliographical notes. 165. Submarine torpedo boat Holland. illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 21, 29 March 1900, p. 12.) f VXA Interesting data concerning experiments made to test the boat. 166. Submarine vessels for commercial purposes. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 21, 4 Jan. 1900, p. 13.) f VXA Interview with J. P. Holland. 167. Unterseeische Boote. illus. (Ding- ler's polvtechnisches Tournal, Stuttgart, Jahrg. 1900, Bd. 315, 13 Jan. 1900, p. 32-33.) VA Lake's Argonaut and other boats of the United States navy described and illustrated. 168. [Wireless control of submarines.] (Scientific American, New York, v. 82, 3 Feb. 1900, p. 71.) VA Brief note on invention of J. C. Colwell. 1901 169. Admiral Melville on the French sub- marine. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 24, 5 Sept. 1901, p. 19.) fVXA Brief abstract of an article appearing in the New York Tribune. 170. Atteridge, Andrew HilHard. The tac- tics of the submarine. (Monthly review, London, v. 4, Aug., 1901, p. 42-51.) * DA History of the submarine as a naval unit. SUBMARINES 15 Non-official Publications, continued. 1901, continued. 171. Delauney. Les sous-marins. illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 29, 18 May 1901, p. 591-594.) OA Historical sketch. 172. Delpeuch, Maurice. La premiere ten- tative de guerre sous-marine (aoiat 1776). illus. (La contemporaine, Paris, no. 16, Oct., 1901, p. 217-228.) * DM Bushnell's solution of "the difficult problem of submarine navigation." 173. Early submarine warfare. (Engineer, London, v. 91, 1 Feb. 1901, p. 109-110.) VA Abstracted in Marine review, Cleveland, v. 23, 21 Feb. 1901, p. 26, t VXA. Begins with early attempts in America at building submarines during the Civil war. 174. England's submarine boat destroyer, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 24, 11 July 1901, p. 19.) tVXA Deep sea mines or torpedoes are discharged from the destroyer, compressing the hull of the submarine in such a way that leaks are certain to occur. 175. Die Entwickelung des Unterseeboot- wesens in den Jahren 1900 und 1901. (Ding- ler's polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, Jahrg. 82, Bd. 316, 28 Dec. 1901, p. 821-824.) VA Increase in submarine power of each navy. 176. Fawcett, Waldon. American subma- rine boats, illus. (American manufacturer and iron world, Pittsburgh, v. 68, 14 Feb. 1901, p. 196-197.) 3-VA Historical sketch of Holland boats with illustra- tions showing them on the stocks. 177. French submarine boats. (Engineer, London, v. 91, 18 Jan. 1901, p. 55-56.) VA Editorial and note concerning these boats. 178. Gaget, Maurice. La navigation sous- marine. Generalites et historique. Theorie de sous-marin. Bateaux sous-marins mo- dernes. La guerre maritime. Paris: Ch. Beranger, 1901. 472 p. 12°. VXV Early history giving citations from classic writers. Good illustrations of primitive boats. Chapter de- voted to the periscope. 179. Holland submarine boat. (Engineer, London, v. 91, 1 March 1901, p. 218, 225- 226.) VA Editorial and abstract of Rear Admiral O'Neil's report. 180. Holland's speed endurance trial. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 23, 7 March 1901, p. 18.) tVXA Lieut. Comm. Edwards' report to Congress. 181. Hovgaard, George William. Motion of submarine boats in the vertical plane, diagr. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 43, 1901, p. 143- 190.) VXA Reprinted in Engineering, London, v. 71, S-12 April 1901, p. 437-439, 459-460, 488-490, VDA. Mathematical consideration of the two qualities the submarine boat must possess, viz. : stability of motion and maneuvering power, and the manner in which they are affected by varying rudders, the amount and distribution of buoyance, shape of hull, etc. 182. Lancement du sous-marin americain "Shark" a Elizabeth Port (New Jersey), illus. (L'illustration, Paris, v. 118, 16 Nov. 1901, p. 310, 316.) *DM Brief description of the Shark, with illustration of the boat leaving the runway. 183. La Rouveraye, P. de. La navigation sous-marine et les torpilleurs submersibles. (Alarine frangaise, Paris, annee 14, March, 1901, p. 122-127.) VXA Survey of submarine construction. 184. Latest engine of war: the French sub- marine boat Gustave Zede. illus. (Sphere, London, v. 6, 3 Aug. 1901, p. 125.) * DA Illustration only. 185. Launch of the submarine torpedo boat Fulton, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 84, 22 June 1901, p. 388.) VA Boat to be used for experimental purposes by the Holland Company. 186. Melville, George Wallace. Subma- rine boat: its promises and performances. (North American review, New York, v. 172, April, 1901, p. 584-598.) * DA Non-technical summary with comment on views of the Naval Committees. Abstracted in Marine review, Cleveland, v. 23, 18 April 1901, p. 22, t VXA. 187. The submarine boat; its value as a weapon of naval warfare, pi. (Smith- sonian Institution, Annual report, 1901, Washington, 1902, p. 717-738.) * EA "No attempt has been made in this monograph to tell of the advantages of an efficient and reliable submarine. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination of the reader." 188. Naval danger of the future: the sub- marine boat of our rivals, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 4, 23 Feb. 1901, p. 194.) * DA Brief description and illustrations of the French boats, Zede and Gymnote. 189. The New submarine boats. (Navy and armv illustrated, London, v. 12, 24 Aug. 1901, p. 565.) VWZH Remarkable illustrations of the Adder, On the ways, launching, and afloat. 190. Noalhat, Henri. La navigation sous- marine aujourd'hui. (Marine frangaise, Paris, annee 14, April, 1901, p. 160-184.) VXA Careful investigations made of problems -;- scien- tific and mechanical — of submarine navigation; motors, lines of hull, tactics. 191. Oblaski, T. Le premier bateau sous- marin; le Nautilus, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 29, 24 Aug. 1901, p. 193-195.) OA Abstracted in Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 52, 12 Oct. 1901, p. 21558, VA. Fulton's experiments with the Nautilus in the Seine in 1801. 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1901, continued. 192. Robertson, Edmund. The Admiralty and submarine boats. (Nineteenth century, London, v. 49, Jan., 1901, p. 30-38.) * DA Referring to the attitude of the Admiralty and commenting on what has been done in France and the United States. 193. Salter, John, the younger. Gasoline engines for Holland submarine torpedo vessels nos. 3 to 8. illus. (American So- ciety of Naval Engineers, Journal, Wash- ington, V. 13, Feb., 1901, p. 144-150.) VXA A bit of the history of the gas engine and details of the submarine motors. 194. Les Sous-marins. (Correspondant, Paris, V. 204 (uouv. serie, v. 168j, 23 July 1901, p. 216-237.) *DM The "sensational" voyage of the Gustave Zcdc. 195. Submarine boat in naval warfare, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, V. 119, 23 March 1901, p. 429.) * DA Sectional view of the Holland boat with other il- lustrations of the boat. No text. 196. Submarine boats. (Engineer, Lon- don, V. 91, 25 Jan. 1901, p. 86-88.) VA The French government's attitude in regard to submarine building. Illustrates Nordenfeldt's boat constructed for the Turks in 1887. 197. Submarine boats. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 23, 18 April 1901, p. 23.) tVXA Unfavorable comment of the British technical press is discussed and abstracted. 198. Submarine boats for the British navy. (Engineering, London, v. 71, 9 March 1901, p. 395-397.) VDA Sectional drawing of the improved Holland boat, five of this type having been built for Great Britain. 199. A Submarine cross channel service. (Engineer, London, v. 91, 25 Jan. 1901, p. 95.) VA Brief note on Holland's prophecy. 200. Successful test of the Fulton. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 24, 28 Nov. 1901, p. 17.) tVXA Brief note. 201. Vereteegh, H. H. Onderzeesche boot- en. illus. (De Ingenieur, 's Gravenhage, laarg. 16, 20-27 July 1901, p. 474-478, 491- 497.) VDA Historical outline leading up to more detailed ac- count of recent boats. Sectional illustration. 1902 202. Admiral O'Neil on submarines. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 26, 21 Aug. 1902, p. 24.) tVXA Report of interview in which the Admiral dis- cusses defense against submarines, advocating guns from 3 to 14 pounders. 203. Baird, George Washington. Subma- rine torpedo boats, diagr. (American So- ciety of Naval Engineers, Journal, Wash- ington, V. 14, Aug., 1902, p. 845-855.) VXA McClintock's submarine built during the Civil war, Horstford's design of 1864, and Kroehl's sub- marine explorer, as well as Van Buran Ryerson's diving bell, described. 204. Bonomo, Quintino. Le armi sub- aquee nel secolo xix. (Rivista marittima, Roma, anno 35, trimestre 2, June, 1902, p. 437-477.) VXA Development of submarines from Fulton's experi- ments. Torpedoes are described also. 205. Coming to the surface, illus. (Navy and army illustrated, London, v. 14, 5 April 1902, p. 51.) VWZH Remarkable picture of the first British submarine just emerging after launching. 206. Delpeuch, Maurice. Les premieres experiences de navigation sous-marine en France: Fulton et son Nautilus. illus. diagr. (La contemporaine, Paris, no. 28, April, 1902, p. 202-218.) * DM Portrait of Fulton. History of his experiences in France. 207. Development in construction of sub- marines, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 121, 20 Sept. 1902, p. 422-423.) *DA Very brief text. Interior views of submarines. 208. fiquevilley, Raymond d'. Les bateaux sous-marins et les submersibles. Paris: Gauthier-Villars tl902?,. 164p. \2\ (En- cyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire, no. 287.) VXV Assembles the details of the question of naviga- tion, military programmes of the nations and con- structive policy. 209. Fawcett, Waldon. The submarine boat Protector, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 87, 22 Nov. 1902, p. 346- 347.) VA Description of this Lake boat "which was radi- cally dissimilar to any other boat" having a ship- shape hull and twin screws. Illustrates the launching of the Protector. 210. Field, C. Old attempts at under water war. (United service magazine, London, V. 145 [new series, v. 24], Jan., 1902, p. 353- 360.) *DA Survey of early history with mention of ancient references. 211. Fontin, Paul. Les sous-marins et I'Angleterre. Paris: R. Chapelot et Cie., 1902. 70 p. 8^ VXV History of the adoption of the submarine by Great Britain as part of her naval equipment. 212. Les sous-marins et la politique navale de I'Angleterre. (Revue maritime, Paris, tome 155, Oct., 1902, p. 1819-1881.) VXA History of British naval power with an account of the discussion which preceded the adoption of the submarine into the British navy. SUBMARINES 17 Non-official Publications, continued. 1902, continued. 213. Fyfe, Herbert C. Submarine warfare, past, present and future; with an introduc- tion by Admiral Sir Edmund R. Freemantle ...and a chapter on "The probable future of submarine boat construction" by Sir Edward J. Reed. London: Grant Richards, 1902. xxviii, 332 p. illus. 8°. VXV Bibliography, p. 331-332. "The author's object is to produce a book that is essentially of a popular character... The aim has been to avoid technicalities." — Preface. 214. Hurd, Archibald Spicer. The coming of the submarine — new British boats. (Nineteenth century, London, v. 51, Feb., 1902, p. 220-232.) * DA Abstracted in Marine review, Cleveland, v. 25, 6 March 1902, p. 25, t VXA ; and in Marine fran^aise. Paris, tome IS, March, 1902, p. 295-299, VXA. Predicts correctly naval developments. 215. Iberti, Carlo. Submarine work, illus. (Contemporary review, London, v. 82, Nov., 1902. p. 696-702.) * DA Description of the invention of Signor Pino, which is to be used for salving ships or treasure at any depth. 216. Le Roll, P. Les sous-marins franqais. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, an- nee 13, 25 Sept. 1902, p. 1.) t VXA Reprinted in United service magacine, London, new series, v. 26, Oct., 1902, p. 118-122, * DA. Re- counts the achievement of the French submarines that sailed from Cherbourg to Brest and return. 217. Morris, Arthur. A boom in subma- rines. (Nautical magazine, London, v. 71, Sept. - Oct., 1902, p. 557-564. 619-626.) VXA Delightful historical sketch in light vein. 218. Official trials of our submarine boats. (Scientific American, New York, v. 87, 29 Nov. 1902, p. 357.) VA Brief account of the gratifying results obtained in trial of the Adder and Moccasin. 219. Question of protection against sub- marines, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 10, 20 Sept. 1902, supplement, p. iv.) * DA Enumerates the means of protection: 6-in. guns, nets, captive balloons, telephone connections, etc. 220. Remarkable test of submarine boat Adder. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 26, 20 Nov. 1902, p. 33.) f VXA Brief note. 221. Robinson, Charles N. Submarines, illus. (Naval annual, Portsmouth, Eng., 1902, p. 144-156.) VXA Reprinted in MittheiUtngen aus dem Gebiete des Scewesens, Pola, Bd. 30, 1902, No. 9, p. 722-727, VXA. Submarine development in every navy giving types used. First British submarine illustrated. 222. Les Sous-marins anglais, illus. (Jour- nal de la marine: le j^acht, Paris, annee 25, 13 Sept. 1902, p. 433-434.) f VXA Illustration of the British C-3. 223. Spear, Lawrence. Submarine torpedo boats; past, present, and future. [With discussion.] (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Transactions, New York, V. 10, Nov., 1902, p. 323-350.) VXA Review of this paper in Marine review, Cleveland, V. 26, 11 Dec. 1902, p. 18, t VXA. Abstracted in Scientific American sut>plement, New York, v. 55, 7 Feb. 1903, p. 22653-22658, VA. Historical sketch followed by a consideration of the characteristics of the later types and a word as to future development. Excellent illustrations. 224. Submarine boats. (Engineering, Lon- don, V. 74, 5 Sept. 1902, p. 313-314.) VDA Editorial on United States building programme and of opinions obtaining as to the value of the sub- marine boat. 225. Submarine boats. (Engineering, Lon- don, V. 74, 5 Dec. 1902, p. 733-736.) VDA Describes Holland, Lake, and Moriarty types. 226. Submarine boats in the U. S. (Engi- neer, London, v. 94, 19 Dec. 1902, p. 582.) VA Findings of the Naval Board of Inspection on the trials of the Adder and ^loccasin. 227. The Submarine and naval warfare, types of the various vessels including the new British submarines, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 10, 20 Sept. 1902, supplement, p. i-iii.) * DA Illustrations show submarines in dry dock and types in vogue at that date, viz.: Fulton, Gymnote, Shark, Goubct. On page 4 is an illustration of the nets in use. 228. Submarine warfare. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 26, 6 Nov. 1902, p. 30-31.) tVXA Reprinted from the Boston Transcript. A popular opinion of submarine possibilities, giv- ing objections of H. G. Wells to a serious considera- tion of this subtle craft. 229. Two submarines ready for trial. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 26, 13 Nov. 1902, p. 17.) tVXA The Adder and Moccasin are described in some de- tail. 230. Value of the submarine boat. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 25, 5 June 1902, p. 26.) tVXA Opinions of prominent naval officers on the purchase of submarines by the United States navy, many of them being reluctant. 231. White, J. Dundas. A submarine of the eighteenth century. (Nautical ma_ga- zine, London, v. 71, June, 1902, p. 352-355.) VXA Abstracts from book by N. D. Flack, Philosophical dissertation of the Diving Vessel perfected by Mr. Day and sunk in Plymouth Sound, London, 1775. 232. X. Du role du sous-marin dans la defense et I'attaque des cotes allemandes. (Marine frangaise, Paris, annee 15, May, 1902, p. 299-301.) VXA An abstract from the Berliner Tageblatt on the adoption of the submarine by the Germans for coast and harbor defense and the blindness of the English in ignoring the potential powers of these boats for this branch of naval strength. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1903 233. Barber, Francis M. A rambling dis- course on submarine navigation. (Forum, New York, v. 34, April, 1903, p. 625-634.) *DA A letter to the editor outlining the history of the submarine. 234. Burger's sub-surface boat. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 27, 2 April 1903, p. 17.) fVXA Brief note giving dimensions of Burger's type. 235. Burgoyne, Alan H. Submarine navi- gation, past and present. London: G. Rich- ards, 1903. 2 v. illus. 8°. VXV This book belongs to the library of popular litera- ture despite its bulk. v. 1 describes at length the Burgoyne and Lake boats; v. 2 describes the Holland types with reports before the United States Com- mission of Admiral Dewey and others, and com- prises a compilation of opinions interesting in view of recent achievements in submarine warfare. Reviewed in Scientific American sit Implement, New York, v. 57, 21 May 1904, p. 23729-23730, VA; re- printed from the London Times, Engineering supple- ment. Illustration of the Apostoloff boat. 236. Delpeuch, Maurice. La navigation sous-marine a travers les siecles. D'apres de nombreux documents inedits. Paris: Felix Juven [1903]. xii, 450 p. illus. 8°. VXV Very exhaustive historical study free from tech- nicalities. Portraits of inventors and illustrations of early boats. 237. French submarines. (Engineering, London, v. 75, 9 Jan. 1903, p. 31-33.) VDA French manoeuvers at Cherbourg and account of the types of boats taking part. 238. Fulton's submarine. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 27, 12 March 1903, p. 21.) tVXA Brief note on Fulton's experiences in France. 239. Fyfe, Herbert C. An underwater auto- mobile: the new American submarine tor- pedo boat Protector, illus. (Page's week- ly, London, v. 2, April, 1903, p. 299-305.) VDA Compares the Lake submarine Protector with the Holland boats as to respective efficiency. 240. HalHgan, John. Development of the submarine in the direction of increased scope, illus. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 15, Nov., 1903, p. 1211-1240.) VXA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 56, 26 Dec. 1903, p. 23393-23395; v. 57, 2 Jan. 1904, p. 23410-23413, VA. When the submarine is submerged and within torpedo range it is most formidable and success de- pends upon three factors: ability of the commander to place vessel within torpedo range, to successfully discharge the missile, and the character of the per- sonnel. Excellent illustrations of interior of the Protector. 241. Kurd, Archibald Spicer. The success of the submarine. (Nineteenth century, London, v. 54, Nov., 1903, p. 711-721.) * DA French and British boats discussed and the value of the submarine as an instrument of war. 242. Lake submarine boat Protector. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 28, 3 Sept. 1903, p. 33.) tVXA Brief note on a visit of reporters to inspect the submarine. 242a. The Lake submarine torpedo boat "Protector." illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 89, 26 Dec. 1903, p. 484-486.) VA Describes the boat in great detail. 243. Marquis, Raoul. Les sous-marins et leur role. Par Henry de Graffigny [pseud.i. (Revue scientifique, Paris, serie 4, tome 19, 13 Jan. 1903, p. 15-22.) OA Possibilities of the submarine considered. 244. Morgan, Leo. Official trials of the submarine boats Grainpus and Pike. pi. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Jour- nal, Washington, v. 15, May, 1903, p. 584- 602.) VXA Reprinted in Mitteihingen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 31, No. 11, 1903, p. 896-913, VXA. Brief description with reports and standardizing tables of trials. 245. New submarine invented by the Che- valier Pino; it is not an instrument of war but for use in salving wreckage and other undersea operations, illus. (Black and white, London, v. 25, 2 May 1903, p. 586.) *DA No text. 246. Noalhat, Henri. Les sous-marins et la prochaine guerre navale. Paris: Berger- Levrault & tie., 1903. viii, 246 p., 1 pi.. 1 table, illus. 12°. VXV "It is attempted to present to the general public, rather than to specialists. . .the role the submarine shall play in the next naval war." — Introduction. The material for this book appeared at various times in the Revue technique. 247. A Novel type of submarine, illus. (Navy and army illustrated, London, v. 15, 14 Feb. 1903, p. 560.) VWZH Illustrations of Lake's Protector launching and on the stocks. 248. Our latest engine of war. illus. (Navy and armv illustrated, London, v. 15, 21 March 1903, p. 683.) VWZH No text. 249. Recent submarine inventions. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 27, 5 Feb. 1903, p. 26-27.) t VXA Describes the salvage boat and hydroscope in- vented by Signor Pino. 250. Les Sous-marins: premiers essais se- rieux en France et a I'etranger; sous-ma- rins et submersibles; les 50 sous-marins que possedera la France en 1904; le meca- SUBMARINES 19 Non-official Publications, continued. 1903, continued. nisme de la plongee sur place, illus. (L'il- lustration, Paris, tome 122, 10, 31 Oct., 7 Nov. 1903, p. 238-239, 294-295, 311.) * DM Historical sketch followed by outline of principles of submarine navigation. 251. Steering submarine boats. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 27, 28 May 1903, p. 32.) tVXA Brief note on instrument invented by Negus Company for steering submarines. 252. Submarine boat Protector, illus. (En- gineer, London, v. 96, 20 Nov. 1903, p. 502- 503.) VA Account of this experimental boat built by the Lake Company. Diagram of the omniscope. 253. Submarine to travel under ice. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 27, 23 April 1903, p. 17; 21 May 1903, p. 18.) f VXA Submarine proposed for polar expedition of Scholl and Kuempfe. 254. Trials of the submarine boats Gram- pus and Pike, illus. (Marine engineering, New York, v. 8, July, 1903, p. 368-371.) tVXA Trials held in San Francisco bay. Illustrations of the boats in dry dock, showing lines of hull. 255. White, William Russell. Official trials of the submarine boats Adder and Mocca- sin. \ pi. illus. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 15, Feb., 1903, p. 39-58.) VXA Description of boats and results of trials given in graphs. 256. Test of America's newest sub- marines; construction and operation de- scribed by Lieut. White who accompanied the boats in their ride under the sea. illus. (Popular mechanics, Chicago, v. 4, 4 July 1903, p. 18.) VFA Trials of the Adder and Moccasin, Holland type boats. 257. Wireless guidance of torpedoes by electric waves. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 122, 13 June 1903, p. 911.) * DA Orling-Armstrong torpedo described. 1904 258. Le Comite des sous-marins. (Ma- rine frangaise, Paris, annee 17, Aug., 1904, p. 249-254.) VXA Report to the president of France by C. Pelletan on efficiency of submarines as an arm of the navy. 259. Early attempts at submarine navi- gation. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 57, 9 Tan. 1904, p. 23422- 23423.) " VA Abstract and review of Alan H. Burgoyne's book on submarine navigation. 260. Favor submarines of Protector type. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 29, 14 April 1904, p. 13.) fVXA Brief note on report made to the War Department. 261. Fins on a submarine; Middleton sys- tem of underwater navigation, illus. (Il- lustrated London news, London, v. 125, 24 Dec. 1904, p. 965.) * DA Fins propel, impel, direct, and control submarine. 262. Laughton, L. G. C. War under water. (Monthly review, London, v. 16, Sept., 1904, p. 60-69.) * DA Shows farsightedness in view of subsequent de- velopments. 263. Noalhat, Henri. La navigation sous- marine, illus. (Revue technique, Paris, tome 25, 10-25 Aug., 10-25 Sept., 25 Oct., 25 Nov. 1904, p. 796-799, 853-855, 912-914, 967-969, 1071-1074, 1179-1183.) VA Analysis of underwater navigation with statement of problems involved. 264. Nos stations de sous-marins. (Ma- rine franqaise, Paris, annee 17, Jan., 1904, p. 1-3.) VXA List of stations on Mediterranian and Atlantic coasts. 265. Pouleur, Hector. Torpilleurs et sous- marins; la tactique navale et les enseigne- ments de la guerre russo-japonaise. Liege: C. Desoer, 1904. 74 p., 2 pi. 8°. VXV Repr. : Revue universelle des mines, Liege, serie 4, tome 7, 1904, p. 131-200, VA. Discusses the development of the submarine up to its use in the Russo-Japanese war. 266. Report of the army board as to the usefulness of the Lake type of submarine boat for coast defence. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 90, 12 March 1904, p. 210- 211.) VA Review of the military aspect of the Lake sub- marine. 267. Skerrett, Robert G. The evolution of the submarine and how far the Lake type solves the problem, n. t.-p. [Washington, 1904.] 24 p., 6 pi. 8°. VXM p.v.4, no.l Discusses types and methods of submergence, and reviews the development of the Lake type. 268. Submarine. (Technics, London, v. 2, July, 1904, p. 97.) VA Brief question of ballast and buoyancy. 269. Submarine disaster; interior arrange- ments of the undersea going craft, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 124, 26 March 1904, p. 453-455.) * DA Brief text only. British submarine illustrated and described. 270. Submarines and harbor defense. (Nautical gazette. New York, v. 66, 24 March 1904, p. 160.) VXA Editorial on the ramming of a submarine in Ports- mouth harbor. 271. Terrible fate of submarine A-1. illus. (Sphere, London, v. 14, 26 March 1904, p. 288-289.) * DA Sectional view of the A-1. 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1905 272. Armor, d'. Les siibmersibles et les sous- marins; leur utilisation dans les guerres modernes. Paris: A. Challamel, 1905. 54 p., 1 1. illus. 4°. VXV Extended study of the use of submarines and the problems involved in submarine navigation. Another edition published in 1899. 273. Bacon, R. H. Notes on the causes of accidents to submarine boats and their sal- vage, pi. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 47, 20 July 1905, p. 406-423.) VXA Reprinted in Rivista marittima, Roma, anno 38, trimestre 3, Aug. - Sept., 1905, p. 245-258, VXA; En- gineer, London, v. 100, 4 Aug. 1905, p. 123-124, VA : Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 60, 7 Oct. 1905, p. 24880-24882, VA: and in Revue mari- time, Paris, tome 169, April, 1906, p. 93-110, VXA. Abstracted in En7 , 2 April 1908, p. 28-29.) fVXA "In order to secure for submarine boats. . .of .. . circular cross sectional construction the advantages of double screw propulsion, avoiding the use of out- board bracket bearings for the screw shafts, L. Y. Spear... has invented certain improvements in de- sign, the principle of which is the gradual diminish- ing vertically of the stern section of the boat, so as to finally merge, through gradually flattening elliptical cross sections, into a stern frame having substantially parallel sides, within which frame are formed the end bearings of the screws' shafts." 431. A Unique shipping craft to transport submarines, illus. (Marine review, Cleve- land, V. 38, 5 Nov. 1908, p. 25.) f VXA The Transporter, with an unusual illustration show- ing the ship awash with the submarine ready to float off. 432. Vecchj, Augusto Vittorio. Les sous- marins italiens de Cesar Laurenti. (Jour- nal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 31, 4 Jan. 1908, p. 3-4.) f VXA Letter to the editor signed with the author's pseud- onym: Jack la Bolina. Details of the Squalo. 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1909 433. Alex. Ueber Torpedoboot- unci Un- terseebootangriffe und deren Abvvahr. (Mit- teilunsren aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 2,7, No. 2, p. 232-243.) VXA Reprinted in Revista oeneral de marina, Madrid, tomo 64, April, 1909, p. 606-624, VXA. Potential power of submarines in warfare. 434. An All-seeing eye for the submarine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 101, 23 Oct. 1909, p. 297.) VA Describes the periscope, its construction and its use. 435. America's first submarine torpedo boat, illus. (Nautical gazette, New York, \.76, 15 April 1909, p. 309.) VXA Brief note on the Hunley boat now in New Orleans. 436. Balch, Edwin Swift. Development of the submarine. (Journal of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, v. 168, Aug., 1909, p. 108-115.) VA Discusses what has been done in other countries, urging the United States to develop its submarine arm as has been done in England and France. Efficiency of the submarine as a defensive and of- fensive weapon. 437. Bates, Lindell T. Submarine naviga- tion, illus. (Yale scientific monthly. New Haven, v. 15, April, 1909, p. 216-221.) OA Brief outline history. 438. Bemay, Henri. Les experiences com- paratives de sous-marins. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 32, 19 Tune 1909, p. 385-386.) f VXA Abstracted in Revista aeneral de marina, Madrid, tomo 64, June, 1909, p. 1034-1036, VXA. Conclusions to be drawn from recent manoeuvres. 439. Bircham, F. R. S. Internal combus- tion engines for submarines. 2 pi. (Insti- tution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 51, 1909, p. 55-62.) VXA "Considers some of the various methods of pro- pulsion in use and proposed, having internal comlDus- tion engines as the salient feature... Then follows a consideration of these problems: silence when sub- merged; invisibility; safety and comfort of the crew; speed and radius of action for a given weight of ma- chinery." — Preface. Abstracted in Engineer, London, v. 107, 9 April 1909, p. 379-380, VA ; and in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 64, May, 1909, p. 899-902, VXA. 440. Boselli. La traverse du submersible Hvalen de la Spezia a Stockholm, map. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, an- nee 32, 20 Nov. 1909, p. 743.) f VXA Letter to the editor giving log of the trip. 441. British submarine boat A-12 on Has- lar beach, illus. (Engineering, London, v. 87, 19 March 1909, p. 394.) VDA Submarine ashore. Illustrations show well the lines of hull. 442. Crewless submarine; the deadly tor- pedo. (Illustrated London news, London, V. 135, 17 July 1909, p. 99.) * DA Brief text. Sectional view of submarine and of torpedo. 443. A Curious model submarine, illus. (Graphic, London, v. 80, 6 Nov. 1909, p. 624.) *DA Model of a submarine built about 1820-1830. The identity of the inventors has been lost. 444. Davis, Richmond P. Automobile tor- pedo in coast defense, pi. (Journal of the L'nited States artillery. Fortress Monroe, V. 31, March -April, 1909, p. 138-143.) VWA The function of the submarine in harbor defense and in the discharge of torpedoes. 445. Delpeuch, Maurice. Les sous-marins a travers les siecles; d'apres de nombreux documents inedits. Paris: Societe d'edi- tions et de publications [1909j. xii, (1)14- 480 p. illus. 4°. VXV A non-technical history with excellent illustrations taken from early prints. Another edition published in 1903. 446. Einiges ueber die Entwickelung und den gegenwartigen Stand des Untersee- bootwesens in den verschiedenen Staaten. illus. tables. (Mitteilungen aus dem Ge- biete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 37, No. 2, p. 188-231.) VXA History of recent development, especially of the advancement made in France. Tables arranged by nations. 447. Estado actual de los submarines, illus. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 64, Jan., 1909, p. 69-104.) VXA Considers types, construction, motors, mechanism of submergence, armament, and tactics with the or- ganization of the different nations. 448. Feldhaus, Franz M. Submarine ex- periments of the past; some medieval fan- cies recently realized, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 67, 20 March 1909, p. 184-185.) VA Reprinted from Gartcnlanbe. Contains many of the illustrations of early boats reproduced in the author's book published in 1914. 449. Forbidden sight: interior of a sub- marine, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 135, 17 July 1909, p. 89.) * DA Illustrations give excellent representation. Brief text. 450. Das Franzoesische Bergungsschiff fiir L'nterseeboote "\'ulcain." illus. (Mit- teilungen aus dein Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Tahrg. Z7, No. 10, 1909, p. 1133-1136.) VXA Detailed description. 451. The Future of the submarine; some practical difficulties. (Engineer, London, v. 108, 23 July 1909. p. 89-90.) VA Reprinted in Scientific .4tnerican siiptitwi York, V. 68, 11 Sept. 1909, p. 171, VA. Safety helmets. 477. Le Submersible italien Foca. illus. diagr. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee Z2, 13 March 1909, p. 167-168.) tVXA Detailed description. 478. Le Submersible italien Otaria. illus. ( fournal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, an- nee 2>2, 6 Feb. 1909, p. 87-88.) t VXA Brief description. 478a, Sutcliffe, Alice Crary. Robert Ful- ton and the "Clermont." The authoritative story of Robert Fulton's early experiments, persistent efforts, and historic achieve- ments; containing many of Fulton's hith- erto unpublished letters, drawings, and pictures. New York: The Century Co., 1909. XV, 367 p., 1 fac, 2 ports, illus. 12°. AN This important book, written by the great-grand- daughter of Robert Fulton, contains many letters printed for the first time. One of these, p. 80-82, a letter to Fulton, signed Forfait, and dated 9th year of the One and Indivisible Republic, gives Napoleon's authorization for Fulton to reconstruct the Nautilus and specifies the amount allowed him for each ship of the enemy he might destroy. Some of these letters were first published in the Century magazine, New York, v. 76, Oct., 1908, p. 780-794, * DA. The letters from Fulton are of great interest, telling of his experiences in France with the Nauti- lus. The letter addressed to the Citizens Monge, La Place, and Volney, members of the National Institute, printed on p. 89-95, gives full specifica- tions of the Nautilus. 479. Twenty miles imder the sea. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 101, 21 Aug. 1909, p. 122.) VA Editorial account of a trip in the Stingray at the time of her trial trip in Provincetown bay. 480. Wilhelm Bauer und seine Untersee- boote. illus. (Ueberall, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, March, 1909, p. 567-570.) f VXA Illustration shows model of Bauer's boat with drawings of machinery, history, and biography of the inventor. 1910 481. B., H. Les essais de resistance des coques de sous-marins. (Journal de la ma- rine: le yacht, Paris, annee 2>2>, 7 May 1910, p. 295-296.) t VXA 482. Bayard, R. S. Modern submarine tor- pedo boats: complicated mechanical devices solving a problem of much historic interest, illus. (American machinist. New York, V. 2,2,, 27 Jan. 1910, p. 163-167.) VFA Excellent description of power plant and operat- ing machinery. Narwhal illustrated. 483. Bemay, Henri. Le renflouement des sous-marins. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee Z2i, 1 Jan. 1910, p. 1-2.) tVXA Abstracted in Rcvista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 66, Jan., 1910, p. 144-148, VXA. Attempts that have been made to salvage sub- marines. 484. Sous-marins et torpilleurs. (Jour- nal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 23, U March 1910, p. 161-162.) f VXA Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 66, May, 1910, p. 818-826, VXA. 485. iBewohnbarkeit der Unterseeboote.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 28 Dec. 1910, p. 197.) tVXA Review of an article appearing in Le yacht on the habitability of submarines. 486. Blanchon, Georges. Les grands acci- dents des sous-marins. (Revue des deux mondes, Paris, periode 5, tome 58, 15 Aug. 1910, p. 898-923.) * DM Accidents enumerated and causes discussed. 487. Breguet, Jacques. Note sur les equipe- ments electriques des nouveaux submer- sibles de la marine frangaise. (La lumiere electrique, Paris, serie 2, tome 10, 9-16 April 1910, p. 35-40, 67-73.) VGA Abstracted in Electrician, London, v. 65, 26 Aug. 1910, p. 800-803, VG.4. Discusses in detail engines and propulsive power of the Mariotte. Archimcde and Ainiral Bourgois, then just completed, giving efficiency curves for surface and submerged cruising. For article commenting on this paper see p. 205- 206. 488. La Catastrofe del Pluviose. illus. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 67, July, 1910, p. 173-175.) VXA Brief account, with diagram, of the probable way in which the accident occurred. 489. La Catastrophe du "Pluviose." (L'il- lustration, Paris, tome 135, 4 June 1910, p. 499-501.) *DM A circumstantial account of the disaster, with portraits of the officers and crew. 490. Dietze, Karl. Ballast- und Tauchein- richtungen fiir ein Unterseeboot-Rohpro- jekt. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, 22 June 1910, p. 633-636.) f VXA Discusses the designs of submarines. SUBMARINES 31 Non-official Publications, continued. 1910, continued. 491. Rohentwurf eines Unterseebootes. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, 9 Alarch 1910, p. 387-390.) fVXA "Gives average dimensions and characteristics of submarines deduced from existing types." 492. Stabilitat und Festigkeit fur ein Unterseeboot-Rohprojekt. diagr. (Schiff- bau, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, 13 July 1910, p. 679- 683.) fVXA "Discusses the factors that enter into the design of submarines." 493. Domville-Fife, Charles W. Subma- rines of the world's navies... London: F. Griffiths. 1910. 150 p., 31 pi. diagrs., maps, tables. 4°. t*R-VXV "In the description of the submarine torpedo boats of the various naval povi'ers it has been the object to point out the differences of vessels, types and effi- ciency, and of giving an idea of their construction without occupying undue space or worrying the non- technical mind with the descriptive details..." — Preface. There is a chapter on life-saving apparatus. 494. Fawcett, Waldon. New United States submarine boat "Salmon"; improved elec- trical equipment makes possible record- breaking trip, illus. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, 17 Sept. 1910, p. 571-573.) VGA Electricity used more effectively and extensively than ever before. 495. First submarine boats for Austria- Hungary. (Engineer, London, v. 109, 11 Feb. 1910, p. 140-141.) VA Types and specifications of these submarines. 496. Gachot, fidouard. Les experiences de Fulton. (Nouvelle revue. Paris, serie 3, tome 17, 15 Sept. 1910, p. 257-264.) * DM Circumstantial account of Fulton's experiences in France with the Nautilus. 497. The Great mystery of naval warfare: the submarine, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 136, 4 June 1910, p. 868- 871.) *DA Brief sketch with illustrations of various safety devices for use on submarines, helmets and signalling apparatus. Interior illustrations are included and the disaster to the French submersible Pluviose is de- picted. 498. Kalau vom Hofe. Die Internationale Abschaffung der Unterseeboote. (Deutsche Revue, Stuttgart, Jahrg. 35, Bd. 4, Oct.. 1910. p. 4-13.) *DF At the Hague Conference of 1899 it was proposed to disarm submarines, not to consider them as a weapon of war. At the Conference of 1907 this was not followed up as France had awakened to the importance of this new "infernal machine." There is no word of Germany's decision in the matter. 499. L., P. Sous-marins et cuirasses. (Jour- nal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 33, 22 Oct. 1910. p. 674-675.) f VXA Concludes that the submarine will play an im- portant part in the next war. 500. Lake, Simon. Submarines. [With discussion.] (Engineers' Club of Philadel- phia, Proceedings, Philadelphia, v. 27, Oct., 1910, p. 281-304.) VDA Interesting historical sketch recounting some of the difficulties surmounted in the development of the modern submarine. An unusually valuable sec- tion is that giving data on submerged cruising. 501. Laubeuf, Alfred Maxime. L'etatactuel de la construction des sous-marins et sub- mersibles. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Memoires, Paris, annee 1910, V. 1, Feb., 1910, p. 81-90.) VDA Abstracted in Proces-verbal of the society, Paris, annee 1910, p. 135-142, VDA. Comparison of construction of submarines in France with that in other countries. 502. Evolution of submarine vessels. illus. diagr. (Navy League annual, Lon- don, 1909-1910, p. 146-152.) VXA Reprinted in Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 33, 8 Jan. 1910. p. 19-22, VXA; and in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 66, March, 1910, p. 503-513, VXA. Abstracted in Engineer, London, v. 110, 26 Aug. 1910, p. 222, VA. Reviews ten years of submarine construction in France discussing types and motors as compared with weight. Illustrates the Narwhal, Of'ale, Morse and Z. 503. Law, Bernard C. The stability of submarines. illus. (Cassier's magazine, New York, \.2>7, April, 1910, p. 684-691.) VDA Popular consideration of this problem that has perplexed designers. Stability in altered weights of surface and submerged condition. 504. New type of submarine boat: Bayer's Duplex boat, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 70, 9 July 1910, p. 21.) VA 505. Noalhat, Henri. Navigation aerienne et navigation sous-marine; deux faces d'un meme probleme. Paris: L. Geisler, 1910. Ill p. 8°. VDY The principles of stability and flotability analyzed. 506. Norwegian submersible Kobben. illus. (Engineer, London, v. 109, 17 June 1910, p. 613.) VA Brief description. Illustrations of the interior. 507. [Notes on the submarines "Pluviose," "Algerien" and "Kleber."] (Schiffbau, Ber- lin. Jahrg. 11, 8 June 1910, p. 616.) f VXA Brief mention. 508. La Perte du "Pluviose." (Moniteur de la flotte, Paris, annee 57, 4 June 1910, p. 3-4, 11 June 1910, p. 5-6.) f VYH 509. La Perte du Pluviose; le relevage de I'epave. illus. (L'illustration, Paris, v. 135, 11 June 1910, p. 517.) * DM Salvage of the submarine and burial of the victims. 510. Portugalof, N. A submarine armoured cruiser of 4,500 tons. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, v. 15, Feb., 1910, p. 70-71.) tVXA Russian submarines. 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY A' on-official Publications, continued. 1910, continued. 51L Proposto, C. del. Bateaux sous-ma- rins a grande vitesse sous I'eau. Avec un projet de M. C. Laurenti. Bruxelles: E. & H. Mertens, 1910. 107 p., 3 diagrs. i°. tvxv Systematic study of the propulsion of submarines especially by the system "Del Proposto." Working drawings of Diesel engines. 512. Le Retour au port du Pluviose. illus. (L'illustration, Paris, v. 135, 18 Tune 1910, p. 541, 546.) *DM Salvage of this submarine. 513. Romberg, F. Uber Schiffsgasmaschi- nen. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesell- schaft, Jahrbuch, Bd. 11, 1910, p. 437-693.) t VXA Every application of the marine gas engine is considered. 514. Les Sous-marins et leur role dans notre flotte militaire a propos d'une recent catastrophe. (Correspondant, Paris, tome 239 rnouv. serie, tome 203j, 25 June 1910, p. 1071-1081.) *DM Accident to the Pluviose with description of the boat and speculations as to the cause of the disaster. 515. Sub-surface torpedo boat. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 40, May, 1910, p. 191.) fVXA Burger's boat. 516. [A Submarine school. i (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 12 Oct. 1910, p. 19.) t VXA Course of study outlined briefly. 517. Submersible boat Hvalen. illus. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 40, Feb., 1910, p. 72-74.) tVXA Specifications of this Swedish submarine. 518. Le Submersible norvegien "Kobben." illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 57, 24 Sept. 1910, p. 385-387.) VA Brief description well illustrated. 519. Sur I'equipement electrique des sub- mersibles. (La lumiere electrique, Paris, serie 2, tome 10, 14 May 1910, p. 205-206.) VGA A comment on the article by Breguet. 520. Torka, Johann. [Unterseeische Schif- fahrt.i illus. (In his: Die Wunder der Technik. Berlin, 1910. 4°. p. 507-510.) V Describes and illustrates Bauer and Holland boats. 521. Das Ueber- und Unterseeboot; sys- tem Carl Baver. illus. (Kriegstechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, Heft 4, 1910, p. 176-180.) VWA Curious and weird invention resembling a magni- fied seashell with an auxiliary bearing the engine. 522. Unterseeboot mit Antrieb durch Ver- brennungskraftmaschinen, deren nicht kon- densierbare Case in druckfeste Behalter gepresst werden. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 23 Nov. 1910, p. 135.) t VXA Describes Krupp patent. 523. Unterseeboote. illus. (Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, Bd. 135, 28 July 1910, p. 172-174.) *DF Good historical sketch with illustrations of modern types. 524. Weaver, D. A. The cruise of the sub- marine torpedo boat Salmon from Quincy, Mass., to Hamilton, Bermuda, and return, July 5-17, 1910. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 22, Nov., 1910, p. 1089-1098.) VXA Log of an extended deep-sea cruise made under the boat's own power, given by the commanding officer. 525. Zimmer, George Frederick. Suggest- ed methods of escape from a sunken sub- marine, illus. (Cassier's magazine. New York, V.37, Feb., 1910, p. 327-335.) VDA Safety appliances described and illustrated. 525a. Zur Entwicklung des Unterseeboot- wesens. illus. (Nauticus: Jahrbuch fiir Deutschlands Seeinteressen, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 1910, p. 262-275.) VYL Naval strength of the navies tabulated, describing the submarines in detail. Illustrates types of the several navies. Pluviose, Foca, Grayling, C-23-26, D-1, and the Burger boat. 1911 526. Accident to the German Untersee- boot and the smart rescue of its crew by a salvage steamer, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 44, 28 June 1911, p. 80-81.) * DA Brief text. 527. lApparat zur Rettung von LTntersee- bootsmannschaften.i (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 22 Feb. 1911, p. 2,Z6-32>7.) f VXA Prize offered of 100,000 francs for life-saving apparatus. 528. Die Bergung S. M. LTnterseeboot U-3. diagr. (Marine Rundschau, Berlin, Tahrg. 22,'Teil 1, 1911, p. 313-326.) VXA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York, V. 71, 6 May 1911, p. 282-283, VA. Methods of salvaging the submarine. 529. Bergungsdock fiir Unterseeboote. illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 22 Feb. 1911, p. 329-331.) tVXA Describes the salvage dock with illustrations of details. 530. Bernay, Henri. Progres des sous- marins. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 34, 2 Dec. 1911, p. 753-754.) fVXA Keprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal, New York. v. 24, 1912, p. 273-276, C.V.-I. Abstracted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 70, May, 1912, p. 816-820, VXA. Dreadnoughts versus submarines; in favor of greater displacement for modern submarines. SUBMARINES 33 Non-official Publications, continued. 1911, continued. 531. Bidault des Chaumes, A. Nouveaux engins de relevage pour sous-marins. (Ge- nie civil, Paris, tome 59, 24 June 1911, p. 153- 158.) VA The floating dock built at Kiel and the floating crane at Pola are described. 532. Bingham, D. C. The modern subma- rine a seaworthy and deadly craft, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 105, 9 Dec. 1911, p. 530-531, 534, 536.) VA Discusses the possibilities and achievements of the submarine comparing it with other types of war vessel. 533. Bonde, H. Undervandsbaade. illus. (Ingeni^ren, Kjzfbenhavn, Aarg. 20, 29 July 1911. p. 267-275.) VDA 534. Bozzi, Agostino. L'application de I'elec- tricite aux bateaux sous-marins. [With dis- cussion.] (International Congress of Ap- plied Electricity, Turin, 1911, Atti del con- gresso, V. 3, Rapporti, communicazione e discussioni, Torino, 1912, p. 300-321.) VGA Abstracted in L'clcctricien, Paris, serie 2, tome 43, 13 April 1912, p. 227-230, 243-248, VGA; Revista general dc marina, Madrid, tomo 71, Sept., 1912, p. 490-497, VXA; and in Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 12 June- 10 July 1912, p. 678-683, 728-732, 770-774, t VXA. Discusses at length the types of batteries compar- ing space, weight, cost, and capacity. 535. Chace, Merson S. Results of experi- mental tank tests on models of submarines, tables. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 53, part 2, 5 July 1911, p. 61-70, 351-352.) VXA Reprinted in Engineering, London, v. 92, 14 July 1911, p. 64-69, VDA. "The results here given form a part of a series of a number of models of submarines tested at the United States Experimental Model Basin, Navy Yard, Washington. The tests comprise speed and power tests, also determination of the stream lines and lines of flow." — Introduction. 536. Cohn, I. Franklin. Notes on subma- rine cruising. (United States naval medical bulletin, Washington, v. 5, Oct., 1911, p. 455- 457.) WSR Effect on personnel of living conditions on board submarines. 537. (Das Daenische Torpedoboot "Sorid- deren."] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 22 March 1911, p. 411.) t VXA Brief description of this boat. 538. Development of the Holland subma- rine boat, illus. pi. (Engineering, Lon- don, V. 92, 17 Nov. 1911, p. 655-660.) VDA Abstracted in Schiffbau, Berlin. Jahrg. 13, 10 Jan. 1912, p. 317, VX.4; American Society of Naval Engineers, Proceedings, Washington, v. 24, 1912. p. 348-349, VXA; and in Revista general de marina, J^Iadrid. tomo 70, Jan., 1912, p. 308-316, VX.'l. Detailed description of the boat built by the Niirnberg-Augsburgische Maschinenfabrik for Hol- land. Requirements set by the Dutch authorities and results of trials. 539. Dietze, Karl. (Letter to the editor.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 22 March 1911, • p. 421.) fVXA Discusses an article by H. Vogel appearing in the Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 55, 18 Feb. 1911, p. 240-246, VDA. 540. The submarine vessel. diagr. (International marine engineering. New York, V. 16, Sept. -Oct., 1911, p. 357-360, 394-398.) fVXA Relative efficiency of submarines and submersibles discussed. 54L [Die Einrichtung der Funkentelegra- phie auf Unterseebooten.] (Schiffbau, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 12. 22 Feb. 1911, p. 336.) f VXA Also brief mention on p. 131 and 377 of the same volume. Reports on experiments with wireless in- stallations. 542. Entdeckung von Unterseebooten. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 23 August 1911, p. 830.) tVXA Experiments by the French aviator Aubrun in sighting a submarine from an aeroplane. 543. fiquevilley, Raymond d'. Dampfkraft- anlage fiir Unterseeboote. (Schiffbau, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 12, 11 Jan. 1911, p. 236.) f VXA Specifications of patent with drawing. 544. Field, C. Submarines at La Rochelle. (Mariner's mirror, London, v. 1, July, 1911, p. 191.) VXA Query as to presence of Drebbel's submarine at La Rochelle with Buckingham's fleet in 1627. 545. Fletcher, R. A. Warships of the twentieth centur3\ illus. (In his: War- ships and their storj'. London, 1911. 8°. p. 285-302.) VXR Historical sketch. 546. Gluth, Oskar. Wilhelm Bauer, der Erfinder des unabhangigen Unterseeboots. Sein Werk und seine Enttauschungen im Rahmen seines Lebens dargestellt. Aliin- chen: Hans Sachs-Verlag, 1911. 1 p.l., 58 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. AN 547. Gouriet, M. Les navires sous-marins "Holland." illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 60, 16 Dec. 1911, p. 121-124.) VA Essential characteristics of the Holland boat. 548. (Hebeschiff fiir Unterseeboote.] illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 25 Oct. 1911, p. 59.) tVXA Dimensions and description of the French floating dock. 549. Hislam, Percival A. Mr. Churchill's voyage beneath the waves: the tenth birth- day of our underwater fleet. (Graphic, London, v. 84, 11 Nov. 1911, p. 694.) * DA Voyage in the 72, Gives history of British sub- marine development. 550. Howell, J. B. Notes on lead storage batteries for submarines, diagr. (Ameri- 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1911, continued. can Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 23, Feb., 1911, p.186-193.) VXA Article intended to place before officers and en- listed men the theory and practice of storage battery engineering. 550a. Im Unterseeboot. illus. (Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig, Jahrg. 136, 26 Jan. 1911, p. 146-147.) *DF Illustrations only of the U-3 and crew. 551. Laubeuf submersible boat, illus. (En- gineering, London, v. 92, 18 Aug. 1911, p. 226-228.) VDA Abstracted in Rcvista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 70, Jan., 1912, p. 142-152, VXA. Defines the submarine and submersible at length with full description of the Laubeuf type. 552. Launching of submarine Carp, illus. (}^Iarine review, Cleveland, v. 41, Oct., 1911, p. 384-385.) t VXA Specifications of the boat. 553. Lueftungsvorrichtung fiir Untersee- boote. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 22 Feb. 1911, p. 343.) f VXA Specifications of a patent taken out by the British Submarine Boat Company, Ltd., London. 554. Michelsen. Unterseeboots-Unfalle unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Unfalls auf '•U-3." Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1911. 40 p. illus. 8°. (Aleeres- kunde. Jahrg. 5, Heft 5.) PSRA Illustrations of these boats: H-S, A-12, C-22, Sal- mon, Phn'iose, Foca. 555. Oil engines for submarines. (Engi- neer, London, v. Ill, 24 March 1911, p. 298- 299. ) V A The heavy oil engine installed in the Norwegian submarine Kobben, a Korting 4-8 cylinder two-cycle engine. 556. Periskop. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 8 Feb. 1911, p. 306.) f VXA Description of patent of C. P. Goerz. 557. Radiguer, Charles. La navigation sous-marine. Paris: O. Doin et fils, 1911. xip., 21., 361. xiip., 11. illus. 12°. (En- cyclopedie scientifique. Bibliotheque de mecanique appliquee et genie.) VXV Historical sketch followed by a discussion of form, propulsion and navigation. 558. Rescue of a sunken German subma- rine; how the U-3 was raised by a special floating dock built for the purpose, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 104, 28 Jan. 1911, p. 87.) VA Brief note on the Vitlkan. 559. Results obtained by the French navy in submarine navigation. (Royal United Service Institution, Journal, London, v. 55, Dec, 1911, p. 1581-1588.) VWA Translated from the Chilian Revista de marina. Gives an account of the manoeuvres at Cherbourg and their results. 560. [Rettungseinrichtung fiir Untersee- boote.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 26 April 1911, p. 503.) f VXA Review of an article by Henri Bernay. 561. Reventlow, Ernst, Graf zu. Untersee- boote. illus. (tJber Land und Meer, Stutt- gart, Bd. 105, p. 48-49.) * DF Popular article with good illustrations. 562. The Riddle of the seas: the death that moves beneath the waters, illus. (Il- lustrated London news, London, v. 138, 7 Jan. 1911, p. 9.) * DA Brief text. Illustration represents a lateral view of the interior of a submarine showing engines in place. 563. [Schwimmdock.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12. 28 June 1911, p. 667.) f VXA Very brief notice of the floating dock. 564. Submarine boat Skipjack, illus. (Ala- rine review, Cleveland, v. 41, Tune, 1911, p. 234.) " tVXA Brief text. 565. Submarines: offensive and defensive. (Quarterlv review, London, v. 215, Oct., 1911, p. 462-481.) *DA An interesting compilation abstracted from the book by Murray F. Sueter and other sources. 566. Submersible "Kobben" for the Nor- wegian navy, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 104, 25 March 1911, p. 299.) VA Gcrmania, the type evolved by the Krupp Com- pany, is the standard for the German navy. 567. A Superficial view of a submarine and underwater view. (Sphere, London, v. 46, 1 July 1911, p. 22, 23.) * DA Very brief text. Good illustrations and sectional view of D2. 568. [Transportschiff "Kanguroo."] (Schiff- bau, Berlin. Jahrg. 12, 24 Alay 1911, p. 578.) Very brief mention of the Kanguroo. f VXA 569. lUeber das "Holland-Unterseeboot."] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 13 Dec. 1911, p. 179-180.) fVXA Abstracted and translated from Engineering, Lon- don, 17 Nov. 1911. Detailed description of boats of the Holland type built after plans of the Holland Boat Company. 570. [Unterseeboot.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13. 13 Dec. 1911. p. 185-186.) f VXA First of the "Whitehead Type." Detailed descrip- tion. 571. [Das Unterseeboot "Alariotte."] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 25 Jan. 1911, p. 264.) tVXA Brief description of this boat. 572. [Unterseeboot "U 3."i (Schiffbau, Berlin, lahrg. 12, 2':, Jan. 1911, p. 261.) t VXA Account of the disaster to the US. SUBMARINES 35 Non-official Publications, continued. 1911, continued. 573. [Unterseeboot "U 3."] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 8 Feb. 1911, p. 301.) tVXA Brief reference to the accident to the U-3. 574. [Unterseeboote Klasse E.] (Schiff- bau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 14 June 1911, p. 621.) fVXA Brief description of the "E" class boats. 575. [Unterseebootsflottille.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 8 Feb. 1911, p. 300.) tVXA Brief list of the accidents to submarines of the German navy. 576. [Uriterseebootsmotore.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 23 August 1911, p. 826.) fVXA Brief description of motors for submarines re- printed from Kieler Zeitung, 17 August 1911. 577. [Unterseebootsunfalle.i (Schiffbau. Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 26 July 1911, p. 742-743.) fVXA Provisions made for the salvage and safety of submarines in the German navy. 578. Verfahren zum Betriebe von Ver- brennungskraftmaschinen in Unterseeboot- en. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 27 Dec. 1911, p. 231.) fVXA Patent granted to Dr. George F. Jaubert for an internal combustion engine. 579. Vogel, H. Das moderne Untersee- boot. illus. (Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Zeitschrift, Berlin, Jahrg. 55, 18-25 Feb., 11 iMarch 1911, p. 240-246, 298-305, 389- 396.) VDA Bibliography, p. 396. Discusses hull construction, machinery, motors describing minutely those of the M. A. N., Thorny- croft and Diesel types, and problems of navigation. Address delivered before the Bremer Bezirks- verein on the 8th of April and 13th of May, 1910. 580. Vorrichtung zum Halten eines mittels Druckfliissigkeit heb- und senkbaren Seh- rohres von Unterseebooten in der Hochst- lage. illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 27 Dec. 1911, p. 232.) t VXA Patent obtained by Whitehead and Co. for keep- ing a periscope stationary in any position desired. 581. Watts, Sir Philip. History of sub- marine boat development. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, V. 53, part 2, 7 July 1911, p. 2,2>\-2,2,7 .) VXA Historical sketch beginning with Bushnell con- tained in a paper on warship building. 582. Werner, H. Unterseeboote. (Ve- rein deutscher Ingenieure, Zeitschrift, Ber- lin, Bd. 55, 22 July 1911, p. 1216-1217.) VDA Austrian boats described. 583. What the new German submarines will be like inside, illus. (Sphere, London, V. 44, 18 Feb. 1911. p. 142.) * DA Brief text. Good illustrations of engines. 584. Wrecking submarine boat Vulcan. (International marine engineering. New York, V. 16, Sept., 1911, p. 362.) f VXA Brief description with dimensions. 1912 585. The A-3 disaster; the illfated craft and life saving devices, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 140, 10 Feb. 1912, p. 196-197.) *DA Very brief text. 586. Air as conqueror of water; raising a sunken submarine, illus. (Illustrated Lon- don news, London, v. 140, 24 Feb. 1912, p. 293.) *DA Illustrates methods used for bringing the A-3 to the surface. Very brief text. 587. Air scout v. submarine; the first re- sults of the Sphere's aviation experiments with submerged vessels, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 50, 6 July 1912, p. 14-16.) * DA Very brief text. Illustrations show photographs taken at various altitudes to test possibility of dis- tinguishing form and position of submerged sub- marines. 588. Archimede. illus. (Journal de la ma- rine: le yacht, Paris, annee 35, 11 May 1912, p. 295.) tVXA No text. 589. An Auxiliary for submarine service, illus. (Engineer, London, v. 114, 27 Sept. 1912, p. 337-338.) VA Abstracted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo71, Nov., 1912, p. 765-767, VXA; and in Mit- teiUingen aiis dem Gcbiete des Seewesens, Pola, Bd. 41, No. 2, 1913, p. 2U0-206, VXA. Describes the dock for testing submarines built at Spezia, giving dimensions and methods of applying tests. 590. Belli, Carlo M., and G. Olivi. L'air dans les submersibles plonges. (xv. Inter- national Congress on Hygiene and Demog- raphy, Washington, 1912, Transactions, Washington, v. 5, part 2, 1913, p. 827-830.) SPA Considers the production of carbon monoxide and the methods of purifying the air. 591. Bluecher, Hans. Unterseeboote, illus. pi. (In his: Moderne Technik. Leipzig, 1912. f°. Textband, p. 523-524; Modell- atlas, model 12.) f VYC The model is a superimposed plate showing parts. 592. Le Cargo-transport de submersibles Kanguroo. illus. (lournal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 35, 20-27 April 1912, p. 246. 270.) t VXA Detailed description with fine illustrations. 593. Chanieut. [Letter to the editor.] illus, (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 14 Aug. 1912, p. 860-862.) t VXA Letter accompanying illustrations of the testing dock for submarines at Spezia. 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1912, continued. 594. Charmoille. Les sous-marins aux manoeuvres du nord. (Journal de la ma- rine: le vacht, Paris, annee 35, 31 Aug. 1912, p. 556-557.) t VXA Reprinted in Rerista general dc marina, Madrid, tomo 71, Oct., 1912, p. 599-604, VX.-i. 595. Cormoreint lo the naval fish; the humming bird of death, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 140, 8 May 1912, p. 753.) *DA Brief text. Illustrations show the visibility of submarines from aeroplanes. 596. Duquet, Alfred. Submersibles turcs et cuirasses italiens. (Marine frangaise, Paris, annee 25. July, 1912, p. 293-298.) VXA Turks have three submarines of newest type. 597. iGuns for submarines.] illus. (Nau- ticus: Jahrbuch fiir Deutschlands Seeinte- ressen. Berlin, Jahrg. 14, 1912, p. 223.) Brief text. VYL 598. Heavy oil engines; submarine boats E-1 and E-2 are fitted with engines of the Diesel type, the first to be used for marine purposes in the United States; advantages of the design. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 42, May, 1912, p. 143-145.) f VXA Illustrations of engines. 599. (Hebedock fiir Unterseeboote.i illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 10 April 1912, p. 528-529.) fVXA Description of a salvage dock. 600. Hegelbacher, Marcel. Le "Kangu- roo," navire pour le transport des sous- marins. illus. pi. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 61, 27 July 1912, p. 253-256.) VA Construction and specifications of the boat, with exceptional illustrations and diagrams. 60L Henley, Norman W., Publishing Co., New York. A modern submarine boat. New York: N. W. Henley Pub. Co., 1912. 11. diagr. 4°. tVXV Diagram of a longitudinal section of a submarine, with marginal index of parts. 602. Hoyer, Edgar Charles. [Letter to Oswald Flamm.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, lahrg. 13, 24 July 1912, p. 811.) fVXA Communication from Mr. Hoyer, of the firm of Whitehead and Company, Fiume, regarding submarine construction at the company's yards. 603. [Kanguroo.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 8 May 1912, p. 601.) f VXA Description of this submarine transport ship. 604. (The Kanguroo.) illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 14 Aug. 1912, p. 858-859.) fVXA Description of this transport ship for submarines, with diagrams and good illustrations. 605. Klein, Marcell. Zur Frage der Unter- seeboots-Typen. illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, lahrg. 13, 24 July, 14 Aug. 1912, p. 793-798, 841-843.) tVXA "Discussion of the relative merits of the various types of single-hull and double-hull submarines." 606. Lancement de Kanguroo. illus. (Jour- nal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 35, 27 April 1912, p. 270.) f VXA No text. 607. Levering, Gustav. Das Schnittmodell des ersten deutschen Unterseebootes "U 1" im Deutschen Museum in Miinchen. illus. (Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, Bd. 138. 7 March 1912, p. 430.) * DF Sectional model with description. 608. Manetti, G. Per assicurare automati- camente la stabilita longitudinale dei som- mergibili. (Rivista marittima, Roma, anno 45, trimestre 1, January, 1912, p. 23-30.) VXA Description of engines and an analysis of stability. 609. Modern submarine boats of the United States navy, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 17, July, 1912, p. 257-262.) t VXA Operation and construction of submarine with illustrations of interiors. 610. Montero y de Torres, Enrique de. Los modernos barcos submarinos al alcance de todos. Madrid: P. Orrier [1912). 2 p.l., 441 p., 1 1., 6 folded diagrs., 1 folded map. illus. tables. 8°. VXV Classification, characteristics and cruising radius, types of engines used with description, systems of propulsion. The submarines of the great navies are described with tables for each country. 6n. Most perilous of craft; in a subma- rine; and a safety helmet. (Illustrated Lon- don news, London, v. 140, 10 Feb. 1912, p. 199.) *DA Excellent illustrations of the interior showing sleeping quarters and engine room. 612. Nimitz, C. W. Military value and tactics of modern submarines, diagr. illus. (L^nited States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings. Annapolis, v. 38, Dec, 1912, p. 1193- 1211.) VXA Reprinted in Revista maritima brasUcira, Rio de Janeiro, v. 70, Jan. - Feb., 1917, p. 493-5 10, VXA. Means of communication, mobility, vulnerability, and offensive strength of submarines. 613. Nouveau type de sous-marin. (Moni- teur de la flotte, Paris, annee 59, 4 May 1912, p. 4, 10 Aug. 1912. p. 5.) f VYH Reprinted in Revista qcneral de marina, Madrid, tomo 70, June, 1912, p. 981-987, VX.4. Brief note on the exchange of patent rights by the Whitehead and Electric Boat Companies. 614. Painleve, Paul. Les sous-marins dans ies flottes frangaise et allemande. (Alarine frangaise, Paris, annee 25. June, 1912, p. 244- 264.) VXA Submarine equipment of France and Germany, with details of types. SUBMARINES 37 Non-official Publications, continued. 1912, continued. 615. S., R. Le dock flottant pour relevage les sous marins. diagr. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 35, 25 May 1912, p. 324.) tVXA Brief text. 616. Salving of submarine A-3; type of relief vessel our navy should possess, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 48, 24 Feb. 1912, p. 222- 223.) *DA Very brief text. Illustrates work of German salvage vessel. 617. iSchwimmdock fiir Unterseeboote.] (Schiffbau. Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 13 March 1912, p. 450-451.) tVXA Dock built by the Fiat San Giorgio Co., Spezia. 618. Sectional view of a German submer- sible; general arrangement of the craft. Photographed from a model of the Unter- seeboot "U 1"; Germany has now 36 boats built or building, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 49. 6 April 1912, p. 14.) * DA No text. 619. Skerrett, Robert G. A combined salv- age and testing dock for submarines, illus. (International marine engineering, New York, v. 17, August, 1912, p. 310-312.) tVXA A novel auxiliary added to the Italian navy. The tests duplicate stresses of deep submergence. 620. Salvage and testing facilities for submarines, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 107, 23 Nov. 1912, p. 436-437.) VA Illustrates and describes boats and docks in France, Germany, and Italy, and those under construction in England. 621. Submarine disaster off the Isle of Wight, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 48. 10 Feb. 1912, p. 168.) * DA Brief text. Sectional view of the A-3. 622. Submarine torpedo boat Seal, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 42, Oct.. 1912, p. 339-340.) tVXA The first boat of the Lake type to be built for the United States navy. Trials satisfactory. 623. Submarines. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 71, Sept., 1912, p. 459- 464.) VXA 624. Teitch, Clark. A modern submarine boat. New York: N. W. Henley Pub. Co., 1912. 1 diagr. 14 X 28 in. f VXV A sectional view of a submarine showing the posi- tion of all parts, with list of parts. No other text. 625. The Transporter ship Kanguroo for submersible boats, illus. diagr. (Engi- neering, London, v. 94, 19 June 1912, p. 86- 88.) VDA Detailed description. 626. Trieils of submarine F-3. illus. (Ma- rine review, Cleveland, v. 42, July, 1912, p. 235-236.) fVXA A sister ship of the illfated F-4, which was launched at the same time. 627. [Das Unterseeboot A-3.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13. 14 Feb., 13, 27 March 1912, p. 363, 448-449, 488.) f VXA Discusses the disasters which befell the A-3 and other boats of the A type. 628. (Unterseeboot vom "Fiat"-Typ.] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 24 Jan. 1912, p. 316.) tVXA Submarine built for the British government by the Scott Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. 629. [Unterseeboot Vendemiaire.i (Schiff- bau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 26 June 1912, p. 736.) tVXA Briefly describes the accidents to this and other French submarines. 630. [Unterseeboote Typ Fiat-San Giorgio — ■ Entwurf-Laurenti.] illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin. Jahrg. 13, 22 May 1912, p. 653.) t VXA Photographs of the Italian submarines of these types, giving displacement, etc. 631. lUnterseebootshebeschiff.i (Schiff- bau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 25 Sept. 1912, p. 1010.) tVXA Brief description of this boat Schiff 96. 632. Unterwasser- oder Tauchfahrzeug niit Einrichtungen zur Aufnahme und Le- gung von Minen. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 13, 28 Feb. 1912, p. 410-411.) f VXA Description of patent granted to Julius Kritzler for a mine layer. 633. Werner. Die Stabilitat der Untersee- boote wahrend des Flutens. diagr. (Ma- rine-Rundschau, Berlin, Jahrg. 23, Teil 2, p. 1073-1079.) VXA Reprinted in International marine engineering. New York, v. 19, April, 1914, p. 163-166, t VXA. The point of "sufficient" stability is discussed; also related subjects, shape and ballast, and tank posi- tion. 1913 634. Aarestrup. Unterseebootsbau. (Schiff- bau, Berlin, Jahrg. 14, 23 July 1913, p. 860- 863.) t VXA Names the six chief firms building submarines, describing their boats. 635. Berling, G. Die Entwicklung der Un- terseeboote und ihrer Hauptmaschinenan- lagen. illus. charts. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch, Berlin, Bd. 14, 1913. p. 109-155.) fVXA Reprinted in Aifferican Society of Naval Engi- neers. Journal, Washington, v. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 177- 202, VXA. Tables giving relative power and weight of en- gines. Discusses the installation of storage batteries, electric motors and Diesel engines exhaustively. 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official I'ublicatioits, continued. 1913, continued. 636. Cards, Georges. The present position of tlie Diesel engine, chiefly in marine pro- pulsion. [With discussion.] illus. (North- East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Transactions, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, V. 30, Nov., 1913, p.33-151.) VXA Abstracted in Engineer, London, v. 116, 5 Dec. 1913, p. 608-609, VA. A most comprehensive paper which undoubtedly entailed much labor. On pages 41 and 115 are ref- erences to the application of the Diesel engine to the submarine. 637. Cathcart, W. L. The visibility of submarines. (Scientific American, New York, V. 109, 16 Aug. 1913, p. 128-129, 134.) VA "Shows the effectiveness of aeroplanes in the de- tection of submerged submarines invisible from sea level." 637a. Dickinson, H. William. Robert Ful- ton, engineer and artist: his life and works. London: J. Lane, 1913. xiv p., 11., 333 p., 1 fac, 24pl., 7ports. 8°. AN Contains many letters, some of them reprinted from Mrs. Sutcliffe's book, concerning Fulton's ex- periments and experiences in France. Opposite p. 82 is a plate of the Nautilus. History of submarine navigation on p. 71-73, in- cluding notes on Drebbel and Bushnell. 638. Diesel, R. Die Entstehung des Die- selmotors. illus. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch, Berlin, Bd. 14, 1913, p. 267-367.) tVXA Discusses applications of the Diesel motors. 639. The Draeger diver-salvage outfit, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, V. 143, 23 Aug. 1913, p. 300.) * DA Illustrations showing the helmets and apparatus used on the Gentian salvage ship. 640. Edholm, Charlton Lawrence. Thirty- six hours under water; a submarine pro- pelled by gasoline engines while sub- merged, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 108, 21 June 1913, p. 556.) VA Submarine invented by J. M. Cage. 641. Fiennes, Gerard. The blindfold game; submarines, their duties and their dangers, illus. (Pall Mall magazine, London, v. 51, June, 1913, p. 727-7iA.) * DA Reprinted in Living aqe, Boston, series 7, v. 65, 31 Oct. 1914, p. 268-273, * DA. Imaginative i)ictures and popular article on pos- sibilities of submarines in warfare. 642. Geschiitzarmierung fiir Llntersee- boote. (Kriegstechnische Zeitschrift, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 16. Heft 3, 1913, p. 106-107.) VWA 643. Gradenwitz, Alfred. ' Rescue appara- tus for the crew of a wrecked submarine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 109, 22 Nov. 1913, p. 398.) VA Consists of jacket and breathing apparatus. 644. Gray, James G. The properties and methods of operation of gyroscopes, illus. (Institution of Engineers and Shipl)uilders in Scotland, Transactions, Glasgow, v. 57, 16 Dec. 1913, p. 121-146.) VDA While not confined to a consideration of the gyro- scope as applied to stability of submarines the article closes by saying "The principle is available for use in aeroplanes, torpedoes and submarines." 645. H., J. Aeroplanes et sous-marins. (Alarine frangaise, Paris, annee 26, Oct., 1913, p. 435-437.) VXA Observations made from the aeroplane Alger to discover the positions of submarines Turquoise and Topace. 646. Haken, W. Die Optik in der modern- en Kriegfiihrung. illus. (Illustrirte Zeit- ung, Leipzig, Bd. 140, 10 April 1913, p. 102- 105.) *DF Description of the periscope manufactured by C. P. Goerz in Berlin. 647. A Hospital ship for submarines; a craft that copies the kangaroo, illus. (Graphic, London, v. 88, 19 July 1913, p. 117.) * DA Good illustrations of the Kanguroo. \'ery brief text. 648. Hubert, Edward. Submersiveis Lau- beuf. illus. (Revista maritima brazileira, Rio de Janeiro, anno 63, Sept., 1913, p. 329- 353.) VXA 649. Klein, Marcell. Grundlagen zu einer Dynamik der LTnterwasserfahrt. diagr. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 14, 12 March - 9 April 1913, p. 425-432, 480-484, 541-546.) fVXA Bibliography, p. 546. "Mathematical discussion of the underlying prin- ciples of the dynamics of submarine propulsion." 650. Laubeuf, Alfred Maxime. Submarines, illus. (Navy League annual, London, 1913- 1914, p. 198-210.) VXA Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of in- creased displacement. Illustrations of the French boats Dolphin, Xiphias, and Foucault. 651. Skerrett, Robert G. Russia's subma- rine cruiser, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 108, 26 April 1913, p. 276.) VA More than six times the tonnage of the next larg- est submersible, having 5,400 tons displacement. Sec- tional view. 652. Sleighing on the sea bottom; the boat drawing diver, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 142, 1 Feb. 1913, supple- ment, p. viii.) * DA A submarine sledge. Very brief text. 653. Underwater craft versus air-craft; the submarine's new gun. illus. (Illus- trated London news, London, v. 142, 22 Feb. 1913, p. 243.) *DA Illustrations of balloon-destroying Krupp gun. SUBMARINES 39 Non-official Publications, continued. 1913, continued. 654. Underwater torpedo dreadnaught; a submarine cruiser, illus. (Illustrated Lon- don news, London, v. 142, 17 May 1913, p. 683.) * DA Very brief te.xt. Sectional view of the new type of submarine supposed to have been built for tlie Russian navy. 655. [Unterseeboot "Gustave Zede."] (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 14, 23 April 1913, p. 603.) t VXA Briefly describes this boat of the French navy. 656. Zur Entwicklung des Unterseeboots- wesens. (Nauticus: Jahrbuch fiir Deutsch- lands Seeinteressen, Berlin, Jahrg. 15, 1913, p. 171-188.) VYL Review of the submarine during the year with description of the Laurenti testing dock. 1914 657. Admiral von Tirpitz quoted. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 26 Dec. 1914, p. 529.) fVXA Discusses the blockade. 658. Andler, S. Der Torpedowertschen; eine mathematische Studie. (Marine Rund- schau, Berlin, Bd. 25, April, 1914, p. 512- 525.) VXA Illustrated with diagrams and tables. 659. Bannerman-Phillips, H. How inven- tors propose to save men from sunken submarines; detachable buoyant conning towers and their uses, illus. (Scientific American, v. 110, 27 June 1914, p. 516, 529.) VA Describes the seventeen serious accidents that had occurred up to that date, also the inventions of E. J. Castle and G. F. Rose for rescuing men from sunken submarines. 660. Battles, D. R. U. S. submarine tender Fulton. (American Society of Marine Drafts- men, Journal, New York, v. 1, no. 3, 1914. p. 99-101.) Special features and installations discussed. 661. Battleship versus the submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. Ill, 10 Oct. 1914, p. 298.) VA Editorial discusses the efficiency of the submarine in the European war. 662. Battleship versus submarine: Sir Percy Scott's views on the position of the capital ship illustrated in a series of special Sphere diagrams, illus. (Sphere, London, V. 57, 20 June 1914, p. 32,7-2,2,9.) * DA Brief text; illustrations show positions of blockad- ing submarines. 663. Battleships and submarine attack. (Engineer, London, v. 118, 17 July 1914, p. 71-72.) VA Abstracted in Scientific American, New York, v. 78, 15 Aug. 1914, p. 99, VA. Editorial comment on Sir John Biles' paper on "Protection of battleships against submarine attack." 664. Benjamin, Park. Challenge of the submarine; can the battleship and the battle cruiser answer it? illus. (Independent, New York, v. 80, 5 Oct. 1914, p. 13-17.) *DA A well illustrated article describing the fate of the Hague, Cressy and Aboukir. Outlines the history of submarine purchases by the navies of the world. 665. Beresford, Lord Charles. (Address.] (North-East Coast Institution of Engi- neers and Shipbuilders, Transactions, New- castle-upon-Tyne, V. 30, 1914, p. 360-366.) VXA Lord Beresford's remarks on submarine warfare are interesting, but his views are mistaken as he asserts the submarine is a weapon of defense, not offense. 666. Biles, Sir John Harvard. On the pro- tection of battleships against submarine at- tack. (Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 56, July, 1914, p. 257-270.) VXA Abstracted in International marine engineering New York, v. 19, Sept., 1914, p. 393, iVXA; Mit- teilungen aiis dem Gebiete des Sceivesens. Pola Jahrg. 42, No. 7, 1914, p. 843-845, VXA; Engineer London, v. 118. 10 July 1914, p. 33-35, VA; Engl neering magazine, New York, v. 47, Sept., 1914, p 909-911, VDA ; Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 78, 22 Aug. 1914, p. 114-115, illus., VA , Genie civil, Paris, annee 65, 15 Aug. 1914, p. 312 VA; and in Marine engineer and naz'al architect London, v. 37, June, 1915, p. 326-327, VXA. Gives two methods of defense: first, the destruc- tion of submarines; second, protection of the bottoms of ships. 667. Britain's power at sea; her fighting force — submarines. (Illustrated London news, London, v. 145, Aug. 8, 1914, supple- ment, p. XV.) * DA Five illustrations of British submarines, class A, B. C, D, and E. No text. 668. Cleaning hulls of ships. (Marine en- gineer and naval architect, London, v. 37, Oct., 1914, p. 64.) VXA Brief mention of submarine motor ship cleaner. 669. Clyde's first submarine. (Alarine en- gineer and naval architect, London, v. 36, June, 1914, p. 416.) VXA Describes briefly the S 1, the first submarine built in Scotland. 670. Command of the sea. illus. (Illus- trated London news, London, v. 145, 26 Sept. 1914, p. 260.) * DA Brief reference. 671. Currey, E. Hamilton. Alenace of the torpedo. (Nineteenth century. New York, V. 76, July, 1914, p. 153-165.) * DA Gives outline of Whitehead torpedo; also describes the Cuniberti which is a compromise between a sub- marine and battleship. 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1914, continued. 672. A Daring exploit, illus. (Navy and army illustrated, London, new series, v. 2, 26 Dec. 1914, p. 325.) f VWZH Illustration of the B-11 and her commander, N. D. Holbrook. 673. [Designs and specifications of the AI 1.] (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 52, 7 Nov. "1914, p. 308.) t VWA Brief statement of plans. 674. Domville-Fife, Charles W. Subma- rine engineering of today. A popular ac- count of the methods by which ships are raised, docks built, rocks blasted away, tunnels excavated... Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1914. 1 p.l., ix-xvi, 17- 323(1) p., 24 pi. illus. 12°. VXV Contains references to submarine history, the de- velopment of the naval submarine, and the per- formances of early types. Suggestions on salvage by submarine boat advanced by Simon Lake, and a de- scription of the Orylithe suit by which one may escape from sunken submarines. 675. Submarines, mines and torpe- does in the war. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914. viii. (1)10-192 p.. 1 diagr., 1 map, 8 pi. 12°. ("Daily Telegraph" war books, [no. 24.,) BTZE "In this volume it has been my aim not only to review the actual fighting underseas, but also to pre- sent a compendium of information relative to the sub- marine fleets and aims of the great naval powers." — Preface. Chapter nine deals with anti-submarine tactics. 676. [Edison's suggestion that submarines be equipped with fish gills to e.xtract oxy- gen from sea water.) (Army and navy jour- nal. New York, v. 52, 17 Oct. 1914, p. 213.) tVWA 677. Effectiveness of submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 28 Nov. 1914. p. 397.) fVWA Abstract of article by Simon Lake on the future of submarines, which appeared in the New York Sun. 678. Die Entwicklung des Unterseebootes scit 1900. (Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Jahrg. 42, No. 7, 1914, p. 822-831.) VXA Arranged by countries. 679. Feldhaus, Franz Maria. Tauchboot. illus. (In his: Die Technik. Leipzig, 1914. 4°. p. 1121-1124.) fV Many quaint illustrations from old manuscripts. 680. First Gennan submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. Ill, 12 Dec. 1914. p. 495.) VA Brief account of the Plongciir-Manier, built in 1850. 681. First submarine for the Royal Aus- tralian navy, illus. (The Navy, London, V. 19, Alarch, 1914, p. 67.) VYB Brief note. Illustration of the A.E.2 in v. 20, June, 1915, p. 179. 682. Fisher, C. W. Drydocking in canal locks. (Scientific American, New York, V. 110, 18 April 1914, p. 328-329.) VA Drydocking submarines in the Panama canal. 683. Foundering of submarine "A 7." illus. (Sphere, London, v. 56, 24 Jan. 1914, p. 94.) *DA Brief text. Excellent sectional view with portrait of the commander. 684. Future of the battleship as affected by the submarine, illus. (Current opinion, New York, v. 57, Nov., 1914, p. 336-337.) *DA Quotes the opinion of the Mancliester Guardian as to the respective merits of the "submarine and dreadnaught," giving the preference to the former. 685. Future of the submarine boat. (En- gineering, London, v. 97, 12 June 1914, p. 813-814.) VDA Abstracted in Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 78, 4 July 1914, p. 13, VA. Editorial considering mechanical possibilities and recent developments. 686. German submarine. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 10 Oct. 1914, p. 165.) tVWA Editorial on information available on submarine construction in foreign countries. 687. German submarine boats: interesting details of construction and fitting, illus. (Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 78, 5 Sept. 1914, p. 148.) VA Describes interior of Krupp Germania type. 688. German submarine victory. (Liter- ary digest. New York, v. 49, 3 Oct. 1914, p. 613-615.) *DA Abstracts from daily press on German submarine incidents. 689. German submarines now operating against the British fleet in the North sea. illus. (Sphere, London, v. 59, 14 Nov. 1914, p. 164.) *DA Sectional view with very brief text. 690. Gofton-Salmond, K. Coming of the submarine cruiser. (The Navy, London, V. 19, March, 1914, p. 67.) VYB Table of classes of vessels of the British navy. 691. Gray, James G. On experiments lead- ing up to new gyrostatic controls for tor- pedoes, submarines, airships and aero- planes, illus. (Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Transactions, Glasgow, V. 58, 17 Nov. 1914, p. 87-106.) VDA Principles and special applications. 692. Greater than dreadnoughts? Sub- marines — Holland to "E." (Illustrated London news, London, v. 144, 13 June 1914, p. 993-994.) *DA Illustrations of classes of British submarines and typical types of other nations. SUBMARINES 41 Non-official Publications, continued. 1914, continued. 693. Gregory, J. S. New things in war. (World's work, New York, v. 28, Sept., 1914, p. 97-102.) *DA Aeroplanes versus submarines. Torpedoes de- scribed. Tabulated list of submarines of the belliger- ent nations. 694. Groupe de sous-marins americains. illus. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 2>7, 28 Feb. 1914, p. 133.) f VXA Group of submarines to guard the Panama canal. Very brief text. 695. Guenther, Hanns. Unterseekreuzer. Die Kampfschiffe der Zukunft? illus. (Technische Monatshefte, Stuttgart, Jahrg. 5, 28 March 1914, p. 118-120.) VA Description of proposed large submarine. 696. Has the arrival of the new submarine made the big battleship obsolete? illus. (Current opinion, New York, v. 57, Aug., 1914, p. 116-117.) *DA Quotes the opinion of Sir Percy Scott as expressed in the London Standard. 697. Hofe, Charles von, and D. J. Wei- M.\XN-BiscHOFF. Vcrwcndung optischer Instrumente in der Marine, illus. (Ding- ler's polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, Bd. 329, Heft 46/7-48/9, 1914, p. 633-657, 675- 681.) VA Technical analysis of the periscope. 698. Howell, J. B. Davids of the deep; how underwater warfare is affecting naval strategy: the story of the U-9. illus. (Sun- set, San Francisco, v. Z3, Dec, 1914, p. 1196- 1202.) * DA Story of the sinking of the Aboukir by the U-9. Good illustrations. 699. Hurd, Archibald Spicer. Submarine in war; its menace and achievement. (Fort- nightly review, London, new series, v. 96, Dec, 1914, p. 928-943.) * DA Quotes from Sir Percy Scott's letter to the Times and discusses the accomplishments of submarines in the first months of the war. Reprinted in Living age, Boston, series 7, v. 66, 27 Feb. 1915, p. 515-527, * DA. 700. Jane, Fred T. What dreadnoughts dread, illus. (London magazine, London, V. 31, Feb., 1914, p. 737-744.) * DA A most interesting view of the power of the sub- marine and probable chances of Germany's stopping American "corn" ships in case of war. 701. Johnson, Willis F. Submarine and dreadnaught; which will survive? Steam battleships are a century old but subma- rines are much older. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 78, 22 Aug. 1914, p. 118-119.) VA Historical sketch. 702. Kraft, W. Priifdocks f iir Untersee- boote. illus. (Technische Monatshefte, Stuttgart, Jahrg. 5, 22 July 1914, p. 248- 251.) VA Pontoon dry dock for submarines. 703. Krupp guns for submarines, illus. (Engineer, London, v. 118, 27 Nov. 1914, p. 506, 510.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings. .\nnapolis, v. 41, Jan. - Feb., 1915, p. 206- 207, VXA; and in Mitteitungen iiher Gegenstdnde des Artillerie- und Geiiiewesens, Wien, Jahrg. 45, 1914, p. 1268-1272, VWL Krupp guns for submarines brought out in 1913. 704. Lancement d'un dock flottant pour le relevage des sous-marins. illus. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 37, 4 April 1914, p. 221-222.) f VXA Detailed description of the tiry dock with illus- trations. 705. Latest Lake submarine boats. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 10 Oct. 1914, p. 179.) fVWA Abstracts from a talk on Modern instruments of war, by Lieut. W. L. Calhoun. 706. Lessons of the war. (World's work, New York, v. 29, April, 1914, p. 615-616.) *DA Brief review of the position of the submarine in present naval activities. 707. [Lieut. Hinkamp's report on density of water.) (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 31 Oct. 1914, p. 260.) f VWA Interesting abstract from report showing the bal- last necessary to trim under different densities of water. 708. Limitations of the submarine. (En- gineer, London, v. 118, 31 July 1914, p. 120- 121.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York, V. 78, 5 Sept. 1914, p. 153-154, VA ; and in Rezista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915. p. 864-867, VX.~l. Abstracted in International marine engineering. New York, v. 19, Oct., 1914, p. 460, ^VXA. Argues clearly that battleship is not doomed be cause of submarine. Lack of speed when submerged. 709. Lysaght, S. R. Our submarines, illus (The Navy, London, v. 19, Dec, 1914, p. 343.) VYB Poem. Illustration of the D-5. 710. M. de T., E. de. Necesidad de los bar- cos submergibles en Espana. (Memorial de ingenieros del ejercito, Madrid, epoca 5, tomo 31, March - April, 1914, p. 86-102, 107- 123.) VWA The importance of modern submarines and the advantages of acquiring a strong flotilla for the Span- ish navy. The submarine power of other nations is considered. 711. Middleton, J. Sharpshooters of the sea. (World's work, New York, v. 29, Nov., 1914, p. 96.) *DA Estimates the naval power, especially submarine power, of the nations at war. 712. Modern submarine warfare. illus (Scientific American, New York, v. Ill, 7 Nov. 1914, p. 376-377.) VA Steel nets and other means of defense against submarine attack. 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1914, continued. 713. Morrison, J. H. Development of sub- marines in United States. (American ma- rine ensjineer, New York, v. 9, no. 11, Nov., 1914, p.^35-36.) t VXA Reprinted from the Maritime Exchange bulletin. 714. Nevir type of submarine. (Outlook, New York, v. 108, 2 Dec. 1914, p. 741-742.) *DA 715. Note sur I'emploi des sous-marins actuels dans la bataille navale. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 27. 25 July 1914, p. 466-467.) t VXA Discussion of submarine tactics when acting with ships of the line. 716. Les Nouveaux sous-marins australiens. illus. ( Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 37, 14 Feb. 1914, p. 106-107.) f VXA Two submarines of the "E" type, British navy. 717. Ocean-going submarines for the Ger- mans. (Scientific American, New York, V. Ill, 12 Dec. 1914, p. 487.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 40, Jan. — Feb., 1915, p. 182- 183, VXA. Brief editorial on rumor of submarines of large displacement afterwards verified. 718. La Perte du sous-marin Calypso, illus. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 37, 18 July 1914, p. 451.) f VXA Details of accident. 719. Poincet. La propulsion des sous- marins. illus. (Technique moderne, Paris, tome 8, IS May 1915, supplement, p. i-x.) VA Historical sketch and discussion of relative ef- ficiency of Diesel engines and steam. 720. Pollock, Alsager W. A. Battleships, submarines, aircraft and the army. (United service inagazine, London, v. 170 [uew se- ries, v. 49], August, 1914, p. 468-471.) *.DA Strategical foresight of Sir Percy Scott. 721. Propulsion of submarines. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 78, 14 Nov. 1914, p. 314.) VA Reprinted from The Times, London. 722. Question of the endurance of a sub- marine, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 59, 24 Oct. 1914, p. 100.) *DA Refuelling and provisioning of German submarines in British waters. 723. Un Rapport allemand sur I'exploit du sous-marin allemand "U-9." (Internatio- nale Revue iiber die gesamten Armeen und Flotten. Cassel, Jahrg. 32, supplement 189, Dec, 1914, p. 334-336.) VWA German report of the sinking of the Abonkir, Hague, and Cressy. 724. Record of submarines thus far. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 14 Nov. 1914, p. 328.) tVWA Editorial. 725. Reference list of parts of submarine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. Ill, 5 Dec. 1914, p. 466-467.) VA Double page sectional view of submarine with list of parts. 726. Repair ships and their duties. (Ma- rine engineer and naval architect, London, Y.37, Nov., 1914, p. 107-109, 119-123.) VXA While not confined entirely to repair ships for submarines that branch of the work is treated. 727. Reuterdahl, Henry. Submarine in action, illus. (Collier's, New York, v. 54, 24 Oct. 1914, p. 16, 25.) * DA Submarine's place in the present war. 728. Rice, Isaac L. [Comment on the sub- marine in the present war.i (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 3 Oct. 1914, p. 132.) t VWA Mr. Rice was president of the Electric Boat Com- pany, which ovi'ns the Holland patents. 729. Rise of the submarine, illus. (Re- view of reviews, New York, v. 50, Nov., 1914, p. 625-627.) * DA Good illustrations of British boats of the "E" class. 730. S. L^it de geschiedenis der onderzee- vaart. (Nederlandsche Vereeniging "Onze Vloot," [Bulletin,] s'Gravenhage, Jaarg. 6, 1914, p. 33-40.) VYP 731. Salvage of submarines. (The Navv, London, v. 19, March. 1914, p. 72.) VYB Submarines are provided with means of signalling their position by buoys. 732. Schulze, Franz L. C. Unsere Unter- seeboote: geschichtliche Entwicklung und Wirkung dieser modernsten Waffe. Kas- sel: M. Brunnemann, 1915. 64 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. VYL p.v.2, no.4 733. Scott, Sir Percy. [Letters to the Times.] (Times, London, 5 June, 10, 16 July, 28 Sept. 1914.) *A These famous letters have been the subject of so much discussion that the references have been in- cluded here. 734. La menace des sous-marins. (Journal de la marine: le 3'acht, Paris, an- nee 37, 1 Aug. 1914, p. 481-482.) f VXA Translation of the much discussed letters to the London Times. 735. Seaplane, submarine, and ship. (En- gineer, London, v. 117, 12 June 1914, p. 644- 645.) VA Reviews Sir Percy Scott's letter in the London Times on the question of aeroplanes and submarines rendering obsolete the battleship. 736. Skerrett, Robert G. Gambling with fate in the submarine, illus. maps. (Tech- nical world. New York, v. 22, Oct., 1914, p. 212-215.) VDA Describes in popular manner a modern submarine. SUBMARINES 43 Non-official Publications, continued. 1914, continued. 737. The Submarine; its place in the war. illus. (Navy and army illustrated, London, new series, v. 1, 29 Aug. 1914, p. 39-41.) tVWZH Exceptional illustrations showing planes and rud- ders, and the boats D-1, D-4, and U-15. 738. Submarine boats K-5 and K-6. illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 44, April, 1914, p. 141.) fVXA Brief text. Illustration shows hull lines. 739. Submarine tender Fulton; Diesel en- gines installed, illus. (International ma- rine engineering. New York, v. 19, July, 1914. p. 285-287.) t VXA Full description of the first ship of this type built for the United States navy. 740. Submarine victory above and below. (Literary digest, New York, v. 49, 31 Oct. 1914, p. 861.) *DA Abstracts from the daily press at the time of the sinking of the Hague and other British ships. 741. Submarine vindicated; the sinking of 3 large cruisers proves the deadly efficiency of submarine attack. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. Ill, 3 Oct. 1914, p. 272-273.) VA Good illustrations of the interior of submarines. 742. Submarines. (Marine engineer and naval architect, London, v. 37, Aug., 1914, p. 24.) VXA Editorial comment on new submarines under con- struction by the Barrow Company. 743. Submarines. (Technics, London, V. 2, July, 1914. p. 97.) VDA Question of ballast and buoyancy briefly noted. 744. Submarines against cruisers. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 26 Sept. 1914, p. 113.) tVWA Editorial comment on the destruction of the Abouhir, Cressy and Hague. 745. Submarines in war. (Engineer, Lon- don, V. 118, 20 Nov. 1914, p. 487.) VA Abstracted in Armv and na-'v journal, New York, V. 52, 2i Jan. 1915. p.'6Sl, f VIVA. Value of submarines in offensive and reconnais- sance tactics. 746. Submarines and their propulsion, illus. (Sibley journal of engineering, Ith- aca, N. Y., V.29, Nov., 1914, p. 41-46.) VDA Discusses the part the United States has played in the development of the submarine and the succes- sive steps in propulsion from manual power to the highest type of Diesel engines. Illustrations of the Goubet and Holland 9. 747. [Submarines to be built in the United States for belligerent nations.] (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 5 Dec. 1914, p. 427.) tVWA Question whether this would violate neutrality. 748. Submarines versus dreadnoughts. (Nation, New York, v. 98, 25 June 1914, p. 747.) * DA Admiral Sir Percy Scott's letter to the London Times quoted and discussed. 749. Les Submersibles Thermidor et Ber- thelot dans le bassin du Commerce a Lori- ent. (Journal de la marine: le yacht, Paris, annee 37, 25 July 1914, p. 471.) f VXA Illustration only. 750. Teitch, C. Sectional view of a mod- ern submarine. (Scientific American, New York, V. Ill, 5 Dec. 1914, p. 466-467.) VA Large diagram showing the details of boat with list of parts. 751. Testimony as to our submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 19 Dec. 1914, 9 Jan. 1915, p. 489, 597.) fVWA Testimony of Commander Yates Stirling, jr., be- fore the Naval Committee of the House. Editorial on p. 597. 752. [Tests of the Edison storage bat- teries.] (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 52, 7 Nov. 1914, p. 297.) t VWA Brief editorial. 753. [Torpedoes for submarines.] (Army and navy iournal, New York, v. 52, 19 Dec. 1914. p. 493.) fVWA Brief comment advocating high speed rather than long distance torpedoes. 754. [Trip of submarines through Cape Cod canal.] (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 52, 28 Nov. 1914, p. 388.) t VWA Editorial on the successful passage of the K-5 and K-6 through the canal. 755. Unterseeboote. illus. (Nauticus: Jahrbuch fiir Deutschlands Seeinteressen, Berlin, Jahrg. 16, 1914, p. 92-93.) VYL Brief note on American submarines. Illustration facing p. 100 shows submarines in dry- dock at the Panama canal. On page 48 the launching of the K-6 is illustrated. 756. Unusual experiences of Russian sub- marine. (Railway and marine news, Se- attle, V. 12, March. 1914, p. 44-45.) f TO Reprinted in Literary digest. New York, v. 48, 25 April 1914, p. 980-981, "*£).-i. Salvage of the Mingoa after being nine hours under water with a crew of twenty men, all of whom were rescued. 757. Walker, Sydney Ferris. The sub- marine, illus. (In his: Submarine engi- neering. London, 1914. 12°. p. 26-36.) vxv Popular description. 758. Ward, C. A. Modern submarine, plans. (American Society of Marine Drafts- men, Journal, New York, v. 1, no. 4, 1914, p. 116-125.) Abstracted in Engineering magazine, New York, V. 49, April, 1915, p. 96-99, 4 figs.. VD.-i. and in In- ternational marine engineering. New York, v. 20, June, 1915, p. 276, t VXA. Progress in details of construction, considering special types: Holland, Laubeuf, Krupp and Laurenti, and giving United States government requirements. 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1914, continued. 759. Weidert, F. Entwicklung und Kon- struktion der Unterseeboots-Sehrohre. (Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Tahr- buch, Berlin, Bd. 15, 1914, p. 175-227.) fVXA Exhaustive study of the periscope. 760. Williams, Charles W. Edison solves submarine's problem. illus. (Technical world, New York, v. 22, Feb., 1915, p. 814- 818.) VDA Details of the Edison batteries. 76L Zemplen, Konstantin. Strategisches iiber Unterseeboote. (Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, Pola, Jahrg. 42, No. 7, p. 878-888.) VXA 1915 762. Abell, T. B. The submarine, illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect, Lon- don, V. 37, April, 1915, p. 264-269, 286.) VXA Extracts from a lecture by Prof. Abell before the Liverpool University Students' Engineering Society. Historical sketch and mode of operation of sub- marines. Diagrams of modern types. 763. Adapting a submarine transporter for general cargo, illus. (Shipbuilding and shipping record, London, v. 6, July 1, 1915, p. 12.) VXA Reprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers. Journal, Washington, v. 27, Aug., 1915, p. 698- 699, VXA. The Kanguroo, designed to carry submarines to foreign owners, can be converted into a general cargo boat. Excellent illustrations. 764. [Admiral Grant recommends bigger coast defense submarines.! (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 6 Nov. 1915, p. 305.) tVWA Reprinted in the United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. - Dec, 1915, p. 2064-2065, VXA. Editorial on the statement of Admiral Grant urg- ing the secretary of the navy to ask authorization of 800-ton submarines. 765. Aldereguia, Claudio. Acumuladores. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Sept., 1915, p. 299-308.) VXA Types, defects and possibilities of storage batteries discussed. 766. Submergibles. diagr. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 76, April, 1915, p. 395-406.) VXA Considers the principles of submergence and flota- bility. 767. All submarines of "F" class have se- rious defects in common says naval board. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 42, Sept. - Oct., 1915, p. 1650-1651.) VXA Abstracted from New York Herald, 1 Sept. 1915. Discussion of the report of the board of inquiry on the investigation of the "F 4" disaster. 768. Amerikanische Dieselmotoren. (Das Schiff, Berlin, 30 July 1915, Jahrg. 36, p. 248.) tVXA Brief note on Diesel motors installed in the L 5 and L 7. 769. Amerikanische Unterseeboote fiir England. (Das Schiff, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 27 Aug. 1915, p. 280.) f VXA Ten boats built by the Fore River Shipbuilding Co. for Great Britain. 770. Anti-submarine. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 3 July 1915, p. 1392.) tVWA Letter to the editor suggesting protections against submarines. 77L [Armament of submarines.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 7 Aug. 1915. p. 1561.) tVWA Editorial comment on international phases of arma- ment. 772. (Armored submersible suggested by Ensign Bieg.j (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 27 Feb. 1915, p. 825.) fVWA Editorial comment on Ensign V. N. Bieg's sug- gestion. 773. Arrival of the super-submarine in the German navy. illus. (Current opinion, New York, v. 59, July, 1915, p. 33-35.) * DA Popular description of modern German submarine. 774. Austrian submarine, illus. (Scien- . tific American, New York, v. 113, 18 Sept. 1915, p. 250.) VA "Austrian fleet is thoroughly modern, oldest boats in service were completed in 1910; five latest in 1914." Gives description of these. 775. Baby submarine. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 113, 9 Oct. 1915, p. 316.) VA Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Nov., 1915, p. 689-693, VXA. Editorial comment on the Ford or Parker "Jitney" submarine. 776. Baird, George Washington. Addi- tional notes on submarines, illus. (Amer- ican Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 27, Feb., 1915, p. 186-191.) VXA Gives sketch of the efforts of Fulton, Bushnell, and Sims to solve the problem of submarine naviga- tion. 777. Battleships versus submarines, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, v. 51, Nov., 1915, p. 311-314.) *DA Defense against submarines and their weapon, the torpedo. 778. Bellet, Daniel. L'artillerie des ba- teaux sous-marins. (Revue du mois, Paris, tome 19, 10 Jan. 1915, p. 99-111.) * DM Armament of French, German, and British sub- marines. 779. Le role et I'avenir des bateaux sous-marins. (Revue politique et parle- mentaire, Paris, v. 82, 10 Feb. 1915, p. 145- 149.) SEA Place of the submarine in the present war and the probable submarine of the future. SUBMARINES 45 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 780. Belloni, Angelo. L'immersione dei sommergibili. (Rivista marittima, Roma, anno 48, trimestre 2, May, 1915, p. 185-199.) VXA Reprinted in the Revista general de marina, Ma- drid, tomo 77, Aug., 1915, p. 131-149, VXA. Explanation of submergence and navigation while submerged. 781. Berggeen, Paul H. Submarine pro- pulsion. (Sibley journal of engineering, Ithaca, V. 30, Nov., 1915, p. 71-72.) VDA Reprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal. New York, v. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 292- 294, VXA. Describes the type of machinery devised by d'fique- villey to be used for propulsion, both on the surface and when submerged. 782. Bertin, L. Calcul de I'augmentation de vitesse ou de distance franchissable pouvant etre obtenue par I'accroissement des sous-marins. (Institut de France. — Academie des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 160, 6 April 1915, p. 423-426.) *EO Reprinted in Genie civil. Paris, tome 66, 17 April 1915, p. 251-252, VA. Reviewed in Engineering, London, v. 99, 30 April 1915, p. 496, VDA. Discusses greater displacement in submarine con- struction in order to obtain a greater cruising radius. This paper appeared originally in the Bulletin of the Association technique maritime. 783. Bieg, V. N. Submarines and the future. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Jan. - Feb., 1915, p.151-154.) VXA Discusses their value in offensive and defensive warfare, also the general subject of construction. 784. Blanchon, Georges. Les sous-marins. 16 fig. (La nature, Paris, v. 43, 17 April 1915, p. 249-261.) OA Covers very comprehensively the consideration of equilibrium, submersion while under way, motors, armament, and habitability of submarines. 785. Les sous-marins et la guerre actuelle. Paris: Bloud et Gay, 1915. 38 p., 1 1. illus. 12°. ("Pages actuelles," 1914- 1915. no. 20.) BTZE (Pages) Deals with the history of the submarine during the present war. On page 10 is given a good explanation of the difference between the submarine and sub- mersible. 786. Blockade by submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. 112, 24 April 1915, p. 376.) VA Editorial comment on the British blockade. 787. (Bombardment of coast cities by sub- marines.] (Army and navv journal, New York, v. 52, 21 Aug. 1915. p.'l612.) f VWA Gives instances where submarines worked effec- tively in this new field of action. 788. El Bote automovil contra el subma- rino. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915, p. 867-872.) VXA 789. Bravetta, Ettore. Sottomarini, som- mergibili e torpedini. Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1915. 2 p.l., [vii-]viii, 230 p. illus. 4°. VXV Historical sketch followed by detailed description of the types of submarines. The illustrations of in- teriors are excellent. 790. Buehrs, M. Einrichtungen zur Vor- nahme von Unterwasser-Reparaturen an Schiffen. illus. (Praktische Maschinen- Konstrukteur, Leipzig, Jahrg. 48, 28 Jan. - 11 Feb. 1915, p. 25-26, 32-33.) VDA 791. Campagna, Enzo. La nave subac- quea: sottomarini e sommergibili. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1915. 4 p.l.. [xi]-xii, 346 p., 5 diagrs. illus. 16^. (Manuali Hoepli.) VXV Traces the history of the submarine from 332 B. C. to the year 1915. The chapter on propulsion gives details of engines and storage batteries in use on boats of various types. Excellent illustrations. 792. (Capt. A. W. Grant commanding the Atlantic submarine flotilla.] (Army and navv journal, New York, v. 52, 26 Tune 1915, p. 1356.) tVWA Columbia to serve as flagship for Capt. Grant where school for the instruction of the personnel, officers and enlisted men, is established. 793. tCapt. A. W. Grant detailed to duty in charge of the submarine flotilla.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 5 Tune 1915, p. 1261.) tVWA 794. Captain Grant and the submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 19 June 1915, p. 1340.) f VWA Capt. Grant assigned to the duties of organizing the submarine flotilla. 795. Chalkley, A. P. The machinery of modern submarines; various motor tj-pes. illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 113, 3 July 1915, p. 26, 31. Zi.) VA Describes Augsburg four-cycle, Krupp, Diesel, Polar, Fiat two- and four-cycle, Sulzer two-cycle, and other types. 796. Submarine engines. diagr., illus. (American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal, New York, v. 27, May, 1917, p. 471-478.) VXA Detailed discussion of the Diesel engines and com- parison of this with other types of propulsive engines. 797. Chcilmers, S. D. Periscopes, diagr. (Nature, London, v. 95, 18 March 1915, p. 68-69.) OA Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, New York. V. 79, 22 May 1915, p. 322, V.4, and in Engi- neering Society of Pennsylvania, Journal, Harris- burg, Pa., 22 May 1915. Trench and submarine periscopes described. 798. Chapman, L. B. Terrible underwater motor boat, illus. (Motor boating. New York, V. 15, Jan., 1915, p. 7-9.) f VXA Description and illustrations of the types of motors used. Salmon illustrated. 799. [Chronology of the submarine.] (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 112, 5 June 1915, p. 514, 517, 519.) VA Brief tabulation of the development of the sub- 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 800. Coleman, Frederick C. Submarine for Austro-Hungarian navy; latest Krupp design in under water terrors, illus. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 112, 23 Jan. 1915, p. 85, 89.) VA Popular article on "U 3" and "4" type. SOL Commander Yates Stirling, jr., as- signed to command of submarine flotilla. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 26 June 1915, p. 1361.) f VWA With the increase of the number of undersea boats the importance of this command will become greater. 802. Condition of our submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 9 Jan. 1915, p. 597.) fVWA Editorial comment on correspondence between Commander Yates Stirling, jr., and the Navy De- partment relating to the efficiency of submarines. 803. (Cost of raising the "F 4."i (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 26 June 1915, p. 1361.) tVWA Brief editorial on the difficulties encountered. 804. Coustet, Ernest. Les periscopes de sous-marins. illus. (La nature, Paris, an- nee 43, semestre 1, 26 June 1915, p. 409- 411.) OA Reprinted in Scientific American supf>lement, New York, V. 80, 23 Oct. 1915, p. 269-270, illus., VA, and in Engineering magazine, New York, Oct., 1915, p. 110-111, VDA. Describes very carefully the construction and op- eration of the periscope. 805. Cunard liner "Lusitania." pi. (En- gineering, London, v. 99, 14 May, 1915, p. 537-538.) VDA Circumstantial account of the sinking of the Lusi- tania. 806. Cunningham, Forbes. Fighting under the sea. illus. (Export American indus- tries, New York, v. 14, May, 1915, p. 37-43.) tTLA 807. Curtis, Stanley. Under the sea in a submarine. illus. (Modern mechanics, Chicago, V. 30, Jan., 1915, p. 2-6.) VGA (World's advance) Reprinted in Litcrarv digest. New York, v. 50, 6 Feb. 1915, p. 238-239, * D.4. Describes the trip of the author in an American submarine. 808. D., G. Navigation of submarines and aircraft: a new scope for invention, illus. (English mechanic and world of science, London, v. 102, 24 March 1915, p. 494.) VA A "locometer" illustrated and described • — instru- ment enabling the pilot to locate position. 809. Day of the submarine. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Jan. -Feb., 1915, p. 286.) VXA Abstracted from the London Times, 24 Dec. 1914. "A reply by Admiral von Tirpitz to a question as to whether the day of large ships was over." 810. Death and life in a submarine. (Lit- erary digest, New York, v. 50, 10 April 1915, p. 831-834.) * DA Quotes from interview with Thomas A. Edison on the disaster to the F-4. 8n. Defective American submarines. (Outlook, New York, v. Ill, 8 Sept. 1915, p. 57.) *DA Editorial on the disaster to the F-4. 812. Defense against a submarine. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 22 May 1915, p. 1205.) tVWA Cites speed of destroyers as greatest difficulty for submarine attack. 813. Defense against submarines. (United .States Naval Institute, Proceedings, An- napolis, V. 41, Nov. -Dec, 1915, p. 2069.) VXA Brief excerpt from New York Herald of Nov. 9, 1915. 814. Dewitz, Hrolf von. War's new weap- ons: an expert analysis in plain language of the weapons and methods used in the present great war. With introductory pref- ace by Hudson Maxim. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915. xvi p., 1 1., 295 p., 16 pi. 8°. VWE 815. Dienstbach, C. A submarine sunk by a Zeppelin. (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 12 June 1915, p. 591.) VA Brief note. 816. Dommett, William Erskine. Subma- rine vessels, including mines, torpedoes, guns, steering, propelling, and navigating apparatus, and with notes on submarine offensive and defensive tactics, and exploits in the present war. London: Whittaker & Co., 1915. X, 106 p., 1 diagr., 16 pi. 12°. vxv 817. Dubilier, William. Fatal hum of the submarine, illus. (Popular science month- ly. New York, v. 87, 6 Dec. 1915, p. 713- 719.) *DA Sound of the electric motors has a peculiarly high pitch and instrument here described detects this hum. 818. Electricity on board battleships and submarines at New York review, illus. (Electrical world, New York, v. 65, 15 May 1915, p. 1263.) VGA Describes briefly boats of the "K" type at that time in the North river. 819. Estrany, Jeronimo, editor. Narciso Monturiol y la navegacion submarina. Jui- cios criticos emitidos sobre los importan- tisimos trabajos realizados por este sabio inventor Catalan, coleccionados por el Dr. D. Jeronimo Estrany... Barcelona: G. Gili, 1915. 152 p., 1 pi. illus. 8°. VXV A collection of papers containing the biography of Narciso Monturiol, builder of the first Spanish sub- marine, and of Isaac Peral. 820. F., A. La manoeuvre du sous-marin prise et tcnue de la plongee. Navigation SUBMARINES 47 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. sous-marine, illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tom.e 67. 25 Sept. 1915, p. 193-199.) VA Considers problems of submergence; description and illustrations of the periscope. 821. Les progres recents dans la con- struction des sous-marins des fitats-Unis. illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 66, 17 April 1915, p. 241-245.) VA Reviews the American practice in submarine build- ing, giving descriptions of types. Illustrations of the Salmon. D-3, F-1. 822. La transmission sous-marine du son et son application a la decouverte des sous-marins. illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 67, 27 Nov. 1915, p. 343-346.) VA The last paragraphs deal with the detection of submarines when submerged. 823. Fertigstellung des amerikanischen Tauchkreuzers "M 1." (Das Schiff. Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 22 Oct. 1915, p. 343-344.) f VXA Brief description of the AI 1. 824. Final trials and inspection of the U. S. submarines "K-3" and "K-4." (Armj^ and nav}' journal, New York, v. 52, 24 April 1915, p. 1080.) tVWA Very brief. 825. First Spanish submarine. (Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 80, 9 Oct. 1915, p. 229.) VA Brief note on Monturiol's boat, the Ictlneo, built in 1865 at Barcelona. 826. Fournier, Lucien. Le sous-marin de M. Simon Lake, illus. (La nature, Paris, V. 43, semestre 1, 19 June 1915, p. 405-408.) OA Sketch of early American endeavors and of Mr. Lake's achievements. 827. French Laubeuf submarine boats, illus. (Engineering, London, v. 100, 9 July 1915, p. 29-32.) VDA Evolution of Laubeuf type with description and illustrations of engines and typical boats. A sec- tional view is included. 828. Furbush, Grant E. Submarines. (American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers, Journal, New York, v. 27, May, 1915, p. 281.) VFA Abstract of paper given before the Syracuse Uni- versity student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 829. Purer, J. A. How the submarine F-4 was lifted out of three hundred feet of water, illus. (Popular science monthly, New York, v. 87, Dec, 1915. p. 729-734.) * DA Reprinted in Scientific American, New York. v. 113, 16 Oct. 1915, p. 336-337, 346-347, illus.. VA. Full details for the non-technical reader. 830. The raising of the "F-4." (Army and navy journal. New York, v. S3, 13 Nov. 1915, p. 329.) t VWA Abstract from report to the Nav-j' Department. 831. Raising the submarine F-4. illus. (Engineering news. New York, v. 74, 4 Nov. 1915. p. 880-884.) VDA Abstracted, with illustrations, in Engineering magacine. New York, v. 50, January, 1916, p. 614- 615, VDA. Describes fully the operations, difficulties, and successful issue. 832. Salvage operations on subma- rine "F-4." illus. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. -Dec, 1915, p. 1833-1871.) VXA Abstracted in International marine engineering. New York, v. 21, Jan., 1916, p. 37-38, t VXA. History of the accident to the F-4 and detailed ac- count of the salvage operations. Charts and dia- grams. Constructor Furer had charge of the work. 833. Garcia de los Reyes, Mateo. Subma- rinos: propulsion linica. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915, p. 739-757.) VXA Diesel motors and Edison batteries discussed. 834. Gautreau, J. B. Problem of anti-sub- marine defense. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 25 Dec. 1915, p. 533. ) tVWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, Jan. - Feb., 1916, p. 267- 268, VXA. Note on future of large armored ships. 835. German submarine; how it does its deadly work. illus. (Sphere, London, v. 61, 20 May 1915, p. 223.) * DA Brief text. 836. German submarine raid. (Marine en- gineer and naval architect, London, v. 37, March, 1915, p. 231-232, 257.) VXA Tabulates results of German raids. 837. German submarines. (Army and navv journal. New York, v. 52, 27 Feb. 1915, p. 823.) t VWA Abstract of interviews with Francis T. Bowles published in the New York Herald. 838. German submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 30 Oct. 1915, p. 261.) tVWA Effective weapon of destruction in hands of re- sourceful enemy. 839. German submarines U-8 and U-12. illus. (Engineer, London, v. 119, 12 Alarch 1915, p. 250.) VA Sinking of these boats. 840. Germany's large submarine as revealed by the camera during the capture of a Dutch liner "Batavier V" which was taken by a German submarine into Zeebrugge on Thurs- dav. March 18. illus. (Sphere, London, V. 61, 3 April 1915, p. 4-5.) * DA Very brief text. U-36 illustrated. 841. Gray, James G. On experiments lead- ing up to new gyrostatic controls for tor- pedoes, submarines, aeroplanes and air- ships. [With discussion.] (Institution of 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Transactions, Glasgow, v. 58, 1915, p. 87- 106.) VDA Abstracted in English mechanic and ivorld of sci- ence. London, v. 100, 1 Jan. 1915, p. 491-493, V.4 ; and in Proceedings of the United States Naval In- stitute, Annapolis, v. 41, July -Aug., 1915, p. 1324- 1326. VXA. Explains the principles of the gyroscope and its applications to various moving bodies. 842. Guiheneuc, Olivier. Peut-on se de- fendre centre les sous-marins? (Corres- pondant. Paris, tome 260 [nouv. serie, tome 224,, 10 Aug. 1915, p. 516-533.) * DM Defensive and offensive tactics discussed. 843. [Guns for submarines.] (Army and navv journal, New York, v. 52, 17 July 1915, p. 1451.) tVWA Editorial comment on new 3-in. disappearing guns to be placed in U. S. submarines of the "M" and "N" classes. 844. Hats off to the men in our submarines — one of the crew of the E-14 in the Dar- danelles, illus. (The Fleet, London, v. 11, 1 Sept. 1915, p. 263.) f VYB Illustration only. 845. Head of our submarine service. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 12 Aug. 1915, p. 1596.) fVWA Appointment of Capt. A. W. Grant. 846. Hebeballons fiir Unterseeboote. (Das Schiff, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 26 March 1915, p. 104.) tVXA Describes the use of balloons to bring a submarine to the surface after submergence. Reprinted from the Magdeburgiscke Zeitung. 847. Hendrick, Burton Jesse. Inventors of the modern submarine; John P. Holland, the Irish patriot, illus. (World's work, New York, v. 30, July, 1915, p. 284-294.) *DA Excellent biography with several portraits of Hol- land and illustrations of his various boats, including the Ram. 848. Terrible submarine, illus. (Mc- Clure's magazine. New York, v. 44, Feb., 1915, p. 32-41, 182.) * DA Excellent survey of the development of the fight- ing submarine. 849. Herberts, H. J. Lifting magnets for submarine. (Electrical review, Chicago, v. 66, 3 April 1915, p. 645.) VGA Letter to the editor on lifting magnets for the salvage of the F-4. 850. Hering, Carl. Boat design that elim- inates bow waves and wake, illus. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 113, 9 Oct. 1915, p. 325.) VA Sucking water in at the bow and expelling it at the stern suggested as means of obviating wake. 851. Hibbard, H. L. Application of elec- tricity in naval warfare. (Sibley journal of engineering, Ithaca, v. 29, May, 1915, p. 251-261.) VDA Latter part of article describes the power plant of a submarine. 852. Hinkamp, C. N. Description and trials of U. S. S. Fulton (submarine tender no. 1). (American Society of Naval En- gineers, Journal, Washington, v. 27, Nov., 1915, p. 897-910.) VXA Detailed description of dimensions, hull, engines, equipment for machine shop work, and other features of the first vessel of this type built for the United States navy. 853. Submarines — improvements. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, W^ashington, v. 27, Feb., 1915, p. 171-185.) VXA Abstracted in Engineer, London, v. 119, 19 March 1915, p. 280, VA. Improvements in efficiency and reliability of recent designs. Comprehensive review of engines, motors, batteries, gj'roscopic compasses, ballast tanks, habitability, etc. 854. Submarines and torpedoes, illus. (American Societ}^ of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, v. 27, May, 1915, p. 438-453.) VXA Abstracted in Canadian engineer, Toronto, v. 29, 29 July 1915, p. 204-206, VD.4; Engineer, London, V. 120. 2 July 1915, p. 19, VA; and in Scientific American supplement. New York, v. 80, 28 Aug. 1915, p. 136-138, illus., VA. Reprinted in Rcvista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Sept., 1915, p. 383- 393, VXA. Interesting paper telling of actual operations neces- sary to submerge, to fire the torpedoes, and to navi- gate the submarine. Considers the personnel. Orig- inal paper gives more history than the abstracts. 855. Hoar, Allen. The submarine power plant, illus. (Sibley journal of engineer- ing, Ithaca, V. 30, Nov., 1915, p. 59-63.) VDA Reprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal, Washington, v. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 286- 292, VX.-l; American marine engineerittg, New York, v. 11, Jan., 1916, p. 5-8, t VXA; and in Mechanical world, Manchester, v. 58, 31 Dec. 1915, p. 316-317, VFA. Mr. Hoar, chief engineer of the L. A. Submarine Boat Company, discusses the present efficiency of the Diesel engine as a means of propulsion for subma- rines. Describes motors and Edison storage batteries and refers to a new patent system of propulsion not then made public. 856. Hodges, W. R. Who invented the peri- scope? (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 6 March 1915, p. 217.) VA Letter to the editor stating that the periscope was invented by Thomas Doughty in 1864; 857. Horsnaill, W. O. Ekctrical equip- ment of submarines. (Electrical review, London, v. 77, 2 July 1915, p. 3-4.) VGA Brief notes 6n storage batteries as source of en- ergy for wireless outfit, lighting, heating, and other appliances. 858. Submarine versus surface craft lor future navies. (Fortnightly review, London, v. 104, Oct., 1915, p. 659-669.) *DA Discusses the capabilities of the submarine to carry out all the functions of the modern navy. SUBMARINES 49 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 859. War beneath the waves. 1, Sub- marines; 2, Torpedoes; 3, Submarine mines. (Chambers's journal. London, series 7, v. 5, March - Alaj-, 1915, p. 190-192, 198-200, 293- 294.) *DA Popular article with good general description of late types. 860. Hovgaard, George William. Present status of submarine boats; a discussion of the principal features of undersea war craft, their armament, manoeuvering, limitations, and military aim. illus. (Science conspec- tus, Boston, V. 5, no. 3, 1915, p. 57-72.) OA Describes and defines "submersibles" and sub- marines. Gives dimensions of boats and costs. Good illustrations of the Kanguroo. 861. How to avoid the submarine pirate, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 60, 20 Feb. 1915, p. 191.) *DA Brief text. Illustrations show the ships following zigzag course and enveloped in smoke to elude sub- marines. 862. Howard, Herbert S. Modern sub- marine torpedo boats of the United States and other navies, illus. (Engineering news, New York, v.7Z, 24 June 1915, p. 1222- \223.) VDPl Reprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal, Washington, v. 27, Aug., 1915, p. 687-689, VXA. Non-technical description. Illustration of the E 2. 863. Submarines. (American Society of Marine Draftsmen, Journal, New York, v. 2, no. 2, 1915, p. 41-52.) Historical review followed by an outline of the main features and principles of operation of modern submarines. 864. Hueffer, Oliver Madox. In a subma- rine, illus. (Harper's weekly. New York, V. 60, 15 May 1915, p. 460-462.) * DA Good views of interior. 865. Hurd, Archibald Spicer. The subma- rine in war; its menace and achievement. (Living age, Boston, series 7, v. 66, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 515-527.) * DA Achievements in the present war. 866. Hutchison, Miller Reese. The subma- rine boat type of Edison storage battery. Orange, N. J., 1915. 28 p. illus. ' diagr. 4°. VGFp. box Cover title: Edison storage batteries for sub- marines. 867. Immune from submarine attack? (Practical engineer, London, v. 51, 29 April 1915, p. 213.) VDA Brief editorial on an invention the nature of which is not disclosed. 868. Invisible periscope. (Engineer, Lon- don, v. 120, 20 Aug. 1915, p. 179.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Sept. - Oct., 1915, p. 1682, VXA. Very brief. To be accomplished by painting. Camouflage. 869. Is there any defense against the sub- marine? (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 152.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, March - April, 1915, p. 575-576, VXA. Editorial comment without any attempt to answer the question. 870. Jane, Fred T. Submarines and air- craft. (Edinburgh review, London, v. 221, Jan., 1915, p. 140-150.) * DA Historical review from the "siege of Tyre, 332 B. C. Discusses the relative efficiency of ships of the line and submarines. 871. Johnson, Valentine Edward. Vessels of stealth: submarines, illus. (In his: Mod- ern inventions. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 30- 46.) V Popular account of modern submarines. 872. K., T. J. Wie sieht das Untersee- boot? (Das Schiff, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 16 July 1915, p. 231.) f VXA An account of the navigation of a submarine and the use of a periscope. 873. Kearney, Thomas A. The subma- rine; its purpose and development. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, An- napolis, V. 41, July - Aug., 1915, p. 1239- 1250.) VXA Excellent historical sketch with discussion of methods of warfare when submarines are engaged. 874. Kempster, J. W. Submarines. (Ma- rine engineer and naval architect, London, x.il. May, 1915, p. 286.) VXA Abstracted partly from lectures given by Prof. T. B. Abell and Mr. J. W. Kempster. 875. Kirchhoff, Hermann, editor. Otto Weddigen und seine Waffe. Aus seinen Tagebiichern und nachgelassenen Papie- ren, unter Mitwirkung der Familie, bearbei- tet von Hermann Kirchhoff. . . Mit einem Titelbild und 63 Abbildungen. Berlin: Ma- rinedank-Verlag. 1915. 157(1) p., 16 pi., 1 port. 8°. (Unsere Seehelden. Bd. 2.) VYN 876. La Cerisaie, J. de. Precurseurs ame- ricains de la guerre sous-marine. illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 43, semestre 2, 27 Nov. 1915. p. 351-352.) OA Illustration of the Whale. 877. Lake, Simon. The art of submarine defense and offense as applied to interna- tional peace, illus. (Century, New York, V. 89, March, 1915, p. 724-732.) * DA Potential power of submarines in warfare; also discussion of construction and difficulties of naviga- tion. 878. Modern submarines in war and peace, illus., diagr. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 20, July - Dec, 1915, p. 286-294. 349-355, 399-404, 450-456, 502-506, 559-562; v. 21, Jan. -April, 1916. p. 29-30, 75-78, 201-205.) f VXA Abstracted in Engineering magazine. New York, V. 50, Oct.. 1915, p."l04-107, l'D.4. The January, 1916 installment, relating to the possibilities of the 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. submarine in polar exploration, is abstracted in Lit'^r- arv digest, New York, v. 52, 19 Feb. 1916, p. 434, *bA. Very comprehensive article, with admirable illus- trations, by one qualified to speak authoritatively. Discusses the present status and future possibilities of the submarine. 879. ■ Submarine for hydrographic work, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 113, 25 Sept. 1915, p. 272-273.) VA Abstracted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915, p. 844-849, VXA. Used to discover submerged rocka 880. Submarines that are strictly in- visible, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 16 Jan. 1915, p. 68-69.) VA Abstracted in Illustrated London news, London, V. 146, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 210-211, * DA, and in Army and navv journal. New York, v. 52, 6 Feb. 1915, p. 729, t VIVA. Lake submarine fitted with "feelers," making it possible to pass through anchor cables and nets and attack a blockaded fleet. 881. Lanphier, R. C. Recent improve- ments in the electric lighting of steam rail- road cars, diagrs., pi. (American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers, Proceedings, New York, v. 34, Aug., 1915, p. 1829-1846.) VGA This article is referred to in several papers on the use of storage batteries in submarines. 882. Laubeuf, Alfred Maxime. Present condition of the submarine, illus. (Inter- national Engineering Congress, San Fran- cisco, 1915, Transactions, v. 10, 1916, p. 263- 295. [Paper no. 207.]) VDA Reprinted in American Society of Naval Engi- neers, Journal, Washington, v. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 272- 278, VX.4, and in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 81, 12 Feb. 1916, p. 112, VA. Abstracted in Engineering, London, v. 100, 3 Dec. 1915, p. 579-580, VDA; Mechanical engineer, Man- chester, V. 36, 10 Dec. 1915, p. 466-468, VFA; and in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Aug., 1915, p. 263-267, VXA. Bibliography, p. 293-294. A comprehensive consideration of the history and development of the submarine. Discusses the mode of construction, form, displacement, types for coast defense and for squadron cruising. 883. Les sous-marins allemands et leur role dans la guerre actuelle. illus. (Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, Memoires, Paris, annee 1915, v. 1, 1915, p. 91-116.) VDA Abstracted in Genie civil, Paris, tome 66, 24 April 1915. p. 263-267, VA. Discusses the principles of construction, especially of the German type Germania. Illustrations of the Kobben, Narwhal, Sireine, Aigrette, Pluz'idse, U-5 and U-1. 884. Sous-marins et subniersibles, leur developpement, leur role dans la guerre, leur role dans I'avenir, les sous-marins alle- mands. Paris: Delagrave [1915]. 2 p.l., 103 p., 21., 8 pi. diagr. 4°. (Collection de "La science au xx. siecle.") VXV This famous designer of submarines has given us a book which includes admirable historical data as well as discussion on modern boats, with plans and half-tones. There are chapters on the place of the submarine in the modern navy and possibilities in construction. Accidents and their causes are dis- cussed and the boats of the German navy are de- scribed. 885. Legal status of the submarine. (Prac- tical engineer, Manchester, v. 51, 4 March 1915, p. 103-104.) VDA Editorial. 886. [Limitations of the submarine.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 19 June 1915, p. 1323.) tVWA Brief editorial on probable cruising radius of the future submarine. 887. Loading and firing submarine tor- p'edoes. (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 29 May 1915, p. 493.) VA Gives details of the torpedoes. 888. Logical results of the submarine tor- pedo boat. (Engineering news. New York, V. 73, 24 June 1915, p. 1234-1236.) VDA Potency of the submarine as an engine of war is discussed. 889. Look-out for submarines. (Engineer- ing, London, v. 99, 14 May 1915, p. 552.) VDA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. - Dec, 1915, p. 2069, VXA. Brief note on Gardner method of gyroscopic con- trol of look-out's observation seat. 890. Loss of "E 15" by stranding in the Dardanelles; some possibilities of the wheeled submarine, illus. (Sphere, Lon- don, V. 61, 1 May 1915, p. 120-121.) * DA Brief text. 891. La Lutte entre les sous-marins et les grandes navires. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 66, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 107-108.) VA Considers the accomplishments of the submarines of the various countries at war. 892. Main source of French munitions, illus. (American machinist. New York, V. 43, 29 July 1915, p. 177-182.) VFA Describes boats constructed at the Creusot plant. 893. Middleton, James. Tirpitz the eter- nal. (World's work, New York, v. 29, April, 1915, p. 641-659.) * DA Biographical sketch. 894. Modern submarine, illus. (Scientific Australian, Melbourne, v. 20, March, 1915, p. 68-69.) VA Popular description. 895. Modern submarine; methods of con- trol of the latest and most dreaded type of warsliip. (Scientific American, New York, V. 113, 3 July 1915, p. 16-17.) VA Navigation problems. 896. Modem terror of the deep; a brief history of the development of the subma- rine with an analysis of the present types, SUBMARINES 51 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. their powers and limitations, illus. (Ap- plied science. Toronto, v. 27 [new series, V. 10], June- July, 1915, p. 37-50.) VA Analysis of present types; navigation, habitability, propulsion, armament, and military value considered. 897. Moffett, Cleveland. Fessenden oscil- lator to detect submarines. (Electrical re- view and western electrician, Chicago, v. 66, 17 April 1915, p. 738.) VGA Abstracted from New York Times. 898. A new defense against the sub- marine, illus. (American magazine. New York, V. 79, April, 1915, p. 11-15, 96-100.) *DA Report of an interview with Prof. Fessenden in which he describes the invention of the microphone and its uses. 899. Morgan, Gerald. Submarines. (New repul)lic, New York, v. 4, 4 Sept. 1915, p. 127-128.) *DA Combating submarines. 900. Motive power of submarines. (Elec- trical review and western electrician, Chi- cago, V. 66, 6 March 1915, p. 410.) VGA Editorial on types of engines. 901. Motive power for submerged opera- tion of submarines. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 20, Nov., 1915, p. 514.) fVXA In answer to question as to reasons why internal combustion engines cannot be used for submerged propulsion. 902. Muers, P. Oil storage for submarines at sea. illus. (Petroleum world, London, v. 12, March, 1915, p. 131-133.) f VHY German oil supplies for submarines stored in cylin- drical tanks, 150 feet by 30 feet, with capacity of 2,280 tons. 903. The "Nautilus." [Cleveland: Cleve- land Twist Drill Co., 1915. i broadside, diagr. f°. f VXV "Robert Fulton, born in Pennsylvania in 1765, was the designer of the first successful submarine." 904. Naval constructor on the progress of the submarine, illus. (Review of reviews. New York, v. 51, April, 1915, p. 484-485.) *DA 905. Neff submarine S3^stem. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 2 Oct. 1915, p. 144.) t VWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, Jan. - Feb., 1916, p. 264, VXA, and in Rezista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Nov., 1915, p. 694-699, VXA. Brief editorial. 906. Die Neuen danischen Unterseeboote. (Das Schiff, Berlin, 20 Aug. 1915, Jahrg. 36, p. 271-272.) tVXA Brief description of submarines being built for Denmark. 907. Der Neueste amerikanische Unter- seeboottyp. (Das Schiff, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 26 Feb. 1915, p. 71-72.) f VXA Editorial on new submarines built for the United States navy by the Electric Boat Company. 908. Neureuther, Karl. Das Unterseeboot nacli einem im B. Aero-Club 16. Febr. 15, gehaltenen Vortrag. Miinchen: A. Hertz, 1915. 23(1) p. illus. 8^ VXCp.v.22,no.l4 909. New batteries of U. S. submarine "L-8." (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 52, 17 April 1915, p. 1034.) t VWA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, May — June, 1915, p. 932- 933, VXA. L-8 was the first submarine to be built by the navy. Mrs. J. E. Sloane, Mr. Thomas Edison's daughter, asked to be sponsor. 910. New device to guide submarine pilots. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 41, July - Aug., 1915, p. 1317.) VXA Brief excerpt from New York Times, 21 June 1915, describing Hudson Maxim's indicator. 911. [New submarine for the United States nav3^] (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 52, 12 June 1915, p. 1303.) f VWA Brief editorial on recommendations of Lieut.-Com- mander Stirling, jr., for larger submarines. 912. New United States submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 20 March 1915, p. 918.) f VWA Brief reference to new tj'pe of submarine to be called the Schley. 913. Nickel-iron-alkaline cells for high- discharge-rate and submarine service, illus. (Electrical world. New York, v. 66, 13 Nov. 1915, p. 1103-1104.) VGA Edison Storage Battery Company has developed a battery for submarines and locomotives. 914. O'Niell, Lionel. Menace of the sub- marine; its purpose in war, and defence against its attack, illus. (Navy and army illustrated, London, new series, v. 3, 20 Feb. 1915, p. 132-136.) tVWZH Place of the submarine in the present war. The question of aircraft against submarines. Illustrations of D-2. E-class boat, and a remarkable illustration showing a German submarine packed for shipment. 915. Otto, Friedrich. Das Unterseeboot im Kampfe. Leipzig: C. F. Amelang, 1915. 157 p., 30 pi. 12°. VXV p. 69-92. Chronologry of the submarine. Written in popular fashion for the general reader. The accomplishments of the German submarines up to date of publication are noted. 916. Our deficiency in submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 29 May 1915. p. 1237.) fVWA Editorial on Capt. Yates Stirling's testimony on United States submarines. 917. Our first submarine loss. (Literary digest. New York, v. 50, 10 April 1915, p. 792.) *DA Disaster of the F-4. Lists accidents in other navies. 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. J915, continued. 918. Our first submarine loss, illus. (Tech- nical world, New York, v. 23, June, 1915, p. 442-443.) VDA No text. Illustrations of the raising of the hull of the F-4 and portrait of the commander. 919. Our lamentable lack of submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 29 May 1915, p. 1240.) f VWA Editorial comment on Secretary Daniels' deter- mination to pay more attention to submarine develop- ment in the United States navy. 920. Overturning of a German submarine in the North Sea. illus. (Sphere, London, V. 61, 3 April 1915, p. 23.) * DA Very brief text. 921. Pay of officers and men in submarine service. (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 52, 3 April 1915, p. 981.) f VWA In view of tlie disaster to the F-4 it is suggested editorially that men on submarine duty should re- ceive additional pay. 922. Periscope — how it is constructed and manipulated; the searching eye of the submarine. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 112, 30 Jan. 1915, p. 96.) VA History and methods of using. 923. Periscope of the submarine. (Ma- rine ens^ineer and naval architect, London, v.2,7, May, 1915, p. 287.) VXA Invention and principles of the periscope. 924. [Plans for the fleet of submarines.] (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 13 Nov. 1915, p. 337.) • f VWA Editorial on new submarines for which the Navy Department asks bids. 925. Pollen, A. H. The submarine myth. (Dublin review, London, v. 156, April, 1915, p. 326-340.) *DA Armament of submarines and possibilities in sub- marine warfare. 926. Pot, W. F. Het gebruik en de inrich- ting van onderzeesche vaartuigen. (With discussion.] (De Ingenieur, s'Gravenhage, Jaarg. 30, 6 Nov. 1915, p. 909-933.) VDA Paper read before the Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs, 12 June 1915. General review of submarine design, machinery, and handling. 927. Prendergast, Maurice. Enemy sub- marine warfare examined: alternate activ- ity and quietness; the "periodicity theory." illus. (The Navy, London, v. 20, Aug., 1915, p. 246-249.) VYB Estimates of submarine construction in Germany during war times. Illustrations of a submarine and "saucy boat" and a diagram of a Krupp-Germania type. 928. German submarines; an analy- sis of their numbers and types. (Navy, London, v. 20, June, 1915, p. 173-174.) VYB Summary of German submarine flotillas according to the German naval law and according to Admiralty memorandum. 929. The protection of warships against submarine attack. illus. (The Navy, London, v. 20, July, 1915, p. 212-215.) VYB The detection of enemy submarines by wireless and oscillators, and defense by net, armoring, and bulk- heads are discussed. 930. Principal submarine disasters in the last ten years. (United States Naval Insti- tute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, July- Aug., 1915, p. 1320.) VXA Table. 931. Procacci, Gianni. Perigrafi e peri- scopi. illus. (Rivista marittima, Roma, an- no 48. trimestre 2, June, 1915, p. 361-397.) VXA Detailed explanation of the periscope with descrip- tions of the various types: Russo-Laurenti, Grubb, Goerz, and others. 932. Protection against torpedoes. (Engi- neer, London, v. 119, 8 Jan. 1915, p. 41-42.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American sup[>lement. New York, v. 79, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 107, VA, and in United States Naval Institute, Proceedings. Annapo- lis, V. 41, March- April, 1915, p. 576-578, VXA. Discusses the advisability of armored bottoms on ships. 933. [Purifying the air of submarines.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 26 June 1915, p. 1372.) f VWA Julian S. Bond, inventor, remained for seven hours under water to demonstrate a new process for chemi- cally purifying the air in submarines. 934. Raising of the U. S. S. F-4. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 4 Sept. 1915, p. 6, 19.) tVWA Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Oct., 1915, p. 558-567, VXA. Account of the salvage and abstract of statement issued by the Navy Department. 935. Report on the loss of the submarine "F-4." (Army and navv journal. New York, v. 53, 30 Oct. 1915, p. 276.) f VWA Abstract of the report of the naval board to in- vestigate the disaster to the submarine at Honolulu. 936. Report on the loss of submarine "F-4." illus. (LTnited States Naval Insti- tute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. - Dec, 1915, p. 2059-2064.) VXA Reviews the report of the board of inquiry ap- pointed by the Navy Department to investigate the disaster. 937. Reverchon, Leopold. La navigation sous-marine autrefois, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 43, semestre 1, 3 April 1915, p. 228-229.)' OA Reprints part of the quaint bit by Wilkins on fram- ing an ark for submarine navigation, first printed in 1648. 938. Robinson, R. H. AI. Alodern subma- rine in naval warfare. (Journal of Frank- lin Institute, Philadelphia, v. 179, March, 1915, p. 283-311.) VA Reprinted in Scientific American stif>plement. New York, v. 79, 8-15 May 1915, p. 296-298, 312- 314, illus., VA. Abstracted in Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Journal, Worcester, Mass., v. 18, May, SUBMARINES 53 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 1915, p. 262-273, VDA ; Euglish mechanic and world of science, London, v. 101, 19 March 1915, p. 153-154, VA ; and in Review of reviews. New York, v. 51, April, 1915, p. 484-485, * DA. Motive power, equipment, and vulnerability of battleships to submarine attack. 939. The submarine. (International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915, Transactions, 1916, [V. 10,] p. 224-238. [Paper no. 205.]) VDA "It seemed wise to confine this paper to the limita- tions of the present day submarine, to the engineer- ing problems to be expected in the development of the sea-going fleet type of submarine, and to glance at the visible and prospective methods of solving the problems of development desired." 940. Roji, Arsenio. Acorazados y sumer- gibles. (Revista general de marina, Ma- drid, tomo 76, April, 1915, p. 419-427.) Cruising radius. V XA 941. Teoria de la inmersion de los sumergibles. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915, p. 759-776.) Mathematical treatise. VXA 942. Role of the submarine. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 27 Feb. 4915, p. 807.) fVWA Editorial comment on development of German sub- marines and operation in present war. 943. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Future of the submarine. (North American, New York, V. 202, Oct., 1915, p. 505-508.) * DA Concludes that the submarine does not replace the battleship. Discusses cruising radius. 944. Rubber's vital part in the submarine, illus. (India rubber world. New York, v. 52, 1 June 1915, p. 478-482.) t VMA ■Uses of rubber as gaskets and seatings, in breath- ing apparatus and life-saving appliances. 945. Salving sunken submarines. illus. diagr. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 79, 10 April 1915, p. 232-233.) VA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, May — June, 1915, p. 950- 954, illus., VXA. Dwells upon the necessity of adequate salvage facilities to minimize the dangers of service. Illus- trations of various salvage vessels in use in the French, German, and Italian navies. 946. Schaffran, K. Modellversuche zur Er- mittlung der Fahrtstabilitat von Untersee- Booten. illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, Jahrg. 16, 10 Feb. 1915, p. 205-212.) f VXA Abstracted in International marine engineering, New York, v. 20, Oct., 1915, p. 464, t VXA, and in United States Naval Institute, Proceedings. Annapo- lis, V. 41, Nov. -Dec, 1915, p. 2068-2069, VXA. Mathematical analysis of model experiments for determining the factors for stability of motion of sub- marine boats. 947. Scientific savagery. (Engineer, Lon- don, V. 119, 14 May 1915, p. 483-484.) VA Editorial on the sinking of the Lusitania. 948. Secor, H. Winfield. Electricity, the power behind the submarine boat, illus. (Electrical experimenter, New York, v. 3, July, 1915, p. 104-105. 125-126.) VGA Sectional view with list of parts. Very brief text. 949. Secret submarine program. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 3 April 1915, p. 971.) fVWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, May - June, 1915, p. 919, VXA. Editorial on lecture given by A. M. Laubeuf be- fore the Society of Civil Engineers, March, 1915. Outlines German policy. 950. Simon Lake on invention and construc- tion of submarines. (Army and navy jour- nal, New York, v. 52, 3 April 1915, p. 968.) fVWA Brief editorial on article by Capt. Lake in the New York Sun. 95L Sinking of the submarine "U 8" off Dover March 4 by British destroyer, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 60, 20 March 1915, p. 292-293.) * DA Brief text. 952. Skerrett, Robert G. Mother ships for submarines; a combined salvage and drydock vessel, diagr. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 112, 8 May 1915, p. 430.) VA A ship built by the Fiat-San Giorgio firm. 953. The power plant of a submarine. illus. (Gas engine, Cincinnati, v. 17, Tune, 1915, p. 265-272.) "VFA A boat of 500 tons displacement is described with propulsive machinery necessary. 954. Submarine to salve a submarine; how one underwater craft could aid another in an emergency, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 112, 10 April 1915, p. 342.) VA Description of ship invented by Sloan Dannen- hower and W. W. Wotherspoon. 955. Sous-marins. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 67, 14 Aug. 1915, p. 101.) VA Brief note on development ot German submarines during war time. 956. Les Sous-marins et la guerre actuelle. (Revue de Paris, Paris, annee 22, tome 3, 15 May 1915. p. 362-375.) * DM Historical sketch and outline of exploits of modern submarines. 957. Spear, Lawrence Y. The propulsion of submarines. (Alechanical engineer, Lon- don. V. 36, 17 Dec. 1915, p. 477-479.) VFA Abstract. 958. Submarine torpedo boats, illus. (International Engineering Congress, San Francisco, 1915, Transactions [V. 10], 1916, p. 239-295. [Paper no. 206.]) VDA Outlines development since the Russo-Japanese war with a speculation on construction since the beginning of the European war. Gives a clear and illuminating consideration of the main types and dis- tribution with full details of the principal features of design and power equipment. 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 959. ■ Submarines of today and tomor- row. [With discussion.] (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Trans- actions, New York, v. 23, Nov., 1915, p. 201- 224.) VXA Reprinted in Rcvista general de marina, Madrid, tomo78, Jan., 1916, p. 116-117, 25S-265, VXA. Ab- stracted in American Society of Naval Engineers, Proceedings, Washington, v. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 278- 286, VXA : Mechanical engineer, Manchester, v. 36. 17 Dec. 1915, p. 477-479, VF.-i. and in International marine engineering. New York, v. 20, Dec, 1915, p. 549, t VXA. Characteristics of the submarines of to-day and the possibilities of the future. Military and engi- neering problems are discussed at length. "Whether, and to what extent, the inferiority of the steam plant . . .can be overcome remains a qviestion of the future The steam engine is certain to be displaced by the Diesel." 960. Speedy motor boats for fighting sub- marines, illus. (Yachting, New York, v. 18. Dec, 1915, p. 240-241.) f MNRA Describes boat recently built at Greenport, L. I., for use in the Baltic. Will develop 30 miles an hour. 961. Springer, J. F. Raising the "F 4." illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 17 April 1915, p. 367-368.) VA Some of the difficulties encountered and how they were met. 962. Stab sharks of the German navy; the ten compartments of a modern German submarine, illus. (Sphere, London, v. 60, 27 March 1915, p. 336-337.) * DA Excellent sectional view of boat showing compart- ments with description of contents of each. 963. Steam turbines for submarines. (Ma- rine journal, New York, v. 38, 23 Oct. 1915, p. 9.) fVXA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. - Dec, 1915, p. 2065, VXA. Brief statement of possibilities of substituting steam turbines for internal combustion engines. 964. Stiles, John C. Confederate subma- rine warfare. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 17 April 1915, p. 1046.) fVWA Account of the first Confederate "David" torpedo boat and Confederate submarine. 965. Stitch in time saves nine: defense against submarines. (Scientific American, New York, v. 113, 4 Sept. 1915, p. 194.) VA .Editorial advocating nets for harbor protection. 966. Submarine against submarine. (Army and navy journal, New York, \. 52, 31 July 1915, p. 1530.) fVWA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Sept. — Oct., 1915, p. 1685, VXA. Brief account of the sinking of the French sub- marine Mariotte by a German submarine in the Dar- danelles. 967. Submarine as a commerce destroyer, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 1 May 1915, p. 395.) VA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, May - June, 1915, p. 940- 943, illus., VXA. Describes the use of the disappearing gun. 968. Submarine at sea; ingenious construc- tion and appliances by which the sul)marine has ol)tained its present efficiency, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 112, 3 April 1915, p. 310-311.) VA Popular article with excellent sectional views of German and Laurenti types; surface picture of the U. S. submarine G 2. 969. Submarine attack swift and silent: ];ersonal experience of an officer in the British merchant service describing how it feels to be torpedoed. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 45, Sept., 1915, p. 328.) fVXA 970. Submarine boat strength and speed. (Engineering, London, v. 99, 30 April 1915, p. 496. ) VDA Editorial review of article by E. Bertin appearing in Genie civil. Possibilities of increasing speed and radius of action by enlarging vessel. 971. Submarine catcher, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 113, 24 July 1915, p. 77.) VA Abstracted in Literarv digest, New York, v. 51^ 21 Aug. 1915, p. 346-347', * DA. Describes device for entangling the propellors with ropes, submitted by J. W. Reno. 972. Submarine defense for battleships. (Armv and navy iournal, New York, v. 52, 24 July 1915, p. 1497.) f VWA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Sept. - Oct., 1915, p. 1661, VXA. Reports on experiment conducted at Indian Head by the Bureau of Ordnance and Construction. 973. Submarine disaster at Honolulu. (Scientific American, New York, v. 112, 10 April 1915, p. 336.) VA Editorial comment on the disaster to the F 4. 974. Submarine exploit. (Engineer, Lon- don, V. 119, 20 Jan. 1915, p. 1.) VA Abstracted in Army and navv journal. New York, v. 52, 23 Jan. 1915, p. 651, t VIVA. Editorial on Holbrook trip in the B-11 in the Dar- danelles. 975. A Submarine freight train; a possible explanation of German submarine activ- ity. (The Navy, London, v. 20, July, 1915, p. 218.) VYB Description of Mr. Simon Lake's underwater sup- ply ship with which the stores and fuel of submarines may be replenished. 976. Submarine hunting. (Ariny and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 11 Sept. 1915, p. 36. ) t VWA Brief note. 977. Submarine in coast defense. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 13 March 1915, p. 876.) f VWA Letter to the editor on the lesser cost and the greater effectiveness of submarines as compared with battleships. SUBMARINES 55 Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 978. The Submarine and its antidote. (Nautical magazine, Glasgow, v. 93, April, 1915, p. 323-325.) VXA Style of gun best suited to cope with the -sub- marine. 979. Submarine life-saving bulkhead, illus. (Practical engineer, London, v. 51, 1 April 1915, p. 161.) VDA Editorial comment on a patent "enabling those within a submarine to escape." 980. Submarine menace. (Engineering, London, v. 99, 14 May 1915, p. 547-548.) VDA Editorial on achievements of German submarines. 981. Submarine operation. (World's work. New York. v. 29, April, 1915, p, 673-674.) *DA Exploits of submarines in early months of the war. 982. Submarine out of water, illus. (Les- lie's weekly, New York, v. 121, 29 July 1915, p. 118.) *DA Illustration of the stranded H-3. 983. Submarine steering gear. (Practical engineer, Manchester, v. 51, 1 April 1915, p. 162.) VDA British patent. 984. Submarine storage battery mainte- nance. (United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 47, Nov. - Dec, 1915, p. 2064.) VXA Danger of charging storage batteries, based on an article by C. R. Lanphier on train lighting ap-' pearing in the American Institute of Electrical En- gineers, Proceedings, New York, v. 34, Aug., 1915, p. 1839, VG.A. 985. Submarine swatters, illus. (Motor boating. New York, v. 12, 25 Oct. 1915, p. 3- 5.) fVXH Popular description of submarine chasers, with specifications. 986. Submarine torpedo boat and its re- sults. (Engineering news, New York, v. 73, 13 May 1915, p. 945-946.) VDA Editorial on the sinking of the Liisitania. 987. Submarined. (Nautical magazine, Glasgow, v. 93, June, 1915, p. 531-533.) VXA Relates experiences of an officer on a ship tor- pedoed by a submarine. 988. Submarines. (Army and navy jour- nal. New York. v. 52, 31 July 1915, p. 1529.) tVWA Training of men and officers for service by Capt. A. W. Grant. 989. Submarines betrayed by sound waves; detecting the presence of underwater craft fifty-five miles away by telephonic devices, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 113, 16 Oct. 1915, p. 333, 346.) VA 990. [Submarines in the L'nited States navy now using lead type of storage bat- teries.] (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 52, 7 Aug. 1915, p. 1574.) f VWA Table showing old and new names of United States navy submarines. 991. Submarines or battleships. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 10 Tuly 1915, p. 1432-1433.) f VWA "Naval attaches now in the war zone up to this time have thrown no professional light on question of operations of submarines." 992. Submarines or battleships, which? The battleship — the foundation and su- preme fighting unit of a modern navy, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 113, 18 Dec. 1915, p. 540, 545.) VA 993. (Submarines pass through Cape Cod canal.] (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 53, 30 Oct. 1915, p. 260.) f VWA K5 and K6 passed through on 7 Oct. 1915. 994. Submarines that crossed the ocean. (Scientific American supplement, New York, V. 80, 6 Nov. 1915, p. 293.) VA Submarines that were built in Canada and sent to England. 995. (Submarines' cruising radius.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 24 July 1915. p. 1499.) tVWA Quotation from interview with Capt. Lake on the submarine G 3 which he believes could cross the Atlantic. 996. Submarines britanicos. (Revista gen- eral de marina, Madrid, tonio 76, June, 1915, p. 744-748.) VXA Building of submarines in England since 1901. 997. Submarinos portaminas. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 77, Dec, 1915, p. 833-838.) VXA Brief note. 998. Sui sommergibili. (Rivista marit- tima, Roma, anno 48, trimestre 2, May, 1915, p. 232-235.) VXA German naval policy in concentrating all energy on the construction of submarines. Includes table compiled by Sig. Laubeuf on the German submarine strength. 999. Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose. Submarines, their mechanism and opera- tion. London: W. Heinemann, 1915. x, 274 p. illus. 12°. VXV Popular non-technical book. 1000. Tendencies in submarine design. (Engineering record. New York, v. 71, 3 April 1915, p. 417.) VDA Editorial. 1001. Terror of naval warfare, illus. (Les- lie's weekly. New York, v. 121, 30 Sept. 1915, p. 340.) *DA Illustration only of the D-3. Good picture of a periscope. 1002. Tests of new submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 2 Oct. 1915, p. 148.) tVWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 41, Nov. - Dec., 1915, p. 2065- 2066, rXA. Brief note on the unofficial test of the M-1 in a gale off Cape Cod. 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY N on-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 1003. Tirpitz. (Die Zukunft, Berlin, Bd. 91, 24 April 1915, p. 97-117.) * DF Biographical sketch. 1004. The Torpedo, illus. (Marine engi- neer and naval architect, London, v. 38, Aug., 1915, p. 7-10.) VXA History and description with good illustrations and cross section diagram. 1005. Trials of the submarine tender Ful- ton: first U. S. naval vessel to be fitted with Diesel engines, illus. diagr. (Inter- national marine engineering, New York, V. 20. Feb., 1915, p. 76-78.) t VXA 1006. Tygard, James W. New Tygard engine for improving submarine service. (Applied science, Toronto, v. 10, Aug., 1915, p. 97-98, 116.) VA Editorial comment on page 116. Compressed air for propelling submarines. 1007. Undersea supply bases? (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 52, 13 Feb. 1915, p. 746.) t VWA Abstract from interview with Capt. Simon Lake in the Nezv York Times, on the possibilities of such bases which he considers quite feasible. 1008. Unearth old submarine, illus. (Tech- nical world. New York, v. 23, April, 1915, p. 224.) VDA Illustration only of old submarine hull unearthed in the Kiel canal, built in 1864. 1009. Violle, J. Du role de la physique a la guerre. De I'avenir de nos industries physiques apres la guerre. Paris: Berger- Levrault, 1915. 91(1) p. illus. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914-1915. fasc. 66.) BTZE (Pages) • Contains historical sketch of the submarine, with tables of French types. 1010. [Visibility of a submarine from an aeroplane. 1 (Scientific American, New York, V. 112, 6 March 1915, p. 237.) VA Answer to query giving experiments that have been made and results. 1011. Voice from the depths. (Literary di- gest. New York, v. 50, 8 May 1915, p. 1107.) *DA On the disaster to the F-4, reprinting portions of report made by Lieut. Sakuma Tsutomu at the time of the sinking of the Japanese submarine in 1910. 1012. Vom Unterseeboot. (Das Schiff, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 19 March 1915, p. 95.) Very brief. t VXA 1013. Von Tirpitz and his navy. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 113, 16 Oct. 1915, p. 334.) VA Editorial on submarine warfare. 1014. Vries, W. P. de. De duikboot en haar rol in den Europeeschen oorlog. Naar de nieuwste bronnen bewerkt. Amsterdam: Gebr. Graauw, 1915. 82 p., 11., 8 pi. 12°. VXCp.v.21,no.7 Historical sketch, followed by an account of the submarine in the present war. E-xcellent illustrations. 1015. Waddington, J. F. First electrically propelled sul)niarine vessel. (International marine engineering, New York, v. 20, Aug., 1915, p. 362.) fVXA 1016. Wade, Herbert T. Edison subma- rine boat storage battery, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 112, 15 May 1915, p. 450, 461-462.) VA Describes the characteristics and advantages of the Edison batteries. 1017. Germany's submarines. (Re- view of reviews. New York, v. 51, June, 1915. p. 722-723.) * DA Germany's building programme. 1018. War under the sea; the submarine torpedo boat and the submerged mine are revolutionizing naval strategy, illus. diagr. (Popular mechanics magazine, Chicago, v. 23, March, 1915, p. 327-338.) VFA A detailed description in simple language telling of the equipment, power plant, habitability, method of submergence, firing of torpedoes, etc. 1019. Warning flag. (Marine review, Cleve- land, V. 45, Dec, 1915, p. 453.) f VXA Flag to indicate that submarines are operating in the vicinity. 1020. Waveless boat. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 113, 20 Nov. 1915, p. 447.) VA Letters from C. E. Duryea, A. L. Kimball and Carl Hering on Mr. Hering's article appearing in the Scientific American, 9 Oct., p. 32S. 1021. Who invented the periscope? (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 112, 6 March 1915, p. 217.) VA Letter to the editor with brief history of the peri- scope. 1022. Williams, Charles W. Edison solves subm.arine problem. illus. (Technical world, New York, v. 22, Feb., 1915, p. 814- 818.) VDA Explains emanations of chlorine gas from other batteries and how the Edison battery avoids this. 1023. Wilson, W. G. Single-gun submer- sible battleships. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 29 May 1915, p. 1227.) tVWA Letter to the editor advising "a multiplicity of small and speedy warships." 1024. Winslow, Erving. Put the subma- rine on its defense. (Army and navy jour- nal. New York, v. 52, 15 May 1915, p. 1164.) t VWA Letter to the editor on use of submarines in war- fare. 1025. Wood, Norman H. Main-motor- starting switchgear used on modern Ger- man submarines, diagr. (Electrical review, London, v. 76, 28 May 1915, p. 763-764.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical world. New York, v. 65, 19 June 191S, p. 1614, VGA. Technical discussion of motors. 1026. Work on the submarine F-4. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 31 July 1915, p. 1517.) tVXA Statement of Stephen Drellisbrak, diver, given to the Brooklyn Eagle and reprinted here. SUBMARINES )/ Non-official Publications, continued. 1915, continued. 1027. Work of submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 52, 13 March 1915, p. 871.) tVWA Editorial comment on exploits of German sub- marines and place of these boats in the present war. 1028. Zack, M. Note sur la marche en plongee des sous-marins. diagr. (Genie civil, Paris, v. 66, 5 June 1915, p. 362-363.) VA Calculations on the resistance of submarines. 1916 1029. Aftermath of U-boat visit. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 21 Oct. 1916, p. 243.) fVWA Report of various movements instituted to en- force neutrality when U-boat attacked British ships off Nantucket. 1030. Allemandy, Victor E. Wonders of the deep; the story of the Williamson Sub- marine Expedition. London: Jarrold & Sons [1916?). 94 p., 9 pi. 4°. PSR Biographical sketch of the Williamson brothers, and account of their apparatus for obtaining sub- marine photographs and methods of work. Illustra- tions are taken from the film pictures. 1031. Argument for big submarines. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 115, 19 Aug. 1916, p. 168.) VA Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Sept., 1916, p. 377-379, VXA. Editorial on wide cruising radius and habitability of submarines of greater displacement. 1032. Atkinson, A. S. The submarine mo- tors, illus. (Gas review, Madison, Wis., V. 9, Nov., 1916, p. 5, 6, 8, 10.) VFA A non-technical survey of the question of propul- sion for submarines, describing the engines now in use. 1033. Belknap, Reginald R. The torpedo and submarine branches of the German navy. (United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, Sept. - Oct., 1916, p. 1485-1508.) VXA Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 80, June, 1917, p. 734-743, tomo 81, July, 1917, p. 35-41, VXA. Standing organization of this branch of the Ger- man service is fully outlined. 1034. Bids for fleet submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 19 Feb. 1916, p. 802.) fVWA Bids for two submarines were opened 16 Feb. 1916. 1035. Bishop, Farnum. The story of the submarine. New York: Century Co., 1916. XV, 211 p. illus. 12°. VXV Written for the non-technical reader, and outlines the history of the submarine from 1624 to the present time. 1036. Brazilian submarine depot motor ship "Ceara." illus. pi. (Engineering, London, v. 101, 16-30 June 1916, p. 569, 613- 616.) VDA Abstracted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 78, March, 1917, p. 395-396, VXA. Detailed description with good plates and curves of stability, conditions under loads, and trims. De- signed by Laurenti. 1037. [Bremen.] (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 28 Oct. 1916, p. 260.) Editorial on merchant submarine. f VWA 1038. Brent, Loring. A motion picture drama from the ocean bottom, illus. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 115, 22 July 1916, p. 78-79.) VA Describes the submarine built to obtain pictures for the film version of Jules Verne's story. 1039. British submarine chasers. illus. (Scientific Australian, Melbourne, v. 21, June, 1916, p. 101.) VA Very brief. 1040. Byrne, Donn. Underseaboat F-33. illus. (Scribner's magazine, New York, v. 59, Jan., 1916, p. 29-38.) * DA Fiction. 1041. Can battery explosions on subma- rines be prevented? illus. (Popular sci- ence monthly. New York, v. 88, March, 1916, p. 394-395.) * DA Explains attempts that have been made to ventilate batteries. 1042. Captures German mine-laying sub- marine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 115, 19 Aug., 4 Nov. 1916, p. 177, 403.) VA 1043. Cargo carrying submarine. (Marine journal. New York, v. 38, no. 42, 22 Julv 1916, p. 4.) fVXA Brief editorial on the Deutschland. 1044. Cerio, Edwin. The rapid-fire, "re- volver" principle applied to the submarine torpedo tube. (Scientific American, New York, V. 114, 15 April 1916, p. 395, 409.) VA Loading and firing device with revolving magazine. 1045. Claudy, C. H. Inside a submarine. (McBride's magazine. New York, v. 97, Feb., 1916, p. 153-155.) * DA 1046. Combination helmet and suit used in escaping from disabled submarine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 114, 17 June 1916, p. 642.) VA Brief description. 1047. Commander Horton's submarine in a Baltic ice field, illus. (The Fleet, Lon- don, V. 12, March, 1916, p. 19.) f VYB Illustration only. 1048. Connolly, J. B. Sea babies, illus. (Collier's weekly. New York, v. 57, 12 Aug. 1916, p. 8-9, 35-36, 39.) * DA Mr. Reuterdahl illustrates with fanciful pictures Mr. Connolly's fanciful tale. 1049. Cruise of the super-submarine. (Liv- ing age, Boston, v. 290 [Series 8, v. 4], 9 Sept 1916, p. 688-690.) * DA Account of Capt. Konig's voyage, reprinted from the London Nation. 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. 1050. Davidson, G. C. Practical phases of a submarine merchant service. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 1, August, 1916, p. 5.) t VXA Brief article. 1051. Davis, G. E. U. S. S. Bushnell, sub- marine tender no. 2. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, V. 28. Aug., 1916. p. 669-691.) VXA Detailed description and discussion of equipment. 1052. Defensa submarina. (Revista gen- eral de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Aug., 1916, p. 253-254.) VXA Brief reference to means of protecting battleships from submarine attack. 1053. Denny, George C. A submarine that 'stings' battleships. illus. (Illustrated world. New York, v. 25, April, 1916, p. 248.) VDA A submarine equipped with gas to overcome foe and capture ship. 1054. De Peyster, F. A. Submarines vs. battleships. (Scientific American, New York, V. 114, 22 Jan. 1916, p. 99.) VA Letter to the editor in reply to a letter by R. L. Gordon, appearing in the Scientific American, 8 Jan. 1916. 1055. Why does not the submarine give submarine warnings? (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 114, 29 April 1916, p. 449.) Letter to the editor. VA 1056. De Deutschland. illus. (Neder- landsche zeewezen, s'Gravenhage, Taarg. 15, 1 Sept. 1916, p. 282.) f VXA (Vereeniging) 1057. The Deutschland case. (Marine jour- nal, New York, v. 38, no. 42, 22 July 1916, p. 3.) " tVXA Editorial. 1058. Deux types nouveaux de sous-ma- rins allemands. Le poseur de mines "C-5"; le transatlantique "Deutschland." illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 69, 5 Aug. 1916, p. 92-94.) VA 1059. Doing away with the submarine storage battery. (Popular science monthly, New York, v. 88, May, 1916, p. 654-656.) *DA Popular description of the Neff system of com- pressed air diver, 1060. Donoso Cortes, Ricardo. Las grandes conquistas cientificas. Como nacio el sub- marino. illus. (Por esos mundos, Madrid, aiio 17, Jan., 1916, p. 74-82.) * DR 1061. Ducking under the blockade; the voyage of the Deutschland. (Independent, New York, v. 87, 24 July 1916, p. 112-113.) *DA Brief historical sketch leading up to the trip of the Deutschland. 1062. Dutton, Arthur H. Submarine not an innovation. (Overland monthly, San Francisco, new series, v. 67, Feb., 1916, p. 143-145.) *DA From Bushnell to Holland. 1063. Du Verseau, pseud. Un sous-marin allemand poseur de mines peche par les Anglais, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 44, semestre 2, 9 Sept. 1916, p. 169-172.) OA Translated and abstracted in Literary digest, New York, V. 53, 28 Oct. 1916, p. 1104-1105, illus., * DA. Detailed description of the Uc 5. 1064. E-2 disaster and submarine motive power. (Outlook, New York, v. 112, 26 Jan. 1916, p. 163-164.) * DA Reviews the findings of the board of preliminary investigation on the disaster in the Brooklyn navy yard. 1065. Ejercicios de la flotilla de submer- gibles. (Revista general de marina, Ma- drid, tomo 78, Feb., 1916, p. 245-246.) VXA Discussion of Brazil's submarine flotilla. 1066. Electrical device detects submarines twenty miles away, illus. (Electrical ex- perimenter. New York, v. 3, Jan., 1916, p. 461-462.) VGA William Dubilier's detector, a telephone apparatus which conveys the sound of the propellers. 1067. Elmer Ambrose Sperry. port. (Na- tional cyclopaedia of American biograph3% New York: T. T. White & Co., 1916, v. 15, p. 22-23.) ■ *R-AGZ Biographical sketch. 1068. Escape and capture undersea. (Lit- erary digest. New York, v. 52, 12 Feb. 1916, p. 388.) , *DA Quotes from story in the New York Evening Post. 1069. Explosion in submarine E-2. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 19 Feb. 1916, p. 786-787.) f VWA Report of the court of inquiry which investigated the explosion. 1070. F., A. Les tendences actuelles dans la construction des sous-marins. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 68, 22 Jan. 1916, p. 50- 54.) VA Difference between submarines and submersibles defined, the increase possible in displacement, the types in use at present, and the future of submarine navigation and construction are discussed. 1071. El Factor "desplazamiento" de los submarinos. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Sept.\ 1916, p. 377-379.) VXA 1072. First undersea trader reaches U. S. German submarine Deutschland on peace- ful mission to America proves worth of craft for commercial purposes in wartime, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 46, August, 1916, p. 274-275.) f VXA 1073. Fleet submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 19 Feb. 1916. p. 783.) fVWA Editorial on the proposed increase in the size of submarines. SUBMARINES 59 Non-official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. 1074. Flowers, J. B. Torpedo screen for ship under way. (Scientific American, New York, V. 115, 4 Nov. 1916. p. 406, 421.) VA Whirling steel disks lowered over the side to de- flect torpedoes. 1075. French, G. R. W. Diving operation.s in connection with salvage of the U. S. S. "F 4." (United States naval medical bul- letin, Washington, v. 10, no. 1, Jan., 1916, p. 74-91.) WSR Detailed report from a medical standpoint of the diving operations, with diagrams and descriptions of the apparatus used. 1076. Frissell, Varick. What I saw of the German submarine U-S3. (Outlook, New- York, V. 114, 25 Oct. 1916, p. 421-422.) * DA Report of correspondent — aged 13. 1077. Furer, J. A. Salvage equipment used in raising submarine F-4. diagr., pi. (So- ciety of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers, Transactions, New York, v. 24, Nov., 1916, p. 15-19.) VXA Abstracted in Motor ship and motor boat, London, V. 26, 11 Jan. 1917, p. 21-22, j VXA. Minutely describes equipment; windlass salvage method and submersible pontoon method. 1078. Gala, Leandro. La nave sommer- gibile. (Civilta cattolica, Roma, anno 67, v. 1, 18 March 1916, p. 692-705; anno 67, V. 2, 6 May 1916, p. 311-323.) * DO 1079. German merchant submarine "Deutschland." illus. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, V. 42, July -Aug., 1916, p. 1307-1311.) VXA Excerpts from the daily papers on the occasion of the first arrival of the Deutschland in Baltimore. Excellent though brief description of the ship. 1080. German submarine on American coast. (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 54, 14 Oct. 1916, p. 211.) f VWA Full details of the German attack off Nantucket. 1081. German submarine mine-layer U C- 5. illus. (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 53. 29 July 1916, p. 1544.) f VWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, .Annapolis, v. 42, Sept. - Oct., 1916, p. 1678, VXA. Brief description. 1082. German submarines C 5 and Deutsch- land. illus.' (Engineer, London, v. 122, 28 July 1916, p. 74.) VA Brief account. 1083. German submersible blockade run- ner Deutschland. Construction and in- terior arrangement of the first U-boat mer- chantman, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 115, 22 July 1916, p. 82-83.) VA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings. Annapolis, v. 42, Sept.-Oct., 1916, p. 1675- 1676, illus.. VXA. Reprinted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Sept., 1916, p. 357-360, VXA. Good description with excellent pictures including a sectional view. 1084. German submersible brings 280 tons of dyestuffs into Baltimore, illus. (Oil, paint and drug reporter. New York, v. 90, 17 July 1916, p. 15.) VGA Brief account. 1085. German submersible cargo vessel. (Engineering. London, v. 102, 14 July 1916, p. 40.) VDA Detailed description of the Deutschland. 1086. Germany's merchant submarine. (Armj' and navv iournal. New York, v. 53, 15 July 1916, p. 1481.) f VWA Brief editorial review of Capt. Konig's voyage. 1087. Germany's pacific submarine inva- sion of the United States, illus. (Current opinion. New York. v. 61, Aug., 1916, p. 79- 81.) *DA Comments of daily papers on the trip of the Deutschland. Portrait of Capt. Konig. 1088. Germany's underwater street to America. illus. (Literarv digest. New York. V. 53, 22 July 1916, p.'l69-171.) * DA Comments reprinted from the daily press upon the arrival of the Deutschland. 1089. Gordon, G. L. Submarine question. (Scientific American. New York, v. 114. 19 Feb. 1916, p. 197.) VA Letter to the editor from Mr. Gordon. 1090. Guiheneuc, Olivier. Dreadnought ou submersible?... Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1916. 2p.l., 316p. 12°. VYAD Concerning German submarines and the role of the submarine in the European war. Defense against submarines and the armament. The revolution ef- fected in maritime warfare is discussed and Sir Percy Scott's letters to the London Times are re- printed in an appendix. 1091. Haenen, Frederic de. In a British submarine. illus. '(Illustrated London news, London, v. 149, 15 July 1916, p. 65.) *DA No text. 1092. Halsey, William H. The submarine: its casualties in peace and war. (Military surgeon. Washington, v. 38, Jan., 1916, p. 50-56.) WSA Paper read at the annual meeting of the Associa- tion of Military Surgeons, Sept.. 1915. Medical officers on submarines must be concerned largely with the prevention of disease and accidents. "Every officer and man is necessary to the proper handling of the boat. . . So necessary is it that every officer and man be physically able and well, that an illness which is only slightly incapacitating might affect the safety of the boat and endanger the lives of all on board." Eyestrain and deafness are two of the afflictions to which the crew are subject. 1093. Hannay, D. Achievements of the submarine. (Living age. Boston, v. 288, 5 Feb. 1916. p. 323-329.) * DA Review of Sir Percy Scott's opinions in view of subsequent achievements of the submarine. 1094. Hirsch, G. Aboard the Deutschland. (Independent. New York, v. 87, 24 Tulv 1916, p. 128-129.) *"DA Sensational account. 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. 1095. Hirshberg, Leonard Keene. Ger- man submarines use alkali battery. (Gas review, Madison, Wis., v. 9, Jan., 1916, p. 48, 50.) VFA Quotation from Rear Admiral Yates Stirling on GerTnan submarines and report of new batteries used in them. 1096. Hoar, Allen. The submarine tor- pedo boat; its characteristics and modern development. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1916. XV, 211 p., 4diagrs. illus. 8°. vxv "For the general reader, also for the technical man or naval engineer who has not specialized in the sub- ject. Traces the development of the submarine and tells in as simple language as possible the various requirements of design and of power plant. There are also conclusions drawn as to future development, a consideration of defense against submarine attack, and of technical evolutions as well as brief descrip- tions of tender and salvage ships, torpedoes and submarine mines. In addition to the many interest- ing half-tone illustrations there are several large-size plates, showing plans and sections." — The New York Public Library, New technical books, Nov., 1916. 1097. Hovgaard, George William. Sub- marine boats. illus. (American-Scandi- navian review. New York, v. 4, May -June, 1916, p. 142-150.) lEP 1098. How Konig dodged the British. (Literary digest, New York, v. 53, 18 Nov. 1916. p. 1354.) *DA Reprint of Capt. Konig's story from the Chicago Daily News. 1099. How the submarine is navigated: in the absence of lights and buoys position must be reckoned by propeller revolutions. Instruments developed for submarine navi- gation, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, V. 46, May, 1916, p. 163-164.) t VXA Describes vacuum pump used to indicate propeller revolutions. 1100. How a submarine is sunk. (Marine journal. New York, v. 38, 22 Jan. 1916, p. 4.) tVXA Methods by which a submarine reaches awash and totally submerged condition, and the use of the fins. 1101. How to build a model submarine with wireless control, illus. (Everyday mechanics. New York, v. 1, Jan. - July, 1916. p. 104-110, 174-182, 228-236, 322-329.) VA Working drawings and full details. 1102. Improved submarine made from odds and ends, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 114, 10 Tune 1916, p. 623.) VA "U-23" made of wash boiler and garden hose. 1103. Izaguirre, Salvador M. Submarines. (Sociedad cubana de ingenieros, Revista, Habana, tomo 8, Nov., 1916, p. 819-823.) VDA Brief historical outline. 1104. Jacob, Harvey D. Submarines as merchantmen, illus. (Case and comment, Rochester, v. 23, Sept., 1916, p. 277-280.) XAA Adjustment of laws to fit the arrival of the Detitschland. 1105. John Philip Holland. port. (Na- tional cj'clopaedia of American biography. New York: T. T. White & Co., 1916, v. 15, p. 4-5.) *R-AGZ Biographical sketch. 1106. Keith, H.H.W. The submarine of today. (Technology monthly and Harvard engineer, Boston, v. 3, May, 1916, p. 5-9.) VDA "Every man should, to some extent, know the construction, running and general features of the submarine. [This] article gives a splendid concep- tion of the submarine to-day." — Editor's note. 1107. Kuh, Lloyd M. Saving men from sunken submarines, illus. (Popular sci- ence monthly, New York, v. 89, Dec, 1916, p. 803-805.) *DA Life-saving devices — detachable conning tower, and other apparatus. 1108. Lake, Simon. The development of the submarine, illus. (Brooklyn bulletin. National Electric Light Association, Brook- lyn, V. 8, April, 1916, p. 10-24.) VGA Reprint of an address given by Mr. Lake before the Brooklyn Company, March 29, 1916. Historical sketch with excellent sectional illustrations of types. 1109. The submarine — its status to- day and its possibilities in the near future, illus. (New York Electrical Society, Trans- actions, New York, new series, no. 7, 1916, p. 44-58.) VGA The building programmes of the world's navies in regard to submarine power. 1110. Lisle, T. Orchard. Craig-Diesel en- gines for U. S. submarines, illus. (Motor- ship, Seattle, v. 1, Nov., 1916, p. 8-9.) tVXA United States navy has recently awarded order to the Craig Engine and Machine Company for two engines for installation in submarines. Specifications given. 1111. Man-controlled torpedo, illus. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 115, 28 Oct. 1916. p. 393.) VA This is practically a one-man submarine with stern capable of being detached. 1112. The Middle West and the submarine war off our coast. (Outlook, New York, V. 114, 18-25 Oct. 1916, p. 362, 371, 414- 415.) *DA Telegrams received from L. W. Xieman of the Milwaukee Journal and H. J. Haskell of the Kansas City Star in response to a request from the Outlook for a statement of the reception in the Middle West of the news of the submarine raid on neutral ships off Nantucket. 1113. Miessner, Benjamin Franklin. Ra- diodynamics, the wireless control of tor- pedoes and other mechanisms. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1916. v, 206 p. illus. diagr. 8°. PGO Wireless control of submarines also discussed. SUBMARINES 61 Non-official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. 1114. Mine sweeping-. (United States Na- val Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, July- Aug., 1916, p. 1311.) VXA Brief report from New York Times. 23 June 1916. This division of the fleet watches for submarines as well as gathering in the mines. 1115. Mining by submarine. (Anny and navy gazette, London, v. 57, 29 July 1916, p. 483.) tVWA Brief note on the Uc-5, captured German mine- layer. 1116. Mirrors on submarines would make them invisible inventor declares. (World's progress, Washington, v. 1, no. 21, May, 1916, p. 6.) VA Invention of Patrick Keen. 1117. Motor boat submarine destroyers for the U. S. navy. (Scientific American, New York, v. 114, 26 Feb. 1916, p. 219.) VA Brief note on plans of the Navy Department. 1118. Naval appropriation act. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 19 Aug. 1916, p. 1640-1641.) fVWA Mentions briefly the money to be expended on submarines and equipment. 1119. Naval appropriation bill in the House. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 3 June 1916, p. 1289.) t VWA Amended naval budget to include fifty submarines. 1120. Neeser, Robert Wilden. The sub- marine in war. illus. (Scribner's maga- zine, New York, v. 59, Jan., 1916, p. 39-57.) *DA General information concerning the submarine. Illustrations of the German submarines U-1, U-12, U-11, the French Palagois and the Russian Kaiman. 1121. Neff system of submarine propul- sion. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 6 May 1916, p. 1147.) t VWA Editorial on recommendation of Secretary Daniels to give the system a trial to determine how noisy the engines will prove to be and the appearance of air bubbles on the surface. 1122. Neff system of submarine propulsion, illus. (Army and navy register, Washing- ton, V. 60, 2 Sept. 1916, p. 289-290.) f VWA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings. Annapolis, v. 42, Sept. - Oct., 1916, p. 1676- 1677, VXA. Details of Neff system evolved with idea of devel- oping single unit of power for surface and sub- merged navigation. 1123. New submarine campaign? (Lit- erary digest. New York, v. 53, 22 July 1916, p. 179-180.) * DA Comments reprinted from the German press on the arrival of the Deutschland in America on her first voyage. 1124. New type of high speed motor boat to be used in defense against the submarine. (Armv and navy journal. New York. v. 53, 21 Jaii. 1916, p. 687.) t VWA Brief editorial. 1125. Nimitz, C. W. Submarine engines of the German navy, illus. (American So- ciety of Naval Engineers, Journal, Wash- ington, V. 28, May, 1916, p. 487-497.) VXA Describes and discusses the engines of the Augs- burg, Xuremburg, Krupp, and other types. 1126. Nordmann, Charles. La torpille et les immersibles. (Revue des deux mondes, Paris, periode 6, tome 36, 1 Nov. 1916, p. 217-228.) *DM Defines submarines and submersibles and con- siders the potentialities of the modern submarine. 1127. Nos sous-marins le Bernouilli et le Curie. (Moniteur de la flotte, Paris, annee 63, 18 Nov. 1916, p. 1-2.) f VYH Achievements of these boats. 1128. Novel type of submarine, illus. (AIo- torship, Seattle, v. 1, Nov., 1916, p. 16.) fVXA Trumble one-man submarine. 1129. Los Nuevos sumergibles. (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 78, Tune, 1916, p. 799-802.) VXA German submarines. 1130. Original ambitions of the subma- rine. (Everybody's magazine. New York, v. 35, Sept., 1916, p. 381-382.) * DA Brief article on the history of submarines with a word on Henry Ford's one-man boat. 1131. Palmer, Russell. The motive power of the M. S. Deutschland. illus. (Motor- ship, Seattle, v. 1, Dec, 1916, p. 3-4.) fVXA Illustrations show the control station and the en- gine room, the boat on the ways, and a portrait of Gotthold Prusse who superintended the construction of the boat. On page 5 is a letter from J. L. Bogart on the motors of the Deutschland. 1132. Peril of the submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. 114, 29 Jan. 1916, p. 120.) VA Abstracted in Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 78, March, 1916, p. 403-405, VXA. Editorial on the dangers of submarine warfare, both to the crew and the enemy. 1133. Periscope of the submarine. (Sci- entific American supplement. New York, V. 81. 26 Feb. 1916, p. 135.) VA 1134. Perte du sous-marin Foucault. (Mo- niteur de la flotte, Paris, annee 63, 30 Sept. 1916, p. 1.) tVYH Brief note. 1135. Question of submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 53, 19 Feb. 1916, p. 800-801.) tVWA Report of testimony given before the Military Committee of the House by Rear Admiral A. W. Grant. 1136. Reginald Aubery Fessenden. port. (National cyclopaedia of American biogra- phy. New York: J. T. White & Co., 1916, V. 15, p. 21-22.) *R-AGZ Biographical sketch. 1137. Rodgers, W. L. On the suitability of current design of submarines to the 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. needs of the LTnited States navy. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Transactions, New York, v. 24, Nov., 1916, p. 109-134.) VXA Abstracted in Engineer, London, v. 123, 16 Feb. 1917, p. 153-154, VA; Genie civil. Paris, tome 70, 14 April 1917, p. 48-49, VA; International marine en- gineering, New York, v. 21, Dec, 1916, p. 544-546, t VXA; Engineering, London, v. 102, 1 Dec. 1916, p. 529-530, VDA; Journal of the United States artil- ierv. Fortress Monroe, v. 47, March - April, 1917, p. 250-256, VIVA; and in Shifibiiilding and shipping record, London, v. 8, 28 Dec. 1916, p. 596-598. VXA. Strategic and tactical considerations, with state- ment of modifications and varieties of design of sub- marines to meet requirements. 1138. Rud, A. The submarine killer, illus. (Illustrated world, Chicago, v. 25, June, 1916, p. 455-456.) VDA Reprinted in Revista general de marina. Madrid, tomo 79, Sept., 1916, p. 388-390, VXA; United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, July - Aug., 1916. p. 1311-1312, 'VXA; and in Literary 'di- gest. New York, v. 52, 24 June 1916, p. 1842, * DA American built motor boats used as submarine chasers. 1139. S., H. N. Submarines or battle- ships? (United service magazine, Lon- don, new series, v. 53, May, 1916, p. 166- 173.) *DA Discounts achievements of submarines in favor of battleships. 1140. Schneiders build 12,000 H. P. sub- marines, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 1, Dec, 1916. p. 7.) t VXA Note on the offer of the Schneiders to permit the LTnited States to construct the Laubeuf submarine in America. 1141. Seagoing submarines and their tor- pedo armament. (Scientific American, New York, v. 114, 15 April 1916, p. 396.) Editorial explaining types of submarines. VA 1142. Seaman, W. Report on the recov- ery, identification and disposition of the remains of the crew of the "F-4." illus. (United States naval medical bulletin, Washington, v. 10, Jan., 1916, p. 91-96.) WSR "Opinions as to the condition of the remains among professional men varied from complete obliteration to a fair state of preservation." 1143. Secor, H. Winfield. Combating the submarine b}^ electrical means, illus. (Elec- trical experimenter, New York, v. 3, Sept., 1916, p. 184-185.) VGA Gardiner's electrically controlled torpedo. 1144. Signaling to submarines. (Electri- cal world. New York, v. 68, 16 Sept. 1916, p. 553-554.) VGA Abstracted in Literary digest. New York, v. 53, 14 Oct. 1916, p. 946, * DA.' Arrival of the Deutschland. 1145. Simon Lake. port. (National cyclo- paedia of American biographv. New York: J. T. White & Co., 1916, v. 15, p. 5-6.) Biographical sketch of Mr. Lake. * R - AGZ 1146. Skerrett, Robert G. Heavy-oil en- gines for submarine service, illus. (Gas engine, Cincinnati, v. 18, April, 1916, p. 163- 170.) VFA "Enables the reader to understand the make-up of heavy-oil motors." Carels, Krupp, Fiat, and Bur- meister & Wain engines described. 1147. Need of an efficient mother ship for the submarines of the United States navy, illus. (International marine engi- neering, New York, v. 21, May, 1916, p. 234- 238.) fVXA Description of new type of submarine mother ship designed by Major Laurenti for the Fiat-San Giorgio, Spezia, Italy. 1148. Snare of the nets. map. (Literary digest. New York, v. 52, 8 Jan. 1916, p. 62.) *DA Reviews article appearing in the Vossische Zeitung describing defense against submarines in the English Channel. 1149. Status of the submarine. (Inter- national marine engineering, New York, v. 21, April, 1916, p. 175-176.) f VXA Submarine may be called a perfected craft. 1150. Stored energy of the submarine: the silent power that has made underwater navi- gation possible, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 114, 12 Feb. 1916, p. 178- 179.) VA Description of plates of storage batteries, filling plugs, and other details. 1151. Story of the submersible freighter Deutschland. illus. (Motorship, Seattle, V. 1. Aug., 1916, p. 3-4, 21.) f VXA Drawings of the engines of the Deutschland. 1152. The Story of the war: the merchant submarine. (Outlook, New York, v. 113, 19 July 1916, p. 633-634.) ' * DA Editorial on the arrival of the Deutschland. 1153. The Submarine. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 53, 8 Jan. 1916, p. 587.) tVWA Editorial pointing out the limitations of the sub- marine in coast defense and aggressive warfare. 1154. The Submarine. (National review, London, v. 67, May, 1916, p. 445-452.) * DA Strategy between fleets. 1155. The Submarine blockade runner, a LT-boat to carry contraband cargoes, illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, v. 89, August, 1916, p. 227-229.) * DA Describes a patent taken out by Mr. Simon Lake. 1156. A Submarine "curtain of fire." (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 114, 22 Tan. 1916. p. 94.) VA Editorial on a reported invention. 1157. Submarine destroyers, illus. (Pop- ular science monthly. New York, v. 89, Aug., 1916, p. 180-182.) * DA Fast motor boats to be used to hunt submarines. 1158. Submarine of fifty years ago. illus. (Harper's weekly, New York, v. 62, 19 Feb. 1916. p. 176.) *DA Reprints from Harper's weekly, 10 May 1861 and from New York Times, 1915. SUBMARINES 63 N on-official Publications, conlimied. 1916, continued. 1159. Submarine invented by Yale fresh- man in 1771. (Patent news, Washington, D. C, V. 5, May, 1916. p. 3.) Patents Room Brief sketch of Bushnell's invention. 1160. Submarine invention enables boats to remain under water. (Patent news, Washington, D. C, v. 5, June, 1916, p. 1.) Patents Room Brief note on invention of Hudson Maxim to enable submarines to get bearings and sights while under water. 1161. The Submarine is not new: Robert Fulton built an undersea boat for the great Napoleon in 1801. (World progress, Wash- ington, v. 1, Oct., 1916, p. 1-2.) VA Brief note on the Nautilus. 1162. Submarine merchantman. (Nation, New York, v. 103, 13 July 1916, p. 27.) * DA Editorial on the arrival of the Dentschland. 1163. Submarine motion pictures. (Ma- rine engineer and naval architect, London, v.38, Jan.. 1916, p. 141.) VXA Reviews the Williamson expedition pictures. 1164. Submarine nets for the navy. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 114, 6 May 1916, p. 464.) VA Editorial pointing out defensive value of nets. 1165. The Submarine that dived but once, illus. (Popular science monthly, New York, v. 88, A'larch, 1916, p. 391.) * DA A submarine constructed twenty years ago in Chicago. 1166. Submarine warfare: early history of underwater craft and their recent uses in naval activities, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 114, 5 Feb. 1916. p. 142- 143.) VA Illustration of the first German submarine, with portrait of Wilhelm Bauer. 1167. Submarines in the merchant service. (Scientific American, New York, v. 115, 22 July 1916, p. 76.) . VA Editorial comment on the Dentschland as to its status as a merchant vessel. 1168. Submarines for Japan. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Wash- ington, V. 28, Feb., 1916, p. 319.) VXA Brief note on new submarines of the Laurenti type for the Japanese government. Reprinted from Page's engineering weekly. 1169. El Submarine dinamitero. illus. (Por esos mundos, Madrid, ano 17, Oct.. 1916, p. 441-444.) * DR Details of the German mine layer ljc-5. 1170. El Submarine lanzaminas. (Re- vista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Aug., 1916, p. 241-243.) VXA Description of a German mine layer. 1171. El Submarine "Neff." (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Oct., 1916, p. 519-520.) VXA Note on the American submarines of the "Xeff" type. 1172. Submarines [Portugal). (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 79, Oct.. 1916, p. 545-546.) VXA Brief note on the new submarines for the Portu- guese navy. 1173. Submergence test of a submarine. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 21, April, 1916, p. 176.) f VXA United States navy requirements for final test of submarines and manner of conducting tests. 1174. Sub-surface blockade running, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 115. 12 Aug. 1916, p. 151-159.) VA Probable conditions of Deutschland's running the British blockade off Chesapeake bay on her return trip. 1175. Los Sumergibles de escuadra. (Re- vista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 78. May, 1916, p. 667-668.) VXA Brief description of the Schley. 1176. Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose. The modern submarine, illus. (In his: All about inventions and discoveries. New York rl916,. 8°. p. 71-84.) V Popular account. 1177. Tale of the sole survivor of a sub- marine attack. (Current opinion, New York, v. 61, July, 1916, p. 67-69.) * DA 1178. Thrills below the sea. (Literary di- gest. New York, v. 53, 22 July 1916, p. 205- 206.) * DA Reprint from New York Evening Post of article purporting to be an account written by a German sub- marine commander. 1179. Torpedo tubes. (Marine engineer and naval architect, London, v. 38, Tan., 1916, p. 124-125.) VXA Describes in some detail the two general types of tubes for launching torpedoes: the above-water, or deck pattern, and the submerged, or under-water pattern. 1180. Two years of submarine warfare. (Engineer, London, v. 122, 20 Oct. 1916, p. 342-343.) VA Refers to Sir Percy Scott's letter written to the London Times showing how fully subsequent events justified Sir Percy's opinion. 1181. U boats' oil storage... The dis- covery and destruction of a submerged de- pot. (Oil news, London, v. 4, 22 Jan. 1916. p. 41, 44.) tVHY Comment on the account printed in the Scotsman of Edinburgh of the finding of submerged tanks for supplying submarines. Tanks designed on Jack-Dox- ford balanced-pressure system. 1182. U-boat reaches Baltimore. (Inde- pendent, New York, v. 87, 17 July 1916, p. 85.) " *DA Very brief note. 1183. "U-35"s visit to Cartagena — a pre- diction. (United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 42, July -Aug., 1916, p. 1306-1307.) VXA Reprinted from New York Times, 25 June 1916. Speculates on peace letter said to have been carried by the submarine. 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1916. continued. 1184. Villard, Oswald Garrison. Subma- rine and the torpedo in the blockade of the Confederacy. (Harper's tiiagazine, New York. V. 133, June, 1916, p. 131-137.) * DA Similarity of situation of the present British block- ade and that maintained in the Civil war. Details of the David and the Hiinlcy. Good histoi-j- of early efforts to construct submarines in America. 1185. W. Unterseebootmaschinen. (Ding- ler's polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, Bd. 331, 19 Feb. 1916, p. 58-59.) VA Compares the Vickers, Sulzer, Fiat, Krupp, and Augsburgi-Niirnberg engines. Reprinted from Oel- motor. 1186. W., S. F. Submarine of today and tomorrow. (Indian and eastern engineer, Calcutta, V. 38, June, 1916, p. 218.) VDA Reviews briefly development in recent years. 1187. Whelpley, James D. America and the U-53. (Fortnightly review, London, V. 106, Nov., 1916, p. 871-878.) * DA Reprinted in Living age, v. 291, 9 Dec. 1916, p. 579-583, * DA. International aspect of the arrival of the Deutsch- land. 1188. When Fulton suggested submarine warfare; is the history of more than a century ago being repeated in part today? illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 115, 18 Nov. 1916, p. 458-459.) VA Details of the Nautilus. 1189. When the submarine was a new thing. (Literary digest. New York, v. 53, 9 Sept. 1916, p. 630, 632-633.) * DA Reprints from the Philadelphia Public Ledger ac- count of a "cub" reporter's sensations when fulfilling an assignment, when, with Simon Lake, he went for a trip in the Argonaut. 1190. Wilhelm, Donald. Etiquette of sub- marining, illus. (Illustrated world. New York, v. 26, Dec, 1916, p. 518-520, 624, 626.) VDA The visit of the U-55 to Newport, R. I. 1191. Wireless equipped submarine, illus. (Wireless age, New York, v. 3, June, 1916, p. 605-616.) VGA Description in popular style of apparatus and some account of its development. 1192. Wood, Norman H. The electrical equipment of a modern foreign submarine boat, illus. (Electrical review, London, v. 79, 4-11 Aug. 1916, p. 115-117, 163-165.) VGA Reprinted in Electrical nezvs. Toronto, v. 25, IS Sept. 1916, p. 24-25, IS Oct. 1916, p. 25-27, VGA. Detailed description of the electrical pumping ap- paratus, storage batteries, lighting, cooking and elec- tric firing devices. 1193. Zack. Sur la resistance des coques sous-marines. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 69, 16 Dec. 1916, p. 410-411.) VA Mathematical treatise. 1917 1194. Aboard the merchant submarine "Deutschland"; a description of the Ger- man blockade runner based on a visitor's notes, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 10 Feb. 1917, p. 151.) VA Article is based on notes made by Mr. Reuterdahl during a visit to the Deutschland. Cover picture is a fanciful illustration made by the artist. 1195. Admiral Benson on submarines. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 55, 29 Sept. 1917, p. 155-156.) f VWA Brief note on German submarines in American waters. 1196. Adventures in U-boats: German submarine commanders give their experi- ences. (Motor ship and motor boat, Lon- don, V. 27, 20 Sept. 1917, p. 222-223.) fVXA Very spectacular and unconvincing. 1197. Aldereguia, Claudio. Paradojas sub- marinas. (Revista general de marina, Ma- drid, tomo 80, June, 1917, p. 723-733.) VXA Equilibrium and stability of submarines with op- erations of submergence and rising. 1198. American built submarine for Spain; the 800 ton Isaac Peral which represents the latest development of the art. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 3 Feb. 1917, p. 118-119.) f VA 1199. American design for submarine chaser, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26, 3 May 1917, p. 312, 313. 7 June 1917, p. 403.) f VXA J. M. Watts designs and other general types are illustrated. 1200. American submarine chasers; pro- posed patrol boats and the men to man them, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26, 5 April 1917, p. 241-242.) fVXA Plans of boats designed by G. F. Crouch and W. H. Hand, jr. 1201. The Anti-submarine nets our tars are making, illus. (Popular science monthly, New York, v. 91, Oct., 1917, p. 488-489.) *DA Brief text. 1202. Archer, F. P. Suggested submarine chaser. (Scientific Ainerican, New York, v. 116, 26 May 1917, p. 523.) VA Letter to the editor suggesting the old revolving cannon as a means of fighting submarines. 1203. Auld, Robert W. Shallow-draft ships and the submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 23 June 1917, p. 619.) VA Letter to the editor. 1204. Automatic acetylene buoying device for raising crippled submarines. illus. (Acetylene journal, New York, v. 18, May, 1917, p. 601.) VGA Musoforiti system. SUBMARINES 65 Non-official Ptihlications, continued. 1917, continued. 1205. Bedell, C. H. The submarine, illus. (American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers, Journal, New York, v. 39, April, 1917, p. 281-291.) VFA Abstracted in Universal engineer, Xew York, v. 26, July, 1917, p. 15-31, VDA. Non-technical paper on the operation of the sub- marine. 1206. Bellot, Hugh H. L. Submarine war- fare and sea power. (United service maga- zine, London, new series, v. 55, Sept., 1917, p. 431-440.) *DA Evolution in strategy due to the introduction of the submarine into modern naval warfare. 1207. Benjamin, Park. Submarine problem. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 43, Aug., 1917, p. 1847- 1850.) VXA "Don'ts" for the would-be inventor sending sug- gestions to the navy. Reprinted from the Prozidence Journal and New York Times. 1208. Bienaime. La guerre sous-marine. (Moniteur de la flotte, Paris, annee 64, 12 May 1917, p. 1-2.) t VYH Reprint of article by Admiral Bienaime printed in L'Opinion. A study of the Allied navies before the war and since 1914. 1209. Blockading the blockader. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 116, 19 May 1917, p. 484.) VA Editorial on report that German submarines are equipped with net cutters. Nets to be provided with contact mines. 1210. Bogert, John L. The submarine prob- lem, illus. (Pacific marine review. San Francisco, v. 14, Aug., 1917, p. 64-67.) tTRA 1211. Bradlee, F. B. C. A submarine of 120 years ago invented by Robert Fulton, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 22, July, 1917, p. 312-313.) fVXA Circumstantial account of Fulton's efforts and suc- cesses. 1212. British submarine C 34. illus. (Mo- tor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26. 25 Jan. 1917. p. 58.) f VXA Illustration only. 1213. C, W. L. Conflict of opinion as to destroyers, illus. (Iron age, New York, V. 100, 30 Aug. 1917, p. 480-481.) VDA The programme of the Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion. 1214. Submarine warfare restricts exports. (Iron age. New York, v. 99, 8 March 1917, p. 602-603.) VDA 1215. Callan, John G. Submarines. (Wis- consin engineer, Madison, v. 21, April, 1917, p. 295-303.) VDA Reprinted in Technology monthly, Boston, v. 4, Nov., 1917, p. 9-13, VDA. General outline. 1216. Captured German submarine, ex- hibited in Central Park, New York, illus. (International marine engineering. New York, V. 22, Nov., 1917, p. 518.) f VXA Illustrations only. 1217. Cary, Harold. Hatching our mos- quito fleet, illus. (Illustrated world, New York, V. 27. May, 1917, p. 390-393.) VDA Engines and armament of submarine chasers. 1218. Cease building submarine chasers. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 55, 11 Aug. 1917, p. 1664.) t VWA Submarine chaser is considered a failure. 1219. Cerio, Edwin. The 'multi-tubular' submarine. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 28 April 1917, p. 415.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, June, 1917, p. 1297-1300, VXA. The inner hull to be composed of a series of tubular compartments so that injury to one part does not necessarily cripple the craft. Sectional view. 1220. La Chasse aux sous-marins. (Re- vue scientifique, Paris, annee 55, 8 Sept. 1917, p. 529-531.) OA The copy coming to the Library has been so cen- sored that there is very little information left. The article as it stood in its original form must have contained much valuable material. 1221. Clark, F. Huntington. Circumvent- ing the submarine menace. (American ma- chinist. New York, v. 46, 15 March 1917, p. 478.) VFA Advises building an enormous number of small wooden freight boats equipped with internal combus- tion engines. 1222. How to circumvent the sub- marine. (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 54, 10 March 1917, p. 888.) f VWA Letter to the editor suggesting small wooden ships, with description of suitable equipment. 1223. Claudy, C. H. Building the emer- gency fleet; plans for the construction of wooden ships at the rate of three a day. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 19 May 1917, p. 488.) VA While not on submarines this question has been precipitated by the submarine and hence is included in this list. 1224. Contractor's methods save stranded submarine. (Engineering news-record. New York, v. 78, 24 May 1917, p. 417.) Refers to the salvage of the H-3. VDA 1225. Convoying as an answer to the sub- marine, illus. (Scientific American, New York. v. 117, 10 Nov. 1917, p. 345.) VA 1226. Covington, C. L. Blockading with nets. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 2 June 1917, p. 547.) VA Letter to the editor. 1227. Crossman, E. C. Gas engine drive for submerged submarines, illus. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 117, 25 Aug. 1917. p. 132, 146-147.) VA Experiment to supplant storage batteries with the Neff system of propulsion. 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY N on-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1228. Currey, M. I. Forerunners of the U-boats. (United service magazine, Lon- don, new series, v. 55, Tuly, 1917, p. 295- 303.) *DA The crimes of the pirates compared with present day U-boat outrages. 1229. Daredevil Whiting the human tor- pedo. (Literary digest, New York, v. 55, 6 Oct. 1917, p. 43, 46-47.) * DA Reprinted from the Philadcll^liia Public Ledger- telling of Whiting's experience of being fired through the torpedo tube of a submarine. 1230. Dayral, Louis. Disappearing guns for submarines, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, New York, v. 84, 25 Aug. 1917, p. 116-117.) VA Mechanism devised by the French for operating them. 1231. The Destroyer, the trawler and the depth bomb, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 27 Oct. 1917, p. 309.) VA 1232. Eaton, F. S. Nets for protection against torpedo attack. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 116, 9 June 1917, p. 575.) VA Letter to the editor. 1233. Efficiency of submarine chasers. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 43, April, 1917, p. 791- 792.) VXA Reprinted from New York Times on construction of 550 motor boats by the Electric Boat Company, Bayonne. 1234. Electric zig-zagger aids ships to foil U-boats, illus. (Electrical experimenter, New York, v. 5, Oct., 1917, p. 367, 414-415.) VA Electric motors swing the rudder. 1235. Ellis, W. A. To solve the submarine problem. (Army and navy journal. New York, V. 54, 19 May 1917, p. 1224.) f VWA Brief letter advising attack of submarines by sub- marine at German bases. 1236. An Emergency means for bringing damaged submarines to the surface, illus. (Scientific American, v. 116, 26 May 1917, p. 526.) VA Describes an invention of Anthony Musorofiti whereby canvas bags in the ballast tanks are inflated by gas in case of injury to the apparatus usually used. 1237. Engineering contractors recover stranded submarine H-3 after naval plan of salvage fails; hull is jacked out of sand and moved overland for repairs. (Engi- neering news-record. New York, v. 78, 24 May 1917, p. 395-396.) VDA 1238. Engines of the Deutschland. illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2, March, 1917, p. 12.) tVXA Brief text. 1239. Eppley, Marion. Anti-submarine patrol; how submarine chasers round up underwater craft, illus. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 116, 3 March 1917, p. 222- 223.) VA Maneuvering and scout work. 1240. F., A. Le moteur unique dans la navigation sous-marine. diagr. (Genie civiC Paris, tome 70, 31 March 1917, p. 205- 209.) VA System devised by M. Cardile, wherein an internal combustion motor is used for both surface and sub- merged navigation. 1241. La protection sous-marine des navires de commerce, diagr. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 71, 29 Sept. 1917, p. 209-211.) VA Protection of the hulls of ships as proposed by M. PugKese. 1242. The First high-speed submarine chaser, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2, April, 1917, p. 18.) tVXA Merairy II, British chaser. 1243. Fiske, Bradley Allen. An air battle to check submarines. (Flying, New York, V. 6, Sept., 1917, p. 671-672.) f VDS Abstracted in Army and navy journal. New York, V. 54, 30 June 1917, p. 1431, f VWA. Reprint of a letter to Alan R. Hawley of the Aero Club of America, on attacking submarines by hydro- aeroplane equipped with torpedoplanes. 1244. To strike at the German fleet and U boat bases from the air. (Flying, New York, v. 6, July, 1917, p. 477-479.) tVDS Abstract of statement to the Senate sub-commit- tee on Military Affairs. 1245. Fowle, G. M. Anti-submarine de- vice. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 31 March 1917, p. 325.) VA Letter to the editor suggesting steel plates sus- pended from the ship. 1246. Fox, Edward L. Meeting the sub- marine problem, illus. (Illustrated world. New York, v. 27, July, 1917, p. 696-700.) Some account of German boats. VDA 1247. Fresh air for submarines. (Heat- ing and ventilating engineer. New York, v. 14, Feb., 1917, p. 49.) VEWA Scott-Bond process for purifying air. 1248. Fuller, J. F. Bishop Wilkins on sub- marines and aeroplanes in 1648. (United service magazine, London, new series, v. 55, June. 1917, p. 206-212.) * DA Reprinted in Kerry archaeological magazine, Cork, V. 4, Oct., 1917, p. 163-170, CT. Summarizes an interesting bit of history and con- tains a sketch of Bishop Wilkins' life. 1249. G., A. La guerre sous-marine, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 45, semestre 1, 2 June 1917, p. 337-343.) OA Abstracted in Rezista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 80, June, 1917, p. 817-826, J'XA. Chief characteristics of German submarines, with table. SUBMARINES 67 Non-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1250. German submarine being launched by a floating crane, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 27, 13 Sept. 1917, p. 207.) fVXA No text. 1251. The German submarine Deutsch- land. (Engineering, London, v. 103, 9 March 1917, p. 231.) VDA 1252. German submarines and our har- bors (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 10 Feb. 1917, p. 148.) VA Editorial advising the netting of the entrances to American harbors. 1253. Germany's present method of build- ing submarines wholesale. (Current opin- ion, New York, v. 62, May, 1917, p. 339.) *DA Abstract from London Mail. Submarine parts are standardized and assembled. 1254. Gernsback, H. Blinding the subma- rine, illus. (Electrical experimenter, New York, V. 5, Aug.. 1917, p. 234-235.) VGA Use of the searchlight even in daylight. 1255. Combating the torpedo, illus. (Electrical experimenter. New York, v. 5, May, 1917, p. 10-11. 68, 70.) VGA Plan proposed is to fight torpedoes with torpedoes electrically controlled. Gives details of firing tor- pedoes from submarines. Reprinted from New York American, April 15. 1917. 1256. A Giant submarine. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2. March, 1917, p. 6.) f VXA Russian submarine. 1257. Gibson, Charles R. War inventions and how the}' were invented: an interest- ingly written description of the many ap- pliances and weapons used in war, and how they work, told in simple language. Lon- don: Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd., 1917. 2 p.l.. (1)10-255(1) p., 8 pi. 12°. (The sci- ence for children library.) V 1258. Goodrich, Caspar F. The subma- rine. (The nation, New York, v. 104, 14 June 1917, p. 706-707.) " * DA Abstracted in .Armv and narv journal, New York, V. 54, 7 July 1917, p. 1466. t VIVA. Present status of the anti-submarine campaign dis- cussed. Places German submarine losses as "aston- ishingly great." 1259. The Great emergency. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 12 May 1917, p. 464.) . VA Editorial on report of the increase of German sub- marines. 1260. Grey, C. G. Aircraft against subma- rines, illus. (Flying, New York, v. 6, May. 1917, p. 275-276.) t VDS 1261. La Guerra submarina. (Revista gen- eral de marina, Madrid, tomo 80, June, 1917, p. 817-829.) VXA 1262. The Gun as an answer to the sub- marine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 4 .Aug. 1917, p. 74, 84.) VA 1263. Guns for patrol craft and chasers, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2, Aug., 1917, p. 12.) tVXA Driggs semiautomatic guns described. 1264. Handling a submarine, illus. (Pop- ular science monthly, New York, v. 91, Aug., 1917, p. 168-169.) * DA .Answers many questions which are continually asked. 1265. Hay, Marley F. Influence of the war on submarine policy. New York, 1917. 9 p. 4°. Advance copy of paper to appear in the Trans- actions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, New York, v. 25, 1917, VX.4. Reprinted in Engineers Club of Philadelphia, Journal, v. 34, Dec, 1917, p. 576-580, VD.4; and in Motorship, Seattle, v. 3, Jan., 1918, p. 7-8, 16, t VXA. Considers the larger submarines developed since tlie declaration of war in 1914. 1266. Secrets of the submarine. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1917. ix p., 3 1., 229 p., 14 pi. 12°. VXV Xon-technical book with simple explanations of principles of navigation and construction of sub- marines, the machinery and operation thereof. 1267. Herron, William. Welding and sol- dering on submarines, illus. (Welding engineer, Chicago, v. 2, Feb., 1917, p. 39- 41.) VIA 1268. , Hislam, Percival A. Some points in the U-boat campaign, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 30 June 1917, p. 644.) VA 1269. A submarine survey. (United service magazine, London, v. 54, Feb., 1917, p. 344-356.) *DA Survey of the place of the submarine in the pres- ent war. 1270. Holland, John P., the younger. Sub- marine boat. (Scientific American supple- ment. New York, v. 83, 30 Tune 1917, p. 406- 407.) ■ VA 1271. Hovgaard, George William. The flotability and stability of submarines, diagr. (Engineer, London, v. 123, 13 April 1917, p. 340-343.) VA A paper read before the Institution of Naval Architects. 29 March 1917, and to appear later in the Transactions of the society. Reprinted in Engineering, London, v. 103. 13 April 1917, p. 346-349, VDA. Abstracted in Genie ci-'i7, Paris, tome 71, 25 Aug. 1917. p. 123-126, VA, and in Shipbuilding and shipping record, London, v. 9, p. 342-344, VXA. Mathematical analysis. 1272. How submarines feel their way when submerged, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 14 July 1917, p. 25, 36.) VA Device to determine location by revolutions of the propellers. 1273. How submarines got their peculiar name. (Popular science monthly. New York. V. 90. April, 1917, p. 541.) * DA Names of submarines of L'nited States Navy. 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1274. How U-boats are hunted. (Ameri- can marine engineer, Norfolk, Va.. v. 12, April, 1917. p. 10.) fVXA Admiral W. S. Sims describes how the British Channel is patrolled for submarines. 1274a. Hutter, Julien Eugene. Les sous- marins... Paris: Berger-Levrault. 1917. 114 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire. 1914-1917. [fasc] 130.) BTZE (Pages) 1275. Ideal submarine. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. 116, 13 Jan. 1917, p. 56.) VA Editorial on the principle of compromise that con- trols submarine construction. 1276. An Ideal submarine chaser; a 135- footer that will be ten times as effective as the 110-footers now building. (Motor- ship, Seattle, v. 2, June, 1917, p. 7.) f VXA Specifications with engine installations. 1277. Interior of German submarine, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26, 21 June 1917, p. 440.) f VXA Illustration only. 1278. Interior of submarine, illus. (Mo- tor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26, 4 Jan. 1917, p. 6-7.) f VXA No text. 1279. Internal construction and operation of the German U-boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 9 June 1917, p. 572-573, 583.) VA Illustrations show transverse, vertical and hori- zontal sections of the U-boat, with detailed descrip- tion. 1280. El "Isaac Peral." (Revista general de marina, Madrid, tomo 80, March, 1917, p. 393-397.) VXA Displacement and propulsive power discussed in some detail. 1281. Joly, J. Origin of the submarine. (Blackwood's magazine, London, v. 202, July, 1917, p. 106-117.) * DA Interesting bit of history, with abstract from Wilkins' Mathematical magic, 1680. 1282. Kellog, E. W. Anti-submarine pro- tection. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 2 June 1917, p. 547.) VA Letter to the editor. 1283. Kipling, Rudyard. Sea warfare. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1917. v, 222 p. 12°. VYC 1284. Lake, Simon. Submersible merchant ships. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 22 Sept. 1917, p. 207.) VA Letter to the editor on suggestions received for fighting submarines. 1285. Land, E. S. Submarine hulls. New York, 1917. 8 p. 4°. Advance copy of paper to appear in the Transac- tions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Reprinted in Motorship, Seattle, v. 3, Jan., 1918, p. 33-34, t VXA. Considers single and double hulls, comparing strength, submerged resistance, and advantages and disadvantages of both types. 1286. Launching of an N-type submarine, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 5 May 1917, p. 439.) VA Brief note. 1287. Lecky, Prescott. Chasing subma- rines with motor-boats, illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, v. 91, July, 1917, p. 82-85.) *DA How these boats are built. 1288. Limitations of submarines described by Vice Admiral Sims. (United States Na- val Institute, Proceedings, v. 43, July, 1917, p. 1559-1561.) VXA Reprinted from Neiv York Times, 20 May 1917. 1289. Lisle, T. Orchard. The submarine depot motor ship Caera. illus. (Motor- ship, Seattle, v. 2, Sept., 1917, p. 3-4.) tVXA General specifications and details of engines. 1290. Submarine Diesel-type engines of the world's navies, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2, April, 1917, p. 3-10.) t VXA A comprehensive article assigning the type to each navy and describing the Krupp, Nurnburg, Augsburg, Vickers, Scott-F. I. A. T., Schneider Normand, Sabathe, Loire, Werkspoor. F. I. A. T. Sulzer, Polar, Nobel, Nlseco, Busch-Sulzer, South wark-IIarris, and Craig types, each engine being illus trateil. 1291. Locating and destroying submarines with red light, illus. (Electrical experi- menter. New York, v. 5, Julv, 1917, p. 165, 215.) VGA A powerful beam of red light is projected from the ship below the water line. With a glass a sub- marine crossing the path of light could be detected instantly. 1292. McGarvie, H. F. Inventors who have tried to construct an undersea boat. (Military Service Institution, Journal, Gov- ernors Island, N. Y., v. 60, Jan. - Feb., 1917, p. 114-116.) VWA Reprinted from the New York Sun. Brief survey of history from 1749 to John P. Hol- land. 1292a. Marantonio, R. Ventilacion y reno- vacifjn del aire respirable en el sumergible "Balilla." (Revista general de marina, Ma- drid, tomo 80, Feb., 1917, p. 187-197.) VXA Natural and mechanical ventilation of submarines. Reprinted from Annali di medicina navale e coloniale. 1293. Marine camouflage and its relation to the U-boat campaign, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 1 Sept. 1917, p. 158.) VA 1294. Maxim, Hudson. Great U-boat peril. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 12 May 1917, p. 472, 478.) VA Torpedo proof freight and troop ships advocated. SUBMARINES 69 Non-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1295. How to make ships torpedo proof. Principle employed similar to the gun silencer, diagr. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116. 9 June 1917, p. 578-579.) VA 1296. Merchcint submarine company. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 43, July, 1917. p. 1562.) VXA Brief abstract' from New York Herald, 22__May 1917, on $10,000,000 company incorporated with Simon Lake as president. 1297. Merchantship as a submarine de- stroyer, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 22 Sept. 1917, p. 208, 219-220.) VA 1298. Mr. Ford's baby submarine. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 116, 24 Feb. 1917, p. 196.) VA Editorial. 1299. Morgan, James Morris. Pioneer iron- clad, illus. (United States Naval Insti- tute, Proceedings, . Annapolis, v. 43, Oct., 1917, p. 2275-2282.) VXA Illustration of the H. L. Hunlcy from an old paint- ing- 1300. Motor craft as submarine destroy- ers and patrol boats, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 2, May, 1917, p. 3-6.) f VXA Engines and equipment for motor boats. 1301. Navy men lost by submarine attack. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 5 May 1917, p. 1162.) f VWA Brief note on the sinking of the Vacuum. 1302. Navy and the war. (Military Serv- ice Institution. Journal, Governors Island, V. 60, Jan. -Feb., 1917, p. 71-87.) VWA Compares the possible results of the blockade with submarine warfare waged by the Germans. 1303. The Net as a weapon of offense, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 28 July 1917, p. 56.) VA 1304. Nets and steel plates as a defense against the torpedo. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 16 June 1917, p. 596.) VA Placing and effectiveness of nets and plates. 1305. New -Austrian submarine Com- mander Von Falkenhausen in the Adriatic, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, Lon- don, V. 26, 8 Feb. 1917, p. 105.) f VXA Illustration only. 1306. New device for raising submarines. ( Marine journal, New York, v. 39, 28 April 1917, p. 7.) tVXA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, June, 1917, p. 1300, VXA. Very brief account of Anthony Musorofitti's de- vice for tanks attached to deck of submarine. 1307. Nutting, William Washburn. "Straf- ing" the German submarine, illus. (Col- lier's weekly. New York, v. 59, 9 June 1917, p. 7.) * DA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Aug., 1917, p. 1627-1630, VXA. Evolution of the submarine since the beginning of the war. 1308. The submarine swatter; an in- strument but two years old upon which we base our hope of foiling the U-boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 5 May 1917, p. 438-439, 455.) VA Fast motor boats. Illustrates the flag ship Chin- gachgook. 1309. Oil engine progress in Germany; some impressions regarding the develop- ment of submarine and other engines for ship propulsion. (Motor ship and motor boat, .London, v. 26, 31 May 1917, p. 383.) fVXA Failure of the Krupp two-cycle engine and the output of the firm is discussed, together with designs and output of the M. A. N. Co. 1310. One man submarine. (World's prog- ress, Washington, v. 1, Jan. -Feb., 1917, p. 1.) VA Very brief description of a patent granted to M. J. Trumble. 1311. Periscopes explained by German na- val officer, illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 27, 30 Aug. 1917, p. 169.) fVXA Goerz dead disc periscope illustrated and described. 1312. Persius, L. Hardships of the U- boat service — leading German naval critic praises the men who torpedo merchant ships. (Current history magazine. New York, v. 6, July, 1917, p. 90-92.) BTZE Translated from the Berliner Tageblatt. 1313. Plan to beat submarines. Mosquito fleet of small defensively armed cargo boats proposed. (Iron age, New York, v. 99, 8 March 1917, p. 601.) VDA Proposes a large fleet of small ships that would only be visible ten miles off, whereas large ships are visible thirty miles off. 1314. Principles, promisin,^ and otherwise, which maj' be applied to detecting the L'- boats. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 7 July 1917, p. 10-11, 20.) VA Methods of detection, nets, mine fields, etc. 1315. Projet de sous-marin commercial de 5000 tonnes. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 71, 14 Jan. 1917, p. 30.) VA Mr. Lake's idea of commercial submarines an- nounced long before the advent of the Deutschland. 1316. Protecting a convoy by overlapping lines of towed nets or plates, illus. (.Sci- entific American, New York. v. 117, 11 Aug. 1917, p. 97, 107.) VA 70 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY N on-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1317. Protection, internal to the ship, against the torpedo. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 29 Sept. 1917, p. 224-225, 233, 235.) VA Bulkheads and armor. 1318. Question of submarines. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 17 Feb. 1917, p. 779-780.) f VWA Editorial report of debate on naval appropriation bill in the House of Representatives, 10 Feb. 1917. 1319. The Quick helm and the submarine. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 16 June 1917, p. 591.) VA Brief note on this chance to escape the submarine. 1320. Real problem of the submarine, illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 47, 12 July 1917, p. 78-80.) VFA Detection of submarines either from airplanes or by a modification of the telephone. Also describes protective devices. 1321. Le Renflouement du sous-marin alle- mand U-G-12 et son utilisation par la ma- rine italienne. illus. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 70, 16 May 1917, p. 343-344.) VA History of submarines in Germany. Illustrations of the U-G 12. 1322. Report on Edison battery. (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 27 Jan. 1917, p. 699.) t VWA Report by Lamar Lyndon to secretary of the navy. 1323. Rich, H.Thompson. Holland, Wright, Lewis, and Companv. (Forum, New York, V. 58, Sept.. 1917, p. 283-293.) * DA 1324. Robbins, Thomas. The submarine and kindred problems. (American machin- ist. New York, v. 47, 27 Sept. 1917, p. 553- 556.) VFA Remarks to persons offering suggestions to the nation in regard to submarine campaign. 1325. Rousseau, A. Sous-marins et blo- cus. Paris: F. Alcan, 1917. 64 p. 8°. VYAD A discussion of the English blockade. 1326. Safety at sea. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 1 Sept. 1917, p. 152.) VA Editorial on suggestions for fighting submarines. 1327. Salvaging the submarine H-3. illus. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 22, Sept., 1917, p. 396-398.) f VXA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Oct., 1917, p. 2367-2370, plate on p. 2295, VXA. Feat accomplished by the Mercer-Fraser Com- pany in taking the boat a mile overland. 1328. Saving ships with paint and smoke, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 15 Sept. 1917, p. 188, 197-198.) VA Minimizing the menace of the submarine with camouflage. 1329. Secor, H. Winfield. How the sub- marine can hit a ship it never sees, illus. (Electrical experimenter. New York, v. 5, July, 1917, p. 167.) VGA Microphone signalling between submarines gives range to attacking submarine. 1330. Locating hidden submarines by electricity, illus. (Electrical experimen- ter, New York, v. 4, April, 1917, p. 869- 870.) VGA Describes a patent by Patrick B. Delaney for the detection of submarines or wrecks by electrodes placed at a given distance apart in the water. 1331. Locating the submarine by ra- dio, illus. (Electrical experimenter. New York, v. 5, Dec, 1917, p. 509-510, 572.) VGA L. W. Bishop's multi-audi-phone radio and tele- phone amplifier. 1332. A one man electric submarine. illus. (Electrical experimenter, New York, v. 5, May, 1917, p. 5-6, 47.) VGA Design of E. R. Lyon for one-man boat electri- cally propelled. 1333. Shaw, J. C. Danish submarine Die- sel type engine, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, V. 2, May, 1917, p. 17.) f VXA 1334. Shegog, John. Notes on our inade- quate submarines; a weapon neglected in the land of its inception, illus. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 116, 3 March 1917, p. 229.) VA Describes new types. Illustrates the M-1. 1335. Simon Lake — himself, port. (Sat- urday evening post, Philadelphia, v. 190, 20 April 1917, p. 27. 126.) * DA Brief autobiography. 1336. Simpson, Thomas H. The subma- rine "chaser" and its work, illus. (Navy and merchant marine, Washington, v. 1, April, 1917, p. 27-32.) VXA General. 1337. Sims, William S. How U-boats are hunted. (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 54, 3 March 1917, p. 844.) f VWA Brief report of Admiral Sims' remarks before the House Committee on Naval Affairs. 1338. [Sinking of U. S. submarine.] (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 55, 22 Sept. 1917, p. 129.) fVWA Brief note. 1339. Skerrett, Robert G. The menace of the undersea, illus. (Gas engine, Cincin- nati. V. 19, June, 1917, p. 261-269.) VFA Speculations on Germany's building policy. 1340. Submarine freighters of large tonnage, illus. (Illustrated world, New York, V. 28, Sept., 1917, p. 28-32.) VDA Mr. Simon Lake would combat war submarines with submarine freighters. 1341. Small ships an answer to the sub- marine. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116. 17 March 1917. p. 276.) VA Editorial. $100 to $135 per ton for small fast ships. SUBMARINES 71 Non-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1342. Smoke screen as defense against submarines. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 20 Jan. 1917, p. 77.) VA Very brief note. 1343. Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim, Ed- gar, Freiherr. The adventures of the U- 202; an actual narrative. New York: Cen- tury Co.. 1917. viip., 21., 3-202 p. 12°. VTM 1344. Stirling, Yates, jr. The submarine. (United States Naval Institute, Proceed- ings, Annapolis, v. 43, July, 1917, p. 1371- 1390.) VXA Development of submarine construction, opera- tion, and tactics. 1345. Stokes, Clifford K. Wanted — 700 submarines. (Forum, New York, v. 58, Aug., 1917. p. 125-131.) *DA Comparative cost and efficiency of submarines and battleships. 1346. Submarine as an anti-Uboat weapon. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 6 Oct. 1917, p. 240.) VA Editorial. 1347. The Submarine as a mother ship for seaplanes. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 10 March 1917, p. 256.) VA Editorial. 1348. Submarine chasers. (Army and navy iournal. New York, v. 54, 23 June 1917, p. 1399.) tVWA Brief note denying statement that construction was behind schedule. 1349. The Submarine and kindred prob- lems. (Engineer, London, v. 124, 19 Oct. 1917, p. 329-330.) VA A statement by the United States Naval Consult- ing Board as to the thousands of suggestions and plans presented for the solution of the submarine and kindred problems, calling attention to some miscon- ceptions as to the fundamental elements of the prob- lem. 1350. The Submarine peril and the rem- edy. (Flying, New York, v. 6, Aug., 1917, p. 577-579.) tVDS Reprints the letters of Admiral Fiske of June 30 and July 7, 1917, to President Hawley of the Aero Club of America, regarding the use of the aeroplane to combat the submarine. 1351. Submarine problem. (Industrial management. New York, v. 53, Jul3^ 1917, p. 484-485.) VDA Editorial. 1352. Submarine tender Fulton. illus. (Motor ship and motor boat, London, v. 26, 1 March 1917, p. 186-187.) f VXA Plans and illustrations of engines. Brief text. 1353. Submarines. (Engineer, London, V. 123, 16 Feb. 1917. p. 157.) VA Reprinted in Revista .general de marina, iladrid, tomoSO, Feb., 1917, p. 199-204, VXA. Editorial on Capt. Rodgers' paper. 1354. Submarines and destroyers. (Ameri- can marine engineer, Norfolk, Va., v. 12, May, 1917, p. 8-9.) f VXA 1355. Submarines and destroyers. (Army and navy journal. New York, v. 54, 24 March 1917, p. 974.) f VWA Answers questions asked concerning the firing of torpedoes and defense against submarines. 1356. Submarines in the Adriatic, illus. (Engineer. London, v. 123, 11 May 1917, p. 416-417.) VA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Aug., 1917, p. 1611-1615, VXA. Austrian submarines at the beginning of the war and possible augmentation. 1357. Submarines or capital ships? (Army and navy journal, New York, v. 54, 24 Feb. 1917, p. 825.) tVWA Brief editorial. 1358. A Submersible, anti-submarine buoy, illus. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 13 Oct. 1917, p. 268.) VA 1359. Submersible freighter versus the sub- marine. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 26 May 1917, p. 518.) VA Editorial on running the blockade with submarine freighters. 1360. Submersible the ultimate answer to the submarine — some particulars of a 5,000-ton, 8-knot freighter for transatlantic service. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 2 June 1917, p. 552, 562.) VA Advises Deutschlands for the United States. 1360a. Sutphen, Henry R. Building sub- marine chasers by standardized methods. (Society of Automobile Engineers, Jour- nal, New York, v. 1, no. 1, July, 1917.) 1361. Terror of the sea. illus. (Popular science monthly. New York, v. 90, April, 1917, p. 546-551.) * DA How submarines are driven and submerged. With portrait of Simon Lake on p. 480 of the March issue. 1361a. To build 345 patrol boats for the Navy, illus. (Rudder, New York, v.Z2t, May, 1917, p. 329-331.) f MVRA Award of contracts let by Navy Department, with costs and specifications. 1362. Tolstoy, A. N. Under seas: a sub- marine story. (Bookman, New York, v. 45, April, 1917, p. 163-170.) * DA 1363. Torpedo net and its prey, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 14 April 1917, p. 377.) VA Brief note. 1364. Truck heavy submarine sections through New York streets, illus. (En- gineering news-record, New York, v. 79, 1 Nov. 1917. p. 828-829.) VDA Fifty and si.\ty-ton sections of the Uc5. 72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Non-official Publications, continued. 1917, continued. 1365. True and false anti-submarine strat- egy. (Scientific American, New York, V. 116, 30 June 1917, p. 638.) VA Reprinted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Aug., 1917, p. 1842-1843, VXA. Editorial. 1366. Twenty years development of the Holland submarine: growth from the 73- ton, 6-knot boat of 1895, to the 1454-ton, 20-knot fleet boat of 1915. illus. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. 116, 31 March 1917, p. 322-323, 332.) VA Sectional view of the Schley. 1367. The U-boat menace. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 5 May 1917, p. 436.) VA Editorial on delay in building operations in the Navy Department. 1368. United States navy: types of Ameri- can submarines and submarine chasers, illus. (Illustrated London news, London, V. 150, 14 April 1917, p. 432-433.) * DA Brief text. Illustrates the K-6, boats of the D and E class, and chaser Lynx. 1369. United States navy men sink enemy submarine. (Army and navy journal, New York, V. 54, 9 June 1917, p. 1339.) f VWA Sinking of German submarine by the Silvcrshell. 1370. Vanadium bronze submarine cast- ings, illus. (Foundry, Cleveland, v. 45, March, 1917, p. 121.) VIA Vanadium bronze has been found to fulfill exact- ing requirements for Diesel engine beds and torpedo tubes. 1371. Ventilation for submarines discussed by New York Chapter of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engi- neers. (Heating and ventilating magazine. New York, v. 14, April, 1917, p. 50-51.^ VEWA Abstracts from Lieut. McWhorter's paper. 1372. Waldeyer-Hartz, von. The U-boat and the dreadnought. (United States Na- val Institute, Proceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Oct., 1917, p. 2364-2367.) VXA Translated from the llhtstrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, of 12 July 1917. Claims that the submarine has driven the armored ship into harbor, from whence it dare not come out. An amusing article. 1373. Walker, J. Bernard. Closing the North Sea with a bomb-curtain. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 116, 23 June 1917, p. 616-617.) VA Bombs floated at a depth of two hundred feet and fastened to steel nets. 1374. Past results and the promise of the future. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 8 Dec. 1917, p. 436-437.) VA 1375. The torpedo can be beaten by the watertight bulkhead, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 18 Aug. 1917, p. 112-113, 123.) VA 1376. What the airmen can do in the hunt for the elusive U-boat, illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 21 July 1917, p. 41.) VA 1377. Wireless equipment for the subma- rine chaser. (Scientific American, New York, V. 117, 7 July 1917, p. 13-14.) VA y2 kilowatt set weighing 180 pounds, sending a remarkable range. 1378. Woodhouse, Henry. Submarine hunting by aircraft, illus. (In his: Text- book of naval aeronautics. New York, 1917. f°. p. 38-50.) tVDY First printed in Flying, New York, v. 6, May, 1917, p. 267-273, -fVDS. Abstracted in Journal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, v. 183, June, 1917, p. 798-799, l\4. This branch of air work has become an established science. 1379. Yachtsmen enrolling for defense. (Rudder, New York, v. 33, May, 1917, p. 339- 340.) tMVRA Reprinted in Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, v. 39, May, 1917. p. 457-458, VFA, and in Proceedings of United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, v. 43, June, 1917, p. 1253- 1254, VXA. Twelve hundred yachts offered for submarine service. 1380. The Zig-zag course as a defense against submarines. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 117, 14 July 1917, p. 31.) VA Abstracted in United States Naval Institute, Pro- ceedings, Annapolis, v. 43, Aug., 1917, p. 1836-1839, VXA. The zig-zag control board for plotting courses and method of attacking ships employed by submarines. 1918 1381. Submarine activity, evasion and pa- trol work in the zone, illus. (Motorship, Seattle, v. 3, Jan., 1918, p. 25-27.) t VXA Motorships without stacks or masts are hard to detect by the submarine lookout. SUBMARINES 73 Official Publications 1885 1382, United States, — Office of Naval In- telligence. Papers on naval operations during the year ending July, 1885. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1885. 135 p. diagrs., maps, pi. 8°. (General information series, no. 4.) VYEB The Nordenfelt submarine boat, p. 134-135. 1886 1383. United States, — Office of Naval In- telligence. Papers on squadrons of evolu- tions and the recent development of naval materiel. June. 1886. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1886. 4 p.l., 3-265 p. diagrs., maps. 8'. (General information series, no. 5.) VYEB The trial of the Nordenfelt submarine boat at Landskrona in September, 1885, p. 258-259; Tuck's submarine torpedo-boat, p. 259; The Goubet submarine torpedo-boat, p. 260. 1889 1384, United States, — Office of Naval In- telligence. Naval mobilization and im- provement in materiel. June, 1889. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1889. vii, 485 p. diagrs., maps, pi. 8°. (General informa- tion series, no. 8.) VYEB Submarine boats, p. 438, 453-455. Details of construction of the Gymnote, Peial, and Goubet; the latter to be tested for counter-mining. Mention is made of the construction of three boats for Russia. 1890 1385. United States. — Office of Naval In- telligence. A year's naval progress. An- nual of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Tune, 1890. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1890. 408 p. diagrs., mans, pi. 8°. (Gen- eral information series, no. 9.) VYEB Submarine torpedo-boats, p. 32-36; Submarine tor- pedo-boat Peral, p. 43-45.) The Gymnote and Goubet are described in detail, also the nautical qualities of these boats. The ac- counts of the performances of the Peral are reprinted from the press notices appearing at the time of the trials. 1891 1386. United States. — Office of Naval In- telligence. The year's naval progress. An- nual of the Office of Naval Intelligence. July, 1891. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1891. 491 p. diagrs., maps, pi. 8". (Gen- eral information series, no. 10.) VYEB The Peral, p. 51-52; Plongeur, p. 64-65. Brief notes. 1894 1387, United States, — Navy Department. Report of the secretary of the navy (for 1894|. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1894. 683 p. 8°. (U.S. 53. cong., 3. sess. House exec. doc. 1, part 3; serial 3303.) * SBE Submarine torpedo boats, p. 20-21; Submarine boat, p. 253; Submarine torpedo boats, p. 336-353. These early reports are wonderfully interesting and even brief references have been included. On p. 291-293 is contained a report relative to tests made vifith torpedo nets, with plates showing braids and weaves; p. 337-338 contain a table giving comparative data of the Nordenfeldt and Holland boats, being a consideration of two designs submitted to the Navy Department. 1895 1388, United States. — Navy Department. Report of the secretary of the navy [for 1895]. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1895. Iviip., 11., 569 p. 8°. (U.S. 54. cong.. 1. sess. House doc. no. 3.) * SBE Submarine boats, p. xv, 218. Brief notes. 1896 1389. United States. — Office of Naval In- telligence. Notes on the year's naval prog- ress. July, 1896. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1896. 239 p. diagrs., pi. 8". (Gen- eral information series, no. 15.) VYEB Five submarine torpedo boats [for Brazil], p. 20. Illustration of type. 1898 1390. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Submarine boat Holland. Letter from the secretary of the John P. Holland Torpedo-Boat Company, of New York, transmitting a copy of the report of Lieut. Nathan Sargent, United States Navy, on the performance of the Holland, a sub- marine boat built by the company. [Wash- ington, 1898., lip. 8°. (U.S. 55. cong., 2. sess. Sen. doc. no. 226; serial 3610.) *SBE Interesting chapter on the tactical value of the submarine. 1899 1391. United States, — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Submarine torpedo boat Holland. Official reports, Navy Depart- ment's requirements, testimony of naval experts, newspaper articles, etc., showing that the Holland has fulfilled everj' require- ment laid down for a successful submarine boat and is a complete success, and, in the words of Chief Engineer John Lowe, U. S N. (in his report to the secretary of the 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Publications, continued. 1S99, continued. navy), "she is an engine of warfare of terrible potency, which the government must necessarily adopt into its service." (Washington, 1899., 24 p. 8°. (U. S. 56. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. no. 14; serial 3844.) *SBE Prescribed tests and results of official trials are given, also the names of officers and crew. 1900 1392. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal year ending lune 30, 1900. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1900. 188 p. diagrs., pi. 8°. VYEB Submarine boats, p. 28-29. Sectional view of the Holland type. Brief text. 1393. United States. — Bureau of Naviga- tion (Treasury Department). Annual list of merchant vessels of the United States, with the official numbers and signal letters awarded them by the commissioner of navi- gation. . .also lists and distinguishing sig- nals of vessels of the United States navy. . . for the year ended June 30, 1900. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1900. vii, 423 p. ob.8°. TRD First mention of submarines in the navy list. 1394. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Submarine torpedo boat Holland. Copy of contract between the Navy Department and the Holland Tor- pedo Boat Company for the purchase of the submarine torpedo boat Holland. [Wash- ington, 1900.] 3 p. 8°. (U.S. 56. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. 321; serial 3868.) * SBE 1395. United States. — Navy Department. Annual reports for the year 1900. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1900. 1258 p. 8°. (U. S. 56. cong., 2. sess. House doc. no. 3; serial 4098.) * SBE Submarine torpedo boats, p. 11-12; Submarine tor- pedo boat Holland, p. 584-585; List of submarine boats in the navy, p. 792-793. 1396. United States. — Office of Naval In- telligence. Notes on naval progress. July, 1900. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1900. 303 p. diagrs., pi. 8°. (General informa- tion series, no. 19.) VYEB Submarine boats, p. 48-49. Results of trials of the French boats Morse and Narwhal. 1901 1397. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Holland submarine boat. Letter of Admiral George Dewey, United States Navy, addressed to Hon. William M. Stewart, dated January 28, 1901, testifying to the great value of the Holland submarine boat for coast and harbor defense, and repeating his testimony in favor of said boat given before the House Committee on Naval Affairs April 23, 1900. (Wash- ington, 1901.) 4 p. 8°. (U.S. 56. cong., 2.^sess. Sen. doc. 122; serial 4039.) * SBE Admiral Dewey advocates submarines for coast defense and for the protection of the Panama Canal. 1398. Holland submarine torpedo boat. Papers on the military value of the Holland submarine boat and the need of additional boats of the Holland type. (Washington, 1901.] 32 p. 8°. (U.S. 56. cong., 2. sess. Sen. doc. 115; serial 4039.) * SBE Letters and testimony of naval officers regarding the merits of the Holland boat, also a letter from John P. Holland comparing the achievements of the French Narval with those of the Holland. 1399. United States. — Navy Department. Submarine boat Holland. Letter from the secretary of the navy, transmitting, in com- pliance with resolution of the Senate of December 10, 1900, copies of all reports in the possession of the Navy Department and extracts from reports on file in the Bureau of Navigation, concerning the submarine boat Holland. [Washington, 1901.] 13 p. 8°. (U. S. 56. cong., 2. sess. Sen. doc. 71; serial 4033.) * SBE 1902 1400. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal year ending lune 30, 1902. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1902. 240 p. 8°. VYEB [Account of the progress of construction on the Plunger, Adder, Grampus, Moccasin, Pike, Porpoise, and Shark.] p. 43 — (4. 1401. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Staff corps increase. Sub- marine boats. Hearings before the Com- mittee on Naval Affairs of the 'Senate. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1902. 103 p. 8°. (U. S. 57. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. no. 395; serial 4245.) * SBE Submarine boats, p. 32-103. Statements made by Mr. I. L. Rice and Mr. M. C. Butler on behalf of the Holland boat, by Mr. Simon Lake on behalf of his own boat, and by Mr. Thomas J. Moriarty on behalf of the boat named for him. In the appendix is the story of The invisible destroyer, being an account of the Moriarty boat. 1402. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittees (Senate and House). Moriarty sub- marine boat. Hearings before the Commit- tee on Naval Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives. Statements of Clarence W. De Knight, counsel, and Thomas J. Moriarty, president of the Newport Manu- facturing Company, and inventor. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1902. 49 p. 8°. (U. S. 57. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. 407; serial 4247.) * SBE SUBMARINES 75 Official Publications, continued. 1902, continued. 1403. United States. — War Department. Holland submarine boats. Report of the army board to the secretary of war on the value of Holland submarine boats for har- bor and coast defenses. [Washington, 1902.] 4 p. 8°. (U.S. 57. cong., 2. sess. Sen. doc. no. 52; serial 4420.) * SEE Major Arthur Murray and others conclude that the submarine as an element of coast defense, when measured by its probable moral effect, is incalculable. 1903 1404. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1903. 207 p. 8°. VYEB [Account of the progress of construction on the Plunger, Adder, Grampus, Moccasin, Pike, Porpoise, and Shark,] p. 38-40. 1405. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Bribery charges. Report (and hearing in compliance with H. Res. no. 404,. [Washington, 1904., 163 p. 8°. (U. S. 57. cong., 2. sess. House report no. 3482; serial 4414.) * SEE Representative Lessler charged that he had been approached to support the proposition to buy more Holland submarine boats. 1406. Bribery charges. Views of the minority [in compliance with H. Res. no. 404,. [Washington. 1903., 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 57. cong., 2. sess. House report 3482, part 2; serial 4414.) * SEE 1904 1407. Argentine Republic. — Ministerio de Alarina. Submarines "Lake" and "Holland." Report of Commander L. A. Lan, Argentine navy. Translation by Mr. M. E. Beall, U. S. War Department. Buenos Aires, 1904. 40 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Review of naval publica- tions, no. 87.) VXA Very complete technical description of these boats. 1408. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Delivrance d'armes portatives aux sous- marins. 22 Sept. 19(34. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 113, annee 1904. p. 930-936.) VXA 1409. Delivrance aux sous-marins de vetements impermeables et de bottes de mer. 8 .A.pril 1904. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, toine 113, annee 1904, p. 271-272.) VXA 1410. Duree de I'embarquement sur les sous-marins. 21 July 1904. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 113, annee 1904, p. 579-580.) VXA 1411. United States. — Navy Department. Tests of submarine boats. Letter from the acting secretary of the navy, in response to a Senate resolution of January 13, 1904, stating that in his opinion it is incompatible with the government interests to disclose any information relating to the tests of submarine boats. [Washington, 1904.) 1 p. 8°. (U. S. 58. cong., 2. sess. Sen. doc. no. 140; serial 4589.) * SEE 1905 1412. France. — Ministere de la Alarine. Approbation des nouvelles annexes rela- tives a la repartition du materiel des de- fenses sous-marines et des defenses fixes. 12 Dec. 1905. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, an- nee 1905, p. 1063-1081.) VXA 1413. Decision presidentielle allouant une indemnite mensuelle de 30 francs aux officiers subalternes non commandants, embarques sur les batiments affectes aux flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins des mers de Chine et obliges de se loger a terre a leurs frais. 17 April 1905. (Bul- letin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 382-383.) VXA 1414. Indemnites et supplements de vivres revenant au personnel des sous-ma- rins. 11 Dec. 1905. (Bulletin de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 1005-1006.) VXA 1415. Modifications aux tarifs des in- demnites a allouer aux scaphandriers pour I'execution des travaux sous-marins. 28 March 1905. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale. Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 284-285.) VXA 1416. Rapport au President de la Re- publique frangaise, suivi d'un decret et d'un arrete ministeriel portant suppression du Service des Defenses Sous-marines et re- glant la repartition de ses attributions. 28 July 1905. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 783-813.) VXA 1417. Rapport au President de la Re- publique frangaise, suivi d'un decret portant suppression des commissions locales des defenses sous-marines. 28 Feb. 1905. (Bul- letin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 213-215.") VXA 1418. Remplacement de I'appellation de "Defenses mobiles" et de "Stations de sous-marins" par celle de "Flottilles de tor- pilleurs" et de "Flottilles de sous-marins." 17 Jan. 1905. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114. an- nee 1905, p. 151-152.) VXA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Publications, continued. J905, continued. 1419. Tour de depart colonial des officicrs-mariniers, faisant partie des equi- pages des sous-marins. 7 Aug. 1905. (Bul- letin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 114, annee 1905, p. 776.) VXA 1420. Great Britain. — Admiralty. Fleets (Great Britain and foreign countries). Re- turn "showing the fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, United States of America, and Japan, distinguish- ing: — battleships, built and building; cruis- ers, built and building; coast defence ves- sels, built and building; torpedo vessels, torpedo boat destroyers, torpedo boats, and submarines, built and building." "Return to show date of launch, displacement, and armaments reduced to one common scale (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 136, of session 1904)." London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1905. 87(1) p. f°. (Gt. Br. Park. Papers. 1905, v. 48.) * SDD 1906 1421. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Adoption du signe distinctif porte par les equipages des sous-marins. 26 June 1906. (Bulletin ofliciel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906. p. 597.) VXA 1422. Affectation aux flottilles de sous-marins de la Metropole et d'Algerie- Tunisie des hommes ayant servi dans les flottilles de sous-marins aux colonies. 30 Oct. 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906, p. 865.) VXA 1423. Arrete sur I'embarquement des officiers de marine et des officiers meca- niciens dans les flottilles de sous-marins. 27 Nov. 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, an- nee 1906, p. 994-998.) VXA 1424. Coffres a medicaments pour tor- pillcurs et sous-marins. Coffres a medica- ments pour batiments depourvus de mede- cin. 20 July 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906, p. 657-670.) VXA 1425. Decision presidentielle allouant le traitement de table aux commandants des flottilles de sous-marins lorsqu'ils prennent le commandement des torpilleurs convo- j-eurs des sous-marins de leur flottille. 28 Sept. 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906, p. 821.) VXA 1426. Delivrance de bibliotheques de bord aux flottilles de sous-marins et de tor- pilleurs, defenses fixes et ateliers centraux de la flotte. 30 Nov. 1906. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906, p. 954-956.) VXA 1427. Indemnites de charge a allouer sur les torpilleurs autonomes submersibles et les bateaux sous-marins. 11 June 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 115, annee 1906, p. 558.) VXA 1428. Indemnites de vivres attribuees au.x equipages des sous-marins en tournees. 28 Sept. 1906. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 115, an- nee 1906, p. 815.) VXA 1429. Great Britain. — Admiralty. Fleets (Great Britain and foreign countries). Re- turn "showing the fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, United States of America, and Japan, on the 31st day of March 1906. distinguishing: — battle- ships, built and building; cruisers, built and building; coast defence vessels, built and building; torpedo vessels, torpedo boat destroyers, torpedo boats, and submarines, built and building." "Return to show date of launch, displacement, and armaments reduced to one common scale (in continua- tion of Parliamentary Paper, no. 96, of session 1905)." London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, 1906. 129 p. f°. (Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1906, v. 70.) * SDD On p. 86-91 appear tables giving name or number, date of launch, displacement, armament, and other information relating to the submarine boats of the navies of the world. 1907 1430. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Hearings before the Com- mittee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives on estimates submitted by the secretary of the navy. 1906-07. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1907. 366, 576 p. 8°. *SBF Statement of Hon. William H. Humphrey, member of Congress from Washington, [part 2,] p. 517-518. Statement of Wesley L. Jones, member of Con- gress from Washington, [part 2,] p. 519-523. Extract from report of board on comparative trials of submarines and subsurface boats, submitted under date of May 31, 1907 [and supplemental report under date of July 2. 1907], [part 2,] p. 565-571. Mr. Humphrey advocates submarines and torpedo boats to guard Puget Sound. In Mr. Jones' state- ment are abstracts from Vice Admiral Fournier's re- port on submarines. The trials refer to tests made with the Octol>us and Lake. 1908 1431. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Adoption du mcme numerotage pour les flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins stationnces dans le mcme port. 19 Aug. 1908. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 117, annee 1908, p. 834.) VXA SUBMARINES // Official Publications, continued. 1908, continued. 1432. Au sujet de la periode d'em- barquement des enseignes de vaisseau sur les sous-marins. 1 Aug. 1908. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 117, annee 1908, p. 806.) VXA 1433. Decret portant reglement sur la solde des marins du corps des equipages de la flotte et des marins indigenes. 11 July 1908. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, tome 117, annee 1908, no. 19 bis.) VXA 1434. — — Gratifications, pour travaux sous-marins, a allouer au personnel de la defense fixe des ports militaires et aux marins indigenes. 10 Sept. 1908. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 117, annee 1908, p. 891.) VXA 1435. Instructions concernant le mode d'application du decret du 7 Janvier 1908 sur la solde aux flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins. 30 April 1908. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, tome 117. annee 1908, p. 519-520.) VXA 1436. Great Britain. — ■ Admiralty. Fleets (Great Britain and foreign countries). Re- turn "showing the fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, United States of America, and Japan, on the 31st day of March 1908, distinguishing: — battle- ships, built and building; cruisers, built and building; coast defence vessels, built and building; torpedo vessels, torpedo boat de- stroyers, torpedo boats, and submarines, built and building." "Return to show date of launch, date of completion, displacement, horse-power, and armaments reduced to one common scale (in continuation of Par- liamentary Paper, no. 184, of session 1907)." London: E3're & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1908. 72 p. f°. (Gt. Br. Parlt. Papers. 1908, V. 65.) *SDD 1437. United States. — Navy Department. Cost of two submarine torpedo boats for Puget Sound and one for Grays Harbor, Washington. Letter from the secretary of the navy, submitting a report as to the cost of two submarine torpedo boats to be sta- tioned on Puget Sound and one submarine torpedo boat to be stationed at Grays Har- bor, in the state of Washington. [Wash- ington, 1908.i 2 p. 8°. (U.S. 60. cong., 1. sess. Senate doc. 186; serial 5264.) * SBE 1438. Estimate for submarine torpedo boats. Letter from the acting secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a com- munication from the secretary of the navy submitting an estimate of appropriation for submarine torpedo boats. fWashington, 1908.1 2 p. 8°. (U.S. 60. cong., 1. sess. House doc. no. 466; serial 5375.) * SBE 1439. United States. — Select Committee under House Resolution 288 (House). Re- port [and hearings, March 9- April 30, 1908j of the select committee appointed pursuant to House resolution 288. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1908. 87, 1909 p. 8^ (U.S. 60. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 1727; serial 5227-5228.) * SBE Investigation of charges by George L. Lilley against the Electric Boat Company of New Jersey. 1909 1440. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Regularisation des cessions de chapitre a chapitre dans les flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins situees hors des ports chefs-lieux. IS March 1909. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tomellS, annee 1909, p. 294.) VXA 1910 1441. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Arrete ministeriel pour la mise au concours d'appareils de sauvetage d'equipages des sous-marins. 7 Dec. 1910. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 122, annee 1911, semestre 1, p. 1-8.) VXA 1442. Attribution de matelots cuisi- niers aux centres principaux des flottilles pour la preparation des aliments a bord des sous-marins en tournee. 21 March 1910. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 119, annee 1910, se- mestre 1, p. 612-613.) VXA 1443. Au sujet du commandement des torpilleurs et sous-marins de Rochefort — La PalHce. 28 September 1910. (Bul- letin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 1553-1554.) VXA 1444. Decision ministerielle relative au changement de flottilles du personnel affecte aux sous-marins. 21 May 1910. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 119, annee 1910, semestre 1, p. 1130.) VXA 1445. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Hearings before the Com- mittee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives on estimates submitted by the secretary of the navj^ 1910. Washing- ton: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1910. vi, 1341, 9 p. 8°. *SBF Purchase of submarine boats, p. 687-703. Unexpended balances for the purchase of sub- marines, p. 877. Statements of William E. Humphrey and others regarding the efficiency of submarine boats for har- bor defense. 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Publications, continued. 1910, continued. 1446. Hearings on H. R. 19617 and H. R. 19618 providing for an increase of the navy by purchase of ten submarine boats, and so forth. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1910. 19 p. 8°. VYEB 1447. United States. — Navy Department. Supplemental estimates, increase of the navy. Letter from the secretary of the treasury, transmitting with a copy of a communication from the secretary of the navy submitting supplemental estimates for increase of the navy. [Washington. 1910.] 2 p. 8°. (U. S. 61. cong., 2. sess. House doc. no. 834; serial 5836.) * SBE 1911 1448. France. — Alinistere de la Marine. Arrete ministeriel modifiant I'arrete du 3 mai 1910, sur le fonctionnement du service dans les flottilles de sous-marins. 8 Dec. 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 123, annee 1911, se- mestre 2, p. 1280-1281.) VXA 1449. Arrete ministeriel modifiant I'arrete du 30 juillet 1910 sur le service cou- rant dans les equipages de la flotte, et I'arrete du 3 mai 1910 reglementant le fonc- tionnement du service dans les flottilles de sous-marins. 8 Oct. 1911. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 123, annee 1911, semestre 2. p. 740- 741.) VXA 1450. ■ Au sujet d'une reglementation commune aux deux flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins de Brest. 25 Jan. 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 122, annee 1911, semestre 1. p. 185-188.) VXA 1451. Au sujet des signaux indiquant la presence des sous-marins dans les ports de commerce. 21 Feb. 1911. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 122, annee 1911, semestre 1, p. 356.) VXA 1452. Les bottes de mer seront rem- placees par des sabots-bottes a bord des torpilleurs et des sous-marins. 5 Jan. 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 122, annee 1911, se- mestre 1, p. 49-50.) VXA 1453. Delivrance de voltmetres aux sous-marins d'un tonnage superieur a 300 tonnes (instructions complementaires). 12 Dec. 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 123, annee 1911, semestre 2, p. 1290.) VXA 1454. — Mode de decompte des rations acquises par les membres des tables des sous-marins de Rochefort-La Pallice. 20 Aiarch 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 122, an- nee 1911, semestre 1, p. 464-465.) VXA 1455. Rapport au President de la Re- publique frangaise, suivi d'un decret modi- fiant le decret du 4 mars 1910 portant re- organisation des flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins. 8 Oct. 1911. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 123, annee 1911, semestre 2, p. 742-743.) VXA 1456. Reglementation commune aux deux flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-ma- rins de Brest. 4 Nov. 1911. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 123, annee 1911, semestre 2, p. 948- 949.) VXA 1457. — Les torpilleurs et sous-marins completeront mensuellement leurs appro- visionnements a trois mois de matieres con- sommables. 10 June 1911. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 122, annee 1911, semestre 1, p. 1077- 1078.) VXA 1458. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Navy yearbook, 1911. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1911. 807 p. 8°. VYEB Submarine torpedo boats, p. 737. Table of the submarines of the United States Navy, giving the former names and official nvmiber and also the official name from the A-1 to K-S. 1912 1459. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Abrogation de la circulaire du 19 Janvier 1912 (B. O., p. 70) et modifications aux reglements d'armement speciaux des sous- marins types Pluviose et fimeraude. 24 Aug. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la_marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 428-430.) VXA 1460. Au sujet des peintures a em- ployer a bord des sous-marins. 20 Jan. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, se- mestre 1, p. 74-75.) VXA 1461. Commandement de torpilleurs et de sous-marins par des enseignes de vais- seau de P" classe. 22 Aug. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 420.) VXA 1462. Les commissaires des flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous-marins eii France ne peuvent obtenir la residence libre. 29 April 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, semestre 1, p. 826.) VXA 1463. Fixation de I'effectif definitif a attribuer aux sous-marins type Brumaire et SUBMARINES 79 Official Publications, continued. 1912, continued. Pluviose. 13 May 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, semestre 1, p. 1067.) VXA 1464. Fusion administrative des tor- pilleurs et des sous-marins de Brest, de Toulon et de Bizerte. 13 Dec. 1912. (Bul- letin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 1552-1553.) VXA 1465. Les hommes debarques des sous-marins peuvent etre affectes a des postes au clioix sans etre astreints a accom- plir au prealable une annee d'embarquement au tour de liste. 10 Dec. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125, semestre 2, p. 1524.) VXA 1466. Modification aux conditions d'allocation de la prime de o fr. 42 aux equipages des sous-marins. 13 Aug. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 368-369.) VXA 1467. Modification a I'effectif des sous-marins typ6 Brumaire et Pluviose (equipage supplementaire). 17 Sept. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 125, annee 1912, se- mestre 2, p. 545.) VXA 1468. Modifications a apporter au reglement d'armement speciaux des sous- marins types Pluviose et fimeraude. 19 Jan. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, se- mestre 1, p. 70-73.) VXA 1469. Les officiers-mariniers, quar- tiers-maitres et marins autorises a changer de flottille de sous-marins, par application de la decision ministerielle du 21 mai 1910, ont droit a des frais de deplacement. 13 July 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 125. annee 1912, semestre 2, p. 62.) VXA 1470. Situation, au point de vue du traitement de table, des officiers admis temporairement a la table du Service cen- tral des groupes de torpilleurs et sous- marins. — Retenue a operer sur leur traite- ment de table. 4 June 1912. (Bulletin offi- ciel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, semestre 1, p. 1268- 1269.) VXA 1471. Supplement d'outillage a accor- der aux flottilles de torpilleurs et de sous- marins. 22 Feb. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 124, annee 1912, semestre 1, p. 336-337.) VXA 1472. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Hearings before Commit- tee on Naval Affairs of the House of Rep- resentatives on estimates submitted by the secretary of the navy, 1912. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1912. v, 1984 p. 8°. * SBF On p. 1121-1125 is a description of a device for leaving a submerged submarine in event of accident, submitted by William A. Stevenson. The statement of Naval Constructor H. A. Evans (p. 1127-1130) contains a reference to submarines built for the Chilian government. 1913 1473. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Au sujet des montres a delivrer aux sous- marins. 24 Dec. 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 128, annee 1913, semestre 2, p. 2001.) VXA 1474. Au sujet des readmissions et rengagements des marins embarques sur les contre-torpilleurs et sous-marins des escadres. 29 Sept. 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 128, annee 1913, semestre 2, p. 1340.) VXA 1475. Au sujet d'un stymographe Ba- nare a allouer a chaque sous-marin. 1 Oct. 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 128, annee 1913. se- mestre 2, p. 1381.) VXA 1476. Au sujet de la verification se- mestrielle du reglage des torpilles des sous- marins. 2 June 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 127, annee 1913, semestre 1, p. 72,i-7ZA.) VXA 1477. Conditions de prets a des par- ticuliers de docks de relevage de sous-ma- rins. 28 Feb. 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 127, annee 1913, semestre 1, p. 273.) VXA 1478. Delivrance aux sous-marins type Pluviose d'un coffret metallique pour la conservation des fonds. 30 Dec. 1912. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 127, annee 1913, se- mestre 1, p. 14.) VXA 1479. Gratifications pour travaux sous-marins a allouer aux marins des direc- tions de port et au personnel des defenses fixes des ports militaires. 16 July 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie prin- cipale, Paris, tome 128, annee 1913. se- mestre 2, p. 77-78.) VXA 1480. Nouvelle fixation de I'effectif des sous-marins en service. 19 April 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 127, annee 1913, se- mestre 1, p. 512-513.) VXA 1481. Payement annuel des gratifica- tions accordees pour I'entretien des armes portatives a bord des sous-marins. 25 April 1913. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 127, annee 1913. se- mestre 1, p. 572.) VXA 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Publications, continued. ]9L\ continued. 1482. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal vear 1913. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1913. 1 p.l.. 34 p. 8°. VYEB Submarines nos. 40-51, p. 27; Wrecking pontoon for submarines, p. 28. 1914 1483. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Materiel de couchage a allouer aux sous- marins. 9 June 1914. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 129, annee 1914, semestre 1, p. 791.) VXA 1484. Revision du stock special de matieres pour les ateliers de reparations des centres de torpilleurs et sous-marins. 14 April 1914. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 129, an- nee 1914, semestre 1, p. 967.) VXA 1485. Supplements a allouer aux patrons pilotes embarques en supplement a I'effectif des sous-marins et aux marins de la meme specialite faisant partie de I'equipage des torpilleurs affectes aux ecoles et au service de I'aviation maritime. 21 May 1914. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 129, an- nee 1914, semestre 1, p. 1653.) VXA 1486. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal vear 1914. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1914. 38 p. 8°. VYEB Submarines "nos. 44" to "59," p. 26-27. 1487. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Hearings before Commit- tee on Naval Affairs of the House of Rep- resentatives on estimates submitted by the secretary of the navy, 1914. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1914. iii, 952 p. 8°. * SBF On p. 646-660 is a statement of Hon. Josephus Daniels concerning the Lake submarines of the G class, descriptions and appropriations. In the con- tinuation of this statement, on p. 843-847, is in- corporated a letter from Mr. Simon Lake regarding the position of the government toward the submarine question. In a statement of Hon. Rufus Hardy, p. 857-865, appears a translation o.f an article, printed in the Berliner Tageblatt, March 13, 1913, relating to the substitution of submarine boats for torpedo boats. Other discussions follow concerning the question of protection of the Canal Zone by a submarine flotilla. 1915 1488. France. — Ministere de la Marine. Au sujet de I'achat, sur le fonds de pre- voyance du sous-marin X. . ., d'une jumelle Zeiss. 14 Feb. 1915. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 131, annee 1915, semestre 1, p. 301-302.) VXA 1489. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal year 1915. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. 30 p. 8^ VYEB Submarines "nos. 52" and "53 to 77," p. 25-26. 1490. United States. — Bureau of Naviga- tion (Commerce Department). Annual list of merchant vessels of the United States, with official numbers and signal letters, and lists of vessels belonging to the United States government, witlydistinguishing sig- nals, for the year ended June 30, 1915. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. viii, 482, 122 p., 14 pi. ob. 8°. TRD Latest list of submarines in the United States Navy. 1491. United States. — Navy Department. Report on building of four warships, based on war in Europe. Letter from the secre- tary of the navy, transmitting report on building four warships of the type, power, and speed which, in his judgment, based on the knowledge gained from the prevailing war in Europe, are best suited for war on the sea, and also the value and uses in naval warfare of aeroplanes, dirigibles, bal- loons, and submarines. [Washington, 1915.) 5 p. 8°. (U. S. 64. cong., 1. sess. House doc. no. 389.) 1916 1492. FrcUice. — Ministere de la Marine. Arrete ministeriel modifiant I'arrete du 3 mai 1910 reglementant le fonctionnement du service dans les flottilles de sous-marins. 16 Sept. 1916. (Bulletin officiel de la ma- rine: partie principale, Paris, tome 134, an- nee 1916, semestre 2, p. 246.) VXA 1493. Maintien eventuel, a bord des sous-marins, des marins nouvellement pro- mus. — Renforcement de I'equipage supple- mentaire des escadrilles comprenant des sous-marins de plus de 600 tonneau.x. 23 Oct. 1916. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 134, annee 1916, semestre 2, p. 362-364.) VXA 1494. Transfert du chapitre 27 au chapitre 46 des filets de barrage, des filets indicateurs de sous-marins. ainsi que des matieres et objets approvisionnes en vue de la confection du materiel envisage. 23 Dec. 1916. (Bulletin officiel de la marine: partie principale, Paris, tome 134, annee 1916, semestre 2, p. 629.) VXA 1495. United States. — Bureau of Construc- tion and Repair (Navy Department). An- nual report... for the fiscal year 1916. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. 38 p. 8°. VYEB .Submarines "nos. 60 and 61" and "62 to 77," p. 30-31. SUBMARINES 81 Official Publications, continued. 1916, continued. 1496. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Fleet submarines. Report (to accompany H. R. 13670]. [Washington, 1916.] 5 p. 8°. (U.S. 64. cong., 1. sess. House report no. 492.) Ordered to be printed April 4, 1916. 1497. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (Senate). Fleet submarines. Report (to accompany H. R. 13670]. [Washington, 1916.) 4 p. 8°. (U.S. 64. cong., 1. sess. Senate report no. 526.) Ordered to be printed June 22, 1916. 1498. Navy yearbook, 1916. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. 762 p. 8°. VYEB History of appropriations for submarines and sub- surface boats, p. 624-625; List of submarines (show- ing contractor and place where built), p. 625-626; List of submarines (when authorized, first and last commission, and price), p. 627-628. This historical sketch and these tables appear an- nually in the yearbook, therefore only the most recent edition has been mentioned here. For earlier tab- ulations the preceding numbers may be consulted. 1499. United States. — ^Senate. Vessels sunk by German submarines, mines, or warships. Data concerning the sinking of neutral ves- sels belonging to Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, and Holland, and which were sunk by German submarines, mines, or warships between the dates. August 1, 1914, and March 25, 1916. Washinsfton: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1916. 6 p. 8^ (ij. S. 64. cong., 1. sess. Sen. doc. no. 381.) 1917 1500. United States. — Naval Affairs Com- mittee (House). Hearings before Commit- tee on Naval Affairs of the House of Rep- resentatives on estimates submitted by the secretary of the navy, 1917. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. iv, 1207, xviii p. 8°. *SBF On p. 4S-50 the subject of nets for harbor and battleship defense is discussed, including the estimates allowed for the purchase of nets. A statement made by Rear Admiral R. S. Griffin is given on p. 139-160, in which he discusses the contracts and appropriations for thirty submarines, their equipment, design, and propulsive power. Quite an exhaustive discussion of storage batteries and their defects apjiears on p. 149-151. In a statement made by Admiral W. S. Benson, on p. 564-570, he discusses the use of submarines in war tactics. Admiral C. J. Hadger and Rear Admiral Fletcher in a statement, p. 653-675, give their opinions regard- ing the German submarines of large displacement and of mother ships for cruising submarines. Secretary Daniels and Lieut. McCandless give a statement (p. 695-837) regarding proposed subma- rines, with a table showing price, design, and special features. The question of storage batteries is dis- cussed and a note is given stating the different troubles that have arisen with the Edison batteries. The history and reports on the batteries of the E-2 are given in full. Admiral W. S. Sims makes a statement regarding the battle of Jutland (p. 839-877) in which he dis- cusses the strategic value of the submarine, advo- cating strongly submarines of large displacement. A statement of Mr. J. W. Powell of the Fore River Shipbuilding Corporation on p. 1038-1041 con- tains references to the steel required in the construc- tion of submarines. On p. 1141 is the letter of Secretary Daniels to iSIr. Padgett concerning the Riker battleship hunting submarine. 1501. United States. — Naval Consulting Board. The submarine and kindred prob- lems. New York, 1917. 15(1) p. 8°. (Bul- letin no. 1.) Econ. Div. General instructions for those offering suggestions to the Naval Consulting Board. 1502. United States. — War Department. Fortifications, the Panama canal. Letter from the secretary of the treasury, trans- mitting a copy of communication from the secretary of war, resubmitting an estimate of an appropriation for $1,573,950, for the fiscal year 1918, to be immediately available, for the establishment and equipment of a submarine base, Panama canal. [Washing- ton. 1917., 2 p. 8°. (U.S. 65 cong., 1. sess. Senate doc. no. 6.) 1503. Submarine base at the Panama canal. Letter from the acting secretary of the treasury, transmitting copy of a com- munication from the secretary of war, sub- mitting a supplemental estimate of appro- priation to be immediately available for the establishment and equipment of a subina- rine base at the Panama canal. [Washing- ton, 1917., 2 p. 8°. (U.S. 64. cong., 2. sess. House doc. no. 2046.) Submarine Signalling 1504. Avery, W. Y. Submarine signalling set. (International marine engineering. New York, v. 16, July, 1911, p. 269-270.) t VXA Short account of method of signalling from sub- marine to mother ship. 1505. Barton, Edwin Henry. \'elocity of sound in water. (In his: Text-book on sound. London, 1908. 8°. p. 518-519.) FEB 1506. Blake, R. F. Submarine signalling. — The protection of shipping b\' a wall of sound and other uses of the submarine telegraph oscillator. (American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Proceedings, New York, v.2,?>, Oct.. 1914, p. 1569-1581.) VGA Reprinted in Smithsonian Institution, Annual re- port, 1913, Washington, 1916, p. 203-213, * E.-l. 1507. Carter, W. R. Submarine signalling, illus. (American Society of Naval Engi- 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Submarine Signalling, continued. neers, Journal. New York, v. 26, Aug., 1914, p. 832-842.) VXA History of signalling, with description of methods used by Cingalese fishermen. 1508. Cathcart, William L. Inter-ship communication by submarine signalling. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, New York, v. 26, Aug., 1914, p. 889- 903.) VXA Fessenden oscillator described and applications out- lined. 1509. Colladon, Daniel. Lettre de M. Daniel Colladon a M. Arago sur les sons qui se produisent dans I'eau. (Institut de France. — Academic des sciences, Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 13, 1841, p. 439-443.) *EO Discusses experiments made by Prof. Bonnycastle. 1510. Colladon, Daniel, and C. Sturm. Me- moire sur la compression des liquides. 3 diagrs., 1 map. (Institut de France. — Academic des sciences, Memoires presentes par divers savants, Sciences mathematiques et physiques, Paris, tome 5, 1838, p. 267- 347.) *EO Reprinted in Annates de chimic et de phxsiqtte, Paris, tome 36, 1827, p. 113-159, 225-257, PAA. Ab- stracted in Royal Institution of Great Britain, Quar- terly journal, London, 1828, p. 480-481, * EC. The references to the famous experiments con- ducted on Lake Geneva to determine the velocity of the transmission of sound under water are recorded on p. 329-347. 1511. Cunard line and submarine signaling, illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 32, 5 Oct. 1905, p. 26-27.) f VXA The microphone from a sailor's point of view. 1512. Decker, Stiles M. A method of shore-tug signalling, making use of sound waves propagated under water. (Journal of the United States artillery. Fort Monroe, V. 43, March-April, 1915, p. 196-210.) VWA The Fessenden oscillator described, also construc- tion and operation, with results of special tests. 1513. Dubilier, William. The fatal hum of the submarine. illus. (Popular science monthly and world's advance. New York, V. 87, Dec, 1915, p. 713-719.) * DA Abstracted in Literary digest. New York, v. 51, 25 Dec. 1915, p. 1473-1474, * DA. Dubilier's microphone described in detail. 1514. Efficiency of submarine signals. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. Z3, 10 May 1906, p. 17.) fVXA Letters to the Submarine Signal Company. 1515. Electrical device detects submarines twenty miles away, illus. (Electrical ex- perimenter. New York, v. 3, Ian., 1916, p. 461-462.) " VGA 1516. F., A. La transmission sous-marine du son et son application a la decouverte des sous-marins. (Genie civil, Paris, tome 67, 27 Nov. 1915, p. 343-346.) VA 1517. Fay, H. J. W. History and develop- ment of submarine signalling. 1 pi. illus. (American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers, Proceedings, New York, v. 31, 1912, p. 1337-1354.) VGA 1518. Submarine signalling — Fessen- den oscillator, illus. (American Society of Naval Engineers, Journal, Washington, V. 29, Feb., 1917, p. 101-113.) VXA Describes mechanical equipment and results of experiments. 1519. Forbes, J. T. Progress of submarine signalling, illus. (Export American in- dustries. New York, v. 15, no. 3, Sept., 1915, p. 60-63.) tTLA 1520. Government to operate submarine signals. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 33, 31 May 1906, p. 13-14.) t VXA Reports light vessels to be equipped with micro- phone. 1521. Guillaume, Charles fidouard. Re- cherches recents sur la propagation des sons, illus. (La nature, Paris, annee 24, 15 Feb. 1898, p. 161-162.) OA Tests made on the properties of water in convey- ing sound. 1522. How vessels at sea signal through the water. (Electrical experimenter. New York, V. 3, Feb., 1916, p. 533-534.) VGA 1523. Legrand, Frantz. Signaux phoniques sous-marins. (Revue maritime, Paris, tome 175. Nov.-Dec, 1907, p. 241-263, 479-501.) VXA 1524. Miessner, Benjamin Franklin. Pos- sible control methods for radiodynamics — sound waves. (In his: Radiodynamics. New York, 1916. 8°. p. 33-40.) PGO Results of Prof. Fessenden's experiments with submarine signalling. 1525. Millet, J. B. Further results of sub- marine signalling by means of sound. (In- stitution of Naval Architects, Transactions, London, v. 49, 1907, p. 300-307.) VXA Reprinted in Marine revieiv, Cleveland, v. 36, 15 Aug. 1907, p. 26-29, t VXA. 1526. Recent developments in sub- marine signaling. 5 pi. (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Transac- tions, New York, v. 22, 1914, p. 107-113.) VXA With discussion, p. 113-114. 1527. Submarine signalling by means of sound. [With discussion.] pi. (Institu- tion of Naval Architects, Proceedings, Lon- don, V. 47, 1905, p. 256-269.) VXA Exhaustive paper giving results of experiments and showing apparatus used. Author is general manager of the Submarine Signal Company. Abstracted in Marine review, Cleveland, v. 33. 17 May 1905. p. 32-33. t VXA, and in Technics, Lon- don, v. 3, June, 1905, p. 550, VA. 1528. Packard, Winthrop. The angelus of the high seas; the warning bell that sounds SUBMARINES 83 Submarine Signalling, continued. beneath the sea to save sailors from ship- wreck, illus. (National magazine, Boston, V. 37, Oct.. 1912. p. 216-224.) * DA 1529. Rayleigh (3. baron), J. W. Strutt. On the perception of the direction of sound. (Royal Society of London, Proceedings, series A, v. 83, May, 1910, p. 61-64.) * EC 1530. Receiver for systems of submarine signaling, illus. (Marine review, Cleve- land, V. 2,6, 4 July 1907, p. 50.) f VXA 1531. Sawyer, F. L. Submarine signalling and a proposed method of safe navigation in a fog. illus. (Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers, Transactions, New York, v. 22, Dec, 1914, p. 115-132.) VXA History of submarine signalling, with a descrip- tion of the Berger method. 1532. Submarine Signal Company. Sub- marine signals. Boston: the company. 1907. 88 p. illus. 8°. VXH p.v.e, no.l5 p. 51-56 deal especially with signals for submarine boats. 1533. Submarine signals, i. British Admiralty tests of submarine signaling. II. List of vessels equipped, iii. Opinions of British ship owners. Boston: the com- pany, 1907. 22 p. 8°. VXH p.v.5, no.2 1534. Submarine signals. How navi- gators and vessel owners regard the system of submarine signaling. Boston, 1906. 12 p. 12°. VXH p.v.5, no.2a 1535. Submarine signals: description of apparatus: list of signaling stations, and list of vessels equipped by the Submarine Signal Company. Boston: the company, 1907. 20 p., 4 maps, illus. 8°. VXH p.v.5, no.3 1536. Submarine signaling. (Marine re- view, Cleveland, v. 31, 22 June 1905, p. 23.) tVXA 1537. Submarine signalling, illus. (Ma- rine engineer, London, v. 36, May -June, 1914, p. 384-387, 419-423.) VXA 1538. Submarine signals. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 34, 30 Aug. 1906, p. 30-31.) tVXA United States Lighthouse Board approves sound signal apparatus and installs manj' along the Atlantic seaboard. 1539. Submarine signals on the Kaiser. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 31, 15 Tune 1905, p. 31-32.) fVXA The installation of the microphone on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. 1540. Submarine sound signals. illus. (Marine review, Cleveland, v. 41, June, 1911, p. 230-234.) t VXA Abstract of paper issued by the United States Hydrographic Office. This covers the subject in many aspects, discussing the superiority of water as a medium for the transmission of sound and the range of audibility of submarine bells. 1541. Tyndall, John. Sound. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1877. 448 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 3. ed. 8\ PFD Many references are included in this book. On p. 67 a table is given showing transmission of sound through liquids. 1542. Das Wesen und die Bedeutung der L'nterwasser-Schallsignale. illus. (Nauti- cus; Jahrbuch fiir Deutschlands Seeinte- ressen. Berlin, Jahrg. 9, 1907, p. 426-448.) VYL The Fessenden microphone described in detail with results of experiments. INDEX OF AUTHORS Numbers refer to individual entries. Aarestrup, 634. Abell, T. B., 762. Aldereguia, Claudio, 765, 766, 1197. Alex, 433. Allemandy, Victor E., 1030. Andler, S., 658. Archer, F. P., 1202. Argentine Republic. — Ministerio de Marina, 1407. Aristotle, 4. Armor, d', 272. Atkinson, A. S., 1032. Atteridge, Andrew Hilliard, 170. Auld, Robert W., 1203. Avery, W. Y., 1504. B B., 314. B., H.. 481. Babcock, W. I., 315. Bacon, R. H., 273. Badger. C. J., 1500. Baird, George Washington, 203, 776. Baker, Ray Stannard, 115. Balch, Edwin Swift, 436. Bannerman-Phillips, H., 659. Barber, Francis M., 42, 233. Barnes, James S., 37. Barton, Edwin Henry, 1505. Bates, Lindell T., 437. Battles, D. R., 660. Baxter, W. J., 370. Bayard, R. S., 482. Beall, M. E., translator, 1407. Bedell, C. H., 1205. Belknap, George E., 44. Belknap, Reginald R., 1033. Bellet, Daniel, 289, 778, 779. Belli, Carlo M., 590. Belloni, .'\ngeIo, 780. Bellot, Hugh H. L., 1206. Benjamin, Park, 664, 1207. Beresford, Lord Charles, 665. Berggeen, Paul H., 781. Berling, G., 635. Bernard, Walter, 316. Bernay, Henri, 317, 318, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 438, 483, 484, 530. Bertin, L., 782. Bidault des Chaumes, A., 531. Bieg, V. N., 783. Bienaime, 1208. Biles, Sir John Harvard, 666. Bingham, D. C, 532. Bircham, F. R. S., 439. Bishop, Farnum, 1035. Blake, R. F., 1506. Blanchon, (Georges. 486, 784, 785. Bluecher, Hans, 591. Bogert, John L., 1210. Bonde, H., 533. Bonomo, Quintino, 204. Boselli, 440. Bostock, John, translator, 5. Bozzi, Agostino, 534. Bradlee, F. B. C, 1211. Bradley, W. P., 148. Bravetta, Ettore, 789. Breguet, Jacques, 487. Brent, Loring, 1038. Buehrs, M., 790. Burdin, 27, 29. Burgoyne, Alan H., 235, 274. Bush, James C, 74. Busley, Carl, 149. Byrne, Donn, 1040. C, G., 290. C, W. L.. 1213, 1214. Calhoun, W. L., 705. Callan, John G., 1215. Canipagna, Enzo, 791. Carels, Georges, 636. Carnot, Lazare, 20. Carre, 28. Carter, W. R., 1507. Cary, Harold, 1217. Cathcart, William L., 637, 1508. Cerio, Edwin, 1044. 1219. Chace, Mason S., 320, 535. Chalkley, A. P., 795, 796. Chalmers, S. D., 797. Chanieut. 593. Chapman, L. B., 798. Charmoille, 594. Chaudy, M. F., 91. Chladek, Franz, 321. Clark, Charles Sydney, 116. Clark, F. Huntington. 1221, 1222. Clark, Thomas, 18, 21. Claudy. C. H.. 1045, 1223. Cohn, I. Franklin, 536. Coleman, Frederick C, 800. Colladon, Daniel, 1509, 1510. Connolly, J. B., 1048. Coustet, Ernest, 804. Covington, C. L., 1226. Grossman, E. C, 1227. Crouse, George N., 97. Cunningham, Forbes, 806. Currey, E. Hamilton, 671. Currey, M. I., 1228. Curtis, Stanley, 807. D.. G.. 808. D., J., 378. Daniels, Josephus, 1487, 1500. Dansker, 379. Dary, Georges, 98. Davidson, G. C, 1050. Davis, G. E., 1051. Davis, Richmond P., 444. Dax, A. de, 82. Dayral, Louis, 1230. Decker, Stiles M., 1512. [84] SUBMARINES 85 De Knight, Clarence W., 1402. Delauney, 171. Delpeuch, Maurice, 172, 206, 236, 445. Denny, George C, 1053. DePeyster, F. A., 1054, 1055. Devaux, M., 291. Dewey, George, 1397. Dewitz, Hrolf von, 814. Dickinson, H. VV., 637a. Dienstbach, C, 815. Diesel, R., 638. Dietze, Karl, 490. 491, 492, 539, 540. Dobson, W. A., 87. Donimett, William Erskine, 816. Domville-Fife, Charles W., 493, 674, 675. Donoso Cortes, Ricardo, 1060. Driant, £mile Augustin Cyprien, 380. Dubilier, William, 817, 1513. Duquet, Alfred, 596. Dutton, Arthur H., 1062. Du Verseau, 1063. E Eaton, F. S., 1232. Edholm, Charlton Lawrence, 640. Ellis, W. A., 1235. Eppley, Marion, 1239. fequevilley, Raymond d', 208, 543. Ericsson, John, 38. Estrany, Teronimo, editor, 819. Evans, H. A., 1472. ■ F., A., 820, 821, 822. 1240, 1241, 1516. Fawcett. Waldon. 117, 176, 209, 494. Fay. H. J. W., 1517, 1518. Feldhaus, Franz M., 448, 679. Ferrand, Charles, 325. Field, C, 210, 544. Fiennes, Gerard, 641. Figuier, Louis, 36, 75. Fillol, L., 293. Fisher, C. W.. 682. Fiske, Bradley Allen. 1243, 1244. Fletcher, Frank F.. 1500. Fletcher, R. A., 545. Flowers, J. B., 1074. Fontin, Paul, 211, 212. Forbes, J. T., 1519. Forest, F., 118, 150. Fournier, Lucien, 826. Fowle, G. M.. 1245. Fox, Edward L., 1246. France. — Ministere de la Marine, 1408, 1412-1419, 1421-1428,' 1431-1435, 1440-1444, 1448-1457, 1459-1471, 1473-1481, 1483-1485, 1488, 1492- 1494. Freemantle, Sir Edmund R., 213. French, G. R. W., 1075. Frissell, Varick, 1076. Fuller, J. F.. 1248. Fulton, Weston M., 151, 152, 153. Furbush, Grant E., 828. Purer, T. A., 829-832, 1077. Fyfe, Herbert C, 213, 239. G., 120. G., A., 328, 1249. Gachot, fidouard, 496. Gaget, Maurice, 178. Gala, Leandro, 1078. Gale, Benjamin, 17. Garcia de los Reyes, Mateo, 833. Gault, J. W., 121. Gautreau, J. B., 834. Geitel. Max, 154. Gernsback, H., 1254, 1255. Gibson, Charles R., 1257. Giteau, Pierre, 385. Given, E. C, 386. Gle, 452. Gluth, Oskar, 546. Gofton-Salmond, K., 690. Goodrich, Caspar F., 1258. Gordon, G. L., 1089. Gouriet. M., 547. Gradenwitz, Alfred, 643. Graffigny, Henry de. See Marquis, Raoul. Gray, James G., 644, 691, 841. Great Britain. — Admiralty, 1420, 1429, 1436. Gregory, J. S., 693. Grey, C. G., 1260. Griffin. R. S., 1500. Griswold, Charles, 23. Guenther.^Hanns, 695. Ciuiheneuc, Olivier, 842, 1090. Guillaume, Chlrles fidouard, 1521. H H., J., 645. Hachebet, H., 122. Haenen, Frederic de, 1091. Haken, W., 646. Halley, Edmund, 11. Halligan. John, 240. Halsey, William H., 1092. Hannay, D., 1093. Hardy, Rufus. 1487. Hay. Marley F., 453, 1265, 1266. Hegelbacher, Marcel, 600. Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 847. 848. Henley, Norman W., Publishing Co., 601. Herberts, H. J., 849. Hering, Carl, 850. Herodotus, 3. Herron, William, 1267. Hibbard. H. L., 851. Hichborn, Philip, 155. Hinkamp, C. N., 852-854. Hirsch, G., 1094. Hirshberg, Leonard Keene, 1095. Hislam, P. A.. 388, 549, 1268, 1269. Hoar, Allen, 855, 1096. Hodges, W. R., 856. Hofe, Charles von, 697. Hoff, A. B., 276. Holland, John Philip, 156, 1398. Holland, John Philip, the younger, 1270. Holzhauer, D., 331. Hopkins, Henry Clavton, 103. Horsnaill, W. 6., 857, 858, 859. Hosmer, Helen R., 1. Hovgaard, George William, 62, 69, 158, 181, 860, 1097. 1271. Howard, Herbert S.. 862, 863. Howell, J. B., 550, 698. Hoyer, Edgar Charles, 602. Hubert, Edward, 648. Hueffer, Oliver Madox, 864. Hughes, W. S., 78a. Humphrey, William IL. 1430, 1445. Hurd, Archibald Spicer, 214, 241, 699, 865. Hutchison, Miller Reese. 866. Hutter, Julien Eugene, 1274a. 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Iberti, Carlo, 215. Irwell, Lawrence, 129. Izaguirre, Salvador M., 1103. Jack la Bolina, pseud. See Vecchj, Augusto V. Jacob, Harvey D., 1104. Jalin, Olivier de, 31. Jane, Fred T., 700, 870. Jaques, William Henry, 104, 105. Johnson, Valentine Edward, 871. Johnson, Willis F., 701. Johnstone, J. C, 333. Joly, J.. 1281. Jones, Wesley L., 1430. K K., 278. K., T. J., 872. Kalau vom Hofe, 498. * Kearney, Thomas A., 279, 873. Keith, H. H. W., 1106. Kellog, E. W.. 1282. Kempster, J. W., 874. Kimball, William W., 106, 107, 160. Kipling, Rudyard, 1283. Kirchhoff, Hermann, 875. Kl., von, 393. Klein, Marcell, 605, 649. Koster, P., 280. Kraft, W., 702. Kuh, Lloyd M., 1107. Malespine, A., 30. Manetti, G., 608. Manfroni, Camillo, 132. Marantonio, R., 1292a. Marcellin, Leon, 403. Marcillac, P., 133. Marquis, Raoul, 243. Martin, Benjamin, 16. Martin, G., 404. Mathelin, L., 303. Max, 340. Maxim, Hudson, 814, 1294, 1295. Melville, George Wallace, 186, 187. Mersenne; Marin, 8. Michel, Henri, 341. Michelsen, 554. Middleton, James, 711, 893. Miessner, Benjamin Franklin, 1113, 1524. Millet, J. B., 1525, 1526, 1527. Moffett, Cleveland, 897, 898. Montero y de Torres, Enrique de, 610. Morgan, Gerald, 899. Morgan, James Morris, 1299. Morgan, Leo, 244. Moriarty, Thomas J., 1401, 1402. Morris, Arthur, 217. Morrison, J. H., 713. Muers, P.," 902. N Neeser, Robert Wilden, 1120. Neureuther, Karl, 908. Niblack, Albert Parker. 109, 110. Nimitz, C. W., 612, 1125. Noalhat, Henri, 111, 135, 136, 137, 150, 190, 246, 263. 505. Nordenfeldt, T., 61. Nordmann, Charles, 1126. Nutting, William Washburn, 1307, 1308. L., P., 499. La Cerisaie, J. de, 876. Lacomme, A., 40. Lake, Simon, 130, 298, 299, 333, 500, 877, 878, 879, 880, 1108, 1109. 1284, 1401, 1487. Lake Submarine Company. 161, 300. Lan, L. A., 1407. Land, E. S., 1285. Lanphier, R. C, 881. La Rouveraye, P. de, 183. Lasalle, C. de, 301. Laubeuf, Alfred Maxima, 335, 336, 337, 338, 395, 396, 501, 502, 650, 882, 883, 884. Laughton, L. G. C, 262. Laurenti, Cesare, 397. Law, Bernard C, 503. Leandro de Alesson, 398. Lecky, Prescott, 1287. Ledieu, A., 70. Le Franc, A., 399, 458, 459, 460, 461. Legrand, Frantz, 1523. Le Roll, P., 216, 400. Lethbridge, John, 13. Levering, Gustav, 607. Ley, Samuel, 14. Lisle, T. Orchard, 1110, 1289, 1290. Lorini, Buonaiuto, 7. Louis, Jean, 302. Loygovil, Joaquin de, 339. Lysaght, S. R., 709. M M., 401, 402. M. de T., E. de, 710. McCandless, Byron, 1500. McGarvie, H. F., 1292. Ohlaski, T., 191. Olaus Magnus, bishop of L'psala, 6. Olivi, G.. 590. O'Xiell, Lionel, 914. Otto, Friedrich, 915. Packard, Winthrop. 1528. Painleve, Paul, 614. Palmer, Russell, 1131. Paulus, 466. Perkins, Frank C, 344, 467. Persius, L., 1312. Pesce, G.-L., 90, 92, 93, 305. Petitot. Claude Bernard, 22. Piaud, L.. 345. Pliny, the elder, 5. Poincet, 719. Pollen, A. H., 925. Pollock, Alsager W. A., 720. Portugalof, N., 510. Pot, W. F.. 926. Pouleur, Hector, 265. Powell, J. W.. 1500. Prendergast, Maurice, 927-929. Procacci, Gianni, 931. Proposto, C. del, 511. R Radiguer, Charles, 557. Rayleigh (3. baron), J. W. Strutt, 1529. SUBMARINES 87 Redier, H. Antoine. 138. Reed, Sir Edward J., 213. Reigart, J. F., 28a. Reuterdahl, Henry, 727. Reventlow, Ernst, Graf zu, 561. Reverchon, Leopold, 937. Rice, Isaac L., 728, 1401. Rich, H. Thompson, 1323. Robbins, Thomas, 1324. Robertson, Edmund, 192. Robinson, Charles N., 221. Robinson, R. H. M., 938, 939. Rodgers, W. L., 1137. Roji, Arsenio, 940, 941. Romberg, F., 513. Roosevelt, Franklin D., 943. Rousseau, A.. 1325. Rud, A., 1138. Rushmore, David B., 2. S., H. N., 1139. S., R., 615. Salter, John, the younger, 193. Sargent, Nathan, 1390. Sauvaire-Jourdan, 422, 469. Savorgnan de Brazza, F., 414. Sawyer, F. L., 1531. Sch., F., n. Schaffran, K., 946. Schott, Gaspard, 10. Schulze, Franz L. C, 732. Scott, J. Alvah, 113. Scott, Sir Percy, 733, 734. Seaman, W., 1142. Secor, H. Winfield, 948, 1143, 1329-1332. Shaw, J. C, 1333. Shegog, John, 1334. Siebe, Henry, 41. Simpson, Thomas H., 1336. Sims, William S., 1337, 1500. Skerrett, Robert G.. 84, 267, 308, 416, 417, 470, 471, 619, 620, 651, 736, 952, 953, 954, 1146, 1147, 1339, 1340. Sleeman, Charles William, 73. Spear, Lawrence Y., 223. 309, 351. 472, 957-959. Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim, Edgar, .1343. Springer, J. F., 961. Stainer, C, 283. Stewart-Garnett, W. H., 352. Stiles, John C, 964. Stirling, Yates, jr., 1344. Stokes, Clifford K., 1345. Strutt, J. W. See Rayleigh (3. baron), J. W. Strutt. Sturm, C, 1510. Submarine Signal Company, 1532-1535. Sueter, Murray F., 362. Sutcliffe, Alice Crary, 478a. Sutphen, Henry R., 1360a. Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose, 999, 1176. Taylor, Isaac, translator, 3. Taylor, Thomas, translator, 4. Teitch, Clark, 624, 750. Timbs, John, 32. Tolstoy, A. N., 1362. Tomb, J. H., 286. Torka, Johann, 520. Tygard, James W., 1006. Tyndall, John, 1541. u United States. — Bureau of Construction and Repair (Navy Department), 1392, 1400, 1404, 1482, 1486, 1489, 1495. United States. — Bureau of Navigation (Commerce Department), 1490. United States. — Bureau of Navigation (Treasury Department), 1393. United States. — Naval Affairs Committee (House), 1405, 1406, 1430, 1445, 1446, 1472, 1487, 1496, 1500. United States. — Naval Affairs Committee (Senate), 1390, 1391, 1394, 1397, 1398, 1401, 1402, 1458, 1497, 1498. United States. — Naval Consulting Board, 1501. United States. — Navy Department, 1387, 1388, 1395, 1399, 1411, 1437, 1438, 1447, 1491. United States. — Office of Naval Intelligence, 1382- 1386, 1389, 1396. United States. — Select Committee under House Resolution 288 (House), 1439. United States. - — ■ Senate, 1499. United States. — War Department, 1403, 1502, 1503. Upsala, Bishop of. See Olaus Magnus, bishop of Upsala. Vecchj, Augusto Vittorio, 432. Vereteegh, H. H., 201. Verne, Jules, 39. Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1184. Violle, J., 1009. Vogel, H., 579. Vries, W. P. de, 1014. w W., S. F., 1186. Waddington, J. F., 1015. Wade, Herbert T., 1016, 1017. Waldeyer Hartz, von, 1372. Walker, J. Bernard, 1373-1375. Walker, Sydney Ferris, 757. Ward, C. A.. 758. Warren, E. L., 311. Watts, Sir Philip. 581. Weaver, D. A.. 524. Weidert, F., 759. Weimann-Bischoff, D. J., 697. Werner, 633. Werner, H., 582. Whelpley, James D., 1187. White, T. Dundas, 231. White, Sir William Henry, 287, 288, 312, 313. White, William Russell, 255, 256. Wilhelm, Donald, 1190. Wilkins, John. 9. Williams, Charles W., 760, 1022. Wilson, W. G., 1023. Winslow, Erving, 1024. Wood, Norman H., 1025. 1192. Woodhouse, Henry, 1378. Zack. 1028, 1193. Zemplen, Konstantin, 761. Zimnier, George Frederick, 525. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Numbers refer to individual entries. A-1 (British), 269, 270. Accident, 269, 270, 271. A-3 (British), Accident to, 585, 621, 627. A-7 (British), Accident to, 683. A-8 (British), 281. A-12 (British), Accident to, 441. Abell, T. B., 874. Aboukir, 664, 698, 723, 740, 744. Accidents, 231, 269, 286, 289, 298, 300, 333, 352, 486, 554, 659, 884, 917, 930, 1092. American, 300, 917, 982, 1064, 1338. British, 269, 270, 271, 281, 300, 441, 683. Causes, 273, 289, 295, 298, 300, 486, 514, 884. French, 300, 302, 303, 488, 489, 508, 509, 514, 629, 718. German, 526, 558, 575, 839, 920. Prevention, 289, 298, 352. Russian, 300, 756. See also names of submarines. Achievements of the submarine. See Naval affairs. Adder, 189, 255, 340. 1400, 1404. Trials, 218, 220, 226, 229, 255, 256. Adria (ship) carries submarine, 280. Aero Club of America, 1243, 1350. Aeronautics, 27, 505, 720, 808, 1347, 1485. Sec also Visibility of submarines from airplanes. Aigrette, 282, 285. Air, 11, 586. Purification of, 933, 1247. Air supply for submarines. See Ventilation. Air traps, 468. Airplanes. See Visibility of submarines from air- planes. Algerien, 507. Alkali battery. See Storage batteries: Alkali. Alstilt, 31. American Revolution, Submarines in, 18, 44. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Syracuse Branch, 828. Amiral Bourgois (submarine), 487. Anchor, 368. Anchor chains, 3, 880. Apostoloff submarine, 235. Appropriations: France, 375. United States, 1118, 1119, 1318, 1438, 1445, 1446, 1487, 1498, 1500. Archimede (submarine), 458, 487. Launching, 458. Architecture of submarines. Sec Design of sub- marines. Argonaut, 98, 103, 108, 115, 116, 121, 122, 130, 131, 161, 167, 1189. Design, 134. Specifications, 108. Ark, 9, 937. Armament, 48, 50, 202, 447, 597, 642, 653, 771, 778, 784, 816, 843, 860, 896, 925, 978, 1090, 1217, 1262, 1263, 1408, 1459, 1468. Disappearing guns, 703, 843, 967, 1230. Krupp guns, 703. Armor of warships, 38, 666, 932, 1241, 1294, 1317, 1372. Armored submarines, 772. Art of living under water, 11. Assembling submarine parts, 1253. Association of Military Surgeons, 1092. Audiphone, 1331. Awash, 313, 1100. B B-l (British), 284. B-11 (British), 974. Baby submarine, 775, 1298. Baker submarine, 87. Balilla (submarine), 1292a. Ballast, 268, 490, 707, 743. Ballast tanks, 15, 633, 853, 1236. Leather, 15. Balloons, 219. Baltic sea, 1047. Baltimore, 1079, 1084. Barcelona, 825. Barrow Company, 742. Bases: American, 1502, 1503. French, 264, 1412. German, 1235, 1244. Batavier, Capture of, 840. Battleships. See Submarines against warships. Bauer, Wilhelm, 154, 520. Biography, 480, 546. Portrait, 546, 1166. Bayer's Duplex submarine, 504, 521. Bayou-Saint-Jean, New Orleans, La., 418. Bearings of screws, 430. Bells, Audibility of, 1540. Benson, Admiral, 1195. Berger signalling system, 1531. Bernay, Henri, 337, 560. Bernouilli, 1127. Bertin, E.. 970. Bibliographies, 1, 2, 164, 213, 579, 882. Bids, United States, 1034. Bieg, V. N., 772. Biles, Sir John Harvard, 392, 663. Bishop, L. W., 1331. Blockade, 657, 662, 1302, 1325. Escaping, 1061, 1359. Blockading, 109, 786, 1209. Bogart, J. L., 1131. Bomb curtains, 1373. Bombardment by submarines, 787. Bombs, 1231, 1373. Explosion of, 153. Submarine, 151, 152, 153. Bond, Julian S., Invention of, 933. Bonnycastle, Charles, 1509. Boston Transcript, 228. Bottles, Leather. See Ballast tanks, Leather. Bourgois, Admiral, 70. Bowles, Francis T., Interview with, 837. Brandtaucher (submarine), 331. Bremen (submarine), 1037. Brest, 216. Bribery charges, 1405, 1406, 1439. British Admiralty, Attitude toward submarines, 192. British ships, Attempt to destroy, 23, 1029. British Submarine Boat Company, Ltd., 553. Brooklyn Navy Yard, 370. [88] SUBMARINES 89 Brumaire (submarine), 1467. Bubbles, 1121. Buckingham, Duke of, 544. Budgets. See Appropriations. Building programmes, 347, Bulkheads, 929, 979, 1317, 137S. Buoyancy, 181, 268, 743. Tanks, 4S3. Buoys. 1358. Acetylene, 1204. Burger submarine, 234, 515. Burgoyne, Alan H., 259. Burgoyne submarine, 235. Bushnell, David, 17, 18, 23, 118, 172, 581, 637a, 776, 1062, 1159. Biography, 322. Bushnell (submarine tender), 1051. Construction — Continued. In United States, for belligerent nations, 747. Private yards, 371, 459. Convoys, 1225. Cooking apparatus, 1192. Cost, 106, 307, 860, 977, 1345, 1437, 1438, 1498, 1500. Counter mining, 1384. Craig Engine and Machine Company, 1110. Cressy, 664, 723, 740, 744. Creusot-Schneider, 892, 1140. Cross-sectional construction, 430. Crouch, G. F., 1200. Cruising radius. See Radius of action; Voyages in submarines. Cuniberti torpedo, 671. Curie (submarine), 1127. Curtain of fire, 1156. Cuttlefish, 316, 357, 358. C-5. See Mine layers. Caera, 1036. Illustrations and specifications, 1289. Caesar, 415. Cage, J. M.. 640. Cage submarine, 640. Calypso, Accident to, 718. Camouflage, 868, 1293, 1328. Campbell submarine, 64. Canada, Construction of submarines, 994. Cape Cod canal, 754, 993. Carbon mono.xide. 590. Cardile, M., 1240. Carp, 552. Cartagena, 1183. Castings. 1370. Castle, E. J., 659. Cells. See Storage batteries: Cells. Cellulose, 465. Charles, Landgrave of Hesse, 12. Charleston, 44. Chasers, 960, 985, 1117, 1124, 1138, 1157, 1199, 1200, 1202, 1203, 1217, 1218, 1233, 1239, 1242, 1287, 1300, 1308, 1313, 1336, 1348, 1368, 1377, 1379, 1381. British, 1039. Specifications, 985, 1276, 1360a, 1361a. Cherbourg, 216, 237, 282, 460, 559. Chicago submarine, 1165. Chingachgook, 1308. Chlorine gas, 1022. Chronology, 92, 386, 799, 915. Churchill, Winston, Trip in submarine, 549. Cicogne, 324, 327. Cigar-shaped submarine. See Hulls. Cingalese fishermen, 1507. Civil war. Submarines in, 173, 203, 964, 1184. Cleptoscope, 397. Clock, 153. Clyde built submarine, 669. Coast defense. See Defense. Coessin brothers, 19, 20. Collision, 273. Columbia (flagship), 792. Colwell, J. C, Invention of, 168. Commercial purposes, 166. Communication, 612. Compass, 853. Confederate submarine. See Civil war; David. Conning tower, Detachable, 659, 1107. Constantinople, 66. Construction, 62, 183, 207, 213. 283, 287, 288, 290, 316, 362, 403. 447, 491, 501, 609, 783, 877, 882, 968, 1070, 1096, 1106, 1266, 1275, 1344, 1400. Competition in, 377. Government plants, 371, 459. Dangers, 289, 295, 298, 300, 318, 332, 333, 351, 562, 641, 810, 1001, 1041, 1092, 1132. Daniels, Josephus, 919, 1121. Dannenhower, Sloan, Submarine invented by, 954. Dardanelles, 844, 890, 966, 974. David, 44, 964, 1184. Day, Mr., 231. Deane, Silas, Letters to, 17. Defense. 374, 436, 565, 783, 877, 972, 1024, 128:^ 1375. Against submarines, 202, 219, 317, 666, 675, 712. 770, 777, 788, 812, 813, 834, 861, 867, 869, 897, 898, 899, 914, 929, 1074, 1090, 1143, 1245, 1254. 1290, 1294, 1314, 1326, 1355. See also Chasers; Nets. Coast, 78a, 106, 144, 148, 232, 341, 444, 764, 882, 977, 1153, 1397, 1403, 1416, 1417. Harbor, 232, 270, 397, 444, 882, 965, 1253, 1397. 1403, 1430, 1445. Delaney, Patrick B., 1330. Delphin, 650. Delphino. 391. Design of submarines, 105, 453, 491, 492, 853, 882, 926, 958, 1000, 1096, 1137. 1500. German, 962. Design of torpedo boats, 105. Destroyer (Ericsson's boat), 43. Destroyers, British, 174. Detachable stern, 1111. Detection of submarines, 1330, 1451. By sound. S22, 897, 989, 1066, 1514, 1515, 1516. See also Fessenden oscillator; Microphone. By telephone. 1320, 1331. By wireless, 929, 1331. From airplane. See Visibility of submarines from airplane. Deutschland, 1043, 1049, 1056-1058, 1061, 1072, 1076. 1079, 1082-1088, 1094, 1104, 1123, 1131, 1144, 1151, 1152, 1162, 1167, 1174, 1182, 1183, 1187, 1190, 1194, 1251, 1357, 1360. Engines, 1131, 1151, 1238. Interior, 1083. Dewey, George, Report on submarines, 235. Diesel engine. See Engines, Gas and oil: Diesel type. Disarming submarines, 498. Disks to deflect torpedoes, 1074. Displacement, 882, 1071. Displacement, Large. 408, 530, 650, 651, 654, 695. 764, 782, 953, 970, 1031, 1070, 1073, 1265, 1493. German boats, 717. Divers, 3, 41, 1026. Diving. 3, 4, 7, 305, 313, 1026, 1075, 1415, 1434, 1452 Methods, 15, 41. Diving apparatus, 472, 490, 1075, 1077, 1409. 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Diving bell. 10, 16. 26, 32, 36, 41, 305. Aristotle on, 4, 305. Halley on, 11. Ryerson's, 203. Diving boat, 12, 13, 15, 41, 231, 336. Diving box, 7. Diving ship. See Diving boat. Dobson submarine, 87. Docks. Salvage. See Salvage docks. Doughty, Thomas, Inventor of the periscope, 856. Draeger salvage system, 639. Drebbel, Cornelius. 10, 12, 22, 544, 637a. Drellisbrak, Stephen, 1026. Driggs gun, 1263. Drydocks: Panama canal, 682. Pontoon, 702. See also Salvage docks. Dubilier, William, 1513. Duryea, C. E., Letter, 1020. Dyestuffs, 1084. Dykkeren (submarine), 470. E E type, 574, 716. E-2 (American), Accident to, 1064, 1069. E-15 (British), 890. Ears of crew, 1092. Edison, Thomas Alva: Opinion of F-4. 810. Submarine problem, 1022. Suggestion, 676. Edison Storage Battery Company, 913. Edwards, Lieutenant Conmiander, 180. Effectiveness. See Strategic value. Electric Boat Company, 278, 330, 728, 907, 1233. Exchange of patent rights, 613. Electric Boat Company of New Jersey, 1439. Electricity on submarines, 60, 69, 487, 494, 519, 534, 818, 851. 857, 881, 948, 1015, 1192. Electrodes, 1330. Elliptic sections. 430. Strength, 158. Emeraude, 334, 350, 400. Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1213, 1221, 1222, 1341. Endicott Board, 155. Engines, Compressed air, Tygard tvpe, 1006. Engines, Gas and oil, 193. 344. 359, 387, 439, 464, 513, 522. 598, 608, 610, 640. 791, 797, 798, 853, 901, 1032, 1146, 1185, 1217. 1227, 1240, 1290. 1333. Augsburg-Nurnburg type, 795, 1125, 1185, 1290. Burmeister & Wain type, 1146. Busch-Sulzer type, 1290. Carel type, 1146. Comparison of types, 796, 1125, 1185, 1290. Craig-Diesel type, 1110, 1290. Creusot-Schneider type. 1290. Diesel tvpe, 511, 579, 635, 636, 638, 719, 739, 746, 768, 795, 796. 833, 900, 1005, 1290. Fiat type, 795, 1146, 1185, 1290. History, 193. Illustrations, 387, 511, 562, 583, 598, 1290, 1333. Jaubert type, 578. Kerosene, 409, 428. Korting type, 555. Krupp type, 795, 1125, 1146, 1185, 1290. Loire type, 1290. M. A. N. type, 579. Nlseco type, 1290. Nobel type, 1290. Nurnburg type. See Augsburg-Nurnburg type. Polar type, 795, 1290. Power and weight compared, 635. Sabathe type, 1290. Scott-Fiat type, 1290. Southwark-Harris type, 1290. Engines, Gas and oil — Continued. Sulzer type, 795, 1185, 1290. Thornycroft type, 579. Vickers type, 1290. Werkspoor-Fiat tvpe, 1290. English Channel. 199, 1148, 1274. Ensign for submarine fleet: British. 342. French, 1421. Entwurf type, 630. fiquevilley, Raymond d'. Method of propulsion, 781. Equilibrium, 311, 784, 1197. Equipment. 287, 296, 938, 1018, 1051, 1471, 1473, 1500. Ericsson, John, 43, 48. Exhaust. 306. Experimental tanks, 535. Experiments, 155, 165, 185, 282, 972. Fulton's. 191, 204. Lake's, 252, 333. Explorations, Submarine, 95, 98, 103, 115, 203, 215, 879. Williamson brothers, 1030, 1163. Explosions. 273, 1041, 1069. Exports, 1214. Eyes of crew, 1092. F type. Defects, 767, 811. F-3, 626. F-4, 626. Accident, 767, 811, 832, 917, 973, 1011. Accident, Report of Navy Department, 767, 830, 934, 935, 936. Crew, 1142. Salvage, 829-832, 849, 918, 934, 961, 1075, 1077. Salvage, Cost, 803. Farfadet, Accident to, 303, 318. "Feelers" for submarines, 880. Fessenden, Reginald Aubery, 897, 898. Biography, 1136. Experiments, 1524. Interview with. 898. Fessenden oscillator, 897, 898, 929, 1506, 1508, 1512, 1518. Fiat-San Giorgio Company, 617. Fiat-San Giorgio type of submarine, 365, 381, 456, 628, 630, 952, 1147. Fiction. 39, 1040, 1343, 1362. Fins, 261, 1100. Fiske, Admiral Bradley Allen, 1350. Flack, N. D., 231. Flag. See Ensign. Floatability. See Stability. Floating crane. See Salvage craft. Floating dock. See Salvage dock. Foca, 390, 454, 477. Launching, 426. Fog signalling. See Signalling. Ford, Henry, Submarine, 775, 1130, 1298. Fore River Shipbuilding Company, 769, 1500. Forelj, 405. Foucault, Accident to, 1134. Fournier, Rear Admiral, 1430. France. Defense against Germany, 341. Franklin, Benjamin, Consulted by Bushnell, 17. Fripps, J., 292. Fuel for submarines. See Supplies. Fulton, Robert, 19, 28a, 34. 191, 206, 238, 478a, 496, 637a. 776. 903, 1161, 1188, 1211. Portrait, 206, 478a. See also Nautilus. Fulton (submarine), 227, 1902. Launching. 185. Trials, 200. Fulton (submarine tender), 660, 739, 852, 1352. Engines, 739, 1352. Trials, 852, 1005. SUBMARINES 91 Furer, J. A., 832. Future of battleship. 684, 943. Future of submarine, 105, 117, 156, 186, 188, 199, 213, 214, 223, 243, 246, 277, 296, 320, 333, 335, 345, 396, 451, 685, 779, 783, 858, 878, 883, 940, 943, 959, 1070, 1109, 1374. G-3, 995. Gage, John M., 353. Gardner method of gyroscopic control, 889. Garrett. Commander, Portrait, 54. Garrett submarine, 45, 46. Gas used in submarine attack, 1053. Gaskets, 944. Gauge, 153. Germania, 566, 687, 883, 927. Germany, 341. Gills for submarines. 676. Glauco, 361, 416. 427. Goerz, C. P., 556, 646. Gordon, R. L., Letter, 1054. Goubet submarine, 60, 67, 75, 11, 81, 82, 85, 87, 121, 227. 1383, 1384, 1385. Grampus, 1400, 1404. Trials, 244, 254. Grant, A. W., 764, 792, 793, 794, 845, 988, 1135. Graphs of trials, 255. Great Britain, Defense against Germany, 341. Greeks, 3. Guns. See Armament. Gustave Zede, 119, 188, 194, 399, 655. Trials, 141. Gymnote, 75, 188, 227, 1384, 1385. Trials, 119. Gyroscopes, 644, 691, 841, 853, 889. H H-3 : Salvage. 1224, 1237, 1327. Stranding, 982. Habitability. 116. 160, 439, 485, 536, 784, 853, 896, 1018. Hague conference, 138, 498. Hallett's submarine, 301. Hamilton, Bermuda, 524. Hand, W. H.. 1200. Harbor defense. See Defense, Harbor. Haskell, H. J., Opinion on submarine warfare, 1112. Haslar beach, 441. Hasler floating dock, 297. Hawley, Alan R., 1350. Heating. 857. Helmet for escape, 468, 476, 497, 611, 639, 1046. Hering, Carl. 1020. Herodotus, 20. Hertzian waves, 291. Hervey, R. G.. 342. History of submarines. Sec Submarines, History of. Hogshead for diving, 16. Hogue, 664, 723. 740. 744. Holbrook. X. D., 974. Portrait. 672. Holland, John Philip, 1062, 1292, 1323, 1398. Biography, 159. 847, 1105. Interview with, 128, 159, 166, 199. Portrait, 847. Prophecv, 199. Holland, trials, 114, 117, 146, 157, 180, 316, 1390, 1391. Holland Boat Company, 185, 417, 569, 1390, 1394. Holland patents, 125. Holland submarine, 73, 80, 83, 84, 87, 88, 99, 100, 101, 104, 114, 124, 125, 127, 139, 145, 157, 165, 176, 179, 193, 195, 198, 225, 311, 547, 569, 847, 1366, 1394, 1395, 1398, 1399, 1401, 1403, 1407. Compared with Narval, 1398. Compared with Nordenfeldt, 1387. Personnel, 1391. Holland type, 235, 316, 323, 569, 758. Compared with Lake type, 239, 314, 316, 328, 356. Honolulu, 935, 973. Horstford submarine, 203. Horton, Commander, 1047. Housatonic, 130. Hulls, 181, 190, 308, 461, 557, 579, 605, 1193, 1285. 1478. Cigar shaped, 298. Cleaning, 668. Compression, 174. Double, 453, 475, 60S, 1219. 1285. Pear-shaped, 465. Resistance, 481. Spear's design, 430. Hunley submarine, 435, 1184, 1299. Hvalen, 440, 470, 517. Hydrographic work. See Explorations, Submarine. Hydroscope, 249. Hydrostat, 36. Ice, Travel under, 253. Ice fields, 1047. Ictineo, 825. Immersion. See Submergence. Increased scope. See Radius of action. India rubber in submarine, 944. Indian Head experiments, 972. Indicator, 910. Interiors of submarines, 389, 449, 611, 857, 864, 1045, 1279. International law, 138. 928, 1104, 1187, 1195. Invention of submarines, 75. Invisible destroyer, 1401. Isaac Peral (submarine;, 75, 78, 1198, 1280, 1384, 1385, 1386. Jack-Doxford balanced pressure system, 1181. jacket. 643. Jaubert, George F., Patent granted to, 578. Jefferson. Thomas, 18. "Jitney," 775. K K type. 738, 818. Trials, 824. Trip through Cape Cod canal, 754, 993. Kambala, 405. Kanguroo, 568, 592, 600, 603, 604, 625, 763. Illustrations. 592, 600, 604, 606, 625, 647, 763, 860. Launching, 606. Kean, Patrick, Patent granted to, 1116. Kettle as diving bell, 4. Kiel, 531. Kiel canal, 1008. Kimball, A. L., Letter, 1020. Kleber, 507. Kobben, 506, 518. 566. Koenig. Capt., 1049. 1086, 1098. Portrait. 1087. Koerting Brothers, 306, 344. 555. 92 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Koninklijke Maatschappij "de Schelde," 278. Kritzler, Julius, Patent granted, 632. Kroehl submarine, 203. Krupp Company, 475. Krupp guns. See Armament: Krupp guns. Krupp patent, 522. Krupp type of submarine, 467, 475, 566, 687, 758, 800. 928. Kuempfe, 253. L-8, 909. L. A. Submarine Boat Company, 855. Lake, Simon, 103, 115, 121. 134, 167, 247, 677, 826, 950. 975, 995, 1007, 1155, 1189, 1296, 1340. Biography, 115, 333, 1145, 1335. Portrait, 103, 130, 1145, 1335, 1361. Lake submarine. Specifications, 394. Lake type, 225, 235. 266, 267, 280, 311, 354, 367, 394, 406, 622, 705, 1407. Compared with Holland. See Holland type: Com- pared with Lake type. First for United States, 622. Landskrona, Sweden, 58, 1383. Lanphier, C. R., 984. La Rochelle, Battle of, 22, 544. Laubeuf, Alfred Maxime, 368, 408, 949, 998. Laubeuf type, 551, 648, 758, 827. Built in Unitetl States, 1140. Trials, 401. Launching submarines from ships, 370, 373, 1250. Laurenti, Cesare, 432, 1036, 1147. Laurenti type, 630, 758, 1168. Compared with others, 454. Leaks, 174, 465. Leather, 15. Leather bottles for ballast tanks. See Ballast tanks. Leather. Lee, Ezra, 23. Legal status, 885. Lessler, Congressman, 1405. Lewis gun, 1323. Ley, Samuel, 13. Life saving apparatus, 274, 289, 292, 295, 303, 333, 462, 468, 476, 493, 525, 527, 643, 659, 674, 944, 979, 1046, 1068, 1107, 1472. Illustrations, 274, 292, 468, 525, 585, 1046, 1107. Lighting, 857, 1192. Lillev. George L., 1439. Limitations. 708, 860, 886, 939, 1153, 1288. Liverpool University Students' Engineering Society, 762. Locometer, 808. Long, John D., 162. Losses by submarine, 724. Losses, German, in present war, 1258. Lowe, John, 127, 1391. Lusitania, Sinking of, 805, 947, 986. Lutin: Accident, 302, 312, 318. In dry dock, 312. Lyndon, Lamar, 1322. Lyon, builder, 64. Lyon, E. R., 1332. M M-i; 823. Specifications, 673. Trials. 1002. McClintock submarine, 203. Machinery, 482, 579, 685, 781, 795, 851, 900, 926, 953, 958, 999, 1018, 1266. Failure, 273. For Bauer's boat, 480. Machinery — Continued. For Goubet boat, 82. For Nordenfeldt boat, 51, 54, 65. Illustrations, 725. Tests, 348. Weight, 439. See also Propulsion; Engines, Gas and oil; Motors; Storage batteries. McVVhorter, Lieut., 1371. Magnets, Lifting, 849. Man shot from torpedo tube, 1229. Manoeuvres, 276. French, 237, 438, 460, 559, 594. Manoeuvring power, 181, 240, 860. Maps, 146. Mariotte, 487, 571. Sinking, 966. Mathematical analysis of form, 91. Maxim, Hudson, Inventions of, 910, 1160. Melville. George Wallace, 169. Mercer-Fraser Company, 1327. Merchant Submarine Company, 1296. Merchant submarines, 1050, 1297. Lake's, 1155, 1284. 1296, 1315, 1340. See also Bremen; Deutschland. Mersenne, Marin, 10. Microphone, 898, 1329, 1511, 1513, 1520, 1539, 1542. Middle West, Attitude on submarine warfare, 1112. Middleton system, 261. Mine layers, 632, 997, 1063, 1081, 1082, 1115, 1169. 1170. Capture of, 1042. Illustrations, 1063, 1081, 1169, 1216. Mine sweeping, 1114. Mines, 74, 174, 362, 675, 816, 859, 1018, 1096, 1209, 1314. Bibliography, 2. Mingoa, Accident to, 756. Mirrors, 1116. Moccasin, 255, 1400. 1404. Trials, 218, 226, 229, 255. 256. Model of submarine, 303. 443, 591, 1101. Monturiol, Narciso, Biography, 819. Monturiol submarine, 825. Moriarty submarine, 225, 1401, 1402. Morse, Trials of, 1396. Mother ship. See Supplies for submarines. Motion, 181, 332, 946. Motors, 151, 190, 193, 306, 382, 383, 387, 397, 576, 579, 635, 784, 795, 817, 853, 855, 1025. Atmospheric, 152. Illustrations, 349. Moving pictures. See Photography, Submarine. Murray, Arthur, 1403. Musoforiti system, 1204, 1236, 1306. N N-type, 1286. Names of submarines: American, 990, 1273, 1458, 1490. French, 1431. Nantucket, -Attack off, 1029, 1080. 1112. Napoleon, 1161. Narval. 399. Trials, 1396. Narvalo, 427. Narvvahl, 457, 463. Nautilus, 191, 206, 238, 452. 496, 903, 1161, 1188, 1211. Specifications. 478a. Naval affairs, German, 664, 688, 700, 723, 740, 741, 744, 836. 915, 980, 981, 1017. Navigation, Submarine, 9, 10, 27. 29, 75, 92, 111, 118, 135, 148, 172, 183, 233, 235, 259, 263, 287, 301, 305, 391, 776, 820. SUBMARINES 93 Navigation of submarines, 42, 103, ISO, 160, 190, 208, 250, 256, 263, 272, 283, 286, 288, 557, 762, 780, 808. 816, 854, 872, 877, 895, 896, 926, 999, 1099, 1106, 1122, 1205, 1264, 1266, 1344, 1361. Instruments. 1099. Navy, Submarine development of, lA, 175, 186, 208, 221, 232, 266, 287, 288, 296, 335, 345, 355, 386, 436, 447, 471, 493, 525a, 610. 664, 678, 693, 710, 711, 862, 891, 939, 998, 1109, 1208, 1420, 1429. 1436. American, 802. 1447. British. 211, 212. 221, 277, 690. French, 559. German, 884, 968, 998. Neff system, 905, 1059, 1121, 1122. 1171, 1227. Negus Company's steering instrument, 251. Nets, 219, 712. 929, 965, 1148. 1164, 1201, 1209, 1226, 1232, 12S2, 1303, 1304, 1314, 1316, 1363, 1373, 1387. 1500. Avoidance of, 880, 1209. Cost of. 1500. Illustrations. 227. 712, 1201, 1303, 1363. Neutrality. Violation of, 747, 1029. New Ironsides, 44. New Orleans, La.. 418, 435. Newport Manufacturing Company, 1402. Nieman, L. W., Opinion on submarine warfare, 1112. Nordenfeldt, T. : Autograph, 58. Portrait, 54. Nordenfeldt submarine. 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 61, 63, 65. 66, 11, 79. 1382. 1387. Trials, 53, 54. 58. 1383. Niirnberg-Augsburgische Maschinenfabrik, 538. Oars. See Propulsion: Oars. Oberelbe, 412. 413. Illustration. 412. Observation from submarines, 7, 93, 103. Octopus, 316, 339. 379. 402. Trials, 330. 357. 358. 1430. Offense with submarine. 436. 565, 612, 783, 877, 914. Oil storage at sea, 902. 1181. Oil supply. See Supplies. Omniscope. 252. One man submarine. 1111. 1128. 1130, 1310, 1332. O'Neil, Rear Admiral, 179, 202. Opale, 327. 350, 360. Trials. 372. Operation on submarines. See Navigation of sub- marines. Opinions of submarines. 228, 235, 366. American, 230. 260, 266. British, 105, 197, 211, 212, 232, 262. French. 196. German, 232. Orylithe suit, 674. Oscillator. See Fessenden oscillator. Otario, 427, 456, 478. Oxygen, 676. Pacificateur, 75. Painting submarines. 1460. Panama canal: Guarded by submarines. 694, 1397, 1487, 1502, 1503. Locks used as drydock. 682, 755. Paraffin engines. See Engines, Gas and oil: Kero- sene. Parker submarine, 775. Passengers in submarines, 156. Patents, 2, 613. Pay of personnel, 921. France. 1413, 1414, 1469, 1481. Payerne. 25, 26, 36. Peace letter carried on submarine, 1183. Peacemaker, 68. Pelletan, C. 258. Pembroke, Duke of, 22. Peral, Isaac, Biography of, 819. Peral (submarine). See Isaac Peral. Periodicity theory, 927. Periscope. 178, 288, 293, 434, 759, 797, 872, 922, 923, 931, 1133. Construction, 434, 697, 804. 820, 922. Goerz type, 556, 646, 931, 1311. Grubb type, 931. Illustrations, 293, 434, 820. 922, 1001, 1311. Invention of, 856, 923, 1021. Invisible, 868. Russo-Laurenti type, 931. Trench, 797. Whitehead patent, 580. Persians, 3. Personnel, 303, 536, 792, 854. French, 1420, 1422, 1423, 1433, 1444, 1461. Training. See School. Petroleum. 306. Philippine Islands, 415, 429. Photography, Submarine, 1030, 1038, 1163. Physical condition of personnel, 1092. Piatti dal Pozzo, Count, 93. Pike, 1400, 1404. Trials, 244, 254. Pino, Invention by. 215, 245, 249. Plongeur, 70, 75, 1386. Plongeur-Manier, 680. Plunger, 94. 96. 113, 123, 128, 142, 143, 1400, 1404. Launching. 96. Purchase. 162. Specifications, 113. Trials, 123, 124. Pluviose. 400. 507, 1467, 1478. Accident to, 488, 489, 508, 509, 512, 514. Trials, 372. Plymouth sound, 231, 281. Pola. 531. Polar expeditions, 253, 878. Porpoise, 415, 429, 1400, 1404. Portraits, 92, 236. Position, Determination of, 808, 1099, 1160, 1272. Possibilities. See Future. Power : Economy. 453, 487. Tests, 535. Pressure, 158. Propagation of sound. See Sound. — Propagation. Propellers. 971, 1066. 1099, 1272. Propulsion. 15, 25, 133, 150, 190, 362, 387, 430, 439, 451, 472, 482, 511, 557, 610, 635, 636, 649, 719, 721, 746. 781, 791, 854, 855, 896, 938, 953, 957, 1032, 1240, 1280. By compressed air, 903, 1006, 1121, 1122. By electricity, 60, 69, 487, 494, 519, 1332. By electricity. First use of, 1015. By fins, 24, 261. By manual power, 746. By oars, 12. By steam, 54, 69, 543. 719. 959, 963. By steam, compared with Diesel engines, 719, 959, 963. By storage batteries. See Storage batteries. Neff system. See Propulsion: By compressed air. When submerged, 901, 1227, 1240. Sec also Engines, Gas and oil. Protection against submarines. See Defense against submarines. 94 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Protector, 209, 239, 242, 242a, 252, 260. Compared with Holland, 239. Hull, 209. Launching, 209. Provincetown bay, 479. Provisioning. See Supplies for submarines. Prusse, Gotthold, 1131. Puget sound, 1430. Pugliese, M., 1241. Pump, Vacuum, 1099. Pumping apparatus, 1192. Purpose of the submarine, 279. Quincy, Mass., 524. Raddatz submarine, 163. Radiodynamics, 1113, 1524. Radius of action, 240, 296, 315, 374, 439, 610, 782 886, 940, 943, 970, 994, 995, 1031. Reconnaissance, 745. Reno, J. W., 971. Repairing of ships under water, 790. Repairing of submarines, 411, 726, 1484. Reporter's account of trip, 59. Requirements, United States, 758. Resistance, 91, 1028, 1285. Respiration, 4, 26. Reuterdahl, Henry, Illustrations by, 1048, 1194. Riker submarine, 1500. Rodgers, Capt., 1353. Rope entanglements, 971. Rose, G. F., 659. Rubber. See India rubber. Pubis. 350. Rudder control, 1234. Rudders, 181. Russian submarines. See Submarines, Russia. Russo-Japanese war, 265, 404, 958. Ryerson, Van Buran, Diving bell invented by, 203. S-1, 669. Safety appliances, 468, 476, 497, 639. Safety of submarines, 274, 318, 332, 333, 337, 439, 532, 577, 756, 945, 1041. Salmon, 494. Trip from Quincy, Mass., to Hamilton, Bermuda, 524. Salvage craft, 273, 376, 378, 393, 395, 469, 526, 531. 577, 616, 1096, 1477. Illustrations, 945, 1250. See also Vulcan. Salvage docks, 297, 412, 413, 529, 531, 563, 615, 617, 620, 704, 952. Illustrations, 529, 599, 620. Salvage methods: Musorofiti method, 1236, 1306. Pontoon method, 1077, 1482. Windlass method, 1077. Salvage of submarines, 273, 303, 333, 378, 395, 411, 483, 512, 526, 528, 586, 616, 674, 731, 945, 1204, 1441. By balloons, 846. By lifting magnets, 849. By submarines, 289, 954. See also F-4: Salvage. Salvage of wrecks by submarines, 116, 131, 215, 245, 249, 674. .Saphir, 350. "Saucy boat," Illustration of, 927. Schiff-96, 631. Schley, 912, 1175. Scholl, 253. School, 516, 792, 988. Scion. See Scyllias of Scion. Scotland, 669. Scotsman, 1181. Scott, Sir Percy, 662, 696, 699, 720, 735, 748, 1090, 1093, 1180. Scott-Bond process, 1247. Scott Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 628. Screws, 209, 430. Scyllias of Scion, 3, 5. Daughter of, 3. Statue of, 5. Sea floor. See E.xplorations. Sea life, 7. Seal, 622. Seaplanes. .S"^*" Aeronautics. Searchlights, 1254, 1291. Seaworthiness. See Safety of submarines. Seine, 191. Service on submarines, France. 1410, 1432, 1440, 1442, 1448, 1449. 1457, 1463, 1465, 1470, 1474, 1480, 1492. Shafts, 430. Shark. 227, 1400, 1404. Launching, 182. Shipping, 415, 429. Ships, Wooden. See Emergency Fleet Corporation. Siebe, Gorman & Company, 462. Signal stations, 1535, 1537. Signalling: Apparatus, 497, 1055. Between ships, 1508, 1512, 1520, 1533. Flag, 1019. From submarines, 731, 1329, 1504, 1532. History, 1507, 1517, 1519. To submarines, 1144, 1329. Signalling, Submarine, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1531, 1533, 1534, 1536-1540. Apparatus, 1527, 1530, 1542. See also Fessenden oscillator; Microphone. Silence when submerged, 439, 1121. Silvershell, 1369. Simon Lake X, 280. Trials, 1430. Sims, William S., 776, 1274, 1288, 1337. Skerrett, Robert G., 336, 377. Sloane, Mrs. J. E., Sponsor, 909. Smoke, 861, 1342. Societe d'etudes de peches sous-marines, 407. Societe des forges et chantiers de la Mediterranee, 420. ■Soridderen, 537. Sound: Direction, 1529. Experiments, 1509. Propagation under water, 1509, 1510, 1521. Transmission through water, 822, 1509, 1510, 1516, 1540, 1541. Velocity, 1505. Sound of submarines, 817. .Spanish boats at battle of La Rochelle, 22. .Spear, Lawrence Y., Inventions of, 430. Specifications, 327, 343, 394, 495, 517, 1500. Speed, 180, 315, 320, 332, 406, 453, 535, 970. Submerged, 406, 472, 487, 511, 708. Surface, 487. Sperry, Elmer Ambrose, 1067. Spezia, 426, 427, 440, 456, 589. Sponge gatherer, 407, 414, 419, 420, 422, 423, 425. Squalo, 390, 432. f SUBMARINES 95 Stability, 135, 150, 181, 308, 311, 313, 332, 352, 453, 492, 503, 505, 608, 633, 766, 1036, 1197, 1271. Experiments, 946. See also Gyroscopes. Standardization of submarines, 110, 244, 1253. Statistics, 345, 471. Steam propulsion. See Propulsion by steam. Steering, 251, 816, 983. Stevenson, William A., 1472. Stewart, William M., 1397. Stingray, 479. Stirling, Yates, jr., 751, 801, 802, 911, 916, 1095. Stockholm, 440. Storage batteries, 57, 534, 550, 635, 765, 791, 853, 855. 857, 881, 913, 984, 990, 1041, 1150, 1192, 1228, 1322, 1500. Alkali, 1095. Comparison of types, 534, 765. Edison type, 760, 833, 855, 866, 909, 1016, 1022, 1500. Edison type. Tests of, 752. Substitutes, 1059. Ventilation, 1041. Strategic value, 62, 86, 105, 106, 107, 155, 187, 224, 230, 232, 241. 258, 266, 276, 277, 307, 335, 362, 433, 612. 677, 698, 699, 727, 728, 745, 761, 896, 1018, 1126, 1137, 1206, 1365, 1390, 1398. Stream lines. 535. Strength, 158, 453, 492, 970. Stymograph, 1475. Submarine as ship cleaner, 668. Submarine built from scraps, 1102. Submarine engineering, 674. Submarine fleets. See Navy, Submarine develop- ment of. Submarine flotilla: France, 1418, 1450, 1455-1456. 1464. Germany, since the war, 928, 955, 1033. United States, 792, 793, 794, 801, 924, 1034, 1497. Submarine pictures. See Photography, Submarine. .Submarine Signal Company, 1514. Submarine sledge, 652. Submarines. American, 71, 80, 122, 133, 167, 173, 176, 192, 224, 226, 314, 324, 340, 367, 379, 418, 429, 609, 694, 755, 821, 823, 862, 876, 907, 911, 924, 1184, 1393, 1486, 1489, 1491, 1496. Deficiencies. 916. First, 435, 1393. First built by Navy Department, 909. Trials, 1411. Submarines, Australian, 681. Submarines, Austrian, 467, 475, 582, 716, 774, 800, 1356. First, 495. Submarines, Brazilian. 319, 1036, 1065, 1389. Submarines, British, 192, 198, 211, 212, 214, 222, 227, 241, 284, 324, 343, 421, 436, 471, 549, 628, 692, 769, 996, 1420, 1429. First, 205, 221. Submarines, Chilian, 1472. Submarines, Danish, 470, 537, 906. Submarines. Dutch, 278, 346, 410, 538. Trials, 538. Submarines, French, 119, 120, 133, 140, 169, 177, 192, 216. 237, 241, 250, 282, 290, 310, 324, 325, 327, 334, 355, 364, 369, 383, 385, 400, 403. 436, 446. 471, 487, 501, 502, 614. 827, 1009, 1488. Trip from Cherbourg to Brest, 216. Submarines, German. 232, 304, 349, 566, 583, 614, 686, 687, 717, 773, 837-840, 884, 968, 998, 1033, 1129. 1246. 1249, 1279, 1321. First. 294, 326. 331, 607. 680, 1008, 1166. -Supplies in war zone. See Supplies. Submarines, Italian, 361, 365, 390, 391, 416, 427, 428. 432, 471, 630. Trip from Venice to Spezia, 427. Submarines, Japanese, 388, 1011, 1168. Submarines, Norwegian, 506, 518, 566. Submarines, Portuguese, 1172. Submarines, Russian, 35, 55, 280, 338, 405, 466, 510, 651, 756, 1256, 1384. Submarines, Scandinavian, 6. Submarines, Spanish, 76, 710, 1198. First, 819, 825. Submarines, Swedish, 133, 440, 470, 517. Submarines, Turkish, 66, 196, 596. Submarines, History of, 3, 20, 32, 41, 62, 68, 72, 78a, 79, 90, 92, 97, 129, 136, 149, 155, 160, 164, 171, 178, 201, 204, 210, 213, 217, 223, 233, 235, 236, 250, 259, 274, 288, 301, 305, 309, 325, 362, 386, 398, 404, 437, 445, 448, 500. 523, 545, 557, 581, 637a, 679, 701, 746, 762, 789, 791, 826, 848, 863, 873, 882, 884, 896, 937, 956, 958, 1009, 1014, 1035, 1062, 1103, 1108, 1158, 1161, 1166, 1186, 1248, 1281. Battle of La Rochelle, 22, 543. Eighteenth century, 231, 1292. Siege of Tyre, 150, 791. Submarines, Illustrations of, 201, 248, 362, 523. 561, 601, 624, 689, 692, 725, 750, 762, 791, 1014, 1205. A-1 (British), 269, 271, 621. A-3 (British), 586. A-8 (British), 284. A-12 (British), 308, 554. A. E. 2. (Australian), 681. Adder, 189. Aigrette, 282, 883. Alstilt, 31. Anguille, 364. Archimede, 588. Argonaut, 98, 103, 108, 121, 122, 130, 131, 148, 155, 167. Argonaut, jr., 130. B-1 (British), 284, 308. B-10 (British), 421. B-11, 672. Baker, 87. Bauer's submarine, 480, 520. Berthelot, 749. Brazilian boats, 1389. British boats, 205, 221, 227, 667, 1091. Burger submarine, 525a. C tvpe (British), 222, 324, 343, 363, 525a, 554, 1212. Commander Von Falkenhausen, 1305. Cuttlefish, 308, 316, 357, 363. D-1 (British), 525a. D-2, 567, 914. D-3, 821, 1001. D-5, 709. David, 130, 148. Delphin, 650. Deutschland, 1056, 1058, 1083, 1084, 1087, 1088. 1131, 1174, 1190. Dobson's boat, 87. Dutch boats. 278. Dykkeren. 470. E type (British), 729, 844, 862, 914. Early prints, 6, 7, 15, 92, 136, 178, 236, 305, 445, 448, 679, 937. Emeraude, 334. F-3, 626. 821. Foca. 390, 454, 455, 477, 525a, 554. Forelj, 405. Foucault, 650. Fulton. 227. G-2, 968. Garrett boat. 45, 46. German boats, 962, 1166. Glauco, 361. Goubet, 67, 75, 81, 87, 227, 310, 746. Grampus, 254. Grayling, 525a. Grondin, 364. Gustave Zede, 118, 140, 184, 188. 96 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Submarines, Illustrations of — Continued. Gymnote, 75, 119, 140, 188, 227, 310. H-3, 982. Holland, 88, 99, 100, 101, 102, 112, 114, 155, 176, 198, 274, 520, 746, 1392. Hunley, 1299. Hvalen, 470. Isaac Peral, 75, 1198. Italian boats, 630. K type, 738, 755, 1368. Kainian, 1120. Kambala, 405. Karp, 466. Kobben, 518, 566, 883. Lake type, 112, 354. Laubeuf type, 827. Lutin, 310. M type, 1334. Mine layers, 1042. Morse, 502. N type, 1286. Narval, 310, 883. Narwahl, 457, 463, 482. 502. Nautilus (Fulton's), 191, 206, 452, 637a, 904, 1188. Nautilus (Hallett's), 301. Niade, 310. Nordenfeldt, 47, 51. 54, 56, 58, 65, 66, 87, 196. Octopus, 308, 316, 323, 324, 330, 357, 379. Opale, 327, 502. Otaria, 456, 478. Pacificateur, 75. Palagois, 1120. Payerne's boat, 36. Pike, 254. Pino, 245. Plongeur, 75, 94. Plunger, 101, 102, 113, 123. Pluviose, 497. 525a, 554, 883. Protector, 209, 240, 247, 252, 308. Ram, 847. Russian boats, 55, 654. Salmon, 494, 554, 798, 821. Schley, 1366. Seal, 622. Shark, 182, 227. Simon Lake X, 280. Sireine, 883. Skipjack, 564. • Sponge gatherer, 414, 419, 420, 422, 423, 425. Squalo. 390, 426. Tarantula, 316, 357. Thermidor, 749. Thon, 385. Travailleur, 93, 147. Turtle, 118. U-1, 608, 618, 883, 1120. U-3, 5S0a, 554. U-5, 883. U-8, 951. U-11, 1120. U-12, 1120. U-36, 840. U-G 12, 1321. Villeroi's boat, 36. Viper, 357. Whale, 876. Xiphias, 650. Z, 310, 502. Submarines, Illustrations of boats in drydock. 755. Submarines, Illustrations of hulls, 81, 254, 441, 738. Submarines, Illustrations of interiors, 81, 121, 207, 240, 295, 351, 449, 497, 506, 609, 611, 741, 789, 864, 1277, 1278. Submarines against submarines, 1346. Submarines against warships, 38, 424, 427, 499, 530, 661, 662, 664, 684, 701. 708, 720, 735, 744, 748, 777, 809, 834, 870, 938, 943, 977, 991, 992, 1023, 1052, 1054, 1139, 1345, 1354, 1357, 1487. Submarines as naval unit, 170, 532, 662, 664, 674, 710, 715, 779, 888. United States, 713, 746. Submarines in American Revolution. See American Revolution, .Submarines in. Submarines in present war, 778, 779, 785, 814, 865, 938, 942, 998, 1027, 1120, 1259, 1269, 1307, 1339, 1499. Submarines of greater displacement. See Displace- ment. Submerged cruising, 500, 503. Submergence, 6, 111, 135, 136, 150, 240, 267, 387. 447, 766, 780, 820, 854, 941, 1018, 1100, 1160, 1197, 1361. Experiments, 137. United States Navy requirements, 1173. While under way, 784. Submergence, Deep, 453. Tests, 619, 620, 1173. Submersibles, 208, 272, 298, 310, 384, 398, 464, 465, 472, 501, 789. Compared with submarines, 285, 299, 540. 551, 884, 1070. 1126, 1429. Sueter, Murray F., 565. Superstructure, 308. Supplies for submarines, 722. At sea, 722, 902, 975, 1007, 1147, 1181. French, 1424-1428, 1454. Survivors of ships. 1177. Switch gear, 1026. Symons, Nathaniel, 13, 14. Tactics, 190, 265, 276, 447, 612, 666, 715, 745, 816, 842, 1137, 1154, 1206, 1344, 1500. Tanks, Experimental. See Experimental tanks. Tanks, Oil, 1181. Tarantula, 316. Trials, 357, 358. Telephones, 219. 989, 1066, 1320. Amplifier, 1331. Testing dock, 589, 593, 619, 656, 702. Thornycroft Company, 409, 428. Tirpitz. Admiral von, 657, 1013. Biography, 893, 1003. Opinion on large ships, 809. Tommasi's Hemi-plongeur, 301. Topaze, 350, 645. Torpedo tubes, 394. 1179, 1370. Revolver principle, 1044. Torpedoes, 21, 37, 38, 42, 73, 74, 174, 183, 204, 265, 325, 362, 442, 658, 671, 675, 777, 816, 854, 859, 1004, 1033, 1074, 1096, 1476. Bibliography, 2. Firing of, 34, 240, 394, 444, 854, 887, 1018, 1044, 1179, 1192, 1255, 1-355. Gardiner type, 1143. Gyroscopic control, 841. Illustrations, 442, 473, 474, 1004. Invented by Bushnell, 18. Loading of, 887, 1044. Orling-Armstrong, 257. Range, 753, 1329. Torpedoplane. 1243. Transportation of submarines, 280, 373, 388, 431, 994, 1364. By collier, 370, 373. 415, 429. Packed for shipment, 914. See also Kanguroo. Transporter, 388, 431. Illustrations, 431. Travailleur, 93, 147. Treasure hunting. See Salvage of wrecks by sub- marines. SUBMARINES 97 Trim, 313, 1036. Trumble submarine, 1128, 1310. Tsutomu, Sakuma, 1011. Tubes for submarines, 35. Tuck, J. L., 57, 1383. Tunis. 407, 423. Turquoise, 350, 645. Turtle, 17, 21, 118. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, 39, 1038. Types of submarines, 74, 286, 287, 296, 298. 299, 310, 311, 447, 472, 493, 634, 714, 758, 821, 859, 896, 958, 1108, 1141. See also Lake type; Holland type; Laubeuf type; Laurenti type; Krupp type; Fiat San Giorgio type; One man type. Tyre, Siege of, 150, 791. u U-1, 349, 359. U-3, 528. Accident to, 558, 572, 573. U-8, Sinking of, 951. U-9, 698. 723. United States. — Board of Inquiry on F-4 Disaster. See F-4. United States. — Board of Preliminary Investiga- tion. 1064. United States. — Bureau of Ordnance and Construc- tion, Report of, 972. United States. — Hydrographic Office, 1540. United States. — Lighthouse Board, 1538. United States. — - Military Committee of the House, 1135. United States. — Naval Board of Inspection, 226. United States. — Naval Committee of the House, Testimony before, 751. United States. — Navy Department, 1110. United States. — Sub-Committee on Military Affairs, 1244. United States Commission, 235. United States Experimental Model Basin, 535. United States Government, Attitude of, 162, 417, 1487. Vacuum (ship), 1301. Value in warfare. See Strategic value. Valves, 306, 344. Vase as diving bell. 4. Vendemaire. Accident to, 629. Venice, 427. Ventilation of submarines, S, 9, 26, 321, 451, 553, 590, 933, 1246, 1292a. 1371. Verne. Jules. 1038. Vertical plane. 181. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, 388. Villeroi of Nantes. 24. 30. 36. Viper. Trials of. 357. 358. Visibility of submarines. 439, 1116. Visibility of submarines from airplanes. 542, 587, 595, 637, 645, 693, 880, 914, 1010. 1243, 1260, 1320, 1350, 1376, 1378. Experiments, 1010. Illustrations. 587, 1376. 1378. Vision. 315. See also Periscope. Limit, 451. Vogel, H., 539. Voyages of submarines, 115, 130, 194, 216, 256, 275, 427, 440, 479, 524, 536, 754, 807, 1178, 1196. Transatlantic, 994, 995. Vulcan, 395, 411, 450. 469, 548. 558, 584. Illustrations, 450, 548. w Wake. 850. Warfare, 37. 38. 48. 105, 132. 138, 145, 173, 178. 187, 195, 213. 227, 228. 235. 262. 272, 276, 277, 335, 362, 380, 397, 433, 497, 612, 641, 661, 715, 783, 806, 873. 877. 914, 925, 938, 1001, 1023, 1166, 1180, 1206, 1283, 1302, 1372. German, 689, 915, 927, 942, 967, 1029. Lord Beresford on, 665. Warships. Speed as means of defense, 812, 1023. Water: Compression, 152. Density. 707. Expelling from ballast tanks, 15. Living under. 4, 7. 8, 9, 11, 32. Water protection, 315. Watts, J. M.. 1199. Waves, 332. Waves eliminated, 850, 1020. Weaknesses, 308. Weddigen, Otto, Biography of, 875. Welding, 1267. Wells, H. G., 228. Wheels on submarines, 890. White, Sir William Henry, 352. Whitehead Company, Exchange of patent rights, 613. Whitehead type of submarine, 570, 602. Whiting, 1229. Wilkins, John. 937. 1248, 1281. Biography. 1248. Williamson brothers, 1030, 1163. Wind, 332. Wireless control of submarines, 168, 291, 1113. Apparatus, 291, 1101. Wireless control of torpedoes, 257, 291, 1113, 1143, 1255. Wireless telegraph on submarines, 541, 857, 1191. Wolesley, builder. 64. Wood. Chief Engineer, U. S. N.. 33. Wotherspoon, W. W., Submarine invented by, 954. Wrecks, Salvage of. See Salvage of wrecks by sub- marines. Wright Brothers. 1323. Xerxes, 3. Z (submarine), 285. Zalinski. 49. 59. Zede. See Gustave Zede. Zeebrugge. 840. Zeppelin against submarines, 815. Zigzag course, 861, 1234, 1319, 1380. 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