.^!.//.^,:^... THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE MOST REMARKABLE ASSAULTS COMMITTED OF LATE YEARS UPON THE COASTS OF THE WEST INDIES BY THE BUCCANEERS OF JAMAICA AND TORTUGA (BOTH ENGLISH AND FRENCH) Wherein are contained more especially the Unparalleled Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English /a?naican Hero, who sacked Porto Bello, burnt Panama, etc. BY JOHN ESOUEMELING One of the Buccaneers who was presciii at those tragedies Mow taitbtuUi^ rcn^ere^ into Enolisb. Mitb jfacsimilcs of all tbe ©dijinal JEnoravniujs, etc. LONDON SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO New York: CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS 1893 Reprinted from the Edition of 1684, to luhich is added a reprint of the very scarce Fourth Part, by Basil Ringrose (1685), containini^ the " Da7igerous Voyage and Bold Attempts of CAPTAIN Bartholomew Sharp ajtd others" Edited, with an Introduction, by Henry Powell CONTENTS. Introduction v The Translator to thk Reader xxix CHAPTER PART I. I. The Author sets forth towards the Western Islands, in the Service of the West India Company of France. They meet with an English frigate, and arrive at the Island of Tortuga i II. Description of the Island of Tortuga : of the fruits and plants there grow- ing : how the French settled there, at two several times, and cast out the Spaniards, first masters thereof. The Author of this book was twice sold in the said Island 6 III. Description of the great and famous Island of Hispaniola . . . i6 IV. Of the Fruits, Trees and Animals that are found at Hispaniola . . 21 V. Of all sorts of quadruped Animals and Birds that are found in this island. As also a relation of the French Buccaneers ..... 34 VI. Of the Origin of the most famous Pirates of the coasts of America. A notable exploit of Pierre le Grand 53 VII. After what manner the Pirates arm their vessels, and how they regulate their voyages ........... 58 PART 11. I. Origin of Francis L'OUonais, and beginning of his robberies ... 79 II. L'OUonais equips a fleet to land upon the Spanish islands of America, with intent to rob, sack and burn whatever he met . . . • .84 III. L'OUonais makes new preparations to take the city of St. James de Leon ; as also that of Nicaragua, where he miserably perishes . . . loi IV. Of the Origin and Descent of Captain Henry Morgan— his Exploits and a continuation of the most remarkable actions of his life . . .120 V. Some account of the Island of Cuba. Captain Morgan attempts to preserve the Isle of St. Catharine as a refuge and nest to Pirates ; but fails of his designs. He arrives at and takes the village of El Puerto del Principe 130 VI. Captain Morgan resolveth to attack and plunder the city of Porto Bello. To this effect he equips a fleet, and with little expense and small forces, takes the said place .......... 140 VII. Captain Morgan taketh the city of Maracaibo, on the coast of New Vene- zuela. Piracies committed in those Seas. Kuin of three Spanish ships, that were set forth to hinder the robberies of the Pirates . . • ' 5° PART HI. I. Captain Morgan goes to the Isle of Hispaniola to equip a new fleet, with intent to pillage again upon the coasts .of the West Indies . . .183 II. What happened in the river De la Hacha . . . • . . iSó III. Captain Morgan leaves the Island of Hispaniola, and goes to that of St. Catharine, which he takes . . . . . • • • .191 IV. Captain Morgan takes the Castle of Chagre, with four hundred men sent for this purpose from the Isle of St. Catharine 198 V. Captain Morgan departs from the Castle of Chagre, at the head of one thousand two hundred men, with design to take the city of Panama . 206 VI. Captain Morgan sends several canoes and boats to the South Sea. He sets fire to the city of Panama. Robberies and cruelties committed there by the Pirates till their return to the Castle of Chagre . . ^2^ VII. Of a voyage made by the Author, along the coasts of Costa Rica, at his return towards Jamaica. What happened most remarkable in the said voyage. Some observations made by him at that time . . • 239 Vlll. The Author departs towards the Cape of Gracias a Dios. Ol the Com- merce which here the Pirates exercise with the Indians. Ilis arrival at the Island De los Pinos ; and finally, iiis return to Jamaica . .249 IX. The Relation of the shipwreck, which Monsieur Bertram Ogeron, Governor of the Isle of Tortuga, sufl"ered near the Isles of GuadanilLis. How both he and his companions fell into the hands of the Spaniards. By what arts he escaped their hands, and preserved his liic. 1 he enterprise which he undertook against Porto Rico, to deliver his people. The unfortunate success of that design ....••• 259 i a 2043390 CONTENTS. HAGE X. A relation of what encounters lately happened at the Islands of Cayana and Tobago, between the Count de Estres, Admiral of Fiance, in America, and the Heer Jacob Binkes, Vice-Admiral of the United Provinces, in tlie same parts ........ 267 PART IV, I. Captain Coxon, Sawkins, Sharp and others set forth in a fleet towards the province of Darien, upon the continent of America. Their designs to pillage and plunder in tliose parts. Number of their ships, and strength of their forces by sea and land ...... 275, II. They march towards the town of Santa Maria with design to take it. The Indian King of Darien meets them by the way. Difficulties of this march, with other occurrences till they arrive at the place . . 279 III. They take the town of Santa Marip. with no loss of men, and but small booty of what they fought for. Description of the place, country and river adjacent. They resolve to go and plunder for the second time the city of Panama . . ........ 285 IV. The Buccaneers leave the town of Santa Maria, and proceed by sea to take Panama. Extreme difficulties, with sundry accidents and dangers of that voyage . .......... 289 V. Shipwreck of \\x. Ringrose, the author of this narrative. He is taken by the Spaniards and miraculously by them preserved. Several other accidents and disasters which befel him after the loss of his companions till he found them again. Description of the Gulf of Vallona . . 293 VI. The Buccaneers prosecute their voyage, till they come within sight of Panama. They take several barks and prisoners by the way. Are descried by the Spaniards before their arrival. They order the Indians to kill the prisoners . ......... 300 VII. They arrive within sight of Panama. Are encountered by three small men-of-war. They fight them with only sixty-eight men, and utterly defeat them, taking two of the said vessels. Description of that bloody fight. They take several ships at the Isle of Perico before Panama . 304 VIII. Description of the state and condition of Panama, and the parts adjacent. What vessels they took while they blocked up the said Port. Captain Coxon with seventy more returns home. Sawkins is chosen in chief . 31 1 IX. Captain Sawkins, ciiief commander of the Buccaneers, is killed before Puebla Nueva. They are repulsed from the said place. Captain Sharp chosen to be their leader. Many more of their company leave them and return home overland ........ 318 X. They depart from the Island of Cayboa to the Island of Gorgona, where they careen their vessels. Description of this Isle. They resolve to go and plunder Arica, leaving their design of Guayaquil . . . 323 XI. The Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Gorgona, with design to plunder Arica. They lose one another by the way. They touch at the Isle of Plate, or Drake's Isle, where they meet again. Description of this Isle. Some memoirs of Sir Francis Drake. An account of this voyage, and the coasts all along. They sail as far in a fortnight, as the Spaniards usually do in three months . . . . . . -331 XII. Captain .Sharp and his company depart from the Isle of Plate, in prosecu- tion of their voyage towards Arica. They take two Spanish vessels by the way, and learn intelligence from the enemy. Eight of their company destroyed at the Isle of Gallo. Tediousness of this voyage, and great hardships they endured. Description of the coast all along, and their sailings 342 XIII. A continuation of their long and tedious voyage to Arica, with a descrip- tion of the coasts and sailings thereunto. Great hardship they endured for want of water and other provisions. They are descried at Arica, and dare not land there ; the country being all in arms before them. They retire from thence, and go to Puerto de Hilo, close by Arica. Here they land, take the town with little or no loss on their side, refresh themselves with provisions ; but in the end are cheated by the Spaniards, and forced shamefully to retreat from thence 358 XI\'. The Buccaneers depart from the Port of Hilo, and sail to that of Co- quimbo. They are descried before their arrival. NotwUhstanding they land : are encountered by the Spaniards, and put them to flight. They take, plunder, and fire the City of la Serena. A description CONTENTS. iii CHAl'TKi; ('AGE thereof. A Stratagem of the Spaniards in endeavouring to fire tiieir ship, discovered and prevented. They are deceived again by the Spaniards, and forced to retire from Coquimbo, without any ransom for the City, or considerable pillage. They release several of their chief Prisoners ........... 375 X\'. The Buccaneers depart from Coquimbo for the Isle of Juan Fernandez. An exact account of this voyage. Misery they endure, and great dangers they escape very narrowly there. They mutiny among themselves, and choose Watling to be their chief commander. De- scription of the island. Tliree Spanish men-of-war meet with the buccaneers, at the said island ; but these outbrave them on the one side, and give them the slip on the other ...... 38}^ XVI. The Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Juan Fernandez to that of Iquique. Here they take several prisoners, and learn intelligence of the posture of affairs at Arica. Cruelty committed upon one of the said prisoners, who had rightly informed them. They attempt Arica the second time, and take the town, but are beaten out of it again l)efore they could plunder, with great loss of men, many of them being killed, wounded, and made prisoners. Captain Watling, their chief Commander, is killed in this attack, and Captain Sharp ])resently chosen again, who leads them off, and through mountains of difficulties, makes a bold retreat to the ship 40J XVII. A description of the Bay of Arica. They sail hence to the Port of Guasco, where they get provisions. A draft of the said port. They land again at Hilo to revenge the former affronts, and take what they could find . . . . 4 '4 XVIII. They depart from the Port of Hilo to the Gulf of Nicoya, where they take down their decks and mend the sailing of their ship. Forty- seven of their companions leave them, and go home ecdom, in short the embodiment of religious and political tyranny to the descendants of Hollanders oppressed by Alva, of Huguenots who had batded with the League, xvi INTRODUCTIOX. and of English to whom the memory of the great struggle with Philip II. was a source of national pride. This spirit was emphasized in the minds of all protes- tant nations by the great struggle of the Thirty years' war, still in progress in the first part of the century and exemplified in the religious and law-abiding habits, almost universal among the brethren in early days, and in some crews existing almost to the last.^ A third cause of antagonism was the fiscal tyranny already spoken of. Had a more enlightened commercial policy been adopted towards protestant traders and colo- nists, it is not unlikely that the tide of emigration might have been turned from the inhospitable districts of New England and the Canadas to the more genial districts on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, extending from Texas to Florida, It would be here out of place to speculate as to what would have been the position of the United States under such altered circumstances, but their development would probably have been considerably affected. It now becomes necessary to give a short summary of the principal incidents of the history of the buccaneers, founded chiefly upon the narratives of Esquemeling and RIngrose, but also including circumstances unknown to or omitted by these writers, in order that the reader may have a complete account of the epoch before him. For the present purpose it will be sufficient to com- mence with the year 1625, by which time the organi- zation or confederacy of the brethren had probably assumed the shape which it maintained until the close, and to take as a starting point the joint setdement of the Island of St. Christopher, or St. Kitts, by the English and French.^ 1 Divine service was by the English nearly always celebrated each Sunday at least, and rules prohibiting profane language, gaming, etc., were frequently included in the articles signed by the adventurers. ^ The island of St. Kitts (to make use of its popular designation) was at this time covered by forests, which have since disappeared, and in- habited by Caribs, a race who then extended from the coast of Caraccas IXTRODUCTIOX. xvii In consequence of the increasing importance of the trade carried on by the interlopers in the West Indies, England and France agreed to plant each a colony side by side, and the island of St. Kitts being chosen for the purpose, in 1625 the colonists landed and divided the territory between them. The two colonies, in spite ot occasional disputes, were very successful, and the English also took possession of the adjacent Island of Nevis. In 1629, however, a large fleet from S[)ain, without warning or provocation, attacked and totally dispersed the colonists, and then proceeded on their voyage to the Brazils. The fugitives soon returned, the English for the most part settling in Nevis ; a few of the French re- occupied their old settlements in St. Kitts, but the greater portion of the dispossessed planters in 1630 removed to Tortuga, an island on the north coast of Hispaniola, and not far from the honcan establishments already existing. Here they seem to have enjoyed considerable prosperity, so much so as to induce the Governor-General of the French West Indies, who had been previously stationed in St. Kitts, to transfer in 1634 his seat of government to Tortuga. In 1638 the Spaniards attacked Tortuga, and temporarily expelled the inhabitants, who, however, very shortly recaptured the place, and the French party so improved their position as to be strong enough to ex- pel their English allies in 1641. These latter maintained a precarious existence pardy among the buccaneer settle- ments on the main island, and partly by piracy, until the capture of Jamaica by Penn in 1654, and \'enables (in which the English freebooters took part and greatly distinguished themselves), provided them with a new setdement and base of operations ; the western part of over the whole of the Lesser Antilles. A few are still to be found in the island of Grenada, but the largest body of representatives of the nation are now dwelling in the island of Dominica; to the inacces- sible mountains and tangled forests of which they owe their preser- vation. They number at present about 300, are steadily dwindling away, and another generation will probably see them everywhere extinct. xviii INTRODUCTION. Hispaniola being then wholly abandoned to the French. Tortuga was again captured by the Spaniards in 1654, and remained in their possession for six years, after which it was finally recovered by the French. During the period between 1625 and 1655 constant maritime warfare had been carried on, and as an almost necessary consequence the commerce of the Spanish colonies with each other and with the mother country dwindled down almost to nothing, and the piratical com- munity, deprived of the plunder of the local mercantile marine was obliged, in sheer necessity, to turn their arms against the large towns on shore. New Segovia, in Hon- duras, being the first victim, in 1654. Among numerous smaller exploits which it is not here necessary to describe, must be especially noted that of Pierre le Grand (perhaps deservedly so named) who, with a small boat containing twenty-eight men, was skilful and fortunate enough to capture the Spanish Vice Admiral himself, and his galleon ; that of Alexandre, who, with means equally inadequate, also took a large man-of-war; of Montbars, surnamed the Exterminator; of Bartholo- mew Portuguez, Michael le Basque and Roche Brasiliano; of Lewis Scot, who took and pillaged the city of Campeche ; of John Davis, who plundered Nicaragua, and especially of V^an Horn, Granmont and De Graaf, who in 1Ó83 sacked the town of Vera Cruz and carried away an immense booty. In 1664, Mansveldt, perhaps the ablest of all the pirate chiefs, formed a project of founding an indepen- dent buccaneer settlement with a government and flag of its own,^ at Santa Katalina, or Old Providence (so ^ This is by no means the only instance of an attempt to found a piratical state. The sea rovers who infested the Indian Ocean in the early part of the eighteenth century often possessed large establishments on the coast of Madagascar, and were very successful in conciliating and governing the natives. Several small states, administered directly and indirecdy by pirates, were established on that island, but no attempt at confederation was made, and none lasted beyond the lives of their INTRODUCTION. xix named to distinguish it from New Providence in the Bahamas, a place noted as the resort, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries of pirates and in the nineteenth of blockade runners), but his death and the pronounced opposition of the Governor of Jamaica, deterred his successor Morgan from pursuing the subject further. It may indeed be doubted whether Morgan, although equally eminent as a leader, was possessed of abilities to comprehend, much less to carry out, what to him would have seemed plans of colonisation of a visionary charac- ter which did not appeal to his self interest. To go out of his way to establish a new base of operation was to him a waste of time. Jamaica was a place which fully suited his convenience for purpose of refitting and of disposing of his plunder, and that was all he cared about.^ Under the leadership of Morgan the buccaneers reached the zenith of their reputation. Never had their plundering raids been organized on a larger scale or with more success. Even in Mansvelt's time many of the largest towns only escaped destruction by the payment of heavy blackmail to the freebooters, and the new commander apparently had only to march against the remaining colonies successively in order to extinguish them. Morgan's first independent enterprise of any imi)or- tance after the death of Mansvelt was the capture and sack of the town of Puerto del Principe, in Cuba; he next surprised and took the city of Porto Bello on the main- land. He then proceeded to attack the unfortunate towns of Maracaibo and Gibraltar, which had been not long before plundered by L'Ollonais. They were founders. Given, however, a leader capable of uniting the various chiefs under one rule, and a colony equal to Java might have been created with ease. 1 Jamaica was the resort of the English freebooters until their ex- tinction at the end of the century. The pirates of the next generation under Teach and others made the town of New Providence in the Bahamas their principal base of operations. XX INTRODUCTION. taken for the second time by Michael le Basque, while Morgan was engaged at Puerto del Principe. This last raid did not however save them from Morgan, who for the third time harried these wretched cities. In order to wring from the inhabitants their last coins he re- mained so long in possession as to enable the Spaniards to send a strongly armed squadron to occupy the mouth of the Lake of Maracaibo, to prevent his retreat. The skilful manner in which he totally destroyed the Spanish ships, and evaded the forts at the entrance, gained him great credit, and was said to have caused the Spanish court to make very strong applications for redress to England. Upon the conclusion of a treaty of peace in 1670,^ between the two nations, which confirmed England in her possessions in the West Indies, but for- bade her subjects to trade to any Spanish port without a license ; a proclamation was issued in pursuance of such arrangement which greatly exasperated the freebooting community and the direct result of which was the assemblage of the largest fleet ever brought together by the buccaneers, amounting to 37 ships of all sizes, manned by more than 2,000 pirates. They met in December, 1670, at Cape Tiburon, and held a council to decide whether their forces should be directed upon Car- thagena. Vera Cruz, or Panama. The last was chosen, as being the richest, and Morgan was elected Admiral ; and the island of Santa Katalina, or Old Providence, was, after a feigned resistance, occupied as a base of operations. A detachment was next despatched against Fort San Lorenzo at the mouth of the Chagre river, which was taken after a most gallant defence by the Spanish garrison. Having securely garrisoned Old Providence and the Chagre forts, the main body, then 1 It may be here noted that the existence of a continual war between Spaniards and EngHsh is virtually admitted in the treaty ; which indeed practically condones the offences of the buccaneers antecedent to the date thereof. I NT ROD UC HON. xxi numbering about 1,200 men, marched across the isthmus, and after nine clays of severe hardship, in consequence of the enemy having laid waste the country over which they were obliged to advance, came in sight of Panama. An- other day of severe fighting against a force of 2,500 men, which was defeated and put to flight, gave them possession of the coveted city. A large number of the pirates were strongly disposed to pursue their advantage against Peru, which lay temptingly open and almost defenceless before them. Morgan, however, was able to induce his com- panions to forego any further enterprise in the South Sea, and (after a stay of about three weeks) to evacuate Panama and return across the isthmus. The amount of spoil obtained being very unsatisfactory, he was, with some justice, suspected of embezzling a large part of the booty, and his consequent unpopularity led to his abandoning his comrades and accepting the post ot Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. He was subsequently knighted and made Governor of the Island, in which capacity he showed considerable energy in suppressing piracy. His secession from the buccaneer community just when there was no other leader of capacity to suc- ceed him was a severe blow to their cause. P>om this time forth the harmony, which up to this time had pre- vailed between the various nations hitherto united against the Spaniards, was much weakened, and an increasing disposition among individuals to identify themselves with the disputes of their several mother countries took its place. From this point the account of the various occur- rences on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus will be carried on to its close, and the narrative of the proceedings of the freebooters in the South Sea reserved for the con- clusion. About 1673 the P^rench buccaneers took part (as privateers under their national flag in the war between France and Holland) in two unsuccessful expeditions against the Dutch Island of Curacoa ; soon after the c INTRODUCTION. latter of which, Puerto del Principe, in Cuba, and the ever unfortunate towns of Maracaibo and Gibraltar, were again pillaged. In 1679 the Spaniards almost exterminated the French settlers at Samana, in Hispaniola, and in the same year Porto Bello was again plundered. In 1683, a body of 1,200 French pirates took Vera Cruz by stratagem, and carried off an immense spoil. In 1684 negotiations to induce the French flibustiers, then about 3,000 in number, to settle in Hispaniola were entered into, but met with only moderate success. In 1686, Grammont and De Graaf plundered and burnt Campeche. The former of these two chiefs put to sea on a fresh expedition soon afterwards, but was never again heard of, the latter entered the service of France, and became in his way as useful as Morgan in putting down his former companions. In 1688, the English settlers were driven out of St. Kitts by the French. War, however, broke out between France and Spain. England soon afterwards joined the latter, and the buccaneers ranged themselves under the flags of their respective countries. St. Kitts was retaken in the following year, and the remaining French colonists ex- pelled. Almost the last enterprise in which the buccaneers, as such, were engaged, was directed against Carthagena by the governor of the French possessions in Hispaniola, about a third of the attacking forces on this occasion being buccaneers. Considerable booty was obtained on the capture of the city, but the freebooters being unable to obtain their portion from the French conmiander, re- turned and put the city to ransom. On their return they were chased by a combined English and Dutch squadron, were obliged to disperse, and lost a considerable propor- tion of their gains. After the Peace of Ryswick, in 1697, buccaneers be- came practically extinct, the major part of the adventurers either taking service with their respective governments, h\TRODUCTION. xxiii returning home, or settling down as planters. The balance, becoming pirates pure and simple, long infested the Gulf of Mexico (the coasts of Virginia, the Carolinas, and the Bahama islands serving them as ports of call), and were not finally put down till early in the 19th century ; the Lafittes of Barataria, near the mouth of the Mississippi, being probably the last in the trade.' It now only remains to chronicle the events in the South Sea subsequent to the capture of Panama by Morgan. For several years after his retreat no fresh attempts were made to carry the war in that direction until early in 1680, when a party of 330, under Coxon, Sawkins, Sharp, and others, landed in Darien, and under the guidance of Indians marched to the town of Santa Maria, and thence proceeded in canoes upon the river of the same name to the sea. With two small cap- tured vessels and the canoes, they engaged and took a small Spanish squadron, three of which they fitted out and with them blockaded Panama. Disputes however arising, Coxon, with seventy of the men and most of the Indians, returned across the isthmus, while the remainder pursued their voyage to the south. On the death of Captain Sawkins, killed soon afterwards in a skirmish, further disputes arose, another party broke off and returned to the Gulf, leaving Sharp in com- mand, with about 140 men. They took a few prizes, put one or two small towns to ransom, and on Christmas Day, 1680, anchored at Juan Fernandez to refit. In February they attacked Arica, but were repulsed with loss. On their arrival at the isle of La Plata differences again arose, and forty-four more (among whom were William Dampier and Lionel Wafer) quitted the ship and returned north. The ship sailed to the Gulf of Nicoya, ^ Teach (or Blackbeard), England, Low, Roberts, Kidd and Avery were the principal pirate heroes of the iSth century. 'I'lieir depreda- tions were on a very large scale, and extended from the Atlantic coast of America and the Gulf of Mexico to the west coast of Africa, Mada- gascar, and the Indian Ocean. xxiv IXTRODUCTIOX. then back to La Plata, during which interval some valu- able prizes were niade,^ and finally round Cape Horn to Antigua, where the crew dispersed. Sharp and others on reaching England were, at the instance of the Spanish ambassador, tried for piracy, but acquitted on the ground that the Spanish ships captured by them had fired first, and that therefore the pirates had acted in self-defence. In August, 1683, the ship Revenge, of eighteen guns and seventy men, among whom were Dampier, Wafer, Cook, Davis, and several other noted buccaneers, sailed from the Chesapeake. Near Sierra Leone they took a Danish ship of thirty-six guns, into which they shifted their crew, christening her the Bachelor s Delight, and reached in March, 1684, Juan Fernandez, accompanied by another English privateer, the Nicholas, Captain Swan, that fell in with them shortly before their arrival. Having taken a few prizes the ships proceeded in company to the Galapagos and then to the Gulf of Nicoya, where Captain Cook died and Davis was elected in his place. After cruising for some time together with moderate success the two vessels separated, the Nicholas proceeding to England, by way of the East Indies, while the Bachelors Delight sailed to the island of La Plata, where she encountered the Cygnet, Captain Swan, a vessel which (fitted out in London as a trader) had come round Cape Horn and thence up the coast to the Gulf of Nicoya, where she had filled up her crew by a number of buccaneers, who had crossed the isthmus to that point. The two crews at once agreed to keep company, and accordingly sailed to Payta, Guayaquil^ and Panama, taking several prizes during * One of these prizes, the Fan Rosario, contained no less than 700 pigs or large ingots of silver, which were taken to be tin, and (with one exception only) thrown overboard by the ignorant sailors. 2 Several hundred negroes were taken in vessels at Guayaquil, the greater part of which were set at liberty, against the advice of Uampier, who wished them to be employed in working the gold mines at Darien for the benefit of the adventurers. INTRODUCTION. xxv the voyage. After blockading the latter town for some weeks, they were reinforced by Captains Grogniet and L'Escayer, with 200 French and 80 English freebooters from the isthmus, then by Townley, with 180 English from the same quarter, and again by 260 P>enchmen more, which raised their total strength to 9Ó0 men, distributed in ten vessels of various sizes, but (with the exception of the Bachelor s Delight and the Cygnet) carry- ino- no cannon, Davis being elected Admiral. On the 28th May, 1685, the Spanish Treasure Fleet from Lima, numbering six heavily armed vessels, six smaller ones, and two fire ships, hove in sight ; but havin; received information that the buccaneers' fleet was cruising in the neighbourhood, they had found an opportunity of landing the greater part of the specie and other valuables with which they were laden. A distant cannonade took place between the two fleets, but the buccaneers were daunted by the heavy armament of the Spaniards, who, on their side, were too prudent to provoke an action by which they had nothing to gain. The former then withdrew to the Island of Quibo, where they found another body of pirates. Disputes soon arising between English and French, the former, under Davis, went north and plundered Leon and Rio Lexa, in Nicaragua. Here a fresh split took place. Swan and Townley going in search of the French, while Davis went to the Galapagos, and then cruised along the coast of Peru till the end of 1686, taking several vessels and sacking two or three small towns with profitable results. Some of his men, who desired to secure their plunder, now returned to the West Indies- vid Cape Horn, while the remainder who still adhered to Davis remained on the coast till Ai^nl, lóS;. when they encountered first a Si)anish frigate, which they drove ashore and burnt, and shortly afterwards a squadron of very superior force, from which they suc- cessfully escaped after a running fight which lasted for seven days. In May they once more fell in with Town- xxvi IN TROD UC TION. ley and the French buccaneers, and with their re-united forces succeeded in capturing Guayaquil. This was practically the last exploit of Davis and his companions in the South Sea, for after a short visit to the Galapagos to refit they followed Knight round the Horn to the West Indies, where they arrived in the spring of 1688, It may be interesting here to note that Lionel Wafer, from whose journal an account of this voyage is derived, accompanied Davis in the capacity of surgeon ; also that Dampier in Swan's vessel, the Cygnet, occupied the post of pilot or quartermaster, a post analogous to that of navigating lieutenant or staff-commander in a man-of-war of the present day, and Ringrose, the author of the last part of this history, that of supercargo and pilot on the same vessel. On leaving Rio Lexa the Cygnet, with two tenders and 340 men, cruised along the coast of Mexico and Central America for some time, her crew landing and skirmishing at intervals with the inhabitants, but they were not fortu- nate enough to meet the galleon from Manila, the capture of which had been their principal reason for visiting the coast. This disappointment resulted in the usual quarrel, and Townley accordingly went south to join Grogniet. Swan remained on the coast a short time, but more than sixty of his men being cut off ^ on shore by the Spaniards, the most severe defeat in the South Seas ever experienced by the buccaneers, he thought it better to retire, and the Cygnet therefore proceeded to Mindanao, in the Philip- pines, where a mutiny took place which caused Swan and thirty-six others to be left behind, the rest, among whom was Dampier, pursuing their voyage and visiting Celebes, Timor, and New Holland, or Northern Australia. Dampier and some others left her at the Nicobar Islands, and somehow managed to reach England. The Cygnet meanwhile just succeeded in reaching Madagascar but in ' Among the slain on this occasion was Basil Ringrose, above men- tioned. INTRODUCTION. xxvii SO crazy a condition that she sank at her anchors im- mediately after her arrival. Some of the crew settled or took service with the petty chiefs, the remainder return- ing home as opportunity offered/ Grogniet and the 340 French who had parted company with Davis at Quibo in July, 1685, plundered several towns, and then unfortunately revisited Quibo, where they were discovered by a Spanish squadron in January, 1686, which burnt their vessel while the crew were on shore. They were, however, rescued from their difficul- ties by Townley, in whose company they went north- ward to Nicaragua, and sacked Granada. In May, Grogniet and half the French took the opportunity to recross the isthmus. The other adventurers, however, came back to Panama, disembarked, and took the neigh- bouring town of Lavelia, at which place the valuable cargo of the Lima fleet had been landed the previous year to avoid capture by the buccaneer fleet under Davis. With almost incredible carelessness the viceroy, and the merchants to whom this immense mass of treasure had been consigned, had taken no trouble to remove it to a place of safety, and it consequently fell an easy prey to Townley and his companions, who however lost several of their number in conveying it to the ships. In August they were attacked by three Spanish men-of- war, but were able to give a very good account of them by capturing two and burning the third. They lost, how- ever, the gallant Townley, who died of his wounds a short time afterwards. In January. Grogniet appeared, and the united forces once more plundered Guayaquil, but their leader was so severely wounded that he died soon after the assault. In May, Davis rejoined them and remained until his retreat from the South Sea, whereupon, under the command of Le Picard, they set sail for New Spain and landed at Amapalla Bay. Here they destroyed ^ See note, p. xviii. xxviii INTRODUCTION. their ships and marched across to New Segovia, which they took. This was their last exploit. We only know that they finally reached Cape Gracias a Dios, on the Gulf of Mexico, about February, 1688, and that the last buccaneers of the South Sea gradually dispersed and were heard of no more. The first three parts of this volume, written in Dutch by John Esquemeling, and originally published in Amsterdam in 1678, under the title of De Amcri- ccEnechc Zee Roovers, became at once very popular, and were quickly translated into the principal European languages. The translators, however, allowed them- selves considerable latitude in incorporating into their respective versions considerable additional matter, chiefly to bring into prominence the special merits of their com- patriots, e.g., the French version embodying many ex- ploits of the French filibusters not referred to by the Dutch author, while the English edition makes Morgan the principal hero of the story. Esquemeling's book gives a very reliable account of the principal exploits of the buccaneers down to their final disappearance, with the notable exception of their adventures in the South Sea, of which he makes no mention. This defect is, however, amply supplied by the journal of Mr. Basil Ringrose, published in London, which is now extremely scarce and difficult to meet with. Ringrose in the capacity of pilot personally took part in Sharp's voyage and was killed in a plundering raid ; his account is ex- tremely curious and accurate. He also added several sketches and outlines of the principal points and islands along the coast, which have been faithfully reproduced. Captains Sharp and Cowley, a buccaneer well known in his time, also published their journals, but they add but litde to what has already been narrated by Ringrose, Dampier, or Wafer. THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. The present volume, both for its curiosity and ingemtity, J dare reconuuend to the perusal of our English nation, whose glorious actions it -contains. What relates to the curiosity hereof, this piece, both of N^atural and Human History, was no sooner published in the Dutch original than it zvas snatched up for the most curious libraries of Holland ; it zvas translated into Spanish [two impressions thereof being sent into Spain in one year) ; it zvas taken notice of by the learned Academy of Paris ; and finally recommended as zvorthy our esteem by the ingenious author of the JVeekly Memo?'ials for the Ingenious, printed here at London about two years ago. Neither all this undeservedly, seeing it enlarges our acquaintance of Natu7'al History, so much prized and enquired for by the learned of this present age, zuith several observations not easily to be found in other accounts already received from America : and besides, it informs us [zvith huge novelty') of as great and bold attempts in point of military conduct and valour as ever zvere performed by mankind ; zuithout excepting here either Alexander the Great or Julius Ccrsar or the rest of the Nine Worthies of Fame. Of all zvhich actions, as zee cannot but confess ourselves to have been ignorant hitherto {the very name of Buccaneers being as yet knozvn but to fezv of the ingenious, as their liz'cs, lazus and conversation are in a manner unto none), so can they not choose but be admired, out of this ingenious Author, by zvhosoever is curious to learn the various XXX THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. revolutions of human affairs. But, vio7'e especially by our English Nation, as 7into whom these things more narroii'ly appertain. We having hei'e more than half the Book filled with the unparalleled if not inimitable adven- tu7'es and heroic exploits of our own countrymen and rela- tions, whose jtndaunted and exemplary courage, zühen called ■upon by our King and Country, we ought to emulate. From IV hence it has proceeded that nothing of this kind was ever as yet published in England, I cannot easily determijie ; except, as some will say, from, some secret ragion di Stato. Let the reason be as it ivill, this is certain, so much the more zve a7'e obliged to this present Author, ivho, though a stranger to our nation, yet with that candour and fidelity has recorded our actions, as to render the 77ietal of our true E7iglish valour to be the 77i07'e believed a7td feaj-ed abroad, tha7i if these thi7igs had been divulged by ourselves at home. F7'07n hence pe7'adventu7'e will other nations lea7'n, that the E7iglish people are of their ge7iius 77i07'e inclinable to act tha7i to W7'ite ; seei7ig as well they as we have lived tuiacquai7ited with these actions of our nation, tuitil such time as a fo7'eign Author to our cou7it7y came to tell them. Besides the 77ierit of this piece for its ctwiosity, another point of 710 less esteem is the t7'uth a7id since7'ity tuhe7'e- with eve7y thing seems to be penned. No g7'eater 07'7ia- 77ient or dig7iity cafi be added to Histo7y, cither htwian or nattu^al, than truth. All other embellishme7its, if this be faili7ig, a7'e of little or 710 esteem ; if this be delive7'ed, a7'e either 7ieedless or supe7fiitous. What co7ice7'ns this requisite in our Author, his lines eve7y where decla7'e the faithfulness and since7'ity of his mind. He W7'ites 7iot by hearsay, but was an eye-zuit7iess, as he S077tewhe7'e tells you, to all a7id eve7y 07ie of the bold a7id haza7'dous atte77pts ivhich he relates. And these he delive7's with such candour of style, such inge7iuity of 7ni7id, such plai7i- ness of ivords, such conciseness ofpe7'iods, so 7nuch divested of rhetorical hype7^boles or the least flou7-i sites of eloqimice, THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. xxxi SO hugely void of passion or national reflections, that he strongly persuades all along to the credit of lohat he says ; yea, raises the mind of the Reader to believe these things far greater than zuhat he has said ; and having read him, leaves only this scruple or concern behind, that you can read him no longer. In a zvord, such are his deserts that some persons peradventm-e zvould not stickle to compare him to the Father of Historians, Philip de Co?nines : at least, thus much may be said, with all truth imaginable, that he 7'esembles that great Author in many of his excel- lent qualities. I know some persons have objected to the gi'eatness of these prodigious Adventures, intimating that the resist - ance our Buccaneers found in America was eveiywhei-e but small. For the Spaniards, say they, in the West Indies, are become of late years nothiitg less, but rather much more, degenerate than in Europe, the continual peace they have enjoyed in those parts, the defect of military discipline, and Eiiropean soldiers for their commanders, much contributing hc7runto. But more especially and above all other reasons the very luxury of the soil arid riches, the extreme heat of those countries and influence of the stars being such as totally incline their bodies to an infinite effeminacy and coivardice of mind. Unto these reasons I shall only answer in brief. This histoiy will convince them to be manifestly false. For as to the continual peace here alleged, ive knozv that no peace could ever be established beyond the Line, since the first possession of the West Indies by the Spaniards till the bmming of Panama. At that time, or feiv months before, Sir William Godolphin by his prudent negociation in quality of Ambassador for our most Gracious Monarch concluded at Madrid a peace to be observed even beyond the Li7ie and through the ivhole extent of the Spanish Do77iinions in the West Indies. This ti'ansaction gave the Spa7iia7^ds 7ieiv causes of complaints against our p7'o- ceedi7igs, that no sooner a peace had l)cen established Jor xxxii THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. those parts of America, but our Forces had taken and burnt both Cha^re, St. Catharine, and Panama. But our Reply zi'as conz'incinq\ That zuhcreas eight or ten months had been allowed by Articles for the publishing of the said Peace through all the Dominions of both Monarchies in America, those hostilities had been committed, not only without order's from his Majesty of England but also within the space of the said eight or ten months of time. Until that time the Spanish inhabitants of America being, as it zuere, in a peipetual zuar zvith Eiwope, certai7i it is, that no Coasts nor Kingdoms in the World have been 7twre frequently infested nor alarmed with the invasions of several nations than theirs. Thus from the very begin- ning of their cojiquests in America, both English, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Szvedes, Danes, Courlanders and all other Nations that navigate the Ocean, have frequented the West Indies, and filled them zvith their robberies and assaults. F^'om these occasions have they been in con- tinual zuatch and zvard, and kept their Militia in constant exercise, as also their Garrisons p7'etty well provided and paid ; as fearing every sail they discovered at sea to be Pirates of one nation or another. But much more especially, since that Curacoa, Tortuga and Jamaica have been inhabited by English, French and Dutch, and bred up that race of huntsmen, than zvhich no other ever zvas more desperate nor more mortal enemies to the Spaniards, called Buccaneers. Now shall zue say that these People, through too long continuation of peace, have utterly abolished the exercises of zvar, having been all along incessantly vexed zvith the tumults and alarms thereof? In like manner is it false to accuse their defect of militajy discipline for zvant of European Commanders. For zvho knozvs not that all places, both military and civil, through those vast Dominions of the M^est Indies are provided out of Spain? And those of the Militia most commonly given to expert Commanders trained up from their infancy in the Wars oj Eui'ope, either in Africa, THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. xxxiii Milan, Sicily, Naples or Flanders, fighting against either English, F^-ench, Dutch, Portuguese or Aloors? Yea, their very garrisons, if you search them in those parts, will peradventu7'e be found to be stocked, thi'ee parts to four ivith soldiers both born and bred in the Kingdom of Spain. From these considerations it may be inferred what little difference ought to be alloived betwixt the Spanish soldiers, inJiabitants of the West Indies, and those of Europe. And hoiv little the soil or climate has influenced or caused their courage to degenerate toivards cowardice or baseness of mind. As if the very same aiguments, deduced from the natui'e of that climate, did not equally militate against the valour of our famous Buccaneers, and represent this to be of as degenerate metal as theirs ! But nothing can. be more clearly evinced than is the valour of the American Spaniards, either soldiers or officers, by the sequel of this history. What 7iien ever fought moi'e desperately than the garj'ison of Chagre ? Their number being 314, and of all these only thirty remaining ; of which number scarce ten lücj'e unzuounded, and among them not one officer found alive ? Were not 600 killed upon the spot at Panama, 500 at Gibraltar, almost as many more at Puerto del Principe, all dying with their arms in their hands and facing bravely the Enemy for the defence of their Country and private concerns ? Did not those of the toiun of San Pedj'o both fortify themselves, lay several ambuscades, and lastly sell their lives as dear as ever any European soldier could do, L'Ollonais being forced to gain step by step his advance unto the tozvji with huge loss both of blood and men ? Many other instances might be produced out of this com- pendious volume of the generous resistance the Spaniards made in several places, though Fortune favoured not their arms. Next, as to the personal valour of many of their Com- jnandcj-s, zuhat man ever behaved himself more briskly xxxiv THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. than the Governor of Gibraltar ; than the Governor of Puerto del Principe, both dying for the defence of their toivns ; than Don Alonso del Canipo, and others? Or what examples can easily parallel the desperate couragt of the Governor of Chagre, zvho, though the palisades were filled, the teri'epleins ivere sunk into the ditch, the breaches ivere entered, the houses all burnt about him, the whole castle taken, his men all killed, yet zvould not ad?nit of any quarter, but chose rather to die under his arms, beijtg shot into the brain, than suj^rendcr himself as a prisoner unto the Buccaneers ? What lion ever fought to the last gasp more obstinately than the Governor of Porto Bello, zvho seeing the tozvn entei'cd by surprisal in the night, one chief castle blozun tip into the air, all the other forts and castles taken, his own assaulted several tuays, both religious men and ivojnen placed at the front of the enemy to fix the ladders against thezualls, yet spared not to kill as many of the said religious persons as he could ; and at last, the zvalls being scaled, the castle entered and taken, all his ozvn men overcome by fire and sword, zvho had cast dozvn their arms and begged mercy from the enemy, yet zvould admit of none for his ozvn life ? Yea, zvith his ozvn hands killed several of his soldiers, to force them to stand to their arms though all zvere lost. Yea, though his own wife and daughter begged of him tipon their knees that he zvould save his life by craving quarter, though the enemy desired of him the same thing, yet would hearken to no cries nor persuasions, but they zvej'e forced to kill him, combating zvith his arms in his hands, being not othcrzvise able to take him prisoner as they zvere desirous to do. Shall these men be said to be infiucnced zvith cozvardice, who thus acted to the very last scene of their ozvn tragedies ? Or shall we rather say, that they zvanted not courage, but fortune ? It beijig certainly true that he zvho is killed in a battle may be equally courageous zvith him that kills. And that zvhosoever derogates from the valour of the Spaniards in the West Indies diminishes in like 7nanner THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. xxxv the courage of the Buccaneers, his own countrymen, luho have seemed to act beyond moi-tal me^i in America. Now, to say something concerniitg John EsquemelinMI)4m'lgpil i 'MIW.UMI ( l!i l |M'^ll^^ BART o t o M EW PORT UGUXS^ \ J?^ BARTHOLOMEW PORTUGUES. 65 related, nor less remarkable, I shall also give you at present. A certain Pirate, born in Portugal, and from the name of his country called Bartholomew Portugues, was cruizing in his boat from Jamaica (wherein he had only thirty men and four small guns) upon the Cape de Corrientes, in the Island of Cuba. In this place he met with a great ship, that came from Maracaibo and Carte- gena, bound for the Havana, well provided with twenty great guns and threescore and ten men, between pas- sengers and mariners. This ship he presently assaulted, but found as strongly defended by them that were on board. The Pirate escaped the first encounter, resolving to attack her more vigorously than before, seeing he had sustained no great damage hitherto. This resolution he boldly performed, renewing his assaults so often that after a long and dangerous fight he became master of the great vessel. The Portuguese lost only ten men and had four wounded, so that he had still remain- ing twenty fighting men, whereas the Spaniards had double that number. Having possessed themselves of such a ship, and the wind being contrary to return to Jamaica, they resolved to steer their course towards the Cape of Saint Antony (which lies on the Western side of the Isle of Cuba), there to repair themselves and take in fresh water, of which they had great neces- sity at that time. Being now very near the cape above-mentioned, they unexpectedly met with three great ships that were coming from New Spain and bound for the Havana. By these, as not being able to escape, they were easily retaken, both ship and Pirates. Thus they were all made prisoners, through the sudden change of fortune, and found them- selves poor, oppressed, and stripped of all the riches they had pillaged so litde before. The cargo of this ship consisted of one hundred and twenty thousand weight of cacao-nuts, the chief ingredient of that rich liquor called chocolate, and threescore and ten thousand pieces VOL. I. F 66 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of eight. Two days after this misfortune, there happened to arise a huge and dangerous tempest, which largely separated the ships from one another. The great vessel wherein the Pirates were, arrived at Campeche, where many considerable merchants came to salute and welcome the Captain thereof These presently knew the Portu- guese Pirate, as being him who had committed innumer- able excessive insolences upon those coasts, not only infinite murders and robberies, but also lamentable incendiimis {i.e., fires), which the people of Campeche still preserved very fresh in their memory. Hereupon, the next day after their arrival, the magis- trates of the city sent several of their officers to demand and take into custody the criminal prisoners from on board the ship, with intent to punish them according to their deserts. Yet fearing lest the Captain of those Pirates should escape out of their hands on shore (as he had formerly done, being once their prisoner in the city before), they judged it more convenient to leave him safely guarded on board the ship for the present. In the meanwhile they caused a gibbet to be erected, where- upon to hang him the very next day, without any other form of process than to lead him from the ship to the place of punishment. The rumour of this future tragedy was presently brought to Bartholomew Portugues' ears, whereby he sought all the means he could to escape that night. With this design he took two earthen jars, wherein the Spaniards usually carry wine from Spain to the West Indies, and stopped them very well, intend- ing to use them for swimming, as those who are unskilful in that art do calabashes, a sort of pumpkins, in Spain, and in other places empty bladders. Having made this necessary preparation, he waited for the night, when all should be asleep, even the sentry that guarded him. But seeing he could not escape his vigilancy, he secredy secured a knife, and with the same gave him such a mortal stab as suddenly deprived him of life and the ESCAPE OF BARTHOLOMEW PORTUGUES. 67 possibility of making any noise. At that instant he com- mitted himself to sea, with those two earthen jars before- mentioned, and by their help and support, though never having learned to swim, he reached the shore. Being arrived upon land, without any delay he took refuge in the woods, where he hid himself for three days, without daring to appear nor eating any other food than wild herbs. Those of the city failecPnot the next day to make a diligent search for him in the woods, where they con- cluded him to be. This strict enquiry Portugues had the convenience to espy from the hollow of a tree, where- in he lay absconded. Hence perceiving them to return without finding what they sought for, he adventured to sally forth towards the coasts called Del Golfo Triste, forty leagues distant from the city of Campeche. Hither he arrived within a fortnight after his escape from the ship. In which space of time, as also afterwards, he endured extreme hunger, thirst, and fears of falling again into the hands of the Spaniards. For during all this journey he had no other provision with him than a small calabash, with a little water ; neither did he eat anything else than a few shell-fish, which he found among the rocks near the sea-shore. Besides that, he was compelled to pass some rivers, not knowing well to swim. Being in this distress, he found an old board, which the waves had thrown upon the shore, wherein stuck a few great nails. These he took, and with no small labour whetted aofainst a stone, until he had made them capable of cutting like knives, though very imperfectly. With these, and no better instruments, he cut down some branches of trees, which with twigs and osiers he joined together, and made as well as he could a boat, or rather a raft, wherewith he rafted over the rivers. Thus he arrived finally at the Cape of Golfo Triste, as was said before, where he happened to find a certain vessel of Pirates, who were great comrades of his own, and were -lately come from Jamaica. 68 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. To these Pirates he instantly related all his adversities and misfortunes, and withal demanded of them that they would fit him with a boat and twenty men. With which company alone he promised to return to Campeche and assault the ship that was in the river, which he had been taken by and escaped from fourteen days before. They readily granted his request, and equipped him a boat with the said number of men. With this small company he set forth towards the execution of his design, which he bravely performed eight days after he separated from his comrades at the Cape of Golfo Triste. For being arrived at the river of Campeche, with undaunted courage and without any rumour of noise he assaulted the ship before- mentioned. Those that were on board were persuaded this was a boat from land, that came to bring contraband goods ; and hereupon were not in any posture of defence. Thus the Pirates, laying hold on this occasion, assaulted them without any fear of ill success, and in short space of time compelled the Spaniards to surrender. Being now masters of the ship, they immediately weighed anchor and set sail, determining to fly from the port, lest they should be pursued by other vessels. This they did with extremity of joy, seeing themselves possessors of such a brave ship. Especially Portugues, their captain, who now by a second turn of Fortune's wheel was become rich and powerful again, who had been so lately in that same vessel a poor miserable prisoner and condemned to the gallows. With this great booty he designed in his mind greater things ; which he might well hope to obtain, seeing he had found in the vessel great quantity of rich merchandise still remaining on board, although the plate had been transported into the city. Thus he continued his voyage towards Jamaica for some days. But coming near the Isle of Pinos, on the South side of the Island of Cuba, Fortune suddenly turned her back upon him once more, never to show him her countenance again. For a horrible storm arising at ROCHE BRASILIANO. 69 sea occasioned the ship to split against the rocks or banks called Jardines. Insomuch that the vessel was totally lost, and Portugues, with his companions, escaped in a canoe. After this manner he arrived at Jamaica, where he remained no long time, being only there till he could prepare himself to seek his fortune anew, which from that time proved always adverse to him. Nothing less rare and admirable than the preceding are the actions of another Pirate, who at present lives at Jamaica, and who has on sundry occasions enterprized and achieved things very strange. The place of his birth was the city of Groningen, in the United Provinces; but his own proper name is not known : the Pirates, his companions, having only given him that of Roche Brasiliano by reason of his long residence in the country of Brazil, whence he was forced to flee, when the Portuguese retook those countries from the West India Company of Amsterdam, several nations then inhabiting at Brazil (as English, French, Dutch and others) being constrained to seek new fortunes. This fellow at that conjuncture of time retired to Jamaica, where being at a stand how to get a liveli- hood, he entered the Society of Pirates. Under these he served in quality of a private mariner for some while, in which degree he behaved himself so well that he was both beloved and respected by all, as one that deserved to be their Commander for the future. One day certain mariners happened to engage in a dissension with their Captain ; the effect whereof was that they left the boat. Brasiliano followed the rest, and by these was chosen for their conductor and leader, who also fitted him out a boat or small vessel, wherein he received the title of Captain. Few days were past from his being chosen Captain, when he took a great ship that was coming from New Spain, on board of which he found great quantity of plate, and both one and the other he carried to Jamaica. 70 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. This action gave him renown, and caused him to be both esteemed and feared, every one apprehending him much abroad. Howbeit, in his domestic and private affairs he had no good behaviour nor government over himself ; for in these he would oftentimes shew himself either brutish or foolish. Many times being in drink, he would run up and down the streets, beating or wounding; whom he met, no person daring to oppose him or make any resistance. To the Spaniards he always showed himself very bar- barous and cruel, only out of an inveterate hatred he had against that nation. Of these he commanded several to be roasted alive upon wooden spits, for no other crime than that they would not shew him the places or hog- yards, where he might steal swnne. After many of these cruelties, it happened as he was cruizing upon the coasts of Campeche, that a dismal tempest suddenly surprised him. This proved to be so violent that at last his ship was wrecked upon the coasts, the mariners only escaping with their muskets and some few bullets and powder, which were the only things they could save of all that was in the vessel. The place where the ship w^as lost was precisely between Campeche and the Golfo Triste, Here they got on shore in a canoe, and marching along the coast with all the speed they could, they directed their course towards Golfo Triste, as being a place where the Pirates commonly used to repair and refresh them- selves. Being upon this journey and all very hungry and thirsty, as is usual in desert places, they were pur- sued by some Spaniards, being a whole troop of a hundred horsemen. Brasiliano no sooner perceived this imminent danger than he animated his companions, tell- ing them : " We had better, fellozu soldiers, choose to die under our arms fighting, as becomes men of courage^ than snrreiider to the Spania7'ds, zuho, in case they over- come us, zuill take away ottr lives luith cruel torments T The Pirates were no more than thirty in number, who^ BRASILIANO ROUTS THE SPANIARDS. 71 notwithstanding, seeing their brave Commander oppose himself with courage to the enemy, resolved to do the like. Hereupon they faced the troop of Spaniards, and discharged their muskets against them with such dex- terity, that they killed one horseman with almost every shot. The fight continued for the space of an hour, till at last the Spaniards were put to flight by the Pirates. They stripped the dead, and took from them what they thought most convenient for their use. But such as were not already dead, they helped to quit the miseries of life with the ends of their muskets. Having vanquished the enemy, they all mounted on several horses they found in the field, and continued the journey aforementioned, Brasiliano having lost but two of his companions in this bloody fight, and had two others wounded. As they prosecuted their way, before they came to the port, they espied a boat from Campeche, well manned, that rode at anchor, protecting a small number of canoes that were lading wood. Hereupon they sent a detachment of six of their men to watch them ; and these the next morning possessed them- selves of the canoes. Having given notice to their companions, they went all on board, and with no great difficulty took also the boat, or little man-of-war, their convoy. Thus having rendered themselves masters of the whole fleet, they wanted only provisions, which they found but very small aboard those vessels. But this defect was supplied by the horses, which they instantly killed and salted with salt which by good fortune the wood-cutters had brought with them. Upon which vic- tuals they made shift to keep themselves, until such time as they could procure better. These very same Pirates, I mean Brasiliano and his companions, took also another ship that was going from New Spain to Maracaibo, laden with divers sorts of merchandise, and a very considerable number of pieces of eight, which were designed to buy cacao-nuts for their 72 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. lading home. All these prizes they carried into Jamaica, where they safely arrived, and, according to their custom, wasted in a few days in taverns all they had gained, by giving themselves to all manner of debauchery. Such of these Pirates are found who will spend two or three thousand pieces of eight in one night, not leaving themselves peradventure a good shirt to wear on their backs in the morning. J\Iy own master would buy, on like occasions, a whole pipe of wine, and, placing it in the street, would force every one that passed by to drink with him ; threatening also to pistol them, in case they would not do it. At other times he would do the same with barrels of ale or beer. And, very often, with both his hands, he would throw these liquors about the streets, and wet the clothes of such as walked by, with- out regarding whether he spoiled their apparel or not, were they men or women. Among themselves, and to each other, these Pirates are extremely liberal and free. If any one of them has lost all his goods, which often happens in thei^^-manner of life, they freely give him, and make him partaker of what they have. In taverns and ale-houses they always have great credit ; but in such houses at Jamaica they ought not to run very deep in debt, seeing the inhabi- tants of that island easily sell one another for debt. Thus it happened to my patron, or master, to be sold for a debt of a tavern, wherein he had spent the greatest part of his money. This man had, within the space of three months before, three thousand pieces of eight in ready cash, all which he wasted in that short space of time, and became as poor as I have told you. But now to return to our discourse, I must let my reader know that Brasiliano, after having spent all that he had robbed, was constrained to go to sea again, to seek his fortune once more. Thus he set forth towards the coast of Campeche, his common place of rendezvous. Fifteen days after his arrival there, he put himself into BRASILIANO'S ESCAPE FROM PRISON. 73 a canoe, with intent to espy the port of that city, and see if he could rob any Spanish vessel. But his fortune was so bad, that both he and all his men were taken prisoners, and carried into the presence of the Governor. This man immediately cast them into a dungeon, with full intention to hang them every person. And doubdess he had performed his intent, were it not for a stratagem that Brasiliano used, which proved sufficient to save their lives. He wrote therefore a letter to the Governor, making him believe it came from other Pirates that were abroad at sea, and withal telling him : He should have a care how he used those persons he had in his aistody. For in case he caused thein any harm, they did swear nnto him they would never give quarter to any person of the Spanish nation that should fall into their hands. Because these Pirates had been many times at Cam- peche, and in many other towns and villages of the West Indies belonging to the Spanish dominions, the Governor began to fear what mischief they might cause by means of their companions abroad, in case he should punish them. Hereupon he released them out of prison, exacting only an oath of them beforehand, that they would leave their exercise of piracy for ever. And withal he sent them as common mariners, or passengers in the galleons to Spain. They got in this voyage altogether five hundred pieces of eight, whereby they tarried not long there after their arrival. But providing themselves with some few necessaries, they all returned to Jamaica within a litde while. Whence they set forth again to sea, committing greater robberies and cruelties than ever they had done before ; but more especially abusing the poor Spaniards that happened to fall into their hands, with all sorts of cruelty imaginable. The Spaniards perceiving they could gain nothing upon this sort of people, nor diminish their number, which rather increased daily, resolved to diminish the jiumber of their ships wherein they exercised trading to 74 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. and fro. But neither was this resolution of any effect, or did them any good service. For the Pirates, finding not so many ships at sea as before, began to gather into greater companies, and land upon the Spanish dominions, ruining whole cities, towns and villages ; and withal pillaging, burning and carrying away as much as they could find possible. The first Pirate who gave a beginning to these in- vasions by land, was named Lewis Scot, who sacked and pillaged the city of Campeche. He almost ruined the town, robbing and destroying all he could ; and, after he had put it to the ransom of an excessive sum of money, he left it. After Scot came another named Mansvelt, who enterprized to set footing in Granada, and penetrate with his piracies even to the South Sea. Both which things he effected, till at last, for want of provision, he was constrained to go back. He assaulted the Isle of Saint Catharine, which was the first land he took, and upon it some few prisoners. These showed him the way towards Cartagena, which is a principal city situate in the kingdom of New Granada. But the bold attempts and actions of John Davis, born at Jamaica, ought not to be forgotten in this history, as being some of the most remarkable thereof, especially his rare prudence and valour, wherewith he behaved himself in the aforemen- tioned kingdom of Granada. This Pirate having cruized a long time in the Gulf of Pocatauro upon the ships that were expected from Cartagena bound for Nicaragua, and not being able to meet any of the said ships, resolved at last to land in Nicaragua, leaving his ship concealed about the coast. This design he presendy put in execution. P'or taking fourscore men, out of fourscore and ten which he had in all (the rest being left to keep the ship), he divided them equally into three canoes. His intent was to rob the churches, and rifle the houses of the chief citizens of the aforesaid town of Nicaragua. Thus, in the obscurity of JOHN DAVIS' ATTACK ON NICARAGUA. 75. the night, they mounted the river which leads to that city, rowing with oars in their canoes. By day they concealed themselves and boats under the branches of trees that were upon the banks. These grow very thick and intricate along the sides of the rivers in those coun- tries, as also along the sea-coast. Under which, likewise, those who remained behind absconded from their vessel, lest they should be seen either by fishermen or Indians. After this manner they arrived at the city the third night, where the sentry, who kept the post of the river, thought them to be fishermen that had been fishing in the lake. And as the greatest part of the Pirates are skilful in the Spanish tongue, so he never doubted thereof as soon as he heard them speak. They had in their company an Indian, who had run away from his master because he would make him a slave after having served him a long time. This Indian went first on shore, and, rushing at the sentry, he instantly killed him. Being animated with this success, they entered into the city, and went directly to three or four houses of the chief citizens, where they knocked with dissimulation. These believing them to be friends opened the doors, and the Pirates suddenly possessing themselves of the houses, robbed all the money and plate they could find. Neither did they spare the churches and most sacred things, all which were pillaged and profaned without any respect or vene- ration. In the meanwhile great cries and lamentation were heard about the town, of some who had escaped their hands ; by which means the whole city was brought into an uproar and alarm. Hence the whole number of citizens rallied together, intending to put themselves in defence. This being perceived by the Pirates, they instantly put themselves to flight, carrying with them all that they had robbed, and likewise some prisoners. These they led away, to the intent that, if any of them should happen to be taken by the Spaniards, they might 76 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. make use of them for ransom. Thus they got to their ship, and with all speed imaginable put out to sea, forcing the prisoners, before they would let them go, to procure them as much flesh as they thought necessary for their voyage to Jamaica. But no sooner had they weighed anchor, than they saw on shore a troop of about five hundred Spaniards, all being very well armed, at the sea-side. Against these they let fly several guns, where- with they forced them to quit the sands and retire to- wards home, with no small regret to see those Pirates carry away so much plate of their churches and houses, though distant at least forty leagues from the sea. These Pirates robbed on this occasion above four thousand pieces of eight in ready money, besides great quantities of plate uncoined and many jewels. All which Avas computed to be worth the sum of fifty thousand pieces of eight, or more. With this great booty they arrived at Jamaica, soon after the exploit. But as this sort of people are never masters of their money but a very litde while, so were they soon constrained to seek more, by the same means they had used before. This adventure caused Captain John Davis, presendy after his return, to be chosen Admiral of seven or eight boats of Pirates ; he being now esteemed by common consent an able conductor for such enterprizes as these were. He began the exercise of this new command by directing his fleet towards the coasts of the North of Cuba, there to wait for the fleet which was to pass from New Spain. But, not being able to find anything by this design, they determined to go towards the coasts of Florida. Being arrived there, they landed part of their men, and sacked a small city, named Saint Augustine of Florida, the casde of which place had a garrison of two hundred men, which, notwithstanding, could not prevent the pillage of the city, they effecting it without receiving the least damage from either soldiers or townsmen. Hitherto we have spoken in the first part of this book END OF THE FIRST PART jy of the constitution of the Islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga, their pecuHarities and inhabitants, as also of the fruits to be found in those countries. In the second part of this work we shall bend our discourse to describe the actions of two of the most famous Pirates, who committed many horrible crimes and inhuman cruelties against the Spanish nation. The End of the First Part. PART II. CHAPTER I. Origin of Francis LOUonais, and beginning of his robberies. Francis L'Ollonais was a native of that territory in France which is called Les Sables d'Ollone, or the Sands of Ollone. In his youth he was transported to the Caribbee Islands, in quality of a servant or slave, according to the custom of France and other countries ; of which we have already spoken in the first part of this book. Being out of his time, when he had obtained his freedom, he came to the Isle of Hispaniola. Here he placed himself for some while among the hunters, before he began his robberies against the Spaniards ; whereof I shall make mention at present, until his unfor- tunate death. At first he made two or three voyages in quality of a common mariner, wherein he behaved himself so coura- geously as to deserve the favour and esteem of the Governor of Tortuga, who was then Monsieur de la Place. Insomuch that this gendeman gave him a ship, and made him captain thereof, to the intent he might seek his fortune. This Dame shewed herself very favourable to him at the beginning, for in a short while he pillaged great riches. But, withal, his cruelties against the Spaniards were such that the very fame of them made him known through the whole Indies. P^or which reason the Spaniards, in his time, whensoever they 8o THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. were attacked by sea, would choose rather to die or sink fighting than surrender, knowing they should have no mercy nor quarter at his hands. But as Fortune is sel- dom constant, so after some time she turned her back upon him. The beginning of whose disasters was, that in a huge storm he lost his ship upon the coasts of Cam- peche. The men were all saved ; but coming upon dry land, the Spaniards pursued them, and killed the greatest part of them, wounding also L'Ollonais, their captain. Not knowing how to escape, he thought to save his life by a stratagem. Hereupon he took several handfuls of sand and mingled them with the blood of his own wounds, with which he besmeared his face and other parts of his body. Then hiding himself dextrously among the dead, he continued there till the Spaniards had quitted the field. After they were gone, he retired into the woods, and bound up his wounds as well as he could. These being by the help of Nature pretty well healed, he took his- way to the city of Campeche, having perfecdy disguised himself in Spanish habit. Here he spoke with certain slaves, to whom he promised their liberty, in case they would obey him and trust in his conduct. They accepted his promises, and stealing one night a canoe from one of their masters, they went to sea with the Pirate. The Spaniards in the meanwhile had made prisoner several of his companions, whom they kept in close dungeons in the city, while L'Ollonais went about the town and saw all that passed. These were often asked by the Spaniards, ''What is become of your Captain?'' to whom they constandy answered, " He is deady With which news the Spaniards were hugely gladdened, and made great demonstrations of joy, kindling bonfires, and, like those that knew nothing to the contrary, giving thanks to God Almighty for their deliverance from such a cruel Pirate. L'Ollonais, having seen these joys for his death, made haste to escape with the slaves above-mentioned, and nOLLONAIS AT CUBA. 8t came safe to Tortuga, the common place (jf refuge of all sorts of wickedness, and the seminary, as it were, of all manner of Pirates and thieves. Though now his fortune was but low, yet he failed not of means to get another ship, which with craft and subtlety he obtained, and in it one and twenty persons. Being well provided with arms and other necessaries, he set forth towards the Isle of Cuba, on the South side whereof lies a small village, which is called De los Cayos. The inhabitants of this town drive a great trade in tobacco, sugar and hides ; and all in boats, as not being able to make use of ships by reason of the little depth of that sea. L'Ollonais was greatly persuaded he should get here some considerable prey ; but by the good fortune of some fishermen who saw him, and the mercy of the Almighty, they escaped his tyrannical hands. For the inhabitants of the town of Cayos dispatched immediately a messenger overland to Havana, complaining to the Governor that L'Ollonais was come to destroy them, with two canoes. The Governor could very hardly be persuaded of the truth of this story, seeing he had received letters from Campeche that he was dead. Notwithstanding, at the importunity of the petitioners he sent a ship to their relief, with ten guns and fourscore and ten persons, well armed ; giving them withal this express command : They should not return unto his presence without having totally destroyed those Pirates. To this effect he gave them also a negro, who might serve them for a hangman ; his orders being that They should immediately hang every one of the said Pirates, excepting L'Ollonais their Captain, zuhom they should bring alive to Havana. This ship arrived at Cayos ; of whose coming the Pirates were advertised beforehand ; and, instead of flying, went to seek the said vessel in the river Estera, where she rode at anchor. The Pirates apprehended some fishermen, and forced them, by night, to shew the entry of the port, hoping soon to obtain a greater vessel than their two VOL. I. G 82 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. canoes, and thereby to mend their fortune. They arrived, after two o'clock in the morning, very near the ship. And the watch on board the ship asking them : Whence they came, mid if they had seen any Pirates abroad, they caused one of the prisoners to answer : They had seen no- Pirates, nor anything else. Which answer brought them, into persuasion that they were fled away, having heard of their coming. But they experienced very soon the contrary; for about break of day the Pirates began to assault the vessel on both sides with their two canoes. This attack they performed with such vigour that, although the Spaniards behaved themselves as they ought and made as good defence as they could, shooting against them likewise some great guns, yet-they were forced to surrender, after being beaten by the Pirates, with swords in hand, down under the hatches. Hence L'Ollonais commanded them to be brought up one by one, and in this order caused their heads to be struck off. Among the rest came up the negro, designed to be the Pirates' executioner by the Governor of Havana. This fellow implored mercy at his hands very dolefully, desiring not to be killed, and telling L'Ollonais he was constituted hangman of that ship ;, and that, in case he would spare him, he would tell him faithfully all that he should desire to know. L'Ollonais made him confess as many things as he thought fit to ask him ; and, having done, commanded him to be murdered with the rest. Thus he cruelly and barbar- ously put them all to death, reserving of the whole num- ber only one alive, whom he sent back to the Governor of Havana, with this message given him in writing : / shall never henceforward give quarter to any Spaniard zuhatsoever ; and I have great hopes I shall execute on your own person the very same punishment I have done upon them you sent against me. Thus I have retaliated the kindness you designed to me and my companions. The Governor was much troubled to understand these sad LOLLONAIS RETURNS TO TORTUGA. 83 and withal insolent news ; which occasioned him to swear, in the presence of many, he would never grant quarter to any Pirate that should fall into his hands. But the citizens of Havana desired him not to persist in the execution of that rash and rigorous oath, seeing the Pirates would certainly take occasion thence to do the same ; and they had an hnndred times moix opporttmity of revenge than he : that, being necessitated to get their livelihood by fishery, they sho2tld hereafter always be hi danger of losing their lives. By these reasons he was persuaded to bridle his anger, and remit the severity of his oath aforementioned. Now L'Ollonais had got himself a good ship, but withal very few provisions and people in it. Hereupon, to se- cure both the one and the other, he resolved to use his customary means of cruizing from one port to another. This he did for some while, till at last not being able to procure anything, he determined to go to the port of Maracaibo. Here he took by surprize a ship that was laden with plate and other merchandize, being outward bound to buy cacao-nuts. With these prizes he returned to Tortuga, where he was received with no small joy by the inhabitants, they congratulating his happy success and their own private interest. He continued not long there, but pitched upon new designs of equipping a whole fleet, sufficient to transport five hundred men, with all other necessaries. With these preparations he resolved to go to the Spanish dominions, and pillage both cities, towns and villages, and finally take Maracaibo itself For this purpose, he knew the Island of Tortuga would afford him many resolute and courageous men, very fit for such enterprizes. Besides that, he had in his service several prisoners, who were exactly acquainted with the ways and places he designed upon. CHAPTER II. LOllojiais equips a fleet to land upon the Spanish islands of America, with intent to rob, sack and burn ivJiatever lie met. Of this his design L'Ollonais gave notice to all the Pirates who at that conjuncture of time were either at home or abroad. By which means he got together in a little while above four hundred men. Besides which, there was at that present in the Isle of Tortuga another Pirate, whose name was Michael de Basco. This man by his piracy had got riches sufficient to live at ease, and go no more abroad to sea ; having withal the office of Major of the Island. Yet seeing the great preparations that L'Ollonais made for this expedition, he entered into a straight league of friendship with him, and proffered him that, in case he would make him his chief captain by land (seeing he knew the country very well and all its avenues), he would take part in his fortunes, and go along with him. They both agreed upon articles, with great joy of L'Ollonais, as knowing that Basco had performed great actions in Europe, and had gained the repute of a good soldier. He gave him therefore the command he desired, and the conduct of all his people by land. Thus they all embarked in eight vessels, that of L'Ollonais being the greatest, as having ten guns of various carriage. All things being in readiness, and the whole com- pany on board, they set sail together about the end of April, having a considerable number of men for those parts, that is in all six hundred and threescore persons. They directed their course towards that part which is L'OLLONAIS' SUCCESS AGAINST THE SPANIARDS. 85 called Bayala, situated on the North side of the Island of Hispaniola. Here they also took into their company a certain number of French hunters, who voluntarily offered themselves to go along with them. And here likewise they provided themselves with victuals and other neces- saries for that voyage. Hence they set sail again the last day of July, and steered directly towards the Eastern Cape of the Isle, called Punta d' Espada. Hereabouts they suddenly espied a ship that was coming from Porto Rico, and bound for New Spain, being laden with cacao-nuts. L'Ollonais, the Admiral, presendy commanded the rest of the fleet they should wait for him near the Isle of Savona, situate on the Eastern side of Cape Punta d' Espada, forasmuch as he alone intended to go and take the said vessel. The Spaniards, although they had been in sight now fully two hours, and knew them to be Pirates, yet they would not flee, but rather prepared to fight ; as being well armed, and provided of all things necessary thereto. Thus the combat began between L'Ollonais and the Spanish vessel, which lasted three hours ; and these being past, they surrendered to him. This ship was mounted with sixteen guns, and had fifty fighting men on board. They found in her one hundred and twenty thousand weight of cacao, forty thousand pieces of eight, and the value of ten thousand more in jewels. L'Ollonais sent the vessel presently to Tortuga to be unladed, with orders to return with the said ship as soon as possible to the Isle of Savona, where he would wait for their coming. In the meanwhile the rest of the fleet, being arrived at the said Island of Savona, met with another Spanish vessel that was coming from Comana with military provisions to the Isle of Hispaniola; and also with money to pay the garrisons of the said island. This vessel also they took without any resistance, although mounted with eight guns. Here were found seven thousand weight of pow- der, great number of muskets and other things of this 86 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. kind, together with twelve thousand pieces of eight in ready money. These forementioned events gave good encouragement to the Pirates, as judging them very good beginnings to the business they had in hand, especially finding their fleet pretty well recruited within a little while. For the first ship that was taken being arrived at Tortuga, the Governor ordered to be instantly unladen, and soon after sent her back with fresh provisions and other necessaries to L'Ollonais. This ship he chose for his own, and gave that which he commanded to his comrade Antony du Puis, Thus having received new recruits of men, in lieu of them he had lost in taking the prizes above-mentioned and by sickness, he found himself in a good condition to prosecute his voyage. All being well animated and full of courage, they set sail for Maracaibo, which port is situated in the province of New Venezuela, in the lati- tude of twelve degrees and some minutes North. This island is in length twenty leagues, and twelve in breadth. To this port also belong the Islands of Onega and Monges. The East side thereof is called Cape St. Roman, and the Western side Cape of Caquibacoa. The gulf is called by some the Gulf of Venezuela ; but the Pirates usually call it the Bay of Maracaibo. At the beginning of this gulf are two islands, which extend for the greatest part from East to West. That which lies towards the East is called I sla de las Vigilias, or the Watch Isle, because in the middle thereof is to be seen a high hill, upon which stands a house wherein dwells perpetually a watchman. The other is called I sla de las Palomas, or the Isle of Pigeons. Between these two islands runs a little sea, or rather a lake, of fresh water, being threescore leagues in length and thirty in breadth ; which disgorges into the ocean, and dilates it- self about the two islands afore-mentioned. Between them is found the best passage for ships, the channel of this passage being no broader than the flight of a great gun MARA CA/B o. 87 of eight pound carriage, more or less. Upon the Isle of Pigeons stands a castle, to impede the entry of any vessels ; all such as come in being necessitated to approach very near the casde, by reason of two banks of sand that lie on the other side, with only fourteen foot water. Many other banks of sand are also found in this lake, as that which is called El Tablazo, or The Great Table, which is no deeper than ten foot ; but this lies forty leagues within the lake. Others there are that are no more than six, seven or eight foot in depth. All of them are very dangerous, especially to such mariners as are little acquainted with this lake. On the West side hereof is situated the city of Maracaibo, being very pleasant to the view, by reason its houses are built along the shore, having delicate prospects everywhere round about. The city may possibly contain three or four thousand persons, the slaves being included in this number ; all which make a town of reasonable big- ness. Among these are judged to be eight hundred persons, more or less, able to bear arms, all of them Spaniards. Here are also one Parish Church, of very good fabric and well adorned, four monasteries and one hospital. The city is governed by a Deputy-Governor, who is substituted here by the Governor of Caracas, as being his dependency. The commerce or trading here exercised consists for the greatest part in hides and tobacco. The inhabitants possess great numbers of cattle, and many plantations, which extend for the space of thirty leagues within the country ; especially on that side that looks towards the great and populous town of Gibraltar. At which place are gathered huge quantities of cacao-nuts, and all other sorts of garden fruits ; which gready serve for the regalement and sustenance of the m- habitants of Maracaibo, whose territories are much drier than those of Gibraltar. To this place those of Maracaibo send great quantities of flesh ; they making returns in oranges, lemons, and several other fruits. Por the in- 88 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. habitants of Gibraltar have great scarcity of provisions of flesh, their fields being not capable of feeding cows or sheep. Before the city of Maracaibo lies a very spacious and secure port, wherein may be built all sort of vessels ; as having great convenience of timber, which may be trans- ported thither at very little charge. Near the town lies also a small island called Borrica, which serves them to feed great numbers of goats, of which cattle the inhabi- tants of Maracaibo make greater use of their skins than their flesh or milk ; they making no great account of these two, unless while they are as yet but tender and young kids. In the fields about the town are fed some numbers of sheep, but of a very small size. In some of the islands that belong to the lake, and in other places hereabouts, inhabit many savage Indians, whom the Spaniards call Bravos, or Wild. These Indians could never agree as yet, nor be reduced to any accord with the Spaniards, by reason of their brutish and untamable nature. They dwell for the most part towards the Western side of the lake, in little huts that are built upon trees which grow in the water, the cause hereof being only to exempt themselves as much as possible from the innumerable quantity of mosquitos or gnats which infest those parts, and by which they are tormented night and day. Towards the East side of the said lake are also to be seen whole towns of fishermen, who likewise are con- strained to live in huts, built upon trees, like the former. Another reason of thus dwelling is the frequent inun- dations of waters : for after great rains, the land is often overflowed for the space of two or three leagues, there being no less than five and twenty great rivers that feed this lake. The town of Gibraltar is also frequently drowned by these inundations, insomuch that the inhabi- tants are constrained to leave their houses and retire to their plantations. Gibraltar is situated at the side of the lake, forty GIBRALTAR. leagues or thereabouts within it, and receives its neces- sary provisions of flesh, as has been said, from Maracaibo. The town is inhabited by fifteen hundred persons, more or less, whereof four hundred may be capable of bearing arms. The greatest part of the inhabitants keep open shops, wherein they exercise one mechanic trade or other. All the adjacent fields about this town are cultivated with numerous plantations of sugar and cacao, in which are many tall and beautiful trees, of whose timber houses may be built, and also ships. Among these trees are found great store of handsome and proportionable cedars, being seven or eight foot in circumference, which serve there very commonly to build boats and ships. These they build after such manner as to bear only one great sail ; and such vessels are called Piraguas. The whole country round about is sufficiently furnished with rivers and brooks, which are very useful to the inhabitants in time of droughts, they opening in that occasion many litde channels, through which they lead the rivulets to water their fields and plantations. They plant in like manner great quantity of tobacco, which is much esteemed in Europe ; and for its goodness, is called there Tabaco de Sacerdotes, or Priest's Tobacco. They enjoy nigh twenty leagues of jurisdiction, which is bounded and defended by very high mountains that are perpetually covered with snow. On the other side of these mountains is situated a great city called Merida, to which the town of Gibraltar is subject. All sort of mer- chandize is carried from this town to the aforesaid city, upon mules ; and that but at one season of the year, by reason of the excessive cold endured in those high moun- tains. Upon the said mules great returns are made in flour of meal, which comes from towards Peru by the way of Estaffe. Thus far I thought it convenient to make a short description of the aforesaid lake of Maracaibo, and its situation ; to the intent my reader might the better be 90 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. enabled to comprehend what I shall say concerning what was acted by the Pirates in this place, the history whereof I shall presently begin. As soon as L'Ollonais arrived at the Gulf of Venezuela, he cast anchor with his whole fleet, out of sight of the watch-tower of the Island of Vigilias, or Watch- Isle. The next day, very early, he set sail hence, with all his ships, for the lake of Maracaibo ; where being arrived, they cast anchor the second time. Soon after, they landed all their men, with design to attack in the first place the castle or fortress that commanded the bar, and is there- fore called De la Barra. This fort consists only of several great baskets of earth, placed upon a rising ground, upon which are planted sixteen great guns, with several other heaps of earth round about, for covering the men within. The Pirates having landed at the distance of a league from this fort, began to advance by degrees towards it. But the Governor thereof, having espied their landing, had placed an ambuscade of some of his men, with design to cut them off behind, while he meant to attack them in the front. This ambuscade was found out by the Pirates ; and, hereupon getting before, they assaulted and defeated it so entirely that not one man could retreat to the castle. This obstacle being removed, L'Ollonais with all his com- panions advanced in great haste towards the fort. And after a fight of almost three hours, wherein they behaved themselves with desperate courage, such as this sort of people are used to show, they became masters thereof, having made use of no other arms than their swords and pistols. And while they were fighting, those who were routed in the ambuscade, not being able to get into the castle, retired towards the city ot Maracaibo in great confusion and disorder, crying : The Pirates will pi'C sent ly be here with tzvo thousand men and more. This city having formerly been taken by such kind of people as these were, and sacked even to the THE PIRATES ENTER MARACAIBO. 91 remotest corners thereof, preserved still in its memory a fresh Idea of that misery. Hereupon, as soon as they heard this dismal news, they endeavoured to escape as fast as they could towards Gibraltar in their boats and canoes, carrying with them all the goods and money they could. Being come to Gibraltar, they dispersed the rumour that the fortress was taken, and that nothing had been saved, nor any persons able to escape the fury of the Pirates. The casde being taken by the Pirates, as was said before, they presenUy made sign to the ships of the victory they had obtained ; to the end they should come farther in, without apprehension of any danger. The rest of that day was spent in ruining and demolishing the said casde. They nailed the guns, and burnt as much as they could not carry away ; burying also the dead, and sending on board the fleet such as were wounded. The next day very early in the morning they weighed anchor, and directed their course all to- gether towards the city of Maracaibo, distant only six leagues more or less from the fort. But the wind being very scarce, that day they could advance but litde, as being forced to expect the flowing of the tide. The next morning they came within sight of the town, and began to make preparations for landing under the pro- tection of their own guns ; being persuaded the Spaniards might have laid an ambuscade among the trees and woods. Thus they put their men into canoes, which for that purpose they brought with them, and landed where they thought most convenient, shooting in the meanwhile very furiously with their great guns. Of the people that were in the canoes, half only went on shore, the other half remained on board the said canoes. They fired with their guns from the ships as fast as was possible towards the woody part of the shore ; but could see, and were answered by, nobody. Thus they marched in good order into the town, whose inhabitants, as I told you 92 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. before, were all retired into the woods, and towards Gibraltar, with their wives, children and families. Their houses they left well provided with all sort of victuals, such as flour, bread, pork, brandy, wines and good store of poultry. With these things the Pirates fell to ban- queting and making good cheer ; for in four weeks before they had had no opportunity of filling their stomachs with such plenty. They instantly possessed themselves of the best houses in the town, and placed sentries everywhere they thought convenient. The great church served them for their main corps du garde. The next day they sent a body of one hundred and sixty men to find out some of the in- habitants of the town, whom they understood were hidden in the woods not far thence. These returned that very night, bringing with them twenty thousand pieces of eight, several mules laden with household goods and merchandize, and twenty prisoners, between men, women and children. Some of these prisoners were put to the rack, only to make them confess where they had hidden the rest of their goods ; but they could extort very litde from them. L'Ollonais, who never used to make any great account of murdering, though in cold blood, ten or twelve Spaniards, drew his cutlass and hacked one to pieces in the presence of all the rest, saying : If yoit do not confess and declare wkei^e you have hidden the rest of your goods, I will do the like to all your companions. At last, amongst these horrible cruelties and inhuman threats, one was found who promised to conduct him and show the place where the rest of the Spaniards were hidden. But • those that were fled, having intelligence that one had discovered their lurking holes to the Pirates, changed place, and buried all the remnant of their riches under ground ; insomuch that the Pirates could not find them out, unless some other person of their own party should reveal them. Besides that the Spaniards, flying from one place to another every day THE PIRATES PROCEED TO GIBRALTAR. 93 and often changing woods, were jealous even of each other ; insomuch as the father scarce presumed to trust his own son. Finally, after that the Pirates had been fifteen days in Maracaibo, they resolved to go towards Gibraltar. But the inhabitants of this place, having received intelligence thereof beforehand, as also that they intended afterwards to go to Merida, gave notice of this design to the Gover- nor thereof, who was a valiant soldier and had served his king in Flanders in many military offices. His answer was : He would have the7n take no care ; for he hoped ill a little while to exterminate the said Pirates. Whereupon he transferred himself immediately to Gib- raltar, with four hundred men well armed, ordering at the same time the inhabitants of the said town to put themselves in arms ; so that in all he made a body of eight hundred fighting men. With the same speed he commanded a battery to be raised towards the sea, whereon he mounted twenty guns, covering them all with great baskets of earth. Another battery likewise he placed in another place, mounted with eight guns. After this was done, he barricaded a highway or narrow passage into the town, through which the Pirates of necessity ought to pass ; opening at the same time another, through much dirt and mud, in the wood, which was totally unknown to the Pirates. The Pirates, not knowing anything of these prepara- tions, having embarked all their prisoners and what they had robbed, took their way towards Gibraltar. Being come within sight of the place, they perceived the Royal standard hanging forth, and that those of the town had a mind to fight and defend their houses. L'Ollonais, seeing this resolution, called a council of war, to deliberate what he ought to do in such case ; propounding withal to his officers and mariners, that the difficulty of such an enterprize was very great, seeing the Spaniards had had so much time to put themselves in a posture of 94 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. defence, and had got a good body of men together, with many martial provisions. But notzvithstanding, said he, have a good courage. We must either defend ottrselves like s"ood soldiers, or lose our lives with all the riches we have got. Do as I shall do, who am your Captain. At other times we have fought with fewer men than we have in 02ir company at present, and yet zue have overcome greater mwibers than there possibly can be in this town. The more they are, the more glory we shall attribute unto 07ir fortune, and the greater riches we shall increase unto it. The Pirates were under this suspicion, that all those riches which the inhabitants of Maracaibo had absconded, were transported to Gibraltar, or at least the greatest part thereof. After this speech they all promised to follow him and obey very exactly his commands. To whom L'Ollonais made answer : ' Tis well; but know ye withal that the first man zuho shall show any fear, or the least apprehension thereof, I will pistol him with my own hands. With this resolution they cast anchor near the shore, at the distance of one quarter of a league from the town. The next day, before sunrise, they were all landed, being to the number of three hundred and fourscore men, well provided, and armed every one with a cutlass and one or two pistols ; and withal sufficient powder and bullet for thirty charges. Here, upon the shore, they all shook hands with one another in testimony of good courage, and began their march, L'Ollonais speaking these words to them : Come, my brothers, follow me, and have a good courage. They followed their way with a guide they had provided. But he, believing he led them well, brought them to the way which the Governor had obstructed with barricades. Through this not being able to pass, they went to the other, which was newly made in the wood among the mire, to which the Spaniards could shoot at pleasure. Notwithstanding, the Pirates being full of courage, cut down multitude of branches ATTACK ON GIBRALTAR. 95 of trees, and threw them in the dirt upon the way, to the end they might not stick so fast in it. In the meanwhile, those of Gibraltar fired at them with their great guns so furiously that they could scarce hear or see one another through the noise and smoke. Being now past the wood, they came upon firm ground, where they met with a battery of six guns, which immediately the Spaniards discharged against them, all being loaded with small bul- lets and pieces of iron. After this, the Spaniards sallying forth set upon them with such fury, as caused the Pirates to give way and retire ; very few of them daring to advance towards the fort. They continued still firing against the Pirates, of whom they had already killed and wounded many. This made them go back to seek some other way through the middle of the wood ; but the Spaniards having cut down many trees to hinder the passage, they could find none, and thus were forced to return to that they had left. Here the Spaniards con- tinued to fire as before ; neither would they sally out of their batteries to attack the Pirates any more. Hereby L'Ollonais and his companions, not being able to grimp up the baskets of earth, were compelled to make use of an old stratagem ; wherewith at last they deceived and overcame the Spaniards. L'Ollonais retired suddenly with all his men, making show as if he fled. Hereupon the Spaniards, crying out, They flee, they flee ; let us foihzu them, sallied forth with great disorder, to pursue the fugitive Pirates. After they had drawn them some distance from their batteries, which was their only design, they turned upon them un- expectedly with swords in hand, and killed above two hundred men. And thus fighting their way through those who remained alive, they possessed themselves of the batteries. The Spaniards that remained abroad gave themselves up for lost, and consequently took their flight to the woods. The other part that was in the battery of eight guns surrendered themselves ui)on conditions of 96 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. obtaining quarter for their lives. The Pirates, being now become masters of the whole town, pulled down the Spanish colours, and set up their own, taking prisoners at the same time as many as they could find. These they carried to the great church, whither also they trans- ferred many great guns, wherewith they raised a battery to defend themselves, fearing lest the Spaniards that were fled should rally more of their own party and come upon them again. But the next day, after they were all fortified, all their fears disappeared. They gathered all the dead, with intent to allow them burial, finding the number of above five hundred Spaniards killed, besides those that were wounded within the town and those that died of their wounds in the woods, where they sought for refuge. Besides which, the Pirates had in their custody above one hundred and fifty prisoners, and nigh five hundred slaves, many women and children. Of their own companions the Pirates found only forty dead, and almost as many more wounded. Whereof the greatest part died afterwards, through the constitution of the air, which brought fevers and other accidents upon them. They put all the Spaniards that were slain into two great boats, and carrying them one quarter of a league within the sea, they sank the boats. These things being done, they gathered all the plate, household stuff" and merchandize they could rob or thought convenient to carry away. But the Spaniards who had anything as yet left to them, hid it very carefully. Soon after, the Pirates, as if they were unsatisfied with the great riches they had got, began to seek for more goods and mer- chandize, not sparing those who lived in the fields, such as hunters and planters. They had scarce been eighteen days upon the place, when the greatest part of the prisoners they had taken died of hunger. For in the town very few provisions, especially of flesh, were to be found. Howbeit, they had some quantity of flour of meal, although perhaps something less than what was THE PIRATES IN GIBRALTAR. qy sufficient. But this the Pirates had taken into their custody to make bread for themselves. As to the swine, cows, sheep and poultry that were found upon the place, they took them likewise for their own sustenance, with- out allowing any share thereof to the poor prisoners. For these they only provided some small quantity of mules' and asses' flesh, which they killed for that purpose. And such as could not eat of that loathsome provision were constrained to die of hunger, as many did, their stomachs not being accustomed to such unusual suste- nance. Only some women were found, who were allowed better cheer by the Pirates, because they served them in their sensual delights, to which those robbers are hugely given. Among those women, some had been forced, others were volunteers ; though almost all had rather taken up that vice through poverty and hunger, more than any other cause. Of the prisoners many also died under the torments they sustained, to make them confess where they had hidden their money or jewels. And of these, some because they had none nor knew of any, and others for denying what they knew, endured such horrible deaths. Finally, after having been in possession of the town four entire weeks, they sent four of the prisoners, re- maining alive, to the Spaniards that were fled into the woods, demanding of them a ransom for not burning the town. The sum hereof they constituted icn thousand pieces of eight, which, unless it were sent to them, they threatened to fire and reduce into ashes the whole village. For bringing in of this money they allowed them only the space of two days. These being past, and the Spaniards not having been able to gather so punctually such a sum, the Pirates began to set fire to many places of the town. Thus the inhabitants, perceiving the Pirates to be in earnest, begged of them to help to extinguish the fire ; and withal promised the ransom should be readily paid. The Pirates condescended to VOL. I. H 98 THE BUCCAXEERS OF AMERICA. their petition, helping as much as they could to stop the progress of the fire. Yet, though they used the best endeavours they possibly could, one part of the town was ruined, especially the church belonging to the mon- astery, which was burnt even to dust. After they had received the sum above-mentioned, they carried on board their ships all the riches they had robbed, together with a great number of slaves which had not as yet paid their ransom. For all the prisoners had sums of money set upon them, and the slaves were also commanded to be redeemed. Hence they returned to Maracaibo, where being arrived they found a general consternation in the whole city. To which they sent three or four prisoners to tell the governor and inhabitants : They should bring them thirty thousand pieces of eight on board their ships, for a ransoin of their houses ; otherwise they should be entirely sacked anew and burnt. Among these debates a certain party of Pirates came on shore to rob, and these carried away the images, the pictures and bells of the great church, on board the fleet. The Spaniards, who were sent to demand of those that were fled the sum afore-mentioned, returned with orders to make some agreement with the Pirates. This they per- formed, and concluded with the Pirates they would give for their ransom and liberty the sum of twenty thousand pieces of eight and five hundred cows. The condition hereof being that they should commit no farther acts of hostility against any person, but should depart thence presendy after payment of the money and catde. The •one and the other being delivered, they set sail with the whole fleet, causing great joy to the inhabitants of Maracaibo to see themselves quit of this sort of people. Notwithstanding, three days after they resumed their fears and admiration, seeing the Pirates to appear again and re-enter the port they had left with all their ships. But these apprehensions soon vanished, by only hearing the errand of one of the Pirates, who came on shore DIVISION OF THE BOOTY. 99 to tell them from L'Ollonais : They sJio2tld send him a skilful Pilot to conduct one of his greatest ships over the dangeroiis bank that lies at the entry of the lake. Which petition, or rather command, was instantly granted. The Pirates had now been full two months in those towns, wherein they committed those cruel and insolent actions we have told you of. Departing therefore thence, they took their course towards the island Hispaniola, and arrived thither in eight days, casting anchor in a port called Isla de la Vaca, or Cow Island. This isle is in- habited by French buccaneers, who most commonly sell the flesh they hunt to Pirates and others who now and then put in there with intent of victualling or trading with them. Here they unladed the whole cargo of riches they had robbed ; the usual storehouse of the Pirates being commonly under the shelter of the buccaneers. Here also they made a dividend amongst them of all their prizes and gains, according to that order and degree which belonged to every one, as hath been mentioned above. Having cast up the account and made exact calculation of all they had purchased, they found in ready money two hundred and threescore thousand pieces of eight. Whereupon, this being divided, every one re- ceived to his share in money, and also in pieces of silk, linen and other commodities, the value of above one hundred pieces of eight. Those who had been wounded in this expedition received their part before all the rest ; I mean, such recompences as I spoke of in the first Book, for the loss of their limbs which many sustained. After- wards they weighed all the plate that was uncoined, reckoning after the rate of ten pieces of eight for every pound. The jewels were prized with much variety, either at too high or too low rates ; being thus occasioned by their own ignorance. This being done, every one was put to his oath again, that he had not concealed anything nor subtracted from the common stock. Hence they proceeded to the dividend of what shares belonged loo THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. to such as were dead amongst them, either in battle or otherwise. These shares were given to their friends to be kept entire for them, and to be deHvered in due time to their nearest relations, or whomsoever should appear to be their lawful heirs. The whole dividend being entirely finished, they set sail thence for the Isle of Tortuga. Here they arrived one month after, to the great joy of most that were upon the island. For as to the common Pirates, in three weeks they had scarce any money left them ; having spent it all in things of little value, or at play either at cards or dice. Here also arrived, not long before them, two French ships laden with wine and brandy and other thino-s of this kind ; whereby these liquors, at the arrival of the Pirates, were sold indifferent cheap. But this lasted not long ; for soon after they were enhanced extremely, a gallon of brandy being sold for four pieces of eight. The Governor of the island bought of the Pirates the whole cargo of the ship laden with cacao, giving them for that rich commodity scarce the twentieth part of what it was worth. Thus they made shift to lose and spend the riches they had got in much less time than they were purchased by robbing. The taverns, ac- cording to the custom of Pirates, got the greatest part thereof; insomuch that soon after they were constrained to seek more by the same unlawful means they had obtained the preceding. CHAPTER III. L Ollonais makes neiv preparations to take the city of St. James de Leon ; as also that of Nicaragua, ivJiere lie miserably perishes. L' Ollonais had got himself very great esteem and repute at Tortuga by this last voyage, by reason he brought them home such considerable profit. And now he needed take no great care how to gather men to serve under his colours, seeing more came in voluntarily to proffer their service to him than he could employ, every one reposing such great confidence in his conduct for seeking their fortunes, that they judged it a matter of the greatest security imaginable to expose themselves in his company to the hugest dangers that might possibly occur. He resolved therefore for a second voyage, to go with his officers and soldiers towards the parts of Nicaragua, and pillage there as many towns as he could meet. Having published his new preparations, he had all his men together at the time appointed, being about the number of seven hundred, more or less. Of these he put three hundred on board the ship he took at Mara- caibo, and the rest in other vessels of lesser burden, which were five more : so that the whole number were in all six ships. The first port they went to was in the Island of Hispaniola, to a place called Bayaha, where they determined to victual the fleet and take in pro- visions. This being done, they set sail thence, and steered their course to a port called Matamana, lying on the South side of the Isle of Cuba. Their intent was to take here all the canoes they could meet, these coasts I02 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. being frequented by an huge number of fishermen of tortoises, who carry them thence to Havana. They took as many of the said canoes, to the great grief of those miserable people, as they thought necessary for their designs. For they had great necessity of these small bottoms, by reason the port whither they designed to go was not of depth sufficient to bear ships of any burden. Hence they took their course towards the cape called Gracias a Dios, situate upon the continent in latitude fifteen degrees North, at the distance of one hundred leagues from the island De los Pinos. But being out at sea they were taken with a sad and tedious calm, and by the agitation of the waves alone were thrown into the Gulf of Honduras. Here they laboured very much to regain what they had lost, but all in vain ; both the waters in their course, and the winds, being contrary to their endeavours. Besides that the ship wherein L'Ollonais was embarked could not follow the rest ; and what was worse, they wanted already pro- visions. Hereupon they were forced to put into the first port or bay they could reach, to revictual their fleet. Thus they entered with their canoes into a river called Xagua, inhabited by Indians, whom they totally robbed and destroyed ; they finding amongst their goods great quantity of millet, many hogs and hens. Not contented with what they had done, they determined to remain there until the bad weather was over, and to pillage all the towns and villages lying along the coast of the gulf. Thus they passed from one place to another, seeking as yet more provisions, by reason they had not what they wanted for the accomplishment of their designs. Having searched and rifled many villages, where they found no great matter, they came at last to Puerto Cavallo. In this port the Spaniards have two several storehouses, which serve to keep the merchandizes that are brought from the inner parts of the country until the arrival of the ships. There was in the port at that occasion a nOLLONAIS' TORTURE OF PRISONERS. 103 Spanish ship mounted with four and twenty guns and sixteen pateraras or mortar-pieces. This ship was immediately seized by the Pirates ; and then, drawing near the shore, they landed and burnt the two store- houses, with all the rest of the houses belonging to the place. Many inhabitants likewise they took prisoners, and committed upon them the most insolent and in- human cruelties that ever heathens invented, putting them to the cruellest tortures they could imagine or devise. It was the custom of L'Ollonais that, having tormented any persons and they not confessing, he would instandy cut them in pieces with his hanger, and pull out their tongues ; desiring to do the same, if possible, to every vSpaniard in the world. Oftentimes it happened that some of these miserable prisoners, being forced thereunto by the rack, would promise to discover the places where the fugitive Spaniards lay hidden ; which being not able afterwards to perform, they were put to more enormous and cruel deaths than they who were dead before. The prisoners being all dead and annihilated (except- ing only two, whom they reserved to show them what they desired), they marched hence to the town of San Pedro, or St. Peter, distant ten or twelve leagues from Puerto Cavallo, having in their company three hundred men, whom L'Ollonais led, and leaving behind him Moses van Vin for his lieutenant to govern the rest in his absence. Being come three leagues upon their way, they met with a troop of Spaniards, who lay in ambus- cade for their coming. These they set upon with all the courage imaginable, and at last totally defeated, howbeit they behaved themselves very manfully at the beginning of the fight. But not being able to resist the fury of the Pirates, they were forced to give way and save them- selves by flight, leaving many Pirates dead upon the place and wounded, as also some of their own party maimed by the way. These L'Ollonais put to death with- I04 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. out mercy, having asked them what questions he thought fit for his purpose. There were still remaining some few prisoners who were not wounded. These were asked by L'Ollonais if any more Spaniards did lie farther on in ambuscade ? To whom they answered, there were. Then he com- manded them to be brought before him, one by one, and asked if there was no other way to be found to the town but that ? This he did out of a design to excuse, if possible, those ambuscades. But they all constantly answered him, they knew none. Having asked them all, and finding they could show him no other way, L'Ollonais grew outrageously passionate ; insomuch that he drew his cutlass, and with it cut open the breast of one of those poor Spaniards, and pulling out his heart with his sacrilegious hands, began to bite and gnaw it with his teeth, like a ravenous wolf, saying to the rest : / luill serve you all alike, if you show me not another way. Hereupon those miserable wretches promised to show him another way ; but withal they told him, it was extremely difficult and laborious. Thus, to satisfy that cruel tyrant, they began to lead him and his army. But finding it not for his purpose, even as they told him, he was constrained to return to the former way, swearing with great choler and indignation : Mort Dietc, les Espagnols me le payeront {By God's death the Spaniards shall pay 7ne for this). The next day he fell into another ambuscade ; the which he assaulted with such horrible fury that in less than an hour's time he routed the Spaniards, and killed the greatest part of them. The Spaniards were per- suaded that by these ambuscades they should better be able to destroy the Pirates, assaulting them by degrees; and for this reason had posted themselves in several places. At last he met with a third ambuscade, where was placed a party of Spaniards both stronger and to CAPTURE OF SAN PEDRO. 105 greater advantage than the former. Yet, notwithstanding, the Pirates, by throwing with their hands Httle fireballs in great number, and continuing to do so for some time, forced this party, as well as the preceding, to flee. And this with such great loss of men as that, before they could reach the town, the greatest part of the Spaniards were either killed or wounded. There was but one path which led to the town. This path was very well barri- caded with good defences ; and the rest of the town round about was planted with certain shrubs or trees named Raqueltes, very full of thorns and these very sharp-pointed. This sort of fortification seemed stronger than the triangles which are used in Europe, when an army is of necessity to pass by the place of an enemy, it being almost impossible for the Pirates to traverse those shrubs. The Spaniards that were posted behind the said defences, seeing the Pirates come, began to shoot at them with their great guns. But these, perceiving them ready to fire, used to stoop down, and w^hen the shot was made, fall upon the defendants with fireballs in hands and naked swords, killing with these weapons many of the town. Yet, notwithstanding, not being able to advance any farther, they were constrained to retire for the first time. Afterwards they returned to the attack again, with fewer men than before ; and observing not to shoot till they were very near, they gave the Spaniards a charge so dexterously, that with every shot they killed an enemy. The attack continuing thus eager on both sides till night, the Spaniards were compelled to hang forth a white flag, in token of truce and that they desired to come to a parley. The only conditions they required for delivering the town were : That the Pirates should give the inhabitants quarter for t^uo hours. This short space of time they demanded, with intent to carry away and abscond as much of their goods and riches as they could, as also to flee to some other neighbouring town. Upon io6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. the agreement of this article they entered the town, and continued there the two hours above-mentioned, without committing the least act of hostility, or causing any trouble to the inhabitants. But no sooner that time was passed, than L'Ollonais ordered the inhabitants should be followed and robbed of all they had carried away ; and not only goods, but their persons likewise to be made all prisoners. Notwithstanding, the greatest part of their merchandize and goods were in such manner absconded as the Pirates could not find them ; they meeting only a few leathern sacks that were filled with anil or indigo. Having stayed at this town some few days, and according to their usual customs committed there most horrid insolencies, they at last quitted the place, carrying away with them all that they possibly could, and reducing the town totally into ashes. Being come to the seaside, where they left a party of their own comrades, they found these had busied themselves in cruizing upon the fishermen that lived thereabouts or came that way from the river of Guatemala. In this river also was expected a ship that was to come from Spain. Finally they re- solved to gfo towards the islands that lie on the other side of the gulf, there to cleanse and careen their vessels. But in the meanwhile they left two canoes before the coast, or rather the mouth of the river of Guatemala, to the intent they should take the ship which, as I said before, was expected from Spain. But their chief intention of going to those islands was to seek provisions, as knowing the tortoises of those places are very excellent and pleasant food. As soon as they arrived there, they divided into troops, each party choosing a fit post for that fishery. Every one of them undertook to knit a net with the rinds of certain trees, called in those parts Macoa. Of these rinds they make also ropes and cables for the service of ships : insomuch that no vessel can be in need of such things whensoever they can but find the said trees. There are also in those GUATEMALA. 107 parts many places where they find pitch, ^ which is gathered thereabouts in great abundance. The quantity hereof is so great that, running down the sea-coasts, being melted by the heat of the sun, it congeals in the water into o-reat heaps, and represents the shape of small islands. This pitch is not like that we have in the countries of Europe, but is hugely like, both in colour and shape, that froth of the sea which is called by the naturalists bitumen. But in my judgment this matter is nothing else but wax, which stormy weather has cast into the sea, being part of that huge quantity which in the neighbouring terri- tories is made by the bees. Thus from places far distant from the sea it is also brought to the sea-coast by the winds and rolling waves of great rivers ; being likewise mingled with sand, and having the smell of black amber, such as is sent us from the Orient. In those parts are found great quantities of the said bees, who make their honey in trees ; whence it happens that the honey-combs being fixed to the bodies of the trees, when tempests arise they are torn away, and by the fury of the winds carried into the sea, as has been said before. Some naturalists are willing to say that between the honey and the wax is made a separation by means of the salt water, whence proceeds also the good amber. This opinion is rendered the more probable because the said amber being found and tasted, it affords the like taste as wax does. But now, returning to my discourse, I shall let you know that the Pirates made in those islands all the haste to equip their vessels they could possibly, by reason they had news the Spanish ship which they expected was come. They spent some time in cruizing upon the coasts of Yucatan, whereabouts inhabit many Indians, who seek for the amber above-mentioned in those seas. ^ One of the largest pitch or asphalt lakes is to be seen in the British island of Trinidad, a very good description of which is to be found in C. Kingsley's " At Last." Similar deposits on a small scale are not uncommon in the West Indian Islands, which arc mostly of volcanic origin. io8 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. But seeing we are come to this place, I shall here, by the by, make some short remarks on the manner of living of these Indians, and the divine worship which they practise. The Indians of the coasts of Yucatan have now been above one hundred years under the dominion of the Spaniards. To this nation they performed all manner of service ; for, whensoever any of them had need of a slave or servant, they sent to seek one of these Indians to serve them as long as they pleased. By the Spaniards they were initiated at first in the principles of Christian faith and religion. Being thus made a part of Christi- anity, they used to send them every Sunday and holiday through the whole year a priest to perform divine service among them. Afterwards, for what reasons are not known, but certainly through evil temptations of the Father of Idolatry, the Devil, they suddenly cast off Christian religion again, and abandoned the true divine worship, beating withal and abusing the priest was sent them. This provoked the Spaniards to punish them according to their deserts, which they did by casting many of the chief of these Indians into prison. Every one of those barbarians had, and has still, a god to him- self, whom he serves and worships. It is a thing that deserves all admiration, to consider how they use in this particular a child that is newly born into the world. As soon as this is issued from the womb of the mother, they carry it to the temple. Here they make a circle or hole, which they fill with ashes, without mingling anything else with them. Upon this heap of ashes they place the child naked, leaving it there a whole night alone, not without great danger ; nobody daring to come near it. In the meanwhile the temple is oj>en on all sides, to the intent all sorts of beasts may freely come in and out. The next day the father and relations of the infant return thither, to see if the track or step of any animal appears to be printed in the ashes. Not finding any, they leave INDIANS OF YUCATAN. 109 the child there until some beast hath approached the infant, and left behind him the mark of his feet. To this animal, whatsoever it be, they consecrate the crea- ture newly born, as unto its god ; which he is bound to worship and serve all his life, esteeming the said beast as his patron and protector in all cases of danger or necessity. They offer to their gods sacrifices of fire, wherein they burn a certain gum called by them copal, whose smoke affords a very delicious smell. When the infant is grown up, the parents thereof tell him and show him whom he ought to worship, serve and honour as his own proper god. This being known, he goes to the temple, where he makes offerings to the said beast. Afterwards, if in the course of his life any one has injured him, or any evil happens to him, he complains thereof to that beast, and sacrifices to it for revenge. Whence many times comes that those who have done the injury of which he complains are found to be bitten, killed, or otherwise hurt by such animals. After this superstitious and idolatrous manner do live those miserable and ignorant Indians, that inhabit all the islands of the Gulf of Honduras, as also many of them that dwell upon the continent of Yucatan. In the terri- tories of which country are found most excellent ports for the safety of ships, where those Indians most com- monly love to build their houses. These people are not very faithful one to another, and likewise use strange ceremonies at their marriages. Whensoever any one pretends to marry a young damsel, he first applies him- self to her father or nearest relation. He then examines him very exactly concerning the manner of cultivatmg their plantations and other things at his pleasure. Having satisfied the questions that were put to him by the father-in-law, he gives the young man a bow and arrow. With these things he repairs to the young maid, and presents her with a garland of green leaves, inter- weaved with sweet-smelling flowers. This she is obliged ïio THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. to put upon her head, and lay aside that which she wore before that time ; it being the custom of the country that all virgins go perpetually crowned with flowers. This garland being received and put upon the head, every one of the relations and friends go to advise with others, among themselves, whether that marriage will be useful and of likely happiness, or not. Afterwards the aforesaid relations and friends meet together at the house of the damsel's father, and there they drink of a certain liquor made of maize, or Indian wheat. And here before the whole company the father gives his daughter in marriage to the bridegroom. The next day the newly-married bride comes to her mother, and in her presence pulls off the garland and tears it in pieces, with great cries and bitter lamentations, according to the custom of the country. Many other things I could relate at large of the manner of living and customs of those Indians ; but these I shall omit, thereby to follow my discourse. Our Pirates therefore had many canoes of the Indians in the Isle of Sambale, five leagues distant from the coasts of Yucatan. In the aforesaid island is found great quantity of amber, but more especially when any storm arises from towards the East, whence the waves bring many things and very different. Through this sea no vessels can pass, unless very small, the waters being too shallow. In the lands that are surrounded by this sea is found huge quantity of Campeche wood {i.e. logwood), and other things of this kind, that serve for the art of dyeing, which occasions them to be much esteemed in Europe, and doubtless would be much more, in case we had the skill and science of the Indians, who are so industrious as to make a dye or tincture that never changes its colour nor fades away. After that the Pirates had been in that gulf three entire months, they received advice that the Spanish ship was come. Hereupon they hastened to the port, where the ship lay at anchor unlading the merchandize CAPTURE OF THE SPANISH SHIP. in it brought, with design to assault her as soon as it were possible. But before this attempt they thought it con- venient to send away some of their boats from the mouth of the river, to seek for a small vessel which was ex- pected ; having notice that she was very richly laden, the greatest part of the cargo being plate, indigo and cochineal. In the meanwhile the people of the ship that was in the port had notice given that the Pirates designed upon them. Hereupon they prepared all things very well for the defence of the said vessel, which was mounted with forty-two guns, had many arms on board and other necessaries, together with one hundred and thirty fighting men. To L'Ollonais all this seemed but litde ; and thus he assaulted her with great courage, his own ship carrying only twenty-two guns, and having no more than a small saetia, or flyboat, for help. But the Spaniards defended themselves after such manner as they forced the Pirates to retire. Notwithstanding, while the smoke of the powder continued very thick, as amidst a dark fog or mist, they sent four canoes very well manned, and boarded the ship with great agility, whereby they compelled the Spaniards to surrender. The ship being taken, they found not in her what they thought, as being already almost wholly unladed. All the treasure they here got consisted only in fifty bars of iron, a small parcel of paper, some earthen jars full of wine, and other things of this kind ; all of small im- portance. Presently after, L'Ollonais called a council of the whole fleet, wherein he told them he intended to go to Guate- mala. Upon this point they divided into several senti- ments ; some of them liking the proposal very well, and others disliking it as much — especially a certain party of them, who were but new in those exercises of piracy, and who had imagined at their setting forth from Tortuga that pieces of eight were gathered as easily as pears from a tree. But having found at last most things contrary to 112 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. their expectation, they quitted the fleet, and returned whence they set out. Others, on the contrary, affirmed they had rather die of hunger, than return home without a great deal of money. But the major part of the company, judging the pro- pounded voyage Htde fit for their purpose, separated from L'Ollonais and the rest. Among these was ringleader one Moses Vanclein, who w^as captain of the ship taken at Puerto Cavallo. This fellow took his course towards Tortuga, designing to cruize to and fro in those seas. With him also joined another comrade of his own, by name Pierre le Picard, who, seeing the rest to leave L'Ollonais, thought fit to do the same. These runaways having thus parted company, steered their course home- wards, coasting along the continent, till they came at last to Costa Rica. Here they landed a strong party of men near the river of Veraguas. and marched in good order to the town of the same name. This place they took and totally pillaged, notwithstanding that the Spaniards made a strong and warlike resistance. They brought away some of the inhabitants as prisoners, with all that they had robbed, which was of no great impor- tance, the reason hereof being the poverty of the place, which exercises no manner of trade than only working in the mines, where some of the inhabitants constantly attend. Yet no other persons seek for the gold than only slaves. These they compel to dig, whether they live or die, and wash the earth that is taken out in the neighbouring rivers ; where oftentimes they find pieces of gold as big as peas. Finally, the Pirates found in this robbery no greater value than seven or eight pounds weight of gold. Hereupon they returned back, giving over the design they had to go farther on to the town of Nata, situated upon the coasts of the South sea. Hither- to they designed to march, knowing the inhabitants to be rich merchants, who had their slaves at work in the mines of Veraguas. But from this enterprize they were DE LAS PERTAS INDIANS. 113 deterred by the multitude of Spaniards whom they saw- gather on all sides to fall upon them ; whereof they had timely advice beforehand. L'Ollonais, thus abandoned by his companions, remained alone in the Gulf of Honduras, by reason his ship was too great to get out at the time of the reflux of those seas, which the smaller vessels could more easily do. There he sustained great want of all sorts of provisions ; insomuch as they were constrained to go ashore every day, to seek wherewithal to maintain themselves. And not finding anything else, they were forced to kill monkeys and other animals such as they could find, for their sus- tenance. At last having found, in the latitude of the Cape of Gracias a Dios, certain litde islands called De las Pertas, here, near these isles, his ship fell upon a bank of sand, where it stuck so fast that no art could be found to get her off into deep water again, notwithstanding they unladed all the guns, iron and other weighty things as much as possibly they could : but all they could do was to litde or no effect. Hereupon they were necessitated to break the ship in pieces, and with some of the planks and nails build themselves a boat, wherewith to get away from those islands. Thus they began their work ; and while they are employed about it, I shall pass to describe succinctly the isles aforementioned and their inhabitants. The islands called De las Pertas are inhabited by Indians, who are properly savages, not having at any time known or conversed with any civil people. They are tall in stature and very nimble in running, which they perform almost as fast as horses. At diving also in the sea they are very dexterous and hardy. From the bottom of the sea I saw them take up an anchor that weighed six hundred pound, by tying a cable to it with great dexterity, and pulling it from a rock. They use no other arms than such as are made of wood, without any iron, unless that some instead thereof fix a crocodile VOL. I. I 114 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. tooth, which serves for a point. They have neither bows nor arrows among them, as other Indians have ; but their common weapon is a sort of lances, that are long a fathom and a half. In these islands there are many plantations surrounded with woods, whence they gather great abun- dance of fruits. Such are potatoes, bananas, racoven, ananas and many others, which the constitution of the soil affords. Near these plantations they have no houses to dwell in, as in other places of the Indies. Some are of opinion that these Indians eat human flesh, which seems to be confirmed by what happened when L'Ollonais was there. Two of his companions, the one being a French- man and the other a Spaniard, went into the woods, where having straggled up and down some while, they met with a troop of Indians that began to pursue them. They defended themselves as well as they could with their swords ; but at last were forced to flee. This the Frenchman performed with great agility; but the Spaniard, being not so swift as his companion, was taken by those barbarians, and heard of no more. Some days after, they attempted to go into the woods to see what was become of their companion. To this effect twelve Pirates set forth very well armed, amongst whom was the French- man, who conducted them, and shewed them the place where he left his companion. Here they found, near the place, that the Indians had kindled a fire ; and, at a small distance thence, they found the bones of the said Spaniard very well roasted. Hence they inferred that they had roasted the miserable Spaniard, of whom they found more, some pieces of flesh ill scraped off from the bones, and one hand, which had only two fingers remaining. They marched farther on, seeking for Indians. Of these they found a great number together, who endea- voured to escape, seeing the Pirates so strong and well armed. But they overtook some of them, and brought on board their ships five men and four women. With these they used all the means they could invent to make DE LAS PERTAS INDIANS. 115 themselves be understood and gain their affections ; giving them certain small trifles, as knives, beads and the like things. They gave them also victuals and drink ; but nothing of either would they taste. It was also observable that all the while they were prisoners on board the ships, they spoke not one word to each other among themselves. Thus the Pirates, seeing these poor Indians were much afraid of them, presented them again with some small things, and let them go. When they departed, they made signs, giving them to understand they would come again. But they soon forgot their benefactors, and were never heard nor seen more. Neither could any notice afterwards be had of these Indians or any others in the whole island after that time. Which occasioned the Pirates to suspect that both those that were taken, and all the rest of the island, did all swim away by night to some other little neighbouring islands, especially considering they could never set eyes on any Indian more ; neither was there ever seen any boat or other vessel in the whole circumference of the island. In the meanwhile the Pirates were very desirous to see their long-boat finished, which they were building with the timber of the ship that struck upon the sands. Yet, considering their work would be but long, they began to cultivate some pieces of ground. Here they sowed French beans, which came to maturity in six weeks' time, and many other fruits. They had good provision of Spanish wheat, bananas, racoven and other things. With the wheat they made bread, and baked it in portable ovens, which they had brought with them to this effect. Thus they feared not hunger in those desert places. After this manner they employed themselves for the space of five or six months. Which time being passed, and the long-boat finished, they determined to go to the river of Nicaragua, to see if they could take some few canoes, and herewith return to the said islands ii6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and fetch away their companions that remained behind^ by reason the boat they had built was not capable of transporting so many men together. Hereupon, to avoid any disputes that might arise, they cast lots among them- selves, determining thereby who should go, or stay, irt the island. The lot fell only upon one half of the people of the lost vessel ; who embarked upon the long-boat they had built, and also the skiff which they had before ; the other half remaining on shore. L'Ollonais having set sail,, arrived in a few days at the mouth of the river of Nicaragua. Here suddenly his ill-fortune assailed him, which of long time had been reserved for him, as a punishment due to the multitude of horrible crimes,, which in his licentious and wicked life he had committed. Here he met with both Spaniards and Indians, who jointly together set upon him and his companions, and used them so roughly that the greatest part of the Pirates, were killed upon the place. L'Ollonais, with those that remained alive, had much ado to escape on board their boats aforementioned. Yet notwithstanding this great loss of men, he resolved not to return to seek those he had left at the Isle of Pertas, without taking some boats, such as he looked for. To this effect he determined to go farther on to the coasts of Cartagena, with design to seek for canoes. But God Almighty, the time of His Divine justice being now already come, had appointed the Indians of Darien to be the instruments and executioners thereof. The I ndians of Darien are esteemed as bravos, or wild savage Indians, by the neighbouring Spaniards, who never could reduce them to civility. Hither L'Ollonais came (being rather brought by his evil conscience that cried for punishment of his crimes), thinking to act in that country his former cruelties. But the Indians with- in a few days after his arrival took him prisoner and tore him in pieces alive, throwing his body limb by limb into the fire, and his ashes into the air ; to the intent no L'OLLONAIS TORN IN PIECES AND BURNT. ii trace nor memory might remain of such an infamous, inhuman creature. One of his companions gave me an exact account of the aforesaid tragedy ; affirming withal that he himself had escaped the same punishment, not without the greatest of difficulties. He believed also that many of his comrades who were taken prisoners in that encounter by the Indians of Darien were after the same manner as their cruel captain torn in pieces and burned alive. Thus ends the history of the life and miserable death of that infernal wretch L'Ollonais, who, full of horrid, execrable and enormous deeds, and also debtor to so much innocent blood, died by cruel and butcherly hands, such as his own were in the course of his life. Those that remained in the island De las Pertas, waiting for the return of them who got away, only to their great misfortune, hearing no news of their captain nor companions, at last embarked themselves upon the ship of a certain Pirate who happened to pass that way. This fellow was come from Jamaica with intent to land at the Cape of Gracias a Dios, and hence to mount the river with his canoes, and take the city of Cartagena. These two parcels of Pirates being now joined together were infinitely gladdened at the presence and society of one another. Those because they found themselves delivered from their miseries, poverty and necessities, wherein now they had lived the space of ten entire months — these, because they were now considerably strengthened, whereby to effect with greater satisfaction their intended designs. Hereupon, as soon as they were arrived at the aforesaid Cape of Gracias a Dios, they all put themselves into canoes, and with these vessels mounted the river, being in number five hundred men ; leaving only five or six persons in every ship to keep them. They took no provisions with them, as being persuaded they should find everywhere sufficient. But these their own hopes were found totally vain. ii8 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. as not being grounded in God Almighty. For He ordained it so that the Indians having perceived their coming, were all fled before them, not leaving in their houses nor plantations, which for the most part border upon the sides of rivers, anything of necessary provisions or victuals. Hereby, in few days after they had quitted their ships, they were reduced to such ne- cessity and hunger as nothing could be more extreme. Notwithstanding, the hopes they had conceived of making their fortunes very soon animated them for the present, being contented in this affliction with a few green herbs, such as they could gather as they went upon the banks of the river. Yet all this courage and vigour of mind could not last above a fortnight. After which, their hearts, as well as their bodies, began to fail for hunger ; insomuch as they found themselves constrained to quit the river and betake themselves to the woods, seeking out some small villages where they might find relief for their necessity. But all was in vain : for, having ranged up and down the woods for some days without finding the least comfort to their hungry desires, they were forced to return again to the river. 'Where being come, they thought it convenient to descend to the sea-coasts where they had left their ships, not being able to find in the present enterprize what they sought for. In this laborious journey they were reduced to such extremity that many of them devoured their own shoes, the sheaths of their swords, knives and other things of this kind, being almost ravenous, and fully desirous to meet some Indians, intending to sacrifice them unto their teeth. At last they arrived at the coast of the sea, where they found some comfort and relief to their former miseries, and also means to seek more. Yet notwithstanding, the greatest part of them perished through faintness and other diseases contracted by hunger ; which occasioned also the remaining part to- disperse. Till at last by degrees many or most of them MISERABLE END OF THE EXPEDITION. 119 fell into the same pit that L'Ollonais did. Of him, and of his companions I have hitherto given my reader a com- pendious narrative ; which now I shall continue with the actions and exploits of Captain Henry Morgan, who may not undeservedly be called the second L'Ollonais, as not being unlike or inferior to him either in achievements against the Spaniards or in robberies of many innocent people. CHAPTER IV. Of the Origin and Descent of Captain Henry Morgan — his Exploits and a continuation of the most remarkable actions of ids life. Captain Henry Morgan was born in the Kingdom of England, and there in the principality of Wales. His father was a rich yeoman, or farmer, and of good quality in that country, even as most who bear that name in Wales are known to be. Morgan, being as yet young, had no inclinations to follow the calling of his father ; and therefore left his country, and came towards the sea- coasts to seek some other employ more suitable to his humour, that aspired to something else. There he found entertainment in a certain port where several ships lay at anchor, that were bound for the Isle of Barbados. With these ships he resolved to go in the service of one, who, according to what is commonly practised in those parts by the English and other nations, sold him as soon as he came on shore. He served his time at Barbados, and when he had obtained his liberty, thence transferred himself to the Island of Jamaica, there to seek new for- tunes. Here he found two vessels of Pirates that were ready to go to sea. Being destitute of employ, he put himself into one of these ships, with intent to follow the exercises of that sort of people. He learned in a little while their manner of living ; and so exactly, that having performed three or four voyages with some profit and good success, he agreed with some of his comrades, who had gotten by the same voyages a small parcel of money, to join stocks and buy a ship. The vessel being bought, CAPTAIN HENRY MORGAN. 121 they unanimously chose him to be the captain and com- mander thereof. With this ship, soon after, he set forth from Jamaica to cruize upon the coasts of Campeche ; in which voyage he had the fortune to take several ships, with which he returned triumphant to the same island. Here he found at the same time an old Pirate, named Mansvelt (of whom we have already made mention in the first part of this book), who was then busied in equipping ,a considerable fleet of ships with design to land upon the Continent, and pillage whatever came in his way. Mansvelt, seeing Captain Morgan return with so many .prizes, judged him, from his actions, to be of undaunted •courage ; and hereupon was moved to choose him for his Vice-Admiral in that expedition. Thus having fitted •out fifteen ships, between great and small, they set sail from Jamaica with five hundred men, both Walloons and French. With this fleet they arrived not long after at the Isle of St. Catharine, situated near the Continent of Costa Rica, in the latitude of twelve degrees and a half North, and distant thirty-five leagues from the river of Chagre, between North and South. Here they made their first descent, landing most of their men pre- :sently after. Being now come to try their arms and fortune, they in a short while forced the garrison that kept the island to surrender and deliver into their hands all the forts and •castles belonging thereunto. All these they instantly demolished, reserving only one, wherein they placed one hundred men of their own party, and all the slaves they had taken from the Spaniards. With the rest of their men they marched to another small island near that of St. Catharine, and adjoining so near to it, that with a bridge they could get over. In few days they made a bridge, and passed thither, conveying also over it all the pieces of ordnance which they had taken upon the great island. Having ruined and destroyed, with sword and 122 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. fire, both the islands, leaving what orders were necessar)^ at the castle above-mentioned, they put forth to sea again with the Spaniards they had taken prisoners. Yet these they set on shore, not long after, upon the firm land, near a place called Porto Bello. After this they began to cruize upon the coasts of Costa Rica, till finally they came to the river of Colla, designing to rob and pillage all the towns they could find in those parts, and after- wards to pass to the village of Nata, to do the same. The President or Governor of Panama, having had advice of the arrival of these Pirates and the hostilities- they committed everywhere, thought it his duty to set forth to their encounter with a body of men. His coming caused the Pirates to retire suddenly with all speed and care, especially seeing the whole country alarmed at their arrival, and that their designs were known and consequendy could be of no great effect at that present. Hereupon they returned to the Isle of St. Catharine, to visit the hundred men they had left in garrison there. The Governor of these men was a certain Frenchman named Le Sieur Simon, who behaved himself very well in that charge, while Mansvelt was absent. Insomuch that he had put the great island in a very good posture of defence ; and the litde one he had caused to be cultivated with many fertile plantations, which were sufficient to revictual the whole fleet with provisions and fruits, not only for present refreshment, but also in case of a new voyage. Mansvelt's inclinations- were very much bent to keep these two islands in per- petual possession, as being very commodious, and profit- ably situated for the use of the Pirates, chiefly because they were so near the Spanish dominions, and easily to be defended against them ; as I shall represent in the third part of this history more at large, in a copper plate, delineated for this purpose. Hereupon Mansvelt determined to return to Jamaica,, with design to send some recruit to the Isle of St.. LE SI EUR SIMON. 123 Catharine, that in case of any invasion of the Spaniards, the Pirates might be provided for a defence. As soon as he arrived, he propounded his mind and intentions to the Governor of that island ; but he Hked not the pro- positions of Mansvelt, fearing lest by granting such things he should displease his Master, the King of England, besides, that giving him the men he desired, and other necessaries for that purpose, he must of necessity diminish and weaken the forces of that island whereof he was Governor. Mansvelt seeing the un- willingness of the Governor of Jamaica, and that of his own accord he could not compass what he desired, with the same intent and designs went to the Isle of Tortuga. But there, before he could accomplish his desires, or put in execution what was intended, death suddenly surprised him, and put a period to his wicked life ; all things here- by remaining in suspense, until the occasion which I shall hereafter relate. Le Sieur Simon, who remained at the Isle of St. Catharine in quality of Governor thereof, receiving no news from Mansvelt, his Admiral, was greatly impatient, and desirous to know what might be the cause thereof. In the meanwhile Don John Perez de Guzman, being newly come to the government of Costa Rica, thought it no ways convenient for the interest of the King of Spain that that island should remain in the hands of the Pirates. And hereupon he equipped a considerable fleet, which he sent to the said island to retake it. But before he came to use any great violence, he wrote a letter to Le Sieur Simon, wherein he gave him to understand, if he would surrender the island to his Catholic Majesty, he should be very well rewarded ; but in case of refusal, severely punished when he had forced him to do it. Le Sieur Simon, seeing no appearance or probability of being able to defend it alone, nor any emolument that by so doing could accrue either to him or his people, after some small resistance delivered up 124 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. the island into the hands of its true lord and master, under the same articles they had obtained it from the Spaniards. Few days after the surrender of the island, there arrived from Jamaica an English ship which the Governor of the said island had sent underhand, wherein was a good supply of people, both men and women. The Spaniards from the castle having espied this ship, put forth the English colours, and persuaded Le Sieur Simon to go on board, and conduct the said ship into a port they assigned him. This he performed immediately with dissimulation, whereby they were all made prisoners. A certain Spanish engineer has published, before me, an -exact account and relation of the retaking of the Isle of St. Catharine by the Spaniards ; which printed paper being fallen into my hands, I have thought it fit to be inserted here. A true Relation and particular Account of the Victory obtained by the Arms of his Catholic Majesty against the English Filiates, by the direction a7id valour of Don John Perez de Guzman, Kiiight of the Order of St. James, Governor and Captain-General of Terra Firma and the Province of Veraguas. The Kingdom of Terra Firma, which of itself is suffi- ciently strong to repulse and extirpate great fleets, but more especially the Pirates of Jamaica, had several ways notice, under several hands, imparted to the Governor thereof, that fourteen English vessels did cruize upon the coasts belonging to his Catholic Majesty. The 14th day of July, 1665, news came to Panama, that the English Pirates of the said fleet were arrived at Puerto de Naos, and had forced the Spanish garrison of the Isle of St. Catharine, whose Governor was Don Estevan del Campo ; and that they had possessed themselves of the said island, taking prisoners the inhabitants, and destroy- ing all that ever they met. Moreover, about the same DON JOHN PEREZ DE GUZMAN. 125 time Don John Perez de Guzman received particular information of these robberies from the relation of some Spaniards who escaped out of the island (and whom he ordered to be conveyed to Porto Bello), who more dis- tinctly told him, that the aforementioned Pirates came into the island the 2nd day of May, by night, without being perceived by anybody ; and that the next day, after some disputes by arms, they had taken the fortresses- and made prisoners all the inhabitants and soldiers, not one excepted, unless those that by good fortune had escaped their hands. This being heard by Don John, he called a council of war, wherein he declared the great pro- gress the said Pirates had made in the dominions of his Catholic Majesty. Here likewise he propounded : That it was absolutely necessary to send some forces to the Isle of St. Catharine, sufficient to retake it from the Pirates / the honour and interest of his Majesty of Spain being very narrowly concerned herein. Otherwise the Pirates by such conquests might easily in course of time possess themselves of all the countries thereabouts. To these reasons some were found who made answer : That the Pirates, as not being able to subsist in the said island, would of necessity consume and zuaste themselves, and be forced to quit it, zuithout any necessity of retaking it. That consequently it zuas not lüorth the while to engage in so many expenses and troubles as 7Jiight be foreseen this would cost. Notwithstanding these reasons to the con- trary, Don John, as one who was an expert and valiant soldier, gave order that a quantity of provisions should be conveyed to Porto Bello, for the use and service of the militia. And neither to be idle nor negligent in his master's affairs, he transported himself thither, with no small danger to his life. Here he arrived the 7th day of July, with most things necessary to the expedition in hand ; where he found in the port a good ship, called St. Vincent, that belonged to the Company of the Negroes. This ship being of itself a strong vessel and 126 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. well mounted with guns, he manned and victualled very well and sent to the Isle of St. Catharine, constituting Captain Joseph Sanchez Ximenez, mayor of the city of Porto Bello, commander thereof. The people he carried with him were two hundred threescore and ten soldiers, and thirty-seven prisoners of the same island, besides four-and-thirty Spaniards belonging to the garrison of Porto Bello, nine-and-twenty mulattos of Panama, twelve Indians very dexterous at shooting with bows and arrows, seven expert and able gunners, two lieu- tenants, two pilots, one surgeon, and one religious man of the Order of St. Francis for their chaplain. Don John soon after gave his orders to every one of the officers, instructing them how they ought to behave themselves, telling them withal that the Governor of Cartagena would assist and supply them with more men, 'boats, and all things else they should find necessary for that enterprize ; to which effect he had already written to the said Governor. On the 24th day of the said month Don John commanded the ship to weigh anchor, and sail out of the port. Then seeing a fair wind to blow, he called before him all the people designed for that expedition, and made them a speech, encouraging them to fight against the enemies of their country and religion, but more especially against those inhuman Pirates who had heretofore committed so many horrid and cruel actions against the subjects of his Catholic Majesty. Withal, promising to every one of them most liberal rewards : but especially to such as should behave themselves as they ought in the service of their king and country. Thus Don John bid them farewell ; and imme- diately the ship weighed anchor, and set sail under a favourable gale of wind. The 22nd of the said month they arrived at Cartagena, and presented a letter to the Governor of the said city from the noble and valiant Don John ; who received it, with testimonies of great affection to the person of Don John and his Majesty's service. And THE ISLE OF ST. CATHARINE. 127 ■seeing their resolute courage to be conformable to his desires and expectation, he promised them his assistance, which should be with one frigate, one galleon, one boat, and one hundred and twenty-six men, the one half out •of his own garrison, and the other half mulattos. Thus all of them being well provided with necessaries, they set forth from the port of Cartagena, the 2nd day of August ; and the loth of the said month they arrived within sight of the Isle of St. Catharine, towards the Western point thereof. And although the wind was con- trary, yet they reached the port, and came to an anchor within it ; having lost one of their boats, by foul weather, at the rock called Quita Signos. The Pirates, seeing our ships come to an anchor, gave them presently three guns with bullets ; the which were soon answered in the same coin. Hereupon the Mayor Joseph Sanchez Ximenez sent on shore to the Pirates ■one of his officers, to require them in the name of the Catholic King, his Master, to surrender the island, seeing they had taken it in the midst of peace between the two crowns of Spain and England ; and that in case they would be obstinate, he would certainly put them all to the sword. The Pirates made answer, That island had ■once before belonged to the Government and dominions of the King of England ; and that, instead of surrender- ing it, they preferred to lose their lives. On Friday, the 13th of the said month, three negroes, from the enemy, came swimming aboard our Admiral. These brought intelligence, that all the Pirates that were upon the island were only threescore and twelve in num- ber ; and that they were under a great consternation, see- ing such considerable forces come against them. With this intelligence the Spaniards resolved to land, and advance towards the fortresses, the which ceased not to fire as many great guns against them as they possibly could ; which were corresponded in the same manner on our side till dark night. On Sunday, the r5th of the said month, wliich 128 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. was the day of the Assumption of Our Lady, the weather being very calm and clear, the Spaniards began to- advance thus. The ship named St. Vincent, which rode Admiral, discharged two whole broadsides upon the battery called the Conception. The ship called St. Peter, that was Vice- Admiral, discharged likewise her guns against the other battery named St. James. In the meanwhile our people were landed in small boats, directing their course towards the point of the battery last mentioned, and thence they marched towards the gate called Cortadura. The lieutenant Frances de Cazeres. being desirous to view the strength of the enemy, with only fifteen men, was compelled to retreat in all haste, by reason of the great guns which played so furiously upon the place where he stood, they shooting not only pieces of iron and small bullets, but also the organs of the church, discharging in every shot three- score pipes at a time. Notwithstanding this heat of the enemy, Captain Don Joseph Ramirez de Leyva, with threescore men, made a strong attack, wherein they fought on both sides very desperately, till at last he overcame and forced the Pirates to surrender the fort he had taken in hand. On the other side. Captain John Galeno, with four- score and ten men, passed over the hills, to advance that way towards the castle of St. Teresa. In the meanwhile the Mayor Don Joseph Sanchez Ximenez, as com- mander-in-chief, with the rest of his men set forth from the battery of St. James, passing the fort with four boats,, and landing in despite of the enemy. About this same time Captain John Galeno began to advance with the men he led to the forementioned fortress. So that our men made three attacks upon the enemy, on three several sides, at one and the same time, with great courage and valour. Thus the Pirates, seeing many of their men already killed and that they could in no manner subsist any longer, retreated towards Cortadura, where they SURRENDER OF THE PIRATES. 129 surrendered themselves and likewise the whole island into our hands. Our people possessed themselves of all, and set up the Spanish colours, as soon as they had rendered thanks to God Almighty for the victory obtained on such a signalized day. The number of dead were six men of the enemy's, with many wounded, and three- score and ten prisoners. On our side was found only one man killed, and four wounded. There was found upon the island eight hundred pound of powder, two hundred and fifty pound of small bullets, with many other military provisions. Among the pri- soners were taken also two Spaniards, who had borne arms under the English against his Catholic Majesty. These were commanded to be shot to death the next day by order of the Mayor. The loth day of September arrived at the isle an English vessel, which being seen at a great distance by the Mayor, he gave order to Le Sieur Simon, who was a Frenchman, to go and visit the said ship, and tell them that were on board the island belonged still to the English. He performed the com- mands, and found in the said ship only fourteen men, one woman and her daughter ; who were all instantly made prisoners. The English Pirates were all transported to Porto Bello ; excepting only three, who by order of the Go- vernor were carried to Panama, there to work in the castle of St. Jerome. This fortification is an excellent piece of workmanship, and very strong ; being raised in the middle of the port, of quadrangular form, and ol very hard stone. Its elevation or height is eighty- eight geometrical feet, the walls being fourteen and the curtains seventy-five feet diameter. It was built at the expense of several private persons, the Governor ot the city furnishing the greatest part of the money ; so that it did not cost his Majesty any sum at all. VOL. I. K CHAPTER V. Some account of the Island of Oiba. Capt. Morgan attempts to preserve the Isle of St. Catharine as a refuge and nest to Pirates ; but fails of his designs. He arrives at and takes the village of El Puerto del Principe. Captain Morgan, seeing his predecessor and Admiral Mansvelt was dead, endeavoured as much as he could, and used all the means that were possible, to preserve and keep in perpetual possession the Isle of St. Catha- rine, seated near that of Cuba. His principal intent was to consecrate it as a refuge and sanctuary to the Pirates of those parts, putting it in a sufficient condition of being a convenient receptacle or storehouse of their preys and robberies. To this effect he left no stone unmoved whereby to compass his designs, writing for the same purpose to several merchants that lived in Virginia and New England, and persuading them to send him pro- visions and other necessary things towards the putting the said island in such a posture of defence as it might neither fear any external dangers nor be moved at any suspicions of invasion from any side that might attempt to disquiet it. At last all his thoughts and cares proved ineffectual by the Spaniards retaking the said island. Yet, notwithstanding, Captain Morgan retained his ancient courage, which instantly put him upon new designs. Thus he equipped at first a ship, with inten- tion to gather an entire fleet, both as great and as strong as he could compass. By degrees he put the whole matter in execution, and gave order to every member of his fleet, they should meet at a certain THE ISLAND OF CUBA. 131 port of Cuba. Here he determined to call a council and deliberate concerning what were best to be done, and what place first they should fall upon. Leaving these new preparations in this condition, I shall here give my reader some small account of the aforementioned Isle of Cuba, in whose ports this expedition was hatched, seeing I omitted to do it in its proper place. The Island of Cuba lies from East to West, in the latitude and situation of twenty to three and twenty degrees North, being in length one hundred and fifty German leagues and about forty in breadth. Its fertility is equal to that of the Island of Hispaniola. Besides which, it affords many things proper for trading and commerce, such as are hides of several beasts, particu- larly those that in Europe are called Hides of Havana. On all sides it is surrounded with a great number of small islands, which go altogether under the name of Cayos. Of these little islands the Pirates make great use, as of their own proper ports of refuge. Here most commonly they make their meetings and hold their councils, how to assault more easily the Spaniards. It is thoroughly irrigated on all sides with the streams of plentiful and pleasant rivers, whose entries form both secure and spacious ports, besides many other harbours for ships, which along the calm shores and coasts adorn many parts of this rich and beautiful island ; all which contribute very much to its happiness, by facilitating the exercise of trade, whereunto they invite both natives and aliens. The chief of these ports are Santiago, Bayame, Santa Maria, Espiritu Santo, Trinidad, Xagoa, Cabo de Corrientes and others, all which are seated on the south side of the island. On the northern side hereof are found the following : La Havana, Puerto Mariano, Santa Cruz, Mata Ricos and Barracoa. This island has two principal cities, by which the whole country is governed, and to which all the towns and villages thereof give obedience. The first of these 132 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. is named Santiago, or St. James, being seated on the south side, and having under its jurisdiction one half of the island. The chief magistrates hereof are a Bishop and a Governor, who command over the villages and towns belonging to the half above-mentioned. The chief of these are, on the southern side Espiritu Santo, Puerto del Principe and Bayame ; on the north side it has Barracoa and the town called De los Cayos. The greatest part of the commerce driven at the aforemen- tioned city of Santiago comes from the Canary Islands, whither they transport great quantity of tobacco, sugar, and hides : which sorts of merchandize are drawn to the head city from the subordinate towns and villages. In former times the city of Santiago was miserably sacked by the Pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga, notwithstanding that it is defended by a considerable castle. The city and port De la Havana lies between the north and west side of the island. This is one of the most renowned and strongest places of all the West Indies. Its jurisdiction extends over the other half of the island, the chief places under it being Santa Cruz on the northern side and La Trinidad on the south. Hence is transported huge quantity of tobacco, which is sent in great plenty to New Spain and Costa Rica, even as far as the South Sea ; besides many ships laden with this commodity that are consigned to Spain and other parts of Europe, not only in the leaf but also in rolls. This city is defended by three castles, very great and strong ; two of which lie towards the port, and the other is seated upon a hill that commands the town. 'Tis esteemed to contain ten thousand families, more or less ; among which number of people the merchants of this place trade in New Spain, Campeche, Honduras and Florida. All the ships that come from the parts afore- mentioned, as also from Caracas, Cartagena and Costa Rica, are necessitated to take their provisions in at Havana, wherewith to make their voyage for Spain ; CAPTAIN MORGAN EQUIPS A FLEET. 133 this being the necessary and straight course they ought to steer for the South of Europe and other parts. The plate-fleet of Spain, which the Spaniards call Flota. being homeward bound, touches here yearly, to take in the rest of their full cargo, as hides, tobacco and Cam- peche-wood. Captain Morgan had been no longer than two months in the above-mentioned ports of the South of Cuba, when he had got together a fleet of twelve sail, between ships and great boats ; wherein he had seven hundred fighting men, part of which were English and part French. They called a council, and some were of opinion 'twere convenient to assault the city of Havana, under the obscurity of the night. Which enterprize, they said, might easily be performed, especially if they could but take a few of the ecclesiastics, and make them pri- soners. Yea, that the city might be sacked, before the castles could put themselves in a posture of defence. Others propounded, according to their several opinions, other attempts. Notwithstanding, the former proposal was rejected, because many of the Pirates had been prisoners at other times in the said city ; and these affirmed nothing of consequence could be done, unless with fifteen hundred men. Moreover, that with all this number of people they ought first to go to the island De los Pinos, and land them in small boats about Matamano, fourteen leagues distant from the aforesaid city, whereby to accomplish by these means and order their designs. Finally, they saw no possibility of gathering so great a fleet ; and hereupon, with that they had, they con- cluded to attempt some other place. Among the rest was found, at last, one who propounded they should go and assault the town of El Puerto del Principe. This proposition he endeavoured to persuade, by saying he knew that place very well, and that, being at a distance from the sea, it never was sacked by any Pirates ; where- 134 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. by the inhabitants were rich, as exercising their trade for ready money with those of Havana, who kept here an estabHshed commerce which consisted chiefly in hides. This proposal was presently admitted by Captain Morgan and the chief of his companions. And hereupon they gave order to every captain to weigh anchor and set sail, steering their course towards that coast that lies nearest to El Puerto del Principe. Hereabouts is to be seen a bay, named by the Spaniards El Puerto de Santa Maria. Being arrived at this bay, a certain Spaniard, who was prisoner on board the fleet, swam ashore by night, and came to the town of Puerto del Principe, giving account to the inhabitants of the design the Pirates had against them. This he affirmed to have overheard in their discourse, while they thought he did not understand the English tongue. The Spaniards, as soon as they received this fortunate advice, began instantly to hide their riches, and carry away what movables they could. The Governor also immediately raised all the people of the town, both freemen and slaves ; and with part of them took a post by which of necessity the Pirates were to pass. He commanded likewise many trees to be cut down and laid amidst the ways to hinder their passage. In like manner he placed several ambuscades, which were strengthened with some pieces of cannon, to play upon them on their march. He gathered in all about eight hundred men, of which he distributed several into the aforementioned ambuscades, and with the rest he begirt the town, displaying them upon the plain of a spacious field, whence they could see the coming of the Pirates at length. Captain Morgan, with his men, being now upon the march, found the avenues and passages to the town impenetrable. Hereupon they took their way through the wood, traversing it with great difficulty, whereby they escaped divers ambuscades. Thus at last they came into the plain aforementioned, which, from its attack: on PUERTO DEL PRINCIPE. 135 figure, is called by the Spaniards, La Savana, or the Sheet. The Governor, seeing them come, made a de- tachment of a troop of horse, which he sent to charge them in the front, thinking to disperse them, and, by putting them to flight, pursue them with his main body. But this design succeeded not as it was intended. For the Pirates marched in very good rank and file, at the sound of their drums and with flying colours. When they came near the horse, they drew into the form of a semicircle, and thus advanced towards the Spaniards, who charged them like valiant and courageous soldiers for .some while. But seeing that the Pirates were very dextrous at their arms, and their Governor, with many of their companions, killed, they began to retreat towards the wood. Here they designed to save themselves with more advantage ; but, before they could reach it, the greatest part of them were unfortunately killed by the hands of the Pirates. Thus they left the victory to these new-come enemies, who had no considerable loss of men in this battle, and but very few wounded, how- beit the skirmish continued for the space of four hours. They entered the town, though not without great resist- ance of such as were within ; who defended themselves as long as was possible, thinking by their defence to hinder the pillage. Hereupon many, seeing the enemy within the town, shut themselves up in their own houses, and thence made several shot against the Pirates, who, per- ceiving the mischief of this disadvantage, presently began to threaten them, saying : If you surrender not voluntarily, you shall soon see the town in a flame, and your wives and children torn in pieces before your faces. With these menaces the Spaniards submitted entirely to the discretion of the Pirates, believing they could not continue there long, and would soon be forced to dis- lodge. As soon as the Pirates had possessed themselves ot the town, they enclosed all the Spaniards, both men. 136 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. women, children and slaves, in several churches ; and gathered all the goods they could find by way of pillage. Afterwards they searched the whole country round about the town, bringing in day by day many goods and prisoners, with much provision. With this they fell to banqueting among themselves and making great cheer after their customary way, without remembering the poor prisoners, whom they permitted to starve in the churches. In the meanwhile they ceased not to torment them daily after an inhuman manner, thereby to make them confess where they had hid their goods, moneys and other things, though little or nothing was left them. To this effect they punished also the women and little children, giving them nothing to eat ; whereby the greatest part perished. When they could find no more to rob, and that pro- visions began to grow scarce, they thought it convenient to depart and seek new fortunes in other places. Hence they intimated to the prisoners : They should find moneys to ransom themselves, else they shotdd be all tracts- ported to Jamaica. Which being done, if they did not pay a second ransom for the town, they would turn every house into ashes. The Spaniards, hearing these severe menaces, nominated among themselves four fellow- prisoners to go and seek for the above-mentioned con- tributions. But the Pirates, to the intent they should return speedily with the ransoms prescribed, tormented several in their presence, before they departed, with all rigour imaginable. After few days, the Spaniards re- turned from the fatigue of their unreasonable commis- sions, telling Captain Morgan : We have r2Ln 2ip and down, and searched all the neighboiciHng woods and places we 7nost suspected, and yet have 7iot been able to find any of ottr own party, nor consequently any fruit of our embassy. But if you are pleased to have a little longer patience with 2cs, we shall certainly cause all that you demand to be paid zvitlmi the space of fifteen days. Cap- LETTERS INTERCEPTED. I37 tain Morgan was contented, as it should seem, to grant them this petition. But, not long after, there came into the town seven or eight Pirates, who had been ranging in the woods and fields, and got thereabouts some con- siderable booty. These brought among other prisoners a certain negro, whom they had taken with letters about him. Captain Morgan having perused them, found they were from the Governor of Santiago, being written to some of the prisoners ; wherein he told them : They should not make too much haste to pay any ransom for their town or persons, or any other pretext. But, on the contrary, they should put off the Pirates as well as they could with excuses and delays ; expecting to be relieved by him within a short while, when he would certainly come to their aid. This intelligence being heard by Captain Morgan, he immediately gave orders that all they had robbed should be carried on board the ships. And, withal, he intimated to the Spaniards that the very next day they should pay their ransoms, forasmuch as he would not wait one moment longer, but reduce the whole town to ashes in case they failed to perform the sum he demanded. With this intimation Captain Morgan made no men- tion to the Spaniards of the letters he had intercepted. Whereupon they made him answer, that it was totally impossible for them to give such a sum of money in so short a space of time ; seeing their fellow-townsmen were not to be found in all the country thereabouts. Captain Morgan knew full well their intentions, and, withal, thought it not convenient to remain there any longer time. Hence he demanded of them only five hundred oxen or cows, together with sufficient salt wherewith to salt them. Hereunto he added only this condition, that they should carry them on board his ships, which they promised to do. Thus he departed with all his men, taking with him only six of the prm- cipal prisoners, as pledges of what he intended. The 138 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. next day the Spaniards brought the cattle and salt to the ships, and required the prisoners. But Captain Morgan refused to deliver them till such time as they had helped his men to kill and salt the beeves. This was likewise performed in great haste, he not caring to stay there any longer, lest he should be surprised by the forces that were gathering against him. Having received all on board his vessels, he set at liberty the prisoners he had kept as hostages of his demands. While these things were in agitation, there happened to arise some dissensions between the EnMish and the o French. The occasion of their discord was as follows : A certain Frenchman being employed in killing and salting one of the beeves, an English Pirate came to him and took away the marrow-bones he had taken out of the ox ; which sort of meat these people esteem very much. Hereupon they challenged one another. Being come to the place of duel, the Englishman drew his sword treache- rously against the Frenchman, wounding him in the back, before he had put himself into a just posture of defence ; whereby he suddenly fell dead upon the place. The other Frenchmen, desirous to revenge this base action, made an insurrection against the English. But Captain Morgan soon extinguished this flame, by com- manding the criminal to be bound in chains, and thus carried to Jamaica ; promising to them all he would see justice done upon him. For although it was permitted him to challenge his adversary, yet it was not lawful to kill him treacherously, as he did. As soon as all things were in readiness, and on board the ships, and likewise the prisoners set at liberty,, they sailed thence, directing their course to a certain island, where Captain Morgan intended to make a divi- dend of what they had pillaged in that voyage. Being arrived at the place assigned, they found near the value of fifty thousand pieces of eight, both in money and goods. The sum being known, it caused a general SMALL BOOTY. 139 resentment and grief, to see such a small booty ; which was not sufficient to pay their debts at Jamaica. Here- upon Captain Morgan propounded to them, they should think upon some other enterprize and pillage before they returned home. But the Frenchmen not being able to agree with the English, separated from their company, leaving Captain Morgan alone with those of his own nation ; notwithstanding all the persuasions he used to induce them to continue in his company. Thus they parted with all external signs of friendship ; Captain Morgan reiterating his promises to them that he would see justice done upon the criminal. This he performed : for being arrived at Jamaica, he caused him to be hanged ; which was all the satisfaction the French Pirates could expect. CHAPTER VI. Captain Morgan resolves to attack and plunder the city of Porto Bello. To this effect he equips a fleet, and, zvith little expense and small forces, takes the said place. Some nations may think that the French having deserted Captain Morgan, the Enghsh alone could not have suf- ficient courage to attempt such great actions as before. But Captain Morgan, who always communicated vigour with his words, infused such spirits into his men as were able to put every one of them instantly upon new designs; they being all persuaded by his reasons, that the sole execution of his orders would be a certain means of obtaining great riches. This persuasion had such in- fluence upon their minds, that with inimitable courage they all resolved to follow him. The same likewise did a certain Pirate of Campeche, who in this occasion joined with Captain Morgan, to seek new fortunes under his conduct, and greater advantages than he had found before. Thus Captain Morgan in a few days gathered a fleet of nine sail, between ships and great boats, wherein he had four hundred and threescore military men. After that all things were in a good posture of readi- ness, they put forth to sea, Captain Morgan imparting the design he had in his mind to nobody for that present. He only told them on several occasions, that he held as indubitable he should make a good fortune by that voyage, if strange occurrences altered not the course of his designs. They directed their course towards the continent, where they arrived in few days upon the coast EXPEDITION TO PORTO BELLO. 141 of Costa Rica, with all their fleet entire. No sooner had they discovered land than Captain Morgan declared his intentions to the Captains, and presently after to all the rest of the company. He told them he intended in that expedition to plunder Porto Bello, and that he would perform it by night, being resolved to put the whole city to the sack, not the least corner escaping his diligence. Moreover, to encourage them, he added : This enterprize could not fail to succeed well, seeing he had kept it secret in his mind without revealing it to anybody ; whereby they could not have notice of his coming. To this proposition some made answer : They had not a sufficient number of men wherewith to assault so strontr and great a city. But Captain Morgan replied : If om- nimiber is small, our hearts are great. And the fewer persons we are, the more union and better shares we shall' have in the spoil. Hereupon, being stimulated with the ambition of those vast riches they promised themselves from their good success, they unanimously concluded to venture upon that design. But, now, to the intent my reader may better comprehend the incomparable bold- ness of this exploit, it may be necessary to say some- thing beforehand of the city of Porto Bello. The city which bears this name in America is seated in the Province of Costa Rica, under the latitude of ten degrees North, at the distance of fourteen leagues from the Gulf of Darien, and eight westwards from the port called Nombre de Dios. It is judged to be the strongest place that the King of Spain possesses in all the West Indies, excepting two, that is to say Havana and Cartagena. Here are two castles, almost inexpugnable, that defend the city, being situated at the entry of the port ; so that no ship or boat can pass with- out permission. The garrison consists of three hundred soldiers, and the town constantly inhabited by four hun- dred families, more or less. The merchants dwell not here, but only reside for awhile, when the galleons come 142 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. or go from Spain ; by reason of the unhealthiness of the air, occasioned by certain vapours that exhale from the mountains. Notwithstanding, their chief warehouses are at Porto Bello, howbeit their habitations be all the year long at Panama, whence they bring the plate upon mules at such times as the fair begins, and when the ships, belonging to the Company of Negroes, arrive here to sell slaves. Captain Morgan, who knew very well all the avenues of this city, as also all the neighbouring coasts, arrived in the dusk of the evening at the place called Puerto de Naos, distant ten leagues towards the west of Porto Bello. Being come to this place, they mounted the river in their ships, as far as another harbour called Puerto Pontin ; where they came to an anchor. Here they put themselves immediately into boats and canoes, leaving in the ships only a few men to keep them and conduct them the next day to the port. About midnight they came to a certain place called Estera longa Lemos, where they all went on shore, and marched by land to the first posts of the city. They had in their company a certain Englishman, who had been formerly a prisoner in those parts, and who now served them for a guide. To him, and three or four more, they gave commission to take the sentry, if possible, or kill him upon the place. But they laid hands on him and apprehended him with such cunning, that he had no time to give warning with his musket, or make any other noise. Thus they brought him, with his hands bound, to Captain Morgan, who asked him : How things went in the city, and zu hat forces they had : with many other circumstances, which he was desirous to know. After every question, they made him a thousand menaces to kill him, in case he declared not the truth. Thus they began to advance towards the city, carrying always the said sentry bound before them. Having marched about one quarter of a league, they came to the castle that is near the city, which presently EXPEDITION TO PORTO BELLO. 143 they closely surrounded, so that no person could get either in or out of the said fortress. Being thus posted under the walls of the castle. Captain Morgan commanded the sentry whom they had taken prisoner, to speak to those that were within, charg- ing them to surrender, and deliver themselves up to his discretion ; otherwise they should be all cut to pieces, without giving quarter to any one. But they would hearken to none of these threats, beginning in- stantly to fire ; which gave notice to the city, and this was suddenly alarmed. Yet, notwithstanding, although the Governor and soldiers of the said castle made as great resistance as could be performed, they were con- strained to surrender to the Pirates, These no sooner had taken the castle, than they resolved to be as good as their words, in putting the Spaniards to the sword, thereby to strike a terror into the rest of the city. Here- upon, having shut up all the soldiers and officers as pri- soners into one room, they instantly set fire to the powder (whereof they found great quantity), and blew up the whole castle into the air, with all the Spaniards that were within. This being done, they pursued the course of their victory, falling upon the city, which as yet was not in order to receive them. Many of the inhabitants cast their precious jewels and moneys into wells and cisterns or hid them in other places underground, to excuse, as much as were possible, their being totally robbed. One party of the Pirates being assigned to this purpose, ran immediately to the cloisters, and took as many religious men and women as they could find. The Governor of the city not being able to rally the citizens, through the huge confusion of the town, retired to one of the castles remaining, and thence began to fire Incessantly at the Pirates. But these were not in the least negligent either to assault him or defend themselves with all the courage imaginable. Thus it was observable that, amidst the horror of the assault, they made very few shot in 144 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. vain. For aiming with great dexterity at the mouths of the guns, the Spaniards were certain to lose one or two men every time they charged each gun anew. The assault of this castle where the Governor was con- tinued very furious on both sides, from break of day until noon. Yea, about this time of the day the case was very dubious which party should conquer or be conquered. At last the Pirates, perceiving they had lost many men and as yet advanced but little towards the gaining either this or the other castles remaining, thought to make use of fireballs, which they threw with their hands, designing, if possible, to burn the doors of the castle. But going about to put this into execution, the Spaniards, from the wall let fall great quantities of stones and earthen pots full of powder and other combustible matter, which forced them to desist from that attempt. Captain Morgan see- ing this generous defence made by the Spaniards, began to despair of the whole success of the enterprize. Here- upon many faint and calm meditations came into his mind ; neither could he determine which way to turn himself in that straitness of affairs. Being involved in these thoughts, he was suddenly animated to continue the assault, by seeing the English colours put forth at one of the lesser castles, then entered by his men, of whom he presently after spied a troop that came to meet him, pro- claiming victory with loud shouts of joy. This instantly put him upon new resolutions of making new efforts to take the rest of the castles that stood out against him ; especially seeing the chief citizens were fled to them, and had conveyed thither great part of their riches, with all the plate belonging to the churches, and other things dedicated to divine service. To this effect, therefore, he ordered ten or twelve ladders to be made, in all possible haste, so broad that three or four men at once might ascend by them. These being finished, he commanded all the religious men and women whom he had taken prisoners to fix them against CAPTURE OF PORTO BELLO. 145 the walls of the castle. Thus much he had beforehand threatened the Governor to perform, in case he delivered not the castle. But his answer was : He would never sur- render himself alive. Captain Morgan was much persuaded that the Governor would not employ his utmost forces, seeing religious women and ecclesiastical persons, ex- posed in the front of the soldiers to the greatest dangers. Thus the ladders, as I have said, were put into the hands of religious persons of both sexes ; and these were forced, at the head of the companies, to raise and apply them to the walls. But Captain Morgan was fully de- ceived in his judgment of this design. For the Governor, who acted like a brave and courageous soldier, refused not, in performance of his duty, to use his utmost en- deavours to destroy whoever came near the walls. The religious men and women ceased not to cry to him and beg of him by all the Saints of Heaven he would deliver the castle, and hereby spare both his and their own lives. But nothing could prevail with the obstinacy and fierce- ness that had possessed the Governor's mind. Thus many of the religious men and nuns were killed before they could fix the ladders. Which at last being done, though with great loss of the said religious people, the Pirates mounted them in great numbers, and with no less valour ; having fireballs in their hands, and earthen pots full of powder. All which things, being now at the top of the walls, they kindled and cast in among the Spaniards. This effort of the Pirates was very great: insomuch as the Spaniards could no longer resist nor defend the castle, which was now entered. Hereupon they all threw down their arms, and craved quarter for their lives. Only the Governor of the city would admit or crave no mercy ; but rather killed many of the Pirates with his own hands, and not a few of his own soldiers, because they did not stand to their arms. And although the Pirates asked him if he would have quarter, yet he constantly answered : VOL. I. L 146 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. By no means : I had rather die as a valiant soldier than be hanged as a coiuard. They endeavoured, as much as they could, to take him prisoner. But he defended him- self so obstinately that they were forced to kill him ; not- withstanding all the cries and tears of his own wife and daughter, who begged of him upon their knees he would demand quarter and save his life. When the Pirates had possessed themselves of the castle, which was about night, they enclosed therein all the prisoners they had taken, placing the women and men by themselves, with some guards upon them. All the wounded were put into a certain apartment by itself, to the intent their own complaints might be the cure of their own diseases ; for no other was afforded them. This being done, they fell to eating and drinking after their usual manner ; that is to say, committing in both these things all manner of debauchery and excess. After such manner they delivered themselves up to all sort of debauchery, that if there had been found only fifty courageous men, they might easily have retaken the city, and killed all the Pirates. The next day, having plundered all they could find, they began to examine some of the prisoners (who had been persuaded by their companions to say they were the richest of the town), charging them severely to discover where they had hidden their riches and goods. But not being able to extort anything out of them, as they were not the right persons who possessed any wealth, they at last resolved to torture them. This they performed with such cruelty that many of them died upon the rack, or presently after. Soon after, the President of Panama had news brought him of the pillage and ruin of Porto Bello. This intelligence caused him to employ all his care and industry to raise forces, with design to pursue and cast out the Pirates thence. But these cared little for what extraordinary means the President used, as having their ships near at hand, and being determined to set fire CAPTAIN MORGAN AT PORTO BELLO. 147 to the city, and retreat. They had now been at Porto Bello fifteen days, in which space of time they had lost many of their men, both by unhealthiness of the country and the extravagant debaucheries they had committed. Hereupon they prepared for a departure, carrying on board their ships all the pillage they had got. But, before all, they provided the fleet with sufficient victuals for the voyage. While these things were getting ready, Captain Morgan sent an injunction to the prisoners, that they should pay him a ransom for the city, or else he would by fire consume it to ashes, and blow up all the castles into the air. Withal, he commanded them to send speedily two persons to seek and procure the sum he de- manded, which amounted to one hundred thousand pieces of eight. To this effect, two men were sent to the President of Panama, who gave him an account of all these tragedies. The President having now a body of men in a readiness, set forth immediately towards Porto Bello, to encounter the Pirates before their retreat. But these people, hearing of his coming, instead of flying away, went out to meet him at a narrow passage through which of necessity he ought to pass. Here they placed an hundred men very well armed ; who, at the first en- counter, put to flight a good party of those of Panama. This accident oblio^ed the President to retire for that time, as not being yet in a posture of strength to proceed any farther. Presently after this encounter, he sent a message to Captain Morgan, to tell him : That in case he departed not suddenly zuitJi all his forces from Porto Bello, he ought to expect no quarter for himself nor his companions, zuhen he should take them, as he hoped soon to do. Captain Morgan, who feared not his threats, know- ing he had a secure retreat in his ships which were near at hand, made him answer : He would not deliver the castles, before he had received the contribution-money he had demanded. Which in case it were not paid down, he would co'tainh burn the whole city, and then leave 148 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. it ; demolishing beforehand the castles, and killing the prisoners. The Governor of Panama perceived by this answer that no means would serve to mollify the hearts of the Pirates, nor reduce them to reason. Hereupon he determined to leave them ; as also those of the city, whom he came to re- lieve, involved in the difficulties of making the best agree- ment they could with their enemies. Thus, in few days more, the miserable citizens gathered the contribution wherein they were fined, and brought the entire sum of one hundred thousand pieces of eight to the Pirates, for a ransom of the cruel captivity they were fallen into. But the President of Panama, by these transactions, was brought into an extreme admiration, considering that four hundred men had been able to take such a great city, with so many strong casdes : especially seeing they had no pieces of cannon, nor other great guns, wherewith to raise batteries against them. And what was more, knowing that the citizens of Porto Bello had always great repute of being good soldiers themselves, and who had never wanted courage in their own defence. This astonishment was so great, that it occasioned him, for to be satisfied herein, to send a messenger to Captain Morgan, desiring him to send him some small pattern of those arms wherewith he had taken with such violence so great a city. Captain Morgan received this messenger very kindly, and treated him with great civility. Which being done, he gave him a pistol and a few small bullets of lead, to carry back to the President, his Master, tell- ing him withal : He desired hi^n to accept that slender pattern of the arms wherewith he had taken Porto Bello, and keep them for a twelvemonth ; after which ti7?te he promised to come to Panama and fetch them away. The Governor of Panama returned the present very soon to Captain Morgan, giving him thanks for the favour of lending him such weapons as he needed not, and withal sent him a ring of gold, with this message : That he DEPARTURE FROM PORTO BELLO. 149 desired him not to give himself the labour of coming to Panama, as he had done to Po7'to Bello ; for he did certify to him, he should not speed so well here as he had done there. After these transactions, Captain Morgan (having pro- vided his fleet with all necessaries, and taken with him the best guns of the castles, nailing the rest which he could not carry away) set sail from Porto Bello with all his ships. With these he arrived in few days at the Island of Cuba, where he sought out a place wherein with all quiet and repose he might make the dividend of the spoil they had got. They found in ready money two hundred and fifty thousand pieces of eight, besides all other merchandizes, as cloth linen, silks, and other goods. With this rich booty they sailed again thence to their common place of rendezvous, Jamaica. Being arrived, they passed here some time in all sorts of vices and debauchery, according to their common manner of doing, spending with huge prodigality what others had gained with no small labour and toil. CHAPTER VIL Captain Morgan takes the city of Maracaibo, on the coast of New Venezuela. Piracies committed in those Seas. Rian of three Spanish ships, that were set forth to hinder the rob- beries of the Pirates. Not long after the arrival of the Pirates at Jamaica, being precisely that short time they needed to lavish away all the riches above-mentioned, they concluded upon another enterprize whereby to seek new fortunes. To this effect Captain Morgan gave orders to all the com- manders of his ships to meet together at the island called De la Vaca, or Cow Isle, seated on the south side of the Isle of Hispaniola, as has been mentioned above. As soon as they came to this place, there flocked to them great numbers of other Pirates, both French and English, by reason the name of Captain Morgan was now rendered famous in all the neighbouring countries, for the great enterprizes he had performed. There was at that pre- sent at Jamaica an English ship newly come from New- England, well mounted with thirty-six guns. This vessel likewise, by order of the Governor of Jamaica, came to join with Captain Morgan to strengthen his fleet, and give him greater courage to attempt things of huge con- sequence. With this supply Captain Morgan judged himself sufficiently strong, as having a ship of such port, being the greatest of his fleet, in his company. Not- withstanding, there being in the same place another great vessel that carried twenty-four iron guns, and twelve of brass, belonging to the French, Captain Morgan endea- voured as much as he could to join this ship in like CAPTAIN MORGAN'S TREACHERY. 151 manner to his own. But the French, not daring to re- pose any trust in the English, of whose actions they were not a little jealous, denied absolutely to consent to any such thing. The French Pirates belonging to this great ship had accidentally met at sea an English vessel ; and being then under an extreme necessity of victuals, they had taken some provisions out of the English ship without paying for them, having peradventure no ready money on board. Only they had given them bills of exchange, for Jamaica and Tortuga, to receive money there for what they had taken. Captain Morgan having notice of this accident, and perceiving he could not prevail with the French Captain to follow him in that expedition, resolved to lay hold on this occasion as a pretext to ruin the French, and seek his own revenge. Hereupon he invited, with dissimulation, the French commander and several of his men to dine with him on board the great ship that was come from Jamaica, as was said before. Being come thither, he made them all prisoners, pretend- ing the injury aforementioned done to the English vessel in taking away some few provisions without pay. This unjust action of Captain Morgan was soon fol- lowed by divine punishment, as we may very rationally conceive. The manner I shall instantly relate. Captain Morgan, presently after he had taken the French prisoners abovesaid, called a council to deliberate what place they should first pitch upon, in the course of this new expedition. At this council it was determined to go to the Isle of Savona, there to wait for iha /lota which was then expected from Spain, and take any of the Spanish vessels that might chance to straggle from the rest. This resolution being taken, they began on board the great ship to feast one another for joy of their new voyage and happy council, as they hoped it would prove. In testimony hereof, they drank many healths, and dis- charged many guns, as the common sign of mirth among 152 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. seamen used to be. Most of the men being drunk, by what accident is not known the ship suddenly was blown up into the air, with three hundred and fifty EngHshmen, besides the French prisoners above-mentioned that were in the hold. Of all which number, there escaped only thirty men, who were in the great cabin at some distance from the main force of the powder. Many more 'tis thought might have escaped, had they not been so much overtaken with wine. The loss of such a great ship brought much conster- nation and conflict of mind upon the English. They knew not whom to blame ; but at last the accusation was laid upon the French prisoners, whom they suspected to have fired the powder of the ship wherein they were, out of design to revenge themselves, though with the loss of their own lives. Hereupon they sought to be revenged on the French anew, and accumulate new accusations against the former, whereby to seize the ship and all that was in it. With this design they forged another pretext against the said ship, by saying the French designed to commit piracy upon the English. The grounds of this accusation were given them by a com- mission from the Governor of Barracoa, found on board the French vessel, wherein were these words : That the said Governor did permit the French to trade in all Spanish ports, etc. . . . As also to cruize tipon the English Pirates in zu hat place soever they could find them, because of the multitude of hostilities which they had com7nitted against the subjects of his Catholic Majesty, in time of peace betzuixt the tzvo C^'ozvns. This Commission for trade was interpreted by the English as an express order to exercise piracy and war against them, notwithstanding it was only a bare licence for coming into the Spanish ports ; the cloak of which permission were those words inserted : That they should cruize upon the English. And although the French did sufficiently expound the true sense of the said Commission, yet they could not MORGAN PROCEEDS TO OCOA. 153 clear themselves to Captain Morgan, nor his council. But, in lieu hereof, the ship and men were seized and sent to Jamaica. Here they also endeavoured to obtain justice and the restitution of their ship, by all the means possible. But all was in vain : for instead of justice, they were long time detained in prison, and threatened with hanging. Eight days after the loss of the said ship. Captain jM organ commanded the bodies of the miserable wretches who were blown up to be searched for, as they floated upon the waters of the sea. This he did, not out of any design of affording them Christian burial, but only to obtain the spoil of their clothes and other attire. And if any had golden rings on their fingers, these were cut off for purchase, leaving them in that condition exposed to the voracity of the monsters of the sea. At last they set sail for the Isle of Savona, being the place of their assignation. They were in all fifteen vessels, Captain Morgan commanding the biggest, which carried only fourteen small guns. The number of men belonging to this fleet were nine hundred and threescore. In few days after, they arrived at the Cape called Cabo de Lobos, on the south side of the Isle of Hispaniola, between Cape Tiburon and Cape Punta d' Espada. Hence they could not pass, by reason of contrary winds that continued the space of three weeks, notwithstanding all the endeavours Captain Morgan used to get forth, leaving no means unattempted thereunto. At the end of this time they doubled the cape, and presently after spied an English vessel at a distance. Having spoken with her, they found she came from England, and bought of her, for ready money, some provisions they stood in need of. Captain Morgan proceeded in the course of his voyage, till he came to the port of Ocoa. Here he landed some of his men, sending them into the woods to seek water and what provisions they could find, the better to spare 154 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. such as he had already on board his fleet. They killed many beasts, and among other animals some horses. But the Spaniards, being not well satisfied at their hunting, attempted to lay a stratagem for the Pirates. To this purpose they ordered three or four hundred men to come from the city of San Domingo, not far distant from this port, and desired them to hunt in all the parts there- abouts adjoining the sea, to the intent that if any Pirates should return, they might find no subsistence. Within a few days the same Pirates returned, with design to hunt. But finding nothing to kill, a party of them, being about fifty in number, straggled farther on into the woods. The Spaniards, who watched all their motions, gathered a great herd of cows, and set two or three men to keep them. The Pirates having spied this herd, killed a sufficient number thereof ; and although the Spaniards could see them at a distance, yet they would not hinder their work for the present. But as soon as they attempted to carry them away, they set upon them with all fury imaginable, crying : Mata, inata ! that is, Kill, kill. Thus the Pirates were soon compelled to quit the prey, and retreat towards their ships as well as they could. This they performed, notwithstanding, in good order, retiring from time to time by degrees ; and when they had any good opportunity, discharging full volleys of shot upon the Spaniards. By this means the Pirates killed many of the enemies, though with some loss on their own side. The rest of the Spaniards, seeing what damage they had sustained, endeavoured to save themselves by flight, and carry off the dead bodies and wounded of their com- panions. The Pirates perceiving them to flee, could not content themselves with what hurt they had already done, but pursued them speedily into the woods, and killed the greatest part of those that were remaining. The next day Captain Morgan, being extremely offended at what had passed, went himself with two hundred men PIRATES BAFFLED NEAR SAN DOMINGO. 155 into the woods, to seek for the rest of the Spaniards. But finding nobody there, he revenged his wrath upon the houses of the poor and miserable rustics that inhabit scatteringly those fields and woods ; of which he burnt a great number. With this he returned to his ships, something more satisfied in his mind, for having done some considerable damage to the enemy ; which was always his most ardent desire. The huge impatience wherewith Captain Morgan had waited now this long while for some of the ships, which were not yet arrived, made him resolve to set sail with- out them, and steer his course for the Isle of Savona, the place he had always designed. Being arrived there, and not finding any of his ships yet come, he was more impatient and concerned than before, fearing their loss, or that he must proceed without them. Notwith- standing, he waited for their arrival some few days longer. In the meanwhile, having no great plenty of provisions, he sent a crew of one hundred and fifty men to the Isle of Hispaniola, to pillage some towns that were near the city of San Domingo. But the Spaniards, having had intelligence of their coming, were now so vigilant and in such good posture of defence, that the Pirates thought it not convenient to assault them, choos- ing rather to return empty-handed to Captain Morgan's presence than to perish in that desperate enterprlze. At last Captain Morgan, seeing the other ships did not come, made a review of his people, and found only five hundred men, more or less. The ships that were wanting were seven, he having only eight in his company, of which the greatest part were very small. Thus having hitherto resolved to cruize upon the coasts of Caracas, and plunder all the towns and villages he could meet, finding himself at present with such small forces, he changed his resolution, by the advice of a French Captain that belonged to his fleet. This Frenchman had served L'Ollonais in like enterprizes, and was at the taking 156 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of Maracaibo ; whereby he knew all the entries, pass- ages, forces and means how to put in execution the same again in the company of Captain Morgan, to whom, having made a full relation of all, he concluded to sack it again the second time, as being himself persuaded, with all his men, of the facility the Frenchman pro- pounded. Hereupon they weighed anchor, and steered their course towards Cura^oa. Being come within sight of that island, they landed at another, which is near it, and is called Ruba, seated about twelve leagues from Curacoa, towards the west. This island is defended but by a slender garrison, and is inhabited by Indians, who are subject to the Crown of Spain, and speak Spanish, by reason of the Roman Catholic religion, which is here cultivated by some few priests that are sent from time to time from the neighbouring continent. The inhabitants of this isle exercise a certain com- merce or trade with the Pirates that go and come this way. These buy of the islanders sheep, lambs and kids, which they exchange unto them for linen, thread and' other things of this kind. The country is very dry and barren, the whole substance thereof consisting in those three things above-mentioned, and in a small quantity of wheat, which is of no bad quality. This isle produces a great number of venomous insects, as vipers, spiders and others. These last are so pernicious here, that if any man is bitten by them, he dies mad. And the manner of recovering such persons, is to tie them very fast both hands and feet, and in this condition to leave them for the space of four and twenty hours without eat- ing or drinking the least thing imaginable. Captain Morgan, as was said, having cast anchor before this island, bought of the inhabitants many sheep, lambs and also wood, which he needed for all his fleet. Having been there two days he set sail again, in the time of the night, to the intent they might not see what course he steered. MORGAN GOES TO MARACAIBO. 157 The next day they arrived at the sea of Maracaibo, having always great care of not being seen from VigiHas, for which reason they anchored out of the sight of the watch-tower. Night being come, they set sail again towards the land, and the next morning by break of day found themselves directly over against the bar of the lake above-mentioned. The Spaniards had built another fort since the action of L'Ollonais, whence they did now fire continually against the Pirates, while they were putting their men into boats to land. The dispute con- tinued very hot on both sides, being managed with huge courage and valour from morning till dark night. This being come, Captain Morgan, in the obscurity thereof, drew nigh the fort ; which having examined, he found nobody in it, the Spaniards having deserted it not long before. They left behind them a match kindled near a train of powder, wherewith they designed to blow up the Pirates and the whole fortress, as soon as they were in it. This design had taken effect, had the Pirates failed to discover it the space of one quarter of an hour. But Captain Morgan prevented the mischief by snatch- ing away the match with all speed, whereby he saved both his own and his companions' lives. They found here great quantity of powder, whereof he provided his fleet ; and afterwards demolished part of the walls, nail- ing sixteen pieces of ordnance, which carried from twelve to four and twenty pound of bullet. Here they found also great number of muskets and other military pro- visions. The next day they commanded the ships to enter the bar ; among which, they divided the powder, muskets and other things they found in the fort. These things being done, they embarked again, to continue their course towards Maracaibo. But the waters were very low, whereby they could not pass a certain bank that lies at the entry of the lake. Hereupon they were com- pelled to put themselves into canoes and small boats 158 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. with which they arrived the next day before Maracaibo, having no other defence than some small pieces which they could carry in the said boats. Being landed, they ran immediately to the fort called De la Barra, which they found in like manner as the preceding, without any person in it : for all were fled before them into the woods, leaving also the town without any people, except a few miserable poor folk who had nothing to lose. As soon as they had entered the town the Pirates searched every corner thereof, to see if they could find any people that were hidden who might offend them unawares. Not finding anybody, every party, according as they came out of their several ships, chose what houses they pleased to themselves, the best they could find. The church was deputed for the common corps de garde, where they lived after their military manner, com- mitting many insolent actions. The next day after their arrival, they sent a troop of one hundred men to seek for the inhabitants and their goods. These returned the next day following, bringing with them to the number of thirty persons, between men, women and children, and fifty mules laden with several good merchandize. All these miserable prisoners were put to the rack, to make them confess where the rest of the inhabitants were and their goods. Amongst other tortures then used, one was to stretch their limbs with cords, and at the same time beat them with sticks and other instru- ments. Others had burning matches placed betwixt their fingers, which were thus burnt alive. Others had slender cords or matches twisted about their heads, till their eyes burst out of the skull. Thus all sort of inhuman cruelties were executed upon those innocent people. Those who would not confess, or who had no- thing to declare, died under the hands of those tyrannical men. These tortures and racks continued for the space of three whole weeks ; in which time they ceased not to send out, daily, parties of men to seek for more people MORGAN PROCEEDS TO GIBRALTAR. 159 to torment and rob ; they never returning home without booty and new riches. Captain Morgan, having now got by degrees into his hands about one hundred of the chief famihes, with all their goods, at last resolved to go to Gibraltar, even as L'Ollonais had done before. With this design he equipped his fleet, providing it- very sufficiently with all necessary things. He put likewise on board all the prisoners ; and, thus weighing anchor, set sail for the said place, with resolution to hazard the battle. They had sent before them some prisoners to Gibraltar, to denounce to the inhabitants they should surrender : otherwise Captain Morgan would certainly put them all to the sword, with- out giving quarter to any person he should find alive. Not long after, he arrived with his fleet before Gibraltar, whose inhabitants received him with continual shooting of great cannon-bullets. But the Pirates, instead of fainting hereat, ceased not to encourage one another, saying : We must make one meal upon bitter things, be- fore zve come to taste the sweetness of the sugar this place affords. The next day, very early in the morning, they landed all their men. And being guided by the Frenchman above-mentioned, they marched towards the town, not by the common way but crossing through the woods ; which way the Spaniards scarce thought they would have come. For, at the beginning of their march, they made appearance as if they intended to come the next and open way that led to the town, hereby the better to deceive the Spani- ards. But these remembering as yet full well what hos- tilities L'Ollonais had committed upon them but two years before, thought it not safe to expect the second brunt, and hereupon were all fled out of the town as fast as they could, carrying with them all their goods and riches, as also all the powder, and having nailed all the great guns : insomuch as the Pirates found not one person in the whole city, excepting only one poor and innocent «6o THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. man who was born a fool. This man they asked whither the inhabitants were fled, and where they had absconded their goods. To all which questions and the like he constantly made answer: / knoiv nothing, I knozu nothing. But they presently put him to the rack, and tortured him with cords ; which torments forced him to cry out : Do not toi'ture me any more, but come with me and I will show yon my goods and my riches. They were persuaded, as it should seem, he was some rich person who had disguised himself under those clothes so poor as also that innocent tongue. Hereupon they went along with him ; and he conducted them to a poor and miserable cottage, wherein he had a few earthen dishes, and other things of Httle or no value ; and amongst these, three pieces of eight, which he had concealed with some other trumpery underground. After this, they asked him his name ; and he readily made answer : My name is Don Sebastian Sanchez, and I am brother to the Governor of Maracaibo. This foolish answer, it must be conceived, these men, though never so inhuman, took for a certain truth. For no sooner had they heard it, but they put him again upon the rack, lifting him up on high with cords, and tying huge weights to his feet and neck ; besides which cruel and stretching torment, they burnt him alive, applying palm- leaves burning to his face, under which miseries he died in half-an-hour. After his death they cut the cords wherewith they had stretched him, and dragged him forth into the adjoining woods, where they left him with- out burial. The same day they sent out a party of Pirates to seek for the inhabitants, upon whom they might employ their inhuman cruelties. These brought back with them an honest peasant with two daughters of his, whom they had taken prisoners, and whom they intended to torture as they used to do with others, in case they showed not the places where the inhabitants had absconded themselves. The peasant knew some of the said places, and hereupon MORGAN AT GIBRALTAR. i6i seeing himself threatened with the rack, went with the Pirates to show them. But the Spaniards perceiving their enemies to range everywhere up and down the woods, were already fled thence much farther off into the thickest parts of the said woods, where they built themselves huts, to preserve from the violence of the weather those few goods they had carried with them. The Pirates judged themselves to be deceived by the said peasant ; and hereupon, to revenge their wrath up- on him, notwithstanding all the excuses he could make, and his humble supplications for his life, they hanged him upon a tree. After this, they divided into several parties, and went to search the plantations. For they knew the Spaniards that were absconded could not live upon what they found in the woods, without coming now and then to seek pro- visions at their own country houses. Here they found a certain slave, to whom they promised mountains of gold, and that they would give him his liberty by transporting him to Jamaica, in case he would show them the places where the inhabitants of Gibraltar lay hidden. This fellow conducted them to a party of Spaniards, whom they instandy made all prisoners, commanding the said slave to kill some of them before the eyes of the rest ; to the intent that by this perpetrated crime he might never be able to leave their wicked company. The negro, according to their orders, committed many murders and insolent actions upon the Spaniards, and followed the unfortunate traces of the Pirates, who after the space of eight days, returned to Gibraltar with many prisoners and some mules laden with riches. They examined every prisoner by himself (who were in all about two hundred and fifty persons) where they had absconded the rest of their goods, and if they knew of their fellow- townsmen. Such as would not confess were tormented after a most cruel and inhuman manner. Among the rest, there happened to be a certain Portuguese, who by VOL. I. ^ i62 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. the information of a negro was reported, though falsely, to be very rich. This man was commanded to produce his riches. But his answer was, he had no more than one hundred pieces of eight in the whole world, and that these had been stolen from him two days before, by a servant of his. Which words, although he sealed with many oaths and protestations, yet they would not believe him. But dragging him to the rack, without any regard to his age, as being threescore years old, they stretched him with cords, breaking both his arms behind his shoulders. This cruelty went not alone. For he not being able or willing to make any other declaration than the above- said, they put him to another sort of torment that was worse and more barbarous than the preceding. They tied him with small cords by his two thumbs and great- toes to four stakes that were fixed in the g^round at a con- venient distance, the whole weight of his body being pendent in the air upon those cords. Then they thrashed upon the cords with great sticks and all their strength, so that the body of this miserable man was ready to perish at every stroke, under the severity of those horrible pains. Not satisfied as yet with this cruel torture, they took a stone which weighed above two hundred pound, and laid it on his belly, as if they intended to press him to death. At which time they also kindled palm-leaves, and applied the flame to the face of this un- fortunate Portuguese, burning with them the whole skin, beard and hair. At last these cruel tyrants, seeing that neither with these tortures nor others they could get any- thing out of him, they untied the cords, and carried him, being almost half dead, to the church, where was their corps du garde. Here they tied him anew to one of the pillars thereof, leaving him in that condition, without giving him either to eat or drink, except very sparingly, and so little as would scarce sustain life, for some days. Four or five being past, he desired that one of the CRUEL TORTURES BY THE PIRATES. 163 prisoners niight have the Hberty to come to him, by whose means he promised he would endeavour to raise some money to satisfy their demands. The prisoner whom he required was brought to him ; and he ordered him to promise the Pirates five hundred pieces of eight for his ransom. But they were both deaf and obstinate at such a small sum, and, instead of accepting it, did beat him cruelly with cudgels, saying unto him : Old fellow, instead of five Jmndred you must say five hundred thojt- sand pieces of eight ; otherwise you shall here end your life. Finally, after a thousand protestations that he was but a miserable man, and kept a poor tavern for his living, he agreed with them for the sum of one thousand pieces of eight. These he raised in few days, and having paid them to the Pirates, got his liberty ; although so horribly maimed in his body, that 'tis scarce to be believed he could survive many weeks after. Several other tortures besides these were exercised upon others, which this Portuguese endured not. If with this they were minded to show themselves merciful to those wretches, thus lacerated in the most tender parts of their bodies, their mercy was to run them through and through with their swords ; and by this means rid them soon of their pains and life. Otherwise, if this were not done, they used to lie four or five days under the agonies of death, before dying. Others were cruci- fied by these tyrants, and with kindled matches were burnt between the joints of their fingers and toes. Others had their feet put into the fire, and thus were left to be roasted alive. At last, having used both these and other cruelties with the white men, they began to practice the same over again with the negroes, their slaves ; who were treated with no less inhumanity than their masters. Among these slaves was found one who promised Captain Morgan to conduct him to a certain river belong- ing to the lake, where he should find a ship and four boats richly laden with goods that belonged to the inhabit l64 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. tants of Maracaibo, The same slave discovered likewise the place where the Governor of Gibraltar lay hidden, to- gether with the greatest part of the women of the town. But all this he revealed, through great menaces where- with they threatened to hang him, in case he told not what he knew. Captain Morgan sent away presently two hundred men in two saëties, or great boats, towards the river above-mentioned, to seek for what the slave had discovered. But he himself, with two hundred and fifty more, undertook to go and take the Governor. This gentleman was retired to a small island seated in the middle of the river, where he had built a litde fort, after the best manner he could, for his defence. But hearing that Captain Morgan came in person with great forces to seek him, he retired farther off to the top of a moun- tain not much distant from that place ; unto which there was no ascent, but by a very narrow passage. Yea, this was so straight, that whosoever did pretend to gain the ascent, must of necessity cause his men to pass one by one. Captain Morgan spent two days before he could arrive at the litde island above-mentioned. Thence he designed to proceed to the mountain where the Governor was posted, had he not been told of the im- possibility he should find in the ascent, not only of the narrowness of the path that led to the top, but also be- cause the Governor was very well provided with all sorts of ammunition above. Besides that, there was fallen a huge rain, whereby all the baggage belonging to the Pirates, and their powder, was wet. By this rain also they had lost many of their men at the passage over a river that was overflown. Here perished likewise some women and children, and many mules laden with plate and other goods ; all which they had taken in the fields from the fugitive inhabitants. So that all things were in a very bad condition with Captain Morgan, and the bodies of his men as much harassed, as ought to be in- ferred from this relation. Whereby, if the Spaniards in DEPARTURE FROM GIBRALTAR. 165 that juncture of time had had but a troop of fifty men well armed with pikes or spears, they might have en- tirely destroyed the Pirates, without any possible resis- tance on their sides. But the fears which the Spaniards had conceived from the beginning were so great, that only hearing the leaves on the trees to stir, they often fancied them to be Pirates. Finally, Captain Morgan and his people, having upon this march sometimes waded up to their middles in water for the space of half or whole miles together, they at last escaped for the greatest part. But of the woman and children they brought home prisoners, the major part died. Thus twelve days after they set forth to seek the Gover- nor, they returned to Gibraltar with a great number of prisoners. Two days after arrived also the two sa'éhes that went to the river, bringing with them four boats and some prisoners. But as to the greatest part of the mer- chandize that were in the said boats, they found them not, the Spaniards having unladed and secured them, as having intelligence beforehand of the coming of the 11 Pirates. Whereupon they designed also, when the mer- chandize were all taken out, to burn the boats. Yet the Spaniards made not so much haste as was requisite to unlade the said vessels, but that they left both in the ship and boats great parcels of goods, which, they being fled from thence, the Pirates seized, and brought thereof a considerable booty to Gibraltar. Thus, after they had been in possession of the place five entire weeks, and committed there infinite number of murders, robberies, and suchlike insolences, they concluded upon their departure. But before this could be performed, for the last proof of their tyranny, they gave orders to some prisoners to go forth into the woods and fields, and collect a ransom for the town ; otherwise they would cer- tainly burn every house down to the ground. Those poor afflicted men went forth as they were sent. And alter they had searched every corner of the adjoining fields and 1 56 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. woods, they returned to Captain Morgan, telling him they had scarce been able to find anybody. But that to such as they had found, they had proposed his demands ; to which had they made answer that the Governor had prohibited them to give any ransom for not burning the town. But notwithstanding any prohibition to the con- trary, they beseeched him to have a little patience, and among themselves they would collect to the sum of five thousand pieces of eight. And for the rest, they would give him some of their own townsmen as hostages, whom he might carry with him to Maracaibo, till such time as he had received full satisfaction. Captain Morgan having now been long time absent from Maracaibo, and knowing the Spaniards had had sufficient time wherein to fortify themselves, and hinder his departure out of the lake, granted them their proposi- tion above-mentioned ; and, withal, made as much haste as he could to set things in order for his departure. He gave liberty to all the prisoners, having beforehand put them every one to the ransom ; yet he detained all the slaves with him. They delivered to him four persons that were agreed upon for hostages of what sums of money more he was to receive from them ; and they desired to have the slave of whom we made mention above, intending to punish him according to his deserts. But Captain Morgan would not deliver him, being per- suaded they would burn him alive. At last they weighed anchor, and set sail with all the haste they could, directing their course towards Maracaibo. Here they arrived in four days, and found all things in the same posture they had left them when they departed. Yet here they re- ceived news, from the information of a poor distressed old man, who was sick and whom alone they found in the town, that three Spanish men-of-war were arrived at the entry of the lake, and there waited for the return of the Pirates out of those parts. Moreover, that the castle at the entry thereof was again put into a good pos- THE SPANIARDS AT MARACAIBO. 167 ture of defence, being well provided with great guns and men and all sorts of ammunition. This relation of the old man could not choose but cause some disturbance in the mind of Captain Morgan, who now was careful how to get away through those nar- row passages of the entry of the lake. Hereupon he sent one of his boats, the swiftest he had, to view the entry, and see if things were as they had been related. The next day the boat came back, confirming what was said, and assuring they had viewed the ships so near that they had been in great danger of the shot they had made at them. Hereunto they added that the biggest ship was mounted with forty guns, the second with thirty, and the smallest with four and twenty. These forces were much beyond those of Captain Morgan ; and hence they caused a general consternation in all the Pirates, whose biggest vessel had not above fourteen small o^uns. Everv one judged Captain Morgan to despond in his mind and be destitute of all manner of hopes, considering the difficulty either of passing safely with his little fleet amidst those great ships and the fort, or that he must perish. How to escape any other way by sea or by land, they saw no opportunity nor convenience. Only they could have wished that those three ships had rather come over the lake to seek them at Maracaibo, than to remain at the mouth of the strait where they were. For at that passage they must of necessity fear the ruin of their fleet, which consisted only for the greatest part of boats. Hereupon, being necessitated to act as w^ell as he could, Captain Morgan resumed new courage, and resolved to show himself as yet undaunted with these terrors. To this intent he boldly sent a Spaniard to the Admiral of those three ships, demanding of him a considerable tribute or ransom for not putting the city of Maracaibo to the flame. This man (who doubtless was received by the Spaniards with great admiration of the confidence and boldness of those Pirates) returned two days after. i68 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. bringing to Captain Morgan a letter from the said Admiral, whose contents were as follows. Letter of Don Alonso del Campo y Espinosa, Ad- miral of the Spanish Fleet, unto Captain Morgan, commander of the pirates. Ha ving tmderstood by all our friends a7id neighbours the unexpected news, that you have dared to attempt and coin- viit hostilities in the countries, cities, towns and villages belonging to the dominions of his Catholic Majesty, my Sovereign Lord and Master ; I let you understand by these lines, that I am come to this place, accoi^ding to my obligation, nigh tinto that castle which you took out of the hands o f a parcel of cowards ; where I have put things into a very good posture of defence, and mounted again the artillery ivhich you had nailed and dismounted. My intent is to dispute ivith you yoztr passage out of the lake, and follow and pursue you everywhere, to the end you may see the performance of my duty. Notwithstand- ing, if you be contented to surrender with humility all that you have taken, together with the slaves and all other prisoners, I luill let you. freely pass, without trouble or molestation ; upon condition that you retire home presently to your own country. But in case that you make any resistance or opposition unto these things that I pj'offer unto you, I do assure you I will coinmand boats to come from Caracas, wherein I will put my troops, and coming to Maracaibo, will cause yoic tUterly to perish, by putting you every man to the sword. This is m^y last and absolute resolution. Be prudent, the^^efore, and do not abuse my bounty with ingratitude. I have with me very good soldiers, who desire nothing more ardently than to revenge on you and your people all the cruelties and base infamous actions you have committed tpon the Spanish nation in A^^iei^ica. Dated on board the Royal Ship named the Magdalen, lying LETTER FROM THE SPANISH ADMIRAL. 169 at anchor at the entry of the Lake of Maracaibo, this 24//^ day of April, 1669. Don Alonso del Campo y Espinosa. As soon as Captain Morgan had received this letter, he called all his men together in the market-place of Maracaibo ; and, after reading the contents thereof, both in French and English, he asked their advice and reso- lutions upon the whole matter, and whether they had rather surrender all they had purchased, to obtain their liberty, than fight for it ? They answered all unanimously : They had rather fight, and spill the very last drop of blood they had in their veins, than surrender so easily the booty they had got with so much danger of their lives. Among the rest, one was found who said to Captain Morgan : Take you care for the rest, and I will undertake to destroy the biggest of those ships ivith only twelve 7nen. The mangier shall be, by making a brulot, or fire-ship, of that vessel ive took in the river of Gibraltar. Which, to the intent she may not be knoivn for a fire-ship, we will fill her decks with logs of wood, standing with hats and Mo7ttera-caps, to deceive their fight zuith the representation of men. The same we will do at the port-holes that serve for the guns, which shall be filled zvith counterfeit cannon. At the stern we will hang out the English colours, and persuade the enemy she is one of our best men-of-war that goes to fight them. This proposition, being heard by the Junta (i.e., council), was admitted and approved of by every one ; howbeit their fears were not quite dispersed. For notwithstanding what had been concluded there, they endeavoured the next day to see if they could come to an accommodation with Don Alonso. To this effect Captain Morgan sent him two persons, with these follow- ing propositions. First : That he zuo^tld quit Maracaibo, zvithout doing any damage to the town, nor exacting any ransom f or the firing thereof . Secondly : That he would lyo THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. set at liberty one half of the slaves, and likeimse all other prisoners, without ransom. Thirdly : That he would send home freely the fonr chief inhabitants of Gibraltar, zühich he had in his custody as hostages for the contribu- tions those people had promised to pay. These proposi- tions from the Pirates, being understood by Don Alonso, were instandy rejected every one, as being dishonourable for him to grant. Neither would he hear any word more of any other accommodation ; but sent back this message : That in case they surrendered not themselves volunta7Hly into his hands within the space of two days, under the conditions which he had offered thein by his letter, he would immediately come and force them to do it. No sooner had Captain Morgan received this message from Don Alonso, than he put all things in order to fight, resolving to get out of the lake by main force, and with- out surrendering anything. In the first place, he com- manded all the slaves and prisoners to be tied and guarded very well. After this, they gathered all the pitch, tar and brimstone they could find in the whole town, therewith to prepare the fire-ship above-mentioned. Likewise they made several inventions of powder and brimstone, with great quantities of palm-leaves, very well anointed with tar. They covered very well their coun- terfeit cannon, laying under every piece thereof many pounds of powder. Besides which, they cut down many outworks belonging to the ship, to the end the powder might exert its strength the better. Thus they broke open also new port-holes ; where, instead of guns they placed litde drums, of which the negroes make use. Finally, the decks were handsomely beset with many pieces of wood dressed up in the shape of men with hats, or monteras, and likewise armed with swords, muskets and bandoliers. The brulot or fire-ship, being thus fitted to their purpose, they prepared themselves to go to the entry of the port. All the prisoners were put into one great boat, THE SPANISH ARMADA DESTROYED. 171 and in another of the biggest they placed all the women, plate, jewels and other rich things which they had. Into others they put all the bales of goods and merchandize, and other things of greatest bulk. Each of these boats had twelve men on board, very well armed. The brulot had orders to go before the rest of the vessels, and pre- sently to fall foul with the great ship. All things being in readiness, Captain Morgan exacted an oath of all his comrades, whereby they protested to defend themselves against the Spaniards, even to the last drop of blood, without demanding quarter at any rate : promising them withal, that whosoever thus behaved himself should be very well rewarded. With this disposition of mind and courageous resolution, they set sail to seek the Spaniards, on the 30th day of April, 1669. They found the Spanish fleet riding at anchor in the middle of the entry of the lake. Captain Morgan, it being now late and almost dark, commanded all his vessels to come to an anchor ; with design to fight thence even all ni^ht, if they should provoke him thereunto. He gave orders that a careful and vigilant watch should be kept on board every vessel till the morn- ing, they being almost within shot, as well as within fight, of the enemy. The dawning of the day being come, they weighed anchors, and set sail again, steering their course direcdy towards the Spaniards; who observing them to move, did instandy the same. The fire-ship, sailing before the rest, fell presendy upon the great ship, and grappled to her sides in a short while. Which by the Spaniards being perceived to be a fire-ship, they at- tempted to escape the danger by putting her off ; but in vain, and too late. For the flame suddenly seized her timber and tackling, and in a short space consumed all the stern, the forepart sinking into the sea, whereby she perished. The second Spanish ship, perceiving the Admiral to burn, not by accident but by industry of the enemy, escaped towards the casde, where the Spaniards 172 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. themselves caused her to sink ; choosing this way of losing their ship, rather than to fall into the hands ot those Pirates, which they held for inevitable. The third, as having no opportunity nor time to escape, was taken by the Pirates. The seamen that sank the second ship near the castle, perceiving the Pirates to come towards them to take what remains they could find of their ship- wreck (for some part of the bulk was extant above water), set fire in like manner to this vessel, to the end the Pirates might enjoy nothing of that spoil. The first ship being set on fire, some of the persons that were in her swam towards the shore. These the Pirates would have taken up in their boats ; but they would neither ask nor admit of any quarter, choosing rather to lose their lives than receive them from the hands of their persecutors, for such reasons as I shall relate hereafter. The Pirates were extremely gladdened at this signal victory, obtained in so short a time and with so great inequality of forces ; whereby they conceived greater pride in their minds than they had before. Hereupon they all presently ran ashore, intending to take the castle. This they found very well provided both with men, great cannon and ammunition ; they having no other arms than muskets and a few fire-balls in their hands. Their own artillery they thought incapable, for its smallness, of making any considerable breach in the walls. Thus they spent the rest of that day, firing at the garrison with their muskets till the dusk of the evening, at which time they attempted to advance nearer to the walls, with intent to throw in the fire balls. But the Spaniards, resolving to sell their lives as dear as they could, continued firing so furiously at them, that they thought it not convenient to approach any nearer nor persist any longer in that dispute. Thus having experienced the obstinacy of the enemy, and seeing thirty of their own men already dead, and as many more wounded, they retired to their ships. THE SPANISH ARMADA DESTROYED. 173 The Spaniards believing the Pirates would return the next day to renew the attack, as also make use of their own cannon against the castle, laboured very hard all night to put all things in order for their coming. But more particularly they employed themselves that night in digging down and making plain some little hills and eminent places, whence possibly the castle might be offended. But Captain Morgan intended not to come ashore again, busying himself the next day in taking prisoners some of the men who still swam alive upon the waters, and hoping to get part of the riches that were lost in the two ships that perished. Among the rest, he took a certain pilot, who was a stranger and who belonged to the lesser ship of the two, with whom he held much discourse, enquiring of him several things. Such questions were : What number of people those three ships had had in them 1 Whether they expected any more ships to come ? From what port they set forth the last time, when they came to seek them out ? His answer to all these ques- tions was as follows, which he delivered in the Spanish tongue : Noble sir, be pleased to pai'don and spare vie, that no evil be done to vie, as being a stranger to this nation I have served, and I shall sincerely inform you of all that passed till our arrival at this lake. We were sent by orders from the Siprenie Council of State in Spain, being six men-of-war well-equipped into these seas, zvith histructions to crinze ttpon the English pirates, and root them out fro7ii these parts by destroying as many of them as we could. These orders were given, by reason of the news brought to the Court of Spain of the loss and ruin of Porto Bello, and other places. Of all which damages and hostilities co^nmitted here by the English veiy dismal lamentations have oftentimes penetrated the ears both of the Catholic King and Council to zuhom belongs the care and preservation of this New World. And although the Spanish Court has many times by their Ambassadors sent 174 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. coiuphiints hereof to the King of England, yet it has been the constant answer of his Majesty of Great Britain, That he never gave any Letters-patent nor Commissions f or the acting any hostility whatsoever against the subjects of the King of Spain. Hereupon the Catholic King, being resolved to avenge his subjects and punish these proceed- ings, commanded six ?nen-ofwar to be equipped, luhich he sent into these parts tinder the C07nniand of Don Attgustin de Bustos, who was constituted Admiral of the said fleet. He covinianded the biggest ship thereof, named Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, moimted with eight and forty great o-uns and ei^ht small ones. The Vice- Admiral was Don Alonso del Campo y Espinosa, who commanded the second ship, called ha. Concepcion, which carried forty-four great o-uns and eizht small ones. Besides which vessels, tJiere were also four more ; whereof the first was 7iamed the Magdalen, and was moimted with thirty-six great guns and tzuclve small ones, having on board two hundred and fifty men. The second was called St. Lewis, with twenty- six great guns, twelve small ones and two hund^^ed men. The third was called La Marquesa, which carried sixtee^i great guns, eight small ones and one himdred and fifty men. The fourth and last, Nuestra Sefiora del Carmen, with eighteen great gtms, eight small ones and likewise two hundred and fifty men. We were now arrived at Cartagena, when the two greatest ships received orders to return into Spain, as being judged too big f or cruizing upon these coasts. With the four ships remaining, Don Alonso del Campo y Espinosa departed thence towards Campcche, to seek out the English. We arrived at the port of the said city, zvhere being sur- prised by a huge storm that blew from the north, we lost one of our four ships ; being that which I named in the last place among the rest. Hence we set sail for the Isle of Hispaniola ; in sight of which we came within few days, and directed our course to the poi^t of San Domingo. Here we received intelligence there had passed that way a fieet THE SPANISH ARMADA DESTROYED. 175 from Jamaica, and that some men thereof haviiig landed at a place called A Ita Gracia, the inhabitants had taken one of them prisoner, who confessed their ivhole design was to go and pillage the city of Caracas. With these itews Don Alonso instantly weighed anchor, and set sail thence, cross- ing over to the continent, till we came in sight of Caracas. Hej^e we found not the English; but happened to 7neet with a boat which ceiHified us they were in the Lake of Maracaibo, and that the fleet consisted of seven sjnall ships and one boat. Upon this intelligence we arrived here; and coming nigh unto the entiy of the lake, we shot off a gun to demand a pilot from the shore. Those on land perceiving that zue were Spaniards, came willingly to us with a pilot, and toldtts that the English had take7i the city of Maracaibo, and that they were at present at the pillage of Gibraltar. Don Alonso, having understood this neivs, made a hand- S07ne speech to all his soldiers and mariners, encouraging them to perform their dnty, and withal promising to divide among them all they shoidd take from the English. After this, he gave order that the guns ivhich zve had taken out of the ship that was lost should be put into the castle, and thei^e mounted for its defence, with tivo pieces more out of his own ship, of eighteen pounds port each. The pilots conducted tts into the p07^t, and Don Alonso com- manded the people that were on shore to come to his pre- sence, to whom he gave orders to repossess the castle, and re-inforce it with one hundred men more than it had be- fore its being taken by the English. Not long after, we received news that you zvere retiirned from Gibraltar to Maracaibo ; to ivhich place Don Alonso iv rote you a Letter, giving you account of his arrival and design, and zv it hal exhorting you to restore all that you had taken. This you refused to do ; zvhereupon he renewed his promises and intentions to his soldiers and seamen. And having given a very good supper to all his people, he persuaded them neither to take nor give any quarter to the English that 176 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. should fall into their hands. This was the occasion of so many being drozvned, who dared not to crave any quarter for their lives, as knowing their own intentions of giving none. Tivo days before you came against us, a certain negro came on board Don Alonsds ship, telling him : Sir, be pleased to have great care of youi'self ; for the English have prepared a fire-ship with design to burn your feet. But Don Alonso zuould not believe this in- telligence, his answer being: How can that bef Have they, peradventure, wit enough to build a fire-ship ? or what instruments have they to do it zuithal ? The pilot above-mentioned having related so distinctly all the aforesaid things to Captain Morgan, was very well used by him, and, after some kind proffers made to him, remained in his service. He discovered moreover to Captain Morgan, that in the ship which was sunk, there was a great quantity of plate, even to the value of forty thousand pieces of eight. And that this was cer- tainly the occasion they had oftentimes seen the Spaniards in boats about the said ship. Hereupon Captain Mor- gan ordered that one of his ships should remain there to watch all occasions of getting out of the said vessel what plate they could. In the meanwhile he himself, with all his fleet, returned to Maracaibo, where he re- fitted the great ship he had taken of the three afore-men- tioned. And now being well accommodated, he chose it for himself, giving his own bottom to one of his captains. After this he sent again a messenger to the Admiral, who was escaped on shore and got into the castle, de- manding of him a tribute or ransom of fire for the town of Maracaibo ; which being denied, he threatened he would entirely consume and destroy it. The Spaniards, considering how unfortunate they had been all along with those Pirates, and not knowing after what manner to get rid of them, concluded among themselves to pay the said ransom, although Don Alonso would not consent TREATMENT OF THE PRISONERS. 177 Hereupon they sent to Captain Morgan to ask what sum he demanded. He answered them he would have thirty thousand pieces of eight, and five hundred beeves, to the intent his fleet might be well victualled with flesh. This ransom being paid, he promised in such case he would give no farther trouble to the prisoners, nor cause any ruin or damage to the town. Finally, they agreed with him upon the sum of twenty thousand pieces of eight, besides the five hundred beeves. The catde the Spaniards brought in the next day, together with one part of the money. And while the pirates were busied in salting the flesh, they returned with the rest of the whole sum of twenty thousand pieces of eight, for which they had agreed. But Captain Morgan would not deliver for that present the prisoners, as he had promised to do, by reason he feared the shot of the artillery of the casde at his going forth of the lake. Hereupon he told them he intended not to deliver them till such time as he was out of that danger, hoping by this means to obtain a free passage. Thus he set sail with all his fleet in quest of that ship which he had left behind, to seek for the plate of the vessel that was burnt. He found her upon the place, with the sum of fifteen thousand pieces of eight, which they had secured out of the wreck, besides many other pieces of plate, as hilts of swords and other things of this kind ; also great quantity of pieces of eight that were melted and run together by the force of the fire of the said ship. Captain Morgan scarce thought himself secure, neither could he contrive how to evade the damages the said casde might cause to his fleet. Hereupon he told the prisoners it was necessary they should agree with the Governor to open the passage with security for his fleet ; to which point, if he should not consent, he would cer- tainly hang them all up in his ships. After this warnmg the prisoners met together to confer upon the persons VOL. I. N 178 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. they should depute to the said Governor Don Alonso ; and they assigned some few among them for that em- bassy. These went to him, beseeching and suppHcating the Admiral he would have compassion and pity on those afflicted prisoners who were as yet, together with their wives and children, in the hands of Captain Morgan ; and that to this effect he would be pleased to give his w^ord to let the whole fleet of Pirates freely pass, without any molestation, forasmuch as this would be the only remedy of saving both the lives of them that came with this petition, as also of those who remained behind in captivity ; all being equally menaced with the sword and gallows, in case he granted not this humble request. But Don Alonso gave them for answer a sharp repre- hension of their cowardice, telling them : If you had been as loyal to your King in hindering the entry of these Pii'ates as I shall do their going out, you had never caused these troubles, neither to yo2trselves, nor to our whole nation ; which have suffered so much through yojir pusill- animity. In a word, I shall never grant your request ; but shall endeavo2Lr to maintain that respect zv hie h is due to my King, according to my duty. Thus the Spaniards returned to their fellow-prisoners with much consternation of mind, and no hopes of obtain- ing their request ; telling Captain Morgan what answer they had received. His reply was : If Don Alonso lull I not let mc pass, I zu ill find means hozv to do it without him. Hereupon he began presently to make a dividend of all the booty they had taken in that voyage, fearing lest he might not have an opportunity of doing it in another place, if any tempest should arise and separate the ships, as also being jealous that any of the commanders might run away with the best part of the spoil which then lay much more in one vessel than another. Thus they all brought in, according to their laws, and declared what they had ; having beforehand made an oath not to con- ceal the least thing from the public. The accounts CAPTAIN JrORGAN'S STRATAGEM FOR RETREAT. 179 being cast up, they found to the value of two hundred and fifty thousand pieces of eight in money and jewels, besides the huge quantity of merchandize and slaves : all which booty was divided into every ship or boat, according to its share. The dividend being made, the question still remained on foot, how they should pass the castle and get out of the Lake. To this effect they made use of a stratagem, of no ill invention, which was as follows. On the day that pre- ceeded the night wherein they determined to get forth, they embarked many of their men in canoes, and rowed towards the shore, as if they designed to land them. Here they concealed themselves under the branches of trees that hung over the coast for a while till they had laid themselves down along in the boats. Then the canoes returned to the ships, with the appearance only of two or three men rowing them back, all the rest being- concealed at the bottom of the canoes. Thus much only could be perceived from the castle ; and this action of false- landing of men, for so we may call it, was repeated that day several times. Hereby the Spaniards were brought into persuasion the Pirates intended to force the castle by scaling it, as soon as night should come. This fear caused them to place most of their great guns on that side which looks towards the land, together with the main force of their arms, leaving the contrary side be- longing to the sea almost destitute of strength and defence. Night being come, they weighed anchor, and by the light of the moon, without setting sail, committed them- selves to the ebbing tide, which gendy brought them down the river, till they were nigh the casde. Being now almost over against it, they spread their sails with all the haste they could possibly make. The Spaniards, perceiving them to escape, transported with all speed their guns from the other side of the castle, and began to fire very furiously at the Pirates. But these having a i8o THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. favourable wind were almost past the danger before those of the castle could put things into convenient order of offence. So that the Pirates lost not many of their men, nor received any considerable damage in their ships. Being now out of the reach of the guns, Captain Morgan sent a canoe to the castle with some of the prisoners ; and the Governor thereof gave them a boat that every one might return to his own home. Notwithstanding, he detained the hostages he had from Gibraltar, by reason those of that town were not as yet come to pay the rest of the ransom for not firing the place. Just as he de- parted Captain Morgan ordered seven great guns with bullets to be fired against the castle, as it were to take his leave of them. But they answered not so much as with a musket-shot. The next day after their departure, they were surprised with a great tempest, which forced them to cast anchor in the depth of five or six fathom water. But the storm increased so much that they were compelled to weigh again and put out to sea, where they were in great danger of being lost. For if on either side they should have been cast on shore, either to fall into the hands of the Spaniards, or of the Indians, they would certainly have obtained no mercy. At last the tempest being spent, the wind ceased ; which caused much content and joy in the whole fleet. While Captain Morgan made his fortune by pil- laging the towns above-mentioned, the rest of his com- panions, who separated from his fleet at the Cape de Lobos to take the ship of which was spoken before, endured much misery, and were very unfortunate in all their attempts. For being arrived at the Isle of Savona, they did not find Captain Morgan there, nor any one of their companions. Neither had they the good fortune to find a letter which Captain Morgan at his departure left behind him in a certain place, where in all probability they would meet with it. Thus, not knowing what course ATTACK ON COM A NA. i8i to Steer, they at last concluded to pillage some town or other, whereby to seek their fortune. They were in all four hundred men, more or less, who were divided into four ships and one boat. Being ready to set forth they constituted an Admiral among themselves, by whom they might be directed in the whole affair. To this effect they chose a certain person who had behaved himself very courageously at the taking of Porto Bello, and whose name was Captain Hansel. This commander resolved to attempt the taking of the town of Comana, seated upon the continent of Caracas, nearly threescore leagues from the west side of the Isle of Trinidad. Being arrived there, they landed their men, and killed some few Indians that were near the coast. But approaching the town, the Spaniards, having in their company many Indians, dis- puted them the entry so briskly, that with great loss and in great confusion they were forced to retire towards their ships. At last they arrived at Jamaica, where the rest of their companions who came with Captain Morgan, ceased not to mock and jeer them for their ill success at Comana, often telling them : Let zis see lühat money yoic brought from Comana, and if it be as good silver as that which we bring from Maracaibo. The End of the Second Part. PART III. CHAPTER I. Captain Morgan goes to the Isle of Hispaniola to equip a new fleet, with intent to pillage again itpon the coasts of the West Indies. Captain Morgan perceived now that fortune favoured his arms, by giving good success to all his enterprizes, which occasioned him, as it is usual in human affairs, to aspire to greater things, trusting she would always be constant to him. Such was the burning of Panama ; wherein fortune failed not to assist him, in like manner as she had done before, crowning the event of his actions with victory, howbeit she had led him thereto through thousands of difficulties. The history hereof I shall now begin to relate, as being so very remarkable in all its circumstances that peradventure nothing more deserving memory may occur to be read by future ages. Not long after Captain Morgan arrived at Jamaica, he found many of his chief officers and soldiers reduced to their former state of indigence through their im- moderate vices and debauchery. Hence they ceased not to importune him for new invasions and exploits, thereby to get something to expend anew in wine, as they had already wasted what was secured so little before. Captain Morgan being willing to follow fortune while she called him, hereupon stopped the mouths of many of the inhabitants of Jamaica, who were creditors to 183 1 84 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. his men for large sums of money, with the hopes and promises he gave them, of greater achievements than ever, by a new expedition he was going about. This being done, he needed not give himself much trouble to levy men for this or any other enterprize, his name being now so famous through all those islands, that that alone would readily bring him in more men than he could well employ. He undertook therefore to equip a new fleet of ships ; for which purpose he assigned the south side of the Isle of Tortuga, as a place of rendezvous. With this resolution, he wrote divers letters to all the ancient and expert Pirates there inhabiting, as also to the Governor of the said isle, and to the planters and hunters of His- paniola, giving them to understand his intentions, and desiring their appearance at the said place, in case they intended to go with him. All these people had no sooner understood his designs than they flocked to the place assigned in huge numbers, with ships, canoes and boats, being desirous to obey his commands. Many, who had not the convenience of coming to him by sea, traversed the woods of Hispaniola, and with no small difficulties arrived there by land. Thus all were present at the place assigned, and in readiness, against the 24th day of October, 1670. Captain Morgan was not wanting to be there accord- ing to his punctual custom, who came in his ship to the same side of the island, to a port called by the French Port Couillon, over against the island De la Vaca, this being a place which he had assigned to others. Having now gathered the greatest part of his fleet, he called a council, to deliberate about the means of finding provi- sions sufficient for so many people. Here they concluded to send four ships and one boat, manned with four hundred men, over to the continent, to the intent they should rifle some country towns and villages, and in these get all the corn or maize they could gather. They set sail for the continent, towards the river De la Hacha, with design EQUIPMENT OF CAPTAIN MORGAN'S FLEET. 185 to assault a small village, called La Rancheria, where is usually to be found the greatest quantity of maize of all those parts thereabouts. In the meanwhile Captain Morgan sent another party of his men to hunt in the woods, who killed there a huge number of beasts, and salted them. The rest of his companions remained in the ships, to clean, fit and rig them out to sea, so that at the return of those who were sent abroad, all things might be in readiness to weigh anchor, and follow the course of their designs. CHAPTER II. What happened in the river Dc la Hacha. The four ships abovementioned, after they had set sail from Hispaniola, steered their course till they came within sight of the river De la Hacha, where they were suddenly overtaken with a tedious calm. Being thus with- in sight of land becalmed for some days, the Spaniards inhabiting along the coast, who had perceived them to be enemies, had sufficient time to prepare themselves for the assault, at least to hide the best part of their goods, to the end that, without any care of preserving them, they might be in readiness to retire, when they found themselves unable to resist the force of the Pirates, by whose frequent attempts upon those coasts they had already learnt what they had to do in such cases. There was in the river at that present a good ship, which was come from Cartagena to lade maize, and was now when the Pirates came almost ready to depart. The men belong- ing to this ship endeavoured to escape, but not being able to do it, both they and the vessel fell into their hands. This was a fit booty for their mind, as being good part of what they came to seek for with so much care and toil. The next morning about break of day they came with their ships towards the shore, and landed their men, although the Spaniards made huge resistance from a battery which they had raised on that side, where of necessity they had to land : but notwithstanding what defence they could make, they were forced to retire towards a village, to which the Pirates followed them. Here the Spaniards, rallying again, fell upon them with TORTURE OF PRISONERS. 187 great fury, and maintained a strong combat, which lasted till night was come ; but then, perceiving they had lost great number of men, which was no smaller on the Pirates' side, they retired to places more occult in the woods. The next day when the Pirates saw they were all fled, and the town left totally empty of people, they pursued them as far as they could possibly. In this pursuit they overtook a party of Spaniards, whom they made all prisoners and exercised the most cruel torments, to discover where they had hidden their goods : some were found who by the force of intolerable tortures confessed ; but others who would not do the same were used more barbarously than the former. Thus, in the space of fifteen days that they remained there, they took many prisoners, much plate and moveable goods, with all other things they could rob, with which booty they resolved to return to Hispaniola. Yet not contented with what they had already got, they dispatched some prisoners into the woods to seek for the rest of the inhabitants, and to demand of them a ransom for not burning the town. To this they answered, they had no money nor plate, but in case they would be satisfied with a certain quantity of maize, they w^ould give as much as they could afford. The Pirates accepted this proffer, as being more useful to them at that occasion than ready money, and agreed they should pay four thousand hanegs, or bushels, of maize. These were brought in three days after, the Spaniards being desirous to rid themselves as soon as possible of that inhuman sort of people. Having laded them on board their ships, together with all the rest of their booty, they returned to the Island of Hispaniola, to give account to their leader Captain Morgan of all they had performed. They had now been absent five entire weeks, about the commission aforementioned, which long delay oc- casioned Captain Morgan almost to despair of their 1 88 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. return, fearing lest they were fallen into the hands of the Spaniards, especially considering that the place whereto they went could easily be relieved from Carta- gena and Santa Maria, if the inhabitants were at all careful to alarm the country : on the other side he feared lest they should have made some great fortune in that voyage, and with it escaped to some other place. But at last seeing his ships return, and in greater number than they had departed, he resumed new courage, this sight causing both in him and his companions infinite joy. This was much increased when, being arrived, they found them full laden with maize, whereof they stood in great need for the maintenance of so many people, by whose help they expected great matters through the conduct of their commander. After Captain Morgan had divided the said maize, as also the flesh which the hunters brought in, among all the ships, according to the number of men that were in every vessel, he concluded upon the departure, having viewed beforehand every ship, and observed their being well equipped and clean. Thus he set sail, and directed his course towards Cape Tiburon, where he determined to take his measures and resolution, of what enterprize he should take in hand. No sooner were they arrived there than they met with some other ships that came newly to join them from Jamaica. So that now the whole fleet consisted of thirty-seven ships, wherein were two thousand fighting men, besides mariners and boys ; the Admiral hereof was mounted with twenty-two great guns, and six small ones, of brass ; the rest carried some twenty, some sixteen, some eighteen, and the smallest vessel at least four, besides which they had great quantity of ammunition and fire-balls, with other inventions of powder. Captain Morgan finding himself with such a great number of ships, divided the whole fleet into two squadrons, constituting a Vice-Admiral, and other RATE OF DIVISION OF BOOTY. 189 officers and commanders of the second squadron, dis- tinct from the former. To every one of these he gave letters patent, or commissions, to act all manner of hostility against the Spanish nation, and take of them what ships they could, either abroad at sea or in the harbours, in like manner as if they were open and de- clared enemies (as he termed it) of the King of England, his pretended master. This being done, he called all his captains and other officers together, and caused them to sign some articles of common agreement between them, and in the name of all. Herein it was stipulated that he should have the hundredth part of all that was gotten to himself alone : That every captain should draw the shares of eight men, for the expenses of his ship, besides his own : That the surgeon, besides his ordinary pay, should have two hundred pieces of eight, for his chest of medi- caments : And every carpenter, above his common salary, should draw one hundred pieces of eight. As to recom- pences and rewards, they were regulated in this voyage much higher than was expressed in the first part of this book. Thus, for the loss of both legs, they assigned one thousand five hundred pieces of eight or fifteen slaves, the choice being left to the election of the party ; for the loss of both hands, one thousand eight hundred pieces of eight or eighteen slaves ; for one leg, whether the right or the left, six hundred pieces of eight or six slaves ; for a hand, as much as for a leg ; and for the loss of an eye, one hundred pieces of eight or one slave. Lastly, unto him that in any batde should signalize himself, either by entering the first any castle, or taking down the Spanish colours and setting up the English, they con- stituted fifty pieces of eight for a reward. In the head of these articles it was stipulated that all these extra- ordinary salaries, recompences and rewards should be paid out of the first spoil or purchase they should take, according as every one should then occur to be either rewarded or paid. I90 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. This contract being signed, Captain Morgan com- manded his Vice-admirals and Captains to put all things in order, every one in his ship, to go and attempt one of three places, either Cartagena, Panama or Vera Cruz ; but the lot fell upon Panama as being believed to be the richest of all three : notwithstanding this city being situated at such distance from the Northern sea, as they knew not well the avenues and entries necessary to ap- proach it, they judged it necessary to go beforehand to the isle of St. Catharine, there to find and provide themselves with some persons who might serve them for guides in this enterprize ; for in the garrison of that island are commonly employed many banditti and outlaws belonging to Panama and the neighbouring places, who are very expert in the knowledge of all that country. But before they proceeded any farther, they caused an act to be published through the whole fleet, containing that in case they met with any Spanish vessel, the first captain who with his men should enter and take the said ship, should have for his reward the tenth part of what- soever should be found within her. CHAPTER III. Captain Morgan leaves the Island of HispaniohXy and goes to that of St. Catharine, which he takes. Captain Morgan and his companions weighed anchor from the Cape of Tiburon, the i6th day of December in the year 1670. Four days after they arrived within sight of the Isle of St. Catharine, which was now in posses- sion of the Spaniards again, as was said in the Second Part of this history, and to which they commonly banish all the malefactors of the Spanish dominions in the West Indies. In this island are found huge quantities of pigeons at certain seasons of the year ; it is watered continually by four rivulets or brooks, whereof two are always dry in the summer season. Here is no manner of trade nor commerce exercised by the inhabitants, neither do they give themselves the trouble to plant more fruits than what are necessary for the sustentation of human life ; howbeit the country would be sufficient to make very good plantations of tobacco, which might render considerable profit, were it cultivated for that use. As soon as Captain Morgan came near the island with his fleet, he sent before one of his best sailing vessels to view the entry of the river and see if any other ships were there who might hinder him from landing ; as also fearing lest they should give intelligence of his arrival to the inhabitants of the island, and they by this means prevent his designs. The next day before sunrise, all the fleet came to anchor near the island, in a certain bay called Aguada 192 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Grande : upon this bay the Spaniards had lately built a battery, mounted with four pieces of cannon. Captain Morgan landed with a thousand men, more or less, and disposed them into squadrons, beginning his march through the woods, although they had no other guides than some few of his own men who had been there before when Mansvelt took and ransacked the island. The same day they came to a certain place where the Governor at other times kept his ordinary residence : here they found a battery called The Platform, but nobody in it, the Spaniards having retired to the lesser island, which, as was said before, is so near the great one that a short bridge only may conjoin them. This lesser island aforesaid was so well fortified with forts and batteries round it as might seem impregnable. Hereupon, as soon as the Spaniards perceived the pirates to approach, they began to fire upon them so furiously that they could advance nothing that day, but were con- tented to retreat a little, and take up their rest upon the grass in the open fields, which afforded no strange beds to these people, as being sufficiently used to such kind of repose : what most afflicted them was hunger, having not eaten the least thing that whole day. About midnight it began to rain so hard that those miserable people had much ado to resist so much hardship, the greatest part of them having no other clothes than a pair of seaman's trousers or breeches, and a shirt, without either shoes or stockings. Thus finding themselves in great extremity, they began to pull down a few thatched houses to make fires withal : in a word, they were in such condition that one hundred men, indifferently well armed, might easily that night have torn them all in pieces. The next morn- ing about break of day the rain ceased, at which time they began to dry their arms, which were entirely wet, and proceed on their march. But not long after, the rain commenced anew, rather harder than before, as if the skies were melted into waters, which caused them THE ISLAND OF ST. CATHARINE. 193 to cease from advancing towards the forts, whence the Spaniards continually fired at the Pirates, seeing them to approach. The Pirates were now reduced to great affliction and danger of their lives through the hardness of the weather, their own nakedness, and the great hunger they sus- tained. For a small relief hereof, they happened to find in the fields an old horse, which was both lean and full of scabs and blotches, with galled back and sides. This horrid* animal they instantly killed and flayed, and divided into small pieces among themselves as far as it would reach, for many could not obtain one morsel, which they roasted and devoured without either salt or bread, more like ravenous wolves than men. The rain as yet ceased not to fall, and Captain Morgan perceived their minds to relent, hearing many of them say they would return on board the ships. Amongst these fatigues both of mind and body, he thought it convenient to use some sudden and almost unexpected remedy : to this effect he commanded a canoe to be rigged in all haste, and the colours of truce to be hanged out of it. This canoe he sent to the Spanish governor of the island with this message : That if zuithin a fezu hours he delivered not himself and all his men into his hands, he did by that messenger swear to him, and all those that were in his company, he luoiild most certainly put thou all to the szuord, zjüithout granting qttarter to any. After noon the canoe returned with this answer : That the Governor desired tzvo hours time to deliberate zvtth his officers in a full council about that affair ; zuhich being past, he would give his positive anszuer to the message. The time now being elapsed, the said Governor sent two canoes with white colours, and two persons, to treat with Captain Morgan ; but before they landed, they demanded of the Pirates two persons as hostages of their security. These were readily granted by Captain Morgan, who delivered to them two of his captains, for a mutual pledge VOL. I. o 194 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of the security required. With this the Spaniards pro- pounded to Captain Morgan, that their Governor in a full assembly had resolved to deliver up the island, not being provided with sufficient forces to defend it against such an armada or fleet. But withal he desired that Captain Morgan would be pleased to use a certain stratagem of war, for the better saving of his own credit, and the reputation of his officers both abroad and at home, which should be as follows : That Captain Mor- gan would come with his troops by night, near the bridge that joined the lesser island to the great one, and there attack the fort of St. Jerome : that at the same time all the ships of his fleet would draw near the castle of Santa Teresa, and attack it by sea, landing in the meanwhile some more troops, near the battery called St. Matthew : that these troops which were newly landed should by this means intercept the Governor by the way, as he en- deavoured to pass to St. Jerome's fort, and then take him prisoner, using the formality, as if they forced him to deliver the said castle ; and that he would lead the English into it, under the fraud of being his own troops ; that on one side and the other there should be continual firing at one another, but without bullets, or at least into the air, so that no side might receive any harm by this device ; that thus having obtained two such consider- able forts, the chief of the isle, he needed not take care for the rest, which of necessity must fall by course into his hands. These propositions, every one, were granted by Captain Morgan, upon condition they should see them faithfully observed, for otherwise they should be used with all rigour imaginable : this they promised to do, and hereupon took their leaves, and returned to give account of their negotiation to the Governor. Presently after Captain Morgan commanded the whole fleet to enter the ])ort, and his men to be in readiness to assault that night the castle of St. Jerome. Thus the false alarm or AN UNUSUAL STRATAGEM. 195 battle began, with incessant firing of great guns from both the castles against the ships, but without bullets, as was said before. Then the Pirates landed, and assaulted by night the lesser island, which they took, as also possession of both the fortresses, forcing all the Spaniards, in appearance, to fly to the church. Before this assault. Captain Morgan had sent word to the Governor he should keep all his men together in a body, otherwise if the Pirates met any straggling Spaniards in the streets, they should certainly shoot them. The island being taken by this unusual stratagem, and all things put in due order, the Pirates began to make a new war against the poultry, cattle and all sort of victuals they could find. This was their whole employ for some days, scarce thinking of anything else than to kill those animals, roast and eat, and make good cheer, as much as they could possibly attain unto. If wood was wanting, they presently fell upon the houses, and, pulling them down, made fires with the timber, as had been done be- fore in the field. The next day they numbered all the prisoners they had taken upon the whole island, which were found to be in all four hundred and fifty persons, between men, women and children, viz., one hundred and ninety soldiers, belonging to the garrison ; forty inhabi- tants, who were married ; forty-three children ; thirty- four slaves, belonging to the King, with eight children ; eight banditti ; thirty-nine negroes, belonging to private persons, with twenty-seven female blacks and thirty-four children. The Pirates disarmed all the Spaniards, and sent them out immediately to the plantations, to seek for provisions, leaving the women in the church, there to exercise their devotions. Soon after they took a review of the whole island, and all the fortresses belonging thereunto, which they found to be nine in all, as follows : the fort of St. Jerome, nearest to the bridge, had eight great guns, of 12, 6 and 8 pound carriage, together with six pipes of muskets, 196 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. every pipe containing ten muskets. Here they found still sixty muskets, with sufficient quantity of powder and all other sorts of ammunition. The second fortress, called St. Matthew, had three guns, of 8 pound carriage each. The third and chief among all the rest, named Santa Teresa, had twenty great guns, of 1 8, 12, 8 and 6 pound carriage, with ten pipes of muskets, like those we said before, and ninety muskets remaining, besides all other warlike ammunition. This castle was built with stone and mortar, with very thick walls on all sides, and a large ditch round about it of twenty foot depth, which although it was dry was very hard to get over. Here was no entry but through one door, which corresponded to the middle of the castle. Within it was a mount or hill, almost inaccessible, with four pieces of cannon at the top, whence they could shoot directly into the port. On the sea side this castle was impregnable, by reason of the rocks which surrounded it and the sea beating furi- ously upon them. In like manner, on the side of the land, it was so commodiously seated on a mountain that there was no access to it, but by a path of three or four foot broad. The fourth fortress was named St. Augus- tine, having" three guns, of 8 and 6 pound carriage. The fifth, named La Plattaforma de la Concepcion, had only two guns, of eight pound carnage. The sixth, by name San Salvador, had likewise no more than two guns. The seventh, being called Plattaforma de los Artilleros, had also two guns. The eighth, called Santa Cruz, had three guns. The ninth, which was called St. Joseph's Fort, had six guns, of 12 and 8 pound carriage, besides two pipes of muskets and sufficient ammunition. In the store-house were found above thirty thousand pounds of powder, with all other sorts of ammunition, which were transported by the Pirates on board the ships. All the guns were stopped and nailed, and the fortresses demolished, excepting that of St. Jerome, where the Pirates kept their guard and residence. Captain Morgan DEPARTURE FROM THE ISLAND OF ST. CATHARINE. 197 enquired if any banditti were there from Panama or Porto Bello ; and hereupon three were brought before him, who pretended to be very expert in all the avenues of those parts. He asked them if they would be his guides, and show him the securest ways and passages to Panama ; which, if they performed, he promised them equal shares in all they should pillage and rob in that expedition, and that afterwards he would set them at liberty, by transporting them to Jamaica. These pro- positions pleased the banditti very well, and they readily accepted his proffers, promising to serve him very faith- fully in all he should desire ; especially one of these three, who was the greatest rogue, thief and assassin amone them, and who had deserved for his crimes rather to be broken alive upon the wheel than punished with serving in a garrison. This wicked fellow had a great ascendancy over the other two banditti, and could domi- neer and command over them as he pleased, they not daring to refuse obedience to his orders. Hereupon Captain Morgan commanded four ships and one boat to be equipped and provided with all things necessary, to go and take the castle of Chagre, seated upon the river of that name. Neither would he go him- self with his whole fleet, fearing lest the Spaniards should be jealous of his farther designs upon Panama. In these vessels he caused to embark four hundred men, who went to put in execution the orders of their chief com- mander Captain Morgan, while he himself remained be- hind in the Island of St. Catharine, with the rest of the fleet, expecting to hear the success of their arms. CHAPTER IV. Captain Morgan takes the castle of Chagre, with four hundred men sent for this purpose from the Isle of St. Catharine. Captain Morgan sending these four ships and a boat to the river of Chagre, chose for Vice- Admiral thereof a certain person named Captain Brodely. This man had been a long time in those quarters, and committed many robberies upon the Spaniards when Mansvelt took the Isle of St. Catharine, as was related in the Second Part of this history. He, being therefore well acquainted with those coasts, was thought a fit person for this ex- ploit, his actions likewise having rendered him famous among the Pirates, and their enemies the Spaniards. Captain Brodely being chosen chief commander of these forces, in three days after he departed from the presence of Captain Morgan arrived within sight of the said castle of Chagre, which by the Spaniards is called St. Lawrence. This castle is built upon a high mountain, at the entry of the river, and surrounded on all sides with strong palisades or wooden walls, being very well terre-pleined, and filled with earth, which renders them as secure as the best walls made of stone or brick. The top of this mountain is in a manner divided into two parts, between which lies a ditch, of the depth of thirty foot. The casde itself has but one entry, and that by a drawbridge which passes over the ditch aforementioned. On the land side it has four bastions, that of the sea containing only two more. That part thereof which looks towards the South is totally inaccessible and impossible to be climbed, through the infinite asperity of the mountain. 19S ASSAULT ON THE CASTLE OF CHAGRE. 199 The North side is surrounded by the river, which here- abouts runs very broad. At the foot of the said castle, or rather mountain, is seated a strong fort, with eight great guns, which commands and impedes the entry of the river. Not much lower are to be seen two other batteries, whereof each hath six pieces of cannon, to de- fend likewise the mouth of the said river. At one side of the casde are built two great store-houses, in which are deposited all sorts of warlike ammunition and mer- chandize, which are brought thither from the inner parts of the country. Near these houses is a high pair of stairs, hewed out of the rock, which serves to mount to the top of the castle. On the West side of the said fortress lies a small port, which is not above seven or eight fathom deep, being very fit for small vessels and of very good anchorage. Besides this, there lies before the castle, at the entry of the river, a great rock, scarce to be perceived above water, unless at low tide. No sooner had the Spaniards perceived the Pirates to come than they began to fire incessantly at them with the biggest of their guns. They came to an anchor in a small port, at the distance of a league more or less from the castle. The next morning very early they went on shore, and marched through the woods, to attack the castle on that side. This march continued until two o'clock in the afternoon, before they could reach the casde, by reason of the difficulties of the way, and its mire and dirt. And although their guides served them exactly, notwithstanding they came so near the castle at first that they lost many of their men with the shot from the guns, they being in an open place where nothing- could cover nor defend them. This much perplexed the Pirates in their minds, they not knowing what to do, nor what course to take, for on that side of necessity they must make the assault, and beino^ uncovered from head to foot, they could not advance one step without great danger. Besides that, the castle, both for its situation 200 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and strenp:th, caused them much to fear the success of that enterprize. But to give it over they dared not, lest they should be reproached and scorned by their companions. At last, after many doubts and disputes among them- selves, they resolved to hazard the assault and their lives after a most desperate manner. Thus they advanced towards the castle, with their swords in one hand and fire-balls in the other. The Spaniards defended them- selves very briskly, ceasing not to fire at them with their great guns and muskets continually, crying withal : Cojnc on, ye English dogs, enemies to God and our King ; let your other companions that are behind come on too ; ye shall not co to Panama this bout. After the Pirates had made some trial to climb up the walls, they were forced to retreat, which they accordingly did, resting them- selves until night. This being come, they returned to the assault, to try if by the help of their fire-balls they could overcome and pull down the pales before the wall. This they attempted to do, and while they were about it there happened a very remarkable accident, which gave them the opportunity of the victory. One of the Pirates was wounded with an arrow in his back, which pierced his body to the other side. This instandy he pulled out with great valour at the side of his breast ; then taking a litde cotton that he had about him, he wound it about the said arrow, and putting it into his musket, he shot it back into the casde. But the cotton being kindled by the powder, occasioned two or three houses that were within the casde, being thatched with palm-leaves, to take fire, which the Spaniards perceived not so soon as was necessary. For this fire meeting with a parcel of powder, blew it up, and thereby caused great ruin, and no less consternation to the Spaniards, who were not able to account for this accident, not having seen the beginning thereof. Thus the Pirates, perceiving the good effect of the . BURNING THE PALISADES. 201 arrow and the beginning of the misfortune of the Spaniards, were infinitely gladdened thereat. And while they were busied in extinguishing the fire, which caused great confusion in the whole castle, having not sufficient water wherewithal to do it, the Pirates made use of this opportunity, setting fire likewise to the palisades. Thus the fire was seen at the same time in several parts about the castle, which gave them huge advantage against the Spaniards. For many breaches were made at once by the fire among the pales, great heaps of earth falling down into the ditch. Upon these the Pirates climbed up, and got over into the castle, notwithstanding that some Spaniards, who were not busied about the fire, cast down upon them many flaming pots, full of combustible matter and odious smells, which occasioned the loss of many of the English. The Spaniards, notwithstanding the great resistance they made, could not hinder the palisades from being entirely burnt before midnight. Meanwhile the Pirates ceased not to persist in their intention of taking the castle. To which effect, although the fire was great, they would creep upon the ground, as nigh unto it as they could, and shoot amidst the flames, against the Spaniards they could perceive on the other side, and thus cause many to fall dead from the walls. When day was come, they observed all the moveable earth that lay between the pales to be fallen into the ditch in huge quantity. So that now those within the castle did in a manner lie equally exposed to them without, as had been on the contrary before. Whereupon the Pirates continued shooting very furiously against them, and killed great numbers of Spaniards. For the Governor had given them orders not to retire from those posts which cor- responded to the heaps of earth fallen into the ditch, and caused the artillery to be transported to the breaches. Notwithstanding, the fire within the castle still con- tinued, and now the Pirates from abroad used what 202 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. means they could to hinder its progress, by shooting incessantly against it. One party of the Pirates was employed only to this purpose, and another commanded to watch all the motions of the Spaniards, and take all opportunities against them. About noon the English happened to gain a breach, which the Governor himself defended with twenty-five soldiers. Here was per- formed a very courageous and warlike resistance by the Spaniards, both with muskets, pikes, stones and swords. Yet notwithstanding, through all these arms the Pirates forced and fought their way, till at last they gained the castle. The Spaniards who remained alive cast them- selves down from the castle into the sea, choosine rather to die precipitated by their own selves (few or none sur- viving the fall) than ask any quarter for their lives. The Governor himself retreated to the coi'ps die garde, before which were placed two pieces of cannon. Here he intended still to defend himself, neither would he demand any quarter. But at last he was killed with a musket shot, which pierced his skull into the brain. The Governor being dead, and the corps du garde surrendered, they found still remaining in it alive to the number of thirty men, whereof scarce ten were not wounded. These informed the Pirates that eisfht or nine o of their soldiers had deserted their colours, and were gone to Panama to carry news of their arrival and in- vasion. These thirty men alone were remaining of three hundred and fourteen, wherewith the castle was gar- risoned, among which number not one officer was found alive. These were all made prisoners, and compelled to tell whatsoever they knew of their designs and enter- prizes. Among other things they declared that the Governor of Panama had notice sent him three weeks ago from Cartagena, how that the English were equip- ping a fleet at Hispaniola, with design to come and take the said city of Panama. Moreover, that this their intention had been known by a person, who was run CAPTURE OF THE CASTLE OF C HAG RE. 203 away from the Pirates, at the river De la Hacha, where they provided their fleet with corn. That, upon this news, the said Governor had sent one hundred and sixty four men to strengthen the garrison of that castle, to- gether with much provision and warlike ammunition ; the ordinary garrison whereof did only consist of one hundred and fifty men. So that in all they made the number aforementioned of three hundred and fourteen men, being all very well armed. Besides this they had declared that the Governor of Panama had placed several ambuscades all along the river of Chagre ; and that he waited for their coming, in the open fields of Panama, with three thousand six hundred men. The taking of this casde of Chagre cost the Pirates excessively dear, in comparison to the small numbers they used to lose at other times and places. Yea, their toil and labour here far exceeded what they sustained at the conquest of the Isle of St. Catharine and its adjacent. For coming to number their men, they found they had lost above one hundred, besides those that were wounded, whose number exceeded seventy. They commanded the Spaniards that were prisoners to cast all the dead bodies of their own men down from the top of the mountain to the seaside, and afterwards to bury them. Such as were wounded were carried to the church belonging to the casde, of which they made a hospital, and where also they shut up the women. Captain Morgan remained not long time behind at the Isle of St. Catharine, after taking the casde of Chagre ; of which he had notice presendy sent him. Yet notwith- standing, before he departed thence, he caused to be embarked all the provisions that could be found, together with great quantities of maize or Indian wheat, and cassava, whereof in like manner is made bread in those parts. He commanded likewise great store of provisions should be transported to the garrison of the aforesaid castle of Chagre, from what parts soever they could be 204 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. got. At a certain place of the island they cast into the sea all the guns belonging thereto, with a design to re- turn and leave that island well garrisoned, for the per- petual possession of Pirates. Notwithstanding he ordered all the houses and forts to be set on fire, excepting only the castle of St. Teresa, which he judged to be the strongest and securest wherein to fortify himself at his return from Panama. He carried with him all the prisoners of the island, and thus set sail for the river of Chagre, where he arrived in the space of eight days. Here the joy of the whole fleet was so great, when they spied the English colours upon the castle that they minded not their way into the river, which occasioned them to lose four of their ships at the entry thereof, that wherein Captain Morgan went being one of the four. Yet their fortune was so good as to be able to save all the men and goods that were in the said vessels. Yea, the ships likewise had been preserved, if a strong northerly wind had not risen on that occasion, which cast the ships upon the rock abovementioned, that lies at the entry of the said river. Captain Morgan was brought into the castle with great acclamations of triumph and joy of all the Pirates, both of those who were within, and also them that were but newly come. Having understood the whole transactions of the conquest, he commanded all the prisoners to be- gin to work, and repair what was necessary. Especially in setting up new palisades, or pales, round about the forts depending on the castle. There were still in the river some Spanish vessels, called by them chatten, which serve for the transportation of merchandize up and down the said river, as also for going to Porto Bello and Nicaragua. These are commonly mounted with two great guns of iron and four other small ones of brass. All these vessels they seized on. together with four little ships they found there, and all the canoes. In the casde they left a garrison of five hundred men, and in DEPARTURE FOR PANAMA. 205 the ships within the river one hundred and fifty more. These things being done, Captain Morgan departed to- wards Panama, at the head of one thousand two hundred men. He carried very small provisions with him, being in good hopes he should provide himself sufficiendy among the Spaniards, whom he knew to lie in ambuscade at several places by the way. CHAPTER V. Captain Morgan departs from the Castle of CJiagre, at the head of one thousand ttvo hundred men, zvith design to take the city of Panama. Captain Morgan set forth from the castle of Chagre, towards Panama, the i8th day of August^ in the year 1670. He had under his conduct one thousand two hundred men, five boats with artillery and thirty-two canoes, all which were filled with the said people. Thus he steered his course up the river towards Panama. That day they sailed only six leagues, and came to a place called De los Bracos. Here a party of his men went on shore, only to sleep some few hours and stretch their limbs, they being almost crippled with lying too much crowded in the boats. After they had rested a while, they went abroad, to see if any victuals could be found in the neighbouring plantations. But they could find none, the Spaniards being fled and carrying with them all the provisions they had. This day, being the first of their journey, there was amongst them such scarcity of victuals that the greatest part were forced to pass with only a pipe of tobacco, without any other refreshment. The next day, very early in the morning, they con- tinued their journey, and came about evening to a place called Cruz de Juan Gallego. Here they were compelled to leave their boats and canoes, by reason the river was 1 " August " is probably intended for " January," for we note (p. 3 of 3rd part) that the assembly at Tortuga was on the 24th of October, 1670, that (p. 11) they sailed from Teburon on i6th December, 1670, and that (p. 70) they left Panama on the 24th February, 1671. 206 JOURNEY TO PANAMA. 207 very dry for want of rain, and the many obstacles of trees that were fallen into it. The guides told them that about two leagues farther on the country would be very good to continue the journey by land. Hereupon they left some companies, being In all one hundred and sixty men, on board the boats to defend them, with intent they might serve for a place of refuge, in case of necessity. The next morning, being the third day of their journey, they all went ashore, excepting those above mentioned who were to keep the boats. To these Captain Morgan gave very strict orders, under great penalties, that no man, upon any pretext whatsoever, should dare to leave the boats and go ashore. This he did, fearing lest they should be surprised and cut off by an ambuscade of Spaniards, that might chance to lie thereabouts in the neighbouring woods, which appeared so thick as to seem almost impenetrable. Having this morning begun their march they found the ways so dirty and irksome, that Captain Morgan thought it more convenient to trans- port some of the men In canoes (though it could not be done without great labour) to a place farther up the river, called Cedro Bueno. Thus they re-embarked, and the canoes returned for the rest that were left behind. So that about night they found themselves altogether at the said place. The Pirates were extremely desirous to meet any Spaniards, or Indians, hoping to fill their bellies with what provisions they should take from them. For now they were reduced almost to the very extremity of hunger. On the fourth day, the greatest part of the Pirates marched by land, being led by one of the guides. The rest went by water, farther up with the canoes, being conducted by another guide, who always went before them with two of the said canoes, to discover on both sides the river the ambuscades of the Spaniards. These had also spies, who were very dextrous, and could at any 2oS THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. time give notice of all accidents or of the arrival of the Pirates, six hours at least before they came to any place. This day about noon they found themselves near a post, called Torna Cavallos. Here the guide of the canoes began to cry aloud he perceived an ambuscade. His voice caused infinite joy to all the Pirates, as persuading themselves they should find some provisions wherewith to satiate their hunger, which was very great. Being come to the place, they found nobody in it, the Spaniards who were there not long before being every one fied, and leaving nothing behind unless it were a small number of leather bags, all empty, and a few crumbs of bread scattered upon the ground where they had eaten. Being angry at this misfortune, they pulled down a few little huts which the Spaniards had made, and afterwards fell to eating the leathern bags, as being desirous to afford something to the ferment of their stomachs, which now was grown so sharp that it did gnaw their very bowels, having nothing else to prey upon. Thus they made a 'huge banquet upon those bags of leather, which doubtless had been more grateful unto them, if divers quarrels had not risen concerning who should have the greatest share. By the circumference of the place, they conjectured five hundred Spaniards, more or less, had been there. And these, finding no victuals, they were now infinitely desirous to meet, intending to devour some of them rather than perish. Whom they would certainly in that occasion have roasted or boiled, to satisfy their famine, had they been able to take them. After they had feasted themselves with those pieces of leather, they quitted the place, and marched farther on, till they came about night to another post called Torna Munni. Here they found another ambuscade, but as barren and desert as the former. They searched the neighbouring woods, but could not find the least thing to eat. The Spaniards having been so provident as not to leave behind them anywhere the least crumb of sus- TRACES OF AMBUSCADES. 209 tenance, whereby the Pirates were now brought to the extremity aforementioned. Here again he was happy, that had reserved since noon any small piece of leather whereof to make his supper, drinking after it a good draught of water for his greatest comfort. Some persons, who never were out of their mothers' kitchens, may ask how these Pirates could eat, swallow and digest those pieces of leather, so hard and dry. To whom I only answer : That could they once experiment what hunger, or rather famine, is, they would certainly find the manner, by their own necessity, as the Pirates did. For these first took the leather, and sliced it in pieces. Then did they beat it between two stones, and rub it, often dipping it in the water of the river, to render it by these means supple and tender. Lastly, they scraped off the hair, and roasted or broiled it upon the fire. And being thus cooked they cut it into small morsels, and eat it, helping it down with frequent gulps of water, which by good fortune they had near at hand. They continued their march the fifth day, and about noon came to a place called Barbacoa. Here likewise they found traces of another ambuscade, but the place totally as unprovided as the two preceeding were. At a small distance were to be seen several plantations, which they searched very narrowly, but could not find any person, animal or other thing that was capable of relieving their extreme and ravenous hunger. P^inally, having ranged up and down and searched a long time, they found a certain grotto which seemed to be but lately hewn out of a rock, in which they found tw^o sacks of meal, wheat and like things, with two great jars of wine, and certain fruits called Platanos. Captain Mor- gan knowing that some of his men were now, through hunger, reduced almost to the extremity of their lives, and fearing lest the major part should be brought into the same condition, caused all that was found to be distributed amongst them who were in greatest neces- VOL. I. P 2IO THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. sity. Having refreshed themselves with these victuals, they began to march anew with greater courage than ever. Such as could not well q^o for weakness were put into the canoes, and those commanded to land that were in them before. Thus they prosecuted their journey till late at night, at which time they came to a plantation where they took up their rest. But with- out eating anything at all ; for the Spaniards, as before, had swept away all manner of provisions, leaving not behind them the least signs of victuals. On the sixth day they continued their march, part of them by land through the woods, and part by water in the canoes. Howbeit they were constrained to rest themselves very frequently by the way, both for the ruggedness thereof and the extreme weakness they were under. To this they endeavoured to occur, by eating some leaves of trees and green herbs, or grass, such as they could pick, for such was the miserable condition they were in. This day, at noon, they arrived at a plantation, where they found a barn full of maize. Im- mediately they beat down the doors, and fell to eating of it dry, as much as they could devour. Afterwards they distributed great quantity, giving to every man a good allowance thereof Being thus provided, they prosecuted their journey, which having continued for the space of an hour or thereabouts, they met with an ambuscade of Indians. This they no sooner had discovered, but they threw away their maize, with the sudden hopes they con- ceived of finding all things in abundance. But after all this haste, they found themselves much deceived, they meeting neither Indians, nor victuals, nor anything else of what they had imagined. They saw notwithstanding on the other side of the river a troop of a hundred Indians, more or less, who all escaped away through the agility of their feet. Some few Pirates there were who leapt into the river, the sooner to reach the shore to see if they could take any of the said Indians prisoners. But all MURMURINGS IN THE CAMP. 211 was in vain ; for being much more nimble on their feet than the Pirates, they easily baffled their endeavours. Neither did they only baffle them, but killed also two or three of the Pirates with their arrows, shouting at them at a distance, and crying : Ha ! perros, a la savana, a la savana. Ha ! ye dogs, go to the plain, go to the plain. This day they could advance no farther, by reason they were necessitated to pass the river hereabouts to continue their march on the other side. Hereupon they took up their repose for that night. Howbeit their sleep was not heavy nor profound, for great murmurings were heard that night in the camp, many complaining of Captain Morgan and his conduct in that enterprize, and being desirous to return home. On the contrary, others would rather die there than go back one step from what they had undertaken. But others who had greater courage than any of these two parties did laugh and joke at all their discourses. In the meanwhile they had a guide who much comforted them, saying : It would not be long before they met with people, from whom they should reap some considej'able advantage. The seventh day in the morning they all made clean their arms, and every one discharged his pistol or musket, without bullet, to examine the security of their firelocks. This being done, they passed to the other side of the river in the canoes, leaving the post where they had rested the night before, called Santa Cruz. Thus they proceeded on their journey till noon, at which time they arrived at a village called Cruz. Being at a great distance as yet from the place, they perceived much smoke to arise out of the chimneys. The sight hereof afforded them great joy and hopes of finding people in the town, and afterwards what they most desired, which was plenty of good cheer. Thus they went on with as much haste as they could, making several arguments to one another upon those external signs, though all like castles built in the air. For, said they, there is smoke 212 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. coining otit of every house, therefore they are niakiug good fires, to roast and boil what we are to eat. With other things to this purpose. At length they arrived there in great haste, all sweat- ing and panting, but found no person in the town, nor anything that was eatable wherewith to refresh themselves, unless it were good fires to warm themselves, which they wanted not. For the Spaniards before their departure, had every one set fire to his own house, excepting only the store-houses and stables belonging to the King, They had not left behind them any beast whatsoever, either alive or dead. This occasioned much confusion in their minds, they not finding the least thing to lay hold on, unless it were some few cats and dogs, which they immediately killed and devoured with great appetite. At last in the King's stables they found by good fortune fifteen or sixteen jars of Peru wine, and a leather sack full of bread. But no sooner had they began to drink of the said wine when they fell sick, almost every man. This sudden disaster made them think that the wine was poisoned, which caused a new consternation in the whole camp, as judging themselves now to be irrecover- ably lost. But the true reason was, their huge want of sustenance in that whole voyage, and the manifold sorts of trash which they had eaten upon that occasion. Their sickness was so great that day as caused them to remain there till the next morning, without being able to pro- secute their journey as they used to do, in the after- noon. This village is seated in the latitude of 9 degrees and 2 minutes, North, being distant from the river of Chagre twenty-six Spanish leagues, and eight from Panama. Moreover, this is the last place to which boats or canoes can come ; for which reason they built here store-houses, wherein to keep all sorts of merchandize, which hence to and from Panama are transported upon the backs of mules. Here, therefore, Captain Morgan was constrained to ATTACKED BY THE INDIANS. 213 leave his canoes and land all his men, though never so weak in their bodies. But lest the canoes should be surprized, or take up too many men for their defence, he resolved to send them all back to the place where the boats were, excepting one, which he caused to be hidden, to the intent it might serve to carry intelligence accord- ing to the exigence of affairs. Many of the Spaniards and Indians belonging to this village were fled to the plantations thereabouts. Hereupon Captain Morgan gave express orders that none should dare to go out of the village, except in whole companies of a hundred to- gether. The occasion hereof was his fear lest the enemies should take an advantage upon his men, by any sudden assault. Notwithstanding, one party of English soldiers, stickled not to contravene these conmiands, being tempted with the desire of finding victuals. But these were soon glad to fly into the town again, being assaulted with great fury by some Spaniards and Indians, who snatched up one of the Pirates, and carried him away prisoner. Thus the vigilance and care of Captain Morgan was not sufficient to prevent every accident that might happen. On the eighth day, in the morning. Captain Morgan sent two hundred men before the body of his army, to discover the way to Panama, and see if they had laid any ambuscades therein. Especially considering that the places by which they were to pass were very fit for that purpose, the paths being so narrow that only ten or twelve persons could march in a file, and oftentimes not so many. Having marched about the space of ten hours, they came to a place called Ouebrada Obscura. Here, all on a sudden, three or four thousand arrows were shot at them, without being able to perceive whence they came, or who shot them. The place whence it was pre- sumed they were shot was a high rocky mountain, ex- cavated from one side to the other, wherein was a grotto that went through it, only capable of admitting one horse, or other beast laded. This multitude of arrows caused 214 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. a huge alarm among the Pirates, especially because they could not discover the place whence they were discharged. At last, seeing no more arrows to appear, they marched a little farther, and entered into a wood. Here they per- ceived some Indians to fly as fast as they could possible ^ before them, to take the advantage of another post, and thence observe the march of the Pirates. There remained notwithstanding one troop of Indians upon the place, with full desio-n to fiorht and defend themselves. This combat they performed with huge courage, till such time as their captain fell to the ground wounded, who although he was now in despair of life, yet his valour being greater than his strength, would demand no quarter, but, en- deavouring to raise himself, with undaunted mind laid hold of his azagaya, or javelin, and struck at one of the Pirates. But before he could second the blow, he was shot to death with a pistol. This was also the fate of many of his companions, who like good and courageous soldiers lost their lives with their captain, for the defence of their country. The Pirates endeavoured, as much as was possible, to lay hold on some of the Indians and take them prisoners. But they being infinitely swifter than the Pirates, every one escaped, leaving eight Pirates dead upon the place and ten w^ounded. Yea, had the Indians been more dextrous in military affairs, they might have defended that passage and not let one sole man to pass. Within a litde while after they came to a large campaign field open, and full of variegated meadows. From here they could perceive at a distance before them a parcel of Indians, who stood on the top of a mountain, very near the way by which the Pirates were to pass. They sent a troop of fifty men, the nimblest they could pick out, to see if they could catch any of them, and afterwards force them to declare whereabouts their companions had their mansions. But all their industry was in vain, for they escaped through their nimbleness, and presently after- A GREAT rain: 215 wards showed themselves in another place, hallooing to the English, and crying : A la savana, d hi savana c'oruudos, pcrros Ingieses ; that is, To the plain, to the plain, ye cuckolds, ye English dogs I While these things passed, the ten Pirates that were wounded a little before were dressed and plastered up. At this place there was a wood, and on each side thereof a mountain. The Indians had possessed them- selves of the one, and the Pirates took possession of the other that was opposite to it. Captain Morgan was per- suaded that in the wood the Spaniards had placed an ambuscade, as lying so conveniently for that purpose. Hereupon he sent before two hundred men to search it. The Spaniards and Indians perceiving the Pirates to descend the mountains, did so too, as if they designed to attack them. But being got into the wood, out of sight of the Pirates, they disappeared, and were seen no more, leaving the passage open to them. About night there fell a great rain, which caused the Pirates to march the faster and seek everywhere for houses wherein to preserve their arms from being wet. But the Indians had set fire to every one thereabouts, and transported all their cattle to remote places, to the end that the pirates, finding neither houses nor victuals, might be constrained to return homewards. Notwith- standing, after diligent search, they found a few little huts belonging to shepherds, but in them nothing to eat. These not being capable of holding many men, they placed in them out of every company a small number, who kept the arms of all the rest of the army. Those who remained in the open field endured much hardship that night, the rain not ceasing to fall until the morning. The next morning, about break of day, being the ninth of this tedious journey. Captain Morgan continued his march while the fresh air of the morning lasted. For the clouds then hanging as yet over their heads were much more favourable to them than the scorching rays 2i6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of the sun, by reason the way was now more difficult and laborious than all the preceding. After two hours' march, they discovered a troop of about twenty Spaniards, who observed the motions of the Pirates. They en- deavoured to catch some of them, but could lay hold on none, they suddenly disappearing, and absconding them- selves in caves among the rocks, totally unknown to the Pirates. At last they came to a high mountain, which, when they ascended, they discovered from the top there- of the South Sea. This happy sight, as if it were the end of their labours, caused infinite joy among all the Pirates, Hence they could descry also one ship, and six boats, which were set forth from Panama, and sailed to- wards the islands of Tovago and Tovagilla. Having descended this mountain, they came to a vale, in which they found great quantity of cattle, whereof they killed good store. Here while some were employed in killing and flaying of cows, horses, -bulls and chiefly asses, of which there was greatest number, others busied them- selves in kindling of fires and getting wood wherewith to roast them. Thus cuttinof the flesh of these animals into convenient pieces, or gobbets, they threw them into the fire, and, half carbonadoed or roasted, they devoured them with incredible haste and appetite. For such was their hunger that they more resembled cannibals than Europeans at this banquet, the blood many times running down from their beards to the middle of their bodies. Havino- satisfied their hunsfer with these delicious meats. Captain Morgan ordered them to continue the march. Here again he sent before the main body fifty men, with intent to take some prisoners, if possibly they could. For he seemed now to be much concerned that in nine days time he could not meet one person who might inform him of the condition and forces of the Spaniards. About evening they discovered a troop of two hundred Spaniards, more or less, who hallooed to the Pirates, but these could not understand what they said. ASSAULT ON PANAMA. 217 A little while after they came the first time within sight of the highest steeple of , Panama. This steeple they no sooner had discovered than they began to show signs of extreme joy, casting up their hats into the air, leaping for mirth, and shouting, even just as if they had already ob- tained the victory and entire accomplishment of their designs. All their trumpets were sounded and every drum beaten, in token of this universal acclamation and huge alacrity of their minds. Thus they pitched their camp for that night with general content of the whole army, waiting with impatience for the morning, at which time they intended to attack the city. This evening there appeared fifty horse, who came out of the city, hearing the noise of the drums and trumpets of the Pirates, to observe, as it was thought, their motions. They came almost within musket-shot of the army, being preceded by a trumpet that sounded marvellously well. Those on horseback hallooed aloud to the Pirates, and threatened them, saying, Perros ! nos veremos, that is, Ye dogs f we shall meet ye. Having made this menace, they returned into the city, excepting only seven or eight horsemen who remained hovering thereabouts, to watch what motions the Pirates made. Immediately after, the city began to fire and ceased not to play with their biggest guns all night long against the camp, but with little or no harm to the Pirates, whom they could not conveniendy reach. About this time also the two hun- dred Spaniards whom the pirates had seen in the after- noon appeared again within sight, making resemblance as if they would block up the passages, to the intent no Pirates might escape the hands of their forces. But the Pirates, who were now in a manner besieged, instead of conceiving any fear of their blockades, as soon as they had placed sentries about their camp, began every one to open their satchels, and without any preparation of naj^kins or plates, fell to eating very heartily the remain- ing pieces of bulls and horses flesh which they had re- 2i8 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. served since noon. This being done, they laid them- selves down to sleep upon the grass with great repose and huge satisfaction, expecting only with impatience the dawning of the next day. On the tenth day, betimes in the morning, they put all their men in convenient order, and with drums and trum- pets sounding, continued their march directly towards the city. But one of the guides desired Captain Morgan not to take the common highway that led thither, fearing lest they should find in it much resistance and many ambuscades. He presently took his advice, and chose another way that went through the wood, although very irksome and difficult. Thus the Spaniards, perceiving the Pirates had taken another way, which they scarce had thought on or believed, were compelled to leave their stops and batteries, and come out to meet them. The Governor of Panama put his forces in order, consisting of two squadrons, four regiments of foot, and a huge num- ber of wild bulls, which were driven by a great number of Indians, with some negroes and others, to help them. The Pirates, being now upon their march, came to the top of a little hill, whence they had a large prospect of the city and campaign country underneath. Here they discovered the forces of the people of Panama, extended in battle array, which, when they perceived to be so numerous, they were suddenly surprised with great fear, much doubting the fortune of the day. Yea, few or none there were but wished themselves at home, or at least free from the obligation of that engagement, wherein they perceived their lives must be so narrowly concerned. Having been some time at a stand, in a wavering con- dition of mind, they at last reflected upon the straits they had brought themselves into, and that now they ought of necessity either to fight resolutely or die, for no quarter could be expected from an enemy against whom they had committed so many cruelties on all occasions. Hereupon they encouraged one another, and resolved either to ASSAULT ON PANAMA. 219 conquer, or spend the very last drop of blood in their bodies. Afterwards they divided themselves into three battalions, or troops, sending before them one of two hundred buccaneers, which sort of people are infinitely dextrous at shooting with guns. Thus the Pirates left the hill and descended, marching directly towards the Spaniards, who were posted in a spacious field, waiting for their coming. As soon as they drew near them, the Spaniards began to shout, and cry. Viva cl Rey ! God save the King ! and immediately their horse began to move against the Pirates. But the field being full of quags and very soft under foot, they could not ply to and fro and wheel about, as they desired. The two hun- dred buccaneers who went before, every one putting one knee to the ground, gave them a full volley of shot, wherewith the battle was instantly kindled very hot. The Spaniards defended themselves very courageously, acting all they could possibly perform, to disorder the Pirates. Their foot, in like manner, endeavoured to second the horse, but were constrained by the Pirates to separate from them. Thus finding themselves frustrated of their designs, they attempted to drive the bulls against them at their backs, and by this means put them into disorder. But the greatest part of that wild cattle ran away, being frightened with the noise of the battle. And some few that broke through the English companies did no other harm than to tear the colours in pieces ; whereas the buccaneers, shooting them dead, left not one to trouble them thereabouts. The battle having now continued for the space of two hours, at the [end thereof the greatest part of the Spanish horse was ruined and almost all killed. The rest fled away. Which being perceived by the foot, and that they could not possibly prevail, they discharged the shot they had in their muskets, and throwing them on the ground, betook themselves to flight, every one which way he could run. The Pirates could not possibly follow 220 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. them, as being: too much harassed and wearied with the long journey they had lately made. Many of them, not being able to fly whither they desired, hid themselves for that present among the shrubs of the sea-side. But very unfortunately ; for most of them being found out by the Pirates, were instandy killed, without giving quarter to any. Some religious men were brought prisoners before Captain Morgan ; but he being deaf to their cries and lamentations, commanded them all to be immediately pistoled, which was accordingly done. Soon after they brought a captain to his presence, whom he examined very strictly about several things ; particularly, wherein consisted the forces of those of Panama. To which he answered : Their whole strength did consist in four hundred horse, twenty-four companies of foot, each being of one hundred men complete, sixty Indians and some neeroes, who were to drive two thousand wild bulls and cause them to run over the English camp, and thus by breaking their files put them into a total disorder and con- fusion. He discovered more, thaf in the city they had made trenches, and raised batteries in several places, in all which they had placed many guns, and that at the entry of the highway which led to the city they had built a fort, which was mounted with eight great guns of brass, and defended by fifty men. Captain Morgan, having heard this information, gave orders instandy they should march another way. But before setting forth, he made a review of all his men, whereof he found both killed and wounded a considerable number, and much greater than had been believed. Of the Spaniards were found six hundred dead upon the place, besides the wounded and prisoners. The Pirates were nothing discouraged, seeing their number so much diminished, but rather filled with greater pride than be- fore, perceiving what huge advantage they had obtained against their enemies. Thus having rested themselves some while, they prepared to march courageously towards ASSAULT ON PANAMA. 221 the city, plighting their oaths to one another in general they would fight till never a man was left alive. With this courage they recommenced their march, either to conquer or be conquered, carrying with them all the prisoners. They found much difficulty in their approach to the city. For within the town the Spaniards had placed many great guns, at several quarters thereof, some of which were charged with small pieces of iron, and others with musket-bullets. With all these they saluted the Pirates, at their drawing nigh to the place, and gave them full and frequent broadsides, firing at them incessantly. Whence it came to pass that unavoidably they lost, at every step they advanced, great numbers of men. But neither these manifest dangers of their lives, nor the sight of so many of their own as dropped down con- tinually at their sides, could deter them from advancing farther, and gaining ground every moment upon the enemy. Thus, although the Spaniards never ceased to fire and act the best they could for their defence, yet notwithstanding they were forced to deliver the city after the space of three hours' combat. And the Pirates, having now possessed themselves thereof, both killed and destroyed as many as attempted to make the least op- position against them. The inhabitants had caused the best of their goods to be transported to more remote and occult places. Howbeit they found within the city as yet several warehouses, very well stocked with all sorts of merchandize, as well silks and cloths as linen, and other thinofs of considerable value. As soon as the first fury of their entrance into the city was over. Captain Morgan assembled all his men at a certain place which he assigned, and there commanded them under very great penalties that none of them should dare to drink or taste any wine. The reason he gave for this injunction was, because he had received private intelligence that it had been all poisoned by the Spaniards. Howbeit it was 222 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. the Opinion of many that he gave these prudent orders to prevent the debauchery of his people, which he foresaw would be very great at the beginning, after so much hunger sustained by the way — fearing withal lest the Spaniards, seeing them in wine, should rally their forces and fall upon the city, and use them as inhumanly as they had used the inhabitants before. CHAPTER VI. Captain Morgan sends several canoes a7id boats to the South Sea. He sets fire to the City of Panama. Robberies and cruelties committed there by the Pirates till their return to the Castle of Chagre. Captain Morgan, as soon as he had placed guards at several quarters where he thought necessary, both within and without the city of Panama, immediately comman- ded twenty-five men to seize a great boat, which had stuck in the mud of the port for want of water at a low tide, so that she could not put out to sea. The same day, about noon, he caused certain men privately to set fire to several great edifices of the city, nobody knowing whence the fire proceeded nor who were the authors thereof, much less what motives persuaded Captain Morgan thereto, which are as yet unknown to this day. The fire increased so fast that before night the greatest part of the city was in a flame. Cap- tain Morgan endeavoured to make the public believe the Spaniards had been the cause thereof, which suspicions he surmised among his own people, perceiving they reflected upon him for that action. Many of the Spaniards, as also some of the Pirates, used all the means possible either to extinguish the flame, or by blowing up houses with gunpowder, and pulling down others, to stop its progress. But all was in vain ; for in less than half an hour it consumed a whole street. All the houses of this city were built with cedar, being of very curious and magnificent structure, and richly adorned within, especially with hangings and paintings, whereof part was 224 THE BUCCANEERS OF A. If E RICA. already transported out of the Pirates way, and another great part was consumed by the voracity of the fire. There belonged to this city (which is also the head of a bishopric) eight monasteries, whereof seven were for men and one for women, two stately churches and one hospital. The churches and monasteries were all richly adorned with altar-pieces and paintings, huge quantity of gold and silver, with other precious things ; all which the ecclesias- tics had hidden and concealed. Besides which ornaments, here were to be seen two thousand houses of magnificent and prodigious building, being all or the greatest part inhabited by merchants of that country, who are vastly rich. For the rest of the inhabitants of lesser quality and tradesmen, this city contained five thousand houses more. Here were also great number of stables, which served for the horses and mules, that carry all the plate, belonging as well to the King of Spain as to private men, towards the coast of the North Sea. The neighbouring fields belonging to this city are all cultivated with fertile plantations and pleasant gardens, which afford delicious prospects to the inhabitants the whole year long. The Genoese had in this city of Panama a stately and magnificent house, belonging to their trade and commerce of negroes. This building likewise was com- manded by Captain Morgan to be set on fire ; whereby it was burnt to the very ground. Besides which pile of build- ing, there were consumed to the number of two hundred warehouses, and great number of slaves, who had hid themselves therein, together with an infinite multitude of sacks of meal. The fire of all which houses and build- ings was seen to continue four weeks after the day it be- gan. The Pirates in the meanwhile, at least the greatest parts of them, camped some time without the city, fearing and expecting that the Spaniards would come and fight them anew. For it was known that they had an incom- parable number of men more than the Pirates were. This occasioned them to keep the field, thereby to pre- PANAMA PRISONERS. 225 serve their forces united, which now were very much diminished by the losses of the preceding batdes ; as also because they had a great many wounded, all which they had put into one of the churches which alone remained standing, the rest being consumed by the fire. Moreover, beside these decreases of their men. Captain Morgan had sent a convoy one hundred and fifty men to the Castle of Chagre, to carry the news of his victory obtained against Panama. They saw many times whole troops of Spaniards cruize to and fro in the campaign fields, which gave them occa- sion to suspect their rallying anew. Yet they never had the courage to attempt anything against the Pirates. In the afternoon of this fatal day Captain Morgan re- entered again the city with his troops, to the intent that every one might take up his lodgings, which now they could hardly find, very few houses having escaped the desolation of the fire. Soon after they fell to seeking very carefully among the ruins and ashes for utensils of plate or gold, which peradventure were not quite wasted by the flames. And of such things they found no small number in several places, especially in wells and cisterns, where the Spaniards had hid them from the covetous search of the Pirates. The next day Captain Morgan dispatched away two troops of Pirates, of one hundred and fifty men each, being all very stout soldiers and well armed, with or- ders to seek for the inhabitants of Panama who were escaped from the hands of their enemies. These men, having made several excursions up and down the campaign fields, woods and mountains, adjoining to Panama, returned after two days' time, bringing with them above two hundred prisoners, between men, women and slaves. The same day returned also the boat above mentioned, which Captain Morgan had sent into the South Sea, bringing with her three other boats, which they had taken in a little while. But all VOL. I. Q 226 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. these prizes they could willingly have given, yea, although they had employed greater labour into the bargain, for one certain galleon, which miraculously escaped their industry, being very richly laden with all the King's plate and great quantity of riches of gold, pearl, jewels and other most precious goods, of all the best and richest merchants of Panama. On board of this galleon were also the religious women, belonging to the nunnery of the said city, who had embarked with them all the orna- ments of their church, consisting in great quantity of gold, plate and other things of great value. The strength of this galleon was nothing considerable, as having only seven guns, and ten or twelve muskets for its whole defence, being on the other side very ill provided of victuals and other necessaries, with great want of fresh water, and having^ no more sails than the uppermost sails of the main mast. This description of the said ship, the Pirates received from certain persons, who had spoken with seven mariners belonging to the galleon, at such time as they came ashore in the cock-boat, to take in fresh water. Hence they concluded for certain they might easily have taken the said vessel, had they given her chase, and pursued her, as they ought to have done, especially considering the said galleon could not long subsist abroad at sea. But they were impeded from following this vastly rich prize, by gluttony and drunken- ness, having plentifully debauched themselves with several sorts of rich wines they found there ready to their hands. So that they chose rather to satiate their appetite with the things abovementioned, than to lay hold on the occasion of such a huge advantage, although this only prize would certainly have been of far greater value and consequence to them than all they secured at Panama, and other places thereabouts. The next day, repenting of their negligence, and being totally wearied of the vices and debaucheries aforesaid, they sent forth to sea another boat well armed, to pursue with all speed imaginable the THE BUCCANEERS IN PANAMA. 227 said galleon. But their present care and diligence was in vain, the Spaniards who were on board the said ship having received intelligence of the danger they were in one or two days before, while the Pirates were cruizing so near them, whereupon they fled to places more remote and unknown to their enemies. Notwithstanding, the Pirates found in the ports of the islands of Tavoga and Tavogilla several boats that were laden with many sorts of very good merchandize : all which they took and brought to Panama ; where, being arrived, they made an exact relation of all that had passed while they were abroad to Captain Morgan. The prisoners confirmed what the Pirates had said, adding thereto, that they undoubtedly knew whereabouts the said galleon might be at that present, but that it was very probable they had been relieved before now from other places. These relations stirred up Captain Morgan anew to send forth all the boats that were in the port of Panama, with design to seek and pursue the said galleon till they could find her. The boats aforesaid, being in all four, set sail from Panama, and having spent eight days in cruizing to and fro, and searching several ports and creeks, they lost all their hopes of finding what they so earnestly sought for. Hereupon they resolved to return to the isles of Tavoga and Tavogilla. Here they found a reasonable good ship, that was newly come from Payta, being laden with cloth, soap, sugar and biscuit, with twenty thoustwid pieces of eight in ready money. This vessel they instantly seized, not finding the least resist- ance from any person within her. Near to the said ship was also a boat, whereof in like manner they possessed themselves. Upon the boat they laded great part of the merchandizes they had found in the ship, together with some slaves they had taken in the said islands. With this purchase they returned to Panama, something better satisfied of their voyage, yet withal much discontented they could not meet with the galleon. 228 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. The convoy which Captain Morgan had sent to the castle of Chao-re returned much about the same time, o bringing with them very good news. For while Captain Morgan was upon his journey to Panama, those he had left in the castle of Chagre had sent forth to sea two boats to exercise piracy. These happened to meet with a Spanish ship, which they began to chase within sight of the castle. This being perceived by the Pirates that were in the castle, they put forth Spanish colours, thereby to allure and deceive the ship that fled before the boats. Thus the poor Spaniards, thinking to refuge themselves under the casde and the guns thereof, by flying into the port, were caught in a snare and made prisoners, where they thought to find defence. The cargo which was found on board the said vessel, consisted in victuals and provisions, that were all eatable things. Nothing could be more opportune than this prize for the castle, where they had begun already to experience great scarcity of things of this kind. This good fortune of the garrison of Chagre gave occasion to Captain Morgan to remain longer time than he had determined at Panama. And hereupon he ordered several new excursions to be made into the whole coun- try round about the city. So that while the Pirates at Panama were employed in these expeditions, those at Chagre were busied in exercising piracy upon the North Sea. Captain Morgan used to send forth daily parties of two hundred men, to make inroads into all the fields and country thereabouts, and when one party came back, another consisting of two hundred more was ready to go forth. By this means they gathered in a short time a huge quantity of riches, and no lesser number of prison- ers. These, being brought into the city, were presently put to the most exquisite tortures imaginable, to make them confess both other people's goods and their own. Here it happened, that one poor and miserable wretch was found in the house of a gentleman of great quality, TORTURE OF FR/SOA'ERS. 229 who had put on, amidst that confusion of things, a pair of taffety breeches belonging to his master with a httle silver key hanging at the strings thereof. This, being perceived by the Pirates they immediately asked him where was the cabinet of the said key ? His answer was : he knew not what was become of it, but only that finding those breeches in his master's house, he had made bold to wear them. Not being able to extort any other con- fession out of him, they first put him upon the rack, wherewith they inhumanly disjointed his arms. After this, they twisted a cord about his forehead, which they wrung so hard, that his eyes appeared as big as eggs, and were ready to fall out of his skull. But neither with these torments could they obtain any positive answer to their demands. Whereupon they soon after hung him up, giving him infinite blows and stripes, wdiile he was under that intolerable pain and posture of body. After- wards they cut off his nose and ears, and singed his face with burning straw, till he could speak nor lament his misery no longer. Then losing all hopes of hear- ing any confession from his mouth, they commanded a negro to run him through with a lance, which put an end to his life and a period to their cruel and inhuman tortures. After this execrable manner did many others of those miserable prisoners finish their days, the common sport and recreation of these Pirates being these and other tragedies not inferior. They spared, in these their cruelties, no sex nor con- dition whatsoever. For as to religious persons and priests, they granted them less quarter than to others, unless they could produce a considerable sum of money, capable of being a sufficient ransom. Women themselves were no better used, and Captain Morgan, their leader and commander, gave them no good example in this point. For as soon as any beautiful woman was brought as a prisoner to his presence, he used all the means he could, both of rigour and mildness, to bend her to his 230 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. pleasure : for a confirmation of which assertion, I shall here give my reader a short history of a lady, whose virtue and constancy ought to be transmitted to posterity, as a memorable example of her sex. Among the prisoners that were brought by the Pirates from the islands of Tavoga and Tavogilla, there was found a gentlewoman of good quality, as also no less virtue and chastity, who was wife to one of the richest merchants of all those countries. Her years were but few, and her beauty so great as peradventure I may doubt whether in all Europe any could be found to sur- pass her perfections either of comeliness or honesty. Her husband, at that present, was absent from home, being gone as far as the kingdom of Peru, about great concerns of commerce and trade, wherein his employ- ments did lie. This virtuous lady, likewise, hearing that Pirates were coming to assault the city of Panama, had absented herself thence in the company of other friends and relations, thereby to preserve her life, amidst the dangers which the cruelties and tyrannies of those hard- hearted enemies did seem to menace to every citizen. But no sooner had she appeared in the presence of Cap- tain Morgan than he commanded they should lodge her in a certain apartment by herself, giving her a negress, or black woman, to wait upon her, and that she should be treated with all the respect and regale due to her quality. The poor afflicted lady did beg, with multitude of sobs and tears, she might be suffered to lodge among the other prisoners, her relations, fearing lest that unexpected kindness of the commander might prove to be a design upon her chastity. But Captain Morgan would by no means hearken to her petition, and all he commanded, in answer thereto, was, she should be treated with more particular care than before, and have her victuals carried from his own table. This lady had formerly heard very strange reports concerning the Pirates, before their arrival at Panama, TREATMENT OF A BEAUTIFUL PRISONER. 231 intimating to her, as if they were not men, but, as they said, heretics, who did neither invoke the Blessed Trinity, nor believe in Jesus Christ. But now she began to have better thoughts of them than ever before, having experienced the manifold civilities of Captain Morgan, especially hearing him many times to swear by the name of God, and of Jesus Christ, in whom, she was persuaded, they did not believe. Neither did she now think them to be so bad, or to have the shapes of beasts, as from the relations of several people she had oftentimes heard. For as to the name of robbers or thieves, which was commonly given them by others, she wondered not much at it, seeing, as she said, that among all nations of the universe, there were to be found some wicked men, who naturally coveted to possess the goods of others. Con- formable to the persuasion of this lady was the opinion of another woman, of weak understanding, at Panama, who used to say, before the Pirates came thither, she desired very much and had a great curiosity to see one of those men called Pirates ; for as much as her husband had often told her, that they were not men, like others, but rather irrational beasts. This silly woman, at last happened to see the first of them, cried out aloud, saying : Jesus bless me ! these thieves are like its Spaniards. This false civility of Captain Morgan, wherewith he used this lady, was soon after changed into barbarous cruelty. Por, three or four days being past, he came to see her, and the virtuous lady constantly repulsed him. with all the civility imaginable and many humble and modest expressions of her mind. But Captain Morgan still persisted in his disorderly request, presenting her withal with much pearl, gold and all that he had got that was precious and valuable in that voyage. But the lady being in no manner willing to consent thereto, nor accept his presents, and showing herself in all respects like Susannah for constancy, he presently changed note, and began to speak to her in another tone, threatening her 2.32 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. with a thousand cruelties and hard usages at his hands. To all these things she gave this resolute and positive answer, than which no other could be extorted from her : SiJ', my life is in your hands ; bnt as to viy body, in re- lation to that which you would persuade me to, my soul shall sooner be separated from it, throttgh the violence of your arms, then I shall condescend to your request. No sooner had Captain Morgan understood this heroic resolution of her mind than he commanded her to be stripped of the best of her apparel, and imprisoned in a darksome and stinking cellar. Here she had allowed her an extremely small quantity of meat and drink, wherewith she had much ado to sustain her life for a few days. Under this hardship the constant and virtuous lady ceased not to pray daily to God Almighty, for constancy and patience against the cruelties of Captain Morgan. But he being now throughly convinced of her chaste resolutions, as also desirous to conceal the cause of her confinement and hard usage, since many of the Pirates, his companions, did compassionate her condition, laid many false accusations to her charge, giving to understand she held intelligence with the Spaniards, and corresponded with them by letters, abusing thereby his former lenity and kindness, I myself was an eye witness to these things here related, and could never have judged such constancy of mind and virtuous chastity to be found in the world, if my own eyes and ears had not informed me thereof But of this incomparable lady I shall say something more hereafter in its proper place ; where- upon I shall leave her at present, to continue my history. Captain Morgan, having now been at Panama the full space of three weeks, commanded all things to be put in order for his departure. To this effect, he gave orders to every company of his men, to seek out for so many beasts of carriage as might suffice to convey the whole spoil of the city to the river where his canoes lay. About MUTINY AMONG THE BUCCANEERS. 233 this time a great rumour was spread in the city, of a considerable number of Pirates who intended to leave Captain Morgan ; and that, by taking a ship which was in the port, they determined to go and rob upon the South Sea till they had got as much as they thought fit, and then return homewards by the way of the East Indies into Europe. For which purpose, they had already gathered great quantity of provisions, which they had hidden in private places, with sufficient store of powder, bullets and all other sorts of ammunition : likewise some great guns, belonging to the town, muskets and other things, wherewith they designed not only to equip the said vessel but also to fortify themselves and raise bat- teries in some island or other, which might serve them for a place of refuge. This design had certainly taken effect as they intended, had not Captain Morgan had timely advice thereof given him by one of their comrades. Hereupon he instantly commanded the mainmast of the said ship should be cut down and burnt, together with all the other boats that were in the port. Hereby the intentions of all or most of his companions were totally frustrated. After this Captain Morgan sent forth many of the Spaniards into the adjoining fields and country, to seek for money wherewith to ransom not only themselves but also all the rest of the prisoners, as likewise the ecclesiastics, both secular and regular. Moreover he commanded all the artillery of the town to be spoiled, that is to say, nailed and stopped up. At the same time he sent out a strong company of men to seek for the Governor of Panama, of whom intelligence was brought that he had laid several ambuscades in the way, by which he ought to pass at his return. But those who were sent upon this design re- turned soon after, saying they had not found any sign or appearance of any such ambuscades ; for a confirmation whereof, they brought with them some prisoners they had taken, who declared that the said Governor had had 234 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. an intention of making some opposition by the way, but that the men whom he had designed to effect it were unwilHng to undertake any such enterprize ; so that for want of means, he coukl not put his design in execu- tion. On the 24th of February of the year 1671 Captain Morgan departed from the city of Panama, or rather from the place where the said city of Panama did stand ; of the spoils whereof he carried with him one hundred and seventy-five beasts of carriage, laden with silver, gold and other precious things, besides six hundred prisoners, more or less, between men, women, child- ren and slaves. That day they came to a river that passes through a delicious campaign field, at the dis- tance of a league from Panama. Here Captain Mor- gan put all his forces into good order of martial array, in such manner that the prisoners were in the middle of the camp, surrounded on all sides with Pirates. At which present conjuncture nothing else was to be heard but lamentations, cries, shrieks and doleful sighs, of so many women and children, who were persuaded Captain Morgan designed to transport them all, and carry them into his own country for slaves. Besides that, among all those miserable prisoners, there was extreme hunger and thirst endured at that time ; which hardship and misery Captain Morgan designedly caused them to sus- tain, with intent to excite them more earnestly to seek for money wherewith to ransom themselves, according to the tax he had set upon every one. Many of the women begged of Captain Morgan upon their knees, with infinite sighs and tears, he would permit them to return to Panama, there to live in company of their dear husbands and children, in little huts of straw which they would erect, seeing they had no houses until the rebuild- ing of the city. But his answer was : he came not thither to hear lamentations and cries, but rather to seek money. Therefore they ought to seek out for that in THE BEAUTIFUL PRISONER AGAIN. 235 the first place, wherever it were to be had, and brhig it to him, otherwise he would assuredly transport them all to such places whither they cared not to go. The next day, when the march began, those lamen- table cries and shrieks were renewed, in so much as it would have caused compassion in the hardest heart to hear them. But Captain Morgan, a man little given to mercy, was not moved therewith in the least. They marched in the same order as was said before ; one party of the Pirates preceding in the van, the prisoners in the middle, and the rest of the Pirates in the rear-guard, by whom the miserable Spaniards were, at every step, punched and thrust in their backs and sides, with the blunt end of their arms, to make them march the faster. That beautiful and virtuous lady, of whom we made mention heretofore for her unparalleled constancy and chastity, was led prisoner by herself, between two Pirates who guarded her. Her lamentations now did pierce the skies, seeing herself carried away into foreign captivity, often crying to the Pirates, and telling them : That she had given order to two re ligiotis persons, in whom she had relied, to go to a certain place, and fetch so much mo7icy as her ransom did amount to. That they had promised faithfully to do it, but having obtained the said money, instead of bringing it to her, they had employed it another way, to ransom some of their oivn and particular friends. This ill action of theirs was discovered by a slave, who brought a letter to the said lady. Her complaints, and the cause thereof, being brought to the ears of Captain Morgan, he thought fit to enquire thereinto. Having found the thing to be true, especially hearing it confirmed by the confession of the said religious men, though under some frivolous excuses, of having diverted the money but for a day or two, within which time they expected more sums to repay it, he gave liberty to the said lady, whom otherwise he designed to transport to Jamaica. But in the meanwhile he detained the said religious men, 236 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. as prisoners in her place, using them according to the deserts of their incompassionate intrigues. As soon as Captain Morgan arrived, upon his march, at the town called Cruz, situated on the banks of the river Chagre, as was mentioned before, he commanded an order to be published among the prisoners, that with- in the space of three days every one of them should bring in his ransom, under the penalty aforementioned of being transported to Jamaica, In the meanwhile he gave orders, for so much rice and maize to be collected thereabouts as was necessary for the victualling all his ships. At this place some of the prisoners were ransomed, but many others could not bring In their moneys in so short time. Hereupon he continued his voyage, leav- ing the village on the 5th day of March next following, and carrying with him all the spoil that ever he could transport. From this village he likewise led away some new prisoners, who were inhabitants of the said place. So that these prisoners were added to those of Panama who had not as yet paid their ransoms, and all trans- ported. But the two religious men, who had diverted the money belonging to the lady, were ransomed three days after their imprisonment, by other persons who had more compassion for their condition than they had showed for hers. About the middle of the way to the castle of Chagre, Captain Morgan commanded them to be placed in due order, according to their custom, and caused every one to be sworn, that they had reserved nor concealed nothing privately to themselves, even not so much as the value of sixpence. This being done, Captain Morgan having had some experience that those lewd fellows would not much stickle to swear falsely in points of interest, he commanded every one to be searched very stricdy, both in their clothes and satchels and everywhere it might be presumed they had reserved anything. Yea, to the Intent this order might not be ill taken by his companions, he permitted himself to be DIVISION OF THE BOOTY. 237 searched, even to the very soles of his shoes. To this effect, by common consent, there was assigned one out of every company, to be the searchers of all the rest. The French Pirates that went on this expedition with Captain Morgan, were not well satisfied with this new custom of searching. Yet their number being less than that of the English, they were forced to submit to it, as well as the others had done before them. The search being over, they re-embarked in their canoes and boats, which attended them on the river, and arrived at the castle of Chagre on the 9th day of the said month of March. Here they found all things in good order, ex- cepting the wounded men, whom they had left there at the time of their departure. For of these the greatest number were dead, through the wounds they had re- ceived. From Chagre, Captain Morgan sent presently after his arrival, a great boat to Porto Bello, wherein were all the prisoners he had taken at the Isle of St. Catharine, demanding by them a considerable ransom for the castle of Chagre, where he then was, threatening otherwise to ruin and de^nolish it even to the o-round. To this mes- sage those of Porto Bello made answer : They would not give one farthing towards the ransom of the said castle, and that the English might do with it as they pleased. This answer being come, the dividend was made of all the spoil they had purchased in that voyage. Thus every company, and every particular person therein included, received their portion of what was got : or rather, what part thereof Captain Morgan was pleased to give them. For so it was, that the rest of his companions, even of his own nation, complained of his proceedings in this particular, and feared not to tell him oj^enly to his face, that he had reserved the best jewels to himself. For they judged it impossible that no greater share should belong to them than two hundred pieces of eight per capita, of so many valuable booties and robberies 238 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. as they had obtained. Which small sum they thought too little reward for so much labour and such huge and manifest dangers as they had so often exposed their lives to. But Captain Morgan was deaf to all these and many other complaints of this kind, having designed in his mind to cheat them of as much as he could. At last Captain Morgan finding himself obnoxious to many obloquies and detractions among his people, began to fear the consequence thereof, and hereupon thinking it unsafe to remain any longer time at Chagre, he comman- ded the ordnance of the said casde to be carried on board his ship. Afterwards he caused the greatest part of the walls to be demolished, and the edifices to be burnt, and as many other things spoiled and ruined as could con- veniendy be done in a short while. These orders being performed, he went secredy on board his own ship, with- out giving any notice of his departure to his companions, nor calling any council, as he used to do. Thus he set sail, and put out to sea, not bidding anybody adieu, being only followed by three or four vessels of the whole fleet. These were such (as the French Pirates believed) as went shares with Captain Morgan, towards the best and greatest part of the spoil which had been concealed from them in the dividend. The Frenchmen could very willingly have revenged this affront upon Captain Morgan and those that followed him, had they found themselves with sufficient means to encounter him at sea. But they were destitute of most things necessary thereto. Yea, they had much ado to find sufficient victuals and pro- visions for their voyage to Jamaica, he having left them totally unprovided of all things. CHAPTER VIL Of a voyage made by the Author, along the coasts of Costa Rica, at his return toivards famaica. What happened most remark- able in the said voyage. Some observations made by him at that time. Captain Morgan left us all in such a miserable con- dition, as might serve for a lively representation of what reward attends wickedness at the latter end of life. Whence we ought to have learned how to regulate and amend our actions for the future. However it was, our affairs being reduced to such a posture, every company that was left behind, whether English or French, were compelled to seek what means they could to help them- selves. Thus most of them separated from each other, and several companies took several courses, at their return homewards. As for that party to which I be- longed, we steered our voyage along the coast of Costa Rica, where we intended to purchase some provisions, and careen our vessel in some secure place or other. For the boat wherein we were, was now grown so foul as to be rendered totally unfit for sailing. In few days we arrived at a great port, called Boca del Toro, where are always to be found huge quantity of good and eatable tortoises. The circumference hereof is ten leagues, more or less, being surrounded with little islands, under which vessels may ride very secure from the violence of the winds. The said islands are inhabited by Indians, who never could be subjugated by the Spaniards, and hence they give them the name of Indios bravos, or Wild Indians. 240 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. They are divided, according to the variety of idioms of their language, into several customs and fashions of people, whence arise perpetual wars against one another. Towards the east side of this port are found some of them, who formerly did much trade with the Pirates, selling to them the flesh of divers animals which they hunt in their countries, as also all sorts of fruits that the land produces. The exchange of which commodities was iron instruments, that the Pirates brouo-ht with them, beads and other toys, whereof thev made great account for wearing, more than of precious jewels, which they knew not nor esteemed in the least. This commerce afterwards failed, because the Pirates committed many barbarous inhumanities against them, killing many of their men on a certain occasion, and takincy away their women. These abuses gave sufficient cause for a perpetual cessation of all friendship and commerce between them and the Pirates. We went ashore, with design to seek provisions, our necessity being now almost extreme. But our fortune was so bad that we could find nothing else than a few eo-o-s of crocodiles, wherewith we were forced to con- tent ourselves for that present. Hereupon we left those quarters, and steered our course eastwards. Being upon this tack, we met with three boats more of our own com- panions, who had been left behind by Captain Morgan. These told us they had been able to find no relief for the extreme hunger they sustained ; moreover, that Captain ]\Iorgan himself and all his people were already reduced to such misery, that he could afford them no more allow- ance than once a day, and that very short too. We therefore hearing from these boats that litde or no good was like to be done by sailing farther eastward, chano-ed our course, and steered towards the west. Here we found an excessive quantity of tortoises, more than we needed for the victualling our boats, should we be never so long without any other flesh or fish. Having ATTACK BY THE INDIANS. 241 provided ourselves with this sort of victuals, the next thing we wanted was fresh water. There was enough to be had in the neighbouring islands, but we scarce dared to land on them, by reason of the enmity above men- tioned between us Pirates and those Indians. Notwith- standing, necessity having no law, we were forced to do as we could, rather than as we desired to do. And hereupon we resolved to go all of us together to one of the said islands. Being landed, one party of our men went to range in the woods, while another filled the barrels with water. Scarce one whole hour was past, after our people were got ashore, when suddenly the Indians came upon us, and we heard one of our men cry : Arm! Arm! We presently took up our arms, and began to fire at them as hot as we could. This caused them to advance no farther, and in a short while put them to flight, sheltering themselves in the woods. We pursued them some part of the way, but not far, by reason w^e then esteemed rather to get in our water than any other advantages upon the enemy. Coming back, we found two Indians dead upon the shore, whereof the habiliments of one gave us to understand he was a person of quality amongst them. For he had about his body a girdle, or sash, very richly woven ; and on his face he wore a beard of massive gold — I mean, a small planch of gold hung clown at his lips by two strings (which penetrated two little holes, made there on pur- pose), that covered his beard, or served instead thereof His arms were made of sticks of palmetto-trees, being very curiously wrought, at one end whereof was a kind of hook, which seemed to be hardened with fire. We could willingly have had opportunity to speak with some of these Indians, to see if we could reconcile their minds to us, and by this means renew the former trade with them, and obtain provisions. But this was a thing impossible, through the wildness of their persons and savageness of their minds. Notwithstanding, this encounter hindered R -42 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. US not from filling our barrels with water, and carrying them aboard. The night following we heard from the shore huge cries and shrieks among the Indians. These lamenta- tions caused us to believe, because they were heard so far, they had called in much more people to aid them against us ; as also, that they lamented the death of those two men who were killed the day before. These Indians never come upon the waters of the sea, neither have they ever o-iven themselves to build canoes or any other sort ot vessels for navigation — not so much as fisher-boats, of which art of fishery they are totally ignorant. At last, hav- ing nothing else to hope for in these parts, we resolved to depart thence for Jamaica, whither we designed to go. Being set forth, we met with contrary winds, which caused us to make use of our oars, and row as far as the river of Chagre. When we came near it, we perceived a ship that made towards us, and began to give us chase. Our apprehensions were that it was a ship from Car- tao-ena, which might be sent to rebuild and retake posses- sion of the castle of Chagre, now all the Pirates were departed thence. Hereupon we set all our sail and ran before the wind, to see if we could escape or refuge our- selves in any place. But the vessel, being much swifter and cleaner than ours, easily got the wind of us, and stopped our course. Then approaching near us, we discovered what they were, and knew them to be our former comrades, in the same expedition of Panama, who were but lately set out from Chagre. Their design was to go to Nombre de Dios, and thence to Cartagena, to seek some purchase or other, in or about that frequented port. But the wind at that present being contrary to their intention, they concluded to go in our company towards the same place where we were before, called Boca del Toro. This accident and encounter retarded our journey, in the space of two days, more than we could regain in a THE SEA-COW. 243 whole fortnieht. This was the occasion that oblio-ed us to return to our former station, where we remained for a few clays. Thence we directed our course for a place called Boca del Dragon, there to make provisions of flesh, especially of a certain animal which the Spaniards call manati,^ and the Dutch, sea-coius, because the head, nose and teeth of this beast are very like those of a cow. They are found commonly in such places, as under the depth of the waters are very full of grass, on which, it is thought, they pasture. These animals have no ears, and only in place of them are to be seen two little holes, scarce capable of receiving the litde finger of a man. Near to the neck they have two wings, under which are seated two udders or breasts, much like the breasts of a woman. The skin is very close and united together, resembling the skin of a Barbary, or Guinea Dog. This skin upon the back is of the thickness of two fingers, which, being dried, is as hard as any whale-bone, and may serve to make walking-staffs with. The belly is in all things like that of a cow, as far as the kidneys, or reins. Their manner of engendering, likewise, is the same with the usual manner of a land cow, the male of this kind being in similitude almost one and the same thing with a bull. Yet, notwithstanding, they conceive and breed but once. But the space of time that they go with calf, I could not as yet learn. These fishes have the sense of hearing extremely acute, in so much that in taking them the fishermen ought not to make the least noise, nor row, unless it be very slightly. For this reason they make use of certain instruments for rowing, which the Indians call pagayos, and the Spaniards name canclchns, with which although they row, yet it is performed without any noise that can fright the fish. While they are busied in ^ The name manati was first applied to this animal by the early Spanish colonists in regard to the hand-like use of its fore limbs ; a good description of it is to be found in Dampier's Letters. It is of the order Sirenia ; there are two varieties— one (M. Latirostris) inhabits the West Indies and Florida, the other (M. australis) the coast of Brazil. 244 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. this fishery, they do not speak to one another, but all is transacted by signs. He that darts them with the javelin, uses it after the same manner as when they kill tortoises. Howbeit, the point of the said javelin is somewhat different, having two hooks at the extremity, and these longer than that of the other fishery. Of these fishes, some are found to be of the length of twenty to twenty-four foot. Their flesh is very good to eat, being very like in colour that of a land cow, but in taste, that of pork. It contains much fat, or grease, which the Pirates melt and keep in earthen pots, to make use there- of instead of oil. On a certain day, wherein we were not able to do any good at this sort of fishery, some of our men went into the woods to hunt, and others to catch other fish. Soon after we espied a canoe, wherein were two Indians. These no sooner had discovered our vessels than they rowed back with all the speed they could towards the land, being unwilling to trade or have anything to do with us Pirates. We followed them to the shore, but through their natural nimbleness, being much greater than ours, they retired into the woods before we could over- take them. Yea, what was more admirable, they drew on shore, and carried with them their canoe into the wood, as easily as if it were made of straw, although it weighed above two thousand pounds. This we knew by the canoe itself, which we found afterwards, and had much ado to get into the water again, although we were in all eleven persons to pull at it. We had at that time in our company a certain pilot, who had been divers times in those quarters. This man, seeing this action of the Indians, told us that, some few years before, a squadron of Pirates happened to arrive at that place. Being there, they went in canoes, to catch a certain sort of little birds, which inhabits the sea-coast, under the shade of very beautiful trees, which here are to be seen. While they were busied at that work, certain RIO DE ZUERA. 245 Indians who had climbed up into the trees to view their actions, seeing now the canoes underneath, leaped down into the sea, and with huge celerity seized some of the canoes and Pirates that kept them, both which they transported so nimbly into the remotest parts of the woods, that the prisoners could not be relieved by their companions. Hereupon the admiral of the said squadron landed presently after with five hundred men, to seek and rescue the men he had lost. But they saw such an excessive number of Indians flock together to oppose them, as obliged them to retreat with all possible diligence to their ships, concluding among themselves that if such forces as those could not perform anything towards the recovery of their companions, they ought to stay no longer time there. Having heard this history, we came away thence, fearing some mischief might befall us, and bringing with us the canoe aforementioned. In this we found nothing else but a fishing-net, though not very large, and four arrows, made of palm-tree, of the length of seven foot each and of the figure, or shape, as follows. ^^ T^ These arrows, we believed, to be their arms. The canoe we brought away was made of cedar, but very roughly hewn and polished, which caused us to think that those people have no instruments of iron. We left that place, and arrived in twenty four hours at another called Rio de Zuera, where we found some few houses belonging to the city of Cartagena. These houses are inhabited by Spaniards, whom we resolved to visit, not being able to find any tortoises, nor yet any of their eggs. The inhabitants were all fled from the said houses, having left no victuals, nor provisions behind them, in so much that we were forced to content ourselves with a certain 246 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. fruit, which there is called platano. Of these platanos we filled our boats, and continued our voyage, coasting along the shore. Our design was to find out some creek or bay, wherein to careen our vessel, which now was very leaky on all sides. Yea, in such a dangerous con- dition, that both night and day we were constrained to employ several men at the pump, to which purpose we made use of all our slaves. This voyage lasted a whole fortnio-ht, all which time we lay under the continual frights of perishing every moment. At last we arrived at a certain port, called The Bay of Bleevelt, being so named from a Pirate who used to resort thither, with the same design that we did. Here one party of our men went into the woods to hunt, while another undertook to refit and careen our vessel. Our companions who went abroad to hunt found here- abouts porcupines, of a huge and monstrous bigness. But their chief exercise was killing of monkeys, and certain birds called by the Spaniards faisanes, or phea- sants. The toil and labour we had in this employment of shooting, seemed at least to me, to be sufficiently com- pensated with the pleasure of killing the said monkeys. For at these we usually made fifteen to sixteen shots before we could kill three or four of them, so nimbly would they escape our hands and aim, even after being desperately wounded. On the other side, it was delight- ful to see the female monkeys carry their little ones upon their backs, even just as negresses do their children. Likewise, if shooting at a parcel of them, any monkey happens to be wounded, the rest of the company will fiock about him, and lay their hands upon the wound, to hinder the blood from issuing forth. Others will gather moss that grows upon the trees, and thrust it into the wound, and hereby stop the blood. At other times they will gather such or such herbs, and, chewing them in their mouth, apply them after the manner of a poultice, or cataplasm. All which things did cause in me great INDIAN ARROW. 247 admiration, seeing such strange actions in those irrational creatures, which testified the fidelity and love they had for one another. On the 9th day after our arrival at that place, our women-slaves being busied in their ordinary employments of washing dishes, sewing, drawing water out of wells, which we had made on the shore, and the like things, we heard great cries of one of them, who said she had seen a troop of Indians appear towards the woods, whereby she began immediately to cry out : Indians, Indians. We, hearing this rumour, ran presently to our arms, and their relief. But, coming to the wood, we found no person there, excepting two of our women-slaves killed upon the place, with the shot of arrows. In their bodies we saw so many arrows sticking as might seem they had been fixed there with particular care and leisure ; for otherwise we knew that one of them alone was sufficient to bereave any human body of life. These arrows were all of a rare fashion and shape, their length being eight foot, and their thickness of a man's thumb. At one of the extremities hereof, was to be seen a hook made of wood, and tied to the body of the arrow with a string. At the other end was a certain case, or box, like the case of a pair of tweezers, in which we found certain little pebbles or stones. The colour thereof was red, and very shining, as if they had been locked up some con- siderable time. All which, we believed, were arms be- longing to their captains and leaders. D mriiwwfi i i^ — — A. A marcaslie, which was tied to the extremity of the arrow. B. A hook, tied to the same extremity. C. The arrotv. D. The case, at the other end. 248 THE BUCCA.\EERS OF AMERICA. These arrows were all made without instruments of iron. For whatsoever the Indians make, they harden it first very artificially with fire, and afterwards polish it with flints. As to the nature of these Indians, they are extremely robust of constitution, strong and nimble at their feet. We sought them carefully up and down the woods, but could not find the least trace of them, neither any of their canoes, nor floats, whereof they make use to go out to fish. Hereupon we retired to our vessels, where, having embarked all our goods, we put off from the shore, fearing lest finding us there they should return in any con- siderable number, and overpowering our forces tear us all in pieces. CHAPTER VIII. The Author departs tozvards the Cape of Gracias a Dios. Of the Commerce zuhich here the Pirates exercise zvitJi the Indians. His arrival at the Island De las Finos ; and finally, his returii to famaica. The fear we had, more than usual, of those Indians above mentioned, by reason of the death of our two women-slaves, of which we told you in the former chap- ter, occasioned us to depart as fast as we could from that place. We directed our course thence, towards the Cape of Gracias a Dios, where we had fixed our last hopes of finding provisions. For thither do usually resort many Pirates, who entertain a friendly correspondence and trade with the Indians of those parts. Being arrived at the said cape, we hugely rejoiced, and gave thanks to God Almighty, for having delivered us out of so many dangers, and brought us to this place of refuge, where we found people who showed us most cordial friendship, and provided us with all necessaries whatsoever. The custom of this island is such that, when any Pirates arrive there, every one has the liberty to buy for himself an Indian woman, at the price of a knife, or any old axe, wood-bill or hatchet. By this contract the woman is obliged to remain in the custody of the Pirate all the time he stayeth there. She serves him in the meanwhile, and brings him victuals of all sorts, that the country affords. The Pirate moreover has liberty to go when he pleases, either to hunt, or fish, or about any other divertisements of his pleasure ; but withal is not to commit any hostility, or depredation upon the inhabitants, 250 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. seeinor the Indians bring; him in all that he stands in need of, or that he desires. Through the frequent converse and familiarity these Indians have with the Pirates, they sometimes go to sea with them, and remain among them for whole years, without returning home. Whence it comes that many of them can speak English, and French, and some of the Pirates their Indian language. They are very dextrous at darting with the javelin, whereby they are very useful to the Pirates, towards the victualling their ships, by the fishery of tortoises, and manitas, a sort of fish so called by the Spaniards. For one of these Indians is alone sufficient to victual a vessel of an hundred persons. We had among our crew two Pirates who could speak very well the Indian language. By the help of these men, I was so curious as to enquire into their customs, lives and policy, whereof I shall give you here a brief account. This island contains about thirty leagues in circum- ference, more or less. It is governed after the form of a little commonwealth, they having no king nor sovereign prince among them. Neither do they entertain any friendship or correspondence with other neighbouring islands, much less with the Spaniards. They are in all but a small nation, whose number does not exceed sixteen or seventeen hundred persons. They have amonof them some few nes^roes, who serve them in quality of slaves. These happened to arrive there, swim- ming, after shipwreck made upon that coast. For being bound for Terra Firma, in a ship that carried them to be sold in those parts, they killed the captain and mariners, with design to return to their country. But through their ignorance in marinery, they stranded their vessel hereabouts. Although, as I said before, they make but a small nation, yet they live divided, as it were, into two several provinces. Of these, the one sort employ them- selves in cultivating the ground, and making several plantations. But the others are so lazy that they have CAPE OF CR AC/AS A BIOS. 251 not courage to build themselves huts, much less houses, to dwell in. They frequent chiefly the sea-coast, wan- dering disorderly up and down, without knowing, or caring so much as to cover their bodies from the rains, which are very frequent in those parts, unless it be with a few palm-leaves. These they put upon their heads, and keep their backs always turned to the wind that blows. They use no other clothes than an apron, tied to their middle ; such aprons are made of the rinds of trees, which they strongly beat upon stones till they are softened. Of these same they make use for bed- clothes, to cover themselves when they sleep. Some make to themselves bed-clothes of cotton, but these are but few in number. Their usual arms are nothing but azagayas, or spears, which they make fit for their use with points of iron or teeth of crocodiles. They know, after some manner, that there is a God, yet they live without any religion or divine worship. Yea, as far as I can learn, they believe not in nor serve the devil, as many other nations of America do both believe, invoke and worship him. Hereby they are not so much tormented by him, as other nations are. Their ordinary food, for the greatest part, consists in several fruits ; such as are called bananas, racoven, ananas, potatos, cassava; as also crabs, and some few fish of other sorts, which they kill in the sea with darts. As to their drink, they are something expert in making certain plea- sant and delicate liquors. The commonest among them is called acJiioc. This is made of a certain seed of palm- tree, which they bruise, and afterwards steep or infuse in hot water, till it be setded at the bottom. This liquor being strained off has a very pleasant taste, and is very nourishing. Many other sorts of liquors they prepare, which I shall omit for brevity. Only I shall say some- thing, in short, of that which is made oS. platanos. These they knead betwixt their hands with hot water, and after- wards put into great calabashes, which they fill up with 252 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. cold water, and leave in repose for the space of eight days, during which time it ferments as well as the best sort of wine. This liquor they drink for pleasure, and as a great regale, in so much that when these Indians invite their friends or relations they cannot treat them better than to give them some of this pleasant drink. They are very unskilful in dressing of victuals ; and hence it is that they very seldom treat one another with banquets. For this purpose, when they go or send to any house, to invite others, they desire them to come and drink of their liquors. Before the invited persons come to their house, those that expect them comb their hair very well, and anoint their faces with oil of palm, mingled with a certain black tincture which renders them very hideous. The women, in like manner, daub their faces with another sort of stuff, which cause them to look as red as crimson. And such are the greatest civilities they use in their ornaments and attire. Afterwards, he that invites the other takes his arms, which are three or four azagayas, and goes out of his cottage the space of three or four hundred steps, to wait for and receive the persons that are to come to visit him. As soon as they draw near him, he falls down upon the ground, lying flat on his face, in which posture he remains without any motion, as if he were dead. Being thus prostrate before them, the invited friends take him up and set him upon his feet, and thus they go altogether to the hut. Here the per- sons who are invited use the same ceremony, falling down on the ground, as the inviter did before. But he lifts them up one by one, and, giving them his hand, conducts them into his cottage, where he causes them to sit. The women on these occasions perform few or no ceremonies. Being thus brought into the house, they are presented every one with a calabash full of the liquor abovemen- tioned, made of platanos, which is very thick, almost like water-gruel, or children's pap, wherein is contained four MARRIAGE AND BIRTH CUSTOMS. 253 quarts, more or less, of the said liquor. These they are to drink off as well as they can, and get down at any rate. The calabashes being emptied into their stomachs, the master of the house, with many ceremonies, goes about the room, and gathers his calabashes. And this drinking hitherto is reckoned but for one welcome, whereas every invitation ought to contain several welcomes. After- wards, they begin to drink of the clear liquor above- mentioned, for which they were called to this treat. Hereunto follow many songs and dances and a thousand caresses to the women that are present. They do not marry any young maid without the con- sent of her parents. Hereupon, if any one desires to take a wife, he is first examined by the damsel's father concerning several points relating to good husbandry. These are most commonly : whether he can make azagayas, darts for fishing or spin a certain thread which they use about their arrows. Having answered to satisfaction, the examiner calls to his daua:hter, for a little calabash full of the liquor above mentioned. Of ' » this he drinks first ; then gives the cup to the young man ; and he finally to the bride, who drinks it up ; and with this only ceremony the marriage is made. When any one drinks to the health of another, the second person ought to drink up the liquor which the other person has left in the calabash. But in case of marriage, as was said before, it is consumed alone among those three, the bride obtaining the greatest part to her share. When the woman lies in, neither she nor her hus- band observe the time, as is customary among the Caribbees. But as soon as the woman is delivered, she goes instantly to the next river, brook or fountain, and washes the new-born creature, swaddling it up afterwards in certain rollers, or swaddling bands, which there are called cabalas. This beinof done, she s^oes about her ordinary labour, as before. At their entertainments it is usual, that when the man dies, his wife buries him with 254 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. all his azagayas, aprons and jewels that he used to wear at his ears. Her next obligation is, to come every day to her husband's grave, bringing him meat and drink for a whole year together. Their years they reckon by the moons, allowing fifteen to every year, which make their entire circle, as our twelve months do ours. Some historians, writing of the Caribbee Islands, affirm that this ceremony of carrying victuals to the dead is generally observed among them. Moreover, that the devil comes to the sepulchres, and carries away all the meat and drink which is placed there. But I myself am not of this opinion, seeing I have oftentimes with my own hands taken away these offerings, and eaten them instead of other victuals. To this I was moved, because 1 knew that the fruits used on these occasions were the choicest and ripest of all others, as also the liquors of the best sort they made use of for their greatest regale and pleasure. When the widow has thus completed her year, she opens the grave, and takes out all her husband's bones. These she scrapes and washes very well, and afterwards dries against the beams of the sun. When they are sufficiently dried, she ties them all together, and puts them into a cabala, being a certain pouch or satchel, and is obliged for another year to carry them upon her back in the daytime, and to sleep upon them in the night, until the year be completely expired. This ceremony being finished, she hangs up the bag and bones against the post of her own door, in case she be mistress of any house. But having no house of her own, she hangs them at the door of her next neighbour, or relation. The widows cannot marry a second time, according to the laws or customs of this nation, until the space of the two years above mentioned be completed. The men are bound to perform no such ceremonies towards their wives. But if any Pirate marries an Indian Woman, she is bound to do with him, in all things, as if he were an Indian man born. The negroes that are upon this Island, live FISHING AND HUNTING. 255 here In all respects according to the customs of their own country. All these things I have thought fit to take notice of in this place, though briefly, as judging them worthy the curiosity of some judicious and inquisitive persons. Now I shall continue the account of our voyage. After we had refreshed and provided ourselves, as well as we could, at the island aforesaid, we departed thence, and steered our course towards the island De los Pinos. Here we arrived in fifteen days, and were constrained to refit again our vessel, which now the second time was very leaky and not fit for sailing any farther. Hereupon we divided ourselves, as before, and some went about that work of careening the ship, while others betook themselves to fishing. In this last we were so successful as to take in six or seven hours as much fish as would abundantly suffice to feed a thousand persons. We had in our company some Indians from the cape of Gracias a Dios, who were very dextrous both in hunting and fishing. With the help of these men we killed likewise, in a short while, and salted, a huge number of wild cows, sufficient both to satiate our hungry appetites and to victual our vessel for the sea. These cows were formerly brought into this island by the Spaniards, with design they should here multiply and stock the country with cattle of this kind. We salted, in like manner, a vast number of tortoises, whereof in this island huge quantities are to be found. With these things our former cares and troubles began to dissipate, and our minds to be so far recreated as to forget the miseries we had lately endured. Hereupon, we began to call one another again by the name of brothers, which was customary amongst us but had been disused in our miseries and scarce remembered without regret. All the time we continued here, we feasted ourselves very plentifully, without the least fear of enemies. For as to the Spaniards that were upon the island, they were 256 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. here in mutual league and friendship with us. Thus we were only constrained to keep watch and ward every night, for fear of the crocodiles, which are here in great plenty all over the island. For these, when they are hungry, will assault any man whatsoever, and devour him ; as it happened in this conjuncture to one of our companions. This man being gone into the wood, in company with a negro, they fell into a place where a crocodile lay concealed. The furious animal, with in- credible agility, assaulted the Pirate, and fastening upon his leg, cast him upon the ground, the negro being fled, who should assist him. Yet he, notwithstanding, being a robust and courageous man, drew forth a knife he had then about him, and with the same, after a dangerous combat, overcame and killed the crocodile. Which having done, he himself, both tired with the batde, and weakened with the loss of blood, that ran from his wounds, lay for dead upon the place, or at least beside his senses. Being found in this posture some while after bv the negro, who returned to see what was become of his master, he took him upon his back, and brought him to the sea-side, distant thence the space of a whole league. Here we received him into a canoe, and conveyed him on board our ship. After this misfortune, none of our men dared be so bold as to enter the woods without good company. Yea, we ourselves, desirous to revenge the disaster of our companion, went in troops the next day to the woods, with design to find out crocodiles to kill. These animals would usually come every night to the sides of our ship, and make resemblance of climbing up into the vessel. One of these, on a certain night, we seized with an iron hook, but he instead of flying to the bottom, began to mount the ladder of the ship, till we killed him with other instruments. Thus, after we had remained there some considerable time, and refitted ourselves with all things necessary, we set sail thence for Jamaica. Here we RECALL OF THE GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA. 257 arrived within few days, after a prosperous voyage, and found Captain Morgan, who was got home before us, but had seen as yet none of his companions whom he left behind, we being the first that arrived there after him. The said Captain at that present was very busy, en- deavouring to persuade and levy people to transport to the isle of St. Catharine, which he designed to fortify and hold as his own, thinkinof to make it a common refuge to all sorts of Pirates, or at least of his own nation, as was said before. But he was soon hindered in the prosecution of this design, by the arrival of a man-of-war from England. For this vessel brought orders from his Majesty of Great Britain, to recall the Governor of Jamaica from his charge over that island, to the court of England, there to give an account of his proceedings and behaviour in relation to the Pirates whom he had maintained in those parts, to the huge detriment of the subjects of the King of Spain. To this purpose, the said man-of-war brought over also a new Governor of Jamaica, to supply the place of the preceding. This gentleman, being possessed of the government of the island, pre- sently after gave notice to all the ports thereof, by several boats which he sent forth to that intent, of the good and entire correspondence which his master the King of England designed henceforwards to maintain in those Western parts of the world towards his Catholic Majesty and all his subjects and dominions. And that to this effect, for the time to come, he had received from his Sacred Majesty and Privy Council strict and severe orders, not to permit any Pirate whatsoever to set forth from Jamaica, to commit any hostility or depredation upon the Spanish nation, or dominions, or any other people of those neighbouring islands. No sooner these orders were sufficiently divulged than the Pirates, who as yet were abroad at sea, began to fear them, insomuch that they dared not return home to the said island. Hereupon they kept the seas as long s 258 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. as they could, and continued to act as many hostili- ties as came in their way. Not long after, the same Pirates took and ransacked a considerable town, seated in the Isle of Cuba, called La Villa de los Cay os, of which we made mention in the description of the said island. Here they committed again all sorts of hostility, and inhuman and barbarous cruelties. But the new Governor of Jamaica behaved himself so constant to his duty, and the orders he had brought from England, that he appre- hended several of the chief actors herein, and condemned them to be hanged, which was accordingly done. From this severity many others still remaining abroad took warning, and retired to the isle of Tortuga, lest they should fall into his hands. Here they joined in society with the French Pirates, inhabitants of the said island, in whose company they continue to this day. CHAPTER IX. The Relation of the shipwreck, zvhich Monsieur Bertram Ogeron, Governor of the Isle of Tortuga, suffered near the Isles of Guadanillas. How both he and his co7npanions fell into the hands of the Spaniards. By what arts he escaped their hands, and preserved his life. The enterprize which he undertook against Porto Rico, to deliver his people. The unfortunate success of that design. After the expedition of Panama abovementioned, the inhabitants of the French islands in America, in the year 1673 (while the war was so fierce in Europe between France and Holland) gathered a considerable fleet, to go and possess themselves of the islands belonging to the States-General of the United Provinces in the West Indies. To this effect, their admiral called together and levied all the Pirates and volunteers that would, by any inductions whatsoever, sit down under his colours. With the same design the Governor of Tortuga caused to be built in that island a good strong man-of-war, to which vessel he gave the name of Ogeron. This ship he pro- vided very well with all sorts of ammunition, and manned with five hundred buccaneers, all resolute and courageous men, as being the vessel he designed for his own safety. Their first intention was to go and take the Isle of Curacoa, belonging to the said States of Holland. But this design met with very ill success, by reason of a shipwreck, which impeded the course of their voyage. Monsieur Ogeron set sail from the port of Tortuga as soon as all things were in readiness, with intent to jom the rest of the said fleet and pursue the enterprize afore- mentioned. Being arrived on the West side of the Island 259 26o THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of St. John de Puerto Rico, he was suddenly surprized with a violent storm. This increased to such a degree, that it caused his new frigate to strike against the rocks that neighbour upon the islands, called Guadanillas, where the vessel broke into a thousand pieces. Yet being near the land of Porto Rico, all his men escaped, by saving their lives in boats, which they had at hand. The next day, all being now got on shore, they were discovered by Spaniards who inhabit the island. These instantly took them to be French Pirates, whose intent was to take the said island anew, as they had done several times before. Hereupon they alarmed the whole country, and, gathering their forces together, marched out to their encounter. But they found them unprovided of all manner of arms, and consequendy not able to make any defence, craving for mercy at their hands, and beg- ging quarter for their lives, as the custom is. Yet not- withstanding, the Spaniards, remembering the horrible and cruel actions those Pirates had many times com- mitted against them, would have no compassion on their condition. But answering them Ha ! ye thievish dogs, here s no quarter for you : they assaulted them with all the fury imaginable, and killed the greatest part of the company. At last perceiving they made no resistance, nor had any arms to defend themselves, they began to relent in their cruelty, and stay their blows, taking prisoners as many as remained alive. Yet still they would not be persuaded but that those unfortunate were come thither with design to take again and ruin the island. Hereupon they bound them with cords, by two and two or three and three together, and drove them through the woods, into the campaign, or open fields. Being come thus far with them, they asked them : What was become of their captain and leader ? Unto these questions they constantly made answer : he was drowned in the shipwreck at sea ; although they knew full well it was BERTRAM OGERON. 261 false. For Monsieur Ogeron, being unknown to the Spaniards, behaved himself among them as if he were a fool and had no common use of reason. Notwith- standing, the Spaniards, scarce believing what the prisoners had answered, used all the means they could possibly to find him, but could not compass their desires. For Monsieur Ogeron kept himself very close, to all the features and mimical actions that might become any innocent fool. Upon this account, he was not tied as the rest of his companions, but let loose, to serve the divertisement and laughter of the common soldiers. These now and then would give him scraps of bread and other victuals, whereas the rest of the prisoners had never sufficient wherewith to satisfy their hungry stomachs. For as to the allowance they had from the Spaniards, their enemies, it was scarce enough to pre- serve them alive. It happened there was found among the French Pirates a certain surgeon, who had done some remarkable service to the Spaniards In consideration of these merits, he was unbound, and set at liberty, to go freely up and down, even as Monsieur Ogeron did. To this surgeon Monsieur Ogeron, having a fit opportunity thereto, declared his resolution of hazarding his life, to attempt an escape from the cruelty and hard usage of those enemies. After mature deliberation, they both performed it, by flying to the woods, with design there to make something or other that might be navigable, whereby to transport themselves elsewhere, although to this effect they neither had nor could obtain any other thing in the world that could be serviceable in building of vessels than one hatchet. Thus they joined company, and began their march towards the woods that lay near- est the sea-coast. Having travelled all day long, they came about evening to the sea-side almost unexpectedly. Here they found themselves without anything to eat, nor any secure place wherein to rest their wearied lunbs. 202 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. At last they perceived nigh the shore a huge quantity of fishes, called by the Spaniards corlabados. These frequently approach the sands of the shore, in pursuit of other little fishes that serve them for their food. Of these they took as many as they thought necessary, and, by rubbing two sticks tediously together, they kindled fire, wherewith they made coals to roast them. The next day they began to cut down and prepare timber, wherewith to make a kind of small boat, in which they might pass over to the Isle of Santa Cruz, which belongs to the French. While they were busied about their work, they dis- covered, at a great distance, a certain canoe, which steered directly towards the place where they were. This occa- sioned in their minds some fears lest they should be found, and taken again by the Spaniards ; and hereupon they retired into the woods, till such time as they could see thence and distinguish what people were in the canoe. But at last, as their good fortune would have it, they perceived them to be no more than two men, who in their disposition and apparel seemed to be fishermen. Having made this discovery, they concluded unanimously betwixt themselves to hazard their lives, and overcome them, and afterwards seize the canoe. Soon after they perceived one of them, who was a mulatto, to go with several calabashes hanging at his back towards a spring, not far distant from the shore, to take in fresh water. The other, who was a Spaniard, remained behind, wait- ing for his return. Seeing them divided, they assaulted the mulatto first, and discharging a great blow on his head with the hatchet, they soon bereaved him of life. The Spaniard, hearing the noise, made instantly towards the canoe, thinking to escape. But this he could not per- form so soon, without being overtaken by the two, and there massacred by their hands. Having now compassed their design, they went to seek for the corpse of the mulatto, which they carried on board the canoe. Their ARRIVAL AT SAMANA. 263 intent was to convey them into the middle of the sea, and there cast them overboard, to be consumed by the fish, and by this means conceal this fact from being known to the Spaniards, either at a short or long distance of time. These things being done, they took in presendy as much fresh water as they could, and set sail to seek some place of refuge. That day they steered along the coast of Porto Rico, and came to the cape called by the Spaniards Cabo Roxo. Hence they traversed direcdy to the Isle of Hispaniola, where so many of their own comrades and companions were to be found. Both the currents of the waters and winds were very favourable to this voyage, in so much that in a few days they arrived at a place called Samana, belonging to the said island, where they found a party of their own people. Monsieur Ogeron, being landed at Samana, gave orders to the surgeon to levy all the people he could possibly in those parts, while he departed to revisit his government of Tortuga. Being arrived at the said port, he used all his endeavours to gather what vessels and men he could to his assistance. So that withm a few days he compassed a good number of both.^ very well equipped and disposed to follow and execute his designs. These were to go to the Island of St. John de Puerto Rico, and deliver his fellow prisoners, whom he had left in the miserable condition as was said before. After having embarked all the people which the surgeon had levied at Samana, he made them a speech, exhorting them to have good courage, and telling them : Yoil may all expect gi^eat spoil and riches from this enterprize, and therefore let all fear and coivardice be set on side. On the contrary, fill your hearts with courage and valour, for thus you will find yourselves soon satisfied, of zahat, at present, bare hopes do promise. Every one relied much on these promises of Monsieur Ogeron, and, from his words, conceived no small joy in their minds. Thus they set 204 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. sail from Tortuga, steering their course directly for the coasts of Porto Rico. Being come within sight of land, they made use only of their lower sails, to the intent they might not be discovered at so great a distance by the Spaniards, till they came somewhat near the place where they intended to land. The Spaniards, notwithstanding this caution, had intelligence beforehand of their coming, and were pre- pared for a defence, having posted many troops of horse all along the coast, to watch the descent of the French Pirates. Monsieur Ogeron, perceiving their vigilance, gave order to the vessels to draw near the shore, and shoot off many great guns, whereby he forced the cavalry to retire to places more secure within the woods. Here lay concealed many companies of foot, who had prostrated themselves upon the ground. Meanwhile the Pirates made their descent at leisure, and began to enter among the trees, scarce suspecting any harm to be there, where the horsemen could do no service. But no sooner were they fallen into this ambuscade than the Spaniards arose with great fury, and assaulted the French so courageously that in a short while they destroyed great part of them. And thus leaving great numbers of dead on the place, the rest with difficulty escaped by retreating in all haste to their ships. Monsieur Ogeron, although he escaped this danger, yet could willingly have perished in the fight, rather than suffer the shame and confusion the unfortunate success of this enterprize was like to bring upon his reputation, especially considering that those whom he had attempted to set at liberty were now cast into greater miseries through this misfortune. Hereupon they hastened to set sail, and go back to Tortuga the same way they came, with great confusion in their minds, much diminished in their number, and nothing laden with those spoils, the hopes whereof had possessed their hearts, and caused them readily to follow the promises of unfortunate Mon- MISERY OF THE FRENCH PRISONERS. 265 sieur Ogeron. The Spaniards were very vigilant, and kept their posts near the sea-side, till such time as the fleet of Pirates was totally out of sight. In the mean- while they made an end of killing such of their enemies as being desperately wounded could not escape by flight. In like manner, they cut off several limbs from the dead bodies, with design to show them to the former prisoners, for whose redemption these others had crossed the seas. The fleet being departed, the Spaniards kindled bon- fires all over the island, and made great demonstrations of joy for the victory they had obtained. But the French prisoners who were there before had more hardship showed them from that day than ever. Of their misery and misusage was a good eye witness, Jacob Binkes, Governor at that time in America for the States-General of the United Provinces. For he happened to arrive in that conjuncture at the Island of Porto Rico, with some men-of-war, to buy provisions and other necessaries for his fleet. His compassion on their misery was such as caused him to bring away by stealth five or six of the said prisoners, which served only to exasperate the minds of the Spaniards. For soon after they sent the rest of the prisoners to the chief city of the island, there to work and toil about the fortifications which then were making, forcing them to bring and carry stones and all sorts of materials belonging thereto. These being finished, the Governor transported them to Havana, where they em- ployed them in like manner, in fortifying that city. Here they caused them to work in the day-time, and by night they shut them up as close prisoners, fearing lest they should enterprize upon the city. For of such attempts the Spaniards had had divers proofs on other occasions, which afforded them sufficient cause to use them after that manner. Afterwards at several times, wherein ships arrived there from New Spain, they transported them by degrees into Europe, and landed them at the city of Cadiz. But 266 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. notwithstanding this care of the Spaniards to disperse them, they soon after met almost all together in France, and resolved among themselves to return again to Tortuga with the first opportunity should proffer. To this effect, they assisted one another very lovingly with what necessaries they could spare, according to every one's condition : so that in a short while the greatest part of those Pirates had nested themselves again at Tortuga, their common place of rendezvous. Here, some time after, they equipped again a new fleet, to re- venge their former misfortunes on the Spaniards, under the conduct of one Le Sieur Maintenon, a Frenchman by nation. With this fleet he arrived at the Island of Trinidad, situated between the Isle of Tobago and the neighbouring coasts of Paria. This island they sacked, and afterwards put to the ransom of ten thousand pieces of eight. Hence they departed, with design to take and pillage the city of Caracas, situated over against the Island of Curacoa, belonging to the Hollanders. CHAPTER X. A relation of zuhat encounters lately happened at the Islands of Cayajia and Tobago, betiueen the Count de Estres, Admiral of France, in America, a?id the Heer facob Binkes, Vice- Admiral of tJie United Provinces, in the same parts. It is a thing already known to the greatest part of Europe that the Prince of Courland began to establish a colony in the Island of Tobago. As also, that some- while after, his people, for want of timely recruits from their own country, abandoned the said island, leaving it to the first that should come and possess it. Thus it fell into the hands of the Heers Adrian and Cornelius Lamp- sius, natives of the city of Flushing, in the province of Zeeland. For being arrived at the said Island of Tobago, in the year 1654, they undertook to fortify it, by com- mand of their sovereigns, the States-General. Hereupon they built a goodly casde, in a convenient situation, capable of hindering the assaults of any enemies that might enterprize upon the island. The strength of this casde was afterwards sufficiently tried by Monsieur de Estres, as I shall presendy relate, after I have first told you what happened before at Cayana, in the year 1676. This year the States-General of the United Provinces sent their Vice- Admiral, Jacob Binkes, to the Island of Cayana, then in possession of the French, to retake the said island, and hereby restore it to the dominions of the United Provinces aforemen- tioned. With these orders he set forth from Holland. on the 1 6th day of March in the said year, his fleet con- sisting of seven men-of-war, one fireship and five other 2C7 268 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. small vessels of less account. This fleet arrived at Cayana the 4th day of the month of May next following. Immediately after their arrival, the Heer Binkes landed nine hundred men, who, approaching the castle, summoned the Governor to surrender, at their discretion. His answer was : He thought of nothing less than surrender- ing, but that he and his people were resolved to defend themselves, even to the utmost of their endeavours. The Heer Binkes having received this answer, presently commanded his troops to attack the castle on both sides at once. The assault was very furious. But at length, the French being few in number and overwhelmed with the multitude of their enemies, surrendered both their arms and the castle. In it were found thirty-seven pieces of cannon. The Governor, who was named Monsieur Lesi, together with two priests, were sent into Holland. The Heer Binkes lost in the combat fourteen men only, and had twenty two wounded. The King of France no sooner understood this success than he sent in the month of October following the Count de Estres, to retake the said island from the Hollanders. He arrived there in the month of Decem- ber, with a squadron of men-of-war, all very well equipped and provided. Being come on his voyage as far as the river called Aperovaco, he met there with a small vessel of Nantes, which had set forth from the said Island of Cayana but a fortnight before. This ship gave him intelligence of the present state and condition, wherein he miMit be certain to find the Hollanders at Cayana. They told him there were three hundred men in the castle ; that all about it they had fixed strong palisades, or empalements ; and that within the castle were mounted twenty-six pieces of cannon. Monsieur de Estres, being enabled with this intelli- gence to take his own measures, proceeded on his voyage, and arrived at a port of the said island, three leagues distant from the castle. Here he landed eight hundred COUNT DE E STRES. 269 men, whom he divided into two several parties. The one he placed under the conduct of the Count de Blinac, and the other he gave to Monsieur de St. Faucher. On board the fleet he left Monsieur Gabaret, with divers other principal troops, which he thought not fit or necessary to be landed. As soon as the men were set on shore, the fleet weighed anchor, and sailed very slowly towards the castle, while the soldiers marched by land. These could not travel otherwise than by night, by reason of the excessive heat of the sun and intolerable exhalations of the earth, which here is very sulphurous, and consequently no better than a smoky and stinking oven. On the 19th day of the said month the Count de Estres sent Monsieur de Lesi (who had been Governor of the island, as was said before ), demanding of them, to deliver the casde to the obedience of the King, his master, and to him in his sovereign's name. But those who were within resolved not to deliver themselves up, but at the expense of their lives and blood, which answer they sent to Monsieur de Estres. Hereupon the French, the following night, assaulted and stormed the castle on seven several sides thereof all at once. The defendants, having performed their obligation very stoutly, and fought with as much valour as was possible, were as last forced to surrender. Within the castle were found thirty- eight persons dead, besides many others that were wounded. All the prisoners were transported into France, where they were used with great hardship. Monsieur de Estres, having put all things in good order at the Isle of Cayana, departed thence for that of Martinique. Being arrived at the said island, he was told that the Heer Binkes was at that present at the Island of Tobago, and his fleet lay at anchor in the bay. Having received this intelligence. Monsieur de Estres made no long stay there, but set sail again, steering his course directly for Tobago. No sooner was he come 270 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. near the island than Vice-Aclmiral Binkes sent his land- forces, together with a good number of mariners, on shore, to manage and defend the artillery that was there. These forces were commanded by the Captains Van der Graef, Van Dongen and Ciavone, who laboured very hard all that night in raising certain batteries and filling up the palisades, or empalements, of the fortress called Sterreschans. Two days after, the French fleet came to an anchor in the Bay of Palmit, and immediately, with the help of eighteen boats, they landed all their men. The Heer Binkes, perceiving the French to appear upon the hills, gave orders to burn all the houses that were near the castle, to the intent the French might have no place to shelter themselves thereabouts. On the 23rd day of February, Monsieur de Estres sent a drum over to the Hollanders, to demand the surrender of the fort, which was absolutely denied. In this posture of affairs things continued until the 3rd of March. On this day the French fleet came with full sail, and engaged the Dutch fleet. The Heer Binkes presently encountered them, and the dispute was very hot on both sides. In the meanwhile the land-forces belonging to the French being sheltered by the thickness of the woods, advanced to- wards the castle, and began to storm it very briskly, with more than ordinary force, but were repulsed by the Dutch with such vigor as caused them after three distinct attacks to retire, with the loss of above one hundred and fifty men, and two hundred wounded. These they carried off, or rather dragged away, with no small difficulty, by reason of their disorderly retreat. All this while the two fleets continued the combat, and fought very desperately, until on both sides some ships were consumed between Vulcan and Neptune. Of this number was Monsieur de Estres' own ship, mounted with twenty-seven guns of prodigious bigness, besides other pieces of lesser port. The battle continued from FRENCH ENTERPRIZE AGAINST TOBAGO. 271 break of day until the evening. A little before which time, Monsieur de Estres quitted the bay with the rest of his ships, unto the Hollanders, excepting only two, which were stranded under sail, as having gone too high within the port. Finally, the victory remained on the side of the Hollanders, howbeit with the loss of several of their ships that were burnt. Monsieur de Estres finding himself under the shame of the loss of this victory, and that he could expect no advantage for that present, over the Island of Tobago, set sail from those quarters the i8th day of March, and arrived the 21st day of June next following at the port of Brest in France. Having given an account of these transactions to his most Christian Majesty, he was pleased to command him to undertake again the enterprize of Tobago. To this effect, he gave orders for eight great men-of-war to be equipped with all speed, together with eiofht others of smaller account : with all which vessels o he sent again Monsieur de Estres into America the same year. He set sail from the said port of Brest on the 3rcl day of October following, and arrived the ist of Decem- ber at the Island of Barbados. Afterwards, having re- ceived some recruits from the Isle of Martinique, he sent beforehand to review the Island of Tobago, and consider the condition thereof This being done, he weighed anchor and set sail directly for the said island, where he arrived the 7th day of the said month of December with all his fleet. Immediately after his arrival he landed five hundred men, under the conduct of Monsieur de Blinac, Governor of the French islands in America. These were followed soon after by one thousand more. The 9th day of the said month they approached within six hundred paces of a certain post called Le Cort, where they landed all the artillery designed for this enterprize. On the loth day Monsieur de Estres went in person to take a view of the castle, and demanded of the Heer Binkes, by a mes- 272 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. senger, the surrender thereof, which was generously- denied. The next day the French began to advance towards the castle, and on the 12 th of the said month, the Dutch from within began to fire at them with great perseverance. The PVench made a beginning to their attack by casting fire-balls into the castle with main violence. The very third ball that was cast in happened to fall in the path- way that led to the store-house, where the powder and ammunition was kept, belonging to the castle. In this path was much powder scattered up and down, through the negligence of those that carried it to and fro for the necessary supplies of the defendants. By this means the powder took fire in the path, and thence ran in a moment as far as the store- house above mentioned, so that suddenly both the store- house was blown up, and with it Vice-Admiral Binkes himself, then Governor of the island, and all his officers. Only Captain Van Dongen remained alive. This mis- chance being perceived by the French, they instantly ran with five hundred men, and possessed themselves of the castle. Here they found three hundred men alive, whom they took prisoners, and transported into France. Monsieur de Estres after this commanded the castle to be demolished, together with other posts that might serve for any defence, as also all the houses standing upon the island. This being done, he departed thence the 27th day of the said month of December, and arrived again in France, after a prosperous voyage. PART IV. Containing the dangerous voyage and bold assaults OF Captain Bartholomew Sharp and others, performed in the South Sea, for the space of two years, etc. VOL. II. — f' y..- . — «^r- TlleTropickofCanc. -^c5g^.,f^^^\;i Mare Equinoaial C' THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. PART IV. CHAPTER I. Captain Coxon, Saivkins, Sharp and others set forth in a fleet tozvards the province of Darien, upon the co?itinent of America. Their designs to pillage and phinder in those parts. Number of their ships, and strength of their forces by sea and land. At a place called Boca del Toro was the general rendezvous of the fleet, which lately had taken and sacked Porto Bello the second time; that rich place having been taken once before, under the conduct of Sir Henry Morgan, as is related above. At this place also were two other vessels ; the one belonging to Captain Peter Harris, and the other to Captain Richard Sawkins ; both Englishmen and privateers. Here therefore a report was made to the fleet of a peace concluded be- tween the Spaniards and the Indians of the land of Darien, who for the most part wage incessant wars against one another. Also, that since the conclusion of the said peace, they had been already tried, and found very faithful to Captain Bournano, a French commander, in an attempt on a certain place called Chepo, near the South Sea. Further, that the Indians had promised to conduct him to a great and very rich place, named Toca- mora : upon which he had likewise promised them to >76 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. return in three months time with more ships and men. Hereupon we all agreed to go and visit the said place, and thus dispersed ourselves into several coves (by the Spaniards called nlevas, or hollow creeks under the coasts), there to careen and fit our vessels for that pur- pose. In this place, Boca del Toro, we found plenty of fat tortoises, the pleasantest meat in the world. When we had refitted our vessels, we met at an island, called by us the Water-key ; and this was then our strength, as follows : Capta Capta Capta Capta Capta Capta Capta Capta Capta n Coxon in a ship of n Harris n Bournano n Sawkins n Sharp n Cook n Alleston n Row n Macket Tons Guns Men 80 8 97 150 25 107 90 6 S6 16 I 35 25 2 40 35 43 18 24 20 25 14 20 We sailed thence March 23rd, 1679, and in our way touched at the islands called Samballas. These are certain islands reaching eight leagues in extent, and lying fourteen leagues westward of the river of Darien. Being here at anchor, many of the Indians, both men and women, came to see us. Some brought plantains, others other fruits and venison, to exchange with us for beads, needles, knives, or any trifling bauble whereof they stand in need. But what they most chiefly covet are axes and hatchets to fell timber with. The men here go almost naked. They wear as an ornament in their noses a golden or silver plate, in shape like a half- moon, which, when they drink they hold up with one hand, while they lift the cup with the other. They paint themselves sometimes with streaks of black ; as the women do in like manner with red. These have in their noses a pretty thick ring of gold or silver ; and for cloth- THE SAMBALLAS ISLANDS. 277 ing they cover themselves with a blanket. They are generally well-featured women : among them I saw several fairer than the fairest of Europe, with hair like the finest flax. Of these it is reported, they can see far better in the dark than in the light. These Indians misliked our design for Tocamora, and dissuaded us from it, asserting it would prove too tedious a march, and the way so mountainous, and uninhabited that it would be extremely difficult to get provisions for our men. Withal they proffered to guide us, undescried, within a few leagues of the city of Panama, in case we were pleased to go thither ; where we could not choose but ourselves know we should not fail of making a good voyage. Upon these and other reasons which they gave us, we concluded to desist from the journey of Tocamora, and to proceed to Panama. Having taken these reso- lutions. Captain Bournano and Captain Row's vessels separated from us, as being all French, and not willing to go to Panama, they declaring themselves generally against a long march by land. Thus we left them at the Samballas. Thence an Indian captain or chief com- mander, named Androeas, conducted us to another island, called by the English the Golden Island, situated some- what to the westward of the mouth of the great river of Darien. At this island we met, being in all seven sail, on April 3rd, 1680. Here at the Golden Island, the Indians gave us notice of a town called Santa Maria, situated on a great river, which bears the same name, and which runs into the South Sea by the Gulf of San Miguel. In the town was kept a garrison of four hundred soldiers ; and from this place much gold was carried to Panama, which was gathered from the mountains thereabouts. In case we should not find sufficient booty there, we might thence proceed by sea to Panama, where we could not easily fail of our designs. This motion of the Indians we liked so well, that we landed three hundred and thirty-one men, 278 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. on April 5th, 1680, leaving Captains Alleston and Macket with a party of seamen to guard our ships in our absence with which we intended to return home. The men that were landed had each of them three or four cakes of bread (called by the English dough- boys) for their provision of victuals ; and for drink, the rivers afforded enough. At the time of our landing Captain Sharp was very faint and weak, having had a great fit of sickness lately, from which he had scarcely recovered. Our several companies that marched were distinguished as follows. First, Captain Bartholomew Sharp with his company had a red flag, with a bunch of white and green ribbons. The second division led by Captain Richard Sawkins, with his men had a red flag striped with yellow. The third and fourth, led by Captain Peter Harris, had two green flags, his company being divided into two several divisions. The fifth and sixth, led by Captain John Coxon, who had some of Alleston's and Mackett's men joined to his, made two divisions or companies, and had each of them a red flag. The seventh was led by Captain Edmund Cook with red colours striped with yellow, with a hand and sword for his device. All or most of them, were armed with fuzee, pistol and hanger. CHAPTER II. They march tozvards the tozvn of Santa Maria with design to take it. The Indian King of Da^'ien meets them by the %uay. Difficulties of this march, with other occurrences till they arrive at the place. Being landed on the coast of Darien, and divided into companies, as was mentioned in the preceding chapter, we began our march towards Santa Maria, the Indians serving us for guides in that unknown country. Thus we marched at first through a small skirt of a wood, and then over a bay almost a league in length. After that, we went two leagues directly up a woody valley, where we saw here and there an old plantation, and had a very good path to march in. There we came to the side of a river, which in most places was dry, and built us houses, or rather huts, to lodge in. To this place came to us another Indian, who was a chief commander and a man of great parts, named Captain Antonio. This Indian officer encouraged us very much to undertake the journey to Santa Maria, and promised to be our leader, saying he would go along with us now, but that his child lay very sick. However, he was assured it would die by the next day, and then he would most certainly follow and overtake us. Withal, he desired we would not lie in the grass for fear of monstrous adders, which are very frequent in those places. Breaking some of the stones that lay in the river, we found them shine with sparks of gold. These stones are driven down from the neighbouring mountains 2 So THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. in time of floods. This day four of our men tired, and returned to the ships. So we remained in all 327 men, with six Indians to conduct us. That night some showers of rain fell. The next day of our march we mounted a very steep hill, and on the other side at the foot thereof we rested on the bank of a river, which Captain Andrceas told us ran into the South Sea, being the same river on which the town of Santa Maria was situated. Hence we con- tinued our march until noon, and then ascended another mountain very much higher than the former. Here we ran much danger oftentimes and in many places, the mountain being so perpendicular, and the path so narrow, that but one man at a time could pass. We arrived by the dark of the evening to the other side of the moun- tain, and lodged again by the side of the same river, having marched that day, according to our reckoning, about eighteen miles. This night likewise some rain fell. The next morning being April 7th, we marched all along the river aforementioned, crossing it often, almost at every half-mile, sometimes up to the knees and at other times up to the middle, in a very swift current. About noon we came to a place where we found some Indian houses. These were very large and neat : the sides were built with cabbage-trees, and the roofs of wild canes, thatched with palmetto royal, but far neater than ours at Jamaica. They had many divisions into rooms, though no ascent by stairs into chambers. At this place were four of these houses together, that is, within a stone's throw one of another, each of them hav- ing a large plantain walk before it. At the distance of half a mile from this place lived the king or chief captain of these Indians of Darien, who came to visit us in royal robes, with his queen and family. His crown was made of small white reeds, which were curiously woven, having no other top than its lining, which was of red silk. THE INDIANS OF DARIEN. 281 Round about the middle of it was a thin plate of gold, more than two inches broad, laced behind ; whence did stick two or three ostrich feathers. About this plate went also a row of golden beads, which were bigger than ordinary peas ; underneath which the red lining of the crown was seen. In his nose he wore a large plate of gold in the form of a half moon, and in each ear a great golden ring, nearly four inches in diameter, with a round thin plate of gold of the same breadth, having a small hole in the centre, by which it hung to the ring. He was covered with a thin white cotton robe, reaching to the small of his legs, and round its bottom a fringe of the same, three inches deep. So that by the length of this robe, our sight was impeded, that we could see no higher than his naked ankles. In his hand he had a long bright lance, as sharp as any knife. With him he had three sons, each of them having a white robe, and their lances in their hands, but standing bare- headed before him ; as also were eight or nine persons more of his retinue, or guard. His queen wore a red blanket, which was closely girt about her waist, and another that came loosely over her head and shoulders, like our old-fashioned striped hangings. She had a young child in her arms, and two daughters walked by her, both marriageable, with their faces almost covered with stripes or streaks of red, and almost laden about their neck and arms with small beads of several colours. These Indian women of the province of Darien, are generally very free, airy and brisk ; yet withal very modest, and cautious in their husbands' presence, of whose jealousy they stand in fear. With these Indians we made an exchange, or had a truck, as it is called, for knives, pins, needles, or any other such like trifles ; but in our dealing with them we found them to be very cunning. Here we rested ourselves for the space of one day, and withal chose Captain Sawkins to lead the For- lorn, to whom, for that purpose, we gave the choice of 282 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. fourscore men. The king ordered us each man to have three plantanis, with sugar-canes to suck, by way of a present. But when these were consumed, if we could not truck we must have starved, for the king himself did not refuse to deal for his plantains. This sort of fruit is first reduced to mash, then laid between leaves of the same tree, and so used with water ; after which prepara- tion they call it Miscelaw. On April 9th, we continued our march along the banks of the river abovementioned, finding on our way, here and there a house. The owners of the said houses would most commonly stand at the door, and give, as we passed by, to every one of us, either a ripe plantain, or some sweet cassava-root. Some of them would count us by dropping a grain of corn for each man that passed be- fore them ; for they know no greater number, nor can count no farther than twenty. That night we arrived at three great Indian houses, where we took up our lodgings, the weather being clear and serene all night. The next day Captain Sharp, Captain Coxon, and Captain Cook, with about threescore and ten of our men, embarked themselves in fourteen canoes upon the river. to glide down the stream. Among this number I also embarked, and we had in our company our Indian Cap- tain Andrceas, of whom mention was made above, and two Indians more in each canoe, to pilot or guide us down the river. But if we had been tired whilst travel- ling by land before, certainly we were in a worse con- dition now in our canoes. For at the distance of almost every stone's cast, we were constrained to quit and get out of our boats, and haul them over either sands or rocks, and at other times over trees that lay across and filled up the river so that they hindered our navigation ; yea, several times over the very points of land itself. That very night we built ourselves huts for shelter upon the riverside, and rested our wearied limbs until next morning. THE INDIANS SUSPECTED OF TREACHERY. 283 This being come, we prosecuted our journey all day long with the same fatigue and toil, as we had done the day before. At night came a tiger and looked on us for some while, but we did not dare to fire at the animal, fearing we should be descried by the sound of our fuzees ; the Spaniards, as we were told, not being at any great distance from that place. But the next day, which was April 12th, our pain and labour was rather doubled than diminished; not only for the difficulties of the way, which were intolerable, but chiefly for the absence of our main body of men, from whom we had parted the day before. For now hearing no news of them, we grew extremely jealous of the Indians and their councils, suspecting a design of those people thus to divide our forces, and then by cutting us off, to betray us to the Spaniards our implac- able enemies. That night we rested ourselves by build- ing huts, as we had done, and as has been mentioned before. On Tuesday morning, the next ensuing day, we con- tinued our navigation down the river, and arrived at a beachy point of land, at which place another arm joins the same river. Here as we understood, the Indians of Darien did usually rendezvous, whensoever they drew up in a body, with intention to fight their ancient enemies, the Spaniards. Here also we made a halt, or waited for the rest of our forces and company, the Indians having now sent to seek them, as being themselves not a litde concerned at our dissatisfaction and jealousies. In the afternoon our companions came up with us, and were hugely glad to see us, they having been in no less fear for us than we had been at the same time for them. We remained and rested there that night also, with design to fit our arms for action, which now, as we were told, was near at hand. We departed thence early the next morning, which was the last day of our march, having in all now the 284 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. number of threescore and eight canoes, wherein were embarked 327 of us Englishmen, and 50 Indians, who served us for guides. To the point abovementioned the Indians had hitherto guided our canoes with long poles or sticks ; but now we made ourselves oars and paddles to row with, thus to make what speed we could. Thus we rowed with all haste imaginable, and upon the river we happened to meet two or three Indian canoes that were laden with plantains. About midnight we arrived and landed at the distance of half a mile, more or less, from the town of Santa Maria, whither our march was all along intended. The place where we landed was deeply muddy, insomuch that we were constrained to lay our paddles on the mud to wade upon, and withal lift our- selves up by the boughs of the trees to support our bodies from sinking. Afterwards we were forced to cut our way through the woods for some space, where we took up our lodgings for that night, for fear of being discovered by the enemy, to whom we were so near. CHAPTER III. They take the toivn of Santa Maria with no loss of men, and but small booty of what they fought for. Description of the place, country and river adjacent. They resolve to go and plunder for the second time the city of Panama. The next morning, which was Thursday, April 15th, about break of day, we heard from the town a small arm discharged, and after that a drum beating a travailler. With this we were roused from our sleep, and taking up our arms we put ourselves in order and marched towards the town. As soon as we came out of the woods into the open ground, we were descried by the Spaniards, who had received intelligence before-hand of our coming, and were prepared to receive us, having already con- veyed away all their treasure of gold, and sent it to Panama. They ran immediately into a large palisaded fort, having each pale or post twelve feet high, and began to fire very briskly at us as we came. But our vanguard ran up to the place, and pulling down two or three of their palisades, entered the fort incontinently, and made themselves masters thereof. In this action not fifty of our men had come up before the fort was taken, and on our side only two were wounded, and not one killed. Notwithstanding within the place were found two hundred and threescore men, besides which number two hundred others were said to be absent, having gone up into the country to the mines to fetch down gold, or rather to convey away what was already in the town. This golden treasure comes down another a85 286 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. branch of this river to Santa Maria, from the neighbour- ing mountains, where are thought to be the richest mines of the Indies, or, at least, of all these parts of the western world. Of the Spaniards we killed in the assault twenty- six, and wounded to the number of sixteen more. But their governor, their priest, and all, or most of their chief men, made their escape by flight. Having taken the fort, we expected to find here a con- siderable town belonging to it. But it proved to be only some wild houses made of cane, the place being chiefly a garrison designed to keep in subjection the Indians, who bear a mortal hatred towards, and are often apt to rebel against, the Spaniards. But bad as the place was, our fortune was much worse. For we came only three days too late to meet with three hundred weight of gold, which was carried thence to Panama in a bark, that is sent thence twice or thrice every year, to fetch the gold brought to Santa Maria from the moun- tains. This river called by the name of the town, is hereabouts twice as broad as the river Thames at London, and flows above three score miles upwards, rising to the height of two fathom and a half at the town itself. As soon as we had taken the place, the Indians who belonged to our company, and had served us for guides, came up to the town. For whilst they heard the noise of the guns, they were in great consternation, and dared not approach the palisades, but hid themselves closely in a small hollow, so that the bullets, while we were fighting, flew over their heads. Here we found and redeemed the eldest daughter of the King of Darien, of whom we made mention above. She had, as it should seem, been forced away from her father's house by one of the garrison (which rape had hugely incensed him against the Spaniards) and was with child by him. After the fight the Indians destroyed as many of the Spaniards as we had done in the assault, by taking them into the adjoining woods, and there CAPTURE OF SANTA MARIA. SMALL BOOTY. 287 Stabbing them to death with their lances. But so soon as we learnt of this barbarous cruelty, we hindered them from taking any more out of the fort, where we confined them every one prisoners. Captain Sawkins, with a small party of ten more, put himself into a canoe, and went down the river, to pursue and stop, if it were pos- sible, those that had escaped, for they were the chief people of the town and garrison. But now, our great expectations of taking a huge booty of gold at this place being totally vanished, we were unwilling to have come so far for nothing, or to go back empty-handed, es- pecially considering what vast riches were to be had at no great distance. Hereupon, we resolved to go to Panama, which place, if we could take, we were assured we should get treasure enough to satisfy our hungry appetite for gold and riches, that city being the recep- tacle of all the plate, jewels, and gold that is dug out of the mines of all Potosi and Peru. For this purpose therefore, and to please the humours of some of our company, we made choice of Captain Coxon as our general or commander-in-chief. Before our departure, we sent back what small booty we had taken here by some prisoners, under the charge of twelve of our men to convey it to the ships. Thus we prepared to go forward on that dangerous enterprise of Panama. But the Indians who had con- ducted us having got from us what knives, scissors, axes, needles and beads they could, would not stay any longer, but all, or the greater part of them, returned to their home. Which notwithstanding, the king himself, Captain Androeas, Captain Antonio, the king's son, called by the Spaniards Bonete de Oro, or King Golden-cap, as also his kinsman, would not be persuaded by their falling off to leave us, but resolved to go to Panama, out of the desire they had to see that place taken and sacked. Yea, the king promised, if there should be occasion, to join fifty thousand men to our forces. Besides which 288 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. promises, we had also another very considerable encour- agement to undertake this journey. For the Spaniard who had forced away the king's daughter, as was men- tioned above, fearing lest we should leave him to the mercy of the Indians, who would have but little on him, having shown themselves so cruel to the rest of his companions, for the safety of his life had promised to lead us, not only into the town, but even to the very bed- chamber door of the governor of Panama, and that we should take him by the hand and seize both him and the whole city, before we should be discovered by the Spaniards, either before or after our arrival. CHAPTER IV. The Buccaneers leave the town of Santa Maria, and proceed by sea to take Panama. Extreme difficulties, zvith simdry acci- dents and dangers of that voyage. Having been in possession of the town of Santa Maria only the space of two days, we departed thence on Saturday, April 17th, 1680. We all embarked in thirty- five canoes, and a periagua, which we had taken here lying at anchor before the town. Thus we sailed or rather rowed down tlie river in quest of the South Sea, upon which Panama is seated, towards the Gulf of Belona, whereat we were to disembogue into that ocean. Our prisoners, the Spaniards, begged very earnestly that they might be permitted to go with us, and not be left to the mercy of the Indians, who would show them no favour, and whose cruelty they so much feared. But we had much ado to find a sufficient number of boats for ourselves, the Indians that left us having taken with them, either by consent or stealth, so many canoes. Yet notwithstand- ing this they found soon after either bark logs, or old canoes, and by that means shifted so well for their lives, as to come along with us. Before our departure we burnt both the fort, the church and the town, which was done at the request of the king, he being extremely in- censed against it. Among these canoes it was my misfortune to have one that was very heavy, and consequently sluggish. By this means we were left behind the rest a litde way, there being only four men besides myself, that were embarked VOL. II. ^'^ u 290 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. therein. As the tide fell, it left several shoals of sand naked, and hence, we not knowing of the true channel, amongst such a variety of streams, happened to steer with- in a shoal, for above two miles, before we perceived our error. Hereupon, we were forced to lay by until high water came, for to row in such heavy boats against the tide is totally impossible. As soon as the tide began to turn, we rowed away in prosecution of our voyage, and withal made what haste we could, but all our en- deavours were in vain, for we neither could find nor overtake our companions. Thus at about ten o'clock at night, the tide being low, we stuck up an oar in the river, and slept by turns in our canoe, several showers of rain falling all the night long, which pierced us to the skin. But the next morning, no sooner had day come than we rowed away down the river as before, in pursuit of our people. Having gone about the space of two leagues, we were so fortunate as to overtake them. For they had lain that night at an Indian hut, or embarcadero, that is to say landing place, and had been taking in water till then. Being arrived at the place they told us that we must not omit to fill our jars there with water, otherwise we should meet with none in the space of six days' time. Hereupon we went every one of us the distance of a quarter of a mile from the enibarcadej^o, to a little pond, to fill our water in calabashes, making what haste we could back to our canoe. But when we returned, we found not one of our men, they all being departed and already got out of sight. Such is the procedure of these wild men that they care not in the least whom they lose of their company, or leave behind. We were now more troubled in our minds than before, fearing lest we should fall into the same misfortune we had so lately overcome. Hereupon we rowed after them, as fast as we possibly could, but all in vain. For here are found such huge numbers of islands, greater and lesser, as also keys about A SORROWFUL NIGHT. 291 the mouth of the river, that it was not difficult for us, who were unacquainted with the river, to lose ourselves a second time amongst them. Yet notwithstanding, though with much trouble and toil, we found at last that mouth of the river, that is called by the Spaniards Boca chica, or the Little Mouth. But as it happened, it was now young flood, and the stream ran very violently against us ; so that though we were not above a stone's cast from the said mouth, and this was within a league broad, yet we could not by any means come near it. Hence we were forced to put ashore, which we did ac- cordingly, until high-water. We hauled our canoe close by the bushes, and when we got out, we fastened our rope to a tree, which the tide had almost covered, for it flows here nearly four fathom deep. As soon as the tide began to turn, we rowed away from there to an island, distant about a league and a half from the mouth of the river, in the Gulf of San Miguel. Here in the gulf it went very hard with us, whensoever any wave dashed against the sides of our canoe, for it was nearly twenty feet in length, and yet not quite one foot and a half in breadth where it was at the broadest, so that we had only just room enough to sit down in her, and a little water would easily have both filled and over- whelmed us. At the island aforesaid, we took up our resting-place for that night, though it was, from the loss of our company, and the great dangers we were in, the sorrowfullest night that until then, I had ever experienced in my whole life. For it rained impetuously all night long, insomuch that we were wet from head to foot and had not one dry thread about us ; neither, through the violence of the rain, were we able to keep any fire burning where- with to warm or dry ourselves. The tide ebbs here a good half-mile from the mark of high-water, and leaves bare wonderfully high and sharp-pointed rocks. We passed this heavy and tedious night without one minute of sleep, being all very sorrowful to see ourselves so far 292 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and remote from the rest of our companions, as also totally destitute of all human comfort ; for a vast sea surrounded us on one side, and the mighty power of our enemies, the Spaniards, on the other. Neither could we descry at any hand the least thing to relieve us, all that we could see being the wide sea, high mountains and rocks ; while we ourselves were confined to an egg-shell, instead of a boat, without so much as a few clothes to defend us from the injuries of the weather. For at that time none of us had a shoe to our feet. We searched the whole key to see if we could find any water, but found none. CHAPTER V. SJdpivreck of Mr. Ringrose, the author of this narrative. He is taken by the Spaniards and miraculously by them preserved. Several other accidents and disasters zuhich bef el him after the loss of his companions till he found them again. De- scription of the Gulf of Vallona. On Monday, April 19th, at break of day, we hauled our canoe into the water again, and departing from the island aforementioned : wet and cold as we were, we rowed away towards the Punta de San Lorenzo, or Point St. Lawrence. In our way we met with several islands which lie straggling thereabouts. But now we were again so hard put to it, by the smallness of our vessel, and being in an open sea, that it had become the work of one man, yea sometimes of two, to cast out the water, which came in on all sides of our canoe. After struggling for some time with these difficulties, as we came near one of those islands, a heavy sea overturned our boat, by which means we were all forced to swim for our lives. But we soon got to the shore, and to the same place our canoe came tumbling after us. Our arms were very fast lashed to the inside of the boat, and our locks were as well cased and waxed down as was possible ; so were also our cartouche boxes and powder-horns. But all our bread and fresh water was utterly spoilt and lost. Our canoe being tumbled on shore by the force of the waves, our first business was to take out and clear our arms. This we had scarcely done, when we saw another canoe fall into the same misfortune at a little distance to 294 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. leeward of us, amongst a great number of rocks that bounded the island. The persons that were cast away- proved to be six Spaniards of the garrison of Santa Maria, who had found an old canoe, and had followed us to escape the cruelty of the Indians. They presendy came to us, and made us a fire which being done, we got our meat and broiled it on the coals, and all of us ate amicably together. But we stood in great need of water, or other drink to our victuals, not knowing in the least where to get any. Our canoe was thrown up by the waves to the edge of the water, and there was no great fear of its splitting, being full six inches in thick- ness, on the sides thereof. But that in which the Spaniards came, split itself against the rocks, being old and slender, into an hundred pieces. Though we were thus shipwrecked and driven ashore, as I have related, yet otherwise, and at other times, is this Gulf of San Miguel a mere mill-pond for smoothness of water. My company was now altogether for returning, and proceeding no farther, but rather for living amongst the Indians, in case we could not reach the ships we had left behind us in the Northern Sea. But with much ado I prevailed with them to go forward, at least one day longer, and in case we found not our people the next day, that then I would be willing to do anything which they should think fit. Thus we spent two or three hours of the day in consulting about our affairs, and withal keeping a man to watch and look out on all sides, for fear of any surprisal by the Indians, or other enemies. About the time that we were come to a conclusion in our debates, our watchman by chance spied an Indian ; who, as soon as he saw us, ran into the woods. I sent imme- diately two of my company after him, who overtook him, and found that he was one of our friendly Indians. Thus he led them to a place not far distant, where seven more of his company were, with a great canoe which they had brought with them. They came to the place SHIPWRECKED IN THE GULF OF SAN MIGUEL. 295 where I was with the rest of my company, and seemed to be glad to meet us on that island. I asked them by signs for the main body of our company, and they gave me to understand, that if we would go with them in their canoe, which was much bigger than ours, we should be up with the party by the next morning. This news, as may easily be supposed, not a little rejoiced our hearts. Presently after this friendly invitation, they asked who the other six men were, whom they saw in our company, for they easily perceived us not to be all of one and the same coat and lingua. We told them they were Wankers, which is the name they commonly give to the Spaniards in their own language. Their next ques- tion was, if they should kill those Spaniards } but I an- swered them, No, by no means, I would not consent to have it done. With which answer they seemed to be satisfied for the present. But a litde while after, my back being turned, my company thinking that they should thereby oblige the Indians, beckoned to them to kill the Spaniards. With this, the poor creatures per- ceiving the danger that threatened them, made a sad shriek and outcry, and I came in time to save all their lives. But withal, I was forced to give way and consent that they should have one of them for to make their slave. Hereupon I gave the canoe that I came in to the five Spaniards remaining, and bid them get away and shift for their lives, lest those cruel Indians should not keep their word, and they should run the same danger again they had so lately escaped. Having sent them away whilst I rested myself here, I took a survey of this gulf, and the mouth of the river, which I finished the same day, and do here present to the view of the reader. But now, thanks be to God, joining company with those Indians, we got into a very large canoe, which for its bigness, was better able to carry twenty men, than our own that we had brought to carry five. The 296 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Indians had also fitted a very good sail to the said canoe ; so that having now a fresh and strong gale of wind, we set sail from thence, and made therewith brave way, to the infinite joy and comfort of our hearts, seeing ourselves so well accommodated, and so happily rid of the miseries we but lately had endured. We had now a ^nJLj %. 0^1 U^cjcnption op. \aiuL smooth and easy passage, after such tedious and labour- some pains as we had sustained in coming so far since we left Santa Maria. Under the point of St. Lawrence, mentioned above, is a very great rippling of the sea, occasioned by a strong current which runs hereabouts, and which often almost filled our boat with its dashes, as we sailed. This evening, after our departure from the TAKEN BY THE SPANIARDS. 297 island where we were cast away, it rained vehemendy for several hours, and the night proved to be very dark. About nine o'clock that night we descried two fires on the shore of the continent, over against us. These fires were no sooner perceived by the Indians of our canoe, than they began to shout for joy and cry out. Captain Antonio, Captain Androeas, the names of their Indian captains and leaders ; and to affirm they were assured those fires were made by their companions. Hence they made for the shore towards those fires, as fast as they could drive. But so soon as our canoe came among the breakers near the shore, there came out from the woods about threescore Spaniards with clubs and other arms, and laying hold of our canoe on both sides thereof, hauled it out of the water quite dry. So that by this means we were all suddenly taken and made their prisoners. I laid hold of my gun, thinking to make some defence for myself, but all was in vain, for they suddenly seized me between four or five of them and hindered me from action. Meanwhile our Indians leaped overboard, and got away very nimbly into the woods ; my companions standing amazed at what had happened, and the manner of our surprisal. I asked them presently if any of them could speak either French or English ; but they answered, No. Hereupon as well as I could, I discoursed to some of them, who were more intelligent than the rest, in Latin, and by degrees came to understand their condition. These were Spaniards who had been turned ashore here by our English party, who left them upon this coast, lest by carrying them nearer to Panama any of them should make their escape and discover our march towards that city. They had me presendy after I was taken into a small hut which they had built, covered with boughs, and made there great shouts for joy, because they had taken us. designing in their minds to use us very severely for coming into those parts, and especially for taking and plundering their town 298 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of Santa Maria. But while the captain of those Spaniards was examining me, in came the poor Spaniard that was come along with us, and reported how kind I had been to him, and the rest of his companions, by saving their lives from the cruelty of the Indians. The captain having heard him, arose from his seat immediately and embraced me, saying, that we English- men were very friendly enemies, and good people, but that the Indians were very rogues, and a treacherous nation. Withal, he desired me to sit down by him, and to eat part of such victuals as our companions had left them when they were turned ashore. Then he told me, that for the kindness I had showed to his countrymen, he gave us all our lives and liberties, which otherwise he would certainly have taken from us. And though he could scarcely be persuaded in his mind to spare the Indians' lives, yet for my sake he pardoned them all, and I should have them with me in case I could find them. Thus he bid me likewise take my canoe, and go in God's name, saying withal, he wished us as fortunate as we were generous. Hereupon I took my leave of him, after some little stay, though he invited me to tarry all night with him. I searched out, and at last found my Indians, who for fear had hid themselves in the bushes adjoining to the neighbouring woods where they lay con- cealed. Having found them, the captain led me very civilly down to the canoe, and bidding my companions and the Indians get in after me ; as they at first hauled us ashore, so now again they pushed us off to sea, by a sudden and strange vicissitude of fortune. All that night it rained very hard, as was mentioned above ; neither durst we put ashore any more at any place, it being all along such, as by mariners is commonly called an iron coast. The next morning being come, we sailed, and paddled, or rowed, till about ten o'clock. At which time we espied a canoe making towards us with all speed imaginable. THEY FIND THEIR COMPANY AGAIN. 299 Being come up with us, and in view, it proved to be of our own English Company, who mistaking our canoe for a Spanish periagua, was coming in all haste to attack us. We were infinitely glad to meet them, and they presently conducted us to the rest of our company, who were at that instant coming from a deep bay which lay behind a high point of rocks, where they had lain at anchor all that night and morning. We were all mutually rejoiced to see one another again, they having given both me and my companions up for lost. CHAPTER VI. The Buccaneers prosecute their voyage, till they come within sight of Panama. They take several barks a)td prisoners by the way. Are descried by the Spaniards before their arrival. They order the Indians to kill the prisoners. From the place where we rejoined our English forces, we all made our way towards a high hummock of land, as it appeared at a distance, but was nothing else than an island seven leagues distant from the bay afore-men- tioned. On the highest part of this island the Spaniards keep a watch or look-out (for so it is termed by the sea- men) for fear of pirates or other enemies. That evening we arrived at the island, and being landed, went up a very steep place, till we came to a little hut where the watchman lodged. We took by surprisal the old man who watched in the place, but happened not to see us, till we were got into his plantain walk before the lodge. He told us in his examination, that we were not as yet de- scried by the Spaniards of Panama or any others that he knew, which relation of the old fellow much encouraged us to go forwards with our design of surprising that rich city. This place, if I took its name rightly, is called Parol de Plantanos, or in English, Plantain-watch. Here, not long before it was dark that evening, a certain bark came to an anchor at the outward side of the island, which instantly was descried by us. Here- upon we speedily manned out two canoes, who went under the shore and surprised the said boat. Having examined the persons that were on board, we found she THE VOYAGE TO PANAMA PROSECUTED. 301 had been absent the space of eight days from Panama, and had landed soldiers at a point of land not far distant from this island, with intention to fight and curb certain Indians and negroes, who had done much hurt in the country thereabouts. The bark being taken, most of our men endeavoured to get into her, but more especially those who had the lesser canoes. Thus there embarked thereon to the number of one hundred and thirty-seven of our company, together with that sea-artist, and valiant commander, Captain Bartholomew Sharp. With him went also on board Captain Cook, whom we mentioned at the beginning of this history. The remaining part of that night we lay at the quay of the said island, expect- ing to prosecute our voyage the next day. Morning being come, I changed my canoe and em- barked myself on another, which, though it was some- thing lesser than the former, yet was furnished with better company. Departing from the island, we rowed all day long over shoal water, at the distance of about a league from land, having sometimes not above four foot water, and white ground. In the afternoon we descried a bark at sea, and instantly gave her chase. But the canoe wherein was Captain Harris happened to come up the first with her, who after a sharp dispute took her. Being taken, we put on board the said bark thirty men. But the wind would not suffer the other bark, in chasing, to come up with us. This pursuit of the vessel did so far hinder us in our voyage, and divide us asunder, that night soon coming on, we lost one another, and could no longer keep in a body together. Hereupon we laid our canoe ashore, to take up our rest for that night at the distance of two miles, more or less, from high-water mark, and about four leagues to leeward of the island of Chepillo, to which place our course was then directed. The next morning, as soon as the water began to float us, we rowed away for the fore-mentioned island Chepillo, where by assignation our general rendezvous 302 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. was to be. On our way as we went, we spied another bark under sail, as we had done the day before. Captain Coxon's canoe was now the first that came up with this vessel. But a young breeze freshening at that instant, she got away from him after the first onset, killing in the said canoe one Mr. Bull, and wounding two others. We presently conjectured that this bark would get before us to Panama, and give intelligence of our coming to those of the town ; all which happened as we had fore- seen. It was two o'clock in the afternoon before all our canoes could come together, and join one another as it was assigned at Chepillo. We took at that island fourteen prisoners, between Negros and Mulattos ; also great store of plantains and good water, together with two fat hogs. But now believing that ere this we had been already descried at Panama by the bark afore-men- tioned, we resolved among ourselves to waste no time, but to hasten away from the said island, to the intent we might at least be able to surprise and take their shipping, and by that means make ourselves masters of those seas, in case we could not get the town which now we judged almost impossible to be done. At Chepillo we took also a periagua, which we found at anchor before the island, and presently we put some men on board her. Our stay here was only of few hours, so that about four o'clock in the evening, which now was coming on, we rowed away, designing to reach Panama before the next morning, to which place we had now only seven leagues to go, it being no farther distant from Chepillo. But before we departed from the said island, it was judged convenient by our commanders, for certain reasons which I could not dive into, to rid their hands of the prisoners which we had taken. And hereupon orders were given unto our Indians, who they knew would perform them very willingly, to fight, or rather to murder and slay the said prisoners upon the shore, and that in view of the whole fleet. This they instantly went about to do, being glad ORDERS TO KILL THE PRISONERS. 303 of this opportunity to revenge their hatred against their enemies, though in cold blood. But the prisoners, although they had no arms wherewith to defend them- selves, forced their way through those barbarous Indians, in spite of their lances, bows and arrows, and got into the woods of the island, only one man of them being killed. We rowed all night long, though many showers of rain ceased not to fall. CHAPTER VII. They arrive tvithin sight of Panama. A re encountered by three small men-of-iuar. They fight them with only sixty-eight men, and bitterly defeat them, taking two of the said vessels. Description of that bloody fight. They take several ships at the Isle of Perico before Panama. The next morning, which was on April 23rd, 1680, that day being dedicated to St. George, our Patron of Eneland, we came before sunrise within view of the city of Panama, which makes a pleasant show to the vessels that are at sea from off the shore. Soon after we saw also the ships belonging to the said city which lay at anchor at an island called Perico, distant only two leagues from Panama. On the aforesaid island are to be seen several storehouses which are built there, to receive the goods delivered out of the ships. At that time there rode at anchor at Perico five great ships, and three pretty big barks, called Barcos de la Armadilla, or litde men- of-war ; the word Armadilla signifying a Litlle Fleet. These had been suddenly manned with design to fight us, and prevent any further attempts we should make upon the city or coasts of those seas. As soon as they spied us, they instantly weighed anchor, and got under sail, coming directly to meet us whom they expected very shordy, according to the intelligence they had received of our coming. Our two periaguas being heavy could not row so fast as we that were in the canoes, and hence we were got pretty far before them. In our five canoes (for so many we were now in company) we had 304 PREPARATIONS FOR THE ENGAGEMENT. 305 only thirty-six men, in a very unfit condition to fight, being tired with so much rowing, and so few in number, in comparison with the enemy that came against us. They sailed towards us direcdy before the wind, inso- much that we feared lest they should run us down before it. Hereupon we rowed up into the wind's eye, as the seamen term it, and got close to windward of them. While we were doing this, our lesser periaguas, in which were thirty-two or more of our company, came up with us. So that we were in all sixty-eight ^ men that were engaged in the fight of that day, the king himself, who was in the periagua aforementioned, being one of our number. In the vessel that was admiral of these three small men-of-war, were fourscore and six Biscayners, who have the repute of being the best mariners, and also the best soldiers amongst the Spaniards. These were all volunteers, who came designedly to show their valour, under the command of Don Jacinto de Barahona, who was High Admiral of those seas. In the second were seventy-seven negroes, who were commanded by an old and stout Spaniard, a native of Andalusia in Spain, named Don Francisco de Peralta. In the third and last were sixty-five Mestizos, or Mulattos, or Tawnymores, commanded by Don Diego de Carabaxal. So that in all they made the number of two hundred and twenty- eight men. The commanders had strict orders given them, and their resolution was to give quarter to none of the pirates or buccaneers. But such bloody commands as these seldom or never do happen to prosper. 1 There seems to be some confusion as to the number of buccaneers who took part in this action. Ringrose no doubt states accurately the number of canoes and men engaged, but fails to account for the absence of the greater portion. On April 14th the numbers are precisely stated as three hundred and twenty-seven English and fifty Indians, yet on the 23rd only sixty-eight men are said to have joined in the engage- ment with the Spaniards. Another account gives the force of the pirates as a little under two hundred. It is evident that Sharp and his company were absent, for they are described as being away in the bark in search of water, rejoining on the 25th. VOL. II. X 3o6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. The canoe of Captain Sawkins, and also that wherein I was, were much to leeward of the rest. So that the ship of Don Diego de Carabaxal came between us two, and fired presently on me to windward, and on him to leeward, wounding with these broadsides, four men in his canoe, and one in that I was in ; but he paid so dear for his passage between us, that he was not very quick in coming about again and making the same way. For we killed with our first volley of shot, several of his men upon the decks. Thus we also got to windward, as the rest were before. At this time the Admiral of the Armadilla, or Little Fleet, came up with us suddenly, scarce giving us time to charge, and thinking to pass by us all, with as litde or less damage as the first of his ships had done. But as it happened it fell out much worse with him, for we were so fortunate as to kill the man at the helm, so that his ship ran into the wind, and her sails lay a-back, as is usually said in marinery. By this means we had time to come all up under his stern, and firing continually into his vessel, we killed as many as came to the helm, besides which slaughter we cut asunder his main sheet and brace with our shot. At this time the third vessel, in which Captain Peralta was, was coming up to the aid of their general. Hereupon Cap- tain Sawkins, who had changed his canoe, and was gone into the periagua, left the Admiral to us four canoes (for his own was quite disabled) and met the said Peralta. Between him and Captain Sawkins the dispute, or fight, was very hot, lying board on board together, and both giving and receiving death unto each other as fast as they could charge. While we were thus engaged, the first ship tacked about, and came up to relieve the Admiral. But we perceiving that, and foreseeing how hard it would o-o with us if we should be beaten from the Admiral's stern, determined to prevent his design. Hereupon tw^o of our canoes, to wit, Captain Springer's and my own, stood off to meet him. He made up directly towards THE ENGAGEMENT. 307 the Admiral, who stood upon the quarter-deck, waving to him with a handkerchief so to do. But we engaged him so closely, in the middle of his way, that had he not given us the helm, and made away from us, we had certainly been on board him. We killed so many of them, that the vessel had scarce men enough left alive, or unwounded, to carry her off Yet the wind now blowing fresh, they made shift to get away from us, and hereby saved their lives. The vessel which was to relieve the Admiral being thus put to flight, we came about again upon the Admiral, and all together gave a loud halloo, which was answered by our men in the periagua, though at a dis- tance from us. At that time we came so close under the stern of the Admiral, that we wedged up the rudder; and withal, killed both the Admiral himself and the chief pilot of his ship, so that now they were almost quite disabled and disheartened likewise, seeing what a bloody massacre we had made among them with our shot. Hereupon, two-thirds of their men being killed, and many others wounded, they cried for quarter, which had several times been offered unto them, and as stoutly denied until then. Captain Coxon entered on board the Admiral, and took with him Captain Harris, who had been shot through both his legs, as he boldly adventured up along the side of the ship. This vessel being thus taken, we put on board her also all the rest of our wounded men, and instandy manned two of our canoes to go and aid Captain Sawkins, who now had been three times beaten from on board by Peralta, such valiant de- fence had he made. And indeed, to give our enemies their due, no men in the world did ever act more bravely than these Spaniards. Thus coming up close under Peralta's side, we gave him a full volley of shot, and expected to have the like return from him again, but on a sudden we saw his men blown up, that were abaft the mast ; some of them 3o8 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. falline on the deck, and others into the sea. This dis- aster was no sooner perceived by their valiant Captain Peralta, than he leaped overboard, and in spite of all our shot, got several of them into the ship again, though he was much burnt in both his hands himself. But as one misfortune seldom comes alone, whilst he was recover- ing these men to reinforce his ship withal, and renew the fight, another jar of powder took fire forward, and blew up several others upon the forecasde. Among this smoke, and under cover thereof. Captain Sawkins laid them on board and took the ship. Soon after they were taken, I went on board Captain Peralta, to see what con- dition they were in, and indeed such a miserable sight I never saw in my life, for not one man there was found, but was either killed, desperately wounded, or horribly burnt with powder, insomuch, that their black skins were turned white in several places, the powder having torn it from their flesh and bones. Having compas- sionated their misery, I went afterwards on board the Admiral, to observe likewise the condition of his ship and men. Here I saw what did much astonish me, and will scarcely be believed by others than ourselves who saw it. There were found on board this ship but twenty-five men alive, whose number before the fight had been fourscore and six, as was said above. So that threescore and one, out of so small a number, were destroyed in the batde. But what is more, of these twenty-five men only eight were able to bear arms, all the rest being desperately wounded, and by their wounds totally disabled to make any resistance, or defend them- selves. Their blood ran down the decks in whole streams, and scarce one place in the ship was found that was free from blood. Having possessed ourselves of these two Armadilla vessels, or little luen-of-wai', Captain Sawkins asked the prisoners how many men there might be on board the greatest ship that we could see, lying in the harbour SUCCESSFUL END OF THE ENGAGEMENT. 309 of the island of Perlco above-mentioned, as also in the others that were something smaller. Captain Peralta hearing these questions, dissuaded him as much as he could from attempting them, saying that in the biggest alone there were three hundred and fifty men, and that he would find the rest too well provided for defence against his small number. But one of his men, who lay a-dying upon the deck, contradicted him as he was speaking, and told Captain Sawkins there was not one man on board any of those ships that were in view ; for they had all been taken out of them to fight us in these three vessels called the Armadilla, or Little Fleet. To this relation we gave credit, as proceeding from a dying man ; and steering our course to the island, we went on board them, and found, as he had said, not one person there. The biggest ship of these, which was called La Santissima Trinidad, or the Blessed Trinity, they had set on fire, made a hole in her, and loosened her foresail, but we quenched the fire with all speed, and stopped the leak. This being done, we put our wounded men on board her, and thus constituted her for the time being our hospital. Having surveyed our own loss and damages, we found that eighteen of our men had been killed in the fight, and twenty-two were wounded. These three captains against whom we fought, were esteemed by the Spaniards to be the valiantest in all the South Seas. Neither was this reputation undeservedly conferred upon them, as may easily be inferred from the relation we have given of this bloody engagement. As the third ship was running away from the fight, she met with two more that were coming out to their assistance, but gave them so little encouragement that they returned back, and dared not engage us. We began the fight about half an hour after sunrise, and by noon had finished the batde, and quite overcome them. Captain Peralta, while he was our prisoner, would often break out in admiration of our 3IO THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. valour, and say, " Surely we Englishmen were the valiantest men in the whole world, who designed always to fight open, whilst all other nations invented all the ways imaginable to barricade themselves, and fight as close as they could." And yet, notwithstanding, we killed more of our enemies than they of us. Two days after our engagement, we buried Captain Peter Harris, a brave and stout soldier, and a valiant Englishman, born in the county of Kent, whose death we very much lamented. He died of the wounds he received in the battle, and besides him only one man more ; all the rest of our wounded men recovered. Being now come before Panama, I here inquired of Don Francisco de Peralta, our prisoner, many things concern- ing the state and condition of this city, and the neigh- bouring country, and he satisfied me in manner following. CHAPTER VUL Description of the state and condition of Panama, and the parts adjacent. What vessels they took while they blocked 7ip the said Port. Captain Coxon with seventy more returns home. Satvkins is chosen in chief The famous city of Panama Is situated in the latitude of nine degrees north. It stands in a deep bay, belonging to the South Sea. It is in form round, excepting only that part where it runs along the sea-side. Formerly it stood four miles more to the east, when it was taken by Sir Henry Morgan, as is related in the " History of the Buccaneers." But then being burnt, and three times more since that time by casualty, they removed it to the place where it now stands. Yet notwithstanding, there are some poor people still inhabiting the old town, and the cathedral church is still kept there, the beautiful building whereof makes a fair show at a distance, like that of St. Paul's in London. This new city of which I now speak, is much bigger than the old one, and is built for the most part of brick, the rest being of stone, and tiled. As for the churches belonging thereto, they are not as yet finished. These are eight in number, whereof the chief is called Santa Maria. The extent of the city comprehends better than a mile and a half in length, and above a mile in breadth. The houses for the most part are three stories in height. It is well walled round about, with two gates belonging thereto, excepting only where a creek comes into the city, the which at hiirh-water lets in barks, to furnish the inhabi- tants with all sorts of provisions and other necessaries. 312 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Here are always three hundred of the King's soldiers to garrison the city ; besides which number, their militia, of all colours, are one thousand one hundred. But at the time that we arrived there, most of their soldiers were out of town, insomuch, that our coming put the rest into great consternation, they having had but one night's notice of our being in those seas. Hence we were induced to believe, that had we gone ashore, instead of fighting their ships, we had certainly rendered our- selves masters of the place ; especially considering, that all their chief men were on board the Admiral ; I mean, such as were undoubtedly the best soldiers. Round about the city, for the space of seven leagues, more or less, all the adjacent country is Savanna, as they call it in the Spanish language, that is to say, plain and level ground, as smooth as a sheet, for this is the signification of the word Savanna. Only here and there is to be seen a small spot of woody land, and everywhere this level ground is full of vacadas or beef stations^ where whole droves of cows and oxen are kept, which serve as well as so many look-outs or watch towers, to descry if an enemy is approaching by land. The ground whereon the city stands, is very damp and moist, which renders the place of bad repute for the concern of health. The water is also very full of worms, and these are much pre- judicial to shipping ; which is the cause that the King's ships lie always at Lima, the capital city of Peru, unless when they come down to Panama to bring the King's plate, which is only at such times as the fleet of galleons comes from Old Spain to fetch and convey it thither. Here in one night after our arrival, we found worms of three-quarters of an inch in length, both in our bed- clothes and other apparel. At the Island of Perico above-mentioned we seized in all five ships ; of these, the first and biggest was named, 1 The word in the text is stantions, evidently the Spanish word estancia. The Australian term station has been substituted. RETIREMENT OF CAPTAIN COX ON. 313 as was said before, the Trinidad, and was a great ship, of the burden of four hundred tons. Her lading consisted of wine, sugar, sweetmeats (whereof the Spaniards in those hot countries make infinite use), skins, and soap. The second ship was of about three hundred tons burden, and not above half laden with bars of iron, which is one of the richest commodities that are brought into the South Sea. This vessel we burnt with the lading in her, because the Spaniards pretended not to want that commodity, and therefore would not redeem it. The third was laden with sugar, being of the burden of one hundred and fourscore tons, more or less. This vessel was given to be under the command of Captain Cook. The fourth was an old ship of sixty tons burden, which was laden with flour of meal. This ship we likewise burnt with her lading ; esteeming both bottom and cargo, at that time, to be useless to us. The fifth was a ship of fifty tons, which, with a periagua, Captain Coxon took along with him when he left us. Within two or three days after our arrival at Panama, Captain Coxon being much dissatisfied with some reflec- tions which had been made upon him by our company, determined to leave us, and return back to our ships in the Northern Seas, by the same way he came thither. Unto this effect, he persuaded several of our company, who sided most with him, and had had the chief hand in his election, to fall off from us, and bear him company in his journey or march, overland. The main cause of those reflections was his backwardness in the last engage- ment with the Armadilla, concerning which point some sticked not to defame, or brand, him with the note of cowardice. He drew off with him threescore and ten of our men, who all returned back with him in the ship and periagua above-mentioned, towards the mouth of the river of Santa Maria. In his company also went back the Indian King, Captain Antonio, and Don Androeas, who, being old, desired to be excused from staying any 314 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. longer with us. However, the Kingf desired we would not be less vigorous in annoying their enemy and ours, the Spaniards, than if he were personally present with us. And to the intent we might see how faithfully he intended to deal with us, he at the same time recom- mended both his son and nephew to the care of Captain Sawkins, who was now our newly-chosen General or Commander-in-Chief, in the absence of Captain Sharp. The two Amiiadilla ships which we took in the en- gagement we burnt also, saving no other thing of them both but their rigging and sails. With them also we burnt a small bark, which came into the port laden with fowls and poultry. On Sunday, which was April 25th, Captain Sharp with his bark and company came in and joined us again. His absence was occasioned by want of water, which forced him to bear up to the King's Islands. Being there, he found a new bark, which he at once took, and burnt his old one. This vessel did sail excellently well. Within a day or two after the arrival of Captain Sharp, came in likewise the people of Captain Harris, who were still absent. These had also taken another bark, and cut down the masts of their old one by the board, and thus without masts or sails turned away the prisoners they had taken in her. The next day we took in like manner another bark, which arrived from Nata, being laden with fowls, as before. In this bark we turned away all the meanest of the prisoners we had on board us. Having continued before Panama for the space of ten days, being employed in the affairs afore-mentioned, on May 2nd we weighed from the Island of Perico, and stood off to another island, distant two leagues farther from thence, called Tavoga. On this island stands a town which bears the same name, and consists of a hundred houses, more or less. The people of the town had all fled on seeing our vessels arrive. While we were THE ISLAND OF TAVOGA. 31S here, some of our men being drunk on shore, happened to set fire to one of the houses, the which consumed twelve houses more before any could get ashore to quench it. To this island came several Spanish merchants from Panama, and sold us what commodities we needed, buying also of us much of the goods we had taken in their own vessels. They gave us likewise two hundred pieces of eight for each negro we could spare them, of such as were our prisoners. From this island we could easily see all the vessels that went out, or came into the Port of Panama ; and here we took likewise several barks that were laden with fowls. Eight days after our arrival at Tavoga, we took a ship that was coming from Truxillo, and bound for Panama. In this vessel we found two thousand jars of wine, fifty jars of gunpowder, and fifty-one thousand pieces of eight. This money had been sent from that city, to pay the soldiers belonging to the garrison of Panama. From the said prize we had information given us, that there was another ship coming from Lima with one hundred thou- sand pieces of eight more ; which ship was to sail ten or twelve days after them, and which they said could not be long before she arrived at Panama. Within two days after this intelligence we took also another ship laden with flour from Truxillo, belonging to certain Indians, inhabitants of the same place, or thereabouts. This prize confirmed what the first had told us of that rich ship, and said, as the others had done before, that she would be there in the space of eight or ten days. Whilst we lay at Tavoga, the president, that is to say, the Governor of Panama, sent a message by some mer- chants to us, to know what we came for into those parts. To this message Captain Sawkins made answer, "That we came to assist the King of Darien, who was the true Lord of Panama and all the country thereabouts. And that since we were come so far, there was no reason but that we should have some satisfaction. So that if he 3i6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. pleased to send us five hundred pieces of eight for each man, and one thousand for each commander, and not any farther to annoy the Indians, but suffer them to use their own power and Hberty, as became the true and natural lords of the country, that then we would desist from all further hostilities, and go away peaceably ; otherwise that we should stay there, and get what we could, causing to them what damage was possible." By the merchants also that went and came to Panama, we understood, there lived then as Bishop of Panama one who had been formerly Bishop of Santa Martha, and who was prisoner to Captain Sawkins, when he took the said place about four or five years past. The Captain having received this intelligence, sent two loaves of sugar to the bishop as a present. On the next day the merchant who carried them, returning to Tavoga, brought to the Captain a gold ring for a retaliation of said present. And withal, he brought a message to Captain Sawkins from the President above-mentioned, to know farther of him, since we were Englishmen, "from whom we had our commission, and to whom he ought to complain for the damages we had already done them "^ " To this message Captain Sawkins sent back for answer, "That as yet all his company were not come together; but that when they w^ere come up we would come and visit him at Panama, and bring our commissions on the muzzles of our guns, at which time he should read them as plain as the flame of gunpowder could make them." At this Island of Tavoga, Captain Sawkins would fain have stayed longer, to wait for the rich ship above-men- tioned, that was coming from Peru ; but our men were so importunate for fresh victuals, that no reason could rule them, nor their own interest persuade them to any- thing that might conduce to this purpose. Hereupon, on May 15th we weighed anchor, and sailed thence to the Island of Otoque, Being arrived there, we lay by it while our boat went ashore and fetched off fowls THE BAY OF PANAMA. 317 and hogs and other things necessary for sustenance. Here at Otoque I finished a draught, from point Gara- chine, to the bay of Panama, etc. Of this I may dare to affirm, that it is in general more correct and true than any the Spaniards have themselves, for which cause I have here inserted it, for the satisfaction of those that are curious in such things. From Otoque we sailed to the island of Cayboa, which is a place very famous for the pearl fishery thereabouts, and is at the distance of eight leagues from another place called Puebla Nueva, on the mainland. In our way to this island we lost two of our barks, the one whereof had fifteen men in her, and the other seven. Being arrived, we cast anchor at the said island. S*f7darzA 2e Kjjo^ cf Janarrza ana iniis cjT^aJ/o ^. Cxclit J^> -I P» CHAPTER IX. Captain Sawkins, chief commander of the Buccaneers, is killed before Puebla Nueva. They are repulsed from the said place. Captain Sharp chosen to be their leader. Many more of their company leave them and return home overland. While we lay at anchor before Cayboa, our two chief commanders, Captain Sawkins and Captain Sharp, taking with them threescore men, more or less, went in the ship of Captain Cook to the mouth of the river where Puebla Nueva is situated. The day of this action, as I fmd it quoted in my journal, was May 22nd, 1679. When they came to the river's mouth, they put themselves into canoes, and were piloted up the river towards the town by a negro, who was one of our prisoners. I was chosen to be concerned in this action, but happened not to land, being commanded to remain in Captain Cook's ship while they went up to assault the town. But here at Puebla Nueva the inhabitants were too well prepared for the reception of our party, for at the distance of a mile below the town, they had cut down great trees, and laid them across the river, with design to hinder the ascent of any boats. In like manner on shore before the town itself, they had raised three strong breastworks, and made other things for their defence. Here therefore Captain Sawkins running up to the breastworks at the head of a few men was killed ; a man who was as valiant and courageous as any could be, and likewise next to Captain Sharp, the best beloved of all our company, or the most part thereof. Neither was this love undeserved by him, for we ought justly to attribute to him the 31S THE BUCCANEERS REPULSED FROM PUEBLA NUEVA. 319 greatest honour we gained in our engagement before Panama, with the Spanish Arjnadilla, or Little Fleet, especially, considering that as has been said above. Captain Sharp was by accident absent at the time of that great and bloody fight. We that remained behind on board the ship of Captain Cook carried her within the mouth of the river of Puebla Nueva, and entered close by the east shore, which here is crowned with a round hill. Here within two stone's cast of shore, we had four fathom water. Within the point opens a very large and fine river, which falls from a sandy bay, at a small distance from thence. But as we were getting in, being strangers to the place, we unwit- tingly ran our ship aground, nigh to a rock which lies on the westward shore : for the true channel of the said river is nearer to the east than the west shore. With Captain Sawkins, in the unfortunate assault of this place, there died two men more, and three were wounded in the retreat, which they performed to the canoes in pretty good order. On their way down the river. Captain Sharp took a ship, whose lading consisted of indigo, otto, manteca, or butter, and pitch, and likewise burnt two vessels more, as being of no value. With this he returned on board our ships, much troubled in his mind, and grieved for the loss of so bold and brave a partner in his adven- tures as Sawkins had constantly shown himself to be. His death was much lamented, and occasioned another party of our men to mutiny, and leave us, returning overland, as Captain Coxon and his company had done before. Three days after the death of Captain Sawkins, Captain Sharp, who was now Commander-in-Chief, gave the ship which he had taken in the river of Puebla Nueva, which was of the burden of one hundred tons, more or less, to Captain Cook, to command and sail in. Order- ing withal that the old vessel which he had, should go with those men that designed to leave us ; their mutiny 320 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and our distraction being now grown very high. Here- upon Captain Sharp coming on board La Trinidad, the greatest of our ships, asked our men in full council, who of them were willing to go or stay, and prosecute the design Captain Sawkins had undertaken, which was to remain in the South Sea, and there to make a complete voyage ; after which, he intended to go home round about America, through the Straits of Magellan. He added withal, that he did not as yet fear, or doubt in the least, but to make each man who should stay with him, worth one thousand pounds, by the fruits he hoped to reap of that voyage. All those who had remained after the de- parture of Captain Coxon, for love of Captain Sawkins, and only to be in his company and under his conduct, thinking thereby to make their fortunes, would stay no longer, but pressed to depart. xA.mong this number I acknowledge myself to have been one, being totally desirous in my mind, to quit those hazardous adventures, and return homewards with those who were now oroinof to leave us. Yet being much afraid and averse to trust myself among wild Indians any farther, I chose rather to stay, though unwilling, and venture on that long and dangerous voyage. Besides which danger of the Indians, I considered that the rains were now already up, and it would be hard passing so many gullies, which of necessity would then be full of water, and consequently create more than one single peril to the undertakers of that journey. Yet notwithstanding, sixty-three men of our company were resolved to encounter all these hard- ships, and to depart from us. Hereunto they took their leave of us, and returned homewards, taking with them the Indian king's son, and the rest of the Indians for their guides overland.^ They had, as was said above, ^ There is again much want of precision in reckoning the number of buccaneers who finally stayed with Captain Sharp. Ringrose does not give the figures, but from another account it would appear that one hundred and forty-six in all remained to accompany Sharp in his voyage. TORTOISES. RED DEER. ALLIGATORS. 321 the ship wherein Captain Cook sailed to carry them, and out of our provisions as much as would serve for treble their number. Thus on the last clay of May they departed, leaving us employed about taking in water and cutting down wood at the island of Cayboa afore-mentioned, where this mutiny happened. Here we caught very good tortoises and red deer. We killed also alligators of a very large size, some of them being above twenty feet in length. But we could not find but that they were very fearful of a man, and would fly from us very hastily when we hunted them. This island lies S.S.E. from the mouth of the river above-mentioned. On the south-east side of the island is a shoal or spit of sand, which stretches itself the space of a quarter of a league into the sea. Here therefore, just within this shoal, we anchored in fourteen fathom water. The island on this side thereof makes two great bays, in the first of which we watered, at a certain pond not distant above the cast of a stone from the bay. In this pond, as I was washing myself, and standing under a mancanilla tree, a small shower of rain happened to fall on the tree, and from thence dropped on my skin. These drops caused me to break out all over my body into red spots, of which I was not well for the space of a week after. Here I ate very large oysters, the biggest that ever I ate in my life, insomuch that I was forced to cut them into four pieces, each quarter of them being a good mouthful. Three days after the departure of the mutineers. Cap- tain Sharp ordered us to burn the ship that they hitherto had sailed in, only out of design to make use of the iron- work belonging to the said vessel. Withal, we put all the Hour that was her lading into the last prize, taken in the river of Puebla Nueva, and Captain Cook, as was said before, was ordered to command her. But the men belonging to his company would not sail any longer under his command. Hereupon he quitted his vessel VOL. II. Y 322 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and came on board our Admiral, the great ship above- mentioned, called La Trinidad, determining to rule over such unruly company no longer. In his place was put one, whose name was John Cox, an inhabitant of New England, who forced kindred, as was thought, upon Captain Sharp, out of old acquaintance, in this conjunc- ture of time, only to advance himself. Thus he was made, as it were, Vice-Admiral to Captain Sharp. The next day three of our prisoners, viz. an Indian, who was Captain of a ship, and two mulattos, ran away from us, and made their escape. After this it was thought convenient to send Captain Peralta prisoner in the Admiral, on board the ship of Mr. Cox. This was done to the intent he might not hinder the endeavours of Captain Juan, who was commander of the money-ship we took, as was mentioned at the island of Tavoga. For this man had now promised to do great things for us, by piloting and conducting us to several places of great riches, but more especially to Guayaquil, where he said we might lay down our silver, and lade our vessels with gold. This design was undertaken by Captain Sawkins, and had not the head-strongness of his men brought him to the island of Cayboa, where he lost his life, he had certainly effected it before now. That night we had such thunder and lightning as I never had heard before in all my life. Our prisoners told us that in these parts it very often causes great damages both by sea and land. And my opinion led me to believe that our mainmast received some damage on this occasion. The rainy season being now entered, the wind for the most part was at N.W. though not without some calms. CHAPTER X. They depart from the Island of Cayboa to the Isle of Gorgona, where they careen their vessels. Description of this Isle. They resolve to go and plunder Arica, leaving their design of Guayaquil. Having got in all things necessary for navigation, we were now in readiness to depart, on Sunday, June 6th, 1680. That day some rain fell, which now was very frequent in all places. About five o'clock in the even- ing we set sail from the island of Cayboa, with a small breeze, the wind being at S.S.W. Our course was E.S. by E. and S.E. having all night a very small, or lltde wind. The same calmness of weather continued all the next day, insomuch, that we lay and drove only as the current horsed us to N.W. Litde better than a calm we had also the third day of our navigation. Meanwhile a current drove us to the westward. About sunrising we descried Ouicara, which at that time bore N.W. by W. from us at the distance of five leagues, more or less. With the rising of the sun an easy gale of wind sprung up, so that at noon we had altered our bearing, which was then N. by E. being six leagues distant, and appearing thus, as is underneath demonstrated. QUICARA. Lat. 7 Deg. 4°. N. 324 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. These are two several islands, whereof the least is to the southward of the other. The land is a low table land these islands being more than three leagues in length. About six o'clock that evening, we were nigh ten leagues distant W.S.W. from them. Much like the former weather we had the fourth day of our sailing, with little wind in the forenoon, and rather less than more in the afternoon. I judged about the middle of the day, we were at the distance of twenty leagues S.S.W. from the said islands. Thursday, June loth, we had very small and variable winds. This day I reckoned that we had made hitherto a S. by E. way, and a S. by W. from our departure ; being driven by a current, according to the observation I made, into lat. 6° 30". This day we saw many tortoises floating upon the sea. Hereupon we hoisted out our boat, and came to one of them, who offered not to stir until she was struck, and even then not to sink to the bottom, but rather to swim away. The sea hereabouts is very full of several sorts of fish, as dolphins, bonitos, albicores, mullets, and old wives, etc., which came swimming about our ship in whole shoals. The next day, which was Friday, we had like- wise very little wind, which was no more than we had all Thursday night, with some showers of rain. That day we had an observation which was lat. 6° N. In the evening a fresh wind came up at S.W., our course being S.S.E. On Saturday we had in like manner, about seven in the morningf, a fresh breeze at S. So we stood W.S.W. with cloudy weather, and several showers of rain. This day our Spanish prisoners informed us we must not expect any settled wind until we came within the latitude of three degrees, for all along the western shore of these seas there is little wind, which is the cause that those ships that go from Acapulco to the islands called de las Philipinas, do coast along the shore of California, until they get into the height of forty-five de- DOLPHIN AND ALBICORE FISHING. 325 grees, yea, sometimes of fifty degrees latitude. As the wind varied, so we tacked several times, thereby to make the best of our way that was possible to the southward. As our prisoners had informed us, so we found it by experience. For on the next day, which was Sunday, June 13th, we had very little wind, and most commonly none, for the space of twenty-four hours. That day we tried the current of the sea, and found it very strong to the eastward. The same day we had much rain, and in the afternoon a small breeze at W., and W.S.W., but mosdy at W. Yet notwithstanding all this calmness of weather, the next day in the morning very early, by a sudden gale of wind which arose, we made shift to split our main top-sail. We had all the night before and that day, continual and incessant showers of rain, and made a S.W. and by S. way ; seeing all along as we went a multitude of dolphins, bonitos, and several other sorts of fish floating upon the seas, whereof in the afternoon we caught many, the weather being now changed from stormy to calm again ; insomuch that we could fish as we sailed along, or rather as we lay tumbling in the calm. Tuesday, June 15th, the morning continued calm as the clay before ; and this day also we saw multitudes of fish of several sorts, whereof we caught some for our table as we were wont to do. By an observation which was made this day, we found ourselves to be now in lat. 4° 21'. At this time the course of our navigation and our whole design, was to go and careen our vessels at the islands commonly called by the Spaniards, de los Galapagos, that is to say, of the Tortoises, being so de- nominated from the infinite number of those animals swarminor and breedins: thereabouts. These islands are situated under the equinoctical line, at the distance of a hundred leagues more or less from the main continent of o , America, in the South Sea. In the afternoon of this day we had a small breeze to push us forwards. June 1 6th being Wednesday, we made our way this 326 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. day, and for the four and twenty hours last past, E.S.E. with much rain, which ceased not to fall, as in all this voyage, since our departure from Cayboa. This day likewise we caught several dolphins, and other sorts of fish, but in the evening we had again a fresh breeze at S. by W. our course being, as was just now said, E.S.E. The next day, which was June 17th, about five in the morning, we descried land, which appeared all along to be very low, and likewise full of creeks and bays. We instantly asked our pilot what land that was before us .'^ but he replied, he knew it not. Hereupon, being doubt- ful of our condition, we called Mr. Cox on board us, who brought Captain Peralta with him. This gentleman being asked, presently told us the land we saw was the land of Barbacoa, being almost a wild country all over. Withal, he informed us, that to leeward of us, at the dis- tance of ten leagues, or thereabouts, did lie an island called by the name of Gorgona, the which island, he said, the Spaniards did shun, and very seldom come nigh to, by reason of the incessant and continual rains there fall- ing, scarce one day in the year being dry at that place. Captain Sharp having heard this information of Captain Peralta, judged the said island might be the fittest place for our company to careen at, considering, that if the Spaniards did not frequent it, we might in all probabi- lity lie there undescried, and our enemies the Spaniards, in the meantime might think, that we were gone out of those seas. At this time it was, that I seriously repented my staying in the South Seas, and that I did not return homewards in company of them that went before us. For I knew, and could easily perceive, that by these delays the Spaniards would gain time and be able to send advice of our coming to every port all along the coast, so that we should be prevented in all, or most of our attempts and designs wheresoever we came. But those of our company, who had got money by the former prizes of this voyage, over swayed the others who had lost all THE ISLAND OF GORGONA. 327 their booty at gaming. Thus we bore away for the island aforesaid of Gorgona, and at the distance of six leagues and a half, at S.W.I, observed it to make the appearance following. GORGONA. Lat. i. o^ N, On the mainland over against this island of Gorgona, we were told by our prisoners, that up a great laguna, or lake, is seated an Indian town, where they have great quantity of sand grains of gold. Moreover, that five days' journey up a river, belonging to the said laguna, do dwell four Spanish superintendents, who have each of them the charge of overseeing fifty or sixty Indians, who are employed in gathering that gold which slips from the chief collectors, or finders thereof. These are at least threescore and ten, or fourscore Spaniards, with a great number of slaves belonging to them, who dwell higher up than these four superintendents, at a distance of twenty-five or thirty days' journey on the said river. That once every year, at a certain season, there comes a vessel from Lima, the capital city of Peru, to fetch the gold that here is gathered, and to bring to these people such necessaries as they want. By land it is nothing less than six weeks travel from thence to Lima. The mainland to windward of this island is very low, and full of rivers. All along the coast it rains most desperately. The island is only four leagues distant from the continent. While we lay at it, I took the whole circumference thereof, which is according to what is here underneath described. 52S THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. ; •^•'-•vi^^s^i'^^^''^^ 'or^ona or CaJ: hfuzrpc^ Jjle .•♦?? ^y^y ^W Captain Sharp gave to this island the name of Sharp's Isle, by reason we careened at this place. We anchored on the south side of the island, at the mouth of a very fine river, which there disgorges itself into the sea. There belong to this island about thirty rivers and rivu- lets, which all fall from the rocks on the several sides of the island. The whole circumference thereof is about three leagues and a half, being all high and mountainous land, excepting only on that side where we cast anchor. Here therefore we moored our ship in the depth of eighteen or twenty fathom water, and begun to unrig the vessel. But we were four or five days space before we could get our sails dry, so as to be able to take them from the yards, there falling a shower of rain almost every hour of the day and night. The mainland to the east of the island, and so stretching northward, is extremely high A LARGE SNAKE. WHALES. GRAMPUSES. 329 and towering, and perpetually clouded, excepting only at the rising of the sun, at which time the tops of those hills are clear. From the south side of this island where we anchored, as was said above, we could see the low- land of the main, at least a point thereof which lies nearest to the island. The appearance it makes, is as it were of trees growing out of the water. Friday, July 2nd, as we were heaving down our ship, our mainmast happened to crack. Hereupon our carpenters were constrained to cut out large fishes, and fish it, as the usual terms of that art do name the thing. On the next day after the mischance of our main- mast, we killed a snake which had fourteen inches in circumference, and eleven feet in length. About the distance of a league from this island runs a ledge of rocks, over which the water continually breaks ; the ledge being about two miles, more or less in length. Had we anchored but half a mile more northerly, we had ridden in much smoother water ; for here where we were, the wind came in upon us in violent gusts. While we were there, from June 30th to July 3rd, we had dry weather, which was esteemed as a rarity by the Spaniards, our prisoners. And every day we saw whales and gram- puses, who would often come and drive under our ship. We fired at them several times, but our bullets rebounded from their bodies. Our choice and best provisions here, were Indian conies, monkeys, snakes, oysters, conchs, periwinkles, and a few small turtle, with some other sorts of good fish. Here in like manner we caught a sloth, a beast well deserving that name, given it by the Span- iards, by whom it is called pcrcza. from the Latin word pigritia. At this island died Josephe Gabriel, a Spaniard, born in Chili, who was to have been our pilot to Panama. He was the same man who had stolen and married the Indian king's daughter, as was mentioned above. He had all along been very true and faithful to us, in dis- 330 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. covering several plots and conspiracies among our pris- oners, either to get away or destroy us. His death was occasioned by a calenture, or malignant fever, which killed him after three days' sickness, having lain two days senseless. During the time of our stay at this is- land, we lengthened our topsails, and got up topgallant masts ; we made two staysails, and refitted our ship very well. But we wanted provisions extremely, as having nothing considerable of any sort, but flour and water. Being almost ready to depart, Captain Sharp, our com- mander, gave us to understand he had changed his reso- lution concerning the design of going to Guayaquil, for he thought it would be in vain to go thither considering that in all this time we must of necessity have been des- cried before now. Yet notwithstanding he himself before had persuaded us to stay. Being very doubtful among ourselves what course we should take, a certain old man, who had long time sailed among the Spaniards, told us he could carry us to a place called Arica, to which town, he said, all the plate was brought down from Potosi, Chiquisaca, and several other places within the land, where it was dug out of the mountains and mines, and that he doubted not, but that we might get there of purchase at least two thousand pounds every man. For all the plate of the South Sea lay there, as it were, in store, being deposited at the said place until such time as the ships did fetch it away. Being moved with these reasons, and having deliberated thereupon, we resolved in the end to go to the said place. At this island of Gorgona afore- mentioned, we likewise took down our round-house coach, and all the high carved work belonging to the stern of the ship, for when we took her from the Spaniards before Panama, she was high as any third-rate ship in England. CHAPTER XL Tlie Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Gorgona, zvith design to plunder Arica. They lose one another by the way. They touch at the Isle of Plate, or Drake s Isle, where they meet again. Description of this Isle. Some memoirs of Sir Francis Drake. An account of this voyage, and the coasts all along. They sail as far in a fortnight, as the Spaniards visually do in three months. On Sunday, July 25th, in the afternoon, all things being now in readiness for our departure, we set sail, and stood away from the island of Gorgona, or Sharp's Isle, with a small breeze which served us at N.W. But as the sun went down that day, so our breeze died away by degrees. Yet already we could begin to experiment, that our ship sailed much better, since the taking down of her round house, and the other alterations which we made in her. The next day about two o'clock in the morning we had a land breeze to help us, which lasted for the space of six hours, more or less. So that at noon we found ourselves to be five leagues and a half distant to the south west from Gorgona. This day the Spaniards, our prisoners, told us, in common discourse, that in most part of this lowland coast they find threescore fathom water. In the afternoon we had a very strong land breeze : mean- while we continued making short trips off and in. That night we had much rain for the greatest part of the night, which occasioned the next morning, being the third day of our navigation, to be very cloudy until ten o'clock. About that hour it cleared up, and then we saw the island of Gorgona at E.N.E. being distant about twelve leagues more or less from us. We had the wind all this 332 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. day at S.W. where it continued, seldom varying above two points of the compass to the westwards. Night being come, about two o'clock, Captain Sharp ordered me to speak to Captain Cox, and bid him go about and stand off from the shore, for he feared less Cox should come too nigh to it. But he replied, he knew well that he might stand in until two o'clock. The next day very early in the morning, we saw him not, the morning being cloudy and stark calm. Yet notwithstanding at eight o'clock it cleared up, and neither then could we see him. Hence we concluded, and so it proved, that we had lost him in the obscurity of the night, through his obstinacy in standing in too long, and not coming about when we spoke to him. Thus our Admiral's ship was left alone, and we had not the company of Captain Cox any longer in this voyage, till we arrived at the Isle of Plate, where we had the good fortune to find him again, as shall be mentioned hereafter. The weather being clear this morning, we could see Gorgona, at a distance of at least fifteen or sixteen leagues to the E.N.E. All this day it continued calm, till about four in the afternoon, at which time we had a W.S.W. wind, which continued to blow all that night Thursday, July 29th, 1679. This day the wind con- tinued pretty fresh all day long. About four in the after- noon we came within sight of the island del Gallo, which I guessed to be nigh twenty-eight leagues distant from that of Gorgona, the place of our departure S.W. It is about nine leagues distant E. from the main. So that the island with the mainland S.W. from it appears thus. GALLO. Lat. 2. 12. N. All this day the weather continued clear, and the wind W.S.W. GORGONILLA. GALLO. 333 The next day, July 30th, the wind blew very fresh and brisk ; insomuch, that we were in some fear for the heads of our low masts, being very sensible that they were but weak. About three or four in the after- noon, we saw another island, six or seven leagues dis- tant from Gallo, called Gorgonilla. At E. by S. from us it made the appearance which I have here adjoined. All the mainland hereabouts lies very low and flat, and is in very many places overflowed and drowned every high-water. GORGONILLA. On Saturday July 31st in the morning, the island del Gallo, at E.N.E. being distant about eight leagues, gave us this appearance. GALLO, Another Prospect thereof. The point of Mangroves is a low and level point, run- ning out S.S.W. This day, and the night before it, we lost by our computation three leagues of our way, which I believe happened because we stood out too far from the land, having stood off all night long. August I St, which was Sunday, we had a very fresh wind at W.S.W. This was joined also with several small showers of rain which fell that day. In the mean- while we got pretty well to windward with it, by making small trips to and fro, which we performed most com- monly, by standing in three glasses, and as many out. 334 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. The next day, August 2nd, in the morning, we came up into the highland of Santiago, where begins the highland of this coast. We kept at the distance of ten leagues from it, making continual short trips, as was mentioned before. The next day likewise we continued to do the same. But the weather was cloudy, and for the most part full of rain. Wednesday, August 4th, we continued still turning in the wind's eye, as we had done for two days before. This day in the afternoon we discovered three hills at E.N.E. of our ship. These hills make the land of San Matteo, which gives this following appearance : SAN MATTEO. All the coast along hereabouts is highland. That evening also we saw the cape of San Francisco. At first this cape appeared like two several islands. But two hours after, at the distance of twelve leagues, at S. by W. it looked thus. CAPE OF SAN FRANCISCO. Thursday, August 5 th, we being then about the cape, it looked very like to Beachy Head in England. It is full of white cliffs on all sides. The land turns off here to E. of S., and makes a large and deep bay, the circum- ference whereof is full of pleasant hills. In the bight of CAPE PAS SA O. 335 the bay are two high and rocky islands, which represent exactly two ships with their sails full. We were now come out of the rainy countries, into a pleasant and fair region, where we had for the most part a clear sky, and dry weather. Only now and then we could here find a small mist, which soon would vanish away. In the meanwhile, every night a great dew used to fall, which supplied the defect of rain. The two next days following, we continued plying to windward with fair weather, nothing else remarkable happening in them which might deserve any notice to be taken thereof On Sunday, August 8th, w^e came close under a wild and mountainous country. This day likewise we saw Cape Passao, at the distance of ten leagues more or less to windward of us. Ever since we came on this side Mangrove point, we had observed a windward current did run all along as we sailed. Under shore the land is full of white cliffs and groves, lower towards the pitch of the cape. The next day we had both a fair day and a fresh wind to help us on our voyage. We observed that Cape Passao makes three points, between which are two bays. The leeward-most of the two, is of the length of three leagues, and the other of four. Adjoining to the bays is seen a pleasant valley. Our prisoners informed us, that northward of these capes live certain Indians, who sell maize, and other provisions to any ships that happen to come in there. The Cape itself is a continuous cliff, covered with several sorts of shrubs and low bushes. Under these cliffs lies a sandy bay of the depth of forty feet. The Spaniards say, that the wind is always here between the S.S.W. and W.S.W. The cape represents with much likeliness the brow of an alligator or cay- man. At S. Cape Passao appears thus : 336 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. CAPE PASS A O. Lat. i. 30. S. Tuesday, August loth. This morning the sky was so thick and hazy, that we could not see the highland ; though it were just before us, and not altogether two leagues distant from us. But as soon as it cleared up, we stood in towards the land, until we came within a mile of the shore. Here having sounded, we found seven fathom and a half of water, under which was a light and clayey ground. The coast all along is very mountainous, and likewise full of high and towering cliffs. When we sounded, the tide was almost at low-water. Here it ebbs and flows nearly four fathom perpendicular. From this cape the land runs along S.E. for the space of three or four leagues, with huge highland cliffs, like those of Calais over against England. Being past this cape, the highland S. from us is Cape St. Lawrence. August nth, we found ourselves N.N.W. from Monte de Christo, a very high and round hill. Thence to wind- ward is seen a very pleasant country, with spots here and there of woody land ; which causes the country all over, to look like so many enclosures of ripe cornfields. To leeward of the said hill, the land is all high and hilly, with white cliffs at the sea-side. The coast runs S.W. till it reaches to a point of land, within which is the port of Manta, as it is called. This port of Manta is nothing else than a settlement of Spaniards and Indians together where ships that want provisions call in, and are furnished with several necessaries. About six or seven leagues to windward of this port is Cape St. Lawrence, butting out into the sea, being in form like the top of a MONTE DE CHRIST O. CAPE ST. LAWRENCE. 337 church. Monte de Christo gives this appearance at sea : MONTE DE CHRISTO. Lat. 50. S. The cape rises higher and higher from the port of Manta. As we sailed along we saw multitudes of gram- puses every day ; also water-snakes of divers colours. Both the Spaniards and Indians are very fearful of these snakes, believing there is no cure for their bitings. At the distance of eight leagues, or thereabouts, to leeward of Cape St. Lawrence, it appears thus : CAPE ST. LAWRENCE. Lat. 55. S. This day before night we came within sight of Manta. Here we saw the houses of the town belonging to the port, which were not above twenty or thirty Indian houses, lying under the windward and the mount. We were not willing to be descried by the inhabitants of the said place, and stood off to sea again. On Thursday, August 12th, in the morning, we saw the island of Plate at S.W. at the distance of five leagues more or less. It appeared to us to be an even land. Having made this island, we resolved to go thither and re- fit our rigging, and get some goats which there run wild up and down the country. For, as was said before, at this time we had no other provision than flour and water, VOL, II. z 338 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. The island itself is indifferent highland and off at sea looks thus, as is here described : ISLE OF PLATE. Lat. 2. 42. S. But the highland of Cape Passao, of which we have spoken before, at the distance of fifteen leagues to N., gives in several hummocks this appearance : HIGHLAND OF CAFE FASSAO. 12 The land of Cape St. Lawrence is all white cliffs ; the head of the cape running N. and S. This day several great whales came up to us, and dived under our ship. One of these whales followed our ship, from two in the afternoon till dark night. The next morning very early, at about six o'clock, we came under the aforesaid Isle of Plate, and here unex- pectedly, to our great joy, we found at anchor the ship of Captain Cox, with his whole company, whom we had lost at sea for the space of a whole fortnight before. We found they had reached this island, and had been there at anchor four days before us, being now just ready to depart thence. At about seven we came to anchor, and then the other vessel sent us a live tortoise, and a goat to feast upon that day, telling us withal, of great store of tortoises to be found ashore upon the bays, and of much fish to be caught hereabouts. The island is very steep on all sides, insomuch, that there is landing only on the N.E. side thereof, where is a gully, nigh to which we anchored in twelve fathom water. Here at the dis- THE ISLE OF PLATE, OR DRAKE'S ISLE. 339 tance of a furlong, or little more from the shore as you go to land, you will see on the left hill a cross still stand- ing, there erected in former times. No trees are to be found on the whole island, but only low shrubs, on which the goats feed, which cattle is here very numerous. The shore is bold and hard, neither is there any water to be found upon it, excepting only on the S.W. side of the island, where It cannot be come at, lying so much enclosed by the rocks, and too great a sea hindering the approach to it in boats. This Island received its name from Sir Francis Drake and his famous actions, for here it is reported by tradition that he made the dividend, or sharing of that quantity of plate which he took in the Artnada of this sea, distribut- ing it to each man of his company by whole bowls full. The Spaniards affirm to this day that he took at that time twelve score tons of plate, and sixteen bowls of coined money a man, his number then being forty-five men in all. Insomuch that they were forced to heave much of it overboard, because his ship could not carry It all. Hence was this island called by the Spaniards them- selves the Isle of Plate, from this great dividend, and by us Drake's Isle. All along as we sailed, we found the Spanish pilots to be very Ignorant of the coasts. But they plead thus much for their ignorance, that the merchants, their employers, either of Mexico, Lima, Panama, or other parts, will not entrust one penny worth of goods on that man's vessel that corks her, for fear she should miscarry. Here our prisoners told us likewise, that In the time of Oliver Cromwell, or the commonwealth of England, a certain ship was fitted out of Lima with seventy brass guns, having on board her no less than thirty millions of dollars, or pieces of eight, all which vast sum of money was given by the merchants of Lima, and sent as a present to our gracious king (or rather his father) who now relgneth, to supply him in his exile and distress, but that this great 340 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and rich ship was lost by keeping along the shore in the Bay of Manta above-mentioned, or thereabouts. What truth there may be in this history, I cannot easily tell, at least, it seems to me as scarce deserving any credit. At this island we took out of Mr. Cox's ship the old Moor (for of that nation he was), who pretended he would be our pilot to Arica. This was done, lest we should have the misfortune of losing the company of Cox's vessel, as we had done before, our ship being the biggest in burden, and having the greatest number of men. Captain Peralta admired oftentimes that we were got so far to windward in so little space of time ; whereas they had been, he said, many times three or four months in reaching to this distance from our departure. Their long and tedious voyages, he added, were occa- sioned by their keeping at too great a distance from the shore. Moreover, he told us, that had we gone to the islands of Galapagos, as we were once determined to do, we had met in that voyage with many calms, and such currents, that many ships have by them been lost and never heard of to this day. This island of Plate is about two leagues in length, and very full of both deep and dangerous bays, as also such as we call gullies in these parts. The circumference and description of the said island is exactly thus : We caught at this island and salted, good number of COATS AND TORTOISEF. 341 ,2^oats and tortoises. One man standing here on a litde bay in one day turned seventeen tortoises ; besides which number our mosquito strikers brought us in several more. Captain Sharp, our commander, showed himself very in- genious in striking them, he performing it as well as the tortoise strikers themselves. For these creatures here are so litde fearful, that they offer not to sink from the fisher- men, but lie still until such time as they are struck. But we found that the tortoises on this side were not so large, nor so sweet to the taste, as those on the north side of the island. Of goats we have taken, killed, and salted, above a hundred in a day, and that without any labour. While we stayed here, we made a square maintopsail yard. We cut also six feet off our bowsprit, and three feet more off our head. Most of the time that w^e remained here, we had hazy weather. Only now and then the sun would happen to break out, and then to shine so hot that it burnt the skin off the necks of several of our men. As for me, my lips were burnt in such a manner that they were not well in a whole week afterwards. CHAPTER XII. Captain Sharp and his company depart from the hie of Plate, in prosecution of their voyage toiuards Arica. They take tivo Spanish vessels by the zuay, and learn intelligence from the enemy. Eight of their company destroyed at the Isle of Gallo. Tediotisness of this voyage, and great hardships they endtired. Description of the coast all along, and their sailings. Having taken in at the Isle of Plate what provisions and other necessaries we could get, we set sail thence on Tuesday, August 17th, 1679, in prosecution of our voyage and designs above-mentioned, to take and plunder the vasdy rich town of Arica. This day we sailed so well, and the same we did for several others afterwards, that we were forced to lie by several times, besides reefing our topsails, to keep our other ship company, lest we should lose her again. The next morning about break of day, we found our- selves to be at the distance of seven or eight leagues to the westward of the island whence we had departed, standing W. by S. with a S. by W. wind. About noon that day we had laid the land. After dinner the wind came at S.S.W. at which time we were forced to stay more than once for the other vessel belonging to our company. On the following day we continued in like manner a west course all the day long. Sometimes this day the wind would change, but then in a quarter of an hour it would return to S.S.W. again. Hereabouts where we now were, we observed great ripplings of the sea. August 20th, yesterday in the afternoon about six o'clock, we stood in S.E., but all night and all this day, DEPARTURE FROM THE ISLE OF PLATE. 343 we had very small winds. We found still that we gained very much on the small ship, which did not a little both perplex and hinder us in our course. The next day likewise we stood in S.E. by S. though with very little wind, which sometimes varied, as was men- tioned above. That day I finished two quadrants, each of which were two feet and a half radius. Here we had in like manner, as has been mentioned on other days of our sailings, very many dolphins, and other sorts of fish swimming about our ship. On the morning following, we saw again the island of Plate at N.E. of our ship, giving us this appearance at that distance of prospect : ISLE OF PLATE. The same day at the distance of six leagues more or less from the said island, we saw another island, called Solango. This isle lies close in by' the mainland. In the evening we observed it to bear E.N.E. from us. Our course was S.E. by S. and the wind at S.W. by S. This day likewise we found that our lesser ship was still a great hindrance to our sailing, being forced to lie by, and stay for her two or three hours every day. We found likewise, that the farther from shore we were, the less wind we had all along, and that under the shore we were always sure of a fresh gale, though not so favour- able to us as we could wish it to be. Hitherto we had used to stand off forty leagues, and yet notwithstand- ing, in the space of six days, we had not got above ten leagues on our voyage, from the place of our departure. August 23rd, this day the wind was S.W. by S. and . / S.S.W. In the morning we stood off. The island of Solango, at N.E. by N. appears thus: 344 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. ISLE OF SOLANGO. t4 At S. by W. and about six leagues distance from us, we descried a long and even hill. I took it to be an island, and conjectured it might be at least eight leagues distant from the continent. But afterwards we found it was a point of land joining to the main, and is called Point St. Helena, being continued by a piece of land which lies low, and in several places is almost drowned from sight, so that it cannot be seen at two leagues distance. In this lowland the Spaniards have conveni- ences for making pitch, tar, salt, and some other things, for which purpose they have several houses here, and a friar, who serves them as their chaplain. From the island of Solango, to this place, are reckoned eleven leagues, more or less. The land is hereabouts in- different high, and is likewise full of bays. We had this day very litde wind to help us in our voyage, excepting what blasts came now and then in snatches. These sometimes would prove pretty fair to us, and allow us for some litde while a south course. But our chief course was S.E. by S. The point of St. Helena at S. half E., and at about six leagues distance, gives exactly this appearance as follows : PUNTA DE SANTA HELENA. Here we found no great current of the sea to move anyway. At the isle of Plata, afore described, the sea ebbs and flows nearly thirteen feet perpendicular. About four leagues to leeward of this point is a deep bay, having a key at the mouth of it, which takes up the SAINT HELENA. 345 better part of its width. In the deepest part of the bay on shore, we saw a great smoke, which was at a village belonging to the bay, to which place the people were removed from the point above-mentioned. This after- noon we had a small westerly wind, our course being S.S.W. Hereabouts it is all along a very bold shore. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we tacked about to clear the point. Being now a little way without the point, we spied a sail, which we conceived to be a bark. Hereupon we hoisted out our canoe, and sent in pursuit of her, which made direcdy for the shore. But the sail proved to be nothing else than a pair of bark-logs,^ which arriving on shore, the men spread their sail on the sand of the bay to dry. At the same time there came down on the shore an Indian on horseback, who hallooed to our canoe, which had followed the logs. But our men fearing to discover who we were, in case they went too near the shore, left the design and returned back to us. In these parts the Indians have no canoes, nor any wood indeed that may be thought fit to make them of. Had we been descried by these poor people, they would in all probability have been very fearful of us. But they offered not to stir, which gave us to under- stand they knew us not. We could perceive from the ship a great path leading to the hills, so that we be- lieved this place to be a look-out, or watch-place, for the security of Guayaquil. Between four and five we doubled the point, and then we descried the Point Chandy, at the distance of six leagues S.S.E. from this point. At first sight it seemed like to a long island, but withal, lower than that of St. Helena. Tuesday, August 24th, at noon we took the other ship, wherein Captain Cox sailed in tow, she being every day 1 This is no doubt the native craft Balsa still used in the vicinity. It is a raft bearing one or two large sails and provided with sliding keels in the shape of large planks drawn up or let down according to circum- stances. Perhaps the earliest example of the use of sliding keels. 346 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. a greater hindrance than before to our voyage. Thus, about three in the afternoon we lost sight of land, in standing over for Cape Blanco. Here we found a strong current to move to the S.W. The wind was at S.W. by S., our course being S. by E. At the upper end of this gulf, which is framed by the two capes aforemen- tioned, stands the city of Guayaquil, being a very rich place, and the emba7'cadei'o or sea-port to the great city of Quito. To this place likewise, many of the merchants of Lima do usually send the money they design for Old Spain in barks, and by that means save the custom that otherwise they would pay to the king by carrying it on board the fleet. Hither comes much gold from Quito, and very good and strong broadcloth, together with images for the use of the churches, and several other things of considerable value. But more especially cacao-nut, whereof chocolate is made, which is supposed here to be the best in the whole universe. The town of Guayaquil consists of about one hundred and fifty great houses, and twice as many little ones. This was the town to which Captain Sawkins intended to make his voyage, as was mentioned above. When ships of greater burden come into this gulf, they anchor out- side Lapina, and then put their lading into lesser vessels to carry it to the town. Towards the evening of this day, a small breeze sprang up, varying from point to point, after which, about nine o'clock at night, we tacked about, and stood off to sea, W. by N. As soon as we had tacked, we happened' to spy a sail N.N.E. from us. Hereupon we instantly cast off our other vessel which we had in tow, and stood round about after them. We came very near to the vessel before the people saw us, by reason of the darkness of the night. As soon as they spied us, they immediately clapped on a wind, and sailed very well before us ; inso- much, that it was a pretty while before we could come up with them, and within call. We hailed them in CAPTURE OF A SPANISH BARK. 347 Spanish, by means of an Indian prisoner, and commanded them to lower their top-sails. They answered they would soon make us to lower our own. Hereupon, we fired several guns at them, and they as thick at us again with their Harquebuses. Thus they fought us for the space of half an hour or more, and would have done it longer, had we not killed the man at the helm, after which, none of the rest dared to be so hardy as to take his place- With another of our shot we cut in pieces and disabled their main-top halliards. Hereupon they cried out for quarter, which we gave them, and entered their ship. Being possessed of the vessel, we found in her five and thirty men, of which number twenty-four were natives of \ Old Spain. They had one and thirty fire-arms on board j the ship, for their defence. They had only fought us,_y^ as they declared afterwards, out of bravado, having promised on shore so to do, in case they met us at sea. The captain of this vessel was a person of quality, and his brother, since the death of Don Jacinto de Barabona. killed by us in the engagement before Panama, was now made admiral of the sea armada. With him we took also in this bark, five or six other persons of quality. They did us in this fight, though short, very great damage in our rigging, by cutting it in pieces, besides which, they wounded two of our men, and a third man was wounded by the negligence of one of our own men, occasioned by a pistol which went off unadvisedly. About eleven o'clock this night we stood off to the west. The next morning about break of day, we hoisted out our canoe, and went aboard the bark which we had taken the night before. We transported on board our own ship more of the prisoners taken in the said vessel, and began to examine them, to learn what intelligence we could from them. The captain of the vessel, who was a very civil and meek gentleman, satisfied our desires in this point very exactly, saying to us : Gentlemen, I am now your prisoner at war by the over-7'uling providence 348 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. of fortune ; and moreover, am very zuell satisfied that no money whatsoever can procure my ransom, at least f or the present at yonr hands. Hence I am persuaded, it 2S not my interest to tell you a lie, which if I do, I desire you to punish me as severely as you shall think fit. We heard of your taking and destroying our Armadilla, and other ships at Panama, about six zueeks after that engagement, by two several barks which andved here from thence. But they could not inform 7is zvhether you designed to come any farther to the southivard ; but rather, desired we would send them speedily all the help by sea that lue could. Here- upon, we sejit the noise and rumottr of your being in these seas, by land to Lima, desiring they woidd expedite what succours they could send to join with ours. We had at that time in our harbour two or three great ships, but all of them very unfit to sail. For this 7'eason at Lima, the Viceroy of Peru pressed three gi^eat me7'chant ships, into the biggest of which he put fourteen brass guns, into the second, ten, and in the other, six. To these he added two barks, and put seven htmdred and fifty soldiers on board them all. Of this number of men they landed eight- score at Point St. Helena ; all the rest being cari'ied down to Panama, with design to fight you there. Besides these forces, two other men of war, bigger than the afore-men- tioned, are still lying at Lima, and fitting out there in all speed to follow and pursue you. One of these men of war is equipped zuith thirty-six brass guns, and the other with thirty. These ships, beside their complement of seamen, have four hundred soldiers added to them by the Viceroy. Another man of war belonging to this number, and lesser tha7t the afore-mentioned, is called the Patache. This ship consists of twenty-four guns, and zvas sent to Arica to fetch the King s plate thence. But the Viceroy, having received intelligence of your exploits at Panama, sent for this ship back from thence with such haste, that they came away and left the money behind them. Hence the Patache nozv lies at the Port of Callao, ready to sail on the first THE SPANISH CAPTAIN'S RELATION. 349 occasion, or news of yoitr arrival thereabouts, they havino- for this purpose sent to all parts very strict oi'ders to keep a good look-out on all sides, and all places along the coasts. Since this, from Manta, they sent ns zvord that they had seeii two ships at sea pass by that place. And from the Goat Key also we heard that the Indians had seen yon, and that they were assured, one of your vessels zvas the ship called la Trinidad, which you had taken before Panajna, as being a ship very zuell knozun in these seas. Hence lue concluded that yotir design was to ply, and make your voyage thereabouts. Nozu this bark, wherein you took ns prisoners, being bound for Panama, the Governor of Guayaquil sent us out before her departiLre , if possible, to discover you, which if we did, we were to run the bark on shore and get azuay, or else to fight yoic zuith these soldiers and firearms that you see. As soon as zve heard of your being in these seas, we built tzuo forts, the one of six guns, arid the other of four, for the defence of the tozun. At the last muster taken in the tozun of Guayaquil zve had the?'e eight hundred and fifty men, of all colours ; but when we came out, zve left only two hundred men that were actually imder arms. Thus ended the relation of that worthy gentleman. About noon that day we un- rigged the bark which we had taken, and after so doing sunk her. Then we stood S.S.E., and afterwards S. by W. and S.S.W. That evening we saw point St. Helena at N. half E., at the distance of nine leagues, more or less. The next day, being August 26th, in the morning we stood S. That day we cried out all cur pillage, and found that it amounted to 3,276 pieces of eight, which was accordingly divided by shares amongst us. We also punished a friar, who was chaplain to the bark afore-men- tioned, and shot him upon the deck, casting him over- board before he was dead. Such cruelties, though I abhorred very much in my heart, yet here was I forced to hold my tongue and contradict them not, as having not authority to oversway them. At ten o'clock this 350 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. morning we saw land again, and the pilot said we were sixteen leagues to leeward of Cabo Blanco. Hereupon we stood off, and on, close under the shore, which all appeared to be barren land. The morning following we had very little wind, so that we advanced but slowly all that day. To windward of us we could perceive the continent to be all high land, being whitish clay, full of white cliffs. This morning, in common discourse, our prisoners confessed to us, and acknowledged the destruction of one of our little barks, which we lost on our way to the Island of Cay boa. They stood away, as it appeared by their information, for the Goat Key, thinking to find us there, as having heard Captain Sawkins say that he would go thither. On their way they happened to fall in with the island of Gallo, and understanding its weakness by their Indian pilot, they ventured on shore, and took the place, carrying away three white women in their company. But after a small time of cruising, they returned again to the afore- said island, where they stayed two or three days, after which they went out to sea again. Within three or four days they came to a little key four leagues distant from this isle. But whilst they had been out and in thus several times, one of their prisoners made his escape to the mainland, and brought off thence fifty men with fire- arms. These, placing themselves in ambush, at the first volley killed six of the seven men that belonged to the bark. The other man that was left, took quarter of the enemy, and he it was that discovered to them our design upon the town of Guayaquil. By an observation which we made this day, we found ourselves to be in lat. 3° 50". At this time, our prisoners told us, there was an embargo laid on all the Spanish ships, command- ing them not to stir out of the ports, for fear of their falling into our hands at sea. Saturday, August 28th. This morning we took out all the water, and most part of the flour that was in CAPE BLANCO. Captain Cox's vessel. The people in like manner came on board our ship. Having done this, we made a hole in the vessel, and left her to sink, with a small old canoe at her stern. To leeward of Manta, a league from shore, in eighteen fathom water, there runs a great current outwards. About eleven in the forenoon we weighed anchor, with a wind at W.N.W. turning it out. Our number now in all being reckoned, we found ourselves to be one hundred and forty men, two boys, and fifty- five prisoners, being all now in one and the same bottom. This day we got six or seven leagues in the wind's eye. All the day following w^e had a very strong S.S.W. wind, insomuch that we were forced to sail with two reefs in our main-top sail, and one also in our fore-top sail. Here Captain Peralta told us that the first place which the Spaniards settled in these parts, after Panama, was Tumbes, a place that now was to leeward of us, in this gulf where we now were. That there a priest went ashore with a cross in his hand, while ten thousand Indians stood gazing at him. Being landed on the strand, there came out of the woods two lions ; and he laid the cross gently on their backs, and they instantly fell down and worshipped it : and moreover, that two tigers following them, did the same ; whereby these animals gave to the Indians to understand the excellency of the Christian religion, which they soon after embraced. About four in the evening we came abreast the cape, which is the highest part of all. The land hereabouts appeared to be barren and rocky. At three leagues dis- tance east from us, the cape showed thus : Cape BLANCO. 353 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Were it not for a windward current which runs under the shore hereabouts, it were totally impossible for any ships to get about this cape, there being such a great current to leeward in the offing. In the last bark which we took, of which we spoke in this chapter, we made prisoner one Nicolas Moreno, a Spaniard by nation, and who was esteemed to be a very good pilot of the South Sea. This man did not cease continually to praise our ship for her sailing, and especially for the alterations we had made in her. As we went along, we observed many bays to lie between this cape and Point Parina, of which we shall soon make mention hereafter. In the night the wind came about to S.S.E. and we had a very stiff gale of it. So that by break of day the next morning, we found ourselves to be about five leagues distant to windward of the cape afore mentioned. The land hereabouts makes three or four several bays, and grows lower and lower the nearer we came to Punta Parina. This point looks at first sight like two islands. Between four and five of the clock that evening we were W. from the said point. The next day likewise, being the last day of August, the wind still continued S.S.E. as it had done the whole day before. This day we thought it convenient to stand farther out to sea, for fear of being descried at Paita, which now was not very far distant from us. The morn- ing proved to be hazy- — but about eleven we spied a sail, which stood then just as we did E. by S. Coming nearer to it, by degrees we found her to be nothing else than a pair of bark logs^ under a sail, which were going that way. Our pilot advised us not to meddle with those logs, nor mind them in the least, for it was very doubtful whether we should be able to come up with them or not, and then by giving chase to them, we should easily be descried and known to be the English pirates, as they called us. These bark logs sail 1 See note on p. 345. POINT PARINA. LA SILLA DE PAITA. 353 excellently well for the most part, and some of them are of such a size that they will carry two hundred and fifty packs of meal from the valleys to Panama, without wet- ting any of it. This day, by an observation made, we found ourselves to be in lat. 4° 55' S ; point Parina at N.E. by E. and at the distance of six leagues, more or less, gives this following appearance : Punta PARINA. At the same time La Silla de Paita bore from us S.E. by E. being distant only seven or eight leagues. It had the form of a high mountain, and appeared thus to us : La Silla de PAITA. The town of Paita itself is situated in a deep bay, about two leagues to leeward of this hill. It serves for an Embarcadcro, or port town, to another great place which is distant thence about thirteen leagues higher in the country, and is called Piura, seated in a very barren country. On Wednesday, September ist, our course was S. by W. The midnight before this day we had a landwind that sprang up. In the afternoon La Silla de Paita, at the distance of seven leagues, at E. by N. appeared thus : La Silla de PI AT A. VOL. II. A A 354 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. All along hereabouts is nothing but barren land, as was said before ; likewise, for three or four days last past, we observed along the coasts many seals. That night as we sailed we saw something that ap- peared to us to be as it were a light. And the next morning we spied a sail, whence we judged the light had come. The vessel was at the distance of six leagues from us, in the wind's eye, and thereupon we gave her chase. She stood to windward as we did. This day we had an observation, which gave us lat. 5° 30' S. At night we were about four leagues to leeward of her, but so great a mist fell, that we suddenly lost sight of her. At this time the weather was as cold with us as in England in November. Every time we went about with our ship the other did the like. Our pilot told us that this ship set forth from Guayaquil eleven days before they were taken, and that she was laden with rigging, woollen and cotton cloth, and other manufactures, made at Quito. Moreover, that he had heard that they had spent a mast and had put into Paita to refit it. The night following they showed us several lights through their negligence, which they ought not to have done, for by that means we steered directly after them. The next morning she was more than three leagues in the wind's eye distant from us. Had they suspected us, it could not be doubted, but they would have made away towards the land, but they seemed not to fly nor stir for our chase. The land here all along is level, and not very high. The weather was hazy, so that at about eleven o'clock that morning we lost sight of her. At this time we had been for the space of a whole week, at an allowance of only two draughts of water each day, so scarce were provisions with us. That afternoon we saw the vessel again, and at night we were not full two leagues distant from her, and not more than half a league to leeward. We made short trips all the night long. On Saturday, September 4th, about break of day, CAPTURE OF A SPANISH VESSEL. 355 we saw the ship again, at the distance of a league, more or less, and not above a mile to windward of us. They stood out as soon as they espied us, and we stood directly after them. Having pursued them for several hours, about four of the clock in the afternoon, we came up within the distance of half our small arms shot, to windward of them. Hereupon they, perceiving who we were, presently lowered all their sails at once, and we cast dice among ourselves for the first entrance. The lot fell to larboard ; so that twenty men belonging to that watch entered her. In the vessel were found fifty packs of cacao-nut, such as chocolate is made of, many packs of raw silk, Indian cloth, and thread stockings ; these things being the principal part of her cargo. We stood out S.W. by S. all the night following. The next day being come, we transported on board our ship the chief part of her lading. In her hold we found some rigging, as had been told us by Nicholas Moreno, our pilot, taken in the former vessel off of Guayaquil, but the greatest part of the hold was fiill of timber. We took out of her also some Osnaburgs, of which we made top-gallant sails, as shall be said here- after. It was now nineteen days, as they told us, since they had set sail from Guayaquil, and then they had only heard there of our exploits before Panama, but did not so much as think of our coming so far to the southward, which did not give them the least suspicion of us, though they had seen us for the space of two or three days be- fore at sea, and always steering after them, otherwise they had made for the land, and endeavoured to escape our hands. The next morning, likewise, we continued to take in the remaining part of what goods we desired out of our prize. When we had done we sent most of our prisoners on board the said vessel, and left only their foremast standing, all the rest being cut down by the board. We gave them a foresail to sail withal, all their own water, 356 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. and some of our flour to serve them for provisions, and thus we turned them away, as not caring to be troubled or encumbered with too many of their company. Notwith- standingr we detained still several of the chief of our prisoners. Such were Don Thomas de Argandona, who was commander of the vessel taken before Guayaquil, Don Christoval, and Don Baltazar, both gentlemen of quality, taken with him. Captain Peralta, Captain Juan Moreno, the pilot, and twelve slaves, of whom we intended to make good use, to do the drudgery of our ship. At this time I reckoned that we were about the distance of thirty-five leagues, little more or less, from land, more- over, by an observation made this day, we found lat. 7^ i' S. Our plunder being over, and our prize turned away, we sold both chests, boxes, and several other things at the mast, by the voice of a crier. On the following day we stood S.S.W. and S.W. by S. all day long. That day one of our company died, named Robert Montgomery, the same man who was shot by the negligence of one of our own men with a pistol through the leg at the taking of the vessel before Guaya- quil, as was mentioned above. We had an observation also this day, by which we now found lat. 7° 26' S. On the same day likewise we made a dividend, and shared all the booty taken in the last prize. This being done, we hoisted into our ship the launch w^hich we had taken in her, as being useful to us. All these days last past it was observed that we had every morning a dark cloud in the sky, the which in the North Sea would certainly fore- tell a storm, but here it always blew over. Wednesday, September 8th, in the morning, we threw our dead man above-mentioned into the sea, and gave him three French volleys for his funeral ceremony. In the night before this day, we saw a light belonging to some vessel at sea, but we stood away from it, as not desiring to see any more sails to hinder us in our voyage towards Arica, whither now we were designed. This VOYAGE TOWARDS A RICA. 357 light was undoubtedly from some ship to leeward of us, but on the next morning we could descry no sail. Here I judged we had made a S.W. by S. way from Paita, and by an observation found 8^ oo' S. CHAPTER XIII. A continuation of t]ieir long and tedious voyage to Arica, with a description of the coasts and sailings tJiereimto. Great hard- ship they endured for ivant of zvater and other pi'ovisions. They are descried at A rica, and dare not land there ; the country being all in arms before them. They retire from thence, and go to Puerto de Hilo, close by A rica. Here they land, take the town ivith little or no loss on their side, refresh themselves ïuith provisions ; but in the end are cheated by the Spaniards, and for cd shamefully to retreat from thence. On September 9th we continued still to make a S.W. by S. way, as we had done the day before. By a clear and exact observation, taken the same day, we found now lat, 8° 12' S. All the twenty-four hours last past afforded us but little wind, so that we advanced but little on our voyage and were forced to tack about every four or five hours. The next day, by another observation taken, we found then lat. 9° 00' S. Now the weather was much warmer than before, and with this warmth we had small and misty rains that frequently fell. That evening a strong breeze came up at S.E. by E. The night following likewise we had a very great dew that fell, and a fresh wind continued to blow. At this time we were all hard at work to make small sails of the Osnaburgs we had taken in the last prize, as being much more convenient for their lightness. The next morn- ing being Saturday, September nth, we lay by to mend our rigging. These last twenty-four hours we had made a S. by W. way. And now we had an observation that gave us lat. 10° 9' S. I supposed this day that we were 358 VOYAGE TO A RICA. 359 west from Cosmey, about the distance of eighty-nine leagues and a half. September 12th. This day we reckoned a S.S.W. way, and that we had made thirty-four leagues and three- quarters, or thereabouts. Also that all our westing from Paita was eighty-four leagues, We supposed ourselves now to be in lat. 1 1° 40' S. But the weather being hazy no observation could be made. September 13th. Yesterday in the afternoon we had a great eclipse of the sun, which lasted from one o'clock till three after dinner. From this eclipse I then took the true judgment of our longitude from the Canary Islands, and found myself to be 285' 35', in lat. 11° 45' S. The wind was now so fresh that we took in our top-sails, making a great way under our courses and sprit- sail. September 14th we had a cloudy morning, which con- tinued so all the first part thereof. About eight it cleared up, and then we set our fore-topsail and, about noon, our main-topsail likewise. This was observable, that all this great wind precedent did not make anything of a great sea. We reckoned this day that we had run by a S.W. by W. way, twenty-six leagues and two-thirds. The next day, in like manner, we had close weather, such as the former morning. Our reckoning was twenty- four leagues and two-thirds, by a S.W. by W. way. But, by observation made, I found myself to be 23° S. of my reckoning, as being in the lat. of is'' 17' S. On the 1 6th we had but small and variable winds. For the twenty-four hours last past we reckoned twenty- four leagues and two-thirds, by a S.W. by S. way. By observation we had lat. 16° 41'. That evening we had a gale at E.S.E. which forced us to hand our top-sails. The 17th likewise, we had many gusts of wind at several times, forcing us to hand our top-sails often. But in the forenoon we set them with a fresh gale at E.S.E. My reckoning this day was thirty-one leagues, by a S.S.W. way. All day long we stood by our top-sails. 36o THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. On the 1 8th we made a S. by W. way. We reckoned ourselves to be in lat. 19^ 33' S. The weather was hazy, and the wind began to die this day by degrees. The next day, being the 19th, we had very small wind. I reckoned thirteen leagues and a half, by a S.W. by S. way, and our whole westing from Paita to be 164 leagues in lat. 20° 06' S. All the afternoon we had a calm, with drizzling rain. Monday, September 20th. Last night we saw the clouds, which are so famous among the mariners Magellan of these southern seas. The least of these clouds was about the bigness of a man's hat. After this sight the morning was very clear. We had run at noon at E.S.E. thirteen leagues and a half, and, by an observation then made, we found lat. 20^ 15' S. This day the wind began to freshen at W. by S. Yet, notwithstanding, we had a very smooth sea. But on the next morning, the wind came about to S.W. and yet slackened by degrees. At four this morning it came to S. by E., and at ten the same day, to S.E by S. We had this day a clear observation, and by it lat. 20° 25' S. We stood now E. by N. with the wind at S.E. September 22nd. This morning the wind was at E.S.E. By a clear observation we found lat. 19^ 30' S. Likewise on a N.E. by E. way, . . . and two leagues and two-thirds. September 23rd. We had a fresh wind and a high sea. This morning early the wind was at E. and about ten at E.N.E. From a clear observation we found our latitude to be 20° 35' S. The way we made was S. by W. That morning we happened to split our sprit-sail. Next morning the wind was variable and inconstant, and the weather but hazy. We reckoned a S. by E. way ; this day we bent a new main-topsail, the old one serving for a fore-topsail. In the afternoon we had but little wind, whereupon we lowered our top-sails, having, in like manner, a very smooth sea. VOVAGE TO A RICA. 361 The following day, likewise, brought us calm and warm weather, which occasioned us to set up our shrouds both fore and aft. An observation taken this day afforded us lat. 21° 57'. That evening we bent a sprit-sail. On September 26th an observation gave us lat. 22° 05' S. At noon we had a breeze at N.N.E., our course being E.S.E. In the afternoon w^e set up a larboard top-sail studding-sail. In the evening the wind came about at N. pretty fresh. The next day we had a smooth sea, and took in four studding-sails. For yesterday in the afternoon we had put out, besides that above mentioned, another studding- sail, and two main studding-sails more. This day we had by observation 22"" 45' S., having made by an E.S.E. way, thirty-five leagues and a half Our whole meridian difference sixty-eight leagues and a half. September 28th. All the forenoon w^e had very little wind, and yet withal a great southern sea. By observa- tion we had lat. 22° 40' S. September 29th. All the night past we had much wind, with three or four fierce showers of rain. This was the first that we could call rain, ever since we left Cape Francisco above-mentioned, This day our allowance was shortened,, and reduced to three pints and a half of water, and one cake of boiled bread to each man for a day. An observation this clay gave us lat. 21° 59' S. by a N.E. by E. way. On September 30th we had a cloudy day, and the wind very variable, the morning being fresh. Our way was N.E. half N. wherein w^e made eighteen leagues. October ist. All the night past and this day we had a cloudy sky, and not much wind. We made a N.E. by E. way, and by it seventeen leagues and two miles. This day we began at two pints and a half of water for a day. The 2nd, we made a E.N.E. way, and by it twenty- six leagues, more or less. Our observation this day gave 3Ö2 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. US lat. 20° 29' S. I reckoned now that we were ten leagues and a half to E. of our meridian, the port of Paita, so that henceforward our departure was eastward. The wind was this day at S.E. by S. On the 3rd we had both a cloudy morning, a high sea, and drizzling weather. An observation which we had this day, gave us lat. 19° 45' S. In the afternoon the wind blew so fresh that we were forced to hand our top-sails and sprit-sail. The 4th, likewise, we had a high sea and a cold wind. At break of day we set our top-sails. An observation made afforded us lat. 19° 8' S. Here we supposed our- selves fifty-nine leagues D.M. The 5 th, we had still a great sea, and sharp and cold winds, forcing us to our low sails. By a N.E. by E. way, we reckoned this day twenty-six leagues and a half. But on the 6th we had great gusts of wind. Inso- much, that this morning our ring-bolts gave way, which held our main-stay, and had like to have brought our main-mast by the board. Hereupon we ran three or four glasses west before the wind. By an observation we found lat. 19° 4' S. On October 7th the wind had somewhat fallen. We had both a cloudy day and variable winds. The 8th of the said month we had again a smooth sea, and small whiffling winds. This morning we saw a huge shoal of fish, two or three water-snakes, and several seals. On the next day we had in like manner a very smooth sea, and withal a cloudy day. Our course was E. October loth. We had likewise a cloudy day, with small and variable winds, and what is consequent to these, a smooth sea. Our way was S. by E. This day we spied floating upon the sea several tufts of sea-grass, which gave us good hopes that we were not far from shore. In the afternoon we had a N.E. by E. wind that sprang up ; the night was very cold and cloudy. VOYAGE TO A RICA. 363 On the I ith we had a fresh wind at S.E. and E.S.E. together with a cloudy day, such as we had experienced for* several days before. We reckoned this day thirty- two leagues by a N.E. by E. way. Here our pilot told us that the sky is always hazy near the shore upon these coasts where we now were. On October 12th we had a clear day, and N.E. way. The 13th we had but litde wind. This day we saw a Avhale, which we took for an infallible token that we were not far distant from land, which now we hoped to see in a few days. We made an E.S.E. way, and by it we reckoned nineteen leagues. All the evening was very calm. Thursday, October 14th, we had both a calm and close day until the afternoon. Then the weather became very hot and clear. This day we saw several land-fowls, being but small birds, concerning which our pilot said, that they use to appear about one or two days' sail from the land. Our reckoning was eleven leagues by an E.S.E. way. In the evening of this day we thought that we had seen land, but it proved to be nothing else than a fog bank. October 15th. Both the night past and this day, was very clear. We made an observation this day, which gave us lat. 18° 00' S. The 1 6th. Last night and this day were contrary to the former, both cloudy. Our way was N.E. by E. whereof we reckoned thirteen leagues. Sunday, October 1 7th, the wind blew very fresh, our course being E.N.E. About five that morning we saw land, but the weather was so hazy, that at first we could scarce perceive whether it was land or not. It was dis- tant from us about eight leagues, and appeared as a high and round hill, being in form like a sugar-loaf. We saw land afterwards all along to the S.E. by E. from it. In the evening, we being then within five leagues of the shore, the land appeared very high and steep. October i8th. All the night last past we stood off to sea with a fresh wind. This morning we could just see 364 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. land at N.N.E. We reckoned a S.E. by E. way, and by observation we found lat. 17° 17' S. Tuesday, October 1 9th. We had very cloudy weather, finding what our pilot had told us to be very true con- cerning the haziness of this shore. We saw all along as we went very high land, covered with clouds ; insomuch that we could not see its top. On W^ednesday, the next day, we had likewise cloudy weather, and for the most part calm. The same weather being very cloudy, as before, continued in like manner on Thursday. Friday, October 22nd. This morning we saw the land plain before us. Our pilot being asked what land that was, answered, it was the Point of Hilo. At N.N.E. and about six or seven leagues distance it appeared thus to us : rimia de HILO. Lat. 1 8° 4' S. There is every morning and evening a brightness over the point, which lasted for two or three hours, being caused by the reflection of the sun on the barren land, as it is supposed. This day we had but little wind, and the huQfe want of water we were now under, occasioned much disturbance among our men. As for my part, I must acknowledge I could not sleep all night long through the greatness of my drought. We could willingly have landed here to seek for water, but the fear of being dis- covered and makincT ourselves known, hindered us from so doing. Thus we unanimously resolved to endure our thirst for a little longer. Hereabouts is a small current that runs under the shore. This morning we had but little wind at S., our course being E.S.E. The point VOYAGE TO A RICA. 365 at the distance of five leagues N.E. looks on the follow- inof side thus : Fun fa de 11/ LO. Our wind continued to blow not above six hours each day. We reckoned the difference of our meridian to be this day, one hundred and eighty leagues. Very great was our aftiiction now for want of water, we having but half a pint a day to our allowance. October 23rd. This day we were forced to spare one measure of water, thereby to make it hold out the longer, so scarce it became with us. At three this after- noon the point looked thus : Fiinta de HILO. Mora de SAMA. Here the point looks like an island, and Mora de Sama to the southward thereof, gives this appearance : Mora de SAMA. 366 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. At about nine o'clock at night we had a land wind, and with it we stood S.E. by S., but all the night after we had but little wind. October 24th. All the night past we had very cloudy and dark weather, with mizzling rain. The morning being come it cleared up, but all the land appeared covered with clouds. Yet, notwithstanding, in the after- noon it gave us again this appearance : Mora de SAMA. Lat. 18" 29' S. Under the hill of Mora de Sama are eighteen or nine- teen white cliffs which appear in the form thus described. This day we resolved that one hundred and twelve men should go ashore, and, at about eight this evening, we sent our launch and four canoes, with four score men, to take three or four fishermen at a certain river, close by Mora de Sama, called El Rio de Juan Diaz, with intent to gain what intelligence we could as to how affairs stood at present on the coast and country thereabouts. Monday, October 25th. Last night being about the distance of one league and a half from shore, we sounded, and found forty-five fathom water, with a hard ground at the bottom. This morning our people and canoes, that were sent to take the fishermen, returned, not being able to find either their houses or the river. They re- ported withal, they had had a very fresh wind all the nicrht loncy under shore, whereas we had not one breath of wind all night on board. Tuesday, October 26th. Last night being the night before this day, about six o'clock, we departed from the ship to go to take Arica, resolving to land about the VOYAGE TO A RICA. 367 distance of a league to windward of the town. We were about six leagues distant from the town when we left our ship, whereby we were forced to row all night, that we might reach the place of our landing before day. To- wards morning the canoes left the launch, which they had had all night in tow, and wherein I was, and made all the speed they possibly could for the shore, with de- sign to land before the launch could arrive. But being come nigh the place where we designed to land, they found, to our great sorrow and vexation, that we were descried, and that all along the shore, and through the country they had certain news of our arrival. Yet, not- withstanding our discovery, we would have landed, if we could by any means have found a place to do it in. But the sea ran so high, and with such a force against the rocks, that our boats must needs have each been staved into one thousand pieces, and we in great danger of wet- ting our arms, if we should adventure to go on shore. The bay all round, and likewise the tops of the hills, was possessed by several parties of horse which seemed to be gathered there by a general alarm through the whole country, and they waited only for our landing, with design to make a strong opposition against us. They fired a gun at us, but we made them no answer, but rather returned to our ship, giving over this enterprise until a fairer opportunity. The hill of Arica is very white, being occasioned by the dung of multitudes of fowls that nest themselves in the hollow thereof. To leeward of the said hill lies a small island, at the dis- tance of a mile, more or less, from the shore. About half a league from that island we could perceive six ships to ride at anchor, four of which had their yards taken down from their masts, but the other two seemed to be ready to sail. We asked our pilot concerning these ships, and he told us that one of them was mounted with six guns, and the other with only four. Being dis- appointed of our expectations at Arica, we now resolved 368 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. to bear away thence to the village of Hilo, there to take in water and other provisions, as also to learn what intel- ligence we could obtain. All that night we lay under a calm. On October 27th, in the morning, we found ourselves to be about a league to windward of Mora de Sama. Yet, notwithstanding, the weather was quite calm, and we only drove with the current to leeward. The land between Hilo and Mora de Sama forms two several bays, and the coast runs along N.W. and S.E. as may appear by the following demonstration. Over the land we could see from our ship, as we drifted, the coming or rising of a very high land, at a great distance far up in the country. October 28th. The night before this day we sent away our four canoes with fifty men in them, to seize and plunder the town of Hilo. All that day was very calm, as the day before. The next morning, about break of day, a fair breeze sprang up, with which we lay right in with the port. About one in the afternoon we anchored, and the port lies thus, as is here described : Fort of HILO. We cast anchor at the distance of two miles from the village, and then we perceived two flags, which our men had put out, having taken the town, and set up our Eng- lish colours. The Spaniards were retreated to the hills, and there had done the same. Being come to an anchor, our Commander, Captain Sharp, sent a canoe on board of us, and ordered that all the men our ship could spare, should come ashore. Withal they told us, that CAPTURE OF HILO. 369 those of our party that landed the mornuig before, were met by some horsemen on the shore, who only exchanged some few vollies of shot with our men, but were soon put to flight. That hereupon our forces had marched directly to the town, where the Spaniards expecting we should have landed at first, had made a breastwork, thirty paces long, of clay and banks of sand. Here, in a small skirmish, we happened to kill an Indian, who told us be- fore he died, that they had received news of our coming nine days ago, from Lima, and but one day before from Arica. Having taken the town, we found therein great quantity of pitch, tar, oil, wine and flour, with several other sorts of provisions. We endeavoured to keep as good a watch as the Spaniards did on the hills, fearing lest they should suddenly make an attempt to destroy us. On the next day, October 30th, we chose out three- score men of them who were the fittest to march, from among the rest, and ordered them to go up and search the valley adjoining and belonging to the town. We found the said valley to be very pleasant, being all over set with fig, olive, orange, lemon, and lime-trees, with many other fruits agreeable to the palate. About four miles up, within the valley, we came to a great sugar- work, or Ingenio d'asucar, as it is called by the Spaniards, where we found great store of sugar, oil, and molasses, but most of the sugar the owners had hidden from us in the cane itself. As we marched up the valley, the Spaniards marched along the hills, and observed our motion. From the tops of the hills they often tumbled down great stones upon us, but with great care we en- deavoured to escape those dangers, and the report of our gun would suddenly cause them all to hide their heads. From this house, I mean the sugar-work above-men- tioned, Mr. Cox, myself, and one Cannis, a Dutchman (who was then our interpreter), went to the Spaniards with a flag of truce. They met us very civilly, and promised to give us fourscore beeves as ransom of the VOL. II. B B 370 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. sugar-work, upon condition that it should not be spoilt nor demolished. We agreed with them, that they should be delivered to us at the port, next day at noon. Hereupon Captain Sharp, in the evening, sent down to the port twenty men, with strict orders that our forces there should offer no violence to those that brought down the beeves. Sunday, October 31st. This day being employed in casting up some accounts belonging to our navigation, I reckoned that Hilo was to the eastward of Paita, one hundred and eighty seven leagues. This morning the captain of the Spaniards came to our commander. Cap- tain Sharp, with a flag of truce, and told him that sixteen beeves were already sent down to the port, and that the rest should certainly be there the next morning. Hereupon we were ordered to prepare ourselves to re- treat, and march back to the port, and there embark ourselves on board our ship. My advice was to the con- trary, that we should rather leave twenty men behind to keep the house of the sugar- work, and that others should possess themselves of the hills, thereby to clear them of the Spaniards and their look-out. But my counsel not being regarded, each man took away what burden of sugar he pleased, and thus we returned to our vessel. Being come there, we found no beeves had been brought down at all, which occasioned us much to suspect some double dealing would in the latter end be found in this case. The next morning, November 1st, our captain went to the top of the hills afore-mentioned, and spoke with the Spaniards themselves, concerning the performance of their agreement. The Spaniards made answer that the cattle would certainly come down this night, but in case they did not, that the master or owner of the sugar- work had now returned from Potosi, and we might go up and treat with him, and" make, if we pleased, a new bargain for the preservation of his house and goods, it HOSTILE SPANIARDS. 371 being his interest, more than theirs, to save it from being demolished. With this answer our men returned to us, and we decided to wait until the next day for the delivery of the beeves. On the following day about eight in the morning, there came in to us a flag of truce from the enemy, telling us, that the winds were so high, that they could not drive the cattle, otherwise they had been delivered before now. But withal, that by noon we should in no manner fail to have them brought to us. Noon being come, and no cattle appearing, we, now having filled our water, and finished other concerns, resolved to be revenged on the enemy, and do them what mischief we could, at least, by setting fire to the sugar-work. Hereupon, threescore men of us marched up the valley, and burnt both the house, the canes, and the mill belonging to the ingenio. We broke likewise the coppers, coggs, and multitudes of great jars of oil that we found in the house. This being done, we brought away more sugar, and returned to the port over the hills or mountains ; the which we found to be very pleasant, smooth, and level after once we had as- cended them. It fell out very fortunately to us that we returned back this way, for otherwise our men at the sea- side had inevitably been cut off and torn in pieces by the enemy, they being at that time dispersed and straggling up and down in parties of two and three. For from the hills we spied coming from the northward of the bay, above three hundred horsemen, all riding at full speed towards our men, who had not as yet descried them, and little thought of any such danger from the enemy so nigh at hand. Being alarmed with this sight, we threw down what sugar we had, and ran incontinently to meet them, thereby to give our other men time to rally, and put them- selves into a posture of defence. " We being in good rank and order, fairly proffered them battle upon the bay, but as we advanced to meet them, they retired and rode towards the mountains to surround us, and take the rocks from us 372 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. if they possibly could. Hereupon, perceiving their in- tentions, we returned back and possessed ourselves of the said rocks, and also of the lower town, as the Spaniards themselves did of the upper town (at the distance of half a mile from the lower), the hills and the woods adjoining thereunto. The horsemen being now in possession of these quarters, we could perceive, as far as w^e could see, more and more men resort to them, so that their forces increased hourly to considerable numbers. We fired one at another as long as we could reach, and the day would permit. But in the meanwhile we observed, that several of them rode to the watch-hill, and looked out often to the sea-board. This gave us occasion to fear, that they had more strength and forces coming that way, which they expected every minute. Hereupon, lest we should speed worse than we had done before, we resolved to embark silently in the dark of the night, and go off from the coast where we had been so early descried, and the enemy was so much prepared against us. We carried off a great chest of sugar, whereof we shared seven pound weight and a half each man ; thirty jars of oil, and great plenty of all sorts of garden herbs, roots, and most ex- cellent fruit. 373 CHAPTER XIV. The Buccaneers depart from the Port of Hilo, and sail to that of Coqinmbo. They are descried before their arrival. Not- withstanding they land : are ejicountered by the Spaniards, and put them to flight. They take, plunder, and fire the City of la Serena. A description thereof A Stratagem of the Spaniards in endeavouring to fire their ship, discovered and prevented. They are deceived again by the Spaniards, and forced to retire from Coquimbo, zvithout any ransom for the City, or considerable pillage. They release several of their chief Prisoners. The next morning (being Wednesday, November 3rd, 1679), about seven o'clock, we set sail from Hilo, stand- ing directly off to sea, with a small land-wind. Upon the shore we could not discover this morning, above fifty men of our enemies forces, which caused us to suspect the rest were run away from their colours, and had de- serted in the dark of the night. If this were so we were equally afraid of each other, and as we quitted the land, being jealous of their multitudes, so they abandoned their stations for fear of our encounters. All the while we lay in the port of Hilo, we had a fresh wind, but now being come out thence, we found it was almost stark calm. Hereabouts runs a great sea all along this coast, as we experimented at Arica ; insomuch that there is no landing except under the favour of some rock or other. November 4th, in the morning, we saw the port of Hilo at E.N.E. at the distance of nine leagues more or less, from the land. The white sand gives a bright re- flection over the land, which we could see after we had lost sieht of the land itself 375 376 THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. The next clay to this, we had an indifferent fresh wind at S.S.E. We reckoned a S.W. half W. way, and by it, that we had made twenty leagues. The day was very fair and sunshiny, and the sea very smooth. November 6th. We had a clear night the last past, and the day proved very fair and clear, like the former. We reckoned by a S.W. by W. way, about twenty-one leagues. In the afternoon it was almost stark calm. On the following day we had in like manner very little wind, no more than the last twenty-four hours. We were now about this time many of us very much troubled and diseased with the scurvy. It proceeded as we judged, from the great hardship and want of provisions which we had endured for several months past, as having had only bread and water, as was mentioned above. Only at Hilo we killed a mule, which gave to those who would eat of the flesh a very good meal, as we esteemed it, the Spaniards having swept away with them all other pro- visions of flesh. But there we had plundered some small quantity of good chocolate, whereof the Spaniards make infinite use. So that now we had each morning a dish of that pleasant liquor, containing almost a pint. Next day likewise we had very little wind, as before. We made an observation this day, and found lat. 20° 05' S. November 9th we had still very little wind, and that variable. We took almost every hour an observation, and found ourselves to be in lat. 20" 18' S. The loth we had in like manner but little wind, as for so many days before. We observed an E.S.E current, or nearest to it, to run hereabouts. This day we saw the homing of a very high land, which we much admired, for at this time I conceived we could not be less than thirty-five or forty leagues distant from land. We sup- posed it to be Mora Tarapaca. That day we set up our shrouds. Upon the iith an indifferent gale of wind sprang up DEPARTURE FROM HILO. 377 at S.W by S., by which we made twenty-five leagues and one third. We had now a great S.S.W. sea. In the night the wind we found, came one or two points from the land. This morning we saw the like homing of land, whereby we were made sensible that it was no land which we had seen the day before. On the 1 2th we had several mists of rain, with windy weather. We made by a S.S.W. half S. way, twenty- five leagues and one third. We had likewise a great and rolling S.S.W. sea, as the day before. The 1 3th of the said month we had both cloudy and misty weather. We made a S.S.W. and one quarter S. way by which we ran fifty leagues. But the next day, fair and clear weather came about again. We had likewise an easy gale of wind, by which we made a S.W. way, and advanced twenty-two leagues and a half. On November 15th, we had also clear weather, and an indifferent gale of wind. Our way was S.W. by W., by which we reckoned eighteen leagues. Likewise that our westing from Hilo, whence we had set forth, was one hundred and fourteen leagues and one third. By obser- vation we found lat. 23° 25'. I took now the declination- table used and made by the cosmographer of Lima. Tuesday, November i6th. Last night we had a shower or two of rain. By observation, we found lat. 23° 35' s. The 17th we made a S.W. by W. half S. way. By observation we found lat. 23° 46' S. with very litde wind. The 1 8th upon a S.W. by W. way, we made twenty- one leagues. By observation we found lat. 24° 20' S. Friday, November 19th, 1680. This morning about an hour before day, we observed a comet to appear a de- gree N. from the bright in Libra. The body thereof seemed dull, and its tail extended itself eighteen or twenty degrees in length, being of a pale colour, and pointing direcdy N.N.W. Our prisoners hereupon re- 378 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. ported to us that the Spaniards had seen very strange sights, both at Lima, the capital city of Peru, Guayaquil, and other places, much about the time of our coming into the South Seas. I reckoned this day we had run twenty leagues by a S.W. way. The day following the appearance of the comet, we had many storms of wind at S.S.E. and E.S.E. Our reckon- ing by a S.W. by W. way, was twenty-two leagues. Sunday, November 21st, we had likewise many gusts of wind, such as the day before, with frequent showers of rain. The wind varied, to and fro, according as the clouds drew it here and there. We reckoned a S.S.W. way, and by it twenty-one leagues and a half. In all, W. from Hilo, we judged ourselves to be one hundred and seventy-eight leagues and two thirds. We had this day a great S.W. Sea, and cloudy weather. I sup- posed our latitude to be 26° 53' S. November 22nd we had in like manner cloudy weather, and now but little wind. We reckoned a S. way, and fifty one leagues. The 23rd we had very little wind, all the storm, after the appearance of the comet, being now quite allayed. We reckoned we had made a S.E. by E. way. By observation, found lat. 27° 46' S. Wednesday, November 24th. All the last twenty-four hours we had a N.W. wind. Our way was S.E. half. S. by which we reckoned thirty-one leagues and one third. The 25th. Last night the wind blew at W.S.W. but this morning it came about again at N.W. as the day be- fore. Our reckoning this day was a S.E. and one quarter E. way, twenty-nine leagues and one third. Lat., by observation, 39° 57' S. Our difference of meridian 135^. November 26th. In the night the wind started to S.S.W., but this day at noon we had litde better than a calm. I reckoned an E.S.E. half E. way, and by it twenty-three leagues. Saturday 27th. Yesterday in the evening the wind DEPARTURE FROM HILO. 379 came to S. I reckoned an E., and something S. way, and by that, twenty-three leagues, as the day before this. November 28th. All the last twenty-four hours we enjoyed a fresh wind at S.S.E. having a high S.W. sea. Our reckoning was an E. by N. and half N. way, and withal twenty-four leagues. By observation, lat. 30^ 16' S. and meridian distance eighty-eight leagues. At noon the wind came at S. half E. On the 29th we had a very great S.W. sea ; and withal cloudy weather. My reckoning was by an E. one third S. way, twenty leagues and one third. This day we happened to see two or three great fowls flying in the air, concerning which our pilot told us, that they used to appear seventy or eighty leagues off from the island, called Juan Fernandez. The day before this. Captain Peralta, our prisoner, was taken very frantic, his dis- temper being occasioned, as we thought, through too much hardship and melancholy. Notwithstanding, this present day he became indifferent well again. The following day we had likewise cloudy weather. We made, according to our account, an E. half N. way, and by it sixteen leagues and two thirds. Our meridian difference fifty-two leagues. December ist. We had hazy weather, and withal an indifferent good wind at S., yea, sometimes S. by W. Our way was E. by S. by which we reckoned twenty- two leagues. The night before this day, we sailed over white water like banks, of a mile in length, or more. But these banks, upon examination, we found to be only great shoals of anchovies. On December 2nd, very early in the morning, we espied land, which appeared to be very high. About noon this day we were six leagues distance from it. All the preceding night we had so much wind that we were forced to make use only of a pair of courses. By an observation made this day, we found lat. 30° 35' S. We went away largely, driving better than nine leagues 38o THE BUCCANEERS O E AMERICA. every watch. With this wind we made all the sail we possibly could, designing by this means to get into Coquimbo, upon which coast we now were, before night. But the wind was so high, that sometimes we were forced to lower all our sail, it blowing now a mere fret of wind. Towards the evening it abated by degrees, insomuch, that at midnight it was stark calm again. At that time we hoisted out our launch and canoes, and putting into them one hundred men, we rowed away from the ship, with design to take by surprisal a considerable city, situ- ated nigh to the coast, called by the Spaniards, la Ciudad de la Serena. Friday, December 3rd, 1679. When we departed from the ship, we had above two leagues, more or less, to row to the shore. But as it happened, the launch (wherein I was) rowed so heavily in comparison to the canoes, that we could not keep pace with the said boats. For this reason, and no other, it was broad day before we got to a certain store-house, situated upon the shore ; the which we found our men had passed by in the dark of the night, without perceiving it. They being landed, immediately marched away from their canoes, towards the city aforementioned of la Serena, but they had not pro- ceeded far on their march, when they found, to the great sorrow and chagrin of us all, that we were discovered here also, as we had been at the other two places before, to wit, Arica and Hilo. For as they marched in a body together, being but thirty-five men in all, who were all those that were landed out of the canoes, they were sud- denly encountered and engaged by a whole troop of an hundred Spanish horse. We that were behind hearing the noise of the dispute, followed them at their heels, and made all the haste we possibly could to come up to their relief. But before we could reach the place of battle, they had already routed the Spaniards, and forced them to fly away towards the town. Notwithstanding this rout given to the horse, they CAPTURE AND PLUNDER OF LA SERENA. 381 rallied again, at a distance of about a mile from that place, and seemed as if they did wait for us, and would engage us anew. But as soon as all our forces were come together, whereof we could make but fourscore and eight men in all, the rest being left behind to guard the boats, we marched towards them and offered them battle. As we came nigh to them we clearly found they designed no such thing, for they instantly retired and rode away before us, keeping out of the reach of our guns. We followed them as they rode, being led by them de- signedly clear out of the road that went to the town, that we might not reach nor find it so soon. In this engage- ment with the horse, our company had killed three of their chief men, and wounded four more, kilHng also four of their horses. When we found that we had been led by this stratagem of the enemy out of the way of the town, we left the bay, and crossed over the green fields to find it ; wading oftentimes over several branches of water, which there serve to enclose each plot of ground. Upon this march we came to several houses, but found them all empty, and swept clean both of inhabitants and provisions. We saw likewise several horses and other heads of cattle in the fields, as we went along towards the City. This place of la Serena our pilot had reported to us to be but a small town, but being arrived there, we found in it no fewer than seven great churches and one chapel belonging thereto. Four of these churches were monasteries or convents, and each church had its organ for the performance of divine service. Several of the houses had their orchards of fruit, and gardens, be- longing to them, both houses and gardens being as well and as neatly furnished as those in England. In these gardens we found strawberries as big as walnuts, and very delicious to the taste. In a word, everything in this city of la Serena, was most excellent and delicate, and far beyond what we could expect in so remote a place. The town was inhabited by all sorts of tradesmen, and besid'es 382 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. them, had its merchants, some of which were accounted to be very rich. The inhabitants of la Serena, upon our approach and discovery, were all fled, carrying with them whatever was most precious of their goods and jewels, or less cum- bersome to them. Much of their valuable things they had likewise concealed or buried, having had time since we were first discovered, so to do. Besides, they had had warning enough to beware of us, sent them over land from Arica, and several other places where we had landed or been descried at sea. Notwithstanding, we took in the town one friar, and two Chilenos, or Span- iards, natives of the Kingdom of Chile, which adjoins that of Peru, towards the Straits of Magellan. These prisoners related to us, that the Spaniards, when they heard of our coming, had killed most of the Chilian slaves, fearing lest they should run or revolt from them to us. Moreover, that we had been descried from their coasts four days before our arrival, or descent upon land ; all which time they had employed in carrying away their plate and goods. To this information they added, that for their defence they had received a supply of sixty men from Arica. Having taken possession of the town, that evening there came a Negro to us, run- ning away from the Spaniards. He likewise informed us, that when we were before Panama, we had taken a Negro, who was esteemed to be the best pilot in all the South Sea, but more especially for this place and all the coasts of Coquimbo. Moreover, that if the Spaniards had not sent all the Negroes belonging to this city farther up into the country, out of our reach and com- munication, they would all undoubtedly have revolted to us. That night about midnight our boatswain, accompanied by forty men, and having a Chilian for their guide, went out of the town some miles within the country, with design to find out the places where the Spaniards lay con- 383 COQUJMBO. 385 cealed, and had hid their goods and plate. But before they came, the Spaniards had received intelligence thereof from some secret spies they had in the town, and both the men and their women were all fled to places that were more occult and remote. So that by this search, they only found an old Indian woman and three children, but no gold nor plate, nor yet any other prisoners. This morning our ship came to an anchor, by the store-house above-mentioned, named Tortuga, at the distance of a furlong from shore, in seven fathom water. While we were quartered in the town, I took this following ground- plate thereof. The next morning, being Saturday, December 4th, there came into the town a flag of truce from the enemy. Their message was to proffer a ransom for the town to preserve ft from burning ; for now they began to fear we would set fire to it, as having found no considerable booty or pillage therein. The captains, or chief com- manders of both sides, met about this point, and agreed betwixt them for the sum of 95,000 pieces of eight to be the price of the whole ransom. In the afternoon of this day, I was sent down to the bay of Coquimbo, with a party of twenty men, to carry thither both goods taken in the town, and provisions for the ship. It is two leagues and a half from the town to the port ; one league on the bay, the rest being a very great road, which leads from the bay to the city. The Spaniards promised that the ransom should be collected and paid in by the next day. This day also there died one of our Negro slaves on board the ship. The following day in the morning, I returned back to the town, with the men I had brought down the day before. Only six of them I left behind, to look after our canoes at the end of the bay. When I came up into the city, I found that the Spaniards had broken their promise, and had not brought in the ransom they had agreed for ; but had begged more time until to-morrow VOL. II. c c 386 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. at eight in the forenoon. This evening another party of our men went down to the ship, to carry goods, such as we had pillaged in the town. Moreover, that night about nine o'clock, happened an earthquake, which we were very sensible of, as we were all together in the church of San Juan, where our chief rendezvous and Corps du Garde was kept. In the night the Spaniards opened a sluice, and let the water run in streams about the town, with intent either to overflow it, and thereby force us out of the place, or at least that they might the easier quench the flame, in case we should fire the town. On the next morning we set fire to the town, perceiv- ing it to be overflowed, and that the Spaniards had not performed, or rather that they never designed to perform their promise. We fired, as nigh as we could, every house in the whole town, to the intent it might be totally reduced to ashes. Thus we departed from la Serena, carrying with us what plunder we could find, having sent two parties before, loaded with goods to the ship, as was mentioned above. As we marched down to the bay, we beat up an ambuscade of two hundred and fifty horse, which lay by the way in private, with an intent to fall on our men, in case we had sent down any other party again with goods to the ship. When we came to the sea-side, being half way to our ship, we received advice that the Spaniards had endeavoured, by an unusual stratagem, to burn our ship, and by these means destroy us all. They acted thus : They blew up a horse's hide like a bladder, and upon this float a man ventured to swim from shore, and come under the stern of our ship. Being arrived there, he crammed oakum and brimstone, and other combustible matter, between the rudder and the stern-post. Having done this, he fired it with a match, so that in a small time, our rudder was on fire, and all the ship in a smoke. Our men both alarmed and amazed with this smoke, ran up and down the ship, suspecting the prisoners to have fired the vessel, thereby to get their RELEASE OF PRISONERS. 387 liberty and seek our destruction. At last they found out where the fire was, and had the good fortune to quench it before its going too far. As soon as they had put it out, they sent the boat ashore, and found both the hide afore-mentioned, and the match burning at both ends, whereby they became acquainted with the whole matter. When we came to the store-house on the shore-side, we set at liberty the friar, our prisoner, and another gentle- man who was become our hostage for the perform^ance of the ransom. Moreover, when we came aboard, we sent away and set at liberty Captain Peralta, Don Thomas de Argandona, Don Baltazar, Don Christoval, Captain Juan, the Pilot's Mate, the old Moor, and several others of our chief prisoners. To this release of our prisoners we were moved, partly because we knew not well what to do with them, and partly because we feared lest by the example of this stratagem, they should plot our destruc- tion in earnest, and by the help of so many men, especi- ally persons of quality, be able to go through with it. CHAPTER XV. The Buccmieers depart from Coquimbo for the Isle of fuan Fernandez. An exact account of this voyage. Misery they endnre, and great dafigers they escape very narrowly there. They mutiny amotig themselves, and choose Watling to be their chief commafider. Description of the island. Three Spanish men-of-war meet with the buccaneers, at the said island ; but these outbrave them on the one side, and give them the slip on the other. Being all embarked again, as was mentioned in the preceding chapter, the next morning, which was Tues- day, December 7th, twenty of us were sent ashore to observe the motion of the enemy. We went to the look-out, or watch-hill, but could learn nothing thence. Hereupon about noon we returned on board the ship, and at two in the afternoon we weighed anchor and set sail, directing our course for the Isle of Juan Fernandez, not far distant from the coast of Coquimbo. At night we were five leagues distant thence at N.W. by N. The southermost island of those which are called De los Paxaros, or the Islands of Birds, was then N.N.W. from us. Before our departure, I took this draft of the bay of Coquimo and city of La Serena. December 8th we had but very little wind and a lee- ward current here, which we perceived did heave us to the Northward. The afore-mentioned island, de los Paxaros, at three in the afternoon, bore N.E. of us. At the dis- ss* 389 DEPARTURE FROM COQUIMBO. 391 tance of three leagues, more or less, it appeared thus : — Isle de los PAX AR OS. It is distant from the main continent four leagues, and from the next island of the same name, about two. The mainland is extremely high and mountainous hereabouts. At evening we were west from the said island five leagues. About eight or nine leagues to windward of Coquimbo are certain white cliffs, which appear from the shore to those that are off at sea. On December 9th, we had likewise but little wind, as the day before. I supposed myself this day to be about thirteen leagues W. from the island above-men- tioned. The weather was cloudy, with mizzling rain, so that no observation could be taken. However, this day it was thought convenient to put us to an allowance of water ; for we had taken in little or none at Coquimbo. The same weather, or very like it, we had the next day, being the tenth ; that is to say, stark calm and cloudy. On December iith, we had some small rain in the forepart of the day. But in the afternoon it cleared up, so that the weather was very hot. We had still but little wind. The next day, December 12th, we had very fair weather, and by a clear observation made this day, we found lat. 30° 06' S. December 13th. By a W.S.W. way, we made forty- two leagues. By observation we found lat. 30° 45' S. D.M. four leagues and two thirds. 392 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. On the 14th in the morning, we had a handsome shower of rain, which continued for some while. Then, about eight o'clock, there sprang up a S.S.W. breeze. My reckoning was by an E.S.E. way, fourteen leagues. And by observation, we found this day ^,0° 30' S. In the afternoon of this day, died one of our men, whose name was William Cammock. His disease was occasioned by a surfeit, gained by too much drinking on shore at La Serena ; which produced in him a calenture, or malignant fever and a hiccough. Thus in the evening we buried him in the sea, according to the usual custom of mariners, giving him three French vollies for his funeral. The following day, we had an indifferent fresh wind on both tacks. Our way was W.S.W., and by it we reckoned thirty-four leagues. So likewise by an observa- tion we had lat. 2)^^° 42' S. All the afternoon blew a S. by W. wind very fresh, with a short topping S.W. sea. But on the next ensuing day, we had no small breeze, but rather hard gusts of wind. These grew so high, that they forced us to take in our top-sails. We made a S.W. half S. way, and forty-five leagues. On the 1 7th we had likewise high winds, and withal a S.W. sea. Our way W. by S. By observation this day, lat. 30° 51' S. In the afternoon we had a S.S.E. wind, our course being S.W. December i8th. This day we had the same high winds as before, at S.S.E. We reckoned by a W.S.W. way forty-five leagues. At noon the wind was somewhat fallen, and then we had some rain. The 19th we had both cloudy and windy weather. My reckoning was a S.W. by S. way, and hereupon fifty- eight miles. Yesterday we were assured by our pilot that we were now in the meridian of the island of Juan Fernandez, whither our course was directed for the pre- sent. What occasioned him to be so positive in his assertion, was the seeing of those great birds, of which we made mention in the foregoing chapter. THE ISLAND OF JUAN FERNANDEZ. 393 On the 20th, we had cloudy weather in the morning on both tacks. We made a S.W. and half S. way, and by it fifty-two leagues. By observation this day, lat. 32° 20' S. D.M. one hundred and twenty-three leagues. The next day likewise we had cloudy weather ; yet by observation we found a W. way. On the 22nd by obser- vation we found an E. way proved. Thursday, December 23rd. All the night past we had a fresh wind. But in the morning, from top-mast head, we descried a hummock of land. In the evening we saw it again. We found afterwards that what we had seen was the westernmost island of Juan Fernandez ; which is nothing but a mere rock, there being no riding, nor scarce landing, near to it. Friday, December 24th. This morning we could descry the island of Juan Fernandez itself S. by E., it being at sixteen leagues distance when we saw it yester- day. At seven this morning the island stood E., the wind being N.W. or by N. At eight the same morning the island, at the distance of five leagues, little more or less, appeared thus : Isle de JUA N FERNANDEZ. Here my observation was that I could see neither fowl nor fish near this island ; both which things are usually to be seen about other islands. Having told my obser- vation to our pilot, he gave me for answer, that he had made many voyages by this island, and yet never saw either fowl or fish any more than I. Our reckoning this 394 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. day was an E.S.E. way, and hereby thirty-six leagues. By observation, lat. 'XiZ 3^' S. Saturday, December 25th. Yesterday in the after- noon, at three o'clock, we saw the other island, making two or three hummocks of land. This morning we were about eight leagues distant from it, the island bearing E.S.E. from us. At eight the same morning we were right abreast with it. Here therefore are two islands together, the biggest whereof is three leagues and a half in length, nearest N.W. and S.E., the other, and lesser, is almost one league, and no more in circumfer- ence. At ten o'clock we sent off from the ship one of our canoes, to seek for the best landing and anchoring for our vessel. As we approached, both islands seemed to us nothing but one entire heap of rocks. That which lies more to the N. is the highest, though we could not now see the tops thereof, for the clouds which covered it. In most places it is so steep that it becomes almost perpendicular. This day being Christmas-day, we gave in the morn- ing early three vollies of shot for solemnization of that great festival. I reckoned an E. by S. way. By a clear observation from the middle of the island, lat. ■^'^° 45' S., and M.D. ninety-nine leagues. In the evening of this day, we came to an anchor at the south end of the island, in a stately bay that we found there, but which lies open from the S, to the S.E. winds. We anchored in eleven fathom water, and at the distance of only one furlong from the shore. Here we saw multitudes of seals covering the bay everywhere, insomuch that we were forced to kill them to set our feet on shore. Sunday, December 26th. This day we sent a canoe to see if we could find any riding secure from the southerly winds ; these being the most constant winds that blow on these coasts. The canoe being gone, our commander sent likewise what men we could spare on shore, to drive goats, whereof there is great plenty in this A TEMPEST. 395. island. They caught and killed that day to the number of threescore, or thereabouts. The canoe returning to the ship made report that there was good riding in another bay, situate on the North side of the island, in fourteen fathom water, and not above one quarter of a mile from the shore. Moreover that there was much wood to be had, whereas in the place where we had first anchored, not one stick of wood nor tuft of grass was to be found. The next day, being the 27th, between two and four o'clock in the morning, we had a tempest of violent winds and fierce showers of rain. The same clay we got in two hundred jars of water, bringing them the full distance of a league from the place of our riding. In the meanwhile, others were employed to catch goats, as they had done the day before. On the 28th of the said month, in the morning, I went with ten more of our company and two canoes, to fetch water from the land. Being come thither, and having filled our jars, we could not get back to the ship, by reason of a southerly wind that blew from off the ocean, and hindered our return. Thus we were forced to lie still in a water-hole, and wait till the winds were over for a safer opportunity. Meanwhile, the violence of the wind increasing, our ship was forced to get under sail, and make away, not without danger of being forced ashore. Hereupon she sailed out of the harbour, to seek another place of anchoring. At noon I ventured out, to try if I could follow the ship, but was forced in again by the wind and a raging sea. Thus we lay still for some while longer, till the evening came on. This being come, we ventured out again both canoes together ; but the winds were then so high, that we were forced to throw all our jars of water overboard to lighten our boats, otherwise we had inevitably perished. I ought to bless and praise God Almighty for this deliverance ; for in all human reason, the least wave of that tempest must have 396 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. sunk US. Notwithstanding, we came that night to our place or harbour, where we expected to have found our ship (called False Wild Harbour) but found her not. Hereupon, not knowing what to do, we went ashore, and hauled up our canoes dry. Having done this, we as- cended higher within the island, along a gulley, for the space of half a mile, there to clear ourselves of the noise and company of the seals, which were very trouble- some on the shore. Here we kindled a fire, dried our clothes, and rested ourselves all night, though with ex- tremely hungry bellies, having eaten very little or nothing all the day before. In the sides of the hill, under which we lay, we observed many holes like coney-holes. These holes are the nests and roosting-places of multitudes of birds that breed in this island, called by the Spaniards Pardelas. One of these birds, as we lay drying and warming ourselves, fell down into our fire. The next morning being come, very early before sun- rise, we went farther to the northward, to seek for our ship, which we feared we had lost. But we were not gone far, when we soon spied her at sea. Hereupon we passed a point of land, and entered a certain bay, which was about a mile deep, and not above half a league over. Into this bay we put, and instantly made a fire, thereby to show the ship whereabouts we were. Here we found good watering' and wooding close to the shore. In this bay also we saw another sort of amphibious animal, which I imagined to be the same that by some authors is calle d a Se a^ Lion.^ These animals are six times bigger than seals. _JTheLr_Jieads are like that of a lion, and they have four fins not unlike a tortoise. The hinder parts of these creatures are much like fins, but are drawn after them, being useless upon the shore. They roared as if they had been lions, and were full of a certain short and thick hair, which was of a mouse colour ; but that of the young ones was somewhat lighter. ^ Or walrus. WALRUSES. SEALS. y)7 The old ones of these sea-Hons are between twelve and fourteen feet long, and about eleven or twelve feet in circumference. A seal is very easily killed, as we often experimented, but two of our men with great stones could not kill one of these animals. That day in the afternoon there came a canoe from on board the ship with provisions for us, they fearing lest we should be starved. In like manner the launch came with men to cut wood. They told us that the ship came to an anchor in the other bay, but that within half an hour the cable broke, and they were forced to leave their anchor behind them and get out to sea again. Night being come, we made our beds of fern, whereof there is huge plenty upon this island ; together with great multitudes of trees like our English box, which bear a sort of green berries, smelling like pimento, or pepper. All this day the ship was forced to ply off at sea, not being able to get in. December 30th. The morning of this day we em- ployed in filling water and cutting down wood. But in the afternoon, eight of us eleven went aboard the ship, all in one and the same canoe, sending her ashore again with provisions for the men that were there. This day in like manner we could not get into the harbour, for no sooner the ship came within the parts of land but the wind, coming out of the bay, blew us clear out again. Thus we were forced to ply out all that night and great part of the following day. On the next day, having overcome all difficulties and many dangers, we came to an anchor in the afternoon, in fifteen fathom water, at the distance of a cable's length from shore. Here it was observable that we were forced to keep men ashore on purpose to beat off the seals, while our men filled water at the sea-side, at high-water mark, for the seals covet hugely to lie in fresh water. About this island fish is so plentiful that, in less than one hour's time, two men caught enough for our whole company. 398 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Saturday, January ist, 1681. This day we put up a new main-top, larger than the old one, and we caught cray-fish that were bigger than our English lobsters. The next day, being January 2nd, died a chief man of our company, whose name was John Milliard. This man, until our weighing anchor from the port of Coquim- bo, had been our Master all the space of this voyage. But from that time we chose John Cox for the starboard, and John Fall for the larboard watch. The disease whereof he died was the dropsy. That evening we buried our dead companion, and gave him a volley for his funeral, according to the usual custom. On January 3rd we had terrible gusts of wind from the shore every hour. This day our pilot told us that many years ago a certain ship was cast away upon this island, and only one man saved, who lived alone upon the island five years before any ship came this way to carry him off. The island has excellent land in many valleys belonging thereunto. This day likewise we fetched our anchor which we left in the other bay when the ship broke her cable. Tuesday, January 4th, 1681. This day we had such terrible flaws of wind, that the cable of our ship broke, and we had undoubtedly been on shore had not the other held us fast. At last it came home and we drove outward. By the way it caught hold of a rock, and held some time, but at last we hauled it up, and the wind came with so much violence that the waves flew as high as our main-top, and made all the water of a foam. January 5th, the same huge gusts of wind continued all the night last past, notwithstanding which this day at noon it was brave and calm. But in the morning the anchor of our ship gave way again, and we drove to the eastward more than half a mile ; till at last we happened to fasten again in sixty fathom water. Here in this bay, where we rode at anchor, did run a violent current, MUTINY AMONG THE BUCCANEERS. 399 sometimes into and at other times out of the bay, so that all was uncertain with us. But our greatest discomfort was, that our men were all in a mutiny against each other, and much divided among themselves, some of them being for going home towards England, or our foreign plantations, and that round about America through the Straits of Magellan, as Captain Sawkins had designed to do ; others of them being for staying longer, and searching farther into those seas, till such time as they had got more money. This day at noon our anchor drove again ; whereupon to secure ourselves from that dangerous place, we sailed thence into the West bay, anchored there in twenty-five fathom water ; and moored our ship one quarter of a mile from shore. On Thursday, January 6th, our differences being now- grown to a great height, the mutineers made a new election of another person to be our chief captain and commander, by virtue whereof they deposed Captain Sharp, whom they protested they would obey no longer. They chose therefore one of our company, whose name was John Watling, to command in chief, he having been an old privateer, and gained the esteem of being a stout seaman. The election being made, all the rest were forced to give their assent to it, and Captain Sharp gave over his command, whereupon they immediately made articles with Watling, and signed them. The following day, being the 7th, we burnt and tal- lowed the starboard side of our ship. In this bay where we now anchored, we found a cross cut in the bark of a tree, and several letters besides. Hereupon, in another tree up the gulley, I engraved the two first letters of my name, with a cross over them. This day likewise William Cook, servant to Captain Edmund Cook, being searched, we found a paper with all our names written in it, which it was suspected he designed to have given to the Spanish prisoners. For these reasons this evening our Captain thought it convenient to put him in irons, which was 400 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. accordingly done. The next day we finished the other side of our ship. Sunday, January 9th. This day was the first Sunday that ever we kept by command and conimon consent, since the loss and death of our valiant commander, Cap- tain Sawkins. This generous-spirited man threw the dice overboard, finding them in use on the said day, January loth. This day the weather was very clear and settled again. We caught every day in the bay where we now were great plenty of fish ; and I saw the same day a shoal of fish a mile and more long. On the next day, being the iith, we filled our water and carried our wood on board the ship. Moreover, our two canoes went to the other side of the island to catch goats, for on the barren side thereof are found and caught the best ; and by land it is impossible to go from one side of the island to the other. Wednesday, January 12th. This morning our canoes returned from catching goats, firing guns as they came towards us to give us warning. Being come on board, they told us they had espied three sail of ships, which they conceived to be men-of-war, coming about the island. Within half an hour after this notice given by our boats, the ships came in sight to leeward of the island. Hereupon we immediately slipped our cables and put to sea, taking all our men on board that were ashore at that time. Only one, William, a Mosquito Indian, was then left behind on the island, because he could not be found at this our sudden departure.^ Upon the Island of Juan Fernandez grow certain trees that are called by the name of bilby-trees. The tops of these trees are excellent cabbage, and of them is made the same use that we do of cabbage in England. Here fish abound in such quantity, that on the surface of the water ^ From this statement and the subsequent remark of the Spanish pilot it is clear that Alexander Selkirk was not the first nor the only solitary who had inhabited this Island. SPANISH MEN-OF-WAR. 401 I have taken fish with a bare and naked hook, that is to say unbaited. Much fish is taken here of the weight of twenty pounds ; the smallest that is taken in the bay being almost two pound weight. Very good timber for building of houses and other uses is likewise found upon the island. It is distant from the main continent ninety- five leagues, or thereabouts, being situate in ■x^'^" 40' S. The plats of the island lie N.W. and S.E. Being got out of the bay we stood off to sea, and kept to windward as close as we could. The biggest of these Spanish men-of-war, for such they proved to be, was of the burden of eight hundred tons, and was called El Santo Christo, being mounted with twelve guns. The second, named San Francisco, was of the port of six hundred tons, and had ten guns. The third was of the carriage of three hundred and fifty tons, whose name I have forgot. As soon as they saw us, they instantly put out their bloody flags, and we, to show them that we were not as yet daunted, did the same with ours. We kept close under the wind, and were, to confess the truth, very unwilling to fight them, by reason they kept all in a knot together, and we could not single out any one of them, or separate him from the rest. Especially considering that our present commander Watling had showed himself at their appearance to be faint-hearted. As for the Spaniards themselves, they might have easily come to us, since we lay by several times ; but un- doubtedly they were cowardly given, and peradventure as unwilling to engage us as we were to engage them. The following day, being January 13th, in the morn- ing we could descry one of the fore-mentioned men-of- war under the leeward side of the island ; and we be- lieved that the rest were at anchor thereabouts. At W. by S. and at the distance of seven leagues the island appeared thus : VOL. II. D D 402 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Isle of JUAN FERNANDEZ. Lat. 33° 40 S. At noon that day we stood towards the island, making as if that we intended to be in with them. But in the afternoon our commander propounded the question to us, whether we were wilHng now that the fleet was to windward, to bear away from them ? To this we all agreed with one consent. And hereupon, night being come, with a fresh wind at S.S.E. we stood away N.E. by N., and thus gave them handsomely the slip, after having outbraved them that day and the day before. CHAPTER XVI. The Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Juan Fernandez to that of Iqiiiqne. Here they take several prisoners, and learn intelli- gence of the posture of affairs at Arica. Cruelty committed upon one of the said prisoners, zvho had rightly informed them. They attempt Arica the second time, and take the town, but are beaten 02U of it again before they could plunder, zuith great loss of men, many of them being killed, ivounded, and made prisoners. Captain Watling, their chief Comman- der, is killed in this attack, and Captain Sharp presently chosen again, ivho leads them off, and through mountains oj difficulties, makes a bold retreat to the ship. Having bid our enemies adieu, after the manner as was said in the precedent chapter, the next morning, being January 14th, we bore N.E. We reckoned this day a N.N.E. one quarter S. way, and by it thirty leagues. 404 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. We \vere four leagues E. from the Island of Juan Fernandez, when I took our departure. Saturday, January 15th, we had hazy weather. This day we made by a N.E. by N. way eleven leagues. The same hazy weather continued in like manner the i6th. But about ten that morning the wind died away. Our reckoning was a N.E. by N. way, and thirty-six leagues. On the 1 7th we had a soft gale, and a clear observation. We found by it lat. 28' 47' S. easting seventy leagues. The next day we had likewise a clear day, and we reckoned by a N.E. by N. way, thirty-one leagues. By observation lat. 27° 29' S. Wednesday, January 19th, we had a clear day, as be- fore, and reckoned a N.E. by N. way, and thirty-five leagues and two thirds. By observation we took lat. 25^" 00' S. This day we put up our top-gallant masts and sails, which we had taken down at the island of Juan Fernandez, when we thought to have gone directly thence for the Straits of Magellan. But now our resolutions were changed, and our course was bent for Arica, that rich place, the second time, to try what good we could do upon it by another attempt, in order to make all our for- tunes there. In the evening of this day we saw land at a great distance. January 20th, about midnight, we had a small land- wind that sprang up and reached us. At break of day we could descry land again, at the distance of nine or ten leagues, more or less. This day was very hot and calm, easting ninety-two leagues. On the 2ist, we had very little wind, and all along as we went we could descry high land, and that barren. We sailed N. by E, and N.N.E. along the coast of the continent. The next day being Saturday, January 22nd, we had very hot weather. This day we sailed N. and N. by E. and looked out continually for the island of Iquique, which our pilot told us was hereabouts. We kept at a THE ISLAND OF I QUI QUE. 405 just distance from land, for fear of being descried by the enemy. On the following day, Sunday, 23rd, we sailed in like manner N.N.E. along the coast, which seems to be very full of bays hereabouts. By observation this day we took lat. 21° 49' S. Monday, January 24th. This day we had an indiffer- ent gale of wind, and we stood N. and by E. the wind being S.S.E. By observation, lat. 2i°02' S. Our whole easting, I reckoned to be ninety-two leagues and a half. In the afternoon of this day Captain Watling, our com- mander, and twenty-five men more departed from the ship in two canoes, with design to seek for and take the island of Iquique, and there to gain intelligence of the posture of affairs at Arica. We were at the distance of twelve leagues from shore, when they went away from the ship. The next day by a clear observation, lat. 20^ 40' S. At four in the afternoon this day, one of our canoes returned, bringing word that they could not find the island, though they had searched for it very diligently. At night came the other, being brought back by a wrong sign given us by the first canoe. This second canoe had landed upon the continent, and there found a track, which they followed for some little space. Here they met a dead whale, with whose bones the Spaniards had built a hut, and set up a cross. There lay also many pieces of broken jars. They observed likewise that hereabouts upon the coast were many bays, good landings, and anchoring for ships. That evening, about seven o'clock, a fresh gang departed from the ship to seek for the same island, while we lay becalmed all night, driving about a league to leeward. Wednesday, January 26th, we had extremely hot weather. This day the Spanish pilot told us that on the continent over against us, and at the distance of a very little way within the land, are many rich mines of silver. 4o6 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. but that the Spaniards dared not open them for fear of an invasion from some foreign enemy or other. We sailed N., at the distance of about two leagues from shore. At noon by observation, found lat. 20° 2\' S. At four o'clock we saw a smoke made by our men, close by a white cliff, which proved to be the island. Here- upon we immediately sent away another canoe with more men, to supply them in their attempts. But in the meanwhile the first canoe, which had departed the even- ing before this day, came aboard, bringing with them four prisoners, two old white men and two Indians. The other canoe, which set out last, brought back molasses, fish, and two jars of wine. To windward of the said island is a small village of eighteen or twenty houses, having a small chapel near it, built of stone, and for adornment thereof, it is stuck full of hides or the skins of seals. They found about fifty people in this hamlet, but the greatest part of them made their escape at the arrival of the canoe. To this island frequently come barks from Arica, which city is not far distant, to fetch clay, and they have already transported away a consider- able part thereof The poor Indians, inhabitants or natives of this island, are forced to bring all the fresh water they use the full distance of eleven leagues, that is to say, from a river, named Camarones, which lies to leeward of the island. The barque wherein they used to bring it, was gone for water when our men landed upon the place. The island all over is white, but the bowels thereof are of a reddish sort of earth. From the shore is seen here a great path which leads over the mountains into the country. The Indians of this island eat much and often a sort of leaves that are of a taste much like our bay-leaves in England, insomuch that their teeth are dyed a green colour by the continual use of it.^ The 1 This is no doubt the famous coca or cuca, erythroxylon coca (the betel of South America), and universally in request by the Indian popu- lation of the West Coast of South America. It is a shrub which grows MURDER OF AN OLD MESTIZO INDIAN. 407 inhabitants go stark naked, and are very robust and strong people ; yet notwithstanding they Hv^e more like beasts than men, Thursday, January 27th. This morning on board the ship we examined one of the old men, who were taken prisoners upon the island the day before. But finding him in many lies, as we thought, concerning Arica, our commander ordered him to be shot to death, which was accordingly done. Our old commander, Captain Sharp, was much troubled in his mind and dissatisfied at this cruel and rash proceeding ; whereupon he opposed it as much as he could. But seeing he could not prevail, he took water and washed his hands, saying, " Gentlemen, I am clear of the blood of this old man ; and I will war- rant you a hot day for this piece of cruelty, whenever we come to fight at Arica." These words were found at the latter end of this expedition of Arica to contain a true and certain prophesy, as shall be related hereafter. The other old man being under examination, informed us that the island of Iquique afore-mentioned belonged to the Governor of Arica, who was proprietor thereof ; and that he allowed these men a little wine and other neces- saries, to live upon for their sustenance. That he himself had the superintendence of forty or fifty of the governor's slaves, who caught fish and dried it, for the profit of the said governor ; and he sold it afterwards to the inland towns, and reaped a considerable benefit thereby. That by a letter received from Arica eight days ago, they un- derstood there was then in the harbour of Arica three ships from Chile, and one bark. That they had raised there a fortification mounted with twelve copper guns. But that when we were there before, they had conveyed to the height of six or eight feet. The leaves stripped of their stallcs^ with the addition of a httle unslaked lime (or of the ashes of the quinoa plant, chenopodium quinoa) are chewed like betel. It has a warm pungent taste, is a powerful nervous stimulant, and is also said to be a remedy for rheumatic affections. From the plant is also obtained the alkaloid cocaine well known in modern medicine. 4o8 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. out of the town to the neighbouring stations all their plate, gold and jewels, burying it there in the ground and concealing it after several manners and ways, which whether it were now returned or not, he could not easily tell. That there were two great places, the one at ten, the other at twenty-five leagues distance from Arica, at which towns lay all their strength and treasure. That the day before had passed a post to declare our having been at Coquimbo. That the embargo laid on all vessels going northward was now taken off; so that a free pas- sage was allowed them. That by land it was impossible to go hence to Arica in less than four or five days, foras- much as they must carry water for themselves and horses for the whole journey. And lastly, that those arms that were brought from Lima to Arica, as was mentioned above, were now carried away to Buenos Ayres. All these things pleased us mighty well to hear. But, how- ever, Captain Sharp was still much dissatisfied, because we had shot the old man. For he had given us informa- tion to the full, and with all manner of truth, how that Arica was greatly fortified, and much more than before ; but our misfortune was that we took his information to be all contrary to the truth. The leaves of which we made mention above are brought down to this island in whole bales, and then dis- tributed to the Indians by a short allowance given to each man. This day we had very hot weather, and a S.W. sea. By observation we found lat. 20° 13' S. Besides the things above-mentioned, our prisoners informed us that at Arica the Spaniards had built a breastwork round about the town, and one also in every street, that in case one end of the town were taken, they might be able to defend the other. We stood off and on for the greatest part of this day. In the afternoon we were eight leagues and a half distant from shore, with a fresh wind. That morning, moreover, we took the bark that was at the river of Camarones, to fill water for the island. ATTACK ON A RICA. 409 Friday, January 28th. Last night about midnight we left the ship, and embarked ourselves in the bark afore- mentioned, the launch, and four canoes, with design to take Arica by surprise. We rowed and sailed all night, making in for the shore. Saturday, January 29th. About break of day we got under shore, and there hid ourselves among the rocks for all the day long, fearing lest we should be descried by the enemy, before we came to Arica. At this time we were about five leagues to southward of Arica, near Ouebrada de San Vitor, a place so-called upon that coast. Night being come, we rowed away from there. Sunday, January 30th, 1680. This day (being the day that is consecrated in our English Calendar, to the Martyrdom of our glorious King Charles the First) in the morning about sun-rise, we landed amongst some rocks at some distance of four miles, more or less, to the southward from Arica. We put on shore ninety-two men in all, the rest remaining in the boats, to keep and defend them from being surprised by the enemy, with the intent we might leave behind us a safe retreat, in case of necessity. To these men we left strict orders, that if we made one smoke from the town, or adjoining fields, they should come after us towards the harbour of Arica with one canoe ; but in case we made two, that they should bring all away, leaving only fifteen men in the boats. As we marched from our landing-place towards the town, we mounted a very steep hill, and saw thence no men nor forces of the enemy ; which caused us to hope we were not as yet descried, and that we should utterly surprise them. But when we were come about half of the way to the town, we spied three horsemen, who mounted the look-out hill ; and seeing us upon our march, they rode down full speed towards the city, to give notice of our approach. Our commander Wading chose out forty of our number, to attack the fort, and sent us away first thitherwards, the rest being designed for the town. We 4IO THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. that were appointed for the fort had ten hand grenades among us when we gave the assault, and with them, as well as with our other arms, we attacked the castle, and exchanged several shot with our enemies. But at last, seeing our main body in danger of being overborne with the number of our enemies, we gave over that attempt on the fort, and ran down in all haste to the valley, to help and assist them in the fight. Here the battle was very desperate, and they killed three, and wounded two more of our men from their out-works, before we could gain upon them. But our rage increasing with our wounds, we still advanced, and at last beat the enemy out of all, and filled every street in the city with dead bodies. The enemy made several retreats to several places, from one breastwork to another ; and we had not a sufficient number of men wherewith to man all places taken. In- somuch, that we had no sooner beat them out of one place, than they came another way, and manned it again with new forces and fresh men. We took in every place where we vanquished the enemy, great number of prisoners, more indeed than per- adventure we ought to have done or knew well what to do with ; they being too many for such a small body as ours was to manage. These prisoners informed us that w^e had been descried no less than three days before, from the island of Iquique, whereby they were in expectation of our arrival every hour, knowing we still had a design to make a second attempt upon that place. That into the city were come four hundred soldiers from Lima, who, besides their own, had brought seven hundred arms for the use of the country-people ; and that in the town they had six hundred armed men, and in the fort three hundred. Being now in possession of the city, or the greatest part thereof, we sent to the fort, commanding them to surrender, but they would not vouchsafe to send us any answer. Hereupon we advanced towards it, and gave DEFEAT AND HEAVY LOSS OF THE BUCCANEERS. 411 it a second attack, wherein we persisted very vigorously for a long time. Not being able to carry it, we got upon the top of a house that stood near it, and from there fired down into the fort, killing many of their men and wounding them at our ease and pleasure. But while we were busied in this attack, the rest of the enemy's forces had taken again several posts of the town, and be- gan to surround us in great numbers, with design to cut us off. Hereupon we were constrained to desist the second time as before, from assaulting the fort, and make head against them. This we no sooner had done than, their numbers and vigour increasing every moment, we found ourselves to be overpowered, and consequently we thought it convenient to retreat to the place where our wounded men were, under the hands of our surgeons, that is to say, our Hospital. At this time our new com- mander, Captain Watling, both our quartermasters and a great many others of our men were killed, besides those that were wounded and disabled. So that now the enemy rallying against us and beating us from place to place, we were in a very distracted condition, and in more likeli- hood to perish every man than escape the bloodiness of that day. Now we found the words of Captain Sharp to bear a tjue prophesy, being all very sensible that we had had a day too hot for us, after that cruel heat in killing and murdering in cold blood the old Mestizo Indian whom we had taken prisoner at Iquique, as before was mentioned. Being surrounded with difficulties on all sides, and in great disorder, having no head or leader to give orders for what was to be done, we were glad to turn our eyes to our good and old commander. Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and beg of him very earnestly to commiserate our condition and carry us off It was a great while that we were reiterating our supplications to him, before he would take any notice of our request in this point, so much was he displeased with the former mutiny of our people against him, all which had been occasioned by the 412 THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. instigation of Mr. Cook. But Sharp is a man of an un- daunted courage, and of an excellent conduct, not fearing in the least to look an insulting enemy in the face, and a person that knows both the theory and practical parts of navigation as well as most do. Hereupon, at our request and earnest petition, he took upon him the command-in- chief again, and began to distribute his orders for our safety. He would have brought off our surgeons, but that they had been drinking while we assaulted the fort, and thus would not come with us when they were called. They killed and took of our number twenty-eight men ; eighteen more that we brought off w^ere desperately wounded. At this time we were extremely faint for want of water and victuals, whereof we had had none all that day. Moreover, we were almost choked with the dust of the town ; this being so much raised by the work that their great guns had made that we could scarcely see each other. They beat us out of the town, and then followed us into the Savannas, or open fields, still charg- ing us as fast as they could. But when they saw that we rallied again, resolving to die one by another, they then ran from us into the town, and sheltered themselves under their breastworks. Thus we retreated in as good order as we could possibly observe in that confusion. But their horsemen followed us as we retired, and fired at us all the way, though they would not come within reach of our guns ; for their own reached farther than ours, and out-shot us more than one third. We took the seaside for our greater security ; which, when the enemy saw, they betook themselves to the hills, rolling down great stones and whole rocks to destroy us. In the mean- while those of the town examined our surgeons, and other men whom they had made prisoners. These gave them -our signs that we had left to our boats that were behind us, so that they immediately blew up two smokes, which were perceived by the canoes. This was the greatest af our dangers. For had we not come at the instant that FLIGHT OF THE BUCCANEERS. 413 we did to the seaside, our boats had been gone, they being already under sail ; and we had inevitably perished every man. Thus we put off from the shore, and got on board about ten o'clock at night ; having been involved in a continual and bloody fight with the enemy all that day long. CHAPTER XVII. A description of the Bay of Arica. They sail hence to the Port of Gnasco, ivhere they get provisions. A draft of the said port. They land again at Hilo to revenge the former affronts, and take zvhat they con Id find. Having ended our attempt at Arica, the next day, being January the last, we pUed to and fro in sight of the port, to see if they would send out the three ships we had seen in the harbour to fight us. For upon them we hoped to revenge the defeat and disappointment we had received at the town the day before. But our expectations in this point also were frustrated, for not one of those vessels offered to stir. The houses of this town of Arica are not above eleven feet high, being built of earth, and not of brick or timber. The town itself is four-square in figure, and at one corner stands the Casde, which may easily be commanded even with small arms from the hill which lies close to it. This place is the Embarcadero, or port town of all the mineral towns that lie hereabouts, and hence is fetched all the plate that is carried to Lima, the head city of Peru. I took the bay of Arica as it appeared to me. On Tuesday, February ist, we had a clear observation, and by it we found lat. 19" 06' S. This day we shared the old remains of our plate, taken in some of our former booties. Our shares amounted only to thirty-seven pieces of eight to each man. N.B. — Here I ivoidd have my reader take notice that from this day forward I kept no constant Diary or Journal, as I had done before, at least for some consider- DEPARTURE FROM ARICA. 417 able Space of time, as yon see hereafter ; viy disease and sickness^ sea being the occasion of intermitting i<.