v# o** ^ H ^ 8 ^^^ ^^ *^J • r ■ ' ' ^ sA^^^M^^^^^^I m The Library University of California, Los Angeles jllection of rii Judaica The gift of Mrs. Cummings, 1 963 THE BOOK OF JOIVAH IN CHALDEE, SYRIAC, AETHIOPIC AND ARABIC. THE HOOK OF JONAH IN FOUR ORIENTAL VERSIONS, N A .^I !•: L Y rUALDEE, SYHIAC, AETIIIOPir AND AUAHir, WITH G L O S S A R I E S. KniTKD 13 Y W. WRIGHT. V^f'r WILLIAMS AM) NORGATE LONDON t4HENniETTA STUEKT COVENT GARDEN, AND EDINBIUGH 20 801X11 KREDKRICK STREET i.kipzk;: f. a. hrockhaus. MDCCCLVll. LEIPZIG: PRINTED BY FR. NIES. " ^ -^ '^ ^ ^p PREFACE. The aim of (he li((le work now offered to (he Public, is (o be useful to those Students at our Universities, who, after having made some progress in Hebrew, may be an- xious to gain at least a slight knowledge of the principal cognate dialects. On the advantage of such knowledge to the Theologian I need not here enlarge. Our Authorised Version of the Hebrew Scriptures is now generally acknow- ledged to be an indifferent one, and the call for a revised translation is daily becoming more urgent. The ]Masoretic Text itself is in many places obscure, in some to all ap- pearance corrupt ; and (he only means of getting over at least a j)art of these difficulties is the study of the other Semitic languages and the comparison of the Translations that exist in them, more especially \\\q, Aramaic and Arabic. Tliis volume presents to the Student one of the short- est and simplest of the Biblical Books in four of the old Oriental Versions — viz. the Chaldee, Syriac, Ae(hio[»ic, and Arabic — accompanied by Glossaries, which give not only the meaning of every word in each of the texts, bu( also the principal cognate vocables in (ho odier dialects; so '^091315 — VI — that a careful study of the work — brief though it 1)8 — will enable the reader to arrive at a tolerably accurate coni- j)rehensioii of some of the principal [)oints of resemblance and difference in the Semitic languages. It remains for me to add a few remarks as to the manner in wliich I liave constituted the several texts. Tlie Chaldee is based upon a collation of the principal Polyglots and early editions — such as the Parisian and London, the Bomberg or Venetian, and Buxtorf's Babbinic Bible — tlie most important variants being given at the foot of the page. The Syriac text is taken from Lee's edition, recollated with two Mss. in tlie Bodleian Library and two in the British Museum. It was my endeavour to exhibit here the different modes of indicating the vowels etc. in Syriac; an endeavour in which, liowever, I have not succeeded very well, owing chiefly to the imperfections of the type. For instance in the word a^£^z]o (p. 48, 1. 8), the large point above the ^ (it should liave been still larger in proportion to the rest) belongs to the oldest system of punctuation, and shows that it is of the fourth conj. or Ethpa"al; whilst the small points under the first z and over the ^ and the second z, indi- cate respectively the aspirated and unaspirated })rotnniciation (jf those letters (ethkatash, or more correctly elhkat- tash). So again in the word -sj^zjc (p. 50, 1. 13) the' small dot between the z and the ^ indicates the unaspirated sound of the former, or rather the assimilation of the two letters (ettarraf instead of ctlitarraf); whilst the large dot over the syllable -^4 is the mark of the fourth conj. — \ll — III :^i-^-:l (|>. 49, I. 3) llic l\v?) lar^e poiiils under (lie final z ai'i' (tiic \\;i\ (iT imlicaliiiL;- llic 3. |i. siii^-. ("nil., anoljiei" l)('iiiy t'X('iii(»lirK'(j ill h^f^o (p. 49, J. iiciiiill.j. lii the nuuii )i^^ (|>. 49, I. 'j). (lie iaiuc <]«•( (ivor (lie _i gives a rliic Id llic iMdiiiiiicialinii (klirltliald or k lie l»li olo), wliicli was allcnvards rendered more disliiicl by siil>s(ilu(inp; or appendini;- die laler vowel -sign _ or _. Some informalion on (his suhjett may l»e (oiiiid in die Jarger Syriac (Jram- mars: more in Ewald's A Miand liinii-on ziir orientali- sclien iind l»il)l isclicn Lileradir ((iollingen I83'2) and Benislein's Preface (o liis edilion of (lie Gospel of St. John (Leipzig 18')3), which laKer work is jirinted in a remarkably clear and beaiihfiil lype. I should menlion (hat 1 have inserted (ho points rfikach (.^=0 and kushai (^=.^) only when (hey were found in one or odier of (he ]Mss. (ha( I used. The Aediiopic tex( is from the edihon ofPetraeus (P. in the variaii(s), colIa(ed with one Ms. in (he Bodleian Library •and one in ihc British Museum. Finally, the Arabic version is taken from a Ms. in the Bodleian, and is, so far as I am aware, now published for (he lirs( (ime. The Ms. is unfortunately rather carelessly written, so (hat I have been obliged in one or two instances (o have recourse to conjectural emendation, a remedy which I am always reluctant to employ. Subjoined is a list of eriala, which the reader is requested to correct before making use of the book. Trinity College, l> iil> I i ii. Novombor 1856. ^y. Whk.iit. ERRATA. P. 2. 1. 2. n^i . p. 4. last line, nole h) ^•^"in'iN*. P. 5. 1. 3, ^J ; I. 4. 'Ci<\ P. 6. 1, s. ni.r:;" 1. 16. N^n-. After all , 5 jf is perhaps nolhing- bul an abslraet noun from ^J(, mean- ing /y2. P. 13. 1. 14. .c;j: 1. 19. ^HT. P. 15. 1. 6. Aftertf'kS add: (pron.* J^'J^). P. 17. 1.21. NT-. T P. 19. last line, 2%^. P. 20. 1. 16. N^'^LsV-' P. 22. 1. 6. N^^?2-;i. 9. ^';^. P. 23. 1. 2. C'^n:; I. 3. Epipl.aniiis; last line, (nn""!)- P. 25. 1.2. ]'^y'' P. 32. penult. -i2j;,. P. 33. 1. 17. bv/."' P. 39. 1.3. Nn^-. P. 45. 1. 3. ^i?nv P. 47. 1. 5. wic^. P. 49. 5. ^^ 1. 12.Vli.iV.. In several places in the Syriac text a point has been broken ofi"; e. g. p. 49, last line, ^i^Ji^^ic; p.50.1.2. |U^c;l.l7. |.ifi;^:.'. P. 56. 1.21.Ui-'ci. P. 67. 1. 25. niJj;n^D. p. 75. 1. 11. (DaCtj-: p. 76 1. 7. (l)Z.CU:i. ibX\>A,^^\ 1. 20. A,^y,Ki : p. 77. 1. 1. (DAcy^ : p. 78. 1.12. (DA^i'i:i.l3.'AZ.^P^: 1. 20. (D3 rp^^p nx rhv ""^^rNV ^ri^n Nnnp rn:i:)55 ^,ix cp 2 ns rn:i n-l3^< 2r?^ ns^^ '') n^tnt n?\s nri^'Ni "iD^^ nn:i T -: t:~ -• T-: ' t:.!: t:» -:-: t; -: T- '"1 ^Wr ^"^^T-^l CD"p. ]n NS22 jinsy Sno^ 4 '')pn^?o ^'^PvN'? aiyb N?^{ iDm -iinu ]in2 n>b 1 :• TIT": T*: r: * : • t-t - : ':! : 2ipi r-niD-n 2'2m j^d^nh n?-?::'' n^yix^ ^)nru n:in 6 ■■I: I •: r : • : t* •:"•:' -; t: "13-1 ncNi :i^3: nh) Nj^y ">'• did id ^)crnn^ cnq Tn^« 7 - . --:- • t: tt '^; t: tit: I • — : • • t It t-.-: NjS Nin N*nif'i2 ") p b^i2 j?-!:n pziy ""d-i:! inx nnzn^ T T T T T : • 'I - • : - •: I • : • ■• : •: ■; •• : - : bns n:':'^ |j;2 ">iri rp^ n^Ni injl"* ^3; xp-j; t'o:') p^nj; id-ii 8 T ■• •• T : - I T • ' ) T : • -: V T T T T T ; • •' | " 1 — 2 — . : T : V- t: t- - - ^; - •■ t t-: t- : • t tv; t: ' _. . _. T : - ^; T - ■• - -;- T - ' T • : t - : •. • ., . _. ' ..T T- •■-; TT • T- - • It • :- I ■: .T : I •• -; I •■ t t - t : - • • : ■■ -: t ~: ^ -r lr\^b)]i/n:^ Sm ns^ n^ i^^d> n'pi Nnt^Q^^ i^DrxS ")i<^^2ii 14 ]j;2 nS ^> i: ' tI-:: •-•: -t t:--; '^-r 5 fc<:tn :^')ny. ^cj?. ^n^":):} i^sn ''ni^ry5''n:'':'2 ^b mnp mnp i<'?2^n2 N^nci^S n^D^« cn2 'h-id^d cnp id n^DiriN ^)nncj< T : •• : tt - ; • : I • - : I t : •• tIt: I • •• ; it • ' •• ; 6. «s^ ^h mno -lino Noinn wn^D -ly n^d ^jiDpN tr^j^ip-i T - • : T : t ^ T - • I : - 1 t : I ■. : n^r^.r pi>pn (" T -• - T - : - ^ T t : ^ vbyi (** n^p:^ r Nn2J (•• T - : - ^ ]12:?? ('• 'y2 ("• j' — 3 — ..... -r - T T : •:"--: t : - : • : ■ t ■•; t : " - • : IT T - : - ; r It:!: t : : • : I t t I : ■ - - : N:ni :pj;i^ ii^n r^^S ]<*n':' zdtni 0"irN;3-i Nnv;^ 10 T— .- I '^^ :.i I • I - • : --: • ; t t — . - ^).W^ *^)f^^"i.iri "i^li^. -^"'.p^* ^•^.tTP '"iN'lf* r^^3tj^'■'ln3 n:i^ n^ ^^di ^ ■q'^nn «nip3 N;2Vi mi ^n N-i?2*?:3 n^rj ')itt'':x i:^D^m ^xrcnnn 5 T -: t- t : •■ : ■• : • •• t v: • •■ : t : - : • nib Ncinp N'*L:pi :i"irn''V! iJ^I ]"^n3io ]^p,i^ J)i^cNi 6 ^''li^^ '*)^w5'D^ iiyxi n^riD^c ^o*ii3?? cpi nij^ji t<3';?? no^j3 "1CN1 'nr^*^ •^'^^'^p. l^^- -^'^'\ ^rM ^^--^^^ "''r.'? ^ ^<:J;^ ')i<^in Nn"'y3i «if:« nntcb •'riU3-i3-ii i<3bD hi^t-ij: tt- : ' t t • : t T .-: - •• : • t : : -j t : - - ..; . ]>pD ]^^^:^''^ -ri^^? ^*^ f*,^'?^ pvi^ ^^y, cjn'? i'^^V^^. *^*^T ® n^n^ND 12: ]on^i n^-^ns ^^ cip n'^ii^i NTy3i iN;i'':x •■ : t ■ - : I • 1 I : • T : t I t: I - ■ t • : t tv: nn;3 n^vs-? yn^ ]d :]"inn^3-! x?i::n ]ci Krii'>3 9 p]"iprD 3^n^"! ^^^ D"ip^. p "O'p'i'':^. cn^n^.^ j'i'^^'? -i^"^^ Tr-n jinnn-^ND dh i-^.^jt pnn3iy i\ cnp^ ]^;i :")i3'': «^^} n^nn 10 :i3y n'?! ]inb i^v^b bhj2 n N*pt:'^3 p ^"i 3n Nr:^''^3 T^: t:I ; -:t: ■* • i"- -I't: t: tt* -3^: (" N:^y ('" _ 4 — 2 1 ^2p ■7CN1 "• Dip ^h)i) :n>^ n^"5k"^T f^3"l ^^^'^ ^^^^^ t^''f<2'! ■ I- -— . - T : tIt: • -: •• • I- : t - t • t : 3 nx '>2D ^i^'s: ]:;3 20 "i^^ ]j;ri :'')xn;^'i2 nxn\s'pp 5 ]an n-ib nzj;! Kni.pb n;naD 2^n>T f^^lp. ]P •'"i^'i^ I . ... - ....... ^ ,. . T . • . ' .... 6 ^IH'?^ ™^ ")|P ^^J^ p^^PI P'(?R °^ri^^* ^,? r^Il •^'11R N^n bv, ii^'r:^; ^)nr^f:i:) *)xnp>nti'' xci-p nn ;!i. pan 9 "^P.^] ]^^py. bv. l^b ^)^p.n xnn^n nM^^ ^^> n??Ni :'')riN-p lO|iip>P ^3; Oi^npn nx >;. ncxi tstniD ij? ^b, f)"jpn >^"in^ 11 r\\xi N*p,2i xmp mj^i ^v ctHN i6 x:xT :"12n ")x:inx n^^tD"' 1^ ^T N^i s>i\^:ii ')]]2^ noj; Nnnnn '':d na niCX" , mcxi C N'li'^zC |p^ (P Some edd. add C^p (" xnci C 'nzi ■ (^ ■ x?:n C 'r^v. C niz^bC nn6:oi. (" xp\":i/(^ l^\^!;i (^ ' ' ' NI2-1 (' "■ N:-nVx (" GLOSSARY. (( nZN, impf. ~2NS "1?".' perish. V. -2'n ("1^3", "O") destroy, and intrans. perish. In bibl. Chald. a Hof al 12in occurs, Dan. VII. 11. ^ — Heb. IZN, Syr. j^l, Sam. i^3A; Aetli. A-n;?: /^^' wrt-^ (romp, -^en-2^ "ilvS^ Jerem. IV. 9). The original signif. is simply go\ Ar. 3Lj, impf. t\A^, ^^ ^///'<7y, perish \ cXjI ^*w/e aivaij ; Jkjl eternity (comp. cf«u^, aevum , from the Sanskrit rad. ^ go)- - -* ^3i< ///m — Ar. 1^1, Syr. j^l. "i:n, vS-^:x, hire, wages, reward. — Ar. ^|, Syr. \['^ , Sam. ^'^TA. ^TN, impf. ^.v\, imper. 'I'uX, itif ^Pc, yo. — Heb. '?ivS*, Syr. Vll , Sam. Z^A; Ar. Jtt , impf. 3.U, w<>«''' ^'-'^"''/y from a place; JlC , impf. JfCj, re?fiove, intrans. cease; also JCl, perpetuity , eternity. ->nN not vised in I., he behind. 111. "TivX, />^//' e>ff\ delay. — Ar. 'j>L.I. /cwv' behind, keep back, retard, Aeth. A'5/.: Heb. inx. 111. -^nx; Syr. jJcl . delay, remain. ]inN and pnlN, ^H"' o^hcr , another, f. Nn^n*; pi. HI. i"":"!", f. XX]~ • III the dialect of Jerusalem j-lin, Sam. y^X^ (V); Ar. li^F, Heb. nriN', Syr. "•N* note of infeiTogation pref. to pron. and adv., as jn^x, f. N~\N!, yvhich? ]i-p in whence? '•riD "•« 7vhen? etc. — Ar. ^^t, Aetii. K^\ who, 7vhich, what? Heb. \x, n^x, Sam. /TIA, with sufT. pron. ?^^/«?;r.^ Hi \X which? nio in whence? "^l^rnA where? Syr. Jj^ ] , in J^l ?vhere? i^:^f whence? ^hLi\ when? etc. n>' //«^r^ ?■*, etc. with pron. suff. ^niN', '^\n"'N , ipiln^N, / «;;/, //< and ir^N (2 Sam. XIV. 19, Micha VI. 10), bibl. Chald. in\S% Syr. ^1 Sam. AlTlA, AA, AfH; with the negat. !/, n*^^, are formed, ^jllj, n^'?., £w^, AfllZ. n'?N, NH", ff ^<>^, God; pi. ]^n^x, N^^n~. Ar. sSlt^ or aJt, with the art. ^J^If, conlr. iJUj: feni. iL5>Si>lt, contr. i^f {AXikar Herodot. III. 8, ed. Schweigli.); in the so-called Sinaitic Inscriptions *) xb^ (e. g. n^N Nn jHD priest of the god Ta, Tuch in the Z. d. D. M. G. vol. III. p. 212), in the Himyaritic n^x, f. nn^X (Rodiger's Excursus to his transl. of Wellsted's Travels in Arabia, p. 380-1, 390); Heb. nl'^x, Syr. |aX^ Sam. '^^ZA. *) Really the records of heathen Arabs , pilgrimaging lo Mount Serial (JLj.j^w). They date in all probability from the centuries immediately before and after the lime of Christ, As U) llie (U'lival. ol' tlie word (&JI, ivorship, heiiii^- a s ' ^ * denoiii. from «JI , and ^J|, Ar strirkcn with fear, a & - ' variely of iJ;), it is j)robal»ly connected, as Arabic lexicograpliers suggest, with 8Sl=_.S|, s/dne (comp. Sanskrit drva-s, d-eo-g. fh'i/s, from tlio r.'id. fliv, shine, and suras from sar , sliine); they however derive it from 5^1 in tlie sense of cj'cate. Ns'pN f. a ship; pi. vS;^D". Syr. -j-aX. CN if: CN*c (lit. )vhat if ~~?) perhaps. Another form is ]vV, ^^n; Ar. ^^J, Aetli. 'i\\Jb for oM ;^/.y/^ ^j'r* ^*^'' oM /^^^''^ ^^'6 viijLi for ^ (jive (imperat. of ^cS'l), ^^y^ and ^Jj^J ^^ ^///rA- ; [)erliaps also Illtfi r^//, prune, and wcy^ shake violently, annoy. "iCkS, impf. ■';CN''., "1D\'', imper. "".rrx , inf. "^cvr, .sr/y. — Heb. Phoen. '^^^:; Syr. -^y . Sam. '^•'ilA. ^fty^ order : Ar. Jo I order. "i?2kSV'r, ";??''C, N^C", //w^, speech, order; pi. p~;?2Vp, — 8 — N'*"]". Also used (o denote self, partif. in reference to God, e. g. II, 5. _- Syr. \'-^\u> ^ Sam. ^'^^m^. y:^ where? whither? jN3^, j2^, whence? — k\.^\, ^\^; Heb. ]\x, |\S'D, |ND (2 Kings V. 25, k'fib); Sam. wt< (PiN) /; pi. i:njx, i:n;, me. — Ar. LSI, pi. ^ (viilg. ^^, Q^, Ll^f); Aeth. hi', pi. ^/hi: Syr. ]1\^ pi. ^-. (^J); Sam. A^A, ^^A, pl. )^A ))^^A; Heb. ^iJX, ^:n (Sam. m:!il^A, m^A), pl. i:nJN, later forms iJiX (Jerem. XLII. 6, k'fib), |Jn; Phoen. IJN, pl. jM^N. |1j'N. See Nin. HON, K'J, ^p~ , a man, pei'son, individual; pl. j^ti'jN (constr. ^it'iN), j^^'j\ — Heb. •^'IJX, Syr. ^li] pl. liil] ^ Sam. "^-^^^pA; cognate forms are Ar. ^jLljJ (with the collect. jj*iUl, ^13), j/*j[ mankind, Aeth. Alfi! (rare), Heb. ij'>t< (for It'^N), Phoen. tj'N. The respective fem. are: Ar. &jL«jJ (very rare); Aeth. K^h^'. Heb. mK'wS (Sam. '^A^A or. %:^A), pl. dK^: ; Phoen. nii'x; Chald. NHN* (^n}<), t )c* a Jo:? . , opt, 1. oof, pl. m. pLiI (poet. jvAJi), f. ^^f; Aeth. m. A^-r: f. Ki^'. pl. m. A^^c^: f. A^^l: Heb. m. nnts', f. iPN, ni<, pl. m, dpx, f. jpn, n^^n^; Syr. m. LI] , f. vk^r, pl. m. ^o'L]]", f. T^^^jf; Sam. m. %; AA, AA, f. mAA, pl m. ^tAA, f. ^mAA. — 9 "ICN, iniporf. I'lD'".;', tie, hind, gii'd on. — Ar. ^t . Adli. MIJ/,: Hehr. -iCN, Syr. jjul, Sam. '^t^A- ri'^N ?voIk, no. — Ilel). n~!X. n";it<, rr\^Xt., Nr.~ix, f. a way, rood, €?/sfo?/i , nmdi/rt (conip. •^-'-, J^Ax^, iJwu*^); pi. in-]N*, xnrr. Heb. rr.c<, Syr. Uol, Sam. V'^^A an.l V'^i/TlA. ^->.N ///^//, //('cause; also ci~iN. romieoled, as well as I'^x A>, with riN"^ -SYY'. jjnN , N*i;"!N, f. the eaiih , the ground, a muntry. ■ — Ar. y^tf, Heb. Phoen. |'^n, Syr. liil, Sam. "^V^A- — The change of j^, ^, ^ into j?, n is very fref|ncnt: e. g. <)^ '. yv , j,\s or wvy; ^^1 ////yyv^v/, y^y or v.ii/, ^Lo, ]s*Ji, (n:;; w/ ^/.vM-, jYwc^: ^jLo, y':v. , i^r>' ^^5 nny, t^n^y-^y or NP^y^w: x^oaj, ni^^r, Nryi, i^:^-^; clXjus, j;""!?^, |J;'TV, l^'ol- Some words have passed through another stage, and converted y, n into p, : : e. g. p"^? "T'^' >f-^- ''j;''^, n'V", NP", (^//(^ ^//vv /y/zrA (lie hoHom. PN. See n:iN*. {^, Sam. % •iS'Ni, impf, il\s;3\ he had, unpleasant, tvicked: ''Ttbv ti'N? or Th, he was displeased. Anotlier form is ii'ys. — Heh. IfNZ! sf?iell hadbj ; Aelh. -flT^A! ^2, Nii'"'2, f. n:^"'2, ivrt^'^3, had, wicked; as a subst. usually in the fem. i\r^'''2, pi. Nrii'i^, evil, 7vickedness, misery, a calamity. — Syr. )"- -^ f. jL-A-ks; Sam. ^^ms, f. ^A^ms. '?n2. See n. V'^a, imj)erf. y'^z^, syvallow. — Ar. Ijb Heb. y^r, Syr. v:^, Sam. VZ3; Aelh. flAU: ^y//. N^2, imjjerf. "»3;2\ ^?/.r//, ^^// or huhhle : ask, entreat, de- mand. — Ar. ^^j swell and fester ; he p?'oud, lustful, insolent, unjust; ask, demand; Heb. rys make hod; ask, demand; Syr. jls desire, 7vish, ask ; Sam. /HV^ and 1:V5. — Chap. I. 4. iN'i2nvsb N.^ys, on the point of heing wrecked. Comp. in vnlg. Arab, jlo \\d^\ — 11 — *5lj, ihe wall is yimnj Ut /'all; and even in the flassical dialed ci>«-^ ^^f C>\>\, fie was yoiny to die (3iri wis/i), wliere later vviKers uniil ^f (see llie Z. :2. hi hke manner vvr;~2. a daay/tter, constr. niz; ]4h=, coiislr. ^r^: '^A'^i^, conslr. A'^S; have in die pi. |J2, vsn^Z; Uiougli ^'^S also occurs. — Derived from Lj, N";!2 . iS"^:, lj.£;j A'^S, create; not bom -:-z /vr simple, pare, innocent; comj). jj., ^';;', "and Sanskrit a7/////-.v, son, IVoni the rad. .v//, beget, bring forth. — 12 — C"]2 truly, indeed; but, yet, 7ievertheless ; Syr. >e-^ , Sam. ^^3 and ^^5. Hilzig- on Daniel, II. 28, derives it from the Sanskrit par am, fartlier, after, but; Gesenius views it as an asseverative from *o or ^ot t7visi, make firm; Dietrich, in his Abhandlungen zm* Ilebr. Gramm. p. 226, as a contraction from PD "13, „ausser was (das Folgende betrifl't)." -inz. See "iDN*. 12^, ^"C^h ^'^^\, ^^1% a man; pi. NnD:,-2Jl. — Heb. -yily Syr. i^, Sam. ^^31; Ai\ ^, according to the Kamus, '^Sv<^ iXo J^iif^ A-Ql, „a king and a slave (so that it is one of the words which have two opposite meanings), and a man" ; Aetli. l-flCI ci slave or se?'vant. in, cut, ordain, decree, — Heb. in, Syr. j^^ Sam. '^'^l; Ar. rC^ prune, slaughter. With. NQlii IT:, III. 5, and NC^p in, conclude a treaty, comp. nns Dl^, w.^a*iil? .^ms^ 2t?^^* V^?, and i!^^, ^S, ^'^, etc. { Jfff^!/^'- — -^''- jj''^' imperf. ^.Jo; lleb. |i~; Syr. ?, impf. ^oj-.; Sam. |]T, impl". prn^im ; xVeth. XS.'i ! Judyment. N^n.C, nh:-, ^/ province, ci(y ; pi. Nr: ". Ih'b. "J^'P /7 province, Ar. auojoo ^/ r/Vy; Syr. |ij-».^^ Sam. '?rn, t'^ni, impf. ^n"% ^<^' a/raid, /ear, dread. — Heb. '^n*; creep (a serpent), approach with a stealthy, timid pace, fear ; Ar. J^'i> c/i/er iulo a hidiny place (jj».3), retire from fear, J<^l> hide one's self; Syr. Vl? , Sam. l^T. Another form is n'^~. N^^^m fear. Nbrn. ^riTn", far, reverence: hence, that which is — 14 — feared, a yod; \\. rn^n~. — Syr. lil:^!*?^ Sam. n, ", ivho, which, thai ; conj. that, in order that, because; Aetli. H! Syr. ?. Sam. T (comp. Heb. IW^). Like HI ? and T, it is used to circumscribe the genitive, as «3'?D"n nl:"'^:^', NVInI ns^c [the same construclion t;- • T*- T;-- t:- l precisely is found in Pers., for in jjUaJLu (j'-^jj;. ^f^c Sultan's /'erman, the connective vowel i was orig. a relat. pron. (Sanskrit ya) , and in the older Parsi is actually so used; comp., for example, ctaishn i yazdan, the praise of God, with u in daryawiha i pa ych'an, and these seas which (are) in the world. Spiegel, Gramm. d. Parsi-sprache , p. 52.]. With ^ or "i annexed, ^''~ or Ti~, it is used with prononi. suff. to express the pos- sessive adj., as ^^n or iTiT mine, Tj'p^i thine, ni;" his; Syr. V^j , Sam. i^/TlT (Heb. — paiLicularly in the so-called Song of Solomon and the postbiblic writings— and Phoen. Svj> i^^S^vj^, Cant. I. 6, II. 7, n^y Sp nDini, hz>T\ hvj inre, 1T\\ ^^ D12, Plant. Poenul. V. 3, 22. Han amma T T V silU, h'^ J and ^, other cognate forms are ,j in the dialect of the Arab tribe Tayy (i^^b); n in tlie Sinaitic iiiscript. (Z. d. D. M. G. vol. III. p. 192); i in the Himyaritic (Rodiger's transl. of Wellsted, p. 383, 393, 400), e. g. p-ihi T\'\yi = (ijlj.ifc,j «-nZj ifi^ ihe month u'n (the monument) ?f'/f/r/f Yittcnhid erected for me, Sidon. I. 4. poz tt\x cpDZ, and in the formula -n: it'x, — • • T It' -t 7vhwli vanned — . "ID", impf. "^2*1^, rewemher. II. "^zix he remembered; rail to rnind, remember. — Ar. '3i> , Aeth. H^Z, : Heh. ir* (Phoen. "12! remembrniwe), Syr. j^? ^ Sam. ^"iiT. Q", N?^~, ^/(!?^ , Sam. ^-^T. ■qlci i)arti('ij). adj. sleeping, I. 6. — Syr. ^> , }j^». |l, p m., N*- f., this, that; jjI. ]i^x. — Sam. ^f m., ^T f., pi. ^1711 A; Aelh. in-fr: m. Hi:." f., pi. m. 'hyV^'t?: f. }\Alf'fr; and in the Himyaritic inscript. p. (Rinliger's transi. of WeJIsted, j). 398, 403). n;", imjif. n^""*, i-ise (the sun). — Ar. ^yi, Aeth. lU^*: Heh. rriT, Syr. >-»J? Sam. VpT: cognate forms in Syr. are v_J-| and O^if. nj"^, Nijj", the place ?vhere the si/n rises, the east. — Ar. ^yiJ^, lieb. ""JT^, Syr. UJ^io , Sam. ^VpT-*il — 16 I I M interrog. particle; Ar. I, Sam. '^. The fuller form is ?n, Ar. JL». pn, jnn m., x-jn f., M/.?, that; pi. p^vn, ]''^n; comp. of ^n (Syr. jd) /^/^/>, and p. — Ar. Ij^ m., sj^, ^j^ f., pi. eSiye; Heb. nin m., n^TH f., pi. n^f^H; Syr. jjd m., ]9cn I., pi. ■ -*^'^' i<')n m., NVi f., he, she, it; pi. m. ]^3N, f. ]''iN% and in bibl. Chald. ]l!^n, 'i»r. — Ar. y^ m., ^ f., pi. m. "^ 9 9 ^9 (poet. *i>), f. ^ic; Heb. Nin m., X'Ti f., pi. m. en, f. |n, nrn; Syr. C51 m., ^a\ f., pi. m. .aJq , ^oj], f. ^Jq , t^I- i^jn, mVi, impf. N'lri]^ or ini, inf. i^HD, ^^, happen. — Heb. r,V, and nin (Cxen. XXVTT. 29, Jes. XVI. 4), Plioen. T T T T ^ «in (inscr. Eryc. 1. 3. Nins comp. Ecd. XI. 3), Syr. jooi^ Sam. "^I;:^; Ar. ^ya /^///, happen. hz'*T\, ''ibz' , any large 1)uUding , a palace, temple, church; pi. X^^/r"'n. — Ar. J.Xl^ he tall and stoat, jLXlfl> tall, stout, also a palace or temple; Aelh. UJiflA". Heb. ^Z.Ti, Syr. i^m. Tjbn ^6», «r///,% liUie used in I., gen. in III. Ty,y\\ Ar. iHJljo,' ^Jlje, rt'?>; Heb. Plioen. '?]^n, Syr. v^^, Sam. '^XIH. -Ano- ther Chald. .form is 'jin, perf. "qn, an exact j)arallel to our walk , excepi flinf we retain the / in writing. I/U? ^ ?^r///t% journey. — Heb. 'pTxX^. "Cm tu7'n, retmm; change ; overturn, destroy. II. ~cnrx he turned, changed, destroyed. A cognate form is "^X — 17 — - -E turn, five. — Ar. vUlil move , remove, I nil most freq. used ill (ho sense of teli a lie (coiiii). Pnjv. X\'1I. '20. 121^^3 "?|J^.)' '" ^ '"• ^^J^-^' ^^'" ovei'tunied , wlience in (lie Km-nn, cjLxijyJf (scil. jm2T, impf. "'2\\, he pure in a movfd sense, chaste, in- nocent, just. — Ar. bT;, Heh. nrj, Syr. |I] . Sam. ^il'^. In Aramaic physical purity is expressed by the cognate ^ri, w^?, <7I^T. ^?I ('?i» ''^'^?l)' r^^T-'' f- ^'^'tI' ^^^tI' 7^''^*^'' innocent, just. — Syr. J=i. ]CT iio( us(mI ill 1. — III. |r3T prepare, make ready , appoint. invite. — Syr. ^]. -1];t be small. — • Ar. >JLo, lils, Ileh. nj;-,;, Syr. j:!-) and (in the sense of he despised) j^^, Sam. '^V^. -l^j?i , NT, f. N^Vi, if, destroy. — Ar. J^k be sprained, out of 2 — 18 — joini or otherwise maimed, be mad, II. JuJ> />?// out of joint, maim, disorder; Heb. ^2n, Syr, Vlil^ Sam. ZS^. See Gesenius' Thesaurus, rad. ^2n. tJin, 'Pin, ^^':", coj'ruption, injury, destruction. — Syr-U^l-.. -I2ri not used in I., he united; III. "^iri nnite , comlAne. — Heb. nzn, Aeth. f-flZ.: Syr. jlil. "12 n, 1?ri, J^'^pn, /i'/^ associate, companion, colleague; pi. |r:n, ^^n-. Hob. n;n, Syr. ^^ Sam. -^^3^. Preceded I»y IZJ:, Ml, f. ,^Jls^[; Aeth. AihS.: f. AA-t; Ileb. iriN', f. rr>s, Plioen. ^^^<; Syr. ^; Sam. T^A and T^, ^^^, f. ^^^, AA^, AA^A- The rad. is IXa.:, inj, »^<^' single, at one with, united; Aeth. 'I'CD'/h^: Ije united; Syr. ■ >'^ ■ ■- ■ /<>/?^, solitary ; ^1"^ ^^^y^ excessively. ksnn, nn, nn , impf. nn;., I'ln;'., ^<" y<^/r/, rejoice. — Heb. n-n, Syr. ^'^^ Sam. ^^^, m^^. NHij, i 21 n, N2", a fault, sin, deht; pi. ]^2in, — Ar. lj««&., k-j^ja- a crime, Heb. 2in, Svr. ]^i — 19 — N^'in, NHD", i'l.: hi. NHD". Ar. £rl^. ij.J>. Svr. jLiil , Sam. ^31:^. Din, |»erf. CP, iinperf. cin^. (cin;»), have compassion upon, jtifi/, spai'e. — Heb. cin, Syr. oal, Sam ^^. XTn , imi»r. iin;, iTn;i , .y^r, observe. — Hel». nin, Syr. )]f^, Sam. ^-^3^ ■- A I', lis*, fit vine , prognosticate , Irum walcliiiiy* the lliglit of birds (cum{». PiTri, "Nl). ^CX\ snatch, carry off, pbinfler. — Ar. (^kia.. Heb. f]^n, P]nn, Syr. wa4^ , Sam. 3^V. p]1J2n, N^", rapine, violence. — Syr. ^Isi^ui*. N'H , imperf. ^r\\, in;", live. — Ar. "..^^ ^J^'- Aeth. /ftj?0: Heb. in, rrr;, Pb(jen. avo, hau, haaon (Plant. Poeniil.); Syr. \1^^ Sam. ^iiH. '\'^T\\A. life. — Heb. C^'^n, Phoen. cin, Syr. ,^*^, Sam. pn, perf. jlj, feel compassion , pity, he propitious to. — Ar. J^ , Heb. ]n, Syr. ^. ]3n, NJ", compassionate, merciful. — Ar. ^ll^- Syr. llil, Heb. p^n, Pboeii. HaniKj, Jvvwv (comp. //an- nihal h^;z'^'l^^^ Anna r;:"). CD 21tO he good. The various parts of tliis verb are fiiriiisiied bv tiiree co!2,-nate radicals, 2Xl:, ZL:, and z'C^ . — 1. perf. ZvSr, imperf. z::"., 2^:^^ ''''^' ''''v'//. happy. Joyful, ol'leii used imj)ers. 111. z;';^: imprtn-e , Innefit. /irepare, male read)/. W . Z^'^N. \'. 2^L:^.s\ Z^IT''^- ■'1'^" -'^'"' 2^::^n, — 20 — with Ific sarm; si;:^iiir. as III. — VI. 2::"irN iiii|MTS., rliaf). II. 9. — Ar. CjCb, iiii|K'ir. ,_^-Jaj , />''" good, jdeasanl, rhcrr/'ul ; I Id*. Db, imp*'!!'. ^'I'^w Syr. -cU- 'L:, NH:^, r. ^^2^:, i^rZLS, o^/, jdeasanl ; roilovv(;rl ()Y ]D, heller Ihan. — Ar. L^, I !<•'»• 31L:, Syr. ^^ Sam. 'J^. 13^, m- Nni" (joodness, houiilfj ; pl. p2t3 (]pt2). — Syr. ]zal4, l'^^^, ^«""- ^fAt:^^. lltO, K"l", « 7?ioanlai/t ; \)\. «n". Il''l>. "llli, Syr. j^a^ ^ Ar. !jo. ' =• ' 'p'^D no! iisf'fl in I.; III. h")p_ shade, cover. — Ar. JJUo, Aelli. KAA: Hcl.. '^^y ami SSp_, Syr. " .li:^ . '?1J0, N^ltO (for t^"?^), shade, shadow. — Ar. J^, ll<'f>. biJ ari'l t^J^li, Sam. i^. ^<'7^;p, n^J:p, i^n^Lrp, ^/ .v//^/^/^ or foveriny , a (IJfjhUy haill) hul; [)!. i<;'^J:c. — Ar. 1ULk» , Aelii. (PK\'V: Syr. li;xfc^ and V^^ , Sam. 2,^'^. {^VPj ""I'f- "'J^^'*? wander, f/o aslray , err; connate fonii fc^yp. ■ — licit. rij;n; Ar. ^J^^ 15*^' ^''' disohedienl, rehcUious, i//i//l(H/s, S> f. \i^ ^ Sam. tfV^. lyiO, nr, NHI", /"/vwr, ani^^/ sjirvad tnif, Ar. Xo, Aelli. il^tjh:: O^ih.' fi^^iii: hrcailllij. — Aelli. Ill4tfh.' Ar. ^i-o, (^a**,, (^3-ft-o, /«-&*-? *i-o, Aelli. ^4:0: Heb. pDD. l^'D'>, ti'"'2S iinpf. ICD^^, ^c '//v/, ^, Aelli. P-Hi-i: llrl>. li^zj, Syr. ...J:^, Sam. ^'^^, t ///6' dry (J round, html ; jtroperly (iie feiii. of (lie adj. tt'^31 = tj/D^ (Ar. , mIaxj", Syr. )a.-. 1. — Ileb. ni^r, n*.:'2% Syr. 12.^^1, Sam. ^A^iilTl. 1!. «y, «TN*, f. M^' hand: \A. ]n% Nn\. — Ar. cXj (vulg. Jo, Jul)^ -^^''''- ^•'•"- l^*^'''- "t' ^^'''- r*? 'r^'j ^''^'"* ^m M.i.r TA. N1^ iio( used in I.: III. >"1T confess. V. n"*X con/ess, tjiee thanks, praise : Ileb. nnlPI, Syr. -'io'l . Sam. Ai' vA. HiNTiN, NPiSi^S', xnnlN, confession, thanks V"".' iiii|ier. yi, inf. V"^c, parlici[). yn^^ and j;ni, know. — Ileb. yi^, Syr. "s^,^; Aelli. ^JJ.'MJ ! make knon^n, announce. 2n>, imper. zH , partieip. ZPi^ and 2"'P, j///v'. The im|ir. \r\ and inf. jP?:: are from jn:, iiol used in llie perf., imper., and pardeip. — Ar. v_AiC.. im|>i. v^. imper. v^ ' Aelli. (DlMi: impf. indie. .KlHi: siibj. IMI-fl." imper. — 2'2 - U'il! llol). DH^, .scarcely used cxcq)! in llie iiiipcr. rn or HDh; Syr. ^!iil • Sam. '^i'^rH. (■(tmnlcto in all lis parls (inii)er. soiiieliiiies X^ and ^A)- "lin^ rolled. ///(' JcN's, ,h«iacnN, T\\2 tomorron\ in Cliald. N^'^n^l^ and l-inr^l"" as well as nn?:, Syr. 1mU>, Sam. t:t It:t t:'> •' ^^til- Examples of similar mnlilalions are NTr^'H (iSnVLt' JnT) now, Syr. ^d and L^d; vuli>-. Ar. L1.J /o //-/.v //<>///•. ijct (for xlLliJ); "IpH'^'^* G'^'\)^P"p. ^^'^'^') ^^^^'^ ^^r//% and N'-rkl'N (x~n NTt^') M/.v y^'WA; vulg. Arab. IiA^i lor Ja-1: ^^ /// (he midst; etc. NH'' not used excepi in W "TIIN', iplN, luislfn, make haste. — Ar. f^-"*) and V. ,^.=«-Ij" liaslcn. 2L!\ See zrc. ;^"> for H^nV Whaleyer be (he eorreel pronimcialion of ilie word ^"lH^ Jehovah (or rallier lehovah) is cerlainly ineorrecl. The vo\vel(>oin(s belong lo a K'r'i perjje- taum "):'1N* or Cli'r'N; and Ikmicc we find, nol T^^T^h and nin^l, bnl T\\T\'h and mIH^I (i. e. ">y-N^ and i:ix^): not nin^ ^:'"!kS*, bnl always nirp "iJ^vS (i. e. c^n'^X ^J'^x)- To jH'onounee Ihe name Jehovili would be (piile as corieel and reas(»nable as Jehueah. The cNidence of some of die later classical aulhors and of the Fathers nf llie Church (who write lAil, lAOYy lEYn, Jaoh. Jahn) leads to die pi'i»nimcia(ion rTin'' lor •"*"' or — '23 — r^^? {cuiu\k zz] for zir\ iz\"\ c^"* for c^pO. ;uror- iliii^- to llu' lorm Zpr. Ct': Ixil ;is TliO(nloivlus ainl E|ti|>li;inias i^ivo HUE, iW lonuor addiiiii llial siuli was llic |tn"ii. of lilt' Samarilaiis. il is o\tremt'l\ jwultaMt' that llic corivtl I'tMiii is TT^ lahvch. IVom D^H = 'PZf, "rOV impf. 'i'TV inf. 't:. I»' nhh'. — Holt, "^r^ (imitf. ^2V). Sam. ViiTl: Arlli. "JUM " u\ N0\ the snr. |»l. |^::v N'S'. — Ar. *!). llol>. PlitKMi. C;, Syr. U^. Sam. ^'^^liTl. M»>, (;'). ,n: -, r. fhr /it/Iif hand. - \v. .yj<^ . Aolli. r*-"^"? ! llol>. ;v:\ Syr. jjui^, Sam. rj^ia'^iin. r)r^ iioi usoil o\(0|i| in W !^r\x. ^'Z:\x. "'I'l. inrrcosr. do nl). r)p\ ^^^rin, Syr. ^rcl, Sam. 3V^vA. F)p\ S(>o -p:. •^p\ impr. "ip>^, hv hvavij , hunlrnsomt' . vtih/ahlr. III. "ip^ honour. — Ai. ._i, . vJ , . ^'''' liciivi/ . iirnvr . sntofr. l-j lu'dt'tif: ll("l>. -ip_^. S\r. ^, Sam. 'WtU- "lp>, ^"^~' fi''>f'ffi, honour, pionp. — Ar. vL*'. dit/nifi/ of manner, tfrtrrifi/. Holt. ~^pv S\ r. Ij-^l^K Sam. 'WmA. n^ a word iMi'T. lo k\v{. iioiiiis in (he accus. . idoiilual with \W ll(>l>. p\s, TIN. PN ((Josoniu^" (iram. ililli imI.. ^. li1l. I. riMii. !. and ^:^. 11.'). 'J willi lli(> noto), IMiocn. r\X (Sid«»n. I. 4. * rri!"^ n\x ~r?' \S* C'N 'tO. V T : • Syr. ^J.: S.nn. \,Tt. »^ -. ^'V'^A. r^'^* -^Wm'V — 24 — ^^^/7l- (n-^s) ^ArnS (see Geiger's Lolnbiicli ztir Spraehe d. Miscliuali, p. 36, where are ciled among ojher examples Dl^n 'inix, nit^'n HHIvS*); perhaps Ar. LjJ, used (like Aelli. ^J*.') only \vi(h pron. siiff. 0Lj][, sLjI, etc. 2r\i, yr\\, impf. dh^;*, 2n% miper. Dn (2^n), inf. dh^c, Dnp, .v//, ^/;^y7/. — Ar. C^i, impf- v..-*^, imper. ^Iaj, in the Himyari tic dialect 6-// (generally /<:'rt/?^;, v_/Lj* a seat, v_/.; Ar. U/', Aeth. H\;^^, a word of doubtful origin. It has been thought by some a secondary foimation from |3 (comp. |3~1J^ Nelicm. 11. 16 with ]V2~~V Ezra V. 16), whilst others — 25 — have derived it Iroiii (lie Arab. rad. Jwc come into vii'/v, luipiHii. Possibly it may be t(jijiiecled willi |~j; time (roMii). nyz). T"12 only ill \'. nZN cry aloud, proclaim, preach, declare: Syr. 1^1, Sam. "^^-^i. Prob. from (lie Gr. xr/^wooo. wNDir, 'Cr\2, "iD^ir, N^D", a throne; pi. llD'^r " "li2. M«'b. •• : T ■• : T ' ■• ; T : 1 It T : T ' t Aetli. A-Oi'i: Heb. i:'2'^,, 1:^2^, Syr. ^1:^, Sam. -^SX B'12^, Ni^'~, a garment, rohe ; pi. ]^i:'-. Ar. ;j^^, Heb. ^^lh, Syr. U^^, Sam. ^^"-l^Z. 2* — 26 — "•n^ inil>f- '•n':'', labour, he tvearinL /'a('i(jiic'?, |i^>':. — Ar. jjj, III'. Aelh. AA^: Heb. ht> rb-^^.. Syr. vl^J^^andgl^:, Sam. n""^. See n\s. D {c^. Fi'irst (Cliald. (Jiaiii. p. 97 note) and r)i<'lri(li (Alj- liaii(lliiii^('ii znr IIcln-. Gr. |). '2'25) drriNc !ZV~C from j;-p = nj;'n (rad. y-j) and nc, cumpariny j;ti^, and view >c^ic^ DT'D (c~?;), ■'""'C, as a larllicr n)ii(iaclion. This deri'at. certainly seems more juohaMc tlian llial proposed hy Bernslein, ^? ^ jxirs /lar/is , uliqua pars, particularly as noiND seems rallicr lo l.c derived from c\SC, C1C, fi fl(in\ defect (lience wiial is worth- less, ins'ujni/iraitl, t''i/f'>i{/) tiian from nci n?^. See Dietrich, Al.liaiidi. y. 233. n^D, perf. n^c, impf. mc^ (n^c:).), inf. n?2p (ncc), die. — Aw yLjUc, Aeth. ^-V: Heb. PC, ini|)f. mc^^; Plioen. no r/^Y/^/ (Massil. 1. 17); Syr. i^; Sam. AA^ an.l A(7I^. impf. At^lTl, nic, N-n-, death. — Ar. i^, Aelli. 'P'!^ : llrh. nic, conslr. n^^, Plioen. nc (iiiscr. Eryc. I. 7), Syr. lIi=L . Sam. ^At'il. ^•mC, impf. ■'HC^ strihe, bite oi- ,s//>/y fan insect). — Ileb. vsnc, rn?:, Syr. U:^ , Sam. ^W^^ (also wrillen with '^ (tr V l""'r ^, and with '^ or jT^ for rj"). {s*'^?2, inipf. ''L:c\ r^w*^ /'o, /r//r//, happen. — Ar. .-.dix; yo"; Aeth. ^/fA: romc , find; Ileh. N'J?; /w/; Syr. j^^, Sam. ^^^^, iTl^'il. l^ip, vSjC, constr. "ic, ^^'^/("r. — Ar. &Lo, pi. sLl«; Aeth. <7^J*: Heb. cy;, Phoen. V2 (Eryc. I. ti): Syr. ^i:^ , V^ , Sam. ^iTl^il. tJ^O not used except in III. ^'I'p, .sy^^r//-. IV. ^^crN'. Heb. 'i^-O, Svr. V^' , Sam. W^X. — 28 — "Tj'/C, iiiipf. '^I'rTp^, counsel, advise; rule, reign. — Ar. viJUU possess, Aeth. /^; pi. X'i^.'O, ^\^.~- Ar. IJLU, Heb. Phoen. "?|^n, Syr. jll^'^ Sain. H^X*^, ID^p, m", NHI", pi. ^'^P"J sovereignty, royal dig- nity. — Syr. liaal^^ Ar. ^iyCJU, Heb. niD^D = Ar. rXJU>o, Heb. n^'^^^JO, Phoen. hd'pdd (inscr. Sidon.). ]D. See jND. |n i>^'/^6'.^ w/?^^ whosoever. — Ar. J^, Syr. ^^ Sam. ^•^; Heb. "ID. ]C />w;^ <>/^ , t;(?/^\ — Ar. 'j6, Heb. Phoen. 1"13, Syr. s^^^ Sam. ^t|]. "TlJ, NniJ, ^^ vow: pi. jn-ij. ■ — Ar. ^jj, Heb. Ti^, Syr. ly^ Sam. ^'^T^. inj, N"in;, N*";nJ, ^/ mw: pi. |nn; and jnrij. From the rad. 1^ //'.ry;^', Heb. in^. — Ar. 1^ or 1^, Heb. ^n:, Syr. li^ij, Sain. ^^^^. mj, perf. r[\, impr. "IJ^ (^<:' qaiel, tranquil, cease or desist. — Heb. n;, Syr. ^, Sam. ^^. ]1J, Nr, _, imper. ':5iD, li/t up. carnj, set out on a journey. — Heb. '?tOJ, Syr. V^a he /war}/, Sam. XV^ set out Of) a journey. 2D3, 2"'DJ, impf. 2D', imper. rc. /'-'//v. — Svr. . ^[va. Sam. — 30 — pDJ. See pbp. ^D:, impf. ^D% ^1©^^, h'ie:], in bibl. CliaM. ')©';, A///. — Heb. "rBJ; Syr. VaJ . impf. Vkj; Sam. 2,3,]. psj, impf, p)^\, pB\, imj)er. p)B, go or come out. — ■ Ar. ;J^aS come out of a hole, sell well (merchandise) ; Syr. ^^, Sam. V3^. t^'Dj, Ntf'^J, f. //^^ breath, the soul or ^y>/>7/, /-'/J/ ; \)l jt^c:. — • Ar. (jliS, Ae(h. i^tfi." Heb. r^'DJ, Syr. ^kj , Sam. ^AAA.^"]^ Used in all the dialects to express self, e. g. "ilt'c; myself, like ci^';, CI. J, ^^^, Jcolo , etc. r^p: not used = Syr. ^axj ^^ joined, adhere, follow ; == Heb. pjp] strike. V. r]ipx 76>///, ///^/y*?;, y<9 round, su?Tound. This form is often wrongly referred to a rad. ^p\ jPi give, not used in Aramaic except in tlie imperf. jn*;, |nj\, Syr. '\Lj^ Sam. ^A^H; and inf jnp, |njQ, Syr. Vi^^ Sam. 'pA^- — Heb. Plioen. ]nj. NJC, ">:p, impf. ^IZ^\, g7-ofv, increase, he great or nuinerous. V. iiip{< augment, mulliphj, maguifg or r.ir///. — Heb. riots', ^W, Syr. ^, Sam. Al^, fni^. Cognate form y^p. tN*^:ip, ^iJp, f. nN"";;?, w;/^//, numerous, great\ pi. m. I^X^jp, f. ]N'-. Heb. ^^ip, Syr. ^^ , Sam. (Tllt^. ^ID, perf. ^D, imj)f. r]iD^, <:7/^/, ^.vYAvt^, perish. — Heb. p]D, Syr. waa, Sam. 3p. — 31 — ^,Q, ND", r/f//. — Syr. ^ii , \lajo , Sam. 3t[^; Ar. Oj-w, a parlicic \nv\'. (o the iiii|i('if. wlirri il dciiMlcs nidirily, usually ahhrev. JL. r)*D reeds, scfnveed. Occurs only in llic phrase rji^l NSD' from llic licit. f]iD~CV "InD (JO rot/nf/, siirroiinil. — llcl». iriD, Sam. '^VJv^ : in Syr, we lind (lie dei'iv. jiojla it slrolliin/ iiinitHcanl, be(/ Z. I', d. Kunde d. Mdr^'enlandes. Mil. 1|. j(. 91. — 32 — ^XCD {hi2C) and hi^ja^ Sam. ^pfil3^. The word prop, denotes a large decked vessel, from j^D cove?\ ]Dp, Nr, a sailo7'\ pi. f<^j-. Syr. jika. pp, N|~D (iS*,"^ii'), coarse cloth, sackcloth \ pi. |t|?p. — Heb. ptt', Aeth. lU*: Syr. iJi^ Sam. ^?^. From the Shemitic lang. the word has passed into the Lat. and Greek, (jorxxog, saccas, and thence into the modern European languages. I^JJ (iU' ^T~' ^'*'^'^6ct. ^^^^ or _^r>/7/.v. — Ar. ^jLo , Heb. ]Nii, Syr. jiiT^ Sam. "^^AV; in Arab, however ^Lo, individ. i^L2, is limited to sheep (the word for goats Go-- G ^ G .- being yuo, indiv. ytLo), whilst sLi (Heb. nti;') is an indiv. of either sort, the corresponding collect, being S^. ■|2i?, impf. "izyi, "2j;!, ''^^^j w^X:^'. — Syr. ^s^ Sam. T3V; Heb. nzj; labour, se?'ve, worship a deily, in which last sense Ar. lU^, but Jux. = Heb. Phoen. -|2j;, Syr. |^>q1 tf .v/tfz^^ or servant. "I2"lj;, t<"i?", ^~i;N viakv jtass, remove, rasl off — Ar. f J^ . Aclli. U.»?(D: Svr. )^. Dij;, wN2"j;, ^/ lot : |>l. jiz-ij;. llriice j^2->; kSr:":. = r'^en nielli: r^/.v/ lots. T pU% 1 '<'■'• pJ-N ^Ji' iKtrrow , in distress oy anijiiish. — Ar. ^Ui, iinpf. ;^j.A^j Syr. ^: Aelli. A'i^04»: and A/t04>; contrael, compress, distress; Ilch. piyn and pij?n, Sam. VlTlVA. — Gen. used ini|)ers. Th_ ppj; (soil. riJ'?:) = Llii vLii^ = ib -^V; coni|\ Syr. «3iJ:^ hL-^ , 01^ ^Uio /^^ ^<^r/.y shocked ur disy listed. N'Pj;, np.j;, N*rpy, distress, anijuisli. — • Heb. npj;, Syr. \'LaL^ Sam. ^VV. ^^y, perf. Sy, inipf. 'piy, hy\ imper. '^'iy, H'. iid'. ^j;c, yo ill, enter. — Ar. ji insert, llcb. t'Hj? (Job X\'I. 15), Syr. '^'^^. Sam. IV. ^y above, apon , on, over: in addition to; ayainst , t'Ic. — Ar. jkl, Ht'b. Pboen. h^.. Syr. vl. Sam. 2//: from. ^V.j ^^>' 1""'»P' '"^ siibst. (lenolina; the iijijier part, hence as an adv. above, over, followed by jO Ot'JJC); often (■oni|). with "^ , h]}h upwards, above (Syr. 'VLli., Sam. iVi; Aelh. ACiA: = jki): and j^, ^^y^c />v>w ^///m' (Syr. VL^. ^, Sam. ZVi'ii : \r- J^ ^ "i" 3 — 34 — J.£ ■V*)' ojiposed (o VP^^, {V1^. (1i(" ground) from hclon'. — Both b^_ and t'j; ^I't^ 'in^m (ho rail. n'7>' or "t^v ii()( used in Aramaic in L, he h'ujli, exalted, f/o up, ascend. — Ar. ^Lc. , Heb. n^y . D'ry (c'PV), NCt'y (N'^'^j;), «'^/''y /^•'-'-'y indcf. period of lime, eternily , the universe or world; pi. po^j; (p^^J?)- — Ar. Ijl^ tfie universe, created beings; Aeth. ^\cL^ Sam. -^ilV ; Ar. "xxi or 1>3, Prop, a noun denoting union, from the rad. ui2V collect, unite, Ax. Is. include the whole, e. g'. ^\SjS\ i:lk^UT c>Zc M^ cloud covered the wliole sky, c^^LxC^LI I ^ C'T Ixj ^/<6^ water supplies all the baths. Hence also DJ?, NiS*;, a people or nation, people, a multitude or crowd; pi. (""pcy, t<^^??pj;. — Ai-. Ic and jv^^ ^/ multitude, x^oll. M^ common people; Heb. Phoen. Dj;, Syr. j^^ Sam. ^^V. hizv, labour. — • Ar. J^, Heb. "r?^, Syr. vLai.. p?2j; not used, be deep. — Ar. i^+l , Heb. p^j;. ppiy, pDiJ7, Npciy. « depth, abyss. ■ — Ai". ^1^ , Heb. pj2];, Syr. iliixsl, Sam. ^?^V. ]j;. See jnj;. ipj? f., ^"jpjJ m., /(?/?. — Ar. ILc, kpLt; Aeth. 0111/,-*: I Heb. '^ti'j;, HTii'y; Phoen. 1DJ-' (inscr. Sidon. 1. 1), Dyz"; (inscr. Massil. 1. 3); Syr. jjai., lijai; Sam. ^V^V- '^'^^V. Hence iDV nn m., npy NHin f., ttvelve. See jnri. — 35 — 'l^y, N"l", till' i''">f (also the slciiij ol ;i tree, hnsc, origin, source; nl. 'O^PV , Nn " . Svr. 1-^: Ai'. Xis. I I • It • T - • ^ a tree. pny, iinpf. ^^'y;^., prj;^ Jhr. — Syr. S-^, Sam. V^V; Ar. , wJi .sv'/ ^>///, fhii/irf. n''P, hnpr. "''?■>, fahoiir, serve, twrshijiw deity (comp. ~2V). — Ik'l). ~irC), Ar. lU", cleave, pbmyh , ciillinife : Syr. ..Xs. Sam. y^X^, |n^l8, N*^n~, ;w/-^, servitude, fpors/tip. — Syr. l.L»l.i= . Sam. ^^V2,3 r. 'dTB^ impr. 'C''i^\ Vl'hv, vomil, l/trote up. — Syr. ^JlI^Is. pnp, inipf. p1"^.p^, cleave, separate, pull »//': fescue, save, redeem. — Ar. ^li separate, lleh. p"iE), Syi". --j-a, Sam. V^3. Ipni-T, i'i\ deliverance: Syr. Ur^^ . Sam. ^pV^3. c:nD, N?2:", pi. xv::" ^/ //vy/v/. messaae, decree, ami in a T : • T T ' T - widor sense a/fair, mailer (eump. 12") ; Syr. ^ia^^s. It is horrowol from the Persian, in wliieli iang. llils. iliAj. <»r ^l^j, means /^w<'^y.v^/y<'^ (\vliencejl3Jo a message -bearer, a prophet), comp. of the iiisep. prej). '^^. (rarely oQ , L, ami ^ jo, hom the Sanskrit y/y'v///. Zand jtaiti , old Pers. pali, Parsi /W and /w , (ir. TiooTLy noTi = 7r(>oc) f<>. towards, ajuinsi. and the — 36 — Saiiskrif rad. yam, t»o (conip. Pers. l\5 step , pace). The same word presents itself in (he Armenian patgam or padkam , message. Other words of Pers. origin conip. with tiiis prep, are: 23nD, p.iJ^nD (];i.^"lD), "H^nB, U\i, perf. cy, impf. DliJ% fast. — Ar. ILo, Aetli. ^e^. cli*, iSD", ^/ A/6'^. — Ai-. 1^, Aetli. /^4,praij; w Ar. J<^, Aeth. /iAP I Syr. ^»X^^ Sam. iTlZVn. "i^i:, ni", Nni", prayer. — Ar. s^Iao, s^^, Aeth. /iAo^: Syr. |z^^, Sam. Xl^, "iDii, N^^'J? ^^^^ dawn, moiidny. — Syr. 1i^^^, Sam. '^'^^'HI- Connected witli iDti'' be beautiful, pleasing (Heb. 1Dt5', Syr. i^, Sam. ^3"*^; Ar. lil dawn), whence N*'iD'iDli' (kS"^D~) and | ^oV //^^ mornlny. ■jT:} only used in IV. "It^V^^ ^'''^^^ ^^^^ ^/^ ^^<" ^-^ ^'^^''^f f^f he poor. — Syr. ^-^^ \ ■, Ar. (i)w«? he poor and mise- rahle ; comp. Ita^t /'<^/^'^ /«^^<5? of Hence Tjnii wants, necessities. "?|1"lli ?Ay<^, ysefulnrss, advantaye or profit. T^y^ jins n>^ = 'piD^ IHii'^^ i^"?, //<'<^y ^-f/'^" good for nothiny at all. — 37 ^2p he oj>/tosi((', come nr tjo totrards, meet, in wliich .sijj^iiif. il does not occur in CliaM. llciicc ill. '^ip receive a visitor, accept a piesciil, listen lu a rcqiicsl or prayer. — Ar. 1. Jui aixl V. Jjaj' receive or arrcpt, II. JuJ Xv'.v.v, III. JoU /J-^^' opposite, compare, IV. Jjjt advance totcards, f/adertakr, W. JuIj6" z^*" opposite one another of two or more individuals, MIf. JJ!£st heyin, X. Juli£ll /y^ /'> /'/'/<^^/; Aelli. •l'4»nA! 7neet , receive, accept) Hel). h'lp^ receive, accept, '?^2pri ^t' opposite : Syr. Vlijs w<:y'/, with V:! , nphraid or complain of (prop, advance towards in a lioslile (n- tlirealenini^- manner), as also in Cliald. h'2V>,, \\w\A. t'^p^, ^I3p^ comjdain of, cry out for help; Sam. 2,3V receive, accept. Dip not used in I., *^<" /// front or before, precede. See tiie Syr. gloss. Dip, prop, a noun signif. the front, l»iit used as a prep., in presence of, hefore: preceded by l, 1, h, it takes simple sh'va instead <»r — , as uipi, D'pl, C~p'?. — Syr. ^'^, Sam. ^\X'^^, Coiilracted cp, Sam. -^Y (so also N'*<:p frst, ^As^A'il? hef/innin//). Dllp, N?^", //'<'' r^/.v/, ///<" ^waY /'('Wrt'. — Sam. -"iltTV. lie!), cnp. ■ — The east is called Dip, Clip, as heino- llial (|nar(er towards wliicli the fare of the (»l»servt'r is liiriied, or su|»[»usetl to he turned, in deM•rihin^• rt-lative s > - pcP: Heb. cp, Syr. >al . Sam. ^^ (^VV). C^p, NC~, standing, firm, lasting: living, heing. — Ar. p^lli-, \^i, Syr. \:A1L ^ Sam. -^niVV. d:?P, N^::p ashes. — Syr. ji^^ , Ar. IxiJ, lUci* ^/^/.v/. jVp'ip //ftf castor-oil shruh , ricinus communis (Ar. c.^ilt, Pers. !.Arsvj)f J^Aj). The word is derived from the Egy{)f. name of the pkmt, written by Greek and Latin authors yj/.L, cici and in the Talnuid p>p (the proper Gr. name is '/.{iOTiDv) . The okl translators and commentators nsually render it, though erroneously, by xoXoxvi'iyrj, i!i, nj;^!, all words denoting the gourd; and this blunder has of course found a place, amidst thousands of others, in the received English Version. '?'?p, i)err. "i^p , he light, swi/'t ; small, worthless. V. ^pN 7nake — 39 — //y///, lii/hlrn : hold lif/hl , drs/tisr. — • Ar. J^" />(' /'r/r or small, Aolh. *1>AA: IJt-b. t'p., Syr. "_=, Sam. 2,V. np, N^-p, isnp, N^ip; and vX^'p, vxn^p, «;^-; and (nnp) Nrnp_, r. ^/ /w/v/, ritt/ : pi. |"'np, rn^p, and |nip. — Ar. RjwS, in the dial, ol' Vanian iuyi' . I'l. ySr^ ' ^^^'''' nnp, n";;p; Pln»cn. n""p, e. g. in llio namo of (he deity Mtlr/Mi^iihog , mp^C or "^p^n (loi- r^p '^n) Carlhada, Carlliago, K(/.(^)xrj()v)v = Ntajiohg, riLJ'in mp <>ii ihc coins of Palermo: Syr. )-_c. l:-»r= , p'- U's^; '*'*^'"- ^imV- ^x\"iV, I'l. ^Am'^?, and )|71^^?, constr. 2"ip, 2np, imjif. ::"lp"', ''>^' //^-w, approach. III. Zip and V. 21 pN', hrituj near, offer a sacrifice. — Ai'. 6i and 6^-, II. J!i\ Aeth. 4>Cn: IV. A*Z.a: Syr. ^'^, 111. w^;i: Sam. ^^V. s ^ J, 2"'"lp, tsZ", near, related. — Ar. s-ovs, Syr. _=^i-s. Sam. 3/n^Y; llel>. D^p. r^yip fin offer in (/, sacrifice. — Ar. ^j^y^- Aelli. *I>^Cn'i ! Ilel). ]2":p, Syr. ^»a^, Sam. "jlfi^V. 22"! not nsed in 1. be lartje, tjreal. numerous. — Heh. 22""^, Syr. ~=i^. 2"), N2"i: r. {<2"', N'ri2"l, large, ^'^ cornerstones of the state). — Syr. .—jicjeV. 12"1, 5^2"}N, Plioen. j;2"'N (inscr. Sidon.); Syr. ^^1^ ji^il; Sam. V^i^A, ^VS^A. — PI. p>:2>' /w/j/; Ar. ^;Jtjy, Aetli. AC-fl'^: Heb. Dij;2"}N, Syr. ^_^ri, Sam. -^ITIV^^A. ni, *^^ agitated, angry. — Heb. U"^, Syr. i^^^ Sam. ^If^; Ar. tXi>; trcmh/e, ^j^l^ and yrsxi" J /><'Y// (thunder), (jli^s^j of thunder or tlie cry of the camel. Tn and niT, 1311, NiiSn, agitation, commotion, anger. — Heb. Tn, Syr. l].^ci, Sam. ^^^1^; Ar. jL^^, or Li.., anger, punishinent, a cri?ne. ni"), xn^l, 111. r. hreath , the soul or spirit: the wind. — G 9 G Ar. .. J)reath, ^. ^i^v)?^/; Heb. Phoen. nn (inscr. Eiyc. 1. .')), Syr. \lzS , Sam. ^'t'^. See the Syr. gloss. — 41 — Cn, |'<'rr. C"i, iiMpr. D11\ /■"■■ /-/////, ujiH/hd, proud, ?-ise. \ . C^'^N ?fift/,c hii/h. c.vdlf, lifi I//), raise : rm C'^N = nn 'piirn, /v/mv ^/ ,vA//7//. ~ Ijch. ci, Sam. •*ij'^, Syr. >Q-kil and ^^c") (from a rail, jc^, Ar. I.: ^V/cW ^//?, cnn, err, A^/v. II. cni.rvs* Ar Ay/w/. III. err Itnc/'crvcnthj, have i>ilij or romjxission iijion, IV. cn"iPN* iiiii)ors. •romjtass/on is s/m/r/f. chap. I. 6. III. 9. — Ar. IL.'s » A>/v'. ////■//, A-2*.r //^/^/' nieretj or compassion upon; Hch. Cn-J, Syr. >^i , Sam. -"il^^, -^V^ ]cn"], N^^", comjtassionate , nierrifnl. — Ar. ^l^.^. . gon. with (ho arl. y,->^J|j ///r Vompassionale , God: Sam. ^^^^. prn, pTl"), A<" distant, irtire, depart. V. pn"iN rcnwve, lay aside. — • Ae(h. Crh*t> : Ileb. pni, Syr. . -'.T ;. ti'n. , Nli'n. , /Ar head: jil. (>*^n. — Ar. ,^L, Aolh. C^fi: Heh. L*\y->, l»l. C^;2\sn, Syr. 1^^, Sam. •^/Tl'^ ami -^^A. NCT, impr. n:""', throw, east. — Ai-. ^"1 , Ilrh. piQ"!, Syr. licj^ Sam. ^•*ii'^; Aelli. Z.^P: wound, prop, witli an arrow or spear. Nyi, impf. ^j;"!"!, Av^^/ or feed a flock. ;rr//rA over or /^//r r/y/Y 6/1 ruh' , yovern : inlrans. yraze. — Ar. ^. . Aelh. CvVP: lloh. ny-^, Svr. l^:^ Sam. ^V^. {^yi, iiiijif. "'i;";\ Ar jdeased with, /irnpitious to, de/iyht in, love, desire. — Ar. [c^y H^'h. r^'^l, Syi'. ^i.i, Sam. ^'l^^. 3* — 42 — Xiy"l (hIi(/Jtt, pleasure, (joodteiU, desire, ?visli. — Ar. ^. or l^\^y^\, Heb. jlli-j, Sam. XH% t '?XtS', S^}V-, inipf^- '^'Ntt'"', ^/."f/i", demand, entreat. — Ar. JUL, Aeth. ftAA: and fi?iA: Heb. ^Nli', Syr '^U, Sam. n:::'' not used in I. — III. nz;^" prahe. — Ar. ^a1, Aeth. A-flih: Heb. n?^, Syr. ^J^ ^ Sam. ^^^. Nn2l!"in, ^rn?-, praise, glory, a hymn. — Syr. ]^ak».z^ constr. £.1-^2, Sam. ^A^^-^A and ^f^h^h (Exod. XV. II). kXllf" ///L:''ti'. 3"irii', impf. Dliti';', //^ down. — Aeth. fiTHi: Heb. Phoen. DD'ci', Syr. wii2u4. , impf. . nn^i ^ Sam. Siii'^^. DDl^ impf. n2'ki'>, inf. nrii''^, find; gen. used in V. \yyp>^, nri^'H, impf. n2li':,nrii'n:. — -Syr. - .0 4. j , Sam. '^^•^, gen. ^^-^A or V^-^A. >n^. See. ■>n^. D^li', C"^!^, impf. D'?li'i, ^^ entire, safe or ?^'^//, complete or finished. IIJ. D>lt' w/?X"^ entire, complete or finish. — 43 — /Wf'd \\. vow. Ai-. iJLlw, ll('i». c^::' or zh'^, Svr v.^:. Sam. -^i-^. Cll' and more iisiiully Dli:^, NCti', « //^////^, jil. pOi'. — Ar. |vll, rarely ,l*w. ^L\ Aelli. fi^^ ).ia^, pi. ^2^1.^, ^^c^; Sam. ■^•^, |.|. )^'ii^. Derived from ^l mark, \^^ a mnrk. N^CIi' the ski/, (he heavcna , heaven. — Ar. ?.LZ-1, Aelh. ri<^.l!: Jit'l). C'Cl^', Plioen. samem (-en, -in) [Plaut. Pueiiul. \'. 2, 67. Gune bel halsamem (en), ^zi ">J1W C^lfi^ H*2; balsamen, accordiii<^ to Auyusline = domi- niis coeli; BttloajurjV = xvf)tog ov^tavov, JEaixi]HQov[ioQ = 6 v\jiovr. "isr,"*, hrcak. II. 12ni< *^ (accordiiii^- to Plutarch, but the inscr. Massil. 1. 3 has ^^ , Heb. ^}^^ Syr. ]icz, Sam. ^'^vA. Derived either from "Xfi be stir- red up (dust, tLUiiull, ani^er), IV. "XiiS stir up (dustj, plougli (comp. "ip2 and armentum), or fi-r>m .U=.L-w, impf. )5-w*j, spring upon, attack; more probably from the former. Misled l)y (he similarity of sonnd, many have idenlihed with (his word the Gr. Tav()og^ Lat. iaurus , but these are related to the Sanskrit sthiira-s, strong; taurus consequently stands for staurus , Germ. Stier, Eng. steer, Dan. tyr, Swed. tjur. ninn tjeloiv, hefieatk, under. — Ar. o*^', Aeth. d'/hl".* — 45 — Ilrl*. l-liocii. rnn, Syr. z=-Iz, Snin. AHA- — Fniiii nin = rAW sink, dcsrcntU Ar. ^li .tinl ^U == <^U*. L L C C C N7n, iiiipl. rn\ haiuj, suspend. — lid*. n'P, Syr. IJz. Sam. AZA. nj^Hr, Nnj;':^"in, d n-orm ni- raterpiUar : Syr. jLjilci. Most prub. from llie rati. y'^"> //V7i-, lieiice lick up, consume { \v. ij: hj)) ; see however Geseiiiiis' Tliesauriis, art yhr.. n^n r., ^<^^^ m., ////vr. Ar. ^'i^, iS^\ Aelli. UJAfi-t^: T : T T : ' Ilel). irTiJ', nti'^k:'; l*lioeii. sulus (accordiim- to Aiii'-us- tine), n'li'b'ki' (iiiscr. Massil. 1. 9, II); Syr. £^z^ \l^^\ Sam. AZA, ^AiA. ji^r, there; Syr. ^i , Sam. p-^A, ^s^'ilA. Another form is n»n, Ar. |vj, x^i", ///<:vr, j^j, omJ, om-j, //^<'V/ .* Heb. cti' and ri?2*i^'. T T T Wri, impf. "'jn"', |)i()j). /><"/(?A/, hence do again, repeaf. — Ar. ^, Ileh. T\y^, Syr. jjz^ Sam. ^^A. ]i:n, f. n:;;", second. — Sam. ^(l\^A, Syr. ^.ji repeating, siihst. repetition. nij^jFi, pro|). repetition, as an adv. a second time, again. — Syr. ^d-ji. Sam. Av^»TIpA. F]pr, , P)"'pP, inijif. PJpri";, I'C strong, violent, severe; impers. Tfh rjpn = ti nnn, he ?vas angrg. — Ar. ,Syr. U^ci. Sam. 3U\V, ^3VA. — 46 — In cliaji. II. 7 it corresponds (o the lieb. cnnz bolls or bai's. F)"'l?P slrony, powerful, vehement, violent. — Syr. ^^-.-Bi, Sam. 3rn?A. Coils', C^n'ii'; Phoen. constr. 1^^ (for >:tt') , inscr. Melil. 1.; Syr. ^iz^ v^^'^; '^ani. ^Ht^A, "^^A^A. Hence "ipy_ nn, f. npj; N'n'in, twelve; see npy.. "|":n not used in I. — 111, r^i^ drive out, expel. IV. "JjiriN ^6^ driven out, expelled. — Ar. e) J) /^rt'i^^, abandon. SYRIAC VERSION. "^ nSfff ? "M^itf -gitNs iVr'' '^^ I^CLkJ^ laXa^ '\^ >eaj3 2 v-ajSV^N '-*-»..A,?£^ .coilflL '^\Vi\ .kl. hlyo )L,f v_£kIo ♦ a; -o \ ■ ^ * • ^ ^' ^3 . • • o ■ • \» i . ■ • ^W^'^*» • * * ^7 1^ N. .7 P7 p l-aX? oi^-fc,(J nJis. i,j*J ^j nr^^-*- • » = gilN? .aXaJ? )v^ .^ l^aX ».''!• 7 . ...-.7.7 - ", 7 f \ 7. . •>^Q-k? <"^^ i^ali^o . 1 w3 Q_iic^)o -'^^ ZZ] _io "^CjLiO ♦ P 7 -P .7 -7 ,". "-.^ * P . .•> ,, ^ r. •. **) On Ihe marg'. of one Ms. ^-sj-^s. ') Var. )-3i t\, l^^ i\, )^-i «\. *") A ms. adds .^.^13.^:^^^. ') 2 mss. s ji^lo . ^ ) 2 mss. alic . — 48 — 9 .IJ] Ur=^ -^a-^ ^f^ )r^] •> ") U^:^ ^^1 U-^l :\ «. .7 7 V r c r -« a., p .. -^ - 71 jv^^^ V^L^as -^iJ^ l^^*^ U-*-Jo >^ j-iiiJ jJio .01-^ r:^r^l 13 iJ^i "") Q-fc-IiaZJo ♦ .aa^L ]oci ocivl^^X^ . |.i:i Pa-l-isD p - ■ P P 7 ., ^ -^ ^ 1 51^ 1 ^ ^V ^ * *'*"'' |s(ji '^l) }-i^-fc? ^^-Jw^ . a_»*£^l (Jo |.^p^^ .oiscjiJ? .cJoi , V 3- > r p .> ^1 '' 1 " "^r. 7 7 J> ,7 7.7 -► 14 t~P M Pr^ t<=l • Cr^l° Pi*^.^ oi~oo -i-^coi-i^l^ . m N?^^o '^.jLic .pil pc? ^*.^>\ ^i;a.*^Z jjo .pn Irr^? ff»-^aJ-S . " ''. - *■«. ^ -/ "•" -('' 1"" i''i*' '' '^" "i'' 10 •'^ ' \ vA?i?,N-i ^.o •:• '^1 fd.'i^ 'h^\ psp s^jo Pi-^ 001 AJj) lb ^ \>.;i- •:• sA(7ia.-;^s-A..ul^ ,_lc | Vi > > m*1ZZ|o . )Vi t^ ^(ns|,.A.o Pi-laa.^ P»^? a-i?c Pt-^ >c,_s ,_^ |I.ii |I.ii^? ^sJcn J..4JI •» 77 ■:- (Vf.3 c? ,Jo 1 ^Ja^ (0010 .^Q-fcJik qiS>.^,o p2? poJ pfiiO ^P-^^'o ') One ms. ZJ] pcl^ fsicj p^l ^-i^ocj anolher pall pa.]' _:^IJ]c. ') One ms. -fl^o] . J) One ms. .coi.^. ) Wanting' in one ms. ') One ms. j^]. "') Lee Q^t.^Z\z. ") One ms. ^. — 49 — f — s •:• ^-oZis i-kfl^ U^** *-l£ <-«JiLm I.£^|o . >aXl^ ^^s]^ 8 ^ • "... ^ . ^^ZiOLo^^ )i-a^jJS |2,l;-»? -r-'r-t^? '^' :• U-»^ . x- .<^V 9 •>)-*^^^ ^qJJL (?i4u:u3 jJcJ^ UjiO ,J2-SO ♦Ui Vll. jJL-.5iS 11 ♦ jifiiialik Trt^i ^'^''^? ^=-^ 'V^ Ur*? «'»■^r^J^s looio 1 laJ-Jo .i-»jifi'? oilJ:;^ ^1 I'l .l\ '^•jlo ^Ja-k >ijc ♦^^ jj)' 3 Zt^l^o •:• .ctn-kV 0^1^ U^r^o .6'^ «"> p;eV r:^ • i"'^ ^. A^.b^s 6 ^ .laJ-J^ ^joj^jo o-|i_2]o -i-jj^i^ V^ v-=^o 1^' . A ^.^^o 7 . jji^o IVoZo ]\ «>^o ) A 1 •; 1 ^ . >*?i=j.rfV= ^?s ) -iNy? p,-s=^ .oaiiAJ Ul •:-.ci-AJ ]^ Us] -vf^i^ Uo >«r^ .nVi\^J jJ 8 "^ 01 o') One ms. ^©j . P) ^r??^j **) '?t^ ^ '?r^ ' h r?°- •"^ One ms. ?i_4^s _i>c . ^) One ms. ^|o "1^?'=? ^) ^"^ "'^- U^--^^ Isu^. 4 — 50 — £^o9i "^1-^ . > <» « A T ^J:^ ^.ib^ ^r^ ^sai Ll^f^ "])Jm ^..^ulcs 3 • 'ISn ■ ■*'^J w^ ^jJa: '^ ^•-'^ ■•■ I a" A . ..-^ -JNJ i ^ssiico . v^Zo-d^ G lauX l-Ljitf r^^ ♦] IvT *|ViN «Ji^ ^^rr^^^ i^ '"H^?- U^^^^^^^^^c V^ U^ ]oaio .^i^ ^ 'Vli^ ^nl^iffo il."*c . ]fpf ? j^-j ^ V 9 ^- rr^3-A» 1 'M' ^ i^ r- •=•^^0.-*? v.i^?. ») One ms. ^>^Sv ^ a.^\ G ]i S IS A R Y. ^i^ j^i^ a father, pi. ^auril , ^^1; with siiIT. ^,^ali, ^ma^l^ etc. — Ar. ^j|, Aeth. YAW with. suff. MbJ! Ileb. ZN, Chald. 2N*, N2N, Sam. 3A. T TT- ^ I , inipf. ^p ^ perish. V. ,icl destroy. See Chald. gl. 12N. .o) iiilerj. 0.' V-jl, inipf. V-jp , imper. "^'i , yo ; ^^^hSiao V-|) "iV.b? hecomhiy more and more ay dated. See Cliald. gl. S\^. ^), inipf. >al|j . /^>^'^, AW//'c7% another; pi. iii. ^r-J, f- ^•^1. See Chald. gl. iriN. r^l. See puV I as, accordiny to , about (in slating numbers). — Ileb. •?]\N how? Chald. ^\v, Tji-, Sam. -mTlA. Comp. of J| (see Chaki. i;l. \s) and .^ . 3; and iherefore innj).. us in Ileb. and Chald., an interrog. ^ — 52 — \k^) where? ivhcre. — Heb. n^^N, Chald. nd^n. Comp. of J| and \L here (Heb. TO, Chald. N*r). f^v^/ | whence? whence. Comp. of ^\ and )1lS /(tv/c^. jj^l. f. ]'p-.l, /^^M /^'/, likewise, moreover : ^\ neither, nor. — Heb. Phoen. r]N, Chald. ^^ and Fj'ix. — 53 — -isj , l^l, ihc fare ; front, surface, external form ov appear- anrc ; lor ^ii^jj . Iioin an iiiiiiscd siii^. .^l; Ar. v_ajt, Acdi. Al4t: tlie nose, Heb. rjs the nosc,»<\v\. D^Qs* Me' nostrils, face; Cliald. N'2JN, X-2X, pi. ]"'D:n. pCN, niGX; Sam. -^ITI^A- Tlie Syriar Grammarians and Lexicographers wrongly derive ^s) I'lotn \zCs . iLs, Heb. HN©, Cliald. xnN??, NPe, M^ /^/r<". w.(ol , ilss] , f. ''z ''-'V/y, ;-6>rt'(^/, journey; custom, conduct: pi. ^Vo|. — See Cliald. gl. mN. "^il , l^'l^ f- ''/'''' car til, y round, a country; pi. ^v^'f. — See Cliald. gl. yx. 1^1 the lowest part, bottom, base; pi. ^i-*-! nates. It is prop, the stat. empli. of ^ , which occurs, for example, in the compound \hji\hlM, \A. Urj:.! , the base w foun- dation (of a wall); Ar. v^.ll and ajcl podex , nates : Ilcl). ni5'', pi. nlrif; from a rad. nPii' = n'^'Z' place. 1^1, iiiijif. i^p, imper. s. ni. jz, f. ^z, pi. m. zl and ^coz. f. ^j"i «^nd ,^j^, iid'. |1:|^ , come. — See Cliald. gl. ndn'. ^ in. at or near, by, with, on account of etc. — See Chald. gl. 2. v_4,^= not used in I., be bad. V. w^Ul. .^.i). injure, hurt. — See Chald. gl. ii\s2. ks, f. • ) ^ f^ . (^A_i^ , bad, niched : as a snhst. ^?v7, wickedness, tnisery, calamity. a.1..^. -lil-i^. Uil—c , wickedness. — Chald. yz'^2. — 54 — ^T . " and lL>jz . coiitr. £— ^, between, among. — Cliald. 1^2, ^2, ""rr, PJ"!?; see Aetli. gi Iliii:: v^ , impf. ^sJ^iij, sivallow, devour. — See Chald. gl. y':'2. j_ki^ , \\ ^^^ ^ « beast of burden, coll. cattle; pi. ]y .\n. — See Chald. gl. i-iyz. jL, ]j.s « son; pi. ^J-s, l-ijls . — See Chald. gl. "12. Hence ^Iji, -^H=, ^5! human being, person, individual; pi. iljj-iL;, )>v.in. — Chald. li'^N "ID, li'J "13 (Dan. VII. 13. n^n nrN' trj« "122 n^cij' ^::v-ny n^i and seel with the clouds of heaven there was coming as it were a man, tlie figure of a man — 7iot „one like the Son of man") ; Ar. iL^lQlj, iHSlj, a word borrow- ed from the Nabathaeans ; Heb. D"1N"]2. ■f^ i^rs uncultivated ground, a field, plain, desert. Hence with prep. {^"^ out, outside, ^ ^^^ outside, besides, except, ^^v ^ frotn without (comp. |^^n). — Ar. 15, adv. \Z, ^ G, lis ^x; Chald. Nn2, t °-^ ^ (Ar. ^, adv. |^; Chald. i^, nij_, constr. 1-1, 1J)2, 127, etc.; Sam. tl, ttS, etc.). ■^^^, Tr^H' '^ WW?; pi. T^F=4- — ^ee Chald. gl. "i23. ^4.^ happen, befall. ■ C. . rx, 7^?' /^^- L'i^e (he Gr. word, it never commences a phiase. — 55 — ^.\\'^, Ul^^, mtrcs. — Soo Cli;ilut , mil on; <»(" niiinials lon\ hrlliDr. — Ilcl). nvi, Clialil. Nj;: . r'nii'iialr rniiii li^. > who, )vhich, that : mark (tf (lie ^•enil., as UX? di^l th<' hold of the ship; coiij. ///.'//, i/i order that. — See Chakl. ;.|. n. ■ "'^« ^ '-^iJ, sacrifice. III. -.*fc£? sacrifice often or in j^real quaiilily. — See Ciiald. gi. "2". i^5 ^/ victim, saci'ificc : pi, - - •^'^ . ^? ^ imi»r. ^syj . Jiidye. ■ — See Chald. gl |n. |ju^, li.i^^. a city: ]>]. ^y^ . V^?, Vifi, fear. — See Cliald gl. hm. Um?^ |i^?, A'^/^*', dread, reverence, an object of fear or reverence, deity ; pi. ^V-'-"* , ^?^ d'e, ^///, yet. Like d'e it never holds (lie first place in a phrase, gen. the second, i^?, inipf. jl^. ronemher. II. j^TiZl /v^^' remembered ; call to mind, remember. — See Chakl, gl. -)D"1. >,..\% male turbid, disturb, agitate. III. ..^i^ id. W . .^f^] pass. — Heb. n^T, Sam. Yl^, jc?, j^"?. blood. — See Chald. gl. ci. ^ic? , impf. ^,i, sleep; pari, ■-•^« sleepiny. — See Chald. ^? , i-iiiC?. particip. adj. sleepiny. ?. impf. w.J^*, m^ (the sun). — See Chald. gl. n;-. wi^jjjic, j-Mj,itf. the east. U..*J^ . f. ].< ...i^v- ^ eastern: as a siiiisl. ///<' r^/.v/. 56 01 H l^c , she, il (Cluikl. NH ; Plioen. nh , iiiscr. Sidoii.); ailv. hei^e, t/uTC (coinp, nj.) ; inlerj. lo, see (Ar. L^, ChaM. Nn, NH, Sam. A^). ctn 111., -ci f. , /w , she, it; |il. .clJci in., ^Joi f., and as accus. after a verb .aj], .^i- Often used to express the verb he, \\\ which case it is gen. written o^'oi , impf. ^cloii^ tv7'n, return ; change; overturn, destroy. II. -^ciz] he turned, changed, destroyed. IV. ^oiz] (versatus est) stay , remain, be on the point of. V. ^oil turn away, avert. ■ — See Cliald. i^l. "jsn. — 57 c (uuL btil. — See Cljald. j^l. \ ^1 , iJ-^i, finic^ I'l- ^•'••«^] //wt'A" (vices), in wliich sense it is fein., as r^n^i h^^ thrice, ^-lic] ^^»i? ^/ sccund time, again. ■ — Ar. ^\ and ^jL*; , Aeth. H<:?^"5! Heb. j^T, pi. Di:^l; Cliald. |^7, wpj, pi. ]>jd7; Sam. ^^"^; it has also passed in, confuu\ imprison. II. _»..c-.-:l pass. — Ar. J**la.j ^^^'j- ^^C' '^'^''^' imprison. 4* — 58 — fjl, f. 1^, o/fe. — See Chald. gl. nn. -^ , inipf. 1^7 ^<^' ^/(T/*^, I'ejoice. — • See Chald. gl, Nin. li*. not used in I. — ^III. ^a.1 sho7v , armoimce , tell. — See Chald. gl. Nin. ofl-i.. inij)f', ^isolkj, have compassion on, pity , spare. — See Chald. gl. Din. ]j^^ impf. ]j_J^ see, obse?'ve. — See Chald. gl. Nin- ^a^L*, impf. ^a4-«i, snatch, carry off, plunder. — See Chald. gl. rpr\. \1^ , impf, y^ , \l\i . inf. \lu> , \1\^ , //2^c-il impf. >2U. l^e hot, 7varm. — Ar. ^ wai-m, he warm, Heb. Chald. en. See Aeth. gL ^C^\\ lijicLiI heat, passion, anyer. — Chald. NDCin heat, Heb. nan. T ■ w^ siyh, yroan. ]£^.^jL. a sigh, yroan. V*^. See ^.CLJL^. -^Uj \\i\\)\.^\^ , f^(^ ff^ciiJ'^^PPl/, Joyfa/ ; often impers. — III. ■ -■ ' [ prepare, make ready. — See Chald. gl. 21D. v^. \^, f. j-:l|^ lVs4^ ^o^//>, >'y'/<^/.<" wither. — See Cliakl. gl. it'D"'. ) 'I - r drif ground, land. — Ar. (j*^, Aetli. P-flfill ,J, li-» i . r. the hand ; pi. ,^^1. U^l- — See CliaM. gi. -i\ 1,^ iiul iiseil ill !•■ — V. ^'jol confess, give thanks, praise. — See Cliald. gi. n"i. ^'?cZ jL.'jo2 co/i/'ession of faith , religion; praise., thanksgiving, -^r^^ imp*' "^fj* . i"'^- "r^, imper. -^-i , know. — See Chakl, gi. jj-v -rjfol y/>v' ; imj)er. ,^^. pail, --kl^ ^s-kji-l; impf. '\'^, inf. Vi^^ Irom a rad. '\^ = ]r\1. — See Cliaid. gi. 2n^ ioalj liea-r, ff dag: pi. ^ tv alT . lie =11 , and jilcclT. — See Chaid. gl. cv. >ala-.], iLLu.], r/^/y (as opp. to night); jil. ^ . vvv j. — Cliald. ^121^ dag, u.t2\ hg dag = i<^^'^2, Iviv.U. uCl^v loTtTif]^ Joppa or Jaffa. — 60 — jiiaJ (lie sea: |»l. }^^^ — See Chald. gl. w. r-ALal ^ \^-^ y ^- iff^c right hand. — • See Chald. gl, |"i^\ . aw^ not used except in V. -^o\ odd, increase, do again. — • See Chald. gl. ^p^ . \L^ ^ iiii|)f. |:I|i^ imper. ^^^ shoot np, grow. — Chald. Nj;^; idenfical with Aeth. (D^AI Heb. N^*^ go out (comp. in [)artic. cijN'liiS*^ shoots, and i^Kh. \ an embryo or foetus). ws£-» , impf. uTj-^^ imper. ^z^ sit. — See Chald. gl. 2n^ iLk , inipf. iijJ , remain over and above, be abundant, al/ound, make gain or profit. ■ — Heb. if)"', Chald. in% Sam. ^A(U. •fj^h^ . fr^^ . f- li-*'^, l^i-k'^ abundant, excellent ;^'\^\ ^^ more than; as an adv. very, much, more, besides (Heb. inii). — • Chald. nin^, Sam. '^fnA/Tl. j^ perhaps. — Heb. Chald. *iZ!3 /w/y ago, already, pe?-- it -- haps (comp. JJJ already, pei'haps). ^ rvhcn, after ; whilst; although. Comp. of ^ 3 and the relat. ? (corresp. to Heb. 12l^;^_, 'l?^3), and lience its frequent use with participles and adj. ^ e. g. j^"] ^ saying (lit. as one who says). — Chald. n3, "13, Sam. T^. Vs^ U^, jlasj ///^ totality, the ivhole ; all, 7vhole. — • See Chald. gl. ^-2. |jis cover, clothe, conceal. III. ^.jaL id. IV. w-jaaz] be co- vered , concealed, put on clothes. — See Chald. gl. NDD. — 61 — ^jj^ iiii{»f. Ji^ , he painfiiL ^lisagrccable, grieve; only used inij)L'rs. oi:^*. ^r=, ^'f'"- 0'"i'|'- '^ ^\^- — CliaM. vS'^3, Ar. s wT <^6' unpleasant, ^S be averse to, dislike. Ijj not used in I. — V. i^l proclaim, prear/t, declare. — See Chald. gl. nr. jzricjj ^/ prorlamation or annoancemenf, jireachiny, the (jospel. ^^ ^ inipr. .^cV^^ i/^ round, swTound ; wrap up, protect. Cljald. TjTr. Like oilier radicals of a similar form (w^i!^ provoke, ^^^ disturb, '^2^, \i;r2'^% tJ'lliO, ^r^ is a later formation from -fl-fl, from the rad. mr. ^^y U8r=% f- ^^'^' '^^'^^ ^'^^^ inmost or deepest part; pi. G G ]£iB^. — • Ar. ji^, J^vf ^/''^' stomach of ruminant animals, Aelli. ^CW: Heh. ti'-]^, Chald. «cn2, Sam. ^jQ^j iliojcts^ « throne; pi. jzLsVm. — See Chald. gl. «D^D. ^A.Ls strike, strive or contend, W. ^lIz] strive with one another, /i(jht, strive or exert one's self, endeavour. — Ar. jiJJ', Hell. '2;r]2, Chald. U'nr, Sam. -^^Aii. '\ 'H. to, for, according to, elc. Sign, of the accus. ami (tf Ihe dat. — See Chald. gl. h. }] no, not. — See ChaKl. gl. Nt?. — 62 — ^y labour, he fat'ujuecL exhausted : perf. 3 s. f. zlTiJ 2 ni. i^y . f. -^-i-P, etc.; iinpf. 1}lj^ imper. ^{] ^ inf. |Ui^ , j)art. ]J3, IJJ. — See Chakl. gl. ^n^. inV^ M^' heart, the innermost part or vddst; pi. |/ oo!s: . — See Chald. gl. 2^. ^'^N, impf. - A^X?^ y^^// 6>/? clothes. — See Chald. gl. li'D^. Zcui. at, near, to or towards. ■ — See Cliald. gl. ni':'. .N\ , jll^, n/b. rCfi pjlo , r///y article of furniture, pot or vessel , imple- ment, dress; pi. pjlo. — See Chald. gl. jnd. >c^ something. — See Chald. gl. CJ/"^. i^kiis^ inipf. ZalaJ, inipcr. zaio^ ^/«?. — See Chald. gl. DID. jzclL death. jl»^^ iini>f. ) J%n3^ strike, bite or .y//>^_^ (an insect). See Ch. gl. t^HD. ^a.1^^ \i'^h t.v^ « storm: pi. |iA".C^ waves. — See Chald. gl. ^iti'm. l4Cic impf. l4uLQj^ come to, happen; part. ^oie^..'|j3 X^ he was able, had power. — See Chald. gl. ^"co. V^Lifi on account of, for ; ?V^jas because, since. — Chald. ':''itC?p, ^ILJpx. Prob. couij). of o^^ 1^0.^, the pertain- ing to (^5 jia^uior: ?>? relation to, in consideration of, because of; Chald. I^^ZDN) and '\. 1^ sJk^ ^r? ^ \^ ^ water. — See Chald. gl. p^^. y^ hence ; '\ Ui^ hence to i. e. ivithin, in. — Chald. N2>D; comp. of ^ and \L here, Heb. niD, Chald. nd. Vkiio from this time forward, any longer : now, therefore. — (33 — Comp. of ^ and "^^^ == CliaM. |Nr here, wluMice Vsislll hence ; comp. V^ad then, therefore, '\.^''ji. hitherto. \^ not iLscd ill I. — HI. VS.^ speak.- — See Cliald. ^1. h^,^. ILdj )^^^. fi nord, saying: thin//, matter from[). iz";. pi. ^•.Nv ^ ILic. — Heb. Cliald. rbu, jd. CiTC, p^c; saiii. m^, pi. ••iimZ'ii. U^ f- ^filf- — Ar. ^>jLo, llelj. M^^, Cliald. n;:c, xnrc, Sam. ^2,"^; ill Ae(h. there occurs (ho denoin. vcrh cPA/h! salt. From this word in the sense of the sea, is derived ^*»i^^ \.^^^ , a sailor; pi. ^.llHe. — Ar. -1^, Heb. Chald. n^c. T ~ ^iliOj impf. ^4"Vv^i^ counsel, advise: be king, reign. — See Cliald. gd. "^c. ^v^ )-"V'^ a king: pi. ^-^Vv^ ^ 7eho ? who : also a particle = Gr. jutv. — See Ch. gl. |c. alio (lor ooi ^) who is? also used lor cL^ ?ehat is? Chap. I. 8. ^ fro?n, o/\ out of, etc. — See Cliald. gl. yc. ^, j-iLs, what? what; adv. W/y > • nt^^-v") From ^l; . NC, n;2, what? and 'oi. T ' T ' \ oiic (for C31 U:^:) /^7^^// is? ^•-•v^^ ^ jj^Lc . ///r intestines, the helbj. — See Chald. gl. Nyr:". ^ ]^, ^/ possessor, owner, nt aster : pi. ^f^. As a title of respect, ^jj^ = in, y.v{)it, nnj lord, sir. Lord! ^ ^y///- Zo;y/ (Christ), >i*^l w^ Mfir Ephraem, --"•--■'' ^j^ J/<7;- Jacoh, etc. A cognate IViriii is i;:^^, Ur^\ pi. Ur:^. I^o-^. Del". U jic , o xi'(>/0.-. — 64 — c J > c the Lord — Ar. gl«, g^, g^J, a man ; (Jliald. ic, NnL% nc; Sam. ^^, ITI^^. ^h^ Mard-cciog, Matthew. \\^\ a prophet. — See Cliald. gl. N2J. jzclij prophecy, a prophecy. ^ ^^ extended, long. — See Cliald. gl. "131 ^i!^ long, protracted, slow, gentle; xloh'i ]j^^ = "^"liS; C^BN slow to anger. r,j, impf. v^J^ jop^ z'er. ^.-iic^ /^/^.y^, .y/'?//', — Ai'. JX^ (^/^//i « stream, Hel). irp in Nifal, Cliald. ire. Cognate rad. ^^ ']10, "i^c; Aedi. AIWJZ^! r^y/c/^ /// a jief or snare. I^saa <7 ^^// or /yfl-r; pi. \i=.z.^ . ■ — Chald. N'iriD. . n\n , impf. ^.iiii , iniper. ^jia inf. . ^r^<^ yo up, ascend. ^^ >_jia ) make ascend, briny out. — See Chald. gl. p^D. - >-- ^^ , j_Ii!iiJ , (Caslell. j^Bii^J) time of ascendiny. risiny ; pi. I-'ttv. lLL» r. ///^ /<"//' hand. — See Chald. gl. '^.^-cz. \Ls> coarse cloth, sackcloth : pi. j_:^. — See Chald. i;l. pc ^jjjc not used in I. — ^11 1, ^pc empty, render vain and useless. — Chald. p-^D. s, f. l-i-r", ]'i.£LA.fSs , empty, rain, ?/seless : pi. in. ]^-gjo f. jLL-^. — Chald. pnp. /-^^ , impf. ^ '- V i , do, make. ■ — See Chald. 'V'/', — See Cliald. gl. ~i2y. l-^^j n2j;, 0•fl^*E: ^\S&, Hehrem. 1^^ rt-.v /^//- as, until. C(jinp. ul" ,^ ^ "ly, aIiI:C, )vS\ , any tony indef peiiod of time, eternity, the universe or ivorld. — See Chald. ^. cby. ^zL with, along with. — See Chald. gl. oy. >a:Ij ) ^^ . a people or nation, people, a multitude: ^.-^C^v^ jvisns . — See Cliald. gl. dj;. j^ajl « depth, abyss: pi. jjiica:^. • — See Cliald. gl. pay. jjLiI or joi f. .s'^, yoats. — • See Chald. i^l. |Ny. ijL t'.. lj_Li£ 111., ten. Hence jjo^^iz ni., I^jaili^i I'., /'//r/^r (see ^vz). — See Chald. gl. "loy. ^.c^ . impf. ^x>o^ . flee. — See Chald. gh p~ij7. — 67 ^^uils throw up, row//; ("lial. :o'^D, Snni. ^13- JjL . ^.j.3 . iinpr. U^ . ////•//, return. II. ^ i ■^ ' | id. — llel). DJO, Chald. N>:^, ije, Sam. ^^3. ..abL, inij)!'. ^ikai . rw/, dcrrcr (»r appniitt. — Ar. j3**i of IVuil dial sjilit their outer eo\eriiii4; whni ii|i('. c. g. the .late: Chald. ppC, Sam. VV^3. 1,-i, M^i , (^ ptii't or portion, u hit : \\. )v-i. — Ar. jnsj apiece, Chald. ^•c, NHiG. Another I'onn is jjai , pi. Ifis. Chald. D^D; Aeth. l'4.i'iri : cast lots. 1^^ not used in I., separate, open: Ar. ^i. Heh. n'i?, Cluilil. N'iD. 111. ^^ deliver, save: Ar. ^'^- Ih'h. nv?. Chald. NVG, ""iJO, ^V?' ^^'"- '^•^3. jjis . im|)r. ?=-lai ^ order, command, decree, — lleh. "ptT, Chald. i,?Q, Sam. ^^3. ■^aa, lJ|l==^ . '^'^ order, command, decree. — Chald. npV?, Sam. i'Vv3 = Syr. \^-^ . _ ^-.o suitahle, fittinij, asefal : ^imi. used in the sense ol' // is f/oo/l, /ifti/if/. ^l^, ini|ir. -^x-c^ ^ ciimpensate (tr make nj) for. pa// ;i dehl. /)/l/i/ a vow, rec/aite. — Chald. yio. —i^iis , laL.S:Ls . fulfilment of a \(»\v, retrihution . ri- //uital, reventje. — Chald. ]V1V2 nn aventjer. n':v"iv3, Sam. ^fiT^3, rereuf/e. '.jc^iJ , li^^.a . a /H>rd. messuf/e. ihrree : matter, thiu.^ impf. I-Sj-Jj ?m/i, desire. — Ar. [1^ imj)f. ^/.^J love ; Chald. 12^, O'i, Sam. '^^■iTI. jc^, impf. >«o^, A"^'^- — ^^6 Cljald. gl. DIJi. ^. he hight, shine, he hot. — Ar. ^^ the sun, sun- shine, ^jk^sJo. 'P''^^ ^^ clear, evident ; Heb. hH be white, ny clear, bright, ?varm ; Chald. TVl'T^ polish. — See Aeth. gl. e-Ti^:: J], ^ impf. yJ^ (?'^/?(^. III. ,*1^^ pf'^y- — See Chald. gl. N'?i». \1.^^ a p'ayer ; pi. ]ii^^. \^ WfO impf. >cc^£j ^5pi wy brother told me beforehand ; .ekl^ a-o^ oic^ c^aJo^o!? I all the astronomers foretold; ec^^ ^oi? ^^'"- v^ - V he outran Simeon. — Ar. lj.i' precede, IdJ approach, a?'rive, IjJ be ancient; Aeth. ^X<^'. Heb. C-p, Chald. D-p., Sam. -^1?. >c^ }io^ M.^.A: ChaM. tt'^^p, Sam. -^^^-rniV; ll«'l>- Pli'HMi. U^ip (iiiscr. Sidoii.). Ve U^ , the voire, souiul : pi. lis'. — Ar. J^i', JU, a word, saijiiuj : Aclli. ^'A ! Ilch. Pli(»eii. Vp (instr. Melil. 1), Cliald. %, Sam. >^, 2=Le, impf. >cilj. imper. ^=.j. rise, stand. — See Cliald. gl. dp. >i4uD imj»r. >:=4-ai. ''v//, hreak. — Ar. li^Lr '"'''''^- ^'f^^^ Chald. C^p. >o4uc . ul^ui , ^ZA'/cf^A-, ■ — See Cliald. yl. crp. Vo' be light, swift, smalt. \. " J:f fifjhte?i. — See Cliald. gl. 'i'^p. ~ i. 0. .c Uai. y.tipc/Xaiov, a chapter or section : ])l. ] jlai. Ijj;. imj)f. 1^. '"''///, '"''7/. proclaim, call on, invoke; name, i^ead. — Ar. fJ", Heb. N^i"^, Cliald. N'-^p, Sam. A'j?. ]|^ a f/oitrd. — Ar. cli, xxj-i'. Cliald. X'lP, '•"ip. ^r;^, impf. _c=^ . ^i(jnj. — • See Cliald. i;! m. \y^h imyer. ifj ini|)r. |?ji. proj). tread, hence yo, set oat, (low ; bestow pains or labour upon, study (coiiip. *^n~^), educate; chastize. — Ar. ^S^ tread, stamp, crush, yo, ^S>. pe?'ish ; Heb. nn"! tread, yo, rule : Ghald. Nl"} /lo?v, spread out, plouyh, ron\ chastize, rule ; Sam. ^T*^. ]?iic a Jouffiey. Also ]i^?j^. ^^c? be wide, spacious; have ample room; be refreshed, 7 7 relieved. V. ^-^oh\ widen, expand; refresh, relieve. — Ar. ' .r be wide, spacious, Heb. ni"l, Chald. T\T\, Sam. ^t'^r^S'i. Prob. -jy nn, stands for ^,y nzi, transposed from Zj^\-> ^PH (comp. '^t'^, ji^^J), with 2*n-i, xIsLC; and ^rnS*^, -^*f', '^^''t'' ^ni). Comp. )L.j, >:>ifin, opp. (o ^LJ, p^v^, -1^, n"^^^, etc. ^i imj)f. -^CfJ y Jjreathe , smell or ^/z^^ scent ; from the drawing of a full breath are derived the signif. of 'being relieved' or 'at ease', whence III. -^^s soothe ' .^ -- or appease ; and of 'rejoicing'. — Ar. C, impf. _Lj />/o;/' (the wind); L, impf. to or ^j-j, .s-w<"// any- thing, Heb. nnn, Cliald. ^n^.;, Syr.^^n^ Sam. ^/Tl'^A; ^^3' ""i'^- r'/^' ^'^J^^^^'^^- ^^zh i-Io? m. f. breath, the soul oy spirit, the wind: m. the. Holy Spii'it. — See Chald. gl. nn- yz.'^-, ini[)f. >a*IiJ . love. III. >culi A>/v', ///y/^^? />/(// ?///<>//. — See Chald. gl. cm. I -r-.^" .. ^ ''vr, compassionate, mercifil. conipassion . mcrcij. — 71 — , _".^ ^ iiitl iisril III I., hf so//, fjcnilr. III. _-'^ s hroinl orrr as a hird. — Ar. '_q-=-^-, oii>>. I>c soft: llch. r|rp . )jL2!^j:a: compassionate , merciful. ..ii^i he distauf, retire, depart. IW ^(_:i If e removeff. retire. See CliaM. i;l. pn"'. ^^i , U-»i. //"" /K'afI : 111. u^v. — See ("liaM. ^1. i^i"^. }^i throw, cast ; used in I. oiilv in llic [tailicip. j^i and li^i (soiiieliiiies jL:^f) \'. ^.^<\ id. — See C'liald. gl. {-^^. ^ inijiF. . > -.^ at ^ let (JO, dismiss, pardon: jiermif : let alone, forsake, ahandon, leave hehind (conij). 2i>). — Cliald. pr^, Sam. ^fi-^\ Hence (he exclamadon of Jesus on (he cross: Khoi, tXio'i, Xa/na oa^ax^ctri: ]^. imjif. ]^. fhro)r, cast: Chald. irw. A secondary lormadon, somewha( aller (hq manner i^\ SImT'cI. frnm (he rad. nij t/t?-ow (comp. D^t^^ >i-.*-^ . '''"' -^V/zr/-. fn mi Dm, >i« ^<" //o^.* "inz' be black, I'mm -;n /<<■ dry (ir parched: "^p, "VJL*, , //// ////. carry, perhaps connec(ed Willi \i id.). — 72 — ^ ^ bu7'n. — ■ Ar. ^^xo hunt, scorch, of heat and cokl ; Z^ kindle, hmm; Heb. D'Dti' flame. }I:q_J hea^, drought. . M-I4-, always with | pref., ^..^L*.) //^r/, be able ; impf. ■ .Z^^? ^ inf. 0.11^^ part. ■.^.-Ta^ iL,, .il^j impf. |i.4.i, cease, be quiet or tranqud. — Ar. ^Ll, impf. JLIS; Heb. n^ts^, 1^'ii^, Chald. "('^ti^, tt'ii'. >%S^ A. ^ impf. >o!iL»i. be entire, safe or 7vell, complete or finished. III. >al;^.»^ ^ //?<7X: V.'Q'^ (inscr. Melit. I.), Chald. V^W, Sam. V^-^, ?^-»^. wjLia.*, , j-^ia^ m. f. the su?i. — See Chald. gl. v/'OW. ■fLt, , impf. f^jk-l ^ be beautiful, please. — See Chald. gl. idh. j<='A, ]-f2^ , the morniny. VfiA. , impf. '\o.:i.A,j lift lip , carry , take an ay. — Chald. bp.ti/; Sam. i?-^. ■fl, be firm. — Aeth. ^L,L,\ found. 5=^1*. . I^s^ tt shoot or sprout, tendril. ]^, impf. ]il*.J, loosen 4)v untie. III. ^^^ /y<^^w. — See Chald. gl. Nil:'. -L*. i (for ^:^ ), impf |LiJ , drink. — See Cliald. gl. ndi:*. — 73 i^z, iinpf. i_c:i , hreak.W. f^zz] pass. — See CliaM. i^l. "^in. iicooiz t/ie ocean. — See Cliald. gl. Dinn. lli^ Kl^, ^ ^/•^/('v?. — Ar. b", whence the derioni. verh _Ji rro)vn : Cliald. N:r; fnuii llic Pcin. _u. s^i , iiiipr. _=oLj , rc/iirn, repent. — See Cliald. gl. ZIP. ^9oi rt-// ^>.r; pi. ivoi. — See Chald. gl. lin. ^al^ belon\ beneath, under; with. sufT. ^^alz^ -aicia.-^^ etc. — See Chald. gl. mm. \^ol , def. Uli^^ci , a worm , caterpillar. — See Chald. gl. nyt'in. 2^z f., l^^z 111., three. — See Chald. gl. rhr,. \1L:^A third. Cliald. HNn^^H, Sam. ^AAlTlZA. X T T : .^i there. — See Chald. gl. jDn. ^;^^ ^v^. f. .--i^i, r^2:il^ tn-o. Hence i^I:^?^ . F. l-jjiilisi, ///r/m — See Chald. gl. ]nn. ji.^-:, f. l:LiI^.i, second. b* AETHIOPIC VERSION. (Df^j: a: >»°Hi.Mi(ibC: 'Jfi: P-ffi: (OA.?: A<^b: i (Dj^aAo:: I'iWA: ^ih-c:^) iJ^: mc: "vOJ?:") (Dfi-n^i: 2 A°£p-: 'hfic;^: ^q:) '^'hp-*^: ^ap:: (Df^z.: rnY «i)i •5'?^a: 3 ■nrfbZ.: •ici'bfi:^z. : • ) (D^iO : (iri-iij-t; : £^i.i?- : cptiXAva^ \ icrbfi : ' ) 'h<^'iiv.'h^\\,K'{\(ih{:" sAA-: ') vai. iu!fib.»:-4:: J) var. ) ofhc: (DJi^iiuT^: ACJATf) p. »°iii.Mhh>c: A^^vn-: (DXMl:: acdpuhi-: i n\.p: k-^-'/P:') (Di-k^^^;-?.: 9^v\•. (Da)Z.(i)i: (i)rip: ajkJ) nr'hc: mnm,: k^\t. i\)<^F^h\ 4 ac>a.p: 'n'-A-: ^t^OiIa'ii: (D^i.!;'!!"^):: a)A"jri: Aa: 5 cap: a-r: ^4».i'ivn:: (ir^hH:") c^.h: 'hi\H\: i^,h?: 6 (Din-t'f.: *ajj: (la-fhi:: (Diri'i^cp: catip: (nrit-: *j*urf-i-: A.i?ac"):: (D(i)/^.R'n-: (irrii-: c^.'?c: ajp: 7 OK-(i)-: ^iYi°i-i:y: Ace^^-'i^z.-!- : ^AfV}.: A(.7..p: /^Crh: cpti..i.'f,'n:: A-iiiii}.: <^J!: Ari'n: catip: «p\.hi: vii-: CAfip: iin'i^cp: (ivivi-: i^^i-i-r: A.i*ac:: (i)(i)Z..»."ii-: <^) var. (DAHh: A: A^a.p: a$ii/. •*jP. U^nC: and above U'Jll/.: ')Var. A.PAP: '^) P. QUrfi-p ! *) var. 'iicuj : aAA ! «i>a: /v^fhP : '') One Ms. adds A'M' ! AOA.P: fi \i^.: "») Var. (D'iHIU.: .w>. ") One Ms. ^<^0 ^ •'<'"' <^niits the next 3 words p//r«^: ^) Var v-iA f : ") V;,r. (1) Ti!' : J) 1'. ;i. ds *ap: ') Va,. la-'fi : •>) Var. jL*nc: — 78 — 8 HXiixA : cp-fif : -ifiH^ : Ma^ : K<^\hxp :: j riii : .ja*^ : 9 *.«?-^*n : /? CA : ^*;?fi^ :: KAft : ^^i> : Hi'i-t : (DAfti- : 1 iXii : inuAotf=^ : : a)A^fi: ") c?^jia : ^a : fi-fl^h^ : (D-i^iP:") MU(iro: xH\: <^mi: /lA^^: oih^cD^p: 11 A'^WP-: AMaA-flffbC" (DAHFlMlLA-nffbC: AdrJi-t::') A'mzi: j'CD'/th: AFfn: (irn-i-: 5: cDAor^h: AFi"fi: (ir: jj.^:^) fi-n^-p:") H?ifl.A^: hi v. (d-i-iwa: p-ffi: (Dr^z;:ii^:n^cp: jjaAoiMHA-n/ibC: (Dii^n: ^qjj:^) u:2c:^?i-t:^) AMaA-flih>c:(D") One Ms. oniils Qyh-t'. •'*) One Ms. oniils these 3 words and adds APffll after (DACD-Zf^ : *) P. (D/T>c: ")p. ii^: U1Z.: uqp: ' ) p. H*^<^ : ^^) One Ms. and P. fl-fl'tl^ ! ^) Var. ^aj? : y) One Ms. and P. (ir'Al: .' ^)One Ms. lias AAia^^-nrfbC: (I)ii : : (i).Hn.: >,ri'ii: cptoa: uF/vri '•) •i-t-i/i.-.t*/^: j*4*:: (D'l'^cpj.: ri-n/-.: ;;t: ii (DrifiHK }<<^: (i)yV(hY: in*i>: '^^I'lcp-: (i)'jn,pc^:(i)/'/^i-i:: !\\t\i'i.[r<^\ i\)U\/..: (DTii-: fhJ=.i::: (i)ri»'I"I-: ^Anri.ii-: (DyV'fii'i: iif*i>: (\)U\/^: (irrri-: rficp^?:: (Dnn'o: jm": : Mi'\r. (DAunjM::') mui: ivn^: (i)>»'{rii-i : (I)Aa^j hHX'V :: :: :: <^\ v: ©■t'ViH : p Vh : ^ifi.p: -t^nii: (p,hiij "):: (D«ap: -^n : i hnwMhhC') (i).Ra: hiw.h'. AfM-: 'ficp'n: Ad.: j rHhh.CP: (Dn/'/M-.-J) nji:; •i-/.mA'fi-: ici-bfi: 'iM\-i-: (D(iH-.5: iVP: A^ni-:: ") One Ms. and P. UU yVfi ." cPTiVA ! ')So P. — The one Ms. has (Dl'i: *{ ! Af^^P." A'M)i*i : *^) Those 2 words are waiilini;- in one Als. ") Wanliiiir iti one Ms. ') due Ms. a.hN }\<^ Vi\ '. J) vai (Dinipj: — 80 — -) AF5Yi : 't^4> J. : ^•t^'H : ') a Ji- : : (\yhi-:?\fm: ^loh.: ii^Yior?: inc" fj (I)ahh: Mii.A-fiih>c : AiMi: A^^'):: (O.EaAo: MaA-O/fbC: a^j-i'i: 't'<^h\'f\: jh£TL : ") haa,+ : a*poA^: 1 1 (i)A.A.'t-: ^+'^:: (DAif:^) Aj^cphi'o: AiiT: u*ic: jcdBpp'aa:^) KAMi^'-) eiJ^cp-: (dpi: •niM:: :: :: k ) Warning in one Ms. ') Vnr. 'l^VUH]'. "■) So P. — The one Ms. (l)/iAA« '. KM '. C'AlY '. APffl ! the olhfr (D/iAA-: AP'ffi: cp: c: AP-m: '^) One Ms. and p. 'liCP'. J?/iAA°: 'A Ai ri : '^ ) vai . h u a (1>. : ^) p. }\<^\nu CI:: (D'JtAA,-!:: 'AA-r.: aa : >) var. A.p/i.Am-: OLOSSARY. u: UA(I): coiKracled DA?: iii)i>r. ^MA:'. he. \yW\ \\\\\sl PU(D-!ii: disturb, ayilate. VII. -rUdrll : iiiipf. Jil-UCDii: pass. — Ar. Jye ^<^ .9///y, simple, J^^JOo confounded, stupified ; cogii. -^L^, iinpf. ^>-^ excite, ^c:— ^i* - Ar. w^\5> id IIk' -r: ^rc: ^w^/ ^/V>^/ nuule man (lit. iiiade- liiin. man.) of lite dasf of flic ground. It is likewise used, with a preceding j)ion. suil'., to ciiinin.scTihe lln' o-enil., e. g. 'h<^i\ X^c^^: XKW iT/lUi: nf itw hlood of those giants: ihA<^; AZLC.i^'i : P/iaraoh's : adhere, be united. IV. AAii4» : make adhere or apjiroaeh, unite; intrans. be near or on the point of, followed by the subj.; clia[». ill. 4. (DAA^4>: X^aX: U1Z.: (we may supply H\(P\). — Ar. J^, £h<^: iiijpl. P/Iic-»), *-»• /'^/'V' fever, i^:^): ^sa make anxious, sickly. — 83 — fh^niie(.-U': Aram. "^^ c". ^ ^, tiX'^'H ((jeseiiiiis, C'anii. Sa- iiiarit. II. IC). \'. G). ^rn^SVi* 2^^ /w- be it from thy servants! Gen. XLIW 7. ihi'iCD: inipf. JJifbi'i-: He. AA^! falsehood, a lie. ii^l^\ impf. PihOrC: suhj. ^/T^C: (^/frCM impcr. /^C: (/li-C) go. — Ar. 'Ls» return. Hence xhTCJ*" (^)'v=> ('" apostle. <^rhTC' spare or distu/iee . u 'pmrneij : }^iA:/>6'm/^ VII. 'Tih'hA: or VIII. •Jfih'VA: id. (J^Afh^: (ui anchor. From ^J^J adhere to, reach or .;Ljuo; etc. — See Chald. and Syr. 8^1 — 85 — (f^Vi-: trhaiy ace. <^*}i-:: KC^i'V,:. m>( n-cn a si/iylr thiiKj. Atmdici- luriii is <^\ (I Id). ""C w/tu}'). fP?;?n: not uscl except in VII. '\'(P'i}^i\\ be nf/lkicd dis- tressed, in danger : (Iciioiii. Irom <^'fi?a: af/liction, distress, danger: [A. (P'J.».''(I.P'"l- :: Coiiriecled willi Ar: v^Jo = Ja-i^ danger, ^jo ^r- ;/77// M<" dead. j. Ji*?^*"'!-: ^//f. — See ChaM. gl. mo. cPOr']^: and *1^"2^: coll. waves, a storm: pi. cPT°?^: aii.l :: See Chald. ui. ]"D. ^jn: iiiipl. .K^.R'i": suhj. .Pc?^'?^: /yr//'/. ////•//. tam awag. avert: firing Inieh-, eonverl. \lll. '\' .?'C: //''" eartli, land. — Ar. .Joe elag, mud: Syr. )iyio a clod of earth. cP/TlJ: imp!". y. : he distant, retire. — See Chald. gl. pm. Cfh-* : (lorni -IMlh). f. Crh*•■^ : (rihliukt) distant, — 87 — remote. C^^**^ * "^U'l" ! shur /» tintjer , forbeariinj i^-^lf^l' ^Vrn^^ Geseiiius, Carin. Sainaril. II. 19). /^(p/^///; befall or //^//y/y^v/ /(/, with ace. of llie person, eliap. 1. 7, 8. CCjP: impf. JBZ>^: and £C^: subj. ^CUf! take to pasture, tend a flock. Vlil. 'TZ.DP: A'rr/, y/v/r^'. — See Chald. ri: ft: }>ul , indeed: always affixed (o other words, as A^ft ! 7\Aft:: ft<^U: impf. J?ft Joij, Lit\.oJCj , ^^^.^iJCj: for the Heb., see (xeseniiis' Gram. §. 53, 16. edit. — See Chald. gl. n^n. A-flTi! coll. man, mankind, people (a single individ. is •flJiil! f. -fiTiai-:). filial! im[)f. ^A-fl^il! imper. fi-fl^l! proclaim, preach. fi'd'Q^ I proclamation, preachiny. i'i-IT: impf ^frl-: siihj. ^fil'^ : r/;-/;^/-. — See Chald. gl. Nnt:'. Ai-J? ! M^' ;/«^.?/ ^/<7// , the day after : the second day of the iveek. il£^: the ne.xt day. ll'^ifd.': ne.vi day ((he fern, siilf. refers to <)^:V\). Ar. ^ (vnlg. ^b), f. 'is. Nii'iS' lead. 'A"ifi«'i! (.oil. tinimals, ralf/e. — Coiiij<. Ar. iLyiLo I'loni ^^jo )V(flk : Syr. l-Joij-L goods, n'callh (orig-. flncks, herds), IroiH ^^s (Aelli. C^.' Heb. ^"i, Cliald. j:ri-i^ Sam. W^, \'. ^171^ A) /v///. Aill<^! not used. Nil. 'V^\'^AA iinpr. JG^AA : suhj. J?*l>AA : he Hf/hf , easy. IV. A4»AA I lighten , make easy : hold lujhl , despise. — See Cljald. gl. ^^p, *AJJ: an abyss; pi. 4»AJ»^:: ^UJA: itiipr. Ji*W4t: /^/.s//, scourge, ehaslize. (P^^XW^'V. a blow or stripe, chastisement ; pi. — d"^" ^•tA: ini|)r. ^^'I-A: /t///. — Ar. Joi", lleb. t5^|?, Aram. ^:g:3, ^A: (he voice, sound. — See Syr. gl. vl. ^Xcy_D. 4>.^'\'(P\ in front, in presence of, before: witb siifl". 4>.^^Tl : etc. — .\r. Id^ idden time. Heb. Dip, Syr. ]^fL. Cliaid. pQlp, Sam. -^T?. 4>K.<'=': ;idv. bef>re. firmerly : WVK<}^'. firmer. — Chald. Ci~|":5, Syr. >=i^^j^; .\r. jvjj^i ^'A/. ancient, eternal : lleb. ci-j^ ///r front, the east. — 90 — 4>V^: 4»VC^'C: and — <^Jt: 1. — c^*li^: and ^ *oino: not used. VIII. 't^po'i^O : inij)f. ^'I'^nio: /^c indig- nant at, disgusted with. -V^^y)^'. i^Ct-'. he was weary of his life, chap. IV. 8. — Conii). ^fllfli: and licit. L:ip, I'ip. *P°/IZ.! hedge in, sui^round. — Ar. >..oJ" set limits to, re- strain, i??iprison , shorten, cut short: ^^ be short; Heb. "liip, iiip. Cognate radicals, ih/iZ,: w^n^, Jkr>, Cliald. -i£:n. So-' ^/tC: a hedge, wall; castle. — Ar. wxai* a castle; cognate words, Heb. l^'n a courtyard, \ L^s^ a fortress, 8w»i2-s. ^/ cattle-pen, in Cliald. N'^clin. n: A! ///, at or w^^/r, ^^, ^wV/^, etc. — See Chald. gl. 3. -flUA : : I1iis verb is very irreg. The perf. "flUA : is only used in the sense of contradict , oppose. In the signif. of say , speak, we find as perf. s. 3 m. ^ft: f. ^n.: 2 m. ^a: f ^aA.: 1 m. f ^a: pi. 3 m. jiaA: f. ^aA.: i m. •^aA: f. ^a^: 1 m. f. ?a!! The a: however reappears in the apocopated forms when they take a sutf. , as JEaA J. ! JiaA° .' \ Imperf. £-11 A : subj. ^HA: iniper. flAI inf. -nyA:: IV. AOA: VII. t'-nOA: IX. i-nUA: say to one an- other, contradict one another, dispute. HAU: imp!'. J^HAO: subj. .E-flAU: swallow, eat, devour. — See Chuld. gl. ytJD. — 91 — flfhCI the sea, a lake, a Idiyc rircr (comit. CJ, Ij) : |jI. MlfhC^:: Ar. IAj •OrlbC: a ronntnj , nnlion: y\. Wi\hlw\\ .uid (l^UrC^:: iVV-y. and Q*^A: iiiipr. Ji[11>^A: shoot /orlh, sprout. — Ai-. Jkij. Ilt'iicc fl4^A: u phn// , \\. ^jJb, Syr. lUi^. •n^n: imi)r. ^-fi'^n: /^r/uut, fvic/a-d dif/iniii. viii. -i-fiAi-i: or IX. ■^OAft ! use violence, strive, fiyht. — See Ch. gl. U'NZ. •n?\i\: a man. n person. 'fl'/MV'M a n'oniun. pa: iiii[)r. JiQUr^: sul.J. Jja>i: imper. QA: enter. I\. A-OA:: Ileh. N"i2, Ar. tb return. ini"?! ^6' numerous. ■flfffS: (form ni2^). r. •n'H'5^: (bizzdklil) w/W^ many. n.'l': yW^/.9^ Mff' w^/f/'. — Ar. cub, iinpr. c^-vo, Aram. n2, impf. H"";:, 2^, inipf. zo^, A^, impl'- AjTI^ITI- a->: a /lou.w, temple: pi. ^'fl.r't- " Ar. ^4^, Ilel*. n^2, Plioeii. n2, pi. cnD (iiiscr. Sidon.), Aram. np^2, Nn^a, n.rj: between, among: for, on account of. — Ar. ^^^ interval, from ^b be separate, ^L) between , among : Hi'b. ]^2, Aram. '>2, ]''2, "^(il^. Usually comp. wilh 'i\2, Aram. i:;2, n:'2, m^: a sheep: pi. AQici:: f. (iio-i- : pi. Aa^idl-:: — 9'2 — nif/h: inipr. Jia/frh: subj. ^-narh: come (0 . reach to: happen. flOAI von\ •fl^A^: a vow. •f: i'fh'l': andei\ adv. down, fli'fh't! helow, beneath: Ar. o.:sxj' ^j^. — See Cliald. gl. mnn. •I'CAfi: tfv^-ifi, Taiiessiis. •t-^H: iiiipf. .E-fe^H: ^^^ .9^/^, grieved. ^*ri"H .' yrief, sori'07v. 'iS^^'. iijipf. P'JA^: /^///, perish. — Ar. (3JL&. ^t? ;^'W7(; ^^m/ (a dress). 'iAA,'. impf. P'JA^! /;rtr6'6' bg, over, or away., pciish. — Heb. P)^n. •Jfl.' ^, /?Ay?, even. *ifhZ,: iiiipr. J^'JfhC' .vw//'V'. — Ar li\j. Syr. j-Jj : Helj. "IPJ the snurtiny of a horse. iWA: impf. £i\"?i: siihj. .E'JUJ'h: iiiiper. 'i\SXK\ lifl up, take, receive. IV. A^'.'JA: ////' ////, awake or rouse, excite, raise (he dead; whence is formed as pass. -i-iwa: r/sr. VII. -riiwA: /y^- /^//.yv/. ix. -t-nwA: ;7>6' ///v aijainst , rebel. — Ai-. Lio /v\7'. tjrow up; llel'. Nt2':, Aram. wX'^'J, A"^**^ (Pa''el, uprear, Gese- iiius, L'ariii. Saiiiaril. XII. 15). iflfh! impf. .Etfifh! repent of, ret/ret. i{\l'. holt a door. cp'iivj : or ^ini: ^/ w/. pi. '^^y>- From Gr. vavTrjg. ii's: ii^: ni:^:, Mficvek "Vh^'. im})f. £l?ifi.' ^c iv;/////, youny. Ih-A: (form iia';'), f. ??ifi^: (iii - nst) and ihtv\ (as if from a masc. 5/i.fil) .vw^///. youny. Iti the Him- yaritic inscr. D«: (Rodig-er's Tiaiisl. of Wellsled's Tra- vels, p. 384). 1al. 'fTJB: any ^itensil , pot or vessel, impleincnis, apparalus, weallh; pi. ^TJ^:: io: or i^: ^;ow^'.' f. vw pi. 111. 10-: f. 1^:: JHU: inij)f. ^ilW: ;w;^;?, be kiny. — Ar. ^^ drive, chase, hunt; Heb. tS'jJ. IT-W: (form-is'p), ^/ A7>^^/ 1>I. JIVJ^: f. 'i-lW^: (niggust), « fpieen ; pi. 1°?W±^:: From anoliier form 5DUJ.: the Arabs have derived the name they give to the kings of Aethifjpia, ^Ls\Jt . i1l^\ impf. y.'i'^V. tell, relate. '/\)i\ impf. y.'Ay,'\ set out on a journey , depart. — Syr. /j dram, also yo, as .lohn XI. 7 (ed. Bernstein) oy..^ ^oz ?o"9u^ '^fp come, let us yo ayain to Judaea (see — 05 — Cliald. g-|. iiiKlcr -i;:): coiui). (jlcrm. /// cin andrrcs Lfinti Ziehen, arnl Hal. (rarre. i<:fi: hrenlh , the souL life: i(:: point out, show. \\ . KK (i|- eonfde in. believe. — See C'liald. gl. ]CX. A<^1: ]CN', .'////^v/. — 96 — '}\<^i:: See 'i\<^:: 'hfi^! ( '^iiia), /or, because. >»fiYi: ('ska), lo , up fo, us far as, (ill: adv. and conj. unlil, thul, in order that. Comp. Ar. ^a.s- Al"!"! \\\\^L PA^"^: depart, perish (coiiip. Heb. "q^n go, Ar. dlli die; ^£uo go, !fXjuJ^ ^j^La fie lias gour his way, is dead\ j>L, Turk. AjS gituiek, our own he is gone, elc). IV. KK'V'V'. inipf. J*A^'^: cause lo depart, remove, take off. Ki\ 1; with the endit. tv\ it becomes Alfl!! pklfhi!! See Chald. gl n':n. 'KhtvfxV. See A(irft(D:: Al*if: a gate, door; pi. Af*^" From a rad. i^8,'. con- nected w'ilh i4>D ! be cleft, vjjij, 2^:3 pnerce, etc. (com{). "A^flA." and H'A^AA: prep, and conj. without, besides, ex- cept, unless, before that, llie latter member of this s ^ comp. word is obscure (Jb state, condition ?); the for- mer is clearly ins* ?iot (comp. "Al-flP; or 'h'iiX'. 111. i( is not in me, f wont , 'A^-TIP! 'fl^A: refuse] "Ki^^'. Ii(. il is not my knowledge or oj)inion, perchance, perhaps). Al-r: thou, f. Ki-i:: pi. m. A^^c^: f A^-l-^:: See Chald. gl. n:N. T^^-t-: f. W^/^^ See H" Hence 'h'i±hV\ —H\\ etc. 7nine, thine, etc. flTi ■?'!■! /?>r, on account of-. RJi^-lrAP: ry/** my account, etc. (comp. ':5^2 and ^''"o)- "A^^ni ///rA', therefore. — 'J7 — 'txYJ- llicn , therefore: iisiially pivcciliMl |»y the inlerrog. oriclit. }•" A»1»: not. KWV. iiii|ir. VK\\:. he had, nuked. 'KWf.', nickcdncss; y\. 'h}i\r\:\\ KWW. (Ibrm -ns^) meked, VK\\:\^\ (ikklt, forJi'n^l-: as (jdAj, I 'I. of LSijol white, fur (jc.Ij), as a subsl. evU, a inisfurlune. Aia)P(D:: See uarpd):: K\\\V. iiiipf. f^.•I^I: order, command. Vlll. -TAHH: ry%. In (he lliiiiyaritic inscr. TTN (R("MliL>er's Transl. of Well- slecFs Travels, p. 380). KY\ who, whieh, what? h^-\r. where? whither? 'h<^K^']s'. whence? — See Cliakl. i^I. \s, j.s. \FA: lonni], Joppa. 'hP.-: the hand, willi siifT. hRlh: etc. [A. hXGr: and A'h 1^(1)-:: See ChaM. -1. T. o 'hie: the foot: pi. KlC and A>iJC:: Ar. jL^ (in llic villi;-, dial, of Syi-ia n^J.). Hclt. ":-". Aram, n^^;-;, IL^^ , MiunrfbC:: s.e iiia:: ■JlAh.: (k'k'j III. f., ^A^>-t-: in., •JlA/'^-l:: r. two. — Ar. 'iy. f. \jJS. \lXf. hoth : ilch. C\S72 two thinf/s of different sorts. Hencc^»6\A: 1. 'nt\'h-l-: other, another. ll^A-: arc. 'll'-jV: the tota/iti/, the whole: all, whole. — See Cliald. gl. hz. — 98 — H\cP'. r/s. liLc: ((iiij. llial, in order ihal . in which sense if is lollowcil hy Ihe siibj., as \\AA-: i\\K^\ — 99 — {\\m- il)\y.'\-:) a ihni>jhlri\ n ini, <}('- sccnd. — Hel). -n^, Ar. S'Ji gen. in llie reslricled sense u[ v^ ur &LJ| ^M c>>y (ITiYt: ///. ///^^ ^//, upon; wilh sufl'. (IVfi'lrT:: fKOrrl-: 'Uhin. Conneclefl willi (l)Ti'5^: ikLl (he ink-rior, n ; ^L'^ in (he midst of. i-i-<7=»': r. (xn^-^v. and ni. "^^^^'i-t: I". K^'JI^: (conip. Cliakl. |^»r,). — See Cliakl. gl. Nin. : a day ; pi. dAi'^:: »: iinper. ^'K\ onl. IV. i^dTi'F^: iinpr. .PU)v";'^: suhj. .PdrO?*: /y/v/zy oul, cast out, emit. Mil. KhX-^^lK'. hriiiy out /rcrc Inj piece, in succession, luij out nionei/. — See Syr. gl. j.i^. o: ^^\n ^if/ uppressor (see Gesenius' The- saurus; and as lo llie interchange of \)\ and n, comp. /.fifi: zyi he hunyry , U^Jfl cX-o.^ I'eap), mo- dern Syr. ^v^v [R(idiger's Chreslom. Syr. p. 139. 1. 5. U!*] . .v^v^.v^ ).i^W ^i&i 13? Ajs, ajjparenlly: //M/-^V/^rt;/« w^/y /;6'/' violenthj injlirt injury (Pers. /ji^j) ^{/^<>'^ ^^*c\. 0iP9! injustice, wickedness. — Heb. Dcn. <^WC: obsol., ^W4,: ^WC: and g-en. UlUC't': ^^/^ — See Chald. gl. iDj?. UO: inipl'. pod: suhj. J?OZ,°i: «A-«?6w/. — Ar. _U^. 0Z,A; nof used. IV. K<3L,lu\ he quiet, stop, remain, rest. <^<) lix'^'. place at which to stop, place of rest ; section, chapter. nria: hire. IX. -t-^AQ: hire. hap: mipf. POri.: rarely .E^.i'l: subj. £0a: iniper. O^I repay, requite ; per/'o)in, fulfil a vow. n^n: ini[)r. PO^**!!: watch, ohsei-ve, keep, yuai'd, pre- serve. VIII. "PU*?*!!! 7vatch narrowly, espec. with an evil design (whence (P'^^'iW snares, wiles). — Heb. 2p,5; lie in wait for, decei^ve or circumvent, niipy craft, ?vile. v•^n^'R: ^^2V, Ilehrew. U-flP! be yrcat, larye. — Heb. nz:j? he thick, dense, fat {S>ixm. '^^V), rr; thicken, condense, Syr. . .^x harden one's heart. UaJ?: i: Un.P: yreat, larye; \\. \\\. Unj'i : and Dftf'p: f. oap^:: M"?!!/!! a larye fish, a word iis(m| to express the (ir. v.Y\T,OQ. — Ar. ^kXs. (Ilie form \)M\^\ in Aetli. seems doubtful). — 101 — lUnn.' /'(tint, he fainf, /(unlhearfcd, ftfspoNfl. — Comiecled Nvilli (j*^ hf d(trk\ ^Ji^>LC fainl liciliylil (Lfjiiip. ^,7V, ^'^V-, UdrPd): iinpr. pup: mj <»iL lament. — Ai-. ^^ li round. — Ik'b. -i;)y surround. — Hence ncD*.^: (7 rircic, an asscmhiij (coin|). iULLa.). c^OT.!?-: <"/;r/^//. The passage cliai). III. 3. (D<^OT.T?: ^«■^: 'K<^Yxi^K\ i\Ki'^K\ seems iiiacciiralely expressed, since (lie words 'h<^Kh'^R\ S.Kh^K\ imply measure- ment ill a s(raig-|i( line from one side to tlie other. UJil: the eye, a fountain; pi. K<3^V\-\\ See Syr. gl. ,_-^. i'».'M a man, as opposed to Alfii:"! (anesl) « ivoman ; pi. o-i'd)-:: vn-t: iiiii)!'. POI^: surround. VJ/<(T) : iiiij'f. PO/l*: <7/o.y6', a/////. — Ar. \.^z. hind up a wound; ,c.»fl^', Heb. ryy, r/o.sY' the eyelids. OjK"(ir: (form -12^) f. 0A.'>: r/^.svY/, s/tut. nn(D: not used. IX. i-^U(D : impf J^-l-^ecir: cast lots. Denom. from v'lO! a free (also t/tc cross or yalhuvs), wood, a lot [lor pur[)oses of di\iiiati uood = lleb. -".j;^ inscr. Tugg. 1. (3. ^y^:' LZ'^r.r the — 102 — differs of wood, i. e. cai'pcnters; according' to Aiigus- iiiie, iar)\ Aram. >\s*, n*j;, AV^ *^V, alsovVD^p, Ui-J. 17UP: produce worms. Deuoiii. fiuiii iA^: and 'h^^'t\ ace. — "t " Willi these different forms comp. Ar. Ij, f. ^j {^, b), i>i- ^^^i; ^^'^^ f- ^^'^ ^^> pi- liSSl.t; Himyar. inscr. "i (Rodiger's Transl. of Wellsled's Travels, p. 384, 388, 398), pi (p. 398); Heb. m. n.T, f. "ii, T\\ nsv, \\\. f. ^i, pi. \x, n'^'N; Phocn. i m. f. (inscr. Sidon.), sijth f. (Plant. Poeniil. I. 1, 1), ji (inscr. Sidon.); Aram, n, ^'T, "1, f- Jn": '^T, "1, pi. j^^.if, ^rnZA, ""^X; in Hie Egypt, dinl. i?, f. n: ((jcsenius, Monum. Phoen. |). 242). HflZ,: imp!'. .L'irilC: snl)j. ^'H^C: reiiiemfjer, f,e ndndful of \llj. i'll^lC." remember, reeotleef. — Sec Cliuld. \^\. IDI. — 103 — p: V^'i: ihr riglil side, ri;/hl hinid. Sec CliJild. -1. )ic\ IMin: iiiipf. .IM»-nfi: iV', ///>^>//. w/ .- widi siiff. S.il>TM etc. .l?-nc: a mountain: |.l. A^.'<1C:: Sam. O'^i^. TTel.. nc::; con- nected with Cliald. "yc (see Cliald. gl.). .•.'■'5/! //r safe, sound. TV. hy.'i'/'. save, jnesei'vc , inijir. .P.»r-i'J: (yadekhen), sul.j. yy:^'/'i\ (yadklic'n). y'l(P\ imj>r. J].»?-1 , wlience J.^ practice, as opp. (o As. theory. 1-fK: a slave or servant: pi. K°\-{\C^'\\ See Cliald. gl. iz:. •l"3nC' trade, occapation. l. AA"Znih I ! Ar. r^y^^ llel). nnij. * KC^: rry peacock, etc. /i'^'5: (7 cry. — ■ Ar. X'j-o. ?(-' — lOG — i«P: iiu|.r. Xl^(\y<^: fast. — Seo Chald. i;-}. DV;.*. ^<^\ a fas/; \A. A/fT*?^:: /l(DU: and /idra: impf. J^AOro: crt/ out, call, iiwoke. — Ar. ^Lo, Heb. niiJ, y;ilJ', Aram, niii, V^-iTI. B%}^'^\ be just, 1)c truthfut, tell the trulh. — Ai. ^-Jwo tell the truth, ^Juo trutii , sincerity ; Heb. p~'^ be Just , Syr. s^?] yV/.v/, proper, fUtiny, Heb. plH, Aram. 1j=?1 ^T"^ , ^^'/'^/-^ ''^" JKst fffiff f'iyf't, justice, lan\ ^^'^ \ just, veracious. U'hf: the sun. — Ar. ^^^ Iftc time when the sun is hiyh and shines briyhlhj, the sun; ^^ and il^3 <^/^^' sun. Com|). ;dso L^ac^, /?rh0: be clear, K-^ <7/6Y/y- /<'<;'.s.s- of sky ; and see Syr. gl. »_.»^ . ^3. From a rad. /i.A"i .' ==: Ar. ^JLi, Heb. :i'^e, Aram, j;'^, O^^, ITZZ), separate, divide. AAili: impf. JiAA'i^- separate, distintjuish. In (lie olher dialects Uie rad. oJli, t^^5r, ^^ulls, means escape (see Syi'. gl.), bill Uie idea ol" cleavimj or separating al- laclies to die syll. ^5 in J^, b©, J^I^'D, ^sli, 'hB, — 107 — ^Jj, is-U, rt^, cUi, -cii, (jJj, ^U, "';■£), ;iii(l coi;ii;i((' \\oi-(ls. /y/' //A/-oi *1j ^ ^'/^-y//' ^A/// ; byr. w^^l: ^jhiddcn or more [>roi>. coimcited willi „X.^ - ^ ^ L- /y<;' /r/V/<:', spacious; com)i. Jalo spread out, \ II. li^Llij (i'<:' ^A/'^' vheer/'aL ACU! inipr. .1*AGJ' l^c a/raid, fear. 4:ClH' : /ear. /i.*t».i? : iiiipr. .HA^*.*?"' examine or sarre// , count: wisJi. desire. — iieh. "j^B e.vamine, sarve//, miss upon e.i- (iminalion or survetj (I Sam. XX. 6, XXV. 15); \r. JJii .srr/t' what lias ht'cii jusl , lonij for. Cssii lonyuuj, reyrel. A.'i(\>\ iiiipr. .IVioi-: .svv/^/. — Ilch. ri:C, Aram, x:©, ^JD, jjLs ^ v*i£ , ^^3 '''''>'■'''' (verlil so), z:i:d //'<" /v than. — 108 — A'llZ,.' iiiij)!'. J?Z.'i^C" create. — Ar, ^ki. See Gesenius' Thesaurus, ail. Tl:-?. 4J^4,^: creation. — Ar. sJ:ii. /x,K<^\ iiiipf. J?Zo/r^ Jj&.kXxJ \^ OL^' XA^l^' I.^ Jir-'' iJ^5 ^^^Xc. iLcyLM cysLks f^^JCi'Li LiLLc e-L=». 1%^ Juj !\\ji v-*-^ <^' ij^5 '^^_;' L^_;f (^'5 *^^^' ij^-^ *J^5 '"^^^'^ '"^ ^j^ 'si? 1^^ ^ii«r joSi^T jSi ^ki^ !i Lc Lf lyii-^ 1 1 ^ ^IL^ I J Ui il iPli fi^T Cti ' vv^ M ^\d^ 13 j^Ll.«T ^M i^j: Q^ J^iij? dis^y f^j4^' .(iilii 14 Li;ii jj^- St 4;jT \^\ tpu- ;,;iT i^^^^- .^u^ U) ^ ^LliT ^^1 01^; '^ipf ")^^; ;45T;i£li ') Viilic. for ^ot . ^') Ms. Syij&S and Uvi . '') Vulg. lor ^\d>S>l ') IVls. I^'js^ a 1 1.1 Li V. — Ill — cr^ ii U ^ u'^^ (J y^ /«-^*-' ^-♦-^^ ^^ V-' '-^^ ' l*tiXi' (C*!^'' U^^ c^^ ' vJ^y ■')o/-L:i (•Gl aiJiJj} o>^' '2 oJj:>j>5 *^yi ciyj ^**^ oA-MLii o^A^ 'vsirb ^; "^ ^ ^^r^ 'jj>^y?, jcUi ^pT sipT j)^is. iuij-.. '^) Ms. L^>UI. ') ^'^•;'-oc'l. "')Ms. ^L^N Nl. — Hi - ^ ' , .''* 3 ^yu^'*^ ^Jl K-^-p (Joix ^tf^-AJ (J,|. (3-UajLs (jU)^ *U^ 4 i^^^:? ^) (^^^5 * l*^' XJU-J SvJyW! X4.Aii:i^ *^^ *')ooK ,!tjo —kAl+Ji \yMjJm fy^^ ^y^T^S ^-^^ (^r*^ (3^' ,_Xc. (j^aJ^j L^Vww^ (J'J^'i ii^U» PjJj ^^)^ lO^ (•L^i ") Vvilcr. for t>LS:. ") The Ms. adds StX^JO . '') Vuly. for | J^^ . '') Ms. LiLwjI. '^) i^o Ms., according- to the Ecryplian dialect, for ^jc. 1 13 S^^ifS j |vii>kXo *J-i (i-^-i-c 8"v:7»*5 iui,-fl^ Oji <^.^t 1115 ^^xJ^iSl^ ^b ^M 4}'''' ^f ^y' r'3i- jli^' '2 > o^^ " - - c -;. > u ^ -- > o o^^ tXi' ^j**^_^y J\^ "^)f^ o-fl-y« "^'^'5 ^^^4 4 ^!jt^ < ") Hii/3 JUic L' cX^^l^ y-^.^Ss ir-)^ ^^y^- '^ (j*^r^ u^'; c5^ (^;'; ^^^' ^7^'' ^' Z'' "^r' ^'' *^^ ^QIj rT^^ xjc)^ ^ 'V/^5 ^'; ^5^ - -^-^ y'-*^^ Jli'i cy*^.'l *-':i''^' J*-^^ [V^U (2)'-^^ U^') ii* ij**-*^^ **) Ms. |?Jwyo . ') For ^ t , ") Several words are wanlinji- here , which may be llius supplied from iho London Poly^lol : — I 14 .-? -- 9 o \yj^ o..^' ^^>^ 15^, ^5^ t'y^ U' ;'^'-^ ^; "^ ^l wJii^l L^-^i ^^'1 x-^aJojiJ! S-otX*i! (^y-^ (^-^ ^' ^^A^l 41 ^T ''■) Ms. &AJ J)- . ^) Ms. /La . ^ ) Ms. ^U>f ■ OLOSSAKY. I iiilerroo;. particle; always joined in writing to the following word, as Ijf, — See Cliald. gl. n. ^\ a faOur ; gen. ^^f, ace. Gt; in the construct state, nom. ^!, gen. ^1, ace. Lf; dii. ^jt^l tffo falhcrs , also father and mothe)- : pi, ?Lj| fadirrs, nnrcsfors. — See Syr. gl. ^1. ^L See ^. _ii, inipr. ^b. r7>w<". — See Cliald. gl. xnx. ^1 // reward, hire: pi. ^•^t. See Cliuld. gl. i^n*. Jl=i.I r^///.vr (l(» he carernlly distinguished Ironi J^| fate, death)] t^!^ or (J^l jj»« un ae count of, because of '. ^ * , '. » ^^ ". » . -. ^ - JlLI, inipf. cX^b, iniper. J^, take, seize. VIII. jc^t (for JlsxXjI^ or jckv^j]^, as j-rsul^ receive hire, <'^\ put on the robe called X^ iziir), take (for one's self), choose, make. — See Syr. gl. ^ . y~fc| other, another, pi. Jj5>i>-i ^'"d vi>-l; I. ^wbkl. jil. ^^t V , ^^ u and v:i>L3lis.l. — See Chald. gl. inN. — 116 — ^joJ f. ^/ic earth, lite tjround, a counlnj : \A. ^yo^^ u^M' — See Cluild, gl. j;-!N. J^^l « /vy^/, origin; pi. J^f. Piob. coiinecled with JJo: Jf def. ail //^<:'/ proii. by many of the Badawln hal (Z. d. D. M. (i. vol. VI. p. -M7); Nvheii ibllowed by the lellers ^^^ o3>\j^ji;jOijoJbJi:J^ the final J is assimilated, e. g. J^il the dale, u^^-ccJI Mt' 67//^ [wLiiiit injustice. — Heb. Phoen. *n for "rn. ^cXJI, f (C^M, who, which, that; du. nom. m. ^IjJUl, f. ^llJL'l; pi. jj^i3JI, f ^:u^M or ^'^f. Rarer forms ^ ^ ^Q%- ^ s^ vi- ci^ 31^ i'f- are: pi. m. ^5^(| or^>f|, f ^5e'r^'' c5^^'' ^^' ^^^5 very rare: sing. m. jJJf, f c^JUl, pi. nom, m. ^^tXiU — i^jJI is comp. of the art. Jf, a demonslr. letter J (see viUlJ), and the pron. |j, f ^^c>^, and is therefore orig. nothing more than an empliatic demonstr., the Heb. nihri, t'^m, Phoen. T^N* (inscr. Eryc. 1. 7). The art. Jl, and a cognate form of the demonstr. pron. .j (which see), are both used, though very rarely, as rela- tives. Comp. H: !)], 11, ,. sSit or xjt a ^. — See Chald. gl. n'^N. Jl to, towards, in addition to, until ; with suff. "Jl, dCJl, :4it, etc. — Heb. -'^N, poet. i^N. See Chald. gl. m''- II , imj)f. -•«_} , pi'op. //recede, hence .sf^ «/< example, teach. — I 17 — *Uol /// /'rout , hc/orc ; jiioj). (he ace. ol a mnni Ajo\ Ihc front. lx\, iiiipr. ye^S, iniper. yx, order, comma/id. — |j>ee Cliald. Jw«|, iiiipr. ,j^L> , l/e void of fear, secure, confide in. IV. jJol make safe, protect, willi v^, helieve in, whence^ jjUj^ Oelief faith. — See CliaM. gl. jCN. ijjyof, jjjyol, I^N, Amen. ^\ coiij. ///tf/. After verbs of wishing, fearing, f)rdering, elc, and in gen. when a relation of design or cau- sation is expressed, i( refpiires the suhj., as: ^jl oli>l \jSl \dS JulL / fear that he will do so and so, «jo-J1 /jt uijj^l / wished to do him honour : bui \f merely introducing the statement of a fact, it is followed by t , ^ the pert", or impf. indie, as ^^Jc^ jj' o'.x.^^^-c. / wonder , f- , ^ ^f.' ' ' that he wrote, j»Laj ^jI |JLcI / know that he is asleep. Jjl (.oiij. M^//, followed by a noun or pn»n. in the ace, e. g. ^!tX>^.Jj «J ^jl^ 5ltXij p-^^ (j^ ^-^^4*^ ;j' <5^ // /.v related that a certain shaikh in Biujd'ad had two disci jd es . dUUo -Jfl-^ J^l^ ?gI ^Cs* /^ '■^' related that there was in Et a kintj. With the siitT. 1 pers. sing, the form ^\ is equally common with ^\. ^1 conj. //." In correlative clauses, as the general rule, it re(|uiies the verb of each clause to be in the perf. or the jussive, as: oJCLsc JL'j oJjti ^jl^ or JouL> ^1 JUL^' dUJ //' ijoa do this, ijoa (will) jterish — See Chald. gl. DN. — 118 — ",| a parlicle haviiii'- (lie sense ol' tifiquc or profcrlo , niid followed by a iioiiii or proii. in (he ace, e. g. «JJi ^J \jtX^ ^ li J^ jLfc profecto Dcus omnipotcns est. In many cases it does not admit of any transl. into English, e.g. ^\3 \^\ ^' (hen she saUJ. With the sLifl". 1 pers. sing. Jt^ is used as well as ^|. GT /, 111. ly^ ^ve. In poetry Ihe second syll. is often short (uu); the form ;\^\ is also said to occur (comp. Ae(h. Aln:). — See Cliald. gl. n:n. ^?, f. cJT, thou; dii. L^f, pi. m. ^|; f. ^t^^j. —See Chald gl. n:x. ^ll/-ji '^^ ^^'^''''^j person, indwkhial; pi. ^li! or j^b. The fem. xi'LLj'j^ is said to exist. — See Chald. gl. li'JN. Jsioi M. ^T //w^', r/ moment; adv. ace. ^^11 /^^v/*^'. ,if f. ^'1, ^^'//r>, ?M/r//, ;r//^//.^ whocvei\ ?ehafeeer. — See Chald. gh ^N. — Lg3! U, or simply L^jI , interj. 0.' followed by a del', noun in Ihe iioni., as y?.\^\ ^^\ vizir! L4j| nynin, also; prop, die ace. of a noun j^J returning/, repetition, from ^f, impf. uk^g, r^///;-// (comp. Syr. ,^z1 from wsli). — 119 — ^1 when? ^1 ^ irhcnrc> -Zs \\ irhilhcr? — Sec Cliald. 1^1, ;j<. v«> /// , af or near, hij, irilh , on (icc(unil of. clc. — Sec Cliald. gl. z. wixi //•<" sea, a hirtjc river; jd. ,L^, ^^^ss^^j, j-s>of. — See Aellj. gl. QrhC: tjo, iiiipr. tcXxj, ^<'v/w. The form ^Jo, cliap. III. 4. is vulgar. IT /Z/^' , ^fjJL>. %Xj) . impi". «JLo', swalhur. \W\. il£;l /V. Sec Cliald. ^Lj, impl'. ^jljjn/ild: }sJjt\ ^J^s. ^ or ^ji^L -aj marrij and hrnci children ((omp. '»:''? D'' iT2 T\j2 "f ni:'>; l>eu(. — 1'}0 — XXV. 9, 2 Sam. VII. 11, 2 7; Turkish ^i^'\ evkMi- mck. man-}/, from j ev, a hoiisc^. — llch. HjI!, Aram. ^^j a son : \A. gQj', ^J^- In slating names of per- sons, if fakes flie form AJ, hnf only wlien immediately preceded and followed hy a })ropei' name; e. g. one jJjulJo '^ aJL't tXlc iiiay also he spoken of isLiJ' ^^xLjh ^T. — Heh. Phoen. |3 (-|2, -|2); in Aram, only the i)l. ]i:2 , ^vi^- , ^fil^^ occurs. — The fern, is Rlil or liJj ^/ dauylilcr , pi. cijLlj, Heh. Phoen. n? (for n;r), wifh snff. inr, Aeth. -n?^: in the })hrase ■flli:': 0^1: the pupil of the eye: Aram. pi. |J2, ,Ji:, ^^^. — See Chald. -1. 13. ^ ^ > not used. IV. l.^t .v/////. X. I^^a*/!^ ^<^' ^Z/^'///^. xX;^ '<' (ifumal (we speak of „tlje diimh animals"); pi. ,3L^- — Heh. ncri2, Sam. '^■^^5; Aeth. nv<^: dumb. jLj, impf. J4-0, j/i^^ away , parish. IV. j>Gl destroy. Com[>. "Tj^M, dUl^, and ^^x). — See Chald. gL "i2N. f, -* iJoy>-. See ol^ v^>^' wider ^ bcueatli ; ace. of a suhsl. v::^:^' ///<" lower part. — See Chakl. gl. mnn. I^IS translate from one lang. into another, interpret, ex- plain, entitle. — Aeth. l-C'V^^: Aram, cnn, >^'^- Hence Ar. ^^Ulp, A^'di. 'l-O^'^: Chald. |?^nin (n^), — 121 — Syr. U:^ si . an intcrprctrr (llal. Iiircimunnit, Porlui^. luryimuo , Inujiinao, Fr. (IriKjiiuiii , Eiii;i. tlrntjiniuni). X t ->^ ■ V (7 (ranslahon , /ii.sfori/ , c ha pier or section: \A. i^-Q. — Cli;illi'")r, Tarlessus. TJie geograjjliical J.exi- con ciililNvl c^^ll^f tX^Iwi lias jji^yij>. djj", mipr. vjjju, /<:r/i'ycj, repent. — See Chald. gl. 2in. IXs fi rron'n or tiara: pi. ,ML<:uji. — See Syr. s;!. L,z. iu^" or xJiJU, f. cy^' ^»r c^JJ, ///r^^. — See CliaM. gl. n^n. IjLi, f. k^^Li-, //«>-o- — See Cliald. gl. iin. ^L^, impf. ^L^o, enj oat, bellotr : pray or siippHcale with cries and loars. — S;;/^. c j^Juai., imi)f. (j^.s\j, //^V. *.s- /tfr as, till, to; adv. ^'a^<^v^, also; coiij. ////, M<7/, .sy> that, in order that ; when a purpose or design on the part of (he ag-ent is implied, it is followed by the siibj. — Connected with J^ limit, houndaj-y. ItX^, impf. .lX^xj, match one article with another. 111. ;^«3L^ be ovei'-against or opposite to. sltXik M^' /^^'///y opposite to ; adv. ace. t(LX.&. opposite; from hefore. — 1*23 — r.y=»., iiiipr. ^y.^vj he sad, sorjo/r/'itl. \\. ^y=»-' ni(ikcs(tr\ (see Geseniiis' Tliesaiinis) . Aetli. ihll .' aj>point, ordain. 3^ what is riyht and proper, truth, justice, equity : \J).si^i truly, verity. — Heb. p'n a law, Aetli. flilll law, reliyion. ^j^, iiiipr. ^4-s:v.j, /^<" warm, hot. Co^'nale I^ . iiiipf. Lso warm, in]|»C. Ikvo Ar warm. — See Syr. gl. >i^ . Aelli. -1. (hiP:: ej^ <7 fish: j)l. ^Uaj:^, w'I^I. JcL^.., inipr. is^>5;vj, yuard, preserve. W . JcLa.1 surround: conslnied widi v^ . e^l^ >t'here, when. "Is*., imj)f. ^^^^o. and '^-xS*., inipl'. ,-x.s^j. ///v. — See Cliald. gl. NTi. iiJc^ ;iiid "ilx^ li/'e. - Aclh. fhJi(D'l':: 124 Ia^, ini[)r. iLaJ, knojv; 'J^, inil>f. U^ ^^ versed or expcJienced ui ; y^-, impi- j-^^S?? experience. IV. vajs^i inform of, report, relate. wliat is outside; adv. ace. ^;Ll^ outside. will>, impf. JLv-^j, /<^w, ^w/' ^/f^ a part, diminisli; /je eclipsed (llie moon) ; sink and disappear. VII. .^.w.- O J^ be eclipsed, submerged. , impr. Ji^!o, he li/jJit, slitjiil, few, uimhle. II. >_ao~-. liylden, alleviate; takes tlie ace. of (he burden and ^t^ with tlie person relieved, ajLc. ^^J^\ ^-a-flia- • \jcXis^, impf. (j^^x>, ^^ preserved or delivered, come safe- /y /^, fl'^/^'/yz /^y ^(? pure, good, excellent. II. j.a-L=». deliver ; make pure. — ■ Heb. "[>']n jiull out or off (Ar. IjLL /^//^^^ Oy^ clothes, Syr. ^iL. strip or plunder), II. deliver. ^JJLis., irnpf. ^^^JL^vo, smooth or polish , frame or fashion, create ; (^JU*. , i^JLs*- ? ^<^ smooth. — Heb. ppn. ;^2i. good: followed by Jwjo, ^^//<^'r M/?// ; pi. >tl^ , ;14^'- — Aeth. -iC" — 125 — J^t>, im|»r. J^b-Jo, eftd'r. \£.0^ inipf. «-cJo, rail, invite; call on ^)V prai/ (o ; Olcss (^^U.'), curse (^li J.I). j.c> blood; pi. j?Lo^. — See Cliald. yi. Dl. -- — . > " ^ Lit>, iiiipr. y>tXj, ^^ near, approach. — Syr. -ij^z) ap- proach, undertake, agree with, obey. w^cj tune, parlic. ^/ long period, an age; pi. j*icj; jcjJ! or «jcjj| l| /^;- ever, zr>yj'). The origin of llie word is to be sought in the circling (.-ourse of (he seasons; conip. I'iT, ]ij^ and VXi, from in and "jLi^'lj ;r- volve ; also Syr. I'"^? « //////. 0-5 11^'' Si>5i> rt' worm; coll. j>.o. rjlj, inipf. i^jcXj, ^, b"); dn. nom. m. ^1*3. f. ^b'; pi. tN'^l and ^.1 (first syll. short); this, jj is often annexed to the inlerrog. ^t^, U, as: siiJli 13 ^x' //•/'^> (was if (hat) beat thee? viiJLs 13 Lo //■/"'// //-'/.v/ ///^v/ .sv//*'/.^ shorter forms of expression fir Jbw^a ^J^'' '3 .w>c. — 120 ~ profession? — See Aelli. gl. "H" vllfj, f. JL5, JLo; du, noni. m. dLitt), f. ^jIj"; pi- viJLJ^i5l, J^l^f: //#/>, that viJLIlJ, dL'j>, f. dUj; du. noni. ni. siJljfj*, f. JLjU; pi. dL!!^l,l (scarcely used) ; M/,s', Mr//. • — J 13 is comp. of 13 and tlie pron. suff. J; ,iJLJ3 of the same words with tiie addil. of the demonstr. letter J (see ,^jJI)- ^" '*^^ writings the pron. sulf. is regularly declined according to the number and sex of the [)ersons adressed, e. g. vL£OT UX33, (Uj;" iiS ^'3, x^ ^5^^ ^4-^'" ^^^ ////.y /^ /'^ because of ivhom you (women) leproach- ed me. ^^ ' . >' " -- ^,3, im]jf. >=?jo, /«■///, sac7'ifce, — See Chald. gl. n21. aLs\uo3 '^z' animal killed in sarrifre , a victim; pi. ^.jLj3 . 1^3, ini})f. v^3o, remember, ?nention , relate. — See Chald. dLJ3. See JUI3. ,_^i»3, impf. ^^Joj ^^> ffo awatj, depart. .3, f- ci>l3, //'r- o?vner or possessor of a thing, one who is endowed with a quality. Being almost only found in the construct state, its decl. is as follows: sing. m. nom. .3, gen. ^^3, ace. 13; f. nom. i:i)l3 ; du. ni. nom. 1:3, f. lji;3: pi. m. nom. ^.3 and ^^\ — t'27 — ((irs( syll. slmil). 1". cjlij. — !• i*^ icjiIIn tiie same \v(»r(l as Aram. ">"!, l, ?. Ui'f). PiT, ii, I", nx?. (jlj, impl. ^-^Jo. ^'''^•^■^'"• ; ^y "-"r ) ' '"'P'- *-*'yJj ^-'5)' "lip'- ^-Jjr:?' ''''^' t-nwpasstonoie or mcrrifid. Connected with ._^^'^ //r soft, licit, f]"^. See Syr. gl. ^.a^i. O55), o*^^, cinnpassionatc, mcrci/id. ir, iinpf. ^w3 (lor ^Ijj), *^^, t/ii/tk. — See Ac(li. Cj) ^/ possessor, owner, master : ^"'1 M<:' Lord ; \A. ^\^\\ — See Chald. gl. 2DT. ci _ c :£ jUjJ. r. «j;'» A>'/>'' '■ pi. ^ytJ>' A^'/y- — ^ee Chakl. gl. i;2-^.wX. ij|^ fourth, — See Aetli. gl. C-fl'^ " Lj^, inij)!'. •JvJ, (jroir, yrow up, increase. II. ^. rear, brin.%. inij)!". *-=»-vJ. he eompussionale . have pilij or uicrcij upon. \. *-^^'. id. — See Cliald. :;!. cm. iL»ja^» mereij. — ri8 — j>' impl'. ^j_>, ATw/ or give back, realoi'e; avert; ?'ejerf (ir refuse: answer , confute. ^\^ inipf. (c^jj , /^^^ or graze; tend a flock, guard or /«7Ay' r<7;'^ 6i/i gove?'n. — • See Cliald. gl. nj;i. «i., iin})f. .«i>J, ///-^ <'//', raise; remove, abolish. VIII. ^«ajJ raise; be raised, rise or ^^ ^z^^. oLo. ashes. — ■ Connected with \jclak be hot; Chald. i^ct, Syr. j^olei , )i:iico9 , hot ashes. 'I., inipf. ^Iwj, blow ((he wind); inipf. -,.*^, >^>j, •w*''// (anytliing). — See Syr. gl. u...?. 5 S o^ > i ^ _.. ni. f. ///<" breath, spirit or .w///; pi. ^iijl; ^j-jp^ jj.Ajo!^5| ///<" holg Spirit, but iMiiljanimadans understand by it the angel Gabriel and sometimes Christ. «^. f. the wind (nn, j-Io?)' ^<^(^fd , smell (nn, )^-'); Pi. ^b^, ^uy, ^i,y. ; wiuv , impf. vi^yj , .v??'^// or m<^ , be agitated or /y/^^ (esp. the sea), l^v, imp!', •itj, <^<^' />-?/>>Y', good, innocent. — See Cli. gl. {'/^y//- ; f had man , i^liil ^^ the wickedness of their actions. — Aeth. TU^>i: llel). ^w. : T 4>L^, impf. 1>«^, ^^ /^/'^ or master of, rule over. jJLl a lord QiY master, chief prince; pi. soLl, cjI^LI. Vulgarly contracted into sid (sidi, 7?nj lord, sir, a title like -jlc — hence //^. T hIaw) a journey, space, distance. tUi , impf. tX-oo , /y///^/ or //co ^/ '"/<-//, ^Ar//7<^, kl*^ ^/ hraurh), and CDi/'p, C''Dj;tJ', thoiiylilH, opinions. Go' ., . 1 '' ' ' ^_.»jt>*i ^/ //v^c? or people: pi. v^jycco- ^^■ifl-«i, impr. ^i-cio , feel pit tj or compassion: more coinmon ill 1\'. ^i-»il. l5C»i, iiiil>r. jCxo, I'ewai'd, give thanks, he yraleful. — Heh. -irir, also "ipi&'N. ";i, « reward, /hanks, gratitude. tUi (I'm- --ui), iiii|»r- ^Lci.^^ /r/.v/', //v//. vj^.^. impr. ,_A-^s^, ^6' companion to, arcompang. C^zA^ a romjtanion, owner or possessor: pi. ^.-..sx^^s, v-*L^\^L ^_jL^\-o , and ibL^A^-o. Also uscil in (oii- necl. with Jca.x (as yi with ::•{<) (o dfiiole the one — the other. — 13'2 — joLo , iuipf. jJu^ , (JO up , ascend. IV. tXi-^l id. — Ileb. ij;^. IjLo , inipf. jjuoJ, ^»l*aj, ^^^^^/.Y', ^<>. — Syr. "^i^l <^^' ddiyent, artful, cunning; Aetli. il^O: be firm , strong, brave; Sam. Vjl^fil = .v^i-o ^' /^rt'.sY. s^Lo, iui])f. cL^-oj, ci^Uoj, <:'/7^// « sound, cry out. cylo, rt sound, a cry, the voice; pi. Ku>\yo\ . j»Lo, inipf. (IjAr, abstain f?'om (esp. food). — See Chald. gl. DliJ. ^yc a fast. "ASo, iin[)r. 'jA^aj, become, begin to do any thing; y^ (;L1). l1j1*<5, inipf. *-jvAj, strike, sting (an insect). Comp. y"]^, clo, and nj?niJ. c^, tywij ii"|'f- pV^' ^^^ humble or submissive. V. cv.«iJ' humble oncsself. ^ lis , impf ^ Joj , throw, cast a way. lojwb, m. f. « ;Yyrt/" life, conduct ; pi. iVJfl: ' s - > ' — 133 — > ' r - j^aub, inipr. *jtiaj, taste, cat. — See CliaM. j^'l. DVIO. «>Lb, iinj)r. *Ji2L>, >Jliaj, ''W//6' /orlh , appear, rise, as- cend. — Cliald. y'^P ff^'fiff' ^^it or f^f, Syr. "^J^I^z] exa?mne, investigate = iXkj or IJLbf . ^«-Ll2,x5 , «J.ia>o , t/te place of ascent or risintj : pi. ^JJJo, impf. i3-Uaj, loosen; (jjJs, iinijf. ^J-Lbj, /><" ''//- vorced; ;j-lb , iiiiiif. ^jJiij, ^<^ Am?^, checrfat^ di- vorced. \ II, ^JJi2j| Ije sent away, yo, depart, tjc cheer- ful. — Syr. uaJ^ be consumed or destroyed, ^//•<:', oppress. — Aclli. fllA^: Aram. d'pD, >:^, ^Vq, G " ' JLb oppression, wrony, injustice. 134 — £ Z^, inii)f. 'Jj^, pass over. — See Chald, gl. "iDy. ^tlLc: Hcbi'ew. jJsLc , inij)f. jjixj, stumble. xUl£ adve?-sity , calamiif/ ; chap. II. 7 (I am not how- ever certain that this is the correct reading). Ov^, inipf. OvJu, kfio?v. Swco.^., f. wCi^x., ^^/?. See ^Uj|_ and Chald. gl. loy. Uit, in]i)r. A2JU, take in the hand, 7'ecewe. IV. ^_kll ^/>', A'/zryt*/ z//? luxuriantly, e.vcecd due limits, be dear; Aeth. DA®: /y/r^//<: /^^ /^/;?2>, ^^^ faithless ov pe?- fidious, betray. — 135 — -Xc over, above, ///)o/t , tut, in (ifhUlKni In, /tof/ri/fi- slainliny, ayainsl, elc. — See Cliald, i^l. h^; . J^, iiiij)!". Jk^jtj- I'lhour, fvork, do. Jw^x: lalxHir , N'ttrk, deed or ^/^7; ^/ dislriet oi- ^w/?, />w^; ivithout ; after. Willi sufT. ^, dUc , e(e, Ux, iiii|»r. ^A*j, and ^^Ic, impf. ^^aju, distress ur y«j, return, repeat or (^/ r^?///'/^/ oi- about, which see. j^Lc. IV. ^Lcl ^/.v.sVi/, //^'(^;. Jjli f. the eye, a fountain; pi. ^^, J-i^'- — ^^^ "^Y- v1a-4£-, iiii|>r. ,_;^iJ, /y<" anyry. — Ili'h. s^'j; afflict, dis- tress; Aelli. DRfi: //<" //-iiif. is (o be soui'ht in the idea of tyiuy f rally {^j^ , ^^): hence arise (he siynil'. of 1) bindiny up wtntnds, curiny (ir Itealiny (-^r*): 2) of collect iny (^A-si.c. kx^^s^ ''/ /'^^Vy of tneii): 3) of hard- — 136 — /fcss, whence orig-iiinle (lie various sigiiif. ol' r/J diffi- culty (O^fl!), h) valamily {C^^ of a year of famine caused by drought, ^A.»njt llli\\\<\ Cj-^^Lj^s.), c) stern- ness or severity (OB"fl:), d) anger {C^j^, -^*J?)? c) op- pression, affliction (22y, .«l*-ox., nJI^Ac.); 4) of violent exei'tion, zeal, perseverance {Cf.^k£. , C^yoJ-l ; ^j^kxJ, iLuw,flx. patriotic or religious zeal), and in a more ge- neral sense of toil, labour, work (2^y , D^J?, ^^v). Comp. tlie various signif. of (he rad. J.^ , Tiif' and ji^, pin. G ^ ^ G -- o*^ (^jJLc //?^ «^6'// or bar of a door; pi. ^-^Lcl. 1^, impf. 1*J, co^v;•^ af/lict ov grieve. Vlll. lit I be grieved or distressed. — Heb. cnj; (see Gesenius' Thesaurus); Chald. UV'QV. niake blind (pro[). rt'i^tv the eyes, Ar. ^ j^ be blind) and D!5j;nN ^d? blind. IjLc., im[)f. (vlxj, take possession of, car?ij off as booty. 15 ^ ^ iv>Lc. f. .s7/ /?;?^^ i\. ^^ Lrh^ ^'^ ^^'^'* thirsty and (in consequence) /^•<'/^/' to a spring to drink. Sometimes by in order that, so that, that (in which case a following verb is put in the subj., as after J), as: xLsaJI J^j>li C?"^ Lj |J lal^ pardon me, my Lord, that I may enter (and so, and in consequence, I shall enter) Paradise. Hence it corresponds in many points with the socalled 7m?v conversivmn of the Hebrew. ls\i the dan'H, the morning. ' li. inipl". -^vij. cleave or divide: remove one's sorrow, console. 11. _ jj id. \\ -^ ^' he free of grief, amuse or entertain onesself. — Syr. ^„ ^ and ,_^^1. ^^, impi". — vAJ. <^^' glad, haj)jty , rejoice. ^^ .yVyy. happiness. Zi, impf. IftJ, //<"<", ;•«/-' awe/y. ^jOyi, impr. ijo,^, ''v// ()!■ notch, //.r or tlctermine, ordain, proclaim by edict. — Cogn. ^li, |*"}D, ^i^. anr. Juaij, divide. — Syr. '^^. Jc^oi ^/ divisiof), difference or disiinciion, chapter or section, season of tlie year; pi. ^^yjcii. ^ ///, t^/^*, concei^ning, in comj)arison with. Jul", inipf. JuJij, ^6>;;^^ to?M?'ds, approach; receive or rt'f- cept. IV. Jui'l approach, in a friendly manner, receive kindly, in a hostile manner, attack; undertake anything'. — See Cljald. gl. ^2p. Jlo prop. ///JJij, ^on'vrfui (ihle. ^tXi-. II. ^i^^ purify, consecrate; Ijeiicc jLjiiiif ciluJf or (j^tXa^JI o^ or ^^i^^ji^\ ,^^,^ Jerusalem. — • See Chald. gl. K'lp. y^t>i purify, sanctity ; lience JljJiJI Jerusalem, ' .Ijl y^^cXiLM or j*-tXkJI _,^N M6' holy spirit (according to the Miiliainiiiadaiis, the angel Gahriel). pji", iniiif. |*tXiL>, yo before, precede; ItXi", inijif. ItXiJ, approach, arrive; ^jj, impf. ^jJb, ^t' old ov ancient. — See Syr. gl. >o^. jittXi) prop. ///^'>"- — Heb. yip tear, rend (see i^jj)- cj3", noinen unitatis iLcIi, a yourd. — See Syr. gl. Hjlc. — 140 — s " ^ v^ajLs the innermost pa?i, interior ; hence pith, kernel, mar- s ' > i'07V, the heart; \A. i^^JU". — Heb, 27P. Jli , iin[)f. JyLs , say, speak. — See Syr. gl, Vo . lli, inipf. [•yij, stand up, rise, stand. — See Chald. ^\. D^p. ^^ people, a people , a nation; pi. ^I*isl- 1J5, impf. wXfj ^^ /i^?v7<^, .v/<)^//; Li^, iiiii)f. JJ^ be old. — Aeth. ^•(IZ, ; be honoured, illustrious, Heb. ~i'<2rn, Syr. jlas. yK/sf large, old, great or famous; pi. »Ll5^ *^^r^' — Heb. ^''33. JiS, impf. wiXj, ^^ ;?^w<7/^, ?iu?ne?'ous. yfj^ j?mch, many, numerous. ^ir^/ ^^^Z, throne; pi. j^l^ — See Chald. gi ndid. 8jX ''I'l'f- 5)-^. 5 ^^ averse to, dislike, abhor, take amiss. V. spG- id. — Ae(h. WCU: (Ar. VS) force, com- pulsion] Syr. oijjizl grieve, be sick, Chald. nid, n3nJ<, Syr. liiLs or ^^ ^ which see. yl^f, impf. wwXT, break, put to rout. VII. IvlX^it /J*^ ^;*o- /c^;?, routed, wrecked. SS' the ?vhole, all. — See Chald. gl. h^. _, o ^ *J^. II. (Jl5^ speak, speak to, address. — 141 — Vis spcrr/i^ (idilrcss : ajL'l ]SiS the inud of f.oil. -\l5^, iiiipC. ^Jo, /><", hcamc, happen. — Sec Actli. gl. i^ili \3uS how? J eniphat. parf., ccrtainhj. Of constant occurrence after ^t, as: )5^' &JLJI Jjl verily God is ready to foryivc, and in the apodosis of conditional statements, after J and Nip, as: lX^vIJT C^ I5IL0 LJ f JCi iJl^ iJ //" they had known (it), they would not have crucified the Lord of glory ; also in sucii phrases as: ^yJtJ ^V ^^^U life, JLol JjtJ by the life of thy father. J, and with pron. siifT. J, to, for, accordiny to, etc. Sign of the dat., and of the ace. (principally with particip. and inf., as Jj t.j.s^ filliny thee with wonder. cyLo^l I ScX-gJ ^j^w.*Jl«-M the expounders of these ver- ses ; or when the ace. precedes the verh, as IjdS' ;j\ r^^^JJd '-J? 5 7^' if ye infer/>ref visions). — See Ciudd. gloss. '?. J /// order that, that; construed with the subj., as lli^ IaI) Lj^t5 Jonah arose that he miyht flee (to llee). Prop, it is identical with the pre]). J, and is often conjoined with ^ (as "^.x^-L*^'! J^l ^y^ ^J^L "^r^S «// jU he did not like poetry. CU n,'hen, after. Q (also IJ and in poet, ij) on account of what? why? See Uo. ijlJLl //^6'r^ ?* not, 7ms not. Comp. of Si and the obsol. ^1 = f2}\ — See Chald. gl. n\s*. jjj niyht ; nomen unilatis «JLaJ a night, \\. JLJ. — See Chald. gl. S^. r Lo what? that which, what, whatever, hi interrog. 13 is often annexed, as ciJU t*J> Lo, ^li^l 13 U (see tj>). — 143 — The same word is used as conj. /// as far as (\Je •xk-iLJ^f /// as far as I ran , as much as I ran) , as loiKj as (LIsi. vi>jcj> \,A as hnuj as I rrmaia alive) ^ and how (in one ol' (lie verbal forms of expressing wonder, e. g. J^xj v^=?( Uo how strange is your conduct! oo*jsk U Jui( Lo how violent is your grief!). From it too has sprung U not. See Gesenius' Hebr. Gr. I6lii ed., p. 239. note * of (he Engl, transl. cUCo 7vares, inerchandise, utensils, furniture ; [)I. iuuuol. ^_x«, w*Li^ ^ Mard-a.toq:^ (he prophet Jonah is called by (he Arabs ^^uo ^ u^^- Juto, Juuo, impf. Jci^j, .y/r/z/r/ ^r^r/; Jcoo, impf. Jci^j, ^AA: 01- cPfiA.' ^^ like, seem: Heb. ^^'^j /^^ like, Chald. II. ^'•ncN', par(. pe'il Wi2 like. The noun 'r:^'?:; occurs in all (he dialecls: Ar. Jcoo. Ae(b. ^/i\y ^y, <9/^, or away. sic ^/ .s7>/^/(" //w^; pi. ^^'llc, )'^; '^dv. ace. iljo rv/Cf?. ^vw.w*jo c/ garment of coarse cloth ; \)\. ^ ^^s,^ . ftx or 1^ //vV//, ,7^//^ //vV//. — See Chald. gl. c>. _^Lc rt- sailor, i»l. ^,^^Co. — See Syr. gi. )^\v. — 144 — viJULo, inipf. viJUCj, he master of, possess. — See Chaltl. viLLo afi owne)' or possesso?\ king ; pi. cJjJLo . ^ (ill Egypt. ^ or ^j^) ?Mo.^ — See Chald. gl. p. ^ from, of, out of; after the comparative, than. — See Chakl. gl. p. yI>Uo, impf. cj^j, o|. JLo, impf. Ju*J, ^^^^^ or incline. VI. JoUj (^<''/^?^ z^^/^'.?, announce ; choose as a prophet. V. Llli appear as a prophet. — See Cliald. gl. N*2J . ^^' (for ?^^) a prophet, pi. iCuJi. s*AJ (for st*-o) //<(6' 6'/^6Y? 6*/' prophet , prophecy , a prophecy. viLuJ, impf. c:^-yj, sprout, grow. tjo, impf. .cX^o, call or summon; come together, assemble. III. ;^J>li 67-y <>?//, proclaim, call or summon. .tXi, imj)f. xjjj, >4XIj, i'^^;;/6' dow)i, descend, (ditjJit, Idkc up o/ic's abode. — ■ llel). 'ri: /lo/v. »^, iiiiitf. jlilj, y^iIj, Ar^', /'>'^/i" ^/t', observe, cofisider. — See Syr. gl. i_M. ^j^ f. ///w<" /6», ;r^/r// ,• come to an end. Z*^' finished. lli, iniiif. IUj, .y/r*"/^. — Aelli. 1cj . In Ar. ILS is used in speaking of sound sleep, [\^\ of lighter slumbers; in lleb. the use of CJ and ]*^> is reversed. ^P-o, n}j''J, Nineveh. s IS ^ . i > ^ £ ^ * v._/^, inipf. Ja^, Mw- IV. J]^l ////v/v ///f?//'. ial^, inipf. iil^, 1^ ^ .? ^^ , /^/// ^^^^7/, (jn donn. descend. I Joe. impr. IJsjj, ^6' aV///, quiet. — Aetli. UK-KW 10 — 146 — - I I6L^, ftViS, f. sjjo, ^4^, il^is } till. iiom. in. ^(j^, f. ^lije; pi. «=!^Jyc. — Coinp. of Lss = N*n, 1^^ and So- JiXL^ anything Im-ge or bulky , espec. « /(?7/v76' building , palace, temple. — See Chald. gl. 'pD^n. dUbc, inipf. viJULgj, and dU^, impf. dULgj, die, perish. — See Chald. gl. I'^n. vJLIfl> /i^r and its compounds) . yo, f. ^, he, she, it; du. Ujo; pi. m. ik (in poet. ^), f. J^. When preceded by r or o, the vowel of the first syll. is gen. dropped, yc:, ^^J^ • — See Chald. gl. t*^, ijJoL^) as interj., lot see! JL^, impf J^, terrify. J^ /^<7/', terror, anythiiig terrible ; pi. J!yc|. tUi , impf. iL§j , ^^«^, ^ slowly along. Formed by transposition from o\ (<:>5l) bend, load or burden, oppress , Heb. "i"i{^ a burden. — 147 — 5O5J U'CKjItt ; slowness in mutton, dcu/i/ or hesitation: slcdfastncss or gi'avilij , palicnce, endurance (luiii[». nUj, If?;'). Formed like alt Jo tv/Ar, a/'/luence, from ctjj ; iU^!o indigestion, kaxw *^l\ jjUo a proit, stafj, cushion, from Uol (l^i); «-»-gJ' suspicion, from ivJCi ; farther ^^^Jo confidence, from J^:, viyl^j" inheritance, from ^.: ; ^j" /<^r//- r^/ 6W/, from _i:. Comp. such secondary formaUons as jli^i = (V^JJ^^, j^ij' = ^\, jJo (Aram, ^^n, Vs'z) = J tXi>|. Freylag has in his Lexicon jjj^S under of and H;>^" under t>; — both, I beh'eve, mistakes. Jc^., inipf. J^jssJ ^nd. ajsL: ^6' /?/r > G > c* tX-kj, /^^y dehts , to the ullermost (pi'>p. w/'z/iv complete. from Isj entire , ahundant). — Syr. ^^s) //<* c/^/^'. also be consumed, cease, perish: Aelii. A(l)'AI*- 'le- — 148 — liver up. As lo lliese tlifl". sigiiif., conip. (lie rad. nh^, ,»-Lv, and en, li", in or Joppa. (jluo, inipf. (jj-^^Aj, ^c dried up, nntlicrcd. II. ^LIS drij up, make wither. — See Cliald. gl. li'D"'. ^j*aaj « ^//y place, dry land. jj r. ///<" //(T//*^/; dii. ^Ijo; pi. tXjf, (3b(. — See Cli. gl. "11 . .Lmj //<'^ /<^/^ AvV/6', left hand = ,^j.a«J|. ^j.A^ 1". the right side, right hand = ^j^.^}\ , an oath, pi. ^l*j|. — See Cliald. gl. i^d^. IIj a day (i. e. the civil day of 24. hours; the natural r/^/y is .L§i, as ojjp. to niyht Jd-Oj p'- |*Q'- — ^'^^ Chald. gl. DT>. Jtlilj, ij^y.5 Jonah; gen. called by the Arabs (j*o»j Leipzig': Printed liy I'r. Nits UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Il mo- lH?Otf)Wt JAN 1 1984 "'FEB J ■.fi FEB^^ . ! 'J 1.0 21985 ^"ftpR08198" [ nfco lo-ura DEC 1 7 1987 1 47 584 ur 3 1158 00885 8580 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIL TY ii| |i!ii |ii| till |i| II mil III iii||iiir AA 000 634 008 7 ' ^: *■*'' ■^J^y- f,^ f' ■' ;^ ,- , tie- ^Jild v,^ ^ J '»»'m^ i_L^^ aL,.-v'_'-