-->' r \\ Ovt-v LIST OF VOTES ON THE GENEVA AWARD BILLS IN THE House of Representatives of the United States, .JXJL.V, isyti. AND THE BILL AS PASSED JULY 6, 1876. M'GlbL * WITIIEROW, PBIKTER? AND RTEREOTTPJBRS, WASHINGTON', D. C. ^nn Li » « , » 1 • c t • « • • • » » .- 7 CIRCULi?^R. Below is presented tlie votes in the House of Representa- tives of the United States on the Geneva Award Bill, taken on July 5 and 6, 1870, as appears by the Congressional Rec- ord of July 6 and 7, and is therefore the official count. Also is appended the residences of those whose vote was recorded to ' ' cover the balance of the Geneva Aiuard into the Treas- ury !! " The Congressional Record of July 6, 1876, on pages 45 and 46, lias the following, to wit: ''Geneva Award."" Mr. LORD. 1 now call for :i vote upon the Genevii award bill. The SPEAKER ^ji>-6i ftmporc. The question before the House is upon ■ the adoption of the substitute proposed by the gentleniau from Ohio Dlr. Lawrence] for the substitute proix)sed by the geutlenian from V Kentueky [Mr. Knott] for the bill as re[)orted by the majority of the , Connnittee on the Judiciary, y Mr. LAWRENCE. Let the substitute which is first to be voted on be >^ read. Tiie SPEAKER jDro it has been invested shall be covered into the Treasury, \ The question being taken on agreeing to the substitute, there were — ayes 47, noes 87. ]S[r. nOLJlAN^ and Mi-. BLACKBURN called ioy the j-^cas and nays. The yens and n;ivs were ordered. y" •^J 42619S 2 Mr. (.'ANNOX. of Illinois. I iiiovi- lliat I lie ilonsi' ailidiini. Tlie motion was not :igreed to; t'icre Ix-ing' — ayes 47. noes Hi. Mr. BLTJICIIARD. of Illinois. Will the Chair state the i.roposition? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Tin- fjucstiou now before tlie House is on substituting- the i)roi)osition of tlie oentleniaii from Oliio [Mr. TvAW- RENCE] for tliat of tlie ,o(uitl(!mau from Kenlnclxy. [Mr. Knott,] bolli ]»ropositioiis beino- ottered in the form of substitutes. If tlie substitute of thei^entieman from Ohio be adopted, the question will then be whetlier the House will sulistitntc^ that for tlie bill reported by the committee. If this substitnti! be rejected, then the question will lie whether the prop- osition of th(^ g-entleman from Kentuckj^ shall be substituted for tlie bill of the committee. Tlic question was taken, and tiiere were — yeas aD, nays 100, not voting, 121 : as follows: Yeas. Adams, Chas. H Cohoes. N. Y. Anderson, Wm. B Mount Vernon, 111. Ainsworth, Liicien L West Union. Iowa. Atkins, John D. C Paris, Tenn. Bagby, John C '. Rushville, 111. Bagley, Geo. A W^itertown, jST. Y. Bell, Samuel L Manchester, ]^. IT. Blaekbiu-n. Jos. C. S Versailles, Ky. Bland, Richard P Lebanon, Mo, Buekner, Aylett H Saint Charles, Mo. Burehard, Horatio C Fi'eeport, 111. Burchard. Samuel D Beaver Dam. Wis. Cabell, Geo. C Danville. Va. Caldwell, John H Jacksonville, Ala. Caldwell, Wm. P Gardner, Tenn. Cannon, Jos. G Tuscola, 111. Cason, Thomas J Lebanon, Ind. Clark, jr., John B Fa.yette, Mo. Cowan, Jacob P Ashland, Oliio. Culberson, David B Jeilerson, Texas. Dibrell, George G Sparta, Tenn. Felton, Wm. H Cartersville, Ga. Goodwin. John B, Humbohlt, Kan. Gunter, Thos. M Fayetteville, Ark. Harris, Henry R Greenville, Ga. Harrison, Carter H. Chicago, 111. Hartzell, Wm Chester, 111. Hatcher, Robert A lyTew Madrid, Mo. Haymond, Wm. S Monticello, Ind. Holman, Wm. S Aurora, Ind. Landers. Franklin Indianapolis, Ind. Bl Lane, Lafayette Orco-oi i . Lawrence, Wm Kellefoutuiiio. oliio. Lewis, Burwell B Tuscaloosa, Ala. Magoon. H^nry S Darliniitoii, "\Vi>. MeFai-land, Wm Morri^iown. Teiin. Mills, Roger Q (\)isic:m;i. 'V<-\. Money, Hernando D Winona, Miss. Morrison, Wm. R Waterloo. 111. New, Jeptha D Vernon, lud. Phelps. James Essev. ('(inn. Prullips, John F Sedalia, Mo. Popp!eton. E. F Delaware, Oiiio. Reagan, John H ralestine. Tex. Ross, Sobieski Condersporl. Pa. Smith, A. Herr Lanea.stei-, Pa,. Southard, Milton I Zane.^ville, Ohio. Sparxs, Wm A. J Carlyle, 111. Springer, Wm. M Sprin-lield. 111. Stevc^nson, Adlai E Blooiuinnton. 111. Stone, Wm. H Sr. Lonis, Mn. Tarbox, Joim K Lawivnce, .Ma--. Terry, Wm Wyllieville, Va. Thornburgh, Jacob M Knoxville. Te m. Van Vorhcs, Nelson H Atiiens. Ohio. V/allin9- Ansel T Cireleville. Ohio. Wells. Erastus Si. Loui.^, Mo. Wigginton, Petor D Mereed. Cal. WxUarJ, Geo I'.alile ('re(dv. .Mich. Tlic followiiiij is the clii.KsiliLvitidii Ir.- »S tales of the vole to coviT into llic 'rri'iisii ly, \'i/>; >Vestei-n Stales 27 votes. Soiilhern States L>;i '• MidilleStates I •• New En-land Stales '. ;{ '■ (,;alifornia \ '' Oreiion 1 " Tola! o9 votes. N.VYS— Messi-s. .V^he,.Ii)hn II. r.auley, jr.. William H. P.akei-. I?oone, I5i-adley. ISi'i^hr, \\'illiani K. {{I'own, P>nileii;lL C.aniiihell. ( 'anllidd. Cly- niei'. <'(ij|in-. Conifer, ('ox. Cutler. Dunnell. Eanies, Ellis, l^va.ns, Faulk- ner, j'iidey. [''oil, i'o.-lei', (iarlield, froode. Hale, Haralson, Ha,r(leiil)(M*^h, IJerijaniin W. ll;,rri--. Halhdrn, Heiiilee. I lenderson, Hill, Hooker. Jloii.^e, llnhliell. iliinlii-. llinilnii. Ilinllml, .lenk-^. 'I'lionias 1^. -Jones, .Foyce, Kehr. i\eteliain, Kiniliall, Knoll, Leavenworth, r<(;vy, JjonI, Lnttrell, Lviidf. L. A. Macko}-, Muisli, MacDou^all, :McCi-ary, ]McDill, :Mca(l(', ifilU'r, :Millikcii, Moiiroe, Miitclilcr, Xortou, Oliver, racker, i'ai;c, Taviie, I'icicc, Piper, riaistcd, Piatt, Potter, Pratt, Eea, James B. lleilly, Rice, Riddle, John Rob])iiis, William M. Robbiiis, Roberls, Rob- inson, Rusk. Sau)])Son. Scales, Seelye, Sinoleton, Sinnickson, Sleinons, Spencer, Strait, Stowell, Tiioinpson, ^Martin I. Townseiid, Tucker, Tufts, Robert B. Vance, Waddell. AVal(b-on. Gilbert (.'. Walker, Alexan- der S. AVallace. Warren, G. AViley Wells, White. Wike, James D. \\'il- liains, William B. Williams, Willis, Benjamin AVilson, James Wilson, and Yates.— 109. JsOT VOTING— Messrs. John II. Baker, Ballon. Banks, Bannino", Bass, Beebe, Blaine, Blair, Bliss. Bloiuit. Bradford. John Yonni;- Brown, Caudlei'. Caswell, Gate, Gha[)in. Chittenden, John B. Clarke, of Ken- tucky, Cochi-ane, Cook, Crapo, Crounse, Dauford. Dai-rall. Davis, Davy. De Bolt, DenisoH, Dobbins, Dou^nlas, Dui-and. Durham, Eden, Egbert, El.y, Forney, Franklin, Freen)an, Frost, Frj'e, Fuller, Gause, Gibson, Glover, Andrew H. Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Hancock, John T. Ilar- i-is, Hartridgv. Hays, Henkle, Hereford, Abi-am S. Hewitt, Goldsmith AV. Hewitt,' Hoar. Hoge. Hopkins. Iloskins, Ilm-d. Ilynuni, Fiank Jones, Kasson, Kelley, Kini;\ Eamar, George M. Landers, Lapliani, Le Moyne, Lvncli, Edmund W.^M. Maekev. :\[c:SIahon. Metcalfe, Morgan. Nash, Neal, O'Brien. Odell. O'Neill, Parsons. William A. Phillii)s, Powell, Piitmau, Rainey. Randall, John Reilly, ^liles Ross. Savage, Sayler, Schleicher, Sehiunakei-, Sheakley. Smalls. "WiUiaui E. Smitli, Stenger, Swann, Tecse, Thomas, Throckmorton. Washington Townscnd, Turui-y, John L. Vance, Wait, Charles C. B. Walker, John W. Wallace. Walsii, Ward, Wheeler, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whittliorne, Andrew Williams. Alpheus S. Williams, Charles G. Williams. James Williams, Jeremiah N. AVilliams, Wilsbire, Alan AVood, jr., Fernando ">Vood, Woodburn, Woodworth, and Young. — 121. On pages 29 and 30 of tlie CoDgressional Eecord of July 7, 1876, is the following, to wit: GENEVA AWAKl). The SPEAKER j^^'o femjjore. The regular order is the i-i'port i>f the Committee on the Judiciary in regard to tin- di-tril>;ition of llic unappro- priated moneys under the Geneva award. The pending question is ou the adoption of the substitute proposed l)y the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Knott] for tbe report of the majority of the committee. The clerk will rejiort the substitute. The clerk read as follows : A bill to amend the act entitled ''An act for the creation of a court for the adjudication and disposition of certain moneys received into the Treasury under an award made liy the tribunal of ai-bitration eoir-ti- tuted by virtue of tbe tirst article of tbe treaty concluded at Washing- ton tlu- 8th day of May, A. D. 1S71. betAveen the United Slates of America and the Queen of Great Britain," approved June 23, 1S74. Jh' if enacted J)i/ the Senate and House of Ifepresentativea of the Cnited Slates of America in, Con;/rests assembled. That so nuich of the twelfth section of the said act as i)rovides that "no dauu shall be admissible or allowed by the court by or in behalf of any insm-aiice company or iii- siu-er, either in its or his own i-igbt, or as assignee or otherwise in the right of a person or parly insured, unless such claimant shall show to tlie satisfaction of said court th;it during the late rebellion the sum of its or his losses in respect to its or his war risks exeeeded the sum of its or his i)nMniunis or otlicr i;'a.iiis niiou or in respect to such war risks; ami in case of any siicli allowance, tiie same shall not he <;-n>;iter than snt;li excess of loss." he. and Mie same is hereby, rcpealdl. Sec. 2. That any claimant exchided by the provision hereby repealed shall have the likeperiod of time within which to present, file, and prove its or his claim after the passai>e of this amendment as he conhl have iiad after the passage of the said act if not so exclnded. And the time of the dnration of the court created by the said act and its powers are hereby extended for a period sufficient to enable it to hear and dispose of such additional claims and the claims already referred to it, which period shall not exceiMl one year from the expiration of the time for filing claims under this section. The rpiestion being taken on agreeing to the substitute, there were — ayes 21. noes 96. M. KNOTT. I call for the yeas and nays. The question being talcen on ordering the yeas and nays, tliere were — ayes 2.5, noes 29. So (the affirmative being more than one-liftli of the whole vote) the yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. WALLING. I ask that the substitute may be again reported. The substitute was again read. The question was taken ; and there were — yeas ;{."). nays l.")!. not vot- ing 103 ; as follows : Yeas. Ashe, Thos. S Wadesborongh, N. C. Atkins, John D. C Paris, Tenn. r.lackburn, Jos. C. S Versailles, Ky. r.lount, Jas. H Macon, Ga. iioone, Andrew^ R Mayfield Ky. Buckner, A. IT St. Charles, Mo. Clarke, Jolni B Augusta, Ky. Clymer, Hiester Heading, Pa. Cox, Sam'l S , Xew York city, N. Y. Davis, Josepli J Louisburgh, IST. C. Douglas, Beverly B Ayletts', Va. Garfield, James A Hiram, Ohio. Hancock, John Austin, Texas. Ilardenbergh, A. A Jersey City, IST. J. Ilatliorn, Henry 11 Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Hubbell, Jay A Houghton, Mich. Jones. Thomas L Newport, Ky. Kehr, Edward C St. Louis, Mo. Knott, J. Proctor T^ebanon, Ky. Lamar, L. Q. C Oxford, Miss. TiCaveiiworth, Ellas W Syracuse, N. Y. Millikeu, Chas. W Franklin, Ky. ^lills, Tvoger Q Corsicana, Texas, Money, Hernando D Winona. Miss. 6 Pierce, Henry L Boston. Mass. Plutt, Thos. C Onego, N. Y. Reagan, John 11 Palestine, X. Y. Robbins, WmM Statesville, X. C. Scales, Alfred M Greensboroiigh, jST. C. Slenions, Wni. F Monticello, Ark. Spencer, Wni. B , La. Vance, Robert B Asheville, N. C. Waldron, Henr}^ Hillsdale. Mich. Wallace, Jolni ^y New Castle, Pa. ■VVillis, Benjamin A New York city, N. Y. The following is the chissification by States of the votes for the insurance companies, viz : Southern States 23 votes. Western States 3 ■' Middle States 8 '' Xew England States 1 '" Total 35 votes. NAYS — Messrs. Adams, Ainsworth, Anderson, Bagb.y, John II. Bag- ley, jr., John H. Baker, William H. Baker, Bannhig, Bell. Bland, Bi'ad- ford, Bi-adley, William R. Brown, Horatio C. Burchard, Samuel D. Burchard, Cabell, Jolni H. Caldwell, William P. Caldwell, Campbell, Cannon, Cason, Caswell, Caullield, John B. Clark, jr., of ^Missouri, Cociu-ane, Conger, Cook, Cowan, Crounse, Culberson. Cuth'r, Dibrell, Dobbins, Duunell, Eames. Ellis, Evans, Faulkner, Felton, Fiuley, For- ney, Fort, Foster, Cause, Glbsou. Goode, Goodin, Gunter, Hale, Haral- son, Henry R. Harris, Harrison. .Hartridge, Hartzell, Hatcher, Haymond, Hereford, Abram S. Hewitt, Holman, Hooker, Hopkins, House, ilunter, Ilunton, -leiiks, Joyce, Kasson, Kelley, Kimball. Franklui. Landers. Lapljam, Lawrence, Levy, Lewis, Lord, Luttrell. L. A. Mackey, Maisii, MacDougall, McCrary, McDill, McFarland, Meade, Miller. Morgan, Jlor- rison. New, Norton. O'Brien, Oliver. Packer, Payne, Phelps, John F. Piiilips, Piper, Plaisted, Poppleton, Potter, Powell, Randall. Rhea, Jolni Reilly, James B. Reilly, Rice. Riddle, John Robbins. Rf)l)erts. Robinson, Miles Ross, Sobieski Ross, Rusk, Sampson, Seelye, Singleton, Siimickson, A. Herr Smitii, Southard, Sparks, Springe)', Sti-ait. Stcnger, Stevenson, Stone, Tarbox, Terry, Tliompson, Thornburgh, Marlin I. Townsend, Tufts, Van Vorhcs, Joini L. Vance, Waddell, Wait. Gilbert C. Walk(!r. Alexander S. Wallace, Walling, ^Varren. Erastus Wells, G. Wiley Wells, White. Whiting, Wigginton, Wike. AViilard, James I). AV'iliiams, Jeremiah N. Williams, William B. AVilliams, Beujauiiii Wil- son, James Wilson, Yeates, and Young — 151. NOT VOTING— Messrs. George A. Bagley, Ballon, Banks, Bass, Beebe, Blaine, Blair, Bliss, Bright, John Young Brown, Burleigh. Can- dler, Cate, Chapin, Chittenden, Collins, Ci"apo, Danford. Darrall. DavN', De Bolt, DiMusou, Durand. Durham. Eden, Egbert. Ely. Fraidcliu, Freeman, Frost, Fiyc;, J^'uller, Glover, Audi-cw II. Ilamillon, Robert Hamilton, Benjamin W. Harris, John T. Ihirris. Hays, Hiuulee, Hender- siiu. Henkle, Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Hill, Hoar, Hoge, Hoskius, Hurd, Hurlbut, Hyman, Frank Joues, Ketcham, King, George M. Landers, Lane. Le Moyiu>, T^viicli, Lyiidc Kdinuml W. ^]. Mufkcy. Mm-'ooii. McMalioiu MelealtV,' Monroe. Miitdilcr. Nasli. Xeal, Oilcll. O'Neill, Pauv, Tai-sons, William A. Phillips, rrair, rurnian. IJaiiiey. Sa\a,>;c. Saylcr, Schleicher, Schnmaker, Sheakley. Smalls. William K. Siiiitli, Stowell, Swaun, Teese, 'riioiiias. Tliroekiaorton. WashiuoLon Town- send, Tucker, Turney, Charles C. B. Walker, Walsh. Ward, WHieeler, AVhilehouse. Wliittliorne, Andrew Williams. Alplieus S. Williams, Charles G. Williams. James Williams. Wil.-hire, Alan Wood, jr., Fer- nando Wood. Wood1)nrn, and Woolr. 1)E Bolt was absent on aceount of sickness. Tlie vote was then announced as above recorded. Mr. HOIiMAN. I move to lay the liill on the table. Mr. LORD. I think that motion will be withdrawn. Mr. liOLMAN. I think it is a fair motion to test the sense of tlie House. Mr. CAULFIELD demanded th(! yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The question was taken, and it was decided in the nej^ative — yeas !)G, nays 113, not voting SO ; as follows : YEAS — Messrs. Adams, Ainsworlh. Andersim, Ashe, Atkins, Ceori;(', \. Jiagley, Bell, Blackburn, ]>land, Bh)unt, Boone, Bratlford, Britilii, Buckiier," Cabell, Joliii II. Caldwell. Winiam P. Caldwell. Candler, Cannon, -John B. Clarke, of Kentucky, .lolin B. (JIark. .jr., of ]Missomi, Clyiner, Cook, Cowan, Cox, Culberson, Dihi-cdi, Douglas, |)ur;ind, Fa"ulkner, Felton, Foriiev, Fuller, Garlield, Gause, Coodin, (iiinler, Hancock. Ilardenberoh, Henrv R. Harris, Ilartridoe. Hartzell, Hatcher, Hatliorn, ITaymond, Heiikle, Hill, Ih)linan. Hooker, Hiibbell, Thomas L. .lones. Ke'lcham, Knott. Lamar, Franklin Lamlers, Lawrence, Leav- en worth, Lewis, L. A. Mackey, McFarland, Millikeii. Mills. Money, Mor:;an, ]\Iorrison, New. O'Brien, Packer. John F. Philips, Pierce. Piatt, Reaiiiui, William M. Robbins, Scales, Singleton, Slemons, A. Ilerr Smith, Sjiai-ks. Spencer. Springer, Stone, Stowell, Tarbox, Terry, Thornb\u-gh, John P. Nance, Robert B. Vance, Waddeli, Waldron. Walling, ErasMis NVells. Willard, James D. Williams, Jeremiah N. Williams, Willis, and Benjamin Wilson — OG. NAYS— Messrs. Bagby, John TI. Bagloy, jr., John 11. Baker, WiHi;im H. Baker. Banning. Bradley, William K. Brcjwn, Horatio C. Biirebard, Samuel D. Buichard, Burleigh, Cam])lKdl, tJasoii, Caswell, Caullield, <'hittenden, (,"ochrain\ Collins, Conuvr, Crapo, Crouns(>, Cutler, Davis, Davy. T'obbins, Dnnnell, EaiiK's, Ellis, Evans, Finley, Fort. Foster, (libson, Goode, Hale, Haralson. Ilenjamin W. Harris, Harrison. Heiidee, Henderson, Abrani S. Hewitt, Hopkins, House, Hunter, Huiiton, Hurl- l)iir. Jeiiks. Kr:uik .lone.-, .loj'cr. Kassini. Jvcllcv, Kiinhail. LaplKiui. I.<'vv, Lord, Luttrell, Maisli. MacDouii-all, :\[c( 'rarv. M(;DilI. Mt-adtv 'SUWrr, Xoiton, Oliver, O'Xc^il, Pai>o', Paviie. Phelps, Willium A. Phillips, Piper, Plaisted. Poppleton, Potter, Powell. Pratt. Randall. Pea. John R. Reilly, Pice, Riddle, John l^obhin.s, Robinson. Sobieski Moss, Rnsk. 8ani])son. Sc!deich(>r. Seeley, Sinniekson, Southard, Strail, Stengvr, Stevenson, Svvann, Martin T. Townsend. Washington Townsend. Tnfts, Yiin Yorhes. Gilbert C. Walker, Alexander S. Wallace. Warren, G. Wiley AV(dls, White, Wiiiting, Whitthorne, AViaofinton, AVike, Ali)heus S. Williams, James Williams, William B. \Villiams, James Wilson, Yeates. and Y^onno'—llS. XOT YOT I XG— Messrs. Ballon. Banks. Bass, Beebe, Blaine. Blair. Bliss, John Young- Brown, ('ate, Ciiauin, Danford, Darrall. De Bolt, Dennison. Dm-hani, Eden, Egbert". Ely, Fraid. Eeilly, Rice, Piddle, John Iiobl)ins, Pobin- son, Soliieski Iloss, Rusk, Sampson, Schleiclier. Seelye, Sinnickson. Smalls, Strait, Stenuer, Stevenson. Stowell, Thompson, Martin I. Town- send, Wasliington Townsend, Tufrs, Van Vorhe.s, Wait, GiUiert C. W:d- kei-, Ah'xander S. Wallace, John W. Widlace, AVarren G. Wiley, Wells, AVhite, 'Whiting, Wigginton, Wike, Alplieus S. Williams, James \\"i\- liams. Williiim B. AViiliams, .hunes Wilson, and Yeates — 107. XAYS — .'Messrs. Adams, Ainsworth, Anderson, Asiie, George A. Bag- lej^, William H. Baker, Blackburn. Bland, Blunt, Boone, Bi-adford, Buckner, Cabell, John H. Caldwell, William I*. Caldwell, Candler, Can- non, John B. Clarke, of Kentucky, John B. Clark, jr., of Missouri, Clymei-. Cochrane. Cook. Cidbersou, Cutli'r, Davy, Dil)rell, Douglas, Diirand, Fanlknei-, Felfon, Forney, Fuller, Gartield, Gause, Gibson, Goodin, GuiUer, Hnncock, Hardenbergh, Henry P. Hai'ris, Hartridge, Ilartzell, IIa.tcher, Hathorn, Henderson, Hill, Holm;u!. Hooker. Hubbell. Thomas L. Jones, Kehr, Fvnott, liainar, Fi-anklin l^anders, Lawrence, l^eavenwoi-th. Lewis L. A. Mackey. ^IcFarland, Milliken. jilills. Money, Morrison, Xew. Packer, '\i>\in F. Fliiri[)s, Piere-e. Plait, Reagan, Wil- liam M. Rf)bbius. Miles Boss. Scales, Singleton, Slemoris, A. Herr Snnth. William E. Smith, Southard, Sparks, Spencer, Stone, 'J'arbox. Terry, 'JMiond)in-gh, John L.Vance, Robert R. 'V'auce, Waddell, Waldrou, A\';il- ling, Eraslus Wells. Willard, Jei'emiah X. Williams, Willis. r>enjaniin 'Wilson, and Youn^• — 04. XOT VOTING— Messrs. Atkins. Ballon. B;i,nks, Bass. Beebe, Blaine, Blaii', Bliss, Bright, John Yoimg Brown, Cate, Chapiu, Chittenden, Col- lins, Cox, Danford, Darrcdl, Davis, De Bolt, Denison, Durham, Eden, Egbert. Ely, Franklin, i-'reenian. Frost, Frye. Glovei', (.oode, .Vudrew H. ilamillon. Roi)ert Ihiniilton, John T. J [arris. Hays, Henkle, (ioldsnnlh W. ifewitt. Hoar, Hoge. Hoskins, House, Ilnrd, llui-lbnt. Ilynian. K'iug, Geoi-ge M. Landei\s, Fjane, Ln .Moyne, Lynch, Lynde, I^dnnnid \V. M. ^Iacke}\ ^lagoon, McMahon, Metcalfe. Moni-oe. Mutchler. Xash, Xeal, Odell, Page, I'arsons, Pnrman, Rainey, lioberts. Savage, Sayler. Schu- makei-, Sheaklev. Sprinu('i', Swaun, Teese, Thomas, Throckmorton, 'I'ucker. Tin-ney! Charles C. B. Wnlker. Walsh, Ward. Wheeler. While- house;, Whilthorne, Andrew Williams. Charles G. Willimns. James I). AVilliams, Wilsliire, Alan W'ood. jr., Fernando Wood. Woodlmr Wood worth — SS. So the hill \\a.> pas.-ed. 426193 vi]. and 10 Diiriui;- the roll-eall tin; followiiii;- iinuounecinents wcro inudc : ]Mr. TUCKER. I :im paircil upon tliis question witli Mr. WILLIAMS, of jVew York. If he were lierc lie woiihl vote "uy,"' :ui(l I would vote "no." Mr. HUliLBUT. T am pah-ed [\\nm this question witli the gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Lynde. If he were liere lie would vote '"no," and I would vote •'ay.'" Mr. MOXROE. I am paired upon tliis question with Mr. Ward, from New York. If he were present he would \;otc "no," and I would vote " a}^" Mr. EAMES. I d(\sire to announce that my collea2,-uc, Mr. Ballou, is absent by leave of the House. If present he would vote "ay." Mr. PAGE. I am paired upon this bill with ]\Ir. BASS, of i^ew York. If he were present he \\ould vote "no," and I would vote "ay." The result of the vote was then announced as above recorded. Mr. LORD n)oved to reconsider the vote bj'- wliich the bill was passed; and also moved that tin! motion to reconsider belaid on the table. The latter motion Mas ai;'r(;ed to. The bill, a.s jjassed, is as i'ollows — as read and referred in the Senate and certified by the clei-k, Mr. Adams: AN ACT for the distribution of the unapi)ro[)riated moneys of the Geneva award. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Repi-esentative-'i of the United Slatea of America in Congress (fssembled. That it shall be the duty of the Court of Conmiissioners of Alabama Claims, in the mode and subject to all the conditions, limitations, and provisions of chapter foiu' hundred and liflv-nine of the laws of tiie Forty-third (;oni;ress. cxci'ijt as chauiicd or nxxlilied by this act, to receive and examine the claims mentioned in section two of this act, and to enter jud_ th^ duty of the court to deduct any sum in any way received 1)y or repaid to the claimant, duninishing the anu:»unt paid, for any such i)remium, so tlijit the actual loss of the claimant only shall be allowed. Sec. 4. That the iudgnients rendered by said coui't under tliis act shall b(! paid by the Secretary of the Treasury out of the sum of money ])aid to the Uniteil Stati's ])ursuant to article seven of the treaty of Washing- ton, and accruing tiierefrom, not appropriated to claims i)i-oval)le undpr the provisions of said chapter four Inindri'd am! lifty-nine, and tin- art extendiu"' the time for the tiling of claims I lirnMmd<'i-. 11 Sko. ."). 'I'lial jii(l,ii-iiuiil.- culfrcM in tlic liisl cliiss .