YH 0179 I'll. f r 1y /5 /' ^ SCHEME FOR ALLOWANCES TO DEPENDANTS OF DECEASED SAILORS AND SOLDIERS. (3rt.-B^;t Ar(.y.;r=il+y- Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty (In substitution for Cd. 7682.) LONDON: FEINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By HARRISON and SONS, 45-47, St. Martin's Lane, W.C, PiiiNTERs IN Ordinary to Hk Majesty. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from "\^TMAN AND SONS, Limited, 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.G., and 28, Abingdon Street, S.W., and 54, St. Mary Street, Cardiff; or' H.M. STATIONlilRY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh: cr •E. PONSONBY, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNAVIN, Limited, London, W-O. [Od. 8131.] 1915. Price |-d. \ <\\- SCHEME FOR ALLOWANCES FROM NAVY AND ARMY FUNDS TO DEPENDANTS OF DECEASED SAILORS AND SOLDIERS. Inteoductory Note. This paper sets out in general terms the principal features of the scheme appro\ed by the Government for allowances from Navy and Army Funds to the dependants (other than widows and children) of sailors and soldiers whose deaths tire due to the present war. It must be clearly understood that the Admiralty Orders and Army Orders and the Regulations made or to be made will alone be the documents that will be decisive as to any points that may arise in particular cases, this paper being no more than a presentation to Parliament of the main lines of the scheme. T. J. MACNAMARA. H. W. FORSTER \st December, 1915. ?i> (B 6090>' Wt. ^6862. 7M : 12/15 H & S P. 15/870 .. . .«* . . J • '. T • • > O • •- • ■>* 3 SCHEME. I. — Fathers, Mothers, &c. 1. For a ])arent or parents wholly dependent on the sailor or soldier, an allowance to be given not exceeding in any case (whether for one parent or two) the amount of ascertained dependence prior to mobilization or entry into the Service if later, or the widow's pension appropriate to the sailor's or soldier's rank (10s. a week for the lowest rank with no increase on the score of age), whichever be less. The allowance to continue so long as no other means of support {e.g., other children reaching full age) exist. 2. For a parent or parents incapable of fully supporting tliemselves, and partly dependent on the sailor or soldier, an allowance, not exceeding the amount of ascertained dependence prior to mobilization or entry into the Service if later, or 5s. a week, whichever be less, subject to periodical review as to the continuance of the incapacity. 3. For any other dependant who is wholly or partly incapable of self support, an allowance not exceeding the sum prescribed in the preceding paragraph, subject to periodical review as to the continuance of the incapacity. 4. Old age pension to be reckoned in diminution of above benefits. 5. For able-bodied dependants, other than parents coming under paragraph 1, a grant by way of gratuity or weekly payment, not exceeding in all a year's pay of the sailor or soldier, or a year's allowance at the rate at which separation allowance and allotment were paid for the 26 weeks after the notification of death, whichever be greater, to be given at the discretion of the Admiralty or War Office. II. — Women who have been entirely dependent on a Sailor or Soldier for THEIR Maintenance and who would otherwise be Destitute, and Children of the Sailor or Soldier in their charge. 6. If there are no children of the sailor or soldier and the woman is in good health* a grant by way of gratuity or weekly payment, not exceeding in all the amount of a year's allowance at the rate at which separation allowance and allotment were paid for the 26 weeks after the notification of death, to be given at the discretion of the Admiralty or War Office. 7. If there are no children of the sailor or soldier and the woman is whoUy or partly incapable of supporting herself from infirmity or age, an allowance of from 5s. to 10s. a week according to circumstances to be given, renewable from time to time on medical certificate. When the disability ceases a terminal gratuity not exceeding the amount of 26 weeks of such allowance may be given. 8. If there are .children of the sailor or soldier in her care, an allowance of 1 Os. a week to be given in addition to the usual allowances for the children. When the last child reaches the age limit or dies, the woman, if in good health, to receive a terminal gratuity of 13^. (half the annual value of the allowance). If she is wholly or partly incapable of supporting herself, she may be granted an allowance of from 5s. to 10s. a week, according to circumstances, renewable from time to time on medical certificate, and on the cessation of the disability a terminal gratuity not exceeding the amount of 26 weeks of such allowance. . 9. Old age pension to be reckoned in diminution of above benefits to the woman (not to the children). III. — Administration. {a. ) The claim to a grant of allowance or gratuity after the sailor's or soldier's death will rest in the ordinary course on the establishment during his lifetime of a claim to separation allowance as a dependant, and in the absence of such established claim a special investigation will be made, and very complete evidence will be required. Grants will be subject to the same conditions as widows' pensions in regard to the circumstances of the sailor's or soldier's death, forfeiture &c., so far as such conditions are applicable. \l>.) All the awards referred to will have effect after the expiration of the 26 weeks for which separation allowances are continued after the notification of the death of the sailor or soldier. (c.) This Scheme provides only the grants. to be made from the Votes of the Admiralty and War Office, not those which may be made out of funds at the disposal of the Body proposed to be established by the Bill now before Parliament. The duty of determining the facts on which a grant may be based will be among the duties of that Body, and the Admiralty or War Office may at their discretion entrust it with other duties in connection with the administration of such grants J90000 I OaylordBros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y, P«T. JAII. 21, 1901 UNiVERsrrv of caufornia ubrary