i u y^A UC-NRLF $B b3D MTS GIFT OF BH#IB*B OF TUB PFIOEEB 4IIB €)a»1WS or THE ■*- . . -^ mm-,. . . iUHtu WmitiuUr n LEXIIVGTOIV, Va. 1869. 6/v^^ SiHAEKS > « ♦ M <^^|^HE ViEGiNiA Military Institute was established, and is "^ supported, by the State of Virginia. It was organized in 1839, as a State Military and Scientific school, upon the basis of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and has been in suc- cessful operation for thirty years. The cadets admitted consist of two classes, State and Pay cadets. The Institute supplies to the State cadet his board and tuition ; and in consideration thereof, he is required to teach two years after graduation. The Pay cadet is at his own expense, which averaged before the war $375 per year, for every charge, includ- ing clothing. The State cadets are selected from those who are unable to bear their own expenses. The Institution has always had as many pupils as its buildings would accommodate, and numbers now 36 Stai^ and 300 Pay cadets. Applications are made, by letter, to the Superinten- dent prior to the first of July, each year, and appointments are made for both classes of cadets by the Board of Visitors. The State makes an annual appropriation for the support of Virginia Military Institute of $15,000. This sum supplies tuition and boards to the State cadets, without cJiarge, and supports — by the aid of the tuition fees, and the income from vested funds — the faculty. In 1860, a do- nation of $20,000 was made by Gen. Philip St. George Cocke, for the endowment of the chair of Agriculture^ and in the same year, a donation was made of $11,800 by Dr. William Newton Mercer, of Louisiana, to endow the chair of Animal and Vegetable Physiology, applied to Agriculture. A donation was made at the same time by Mrs. E. L. Claytor, of Virginia, of $5,000, to erect a Hall of Natural History. The Virginia Military Institute had just placed itself before tlie public, as a General School of Applied Science, for the development of the agricidturaly mineral , commercial, manufacturing , and internal improve- ment interests of the State and Country, when the army of Gen. Hunter destroyed its stately buildings, and consigned to the flames its library of 361446 A , ' VfRGII^TA MILIT.ARX INSTITUTE. .'-% - /* : ::. ' • • 10,000 volumes, the Philosophical apparatus used for 10 years by " Stonewall" Jackson, and all its chemicals. The cadets were then transferred to Richmond, and the Institution was continued in vigorous operation until the evacuation of Richmond, on the 3d April, 1865. On the 21st of September, 1865, the Board of Visitors met in Rich- mond to re-organize the Institution. The war had made sad traces on the school, besides the destruction of its building, library and appara- tus. Three of its Professors, Lt. Gen. " Stonewall" Jackson, Maj. Gen. R. E. Rodes, and Col. S. Crutchfield, two of its assistant Professors, Capt. W. H. Morgan, and Lieut. L. Crittenden, and 125 of its alumni had been slain in battle, and 350 others maimed. Considering, however, the great demand flowing from the general sus- pension of education in the South, and the special field of usefulness distinctively marked out for this School of applied Science, the Board of Visitors, proceeded with energy and resolution in their work, and having elected Gen. G. W. Custis Lee, and Col. Wm. B. Blair, dis- tinguished graduates of the U. S. Military Academy, to fill two of the chairs made vacant by the death of Gen. Jackson and Gen. Rodes, and at subsequent meetings, appointed Commodore M. F. Maury, LL. D. , late of the Observatory, Professor of Physics, and Superin- tendent of the Physical Survey of Virginia, and Capt. John M. Brooke, late of the Navy, to the new chair of Practical Astronomy, Geodesy, Physical Geography and Meteorology, the Virginia Military Institute resumed its accustomed work, amid its ruins at Lexington, on the 17th October, 1865, with some 50 cadets, organized in four classes, and prosecuted its work with earnestness and effect, and on the 4th of July following, ten cadets, constituting the first class, who had borne the hardships and perils of the Institution, during the whole of the war, were graduated, having completed a course of scientific and general study, which will commend thom to the confidence of the scientific scholar. The Legislature of Virginia promptly responded to these evidences of vitality on the part of the school, by providing for the payment of its annuity and the interest on its vested funds. This provision enabled the Board of Visitors to appoint the State cadets required by law to be admitted, and arrangements were at the same time in progress, to restore the buildings, and by the 1st of September next, the Barracks and Mess Hall will be restored complete. The Virginia Military Institute now numbers 600 graduates, 200 of whom were State cadets. There have been altogether 2500 matriculates, and of these 560 were State cadets. The government of the Virginia Military Institute, although military VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 5 in its organization, is carefully arranged for the protection and develop- ment of the moral character of the cadets. Attendance on the public services of the sanctuary and regular Bible instruction on the Sabbath are positively enjoined by the regulations. The following extract from the Report of the Superintendent to the Board of Visitors, of June, 1859, will exhibit, in some degree, the in- fluence of the moral government : * ' There is no part of the duty of the Superintendent which weighs so heavily upon his mind and heart as that connected with the control and government of the moral conduct of those committed to his charge. No general idea of the wayward and depraved character of the human heart is at all equal to that which experience of the follies and vices of young men makes known to the conscientious teacher." The great Head Master of Rugby School gives utterance to his expe- rience in the following striking language : ''Undoubtedly, this place (Rugby School,) and other similar places, which receive us when we have quitted the state of childhood, and be- fore our characters are formed in manhood, do partake somewhat of the character of the wilderness ; and it is not unnatural that many should shrink back from them in fear. We see but too often the early beauty of the character sadly marred, its simplicity gone, its confidence chilled, its tenderness hardened. AYhere there w^as obedience, we find murmur- ing and self-will and pride. Where there was a true and blameless conversation, we find now something of falsehood, something of pro- faneness, something of impurity. I can well conceive what it must be to SK parent to see his child return from school, for the first time, with the marks of this grievous change upon him. I can well conceive how bitterly he must regret having ever sent him to a place of so much dan- ger ; how fondly he must look back to the days of his early innocence. And if a parent feels thus, what must be our feelings, seeing that this evil has been wrought here ? Are we not as those who, when pretending to give a wholesome draught, have mixed the cup with poison ? How can we go on upholding a system, the effects of which appear to be so merely mischievous ? " My own experience but too painfully confirms these honest and truthful acknowledgments of Dr. Arnold; and I have no doubt the testimony from every school in our land would, if honestly brought out, speak the same verdict. But this is only one side of the picture. Let Dr. Arnold present the other also, and show the results, as well as the encouragements, of faithful effort in leading the young through the wilderness which meets them on the threshold of academic life. 6 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. "Believe me," he says, "that such questions must and ought to pre- sent themselves to the mind of every thinking man who is concerned in the management of a school ; and I do think that we could not answer them satisfactorily, that our work would, absolutely, be unendurable, if we did not bear in mind that our eyes should look forward, and not backward — if we did not rememher that the victory of fallen man is to be sought for, not in innocence, hut in tried virtue. Comparing only the state of a boy, after his first half-year or year at school, with his earlier state as a child, and our reflections on the evil of our system would be bitter indeed. But when we compare a boy's state, after his first half- year or year at school, with what it is afterwards ; when we see the clouds again clearing off"; when we find coarseness succeeded again by delicacy ; harshness and selfishness broken up, and giving place to af- fection and benevolence ; murmuring and self-will exchanged for hu- mility and self-denial ; and the profane, or impure, or false tongue uttering again only words of truth and purity ; and when we see that all these good things are now, by God's grace, rooted in the character ; that they have been tried, and grown up amidst the trial ; that the knowl- edge of evil has made them hate it the more, and be more aware of it — then we can look upon our calling with patience, and even with thank- fulness. We see the wilderness has been gone through triumphantly, and its dangers have hardened and strengthened the traveler for all his remaining pilgrimage. For the truth is, that to the knowledge of good and evil are we born, and it must come upon us sooner or later. In the common course of things, it comes about that age with which w^e are here most concerned. I do not mean that there are not faults in early childhood — we know that there are ; but we know also, that with the strength and rapid growth of boyhood, there is a far greater develop- ment of these faults, and, particularly, far less of that submissiveness which belonged naturally to the helplessness of mere childhood. I suppose that, by an extreme care, the period of childhood might be prolonged considerably ; but still it must end, and the knowledge of good and evil, in its full force, must come. I believe that this must be. I believe that no care can prevent it, and that an extreme attempt at carefulness, while it could not keep ofi" the disorder, would weaken the strength of the constitution to bear it." ^ * * * ^ ' ' Ignorance, absence of temptation, the presence of all good impres- sions, constitute much of the innocence of mere childhood — so beauti- ful while it lasts — so sure to be soon blighted. It is blighted in the first experience of life, most commonly when a boy first goes to school. Then his mere innocence, which, indeed, he may be said to have worn rather VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. f instinctively than from choice, becomes grievously polluted. It is in- deed a discouraging season — the exact image of the ungenial springs of our natural year. But after this, there comes, as it were, a second beginning of life, when principle takes the place of innocence ; when thought and inquiry awaken ; when, out of the mere chaos of boyhood, the elements of the future character of the man begin to appear. Blessed are they for whom the confusion and disarray of their boyish life is quickened into a true life by the moving of the Spirit of God ! Blessed are they for whom the beginnings of thought and inquiry are the beginnings also of faith and love, when the new character receives, as it is forming, the Christian seed, and the man is also a Christian. And then, this second beginning of life, resting on faith and conscious principle, and not on mere passive innocence, stands sure for the middle and the end." I feel assured that the experience of Dr. Arnold, as to the results of academic life, under faithful discipline and instruction, has also been happily exemplified in the history of this Institution ; and that the change which he so strikingly depicts, as witnessed in his own pupils, may be traced in the progress of every class that has been subjected to our discipline. I, too, have seen the modesty and the purity of inno- cence gradually give way in the course of the first year, and changed into the roughness and waywardness and impurity which have marked the character of many a member of the third class. It has been at this critical culminating of the ''knowledge of evil," that the discipline of the Institution has been most frequently exercised, and the patient labor of the teacher most earnestly called into requisition. But I, too, have seen a change take place, as the second class year advanced. There has been a gradual return to the primitive delicacy and purity and truthful- ness ; and these good qualities have not only matured in the first'Clasa- man during his last year, but they have become " rooted in the char- ter ; " the early habit of virtue has been replaced by the settled princi- ple of virtue ; and the dangers of the " wilderness," which he has triumphantly passed through, have hardened and strengthened him for the prilgrimage of life now lying before him. Look at the class now presenting themselves for the honors of graduates of the Institution, and contrast them as they now appear with what they were two or three years ago ; or contemplate the large second class, and see the characters it now presents, and remember what they were eighteen months ago, and all familiar with them will testify to the accuracy of the statement which I have made. But we have had more substantial grounds of en- couragement still, founded upon considerations Avhich have constituted 8 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. the essential basis of the virtuous character to which I have referred. This Institution has graduated 522 members, exclusive of the present first class, and not one graduate (exclusive of the first graduating class, of which I cannot speak positively) has ever left the Institution, who was not, at the time of graduation, thoroughly convinced of the Divine Charac- ter of our Holy Religion. May we not hope that " the second beginning of life," to which Dr. Arnold refers, rested, to many of these, on faith, as well as on conscious principle, and that the Christian seed received here, has been since developed in the formation of many a Christian character ? These facts are significant. They not only give encouragement and hope to those who have had, amidst such darkness and many clouds to struggle on in laborious duty of teaching and disciplining the young here, but they furnish the most satisfactory evidence of the soundness of the system of discipline which characterizes this Institution ; and this would be made still more apparent if an analysis were made of the material of which it is usually composed. I am thoroughly per- suaded that the system of government of a Military Institution, when combined with careful, systematic Bible instruction, furnishes the best possible instrumentality for the awakening and development of religious character. The community of life and sentiment which peculiarly characterizes a Military School, furnishes a powerful bond of sympathy for good as well as evil, and no one, acquainted with the growth of piety in military life, could fail to have noticed this. But the minute regula- tions of a Military School, which are so often objected to by some, serve to promote this end in a variety of ways. An eloquent divine (Caird) has said, that "one reason why the sinful man does not ' understand his errors' is, that sin can be tridy measured only when it is resisted. It is impossible to estimate the strength of the principle of evil in the soul till we begin to struggle with it ; and the careless or sinful man — the man who, by supposition, is not striving with, but succumbing to sin — cannot know its force. So long as evil reigns unopposed ivithin the soul, it will reign, in a great degree unobserved. So long as a man passively and thoughtlessly yields his will to the sway of worldly principles or unholy desires and habits, he is in no condition to measure their intensity — scarcely to discover their existence. For in this, as many other cases, resistance is the best measure of force." And a greater than Caird has said, that "by the law is the knowledge of sin.', "I had not known lust, except the law had said, thou shalt not covet.'' The vices, the irregularities, the follies and the errors of the young, are brought to light, made manifest to them in the forming period of their VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 9 lives, by the regulations to which they are subjected, when opportunities and means may be availed of to correct them ; and thus the regulation acts as a school-master, to discipline such before it is too late. We see the wisdom of this provision in the experience of those families in which the restraints of parental authority are exercised ; and while sinful pro- pensities are manifested here, as in all other instances in which law ope- rates, the contrast is no less striking as to the results of such a system and of that of unrestrained indulgence. The parent in the latter case scarcely knows or is conscious of his son's danger. No law restraining him, the misguided youth is lost before he or his parents had realized that he was in danger. In the other case, the parent finds opposition and rebellion on the part of his child — a constant disposition to substi- tute his own for the parent's will — frequent attempts to escape the penal- ties of established rules, by evasions or false excuses ; but he firmly, yet affectionately, enforces respect for his authority, and he enjoys, in after- life, the satisfaction of seeing that the beneficial effects of his discipline have been to form the character of his son, and he realizes in his success the fulfillment of the Divine promise : * ' jPram up a child in the way he should go J and when he is old he will not depart from it" The training may have exhibited the evil propensities — the wrong tempers of the child — but, by and by, when he is old, he will profit by it. ♦ « ^ > » System of Instniction and Government. The System of Instruction and Government in the Virginia Military Institute is distinctive j and is founded upon that of the United States Military Academy at West Point. As soon as a young man enters the Institution, it assumes over him an entire control, and not only directs his moral and intellectual education, but provides everything required for his personal wants or comfort. A Cadet may, if his parents desire it, remain in charge of the Institution for the entire term of four years, as the system of government keeps it always in operation. The months of July and August, in each year, are devoted exclusively to Military Exercises. Furloughs are granted to those who may desire it, in turn, during this period. The Cadets are lodged and boarded in the Institution, their Clothing^ Books, and other supplies, being provided by the Quartermaster of the Institute, at cost, 2 10 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. The sick are under the special care of the Surgeon^ with Hospital and other facilities for nursing. The energy, system, subordination and self-reliance, which the military government of the Institute cultivates, give a 'practical character to the education which it supplies. The high reputation which its Alumni have established for the School is the evidence of its value. Attendance at Chureh and Bible instruction is prescribed for each Sabbath. ">-•- Estimated Expenses for Twelve Months. Tuition, $100 00 Board, S15 00 per month, 180 00 Washing, $2 00 per month, 24 00 Fuel and Lights, $3 00 per month, 36 00 Surgeon's Fee, 10 00 Estimated College Expenses for Twelve Months, $350 00 Estimated annual cost for Clothing and incidentals supplied at the Institute, 150 00 Total expenses, including Clothing, $500 00 This estimate is regarded as sufficient, but as Cadets differ much in the wear and tear of clothing and in the care they take of it, the In- stitute does not bind itself that this estimate shall not be exceeded. It does bind itself to control, by all proper means, the expenses, and the average does not exceed the estimate. When a Cadet leaves the Institute before the expiration of the year, the Tuition fee and Surgeon's fee are required to be paid for the whole year. A rateable deduction is made on all other charges. As the estimate in- cludes clothing, the issues for the whole year are usually made within the first six months. Deposits are made with the Treasurer semi-annually, in advance. The quarterly Circulars give a statement of the current expenses of each Cadet. Pocket money is allowed, at the discretion of the parent, not exceed- ing $5 00 per month, for which a special deposit must be made with the Treasurer. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. H As the Cadets wear a prescribed Uniform, it is only necessary to bring a full supply of under Clothing j with Shoes, Towels and bedding ; or these articles may be obtained at the Quartermaster's store, at cost. The Virginia Military Institute is prosecuting, under the general su- perintendence of Com. 31. F. Maury y LL. D., a Physical Survey of Virginia, in which great State work, Oen. G. W. C. Lee, Col. J. M. Brooke, and Col. M. McDonald will be associated with Commodore Maury. This work will afford an appropriate practical field of instruc- tion for the students of the school of applied science and the Alumni of the Institute, and the Board of Visitors earnestly ask the co-operation of the people of Virginia in this effort to prepare an accurate geographical map of Virginia, including its physical history. 12 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. Inspector, Ex- Officio : His Eicellency &, C.WALKER, GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. • BOARD OR VISITORS! [Appointed l>y tlie CJovernorofVirgriiiia,.] Hon. JOHN LETCHER, President of the Board. . ..Lexington. Hon. WM. H. MACFARLAND Richmond. Hon. W. R. STAPLES Christiansburg. Col. GEO. W. ROLLING Petersburg. WM. SKEEN, Esq Alleghany. ZEPH. TURNER, Esq Rappahannock. WM. L. OWEN, Esq Halifax. RICHARD H. CATLETT, Esq Staunton. JVIaj. Gen. WM. H. RICHARDSON, Adj't. Gen. (Ex-Officio.) VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 13 ACADEiMIO S-TARR- M ♦ » > General FKANCIS H. SMITH, A. M., Superintendent and Professor of Mathematics and Moral Philosophy. Colonel JOHN T. L. PRESTON, A. M., Professor of Latin and English Literature. Colonel THOMAS H. WILLIAMSON, Professor of Practical Engineering y Architecture and Drawing. Colonel WILLIAM GILHAM, A. M., Philip St. George Cocke — Professor of Agriculture. Colonel ROBERT L. MADISON, M. D., Mercer — Professor of AniTnal and Vegetable Physiology applied to Agriculture. Colonel SCOTT SHIP, (hmmandant of Cadets, Instructor of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Tactics, and Professor of Military History and Strategy. Colonel JAMES W. MASSIE, Professor of Mathematics. Colonel WILLIAM B. BLAIR, Jackson — Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. General G. W. C. LEE, Professor of Civil and Military Engineering and Applied Mechanics. Colonel JOHN M. BROOKE, Professor of Practical Astronomy, Geodesy, Descriptive and Physical Geography and Meteorology. Colonel MARSHALL McDONALD, Professor of Geology, Mineralogy and Metallurgy. Colonel M. B. HARDIN, Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. Colonel THOMAS M. SEMMES, Professor of Modem Langiiages. Com. M. F. MAURY, LL. D., Professor of Physics and Superintendent Physical Survey of Virginia. Colonel WM. D. WASHINGTON, Professor of Fine Arts. 14 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS. > < ♦ » * Colonel WM. E. CUTSHAW, Assistant in Physics. Captain O. C. HENDERSON, Assistant Professor of French Language. Captain J. H. MORRISON, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. Lieut. JAS. H. WADDELL, Assistant Professor of Drawing and English. Captain WM. M. PATTON, Assistant Professor of Latin and Tactics. Lieutenant R. H. COUSINS, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Captain WM. B. PRITCHARD, Assistant Professor of Geography, Drawing and Tactics. Captain WM. H. BUTLER, Assistant Professor of Mineralogy, Latin and Tactics. Lieutenant R. E. NELSON, Assistant Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy and Latin. Lieutenant W. C. POWELL, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Lieutenant JAMES E. HEATH, Assistant Professor of Latin Language. Lieutenant M. PALMER, Assistant Professor of Drawing. Captain WILLIAM DENHAM, Assistant Professor of Tactics. Lieutenant THOMAS WITHERS, Assistant Professor of Latin and English. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. I5 MILITARV STARR- ♦ « ♦ > » Colonel ROBERT L. MADISON, Surgeon. HOWARD T. BARTON, Assistant Surgeon. Captain R. HENRY CAMPBELL, Quartermaster and Treasurer. Captain JOHN T. GIBBS, 1 Commissary and Steward. Captain FRANCIS H. SMITH, Jr., Adjutant. 16 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. tOtOts5lOH-»l-*l-*H-'K-'l— 'H-'H-'H-'l-' **-* General Merit. .^H^ Pffi ^^ , ►^ . cr'^* • t^* ^ • O S So t^^H.>^^^^ ^ CD "^ W! O CD § ^^< tr- h| » CD o « >-;^p ZD CD r;-. : coaq O r» P O O cn CD*< X" crP p CD m P r< TJ '^. P P P —" es • P I— » to to t— » I— ' CS*' O0—5 to tOi cn tOt-i t-» to O rti. to I— * ►— ' 1— ' OOCOh- 'QOOCi~Ji*^COC7it-itO Mathematics. to to to I— ' I— ' I— ' H-" h-" HJ t— ' I— * to I—' I—' OOtOj— ' Oi 00 to CD I— 'Oitfa.CO-^CytOOO^-Jl— 't000>4^OC0 Latin. p B « 03 P -« Co Co I— ' to I— ' I— ' I— » to to I— » H-i K-i to I— * I— ' t— ' O gOairf^tOtyrcOCO^^i^OOOOOH-itO^Ji— ' Physical Geography, to I-' tooo^q to I— ' t— ' 1— » I— ' K-* I— ' I— ' I—' I— ' oi t— I cx) rf^ en coo oo to -ao5gotococ;ti-*rf>- Natural Philosophy. ^ (-■ tOtOi-' Ci t— ' CO rfi- I— ' to I— ' t— ' I— 1 H-* h-* I— * I— ' coOGo«-iCAOocotO(-'cooi+»'~ac5coto>-*c;i Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. to to to*-' h-i to H-l 0000 to I— ' I— ' H-* H-" CO -J o «oco ^otcptllQDto-JOrf^^c^toos I Military Engineering I-" to CO to to I— ' t— ' I— ' to t— ' t— ' I— ' to I—' I—' t— » COCOOCtOi-'Cr')— '~JOgDrf^OOOCOO>-'^3CxtOOK^ Moral Philosophy. to to CO I—' h-* tOHJ CDO^ to )— 'I— ' H-i|— 't—i*— 'I— ' >— ' tOOCr«*>.C-' t— ' I— '00 to coco to I— ' I— ' t— ' I— ' h-i I—* O0 0'«t0l— 'OCO^iOrf^^QOCOCntOl-' Chemistry. to to tOK-* to CO o I— ' I— ' I— » I— ' I— ' to I— ' I— ' I— ' I— i >fa.COCntOOOO--'l-'CpOiQO»a>fi>. French. ^jOT^j^j^oooDi— 'OtoococoK-i oi o o *». ^ -ji— '^^ toco Geography. tOtOi-' v-i to CO rfii. *i. (-i O^ to H-i to HJ h-i to t— ' t-* y-iy-iy-i rfi.H-'COtOOOQOOCOCOcOtfi'.bO^O-'JCn Composition and De- clamation. I— ' I— ' to I—' 00 CO O CO o rf^l H-'tO ^ tooo to h-i to t— ' to h-i h- ' CO»^-tO en CO Ml-i to COCO to to H-" l-J I— I HJ I— ' to I— « I—" OQOtOOO't*.tO o I— » I— ' k;^ o 00 coo to to to •f>-<:noco-.C0C;iC0Ot0 Entire No. of Demerits tObO(-5i-» J^f^p ^ 2 a> ^ P P H'. i-i- CD P P i-itOtO OS p^pj CD P P P o P • p ^p CD P CD P P P er*- CD P CD P P P Qdcin o o o P P r-f- r*- (— '• (-<• P P OO o o Wk> CD CD P P P o © ^-^^ ^ «--p*^ ^. P CD ►--S P i-i P P f^o P p • p CD k-J«* ::0 O O W >^W pi 02 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 17 SECOND CLASS. P (0 NAMES. *1 Buck, L. N *2 Smith, R. M *3 Edmonds, J. C. 4 Blair, H. W 6 Carter, M. P 6 Flowerton, W. P 7Page, W. IB SBridgers, J, L 9 Scurry, M. V 10 Wilson, R. T llPurcell, S. H 12Norris, L ISChilds, W. G 14 Manson, M 15 Brooke, R 16 Hopson, F ITMenefee, F. Y ISTayloe, 19Spiller, J. C 20Sraith, W 21 Marvin, B 22 Kindred, H. B 23Spiller, H 24 Smith, H , 2o Littlepage, J. C 26 Taylor, S 27 Fisher, F. C , 28 John, J. F 29Burwell, E 30 Clarke, F. B 31 Waring, J. L 32Talley, W. H 33 Randolph, C 34 Carmicnael, J 35Marable, J. R 86 Cooper, J. W 37 Hopson, J 38Langhorne, W. A 39 Anderson, J. R 40 Cooke, A. M 41 Hopkins, F 42Rodes, L. P 43Quarles, G 44 Noland, N 45 Barrett. J 46Epe8, H. H 47 Randolph, N 48 Arthur, E 49Jett, J 51 Bailey, J. W 52 Riley, J. M 53 Patrick, C 64Dabney, T. J ... Tuller, W. R ... Barrett, A 3 IT.- P Va. Md. Va. Va. Va. Va. Va. N, C. Va. Va. Va. Va. s. c. Va. Va. Tenn. Va. Va. Md. N. C. Fla. Va. Va. W.Va Va. Va. N. C. Ala. Md. Ala. Va. Va. Va. Ga. Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Va. Va. Va. Ark. Va. Tenn. Va. Ky. Va. Va. S. C. Va. Va. Fla. Mo. Va. Ga. Ala. Ky. !2; o CO o T3 O tr X 20 12 10 11 7 9 14 24 16 23 13 17 22 40 18 19 27 28126 trl^ 5 1 8 15 4 16 9 7 2 11 6 24 14 1026 9 12 19 20 15 16 21 13 30 17 11 28 18 CD "1 ■■< H P a DO 92829 52 44 53 31 46 35 26 32 15 21 38 41 29 37 34 25 33 42 47 3041 4851 36 56 51 49 54 36 42 23 28 31 32 22 37 29 34 38 27 40 43 36 39 35 6 10 20 27 44 3 12 32 17 42 21 18 41 33 19 47 28 23 34 38 11 19 7 10 8 20 24 26 4 12 5 30 51 39 25 32 48 29 15 15 37 18 13 43 40 33 27 14 23 21 2048 1 2 3 23 p a P 1 7 4 12 14 7 36 10 31 8 11 12 53 6 18 15 45 9 39 45 46 52 334855 49 35 47 455030 4443 504851 395329 4315466 D D 35 38 16 40 50 32 402230 42 53 36 54 44 56 45 1 38 54 49 14 13 45 24 22 37 46 31 55 50 26 63 !25 o p 34 39 25 45 6 14 13 21 33 53 16 3 8 44 31 4850 4152 1317 2535 4 9 5 44 47 34 21 31 41 28 49 29 24 34 19 17 26 49 22 39 46 27 47 42 56 52 37 33 3654 46148 52&)56 52 61 2 38 49 15 20 43 37 24 26 10 22 28 19 11 5 18 41 36 47 32 27 40 56 55 52 20 64 46 42 23 45 116 97 37 67 44 37 30 37 35 65| 13 20 39 67 12 31 85 105 128 REMARKS. Sergeant. 4th Ord. Sergeant. 37 52 183 24 40 60 41 121 42 18 37 7(5 13 91 32 161 121 128 138 42 127 197 199 89 165 Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant Major. Quarter Mas. Sergeant. Sergeant, Sergeant. 02d Ord. Sergeant. 3d Ord. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Color Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. 1st Ord. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. 18 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. THIRD CLASS. NAMES. *1 Wilson, M. Halyburton, P. G. *3 Bridgers, H. 4 Myrick, J. S. 5 Bailey, S. G. 6 Jerdone, W. 7 Morgan, J. 8 Baylor, H. 9 Young, N. E. lOFrazier, T.J. 11 Wade, J. 12Kirkland, B. 13 Hamilton, A. 14 Smith, M. 16 Sims, J. 16 Pearson, W. 17 Manson, N. 18 Pearson, R.. 19 Kirk, W. G 20 Balfour, W. T... 21 Shields, W. T. ., 22 Baylor, G 23 Mitchell, .W 24 Harris, J 25 Watson, E 26Irby, J. McD 27 Glenn, J. D 28Tinker, W. E 29 Legare, J. L 30Dubignon, F 31 Twiggs, A.J 32Hardie, T. C 33Noland, P 34 Ware, J. E 35 Matthews, E 36Syberg, F 37 Brewer, Jos 38 Robinson, T 39 Denham, A 40 Plattenberg, W. 41 Harvie, S 42 Arthur, J 43Mabry, W. S 44 Wade, W 45McCance, J 46Kells, R. H 47 Bos well, F 48 Gage, F 49 Wheatley, W SOlFranklin, H m c-t- s. c. Va. N.C. N.C. Ga. Va. Ala. Va. Va. Va. Ga. Md. N.C. Ga. Va. Tenn. Va. Tenn, Va. Miss. Va. Va. Va. Va. Miss. Va. N.C. Ala. S. C. Ga. Ga. Ala. Va. Ga. Ala. Ark. La. Ga. Fla. Ala. Va. S. C. Ala. Ga. Va. Va- Va. Ala. D. C. Md. 1 2 3 4 15 8 14 9 5 6 19 10 39 34 12 27 12 8 4 2 10 26 6 5 13 19 22 7 1 9 15 14 1135 2120 7 1 13 4 8 5 14 3 22 23 12 18 21 2 15 28 19 CO I— '• o CO 19 1520 9 1525 30282836 253825 13 16 29 39 17 24 7 28 26 43 20 4066 38 49 45 42 22 4927 37 11 30 24 3 53 28 45 21 46 34 16 33 43 52 5427 1867 41 46 47 56 52 50 33 44 23 59 36 51 23 31 44 42 65 25 29 55 47 18 62 59 35 11 6 32 41 49 26 33 44 10 69 51 16 38 63 48 37 64 55 29 34 24 50 31 46 58 9 61 47 6 7 1 16 10 20 19 8 5 26 25 3 41 17 47 27 30 18 34 13 40 33 29 12 46 4 32 36 45 23 38 43 62 37 44 23 1 17 3 22 35 37 11 64 41 13 49 29 55 8 18 33 65 51 40 16 34 49 15 18 43 58 39 73 53 4 27 6 78 59 48 46 41 75 51 25 7052 42 24 39 67 64 605427 11 71 55 31 76 5 59 52 44 46 2 38 43 15 12 54 34 26 71 63 24 53 3022 10 45 32 78 66 75 11 77 42 80 36 9 70 57 28 23 71 60 12 35 66 20 74 14 o ' CD •-* ►-■ O 8 72 24 69 1 64 54 21 21 27 14 24 60 151 23 104 97 134 29 116 141 04 64 22 189 64 178 199 90 63 94 200 67 28 61 90 71 184 83 160 60 110 100 133 35 198 199 133 200 163 197 199 REMARKS. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. Corporal. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 19 THIRD CLASS— Continued. o 61 62 63 NAMES. Camp, G. K, .... Mathews, J Barksdale, W., Watson, R French, E Denham, J Davis, A Scrutchin, J. G. Robinson, J Battle, J. D Fairfax, H White, R Jett, J. W Dancey, W. W. Richeson, T Jayne, J. M Gage, C Murrell, D Drane, H. T English, J Taylor, J White, F Gardiner, A.. .. Boykin, C. S.,.. Brown, J, F Pender, C Strager, C Simmons, F. W Dixon, J. T Norris, W P Ala. Va. Va. Va. Va. Fla. Ga. Ga. Va. N.C. Va. Ala. Va. N.C. Va. Miss. Ala. Va. Tenn. S. C. Va. Ala. Va. Ala. Ohio. N.C. Va. Va. Ala. Va. 48 55 53 GO 61 62 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 32 37 57 31 58 D CO a 3254 58,39 5057 39 62 40 54 36 63 64 D 56 63 51 61 65 57 D D 60 D D 41 48 59 D 36 57 50 56 58 66 53 TO 4059 7021 17 66 63 DI52 43 65 45 17 70 D 68 62 69 53 42 D 69 22 51 67 68 65 70 35 49 60 67 52 67 57 72 21 40 60 39 6 16 58 7 66 4 68 42 47 31 36 5648 D 61 69 73 14 48 9 74 62 61 o p B p O o 62 71 31 10 47 32 21 3 28 37 45 54 17 67 79 7 44 61 5029 65 7758 30 33 13 19 76 50 2 6 p 1 o o (0 B o •I ^ 196 140 193 126 43 70 112 163 48 174 45 200 159 176 199 146 62 112 72 251 86 40 60 199 215 244 30 91 101 REMARKS. Absent with leave. Absent with leave. Absent with leave. Deficient in conduct. Deficient in conduct. Deficient in conduct. Absent sick. Absent with leave. Absent with leave. 20 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. FOUKTH CLASS. «1 «2 *3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 NAMES. Brady, J Spotwood, M. L. . Harris, R Rucker, B. M Harris, D Sullivan, Ta;5rlor, M Prmtup, J Taylor, Z Chilton A. H Rutherford, T John&ton, A Hawkins, D Murrell, H Clark, T Whitehead, G Dove, J. E Moore, E. H Smith, J Batchelor, W. P.. Baugh, J. B, S... Wilson, W Morgan, G Groome, J. B Anderson, F Forbes, T Magrath, W. J.... Morrell, W. G Gardner, J Miller, C. C Halsey, J. M Harman, W Williamson. O Ferguson, A. P... Fontaine, Printuss, C Fairfax, R Nalle, Wm Richardson, J Matthews, W Adams, J Spady, T. G Tuggle, J. B Kearney, J Bilisoly, J. McA Russell, W. P Mathews, N Dall, J Crump, E. T Huffman, R. L..... CO p iri- O Va. Va. Va. Va. Va. S. C. Va. Ga. Va. Ala. Va. Va, Va. Va. Va. Va. Va. Ala. Ala. N.C. Va. Md. Ala. Ala. Va. Ala. o. 0. Ga. Va. Va. Va. Va. Tenn. Va. Va. Ga. Va. Va. Miss. Ala. Va. Ala. Va. La. Va, S. C. Va. Md. Va. Va. 3 8 1 4 2 6 7 16 11 9 4 24 2 32 6 7 12 3 23 15 12 9 24 19 2827 5 30 25 21 17 36 45 1347 14 56 55 20 1026 1421 15 5 11 13 1 50 10 60 34 1828 36 29 34 35 27 32 31 40 53 51 22 41 38 43 54 42139 4452 35 43 37 22 65 8 58 16 19 44 75 68 45 61 46 33 52 47 49 54 74 64 72 54 23 2069 o 1 9 8 7 12 28 3 19 13 22 25 21 38 6 30 5 20 23 31 18 14 15 36 45 26 2 35 16 4 34 52 54 56 50 58 40 41 53 17 61 29 60 46 24 51 64 43 66 33 11 cr<3 3 2 41 4 26 28 24 14 11 39 8 21 8 7 5 15 32 25 16 22 1 59 23 6 10 67 43 31 68 21 57 42 46 29 33 38 54 9 75 65 27 13 69 47 Q o p 1 30 8 840 3 13 27 11 12 6 14 16 7 37 32 38 30 39 59 2063 18 9 15 53 40 1 31 26 36 10 65 19 61 23 48 29 52 68 47 50 25 28 72 17 76 p Qr<3 3020 55 35 44 49 37176 12141 4 13 16 9 44 10 3 6 14 72 31 36 6 77 22 85 58 27 28 57 42 12 23 33 17 24 26 56 70 18 52 39 11 21 69 34 32 43 81 83 87 59 60 61 51 7 o P 94 32 32 39 21 25 34 43 30 62 133 119 43 177 102 38 94 104 84 138 184 69 191 106 32 55 43 164 49 30 32 163 108 61 167 36 90 196 77 120 113 200 200 245 REMARKS. Deficient in conduct. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 21 FOURTH CLASS— Continued. o CO NAMES. Patton, J. H Williamson, J.... Hansbrough, W. Richardson, W... Bracken, S. E.... Bussey, H. C English, C Pannill, J. F Giles, S Ames. W Hansbrough, J... Wyatt, F Anderson, R Owens, A. W Ellis, S White, N Watson, W. F.... Ficlin, W. G Gilmore, J. W.... McConnell, E.... Overton, D. C. ... West, C. H Watson, J Jones, W Davi 3 a> o •-J 38 • • • 69 67 78 68 35 48 47 61 2 15 49 D 57 77 73 155 D ^266 70 62 3559 D 74 34 D 51 21 5841 64 D 45 71 53596449 2649507883 4245 70 46 73 46 7566 7167 74 7054 706966 76 19 86 20 63 79 71 37 49 74 75 56 REMARKS. Deficient in conduct. Absent sick. Not examined. 88 227 187 200 200 34 40 42 123 200 190 133 38 200 184 35 154 169 152 154 48 101 265 195 144 151 98 195 86 156 Absent not examined. ONo standing assigned. 29 No standing assigned. ONo standing assigned. 78 Absent sick. 58 No standing assigned. 28 No standing assigned. 130 No standing assigned. 61 No standing assigned. 142 No standing assigned. 66 No standing assigned. 187 Absent sick. Deficient in conduct. ^gjl»sttlt^ tl ffit^ll^tt ♦ 4 ^ » » All offences against orders or Regulations are recorded. These offences are divided into seven grades ; each of which com- prises offences of nearly the same degree of criminality. The degree of criminality of offences of each grade is expressed by a number, as follows: Offences of the 1st grade by 10. " 2d 8 *' 8d 5 " 4th 4 " 5th 3 '' 6th 2 ** 7th 1 For each year (after the first year) that a Cadet has been a member of the Institute, his offences are made to count more, by adding to the number expressing the degree of criminality, of each offence, one-sixth for the second class — and one-third for the third class — and one-half for the first class. At the end of the Academic year, these numbers are added up, and the sum thus obtained is that found in the column of ** demerit." When a Cadet has more than 100 demerit by the 1st of January, or 200 in one year, he is dismissed ipso facto. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 23 ORDER OF MERIT. In Conduct of the Corps of Cadets , for the year ending July!, 1869, Ike names of those Cadets who have passed the whole year vdthout demerit being indicated as an asterisk * as distinguished in conduct. B n *3 *4 «5 «-6 *7 *8 «9 *10 m *12 *13 *14 *15 *16 n? *18 -19 *20 *21 *22 *23 #24 *25 *26 *27 *28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NAMES. Ford, J. L Powell, W. C... Smith, F.H Harris, P. E.... Buck, Smith, R. M.... Manson, M Brooke, R Clarke, F Waring, Taylor, S — . Talley, , Carmichael Barrett, J Wilson, M , Baylor, H Young, Frazier, Jett, W Spotswood, Sullivan, Printuss, J Johnston, F , Hawkins, D Smith, J Wright, , Schmidt, , Henderson, Marvin, B Menefee, Quarles, Jerdoue, Denham, W Page, Tackett, C Tayloe, Haly burton, Bridgers, Ii Taylor, M.... Baylor, G Kimball, Hamilton. Wethington, Randolph, C .... Morgan, J !z5 P B o CD B .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 i .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ...0 ...0 ...0 ...0 ...o! ...0 ...0 ..12 ..13 ..13 ..14 ..16 ..17 ..19 ..20 .21 ..21 ..21 ..22 ..22 .22 .2A .24 .2A B NAMES. ..46 Taylor, Z. ..47 Bailejr, S. ..48Hardie, .. ..49Rainey, L. ..50Mauson, N. ..51Murrell, H. ..52 Simmons, . ..53 Purcell, S. H. ..54 Kindred,. ..55 Esses, H. H. ..56 Harris, R ..57 Rucker, ..58Halsee,. ..59 Fairfax, R. ..60 Heath, J. E. ..61 Chilton,, ..62 Anderson, F. .63Bussay, .64Childs,W. G .65Mabry, , ..66 White, N ..67Spady, ..68 Withers, T ..69Flowerton, ..70 Wilson, R ..71Norris, L ..72Fisher, ..73 Hopkins, F ..74 Anderson, R ..75 Wilson, W ..76 Spiller, J. C , ..77 Harris, D ..78Marable, ..79 Gardner, A ..80 English, C ..81 Hopson, J ..82 Anderson, J. R... ..83Pannell, ..84 Anderson. C. W. ..86 Letcher, S. H ..86 Palmer, ..87 Stacker, C ..88 Cooper, 89 Rutherford, T.... ..90 Moore, 52! B cr o « B » ■I 25 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 32 32 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 48 48 48 43 48 43 43 !2: c B cr NAMES. ..91 Williamson, ..92 Scurry, M. V , ..93 Edmonds, J. C...., ..94 Fairfax, H ..95 Marvin, J. A , ..96 Robinson, J , ..97 Overton, , ..98 Fontaine, ..99 Denham, A , lOOBoykin, 101 Scruggs, B , 102 Wilkinson, F.H. 103John, 104Murrell, D 105Harman, W , 106 Twiggs, , 107Noland, P 108 Mathews, W..; 109 Clark, T llOTinker, 111 Balfour, 112 Shields, 113 Harris, J 114 Hopson, F 115 Walker, CD , 116 Smith, W lUMorrell, W 118 Denham, J 119 Mathews, E 120 English, J 121Rodes, L. P 122Bilisoly, J 123Harman, A 124 Anderson, C.J... 125 Brewer, 126 Fairfax, Thos 127 Spiller, H 128 White, F 129 Ellis, L 180 Patten, J. 181 182 183 184 135 Rainey, B. Tuller, Glenn, Ware, Tuggle, e 5 c ..43 ..44 ..45 ..45 ..46 ..48 ..48 ..49 ..50 ..60 ..51 ..52 ..52 ..52 ..55 ..57 ..61 ..61 ..62 ..68 ..64 ..64 ..64 ..66 ..66 ..67 ..69 ..70 ..71 ..72 ..76 ..77 ..78 ..82 ..88 ..84 ..85 ..86 ..86 ..88 ..88 .89 ..90 ..90 ..90 M VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. ORDEK OF MERIT— Continued. 125 B NAMES. 136Noland, N 137 Dixon 138 Legare, 139 Brady, J 140 Morgan, Gr 141 Carter, M 142 Sims, 143 Williamson, T. 144Plattenburg, ... 145Norris, W 146 West, 147Bauffh, MSSmitTi, M 149 Groome, 150 Smith, H 151 Miller, 152 Richardson, J . 153 Stokes, C. P.... 154Harvie, 155 Bailey, W.J... 156 Davis, A 157Drane,I 158 Matthews, N... 159 Pearson, R 160 Blair, 161 Dove, 162 Russell, 163 Arthur, E 164 Laughorne, 165Mosby, 166 Giles, 167 Watson, R 168 Riley, 169 Littlepage, 170Jett, J 171.Jervey, B a' CD CD B a ..91 ..91 ..94 ..94 ..94 ..97 ..97 ..98 100 101 101 102 104 104 105 106 108 109 110 112 112 112 113 115 116 119 120 121 121 123 123 126 127 128 128 129 B cr CD NAMES. 172 Whitehead,. 173 Wyatt, 174 Arthur, J. 175 Kelle, 176 Pearson, W. 177 Syberg, 178Herndon,. 179 Green, 180 Forbes, 181 Matthews, J.. 182 Kirk, 183 Barksdale, E. 184 Davidson, P.. 185 Gage, C l86Kirkland, B.. 187 Patrick, J l88Gilmore 189 Watson, W 190 Ladson, , 191 Dancey, 192 Robinson, T... 193 Randolph 194 Gage, F 195 Scrutchin, l96Nalle, 197 Ferguson, 198 Barrett, A 199Semple, 200 Ames, 201Ficklin, 202 Watson, E 203 Battle, 204 Richeson, •5 Batchelor 206iBurwell, E 207Magrath, !2| B CD O O CD B CD 130 133 133 133 134 134 135 138 138 140 141 142 144 145 151 151 152 154 156 159 160 161 163 163 163 164 165 166 167 169 178 174 175 177 183 184 B CD 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 i221 1222 1223 1224 1225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 142 14S NAMES. Ellis, S Cooke, M, A Hansborough W.. Jordan, J Mitchell, Hansborough, W. Gardner, J Barksdale, W Harrison, M Jones, W Camp, Kearney, Patrick, C Wheatley, Wade, W Franklin, Dabney, Irby, McCance, Jayne, Brown, Longstreet, Dubignon, Dall, Richardson, W. Brackin, Ames, R White, A Owens, W Cramp, E. T fWilliamson,' J. fWatson, J fStrayer, , tTaylor, J , fHuffman, R.... !2J B c CD •-S O o CD B CD fC. Pender,, 184 187 187 187 189 190 191 193 195 195 196 196 197 197 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 227 265 244 251 245 215 t Deficient in Conduct. €«BP8 OF €AB]e:ts OF THE TlrglBlft nilllAry Instttnte ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, BY CLASSES, FOR THE SESSIOJ^ 1869 AKB 1870, Commenciiis: July I9 1869. > 4 ^> > FIRST CLASS. ( SENIOR OR GRADUATING CLASS. ) Anderson, J. E Va. Arthur, E. R S. C. Barrett, J. D Ky. Barrett, A. L Ky. Blair, H. W Va. Bridgers, J. L X. C. Brooke, R I Va. Buck, L. K Va. BURAVELL, E. H Md. Carmichael, J Ga. Carter, M. P Va. Childs, W.G S.C. Clarke, F Ala. Cooke, A. M. .., Va. Dabney, T. J Ga. Edmonds, J. C Va. Epes, H. II Va. Flsher, F. C N. C, Green, J. J Va. Hopkin, J. F Ark. HopsoN, J. W Teim. HopsoN, F Tenn. HowERTON, W. r . . Va. John, J. F Ala. Kindrp:d, H. B Va. Langhorne. W. a Va. Total, 4 LiTTLEPAGE, J. C Va. Manson, M. S Va. Marable, J. R Tenn. Marvin, B Fla. Menefee, F. Y Va. N^OLAND, X Va. NoRRis, L Va. Page,W.B Va Patrick, CM Va. PURCELL, S. H Va. Quarles, G Ark. Randolph, C Va. Randolph, N Va. RoDES, L. P Va. Riley, J. M Mo. Scurry, M. V Va. Smith, R. M Md. Smith, H Va. Smith, W. W N. C. Spiller, J. C Md. Spiller, II Va. Taylor, S Va. Tayloe, O Va. Talley, W. II Va. Waring, J. L Va. Wilson, R.T... Va. .52 ^6 YIHGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. SECOND CLASS. Arthur, J S. C. Bailey, S. G Ga. Balfour, W. T Miss. Barksdale, W. J Ya. BoswELL, F.S Va. BoYKix, C. S ...*..- . .Ala. Bridgers, H If^.C. Brewer, Jos La. Baylor, H. B ..W. Ya. Baylor, T. G W. Ya. Camp, G. K. . . Ala. dancy, w. w ...:n^. c. Davis, A. P Ga. Denham, a Fla. , Denham. J Fla. DuBiGNON, F Ga. Fairfax, H Ya. Franklin, J. H Md. Frazier, T. J Ya. Gardner, A. L Ya. Glenn, J. D Z^. C. Halyburton, p. G Ya. Hamilton, A ^N". C. Hardie, T. C Ala. Harris, J. A Ya. Irby, J. R. McD Ya. Jayne, J. M ..Miss. Jerdone, W. S Ya. Kello, R. H Ya. Total, Kirk, W. G Ya. KiRKLAND, B. K Md. Legare, J. L S. C. Manson, N Ya. McCoRMiCK, M Ya. Matthews, J Ya. Mathews, J. E Ala. McCance, J. D Ya. Mitchell, W Ya. Morgan, J, H Ala. Mabry, W. S Ala. Myrick, J. S ^S". G. PearsoNjR. Ala. Pearson, W Ala. Plattenberg, Ala. Robinson, T Ga. Shields, W. P Ya. Sims, Jno Ya. Simmons, F. W Ya. Syberg, F Ark. Twiggs, A. J. Ga. Wade, J Ga. Ware, J. E Ala. Wheatley, W D. C. White, F- Ala. Watson, R Va. Wilson, M. A S. C. Young, 2^. E Va. .57 THIRD CLASS. Adams, J. M Ya. Batchelor, W. P ]Sr. C Baugh, J. B. S. Ya. Bell, R. P Va. BinsoLY, J. McA Ya. Brady, J Va. Cammack, J. C Va. Chilton, A.H Ala. Clarke, T Va. Crain, L. S La. Crump, E. T Va. Dall, J Md. Dove, J. E Va. English, CD Fla. English, J. E S. C. Fairfax, R Va. Ferguson, A. P Va. Fontaine, W. L Va. Forbes, T Ala. Groome, J. B Miss. Halsey, J. M Va. Harman, W Va. Harris, D Va. Harris, R Va. Hawkins, D Ya. Hood, M. F Ga. Johnston, A. L Va. Lawrason, S La. M A T the ws , jS" La. Matthews, W Ala. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 27 THIRD CLASS— Continued. Magrath, W.J S. C. Morris, R. P. W. Va. MORRELL, W. G Ga. Morgan, G Ala. Moore, E. H Ala. MURRELL, D Va. MURRELL, H Va. Nalle, Wm Va. Pattox, J Teim. Prixtuss, J Ga. Prixtuss, C Ga. Pucker, B. M Va. Rutherford, T W. Va. Russell, W. P S. C. Totai, Smith, J. II Ala. SuLLiVAX, A. R Ga. Spady, T. G Va. Spotswood, M. L Va. Taylor, Z Tenn. Taylor, M Va. Taylor, Geo Va. TuTE VILER, Jxo Va. Tuggle, J. B Va. WiLsox,W. H M(l. Watsox, J Va. White, R Ala. Whitehead, H. G Va, Williamson, O Tenn. 58 FOUETH CLASS. Adams, W Miss. Allex, G. H Va. Allex, O. S Va. AxDERsox, H. B Tenn. AxDERsox, R Ga. Bailey, E. B Fla. Barxey, C. G Va. Barksdale, E Miss. Battle, R Texas. Beck, J. T Ala. Bele, B Miss. Beverly, J. H Va. Beverly, W Va. BiLisoLY, A Va. Boukxight, E S.C. Boxham, J — S.C. Bresox, R Va. BURWELL, II X.C. BuRWPXL, R Md. Butler, T. W La. Camp, W Va. Campbell, W. S Va. Carter, A. R Ala. Chandler, R. G Va. Carson, C. C Va. Cheves, L. A Ga. Claiborne, W. W Va. AN, T. L Ala. COCKRAN, J. W Ala. CuRRAN, W. S Ark. Devixe, T Texas. Dow,F. P Tenn. Douthat, J. M Va. Ellis, L. W Miss. Ellis, S. M Miss. Faisox, W. H N.C. Farrar, W La. FiGGAT, R. C Va. Flowers, J. B Miss. Fort, R. M La. Flaker, C La. Fluker, W. S La. Gay,W.P Va. Giles, S Md. Graham, B S. C. Graves, T Tenn . Graves, W Tenn. Gray, A. P.. Va. Gregg, A. W Texas. Gregory, M Ark. George, E. D Ala. Harrison, M V'a. Uarrison, J. W Va. Hansborough, J Va. Hansborough, W Va. Hargrove, C. H Va. 28 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. FOURTH CLASS— Continued. Hayes, J. A ^. C. Hankes, L.B S. C. Hankins, W. a Va. Harman, a Va. Hawkins, E. R Miss. Herndox, C. H '. Ala. HucK, F Texas. HucK, H. J Texas. Humphreys, T. S Ky. Humphreys, D. C Ky. Jackson, J. M W. Va. Jett, J. ^Y Va. Jervey, a. P S. C. Jones, E. F Ala. Jones, W Tenn. Jone>?, a. P Texas. Johnston, J. D .Ala, Johnston, W. S Ala. Jordan, F Ala. KiDD, W. ]^ Texas. Kimball, W. D Wis. KiRKLAND, A Md. Ladson, J. H S. C. Lawrason, G. B La. Letcher, J. D W. Va. LONGMOOR, J. E W.Va. LONEY, J Md. LowMAN, A. T Va. Lythe, p. B Texas. Lyle, M Mo. Malone, a. R Ala. Malone, G. W Ala. Matthews, C. L La. Matthews, R. B La. Mastin, E. A Ala. Mastin, T. F Ala. Mayhew, L. D Mo. McCONNELL,E Ala. McClean, R. C Ala. McCandlish, C La. McCuTCHON, P. B Miss. McCuTCHON, F. B ' Miss. McRady, J. H La. McCall, W. J Tenn. McCowN, B Va. McFarland, F. P Miss. McDonald, K Va. Metcalfe, J. A Ky. Metcalfe, O Miss. Meredith, E. D Va. Minor, L. W Va. MoNCURE, P. D Va. Moore, J. W Ala. MuRRELL, G Miss. Newton, G. H Va. Nicholas, W. T Va. Owens, A. W Fla. Owens, W. P Ya. Overton, D. C Ky. Palmer, T. W Fla. Patton, D La. Patrick, J, B S. C. Phelps, E. M Va. Platt, E.W S.C. Price, J. W Va. Price, T.B Va. Radford, S. R Va. Raht, Adolphus Tenn. Rainey, L Ala. Rainey, E. B Ala. Rector, L. L Texas. Reynolds, J. M Ala. Richardson, W Miss. RlGGS,W S.C Roberts, TV. H Ala, Robinson, G S. C. Ross, J. F Ala. Rutherford, W Va. Rutherford, R. W Va. Schmidt, R La. Schoolcraft, O.J Va. Scruggs, B Ala. Scruggs, F. M Va. Sledge, W. M Texas. Shackleford, H. L Texas. Sloan, J. G Va. Slaughter, J N. Y. Smith, L. W Ga. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 29 FOURTH CLASS— CoNTrNUED. Smith, G. E Miss. Smith, C. R W. Va. Stearnes, J. W Tenn. Stokes, W. G Va. Strange, H. B Va. Striblixg, R Va. •Taliaferro, ^V, A Va. Tames, W. P Va. Taylor, I Va. Taylor, R Va. Ward, W. J Md. Washington, J. W W. Va. Washington, L W. Va. Total Watson, W Tenn. Waters, W. S Md. Walton, J. N Va. West, C. H S.C. Weigand, W. E Md. White, X.J S.C. Williamson, T Tenn. Williams, S. M Va. Williams, G.P .Va. Woodward, T. S Texas. Wright, C Va. Wyatt, F Ga. YuCKLEY, J. H Ala. 170. 30 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. EECAPITTOATIOK* M ♦ M V Virginia 136 West Virginia 10 North Carolina 12 Tennessee 16 South Carolina 21 Georgia 17 Alabama 44 Florida 7 Mississippi 17 Louisiana 15 Texas 12 Arkansas 6 Maryland 13 New York 1 Missouri 3 Kentucky 6 District or Columbia ^. 1 Wisconsin 1 Total 337 Total, including Special Students 343 Ncliool of Civil Engfineering-. Thomas Withers, of Virginia Graduate in Academic School, 1869. Martin Palmer, of Florida " " " 1869. Wm. B. Denham, of Florida " *' " 1869. J. Alexander, of Virginia School of Applied Cliemistry. W. H. Butler, of Virginia Graduate in Academic School, 1868. W. C. Powell, of Virginia " " " 1869. Total 6. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 31 9Tlf«P8IS or tlie Coiir.§e of Studies in the Aeadomlc ^ohool. FIRST CLASS. SUBJECT. Applied Mechanics. Civil Engineering and Architecture. Moral Science,Rhetoric and Logic. RECITATIONS. From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., daily^ from September to January. TEXT BOOKS. From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., daily^ from January to July. Rankine's Applied Me- chanics. Rankine's Civil Engineer- ing, Lectures and Draw- ing. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Paley's Moral Philosophy, alternately, one with an- Butler's Sermons on Huinnn other, from September to July. Physical Geography. Mineralogy & Geology. Ordnance & Gunnery, Military Engineering, Military History and Strategy. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily^ from September to January. Nature, Blair, Whatelj, Hamilton — Lectures. Murry's and Somerville's Physical Geography. From II A. M. to 1 P. M., Dana's Mineralogy, Dana's daily, from January to July. Manual of Geology. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., Benton's Ordnance & Gun- alternating, one with an- nery, Lendy's Fortifica- other, from September to tion, DuParcq's Military July. Art and History. I 32 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. SYNOPSIS— Continued. SECOND CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Natural Philosophy. From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., daily, from September to July. Boucharlat's Mechanics; Bartlett's Acoustics and Optics; Bartlett's Spher- ical Astronomy. Physiology. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternating with Tactics, from September to July. Lectures and Dalton. Tactics. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternating with Physi- ology, from September to July. Upton's Infantry Tactics; U. S. Artillery Tactics. Latin. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, from September to July. Tacitus, Horace, Terence and Juvenal. Chemistry. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., daily, from September to July. Bowman's Chemistry; Ros- coe's Chemistry. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, 33 synopsis—Continued. THIRD CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Mathematics. From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., daily^ from September to July. Gillespie's Surv'g; Smith's Biot s Analytical Geome- try; Smithes Descriptive Geometry ; Lectures on Shades, Shadows and Per- spective; Courtenay's Dif- ferential and Integral Cal- culus; Bledsoe's Philoso- phy of Mathematics. Physics. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternately^ from Septem- ber to July. The recita- tions on Physics being on the same days with draw- ing ; but on different days from recitations in Latin. Atkinson's Ganot's Physics. French. From 11 A. M. to 1 P, M., daily, from September to July. Bolmar's Levizaes' and Fas- quelle's Grammars; Gil Bias' Corinne; Collot's Dramatic French Reader; Picot, No. 6. Latin. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alternating, daily, with Drawing, from September to July. Bullion's Zumpt's, Harri- son's and Gildersleeve's Latin Grammars; Caesar, Arnold's Prose Composi- tion, Virgil, Cicero, Livy. Drawing. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alternating, daily, with Latin, from September to July. Landscape, Mechanical Drawing. 34 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. SYNOPSIS— Continued. FOURTH CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Mathematics. From 8 A. M. to 11 A. M., daily ^ from September to July. Smith's Algebra, Smith's Legendre's Geometry, Smith's Lefebure, De Fourey's Trigonometry, Smithes Descriptive Ge- ometry. English Language. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, from September to January, alternating hour- ly, with Latin. Kerle's Grammar. Descriptive and Physi- cal (jeography. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, from January to Ju- ly, alternating, hourly, with Latin. Maury's Geography, Maps, &c. ■ Latin. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., daily, from September to July, alternating, hourly, with English Language and Geography. McClintock's Latin Gram- mar— Coesar, Sallust, Vir- gil, Cicero. French. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alternating, daily, with Drawing, from September to July. De Fivas', Bolmar's Levi- zae's and Fas quel 1 e's Grammars, Gil Bias, Charles XII., Pi cot's No. 5. Drawing. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alternating, daily, with French, from September to July. Pen and Colored Topogra- phy, Etching with the pen or seed, &c. H^^^idi ^tk^t t$ imm4I#¥ fitt ♦ Names of graduates, who have hQankilledin battle, ovdiedm military service^ are printed in heavy-faced Italics, thus : MoheH E, Modes. ]N"ames of graduates who are deceased, except those killed or died in mili- tary service, are printed in light-faced Italics, thus : Wm. D. Fair. Xames of graduates marked * wei-e moat distinguished in their respect tv«' classes. The numbers following the names of graduates, indicate the graduation numbers^ and are to be compared only with those of the same year, and vary fi-om year to year. i^ '" m o o 5 g.y ^.U o • ■ • NAMES. • 2 -"^ • 2 o IJEMARKS. 1842 *1 Wm. D. Fair. Va. a 1SC5.5 Lawyei-. Member Senate Cal. *2 Wm. H. Henderson., . . . u ki 1855.3 Lawver. 3 John B. Strange,.... ;( (( 1828.6 Prin. Norfolk Acad'my. Col. 19tii Va. Kegiment. 4 J.T. B. Cramer, (( i( 1802.5 Teacher. 5 Ed. Pendleton, a u 1791.7 Teaclier. Lawyer. Col. 15th La. Ileg. :Mem. Senate Va. 6 J. H. Lawrence, i. ti 1776.4 Dentist. Adi'tGa. Battalion. 7 W. M. Elliott, a 4( ik 1771.8 1762. Editor. Lt. Col. Va. Battal'ii 8 James H. Jameson,.. Lawyer. Capt. Va. lleg't. 9 C. 1\ Deyerle, k( ki 1746. Asssistant Surgeon U, S. A. prior to 18Q\. 10 John T. Smith, (( (( 17:r>.4 1721. n Wm, Forbes Prof. Math. Clarksville Col- flo'^^, Tenn, Col. 14th Reg. Teacher. 12 V. C. Saunders,.. . ki (( 1706.5 ia J. W. Bell, it 11 4( 1705.5 1699.3 Farmer. 14 0. M. Kni«rht, James Marsliall, Physician. Ass't Sur. C. S. A. 15 44 U 1616.3 Farmer. Capt. Va. Cavalrv. 16 Louis A. Garnett, k\ ii. 1586.6 L'yer. Supt. Gold Klines Cal. 40 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. *17 *18 *19 2C 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 *30 *31 32 2^ AMES. N. H. Campbell, James B. Dorm an, John W. Wildman. Howard T. Barton, \Y. J. Warden,. W. C. Jeff r ess,. John C. Wills,., V. H. Rodes, James L. Bryan,. Ed. Winston, Wm. JS. Beale^ John T", Washington,. Geo. W. Williams, 33 3^ 35 37 38 *39 *40 41 42 43 John U, Pitts, . M. McKennie, . A. C. Cummings, John A. Campbell, George A. Porterfield, Jesse S. Burks,. Edmund Taylor Wm.H. Kichardson, Jr J. B. Clemens,. Henry T. Lee, . . R. T. W. Duke, J. B. Sherrard, R. H. Simpsoiif W.H.R. Wheelwright,. P O Va. ti 4( a a a Li ti n a a u it a it a u ii Date of Graduation. Graduation. ^Number. 1843 ii 1839. 1834.5 a a 1834.5 1833.5 a a 1798.7 1784.9 (k 1776. a 1757.6 n 1706.9 a a ii a 1844 ki li 1696.9 1652.8 1625.9 1621.4 1775.5 1771. a 1754. a 1750.3 a 1735. a 1695.5 1678. 1617. 1845 a 1568.3 1886. a a a li 1860.5 1849. 1827.7 1827. REMARKS. Lawyer. Broker. Teacher. Lawyer. Member Va. Legs'la. Member Va. Conv'tn. 1861.Maj.C.S. A. Teacher. Merchant. Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Surg. V. M. I. Clergyman. Lt. Va. Reg't. Lawyer. Cap. Va. Reg't. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Teacher. Clergym an . Prof. Math . R. M. College, and Pres't and Prof. Greensboro', Alabama University. Merch't. Aide de Camp to Mai. Gen. Rodes, Teaclier. Phy's. Princ. Md. Mil. Acad'y, 0*i:ford, Md. Teacher. Civil Engineer. Merchant. Deputy Sheriff. Teacher. Prin. Runford Academy. Physician. Bookseller. Sur- geon C. S. A. Lawyer. Maj. U. S. A. in Mexican war, and wound- ed at Nat. Bridge. Member of J^eg'str of \ a. Member of Board Visitors V. M. I. Col. Virginia Regiment. Lawyer. Judge. Gen. Court Va. Mem. 'Conve'tn 1861. Col. Virginia Regiment. Teacher. Adj't Va. Re^'t Mexican war. Col. Vir- ginia Regiment 1861. Farmer. Mem. Va. Legisla. Col. Va. Regiment 1861. Farmer. I^ieut. C. S. A. Farmer. Ass't Prof. & Ad'jt. V. M. I. Lt. and Drill Mas- ter C. S. A. Physically disabled for active service in field. Physician. Teacher. Clergyman. Chap- lain C. S. A. Teacher. L y'er. Col V. Reg. 31erchant. Maj. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Maj. Va. Reg't. Teach. Clergy. Maj Va. Reg. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 41 c B c NAMES. 44^. B. Hill,. 45 D. A. Lano:horne,, 46 Caleb Boggess,. 47 IV. H. Baker.. 48R. M. Wiley,. 49 V. T. Churcliman,. 50 J. R.Cabell,. 51^. R. Powell,. 52 H. W.Williamson,, 53 J. B. Moorman, 54*/. P. Mason, 55W. H. Stith, 56 E. M. Anthony, 57 R. L.Walker, 58 *59 *60 61 62 W. H. Harrison,. 63 64 65 J 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 *73 *74 75 76 77 T. Boiling Bohertsom,. J. Q, Marr, W. M. Nelson,. R. E. Colston,.. G. JET. Keeling,... W. Bruce, C. Portor, John M. Pattbn, Jr. Edmund Goode,. Wm. C. Ley burn,.. P. A. Fitzhugh,.. Randolph Tyler, . . Ronald Mills, W, J. Green, R. H. Sinton,... G. C. Wharton,. John Y. Page,. .. D. Lee Powell,. . John C. Monciire,. 78 John P. Welsh,.. 79 H. B. Smith,.... 80 William Mahone,. 81 Samuel Magrew,. 6 P O Va. u a (( a ii ii u u it a ii ii ii ii it a II ii ii ii ii a ii a a ii a (( r- ^r^ P« 1845 n il ii ii i* II il ii ii ii ii (( 1S46 (( a ii ii (( (( (( a ii ii II ii a 1847 a a it (1 u 1826.5 1817.5 1801. 1773.9 1714. 1664.5 1651.5 1651.5 1647.5 1640.J 1634.6 1577.5 1529.5 1449. 1879. 1832.9 1798.9 1759.5 1743.5 1715.5 1713.5 1703. 1663. 1661. 1642.5 1594.5 1548.5 1510.5 2075. 2060.5 2029. 2002.5 1994. 1991.5 1982. 1974.3 1955.i KEMARKS. Teacher. Physician. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. Lawyer. Mem. Va. Con.*61. Lawyer. Farmer. Mem. Senate Va, Physician . Physician. Maj. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Clergyman. Civ'l Eng'r. Lt-Col. Va. Reg Captain Va. Regiment. Teacher. Civil Engineer. Lawyer. Civil Engineering. Brig. Gen. Artillery, C. S. A. Law'r. Lt-Col. StaflfC. S. A. Prof. Richmond College. Ass't Prof. V. M.I. 3Iem. of Conv'n. of Va. 1861. Capt. Va. Re^'t. First blood of the war., 1861. Teacher. Clergyman. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof, of French V. M. I. Brig-Gen. C. S. A. Sup't. IVIilitarj' Academy, N. C. Captain Alabama Reg't. Physician. Surg. C. S. A. Teacher. Col.Art'ly C. S. A. Lawyer. Col. Va. Re^'t. Mem. Board V. V. M. I. Teacher. Col. Va. Regiment. Manufacturer. Physician. Physician. Farmer. Capt. Va. Cavalry. Merchant. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. Broker. Civ'l Eng'r. Brg-Gen. C.S.A Lawyer. Prin. Southr'n Female Insti- tute, Richmond. Lt. Col. Virginia Regiment. Lawyer. Mem. Board Visi- tors V. M. I. Col. La. Reg. Lawyer. Capt. Va. RegH. Teacher. Teaclicr. Civil Eng*r. Pres't and Chief Eng'r N. and Pet. and Pet. and Va. and Tenn. R. R. Maj-General C. S. A. Teacher. 42 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. o 82 83 84 *85 *86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 B. L. Chrisman, John M. Claytor, . Wilford Downs, S. T. Pendleton, JSTAMES. J. C. Council, J. M. Carey,. . . C.V. Winfree, C, A, Derby,.. . Alfred L. Elves, . J. R. Jones tTohn T, Ellis, J. P. Beale, Robert E. Modes,. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 John 8. Gamble,. Charles Carter,. C W.Cary, W.H. Pryor,... E. G. Wall, N^. Berkeley,,... Geo. W. Robertson,, Joseph Jones,.. N"at. Tyler,.... J. G. Brodnax, Francis B, Jones, . Briscoe G. Baldwin,. 107 108 *109 *110 111 112 W. W. Finney,. R.C.Trigg, John Lawson, James W. Massie, . Samuel Garland, , E. T. Fristoe, w err P Va. lis tTaTnes W, Allen,. a u u a u u u ii u it a u u ii u a a a a (( li ii It u Ii a it ii ii s? 1847 ii a 1S48 u (( (( (( (( ii ii u (( ii ii ii ii ii ii a ii a a a r^ P CJ-p 1878.5 1864.5 1836. 1986. 1958.5 1941. 1934.5 1932. 1930. 1928.5 1923.5 1916. 1887. 1865.6 1859. 1851.5 1849.5 1833.5 1819. 1803.5 1800. 1795.5 1790. 1790. 1781. REMARKS. (C 1748.5 (( 1624.5 1849 ii 2087.5 ii 2081.7 a 2079.2 4( 2057.7 (( 2051.2 Physician. Civil Engineer. Teacher. Clergyman. Teacher. Teacher. Prin. Male Acad- emy. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Civil En^'nr. Manufacturer. Maj. va. Regiment. Teacher. Clergyman. Lieut. Col. Alabama Regiment. Civil Engin'r and Architect. Lt. Col. Engin'rs C. S. A. Teacher. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Merchant. Lt. Col. Va. Reg. Ass't Prof. V.M. I. Civil En- gin'r. Chief Eng'r N. E. and S. W. Railroad. Prof, of Applied Mechanics V. M. L Maj. Gen. C.S. A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Princi- pal Norfolk Academy. Manufacturer. Physician. Civil Eng'r. Maj. Va.»Reg't. Civil Eng'r. Maj. Ala'. Reg't Farmer. Col. Va. Reg. Mem. Va. Conv'tn 1861. Teacher. Civil Eng'r. Maj . Alabama Brigade. Teacher. Clergyman. Lawyer. Editor. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Farmer. Col. Va. Regiment. Capt. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Lt. Col. Ordnance and Chief of Ordnance Army of N. Va. Civil Engineer. Civil Eng'r. Lt.Col. Va. Reg. Farmer. Col. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Civil Eng'r. Maj. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lawyer. Mem. of Va. Legislature. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Prof. of Mathematics, V. M. I. Lawyer. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Prof. Columbia College, D. C . Col. Mo. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Farmer. Col. Va. Regiment. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 43 d B a" o 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 *133 *134 135 136 137 138 Thomas. H. Carter,... Richard Pollard, lilchard Logan,. . Francis Lackland,. Kirkwood Otey, J. H. Estes, , Win. Steenbergen,. . . . P. B. Adams, Ed. T. Bridges, Fleet W. Cox, Wm. Byrd, J. F. Jordan, Benjamin Ficklin,. 139 J. 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 J *151 152 153 KAMES. RoDert Gate wood,. Wm. J. Morrissett.,. George P. Terrill, Ambrose Ranson, J.B. Norvell, L, F. ThompsoTh, . . Wm. W. Gordon,.. Peter B. Smith,... Win, D. Stuart, . Charles Denby,. C. D. Rice, T.O. Benton,.. Galatin Paxton, — Carter H. Harbison, Daniel Tr uehart, W. B. Littlepage, J. B. Brockenborough,. W. H. Urquhart, Gabriel Jordan, Charles Smith, W.R. Terry, A. C.Jones, Wm.Booton,. . A. Marshall,... W. Y. C.Humes,. F. S. Bass, P. C. Gibbs, en Q ^O • • • • • Date of raduation. = 1 CP ^ o • Va. 1849 2046.2 « (( 2039.7 u (( 1996. (( ii 1989. li 11, 1977.2 u (( 1963.2 a u 1960.2 n (i 1943.2 kt « 1942.2 11 « 1935.9 li n 1896.7 11 u 1867.7 11 ii 1862.2 u ii 1856.9 a ii 1850.7 u ii 1844. a u 1842.2 u ii 1758.4 ti ii 1850 1720.7 n ii 2226.5 (( ii 2202.3 (( a 2166.8 u a 2145.3 a a 2136.3 a ii 2126.8 u ii 2116.8 ii ii 2110.2 ii a 2096.3 u ii 2069.7 (( ii 2060.3 u ii 1976.3 (( a 1966. u a 1957.7 .i a 1957.5 n It 1956.4 u 1851 1948.5 il ii 2059. t( ii 2034.5 (( ii 2002. (( a 1974.5 REMARKS. Ass't Prof. William & Mary College. Clergyman.JChap- lain C. S. A. Principal of Norfolk Academy. Prof. Mathematics, Allegha- ny College. Lt. Va. Reg't. Physician. Farmer. Col. C. S. A. Artillery. Merchant. Lt. C. S. A. Civil Eng'r. Capt. Va. Reg. Civ. Eng^r. Lt. Col. V. Reg. Merchant. Col. Va. Reg't. Physician. Farmer. Major Va. Regiment. Teacher. L'yer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Mem. Va. LegisPr. Lawyer. Col. Texas Keg't. Manufacturer. Teacher. Prop'r Stage Line. Cont'r Mail Route to Cali- fornia. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Physician. Farmer. Lieut. C. S. A. Civil Eng'r. Capt. Va. Reg. Lawyer. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. Capcain Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Princi- pal Richmond Academy. Col. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Prof. Militaiy Academy Arkansas. Major C. S. A. Civil Engl neer. Farmer. Maj. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Ass't. Eng'r U. S. Coast Survey. Maj. C. S. Artillery. Edlt'r. Farmer. Col. Va. Regiment. Farmer. Civil Eng'r. Sup't & Chief Eng'r Mobile & G. N. R. R. Physician. Col. Va. Reg't. Merchant. Brig-Gen. C.S. A. L'yer. Judge of Probate, Iowa. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Captain Va. Regiment. Lawyer. Lawyer. Mai. Gen. C. S. A. Teacher. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Teacher. Merchant. 44 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 25 ^^ ^0 ^u B r^p B ^ a' CD NAMES. • "^ d • • REMARKS. 1«5J 154 W . H. Burroughs, Va. u 1972.5 Teacher. L'yerCapt. V.Reg. 155 J. T. B. Winfree,-. u u 1927. Merchant. 156 John C. Pasfe, 1971.5 1955.5 Farmer. J^^t. Col. Va. Reo-'t. 157 E. Poinsett Tayloe, Farmer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. 158 R.S. Burks, a 1954. 1955. Teacher, Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. 159 Thomas A. Harris, Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Physi- cian. Surgeon, C. S. A. 160 Charles Cooke, a 1946.5 1946. Farmer. 161 R. C. Whitehead, L'yer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. 162 Henry Carrington, a (( 1945. L'yer. Col. Va. Regiment. 163 George G. Garrison, .... A. J. V^au<>"han,. . ... u a 1932. Farmer. A. A. Gen. C. S. A. 164 4( 1929. 1925. Merchant. Brio". Gen. C.S.A. 165 B. T. Elliott, Merchant, Brig.Gen. C. S. A. 166 W. A. Harris, u a 1919. Clergyman. Prin. Female Academy. 167 H. T. Parrish, (( (( 1893.5 Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. 168 Jas. H. Johnston, u (( 1877. Farmer. 169 Henry Caperton, (( u 1874. Farmer. Physician. Aid de Camp C. S. A. 170 Thomas Upshaw, t( u 1869. Civil Eng. Lt. Col. Va. Cav. 171 R. T. W. Morris, (( ti 1856.5 Merchant. 172 Henrv Gantt........ 1854. 1852.5 Farmer. Col. Va. Reo^'t. 173 A. B. Jordan, Teacher. Civil Eng'r. Capt. / Va. Regiment. 174 W. A. Eliason, (C (( 1840. Civil Eng'r. Lt. C. S. A. 175 W. R. Whitehead, (1; i( 1826. Physician. Surgeon Russian Army Crimean Campaign. Surgeon C. S. A. 176 A. F. Gooch, u a 1821. Farmer. Teacher. 177 A. D. Colcott, (( a 1758.5 Teacher. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Lieut. Col. Va. 178 James Giles, (C a 1736.5 *^rr ^PV^^ ^ ^^ 'Si/ ^M" ^fc^»- ^^VSprf y * ^ • ^ • • • Regiment. 1852 *179 J. E. Blankenship, <( u 2118.3 Prof. Mathematics. Captain Va. Regiment. *180 George S. Patton,... u u 2107.1 Lawyer. Col. Va. Re^'t. Lawyer. 3Iemher of Board of Visitors V. M. I. Col. 181 Joseph Mavo,. . . . > . . a a 2054.7 ^-^ V/ *.^ ^^ 9~^ ■ * ^K-*-^^ ^i^/ J ^h' ^ V a ^ MP ^ ^m V M ^ ^ 9 4mV/1^^» ff Va. Regiment. 182 Wm . M. Gordon, u li 2054.4 Teacher. Civil Eng'r. Prin. of Hillsboro', N. C. Mili- tary Academy. 183 W. 0. Yager 11 a i. a 2052.2 2040.1 Civil Engineer. Teacher. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. 184 IV w ^^^ « ■» ^.'w v^ v^ -^ ^ V a 4p ttv ^ 9 V • t * « Henry A. Whiting, Civil Engineer. Inspector General C. S. A. 185 S. B, Gibbons, li a 1941.4 Civil Engineer. Member of Board of Visitors V. M. I. Col. Va. Regiment. 186 C. T. Mason, a ii 1854.9 Civil Eng'r. Major of Eng'r C. S. A. 187 John C. Mayo, u iC 1847.8 Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Teacher. Capt. Art'y C. S. A. 188 T.R.Thornton, (( li 1815.5 189 B. F. Hudgins, 1777.8 1764.51 Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg't. Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. 190 John C. Grayson, VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 45 CD 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 *203 *204 205 206 207 NAMES. M. P. Christian,. Thos. T. Mimford, N. H. Harrison, John G. Meem, Jr Charles B. WiUia7ns,... M. B. ManseiH G. A. Goodman, James V. Hall, W.M.Waller,, W. J. Preston, Jas. L. Ashby, M. F. Tutwiler, , James T. Murfee,. William Silvester^ Peter S. Lewis., Walter W. Williams,. J. J. Phillips, 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 J 226 227 Geo. H. Smith,. Thomas G. Smith,.. J.L.White, , J. P. Hammet,. J. D. Bruce, J. a Ward,.... Geo. Chamberlaine,.... Gabriel Gray, Wm. Kemble, J. R. Waddey, *228 ♦229 230 231 J. W. Crin^n, William F", Lee,. J. A. Turner, Francis Mallory,. ft- p Alexander Morson, H. B. Armistead, Newkirk Hatninond, . M. Lightner, W. E. Arnold, T. J. Moncure, Richard C. Taylor,. James H. Lane, R. P. Carson,.. C. jB. Lauckf. Va. u Ik a u ki u il u a u u u li (( (( u a u u u (( a a a u li o So P A p-a 1859 a ii n a n it u it li (( (( 1853 (( (( u it u • s 1716.9 1715.8 1707.3 1662.7 1636.8 1584.6 1556.1 1542.9 1426. 1340.8 1337.4 1277.1 2257.9 2188.6 2014.6 1959.8 1954.3 BkMARKS. it It u a u ik a ki a a a a a a it a a a 1854 a a 1952.5 1899. 1791. 1734.9 1681.9 1662. 1658.9 1620.7 1570.3 1495.5 1475. 1407.9 1365.6 1363.6 1250.6 1215.5 1198.8 1139.9 1133.9 1099.9 1261.5 2007.2 1774.3 1676.6 Physician. Ass't Surg. U.S. Navy prior to 1861. Sur- geon C. S. N. Farmer. Brig. Gen. C. ^ . A . Merc't. Aid de Camp C. S. A. Teacher. Teacher. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Prin. Onancock Academy. Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg't. Civil Engineer. Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg't. Civil Engineer. Prof. Mathematics Univer- sity of Ala. Lt.Col.C.S.A. Teacher. Farmer. Clergyman. Ass'tProf.V.M.L Prin. of Chuekatiick Academy.— Col. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg't. Civil Eng. Lawyer. Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. Captain Va. Regiment. Teaclier. Farmer. Capt.Va. Regiment. Broker. Capt. C. S. A. Teacher. Clergyman. Teacher. Ph'n. Sur.C.S.A. Teaclier. Lt. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Col. Art'y C. S. A. Merchant. Capt. C. S. A. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Lt. Col.Va. Regiment. Civil Eng'r. Major C. S. A. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Col. Va. Regiment. Civil Engineer. Teacher. Farmer. Maj. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Teacher Teacher. Capt. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Merc't. Maj.C.S.A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof.N. Carolina Military Acade- my. Brig. Gen C. S. A. Teacher. Teaclier. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Physician. 46 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CO 232 James W. Humes,. Wm. B. Botts,.... 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 *242 George B. Horner,. C.H.Riddick, John A.Marks, Alexander Bruce,.. TJios. Blackburn^.. Stapleton Crutchfield »243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 ♦258 :NrAMES. Wm. E. Harrison,. J. L. Stephenson,... C. E. Lightfoot, W. Tazivell JPatton,.. E, V. Bargamin^ Leivis JB, Williams, George Buck, , .J. P. Wilson, W.T.Hardy, , E. C. Sheppard, , Robert C, Allen, E. J. Magruder, B. H. Todd, W. Dupiiy, J. H. Waddell, Wm.E. Fife H. W. Cox, Edwin J. Harvie, , Francis W. Smith,. »250 260 261 262 263 Edward L. Smith Francis M. Suddoth,. P. B. Stanard, G. P. C. Biimbouffh, . «"5' Geo. M. Edgar,. 204 tTosepJiH. Carpenter 265 JVm, B, Selden,... in Q O p Dat radu • Bg P o rf ^ Cri- • ^. o ?c !r* " 2 ^ ^ 2 • • • P 1854 Va. (( 1666.8 u ii 1526.3 u 11 1486.7 ii. ii 1427.2 u u 1351. u 11 1238.7 11. (( 1125.7 u 11 1005.5 n. (b 999.8 u 11 1855 a (( 2188.8 a 11 2149.9 a (( 1974.1 u a 1953.2 u u 1936.2 u (( 1749.4 u (; 1741.9 u u 1547.9 il (; 1477.5 u (( 1449.6 a (( 1438.9 (( (( 1301.7 a (C 1251.2 li (( 1214.9 li u 1172.9 11 11 1856 (( i( 2412.4 (; 11 2096. li. 11 2089.3 a 11 2085.3 a 11 2065. li 11 2048.8 11 11 2016.9 u 11 2004.9 REMAEKS. Lawyer. Col. Tenn. Reg't. Teacher. L'yer. Maj. Texas Kegiment. Civil Engineer. Lt. Engi- neers C. S. A. Farmer. Prill. Culpepper Academy. Col. IS. C. Regiment. Lawyer. Capt. va. Batt'ln. Farmer. Lt. Va. Cavalry. Farmer. Capt. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof, of Mathematics V. M, I. Col. Artillery C. S. A. Prof. N. and Experimen- tal Philosophy V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Law yer. Col. Va. Reg't. Mem. of Senate of Virginia. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Phys'n. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Lt. Va. Regiment. Farmer. Maj. Va. Regiment. Civil Eng'r. Capt. C. S. A. Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Teacher. Ass't. Prof. V. M. I. Ad'jt Va. Regiment. Lawyer. Lt. Col. va. Reg't. Miner. Capt. C. S. A. Lieut. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Col. C. S. A. (No class standing.) Ass't. Prof. V. M. I. Prof, of Chemistry Military Acad- emy of La. Elected Sup't Military Academy of La. Lt. Col. Artillery, C. S. A. Teacher. Teacher. Adj't Va. Reg't. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Teacher. Maj. of Ordnance C. S. A. Civil Eng'r. Lt. of Engi- neers, C. S. A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof, of Chem. Oakland College Miss. Lt. Col. Va. Batt'ln'. Teacher. Capt. Art'y C.S.A. Civ. Eng. Lt. Eng'r C. S. A VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTlTtJtfi. 47 c o •-1 ISTAMES. J. L. Cross, T. B. Robinson, , 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282J. F.Alexander,. . 283J. Allen Gait,. John B. Cocke,. 03 P O E, Foivlkes, B., M, McKinney, W.y. C.White, W. S. Gny, M.N. Moorman, e/. Lawrence Meeni, F, Marshall BaHon, Francis M. Boy kin, J. J. McAllister, Davidson B. Penn, W. J. Sergeant, W. B. Clagffett, Charles S. Hurt, B. H. Hooe, 284 285 286 287 288 289 280 *291 *292 *293 *294 J. G. Gittings, — Thos. H. Owen,. F. H. Hannum,.. W. H. Hood, W. IT. Easlei/f. T. H. Halcomb,. John McCausland,. . R. M. Mayo, Jaquelin J. Smith,.. A. M. Fauntleroy,.. *295 296 297 298 303 304 305 306 307 Robert B. Taylor,. Alexander Rives, . C.W. Hardy, P. P. Slaughter,.., 299 James Ker, 300 K. K. McCausland,... SOI BenJ.F, Stewart, 302 A. Fulkerson, Heber Ker, «/. A, Hamhrickj.. E. McConnell, John M. Steptoe, John Bead, Va. li (( a a u u u it a a II a II a u (( a It u It a (i u u u u u sr.o o "-^ 1H56 it (( a a (( . u a (( a a u iC, a li li a li a a II u 1857 (( 1955.8 1941.8 • p REMARKS. u a a li u u u u u II a Prof. Mil. Acad'my, Florida. Major Fla. Regiment. Teacher. Ass'tProf. V. M. I. Capt. Va. Regiment. Capt. Va. Regiment. Prof. Mil. Academy X. C. Col. X. C. Regiment. Lieut. Col. X. C. Regiment. Merchant. Maj. Art'y C.S.A. Civil En^'r. Capt. and A. A. General, C. S. A. Farmer. Lt. C. S. Artillery. Teacher. Lt. Col. Va. Reg^t. Teacher. Merchant. Brig. Gen. C. S.A. Teacher. Capt. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Lt. V. Regiment. Teacher. Col. C. S. A. Merchant Sup't X. C. Gold Mines. Farmer. Capt. and Aide de Camp, C. S. A. Farmer. Lt. and Aide de Camp, C. S. A. Adjutant Va. Regiment. Farmer. Col. Va. Cavalry. Teacher. Capt. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Capt. Va. Cavalry. Major Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. Merchant. Capt. C. S. Art'y. Physician. Ass't Sur. U. S. A. prior to 1861. Surg. & Medi. Director, C. S. A. 1988.7 Physician. Lt. Col. V. Reg't. 1978.6 Physician. Surgeon C. S. A. 1967.6 Merchant. Capt. C.S.A. 1965.4 Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Col. Va. Regiment 1960.9 Merchant. Capt. C.S.A. 19:^.9 Physician. 1872.4 Teacher. Lieut. Va. Reg't. 1750.7 Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Tenn. Regiment. 1718.8 Lt. Va. State Guard. Merch't 1637. Major Va. Regiment. 1619.5 Captain Va. Regiment. 1562.6 Teacher. Lt. Va. Regiment, 1533. 1873. 1832.3 1740.1 168-1.6 1645.1 1625.1 1619.5 1606.8 1561.5 1545.1 1535.9 1503.5 1481.7 1481.5 1463.5 1425.3 1363.4 1223.1 1208.3 1182.5 1168.6 1144.6 1039. 2470. 2173.4 2093.7 2005.1 48 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. B a' o 308 309 310 311 312 *313 *314 *315 316 317 318 I^AMES. 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 *332 *333 *334 335 336 337 J. W. B.Bosworth,. John C. Hiden, J. H. Cameron, S. G. White J. \Y. Keeble, M.B.Hardin,. L. W.Reid,... L. L. Marks,. . J. F. H^efU I^. C.Wilson,.... W. E. Cutshaw,. 338 G. E. Tayloe, J. M. Kincheloe, FI. B. Meade, J. T. Hairston, E. C. Edmunds, Thomas S. Taylor,.. D. W. Flowerree, Thomas L. Pitts, J. Armistead, J.^. TerrUl, Samuel Wilson, H. L. N^orfleet, flames Breckinridge, Wm.H. Clarke, J. H. Chenowith, . . . John W. Lyell,. Scott Ship,- . E. S. Hiitter,... C. Y. Steptoe,. John W.Lewis, 339 Wm. Keiter,.. 340Johnr. Tyler,. 341 W.H. Otey,. Va. Li ti u a a. u a li li u (( (.1 a It u ii I. a a it .1 P CO rr o O ^ s? B ^ i-J o 1857 u li 1858 t(. u a if. a (( (( (.i. ii a u u (( u 1859 REMARKS. 1478.7 1455.7 1455.7 1320.3 1295.8 (( it (,(. u (( li ii a 2504. 2468.8 2319.2 2122.9 2096.9 1977.7 1973. 1754.5 1738.6 1689.5 1624.3 1587.2 1536.3 1532.4 1475.4 1442.9 1441. 1285.6 1211.3 2383. 2350. 2341.7 2248.5 2316.6 2170.9 2145.9 2064.6 2051.1 2023. Lt. Va. Re^'t. Physician. C'lergym-n. Chapl'n C. S.A. Physician. Lt. Va. Cavalry. Teacher. Drill Master, C. S. A. Clergyman. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Maj. C. S. Artillery. Professor of Chemistry V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Civil Eng'r. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Capt. Va. Reg't. Merchant. Teacher. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. Farmer. Teacher. Lt. Col. C. S. Ar- tillery. Ass't Prof, and Ass't Com. Cadets V. M. I. Mining Engineer. Farmer. Lt. Col. Ala. Reg't. Teacher. Adj't Tenn. Reg't. Physician. Siirg'n. C. S. A. Farmer. A. A. Gen. C. S. A. Teacher. Col. Va. Reg't. Capt. C. S. A. Merchant. Maj. C. S. Art'y. Capt. Va. Regiment. Private C. S. A. Lawyer. Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Physican. Captain V. Reg't. Farmer. Capt. Va. Cavalry. Teacher. Capt.En^r. C. S.A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof, of Mathematics Md. Agri'cl. Col. Maj. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prin. Danville Academy. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Maj . Va. Reg't. Com. of Cadets and Prof. Tactics,V. M. I. Capt. C. S. Art'y. Merch't. Teacher. Capt. and A. A. G. Ass't Professor, V. M. I. Clergyman. Prof, of Mathemactics Ark. Mil. Academy. Capt. and A. A. Gen. C. S. A. Teacher. Capt. C. S. Art'y. As't Prof. V. M. I. Lt. C.S.A. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 49 B 342 343 344 345 346 347 at8 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 *361 ♦362 *363 ♦364 365 366 NAMES. J. D. H. Ross,. George Ross,- . Charles J. Green, VV^. L.Wingfield, T. 31. Massenburg,. , . J. P. Minatree, Wm. B. Tabb, A. Go van Hill, John Ryland,.. W.M. Palmer,.. J. H. Ham,. Giles B. Cooke,. Ed. C. Hill,. Titus V.Williams,.... L, W. Mears, 0. C. Henderson, John W. Kerr, . D. H. Hardaway,. , Thomas M. Boyd,, 367 368 369 Edward Cunninarham. Marshall McDonald,., J. G. Miller, , Digges Poynor,... S. T. Adams, James H. Morrison,. Charles S, LumsdenSi .... John M. Otey,.. A.S.Scott, 370JohnP. Lynch,.. 371 372 373 374 375 376 Charles A. Davidson,... James H. Kent, Wm* J£, Morgan,.. . Chaft, F, Urquhart, J. R. Hutter, VV. A. Brockenbrough, en Va. (( u u u a u u u (I u u n it o o ^ u ii ti a (( u li li u II a u ii (( 1860 (( a a o -t o n n n n 1929.9 1898.5 1842. 1749. 1717.2 1708.2 1703.7 1691.7 1691.7 1626. 1591.7 1516. 1497.4 1439. 1409. 1383.1 1302.9 1297.6 1237.8 2499.3 2419.3 2338.3 2262. 2223. 2212.5 2102.5 REMARKS. 1988.9 1974.8 1974.1 1943. 1939.2 1927.4 1894.4 1859.9 1849.9 Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lt.Col. Va. Regiment. Farmer. Physician. Ass't Sur^. C. 8. A. Ass't Surg'n ana Ass't Prof. V. M. L Farmer. Mill. Va. Reg't. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. Adj't Va. Reg^t. Teacher. Teacher. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Civil Engineer. Lawyer. Col. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Lt. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V.M.L Teacher. Lt. Va. Regiment. Teacher. Adj't Va. Reg't. Teacher. Col. va. Regiment. Teacher. Major C. S. A. Teacher. Adj't Va. Reg't. Teacher. Col. Va. Re^'t. Teacher. Lt. Va. Regmient. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Capt. Virginia Battalion. Ass't Adj't Gen. C. S. A. Merchant. Physician. Capt. Va. Reg't. Clergyman. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Maj. C. S. Art'y. Prof. Military Academy, Ky. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Capt. C. S. Art'y. Prof. Mineralo- gy and Geology V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M. 1. Teacher. Ass't Prof. University Ala. Lawyer. Lt.C.S.A. Teacher. Aide de Camp C. S. A. Ass't Prof. University Alabama. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Ass't Prof. University, Ala. Capt. C. S. Artillery. In- surence Agent. Lt. Col. and A. A. G., C.S.A. Capt. Va. Cavalrr. Ass't Prof. V.M.I. Capt. Tenn. Battery. Capt. Va. Batt'n. 'Lawyer. Capt. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. vTM. I. Captain Va. Rejrimeut. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. Farmer. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Lt. and Adj't Va. Regiment. 60 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, B a' o 377 378 379 380 KAMES. W. G. Paxton, Caiy Breckinridge,. A.T. Walden, Thomas M. Semmes,. 381 0. H. Belts,,.. 382 W. jS". Otey, SSdJohnM. Oliver,.. 3S4J.B, Cherrij,.. 385J. T. Tosh, 386 J. K. Marshall, 387 N. C. Harris, 388W.W.Bentley,.... 389J.B. Baltzell, 390H. H. Faimtleroy,. 391 W. B. Pentleton,.. 392 G.D. Parker, 393J.B. Moseley, 394 J. H.Hebard, 395 A. B. Paris, 396 W. F. Sydnor, 397B.C. Wherry, 398J.W. McCarty,.... 399 400 401 *402 *403 *404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 4] 4 415 41C 417 418 *41f *420 *421 V. M. Johnson,.. W. Overton, G. F. ;N"orton,. . , Heni^f W. Hunter,. R. L.Williams, Jf. K. Burgivyn, . . . Win, E. JPark, C. G. Lawson, , E.M. Morrison, Thomas S. Galloway,. . Wm. E. Taylor, R. C. Coltrane, W. H.Bray, Wm. A. Smith, T.R.Dunn, W. R. Gregory, J.W. Houck, John Heth, T. G. Hart, R. S. Majett, W. A. Obenchain,. Wm. E. Hill, C.C.Wight, 1794.9 1723.0 1577.5 * Prior to 1860 none but resident Virginians P O Va. (( ({ (( (( (( u II u u u u u ti u II li u a li ii u u u (( u ]^. c. Va. (( (( Va. u il ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii (; (; P O o »-+, 1860 ii ii ii ii ii (( (( ii ii (( (( (( U ii *1861 ii ii ii ii (( ii ii ii ii ii a ii a ii a ii Dec. 6 1861 (( ii ii So 1829.7 1821.3 1819.8 1779.9 1720.4 1681.5 1675.7 1650.2 1628.9 1612.2 1593.1 1582.4 1581.8 1559.4 1549.2 1525.1 1507.8 1493. 1461. 1402.1 1374.9 1374.3 1260.3 1251.5 2535.9 2505.1 2497.2 2229.2 2044.9 2044. 1897.4 1867.9 1861. 1839.7 1779.5 1718.2 1700.4 1591.5 1496.8 1406.6 1252.5 e:^marks. Lt. and Adj't Va. Regiment. Manufacturer. Lt. Col. Va. Cavalry. Far- mer. Mem. Va. Legislat'r. Capt. Va. Regiment. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lt. and Adj't Ark. Reg't. Prof. Mod. Languages V. M. I. Lieutenant C. S. A. Lt. Col. Va. Batt'n. Merch't. Captain Va. Artillery. Captain N. C. Regiment. Adj't Va. Regiment. Teacher. Col. N". C. Reg't. Major Artillery C. S. A. Lt. Col. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Capt. and A. A. G., C. S. A. Capt. Va. Regiment. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. Capt. C. S. Art'y. Lawyer. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lt. Va. Batt'n. Ins. Agent. Lt. and Adj't Va. Cavalry. Planter. Teacher. Capt. C.S. A. Capt. Va. Batt'n. Farmer. Maj.Va. Reg't. Bookseller. Lt. C. S. Ordnance. Lt. and Adj't Va. Reg't. Teacher. Col. N. Carolina Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Capt. Va. Regiment. Lt. Col. Va. Regiment. Col. IST. C. Regiment. L'yer. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Battalion. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Aide de Camp C. S. A. Captain Va. Battalion. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Battalion. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lt. Va. Reg't. Farmer. Capt. C. S. Eno-'r. Prof, of Military Academy, Ky. Maj. C. S. A. Clergyman. Capt. Va. Reg't. Teacher. were admitted as Cadets. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 51 NAMES. (T> *422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 *454 *455 *456 457 458 459 460 461 462 46:i •464 •465 Walter Bowie, i. Crittenden,, E. L. Yancey, W. A. Harris,. . . , R. P. Chew, H. A. Wise, Jr., . , E. B. Goode, C. F. Freeman,.. . , A, A, Siirgess,. J. A. Walthalh W. B. Pritchard,.. F. M. Stafford,. R. G. Wharton, W. H. Gillespie, J. L. Burkes, • E. H: Mohler, B.F. Bishop, W. H.H.Elgin, W. P. Robinson, S. P. Kerr, J. D. Baird, George A. Magruder,.. T. Henderson Smith, . T. Alexander^ Thomas C. Kinney^ E. M. Dabney, K. 1>. JB. Sydnoi\ Samuel Downing, Jr., J. R. Hammet, John H. Cunningham,. W. W. Bevely, G. Y. Booker, H. A. Crawford, — J. E. Roller, . J. W. Beckham, W. W. Blannagan, J. B. Prince, fT. P. Grigo,.. R. H. Boyd, A.Talbot, R. H. Chamberlayne, Jr. S. Hannah, Thomas D. Davis, C. W. Shafer, Va. (( Mo. Va. u it u u Calif. Ala. Va. it u it Mo. Va. (( ii. u a (( (( u (I (; (( (( u u it u u o so c o ^ 3 rt» 1861 (( u (( u (( u (( u u (( II (( (( (( a i. a u iC li a u (( a n ii a n n u ii 180S (( u u n u ii ii (4 (( lN«i o Be • 3 1545.6 1526.5 1493.8 1461.9 1449.3 1439.3 1433.9 1433.8 1401.5 1396.3 1389. 1366.1 1354.3 1352. 1324. 1305.6 1301.5 1297.6 1289.6 1261. 1255.3 1248.7 1235.6 1184.5 1168. 1154.2 1124.6 1110.8 1110.4 1107.4 1103.5 1068. 2557.6 2464.4 2177.3 •2026.2 1974.6 1848.8 1830.9 1820.9 1575.3 1422.9 2037.7 2U34.1 REMARKS. Ass'tProf. V. M.I. Lt. C. S. A. Teacher. As't Prof. V. M. I. Lt. C.S.A. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Capt. C. S. A. Lt. Col. C. S. ArtV. Farmer. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lt. 0. S. A. Teacher. Adjutant Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Private Va. Regiment. Adj't. N". C. Regiment. Capt. Va. Reg't. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Capt. and A. A. Gen. C. S. A. Merchant. Adj't Va. Reg't. Teacher. Major C. S. A. Farmer. Lieut. C. S. A. Private Mo. Reg. Civ. Eng*r. Lieut. C. S. Artillery. Capt. C.S.Art'y. Clerg'man. Manufacturer. Aide de Camp C. S. A. Lt. C.S.Art'y. Ass'tProf. and Adj't V. M. I. Merc't. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. C. S. Engineei"s. Captain. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Capt. Va. Reg't. Teacher. Lt. C. S. Art'y. Teacher. Lieut. C. S. Artillery. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Private Va. Regiment. Ass'tProf. V. M.I. Lieut. En^'rs C. S. A. Lawyer. C. S. Engineers. C. S. Engineers. Banker. As't Pro. V.M.L C.S. Eng. C. S. Engineers. C. S. Engineers. C. S. Navy. C. S. Ordnance. C. S. Cavalry. Aide de CampC.S.A. Merch. Lt. C. S. A. Prof. Mathe- matics Md. College. 52 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. cr CK *466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 *478 *479 *48(» 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 NAMES. J.W.Wyatt, S. S. Shriver, W. C. Hardy, C. H. Minge, Levi Welch, F. W. Claybrook,. Wm. Morson, Albert Boggess, . . . G. W. Gretter, Gary Weston, B. A. Colonna, J. F. Hanna, Wm,H. Cabell,.... William N'elson, William M. Patton,. . . A. F. Reed, G. Davenport, A. Pizzini, H. W. Garrow, W. F. Duncan, William Martin, Geo. E. Woodbridge,. Hunter Wood, C. M. Ethridge, John A. Stewart, Erskine M.Ross, J. S. Bagnall, A. A. Morson, Wm. J. Hubard, J. R. Echols, Louis C. Wise, J. Doii^lass, O.P. Evans, W. B.Shaw, P. B. Hiden, C. E. Wellford, jr. W. Latimer, — C. E. Ford, W. B. Hardie, C. C. Flowerree, J. K. Thompson, W. A. Blankenship,. G.W. Brown, J. T. James,., W. Y. C. Hannum,. M. Rouse, C. A. Holt, W. P. Mosely, J. Denegre, E. B. Starke, N.R. Coleman, , G.W. Chalmers...... Va. a, a Ala. Va. ii. u li it II li D. C. Va. li (( a (( Ala. Va. Va. u t( li (( It a II II (( ]^.C. Va. (( (( II Mo. Va. u il a Tenn. Va. li a La. Va. II o ^^ 3« &p B ^ ? Q B s o 0; O Sj r- o • • S 1864 i( . 1875.1 a 1707.8 (( 1645.8 4( 1563.2 (( 1554.2 a 1462.4 (( 1449.6 a 1439.3 li 1436.4 i( 1355.8 (( 1344.2 u 1343.9 M'yl2 1864 a HB^B li 11 11 li 11 t( (( 11 u a (( (( il .( .( (( u u 11 a u li li Julyl 1864 a 11 u li 11 u (( u (( 11 ll il li li U (( REJklARKS. Lt.C.S.A. Teacher. Capt. C. S. A. Lawver. Lt. C. S. A. Capt. C. S. A. Merchant. Lt. C. S. A. Merchant. Lt. C. S. A. Lawyer. Lt. C. S. A. Farmer. Lt. C. S. A. Teacher. Lt.C.S.A. Lt. C. S. A. Merchant. Capt. C. S. A. Teacher. Lt. C. S. A. Lawyer. Cadet. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Lawyer. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Merchant. Farmer. Lawyer. Manufacturer. Lawyer. Teacher. Merchant. Merchant. Farmer. Teacher. Merchant. Teacher. Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer. Merchant. '- Boy Major'' AtVj. C.S.A. Lieut. C. S. A. Col. Va. Regiment. Captain Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Captain Tenn. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Regiment. Capt. Va. Regiment. Lieut. La. Regiment. Adj't Va. Regiment. • • •.• VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 63 B a' NAMES. R. R. Breeden, W.M.Polk, J. H. Lionberger.,. Peyton Johnston,.. 554 J *555 55H 567 558 J 459 5G0 561 562 »563 564 *565 Otis A. Glazebrook, . G. James, A. Marshall,.. G. K. Macon,..., Frank T. Lee, . . . . A. Crichton,. V. W. Overton,., VV. G.Bennett,. G.Spiller, M.J. Ezekiel,. . {H. H. Dinwiddle,.. )Psi itrick Henry,. Gaylord B. Clark, 03 518 J. A. Broome, 519 VV. P. Sydner, 520 R. R. Miller, 521 VV. N. Mercer Otey, 522 J. F. Love, 523 J. VV. Turner, 524 E. M. McDonell, 525 G. J. Kollock, 526 J- >V. Burke, 527 VV. L. Hopkins, 528 J- M. Love, 529J.C. Leftwich, 530 J. M. H. Beale, 531 J- A.Legar, 532 0. S. Morton, 533 R. H. Chamberlain, SaiVV. H. Smith,. 535 J. R- Jordon, 536 O. C. Petevay, 537 VV. S. Gibbons, 538 G. S. Urquhart, 539S. P.Heath, 540 VV. T. Sheppard, 541 L.E. Harvie, 542 G. O. Jordan, 543 R. H. Cunningham, — 544 VV. B. Forman, 545 A. W. Clopton,... 546 A. Rennolds, 547 A. C. Beckham, 548 J. Garnett,. 549 550 551 552 *553 *5 »566lR. H. Cousins,.. . , Fla. Va. Tenn. Va. u Ga. Va. Ala. Va. (( (( Va. Miss. N. C, Va. Ga. Va. Miss. Va. Fla. Va. (( (( (( La. (( Va. u il u il Ky. Va. (( u Tenn Ala. Va. O ST.O 3 Julyl il u il a (( u (( (( t( tk , u (( (( u a u a li it u n a n n i( (( u 1800 (( (( K i( U U u (( u (( 1867 u u n crp 1881.2 1848. 1685. 1662.8 1374.2 1181.3 1174.2 1107.4 1055.7 929.8 2280.3 2280.3 2193.8 2151. REMARKS. Major in Staff, C. S. A. Capt. C. S. A. Col. N. C. Regiment. Lieut. Va. Artillery. Clergyman. Prot. Mathematics Toxa-< Mil. School. Teacher. Ass't Prof. V: M. I. Civil Engineer. Teacher. Farmer. Teacher. Merchant. Lawyer. Farmer. Artist. Prof. Texas M. I. Ass't Prof. V.M.I. Lawyer. Ass't Prof. V. M.. I. 54 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. a' CO 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 *574 *575 *576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 *585 *586 *587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 N'AMES. Thos. G. Hayes,. E.M.Tutwiler,.. J.L.Tunstall,... N. J. Bayard, — J. B.Gray, H. W. Fry,. J.S.Webb, F. W.James,.. R. E. i^elson,.. J. B.Furcell,. . W.H.Butler,.. A. H. Bishop,.. C. A. EUett,... J.F. Tackett,.. E. B. Jones,. . . W.F.Wright,. F. G. Gibson,.. M. I. Branch,.. C.D.Walker, J. L. Ford, W.C.Powell, F.H.Smith. Jr.,. Thos. Fairfax, . . . . J. E. Heath,. ..... C.E. Tackett, J. A.Marvin, Clay Stacker, W. B. Denham, Thos. Withers,.... Ed. Mosby, M. Palmer, S. A. Withington, C. W.Anderson,... L. S. Jervey, C. P. Stokes,-...... C. J. Anderson,. . . P. E. Harris, R. Sample,. S. H. Letcher, T. H. Wilkinson,. J. G. Longstreet,.. P O Ya. u u Ga. Va. u Texas Va. (h u u i( ii il Ark. Va. a il it a a (( il, Fla. Tenn. Fla. Va. Tenn. Fla. Ga. S.C. Va. (( Miss. Va. a La. So cr o O "^ C3 1867 a (( il a il a m ii 18«8 il a li il II (( (( il (( (; il 1869 u u a il u u il (( II il a u (( (( u (( il u' (( a il Q 2p 2067.9 1772.9 1488.3 1486.8 1442. 1273.9 1133.9 2376.98 2359.96 2344.89 2155.71 1988.05 1916.65 1892.48 1824.15 1650.89 1449.97 1075.66 2665.3 2650.0 2509.3 2487.6 2442.1 2400.3 2313.1 2250.4 2171.1 2122.2 2117.5 1840.0 1815.3 1795.2 1749.6 1707.4 1638.7 1621.0 1619.9 1445.6 1402.8 1374.2 1222.4 REMARKS. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Prof. Kent'ky. Mil. Academj^ Teacher. Civil Engineer. Farmer. Mining Engineer. Farmer. Tonnage Master. Prof. Texas Mil. Institute. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Druggist. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. In service Dover Mines. AdjutantV. M. I. Manufacturer. Ass't Prof. Md. M. I. Planter. Merchant. Teacher. Merchant. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Adjutant V.M.I. Teacher, Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Merchant. Civil Engineer. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M. I. Ass't Prof. V. M, I. Merchant. Lawyer. Lawj^er. United States Custom House Kew Orleans. PAr. JAN ?i. ms UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY n J.G. Long.strect,