\*wr : V V tt \ \ ) S j -: • • • . • ' .\ ! . • • , , A . / ±w bC€> f . \% ' S < W : f/v . * :.■ < - -^ < . . .•'■-.- * / j - ....-.■•. • . - I . I ; It) $ ( , m § . ■rw»sii*y»iiiMU j i^ Mi l iar *»> *« H ii w * 3fl<»ii** \ IN MEMORIAM BERNARD MOSES i ^** AN. A NEW AND COMPLETE / j i ••' CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ON THE BASIS OF CRUDEN. ft EDITED BY JOHN EADIE, D.D., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE TO THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SCOTLAND. WITH INTRODUCTION BY DAVID KING, LL.D., GLASGOW. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK. / Qp "CIWARD MOtES NOTE TO THE FOURTEENTH ENGLISH EDITION. The rapid sale of thirteen editions of this Concordance within as many years, has afforded sincere gratification to those by whom it was projected, edited, and published. They feel that their effort to reduce a bulky volume to the size of a convenient manual, has not only been successful, but has also been widely appreciated. Their labor has not been in vain. Knowing that a concordance is an invaluable help for the study of the Bible, the circulation of so many copies of the " Condensed Cruden" promises well, in their opinion, for the advancement of sound religious knowledge. The word of God is its own best interpreter ; and the concordance, by its peculiar and characteristic arrangement, has no other object than to assist Christians in the instructive labor of " comparing spiritual things with spiritual." It gives them a simple means of pursuing such research with fa- cility and speed. If our hand-book has been blessed to any in the anxious and prayerful investigation of Scripture — if the continued demand for it can be regarded as proof of an increasing desire to gather the true meaning of the sacred oracles from a faithful and im- partial comparison of their own contents, then indeed we possess our reward. JOHN EADIE. 43 Cambridge-street, Glasgow, February, 1860. INTRODUCTION. BY THE REV. DAVID KING, LL.D. MINISTER OP GRETFBIAES' CHURCH, GLASGOW. The value of the Scriptures, and the duty of perusing them, appear from many consid- erations. We may estimate the character and tendency of divine revelation, by contrasting the condition of countries where its "true light shineth," with that of other coud tries to which its beams have not extended. The heathen world is large enough surely for experi- mental proof. In many of its territories the richest blessings of sun and soil are enjoyed in abundance, and there, external nature presents itself in its stateliest and loveliest forms ; but where are the beauties of holiness, where the fruits and flowers of moral cul- ture? Or, if these are disparaged in comparison with intellectual stature and idolized genius, where are the distinguished philosophers and orators, historians and poets of pagan communities? Amid numberless diversities of condition, they seem to have only this in common to explain their wretchedness, that they want those oracles of God which have been committed unto us ; and the conclusions appear fairly deducible, that it is in the absence of the Scriptures the people are there destroyed for lack of knowledge — that spirit- ual ignorance, in addition to its proper maladies, has there entailed mental and civil pros- tration — and that scoffers in our native land owe to the emancipating influence of God's word that very freedom of thinking which, with ungrateful and impious hand, tney wield for the overthrow of its doctrines and institutions. The cases of Greece and Rome, so famous in the annals of history for literary attain- ments and heroic exploits, may be urged as evidence to the contrary. But all their civili- zation left their religion unimproved. Eminence was restricted to a proficient few, while the millions were hopelessly consigned to " abominable idolatries." Philosophers them- selves entertained the most unworthy and confused conceptions of man's relation to God, and the duties it involves — their precarious conjectures scarcely amounting to a creed, and exercising little influence over their own practice. Unnatural crimes abounded, and were committed without shame. The places of public amusement were " habitations of horrid cruelty," soaked with the blood of unpitied captives ; and even the temples them- selves were consecrated to unnamable pollutions. While, then, the history of these coun- tries shows that the impediments created to the advancement of learning by the want of revelation, may, in some rare cases, be so far surmounted ; it also demonstrates most forci- bly the utter insufficiency of reason, even in its best estate, to regenerate the depraved heart, and reclaim a world lying in wickedness to the knowledge of God and the observance of his laws. If we confine our attention to those countries which possess the word of God, a com- parison between that portion of the community by whom the Scriptures are perused, and that portion, too numerous, alas, by whom they are neglected, will conduct us to a like conclusion. No doubt external propriety may, in many instances, be promoted by the simple circumstance of dwelling among Christians who are "living epistles of Christ Jesus, known and read of all men ;" and it is not less certain that many may consult the records of truth, and yet hold that truth in unrighteousness. But these apparent exceptions do not invalidate the general and incontestible fact, that the classes most conversant with God's word are most distinguished for the graces which it inculcates ; while they who consort with thieves and partake with adulterers, who give their mouth to evil, and framw 781143 4 INTRODUCTION. deceit with their tongue, are the wicked who hate instruction and cast God's word behind them. Psa. 1 : 17-19. In the history of the church itself, its most prosperous periods will be found to have been those in which most attention was directed to the revealed will of God. We read of an awakening among the Jews in the times of Nehemiah, shortly after the return from the Babylonish captivity ; and as copies of the Scriptures were not then so plentiful as now, " all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water-gate ; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel. And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month. And he read therein before the street that was before the water-gate from the morning until mid-day, before the men and the women, and those that could understand ; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law." Neh. 8 : 1-3. In connection with this rehearsal of Scripture, we read of mourning and weeping for sin, a renewed observance of abandoned and almost forgotten institutions, and all conducing to " very great gladness." Neh. 8 : 17. It is well known that during the ages of Papal ascendency, the general population had no access to the oracles of God. The Bible, besides being a rare and costly book, was sealed to the Euro- pean communities who could not understand the original, and were denied a translation into their vernacular tongue. And what was the consequence ? These were times of fee- ble intelligence, and hideous corruptions — ages emphatically "dark," in the absence of that rejected word which is a " light unto the feet, and a lamp unto the path." At last a day of amendment dawned ; and whence emanated its incipient beams ? About the year 1507, Martin Luther found, in the monastery of Erfurt, a Latin copy of the Bible lying in the library. By an eager and diligent perusa] of it he soon became familiar with its con- tents, and his studying of that Bible was the commencement of the Reformation. Through- out all its stages, that glorious epoch was distinguished by nothing more than by the read- ing of Scripture. Dr. M'Crie, in his life of Knox, vol. 1, p. 32, represents one copy of the Bible as commonly supplying several families, at the beginning of the Scotch Reformation ; and adds, " At the dead hour of night, when others were asleep, they assembled in a private house ; the sacred volume was brought from its concealment, and while one read, the rest listened with mute attention. In this way the knowledge of the Scriptures was diffused at a period when it does not appear that there was a single public teacher of the truth in Scotland." If we turn from general history to the annals of individual experience, it is certain that the most eminent saints have been the most distinguished for consulting and revering the word of God. The inspired penmen were " holy men of God," and they evince a familiar acquaintance with the writings of one another to an extent that cannot be appreciated without careful investigation. To notice particular instances : the sweet singer of Israel was a man after God's own heart ; and how largely has he embodied the contents of prior revelation in his devotional melodies, and how frequently and emphatically does he extol the diversified treasures of divine truth. The judgments of the Lord were, in his estima- tion, " true and righteous altogether : more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold ; sweeter also than honey and the honey-comb." Psa. 19 : 9, 10. It was the manner of Paul to reason with unbelieving Jews out of the Scriptures, and for this appropriate and effective mode of reasoning he was qualified from " believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets." Acts 17 : 2 ; 24 : 14. That apostle had no man among his fellow-laborers " like minded" as Timothy, to whom a caring for souls had become as a second nature ; and if an explanation be asked of his early and signal piety, we have it in the statement that "from a child he knew the holy Scriptures, which are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Tim. 3 : 15. The experience of saints themselves is not indeed uniform ; but all its vicissitudes cor- roborate the same views. When God's people languish, it is because they u have forgotten the law of the Lord." Hos. 4:3, 6. When they are perplexed and incredulous, they are "foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." Luke 24 : 25. When they are unduly fretful and impatient under afflictions, they have " forgotten the exhortation," speaking unto them as unto children. Heb. 12 : 5. On the other hand, seasons of spiritual prosperity bespeak a reception of the truth in the love of it. If the languishing INTRODUCTION. 5 soul is quickened, it is " according to God's word." Psa. 119 : 25. If the hearts of Christs disciples " burn within " them, it is while he talks with them by the way, and opens to them the Scriptures. Luke 24 : 32. If pure minds are stirred up, it is " by way of remembrance," successive epistles having been written to induce such mindfulness "of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of the apostles of the Lord and Saviour." 2 Pet. 3 : 1, 2. Daniel was pondering the writings ol Jeremiah when he was stimulated to present that effectual and fervent prayer, in answer to which Gabriel was sent as a ministering spirit, to assure him of being greatly beloved, and to give him skill and understanding. Dan. 9. A book of the law of the Lord, found by Hilkiah the priest, was read by Shaphan to king Josiah, and proved the precursor ol that godly sorrow which worketh salvation. On hearing the words of the law, the king rent his clothes, and sent to inquire of the Lord, from whom he received this response : " Thus saith the Lord God of Israel concerning the words which thou hast heard, Because thy heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heardest his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbledst thyself before me. and didst rend thy clothes, and weep before me ; I have even heard thee also, saith the Lord." 2 Chr. 34 : 26, 27. John was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and no doubt meditating on the word and testimony for which he was exiled, when he was favored with his celestial visions. And we too must lend our ears to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, and cheerfully exemplify any measure of self-denial and sacrifice required of us, in deference to those sayings which are faithful and true, if we would inherit the blessedness of those who do his command- ments, and have a right to the tree of life, and enter in through the gates into the city. In this course we may still be " companions in tribulation" with the favored disciple whom Jesus loved ; but we shall also be his companions " in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ." The inheritance reserved for us in heaven will not be less secure for being re- mote ; while we are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation. And even now, amid the depression and gloom of this lower world, we shall enjoy, in advancing to the heavenly city, many a foretaste and earnest of its imperishable delights. These remarks on the Scriptures have been offered in the full persuasion that a higher estimate of their own value, will form the best recommendation of any reasonable aid which can be afforded to facilitate acquaintance with them. As to the subordinate means by which a knowledge of divine truth may be promoted, there can be no doubt that expo- sitions of the Scriptures have induced many to search them whether these things be so. Still, it is undoubtedly best that Scripture be made its own interpreter ; and this is most happily effected by the use of a concordance. It directs the inquirer to the words he is seeking — enables him to examine their connection, to find out and compare parallel pas- gages — and all the while follow the guidance of inspired direction. The manifold impor- tance of such a work has caused many of the kind to be published. Omitting mention of foreign concordances, I give some notice of those only which have been written in Eng- lish. The following summary of them is collected mostly from Watt's Bibliotheca Britan- nica: The first concordance of the New Testament was by Thomas Gybson. He represents it as " most necessary to be had in the handes of all suche as desire the communicacion of any place contayned in the New Testament." Lond. 1535. 8vo. John Marbeck, organist of Windsor College, in the reign of Henry VIH., prepared the first English concordance of the Bible, 1550, folio, and entitled it, " A Concordance, that is to saie, a work wherein by the ordre of the letters A B C, ye maie reddly find any worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there expressed or mencioned." Robert F. Herry was the author of " Two right profitable and fruitfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables Alphabeticall, and will serue as well for the translation of the Bible called Geneua, as for the other authorized to be read in churches." Lond. 1578, 4to. Frequently printed. Christopher Barker published "A Concordance, or Table, containing the principal wordes and matters which are comprehended in the New Testament. By J. W." Lond. 1579. 8vo. It is needless to be particular about the concordances of Thos. Wilson, a Puritan divine, Francis Lucas, John Downame, Samuel Newman, Robert Wickens, Vavasor Powell, the 6 INTRODUCTION. titles of which are given by Watt, with their size and date of publication. Some othei concordances were published which Watt does not appear to take notice of, such as Mr. Cotton's, the Cambridge Concordance, Mr. Jackson's, and Mr. Samuel Clarke's. In 1736, Alexander Cruden published his Complete Concordance to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Lond. and Edin. 1736. 4to. Other concordances, published since that time, such as Taylor's, Bellamy's, Butterworth's, Brown's, Bagster's, etc., have been mostly abbreviations of Cruden's valuable work, to make it more portable and extend its usefulness. The question may reasonably be proposed, Why add another to the many works of the kind already published ? In reply, the following explanations are subjoined : A perfectly complete concordance would be one by which any passage of the Bible might be found by any word which the passage sought for contained. But such a concordance, though per- fect in completeness, would be so large and unwieldy, as in a great measure to defeat its own utility. Accordingly, Cruden omits many of the minuter words from his columns of reference, and not unfrequently words of considerable consequence to the passages which contain them. The London edition of 1836 is before me, and selecting a passage at ran- dom, I find that the 17th verse of the 49th Psalm is vainly sought by any of the words printed in italics. " For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away : his glory shall not descend after him." See in like manner, John 21:13, "Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise." Many such examples will present themselves in the familiar use of his concordance. No doubt the passages may generally be found without difficulty by means of some other term embodied in them or their immediate con- text ; but that just shows what I am now wishing to establish, that Cruden himself very properly proceeds, to a great extent, on the principle of harmless abbreviation. In the de- sire, however, to make his concordance what it professes to be, "complete," he has crowded many pages with words of inferior moment, by which, it may be safely averred, the portions of Scripture to which they belong are seldom, if ever, consulted. In all ordinary cases, then, these supernumerary references obstruct, instead of promoting a prompt and ready access to the passages desired. Might not an important service, then, be rendered to scrip- tural knowledge by reducing Cruden's work as much as possible in its dimensions, so as to render it less cumbrous and less costly, without materially impairing its actual useful- ness ? It did not appear that the design was quite satisfactorily accomplished by any of the minor concordances already in existence. Brown's Concordance is so small as to be quite inadequate. Bagster's, by referring only to chapters and verses, without introducing any of the words, leaves the inquirer uncertain in which of all the localities referred to he is to find what he is seeking. Butterworth gives the reference, sometimes with and some- times without quotations, thus occasioning, to a considerable degree, the same sort of per- plexity ; and all the other abridgments which there was an opportunity of examining, appeared liable to some such objections. Hence the present work was undertaken ; and the religious community will judge how far it was required, and how far it is fitted to sup- ply the deficiency. As respects the plan followed, abbreviations have been made, not only by the erasure, as already stated, of superfluous references, but also by omitting explanations of words, as being more appropriate to a dictionary than a concordance — by contracting quotations, while exercising carefulness not to obscure them — and by excluding wholly the concord- ance to the Apocrypha. As I suggested the work at first, and held deliberations with the publishers about the nature and advantages of it, they solicited me to write these introductory observations, though I had little participation in the subsequent labors. The first part was executed by a relative of my own,* and also occasional portions afterwards, amounting in all to about one-fifth of the whole. The rest is the performance exclusively of my esteemed friend the Rev. John Eadie, of Cambridge-street Secession church, Glasgow, f In such a production, it may be easy to find faults, or to propose amendments ; but from the care which has been bestowed upon the undertaking, the strongest hopes are entertained that it will give gen- eral satisfaction, and as an humble help to the knowledge of God's word, conduce to the * The late George King, M. D. t Now the Rev. John Eadie, D. D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature to the United Presbyterian ohurch. INTRODUCTION. 7 freedom of its course, that it may be glorified. It may be specially serviceable to minis- ters, preachers, and students, in travelling, when they cannot conveniently carry a larger concordance with them — to private families, who have too much regarded such an auxiliary to biblical attainment as a concomitant of some official station — to the teachers, and even the pupils of Sabbath-schools, by enabling them to compare scripture with itself, and ad- duce readily the passages by which its doctrines may be proved. And may He who alone can communicate saving efficacy to any means of doing good, command on this instrumen- tality the blessing from on high, that ignorance may be dispelled, that enmity may t>e subdued, and that his own word may grow mightily and prevail. CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ABH AARON. Luke 1 :5 wife of daughters of A. Acts 7:40 saying to A. make gods Heb. 5:4 called of God, as was A. 7:11 not called after order of A. 9:4 A's rod that budded AARONITES. 1 Chr. 12:27; 27:17 ABADDON. Rev. 9:11 ABAGTHA. Esth. 1:10 ABANA. 2Kings 5:12 ABASE. Job 40:11 Behold proud, and a. him Isa. 31 :4 lion will not a. himself Eze. 21:26 and a. him that is high Dan. 4:37 walk in pride is able to a. ABASED. Mat. 23:12 exalt himself shall be a. Luke 14:11; 18:14 Phil. 4:12 I know how to be a. ABASING. 2Cor. 11:7 offence in a. myself ABATED. Gen. 8:3 waters were a. 8:11 Lev. 27:18 be a. from thy estimation Deut 34:7 nor was Moses' force a. Judg. 8 3 then their anger was a. ABBA. Mark 14:36 a. Father, all things Rom. 8: 15 whereby we cry, a. Fath. Go/. 4:6 crying a. Father ABDA. 1 King* 4:6; Neh. 11:17 ABDI. 2Chr. 29:12; Ezra 10:26 ABDIEL. ICAr. 5:15 ABDON. Judg-. 12: 13; 2CAr. 34:20 ABED-NEGO. Dan. 1:7; 2:49; 3:23 ABEL, person, or ptace. I Sam. 6:18 stone of A. they set ark 2Sam. 20:18 ask counsel at A. Mat. 23 : 35 blood of A. Luke 11 : 51 Heb. 11:4 by faith A. offered sacri. 12:24 better things th. blood of A. ABEL-BETH-MAACHAH.lZtng-« 15:20; 2Kings 15:29 ABEL-MAIM. 2Chr. 16:4 ABEL-MEHOLAH. Judg. 7:22; 1 King's 19:16 ABEL-MIZRAIM. Gen. 50:11 ABHOR. Lew. 26:11 my soul shall not a. you 15 if your soul a. my judgments 30 and my soul shall a. you 44 nor will I a. them to destroy Deut. 7:26 thou shalt utterly a. it 23:7 not a. Edomite, Egyptian lSam.27: 12 made his people to a. him Job 9:31 clothes shall a. me 30:10 they o. me, they flee far 42:6 la. myself and repent in Psa. 5:6 Lord will a. bloody man 119:163 I hate and a. lying Prov. 24:24 nations shall a. him Jer. 14:21 do not o.us for name's sake Amos 5: 10 they a. him that speaketh 6:8 la. the excellency of Jacob Mic. 3:9 hear, ye that a. judgment Rom 12:9 a. that which is evil ABI ABHORRED. Exod. 5:21 made savor to be a. Lev. 20:23 and therefore I a. them 26:43 their soul a. my statutes Deut. 32:19 Lord saw it, he a. them ISam. 2:17 for men a. the offering 2Sam. 16: 21 thou art a. of thy father Job 19:19 my inward friends a. me Psa. 22:24 nora. affliction of afflicted 78:59 he greatly a. Israel 89:38 thou hast cast off and a. 106:40 insomuch that he a. inherit. Prov. 22:14 a. of the Lord shall fall Lam. 2:7 Lord hath a. his sanctuary Eze. 16:25 made thy beauty to be a. Zech. 11:8 their soul also a. me ABHORREST. Isa. 7:16 land thou a. shall be forsa. Rom. 2:22 thou that a. idols ABHORRETH. Job 33:20 so life a. bread Psa. 10:3 covetous, whom the Lord a. 36:4 mischief on bed, he a. not evil 107:18 their soul a. meat Isa. 49:7 to him whom nation a. ha. ABHORRING. 5:21 an a. to all flesh ABIAH. ISam. 8:2 Samuel's sec. son was A. IChr. 2:24 A. Hezron's wife 7:8 son of Becher, A. 3:10 son of Rehob,wasA. Mat. 1:1 ABI-ALBON. 2Sam. 23:31 ABIATHAR. ISam. 22:20 A. escaped and fled 23:6 when A. son of Ahimelech 9 David said to A. bring, 30:7 2Sam. 8:17 Zadok and A were the priests, 20: 25 1 lKtng-s4:4 lKings2:22 askking. forhimand A. 27 so Solomon thrust out A. Mark2: 26 house of G. in days of A. ABIB. Exod. 13:4 ye came out in A. 34:18 23:15 feast of unleavened bread in month A. 34: 18; Deut. 16:1 ABIDAN. Num. 1 : 11 A. son of Gideoni. 2: 22 7:60 A. of Benjamin offered, 65 ABIDE. Gen. 22:5 a. you here with the ass _Exoa\16:29 a. every man in his place Lev. 8:35 a. at door of tabernacle ISam. 5:7 ark shall not a. with us 22:23 a. thou with me, fear not 2Sam. 16:18 with him will I a. Job 24:13 nor a. in paths of light Psa.l5:l who shall a. in tabernacle ? 61 :4 I will a. in thy tabernacle 7 he shall a. before God for ever 91 : 1 shall a. under the shadow Prov. 7: 11 her feet a.notin her house 19:23 that hath it shall a. satisfied Eccl. 8: 15 that shall a. of his labor Jer. 10:10 nations not a. his indigna. ":18 no man a. there, 33; 50:40 Joel 2:11 day terrible, who can a. it? Mic. 5:4 they shall a. for now 9 ABI Nah. 1:6 who can a. in his anger .' Mal.3 : 2 who may a.day of his coming Ma*.10:ll there a. Mar.6:10; Lu. 9:4 Luke 19: 5 I must a. at thy house 24:29 a. with us John 12: 46 should not a. in darkness 14 : 16 Comforter that he may a. 15:4 a. in me, except ye a. in me, 7 6 if a man a. not in me 10 a. in my love, a. in his love Acts 27:31 except these a. in ship ICor. 3:14 if any man's work a. 7:8 good if they a. even as I 20 let every man a. in same calling 40 happier if she so a. Phil. 1:!» to a. in the flesh is need. I John 2:24 let that a. in you which 27 ye shall a. ; 28 children a. ABIDETH. 2Sam.l6:3 Zibasaid,hea. at Jerus. Psa. 49:12 man in honor, a. not 55:19 even he that a. of old 119:90 established earth, and it a. 125:1 mount Zion, which a. ever Prov. 15:31 a. among the wise Eccl. 1 : 4 but the earth a. for ever John 3:36 wrath of God a. on him 8:35 servant a. not, son a. for ever 12:34 heard that Christ a. for ever 15:5 he that a. in me bringeth ICor. 13:13 now a. faith, hope 227m. 2:13 yet he a. faithful Heb. 7:3 Melchizedek a. a priest I Pet. 1:23 word of God which a. Uohn 2:6 he a. in him ought to walk 10 lovethhis brother a. in the light 14 the word of God a. in you 17 doeth will of God a. for ever 27 the anointing a. in you 3:6 whosoevera. inhimsinnethnot 3: 14 loveth not brother a. in death 24 hereby we know that he a. in us 2John 9 whoso a. not in the doctrine ABIDING. ISam. 26:19 from a. in inheritance IChr. 29:15 here is none a. Luke 2:8 shepherds a. in the field John 5: 38 have not his word a. in you UbAn3:15 no murd.hath eter.lifea ABIEZER. Josh. 17:2 a lot for children of A. Judg. 6:34 and A. was gathered 8:2 better than the vintage of A. 2Sam. 23:27 A. one of David's men ABI-EZRITE. Judg. 6:11 ABIGAIL. 1 Sam. 25: 3 name of Nabal's wife A. 27: 3 David dwelt at Gath with Ahi. and A. 30:5; 2 Sam. 2: 2 IChr. 2: 16 sisters Zeruiah and A. ABIHAIL. 2Chr. 11:18 Rehoboam took A. Esth.2:15 Esther daughter of A. 9: 29 ABIHU. Exod. 6:23 Aaron's sons Nadab and A. 28:1; Let?. 10:1; Num. 3:2; 26:60; 1 Chr. 6:3; 24:1 24:1 come up A. ; 9 A; went up Num. 3:4 A. died bef. Lord, 26:61 ABL ABIJAH, ABIJAF. IKings 14: 1 A. son of Jero. fell sick 31 A. son of Reho. re;gr.,3d, 15:1, 7 lC'/.r. 24:10 eighr.h lot came to A. 2C7n. 29:1 Hoi. mother's nam-? A. ABILITY. Ezra 2:69 they gave after their a. Neh. 5:8 we after our a. redeemed Dan. 1:4 as had a. to stand in pal. Mat. 25:15 gave each accord, to his o. Acts 11 : 29 according to a. to send IPet. 4: 11 do it as of the o. God giv. ABIMELECH. Gen. 20:2 A. king of Gerar sent 21:22 A. and Phichol spake to Abr. 26: 1 Isaac went unto A. 16 A. said unto Isaac, go from us Judg. 8:31 Gideon's con. bare him A. 2 Sam. 11:21 smote A. son of Jer. 1 Chr. 18: 16 Zadok and A. the priests ABINADAB. \Sam. 7:1 ark into the house of A. 16:8 Jesse called A. made him pass 2Sam. 6:3 set ark and brought it out of house of A. IChr. 13:7 IKings 4:11 A. had Sol. daughter ABINOAM. 5e«BAEAK. ABIRAM. Num. 16:1 Dathan and A. 26:9 12 Moses sent to call Dath. and A. Deut. 11:6 he did to Dathan and A. \ Kings 16:34 he laid founda. in A. Psa. 106:17 covered company of A. ABISHAG. 1 Kings 1 : 15 ; 2: 22 ABISHAI. ISam. 26:6 A. said, I will go down 2Sam. 2: 18 there were three sons, Joab, A. and Asahel, IChr. 2:16 23:18 A. was chief, IChr. 11:20 IChr. 18:12 A. slew of Edomites ABIUD. Mat. 1:13 ABJECTS. Psa. 35:15 the a. gathered together ABLE. Exod. 18:21 provide a. men Num. 1:3 a. to go to war, 26:2 13:30 well a. to overcome it Deut.W-.n every man give as he is a. Josh. 23:9 no man been a. to stand 1 Sam. 6: 20 whoa, to stand be f. God? IKings 3:9 who is a. to judge so 2Chr. 2:6 who is a. to build house ? 20:6 none is a. to withstand thee 25:9 Lord is a. to give much more Job 41 : 10 who a. to stand before me? Prov. 27 : 4 who a. to stand t ef . envy ? Dan. 3:17 our God is a. to deliver 6:20 God is a. to deliver from lions Mat. 3:9 God is a. of these stones to raise up children, Luke 3:8 9:28 believe ye I am a. to do this ? 19:12 he that is a. to receive it, let 20:22 are ye a. to drink of the cup 22:46 no man was a. to answer Mark 4:33 as they were a. to hear John 10:29 no man is a. to pluck Acts 15: 10 yoke fathers nor we a. 20:32 word of grace, a. to build Rom. 4:21 he was a. to perform 11:23 for God is a. to graff them 14:4 God is a. to make him stand 15:14 ye are a. also to admonish ICor. 3:2 ye were not a. nor yet 10:13 tempted above that ye are a. 2Cor. 3:6 made us a. ministers of 9:8 God is a. to make all grace ab. Eph. 3: 20 that is a. to do abundantly Phil. 3:21 he is a. to subdue all 227m. 1:12 he is a. to keep that I 3:7 never a. to come to the know. 15 scriptures a. to make wise. Heb. 2:18 he is a. to succor them 5:7 to him that was a. to save him 7:25 he is a. to save to uttermost 11:19 that God was a. to raise him ABO Jas. 1 : 21 word which is a. to save 3:2 is a. to bridle the whole body 4: 12, one lawgiver a. to save and Jude 24 to him that »s a. to keep you Rev. 5:3 no man was a. to open book 13:4 who is a. to make war with 15:8 no man was a. to enter temple Be ABLE. Josh. 1 : 5 not any man be a. to stand Deut.7-.24: noman6ea.tostand,ll:25 2Chr. 32: 14 should be a. to deliver Isa. 47:12 thou shalt be a. to profit Eze. 33: 12 nor righteous be a. to live Luke 14:31 he be a. with 10,000 Rom. 8:39 be a. to separate us from ICor. 10:13 that ye may be a. to bear Eph. 3:18 may be a. to comprehend 6:11 that ye may be a. to stand 16 ye shall be a. to quench 2 Tim. 2:2 who shall be a. to teach Tit. 1:9 may be a. by sound doctrine 2Pet. 1:15 be a. after my decease Rev. 6:17 and who shall be a. to stand Not be ABLE. 2Xin.l8: 29 n. be a.to deliver, Jj.36: 14 Psa. 36:12 shall not be a. to rise Eccl. 8:17 yet not be a. to find it Isa. 47:11 shall n. be a. to put it off Jer. 11:11 to escape; 49:10 to hide Eze. 7:19 gold shall not be a. to Lu. 13 : 24 seek,n. a. ; 21 : 15 to gainsay Not ABLE. Num. 13:31 we be not a. to go up 14:16 the Lord was not a. Deut. 9:28 Ezra 10:13 we are not a. to stand Neh. 4:10 we are not a. to build Psa. 18:38 wounded not a to rise 21:11 device, are not a. to perform 40:12 that I am not a. to look up Amos 7:10 the land is not a. to bear Luke 12:26 not a. to do that is least 14:29 laid found, and not a. to finish John 21 : 6 not a. to draw for the fishes Acts 6: 10 not a. to resist the wisdom ABNER. ISam. 14:51 Ner father of A. 17:55 Saul said to A. whose son? 26:7 but A. and the people lay 14 David cried answer thou not A. 2Sam. 2:14 A. said, let your men 3:25 A. the son of Ner, 30, 32, 33, 37 4:1 Saul's son heard A. was dead 12 buried Ish-bosheth in A. sepul. IKings 2:5 what Joab did to A. IChr. 26:28 all that A. dedicated 27:21 Jaasiel son of A. ruler of B. ABOARD. Acts 21 : 2 we went a. and set forth ABODE, Substantive. 2Kin.l9:27 I know thy a. Isa. 37: 28 John 14:23 come and make our a. ABODE, Verb. Gen. 29:14 Jacob a. with him space 49:24 but his bow a. in strength Exod. 24:16 glory of Lord a. on Sinai Num. 9:17 cloud a. Israel pitched, 18 20 they a. in their tents, 22 11:35 the people a. at Hazeroth 20:1 thep.a.inKadesh,/urfg-.ll:17 22:8 princes of Moab, a. with Bal. Deut. 1:46 so ye a. in Kadesh 3:29 we a. in the valley 9:9 I a. in the mount Josh. 5:8 they a. in their places 8:9 they a. between Bethel and Ai Judg. 5: 17 Gilead a. beyond Jordan, Asher a. in his breaches 19:4 Levite a. with him 3 days 20:47 and a. in the rock Rimmon ISam. 1:23 the woman a. and gave 7:2 while the ark a. in Kirjath 13:16 Saul and Jona.a. in Gibeah 22:6 Saula.;23:14.Dav.a.25;26:3 23:18 a.inwood;2Sam. 1:1 Ziklag 2Sam.ll:12 Uriah a. in Jerusalem 10 ABO 2Sam. 15:8 vowed while I a. at G IKings 17:19 a loft where he a. Jer. 38:28 Jeremiah a. in the court Mat. 17:22 while they a. in Galilee Luke 1 : 56 Mary a. with her about 8:27 nor a. in any house, but in John 1 : 32 Spirit and it a. on him 39 they came and a. with him 7:9 he a. in Galilee 8:44 murderer and a. not in truth 11:6 he a. two days still Acts 1 : 13 upper room where a. Peter 14:3 long time a. they speaking 18:3 Paul a. with them and wrought 21 : 7 came and a. with brethren 8 house of Philip and a. with him Gal. 1:18 I went and a. with Peter ABODE there, or there ABODE. Judg. 21 : 2 people a. there till even Ezra 8:15 there a. we in tents John 4:40 Jesus a. there two days 10:40 where John bapt. and there a. Acts 14:28 there they a. long time 17:14 Silas and Tim. a. there still ABODEST. Judg. 5:16 why a. among the sheep- folds? ABOLISH. Isa. 2:18 idols he shall utterly a. ABOLISHED. Isa. 51:6 my right shall not be a. Eze. 6:6 your works may be a. 2Cor. 3:13 end of that which is a. Eph. 2:15 having a. in his flesh the 2Tim.l:10 Christ who hath a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7:21 shall touch any a. thing 11:43 not make yourselves a. with 18:30 commit not these a. customs 19:7 if eater on the third day,it is a 20:25 notm^ke souls a. by beast Deut. 14:3 shalt not eat any a. thing IChr. 21:6 king's word was a. to 2Chr. 15:8 Asa put away a. idols Job 15:16 how much more a. is man Psa. 14:1 they have done a. works 53:1 and have done a. iniquity Isa. 14:19 cast out like an a. branch 65:4 and broth of a. things is in Jer. 16:18 carcasses of their a. things 44 : 4 O, do not this a. thing I hate Eze. 4:14 nor came a. flesh into my 8:10 I saw and behold a. beasts 16:52 thy sins committed more a. Mic. 6:10 scant measure that is a. Nah. 3:6 and I will cast a. filth on Tit. 1:16 in works deny him being a. lPef.4:3 we walked in a. idolatries Rev. 21:8 unbelieving and the a. ABOMINABLY. IKings 21^26 Ahab did very a. ABOMINATION. Gen. 43 : 32 that is an a. to Egyptians 46:34 every shepherd is a. to Egyp. Exod. 8:26 sacrifice the a. of Egyp Lev. 7:18 it shall be an a. 11 : 41, 42 11:10 be an a. to you. 12, 20, 23 18:22 womankind it is a. 20:13. Deut. 7:25 it is a. to the Lord, 17:1 26 nor bring an a. into thy house 12:31 every a. they have done 13:14 that such a. is wrought, 17:4 18:12 all that do these are a. 22:5 23:18 both these are an a. to God 24:4 for that is an a. before the L. 25:16 all that do unright. are a. 27:15 cursed that maketh a. to L 1 .King's 11:5 Milcom the a. of Am 7 Chemosh the a. of Moab 2Kings 23:13 Ashtoreth a. of Zid. Psa. 88:8 thou hast made me an a. Prov. 3:32 froward is an a. to the L. 6:16 seven things are an a. to him 8:7 wickedness is an a. to my lips 11:1a false balance is a. to Lord ABO Prov. 11 :20 of a froward heart are a. 12:22 lying lips are a. to the Lord 13:19 o. to fools to depart from evil 15:8 sacrifice of wicked is a. 21:27 9 the way of the wicked is an a. 26 thoughts of wicked are a. to L. 16:5. every one proud in heart is a. 12 a. to kings to commit wicked. 17:15 both are an a. to the Lord 20:10 both of them are alike a. 23 divers weights are an a. to L. 24:9 the scorner is an a. to men 28:9 even his prayer shall be a. 29:27 unjust man is a. to just, up- right in the way a. to the wicked Isa. 1 : 13 incense is an a. to me 41:24 an a. is he that chooseth you 44:19 make residue thereof an a. ? 66:17 eating swine's flesh an a. Jer. 2:7 ye made my heritage an a. 6:15 when they committed a. 8:12 32:35 that they should do this a. Eze.lQ: 50 haughty and committed a. 18:12 to idols and committed a. 22: 11 a. with neighbor's wife 33:26 and ye work a. Dan. 11:31 a. that maketh desolate 12:11 a. that maketh desolate set up Mai. 2:11 an a. is committed in Isr. Mat. 24: 15a.of desolation, Mar.l3:14 Luke 16:15 is a. with God Rev. 21:27 enter that worketh a. ABOMINATIONS. Deut. 18:9 not learn to do after a. 32:16 with a. provoked they him I Kings 14:24 did all a. of nations 2Kings 21:2 Manasseh did evil after a. of heathen, 2 Chr. 33:2 23:24 a. Jos.putaway, 2Chr. 34:33 2Chr. 36:8 Jehoiakim and his a. 14 people transgressed after all a. Prov. 26:25 seven a. i.' his heart Jer. 44:22 Lord could n5t bear for a. Eze. 6:11 alas for all the evil a. 8:6 thou shalt see greater a. 13, 15 9 wicked a. that they do here 17 light thing to commit a. here ? 9:4 that sigh and cry for the o. 11:18 take away all a. thereof 14:6 turn your faces from your a. 16:2 cause Jerusa. to know her a. 18:24 when the righteous doth a. 20:4 to know the a. of their fathers 7 cast ye away a. of eyes 22:2 thou shalt show her all her a. 36:31 shall loathe yourselves for o. 44:6 Israel, let it suffice of a. Dan. 9:27 for the overspreading of o. Zech. 9: 7 a. from between his teeth Rev. 17:4 golden cup full of a. 5 mother of harlots and o. of earth Their ABOMINATIONS. Deut. 20:18 teach you not after t. a. Ezra 9:11 t. a. which have filled ha. 66:3 soul delighteth in their a. Jer.7:30 set t. a. in the house, 32:34 Eze. 11 : 21 heart walketh after t. a. 12:16 they may declare all their a. 16:47 hast not done after their a. 23:36 yea, declare to them their a. 33:29 land desolate because of t. a. 43:8 defiled my holy name by t. a. 44:13 bear their shame and their a. Hos. 9:10 their a. were as they loved These ABOMINATIONS. Lev. 18:26 shall not com. any of t. a. Deut. 18:12 bee. of t. a. L. doth drive 2Ktngs 21 : 11 Manas, hath done t. a. Ezra 9: 14 affinity with people off. a. Jer. 7:10 delivered to do all these a. Eze. 18:13 done t. a. shall surely die Thine ABOMINATIONS. JerA:\ if thou wilt put away thinea. 13:27 I have seen thine a. on hills Eze. 5:9 I have not because of t. a. 11 defiled my sanctuary with t. a. ABR Eze. 7:3 recompense all t. a. 4, 8, 9 16:36 with all the idols of thine a. 43 lewdness above all thine a. 51 hast multiplied thine a. more 58 hast borne thine a. saith the L. ABOVE. Deut. 28:13 thou shalt be a. only Josh.3: 13 waters that came from a. 16 2Sam. 22: 17 sent from a. Psa. 18:16 John 8:23 I am from a. ye of world 19:11 except it were given from a. Col. 3:1 seek things which are u. 2 set your affection on things a. ABOVE all. John 3:31 he from heaven is a. all Eph. 3:20 a. all that we ask 4:6 one God a. all Col. 3:14 a. all these put on charity 2Thes.2A exalteth a. all called God Jas. 5:12 a. all things, swear not IPet. 4:8 a. all things have charity ABOVE all gods. See gods. ABOVE heaven. See heaven. Stood ABOVE. See stood. ABOUND. Prov. 28: 20 faithful a. with blessings Mat. 24:12 because iniquity shall a. Rom. 5:20 that the offence might a. 6:1 in sin, that grace may a.! 15:13 that ye may o.in hope through 2Cor. 1:5 as sufferings o. so consola. 8:7 as ye a. in every thing, see 9:8 able to make all grace a. to you Phil. 1 : 9 that your love may a. more 4:12 I know how to a. both to a. 17 fruit that may a. to your account 18 I have all and a. I am full 1 Thes. 3: 12 make you to a. in love 4:1 so ye would a. more and more 2 Pet. 1 : 8 these things be in you and a. ABOUNDED, ETH, ING. Prov. 8:24 no fount, a. with water 29:22 furious man a. in transgress. Rom. 3:7 if truth of God hath more a. 5:15 grace by J. C. hatha, to many 20 where sin a. grace did more a. ICor. 15:58 always a. in the work 2Cor. 8:2 deep poverty a. to riches Eph. 1 : 8 wherein he hath a. toward Col. 2: 7 a.therein with thanksgiving 2Thes. 1:3 charity to each other a. ABOUT. John 7:19 why go ye o. to kill me ? See GONE, BOUND, STOOD, TIME, WENT. ABRAHAM with father. Gen. 26:3 the oath to A. thy father 24 God of A. thy father, 28:13 32:9 G. off. A. and God of Isaac Josh. 24:3 took /. A. from other side Isa. 51:2 look to A. your father Mat. 3:9 A. to ovlt father, Luke 3:8 Luke 1:73 oath he sware tof. A. 16:24/. A. have mercy on me 30 nay, /. A. but if one from dead John 8:39 said to him, A. is our/". 53 art thou greater than/. A. ? 56/ A. rejoiced to see my day Acts~:2 G.of glory appeared to/. A. Rom. 4:1 that A. our/, hath found 12 in the steps of faith off. A. 16 faith of A. who is/, of us all Jas. 2:21 A. our/, justi. by works ABRAHAM joined with seed. 2Chr. 20:7 gavest it to seed of A. Psa. 105:6 O ye s. of A. his servant /5a. 41 : 8 thou Israel, the s. of A. Jer. 33:26 rulers over 5. of A. Luke 1 : 55 spake to A. and his seed John 8:33 A.'s $. never in bondage 37 A. s. but ye seek to kill me Rom. 4:13 promise not to A. or s. 9:7 because they are the seed of A. 11 : 1 also of the s. of A. 2Cor. 11 : 22 Gal. 3:16 to A. and s. prom, made 11 ABU Gal.3:29 Christ's, then A. s. and heirs Heb. 2: 16 took on him the seed of A. ABROAD. Exod. 12:46 carry aught of flesh a. Lev. 18:9 she be born at homefor a Judg. 12:9 took daughters from a. 2Kings 4:3 borrow thee vessels a. 2Chr. 31:5 as soon as com. came a. Job 15:23 he wandereth a. for bread Psa. 41:6 when he goeth a. telleth it Prov. 5:16 fountains be dispersed a. Isa. 44:24 that spreadetha. the earth Jer. 6:11 pour it out on children a. Lam. 1 : 20 a. the sword bereaveth Mark 1 : 45 to blaze a. the matter 4:22 but that it should come a. Luke 1 : 65 sayings were noised a. 2:17 a. the saying about this child Acts2:6 was noised a. the multitude Rom. 5:5 love of God is shed a. in 16:19 your obedience is come a. See CAST, SPREAD, STAND, SCATTER, WENT. ABSENCE. Luke 22:6 to betray him in a of the Phil. 2 : 12 now much more in my a. ABSENT. Gen. 31 :49 when we are a. one from ICor. 5:3 for I verily as a. in body 2Cor. 5:6 at home in body are a. 8 willing to be a. from body 9 whether present or a. accepted 10:1 being a. am bold toward you 11 as by letters when a. such will 13:2 and being a. now I write, 10 Phil. 1 : 27 whether I come, or else a. Col. 2:5 for tho' I be a. in the flesh ABSTAIN. Acts 15:20 a. from pollutions of idols 29 that ye a. from meats offered 1 Thes. 4 : 3 should a. from fornication 5:22 a. from all appearance of evil 1 Tim. 4 : 3 com. to a. from meats IPet. 2:11 a. from fleshly lusts ABSTINENCE. Acts 27:21 after long a. Paul stood ABUNDANCE. Deut. 33:19 suck of the a. of the seas 1 Sam. 1:16 out of a. of my complaint 1 Kings 18:41 a sound of a. of rain 2Chr. 9:9 of spices great a. Job 22:11 a. of waters cover, 38:34 Psa. 72:7 days, shall be a. of peace Eeel. 5:10 nor he that loveth a. with 12 a. of the rich not suffer to sleep Isa. 15:7 the a. they have gotten 47:9 great a. of thy enchantments 60:5 the a. of the sea shall be 66:11 with the a. of her glory Jer. 33:6 I will reveal a. of peace Eze. 16:49 a. of idleness was in her Zech. 14:14 and apparel in great a. Mat. 12:34 out of a. of heart, Lu. 6: 45 13:12 he shall have more a. 25:29 Mark 12:44 cast of their a. Lu. 21 : 4 Rom. 5:17 which receive a. of grace 2Cor. 8:2 a. of their joy abounded 14 your a. a supply, their a. 12: 7 through a. of the revelations Rev. IS: 3 rich thro' a. of delicacies In ABUNDANCE. Psa. 37:11 delight in a. of peace 52:7 trusted in the a. of his riches Luke 12:15 life consisteth not in a. 2Cor. 8 : 20 no man blame us in this a ABUNDANT. Exod. 34:6 Lord God a. in goodness Isa. 56:12 as this day and more a. ICor. 12:23 bestow more a. honor 24 more a. honor to that part 2Cor. 4:15 a. grace might redound 7:15 hi* inward affection is more a 9:12 for the administration is a. 1 1 : 23 in labors more a. in stripes Phil. 1 :26 rejoicing may be more a ACC 1 Tim. 1:14 grace was exceeding a. IPet. 1:3 according to his a. mercy ABUNDANTLY. Gen. 1 : 20 let waters bring forth a. 21 8:17 that they may breed a. 0-7 multiply, bring forth a. Exod. 1 : 7 Israel increased a. Num. 20:11 the water came out a. IChr. 22:5 so David prepared a. 8 thou hast shed blood a. Job 12: 6 into whose hand G. bring a. 36:28 the clouds distil upon man a. Psa. 36:8 a. satisfied with fatness 65:10 thou waterest the ridges a. 132:15 I will a. bless her provision 145:7 shall a. utter the memory Cant. 5:1 yea drink a. beloved. Isa. 15:3 shall howl, weeping a. 35:2 it shall blossom a. and rejoice 55:7 for he will a. pardon John 10:10 might have life more a. ICor. 15:10 I labored more a. than 2Cor. 1:12 and more a. to you-ward 2:4 love I have more a. to you 10:15 according to our rule a. 12:15 though the more a. I love Eph. 3:20 able to do exceeding a. IThes. 2:17 more a. to see your face Tit. 3:6 which he shed a. through Heb. 6:17 God willing more a. to 2Pet. 1:11 entrance be ministered a. ABUSE, ED. Judg. 19:25 and a. her all the night 1 Sam. 31 : 4 lest uncircumcised a. me 1 Chr. 10:4 ICor. 9:18 that I a. not my power ABUSERS, ING. ICor. 6:9 nor a. of themselves 7:31 use this world as not a. it ACCEPT. Deut. 33:11 bless and a. the work ISam. 26:19 let him a. an offering 2Sam. 24:23 the L. thy God a. thee Job 13:8 will ye a. his person ? 10 if ye do secretly a. persons 32:21 let me not a. any man's per. 42; 8 Job shall pray, him will I a. Psa. 20:3 and a. thy burnt-sacrifice 82:2 a. the persons of the wicked 119:108 a. freewill-offerings Prov. 18:5 not good to a. the person Jer. 14:10 Lord doth not a. them 12 I will not a. them, Amos 5:22 Eze. 20:40 there will I a. them 41 I will a. you with sweet savor 43:27 and I will a. you, saith L. Mai. 1:8 pleased, or a. thy person 10 nor will I a. an offering 13 should I a. this of your hand ? Acts 24:3 we a. it always and in all ACCEPTABLE. Deut. 33:24 be a. to his brethren Psa. 19:14 med. of my heart be a. 69:13 my prayer is in an a. time Prov. 10:32 righteous know what is a. 21:3 to do justice is more a. Eccl. 12:10 preacher sought a. words Jsa. 49:8 in an o. time have I heard 58:5 wilt thou call this an a. day 61 : 2 to proclaim the a. year of L. Jer. 6:20 burnt-offerings are not a. Dan. 4:27 king let my counsel be a. Luke 4:19 to preach the a. year of Rom. 12:1 sacrifice, holy, a. to God 2 that good and a. will of God 14:18 is a. to God and approved of 15:16 offeringup of Gen. might be o. Eph. 5:10 proving what is a. unto Phil. 4:18 sacrifice a. well-pleasing I Tim. 2:3 a. in the sight of God 5:4 that is good and a. before God IPet. 2:5 sacrificesa. to God by J. C. 20 if patiently, this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Heb. 12:28 we may serve God a. ACC ACCEPTANCE. Isa. 60:7 with a. on mine altar ACCEPTATION. ITim. 1:15 worthy of all a. 4:9 ACCEPTED. Gen. 4: 7 if well, shalt thou not be a. 19 : 21 I have a. thee concerning this Ex. 28: 38 that they may be a. before Lev. 1:4 offering shall be a. 22:27 7:18 not be a. 19:7; 22:23,25. 10:19 should it have been a. in 22:21 offering perfect, to be a. ISam. 18:5 he was a. in the sight 25:35 seo I have a. thy person Esth. 10:3 a. of his brethren Job 42:9 the Lord also a. Job Isa. 56:7 their sacrifice shall be a. Jer. 37:20 let supplication be a. 42:2 let our supplication be a. Lu. 4:24 no prophet is a. in his own Acts 10 : 35 worketh righteousness is a. Rom. 15:31 my service may be a. of 2Cor. 5:9 or present, we maybe a. 6:2 in a time a. now is a. time 8:12 a. according to that a man 17 indeed he a. the exhortation 11 : 4 gospel which ye have not a. Eph. 1:6 made us a. in the Beloved ACCEPTEST. Luke 20:21 neither a. thou the per. ACCEPTETH. Job 34:19 a. not persons of princes Eccl. 9:7 for God now a. thy works Hos. 8:13 but the Lord a. them not Gal. 2:6 God a. no man's person ACCEPTING. See deliverance. ACCESS. Rom. 5:2 by whom also we have a. Eph. 2:18 both have a. to the Father 3:12 boldness and a. by faith ACCHO. Judg. 1:31. ACCOMPANY. See salvation. ACCOMPANIED. Acts 10.23 brethren from Joppa a. 11:12 these six brethren o. me 20:4 Sopater a. Paul into Asia 38 and they a. him to the ship ACCOMPANYING. See ark of God. ACCOMPLISH. Job 14:6 till he shall a. as hireling Psa. 64:6 they a. a diligent search Isa. 55:11 it shall a. that I please Jer. 44:25 will surely a. your vows Eze. 6:12 will I a. my fury on them 7:8 will I a. mine anger on thee 13:15 o. my wrath on the wall 20:8 fury to a. my anger, 21 Dan. 9:2 he would a. seventy years Luke 9:31 should a. at Jerusalem ACCOMPLISHED. Est. 2:12 days of puri. a. Luke 2:22 Job 15:32 shall be a. before his time Prov. 13:19 the desire a. is sweet to Isa. 40:2 cry that her warfare is a. Jer. 25:12 when 70 years are a. 29:10 39:16 my words shall be a. Lam. 4:11 the Lord hath a. his fury 22 punishment of thine iniq. is a. Eze. 5:13 shall mine anger be a. Dan. 11:36 till the indignation be a. 12:7 o. to scatter the power Luke 1 :23 days of his ministration a. 2:6 the days were a. that she 21 when eight days were a. 12:50 am I straitened till it be o. 18:31 concerning Son shall be a. 22:37 written must yet be a. in me John 19:28 all things were now a. Acts 21 : 5 when we had a. those days IPet. 5:9 same afflictions are a. ACCOMPLISHING. See service. ACCOMPLISHMENT. Acts 21 :26 a. of days of purification 12 ACC ACCORD. Lev. 25:5 groweth of its own a. Actslili with one a. in prayer 2:1 all with one a. in one place 46 daily with one a. in temple 4:24 their voice to God with one a. 5:12 with one a. in Solomon's porch 7:57 ran upon Stephen with one a 8:6 people with one a. gave heed 12:10 gate opened of his own a. 20 but they came with one a. 15:25 being assembled with one a. 18:12 Jews with one a. made insur. 19:29 with one a. into the theatre 2Cor. 8:17 forward of his own a. Phil. 2:2 being of one a. of one mind ACCORDING. Psa. 7:8 judge a. to my righteous. 17 praise a. to his righteousness 25: 7 a. to thy mercy remember thou me, 51:1 ; 106:45; 109:26; 119:124 28:4 give them a. to their deeds 33:22 a. as we hope in thee 35:24 judge a. to thy righteousness 48:10 a. to thy name, so thy praise 62:12 to every man a. to his work, Prov. 24:12, 29 79:11 a. to greatness of thy power 90: 11 a. to thy fear, so is thy wrath 103:10 nor rewarded us a. to iniq. 119: 25 a. to thy word, 28, 41, 58, 65, 76, 107, 116, 154, 169, 170 159 a. to thy kindness, Isa. 63:7 150:2 praise him a. to his excellent Jsa. 8:20 speak not a. to this word ACCORDING to all. See all. ACCORDING to that. 2Cor. 8:12 a. to that a man hath ACCORDINGLY. See repay. ACCOUNT, Substantive. Job 33 : 13 giveth not a. of his matters Psa. 144:3 or the son of man that thou makest o. of him Eccl. 7:27 one by one to find the a. Dan. 6:2 that princes might give a. Mat. 12:36 give a. thereof in day of 18:23 would take a. of his servants Luke 16:2 give an a. of stewardship Acts 19: 40 we may give an a. of this Rcwn. 14: 12 give a. of himself to God Phil. 4:17 may abound to your a. Philem. 18 put that on mine o. Heb. 13:17 as they that must give a. \PetA:5 give a. to him thatjudgeth ACCOUNT, ED, ING. 1 Kings 1:21 shall be a. offenders 10: 21 silver noth. a. of, 2 Chr. 9 : 20 Psa. 22:30 be a. for a generation Isa. 2:22 wherein is he to be a. of ? Mark 10:42 a. to rule over Gentiles Luke 20:35 be a. worthy to obtain 22:24 which should be a. greatest Rom. 8: 36 we are a. as sheep for the ICor. 4:1 let a man so a. of us as Gal. 3:6 a. to him for righteousness Heb. 11:19 a. that God was able 2Pet. 3:15 a. that the long-suffering ACCURSED. Deut . 21 : 23 that is hanged is a. of G. Josh. 6:17 the city shall be a. it and 18 in any wise keep from a. thing 7:1 trespass in the a. thing 11 have even taken of the a. thing 12 turned because they were a. except ye destroy the o. from 13 there is an a. thing in the midst 1 5 he that is taken with a. thing 22:20 commit trespass in a. thing \Chr.2:l transgressed in thing a. Isa. 65:20 100 years old shall be a. Rom. 9:3 could wish myself a. ICor. 12:3 by spirit calleth Jesus a. Gal. 1:8 other gospel, let him be a. 9 ACCUSATION. Ezra 4:6 an a. against Judah Mot.27:37 over head his a.Mar.l5:26 ACH Luke 6:7 might find an a. against 19:8 taken any thing by false a. John 18:29 what a. bring ye against Acts 25:18 they brought no a. trim. 5:19 elder, receive not an a. 2Pet. 2:11 bring not a railing a. Jude 9 durst not bring a railing a. ACCUSE. Prov. 30:10 o. not a servant to his Mat. 12:10 that they might a. him Mar. 3:2; Z-u&e 11:54 Lu&e 3:14 nor a. any falsely 23:2 and they began to a. him 14 those things whereof ye a. him John 5:45 that I will a. you to F. 8:6 that they might have to a. him Acts 24:2 Tertullus began to a. him 8 all things whereof we a. 13 prove whereof they a. me 25»:5 with me, and a. this man 11 if none, whereof these a. me 28:19 I had aught to a. my nation 1 Pet. 3:16 falsely a. your good con. ACCUSED. Dan. 3:8 Chaldeans a. the Jews 6:24 them which had a. Daniel Mat. 27:12 when a. answered noth. Mark 15:3 priests a. him, Lu. 23:10 Luke 16:1 a. that he had wasted Acts 22:30 certainty wherefore a. 23:28 cause whereof they a. him 29 perceived to be a. of questions 25: 16 before he which is a. have 26:2 touch, things whereof I am a. 7 for which hope's sake I am a. Tit. 1:6 not o. of riot, or unruly Rev. 12: 10 who a. them before our ACCUSER. See cast down. ACCUSERS. John 8: 10 where are those thine a. Acts 23:30 I gave com. to his a. also 35 when thine at. are come 24:8 commanding his a. to come 25: 16 he have the o. face to face 18 against whom, when a. stood 2Tim. 3:3 without affection, false a. Tit. 2:3 not false a. not given to wine ACCUSETH, ING. John 5:45 there is one that a. you Rom. 2:15 thoughts a. or excusing ACCUSTOMED. Set Do evil. ACELDAMA. See field. ACHAIA. Acts 18:12 Gallio was deputy of A. 27 Apollos to pass into A. Rom.l5:26 please them of A. to make 16:5 Epenetus, first-fruits of A. ICor. 16:15 Steph. first-fruits of A. 2Cor. 9:2 A. was ready a year ago 11:10 stop me in the regions of A. I Thes. 1:7 ensamples to all in A. 8 the word sounded not only in A. ACHAICUS. 1 Cor. 16:17 ACHAN, or ACHAR. Josh. 7:18: 22:20; 1 Chr. 2:7 ACHIM. Mat. 1:14 ACHISH. 15am. 21:10 David fled to A. 27:2 12 David was sore afraid of A. 27:6 A. gave him Ziklag 29:2 in the rereward with A. I Kings 2:40 went to Gath to A. ACHMETHA. Ezra 6:2 ACHOR. Josh. 7:26 valley of A. to this day Isa. 65:10 val. of A. place for herds Hos. 2. 15 A. for a door of hope ACHSAH. Josh. 15:16; Judg. 1:12 ACHSHAPH. Josh. 11:1 sent to the king of A. 12:20 king of A. one, 19:25 ACHZIB. Josh. 19:29; Mic. 1:14 ADA ACKNOWLEDGE, ED. Deut. 21 : 17 a. the son of the hated 33:9 nor did he o. his brethren Psa. 32:5 la. my sin ; 51 : 3 a. trans. Prov. 3:6 in all thy ways a. him Isa. 33: 13 are near, a. my might 61:9 all that see shall a. them 63:16 our Father, tho' Israel a. us Jer. 3: 13 only a. thine iniquity 14:20 we a. our wickedness Dan. 11:39 strange god, he shall a. Hos. 5: 15 till they o. their offence 1 Cor. 14:37 let him a. the things 16:18 therefore a. ye them that 2Cor. 1:13 a. and I trust shall a. 14 you have a. us in part ACKNOWLEDGING, ETH. 2 Tim. 2:25 repentance to the a. Tit. 1:1 to the a. the truth which Philem. 6 by the a. every good I John 2:23 he that a. the Son ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Col. 2:2 to the a. of the mystery ACQUAINT, ED, ING. Job 22:21 a. thyself with him Psa. 139:3 a. with all my ways Eccl. 2:3 a. my heart with wisdom Isa. 53:3 sorrows, and a. with grief ACQUAINTANCE. 2Kings 12:5 every man of his a. 7 no more money of your a. Job 19: 13 mine a. are estranged 42: 1 1 all that had been of his a. Psa. 31: 11 a reproach to mine a. 55: 13 thou, mine equal, and mine a. 88:8 hast put away mine a. far 18 and my a. into darkness Lukt2:H sought him among their a. 23:49 all his a. stood afar off Acts 24:23 forbid none of his a. to ACQUIT. Job 10:14 not a. me from mine ini. Nah. 1 :3 L. will not at all a. wicked ACRE, & 1 Sam. 14: 14 half an a. of land Isa. 5:10 ten a. of vineyard ACT. Isa. 28:21 his a. his strange a. 59:6 and the a. of violence John 8:4 in adultery, in the very a. ACTS. Deut. 11:7 have seen the great a. of Judg. 5:11 rehearse the righteous a. ISam. 12:7 reason of all righteous a. 2Sam. 23:20 Benaiah who had done many a. 1 Chr. 1 1 : 22 IKings 10:6 a true report of thy a. 11:41 the a. of Solomon, 2Chr. 9:5 2Kings 10:34 the a. of Jehu 23:28 the a. of Josiah, and all he did I Chr. 29:29 the a. of David 2Chr. 16:11 the a. of Asa 20:34 the a. of Jehoshaphat 32:32 a. of Hezekiah, 2A'in. 20:20 Esth. 10:2 all the a. of his power Psa. 103:7 his a. to the children 106:2 who can utter the mighty a. 145:4 declare thy mighty a. 6:12 150:2 praise him for his mighty a. ACTIONS. I Sam. 2:3 by the L. a. are weighed ACTIVITY. Gen. 47:6 if knowest any man of a. ADAM. Gen. 2:20 A. gave names to all 5:2 and called their name A. Deut. 32:8 separated the sons of A. Job 31:33 my transgressions as A. Rom. 5:14 death reigned from A. ICor. 15:22 for as in A. all die 45 first man A. the last A. ITim. 2:13 for A. was first formed 14 and A. was not deceived Jude 14 Enoch the seventh from A. 13 ADM ADAM. Josh. 3:16 the city A. ADAMANT. Ezek. 3:9 as an a. have I made Zech. 7:12 their hearts as an a. stone ADAR. Ezra 6:15 finished on third day of A Esth. 3:7 till the twelfth month A. 13 day of month A. 8:12 ; 9:1. 17 9:15 gathered on 14th day of A. ADD. Gen. 30:24 L. shall a. to me another Deut. 4:2 not a. to the word, 12:32 29:19 to a. drunkenness to thirst 2Kings 20:6 I a. 15 years, Isa. 38:5 IChr. 22:14 mayesr a. thereto 2Chr. 28:13 to a. more to our sins Psa. 69:27 a. iniquity to iniquity Prov. 3:2 long life shall they a. 30:6 a. thou not to his words lest Isa. 29:1 a. ye year to year 30: 1 that they may a. sin to sin Mat. 6:27 can a. one cubit, Lu. 12:25 Phil. 1:16 supposing to a. affliction 2Pet . 1:5 a. to your faith virtue Rev. 22:18 G. shall a. to him plagues ADDED. Deut. 5:22 and he a. no more ISam. 12:19 a. to all our sins this Jer. 36:32 there were a. besides 45:3 the Lord hath a. grief to my Dan. 4:36 majesty was a. to me Mat. 6:33 all these shall be a. to yov Luke 3:20 Herod a. yet this above 19:11 he a. and spake a parable Acts 2:41 were a. 3,000 souls 47 a. to the church daily such 5: 14 believers were the more a. 11:24 much people was a. to the L Gal. 2:6 a. nothing to me 3:19 the law was a. because of ADDER. Gen. 49:17 Dan shall be an a. Psa. 58:4 like the deaf a. that stops 91:13 thou shalt tread on the a. 140:3 a.'s poison is under their lips Prov. 23:32 wine stingeth like ana. ADDETH. Job 34:37 he a. rebellion to his sin Prov. 10:22 he a. no sorrow with it 16:23 wise a. learning to his lips Gal. 3: 15 disannulleth or a. thereto ADDICTED. ICor. 16:15 a. themselves to the min. ADJURE, ED. Josh. 6:26 Joshua a. them at that ISam. 14:24 Saul had a. the people 1 King's 22: 16 how many times shall la. thee, 2Chr. 18:15 Mat. 26:63 I a. thee by the living Mark 5:7 la. thee by God torment Acts 19:13 we a. you by Jesus ADMAH. Gen. 14:2 with Shinab king of A. Deut. 29:23 like the overthrow of A Hos. 11:8 shall I make thee as A..' ADMINISTERED. 2Cor. 8:19 a. by us to the glflry 20 this abundance which is a. ADMINISTRATION, S. ICor. 12:5 there are differences of a 2Cor. 9:12 for the a. of this service ADMIRATION. Jude 16 having men's persons in a. Rev. 17:6 I wondered with great a ADMIRED. 2Thes. 1:10 to be a. in all them ADMONISH, ED. Eccl. 4:13 who will no more be a 12: 12 by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42:19 know certainly I have a Acts 27:9 Paul a. them. Rom. 15:14 able to a. one another Col. 3:16 a. one another in psalms ADU IThes. 5:12 over you and a. you 2Thes. 3:15 o. him as a brother Heb. 8:5 as Moses was a. of God ADMONITION. ICor. 10:11 are written for our a. Eph. 6:4 bring them up in the a. Tit. 3:10 after first and second a. ADO. Mark 5:39 why make ye this a. ADONI-BEZEK. Judg. 1:5 ADONIJAH. 2Sam. 3:4 A. son of Haggith IKings 1:5 then A. exalted himself 25 God save king A. 50, 51 2:21 let Abishag be given to A. 2Chr. 17:8 sent Lev. to teach A. Neh. 10:16 the people sealed, A. ADONIKAM. Ezra 2:13; Neh. 7:18 ADOPTION. Rom. 8:15 received the spirit of o. 23 waiting for the a. 9:4 to whom pertaineth the a. Gal. 4:5 might receive the a. of sons Eph. 1 : 5 predestinated us to the a. ADORN, ED, ETH, ING. Isa. 61 : 10 as a bride a. herself Jer. 31 : 4 again a. with tabrets Luke 21 : 5 temple a. with goodly sto. ITim. 2:9 women a. in modest Tit. 2:10 a. the doctrine of God IPet. 3:3 whose a. not outward a. 5 women a. themselves Rev. 21:2 prepared as a bride o. ADRAMMELECH. 2Kings 17:31 burnt children to A. 19:37 A. and Sharezer, Isa. 37:38 ADRAMYTTIUM. Acts 27:2 ADRIA. .Arts 27:27 ADULLAM. 1 Saw. 22:1 the cave A. IChr. 11:15 2Sam. 23:13 came to David to A. Mic. 1:15 he shall come to A. ADULTERER, S. Lev. 20 : 10 the a. shall be put to death Job 24 : 15 the eye of a. waiteth Psa. 50 : 18 partaker with a. Isa. 57:3 seed of a. and the whore Jer. 9: 2 for they be all a. 23:10 the land is full of a. Hos.l-A all a. as an oven heated Mai. 3:5 swift witness against the a. Luke 18:11 I am not as others, a. ICor. 6:9 neither a. shall inherit Heb. 13:4 a. God will judge Jas. 4:4 ye a. know ye not that ADULTERESS, ES. Lev. 20: 10 the a. shall be put to death Prov. 6:26 the a. will hunt for the Eze. 23:45 shall judge them as a. Hos. 3:1 love a woman yet an a. Rom. 7:3 no a. though she be mar. ADULTEROUS. Prov. 30 : 20 such the way of a. worn. Mat. 12:39 an a. generation, 16:4 Mark 8:38 whoso ashamed in this a. , ADULTERY, IES. Exod. 20:14 thou shalt not com. a. Deut. 5:18; Mat. 5:21 \ 19:18; Rom. 13:9 iVo«. 6:32 who commits a. lacketh Jer. 3:8 backsliding Israel com. a. 9 committed a. with stones 5:7 then they committed a. 7:9 will ye steal and commit a 13:27 I have seen thine a. 23:14 they commit a. and walk 29:23 because they committed a. Eze. 16:32 as a wife that com. a. 23:37 with their idols com. a. 43 said I to her old in a. Hos. 2:2 her a. between her breasts 4:2 by committing a. they break 13 your spouses shall commit a. ADV Hbs.4:14 not punish when commit a. Mat. 5:28 committed a. in his heart 32 whoso shall marry her divorced committeth a. 19:9 ; Luke 16: 18 15:19 out of heart proceed a. Mark 7:21 Mark 10:11 away his wife and mar- ry another com. a. Luke 16:18 19 not com. a. Lu.l8:20; Jas. 2:11 John 8:3 woman taken in a. 4 Rom. 2: 22 a man should not com. a. Gal. 5:19 works of flesh manifest a. 2Pet. 2:14 having eyes full of a. Rev. 2: 22 cast them that com. a. ADVANTAGE, ED. ETH. Job 35:3 what a. will it be to thee Luke 9: 25 a man a. if he gain world Rom. 3:1 what a. then hath the Jew ICor. 15:32 what a. if the dead 2Cor. 2:11 lest Satan get an a. of us Jude 16 in admiration because of a. ADVENTURE, ED. Deut. 28:56 not a. to set the sole Judg. 9:17 my father a. his life far Acts 19:31 not a. into the theatre ADVERSARY. Exod. 23:22 I will be an a. to thine Num. 22: 22 angel a. against Balaam I Sam. 1:6 and her a. provoked her 29:4 lest in battle he be an a. IKings 5:4 there is neither a. nor 11 : 14 an a. to Solomon, 23 25 was an a. to Israel Esth. 7:6 the a. is wicked Haman Job 31:35 my a. had written a book Psa. 74:10 how long shall a. reproach Isa. 50 : 8 who is mine a. let him Lam. 1 : 10 the a. hath spread out 2:4 with his right hand as an o. 4:12 a. have entered the gates Amos 3: 11 a. shall be round about Mat. 5:25 a. quickly lest a. deliver Luke 12:58 goest with thine a. 18:3 saying, avenge me of mine a. ITim. 5: 14 give no occasion to a. I Pet. 5:8 your a. the devil ADVERSARIES. Dtut. 32:27 lest a. behave strangely 43 render vengeance to his a. Josh. 5:13 for us, or for our a. ? I Sam. 2:10 a. of L. shall be broken Ezra 4: 1 when a. of Judah heard Neh. 4:11 our a. said, they shall not Psa. 38:20 evil for good are my a. 69:19 mine a. are all before thee 71:13 that are a. to my soul 81:14 my hand against their a. 89:42 set up the right hand of his a. 109:4 for my love they are a. 20 be the reward of my a. 29 my a. be clothed with shame Isa. 1 : 24 I will ease me of my a. 9:11 shall set up the a. of Rezin 11 : 13 a. of Judah shall be cut off 59: 18 he will repay fury to his a. 63:18 our a. have trodden down 64:2 thy name known to thine a. Jer. 30:16 a. shall go into captivity 46:10 may avenge him of his a. 50:7 their a. said, we offend not Lam. 1:5 her a. are the chief 7 a. saw her, and did mock 17 his a. should be round about 2:17 set up the horn of thine a. Mic. 5:9 hand lifted up on thine a. Nah. 1 : 2 take vengeance on his a. Luke 13:17 all his a. were ashamed 21 : 15 your a. not able to gainsay ICor. 16:9 and there are many a. Phil. 1 : 28 nothing terrified by your a. Heb. 10: 27 which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY, IES. \Sam. 10:19 saved you out of all a. 2Sam. 4 : 9 my soul out of all a. 2Chr. 15:6 vex them with all a. Psa. 10:6 I shall never be in a. 14 AFF Psa. 31 : 7 hast known my soul in o. 35:15 but in my a. they rejoiced 94:13 rest from the days of a. Prov. 17:17 a brother is born for a 24:10 if thou faint in day of a. Eccl. 7:14 in the day of a. consider Isa. 30:20 tho' L. give bread of a. Heb. 13:3 remember them suffer a. ADVERTISE. Num. 24:14 I will a. thee Ruthi-A I thought to a. thee, Buy it ADVICE. Judg. 20:7 give your a. and counsel ISam. 25:33 blessed be thy a. 2Sam. 19:43 our a. not be first had 2Chr. 10: 14 after a. of young men Prov. 20:18 with good a. make war 2Cor. 8:10 and heroin I give my a. ADVISE, ED. 2Sam.24:13 a. and see, IChr. 21:12 IKings 12:6 how do ye a. that I Prov. 13:10 with well a. is wisdom Acts 27:12 more part a. to depart ADVISEMENT. IChr. 12:19 ADVOCATE. Uohn 2:1 we have an a. with the AFAR, AFAR OFF. Gen. 37:18 brethren saw Jos. a. off Exod. 24:1 worship ye a. off Ezra 3:13 the noise was heard a. off Neh. 12: 13 joy of Jeru. heard a. off Job 36:3 fetch my knowledge fr. a. 25 man may behold it a. off 39:29 her eyes behold a. off Psa. 65:5 that are a. off' on the sea 138:6 the proud he knoweth a. off 139:2 understand my thoughts a.off Prov. 31:14 bringeth food from a. Isa. 23:7 feet shall carry her a. off 66:19 that escape to the isle/ a. off Jer. 23 : 23 am I not a God a. off 30:10 save thee from a. 46:27 31:10 declare it in the isles a. off 51:50 remember the Lord a. off Mic. 4:3 rebuke strong nations a. off Mat. 26:58 Peter followed afar off, Mark 14:54; Luke 22: 54 27:55 wom.behold.a.ojf, Mar.l5:40 Mark 5:6 when he saw Jesus a. off Luke 16:23 seeth Abraham a. off Acts 2:39 promise is to all a. off Eph.2: 17 preached peace to you a.off Heb.ll : 13 having seen promises a.off 2Pet. 1 : 9 blind and cannot see a. off See FAR, STAND, STOOD. AFFAIRS. Psa. 112: 5 guide a. with discretion Eph. 6:21 that ye may know my a. 22 sent that ye might know our a. Phil. 1 : 27 I may hear of your a. 2Tim. 2:4 entangleth with a. of life AFFECT, ED, ETH. Lam. 3 : 51 mine eye a. my heart Acts 14:2 their minds evil a. Gal. 4:17 zealously a. you that ye 18 good to be zealously a. AFFECTION. IChr. 29:3 a. to house of God Rom. 1 : 31 without natural a. 2 Tim. 3:3 2Cor. 7:15 his inward a. is more Col. 3:2 set your a. on things above • 5 mortify inordinate a. AFFECTIONS. Rom. 1 : 26 G. gave them up to vile a Gal. 5:24 crucified flesh with the a. AFFECTIONATELY. IThes. 2:8 being a. desirous of you AFFECTIONED. Rom. 12:10 be kindly a. one toano. AFFINITY. Ezra 9:14 join in a. with the people AFF AFFIRM. Rom. 3:8 and as some a. we say 1 Tim. 1 : 7 nor whereof they o. Tit. 3:8 these things a. constantly AFFIRMED. Luke 22:59 an hour after another a. Acts 12: 15 but Rhoda constantly a. 25:19 Jesus, whom Paul o. alive AFFLICT. Ge«.15:13 they shall a. them 400 yrs. 31 : 50 if thou a. my daughters Exod. 1:11 taskmasters to a. them 22:22 ye shall not a. any widow Lev. 16: 29 ye shall a. your souls, 31 ; 23:27, 32; Num. 29:7 Num. 24:24 ships shall a. Ashur Judg. 16: 19 a. him, his strength went 2Sam.l: 10 children of wickedness a. IKings 11:39 will a. seed of David 2CAr. 6:26 turn when thou dost a. IKings 8:35 J?zra 8:21 a. ourselves before God Job 37: "23 Almighty, he will not a. Psa. 44:2 how thou didst a. the peo. 55:19 God shall hear and a. them 89:22 nor son of wickedness a. him 94:5 Lord, they a. thy heritage 143:12 destroy all that a. my soul Isa. 9:1 did more grievously a. her 51 : 23 into hand of them that a. thee 58: 5 day for a man to a. his soul 64: 12 wilt thou a. us very sore ? Jer. 31:28 as I watched to a. Lam. 3: 33 Lord doth not a. willingly Amos 5: 12 they a. the just, they Nah. 1:12 I will a. thee no more Zepk. 3:19 I will undo all that a. AFFLICTED. Exod. 1:12 more a. more they grew 2Sam. 22: 23 a. people thou wilt save IKings 2:26 a. in all father was o. /o66: 14 to a. pity should be showed 30: 1 1 loosed my cord, and a. me 34:28 he heareth the cry of the a. Psa. 18:27 wilt save the a. people 22 : 24 nor abhorred affliction of a. 25: 16 for I am desolate and a. 82:3 dc justice to the a. and needy 88:7 hast a. me with thy waves 15 1 am a. and ready to die 90: 15 days wherein thou hast a. us 107: 17 fools because of iniq. are a. 116:10 I was greatly a. 119:67 before I was a. 71 good that I have been a. 75 in faithfulness hast a. me 107 am a. very much, quicken 129:1 have a. me from youth, 2 140: 12 L. will maintain cause of a. Prov. 15:15 days of the a. are evil 22:22 neither oppress a. in gate 26:28 lying tongue hateth a. 31:5 lest pervert judgment of a. Isa. 9: 1 lightly a. the land of Zeb. 49: 13 L. will have mercy on his a. 51:21 hear now this, thou a. 53:4 smitten of God and a. 7 and was a. yet he opened not 54 : 1 1 O thou a. tossed with tempest 58:3 wherefore have we a. oursouls 10 if thou satisfy the a. soul 60: 14 sons of them that a. thee 63:9 in all their affliction he was o. Lam. 1:12 sorrow wherewith L. a. Mic. 4:6 gather her that I have a. Nah. 1 : 12 a. I will afflict no more Zeph. 3: 12 I will leave an a. people Mat. 24:9 deliver you up to be a. 2Cor. 1:6 whether we be a. it is 1 Tim. 5: 10 if she relieved the a. Heb. 11:37 being destitute, a. las. 4 9 be a. and mourn and weep 5:13 is any among you a. ? let AFFLICTION. Gen. 41 :52 fruitful in the land of a. Exod. 3: 7 seen a. of my p. Acts 7:34 AFR Exod. 3: 17 out of the a. of Egypt Deut. 16:3 thou shalt eat brtad of a. IKings 22:27; 2Chr. 18:26 26: 7 L. heard and looked on our a. 2Sam. 16:12 L. will look on my a. 2Kings 14:26 Lord saw a. of Israel 2CAr.20:9 cry in a. thou wilt hear 33: 12 Manasseh was in a. sought Neh. 1:3 remnant are in great a. Job 5:6 o. cometh not forth of dust 10: 15 full of confusion see mine a. 30: 16 days of a. have taken hold 27 the days of a. prevented me 36: 8 if they be holden in cords of a. 15 he delivereth the poor in his a. 21 hast thou chosen rather than a. Psa. 25: 18 look on my a. and pain 44 : 24 and forgettest our a. 66: 11 thou laidst a. upon our loins 88:9 eye mourneth by reason of a. 106:44 he regarded their a. when . 107:10 being bound in m. and iron 39 low through a. and sorrow 41 setteth poor on high from a. 119:50 comfort in my a. thy word 92 should have perished in mine a. 153 consider mine a. deliver me Isa. 30:20 tho' L. give water of a. 48: 10 chosen thee in furnace of a. 63:9 in all their a. he was afflicted Jer. 16: 19 my refuge in the day of a. 30:15 why criest thou for thine a. Lam. 1 : 7 J erusa. remembered in a. 3: 1 that hath seen o. by the rod 19 remembering my a. and misery Hos. 5:15 in o. will seek me early Amos 6:6 not grieved for a. of Jos. Nah. 1:9a. not rise second time Zech. 1 : 15 helped forward the a. 10:11 pass through the sea with a. Mark 4: 17 a. ariseth for word's sake 13: 19 in those days shall be a. such Acts 7:11 came a dearth and great a. 2Cor. 2:4 out of much a. I wrote 4:17 our light a. which is but for 8:2 how that in a great trial of a. Phil. 1 : 16 supposing to add a. to my 4:14 communicate with me in my a. 1 Thes. 1:6 received word in much a. 3: 7 comforted in all our a. Heb. 1 1 : 25 choosing rather to suf. a. Jas. 1 : 27 to visit fatherless in a. 5:10 an example of suffering a. AFFLICTIONS. Psa. 34: 19 many the a. of righteous 132: 1 remember David and his a. Acts 7: 10 deliver him out of all his a. 20:23 bonds and a. abide me 2Cor. 6:4 approving in a. Co/.l:24 what is behind of a.of Christ 1 Thes. 3:3 be moved by these a. 2 Tim. 1 : 8 of the a. of the gospel 3:11 a. which came at Antioch 4:5 watch in all things, endure o. Heb. 10:32 endured great fight of a. 33 made a gazing-stock by a. I Pet. 5:9 same a. accomplished in AFFRIGHT, ED. Job 18:20 that went before were a. 39:22 mocketh at fear and is not a. Isa. 21:4 fearfulness a. me Mark 16:5 they were a. Luke 24:37 6 be not a. ye seek Jesus crucified Rev. 11:13 remnant were o. gave glo. AFOOT. Mark 6:33 many ran a. thither Acts 20:13 Paul minding to go a. AFORETIME. Jer. 30:20 their children as a. Dan. 6: 10 he prayed as he did a. Rom. 15:4 things were written a. AFRAID. Exod. 34:30 were a. to come nigh Lev. 26: 6 none make you a. Jobll : 19 Num. 12:8 why not a. to speak 15 AFR ISam. 4:7 the Philistines were a. 18:29 Saul yet more a. of David 2Sam. 1 : 14 how not a. to destroy 22:5 ungodly men made me a Psa. 18:4 Neh. 6:9 all made us a. Job 9:28 I am a. of all my sorrows 11 : 19 and none shall make thee a. 13:11 his excellency make you o. 21 not thy dread make me a. 15:24 anguish shall make him a. 18: 11 terrors shall make him a. on 21 : 6 when I remember, I am a. 23: 15 consider, I am a. of him 33:7 my terror not make thee a. 41 : 25 raiseth himself mighty are a Psa. 56:3 what time I am a. I will 65: 8 that dwell are a. at thy tokens 77:16 waters saw thee and were a 83: 15 make them a. with thy storm 119: 120 I am a of thy judgments Isa. 17:2 none make them a. Ezek. 34:28; JVftc. 4:4; Z*pA.3:13 33:14 the sinners in Zion are a. 41:5 ends of the earth were a. Jer. 30:10 none shall make him a Eze. 39:26 and none made them a. Nah. 2:11 Dan. 4 : 5 dream which made me o. Jon. 1:5 the mariners were a. 10 Mark 5:15 in his right mind were o Luke 8:35. 9:32 and were a. to ask him 10:32 as they followed were a. 16:8 said any thing, they were a Luke 8:25 they being a. wondered Acts 9:26 they were all a. of Saul 22:9 saw the light and were a. Gal. 4: 11 I am a. of you lest I have I Pet. 3:6 not a. with any amazem. 2Pet.2: 10 a. to speak evil of dignities Be AFRAID. Deut. 1 : 29 neither be a. of them, 31:6 2Sam. 22:46 be a. out of close places. Psa. 18:45 Job 5.21 nor be a. of destruction 19:29 be ye a. of the sword, for Psa. 27: 1 of whom shall I be a. ? Isa. 8: 12 nor fear nor be a. 44:8 19: 17 shall be a. in himself 51 : 12 shouldest be a. of a man Rom. 13:4 if thou do evil, be a. Not be AFRAID. Deut. 1:17 not be a. of face of man 7:18 shalt not be a. of them, 18:22 Psa. 3:6 not be a. of ten thousands 56: 11 not be a. what man can do 91 : 5 not be a. for terror by night 112:7 shall not be a. of evil tidings 8 established, he shall not be a. Prov. 3: 24 liest down shalt not be a. Isa. 12:2 I will trust and not be a. 31 : 4 will not be a. of their voice Amos 3 : 6 blown , and people not be a Rom. 13:3 not be a. of the power Be not AFRAID. Deut. 20: 1 be not a. of them, Josh. 1 1 : 6 ; Neh. 4 : 14 ; Jer. 10: 5 ; Eze 2:6; Luke 12:4 ISam. 28:13 be not a. what sawest Psa. 49: 16 be not a. when one is rich Prov. 3:25 be not a. of sudden fear Isa. 40:9 lift up thy voice be not a. Jer. 1 : 8 be not a. of their faces Mat. 14:27 it is I, be not a. Mark 6:50; JoAn6:20 17:7 Jesus said, Arise, be not a. 28: 10 be not a. go tell my brethren .MarA:5:36 ruler, b. n. a. only believe Acts 18:9 be not a. but speak and IPet. 3: 14 be not a. of their terror Sore AFRAID. Num. 22:3 Moab s. a. of the people Josh. 9:24 we were s. a. of our lives Sam. 17: 24 fled from Goliath s. a 28:20 Saul fell along sore a. AGE 1 Sam. 31:4 armor-bearer was sore a. IChr.lOA Mark 9:6 for they were sore a. Luke 2:9 and they were sore a. Was AFRAID. Gen. 3:10 heard thy voice and w. a. Exod. 3:6 Moses was a. to look on G. Deut. 9:19 I was a. of the anger and I Saw. 18: 12 Saul was a. of David, 15 28:5 Saul saw Philistines, he was a. 2Sam. 6:9 David was a. of the Lord, IChr. 13:12 Job 3: 25 that I was a. of is come 32:6 I xoas a. and durst not show Dan. 8:17 was a. and fell on my face Hab. 3:2 1 heard thy speech and w. a. Mai. 2:5 he feared me and was a. Mat. 2:22 he was a. to go thither 14:30 he saw wind boisterous, was a. 25:25 I was a. and hid thy talent John 19:8 Pilate was the more a. Acts 10: 4 Cornelius looked, he was a. AFRESH. Heb. 6:6 they crucify Son of God a. AFTER. Josh. 10:14 no day like that a. it AFTER that. Luke 12:4 a. t. have no more that 1 Cor. 15:6 a. t. he was seen of 500 AFTERNOON. Judg. 19:8 they tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Psa. 73:24 a. receive me to glory Prov. 29:11 wise keepeth it in till a. John 13:36 thou shalt follow me a. ICor. 15:23 a. they that are Christ's Heb. 12:11 a. yieldeth fruit of righ. AGABUS. Retell: 28 ;"21:10 AGAG. Num. 24 : 7 shall be higher than A. I Sam. 15:9 the people spared A. 33 Samuel hewed A. in pieces AGAGITE. See haman. AGAINST. Gen. 16:12 hand will be a. every 3faM0:35 mana.hisfath.jL«.12:53 12:30 he not with me, is a. me Luke 2:34 for a sign spoken a. 14:31 cometh a. him with 20,000 Acts 19:36 these cannot be spoken a. 28:22 sect everywhere spoken a. See ANOTHER, GOD, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, LORD, OVER. AGAR. Gal. 4:24, 25 AGATE, S. Exod. 28:19 third row, an a. 39:12 Isa. 54:12 thy windows of a. Eze. 27:16 Syria occupied with a. AGE. Gen. 47:28 a. of Jacob 147 years 48:10 eyes of Israel dim for a. Num. 8:25 a. of fifty cease waiting I Sam. 2:33 die in flower of their a. I Kings 14:4 eyes set by reason of a. 2Chr. 36:17 that stooped for a. Job 5:26 come to grave in a full a. 8:8 inquire of the former a. 11:17 thy a. clearer than noonday Psa. 39:5 my a. is as nothing before Jsa. 38:12 my a. is departed and Zech. 8:4 man with his staff for a. Mark 5:42 a. of 12 years, Lu. 8:42 Luke 2: 36 Anna was of a great a. 3:23 Jesus about thirty years of a. John 9:21 he is of a. ask him, 23. 1 Cor. 7:36 if she pass flower of a. Heb. 5:14 strong meat to them full a. See OLD, STRICKEN. AGES. Eph. 2: 7 a. to come he might show 3:5 in other a. not made known 21 glory in church through all a. Col. 1:26 mystery hid from a. AHA AGED. 2Sam. 19:32 Barzillai very a. man Job 12:20 the understanding of a. 15:10 grey-headed and very a. men 29:8 the a. arose and stood up 32:9 neither do the a. understand Jer. 6:11 a. with him full of days Tit. 2:2 that the a. men be sober 3 the a. women be in behavior Phile. 9 such a one as Paul the a. AGO. I Sam. 9:20 asses lost three days a. 2Kings 19 : 25 heard long a. Isa.37 : 26 Ezra 5:11 builded many years a. JlfaMl:21 repented long a. Z,w.l0:13 Mark 9:21 how long a. since this Acts 10:30 four days a. I was fasting 15:17 ye know that a good while a. 2Cor. 8:10 to be forward a year a. 9:2 that Achaia was ready a year a. 12:2 a nuyi abeve fourteen years a. AGONE. ISam. 30:13 three days a. I fell sick AGONY. Luke 22:44 being in an a. he prayed AGREE, ED, ETH. Amos3:3 two walk except they be a. Mat. 5:25 a. with adversary quickly 18:19 if two shall a. on earth 20:2 had a. with laborers 13 not a. with me for a penny ? Mark 14:56 witness a. not togeth.59 70 Galilean, and thy speech a. Luke 5:36 out of new, a. not with old John 9:22 Jews had a. already Acts 5:9 that ye have a. to tempt 40 and to him they a. and when 15:15 to this a. words of prophet 23:20 Jews have a. to desire thee 28:25 a. not among themselves I John 5:8 blood, these a. in one Rev 17:17 a. to give their kingdom AGREEMENT. 2Kin 18:31 a.byapresent,Isa.36:16 Isa. 28: 15 with hell are we at a. 18 a. with hell shall not stand Dan. 11:6 king of north, to make a. 2Cor. 6: 16 what a. hath the temple AGRIPPA. Acts 25:13 A. and Bernice came 22 A. said, I would also hear 26:7 which hope's sake, king A. 28 A. said, almost thou persuadest AGROUND. Acts 27:41 they ran the ship a. AGUE. Lev. 26: 16 I will appoint burning a. AGUR. Prov. 30:1 AH. Psa. 35:25 a. so would we have it Isa. 1:4 a. sinful nation, a people 24 a. I will ease me of adversaries Jer. 1:6 a. Lord God, I cannot speak 4:10 a. Lord thou hast deceived 22:18 a. brother, a. sister, a. Lord 32:17 a. Lord, thou made the heav. 34:5 lament thee, saying a. Lord Eze. 9:8 a. Lord, wilt thou destroy Mark 15:29 a. thou that destroyest AHA. Psa. 35:21 a. our eye hath seen it 40:15 desolate that say unto me a. 70:3 be turned back that say a. a. Isa. 44:16 a. I am warm, I have Eze. 25:3 saidst a. against sanctuary 26:2 Tyrus said, a. she is broken 36:2 a. the ancient places are o^rs AHAB. IKings 16:30, 33; 18:6, 9, 42, 46; 20:13 ; 21:4, 21, 25, 29 ; 22:20 2Kings 1:1; 3:5; 8:18,27; 9:7,8, 25; 10:11; 21:3,13 2Chr. 21:13 whored of house of A. 16 AIA Jer. 29:21 saith the Lord of A 22 the Lord make thee like A Mic. 6:16 works of the house ol A AHASUERUS. Ezra 4 : 6 in the re jgn of A. wrote Esth. 1:1 this is A. which reigned Dan. 9:1 year of Darius, son of A. AHAVAH. .Ezra 8:15, 21, 31 AHAZ. 2Kings 16:2 A. was twenty years IChr. 8:35 Micah, Pithon, A. 9:4, 2Chr. 28:19 Judah low, bee. of A.' Isa. 1:1 the vision in days of A Hos. 1:1; Mic. 1:1 7:3 go forth to meet A. 10 AHAZIAH. IKings 22:40 A. his son reigned in his stead, 2Kings 8:24 2Kings 1 : 2 A. fell through a lattice 8:29 A. king of Judah, went down 10:13 we are the brethren of A. 2Chr. 20:35 Jehosh. did join with A 22:7 the destruction of A. was of AHIAH. 1 Sam. 14:3; 1 Kings 4 : 3 AHIJAH. 1X^5 11:29; 12:15; 14:2,4,6 15:27. Baasha, son of A. conspired IChr. 2:25 sons of Jerahmeel, A. AHIKAM. 2Kings 22:12 Josiah commanded A to inquire of the Lord, 2Chr. 34:20 25:22 Gedaliah the son of A. ruler Jer. 26:24 the hand of A. was with 40:6 Gedaliah, the son of A. See GEDALIAH. AHIMAAZ. ISam. 14:50 the daughter of A. 2Sam. 17:17 Jonathan and A. 18:27 is like the running of A. IKings 4:15 A. was in Naphtali IChr. 6:8 and Zadok begat A. AHIMAN. Num. 13:22 A. was of the children Judg. 1:10 Judah slew A. IChr. 9:17 and the porters, A. AHIMELECH. ISam. 21:1 A. was afraid at the 22:9 the son of Jesse coming to A. 16 thou shalt surely die A. 26:6 David said to A. who will go ? 2Sam.8:17 Zadok and A.lCAr.l8:16 IChr. 24:3 A. of the sons of, 6, 31 AHINOAM. ISam. 14:50; 25:43 AHIO. 2Sam. 6:3 ; IChr. 13:7 AHISAMACH. Exod. 35:34 AHITHOPHEL. 2Sam. 15:12 Absalom sent for A. 16:15 came to Jerusal. and A. with 23 the counsel of A. was as if a 17:7 the counsel of A. is not good 15 thus and thus did A. counsel, 22 IChr. 27:33 A. was the king's AHITUB. ISam. 22:12 hear now, th. son of A 2Sam. 8:17 Zadok the son of A IChr. 18:16 AHOLAH, AHOLIBAH. Eze. 23:4 Samaria is A. Jerusal. A. 36 wilt thou judge A. and A. ? AHOLIAB. Exod. 36:1 AHOLIBAMAH. Gen. 36:2, 5 AI, or HAL Gen. 13:3 between Beth-el and A. Josh. 7:4 before the men of A. 8:1 go up to A. 10:2 greater than A. Ezra 2:28 the men of Beth-el and A. Neh. 7:32 Jer. 49:3 howl, O Heshbon, for A. AIATH. Isa. 10:28 ALI AILED, ETH. Gen. 21.17 what a. thee, Hagar? Judg. IS: 23 Micah, what a. thee ? lSci7n. 11:5 what a. the people 2Sam. 14:5 the king said unto her, what a. thee ? 2Kings 6:23 P5i. 114:5 what a. thee, sea Isa. 22:1 what a. thee now that AIR. 2Sam. 21 : 10 birds of the a. to rest Job 41:16 no a. can come between Prop. 30: 19 way of an eagle in the a. Eccl. 10:20 bird of the a. carry voice Mat. 8:20 birds of the a. have nests 13:32 birds of the a. lodge in the branches, Mark 4: 32; Lu. 9:5s Acts 22:23 threw dust into the a. ICor. 9:26 not as one that beateth a. 14:9 for ye shall speak into the a. Eph. 2:2 prince of power of the a. 1 Thes. 4: 17 to meet the L. in the a. Rev. 9:2 sun and a. were darkened 16:17 poured out vial into the a. See fowls. AJALON. Josh. 10:12 ALARM. Num. 10:5 when ye blow an a. 6 7 blow, but not sound an a. 9 if ye go to war, blow an a. 2Chr. 13:12 trumpets to cry an a. Jer. 4: 19 heard, O my soul. a. of war 49.2 I will cause an a. of war Joel 2: 1 an a. in my holy mountain Zeph.lAG a. against fenced cities ALAS. Num. 21:23 a. who shall live when Judg. 6:22 a. I have seen an angel 1 1 : :ij a. daughter thou hast brought IKings 13:30 a. my brother 2Kings 6:5 a. master, for it was bor. 15 a. master, how shall we do ? Eze. 6: 1 1 stamp with foot, say a. Joel 1 : 15 a. for the day of the Lord Amos 5: 16 say in highways, a. a. Rev. 18:10 a. a. that great city, 10.19 ALBEIT. Eze.l3:7 L. saith, a. I have notspo. Phile. 19 a. I say not, how thou ALEXANDER. Mark 15:21 Simon the father of A. Acts 4:6 Annas, Caiaphas, A. 19:33 they drew A. out of the 1 Tim. 1 : 20 Hymeneus and A. 2rt'm.4:l4 A. the coppersmith ALEXANDRIA, ANS. Acts 6:9 of the Libertines and A. 18:24 named Apollos, born at A. 27:6 centurion found a ship of A. ALIEN, S. Exod. 18:3 been a. in a strange land l)t tr. 12:6 God worketh all in a. 15:28 that God may be all in a. Eph. 1:83 him that filleth all in a. Col. 3:11 but Christ is all and in a. ALL Night. See night. Over ALL. 2Sam. 3:21 mayest reign over a. 1 Chr. 29: 12 thou reignest oi'er a. Psa. 103: 19 kingdom ruleth over a. Mot. 34: 47 ruler over a. Luke 12:44 John 17:2 given him power over a. Rom. 9:5 over a. God blessed for 10: 12 Lord over a. is rich to all To or Unto ALL. Psa. 145:9 the Lord is good to a. Eccl. 2:14 one event to a. 9:3.11 9:2 all things come alike to a. Zsa. 36:6 so Pharoah to a. that tttui Mark 13:37 I say unto a. watch Luke 12:41 speakest to us, or to a. ; Acts 2:39 promise is to a. afar off 4:16 manifest to a. that dwell Rom. 10: 12 rich unto a. that call on 13:7 render to a. their dues 1 Cor. 9: 19 myself a servant unto a. 1 TimA: 15 profiting may appear too Upon ALL. Rom. 3 : 22 and upon a. them that be ALL these. Gen. 15:10 he took to him a. these 42: 36 a. these are against me Exod. 20: 1 God spake a. these words Job 12:9 knoweth not that in a. tktst Hab. 2 : 6 shall not a. t. take up a par ATat.6:33 a. t. shall be add. Lu. 12:31 ALL this. Gen. 41: 39 as God showed thee a. t. Deut. 32:27 L. hath not done a. this Judg. 6: 13 why a. this befallen us ' 1 Sam. 22: 15 knew nothing of a. this 2Sam. 14: 19 hand of Joab in a. this ' Job 1 : 22 in a. t. Job sinned not, 2: 10 13 : 1 lo, mine eye hath seen a. this 2 ALM Psa. 44:17 a Ms is come upon us 78:32 for a. this they sinned still Eccl 9-9 a. this have I seen and 9:1 a. this I considered in heart Isa. 5:25 for a. this his anger is not turned away, 9: 12, 17, 21 ; 10:4 48:6 thou hast heard, see a. this Dan. 5:22 tho' thou knewest a. this 7: 16 asked him the truth of a. this Hos. 7:10 nor seek him for a. this Mic. 1 : 5 transgres. of Jacob is a. this Mat. 1 :22 a. this was done that pro- phets be fulfilled, 21 :4 ; 26: 56 Luke 16:26 a. this there is a gulf fix. 24:21 a. this to-day is the third day ALL that he had. Gen. 12:20Phar.senthimanda.J.A.A. 13: 1 Abram out of E. and a. t. h. h. 25:5 Abr. gave a. that he h. to Isaac 31 :21 Jacob fled with a. that he had 39:4 a. t. he h. into Joseph's hand, 6 5 blessing of theL. was on a. t.h. h. Ma*. 18:25 be sold a. £. Ae Aaa", paym. Mark 5:26 she spent a. that she had 12:44 cast in a. t. she had, Lu. 21 : 4 ALL the while. Job21:3 a. the w. my breath is in me See further other usual Substantives : CONGREGATION, DAY, EARTH, IS- RAEL, MEN, PEOPLE, THINGS, etc. ALLEGING. Acts 17:3 a. Christ must have suf. ALLEGORY. Gal. 4 : 24 which things are an a. ALLELUIAH. Rev. 19: 1 great voice saying a. 3, 4, 6 ALLOW. Luke 11 :48 that ye a. the deeds Acts 24: 15 themselves also a. that Rom. 7: 15 that which I do, I a. not ALLOWED, ETH. Rom. 14 : 22 in that thing which he a. 1 Thes. 2:4 as we were a. of God. ALLOWANCE. •IKings 25 : 30 his a. was continual a. ALLURE. Hos. 2: 14 I will a. her into the wild "Pet. 2: 18 they a. through lusts ALMIGHTY. Gen. 17:1 lam the a. God, walk 28:3 God a. bless thee and make 35:11 I am God a. be fruitful and 43: 14 God a. give you mercy before 49 : 25 by a. who shall bless thee Ex. 6:3 1 appeared by name God a. Num. 24:4 saw the vision of a. 16 Ruth 1 : 20 a hath dealt bitterly 21 seeing the a. hath afflicted me Job 5:17 despise not chastening of a. 6 : 4 arrows of the a. are within me 14 he forsaketh the fear of the a. 8:3 or doth the a. pervert justice ? 5 make thy supplication to the a. 11:7 find out the a. to perfection ? 13:3 surely I would speak to a. 15:25 strengtheneth against the a. 21:15 a. that we should serve him 20 shall drink of the wrath of a. 22:3 pleasure to a. thou art righte. 17 what can the a. do for them ? 23 if thou return to the a. thou 25 the a. shall be thy defence 26 shalt have thy delight in the a. 23: 16 and the a. troubleth me 24 : 1 times are not hid from the a. 27:2 a. who hath vexed my soul 10 will he delight himself in the a. 11 is with a. will I not conceal 29:5 when the a. was yet with me 31:2 inheritance of a. from on high 35 that the a. would answer me 32:8 inspiration of the a. giveth 33:4 breath of a. hath given me life 34:10 far from a. to com. iniquity 12 neither will the a. pervert jud. ALO Job 35: 13 the a. will not regard van. 37:23 the a, we cannot find him out 40:2 contendeth with a. instruct Psa. 68:14 when a. scattered kings 91 :1 under the shadow of the at Isa. 13:6 as destruction from the a. Ezek.l:2A as the voice of the a. 10:5 Joel 1:15 as destruction from the a. 2Cor. 6:18 my sons, saith Lord a. Rev. 1 : 8 was and is to come, the a. 4:8 Lord God a. which was, 11:17 15:3 Lord a. just and true, 16:17 21 : 22 God a. and Lamb temple of it ALMOND, S. Gen. 43: 11 myrrh, nuts, and a. Exod. 25:33 like to a. 34 ; 37: 19, 20 Num. 17:8 rod of Aaron yielded a. Eccl. 12:5 when a. tree shall flourish Jer. 1:11 I see a rod of an a. tree ALMOST. Psa. 73:2 my feet were a. gone 94:17 my soul a. dwelt in silence 119:87 a. consumed me upon earth Prov. 5:14 1 was a. in all evil in the Acts 13:44 came a. the whole city 19:26 but a. through all Asia 26:23 a. thou persuadest me to be 29 were both a. and altogether Heb. 9:22 a. all things by the law ALMS. Mat. 6 : 1 do not your a. before men 2 thou doest thine a. do not sound 4 that thine a. may be in secret Luke 11:41 give a. of such things 12:33 and give a. provide bags. Acts 3:3 seeing Pet. and John ask. a. 10:2 Cornelius gave much a. to the 4 thine a. for a memorial, 31 24: 17 to bring a. to my nation ALMSDEEDS. Acts 9:36 Dorcas full of a. ALMUG-TREES. 1 Kings 10: 11 fr. Ophir plenty of a-t. 12 made of a-t. pillars ALOES. Psa. 45:8 thy garments smell of o. Prov. 7: 17 perfumed my bed with a. Cant. 4:14 myrrh, a. with spices John 19:39 brought a mixture of a. ALONE. Gen. 2: 18 not good man should be a. Exod. 18:18 art not able thyself a. 24:2 Moses a. shall come near Num. 11:14 I am not able to bear all this people a. Deut. 1:9, 12 23:9 lo, the people shall dwell a. Deut. 32:12 as Lord a. did lead him 33:28 Israel shall dwell in safety a. 2Sam. 18:24 a man running a. 26 1 Kings 11:29 they two a. in field 2Kings 19:15 art God a. Isa. 37:16; Psa. 86:10 Job 1 : 15 escaped a. to tell, 16, 17, 19 9:8 a. spreadeth out the heavens 15:19 to whom a. earth was given 31 : 17 have I eaten my morsel a. Psa. 83: 18 whose name a. is Jehovah 136:4 who a. doeth great wonders 148:13 for his name a. is excellent Eccl. 4:8. one o. and not a second 10 that is a. when he falleth Jra.2:ll L. a. shall be exalted, 17 14:31 none a. in appointed times 51:2 I called him a. and blessed 63:3 trodden the wine-press a. Lam. 3:28 he sitteth a. and keepeth Mat. 4:4 live by bread a. Lukeiii 14 23 he was a. Luke 9: 18 18:15 between thee and him a. Mark 4: 34 they were a. he expounded 6:47 sea, and he a. on the land Luke 5:21 forgive sins but God a. 6 : 4 but for the priests a. 9:18 as Jesus was a. praying 36 voice past, Jesus was found a. John 6:15 into a mountain a. 18 ALT John 6:22 discip.were gone away a 8:16 for I am not a. but, 16:32 17:20 neither pray I for these a. Acts 19:26 that not a. at Ephesus Rom. 4:23 written for his sake a. Gal. 6:4 have rejoicing in himself a Heb. 9:7 went high-priest a. once Jas. 2:17 faith is dead, being a. Left ALONE. Isa. 49:21 I was left a. these where John 8:9 Jesus was left a. and worn. 29 the Father hath not left me a. Rom. 11:3 lam left a. and they seek Let ALONE. Job 10:20 let me a. that I take comf. Hos. 4: 17 joined to idols, let him a. Mat. 15:14 let them a. blind leaders Mark 1 :24 let us a. what have we to do with thee, Luke 4:34 14:6 Jesus said, let her a. Luke 13:8 let it a. this year also John 11 -AS if we let him a. all men 12:7 let her a. against the day Acts 5:38 refrain from these men I. a. ALOOF. Psa. 38: 11 my friends stand a. ALOUD. See cry, cried, sing. ALPHA. Rev. 1:8 I am a. 11; 21:6; 22:13 ALPHEUS. Mat. 10:3 James, the son of A. Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15: Acts 1:13 Mark 2:14 saw Levi the son of A ALREADY. Eccl. 1 : 10 it hath been a. of old Mat. 17:12 Elias is come o. JoAw3:18 condemned a. Phil. 3:16 we have a. attained Rev. 2:25 that ye have a. hold fast ALSO. Gen. 6:3 for that he a. is flesh ISam. 14:44 Saul answ. God do so, and more a. 2Sam.3:35; 19:13 Psa. 6S:18 gifts for rebellious a. Zech. 8:21 to seek Lord I will go a. Mat. 6:21 will heart be a. Lu. 12:34 26:73 thou art a. one of them John 5: 19 these a. doth the Son 12:26 where I am, there shall a. 14:3 where I am, ye may be a. ICor. 15:8 he was seen of me a. 2Tim. 1:5 1 am persuaded in thee o ALTAR. Gen. 8:20 Noah builded an a. 12:7 Abraham built an a. 22:9. 35:1 Beth-el, make there an a. Exod. 17: 15 Moses built an a. 20:24 an a. of earth make to me 29:37 sanctify it, a. most holy 44 I will sanctify the a. 30:27 a. of incense 40:10 a. of burnt-offering Lev. 6:9 fire of a. shall be burning Num. 7:84 the dedication of the a. 18:3 they shall notcomenigh the a. Josh. 22:34 called the a. Ed. Judg. 6:25 throw down a. of Baal 2Sam. 24:18 rear an a. to the Lord 1 Kings 13:2 cried against the a. O a. 18:3U Elijah repaired the a. 35 the water ran about the a. 2Kings 18:22 shall worship before this a. Isa. 36:7 Psa. 26:6 so will I compass thine a. 43:4 then will I go to a. of God Isa. 19: 19 an a. in midst of Egypt 27:9 stones of a. as chalk-stones 56:7 sacrifices accepted on mine a. Lam. 2:7 Lord hath cast off his a. Eze. 8:16 between porch and a. Joel 1 : 13 howl, ye ministers of the a 2: 17 priests weep bet. porch and a Amos 2:8 to pledge by every a. Mai. 1:7 polluted bread on mine a. AMA Mai. 1 : 10 fire on mine a. for naught 2: 13 covering a. with tears Mat. 5:23 thou bring gift to the a. 23: 18 swear by the a. it is nothing 35 ye slew between the temple and a. Luke 11:51 Acts 17:23 a. with this inscription \Cor. 9:13 partakers with a. 10:18 Heb. 7:13 gave attendance at the a. 13: 10 we have an a. whereof they Rev. 6:9 under the a. souls of slain 8:3 with prayers on the golden a. 9: 13 voice from horns of golden a. See built. ALTARS. IKingslQAO thrown down a. 14 Psa. fc4:3 even thine a. Lord Isa. 17:8 he shall not look to the a. Jer. 17:1 sin graven on horns of a. 2 whilst their children re mem. a. Eze. 6 A your a. shall be desolate Hos. 8:11 made a. to sin, a. shall be 12:11 a. as heaps in the furrows Amos 3:li will visit the a. of Beth-el Rom. 11:3 have digged down thine a. ALTER. Ezra6:ll whoso, shall a. this word Psa. 89:34 not a. the thing gone ALTERED. LukeO:QQ his countenance was a. ALTOGETHER. Psa. 14:3 a. filthy, Psa. 53: 3 19:9 judgments are righteous a. 50:21 a. such a one as thyself 139:4 lo, thou knowest it a. Cant. 5: 16 yea, he is a. lovely John 9:34 thou wast a. born in sins Acts 26:29 almost and a. such as I ALWAY, S. Job 7:16 I would not live a. 27:10 will he a. call upon God ? Psa. 16:8 I have set L. a. before me 103:9 he will not a. chide Mat. 28: 20 I am with you a. to the Mark 14: 7 me ye have nota. J/».12:8 John 8:99 I do a. those things 11:42 I knew thou hearest me a. Phil 1 :4 o. in every prayer of mine 20 as a. so now also, Christ shall 4:4 rejoice in the Lord a. 1 Thes. 2: 16 to fill up their sins a. AMI. Mat. 18:20 there am I in the midst J AM, I AM that I AM. Exod. 3: 14 1 am that lam hath sent Job 9 : 32 he is not a man as I am Isa. 44 : 6 J am the first, J am the last, 48: 12; Rev. 1:11 47:8 lam, and none else, Zep. 2:15 Luke 22: 70 ye say that I am John 8 : 58 before Abraham was, 7 am 12:26 where Jam there shall my 17:21 they be with me where lam Acts 26:29 altogether such as lam ICor. 15:10 of God lam what lam Gal. 4: 12 be as I Of*, for I am as Here AM J, or ifere JAM. See here. AMALEK. Gen. 36: 12 Timnabare toEliphaz A. Exod. 17:8 then came A. and fought 11 out the remembrance of A. 16 Num. 24:20 looked on A. he took up his parable, and said A. was Deut. 25: l'7 what A. did, ISam. 15:2 19 out the remembrance of A. Jwlt;. 5: 14 was a root against A. I Sam. 15:3 smite A. ; 5 city of A. 28:18 executedst his wrath on A. Psa. s3:7 Gebal, Ammon, A. are AMANA. Cant. 4:8. AMASA. 2Sam. 17:25 A. captain of the host 1 Kings 2:5 what Joab did to A. 32 IChr. 2:17 Abigail bare A. 2Chr. 98 : 12 A. son of Hadlai stood up AMM AMAZED. Job 32: 15 were a. answered no more Isa. 13:8 shall be a. one at another Eze. 32:10 many people a. at thee Mat. 19:25 the disciples were a. Mark 2: 12 were all a. Luke 5:26 14:33 he began to be sore a. Luke 4 : 36 all a. and spake among 9:43 were all a. at mighty power Acts 9:21 all that heard Saul were a. AMAZEMENT. Acts 3: 10 filled with a. at what had IPer. 3:6 not afraid with any a. AMAZIAH. 2Kin. 12:21 A. reigned. 2 Chr. 24:27 13:12 he fought against A. 14:15 14:11 but A. would not hear 15:3 A. had done, 2Chr. 26:4 IChr. 6:45 A. the son of Hilkiah 2Chr. 25:27 A. did turn from the L. Amos 7: 10 A. priest of Beth-el AMBASSADOR. Prov. 13: 17 but a faithful a. is health Jer. 49 : 14 a. sent to heathen, Oba. 1 Eph. 6:20 I am an a. in bonds AMBASSADORS. Josh. 9:4 made as if they had been a. 2Chr. 35:21 he sent a. saying Isa. 18:2 that sendeth a. by the sea 30:4 his a. came to Hanes 33:7 a. of peace shall weep bitterly Eze. 17:15 rebelled in sending a. 2Cor. 5:20 we are a. for Christ AMBASSAGE. Luke 14:32 sendeth an a. AMBER. See color. AMBUSH, ES. Josh. 8:2 lay thee an a. for the city Jer. 51 : 12 prepare the a. AMBUSHMENT, S. 2Chr. 13: 13 Jeroboam caused an a. 20:22 Lord set a. against Ammon AMEN. Num. 5:22 the woman shall say a. a. Deut. 27:15 the people shall say a. 1 Kings 1:36 Benaiah answered a. IChr. 16:36 people said a. and Psa. 41: 13 to everlasting, a. and a. 72:19 filled with his glory, a. and a. 80:59 blessed evermore, a. and a. 106:48 let all the people say a. Jer. 28:6 even Jeremiah said a. Mat. 6:13 and the glory for ever, a. I Cor. 14: 16 unlearned say a. 2Cor. 1 : 20 prom, in him yea and a. Rev. 1 : IS I am alive for evermore a. 3:14 write, these things saith the a. 5:14 the four beasts said a. 19:4 22:20 a. even so, come, Lord Jesus AMEND, S. Lev. 5: 16 he shall make a. Jer. 7:3 a. ways, 5 ; 26: 13 ; 35: 15 Jo/ui 4:52 hour when he began to a. AMERCE. Deut. 22: 19 a. him in 100 shekels AMETHYST. See agate and ja- cinth. AMIABLE. Psa. 84 : 1 how a. are thy tabernacles AMISS. 2Chr. 6:37 we have done a. Dan. 3:29 speak any thing a. Luke 23 Al hath done nothing a. Jas. 4:3 because ye ask a. AMMAH. 2Sam.2:24 AMM1. Hos. 2:1 AMMINADAB. Exod. 6:23 Aaron took daugh. of A. Ruth 4:20 A. begat Nahs. Mat. 1:4 AMMI-NADIB. Cant. 6: 12 AMMON. Gen. 19:38 father of children of A. 19 ANC AMMONITE, S. Deut 23:3 A. not enter congregation 1 Sam. 11:11 slew A. till heat of day 1 Kings 11:1 Sol. loved women of A 2Chr. 26:8 A. give gifts to Uzziah Ezra 9: 1 the abomination of A. AMNON. 2Sam. 3:2 David's first-born was A. 13:2, 26, 98; IChr. 3:1; 4:20 AMON. 1 Kings 22:26 carry him back to A. 2Kings 21 : 18 A. reigned ; 23 slain 2Chr. 33:22 A. sacrificed to images Neh. 7: 59 out of capti. children of A. Mat. 1:10 Manasses begat A. AMORITE, S. Gen. 15:16 iniquity of A. not full 48:22 I took fr. A. with my sword Deut. 20:17 utterly destroy the A. Josh. 10: 12 when L. delivered up A. Judg. 1 1 : 23 L. dispossessed the A. ISam. 7:14 peace bet. Israel and A. 2Sam. 21 : 2 Gibeonites were of A Eze. 16:3 father an A. mother, 45 AMOS, or AMOZ. 2Kings 19: 2 Isaiah the son of A. 20 ; 20:1; 2Chr. 26:22; 32:20.32; Isa. 1:1; 2:1; 13:1; 20:2; 37:2, 21 ; 38: 1 Amos 7:14 A. said I was no prophet Luke 3: 25 Mattathias was son of A. AMPHIPOLIS. Acts 17:1 AMPLIAS. Rom. 16:8 AMR AM. Exod. 6:18 the sons of Kohath, A lCnr. 1:41 sons of Dishon, A. and 6:3 children of A. Aaron; Moses Ezra 10:34 sons of Bani, Maadi, A. ANAH. Gen. 36:24 ANAK. Num. 13:23 children of A. there, 33 Deut. 9:2 before the children of A. ? Josh. 15: 14 three sons of A. Ju. 1:90 ANAKIM. Deut. 2:10 people tall as A. 9:2 Josh. 11:22 none of the A. were 14: 15 Arba was great among A. ANAMMELECH. 2Kings 17:31 ANANIAS. .4crs5:5 A. hearing fell down 9:12 in a vision A. coming, 22:12 23:2 A. commanded to smite 24:1 A. descended with the elders ANATHEMA. ICor. 16: 22 let him be a. maran-atha ANATHOTH. Josh. 21 : 18 A. with her suburbs I Kings 2:26 to A. to thine own fields IChr. 7:8 sons of Becher, A. and Neh. 10:19 A. sealed the covenant Isa. 10:30 lift thy voice, O poor A. Jer. 11:23 evil on the men of A. 29:27 not reproved Jeremiah of A. 32: 7 buy my field that is in A. 8 ANCESTORS. Lev. 26:45 the covenant of their a. ANCHOR, S. Acts 27:30 they would have cast a. Heb. 6: 19 hope we have as an a. of ANCIENT. Deut. 33: 15 things of the a. moun. Judg. 5:21 that a. river, Kishon 2Kin. 19: 21 of a. times I, Isa. 37:26 IChr. 4:22 these are a. things Ezra 3: 12 were a. men that had seer Job 12: 12 with the a. is wisdom Prov. 22:28 remove not a. landmark Isa. 3:2 a. the Lord doth take away 9:15 the a. and honorable he is 19:11 I am the son of a. kings 23:7 whose antiquity is of a. days 44: 7 since I appointed the o. people ANG [sa. 47:6 upon the a. laid thy yoke 51 : 9 awake as in the a. days Jer. 18:15 to stumble from a. paths Eze. 9:6 they began at the a. men Dan. 7:9 the a. of days did sit 13 one like Son of man came to a. 22 till the a. of days came ANCIENTS. 1 Sam. 24: 13 saith proverb of the a. Psa. 119:100 more than the a. Isa. 3:14 enter into judgment with a. 24:23 Lord shall reign before his a. Jer. 19:1 take of a. of people and a. Eze. 7:26 shall perish from the a. 8: 12 hast thou seen what the a. do ? 27:9 the a. of Gebal thy calkers ANCLE-BONES. Acts 3:7 his a.-b. received strength ANCLES. Eze. 47:3 the waters were to the a. ANDREW. Mark 13:3 A. asked him privately John 1 :40 one which heard was A. ANDRONICUS. Rom. 16:7 ANER. Gen. 14:24; IChr. 6:70 ANGEL. Gen. 22:11 a. said, Abraham, Abra. 24:7 send his a. before thee, 40 48:16 the a. who redeemed me Exod. 23:20 send a. before thee, 23 ; 32:34; 33:2 Num. 20:16 sent an a. and brought Judg. 13:19 the a. did wondrousiy 2 Sam. 24:16 the a. stretched out his hand, the a. IChr. 21:15 17 when he saw the a. that smote 1 icing's 13: 18 a. spake by the word 19:5 an a. touched Elijah 1 Chr. 21 : 15 God sent an a. to Jeru. 20 Oman turned and saw the a. 27 Lord com. a. and he put up 2Chr. 32:21 an a. which cut off Eccl. 5:6 before a. it was an error Isa. 63:9 the a. of his presence Dan. 3:28 God who hath sent a. 6:22 hath sent his a. and shut up Hos. 12:4 he had power over the a. Zech. 1:9 a. that talked, said, 4:5 3:4 with filthy garm. stood before a. Mat. 28:5 a. answered the women Luke 1:13 a. said, fear not, Zachar. 19 a. answered, I am Gabriel 26 in sixth month the a. Gabriel 30 the a. said, Fear not, Mary 35 a. answered, Holy Ghost shall 2:10 a. said to the shepherds 13 suddenly with a. a multitude 21 so named of the a. « 22:43 an a. strengthening him John 5:4 a. went down at a c. season 12:29 an a. spake to him Acts 6:15 as the face of an a. 7:35 a. that appeared in the bush 38 in wilderness with the a. 10:7 a. which spake to Cornelius 22 warned by a holy a. to send 11:13 how he had seen a. in house 12:8 the a. said to Peter, bind 9 true which was done by the a. 10 the o. departed from him 1 1 sent his a. and delivered me 15 then said they, it is his a. 23:8 Sad. say, neither a. nor spirit 9 if an a. hath spoken to him 2Cor. 11:14 transf. into a. of light Gal. 1 :8 though we or an a. Rev. 1 : 1 signified it by a. to John 2:1 a. of church, 8, 12, 18; 3:1,7,14 5:2 I saw strong a. proclaiming 7:2 a. ascending from the east 8:3 a. came and stood at the altar 4 ascended out of the a. hand 5 a. took the censer 7 first a. sounded ; 8 second a. 8:10 third a.; 12 fourth a. 13 I heard an a. flying through ANG Rev. 9 A fifth a. sounded, 13 sixth a. 11 the a. of the bottomless pit 14 sixth a. loose the four angels 10:1 a. come down, 18:1 ; 20:1 5 a. which I saw stand on sea 7 in days of voice of seventh a. 8 take the book in hand of a. 11:15 seventh a. sounded 14:6 a. fly in the midst of heaven 8 another a. saying, Babylon is 19 the a. thrust in his sickle 16:1 a. poured out vial, 3, 4, etc. 5 a. of the waters 17:7 a. said, wherefore marvel ? 18:21 mighty a. took up a stone 19: 17 an a. standing in the sun 21 : 17 of a man, that is of the a. 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine a. ANGEL of God. Exod. 14: 19 a. of God removed Judg.l3:6 like counten. of a. of God ISam. 29:9 art good as an a. of God 2Sam. 14: 17 as an a. of God, 19:27 20 wise accord, to wisd. of a. of God Acts 27:23 stood by me the a. of G. Gal. 4:14 received me as an a. of G. ANGE L of the Lord. Gen. 16:7 a. of the. L. found Hagar 22:11 a. of the L. called to him, 15 Num. 22: 23 ass saw a. of the L. 25, 27 31 Balaam saw a. of L. in the way Judg. 5: 23 curse Meroz, said a.ofL. 6:11 a. of the L. sat under an oak 12 a. of the L. appeared to Gideon 21 a. of L. put forth end of staff 13:3 a. of L. appeared to woman 16 knew not he was an a. of L. 21 20 a. of the L. ascended in flame 2Sam. 24 : Wa.ofthe Lord was by the threshing-place, IChr. 21:15 2Kings 19:35 a. of the Lord smote in camp, Isa. 37:36 1 Chr. 21:12 a. of the L. destroying 18 a. of the L. commanded Gad 30 because of sword of a. of the L. Psa. 34:7 a. of the L. encampeth 35:5 let a. of the L. chase them 6 let a. of t/ie L. persecute them Zech. 1 : 12 a. of the L. answered, wilt 3:5 a. of the L. stood by Joshua 6 a. of the L. protested 12:8 as the a. of the L. before them Mat. 1 :20 a. of the Lord appeared in dream, 2:13, 19 24 Jos. did as a. of L. had bidden 28:2 a. of L. descended from heav. Luke 1:11 to Zacharias an a. of L. 2:9 a. of the L. came upon them Acts 5:19 a. of L. opened prison-do. 8:26 a. of the L. spake to Philip 12:23 a. of the L. smote Herod ANGELS. Gen 19: 1 came two a. to Sodom at Psa. 8:5 lower than a. Heb. 2:7, 9 68:17 chariots are thousands of a. 78:25 man did eat a.'s food 49 by sending evil a. among them Mai. 4:11 a. ministered, Mark 1:13 13:39 the reapers are the a. 49 the a. shall sever the wicked 18: 10 their a. behold face of God 24:36 the a. of heaven, Mar. 13:32 25:31 all the holy a. with him 26: 53 more than twelve legions of a. Mark S:38 when Son of man cometh with the holy a. Luke 9:26 12:25 but are as the a. in heaven Luke 2: 15 as the a. were gone away 16:22 beggar was carried by the a. 20:36 nor die, for equal unto the a. 24:23 had also seen a vision of a. John 20: 12 seeth two a. in white Acts 7:53 the law by disposition of a. Rom. 8:38 nor a. able to separate ICor. 4:9 a spectacle to world, to a. 6:3 that we shall judge a.? 11: 10 power because of the a. 20 ANG lCor.l3:l with tongues of men anda. Gal. 3: 19 ordained by a. in the hand Col. 2:18 beguile you in worship, of a. 2Thes. 1:7 revealed with mighty a. 1 Tim. 3: 16 seen of a. preached to Ge. 5:21 before God and the elect a. Heb. 1 :4 so much better than the a. 5 to which of the a. said he, 13 7 who maketh his a. spirits 2:2 if word spoken by a. steadfast 5 to the a. not put in subjection 16 took not nature of a. but seed 12:22 innumerable company of a. 13:2 entertained a. unawares I Pet. 1:12 a. desire to look into 3:22 a. and powers being subject 2Pet. 2:4 if God spared not the a. 1 1 whereas a. greater in power Jude 6 a. who kept not first estate Rev. 1:20 seven stars a. of churches 5:11 voice of many a. about throne 7: 1 four a. on the four corners 2 with loud voice to the four a. 11 all the a. stood round the throne 8:13 trumpet of a. yet to sound 9:14 loose the four a. bound 15 the a. were loosed 14: 10 tormented in pres. of holy a. 21 : 12 and at the gates twelve a. ANGELS of God. Gen. 28: 12 a. ofG. ascend. JohnUSl 32:1 Jacob went his way, and a. of God met him Mat. 22:30 but as a. of God in heav- ven, Mark 12:25 Luke 12:8 him shall the Son confess before a. of God 9 be denied before the a. of God 15:10 joy in presence of a. of God Heb. 1 : 6 let all the a. of God worship His ANGELS. Job 4:18 his a. he charged with folly Psa. 91:11 give his a. charge, Mat. 4:6; Luke i: 10 103:20 ye hit a. that excel 104:4 maketh his a. spirits. Heb. 1:7 148:2 praise ye him all his a. Mat. 13: 41 Son shall send forth his a. 1 6 : 27 glory of his Father with his a. 24 : 31 his a. with sound, Mark 13 : 27 25:41 fire for devil and his a. Rev. 3:5 will confess before his a. 12:7 Michael and his a. the dragon 9 dragon was cast out, and his a. ANGER, Verb. Rom. 10: 19 a foolish nation I will a. ANGER. Gen. 27:45 till thy brother's a. turn 44:18 let not thine a. burn against 49:7 cursed be their a. Exod.32:19 Moses' a. waxed hot Deut. 9: 19 I was afraid of the a. 13:17 from the fierceness of his a. 29:24 the heat of this great a. ? Judg. 8:3 then their a. was abated Job 9: 13 if God will not withdraw a. Psa. 21 : 9 as oven in time of thine a. 30:5 his a. endureth but a moment 37:8 cease from a. and forsaKe 38:3 no soundness because of a. 69:24 wrathful a. take hold 74 : 1 why doth thy a. smoke 78:21 a. came up against Israel 38 many a time turned he his a. 49 he cast the fierceness of his a. 50 he made a way to his a. 85:3 turned from fierceness of a. 4 cause a. towards us to cease 5 draw out a. to all generations ? 90:7 we aro consumed by thine a. 1 1 knoweth power of thine a. ? 103:9 keep his a. for ever, Jer. 3:5 Prov. 15: 1 grievous words stir up a. 19:11 discretion deferreth his a. 21 : 14 a gift in secret pacifieth a. 22:8 the rod of his a. shall fail 27:4 and a. is outrageous ANG Eccl. 7:9 a. resteth in bosom of fools Isa. 5 : 25 for all this his a. is not turn- ed away, 9:12, 17,21; 10:4 7:4 fear not for the a. of Resin 10:5 the rod of mine a. and staff 25 and my a. in their destruction 12:1 angry, thine a. is turned 13:9 day of L. cometh with fierce a. 13 in day of fierce a. Lam. 1:12 30:27 name of L. burning with a. 30 show the indignation of his a. 42 : 25 poured on him fury of his a. 48:9 will I defer mine a. 66:15 L. will come to render his a. Jer. 2:35 his a. shall turn from me 3:121 will not cause mine a. to fall on you, I will not keep mine a. 4:26 cities broken down by his a. 7:20 a. be poured on this place 18:23 deal with them in thine a. 25: 38 land desolate because of his a. 32:31 city, provocation of mine a. 36:7 great is the a. L. hath pron. 42: 18 as mine a. on Jerusalem 44:6 mine a. was poured forth 49:37 evil on them, my fierce a. Lam. 2 : 1 his footstool in day of a. 6 in the indignation of his a. 21 hast slain them in thine a. 22 in the Lord's a. none escaped 3:43 thou hast covered with a. 4:11 hath poured out his fierce a. Eze. 5:13 thus a. be accomplished 7:3 I will send mine a. upon thee 8 accomplish a. on thee, 20: B, 21 35:11 I will do according to thine a. Dan. 9:16 let thine a. be turned Hos. 11:9 will not execute mine a. 14:4 for mine a. is turned away Amos 1:11 his a. did tear perpetually Jonah 3:9 if God turn from fierce a. Mic. 7: 18 retained not his a. for ever Nah. 1:6 who can abide his a. ? Hab. 3:8 was thine a. ag. the rivers ? Zeph. 3:8 to pour all my fierce a. Mark 3:5 looked on them with a. Eph. 4:31 a. be put away, Col.3:8 ANGER of the Lord. Num. 25:4 fierce a. of the L. may be 32:14 to augment a. of the L. ag. Isr. Deut. 2^:20 a. of the L. shall smoke Judg. 2:14 a. of the. Lord against Israel, 20; 3:8; 10:7 2Kings 21:20 thro' the a. of the Lord it came to pass, Jer. 52:3 Jer. 4:8 a. of the Lord is not turned 12: 13 bee. of fierce a. of the L. 25:37 23:20 a. of the L. shall not ret. 30:24 51 -.45 deliver soul from a. of the L. Lam. 4:16 a. of the L. hath divided Zeph. 2:2 before a. oftlie L. come on 3 ye shall be hid in day of a. of L. In ANGER. Gen. 49:6 in a. they slew a man Deut. 29:23 which L. overthrew ina. 28 the L. rooted them out in a. Job 9:5 overturneth them in his a. 18:4 he teareth himself in his a. 21:17 distributeth sorrows in a. 35: 15 he hath visited in his a. Psa.6:l rebuke me not ma.Jer.l0:24 7:6 in thine a. lift up thyself 27:9 put not thy servant away in a. 56:7 in a. cast down the people 77:9 in a. shut up his mercies ? Isa. 13:3 called mighty ones in a. 11:0 he that ruled nations in a. 63:3 I will tread them xn a. 6 Jer. 21 : 5 fight against you, even in a. 32:37 driven them in mine a. 33 : 5 whom I have slain in mine a. Lam. 2:1 Lord covered Zion with a cloud in his a. 3 cut ofF in a. horn of Israel 3:60 persecute and destr. them in a. Eze. 5:15 execute judgments in a. 13: 13 overflowing shower in mine a. ANG Eze. 22: 20 so will I gather you in a. 43:8 consumed them in mine a. Dan. 1 1 : 20 be destroyed, neither ina. Hos. 13: 11 I gave a king in mine a. Mic. 5:15 execute vengeance in a. Hab. 3: 12 didst thresh heathen in a. ANGER kindled. ExodA-.H a. of L. k. against Moses Num. 11 : 1 a. of the Lord was k. 10 ; 12:9; 22:22 25:3 a. of the L. was k. against Israel, 32:13 ; Josh. 7:1; 2Sam. 24:1; 2Kings 13:3 Deut. 6: 15 lest a. be k. against thee 7:4 so will a. be k. against you 29:27 a.of the L. k. against this land 31:17 a. be k. in that day, Joshua 23:16 32:22 fire k. in mine a. Jer. 15: 14 2Sam. 6:7 a. of the Lord was k. against Uzziah, IChr. 13:10 12:5 David's a. k. against the man Isa. 5: 25 a. of L. k. against his peop. Jer. 17 A ye have k. a fire in mine a. Zech.W:3a.k. against the shepherds Provoke or provdked to ANGER. Deut. 32:16 withabominationsp.J.a. 21 they have provoked me to a Judg. 2:12 bowed, and pr. L. to a. IKings 16:2 pr. me to a. with sins, 2Kingsl7Al; Jer. 11:17; 32:29; 32; Eze. 16:26 2Kings 21 : 15 pr. to a. since the day 22: 17 forsaken me that they might pro. me to a. 2Chr. 34:25; Jer. 25:7 Psa. 78:58 pro. him to a. with high places, 106:29 Prov. 20:2 whoso pro. to a. sinneth Isa. 1:4 pro. Holy One of Israel to a. 65:3 a people that pro, me to a. Hos. 12:14 Ephraim pro. him to a. Col. 3: 21 pro. not your children to a. Sloio to ANGER. JVieA. 9:17 ready to pardon, slow to a. Psa. 103:8 slow to a. plenteous, 145:8 Prov. 15: 18 he s. t. a. appcaseth strife 16:32 he s. to a. better than mighty Joel 2:13 si. to a. of great kindness, Jonah 4:2 Nah. 1:3 L. is si. to a. great in power ANGERED. Psa. 106:32 a. him at waters of strife ANGLE. Isa. 19:8 and all they that cast a. Hab. 1 : 15 they take up with a. ANGRY. Gen. 18:30 let not L. be a. 32 45:5 be not a. that ye sold me Lev. 10: 16 Moses a. with Eleazar Deut. 1 :37 L.a. with me for you, 4:21 9 : 20 L. was very a. with Aaron Judg. IS: 25 lest a. fellows run on IKings SAG thou be a. 2Chr. 6:36 11:9 the L. was a. with Solomon 2Kings 17:18 L. was a. with Israel Ezra 9: 14 wouldst be a. with us Psa. 2: 12 kiss the Son, lest ho be a. 7:11 God is a. with the wicked 76:7 who stand when thou art a. ? 79:5 how long a.? 80:4; 85:5 Prov. 14:17 he soon a. dealeth fool. 21 : 19 than with an a. woman 22: 24 no friendship with an a. man 25:23 so doth an a. countenance 29:22 a. man stirreth up strife Eccl. 5:6 God be a. at thy voice ? 7:9 be not hasty in spirit to be a. Cant. 1:6 mother's children were a. Isa. 12:1 tho' thou wast a. with me Eze. 16:42 and will be no more a. Jonah 4:1 Jonah was very a. 4:4 doest thou well to be a. ? 9 9 I do well to be a. unto death Mat. 5:22 whoso, is a. with brother Luke 14:21 master of house being a. 21 aNO Luke la. 28 a. and would not go in John 7 : 23 are ye a. at me because Eph. 4:26 be a. and sin not Tit. 1:7 a bishop not soon a. Rev. 11: 18 the nations were a. ANGUISH. Exod. 6:9 hearkened not to M. for a Deut. 2:25 tremble, and be in a. 2Sam1\:9 slay me, for a. is come Job 7:111 will speak in a. of spirit 15:24 and a. shall make him afraid Psa. 119: 143 and a. have taken hold Prov. 1:27 when distress and a. Isa. 8:22 and behold dimness of a. 30:6 into land of trouble and a. Jer. 4:31 the a. as of her that John 16:21 no more her a. for joy Rom. 2:9 tribulation and a. upon 2Cor. 2:4 out of a. of heart I wrote ANISE. Mat. 23:23 ye pay tithe of mint, a. ANNA. Luke 2:36 ANNAS. Luke3:2; JbA/t 18:13, 24 ANOINT. Exod.2S:il shalt a. 30:30; 40:15 29:7 take oil and a. him, 40:13 36 thou shalt a. the altar. 40: 10 30:26 shalt a. the tabernacle, 40:9 Lev. 16:32 priest whom he shall a. Deut. 28 A0 shalt not a. thyself with Judg. 9:8 trees went to a. a king 15 if in truth ye a. me king I Sam. 9: 16 a. him captain over Isr 15: 1 the L. sent me to a. thee king 16:3 a. him whom I name 12 L. said, Arise, a. him, this is he 2Sam. 14:2 a. not thyself with oil IKings 1:31 Zadok a. him king 19:15 a. Hazael king 16 a. Jehu. a. Elisha Isa. 21:5 princes, a. the shieid Dan. 9:24 and a. the most Holy 10": 3 neither did I a. myself at all Amos 6:6 a. themselves with chief Mic. 6: 15 tread the olives, but not a. Mat. 6: 17 when thou fastest a. head Mark 14:3 she is come to a. my body 16:1 spices that they might a. him Luke 7:46 my head thou didst not a. Rev. 3: 18 a. thine eyes with eye-sal. ANOLNTED. Lev. 8: 10 a. the tabernacle 11a. the altar. Num. 7: 1 Lev. 8: 12 Aaron's head, and a. him I Sam. 10:1 the Lord a. thee captain 15: 17 a. Saul 16:13 a. David, 2Sam. 2:4, 7; 5:3, 17; 12:7; 2Kings 9:3, 6, 12; lCAr.ll:3; 14:8 25am. 2:7 Judah have a. me king 3:39 I am weak, though a. king 12:20 David arose, and a. himself 23:1 David the a. of God said Isa. 61 : 1 a. me to preach, Luke 4: 18 Eze. 28: 14 a. cherub that covers Luke 7:38 she kissed his feet and a 46 this woman hath a. my feet John 9:6 he a. the eyes with clay 11:2 that Mary which a. the Lord 12:3 Mary a. feet of Jesus Acts A:27 holy child J. thou hast a. 10:38 how God a. Jesus of Nazar. 2Cor. 1 : 21 hath a. us is God ANOINTED Ones. Zech. 4: 14 two a. ones which stand His ANOINTED. ISam. 2:10 and exalt horn of his a 12:3 ag. me bef. the L. and his a. 5 the Lord and his a. is witness 2Sam. 22: 51 showeth mercy to his a Psa.lS-.50 Psa. 2:2 and against his a. 20:6 the Lord saveth his a. 28:8 the saving strength of his a. 7*a. 45: 1 thus saith L. to his a. to G ANS Lord's ANOINTED. I Sam. 16:6 Lord's a. is before him 24:6 my master, the Lord's a. • 10 put my hand against Lord's a. 26:9 against L. a. and be guiltless 16 have not kept the Lord's a. 2Sam. 1 : 14 not afraid to destroy L.a. 19:21 to death bee. he cursed L. a. Lam. 4: 20 a. of L. taken in the.ir pits Mine ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2:35 shall walk before mine a. IChr. 16:22 touch not mine a. Psa. 105:15 Psa. 132: 17 a lamp for mine a. ANOINTED with Oil. '2 Sam. 1:21 as though not a. ivith o. PsaA5'.l a.w.o. of gladness, Heb. 1:9 «9:20 with holy oil have I a. him 92: 10 I shall be a. with fresh oil Mark 6:13 a. with oil many sick Thine ANOINTED. •IChr. 6:42 turn not away the face of thine a. Psa. 132:10 P.sa.S4:9 look on face of thine a. 89:38 hast been wroth with thine a 51 reproached footsteps of thine a Hab. 3 : 13 for salvation with thine a ANOINTEST. Psa. 23:5 a. my head with oil ANOINTING. Exod. 40: 15 a. everlasting priesthood Isa. 10:27 yoke destroyed bee. of a. 1 John 2:27 a. teacheth all things ANOINTING Oil. Exod. 37:29 made the holy a. oil Lev. 8:12 a. oil on Aaron's head 10:7 a. oil of the L. is upon you Num. i:16 office of E lea. pertain.a.o Jas. 5: 11 a. with oil in name ol Lord ANON. Mat. 13:20 a. with joy. receiveth it Mark 1 :30 mother lay sick and a. ANOTHER. 1 Sam. 10:6 shalt be turned to a. man Job 19:27 shall behold and not a. Psa. 109:8 let a. take office, Acts 1:20 Prov. 25:9 discover not a secret to a. 27:2 let a. praise thee, and not Isa. 42:8 my glory not to a. 48:11 65:15 call his servants by a. name H os. 3:3 shalt not be for a. man 4:4 let no man reprove a. Mat. 11:3 or do we look for a. ? Mark 14:19 a. said, Is it I? Lw.16: 7 to a.How much owest thou ? 2Cor. 11:4 a. Jesus, a. spirit, or a. Gal. 1 : 7 which is not a. but 6:4 rejoicing in himself, not in a. Heb.3A3 exhort one a. 10:25 One ANOTHER. See love. One against ANOTHER. 1 Sam. 2 : 25 if one man sin against a. Jer. 13: 14 dash them one against a. 1 Cor. 4:6 puffed up one against a. Jas. 5:9 grudge not one against a. One for ANOTHER. \Cor. 11:33 to eat, tarry one for a. Jas. 5: 16 pray one for a. that ye ANSWER. Gen. 41 : 16 Pharaoh an a. of peace Deut. 20: 11 if city make o. of peace 2Sam. 24: 13 see what a. I return Job 19:16 and he gave me no a. 32:3 found no a. and condemned 35:12 they cry, but none giveth a. Prov. 15:1 soft a. turneth away wra. 23 a man hath joy by the a. of his 16:1 a. of the tongue is from Lord 24 : 26 kiss lips that giveth right a. Cant. 5:6 I called him, he gave no a Mic 3 : 7 for there is no a. of God Luke 20 : 26 they marvelled at his a John 1 : 22 that we may give a. 19:9 Jesus gave him no a. ANS Rom. 11:4 what saith a. of God? 1 Cor. 9:3 mine a. is this 2Tim. 4: 16 at my first a. none stood IPet. 3: 15 be ready to give an a. 21 the a. of a good conscience ANSWERS. Job 21 : 34 in your a. remaineth false. 34:36 bee. of his a. for wicked men Luke 2:47 all were aston. at his a. ANSWER, Verb. Gen. 30:33 my righteousn. a. forme Deut. 27: 15 the people shall a. amen 1 Kings 18:29 voice, nor any to a. Job 13:22 call thou, and I will a. 23:5 the words he would a. me 31:14 when he visiteth what a. him? 33:12 will a. God is greater, 35:4 40:2 reproveth God, let him a. Psa. 27:7 have mercy and a. me 65:5 things in right, wilt thou a. us 86:7 will call, thou wilt a. me 102:2 when I call a. me speedily 108:6 thy right hand, and a. me 143:1 in thy faithfulness a. me Prov. 15:28 heart studieth to a. 22:21 mightest a: words of truth 26:5 a. a fool according to his folly Isa. 14:32 what a. the messengers 50:2 was there none to a.? 66:4 58:9 shalt thou call, Lord will a. Dan. 3: 16 not careful to a. thee Hab. 2 : 1 what a. when reproved Mat. 22:46 no man was able to a. Mark 1 1 : 30 heaven or of men ? a. 14:40 neither wist they what to a. Luke 11:7 he from within shall a. 12: 11 what thing ye shall a. or say 13:25 he shall a. I know you not 21:14 not to meditate what ye o. 2Cor. 5:12 somewhat to a. them Col. 4:6 know how to a. every man I will ANSWER. Job 13:22 call, I will a. 14: 15; Psa. 91:15; Jer. 33:3 Isa. 65:24 before they call I will a. Not ANSWER. 2Kings 18:36 king's commandment was a. him not, Isa. 36:21 Job 9:3 a. him one of a thousand Prov. 1:28 they shall call I not a. 26:4 a. not a fool accor. to his folly 29:19 he understand, he will not a. Isa. 65:12 I called, ye did not a. Jer. 7:27 but they will not a. thee itt&e 14:6 they could not a. him 22:68 you willnoi a. nor let me go ANSWERED. Judg. 8:8 a. as men of Succoth a. ISam. 3:4 and he a. Here am I, 16 IKings 12:13 the king a. roughly, 2Chr. 10:13 18:26 no voice, nor any that a. 2Chr. 25:9 a. the Lord is able Job 11 : 2 multitude of words be a. ? Eze. 37:3 I a. O L. thou knowest Dan. 2:14 Daniel a. with counsel Mat. 27:12 accused he a. nothing, 14; Mark 14:61; 15:3, 5 ; Luke 23:9 Mark 12: 28 perceiving he a. well 34 Jesus saw he a. discreetly Acts 22:8 la. Who art thou, Lord ? 25:8 while he a. for himself, 26:1 ANSWERED, meant o/God. Gen. 35:3 who a. me in my distress Exod. 19:19 Moses spake, and God a. 2Sam. 21:1 Lord a. It is for Saul IChr. 21:26 a. from heaven by fire 28 David saw Lord had a. him Psa. 81 : 7 la. thee in the secret 99:6 on the Lord, and he a. them 118:5 the Lord a. me and set me Jer. 23:35 what hath the Lord a. 37 ANSWERED not. 1 Sam. 4 : 20 she a. not nor did regard 2Sam. 22: 42 looked, but a. them not, Psa. 18:41 22 APO IKings 18:21 the people a. him not, 2Kings 18:36 ; Isa. 36:21 Jer. 7:13 I called, ye a. not, 35:17 Mat. 15:23 he a. her not a word ANSWEREDST. Psa. 99:8 thou a. them, O Lord 138:3 when I cried thou a. me ANSWEREST. ISam. 26:14 a. thou not, AVner ? Job 16:3 emboldeneth that thou a. t Mat. 26:62 a. thou nothing? Mark 14:60; 15:4 JoA» 18:22 a. thou the h.-priest so ? ANSWERETH. lSaw. 28:15 God a. me no more 1 King's 18:24 God that a. by fire Job 12:4 on God and he a. him Prov. 18:13 that a. a matter 23 but the rich a. roughly 27:19 as face a. to face, so Eccl. 5:20 God a. him in the joy 10:19 but money a. all things Gal. 4:25 and a. to Jerusalem that ANSWERING. Luke 23:40 the otner a. rebuked him Tit. 2:9 be obedient, not a. again ANT, S. Prov. 6:6 go to the a. thou sluggard 30:25 the a. are a people not strong ANTICHRIST, S. lJb/m2:18 now there are many a. 22 a. denieth Father and Son 4:3 spirit of a. whereof ye heard 2John 7 is a deceiver and an a. ANTIOCH. Acts 11 :19 travelled as far as A. 22 26 called Christians first in A. Gal. 2:11 Peter to A. I withstood ANTIPAS. See martyr. ANTIPATRIS. Acts 23:31 ANTIQUITY. Isa. 23:7 joyous city, whose a. ANVIL. Isa. 41 ; 7 encour. him that smote 3. ANY. Deut. 32:39 nor a. that can deliver IKings 18:26 nor a. that answered •Too 33: 27 if a. say, I have sinned Psa. 4:6 who will show us a. good ? Isa. 44:8 is no God, I know not a. Amos 6: 10 is there yet a. with thee ? Mark 8:26 nor tell it to a. in town 1 1 :25 if ye have aught against a. Acts 9:2 if he found a. of this way See FURTHER, GOD, MAN, MORE, THING, TIME, WISE. ANY while. See dead. APACE. See flee, fled. APART. Exod. 13:12 a. all that open matrix Lev. 15:19 she shall be put a. 18: 19 not appro, as long as she is a. Psa. 4:3 Lord hath set a. godly Zech. 12:12 every family a. 14 Mat. 14: 13 into a desert place a. 23 mountain a. 17:1 ; Mark 9:28 17:19 came the disciples to Jesus a Mark6:31 come ye yourselves a. Jas. 1 :21 wherefore lay a. filthiness APELLES. Bow. 16:10 APES. See peacocks. APHEK. ISam. 4:1 Phil, pitched in A 29: t IKings 20:30 the rest fled to A. 2Kings 13: 17 smite the Syrians ir* A APIECE. Num. 3:47 five shekels a. by pol r 17:6 everyone gave him a rod t Luke 9:3 nor have two coats a. John 2:6 two or three firkins a. APOLLONIA. Acts 11:1 APOLLOS. Acts 18:24 A. came to Ephesus ICor 1:12 and I of A. 3:4; 3:5 APP lCor.3:6 I have planted, A. watered 4:6 in a figure transferred to A. Tit. 3:13 bring Zenas and A. APOLLYON. Rev.V-.U APOSTLE. Rom. 1:1 Paul, called to be an a. ICor.lA 11 : 13 as I am the a. of the Gentiles ICor. 9:1 am I not an a. ? 2 15:9 not meet to be called an a. 2Cor. 1 : 1 Paul an a. Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:1 ; 127m. 1:1; 2Tim. 1:1; Gal. 1:1.* 12: 12 the signs of an a. 1 Tim. 2:7 whereto I am ordained an a. 227 m. 1:11 Tit. 1 : 1 Paul, a servant of G. and a. Heb. 3:1 a. and high-priest of our APOSTLES. Mat . 10:2 the names of the twelve a. Mark 6:30 the a. gathered themsel. Luke 6: 13 twelve, whom he named a. 9:10 the a. when they returned 11:49 I will send prophets and a. 17:5 the a. said, Increase our faith 22: 14 he sat down,and the twelve a. 24:10 women told these things to a. Acts 1:26 numb, with the eleven a. 2:43 many signs by the a. 5:12 1:3.5 laid them at a. feet, 37; 5:2 5: 18 laid their hands on the a. 8: 1 all scattered except the a. Rom. 16:7 of note among the a. I Cor. 4:9 set forth us the a. last 12:28 set first a. 29 are all a. 15:9 for I am the least of the a. 2Cor. 11:5 behind chiefest o. 12:11 13 such are false a. Gal. 1:17 went to them a. before me 19 but other of the a. saw I none Eph. 3:5 now revealed to his holy a. 4: 11 he gave some a. 1 Tlies. 2:6 burdensome as the a. of 2 Pet. 3:2 command, of us the a. .Iwl> 17 words spoken before of a. Rev. 2:2 which say they are o. and 18:20 rejoice over her, ye holy a. APOSTLESHIP. Acts 1:95 he may take part of this a. Rom. 1 : 5 received grace and a. XCor. 9:2 the seal of mine a. are ye Gal. 2: 8 effectually in Peter to the a. APOTHECARY. Exod. 30:25 ointment after art of a. 35 confection after art.of a. 37:29 Eecl. 10:1 dead flies cause oint. of a. APPAREL. 2Sam. 12:20 David changed his a. 1 King! 10:5 attendance of his min- isters and their a. 2Chr. 9:4 Isa. 3:22 the changeable suits of a. 4: 1 we will wear our own o. 63: 1 who is this glorious in his a. Zeph. 1:8 are clothed in strange a. Acts 1:10 two men stood in white a. 20:33 coveted no man's silver or a. 1 Tim. 2:9 women adorn in modest a. Jet*. 2:2 if a man come in goodly a. 1 Pet. 3:3 or putting on o. See royal. APPARELLED. 2Sam. 13:18 king's daugh. were a. Luke 7:25 which are gorgeously a. APPARENTLY. Num. 12:8 with him will I speak a. APPEAL, ED. Acts 25:11 I a. unto Cesar, 21 26:32 at liberty, if he had not a. 28:19 constrained to a. to Cesar APPEAR. Gen. 1:9 let the dry land a. Exod. 23: 15 none a. before me emp- ty, 34:20; Deut. 16:16 34:24 when thou shalt go to a. APP Deut. 31:11 when Israel a. before L. Psa. 42:2 when shall I come and a. 90:16 work a. to thy servants Cant. 2: 12 flowers a. on earth 4:1 as a flock of goats that a. 6:5 Isa. 1: 12 ye come to a. before me Jer. 13:26 that thy shame may a. Eze. 21:24 doings, your sins do a. Mat. 6:16 may a. to men to fast 23:28 ye outwardly a. righteous 24:30 a. the sign of the Son of man Luke 11:44 as graves which a. not 19: 11 kingdom of God should a. Acts 26: 16 things in which I will a. Rom. 7: 13 sin, that it might a. sin 2Cor. 5:10 all a. before iudg.-seat Col. 3:4 Christ our life shall a. 1 Tim. 4: 15 profiting may a. to all Heb. 9:24 now to a. in the presence 28 a. the second time to salvation 11:3 not made of things which do a. IPet. 4: 18 where shall ungodly a. ? 5:4 when chief Shepherd shall a. \.Tohn 2: 28 when he shall a. we may 3:2 it doth not yet a. what we shall be, when he shall a. we shall Rev. 3: 18 of thy nakedness do not a. APPEAR, referred to God. Lev. 9:4 to-day L. will a. to you, 6 16:2 I will a. in the cloud ISam. 2:27 plainly a. to the house 2Chr. 1 : 7 did God a. to Solomon Psa. 102:16 he shall a. in his glory Isa. 66:5 he shall a. to your joy Acts 26: 16 things in which I will a. APPEARANCE. Num. 9: 15 as the a. of fire, 16 ISam. 16:7 looketh on outward a. Dan. 8: 15 as the a. of a man, 10: 18 10:6 his face as a. of lightning John 7: 24 judge not accord, to the a. 2Cor. 5:12 which glory in a. 10:7 on things after the outward a. 1 Thes.5: 22 abstain from all a. of evil APPEARED. Exod. 4: 1 Lord hath not a. to thee 6:3 I a. by name of God Almighty 1 Kings 11:9 had a. to Solomon twice Jer. 31 : 3 the L. hath a. of old to me Mat. 2: 7 what time the star a. 13:26 then a. the tares also 17:3 a. Moses and Elias, Mark9:i 27:53 into holy city, and a. to many Mark 16:9 Jesus a. first to Mary 12 after that he a. in another form 14 after he a. to the eleven Luke 1:11 there a. to him an angel 9:31 who a. in glory, and spake 22:43 a. an angel, strengthening 24:34 L. is risen, and a. to Simon Acts 7:2 God a. to our father Abra. 9:17 Jesus, that a. to thee in way 26: 16 I have a. for this purpose 27:20 neither sun nor stars a. Tit. 2: 11 grace of God hath a. to all 3:4 after the love of God a. Heb. 9:26 hath he a. to put away sin Rev. 12:1 there a. a great wonder, 3 APPEARETH. Psa. 84:7 in Zion a. before God Prov. 27:25 the hay a. Jer. 6: 1 for evil a. out of the north Mai. 3:2 who shall stand when he a. Jas. 4: 14 life as a vapor that a. APPEARING. 1 Tim. 6:14 keep com. till a. of L. 2Tim. 1 : 10 made manifest by the a. 4:1 judge quick and dead at his a. 8 to them also that love his a. Tit. 2: 13 looking for glorious a. I Pet. 1:7 to praise at the a. of Jesus APPEASE. Gen. 32:20 I will a. him with pres. APPEASED, ETH. Esth. 2:1 Ahasuerus a. 23 APP Prov. 15:18 slow to anger, a strife Acts 19:35 town-clerk had a. APPERTAIN. Num. 16:30 swallow them, with all that a. Jer. 10:7 for to thee doth it a. See pertaix. APPERTAINED. Num. 16:32 that a. to Korah. 33 APPERTAINETH. ING. Lev. 6:5 and give it to whom it a. Rom. 4:1 Abraham, our father, as a. APPETITE. Job 38: 39 wilt thou fill the a. of lions Prov. 23: 2 thou be a man given to a. Eccl.Q.l yet a. not filled isa. 29:8 awak. and his soul hath a. APPII-FORUM. Acts 28: 15 APPLE of the eye. Deut. 32: 10 he kept him as a. of his e. Psa. 17:8 keep me as the a. of eye Prov. 7:2 my law as a. of thine eye Lam. 2:18 let not a. of th ine e. cease Zech. 2:8 you. toucheth a. of his eye APPLE -TREE. Cant. 2:3 as a.-tree among the trees 8:5 I raised thee up under a.-tree Joel 1: 12 and a.-tree are withered APPLES. Prov. 25: 11 like a. of gold in pic. Cant. 2:5 comfort me with a. 7:8 and smell of thy nose like a APPLIED. Eccl. 7:25 I a. my heart to know 8:9 la. my heart to every work 16 when I a. heart to know wisdom APPLY. Psa. 90: 12 a. our hearts to wisdom Prov. 2:2 a. heart to understanding 22:17 a. thy heart to my know. 23:12 a. thy heart to instruction APPOINT. Lev. 26:16 I will a. over you terror 2Sam. 6:21 to a. me ruler 7: 10 will a. a place for my people Job 14:13 wouldesta. me a set time Isa. 26: 1 salv. will God a. for walls 61:3 to a. them that mourn in Zion Jer. 15:3 a. over them four kinds 49:19 who is a chosen man, I may a Who will a. me the time? 50:44 Eze. 21 : 19 a. thee two ways 20 a. a way that the sword may Hos. 1:11 they shall a. one head Mat. 24:51 a. his portion with hyp. Luke 12:46 a. his portion withunbe. 22:29 la. you a kingdom Acts 6:3 seven men whom we a. APPOINTED. Num. 9:2 passover in a. season, 3 7 an offering of L. in his a. season 1 Sam. 13:11 not within days a. 1 Kings 1 :35 I have a. him to be rul. 20 : 42 let go a man a. to destruction Neh. 6 : 7 thou hast a. prophets 9:17 a. a captain to return, but Job 7:3 wearisome nights are a. me 14:5 thou hast a. his bounds 20:29 and the heritage a. to him 30:23 to the house a. for all living Psa. 44:11 like sheep a. for meat 78:5 a. a law in Israel, which he 79: 11 preserve those a. to die 102:20 to loose those a. to death Prov. !• 20 will come home at day a. 8:29 when he a. the foundations 31 : 8 such as are a. to destruction Isa. 1:14 and your a. feasts my soul 44:7 since I a. the ancient people Jer. 5:24 he reserveth the a. weeks 47:7 sea-shore, there hath he a. it Eze. 4:6 a. each day for a year 3ftc.fi: 9 hear rod, and who hath a Luke 3:13 exact what is a. you ARA LukelOA the Lord a. other seventy •2-2:29 a kingdom, as Father a. me Acts 1 :23 they a. two, Joseph and 17:31 he hath a. a day in which I Cor. 4:9 apostles last, a. to death 1 Tkes. 3:3 that we are a. thereto 5:9 God hjith not a. us to wrath 2Tim. 1:11 I am a. a preacher Heb. 3:2 faithful to him that a. him 9:27 a. to men once to die. 1 Pet. 2:8 whereunto they were a. APPOINTED time and times. 1 Sam. 13 : 8 ac. to set time Samuel a. Job 7 : 1 is there not an a. t. to man 14:14 all the days of my a. time Psa. 81:3 blow trumpet in time a. Isa. 14:31 none be alone in his a. t. Jer. 8:7 stork knoweth her a. times Dan. 8: 19 at time a. the end shall be 10:1 true, but the time a. was long 11:27 end shall be at the time a. 29 at the time a. shall return 35 because it is yet for a time a. Hab. 2:3 vision is yet for an a. time Acts 17 :26 determined times before a. Gal. 4:2 under tutors, until time a. APPOINTETH. Psa. 104: 19 a. moon for seasons Dan. 5:21 a. whomsoever he will APPOINTMENT. Job 2:11 made a. together to come APPREHEND. •2Cor. 11:32 garrison desirous to a. Phil. 3:12 I may a. that for which APPREHENDED. Acts 12:4 when he a. Peter Phil. 3:12 I am a. of Christ Jesus 13 I count not myself to have a. APPROACH. Dent. 31 : 14 thy days a. that thou Job 40: 19 his sword to a. to him Psa. 65:4 whom thou causest to a. Jer. 30:21 engaged heart to a. to me 1 Tim. 6:16 in light no man can a. APPROACHETH, ING. Isa. 58:2 take delight in a. to God Luke 12:33 where no thief a. Heb. 10:25 more as ye see the day a. APPROVE. Psa. 49: 13 posterity a. their sayings I Cor. 16:3 shall a. by your letters Phil. 1 : 10 that ye may a. things APPROVED. Acts 2:22 Jesus, a man a. of God Rom. 14:18 accept, to God, a. of men 16:10 Apelles a. in Christ I Cor. 11: 19 they a. be made mani. 2Cor 7: 11 in all things you have a. 10: 18 commendeth himself is a. 13:7 not that we should appear a. 2Tim. 2:15 show thyself a. unto G. APPROVE ST, ETH. Lam. 3:36 to subvert a man, a. not Rom. 2:18 a. things more excellent APPROVING. 2Cor. 6:4 in all things a. ourselves APRON, S. (rem 3:7 sewed fig-leaves, made a. Acts 19: 12 brought to the sick a. APT. 1 Tim. 3:2 a. to teach, 2Tim. 2:24 AQ.UILA. jic*s 18:2,26; Rom. 16:3; ICor. 16:19; 2Km.4:19 AR. Num.21 -.28 ; Deut. 2:9; Isa.l5:l ARABIA. 12ving\sl0:15 Solo, had kings of A. Isa. 21 : 13 the burden upon A. Jer. 25:24 the cup to kings of A. Gal. 1:17 I went into A. and, 4:25 ARABIAN, S. 2Chr. 17:11 the A. brought Jehos. 26:7 God helped Uzziah ag. the A. ARI Isa. 13:20 nor shall A. pitch tent th. Jer. 3:2 as A. in the wilderness Acts 2:11 Cretes and A. we hear ARAM. Gen. 10:22 sons of Shem, Lud, A. Num. 23:7 Balak brought me fr. A. Mat. 1:3 Esrom begat A. 4 Luke 3:33 Aminadab was son of A. See padan. ARARAT. Gen. 8:4 ; Jer. 51:27 ARAUNAH. 25am. 24: 16, 23 ARBA. Josh. 14:15; 21:11 ARCHANGEL. 1 Thes. 4:16 descend with voice of a. Jude 9 Michael the a. contending ARCHELAUS. Mat. 2:22 ARCHER, S. Gen. 21 : 20 Ishmael became an a. 49:23 the a. sorely grieved him I Sam. 31:3 a. hit him, IChr. 10:3 Job 16:13 his a. compass me round Isa. 22:3 thy rulers are bound by a. Jer. 51:3 that bendeth let a.bend bow ARCHES. Eze. 40:16 narrow windows to the o. ARCHIPPUS. Col. 4:17; Phile. 2 ARCTURUS. Job 9:9; 38:32 ARE. Num. 15:15 as ye a. so stranger be Job 38:35 may say to thee, here we a. Lam. 5:7 fathers sinned, and a. not Mat. 2:18 not comforted, bee. they a. 2,11.13:25 know not whence you a. 27 18:11 I am not as other men a. John 17 11 they may be one as we a. 1 Cor. 1 : 28 things which a. not Rev. 1:19 write the things which a. AREOPAGITE. Acts 17:34 AREOPAGUS. Acts 17:19 ARETAS. 2Cor. 11:32 ARGOB. Deut. 3:4, 13, 14 ; IKings 4:13 ARGUING. Job 6: 25 what doth your a. reprove ? ARGUMENTS. Job 23 : 4 would fill my mouth with a. ARIEL. 2?zra8:16 I sent for Eliezer and A. Isa. 29: 1 woe to A. the city, 2, 7 ARIGHT. Psa. 50:23 ordereth his conversa. o. 78:8 a gen. that set not their heart a. Prov. 15 : 2 of the wise useth know. a. 23:31 wine when it moveth itself a. Jer. 8 : 6 I hearkened, they spake not o. ARIMATHEA. Mat. 27:57 Joseph of A. who was, Mark 15:43; Luke 23:51; John 19:38 ARIOCH. Gen. 14: 1 in the days of A. king Dan. 2:25 A brought Daniel before ARISE. Josh. 1:2 a. go over this Jordan Judg. 5:12 a. Barak, lead thy captiv. 25am. 2:14 young men a. and play IKings 3:12 shall any a. like thee IChr. 22:16 a. be doing Job 7 : 4 shall I a. and night be gone ? 25 : 3 on whom doth not his light a. ? Psa. 3:7 a. O Lord, save me 7:6 a.O Lord, in thine anger 12:5 now will I a. saith the Lord 44:26 a. for our help, and redeem 68:1 let God a. let his enemies 83:10 shall dead a. and praise thee ? 89:9 waves of sea a. thou stillest 102:13 a. and have mercy on Zion Prov. 6:9 when a. out of thy sleep ? Cam*. 2: 13 a. my love, my fair one Isa. 21:5 a. ye princes, and anoint 26:19 with my dead body shall a. 49 : 7 kings shall a. princes worship 60-1 a. shine, thy light is come 24 ARK Isa. 60: 2 the Lord shall a. upon thee Jer. 2:27 in trouble will say, a. save 8:4 shall they fall, and not a.'f 31 : 6 a. ye, let us go up to Zion Lam. 2:19 a. cry out in the night Dan. 2:39 shall a. another kingdom Amos 7:2 by whom shall Jacob a. 5 Mic. 2:10 a. this is not your rest 4:13 a. and thresh, O daughter 7:8 enemy, when I fall I shall a. Hab. 2: 19 saith to the dumb stone a. Mai A: 2 shall the Sun of righteous.a. Mat. 9:5 easier to say a. Mark 2:9 24:24 shall a. false Cnrists Mark5-Al damsel, a. Luke 8:54 Luke 7:14 L. said, young man a. 15:18 I will a. and go to my father 24 :38 why thoughts a. in your hearts John 14:31 a. let us go hence Acts 9:40 said, Tabitha, a. 20:30 your own selves shall men cu 22: 16 a. and be baptized Eph.5:14 a. from the dead,and Christ 2Pet. 1 :19 till the day-star a. See rise. ARISETH. IKings 18:44 there a. a little cloud Psa. 112:4 to the upright a. light Isa. 2:19 a. to shake terribly, 21 Mat. 13:21 persecution a. Mar k 4: 17 John 7:52 out of Galilee a. no proph Heb.l: 15 after similitude of Melch.a See sun ARISTARCHUS. Acts 19:29 caught Gaius and A. 20:4 A. accompanied Paul 27:2 one A. a Macedonian, being Col. 4 : 10 A. fellow-prisoner,P/ii7e.24 ARISTOBULUS. Rom. 16:10 ARK. Gen. 6:14 make an a. of gopher-wood 7:18 a. went on face of the waters Exod. 2:3 she took an a. of bulrush 25 : 16 put into the a. the testimony, 21 ; 40:3, 20 37:1 B. made the a. of shittim-wood Num. 3:31 charge shall be the a. Josh. 4:11 a. of Lord, 6:12; \Sam 4:6; 6:1; 2Sam. 6:9 1 Sam. 6: 19 looked into a. 2Sam. 11 : 11 a. and Isr. abide in tents IKin. 2:26 because thou barest the a. 8:9 nothing in a. save the two tables 1 Chr. 6:31 the a. had rest 13:3 let us bring again the a. 9 Uzza put forth hand to hold the a. 15:1 David prepared a place for a. 2Chr. 6:41 a. of thy strength, Psa. 132:8 8:11 holy whereunto a. hath come Mat. 24 : 33 till Noah ent. a.Lu.\7:27 Heb. 11:7 by faith Noah prep, an a. lPe(.3:20 God waited while t'ae a. Rev. 11: 19 seen in his tempi* the a. Before the ARK. Exod. 40:5 shalt set altar of gold a. Josh. 4:7 waters of Jordan cut off a. 7:6 Joshua fell on his face be. the a. 1 Sam. 5:3 Dagon was fallen be. the a. IChr. 16:37 left before the a. Asaph 2Chr. 5:6 Solom. and congr. be. the a. ARK of the Covenant. Num. 10:33 a. c. of L. went before Deut. 31:26 book of law inside of a.c Josh. 4:7 waters cut off before a. c. Judg. 20 : 27 a. c. of God was there 1 Sam. 4:3 let us fetch the a. c. 2Sam. 15:24 Levites bearing a. c. IChr. 17:1 a. c. rem. under curtains Jer. 3: 16 shall say no more, o. c. Heb. 9:4 tabernacle which had a. c. ARK of God. 1 Sam. 3: 3 temple where a. of G. was 4: 11 the a. of G. was taken, 17. 22 6:3 if ye send away the a. send it 2Sam. 6:7 there he died before a. ARM >2Sam. 7:2 a. dwelleth with, curtains 15:25 carry a. of God into the city YChr. 13: 12 how bring the a. home 15: 2 none carry a. of G. but Levites ARM. Ezod. 15:16 by greatness of thine a. Deut. 33:20 teareth the a. with 1 Sam. 2:31 when I will cut off thy a. and the a. of thy father's house 2Chr. 32:8 with him is a. of flesh Job 2G:2 savest a. that hath no stren. 31:23 a. fall from my shoulder-bla. 35 : 9 cry out by reason of the a. 38: 15 the high a. shall be broken 40:9 hast thou an a. like God ? Psa. 10: 15 break the a. of the wick. 44-3 nor their own a. save them 77: 15 with thy a. red. thy people 89: 13 thou hast a mighty a. 21 mine a. shall strengthen him 98:1 his holy a. hath gotten him Cant. 8:6 set me as a seal on thine a. Isa, ,9:20 every man the flesh of his a. 33*2 be their a. every morning 40: 10 his a. shall rule for him 11 he shall gather the lambs with a. 51:5 the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine a. shall they trust 9 put on strength, O a. of Lord 52:10 L. hath made bare his holy a. 53: 1 to whom is the a. of the Lord revealed? John 12: 33 59: 16 his a. brought salvation, 63:5 62:8 Lord hath sworn by the a. 63: 12 led them with his glorious a. Jer. 17:5 that maketh flesh his a. 21 : 5 I will fight with strong a. Eze. 4:7 thine a. shall be uncovered 30 : 21 I have broken a. of Pharaoh 31 : 17 into hell that were his a. Dan. 11:6 not retain power of the a. Zeck.ll-.n sword be on his a. his a. Lu. 1:51 showed strength with his a. Acts 13:17 with a high a. brought ARM, Verb. 1 Pet. 4: 1 a. yours, with same mind Stretched-out ARM. Exod. 6 : 6 redeem you with a s.-o. a. Deaf. 4:34 assayed to take nation by a stretched-out a. 5:15 L. brought thee out thence with aa. 7: 19; 26:8; Jer.32:21 2Chr. 6:32 is come for thy St. -out a. Psa. 136: 12 with a a. for his mercy Jer. 27:5 I made earth by a. 32: 17 Jize.20:33 with a a. will I rule 34 I will gather you with a a. ARMS. Gen. 49: 24 a. of his hands made stro. Deut. 33:27 underne. are the ever. a. 2Sam. 22:35 a bow of steel is broken by mine a. Psa. 18:34 Job 22:9 the a. of the fatherless Psa. 37: 17 a. of wicked broken Prov. 31 : 17 strengtheneth her a. Jsa. 44: 12 work, it with strength of a. 49:22 bring thy sons in their a. 51:5 my a. shall judge the people Eze. 13:20 tear them from your a. 30:22 I will break Pharaoh's a. 24 24 strengthen a. of king of Bab. 25 Dan. 2:32 and his a. of silver 10:6 his a. like polished brass 11: 15 a of south shall not withst. 22 with the a. of a flood shall 31 and a. shall stand on his part Hos. 7:15 and strengthened their a. 11:3 to go, taking them by their a. Mark 9 : 36 taken him in his a. he said 10: 16 took them up in his a. Luke 2:28 Simeon took C. in his o. ARMAGEDDON. Rev. 16:16 ARMED. Job 39: 21 he goeth on to meet a. men Psa. 78:9 children of Eph. being a. ARO ARR Prov. 6:11 want as an a. man, 24: 34 i Psa. 76:9 when God a. to judgment Luke 11:21 when a strong man a. ARME NIA. 2Kings 19 : 37 ; Isaiah 37:38 ARMHOLES. Jer. 38: 12 rotten rags under thy a. Eze. 13: 18 sew pillows to a. ARMIES. Exod. 12:17 brought your a. out of E . Num. 33:1 with their a. under Mos. ISam. 17:10 I defy the a. of Israel 26 should defy the a. of God 45 name of God of a. of Israel Job 25 : 3 there any number of his a. ? Psa. 44:9 goest not forth with our a. 63: 12 kings of a. did flee apace Cant. 6: 13 as the company of two a. Isa. 34 : 2 his fury upon all their a. Mat. 22:7 he sent forth his a. Luke 21 : 20 see Jerus. compa. with a. Heb. 11:31 to flight a. of the aliens Rev. 19: 14 a. in heaven followed him 19 kings and their a. gathered ARMOR. ISam. 17:54 put Goliath's a. in his IKings 22:38 they washed his a. 2Kin. 3: 21 gath. all able to put on a. 10:2 have a fenced city also and a. 20:13 Hezek. showed his precious things, house of his a. Isa. 39: 2 Isa. 22:8 didst look in that day to a. Luke 1 1 : 22 his a. wherein he trusted Rom. 13:12 let us put on a. of light 2Cor. 6: 7 approving by a. of right. Eph. 6:11 put on the a. of God 13 take the whole a. of God ARMOR-BEARER. Judg.9: 54 Abimelech called his a.-b. ISam. 14:7 a.-b. said, do all that 16:21 and David became his a.-b. 31 : 6 Soul died, and his a.-b. ARMORY. CantA'A builded for an a. Jer. 50: 25 Lord hath opened his a. ARMY. Deut. 11:4 what he did to the a. of E . Ji«/g-.9:29 increase thine a. and come IKings 20:25 an a. like the a. lost 2Chr. 20 : 21 should praise before o. Job 29:25 I dwelt as a king in the a. Cant. 6:4 ter. as a. with banners, 10 Jer. 37: 11 for fear of Pharaoh's a. Eze. 29: 18 a. to serve a great service 37:10 stood an exceeding great a. Dan. 4:35 according to his will in the a. of heaven Joel 2:11 L. utter his voice bef. his a. Zech. 9:8 will encamp bee. o<" the a. Acts 23:27 then came I with an a. Rev. 9: 16 number of a. of horsemen 19:19 that sat on horse and his a. ARNON. Num. 21 : 14 in brooks of A. 22: 36 Deut. 2:24 pass over the river of A. Judg. 1 1 : 26 dwelt by the coasts of A. Isa. 16:2 Moab shall be at fords of A. Jer. 48:20 tell ve it in A. that Moab AROER. Num. 32:34 children of Gad built A lSam.30:28; 2Sam.24:5; 1 CAr. 5:8 Isa. 17:2 cities of A. are forsaken Jer. 48:19 O inhabitant of A. stand AROSE. Gen. 37: 7 and lo, my sheaf a. Exod. 1:8 a. a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph, Acts 7:18 Judg. 2: 10 a. a generation that knew not the Lord 5:7 till I Deborah a. a mother 20:8 the people a. as one man ISam. 9:26 they a. early, Isa. 37:36 17:35 he a. against me, I slew him 2Kin. 23 : 25 aft. him a. there any like 2CAr.36:16 till wrath of the Lord a. Job 29 : 8 aged a. and stood up 25 Eccl. 1:5 sun hasteth where he a Dan. 6:19 the king a. early Mat. 2:14 he a. and took child, 21 8: 15 shea, and ministered, LuA: 39 26 he a. and rebuked the winds, Mark 4:39; Luke 8:24 9 : 9 a. and follow him, 19 ; Mar. 2:14 25 by the hand, and the maid a. 27 : 52 bodies of saints which slept a. Mark 9:27 Jesus lifted him up, he a. Luke 6:48 when the flood a. 15:20 he a. and came to his father Acts 11:19 persec. which a. ab. Ste. 19:23 there a. no small stir 23:7 so said a. a dissension, 10 See rose. AROSE and went. ISam. 3:6 Samuel a. to Eli, and said IKings 19:21 Elisha a. after Elijah Jonah 3:3 so Jonah a. to Nineveh Acts 9:39 Peter a. and iv. with them ARPAD, ARPJ1AD. 2Kings 18:34 gods of A. Isa. 36:19 19:13 is the king of A.? Isa.37:13 Isa. 10:9 is not Hamath as A. ? Jer. 49:23 is confounded, and A. ARPHAXAD. Gen. 10:22 son of Shem, A. 11:10 Luke 3:36 who was the son of A. ARRAY. Job 6:4 the terrors of God set in a. Jer. 50:11 put yourselves in a. ag. B See BATTLE. ARRAY, Verb. Esth. 6:9 that they may a. the man Job 40:10 a. thyself with glory Jer. 43:12 a. hims. with land of Egy. 1 Tim. 2:9 not with costly a. ARRAYED. Gen. 41 :42 Pharaoh a. Joseph in fine 2Chr. 28:15 captives, with spoil a. Mat. 6: 29 was nota. like one of these, Luke 12:27 Luke 23:11 Herod a. Christ Acts 12:21 Herod a. in royal apparel Rev. 7:13 what are these a. in white 17:4 the woman was a. in purple 19:8 to her was granted to be a. ARROGANCY. ISam. 2:3 let not a. come out of mo Prov. 8:13 pride and a. do I hate Isa. 13:11 cause a. of the proud to Jer. 48:29 Moab, his loftiness, his a. ARROW. ISam. 20:36 Jonathan shot an a. 2Kings9:2A a. went out at his heart 13:17 a. of Lord's deliverance 19:32 nor shoot an a. there, Isa. 37:33 Job 41:28 a. cannot make him flee Psa. 11 : 2 ready their a. on the string 64:7 with an a. sudd, be wounded 91:5 nor afraid for a. that flieth Prov. 25 : 18 false witness is a sharp a Jer. 9:8 tongue as an a. shot out Lam. 3:12 set me as a mark for the a. Zech. 9:14 his a. go forth as lightni. ARROWS. Num. 24:8 pierce them thro' with a Deut. 32 : 23 spend mine a. upon them 42 mine a. drunk with blood ISam. 20:20 I will shoot three a. 2Sam. 22:15 he sent out a. and scat tered them, Psa. 18:14 2Kings 13:15 take bow and a. took 18 take the a. and smite _ , Job 6 : 4 a. of Almighty are wi thin mi Psa. 7:13 ordaineth a. ag. the perse. 21:12 ready thine a. against them 38:2 thine a. stick fast in me 45:5 a. sharp in heart of enemies 57:4 whose teeth are spears and a. 58:7 his bow tr> shoot his a. ASC Psa. 64:3 their a. even bitter words 76:3 there brake he the a. of bow 77:17 thine a. also went abroad 120:4 sharp a. of the mighty 127:4 as a. in hand of a mighty man 144:6 shoot thine a. and destroy Prov. 26:18 as mad man who cast. a. Isa. 5:28 whose a. are sharp 7:24 with a. and bows shall men Jer. 50:9 their a. as of expert man 14 shoot at Babylon spare no a. 51 : 11 make bright the a. Lam. 3:13 caused a. of his quiver Eze. 5: 16 shall send evil a. of fami. 21:21 he made his a. bright 39 : 3 I will cause thine a. to fall 9 Israel shall burn bows and a. Hab. 3:11 light of thine a. they went ART, Verb. Gen.32:l7 whose o.thou? whither go. Judg. 8:18 as thou a. so were they I Kin. 22: 4 I am as thou a. 2Kin. 3: 7 Jer. 14:22 a. not thou he, Lord Luke 7:19 a. he that should come Rev. 11:17 a. and wast, and a. 16:5 ART, S, Substantive. Exod. 30: 25 an ointment after the a. 2Chr. 16:14 spices prep, by a. of apo. Acts 17:29 like stones graven by a. 19:19 which used curious a. ARTAXERXES. .Ezra 4:7; 6:14; 7:1,11,21 Neh. 2:1 in 20th year of A. wine 5: 14 from 20th to 33d year of A. ARTEMAS. r*{.3:12 ARTIFICER, S. Gen A: 22 T.-Cain an instr.of everya. IChr. 29:5 works made by a. 2Chr. 34:11 to a. gave they money Isa. 3:3 take away the cunning a. ARTILLERY. 15am. 20: 40 Jonathan gave his a. to ASA. liTm§-sl5:ll A did right, IChr. 14:2,12,13; 2 Chr. 15: 2, 17; 16:2 IChr. 9:16 Berechiah, the son of A. 2Chr. 14:11 A. cried to the Lord ASAHEL. 2Sam. 2:18, 21, 32 ; IChr. 2:16 3:27 Abner died for blood of A. 23:24 A. was one of, IChr. 11:26 ASAIAH. IChr. 4:36 Jeshohaiah and A. 6:30 sons of Merari, A. 9:5 2Chr. 34:20 king Josiah sent A. ASAPH. 2Kings 18:18 Joab the son of A. the recorder, 37 ; Isa. 36:3, 22 IChr. 6:39 A. son of, 9:15 ; 15:17 16:7 delivered first this psalm to A. 25:1 of the sons of A. 2; 26:1; 2Chr. 5:12; 20:14; 29:13; 35:15; .Ezra 2:41; 3:10; Neh. 7:44; 11:17,22; 12:35 ASCEND. Josh.6: 5 people shall a.up every man Psa. 24:3 a. into hill of L. Ro. 10:6 135:7 vapors to a. Jer. 10:13; 51:16 139:8 if I a. up into heaven Isa. 14:13 said, Iwilla.toheaven,14 Eze. 38:9 a. and come like a storm John 6 : 62 the Son of man a. up 20:17 I a. to my Father, and your Rev. 17:8 beast shall a. out of pit ASCENDED. Judg. 13:20 angel a. in the flame Psa. 68:18 thou hast a. on high Prov. 30:4 who hath a. into heaven John 3: 13 no man hath a. to heaven 20: 17 I am not yet a. to my Father Acts 2:34 David is not a. into the h. Eph. 4:8 when he a. up on high 9 now that he a. 10 same that a. ASH Rev. 8:4 smoke of the incense a. 11:12 a. up to heaven in a cloud ASCENDETH. Rev. 11:7 the beast that a. out of pit 14:11 smoke of their torment a. for ASCENDING. Gen. 28:12 the angels of God a. 1 Sam. 28 : 13 I saw gods a. out of the Luke 19:28 before, a. up to Jerus. John 1:51 angels of God a. and Rev. 7:2 angel a. from the east ASCENT. 2Sam. 15:30 David went up by the a. of Olivet 1 Kings 10:5 and his a. by which he went up, 2 Chr. 9:4 ASCRIBE. Deut. 32:3 a. ye greatness to our G. Job 36: 3 I will a. right, to my Maker Psa. 68:34 a. ye strength to God ASCRIBED. ISam. 18:8 a. to David 10,000 ASENATH. Gen. 41: 45, 50; 46:20 ASH. Isa. 44:14 he planteth an a. the rain ASHAMED. Gen. 2:25 man and wife were not a. 2Sam. 10:5 the men were greatly a. IChr. 19:5 19:3 as people being a. steal away 2Kings 2:17 urged him till he was a. 8:11 settled countenance until a. 2Chr. 30:15 the priests were a. .Ezra 9:6 I am a. to lift up my face Job 6 20 they came, and were a. 11:3 mockest, shall no man make a? 19:3 not a. to make yours, strange Psa. 34:5 and their faces not a 74:21 let not oppressed return a. Prov. 12:4 she that maketh a. is Isa. 20:5 shall be a. of Ethiopia 24:23 the sun shall be a. when L. 30:5 a. of a people that could 33:9 Lebanon is a. and hewn down Jer. 2:26 as thief is a. when found 6:15 were they a. ? at all a. 8:12 8:9 the wise men are a. dismayed 14:4 ploughmen were a. they cov. 48:13 a. of Chemosh, as Is. was a. Eze. 16:27 daughters of Phil, are a. 32:30 with terror a. of their might JL«.13:17 all his adversaries were a. 16:3 I cannot dig, to beg I am a. Rom. 1 : 16 not a. of the gospel of C. 5:5 hope maketh not a. 6 : 21 things whereof ye are now a. ? 2Cor. 7:14 if I boasted, I am not a. 2Tim. 1 : 12 nevertheless I am not a. 16 Onesi. was not a. of my chain Heb. 2: 11 not a. to call them breth. 11:16 not a. to be called their God ASHAMED and confounded. See CONFOUNDED. Be ASHAMED. Psa. 6: 10 let all my enemies be a. 25:3 letnone that wait on thee be a. let them be a. who transgress 31 : 1 put my trust, let me never be a. 17 me not be a. wicked be a. 35:26 69:6 wait be a. for my sake 86:17 they wh. hate me, may be a. 109:28 when th. arise, let them be a. 119:78 let proud be a. Isa. 1 :29 shall be a. of the oaks whi. 23:4 be thou a. O Zidon, the sea 26:11 and be a. for their envy 42: 17 be greatly a. that trust in 44: 9 nor know, that they may be a. 11 all his fellows shall be a. 45:24 all incensed ag.him shall be a. 65:13 my serv. rejoice, ye shall be a. 66:5 toyourjoy,andtheyshall6ea. Jer. 2:36 thou shalt be a. of Egypt 3:3 forehead, refusedst to be a. 26 ASH Jer 12:13 shall 6e a. of your revenues 17:13 that forsake thee shall be a. 20:11 my persecutors shall be a. 48:13 Moab shall be a. of Chemosh 50:12 your mother shall be a. .Eze.l6:61 remem.thy ways.andiea. 43:10 they ma.ybea.of their iniqui. Hos. 4:19 be a. bee. of their sacrifices 10:6 Is. be a. of his own counsel Joel 1:11 be ye a. O ye husbandmen 2:26 my people shall never be a. 27 Zech. 9:5 her expectation shall be a. 13:4 every one be a. of his vision Mark 8:38 shall be a. of me, Lu. 9:26 2Cor. 9:4 we (that we say not, you) should be a. Phil.l : 20 that in nothing I shall be a. 2Thes.3:li with him, that may*. a. Tit. 2:8 he of contrary part may be a. IPet. 3: 16 may be a. that falsely Not be, or Be not ASHAMED. Num.\2: 14 should she a. seven days? Psa. 25 : 2 I trust in thee, let men. a. 31:17 let men. a. O Lord, 119:116 37:19 shall n. be a. in the evil time 119:6 a. when I have respect unto 46 of thy testimonies, and n. be a. 80 heart be sound, that I be not a 127:5 they shall not be a. but speak Isa. 29:22 Jacob shall not be a. 45:17 a. world without end 49:23 they shall not be a. that -wait 50:7 my face like a flint, I shall a. 54:4 fear not, for thou shalt not a Zeph.3:ll in that day shalt thou a. Rom. 9:33 believeth shall a. 10:11 2Cor. 10:8 boast, I should not be a. 2 Km. 1:8 a. of testimony of Lord 2:15 workman that needeth n. be a. IPet. 4: 16 suffer as a Chr. let him a. Uohn 2:23 a. before him at his com. ASHDOD. ISam. 5:1 brought the ark to A. 6 2Chr. 26:6 wall of A. cities about A. Neh. 13: 23 married wives of A. 24 Amosl :8; 3:9 ; Zeph. 2 A; Zech.9:6 ASHER. Gen. 30:13 Leah called his name A. 49:20 out of A. his bread fat Deut. 33:24 and of A. he said A. be Judg. 5:17 A. conti. on the sea-shore Tribe of ASHER. Num. 1 : 41 of the tribe of A. 41,500 2:27 the tribe of A. shall encamp 10:26 over the host of tribe of A. 13:13 of the tribe of A. to spy.34:27 Josh. 19:24 fifth lot for tribe of A. 31 21 : 6 cities out of the tribe of A. 30 IChr. 6:62, 74 ; Lu. 2:36; Rev. 7:6 ASHES. Gen. 18:27 which am but dust and a. Lev. 6:11 forth the a. without camp Num. 19:9a man clean gather the a. lKingsl3:3 rent, and a. poured out 20:38 prophet disguised him.with a. Est A : 3 many lay in sackcloth and a. Job 2:8 Job sat down among the a. 13:12 your remembrances like a. 30: 19 I am become like dust and a. 42:6 and repent in dust and a. Psa. 102:9 I have eaten a. like bread 147:16 scatter the hoar-frost like a. Isa. 44:20 he feedeth on a. 58:5 and to spread a. under him 61:3 to give them beauty for a. Jer. 6:26 O daughter, wallow in a. Lam. 3:16 hath covered me with a. Eze. 28:18 bring thee to a. on the jDan. 9:3 face to seek in sack, and a. Jonah 3:6 king sat in a. Mai. 4:3 wicked be a. under your f. Mat. 11:21 repented long ago in sackcloth and a. Luke 10:13 Heb. 9:13 if the a. of a heifer 2Pe* 2:6 cities of Sodom into a ASK ASHTAROTH. Deut A :4 dwelt at A. Josh. 9: 10; 12: 4 Judg. 2:13 Israel served A. 10:6 I Sam. 7:3 strange gods and A. 4 12:10 because we have served A. 31 : 10 Saul's armor in house of A. livings 11:33 have worshipped A. 1 Chr. 6: 71 Gershom was given A. ASHUR, or ASSUR. Gen. 10: 11 A. went forth and built,22 Num. 24:22 till A. shall carry, 24 IChr. 2:24 Hezr. wife bare him A. 4:5 A. had two wives, Helah and Ezra 4:2 Esar-haddon, king of A. Psa. 83:8 A. also is joined with Eze. 27:23 A. and Chilmad, 32:22 Hos. 14:3 A. shall not save us ASIA. Acts 6:9 them of A. disput. Stephen 19:10 all they in A. heard the word 27 whom all A. worshippeth IPet.l-.l to strangers scattered in A. ASIDE. 2Kings 4:4 set a. that which is full Mark 7: 33 him a. from the multitude John 13:4 and laid a. his garments Heb. 12:1 let us lay a. every weight See GO, GONE, TURN, WENT, LAY. ASK. Gen.32: 29 wheref. a. after my name? 34:12 a. me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give Deut. 4 : 32 a. of the days that are past 32:7 a. thy father, he will show thee Judg. 18:5 a. counsel of God 1 8am. 12:19 added this evil to a. us 28:16 why dost thou a. of me lKings3:5 God said, a. what I shall give thee, 2Chr. 1:7 2Kin. 2:9 a. what I shall do for thee 2Chr. 20:4 Judah gathered to a. help Job 12:7 a. the beasts, they teach Psa. 2: 8 a. of me, and I will give Isa. 7:11 a. thee a sign of Lord, a. 12 I will not a. neith. tempt the L. 45:11 saith L. a. of things to come 58:2 they a. ordinances of justice Jer. 6:10 a. for the old paths 15:5 go aside to a. how thou doest IS: 13 a. among the heathen 38:14 I will a. thee a thing, hide 48:19 a. him that fleeth 50:5 they shall a. the way to Zion Lam. 4:4 young children a. bread Ban. 6:7 who shall a. a petition, 12 Hos. 4:12 my people a. counsel Hag. 2: 11 a. priests concerning law Zech. 10:1 a. rain in time of latter Mat. 6:8 need of, before ye a. him 7:7 a. and it shall be given, Lm.II: 9 9 if his son a. bread, Luke 11:11 11 good things to them that a. him 14:7 whatsoever she would a. 18:19 touching any thing they a. 20:22 knownotwh.ye a.iHar.lO:3S 21:22 whatsoever ye a. in prayer 22:48 durst a. him more questions, Mark 12:34; Luke 20:40 Mark 6:22 a. what thou wilt, 23 9:32 afraid to a. him, Luke 9:45 Luke 6:30 goods, a. them not again 11:13 Holy Spirit to them that a. 12:48 of him they will a. more John 1 : 19 Jews sent priests to a. him 9:21 he is of age, a. him, 23 11:22 whatsoever thou a. of God 14: 13 whats.ye a.in my name,15:16 14 if ye a. in my name I will do it 15:7 if ye abide in me, a. what ye 16: 19 that they were desirous to a. 23 day ye shall a. me nothing 24 a. and receive, that your joy 30 needest not that any should a. 18:21 a. them which heard me Acts 10:29 I a. for what intent ye XCor. 14:35 a. their husb. at home ASS Eph. 3:20 above all we can a. Jas. 1:5 lack wisdom, let him a. 6 but let him a. in faith 4:2 ye have not, because ye a. not 3 ye a. and receive not, bee. ye a. \John 3:22 we a. we receive of him : 14 if we a. according to his will 15 he heareth us, whatever we a. 16 not unto death, he shall a. See counsel. ASKED. Judg. 5:25 he a. water, she gave milk 13:6 I a. not whence he was I Sam. 1:17 grant petition thou a. IKings 3:11 bee. thou a. this thing 2Kings 2:10 thou hast a. hard thing Ezra 5:10 we a. their names Job 21 : 29 a. them that go by the way? Psa. 21:4 he a. life of thee 105:40 people a. he brought quails Isa. 30:2 have not a. at my mouth 41 : 28 when I a. of them, could 65:1 sought of them that a. not Dan.2:10 no king that a. such things 7:16 a. him the truth of all this MaM6:13 he a. his disciples, Mark 8:27; Luke9A3 22:23 Sadducees a. him, 35 ; Mark 9:11; 10:2; 12:18. Luke 18:40 when near he a. what John 4:10 wouldest have a. of him 16:24 have ye a.noth. in my name Rom. 10:20 mani. to them that a. not ASKELON, or ASHKELON. Judg. 1 : 18 Judah took Gaza and A. 14:19 Samson went down to A. \Sam. 6:17 for A. one, for Gath 2Sam. 1:20 not in the streets of A. Jer. 2-5:20 I made A. and Azzah to 47:5 A. is cut off with remnant, 7 Amos 1:8 holds sceptre from A. Zeph. 2:4 A. a desolation, 7 Ztch. 9:5 A. shall see ; A. shall not ASKEST. Judg. 13:18 why a. after my name ? John 4:9 a. drink of me. a woman 18:21 why a. thou me : ask them ASKETH. Exod. 13: 14 thy son a. Dent. 6:20 Mic. 7:3 prince a. for a reward Mat. 5:42 give him that a. Lu. 6:30 7:8 that a. receiveth, Luke 11:10 John 16:5 none a. whither goest IPet. 3:15 that a. you a reason of ASKING. Psa. 78:18 tempting God by a. meat Luke 2:46 and a. them questions John 8:7 they continued a. he lifted ICor. 10:25 a. no question for, 27 ASLEEP. Judg. 4 : 21 Sisera was fast a. Cant. 7:9 lips of those a. to speak Jonah 1:5 Jonah was fast a. Mat. 8:24 but he was a. Mark 4:38 26:40 disciples a. Mark 14:40 Acts 7:60 Stephen fell a. ICor. 15:6 but some are fallen a. 18 they which are fallen a. in C. 1 Thes. 4: 13 concerning them a. 15 not prevent them that are a. 2Pet. 3:4 since fathers fell a. all ASNAPPAR. .Ezra 4:10 ASP, S. Deut. 32: 33 their wine is venom of a. Job 20: 14 his meat is the gall of a. 16 he shall suck poison of a. Isa. 11 : 8 play on the hole of the a. Rom. 3:13 poison of a. is under lips ASSAULT, ED. Acts 14: 5 an a. made of the Gentiles 17:5 they a. the house of Jason ASSAY, ED, ING. Deut. 4:34 hath G. a. to take nation lSam. 17:39 David a. to go, for he 27 ASS Job 4:2 if we a. to commune with Acts 9:26 Saul a. to join himself 16:7 they a. to go to Bithynia Heb. 11:29 the Egyptians a. to do ASS. Gen. 22:3 Abraham saddled his a 5 abide you here with the a. 49:14 Issachar is a strong a. Exod. 13: 13 firstling of an a. redeem 23: 4 if thou meet enemy's a. astray 12 thine ox and thine a. may resi Num. 16:15 I have not taken one a. 22:23 a. saw the angel, 25, 27 28 Lord opened the mouth of a. 30 Deut. 22:10 not plough with ox and a. Josh. 15:18 Achsah lighted off her a. Judg. 1:14; 1 Sam. 2-5:23 Judg. 15: 16 with jawbone of an a. IKin. 13:28 lion had not torn the a. 2Kin 6:25 a. head sold for 80 pieces Jo& 24: 3 away the a. of the fatherless Prov. 26:3 a bridle for the a. Isa. 1:3 and the a. his master's crib 32:20 send feet of the ox and a. Jer. 22: 19 with the burial of an a. Zech. 9:9 king cometh lowly riding on a. the foal of an a. Mat. 21:5 14: 15 so be the plague of the a. Mat. 21:2 ye shall find an a. tied Luke 13: 15 each loose his a. on Sab 14:5 shall have an a. fallen into pit John 12: 14 had found a young a. sat 2Pet. 2:16 the dumb a. speaking See 8 ADDLE. ASS'S COLT. Gen. 49: 11 binding his a. c. to vine Job 11:12 man born like a wild a. c. John 12: 15 king sitting on an a. c. Wild ASS. Job 6:5 a. bray when he hath grass 39:5 who hath sent out w. a. free ? Jer. 2:24 w. a. used to the wilderness Hos. 8:9 wild a. alone by himself ASSES. Judg. 5:10 ye that ride on white a. 1 Sam. 8:16 he will take your a. 9:3 the a. of Kish were lost, 10:2 2Sam. 16:2 a. for king's household 1 Chr. 27 : 30 over a. was Jehdeiah 2Chr. 88:18 carried feeble on a. Job 42: 12 Job had a thousand she a. Isa. 21 : 7 he saw a chariot of a. Eze. 23:20 whose flesh as flesh of a Wild ASSES. Job 24:5 as wild a. go they forth Psa. 104: 11 w. a. quench their thirst Isa. 32: 14 forts shall be a joy of w. a. Jer. 14:6 wild a. snuffed up wind Dan. 5:21 Neb. dwell, was with w.a. Young ASSES. Isa. 30:6 their riches on yowig a. 24 young a. that ear the ground ASSEMBLE. Isa. 11:12 he shall a. outcasts of Is. 45:20 a. and come, draw near 48: 14 all ye a. yourselves, and hear Jer. 4:5 a. and let us go into cities 8:14 why sit still? a. let us Eze. 11:17 I will a. you out of 39: 17 a. gather to my sacrifice Hos. 7: 14 they a. for corn and wine Joel 2: 16 a. elders, gather the child. 3:11 a. and come, all ye heathen Amos 3:9 a. on mount of Samaria Mic. 2: 12 I will surely a. O Jacob 4:6 I will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3:8 1 will a. the kingdoms to ASSEMBLED. I Sam. 2:22 lay with women that a. Ezra 9:4 a. every one that trembled Neh. 9: 1 ch. of Israel a. with fasting Psa. 48:4 lo the kings were a. Isa. 43:9 let the people be a. who Jer. 5:7 a. by troops in harlot's houses Mat. 28: 12 when a. gave largt. mon. ASS John 20: 19 disciples a. for fear of Acts 1:4 being a. not to depart from 4:31 shaken where they were a. 11 :26 whole year a. with church 15:25 it seemed good to us a. ASSEMBLING. Heb. 10:25 forsake not the a. togeth. ASSEMBLY. Gen. 49:6 to their a. mine honor Exod. 16:3 to kill a. with hunger Lev. 4: 13 hid from the eyes of the a. Dent. 9:10 L. spake out of fire in day of the a. 10:4; 18:16 I Sam. 17:47 a. shall know L. save th 2Chr. 30:23 a. took counsel to keep Psa. 22: 16 the a. of the wicked 89:7 to be feared in a. of the saints 107:32 praise him in a. of elders 111:1 I will praise him in a. of up. Prov. 5: 14 I was in all evil in a. Jer. 6:11 pour it on a. of young men 9:2 an a. of treacherous men 15:17 I sat not in a. of the mockers Lam. 2:6 destroyed places of the a. Eze. 13:9 they shall not be in the a. Acts 19:32 the a. was confused 39 be determined in a lawful a. 41 Heb. 12:23 to the general a. of first Jas. 2:2 if come to your a. a man Solemn ASSEMBLY. Lev. 23: 36 eighth day is a s. a. Num. 29:35; Neh. 8:18 Deut. 16:8 seventh day s. a. to Lord 2Kin. 10:20 proclaim a s. a. for Baal 2Chr. 7:9 eighth day made a s. a. Joel 1:14a fast, called a *, a. 2: 15 Zeph. 3: 18 sorrowful for the s. a. ASSEMBLIES. Psa. 86: 14 a. of violent men sought Eccl. 12:11 as nails fas. bymas.of a. Isa. 1 : 13 calling of a. I cannot away 4:5 create on her a. a cloud Eze. 44:24 my laws in all mine a. Amos. 5:21 I will not smell in your a. ASSENTED. Acts 24:9 Jews also a. that these ASSOCIATE. Isa. 8:9 a. and be broken in pieces ASSUAGE, ED. Gen. 8:1 and the waters a. Job 16:5 moving of lips should a. 6 tho' I speak, my grief is not a. ASSURANCE. Deut. 28:66 shalt have none a. of life Isa. 32: 17 effect of righteousness a. Acts 17:31 whereof he hath given a. Col. 2:2 the full a. of understanding 1 Tlies. 1 : 5 gospel came in much a. Heb. 6:11 to the full a. of hope 10:22 draw near in full a. of faith ASSURE. I John 3: 19 and shall a. our hearts ASSURED. Jer. 14:13 I will give you a. peace 2Tim. 3: 14 things thou hast been a. ASSUREDLY. Acts 2:36 let house of Israel know a. 16:10 a. gathering, L. called us ASSYRIA. Gen. 2: 14 toward the east of A. 25: 18 dwelt as thou goest to A. 2Ki. 15:29 captive to A. 17:6; 18:11 Isa. 7: 18 bee that is in land of A. 11:11 recover people from A. 16 19:23 out of Egypt to A. 24, 25 27:13 were ready to perish in A. Jer. 2:18 thou in the way of A. ? 36 Eze. 23:7 whoredoms with men of A. if os. 7:11 goto. A. 8:9 gone up to A, 9:3 shall eat unclean things in A. 10:6 carried to A. for a present 11: 11 dove out of the land of A. Mic 5:6 sh^all waste the land of A 7: 12 he shall come to thee from A ATH Zeph. 2:13 destroy A. and Nineveh Zech. 10:10 gather them out of A. 11 See KING, KINGS. ASTONISHED. Lev. 26:32 your enemies shall be a. IKings 9:8 passeth by shall be a. Jer. 18:16; 19:8; 49:17; 50:13 Ezra 9:3 off hair, and sat down a. Job 17:8 upright shall be a. at this 18:20 that come after shall be a. 26: 11 pillars of heaven are a. Isa. 52:14 as many were a. at thee Jer. 2: 12 be a. O ye heavens, at this 4:9 heart of the priests shall be a. 14:9 why be as a man a. Eze. 3: 15 I remained a. seven days 4:17 may be a. one with another 26: 16 shall tremble and be a. 28: 19 that know thee shall be a. Dan. 3:24 Nebuchadnezzar was a. 4:19 Daniel was a. for one hour 5:9 his lords a. 8 : 27 Daniel was a. at the vision Mat. 7:28 a. at his doctrine, 22:33 ; Mar/fcl:22; 6:2; 11:18; Lw.4:32 Mar.5-A2 a.with great astonishment 7:37 beyond measure a. 10:26 10:24 disciples were a. at his words Luke 2:47 a. at his answers 5:9 he was a. at draught of fishes 8:56 her parents were a. but he 24:22 certain women made us a. Acts 9:6 Saul trembling and a. said 10:45 of the cir. which believed, a. 12: 16 and saw Peter, they were a. 13:12 deputy believed, being a. ASTONISHMENT. Deut. 28:28 L. shall smite with a. 37 become an a. and a proverb 2Chr. 7:21 this house shall be an a. 29:8 he hath delivered them to a. Psa. 60:3 to drink the wine of a. Jer. 8:21 I am black, a. hath taken 25:9 I will make them an a. 18 11 land be a desolation and a. 29: 18 I will deliver them to be an a 42:18 execration and an a. 44:12 44:22 therefore is your land an a. 51 : 37 Babylon shall become an a. Eze. 4: 16 drink water with a. 12: 19 5: 15 an a. to the nations about thee 23:33 shalt be filled with cup of a. Zech. 12:4 I will smite horse with a. ASTRAY. See went, go, gone. ASTROLOGERS. Isa. 47: 13 let now a. star-gazers Dan. 1:20 ten times better than a. 2:27 the secret cannot the a. show 4:7 came in magicians and a. 5:7 king cried to bring in the a. ASUNDER. See cleave, cut, DIVIDE, PUT. ASYNCRITUS. Rom. 16:14 ATAD. Gen. 50:10, 11 ATE. Psa. 106:28 a. sacrifices of the dead Dan. 10:3 I a. no pleasant bread Rev. 10:10 little book, and a. it up ATHALIAH. 2Kings 8:26 Ahaz. mother was A. 11:1 A. destroyed, 2Chr. 22: 10 2 hid Joash from A. 20 lCAr.8:26 of Ben. Shehariah and A. 2Chr. 24:7 the sons of A. 22:11 Ezra 8:7 Jeshaiah son of A. ATHENIANS. Acts 17:21 ATHENS. Acts 17: 15 brought Paul to A. 16, 22 18:1 Paul departed from A. 1 Thes. 3: 1 good to be left at A. ATHIRST. Mat. 25:44 when saw we thee a. Rev. 21 : 6 I will give to him that is a. 22: 17 say, let him that is a. come 28 AUT ATONEMENT. Exod. 30:16 shalt take a. money JLei\4:20 a. for them and be forgiven, 26:31,35; 5:6; 6:7; 8:34; 12:8; 14:18; Num. 15:25 9:7 make a. for thyself, 16:24 16:10 the scape-goat to make a. 17 no man there, when maketh a 34 statute to make a. once a year 23:28 do no work, it is a day of a. 25:9 day of a. make trump, sound Num. 16:46 make a. for wrath is 31:50 ear-rings to make an a. 2Sam. 21:3 wherewith make a. Rom. 5:11 by whom we have rec. a. ATTAIN. Psa. 139:6 high, I cannot a. unto it Prov. 1:5 man of unders. a. wisdom Hos. 8:5 ere they a. to innocency ? Phil. 3:11 I might a. to res. of dead ATTAINED. Gen. 47:9 not a. to days of fathers Rom. 9:30 Gentiles have a. to right 31 Is. hath not a. to law of right Phil. 3:12 as though I had already a. 16 we have already a. let us walk 1 Tim. 4:6 doctrine whereto thou a. ATTALIA. Acts 14:25 ATTEND. Psa. 17:1 a. to my cry, 61 : 1 ; 142:6 55:2 a. to me, I mourn and make 86: 6 a. to the voice of my supplica. Prov. 4:1 a. to know understanding 20 my son, a. to my words, 7:24 5: 1 my son, a. to my wisdom 1 Cor. 1:35 a.on L. without distraction ATTENDANCE. lIYm.4:13 give a. to reading Heb. 7: 13 no man gave a. at altar ATTENDED. Job 32:12 I a. none convinced Job Psa. 66:19 he hatha, to my prayer Actsl6:\i shea, to things sp. byPaul ATTENDING. Root. 13:6 ministers a. continually ATTENT. 2Chr. 6:40 let thine ears be a. 7:15 shall be a. to the prayer ATTENTIVE. Neh. 1:6 let thine ear now be a. 11 ; Psa. 130:2 8:3 ears of peop. were a. Luke 19:48 ATTENTIVELY. Job 37:2 hear a. noise of his voice ATTIRE. Prov. 7:10 woman with a. of harlot Jer. 2:32 can a bride forget her a. ? Eze. 23:15 exceeding in dyed a. AUDIENCE. Exod. 24:7 took book and read in a, IChr. 28:8 in a. of our God keep Neh. 13:1 they read in the a. Luke 7:1 ended his sayings in the a 20:45 in a. of the people he said Acts 13:16 ye that fear God, give a. 15:12 multitude gave a. to, 22:22 AUGHT. See ought. AUGMENT. Num. 32:14 to a. the fierce anger AUGUSTUS. Luke 2:1 a decree from Cesar A. Acts 25:21 Paul appealed to A. 25 27:1 to Julius, a centurion of A. AUNT. Lev. IS :14 to his wife, she is thy a AUSTERE. LukelQ:2l bee. thou art an a. man AUTHOR. 1 Cor. 14:33 God not a. of confusion Heb. 5:9 he became a. of salvation 12:2 Jesus, the a. and finisher AWA AUTHORITY, IES. Prov. 29:2 when righteous are in a Mat. 7 : 29 as one having a. Mar. 1 : 22 8:9 1 am a man under a. Luke 7:8 20:25 great exercise a. Mar. 10:42 21:23 by what a. Mark 11:28 Mark 1 :27 for with a. com. unclean spirits, Luke 4:36 13:34 gave a. to his servants Luke 9:1 power and a. over all dev. 19:17 have thou a. over ten cities 20:20 deliver him to a. of governor 22:25 exercise a. called benefactors John 5:27 a. to execute judgment Acts 8:27 eunuch of great a. 9:14 he hath a. to bind, 26:10, 12 ICor. 15:24 have put down all a. 2Cor. 10:8 boast somewh.more of o. 127m. 2:2 supplication for all in a. 12 woman to usurp a. over the Tit. 2:15 ex. and rebuke with all a. IPet. 3:22 and a. made subject to Rev. 13:2 dragon gave him great a. AVAILETH. Gal. 5:6 in Christ cir. a. not, 6: 15 Jas. 5: 16 prayer of right, a. much AVEN. Eze. 30: 17 men of A. fall by sword Ifos.l0:8 high places of A. Amos 1:5 AVENGE. Lev. 19: 18 thou shalt not a. 26: 25 a. the quarrel of my covenant Num. 31:2 a. Israel of Midianites, 3 Deut. 32:43 a. blood of his servants I Sam. 24:12 the Lord a. me of thee Isa.l : 24 I will a. me of mine enemies Jer. 46:10 of veng. that he may a. Hos. 1:4 1 will a. blood of Jezreel Luke 18:3 a. me of mine adversary 7 shall not God a. his own elect 8 he will a. them speedily jRom.12: 19 beloved, a.not yourselves Rev. 6: 10 dost thou not a. our blood AVENGED. Gen. 4:24 if Cain be a. seven-fold Josh.10: 13 sun stayed till peo. had a Judg. 15:7 done this, yet I will be a 16:28 a. of Philis. for my two eyes I Sam. 14:24 food that I may be a. 18:25 hundred foreskins to be a. 25:31 or that my L. hatha, himself 2SamA : 8 L. hath a.my lord the king 18:19 how the Lord hath a. him Jer. 5:9 my soul be a. 29; 9:9 Acts 7:24 Moses o. him oppressed Rev. 18:20 God hath a. you on her 19:2 hath a. blood of his servants AVENGER. Num.35: 12 refuge from a. Josh. 20:3 Deut. 19:6 lest a. pursue the slayer 12 the elders deliver him to a. JbsA. 20: 5 if the a. pursue after him Psa. 8:2 thou mightest still the a. 44 : 16 by reason of the enemy and a. t Thes. 4 : 6 Lord is a. of all such AVENGETH. 2Sam. 22: 48 God a. me, Psa. 18:47 AVENGING. Judg. 5:2 praise L. for a. of Israel AVERSE. Mic 2:8 as men a. from war AVOID. Prov. 4: 15 a. it, pass not by it Rom. 16: 17 cause divisions, and a 2 Tim. 2:23 unlearned questions a. Tit. 3:9 a. foolish questions AVOIDING. "2Cor. 8:20 a. this, that no man 1 Tim. 6:20 a. profane babblings AVOUCHED. Deut. 26: 17 a. the Lord to be thy God 18 a. thee to be his people. AWAKE. Judg. 5:12 a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter Job 8:6 surely he would a. for thee BAA Job 14:12 till hea. be no more not a. j Psa. 7:6 a. for me to judg. 35:23 17: 15 when I a. with thy likeness 44:23 a. why sleepest thou, O L. 57:8 a. my glory, I will a. 108:2 59:4 they prepare, a. to help me 5 O L. a. to visit all the heathen Prov. 23:35 when shall I a. Cant. 2:7 not a. my love, 3:5; 8:4 4:16 a. O north wind Isa. 26:19 a. ye that dwell in dust 51:9 a. a. put on strength, O arm of the Lord a. 52:1 17 a. a. stand up, O Jerusalem Jer. 51 :57 perpetual sleep, and not a. Dan. 12:2 sleep in the dust shall a. Joel 1:5 a. ye drunkards, weep Hab. 2:7 a. that shall vex thee 19 that saith to the wood, a. Zech. 13:7 a. O sword ag. my Shep. Mark 4:33 asleep, and they a. him Luke 9 : 32 when a. saw his glory John 11:11 I go that I may a. him Rom. 13: 11 it is high time to a. ICor. 15:34 a. to righteousness Eph. 5 :li a. thou that sleepest AWAKED. ISam. 26:12 nor knew it, neither a. IKings 18: 27 sleepeth and must be a. 2Ki?igs 4:31 the child is not a. Psa. 3:5 I a. for L. sustained me 73:65 then L. a. as one out of sleep Jer. 31:26 upon this I a. and beheld AWAKEST. Psa. 73:20 when thou a. shalt des. Prov. 6:22 when thou a. it shall talk AWAKETH, IXG. Psa. 73:20 as a dream when one a. Isa. 29:8 he a. and his soul is empty Acts 16:27 keeper of the prison a. AWARE. Cant. 6:12 or ever I was a. my soul Jer. 50:-24 Babylon, and wast not a. Luke 11 :44 walk over them not a. AWAY. Isa. 1 :13 of assem. I cannot a. with Luke 23: 18 a. with this man, release John 19:15 a. with him, Acts 21:36 Acts 22:22 a. with suuh a fellow AWE. Psa. 4:4 stand in a. and sin not 33:8 inhab. of world stand in a. of 119:161 my heart standeth in a. AWL. Exod. 21 :6 bore his ear with an a. Deut. 15:17 thou shalt take an a. AWOKE. Mat.S:25 hisdiscip.a.him, Lu. 8:24 AXE. Deut. 20:19 not destroy trees by a. Judg. 9:43 Abimelech took an a. 1 Sam. 13: 20 Israel went to sharp, a. 1 Kin. 6:7 hammer nor a. was heard 2 Kings 6:5 a.-head fell into water f«S. 10:15 shall the a. boast itself Jer. 10:3 one cuts a tree with the a. 51:20 thou art my battle -a. Mat. 3:10 a. is laid to root, Lu. 3:9 AXES. ISam. 13:21 had a file for the a. '2Sam. 12:31 he put them under a. of iron, lCAr.20:3 Psa. 74:5 famous as he lifted up a. 6 break carved work with a. Jer. 46: 22 against her with a. as hew. Eze. 26:9 with a. break down thy B, BAALAH. Josh. 15:9 BAAL-GAD. Josh. 11:17 BAAL-HERMON. Jicdg.3:3 BAAL. Xtnn. 22:41 to high places of B. Judg. 2:13 Israel served B. and Ash 6 : 25 throw down the altar of B. 31 29 BAB IKings 16:31 Ahab worshipped him 18:21 if B. be God, follow him 19: 18 left 7,000 in Israel.which have not bowed to B. Rom. 11:4 2Kings 10: 19 sacrifice to do to B. 20 11:18 brake down the house of B. 17:16 host of heaven, served B. 21:3 Manasseh reared altars for B. 23:4 bring all the vessels for B. Jer. 2:8 prophets prophesied by B. 7:9 incense to B.H 1:13, 17; 32:29 12:16 taught people to swear by B 19:5 built high places of B. to burn 23:13 they prophesied in B. 27 Hos. 2:8 silver and gold for B. 13:1 when Ephraim offended in B. Zeph. 1:4 will cut off remnant of B. BAAL-BERITH. Judg.S:33 BAAL-HAMON. Cant. 8:11 BAALI. Hos. 2:16 BAALIM. Judg.2:ll Is. served B. 3: 7; 10:6,10 8:33 Israel went whoring after B. ISam. 7:4 Israel put away B. IKings 18:13 thou hast followed B. 2Chr. 17:3 Jehosh. sought not to B. 24:7 dedicated things on B. 23:2 33:3 Manasseh reared altars for B. 34:4 brake down the altars of B. Jer. 2:23 I have not gone after B. 9:14 have walked after B. Hos. 2: 13 visit on her days of B. 17 BAALIS. Jer. 40: 14 BAAL-MEON. Eze. 25 : 9 BAAL-PEOR. Num. 25:3 Israel joined himself to B. 5; Psa. 106:23; Hos. 9:10 Deut. 4:3 what L. did because of B. BAAL-PERAZIM. 2 Sam. 5:20 ; IChr. 14:11 BAAL-SH ALISHA. 2Kings 4 : 42 BAAL-TAMAR. Judges 20:33 BAAL-ZEBUB. 2Kings 1:2, 16 BAAL-ZEl'HON. Exod. 14:2; Num. 33:7 BAANAH. 2Sam. 4:6 Rechab and B. escaped 33:29 Heleb the son of B. IKings 4:16 B. the son of Hushai Ezr. 2:2 B. came to,Neh. 7: 7 ; 10:27 BAASHA. lXmg-sl5:16,19.27; 16:1.6,11.12; 21 : 22 ; 2 Kings 9 : 9 ; 2 Chr. 16 : 3 ; Jer. 41: 9 BABBLER. Eccl. 10:11 bite, and a A. is no better Acts 17:13 what will this b. say ? BABBLING, S. Prov. 23:29 who hath b. ? 1 Tim. 6 : 20 avoiding vain b. , 227m. 2: 16 shun profane and vain b BABE, S. Exod. 2:6 and behold the b. wept Luke 1:41 b. leaped in her worn! 44 b. leaped in my womb for jo, 2:12 shall find b. wrapped in swad. 16 found the b. lying in a manger Heb. 5:13 for he is a b. Ps.S : 2 out of mouth of b. Mat. 21 : 16 17: 14 leave substance to their b. Isa. 3:4 princes and b. shall rule MaMl: 25 revea. themto6.I,M.10:21 Rom. 2: 20 a feacher of b. ICor. 3:1 even as unto b. in Christ IPet. 2:2 as new-born b. desire BABEL. Gen. 10:10; 11:9 BABYLON. Mat. 1:17 till the carrying into B Acts 7:43 I carry away beyond B. 1 Pet. 5:13 church at B. saluteth you Rev. 14:8 B. is fallen, is fallen 16:19 B. came in remembrance 17:5 B. the mother of harlots IS: 10 alas, alas, that city B. 21 See DAUGUTEtt BAD BAL BAN BABYLONIANS. Eze. 23:15, 17 BABYLONISH. Josh. 7:21 BACA Psa. 84: 6 BACK, t Ki.U : 9 me behind thy *. Eze. 23 -.35 Psa. 21:12 make them turn their *. 129:3 ploughed on my b. Prov. 10-13 rod for b. 19:29; 2(5:3 /so. 38: 17 cast my sins behind thy b. 51): 6 I gave my b. to the smiters Jer. 2:27 have turned b. unto me 18:17 I will show b. not the face 32:33 turned to me b. and not face 48 : 39 Moab turned the b. with shame Rom. 11:10 bow down their b. alw. BACK, Adjective. Ex. 33:23 thou shalt see my*. parts BACKS. Neh.9: 26 cast thy law behind their b. Eze. 8: 16 their *. toward the temple 10:12 whole body, and b. full of See TURNED. BACKBITERS. Rom. 1:30 b. haters of God BACKBITETH. Psa. 15:3 that b. not with his tongue BACKBITING, S. Prov. 25:23 a b. tongue 2Cor. 12: 20 lest there be debates, b. BACKSLIDER. Prov. 14:14 b. in heart be filled BACKSLIDING, S. Jer. 2:19 thy b. shall reprove thee 3:6 seen what b. Israel hath done 8 whereby b. Israel com. adultery 3:11 b. Israel hath justified herself 12 return, thou b. Israel, saith L. 14 turn, O b. children, saith L. 22 5:6 because their b. increased 8:5 slidden back by a perpetual b. 14:7 for our b. are many 31:22 O b. daughter, 49:4 HosA: 16 Is. slideth back as a b. heif. 11:7 people are bent to b. from me 14:4 1 will heal their b. I will BACKWARD. Gen. 9:23 went b. their faces were b. 49:17 so that his rider shall fall b. 2Ki. 20:10 shadow return b. Is. 38:8 Job 23:8 b. I cannot perceive him Psa. 40 : 14 driven b. that wish me evil 70:2 turned b. that desire my hurt Isa. 1:4 they are gone away b. 28: 13 that they might go and fall b. 44:25 that turneth wise men b. 59:14 judgment is turned away b. Ter. 7:24 they went b. not forward 15:6 thou art gone b. therefore Lpm. 1 : 8 Jerus. sigheth and turn. b. John 18:6 they went b. and fell to BAD. Gen. 24:50 cannot speak b. or good 31:24 to Jacob good or b. 29 Lev. 27: 10 a good for a b. or a b. for Num. 13:19 the land if good or b. 21:13 to do either good or b. ISam. 13:22 Abs. spake good nor b. 14:17 the king to discern good or b. I Kin. 3:9 I may discern good and b. Mat, 13:48 good but cast the b. away 22:10 good and b. and the wedding 2Cor. 5:10 done, whether good or b. BADNESS. Gen. 41 : 19 never saw in Egypt for * BADE, EST. Gen. 27:19 I have done as thou b. Luke 14: 9 he that b. thee and him, 10 16 made a supper, and b. many Acts 11:12 Spirit b. me go with them 18:21 but b. them farewell. BADGERS. Ex. 26:14 covering above of b. skins 35:7 rams' skins dyed red. b. skins Eze. 16:10 1 shod thee with b. skins BAG. Deut. 25:13 in thy b. divers weights ISam. 17:40 smooth stones in a b. Job 14:17 my trans, is sealed in a b. Prov. 7:20 hath taken a b. of money 16:11 weights of b. are his work Isa. 46:6 lavish gold out of the b. Mic. 6:11 b. of deceitful weights Hag. 1 : 6 wages to put in a b. with John 12:6 was a thief, and had the b. 13:29 because Judas had the b. BAGS. 2Ki. 5 : 23 bound two talents in two b. 12:10 they put up in b. Luke 12:33 provide b. that wax not BAHURIM. 2Sam. 3:16 went behind her to B. 16:5 when David came to B. 17:18 they came to a house in B. 19: 16 a Benjamite of B. IKin. 2:8 BAJITH. Isa. 15:2 he is gone up to B. BAKE. Exod.16: 23 b. that you will b. to-day Lev. 24:5 and b. twelve cakes there. 26:26 ten women shall b. ISam. 28:24 woman at Endor did b. Eze. 4:12 shalt *. it with man's d. BAKE-MEATS. Gen. 40:17 b.-meats for Pharaoh BAKEN. IKi. 19:6 a cake was b. on the coals BAKER. Gen. 40: 1 b. had offended the king 22 hanged b. as Joseph interpreted 41:10 put in ward me and chief b. Hos. 7:4 as an oven heated by the*. 6 their b. sleepeth all the night BAKERS. Gen. 40:2 wroth against chief of b. ISam. 8:13 your daughters to be b. Jer. 37:21 bread out of b. street BAKETH. Isa. 44:15 he b. bread, yea, he BALAAM. Num. 22:5, 9, 14, 25, 31, 35; 23:4,30; 24:2,3,25; 31:8,16 Dewr.23:4 they hired B. 5; ^^.13:2 Josh. 24:9 Balak sent and called B. Mic. 6:5 remember what B. answ. 2Pet. 2:15 following the way of B. Jude 11 ran greedily after error of B. Rev. 2:14 hold the doctrine of B. BALAK. Num. 22:4, 16; 23:2,7,18; 24:13 Josh. 24:9 then B. arose and warred Judg. 11 :25 any th. better than B. ? Mic. 6:5 remember what B. king Rev. 2:14 who taught B. to cast BALD. Lev. 13:40 he is b. yet clean, 41 2Kings 2: 23 go up thou b. head, go Jer. 16:6 nor make themselves b. for 48:37 every head shall be b. Eze. 27 : 31 shall make themselves b. 29:18 every head was made b. Mic. 1:16 make thee b. and poll thee BALD-LOCUST. Lev. 11:22 ye may eat the b.-l. BALDNESS. Lev. 21 :5 not make b. on their head Deut. 14 : 1 any b. between your eyes Isa. 3:24 instead of well-set hair, b. 15:2 on heads b. and beard cut 22:12 the Lord did call to b. Jer. 47:5 b. is come upon Gaza Eze. 7:18 b. on their heads, Am.8: 10 Mic. 1:16 enlarge thy b. as the eagle BALANCE. Job 31 : 6 let me be weighed in even b. Psa. 62:9 laid in the b. are vanity Prov. 11:1a false b. is abom. 20:23 16:11 just weight and*, are Lord's 30 Isa. 40:12 who weighed hills in aft. 15 nations as small dust of the b 46:6 and weigh silver in the b BALANCES. Lev. 19:36 just b. Eze. 45: 10 Job 6:2 my calamity laid in the b. Eze. 5:1 take b. to weigh, and Dan. 5:27 in the b. and found want. Hos. 12:7 b. of deceit in his hand ^4mos8:5 falsifying the b. by deceit Mic. 6:11 pure with wicked b. ? Rev. 6:5 he that sat on him had b. BALANCINGS. Job 37:16 know the b. of the clouds BALL. Isa. 22:18 he will toss thee like a b. BALM. Gen. 37:25 Ishmaelites bearing b. 43: 11 take a little b. and honey Jer. 8:22 is there no b. in Gilead ? 46: 11 to Gilead, and take b. O vir. 51:8 howl take b. for her pain Eze. 27: 17 Judah traded in honey b BAMAH. .Eze. 20: 29 BAND, S. Lev. 26:13 broke the b. of your yoke Judg. 15:14 b. loosed off his hands 2Ki. 23:33 Phar. put Jehoahaz in b Job 38:9 darkness a swaddling b. 31 or loose the *. of Orion ? 39:5 loosed the b. of the wild ass ? 10 bind the unicorn with his b. ? Psa. 2:3 let us break their*, asunder 73:4 there are no *. in their death 107:14 he brake their *. in sunder Eccl. 7:26 heart snarea, hands as *. Isa. 28:22 lest *. be made strong 52:2 loose thys. from *. of thy neck 58:6 to loose the *. of wickedness Jer. 2: 20 I have burst thy *. Eze. 3:25 they shall put *. on thee 4:8 I will lay *. upon thee 34:27 broken the *. of their yoke Dan. 4:15 even with a b. of iron, 23 Hos. 11:4 drew them with b. of love ZecA. 11:7 two staves, beauty and *. 14 I cut mine other staff, even *. Luke 8:29 he brake b. and was driv. Acts 16: 26 every one's b. were loosed 22:30 cen. loosed Paul from his b. Col. 2: 19 which all the body by b. See bonds. BAND, S — companies. Gen. 32: 10 now I am become two *. ISam. 10: 26 went with him a*, of 2Kings 13: 21 bury, a man, spied a b 24:2 Lord sent b. of Chaldeans, *. lC/ir.12: 18 Dav.made them cap. of* 21 David against the *. of rovers Job 1: 17 Chald. made three *. and Psa. 119:61 *. of wicked robbed me Prov. 30:27 the locusts go by *. Eze. 12: 14 I will scatter all his *. 38:22 I will rain on him and his * Mat. 21: 27 to him whole*. Mar. 15: 16 John 18:3 Judas having received * 12 the *. took Jesus Acts 10:1 *. called the Italian *. 21 :31 tidings came to cap. of the *. 27: 1 to Julius cent, of Augustus' *. BANDED. Acts 23: 12 certain of the Jews * BANK. Gen. 41 : 17 behold I stood on the *. ' Deut. 4:48 Aroer by the *. of Arnon, Josh. 12:2; 13:9, 16 2Sam. 20: 15 cast up a *. ag. the city 2Kings 2: 13 Elisha stood by the *. 19:32 not cast a *. Isa. 37:33 Eze. 47:7 at *. of river many trees Dan. 12:5 one on this side, other on that side of the *. Luke 19:23 my money into the *. ? BANKS. Josh. 3:15 Jordan overfl. his *. 4:18 BAP BANNER. Psa. 60:4 a o. to them that fear thee Cant. 2:4 his 6. over me was love Isa. 13 : 2 lift ye up a b. on mountain BANNERS. Psa. 20:5 name of G. set up our b. Cant. 6:4 terrible as an army with b. BANISHED. 2Sam. 14: 13 fetch home his b. 14 that his b. be not expelled BANISHMENT. Ezra 7:26 whether to death or b. Lam. 2:14 have seen causes of b. BANQUET. Esth. 5:4 and Haman come to b. 5,8 6 to Esther at b. of wine, 7:2 Job 41 : 6 compan. make a b. of him .Amos 6: 7 6. of them that stretched BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan. 5: 10 queen came into the b.-h. BANQUETING, S. Cant. 2 -A brought me to the b. house IPtt. 4:3 we walked in lusts, b. BAPTISM, S. Mat. 3:7 Pharisees come to his b. 20:22 baptized with b. Mark 10:33 21:25 the b. of John, whence was it? Mark 11:30; Luke 20:4 Mark 1:4 John did baptize, and pre. the b. of repentance, Luke 3:3 Luke 7: 29 publicans with 6. of John 12:50 I have a 6. to be baptiz. with Acts 1 :22 beginning from 6. of John 10:37 after 6. which John preached 13:24 John prea. b. of repentance 18:25 Apollos knowing only 6. of 19:3 they said unto John's 6. 4 John bap. with b. of repentance Rom. 6:4 buried with him by 6. Eph. 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one 6. Col. 2:12 buried with him in 6. ye Heb. 6:2 of doctrine of b and laying IPet. 3:21 whereunto, even b. doth BAPTIST. Mat. 3: 1 came John b. preaching 11 : 1 1 there hath not risen a greater than John the b. Luke 7:28 12 from the days of John the 6. 14:2 this is John the b. he is risen 8 give me John the b. head 16: 14 thou art John b. Mark 8:23 17:13 that he spake of John the b Mark 6: 14 John the b. was risen 25 give me head of John the o. Ltttt7:20 John the 6. hath sent us 33 John the b. eating nor drinking 9:19 answering said, John the b BAPTIZE. Mat. 3:11 16. with water, he shall b. with Holy Ghost, Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; Johnl: 26 Mark 1:4 John did 6. in wilderness John 1:33 he that sent me to 6. said ICor. 1:17 Christ sent me not to b. BAPTIZED. Mat. 3:6 were 6. in Jordan, Mar. 1:5 13 then cometh Jesus to be b. 14 I have need to be b. of thee 16 Jesus when he was b. went up Mark 1:9 Jesus was 6. of John 10:39 the baptism I am b. withal 16:16 believeth and is b. shall be Luke'3-.l multitude came to be b. 12 came publicans to be 6. 7:29 21 Jesus being 6. and praying 7:30 lawyers, being not 6. of him John 3:22 there he tarried, and 6. 23 much water, and they were b. 4:1 Jesus made and 6. more disci. 2 though Jesus himself 6. not, but 10:40 place where John at first b. Arts 1 :5 John b. with water, but ye shall be b. with H. Gh. 11:16 2:33 repent, be b. every one of you 41 received his woid were b. BAR Acts 8:12 were 6. both men and wo. 13 Simon, and when he was b. 16 were b. in the name of Jesus 36 what doth hinder me to be 6. ? 38 Philip and eunuch, and he 6. 9: 13 Saul arose and was o. 10:47 that these should not be 6. 48 Peter commanded them to be 6. 16:15 Lydia when she was b. 33 jailer was b. and all his 18:8 Corinth, believed, and were b. 19:3 to what then were ye b. 5 when they heard this, were b. 22:16 arise, and be b. and wash Rom. 6:3 were b. into Jesus, b. into ICor. 1 :13 b. in the name of Paul ? 14 thank God that I b. none of 16 I b. household of Steph. not b. 10:2 and were all b. to Moses 12: 13 by one Spirit 6. into one body 15:29 why are they b. for the dead Gal. 3:27 as many as b. into Christ BAPTIZE ST. John 1 : 25 why b. thou, if not that C . BAPTIZE TH. John 1:33 who b. with the H. Ghost 3:26 the same b. all men come to BAPTIZING. Mat. 28: 19 teach all nations, b. them John 1 : 28 Jordon where John was b. 31 am I come b. with water 3:23 and John was also b. inEnon BAR. Neh. 7:3 shut the doors, and 6. them BAR, Substantive. Judg. 16:3 took doors, posts, b. and Amos 1:5 1 will break b. of Damas BARS. Deut. 3:5 cities fenced with gates and 6. 1JK. 4:13; 2CAr.8:5; 14:7 1 Sam. 23: 7 into a town that hath 6. Job 17: 16 down to the b. of the pit 38:10 and set b. for the sea 40:18 Behemoth, his bones 6. of iron Psa. 107:16 cut 6. of iron, Isa. 45:2 147:13 strengthened 6. of thy gates Prot'.18:19 contentions are like theft, Jer. 49:31 have neither gates nor b. 51:30 Babylon, her b. are broken Lam. 2:9 he hath broken her b. Eze. 38:11 having gates nor 6. Jonah 2:6 the earth with her b. Nah. 3 : 13 fire shall devour thy 6. BARACHEL. Job 32: 2 BARABBAS. Mat. 27 ; Mark 15 ; Luke 23 ; John IS BARACHIAS. Mat. 23:35 BARAK. Judg. 4:6, 9; 5:1, 12; Heb. 11:32 BARBARIAN. ICor. 14:11 to him a 6. and he a 6. Col. 3:11 neither Greek nor Jew, 6. BARBARIANS. Acts 2S:4 6. saw venomous beast Rom. 1:14 deb. both to Greeks and o. BARBAROUS. Acts 28:2 b. people showed kindness BARBED. Job 41:7 fill his skin with b. irons BARBER. Eze. 5:1 take thee a 6. razor BARE — carried. Exod. 19:4 I b. you on eagle's wings Deut. 1:31 thy God 6. thee as Isa. 53:12 he 6. the sin of many 63:9 he 6. them all the days of old Mat. 8:17 himself 6. our sicknesses Lukel:\\ they that o. him stood John 12:6 bag, 6. what put therein IPet. 2:24 his own self 6. our sins BARE. Gen. 31 :8 all the cattle 6. speckled 44:27 my wife 6. me two sons 31 BAR Exod. 6:20 Jochebed 6. Moses Judg. 13:2 Manoah's wife b. not IChr. 4:9 Jabez, I b. him with sor. Prov. 17:25 bitterness to her that*. 23:25 that 6. thee shall rejoice Cant. 6:9 choice one of her that b. 8:5 brought thee forth that b. thee Isa. 51 : 2 look unto Sarah that 6. you Jer. 16:3 their mother that 6. them 20:14 the day my mother 6. me 22:26 cast out mother that 6. thee 50:12 o. you shall be ashamed Luke 11 : 27 blessed is womb that b 23:29 the wombs that never 6. BARE fruit. Luke 8:8 and b.f. a hundred-fold Rev. 22: 2 the tree of life 6. /. twelve BARE rule. Neh. 5: 15 their servants b. r. over BARE witness, and record. Mark 14: 56 many 6. false ag. him,57 Luke 4:22 all 6. him w. and wonder. John 1:15 John .6. w. of him, 32, 34 5:33 John b. witness to the truth 12: 17 the people with him 6. record 19:35 he that saw it 6. record Acts 15:8 knoweth the hearts, b. w. Rev. 1:2 who 6. r. of the word of God BAREST. Isa. 63: 19 thou never b. rule over th. John 3:26 he to whom thou 6.witn BARE, Adjective. Lev. 13:45 clothes rent, head o. 55 Isa. 32: 11 strip ye, make ye 6. 47:2 make 6. the leg, uncover 52: 10 L. hath made b. his holy arm Jer. 13:22 for iniq. thy heels made o. 49:10 I have made Esan b. Eze. 16:7 thou wast naked and 6. 22 39 leave thee naked and 6. 23:29 Joel 1:7 my fig-tree clean 6. ICor. 15: 37 that shall be, but 6. grain BAREFOOT. 2Sam. 15:30 he went b. and the peop. Isa. 20:2 Isaiah did so, walking 6. 3 4 lead the Egyptians, naked and 6. BAR-JESUS. Acts 13:6 BAR-JONA. MaM6:17 BARK. Isa. 56: 10 dumb dogs, they cannot 6. BARLEY. Exod. 9:31 the 6. was smitten, fori. Deut. 8:8 a land of wheat and b. Judg. 7: 13 a cake of b. tumbled Ruth 1:23 beginning of 6. harvest 3:2 Boaz winnoweth b. to-night 2Sam. 14:30 Joab's field, 6. there 17:28 Barzillai brought beds, 6. 2Kings4:42 brought 20 loaves of b. 7:1 twomeas. of 6. forshekel, 16, 18 2CAr.2:10 give 20,000 measures of 6. 15 wheat, and 6. let him send 27:5 Ammon gave 10,000 me. of A. Job 31 :40 let cockle grow instead of 6. Isa.2-:2'> wheat, and appointed b. Jer. 41:8 we have treasures of 6. Eze. 4:9 take to thee wheat and b. 12 thou shalt eat it as 6. cakes 13:19 pollute me for handfuls of 6 Hos. 3:2 for a homer of 6. and half Joel 1:11 howl for wheat and 6. John 6:9 a lad hath five b. loaves 13 fragments of the five 6. loaves Rev. 6:6 measures of 6. for a penny BARN. 2Ki. 6: 27 help thee out of the 6. floor ? Job 39:12 gather thy seed into the b. Hag. 2:19 is seed yet in 6. vine Mat. 13:30 gather wheat into my 6 Luke 12:24 no storehouse nor 6. . BARNS. Prov. 3: 10 so shall thy b. be filled Joel 1: 17 the 6. are broken down Mat. 6:26 nor gather into b. Luke 12: 18 I will pull down my h BAS BARNABAS. Acts4:36\ 11:22,25,30; 12:25; 13:1, 2,50; 14:12; 15:2,12,37 I Cor. 9:6 or I only and B. have we Gal. 2:11 went up with B. 9, 13 Col 4:10 Marcus, sister's son to B. BARREL, S. IKin. 17: 14 the b. of meal shall not 18:33 fill four b. with water BARREN. Gen. 11:30 hut Sarai was b. 25:21 Rebekah*. 29:31 RacheU. Exod. 23:26 cast young nor be b. Deut. 7:14 not be male or female b. Judg. 13:2 Manoah's wife was b. 3 I Sam. 2:5 the b. hath borne seven 2Kings 2:19 and the ground b. 21 shall not be death, or b. land Job 24:21 he evil entreateth the b. 39:6 the b. land his dwellings Psa. 113:9 the b. woman to keep Prov. 30: 16 and b. womb not satis. Cant. 4:2 and none is b. 6:6 Isa. 54:1 sing, O b. that didst not Joel 2:20 drive him into a land b. Luke 1:7 because Elisabeth was b. 36 with her, who was called b. 23:29 blessed are the b. and GalA:21 written, Rejoice thou b 2Pet. 1 : 8 be neither b. nor unfruit. BARRENNESS. Psa. 107:34 a fruitful land into b. BARSABAS. Acts 1:23; 15:22 BARTHOLOMEW. Mat. 10:3; Mar. 3:18; Ltt.6:14; Actsl:13 BARTIMEUS. Mark 10:46 BARUCH. Neh. 3:20 B. son of Zabbai, repaired Jer. 32: 12; 36:4,26; 43:3; 45:1 BARZILLAI. 2Sam. 17:27; 19:32, 39; 21:8; lKings2:l ; Ezra2:61 BASE. Zech. 5:11 set there upon her own b. BASE, Adjective. 2Sam. 6:22 b. in mine own sight Job 30:8 were children of b. men Isa. 3:5 b. against the honorable Eze. 17: 14 kingdom might be b. 29:14 they shall be a b. kingdom Mai. 2:9 theref. I have made you b. I Cor. 1:23 b. things God hath chosen ICor. 10:1 who in presence am b. am. BASER. Acts 17:5 lewd fellows of the b. sort BASEST. Eze. 29 : 15 Pathros b. of kingdoms Dan. 4: 17 setteth over it b. of men BASHAN. Num. 21:33; 32:33; DeuM:4; 3:1, 3,4, 10, 11; 4:47; Josh. 13: 12 Psa. 22: 12 strong bulls of B. 68: 15 B. ahigh hill, B. why leap, 22 Isa. 33:9 B. and Carmel shake off Jer. 22:20 lift up thy voice in B. 50:19 shall feed on Carmel and B. Eze. 39: 18 all of them fatlings of B. Amos 4:1 this word, ye kine of B. Mic 7: 14 let them feed in B. as in Nah. 1:4 B. languished, Carmel and BASHEMATH. Gen. 26:34 to wife B. 36:3 BASIN. 1 Chr. 28: 17 gold for every b. John 13:5 he poureth water into a b, BASINS. 2Sam. 17:23 Barzillai brought b. Jer. 52:19 b. captain took away BASKET. Gen. 40:17 in the b. all manner of bake-meats Exod. 29:23 b. of unleavened bread, Lev 8:2. 26: Num. 6:15, 17 BAT Lev. 8:31 b. of consecrations Deut. 28:5 blessed shall be thy b. 17 cursed shall be thy b. Judg. 6: 19 Gideon put flesh in a b. Jer. 24:2 one b. had very good figs Amos 8:1 a b. of summer fruit, 2 Acts 9: 25 by wall in a 6.2 Cor.ll:33 BASKETS. Gen. 40: 16 I had three white b. 18 the three b. are three days 2Kings 10:7 put their heads in b. Jer. 6:9 as grape-gatherer into the b. 24: 1 two b. of figs before the temple MaU4:20 twelve b. f u 11, Mark 6: 43; Luke 9:17; John 6: 13 15:37 broken meat 7 b. Mark 8:8 16:9 not remember how many b.? 10; Mark 8:19, 20 BASTARD, S. Deut. 23:2 a b. shall not enter cong. Zech. 9:6 and a b. in Ashdod Heb. 12:8 without chast. them are b. BAT, S. Lev. 11 : 19 b. are unclean, Deut. 14 : 18 Isa. 2:20 idols to the moles and b. BATH. Isa. 5: 10 ten acres shall yield one b. Eze. 45: 10 a just ephah, a just b. 11 ephah and b. of one measure 14 offer the tenth part of a b. BATHED. Isa. 34: 5 my sword shall be b. in hea. BATHS. 1Kt.7-.26 molt, sea contained 2,000*. 33 one laver contained 40 b. 2Chr. 2:10 give 20,000 b. of wine 4:5 the sea held 3,000 b. Ezra 7:22 b. of wine, 100 b. of oil Eze. 45:14 ten b. are a homer BATH-SHEBA. 2Sam.ll:3; 12:24; 1 Kings 1: 15, 31; 2:13 BATTLE. Deut. 20:3 O Israel yon appro, to b. 5 lest he die in the b. 6, 7 Judg. 20: 28 shall I yet go to b. ? ISam. 17:28 thou art come to see b. 47 b. is the Lord's, 2Chr. 20:15 26:10 descend into b. and perish 28:1 thou shalt go with me to b. 2Sam. 11:1 when kings go forth to b. IChr. 20:1 15 set Uriah in forefront of b. 19:10 Absalom is dead in b. IKings 8:44 if thy people go to b. 20:39 thy servant into midst of b. 22:4 go with me to b. ? 2Kings 3:7 IChr. 5:20 cried to God in the b. 12:8 Gadites men fit for the b. Job 15:24 as a king ready to the b. 39:25 he smelleth the b. afar off 41:8 remember the b. do no more Psa. 18:39 girded with strength to b. 24:8 the Lord mighty in b. 55: 18 delivered my soul from the b. 76:3 he brake the shield, and the b. 89:43 not made to stand in the b. Eccl. 9:11 nor b. to the strong Isa. 9:5 every b. of the warrior is 13:4 L. mustereth the host of the b. 22:2 thy slain are not dead in b. 27 -A who set briars ag. me in b. 28:6 that turn the b. to the gate 42:25 on him the strength of the b. Jer. 8:6 as horse rusheth into the b. 18:21 theiryoungmenbeslainini. 50:22 a sound of b. is in land Eze. 7: 14 but none goeth to the b. 13:5 to stand in the b. in day of L. Hos. 1:7 1 will not save them by b. 2: 18 I will break b. out of the earth 10:9 b. in Gibeah not overtake Joel 2:5 as a strong peo. in b. array Zech. 10:3 as goodly horse in the b. 5 tread their enemies in the b. 14:2 all nations ag. Jerusalem to b. 32 BEA lCor.!4:8 who shall prep, to the b. Rev. 9:7 locusts like horses prep, to A. 9 sound of chariots running to b. 16: 14 to the b. of that great day,20: 8 Day of BATTLE. Job 38:23 I reserved against d. ofb. Psa. 78:9 Ephraim turned in d. ofb. 1 40: 7 covered my head in day of b. Prov. 21:31 horse is prep, against b. BATTLE-AXE. See axe. BATTLE-BOW. Zech. 9: 10 the b.-boiv shall be cut off 10:4 out of him came forth the b.-b. BATTLES. ISam. 18:17 and fight the Lord's b. 25:28 my lord fighteth b. of Lord 1 Chr. 26: 27 spoils won in b. dedicate 2Chr. 32:8 is God, to fight our b. Isa. 30:32 and in b. of shaking BATTERING. Eze. 4:2 and set b. rams round 21:22 to appoint b. rams ag. gates BATTLEMENT, S. Deut. 22:8 make a b. for thy roof Jer. 5:10 take away her b. BAY. Zech. 6:3 in fourth chariot b. horses 7 the b. went forth and sought to BAY-TREE. Psa. 37:35 wicked like a green b.-t BDELLIUM. Gen. 2:12 in Havilah there is b Num. 11:7 color of manna as b. BE. Judg. 6: 13 if the Lord be with us 2CAr.36:23 L. be with him, Ezra 1:3 John 3 : 9 how can these things be ? Rom. 4:17 things which be not as 8:31 if God be for us, who can be Gal. 4: 12 be as I am, for I am as ye Shall BE, or shalt BE. Eccl. 1:9 been, is that which shall be Mat. 2\:2\ nor ever sh. be, Mar. 13: 19 Mark 9:19 how long shall I be with you, Luke 9:41 John 14:17 with you, and shall be in Uohn 3:2 yet appear what we sh. be Rev. 16:5 art, and wast, and shalt be Shall not, or shalt not BE. Psa. 37: 10 it shall not be, Jer. 48:30 ; Dan. 11:29; Amosl:3,6 Hos. 3:3 shalt n. be for another man Mat. 16:22 this shall not be to thee 20:26 shall not be so among you, Mark 10:43; Luke 22:26 To BE. Eccl. 3:15 that to be hath already BEEN. See after bee. BEACON. Isa. 30:17 be left as a b. on the top BEAM. Judg.l:li he went away with the b. lSam.11: 7 spear was like a weaver's b. IChr. 11:23; 20:5 2Ki. 6 : 2 Jordan, and take thence a b. 5 as one was felling a 6. axe-head Hab. 2:11 the b. shall answer Mat. 7:3 consid. not b. Lu. 6:41, 42 4 a b. is in thine own eye 5 first cast out the b. Luke 6:42 BEAMS. Psa. 104 : 3 layeth the b. in waters Cant. 1:17 the b. of our house cedar BEANS. 2Sam. 17:28 Barzillai brought b. Eze. 4:9 take unto thee wheat b. BEAR — carry, or endure Gen A: 13 pun. is greater than I can b 13:6 land not able to b. them, 36:7 43:9 let me b. the blame, 44: 32 49:15 bowed his shoulder to b. BEA Exod. 18:22 shall A. the burden 25:27 to A. the table, 27:7; 30:4; 37:5; Deut. 10:8; Josh. 3:8, 13; 4:16; 2Sam. 15:24 28: 12 Aaron shall b. their names Num. J. 1:14 to A. all this pe. Den. 1 : 9 14:27 how long b. with this cong. 33 children shall b. your whore- doms, Eze. 23:35 Deut. 1:31 as a man doth 6. his son 2Ki. 18:14 puttest on me, I will b. Psa. 75:3 I b. pillars of the earth 89:50 how I do b. the reproach 91:12A.theeup,Ma*.4:6; LuA-.ll Prov. 9: 12 scornest,thou shalt b. it 18: 14 wounded spirit who can b. ? 30: 21 and for four which it cannot b. Isa. 1 : 14 feasts, I am weary to b. 46:4 I have made and will b. you 7 they b. him upon the shoulder 52: 1 1 clean that b. vessels of L. Jer. 10: 19 is a grief, and I must b. it 17:21 b. no burden on Sabbath, 27 31: 19 b. the reproach of my youth 44 : 'S2 so Lord could no longer b. Lam. 3: 27 good he b. yoke in his yo. Eze. 12:6 in their sight shalt A. 16:52 b. own shame for thy sins, 54 34:29 b. shame of heathen, 36: 15 Mir. 6:16 b. reproach of my people 7:9 I will b. indignation of the Lord Zech. 5: 10 whither b. the ephah ? 6: 13 he shall b. glory, and rule Mat. 3: 1 1 shoes not worthy to b. 27:32 Simon to b. his cross. Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26 Z,w.l4:27 whoso, doth not b. his cross 18:7 avenge his elect, though he b John\G:\2 but ye cannot A.them now Acts 9:15 chosen vessel to b. my name 15:10 fathers nor we were able to b. IS: 14 reason would I should b. Rom 15:1 b. infirmities of the weak ICor. 3:2 hitherto not able to b. it 10: 13 that ye may be able to b. it 15:49 b. the image of the heavenly 2Cor. 11:1 would to God ye could b. 4 ye might well b. with him Gal. 6:2 b. one another's burdens 5 man shall b. his own burden 17 b. in my body the marks Jos. 3:12 fig tree b. olive-berries? Rev. 2:2 canst not b. them that are BEAR— bring forth. Gen. 17:17 Sarah 90 years old b.? 18: 13 shall I b. a child,which am old Judg. 13:3 conceive and b. a son IKi. 3:21 it was not my son I did b. Cant. 4:2 every one b. twins, 6:6 Isa. 7: 14 a virgin shall con. and b. a 54:1 sing, thou that didst not b. Jer. 29:6 that they may b. sons Luke 1 : 13 Elisabeth shall A. a son 1 Tim.5: 14 younger marry, A.children BEAR, fruit. See fruit. BEAR iniquity. Exod.28:38 Aaron may b. in. of holy 43 Aaron and his sons b. not in. Lev. 5: 1 he shall b. his iniquity, 17; 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17 10: 17 given to b. in. of the cong. 16:22 the goat shall b. all their in. 20:19 they shall b. their hi. Num. 18:1, 23; .Eze. 44: 10, 12 Num. 14 : 34 ye shall b. your in. 40 ye. Isa. 53 : 1 1 my righteous servant shall b. their iniquity Eze. 4 :4 of days shalt b. their in. 5,6 18:20 son shall not b. i. of the father BEAR judgment. Exod. 28:30 Aaron shall b.j. Gal 5:10 troubleth you shall b. his/. BEAR record. See record. BEAR rule. Esth. 1 : 22 every man should b. rule in his own house BEA Prov. 12:24 hand of diligent b. rule Jer. 5:31 priests b. r. by their means BEAR sin. Lev.24: 15 whoso, curs, shall b.his sin Eze. 23:49 b. the sin of your idols Heb.9 : 28 C. was once offered to 6. sin BEAR witness. Ex.20: 16 not b. false w.ag.thy neigh. Deut.5:20; IUaU9:lS; Rom.l3:9 1 Kin. 21 : 10 sons of Belial to b. wit. .Mar.lO:19donotA.falsett\Lw.l8:20 Luke 11:48 ye b. wit. that ye allow John 1 : 7 came for a witness to b. w. 8 sent to b. witness of that light 3:23 ye yours, b. me w. that I said 5:31 if I b. wit. of myself my witn. 36 works A. witness of me, 10:25 8: 18 I am one that b. wit. of mys. 15:27 ye shall also b. wit. because 18:23 evil, 6. witness of the evil 37 came I, that I should b. witness Acts 22:5 high-priest doth b. me w. 23: 11 so must thou b. w. at Rome I John 1:2 we have seen it, and b. w. 5:8 three that*, witness in earth BEAREST. Psa. 106: 4 favor thou b. to thy peop. John 8:13 thou b. record of thyself Rom. 11:18 b. not the root, but Gal. 4:27 rejoice barren that b. not BEARETH. Num. 11:12 as a nursing father b. Deut. 29: 18 a root that b. gall 23 it is not sown, nor b. nor 32: 11 as an eagle b. her young Job 24 : 21 evil entreateth barren th. b. Cant. 6:6 every one b. twins Joel 2:22 for the tree b. her fruit Mat. 13:23 which also b. fruit and John 15:2 every branch that b. not Rom. 13:4 b. not the sword in vain ICor. 13:7 charity*, all things Heb. 6:8 which b. thorns is rejected BEARETH rule. Prov. 29:2 wicked b. r. people mourn BEARETH witness. Job 16:8 my leanness b.w. to my face Prov. 25: 18 that b. false w. isa maul John 5:32 another that b. w. of me 8:18 the Father b. witness of me Rom.8: 16 Spirit A. w. with our spirit Uohn 5:6 it is the Spirit that b. w. BEARING. Gen. 1:29 every herb b. seed 16:2 hath restrained me from b. Josh.3:3 b the ark, 14; 2Sam.l5:21 Psa. 126:6 forth b. precious seed Mark 14:13 b. a pitcher of water, Luke 22:10 John 19:17 he b. his cross, went Rom. 2: 15 their conscience b. witn. 9: 1 my conscience also b. me witn. 2Cor. 4:10 b. in the body the dying Heb. 2:4 God also b. them witness 13: 13 forth to him b. his reproach 1 Tim. 2: 15 be saved in child-A. BEAR, S. I Sam. 17:34 came a lion and a b. 36 thy servant slew lion and b. 2Sam. 17:8 chafed as a b. robbed 2Kings 2:24 came forth two she-A. Prov. 17: 12 a b. robbed of whelps 28:15 and a ranging A. Isa. 11:7 cow and b. shall feed 59: 11 we roar all like b. Lam. 3: 10 he was to me as a b. Dan. 7:5 beast, a second like to a b. Hos.\3:8 meet them as a b. bereaved Amos 5:19 as if a man did flee fr. a b. Rev. 13:2 his feet were as of a b. BEARD, S. Lev. 13: 29 hath a plague on head or b. 14:9 his hair off his head and b. 19:27 nor mar corners of A. 21:5 33 BEA ISam. 17:35 I caught him by his h 21 : 13 David let his spittle fall on A 2Sam. 10:5 tarry till A. be crown, IChr. 19:5 19: 24 Mephib trimmed not his A, 20:9 Amasa by the A. to kiss him Ezra 9:3 plucked off hair of my b. Psa. 133:2 on the A. even Aaron's A. Isa. 7:20 it shall also consume A. 15:2 baldness, and every A. cutoff Jer. 41 :5 fourscore men A. shaven 48:37 every head bald, every A. clip. Eze. 5: 1 cause razor to pass on thy A BEAST. Gen. 1 :24 let the earth bring forth A. 3: 1 serpent more subtle than any A. 37:20 evil A. hath devoured him, 33 Exod. 13: 12 every firstling of a A. 22:5 put his A. in another m. field 10 deliver any A. to keep 19 liethwithaA. put to death, Lev 18:23; 20:15, 16; Deut. 27:21 23:29 the A. multiply against thee Lev. 11:47 A. that may be eaten Deut. 4:17 the likeness of any A. Neh. 2:12 save the A. I rode on Psa. 73:22 I was as a A. before thee 147:9 he giveth to the A. his food Prov. 12:10 regards life of his A. Eccl. 3: 19 no preeminence above a A. /5a. 43:20 the A. shall honor me 63: 14 as a A. that goeth into the val. Dan. 4 : 16 let a A. heart be given him 7: 11 I beheld till the A. was slain 19 know the truth of the fourth A Luke 10:34 set him on his own A. Acts 28:5 Paul shook off the A. Heb. 12:20 if so much as a A. touch Rev. 4:7 first A. like a lion, second A 6:3 second A. say, Come and see 11:7 A. that ascendeth out of pit 13: 1 a A. rise up out of the sea 11 A. coming out of the earth 15:2 got the victory over the A. 16: 13 unclean spirits out of A. 17:8 the A. that was, and is not, 11 19:19 I saw the A. and the kings 20: 10 where the A. and false proph Every BEAST. Gen. 1:30 to ev. A. I have given herb 2: 19 ground God formed every A. 20 Adam gave names to every A. 3:14 thou art cursed above every A 7:2 of every clean A. by sevens, 8 14 they and every A. after his kind 8: 19 every A. went out of the ark 20 of every clean A. he offered 9 : 2 dread of you shall be on every A 5 your blood at band of every A. 10 with every b. I estab. covenant 34: 23 shall not e. A. of theirs be ours Lev. 11:26 every A. which divideth the hoof, Deut. 14:6 Psa. 50: 10 e. A. of the forest is mine 104:11 they give drink to every A. Eze. 34:8 my flock meat to every A 39:17 son of man, speak to every A BEAST, joined with Man. Gen. 6:7 1 will destroy both m. and A. ExoA 1 : 7 dog move tongue a. m. or A 12: 12 smite first-born of m. and A 13:15; Psa. 135:8 13:2 first-born of m. and A. is mine. Num. 8:17 19:13 m. or A. it shall not live Psa. 36:6 thou preservest m. and A. Jer. 7:20 fury on m. and A. 21:6: 36:29; Eze. 14:13, 17, 19, 21: 25:13; 29:8; Zeph. 1:3 27:5 I have made nuin and A. 31:27 sowJudahwithseedofm.a.A. 32:43 without manor A. 33:10. 12; 36:29; 51:62 50:3 they shall depart m. and A. I?ze.36:ll multiply on you m. and b Jonah3:7 let not m. or A. taste any th BEA Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5:2 soul touch any u. b. 7:21 27:11 if it be u. b. of which, 27 Wild BEAST. 2Ki 14:9 w.6.inLebanon,2C*A.25:18 Job 39: 15 forgetteth w. b. may break Psa. 80: 13 the w. b. doth devour it Hos. 13:8 the w. b. shall tear them BEASTS. Gen. 31:39 torn of b. Exod. 22:31: Lev. 7:24; 17:15; 22:8 36:6 Esau took all his b. 45:17 lade your b. and go to Can. Exod. 11 : 5 the first- b. of b. shall die Lev. 11:2 these b. eat, Deut. 14:4 3 chewcudamong6.eat,DeM.14:6 26:6 I will rid evil b. out of land Deut. 32:24 1 will send teeth of b. IKings 4:33 Solomon spake of b. Ezra 1:4 help him with gold, b. Job 12:7 ask the 6. they teach thee 18 : 3 are we counted as b. and vile 37:8 then the b. go into dens Psa. 49: 12 like the b. that perish, 20 104:20 wherein b. of forest creep 25 sea, both small and great b. 148:10 b. and all cattle, praise Prov. 9:2 wisdom hath killed her b. 30:30 a lion strongest among b. Eccl. 3:18 see that themselves are b. 19 which befalleth men, bef. b. Isa. 30:6 burden of b. of the south 40:16 nor b. thereof a burnt-offer. 46: 1 their idols on the b. and cattle 66:20 upon swift b. to my.holy m. Jer. 9: 10 b. fled, 12:4 consumed Eze. 5:17 I will send evil b. 14:15 32: 4 fill b. of whole earth with thee 13 destroy all the b. 34:25, 28 Ban. 4:14 b. get away from under it 15 his portion be with the b. 7:17 these four great b. are kings 8:4 no b. might stand before him Joel 1:18 how do the b. groan Hab. 2:17 spoil of b. wh. made afraid Zeph. 2:15 become a place for b. Zech. 14:15 the plague of all the b. Actsl-A2 offered tome slain b.? 23:24 b. that ye may set Paul on Rom. 1 : 23 image made like to b. 1 Cor. 15: 32 if I have fought with b. Jas. 3:7 b. is tamed, but tongue 2Pet. 2:12 as natural brute b. speak Jude 10 know naturally as brute b. Rev. 4:6 four b. full of eyes 8 four b. had each six wings 9 when those b. give glory 5:6 in midst offour b. stood a Lamb 14 the four b. said, Amen 6:1 b. saying, Come and see, 15:7 7:11 angels stood about four b. 14:3 a new song before the four b. 19 : 4 and four 6.1'ell down to worship BEASTS of the Earth. Deut. 2^:26 carcass meat to all b. ISam. 17:46 carcasses of Phil, to b. Job 5:22 nor be afraid of the b. 35:11 teacheth us more than b. Psa. 79:2 flesh of thy saints to b. Isa. 18:6 they shall be left to b. Jer."7:33 carcasses of peop.meat for b. of the earth, 16:4 ; 19:7 ; 34:20 15:3 I will appoint over them b. Acts 10:12 of four-footed b. Jl:6 Rev. 6:8 kill with hunger and b. BEASTS of the Field. Exod. 23:11 poor leave, b. may eat Deut. 7:22 lest b. increase upon thee 1 .Saw 17: 44 1 will give thy flesh to b. 2Sam. 21 : 10 nor b. of the f. by night Job5;23 b. shallbe at peace with thee 40:20 mountains where b. play Psa. 8:7 hast put b. under his feet Isa. 56:9 all ye b. come to devour Jer. 12:9 assemble all b. of the field 27:6 6. given him, 28: 14; Dan.2:38 BEA Eze. 29:5 I have given thee for meat to the 6.34:5; 39:4 31:6 under branches b. bring forth 13 b. shall be on his branches 38:20 b. shall shake at my presence Dan. 4:12 the b. had shadow 25 thy dwelling with b. 32 Hos. 2:18 covenant for them with b. 4:3 shall land mourn with b. Joel 1 : 20 b. cry also to thee, for rivers 2:22 be not afraid, ye b. pastures Wild BEASTS. .Lev. 26 : 22 I will send ty.A.amongyou ISam. 17:46 carcasses of Phil. tow. b. Psa. 50:11 the w. b. are mine Isa. 13: 21 but w. b. shall lie there 22 wild b. of the islands shall cry 34 : 14 iv.b. of desert shall meet with w. b. of the island, Jer. 50:39 Mark 1:13 Christ was with the w. b. ActslO: 12 wherein were all w. b. 11:6 BEAT. Judg. 9:45 Abim. b. down the city 19: 22 sons of Belial b. at the door 2Sam.22:43 I6.themsmall,Ps.l8:42 Psa. 89:23 I will b. down his foes Prov. 23: 14 shalt b. him with the rod isa.2:4 b. their swords into, Mic. 4:3 3:15 that ye b. my people 27:12 shall b. off from the channel 41 : 15 mountains, b. them small Joel 3: 10 b. your plough-sh. intosw. Mic. 4:13 shalt b. in pieces many Mat.1-.25b. on house, 27; Lw.6:48,49 21:35 took his servants and b. one, Mark 12:3; Luke 20: 10, 11 Mark 4:37 waves b. into the ship Luke 12:45 begin to b. the men-serv. Acts 16:22 commanded to b. them 18:17 took Sosthenes and b. him 22:19 b. in every synagogue BEATEN. 2Chr. 34: 7 had b. images to powder Prov. 23:35 they have b. me, I felt Isa. 28:27 fitches are b. with staff Jer. 46:5 mighty ones are b. down Mic. 1:7 images shall be b. to pieces Mark 13:9 in synag. ye shall be b. Luke 12:47 and did not shall be b. Acts 5: 40 called apostles and b. them 16:37 have b. us openly uncondem. 2Cor. 11 :25 thrice was I b. with rods BEATEN Oil. Exod. 27:20 pure oil b. Lev. 24:2 29:40 hin of b. oil, Num. 28:5 BEATEST. Deut. 24:20 when thou b. thy olive Prov. 23:13 if thou b. him with rod BEATETH. ICor. 9:26 not as one that b. the air BEATING. ISam. 14:16 b- down one another Mark 12:5 b. some and killing some BEAUTY. Exod. 28:2 garment for glory and b. 2Sam. 1 : 19 the b. of Israel is slain 14:25 so praised as Absalom for b. 1CA.16:29 ind.of holi. Ps.29:2; 96:9 2CA.20:21 should praise b. of holiness Esth. 1:11 to show the people her b. Job 40:10 array thyself with b. Psa. 27:4 to behold the b. of the L. 39: 11 make his b. to consume away 45: 11 king greatly desire thy b. 49:14 theiri. shall consume in grave 50:2 out of Zion the perfection of b. 90:17 let the b. of Lord be on us 96:6 strength and b. in sanctuary Prov. 6:25 lust not after her b. 20:29 the b. of old is gray head 31:30 favor is deceitful ; b. is vain Isa. 3:24 shall be burn, instead of b. 13:19 Babylon the b. of the Chald. 28:1 whose b. is a fading flower, 4 5 a diadem of b. to residue 34 BEC Isa. 33:17 shall see the King in his b 44: 13 according to the b. of a man 53:2 no b. that we sh. desire him 61:3 them that mourn b. for ashes Lam. 1:6 Zion all her b. is departed 2:1 from heaven the b. of Israel 15 city men call perfection of b. ? Eze. 7:20 as for b. of his ornament 16:14 thy renown am. heath, fori. 15 didst trust in thine own b. 25 hast made thy b. to be abhor. 27:3 said I am of perfect b. 28:12 4 thy builders perfected thy A. 11 28:7 swords ag. the b. of thy wisd. 17 lifted up because of thy b. 31:8 no tree like Assyrian in b. 32: 19 Egypt whom dost pass in b. ? Hos. 14:6 Israel's b. shall be as Zech. 9: 17 how great is his b. 11:7 staves, one I called b. 10 BEAUTIES. Psa. 110:3 in the b. of holiness BEAUTIFY. Ezra 7:27 king's heart, to b. L.'s h Psa. 149:4 b. the meek with salva. Isa. 60:13 to b. place of my sanctu BEAUTIFUL. Gen. 29:17 Rachel was b. Deut. 21:11 seestam. cap. a 6. worn. ISam. 16: 12 Dav. was of a b. coun. 25:3 Abigail was of a b. counten. 2Sam. 11:2 Bathsheba was very b Esth. 2:7 Esther was fair and b. Psa. 48:2 b. for situation is Zion Eccl. 3:11 every thing b. in his time Cant. 6:4 thou art b. O my love 7:1 how b. thy feet with shoes Isa. 4:2 shall the branch of L. be b. 52:1 O Zion, put on thy b. garm 7 how b. the feet, Rom.l0:l5 64: 11 and b. house is burnt up Jer. 13:20 where is thy b. flock ? 48: 17 staff broken, and the b. rod Eze. 16:12 b. crown on thy head 13 thou wast exceeding b. 23:42 the Sabeans put b. crowns Mat. 23:27 sepulchres, which ap. b Acts 3:2 at the gate called b. 10 BECAME. I Cor. 9:20 to the Jews I b. a Jew Heb. 7:26 such a High-priest b. us BECAMEST. lCAr.l7:22 thou L. b. their God Eze. 16:S I sware, and thou b. mine BECKONED. Luke 1:22 Zacharias b. speechless 5:7 they b. to their partners John 13:24 Peter b. he should ask Acts 19:33 Alexander b. and would 21:40 Paul stood on stairs, and 6. BECKONING. Acts 12: 17 Peter *. unto them 13:16 Paul 6. with his hand, said BECOME. Gen. 3:22 man is b. as one of us Ex. 15:2 is b. my salvation, Psalm 118:14; Isa. 12:2 32:1 as for Moses we wot not what is*, of him, 23; Acts 7:40 Deut. 27:9 art b. the people of God Mat. 21:42 is b. the head of the cor. Mar. 12:10; 2,w.20:17;.4cts4:ll John 1:12 power to b. the sons of G. 2Cor. 5:17 m C. all things are b. new Rev. 11:15 b. the kingdoms of our L BECOMETH. ' Psa 93:5 holiness b. thy house Prov. 10:4 he b. poor that dealeth 17:7 excellent speech b. not a fr.ol 18 man void of underst. b. surety EcclA-.li born in his kingd. b. poor Mat. 3: 15 it b. us to fulfil all right 13:22 choketh the word, and he b. unfruitful, Mark 4:19 Rom. 16:2 receive Phebe asi. saints BEE Vhil. 1:27 conversat. be as b. gospel I Tim. 2: 10 as b. women prof, godli. Tit. 2:3 aged women as b. holiness BED. Gen. 47:31 bowed on b. lKin.l-.47 49:4 to thy father's b. IChr. 5:1 Exod. 21:18 die not, but keepeth b. ISam. 19:13 image and laid it in b. 2Sam. 4:5 Ish-bosheth who lay on b. 11:2 David arose from his b. 2Kings 1:4 down from that b. 6, 1G 4: 10 let us set there for him a b. Job 7:13 my b. shall comfort me 17:13 made my b. in the darkness 33:15 in slumbering* upon the b. Psa. 4:4 commune with heart on b. 36:4 he deviseth mischief on his b. 41:3 make all his b. in his sickness 63:6 when I rem. thee upon my b. 132:3 into my b. till I find a place 139:8 if I make my b. in hell, thou Prov. 7:16 decked my b. with tap. 17 22:27 why take b. from under thee 26:14 so doth the slothful on his b. Cant. 1:16 fair, also our b. is green 3:1 by night on my b. I sought him 7 his b. which is Solomon's Isa. 28:20 b. is shorter than a man 57:7 on mountain hast set thy b. Amos 3: 12 in the corner of a b. Mat.9:(i takeup thy b. Mark2:9 : 11 ; John 5:11, 12 Mark 1:21 candle under a b. Lu.Q-.ld Luke 11:7 children with me in b. 17:34 two men in one b. one taken Rev. 2:22 I will cast her into a b. BED of love. Eze. 23: 17 Babylo. came to her in b. BED of spices. Cant. 5:13 his cheeks are as a b. 6:2 my beloved is gone to the b. BED undefiled. Heb. 13:4 honorable and the b. BE DAD. Gen. 36:35 BEDAN. 1 Sam. 12; 11; 1 Chr. 7:17 BEDCHAMBER. Exod. 8:3 frogs come into thy b. 2Sam. 4:7 Ish-bosheth lay in his *. 2Kin. 6: 12 words thou speakest in b. 11:2 hid him in b. 2Chr. 22:11 Eccl. 10:20 curse not the rich in b. BEDS. Psa. 149:5 saints sing aloud on b. Isa. 57:2 shall rest in their b. each Hos. 7: 14 when they howled on b. Amos 6:4 lie on b. of ivory Mic. 2: 1 them that work evil on b. BEDSTEAD. Deut. 3:11 his b. was a b. of iron BEE, S. Deut. 1:44 chased you as b. in Seir Judg. 14:8 a swarm of b. in the lion Psa. 118:12 comp. me about like b. Isa. 7:18 shall hiss for the b. in As. BEELZEBUB. Mat.10: 25; 12:24 ; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15 Hath BEEN. Eccl. 3-15 that which h. been is now Have BEEN. Job 10:19 should h.b. as if I had not b. Isa. 66:2 all those things h. b. saith Not BEEN. Obad. 16 be as though they had n. b. BEER. Num. 21:16 BEER-LAHAI-ROI. Gen. 16:14 BEERSHEBA. Gen. 21:14, 33; 22:19; 26:33; 23:10; 1JK».19:3 BEETLE. Lev. 11:22 these ye may eat, the b. BEEVES. Lev. 22: 19 offer of the b. of sheep Num 31:28 levy a tribute of the b. BEG BEFALL. Gen. 42:4 lest mischief b. him 38 if mischief b. him by way,44 : 29 49:1 what shall *. you in the last days, Deut. 31 : 29 ; Dan. 10:14 Deut. 31:17 many evils shall b. them Psa. 91 :10 there shall no evil b. thee Acts 20:22 things that shall b. me BEFALLEN. Lev. 10:19 such things have b. me jVum.20:14 all travail thathathi.us Deut.31 : 21 when troubles are i.them Judg. 6:13 why is all this b. us? ISam. 20:26 something had b. him Mat. 8:33 what was b. to possessed BEFALLETH. Eccl. 3:19 which b. men, b. beasts BEFELL. 2Sam.l9: 7 worse than all that 5 .thee Acts 20:19 b. me by lying in wait BEFORE. Josh. 10:14 no day like that b. it, or Psa. 39:13 spare me b. I go hence 139:5 hast beset me behind and b. Isa. 43:13 b. the day was, I am he Mat. 24: 25 behold, I have told you b. John 13 : 19 I tell you b. it come,14 : 29 Phil. 3: 13 reach to things that are b. 1 Thes. 3:4 when with you we told b. Heb. 7:18 of the command going b. 10:15 for after that he had BaidA. 2Pet. 3:17 ye know these things b. Come BEFORE. Psa. 100:2 c. b. presence with sing. Mic. 6:6 wherewith shall I c. b. L. ? BEFORE the people. Exod. 13:22 nor pillar of fire from b. 17:5 Lord said to Moses, go on b. 34:10 b. all thy p. I will do marvels ISam. 18:13 he went out and in b. Mark8:6 disciples did set them b. Luke 20:26 hold of his words b. Rev. 10:11 prophesy b. many people BEFORE whom. IKings 17:1 as the Lord God of Isr. liveth, 6. whom 1 stand, 18:15; 2JCtng's3:14; 5:16 Acts 26:26 king b. w. I speak freely See further, all, ark, god, lord, MOUNT, STAND, STOOD, WENT. BEFOREHAND. Mark 13:11 take no thought b. what 2Cor. 9:5 make up b. your bounty ITim. 5:24 men's sins are open b. 25 good works of some mani. b. IPet. 1:11 testified b. sufferings of BEFORETIME. Josh. 20:5 beca. he hated him not*. 2Sam. 7:10 nor afflict them as b. Isa. 41 : 26 b. that we may say Acts 8:9 Simon which b. used sore. BEGAN. Gen. 4 : 20 b. men call on name of L. 2Ki. 10:32 L. b. to cut Israel short 2Chr. 34 : 3 Josiah b. to seek after God Mat. 4:17 Jesus b. to preach and Luke 1:70 have been since world b. 14:30 this man b. to build and was John 4 : 52 hour when he b. to amend 9:32 since the world b. Acts 3:21 ; Rom. 16:25 227m. 1 : 9 in Christ before the world b. Tit. 1:2 Heb.2: 3 salva. at first b. to be spoken BEGAT. Prov. 23:22 hearken to thy fa. that b. Jer. 16:3 cone, their fa. that b. them Dan. 11 : 6 and he that b. her Zech. 13:3 father and m. that b. him Jas. 1 :18 of his own will b. he us Uohn 5:1 lovethhimthati. loveth BEGET. Gen.l7:20 twelve princes shall he b. Deut. 4:25 when thou shalt b. chil. 35 BEG Deut. 28: 41 b. sons, but sh. not enjoy 2Ki. 20:18 of thy sons thou shalt b. sh. they make eunuchs, i>a. 39: 7 Eccl. 6:3 if a man b. 100 children Jer. 29: 6 take wives, and b. sons Eze. 18:10 if he b. a son a robber 14 if he b. a son that seeth fa. sins BEGETTEST. Gen. 48:6 issue which thou b. shall Isa. 45 : 10 to his father, what b . thou BEGETTETH. Prov. 17:21 b. a fool, doeth it to his 23:24 he that b. a wise child Eccl. 5:14 he b. a son, and nothing BEG. Psa. 109:10 let his children b. Prov. 20:4 the sluggard b. in harvest Luke 16:3 to b. I am ashamed BEGGAR, LY. ISam. 2:S he lifted b. fromdunghil. Luke 16:20 and a b. named Lazarus 22 the b. died and was carried Gal. 4:9 again to the b. elements BEGGED. JVia*.27:5S b. body of Jesus, Lm.23:52 Johnd:S is not this he that sat and b. BEGGING. Psa. 37: 25 seen his seed b. bread Mar.l0:46Bartimeussat6.JLu.l8:35 BEGIN. Gen. 11:6 this they b. to do, and Josh. 3:7 will I b. to magnify thee ISam. 3:12 I b. I will make an end 22:15 did I then b. to inquire of G. Neh. 11:17 Mattaniah to b. thanks. Jer. 25:29 I b. to bring evil on city Luke 3:8 b. not to say within your. 13:26 b. to say, we have eaten 14:29 behold it, b. to mock him 21 :2S things b. to come to pass 2Cor. 3:1 do we b. to commend IPer. 4:17 judgment must b. at the house of G., and if it first b. at us BEGINNING, Part. Mat. 14:30 b. to sink, Lord, save me 20:8 hire, b. from last to first Luke 24 : 47 all nations, b. at Jerusa. John 8:9 b. at eldest even to the last Acts 1:22 b. from baptism of John BEGINNING, Substantive. Gen. 49:3 Reuben, b. of my streng. Exod. 12:2 this the b. of months Deut. 21:17 he is b. of his strength Job 8:7 tho' thy b. was small, yet 42: 12 bles. end of Job more than b. Psa. 111:10 b. of wisdom, Proi\9:10 Prov. 1 : 7 fear of Lord b. of knowl. 17:14 b. of strife, as when one Eccl. 7:8 better end of a thing than b. 10:13 b. of words is foolishness Isa. 64:4 since b. of world, men Mic. 1:13 is b. of sin to daughter Mat. 24:8 b. of sorrows, Mark 13:8 21 tribulation, as was not since b. Mark 1:1 the b. of the gospel John 2:11 this b. of miracles Col. 1 : 13 who is the b. the first-born Heb. 3:14 the b. of our confidence 7:3 having neither b. of days 2Pet, 2:20 end is worse than the b. Rev.l.S lam the b. 21:6; 22:13 3:14 saith the b. of the creation At the BEGINNING. Ruth 3:10 more kindness than at b IChr. 17:9 of wickedness waste as b. Pror.20:21 inheri. gotten hastily b. Isa. 1:26 thy counsellors as at the b Dan. 9:23 a. b. of thy supplications Mat. 19:4 at the b. made them. male John 16:4 these I said not to you b. Acts 11 : 15 H. Ghost as on us a. t. b. From the BEGINNING. Deut.ll:12 eyes of L. on it b. of year Psa. 119: 160 word is true/r. the b. BEH Prov.8:23 I was setup/, 6. or ever Eccl. 3:11 no man can find out the work God maketh from the b. Isa. 18:2 a people terrible f. the b. 7 40: 21 hath it not been told fir. t. b. ? 41 : 26 who hath declared /rom t. b. ? 46:10 declaring the end from theb. 48:16 I have not spoken in secret b. Jer. 17:12 a glor. high throne fr. b. Mat. 19:8 bnt/r. theb. it was not so Luke 1:2 which/, b. were eye-wit. John 6 : 64 knew/.6. who believed not 8:25 even same I said to you/, b. 44 was a murderer from the b. 15:27 ye have been with me/r. b. Eph. 3:9/ b. of the world hath been •2Thes. 2:13 God hath from the b. chosen you to salvation 2Pet. 3:4 all continue as from theb. 1 John 2:7 word ye have heard 6.3: 11 13 known him that is from the b. 3:8 for the devil sinneth from t. b. 2 John 5 that which we hacl/r. the b. In the BEGINNING. Gen. 1:1 in the b. God created heaven Prov. 8: 22 the Lord possessed me in the b. of his way John 1:1 in the b. was the Word 2 the same was in the b. with God Phil. 4:15 ye know b. of the gospel Heb 1:10 L. b. hast laid foundation BEGINNINGS. Num. 10:10 b. of your months, 2S:11 Eze. 36:11 do better than at your b. BEGINNEST. Deut. 16:9 time thou b. to put sickle BEGOTTEN. 2Vwm.ll: 12 have I b. them? Deut. 23:8 children b. of them enter Judg. 8:30 Gideon had 70 sons b. Job 38:28 who hath b. drops of dew Psa. 2:7 this day have I b. thee, Acts 13:33; He*. 1:5; 5:5 Isa. 49:21 who hath 6. me these ? Hos.5: 7 they have 6.strange children John 1:14 as of the only b. of the F. 18 only*. Son, he hath declared 3:16 that he gave his only 6. Son 18 not believed in only 6. Son ICor. 4:15 b. you through gospel Phile. 10 Onesi. whom I have b. Heb. 11:17 Abra. oifered only b. son IPet. 1:3 b. us again to a lively hope Uohn 4:9 sent his only 6. Son, that 5:1 that begat, lovethhim6.of him 18 he that is b. of God keepeth First-BE GOTTEN. Heb.l:6 whenhebringethin/rs£-6. Rev.l : 5 Jesus,who is/. -6. of the dead BEGUILE. Co?. 2:4 lest any 6. you with enticing 18 let no man 6. you of your reward BEGUILED, ING. Gen.3: 13 serpent b. me, and I did eat 29:25 wherefore hast thou b. me ? Num. 25:18 they have 6. you in the matter of Peor Josh. 9:22 wherefore have ye 6. us ? 2Cor. 11:3 lest as the serpent b. Eve 2Pet. 2:14 cannot cease from sin, 6. unstable souls BEGUN. Deut. 3:24 6. to show thy greatness M&t. 18:24 when he had b. to reckon 2Cor.8: 6 as he had 6. so weuld finish 10 for you who have b. before Gal. 3:3 having b. in the Spirit Phil. 1:6 hath b. a good work in you 1 Tim. 5: 11 have b. to wax wanton BEHALF. Exod. 27:21 a statute on b. of Israel 2Sam. 3:12 Abner sent on his 6. 2Chr. 16:9 show hims. strong in b. Job 36:2 yet to speak on God's b. Dan. 11:18 a prince for his own 6. BEH .Rom. 16:19 I am glad on your 6. ICor. 1:4 I thank God on your b. 2Cor. 1:11 thanks be given on our 6. 5:12 to glory on our 6. Phil. 1:29 it is given in 6. of Christ IPet. 4:16 glorify God on this 6. BEHAVE. Deut.32: 27 lest adversaries b. Strang. IChr. 19:13 let us 6. valiantly Psa. 101 : 2 I will 6. wisely in a perf. Isa. 3:5 child shall b. proudly ICor. 13:5 charity not 6. unseemly ITim. 3:15 how thou oughtest to b. in the house of God BEHAVED. 1 Sam. 18:5David b. wisely, 14, 15, 30 Psa. 35:14 I 6. as he had been friend 131:2 I have 6. as a child weaned Mic. 3:4. as they have b. ill IThes. 2:10 how unblamably we 6. 2Thes. 3:7 6. not disorderly among BEHAVETH. 1 Cor.7: 36 think he b. uncomely to his BEHAVIOR. 15am. 21:13 David changed his 6. 1 Tim. 3:2 a bishop of good 6. Tit. 2:3 aged women in b. as becom. BEHEADED. 2Sam. 4:7 Ish-bosheth, and 6. him Mat. 14:10 6. John, Mar£6:16,27; Luke 9:9 Rev. 20:4 I saw the souls of b. BEHELD. Num. 21:9 6. the serpent of brass 23:21 hath not 6. iniquity in Jacob lCAr.21:15 destroying, the L. 6. Job 31:26 if I 6. the sun when Psa. 119:158 I 6. transgressors 142:4 I 6. but there was no man Prov. 7:7 and b. among the simple Eccl. 8:17 I o. all the work of God Isa. 41:28 I 6. and there was no man, Jer. 4:25 Jer. 4: 23 I 6. the earth Mark 15:47 b. where he was laid, Luke 23:55 Lukel0:18 Io.Satan as lightning fall 19:41 he 6. the city and wept over it John 1 :14 we 6. his glory Acts 1 : 9 while they 6.J.was taken up 17:23 and 6. your devotions Rev. 5:6 16. and lo, a Lamb 11:12 and their enemies b. them BEHEMOTH. Job 40:15 behold now b. BEHIND. Isa. 38: 17 all my sins 6. thy back ICor. 1:7 ye come b. in no gift 2Cor. 11:5 whit b. chiefest, 12:11 Phil. 3:13 forgetting things 6. Col. 1:24 fill up what is b. of afflict. See BEFORE. BEHOLD. Gen. 28:15 b. I am with thee, and Job 1:12 6. all he hath is in thy po. 28:28 b. the fear of the Lord 40:4 6. I am vile what shall I Psa. 139:8 bed in hell, b. thou art Isa. 8:18 6. 1 and children, ife6.2:13 12:2 b. God is my salvation 41:27 say to Zion, 6. 6. them 65:1 I said, b. me, to a nation Lam. 1:12 6. and see if any sorrow Zech. 9:9 6. thy King cometh, Mat. 21:5; John 12: 15 Mark 16:6 6. place where they laid Luke 24:39 6. my hands and feet 49 6. I send promise of my Father John 1 : 29 6. the Lamb of God 19:5 Pilate saith, 6. the man Acts 9:11 Saul, for 6. he prayeth Uohn 3:1 6. what manner of love Rev. 3:20 6. I stand at the door 16:15 6. I come as a thief 22:7 6. 1 come quickly, 12 36 BEH BEHOLD it is. Isa. 52: 6 know that I speak, 6. it is I Eze. 7: 10 6. the day, 6. it is come 39:8 6. it is come, and it is done Now BEHOLD, or BEHOLD now. Job 16: 19n.6.mywitnessis in heaven Jer. 40: 4 now b. I loose thee this day Mat. 26:65 b.n. ye heard his blasph. Acts 13:11 n. b. hand ofL. is on thee 20:22 now b. I go bound in the sp. 2Cor. 6:2 6. n. is the accepted time BEHOLD it was, BEHOLD ther.f was. See was. BEHOLD, Verb. Num.l2:8 similitude of L. shall he 6. 23:9 from the hills I 6. him 24:17 shall 6. him, but not nigh Deut. 3:27 6. it with thine eyes Jo6 19 : 27 eyes shall 6 . and not anoth. 20:9 his place any more 6. him 23: 9 doth work, but I cannot 6. him 34:29 hideth his face, who can b.? 36:24 magnify his work men 6. Pea. 11:4 his eyes 6. his eyelids 7 his counten. doth 6. the upright 17:2 let thine eyes 6. things equal 15 I will 6. thy face in righteousn. 27:4 to 6. the beauty of the Lord 37:37 mark perfect, 6. the upright 46:8 come, 6. the works of the E. 59:4 awake to help me, and 6. 66:7 his eyes 6. the nations 80:14 look from heaven, 6. and visit 91 :8 eyes shalt thou 6. and see 102:19 from heaven did L. 6. earth 113:6 hehumblethhims.to6.things 119:18 openmineeyes,thatImay6. Prov. 23:33 shall 6. strange women Eccl. 11 : 7 pleasant it is to 6. the sun Isa. 26:10 he will not 6. the majesty 38:11 I shall 6. man no more with 41 :23 do good or evil that we 6. 63:15 6. from habita. of thy holiness Jer. 20 : 4 thine eyes shall 6. thy ter. 29:32 nor 6. the good I will do 32:4 his eyes shall 6. his eyes, 34:3 42:2 a few, as thine eyes do 6. us Lam. 1:18 hear, and 6. my sorrow 3:50 till Lord 6. from heaven 5:1 consider and 6. our reproach Eze. 8:9 6. wicked abom. they do 28: 17 before kings that they may 6. 18 to ashes in sight of all that 6. 40:4 Son of man, 6. with eyes, 44: 5 Dan. 9:18 and 6. our desolations Mic. 7:9 I shall 6. his righteousness 10 enemy, mine eyes shall 6. her Hab. 1:3 why cause me to 6. griev. ? 13 purer eyes than to 6. evil Mat. 18:10 their angels 6. face Luke 14:29 all that 6. it mock him 21:6 as for these ye 6. the days JoAra 17: 24 that they may 6.my glory Acts 7:31 as he drew near to 6. it 32 Moses durst not 6. 2Cor.3:7 Is. could not 6. face of M. IPet. 2:12 good works they shall 6. 3:2 6. your chaste conversation JRet?.17:8 when they 6. the beast BEHOLDEST. Psa. 10:14 thou 6. all mischief to Mat. 7:3 why 6. mote? Luke 6:41 Luke 6:42 6. not the beam BEHOLDETH. Jb6 24: IS he 6 not the way of vine. Psa. 33:13 L. 6. all the sons of men Jas. 1 :24 6. himself and goeth his w. BEHOLDING. Psa. 119:37 mine eyes from 6. vanity Prov. 15:3 L. 6. the evil and good Eccl. 5:11 saving the 6. of them with Mat. 27:55 women 6. Luke 23:49 Mark 10: 21 Jesus 6. him, loved Luke 23:35 people stood 6. 48 6. things done, smote breasts BEL Acts 4:14 and A. man healed 23:1 and Paul A. the council 2Cor. 3: 13 6. as in a glass the glory Col. 2:5 joying, and b. your order Jas. 1 : 23 a man b. his natural face BEHOVED. Luke 24:46 and thus it b. Christ Heb. 2: 17 b. him to be made like BEING. Psa. 104:33 while I have b. 146:2 Acts 17:23 move, and have our b. BEKAH. Exod. 38:26 BEL. Isa. 46:1; Jer. 50:2; 51:44 BELCH. Psa. 59:7 behold they A. out BELIAL. Deut. 13:13 certain children of B. Judg. 19:22 certain sons of B. beset 20: 13 the man, the children of B. 1 .Sam. 1:16 handm. a daughter of B. 2:12 sons of Eli were sons of B. 10:27 children of B. said, how 25:17 is such a son of B. 25 30: 22 then answered the men of B. 2 Sam. 16:7 come out. th.manof B. 20:1 hap. to be there a man of B. 23:6 sons of B. shall be as thorns I Kings 21:10 set two sons of B. 13 IChr. 13:7 Jerob. children of B. 2Cor. 6:15 hath Christ with B. ? BELIED. Jer. 5: 12 they have b. the L. and said BELIEF. 2Thes. 2:13 of Spirit and A. of truth BELIEVE. Exod. 4:5 may b. L. hath appeared 19:9 may b. thee for ever A r «m.l4:ll how long ere they b. me? 2Chr. 20: 20 b. in the L. A. his proph. Isa. 43: 10 ye may know and b. me Mat. 9:28 b. I am able to do this? 18:6 little ones which b. Mark9A2 21 : 32 rep. not that ye might b. him 27:42 down, and we will b. him Mark 1:15 repent and b. gospel 5:36 be not afraid, only b. Lu. 8:50 9:23 if thou canst b. all things pos. 24 Lord I A. help unb. John 9:38 11:23 b. things he saith shall come 24 b. ye receive them, and ye 15:32 descend, that we may b. 16:17 these signs fol. them which b. Lm.S:12 away the word lest they b. 13 no root, which for a while b. 24 : 2.5 and slow of heart to b. John 1:7 that all thro' him might b. 12 to them that b. on his name 3:12 shall ye b. if I tell you of hea. 4:21 woman b. me, the hour com. 42 we b. not bee. of thy saying 5:44 how can ye b. which receive 47 how shall ye b. my words ? 6:29 that ye. b. on him he sent 7:5 did his brethren b. in him 39 Spirit, which they that b. rec. 9:35 dost thou b. on Son of God ? 30 who is he that I might A. 10:38 b. the works, that ye may b. 11:15 to the intent ye may b. 27 I b. thou art the Christ, the Son 40 said I not, if wouldest b. thou 42 may b. thou hast sent me 4S if we let him alone all will b. 12:36 ye have light, b. in the light 13:19 to pass, ye may b. I am he 14. 1 ye b. in God, b. also in me 11 or b. for the work's sake 29 come to pass, ye might b. 16:30 we b. thou earnest from God 31 Jesus answered. Do ye now b. ? 17:20 I pray for them wh. shall b. 21 world may b. thou sent me 19:35 saith true, that ye might b. 20:31 written that ye might b. Acts 8:37 I b. J. C. is the Son of G. BEL Acts 13: 39 by him all that b. are justi. 41a work you shall in no wise b. 15:7 Gentiles by me should b. 11 we b. thro' grace we sh. be sav. 16:31 b. on Jesus, shalt be saved 19:4 b. on him that should come 21:20 seest how many Jews 6. 25 touching Gentiles which b. 27:25 lb. God that it shall be as Rom. 3: 22 righ. of God on all that b. 4:11 he might be fa. of all that b. 24 be imputed, if we 6. on him 6:8 we b. we shall also live with 10:9 shalt b. that God raised him 14 how shall they b. in him of 1 Cor. 1 : 21 by preach, to save that b. 14:22 tongues a sign, not to them that b. but prophesying 2Cor. 4:13 we b. therefore speak Gal. 3:22 promise to them that b. Eph. 1:19 of his power to us who b. Phil. 1:29 given not only to b. on 1 Thes. 1 : 7 ensamples to all that b. 2:10 we behaved am. you that b. 13 effec. worketh in you that b. 4:14 if we b. Jesus died and rose 2Thes. 1:10 admired in all that b. 2:11 that they should b. a lie 1 Tim. 1: 16 pattern to them that b. 4:3 with thanksg. of them that b. 10 Saviour, spec, of those that b. Heb. 10:39 that b. to saving of soul 11:6 to God must 6. that he is Jas. 2:19 devils also b. and tremble 1 Pet. 1:21 who by him do b. in God 2:7 to you which b. he is precious Uohn 3:23 commandm. that we b. 5:13 writ, to you that b. ye may b. BELIEVE not, or not BELIEVE. Exod. 4:1 they will not b. me Deut. 1 : 32 in this ye did not b. the L. 2 Ki. 17:14 like fathers did n. b. in L. Job 9:16 I not b. he had hearkened Prov. 26:25 speaketh fair, b. him not Isa. 7:9 if ye will not b. not be esta. Jer. 12:6 b. not tho' they speak fair Hab. 1:5 ye will not b. ih:24 rivers of 6.places,Is.37:25 Eccl. 9: 14 a great king and 6. it Isa. 1:8 of Zion is left as a b. city Eze. 6: 12 b. shall die by the famine BESOM. Isa. 14:23. with the 6. of destruction BESOR. 1 Sam. 30:9 BESOUGHT. Gen. 42:21 6. us, we would not hear Exod.32Al Moses 6. L. Deut. 3:23 2Sam. 12:16 6. God for the child 1 Kings 13:6 man of God b. the Lord 2Kings 13 A Jehoahaz 6. the Lord 2Chr. 33: 12 Manasseh in affl. b. L. Ezra 8:23 and 6. our God for this Jer. 26: 19 Hezekiah 6. the Lord Mat. 8:31 so the devils6. him, Mark 5:10, 12; Luke 8:3\,32 34 6. him to depart, Luke 8:37 Mark 5:23 Jairus 6. him, Luke 8:41 John 4:40 Samar. 6. he would tarry 47 noble, of Caper. 6. him to come 19:38 6. he might take the body Acts 13:42 Gen. b. that these words 16:15 Lydia 6. us saying, if ye 39 magistrates 6. them, and brou. 21:12 we 6. him not to gotoJerus. 2Cor. 12:8 for this 1 6. the Lord BEST. Ps. 39:5 man at his 6. state is vanity Luke 15:22 bring forth the 6. robe ICor. 12:31 but covet the 6. gifts BESTEAD. Isa. 8: 21 shall pass thro' it hardly 6. BESTIR. 2Sam.5-.2i hearest the sound b. BESTOW. Exod. 32:29 may 6. on you a bless. Deut. 14:20 b. money for what thy 2Chr. 24:7 they did 6. on Baalim Ezra 7:20 6. it out of king's treas. Luke 12:17 no room to 6. my fruits ICor. 12:23 on these we 6. more 13:3 though I 6. all my goods to 39 BET BESTOWED Isa. 63:7 ac. to all Lord 6. on us John 4:33 to reap whereon ye 6. no Rom. 16:6 Mary, who 6. much lab IG'or. 15:10 his grace 6. not in vain 2Cor. 1:11 gift 6. on us by many 8 : 1 the grace b. on the churches Gal. 4:11 lest I 6. labor in vain Uohn 3:1 manner of love Father b. BE THABARA. John 1 : 28 BETHANY. Mat. 21:17 went into B. 26:6 Mark 1 1 : 12 ; 14 : 3 ; Luke 19: 29 Luke 24:50 led out as far as to B. John 11:1 named Lazarus of B. 12:1 BETH-AVEN. Josh. 7:2 Ai, which is beside B. ISam. 14:23 battle passed over to B. Hos. 4:15 nor go ye up to B. 5:8 cry aloud at B. after thee 10:5 because of the calves of B. BETH-CAR. ISam. 7:11 BETH-DAGON. Josh. 19:27 BETH-DIBLATHAIM. Jer. 48:22 BETH-EL. Gen. 23: 19 called the place B. 35: 15 31:13 I am God of B. 35:1 go up to B. 3; 6 came to B. Amos 3: 14 I will visit altars of B. 4:4 come to B. and transgress 5:5 for B. shall come to naught, 6 7:13 prophesy not anymore at B. BETH-ELITE. IKings 16:34 BE THE R. Cant. 2:17 BETHESDA. John 5:2 BETH-EZEL. Mic. 1:11 BETH-GAMUL. Jer. 48:23 BETH-HACCEREM. Jer. 6:1 BETH-HORON. Josh. 10: 11 going down to B. 21:22 gave Levites B. IChr. 6:68 ISam. 13: 18 company turned to B. IKin. 9: 17 Sol. built B. 2Chr. 8:5 !C'Ar.7:24 Sherah built B. BETHINK. l£t.8:47 6. themselves, 2Chr. 6:37 BETH-LEHEM. 2Som.23:15 the wellofB.lCA.il: 17 Mat. 2: 1 Jesus born in B. 6, 16 BETH-LEHEM EPHRATAH. Mic. 5:2 B. E. though thou be little BETH-LEHEM JUDAH. Judg. 17:7; 19:1,18; Ruth 1:1 BETH-LEHEMITE. ISam. 16:1 Jesse the B. 18; 17:58 2Sam. 21 : 19 B. slew Goliath's broth BETH-PEOR. Deut. 3:29 the valley over agst. B. 4:46 the statutes over against B. 34 : 6 buried Moses over against B BETHPHAGE . Mat. 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29 BETHSAIDA. Mat. 11:21 unto thee, B. LukeWA3 Mark6A5 disciples go to B. 8:22 Luke 9: 10 a desert belonging to B. John 1:44 Philip was of B. 12:21 BETH-SHAN. ISam. 31:10 BETH-SHEMESH. Judg. 1:33; ISam. 6: 9, 12,19; 2Kings 14:11 BETHUEL Gen. 22:22,23 ; 24:24 ; BETIMES. Gen. 26:31 rose up 6. and sware 2CAr. 36: 15 by his messen. rising 6. Jo6 3:5 wouldest seek unto God 6. 24: 5 as wild asses rising 6. for prey Prot\13:24 loveth,chasteneth him 6. BETRAY. IChr. 12:17 come to b. me to ene. Mat. 24:10 shall 6. one another BET Mat. 26: 16 he sought opportunity to 6. him, Mark 14:11 ; Luke 22:0 21 one of you shall 6. me, Mark 14:18; John 13:21 46 he is at hand that doth b. me Mark 13:12 brother shall b. brother John 6:61 who should b. him, 13:11 13:2 into heart of Judas to b. him BETRAYED. Mat. 10 A Judaswho6.him,Mar.3:19 17:22 Son of man shall be b. 20:13; 26:2, 45; Mark 14:41 26 : 24 woe to that man by whom Son of man is b.Mar.U: 21; Lu.22:22 48 he that b. gave sign, iHar.l4:44 27:4 in that I b. innocent blood Luke 21:16 be b. both by parents John 18:2 b. him knew the place I Cor. 11:23 same night he was b. BETRAYERS. Acts 7: 52 Just One, of whom ye the b. BETRAYEST, ETH. Mark 14:42 he that b. me is at hand Luke 22:21 hand that b. me is with 48 b. Son of man with a kiss ? John 21 : 20 which is he that b. thee ? BETROTH. Deut. 28:30 shalt b. a wife, another Hos. 2:19 b. thee to me in righte. 20 b. thee to me in faithfulness BETROTHED. Ezod. 22:16 entice a maid not b. Deut. 22:28 Lev. 19:20 lieth with a woman b. Deut. 20:7 who hath b. a wife 22:23 find a virgin 6. and lie with 27 b. damsel cried, none to save BETTER. Gen. 29:19 b.l give her to thee Exod. 14:12 b. served the Egyptians Num. 14:3 were b. to return to E. ? Judg. 8:2 gleanings b. than vintage 11:25 nor art thou b. than Balak 1 Sam. 1 : 8 am not I b. than ten sons 27:1 nothing b. than go to Philis. 1 Ki. 1 : 47 God made name of k. Sol. b. 2:32 two men 6. than he 19:4 I am not b. than my fathers 21:2 give thee a b. vineyard 2Kin. 5:12 rivers of Damascus b. 2CA.21 : 13 slain brethreni.than thys. Psa. 69:31 shall please b. than ox Eccl. 2: 24 nothing b. than to eat and 3:22 not. b. than rejoice in his works 4:3 b. is he than both they 9 two are b. 6: 11 what is man b. ? 7:10 former days were b. 10:11 and a babbler is no b. Isa. 56:5 a name b. than of sons Lam. 4:9 they that be slain are 6. Eze. 36:11 I will settle you and do b. Dan.l : 20 he found them ten times b. Hos. 2:7 then was it 6. with me Amos6:2 be they b. than these king. Nah. 3:8 thou b. than populous No ? Mat. 6 : 26 fowls of the air, are ye not b. than they? Luke 12:24 12:12 a man b. than a sheep? 18:6 6. that a millstone, Mark 9: 42; Luke 17:2 Rom. 3:9 are we b. than they? No ICor. 7:38 not in marriage, doth b. 8:8 neither if we eat are we b. 9:15 6. for me to die than make 11:17 you come together not for b. Phil.2 : 3 esteem other b. than himself Heb. 1 :4 so much b. than the angels 6:9 persuaded b. things of you 7:7 the less is blessed of the b. 19 bringing in of a b. hope did 22 a surety of a b. testament 8:6 the Mediator of a 6. covenant, established on b. promises 9:23 heav. things with b. sacrifices 10:34 a b. and enduring substance 11:16 desire a b. country, heavenly BEW ife6.ll :35 might obtain a b. resurrec. 40 provided some b. thing for us 12:24 b. things than that of Abel 2Pet. 2:21 b. not to have known way BETTER is. Prov.l5:16 b. is little with fear of L. 17 b. is dinner of herbs where love 16:8 b. is a little with righteous. 16 b. is it to get wisdom than gold 17:1 b. is a dry morsel and quiet. 19:16. is poor th. walks in integ.28: 6 27:10 b. is a neighbor near Eccl. 4:6 b. is handful with quiet. 13 b. is a poor wise child than 6:9 6. is the sight of the eyes 7:8 b. is the end than the beginning Cant. 4: 10 b. is thy love than wine Is BETTER, or is it BETTER. Judg. 9:2 whether is b. all reign 18:19 is it b. to be a priest to one Ruth 4:15 thy daughter is b. to thee I Sam. 15:22 to obey is b. than sac. 28 neighbor that is b. than thou 2Sam. 17:14 counsel of Hushait's6. Esth.l : 19 another that is b. than she Ps. 37:16 a little righteous hath it b. 63:3 thy loving-kind, is b. than life 84: 10 a day in thy courts is b. 119:72 the law it 6. to me than gold Prov. 3:14 merchan. of wisdom ts 6. 8:11 wisdom is b. than rubies 19 my fruit is b. than gold 12:9 is b. than he that honoreth 16:32 that is slow to anger is b. 19:22 poor man isb. than a liar 27:5 rebuke is b. than secret love Eccl. 6:3 an untimely birth is b. 7:1a good name is b. than oint. 3 sorrow is b. than laughter, by sadness of coun. heart is made b. 8 the patient in spirit is b. . 9:4 a liv. dog is b. than a dead lion 16 wisdom is b. than strength 18 wisd. is b. than weapons of war Cant. 1:2 thy love is b. than wine Luke 5:39 for he saith, the old is b. Phil. 1:23 with Christ, wh. is far b. It is BETTER, or BETTER it is. Psa. 118:8 it is b. to trust in Lord, 9 Prov. 16:19 6. to be of humble spir. 21:9 b. to dwell in a corner, 25:24 19 it isb. to dwell in the wildern. 25:7 b. it is it be said, Come up Eccl. 5:5 b. it is thou sh. not vow 7:2 it is b. to go to house of mourn. 5 b. to hear rebuke of wise men Jonah 4:3 it is b. for me to die, 8 Mat. 18:8 it is b. to enter into life halt, 9; Mark 9:43, 45, 47 ICor. 7:9 b. to marry than to burn IPet. 3: 17 b. ye suffer for well-doing BETTERED. Mark 5:26 she was nothing b. BETWIXT. Phil. 1:23 I am in a strait b. two BEULAH. Isa. 62:4 BEWAIL. Lev. 10:6 b. the burning L. kindled Deut . 21 : 13 and b. her father and Judg. 11 :37 and b. my virginity, 38 Isa. 16:9 I will b. with the weeping 2Cor.l2:21 b. many who have sinned Rev. 18:9 shall b. her when they see BEWAILED, ETH. Jer. 4:31 daughter of Zion that b. Luke 8:52 and all wept and b. her 23:27 of women which also b. BEWARE. Gen.2\ : 6 b. bring not my son thither Exod. 23:21 b. of him, obey his voice Deut. 6:12 b. thou forget Lord, 8:11 15:9 b. there be not a thought Judg. 13:4 b. drink no wine, 13 2Sam. 18: 126.none touch young man 2Ki. 6:9 6. thou pass not such place 40 BIL Job 36: 18 b. lest he take thee away Prov. 19:25 and the simple will b. Isa. 36:18 b. lest Hezekiah persuade Mat. 7:15 b. of false prophets 10:17 b. of men 16:6 b. of the leaven, 11; Mark 8:15"; Luke 12:1 Mark 12:38 b. of scribes, Lu. 20:46 Luke 12:15 and b. of covetousness Acts 13:40 b. lest that come which Phil. 3:2 6. of dogs, 6. of evil workers Col. 2:8 6. lest any man spoil you 2Pet.3-.17 b. lest being led away BEWITCHED. Acts 8:9 Simon 6. the people, 11 Gal. 3:1 who hath 6. you ? BEWRAY. Isa. 16:3 6. not him that wandereth BEWRAYETH. Prov. 27: 16 oint. of his right h. 6. its. 29:24 cursing, and 6. it not Mat. 26:73 thy speech 6. thee BEYOND. Num.22:18 Balaam said, I cannot go 6. the word of the Lord, 24: 13 Deut. 30: 13 nor is it 6. the sea 2Sam. 10:16 6. the river, I Kings 14:15; lCAr.]9:16; £zra4:17, 20; 6:6, 8; 7:21,25; Neh. 2:7, 9; Isa.7:20; 18:1; Zeph. 3:10 Mark6:5l amazed 6. measure, 7:37 2Cor. 8:3 6. their power willing 10:14 stretch not 6. our measure Gal. 1:13 6. measure I persecuted 1 Thes. 4:6 that no man go 6. BEYOND Jordan. See Jordan. BEZALEEL. Exod. 31:2; 36:1 ; 38:22 BEZEK. Judg. 1:4 slew in B. 10,000 men, 5 1 Saw. 11:8 Israel in B. 300,000 BIBBER. See wine. BICHRI. 2Sam.20:l,2,6, 22 BID. ISam. 9:27 6. the servant pass on 2Sam. 2:26 ere 6. the people return 2Ki. 5:13 had 6. thee do great thing 10:5 all that thou shalt 6. us Zeph. 1:7 the L. hath 6. his guests Mat. 14:2S 6. me come on the water 22:9 shall find 6. to the marriage 23:3 what they 6. you observe Luke 0:61 let me first 6. farewell 10:40 6. her that she help me 14:12 lest they also 6. thee again ICor. 10:27 if any thatbeh'eve not6 2John 10 nor 6. him God speed BIDDEN. 1 Sam. 9: 13 after, they eat that be 6 2Sam. 16:11 curse, for the L. hath 6 Mat. 1:24 did as angel had 6. him 22:3 to call them that were 6. 4 tell them 6. I have prepared 8 they 6. were not worthy Luke 7:39 Pharisee who had 6. him 14:7 parable to those who were 6. 8 art 6. lest a more honorable be 6. 10 thou art 6. sit in lowest room 24 none of those men 6. shall taste BIDDETH, ING. ISam. 22:14 goeth at thy 6. 2John 11 he that 6. him God speed BIDE. Rom. 11:23 6. not still in unbelief BIDKAR. 2Kings 9:25 BIER. 2Sam. 3:31 David followed the b. Luke 7:14 and touched the 6. BIGTHAN. Esth. 2:21; 6:2 BILDAD. Job 2:11; 8:1; 13:1; 25:1; 42:9 BILHAH. Gen. 29-29; 35:22,25 BIR BILL. Luke 16:6 take thy ft. and mite, 7 See DIVORCE. BILLOWS. Psa. 42: 7 ft. are gone over, Jonah 2:3 BIND. jVwm. 30:2 an oath to ft. his soul Deut. 6:8 shalt 6. them for a sign Judg. 15:10 to b. Samson 16:5 may b. Samson to afflict him Job 31 : 36 I will 6. it as a crown 38:31 canst b. influence of Pleiades 39.: 10 canst thou b. the unicorn 40: 13 and b. their faces in secret 41:5 wilt thou b. Leviathan Psa. 105:22 to b. his princes at his 118:27 b. the sacrifice with cords 149:8 to b. their kings with chains Prov. 3:3 b. them about thy neck 6:21 b. them upon thy heart 7:3 b. them on thy fingers Isa. 8:16 b. up the testimony 49:18 b. them on thee as a bride 61 : 1 to b. up the broken-hearted iize.34:16 I will b. up broken Hon. 6:1 smitten, and will b. us up Mic 1:13 b. the chariot Mat. 12:29 first b. the strong man, Mark 3: 27 13:30 b. tares to burn them 16:19 shall b. on earth, 18:18 22:13 6. him hand and foot 23:4 b. heavy burdens grievous Mark 5:3 no man could 6. him Acts 9:14 authority to b. all that 12:8 angel said, b. on sandals 21:11 so shall the Jews b. the man BINDETH. Job 5:18 he maketh sore and b. up 26:8 he b. up the waters 28:11 he b. floods from overflowing 30:18 it b. me about as the collar 36:13 hypocrite cry not when he b. Psa. 129:7 nor he that b. sheaves 147:3 he healeth and b. up Prov. 26:8 that 6. a stone in a sling Isa. 30:26 in day Lord b. up breach BINDING. Gen. 49:11 b. his foal to the vine Acts 22:4 b. and delivering men BIRD. Gen. 7:14 every b. went into the ark Lev. 14:52 cleanse with living b. Job 41:5 play with him as with a b. Psa 11:1 flee as a b. to mountain 124:7 our soul is escaped as a 6. Prov. 1:17 spread in sight of any b. 6:5 as a b. from the fowler 7:23 as a b. hasteth to the snare 26:2 as the b by wandering 27:8 as a b. that wandereth Eccl. 10:20 b. shall tell the matter 12:4 rise at the voice of the ft. Isa. 16:2 as a wandering b. 46:11 ravenous b. from the east Jer. 12:9 heritage as a speckled b. Lam. 3: 52 chased me like a b. Hos. 9:11 shall fly away like a b. 11 :11 they shall tremble as a b. Amos 3:5 aft. fall where no gin Rev. 18:2 a cage of every unclean b. BIRDS. Gen. 15:10 the b. divided he not 40:19 the b. shall eat thy flesh Lev. 14:4 to take two b. alive Deut. 14:11 of all clean b. shall eat 2Sara.21 : 10 suff. not b. to rest by day Psa. 104: 17 where the 6. make nests Eccl. 9: 12 as b. caught in the snare Cant. 2:12 time of singing of 6. Isa. 31 : 5 as b. flying, will L. defend Jer. 4:25 b. of heaven were fled 5:27 as a cage full of 6. so are 12:4 are consumed and the b. 9 the b. round about are aga. her Eze. 39:4 will give thee to rav. b. BIT Dan. 4:33 his nails like b. claws Mat. 8:20 b. have nests, Luke 9:58 13:32 b. lodge in the branches Rom. 1:23 an image like to 6. 1 Cor. 15:39 another of b. Jas. 3:7 every kind of b. is tamed BIRSHA. Gen. 14:2 BIRTH. 2Kings 19:3 children are come to the b. Isa. 37:3 Job 3:16 as a hidden untimely b. Psa. 58:8 pass like the untimely b. Eccl. 6:3 an untimely b. is better 7:1 better than day of one's b. Isa. 66:9 shall I bring to the b. Eze. 16:3 thy b. is of Canaan Hos. 9:11 shall fly from the b. Mat. 1:18 the b. of Jesus Christ Lukel:li many shall rejoice at his 6. Gal. 4:19 of whom I travail in b. Rev.V2:2 she cried, travailing in b. BIRTHDAY. Gen. 40:20 which was Pharaoh's b. Mat. 14:6 Herod's b. Mark 6:21 BIRTHRIGHT. Gen. 25:31 sell me this day thy b. 33 sold his b. to Jacob 34 thus Esau despised his b. 27:36 took away my b. and now 43:33 sat. first-born ac. to his b. IChr. 5:1 Reuben's b. to sons of Jos. Heb. 12:16 for one morsel sold his b. BISHOP, S. Ph il. 1:1 to all saints at Philippi, b. 1 Tim. 3:1 desire the office of a ft. 2 a ft. must be blameless, Tit. 1 : 7 IPet. 2:25 to the ft. of your souls BISHOPRICK. Acts 1:20 his ft. let another take BIT, S. Psa. 32:9 must be held in with 6. Jas. 3:3 we put ft. in horses' mouths BIT, Verb. Num. 21:6 serpents, they ft. people Amos 5:19 and a serpent 6. him BITE. Eccl. 10:8 hedge, a serpent shall ft. 11 will ft. without enchantment Jer. 8:17 serpents, they shall ft. you Amos 9:3 serpent, and he shall ft. Mic. 3:5 the prophets that ft. Hab. 2:7 rise up that shall ft. thee ? Gal. 5:15 but it ye ft. and devour BITETH. Gen. 49:17 Dan an adder, that ft. Prov. 23:32 at last it 6. like a serp. BITHYNIA. Acts 16:7 they assayed to go intoB. IPet. 1 : 1 through Asia and B. BITTEN. • Num. 21:8 that is ft. when he looks BITTER. Gen. 27:34 Esau cried with ft. cry Exod.l : 14 Egyp. made their lives ft. 12:8 withft.herbs, Num. 9:11 15:23 waters, for they were ft. Deut. 32:24 devoured with ft. destru. 32 their clusters are 6. 2Jun.l4:26 affliction of Isr. it was ft. Jbft3:20 why is life giv. to ft. in soul? 13:26 writest ft. things against mo 23:2 to-day is my complaint 6. Psa. 64:3 arrows, even ft. words Prov. 5:4 her end is ft. as wormwood 27:7 to hungry soul ft. thing sweet Eccl.7:26 more ft. th. death the worn. Isa. 5:20 that put 6. for sweet 24:9 strong drink shall be ft. Jer. 2:19 it is an evil thing and ft. 4:18 this is thy wickedness, it is ft. 6:26 make most ft. lamentation 31:15 in Ramah, ft. weeping Amos 8:10 the end, as a ft. day Hab. 1:6 that ft. and hasty nation 41 BLA Col.S:lQ be not ft. against them Jas. 3:14 if ye have 6. envying Rev. 8:11 men died of waters ft. 10:9 it shall make thy belly ft. BITTER with Water. Num. 5:18 ft. w. that causeth curse Jas. 3:11 send sweet w. and ft.? BITTERLY. Judg. 5:23 curse ye ft. the inhabi. Ruth 1 :20 Almighty hath dealt ft. Isa. 22:4 I will weep ft. 33: 7 the amb. of peace shall weep ft. Eze. 27:30 the pilots shall cry ft. Hos. 12:14 Eph. provoked him ft. Zeph. 1 :14 the mighty shall cry ft. Mat. 26: 75 Peter wept ft. Luke 22: 62 BITTERN. Isa. 14:23 possession for the ft. 34:11 Zeph. 2:14 the ft. shall lodge BITTERNESS. ISam. 1:10 Hannah was in ft. 15:32 surely the 6. of death is past 2Sam. 2:26 the sword will be ft. Job 7:11 I will complain in the ft. 9:18 but filleth me with 6. 10:1 I will speak in ft. of soul 21:25 another dieth in ft. of soul Prov. 14:10 the heart knoweth his ft. 17:25 a foolish son is ft. to her Isa. 38:15 go softly in ft. of my soul 17 for peace I had great ft. Lam. 1 :4 afflicted, and she is in ft. 3: 15 he hath filled me with ft. Eze. 3:14 away, and I went in ft. 21:6 ft. sigh before their eyes 27:31 shall weep for thee with ft. ZecA. 12:10 be in ft. for him as one that is in ft. for his first-born Acts 8:23 thou art in the gall of ft Rom. 3:14 full of cursing and ft. Eph. 4:31 let all ft. be put away Heb. 12:15 lest any root of ft. BLACK. Lev. 13 :31 that there is no ft. hair in it 1 Kings 18:45 the heaven was ft. Job 30:30 my skin is ft. upon me Prov. 7:9 in the ft. and dark night Cant. 1:5 1 am ft. but comely 6 look not on me, I am ft. 5:11 his locks are ft. as a raven Jer. 4:28 for this shall heavens be 6. 8:21 I am hurt, I am ft. 14:2 the gates thereof are ft. Lam. 5:10 our skin was ft. ZecA 6:2 in second chariot ft. horses 6 6. horses go forth into north Mat. 5:36 one hair white or ft. Rev. 6:5 and lo, a ft. horse 12 the sun became ft. BLACKER. Lam. 4:8 their visage is ft. than coal BLACKISH. Job 6:16 ft. by reason of the ice BLACKNESS. Job 3:5 let ft. of the day terrify it Isa. 50:3 I clothe heavens with ft. Joel 2:6 faces shall gath. 6. Nah.2: 10 Heb. 12:18 ye are not come to ft. Jude 13 to whom is reserved ft. BLADE. Judg. 3: 22 haft went in after the ft. Job 31 :22 fall from my shoulder-ft. 3faM3:26 ft. wasspr.up,MarA;4:2S BLAINS. Exod. 9 : 9 a boil with ft . upon man , 1 BLAME. Gen. 43: 9 let me bear the ft. 44:32 2Gor.8:20 that no man should ft. us Eph. 1:4 holy and without 4. BLAMED. 2Cor 6:3 that the ministry be not ft. Gal. 2:11 because he was to be ft. BLAMELESS. Josh. 2:17 we will be ft. of thine oath Mat. 12:5 profane Sab. and are 6 BLA Luke 1:6 in ordinances of the L. b. I Cor. 1:8 b. in the day of our Lord Phil 2:15 may be b. and harmless 3:6 touching righte. in the law b. IThes. 5:23 body, be preserved b. XTim. 3:2 a bishop be b. Tit. 1:7 10 use office of deacon being b. 5:7 give in charge, they be b. Tit. 1:6 if any be b. the husband ZPet. 3: 14 that ye may be found b. BLASPHEME. 2Sam.l2: 14 occasion to enemies to b. 1 Kings 21 :10 thou didst b. God, 13 Psa. 74:10 shall the enemy b. thy Mark 3:28 wherewith they shall b. 29 that shall b. against Holy Ghost Acts 2b-.ll I compelled them to b. I Tim. 1 : 20 may learn not to b. Jas. 2: 7 they b. that worthy name Rev. 13:6 to b. his name and taber. BLASPHEMED. Lev. 24 : 11 Israelitish woman's son b. 2Ki. 19 : 6 with which serv. of king of Assyria b. me, 22; Isa. 37:6, 23 Psa. 74 : 18 foolish have b. thy name Isa. 52:5 my name every day is b. 65:7 and b. me on the hills Eze. 20:27 your fathers have b. me Acts 18:6 opposed themselves and b. Rom.2: 24 name of God is b. thro' you ITim. 6:1 and his doctrine be not b. Tit. 2:5 that the word be not b. Rev 16:9 men were scorched and b. 11 b. because of their pains 21 men b. God because of the hail BLASPHEMEST, ETH. Lev. 24:16 whoso b. the Lord Psa. 44 : 16 voice of him that b. Mat 9:3 scribes said, This man b. Tohnl 0:36 Father sanctified, thou b. BLASPHEMING. Acts 13:45 Jews contradicting and b. BLASPHEMER, S. Acts 19:37 are not b. of your goddess 1 Tim. 1 : 13 who was before a b. 2Tim. 3:2 last days men shall be b BLASPHEMY. 2Ki. 19:3 this is a day of b. Isa. 37:3 Mat. 12:31 all manner of b. shall be forgiven, but 6. against Holy G. 26:65 ye ha. heard his b. Mar.l4:64 Mark 7: 22 out of heart proceed 6, John 10:33 stone thee not but for b. Col. 3: 8 now ye also put off b. Rev. 2:9 I know the b. of them that 13:1 and upon his heads b. C opened his mouth in b. BLASPHEMIES. Eze. 35:12 I have heard all thy b. Mat. 15:19 out of the heart b. Mark 2:7 this man thus speak b. ? 3:28 b. they shall blaspheme Luke 5:21 who is this speaketh b. ? Rev. 13: 5 mouth giv. him speaking b. BLASPHEMOUS. Acts 6:11 heard him speak b. words 13 ceaseth not to speak b. words BLASPHEMOUSLY. Lu. 22:65 other things b. spake they BLAST. Exod. 15:8 with b. of thy nostrils Josh. 6:5 a long b. with horns 2Sam. 22:16 at the'6. of the breath of his nostrils, Psa. 18:15 2Kin. 19:7 b. on Sennach. Isa. 37:7 Job 4:9 by b. of God they perish Isa. 25:4 when the b. of the terrible BLASTED. Gen. 41:6 thin ears b. 23. 27 2Kings 19:26 as corn b. Isa. 37:27 BLASTING. Deut.28: 22 L.shall smite thee with*. llftra.8:37 if there be *. 2CAr.6:28 BLE Amos 4:9 smitten you with b. Hag. 2:17 I smote you with b. BLASTUS. Acts 12:20 BLAZE. Mark 1:45 to b. abroad the matter BLEATING, S. Judg. 5:16 to hear b. of flocks ISam. 15:14 meaneth this b. of slip. BLEMISH. Exod.l2:5 lamb without b. Let;.9:3; 14:10; 23:12; Num.G:U 29:1 ta.ke two rams without b. Lev. 5:15,18; 6:6; 9:2; .Eze. 46:4 Lev. 1:3 male without b. 10; 4:23; 22:19 21:17 hath b. not approach. 21, 23 22: 20 hath a b. not offer, Deut. 15 :21 21 freewill-offering no b 21:19 cause a b. in his neighbor Num. 19:2 a red heifer without b. 29:2 seven lambs without b. 2Sam. 14:25 no b. in Absalom Dan. 1 : 4 children in whom was no b. Eph. 5:27 holy and without b. IPet. 1:19 as of a lamb without b. BLEMISHES. Lev. 22:25 b. in them not accepted 2Pet. 2:13 spots they are and b. BLESS. ICor. 10:16 the cup of blessings we b. BLESS, God being agent. Gen. 12:2 I will b. thee, 26:3, 24 3 I will b. them that bless thee 17:16 I will b. her, and give thee 22:17 in bless.Iwill6.thee,Hc6.6:14 28:3 b. thee, and multiply thee 32:26 thee go, except thou b. me 48:16 b. the lads 49:25 by Aim. who shall b. thee Exod. 20:24 and I will *. thee 23:25 he shall *. thy bread Num. 6:24 Lord b. and keep thee 27 on Israel, and I will b. them 24:1 pleased the L. to b. Israel Deut. 7:13 b. the fruit of thy womb 15:4 no poor, for L. shall b. thee 18 God shall b. thee in all, 30:16 16:15 bee. Lord shall b. thee in all 26:15 look down and b. Israel 28:8 b. thee in the land he giveth 12 to b. all the work of thy hand 33: 11 b. Lord, his substance, accept 2Sam. 7:29 to b. the house of thy servant, 1 Chr. 17:27 IChr. 4:10 wouldest b. me indeed Psa. 5:12 wilt b. the righteous 28:9 b. thine inheritance 29:11 will b. his people with peace 67:6 our own God shall b. us, 7 115:12 L. will b. us, he will b. the house of Israel, of Aaron 13 he will b. them that fear Lord 128:5 L. shall b. thee out of Zion 132:15 abundantly b. her provision 134:3 the Lord b. thee out of Zion Isa. 19:25 whom L. of hosts shall b. Hag. 2:19 from this day will I b. Acts 3:26 sent him to b. you BLESS, God being the object. Deut. 8:10 art full, shall b. Lord Judg.5:9 b.theh. Psa.l03:21; 134:1 IChr. 29:20 David said, now b. L. Neh. 9 : 5 stand up and b. Lord for Psa. 16:7 b. L. who hath give coun. 26:12 in the cong. will I *. the L. 34:1 I will b. the Lord at all times 63:4 will I b. thee while I live 66:8 O b. our God, make his praise 68:26 b. ye God in congregations 96:2 sing to the L. b. his name 100:4 b. his name, 103:1 103:1 b.L.O my soul, 2,22; 104:1,35 20 b. ye his angels, 21 b. his hosts 22 b. the Lord all his works 115:18 we will b. L. from this time 42 BLE Ps. 134:2 lift up your hands, b. the L. 135:19 *. the L. O house of Israel 20 O Levi, b. the Lord 145:1 I will b. thy name for ever 2 every dav will I b. thee 10 O L. thy saints shall b. thee 21 let all flesh b. his holy name Jas. 3:9 therewith b. we God BLESS, Man agent and object. Gen. 27:4 b. thee before I die, 25 34 6. me, O my father, 38 48:9 bring them to me, I will b 20 in thee shall Israel b. saying Exod. 12:32 begone, and b. me alsc Num. 6:23 on this wise b. Israel 23:20 I have received com. to b. 25 curse them nor b. them at all Deut. 10:8 separated Levi to b. 21:5 27:12 stand on Gerizim, to b. 29:19 heareth curse, he b. himself ISam. 9:13 he doth b. the sacrifice 2Sam. 6:20 then David returned to b. his household, IChr. 16:43 8:10 Joram his son to b. David 21:3 that ye b. inherit, of the Lord IKi. 1:47 came to b. our lord k. David 1 Chr. 23: 13 to b. in his name for ev Psa. 62:4 b. with their mouth 109:28 let them curse, but b. thou 129:8 we b. you in the name of L. Prov. 30:11 doth not b. their mother Isa. 65:16 b. himself in God of truth Jer. 4:2 nations sh. b. them, in him Mat. 5:44 b. that curse you, Lu. 6: 28 Rom. 12:14 b. and curse not . w ICor. 4:12 being reviled we b. 14:16 shalt b. with the spirit BLESSED, Man agent and object. Gen. 14:19 Melchizedek *. Abram 24:60 they b. Rebekah, and said 27:23 so Isaac b. Jacob, 27 29 b. be he that blesseth thee 33 1 have b. him, he shall be b. 41 blessing wh. his father b. him 28:1 Isaac called Jacob, b. him 30:13 daughters will call me b. 31:55 kissed his sons, and b. them 47:7 6. Pharaoh, 10; 48:15 Joseph 48:20 Jacob *. Manas. Heb. 11:21 49:28 Jacob b. his sons Bee. 39: 43 Moses b. them, Deut. 33:1 Lev. 9:22 Aaron b. them 23 Moses and Aaron b. the people Num. 22:6 whom thou blessest is b. 23:11 hast b. altogether, 24:10 Deut. 33:20 b. that enlargeth Gad 24 let Asher be b. with children Josh. 22:6 Josh. b. sent them away, 7 24:10 Balaam b. you still Judg. 5:24 6. above women Jael be ISam. 2:20 Eli b. Elkanah 25:33 b. be thy advice and thou 26:25 Saul said b. be thou 2Sam. 13:25 would not go but b. him 19:39 kissed Barzillai, and b. him 1 Kings 2:45 Solomon shall be b.- 8:14 Solomon b. congregation. 55 66 congreg. b. Solomon, 2C7ir.6:3 Job 29:11 ear heard me, it b. me 31:20 if his loins have not b. me Psa. 49:18 lived he b. his soul 72:17 men be b. in him, nations 118 : 26 b. be he that cometh in name of the Lord, we have b. you Prov. 31: 28 her children call her b. Eccl.W-.n b. art thou, O land Cant. 6:9 the daughters b. her Isa. 66:3 as if he b. an idol Jer. 20:14 let not the day be b. Mai. 3:12 all nations call you b. Mark 11 :10 b. be king, of our father Luke 1:48 all gen. shall call me b. 2:34 Simeon b. them, and said Acts 20:35 it is more b. to give Tit. 2:13 looking for that b hope Heb. 7:1 met Abraham b. him, 6 7 the less is b. of the better BLE BLESSED, God the agent. Gen. 1:22 b. Be fruitful, 28; 5:2 8:3 b. seventh day, Exod. 20:11 12:3 in thee shall all families be b. 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14; Acts 3:25; GaJ.3:8 17:20 6. Ishmael, 24:1 J.Abraham 24:31 come in thou b. of the Lord 25:11 God b. Isaac, 26:12 26:29 thou art now the b. of Lord 27:27 field which the Lord hath b. 30:27 L. hath b. me for thy sake 30 L. hath b. thee since my coming 32:29 b. Jacob there, 35:9; 48:3 39:5 Lord b. Egyptian's house Num. 22: 12 for the people are b. 23:20 b. I cannot reverse it Deut. 2: 7 thy God hath b. thee, 12: 7 ; 15:14; 16:10 7:14 shalt be b. above all people 23:3 A. shalt thou be in city, b. in 4 b. be fruit of thy body. 5 basket 33:13 of Joseph he said, b. of L. Josh. 17:14 as the Lord hath b. me Judg. 13:24 Lord b. Samson Ruth 3:10 6. be thou my daughter ISam. 23:21 b. be ye. 2Sam.2:5 2Sam.6:ll O.Obed-edom, 12; IChr. 13:14: 26:5 7:29 the house of thy servant be b. IChr. 17:27 blessest, it shall be b. 2Chr. 31:10 hath b. his people Job 1:10 b. the work of his hands 42:12 Lord 6.' latter end of Job Psa. 21:6 hast made him most b. 33:12 b. is the nation whose God 37:22 as be b. of him shall inherit 26 lendeth, and his seed is b. 41 : 2 keep him, and he shall be b. 45:2 therefore God hath b. thee 89:15 b. is the people that know 112:2 gen. of upright shall be b. 115:15 you are b. of the Lord 119:1 b. are the undefiled 123:1 b. is every one that feareth 4 man be b. that feareth the Lord 147:13 he hath b. thy children Prov. 5:13 let thy fountain be b. 10:7 the memory of the just is b. 20:7 the just man's children are b. 21 end thereof shall not be b. 22:9 bountiful eye shall be 6. Isa. 19:25 b. be Egypt my people 51 : 2 I called him alone and b. 61:9 seed Lord hath b. 65:25 Mat. 5:3 b. poor in spirit, 5 meek 7 merciful, 8 pure in heart 9 peacemakers, 10 persecuted 13:16 b. are your eyes, Luke 10:23 14 : 19 he b. and brake, 26: 26 ; Mark 6:41; 14:22; Luke 9:16; 24:30 16:17 b. art thou, Simon Bar-jona 24:46 b. is that servant, .L!*Ael2:43 25:34 come ; ye 6. of my Father Mark 10: 16 in his arms and b. them 14:61 art thou Christ, son of the b. Luke 1:28 b. among women, 42 45 b. is she that believed 6:20 b. be ye poor 11:27 b. is womb that bare thee 12:37 b. are servants watching, 38 14:14 thou shalt be b. not recomp. 19:38 b. be the King that cometh 23:29 b. are the barren 24:50 he 6. them, 51 while he b. Gal.3:9 b. with faithful Abraham Eph. 1:3 b. us with spiritual bless. Jas. 1 :25 shall be b. in his deed Rev. 14:13 b. are the dead that die BLESSED, God the object. Gen. 14:20 b. be most high God Josh. 22:33 children of Israel b. God 2Sam. 22:47 b. be my rock, Ps.lS:46 lC7ir.29:10 David b. the Lord, b.be L. 20 all the cong. b. the Lord God 2Chr. 20:26 for there they b. Lord Neh.9:5 b.be thyglo.name,Ps.72:19 Job 1 : 21 *. be name of L. Psa. 113:2 BLE Psa. 66:20 o.beG.68:35; 2C*or.l:3 119:12 b. art thou, O Lord, teach Eze.3: 12 saying, b. be the glory of L. Dan. 2:19 b. the God of heaven, 20 4:34 Nebuch. b. the Most High Luke 2:23 in his arms and b. God John 12:13 b. is the King of Israel Rom. 1 : 25 Creator, who is b. for ever 9:5 over all, God b. for ever 2Cor. 11 :31 is b. for evermore Eph. 1 :3 b. be the Father, IPet. 1:3 1 Tim. 1:11 glor. gospel of the b. God 6:15 b. and only Potentate BLESSED art they. Psa. 2:12 b. a. t. that trust in him 84:4 b. a. t. that dwell in thy house 106:3 b. a. they that keep judgment 119:2 b. a. t. that keep his testimo. Prov. 8:32 b. a. Mhat keep my ways Isa. 30: 18 b. are t. that wait for him Mat. 5:4 b. are they that mourn 6 b. who hunger, 10 persecuted Luke 11:28 rather b. hear the word John 20:29 b. have not seen, believed Rom. 4:7 b. are th. whose iniquities Rev. 19:9 b. called to mar. supper 22: 14 b. a. t. do his commandments BLESSED are ye. Isa. 32:20 b. a. ye sow beside waters Mat. 5:11 b. when men shall revile Luke 6:21 b. are ye that hunger now, be filled ; b. a. ye that weep now 22 b. a. ye when men shall hate you BLESSED is he. Num. 24:9 b. is he that blesseth thee Psa. 32: 1 b. is he whose transgres. 41 : 1 b. is he that considereth poor Dan. 12: 12 b. is he that waiteth Mat. 11:6 and b. is he whoso, shall not be offended in me, Luke 7:23 21:9 b. is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, 23:39; Mark 11:9: Luke 13:35 Luke 14 : 15 b. shall eat bread in king. Rev. 1:3 b. is he that readeth 16:15 b. is he that watcheth 20:6 b. that hath part in first res. 22:7 b. keepeth sayings of the pro. BLESSED is the man. Psa. 1 : 1 b. is the m. that walketh not 32:2 b. is the man to whom the L. imputeth not iniquity, Rom. 4 : « 34:8 b. is the man trusteth in him, 84:12; Jer.l7:7 40:4 b. m. thatmaketh L. his trust 65:4 b. is t. m. whom thou choosest 84:5 b.m. whose strength is in thee 94 : 12 b. is m. whom thou chastenest 112:1 b. is the man that feareth L. Prov. 8 : 34 b. is t. m. that heareth me Isa. 56 : 2 b. is the man that doeth this Jas.\:\2 b. thatendureth temptation BLESSEDNESS. Rom. 4:6 as David describeth the b. 9 cometh this b. on circum. only ? Gal. 4:15 where the b. ye spake of? BLESSEST. Num. 22:6 whom thou b. is blessed IChr. 17:27 thou b. O Lord, and it Psa. 65:10 thou b. the springing BLESSETH. Gen.27:29 bles. that b. thee, Nu. 24: 9 Deut. 15:6 b. thee as he promised Psa. 10:3 b. covetous whom the L. 107:33 he b. they are multiplied Prot>.3:33 b. habitation of the just 27:14 b. his friend with a loud Isa. 65: 16 b. himself in the earth BLESSING, Substantive. Gen. 12:2 thou shalt be a b. 22: 17 in b. I will bless, Heb. 6: 14 27: 12 a curse on me, and not a b 35 thy brother taken thy b. 33 but one b. my father ? 28:4 give thee b. of Abraham 43 BLI Gen. 33: 11 take my b. that is brought 39 : 5 b. was on all he had 49:23 every one ac. to his b. he bl. Exod. 32:29 may bestow on you a b. Lev. 25:21 will I com. my b. on you Dtut. 11:26 before you a b. 30: 19 27 a b. if ye obey the commandm, 29 shalt put the b. on Gerizim 12:15 ac. to b. of the Lord, 16:17 23:5 L. turned the curse into a b. 28:8 command a b. on storehouse 33:1 the b. wherewith Moses bl. 7 16 let the b. come upon Joseph 23 Naphtaii full with the b. of L. Josh. 15: 19 give me a b. Judg. 1 : 15 I Sam. 25:27 this b. thy handmaid 2Sam. 7:29 thy b. let the house 2Kings 5: 15 take a b. of thy serv. Neh. 9:5 exalted above all b. 13:2 God turned curse into a b. Job 29:13 b. of him ready to perish Psa. 3 : 8 thy b. is on thy people 24:5 he shall receive b. from L 109:17 as he delighted not in b. 129:8 b. of the Lord be upon you 133:3 Lord comm. the b. even life Prov. 10:22 6. of L. maketh rich 11:11 by the b. of the upright 26 a b. on him that selleth it 24:25 a good b. on them that rebu Isa. 19:24 a b. in midst of the land 44:3 pour my b. on thy offspring 65:8 destroy it not, a b. is in it Eze. 34 : 26 places about my hill a b. there shall be showers of b. 44:30 the b. to rest in thy house Joel 2:14 leave a b. behind him Zech. 8:13 and ye shall be a b. Mai. 3:10 and pour you out a b. Luke 24:53 in the temple b. God Rom. 15:29 fulness of the b. of go». ICor. 10: 16 the cup of b. we bless Gal. 3: 14 the b. of Abra. might come Heb. 6:7 earth receiveth *. from G. 12:17 would have inherited the b. Jas. 3:10 of same mouth b. cursing IPer. 3:9 but contrariwise b. that ye should inherit a 6. Rev. 5:12 worthy to receive 6. 13 b. to him that sitteth on throne 7: 12 b. and glory to our God BLESSINGS. Gm.49:25 with b. of the heav. above, b. of the deep, 6. of the breasts 26 b. of thy father above b. of my Deut. 28:2 all these b. shall come Josh. 8:34 he read the b. and curs. Psa. 21 : 3 preventest him with the b. Prov. 10:6 b. are upon the just 89:20 faithful shall abound with b. Mai. 2:2 and will curse your b. Eph. 1 :3 blessed us with all spirit, b. BLEW. Josh. 6:8 priests passed and 6. Judg. 3:21 Ehud b. a trumpet 6:34 Gideon, b. a trumpet 7:19 they b. the trumpets, 20, 22 ISam. 13:3 Saul b. let Hebrews 2Sam.2:28 Joab *. 18:16; 20:22 20:1 Sheba a Benjamite b. I Kings 1 :39 b. people said. God save king Sol. 2Kings 9:13; 11:14 Mat. 7:25 b. on that house, 27 John 6:18 by a great wind that b. Acts 27: 13 south-wind b. 23:13 BLIND, Adjective. Exod. 4:11 who maketh the b.? Lev. 19: 14 stumbling-block before b 21 : 13 a b. man shall not approach. 22:22 not offer the b. Deut. 15:21 Deut. 27: 13 maketh b. to wander 28:29 as b. gropeth in darkness 2Sam.5:6 except thou take away b. 8 b. hated of David, b. not come Job 29:15 I was eyes to the b. Psa. 146:8 openeth the eyes of the b. Isa. 29: 18 eyes of 6. shall see, 35:5 BLO Tmi.42 : 7 for a light to open the b. eyes 10 b. by a way they knew not 18 look, ye b. that ye may see 4 -J: 19 who is b. but my serv. ? who is b. as he that is perfect, and b. 43:8 b. people that ha«ve eyes 5G:10 his watchmen are b. they 59:10 we grope for wall like b. Jer. 31 : 8 with them the b. and lame Lam. 4:14 wandered as b. men Zeph. 1: 17 shall walk like b. men Mai. 1:8 b. for sacrifice is it not evil ? Mat. 9:27 two b. men crying, 20:30 1 1 : 5 b. receive sight,12: 22 ; Lw,7: 22 15:14 they be b. leaders of b. if the b. lead the b. LukeQ:2Q 23:16 woe to you, ye b. guides 17 ye b. whether is greater, 19 20 thou b. Pharisee, cleanse first Mark 8:23 took b. man by the hand 10:46 b. Bartimeus sat begging Luke 4:18 recovery of sight to b. 7:21 to many b. he gave sight 14:13 makest a feast call the b. John 5:3 lay a great multitude of b. 9: 1 he saw a man that was b. 39 which see might be made b. 40 are we b. also ? 41 if ye were b. 10: 21 can a devil open eyes of b. ? Acts 13: 11 thou shalt be b. Rom. 2:19 thou art a guide to the b. 2Pet. 1:9 lacketh these things is b. Rev. 3:17 knowest not thou art b. BLIND, Verb. Deut. 16:19 a gift doth b. the eyes 15am. 12:3 a bribe to b. BLINDED. ETH. Exod. 23:8 for a gift b. the wise John 12:40 he hath b. their eyes Rom. 11:7 obtained, the rest were b. 2Cor. 3:14 but their minds were 6. 4:4 god of this world hath b. \John 2:11 darkness hath b. his eyes BLINDFOLDED. Luke 22:64 when they had b. him BLINDNESS. Gen. 19:11 men at the door with b. Deut. 23:28 smite thee with b. 2Kings 6:18 Elisha prayed, Smite this people, I pray thee, with b. Zech. 12:4 every horse with b. Rom. 11 : 25 b. in part has happened Eph. 4:18 becauseof b. of their heart BLOCK. See stumbling. BLOOD. Where marked with t it is in the original BLOODS. Gen. 4: 10t voice of thy brother's b. 9:4 life which is the b. not eat 5 b. of your lives will I require 37:31 and dipped the coat in b. Exod. 4:9 water shall become b. 7:17 waters be turned into b. 12:13 b. a token, when I see b. 23:18 the b. with leaven, 34:25 Lev. 15:19 if issue in her flesh be b. 17:4 b. imputed unto that man 11 it is b. maketh atonement 19:16 not stand ag. b. of neighbor Num. 23: 24 and drink b. of slain 35:33 but by b. of him that shed it Deut. 17: 8 betw. b. and b. 2CA.19: 10 21:8 b. shall be forgiven them 32:43 avenge b. of his servants Judg. 9:24 their b. on Abimelech ISam. 26:20 my b. fall to the earth 2Sam. 1 : 16 thy b. be on thy head 22 from the b. of the slain 16:7t come out, thou man of b. 8 returned upon thee all the b. 20:12 Amasa wallowed in b. 23:17 *. of the men? IChr. 11:19 1 Kings 2:5 b. of war on his girdle 18:28 till the b. gushed out 2Kings 3:22 saw the water red as b. 23 they said, This is b. the kings BLO 2Kin.9:2Gi I have seen b. of Naboth Job 16: IS O earth, cover not my b. 39:30 eagles' young suck up b. Psa. 30:9 what profit in my b. ? 50:13 will I drink b. of goats ? 58:10 wash his feet in b. of wicked 68:23 dipped in b. of thine enemies 72: 14 precious their b. in his sight Prov. 26-A 7 violence to b. of any Isa. 1 : 15t your hands are full of 6. 4:4 L. shall purge b. of Jerusalem 9:5 and garments rolled in b. 15:9 waters of Dimon full of b. 26:21f earth shall disclose her b. 33:15t his ear from hearing b. 34:3 mountain melted with their b. Jer. 2:34 b. of the poor innocents 18:21 pour out their b. by force 48:10 keepeth his sword from b. 51 : 35 my b. be on the inha. of Chal. Lam. 4: 14 polluted thems. with b. Eze. 5:17 pestilence and b. pass 9:9 the land is full of b. 14:19 my fury upon it in b. 16:6 when thou wast in thy b. live 9t I washed away thy b. 38 I will give thee b. in fury 18:10 son that is a shedder of b. 13f he shall die, his b. shall be 19: 10 thy mother a vine in thy b. 21:32 thy b. in midst of land, 22:13 22:3 city sheddeth b. in midst of it 23:37 and b. is in their hands, 45 24:8 her b. on the top of a rock 28:23 I will send b. into her streets 32:6 water with thy b. the land 35:6 to b. thou hast not hated b. even b. shall pursue thee 44:7 the fat and the*. 15 II os. 1:4 avenge the b. of Jezreel 4:2t and b. toucheth b. Joe/ 2: 30 6. fire, pillars of smoke 31 moon turned into 6. Acts 2:20 3:21 I will cleanse their b. that I Zeph. 1 : 17 their b. poured out as dust Mat. 9:20 woman with an issue of 6. 12 years, Mark 5 : 25 ; Luke 8 : 43 16:17 b. hath not revealed it 23:30 not parta. in the b. of proph. 35 from6.ofrighte.Abel,/_,«.ll:51 26:28 my 6. of new test. Mark 14:24 27:6 because it is price of b. 8 called the field of 6. Acts 1:19 24 I am inn. of b. of this just pers. Luke 13: 1 whose b. Pilate mingled 22:20 new test, in my 6. lCor.ll:25 44 his sweat as great drops of 6. John 1:13 born not of b. nor flesh 6: 54 and drinketh my 6. 56 55 and my b. is drink indeed 19:34 forthwith came there out b. Acts 5: 23 to bring this man's b. on 15:20 abstain from 6. 29; 21:25 17:26 made of one 6. all nations 18:6 b. be on your own heads 20:26 I am pure from b. of all men 1 Cor. 11 : 27 guilty of the body and b. 15:50 flesh and b. cannot inherit Eph.6:l2 wrestle not ag. flesh and 6. Col. 1 : 20 peace thro' b. of his cross Heb. 2: 14 partakers of flesh and 6. 9:7 not without b. which he offered 12 6. of goats, but by his own 6. 13 if the b. of bulls sanctifieth 9:20 this is the b. of the testament 22 without shedding of b. no rem. 10:19 holiest by the b. of Jesus 11:28 and sprinkling of o. 12: 4 not yet resisted unto b. 24 b. of sprinkling that speaketh 13:11 whose b. is brought into lPet.l:2 sprinkling of the*, of J. C. \John 1:7 6. of J. C. cleanseth us 5:6 he that came by water and 6. 8 the Spirit, water, and b. Rev. 5:9 redeemed us by thy o. 6: 10 how long not avenge our b. ? 12 and the moon became as b. 44 BLO Ke«.7:14 white in the b. of the Laml 8:8 part of sea became b. 16:3 11:6 to turn the waters into b. 12:11 overcame by b. of the Lamb 14:20 b. came out of wine-press 16:6 hast given them b. to drink 18:24 found the 6. of the prophets 19:2 avenged the 6. of his servants 13 with a vesture dipped in 6. See AVENGER, REVENGER. BLOOD be upon. Lev. 20:9 curseth father, his b. him 11 incest, 13 sodomy, 16 bestiality, 27 wizard, their 6. be upon them Eze. 18:13 done abom. his b. be u. 33:5 warning, his b. shall be u. him BLOOD, with bullock. Isa. 1:11 I delight not in b. of bull. BLOOD of Christ. ICor. 10:16 communion of b. of C. Eph. 2: 13 are made nigh by b. ofC. Heb.9: 14 much more shall b. purge ? 1 Pet. 1:19 but with precious b.ofC I John 1:7 the 6. of C. cleanseth us BLOOD of the Covenant. Exod.24:8 Moses said. Behold the b. Zech. 9:11 as for thee also by b. of c. Heb. 10:29 b. of cov. an unholy thing 13:20 6. of the everlasting covenant BLOOD, with eat. Lev. 3:17 eat neither fat nor 6. 7:26 ye shall eat no manner of b. 27 ; 17: 14 ; Deut.\2: 16,23; 15:23 27 eateth b. soul cut off, 17:10 ISam. 14:32 did eat them with the b. Eze. 33:25 ye eat with b. and lift For BLOOD. 2Chr. 24: 25 for the b. of sons of Je. Psa. 9:12 maketh inquisition for b. Prov. 1 :11 let us lay wait for b. 18 12:6 are to lie in wait for b. Mic. 7:2 they all lie in wait for b. His BLOOD. Gen. 37 : 26 brother and conceal his b. 42:22 behold his b. is required Josh. 2:19 his b. be upon his head 2Sam. 4:11 shall I not require his b IKings 2:32 L. shall return his b. 2?ze. 3: 18 but his b. will I require at thy hand, 20; 33:4,6,8 Hos. 12:14 shall leave his b. on him Mat. 27:25 his b. be on us and our Acts 20:28 church purch. with his b. Rom. 3:25 prop, thro' faith in his b. 5:9 being now justified by his b. Eph.l : 7 redemp. thro' his b.Col.l : 14 Heb. 9: 12 by his own b. he entered 13:12 sanctify the people with his b. Rev. 1:5 and washed us in his b. Innocent BLOOD. Deut. 19: 10 that in. b. be not shed in 13 put away guilt of in. b. 21:9 21:8 in. b. to thy people's charge ISam. 19:5 wilt thou sin aga. in. b 1 Kin.2 : 31 take away in. b. Joab shed 2Kin.2l:16 Manas, shed in. b. 24:4 Psa. 94: 21 they condemn innocent b. 106:38 shed in. b. even b. of sons Prov. 6: 17 L. hateth hands shed in. b Isa. 59:7 they haste to shed inno. b. Jer. 7:6 shed not innocent b. 22:3 22: 17 thine eyes are to shed inno. b. 26: 15 ye shall surely bring inno. b. Joel 3: 19 because they shed inno. b Jonah 1:14 O L. lay not on us in. b. Mat. 21 -A in that I betrayed inno. b. Shed BLOOD. Gen.9 : 6 man's 6. by man h. b. be shed 37:22 Reuben said, shed no b. Lev. 17:4 shed b. shall be cut off Num. 35 : 33 cleansed of b. s. but by b. Deut. 21 : 7 our hands not shed this b. lKin.2:5 and shed b. of war in peace IChr. 22:8 hast shed b. much b. 28:3 BLO Psa. 79:3 their b. shed like water 10 revenging b. of thy servants sh. ProvA : 10 haste to shed b. Rom.'3: 15 LamA: 13 have shed the b. of the just Eze. 16:33 as women thats. b. 23:45 22:4 guilty in b. thou hast shed, 6 33:25 ye s. b. and shall ye possess 36:18 fury on them for the b. shed Mat. 23:35 on you the righteous b. s. Mark 14:24 this is my b. which is shed, Luke 22 : 20 Luke 1 1 : 50 b. of all the prophets s. Acts 22: 20 when b. of Stephen was s. Rev. 16: G have s. the I. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Exod. 29:20 shalt sprinkle b. on altar, Lev. 1:5, 11 ; 3:2, 8, 13 ; 7:2; 17:6; iVum. 18: 17 BLOOD sprinkled. Exod 24 : 8 Moses sp. b. on the people Isa 63:3 their 6. shall be sprinkled on my garment Heb. 9:21 he sp. with b. the taberna. WitA BLOOD. Ex. 30: 10 Aaron make atone, ivith b. Lev. 19 26 not eat any thing with b. IKings 2:9 his hoar head bring thou down with b. Psa.l06:3S land was polluted with b. Isa. 34 : 6 sword of Lord filled with b. 7 their land shall be soaked with b. 49:26 be drunken with their own b. 59:3 your hands are defiled with b. Jer. 19:4 this place w. b. of innocents 46: 10 it shall be drunk with their b. Lam. 4 : 14 polluted themselves to. b. Eze. 38:22 I will plead ag. him w. b. Hos. 6:8 Gilead polluted with b. Mic. 3: 10 they build up Zion with b. Hab. 2: 12 buildeth a town with b. Gal. 1: 16 I conferred not with b. Heb. 9:22 by the law purged with b. Rev. 8:7 and fire, mingled with b. 17:6 saw the woman drunken w. b. BLOOD-GUILTINESS. Psa. 51 : 14 deliver me from b.-g. BLOOD-THIRSTY. Prov. 29:10 b.-th. hate the upright BLOODY. Exod. 4: 25 a b. husband art thou, 26 2Sawj.lG: 7 Shimei said. Thou b. man 21 : 1 famine is for Saul, his b. house Psa. 5:6 Lord will abhor the h. man 26: 9 gather not my life with b. men 55:23 b. men not live half their days 59:2 and save me from b. men 139:19 depart from me, ye b. men Eze. 7:23 land is full of b. crimes 22:2 wilt thou judge the b. city ? 24:6 woe to the 6. city, 9 ; Nah. 3: 1 Acts 28:8 lay sick of a b. flux BLOOMED. Num 17:8 Aaron's rod b. blossoms BLOSSOM, S. Gen. 40:10 her b. shot forth Isa. 5:24 b. shall go up as dust BLOSSOM, ED. Num. 17:5 the man's rod shall b. Isa. 27:6 Israel shall b. and bud 35:1 desert shall b. as the rose 2 it shall b. abundantly Eze. 7:10 the rod hath b. pride hath Hab. 3:17 altho' fig-tree shall not 6. BLOT. Job 31 : 7 if any b. hath cleaved Prov 9:7 wicked, getteth a b. BLOT out Exod. 32:32 6. me out of thy booK 33 hath sinned, him will I b. out Deut. 9:14 let me alone that I b. out 25:19 shall b. out reme. of Amelek 29 : 20 b. out his name from under h. 2Ki .14 : 27 said not, would b. o. name Psa. 51:1 O God, b. out transgress. BOA Psa. 51 : 9 and b. out all mine iniqui. Jer. 18:23 nor b. out their sin Rev. 3:5 I will not b. his name out BLOTTED. Neh. 4:5 let not their sin be b. out Psa. 69:28 b. out of book of the living 109:13 let their name be b. out 14 sin of his mother be b. out Isa. 44:22 b. out as a thick cloud Acts 3: 19 that your sins be b. out BLOTTETH, ING. Isa. 43:25 that b. out thy transgress. Col. 2:14 b. out the handwriting BLOW, Substantive. Psa. 39: 10 I am consumed by the b. Jer. 14:17 broken with a grievous b. BLOW, Verb. Exod. 15:10 didst b. with thy wind Judg. 7:18 when I b. then b. ye Psa. 78:26 caused east-wind to b. 147:18 causeth his wind to *. Cant. 4:16 come, thou south, b. Isa. 40:24 b. upon them shall wither J?z*. 21: 31 I will b. ag. thee, 22:21 Hos. 5:8 b. cornet in Gibeah Hag. 1:9 I did b. upon it Luke 12:55 see the south-wind 6. Rev. 7:1 that wind should not b. See TRUMPET. BLOWETH. Isa. 40:7 Spirit of the Lord b. on it 54:16 created the smith that b. John 3:8 wind 6. where it listetk BLOWN. Job 20:26 fire not b. consume him BLUE. Exod. 25:4 6. 26:1,31,36; 27:16 '2Chr. 2:7 cunning to work in b. 14 Esth. 1:6 b. hangings, b. marble 8:15 Mordecai in apparel of b. Eze. 23:6 Assyrians clothed with b. See PURPLE, CLOTH, LACE, LOOPS. BLUENESS. Prov. 20:30 b. of a wound cleanseth BLUNT. Eccl. 10:10 if iron be *. and he do BLUSH. Ezra 9:6 I b. to lift up my face Jer. 6:15 nor could they b. 8:12 BOANERGES. Mark 3: 17 BOAR. Psa. 80:13 6. out of the wood BOARDS. Cant. 8:9 inclose her with 6. of ced. Acts 27:44 some on b. came to land BOAST, Substantive. Psa. 34:2 my soul shall make her b. Rom. 2: 17 makest thy *. of God 23 makest thy b. of the law BOAST, Verb. IX'. 20: 11 not b. as he that put. it off '2Chr. 25:19 lifteth thee up to b. Psa. 44:8 in God we b. all the day 49:6*6. themselves in their riches 94:4 workers of iniquity b. 97:7 confounded that b. of idols Prov. 27:1 b. not of to-morrow Isa. 10:15 shall the axe b. itself 61 : 6 in their glory shall you b. Rom. 11:18 b. not against branches 2Cor. 9:2 I b. to them of Macedonia 10:13 not b. without our measure 16 to b. in another man's line 11:16 receive me that I may b. Eph. 2:9 not of works, lest any b. BOASTED. Eze. 35: 13 with mouth ye have b. 2Cor. 7:14 if I have b. any thing BOASTERS. Rom. 1 :30 b. inventors of evil things 2Tim. 3:2 covetous./, proud 45 BOD BOASTEST, ETH. Psa. 10:3 wicked b. of his heart's 52: t why b. thyself in mischief Prov. 20: 14 gone his way, then he b 25:14 whoso b. of a false gift Jas. 3:5 tongue b. great things BOASTING, Participle. Acts 5:36 Theudas b. himself to be 2Cor. 10:15 not b. without measure BOASTING, Substantive Rom. 3:27 where is b. then ? 2Cor. 7:14 our b. before Titus 8:24 show ye the proof of our b 9:3 lest our b. of you be in vain. 4 in this same confident b. 11:10 no man stop me of this b. 17 in this confidence of b. Jas. 4:16 now ye rejoice in your b. BOAT, S. JbAra6:22 no other b. there, Jesus went not into the b. 23 came other b. from Tiberias Acts 27:16 work to come by the b. 30 when they had let down the b. 32 cut off the ropes of the b. BOAZ. 1 Kings 7:21 ; 2CAr. 3:17 ; jRu*/i2:l,19; 3:2; 4:1; -Lm.3:32 BOCH1M. Judg. 2: 1 an angel came up to B. 5 BODY. Exod. 24:10 as the b. of heaven 1 Sam. 31: 12 b. of Saul, IChr. 10:12 Job 19:17 children's sake of my b. 26 after my skin worms destroy b 20:25 and cometh out of the b. Prov. 5:11 flesh and b. are consumed Isa. 10:18 shall consume soul and b. 51:23 hast laid thy b. as ground Eze. 10:12 whole b. full of eyes Daw. 7:15 in spirit in midst of my b Mat. 5:29 b. be cast into hell, 30 6:22 light of b. is the eye, Lu.ll :34; b. full of light, Luke 11 :34, 36 23 b. shall be full of darkness 25 no thought for b. Luke 12:22 10:28 that kill the b. Luke 12:4 14:12 John's disciples took the b. 26:12 this ointment on my b. 26 take, eat, this is my b. Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19 ; 1 Cor. 11: 24 27:58 Joseph begged the b. of Jesus, Mark 15:43; Luke 23:52 Mark 5:29 she felt in her b. that she 14:8 aforehand to anoint my b. 51 a linen cloth cast about his b. 15:45 Pilate gave the b. Mat. 27: 5S Luke 12:23 b. more than raiment 17:37 b. is, thither the eagles 24 : 3 they found not the b. of Lord John 20: 12 where b. of Jesus had lain Rom. 6:6 b. of sin may be destroyed 7:4 dead to the law by the b. of C. 24 from the b. of this death 8:10 the b. is dead because of sin 13 thro' Spirit mortify deeds of b. 23 the redemption of our b. 1 Cor. 6:13 b. is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and L. for b. 18 every sin is without the *. 6:19 your b. is the temple of H. G 7:4 hath no power over her own b. 9:27 but I keep under my b. and 10:16 communion of the b. of Chr. 11 :27 be guilty of the b. and blood 29 not discerning the Lord's b. 12:14 for the b. is not one member 15 is it therefore not of tr"5 b. ? 16 17 if whole b. were an eyr, where 19 where were the b. ? 20 one b. 27 now ye are the b. of Christ 13:3 tho' I give my b. to be burnoa 15:35 with what b. do dead come ? 37 sowest not that b. that shall be 33 but God giveth a b. as it hath 44 sown a natural b. raised spir. b. ICo*. 5:S rather to be absent from b. BOD Eph. 3:6 fellow-heirs of th«> -same b. 4:12 for the edifying of b. of Christ 16 from whom the whole b. fitly 5:23 and he is the Saviour of the b. Phil. 3:21 who shall change vile b. Col. 1 :1S head of the b. the church 2:11 in putting off the b. of sins 17 shadow, the A. is of Christ 19 from which the b. by joints 23 a show of wisdom in neg. b. 1 Thes. 5:23 I pray your soul and b. Heb. 10:5 a b. hast thou prepared me 10 thro' offering of the b. of Jesus Jas. 2:16 not things needful to b. 26 as the b. without the spirit is 3:2 able also to bridle the whole b. 3 we turn about their whole b. 6 tongue defileth the whole b. Jude 9 disputed about b. of Moses Dead BODY. Num. 19:11 touch, d. b. unclean, 16 2Kin. 8:5 how he had restored d. b. Zsa.26: 19 with my d. b. sh. they arise Jer. 26:23 cast his d. b. into graves 36:30 his dead b. shall be cast out Fruit of the BODY. Deut. 28: 4 blessed shall be/, of thy b. 18 cursed shall be the fr. of thy b. 53 thou shalt eat the fr. of thy b. Psa.132: 11 /. b. will I set on thy thr. Mic. 6:7/. of my b. for sin of my soul His BODY. I Sam. 31:10 fastened his b. to wall Dan. 4:33 his b. wet with dew, 5:21 7:11 till beast was slain, and his b. 10:6 his b. also was like the beryl Lu. 23:55 beheld how his b. was laid 24:23 when they found not his b. John 2: 21 spake of temple of his b. Acts 19:12 from his b. were brought Rom A: 19 he con. not A. b. now dead 1 Cor. 6 : 18 fornica. sinneth ag. his b. 7:4 hath not power of his own b. 2Cor.5:10 receive things done in h.b. Eph. 1:23 which is his b. fulness of Phi 1.3: 21 fashioned like A. glorious b. Col. 1:24 for his b. sake, the church IPet. 2:24 who bare our sins in A. b. In BODY. Lam.4:7 more rud. in b. than rubies Rom. 6:12 reign in your mortal b. ICor. 5:3 1 verily as absent in b. 6: 20 glorify God in your b. and spi. 7:34 that she may be holy in b. and 12:18 set members every one in b. 25 should be no schism in the b. ICor. 4:10 in b. the dying of the L. that life be manifest in our b. 5:6 whilst we are at home in b. 12:2 whether in b. or out of b. Gal. 6:17 I bear in b. the marks Phil. 1:20 C. be magnified in my b. Col. 1 : 22 in b. of his flesh thro' death Heb. 13:3 as being yours, in the b. One BODY. Rom. 12:4 many members in one b. 5 are one b. in C. ICor. 10:17 lCor.6:16 joined to a harlot is one b. 12:12 as the b. is one, and hath 13 we are baptized into one b. 20 many members, yet but one b. Eph.2A6 reconcile both to G. in o.b. 4:4 there is one b. and one Spirit Col. 3: 15 yc are also called in one b. BODIES. Job 13:12 your b. like b. of clay Eze. 1:11 two wings covered b. 23 Dan. 3:27 on b. fire had no power Mat. 27:52 many b. of saints arose John 19:31 b. sh. not remain on cross Rom. 1 :24 to dishonor their own b. 8:11 shall quicken your mortal b. 12:1 your b. a living sacrifice ICor. 6:15 your b. members of Chr. 15:40 there are celestial b. and b. Epk. 5:23 to love wives as own b. BON Heb. 10:20 b. washed with pure wa. 13:11 b. of beasts, whose blood Dead BODIES. 2CAr. 20:24 they were d. b. fallen Psa. 79:2 d. b. of thy servants meat 110:6 he shall fill places with d. b. Jer. 31:40 valley of dead b. be holy 33:5 to fill them with d. b. of men 34:20 their d. b. shall be for meat 41:9 Ishmael cast dead b. of men Amos 8:3 many d. b. in every place Rev. 11 : 8 their dead b. in the street 9 nations see their dead b. three days and a half, nor suffer d. b. BODILY. Luke 3:22 H. G. desc. in a b. shape 2Cor. 10:10 his b. presence is weak Col. 2:9 fulness of the Godhead b. ITim. 4:8 b. exercise profiteth little BOIL, S, Substantive. Exod.9: 10 it became a b. with blains 2Kings 20:7 figs on b. Isa. 38:21 Job -2:7 so Satan smote Job with b. BOIL. Job 41:31 the deep to b. like a pot Isa. 64 : 2 fire causeth waters to b. Eze. 24:5 make it b. well, 46:20 BOILED. IKings 19:21 yoke of oxen and b. 2Kings 6:29 so we b. my son Job 30:27 my bowels b. and rest, not BOISTEROUS. Mat. 14:30 when he saw the wind b. BOLD. Prov. 23:1 righteous are b. as a lion Acts 13:46 Paul and Bar. waxed b. Rom. 10:20 Esaias is very b. and 2Cor. 10:1 but being absent, am b. 2 wherewith I think to be b. 11 : 21 wherein any is b. I am b. also Phil. 1:14 are much more b. to spe. 1 Thes. 2:2 we were b. in our God Phile. 8 I might be much b. in C. BOLDLY. Mark 15 : 43 Joseph went in b. to Pil. John 7:26 he speaketh b. and they Acts 9:27 preached b. at Damascus 29 he spake b. in name of Lord J. 14:3 abode they, speaking b. in L. 18:26 Apollos began to speak b. 19:8 spake b. for three months Rom. 15:15 have written more b. to Eph. 6:19 I may open my mouth b. 20 I may speak b. as I ought Heb. 4:16 b. to the throne of grace 13:6 may b. say, Lord is my helper BOLDNESS. Eccl. 8:1 b. of his face be changed Acts 4:13 saw b. of Peter and John 29 with all b. they may speak 31 spake word of God with. b. 2Cor. 7:4 great is my b. of speech Eph. 3 : 12 we have b. and access Phil. 1 : 20 with all b. as always 1 Tim. 3: 13 they purchase great b. Heb. 10:19 b. to enter into holiest 1JoA»4:17 may have b. in judg. BOLSTER. ISam. 19:13 goats' hair for his b. 16 26:7 spear at b. 11, 12; 16 water BOND, Adjective. ICor. 12:13 one body, b. or free See FREE. BOND. Eze. 20:37 I will bring you into b. Luke 13:16 from his b. on the sab. Acts 8:23 art in the b. of iniquity Eph. 4:3 Spirit, in the b. of peace Col. 3:14 charity, b. of perfectness BONDS. Jb& 12: 18 he looseth the b. of kings Psa. 116:16 thou hast loosed my b. Jer. 5:5 the yoke, and burst the b. 27:2 make thee 6. and yokes 30:8 his yoke, and burst thy b. 46 BON Nah. 1:13 and I will burst thy b. Acts 20:23 that b. and aff. abide me 23:29 worthy of death or b. 26:31 25: 14 a certain man left in b. 26:29 as I am, except these b. Eph. 6:20 I am an ambassa. in b. Phil. 1:7 in b. ye are all partakers 13 so my b. in Christ are manifest 14 waxing confident by my b. 16 to add affliction to my b. Col. 4:3 1 am in b. ; 18 rem. my b. 2Tim. 2:9 I suffer trouble even to b Phile. 10 begotten in my b. 13 in the b. of the gospel Heb. 10:34 compassion of me in b. 11:36 others had trial of b. and 13:3 remember them in b. as bound BONDAGE. Exod. 1:14 lives bitter with hard b. 2:23 Israel sighed by reason of b. 13:14 Lord brought us out of the house of b. 20:2; Deut. 5:6; 6:12; 8:14; 13:5, 10; Joshua 24:17; Judg. 6:8 Deut. 26:6 Egyp. laid on us hard b. Neh. 9:17 a captain to return to b. Isa. 14:3 give rest from thy hard b. Rom. 8:15 not received spirit of h. 21 delivered from b. of corruption Gal. 4:24 which gendereth to b. 5:1 not entangled with yoke of b. Heb. 2:15 their lifetime subject to b In, into, or under BONDAGE. Ezra 9:8 a little reviving in our b. 9 God hath not forsaken us in b. John 8:33 never in b. to any man Acts 7:6 should bring them into b 7 to whom they shall be in b. ICor. 7:15 or sister is not under b. 2Cor.ll:20 ifa man bring you 7?itod Gal. 2:4 might bring us into b. 4:3 were in b. under the elements 9 whereunto ye desire to be in b. 25 answereth to Jer. which is in b 2Pet. 2: 19 same is he brought into b. BONDMAID. Gal. 4:22 one by a *. the other BONDMAN. Deut. 15:15 wast a b. in Egypt, Lord redeemed thee, 16: 12; 24:18,22 Rev. 6:15 every b. hid themselves BONDMEN. Lev. 25: 44 b. shall be of the heathen Deut. 28 : 68 there ye sh. be sold for b 2Kings 4 : 1 my two sons to be b. 2Chr. 23:10 children of Judah for b. Ezra 9:9 we were b. yet God Esth. 7:4 if we had been sold for b. Jer. 34:13 out of the house of b. BONDSERVICE. IKings 9:21 a tribute of b. BONDWOMAN. Gen. 21:10 cast out this b. and hei son, Gal. 4:30 13 son of b. will I make a nation Gal. 4 : 23 son of b. born after flesh 31 we are not children of the b. BONDWOMEN. See bondmen. BONE. Gen. 2:23 this is b. of my bones 29:14 thou art my b. and my flesh Exod. 12:46 neither shall ye break a b. Num. 9:12 2Sam. 5: 1 we are thy b. 1 Chr. 11 : 1 Job 2:5 touch his b. and flesh, and 19:20 my b. cleaveth to my skin 31 : 22 let my arm be bro. from the b. Prov. 25: 15 soft tongue break, the b. Eze. 37 : 7 came together, b. to his b. John 19:36 a b. of him shall not be b. BONES. Exod. 13:19 Moses took*, of Joseph Josh. 24:32 the b. of Joseph buried 2Sam. 21:12 took b. of Saul, Jonat. IKings 13:2 men's b shall be burnt BOO 2Kings 13:21 touched b. of Elisha 23:20 burnt men's ft. on the altars 2Chr 34:5 he burnt b. of the priests Job 10:11 hast fenced me with b. Psa 51 : 8 b. thou hast broken may 53:5 God scattereth the b. of him 141:7 our b. are scat, at grave's m. Prov, 3:8 fear L. marrow to thy b. 14:30 envy the rottenness of the b. 15:30 a good report maketh b. fat 16:24 pleasant words health to b. 17:22 a broken spirit drieth the b. Eccl. 11:5 nor how the b. do grow Isa. 58:11 L. shall make fat thy b. 66:14 your b. shall nourish like Jer. 8:1 bring the b. of the kings, priests, prophets, inhabitants Eze. 6:5 scat, your ft. about your al. 24:4 choice b.\ 5 burn b. 10 37:1 valley full of b. ; 3 b. live ? 4 prophesy and say, O ye dry 6. 11 these b. are house of Isr. our b. Amos 6:10 to bring out the b. Zeph. 3:3 they gnaw not the b. till Mat. 23:27 full of dead men's b. Luke 24 : 39 a spirit hath not b. His BONES. 1 Kings 13:31 lay my b. beside his b. 2Kin. 23: 18 let no man move his b. Job 20:11 Am b. are full of the sin 2t:24 his b. moistened with marr. 33: 19 mul. of his b. with strong pain 21 and his b. stick out 40:18 his b. as brass, his b. as iron Psa. 34:20 he keepeth all his b. 109:18 come like oil into his b. Prov. 12:4 is as rottenness in his b. Eph. 5:30 we are members of his b. Heb. 11 : 22 command, concern, his b. My BONES. Gen. 50:25 carry up my b. J?:r.l3:19 2Sam. 19: 12 ye are my b. and flesh IKings 13:31 my b. beside his b. Job 4:14 made all my b. to shake 30:17 my b. are pierced in me 30 and my b. burnt with heat Psa. 6:2 heal me, my b. are vexed 22:14 all my b are out of joint 17 I may tell all my b. 31 : 10 my b. are consumed 32:3 my b. waxed old 35:10 my b. shall say, Lord, who is 38:3 neither any rest in my b. 42: 10 as with a sword in my b. 102:3 my b. are burnt as a hearth 5 my b. cleave to my skin Isa. 38:13 so will he break all myb. Jer. 20:9 as a burning fire in my b. 23:9 all my b. shake Lam. 1 :13 hath sent fire into my b. 3:4 he hath broken my b. Hab. 3:16 rotten, entered into my b. Their BONES. Num. 24 : 8 Israel shall break their b. 1 Sam. 31 : 13 t . b. buried them at Jab. Lam. 4 : 8 their skin cleaveth to th. b. Eze. 32:27 their iniquity on their b. Dan. 6:24 the lions brake a.\\ their b. Mie. 3:2 pluck off flesh from their b. BONNETS. Tsa. 3: 20 Lord will take away the b. Eze. 44:18 they shall have linen b. BOOK. Exod. 17:14 for a memorial in a b. 32:32 if not. blot me out of thy b. 33 sinned, will I blot out of my b. Num. 21 :14 b. of the wars of the L. De»M7:lS a copy of this law in aft. Josh. 10:13 b. of Jasher, 2Sam. 1:18 I Sam. 10:25 Samuel wrote it in aft. 1 Kings 11:41 b. of acts of Solomon "2 Kin. 22:8 Hilkiah gave b. to Snap. 23:24 might perform words in ft. Ezra 1 : 15 search may be made in b. Neh. 8:5 Ezra opened the b. Job 19; 23 that they were pri. in a b. BOJl Job 31 : 35 adversary had written a b. Psa. 40:7 volume of the b. Heb. 10:7 56; 8 tears, are they not in thy b. ? 69:28 let them be blotted out of b. 139:16 in thy b. all my members Isa. 29:11 as words of a b. sealed 12 b. is deliv. to him not learned 18 deaf shall hear words of the b. 30:8 now go and note it in a b. 34:16 seek ye out of the b. of Lord Jer. 30:2 write the words in a b. 36:2 roll of a b. ; 10 read in the b. 45: 1 words in a b. from Jeremiah Eze. 2:9 a roll of a b. was therein Dan. 12:1 every one writ, in the b. 4 O Daniel, seal the b. Nah. 1:1 b. of vision of Nahum Mai. 3:16 a b. of remembrance Mat. 1 : 1 the b. of the gen. of Jesus Luke 3:4 written in the b. of Esaias 4:17 delivered to Jesus the b. of Esaias, when he opened the b. 20 he closed the b. and gave it • 20:42 in b. of Psalms, Acts 1:20 Acts 7:42 writ, in b. of' the prophets Heb. 9:19 he sprinkled the b. and Rev. 1:11 what seest, write in a b. 5:1 aft. written within, on the 2 who is worthy to open the b. 3 10:2 in his hand a little b. open 9 give me little ft. ; 10 I took the b. 20:12 b. was opened, the b. of life 22:19 if any take from words of b. See COVENANT. BOOK of the Law. Deut. 31 :20 b. of I. put it in the ark Josh. 1:8 6. of law shall not depart 2Kings 22:8 I have found b. of law Neh. 8:8 so they read in the b. of I. Gal. 3:10 writ, in ft. of I. to do them BOOK of Life. Phil. 4 : 3 names writ, in the b. of life Rev. 3:5 not blot name out of b. of I. 13:8 not written in b. of life, 17:8 20:12 another b. opened, ft. of life 15 not writ, in 6. of life was cast 21:27 written in Lamb's b. of life 22: 19 his part out of the A. of life BOOK of Moses. 2Chr. 25: 4 as in b. of Moses. 35 : 12 ; .Ezra 6:18 Neh. 13:1 they read in the b. of M. Mark 12:26 have ye not read in b. This BOOK. Deut. 28:58 writ, in t. b. 2Chr. 34:21 2Ki. 22: 1 3 heark. to the words of t. b. 23:3 to perform the words in t. b. Jer. 2-3: 13 I'll bring all that is in t. b. 51:63 an end of reading this b. John 20:30 signs not written in t. b. Rev. 22:9 which keep the say. of t. b. 10 seal not the sayings of this b. 18 add to him plagues in this b. 19 his part from things in this b. BOOKS. ErcL 12:12 of mak. b. there is no end .Dan. 7: 10 b. were opened, Rev. 20:12 John 31:35 could not contain the b. Acts 19: 19 their b. and burned them 227m. 4:13 bring the b. especially Rev. 20:12 judged out of things in b. BOOTH. Job 27:18 as a b. the keeper maketh Jonah 4: 5 Jonah made him a b. BOOTHS. Gen. 33:17 and Jacob, made b. Lev. 23:42 dwell in b. seven days 43 I made Israel dwell in 6. Neh. 8:14 Israel should dwell in b. BOOTY, IES. Jer. 49:32 their camels shall be a b. Hab. 2:7 shalt be for b. unto them Zeph. 1 : 13 their goods shall bee. a ft. BORDER. Exod. 19:12 or touch ft. of mount Deut. 12:20 when L. enlarge thy ft. 47 BOR IKings 4:21 Solomon reigned untn ft. of Egypt, 2Chr. 9:26 Psa. 78:54 to the ft. of his sanctuary Prov. 15:25 establish ft. of widow Isa. 37:24 into the height of his ft. Jer. 31:17 thy chil. again to their ft Joel 3:6 might remove them from ft. Amos 1:13 might enlarge their ft. 6:2 or their ft. greater than your ft. Obad. 7 brought thee even to the ft. Zeph. 2:8 magnified against their ft. Mai. 1:4 the ft. of wickedness 5 L. will be magni. from ft. of Isr. Mark 6:56 touch, if it were but ft. Luke 8:44 and touched ft. of garm. See EAST, SOUTH. BORDER, Verb. Ze.ch. 9:2 Hamath shall ft. thereby BORDERS. Exod. 16:35 till come to ft. Canaan 34:24 I will enlarge thy ft. 2Kin. 19: 23 will enter lodg. of his ft Psa. 74:17 set the ft. of the earth 147:14 he maketh peace in thy ft. Cant. 1:11 will make ft. of gold Isa. 54:12 thy ft. of pleasant stones Jer. 15: 13 thy sins in all thy ft. £ze.45:l shall be holy in all the ft. Mic. 5:6 treadeth within our ft. Mat. 4:13 in the ft. of Zebulun 23:5 enlarge ft. of their garments BORE. Exod. 21 : 6 his master shall ft. his ear Job 41 : 2 canst ft. his jaw with thorn ? BORN, for brought forth. Gen.17 .17 ft. him 100 years old, 21 :5 Exod. 1 : 22 every son ft. into river Lev. 19:34 stranger as one ft. among Num. 15:29 one law for him ft. and Josh. 8:33 as well the stran. as he ft. Judg. 13:8 to child that shall be ft. 2Sam. 12:14 the child ft. shall die IKings 13:2 a child shall be ft. to the house of David IChr. 22:9 a son shall be ft. to thee Job 3:3 day perish wherein I was ft. 5:7 yet man is ft. to trouble, as 11:18 ft. like a wild ass's colt 15:7 thou first man that was ft. ? 38:21 because thou wast then ft. ? Psa. 22:31 a people that shall be ft. 5^ : 3 astray as soon as they be ft. 78:6 children that should be ft. 87:4 was 6. there, 6; 5 that man ft Prov. 17:17 a brother is ft. for adv. Eccl. 3:2 a time to be ft. 4:14 ft. in his kingdom Isa. 9:6 for unto us a child is ft. 66:8 shall a nation be ft. at once ? Jer. 16:3 concern, sons and dau. ft. in 20:14 cursed be the day I was ft. 22:26 where not ft. shall ye die Eze. 16:4 in the day thou wast ft. 5 loathing of thy person in day ft. Mat. 2:2 that is ft. king of the Jews 4 where Christ should be ft. 19:12 some eunuchs were so ft. 26:24 good if not ft. Mark 14:21 Luke 1 :3S holy thing that shall be ft. 2: 11 to you is ft. this day in the city John 3:4 man be ft. when he is old I 5 except a man be ft. of water 6 that ft. of flesh is flesh, that ft. of 8 so is every one ft of the Spirit 8:41 we be not ft. of fornication 9:2 who did sin. that he was ft. blind 34 wast altogether ft. in sins, and 16:21 for joy that a man is ft. 18:37 to this end was I ft. and for Acts 2:8 tongue wherein we were ft. 7:20 in which time Moses was ft. 22:3 ft. in Tarsus ; 28 I was free 6. Rom. 9:11 children being not yet ft. 1 Cor. 15:8 one ft. out of due time Gal. 4:23 was ft. after the flesh, 29 Heb. 11:23 by faith Moses when ft. I Pet. 2:2 as new ft. babes desire BOS l John 2:29 doth righte. is b. of him Rev 12:4 devour child as soon as b. BORN again. John 3:3 except a man be b. a. 5 7 ye must be b. again IPet. 1:23 b. a. not of corruptible See FIRST-BORN, WITNESS. BORN o/ God. John 1 :13 6. not of blood, but of God Uohn 3:9 b. of God not commit sin 4:7 everyone that loveth is b.of G. 5: 1 that Jesus is Christ is b. of God 4 whatsoever is b. of G. overcom. 18 whosoever is b. of G. sinn. not BORN in the house. Gen. 15:3 one b. in my h. is my heir Eccl. 2:7 I had servants b. in my h. BORN in the land. Exod. 12:48 stranger as one b. in I. Num. 9:14 one ordinance for b. in I. BORN of a woman, or women. Job 14: 1 man b. of a w. is of few 15: 14 b. of a w. that he sh. be right. 25 : 4 how clean that is b. of a to. ? MaUl:ll that are b. of w. Lu. 7:28 BORNE ? brought forth. Gen. 21 : 7 b. him a son in his old age 29:34 because I have b. three spns 30 : 20 because I have b. six sons ISam. 2:5 the barren hath b. seven 4:20 fear not, thou hast b. a son Jer. 15:9 hath b. seven languisheth 10 woe is me, that thou hast b. me Eze. 16:20 hast tak. thy sons b. to me BORNE, carried Isa. 46:3 b. by me from the belly 66:12 ye shall be b. upon her sides Jer. 10:5 they must bed. because Amos 5:26 have b. tab. of Moloch Mark 2:3 one sick of palsy was b. John 20:15 b. him hence tell me Acts 21:35 he was b. of the soldiers ICor. 15:49 b. image of the earthy BORNE, endured. Job 34:31 I have b. chastisement Psa. 55:12 then I could have b. 69:7 thy sake I have b. reproach Isa. 53:4 surely he hath b. griefs Lam. 3: 28 he hath b. it upon him 5:7 we have b. their iniquities Eze. 16:58 thou hast b. thy lewd. 32:24 b. their shame, 36:6 ; 39:26 Mat. 20:12 b. burden and heat of day 23:4 grievous to be b. Luke 11:46 Rev. 2:3 hast b. and hast patience BORROW. Exod. 3: 22 every worn, shall b. 11 : 2 22:14 if a man b. aught, and it Deut. 15:6 but shalt not b 28:12 2Kingsi:3 Elisha said, Go b. vessels Mat. 5:42 him that would b. turn not BORROWED. Exod, 12:35 they b. of Egyptians 2Kin. 6:5 alas, master, for it was b. BORROWER. Prov. 22:7 b. is servant to lender Isa. 24:2 as with lender, so with b. BORROWETH. Psa. 37: 21 wicked b. and payeth not BOSOM. Gen. 16:5 my maid into thy b. Exod 4:6 put hand into thy b. 7 Num. 11:12 carry them in thy b. Ruth i .16 Naomi laid it in her b. 2Sam. 12:3 and lay in his b. 8 master's wives into thy b. IKi. 1:2 virgin, let her lie in thy b. 3:20 laid it in her b. and laid her dead child in my b. 17:19 Elijah took him out of her b Job 31:33 hiding iniquity in my b. Psa.. 35:13 prayer returned to my* 74 : 11 pluck thy right hand out of b 79:12 sevenfold into their b. BOU Psa. 89:50 how I do bear in my b. 129:7 that bindeth sheaves, his b. Prov. 5:20 embrace b. of stranger? 6:27 can a man take fire in his b. ? 17:23 taketh a gift out of the b. 19:24 hideth his hand in b. 26:15 21:14 a reward in the b. pacifieth Eccl. 7:9 anger resteth in b of fools Isa. 40:11 carry the lambs in his b. 65:6 even recompense into their b. 7 former work into their b. Jer. 32:18 iniquity of fathers into b. Lam. 2: 12 their soul into mother's b. Mic. 7:5 keep from her lieth in thy b Luke 6:38 good meas. into your b. 16:22 by angels into Abraham's b. 23 Abraham and Lazarus in his b. John 1:18 in the b. of the Father 13:23 leaning on Jes. b. a disciple BOSSES. Job 15:26 thick b. of his bucklers BOTCH. Deut . 28 : 27 will smite with the b. 35 BOTTLE. Gen. 21 :14 b. of water gave it Hagar 15 water spent in b. ; 19 filled o. Judg. 4:19 she opened a b. of milk 1 Sam. 1 : 24 Hannah took b. of wine 10:3 another carrying b. of wine 16:20 Jesse to>k a b. of wine Psa. 56:8 put my tears into thy b. 119:83 I am like a b. in the smoke Jer. 13:12 every b. filled with wine 19:1 a potter's b.; 10 break the b. Hab. 2:15 puttest thy b. to him and BOTTLES. Josh. 9:4 Gibeonites took wine b. 13 these b. of wine were new Job 32:19 ready to burst like new b. 38 : 37 who can stay b. of heaven ? Hos. 7:5 him sick with b. of wine Mat. 9:17 new wine into old b. else b. break, Mark 2: 22 ; Lu. 5 : 37, 38 BOTTOM. Exod. 15:5 they sank into the Job 36:30 God covereth b. of the sea Cant. 3: 10 he made the b. of gold Dan. 6:24 or ever they came at b. Amos 9:3 hid from my sight in the b. Jonah 2:6 to b. of the mountains Zech. 1:8 among myrtle-trees in b. Mat. 27:51 veil rent from top to b. Mark 15:38 BOTTOMLESS. Rev. 9:1 to him key of the b. pit 2 he opened b. pit, arose smoke 11 had a king, angel of b. pit 11:7 beast that ascend, out of b. pit 17:8 shall ascend out of the b. pit 20:1 an angel having key of b. pit 3 and cast him into the b. pit BOUGH. Gen. 49:22 Joseph is a fruitful *. Judg. 9:48 Abimelech cut down a b. 49 cut down every man his b. Isa. 10:33 L. shall lop b. with terror 17:6 berries in top of uppermost b. 9 strong cities be as a forsaken b. BOUGHS. Lev. 23:40 b. of goodly trees, b. of Deut. 24:20 not go over the b. again 2Sam. 18:9 mule went under b. Job 14:9 brought forth b. like a plant Psa. 80:10 b. like goodly cedars 11 she sent out her b. to the sea Cant. 7:8 1 will take hold of the *. Isa. 27:11 when the b. are withered Eze. 17:23 it shall bring forth b. 31:3 his top among thick b. 14 6 their nests in his b. Dan. 4:12 BOUGHT. Gen. 33 : 19 Jacob b. field, Josh. 24 : 32 39: 1 Potiphar b. Joseph of the Ish. 47:20 Jos. b. all land of Egypt, 23 49 : 30 which Abr. b. 50 : 13; Acts 7 : 16 48 BOU Lev. 27:24 to him of whom it was b Deut. 32: 6 thy father that b. thee ? 2Sam. 12:3 ewe-lamb he had b. 24:24 David b. threshing-floor IKings 16:24 Omri b. hill Samaria Neh.5:l6 nor b. we any land Jer. 32:9 I b. field of Hanameel Hos. 3:2 so I 6. her for fifteen pieces Mat. 13:46 he sold all, b. that field 21 : 12 that sold and b. in the temple. AfarA; 11: 15; Luke 19:45 27:7 b. with them potter's field Mark 15:46 Joseph b. fine linen and 16:1 b. sweet spices to anoint Luke 14:18 I have b. a piece of gro. 19 I have b. five yoke of oxen 17:28 drank, they b. and sold 1 Cor. 6:20 ye are b. with a price, 7: 23 2Pet. 2:1 denying L. that b. them BOUND, actively. Gen. 22:9 b. Isaac his son, and laid 42:24 took Simeon and b. him Num. 30:4 she had b. her soul, 11 Judg. 15 : 13 b. Samson with new 16:8 withs ; 12 ropes; 21 fetters 2Kings 5:23 he b. two talents 17:4 he shut up Hoshea and b. 25:7 they b. Zedekiah with fetters 2Chr. 33:11 6. Manasseh 36:6 b. Jehoiakim Prov. 30:4 b. waters in a garment Hos. 7:15 tho' I have b. their arms Mat.U:3 Herod b. John, Mark 6:17 27:2 b.Jesus.Mar.l5:l; Johnl8:\2 Luke 13:16 daughter Satan hath b. Acts 21:11 Agabus b. his hands 22:25 as they b. Paul he said, 29 23:12 b. them, under a curse, 14:21 Rev. 20:2 b. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passively. Gen. 39:20 where king's pris. are b 42: 19 let one of your brethren be b. Judg. 16:6 mightest be b. 10, 13 ISam. 25: 29 soul of my lord be b. 2Sam. 3:34 thy hands were not b. Job 36:8 and if they be b. in fetters Psa. 107:10 being b. in affliction Prov. 22:15 foolish, is b. in heart Isa. 22:3 b. by archers, all are b. 61 : 1 opening of prison to them b. Lam. 1 : 14 yoke of my transgr. is b Dan. 3:21 b. in their coats 24 three men b. into furnace ? Mat. 16:19 be b. in heaven, 18:18 Mark 15:7 Barabbas which lay b. John 11:44 b. hand and foot, face b. 18:24 Annas had sent him b. Acts 9:2 bring them b. 21 ; 22:5 12:6 Peter b. ; 24:27 left Paul b. 20:22 I go b. in the Spirit to Jeru. 21 :13 I am ready not to be b. only Rom. 7:2 is b. by the law to her hus- band, 1 Cor. 7: 39 1 Cor. 7: 27 art thou b. unto a wife 2Thes. 1:3 b. to thank God alw. 2: 13 2Tiw.2:9 word of God is not b. Heb. 13:3 in bonds, as b. with them Ret?. 9:14 loose the angels b. in E up. BOUND with chains. Ps.6S:6 G.bringethoutthose&.w. c Jer. 39:7 b. Zedekiah with c. 52:11 40:1 Jeremiah b. with c. Nah. 3: 10 all her great men b. w. c. Mark 5:4 he had been often b. w. c. Luke 8:29 he was kept *. with cha. Acts 21 :33 com.Paultobe b. «>.two c. 28:20 for hope of Israel I am b. BOUND up. Gen. 44:30 his life is b. up in lad's Isa. 1 : 6 they have not been b. up Jer. 30:13 none to plead, that thou may est be b. up JBze.30:21 not be b up to be healed 34 : 4 nor have ye b. up that broken Hos. 4:19 the wind hath b. her up 13: 12 iniquity of Ephraim is b. up Luke 10:34 he b. up his wounds BOW BOUND, Substantive. Gen. 49:26 b. of the everlasting hills Job 33:20 take it to the b. thereof Psa. 104:9 the waters set a b. that Jer. 5: 22 the sand for b cf the sea Hos. 5:10 like them that remove b. BOUNDS Ezod. 19:23 set b. about the mount 23:31 thy b. from the Red sea Deut. 32 :S set b. of the people Job 14:5 his 6. that he cannot pass 26:10 compassed the waters with b. Isa. 10:13 removed b. of the people Acts 17:26 hast determined the b. of BOUNTY. 2Cor.9:5 make up beforehand your 6. BOUNTIFUL. Prov. 22:9 hath a b. eye be blessed isa. 32: 5 nor churl be said to be b. BOUNTIFULNESS. 2Cor. 9:11 being enriched to all b. BOUNTIFULLY. Psa. 13:6 he hath dealt b. with me 116:7 Lord hath dealt b. with thee 119: 17 deal b. with thy servant 142: 7 thou shalt deal b. with me 2Cor. 9:6 soweth b. shall reap b. BOW, Substantive. Gen. 9: 13 I set my b. in the cloud 27:3 take thy quiver and b. 48:22 I took of Amorite with b. 49 : 24 his *. abode in strength Josh. 21:12 but not with thy b. 2Sam. 1:22 b. of Jonath. turned not I Kings 22:34 a certain man drew a b. at a venture, 2Chr. 18:33 2Ki. 13: 15 take b. and arrows, took b. Job 29:20 my b. was renewed Psa. 44 : 6 I will not trust in my b. 46:9 he breaketh the b. cutteth 76:3 there brake he arrows of b. 78:57 aside like a deceitful b. Isa. 41:2 them as stubble to his b. Jer. 6:23 they shall lay hold on b. 49:35 I will break the b. of Elam Lam. 2:4 bent his b. like an enemy Eze. 1 : 38 as the b. in the cloud Hos. 1:5 1 will break *. of Israel 7 I will not save them by b. 2:18 I will break the b. and sword 7:16 they are like a deceitful b. Amos 2: 15 he that handleth b. Hab. 3:9 thy b. made quite naked Zech. 9: 13 filled the 6. with Ephraim Rev. 6:2 sat on white horse had a 6. See BEXD, BEXT, BATTLE-BOW. BOWS. I Sam. 2:4 the b. of mighty are brok. Neh. 4:16 other half of them held b. Psa. 37: 15 their b. shall be broken Isa. 7:24 with b. shall men come 13:18 their b. shall dash young Jer. 51 : 56 ev. one of their b. is broken Eze. 39:9 they shall burn the 6. BOW-SHOT. Gen. 21:16 as it were a b.-s. BOW, Verb. Josh. 23:7 nor b. yourselves to their gods, 2Kings 17:35 2Kings 5: 18 I b. in house of Rim. Job 39:3 b. themselves, bring forth Psa. 22: 29 to the dust shall b. 72:9 in wilderness sh. *. before him 144: 5 b. thy heavens, O Lord Prov. 5: 1 b. thine ear to my under. 14:19 evil *. before the good Eccl. 12:3 the strong men shall b. Mic. 6:6 6. myself before high God ? Hab. 3:6 the perpetual hills did b. Eph. 3:14 b my knees to the Father BOW down. Gen.27: 29 nation! b. d. mother's sons 37: 10 shall I, mother, brethren b. d. 49:8 father's children shall b. down Ex 11:8 thy serv. shall b. d. to me BOW Ex. 20: 5 not b.d. to them, Deu«. 5:9 23:24 shalt not b.d. to their gods Lev. 26: 1 any image to b. d. to it Judg. 2: 19 follow, other gods to b. d 2Kin. 5:18 I b. d. in house of Rim. 19:16 L. b. d. thine ear, Psa. 86:1 Job 31: 10 let others b. d. upon her Psa. 31:2 b. d. thine ear, Prov. 22: 17 95:6 let us worship and b. down Isa. 10:4 without me 6. a", under pris. 46:2 they stoop, they b. d. together 49:23 kings and queens shall b. d. 51:23 b. d. that we may go over 58:5 to b. d. his head as a bulrush? 60:14 that despised thee shall b. d. 65: 12 ye shall all b. d. to slaughter Rom. 11 :10 b.d. their back alway BOW knee. Gen. 41 :43 cried before him b. the k. 750.45: 23 every k. shall b.Rom.U : 1 1 Eph 3:14 I b. my knee to Father of Phil. 2:10 of Jesus every knee shall b. BOWED. Gen. 43:26 Jos. brethren b. to him 49:15 Issachar b. shoulder to bear Josh. 23: 16 served other gods, and b. to them, Judg. 2: 12, 17 Judg. 5:27 at her feet he b. he fell 2Sam. 19: 14 David b. the heart of 22:10 he b. heavens, Psa. 18:9 lift. 19: 18 not 6. to Baal, Rom. 11:4 2Kin. 2: 15 prophets 6. before Elisha, 2Chr. 7:3 b. upon the pavement 29: 29 the king and all present b. Esth.3:5 Mordecai b. not Mat. 27: 29 b. the knee before him Luke 13:11 a spirit of infir. and b. BOWED down. Gen. 42: 6 Jos. brethren b. d. 43:88 Jwrfg-. 7:6 rest of the people 6. down Psa. 35:14 I b. d. heavily as one 38:6 I am b. d. greatly, I go mourn. 44:25 our soul is b. d. to the dust 57:6 my soul is b. d. they digged 145:14 raiseth up all b. d. 140:8 Isa. 2:11 haughtiness of men bed. d. 17 loftiness of man shall be b. d. 21 :3 I was b. d. at hearing of it Luke 24:5 afraid and b. d. their faces BOWED head. Gen. 43:28 they b. their heads made Exod. 4:31 then they b. their heads and worshipped, 12: 27 ; Neh. 8: 6 34:8 Moses made haste and b. h. to A r wm.22:31 Balaam d. his A. and fell IChr. 29:20 b. down their head and 2Chr. 20: 18 Jehoshaphat b. his head 29:30 sang praises and 6. their A. John 19:30 Jesus b. his A. and gave BOWED himself. Gen. 18:2 Abra. 6. himself, 23:7, 12 19:1 Lot 6. himself 33:3 Jacob 6. himself 47:31 48: 12 Joseph 6. himself Judg. 16:30 Samson*. A. with might 2Sam. 24 : 20 Arau. 6. A. 1 Chr. 21 : 21 1 Ki. 1:23 Nathan 6. A.; 47 king b. A. 53 Adonijah 6. A. to king Solomon 2: 19 Solomon b. A. to his mother BOWETH. Judg. 7:5 that b. on knees to drink Isa. 2:9 mean man b.\ 46:1 Bel 6. BOWING. Gen. 24:52 Eliezer 6. hims. to earth Psa. 17:11 set their eyes, b. down 62:3 as a b. wall shall ye be Mark 15:19 spit on him, b. knees BOWELS. Gera. 15:4 out of own b. thy heir 25: 23 two manner of people from b. 43:30 his b. did yearn on brother 2Sam. 7:12 seed which pro. out of b. 16:11 son wh. came forth of my b. 20:10 Joab shed out Amasa's b. 1 Kings 3:26 *. yearned on her son 2Chr. 31:15 sickness by disease of b. 49 BRA 2CAr. 21 : 18 L. smote him in his b. 19 32:21 forth of his own b. slew him Job 20: 14 meat in his b. is turned 30:27 my b. boiled, and rested not Psa. 22:14 it is melted in my b. 71 : 6 took me out of my mother's b. 109:18 come into his b. like water Cant. 5:4: my b. were moved for him Isa. 16:11 my b. sound like a harp 48: 19 the offspring of thy b. like 49: 1 from b. of my mother he made 63:15 where is sounding of thy b. Jer. 4:19 my b. I am pained at heart 31 :20 my b. are troubled for him Lam. 1:20 my b. are troubled, 2 : 11 -Eze. 3:3 fill thy b. with this roll 7: 19 their souls, nor fill their b. Acts 1 : 18 Judas burst, and all his b. 2Cor. 6:12 straitened in your own b. Phil. 1:8 after you in b. of Christ 2:1 if there be any b. and mercies Col. 3: 12 put on b. of mercies Phile. 7 b. of saints are refreshed 12 receive him that is my own b. 20 yea, refresh my b. in the Lord 1 John 3: 17 shutteth up b. of comp. BOWL. Judg. 6:38 dew, a b. full of water Eccl. 12:6 or golden b. be broken Zech. 4:2 candlestick with a b. on it BOWLS. AmosQ-.Q that drink wine in b. Zech. 9:15 shall be filled like b. 14:20 the pots shall be like b. BOWMEN. Jer. 4 : 29 for the noise of the b. BOX. 2Kings 9:1 take this b. of oil in. 3 Mat. 26:7 alabaster b. MarkU:3 Mark 14:3 she brake the b. Lu. 7:37 BOX-TREE. Isa. 41 : 19 I will set in the desert b.-t 60:13 the glory of Lebanon b.-t. BOY, S. Gen. 25:27 the b. grew, and Esau Joel 3:3 given a b. for a harlot Zech. 8:5 streets shall be full of h. BOZRAH. Isa. 34:6 hath a sacrifice in B. 63:1 with dyed garments from B. Jer. 48:24 judgment is come upon B. 49: 13 B. shall become desolation, 32 Amos 1 :12 devour the palaces of B. Mic. 2:12 put as the sheep of B. BRACELET, S. Gen. 21:30 saw b. on sister's hands 38:18 thy signet, b. and staff, 25 Exod. 35:22 brought b. Num. 31: 50 2Sam. 1 : 10 the b. on his arm Isa. 3:191 will take away the b. Eze. 16: 11 I put b. on thy hands BRAKE. Ex. 32 : 19 tables out of his hands and b. them, Z>«i^.9:17 Judg.7 :19 they b. pitchers, 20 16:9 b. withs, 12 b. new ropes ISam. 4:18 Eli fell, his neck b. IKings 19:11 a strong wind b. in pieces the rocks 2Kings 11:18 Baal's images b. they 18:4 b. images, b. brazen serpent 23: 14 Josi. b. the images,2C7. f. r. .He*. 13: 11 bodies of beasts burnt iv.c. 13 let us go forth to him w. the c. CAMPS. Num. 10:2 trumpets for journey of c Amos 4:10 stink of your c. come CAMPHIRE. Cant. 1 : 14 my beloved is as c. 4:13 thy plants an orchard of c. CAN. Mat. 27:65 make it as sure as you c. John 15:4 no more c. ye exc. ye abi. Rom. 8:7 subject to law, nor c. be How CAN. JoA» 3:9 Nic. said, h. ctheseth.be? Acts 8:31 h.c.l exc. some guide me '.' CANA. John 2:1 there was marriage in C. 11 4:46 so Jesus came again into C. 21:2 Thomas and Nathanael of C CANAAN Gen. 9:18, 22. 25; 10:15; 2S:1 £xoo\15:15 the inhabitants of C. Judg.3:l; 4:2,23; 5:19 Psa. 106:38 to the idols of C. 135:11 smote all kingdoms of C. Isa. 19:18 speak language of C. Zeph. 2:5 O C. I will destroy thee Mat. 15:22 a woman of C. cried to Land of CANAAN. Gen. 12:5 forth to go into land of C CANAANITE. GenA2:6; 15:21; 24:3; 34:30 Exod. 23: 28 drive out C. 33: 2; 34:11 Num. 21 : 3 delivered up C . Neh. 9: 24 Mat. 10:4 Simon the C. Mark3:lS CANAANITE SS. IChr. 2:3 CANDACE. ,4m 8:27 CANDLE. Job 18:6 his c. be put out with him 21:17 oft is c. of wicked put out ? 29:3 his c. shined on my head Psa. 18:23 thou wilt light my c. Prov. 20:27 spirit of man is c. of L. 24:20 c. of wicked be put out 3U18 her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25: 10 take from them light of c . Mat. 5:15 nor put c. under a bushel Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16; 11:33 Luke 11:36 bright shining of a c. 15:8 a c. and sweep the house Rev. 18:23 c. shine no more in thee 22:5 need no c. nor light of sun CANDLES. Zeph. 1 : 12 I will search Jeru. with c CANDLESTICK. Ex. 25:31 make c. 37:17; Num. 8:4 40: 24 put c. in tent of congregation Lev. 24:4 lamps on c. continually Num. 3:31 their charge shall be c. 2iung-s 4: 10 let us set for him a c. IChr. 28:15 gold for every c. 2Chr. 13:11 set they in order c. Dan. 5:5 wrote over against the c. Zech. 4:2 behold a c. all of gold II olive-trees on right side of c. Mat. 5: 15 but on a c. and it giveth light to all, Luke 8:16; 11:33 Mark 4 : 21 candle not to be set on c? Heb. 9:2 first wherein was the c Rev. 2:5 else I will remove thy c. CANDLESTICKS. IKin. 7:49 c. of pure gold, 2C/;r. 4 : 7 Jer. 52:19 he took away the c. Rev.UA thetwoc.standingbef.God I See seven. CAP CANE. Isa 43:24 bought me no sweet c. Jer. 6:20 sweet c. from far country CANKER, ED. 2Tim. 2:17 their word will eat as c. Jas. 5:3 your gold and silver is c. CANKER-WORM. Joel 1:4 c. eat. and wh. c.-w. left, 2: 25 Nah. 3:15 eat thee like c.-w. make thyself many as the c.-w. 16 c.-w. spoileth and flieth away CANNOT. Isa.l :13 the calling of assemblies I c. Jer. 18:6 c. I do with you as potter Luke 16:26 pass from hence to you c. CANST. Mat. 8:2 thou c. make me clean Mark 9:22 if thou c. do any thing CAPERNAUM. Mat. 4:13; 8:5; 11:23; 17:24; Luke4:23; 10:15: JoA» 2:12; 4:46; 6:17, 24, 59 APHTOR. Jer. 47: 4 ; ^mos 9:7 CAPPADOCIA. Acts 2:9 dwellers in C. we hear 1P«M:1 strangers throughout C. CAPTAIN. Gen. 37:36 sold him to Potiphar c. 40:4 c. charged Joseph with them Num.UA let us make a c. Neh.Q-.ll Josh. 5:14 as c. of host of the L. 15 the c. of the L. host said to Jos. Judg.4:2 c. of Jabin's host was Sis- era, 7; 1 Sam. 12:9 11:6 said to Jephthah, be our c. 11 the peo. made him c. over them ISam. 9:16 anoint him c. 10:1 13:14 Lord command, him to be c. 17:18 carry these ten cheeses to c. 22:2 David became a c. over them 2Sam. 5: 2 shalt be c. over Israel 8 he shall be c. IChr. 11:6 19:13 if thou be not c. of the host 23:19 Abishai was therefore c. IKin. 16:16 Isr. made Omri c. king 2Kin. 1 : 9 king sent a c. with fifty 4 :13 wouldest be spoken for to c. ? 5:1 Naaman c. of host of Syria 9:5 1 have an errand to thee, c. 15:25 Pekah a c. of his conspired 18:24 turn face of one c. Isa. 36:9 20:5 tell Hezekiah c. of my people 25:8 Nebuzar-adan, c. Jer. 52:12 IChr. 11:21 honorable, he was c. 27:5 third c. for 3d month Benaiah IChr. 13: 12 God himself is our c. Isa. 3:3 L. doth take away c. of fifty Jer. 37:13 a c. Irijah took Jeremiah 40:5 c. gave Jer. victu. and a rew. 51:27 appoint a c. against her John 18:12 band and c. took Jesus Acts 5:26 c. with officers brought Heb. 2: 10 c. of their salvation perfect CAPTAINS. Ezod. 15:4 chosen c. are drowned Deut. 1:15 I made wise men c. 20:9 make c. to lead the people 1 Sam. 8:12 he will appoint himc. 22:7 son of Jesse make you c. ? 2Sam. 18:5 c. charge con. Absalom 23:8 that sat chief among the e. IKin. 2:5 what Joab did to the c. 20:24 take kings away, and put c. 22:33 when c. perceived he was not the king, 2CAr.l8:32 IChr. 11:15 three of 30 c. went to D. 2Chr. 33: 11 L. brought on them c. Jo6 39:25 the thunder of the c. and J«r. 13:21 hast taught them to be c. 51 : 23 I will break in pieces c. 57 I will make drunk her c. Eze. 21:22 c. to open the mouth 23:6 c. all desirable men, 12, 23 Nah.S-.ll thy c. as great grasshoppers Mark 6: 21 Herod made a supper to c. Lu&e 22:4 Judas communed with c. Rev. 19 : 18 may eat the flesh of c. I CAP CAPTIVE. Gera. 14:14 heard brother was tak. c. 34:29 their wives took they c. Exod. 12:29 unto first-born of c. 2Kin.5:2 bro. away c. a little maid 6:22 smite those thou hast taken c. Isa. 49: 21 I am desolate, a c. 24 or shall lawful c. be delivered 51 : 14 c. exile hasteneth to be loos- 52:2 loose thyself, O c. dau. of Zion Amos 6:7 go c. with first that go c. 2Tim. 2:26 taken c. by him at will Carry or carried CAPTIVE, or CAPTIVES. Gen. 31 :26 carried my daughters c. iVwm. 24:22 until Ashur car. thee c IKin. 8:46 they c. them c. 2Ch. 6:36 47 if they bethink themse. in land whither carried c. 2Chr. 6:37 2Kt'ra. 15:29 T.-pileser car. them 16:9 c. peop. of Damascus c. to Kir IChr. 5:6 whom king of Assyr. c. c. 2Chr. 25: 12 other 10,000 did Jud. c. c, 28:5 they car. a great multitude c, 8 Israel car. c. of brethren 200,000 Psa. 106:46 pitied of those c. theme. 137:3 that c. us c. required a song Jer. 13:17 Lord's flock is carried c. 19 Judah shall be wholly c. away c. 20:4 he shall c. them c. to Babylon 24:5 I will acknowledge them c. c. 29:4 saith the Lord to all carried c. 14 I will bring you into the place whence I caused you to be c. c. 41 : 10 Ishmael c. c. all the residue 43:12 carry the Egyptians c. 52:29 c. c. from Jerusa. 832 persons 30 car. c. of the Jews 745 persons I?ze.6:9 nations whither be car. c. Dan. 11:8 shall also c. c. into Egypt Amos 1 : 6 because they c. c. captivity Obad. 1 1 in day strangers c. c. forces Carrying CAPTIVE. J«r. 1 :3 to carrying of Jerusalem c. Lead, or fed CAPTIVE. Jwdg-. 5:12 lead thy captivity c. son IKin. 8:48 return unto thee in land of enemies which led them c. 2CAr. 30:9 shall find compassion be- fore them that lead c. Psa. 68:18 led captivity c. Eph. 4:8 Jer. 22:12 die whither led him c. i4mos 7:11 Israel shall be led c. Nah. 2:7 Huzzab shall be led c. Luke 21 : 24 shall be led away c. into 2Tim. 3:6 fead c. silly women laden CAPTIVES. Num. 31:9 women of Midian c. 12 brought c. ; 19 purify your c. Dew*. 21 :11 amo. c. a beauti. woman 32: 42 arrows drunk with blood of c. 1 Sam. 30: 5 David's two wives c. 2Kings 24: 14 from Jerusa. 10,000 c. 2Chr. 28:11 and deliver the c. again 13 ye shall not bring in c. hither Isa. 14:2 shall take theme, whose c. 20:4 lead away the Ethiopians c. 45:13 let go my c. not for price 49:25 c. of mighty be taken away 61 : 1 liberty to the c. Luke 4: 18 Jer. 48:46 thy sons and daugh. are c. 50: 33 took them c. held them fast Eze. 1:1 as I was among e. by river 16:53 bring again captivity of thy c. Dan. 2:25 found a man of e. of Jud. CAPTIVITY. Num. 21 :29 given his daugh. into c. Deut. 21 : 13 raiment of c. from off her 30:3 Lord will turn thy c. 2Kin. 24: 15 carried he into c. to Bab. 25:27 in the 37thyearof c..7er.52:31 ICAr. 5:22 dwelt in steads until c. 6:15 Jehozadak went into c. when 2Chr. 6:37 if they pray in land of c. 38 if they return to thee in e. 29:9 our sons and wives are in c. Ezra 9:7 have been delivered to c. I 66 CAR Neh. 1 : 2 Jews wh. were left of r. 4:4 for a prey in land of their c. Esth. 2:6 Mordecai carried with e. Job 42: 10 Lord turned the c. of Job Psa. 14:7 when L. bring back c.85:l 78:61 he deliv. his strength into c. 126: 1 when L. turned ag. e. of Zion 4 turn again ourc. O L. as streams Isa. 5: 13 my people are gone into c. 22:17 carry thee with mighty c. 46:2 themselves are gone into c. Jer. 15:2 for the c. to the c. 43:11 29:14 I will turn away your c. 30: 3; 32:44; 33:7,11,26 20 hear all of c; 28 c. is long 22 be taken up a curse by all c. 31 send to all them of c. saying 30:10 thy seed from land of c. 46:27 48: 11 nor hath Moab gone into c. Lam. 1 : 3 Judah is gone into c. for 5 her children are gone into c. 2: 14 not discov. to turn away thy c. 4:22 no more carry thee into c. Eze. 1:2 fifth year of Jehoiachin's c. 3:11 get to them of c. and speak 1 1 : 25 I spake to them of c. all 12:7 my stuff, as stuff for c. 16:53 bring again their c. the c of Sodom and Samaria 25:3 went into c. thou saidst. Aha 33:21 in 12th year of c. one escaped 39:23 house of Israel went into c. 40:1 in the 25th year of our c. Dan. 6: 13 Daniel of thee, of Judah 11 :33 shall fall by c. many days Hos. 6:11 returned c. of my peopl» Obad. 20 c. of this host, c. of Jeru. Mic. 1 : 16 gone into c. from thee iVaA.3:10 No went into c. her child. Hab. 1 :9 shall gather c. as the sand Zeph. 2:7 L. shall turn awayc. 3:20 Zech. 6:10 take of them of the c. Rom. 7:23 into c. to the law of sin 2Cor. 10:5 into e. every thought See captive. Bring CAPTIVITY. Psa. 53: 6 when God b. back c. of his Jer. 30 : 1 8 b. again e. of Jacob's tents 31 :23 when I shall b. again their c. 48:47 will I bring again c. of Moab 49:6 I will b. again c. of Ammon 39 I will bring again c. of Elam Eze. 29:14 bring again c. of Egypt 39 : 25 now will 1 b. again c. of Jacob Joel 3:1 when I b. again c. of Judah Amos9:li I will b. ag. c. of my peop Children of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 4:1 heard c. c. builded temple 10:7 proclamation to the chil. of c. 16 c. of c. did so, all were separa. Dan. 5: 13 Dan. which arte. c. of Ju. Go into CAPTIVITY. Deut. 28:41 thy sons and daugh. g.c. Jer. 20:6 thou and house shall go c. 22: 22 and thy lovers shall g. into c. 30:16 adversaries ev. one shall go c. 46:19 O daughter, furnish to goc. 48:7 Chemosh shall c.; 49:3 king Eze. 12:4 shalt go as they that g. c. 30 : 1 7 and these cities shall g. into c. 18 Egypt, her daugh. shall goc. Amos 1 : 5 people of Syria shall g. c. 15 their kingshallg-. into c. he and 5:5 for Gilgal shall surely g. into c. 27 will I cause you to go into c. 7:17 Israel shall surely go into e. 9:4 tho' they g. c. before enemies ZecA. 14 : 2 half of city shall g. into c. Rev. 13: 10 leadeth into c. shall g. c Out of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 2: 1 these went up o. c. Neh.7:f 6:21 come out of c. kept the feast 8:35 come out of c. offered CARBUNCLE, S. Exod. 28: 17 first row a c. 39: 10 Isa. 54:12 make thy gates of c. Eze. 28: 13 and c. thy covering CAR CARCASS. Lev. 5:2 touch c. unci, thing is unci. 11:8 their c. not touch, Deut. 14:8 Deitt. 28:26 thy c. be meat to fowls •osh.8:29 should take his c. down Judg. 14:8 to see c. of lion honey lit'ra. 13:22 thy c. not come to sep. 24 a lion stood by the c. 2 2£in. 9:37 c. of Jezebel be as dung Isa. 14:19 cast out as a c. trodden Mat. 24:23 c. is there will eagles be CARCASSES. Gen. 15: 11 when fowls came on c. Lev. II :11 their c. in abomination, 26 26:30 cast your c. on c. of idols iVwm.14: 29 c. shall fall in wilderness ISam. 17:46 I will give c. of Philis. Isa. 5:25 their c. torn in streets 34:3 stink come up out of their c. 66 : 24 look on c. of them transgressed Jer. 7:33 c. of this people be meat for fowls, 16:4; 19:7 16: 18 filled mine inher. with the c. Eze. 6:5 lay c. of Israel before idols 43: 9 c. of their kings far from me Nah. 3:3 there is a great num. of c. Heb. 3: 17 whose c. fell in wilderness CARCHEMISH. 2Chr. 35: 20 came to fight against C. Isa. 10:9 is not Calno as C. ? Jer. 46:2 by river Euphrates in C. CARE. 1 Sam. 10: 2 thy father left c. of asses 2Kings 4: 13 careful with all this c. Jer. 49:31 the nation without c. Eze. 4: 16 shall eat bread with c. Luke 10:34 he took c. of him 35 said, Take c. of him ICor. 9:9 doth G. take c. for oxen ? 12:25 the same e. one for another 2Cor. 7: 12 c. for you might appear 8:16 put same earnest c. in Titus 11:28 besides c. of all the churches ITim. 3:5 how take c. of church of I Pet. 5:7 casting your c. on him CARE. ED. 2Sam. 18:3 if wo flee, not c. for us Psa. 142:4 no man c. for my soul Luke 10:40 not c. that my sister left John 12:6 not that he c. for the poor Acts 18:17 Gallioc. for none of those ICor. 7:21 a servant ? c. not for it Phil. 2:20 naturally c. for your state CAREFUL. 2Kings 4: 13 thou hast been c. for us Jer. 17:8 not be c. in year of drought Dan.'3: 16 we are not c. to answer Luke 10:41 art c. about many things P///7 4:6 be c. for nothing, but 10 c. but lacked opportunity Tit. 3:8 c. to maintain good works CAREFULLY. Deut. 15:5 if thou c. hearken to L. Mic. 1:12 inha. of Maroth waited c. P/t?7. 2:28 I sent him the more c. Heb. 12: 17 tho' sought it c. with tears CAREFULNESS. Eze. 12: 18 drink water with c. 19 shall eat their bread with c. ICor. 7:32 I wo. have you without c. 2Ccr. 7:11 what c. it wrought in you CARELESS. Judg. 18:7 saw how they dwelt c. Isa. 32:9 hear, ye c. daughters 10 ye c. women ; 11 ye c. ones Eze. 30:9 c. Ethiopians afraid CARELESSLY. Isa. 47:8 hear thou that dwellest c. .Eze. 39: 6 send fire am. them dwell c. Ze/?A. 2: 15 rejoicing city dwelt c. CARES. Mark 4:19 c. of this world choke Luke 8:14 choked with c. and riches 21:34 overcharged with c. of life CAR CAREST, ETH, ING. Deut. 11:12 a land which L. e. for Mat. 22:16 nor c. thou for any man Marki:38 c. thou not we perish 12:14 art true, and c. for no man John 10: 13 hireling c. not for sheep ICor. 7:32 is unmarried c. 34 33 is married, c. for world, 34 1 Pet. 5:7 for he c. for you CARMEL. ISam. 25:2 possessions in C. 7, 40 l.K£.18:19 gather all Israel to mt. C. Cant. 7:5 head upon thee is like C. Isa. 35:2 excellency of C. and Shar. Jer. 46:18 as C. by the sea, so shall he Amos 1:2 top of C. shall wither, 9:3 Mic. 7: 14 dwell in the midst of C. CARMELITE. lSam.30:5NabalC.2Sam.2:2; 3:3 2Sam. 23:35 Hezrai C. one of Dav. CARMI. Gen. 46:9; Josh. 7:1; lChr.2:7; 4:1 CARNAL. Rom. 7: 14 I am c. sold under sin 8:7 c. mind is enmity against God 15:27 to minister in c. things ICor. 3: 1 as unto c. even to babes 3 ye are yet c; 4 are ye not c. ? 9:11 if we reap your c. things 2Cor. 10:4 wea. of warfare are not c. Heb. 7: 16 the law of a c. command. 9:10 stood in c. ordinances CARNALLY. Lev. 18:20 not lie c. with neigh, wife 19:20 lieth c with a bondmaid Num. 5: 13 and a man lie with her c. Rom. 8:6 to be c. minded is death CARPENTER, S. 2Sam.5:ll c. to David, IChr. 14:1 2Chr. 24:12 they hired c. Ezra 3:7 Isa. 41:7 c. encouraged goldsmith 44: 13 c. stretcheth out his rule Jer. 24:1 c. he carried away, 29:2 Zech. 1 : 20 Lord showed me four c. Mat. 13:55 is not this the c. son ? Mark 6:3 is not this the c. the son CARPUS. 2rtm.4:13 CARRIAGE, S. ISam. 17:22 David left his c. with Isa. 10:28 at Michmash laid up c. 46: 1 your c. were heavy laden Acts 21:15 we took up our c. CARRY. Gen. 50: 25 c. up my bones,Ex. 13: 19 Exod. 33:15 presence go not, c. us Lev. 10:4 c. your breth. out of camp Num.11: 12 say, c. them in bosom TJewf. 14:24 if way too long to c. it Josh. 4:3 c. the twelve stones over ISam. 20:40 go, c. them to the city 2Sam. 19:18 to c. king's household I Kings 18:12 spirit of L. sh. c. thee 2Kings 4:19 c. him to his mother 9:2 c. Jehu to an inner chamber 17:27 c. thither one of the priests IChr. 15:2 none ought to c. ark but 23:26 Lev. no more c. tabernacle 2CAr.36:6 toe. him to Bab. Jer. 39: 7 Eccl. 10:20 a bird shall e. the voice Isa. 23:7 own feet c. her afar off 30:6 will c. riches on young asses 40:11 he sh. c. lambs in his bosom 46:4 to hoary hairs will I c. you 7 they c. him, set him in his place Jer. 20:5 and c. them to Babylon 39:14 should c. Jeremiah home Eze. 22:9 in thee are men e. tales Mark 6:55 began to c. in beds sick 11 : 16 to c. a vessel through temple Luke 10:4 c. neither purse nor scrip John 5: 10 not lawful to c. thy bed 21:18 c. thee whither wouldst not CARRY away. 3JEm.l8:ll king of A.didc. a. Israel 25: 11 fugitives did Nebuzar. c. aw. 67 CAR 2Chr 20:25 more than could e. aw. Job 15:12 why thy heart e. thee a.? Psa. 49: 17 dieth he sh. c. nothing a. Eccl. 5: 15 nothing wh. he may c. a. Isa. 5:29 they shall c. prey aio. safe 15:7 laid up, shall they c. away 22: 17 the Lord will c. thee away 41:16 wind shall c. them a. 57:13 Lam. 4:22 no more c. thee a. O Zion Eze. 38: 13 art come to c. a. silver ? ^4cte 7:43 c. you a. beyond Babylon See captive. CARRY back. 2Sam. 15:25 c. 6. ark into the city IKi. 22:26 c. Micaiah b. 2Chr. 18:25 CARRY /ortA. Ex. 12:46 not c./. aught of passo.v 14: 11 to c. us forth out of Egypt Lev. 4:12 whole bullock c. forth, 21 2Chr. 29:5 c./. the filthiness out of Jer. 17:22 nor c.f. a burden on sab. Eze. 12:6 c. it forth in the twilight CARRY out. Gen. 47:30 shalt c. me owf of Egypt Dew*. 23: 38 c. much seed o. little m 12ft.22:34c.meo.ofhosts,2C«. 18:33 Eze. 12:5 dig wall, c. out thereby Acts 5:9 feet at door, shall c. thee o. ITim. 6:7 certain we c. nothing om* CARRIED. Gen. 46:5 sons of Israel e. Jac. 50:13 Lev. 10:5 c. them in their coats out Judg. 16:3 Samson c. them up to ISam. 5:8 let ark be c. to Gath 2Sam.6:10 e. ark aside, lCrtr. 13:13 15:29 Abiathar e. ark to Jerusalem IKings 17:19 he c. him into a loft 2Kings 20:17 have laid up in store shall be c. to Babylon, isa. 39: 6 24: 13 he c. out all the treasures 25:7 c. Zedekiah to Babylon 2Chr. 28:15 c. all the feeble on asses 33: 11 c. Manasseh to Babylon 36:4 Necho c. Jehoahaz to Egypt Job 5:13 of the frowar.d is c. headlo. 10:19 I should been c. from womb Psa. 46:2 tho' mount, be c into sea Isa. 46:3 remnant c. from the womb 49:22 thy daugh. be c. on shoulders 53:4 he hath e. our sorrows 63:9 c. them all the days of old Jer. 27:22 be c. to Babylon, 23:3; 52:11,17 .Eze. 17:4 he e. twigs into a land 37:1 c. me out in Spirit of Lord JJan. 1:2 c. into land of Shinar Hos. 10:6 be also c. unto Assyria 12:1 and oil is c. into Egypt Joel 3:5 have c. into your temples Luke 7:12 was a dead man c. out 16:22 beggar was c. by the angels 24:51 and was c. up into heaven Acts 3:2 one lame fro. womb was e. 5:6 young men c. Ananias out 7:16 our fathers were c. to Sychem 8:2 c. .Stephen to his burial 21 :34 command, to be e. into castle Eph. 4: 14 c. with ev. wind of doctrL ife6. 13:9 be not c. with divers doct 2Per. 2: 17 clouds c. with a tempest Jude 12 clouds without water c. See captive. CARRIED away. Gen. 31:18 Jacob c. a. all his cattle 26 c. a. my daughters as captives ISam. 30:2 slew not, c. them a. 18 2Kin. 17:6 c. Isr. a. into Assyria. 23 11 as heathen whom the L. c. a. 23 one of priests they had c. away 24: 14 c. a. all Jerusalem, princes 15 r. a. Jehoiachin to Babylon 25:21 so Judah was c. away out of ICAr. 5:26 c. away the Reubenites 6:15 when L.c. a. Judah and Jerus. 9:1 e. away for their transgression 2Chr. 14:13 Asa c. away spoil, 21:17 CAS Ezra 2:1 these been c. a. Neh. 7:6 9:4 transgression of those c. a. 10:6 Jer. 29:4 caused to be c.a. captive Dan. 2:35 and wind c. them away Nah. 3:10 No was c. a. into captivity Mat. 1:11 about time c. a. to Baby. Mark 15:1 c. Jesus atmy to Pilate ICor. 12:2 Gen. c. a. to dumb idols Gal 2:13 Barnabas c. a. with dissi. Rev 12:15 cause her be c. a. of flood 17:3 c. me away in spirit, 21:10 CARRIE ST, ETH, ING. Job 21:18 as chaff storm c. away 27:21 east wind c. rich away Psa. 78:9 Ephraim c. bows turned 90:5 c. them away with flood Mat.l: 17 till the c. into Babylon Rev. 17:7 mystery cf beast that e. CART. ISam. 6:7 make a new c. and tie 2Sam. 6:3 set ark on a new c. IChr. 13:7 Uzziah drave the c. Jsa. 28:28 corn with wheel of c. Amos 2: 13 as a c. is pressed that is CART-ROPE. Isa. 5: 18 that draw sin as with a c.-r. CART-WHEEL. Isa. 28:27 nor is c.-w. turned about CARVED, ING, INGS. Exod. 31: 5 Bezaleel in c. 35:33 Judg. 18:18 fetched the c. image 1 Kings 6:18 cedar within was c. 2Chr. 33:7 c. image in house of God 34 : 4 Josiah cut down c. images Psa. 74 : 6 they break c. work Prov. 7:16 my bed with c. work CASE, S. Exod. 5:19 did see were in evil c. Psa. 144:15 happy peo. in such a c. Mat. 5:20 in no c. enter kingdom 19:10 c. of man be so with wife John 5:6 now long time in that e. I Cor. 7:15 under bondage in such c. CASEMENT. Prov. 7:6 I looked through my c. CASIPHIA. Ezra 8:17 CASSIA. Exod. 30:24 of c. 500 shekles Psa. 45:8 thy garments smell of c. Eze. 27:19 c. in thy market CAST, passive. Job 18:8 he is c. into a net by his Psa. 22: 10 I was c. on thee fr. womb 76:6 horse are c. into a dead sleep 140:10 let them be c. into fire Prov. 16:33 the lot is c. into lap Isa. 25:7 covering c. over all people Jer. 22:28 c. into a land know not 38:11 old c. clouts and rags Dan. 3:6 c. into fiery furnace 6:7 be c. into den of lions, 16 Jonah 2:4 I am c. out of thy sight Mat. 4:12 John was c. into prison 5:25 and thou be c. into prison 29 whole body be c. into hell, 30 6:30 isc. into the oven, Luke 12:28 21:21 to mountain, Be c. into sea Mark9:i2 better c. into sea, Z,n.l7:2 45 two feet to be c. into hell, 47 Lw.3:9 c.itintofire, Ma*.3:10; 7:19 23:19 for murder c. into prison, 25 John 3: 24 John not yet c. into prison Acts 27:26 be e. on a certain island Rev. 8:7 hail and fire c. on earth 8 mountain burning c. into sea 12: 13 dragon was c. unto earth 19:20 both c. alive into the lake 20:10 the devil was c. into lake 14 death and hell c. into lake 15 not found in book of life, c. CAST, active. Gen. 31 : 38 thy she-goats have not c. 37:20 let us c. him into some pit 39: 7 master's wife c. eyes on Joseph CAS I Exod. 1:22 every son c. into river 4:3 he c. rod on the ground 15:4 Pharaoh chariots he c. into sea 25 had c. tree into the waters 22:31 flesh torn, c. it to the dogs 23:26 shall nothing c. their young 25:12 shallc. 4 rings, 37:3, 13; 38:5 32:19 Moses c. tables out of his hand Num. 35:23 c. it on him that he die Deut. 29:28 L. c. into another land Josh. 8:29 c. king of Ai at gate 10:27 c. them into cave wherein Judg. 9:53 a woman c. a piece of millstone, 2Sam. 11:21 ISam. 18:11 Saul c. javelin, 20:33 2Sam. 16:6 Shimei c. stones at Dav. 18:17 c. Absalom into a pit in wood ljK:tn.7:46inplainc.them, 2C*A.4:17 14:9 hast c. me behind thy back 19:19 Elijah c. his mantle on him 2Kin. 2:16 c. him on some mountain 21 spring, and c. salt in there 3:25 on good land c. each his stone 4:41 meal he c. into the pot 6:6 he c. in stick, iron swam 9:25 c. into portion of Naboth, 26 13:21 c. into sepulchre of Elisha 23 c. from his presence as yet 19:18 c. gods into fire, Isa. 37:19 32 nor r. a bank ag. it, Isa. 37:33 Neh. 9:26 c. law behind their backs Esth.2:l c. Pur, that is, the lot, 9:24 Job 20:23 shall c. fury of his wrath 27:22 God shall c. upon him 30:19 hath c. me into mire 40 : 1 1 c. abroad rage of thy wrath Psa. 55:3 they c. iniquity on me 22 c. thy burden on the Lord 74:7 c. fire into thy sanctuary 78:49 c. on them his wrath Prov. 1:14 c. in thy lot among us Eccl. 11: 1 c. thy bread on waters Isa. 2:20 shall c. his idols to bats 38:17 has c. all my sins behind Jer. 26: 23 c. Urijah's body into grave 36:23 c. it into fire on hearth 38:6 c. Jeremiah into dungeon, 9 41 : 7 Ishmael c. them into pit Lam. 3:53 and c. a stone upon me Eze. 11:16 I have c. them far off 23:35 hast c. me behind thy back 28:17 I will c. thee to ground Dan. 3:20 to c. them into furnace 24 did not we c. three into fire 6:24 c. them into den of lions Jonah2:3 hadst c. me into the deep Mic. 4:71 will make her c. off 7:19 c. all their sins into sea Nah. 3:6 I will c. filth on thee Zech. 5:8 e. it into the ephah, c. 11:13 c. it unto potter, c. them Mai. 3:11 nor vine c. fruit before Mat. 3:10 tree is c. into fire, 7:19 5:29 and c. it from thee, 30 ; 18:8, 9 7:6 nor cast pearls before swine 15:26 and c. it to dogs, Mark 7:27 17:27 c. a hook and take up fish 18:30 c. into prison till he pay 22:13 c. into outer darkness, 25:30 27:44 thieves c. same in his teeth Mark 9:22 ofttimes c. him into fire 11:7 c. garm. on him, Luke 19:35 12:4 and at him they c. stones 41 c. money into treas. Luke 21:4 43 widow hath c. more in, 44 Luke 12:5 to c. into hell, fear him 19:43 enemies shall c. a trench John 8:7 first c. a stone at her 21 : 7 Peter c. himself into sea Acts 12:8 c. garment about thee 16:23 c. Paul and Silas into prison 27:43 who could swim, e. themsel. I Cor. 7:35 may c. a snare on you Rev. 2: 10 devil c. some into prison 14 Balak to c. stumbling-block 22 I will c. her into a bed 4:10 elders c. their crowns before 18:21 millstone and c. it into sea G8 CAS CAST away. Lev. 26 :44 I will not c. them 4,way 2Sam. 1:21 shield of mighty is c. a. 2Kingsl: 15 vessels Syrians c. away 2Chr. 29:19 vessels Ahaz c. away Job 8:4 c. them a. for transgression • 20 God will not c. a. perfect man Psa. 2:3 let us c. away their cords 51:11 c. me not a. from presence Eccl. 3:5 a time to c. a. stones, 6 Isa. 5:24 because they have c. a. law 30:22 c. away as menstruous cloth 31:7 c. away his idols of silver 41:9 chosen and not c. thee away Jer. 7:29 cut thy hair and c. it away 33:26 will I c. away seed of Jacob Eze. 18:31 c.a. all transgressions 20:8 did not c. away abominations Hos. 9:17 my God will c them aw JVfaM3:48 but c. the bad away Luke 9:25 if a man be c. away Rom. 11 : 1 hath God c. a his peop. ? 2 not c. away people he foreknew Heb. 10:35 c. not a. your confidence CASTAWAY. I Cor. 9:27 lest I myself be a c. CAST down. Exod. 7:10 Aaron c. down his rod Josh. 10: 11 Lord c. a*, great stones Judg. 6 : 28 altar of Baal was c. down IKin. 18:42 Elijah c. himself dewn 2CAr. 25: 8 God hath power to c. d. 12 c. them down from top of rock JVeA. 6:16 c. down in their own eyes Job 18:7 own counsel sh. c. him a*. 22:29 when men are c. down then 29:24 my countenance they c. not d. 41 : 9 one be c. d. at sight of him ? Psa. 17: 13 disappoint him, c. him d. 36:12 they are c. d. and shall not 37:14 bent bow to c. d. needy 24 he shall not be utterly c. down 42:5 c. d. O my soul ? 11 ; 43:5 6 my soul is c. down within me 56:7 in thine anger c. down people 62:4 only consult to c. him down 89:44 hast c. his throne d. to ground 102:10 hast lifted me up, and c. d. Prov. 7:26 she c. d. many wounded Isa. 28:2 L. shall c. d. with his hand Jer. 6:15 they shall be c. down, S: 12 Lam. 2:1 c. d. the beauty of Israel Eze. 6:4 c.d. your slain before idols 19:12 thy mother was c. d. to the 31:16 when I c. Assyrian d. to hell 32:18 wail for Egypt, and c. her d. Dan. 7:9 till the thrones were c. d. 8:7 he-goat c. d. ram to the ground 10 it c. d. some of host, and stars 12 c. down truth to ground 11:12 he shall c. d. ten thousands Mat. 4:6 c. thyself d. Z,wfce 4:9 15:30 c. them d. at Jesus' feet, and 27:5 he c.d. pieces of silver in tem. Luke 4:29 might c. Jes. d. headlong 2Cor. 4:9 c. down but not destroyed 7:6 God that comforteth those c. d. 2Pef. 2:4 but c. angels down to hell Rev. 12:10 the accuser is c. down CAST forth. Neh.l3:8 I c. forth household-stuff Psa. 144:6 c./ lightning and scatter Jer. 22: 19 Jehoi. c. f. beyond gates Eze. 32:4 c. thee/, on open field Hos. 14:5 c./. his roots as Lebanon Jonah 1 : 15 and c. /. Jonah into sea Mark 7:26 e./. devil out of daughter John 15:6 he is cf. as a branch and CAST lots. Lev. 16:8 c. lots on the two goats Josh. 18:10 Joshua c. /o£s in Shiloh ISam. 14:42 c. I. bet. me and Jonath 1 Chr. 26: 13 c. J. as well small as gr. Psa. 22:18 they c. Zois upon my ves ture, Mat. 27:35; JbAn 19:24 isa. 34: 17 he hath c. Zofs for them Joel 3:3 have c. £ofs for my people CAS Obad. 11 foreigners c. I. on Jerusal. Jonah 1:7c. lots that we may know Nah. 3: 10 c. J. for her honorable men CAST off. 2Kin. 23:27 I will c. o#" Jerusalem lCAr.28:9 he will c. thee off for ever 2CAr. 11:14 Jerobo. had ft them ojf Job 15:33 c. c#his flower as olive Psa. 43:2 why dost ft me o#. ? 44:9 but thou hast c o#, 60:1, 10; 89:33; 108:11 23 Lord, c us not off for ever 71:9 ft me not off in old age 74 : 1 why hast c us off for ever ? 77:7 will Lord ft off for ever ? 94:14 not c.o. his people, Lam.3: 31 Jer. 23:16 I will ft Hananiah o# 31 : 37 I will c o#" seed of Isr. 33: 24 Lam. 2:7 Lord hath ft ojfhis altar Hos. 8 : 3 Israel hath c. off thing good 5 thy calf, Samaria, c thee off Amos 1:11 because he c.ojf all pity Zech. 10:6 as tho' I not ft them oj^ jlcts 22:23 and c q^ their clothes .Rom.l3:12 let us c.off works of dark. 1 Tim. 5: 12 c. off their first faith CAST out. Gen. 21 : 10 ft out this bondwoman Exod. 34:24 I will c. o«f the nations Leu. 18:24 nat. Ic o.20:23; Deut.7:l Deut 9:17 c. tables out of my hands 1 Kings 9: 7 this house will I c owi of my sight, 2C7tr. 7:20 21:26" Amorites c. out, 2Kings 10:3 2Kings 10:25 captains c. them out 17:20 c. them out of his sight, 24:20 2Chr. 13:9 have ye not ft out priests 20:11 to c us out of thy possession Neh. 1 : 9 tho' there were of you c. out Job 20:15 ft them out of his belly 39:3 they ft out their sorrows Psa. 5: 10 c. them out in transgress. 18:42 did ft them our as dirt in 44:2 afflict people, and c. them out 60:8 will I c out my shoe, 108:9 78:55 he ft out the heathen, 80:8 Prov. 22:10 c out the scorner Isa. 14:19 art c.owi of thy grave, like 16:2 as a wandering bird ft out 26:19 earth shall ft out the dead 34:3 their slain also shall be ft out 58:7 that thou bring poor c. out 66:5 c. you out for my name's sake Jer. 7: 15 I will c. you our of my sight 9: 19 our dwellings have c. us out 15:1 c. out of my sight, 23:39; 52:3 16: 13 will I c you out of this land 22:26 I will c thee out and mother 36:30 his dead body shall be ft out 51 : 34 Nebuchadrezzar hath c. me o. Eze. 16:5 wast c. out in open field 28: 16 I will c. thee out of mountain Amos 8: S land be c. out and drowned Afic 2:9 the women have ye ft out Zeph. 3: 15 L. hath c.o. thine enemy ZecA. 1 : 21 to c. out horns of Gentiles 9:4 Lord will c. her out and smite .Ma*. 5: 13 salt unsav. c. o. Lu. 14:35 7:5 first c. out beam, Luke 6:42 22 Lord in thy name ft out devils ? 8:12 children of kingdom be c. out ]6 he c. out spirits with his word 31 if thou e. us out suffer us to go 9:33 devil was c. out dumb spake 10: 1 power against spirits to c. out 8 raise dead. c. out devils 12: 24 c. out but by Beelz. Lu. 11:18 26 if Satan c. out Satan 28 if I by Spirit of God c. out devils 15:17 and is c.'out into draught 17:19 not we ft him o. ? Mark 9:28 21:12 Jesus c. out all that sold, Mark 11: 15; Luke 19:45 39 c. o.viney.Mar.12:8; Lu. 20: 15 Mark 1:34 ft o. many dev. 39; 6:13 3. 15 have power to ft out devils 23 how can Satan c out Satan ? CAT Mark.16 : 9 out of whom c. seven devils 17 in my name shall ft out devils Luke6:22 c. out your name as evil 1 1 : 20 if I with finger of G. c. o. dev. 13:32 I c. out devils and do cures 20: 12 wounded him c. him out John 6:37 I will in no wise c. out 9:34 teach us ? they ft him out 12:31 prince of this world be c. out Acts 7: 19 c. out their young children 21 when .Moses was c. out Pharaoh 58 ft Stephen out and stoned 27:19 we c. out tackling of ship Gal. 4:30 c. out the bondwoman Rev. 12:9 great dragon was c. out 15 serpent c. out water, 16 Lord CAST out. IKin. 14:24 L. c. o. bef. child, of Isr. 2A'm. 16:3; 2CAr.2S:3; 33:2 2Kin. 17:8 L. c. o. before Israel, 21:2 Zech. 9: 4 behold, Lord will c. her out CAST up. 2Sam. 20:15 c. up bank against city Isa.57: 14 c. ye up,prepare way,62: 10 20 sea whose waters c up mire Jer. 18:15 to walk in way not c. up 50: 26 c. her up as heaps and destroy Lam.2:10 ft up dust on he. Ez.27:30 Ban. 11:15 king shall c. up a mount CASTEST, ETH. Job 15:4 yea thou c. off fear 21: 10 cow c. not her calf Psa. 50: 17 c. my words behind thee 73:18 ft them into destruction 88:14 why e. thou off my soul 147:6 Lord c. the wicked down 17 he c. forth his ice like morsels Prov. 10:3 c. away subst. of wicked 19:15 slothfulness c. into deep sleep 21:22 c down strength of confiden. 26:18 as a madman c firebrands Jer. 6:7 so she c. out wickedness AfoX9:34 he ft out devils thro' prince of dev. Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15 \John 4:18 perfect love c. out fear 3John 10 c. them out of church Rev. 6:13 fig-tree c. untimely figs CASTING. 2?zra 10:1 c himself down before Job 6:21 ye see my c. down Psa. 74:7 by c down dwelling-place fc9:39 profaned crown by ft it Mic. 6:14 thy ft down be in midst Mat. 27:35 garm. c. lots, Mark 15:24 Atari 9:38 one c. out dev. Lu£e 9:49 Luke 21:2 poor wid. ft in two mites .Rom. 11:15 if c. away be reconciled 2Cor. 10:5 ft down imaginations 1 Pet. 5:7 call your care on him CASTLE. IChr. 11:5 David took c of Zion 7 David dwelt in c city of David Prov. 18: 19 content, like bars of a c Acts 21 : 34 Paul to be carried into the c37; 22:24; 23:10 23:16 he entered into c told Paul CASTLES. Gen. 25:16 names by their c Num. 31 : 10 burnt their goodly c 2CAr. 17:12 Jehoshaphat built c. 27:4 in the forest built c CASTOR. See sign. CATCH. IKings 20:33 men did hastily ft it 2Kings 7:12 we shall c them alive Psa. 10:9 in wait to c the poor 35:8 let his net ft himself 109: 11 extortioner c all he hath Jer. 5:26 set a trap they c men Eze. 19:3 it learned to c prey, 6 Hub. 1:15 ft them in their net Mark 12:13 to c him in his words Luke 5:10 from henceforth ft men 11:54 toe. something of his mouth 69 CAT I CATCHETH. Mat. 13:19 devil c. what was sown John 10:12 the wolf c. the sheep CATERPILLAR, S. IKin. 8:37 if any c 2Cur. 6:23 Psa. 78:46 their increase to c 105:34 he spake, and c. came Isa. 33:4 spoil like gathering of c. Jer. 51 : 14 fill thee with men as ft 27 horses come up as rough ft Joel 1 :4 c.-worm left hath c. eaten 2: 25 restore years ft hath eaten CATTLE. Gen. 1:25 God made the ft after 3: 14 thou art cursed above all ft 8: 1 God remembered ft in ark 9:10 I establish covenant with ft 13:2 Abram was rich in ft 31:9 taken away ft of your fathor 43 these ft are my c and all 34:5 his sons were with his c 46:32 their trade to feed ft 47:6 make them rulers over c 17 Joseph gave bread for ft .Ex. 9:4 sever bet. c of Israel and ft 20 and c flee into the houses 12:29 smote first-born of c Num. 3:41 take ft of Levi, instead 20:19 ft drink, I will pay for it 32:4 isa land fore and thy servants Josh. 8:2 only ft take for a prey Joo 36:33 ft concerning vapor Psa. 50: 10 c on a thousand hills is 104: 14 grass to grow for the ft 148: 10 and all c praise the Lord Eccl. 2:7 poss. of great and small c Isa. 7-25 for treading of lesser c. 43:23 not brought me small ft 46:1 their idols were upon c Jer. 9: 10 nor hear voice of the ft Eze. 34: 17 I judge between c 20, 22 Hag. 1:11 for a drought upon c ZecA. 2:4 for multitude of c therein 13:5 man taught me to keep ft Luke 17:7 having servants feeding c Jo/m 4:12 drank thereof, and his c. AfucA CATTLE. Gen. 30:43 Jacob had mucA ft Exod. 12:38 out of Egypt with »n. ft Deu/.3:19 I know ye have much c. Josh. 22: 8 to tents with very much c. 2Chr. 26: 10 Uzziah had much c. Jon. 4:11 Nineveh, wherein is m. c. Our CATTLE. Exod. 10:26 our c. shall also go 17:3 kill our c. with thirst Num. 32: 16 build sheepfolds for o. ft Josh. 21:2 with suburbs for our c. Neh. 10:36 to bring first-born of o. c • Their CATTLE. Gen. 34:23 shall not their c. be ours Num. 35: 3 suburbs for t. c. Josh. 14: 4 Judg. 6:5 Midianites came with t. c I Sam. 23:5 Dav. brought away t. c. Psa. 78:48 he gave up their c. to hail 107:33 suff. not their c. to decrease Jer. 49:32 cam. a booty, t. c. a spoil Thy CATTLE. Gen. 30:29 how thy c. was with me 31:41 I served thee six years for t. c. Exod. 9: 19 send now and gather t. c. 20: 10 t. e. do any work, Deut. 5: 14 31 : 19 firstling among thy c. is mine Lev. 25: 7 sabbath be meat for thy c. Deut. 11:15 send grass for thy ft 28:4 blessed be fruit of i.e. 11 ; 30:9 51 he shall eat fruit of thy c. Isa. 30:23 t. c. feed in large pastures Your CATTLE. Gen. 47: 16 give you bread for yourc. Deut. 3:19 y. c. in cities, Josh. 1:14 7: 14 be barren among your c. CAUGHT. Gen. 22: 13 behind him a ram c Exod. 4:4 and ft the serpent Num. 31:32 rest of prey men had c CAU Judg. 8:14 c. young man of Succoth 21 : 23 danced, whom they c. I Sam. 17:35 I c. him by his beard 2Sam.2:16 c. every one his fellow 18:9 Absalom's head c. hold of I Kings 1 :50 Adon. c. hold on altar 2:28 Joab c. hold on horns of altar 11 -3U Ahijahc. new garment 2Kings 4:27 she c. Elisha by feet '2Chr. 22:9 they c. Ahaziah and Prov. 7 .13 so she c. him kissed him Jer. 50:24 Babylon, thou art c. ATa*. 14:31 Jesus c. Peter and said 21:39 the husbandmen c. him Mark 12:3 they c. the servant Luke 8:29 oftentimes it c. him John 21 : 3 that night c. nothing Acts 6:12 upon Stephen and c. him 8:39 the Spirit c. away Philip 16:19 they c. Paul and Silas 26:21 the Jews c. me in the temple 27:15 when ship was c. we let 2 Cor. 12:2 I knew a man c. up to 4 how he was c. up into paradise 16 crafty I c. you with guile 1 Thes. 4:17 we shall be c. up together Rev. 12:5 her child was c. up to God CAUL, S. Exod. 29:13 c. above the liver, 22; .Lev. 3:4, 10, 15; 4:9 ; 7:4; 8:16, 25; 9:10,19 Isa. 3 : 18 will take away their c. Hos. 13:8 rend c. of their heart CAUSE, Substantive. Exod. 22:9 c. of both before judges 23:2 nor speak in a c. to decline 3 nor counten. a poor man in his c. 6 nor wrest judg. of poor in his c. Num. 16:11 for which c. thou and all thy company are gathered 27:5 Moses brought c. before Lord Deut. 1:17 the c. too hard for you ISam. 17:29 is there not a c. ? 25:39 L. pleaded c. of my reproach 2Sam. 13:16 there is no c. 15:4 hath any c. might come to me IKin. 8:45 maintain their c.49, 59; 2CAr.6:35,39 11:27 c. that he lift up his hand 12.15 c. was from L. 2Chr. 10:15 1 Chr. 21:3 a c. of trespass to Israel ? 2CAr.l9:10 what c. shall come Job 5:8 to God wo. I commit my c. 13:18 I have ordered my c. 23:4 order my c. before him 29:16 c. I knew not I searched out 31 :13 if I did despise c. of servant Psa. 9:4 hast maintained my c. 35:23 awake to my e. my God 140:12 Lord will maintain the c. Prov. 18:17 he first in his own c. 25:9 debate thy c. with neighbor 29:7 righteous considereth c. of poor 31:8 for the dumb in the c. Eccl. 7:10 say not, what is the c. Isa. 1 :23 nor c. of widow come 41 : 21 produce your c. saith Lord 51 :22 God that pleadeth the c. Jer. 5:28 judge not c. of fatherless 11:20 to thee revealed my c. 20:12 unto thee I opened my c. 22: 16 he judged the c. of poor Lam. 3:36 to subvert a man in his c. 59 seen my wrong, judge my c. Jon. 1 : 7 that we know for whose c. 8 Mat. 5:32 saving for c. of fornication 19:3 to put away his wife for ev. c. Lu. 23 : 22 found no c. of death in him Acts 10:21 c. wherefore ye are come 13:28 though found no c. of death 28:18 was no c. of death in me 2Cor. 4:16 for which c. we faint not 5: 13 we be sober, it is for your c. 7:12 his c. that had done wrong Phil. 2: 18 same c. do ye joy 2 Tim. 1:12 for which c. I suffer Heb. 2:11 c. he is not ashamed to CAU Plead CAUSE. ISam. 24:15 the Lord plead my c. Psa. 35:1 ; 43:1 ; 119:154 Psa. 74:22 God plead thine own c. Prov. 22:23 Lord will plead their c. 23:11 plead their c. with thee 31:9 plead the c. of poor and needy Jer. 30:13 none to plead thy c. 50 : 34 Lord thorou ghl y plead the ir c. 51:36 behold I will plead thy c. Mic.7:9 until he plead my c. For this CAUSE. Exod. 9: 16 /. t. c. raised up Pharaoh John 12:27 f.t. c. came I to this hour 18:37 f. t. c. came I into the world Rom. 15:9 /. c. I will confess to thee 1 Cor. 11 :30 f. this c. many are weak Eph. 3: 14 /.this c. I bow my knees 1 Thes. 2:13 /. this c. thank we God 1 Tim. 1:16/. t. c. I obtained mercy Heb. 9:15 /. thisrc. he is mediator of IPet. 4:6 f.t. c. was gospel preached Without CAUSE. ISam. 19:5 to sl&y David without a.c. Job 2:3 to destroy him without c. 9:17 multiplieth my wounds w. c. Psa. 7:4 that w. c. is my enemy 25:3 ashamed that transgress w. c. 35:7 iv. c. digged a pit without c. 19 hate me w. c. 69:4; John 15:25 109:3 fought against me with, a c. 119: 73 perversely with me with, a c. 161 princes persecuted me with. c. Prov. 1 : 11 lurk for innocent w. c. 3:30 strive not with a man ivith.c 23:29 who hath wounds without c. 24:28 be not witness without c. Isa. 52:4 Assyri. oppressed themw. c. Lam. 3 : 52 chased me sore without c. Eze. 14:23 have not done w. c. all Mat. 5:22 angry with brother w. c. CAUSE. Gen. 45:1 c. every man to go out Num.16: 5 holy,L.will c. him to come Deut. 1;38 e. to inherit it, 3: 28 ; 31 : 7 12:11 c. his name to dwell there 2Sam. 13: 13 c. my shame to go Esth. 3:13 c. to perish all Jews, 8:11 Jo6 6:24 c. me to understand 34:11 c. ev. man to find ac. to ways Psa. 10:17 wilt c. thine ear to hear 67:1 c. his face to shine, 80:3, 7, 19 76:8 c. judgment to be heard 143 : 8 c. me to hear, to know way Prov. 4: 16 unless c. some to fall Eccl. 5:6 to c. thy flesh to sin Cant. 8:13 voice, c. me to hear it Isa. 3:12 lead c. thee to err, 9:16 27 : 6 c. them of Jacob take root 30:30 c. his glorious voice be heard 42:2 nor c. his voice to be heard 58:14 c. thee to ride on high place 61:11 c. righteousness to spring 66:9 and not c. to bring forth Jer. 3:12 not c. mine anger to fall 7:3 c. you to dwell in this place, 7 23:27 to c. people forget my name 31:2 I went to c. him to rest 9 c. to walk by rivers of waters Lam. 3:32 but though he c. grief Eze. 20:37 c. to pass under rod 34: 15 I will c. them to lie down 36:12 c. men to walk upon you Dan. 9:17 O G. c. thy face to shine Joel 3:11 thither c. mighty ones come Hab. 1 : 3 why c. me behold griev.? Mat. 10:21 c. parents to be put to death, Mark 13:12; Luke 21:16 Rom. 16: 17 mark them c. division Col. 4:16 c. it be read in church CAUSE to cease. See cease. CAUSED. Gen. 20:13 when God c. me wander Deut. 34:4 the land c. thee to see it 2Sam. 7:11 c. thee to rest 2Chr. 34:32 c. all to stand to it Ezra 6:12 that c. his name to dwell 70 CEA Job 31 : 16 c. eyes of widow to fail Psa. 66:12 c. men to ride over our 119:49 word on wh. c. me to hope Isa. 19: 14 the? have c. Egypt to err 63:14 Spirit of Lord c. him to rest Jer. 12: 14 c. my people to inherit 13:11 c. to cleave house of Israel 29:31 c. you to trust in a lie 32:23 thou hast c. all this evil 48:4 little ones have c. a cry to Zech. 3:4 c. thy iniquity to pass from Mai. 2:8 c. many to stumble at law John 11:37 c. this man not died Acts 15:3 c. great joy to brethren 2Cor. 2:5 if any have c. grief CAUSELESS. ISam. 25:31 thou hast shed blood c Prov. 26:2 curse c. shall not come CAUSES. Exod. 18:19 mayest bring c. to God 26 hard c. brought to Moses Deut. 1 :16 hear c. between brethren Jer. 3:8 c. whereby backsliding Isr. Lam. 3:58 hast pleaded c. of my soul Acts 26:21 c. the Jews caught me CAUSEST. Job 30:22 c. me to ride on wind Psa. 65:4 blessed c. approach thee CAUSE TH. Job 20 : 3 spirit of under, c. me ans. 37:13 c. it come for correction Psa. 135:7 hec. vapors to ascend, Jer. 10:13; 51:16 P?w.l0:5 son c. shame, 17:2; 19:26 17:2 rule over a son c. shame 19:27 instruction that c. to err 23:10 c. righteous to go astray Mat. 5:32 c. her to commit adultery 2Cor. 2:14 God, which c. us triumph 9:11 c. through us thanksgiving CAUSEWAY. IChr. 26:16 lot came by the c. CAUSING. Cant. 7:9 c. lips of those asleep Jer. 29:10 in c. you to return CAVE, S. Gen. 19:30 Lot dwelt in a e. he 23:19 buried Sarah in the c. 49:29 bury me in the c. Josh. 10:16 five kings hid in a c. 17 Judg. 6:2 Israel made c. ISam. 13:6 Israel did hide in c. 22:1 David escaped to the c. 24:10 delivered thee in the c. lKingslS:4 prophets hid in e. 13 19:9 Elijah came to a c. and Isa. 2:19 go into c. for fear of Lord Eze. 33:27 die that be in the ft. John 11 :33 it was a c. a stone lay Heb. 11:33 they wandered in c. CEASE. Gen. 8:22 day and night not c. Num. 8: 25 age of fifty years c. wait. 11:25 prophesied, did not c. 17:5 to c. the murmurings Deut. 15: 11 the poor shall never c. 32:26 remembrance of them to c. Josh. 22:25 child, c. from fearing L Judg. 15:7 after that I will c. 20:28 again go up, or shall I c? ISam. 7:8 c. not to cry to G. for us 2Chr. 16:5 Baasha let his work c. Ezra 4 : 23 to c. by force and power Neh. 6:3 why should the work c. Job 3:17 wicked c. from troubling 10:20 not my days few? c. then 14:7 tender branch will not c. Psa.37: 8 c. from anger, forsake wrath 46:9 he maketh wars to c. 89:44 hast made his glory to i Prov. 19:27 c. to hear instruction 20:3 an honor to c. from strife 22:10 and reproach shall c. 23:4 c. from thy wisdom Eccl. 12:3 grinders c. because few CED Isa. 1:16 c. to do evil 2:2*2 c. ye from man whose breath 10:25 and indignation shall c. 1(>:10 vintage shouting to c. 17:3 fortress c. from Ephraim 21 : 2 all the sighing made to c. 33:1 shalt c. to spoil, be spoiled Jer. 14:17 let tears not c. 17:8 nor c. from yielding fruit 31:36 seed of Israel shall c. Lam. 2:18 apple of thine eye c. Eze. 6: 6 that your idols may c. 7:24 pomp of the strong to c. 12:23 1 will make this proverb c. 23:27 make thy lewdness to c. 30: 10 multitude of Egypt to c. 18 pomp of her strength c. 33:28 Amos 7:5 Lord c. I beseech thee Actsl3:10 not c. to pervert right ICor. 13:8 tongues, they shall c. Eph. 1:16 I c. not to give Ijianks Col. 1 : 9 not c. to pray for you 2Pet. 2: 14 cannot c. from sin Cause to CEASE. Ezra 5:5 they could not c. them c JV«A- 4:11 and ea«*s the work to c. Psa. 85:4 cause thine anger /o c Prov. 18: 18 lot c. contentions ro c. Z,sa- 13: 11 c. arrogancy of proud to c. 30: 11 cause Holy One of Israel to c. Jer. 7: 34 c. mirth toe. from c.Hos.2: 1 1 36: 29 cai«€ to c. man and beast 48:35 cause to c him that offereth Eze. 23: 48 thus cause lewdness to c. 26: 13 cause noise of thy songs to c. 30: 13 I will cause their images to c. 34:10 c. to c from feeding flock, 25 Dan. 9:27 he shall c. oblation fo c. 11:18 cause reproach offered to c Hos. I'A c to c. kingdom of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18:11 it c to be with Sarah Judg. 2: 19 c not from their doings 5:7 inhabitants of villages c ISam. 2:5 that were hungry c. 25:9 spake in name of David and c. Ezra 4: 24 then c. work of house Job 32: 1 so three men c. to answer Psa. 3.3: 15 did tear me and c not 77:2 my sore ran and c. not Isa. 14:4 oppressor c. golden city c. Lam. 5:14 elders have c. from gate 15 the joy of our heart is c. Jonah 1: 15 sea c. from raging il/af. 14: 32 wind c. Mar* 4:39 ; 6:51 Z/K&e 7: 45 hath not c. to kiss my feet 11:1 as he was praying, when he c. Acts 5: 42 c. not to preach Jesus 20: 1 after uproar was c. Paul 31 three years I c. not to warn 21 : 14 not be persuaded, we c. Gal. 5:11 then is offence of cross c. Heb. 4:10 c. from his own works 10:2 not have c. to be offered I Pet. 4:1 hath c. from sin CEASETH. Psa. 12: 1 for the godly man c. 49:8 redemption precious, it c. Prov. 26:20 no talebearer, strife c. Isa. 16:4 the spoiler c. 2 1 : 8 tabrets c. joy of the harp c. 33:8 the wayfaring man c. Lam. 3:49 mine eye trickleth, c. not .Acts 6: 13 c. not to speak blasphemous CEASING. ISam. 12:23 sin in c. to pray for you Acts 12: 5 prayer was made without c. Rom. 1:9 c. I make mention,l ZVt. 1 : 3 I Tkes. 2: 13 for this we thank G.w. c. 5:17 pray without c. 27V/«. 1:3 without c. I have rememb. CEDAR. 2Sam. 7:2 I dwell in house of c. but 7 why build ye not house of c. 1 Kings 4:33 he spake from the c. 5:8 1 will do thy desire concern, c. 2Ki. 14:9 thistle sent to c. 2Ch. 25: 18 CEN Job 40:17 moveth tail like a c Psa. 92: 12 righteous grow like c. Cant. 1:17 beams of our house c. 8:9 inclose her with boards of c. Isa. 41 : 19 plant in wilderness the c Jer. 22: 14 it is ceiled with c. 15 because closest thyself in c. Eze. 17:3 eagle took highest br. of c. 23 it shall be a goodly c. 27:24 chests made of c. among 31:3 Assyrian was a c. Zeph. 2:14 shall uncover c. work Zech. 11:2 howl, for c. is fallen CEDAR-TREES. Num. 24:6 Israel's tabernac. as c.-t. 2Sam. 5:11 Hiram sent c.-t. to Dav. 1 Kings 5:6 they hew me c.-t. 10 Hiram gave Solomon c.-t. 9:11 2Kin. 19:23 I will cut down tall c.-t. 167ir. 22:4 David prepared c.-t. 2Chr.l:15 c.-t. as sycamore, 9:27 2:8 send me c.-t. out of Lebanon Ezra 3: 7 gave money to bring c-t. CEDAR-WOOD. Lev. 14:4 take c.-w. 6, 49, 51, 52 Num. 19:6 priest shall take c.-w. IChr. 22:4 much e.-t«. to David CEDARS. 1 K ings 10:27 c. as sycamore-trees IChr. 17: 1 I dwell in a house of c. 2Chr. 2:3 didst send c. to build Psa. 29:5 voice of Lord breaketh c. 80:10 the boughs like goodly c. 148:9 praise him all c. Cant. 5:15 his countenance as c. Isa. 9:10 change them into c. 37: 24 I will cut down the tall c. 44:14 he heweth him down c. Jer. 22: 7 cut down thy choice c. 23 makest thy nest in the c. Eze. 31:8 c. in garden not hide him Amos 2:9 Amorite height of the c. Zech. 11:1 fire may devour thy c. CEDARS of Lebanon. Judg. 9: 15 bramble devour c. of Leb. Psa. 104: 16 c of L. he hath planted Isa. 2: 13 day of Lord on all c. of Leb. 14:8 c. o/" L. rejoice at thee, saying Eze. 27:5 c. from L. to make masts CEDRON. JbAn 18:1 CEILED. 2CAr.3:5 he c. the greater house Jer. 22: 14 it is c. with cedar Hag. 1:4 to dwell in e. houses ? CEILING. 1 Kings 6:15 he built walls of the c. CELEBRATE. Lev. 23: 32 even to even c. sabbath, 41 Isa. 38:18 death cannot c. thee CELESTIAL. ICor. 15:40 are c. bodies, glory of c. CELLARS. lCAr.27 :2S over the c. of oil CENCHREA. Acts IS: 18 shorn his head in C. Rom. 16: 1 a servant of church at C. CENSER, S. Lev. 10:1 sons of Aaron took c. 16: 12 take a c. full of burning coals Num. 16:6 take ye c. 17 39 Eleazar took the brazen c. 1 King* 7:50 c. of gold, 2C/tr. 4:22 2Chr. 26: 19 Uzziah had a c. £z€. 8:11 with every man his c. if«6. 9:4 holiest had the golden c. Rev. 8:3 angel having a golden c. 5 angel took the c. and filled it CENTURION, S. Mat. 8:5 came unto him a c. 8 c. said, Lord, I am not worthy 27:54 when c. saw earthquake Luke 7:2 c. servant was sick 23:47 when c. saw what was done Acts 10:1 Cornelius was a c. 22 Cornelius the c. a just man 71 CES Acts 21:32 who immediately took c 22:26 when the c. heard that 23:17 Paul called one of the c. 23 he called to him two c. raying 24:23 commanded a c. to keep Paul 27: 1 Julius a c. of Augustus' band lie. believ.mastermore than Paul 43 c. willing to save Paul kept 28:16 c. delivered the prisoners CEPHAS. John 1:42 thou shalt be called C. ICor. 1:12 saith, I am of C. 3:22 9:5 brethren of the L. and C. 15:5 Gal. 2: 9 James, C. and John pillars CEREMONIES. Num. 9:3 keep passover accor. to c. CERTAIN, some. Deut. 13:13 c. men children of Belial 25:2 wicked beaten by c. number Jer. 41:5 came c. from Shechem 52: 15 captain carried away c. poor Dan. 8:27 I Daniel was sick c. days Mat. 20:20 desiring e. thing of him Mar. 14:57 arose c. bare false witness Luke 5:12 when he was in a c. city 11:27 a c. woman lift up voice 18:9 parable to c. who trusted 24: 22 c. women made us astonished 24 c. with us went to sepulchre John 5:4 angel went at a c. season Acts d:19 Saul c. days with disciples 10:48 Peter to tarry c. days 12: 1 to vex c. of the church 15:24 e. wh. went from us troubled 17:28 as e. of your own poets Rom. 15:26 to make a c. contribution Gal. 2: 12 before c. came from James Heb. 2:6 one in a e. place testified 4:4 spake in c. place of seventh day 7 he limiteth a c. day, saying 10:27 e. looking for of judgment Jude 4 c. men crept in unawares ^i CERTAIN man. See max. CERTAIN, sure. Deut. 13:14 and the thing c. 17:4 IKin. 2:37 know fore. 42; Jer. 26: 15 Dan. 2:45 the dream is c. Acts 25:26 no c. thing to write 1 Cor. 4:11 no c. dwelling-place 1 Tim. 6:7 it is c. we can carry CERTAINLY. Gen. 18:10 I will c. return to thee 26:28 we saw c. L. was with thee 43:7 c. know he would say Exod. 3:12 e. I will be with thee Josh. 9:24 it was c. told thy servant ISam. 20:9 if I knew c. evil were det. 25: 28 c. make my lord a sure house 1 Kings 1:30 so will I c. do this day 2KingsS:HJ thou mayest c. recover 2Chr. 18:27 if c. return in peace Jer. 8:8 lo c. in vain made he it 42:19 know c. I have admonished 44:17 c. do what goeth out of mou . Lam. 2:16 c. this is day looked for Dan. 11:10 c. come and overflow, 13 Luke 23:47 c. this was a right, man CERTAINTY. Josh. 23: 13 for c. Lord will no more ISam. 23:23 come to me with the c. Prov. 22: 21 c. of words of truth Dan. 2:8 c. ye would gain time Luke 1 :4 know c. of those things Acts 22:30 would have known c. CERTIFY, IED. Ezra 4:14 we have c. the king 16 c. king that if city be built Gal. 1:11 I c. you the gospel CESAR. Mat. 22: 17 tribute to C. or not ? JUarA 12:14; Luke 20:21, 22 Luie 2: 1 went out a decree from C. John 19: 12 not C.'s friend; againstC Acts 17:7 decrees of C. 25:8, 11, 21 Phil. 4:22 chiefly they that are of C CHA CESAREA. Mat. 16:13 came into coasts of C. Mark 8:27 out into the towns of C. Art* 8:40; 9:30; 10:24; 23:23; 25:4 CHAFED. 2Sam. 17: S they be c. as a bear CHAFF. Job 21:18 wicked as c. storm carrieth Psa. 1 :4 like the c. which wind 35:5 let them be as c. before wind Isa. 5:24 as flame consumeth c. 17:13 nations be chased as c. 29:5 terrible ones shall be as c. 33:11 conceive c. and bring forth 41 : 15 thou shalt make the hills as c. Jer. 23:28 what is c. to the wheat Dan. 2:35 like c. of threshing-floor Hos. 13:3 as c. driven with whirlw. Zeph. 2:2 before day pass as the c. Mat. 3:12 burn up the c. Luke 3:17 CHAIN. Gc». 41:42 put a gold c. about his neck, Dan. 5:7,16,29 Psa. 73:6 pride compasseth as a c. Cant. 4 : 9 ravished me with one c. Lam. 3:7 he made my c. heavy Eze. 7:23 c. land is full of crimes 16:11 I put ac. on thy neck Acts 28:20 for hope bound with c. 2Tim. 1:16 Onesi. not ashamed of c. Rev. 20:1 angel c. in his hand CHAINS. Judg. 8:26 c. about camels' necks I Kings 6:21 c. of gold before oracle Psa. 149:8 to bind kings with c. Prov. 1:9 instruction shall be c. Cant. 1 : 10 neck comely with c. Isa. 3: 19 L. will take away thy e. 40:19 goldsmith casteth silver c. 45: 14 come after thee in c. Jer. 40 : 4 loose thee this day from c. Eze. 19: A brought him with c. to Eg. 9 they put him in ward in c. Mark 5:3 bind him, no not with c. Acts 12:7 Peter's c. fell off 2Pet. 2:4 deliv. into c. of darkness Jiitfe 6 reserved in everlasting c. See bound. CHALCEDONY. Rev. 21:19 foundation was a c. CHALCOL. i Kings 4:31 Sol. was wiser than C. IChr. 2:6 sons of Zerah, Heman, C. CHALDEA. Jer. 50:10 C. shall be a spoil, saith 51:24 to inhabitants of C. 35 Eze. 16:29 thy fornication to C. 23:16 messengers to them into C. CHALDEAN. Ezra 5:12 gave them into hand of C. Dan. 2:10 such things at any C. CHALDEANS. Job 1:17 C. made out three bands Isa. 23:13 C. the Assyrian founded Dan.l-A; 2:2; 3:8; 4:7; 5:7,11 Hab. 1:6 lo, I raise up the C. Acts 7:4 out of the land of the C. CHALDEES. 2Kings 24:2 of the C. 25:4, 10, 26 2Chr. 36:17 them the king of the C. Isa. 13:19 Babylon the beauty of C. CHALK-STONES. Isa. 27:9 stones of altar as c.-s. CHALLENGETH. Ex. 22:9 thing another c. to be his CHAMBER. Gen. 43:30 Joseph entered into his c. Judg. 15:1 to my wife into the c. 16:9 Hers in wait abiding in c. 12 2Kings 4:11 Elisha turned into c. Neh. 13:5 prepared for Tobiah c. Psa. 19 : 5 as bridegroom out of c. Cant. 3:4 c. of her conceived me Jer. 36: 10 book in c. of Gemariah 20 laid rol\ in c. of Elishama CHA Eze. 40:45 c. prospect to south Dan. 6:10 windows open in his c. Joel 2:16 bridegroom go forth of c. Inner CHAMBER. IKings 20:30 Benh. came into in. c. 22:25 inner c. to hide, 2Chr. 18:24 2Kings 9:2 carry Jehu into inner c. Little CHAMBER. 2Kings 4:10a little c. on the wall Eze. 40:7 little c. one reed long, 13 Side CHAMBER. EzeAl:5 every side c. four cubits Upper CHAMBER. 2Kings 1 : 2 thro' a lattice in upper c. 23:12 altars on top of upper c. Acts 9:37 laid Dorcas in an upper c. 39 Peter when come into upper c. 20:8 many lights in upper c. CHAMBERS. IKings 6:5 against the wall built c. IChr. 9:26 porters over c. 23:28 2Chr. 31 : 11 commanded to prepare c. Job 9:9 maketh c. of the south Psa. 104:3 beams of c. in waters 13 watereth hills from c. 105:30 frogs in the c. of their kings Prov. 7:27 down to c. of death 24:4 by knowledge c. be filled Cant. 1:4 brought me into his c. Isa. 26:20 c. and shut thy doors Jer. 22:13 buildeth c. by wrong 14 a wide house and large c. 35:2 Rechabites into one of c. Eze. 8:12 in c. of his imagery 21 : 14 sword entereth privy c. 42:13 holy c. where priests eat Mat. 24:26 he is in secret c. CHAMBERING. Rom. 13: 13 c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2Kings 23:11 Nath^.n-melech the c. Esth. 1:10 seven c. that served king 2:21 king's c. were wroth Acts 12:20 Blastus the king's c. Root. 16:23 Erastus c. salute th you CHAMELEON. Lev. 11:30 these be unclean, the c. CHAMOIS. Deut. 14: 5 these ye shall eat, the c. CHAMPAIGN. Deu£. 11 :30 in c. over against Gilgal CHAMPION. ISaOT. 17:4 there went out a c. 51 saw their c. was dead CHANCE. ISaOT. 6:9 c. that happened to us Eccl. 9:11 time and c. happeneth Luke 10:31 by c. a priest came ICor. 15:37 it may c. of wheat CHANCELLOR. Ezra 4:8 Rehum the c. 9, 17 CHANGE, S. Gen. 45:22 to each c. to Ben. five c. Judg. 14:12 thirty c. of garments, 13 2Kings 5:5 took ten c. of raiment 22 give them two c. of garments 23 bound two c. of garments Job 10:17 c. and war are against me 14:14 will I wait till my c. come Psa. 55:19 have no c. they fear not Prov. 24:21 with them given to c. Heb. 7: 12 of necessity a c. of law CHANGE, Verb. Gen. 35:2 clean and c. your garments Lev. 27: 10 he shall not J. it 33 nor c. it, if he c. Jo6 17:12 they c. the night into day Psa. 102:26 as vesture c. them Isa, 9:10 will c. them into cedars Jer. 2:36 so much to c. thy way? 13:23 can Ethiopian c. his skin Dan. 7:25 he shall think to c. times Hos. 4 : 7 will c. their glory to shame Hab. 1 : 11 then his mind c. and pass 72 CHA Mai. 3:6 for I am the Lord I c. not Acts 6:14 and shall c. the customs Rom. 1:26 women did c. the use Ga/. 4:20 I desire to c. my voice Phil. 3:21 C. shall c. our vile body CHANGED, ETH. Gen. 31 : 7 your fa. c. wages ten times 41:14 Joseph c. his raiment, and Lev. 13: 16 raw flesh turn and be c 55 plague have not c. his color 1 Sam. 21 :13 c. behavior before them 2Sam. 12:20 David c. his apparel 2Kings 24:17 c. name to Zedekiah 25: 29 c. prison garments, Jer. 52: 33 Job 30 : 18 by disease is my garment c. Psa. 15:4 sweareth to hurt, c. not 102:26 as a vesture c. Heb. 1:12 106:20 they c. their glory to an ox Eccl. 8: 1 boldness of face shall be c. Isa. 24:5 c. the ordinance Jer. 2:11 c. their gods, my people 48:11 and his scent is not c Lam. 4 : 1 how is the fine gold c. Eze. 5:6 she hath c. my judgment* Dan. 2:9 to speak till time be c. 21 he c. times and seasons . 3:19 form of his visage was c. 27 coats c. nor smell of fire 4: 16 heart be c. from man's 6:8 writing that it be not c. 15 no decree may be c. Mic. 2:4 c. portion of my people Acts 28:6 barbarians c. their minds Root.1:23 c. glory of uncorrupt. God 25 c. truth of God into a lie ICor. 15:51 we shall all be c. 52 2Cor. 3:18 c. into same image Heb. 7: 12 for priesthood being c. CHANGEST, ED, countenance. Job 14:20 c. his c. and sendest him Dan. 5:6 king's c. was c. in him, 9 7:28 my countenance c. in me CHANGERS. Mat. 21 : 12 tables of money c. Mark 11:15; John 2:14, 15 CHANGING. Ruth 4:7 the manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S. 2SaOT.22:16 c. of the sea ap.Ps.18 :15 Isa. 8:7 he shall come up over his c, 27:12 beat off from c. of the river CHANT. -4otos 6:5 c. to sound of the viol CHAPEL. Amos 7:13 it is the king's c. CHAPITER, S. Exod. 36:38 over c. with gold, 38:28 33:17 overlay, of c. were silver, 19 IKings 7:16 to c. of brass, 2Kings 25:17; 2ChrA:\2, 13; Jer.52:22 CHAPMEN. 2Chr. 9:14 besides what c. brought CHAPPED. Jer. 14:4 because the ground is c. CHARGE, Substantive. Gen. 26:5 Abraham kept my c. 28 : 6 Isaac gave Jacob a c. Exod. 6:13 Moses and Aaron a e. Num. 9:19 Isra. kept the c. of L. 23 27:23 Joshua a c. Deut. 31:23 Josh. 22:3 Reubenites kept c. of L. 2Sam. 18:5 gave c. concerning Abs IKings 11:28 Jeroboam ruler over c 2Kings 7:17 lord c. of the gate 1 CVtr. 9:27 because c. was on them Neh. 7:2 Hanani c. over Jerusalem Jb6 34 : 13 given c. over the earth ? Psa. 35:11 my c. things I knew not Jer. 39: 11 c. concerning Jeremiah 47:7 seeing Lord hath given it c. Eze. 9:1 that have c. over the city 44:8 not kept c. of holy things 15 kept e. of my sanctuary 48:11 kept my c. went not astray Acts 7:60 lay not sin to their c CHA Acts. 8:27 eunuch had c. of treasure 16:24 received c. thrust into prison 23:29 to his c worthy of death Rom. 8:33 lay to c. of God's elect? 1 Cor. 9:18 make gospel without c. 1 Tim. 1 : 18 this c. I commit to thee 2Tim. 4:16 not be laid to their c. See keep. Give CHARGE. Num. 27:19 give Joshua a c. Deut. 31 : 14 call Joshua g. him a c. 2Sam. 14:8 I will g. c. concer. thee IChr. 22:12 L.g. thee wisdom and c. Ps.91:llg\ang.e.Maf.4:6;Lu.4:10 ITim. 5:7 these things give in c. 6:13 give thee e. in sight of God CHARGE, Verb. Exod. 19:21 go down c. the people Dcut. 3:2S c. Joshua encourage JVeA. 10:32 to e. ourselves yearly Cant. 2:7 I e. daugh.3:5 ; 5:8; 8:4 5:9 that thou dost so c. us ilfari 9:25 I c. thee, come out 1 Tim. 1:3c. that they teach no 5:21 I c. thee bef. God, 227™. 4:1 6:17 c. them that are rich in world CHARGEABLE. 2Sam. 13:25 not all go, lest be c. Neh. 5: 15 governors were c. to people 2Cor. 11:9 I was c. to no man IThes. 2:9 we would not be c. 2Thes. 3:8 might not be c. to any CHARGED. Gen. 26: 11 Abimelech c. his people 23:1 Isaac called Jacob and e. him 40:4 captain c. Joseph with them 49:29 Jacob e. his sons, and said Exod. 1 : 22 Pharoah c. his people Deut. 1:16 I c. your judges 24:5 nor be c. with business 27:11 Moses c. people same day ISam. 14:27 heard not when Saulc. 2Sam. 18: 12 in our hearing, king c. 1 Kings 2:1 David c. Solomon 13:9 so a me by word of Lord 2Chr. 36:23 c. me to build, Ezra 1:2 Job 1:22 nor c. God foolishly 4:18 angels he c. with folly Jer. 32:13 I c. Baruch saying 35:8 obeyed Jonadab in all he c. Mat. 9: 30 Jesus e. that no man know it,Mar/fc5:43; Lu/te 9:21 12:16 Jesus e. not make known Mark 7:36 c. not to tell. 8:30; 9:9; Luke 5:14; 8:56 10:48 c. him should hold his peace 1 Thes. 2: 11 we c. every one of you 1 Ti?n. 5: 16 let not church be c. CHARGEDST. Exod. 19:23 e. us, saying, Set bounds CHARGER, S. Num. 7: 13 offering silver c. 19-79 85 each c. of silver 130 shekels Ezra 1 : 9 one thousand c. Mot. 14:8 head in a c. Mark 6:25 CHARGES. 2Chr. 8: 14 Levites to their c. 31:17 from twenty years in their c. 35:2 set priests in their c. Acts 21 :24 and be at c. with them ICor. 9:7 a warfare at his own c. ? CHARGING. -4c«s 16:23 c. jailer to keep safely 2Tim. 2: 14 c. strive not about words CHARIOT. Gen. 41 : 43 made ride in second c. Exod. 14:25 Lord took offc. wheels 1 Kin. 18:44 prepare thy c. get down 20:25 number c. for c. 22:3.5 the blood ran into c. 2Kings 2:11 appeared a c. of fire 12 cried, c. of Israel, 13:14 5:21 from c. to meet Gehazi 9:16 Jehu rode in c; 27 smite in c. 28 carried him in a c. 23:30 CHA 2Chr. 35: 24 took him out of c. Psa. 46:9 he burneth the c. in fire 76:6 c. and horse cast into sleep Cant. 3:9 c. of wood of Lebanon Isa. 21:7 saw a c, c. of asses Jer. 51:21 will I break in pieces c. Mic. 1: 13 bind c. to swift beast Zech. 6:2 first c. red horses 9:10 cut off c. from Ephraim Acts 8:29 join thyself to this c. 38 he commanded c. to stand still His CHARIOT. Gen. 46:29 Joseph.made ready his c. Exod. 14:6 Phar. made ready his c. Judg. 4: 15 Sisera lighted off his c. 5:28 why his c. so long in coming 1 Kin.12: 18 speed to h. c. 2C*Ar.lO: IS 22:34 to driver of his c. turn hand 2Kin.5:9 Naaman came with his c. 9:21 went out each in his c. 24 Jehoram sunk down in his c. 10: 16 made him ride in his c. Psa. 104:3 maketh clouds his c. Jer. 4:13 his c. like whirlwind Acts 8:28 in his c. read Esaias CHARIOT-CITIES. 2Chr. 1 :14 horsemen placed in c.-c. 8:6 Solomon built all c.-c. 9:25 bestowed the c.-c. CHARIOT-HORSES. 2Sawi.8:4 houghed c.-h. lCAr.l8:4 2Kings 7:14 they took two c.-h. CHARIOT-MAN. 2Chr. 18:33 to c.-m. turn thy hand CHARIOTS. Gen. 50:9 went with Joseph c. Exod. 14:7 Pharaoh took 600 c. 28 waters covered all the c. 15:4 Pharaoh's c. cast into sea, 19 Josh. 17:16 c.of iron,18; Jud.l : 19; 4:3 Judg. 5: 28 why tarry wheels of his c. 1 Sam. 8: 11 king appoint for his c. 13:5 to fight Israel 30,000 c. 2Sam.l:6 the c. followed Saul 1 Kin^s 10:26 Solomon had 1,400 e. 22:32 captains of c. saw Jehoshap. 2Kings 13:7 left but ten c. 18:24 put trust on E. fore. Isa. 36:9 Psa. 68:17 c. of God are 20,000 Cant. 6: 12 my soul like c. of Am. Isa. 2: 7 nor any end of their c. 22:18 e. of thy glory be shame 31 : 1 woe to them that trust in e. 37:24 by mul. of c. am I come up 66:15 come with c. like whirlwind, JerA:13; Dan.UAO Jer. 47:3 at rushing of his c. Eze. 23:24 against thee with e. 26:10 walls shake at noise of c. Joel 2:5 like noise of c. shall leap Mic. 5:10 I will destroy thy c. Nah. 2:3 c. shall be with torches 4 c. shall rage in the streets 13 I will burn her c. in smoke Hag. 2:22 I will overthrow the c. Rev. 9:9 sound of wings as of c. CHARIOTS with horses. Deut. 11:4 what he did to h. and c. 20: 1 seest horses and c. fear not Josh. 11:6 hough their horses burn c. 9 Joshua burnt their c. with fire 2Sam. 15:1 Absalom pre. h. and c. 1 ivj/i.20:l ag. Samaria with c. and h. 2Kin. 6: 17 mountain full of c. and A. 7:6 to hear a noise of horses and c. 10:2 with you c. and horses Psa. 20: 7 trust in c. some in horses Cant. 1:9 compared to A. in Phar. c. isa. 66:20 bring brethren in c. Jer. 17:25 enter princes in c. 22:4 46:9 come up, ye horses, rage ye e. 50:37 sword is on their horses and c. JEze. 26:7 upon Tyrus Neb. with e. 39: 20 filled at table with A. and e. Nah. 3:2 noise of A. and jumping c. Hab. 3:8 ride on thy c. of salvation .Rev. 18:13 buys their horses and c. 73 CHA CHARITABLY. Rom. 14:15 now walkest not e. CHARITY. 1 Cor. 8:1 but c. edifieth 13: 1 and have not e. 2, 3 4 c. suffereth long, c. envieth net 13 faith, hope, c. greatest is e. 14:1 follow c. desire spiritual gifts 16:14 let all be done with c. Col. 3:14 above all put on c. 1 TAes. 3:6 good tidings of your c. 2Thes. 1:3 c. to each other aboundeth 1 Tim. 1 : 5 end of commandment is c 2:15 if continue in faith and c. 4:12 be an example in c. in spirit 2Tim. 2:22 follow righteousness, c. 3:10 known my life, faith, c. Tit. 2:2 aged men be sound in c. IPer. 4:8 fervent c. c. cover sins 5: 14 greet with a kiss of c. 2Pet.l:7 to brotherly kindness c. SJohn 6 borne witness of thy c. jHc/e 12 spots in your feasts of c. Rev. 2: 19 I know thy works, c CHARMED. Jer. 8:17 serpents wh. will not'be c CHARMER, S. Deut. 18:11 not be found am. you a c Psa. 58:5 not hearken to c. charming CHARRAN. ,4c*.v7:2,4 CHASE. Lev. 26:8 five shall c. a hundred, 36 Deut. 32:30 one c. 1,000, JosA. 23:10 Psa. 35:5 let angel of L. c. them CHASED, ETH, ING. Deut. 1:44 Amorites c. you as bees Judg. 9:40 Abimelech e. him Neh. 13:28 I c. him from me Job 18: 18 be c. out of the world 20:8 be c. as a vision of night Prov. 19:26 that c. away his mother Isa. 13: 14 it shall be as the c. roe 17:13 they shall be c. as chaff Lam. 3:52 c. me sore like a bird CHASTE. 2f*or.ll:2 present you as e. virgin Tit. 2:5 young women be c. IPer. 3:2 behold your c. conversation CHASTEN. 2Sam. 7:14 c. with rod of men Psa. 6: 1 nor c. me in hot displ. 33: 1 Prov. 19: 18 c. son while hope Dan. 10: 12 didst c. thyself before G. Rev. 3:19 as I love I rebuke and c. CHASTENED. Deuf. 21:18 they have c. him, he Job 33: 19 he is c. also with pain Psa. 69:10 c. my soul with fasting 73:14 and e. every morning 118:18 Lord hath c. me sore 1 Cor. 11:32 c. that we be not cond. 2Cor. 6:9 as c. and not killed Heb. 12: 10 for a few days c. us CHASTENEST, ETH, ING. Deut. 8:5 c. his son, so Lord c. thee Jo6 5:17 despise not c. of Almighty, Prow. 3: 11; if eb. 12:5 Psa. 94: 12 blessed is whom thou c. Prov. 13:24 loveth him, c. betimes isa. 26: 16 prayer c. was on them Heb. 12:6 whom Lord loveth he c. 7 if ye endure c. what son 11 no c. seemeth to be joyous CHASTISE, ED, ETH. Lev. 26:28 I will c. seven times Deut. 22: 18 elders shall c. him 1 Kings 12:11 I will c. you with scor- pions, 14; 2CAr. 10:11, 14 Psa. 94:10 he that c. heathen Jer. 31 : 18 hast c. me, and I was e ifos. 7: 12 I will c. them as congre. 10:10 my desire, I should c. them Luke 23:16 c. him and release, 22 CHASTISEMENT. Deut. 11:2 wh. have not seen the e. Joo 34:31 I have botne c. CHE Isa. 53 : 5 c. of our peace was on him Jer. 30:14 with c. of a cruel one Heb. 12:8 without c. then bastards CHATTER. Isa. 38:14 like a crane so did I c. CHEBAR. Eze. 1:1, 3; 3:15, 23; 10:15,20 CHECK. Job 20:3 heard c. of my reproach CHECKER-WORK. lEin. 7:17 Hiram made nets of c. CHEDORLAOMER. Gen. 14:4 CHEEK. 1 Kin. 22: 24 Zed. smote Micaiah on e. «7b6 16: 10 smitten me on the c. Lam. 3:30 c. to him that smite th Mic. 5:1 smite the judge on the c. Mat. 5:39 on thy right c. turn other Ew/fce 6:29 to him smiteth one c. CHEEKBONE. Psa. 3:7 smitten enemies on c. CHEEKS. Cani. 1 : 10 thy c. comely with jewels 5: 13 his c. are as a bed of spices Isa. 50 : 6 my e. to them pluck, off hair Lam. 1:2 her tears are on her c. CHEEKTEETH. Joe^ 1:6 he hath c. of a great lion CHEER. Bent. 24:5 shall c. up his wife Eccl. 11:9 thy heart c. thee Good CHEER. Mai. 9:2 son, be of g. c. thy sins be 14:27 it is I, be of g. c. Mark 6:50 John 16:33 be of g. c. I have overc. Acts 23: 11 be of g-ooa" c. Paul 27: 22 I exhort to be of good c. 25, 36 CHEERETH. Judg. 9: 13 wine wh. c. God and man CHEERFUL. Prov. 15: 13 makethac. countenance Zech. 8:19 be to Judah c. feasts 9:17 corn make young men c. 2Cor. 9:7 God loveth a c. giver CHEERFULLY. Acts 24: 10 c. answer for myself CHEERFULNESS. Rom 12:8 showeth mercy with c. CHEESE, S. 1 Sam. 17:18 carry ten c. to captain 2Sam.17:29 c. of kine for David Job 10:10 curdled me like c. CHE MARIM. ZepA. 1 : 4 CHEMOSH. Num 21:29 undone, O people of C. Judg. 11 :24 possess what C. giveth I Kings 11 :7, 33 ; Jer. 48:7, 13, 46 CHENAANAH. IKings 22:24; 2Chr. 18:23 CHENANIAH. lCAr. 15:22 C. chief of Levites, 27 CHERETHIM. Eze. 25:16 CHERETHITES. 1 Sam. 30:14 invasion on the C. 2Sam. 8:18 the C. 20:23 ; lC*Ar.lS:17 ZepA. 2:5 woe unto nation of the C. CHERISH, ED, ETH. 1 Kings 1 :2 let her c. him, and lie 4 damsel c. the king E/?A. 5: 29 c. flesh, as L. the church J. TAes. 2:7 even as a nurse c. children CHERITH. lKmg-sl7:3 CHERUB. Ex. 25: 19 one e. on one end c. 37:8 2Sam. 22:11 rode on a c. Psa. 18:10 lifr'n. 6:25 other c. was ten cubits Eze. 9:3 glory gone up from c. 10:4 10: 14 first face was face of a e. 28:16 destroy thee, O covering c 41:18 every c. had two faces CHERUBIM. Gen. 3:24 placed at the east c. Exod.Zl-.l made two c. of gold CHI IKin. 6:25 both the c. of one meas. 8:7 c. cov. ark,2CAr.5:8; Heb. 9:5 2CAr. 3:10 most holy house two c. Eze. 10:16 c. went wheels went 19 and the c. lifted wings, 11: 22 Between the CHERUBIM. Ex. 25:22 meet thee from b. two c. Num. 7:89 betw. the two c. he spake lSam.4:4 L. which dwelleth bet. c. 2Sam.6:2;2Kings,19:l5; Isa. 37: 16 Psa. 80: 1 dwellest bet. c. shine forth 99:1 he sitteth bet. t. c. let the earth Eze. 10:2 coals of fire from b. t. c. 6 7 hand from betw. the c. to the fire CHESED. Gen. 22:22 CHESNUT-TREE, S. Gen. 30:37 Jacob took rods of c.-t. Eze. 31:8 c.-t. not like his branches CHEST, S. 2Kings 12:9 a c. and bored a hole 2Chr. 24:8 at king's com. made c. Eze. 27 : 24 thy merchants in c. CHEW, ED, ETH. Lev. 11:4 that c. the cud, Deut.li-.l 7 swine c. not the cud, Deut. 14:8 ivMm.ll :33 ere flesh c. wrath kindled CHICKENS. Mat. 23:37 as a hen gathereth her e. CHIDE. Exod. V7:2 the people did c. why c. Judg. 8: 1 Ephraim did c. with Gid. Psa. 103:9 he will not always c. CHIDING. Exod.n-.l Meribah, because of c. CHIEF. Gen. 40:21 he restored the c. butler 22 but he hanged the c. baker Num. 3:32 Eleazar c. over the c. 2Sam. 23 : 18 Abishai was c. •IChr. 5:2 of Judah came c. ruler 11:6 smiteth Jebusites be c. Joab 18: 17 the sons of David were c. 26:10 though not first-born c. Ezra 9:2 rulers c. in this trespass Job 12:24 taketh away heart of c. 29:25 I chose out their way, sat c. 40: 19 behemoth is c. of ways Psa. 78:51 c. of strength, 105:36 137:6 Jerusalem above my c. joy Prov. 1 : 21 wisdom crieth in c. places 16:28 a whisperer separ. c. friends Isa. 14:9 hell stirreth up c. ones Jer. 13:21 taught them as c. over 31 : 7 shout among c. of nations Lam. 1 : 5 her adversaries are c. Dan.ll:41 c. of child, of Am. escape f Amos 6:1 named c. of the nations Mat. 20:27 whosoever will be c. 23:6 lovec. seatsinsyna.ilfar.l2:39 Mark 6:21 supper to his c. estates Luke 11:15 casteth out devils thro' c 14:1 house of one of c. Pharisees 7 how they chose c. rooms, 20:46 22:26 he c. as he that serve th John 12:42 c. rulers many believed Acts 14:12 he was the c. speaker 17:4 of c. women not a few Eph. 2:20 c. corner-stone, IPe*. 2:6 1 Tim. 1 : 15 sinners, of whom I am c. IPet. 5:4 c. Shepherd shall appear CHIEF Captain. 2Sam. 5: 8 he shall be c. and captain Acts 21:31 tidings came to c. captain 32 saw c. captain they left beating 23:17 bring young man to c. capt. 24: 7 c. captain Lysias came upon us 22 c. capt. shall come, I will know CHIEF Captains. 2Sam. 23:8 Adino sat c. among the c. 2CAr. 8:9 Israel c. of Solomon's cap. Acts 25: 23 Agrippa entered with c. c. Rev. 6: 15 and c. capt. hid themselves CHIEF Fathers. Num. 31:26 c.f. of the congregation lCAr.9:34 these c. fathers of Levites 74 CHI 1 Chr.2i : 31 the c. fathers of the priests 26:32 2,700 c./. David made rulers 2Chr. 26 : 12 whole number of c. fath. Ezra 1:5 rose up c. fathers of Judah Neh.7 :7Q c. of/, gave to work, 71 CHIEF house. Josh. 22:14 c. house a prince was sent CHIEF man, or men. Lev. 21:4 not defile himself a c. wian lCAr. 7:3 sons of Uzzi c. men 24:4 more c. men of Eleazar Ezra 7: 28 I gath. cm. to go up with Isa. 41:9 I called thee from c. men Acts 13:50 Jews stirred up c. men 15:22 Judas and Silas c. wen 28: 7 possessions of c. man of island CHIEF Priert. 2Kin. 25:18 tookSeraiah the c. priest IChr. 27:5 Benaiah a c.p. third cap. 29 : 22 anointed Zadok to be c. priest 2Chr. 19:11 Amariah c. priest is over 26:20 Azaria'i c. jj. looked on him CHIEF Priests. Ezra 10: 5 c.p. and all Israel to swear Mat. 16:21 and suffer of the c. priests 26:47 a multitude from c. priests 27:12 wh. accused of c.p. Mar. 15:3 41 the c. p. mocking, Mark 15: 31 Mart 14: 1 c. p. sought to take, 55 ; Mat. 26:59; XwA:e9:22; 22:2 Luke 23:23 voices of c. p. prevailed John 7:32 c. priests sent officers, 18:3 .Acta 9:14 authority from c. p. 26: 10 22:30 commanded c. j>. to appear CHIEF Prince, or Princes. IChr. 7:40 children of Asher, c. ofp Eze. 38: 2 Gog c. prince, 3; 39:1 Dan. 10:13 Michael one of c. princes CHIEF singer, or singers. Neh. 12:46 in days of David c. of s. Hab. 3:19 to c. singer on instrumen t CHIEFEST. ISam. 2:29 yourselves fat with c. 9:22 Samuel made sit in c. place 2Chr. 32:33 in c. of sepulchres Canf. 5:10 is the c. among 10,000 Mark 10:44 be c. shall be servant 2Gor. 11:5 behind c. apostles, 12:11 CHIEFLY. Rom. 3:2 c. be c. to them were com Phil. 4:22 c. they of Cesar's househ 2Pet. 2:10 c. them walk after flesh CHILD. Gen. 21: 16 let me not see death of c 37:30 c. is not, and I whither 42:22 do not sin against the c. Exod. 2:8 maid called c. mother 22:22 not afflict any fatherless c. Judg. 11:34 his daughter, only c. 13:8 teach us what we sh. do to c. 1 Sam. 1:25 brought the c. to Eli 3:8 Eli perceived L. had called c. 2Sam. 12: 14 the c. born shall die 15 Lord struck c. Uriah's wife bare 16 David besought God for c IKings 3:25 divide living c. in two 14:3 tell what shall become of c. 17: 22 soul of the c. came again 2Kings 4:31 told c. is not awaked 35 c. sneezed, c. opened his eyes Prov. 23:13 correction from the c. Eccl. 4:8 he hath neither c. nor bro. 1 5 second c. that shall stand up Isa. 3:5 the c. shall behave proudly 7:16 before c. know to refuse evil 8:4 before c. know to cry, my fath 11:8 c. put hand on cockatrice den 65:20 the c. shall die 100 years old Jer. 4:31 bringeth forth her first c. 31 : 20 Ephraim, is he a pleasant c? 44 : 7 to cut off man, woman, and c. Mat. 10:21 father deliver c. to death 17:18 c. was cured from that hour 23:15 twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1:59 came to circumcise c. cm Luke 1 : 66 what manner of c. this be 76 e. called prophet of Highest 80 c. grew, waxed strong, 2:40 2:27 parents brought in c. Jesus 9:33 look on my son, only c. JbAra 4: 49 come down ere c. die 16: 21 as soon as delivered of c. Acts 4:27 against thy holy c. Jesus 30 done byname of thy c. Jesus 13:10 Saul said, Thou c. of devil Rev. 12:4 to devour her c. as soon 5 her c. was caught up to God A CHILD. Gen. 18:13 bear a c. who am old ? 44 : 20 and a c. of his old age Ex. 2 : 2 he was a goodly c. Heb. 11 : 23 ISam. 2:18 c. girded with linen eph. 1 .Km. 13:2 a c. born to house of Da. Job 33 : 25 his flesh fresher than a c. Psa. 131 : 2 as a c. as a weaned c. Pror. 20:11 a c. is known by doings 22:6 train up a c. in way he 15 foolishness is in heart of a c. 29:15 a c. left to himself bringeth 21 bringeth up servant from a c. Eccl. 4:13 better is o wise c. than 10: 16 woe, when thy king is a c. Isa. 9:6 for unto us a c. is born 10: 19 trees be few, a c. may write Jer. 1:6 not speak, for I am a c. 7 20: 15 a man c. is born to thee Hos. 11:1 when Is. a c. I loved him Mark 9: 21 how long ? he said of a c. 36 took a c. set it in midst, Lu.9: 47 ICor. 13:11 a c. I spake as a c. Gal. 4:1 heir as long as he is a c. 2Tim. 3: 15 from a c. known script. Heb. 11 : 1 1 Sarah deliv. of a c.past age Rev. 12:5 a man c. to rule nations Little CHILD. IKin. 3:7 I am but a I. c. I know not 11:17 Hadad fled being yet a Ji'H/ee. 2 A'm. 5: 14 like the flesh of a little c. Isa. 11:6 a little c. shall lead them Mat. 18:2 Jesus called a I. c. to him 5 receive one such /. c. in my name Mark 10:15 whoso not receive king- dom of God as lit. c. Luke 18: 17 No CHILD. Gen. 11:30 Sarai had no c. Lev. 22: 13 if priest's dau. have no c. Deut. 25:5 if brother die, have no c. 2Sam.6:23 Michal had no c. till 2Kings 4:14 verily she hath no c. Luke 1 : 7 they had no c. bee. Elizab. Acts 7 : 5 promised when he had no c. Sucking CHILD. Num. 11:12 as father beareth suck. c. Isa. 11 : 8 suck. c. play on hole of asp 49: 15 can a woman forget suck, c? Lam. 4:4 tongue of suck. c. cleaveth This CHILD. Luke 2:17 told concerning this c. 34 r. c. is set for the fall and rising 9:43 whoso receive t. c. in my name With CHILD. Gen. 16: 11 Hagar thou art with c. 19:36 daughters of Lot with c. by 38:24 Tamar thy daughter is w. c. 25 whose these are, am I with c. Exod. 21 : 22 if hurt a woman with c. 1 Sam. 4 : 19 Phinehas' wife was to. c. USarn. 11:5 B.-sheba said. I am iv. c. "2Kin. 8:12 wilt rip up their women icithc. 15:16 Eccl. 11:5 grow in womb of her w. c. Isa. 26: 17 with c. that draweth near 1 8 we have been with c. in pain 54: 1 sing that didst not trav. w. c. Jer. 30:6 whether a man trav. w. c. 31:8 from north the woman icith c. Hos. 13: 16 tvith c. shall be ripped up Amos 1 : 13 they ripped up worn. w. c. Mat. 1 : 18 with c. of the Holy Ghost 23 a virgin shall be with c. 21-19 woe to them that are with c. Mark 13:17; Luke 21:23 CHI Luke 2:5 with Mary, great with c. 1 Thes. 5:3 as travail on woman w. c. Rev. 12:2 and she being w. c. cried Young CHILD. ISam. 1:24 and the c. was young Mat. 2:8 search diligently for y. c. 13 take young c. and his mother CHILD-BEARING. 1 Tim. 2: 15 she shall be saved in c.-b. CHILDHOOD. ISam. 12:2 walked before you fr. c. Eccl. 11 : 10 c. and youth are vanity CHILDISH. ICor. 13: 11 I put away c. things CHILDLESS. Gen. 15:2 give me, seeing I go c. Lev. 20:20 they shall die c. ISam. 15:33 as thyswordmade wo- men c. so thy mother be c. Jer. 22:30 write ye this man c. Luke 20 : 30 second took her, died c. CHILDREN. Gen.3:lQ in sorrow bring forth c. 16:2 I may obtain c. by her 25:22 the c. struggled within her 30:1 give me c. or I die 33:5 c. God hath given thy servant 49:8 thy father's c. shall bow down Ex. 20:5 visiting iniquity of fathers one. 34:7; iVu.14.13; Deut. 5:9 21 : 4 c. shall be her masters Num. 13:28 saw c. of Anak there 26:11 e. of Korah died not Deut. 9:2 stand before c. of Anak ? 13:13 c. of Belial are gone out 14:1 ye are the c. of the Lord 23:8 c. begotten of them shall enter 24:16 fathers not be put to death for e. nor c. for father. 2Chr. 25:4 32:20 c. in whom there is no faith 33:24 let Asher be blessed with c. Judg. 8:18 each resembled c. of king 20:13 deliver us the c. of Belial ISam. 2:5 she that hath many c. is waxed feeble 25am. 7:10 c. of wickedness afflict any more, IChr. 17:9 \Kin. 21:13 came in two c. of Belial 2Kings 2: 24 she-bears tare 42 c. 10:13 salute c. of king c. of queen 14:6 r. of murd. slew not, 2Cn.25:4 17:34 nor do as L. com. c. of Jacob 19:3 c. are come to birth, Isa. 37:3 IChr. 2:30 Seled died without c. 32 and Jether died without c. 4:27 Shimei's brethren not many c. 16:13 O ye c. of Jacob, Psa. 105:6 IChr. 13:7 to Jeroboam c. of Belial 25:7 L. is not with all c. of Ephr. Ezra 10:44 wives by whom had c. Neh. 9:23 c. multipliedst as stars Job 19:17 I entreated for c. sake 30:8 c. of fools, yea c. of base men 41:34 king over all c. of pride Psa. 17:14 they are full of c. 34:11 come ye c. hearken to me 69:8 an alien to my mother's c. 72:4 he shall save c. of needy 78:6 c. wh. sh. be born might know 82:6 all of you c. of Most High 83:8 holpenc. of Lot, Selah 102:28 c. of thy servants continue 113:9 barren to be mother of c. 127:3 lo, c. are a heritage of Lord 4 as arrows in hand, so are c. 137:7 remember, c. of Edom 148:12 old men and c. praise Lord 149:2 let c. of Zion be joyful Prov. 4 : 1 hear, ye c. the instruction, 5:7; 7:24; 8:32 17:6 glory of c. are their fathers 31 :28 her c. call her blessed Eccl. 6:3 if a man beget 100 e. Cant. 1 :6 my mother's c. angry Isa. 1 :2 brought up c. they rebelled 4 c that are corrupters 75 CHI Isa. 2:6 please in the c. of strangers 3:4 give c. to be their princes 12 c. are their oppressors 8:18 Iandc.L.hathgiv.iie6.2:13 13:18 their eyes shall not spare c 21 : 17 mighty of c. of K. diminished 23:4 I travail not nor bring forth c. 30:1 woe to rebellious c. saith Lord 9 lying c. c. will not hear law 38:19 father to c. make known 47:8 neither know loss of c. 9 in one day loss of c. widowhood 49:20 c. shalt have, shall say 54 : 1 more are c. of desolate than c . of married wife, Gal. 4: 27 57:4 are ye not c. of transgressors 5 slaying the c. in the valleys 63:8 c. that will not lie 66:8 Zion brought forth c. Jer. 3: 14 turn, O backsliding c. 22 19 how put thee among the c. 4 : 22 my people are sottish c. 6:11 pour it out on c. abroad 7:18 c. gather wood, fathers 9:21 death entered to cut offe. 15:7 I will bereave them of c. 31:15 Rachel weep, for c.Mat.2:lS Lam. 2:20 shall the women eat c. 5:13 c. fell under the wood Eze. 2:4 are impudent c. 20:21 the c. rebelled against me 33:30 c. talking against thee 47:22 to strangers that beget c. Dan. 1:4 c. in whom no blemish 17 four c. God gave knowledge 12:1 Michael shall stand for c. H os. 1 :2 take c. of whoredoms 2:4 not have mercy on her c. 11:10 c. shall tremble from west 13:13 place of breaking forth of c. Joel 2:16 gather c. and those suck 23 be glad, then, ye c. of Zion Amos 9:7 as c. of the Ethiopians ? Mic. 1 : 16 poll thee for delicate e. Zeph. 1:8 I will punish king's c. Mai. 4:6 heart of fathers to c. of c to fathers, Luke 1:17 Mat. 2:16 Herod slew all the c. 3:9 stones to raise up c. Luke 3:8 5:45 be the c. of your Father 8:12 but the c. shall be cast out 9:15 cane, ofbridechamber mourn, Mark 2: 19; Lu ke 5:34 10:21 e. against parents, Mar.l3:12 11 : 19 justified of her c. Luke 7:35 13:33 good seed are c. of kingdom 15:26 to take c. bread, Mark 7:27 17:26 then are the e. free 1 9 : 29 forsaken c. for my, Mark 1 : 29 20:20 mother of Zebedee's e. 21 : 15 saw c. crying in temple Mark 7:27 let the c. first be filled 28 dogs eat of the c. crumbs 9:37 receive one of such c. 41 Luke 6:35 ye shall be e. of Highest 16:8 c. of this world are wiser 20:29 the first died without c. 34 the e. of this world marry John 8:39 if ye were Abraham's e. Acts3:25 ye are c. of prophets Rom. 8:17 if c. then heirs, heirs 9:7 seed of Abraham are they all e. 11 the e. being not yet born ICor. 14:20 not e. in understanding 2Cor. 12:14 e. not to lay up for par. Gal. 3: 7 of faith, are c. of Abrahan? 4:3 so we, when e. were inbondag* 25 Jeru. in bondage with her c. 31 we are not e. of bondwoman Eph. 1:5 to the adoption of c. 2:2 in c. of disobedience 3 were by nature e. of wrath 4:14 we be no more e. tossed 5:1 followers of God as dear c. 6 wrath on c. of disobed. Col. 3:6 6:1 c. obey your parents, Co/.3:20 1 Tim. 5:4 if any widow have c. 10 if si:0 brought up c. if she CHI Heb. 2:14 as c. are partakers of flesh 12: 5 exhorta. speaketh to you as c. IPet. 1:14 as obedient c. 2Pef.2:14 cursed c. 2John 1 to elect lady and her c. 13 c. of elect sister greet thee Rev. 2:23 I will kill her c. See AMMOX, CAPTIVITY. CHILDREN of Benjamin. Judg. 20 : 13 c. ofB. would not heark. 2Sam. 2:25 c. ofB. gathered aft. Ab. IChr. 12:16 c. of B. to hold to David Jer. 6:1 yec.of B. gather to flee Children's CHILDREN. Gen. 45:10 near, thou and thy c. c. Ex. 34:7 iniquity of fathers on c. c. DeutA:25 when beget c. and c. c. 2Xmg'sl7:41 served images child, c. Psa. 103:17 his righteousness to c. c. 128:6 shalt see thy c. c. and peace Prov. 13:22 inheritance to his c. c. 17:6 cAt'W. c. are crown of old men Jer. 2:9 with your c. c. will I plead .EzeAr. 37:25 dwell and c. c. for ever Fatherless CHILDREN. Psa. 109: 12 nor any to favor his/, c. Jer. 49:11 leave thy/, c. I will pres. CHILDREN of God. Mat. 5:9 peacemakers the c. o/ G. Luke 20:36 c. o/ G. being c. of res. JoAra 11 : 52 together in one the c. ofG. Rom. 8: 16 witness we are the c.of G. 21 glorious liberty of the c. ofG. 9:8 c. of the flesh, not c. of God 26 be called c. of the living God Gal. 3:26 c. o/ G. by faith in Christ 1 John 3:10 c. G. manifest, c. of devil 5:2 by this know we love c. of God His CHILDREN. Gen. 18:19 Abraham will com. h. c. Deut. 17:20 prolong days and Ats c. 32:5 their spot is not spot of his c. 33:9 nor knew his own c. 2Sam 12:3 ewe-lamb grew with A. c. 2Kings 8: 19 give a light, and to A. c. 2CAr. 28:3 burnt A. c. after heathen 33:6 his c. to pass through fire Job 5:4 Ai's c. are far from safety 17:5 even eyes of his c. shall fail 20:10 A. c shall seek to please poor 21:19 layeth up iniquity for his c. 27: 14 if his c. be multiplied it is Psa. 89 : 30 if his c. forsake my law 103:13 as a father pitieth his c. 109:9 let his c. be fatherless 10 let his c. be vagabonds Prov. 14:26 his c. shall have refuge 20:7 his c. are blessed after him Isa. 14:21 prepare slaughter for A. c. 29:23 when seeth his c. in midst H os. 9:13 Ephr. shall bring forth A. c. John 4 : 12 his c. drank thereof 1 Thes. 2:1 1 charged youasfath. A. c. 1 r/m. 3:4 having A. c. in subjection CHILDREN of Israel. Exod. 1 : 7 the c. o/ J. were fruitful 12 grieved because of the c. of I. 2:25 God looked on the c. of Israel 4:31 heard Lord had visited c. o/ J. 6:13 c. o/J. out ofEg. 26, 27; 12:51 29:43 there I willmeet with c. of I. Lev. 25:55 tome c. of I. are servants Num. 14:1 Ogloryof L.appear.bef.c. J. Josh.7:12 c. I. not stand bef. enem. 2Sam. 21 : 2 Gibeonites not of c. o/ J. 2Kings 17:24 instead of the c. of I. Psa. 103:7 his acts to the e. of I. 148:14 c. of I. a people near to him Isa. 27:12 gath. one by one, O c. I. Ezek. 44 : 15 c. I. went astray, 48: 11 Amos2:ll is it not thus, O c. of 1.1 4:5 this liketh you, O ye c. of I. Luke 1:16 many of c. of I. shall turn Acts 7: 23 to visit breth. the c. o/ I. 37 Moses which said to c. of I. 9:15 to bear my name bef. c. of I. CHI Acts 10:36 word of God sent to c. I. ' iiom. 9:27 tho' c. of I. be as the sand Heb. 11:22 mention of depart, of c. I. Rev. 7:4 sealed 144,000 of c.of Israel 21:12 names of 12 tribes of c. o/7. CHILDREN of Judah. Num. 1:26 c. o/J. by their genera. Josh. 14:6 c. o/J. came to Joshua 2Sara.l:18 teach c. of J. use the bow 2Chron. 13:18 c. o/J. prevailed 28:10 to keep under the c. ofJud. Jer. 50:4 they and c. o/J. weeping 33 Israel and c. o/J. were oppressed JoeJ 3: 19 for violence against c. o/J. CHILDREN of light. Luke 16:8 wiser than the c. o/ light Johnl2:3(i that ye may be the c. of I. Eph. 5:8 walk as c. of light I Thes. 5:5 ye are all the c. of light Little CHILDREN. Num. 16:27 little c. stood in the door 2Kings 2: 23 came I. c. and mocked Est. 3:13 in one day to destroy I. c. Eze. 9:6 utterly slay maids, little c. Mat. 18:3 except become a.s little c. 19:13 were brought to himlittle c. 14 suffer little c. to come unto me, MarkW-.U; Luke 18:16 JoAn 13:33 little c. yet a little while Gal. 4:19 my £. c. of whom I travail UoAn2:l my little c. I write, 12,13 4:4 ye are of God little c and have 5:21 little c. keep from idols CHILDREN of men. 15am. 26:19 if c. m. cursed be they 2Sam 7:14 with the stripes of c. m. I Kings 8:39 knowest hearts of c. of men, 2CAr.6:30 Psa. 11:4 his eyelids try c. of men 12:1 faithful fail from among c. m. 14:2 from heaven upon c. m. 53:2 36:7 c. m. put trust under shadow 45:2 thou art fairer than the c. m. 90:3 andsayest, return ye c. ofm. 107:8 won. works to c. m. 15,21,31 115:16 the earth given to c. of men Prov. 15:11 more then hearts of c. m. Lam. 3:33 he doth not grieve e. m. Dan. 2:38 wherever the c. m. dwell Men-CHILDREN. .Ear. 1:17 midwives saved men-c. 18 34:23 all men-c. shall app. bef. L. Men, Women, and CHILDREN. Deut . 3 : 6 in Bashan we dest. m. w. c. 31:12 gather m. w. and c. to hear Ezra 10: 1 a great congr. of m. w. c. Jer. 40:7 com. to Gedaliah m. w. c. Mat. 14:21 eaten, were 5,000 men, beside women and c. 15:38 My CHILDREN. Gen. 30:26 give me my c. for whom 31:43 these c. are my c. and 42:36 me ye have bereaved oimy c. 43: 14 if bereaved of my c. I am Exod. 21:5 I love my master my c. 1 Kings 20:7 he sent to me for my c. Job 29:5 when my c. were about me Isa. 49:21 seeing I have lost my c. Jer. 10:20 my c. gone forth of me Lam. 1:16 my c. are desolate Eze.l6:2l that thou hast slain myc? Luke 11 : 7 my c. are with me in bed 2Cor. 6:13 I speak as to myc. 3JoA» 4 that my c. walk in truth No CHILDREN. Gen. 16:1 Sarai bare him no c. 30:1 Rachel saw she bare no c. 1 Sam. 1 : 2 but Hannah had no c. Mat. 22:24 if a man die having no c. Mark 12:19; 7_w.20 : 31 seven left Our CHILDREN. Gen. 31:16 riches ours and our c. Num. 14:3 that our c. be a prey Deut.29:29 belong to us and our c. JosA22:24 c. might speak to our c. 76 cm JosA. 22:25 your c. m. o. c. cease fear.L- iVeA. 5:5 our c. as their children Mat. 27:25 his blood be on our c. CHILDREN of promise. Rom. 9: 8 c.pro. counted for the seed Gal. 4:28 we, as Isaac, are c. of p. Strange CHILDREN. Psa. 144: 7 rid me from strange c. 11 Hos. 5:7 have begotten strange c. Their CHILDREN. Gere. 31:43 what can I do to their c.1 Deut. 4:10 they may teach their c. 5:29 might be well with their c. 31: 13 their c. may learn to fear L. 2Kings 8:12 thou wilt dash their c. 17:31 burnt their c. to the gods 41 t. c. served images as did fathers 2CAr. 20:13 before Lord with their c. 25:4 he slew not their c. but did iVeA. 9:23 their c. multiplied as stars 13:24 their c. spake half in speech of Job 21:11 their c. dance 24:5 wilder, yieldeth food for their c. Psa.l8-A not hide them from their c. 6 and declare them to their c. 90:16 let thy glory appear to their c. 132: 12 their c. shall sit on thy throne Isa. 13:16 t. c. be dashed to pieces Jer. 17:2 whilst t. c. remem. altars 18:21 deliver their c. to famine 30:20 their c. shall be as aforetime 32:18 iniquity into bosom of their c. 39 for good of them and their c. 47:3 fathers not look back to their c. Lam. 4:10 have sodden their c. Eze. 20:18 I said to t.c. in the wilder. 23 : 39 when had slain their c. to idols 37:25 they and their c. shall dwell Hos. 9: 12 their c. yet I will bereave Joe£l:3 let your c. tell t. c. and t. c. Mic. 2:9 from their c. taken my glory ZecA. 10:7 t. c. sh. see it and be glad 9 live with their c. and turn again Acts 13:33 fulfilled same to us their c. 1 Tim. 3: 12 deac. ruling their c. well Tit. 2:4 young women to love th. c. Thy CHILDREN. Dew*.4:40 well with thy c. 12:25, 28 6:7 shalt teach them to thy c. 30:2 thou and thy c. obey with Jo.vA. 14:9 land be thine and thy c. I Sam. 16: 11 are here all thy c. [Kings 2:4 if thy c. take heed to way 8:25 so thy c. take heed, 2CAr. 6:16 20:3 thy wives and thy c. are mine 2Kin. 10:30 thy c. of fourth gen. sit 2CAr. 21:14 Lord shall smite thy c. Job 8:4 if thy c. have sinned ag. him Ps. 45:16 instead of fathers be thy c. 73:15 offend against gen. of thy c. 128:3 thy c. like olive-plants 132:12 if thy c. keep my covenant 147:13 blessed thy c. within thee Jsa. 49:17 thy c. shall make haste 25 and I will save thy c. 54:13 all thy c. be taught of Lord, and great be peace of thy c. Jer. 5:7 thy c. have forsaken me 31:17 is hope thaMAy c. come again 38:23 bring out thy c. to Chaldeans Ezek. 16:36 by the blood of thy c. Hos. 4:6 I will also forget thy c. Mat. 23:37 how often would I have gathered thy c. Luke 13:34 Luke 19:44 lay thy c. within thee 2John4 thy c. walking in truth Your CHILDREN. Exod. 12:26 when your c. shall say 22:24 your c. shall be fatherless Lev. 26:22 wild beasts rob you of y. c. Deut. 1 :39 your c. shall go in thither 11:2 I speak not with your c. who 19 my words ye shall teach your c. 21 days of your c. be multiplied 32:46 which comm. your c. to observe JosA4:22 then let yourc. know, say. CHO i Ktngs9:6 if your c. turn from fol.me IChr. 28:8 for'inher. to y. c. Ezra9:l2 2Chr.30:9 your c. shall find compas. Ps. 115:14 L. increase you and yourc. Jer. 2:30 in vain have I smitten y. c. Mat. 7:11 gifts to your c. Luke 11:13 12:27 by whom do y. c. cast out Luke 23:23 weep for yours, and y. c. Acts 2:39 promise is to you and y. c. 1 Cor. 7:14 else were yourc. unclean Eph.QA provoke not y. c. Col. 3:21 Young CHILDREN. 70619:18 yea, young c. despised me Lam. 4:4 y. c. ask bread, no man Nah. 3:10 her young c. were dashed Mark 10:13 brought y. c. to him to Acts 7:19 so that they cast out y. c. CHILEAB. 2Sam.3:3 CHILION. Ruth 1:2, 5 CHILMAD. Eze. 27:23 CHIMHAM. 2Sam. 19:37 C. let him go, 38, 40 Jer. 41:17 dwelt inhabitation of C. CHIMNEY. Hos. 13:3 be as smoke out of c. CHIOS. Acts 20:15 CHISLEU. Neh.l-.1-, Zech. 7:1 CHITTIM. Num. 24:24 ships from coasts of C. Isa. 23:1 from the land of C. 12 Jer. 2:10 pass over the isles of C. Eze. 27:6 ivory out of the isles of C. Dan. 11:30 ships of C. shall come CHIUN. Amos 5:26 CHLOE. 1 Cor. 1:11 CHODE. Gen. 31:36 Jacob c. with Laban A t kot. 20:3 people c. with Moses* CHOICE. lSam.9:2 Saul a c. young man 2Sam. 10:9 c. of Israel, IChr. 19:10 2Chr. 25:5 300,000 c. men Cant. 6:9 c. one of her that bare Actsl5:7 God made c. among us. CHOICEST. Isa. 5:2 planted with the c. vine 22:7 c. valleys full of chariots CHOKE. Mat. 13:22 deceitfulness of riches c. the word, Mark 4:19 CHOKED. MaM3:7 thorns c. Mar. 4:7; Z,uJfce8:7 Mark 5:13 c. in sea, L«&e 8:33 Z,K&e8:14 and are c. with cares CHOLER. Daw. 8:7 he-goat moved with c. 11:11 king of south be moved withe. CHOOSE, as an act of God. Num. 16:7 man L. doth c. be holy Deut. 7:7 L. did not c. you because CHO Job. 34:4 let us c. to us judgment 33 or whether thou c. Prop. 1:29 did not c. fear of Lord 3:31 and c. none of his ways Isa. 7:15 know to c. good. 16 56:4 eunuchs c. things please me 65:12 did c. wherein I delighted not Ezek. 21:19 c. a place c. it Phil.l:22 what I shall c. I wot not CHOOSEST, ETH, ING. 7067:15 my soui c. strangling 15:5 thou c. tongue of crafty Psa. 65:4 blessed is man thou c. Isa. 40:20 c. a tree will cat rot 41 :24 abomination is he c. you Heb. 11 :25 c. to suffer affliction CHOP. Mic. 3:3 c. bones of my people CHORAZIN.Maf.il :21; LwAelO:13 CHOSE. Exod. 18:25 Moses c. able men Deut. 4:37 he c. their seed, 10:15 Josh. 8:3 Joshua c. 30.000 mighty Judg. 5:3 they c. new gods 2Sam.6:21 c. me before thy father lA'mg\s3:16 I c. no city to build a house. 2CAr.6:5 ICAr. 23:4 Lord c. me before all 7o6 29:25 I c. out their way Psa. 78:67 c. not tribe of Ephraim 63 but c. the tribe of Judah 70 he c. David also his servant isa. 66: 4 c. that I delighted not Eze. 20:5 in the day I e. Israel Luke 6:13 he c. twelve apostles 14: 7 how they c. chief rooms Acts 6:5 c. Stephen, full of faith 13:17 God of Israel c. our fathers 15:40 Paul c. Silas and departed CHOSEN. Num. 16:5 him c. cause to come near Josh 24:22 ye have c. you the Lord Judg. 10: 14 cry to gods ye have c. I Sam. 8:18 king ye have c. 12:13 20:30 hast c. the son of Jesse 1 Kings 3:8 hast c. a great people 8:44 city c. 48; 2CAr.6:34,38 ICAr. 16: 13 children of Jacob c. ones 7o6 36:21 c. rather than affliction Psa. 33:12 c. for his inheritance 89:3 a covenant with my c. 19 exalted one c. out of people 105:6 ye children of Jacob, his c. 43 forth his c. with gladness 100:5 I may see good of thy c. 23 had not Moses his c. stood Prov. 16:16 understanding rather c 22:1 a good name rather c. Isa. 43:20 to give drink to my c. 65: 15 name a curse to my c. 66:3 have c. their own ways Jer. 8:3 death shall be c. rather 49:19 who is a c. man that I, 50:44 12:5 the place Lord shall c. 11, 14, nr'. on.n: k,. 1« M.U.CK! oi oc. i*;.on. ia.o ' -Mar. 20:10 but lew c. 22:14 lb, 20 14.23, 24, 2o, lo:20, 16.2, , «_. ,« „ 7, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11; Josh. 9:27 17:15 king, whom Lord shall c. lSam.2:23 did I c. him of all tribes 2Sam. 16:18 Lord and this people c. 21:6 hang in Gibeah whom L. did c. IKings 14:21 the city the Lord did c. Neh. 9:7 God who didst c. Abram Psa. 25:12 teach in way he shall c. 47:4 he shall c. our inheritance Isa. 14:1 Lord will yet c. Israel 49:7 Holy One of Israel shall c. thee 66:4 I will c. their delusions ZecA.l:17 Lord shall c.Jerusalem,2:12 CHOOSE. Deu t. 23:16 in place he shall c. 30:19 therefore c. life that both Josh. 24:15 c. this day whom serve I Sam. 17:8 c. you a man for you 2Sam. 17:1 let me c. 12,000 men 24:121 offer three, c. one,lCAr.21 :10 7o6 9:14 c, my words to reason Mark 13:20 for elect whom hath c. Luke 10:42 Mary hath c. good part Acts 1 : 24 show whether thou hast c. 9: 15 for he is a c. vessel to me Rom. 16:13 salute Rufus c. in Lord 2C"or.8:19 c. of churches to travel 2Tim. 2:4 c. him to be a soldier I Pet. 2:9 ye are ac. generation Rev. 17:14 they are called, and c. CHOSEN of God. Luke 23:35 if Christ the c. of God. Acts 10:41 to witnesses c. before o/ C IPet. 2:4 a living stone c of God God hath CHOSEN. Deut.12: 21 G.c.to put his name, 16:11 21 : 5 them G. c. to minister to him IChr. 29: 1 Solomon whom alone G. c. Acts 22:14 G. of fathers hath c. thee ICor. 1:27 G. c. foolish things G. c. 23 things despised G. c. and things 2TAes.2:13 G. from begin. A. c. you 7as. 2:£ h. not G. c. poor of world 77 CHR J have CHOSEN. 1 Kings 11:13 Jeru. sake which Ih. c. 2Kings 21:7; 23:27; 2C*Ar.6:6 32 city J have c. out of all tribes Neh. 1 :9 place Ih. c. to set mv name Psa. 119:30 Ih.c. way of truth. 173 Isa. 41 : 8 Jacob whom / have c. 9 / have c. and not cast away 43:10 my servant I h. c. MatA2A8 44: 1 Israel whom I h. c; 2 Jesurun 48: 10 J/iat>ec. thee in furnace of affl. 58:5 the fast that I have t.t 6 Hag.2:23 I have c. thee saith the L. John 13:18 I know whom J have c. 15:16 ye have not c. me, I have c. 19 but J have c. you out of world Lord hath CHOSEN. Deut.7:6 L.c. thee a special peo. 14:2 18:5 L.hathc. him out of all tribes ISam. 10:24 see ye him Lord hath c. 16:10 Samuel said, L. h. note, these ICAr. 23:4 Lord hath c. Judah ruler 5 L. c. Solomon to sit on throne. 10 2CAr. 29:11 L. A. c. you to serve him Psa. 105:26 Aaron whom he had c. 132:13 L.c. Zion; 135:4 X.C.Jacob 7er. 33:24 the two families L. hath c. Zech. 3:2 L. that AafA c. Jeru. rebuke Eph. 1 : 4 ace. as he /iat A c. us in him CHOSEN men. Judg.20:16 700 c. men left-handed 2Chr. 13:3 Abijah with 400,000 c m. Jeroboam with 800,000 c. m. Psa. 78:31 wrath smote c. m. of Israel Acts 15:22 to send c. men, 25 CHRIST. Mat. 2:4 where C. should be born 16:16 thou art C. the Son 23:8 one is Master, even C. 16 24:5 saying I am C. Mark 13:6; Lute 21:8 26:68 prophesy to us, thou C. MarA 9:41 because ye belong to C. 15:32 let C. descend from cross Luke 2:26 not die bef. he had seen C. 4:41 devils knew he was C. 23:35 save himself, if he be C. 39 if C. save thyself and us 24:26 ought not C. to have suff. 46 it behooved C. to suffer 7oArt 4:25 Messias cometh called C 7:27 C. cometh no man know, 31 41 C. come out of Galilee ? 42 that C. cometh of seed of David 9:22 if any did confess he was C. 12:34 heard C. abideth for ever Acts 2:30 would raise up C. to sit 36 made Jesus both Lord and C. 3:13 God bef. showed C. should suff. 8:5 Philip preached C. to them 9:20 straightway he preached C. 17:3 C. must needs have suffered 26:23 C. should suffer and rise first Rom. 5:6 in due time C. died for 8 yet sinners, C. died for us 6:4 like as C. was raised from dead 9 C. being raised dieth no more 7:4 dead to law by the body of C. 8:9 if any have not the spirit of C. 10 if C. be in you, body is dead 11 he that raised up C. from dead 9:3 wish myself accursed from C. 5 of whom C. came, who is over 10:4 C. is end of law for righteous. 6 to bring C. down from above 7 that is, to bring up C. again 14:9 to this end C. both died 15 destroy not him for whom C died 18 in these things serveth C. is 15:3 C. pleased not himself 7 as C. also received us to glory 18 which C. not wrought by me 20 not where C. was named 16:5 Epenetus first-fruits to C. 1 Cor. 1:23 we preach C. crucified 24 C. the power of God. and 3:23 ye are C. and C. is God's CHR I Cor. 5:7 C. our passover is sacrificed 8:11 perish, for whom C. died 9:21 under law to C. that I might 10:4 and that Rock was C. 9 nor let us tempt C. as some of 15:3 how C. died for our sins 12 if C. be preached that he rose 16 if dead rise not, is not C. raised 17 if C. not raised, faith is vain 23 in his order, C. first-fruits 2Cor.3A trust thro' C. to God-ward 5:16 though known C. after flesh 6:15 what concord C. with Belial? 11:2 as a chaste virgin to C. Gal. 2:20 yet not I, C. liveth in me 21 law, then C. is dead in vain 3:13 C. redeemed us from curse 24 schoolmaster to bring us to C. 29 if ye be C. then Abraham's seed 4:7 if a son, heir of God through C. 19 till C. be formed in you 5:1 liberty wherewith C. m. us free 2 if circumcised, C. profit nothing 4 C. is of none effect unto you 24 they that are C. have crucified Eph. 2:12 at that time without C. 3:17 that C. may dwell by faith 4: 15 which is the head, even C. 20 ye have not so learned C. 5:2 as C. also loved us, and hath 14 C. shall give thee light 23 as C. is head of the church 24 as church is subject to C. so let 25 love wives as C. loved church 32 I speak concern. C. and church 0:5 in singleness of heart as to C. Phil. 1:15 some preach C. of envy 16 the one preach C. of contention 18 C. is preached, and I rejoice 20 C. be magnified in my body 3:8 dung that I may win C. 4: 13 I can do all thro' C. who stre. Col. 2:8 world, and not after C. 3: 1 where C. sitteth on right hand 4 C. who is our life shall appear 11 but C. is all and in all 13 as C. forgave you, so do ye 24 for ye serve the Lord C. Heb. 3: 6 C. as a son over own house 5:5 so C. glorified not himself 9:11 C. a high-priest of good 24 C. is not entered into holy places 28 C. was once offered to bear I Pet. 2:21 C. also suffered for us 3:18 C. once suffered for sins 4:1 as C. suffered in the flesh .Re©. 11: 15 kingdom of L. and his C. 12: 10 is come power of his C. Against CHRIST. Acts 4:26 kings gathered a. his C. 1 Cor. 8: 12 ag. brethren, ye sin a. C. 1 Tim. 5:11 wax wanton a. C . marry By CHRIST. 2Cor. 1:5 consola. aboundeth by C. Gal. 2:17 seek to be justified by C. Eph. 3:21 be glory in church by C. For CHRIST. ICor. 1: 17 C. sent me not to baptize 4:10 we are fools for C. sake 2 Cor. 5:20 we ambassadors for C. 12:10 pleasure in distresses, for C. Eph. 4 : 32 as God for C .sake forgiven Phil. 3:7 I counted loss for O. IThes. 3:5 patient waiting for C. Jesus with CHRIST. Mat. 1: 16 born J. called C. 27: 17, 22 John 1:17 grace and truth by J. C. 17:3 may know thee, and J. C. Acts 2:38 be bapt. in name of J. C. 3:6 in name of J. C. rise up and 20 send J. C. who was preached 4:10 of J. C. doth this man stand 5:42 ceased not to preach J. C. 8:12 Philip preaching things con- cerning the name of J. C. 37 I believe J. C. is Son of God CHR Acts 9: 34 J. C. maketh thee whole 10:36 preaching peace by J. C. 16:18 in name of J. C. come out 17:3 Jesus I preach to you is C. 18:5 testified that Jesus was C. 28 by scriptures, Jesus was C. 19:4 should believe on C. Jesus Rom.1.1 Paulserv.of J.C. Phil. 1:1 3 concerning his son J. C. our L. 6 are ye the called of Jesus C. 8 I thank God thro' J.C. foryouall 2: 16 judge secrets of men by J. C. 3:22 righteousness by faith of J. C. 24 thro' redemption in Jesus C. 5: 15 gift by grace, by one man J.C. 17 more reign in life by one J. C. 6:3 as were baptized into Jesus C. 8: 1 no condem. to them in C. Jesus 2 Sp. of life in C. J. made me free 16:3 Aquila mv helpers in C. Jesus ICor.l : lapos.J.C.2Cor.l : 1 ; Eph.l : 1 2 with all that call on name of J.C. 4 for grace given you by Jesus C. 30 but of him are ye in C. Jesus 2:2 not to know, save J. C.crucified 4:15 in C. J. have I begotten you 2Cor. 4:6 knowl. of G - . in face of J.C. 5: 18 hath reconciled us by Jesus C. 13:5 how that Jesus C. is in you Gal. 2: 16 man isjusti.byfaithof J.C. 3:14 blessings on Gentiles thro' J.C. 28 for ye are all one in C. Jesus 4:14 rec. me as an angel, as C. J. Eph. 2:6 in heavenly places in C.J. 20 J. C. being chief corner-stone Phil. 1:81 long in bowels of Jesus C. 2:5 mind in you, was in C. Jesus 11 Jesus C. is Lord to glory of God 21 all seek not things wh. are J. C. 3:8 I count all loss for excel, of C.J. 12 1 am apprehended of C. Jesus 4: 19 to his riches in glory by C. J. Col. 2:6 rec. C. J. so walk ye in him 127m. 1:15 C. J. came to save sinners 2:5 one mediator, the man C. Jesus 6:13 C. Jesus who witnessed a good 227m. 1:9 to grace given us in C.J. 13 in faith and love in C. Jesus Phile. 1 Paul a priso. of J. C. 9, 23 Heb.13: 8 Jesus C. the same yesterday Uohn 1 : 7 blood of Jesus C. cleanse th 2: 1 we have an advocate Jesus C. 5:6 came by water and blood J. C. 20 we are in him. even in Jesus C. Lord Jesus CHRIST. Acts 11 : 17 who believed on L. J. C. 15:11 thro' grace of L. J. C. be sav. 16:31 believe on L. J. C. be saved 20:21 testifying faith tow. L. J. C. Rom. 5:1 peace with G. thro'L. J. C. 11 joy in God thro' L. J. C. 6:23 gift is eter. life thro' L. J. C. 8:39 from love of G. in C. J. our L. 13:14 put ye on the L. J. C. 16: 20 grace of L. J. C. be with you, 24; 2Cor. 13:14; Gal. 6:18; 2Thes. 3:18; Rev. 22:21 ICor.l:! for coming of our L.J. C. 8:6 one L. J. C. by whom are all 15:57 the victory thro' our L. J. C. 16:22 if any love not L. J. C. 2Cor. 1:2 peace from God and L. J.C. Gal.l-.3-, Eph.l:2; Col. 1:2 8:9 for ye know grace of L. J. C. Gal.6: 14 glory save in cross of L.J. C. Eph.l:3 blessed be Father of L.J.C. 17 God of L. J. C. give Spir. of wis. 12%es.l:3 patience of hope in L.J.C. 2:19 our joy in presence of L. J. C. 3: 13 establish you at com. of L.J.C. 5:23 preserved to com. of L. J. C. 2Thes. 2:1 beseech by com.of L. J. C. 16 now our L.J. C. who hath given ITim. 5:21 I charge thee before L. J.C. 227m. 4:1 227m. 4:22 L. J. C. be with thy spi. 2PeM:ll entr.intokingd. of L.J.C. 3:18 grow in knowledge of L. J. C. 78 CHR In CHRIST. Acts2A:2\ heard him cone, faith mC Rom. 9:11 say the truth in C 12:5 many, are one body in C. 16:7 who were in C. before me 9 salute Urbane our helper in C. 10 salute Apelles approved in C ICor. 3:1 even as unto babes in 0. 4:10 but ye are wise in C. 15:18 asleep in C. are perished 19 if in this life only hope in C. 22 in C. all be made alive 2Cor. 1 :2l stablish us in C. 2:14 causeth us to triumph in C. 17 in sight of God speak in C. 3:14 veil is done away in C. 5:17 in C. he is anew creature 19 in C. reconciling the world 20 in C. stead, be reconciled 12:2 I knew a man in C. 14 years 19 we speak before God in C. Gal. 1 :22 to churches of Judea in C 3:17 cov. confirmed of God in C. 27 as many as baptized into C. Eph. 1:3 with spiritual bless, in C 10 gather in one all things in C. 12 who first trusted in C. 20 wrought in C. when he raised 3:6 partakers of his promise in C. Phil. 1:13 my bonds in C. manifest 2:1 if any consolation in C. Col. 2:5 steadfast, of yourfaithin C. 1 Thes. 4:16 dead in C. rise first 1 Tim. 2: 7 I speak the truth in C. IPet. 3:16 good conversation in C. Is CHRIST. Mat. 24:23 lo, here is C. Mark 13:21 Mark 12:35 C.t'ssonof D. Luke 20:41 Luke 2:11 born a Saviour, wh. is C. 23:2 saying, that he is C. a king John 7:41 said this is the C. Acts 9:22 Saul proving this is C. 17:3 Jesus I preach to you is C. Rom. 8:34 it ts C. that died, yea ICor. 1:13 is C. divided? was Paul ■7:22 being free is C. servant 11:3 head of every man is C. 12:12 many, are one body, so is C 15:13 if dead rise not, is C. 16. 20 now is C. risen from dead 2Cor. 10:7 if any trust he is C. Gal. 2:17 is C. minister of sin ? 3: 16 and to thy seed, which is C. Phil. 1:21 to live is C. to die gain Col. 1:27 is C. in you hope of glory Of CHRIST. Mat. 11:2 John heard works of C. 22:42 what think ye of C? Rom. 8:9 if any have hot Sp. ofC. 35 separate us from love of 0.1 14: 10 before judgment-seat ofO. ICor. 1:11 lest cross of C. be made 2:16 we have the mind ofC. 6: 15 your bodies members of 0. 10: 16 communion of blood of 0. 11:1 be followers of me as I of O. 3 the head of 0. is God 12:27 now ye are the body ofO. 2Cor. 1:5 as suffer, of C. abound in 2:10 forgave I it in person ofO. 15 we are a sweet savor of 0. 3:3 ye are epistle of O. ministered 4:4 lest light of gospel of 0. shine 5:14 love of 0. constrain eth us 8:23 brethren they are glory of 0. 10:1 by the meekness of 0. 5 bringing to obedience ofO. 11:10 as the truth of O. is in me 12:9 power o/C.may rest. Rev. 12:10 13:3 proof of 0. speaking in me Gal. 1:10 I should not be serv. ofO. 2:16 be justified by faith ofC. 6:12 persecution for cross ofC. Eph. 2: 13 nigh by the blood of C. 3:4 my knowled. in mystery of O. 8 the unsearchable riches of C. 19 know love of C. which passeth 0%: CHU EphA-.f ace. to measure of gift o/C. 5:5 any inheritance in kingd.o/C. 6:6 as servants of C. doing will of Phil. 1:10 offence till the day o/C. 29 it is given in behalf of C. 2:16 may rejoice in the day o/C. 30 for work o/C. nigh to death 3:18 enemies of the cross of C. Col. 1 :24 behind of afflictions of C. 2:2 mystery of God, and o/C. 17 but the body is o/C. 3:16 let the word o/C. dwell richly 4:3 to speak the mystery o/C. 2Tim. 2: 19 nameth the name o/C. Heb. 3:14 made partakers o/C. if 9: 14 more, blood of C. purge 11:26 reproach o/C. greater riches lPeM:ll Spirit o/C. did signify 19 with precious blood o/C. 4:13 partakers o/C. sufferings 14 if reproached for name o/C. Rev. 20:6 priests of God and o/C. That CHRIST. John 1:25 if thou be not that C. 6 : 69 we are sure that thou art that C . The CHRIST. Mat. 16:20 tell no man he was^eC. 26:63 tell whether thou be the C. Mark 8:29 saith, thou art the C. 14:61 the C. Son of the Blessed? Luke 3:15 John whether he were t.C 9:20 Peter said thou art the C. 22:67 Sc. saying art thou t. C. tell John 1:20 I am not the C. 41 found the Messias, the C. 3:28 I said I am not the C. 4:29 told me all, is not this the C? 42 this is indeed the C. 7:26 7:41 others said, this is the C. 10:24 be the C. tell us plainly 11:27 I believe thou art the C. 20:31 might believe Jesus is the C. Uohn 2:22 denieth Jesus is the C. 5: 1 whoso believeth Jesus is theC. With CHRIST. Rom. 6:8 if we be dead with C. we 8:17 then joint-heirs with C. Gal. 2:20 I am crucified to. C.yetlive Eph. 2:5 quickened us together w. C. PAi7. 1:23 a desire to be with C. Col. 2:20 if dead w. C. from world 3:1 if risen w. C. seek things above 3 your life is hid with C. in God Rev.20A reigned with C. 1,000 years CHRISTIAN, S. Acts 11:26 first called c. at Antioch 26:28 almost persuadest me to be a c. IPel. 4:16 yet if any suffer as a c. CHRISTS. Mat. 21:24 arise false c. Mark 13:22 CHRONICLES. IChr. 27:24 nor number put in e. Esth.6: 1 to bring the book of c. See book. CHRYSOLITE. Rev. 21:20 seventh foundation a e. CHRYSOPRASUS. Rev. 21:20 tenth foundation a e. CHURCH. Mat . 16:18 on this rock build my c. Is: 17 tell it to the c. if he neglect Acts 2:47 added to c. daily such 5:11 great fear came on c. 8:1 a great persecution against c. 1 1 : 26 they assembled with the c. 14:23 ordained elders in every c. 27 had gathered c. together 15:3 brought on way by the c. 22 it pleased elders with the c. 18:22 when he had saluted c. Rom. 16:5 greet c. in their house I Cor. 4:17 as I teach in every c. 14:4 prophesieth edifieth c. 5 that c. may receive edifying 23 if c be come into one place CHU ICor. 16:19 with c. in their house Eph. 1 :22 head over all to the c. 3: 10 known by e. wisdom of God 5:24 as c. is subject to Christ 25 as Christ loved the c. and gave 27 might present a glorious c. 29 cherisheth it, as Lord the c. 32 I speak concern. Christ and c. Phil. 3:6 zeal, persecuting the c. 4:15 noc. communicated with me Col. 1 : 18 head of the body the c. 24 for his body's sake, the c. 4:15 salute c. in Nymphas' house 1 Tim. 5: 16 let not c. be charged Phile. 2 Paul to c. in thy house Heb. 12:23 to c. of first-born 1 Pet . 5:13 c. at Babylon saluteth 3John 6 witness of thy charity bef. c. 9 I wrote to the c. but Diotrephes In the CHURCH. Acts 7:38 that was in the c. in wild. 13:1 prophets in the c. at Antioch 1 Cor. 6 : 4 least esteemed in the c. 11:18 when ye come toge. in the c. 12:28 God hath set some in the c. 14: 19 yet in thee. I had rather speak 28 let him keep silence in the c. 35 shame for worn, to speak in the c. Eph. 3:21 to him be glory in the. c. Col. 4:16 cause it to be read inthec. Of the CHURCH. Acts 8:3 Saul made havoc of the c. 11:22 tidings came to ears of the c. 12:1 Herod vexed certain of the c. 5 prayer was made of thee, for Pet. 15:4 they were received of the c. 20:17 Paul called elders of the c. Rom. 16: 1 Phebe a servant of the c. 23 Gaius my host and of c. salute 1 Cor. 14: 12 excel to edifying of c. Eph. 5:23 as Christ is head of the c. Heb. 2:12 in midst of c. I will sing 3John 10 Diotre. casteth out of c. Rev. 2:1 to angel ofc. of Ephesus 8 Smyrna; 12 Perga.; 18 Thyatira 3:lSardis; 7Philad.; 14Laodicea CHURCH of God. Acts 20:2S feed the c. of God ICor. 1:2 to c. of God at Corinth 10:32 none offence to c. of God 1 1 : 22 or despise ye the c. of God 15:9 I persecu. c. of God, Gal. 1 : 13 ITim. 3:5 how take care ofc. of G. CHURCHES. Acts 9:31 then had the c. rest 15:41 Paul confirming the c. 16:5 c. established in the faith 19:37 these neither robbers ofc. Rom. 16:4 to wh. all c. give thanks 16 the c. of Christ salute you ICor. 7:17 so ordain I in all c. 11:16 such custom, neither the c. 14:33 author of peace as in all c. of 34 women keep silence in c. 16:1 order to c. of Galatia so do ye 19 the c. of Asia salute you 2Cor. 8:1 grace bestowed on the c. 19 chosen of the c. to travel 23 they are messengers of c. 11:81 robbed other c. taking wages 28 daily the care of all the c. 12:13 wherein inferior toother c? Gal. 1:22 unknown by face to c. 1 1 Thes. 2: 14 followers of the c. of G. 2Thes. 1:4 we glory in you in the c. Rev. 1:4 John to the seven c. 1 1 send it to the seven c. 20 seven stars are angels of c. candlesticks are the seven c. 2:7 what the Spirit saith unto the c. 11, 17,29; 3:6,13, 22 23 c. know I am he searcheth 22: 16 to testify these things in c. CHURL. Isa. 32:5 nor c. said to be bountiful 7 instruments of c. are evil 79 cm CHURLISH. ISam. 25:3 Nabal was c. and evil CHURNING. Prov. 30:33 surely c. of milk bring- eth butter CHUSHAN-RISHATHAIM. Judg. 3:8 sold Israel into hand of C. CHUZA. Luke S:3 CILICIA Acts 6:9; 15:23, 41; 21:39; 22:3; 23:34; 27:5 Gal. 1:21 I came into regions of C. CINNAMON. Exod. 30 : 23 sweet c. half so much Prov. 7:17 perfumed bed with c. Cant. 4: 14 are an orchard of c. Bet). 18: 13 no man buyeth her c. CIRCLE. Isa. 40:22 sitteth on c. of earth CIRCUIT, S. 1 Sam. 7:16 from year to year in c. Job 22:14 walketh in c. of heaven Psa. 19:6 and his c. unto the ends Eccl. 1:6 returneth accor. to his c. CIRCUMCISE. Gen. 17:11 ye shall c. foreskin JDewM0:16 c. foreskin of the heart 30:6 Lord will c. thy heart Josh. 5:2 c. again children of Israel Jer. 4:4c. yourselves to the Lord Luke 1 : 59 they came to c. the child John 7:22 ye on sabbath c. a man Acts 15:5 needful to c. them 21 : 21 that they ought not to c. CIRCUMCISED. Gen. 17: 10 every man-child be c. 14 not c. shall be cut off 26 Abraham was c. and Ishmael 34:15 if as we be, every male c. 24 every male was c. Exod. 12:48 Josh. 5:3 Joshua c. children of Israel Jer. 9:25 punish all c. with uncir. Acts 15:1 except c. not be saved, 24 16:3 Paulc. Timothy Rom. 4: 11 fath. of all bel. tho' not c. ICor. 7:18 called being c? in uncir- cumcision? let him not be c. Ga/.2:3 Titus compelled to be c. 5:2 if c. Christ shall profit nothing 6:12 they constrain you to be c. 13 they c. keep not the law Phil. 3: 5 c. eighth day, of stock of Col. 2:11 in whom also ye are c. CIRCUMCISING. Luke 2:21 days accomplished for c. CIRCUMCISION. John 7:22 Moses gave unto you c. 23 if on the sabbath receive c. Rom. 2:25 c. profiteth, if thou keep the law ; thy c. is made uncir. 28 nor is that c. which is outward 29 c. is that of the heart, in spirit 3:30 shall justify c. by faith 4:9 this blessedness on c. only? 10 when he was in c? not in c. ICor. 7:19 c. is keeping of comman. Gal. 2:9 they should go unto c. 5:6 neither c. availeth, 6:15 11 and I, if I yet preach c. Eph. 2:11 by that called c. in flesh Phil. 3:3 we c. which worship God Col. 2:11 c. without hands, by c. 3:11 there is neither c. nor uncir. Of CIRCUMCISION. Ex. 4:26 bloody husband bee. of c. Acts 7:8 gave Abrah. covenant of 'c 10:45 they ofc. were astonished 11:2 ofc. contended with Peter Rom. 3:1 what profit ofc? much 4:11 he received the sign of c 12 father ofc. to them not of c. 15:8 Jesus Ch. was a minister oft Gal. 2:7 gospel of c. com. to Peter 8 in Peter to apostleship of t. CIT Col. 4:11 who are of the c. salute Tit. 1:10 unruly, especially of c. CIRCUMSPECT, LY. Ezod. 23: 13 in all things be c. Eph. 5: 15 see that ye walk c. CISTERN, S. 2Kings 18:31 drink ev. one of his c. Prov. 5:15 drink of thine ownc. lied. 12:6 wheel broken at the c. Isa. 36: 16 drink every one of own c. Jer. 2:13 hewed out c. broken c. CITY. Gen. 4:17 Cain builded a c. Enoch 11:4 let us build c. and a tower 5 Lord came down to see c. and S they left off to build the c. 18:26 if I find fifty righteous in c. 34:25 came upon the c. boldly Num. 21 : 28 a flame is gone from c. Deut. 2:36 not one c. too strong 3:4 not a c. we took not from 13:15 smite inhabitants of that c. Josh. 3:16 very far from c. Adam 6:3 compass the c. six days, 7 24 burnt c. Deut. 13 : 16 ; Josh. 8:8, 19; Jud^. 1:8; 18:27 8:2 lay ambush for c. behind 20 smoke of c. ascended to heaven 15: 13 c. of Arba, which c. is Hebron 19:50 gave Joshua c. he asked Judg. 6:27 he feared men of c. 9 : 45 c. and sowed it with salt 20:40 flame of the c. ascended Ruth 1 : 19 all the c. was moved 3:11 for c. of my people know 1 Sam. 1:3 out of c. yearly to worship 4:13 told it, all the c. cried out 8: 22 go ye ev. man to his c. 1 Kings 22:36; Ezra 2:1; Neh. 7:6 28 : 3 Israel buried him in his own c. 2Sam. 12: 1 two men in one c. 15:2 of what c. art thou? 19:37 I may die in my own c. 20:19 seekest to destroy a c. 1 Kings 1:45 so that c. rang again 11:32 c. I have chosen, 36 2Kings 6: 19 neither is this the c. 11 : 20 and the c. was in quiet 24: 10 c. Jeru. was beseiged, 25:2 2Chr. 15:6 c. was destroyed of c. 19:5 and he set judges c. by c. 30:10 posts passed from c. to c. 32: 18 that they might take c. Ezra 4:12 building rebellious c. Neh. 2:3 why not sad, c. waste, 5 11:9 Judah was second over c. Esth. 8:15 the c. Shushan rejoiced Psa. 48:2 c. of great king, Ma*. 5:35 59:6 go round about the c. 14 72:16 they of c. shall flourish 107:4 found no c. to dwell in 122:3 Jerusalem as a c. compact 127: 1 except the Lord keep c. Prov. 8:3 wisd. crieth at entry of c. 10: 15 wealth his strong c. 18:11 11:10 righteous, the c. rejoiceth 1 1 by blessing of upright c. exalted 16:32 than he that taketh a c. 25:28 like a c. broken down 29:8 scornful bring c. into snare Eccl. 9:14 there was a little c. 15 poor wise man delivered c. Isa. 1:26 c. of righte. faithful c. 21 14:31 howl, O gate, cry O c. 17: 1 Damascus from being a c. 19:2 shall fight, c. against c. 24:10 the c. of confusion is broken 25: 2 of a c. a heap, to be no c. 33:20 Zion c. of our solemnities 60:14 shall call thee c. of Lord 62:12 be called, a c. not forsaken Jer. 3:14 I will take you one of a c. 4:29 c. shall flee for the noise 19:12 make this c. as Tophet 25:29 evil on c. called by my name 32:24 come to c. and c. is given 39:2 the c. was broken up, 52:7 CIT Jer. 46:8 I will destroy the c. 49:25 how c. of praise not left Iam.l:l how doth c. sit solitary 2:15 c. men call perfect, of beauty Eze. 4:1 portray c. Jerusalem 7:23 the c. is full of violence 9:1 them that have charge over c. 4 go thro' midst of c. Jerusalem 9 c. is full of perverseness 10:2 coals of fire over the c. 27:32 what c. is like Tyrus 33:21 saying, the c. is smitten 48:35 name of c. be, Lord is there Dan. 9: 18 c. called by thy name, 19 Hos.6:8 Gilead c. of th.work iniquity Amos 4: 7 to rain on one c. not on 5:3 c. that went out by thousands Mic. 6:9 Lord's voice crieth to c. Hab. 2:12 stablish a c. by iniquity Zeph. 3:1 woe to the oppressing c. Zech. 8:3 Jerusalem a c. of truth '5 streets of c. be full of boys 14 : 2 the c. shall be taken and houses Mat. 5:14 a c. set on hill cannot 35 Jerusalem is c. of great King 8 : 34 c. came out to meet Jesus 10:11 whatsoever c. ye enter 15 for that c. Mar. 6: 11; JL«.10:12 21 : 10 all the c. was moved, saying 22: 7 king burnt up their c. 23:34 shall persecute from c. to c. Mark 1 : 33 c. was gathered at door 5:14 told it in the c. Luke 8:34 Luke 2:3 taxed, ev. one to his own c. 7:12 much people of c. with her 19:41 he beheld the c. and wept 23:51 he was of Arimathea a c. John 4 : 39 many of that c. believed Acts 8:8 was great joy in that c. 13:44 came almost whole c. to hear 16:12 in that c. certain days 17:5 set all the c. in an uproar 19:29 c. was filled with confusion 21 : 30 all the c. was moved Heb. 11:10 c. that hath foundations 16 hath prepared for them a c. 12:22 to the c. of the living God 13:14 we have no continuing c. Jas. 4:13 we will go into such a c. Rev. 20:9 compassed the beloved c. 21: 14 wall of c. had twelve found. 18 the c. was pure gold like glass 23 c. had no need of the sun Bloody CITY. Eze. 22:2 judge the bloody c? 24:6 woe to bloody c. 9 ; Nah. 3:1 Defenced CITY. Isa. 25:2 of a defenced c. a ruin 27:10 yet the d. c. shall be desolate Jer. 1 : 18 made thee this day a d. c. CITY of David. 2Sam.5:9 called it c. o/ DA Ch. 11:7 6: 10 not remove ark into c. of D. 12 brought ark into c. of David, 16 1 Kin. 2:li) David was buried in c. D. 3:1 Solomon brought her to c. of D. 8:1 ark out of c. of Dav. 2Chr. 5:2 11:43 Solo.buriedinc.D.2CA.9:31 14:31 Rehoboambur.c.D.2CA.12:16 15:8 bur. Abijam m c. D. 2C*A. 14:1 22:50 Jehoshap. bur. c. D. 2Ch.21 :1 2Zw.8:24 Jorambur.c. D.2CA.21 :20 9:28 Ahaziah was buried in c. ofD. 12:21 Jehoash bur. c. D.2Ch. 24-25 14:20 Amaziah; 15:7Azariah 15:38Jotham.2C*A.27:9;23:27 Ahaz 2G'Ar.24:16 bur. Jehoiadain c. ofD. Isa. 22:9 seen breaches of c. of Da. 29:1 woe to Ariel, c. where David Luke2-A Joseph went to c. of David 11 born in c. of David a Saviour .E^ers with CITY. Deut. 19:12 e. of his c. sh. fetch him 21:6 elders of that c. next to slain 20 say to e. of c. our son is stubborn 22:1 7 spread cloth before elders of c. 25:8 eiders of his c. shall call him 80 CIT Josh. 20:4 declare his cause toe. of ft. Judg.8:lQ Gideon took elders of e. Ruth 4:2 Boaztooktenmenofe. ofc Ezra 10:14 with them e. of every t. Every CITY. 2Kings 3:19 smite every fenced c. 2CAr. 31 : 19 of sons of Aaron in e. c Jer. 4 : 29 et> ery c. shall be forsaken 48:8 the spoiler shall come on ev. c. Mat. 12:25 e. i. divided against itself Luke 10:1 two and two into every c. Acts 15:21 in e. c. them that preach 36 let us visit brethren in every c . 20:23 H. Ghost witnesseth in e. c. Tit. 1:5 ordain elders in every c. Fenced CITY. 2Kings 10:2 with you a. fen. c. also 17:9 tower of watchmen to fenc. c. 2Chr. 11:23 he dispersed of children unto every fenced c. CITY of God. Psa. 46:4 streams make glad c. ofG. 48:1 greatly to be praised inc. ofG. 8 c. of God will establish it 87:3 glorious things spoken of thee, Oc.of God Heb. 12:22 come to c. q/"living God .Rev. 3:12 the name of c. of my God Great CITY. Gen. 10:12 builded Resen, a great e JosA. 10:2 because Gibeon was g. c. Neh. 7:4 c. was large and great but Jer. 22:8 Lord done thus to this g. c. Jon. 1:2 go to Ninev. thatg. c. 3:2 3:3 Ninev. was an exceeding g. c. Rev. 11:8 bodies in street of great c. 14:8 Bab. that g. c. 18: 10, 1C. 19, 21 16:19 g. c. was divided into three 17:18 the woman is that great c. 21 : 10 he showed me that gr. c. Jer. Holy CITY. Neh. 11:1 to dwell in Jer. the holy c. Isa. 43:2 call themselves of holy c. 52:1 put on beautiful garm. O h. c. Daw. 9:24 seventy weeks on thy h. c. Mat. 4:5 devil taketh him to holy c. 27:53 went to holy c. and appeared Rev. 11:2 holy c. shall they tread 21:2 I John saw the h. c. coming 22:19 take his part out of holy c. In, or into the CITY. Gen. 19:12 hast in the c. bring Deut. 20:14 all in the c. take 28:3 blessed skalt thou be in the c. 16 cursed shalt thou be in thee. Josh. 6:21 they destroyed all in the c. 8:19 into the c. and set it on fire Judg. 1 : 24 show us entrance into c. 2Sam.l5:25 carry back ark into c. 27 return into the c. and your sons IKin. 14:11 dieth of Jeroboam in c. 12 and when thy feet enter into c. 16:4 him that dieth of Baashawi c. 2Kin.l-A say, we will enter into c. 12 we shall catch them, get into c. Psa. 31 : 21 showed me his marve Uous kindness in a strong c. 55:9 I have seen violence in the c. Prov. 1:21 in c. wisdom uttereth Eccl. 7:19 ten mighty men in the c. 8:10 wicked were forgottenun c. Isa. 24:12 in the c. is left desolation Jer. 14:18 if I enter into the c. then 38:9 no more bread in the c. 52:6 the famine was sore in the c. Lam. 1 :19 elders gave up ghost in c. Hos. 11:9 I will not enter into the c. Joel 2; 9 run to and fro in the c. Amos 3:6 be blown in the c. shall there be evil in a c. 7:17 thy wife be harlot, in c. Jon. 3 : 4 Jonah began to enter into c Mat. 9:1 he came into his own c. 10:5 c. of the Samaritans enter no 11 into whatsoever c. ye enter 26 : 18 go into the c. to such a man 28:11 some of watch came into c. CIT Mark 14: 13 go into the c. Acts 9:6 Luke 2: 3 taxed, every one into his c. 7:37 a woman m f/ie c. a sinner 18:2 there was in a c. a. judge 22:10 when ye are entered ?nro c. 24:49 tarry ye in c. of Jerusalem /oAw 4:8 disciples were gone into c. Acts 11:51 was in the c. of Joppa 14:20 howbeit, he came into the c. 21 : 29 Trophimus with him in the c. 24:12 synagogues nor in the c. 2Cor. 11:26 been in perils in the c. Rev. 22:14 enter thro' gates into c. CITY of the Lord. Psa. 101:8 that I may cut off all wicked doers from c. of the Lord Isa. 60:14 shall call thee c. of Lord Out of the CITY. Gtn. 44:4 when gone out of the e. Exod. 9:29 as soon as I am out of c. 33 and Moses went out of the c. Josh. 8: 22 other issued out of the c. Judg.l : 24 spies saw man come o.ofc. 2Sam.l8:3 better succor us out ofc. 20:16 cried wise woman out of the c. 2Kin. 7: 12 when they come out ofc. 9: 15 let none escape out of the c. Job 24: 12 men groan from out oft. c. Jer. 39:4 Zedekiah went o. ofc. 52:7 2?ze. 48:30 are goings out of the c. Mic. 4:10 now go forth out of the c. Mat. 21:17 and went out of the c. Mar. 11:19 even come, he went o.ofc. Luke 4:29 thrust him out of the c. 9:5 go out of that c. shake off dust John 4:30 then they went out of c. Acts 7:58 cast Stephen out of the c. 14: 19 stoned Paul, drew him o.ofc. 16: 13 sabbath we went out of the c. 21:5 brought us till out of the c. CITY of Refuge. Num. 35:25 restore him to c. ofref. Josh. 21 : 13 Hebron c. ofr. lChr.6:57 21 Shechem; 27 Golan; 32Kedesh This CITY. Gen. 19:14 Lord will destroy this c. 20 this c. is near to flee unto 21 I will not overthrow this c. Josh. 6:26 cursed be he build, thisc. Judg. 19:11 let us turn in to this c. ISatn. 9:6 in this c. a man of God 2Kin. 2: 19 situa. oithis c. is pleasant 18:30 «.c.notbedelivered,/5a.36:15 19:32 come into t. c. 33; Isa. 37:34 34 defend t.c. 20:6; 7sa.37:35; 38:6 23:27 I will cast off t. c. Jerusalem '2Chr. 6:3i they pray toward this c. Ezra 4:13 if this c. be builded, 16 Neh. 13: 18 God bring evil on this c? Jer. 6:6 this is the c. to be visited 17:25 this c. shall remain for ever 19:8 I will make this c. desolate 15 bring on this c. all the evil 20:5 deliver strength of this c. 21:9 abideth in this c. shall die 10 set my face against t. c. for evil 22:8 why L. done thus unto t. c. 26:6 I will make t. c. a curse to all 15 bring innocent blood on this c. 27:17 wherefore t. c. be laid waste 32:3 give t. c. to Chald. 28; 34:2 31 this c. been as a provocation 33:5 for wick, hid my face from t. c. 34:22 cause them return to this c. 38: 17 this c. shall not be burnt 39:16 my words on this c. for evil Eze. 11:3 this c. is the caldron, 7 Mat. 10:23 persecute in this c. flee Acts 18:10 I have much peo. in t. c. 22:3 brought up in this c. at feet Without CITY. Gen. 19:16 the men set Lot with. c. Num. 35:5 ye sh. measure from w. c. Rev. 14:20 wine-press trodden w. c. CITIES. Gen. 19:29 when God destroyed c. 35 • 5 terror of God on c. round about CIT Gen. 47:21 he removed people to c. Num. 13: 19 what c. they dwell in 35:8 give of his c. to Levites Deut. 2:37 nor to c. in mountains 3:19 abide in c. I have given you 6: 10 to give thee goodly c. 19:5 flee to one of these c. Josh. 10:19 suffer them not to enter c. 11:13 as fore, still in strength 18:9 described it by c. in a book Judg. 20:48 men of Isr. set on fire c. 21 : 23 they repaired the c. 1 Sam. 31: 7 Israelites forsook c. 2Sam.lO:12 c. our God, 1 Chr. 19:13 1 Kings 9:12 Hiram came to see c. 20:34 c. father took I restore Job 15:28 he dwelleth in desolate c. Psa. 9:6 O enemy, destroyed c. Isa. 6:11 he answ. Until c. be wasted 14:21 nor fill world with c. 19: 18 in that day shall five c. inE. 33:8 he hath despised the c. 64:10 thy holy c. a wilderness Jer. 2:15 his c. are burnt 28 accor. to number of thy c. 11 : 13 13:19 c. of south be shut up 20:16 be as the c. L. overthrew 31:21 O virgin, to these thy c. 49:13 c. be perpetual wastes 50:32 I will kindle fire in his c. Eze. 26:19 like c. not inhabited 30:17 these c. into captivity 35:9 thy c. shall not return H os. 8: 14 send fire upon his c. 11:6 sword shall abide on his c. Amos 4:8 three c. to one for water Mic. 5: 14 so will I destroy thy e. Zeph.3:6 their c. are destroyed Zech. 1:17 my c. shall yet spread Mat. 10:23 not have gone over c. 11: 1 to preach in their c. Acts 26:11 I persecuted to strange c, 2Pet. 2:6 c. of Sod. and Go. to ashes Jude 7 c. about them in like manner Rev. 16: 19 c. of the nations fell All CITIES. Num. 21 : 25 Israel took all these c. Deut. 2:34; 3:4; Josh. 10:39 31:10 burnt their c. Judg. 20:48 Deut. 20: 15 thus do to all c. afar Josh. 11:12 allc. of kings destroyed 21:19 allc. of Aaron were thirteen c. 41 all c. of Lev. were forty-eight c. 1 Sam. 18:6 worn, came out of all c. 2Sam. 24:7 came to all c. of Hivites iVeA.10:37 tithes in all the c. Jer. 4 : 26 all the c. broken down 33:12 in all c. habita. of shepherds Hos. 13:10 save thee in all thy c. Acts 8:40 he preached in all c. Defenced CITIES. Isa. 36: 1 Sennacherib against def. c. 37:26 be to lay waste defenced c. Jer. 4:5 let us go to defenced c. 8:14 34:7 defenced c. remained of Judah Fenced CITIES. Num. 32: 17 little ones in fenced c. Deut. 3:5 c. fenced with high walls 9:1 c. fenced to heaven, Josh. 14:12 Josh. 10:20 rest entered into fen. c. 2 Sam. 20: 6 lest he get him fenced c. 2Chr. 12:4 Shishak took fenced c. 14:6 Asa built fenced c. in Judah 21:3 Jehoshaphat gave sons fen. c. Jer. 5:17 impoverish thy fenced c. Dan. 11 : 15 king of north take fen. c. Hos. 8: 14 Judah multiplied/enced c. Zeph. 1:16a day of alarm aga./en. c. CITIES of Judah. 25am. 2:1 shall I go up to c. of J.? 2Kin. 23:5 burnt incense in c. of J. 1 Chr. 6: 57 to sons of Aaron c. of J. 2Chr. 17:7 to teach in c. of J. 13 19:5 set judges in the c. of Judah 23:2 gather Lev. out ofc. of Judah 81 CLA Neh. 11:3 in c. of Judah each dwelt Psa. 69:35 God will build c. of Jud. Isa. 40:9 c. of Jud. behold yonr God 44:26 to c. of Jud. ye shall be built Jer. 1 :15 families of north ag. c. of J. 4:16 their voice against c. of Jud. 7:17 what they do in c. of Judah 9:11 c.ofJ. desolate, 10:22; 34:22 11:12 shall c. of Judah cry to gods 32:44 take witness in the c. ofJu. 33:10 with, man and beast in c. of J. 13 in the c. ofJu. shall flocks pass 44:6 my fury kindled in c. of Jud. 21 the incense ye burn in c. of Ju. Zech. 1 :12 not have mercy on c. of J. CITIES of Refuge. Num. 35 : 6 be six c. for refuge. 13, 14 11 appoint c. of refuge, Josh. 20:2 IChr. 6:67 to sons of Kohath of c. r Six CITIES. Josh. 15:59 mount, of Judah six c. CITIES with Suburbs. Lev. 25:34 suburbs of c. not be sold Num. 35 : 2 give to Levites sub. foi c. Josh. 21:3 gave to Levites c. with * CITIES with Villages. I Sam. 6:18 c. and of country villa. Mat. 9: 35 Jesus went about all c. and villages teaching, Luke 13:22 Mark 6: 56 whether into villages or c. CITIES with waste. Leu. 26:31 make your c. tvaste, 33 Isa. 61 : 4 they shall repair waste c. Jer. 4:7 thy c. shall be laid tvaste Eze. 6:6 in dwellings c. shall be IP. 19:7 w. their c; 35:4 lay thy c. w. 36:35 waste c. are become fenced 38 w. c. be filled with flocks of men Amos 9: 14 shall build the waste c Your CITIES. Isa. 1 : 7 your c. are burnt with fire Jer. 40:10 dwell in your c. ye have CITIZEN, S. Lukel5-A5 prodigal joined to a c. 19:14 his c. hated him, and Acts 21 :39 a c. of no mean city Eph. 2:10 fellow-e. with saints CLAD. I Kin. 11:29 Jerob. had c. himself Isa. 59 17 c. with zeal as a cloak CLAMOR, OUS. Prov. 9:13 a foolish woman is c. Eph. 4:31 let all c. be put away CLAP hands. Job 27:23 shall c. their hands at him Psa. 47: 1 c. your hands all ye people 98:8 let the floods c. their hands Isa. 55:12 trees of field c. their han. Lam. 2: 15 pass by c. their A. at thee iVaA.3:19 hear bruit of thee c. han. CLAPPED, ETH. 2Kings l\:\2 c. their hands Eze. 25:6 hast c. thy hands Job 34:37 c. his hands among us CLAVE, cleft. Gen. 22: 3 Abra. c. wood for burnt-off. Num. 16:31 ground c. asunder Judg. 15:19 God c. hollow in jaw I Sam. 6:14 c. wood of cart Psa. 78: 15 c. rocks, Isa. 48:21 CLAVE, adhered. Gen. 34: 3 his soul c. to Dinah Ruth 1 : 14 Ruth c . to mother-in-law 2Sam. 20:2 Judah c. to their king 23:10 till his hand c. to sword I Kings 11:2 Sol. c. to these in love 2Kings 18:6 Hezekiah c. to the Lord Neh. 10:29 c. to their brethren Acts 17:34 certain men c. to Paul CLAUDA. Acts 27:16 CLAUDIA. 2 Tim. 4:21 6 CLE CLAWS DeuM4:6 the cleft into twoc. Dan. 4: 33 his nails like birds' c. Zech. 11:16 he shall tear their c CLAY. Job 4:19 that dwell in houses of c. 10:9 hast made me as the c. 13:12 are like to bodies of c. 27:16 prepare raiment as c. 33:6 I am formed out of c. 38 : 14 it is turned as c. to seal Psa. 40:2 up out of the miry c. Isa. 29:16 be esteemed as potter's c. 41:25 as potter treadeth c. 45:9 c. say to him fashioneth it 64:8 we the c. thou our potter Jer. 18:4 vessel made of c. marred 6 as c. is in the potter's hand 43:9 stones, hide them in c. Dan. 2:33 his feet, part e. 34, 42 2VaA.3:14 go into c. and tread Hab. 2:6 that ladeth with thick c. John 9:6 he made c. of spittle 15 he put c. on mine eyes Rom. 9: 21 potter power over c. ? CLAY-GROUND. IKin. 7:46 cast into c.-g. 2CAr.4:17 CLEAN. Leu. 23:22 not make e. riddance Josh. 3:17 c. over Jordan, 4: 1, 11 Psa. 77:8 is his mercy c. gone Jsa. 24:19 earth is c. dissolved Joel 1 :7 he hath made it c. bare 2Pet . 2: 18 those c. escaped from them CLEAN, adjective. Gen. 8:20 Noah took of every c. beast 35:2 be c. and change garments Lev. 7: 19 all c. shall eat thereof 10:10 put difference betw. c. 11:47; 20:25; Eze. 22:26; 44:23 16:30 be c. from all your sins 22:4 not eat of holy things till e. Num. 19:18 a c. person take hyssop Deut. 12: 15 and c. may eat, 15:22 1 Sam. 20: 26 surely he is not c. 2Kin. 5:10 flesh come again be c. 14 12 wash in them and be c. 13 when he saith, Wash and be c. Job 11:4 I am c. in thine eyes 14:4 c. thing out of an unclean ? 15:14 what is man he should be c. ? 15 heavens not c. in his sight 25:4 he be c. born of a woman? 33:9 I am c. without transgression Prov. 16:2 ways c. in his own eyes Eccl. 9:2 alike to c. and unclean Jsa. 1 : 16 wash ye, make you c. 28:8 so there is no place c. 52: 11 be ye c. that bear vessels Jer. 13:27 Jeru. wilt not be made c. ? Eze. 36:25 sprinkle c. water on you Mat. 8:2 thou canst make me c. Mark 1:40; Luke 5: 12 3 be thou c. Mark 1:41; Lu. 5:13 23:25 c. the outside, Luke 11:39 Luke 11 :41 all things are c. to you John 13: 11 said he, Ye are not all c. 15:3 now ye are c. thro' the word Act s 18 : 6 on your own heads, I am c. Rev. 19:8 linen, c. and white, 14 CLEAN hands. Job 9:30 if I make hands never so c. 17:9 hath c. hands shall be stronger Psa. 24.4 he that hath c. Aanas CLEAN Aear*. Psa. 51:10 create in me a c. Aeart 73:1 God is good to such of c. heart Prov. 20:9 I have made my heart c? Is CLEAN. Leu. 13:13 heisc. 17,37,39 Psa. 19:9 fear of the Lord is e. Prov. 14:4 no oxen are, crib is c. John 13:10 but is c. every whit Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13: 6 priest pronou. him c. 14:7 CLE Shall be CLEAN. Lev. 11:36 wherein is water s. be c. 12:8 she s. 6ec.l5:28; 13:58 its.&ec. 14:20 he s. be c. 53; 15:13; 17:15; 22:7; Num. 19:12, 19 Num. 31 : 24 ye shall be c. Eze. 36 :25 Psa. 51 : 7 hyssop and I shall be c. CLEANNESS. 2Sam.22:21 toe. of my hands recom- pensed me, Psa. 18: 20 25 c. in his eyesight, Psa. 18:24 Amos 4 : 6 give you c. of teeth CLEANSE. Exod. 29:36 c. the altar, Lev. 16:19 Num. 8:6 take Levites and c. them 2CAr. 29:15 to c. house of Lord, 16 IVeA. 13:22 Levites should c. thems. Psa. 19:12 c. from secret faults 51 : 2 and c. me from my sin 119:9 a young man c. his way? Jer. 4:11 a dry wind not to c. 33:8 c. them from iniq. Eze. 37:23 Eze. 36:25 from idols will I c. you 39: 12 that they may c. land, 16 45:18 and c. the sanctuary Joel 3:21 c. their blood not cleansed MoM0:8 heal the sick, c. lepers 23:26 c. first within the cup 2Cor. 7:1 c. ourselves from all filth. Eph. 5:26 might c. it with washing Jas. 4:8 c. your hands, ye sinners Uohn 1 : 9 c. us from unrighteousness CLEANSED. Lev. 14:14 of him to bee. 17,18,25,28 Num. 35:33 the land cannot be c. JosA.22:17 we are not c. until this 2CAr. 29:18 c. all the house of Lord 30:19 prep, his heart though not e. 34:5 Josiahc.Judah and Jerusalem IVeA. 13:9 they c. the chambers Job 35:3 what profit if I be c. Psa. 73:13 c. my heart in vain Eze. 22:24 art the land not c. 44:26 after he is e. reck, seven days Dan. 8: 14 then sanctuary be c. Mat. 8:3 immed. his leprosy was c. 11:5 the lepers are e. Luke 7:22 Mark 1 : 42 leprosy departed he was c. Luke 4:27 none c. save Naaman 17:17 were not ten c. but where Acts 10:15 what God hath c. 11:9 CLEANSETH, ING. Job 37:21 but the wind c. them Prov. 20:30 blueness of a wound c. Uohn 1:7 blood of Jesus Christ c. Mark 1:44 offer for c. Lwfce 5:14 CLEAR. Gen. 44 : 16 how shall we c. ourselves Exod.M:! by no means c. guilty 2Saw. 23:4 by c. shining after rain Psa. 51 : 4 c. when thou judgest Cant. 6:10 e. as the sun Isa. 18:4 like a c. heat on herbs Amos 8:9 darken earth in c. day ZecA. 14:6 light shall not be c. 2Cor. 7:11 appr. yourselves to be c. Rev. 21:11 light c. as crystal, 22:1 18 pure gold like to c. glass CLEARER. Job 11: 17 age shall be c. than noon CLEARING. Num. 14: 18 by no means c. guilty 2Cor. 7: 11 what c. of yourselves CLEARLY. . Job 33:3 utter knowledge e. Mat. 7:5 c. to pull mote, Luke 6:42 Mar& 8:25 and saw every man c. Rom.l:20 from creation c. seen CLEARNESS. Exod. 24:10 body of heaven in c. CLEAVE. Lev. 1:17 c. it with the wings Psa. 74:15 didst e. the fountain Haft. 3:9 c. the earth with rivers ZecA. 14:4 mount shall c. in midst 82 CLO CLEAVE. Gen. 2:24 and shall c. to his wife, Mat. 19:5; Mar& 10:7 Deui.4:4 ye that did c. to the Lord 10:20 to him shalt thou c. 11:22; 13:4; 30:20; JosA.22:5 JosA.23:8 but c. to Lord your God Job 38:38 the clods c. together Psa. 101:3 hate work, not c. to me 102:5 my bones c. to my skin 137:6 let my tongue c. to roof Isa. 14:1 shall c. to house of Jacob Jer. 13:11 caused to c. to me Israel Eze. 3:26 make thy tongue c. Dan. 2: 43 shall not c. one to another 11 :34 c. to them with flatteries Acts 11:23 purpose of heart c. to L. Rom. 12:9 c. to that which is good CLEAVED. 2Kin.3:3 Jeh. c. to Jeroboam's sins Joi 29: 10 their tongue c. to roof 31:7 if blot hath c. to my hands CLEAVETH. Job 19:20 my bone c. to my skin Psa. 22:15 tongue c. to my jaws 41:8 an evil disease c. to him 44:25 our belly c. to the earth 119:25 my soul c. to the dust Jer. 13: 11 as girdle c. to loins Lam. 4:4 tongue of sucking child t 8 their skin c. to their bones Luke 10:11 dust of your city which e CLEAVETH. DewM4:6 beast that c. the cleft Job 16:13 he c. my reins asunder Psa. 141:7 as when one c. wood Eccl. 10:9 c. wood be endangered CLEFT. Mic. 1:4 valleys shall be c. as wax CLEFTS. Cant. 2:14 O my dove, that art in c Isa. 2:21 to go into c. for fear Jer. 49:16 dwellest in the c. Obad.3 Amos 6:11 smite little house withe. CLEMENCY. Acts 24:4 hear us of thy e. CLEMENT. PAt7.4:3 CLEOPAS. L«.24:18; Johnl9:25 CLERK. Acts 19:35 town c. had appeased CLIFT, S. Exod. £3:22 I will put thee in a c. 2CAr. 20:16 come by c. of Ziz Job 30: 6 to dwell in c. of valleys Jsa. 57:5 slaying children under e. CLIMB, ED, ETH. 1 Sam. 14: 13 Jonathan cup Jer. 4: 29 they shall c. up rocks Joel 2:7 c. wall like men of war 9 they shall c. up on houses Amos 9:2 though c. up to heaven Luke 19:4 Zaccheus c. up a tree Jo An 10: 1 c. up some other way CLIPPED. Jer. 48:37 every beard shall be c. CLOAK. Isa. 59:17 clad with zeal as a c. Mat. 5:40 let him have thy c. also Lwifce6:29 taketh c. forbid not John 15:22 no c. for their sin ITAes. 2:5 nor used c. of covetousness 2Tim. 4:13 c. I left at Troas IPet. 2:16 liberty for c. of malicious. CLODS. Jo6 7:5 flesh clothed with c. of dust 21:33 c. of valley be sweet 38:38 c. cleave fast together Isa. 28:24 ploughman break the e. Hos. 10: 11 Jacob shall break his c. Joel 1:17 the seed is rotten under c. CLOSE. Num. 5:13 kept c. from husband 2. 6:27 and his c. not be burnt Eze. 16:39 strip thee of thy c. 23:26 Mat. 24: 18 not return to take c. Mark 5:28 if I touch but his e. I 15:20 put his own c. on him Luke 2:7 in swaddling c. 12 8:27 ware no c. neither abode 19:36 spread their c. in way 24:12 beheld linen c. John 20:5 John 11:44 bound with grave c. 19:40 and wound it in linen c. 20:7 napkin not with linen e. Acts 7:58 laid their c. at Saul's feet 22:23 as they cried, cast off c. Rent CLOTHES. Gen. 37:29 Reuben; 34 Jacob 44:13 Joseph's brethren rent e. Num. 14:6 Joshua and Caleb rent c. Josh. 7: 6 Joshua; Judg. 1 1 : 35 Jeph. 2Sam.3:31 rent c. gird with sackcloth 1 Ehi. 21:27 Ahab; 2Kin. 5:8 king 2 Kin. 11:14 Athaliah, 2Chr. 23: 13 19: 1 Hezekiah rent c. Isa. 37: 1 Esth A:l Mordecai rent his c. Mat.'X>:65 high-priest r.e.Afar.l4:63 Acts 14: 14 Barnabas and Paul rente, 16:22 magistrates rent off their c. CLOTHES rent. Lev. 13:45 leper's c. shall be rent 1 Sam. 4:12 man came to Shiloh c. r, 2Sam. 1:2 a man from Saul c. rent 13:31 servants stood with c. rent 2KinA8:37 to Hezek. c. r. Isa. 30:22 Jer. 41:5 to Mizpah with their c. r, Wash CLOTHES. Exod. 19:10 wash their c. 2Vum.8:7 Lev. 11:25 shall «>. his c.40; 13:6; 14:8,9,47; 15:5,8,11,22; 16:26, 98; iVum. 19:10, 21; 31:24 Washed CLOTHES. .Exod. 19: 14 the people wash, their c. Num. 8:21 Levites washed their c. 2Sam. 19:24 Mephibosheth «;. not c. CLOTHE ST. Jer. 4: 30 though c. with crimson CLOTHING. Job 22:6 hast stripped naked of e. 24:7 naked to lodge without c. 31 : 19 any perish for want of c. Psa. 35: 13 my c. was sackcloth 45:13 king's daughter, her c. is of Prov. 27:26 lambs for thy c. 31:22 virtuous woman's e. is silk 25 strength and honor her e. Isa. 3:6 thou hast t. be thou ruler 7 for in my house is neither e. 23:18 merchandise be for durable c. 59:17 garments of vengeance for c. Jer. 10:9 blue and purple is their c. Mat. 7: 15 sheep's c; 11:8 soft c. Mark 12:38 scribes love long c. Acts 10:30 a man stood in bright c. Jas. 2:3 to him weareth gay c. 83 CLO CLOUD. Gen. 9:13 I set my bow in the e. Exod. 14:20 it was a c. to thpm 16:10 glory of Lord appeared in c 19:9 lo, I come in a thick c. 24: 15 a c. covered the mount 16 God called to Moses out of c. 34:5 L. descended in c. Num. 11:25 40:34 a c. covered tent of congrega. 38 e. on tabernacle by day Lev. 16:2 I will appear in the c. Num. 9:19 c. tarried long on tabern. 10:34 c. was upon them by day IKings 8:10 c. filled house of Lord, 2Chr. 5:13; Eze.lOA 18:44 a little c. like a man's hand Job 3:5 that day let c. dweLl on it 22:13 can he judge thro' darkc? 30: 15 my welfare passeth as a c. 38:9 when I made c. the garment Psa. 78:14 daytime he led with c. 105:39 he spread a c. for a covering Prov. 16: 15 his favor is as c of rain Isa. 4:5 L. will create on assem. ac. 18:4 like a c. of dew in harvest 19: 1 Lord rideth upon a swift c. 44:22 as a thick c. thy transgres- sions, and as a c. thy sins 60:8 who are these flee as a c. Lam. 2: 1 daughter of Zion with a c 3:44 covered thyself with a c. Eze. 1:4 c. and fire infolding it 28 as appearance of bow in c. 8:11 thick e. of incense went up 10:4 house was filled with the t 30:18 as for her, a c. cover her 32:7 I will cover sun with a c 38:9 like c. to cover land, 16 Mot. 17:5 c. oversha. Mar.9:7: Lit 9:34 voice out of c. Luke 9 35 Luke 12:54 when ye see a c. rise 91:99 Son of man coming in a e. Acts 1:9 a c. received him ICor. 10:1 all our fathers under c. 2 baptized to Moses in the e. Heb. 12 1 so great a e. of witnesses Rev. 10:1 angel clothed with a c. 11:12 they ascended in a c. 14:14 white e. on c. one sat, 15, 16 CLOUD abode. Exod. 40:35 because c. abode thereon Num. 9:17 c. ab. there they pitched Morning CLOUD. Hos. 6:4 your goodness as morning c> 13:3 be as morningc. and early dew Pi7/or o/ CLOUD. Exod. 13:21 by day in a pillar of c. 14:24 on Egyptians thro' pil. of c. Num. 12:5 L. came down in p. of c. Deut. 31:15 L. appeared in p. of c. Neh. 9:19 the pil. ofc. departed not CLOUD taken up. Exod. 40:36 c. was t.up,Num.9-.n 37 c. not taken up journeyed not CLOUDS. Deut. 4:11 c. and thick darkness Judg. 5:4 c. dropped with water 2Sam. 22: 12 about him thick e. *- 23:4 as a morning without c. IKings 18:45 heaven black with e. Job 20:6 tho' his head reached to c. 22:14 thick c. covering to him 26:8 bindeth up waters in c. 36:29 understand spreading of <•.? 37:16 know balancings of the c? 38:37 number c. in wisdom? Psa. 36: 5 thy faithfulness to c. 57: 10 thy truth to the c. 108:4 63:34 his strength is in the c. 77:17 the c. poured out water 73:23 tho' he com. c. from abovt 97:2 c. and darkness about him 104:3 maketh c. his chariot 147:8 covereth heaven with c. Prov. 3:20 c. drop down the dew 8:28 when he established the c. COA Prov. 25:14 is like c. without rain Eccl.llii regardeth c. shall not reap 12:2 nor c. return after rain Isa. 5:6 the c. that they rain not 14:14 I will ascend above the c. Jer. 4: 13 he shall come up as e. Dan. 7: 13 Son of man came with c. Joel 2:2 a day of c. Zeph. 1:15 Nah. 1 : 3 the c. dust of his feet Zech. 10:1 Lord shall make bright c. Mat. 24 : 30 see Son of man coming in c. 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62 1 Thes. 4:17 shall be caught up in c. 2Pet.2:l7 they are c. carried Jude 12 c. they are without water Rev. 1:7 he cometh with c. CLOUDY. Exod. 33:9 the c. pillar descended 2VeA.9:12 leddest by a c. pillar Psa. 99:7 he spake in c. pillar Eze. 30:3 day of Lord near, a c. day 34:12 been scattered in c. day CLOUTED. Josh. 9:5 took old shoes and c. CLOUTS. Jer. 38:11 Ebed. took old cast c. CLOVEN. Lev. 11:3 c. footed that eat 7 swine c. footed, unclean Acts 2:3 appeared c. tongues CLUSTER. iVtwi. 13: 23 cut branch with one c. Cant. 1: 14 as a c. of camphire Isa. 65:8 as new wine is found in c. Mic. 7:1 there is no c. to eat CLUSTERS. Gen. 40:10 c. bro. forth ripe grapes Deut. 32:32 their c. are bitter Cant. 7:7 thy breasts two c. 8 Rev. 14:18 gather c. of vine COAL. 2Sam. 14:7 shall quench my c. left Isa. 6 : 6 seraph, hav. live c. in hand 47:14 shall not be c. to warm at Lam. 4: 8 visage blacker than a c. COALS. Lev. 16: 12 shall take a cen. full of c. 1 Kings 19:6 a cake baken on c. Job 41 :21 his breath kindleth c. Psa. 18:8 e. were kindled by it 12 hailstones and c. of fire 120:4 arrows with c. of juniper 140:10 let burning c. fall on them Prov. 6:28 can one go on hot c. 25:22 heap c. of fire, Rom. 12:20 26:21 as c. to burning c. Can*. 8:6 e. thereof are c. of fire Isa. 44:12 smith worketh in c. 19 baked bread on c. thereof 54: 16 smith that bloweth the c. Eze. 1:13 their appearance burn. c. 10:2 fill thy hand with c. of fire 24:11 set it empty on the c. Hab. 3:5 burning c. forth at his feet Jo An 18:18 servants made fire- of c. 21 : 9 saw fire of c. and fish laid COAST. Num. 24: 24 ships from c. of Chittim Deut. 1 1 : 24 uttermost sea. your c. 19:8 if the Lord enlarge thyc. Josh. 1:4 down of sun be your c. Judg. 11 :20 Israel to pass through c. I Sam. 6:9 if it go by his own c. 7:13 no more into c. of Israel 27:1 to seek me in any c. of Israel 30 : 14 invasion on e of Judah 2King , sl4:25 Jeroboam restored e. 1 Chr. 4:10 and enlarge my c. Zeph. 2:7 c. for remnant of Judah Sea-COAST. Eze. 25: 16 destroy remnant of sea-c. Zeph.2:6 sea-c. be dwell. for sheph. Mat.A:13 Jesus dwelt inCap.ons.-c. Luke 6:17 from sea-c. came to hear COL COASTS. Deut. 2:4 through c. of your brethren 19:3 divide c. of thy land ISam. 7:14 c. did Israel deliver 11:3 send messengers into all c. 7 2Sam. 21:5 be destroyed from c. 1 CAr. 21 : 12 angel destroy, through, c. 2-Chr. 11:19 to Rehoboam out of c. Psa. 105:31 lice in all their c. 33 he brake trees of their c. Jer. 25 : 32 a whirlwind from c. Eze. 33:2 if take a man of their c. Joel 3:4 all the c. of Palestine ? Ma*. 2: 16 Herod slew child, in all c. 8:34 depart out of their c. Ma. 5:17 15:21 Jesus departed into e. of Tyre Afari 7:31 departing from c. of Tyre Acts 13:50 expelled them out of e. COAT. Gen. 37:3 c. of many colors, 32 Exod. 28:4 Aaron, a broidered c. Lev. 8: 7 he put on him the c. 16:4 shall put on the holy linen c. ISam. 2:19 made him a little c. 17:5 Goliah c. of mail, 38 2Sam. 15:32 Hushai came c. rent Job 30: 18 bindeth as collar of c. Cant. 5:3 I have put off my c. how Mat. 5:40 if any take away thy c. Lw&e 6:29 forbid not to take c. also John 19:23 c. was without seam 21:7 Peter girt his fisher's c. COATS. Gen. 3:21 God made c. of skins Lev. 8: 13 put c. upon Aaron's sons 10:5 in their c. out of camp Dan. 3:21 were bound in their e. 27 nor were their c. changed Mat. 10: 10 neither provide two c. Mark 6:9 and put not on two c. Luke 3:11 hath two c. impart Acts 9:39 c. which Dorcas made COCK. .Mat. 26: 34 c. crow deny me, 75; Mar. 14:30,72; Luke 22:34, 61 74 c. crew, Lu. 22: 60; John 18:27 Mark 13:35 cometh at c. crowing 14:68 and the c. crew, 72 John 13:38 e. not crow till thou hast denied me thrice COCKATRICE, S. Isa. 11: 8 put his hand on c. den 14:29 of serpent's root come e. 59:5 they hatch c. eggs Jer. 8:17 I will send c. among you COCKLE. Job 31 : 40 c. grow instead of barley COFFER. ISam. 6:8 put jewels in a c. 11 laid the c. on the cart COFFIN. Gen. 50:26 Joseph was put in a e. COGITATIONS. Dan. 7:28 my c. much troubled me COLD. Gen. 8: 22 e. and heat not cease Job 24:7 naked no covering in c. 37:9 c. cometh out of north Psa. 147: 17 who stand before his c? Prov. 20: 4 not plough by reason of c. 25: 13 as c. of snow in harvest 20 taketh away garment in c. 25 as c waters to a thirsty soul Jer. 18: 14 shall c. water be forsaken ? iVaA.3:17 camp in hedges in c. day Mat. 10:42 a cup of c water 24 : 12 love of many wax c. John 18:18 a fire, for it was c. Acts 28:2 received us, because of c. 2Cor. 11:27 in c. and nakedness Rev. 3: 15 neither e. nor hot, 16 COLLAR, S. Judg. 8:26 jewels beside e. Job 30:18 my disease bindeth as e 84 COM COLLECTION. 2Chr. 24:6 to bring in the c. 9 ICor. 16: 1 concerning c. for saints COLLEGE. 2iTm. 22:14 dwelt in c. 2Chr. 34:22 COLLOPS. Job 15:27 c. of fat on his flanks COLONY. Acts 16:12 and a c. COLOR, S. Gen. 37:3 made a coat of many c. iVnm. 11:7 the c. as bdellium Judg. 5:30 a prey of divers e. 2Sam. 13: 18 a garment of divers e. -^•» lCAr.29:2 precious stones of diverse. -, — Isa. 54: 11 lay stones with fair c. Prov. 23:31 giveth his c. in cup Eze. 1:4 midst as c. of amber ^ 7 like c, of brass, Dan. 10:6 16 wheels like e. of a beryl, 10:9 — 22 firmament as c. of crystal ~— 16:16 high places with divers c. 17:3 eagle with divers c. to Leban. COLOSSE. Col. 1:2 COLT, S. Gen. 32:15 thirty camels with c. 49:11 binding ass's e. to vine Judg. 10:4 thirty sons rode on 30c. 12: 14 Abdon's sons rode on seventy c. Job 11 : 12 though man be born like c. Zech. 9:9 riding upon ac. Mat. 21:5; John 12:15 Mat. 21 : 2 ye shall find an ass tied, a c. Mark 11.2; Luke 19:30 7 brought ass and c. Mark 11:7 Markll:5 loosing e. ? Luke 19:33 Lw&e 19:35 cast their garments on t COME. Gen. 26:27 wherefore c. ye to me 42: 7 whence c. ye ? JosA. 9:8 49:10 sceptre until Shiloh c. iVww. 10:29 e. thou with us, we 24 : 19 out of Jacob shall c. he that shall have dominion DewM8:6 if a Levite c. with desire ISam. 2:34 c. on thy two sons in 10:8 thou shalt tarry till I c. 17:45 I c. to thee in name of Lord 20:21 then e. there is peace 2Sam. 19:33 e. thou over with me 2Kings 5:8 let him c. now to me 18:32 till Ic. and take, Isa. 36:17 ICAr. 29:14 all things c. of thee Job 13:13 let c. on me what will 14:14 wait till my change c. 21 his sons c. to honor and he 37:13 to c. for correction 38:11 hitherto shalt thou c. Psa. 40: 7 lo, I c. Heb. 10 : 7, 9 42:2 when shall I e. and appear 50:3 our God shall e. and not 65:2 unto thee shall all flesh c. 80:2 and c. and save us 86:9 all nations shall c. and worship 101 : 2 O, when wilt thou c. to me 109:17 loved cursing, so let ite. 119:41 let thy mercies e. 77 Eccl. 9:2 all things c. alike to all Cant. 2:10 my love, c. away, 13 Isa. 13: 5 they c. from a far country 6 day of Lord c. as destruction 21:12 inquire ye, return, c. 26: 20 c. my people, enter chambers 35:4 your God will c. with veng. 40:10 L. will c. with strong hand 41 :25 raised up one, he shall e 44 : 7 things coming, and shall c. 45: 20 assemble and e. draw near 24 even to him shall men c 51 : 1 1 redeemed shall c. to Zion 55:1 e. ye to the waters, e. ye 3 e. unto me, hear and your soul 59:20 Redeemer shall e. to Zion 60:3 Gentiles c. to thy light, 5 66:15 Lord will c. with fire Jer. 2:31 will c. no moro to thee COM Jer. 3: 22 we c. to thee, for thou art 13:22 wherefore c. these things 17:15 where word of Lord? let it c. 40: 4 if it seem good to c. if ill to c. 46:18 as Carmel so shall he c. 49:4 who shall c. unto me ? Lam. 1:4 none c. to solemn feasts Eze. 31:27 till he c. whose right it is 33:31 they e. to thee as the people 33 lo, it will c. then shall know 36:8 they are at hand to c. Hos. 6:1 c. let us return to Lord 3 he shall e. to us as the rain 10:12 time to seek Lord till he c. Joel 1:15 as destruction shall it c. 2:31 before terrible day of Lord c. Hob. 2: 3 it will c. and not tarry Zech. 1:21 what c. these to do ? 14:5 God shall c. and all saints Mai. 3:1 the Lord ye seek shall c. Mat. 2:6 out of thee c. Governor 6:10 thy kingdom c. Luke 11 :2* 8:9 c. and he cometh, Luke 7:8 11 many shall c. from the east 11:3 he that should c? Lu. 7: 19,20 2S c. all ye that labor 16: 24 if any man will c. after me 17:10 Elias must first c? 11 24: 14 then sWall the end c. 42 know not hour Lord doth c. 25:34 c. ye blessed of my Father Mark 8:34 if any will c. after me, Luke 9:23; 14:27 10:14 little child, to c. Luke 18:16 Luke 10:1 place whither he wou. c. 17:20 when kingdom should c. 19:13 occupy till I c. 22: 18 till kingdom of God shall c. John 1 :39 he saith, c. and see 3:26 baptizeth, and all men c. 5: 14 lest worse thing c. to thee 40 ye will not c. to me that ye 6: 37 Father giveth shall c. to me 44 no man can c. except Father, 65 7:34 I am, thither ye cannot c. 3T If any man thirst, let him c. 8: 14 ye cannot tell whence I c. 13:19 before it e. that when c. 14:18 not leave, I will c. unto you 23 and we will c. unto him 17:11 I c. to thee, 13 21:22 if I will he tarry till I c. 23 Acts 1 : 11 this Jesus shall so c. as 2:20 before great day of Lord c. 8:24 praynoneof these things c. 9:38 that he would not delay to c. 13:40 lest that c. upon you 16:9 c. over into Macedonia 19:4 believe on him should c. 26: '22 than Moses did say should c. Rom. 3:8 do evil that good may c. ICor. 4:5 judge nothing till Lord c. 11:26 show Lord's death till he c. 34 will I set in order when I c. 2Cor. 1:15 I was minded to c. 12:20 for I fear, lest when I c. 2TAes.l:10 shall c. to be glorified 2:3 except c. a falling away 1 Tim. 4:S life now is. and to e. 2Tim. 4:3 time will c. they will not Heb. 4:16 let us c. boldly to throne 7:25 able to save them c. to God 10:37 he that shall c. will <-. Rev. 2:5 repent, else I will c. quick. 25 ye have, hold fast till I c. 3:11 I c. quickly, 22: 7. 20 6:1 saying, c. and see, 3, 5, 7 22: 17 and let him athirst c. COME again. Gen. 28:21 so that I c. ag. to father Exod. 14:26 waters c. a. on Egypt. Judg. 8:9 I c. a. in peace, I w. break 13:8 let man of God c. again to us I Kings 2:41 Shimei was c. again 12:5 three days and c. a. 2Chr. 10:5 17:21 let this child's soul c. again Psa. 126:6 he shall c. aga. rejoicing Prov. 3:28 say not, Go and c. again COM Luke 10:35 I c. again I will repay John 14:3 I will c. aga. and receive 28 how I said, I go away, and c. a. 2Cor. 2: 1 not c. again in heaviness 12:21 I c.ag. God will humble me 13:2 if I c. again I will not spare COME down. Gen. 45:9 saith Joseph, c. d. to me Exod. 3:81 am c. down to deliver 19:11 Lord will c. down on Sinai Num. 11:17 1 will c.d. and talk there Deut. 28: 24 from heaven it shall c. d. Judg. 7:24 c. d. against Midianites lSam.23: 1 1 will S. c. d.? he willed. 20 c. d. according to desire of soul 2KinAA not c.d. from that bed, 6,16 9 thou man of God c. down Neh. 6:3 great work, I cannot c. d. Psa. 7:16 shall c. d. on his own pate 72:6 he shall c. down like rain on 144: 5 bow thy heavens and c. down Isa. 47: 1 c. down O virgin daughter 64: 1 Oh, that thou wouldst c. down Jer. 13: 18 principalities shall c. d. 21 : 13 say, who shall c. d. aga. us ? 48:18 c. down from thy glory Eze. 26: 16 princes of sea shall c. d. 30:6 pride of her power shall c. d. Joel 3: 11 thy mighty ones to c. down Mat. 24 : 17 on house-top not c. down 27:40 c.d. from cross, 42; Mar. 15: 30 Luke 19:5 Jesus said, Zaccheus c.d. John 4:49 c. down ere child die COME forth. Gen. 15: 4 he that c. f. of thy bowels 1 Sam. 14:11 Hebrews c. /. of holes 1 .King's 2:30 saith the king, c. forth 2Kings 10:25 slay, let none c. forth Job 23:10 tried, I shall c.f. as gold Psa. 17:2 let my sentence c. forth 88:8 I am shut up, I cannot c. forth Eccl. 7: 18 feareth God shall c. forth Isa. 11:1 c.f. rod out of stem of Jesse 48 : 1 art c. forth of waters of Judah Jer. 46: 9 let mighty men c. forth Eze. 21:19 twain c. forth of one land Dan. 3:26 ye servants of God, c.f. Joel 3:18 a fountain shall c. forth Mic. 5:2 out of thee c. forth ruler Mat. 15: 18 c.f; from heart and defile Mark 9:29 this kind c.f. by prayer Luke 12:37 will c. f. and serve them John 5:29 shall c.f. they done good 11:43 he cried, Lazarus, c. forth Acts 7:7 they shall c.f. and serve me COME hither. Gen. 15:16 the fourth generation c.h. Judg. 16:2 Samson c. hither ISam. 10: '22 if the man should c. h. 16: 11 not sit down till he c. hither 2Sam. 20: 16 say to Joab, c. h. I may Prov. 25:7 better it be said, c. up A. Dan. 3: 26 ye servants of God, r. h. John 4 : 16 Je. saith, call hus. and c.h. Acts 17:6 turned world, are c. hither Rev. 1:1 cup A. 11:12; 17:1; 21:9 COME in or into. Gen. 19:31 not a man to c. in to us 24:31 c. in thou blessed of Lord Num. 27:21 at his word shall c. in Dent. 31 : 2 I can no more c. in Josh. 14: 11 so my strength to c. in 1 Kings 1:14 I will c. in after thee 3:7 1 know not how to c. in or 14:6 c. in thou wife of Jeroboam 15:17 any to go out or c. in 2Kings 4:4 when c in, shut door 11:9 each his men to c. M and 2Chr. 1:10 and c. in before people 16: 1 none go out or c in to Asa 23:6 c. into house, save priests Neh. 2:7 till I c. into Judah Esth. 6:5 said, let Haman c. in Psa. 24: 7 king of glory c. in, 9 69:1 for the waters are c. in 96:8 and c. into his courts Isa. 19:1 Lord shall c. into Egypt 85 COM Isa. 19:23 Assyrian sh. c. into Egypt 24:10 ev. house shut, no man c. in Jer. 17:19 gate, kings of Judah c. in 51:50 let Jerus. c. into your mind Mic. 5:5 when Assyrian shall c. into Mat. 16:27 Son of man sh. c. in glory 24:5 many shall c. in my name, Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8 25:31 Son of man shall c. in glory Luke 11:33 wh- c. in may see light 12:46 C in a day he looketh not 14 : 23 compel them to c. in John 5:43 I am c. in my Father's name, if another shall c 6:14 prophet, that should c. 11:27 Acts 16:15 c. into my house Rom. 11:25 fulness of Gent, be c. in ICor. 14:23 c. in those unlearned 24 if c. tn one believeth not Jos. 2:2 there c t'n a poor man .Rev. 3:20 c tn to him, and sup COME near. Gen. 20:4 Abime. had not c. n. her Exod. 16:9 say, c. n. before the L. Num. 16:5 will cause him to c. near I Sam. 10:20 caused tribes to c. near Psa. 32:9 held, lest they c n. thee 119:169 let my cry c. near thee Isa 41:1 let us c. near to judgment 48:16 c. ye near hear ye this 50:8 mine adversary ? c. near to mo Eze. 40:46 e. near to L. to minister 44:15 shall c. near me to minister Mai. 3:5 c near to you to judgment Luke 19:41 c. near he beheld city Acts 23: 15 and we, or ever he t. near COME nigh. Exod. 34 : 30 were afraid to c. n. him Lev. 10:3 be sanctified in all c. nt'g-A I.K*e 10:9 kingdom of God c. n. 11 COME not. Exod. 24 : 2 but they shall not c. nigh Num. 16:12 said we will n. c. up, 14 JosA. 3:4 c. not near unto ark 23:7 that ye c. not among nations 2Sam. 14:29 Joab would not c. 2Kings 19:32 king of Assyria not c. into city, 33; Isa. 37:33, 34 2CAr.35:21 I c. not against thee Ezra 10:8 not c. within three days Job 13:16 hypocrite n. c. before him Psa. 32:6 in floods, they shall not c. 69: 27 let them not c. into thy right. 91 : 7 but it shall not c. nigh thee Prov. 5:8 c. not nigh door of house Zsa. 7:17 Lord shall bring days n. c. 32:10 gathering shall not c. 54: 14 terror shall not c. near thee 65:5 which say, c. not near me Eze. 16: 16 like things shall not c. Hos. 4:15 e. not ye unto Gilgai, nor 9:4 their soul shall n. e. into house ZecA. 14:18 if family of Eg. c. not Mat. 22:3 and they would not c. Mark 2:4 note, for press, Luke 8:19 Luke 14:20 married, I cannot c. John 5:24 not c. into condemnation 40 not c. that ye might have life 7:34 thither ye cannot c. 36 15:22 if I had not c. not had sin 16:7 the Comforter will not c. ICor. 4:18 as though I would not c. COME out. Gen. 15:14 shall c. o. withsubstanca 17:6 kings c. out of thee, 35:11 Num. 11:20 till it c. out at nostrils 12:4 c. out ye three to tabernacle 22:5 people c. out of Egypt, 11 Deut. 28:7 c. out one way flee seven Judg. 9:29 increase army and c. out 1 Sam. 11 :3 to-morrow will e. out, 10 24:14 after whom is king c. om*.' 2Sam. 16:7 c. out, bloody man 1 Kings 6: 1 480th year after Isr. e. o. 20:17 men c. out of Samaria 2Kings 5:11 he will c. out to me 18:31 agreem. and c. out, Isa. 36: 10 COM Psa. 14: 7 that salva. e. out of Zion 68:31 princes shall c. out of Egypt Nah. 1:11 one c. out imagineth evil Mat. 5:26 c. out till thou hast paid 26:55 areyec.outasagainstathief? Mark 14:48; Luke 22:52 MdrA;l:25 c. owt of him, Luke 4:35 5:8 c.out, unclean spirit, Luke 8: 29 JoAw 1 : 46 any good c. out of Nazar. ? 7:41 shall Christ c. out of Galilee ? ,4ctsl6:18 inna. of J. to c.out of her .Kom. 11:26 c. out of Zion Deliverer iCor. 6: 17 c. out from among them Heb. 7:5 tho' c. out of loins of Abra. Rev. 16:13 spirits c. out of dragon 18: 4 saying, c. out of her, my people COME to pass. Num. 1 1 : 23 whether my word c. to p. Deut. 13:2 sign or wonder c. to pass JosA.23: 14 all c. to pass no good failed Jud£.13: 12 Mano. said, words c. top. 21:3 Lord, why is this c. to pass I Kings 13:32 saying shall c. to pass Isa.7:7 it shall not stand, norc. top. 14 : 24 as I thought so shall it c. to p. 42:9 former things are c. to pass Jer. 32: 24 what hast spoken is c. to p. Eze. 12:25 word I speak shall c. to p. 24 : 14 I have spoken, it shall c. to p. Dan. 2:29 known what shall c. to p. Zech. 6:15 this shall c. top. if ye obey 7:13 it is c. to pass that as he cried Mat. 24:6 all these must c. to pass iWdr/fc 11 :23 thingshesaith sh. c. top. 13:29 when see these things c. to p. Luke 2:15 see this thing c. to pass 21 : 7 sign when these c. to pass ? 28 24: 12 wondering at what was c. top 18 not known things c. to pass Jo/wl3:19 c. to p. maybelieve, 14: 29 hev. 1:1 must shortly c. to pass COME short. Lorn. 3: 23 all c. short of glory of God heb. 4:1 should seem to c. short of it COME together. Job 9:32 we should c. t. in COM COM ./letslO:4Cornelius,th.almsaree. up' John7:6 my time is not yet e Rev. 4:1 c. up hither, and I, 11:12 COME, Passive. Gen. 6:13 the end of all flesh is e. 18:5 are ye c. to your servant 21 according to cry which c. to me Exod. 3:9 cry of Israel is c. to me Num. 22:11 there is a people c. Josh. 5:14 as captain am I c. Judg. 16:2 Samson is c. hither I Sam. 4:7 God is c. into the camp 9:16 because their cry is c. to me 30 hour was not yet c. 8:20 11:30 Jes. was not yet c. into town Rev. 17:10 the other is not yet c. COMELINESS. Isa. 53:2 hath no form nor c. 2?ze.l6:14 perfect through my c. 27:10 they of Lud set forth thy c Dan. 10:8 my c. into corruption ICor. 12:23 more abundant c. COMELY. ISam. 16:18 David a c. person 2Kings 8:7 man of God is c. hither; j 00 41 : 12 conceal his c. proportion 19:12 troops c. together against me Jer.3:18 c.tog-etA. out of land of north 50 :4 Israel and Judah shall c. t. Acts 1:6 when they were c. t.28: 17 10:27 he found many c. together 19:32 knew not wherefore c. together 91:83 multitude must needs c. t. ICor. 7:5 c.t. again, that Satan tempt 11:17 you c. t. not for the better 18 when ye c. t. 20,33; 14:26 34 ye c. not togeth. to condemnation 14:23 if whole church be c. together COME up. Exod. 19:24 c. up thou and Aaron 24:12 c. up to me into mount 33:5 I will c. up in a moment 34:3 no man shall c. up with thee Num. 20:5 why c. up out of Egypt ? JosA. 10:6 cup to us quickly and help Judg. 1:3 Judah said c. up with me 15: 10 why are ye c. up against us ? 16:18 Delilah sent, c. up this once ISam. 14:10 if they say c. up 17:25 seen man that is c. up? I Kings 1:35 then c. up after him 20 : 22 of Syria will c. up against thee 2Ki.l8.25 amIc.u.with.L.Isa.36:10 Job 7:9 to grave c. up no more Prov. "25:7 better said, c. up hither Isa. 8:7 c. up over all his channels 14:8 no feller is c. up against us 60:7 c. up with acceptance on altar Jer .49:19 he shall c.up like lion,50:44 22 he shall c. up and fly as eagle Eze.38: 16 shalt c. up aga. my people Hos. 1:11 shall c. up out of land 13:15 the wind of the L. shall c. up Obad. 21 saviors shall c. up on Zion Zech 14:17 whoso will not e. up 18 if family of Egypt c. not up Acts 8:31 Philip to c. up and sit Ezra 9: 13 after all that is c. Job 3:25 thing I feared is c. 4:5 Psa. 44: 17 all this is c. on us, yet 53:6 O that salvation were c. 55: 5 fear, and tremb. are c. upon me 69:2 I am c. into deep waters 102:13 yea, the set time is c. Isa. 10:28 he is c. to Aiath 56:1 my salvation is near to c. 60:1 shine, for thy light is c. 63:4 year of my redeemed is c. Jer. 40:3 therefore this is c. on you 50:27 woe to them, their day is c. 31 thy day is c. I will visit thee 51 : 13 on waters, thy end is e. Lam. 4:18 our end is c. 5:1 remember what is c. upon us Eze. 7:2 an end is c. on land, 6 7 the morning is c. upon thee 10 day, behold it is c. 39:8 21:25 whose day is c. 29 Dan. 9:13 all this evil is c. on us Amos 8 : 2 the end is c. on Israel Mic. 1:9 he is c. to gate of my people Mat. 12:28 kingd. of God is c. to you 18:11 Son of man is c. to save that Mark 14:41 sleep on now, hour is c. Luke 19:10 is c. to seek and to save JoAn4:25 is c. he will tell us all 1 1 : 28 Master is c. and calleth 12:23 J. answ. the hour is c. 17:1 ICor. 13:10 when that perfect is c. hrist Psa. 33:1 praise is c. for, 147:1 judgment ?olA:6 which gospel is c. to y i w mo Uohn 4:3 that confesseth notC is c. in the flesh, 2John 7 5:20 we know Son of God is c. I am COME, or dm I COME. Exod. 18: 6 I Jethro amc. to thee Num. 22:38 Bal. said, lo, lam c. 2Sam. 14:32 wh. amlc. fr.Geshur? Psa. 69:2 I am c. into deep waters Eccl. 1 : 16 lo, I am c. to great estate Dan. 9:23 lam c. to show, 10:14 10:12 lam c. for thy words Mat. 5:17 I am c. to destroy law 9:13 lam not c. to call righteous 10:34 not lam c. to send peace 35 I am c. to set at variance Luke 12:51 lam c. to give peace ? John 1 :31 therefore am I c. baptiz. 5:43 I am c. in my Father's name 7:28 I am not c. of myself, he that 9:39 for judgment I am c. 10:10 lam c. they might have life 12:46 lame. a. light into world 16:28 lame, again I leave world COME joined with Time. Gen. 30:33 righte. answer in t. to c. Exod. 13:li thy son asketh in time to c. Deut. 6: 20 ; Josh. 4 : 6, 21 Psa. 102:13 the set time is c. Prov. 31 : 25 she shall rejoice in t. to c. Cant. 2:12 t. of singing of birds i»i c. Isa. 13: 22 her time is near to c. CO: 8 note in a book, be for time to c. 42:23 who will hear for time to c? Eze. 7:1 t.isc.12; Hag. 1 : 2 not c. Luke 9:51 t. c. he sh.be received up GalAA when fulness of time was c. 1 T?'m. 6:19 founda. against t. to c. IPet. 4:17 t. is c. judgm. must begin Yet COME. Deut. 12:9 not yet c. to the rest John 2:4 my hour is not yet c. 86 Prov. 30:29 four are c. in going .EccL 5:18 it is c. for one to eat Cant. 1:5 I am black, but c. 10 thy cheeks are c. with jewels 2:14 thy countenance is c. 4:3 thy speech is c. 6:4 art c. my love, as Jerusalem Isa. 4:2 the fruit shall be c. Jer. 6: 2 daug. of Zion to a c. woman ICor. 7:35 I speak for that c. 12:24 c. parts have no need COMERS. Heb. 10:1 the c. thereunto perfect COMEST. Deut. 28: 6 blessed when thou e.in 19 cursed wh,en thou e. in Judg. 17:9 Micah said, whence e. 19:17 old man said, whence e. thou lSa»i.l6:4 c.peaceably?ljfo'«.2:13 17:45 thou e. to me with a sword 2Kin. 5:25 whence c. thou Gehazi ? Job 1:7 whence c. thou ? 2:2 Jonah 1:8 whence c. thou? Mat. 3:14 and e. thou to me ? Lu. 23:42 when e. into thy kingdom COMETH. Dewt. 23:13 cover that c. from thee 1 Sam. 4:3 when ark c. may save us 9:6 all he saith e. surely to pass 20:29 there f. he c. not to king's table Job 28:20 whence then c. wisdom? Psa. 30:5 but joy e. in morning 75:6 promotion e. not from east 96:13 before L. for he e. to judge 118:26 blessed is he c. in name 121:2 my help e. from the Lord Eccl. 6:4 he c. in with vanity Cant. 2:8 he c. leaping on mountains Isa. 13:9 day of Lord c. with wrath 30 : 27 name of L. c. from far 62:11 say to Zion thy salvation e. 63:1 who is this c. from Edom Jer. 17:6 not see when good c. 43:11 e. he shall smite Egypt Lam. 3:37 saith, and it e. to pass Eze. 20:32 wh.e. in your mind not be 21 : 7 because it e. behold it c. 24:24 when this c. know I am Lord 33:31 they come as people c. 33 when this c. to pass, then Dan. 12: 12 blessed c. to 1,335 days Joel 2:1 dayofL.e.Zec.l4:l; 1TA.5:2 Mai. 4:1 day c. that shall bum Mat. 3:11 he that e. after is mightier, Mark 1:7; Lw/fce3:16 5:37 more than these c. of evil 8:9 come, and he c. Luke 7:8 21:5 behold, thy Kin gc JoAn 12:15 9 blessed is he c. in name of Lord, Mark 11:9; Luke 13:35; 19:38 25: 19 after long time lord c. Mark 8 : 38 asha. when he e. in glory 9:12 Elias c. first and restoreth 14:43 while he spake c. Judas Luke 6:47 whoso e. to me, and 12:37 he e. shall find watching 40 c. at an hour ye think not 43 when he c. shall find so doing 55 there will be heat, and it e. to 17:20 c. not with observation 18:8 c. shall he find faith on earth? John 3:8 canst not tell whence it ' COM John 3:20 nor c. to the light lest deeds 4:21 woman, hour c. £i; 16:32 6:35 c. to me never hunger, 37 45 learned of Father, c. to me 7:27 Christ e. no man knoweth, 31 42 Christ c. of seed of David 9:4 night c. no man can work 14:6 no man c. to Father but 16:32 hour c. ye shall be scattered Acts 10:32 when he e. shall speak 1 Cor. 15:24 then c. the end 2Cor. 11:28 beside wh. con me daily 1 Thes. 5:2 day of Lord c. as a thief .Hei. 11 : 6 c. to God, must believe he Jude 14 L. c. with 10,000 of his saints Rev. 1:7 he c. with clouds 17:10 c. continue a short space COMETH down. Isa. 55:10 as rain c. d. from heaven John 6:33 bread of G. is he c. d. 50 Jas. 1:17 every good gift c. down Rev. 3: 12 new Jerusalem which c. a*. COMETH /ortA. Ezod. 4:14 he c. forth to meet thee Jurfg-. 11: 31 whatso. c. /or«A of doors 15am. 11:7 whoso, c. not/, after S. Job 5:6 affliction c. not forth of dust 14:2 he c. forth like a flower Isa. 28:29 this also c. forth from L. £ze. £3:30 what word c. /. from L. Mic. 1:3 L. c. forth out of his place COMETH « c. 2John 5 not as tho' I wrote new c. Rebelled against the COMMAND- MENT. Num. 27:14 ye rebelled aga. my c. Deut. 1 :26 but ye r. a. c. of Lord, 43 9:23 then ye r. a. the c. of Lord Lam. 1:18 1 have rebelled aga. his e. COMMANDMENTS. Gen. 26:5 Abraham kept my e. Exod. 15: 26 if give ear to his c. 34:23 wrote ten e. Deut. 4: 13; 10:4 Lev. 4: 13 somewhat aga. any c. 27 5: 17 commit sin forbidden by c. 27:34 these are c. L. commanded Num. 15:39 remember all c. of Lord Deut. 8:11 in not keeping his c. 11:13 if you shall hearken to my t 28:13; Judg. 3:4 27 if ye will obey the c. of L. 28 if ye will not obey the c. of L. 1 Sam. 15:11 Saul not perf. my c. IKin. 11:34 bee. he hath kept my e 14 : 8 David who kept my c. 18:18 in that ye have forsaken c. 2Kings 17:16 they left all the c. 19 Judah kept not c. of the Lord 18:6 but kept his c. which he com 2CAr. 7:19 if ye forsake my c. 24:20 why transgress ye the c. Ezra 9:10 we have forsaken thy e. 14 should we again break thy c. Psa. 89 : 31 if they keep not my c. 111:7 all his c. are sure 112:1 blessed he delightethin c. 119:10 let me not wander from e. 19 hide not thy e. from me 35 to go in path of thy c. 47 I will delight in thy c. 66 for I have believed thy c. 73 that I may learn thy c. 86 c. are faithful ; 151 truth 98 through c. made me wiser 127 I love thy c.; 131 I longed 143 c. my delights ; 172 righteous 166 done thy c.; 176 not forget Prov. 2: 1 wilt hide my c. with thee 7:1 lay up my c. with thee 10:8 wise in heart will receive e. Isa. 48:18 hadst hearkened to c. Mat. 5:19 whosoever break least c. 15:9 teaching c. of men, Mark 7:7 22:40 on these two c. hang law COM Ifarifc 10:19 knowest e. Luke 18:20 12:29 first of c. is, Hear, Israel Lukel:6 walking in c. blameless John 14:21 he that hath ray c. and 15:10 if keep my c. as I kept Fath. ICor. 7:19 nothing, but keeping c. 14:37 things I write you are c. Col. 2:22 after c. and doctr. of men IThes. 4:2 ye know c. we gave you I John 2:4 keepeth not c. is a liar 3:24 that keepeth c. dwelleth 2John 6 this is love, walk after e. Do COMMANDMENTS. Num. 15:40 do all my e. Deut.Q:25 observe to do all e. 15:5 IChr. 28:7 if constant to do my c. Psa.103: 18 that remember hisc. to do 111:10 understanding that do c. Rev. 22:14 blessed are they do c. Not do COMMANDMENTS. Lev. 26: 14 if ye will not do c. See keep. COMMEND. Luke 23:46 into thy hands I e. spirit Acts 20:32 brethren I c. you to God Rom. 3:5 ifourunrigh.c. right, of G. 16:1 Ic. unto you Phebe 2C#r. 3:1 do we begin again to e. 5:12 for we c. not ourselves 10:12 compare with some that c. COMMENDATION. 2Cor. 3:1 or need we epistles of c. COMMENDED. Gen. 12:15 princes c. Sarai Prov. 12:8 man c. accor. to wisdom Eccl. 8:15 then I e. mirth Z,ufce 16:8 Lord c. unjust steward Acts 14:23 c. them to Lord on whom 2Cor. 12: 11 to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. Rom.5:8 God c. his love towards us ICor. 8:8 meat r. us not to God 2Cor.lO:18 c. himself is approved COMMENDING. • 2Cor. 4:2 c. ourselv. to man's consc COMMISSION, S. Ezra 8:36 delivered the king's c. Acts 26:12 as I went with c. COMMIT. Ex. 20: 14 not c. adultery, Deut.5:l8 Mat. 5:21; 19:18: Rom. 13:9 Lev. 5: 17 c. things forbidden 18:29 c. any of these abominations Num. 5:6 c. any sin that men c. Deut. 19: 20 c. no more such evil IChr. 31:11 Jerusa. toe. fornication /o6 5:8 to God would I c. my cause Psa. 31: 5 thy hand I c. my spirit 37:5 e. thy way to the Lord Prov. 16:3 c. thy works unto Lord 12 to kings to c. wickedness Isa. 22:21 1 will c. thy government Jer. 44: 7 why c. ye this great evil? Eze. 8:17 c. abomina. they c. here 16:43 shalt not c. this lewdness 22:9 in midst of thee c. lewdness Hos. 6:9 priests c. lewdness 7:1 for they c. falsehood Luke 12:48 did c. worthy of stripes 16:11 c. the true riches? John 2:24 Jesus did not c. himself Rom. 1:32 c. such worthy of death 2:2 is against theme, such things 22 dost thou c. sacrilege ? ICor. 10:8 neither let us c. fornica. 1 Tim. 1:18 charge I c. to thee 2 Tim. 2:2 same c. to faithful men Jas. 2:9 respect to persons ye c. sin I Pet. 4:19 e. keeping of souls I John 3:9 born of God, note, sin Rev. 2: 14 taught Israel to e. fornica 20 my servants to c. fornication See ADULTERY. COM COMMIT iniquity. 2Sam. 7:14 c. i. I will chasten him Job 34: 10 Almighty he should c. i. Jer. 9:5 weary thems. to c. iniquity .Eze. 3: 20 from right, and c.i. 33:13 COMMIT trespass. Lev. 5:15 if a soul e. f. thro' ignor. Num. 5:12 if a man's wife c. trespass 31:16 caused Israel to e. trespass Josh. 22:20 Achan c. a trespass COMMIT whoredom, or whoredoms. Lev. 20:5 that c. to. withMolech Num. 25 : 1 to e. u;. with dau. of Moab £ze. 16:17 didst e. w. with images 34 none followeth to c. whoredom 20 : 30 c. ye w. after their abomin. ? 23:43 will they c. w. with her ifos. 4: 10 c. w. and not increase 13 your daughters shall c. to. 14 COMMITTED. Gen. 39:8 c. all he hath to my hand 22 c. to Joseph the prisoners Lev. 20:23 c. these and I abhorred Judg. 20:6 c. lewdness in Israel 1 Kings 8:47 we have c. wickedness 14:22 provok. him with sins they e. Jer. 2:13 my people c. two evils 5:30 a horrible thing is e. 16:10 what is our sin we c. 44:3 c. to provoke me, 9 Eze. 16:26 hast also c. fornication 51 nor Samaria e. half of thy sins 18:31 from sins he c. 22, 28 23:3 c. whored, in Egypt in youth 7 c. her whoredoms with them 33: 16 none of sins he c. be mention. Hos. 1:2 land hath e. great whored. 4: 18 they have c. whoredom contin. Mark 15:7 who had c. murder Luke 12:48 have c. much, of him John 5:22 c. all judgment to Son Acts 8:3 e. them to prison 25: 11 if I have e. any thing worthy 25 found he c. nothing worthy 27:40 e. themselves to the sea 28: 17 e. nothing against people Rom. 3:2 were c. oracles of God 2Cor. 5:19 c. to us word of reconcili. 12:21 lasciviousness they c. Gal. 2: 7 gospel of the uncircumcision was e. to me, 1 Tim. 1:11 1 Tim. 6:20 keep what isc. to thee 2 Tim. 1:12 able to keep what I e. to Jas. 5: 15 if he c. sins be forgiven IPet. 2:23 c. himself to him judg. Jude 15 ungodly deeds they e. Rev. 17:2 kings have e. forni. 18:3, 9 See ABOMINATIONS. COMMITTED iniauity. Psa. 106:6 we have e. iniquity Eze. 33:13 iniquity c. he shall die Dan. 9:5 c. i. and done wickedly COMMITTED trespass. Josh. 7:1 Isr. c. r. in accursed thing 22: 16 what t. is this ye have c. 31 because not c. this t. aga. Lord JJze. 15:8 have c. f. I will make 20: 27 in that they c. a t. against me COMMITTEST, ETH, ING. Psa. 10 : 14 poor c. himself to thee Eze. 8:6 abomination Israel c. here 33:15 without c. iniquity, 18 Hos. 4:2 by lying, c. adultery 5:3 Ephraim, c. whoredom John 8:34 c. sin, is servant of sin ICor. 6:18 c. fornication sinneth lJohn 3:4 c. sin transgresseth law 8 he that c. sin is of the devil COMMODIOUS. Acts 27: 12 the haven was not c. COMMON. I Sam. 21:4 there is no e. bread Eccl. 6: 1 there is an evil, it is c. Jer. 31 : 5 eat them as c. things 89 COM Eze. 23:42 with men of c. sort ylcts 2:44 had all things c. 4:32 10:14 eaten any thing c. 11:8 15 cleansed, call not c. 11:9 23 should not call any man e. ICor. 10:13 no temptation but c. Tit. 1 : 4 my son after c. faith Jude 3 to write of c. salvation COMMON people. Jer. 26:23 into the graves of c. people Mark 12:37 c. |?eo. heard him gladly COMMONLY. See reported COMMONWEALTH. Eph. 2: 12 aliens from the c. of Israel COMMOTION, S. Jer. 10:22 a great e. out of north Luke 21 : 9 when ye hear of c. be COMMUNE. Exod. 25:22 there e. with thee ISam. 18:22 c. with David secretly 19:3 1 will c. with my father of thee Job 4 : 2 if assay to c. with thee Psa. 4:4c. with your own heart 64:5 c. of laying snares privily 77:6 night I c. with my heart COMMUNED. Gen. 23: 8 Abraham; 34:6 Hamor, 8 42:24 Joseph ; Judg. 9:1 Abimelech lSam.9:25 Samuel; 25:39 David IKin. 10:2 the queen of Sheba c. with Solomon, 2Chr. 9 : 1 2Kings 22: 14 c. with Huldah Eccl. 1:16 I c. with my own heart Dan. 1 :19 king c. with them Luke 6:11 c. what do to Jesus 24 : 15 while c. Jesus drew nigh Acts 24:26 Felix c. the oftener COMMUNICATE. Gal. 6:6 c. to him that teacheth PAt7.4:14 c. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6: 18 be willing to c. Heb. 13:16 and to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. Gal. 2:2 c. to them that gospel PAi7.4:15 no church c. with me COMMUNICATION, S. 2Sam. 3:17 Abner had c. with elders 2Kings 9:11 ye know his c. Mat. 5:37 let your c. be yea, yea Luke 24:17 what manner of c. ICor. 15:33 evil e. corrupt good EpA.4:29 let no corrupt c. Col. 3:8 Phile. 6 c. of thy faith effectual COMMUNING. Gen. 18:33 L. left c. with Abraham Exod. 31:18 an end of c. on Sinai COMMUNION. 1 Cor. 10 : 16 'c. of blood, c. of body 2Cor.6:14 what c. light with darkn. 13:14 c. of Holy G. be with you all COMPACT. Psa. 122: 3 Jerusalem isa city c. COMPACTED. Ej3A.4:16 the whole body c. COMPANY, Substantive. Gen. 32; 8 if Esau come to the one c. 35:11 c. of nations be of thee Num. 16:16 thou and all thy c. bef. L. 40 be not as Korah and his c. 22:4 this c. lick up all round about 26:9 strove in c. of Korah, 27:3 Judg. 9:37 another c. by plain 18: 23 comest with such a e. ? 1 Sam. 30: 15 bring me to this c. ? 2Kings 5:15 his c. came to Elisha 9:17 he spied the c. of Jehu 2CAr. 24: 24 Syrians with small c. Job 16 : 7 made desolate all my c. 34 : 8 in c. with workers of iniquity Psa. 55: 14 to house of God in c. 68:30 rebuke the c. of spearmen 106:17 earth covered c. of Abirara 18 a fire was kindled in their c COM Prov. 29:3 keepeth c. with harlots Cant. 1:9 to a c. of horses in Pharaoh's G:13 as it were c. of two armies Eze. 16:40 bring a c. against thee 23:46 I will bring a c. on them 32: 22 Ashur is there and her c. 38:7 prepare, thou and thy c. Hos. 6:9 so c. of priests murder Luke 2:44 supposing him in the c. 6:17 and c. of his disciples 22 separate you from their c. 9:14 sit by fifties in a c. 38 a man of the c. cried out 24: 22 a woman of our c. made Acts 4:23 went to their own c. 10: 28 unlawful for a Jew to keep c. 15: 22 to send chosen men of c. 17:5 gathered a c. and set city 21 : 8 we of Paul's c. departed Rom. 15: 24 filled with your c. lCor. 5:11 not to keep c. with forn. 2Thes. 3:14 have no c. with' him JZei. 12:22 to an innum. c. of angels Rev. 18: 1 7 c. in ships afar off Great COMPANY. Gen. 50:9 with Joseph a great c. 2C'hr. 9: 1 queen of Sheba withg. c. 20: 12 no might against this great c. Psa. 68:11 g. was c. of those publi. Jer. 31:8 a great c. return thither Eze. 17:17 nor Pharaoh with great c. John 6:5 saw a great c. come to him Acts 6:7 great c of priests obedient COMPANY, 7er6. ICor. 5:9 not to c. with fornicators COMPANIED. Acts 1:21 which have c. with us COMPANIES. Jw«g\ 7: 16 300 into three c. ISam. 11:11 Saul put in three c. 13:17 spoilers in three c. 2iiang's5:2 Syrians gone by c. iVeA. 12:31 c. gave thanks, 40 Jo& 6:19 the e. of Sheba waited Isa. 21:13 O ye travelling c. of Ded. 57: 13 let thy c. deliver thee Mark 6:39 to make all sit by c. COMPANION. Exod. 32:27 slay every man his c. /wrfg-. 14: 20 Samson's wife to c. 15: 6 IChr. 27:33 Hushai king's c. Joi 30:29 I am a c. to owls Psa. 119:63 c. to all that fear thee Prov. 13: 20 c. of fools be destroyed 28:7 c. of riotous shameth father 24 same is c. of a destroyer Mai. 2: 14 yet she is thy c. wife of Phil. 2: 25 Epaphro. my c. in labor Rev. 1:9 1 John your c. in tribula. COMPANIONS. Judg. 11:38 went with c. and bewa. 14: 11 thirty c. to be with him Job 35:4 I will answer thee and c. 41 : 6 c. make a banquet of him? Psa. 45:14 her c. shall be brought 122:8 for my c sake I will say Cant. 1 : 7 aside by flocks of thy c. 8: 13 c. hearken to thy voice Isa. 1 : 23 princes c. of thieves Eze. 37: 16 for Judah and Israel his c. Dan. 2:17 thing known to his c. Acts 19:29 caught Paul's c. in trav. Heb. 10:33 c. of them so used COMPARABLE. Lam. 4: 2 sons of Zion c. to gold COMPARE, ED, ING. Psa. 89:6 who in heaven c. to Lord? Prov. 3:15 not be c. to wisdom, 8:11 Cant. 1:91 have c. thee, O my love Isa. 40:18 what likeness c. to him ? 46:5 to whom will ye c. me Rom. 8:18 to be c. with the glory I Cor. 2:13 c. spiritual things with 2Cor. 10:12 c. oursel. with some that commend c. themselves amongst COM COMPARISON. Judg. 8:21 done in e. of you ? 3 Hag. 2:3 in your eyes in c. of it Mark 4 : 30 with what c. shall we COMPASS. 25am. 5: 23 but fetch a c. behind 2iftngs3:9 fetched a c. of seven days Prov. 8:27 c. on face of the deep Isa. 44:13 marketh it with c. .4cfs 23:13 fetched a c. to Rhegium COMPASS, Verb. Num. 21 :4 to c. the land of Edom Josh. 6:3 ye shall c. the city 2Kings 11:8 c. the king, 2Chr. 23 : 7 Joi 16:13 his archers e. me about 40:22 willows of brook c. him Psa. 5:12 with favor c. as a shield 7:7 congregation c. thee abont 17:9 deadly enemies who c. me 26:6 so will I c. thine altar, O Lord 32:7 c. me with songs of delivera. 10 trusteth in Lord mercy c. him 49:5 iniquity of my heels c. me 140:9 as for head of those c. me 142:7 the righteous shall c. me Isa. 50:11 c. yourselves with sparks Jer. 31 : 22 a woman shall c. a man Hab. 1:4 wicked c. righteous Mat. 23:15 for ye c. sea and land Luke 19:43 thine enemies shall c. COMPASSED. Deut. 2: 1 we c. Seir many days JosA. 6:11 so the ark c. the city Judg. 1 1 : 18 c. the land of Edom 16:2 they c. Samson in 1 Sam. 23: 26 Saul c. David and 2Sam. 22: 5 when waves of death c. me, Psa. 18:4; 116:3 2Kings 6:15 behold a host c. city 2Chr. 21 : 9 smote Edomites which c. JoA 19:6 God c. me with his net 26:10 c. waters with bounds Psa. 17: 11 now c. us in our steps 22:12 bulls c. me; 16 dogs Lam. 3: 5 c. me with gall and I.w&e21:20 when ye see Jerusal. c. Ub6. 5:2 himself c. with infirmity COMPASSED about. 2Sam. 18:1.5 c. Absalom aiowt 22:6 sor. of hell c. me ab.Psa. 18: 5 2Kings 6:14 Syrians c. city a&owt 2CAr. 18:31 c. about Jehoshaphat Psa. 40:12 innumerable evils c.mea. 88:17 c. meab. 109:3; 118:11, 12 118:10 all nations c. me about Jonah 2:3 floods c. me ad>ow£ i/e&. 11 : 30 fell, after c. a. seven days 12:1 c. a. with such cloud of witne. Rev. 20:9 c. camp of saints about COMPASSEST, ETH. Gen. 2: 11 c. Havilah; 13 Ethiopia Psa. 73:6 pride c. them as a chain 139:3 thou c. my path, and Hos. 11:12 Ephraim c. with lies COMPASSION. 1 Kings 8:50 give them c. before 2Chr. 30:9 children shall find c. Mat. 9 : 36 Jesus moved with c. 14 : 14 ; MarJfc 1:41; 6:34 18:27 lord was moved with c. IPet. 3:8 having c. one of another 1 John 3: 17 shutteth his bowels of c. Fn« 0/ COMPASSION. Psa. 78:38 he heing full ofc. forgave 86:15 G./.o/c. 111:4; 112:4; 145:8 Have or had COMPASSION. Exod. 2:6 babe wept, she had c. DeutA3:17 L. may have c. on thee 30:3 Lord will have c. on thee 1 Sam. 23: 21 for ye have c. on me 1 Kings 8:50 they may h. c. on them 2Kings 13:23 Lord had c. on them 2Chr. 36: 15 Aad c. on his people 17 Chaldees had no c. on man or Isa. 49:15 she not have c. on son Jer. 12:15 I will have c. on them DO CON Lam. 3:32 will he have c. Mic. 7:19 Mat. 15:32 c. on multitu. Mark 8:2 18:33 e. on thy fellow-servant 20:34 so Jesus hade, on them Mark 5:19 how L. had c. on thee 9:22 have c. on us and help us Luke 7:13 L. saw her, he had c. on 10:33 Samaritan had c. on him 15:20 father had c. and ran and Rom. 9: 15 I will have c. on whom Heb. 5:2 can have c. on ignorant 10:34 had c. of me in my bonds Jude 22 of some have c. making COMPASSIONS. Lam. 3: 22 because his c. fail not ZecA. 7:9 show c. every man to bro. COMPEL. Mat. 5:41 c. thee to go a mile go Mark 15:21 c. one Simon to bear Luke 14:23 and c. them to come in COMPELLED, EST. 2Chr. 21:11 e. Judah thereto JWat. 27:32 him c. to bear cross Acts 26:11 I c. them to blaspheme 2Cor. 12:11 glorying, ye c. me Gal. 2:3 was c. to be circumcised 14 c. Gentiles to live as Jews / ? COMPLAIN, ED, ING. Num. 11:1 c. it displeased Lord Judg. 21 : 22 brethren come to us to c. Job 7:11 I will c. in bitterness of 31:38 the furrows thereof c. Psa. 77:3 I c. and my spirit was 144:14 be no c. in our streets Lam. 3:39 doth a living man e.t COMPLAINERS. Jude 16 these are murmurers, c. COMPLAINT, S. 1 Sam. 1:16 out ofabund. of my c. Job 7:13 couch shall ease mye. 9:27 if I say, I will forget my c. 10:1 I will leave c. on myself 21:4 as for me, is my c. to man? 23:2 even to-day is my c. bitter Psa. 55:2 I mourn in my c. 142:2 I poured out my c. Acts 25:7 c. against Paul not prove COMPLETE. Lev. 23 : 15 seven sabbaths be c. Col. 2: 10 and ye are c. in him 4:12 that ye may stand c. in all COMPOSITION. Exod. 30:32 any like it after c. 37 COMPOUND, ETH. Exod. 30:25 an ointment c. 33 whosoever c. any like it COMPREHEND. Job 37:5 doeth he, we cannot c. Eph.3:lS able to c. with all saints COMPREHENDED. Isa. 40: 12 c. dust of the earth John 1:5 the darkness c. it not Rom 13: 9 it is briefly c. in this CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Gen. 37:26 brother and c. his blood Deut. 13:8 spare, neither e. him Job 6:10 I have not c. the words 27: 11 with Almighty will I not c. 41:12 1 will not c. his parts Psa. 40: 10 not c. thy lovmg-kindnes* Prov. 11 :13 he of a faithful spirit c 12:23 prudent c. knowledge 25:2 glory of God to c. a thing Jer. 50:2 publish and c. not CONCEIT, S. Prov. 18: 1 1 as high wall in own c. 26:5 lest he be wise in own c. 12 a man wise in his own c. ? 16 sluggard wiser in own c. 28:11 rich is wise in own e. Rom. 1 1 : 25 lest wise in your own 6 12: 16 be not wis* in own- c. CON CONCEIVE. Gen. 30: 38 c. when came to drink Judg. 13:3 shalt c. and bear a son, 5,7; Luke 1:31 Job 15:35 c. mischief, Isa. 59:4 Psa. 51 : 5 in sin did mother c. me Isa. 7:14 a virgin shall c. and 33:11 c. chaff; 59:13 c. falsehood Heb. 11 : 11 Sarah rec. strength to c. CONCEIVED. GenA:\ Eve c; 17 Cain's wife c. 16:4 Hagar c: 21:2 Sarah c. 25:21 Rebekah c; 29:32 Leah, 33 30:5 Bilhah c; 23 Rachel c. 39 flocks c; 38:3 Shuah c. 3S:18 Tamarc; 2?z.2:2Jochebedc. Lev 12:2 have c. seed, and borne iVwrn. 11 : 12 have I c. all'this people ? 1 Sam. 1 : 20 Hannah c. 2:21 2