zmmmm mm* mmmmmmmmmmm IN, zm> ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A H. Ri'K 9' ? * MOULTON OF TONGA JAMES EGAN MOULTON. BY J. EGAN MOULTON WITH THE COOPERATION OP W. FIDDIAN MOULTON FOREWORD BY DR. RICHARD G. MOULTON xonfton THE EPWORTH J. ALFRED SHARP First Edition, rgti PREFACE IN sending forth this sketch of the career of Dr. Egan Moulton of Tonga some explanation is due to the reader with respect to the two names which appear on the title-page. It is to my cousin's pietas that the book is due, and his was the gathering of the material and the writing of the original MS. But every one knows the difficulties besetting the publica- tion of books at the present time, and when the MS. came to hand it was evident that it would involve a volume of such proportions as would endanger an effective sale, especially in view of the fact that the subject of the memoir had been dead for a dozen years. There was nothing to be done but to condense it, which in some parts meant re- writing the book. That has been my share in the enterprise, undertaken, let it be understood, with my cousin's full consent. But the material, the arrange- ment, and the estimates are his; and even if I had desired to alter them which I certainly did not I should not have felt justified in doing so. Dr. Egan Moulton's brother, Lord Moulton of Bank, had promised to write a Foreword, which he would have done con amore, for he had an un- bounded admiration for his brother's gifts and character. His sudden death left that page unwritten ; but I am grateful to the sole surviving member of that gifted band' of brothers, Dr. R. G. Moulton, for taking up the task. W, FIDDIAN MOULTON. 5 CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE FOREWORD 9 I. EARLY LIFE AND PREPARATION .... 13 II. THE LAND AND PEOPLE 35 III. THE FOUNDING OF A COLLEGE: RISE, GROWTH, AND CURRICULUM . . 44 IV. THE FOUNDING OF A COLLEGE: TUBOU COLLEGE SPEECH-DAY ...