KlMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES FOR STENOGRAPHERS AND COURT REPORTERS COMPILED FROM ACTUAL WORK, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, TEACHERS, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS, STUDENTS, STENOGRAPHERS AND COURT REPORTERS SECOND EDITION -REVISED AND ENLARGED This Book Covers 190 Different Types of Business, and Contains 90,000 Words BY ELBERT J. KIMBLE, Ph. B. Member of the Arizona Bar FORMERLY INSTRUCTOR IN BROWNSBERGER BUSINESS COLLEGE, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA; INSTRUCTOR IN BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCIAL LAW. EUROPEAN HISTORY AND CIVICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA; AND AUDITOR, LLANOS DE ORO MINING COMPANY, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA E. J. KIMBLE COMPANY PUBLISHERS 332 PINE STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 1922 Printed By OVERLAND PUBLISHING CO. SAN FRANCISCO COPYRICHT, 1922 BY E. J. KIMBLE COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RKSEHVKD INTRODUCTION TO SECOND EDITION- REVISED AND ENLARGED In offering this revised and enlarged SECOND EDITION the author hopes that it may meet a continuance of the same favor with which its predecessor has been received. This volume occupies a gap hitherto practically unfilled in commercial and higher stenography. It answers a felt human want as well as a commercial demand. After an exhaustive in- vestigation the author finds that this is the first book of its char- acter ever offered to shorthand students, teachers, business colleges, civil service schools, educational institutions, stenog- raphers, and court reporters. This work is not constructed to cover cultural studies, but confines itself strictly to commercial and professional pursuits, and to City, County, State, and Federal stenographic examinations. The purpose of the compilation is to furnish workable and dependable vocabularies for the use of stenographers. The publication covers about 190 different types of business. The text contains approximately 90,000 words. From a large proportion of these, by the use of prefixes, suffixes, and other abbreviating devices of shorthand, many derivatives may be formed, thus increasing the vocabulary material here offered to at least 275,000 words. The common or standard dictation books to be found in book stores and business colleges do not furnish the student or sten- ographer adequate technical vocabulary material in any single line of business. The limitations of such books are self-evident, and their nomenclatures are surprisingly meager. For instance, take one of the most popular dictation books on the market which is published in 15 different systems of shorthand. The manual in question attempts to cover 26 different types of business; but unavoidably these are covered in a very superficial way only, in so far as furnishing actual working knowledge of words to students and stenographers is concerned. Let us cite, for con- crete example, two large and important types of business as out- lined in it, the hardware and the railroad businesses. For vocabulary in the former the compilers have selected from the files of some hardware corporation 22 letters that purport to give this specific vocabulary to the stenographer. An actual count of the words applicable to the hardware business shows 142, whereas the present book provides 2,570 words. For railroad correspond- ence the dictation studies examined give 26 letters taken at random from the files of some railroad company's office. Its vocabulary is only 262 words, while the vocabulary here offered provides 5,400. This same criticism applies to all types of business that such dictation books have attempted to cover. The compilers 4 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES must of necessity lose valuable space by the multitudinous repe- tition, in different letters, of small connectives, wordsigns, and shorthand outlines, with which the stenographer is already familiar. The foregoing criticism is true of all ordinary or stan- dard dictation books to be found on the market. On the two subjects before mentioned, and for all other types of business, the present publication contains more word knowledge than can be found in the combined contents of all the different dictation books now in circulation. There are numerous types of business covered in this volume that are not even touched upon in the standard dictation books to be found on the market. If a stenographer should be called upon to fill a position in civil, electrical, or mining engineering, or in an agricultural implement supply house, or should desire to take City, County, State or Federal stenographic examinations, the stenographic word lists contained herein would be of ines- timable value. In recent years commercial and industrial correspondence has expanded to enormous proportions. Each industry has a technical language of its own. Business and professional men recognize shorthand writers as belonging to certain classes or groups, such as dry goods, grocery, law, or railroad stenographers. Taking stenographers for practice has had its day. As a general rule, when a stenographer enters upon a new line of business he must acquire its vocabulary after long experience, diligent obser- vation, and after many mistakes, and it is six months or more before even an alert person becomes acquainted with the terms of the new industry with which he is identified. Nearly all em- ployers recognize the deficiencies in the working vocabularies of stenographers in this respect. The new employee who wishes to retain his position must familiarize himself with the terms and phrases used in the particular business with which he is identified. A shorthand writer who anticipates entering the business office of a hardware, insurance, lumber, or other firm, can by a careful study of the vocabulary concerned, become familiar with the technical words and idiomatic phrases of such business. As a consequence, he will be familiar with the character of the work demanded of him in his new position, and will have a decided ad- vantage over the stenographer who enters upon a position without having first studied and practiced its vocabulary. The dependable stenographer who desires to become proficient should write and re-write the shorthand outlines of any particular vocabulary in which he is interested until he can write the words with facility and certainty. It would be a good plan to have some KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 5 one read these words to him, increasing the rapidity as he becomes familiar with the shorthand outlines. At any rate, he should look over the vocabulary concerned thoroughly, and imagine or practice writing the shorthand outlines for new and unfamiliar words. The phonographic writer who is about to enter upon a position where he will be required to use the dictaphone can advantage- ously take the vocabulary applicable to such business, read it aloud, and note the spelling of the difficult and technical words; or, if he can obtain a dictaphone, he can put the vocabulary on the instrument and practice the typing of it as the words are repeated by the machine. If this is done the words will not seem strange to him when repeated in actual business letters which have been dictated to the dictaphone. The above suggestions are also applicable to the stenotype. Speed in stenography is to a certain degree relative. A noted court and congressional reporter has said that on work he was en- tirely familiar with he could write from 225 to 250 words a minute, and read the dictation back accurately; but, if some one were to dictate to him unfamiliar matter, as, for instance, medical litera- ture, he could probably not write more than 75 words a minute. It is rapidly becoming the practice of business and professional men employing stenographers to give a test dictation. In engag- ing a shorthand writer preference is naturally given to the one familiar with the terms of the particular business. The teacher drilling students or stenographers for particular lines of employ- ment, will, by the use of the comprehensive lists of words set forth in this work under various titles, be able to qualify such students or stenographers more rapidly and thoroughly than would be possible without their aid, and the efficiency of the stenographer will be thereby increased 75 percent. A good many short, simple words will be found in the vocabu- laries. Stenographers frequently, when writing rapidly, make inac- curate and misleading notes en short but unfamiliar words. Hence, the writer feels justified in placing these in the vocabularies. The stenographer, for whom this book is chiefly intended, does not as a rule upon entering a new business know the meaning and technical ramifications of all the words and phrases used in that particular business; nor is it absolutely essential to know their meaning at the beginning. He may look up in a dictionary the meaning of any word or phrase with which he is unfamiliar in any particular vocabulary, when he has time, before or after accepting a position. What the shorthand writer does want to know at the beginning is how to write the shorthand outlines for the particular vocabulary concerned, and how to spell the words correctly. 6 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES No shorthand outlines are given in this work for the words contained in the vocabularies. The omission is intentional. There are at least 125 different systems of shorthand in existence. The book does not conflict with any style of phonography. By the time a student graduates from any of the numerous systems of shorthand, he has mastered the rudimentary principles of the system he has chosen sufficiently to form his own shorthand out- lines, especially so if he has had an opportunity, before entering any particular line of business, to study and practice the short- hand outlines of the vocabulary that embodies the words of the business with which he is concerned. In addition the shorthand dictionary for his particular system will as a rule give outlines for many of the words embodied in the vocabulary in which he is especially interested. The sources of information mainly relied upon in compiling this work have been actual stenographic experience, observation of stenographers, trade journals, trade catalogs, special dictionaries, recognized authorities upon any given vocabulary, numerous dic- tation studies, and every-day business correspondence. From these various sources the writer has sought to gather in logical and convenient form, adequately indexed, vocabularies covering 190 different types of business. The work has occupied five years of arduous labor. A steady demand for the first edition proves that this book is in general use. New and important vocabulary material has been incorporated into the present volume to the extent of about 25,000 words. I desire again to express my thanks and appreciation for much kind assistance and advice from a few friends who have offered valuable suggestions and constructive criticisms in the course of the preparation and printing of this new edition. I am deeply indebted to Professor Howard J. Hall of Stanford University; C. L. Bodenstein, Wilbur 0. Hayes, R. B. Hollenbeck, Paul E. Meyer, and R. C. Young, Librarian Mills Building Law Library, San Francisco; also to my wife, and to Cordelia Beatrice Egan, Attorney at Law, Sioux City, Iowa. ELBERT J. KIMBLE. San Francisco, April, 1922. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES FOR STENOGRAPHERS AND COURT REPORTERS ABBREVIATIONS : See Business Abbreviations. ABSTRACT AND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANIES: Abandonment, abbreviation, absence, abstract, abstract book, accretion. A certain strip or parcel of land situated in the South- west Quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 1 East of Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian, and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point, said point being North 45 00' East, a distance of nine hundred sixty- two and five-tenths (962.5) feet, from the corner common to sec- tions 15, 16, 21 and 22 in said Township and Range; thence run- ning North 1 30' East, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running South 88 30' East, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet; thence running South 58 30' East, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence running South 1 30' West, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running North 58 30' West, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence run- ning North 88 30' West, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet to the place of beginning. Being a part of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 15 and containing 6.97 acres, more or less. Ac- knowledgment, action, administrator, adoption, adverse convey- ance, affidavit, agreement, agricultural land, alienation, alimony, ambiguity, analysis, ancestor, appearance, arrangement, assess- ment, assessor's plat, assignee, assignment, assignor, attachment, attestation, attorney. Bankruptcy. Beginning at a point two hundred and eighteen (218) feet north of the northwest corner of block forty-one (41) in the original plat of North Springfield, Missouri, thence east one hundred and forty-two (142) feet, thence south seventy-s ; . k (76) feet, thence west one hundred and forty-two (142) feec, thence south seventy-six (76) feet, thence west one hundred and forty- two (142) feet, thence north seventy-six (76) feet to place of be- ginning. Birth, bond, boundaries. Canons of descent, caption, caveat emptor, certificate, chain of title, chancery court, charter, children, class, classification, cloud upon title, color of title, compilation, condemnation, condition, con- firmation, confiscation, conflict, congressional grant, consanguin- ity, consideration, construction, constructive notice, contingent, continuation, contract, conveyance, copy, corporation, covenant, creditor, courtesy. Date, death, debt, declaration, decree, dedication, deed, deed poll, degree, delivery, descent, description, Desert Land Act, destruction, devise, disability, discharge, disposal, devisee, divi- sion, divorce, document, donation, dower, duplicate. Easement, ejectment, eminent domain, entail, entry, equity, 8 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES equitable conversion, equitable mortgage, error, escheat, essential, estate, estoppel, examination, examiner, exception, execution, exec- utor, executrix, exemption, express trust, extent of search. Fee simple, field notes, flaw, foreclosure, foreign, forfeiture, fraudulent. General Land Office, government survey, graduation entries, grant, guardian. Habendum, half blood, heir, highway, homestead, husband and wife. Inception of title, incumbrance, indenture, index, infant, inheri- tance, injunction, inquiry, insolvency, inspection, inspector, instru- ment, internal improvement, intestate, introductory, irregular. Joint tenancy, judicial sale, judgment. Land claim, land measure, land scrip, laying out book, lease, legal, legislative, legislature, lessee, lessor, letter press, liability, license, lien, limitation, lis pendens. Map, marginal discharge, marketable title, marriage settlement, married woman, meander line, mechanic's lien, merger, misdescrip- tion, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, municipal ordinance. Notary, notice, nuncupative will. Occupancy, official, opinion, order, origin, original entry. Partition, partner, party wall, patent, performance, perpetuities, perusal of abstract, plat, possession, power of attorney, power of sale, pre-emption entries, preference, prescription, preservation, presumption, printed copies, private land, probate proceedings, process, prohibited, proof, public, publication, purchase, purchaser. Qualification, quitclaim deed. Railroad, receiver, recital, record, rectangular surveying, re- demption, registration, relation, release, relief, relinquishment, re- mainder, removal, representation, repugnancy, requisition for title, re-record, reservation, residuary devisee, resignation, resolution, restrain, restriction, resulting trust, reversioner, revocation, ripa- rian title, root of title, rule. Sale, satisfaction, scale, school land, scrip, seal, section, service, sheriff, signature, source of title, specific performance, stamp, state land, statutory, subdivision, substitution, succession, summons, surrender, swamp land, synopsis. Tacking, tax, tax abstract, taxation, tax deed, tax sale, tech- nical, tenant, testamentary title, tidewater, title, township, tract book, trustee, trust deed, trust sale. United States, unrecorded evidence, user. Vacation, vendor, verdict, voluntary assignment, vowel index. Warranty, wife, witness, word, writ. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATIONS: See Banking and Trust Companies, Finance, and General Business. ADJUSTERS : See Fire and Marine Insurance and General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 9 ADVERTISING, PUBLISHERS, MAGAZINES: Accompanied, accuracy, action, ad, ad copy, address, ad writer, available, advertise, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, agate line, agency, alongside, ample, analysis, announcement, annual, ap- plication, appreciate, art, article, artistic, association, assort, as- sortment, attention, attractive, author, average. Bargain, billboard, bi-weekly, bound copies, booklet, bookseller, brand, brevity, bulk, business, buyer. Calendar, campaign advertising, canvassing, carelessness, car- toon, catalogue, channel, character, cheap work, circular, circula- tion, classification, classified, clearness, cloth, collection, collector, column, commence, commercial, communication, community, com- petitor, composition, comprehension, conducted, confidence, con- stantly, consumer, continuation, continuous, contract, contrivance, convince, copy, copyright, correspondent, countermand, country paper, criticism, cultivate, curiosity, cuts, customer. Daily, dealer, deciding, delivery, depository, description, de- signed, develop, diagram, discontinuance, discount, display adver- tisement, disposal, distinct, distribution, dummy sample, duplica- tion. Economical, edition, editor, editorial, editorial staff, efficient, eight-inch single column advertisement, electrotype, electrotyped, enclosure, enormous, enterprise, erased, esthetic sense, estimate, excellent, execute, expenditure, experience, expire, expiration, ex- plored, expressage, extensively, eye-movement. Facsimile, fall advertising, familiarity, feature, figure, filing, finance, financial, financing, food, foreign, frequency, full-page, function. Gazette, guaranteed. High-class, historical series. Illusion, illustration, imagination, imitation typewritten letters, impression, indebtedness, index, inducement, inexpensive, inquiry, inserted, insertion, inspection, investigation, investment, invite, invoice, issue. Jobbing order, journal, journalism. Legitimate, liberal offer, limited space, literary, literature, local news. Magazine, mailing list, mail order, management, manager, manu- script, map, marked, match, maximum, medium, merchant, metal- base cut, method, moderate, monetary, motive. Newspaper, number of lines. Observation, odd copies, omission, opportunity, orientation, originality, oversight. Page, pamphlet, patent medicine, patronage, patronized, period- ical, persistency, persuasion, perusal, politician, politics, position, poster, preferred, premium, printer, printer's ink, printing depart- ment, prize, profession, profitableness, promote, proportion, pro- posal, pro rata, proof, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publisher, puff, pulling quality, pulling power, purchasing, purity. 10 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Quality, quantity, quarter. Rate card, reader, reasoning, recognition, recommendation, re- flex, reliability, replenish, reporter, representation, representative, reprint, reproduction, research, reservation, result, retail, revise, rhyme, romance, royalty, running. Salable, sales department, salesman, sample copy, scan, scheme, school, scope, secured, selection, semi-annually, service, set solid in space of six lines, signs, society, soliciting, space, spasmodic advertising, special, specification, speculative, square inch, sta- tionery, stipulated, subscriber, subscription blank, subsidiary, sub- stitute, suburban, suggestion, summer offer, supplement, suspicion, style, symmetry. Taste, territory, testimonial, text-book, theory, title, tracer, trade, trial order, two-line display, type. Unexpired, usefulness. Vicinity, vitalized, volume. Want advertising, warranted, weekly edition, women. Also see General Business, Paper Houses, and Printing. AGRICULTURAL AND HUSBANDRY IMPLEMENTS : Animal-clutch, animal-poke, apiary, apparatus, apple grinder, apron slat, asparagus buncher, attachment. Babbitting, bag fastener, baler, baling press, balk, band, barb- wire, baring tool, barley-chumper, barley-fork, beam, bean mill, bee fumigator, beehive, beehouse, beetle destroyer, beet-root seeder, billhook, binder, binding reaper, blade, black land plow, board fence, bog-cutting plow, bracket, brake, bramble scythe, breaker, broadcast seeder, brooder, broom-corn scraper, broom-corn sizer, broom sewing machine, broom trimmer, broom vise, broom winder, brush plow, brush puller, bundle carrier, burr, bush-hook, butter- box, butter-case, butter print, butter tub, butter worker, butter mould, butter tongs. Cake breaker, cake grinder, calf pail, cane knife, cane scraper, carriage bolt, cart roller, casting, cattle-feeder, cattle-leader, cattle pump, cattle-stall, chaff cutter, chaff sifter, chain harrow, cheese cutter, cheese hook, cheese press, cheese shelf, cheese vat, check rod, check rower, chicken coop, chicken feeder, chopper, chopping mill, churn-dasher, churn power, cider mill, cider press, clamp, clevis, clipper, clod-clearer, clod-crusher, clover-huller, clover-seed gatherer, clover-thrasher, clutch, coal burning boiler, cockle sep- arator, colter, combination plow, compound straw burner, concas- seur, coop, corn cleaner, corn cracker, corn-stalk cutter, cotter, cot- ton chopper, cotton cylinder, cotton gin, cotton-picking machine, cotton seed huller, cotton sweep, cotton tie fastener, cotton truck, cotton worm destroyer, coulter plate, cradle, cranberry picker, creamery, crutch, cultivator, curd-breaker, curd-cutter. Dairy implement, decorticator, digger, digging machine, dimen- sion, disc sharpener, ditch cleaner, ditching machine, divider, double harpoon fork, double-moldboard plow, double plow, double KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 11 shovel plow, doubletree, double-tub press, drag, drag chain, drag teeth, drain cleaner, draining plow, drain-tile layer, draper stock, drill point, drill shoe, drill tube, dropper, drying house, duck's foot cultivator, dump, dumping reel, dung-fork, duster. Ear lifter, edging shear, egg hatching apparatus, elevator, en- gine, ensilage, ensilage cutter, epinette, equalizer, espalier, evapor- ator, excavator, expanding cultivator. Fallow-board, fanning mill, farm cart, farmer's tool box, farm mill, feed-bag, feed boiler, feed crusher, feed cutter, feed mill, feed rack, felloes, fence, fence jack, fencing machine, fence post driver, fender, fertilizer distributor, fertilizer mill, fertilizer sower, field roller, flail, flax-scrutcher, flax-washer, flower pot, flue, fodder cutter, forage cutter, forage press, fork, forking spade, fountain pump, four-ply, frost cog. Fruits : basket, dryer, evaporator, frame, fruit box, furrowing plow, gatherer, ladder, pitter, press, separ- ator. Gage wheel, gallows, gang cultivator, gang plow, garden engine, garden loop, garden roller, garden tool, garden syringe, garlic syringe, garlic separator, gate, gearing, germination apparatus, gorse cutter, grafting chisel. Grain: binder, bruiser, cleaner, cradle, crusher, cutter, drill, fan, granary, measurer, rake, sacker, screen, separator, shovel, ventilator. Grapes, grape crusher, grape mill, grape trellis, grapery, grapple hayfork, grinder, grist mill, groomer, grub hoe, grub hook, grubber, grubbing-axe, guard finger. Hair clipping shears, half-shovel plow, hand corn-planter, hand cultivator, hand rake, hand seeder, hand thresher, handle, harpoon hayfork, harrow, harrow cultivator, harvester, harvester cutter, harvester knife, hasp. Hay: band machine, band twister, carrier, elevator, fork, heading machine, knife, loader, maker, rake, tedder, unloader. Hedge clipper, hedging tool, hemp brake, hemp knife, hennery, hill-side plow, hitching post, hoe, hoeing machine, hog scalder, hog elevator, hog hook, hog-nose trimmer, hog-scalding tub, hog trough, honey extractor, hoof cushion, hop picker, horner, 15-horse compound. Horses : biscuit, boot, collar, groomer, hurdle. Husking glove, husker. Imperfection, incubator, insect destroyer, insect trap, irrigator. Jointer, jumper. Knife-head, knock-down or K. D. Land roller, lap ring, lard cutter, lard Tenderer, lawn mower, lawn sprinkler, layer instrument, level, leveler, lifting gate, light- est draft, lime spreader, list plow, litter cutter, loader, loose box. Maize cutter, manger, manure drag, manure spreader, marking plow, mattock, maul, meat chopper, milk cooler, milking tube, milk pan, milk skimmer, milk strainer, moldboard, mole trap, movable fence, mower, mowing machine, muck fork, mulcher, muzzle. Nailed canal-barrows, nib. Oat clipper, oat crusher, oat separator, oil-cake, oil-cake grinder, oil-cake mill, olive press, one-horse plow, overshot separator, ox-shoe, ox-yoke. 12 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Paint, paring plow, patent, pattern, peanut digger, pea huller, pea rake, peat spade, peeling iron, picker, picket axe, picket fence, picket pin, picking machine, pig trough, pitchfork, pitter, planter, plant sprinkler, plate, plow cleaner, plow fender, plow holder, plow- wing, pony plow, portable cider press, porter, post auger, post-hole spoon. Potatoes: assorter, bug-destroyer, coverer, digger, hook, planter scoop, powder blower. Poultry coop, poultry feeder, prairie breaker, prairie renovator, pruner, pruning saw, pruning shears, pulverizer. Rack, rail fence, rake, rasp, reaper, reaping machine, reaping sickle, reclamation plow, reel, returner, rice drill, rice huller, rice machinery, rice thresher, ricker, riddle, ridging plow, riding culti- vator, ripple, road grader, road plow, roller, rolling colter, rotary plow, rower. Roots : cutter, grinder, puller, pulper, shredder, slicer. rotary plow, round, row marker, runner, washer. Sagebrush grubber, sap bucket, sap pile, scarificator, scraper, screen, screw press, scuffle hoe, scuffle scythe, seed drill, seeder, seeding burrow, seeding machine, seat, section, self-feeder, shape, share, share harrow, sheaf band, sheaf binder, sheller, sheep dipping apparatus, sheep-foot trimmer, sheep holder, sheep rack, sheep-shearing machine, shocker, shoe pad, shovel plow, sickle, sifter, single-shovel plow, skeleton roller-skid, skim-colter plow, skinning apparatus, slaughtering apparatus, sled harrow, sling, slip share, smoke house, smut machine, soil pulverizer, snath, snouter, snout ring, snow shovel, sod cutter, sorghum spade, sorter, spading machine, spraying machine, spring hoe, spring key, sprinkler, stable cleaner, stable fitting, stacker, stacking derrick, stack stand, stalk cutter, stall, steam plow, steam reaper, stock feeder, stone clearer, straddle plow, straw carrier, straw cutter, straw knife, stream fence, string binder, stripper, stubble turner, stump extractor, subsoiler, sugar-land plow, sugar spile, sulky cultivator, swaged sweep rake, sweet-potato digger. Tea preparing machine, tedder, tender, tether, thatch-making machine, thistle-digger, thresher, threshing engine, tobacco culti- vator, tobacco granulating machine, tobacco spinning machine, tobacco stripper, toggle press, tongueless cultivator, track-clearer, traction engine, transplanter, tread horse-power, treble tree-digger, tree-protector, tree-pruner, tree-scraper, trenching plow, triple shovel plow, trough, trowel, truck, turf-cutter, turnip cutter, turnip fingerer. Varnish, vegetable chopper, vegetable slicer, vegetable washer, vine puller, vineyard implement. Walking cultivator, walk scraper, weeder, weeding hoe, weed scythe, weight box, wheat riddle, wheat separator, wheel barrow, wheel colter, wheel hoe, willow peeler, windlass, windmill, wind- rower, wings, wine filter, wine press, winnower, winnowing machine, wire fence, wire trellis. Yoke. Also see Agriculture, and General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 18 AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS: Acid, acre, acreage, adobe, air food, albumen, alfalfa, alfileria, alkali, alluvial, almond, aloes, ammonia, angora goat, animal, anti- toxin, ants, aphids, apples, apricots, aquarium, arable, arid, army worms, aromatic plants, arsenic, artichoke, asparagus. Baneberry, bantam fowl, bark, barley, barnyard, barometer, bean, beef, bees, beets, beetles, bill-of-lading, bird, bird grass, blackberries, blight, bluegrass, blue gum, bluestone, bog, bone, boracic acid, borer, boring, branch, bread, breeding cage, bridge, brooder, broom corn, brush, buckwheat, buds, bugs, building, bulbs, Bureau of Soils, butter, butterfat, butterflies, buttermilk. Cabbage, cactus, cambium, candle, cankerworm, canning, canta- loupe, carbolic acid, carbonate, carbonic, carnations, carrots, cattle, cattle guard, cauliflower, caustic soda, cedar oil, celery, centipede, cereals, cheese, cherries, chestnut, chicks, chicory, chiles, clearing, chloride, cider, citrus fruits, cloud-burst, clover, cocklebur, concrete culvert, consignee, construction, cooking, co- operative, co-operation, corn, corn smut, corner post, cotton, cow, crab apple, cream, creameries, crop, cross-section, crude oil, crys- anthemum, cucumbers, cultivation, currants, cuttings, cutworms. Dairying, Department of Agriculture, dewberry, dike, disease, disinfection, domestic fowls, doves, dragon flies, dry farming, duck, dwelling. Earthworms, eggs, equipment, explosive, extensive farming. Farmer, farmstead, fence, ferment, fertilization, fertilizer, field, fish, flax, flies, flour, flowers, food, forecasting, forest, forestry, fowl, freezing, frijoles, fruit, fumigation. Garlic, gathering, geese, geranium, goat, gooseberries, gopher, gourd, grafting, grain, grapes, grapevine, grass, grasshopper, greasewood, greenhouse, growth, grub, grubbing, guano, gullies, gumming, gypsum. Hauling, hay, haying, hazel nut, hedge, hedge fence, hemp, hen, highway, hog, honey, hops, hornet, horse, horseradish, horsetail, horseweed, hotbed. Incidentals, Indian corn, insect, intensive farming, irrigation, ivy. Jersey cow, jungle fowl. Knot grass, kerosene. Laborer, land, lard, lawn, leaf, leather, lemons, lettuce, level, lichens, lilac, lily, lime, linen, location, loco weed, loganberry, lumber. Macadam road, machinery, maize, manuring, market, marketing, meadow, meat, melon, mice, milk, milkweed, millet, moths, muriatic acid, muscat grapes, mushroom, mustard. Nitrogen, nut tree. Oats, observatory, obstruction, oil, onion, opening, orange, orchard, overstocking, oxygen. Paddocks, parcels post, parsley, parsnips, pasteurizing, pasture land, path, peas, peaches, peanuts, pears, pease, peat bog, pecan 14 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES nut, peppers, peppermint, pepsin, phosphoric acid, pieplant, pigeon, plant, plat, plum, poison chickweed, pollen, popcorn, pork, pounds, potash, potatoes, poultry, prickly pear, prairies, primrose, products, production, profile, propagating, prunes, pruning, pump- kin. Quinces. Rabbit, radish, rainfall, raisins, raspberries, red clover, rhubarb, rice, road, roots, rotation of crops, rye. Sage, saltpeter, sand, sandy soil, sapwood, sauerkraut, scabbing of fruit, seaweed, seedless, seeds, seed-sowing, selection, semi-arid, separator, sheep, shorthorn cow, silks, silt, sorghum, spinach, spineless cactus, sprout, squash, sterilization, stigma, stock, strawberries, stream, stump, sugar, sugar cane, sulphide of potash, sunshine, surrounding, swamp, sweet clover, sweet peas, swine. Tapioca, thimbleberries, threshing, thyme, tillage, timothy, tomatoes, transplanting, transportation, turnips. Underdrain. Valley, varnish, vegetables, vermicelli, vineyard, violets. Walnuts, watermelon, wax, weather, weeds, weevils, wholesale, wild oats, windpipe, wine, winter wheat, wood fence, woodland, wrigglers. Also see Irrigation, Agricultural Implements and General Busi- ness. APPRAISERS: See Civil Engineering; General Business and Real Estate. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS: Adhesive strength of sulphur, air, anchor-iron, arch, arch girder, arched roof, architect, architectural. Beam, beam connections, bearing-plate, bearings, bell, belly-rod truss, bending moment, bevels of hip and jack-rafters, blueprint, bluestone, board measure, boiler tube, bolt-head, book, bowstring roof truss, box girder, bracing, breast wall, brick, brick arch, bricklayer, brickwork, bridge, bridging of floor-beams, buckling, buttress. Cable, canvas roofing, capacity of theater, carriage beams, cast- ings, cast iron, cathedral, cement, center for arch, center of grav- ity, chain, chimney, chord, circle, circular and angular measure, circumference of circle, cistern, classical moulding, coefficient of friction, color, column, column connections, comparison, composi- tion, concrete, cone, consumption of water, continuous girder, con- tract, corrugated sheet iron, counter-braces, counter-flashings, crushing, cylindrical beams. Dead load, deflection of beams, dimensions, discharge of water, dome, drain-pipe, draught of chimney, drum and pulley, duplex wall and hoist-hanger. Eccentric loads on columns, efflorescence on brickwork, elastic cement, electric-light wiring, ellipse, ellipsoid, equilibrium, exca- vation, excavator, expanded metal lathing, expansion metal, ex- plosive force of blasting material, eye-bars and screw-ends. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 15 Factor of safety, fire-proof building, fish-joint, flashings, floors, footing, footing course, foundation, foundation wall, framing and connecting, friction, fuel, furnace heating. Galvanized iron, gauge, girder, granite, gravity, grindstone, grouting. Hammer-beam roof-truss, hard wall plaster, hardness of wood, haunch, hawser, header, heading course, heat unit, hollow brick partition, hoop-iron bond, horsepower, horse stall, hot-air heating, hydraulic, hyperbola. Inclined beams, intrados, inverted arch, involution, iron roof and roof-truss. Joints, joist-hangers. Keystone, king-post roof-truss. Lathing, length of bridge, lever, lightning-conductor, limestone, live load, load on roof, load on column, lumber grade. Mail chute, marble, masonry, measure, measurement, mechanic, melting-point of metal, mensuration, metal lathing, mill con- struction, mineral wool, modulus of elasticity, moment, mortar, mortise and tenon joint, motion, moulding. Nails and spikes, nuts. Obelisk, operahouse, ornamental, ornamentation. Painting, parabola, pier, pile, pipe, pitch of flat roof, plank, measure, plaster, plate glass, plate-iron, plumbing, polygon, por- ous terra-cotta, Portland cement, pressure of water, principles of the arch, prism, properties, proportion, purlin, pyramid. Quarter sketch, queen-post roof-truss. Radiating surface, radiators, radii of gyration, radius of gyra- tion, rafter, rain-water conductor, refrigerator, register, relative hardness of woods, residence heating, resistance, resolution of forces, rest, retaining wall, rivet, riveted joint, rivet gauge, rivet hole in plate, rivet steel, rod, roof, roofing paper, roof truss, rope. Sandstone, scantling, scarf joint, screw-ends, screw-threads, seating space, section modulus, separators for I-beams, shearing, sheet iron, shingles, shrinkage in castings, skewback, skylight glass, slate, slate roof, soil, solid built beams, span, specific grav- ity, specifications, speed of drums and pulleys, sphere, spheroid, spire, splice, springer, square root, stability, stairs, statics, steam boiler, steel, stiffness of beams, stirrup-irons, stones, stonework, strain, strength of architectural terra-cotta, stress, structural steel, structure, strut-beams, struts, supporting forces. Tacks, tail-beams, temperature of fire, tensile strength, tension, terra-cotta, tests for structural steel, tie-bars, tie-beams, tie-rods, ties, tiles, tin roof, tinned door, tower, trimmer, trussed beam, trussed purlins, turnbuckle. Ultimate strength, upset screw-ends. Vaulted party-wall, velocity of flow of water, volume, voussoirs. Wall, water-pipe, wear and tear of building material, weights, well-digger, wind force, window-glass, wire gauge, woods, wooden beams, working strength of masonry, wrought-iron chimney. Z-bar column. Also see General Business. 16 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ARCHITECTURE: Abacus, abutment, abuttal, acroteria, aile, aisle, acoustic, alcove, alley, altar, altar-screen, ambo, ambry, amphitheater, angle-bar, annular vault, annulated column, annulet, anta, antechamber, anti-friction sheaves, apron, apse, apteral, aqueduct, arbor, ar- cade, arch, arch-buttress, architrave, architrave cornice, archi- trave of a door, archives, archivolt, area, arena, arris, arsenal, artificer or artisan, ashlar or ashler, asphaltum, astragal, attached columns, attic, auditorium, auditory, axis. Backing of a rafter or rib, backing of a wall, balcony, baldachin, baluster, baluster shaft, balustrade, band, band of a column, banister, barge board, baseboard, basement, base moulding, bas- relief, basso-rilievo, bat, bathroom, batten, batten-door, batter, bay, bay window, bazaar, bead, beam, bearing, bearing wall, bear mouthed, bed of a slate, bed moulding, bedroom, belfry, bell-turret, belt, belvedere or look-out, bema, bench table, bevel, blind area, blind nailed, blocking-course, bond, bond-stones, bond-timber, border, bossings, boss, bow, bow window, brace, brace mould, bracket, break, breaking joint, breast of a window, bridging, buffet, bulwark, burse or bourse, bush hammered, bust, buttery, butt-joint, buttress, buttress shafts. Cabinet, cabling, caisson, calcine plaster, caliper, canopy, canti- lever, capital, caravansary, carriage, cartoon, cartouche, cased, casement, cast, catafalco, causeway, cavetto, ceiling, centering, chalet, chamber, chamfered, chancel, channel, chapel, chimney, choir, chord, chute, clear-story, close string or box string, cluster- ed, coat, coffer, coffer dam, coliseum, collar beam, colonnade, column, composite arch, concrete, conduit, conservatory, coping, corbel, corbel out, corbel table, cordon, cornice, corona, corridor, counter-sink, coupled columns, course, court, cove, cove-bracket- ing, cove ceiling, coving, cradling, cresting, crocket, cross, cross- aisle, cross-springer, cross-vaulting, crown, crypt, cupboard, cupola, curb roof or mansard roof, curtail step, cusp, cut-off, cyclostyle, cyma, cymatium, cyrtostyle. Dado or die, dais, darby, decastyle, decorated style, dentils, design, detail, diameter, diaper, diastyle, dimension, dining room, discharging arch, distemper, distyle, dog-tooth, dome, donjon, door frame, doorway, dormer window, dormitory, dorsal or dossal, double vault, dovetailing, dowel, draw-bridge, drawing-room, dresser, dressing, dressing-room, drip, drip-stone, drop-scene, drum, dry-rot, dwarf wall. Eaves, edifice, efflorescence, element, elevation, emblazon, em- bossing, embrasure, engaged columns, ensemble, entablature, en- try, escutcheon, etching, eustyle, excavation, extension, extrados, eye-bar, eye of a dome, eye of a volute. Facade, face mould, fan tracery, fascia, faucet, fenestral, fes- toon, fillet, finial, first-class workmanship, fish-joint, flag, flange, flanged steel, flashings, flatting, fleur-de-lis, flight, floating, flue, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 17 flush, flute, flutings, flying buttress, foil, foliage, foliation, font, footing, foundation, foxtail wedging, frame, framing, freestone, fresco, fret, fret-work, frieze, full-size detail, furniture, furred, furrings. Gable, gabled tower, gabled window, gain, gallery, galvanized iron, gambrel roof, gargoyle, garret, gate-house, gauge, girder, glazing, glyph, Gothic style, granite, griffin, grillage, grille, groin, groin arch, groin ceiling, groin centering, groin point, groin rib, groined vaulting, groove, grotto, ground floor, ground joist, grouped columns, grout, guttae, gutter, gymnasium. Hall, halving, hammer-beam, hand-rail, hanging buttress, hang- ing stile, hangings, hand-pan, hatching, haunch, header, heading course, head-way, heel, height, helix, hemacyte knob, herring- bone work, hip-knob, hip-roof, hippodrome, hips, housing, hypogea. Impluvium, impost, incidental work, incise, indented, inlaying, insulated, intercolumniation, interlaced arches, intrados, inverted arch, Ionic order, iron work. Jack, jack rafter, jamb, joggle, joinery, joist. Keep, keystone, king-post, knee, knob, knot. Label, label terminations, lacquered, lacunar, lancet, landing, lantern, lap welded, lateral bracing, lathe, lattice, lavabo, lavatory, lean-to, ledge, ledgement, ledgers, lich-gate, light, linen scroll, lining, lintel, lip mould, listel, lithograph, lobby, lodge, loft, loggia, longitudinal, loop-hole, loose pin-butt, lotus, louver, lozenge moulding, lug, lunette. Man-hole, mansard roof, mantel, marquetry, masonry, mauso- leum, measurement, medallion, mediaeval, member, merlon, met- ope, mezzanine, minaret, minster, minute, mitre, model, modillion, module, monument, mortise, mosaic, mosque, moulding, mullion, multifoil, munion, mural, muntin, mutule. Natural bed, nave, necking, newel post, niche, nosed treads, nosings, N. 0. S. (not otherwise specified). Obelisk, observatory, octostyle, ogee, oilet, orchestra, ordinance, orthostyle, out-gauged, ovolo. Pagoda, palace, pale, pane, panel, pantheon, pantograph or pen- tagraph, pantry, papier-mache, parapet, pargeting, parlor, par- quetry or marquetry, partition, party wall, patera, pavement, pavilion, pedestal, pediment, pelasgic, pendent, pendent post, pen- dentive, pendentive bracketing or cove bracketing, pentastyle, pent-roof, perch, periptery, peristyle, perpendicular style, perpent stones, perspective drawing, piazza, picket, pier, pier-glass, pilaster, pile, pillar, pillowed, pin, piscina, pitch of a roof, pitch- ing-piece, place plan, planceer, plastering, plate, plinth, plumb, plumbing, ply, pneumatic, podium, polytriglyph, pommel, poppy heads, porcelain, porch, portal, portecpchere, portcullis, portico, post, postern, posticum, presbytery, priming, profile, proscenium, 18 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES prostyle, protractor, pseudo-dipteral, puddle, pugging, pulpit, pur- lins, putlog, putty in plastering, puzzolana, pyramid, pyx. Quadrangle, quarry, quarry-face, quarter-round, quartrefoil, queen truss, quirk mouldings, quoins. Rafters, rail, raking, rammed, ramp, rampant, random work, range work, rebate, reception hall, recess, reglet, relief, renais- sance, rendered, reticulated work, return head, reveal, rib, ridge, ridgepole, riprap, rise, riser, riveted and soldered, roof, roofing, rostrum, rotunda, roughcast, rubble work, rudenture, rustic or rock work. Saddle bars, sagging, salient, salon, sash, scabble, scagliola, scantling, scarfing, sconce, scratch coat, screeds, screen, scribing, scroll, section, set-off, shaft, shed roof, shore, sill, skewback, skirt- ing, sleeper, soffit, sound board, spall, span, spandrel or spandril, specifications, spire, splayed, springer, squinches, squint, staging, stall, stanchion, steeple, stereobate, stile, stilted, stoop, straight arch, strap, stretcher, string board, string-course, studs, studding, style, stylobate, summer, surbase, surface, systyle. Tail trimmer, tamp, templet or template, terminal, terra-cotta, tetrastyle, tholobate, throat, tie, tile, tongue, torso, torus, tower, tracery, transom, traverse, tread, trefoil, trellis, trestle, triforium, triglyph, trim, trimmer, trimmer arch, tuck-pointing, turret, tympanum. Under-croft, undercut, upset, urn. Vagina, valley, valley rafters, vane, vault, verge, verge board, vermiculated, vestibule, vestry, viaduct, vignette, villa, volute, vousspir. Wainscot, wall plates, warped, water table, weather boarding, weathering, wicket, wind, wing, withes. Also see Lumber and Plumbing and Hardware and General Business. ASSAYERS AND REFINERS : See General Business, Geology, and Mining Engineering. AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS: See General Business. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES AND ACCESSORIES : Ability, absorber, "AC" spark plugs, acceleration, accelerator, accessories, accident, accumulator, accurate, acetylene generator, acid, adapter, adhesion, adjuster, adjustment, advance, advertis- ing, advertisement, age, agency, air, alcohol, alighting, alignment, alloy, alternating, aluminum, ammeter, ampere, amperage, anchor, angularity, angle valve, anneal, annoyance, anvil, anti-skid, apron, arbor, arc, arch, arrest, armature, armor, armored, asbestos, as- pirating, assemble, assortment, attachment, auger, auto, autocar, autoglass, autogenous, automatic, automatically, automobile car- riage, automobile line, automobilism, automobilist, automotor, autotruck, auxiliary, avoiding, axle. Babbitt, backfiring, blacklash, baffle, balance, ball, band, bar, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 19 barrel, base, basket, battery, bead strip, beam, bearing, bell, bel- lows, belt, bench, benzol, bevel, bicycle, binding, bipolar, bit, bleeder, blister, blowout, blueprint, body, boiler, bolt, bonnet, boot, bore, boring, boss, bottle, bottom, bound, boulevard, bow, brace, bracket, brake, brass, brassing, braze, breaker, breaking, breast drill, breach, block, bronze, brush, bucket, buckling, build-up, bulb, bumper, burn out, burner, burring reamer, bushing, button, by- pass. Cable, calcium, caliper, calipering, cam, cambered, can, cap, capacity, car, carbide, carbonization, carborundum, carburation, carburetor, carriage, carrier, caseharden, casing, cast, caster, castellated nut, castor, caulk, cell, celluloid, cement, cementless patch, center of gravity, centrifugal, chain, chair, chamber, cham- fer, chamois, channel, charge, chassis, chatter, chauffeur, check, cheek, chisel, choke, chloride, chuck, circuit, circulating, circu- lator, clamp, clasp, clean, cleaner, clearance, cleanser, clevis, climbing, clip, clock, clockwise, clutch, coast, cock, coefficient, coil, cold, collar, collapsible, collision, combination, combustion, comfort, commutator, compactly built, compartment, compensat- ing, composite, compound, compression, compressometer, com- pressor, condenser, conductor, conduit, cone, conical, connecting, connection, connector, constant, construction, contact, continuous, contract, contracting, control, controller, cooler, cooling, copper, core, cork, corrugated, cotter pin, counterbalance, counterbore, counterclockwise, countershaft, countersink, coupe, couple, coupl- ing, cover, crane, crank, creep, creeper, crosshead, crossing, cross- walk, crown, crucible, crystallization, cuff, cup, current, curtain, cushion, cut, cut-off, cut-out, cutter, cutting-off tools, cycle, cylinder, cylindrical, cyclometer. Damper, dashboard, dead, decarbonize, decarbonizer, decelera- tion, defect, deflate, deflector, deflocculated, demonstration, de- mountable, denatured, depolarizer, deposit, depressor, detachable, device, diagonal, diameter, diaphram, die, dielectric, differential, dimmer, direct, disc, discharge, disengaging, distance, distributor, divided, divider, double, dowel, drag, drain, draw-off, dresser, drift pin, drill, drip-pan, drive, driver, driving, drop, drum, dry, duel, dust, duster, dynamo, dynamo-meter. Easy-on-tires, eccentric, economical, economizer, economy, effective, efficiency, ejector, elastic, electric, electrolyte, elec- trolytic rectifier, electro magnet, electromotive, electrostatic, ele- ment, elliptic, elliptical, emergency, emery, enameled, en bloc, endurance, energy, end, engine, envelope, epicyclic, equalizer, equalizing, equipment, exhaust, expand, expansion, expert eye glasses, explosion, extension, external, extinguisher, extra, eye. Fabric, fan, fare, fastener, faulty, fatigue, feather duster, fee, feed, felt, fender, ferries, fibre, field, fierce, file, filler, fillet, filter, final, finder, fire, fittings, fixed, flame, flange, flap, flare, flash, 20 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES flexibility, flexible, float, floating, flood, floor, fluid, fluted, flywheel, foam, folding, follower, footboard, footman, force, forge, forging, fork cylinder, frame, freezometer, friction, front, fuel, funnel, fuse, fusible. Gage, gallon, gallonage, gap, garage, gas, gasket, gasoline, gate, gather, gauge, gauntlet, gear, gearing, gearset, generator, gland, glass, gloves, glycerine, goggles, governor, grab, grade, grado- meter, graphite, gravity, gray, grease, grid, grip, grind, grinder, grinding, grooved, ground, guard, gudgeon, guide, gun, gusset. Halftime, hammer, hamper, handle, harden, header, headlight, heat, heater, heel, helical, herringbone, hexagon cap, highway, hinge, holder, homogenizing, hood, hook, horizontal, horn, horse- power, hose, hot air, housing, H-section, hub, hydraulic, hydro- carbon, hydrometer. I-beam, I-sectipn, idle, igniter, ignition, illustration, incrusta- tion, indicator, individual, induction, inertia, inflate, inherent, initial, injection, inlet, inner, input, insert, inside, inspection, inspector, install, installation, instrument, insulator, inswept, in- take, integral, interchangeable, interconnection, interlock, inter- locking, intermediate, internal, interrupter, invincible, iron, irre- versible. Jack, jacket, jar, jaw, jet, jig, joint, jointed, journal, jump- spark, junction, junk. Key, keying, keyless clock, keyway, kick, kilowatt, kit, knock, knife. Labor, lacing, lag, lagging, lamp, land, landaulet, lap, latch, lathe, layshaft, lead, leakage, leather, left-hand, leggings, level, lever, lift, license, lifter, light, lighter, lighting, limit, limousine, liner, lining, linkage, linseed, liquid, live, local, lock, locking, long, loop, lost, louvre, low, lubricant, lubrication, lubricator, luggage carrier, lunch kit, luxurious. Machine, magnet, magnetic, magneto, main, malleable, manga- nese, manifold, manograph, map, master, material, matting, maxi- mum, mean, measure, measuring, mechanical, melting pot, mem- ber, mercury, mesh, metal, mica, micrometer, mirror, mirrorscope, misalignment, miss, mixing, mixture, model, monkey wrench, monobloc, motive power, motorcycle, motor-cylist, motoring, mounted, muffler, multiple, multipolar. Needle, negative, neutral, nickel, nipple, nippers, noiseless, noisy, exhausts, non-conductor, non-fluid oil, nuisance, number plate, nut. Odometer, odor, offset, offset cut-off tools, ohm, oil, oil can, oil cup, oiler, operating, operator, oscillate, outer, outfit, output, ovalization, overcharge, overflow, overhead, overload, owner, ownership. Packing, pad, padded seat, pail, pair, pan, panel, parallel, paste, patch, patching, pattern, pedestal, pedestrian, peen, petcock, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 21 petrol, phosphor, pick-up, pilot light, pin, pinion mate, pin-hole leak, pioric, pipe, piston, pitch, pivoted, planetary, plate, platform, play, plier, plug, plunger, pneumatic, pocket, point, polarity, polar- ization, pole, polish, poppet, port, portable, positive, pot, potential, pound, power, preheating, press, pressed, pressure, primary, prime, profile, progressive, propeller, protected, puddle, pulley, pump, punch, puncture, pushrod. Quadrant, quartz, quick action con- nector, quill. Race, rack, radial, radiation, radiator, radius, rail, rain apron, rake, ratchet, rating, ratio, rawhide, reach, ream, reamer, rebound, receptacle, reciprocate, recoil, record, rectifier, reducer, reflection, regulation, regulator, release, reliable, relief, removal, repair, re- placement, reproduction of drawings, reserve, reservoir, resist- ance, retained, retard, retreat, reverse, rheostat, rib, ride, rim, ring, rivet, riveted, roadster, roadway, robe, rocker, rod, roll, roller, root, rotation, roughener, roughing, rubber, rumble, run- about, running, rush. Safety, salt, sandpaper, saturate, saw, scale, scavenge, scissors, score, scrape, scraper, screw, searchlight, seat, secondary, second- hand, section, sectional, sector, seize, selective, selector, self- hardening, self-ignition, self-starter, self-starting, separable, separator, series, service, set, set screw, shaft, shed, sheet, shell, shield, shift, shim, shock, shoe, shop, short, shoulder, shunt, shut* off, shutter, side, sightseeing car, signal, sign post, skin, silent, silicon, sill, simplicity, simpling, single, siren, sketch, skidding, skip, sleeve, slide, slip, sloping, slow, snap, snip, soap, soapstone, socket, solder, soldering, solid, soot, spacer, spark, spectacles, speed, speed indicator, speedometer, spherical, spider, spindle, spiral, splash, splicer, spline, split, spoke, sponge, spot, spray, spreader, springs, sprocket, spur, squared, square inch, stall, standpipe, starting, steam, steamer, steel, steering device, stetho- scope, stick, stiff grade, stirrup, stock, stone, stonebruise, stop- ping, stopwatch, storage, storm apron, straighten, strain, strainer, strap, strip, stroke, strut, stub, stud, stuffing, subframe, suction, sulphatation, superheated, superior, supplementary, supported, surface, sump, surrey, suspended, sway, switch, switchboard, swivel, synchronized, syringe, system. Tachometer, tackle, tag, tail, tail lamp, talc, tandem, tank, tap, tape, taper gauge, tapper, tappet, taxi, taxicab, taximeter, tees, telescope, telltale, templet, temperature, tension, terminal, testing, thermal, thermite, thermometer, thermostat, threading tools, throttle, throwout, thrust, thumbswitch, tickler, tie, tilting, timer, tip, tipper, tire, tire bolt, tire inflator, toggle, toll-road, tolls, ton- neau, tool, tool kit, tooth, top, torch, torpedo, torque, touring, tow- ing, tracing, track, traction, tractive, tractor, trade, trade price, transfer, transformer, transmission, transportation, tray, tread, treatment, trembler, trolley, trough, trunk, trunk rack, truss, tube, 22 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tubing, tubular, tungsten, turnbuckle, turning, turntable, turn- pike, twist, type. Underhung, undersized, underslung, underspan, uniform, union, unit, universal, upgrade, upholstered, upset, useful. V-belt, vacuum, value, valve, vanadium, vapor, vaporization, variable, vehicle, vent, ventilator, vertical, vibration, vibrator, viscosity, visor, volt, volt-ammeter, voltage, voltmeter, volumetric, vulcanization, vulcanizer, vulcanizing outfit. Warp, warmer, washer, washing brush, waste, water, water- tight, watt, weave, web, welding, weight, wheel, wick, wicking, wind, windage, wind shield, wing, wiping cloth, wire, wirebar, wood, working, worm, wound, wrench, wrist. Yale locks, yoke. Zig-zag rule, zig-zag wind shield. AUTOMOBILE TIRES: See General Business, and Rubber Goods. BANKING AND TRUST COMPANIES: Abstract sheet, abstract of title, acceptance, accession book, accident, accommodation, account, accountant, accrued interest, action, actuary, adjudication, adjustment, administration, adminis- trator, advance, advertising, affidavit, agency, agent, altered, al- teration, amendment, annual annuities, application, appointment, apportionment, approximate, approximately, assessable, assess- ments, assets, assignee, assignment, assignor, assistant, associa- tion, attachment, attorney, attorney's fee, audit, auditor, author- ity, authorization. Balance, bank bill, bank book, banker, bank examiner, bank guaranty fund, bank note, bankruptcy, bearer, beneficiaries, bill, bill-of-credit, bill-of-exchange, bill-of-lading, board of directors, bond, bookkeeper, borrow, borrowing, branch bank, broker, bul- lion, burglary insurance, by-laws. Calculation, call loans, canceled, cancellation, capital, capital stock, cashier, cashier's checks, certificate, certificate of deposit, certificate of stock, certification, certified check, charter, check, circulating notes, circulation, claim, clearing house, clerical, clerk, co-assignee, co-executor, coin, collateral security, collec- tion, collector, commercial, commission, commissioner, committee, commodity, compensation, competition, competitor, complaint, compound interest, compromise, comptroller, consideration, con- sol, consolidation, conspiracy, constitutional, continuance, con- tract, control, convertible, conveyancing, co-trustee, counterfit, countersigning, county, coupon note, creditor, criminal law, curator, currency, current funds, current rate, custodian, cus- tomer. Damage, death, debenture bond, debit, debtor, declaration, de- duct, deduction, deed, default, defective, delinquent, delivered, demand, deposit, depositor, deposit slip, depository, depreciation, deputy, descriptive statement, director, disbursement, discount, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 23 discrepancy, dishonor, dissolution, distribution, dividend, docu- mentary, dollar, domestic, double taxation, draft, due bill, dupli- cate. Election, embezzlement, employee, employer, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, endorser, escrow, estate, examination, examiner, ex- change, execution, execution sale, executor, executrix, exemption, existence, expiration, extend, extension. False entries, false report, false representation, fee, fictitious, fiscal, foreclose, foreclosed, foreclosure, foreign bank, foreign bill, forfeiture, forgery, franchise, fraud, fraudulent, fund, future advances. Garnish, garnishee, garnishment, garnishor, general ledger, general manager, gilt edge bonds, guaranty, guardian, guardian- ship. Holding over, husband. Illegal, illegality, improvement, income tax law, incorporated, incorporation, incorporators, increase, indebtedness, indemnity, identification, indictment, individual, indorsement, injunction, in- stallment, insolvency, inspection, institution, instruction, insur- ance, interest slip, international check, inventory, investigation, investment. Joint deposits, joint-stock companies, joint tenants, journal, judgment, judicial, jurisdiction. Laches, lapse, landlord, larceny, lease, ledger, legacies, legal tender, letters of credit, levy of assessment, liabilities, license, lien, limitation, liquidation, listing stocks, loan. Market, marshalling assets, maturity, medium, memoranda, memorandum, merchandise, merchant, merger, messenger, minutes of meeting, misappropriation, miscellaneous, misrepre- sentation, money, moneyed capital, mortgage, mortgagee, mort- gagor, municipal, multilated note, mutual. National bank, negligence, negotiability, negotiable, negotia- tion, non-acceptance, notary public, notice, notice of dishonor, notice of maturity, "not sufficient funds." Officer, oral, organization, overdraft, oversight, ownership. Pamphlet, par, parties, partnership, par value, passbook, payee, payer, payment, penalty, pension, per annum, perpetuity, personal, petition, pledge, policy, postdated check, posting, postmaster, post note, preference, preferred, premium, presentation, presentment, president, presumption, principal, private banker, probate court, proceeds, promoter, promissory note, property, protest, publica- tion, public examiner, public funds, purchase. Question, quit- claim, quorum, quotation . Raised check, ratification, real estate, real property, rebate, receipt, receiver, recorded, redeemed, redemption, rediscount, re- duction, reference, refunding, register, registered, regulation, re- lease, remedy, remittance, rendered, renewal, rental, reorganiza- 24 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tion, report, representation, requisition, reserve, resolution, re- source, restitution, revocation of check, rules of bank, runner. Safety fund, salary, satisfaction piece, savings bank, schedule, school fund, scratcher, seal, secretary, securities, senior, set-off, settlement, share, shareholder, shaving, shortage, sheriff's sale, sight draft, signature, sinking fund, special deposit, specie, speculation, state bank, statement, statute, stockholder, straight- ening out, subscription, substitute suit, summary, summons, sup- erintendent of banking, suretyship, surplus, surrender, syndicate. Teller, third mortgage, transaction, translation, transfer. Unauthorized, underwriter, underwriting, undivided, uninvested funds, usage, unsold, usury. Vault, venue, verdict, vice-president, voucher, voluntary. Waiver, warranty, winding-up, withdraw, withdrawn, with- drawal. Yield. Also see Finance, and General Business. BOILERS AND ENGINES: See General Business, and Mechnical Engineering. BOOKBINDING: Ail-along, antique, azure tools. Backing, band, band-driver and nipper, bastard tile, binder, binder's waste, bindery, blank book, bleed, blind tooling or stamp- ing, blocking press, board, board papers, bolt bound, bookbinder, book cloth, book-marker, book-plate, bosses, brochure, broken over, buckram, bulk, bundling, burnished edge. Cancels, capacity, cap, case, case binding, circuit edges, clasp, cloth board, cloth work, collating, colophon, contents, contract, corner, cropped, crushed levant. Deckle-edge, dedication, dentelle, desk-pad, divinity edges, double, drop folio, dummy, duodecimo. Edge-rolled, edition work, embossed, end papers, estimate, extra binding, extra cloth. Fanfare, fillet, finishing, flexible, fly-leaves, foil, folder, folio, fore edge, format, forms, forwarding, French finish, front matter, full binding, full gilt. Gathering, goffered edges, glair, gilt, guarantee, guards, guard- ed, signatures, guinea-edge. Half binding, half title, hand letters, head and tail, head-band, hub. In boards, inlay, inset. Jacket, joints. Keratol, kettle- stitch. Laced in, law binding, leatherette, levant morocco, limp, lining papers. Magazine, make-up, marbled calf, marbling, mill-board, mitred, morocco. Octavo, out of boards, out page, outset, oversheets. Pamphlet, paper-covered book, paste-down, pieced, plate, point*, portfolio, publisher's binding. Quarter binding, quarto. Recto, register, roll, rounding, running-head or title. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 25 Saddle-stitch, sawed in, section, set-off, shelf-back, signature, sixteenmo, slip, smashing, spring back, start, super. Tape, three-quarter binding, thumb index, thumb guides, tight back, tipped on, title, tooling, top cover. Uncut. Verso. Whip-stitching, white edges, wired, workmanlike. Also see General Business, and Printing. BOOKSELLERS: See Advertising, General Business, Publishers, and Stationery. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS AND FINDINGS: Back order, black, boot, bordered, box, broken case, buttoned stock, boys' sporting boots, buff, buying. Calf, calfskin, canvas, cap, cartage, carton, catalogue, cheaper, chocolate, color, complaint, counter, creased vamp, credit memo- randum, custom, customer. Defect, defective, demand, designate, desirable, designed, different, display, dispose, dongola, double, dozen, dressing, dull, duplicate. Edge, expectation, extension, extra. Faced, factory, fall, fairstitch, fashion, fastener, fawn cloth, finest, fixture, flexible, friction, full. Gaiters, goods, grade, guaranteed, gun metal. Hand made, hand sewed, hand turned, heavier, heavy, heel, hemlock sole leather, high, house. Imported, inside, insole, invisible eye, iron. Keg, kid, kip, knee boots. Label, lace, lace stays, large order, large size, last, leather, light, lined, lots, low. Machine sewed, maker, manufacture, manufacturer, market, mat top, measure, measurement, medium weight, men's overs, men's pebbled leg boots, misses' spring heel sandals, modifica- tion. Narrow, net, number. Oak tanned, oil grain, ordinary style, outside, overshoes, oxfords. Packed, pair, patent, pattern, perfect fit, plain, pointed, polish, popular, prime leather, production, pumps. Ranch shoes, razor shape, ready made, rebate, reduction, regular price, re-ship, retail merchant, ribbing, rolled edge style, row, rubber boots, rubber goods, russet calf. Saddle shoe, sale, sample case, sample room, sandals, satin, seal calf, seam, seamless, season, second quality, select, selected, shoe house, shoes, shortage, short boots, short-legged, single, size, slippers, slip tap, soft toe, sole, special order, sport, spring, square, standard, stitched, stock, strapped, straps, street shoes, superior, style. Tan, tanned, tip, toe, top, trade, treatment, turned sole, twenty- four pair cases, thread maker, two-soles. Unfilled orders, unlined. Vamp, veal goods, vice lined. Weight, welt shoe, welt sole, wide, white, whole quarter, whole- sale, women's shoes, workmanship, work shop. Yellow, youth's. 26 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES BOX MANUFACTURERS: See Cooperage, General Business, and Lumber. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS: Absolute, absorbed, abstract of title, acceptance, accident, account, accumulated, acknowledgment, acquisition, action, act, actual, administrator, advance, advancement, advantage, affidavit, affix, agency, agent, agreement, allow, alteration, amount, annual annuity, applicant, application, appointment, apportionment, ap- propriation, approval, arbitration, arrearages, arrears, articles of incorporation, ascertained, assessment, asset, assignee, assign- ment, association, attachment, attest, attorney, auction, auc- tioneer, audit, auditor, authentic, authority, average. Back-payment, balance, bank, bargain, benefit, bidder, bidding, blank, board of directors, bond, bonus, borrower, borrowing, build, building, business, by-laws. Calls, cancellation, capital, capitalist, capital stock, cash, cer- tificate, change, charge, charter, chattel, check, circular, clerk, clerical, collateral, collection, collector, commence, committee, compliance, condition, consent, construction, contract, contribu- tion, conveyance, correction, corporation, county, credit, creditor, customary. Damage, debt, debtor, decree, deduction, deed, default, default- ing, definite, delinquent, delinquency, delivery, deposit, depositor, description, design, deviation, director, disbursement, discharge, discount, distribution, dividend, dues, duplicate, dwelling. Earnings, effect, ejectment, election, encumbrance, enforcement, enlargement, equitable, essential, estate, examination, examiner, executed, execution, executor, exemption, expense, expire, expira- tion. Fee, fine, fiscal, fixed value, foreclosure, forfeiture, form, fran- chise, fraud, fraudulent, fund. General, government, grant, ground-rent, guarantee, guarantor, guaranty. Holder, home, house, husband, hypothecation of stock. Illegal, implied, improvement, incidental, income, increase, in- cumbrance, indebtedness, inquiry, inspection, inspector, install- ment, instrument, insurance, interest, interpretation, investment, investor, irregular, issue. Judgment. Labor, land, lease, ledger, legal, lender, lenient, lessee, lessor, liability, liberal, lien, local branch, loss. Management, manager, material, mechanic's lien, member, mem- bership, monthly, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor. Negotiable, notary, note, notice, notified. Obligation, office, officer, official, omission, organization, origi- nal, overdraft, ownership Paid-up, partial, partner, party, par value, pass-book, payment, penalty, percentage, period, permanent, personal, place, policy, possession, power, preferred, preliminary, premium, prepared, pre- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 27 payment, president, principal, principle, profit, promissory note, promoter, property, proportion, proxy, purchase, purchaser, pur- pose. Quorum. Ratification, real estate, rebuilding, receipt, receiver, record, recorder, redemption, reduction, reference, release, reloan, remit- tance, renew, rent, repair, repavement, representation, represen- tative, reserve, resources, resolution. Salary, seal, secretary, security, separate, serial, series, settle- ment, shareholder, signature, soliciting, solicitor, special, state- ment, statute, statutory, stock, stock book, stockholder, stock pay- ments, subdivision, subscription, surety, surplus, surrender, sur- veyor, suspension. Taxation, taxes, temporary, tender, terminating, termination, title, transaction, transfer, treasurer, trust, trustee. Unanimous, unauthorized, undivided profits. Vacancy, value, vice-president. Waiver, warranty, weekly, wife, winding-up, withdrawal, wit- ness. Also see Abstract and Title Insurance Companies, Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. BUSINESS ABBREVIATIONS : For Abbreviations of University Degrees, see Universities. A. Acre. @ At. A. A. A. G. Acting assistant adjutant general. A. A. Q. M. G. Acting assistant quartermaster general. Al. First-class. A. G. Adjutant-general. A. A. S. Academy of arts and science, ab. Abridge, abridgment, abbr. Abbrevi- ated, abbreviation. A/C, or ace., or acct. Account, acct. cur. Account current, acct. sales Account sales. Act. Active, ad. or adv. Adventure, adverb, advertisement, advocate, a. d. After sale. A. D. In the year of our Lord. A. D. C. Aid-de- camp, adj. Adjective, adjourned. Adjt. Adjutant. Admr. Admiral, administrator. Admx. Administratrix. Agt. Agent. alt. Altitude, alternate. A. M. Forenoon. Amend. Amend- ment. Amt. Amount. Anal. Analysis. Anat. Anatomy. Anon. Anonymous. ans. Answer. app. Appeal, appendix. App. Div. Appellate division. Apr. April. Ar. Arrive. Arch. Architecture. Arith. Arithmetic, art. Art, article, assoc. Associated. Asst. Assistant. Asstd. Assorted. At. or Atty. Attorney. Atty-Gen. Attorney-general. Aug. August, av. Average, av. or ave. Avenue, av. or avoir. Avoirdupois. b. Born, bal. Balance. B. B. Bill book. bbl. or brl. Bar- rel, bd. Board, bond, bound, bdl. Bundle, bg. Bag. bitum. Bituminous, bk. Bank, book. bkpr. Bookkeeper, bl. Bale. B/L. Bill of Lading. blk. Black. Bor. Borough. bot. Bought. Boul. Boulevard. B. pay. Bills payable. B. Rec. Bills receivable. Brig-Gen. Brigadier-general. Bro. Brother, brown. 28 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Bros. Brothers. Bro't. Brought, b/s. Bill of sale. bu. Bushel, bx. Box. C. Chairman, chapter. C. or cent, or cwt. Hundred. C. A. Chartered accountant. Cal. Calendar. Cap. Capital. Capt. Captain. Car. Caret. Cash. Cashier, cat. Catalog. C. B. Cash book. C. C. Chancery court, circuit court, county com- missioner, county court, c. c. Contra, credit. C. C. A. Chief clerk of the admiralty. C. E. Civil engineer, cen. Central, century, cf. Compare. C. G. Coast guard. C. H. court house, custom house. Ch. Chancery, chap. Chapter, char. Charter, chem. Chemical, chemistry, chg. Charged, cit. Citation, citi- zen. C. J. Chief Justice, ck. Cask, check, eld. Cleared, elk. Clerk, c/o In care of. Co. Company, county. C. 0. D. Collect on delivery, col. Collection. Col. Colonel. Coll. College, collector. Com. Commander, commentary, commerce, commercial, commissary, commission, committee, commodore, com- munication, community. comdg. Commanding. comp. Com- parative, compare, comparison, compound, con. Against, con- signment, in opposition to. Cong. Congress. Const. Constable, constitution, cor. Coroner, correction, correspondence. Cor. Sec. Corresponding secretary. C. P. Court of probate, common pleas, c. f. i. Cost, freight and insurance. Cr. Credit, creditor. Cs. Case. ct. court. cts. Cents. cur. Current. cwt. Hundredweight. d. Day, daughter, deputy, degree, died, dime. D. B. Day book. D. D. Doctor of Divinity. D. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery. D. H. Deadhead. Dec. December, dec. Declaration, def. Defination. deft. Defendant, deg. Degree, del. Delegate, de- livered. Dem. Democrat, democratic. Dept. Department, de- ponent, deposit, deputy, dft. Draft, diam. Diameter, diet. Dictionary, diff. Different, differs, dig. Digest, dis. Dis- count. Dist. District. Dist. Atty. District attorney, ditto. The same. div. Divide, divided, dividend, division, divisor. D. L. 0. Dead letter office, dolls. Dollars, dom. domestic, doz. Dozen, dr. Dram. ds. Days. Dr. debit, debtor, doctor, dwt. Pennyweight. E. East. ea. Each. Ed. Edition, editor, e. g. For example, elec. Electric, electrical, electricity, eng. Engineer, engraver. e. o. d. Every other day. E. and 0. E. Errors and omissions ex- cepted. E. E. Errors excepted. eq. Equal, equivalent, equity. Esq. or Esqr. Esquire, et al And others, elsewhere, etc or & c and so forth, and others, et. seq. And the following, ex. Example, exception, exchange. Exc. Excellency, exception. Exch. Exchange, exchequer, exec. Executor. Ex. M. 0. Ex- press money order, exp. expense, export, exporter. F. or Fahr. Fahrenheit. F. or fol. folio, fav. Favor. Feb. February, ff. Following, fig. Figure, fin. Financial. f. o. b. Free on board, for. Foreign, ford. Forward. Fri. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 29 Friday, frt. Freight, ft. Feet, foot, fort, fortification. Fth.*- Fathom. fur. Furlong, fut. Future. g. Gram. gal. Gallon. G. A. R. Grand Army of the Repub- lic, gaz. Gazetteer. G. B. Great Britain. Gen. General. Gen. Del. General delivery. G. F. A. or gen. frt. agt. General freight agent, geog. Geography, gloss. Glossary. G. 0. P. Grand Old Party. Gov. Governor. G. P. A. General passenger agent. G. P. 0. General Post-office, gr. Grain, gram, great, gross. G. T. A. General ticket agent. H. Hydrogen, h. Harbor, height, high, hour, hours, husband. Hab. corp. Habeas corpus, hdkf. Handkerchief. H. E. Hy- draulic engineer, hhd. Hogshead. H. L. House of Lords. Hon. Honorable, hort. Horticultural, horticulture. H. P. Horse power, hr. Hour. H. R. House of Representatives. I. Island. I. B. Invoice book. id. The same. i. e. That is. illust. Illustrated. in. Inch. inc. Incorporated, inclusive, incog. Unknown, ind. Independent, in re. In reference to. Ins. Insurance, inst. Institute, institution, present month. Int. Interest, inv. Invoice, invt. Inventory. I. 0. G. T. Inde- pendent Order of Good Templars. I. 0. O. F. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1. O. U. I owe you. It. or Ital. Italian, italic. J. Journal, judge, justice. J/a Joint account. Jan. Janu- ary. J. C. Justice clerk. J. F. Journal folio. J. J. Justices. J. P. Justice of the peace. J. Prob. Judge of probate. Jr. Journal, junior. Jul. July. Jun. June. jun. Junior. kg. kilogram, km. kilometer. L. Lake, league, line, low. lat. latitude. Ib. A pound in weight. L/C Letter of credit. 1. c. Lower case. led. Ledger. L. F. Ledger folio. Leg. Legislature. Lib. Librarian. Lieut, or Lt. Lieutenant. L. S. D. Pounds, shillings, pence. M. or m. A thousand (5m-5,000), marquis, meridian, meter, mile, miles, mill, mills, minute, Monday, monsieur, month, months, moon, noon. M. A. Master of arts, military academy. Mach. Machinery. Maj-Gen. Major-general. Manuf. Manufacture, manufacturer. Mar. March, marg. Marginal, masc. Mascu- line. M. C. Member of Congress. M. D. Doctor of medicine. M. D. S. Master of dental surgery. M. E. Methodist Episcopal, mechanical engineer, military engineer, mining engineer, most excellent, med. Medical, medicine, memo. Memorandum, re- member. Messrs. Gentlemen or sirs. mfg. Manufacturing. Mile. Madamoiselle or miss. Mme. Madam. Mmes. Mesdames mo. Month. M. 0. Money order, mod. Modern. M. P. Mem- ber of Parliament, member of police. Mr. Master or mister. Mrs. Mistress or missis, m. s. Months (after) sight. MS. Manuscript. M.M.S. Manuscripts. Mt. Mount, mountain. N. North, n. nail, nails, neuter, noun. Nat. National, nav. Navigation. N. A. North America. N. B. New Brunswick, 30 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES note well, take notice. N. E. Northeast. N. F. New Foundland. No. Number. Nov. November. N. P. Notary public. Obs. Observation, observatory, observe, obsolete. Oct. Octo- ber. 0. K. All is correct. Ont. Ontario, oz. Ounce. p. Page, part, phosphorous, piano, pint, pole. par. Paragraph, parallel. Pay. Dir. Pay director. Pay Ins. Pay inspector, pay insurance, payt. Payment, pc. Piece, pd. Paid. P. E. Pre- siding elder, Protestant Episcopal, per an. By the year, per cent, or per ct. By the hundred. Phar. Pharmacy. P. I. Phil- ippine Islands, pk. Peck. pkg. Package. P. J. Police judge, pi. Place, plural. Plff. Plaintiff. P. M. Afternoon, paymaster, postmaster. P. M. G. Postmaster general. P. 0. Post-office. P. 0. D. Pay on delivery, post-office department. P. 0. 0. Post- office order, pp. Pages. P. P. C. To take leave of. pph. Pamphlet, pr. Pair. pref. Preface, prefix, prem. Premium. Pres. President. Presb. Presbyterian. Prin. Principal. Prof. Professor, pro tern. For the time being. Prov. Proverb, province, provost, prox. next, or next month, ps Pieces. P. S. Postscript, pt. Part, pint, payment. P. T. O. Please turn over. Pub. Public, publication, published, publisher, punc. Punctual, pulv. Powder, pwt. Pennyweight. Q. Query, question, quintal. Q. M. G. Quartermaster general, qr. Quarter, quire, qt. Quantity, quart, qu. Question, quar- ter, quar. Quarterly. R. Recipe, r. Rod, rood. R. Adml. Rear admiral. R. C. Red Cross, Roman Catholic, rec. Receipt, receiver, recorder, rec'd. received. Rec. Sec. Recording secretary, ref. Refer- ence, reform, reformation. Reg. Regiment, regular, reg. or reg'r. Register, registrar, registry, rem. Remark, rep. Re- port, reporter. Rep. Representative. Rev. Reverend, revise. R. R. Railroad. R. S. V. P. Answer if you please. Ry. Rail- way. S. Saint, scribe, shilling, sign, south, sulphur, Sunday. S. A. South Africa, South America, South Australia. Sat. Saturday. S. B. Sales book. s. c. Small capitals. S. C. Supreme Court, sec. Second, section. Sec. Secretary. Sec. Leg. Secretary of the legation. Sect. Section. Sen. Senate, Senator, senior. Sept. -September, ser. ^Series. Sergt. Sergeant, serv. Ser- vant, service. Shipt. Shipment, sing.: Singular. S. L. or L. S. Place for the seal. S. M. Sergeant-major, state militia, short meter, s. o. Seller's option, sq. ft. Square feet. sq. in. Square inches. Sr. Senior. S. S. Steamship, Sunday school. St. Saint, statute, strait, street, st. let it stand. Stat. Statute, statuary, sten. Stenographer, ster. Sterling, str. Steamer, sterling. Sun. Sunday, sund. Sundries, sup. Superior, sup- plement. Supt. Superintendent, surg. Surgeon, surgery, syn. Synonym. T. Tuesday, territory, t. tenor, ton, town, township. (N. B. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 31 Take notice.) Tel. Telephone, telegraph. Ter. Territory, (i. e. That is.) (M. Thousand.) Thur. Thursday, tier. Tierce, tit. Title, tp. Township, tr. Translation, transpose, trustee, trans. Transaction, transportation. trav. Travel. Treas. Treasurer, t. i. d. Three times a day. Tues. Tuesday, typ. or typo. typographer. U. K. United Kingdom. Ult. Ultimo. Univ. University. U. S. United States. U. S. A. United States of America, United States army. U. S. M. United States mail, United States marines. U. S. M. A. United States military academy. U. S. N. United States navy. U. S. V. United States volunteers. V. Verb, verse, village, violin, volume. V. C. Vice chancellor. vet. Veteran, veterinary, V. G. Vice-grand, via. By way of. vid. See. vol. Volume. V. P. or V. Pres. Vice-president. V. S. Veterinary surgeon, vs. Versus (against). W Warden, Welsh, west. W/B. Waybill. Wed. Wednes- day, wf. Wrong font. (in printing), whf. Wharf, wk. week. wt. Weight. W. I. West India, West Indies. Yd. Yard. Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Christian Association. Yr. Year. Y. W. C. A. Young Women's Christian Association. z. Zero, zone. zn. Zinc. zool. Zoology. Also see Universities (University Degrees.) STATES Ala. Alabama, Alaska, Alaska Territory. Ariz. Arizona. Ark. Arkansas. Calif. California. Colo. Colorado. Conn. Connecticut. D. C. District of Columbia. Del. Delaware Fla. Florida. Ga. Georgia. Hawaii Territory of Hawaii, la. Iowa. Idaho Idaho. 111. Illinois. Ind. Indiana. Kan. Kansas. Ky. Kentucky. La. Louisana. Mass Massachusetts. Md. Maryland. Me. Maine. Mich. Michigan. Minn. Minnesota. Miss. Mississippi. Mo. Mis- souri. Mont. Montana. Neb. Nebraska. Nev. Nevada. N. H. New Hampshire. N. J. New Jersey. N. Mex. New Mexico. N. Y. New York. N. C. North Carolina. N. Dak. North Da- kota. 0. Ohio. Okla. Oklahoma. Or. Oregon. Pa. Pennsyl- vania. P. I. Philippine Islands. R. I. Rhode Island. S. C. South Carolina. S. Dak. South Dakota. Tenn. Tennessee. Tex. Texas. Utah Utah. Va. Virginia. Vt. Vermont. Wash. Washington. Wis. Wisconsin. W. Va. West Virginia. Wyo. Wyoming. BUSINESS COLLEGES: Ability, able-bodied, abolish, absence, absent, absolute, academic, academy, accede, accept, accident, accomplish, account, accountant, accountantship, accumulate, accuracy, accurate, ac- curately, accuse, accustom, achieve, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acquaint, acquaintance, acquiesce, acquiescence, acquire, adage, adapt, adapted, adaptability, adding and listing machine, addition, S2 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES address, addresspgraph, adduce, adept, adequate, adjournment, adjustment, administer, administrative, administration, adminis- trator, admit, admittance, admonish, adoption, advance, advance- ment, advantage, advertise, advertisement, advisable, adviser, advocacy, affairs, affect, affectionate, afford, affiliate, affirm, affix, agency, agreeable, agreement, aggregate, aggressive, ahead, aim- less, alter, align, alignment, allot, allotment, allowable, alphabet, alphabetical order, alumni, amanuensis, ambition, ambitious, amply, amusement, analysis, analyze, annoy, announce, annually, apartment, apparent, apparently, appeal, appertain, appliance, applicant, application, appoint, appreciate, apprehend, appre- hension, apprentice, apprenticeship, approval, approve, apology, aptitude, aptness, argument, argumentation, aright, arithmetic, arithmetician, arrange, arrangement, art, articles, articulate, artic- ulation, artificial, artifice, artistic, aspire, assemble, assembly, assign, assignment, assistance, associate, association, assume, assure, assurance, atmosphere, attain, attend, attendance, atten- tion, attentive, attitude, attract, audit, auditing, auditor, authen- tic, authenticate, author, authority, authorize, automatic, auto- matically, automobile, auxiliary, avail, availableness, average, avocation, avoid, awake, award, awarded medal. Backward, balance, balance-sheet, bank, bankable, banker, banking, bank-note, bankruptcy laws, begin, beginner, behavior, benefit, billing, bill proofs, blanks and stationery, blunder, blundering, board and room, boarding place, book, bookplate, book- keeper, bookkeeping, brains, branch, brief, broad, broader, budget, building, bulletin, business, business circles, business English, business ethics and management, business periodicals and magazines, business school, buyer, buying, by-laws. Calculate, calculating and computing machine, calisthenics, campaign, candidate, capable, capital, card system, careful, career, carry, cash, cash basis, cash book, cashier, catalog, center, certifi- cate, certify, chamber of commerce, changeable, channel, chaperon, character, characteristics, chargeable, chart, check-book, children, circular, circularize, circumstances, citizen, citizenship, civic, civil service, claim, claim and loss adjustment, class, classwork, clerical, clever, co-education, coin, college, collect, collection, com- bined, competent, composition, commerce, commencement, commer- cial circles, commission, committee, compel, competition, compre- hension, comprehensive, comptometer, compulsion, compulsory, computation, compute, concentrate, concentration, conception, con- crete, condense, conduct, confidence, confidential, confront, con- genial surroundings, conscientious, consider, consignment, consistent, consonants, construct, constructive, contract, control- ling accounts, convenient, co-operation, co-ordinate, copy, copyist, cordial welcome, corporation, correspondence, correspondents, cost, counsel and advice, country, county, course, court, court KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 88 reporter, credit, criticism, cultivate, culture, current, curricula, curriculum, customer. Decision, deed, definite, definitely, degree, delay, democracy, demonstrate, department, depend, dependable, dependence, deport- ment, description, descriptive, design, desirable, desirous, deter- mination, develop, development, dictaphone, dictate, dictation, dictionary, differ, differentiate, difficult, dilemma, diligence, dip- loma, diplomacy, diplomatic relations, direct, directing, director, discourage, discount, dispatch, distinct, distinction, distribute, dis- tribution, district, division, document, double, doubly-prepared, draft, drawing, drill classes, duplicate, duplicating machine, duplication. Earn, earnings, economics, economy, editor, education, eighth grade pupils, efficiency, efficient, electric typewriter, elemental, elementary, elevate, elevator, elimination, embarrassment, em- phasis, employ, employee, employment department, enable, encour- age, encouragement, encyclopedia, endeavor, engineer, engineer- ing, English, equip, equipment, enroll, enrollment, entrance, en- trust, entry, erase, eraser, essential, establish, establishment, evening school, exactly, examination, examine, excellent, exchange, excuse, execution, executive, executor, expansion, experience, ex- periment, expert, export, express. Facilitate, facility, failure, first-class, figure, finance, financial, figures, file, finger-tips, fire-proof, floor space, fluently, follower, forceful, forge ahead, foreign, foreigner, foreign exchange, foreign language, forethought, foundation, founder, freight, frequent, frills and flourishes, full commercial course, fundamental, furniture. General office work, geographical, geography, gift, goal, govern, government, grade, graded, graduate, graduation, grammar, grasp- ing, grit, guarantee, guardian. Habit, habitual, half-rates, handwriting, heights, helpful hints, higher accounting, high ideals, high speed training, high school, historical, history, holiday, home-work, hyphen, hyphenation. Ideal, ignorant, imitate, immediately, impossible, impossibility, import, improve, inarticulate, income tax, increase, incur, in- dependent, index, indexing, individual, industrious, industry, in- fluence, inform, initial, install, institute, institution, instruct, instruction, instructor, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, integ- rity, intermediate, intermission, international, intense, intensified, interrogation, interview, intimate, introduce, introduction, intui- tion, investigate, investment. Journal, justification, justify. Key, keynote, knowledge. Labor, laboratory, language, latest model, leader, lecture, ledger, legal, legal forms, legible, leisure, leniency, letter writing, librarian, library, life-work, light and ventilation, limit, limitation, loss and gain statement, luncheon. 34 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Machine, machine calculation, maintain, maintenance, majority, manage, management, manipulate, manipulation, market, market- ing, mastery, mathematics, manual, manufacturing, mature, meas- ure, measurement, mechanical, medal, member, membership, men- tal, mentality, mercantile, merchandise, merchant, merchant ship- ping and foreign trade, merit, merited, message, method, methodi- cal, metropolis, mimeograph, mind, mindful, minimum, misfortune, misspelling, model, modern, modern equipment, modernize, monthly report, moral, mortgage, multigraph, multigraphing, multiplica- tion, multiply, muscle, muscular movement. National, nationality, natural, neat, necessary, necessitate, ne- glect, negotiable instrument, negotiate, negotiability, night school, notes, notice, non-essential, non-listing, non-productive, normal, number machines. Object, objection, obligation, observe, observation, obstacle, obviate, occasion, occupation, occurrence, office, office filing and routine, office practice, operate, operation, operator, opportune, opportunity, optional, organization, organize, origin, original, originality, outlay, out-of-town students. Pad and pencil, paper, paraphernalia, parent, partnership, pen- manship, people, percentage, perfect, perfection, period, per- sistence, personality, pertaining, pertinent, phase, placement bureau, plan, pleasant surroundings, policy, popular, position, practical, prefix, preliminary, premium, preparation, preparatory, prescribed, preside, president, previous, principal, principle, pri- vate secretary, privilege, problem, production, proceed, process, profession, professor, profitable, program, progress, promotion, prompt, promptness, proof, protection, protectographs, provide, provision, psychology, public, publicity, punctual, punctuate, pupil. Qualification, quiz. Range of study, rapid calculation, rate of interest, ratio, raw material, real estate, reality, realization, recall, receiver, receiving and paying teller, recital, recitation, recite, recognition, recognize, recommendation, record, recorder, recover, refined, refund, regis- ter, registration, regulate, reinstate, relation, relationship, relaxa- tion, release, reliable, relieve, remainder, remit, remittance, remunerative, repay, reporter, reputation, requirement, revenue, reserve, resolve, resolution, restriction, review, reward, routine, rough draft, rule. Sacrifice, salesmanship, scale, scholastic, scholar, scholarship, school room, school ticket, scope, science, scientific, scientifically, seal, seaport, search, secondary, secretarial, secretary, select, self- supporting, self-reliant, session, short-cut, shorthand, skill, sick- ness, sign, signature, silence, silent, simple, simplicity, simplify, sincerely, social, Spanish, speaker, speaking, special, specialized, speed and accuracy, spelling, splendidly, staff, stammer, standard, standardization, statement, stationery, statistical, stenographer, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 85 stenographic, stenography, stenotype, stenotypist, stepping-stone, strife, strive, strong, structural, structure, struggle, student, stutter, style, subjunctive, submit, success, successful, sufficient, sufficiently, superintend, superintendent, superior, superiority, supervise, supervision, supplement, supplementary, surname, syllabus, symbol, symbolic, sympathize, sympathy, synonym, synonymous, synopsis, syntax, system, systematic. Table of contents, tabular, tact, tactics, talking machine, tardi- ness, tariff, teacher, technical, telegram, telegraph, telephone, teller, temporarily, tense, tenure of office, term, test, testimonial, text-book, theory, thoroughly trained, thoroughness, thrifty, time- ly, topic, touch, trade course, train, trait, transaction, translation, transport, transportation, travel, treasury, trial balance, trouble, troublesome, tuition, type, typing, typist, typewrite, typewriter. Unavoidable, unaware, underlying, undertaking, unexpected, United States Civil Service, university, unlimited, untaught, utilize. Vacation, valuable, value received, verification, verify, visitor, vocabulary, vocation, vocational, volume, voluminous, voucher system. Week, weekly, welcome, well-defined, well-grounded, well- trained, wholesale, wholesaler, wide-awake, widely-known, women, wonderful opportunities, workable, worthy, world events. Year, yearly. Zeal, zealous. Also see General Business. BUTCHERS: See Live Stock. CABINET WORK, DOORS, LEADED GLASS, MILLWORK, MOLDINGS, TANKS AND WINDOWS: Applied mold, apron, apron mold, art glass, article. Baluster, band mold, base, batten, bed mold, bent window, bin, blind stop, blind tenoned or mortised, boiler door jamb, bored pipe, bottom rail, bracket, brick mold, bungalow door. Cap mold, car lots, casement, casework, casing, center, chafing strip, chamfered door, check rail, china closet, circle face, colonial door, column, corner bead, cove mold, crown, cupboard, cut. Dentil, design, detail, divided sash, door astragal, double strength, doweled door, drawer. Extension, extra. Face, factory, filler, fillet, finial, flag pole, flour bin, flush, four panel, foot mold, frame, front door, full bound, freight equalized, full mill bid. Glazed, graduated panel, grooved, gutter and connecting molds. Half round, handrail, head casing, hip roll, hitching post, hori- zontal, hook strip, hung. Inside, interior. Jamb. Knockdown. Landing strip, lattice, leaded glass, light window, listed, locker door, lock rail, louvre, lower, lugs or horns. 36 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Meeting rail, measurement, medicine case, mirror door, mold- ing, mullion, muntin. Neck mold, newel, nosing. Odd work, 0. G. door, ornamental, outside opening, ovolo. Panel, parting bead, parting strip, partition, pattern, picket, picture mold, pilaster, pipe, plaster, plain rail, plate rail, plinth, porch rail, price, pulley stile, P. G. Quantity, quarter round. Rabbeted, rabbeting, radiating, rail, raised mold, rake crown, ridge roll, ripping size, round, rustic plug. Sash stock, scotias, screen, single mold, size, shelf cleat, shoe, sill, single, sink cap, sink set, slat, sliding door, specification, solid, stair, sticking, stile, stock, stop, stool, stuck, style, subsill, sur- face, swinging door. Table leg, tank, tenons, tenoned, threshold, thicker, thickness, transom bar, trim. Upper, upright. Veneered doors, vertical. Wainscot cap, water table, way freight, width, window apron, window stock. Also see General Business, and Lumber. CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : See Fruits and Vegetables and General Business. CARPETS AND RUGS: See Furniture and General Business. CASTINGS: See General Business, Mechanical Engineering, and Structural Steel and Iron. CEMENT, BRICK, LIME AND PLASTER: Abrasion, absorption, accelerator, acid, acidity, adamant wall- plaster, adhesive, adulteration, alabaster, alabastine, alit, alkali, alum, alumina, ammonia, analysis, anhydrite, annealing, anth- racite, arch, article, art tile, asbestos wall paper, asphaltum tiling, atomic. Balance, ball mill, barrel, bat, bath brick, batting, blackboard cement, block, blueprint, boiler flue tile, boiling, bonnet tube mill, borax, breaker, breast, breeze, brick, brick digester, bricklayer, brick machine, brick making, brick press, brine, briquette, buff, building, burner. Cactus, cage, calcination, calcined, calciner, calcium, calorie, capacity, carbonate, carbon dioxide, carriage, catalogue, caustic soda, celit, cement, cementation, cementing, chalk mill, chamber- kiln, charcoal, chemical, chimney pipe, chimney top, cinder brick, clamp, clamping, classification, clay-getting, clay milk, clay pipe, clinker, clip, close-bolting, clot, clot molder, coal, coke, cooling, common, complex, composition, compound, compressive, concrete block, concrete foundation, concrete grindstone, conduit, coping, corner, crack, cracker, cream-colored fireplace, crusher, cuckold, cupola, curbing, cylinder. Decorated, degree, description, devil stove, dolomite, dome kiln, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 37 drain tile, dredging, dresser, dressing bench, dryer, drying floor, drying pan, drying shed. Earthenware, edge-runner mill, element, emery mill, encallow, encaustic tile, equipment, examination, excavating, excavation tool, expansion, external miter. Factory, fancy-colored brick, felit, ferric oxide, ferrous, fibre machine, figured, fineness, fire brick, fire clay, fire-plate lining, fire proofing, flat, flattening block, flint, flooring plaster, flower bed, flowerpot, flue, free line, fuel, furnace brick. Gas, gate, gilsonite, glazed, glue, granulating, grappier, gray, grinding, gypsite, gypsum. Hack, hack-ground, hair, hair-picker, hardening, hard finish, hearth, heat, hitching post, hollow brick, hook-barrow, hovel, hydrate, hydraulic, hydrochloric. In buff, inside lining, inspection, inspector, investigation, iron disulphide. Jamb, joint. Kalsomine, kettle, kick, kiln. Land plaster, left-over brick, length, lignistra, lime, limestone, lining, live-hole, load, loam. Magnesia, magnesium, malm, manufacture, manufacturer, mar- ble tile, marl, mason, masonry, microscopic, mill, millstone, mining, mixer, mold, mold-block, molding sand, molding stool, mold- ing table, mortar-color cement, mosaic tile, mottled, mold har- rower. Natural, neck, nipper. Oil, organic, ornamental, oven, oxychloride. Packing, page, pallet, pallet-molding, paving-cement, pebble, petroleum, phosphorus, pick, pink, pitch, plain red, plaster, plas- tic, porosity, pot, potash, powdered cold-pressed, proportioning, prospecting, pugmill, pulverized, pulverizer, pulverizing, pump, pyrite. Quality, quantity, quarry, quarrying. Radial brick, ratio, repacking, reshipping, retarder, retort set- ting, ring kiln, rock-crusher, roll, roofing, rotary, round-cornered brick. Salt, sample, sampling, sand, sawdust, scintling, scraper, scum, seasoning, sea water, selenite, semi-wet, separator, setting, sewer pipe, shade, shale, shape, shelf, shell, shell-lime, shovel, sidewalk tile, sieve, silex lining, silica, silicon, sill, sketch book, slag-block, slag-brick, slaked lime, slaking, slate, slip-kiln, slop moulding, soap-stone, soda, specification, specific gravity, stack-dust, stack- gas, staff work, standard, stereo-relief, stilted, stock-bond, stock house, stopper, storage, strength, strike, structural, stucco finish, sulphate, sulphide, sulphur, sulphuric. Taking-off, tankage, tar, temperature, tempering, tensile, terra cotta, testing, thermal, tickness, tiff, titanium, topping, transpor- tation, treading, treatment, tube mill, tubing, tufa. Under-fire, unsoiling. Vegetable, vitrified. 38 Wall plaster, washing mill, waste, weathering, weight, wet pan, width, whiting, window-cap, wood-fiber. Also see General Business. CHEMICAL APPARATUS AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS: Abbreviation, absorptiometer, absorption, acetate of lead paper, acetometer, acid, acidimeter, adapter, aeolipiles, agate, album- enometer, alcohol, alembics, aliquotimeter, aluminium, amalgamat- ing, ammonia, analytical, anatomical, anemometer, annealing, an- titoxine, anvil, apparatus, arsenic, asbestos, aspirator bottle, assay material, atom, atomic, azotometer. Balance, balloon, balsam, bar, barometer, base stand, basin, basket, batteries, battersea, beads, beaker, bell, bellows, belting, bench, binding screw, bisulphide, black lead, bladder, blast, block, blood serum, blower, blowpipe, boiler, boiling point, bolthead, bot- tle, bucket, bucking board, bulb, bullion dies, burner, button pliers. Calcium, calipers, calorimeter, candle, capsule, carbon, carbonic, carburometer, cartilage shears, cells, chain, chalk, chamois, char- coal, chemical, chimney, chisel, chloride, chlorine, chromometer, cobalt, collapsible, collodion, colorimeter, combustion, compara- tive, compass, compressed, compressorium, concentric, condenser, cone, convex, copper, cork, cork presser, counter scale, counting apparatus, cover, crucible, crusher, crystallizing dish, culture ap- paratus, cup, cylinder. Decanting apparatus, deflagrating globes, demijohn, desiccator, dialysers, diapasons, dies, diffusion apparatus, digesting flask, dipper, dish, displacement apparatus, dissecting, distilling, dis- tributor, dropper, dropping bottle, drug mill, duster, dynamite, dynamo, dynamometer. Electric batteries, electro-medical, electro-motor, electroplating, emery, emulsion, engine, etching apparatus, ether, eudiometer, evaporating, explosion, extraction, eye-piece. Faucet, feather duster, fermentation, file, filter, filtering, finger cot, flask, flax twine, float, flurometer, foot blower, forceps, forge, fork, funnel support, furnace. Galvanic batteries, galvanometer, gasoline, gasometer, gauge, gauze, glass-blower, glazed, goggles, goniometer, graduate, graph- ite, gravity, grindstone, gunpowder, gutta-percha bottle. Haemacytometer, haemaglobinometer, haematocrits, haemome- ters, halimeter, hammer, heat regulator, heliostats, homeopathic vial, hook, horn spoon, horseshoe, hot plate, hydrobromide, hydro- carbon, hydrochloric, hydrogen, hydrometer, hydroscope, hygro- meters. Ice calorimeter, ignition, incandescent, incubator, induction coil, infusion, ingot, inhaler, insulated, iodide of potassium, iris diaphragm, iron analysis, iron wire, ivory spoon. Jacket, jar, jeweler's balance, jewel still, jug, julep tube. Kerosene, kettle, knives. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 39 Label, laboratory, lactobutyrometer, lactometer, lactoscope, ladle, lamp, lantern, lead basket, leveling disc, level, lime cylinder, liquor, litmus paper, loupes. Magnesium lamp, magnetic compass, magnet, magnifying lens, mallet, manometer, map, meat chopper, meat press, mechanical stage, medicine, mercury, meridian, micrometer, microscope, mic- rotomes, microtome knives, mineral analysis, mineralogical ham- mer, mixing bottle, moisture, monitor still, mortar, motor, mould, mounting stand, mouse jar, mouthpiece, muffles, museum jar. Net, nickel crucible, nippers, nitrogen, nitroglycerine, nose- piece, nursing bottle. Object disc, objective micrometer, objectives, oil analysis, oint- ment jar, ore crusher, overflow, oxygen, oxygen retort, ozono- meter. Pail, palladium tube, paraffin, parallel compressor, parchment paper, parting flask, pellets, pencil, percolating jar, percolator, peroxide, petroleum, phosphorous, photographic tray, photometer, photo-micrograph, piano wire, pick glass, pill box, pill machine, pinch-cock, pipettes, plate, platform scales, plating apparatus, plat- inum, pliers, plunge batteries, pneumatic trough, pocket transit, poker, polariscope, polarization, porcelain, porous cup, potash, pouring mould, precipitating jar, preparation cylinder, prescription scales, preservation jar, pressure bottle, prismatic, prism, proof glasses, psychrometer, pump, pulse glass, pyrometer. Quartz batteries, quicksilver retorts. Radiometer, reading glasses, receiver, reduction tube, reductor, refractometer, respirator, retort, riders for balances, ring burner, rock section, rubber bulb. Saccharimeter, safety burner, saltpetre, sampling, sandpaper, scales, scissors, scoop, scorification mold, scorifier, scraper, screen, screw, section razor, seed press, separating, separatory apparatus, shade, shaking flask, sharpener, shears, shelves, show jar, sieve, silk cord, silver crucible, skittle pot, socket, sodium, solution, stage micrometer, standard candle, steel dies, sterilizer, still, stir- ring rod, stoneware, stopcock, stopper, storage batteries, storm glass, stove, strainer, substage arm, sugar dish, sugar pipette, sulphur, sulphuretted hydrogen generator, sulphuric acid, sul- phurous, support, syphon, syringe. Tape measure, taper wax, test-glass, test-lead, test-tube, ther- mometer, thermostat, thistle tube, tile, tin foil, tincture press, tips, tongs, tool chest, towel, transit, tray, triangle, tripod-attachment, trip scales, trough, tube furnace, tubing, tuning forks, twine. Urinary analysis apparatus, urinometer, U-tube. Vacuum, vapor, vaporimeter, vegetation, vinegar, vise, volta- meter, volumenometer. Wall chart, washbasin, washing bottle, waste jar, watch glass, wax taper, water stills, water synthesis, weighing apparatus, weight, wick, wind gauge, wing-top, wire, wrench. Y-tubes. 40 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Zero point attachment, zinc, zinc plates. Also see Chemistry and General Business. CHEMICAL WORKS: See Chemistry and General Business. CHEMISTRY: Abrasive, absinth, absolute, acetaldehyde, acetate, acetic, ace- tone, acetylene, acid, acidimetry, active, adhesive, adsorption, aer- ated, affinity, agate, air, alabaster, alchemist, alchemy, alcohol, aldehydes, alizarin, alkali, alkalimeter, alkaline, alkaloids, allo- tropic, alloy, alum, aluminates, aluminum, allylene, amalgam, am- ber, amethyst, ammonia, ammonium, amorphous, anaesthetic, an- alysis, anhydride, anhydrite, aniline, anion, annealing, anode, an- thracene, antimony, antiseptic, apatite, aqua regia, aqueous, argol, argon, arsenic, arsenopyrites, arsine, asbestos, asphalt, assaying, atmosphere, atom, atomic, atropine, aurates, auric, aurum, auto- clave, azote, azurite. Babbitt metal, bacteria, baking powder, balance, balsams, barium, barytes, bases, basic, bauxite, beer, benzene benzine, beryllium, Bessemer, binary, bismuth, bismuthyl, bituminous, blast, bleaching, blowpipe, boiler, bone, borax, bornite, boron, brass, bread, brewing, brittle, bromide, bromine, bronze, butane, butter, butyric, butyrin, by-product. Cadmium, caesium, calamine, calcite, calcium, calomel, calorie, carbide, carbohydrates, carbolic, carbon, carbonate, carbonic, carborundum, carnallite, casein, cassiterite, cast iron, catalysis, catalytic, catalyzers, cathode, cation, caustic, celestite, celluloid, cellulose, cement, ceramic, cerium, chalcedony, chalcocite, chal- copyrite, chalk, chamber, change, characteristic, charcoal, chemi- cal, chemistry, chlorate, chloric, chloride, chlorine, chloroform, chloroplatinic, chlorous, chromates, chrome, chromic, chromite, chromium, cinnabar, citric, classification, clay, coal, cobalt, co- caine, coke, collection, collodion, colemanite, columbium, combina- tion, combustion, composition, compound, concentrated, conductor, conservation, contact, converter, copper, copperas, coral, corro- sive, corundum, cream of tartar, crocoisite, crucible, cryolite, crystalline, crystallization, crystallography, crystals, cupellation, cupric, cuprite, cuprous, cyanide. Decay, decomposition, decrepitate, definition, deliquescent, de- natured, density, desiccating, developer, Dewar bulb, dextrose, diamond, dibasic, dichromic, diluted, dimorphous, dioxide, dis- sociation, disinfectant, distillation, dispulhide, division, dolomite, double, Drummond light, ductile, dyeing, dynamite. Earth, effervesce, efflorescence, elastic, electric, electrode, elec- trolysis, electrolytes, electrolytic, electroplating, element, emery, energy, enzyme, epsom, equation, equilibrium, equivalent, erbium, etching, ethane, ether, ethereal, ethyl, ethylamine, ethylene, eudio- meter, evaporation, evolution, explosive, extraction. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 41 Fat, fatty, feldspar, fermentation, ferric, ferrochromium, ferro- manganese, ferrosilicon, ferrous, ferrum, fertilizer, fibrous, fil- trate, filtration, fire damp, flame, flash light, flint, fluorides, fluor- ine, fluorspar, fluosilicic, flux, fool's gold, formaldehyde, formalin, formation, formic, formula, fractional, Franklinite, fuel, fumes, furnace, fusion. Gadolinium, galena, gallium, galvanized, gas, gaseous, gasoline, gelatine, germanium, germinate, germ, glass, Glauber's salt, glaz- ing, globules, glucose, glycerin, gold, gram, granite, granules, graphite, guncotton, gypsite, gypsum. Halogens, hard water, heat, helium, hematite, heptane, hexane, homologous, hydriodic, hydrobromic, hydrocarbons, hydrochloric, hydrocyanic, hydrofluoric, hydrogen, hydrolysis, hydrosulphuric, hydroxide, hydroxyl, hypochlorous, hypothesis. Ice, ignited, illuminants, impurities, indigo, indium, inorganic, insoluble, iodic, iodides, iodine, iodoform, ions, iridium, iron, isomeric. Jasper. Kainite, kaolin, kerosene, ketones, kieserite, kindling temperature, krypton. Lactic, lampblack, lanthanum, laughing gas, lead, levulose, liberating, lime, limestone, limewater, limonite, liquid, liter, lit- mus, litharge, lithium, lodestone, luminosity, lunar, luster. Magnesia, magnesite, magnesium, magnetite, malachite, malle- able, maltose, manganate, manganese, manganic, manganous, marble, marl, marsh, matches, matte, matter, measurement, me- chanical, meerschaum, melting point, mercuric, mercurous, mer- cury, metaboric, metallurgy, metal, metaphosphoric, metarsenic, metasilicic, metastannic, methane, methyl, methylamine, mica, microcosmic, milk, mineral, minimum, mixed, mixture, molasses, molecular, molecule, molybdenum, molybdic, monazite, monobasic, monoclinic, monoxide, mordants, morphine, mortar, moth balls, muriatic. Naphthalene, naphthas, nascent, natural, neon, neutralization, nickel, nicotine, niter, nitrate, nitric, nitrides, nitrite, nitro- benzene, nitrocellulose, nitrogen, nitroglycerin, nitrosulphuric, nitrous, nomenclature, non-metal. Occurrence, octane, oil, oleic, olein, oleomargarine, onyx, opal, open-hearth, opium, ores, organic, orpiment, orthoarsenic, ortho- phosphates, orthophosphoric, orthosilicic, osmic, osmium, oxalic, oxide, oxidation, oxidizing, oxygen, oxyhydrogen, ozone. Palladium, palmiten, palmitic, paraffin, paris green, pearls, per- chloric, periodic, permanent, permanganates, permanganic, per- oxide, petroleum, pewter, phenol, phlogiston, phosphates, phos- phine, phosphonium, phosphoric, phosphorite, phosphorous, pho- tography, physical, physics, pigment, pitchblende, plastic, platinic, platinized, platinous, platinum, pneumatic, polyboric, polyhalite, polysilicic, porcelain, potash, potassium, praseodymium, precipi- 42 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tated, precipitation, preparation, pressure, propane, properties, propionic, propyl, protein, prussic, puddling, pyridine, pyrites, py- rolusite, pyrophosphpric. Qualitative, quantitative, quartz, quicklime, quinine, quinoline. Radical, radium, ratio, reaction, red lead, reducing, reduction, rennin, resemblance, residue, respiration, reversible, rhodium, rhombic, rochelle, rubidium, ruby, ruthenium, rutile. Safety lamp, sal ammoniac, salpetre, salts, samarium, sand, sandstone, saponification, sapphire, satinspar, saturated, scale, scandium, schonite, selenite, selenium, series, serpentine, siderite, silica, silicates, silicic, silicides, silicon, silver, slag, smalt, Smith- sonite, smokeless powder, soap, soda, sodium, soil, spider, solid, solubility, solute, solution, solvent, sombrerite, specific gravity, spectroscope, spectrum, sphalerite, spiegeliron, spinel, spontane- ous, stalactites, stalagmites, stannates, stannic, stannous, starch, stearic, stearin, steel, stibine, stibnite, strength, strontianite, strontium, structural, strychnine, substance, substitution, sugar, sulphate, sulphide, sulphite, sulphur, sulphuric, sulphurous, super- phosphate, sylvine, symbol, synthesis. Table, talc, tallow, tannin, tantalum, tar, tartaric, tellurium, temper, temporary, tension, terbium, ternary, tetraboric, thallium, theory, thermite, thermometer, thiosulphate, thiosulphuric, thorium, thulium, tin, titanium, titratipn, topaz, tough, toxin, triad, trivalent, tungsten, type metal. Undissociated, uranium, unival- ent. Valence, vanadium, vapor, variation, vaseline, verdigris, vinegar, vitriol, volatile, volume. Water, weight, whisky, wine, witherite, wood alcohol, wollaston- ite, wrought iron. Xenon. Yeast, ytterbium, yttrium. Zinc, zirconium, zymase. Also see Chemical Apparatus and Chemical Products and Gen- eral Business. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES MANUFAC- TURERS: Allowance, amber bits, assorted, assortment. Bale, band, blend, blenders, bonded, bouquet, brand, brier, broken, broker, bulk, bull-dog shape, bundle, burn-up, butting. Cake, calabashes, celluloid, chamois lined case, cheroots, chew- ing, chewing gum, choice, cigar, cigarette papers, cigarros, class, clay, clear, climax, clippings, combination, consumer, consumption, concha, crop, cube cut, curing, customs duty, cut. Double plushed lined case, drying, dust. Examination, extra. Factory, fancy, ferrule, fertilizer, filler, fine cut, flour snuff, folding boxes, foil, foreign, formula, fresh. Garbling, genuine, glass, gold and silver mounted, goosebone, guaranteed. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 43 Hand made, hands, high class, high grade, hogshead, holders, horn. Imitation, imported, importer, inferior. Label, layers, leaf, leatherette, little cigars, long cut, long filler, lot. Manufacture, manufacturer, meal tobacco, medium, meer- schaum, meridos, metal, mixture, moisture, mouthpiece Natural leaf, needle, net, nicotine, novelties, nugget tobacco. Offal, opera, operative, ounce, output. Package, packing, pail, parcel, patent pipe, perfecto, per thou- sand, pigtail, plug, pouch, prizing, processed clay, product, pur- chase, push bits. Quality, quantity. Refuse, re-pack, retail, revenue, ribbon, roll, rows, royalty, rubber. Sampling, seed, scrap tobacco, screw mouthpiece, selection, short smoke, silver bands, size, smoker, smoking, snuff, sort, sorter, special, speckled, spotted, stalk, standard, staple, stem, sterling, stogies, straight, strictly, strips, style, superior, supreme, sweat- ing. Tax, thin, tin, ties, tobacco, tobacco plant, trade mark, tuck, twist. Unmanufactured, ultra. Vintage, vulcanite bits. Wholesale, wooden cask, wrapper. Yellow leaf. Also see General Business. CITY LIBRARIES: See General Business, and Public Libraries. CIVIL ENGINEERING: Abandonment, abrasion, abrasive, absorption, abutment, abut- ting owner, accelerated, acceleration, accessories, accident, ac- cumulator, accuracy, acquiescence, acre, acreage, acre-feet, acute, adhesion, adjustment, adze, aeration, aggregate, agonic lines, air-compressor, airline, air pump, algebra, algebraic, alignment, alkali, alloy, alteration, altitude, aluminum, ambiguity, analogy, analysis, analytic, anchorage, anchor-bolt, aneroid, angle-bar, angle-block, angle of repose, angular, annual variation, anti- logarithm, aperture, apex, apparatus, appreciable, approaches, ap- proximate, apron, aquage, aqueduct, arc, arch, area, arithmetical, arris, artesian, artificial, asbestos, ashlar, asphalt, asphaltum, assumption, astronomical, atmospheric pressure, atom, atomic, at- tachment, angite, automatic, average, axis, azimuth. Back-cutting, backfilling, backing, backsight, backstay, back- water, ballast, band, bar, barometer, barrel, barricades, basalt, bascule bridge, base line, basic, basin, batten-plate, batter, beam, bearing, bed-plate, beetle, bench-mark, bending moment, bent, beton, berm, Bessemer steel, bedding course, bevel siding, bidder, billet, birch, bitumen, bituminized, bituminous, blasting, blockade, block, board, bolster, bolt, bond, bore, borrow-pit, boring, boulder, boundary, bowstring, box-girder, brace, bracing, bracket, branch, brand, brass, braze, brazing-metal, breaker, breakwater, brick, brickwork, bridge, broken stone, bronze, bubble, builder, bucket- dredge, building, buffer, bulkhead, bulwark, bumping-post, bunker, buoyancy, bushel, bushing, butt, buttress, by-pass. , 44 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Cabinet, cable, cableway, caisson, calcimine, calculating machine, calculus, camber, canal, cantilever bridge, canvas, cap, capacities, capstan, car, carbolineum, cardinal points of celestial sphere, casting, cast-iron pipe, cast steel, catch basin, caulking, cedar, ceiling, cement, cementation process, cementing material, center, centigrade, centimeter, centrifugal, centripetal, certifi- cate, certified check, cesspool, chain, chalk, chamfer, channel, channeling machine, character, characteristic, charcoal, check valve, chemical, chemistry of materials, chimney, chisel, chock, chord, chuck, cinder, circle, circular, circumference, city-lot sur- veying, clamp fastening, clam-shell bucket, clapboard, classifica- tion, clay, clearing, cleat, clerical, clevis, clip, closure, coating, cobblestone, co-efficient, cofferdam, cohesion, cold-rolled steel, collapse, commencement, commissioner, communication, compara- tive, compass, compensation, competent, competition, components, compound, compromise, computation, concentrate, concrete, con- demnation, conduit, cone, conglomerate, conic frustum, conical nozzle, connection, consideration, consistency, constant, construc- tion, consumption of water, continuous, contour, converse pipe, conversion, converter, conveyor, coping, copper, coppersmith's cement, corbel, cord, cordage, corduroy road, cores, cornice, cor- rosion, corrugated, corrugation, cosine, cost data, cost reduction, cotangent, cotter-key, counterfort, counter rod, countersunk, coupling, coursing-joint, crane, crank, creosote, creosoted, creo- soting, crest, crib, crippling, critical, crosses, cross-hair, cross- over, cross-section, cross-tie, cross-walk, cross-wire, crowbar, crown-bar, crown-gate, crust, cube, cubic, culling, culmination, culvert, curb, curbing, current, curvature, cutoff, cut-nails, cuts, cutter, cyclopean, cylinder. Dam, damage, damper, dangerous, danger sign, data, datum, dead-load, dead-men, decagon,decigram, deciliter, decimal, deck, declination, declivity, defect, defective, deflection, deformation, degree, density, dependent, depth, derrick, descent, design, deter- mining, detonation, development, deviation, detail, dew-point, diagram, diameter, diaphragm, differential, differentiation, dike, dimension, dip, dipper, dredge, dipping tank, discharge, discovery, discrepancies, disk-pile, displacement, distance, distributing, dis- tribution, ditch, diversion, division, dock, dolomite, dolphin, donkey-engine, dowel, down-stream, drainage, drain pipe, draw- bar, drawbridge, drawing, dredge, dredging, drift, drill, drilling, drop, drum, dry-dock, dry-rot, dumpy-level, durability, dyke, dynamic, dynamite, dyne. Earth, earthwork, easement, east point, eccentric, economic, economy, edge, edgestone, efficient, efficiency, egg-shaped, elastic limit, elevation, elimination, ellipse, elliptic, elongation, embank- ment, emergency, encroachment, end thrust, energy, engine, en- gineer, entry head, equalizer, equation, equilateral, equilibrium, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 45 equipment, equivalent, erg, escarpment, estimate, estimating, ex- ecution, excavating, excavation, existence, expanded metal, ex- pansion, expenditure, extension, exterior, external, explosive, ex- trados, eye-bar, eye-bolt. Fabrication, factor, Fahrenheit, falsework, fascines, fastenings, faucet, feet, fencing, fender, ferrule, ferry, fibre stress, field notes, filler, filling, fills, filter, filtration, fireproof, fishplate, fitting, fix- tures, flange, flashing, flat, flexible, flexure, flood-gate, floor, floor- beam, float, flow, flue, flume, flush, focus, foot-board, foot-poundal, footing, force, forebay, foreman, forfeiture, fprgings, formulae, foundation, frame, franchise, fraud, freezing, friction, frictionless, frog, frustum, fuel, function, funicular polygon, furnished, fur- ring. Gable, gage, gallon, galvanized, gang-plank, garbage, gases, gasket, gasoline, gate, geodesy, geological, geometrical, gilsonite, gin, girder, glass, glazed, gondola car, grade, grader, gradient, granite, graphical, gravel, gravity, grillage, grip of rivets, groin, ground-slope, ground-work, grout, grubbing, guard rail, gullet, gulleting, guides, gusset-plate, gutter, guy, gypsum. Halving, H-column, hand-lever, hanger-board, harbor, hardpan, hasp, hatch, haulage, haunch, head, header, heading, head-gate, heat, heater, height, hectogram, hectoliter, hectometer, heliostat, hemp, hexagon, highway, hinge, hip, hip-roof, hip-tile, horizontal, horsepower, hose, Howe truss, hook-bolt, hoop, horizon, hydrant, hydraulic, hydrodynamics, hydro-electric, hydrogen, hydrometer, hydrostatic, hyperbola, hyperbolic. I-beam, I-block, identification, impact, impedance, implied, im- post, improvement, impulse, inch, incline, increaser, indicate, indu- rate, inertia, ingot, injector, inside, inspection, instrument, intake, integration, interior, intermediate, internal, interpolate, intersec- tion, intervening, intrados, invert, iron, irrigated, irrgation, iso- metric, isosceles. Jack-knife drawbridge, jamb, jarring, jaw, jetties, jettyhead, jib, jimmy, joint, joggle, joist lumber, jumper-drill, jute. Kaolin, kerosene, key-stone, kiln, kilogram, kilometer, kinetic, kingpost, knots and hitches, knuckle-joint. L's, labor, laboratory, labyrinth, lacing, ladder, lagging, lag- screw, lamp, lampblack, landmark, landslide, lap-welded pipe, latch, latent, lateral support, lath, lathing, latitude, lattice- and plate-girders, lead, leaf-bridge, leakage, lean-to roof trusses, leather, length, levee, level, leveling, lien, lift, lighting, lime, lime- stone, line, lineal, linear, lining, link, linseed oil, lintel, live-load, liquid, liquidated damages, liters, load, loading, loam, locating, lo- cation, lock, locomotive, log, logarithm, logarithmic, logging, long- itude, longitudinal, loop heading, loose rock, louvre, lubricant, lug, lumber. Macadam, macadamizing, magnetic-north, main, maintenance 46 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES and operation, maintenance-of-way, mallet, manhole, manila rope, manometer, mantel, manufacturer's standard, mapping, marble, marl-brick, mass, masonry, material, mathook, matrix, mattock, maximum, mean, meandering, measure, measurement, mechanical, member, memorandum, meridian, mesh, metal, meter, method, metric, mil, miner's inch, minimum, miter, mixing, mixture, mod- ulus, moisture, molding, moments, momentum, monolith, monu- ment, mortar, mortise, motion, motor, movable bridge, muck, mud, multiple. Nail, narrow-gauge, navigable, nest, neutral axis, niche, nickel steel, non-condensing, normal, notching, nozzle, nuisance, nut lock. Oakum, oblique, observation, obstacle, obstruction, obtuse, octa- gon, odometer, ogee, off-set, oil, oiling, opaque, open-hearth, open- work, operation, orange-peel bucket, ordinate, orifice, origin, oscil- lation, outfall sewer, outlet, outside, overflow-basin, overhaul, overshot wheel, overload, ownership. Packing, pack-train, paint, painting, pantograph, parabola, para- bolic, paraffin, parallelogram, parapet, partial, partition, passi- meter, pavement, paving, peat, penalty, penalized, penchute, pen- dulum, penstock, percentage, percussion, performance, perimeter, periodicity, periphery, permanent, permeability, perpendicular, perspective, pestle, petroleum-still, photograph, photometer, pick, pier, pierhead, pigment, pig iron, pilaster, pile, pile driver, pile- hoop, piling, pile shoe, pillar, pilot, pin, pinion, pinnacle, pipe, pit, pitch, pivot, planes, planing, planimeter, planking, plans and spec- ifications, plant, plaster, plate, plate-girder, platform, plating, platting, plier, plotting, plug, plumb, plumb-bob, plummet, plunger, pneumatic, polaris, poles, polygon, pontoon, population, porcelain, portable, portal, Portland cement, post, pound, powder, power, Pratt truss, precaution, precipitation, preliminary, preparatory, preservation, preservative, pressure, primary, primes, principal, prism, prismoidal, profile, projection, propeller, properties, propor- tion, proportional, pro rata, protractor, proximate, puddle, pulley, pulverizer, pulverizing, pumice stone, pump, purification, purlin, pyramid. Quadratic, quality, quadrilateral, quantity, quantities, quarry- faced, quarrying, quartz, quay, queen-post truss, quicklime, quick- sand, quoin. Race, rack and pinion, radial, radius of gyration, radii, rail- clamp, railroad, railway, rainfall, rain-gauge, ram, random, rasp, ratchet, rating, ratification, ratio, reaction, reactive, reamer, ream- ing, reciprocal, reconnaissance survey, rectangular, reducer, red- wood, refacing, reflux, refraction, reinforced, reinforcement, rejec- tion, renewal, repointing, report, repose, representation, require- ment, reservation, reservoir, resilience, resistance, resisting, re- strained beam, restriction, resultant, re-surfacing, retaining-wall, reversed curve, reversible, revetment, revolution, rib, ridge-pole, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 47 right-of-way, ring, riparian rights, riprap, riprapping, rivet, riv- eted, rivet-steel, road, roadbed, roadway, rock, rock-crusher, rock- drill, rod, rolled, roller, roof, roofing, rope, rotary shovel, rotting of timber, rough, round, route, rubber, rubble, run-off, rupture, rustic. Saddle-rail, S-strap, safe load, safety factor, sag, saltpetre, sand, sand-blast, sandstone, sand voids, sanitation, sanitary, saturation- factor, saturization of earth, scabble, scaffolding, scale, scaling logs, scantling, scarifying, scarf-joint, schist, scouring-basin, scraper, screening, screw, sea-wall, sea-worm, secant, second, sec- tion, sector, sedimentation, seepage, segment, segmental, sema- phore, semicircle, semicircular, separator, set-off, sextant, sewage, sewer, shape, shear, shearing, sheathing, shellac, sheet, sheeting, shield, shingle, shooting, shortening, shoulder, shrinkage, shunt, side-rail, sidewalk, signal light, sill, silt, simultaneous, sine, sink- ing, siphon, sizing lumber, skeleton figure, skew-back, skidding, slab, slack-water, slat, slate, sleeve, sliding friction, slope, sludg- ing, sluice gate, snap-hook, socket, soffit, soil, solid, solution, sounding, space, span, spandrel, spout, specific, specification, spiegeleisen, spike, spillway, spindle, splice, splitting chisel, split switch, spring, springing-line, sprocket-wheel, spruce, square, stability, stadia, staging, stanchion, standard, standardization, standpipe, staple, static, station 1915-J-30, stave, stayrod, steam, steel, steelwork, stiffener, stirrup, stone, stonework, stop valve, storage, storm-water drain, straighten, strain-sheet, stratified, stream, strengthening, stresses, strike, stringer, strip, structural, structure, strut, stub, stud, stump, stumpage, sub-grade, subcon- tractor, subaqueous, submarine, submerged, sub-station, sub-sur- face, subway, suction, sump, superintendence, superintendent, supervisor, supplemental, support, surcharged, surd, surface, sur- facing, surface-tension, survey, surveying, surveyor, suspension, swamp, sway-brace, swedge bolt, swellage of earth, swing bridge, switch, swivel hook, system. T-bar, T-rail, tackle, tailrace, tallow, tamp, tangent, tank, tap, tape, tar, target, tee, telegraph, telephone, telford pavement, tem- perature, tempering, templet, temporary, tender, tenon, tensile, tension, teredo, terminal, terrace, terra-cotta, test, testing, theodo- lite, theorem, theoretical, theory, thermometer, texture, thimble fastening, throw, thrust, tidal, tidewater, tie, tile, timber, timber- ing, time book, tinning, tire, toe-wall, toggle-joint, tongue, tool, tool steel, top course, topographer, topographical, tower, towering, township, track, traction, tractive, traffic, train, transformed, transformer, transit, transition, transitman, transmission, tran- som, transverse, trap, traverse, tread, tree, treenail, trenching, trestle, triangle, triangular, trigonometrical, tripod, truck, truss, tube, tubing, tubular pier, tunnel, tunneling, turbine, turnbuckle, turnout, turntable. 48 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES U-bolt, ultimate, underdrain, underground, undermine, under- pinning, undershot wheel, undertow, under-trussed, undulatory, unit, uniformity, upset, upstream, usage, utility. Vacuum, valuation, valve, vapor, vaporization, variable, varnish, vault, velocity, veneer, vent, ventilation, vernier, vertical, viaduct, vibration, vitrified brick, vise, void, volume, voussoir. Wale-piece, wall, warehouse, warp, washer, washout, waste- bank, waste-weir, waterbound, water-hammer, water-main, water- mark, water-table, water-tightness, waterways, waterproofing, waterworks, waves, wax, web, wedge, weight, weld, welding, well, wharf, wheel, wheel-base, wicket, wind, wind-bracing, windlass, wing dam, wire, wood, wooden, working stresses, workmanlike manner, wrought iron. X-Ray. Yard, yarn, yellow pine lumber, yield point, Y-level, Y-track. Z-bar, Z-block, zenith, zinc, zigzag, zone. Also see General Business. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS CIVIL SERVICE LETTERS ^-CITY, COUNTY, 'STATE AND FEDERAL: The following comprehensive list of controversial terms has been especially prepared to meet Civil Service examinations. Sixty-five per cent of the applicants taking Civil Service exam- inations fail, and mainly because they have not mastered the vo- cabularies embodied in the subject matters given at the tests. In Federal examinations all applicants are given the stenog- raphy dictation test at the rate of eighty words per minute, and they have the option of taking additional tests at one hundred, one hundred and twenty, and one hundred and forty words per minute. The matter dictated consists of an extract of two hundred and sixty words taken from a speech delivered in the House or Senate, or from the President's message. The dictation is not technical, but contains words frequently encountered in the vocabularies of economics and sociology, and especially many terms found in the nomenclatures of politics and law. The applicant who has read much on public questions is likely to be best fitted for the examin- ations. After the student has familiarized himself with the short- hand outlines for the following vocabularies he will find it profit- able to practice on the printed speeches to be found in the Con- gressional Record and on the previous messages of Presidents to Congress. In addition the political and law vocabularies given in this publication should be thoroughly mastered. Eighty per cent of the members of both Houses of Congress are politicians or law- yers. Hence, the vocabularies run largely along the lines of their professions. The proportion of lawyers in Congress is so prepon- derating that the representatives of other professions are bound to be comparatively few. City, County and State examinations are very similar to thoi given by the United States Government. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 49 Below will be found two specimen dictations which will indicate the nature of these tests. Specimen No. 1 has been actually used as a test by the examiners. SPECIMEN DICTATION NO. 1. "Our present system of transportation by rail is not keeping pace with our rapid increase of production and consumption. Most of the transportation is over rail, and we have utilized our rivers in a meager way. This is especially true of our interior water- ways. Water traffic, to a large extent, is localized around the Great Lakes, and splendid as are the results, still the benefits have failed to reach the great interior sources of production. Even this lim- ited area of water transportation, however, demonstrates advan- tages and shows that waterways should be established and assured as a permanent part of the traffic system. Over the region of the Central West lies a great freight producing area. Under the all- rail system of carrying freight, the western producer fails to reach the markets with a profit and the consuming world is denied access to these interior fields of production. For several years the roads have failed to move the crops in season and before long they will be able to move only a portion of the farm products to the market. Leaders in railroad transportation recently estimated that the next ten years would require 75,000 miles more of trackage construc- tion to meet the requirements of the normal growth of the country. It is quite unlikely that the necessary increase of railroad mileage and equipment will be made. Wisdom and experience point to a comprehensive programme of interior waterway improvement. Encouragement of production is not rational if we neglect natural facilities of distribution." SPECIMEN NO. 2. "The most noteworthy national legislation of the year from the standpoint of the administration of justice is contained in the Trade Commission Act and the so-called Clayton Act. Together they supplement existing statutes and general law as to illegal trusts and monopolies in interstate commerce, and they deal with the application of the anti-trust act to labor associations, the issu- ing of injunctions in labor disputes in federal courts, and the pro- cedure for the punishment of contempts in a certain class of cases. Both measures in the most painstaking way make clear that noth- ing in them is to vary the meaning of the two important sections of the Sherman Act which have been so fully considered and clearly construed by the Supreme Court in the light of, and by the rule of reason. We may, therefore, in beginning the consideration of this new legislation, rejoice that in spite of the exuberant criti- cism of the Supreme Court decisions in the Standard Oil and To- bacco cases when announced, and the threats of legislation to de- throne reason in judicial construction as applied to trust law, we may still use in a normal way those mental processes with which 50 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES nature has endowed us in attempting to find out what Congress means in these acts. "The first part of this legislation adds new machinery for the enforcement of the anti-trust acts. Second, it appears to create new offenses in that field of the law. Thirdly, it imposes, after two years, certain restrictions upon what have been called inter- locking directorates in banks and railroads, evidently with a view to prevent temptation to a suppression of competition and to mon- opoly. Fourth, it brings into the federal criminal jurisdiction em- bezzlements and other breaches of trust by directors, officers and agents of interstate carriers, and provides other restrictions to secure their fidelity." William Howard Taft. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS: POLITICAL ARGUMENTATION, CIVICS, DIPLOMACY, ETHICS, GOVERNMENT, HISTORY, LAW, LITERATURE, LOGIC, POLITICAL ECONOMY, AND SOCIOLOGY. Abandonment, abhorrence, abolish, abolitionist, abomination, abnormal, abrogation, absolutism, absorbed, absurd, abuse, abusive, achievement, activity, acquaintance, acquired, actualities, actuated, accompaniment, accompanying, accredited, accomplished, accumulate, accustomed, adaptation, adherence, adherent, aide-de- camp, adjutant general, administration, administrative, adminis- trator, admiral, admiralty, admiration, admission, admonition, adoption, adroit, ad valorem, adversary, adversity, adviser, ad- visory, advocacy, advocate, affectation, affiliation, affirmation, af- firmative, affluence, agitation, agrarian, agricultural, aggrandize- ment, aggression, alarmist, aldermen, alien, alternate, alternative, allegiance, allegory, alleviation, alliance, allies, allotment, allottee, allowance, amalgamation, amazement, ambassador, ambiguity, am- bition, amendatory, amendment, American Federation of Labor, amiability, amity, amnesty, amplify, analogy, analysis, analyze, anarchical, anarchy, ancestor, ancient, animosity, anomaly, anony- mous, antecedent, anti-lobbying, antipathy, antiquated, antiquity, antislavery, antithesis, antitrust, annotation, announcement, an- noyance, annually, apathy, aptitude, apologize, apology, apparent, appended, appendix, applause, appointee, appointive, appointment, apportionment, appreciable, appreciation, apprehend, approbation, appropriation, arbitrary, archives, area, arena, argument, aristoc- racy, armament, armory, army transport, arrayed, arrogant, ar- senal, ascendancy, ascribe, aspect, aspirant, aspiration, assailant, assassination, assemblage, assemble, assembly, assemblyman, as- sertion, assessment, assimilation, assistance, assistant, association, assumption, assurance, astonishment, asylum, attache, attainder, attainment, attempt, attitude, Attorney General, attribute, audi- ence, augmented, Australian ballot system, authentic, author, authoritative, authorize, autocracy, automatic, autonomy, avail- able, avowed, axiom, ayes. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 51 Background, ballot, balloting, banking, barbarian, barbarous, barracks, barrel, barren, base, basis, battalion, battleship, before- hand, begging the question, behalf, behavior, belligerent, bene- ficial, beneficence, benevolent, bestowed, betrayal, bickering, bien- nially, bigotry, biographer, bi-partisan, bitter feeling, bitterness, blessing, blockade, blot, bloody shirt, blunder, branch, breadwin- ner, body politic, bombardment, bombast, board of ordnance, board of regents, board of trustees, border state, boss, bounty, bribery, brigade, brigadier general, brigandage, brilliant, broadcast, brotherhood, brutality, budget, builder, bulwark, bullion, bun- combe, bureau, burden, burlesque, businesslike, by direction of the commission. Cabinet, calamity, calendar year, call, campaign, canal, candid, candidacy, candidate, canvass, capital, capitalism, captain, car- dinal, career, carpet bagger, cartoon, carrier, casting, caucus, cav- alry, cede, celebrated, censorship, censure, census, centralized, centralization, century, ceremony, certification, cession, chairman, challenge, champion, channel, characteristic, charge d'affaires, charlatan, charter, chastity, "check and balance," chicanery, chief justice, chieftain, choice, chronic, chronological, circular, circum- stances, citizen, citizenship, city, civics, civil service, civilian, civilization, clamor, clan, class, classic, classical, classification, classified, class legislation, clean sweep, clearly, clerical, clerk hire, climax, club, coalition, coastwise, codification, coercion, colonial, colonization, colony, collaborator, colleague, collective, collector, college, combination, compact, comparatively, compat- ible, competition, competitive, complacent, complex, complexion, complicated, complication, compliment, component, composed, composition, comprehensible, comprehension, comprise, com- promise, compulsory referendum, compunction, comptroller, com- rade, command, commander, commencement, commensurate, com- mercial treaty, commission, commissioner, committee, common people, commonwealth, commutation proof, concealment, conceive, concentration, conception, concession, conciliation, conclusion, conclusive, concord, concrete, concurrence, condemn, condensa- tion, conducive, conduct, confederation, conferee, conference, con- fessedly, confine, confiscation, conflicting, confirmation, confor- mity, confounded, confusion, congressional, congressman, con- gressman-at-large, conjecture, conjunction, conqueror, conquest, conscientious, consciously, consciousness, conscription, conse- quence, conservation, conservative, consistent, conspicuous, con- solidation, constitutent, constitute, constitutional, constrained, constructive, consul, consular service, consulate, consultation, consumer, consumption, contemplation, contemporary, contempt- ible, contend, contention, contested, contingency, contraband, contract, contradiction, contradictory, contrary, contribution, con- travention, controlled, controversy, contumely, convened, conver- 52 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES sation, conversely, conviction, convinced, connote, co-operation, co-ordinate, co-ordination, coolies, corollary, cordial, corporal, corps, correctness, corrective, correlation, correlative, corrupt, cosmopolitan, council, count, countenance, counterpart, country, countryman, county, courage, courtmartial, cowardice, creative, creature, credentials, credulity, crisis, critic, criticism, crucial, cruiser, crusade, crystallized, culpability, culminated, cultivated, culture, cumbersome, cumulative, curiosity, currency, current, custodian, customhouse, customs receipts. Dangerous, dark horse, data, deadlock, debate, decade, deca- dence, decent, decentralization, decisive, Declaration of Independ- ence, declination, decline, Decoration Day, decorum, dedicate, de- duction, deductive, defeat, defensible, deficient, definite, degrada- tion, delegate, delegation, deliberately, delicacy, delineate, delusion, delusive, demagogue, demarcation, democracy, demo- cratic, demonetization, demonstrated, demoralized, denomination, denounce, denunciation, departmental, dependencies, depict, de- pletion, deplorable, deported, depository, deprecate, depression, deprivation, deputy collector, derelict, deriving, descendant, desertion, deserving, desideratum, desperate, despite, despotism, destiny, destitute, destroy, destructive, detention, determine, de- terrent, detestable, detrimental, development, deviation, devise, devolve, devotion, diametrically, dictation, dictator, dictum, dif- fusion, dilemma, diminution, diplomat, diplomatic agent, diplo- macy, direct legislation, directness, disability, disappointment, disaster, discernment, discharge, discipline, discontented, dis- course, discovery, discreditable, discredited, discretionary, dis- crimination, discursive, discussion, disfranchise, disgrace, dis- interested, dispensary, dispensation, disorder, disorganized, dis- parage, dispensing, disputant, dispute, disquisition, distiller, dis- tinction, distinguished, distortion, distracting, distress, distribu- tion, district officer, dissatisfaction, dissension, dissenting, dissi- pate, dissmiliarity, disturbance, divergence, diverging, diversity, dockyard, doctrine, domestic, dominance, dominion, donation, double standard, downward revision, dramatically, dreamer, dry- dock, duties, dutiable, dynasty. Eccentric, economic, economical, editorial, educational, effect- ively, effectual, efficacy, efficiency, egotistic, elaboration, elastic, election, elective, elector, electoral college, elemental, elementary, elicit, eligible, eligibility, elimination, eloquence, emanate, emas- culate, embargo, embarrassment, embassy, embodiment, emergency, emigrate, eminently, emperor, emotion, emphasize, emphatically, empire, empirically, emulate, encomium, encounter, encroachment, endanger, endeavor, endorse, endorsement, endowment, energetic, energy, enervation, enforcement, enhancement, engross, enlighten- ment, enlisted, enmity, enormous, enumeration, enunciation, en- rolled, ensuing, entail, entangling alliances, enterprise, enthu- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 53 siasm, entity, entryman, envelope, envoy, epigram, epoch, equal, equality, equalize, equipment, equivalent, era, erudition, escape, essence, essential, establisnment, estimation, ethically, eulogized, exaction, exaggeration, examiner, exasperation, excellent, excel- lency, exceptional, excerpt, excise, excitement, exclusion, exclu- sively, ex-confederate, execution, executive, exemplification, ex- emplify, exercised, exhaustion, exigency, existence, existing, ex- pansion, expedient, expedition, expeditious, expel, expenditure, experience, experiment, exponent, expound, exportation, exposi- tion, exposure, expulsion, expunge, external, extract, extradition, extraordinary, extravagant, extreme, extortionate, exuberance, evil, evolved. Facetiousness, facilitate, faction, factious, faculty, failure, faith, falsehood, fallacy, familiarizing, famous, fanaticism, fan- tastic, farmer, far-reaching, far-sighted, fascination, fashioned, father, favorite son, fearlessly, federal, federalist, federation, fellow citizen, feudalism, fiat money, fidelity, field, fifteenth amendment, figurative, filibustering, finance, fiscal, fisheries, flag, fleet, flexible, flippant, floater, follower, folly, forbidding, forecast, foreign goods, foreigner, forest reserve, forefront, foreshadow, foresight, formality, formidable, fortification, fortitude, fort, fortune, forum, fostering, founder, fourth-class, postmaster, fool- hardy, footing, fragment, framed, franchise, franking, privilege, fraternity, freak legislation, freedom, freeman, free trade, frenzy, friction, friendship, frontier, fulfillment, function, functionaries, fundamental, fugitive, fusion, futile. Gallant, garrison, gauntlet, general staff, generalities, general- ization, generalship, generation, generosity, generous, genial, genius, genuine, geographical, geological survey, gerrymander, gigantic, glamour, glimpse, glittering, goal, gold standard, govern- ment, governmental, governor, gradation, graduated income tax, grand, gratification, gratuitous, gratitude, grazing, greedy, green- back, grievance, growth, guidance, "gum-shoe" campaign. Habitually, hamper, happiness, harbor, harmonious, hatred, headquarters, hearing, heartily, hemisphere, heritage, heroic, hesi- tance, high seas, highway, hindrance, historian, historic, history, "hold-up" legislation, homage, homestead entry, honor, honorable, hospitality, hostile, house document. House of Representatives, humane, humanity, humble, humiliating, humor, hypocrisy, hypo- thetical. Iconoclast, identical, ignominious, ignorance, ignore, I have the honor to advise, I have the honor to submit report, illusion, illus- tration, illustrious, imagination, imitation, impairment, impartial- ity, impatience, implanted, impeachment, impediment, imperative, imperfection, imperialism, imperialist, impersonal, imperturbable, impiety, implication, implicitly, imposing, imposition, impost, im- poverish, impracticable, impressment, imprisonment, improbable, 54 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES improvement, immense, immigrant, immigration, immortal, im- mortality, immunity, immutable, importation, impression, impulse, imputation, inalienable, inapplicable, inauguration, incalculable, incapacitated, incentive, incidentally, incipient, inclination, incon- gruity, inconsistent, incontrovertible, incorruptible, incumbent, in- defeasible, independence, independent, indestructible, indetermin- ate, Indian, indication, indifferent, indignation, indirectly, indis- criminate, indispensable, indisputably, inducement, inductive, in- duction, indulgence, industrialism, industry, inequality, inequit- able, inestimable, inexcusable, inexplicable, inexorable, infalli- bility, infamous, infantry, inferable, inference, inferior, infinitely, infliction, influential, inhabitant, inherent, inimical, initiated, ini- ative, injunction, injurious, inland, in lieu, innate, inoperative, inscrutable, insensible, inseparable, insignificant, insipid, inspec- tor, in spite of, installment, instinct, institution, instruction, in- strument, instrumentality, insubordination, insular affairs, insult, insurgent, insurrection, intangible, intact, integral, intelligence, intemperance, intense, intercede, intercommunication, interfer- ence, interlocking directorates, interruption, iteration, intercourse, interdict, intermarriage, intermediate, internal revenue, interna- tional, interposed, interpretation, interstate commerce, interval, intervening, intervention, interview, intimately, intolerable, in- trenched, intrigue, introduce, introduction, introspection, intui- tion, invader, invalid pension, invaluable, invariability, invasion, invective, invention, investigation, invidious, inviolate, invitation, invisible government, invoke, involve, innovation, innuendo, iron- ical, irrational, irreconcilable, irreparable, irrepressible, irresist- ible, irrespective, irretrievable, irrigation, irritation, island, isola- tion, issue, isthmus canal. Jealousy, jingo, jobbery, journalism, judgment, judicial, ju- diciary, jugglery, junior, junket, jurat, jurist, justice, justification. Kaleidoscopic, keynote, killed, kindness, kindred, kingdom, knifing, Know-Nothing Party, knowledge. Labor, laborious, laconically, lampoon, landholder, landowner, language, laudation, lavish, lawgiver, lawlessness, laying wires, leader, leadership, league, legatee, legation, legendary, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, leisure, lethargy, levy, liberalism, liberation, liberty, librarian, lieutenant-colonel, life-saving service, lighthouse, likelihood, limbo, limitation, literally, literary, litera- ture, lobby, lobbying, lobbyist, local, locality, local option, locomo- tion, logic, logical, logrolling, loyalty, ludicrous, lynch law. Machine, magazine, Magna Charta, magnanimous, magnificent, magnify, mailability, major, majority, malcontents, malefactor, maligned, management, maneuvering, manhood, manifestation, manifestly, mankind, manipulate, marine, maritime, marque and reprisal, marshal, marshalling, martial law, marvellous, master- piece, massacre, mass meeting, materialistic, maxim, maximum, measure, meddling legislation, medieval, mediation, medium, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 55 melancholy, membership, memoir, memorandum, Memorial Day, mending fences, mentally, mercenary, merchant marine, merchant- men, merit system, meritorious, message, metaphor, metaphori- cally, metaphysical, method, metropolitan, middle class, midship- man, mileage, militant, militarist, military academy, military af- fairs, military post, militia, minimum, minister plenipotentiary, ministration, minor coin, minor details, minority, minute, miracu- lous, misery, mischievous, misconception, misrepresentation, mob rule, moderation, modification, momentary, monometallist, monop- olistic, monopolize, monopoly, monotonous, monument, mother country, moulding, movement, muckraking, multiplication, multi- tude, multitudinous, municipal, municipality, munition, museum, mutilate, mutually. Narration, narrative, national, nationalize, naturalization, naval academy, navigable waters, navigation, navy, necessitate, neces- sity, negative, negligible, negro, neighborhood, neutral, neutrality, neutralized zone, newspaper, niggardly, nobility, nominating, nom- ination, noncombatants, noncompetitive, nondelivery, noneduca- tional position, nonpartisan, nonunionized labor, normal, North- erner, notable, noteworthy, notion, nucleus, nullification. Obedience, objectionable, objectively, obliterated, oblivion, observance, observer, obsolete, obstinate, obviate, obviously, occa- sional, occupant, occupational, offensive partisanship, office, office- broker, officer, office-holder, official, offspring, old age pension law, omnibus bill, open door, open primaries, operatives, opinion, opti- mistic, opponent, opportunity, opposition, oppression, oppressor, orator, Ordnance Department, ordinarily, organic law, organiza- tion, original, originated, oscillation, ostracized, outcast, outline, output, outrageous, overseer, overthrow, overwhelmingly. Packed, painstaking, palpable, pamphlet, Panama tolls, pane- gyric, panic, paradox, parallel, paralyzing, paramount, parcels post, parity, parliament, parliamentary, partial, parties, partici- pation, partisanship, parsimony, passage, passionate, paternalism, patriarchal, patriotic, patriotism, patronage, pauper, pauperize, pauper labor, peaceable, peanut, peculiarity, peculation, peer, pend- ing, penetrating, pension, Pension Bureau, pensioner, permanent, permission, periodical, pernicious, perpetrated, perpetual, perplex- ity, perquisites, persecution, persistent, personage, personal, per- sonalities, personnel, pertaining, perturbation, perversion, pessi- mist, petition, petitioner, phenomena, philanthropic, philosophy, physical, picturesque, pigeon-holed, pioneer, piracy, pivotal state, plagiarism, plank, plans, platform, pledge, plenary power, plunder- ing, plurality, plutocracy, pocket veto, poem, polemic, policy, polite, political assessment, political bargain, political economy, political enemy, political entities, political faith, politican, politics, polling place, popularity, popular judgment, population, popular, porten- tous, positively, postage, postal service, posterity, postmaster gen- 56 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES eral, postmastership, postponement, postulate, possessions, poten- tial, power, powerful, practicableness, preamble, precarious, pre- caution, precedent, preception, precinct, precious, precise, precon- ceived, preconvention, predatory, predecessor, predicament, predi- cate, prediction, predominate, preeminent, preferred, preferable, preferential, prehistoric, prejudice, preliminary, premature, pre- posterous, preparation, prerogative, prescribe, presentation, pres- ervation, president, presidential, presidential bee, presentation, presumable, presumption, presupposed, prestige, pressure, preten- sion, pretext, prevail, prevalent, preventative, primaries, primary, prime, primitive, principle, printing office, prisoner of war, private, privateer, privation, privileged classes, probability, probationary, problem, proclamation, proclivity, process, prodigious, profes- sional, prohibition, profoundly, program, Progressive, Prohibition Party, project, proletariat, promised, prominent, promulgate, pro- nounced, propaganda, propagation, propensity, prophecy, proph- etic, propitiation, proportional representation, proportionate, pro- posal, proposition, proprietary, pros and cons, prosperity, pros- perous, prostrate, protection, protectionist, protective, protector, protectorate, protege, protocol, providence, provincial, proxies, proximate, proximity, prowess, prudent, publicist, publicity, public lands, public servant, public spirited, publisher, pungent, pure food law, pursuant, pursue, pursuit of happiness. Qualification, quality, quantity, quarantine, Quartermaster Gen- eral, quarrel, quasi taxes, question, quotation, quorum. Racial, radical, radicalism, railroading, rallies, rampant, ratifi- cation, ration, rational, raw material, reaction, readjustment, realization, reappointment, reapportionment, rear admiral, reason- able, rebellion, rebuke, recall, recapitulation, recipient, reciprocate, reciprocity, reckoned, reclamation, recognition, recognizing, rec- ommendation, reconciliation, reconstruction period, recrimination, rectitude, recurring, redeem, redemption, redress, reduction, re- election, referendum, refinement, reflection, reform, reformer, re- fusal, refutation, regent, regime, regiment, regional bank, regis- tration, registry, regular, reimbursement, reinforcement, rejection, rejoice, rejoinder, relationship, relatively, reliable, relief, religion, religious, relinquishment, reluctant, remarkable, remedial, remin- iscence, remnant, remonstrate, remotely, removal, reorganization, repairs, repeal, repeater, repeating, repetition, repository, repre- hensible, repression, repressive, representation, representative, reproach, reprobation, reproduction, reprove, republic, Republican, Republicanism, repudiate, repugnant, reputation, research, resent- ment, reservation, residual, resignation, resistance, resolution, re- solve, resources, respectfully submitted, responsibility, restora- tion, restoring, restraint, restrict, resultant, retaliation, retention, retired list, retribution, reveal, revelation, revenue, revenue cutter, reverence, review, revisionary, revolt, revolution, rhetoric, rider, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 57 ridicule, righteousness, rigorously, ring, riot, rival, rivalry, river and harbor legislation, robber tariff, romantic, rotation, rudimen- tary, ruinous, rules, rump convention, rupture, rural. Sacred right, sacrifice, sacrilege, "saddle-bag" district, safe- guard, sailor, salary, salient, sally, sanction, sanguinary, sarcastic, satire, scale, scarcity, scattered, sceptical, scheme, scholarship, school, scratched ticket, seacoast, seaport, search warrant, seces- sion, secondary, Secretary of State, secret service, sectional, sedi- tion, selection, self-abnegation, self-denial, selfishness, self-gov- ernment, self-preservation, self-satisfaction, semicivilized, senate, senator, senatorial courtesy, senior, sensational, sentiment, separ- ation, sergeant-at-arms, service, servile, servitude, settlement, set- tler, severity, shallow, shiftiness, shipping, short ballot, short- sighted, shrewdness, siege, signal service, signature, signification, similarity, simplicity, simultaneous, sincerity, singular, sister re- public, skillful, slavery, smuggling, so-called, socialism, Socialist Labor Party, soldier, Solicitor General, solicitous, solicitude, solu- tion, sorehead, sort, Southener, sovereign, sovereignty, speaker, special interest, specialist, specialization, specific, specimen, spec- tacle, spectator, speculative, speech, spellbinder, spiritual,splendid, splitting, spoils system, spontaneous, squadron, squatter, spurious, stability, staff, stage, stagnation standard, standardization, stand- patter, standpoint, star chamber, starvation, State Central Com- mittee, state convention, statecraft, statehood, Statement No. 1, statesman, statesmanship, statewide, statistics, statute, steering committee, still-hunt campaign, stimulation, stirring events, strad- dling, straight party ticket, strategic, strategy, stratum, strengthen, strenuous, stricture, strike legislation, stringent, structure, struggle, stump-speaker, sub-committee, subdivision, subjugation, sublime, submission, subordinate, subservient, sub- sidies, subsidize, subsistence, substance, substantially, substitute, succession, suffering, suffrage, suffragette, sugar trust, suggested, summary, sumptuary, superficial, superior, superfluous, super- seding, supervision, supervisor, supervisory architect, supple- mental, supporter, supposition, supremacy, suppressed, surrender, survey, surveyor of customs, susceptible, suspended, suspicious, sweated money, syllogism, symmetrical, sympathetically, sympa- thize, symptom, syndicate, synonomous, systematic. Tables, tabulation, tacit, tactics, Tammany Hall, tariff schedule, taxpayer, temper, temperance, temperature, temperament, tempo- rarily, temptation, tenable, tendency, tenet, tentative, tenure, ter- rible, territorial limits, territories, testimonial, Thanksgiving Day, theme, thence, thenceforward, theoretically, theory, thinker, third parties, thereto, threatening, thrift, thwarted, ticket-splitting, tidal wave, timidity, tobacco trust, tolerably, toleration, toiler, tonnage duties, topic, township, tract, trade commission, trade mark, trade union, traditional, traffic, trait, traitor, tranquility, transcendent, 58 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES transmission, transition, transit mail, transmittal, transportation, treason, treasury, treaty, tremendous, tribunal, triumph, trivial, troops, trust, truthfulness, two-thirds rule, typewritten, typical, tyrannical, tyranny. Unalterable, unanimous, unavoidable, unchallenged, uncontro- vertible, unconstitutional, undeniable, undermine, undertaking, under-valuation, undesirable citizen, undisputed, undoubtedly, un- employment, unfinished business, unforeseen, unfortunate, uni- formity, unique, United States, unit rule, unity, universal, univer- sity, unjustifiable, unmolested, unnaturalized, unquestionably, unreasonable, unremunerative, unreserved public lands, unre- stricted, unscrupulously, unsophisticated, unsurpassed, untram- meled, unworthy, upholding, upper classes, uppermost, usurpation, utilize, utterance. Vacancy, vacillating, vague, variance, variegated, vassal, vehe- mently, venal voters, venerable, veneration, vengeance, venture, veracity, vessel, vested rights, veteran, veto, vice-admiral, vice- president, vicious, victory, viewpoint, vigilance, vigorously, village, vindicate, violation, violence, virtue, visionary, vital, vivid, voca- tion, volition, volume, voluminous, volunteer, voter, voting machine. Wage-worker, war, ward boss, warehouse, warfare, warrant, watcher, watchful, waterways, ways and means, weaken, weakness, weigher, welcome, well-being, Whig Party, whimsical, White House, whitewash, wholesome, widely, widespread, wildcat scheme, wire-pulling, wisdom, withdrawal, womanhood, woman suffrage, workmanship, Workman's Compensation Act, workshop, world empire, writer. Yellow journal, yield. Zeal, zealous, zone system. Also see Banking, Finance, General Business, Irrigation, Law, Municipal, Political Economy, Real Estate, and Stocks and Bonds. POLITICAL ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY: Abolition, absentee landlordism, abstinence, abstract wealth, abstraction, abundance, accumulation, adulteration, agriculture, agriculturist, agglomeration, aggregate, alcoholic, alteration, al- truism, amelioration, amusement, anarchism, animal, anticipated, antagonistic, antagonizing, apprehension, arable land, artificial, attainment, authoritative, automatically, avocation. Balance of trade, bank money, bargainer, barter, barrier, benefi- cent, bimetallism, bimetallist, biological, birth rate, bounty, boy- cott, buoyancy, burden, by-product. Capability, capitalistic, captain of industry, category, celibacy, centrifugal, charitable relief, child labor, Christianity, climate, clothing, coinage, colonize, collectively, comfort, comparative, com- pendious, complementary goods, commerce, commodity, communal, communication, communism, consensus, consumption of wealth, continental, contrivance, controlling, corn, corner, corresponding, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 59 cotton mill, creator of capital, criterion, crystallization, cultiva- tion, curtailed, customary, cycle. Dangerous trade, debasement, debtor class, deferred payment, deficiency, definition, degenerated, demand and supply, denom- inator, dependence, depreciation, descending, destruction, deterior- ation, determination, development, diet, differentiation, diminish- ing returns, disadvantage, discomfort, dispersion, distributive, distributor, disturbance, diversification, division of labor, domain, downward, dynamics of wealth, dynamical. Earners, earnings, economics, economizes, efficacy, egotism, elasticity, electricity. Facilities, factor, factory hands, famine, fecundity, fellowmen, fertility, feudal, fiat money, field, final utility, financiering, fixed income, fluctuation, force, forecast, formation, formula, form- value, fortitude, framework, free silver. Genesis, geometrical progression, glutton, gold using and silver using countries, grain, gratuity, greed, ground rent, group-life, growth, guild system. Hard times, harvesting, hazardous, health, hereditary, heteroge- neity, historical, hoard, home market, homogeneous, housing condi- tions, humility, hunger. Implement, impulse, immobility, immortality, inadequate, inces- sant, inchoate, incoherence, inconvertible paper money, increment, incrustation, individualism, indolent, indolence, induction, indus- trial, inefficiency, inflation, inheritance, initial, injustice, inor- ganic, inspiration, instantaneously, integrity, intelligence, inter- changeable, interdependence, international, interval, interwoven, intoxicating liquor, intricate, intrinsic value, inveterate, inversely, involuntary, innumerable, isolated. Labor, laissez faire doctrine, landlord, lender, lookout, lotteries, luxury. Machinery, magnitude, manufacture, manufacturer, marginal, market, mart, marriage, material, mechanical invention, media, medium, metallic, metals, middleman, migration, mineral products, minister, mint, misapprehension, modes, modifying, mobility, mo- mentum, monarchy, monogamy, monetary, monometallism, monop- olies, mortality, motive, movable, multiple. Nationalization, natural resources, natural selection, neces- saries, nitrification of soil, nominal, non-economic, nourished, nutritive. Obstacle, Occident, occupation, ominous, operation, organic, organism, orient, overcapitalization, overproduction. Par of exchange, pasture, pauperism, peasant, penetrative, pen- dulum, periodic, perish, pestilence, petroleum, phase, phenomenon, philosopher, place-value, polygamy, population, potatoes, poverty, preacher, precious metal, prevailing, price current, procreative, producer, product, production of wealth, productive, productive- 60 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ness, profit sharing, progress, psychical, psychology, public owner- ship, pulpit, purchasing power, pursuit of wealth. Race characteristics, raw product, reciprocal, redeemability, relation, remuneration, repercussion of taxes, resemblance, restric- tion, resumption, retail trade, retailer, retard. Sagacious, sanctity, sanitary, scanty, science, scientific, scope, season, segregation, seigniorage, selection, self-interest, seller, sensibly, separate, shelter, shock, slave, sliding-scale system, soci- ability, social factor, social group, social structure, society, socio- logical, sociology, solidarity, source, spasmodic, specie, sphere, squalor, starving, statical, statistical, statistician, stimulate, stim- ulus, stoppage, storage, strike, superannuated, superiority, super- stitious, supply, suppression, survival of the fittest, sustenance, sweating evil, sympathetic, synthesis, system. Tabular, theology, tillage, time value, trade route, transforma- tion, transient, treatise, trend, tribute, type. Ultimate, uncivilized, under-consumption, under-production, unearned increment, underfed, unexhausted, unfinished goods, uni- form, unionists, unobstructed, usury, utilitarian, utility. Variability, variation, variety, vocation, volitional group, volun- tary. Wage fund, waste, wealth, wheat, wholesale, workhouse, world-process. Also see Detective and Police Administration, General Business, Law, and Municipal. (End of Civil Service) CLOTHING: Absorb, adjustable, alpaca, alteration, alternate, appearance, anticipating, armhole, automobile cap and coat. Background, belt, bloomers, breeches, blue serge, braid, breasted, buckle, button, buttonhole, buyer. Calfskin, cambray, cassimere, chest, cheviot, clasp fastener, clothing, coat collar and cuffs, combination, comfortable, conserva- tive, contrast, convertible collar, corduroy, credit memorandum, cuff buttons, curve, customer. Description, design, designer, diagonal weave, dogskin, double- breasted, dozen, durable, duster. Edging, elastic, exclusive. Fabric, fashion, fastener, first class, flap, flecked, front. Garment, gauntlets, gloves, guaranteed. Haircloth, hard, herringbone, hips, hogskin, horsehide. Illustration, impair, import, imported, inseam, inside, interlin- ing, inverted pleats. Jacket, jobbing price. Khaki suit, knickerbockers. Lapel, leatheroid, lined, lines, loop, lustrous. Made-to-measure, made-to-order, manufacture, manufacturer, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 61 maroon, material, medium, mercerized, merchandise, military collar, mill, minimum, mohair, moisture. Narrow, nobby, notch collar. Order, output, overalls, overcoat. Pants, pattern, patented, peg style, permanent, pique, pliable, pocket tab, popularity, prevailing style, purchase. Quality, quotation. Rainproof, reasonable, regular, reindeer coat, reindeer collar, reinforced, reinforcement, repairs, retail price, riveted, rounded collar, rough finish. Sample garment, sateen, schedule of sizes, seal, season, selection, semi-dress, semi-peg style, service, serviceable, sewed, shield, shirt, shipping goods, shiny, shrink, shrunken, silk, sleeve, slicker cloth, special label, stayed opening, stiffening, stock goods, strap, style, suit suspenders. Tailor, tailored, tape crown, telescope, texture, thumb, trimmed, trousers, twilled, turnups, two-buttoned sack style. Value, vent, vest, vestee. Waist, warranted, weight, wholesale, workmanship, worsted. Yarn, youth's, youngster's. Also see Dry Goods, and General Business. COAL, COKE AND WOOD: Advance, agent, allowance, anthracite, anticipate, annual, ash. Bags, barrels, bill-of-lading, bin, bituminous, blackjack, black- smith, block, body wood, bone dry and free from bark, booked, box car, breeze, breaker, brick, brignette, briquettes, bulk, bunker coal, burns, business. Cannel coal, carbon, cargo, carload, center, charcoal, cheap, chemical, chemist, choice, chute, cinders, classification, clinker, coal hods, coal scuttles, coke, collieries, complaint, composition fuel, consignee, consignment, consignor, consumer, cord, cooking stove, countermand, crushed, customer, cut pine, cutting. Dealer, deducted, demand, demurrage, detained, deep water, diminish, dirty, discharging, disposal, disposition, district, do- mestic, drift, dry. Edgings, en route, excess, express. Facilities, figure, fire, fireplace, first class, F. 0. B., foreman, forge coal, foundry coke, freight bills, fuel, furnish, future de- livery. Gas coke, genuine, gondola, grade, green, gross ton, ground, guarantee. Hail, half-seasoned, handling, hauling, hard coal, headquarters, hemlock, hickory wood, higher, hundredweight. Idle, indication, inspect, inspector, invoice, iron. Kindling. Lapwood, length, lignite, loaded, location, locomotive fuel, long, lot, lower, lump. Mile, mills, minimum, miner, mine run, mix, mixture. Net, nondelivery, nut. Oak, oil coke, operation, operator, order, output, overlooked. 62 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Package, patronage, pea coal, peat, picked, pine, placing, points, poplar, postal card, pounds, price, production, proposal, proximity, purchase. Quality, quantity, quotation. Railroad, raising, rebate, region, reject, representative, require- ment, reserve, reship, rough knotty sticks, rush. Sack, salesman, satisfactory, sawed twice in two, scale ticket, scarcity of cars, schooner, screenings, sea coal, season, seasoned, semi-anthracite, ship, shipment, shipped, shipper, shortage, size, slab, slack, slate, smithing coal, smokeless coal, soft lump, solicit, sort, specialty, splint, split, station, steady, steamboat and broken coal, steam coal, stock, stove, strike, substitute, suits, sulphur, summer, superintendent, supply, switching charges. Tare, tariff, telegram, telephone, terms, test, through, tight, timber, ton, tonnage, tracer, track, trade, trainload, transport, transported. Vases, vicinity, voucher. Wagonload lots, washout, weather, weighed, weight, winter. Yard, yardmaster, yearly. COAL MINING: Acreage, adamant, adit, adventurer, aerometer, aerophore, after- damp, agent, air, airless, all-ups, altogether-coal, alum, aneomo- meter, anthracite, apparatus, arching, ascensional, attle, average clause award. Back, back-bye, back-coming, backing-deals, back-lye, back- splinting, baff-ends, bag, balance-bob, balance-brow, balk, bain- stone, bandful, bandsman, banging-pieces, bank, banking, banks- man, bar, bare, bargain-work, baring, barometer, barren, barrier, barring, barrow-man, basin, basket, bass, basset-edge, baum-pots, bay, beans, bearing door, beater, bed, bell, belled, bench, bencher, bent, biat or byat, billet, billy, binching, bind or binds, binder, bing, bit, bituminous, blackband, black cotton, black-damp, black- diamond, black-jack, black muck, blast, bleed, blind, block, blocky, blow, blower, blow-george, blowing road, blow-out shot, blow-up, blue bind, blue cap, board, bob, bond, bonnet, bont or bond, boobey, boolies, boot leg, bord, bords and longwork, bore-hole, bottle-jack, bottom, bottomer, bottoms, bow, box, bracehead, brake, brakeman, brake-staff, braking, branch, brashy, brass, brat, brattice, break in, breakage clause, breaker, break off, break up, breast, breather, breeching, breeding fires, breese, brick coal, brick fuel, bricking, bridal, bridge, bridle, brier, bright-head, bring-back, briquette, britching, broadstone bind, brob, broken jud, brow, brow-bar, brush, bucket, bucketing, bucket sword, bucket-tree, buck wheat, buggied, buggy, builder-up, building, building-stone, bulk, bull engine, buller shot, bull-wheel, bump, bumper, bunker, burden, burnt-stuff, buster or burster, bustle, butterfly valve or clack, buttock, buttocker, butty, buttyman, buttyship, bye chains, bye- work. Cabin, cage, caking coal, cale, caller, callow, canch or caunch. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 63 canker, cannel, cannon-shot, cannonier, cant, cap, carbonates, carrot, cart, carting, cartridge, catcher, catches, cauldron, chain- brow way, chair, chalking-on, certificated, chance measure, chap, chargeman, check, check-weighman, cheek, cherry coal, chest, chimney, chingle, chitter, chock, choke damp, chump, chute, cinder, clack, cleading, clean, cleanser, clear, clearer, cleat, cleaving, cleek, cliff, clinker, clip, clivvey, clog-pack, close work, clot, clothing, coal-getter, coal hagger, cob, cobbles, cockermeg, cock- head, coffering, cogger, coke-coal, collar, collier, colliery, column, comb coal, compound, conductor, come-in-cone coal, cores, cor- poral, counter, couple, course, cover, cowl, cracks, cracket, cradle, crane, crank, creel, creep, crib, crook, crop, cropper, cross-cut, cross-measures, cross off, crow's foot, crozle, crozzling, crush, cube, cuffat, culbuteur, cundie, cupola, curb, cut, cutting. D-link, dadding, dam, damp, dampy, dan, danger, davy, day-shift, dead, dead-small, decking, deeds, deep, deputy, derrick, detaching, devil, diagonal, dial, dialling, diamond, dibhole, dice, differential, dilly, dip, dipper, dirt, dish, dislocation, distance, district, dock, dog, dolly, domed, dook, door, double, douce, down, draft, drag, dragon, drags-man, draw, drawer, drawing, dredge, dresser, dress- ing, drift, drilling, drive, driver, drop, dross, drossy coal, drowned- out, drum, dual-rope, duke-way, dull, dumb drift, dummy, dust, duster, dyke or dike. Ears, earth, eat out, edge, egg coal, empties, ending, endless, engine, engineer, enginewright, escape, explosion, eye. Face on, fall, fan, far-set, fat, faulding or folding-board, fault, feathers, fee, feed, feeder, feel, feer, feigh, fence, field, fiery, fighting, fill, filler, filling, find, finger grip, fire-bosses, fire breed- ing, fire-stink, fissle or fistle, fitting, flank holes, flannels, flapper- topped, flash, flat, flat shuts, fleek, float, floor, flotz, flue, flush, fly-door, flying reed, foal, foaley bant, following-in, footrill, fut- teril, and footrail, forcer, foul, found, foundation, fosse, fossil, frame, frenzied, furnace, fuse or fuze. Gad, gaging, gain, gang, ganger, gang-rider, gangway, gannen, garland, gas, gate, gather, gauge-door, gauton, gauze-lamp, gear, get, getting, ghost, gib, gin-beam, gin-pit, glance coal, glass, goaf or goave, gob-fire, goose, grabs, grapin, grass, grist, grizzle, ground, growl, guell, gug, guide, gulching, gum, gunboat, guss, gutter, guttering, gutter-up, guys. H-Piece, hack, hade, hagged, half-moon, hand dog, hand or handle, handling, hang, hanger on, hards, harp, hatch, hatching, hat rollers, haulage or hauling, head, header, heap, heap-stead, heat, hewer, hit, hitch, hitcher, hod, hog-back, hoist, hole, hollows, home, hooker on, hopes, horn coal, horse-height, horses or horse- backs, horsing, hudge, hund, hurry, hydraulic. In, inbye, incline, indicator, in-door catches, in-fork, in-going, in- over, inset, inspector, intake, interbedded, iron man, ironstone, ixolite, 64 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Jack, jackanapes, jad, jailer, jam out, jars, jay, jenkin, jet, jig, jigbrow, jigger, jitty, jockey, joey, joint, journal, journey, jowl or jowell, judge, jump, jumper, junking. Kank, keeker, keel, keel-bullies, keeper, keeps or keps, keif, kennel, ketches, kettle, key, kibble, kicker, kind, kip, kist, kitchens, kitty, neeler, Koepe system. Lacing, ladders, lade-hole, lagging, lags, lameskirting, lamings, lamp, land, lander, landings, landry box, landweight, lap, latch, latchings, layered, lead, leader, leading man, lean, leap, leg, level, lid, lie, lift, lignite, lightning, lime coal, limmers or limbers, liner, lines, lip, loader, loadings, loam, locker, lodge, lofting, long-ton, loops, loose end, lorry, lose, loughs, low, lum, lumberings, lump, lurry, lye, lypes. Machine, maiden field or ground, main suit, maintenage, mak- ings, manager, man hudge, mark, master chargeman, match, maul, maundril, mavies, measure, mend, menu, middling, midges, mid- workings, mine, minge or mingy coal, mingles, minimum, mistress, mizer, monkey, mosh, moss box, mote or moat, mothergate, motive column, mouth, muck, mush, mushy. Nager, naked light, nannies, nappes, narrows, needle, nesh, nether coal, nick, night watch, nip, nipping-fork, nipple, non-seat, nook, nose in, nose out, notch sticks, nubber, nuts. Ochre, odd-knobbing, off-take, on-setter, on-setting machine, on the run, openings, outbye, out-crop, out-door stroke, out-fall, out- put, out-set, out-stroke, overburden, overcast, overgate, overget- tings, overhand stoping, overlap, overlying, overman, over-rope, overthrow. Pack, packer, paddy, pane, panel, parachute, parcel, parting, pass-by, patching, peat coal, pick, picker, pickwork, piling, pillar man, pinch, pin-cracks, pinnings, pit, pitchers, pit-eye, pit-prop, pit-shaft, pitter, pit-tip, place, plan, plane, plank, plant, plaster, plaster-pit, plate, player, play-in, plies, plugging, plumb-bulking, plum pitch, plumb end, plump fair, plunger case, ply, pocket, pony- putter, poppet head, porch, posting, pot-bottoms, pound, pout, pricker, prize, prop, prospecting, protector, proud coal, pucking or pucks, pudlocks, puller-off, pulleying, pumping, punch and thirl, putter, put to stand. Quar or cliff quar, quarry quartering-in, quick. Race, raddle, raff-yard, rails, rain, raisings, rate, rake, rakers, ram, ramble, ranee, rap, rapper, rash, rashings, ratches, rattle, rattler, rearer, reck, redd, refuge hole, regulator, rank, repairer, reverse, rhone, ribbing, ricket or ricketing, ridding, rider, rifling, ring, ringer, rip, ripper, rise, riser, road, rob, robbed out, rock, rodding, roller, rolley-way, roofing, room, roove, round, row, royal- ty, rubbish, run coal, runner, run rider, rush, rusks, ruttles. Saddleback, safety, salting, saw, sawney, scale, scallop, scammed, scares, scatter, scoop, score, scour, scraper, scratcher, screen, scronge, scud, sea coal, sealing seam, seating, section, seed KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 65 bag, seg, self-acting, self-detaching, separation, serve, setters, set- ting, shaft, shaft-tunnel, sharp-gas, shearing, shears, shed, sheets, sheugh, shides, shift, shifter, shiftwork, shivered, shivery, shoes, shooting, shorts, shot, shoulder, show, shut, shutter, shuts, siddle, siding-up, sight, sill, singing coal, single-rope haulage, sinker, sinking, sinks, siphon, sit, size, skeel, skids, skip, slack, slag, slant, slatch, sled, sleek, slew, slickensides slicks, slides, sliding, slip, slippers, slip-things, slit, slivers, slope, slot, slottings, sludge pump, sludger, small, smell, smift, smithem, smoky, smudge, snap, snecks, snibble, snoreholes, snuff, soams, socket, sorting, sound- ing, span-beam, spare, spears, spiders, spiles, spires, spiral worm, splint, splittings, spoil, spout, sprag, spring, spurns, squander, squeeze, squib, S-rope, stack, stacker stage, stair pit, staithes, stake, stall, stand, standage, standing, stank, staple, star reamer, station, steam, steel mill, steining, stemming, stepping, stiffener, stint, stirrups, stobb, stomp, stone, stonehead, stock, stool, stop- pages, stopping, stow-board, straight, straps, straw, stretcher, strip, stripping, strong, stuff, stumping, sumper, swabstick, sweat, swine-back, swing. Tack, tackle, tackier, tague, tail crab, taker-off, tally, tally- shouter, tamp, tangers, tapping, T-chisel, teem, teeth-work, tele- graphs, temper screw, tentail rent, tenter, thickness, thill, thin, thing, thirl, thread, through and through, througher, throw, thrust, thwarting, tie-back, tiger, timber, timberer, tinker, tip, toe, token, toll, toom, top, topple, torrents, tot, touch, track, trailer, train, tram, trammer, tramming, trap, trapper, trap-up, traunter, trepan, trig, trimmer, trip, trolley, trommel, trompe, tront, trouble, trow, truncheon, trunk, tub, tubbing, tucklers, tugger, tumbler, turn, turntable, twin boy, two-throws, tymp, types. U. C., udged, umbrella, undercast, undercut, underearth, under- gettings, undergoing, under-level, underlooker, underpinning, un- derply, underviewer, ungotten, unholed, unwater, unwrought, up- hill, up-leap, up-stoop. Vacuum, veal, vee, vein, veises, vent, ventilation, ventilator, viewer, visette, vughy rock. Wad, wafting, wageman, wagon, wagoner, wailers, waiters-on, walling stage, wallow, want, wapping, warners, warning, warp, warrant, washing, waste, waseman, watchers, water, water- packer, wax, way, weather, web, wedding, wedging, weeldrons, weigher, weighing, weight, weighting, wey, whim, whimsey, whin, white-damp, whole cradle, whurr, wichet, wicket, wide work, wimble, win, winch, windbore, winding, wing-bore, winning, wisket, won, wood, workable, worm or worm coil, wreaths, wrench, wye. Yardage, yard-stick, yield, yokes. Zone. Also see General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. 66 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES COMMERCIAL PAPER INVESTMENTS: See Banking and Trust Companies, Finance, and General Business. COMMISSION MERCHANTS: See Vocabularies covering Products handled by Commission Merchants, and General Business. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION: See Civil Engineering and General Business. CONFECTIONERY: Al brand, acetic acid, acorns, after-dinner mints, agar-agar, air-tight, almonds, amea, angel delight, angelica, apple, aroma, assorted, assortment, attractive, average. Baking soda, ball, bar, barley sugar drops, base, basins, basis, baskets, batches, batch warmer, beater, beechnut, bittersweets, black jack, blanched, boiled, bonbons, bowl, boxes, Brazil nuts, brilliantine, brittle, brown, bucket, burnt, buttercups, buttered, butter fat, buttermilk, butterscotch. Calamus, candied, candy bars, candy corn, candy hook, caramel cutter, caraway seeds, carton, centers, checker-mints, checkers, cheesecloth, cherries, cherry, chestnuts, chewing gum, chewy, chilled, chip board, chips, chocolate, chop, cider, cinnamon, citric acid, citron, clarify, clear, cloves, clusters, coat, coated, coating, cocktail, cocoa, cocoa-beans, cocoa-butter, cocoanut, coffee, coil, color, coloring, condensed milk, confectioner, confectioners' sugar, confectionery, confections, consistency, consumer, container, con- verting, cook, cooled, cornettes, cornflakes, corn starch, corn syrup, cough drops, cover, covered, covering, cracker jack, cranberry, cream cooler, cream of tartar, cream melting kettle, creamy, cres- cents, crisp, crispness, crock, croquettes, crude, crumbly, crushed, crystallized, cups, curdle, currant, cushions, cutting machine. Dainty, damp, dandy, dealer, decorated, degree, delicious, de- lightful, dependable, detail, diluted, dip, dipper, dipping forks, discolor, display cases, dissolve, double boiler, doublemint, drain, dropping, drops, dusted. Egg nog, eggs, electric crane, evaporated milk, extract. Factory, fancy, favorite, figs, filberts, filled, filling, filter pad, finest, flakes, flavor, flavoring, flowers, fluffy, foil wrappers, folded, fondant, foundation, formula, fragment, French candy, fritters, frosting, fruit paste, fudge, funnel. Gelatine, ginger, glace, glaceing, glossy, glucose, glycerine, golden, grain, granulated, grape extract, grated, greased, green, grinding, gritty, ground, guarantee, gum arabic, gum-drops, gundy. Hair sieve, half and half box, halved, hand-dipped, hand-rolled, hard elongated germ or eye, hardens, hazelnut, healthful, hearts, hermetically, hickory, high-class, hinged cover, hoarhound, homo- geneous, honeycomb, hot, husk. Ice cream cones, icing, ideal, impressions, ingredients, invita- tion, invoice. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 67 Jack frost, jar, jaw breakers, jellies, jelly ices, jitney bar, juice, jujubes. Kernel, kettle, kisses, knead, knife, kumquat bonbons. Lard, lavender, layers, lemon, lemonade, lemon drops, lemon emulsion, licorice, lighter, lime, liquid coloring, loaf, lozenges, lumpy, lunch. Macaroon, mace, machine, machine-dipped, malted milk, manila, manufacture, manufacturer, maple, maraschino cherries, marble slab, marmalade, marrons glaces, marshmallows, marzipan molds, mass, material, measures, mechanical, melangeurs, mellowed, melt, meringues, milk, milling machine, mints, mixed, mixture, moisture, molasses, moonshine bar, moulded, mounted. Nibs, nougat cutter, nougat frame, nougatines, novel, novelties, nut meats, nutritious. Oil of lemon, opera caramels, orange flower water, orange sugar, ornamental. Package, packed, paddle, pail, panocha, pan work, paper box, particle, paste, pastry brush, pastry, patties, peach, peanut butter, peanut clusters, peanuts, pecan frappe, pecan roll, peel, penny goods, peppermint, percentage, pignolia, pinch, pineapple cubes, pink, pistachio, plain, planing mill, platter, pods, popcorn, pour, pot, pounded, pounds, powder coloring, powdered, pralines, premium, preservative, preserves, pressure, price list, process, product, proportion, prunes, puffed rice, puffs, pulling, punch, pure, pure food laws, purity. Quality, quantity, quince, quote, quoted. Raisins, raspberry, recipe, reheating, re-melt, ribbon, rich, rind, ring sticks, roast, rock candy, rolling-pin, rolls, rose, rubber mats. Sacks, saccharimeter, salt, salted, samples, sanitary, sassafras, saucepans, scissors, scraping, sealed, shape, shears, sheet metal, sheets of polished tin, sherbets, sifter, simmer, size, sizing ma- chine, skewer, slices, smacks, smiles, smoothness, snow flake taffy, soak, social, soda, soft, soluble, sour, spatulas, spearmint, spiced, spiced jelly, spices, spin, spinning sugar, splash, sponge, spoon, springy, sprinkle, squares, starch tray, stars, steam, steel-encased granite bur stones, stick candy, stiff, stir, stirring, stock syrup, stove, strain, strawberry, straws, stuffed dates, sugar mill, sugar scraper, sugary, sundae, sunshine, sweetflag, sweetmeats, sweets, syrup. Table, tablets, taffies: bunty chewing, clear walnut, circus, colonial, grape-juice, hazelnut, hickorynut, kewpie, nut, peanut, peppermint, pine-nut butter, popcorn, salt-water. Test, thermom- eter, thickness, three-in-one, tinning, tin sheet, toasted, toastie bar, toffee, tools, tray, truffles, tubes, tulips, tutti frutti. Undissolved, unwrapped, utensils, utility. Vanilla, variety, varnish, vegetable colors, velvet, vertical hy- draulic press, vinegar. Wafers, walnut, warm, water, watermelon, wax bottle, wax 68 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES paper, waxy, weigh, weighing, weight, welding, whipped cream, white, wild cherry, wintergreen, wire rack, wrappers, wrapping. Yellow, yum yum. Also see General Business. CONTRACTORS, BUILDING: See Architects and Builders, and General Business. COOPERAGE: Adjusting, air-seasoning, alcoholic, alloys, ambrosia, anatomical, annual, arrangement, ash, aspen, assembling. Babbitt, babbitting, bald cypress, ball tree, balm, balsam, bark, barrel, basket, basswood, bastard pine, bay poplar, beech, belt, belting, berry sugar, big-bud hickory, bilsted, birch, bitternut hick- ory, black ash, blue ash, boiling vat, bois d'arc, bolt, bolting saw, bolting out, borer, broad-leaved maple, brown hickory, buckeye, bud hickory, bulldog furnace, bullnut hickory, bull pine, bundling, burning slash or refuse, bur oak, butternut, buttonball tree, buttonwood. Calculating, calculation, canoe birch, capacity, car, cedar, center, characteristic, cherry, chestnut, chinkapin, circular, class, cliff elm, coffee nut, coiling machine, collar, color, comparative, condition, coniferous tree, constant, cooperage stock, cord or rank, cork elm, cotton, cottonwood, cow oak, cracks, crosscut saw, crude product, cucumber tree, cull, cup oak, cut-off or crosscut saw, cutter, cutting machine, cylinder, cypress. D'arc, dead center, dead cull, different species, distribution, Douglas spruce, drag saw, dressing, drop feed, drum saw, dry cooperage, drying kiln. Effect. Elms. Cliff, cork, moose, red, rock, slippery, water, white, winged. Emery wheel, engine, equalizer, equalizing, equip- ment, equivalent, erroneous, estimate, evaporation. Felling, field, file, filing-room, fire, fitting, flatheaded borer, fluid, forest, fruit barrel, fuel, furnace. Gauge, ginger pine, glue, government, grade, grain, gray birch, green ash, ground, growth, gum, gumming. Hackberry, hackmatack, hammering, hard, hardwood, headed borer, heading, head liner, heart hickory, heartwood, holly, hem- lock, honey locust, hoop, hoop-boiling, hoop cutter, hoop planer, hoop pointing and lapping machine, horizontal, hornbeam, horse chestnut, horsepower, hydraulic. Incense cedar, insect, inspection, inspector, iron, ironwood. Jointerknife, jointing, juniper. Kiln-dried, kiln-drying, knife. Land, larch, lead of saw, leaf pine, leather, leaved maple, lime tree, liner, liquid, live oak, loblolly pine, locust, lodge pole pine, long-leaf pine, long-straw pine, lumbermen. Magnolia, mahogany, management, manufacturer, manufactur- ing, maple, matching, material, mature timber, maul oak, meadow KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 69 pine, mensuration, metal, method, mill, mockernut hickory, mois- ture, moose elm, mossy-cup oak, mulberry. Nut. Oaks: Bur, chestnut, chinkapin, cow, duck, maul, mossy-cup, over-cup, peach, pin, possum, post, punk, scarlet, swamp post, wil- low, yellow. Odor, orange, Oregon ash, osage orange, oven. Packing, paper, patent hoop, pecan, persimmon, pignut, piling. Pines : Ginger, pumpkin, rosemary, sap, scrub, slash. Pitch, pith, pole pine, poplar, power, prevent, prevention, process, product, pro- duction, properties, protecting, protection, pulley. Quantity, quality. Range, raw material, reproduction, ring, ripsaw, river birch, rock elm, room equipment, round, roundheaded, rough. Sapling, sassafras, saw fitting, second growth, shagbark hickory, sharpening, shop, shrinkage, side dressing, silver maple, single bolt, site, slack, slack hoop, slack stave, slack stock, soldering, solu- tion, sour gum, specification, speed of belt, standard, stave, steam box, stock-straw pine, structure, style, summer-wood, swaging, sweet buckeye, swing cut-off saw, switch, sycamore. Tamarack, teeth, temper, tensioning, thorned, tideland spruce, timber, tool, treasurer, tulip, tupelo gum, turner. Unloading, unseasoned. Value, vat. Walnut, weight, wheel, whiteheart hickory, whitewood, wooden truss hoop, worms. Yard, yellow, yew. COTTON BROKERS AND MERCHANTS: See below, and General Business. COTTON AND COTTON MANUFACTURING: Absorbent, adhering, agricultural, aniline red, appliance, ap- prentice, ashes, association, assorted plaids, attachment, auto- matic-drop-box, automatic feeder, auxiliary. Bagging, bale-breaker, baling, barely middling, bare spindle, barrels, beaming, Bedford cord, belt, belting, bin bleached, bleach- eries, blower, blues, bluish white, bobbin, boiling kiers, bolls, bolster, bottom sides, bran, broker, brown, brush, bulk, burlap- covered, burnt, buyer, by-product. Cake, calendar, card, carded, carder, card room, carriage, cattle food, caustic soda, centimeters, characteristic, checked, checks, chemistry, cheviot, Chinese, circular, classification, cleaving, cli- matic, cling, cloth room, coarse, color, colored goods, comber, combings, commission, complex, compressed, cones, consignment, consumption, continental, converter, converting, "cops," cordage, corduroy, cottage, cottolene, cotton, cottonades, cotton card strip- pings, cotton grabots, cotton noils, cotton opener, cotton-yarn numbering, counts, cover, creel, crop, crosswise, crude oil, cus- tomary, custom-house, cuts, cut seeds, cutting of saws, cylinder. Damage, damask, dead, defective, deliverable, delivery, denims, density, design, detect, device, diagonal, dirt, discolored, distribu- 70 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tor, dobbies, domestic, doup, drawers, drawing frame, drills, duck, dye-house, dyeing, dyes, dye-stuffs. Egyptian, elastic, electric drive, embroidery, ends, engraving, entrepreneur, equipped, exchange, export, exporter, exposure, exterior, extracted. Fabric, factor, factory, fair, false packed, fancy, feeder, feeding stuffs, feed-regulator, fertilizer, fibre, field, figured fabrics, filler, filling, finest, finished, first-class, fixer, flannels, flaps, flat-card, floor, flue cleanings, fly frame, folding, foodstuffs, foreign, fore- man, frame peeler cones, frost, fuel, full fashioned web, full grade, future transactions, fuzz. Garment, garnetted cotton stock, gauge, geographical, gin-cut fiber, gingham, ginned, ginnery, ginning, glove, good middling, good ordinary, grade, gray, grind, grinder. Half grades, half-hose, handling, hank, hard-twisted yarns, harness, harsh, heads, heavy laps, hedgipig, highest grade, hopper, hosiery, household, hulls, humidification. Immature, immersed, immigrant, import, imported twine, im- porter, Indian, indication, inferior, inspector, interlacings, interior, intermediate, invention. Jack. Kilos, knitted, knitting, knotter. Labor union, lace, lapper, lappets, lard, latch-needle, lawn, leaf, lengths, lengthwise, lenos, linear, lint, linters, loftier, longest, loom, loom fixer, loop-cutter, loose, low middling, lubrication, luster, lustrous. Machine pressed bales, maintenance, manipulation, manufac- turer, manufacturing, marked, meal, mechanically, medicated, medium counts, mender, mercerization, merchant converter, merino, metric system, middleman, middling fair, millimeter, miner's oil, miscellaneous, mixed, mordants, motes, mud spots, mule spun and ring spun yarn. Napped fabrics, napper, needle, negro, neps, noils. Ocean, official cotton standard, opener, operation, operative, operator, ordinary, ornamental, output, overedges, overpick-loom, overproduction, overseer. Packer, packing, paper-covered, pattern, perishable, staple, Peruvian, picked, picker, pickings, picking stick, piecer, "pin cops," plaid, plant, plantation, plush, ply, pool, preparatory, pressure, prime quality, printed cloth, prints, process, production, products, pulp, purchase, purchased, putting-out system. Quality, quantity, quarter grades, quiller, quilling, quilting, quilts, quotation. Raw cotton, raw stock, rebaled, redoubling, red soil, reel, re- ginned, regins, repacked, revolving, re-warping, rib-top, ring spinning frame, roll, roller, room and power system, rovings. Salad oil, sample, sanitary, satin, scutcher, sea island, seamed, seamless, second-hand, seconds, section, seed cake, Service and Regulatory Announcements of the Office of Markets and Rural KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 71 Organizations, sewed, shavings, shawl, shearing, sheeting, shirt- ing, short staples, shuttle, silkiest, sizing, skeins, skilled labor, slasher, sliver, slubber, soap, softening, soil, solution, southern, specialization, speeder, spindle, spinner, spinning, spool, spooler, spooling, spots, spot transaction, spring-beard needle, spun, square yards, standardization, steaming, stitches, stockings, stop-motion, straightening, strength, strict, strict good ordinary, strict low middling, strings, stripes, sucking, superintendent, sweater, swivels, synthetic dyes. Tangle, tangled, tapestry, tare, tariff, technical, tender, testing- house, textile, texture, thread, throstle, ticks, tide-water, tinge, top, tracks, transshipment, traveller, trims, trough, truck, trunk, tube, twilled fabrics, twine, twist, two-ply chain warps, two-ply skeins. Unbleached, uncompressed, undergarments, underwear, un- ginned, unripe fibre, unwound, uplan, utilized. Varieties, velvet, velveteen. Warehouse, warp, warper, "warp cops," warp-tying, warp-yarn, waterfall, water-frame, water-packed, water-power, waste, weather, weave, weaver, weaving shed, weft, weight, wholesaler, winder, winding, wooden bobbin, wool, woolen, workmanship, worsted, woven. Yardage, yarn. Zigzag. Also see General Business. COUNTY LIBRARIES: See General Business, and Public Libraries. CRACKERS AND BISCUITS : Sweetened Biscuits: Afternoon tea, animal, animal iced, apri- cot cream, arrowroot, assorted, assorted cookies, assorted jumble, assorted straw. Banana cream, bon ton, branded, brandy snap, butterscotch. Cherry cream, chocolate, chocolate eclair, chocolate finger, chocolate straw, chocolate wafer, chocolate walnut cream, classy cream, cocoanut butter, cocoanut marshmallow, cocoanut taffy, cocoanut wafer, coffee, cornhill, cornmeal wafer, cracknell, cream bar, cream pie, cream sandwich, cupid wafer, currant cake. Egg jumble, encore cookie, exposition cream. Factory, fig-bar, fig-bar and cocoanut taffy, fig-bar and fruit biscuit, fried oyster, frosted cream, fruit iced, fruits. Ginger nut, ginger-snap, ginger square, ginger wafer, goods, Graham flake. Honey cake, honey cream, honey finger, honey jumble, honey jumble frosted, honeysuckle. Jelly puff, jobbing list, jumble egg. Kisses, knickknacks. Lemon cake, lemon crisp, lemon snap, lemon square, lemon wafer, lump of sweets. Macaroon snap, maple finger, marshmallow sandwich. Nicnac, nobby cream, nut cream. Orange bonbon. 72 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Palace mixed No. 1, peanut wafer, pineapple cream, ping-pong, pink and white, popular mixed. Rainbow, raisin cake, rincon wafer. School boy, seed cake, snowball, soda cracker, spice ball, spice jumble, straw assorted, sugar crimp, sunflower. Vanilla snap, vanilla straw. Walnut cream. Unsweetened Biscuits: Baby soda in containers, butter, butter thin. Cheese, crackermeal, cream biscuit. Digestive, dinner biscuit, drayage. Milk, monitor. Oatmeal biscuit, oyster gem. Peanut pretzel, picnic, picnic square salted, pilot bread in wood, pretzel, pretzelette. Saline wafer, saloon pilot, saloon soda, soda, star butter. Toke point oyster, tourist lunch. Water cracker, water flake, water wafer, wheat-meal wafer, whole-wheat biscuit, wine. Zephyr pilot. Also see General Business. CREDIT DEPARTMENTS AND COLLECTION AGENCIES: Accommodate, accumulation of stock, acquainted, action in the premises, adjust, adjustment, affidavit, agent, agreement, amicable settlement, amount due, annoyance and expense, answer, anticipat- ing, application, applied, appreciate, appreciation, approval, ar- range, arrangement, arrears, assignment, assure, attached, attach- ment, attention, attorney, attorney's fees, available. Bad faith, balance, bankrupt, bankruptcy, behind, bill-of- exhange, bill-of-lading, blank, business. Capital, carry, carrying, chattel mortgage, check, cheerfully, claim, claimant, client, collection, collector, complaint, complied, compromise, commencement, communication, confer, confidence, consistent, containing, continuance, convenient, conveniently, cor- respondence, correspondent, court, courtesy, credit, credit depart- ment, creditor, credit standing, current expense, customer. Data, debt, debtor, delayed, difference dishonesty, draft, due, duplicate. Error, escaped your attention, estate, esteemed, execution, exemption, extended, extension. Failure, fiscal agent, forfeit, fraud, fraudulent, fulfill, fund, fur- nish, further trouble annoyance and expense, future order, future payments. Goods, grant, guaranty. Heavy bill, honor. Immediate, indebted, indebtedness, inquired, inquiry, insolvent, installment, instructed, investigate, interest, investigation, invoice, item, itemized statement. Joint creditors, judgment. Labor, lease, ledger, legal obligation, legal proceedings, lenient, liberal, lien, limitation of action, line of credit, liquidate. Machinery of the law, maturing, merchandise, mortgage, mort- gagee, mortgagor. Necessary, necessitate, note. Obligation, open account, opportunity, overdue, overlooked the matter of payment, outstanding. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 73 Past due, patron, patronage, pay-roll, peremptory action, pleas- ant relations, pleasure, promise, promised, promissory note, prompt, protect, purchase. Question. Reciprocated, records, redemption, reference, reminder, remit- tance, replevin, reputation, responsible, return mail. Safe risk, satisfaction, satisfactory answer, search out your property, selected, served, service, settle, settlement in full, sheriff, sight draft, slow, solicitor, statement of account, stranger, supplying, summons. Terms, three days' sight, trade, trial. Veri- fication. Warrant, will proceed against you to make the collection. Also see General Business. CRIMINAL LAW: See Law; also see Detective and Police Administration, and General Business. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE: Allowance for breakage, aluminum, appraisement, article, artis- tic, assortment, attractive. Bar Goods: Ale, beer, bottle, brandy, champagne, claret, cock- tail, cordial, goblet, sherry, stem ware, whisky, wine. Barrel and original package lots, basin, basket, battery jar, berry, bill-of-lad- ing, bird bath and seed cup, blue bonbon, bouillon, bracket lamp, bread, break, break easily, breakfast dishes, brilliant, broken, burned on. Cabaret, cabinet, candelabra, candle lamp, candlestick, canister, capacity, carefully selected, cartage, carving set, cash, casserole, catalogue, celery, celluloid, chamber set, china, chocolate set, C. 0. D., colonial, color. Confectioner's Supplies: Caddy, cake stand, candy jar, candy mug, candy tray. Comport, consigned, consular invoice, covered dish, crack, crate, credit memorandum, cream, crimped, crockery, crushed fruit bowl, cup, customer, cut glass, crystal. Decalcomania, decanter, decorated with flowers, decoration, des- sert, dinnerware, discrepancy, dish, dozen, dresser set. Druggist's Sundries: Blakes condiment jar, cupping glass, eye bath, funnel graduate, hydrometer jar, ideal shape, large medicine, lipped medicine glass, mortar and pestle, ointment, patch box, percolator, precipitating jar, shield, watch glass. Earthenware, egg cup, embossed, eula, ewer and basin. Factory, fern dish, finger bowl, fired, fish set, flared, flat, foliage, forget- me-not pattern, freight bill, fruit. Genuine, glassware, glazed, goblet, gold bordered edge and handle, goods, granite, grape pattern, guarantee safe delivery. Handle, handsome pattern, heavy, height, hotel china. Illustration, import order, importer, importation, individual dishes, initials, invitation, ivory. Jardiniere, jelly glass. 74 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Ladle, lemon juice extractor, light, long, loss through breakage, lunch set. Material, meat set, memorandum of goods, model, molasses jar, mustard jar. Nappy, nickel-plated, non-corrosive. Oil cruse, open stock, order countermanded, ormula, ornamental, oval, oyster cocktail. Package, packed in straw, paper weight, pattern, photographic supplies, pickle castor, pie plate, pitcher, platter, pot, pottery, porcelain, pressed and blown glassware, price list, productive, pure white china. Quality, quantity, queensware, quotation, quote. Refined taste, remainder, remnant, responsibility for breakage, restaurant, retail. Salad, salt shaker, sample, sanitary earthenware, satsuma, saucer, scarce, scarcity, scroll, semi-china, shape, ship, shipping directions, shortage skylight. Soda Fountain Supplies: Cracker jar, fruit bowl, sherbet, soda glass, soda spoon holder. Sort, specific, stopper, straight, sugar. Tableware, teacup, teapot, tierce, toilet set, toothpick holder, traveling-man, tumbler, tureen, turquoise. Unpack, utility. Value, valve, vase, vault light, vitrified. Ware, warehouse, watch glass, water bowl, water set, white and pink toilet set, wholesale. Also see Hardware for Kitchen Utensils, and General Business, and Silverware. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE: Account sales. Barrel, box, butter firsts, butter oil, buttermilk. Cheese, coagulated, condensed, consumption, cream, creamery, curd. Dairy, decline, domestic. Eastern eggs, egg firsts, examine, extras. Factory, fair, fancy, firsts, flats, fresh extras, fresh firsts. Grease. Handle. Inspection, inspector. Limed, lots. Milk. Offerings, oil, on 'change. Packed, prime firsts, produce exchange, producer, products, pullets. Quality, quantity, quotation. Seconds, selected, sour, spot and future corn, square, stock, storage, surplus. Trade, tub, twins and triplets. Western, wholesale. Also General Business. DEPARTMENT STORES OR MAIL ORDER HOUSES: Abdominal supporter, absorbent cotton, academy board, accor- dion, account book, account file, acetylene burner, acid, adding machine, adhesive tape, adventure book, adze, aerator, agricultural book, aigrette, air cock, alarm, album, alcohol, alligator wrench, allover embroidery, allover lace, almond dish, altar, altitude bar- ometer, alum, aluminum, ammeter, ammonia, ammunition, anchor, andiron, angular boring, animal cake cutter, ankle boots, an- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 75 nouncement stationery, annunciator, antirattler, antiseptic, anvil, apiary supplies, apples, apron, arch instep-supporters, architect's book, architecture, arch lift, armlets, army, arnica, art, artificial, artist, asbestos, ash can, asphalt, asphaltum, athletic shoes, atom- izer, auctioneer's bell, auger, automobile, awl, awning, axe, axle. Babbitt metal, baby bed, bachelor buttons, backband, back cur- tain, badge, bag, bagger, bait pails, bakery pan, baking dish, ball, baluster, bandage, bandeau, bands, band instrument, bangs, banjo, bank pins, barbed wire, barber's clippers, barefoot sandals, bark, bar, bar lead, barley, barn hanger, barn pail, barometer, barrel, barrow coat, baseball rules, base burner, basin, basket, bass horn, bassinette, bastard file, basting spoon, bathing slippers, bat, bath rag, batteries, battery charger, batting, bay rum, bead chain, beading, beads, beans, bear trap, beard cosmetics, beaver trap, bed, bedside table, bee book, beef meal, beekeeper's supplies, beets, bellows, bell, bellyband, belt, belting, bench, bending pin, berry bowl, bevel, bibb, Bible, bicycle, bin, binder, binding tape, biog- raphy, bird cage, birthday article, biscuit, bit, blackboard, black- ing, blacksmith's aprort, blacksnake whip, bladder, blanket, blanks, blasting supplies, blinds, block, blood remedies, bloomer, blotter, blotting paper, blouse, blower, blown glassware, blowout patch, blow torch, blueprint paper, board rules, boat, bobbinet, bobbin, bob sled, body brace, boiler, boiling pan, bolster, bolt, bone, book, bookcase, bookkeeping blanks, bootees, boots, borax, boring ma- chine, bottle, bow, bowl, boxing gloves, boxtruck casters, box- wood, boy's clothing, brace, bracket, brads, braid, brakeman's lantern, brakes, brass bed, bread, breakfast food, breaking hobble, breast chain, breeches, breeching, breeder's supplies, brick, brick- layer's tools, bridal gown, bridge, bridle, bristle, broad axe, broad- cast seeder, broiler, bromo seltzer, bronze .mantels, brooch, brooder, broom, brush, bucket, buck-saw, buckle, buffer, buffet, buggies, buggy parts, bugle, builder's material, building blocks, bull ring, bumper, bunion protector, bunting, bureau set, burlap, burner, burnt wood, burring reamer, burr, bush hook, bushel measure, bust form, butcher's knife, butter, butt chisel, butting knife, but- tonholes, buttons, butts, buzzer. Cabbage cutter, cabinet, cabinetmaker's bench, cable, cage hook, cake, calking chisel, caldron, calendar, calf dehorner, calico, cali- per, calks, call bell, callous wax, cambric, camera, camp blanket, camping cup, camphor, can, candles, candlestick, candy, cane, can link, can opener, canopies, can seal, canteens, cant hook, can- vas, cap, cape, caponizing instrument, capsule, carbide, carbine, carbolic acid, carbon, card, carpenter's chalk, carpet, carriage, cart, carving board, casement, cash book, casing, cast aluminum, caster, castile soap, cast iron, castoria, castor oil, cat, catarrh remedies, catches, cat collar, cathartic preparation, cattle book, cedar tub, ceiling duster, ceiling, celery, cellar sash, celluloid, 76 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES cement, center gauge, centerpiece, certificate, cesspool, chafing dish, chain, chair, chalk, chamber, chamois skin, chandelier hook, chaparejos, charcoal, charm, chatterbox, checker, checks, cheese, chemicals, chemise, chest, chicken coop, chiffoniere, children's articles, child's bed, chimney, chinaware, chin rest, chip, chisel, chocolate, choke strap, chopping bowl, chopper's mittens, chuck, church bell, churn, cigars, cigarette holder, circle comb, circular, cistern pump, civil engineering book, clamp, clapboard, clarionet, classic, clay bird, cleaning, cleaver, clevis, climber, clinch rivet, clipper grinder, clips, clipper, clipping machine, cloak, cloaking, closet hooks, cloth cat, clothes, clothing, clout nail, coach screws, coal hods, coal shovel, coaster, coat, cockroach poison, cocoa, cod liver oil, coffee, coil, coin purse, coke, colander, collar, college pen- nant, cologne, colonnade, column, colonial, comb, comforter, com- mode, compass, complexion bulb, composition book, compression bibb, concrete mixer, conductor pipe, conduit, conundrums, consti- pation remedies, conversation tube, conveyor, cook book, cooking outfit, cook stove, coops, coping saw, copper, copper float, copying book, cord, corduroy, cordwood, cork, corkscrew, corner irons, corn, cornet, corset, cosmetics, cot, cottage furniture, cotter pin, cotton, couch, cough remedies, coulters, counter scale, countersink, count- ing frame, covered dish, cow bell, crackers, cradle, crank, crash towel, crate, cravenette, crayon, cream, creamer, creeper, crepe tissue paper, cribs, cribbage board, crimper, crisp moulds, crochet hook, crockery, croquette moulds, crossbars, crowbar, crude drugs, cruppers, crutch, cuffs, cultivating tools, cultivator, cup, cup- board, cup grease, curb chains, curls, currants, curtains, cushions, cuspidor, cuticle file, cutlery, cut-off saw, cut-out, cutting board cyclometer, cylinder. Dado plane, dagger,, dairy book, damask, damper, dancing book, dandruff remedies, dark room equipment, darning attach- ment, dashboard, davenport, daybook, deadening felt, decorating tube, decoy duck, deed box, deer trap, dees, dehorning chemicals, dehorning instrument, delivery basket, den lamp, dental floss, dental instrument, deposit vaults, depth gauge, dessert fork, desk, developing equipment, dialogue book, diamond, diapers, dia- phragm, diaries, dictionaries, die holder, dies and stocks, dilating speculum, dinner bell, dinnerware, dip net, dipper, dipping tank, disc cultivator, disc sharpener, disgorger, dish, ditching plow, divan, divider, doctor book, document envelope, dog biscuit, doilies, domestic, domet, dominoes, door, double-acting hinge, doubletree, douche pan, doughnut cutter, doweling machine, draft book, drafts- men's supplies, drag scraper, drain board, drainage level, drapery, draughting outfit, drawers, drawing ink, drawing stencils, dream book, dredge box, drenching bit, dresser, dresser drawer-pull, drifting pick, drill, drill brace, drinking cup, drip pan, driving cart, druggist's mechanical articles, drum, dry batteries, drier, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 77 dry goods, duck, dumb bell, duplicating notebook, duplicator, dust cloth, duster, dusting brush, dustless, dyes, dynamite, dynamo, dyspepsia remedies. Earache remedies, ear punch, earrings, earthen washbasin, eave- trough, eccentric clamps, edging, egg beater, egg poacher, ejector, elastic, electric, electrical supplies, electrician, electrodes, electro- plating, electropodes, elixir, emasculator, emblem, embroidered initial, embroideries, embroidery, emery board, enamel, enameling, encyclopedia, end gate, engine, engine boiler, engineering book, engineer's chain, engraving, ensilage, envelopes, epsom salts, equalizer, eraser, escutcheon, essay, etiquette book, evaporating pan, evaporator, evener, examination paper, excelsior, exhausts, expansion drill, expansive bit, exposure meter, express, extension, extracts, eyes, eye cup, eyelets, eye remedies. Face powder, family, fan, fancy, fanning mill, farm level, fat reducer, faucet, feather, feather duster, feed, feeder, felloe, felloe plate, felt, female, fence clamp, fencing, fender, ferrule, fertilizer, festooning, fever thermometer, fibre bath tub, fiction, fiddle, field glass, fife, fifth wheel, figures, file, film, film development, filter, filtering paper, findings, fine comb, finger board, finishing solution, firearms, firedog, fire extinguisher, fireless cooker, fireplace fix- tures, fireproof box, fireproof cooking, fire pump, fire set, firmer gouge, fish, fishing net, fish sealer, five-horse equalizer, flag, flag bunting, flannel, flannelette, flasher, flashing, flask, flatiron, flatter, flea powder, flesh fork, float, floor, floor deadening, flooring, flour, flowers, flue stopper, fluid, flute, fob, folding, food, football, foot- hold, foot rest, forceps, force pump, forge, fork, form, fortune teller's book, fountain, fowl catcher, fox trap, frame protector, framing chisel, fret, freezer, fringe, frog spears, fruit, frying pan, full back, funnel, furs, fur chest, furnace, furniture, fuse, fusible, fyke net. Gable ornaments, gad tongs, gaff, gag, gaiters, gall cure, gal- vanized, game, game board, gang plow, garbage can, garden culti- vator, garment, garters, gas bag, gas-engine book, gas generator, gasket, gasoline, gingham, girdle, glassware, glazier's points, gloves, glowlamp, glue, glycerine, goblet, gocart, goggles, gold allover lace, gong, goose call, gopher trap, gouge, governess cart, governor, gown, grabhook, grader, graduated, grain bagger, grate, grater, gravel, gravity, gravy ladle, grease, green, griddle, grinder, grinding mill, grindstone, grip, grit, groceries, grooving plane, ground blanket, grub-hoe, guard, guard plate, guitar, gum, gum- med paper, gun, gun sight, gunsmith's screw, gut leader, gutter roof, gymnasium shoes. Hack, hacksaw blade, hair cosmetics, halter, ham boiler, ham- mer, hammock, hand bag, handcuffs, handkerchief, hand lamp, handle, handrail bracket, hand weeder, hanging lamps, hardies, hardware, harmonicas, harness, harp, harrow, harvester oil, hasp, 78 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES hat, hatchet, hawk, headache remedies, headlight, heater, heating stove, hedge knife, heel adjuster, hemp, herb, hinge, hip boots, historical book, hitching ring, hive, hobble, hobnails, hod, hoe, hog remedies, hoist, holster, homeopathic remedies, hone, honey, hood, hoof nippers, hook, horn, horse blanket, horseradish, hose, hosiery, hot chisel, hotel register, hothouse pulley, house dress, housekeeping linen, house numbers, housings, hub, hunter's clothes, hunting knife, husker, hydrant cock, hydraulic ram, hydro- gen peroxide, hydrometer, hymn, hypnotism book, hypodermic needle, hypodermic syringe. Ice bag, ice creeper, icemen's trousers, implement paint, im- pregnating instrument, inclinometer, incubator, indigestion, in- dividual salt, infant's bootees, inflating tubing, inflator, initial, injector, ink, inkstand, inner shoes, insect destroyer, insertion lace, insoles, inspirator, instep supporter, insulated staples, insulating tape, insulator, interfering device, invalid commode, ironing board, iron, isinglass, ivory. Jabot, jacket, japanned tinware, jar, jardiniere, jar filler, jeans, jelly, jewel case, jewelry, joint, jointer, journal, jump trap, juvenile book. Kalsomine, kennel chain, kerosene, kettle, key, khaki cloth, kick- ing strap, kidney remedies, kimona, kindergarten chair, king bolt, kitchen cabinet, kitchenware, knee boots, knife sharpener, knitted scarf, knitting cotton, knife, knob, knuckle gloves, kraut cutter. Label, lace, lacing, ladder, ladies' dresses, ladle, lag screw, lamp, landing net, land pulverizer, lemon squeezer, lense, letter copying book, level glass, leveling rod, library book, lice destroyer, life preserver, lifting jack, lifting magnet, light bracket, lighting material, lightning arrester, lime, line, line drop, linen, liniment, lining, link, liquor, listerine, lock, locket, log chain, loom, loop, lotion, lounge, lubricating oil, lubricator, luggage carrier, lumber crayon, lunch box, luncheon mats, lung protector. Machine conveyor, machinery, machinist's drill, magazine, magic lantern, magnet, magneto, magnifying glass, mail bag, mal- let, mandolin, mandrel, manger, mangle, manicure, manifold, manikin, mantel, manure fork, map, maple syrup, mapping pen, marble, marker, marking awl, marriage certificate, mask, massage outfit, mat, match holder, maternity clothing, matting, mattock, mattress, maul handle, measure, meat cleaver, mechanic's apron, medical batteries, medicated soap, medicine cabinet, milkmen's supplies, milk pitcher, millinery, millwork, mincing knife, miner's microscope, mining book, mink trap, minnow bucket, mirror, misses' shoes, mitre box, mittens, mitts, mixing box, moccasins, molasses, monkey wrench, monument, mop, mortar, mosquito net- ting, moth balls, motorcycle, motor linen, motormen's gaiters, mould, moulder, moulding, mount, mourning handkerchief, mouse- trap, mouthpiece, mower, mucilage, mud guard, muffin pan, muf- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 79 fler, mug, musical instrument, music book, muskrat trap, muslin, mustache cosmetic, mute, muzzle, myograph pen. Nails, napkin, necklace, neckties, neckwear, neckyoke, needles, negative preserver, nerve remedies, nest, nest eggs, net, neuralgia remedies, nickel, nightgown, nipper, nipple, nitre, noodles, nose cutter, nosing plane, notions, nozzle crook, numbering machine, nun's veiling, nursery book, nursing vest, nutmeg grater, nuts, nut wrench. Oakum, oar, oatmeal, obesity belt, obesity powder, office sup- plies, oil, oiler, ointment, olives, onion, opera glasses, optical goods, oranges, organ, ostrich plume, outing flannel, oven, over- alls, overcheck bits, overgaiters, overshoes, ox balls, oyster shell. Packing, pack strap, pad, padded carpets, paddle, padlock, pail, painter's knife, paints, pajamas, palm, palmistry book, pan, pan- cake, panel screen, pantograph, pantry tinware, pants buttons, paper, paraffin, parcel carrier, parchment, paring knife, parlor rocker, passe-partout supplies, paste, pastel, pastry, patch, patent medicine, pattern, patty pan, pearl beads, pedal, pedestal, peg, pen, pencil, pepper bottle, peppermint, perambulator, percale, percaline, percolator, perfumery, peroxide of hydrogen, petrolatum, petticoat, petticoat goods, phaeton, phonograph, photo frame, photographer apron, photographic supplies, physician, piano, piccolos, pick, picket, pickle caster, picture, pie plate, pig feeder, pillow, pills, pincers, pins, pipe, pistol, pitcher, pit saw, plane, planter, plaster, plasterer's tools, plate, platform scale, plating motor, platter, plier, plow, plug, plumb, plumb bob, plumber's torch, plume, plush, pocketbook, poetry book, pointing trowel, poker, poker chips, polar- ity, pole, police camera, policeman's rubbers, polish, polishing heads, pompadour, pongee, pony cloth, porcelain, portiere, portrait, post, post maul, pot, potatoes, pottery, pouch, poulterer's supplies, powder, prayer book, prescription bottle, preserve spoon, preserv- ing ladle, press, pressure, primer, print, printing frame, printing outfit, prism, program, prop nuts, protractor, pruner, pruning knife, pudding dish, puff, puff box, pulley, pulpit, pulverizer, pump, punch, punching bag, puncture repairs, purse, push cart, putty knife, puzzle, pyrographic goods, pyrography supplies. Quadrants, quart measure, queensware, quick shifter, quillbone, quills, quilted mattress, quilt, quirt. Rack, racket, radiator, radius tool, rafter bracket, rag carpet, rail, railroad lantern, raincoat, rain-water filter, rake, ram, range, ranging pole, rasp, ratchet, rat poison, rattle bone, rawhide, razor, reach plate, reaches, reamer, reaper conveyor, receipt book, re- ceiver, reciprocating drill, recoil pad, record, red ink, reed, reel, reference book, reflector, reflexscope, refreshment, refrigerator, register, register border, registering caliper, reins, reloading tool, repair boots, resin, retinned ware, revolving chimney, revolver holster, rheumatic remedies, ribbon, rice boiler, riddle, riding 80 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES bridle, riding whip, rifle, rim, ring, ringer, rivet, riveting hammer, reaching shears, roach poison, roaster, roasting, robe, rocker, rod, roll, roller, roll-up strap, rompers, roofing bracket, roof ventilator, root, rope, rosaries, roughing roller, round, rubbers, rub iron, ruffller, rug, rule, runabout, runner, running shoes, rust remover. Sachet powder, sack, sacque, saddlebag, saddler's punch, sad- dlery, sadiron, safe, safety lift, sail drill, salad bowl, sal am- moniac, salts, salves, sandals, sand pump, sash, satchel, sateen, satin, sauce, saucer, sausage filler, saw, scale beam, scales, scarf, scavenger's tank, scenery spectacles, school bell, scissors, scraper, scrap picture, screen door, screw, scroll saw, scientific book, scoop board, scuffle hose, scythe, seal, seaming cord, seat, section, sec- tional bookcase, seeder, seines, self-nurser, separator, serge, serv- ing set, settee, sewing machine, shackles, shades, shaft, sham, shaving brush, shawl, shearing, shears, sheepskin, sheet, shell, sheller, shelf, shield, shin boots, shingles, shingling, ship adze, shipping halter, shirt, shirt buttons, shoes, shoemaker's supplies, shooting gallery target, shotgun, shoulder brace, shovel, shovel handle, shower sponge, shuttle, sickle, sideboard, sidewalk cement, sieve, sight, sign, silk, silverware, singletree, sink back, skate key, skating shoes, skates, skeins, skillet, skimmer, skin food, skinning knife, skirt, skirt board, skirting flannel, slate, slated cloth, slating liquid, slats, sled, sledge, sleeves, slide rule, sliding door latches, sling, slipper, slop jar, slotted rivet, smoker's set, smoking stand, snaps, snare drum, snatch pulley, snipe, snore preventer, snow shoes, snuff box, soap, soapstone, socket, socks, sofa, soft-sole shoes, solder, soldering coppers, soles, sombrero, soup bowl, souvenir, spade, spading fork, spangles, spark plugs, spear, spec- tacles, speculum, speedometer, speedomixer, spelling board, spice jar, spider, spirits, spittoon, splicing clamps, split-shot, spoke, sponge, spoons, sporting goods, spout end, sprayer, spreader, springs, sprinkler, spurs, squares, squeezers, stage breeching, stair rod, stalk cutter, stallion bridle, stamp, stand, staple, stationer's twine, stationery, stay chain, steak pounder, steam cock, steamer chair, steamer, steam heating, steel, steering wheel, stenciling outfit, stenographer's book, steps, stereoscope, stereoscopic views, stethescope, sticking knife, stilletto, stirrups, stitching awl, stock book, stockings, stockmen's sheets, stomach pump, stoneboat, stone, stoneware, stool, stopper, storage battery, store clock, storm glass, storm threshold, stove, stovepipe enamel, strainer, strap, straw hat, stretcher, strings, strop, stropping machine, studs, stump joint, stylographic pen, suction hose, sugar, suit, sulphur, supporter, surcingle, surgeon's articles, surface square, surgical instrument, surrey cover, surveying chain, surveyor's tools, sus- penders, swabs, swages, sweater, sweeper, swing, switch, swivel, S-wrench, syphon, syphon bottle, syringe, syrup. Table, tablet, tabouret, tackle block, tacks, tags, tail lamp, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 81 tailor's goose, tailpiece, talking machine, tallying register, tam- bourine, tamper, tamping bar, tank, tank float, tanning fluid, tap borer, tap gauge, tape, tapestry, taps, target, tarpaulin, tassel, tatting shuttle, tattoo marking oil, taxidermy books, T-bevels, tea balls, tea steeper, team pad, teapot, teething ring, telegraph in- structor, telephone, telescope, tennis shoes, tent, terret, tester, thermometer, thermos bottle, thermostat, thimble, thread, thresh- er, threshold, throat latch, ties, tights, tile machine, timer, tinct- ures, tin lamp, tinner's charcoal, tinware, tire bell, tire bender, tissue paper, toaster, tobacco, toe clips, toilet articles, tongue, tonguing plane, toning solution, tool bag, toothbrush, toothpick, top, torch, towel, tower, toy, tracing cloth, trammel net, transfor- mation, transformer, transit, transom, trap, trapper's books, traveling bag, tray, treads, tree pruner, trespassing sign, trestle, triangle, trimmer, trimming braid, tripletree, tripods, trombone, trot-line fixture, trough, trousers, trout basket, trowel, truck, trunk, truss, T-square, tub, tube, tubing, tucker, tufting tack, tug holder, tumbler, tuner, tungsten bulb, tuning fork, tuning pipe, turf, turnback strap, turnbuckle, turpentine, tuxedo suit, tweezers, twine, twist drill, typewriter eraser. Umpire's indicator, undershirt, underskirt, underwear, uniform, untrimmed hat, upholstery. Vaccine outfit, vacuum cleaner, valentine, valise tags, valve base, vanity bag, vapor bath cabinet, varnish, vase, vault, vege- tables, vehicles, veil, veiling, velocipede, velvet, velveteen, venti- lator, vest, veterinary books, violin, violoncello, vise, voltmeter, vulcanizer. Wad, wad cutter, wadding, waffle iron, wagon, waist, wallet, wall paper, warp carpet, wart wax, washboard, washer, washing ma- chine, washstand button, waste valve, watch, watchmaker's glass, water dipper, waterproof clothing, weather barometer, web elastic, webbing, wedge, weight, wheel, wheelbarrow, whiffletree, whip, whisk broom, whistle, whitewash nozzle, wick, wig, willow plume, windmill, window, wing, wire, wireless, wiring material, women's muslin, wood bed, wooden shoes, woodenware, wool band, worm medicine, wreath, wrench, wringer attachment, wrist band, wrist supporter, writing ink. Yarn, yellowware, yoke, youth's shoes. Zephyr gingham, zero bottle, zinc matting ends. Also see Dry Goods, Groceries, Meats and General Business. DETECTIVE AND POLICE ADMINISTRATION: Abandonment, abatement, abduction, aberration, abettor, abor- tion, absence, abuse, accessory, accident, accomplice, acquiescence, acquittal, administering drug, administration, administrative, ad- ulteration, adultery, affidavit, affray, aggravated assault, aider and abettor, alcohol, alias, aliases, alibi, alien, anarchy, apart- ment, appeal, application, appointment, apportionment, arrest, ar- son, attempt, attorney. 82 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Bail, bailee, bailer, bailment, bankrupt, bankruptcy, baton, bawdyhouse, betting, bigamy, billiard room, blackmailing, blind pig, blind tiger, board of police, boycott, brawlers, bribery, bunco steering, bureau, burglary, burglar, bystander. Candidate, capital punishment, captain, carelessness, carrier, cashier, character, census, central, cheat, civil service, classifica- tion, coercion, cohabitation, commissioner, compounding crime, compulsion, compulsory, concealed weapon, concealment, condona- tion, confederate, confession, connivance, conspiracy, conspirator, constable, contagious, contempt, conviction, corporal punishment, corpse, corroboration, corrupt, corruption, counsel, counterfeiting, crime, criminal cruelty. Dangerous weapon, deadly weapon, debauch, deceased, deceit, decoy, defamation, defendant, defense, defraud, degree, delibera- tion, delirium tremens, delusion, deputies, desertion, detective, detinue, discipline, disorderly house, disturbance, divorce, drunk- ard, drunkenness, duress, dynamite. Efficiency, election, eligible, elopement, embezzlement, employe, employer, entrapment, equipment, erasure, escape, examination, execution, executioner, exposure, extortion. Fabrication, false accusation, false imprisonment, false per- sonation, false pretense, false representation, false swearing, federal court, felonious, felony, fictitious, finger-prints, firearms, first degree, five-platoon system, flight, foreigner, forged paper, forgery, fortune teller. Gambling, game, government. Habitual, hallucinations, handwriting, harbor police, heredity, homicide, husband, hush money, hysteria. Labor union, land, larceny, laudanum, legislature, libel, license, lieutenant, liquor, lotteries, lunatic, lynching. Magistrate, maintenance, malice, malicious, malpractice, mal- treatment, manslaughter, mark, marriage, matron, mayor, measure- ment, menace, mischief, misconduct, misdemeanor, misprison, monomaniac, morgue, morphine, mounted police, murder, mutila- tion. Obscene, obscenity, occupation, offense, offensive, officer, official, operative, operator, operation, opium, organization, orgies. Patrol, patrolman, pawnbroker's ticket, pawning, peace officer, penal, pension, perjury, perpetration, personation, petty larceny, photograph, physical, physician, pickpocket, picture, pistol, poison, poisoned candy, police, policeman, political, politician, politics, polygamy, posse, possession, postmark, powder, presence, pre- ventive, principal, prisoner, prizefight, probation, procedure, pro- motion, prosecute, prostitution, provocation, public, publication, punishment, pursuer. Qualification. Railroad, ratification, receiving stolen goods, reformatory, re- formation, retirement, reputation, requisite, resistance, retreat, riot, rioter, robbery, revolver. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 83 Sanitary, scar, secrecy, seduce, seduction, segregation, seizure, selection, self-defense, smuggler, seniority, sergeant, social evil, solicitation, spies, "shoo-flies" statutes, state constabulary, statu- tory, subordinate, suicide, summoning, summons, supervision, supervisor, surgeon, suspicious. Tattooing, telegram, telephone, tenure, theft, thieves, threats, tramps, transfer, treachery, trespass, trespasser. Vagrant, vagrancy, venue, verdict, vice, vindictiveness. Wager, waif, warrant, weapon, whistle, witness, wounding. This vocabulary also applies to Criminal Law. DISTRIBUTORS OF ADVERTISING: See Advertising and General Business. DRIED FRUITS: See Fruits and General Business. DRUGS OR MAIL ORDER HOUSES : Abican, abietine, absinthe, absinthin, absorbine, acacia, acetal, acetanilid, acetone, acetphenetidin, acneine, acid, aconitia, aconitine, acorn coffee, adonidin, advertisement, aegopodium, agaricin, agent, agurin, airol, albathyme, albolene, albumin, al- bumone, alcohol, alcohol de Menthe, aldehyd, ale, algophen, alkalol, alk-aseptine, alokathol, alkavis, allspice, almond meal, almonds, aloes, aloin, alphozone, alterative, alum, alumin, alumi- num, alumnal, alypin, amaryllis, ambergris, ambrosia, amidol, aminoform, ammonia, ammonol, amycose, amygdaline, amyl, an- acahuita pectoral, anaemiol, anakesis, analeptine, analysis, anasarcin, anazyme, aniline, anklets, annatto, annattoine, ano- dyne, anointment, anti-apoplectine, antidote, antifat, antifebrin, anti-Gripine, antikamnia, antilupia, antimonialis, antimony, an- tinosin, antipain, antiphlogistine, antipuralgos, antipyretic, anti- pyrine, antiseptic, antitoxin, antitussin, anti-Vita, antizyma, anto- dyne, aperient, apetol, apiol, apioline, apioloids, apomorphia, ap- paratus, apricot pulp, apron, arabalene, areca nuts, argentamine, argols, argonin, argyrol, arhovian, aristochin, aristol, armenian bole, aromatic, arrowroot, arsenauro, arsenic, article, asafoetida, ascato, aselepin, asepsin, aseptinol, aseptol, ash, asparox, asphyxia, aspirin, assimilant, asthmaline, athlophorous, atomizer, atoxyl, atropia, atropin, attaching labels, aureoline, aurilaves, avenin. Bag, ball, balm, balsam, bandage, bandoline, banene, baptism, barium, bark, barkola, barley, barrel, base, basin, basket, bath, bathasweet, bath of benzoin, batteries, bay rum, beaker, beans, beautifier, beaver castor, bebeerine, bed pan, beef, beer, beeswax, belladonin, bellows, belt, benedictine, benjoin, benzine, benzoin, benzoinal, benzole, benzonapthol, benzosol, berberine, berries, beta napthol, betin, betol, bicarbonate, bichloride, bioplasm, bird gravel, biscuit, bismuth, bisol, bitters, blade, black, blacking, bladder, bleach, bleaching sponge, blenostasine, blister, blood, bloom bios- 84 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES som blondine, blower, blowpipe, blucaloids, blue, bluing, bole, bon ami, bonbons, borax, boraxo, borine, bornyval, borolyptol, bottle, bougies, bouillon, bovinine, bowl, box, brace, bracket, brandy, bread, breakage, breath perfume, brightsbane, brilliantine, brilliantshine, brimstone, broaches, bromides, bromidia, bromine, bromipin, bromo-caffeine, bromo-chloralum, brushes, bruise, buchu, buds, buffer, burner, butter, butterine, buyer. Cabinet, cadmium, caffein, cake, calamine, calcauro, calcium, calenduline, calomel, campho-Phenique, camphor, camphorated, camphoroxol, candle, candy, cannabin, can, cantharides, canthar- idin, cap, capillary, capsicin, capsicol, capsules, captol, caramel, carbolic, carboline, carbona, carbonator, carbon-bisulphide, cards, carlot, Carlsbad salts, carminatives, carmine, carob, caroid, casca- pyrine, cascara, cascarets, cascarine, cassia, castor, castoria, catechu, cathartin, catheters, catholicon, caulophyllin, caustic, celerina, celery, cells, cement, cerasin, cerates, cereo, cerevisine, cerium, cetrarine, chalk, chamois skin, champagne, charcoal, cheaper grade, chelonin, chemical, cherries, chest, chest protector, chewalla, chewing gum, chimaphilin, chinaphenin, chinoidine, chiona, chisel, chlogestine, chloral, chloralamid, chlorides, chloralose, chloric, chlorine^ chloro-caffeine, chlorodyne, chloro- form, chlorophyll, chocolates, cholagogue, cholera, chromium, chrysarobin, cigarettes, cigars, cimicifugin, cinchonia, cinchon- idia, cineraria, cinnabar, Circassian, citarin, citral, citrate, citric acid, citrophen, civette, clay, cleaner, clippers, clover blossom, cloves, cobalt, coca-cola, cocaine, cochineal, cocks, cocoa, cocoaine, cod liver oil, codeia, coffee, colchicine, colchi sal, collar, collins- onin, collodion, colloids, colocynth, colocynthin, cologne, colorific, colorine, colors, colsaloids, comatone, comb, comfits, comforters, comoline, competitor, complaint, composition, compound, com- pressed, concealatine, concentration, condenser, cones, confec- tions, conine, conjunctival, conqueror, convallarin, copper, cop- peras, cordials, corker, cork, cornease, corn silk, cornu cervi, cor- rosive sublimate, coryfin, cosmetic, cotoin, cotton, cowhage, crani- tonic, crayons, cream, credit memorandum, creosote, creme de Menthe, creoline, creosozone, cresoleum, cresoline, crocus martis, crusher, crutch, cubebin, cudbear, cumarin, cumene, cup, curacoa, curare, curcuma, curler, cushion, cuspidor, customer, cuticura, cutizine, cutter, cuttle bone, cyanide, cystogen, cytos. Danderine, dandruffme, darpin, daturin, dealer, defects, de- hydratine, demelvo, demijohn, dental plaster, denticura, dentifrice, dentine, dentist, denudo, depilatory, dermador, dermatina, derma- tol, destroyer, dextrine, diapepsin, diastase, diastoid, diathesin, diazyme, digalen, digesto, digestive preparation, digitalin, dilator, dilaxin, dionin, dioxogen, disher, disinfectant, dispensing, disposi- tion, distilled, diuretin, doggrass, doses, dozen, dragees, dressing case, dressings, drops, dru . mills, duotal, duplicating, duster, dyes. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 85 Echitone, echtol, eikonogen, elaterin, elaterium, electro silicon, electuary, elixir, embrocation, emetic, emetin, emulsifier, emulsion, enamel, entona, enzymol, eosot, epicarin, epileptine, eppotome, ep- som salts, eradicator, ergoapiol, ergot, ergotin, ergotole, eserine, essence, ether, ethiops, ethyl, eucaine, eucaloids, eucalol, eucalyp- tol, eucamul, eucanine, eudoxine, eugallol, eugenol, eukratol, euonymin, eupatorin, eupeptic, euphorbin, euquinine, europhen, eusoma, exalgine, excelsior, exodin, expectorant, expeller, exter- minator, extract, extractor, exurgene, eye shade, eyes. Fareol, farine, febricide, febrifuge, febriline, febrinol, feeder, feetaline, feralboid, ferratin, ferropyrine, ferrum, file, filter, finish- er, firolyptol, firwein, fitchmul, fittings, flakes, flask, floraplexion, floss, flowers, fluid extract, _fluroformol, flux, foam, foil, folder, food, foot ease, formaldehyde, formalin, formicol, formin, for- molid, formozincol, formula, fountain, freezer, frizz, frog in throat, frostilla, frosting, fruit, fruitola, fucus, fumigator, funnel, furniture, fustic. Gaduol, gallanol, galls, gambier, gamboge, garantose, garofen, gauging cask, gauze, gelatine, geosot, gelseminine, germiletum, germisol, gin, glass, glassware, globe, glonoin, gloss, gloves, glu- cose, glue, glutol, glycerin, glycerinum, glycerites, glyceroil, glycin, glycocoll, glycogen, glycones, glyco-heroin, glycyrrhizin, glynaol, glyome, goggles, goose grease, gossypin, graduate, gran or granu- lated, granules, granuline, grapes, gravel, grease, green, grenadine, groats, gross lot, grower, guaiac, guaiacol, gualalin, guarana, guar- anin, guarantee, guards, gum, gun, gutta-percha. Haematogen, haematoxylin, haemoferrum, haemogen, haemo- globin, haemony, hazeline, health, heater, hed-ake, hedonal, helio- tropin, helmitol, helonin, hemaboloids, hematonic, hemofluid, hemo- gallol, henna, heptoids, herbine, herbs, hermicranin, heroin, her- picide, hexamethylenamine, himalya, holder, homatropin, homeo- pathic, hones, honey, hops, horehound, hosiery, hydragogin, hy- drangea, hydrastine, hydrastinine, hydrastis, hydrochinon, hydro- gen, hydroleine, hydrometer, hydronaphthol, hydroquinone, hydro- zone, hymo&a, hyomei, hyoscine, hyoscyamine, hypnone, hypoder- mic, hypophosphites, hyposulphite soda, hypotone. latrol, ice camphor, ichthalbin, ichthargan, ichthoform, ichthyol, incenso, invoice, incompatibilities, indigo, infusion, ingluvin, in- halant, inhaler, injection, ink, insect gun, insole, instrument, in- sufflator, invigorator, ipdan, iodia, iodine, iodipin, iodoform, idol, iodomuth, iodonucloid, iodosyl, iodothyrine, ionone, iosaline, iowna, ipecac, iridium, irisin, irisol, iron, irophyn, irrigator, iseline, isinglass, ivory. Jaborin, jalap, jalapin, jar, jelly, juglandin, juice, jujubes, juni- per tar. Kalliston, kalyptol, kamala, kamphene, kaolin, kaotol, kasagra, kathairon, katharomon, kefir, kelene, kino, knife, kodol, kola, 86 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES kolavin, konseals, kosmeo, koussein, kryofine, kugloids, kummel, kumyss. Labels, laboratory, labordine, lactopeptine, lactophenin, lacto preparata, lactosal, lactucarium, lacupia, ladle, lamp, lanoline, lanum, lapis, largin, laudanum, lavoris, laxative, laxets, laxol, lax- olets, laxolivol, leaf, leaves, lecithin, leech, leinol, lemon, leontin, leontodin, leptandrin, levulose, licorice, ligature, lime, liniment, lint, lip salve, liquid, liquors, listerine, litharge, lithium, litmus, lobelin, lobeline, lodestone, logwood, losophan, lotion, lozenges, lubricant, lucine, lulbaby's lunar caustic, lupulin, lycetol, lycopo- dium, lye, lysol. Mace, machine, macrotin, magnesia, maizo palm, mallein, malt, maltine, maltnutrine, malto-fer, maltolivol, maltopepsin, maltro- pon, maltzyme, manalin, manganate, manganauro,manganese,mani- cure, manna, mannit, manola, manufacture, manufacturer, marach, marasquin, marginol, markasol, marmola, mascaro, mass, measure, meconin, medicine, medinol, megrimine, melachol, menispermin, menthol, mentholatum, menthoxol, mercauro, mercuran, mercury, mesotan, methyl, methylamine, methylene, methyloids, metol, metric system, microsmic salt, microtin, migrain, milk, milkine, mineral, mints, mirror, mitts, mixer, mixture, modene, monotal, morphia, morphine, morrhuol, mortar, moss, mossoleine, mould, mucilage, mug, muriatic, murine, muscarin, musk, muslin, mustard, myrrh. Naphthalin, naphtha, naphthol, napkins, narceine, narcotic, neatsfoot oil, needles, neoferrum, nepenthe, nephreticum, nephri- tica, nervine, nervita, nervura, neuralgine, neurilla, neurobion, neuromidia, neuro-phosphates, neurosine, nicotine, nipples, nitre, nitric, nitrous, non-delivery, normalin, nosirrah, nosophen, noto- bac, novo, novaspirin, novocain, nugget, nut galls, nut meats, nut- megs, nutriment, nutrolactis, nux vomica. Oakum, oiled muslin, oils, ointments, oleates, olea-resins, olives, olivine, olivoint, ongaline, opium, opodeldoc, oranges, orangeine, orexine, orexoids, orgulatum, orphol, orpiment, orrine, prthoform, ortol, osmosine, os sepiae, otto rose, ounce, ovoferrin, ovoids, oxaphor, oxgall, oxide, oxien, oxygen, oyster shells, ozogel, ozolyp- tol, ozomaru, ozomulsion, ozotone. Package, packed, pad, pail, painaids, paints, palmiacol, palpe- brine, pan, panacea, pancreatic powder, pancreatin, pancreobis- muth, pancrobilin, panel goods, panopepton, panzyme, papain, paper, papine, papoid, paraffin, paraldehyde, paregoric, Paris green, pas avena, passiflora, pasta, paste, pasteurine, pastilles, pastils, pastine, pate, patent medicine, patronage, paw paw, paws, paxtine, pearls, pectoral, peel, pelletierin, pellets, pencil, pepper, pepsalt, pepsolaxatone, peptenzyme, peptiron, peptone, peptonix, peptonoids, pepule, percentage, percolator, perfumery, peruna, peroxide, peroxident, pertussin, pessaries, petol, petrolatum, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 87 petrolina, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, phecine, phenacetine, phenalein, phenalgin, phenol bismuth, phenyl-amide, phenyle, phenyo caffein, phenyocoll, phenonobromate, phosphagon, phos- phates, phospo, phosphodyne, phospholecithin, phosphoric, phos- phorous, physostigmine, phytoline, phytoroids, picara, picks, picro- toxin, pillits, pills, pilocarpin, pilules, pimenta, pineoleum, pineo- line, pinex, pinkola, pinux, pipe, piperazin, pipettes, pitch, pith, pixine, plasmon, plaster, platinum, plumbago, podophyllin, poison, pomades, pomegranate rind, ponca compound, poppy, populin, porter, poslam, pot, potash, potassium, powders, prairie plant, parvaz, precipitate, prescription, preservative, presses, preventive, prim purificans, probangs, proprietary medicines, protargol, pro- tector, protone, protonuclein, prunoids, psychine, ptyalin, puffs, pumice, pumps, purifier, purity, purses, pyoktanin, pyramidon, pyretine, pyridine, pyrodol, pyroferrin, pyrozone. Quality, quantity prices, quassia, quassin, quicksilver, quinace- tine, quina-laroche, quinalgen, quinidia, quinine, quinoline, quin- quinia, quionin, quote, quotation. Rack, rattles, razor, reagents, reamers, receiver, reels, regenera- tor, regulator, regulets, regulin, rejuvienator, reliever, remedies, remittance, remover, renatone, renewer, rengo, rennet, renovator, representative, requisites, resin, resolvent, resonal, resorcinol, respirator, respirazone, restorative, restorer, retorts, revalenta, rheumatica, rhigoline, rhubarb, ribbon, rice flour, rind, rings, roachsault, robertine, roboline, rochelle salts, rod, roller, root, rosemary, rose, rosin, rotten stone, rouge, rough on rats, rubber stopple, rubidium, rubifoam, rum. Saccharin, sachet powder, saffron, sagwa, sajodin, sal acetosella, salfene, salicin, salicylica, salipyrin, salitonia, salol, salophen, salothol, salt, saltpetre, salts, salutine, sal vitae, salve, sample, sand, sanguiferrin, sanguinarine, sanitol, sanmetto, santa abie, santaloids, santonin, sanurin, saola, sapodermin, sapolio, sapon- aria, sarsaparilla, sarsatabs, sartoin, sassafras, scale pan, scales, scammony, scissors, scoop, scraper, scrofonal, scuttellarin, seal- ing wax, seal, secacornin, sedative, seedlac, seguro, seidlitz mix- tures, senecin, seng, sennine, sen sen gum, serum, sets, shades, shaker, shampoo, shavers, shellac, shell, sherry wine, shields, ship- ping department, shipment, shut-off syringe, sidonal, silicate, sil- ver leaf, silverer, sium, skate, skin enamel, smilacin, snuff, soap, soda, sodium, softener, soloid, solubilities, solution, solvent, soma- tose, somnal, somnos, soother, sorbilin, soson, sozodont, sozoiodol, spartein, spatulas, specialties, specific medicines, speculums, spermaceti, spikenard, spirits, sponge, spoons, spray, sprinkler, spunk, squeezer, stand, starch, stearine, sterilizer, stick, stimulant, stone, stopper, stopple, stove, strainer, strap, straw, strength, strophanthus, strop, strychnine, stypticin, styrax, sulfonal, sul- phate, sulpho, sulpho-napthol, sulphonethylmethane, sulphon- 88 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES methane, sulphume, sulphur, sulphuric, sumach, sundry drugs, superlatone, suppositories, suapnia, syringe, syrup. Tablets, tabloid, tabules, talcum, tamarack, tamar indien, tama- rind, tannalbin, tannigen, tannoform, tannopine, taper, taps, tar- tar, tartarlithine, teas, teething, terebene, terpinol, terra, terraline, test solution, thallium, theophylin, therapion, thermaline, thermol, thermometer, thermometric equivalents, thiocol, thiol, three chlor- ides, throat brush, thymol, thyroidine, tiko, tiles, tincture, tinfoil, tongaline, tongue scraper, tonic, tongs, tooth paste, torch, toril, toxa, toxacura, toxine, tragacanth, traxo, tray, triacol, trib, trichloracetic acid, tricopherous, triferrin, triferrol, trikresol, trikresolamine, trimethylamine, trinitrin, trional, triiodides, triphenin, triplicate, tripods, tripoli, tritica, tritipalm torch, tropa- cocaine, trophonine, tropon, truck, truss, trypsalin, trypsin, tuber- culin, tube, tubing, tumbler, tumenol, turmeric, turpentine, tweezers, twine, tyoga. Ulcerol, unguentine, unguentum crede, U. S. retail revenue license, uranium slats, urasol, uratropin, urea, urethane, uricsol, uriform, urinal, urinometer, uriseptin, urn, ursina, uterotonic. Vaccine, valiodol, value, vanilla beans, vanillin, vaporizer, vase- line, vegetine, velatine, velveta, Venetian red, vera cura, veratria, verdigris, vermifuge, vermilion, vermouth, veronal, vials, yiburn- in, viburnum, vibutero, vigor, yigoral, vigorets, vinegar, vipform, vintine, virus, vita auranti, vitae ore, vitalizer, vitriol, viutero, volumetric solution. Wafers, warmer, washer, water, wax, weight, wheat, whisky, whiting, wholesaler, wicks, window display, witch hazel, wines, wire, wood, wormwood. Yerba santa, yerbazin, yucatol. Zanthoylin, zeroform, zylene, zarcol, zinc, zindo, zoaephora, zomakyne, zylobalsamum, zymocide. Also see General Business, and Medical. DRY GOODS: Absolutely, absorbent, acceptable, actual, adapted, advantage, agate, albatross, all wool, alpaca, altered, alternate, ample body, antique, appearance, applique, appreciate, apron, armure silk, art cloth, article, artistic, asbestos, assortment, attractive, automobile cap and coat, average. Bagging, baize, bale, bargain, batiste, batting, beaded, beaver, bedspread, beautiful, beige, belt, berege, bib, blanket, bleached, blouse, body, bonnet, border, bourette, breakfast cloth, bright, brightness, brilliantine, broadcloth, brocade, broken, brooch, buckle, buckram, butter cloth, buttons, buyer. Cadet, calico, cambric, camel's hair, canvas, capacity, cape, car- dinal, cashmere, cassimere, castor, catalogue, celluloid, center, chain stitch, chalk, challis, chambray, changeable, chatelaine bag, cheesecloth, chemise, chemisette, chenille, cheviot, chevron, chif- fon, children's China silk, chinchilla, chintz, choice, circular, clerk, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 89 cloak, cloth, cluny, cluster, coarse, coating, collar, collarette, col- lection, combination, comforter, comparison, constructed, Copen- hagen blue, cord, corduroy, corset, corset cover, costume, cotton- ade, cotton stuffs, counter, covert, crash, cravat, cream, crepe de chine, crepe decorations, crepon, cretonne, crib blanket, crinkled, crinoline, crochet, crosslines, cuffs, curtain pole, cushion, cus- tomer, cut, cutter. Dainty, damask, dark, decorative, delaine, department, depart- ure, demand, denim, denser, description, design, designate, diagonal, diamond, dice, dimity, distinct, division, doily, domet, dozen lot, dragonal, drape, drapery, drawers, drawing, drawn- work, dress, dresser scarf, dressmaker, dressy, drilling, drugget, durable, duck, dust coat. Economical, economy, ecru, edge, edging, effective, effectual, eiderdown, elastic, electric blue, elegant, embroidery, emerald, empress cloth, enormous, establishment, etamine, exceedingly low, excellent taste, extraordinary, exquisite, extra heavy. Fabric, facsimile, faille, fall style, fall trade, fancy fashion, fashionable, fashion plate, fault, fast color, felt, figured, filling, fine, fineness, finish, fit, fitted, fitter, first class, flake, flannel, flan- nelette, flatted twill, flecked, fleece, flower, flower design, foreign substance, foulard, foundation, frictional qualities, friese, fringed, fur trimmed, fustian. Garment, garnet, garters, gauntlets, gauze, genuine, gift, gimp, gingham, girdle, glaze silk, gloria silk, gloves, gossamer, gown, grade, granite weave, grass cloth, gray, grenadine, gross, guipure, gun metal, gutta-percha. Haircloth, hairline stripe, half hose, half-wool fabric, handker- chief, handmade, handsome, harmonize, heavier, heavy, heliotrope, hemstitched, herringbone, high-class, homespun, honeycomb goods, hose, hosiery, housekeeper's, housewife's, huckaback weave. Jacket, jaconet, jean, jersey-ribbed balbriggan, jet, jetted, jobbed, jumpers, jura cloth. Kerchief, kersey, khaki suit, kid gloves, knitting goods, knotted fringe. Lace-edged, ladies' cloth, laminated cotton, lavender, lawn, leader, length, lengthwise, light, lighter, lilac, linen, linen chest, lines, lingerie, lining, linsey-woolsey, lisle thread, lock, loom, loop, lower, lustre, lustrous. Mackintosh, maker, manager, manufacture, manufacturing house, market price, mat, matching, matelasse, mattress protector, mauve, measure, measurement, medium large, melton, messaline, mercerized, merino, mittens, moderate, mohair, moire, momie or mummy, moreen, mosquito bar, mourning goods, mousquetaire, mousseline de soie, muff, muffler, mulberry, mull, muslin, myrtle. Nainsook, nankeen, napkin, narrow gores, navy blue, neckwear, negligee, netting, nightdress nightrobe, nobby, notions, novelties, nun's veiling. 90 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Odd, oddments, offering, old rose, olive, on grounds, open work, orange, organdie, ostrich, ounce, outing flannel, outing suit, out- last, outsell, overalls, overcharge, overproduction, overshirt. Package, pajamas, pants, parasol, patron, pattern, peau de soie, percale, percaline, perfect, perfumery, petticoat, permanent, photo- graph, piece, pillow slip, pin stripes, pique, plaid, pliant, plush, point lace, polka dot, pongee, poplin, popular, portiere, practical, predominating, prettily, printed, prints, profit, profitable, pro- nounced, prunella, purchase, purchaser, purple, purse. Quality, quantity, quilt, quotation. Ramie fabrics, raspberry, ratine, recommend, reduce, reduction, refinished, regular, remnant, renaissance goods, rep, repellant, reseda, resemblance, resembling, resistance, retail, reversed, rhadame, ribbon, robe, rough goods, royal blue, ruching, russet. Sack, salable, salesman, salesmanship, sample store, sapphire, saque, sarsenet, sateen, satin, satiny, satisfaction, scaled sizes, scalloped edge scarf, scarlet, school frock, scrim, seamless, season, seconds, seersucker, selection, serge, serviceable, shade, shadowy, sham, shawl, sheet, sheeting, shepherd checks, shepherd's plaid, shimmering, shiny, shirtwaist, shop, shopping, shortage, shorts, shrink, shrunken, silesia, silk, silkalene, silver gray, single bars, size, skirt, skirtings, slate, smoke, smoothfaced, socks, sofa cover, soft finish, soiled, solid feeling, soutache braid, special, specks, splendid, sponged, spread, stamped, standard, stand cover, staple, stiffening, stock, storm serge, stout, strength, stretch, strictly, stripe, substantial, substitute, suede, suiting, summer coat, superb, superior, supply, surah, surface, suspenders, swatches of cam- brics, sweater. Table cover, taffeta, tailor-made, tamise, tan, tapestry, tarletan, tender goods, tennis cloth, texture, ticking, tidy, three-line checks, thread, tights, torchon, towel, toweling, tray-cloth, traveling case, traveling suit, tremendous, tricot, trifle lighter, trimming, tubing, tulle, twill, twisted. Umbrella, unbleached, undergarment, underwear, unfinished, union suit, unmatched. Valenciennes, variety, veiling, velour, velveteen, vest, vigoreaux, serges, vine, voile. Waist, waisting, warehouse, warmth, warp, wash washable quality, wash goods, water-proof, wear, weave, weightiest, weighty, whipped cord, whipped edge, white dot, wholesale, wine color, wiriness of texture, wiry, wisteria, wool, woolen, women's worsted serge, woven, wrapper, wreathe. Yard, yardage, yarn. Also see Clothing, General Business, and Millinery. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS AND CAR BUILDING: Advertising frame, advertising rack, agasote, air gap, aisle mat- ting, alarm gong, alcove, anticlimber, arched roof, arm rest, art glass, ash pan, ash pit, association standards, automotoneer, auto- transformer, axle. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 91 Back lash, baggage car, baggage compartment, bail, ballast car, band wire, barber car, basin, basket rack, batten, bead, bell cord, bench, berth, binding post, blow-out coil, blower, body bolster, body rib, bolted fastening, bottom sash, bow collector, brake staff, brake strut, brake turnbuckle, bridging relay, bucking, buffer, buffet car, bull's-eye lens, bumper, burlap, butt hinge. . Camber, candle, canopy, canvas. Cars: Cafe, coal, double-deck, double-end, double-truck, excursion, flat, funeral, gondola, obser- vation, parlor, pay-as-you-enter, semiconvertible, single end, smoking, snow sweeper, sprinkler. Carborundum, carline, carpet, casing, castle nut, catcher, ceiling, channel, chattering, chimney, choke coil, chord, clapper, classification, cleaner, cleat, clevis, clip, commutating, compound carline, conduit, convex panel, cooler, corner, cornice, corridor, cotton sleeving, counterbrace, crown piece, curtain fixtures. Dasher, dead lever, deafening floor, diagonal, dipped coil, dis- charge pipe, doorframe, doorway, double-acting hinge, drawbar, drawhead, drip rail, driving axle, drop sill, drum, duck, dump car, dust guard, dynamotor. Earth, eaves, electric, electrode, electromotive force, elevating wing, elliptic spring, emergency application, emergency position, emery, enclosed fuse, end rib, entrance, equalizer nut, escutcheon, exit door, exit step. Fare box, felt, fender, fiber insulation, field, filament, filler, fill- ing piece, filtering, finger, finishing, fire extinguisher, fire pot, fixtures, flag holder, flange, flap curtain, flashing, flat wheel, floor stop, flooring, flush, flushing, flux, folding, footboard, form-wound coil, foundation, four-wheel truck, frequency, frieze, front end, fulcrum, furring, fuse. Gap, gear, girth, glue, gong, gong clapper, governor, grabhandle, graphite, grid, grooving, ground, guard arm, guide, gusset plate. Half-elliptic spring, half-vestibule platform, ham sander, hand control, hanger, hasp, hat hook, headlight, headlining, headpiece, heater, heater deflector, heated pipe, hinge, hood, horsepower, hose, hot-air heater, hub. Ice leveler, impregnation, inside cornice, interlock, intermediate sill, interpole, interurban, inverted arch. Journal box lid, jumper, junction box. Lamp burner, latch, lateral motion, lavatory, leather, lens, lever, lifeguard, lift sash, lighting switch, lightning arrester, lining link, linseed oil, lintel, lock lifter, locomotive, longitudinal seat, lower deck, luminous arc headlight. Magazine, main carline, main reservoir, marker, master con- troller, match strike, material, maximum, micanite, mineral wool, mirror, molding, momentum brake, monitor, mortise, motorman, mud guard, muffler, mullion, mummified coil, muntin. Nailing strip, needlebeam, negative, nipple, nosing, notice plate, nut lock. 92 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Observation car, oil-vacuum, okonite, operating valve, outside panel, overhang, overload relay, overrunning third rail. Paint, pane, pantograph trolley, parallel, parting bead, partition, passenger, pedal, pedestal, pier post, pilaster, pilot, pinion, plat- form, plow, plush, pneumatic, pony axle, portable headlight, pre- payment car, pressurehead, primary battery, purlin, push button putty. Quadruple, queen-post, quill drive. Rabbet, radial block, radius bar, rafter, rattan, reflector, register cord, regulator, removable sash, repulsion, resister, retardation, retriever, reverser, reversible, rheostat, rib, rigid bolster, rim, riser, roller, rough stuff, route, running board. Safety gate, saloon, sample, sand box, sanding, sash, sash open- er, screw thread, scroll, seat, seat back, seat end, seat rail, seat riser, seat slat, seat webbing, selector relay, semiempire deck, semisteel car, series, set screw, shade roller, shaft, shank, sheath- ing, shellac, short sill, shunt, side rib, sightseeing car, signal bell, slack adjuster, sleet cutter, sliding door, slotting, snap switch, snow scraper, snowplow, socket, soffit, solder, solenoid, spittoon, splash plate, split gear, spoke, sprinkler, steel, storage, stove, strainer, strap, striker, stud, substation, suburban, subway, suc- tion, supply pipe, surface car, sweeper, synchronizing wire. Tail lamp, tap, telephone, tenon, third rail, threshold plate, throat, tire, top chord, tractive, trailer, transom, trapdoor, trip- ping switch, trolley, truck, truss plank, turnbuckle, turtle-back roof, twin window, two-motor equipment. U-bolt, uncoupling rod, underframe, underrunning, unit-switch, upper deck. Varnish, veneer, ventilator, vertical, voltage, voltmeter, vul- canizing. Wainscot, washer, watt-hour, watt-meter, wave winding, web- bing, wedge, welded gear, wheel, wheel fit, wheelguard, whistle, white lead, winding drum, wing board, wrecking car. Yoke suspension. Z-bar. Also see Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, Gen- eral Business, and Railroads. ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES: See Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS: See Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, and Gen- eral Business. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Abrasion, absolute, absorption, access, accident, accumulator, action, adhesion, adjacent, adjuster, adjusting, adjustment, aerial, affinity, air blast, air gap-and-sparkler, air pump, air switch, air vane, alarm, alternating current, alternator, aluminum, amalgam, amalgamation, ammeter, ammonium, amperage, ampere, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 93 angular, anion, annular, annunciator, anode, antennae, antiparal- lel, apparatus, appliance, application, arc, armature, armored, arrangement, arrester, asbestos, atmosphere, atom, atomic, attrac- tion, automatic, autotransformer, auxiliary feeder, axes, axle. B and H curves, backing, ballistic calculation, bar, bath, bat- tery, bell, belting, bevel, bichromate, bimetallic, binding post, bi- polar armature, bleaching, blow-out, blowpipe, board, bobbin, booster, bowl, bracket, brake, break, breaker, bridged telephone circuit, bridge key, buckling, bulb, brush, bus-bar, bushing, by- pass. Cable, cadmium, calamine, calculation, calibration, caliper, calorie, calorimeter, cam, candle-power, cauterization, capacity, car, carbon, carbon feed, carbonize, carbonization, carbon holder, carrier, cathode, cell, center, centering, centrifugal, changing voltage, characteristic, charge, charging, charred, chemical, choke, choking, circle, circuit, circuit breaker, circular mil classification, closed circuit, closet, cloud, clutch, coefficient, coil, collecting, collector, color, commutator, compensated, compensating, com- pensator, composition, compound, compounding, concentric, con- denser, condition, conductance, conductibility, conduction, con- ductivity, conductor, conical, connection, conservation, constancy, constant current, constant potential, constitution of a circuit, con- trol, controller, construction, continuous, current, conventional, converter, cooking, cooling, copper loss, copperplating, core, cot- ton waste, coulomb, counter, coupling, creeping, critical, crusher, current, curve, cutting line, cut-in, cut-out, cycle. Damper, damping air-vane, dash pot, data, decade, declination, decomposition, deflection, degree, delta, demagnetization, demag- netizing turn, density, depolarizer, depolarizing, deposit, detail, detection, determination, development, diagram, diaphragm, dielec- tric, diffractive, dimension, dip battery, direct current, direction, discharger, disconnecting, disintegration, disk, displacement, dis- tillation, distortion, distributing, distribution, driving point, drop, drum, dry batteries, ductility, dynamo, dynamic, dynamometer. Earth currents, economy, eddy current, eifectiye, efficiency, efflorescence, elasticity, electric, electrician, electricity, electrode, electrochemical, electrochemistry, electrolyte, electrolytic, electro- lysis, electromagnet, electrometer, electromotive force, electron, electroplating, electrostatic, electrotherapeutic, end cell, end mo- tion, energizing, energy, equalizer, equivalent, ether, evaporation, evolution, excessive load, excitation, expansion, external. Factor, Fahrenheit, farad, fall of potential, feeder, fiber, field coil, filament, film, filing, five- and seven-wire system, flashing, floating, flow, force, flux, fly-wheel, form, formula, frequency, friction, function, fundamental, furnace, fuse. Galvanic pile, galvanometer, galvanoscope, gas evolution, gas- ket, gassing, gasoline, gauges, gauss, generating, generator, globe, 94 graduation, gramme ring, graphic, graphite, gravity, ground alarm, grounding wire, gutta-percha mold, gyration. H-armature, hand magneto, heat, heating, high potential, high resistance, high voltage, hissing arc, holder, horsepower, hot resistance, hot wire, house connection, hydraulic, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrometer, hydrostatic, hysteretic constant, hyster- esis. Idle wire, ignition, illuminating, impact, impedance, impressed, impurities, incandescence, incandescent, inclosed arc, inclosing, globe, incubator, independent, indication, indicator, individual, in- ducing, inductance, induction, inductive, inductivity, inductor, inertia, ingredient, inner layer, iron, inspection, inspector, insula- tion, insulator, integration, intensity, interchangeability, interfer- ence, interlinking, intermittent, internal, interpretation, inter- rupter, invention, inverse, inverted, isoclinal. Jacket, jar, joint, journal. Kathion, kathode, key, kinetic, Kirchoff's laws, kiln-drying, kilo- watt hour. Lag, laminated, lamp, lap-welded, lap winding, latent, lead, leading-in, leg, leakage, length, light, lighting, lightning, line, lineman, link, load, lodestone, log, logarithm, long-shunt, loop system, loss, low-equivalent, luminescence, luminferous, lumino- meter, luminous. Machine, magnet, magnetic, magnetism, magnetized, magnetiz- ing, magneto, magneto bell, material, matter, measurement, me- chanical, medium, megohm, mercury-bichromate, mesh, mess, metal, meter, metric, mica, microfarad, microphone, mil system, moisture, molecular, mold, motor, motorman, mounting, mouth- piece, moving, multiple, multipolar, municipal, mutual action. Natural, needle, negative, neutral, nickelplating, nitric, nodes, noise, nomenclature, nonconductor, null, numerical value. Occlusion of gases, ohm, oil cooling, oiling, open arc, open circuit, open-coil, open wound four-part armature, opening shunt coil, operation, opposition, oscillation, outer circuit, overcom- pounding, overload, overshot wheel, overtone, oxidized. Pancake coil, panel board, parallel circuit, part, party line, pasted plate, peak, pendant, percentage, percussion, permanence, permeability, permeation, phase, photometer, photometric, pho- tometry, pile, pilot, pitch, plate, plating, platinum, plug, point, polarity, polarization, polarized, pole, polyphase, position, positive, potential, power, practical, preparation, preservation, pressure, prevention, primary, prime mover, production, proportion, pro- portional, protector, pulley, pump, pupillary photometer. Quad, quadrature, quality, quantity, quickened. Racing, radial, radiation, radius, rail-joint, rate unit, rating, ration, ray, reactance, reaction, receiver, receiving, reconstructed, rectifier, reducer, reflecting, regeneration, regulation, regulator, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 95 relation, relief, reluctance, repeating, reproduction, repulsion, residual, resistance, resonance, resultant, reverse, reversing, rheostat, ring, rotary, rotation, roof trusses. Safety fuse, sag, sandpapering, saturation, saw-tooth, scale, screen, secondary, sediment, self-excited dynamo, self-induction, self-regulation, self-starting, sensibility, sensitiveness, separately, series, series-multiple, seven-wire system, shadow photometer, shaft, shell, shock, short arc, short circuit, short-circuiting, short- shunt, shunt-wound, dynamo, signal, silverplating, simple battery, simplex, sine-curve, single cell, single phase, siphon, six-wire con- nection size, slip ring, slow speed, smoothing, socket, soldering, solenoid, solid, solution, sound,, sounding plate, sparking, specific, spectrum, speed, spherical, spindle, spiral, splice, spontaneous, spool, spreading, spring jack, squirted filament, standard voltage, starting torque, static, station, statute-mile, steel, steeling, step- down transformer, stopping motor, storage battery, storage capacity, strain, stranded, stray field, strength, striking, sub- divided, subscriber, sulphating, sulphuric, summary, summation, sun lamp, switchboard, synchronous motor, synthesis, system. Table, table traction, tangent, telegraphy, telephone, tempera- ture, terminology, terrestrial, test, theory, thermal, thread, three- brush dynamo, three-phase alternator, three-wire system, thunder cloud, tin-plating, torque, total current, traction, tractive, transfer, transformation, transformer, translucent, transmission, trans- mitter, transmitting, tree system, tripping platform, trouble, turn, tungsten. Ultimate, U-shaped, underground, underload, unfuse, uniform, unipolar, unit, upset, useful constant. Vacuum, valve, vault, vector, velocity, vibrator, voice, voltage, voltaic, voltmeter. Waste, water, watt, wattless current, watt meter, wave, wearing, weight, welding, wheel, winding, wire, wiring, wireless, worn wheel, wound, wrought iron driver. Y connection, Y or star connection, Y system, yoke. Zinc, zone. Also see Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE, ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES : Accumulator, acorn, adapter plate, adjusting switch, air heater, alarm, alcohol torch, alley arm brace, alphaduct, aluminum re- flector, amber mica, ampere, ammeter, ammeter plug, anchor, angle connector, angular, animal lamp, annunciator, ansonia iron box bell, antenna insulator, antidoc medical battery, anvil, apart- ment, apparatus, appliance, arc, arc lamp, arm, armalac, armature, armored conductor, arrester, arrow E flush switch, asbestos tape, attachment, auger, automatic, automobile cable, autosparker, auto- transformer, avonial annunciator. Baby knife switch, back brace, bag, ball globe, barber's vibrator, 96 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES baronial annunciator, barrier, base coupling, base lamp, battery, battery ammeter, battery zinc, belt, belting, bell transformer, bell, bellow, bender, binding, binding post, bit, bitumized, black insulat- ing paint, blade, blanket, blasting, block, blow torch, board, board press, boiler, bolt, border light cable, boring, bowl, box, box con- nector, box-sounding relay, brace, bracket, bracket adapter, braid, brass reflector, bread toaster, breaker, breastplate transmitter, brewery cord, bridge, bridle ring, broiler, brush, buffing motor, bung-hole lamp, burglar alarm, bus-bar, bushing, button, buzzer. C-H simplicity dimmer, cabinet bushing, cable, cable clip, cali- per, candelabra lamp, candle, canopy base, cant-hook, canvas, canvasite cord, caoutchouc gum, cap, cap nut, capping moulding, carbolineum, carbon brush, car cable, carriage bolt, casing, caus- tic soda, ceiling fan motor, cell, cement, center, chafing dish, chain, chamber, chandelier plug, channel, charcoal, chisel, circuit, cir- cular, circular loom, clamp, cleat, clip, climber, clock attachment, cloth, cluster, code words, coffee percolator, coil, coil tester, com- bination, come-along, competition, compound, commutator, con- denser, conductor, conduit, condulet, connector, constant, con- struction, contacts, control, copper, cord, cordage, cored, corner box, counter, coupler, coupling, cotton sleeving, cover, cow gong, cooking copper, cross-arm, cross-arm brace, cross-over tube, crow- feet, crowfoot zinc, cup, curve, current interrupter, cushing, cut- around switch, cut-out, cut-out bus-bars, cutter, cylinder zinc, cylindrical. Damp-proof office wire, deck cable, decorative lamp, desk fan motor, detector, device, diagonal, diagram, diameter, digger, dim- mer, disconnector, descriptive circular, distribution, dome gong, door opener, dow adjuster, drag iron, drawknife, dressing belt, drill, driver, drop cord, drip, dry battery, dryer, duplex bracket, dynamo, dynamometer. Eccentric, economy coil, elastic insulating varnish, elbow, elec- tric, electrical, electrically driven tools, electrode, electrode handle, electrolier socket, electromechanical bell, electrometer, elevator annunciator, elevator signal cable, enamel, enamelac, enclosed fuse block, engine, engineer, entrance box, excelsior, ex- haust fan motor, expansion bolt, extension, extension bell, extensive reflector, eyebolt, eyelet. Fabric, factory, fan motor, fancy bell, faradic, fastener, federal socket, ferrule, feston, feeder, feed-in hanger, fibre, fibre rod, field discharge switch, filter, fir cross-arm, fire-alarm box, fish paper, fittings, fixture block, fixtures, flame-proof telephone wire, flaming, flange, flasher, flashing, flashlight, flashlight battery, flatiron, flexible conduit, flexible, floor box, flush annunciator, flux, focusing reflector, foot warmer, foundry lamp guard, frame, friction tape, frosting lamp, fruit lamp, fuller board, furnace, fuse, fuse block, fuseless, fyberoid. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 97 Galvanic, galvanized, galvanometer, gang switch box, gaps, gas lighting spark coil, gasoline, gauge, general utility motor, gener- ator, glass, globe, globular, gong, goose, graduator, graphite, grav- ity battery, gray cotton sleeving, grill, grinding motor, grip-it in- sulator, grips, ground clamp, groove, groover, guarantee, guard, guy clamp, gyrometer. Hair dryer, half reflector, hammer, hand microphone receiver, handle, handle nut, handmike, hanger, hard drawn weatherproof wire, hatch, headband, headlight, head receiver, heat coil, heater, heater cord, heating device, hickey, high tension insulator, holder, holdfast lamp, home medical battery, H. P., hood, hook, horizontal, hot-point iron, hotel annunciator, house annunciator, hydrometer, hylo lamp. Ignition battery, illuminated-dial ammeter, immersion heater, imported, incandescent lamp, inclined, India mica, indicating bell, indicator, induction coil vibrator, inferior, inspector, instrument, insulated fixture stud, insulating compound, insulation, insulator, insullac, intensive reflector, interchangeable intercommunicating telephone, interior, interrupter, inner, iron, iron box bell. Jacks and plugs, jar, joint, jumbo iron, jumper, jump spark coil, junction box. Key, keystone switch, kicking coil, knife switch, knob. Laboratory, ladle, lag screw, lamp, lamp adapter, lantern lamp guard, lathe, launch spark coil, laundry iron, lead covered wire and cable, leather, leatheroid, letter box, lighter, lighting cable, lightning arrester, lights, limousine flush switch, linemen's tele- phone testing set, linen, link, linotape, lock attachment, locknut, locust pin, loom, loom outlet box, lug, luminous radiator. Machine bolt, magazine, magnet wire, magneto bell, magneto telephone, malleable iron bracket, manganese, manhole, Manila fibre, marine annunciator, marking, massage vibrator, material, matting, measuring, medical battery, mercury, messenger hanger, messenger pole, metal molding, meter, meter shunt, mica, mica- beston cloth, micanite, microphone, micrometer, milk warmer, mill lamp, milli-ammeter, milli-voltmeter, miniature, miniature lamp, mine telephone, miner's flashlight, mining machine cable, mirror, model, molding block, molding metal, momentary contact switch, monitor bell, motor, motor attachment, moulding, mouthpiece, moving picture machine carbon, multiple plug, multiplier, muslin. Name plate, negative, nickel, nipper, nitric acid, non-elastic webbing, non-metallic, nursery milk warmer, nut lamp, nutmeg. Oak pin, oblique, ohm, ohmmeter, oil, oiled, oilproof, oily, onyx, opal shade, opener, operator's head receiver, oscillating fan motor, outer, outfit, outlet, outlet box cover, overhanging, over- head, oxide zinc. Packing house cord, pad, paint, panel board cabinet, paper, parabola, parabolite, paraffin office wire, paste, pay-out reel, pencil 98 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES zinc, pendant, percolator tray, permanent, peeler, 'phone, photo- meter, phosphor bronze wire, pigtail brush, pin, pipe cap, plate, plate stove, platinum, plier, plug, pocket flashlight, polarity plug, polarized bell, pole changing switch, polish, polished, polishing iron, porcelain base pin, portable, portable ammeter, positive, post, pot, power and lighting transformer, press board, pressure gauge, primary battery, protector, pull socket, punch, push button. Quality, quantity, quick-break attachment, quotation. Radiator, receiver shell, receiving condenser, receptacle, re- flector, reflector socket, regulator, reinforced portable cord, relay, remote control switch, renewals for primary batteries, residence lighting reflector, resistance wire, reversible cleat, rheostat panel, ring, ringer, rival annunciator, rod, rosette, rosette socket, rotary flush switch, rotating socket, round bulb lamp, rubber base switch. Sadiron, salt, screw cap push button, seamless insulation, sec- ondary cable, section switch, sectional switch box, separable attachment plug, series sockets, service box, set, sewing machine motor, shade, shade holder, sheave, sheet mica, shell, shellac, shield, shim, shovel, shunts, sign lamp, signal cable, silk, silk tape, single phase wattmeters, skeleton bell, slate barrier, sleeving, sleigh gong, slotted nut, slow burning, snap switch base, socket, socket adapter, socket bushing, soda, soldering iron, sounder, spacer, spade handle, spark coil, spark plug, speaking tube, speci- fication, speed regulator, splicer, splicing block, split crossover tube, spool type strain insulator, spring, superior, support, stage cable, stamped push button, stand, star zinc, stay binding, steel armored conductor, steel-clad iron, stem, stereopticon lamp, steril- izer, stick, stove, strain insulator, strap, street fixture, streethood, streethood socket, strip, stripping stud, suite telephone, surface receptacle, surgical webbing, suspension cleat, sweating blanket, switch, switch adapter, switchboard bolt, swiveling attachment plug, syringe battery. Table push button, tachometer, tackle block, tailor's irons, tamp- ing, tandem box, tank switch, tap, tape, taplet, tapping, tea ball machine, tee, telegraph apparatus, telephone, telephone apparatus, tell-tale float, terminal, test clip, tester, testing instrument, the- ater cable, theatrical connector, thermostat, thimble, thinner, tightener, time switch, tinned, tin reflector, tinsel cord, tip, toaster, toggle, tong, tool, torch, toy transformer, trailer, transformer, transom, transmitter, transmitting, transposition pin, trap, traveler's irons, tray, tread, trims, trimmer, tripod, trolley wire, tube, tubing, tubular, tungsten battery, turnbuckle, turn-down lamp, twin socket, two-point bracket, two-wire. Unfused, unilet, unilet cover, unit, utility battery. V. V. fittings, vacuum iron, varnish, ventilating motor, vestibule telephone, vibrator, voltage, volt-ammeter, volt-meter, volt-meter plug, vulcanized fibre. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 99 Wall bracket cluster, warmer, warming pad, washer, watchcase buzzer, watchmen's flashlight, water heater, watertight push but- ton, wattmeter, weatherproof annunciator wire, webbing, West- inghouse arc lamp, wet batteries, whistle, wire, wireduct, wireless telegraph instrument, wood attachment plug, wood molding. Xtraficiency reflector. Yager's soldering salt. Zinc oxide, zinc. Also see Electrical Engineering, and General Business. ELECTROTYPING, ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHY, PHOTOG- RAPHY AND PRINTING: Academy board, achromatic, acid, acid blast, acid draining, trough, actinic, ad alley, address, ad man, advertisement, agitator, airbrush, albanine, albert type, albumen, alphabet, anastigmat lens, anchored, anode, antique, aplanatic, arc lamp, architectural, architecture, arrangement, art circles, artotype, asphaltum, at- tachment. Background, backing pan, backs, bake, baked matrix, bath, ben- zine, Bible paper, bill-of-lading, binder's plate, binding, biron, bistre, bite, black-and-white, black ink, black lead, black letter, blind embossing, blind stamping, block-book, blocking slab, blotter, blue ink, blueprint, body-mould, boldface, book, bookbinder's die, booklet, book plate, boxwood, brayer, bristol board, bromide, brown chalk, brush, buff shade, buff size, building iron, built-up matrix, bundle, bur, burin, burinist, burnisher. Calligraphic etching, cameo, cameotype, camera, camera lucida, camera obscura, camera rack, camera swing, canvas board, carbon paper, carbon process, cartography, cartoonist, case-hook, case catalogue, case warming table, casting box, celluloid plate, cepaskin paper, chalk, charcoal, chartography, chiaroscuro, chro- matic, chromo-photograph, chromotype, claymodeling, coated paper, cold colors, cold pressed, collodion, collotype, color filter, color, color photographic reproduction, color scheme, color screen, colorist, colortype process, column width, comb, combined router, combination halftone, commencement exercises, commercial, com- position, condensed, continuous shell electrotype, contour, con- trasty, copper, copperette, coppering, copperplate, copy board, copyright, copyrightable cut, cored metal base, corner card, cover design, crank, crayon, cross hatching, crowquill, curved plate router, customer, cut, cut-out, cylinder, cyanotype . Daguerreotype, dandy, dash, dead, deep etching, delineate, dense, depositing tank, design, developing paper, diffused light, diplomat, direct reproduction, directing plane, distance point, ditty screen, divided slant, dodge, dominant mass, dot burnishing, double enameled, doubetone ink, dovetailing machine, draft, dragon's blood, drawing, dry matrix, dryer, dull coated paper, dummy man, duotone, duotype process, duplicate. Eccentric engraving, economical, egg beater, electro, elec- trography, electroplating, electrotype, em, embossed, emulsion, 100 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES enamel, engraved halftone, engraver, enlargement, expander, ex- plosive, exposure, expression. Facsimile, fat face, faulty reproduction, ferrotype, fibre, film, finisher's plate, finishing slab, fish glue, fixitiv, flap, flat, flat proof, flogged, flong, floret, flourish, focusing magnifier, forcing fore- ground, foot pump, foreshortening, four-color process, full-face, furnace. Gas furnace, gelatin, geometrical lathe, glass plate, glaze, glued- up backing, gonache, graduate, grained, grained plate, graphic, graver, groundline, gum. Halftone, hammer, hand rest, heliographic engraving, helio- gravure, heliotype, highlights, hot pressed, hydrometer, hypo. Illuminate, illustration, illustrator, imagination, imitation type- writer letter, impression, indotint, ink, ink slab, inside mortise, insulating paper, interchangeable base, ivory black. Joseph paper. Key plate, kill, kneaded rubber, knurl. Label registration, laminated paper, leaded, lean face, letter chisel, letterer, levy camera, lineholder, lining comb, lining tool, lithograph, lithographic, lithography, lithophotograph, lithotype engraving, low tone, lower case, lye trough. Machine magazine finish, mahl stick, male and female dies, manufacture, manufacturer, marginal, marked proof, mask, mass, matrix, matt board, measles, mechanical, medium, metal base, mezzograph, messotint, middle tint, miniature, minimum, mono- gram, mortise, mortised block, mould, mounting press, multiple gouge. Nailing machine, neat sketch, negative, neutral tone, newspaper, nickeltype, non-actinic paper, non-halation, notching machine. Obliterate, oil, onion skin, opaque, original, ornament, outline, over-exposed, overlay. Pad, paint, pale, palette, pamphlet, paneled, pantograph, parallel, pasted, pastel, patent, pattern, pebbling, pencil, perspec- tive, perspectograph, photo-aquatint, photocallography, photo- chemical, photochromotype, photocrayon, photoelectric, photo-en- graving, photo-etching, photo-galvanography, photogelatin, photo- glyphy, photo-glyptography, photogram, photograph, photographer, photography, photogravure, photo-intaglio, photolithograph, photolithography, photomechanical, photometer, photo-plasto- graphy, photoprint, photorelief, phototype, pickling, pickle, picture, pigment, plain halftone, planer, plate, plating, platinotype, portfolio, portrait, poster print, prepared canvas, press proof, pressman, print, printer, printing lamp, printmeter, prism, prisma- print, process, profile, protecting, proof-leaf, proofing ink, pro- portional compasses, proving bearer, publicity, publisher, pure color, purple paper. Quadri-color, quality, quantity, quarter-tone. Ray filter, ready prints, reducing glass, reduction, re-etch, regis- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 101 ter, re-grave, re-marking, remarque proof, reproduction, retouch, retouching frame, reversing, revising, rigger, rolling machine, roller pump, rolling press, rolling-up, rough proof, rough sketch, roughing machine, routing, rubbed tint, rubber dough, rubric, rubricate, ruled screen, ruled tint. Saddle, salesman, sand-papering machine, saw table, scale, scraper, scratch board, scratch paper, screen script, shading graver, shaving machine, shell, shoot board, signature cut, sketch, sloping letter, smear, smooth up, softening hammer, soiled sheets, soliciting, solicitor, specimen, square inch, squared underlay paper, staging, staple, steam table, stencil, stereotype press, stipple engraving, stippler, stock cut, stopping-off iron, stopping out, straight edge, striper, stripping plate, stylebook, super- calendered, sweated on, sweating. T-square, territory, text cut, thickness, thin copper, three-color process, three-ply paper thickness, thin copper, thumb tack, thumb- nail illustration, thinning table, tint block, tone, tracing cloth, transfer ink, transparent colors, trichromatic plate, trimmer, turtle plate, tusche, type high, typehigh gauge, typehigh planer, type metal. Ullmanine, underscore, under-exposed, underlay, un- printable. Vignette, vignetted half-tone, vignetter. Waterproof ink, wax engraving, wax kettle, wax modeling, wax shaver, wax table, wet plate, white line, wood base, wood block, wood cut, wood cutter, wood engraver, wood engraving. Xylograph. Zinc etching, zinc halftone, zinc hook, zincograph, zincography. Also see General Business. ESTATES : See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS AND TRUSTEES: See Finance, General Business, Law, and Real Estate. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS: See Imports and Exports. EXPRESS COMPANIES: Abscond, abstract, accident, acting, additional weight, address, addressee, adjustment, advertisement, agent, agency, aggregate, alleged shortage, apparent good order, applicant, arrival, article, auditor, authority, authorized, avoided. Bad order, baggage, barrel, batch of papers, bill-of-lading, blank, bulletin, bureau of explosives. Cap badge, carelessness, car, carload, carton, carried beyond, carried by, carrier, cashier, charges ringed, checked, check-mark, check of office, circuitous, circular, claimant, claim department, claim file, classification, clerical, clerk, C. 0. D., collect charges, combustible, combination, commodity, common carrier, common point, company's business, complaint, comply, concealed, condition 102 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES statement, connecting company, connection, consigned, consignee, consignment, consignor, consisting, contained, contents, con- version, correction, counted, crate, customs regulation. Damage, deadhead, deficit, defraud, delay, delivery limits, de- livery man, delivery record, delivery sheet, department, descrip- tion, destination, detention, discover, discovery, discrepancy, dis- position, district, diversion, division, driver, driver's helper, duplicate. Effect, effect delivery, effect settlement, employe, en route, equipment, error, established, evidence, ex-agent, examination, excelsior, exception, excuse, expeditious, expenditure, expense, ex- pense voucher, explosive, expressage, expressman, express receipt. Ferry agent, first class, foreign express, forward, forwarding department, fragile, frank, full weight. General superintendent, good condition, guarantee, guard. Half charge, handle, handled, handling through business, haul. Inbound, infreight clerk, initial carrier, injury, inspection, in- spector, instructions, instrument, insufficient prepay, insurance, interstate, interstate commerce commission, investigation. Jewelry, joint equipment. Label, leakage, liability, livestock, local, local tariff, loss. Maintenance, manifest, market, marketable, memorandum, mer- chandise, message, messenger, mileage, mis-billed, miscellaneous, misdelivery, mistake, money driver, money order, money waybill, movement. Neglect, net weight, notation, notice, notification, notified, notify. Operate, order, originate, ounce, outbound, outcheck, outstand- ing, outweight, over and short, overload, overweight, over without mark, owner's risk. Package, packer, padlock, paid through, parcel, parcels post, participate, passing, parties, perishable, permission, perversion, pilfering, platform, point of origin, portable safe, P. 0. 0. R. (put off at owner's risk), possession, pound-rate, prepaid charge, pre- paid freight, prepaid rates, prepay, prepayment, property, pros- pective business. Quotation. Railroad, rate, rebate, rebill, receipt, recharge, reconsign, re- cover, recovery, reduction, refusal, refund, regular line, release, relief, remittance, repair, requisition, responsible, responsibility, risk, round waybill, route, routed via, routing order, running. Safeguard, schedule, seal, sealed package, seasonable, second class, securely, seizure, service, settlement, shipper, shipment, shortage, show delivery, shrinkage, spoil, signature, solicitor, statement of clerk, station, steamship, stolen, storage, storehouse, substitute waybill, suburban, suffocate, superintendent, surrender, switch yard. Tampered, tariff, tariff sheets, territory, through billing, ton- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES IPS nage, trace, tracer, tracing, train, transfer point, transit, treas- urer, trouble, truck, truckload, trunk. Uncalled for, unclaimed, undercharge, under cover of waybill, uniform, unsalable, unpaid, unsealed, usage. Validity, valuation, value, via, violation, voucher. Waiver, waybill beyond, waybill tracer, warehouseman, ware- house truck, wax seal, weight, withdrawal, wrapper. Also see General Business, and Railroads Freight Commodities. FINANCE : Absorbed, abstract of title, acceptance, acceptor, accommoda- tion, account sales, accrued interest, accumulated, acknowledg- ment, active securities, adjustment, administrator, administratrix, agent, allotment, annual, annuity, anticipation, apportioned, ap- praised, appraisal, appraiser, appraisement, arbitrage, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrary, asked price, assessed valuation, assessment, assets, assign in blank, assignee, assignment, assignor, assumed, attachment, attorney, auction, auditor, authorized, available, averaging down, averaging up, award. Baby bond, back spread, bank-book, bank-clearings, bank com- missioner, banker, bankrupt, bargain counter, bear market, bear- ing, bear raid, beneficial, betterment, bid price, bidding up, bill-of- credit, bill-of-exchange, bill-of-lading, bills payable, blanket mortgage, blank indorsement, blind pool, block of stock, board lot, Board of Trade, bond value, bonded debt, bonus, boom, boomers, borrowing, bottom dropped out, bottom price, break, broken lot, broker, brokerage, bucketed, bucket shop, building and loan as- sociation, buldge, bull clique, bull market, bullion, bullish, buoy- ant, business, buyer, buying on sales, buying-up. Cable transfer, callable, called bonds, capital, capitalist, capital- ization, carry, carrying charge, cashier, cashier's check, certificate, certification, certified, certified accountant, charter, chartered accountant, chattel, check-book, cipher code, circular, circulation, clearance, clearing-house, close corporation, closing price, collat- eral trust, collection, commercial, commission, committments, com- mon stock, community, comparison, comptroller, confidence, con- sideration, consignee, consolidated, consol certificate, contingent, continuance, contract, contractor, controlling, convertible, co- operation, co-operative, corn, corner, corporation, correspondence, correspondent, cotton, coupon bond, credit, creditor, credit bal- ance, cumulative, curb broker, currency, current, curtailing, cus- tom, customer, "cutting a melon." Daily balance, dated, date due, dead asset, debit balance, debenture bond, debtor, deferred, deficit, delinquent, delivery, de- mand loan, denomination, deposit, depositor, depreciated, depreciation, destroy, differential, digested securities, director, direct obligation, discount, discretionary, dishonor, distrust, dis- solution, dividend, document, documentary, domestic, draft, drawer, drawee, drop, due-bill, dull, dummy, dump. 104 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Earnest, eased off, economical, economy, emergency, employee, employer, endorsement, engagement, enterprise, equipment, equity, erratic, escrow, estate, excess, ex-dividend, exemption, ex- port, extended, extension. Face value, facilitate, factor, failure, fair risk, farm loan, feeder, feverish, finance, financial, fire insurance, firm, first mort- gage-deed, mortgagee, mortgagor, move movement, municipal, fluctuation, flurry, F. 0. B., forced liquidation, foreclosure, foreign, forged, forgery, fortnightly, fractional lot, franchise, fraternal, fully paid, funded, funding, futures. Gambling, garnish, garnishee, garnishor, general utility bonds, gold bar, gold inflation, good-will, go-short, government, grab, grace, grade, graft, grain, greenback, gross, ground floor, guar- anty, gunning for stock. Hammered, harden, hard spot, heavy, hesitate, holder, holding company, holding the market, honor, hung-up, hypothecate. Improvement, inactive, in and out, income tax, incorporation, in- debtedness, indenture, independent, individual, industrial, indus- try, inflate, inflation, inheritance, insider, inside tip, insolvency, insolvent, inspection, inspector, installment, integrity, intercept- ing, interchangeable, interest, international, inventory, investment, irredeemable, irregular, issue price. Jack screwing, jobber, joint, journal, judgment. Killing, kiteflying, knocked down. Land, lapse, lawful, legal for investment, letter of credit, liabili- ties, lien, life annuity, life insurance, limit, liquidated damages, liquidating market, listed securities, loaded up, long pull, lying down. Maintenance, maker, making a killing, making a market, manage, management, manifest, manipulation, margin, marketability, market off, market orders, marking time, maturity, melon, mer- cantile, merger, milking, mining, minority, mixed collateral, mort- gage-deed, mortgagee, mortgagor, move, movement, municipal. Narrow market, national bank, negotiable, negotiate, net earn- ings, net price, new high, nominal par, non-assessable, non-taxable, notary public, note, notice of dishonor. Odd lot, off, offer, offered down, official, open order, open price, operator, operating companies, option, optional, outlawed, outside market, outsider, outside stocks, over capitalized, overstayed, over- draft, overissue, oversold. Panic, paper profit, par, parent company, part payment, partici- pating bond, partnership, pass a dividend, payable, payee, payment, pegged, penny stocks, per capita, per cent., personal, petty cash book, piker, pit, plugged, plum, plunge, plunger, point, pointer, pool, possession, post-dated potential value, power of attorney, preference, preferred stock, premium, prime, principal, prior lien, private-wire house, privilege, proceeds, professional, profit-mak- ing, profit-sharing, promissory note, promoter, pro rata, propor- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 105 tionately, prospectus, protest, proxy, purchase, purchaser, put, pyramiding. Qualified endorsement, quarterly, quasi-municipal, quotation. Raid, railroad, rally, rating, reaction, readjustment, real estate, realize, rebate, recede, receiver, reconstruction, recource, recovery, redemption, refunding, registered bond, reinvest, release, remit- tance, reorganization, resumption, retreat, revenue, rights, ring, round trasaction. Saddle, sag, saturation, savings, scaling, scalping, scrip, sealed bid, seasoned, second mortgage, secured, security, seller's option, selling off, selling short, semi-annual, serial bond, settlement, shaded off, shareholder, shaving, shipment, shorts, sick market, silver, sinking fund, slaughter, slipping, sluggish, slump, smash, solvent, specialists, specie, speculation, speculator, split quota- tion, spot, spurt, squeeze, stagnation, standard, state bond, steady, steamship, stiffened, stock certificate, stock dividend, stockholder, stock-jobbing, stop order, straddle, street broker, street certificate, stringent, stub, subscriber, subscription blank, subsidiary, sub- sidy, success, successor, support, surety, surplus, surrender, sus- pense account, suspension, wing, syndicate. Take up, tangible, tare, tax exempt, technical position, tender, third mortgage, time draft, tip, to net, ton mile, top heavy, top price, touch, trade discount, trader, traffic, transfer, treasurer, treasury, trust deed, trust funds, trustee. Underlying mortgage, undertone, underwriter, underwriting, undigested securities, undivided profits, uneven market, unlisted securities, unload, unpaid, unsteady market, usury. Valuation, vendor, voluntary, voting trust, voucher. Wall street, waive protest, warrant, warranty deed, watered stock, weak, wealth, welcher, wiped out, without recourse, work- ing capital. Year, yield. Also see Banking and Trust Companies, General Business, and Stocks and Bonds. FIRE APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES: Acid bottle, apparatus, attaching tools, auto fire extinguisher, ax. Badge, bell, bell crank, bit, boiler, bolt, boots, bucket, bumper, button. Cabinet, cage, cap, chemical engine, coat, collar, connection, coupling, crowbar, cuspidor, cutter. Door opener. Engine, extinguisher. Factory stock, fire alarm bell, fire department, fire helmet, fire hose, fire ladder. Gate, gloves, goggles, gong, gun. Halter, hand grenade, harness, hatchet, heater, helmet, holder, hook, hose. Insignia. Joint. Ladder, landing pad, lantern, latch, life belt, line, lock. 106 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Machine, mat, matting, motor. Nipple, nozzle. Opener. Pad, pail, paste, patrol wagon, piezometer nozzle, pipe, plaster, pole, polish, pump. Rack, rake, reducer, respirator. Searchlight, shirt, smoke helmet, snap, soda, spanner, spring, stock, stopper, stopple, strap, suction, suspender, syphon. Table, test pump, tip, tool, tower, truck, tubing, turnout suit. Underwriter's play pipe. Valve. Warehouse chemical engine, wharf hydrant valve, wire cutter. Also see General Business. FISH, FISHING EQUIPMENT, AND OYSTERS: Abalone, albacore, alewife, amber-jack, anchovies, angel-fish, angling, artificial. Bait-casting, bait-taker, barracuda, bass, blackfish, black grouper, black sea-bass, bloater, bluefish, blue parrot-fish, boat, boneless fish, bonito, bream, butterfly-fish. Canned fish, carp, catfish, caviar, channel-bass, chinook, chowder-fish, chub mackerel, clam bait, clam juice, clothing, cod- fish, echoes, conch, cove oyster, crab, crawfish, croaker, cuttle fish. Deviled fish, deep-sea fish, dog snapper, drum, drumming, dry fly. Eel, eagle ray, egg yolk, enameled line, eyed fly, eyed hook. Family, fancy, feeding, ferrule, fiddler-crab, fish bladders, fish egg, fish scrap, fishing ground, fittings, flies, flounder, flushing, flying-fish, fly rod, food, frog. Gaffing, game fish, golden angel-fish, gourami, gray snapper, grouper, grunt, guide. Haddock, halibut, handgrasp, hard-tailed jack, haunt, herring, hooking, hogfish, horse mackerel, humpbacks, husk. Jack, jewfish, joint. Kingfish, kits. Lake, landing net, leader, leaping shark, length, line release, ling, lobster. Mackerel, mehaden, migration, mollusk, mussel. Ocean, oyster. Parrot-fish, phosphorescence, pickerel, pickled pike, preserved. Quadruple reel, quality, quantity. Range, red snapper, red tail, reel-seat, repair kit, river, robalo, rock cod, rod. Salmon, salt mackerel, sand-sucker, sardine, scallop, scale, scaling, schoolmaster fish, sea-angling, sea-bass, sea-drum, sea- lion, season, selects, shad, shark, shell oysters, sheepshead, shiner, shrimp, size, silver mullet, silversides, skip-jack, smelt, smoked, snail, snapper, sockeye, spawn, spawning, species, sponge, spoon, sport, spotted cero, spotted grouper, squeteague or sea trout, squid, stock-fish, sturgeon, surf-fishing, sword fish, style. Tackle, tarpon, tench, tin, tow, triple-tail, trolling spoon, trout, tuna, tunny, turtle. Wader, weight, whitefish, white grouper, windings. Yellowtail, yolks, young. Also see General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 107 FLOUR AND CEREAL PRODUCTS OF MILLS: Accident, agent, article. Bale, barley, barrel, basis, bran, brand, breakfast food, buckwheat, bushel. Carload, carton, cereal flakes, cereal preparation, chaff, chopped feed, chopped, clipped oats, commission, corn cob, corn germ, corn meal, corn oil cake, corn shive. Damp, dampness. Eastern flour, entire wheat flour, excellent, extra yellow. Family size, farina, farinaceous, farinose, feed rice, flax meal, flaxseed, flour, force. Grade, graham, granola, granose flakes, granulated, grape, grape nut, grain, green, grits, groats. Hauling, hominy, hull, hygenic cracker. Lentil, low grade. Malt, maltoid, meal, middlings, mill stuff, miller, milling, mix- ture. Nutty grains. Oat dust, oat meal, oat groats. Package, pancake flour, pastry flour, patent, pearl barley, polish rice, porridge rice, product, puffed rolled barley, puffed wheat, pure. Refund, retail, roasted, rolled, rye. Sack, sago, sale, sample, screenings, selfraising buckwheat, shortage, shorts, shredded, small lots, split peas, sustained. Tapioca, territory, toasties. Wheat, wheat hearts. Also see General Business. FOUNDRY AND FOUNDRY SUPPLIES, BUFFING COMPOSI- TIONS AND PLATERS' SUPPLIES: Abrasive, acids, adjustable clamps, admixture, aeration, affinity, afterblow, afterglow, air drain, air gate, air hole, alcohol, alloy, aluminum, allotropic, amalgamate, ammonia, annealing, anodes, antidoes, antimony, aprons, aqua ammonia, arsenic, asbestos, askes, asphaltum, assay, attachment. Babbitt, back, bag, baking molds, balancing device, band saw, bank-up, barium chloride, bar, barrel, basket, battery, bellows, belting, belts, bench, bevel, billet, bismuth, bisulphite of soda, blacken, blacking, blacklead, blackstone, blackwash, blade, blast- gate, blaze, blending, blister, block, blow can, blower, blowhole, blue vitriol, boiler, bond, bone, borax, bore, boring, bot-stick, box chaplets, boxwood, branding irons, brass, brazing, breast, brick, brick-dust, bridge chaplets, bronze, broom, brush, bucket, buffing compositions, buff wheel, bullion, bull ladles, burn, burner, burn- ing brand, burnisher, burr, butt-core. Cabbage pot, cake, calcination, caldron, can, cant, canvas, can- vas wheel, car, carbon, carbonate, carborundum, case-hardening, cast, casting, catches, caustic, cement, cemented, chain, chalk, chamber, chamois skin, charcoal, charge, charging barrow, charred, cheek, chemical, chill, chill casting, chloride, circular brush, clamp, clay, clay wash, cleaner, clinker, clock, cloth, coal, cobalt, coke, coldshut, collapsible, combination pliers, com- bustion, commutator, composition, compound, compression, com- 108 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES pressor, conductor, contraction, conveyor, cope, copper, core-bar, core-barrel, core-box, core-pipe, core-print, core-over, cork, cor- rosion, cot, cotter plate, cotton buffs, coupler, couplings, crayon, crock, crucible, crushed coke, crusher, crystallization, cup, cupola block, cutter, cyanide of potassium, cylinder. Dabber, dam-plate, daubing, deadhead, density, dextrine, dip- ping basket, dirt shovel, disc, disk, dog, dovetail, dowel, draft, drag, drain, draw, draw back, draw-hook, draw-taper, dresser, dressing, drier, drying stone, dry sand, drying-stove, ductility, dull, dump, dust bag, duster, dynamos. Elasticity, electric, electrolysis, elevator, elongation, emery, enameled tank, endless belt, exhaust hood, expending. Face-dust, facing, facing sand, false part, fan, fatigue, feeding- head, feeding rod, felt, ferro, fettle, fillet leather, fin, finger cot, finish silver, fire brick, flake, flask, flask-clamp, flaw, flax swabs, flexible, flint, floor-rammer, flow-gate, fluorspar, flue, flux, follow- board, forge, fork, founder's dust, foundry, fracture, frame, freez- ing point, fuel coke, fulcrum, funnel, furnace, fusible. Gagger, gate-channel, gate-shutter, gate-stick, gauge, gear- molding, generator, glass, gloves, glow, glue, goggles, gold rouge, grade, graduating glass, grain, graphite, green sand, grinder, ground bone, grunter, gudgeon, gum shellac, gun metal, guy. Hacksaw, haft, hardening, headrope, hearth, heat, helmet, hinge, hoists, hood, hook, hopper, horse clamp, hose, hot blast, hydro- fluoric acid, hydrometer, hydrometer stand. Impurities, incandescent, inclinator, indicator, infusible, ingate, ingot, iron flash. Jacket core, jam, jib crane, jointer, journal. Kaolin, kerosene, kettles, kink. Lacquer, lacquering, ladle, lantern, lathe, lead, lean, leather, level, lift, lifting-screw, lighting cupola, limestone flux, linen ingot, lining, lip, litharge, litmus paper, loadstone, loam, loam- beater, loam-board, loam-cape, loam-plate, loosening bar, lubricat- ing graphite, lug, luminating, lump pumice stone, lute, lycopodium, lye. Machine, malleable, mallet, mandril, manganese, mantel, mantel plate, matte, matrix, mechanic's goggles, melting furnace, mer- cury, metal cleaner, metallography, metalloids, metallurgy, mica, mill, mineral mixer, modeling, molasses, moldboard, molder's staple, mold-fatting, mold-sand, molder's tools, molder's sprayer, mover, muriatic acid, muslin cloth wheel. Nail, new sand, nickel, nitric acid, nowel, nozzle, nugget. Odd sand, odd side, oil burner, old sand, open hearth, oaen sand, ore, ounce, output, oval riddles, oven, over-iron, oxidation. Pallions, paint, paraffin, partine, parting line, parting sand, paste, patent, pattern, peel, peen, pencil, perforated, perier, pewter, picker, pickle, piecemeal, piercer, pig-iron, pin, pit, pitcher, plaster, plate, plater's wrinkles, plating, plier, plug, pneumatic, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 109 pocket, pointer, poling, polish, polisher's steel rack, polishing, porous, potash, potassium, pot metal, pouring-gate, powder, powdered, pressure, print, printer's ink buffs, prod, puddling, pumice stone, punting, putty, pyrometer. Quality, quicksilver. Rabble, radius, rake, rammer, rapping plate, rattle-barrel, rat- tler, rawhide mallet, receiver, red-short, reduce, refiner, refractory, regenerative, regenerator, remelt, respirator, reverberatory, rheostat, riddle, riser, roasting, rod connection, roll-off hinge, rosin, rotten stone, rouge, routing cutter, rub stone, rubber apron, run through, runner stick, rust. Safe-mold, sag, sagger, salamander, sal soda, salts, sandburned, sanders, saw, saw bench, saw dust, saw gummer, saw machine, scab, scales, scoop, score, scouring, scrap-iron, scratch brush, screw, section, sector, segment, separator, shaft, shake bag, shake- out tongs, shank, sheepskin disc, sheet felt, shoes, shop barrel, short, shovel, shrinkage, shut, shuttle, sieve, sifter, silica, silicon, silver, sinking head, size, skimmer, skimming gate, skull, slab core, slag, sledge, sleeve, slick, slicker, sluggish, smelting, smooth- on castings, snap flask, snips, soaking, soap, soapstone, soda, solder, solution, sow, specific gravity, speed indicator, spelting, spill trough, splitting, sponge, spray can, sprayer, spraying bel- lows, sprinkling can, sprue cutter, stalk, stamp, stand, staple, star, stationary, steady-pin, steamboiler, steel, stem chaplet, stirrer, stirring rod, stitched canvas, stock coke, stopping off, stone, stoneware, stopper, stove door, straightener, strickle, strike- up, stud, sublimation, sulphate, sulphur, sulphuric acid, sullage piece, swab pot, sweat, sweep, swing, cut-off saw, swivel. Table, tackle, tacky, talc, tap-hole, tapping bar, tank, taper, tarnish, tedge, teem, tempering furnace, templer, tenacity, test bar, thermometer, thickness, tile, tin anodes, titanium, tongs, tools, torch, tote box, tram rails, tray, trestle, trimmer, trough spill, truck, trowel, trunnion, tub, tubing, tumbler, tumbling barrel, tumbling box, tungster, turntable, turning tools, tuyere. Undercut, up-end, uranium. Valve, vein, vent wire, vibrator, virgin metal, vise, vitriol, volt- meter. Wagon, washed, washings, waste, waster, wax mold, weathering, wedge, weight, weighting, well, whale oil soap, wheel, wheel- barrow, white iron, whiting, wind-gauge, wire, wood dowel, wooden shoes, woven wirecloth. Yard, yellow brass, yellow metal, yoke. Zinc fused, zinc granulated. Also see General Business. FRATERNAL INSURANCE AND FRATERNAL ORDERS : Absentee, accompanied, accumulated, accusation, acquainted, admitted, afflicted, agent, agreement, allowance, alphabetically, alternate, annually, appertaining, application, applicant, ap- 110 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES propriation, approve, arbitrator, article, arrangement, arrears, association. Ball ballot, balloted, beneficial, benefit, benevolent, blackballed, blank, board of auditors, board of directors, book examiner, bond, bonded officer, brethren, brother, business. Candidate, card, cast, cease, certificate, certification, ceremony, chairman, chaplain, choice, chronic, circular letter, claim, clear- ance, commission, committee, communication, compensation, con- duct, conductor, conferred, conformity, conjointly, consent, con- tingency, correspondence, criticism, custodian. Death, declaration, decline, defray, degree, delegate, delegation, delinquency, delinquent, deputy, designated, disease, dispensation, disposal, dispute, district laws, district branch, document, dona- tion, duties. Election, employment, empowered, endorsement, ensuing quar- ter, entrance fee, established, examination, examined, examiner, expelled, expiration, expulsion. Fellowship, fine, fraudulent, fraternally, friend, fund, funeral benefits. General and district laws, governing, guilty. Headquarters, health, honorary member, husband. Immoral, incapable, indebtedness, indemnity, independent order, initiation, initiatory, installed, installation, institute, institution, interim, intoxicated, invitation. Join, judge, jurisdiction. Lecture master, legally, levies, lodge room, lodge physician, lodge. Majority, management, management committee, management fund, marrying, medical list, meeting, membership, minority, minutes, misappropriation, motion. Neglecting, neglect of duties, nominee, nomination, non-attend- ance, notified. Occupation, officer, official, officiate, order of expulsion, organ- ize, organization. Paper ballot, password, pecuniary, per annum, per capita, per- manently, permanent secretary, petition, physician, polling, pos- session, preferred, privileged, procured, property, pro tern, protec- tion, provided, provision. Quarterly. Readmitted, receipt, recommendation, rejected, rejection, rela- tive, relief, remittance, remuneration, resolution. Sanction, security, semi-annual, service, sick, sick benefits, sick- ness, signature, sister, special dispensation, standing committee, statement, stub, subscription, substitute, summoned, surgeon, sus- pended, suspension. Temporary, transaction, transfer, traveling card, treasurer, trustee. Unapproved. Vacancy, vacant, visiting committee, voting. Warden and guardian, warrant, wife. Also see General Business, and Life Insurance, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 111 FREIGHT COMMODITIES: See General Business, and Railroads. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : Abundant, account sales, acre, advance, advertising, affecting, apple, apricot, artichoke, article, arrivals, association, asparagus. Bale, banana, barrel, bean, beet tops, berry-basket, berry har- vester, berry package, black-cap raspberry, blackberries, black currant, blight, box, brandied cherries, bulk, bunching, bush fruit, bushel. Cabbage, cactus fruit, canned fruit, canning, caper, carrier, car- rot, cartage, catnip, celery, cental, cherry, chest, chives, choice, cider, citron, citrus fruit, cold storage, commercial, commission, common, consigned, consignee, consignor, cooperage, co-operative, competition, corn, corner, cost, cowpeas, cranberry, crate, crop, cropping, crystallized fruit, cucumber, cull, cultivating, cultivator, culture, curing, currant, cuttings. Damsons, dates, day book, dealer, delivery, deciduous, desic- cated fruit, dewberry, disease, drayage, drier, drying. Early, eggplant, export, evaporating, evaporator, exposure. Fancy stock, fertilizer, filling, figs, firsts, first grade, foreign market, fruit butter, fruit pulp, fruit worm. Gallon, garlic, gathering, germinating, gooseberry, grade, grad- ing, grafting, grapefruit, green peas in pods, grower, growing. Handling, hardness, harvesting, home market, horseradish, huckleberry, hybrid. Ice, icing, ice-house, imported, improvised storage, inspection. Jar, jelly, jointly, judgment in grading, juneberry. Kale, keeping, kiln-drier. Layer, leafy cluster, lean-to storage, lemon, lemonette, lentil, lettuce, liberal, lima beans, limes, loganberry, long cluster, loose cluster, lug. Manager, managing, mangoes, maraschino cherries, margin, mark, marketable, marketing, maximum, mayberry, mechanical grader, melon, merchant, minimum, mixed, mulching, mushroom, muskmelon. Native, nominal. Okra, olive, onion, operator, orange peel, orchard, ordinary, overloaded, oyster plant. Package, packing, palmetto, paper headings, parsley, parsnip, patch, pea, peach, pear, pepper, peppermint, perishable, persim- mon, picker, picking, pickle, pie plant, pineapple, pits, plum, pomegranate, potatoes, pools, preserves, press, price, prime, pro- ceeds, produce, production, propagation, prospects, prunes, prunelles, pruning, pulp fruit, pumpkin, punch-card, purchaser. Quality, quantity, quart, quinces. Radish, raisin, range, raspberry, recleaned, receptacle, refrig- 112 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES erator car, refrigeration, requirement, retail, rhubarb, rural, rutabaga. Sage, salesman, salting, sauerkraut, season, seconds, section, select, selection, seller, selling, shipper, shipment, six-basket car- rier,short-cluster, skin, smut, sorting, spearmint, speculator, specu- lation, split peas, spinach, spraying, square, squash, standard, stem, stencil, storage, store, strawberry, string beans, stuffed, substitute, supply, sugar beet, sweet potato, system. Tamarinds, tangerines, temperature in storage, thinning, tillage, tin, tomato, trade, transportation, turnip, type. Utiliza- tion. Variety, vegetable, ventilation, ventilator. Yellow, yield. Wagon, warehouse, waste, watermelon, well-colored, winter peaches, wholesale, wineberry, worm, wrapping. Also see General Business. FRUIT CANNERIES: See Fruits, and General Business. FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, DRAPERIES, UPHOLSTER- ING, OFFICE FURNITURE: Abraum, accommodation, accompanied, adapted, adjustable, adjuster, adjustment, advertisement, advertising, agent, apart- ment, apex, appropriate, approximate, angle brackets, antique, armchair, armure, article, art square, asbestos, assortment, at- tractive, auto cushion, automatic, awl. Baby carriage, baby-jumper, back-bar, back-post, back-spindle, bamboo curtain, bamboo easel, barber chair, bar fixtures, basket, bathroom, beech, beading, bedding, bedroom, bedstead, bed teaster, bentwood, bevel plate, bill-of-lading, binding, birch, bird's-eye maple, blades, blanket, blank form, body brussels, bolster, book- case, bookholder, bookrack, border, bracket, brass, breakage, breakfast table, bridge, brocade, broom, buffet, bureau glass, bur- lap, burlapped, buttons, buttress. Cabinet, cable rope, cafe, camp table, cancel, cane, cane seat, canopy, carpet, carpetings, carved, carving, cashier's desk, caster, catalogue file, catcher, cedar, center table, chain, chair, chamber, cheaper grade, chenille, cherry, chest, cheval, chiffonier, chiffo- robe, child's rocker, children's bed, chills, china, Circassian wal- nut, circular, claim department, clamp, cleats, clips, cloak rack, cloth, closter, cobbler seat, code, collapsible, colonial scroll, color, combined, combination, comfortable, compartment, complaint, commission, commode, communication, complete, construction, cpstumer, counter, convertible, corduroy, corner, corrugated mat- ting, couch, crate, crib, cupboard, cup-case, cosy corner, cotton, curly, curtain pole fixture, curtain rod, curtain stretcher, cushion, customer, covering, cover, cutter, cuts. Damask, dammara, davenettes, davenport, department, depth, desk, design, destination, diameter, dining chair, dining suite, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 113 discs, display case, distributor, divan, dividers, document file, door panel, dovetailed, dowel, draper, drapery, drawer, dresser, dressing table, drill, drophead, duck, durable. Easy-chair, elaborately, elastic, elbows, elevation block, elm, embossed, empire, enamel, ends, escritoire, escutcheon, excelsior, exchange, express, export, extension pillar, extreme height, eye- lets, eyes. Fabrics, fabrikoid leather, factory, fancy, fastener, fastenings, feather bed, felt, fibre, figured pattern, filler, finish, fireplace, fender, fireside rocker, five-ply ends, fixture, flat top, flexible, F. 0. B., folding-bed, foot stool, framework, freight bill, fringe, fumed oak, furnishings, furniture. Genuine, gill, gimps, glass, gloss finish, glue, gocart, golden oak, goods, grade, grass matting rug, grate, grip stand, grommets, guaranteed, guaranty. Hacksaw, hair, hall mirror, hammer, handle, hanger, hardwood, hatrack, heading hooks, height, hinge, holder, household furnish- ings, hooks, hassock. Imitation, ingrain. Key to prices, kitchen knives, knob, knock-down or K. D. Lace, ladder chair, larger, lease, leather, legs, lessee, lessor, library case, link, lining, linoleum, linters, list price, lock loops, loose cushion, lounge, luncheon mat, lustre, luxurious. Magazine rack, mahogany, malleable, mallet, manufacture, manufacturer, mantel, maple, marked, massive, mat, match, mat- ting, mattress, medicine cabinet, medium, metal mill, mirror, miss- ing, mission, mohair, mold, moquette, muslin, moulding. Nails, natural maple, needles, net price, non-binding, non- dividing door, nosing, notation, nursery chair. Oak, odd piece, office chair, oilcloth, opaque, opera chair, onyx, organ, oriental, ormolu, ornament, oval, overdrape bracket, over- stuffed chair, oxidized. Package, packing, pad, painting plate, panel, parlor, partition, pattern, pedestal, perambulator, perforated, photograph holder, piano, piazza, pickers, picture cord, pigeon holes, pillow-sham holder, plank top, plated, plush, pneumatic cleaner, pole, polish, pointer, porcelain, porch set, portier, postal, product, pulley, pulls, punch cutting, purchaser. Quality, quantity, quartered back, quarter sawed, quilt clamps. Rack, rag, rug, rail, ratchet, rattan, red gum, reed, regular or reverse rails, refrigerator, regulator, release, removable, renais- sance, reproduction, reversible, restaurant, reversible gear, re- volving, returnable, ring, rivets and burrs, rocker, rococo, rod cutter, rodded arm, roll, roller, room, rubbed, rubber tires, rug, ruffled front, runner, rustic. Saddle seat, safe, salesman, salesroom, saloon, sample, sanitary, satin, school furniture, scratch, screen, screws, scrim, seamless, seat, sectional, selection, self-propelling wagon, seller, serpentine design, settee, set-up, sewing machine, sewing twine, shade, 114 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES shears, shelf, shipping-bill, showroom, sideboard, silk floss, sitting chair, size, slat, sled, slip seat, socket, sold, solid color, special, spinning mill, splint, stack of units, stain pad, stair, standard, staples, steel, stenographer's chair, stitching, sofa, stock, stool, straw-paper, stretcher, string, stripe, style, substituting, suite, sulky, superior, support, sweeper, swinging crane, swivel hooks. Table, table leg, table scarf, table slide, tabouret, tacks, tapestry, tassels, tea wagon, telephone, tempered, tension, thread, three-ply, ticking, tile, tips, toilet, top slat, trace, transportation, traverse, trimming, tubing, tufted, tufts, typewriter stand. Umbrella, uneven, unstained, upholstered, upholstering, upright pulley. Vacuum cleaner, varnish, vase, velour, velvet, veneer, vertical file, vestibule, vise. Wadding, wall, walnut, wardrobe, warehouse, warp, washstand, wax, weather, weave, webbing, wheel, white duck, width, willow, window shade, wire cot, wood, wool, work basket, work bench, worsted, woven, wrapped, wringer. Yard. Zinc ends. Also see General Business. GAS: Acetylene, air, alkaline, alloy, altitude, ammonia, ammoniacal, analysis, analyzing, annular, anthracite, apparatus, appliance, ap- plication, aqueous, area, asbestos, atmospheric, ascension. Back, ball and socket, barometrical, barrel, barring, benzol, bisulphide, bituminous, blasting, blower, boiling, box, branch, brass, break, brickwork, burner, by-pass. Caking, calculation, calibration, calorific, calorimeter, candle, capacity, capital, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, carboniza- tion, carbo-sulphur, carburetter, cast iron, cement, chemical, chem- istry, chimney, "choke damp" cord, circular, circumference, clay, cleaning, clinker coal, coating, coke, columnless, comparison, com- petition, complaint, composition, compound, compression, con- denser, condensing, conductor, connection, constant, consumer, consumption, conversion, cooking stove, correction, corrosion, cost, coupling, curve, cutting-in-tee, cut main, cylinder. Damps, degree, delivery, deposit, dimension, dip-pipe, distilla- tion, distribution, draught, dresser-pipe, drill-pipe, dry line. Economizer, efficiency, efficient, effusion, emission, enamel, endosmose, engine, equivalent, estimate, evaporation, excavating, excavation, exhauster, exosmose, expansion, explosion, explosive. Fire bar, fire brick, fire clay, fittings, fixtures, flanged, flat flame, flexible, flow, flue, flue gas, flux, forcing-jack, formulae, freezing, fuel, function, furnace. Gauge, gallon, gas, generator, governor, grade, gravity, grip. Hauling, heat, high pressure, holder, hydrocarbon, hydrogen, hydrometer. Impurities, incandescent, inch, inclined, industrial, inflammable, installation, iron. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 115 Latent, laying, lead, leakage, lighting, lime, living, linear, load- ing, logarithm, loss, low pressure. Mains, malleable, mantle, map, mathematical, measurement, melting-point, metal, meter, metric, molecular. Naphthalene, nitrogen. Oil, operation, ounce, oxide, oxygen. Paint, palladium diloride, patch, patching, photometer, pipe joint, piping, plan, plate, plater, pneumatic, portable, power, pre- heater, preservation, pressure, price, properties, public, puddle, pump, purification, purifier, pyrometer. Quality. Radiation, range, reaction, receiver, record, reflection, regenera- tive, regulation, regulator, removal, removing, repairing, retort, revivication, revolution, riveted, rotary, rule. Saturated, schedule, screw thread, scrubber, service, site, size, sliding scale, slip, solubility, spacing, special, specific, specifica- tion, spray, square, standard, station, steam, steel, stoking, stop- page, stopper, storage tank, subaqueous, sulphate of ammonia, sulphide of calcium, sulphur, sulphuretted, superheated. Table, tan, tank, tap, tapping, technical, telescopic, temperature, tension, testing, thermometer, thread, tool, tray, trench. Unaccounted, unit, universal. Valve, vapor, various, volume. Wall, wash-box, washer, water, weight, wet, work. Yarn. Also see General Business. GENERAL BUSINESS: (ALSO USED BY AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS) Ability, absence, absolutely, abstract of title, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accommodate, accommodation, accompanying, accom- plish, account, accountant, accountability, account sales, accrued, accumulate, accurate, accurately, acknowledged, acquainted, act, actual, addition, address, adjustment, adjudication, admini- stration, administrator, admission, adulterated, ad valorem, ad- vance, advantage, advertisement, advertising, advice, advisability, affairs, affect, affidavit, agency, agent, agreement, aggregate, allot- ment, alteration, amendment, amount, analysis, annex, answer, anticipate, anticipatory, announcement, annual, annuity, apparent- ly, appearance, application, appointment, apportionment, ap- praiser, appraisement, appreciate, appreciation, apprehend, apprehension, appropriation, approximate, approximation, arbi- trate, arbitration, arrangement, arrears, arrival, articles of agreement, assessment, asset, assist, assistance, assistant, assign- ment, assortment, association, assume, astray, attach, attached, attachment, attention, attorney, auction, auctioneer, audit, auditor, authorize, authorized, auxiliary ledger, available, average, avoid, award. Bad order, balance, balancing, balance sheet, bank, banker, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy proceedings, bargain, basis, bearer, behalf, beneficiary, bill book, billing, bill-of-exchange, billhead, bill-of-lading, bill-of-sale, bills payable, bills receivable, binder, blank endorsement, blotter, blueprint, bona fide, bond, bondholder, 116 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES bonus, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, borrow, borrower, boundary, branch, broker, brokerage, budget, bull, bulletin, bullion, buyer's option, buying, business, by-laws. Cablegram, calculate, calendar, call, cancellation, candidate, canvass, capital, capitalist, capitalization, carload, carelessness, carrier, cash, cashier, catalogue, certificate, certification, certified, charge, charter, check, choice, circulation, circular letter, class, classification, clearing, clerical, clerk, client, closing, C. 0. D., collateral, collect, collectible, collecting, collection, collector, com- bination, commencement, commercial, commission, commissioner, committee, commodity, communication, commute, company, com- parative, comparison, compensation, competent, competitor, com- plaint, completion, compliment, comply, comptroller, computation, conclusion, concern, condemnation, conditional, confidential, con- firmation, connection, consignment, consignee, consignor, con- solidation, consult, consumer, consumption, contents, contingent, continue, contract, contractor, contribution, control, convert, copying, corner, co-operation, copartnership, corporation, correc- tion, correspondence, correspondent, cost, cotton, counter entries, countermanding, countersign, coupon, court, credentials, credit memorandum, creditor, criticism, crop, cross entries, current, cur- tailment, custom, customer, customhouse, cutting prices. Daily, damage, data, days of grace, dealer, debenture, debit, debt, debtor, decimal, decision, deduction, deed, deferred, deficit, delinquent, delivery, demand, demonstration, demonstrator, de- murrage, denomination, department, deposit, depositary, depositor, depreciate, depreciation, description, descriptive, destination, detecting, different, difference, difficult, dilapidation, direction, director, disbursement, discharging book, discount, discounting, discovered, discrepancy, dishonor, disposition, dissolution, dis- tribute, dividend, division, document, domestic bill, donation, double entry, draft, drawee, drawer, drawings, drayage, duebill, duplicate, duty. Earnest, earnings, easement, economy, economically, economize, effect, election, embarrass, embezzlement, emergency, employee, employment, employer, enclosed, enclosure, encumbrance, endorse- ment, engagement, engross, equitable, erasure, error, escrow, estate, estimate, exact, examination, except, excess, exchange, execution, executive, executor, executrix, exhibit, expectation, expedite, expenditure, expense bill, expert, expressage, extension, extortionate, extravagant. Face value, facility, facsimile, factory, failure, familiar, feature, fictitious, fiduciary, figure, finance, financial, financier, fire, first quality, fixed charge, fixtures, fluctuation, foreclosure proceed- ings, foreign, forfeited, forged, form, fortunately, forwarding, foundation, franchise, fraud, fraudulent, freight bill, fuel, func- tion, fund, fundamental, furniture. Gain, garnishee, garnishor, general government, good will, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 117 grantee, grantor, gratify, gross, guarantee, guaranteed stock, guarantor, guaranty. Habits, heading, heartily, holder, holiday, honorable, hurry, hypothecating. Identical, illegal, illustration, importing, impost, inaccuracy, incidental, income, incorporation, increase, indebted, indemnity, index, indication, individual, indorse, indorsement, indorser, in- ducement, industrious, inferior, initial, inquiry, insolvency, in- stallment, instruction, instrument, insurance, interest, interstate, intrastate, introduce, invalid, inventory, investigation, investment, invoice, involve, itemized statement. Jobber, jobbing list, joint stock, journal, journalizing, judg- ment, judicial. Knowledge. Laborer, landlord, lapsed, lawyer, lease, leased, leasehold, ledger, legal, legislation, legislature, legitimate, letter, liability, license, lien, lieu, limited, limitation, liquidation, liquidated damages, livestock, loaded, loan, locality, locating, location, loss, lucrative, lumber. Mail, mailing list, majority, manager, manifest, manufacturer, manufacturing, margin, market, marking, marshalling, maturity, maximum, meanwhile, memorandum, mercantile, merchandise, messenger, method, minimum, minority, minute book, miscellane- ous, misunderstanding, model, modification, moment, monetary, monoply, monthly, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, movement, multiplication, municipal, mutual. Namely, national, necessary, necessarily, neglected, negligence, negotiable, net proceeds, nominal, non-acceptance, non-payment, non-resident, notary, notation, note, notice, notification, numerous. Obligation, obviating, obvious, occasionally, occurrence, offering, office, officer, official, old account, open account operating, operation, opportunity, opposition, order, ordinance, organization, original, originated, outstanding account, outward invoice book, overcharge, overdraft, overlook, oversight, overstock, overtime, overture, ownership. Package, pamphlet, panic, parallel, parcel, parcels post, pardon, par of exchange, partial, particular, partner, partnership, past due, patent, patient, patron, patronage, payable, paying teller, payment, peculiar, pecuniary, penalty, penalized, pencil, per an- num, per capita, per cent, percentage, period, permanent, per- mission, perpetual, personal, persuade, petty cash, plans and speci- fications, plant, pledge, policy, political, portage book, process, postage, postal card, posting, postmaster, postoffice, postponed, power, practical, practice, precedent, preference, preferential, preferred stock, preliminary, premium, prepaid, preparation, presentation, president, presume, prevailing, price list, prima facie, principal, principle, prior, private, probably, problem, produce, product, production, profit, promissory, promoter, promptly, proof, property, proportion, proportionate, proposition, 118 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES proprietor, pro rata, prospectus, prosperous, protest, proximo, proxy, purchase, purchaser, pursuant. Qualification, qualified, quality, quantity, question, quorum, quo- tation, quote. Railroad, ratification, ratify, ratio, real estate, reasonable, re- bate, receipt, receive, receiver, receiving teller, reciprocate, recog- nition, recollection, recommendation, reconciliation, reconsigned, recoup, rectify, redeem, redeemable, redemption, reducing, reduc- tion, refund, register, registrar, regretting, regulation, reimburse, reissue, release, remainder, remark, remittance, remitting, re- muneration, renewal, rent, repair, replacement, reply, representa- tion, representative, requisition, reserve, resolution, resource, responsible, restrictive, retail, retiring, revenue, reverse, royalty, ruling, runner. Sacrifice, salary, sale, salesman, salvage, sample, satisfaction, satisfactory, schedule, scrip, seal, season, secretary, secured, security, select, selection, sell, seller, semi-annual, separate cover, series, service, settling, settlement, set-off, share, ship, shipper, shipping instructions, shipment, short cash, shrewd, shrinkage, sight bill, sign, signature, single entry, sinking fund, situation, slip, solicit, soliciting, solicitor, solvency, sound, soundness, special, specie, specific, specifically, specification, speculation, staple, statement, statute of frauds, stipulation, stock, stoppage in transitu, storage, store, straddle or spread, straightforward, submit, submission, subordinate, subpoena, subscribe, subscrip- tion, substantial, substitute, subtraction, succession, successive, successor, suitable, suitability, superior, supervisor, supplement, supply, support, summary, summons, summoned, sundry, surety, surplus, surrender, suspend, suspense, syndicate, system, system- atize. Taking stock, tally, tare, tariff, taxation, taxes, taxpayer, tech- nical, telegram, telephone, tenant, tendency, termination, territory, territorial, testimonial, ticket, tickler, tolerably, tonnage, trace, tracer, trade, transcribe, transaction, transfer, transferring, trans- portation, traveling, treasurer, treasury, treatment, trial balance, triplicate, trouble, trust, trustee, trust fund, trustworthy. Ultimo, unanimous, unauthorized, unclaimed, undergrade, under- signed, underwriter, undivided, unhesitatingly, unnecessary, usury, utility. Vacancy, vacate, vacation, valid, value, valuable, valuation, various, venture, verdict, verify, vice-president, vicinity, violate, violation, void, voluntary, vote, voter, voucher. Wages, waive, waiver, warehouse, warrant, warranty, watered shares, watering stock, waybill, wealth, weight, wharfage, wharfinger, whereabouts, wholesale, winding up, withdrawal, working capital, worthless, writer. Yard, year, yearly, yesterday, yielding. Zeal, zealous. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 119 GEOLOGY: Abrasion, accumulation, acidic, actinolite, active, adjustment, age, agencies, agricultural, air, alabaster, algae, Algonkian, alkali, alkaline, alluvial, alluvium, altitude, alum, aluminum, amber, ame- thyst, ammonia, ammonites, amorphic, amorphous, amphibians, ancient, animal, antecedent, anthracite, anthropic, anthropology, anticlinal, antiquity, apatite, Appalachian, appendage, aqueous, Archaean, arctic, argillaceous, arid, artesian, artificially, asbestos, atmosphere, atoll, auriferous, avalanche, axes, Azoic. "Bad Lands," .bar, barrier, basalt, base, basic, basin, beach, beaver, bed, bedding plane, bird, bituminous, blast, "blossom," bog, bomb, "bonanza," bowlder, Brachiopods, brittle, bronze, building, butte. Calcareous, Calciferous, calcite, calcium, Cambrian, canyon or canon, carbon, carbonates, Carboniferous, carnivores, cause, cavern, cellular, cemented, Cenozoic, chain, chalk, chasm, Chazy, chemical, Chemung, chert, "chimney," chloride, chlorite, "chute," classification, clay, clayey, cleft, cleavage, cliff, climate, Clinton, coal, color, columnar structure, compact, composition, compound, concretion, cone, configuration, conformity, conglomerate, conifer, consequent, constituent, contiguous, continent, continental, cop- per, coral reef, Corniferpus, crater, creep, Creodonts, crest, Cretaceous, crevasse, crevice, Crinoids, cross, crumbling, crust, Crustacea, crystalline, cup, current, cuttlefish, cycads, cycle, cyclone. Debris, decadent, decay, declivity, deformation, degree, delta, denudation, deposit, deposition, depression, depth, desert, destruc- tion, devastation, Devonian, dew, diabase, dike. Diluvial, diorite, dip, discharge, disintegration, distribution, dissolve, diversion, divide, dolomite, dormant, down-cutting, drainage, drift, drowning, drumlin, dune, dynamical. Eagre, earth, earthquake, earthworm, edentates, effect, element, elephant, elevation, embryo, emergence, Eocene, eolian, epoch, Equus, era, eroding, erosion, eruption, eruptive, escarpment, esker, estuaries, evolution, excavate, extensive, extinct. Faceted pebbles, Fall Line, falls, fan structure, fault, fauna, Favosite, feldspar, fern, fertilizer, fiord, firn, firth, fish, fissure, flint, flood, flora, focus, fold, foliated, forest, formation, fossil, fracture, fragmental, fringing, frost, fulgerite, fumarole, furrow, fusion. Gabbro, gangue, Ganoids, gas, Gastropod, geode, geography, geological, geology, Georgian, geyser, glacial, glaciation, glacier, Glauconite, globe, gneiss, gold, gorge, grade, granite, granular, graphite, graptolite, gravel, gravitation, group, guano, gulf, gullies, gypsum. Hade, hail, Halysite, Hamilton, hardness, heat, Helderberg, hill, historical, hoarfrost, horizontal, hornblende, horse, Hudson, hum- 120 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES mock, hummocky, humus acids, hurricane, hydration, hydraulic cement. Iceberg, ice floe, ice sheet, igneous, impact, impervious, immense, induration, insect, interior, intrusive, invertebrate, iron age, irrigation, island, invasion, isothermal. Joint, Jurassic. Kame, kaolin, kettle-hole. Laccoliths or laccplites, lagoon, lake, laminae, lamination, land- slide, landslip, lapilli, Laramie, lava, lead, ledge, levee, life, lightning, lignite, lignitic, limestone, limonite, llanos, loam, loess, longitudinal, Lower Silurian, lowland, luster. Magnesian, magnesium, magnetite, mammal, mammalian, man, marble, marine, marl, marsh, massive, mastodon, meander, Medina, melting, mesa, Mesozoic, metallic, metalliferous, metamorphism, mica, migration, mineral, mineral spring, mineralogy, mining, Mio- cene, mirage, missing link, mode, mollusk, monkey, monoclinal, moon, moraine, motion, moulins, mountain, mud crack. Nautilus, nebular hypothesis, neolithic, Niagara, nodular, nodules. Oasis, oblique, obsidian, ocean, oil, oolitic, ooze, Ordpvician, ore, organic, organism, origin, Oriskany, orthoclase, oscillation, outcrop, outflow, overthrust, oxidiation, oxygen, oyster, overloaded, overlying. Paleolithic, paleontology, Paleozoic, pampas, peat, pebble, pene- plain, period, Permian, petrifaction, petrography, petroleum, phos- phatic, physical, physiographic, pillar, pinnacle, pisolitic, placer, plain, plant, plasticity, plateau, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Plutonic, pocket, porphyritic, porous, potassium, pothole, Potsdam, power, prairie, pressure, preservation, primary, Primates, primeval, pris- matic, Protozoa, pumice stone, pyrites. Quarternary, quartz, quartzite, quicklime. Rain, rainfall, range, rapids, ravine, red ochre, reef, region, rending, renewal, reptile, residual soil, reversed fault, rhyolite, ridge, rill mark, ripple mark, river, rivulet, rock, roughness, rub- ble, rugged, run-off. Salina, salt, sand, sandspit, sandstone, satin spar, schists, schistose, sea cliff, sediment, sedimentary, selenite, Sequoias, seracs, series, serpentine, shale, sheet, shell, shore, silica, silicate, siliceous, silicified, silicon, Silurian, silva, slate, slaty, slope, snow, soapstone, sodium, sodium chloride, soil, soluble, solution, Sphagnum, spirifer, sponge, spring, stalacite, stalagmite, starfish, steatite, steppes, storm, strata, stratification, stratified, stratum, streak, streamlet, striae, strike, structural, structure, subsequent, subsidence, subterranean, sulphates, sulphur, sun crack, surface, syenite, synclinal, system. Table mountain, talc, talus, terraces, Tertiary, throw, thrust, tide, till, time, trachyte, topography, tornado, torrent, track, trans- portation, transverse, trap rock, travertine, trellised, Trenton, Triassic, trilobites, tufa, turret, typhoon. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 121 Unconformity, underground, undulation, upheaval, Upper Sil- urian, uprising, Utica. Valley, vapor, vast, vein, vegetation, verd-antique, vertebrates, viscosity, vitreous, volcanic, volcano. Warping, water, waterfall, Waterline, waterspout, wave, weathering, well, whirlwind, wind. Yellow-ochre. Zeuglodon, zoology. Also see General Business, and Mining. GROCERIES: Abalones, acid phosphate, afterdinner mints, almonds, allspice, ammonia, ammonia powdered, anchovies, anise, apricots, aroturps, arrowroot, article, asparagus, association, assorted, assortment, attractive, axle grease, axle hand. Bacon, bag, baking powder, banana, barley, barrel, beans, beef, beer root, beer tray, bird gravel, biscuit dog, biscuit puppy, bi- soda, blackberries, black strap, blend, bloaters, bluestone, bluing, boiled ham, bologna, bon ami, boned chicken, borax, boric acid, bottle, bouillon capsules, bouillon cubes, box brand, Brazil nuts, breakfast bacon, brilliant shine, bromangelon, bromo seltzer, broom, brown bread, bulk, bunch, bundle, burner, butter dish, butterine, buyer. Cake, canary seed, candle, candied, candy, cane syrup, can opener, cantaloupe, canned goods, canner, capers, Caracas, caramel, caraway seed, carpet sweeper, carton, cassava, castor oil, catsup, cauliflower, caviar, cayenne, celery salt, celluloid starch, cereal, charcoal, cheese, cherries, chewing gum, chicken canned, chicken loaf, chicory, chile, chile con carne, chessnut, chile powder, chips, chocolate, choicest, chloride of lime, chow chow, chutney, cider, cigar, cigarette, cigarette paper, cinnamon, citron peel and candied peel, clam, clam chowder, clam juice, clams minced, cleaning fluid, cleanser, clothes line, clothes pin, cloves, coal, coal oil, cocktail, cocoa, cocoanut, codfish, coffee, coffee extract, coffee substitute, cold storage, combination, com- mon, compound lard, concentrated lye, confectionery, consomme, consumptive demand, cooking oil, corn, corn meal, cornstarch, cottolene, crab, cracker, cranberries, cranberry sauce, crate, cream, cream of tartar, cube sugar, currants, curry, customer, cuttle-bone. Damsons, dates, demijohn, demonstrator, deviled chicken, dis- tribution, dozen, dog biscuit, door mat, drayage, dried fruit, dried milk, drop shipment, dust and chaff, duster. Earthenware, Eastern flour, edible, eels, egg, egg coloring, egg food, egg noodles, egg plums, egg tray, electric silicon, enchilada, essence of coffee, evaporated milk, evaporation, evergreen corn, extracts, extra fancy. Factory, fair, family pork, fancy, farina, farinaceous goods, faucet, fibreware, firkin, fish canned, fish chowder, figs, fig-prune cereal, filberts, first class, fish, flapjack flour, flaxseed, flour, 122 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES fluctuation, flypaper, F. 0. B., food products, frankfurters, French gloss fruit, fruit coloring, fruit dessert, fruit jar, fruit wax, futures and spots. Gallon, galvanized pail, gasoline, gauge, gelatine, gherkin, gills, ginger, glasses, gloss starch, glucose, glue, gold dust, grade, granu- lated sugar, grape juice, grape nut, greengages, grits, grocer, guava. Haddies, half-dozen case, halves, ham, ham deviled, ham loaf, hempseed, herring, high-grade goods, hoarhound, holiday trade, hominy, honey, hops, horseradish, house, household goods, hulled corn. Imported, incense, indigo, ingredient, ironing board, insect powder, Italian oils. Jam, Jap sauce, jar cap, jar rubber, jello, jelly, jobber, jobbing rebate, junket tablets. Kegs, kerosene. Label, lamp chimney, lantern, lard, lard oil, large, laundry materials, lemon drops, lemon peel, lemon sugar, lemon squeezer, lentil, lettuce, lima beans, lime juice, liquid bluing, liquid veneer, liquor, lobster, loquat, lubricating oil, lump lye. Macaroni, mace, mackerel, malaga, mangoes, malted milk, maple sugar, maple syrup, marmalade, marshmallows, matches, meal. Meat: Canned, minced, smoked. Medium, melon, milk, mixed, mixture, molasses, mop, mouse-eaten, mouse-trap, mucilage, mus- tard seed, mushrooms, mustard prepared, mutton. Napkin paper, nectarines, noodles, nutmeg, nuts. Oat meal, oats, offerings. Oil : Can, cooking, olive, salad, sanc- tuary. Okra, olives, onion, orange marmalade, orange peel, orig- inal case, overripe, oysters, oyster pail, oval dish, oxtail. Package cereals, packer, packing, pail, paints, paper, paper bag, paper cutter, paper toilet, paprika, paraffin, parsnip, paste, pate- de-fois gras, peaches, peanut butter, peanuts, pearline, pears. Peas: Canned, dried, split. Pecans, pepper sauce, persimmons, pickles, pie plate, pigs feet, pimentos, pineapple juice, pint, pippin, pipe, plums, plum pudding, polish stove, popcorn, poppy seeds, pork, Postum Cereal, pot, potash, potted fish, potted ham, poultry foods, preserves, pretzels, price, product, proprietary brand, pro- visions, prunes, pumpkin. Quarter, quinces. Radish, raisins, rape seed, raspberries, rhubarb, ream, rebate, refrigerator, rejected, relish, retail merchant, rice, roasted, rock salt, rolled oats, rolls, root beer. Sack, sago, salad dressing, salad oil, saleratus, salesman, salmon, salmon bellies, salmon sausage, salt, saltpetre, sal soda, sapolio, Saratoga chips, sardines, sauce, sauerkraut, scouring brush, screen, screw top, seed sample, sheep dip, shelf paper, shoe blacking, shoe brush, shoe dressing, shredded wheat, shrimp, small smoked fish, soap, soap chips, soda, soda crackers, sorghum, soup, spaghetti, Spanish pepper, special species, spinach, spittoon, split peas, square, squash, standard, starch, steamer, sterilized, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 123 stock, storage, stove polish, strawberries, strictly, substitute, suc- cotash, sugar, sulphur, sundried, superior, supplies, surplus, sweetened milk, syrup. Tacks, tamales, tamarinds, tapers, tapioca. Teas : Black, green, gunpowder, Japan. Terrapin. Tierce, tobacco, tobasco sauce, toilet paper, tomatoes, tongues, toothpicks, trade, tracer, tripe, tub, tunny fish, turpentine, twine. Vanilla, variety, veal loaf, vegetables, vermicelli, vinegar. Walnuts, warehouse, washboard, washing powder, washing machine, washtub, wax string, wheat flakes, wheat flour, whip, whisk broom, wholesale, wicks, willow ware, winter stock, wooden bowl, wooden spoon, woodenware, worm-eaten, wrapping paper, wringer. Yeast, yeast cake, yeast foam. Also see Crackers, Dairy Products, Fruits and Vegetables, and General Business. GUARANTY, FIDELITY AND SURETY INSURANCE COM- PANIES : Absolute, abstract of title, acceptance, accounting, account, action, actual, additional, adjustment, administration, adminis- trator, admission, affidavit, affirmative, agency, agent, agreement, alteration, ambiguity, appeal, application, approval, arbitration and award, arrears, asset, assignee, assignor, assignment, attach- ment, attorney, authority. Bail bond, baliee, bank, bankruptcy, belief, beneficiaries, bill, blank, blanket mortgage, bona fide, bond, book, bottomry bond, breach, building, burden, business. Cancellation, cashier, cestui que trust, change, chattel, claim, class, classification, clause, cloth, cloud on title, collateral, col- lector, commencement, commercial, commission, committee, com- mon, compensation, complaint, compromise, comptroller, conceal- ment, concurrent, condition, confession, conflict, connivance, con- sent, consideration, construction, contents, contingent, continuing, continuity, contract, contractor, contribution, corporate, corpora- tion, cosureties, cost bond, counsel fee, counter claim, court, credit insurance, creditor, criminal, cumulative liability. Damage, date, death, debt, debtor, declaration, decree, deduc- tion, default, defendant, defense, delay, delivery, demand, deposit, depository, depreciation, deputy, description, destroyed, deteriora- tion, discharge, dishonesty, dismissal, disreputable habits, dissolu- tion, dividend, duration, duty. Effect, embezzlement, employee, employer, encumbrance, equity, error, erroneous, estoppel, evidence, excepted risk, excise bond, execution, executor, exonerate, expense, express condition, exten- sion, extradition, extra-hazardous. False representation, fidelity insurance, fiduciary, fire, firm, 124 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES floating policy, foreign corporation, forfeiture, forgery, form, forthcoming bond, fraternity treasurer, fraud, fraudulent. Gambling, garnishee, garnishment, good faith, government, guarantor, guaranty, guardian. Honest, husband. Illegal, immediate, implied condition, importer's bond, inciden- tal, increase, indebtedness, indemnification, indemnify, indemnity, infant, information, injunction bond, insolvency, insurable, in- terest, insurance, insured, insurer, intention, interest, interpreta- tion, investigation. Joint bond, judgment, judicial bond, judicial insurance, juris- diction. Knowledge. Laches, larceny, lease, legislative, legislature, liability, lien, limitation, liquidated damages, loss. Marshalling claims, married woman, measure, mechanic's lien, merger, method, minority, misapplication, misappropriation, mis- representation, mortgagee, mortgagor, municipal. Name, nature of policy, negligence, non-fiduciary, non-payment, noteholder, notice. Obligation, occupation, officer, official, option, optional, oral, orphan, other or double and over insurance. Parol contract, partial loss, particular, party, partnership, pay- ment, pecuniary interest, penalty, penitentiary, performance, peril, personal, plaintiff, policy, pooling fund, practice, premium, prima facie evidence, principal, principle, profit, promissory, proof of loss, pro rata, prosecuting attorney, prosecution, protest, public administrator, purchaser. Qualification. Railroad, real estate, reasonable, receipt, receiver, receptacle, recession, recognizance, redemption, reference, reimbursement, reinsurance, release, remedy, removal, renewal, replevin bond, representation, request, requisite, residuary legatee, responsibil- ity, retirement of risk, retroactive, revenue bond, revival, robbery, rule. Salary, sale, satisfactorily, schedule, scope, seal, securities, set- off, settlement, sheriff, signing, single policy, solvency, source, special, speculation, speculator, statute of frauds, statutory, stipu- lation, stockholder, storage, subordinate, suit, supersedeas bond, supervision, supervisor, sureties, suretyship, surrender. Tax collector, theft, thief, title guaranty, title insurance, treas- urer, trustee. Valid, validity, venue, verification, void, voluntary, voucher. Wager, waiver, warehouseman, warranty, wife, willful default. Also see General Business, and Insurance. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY: Absorber, account file, acetylene gas, acid bottle, adjustable, adjuster, adjustment, advertisement, adze, aerator, aeroplane parts, agitator, agricultural wrench, air-tight heater, alabastine, alarm clock, alcohol, flagon, alfalfa fork, aluminum, ammonia, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 125 ammunition, anchor, andiron, angle cap, ankle brace, annealed wire, annunciator, antidote, antirattler, antisplasher, anvil, ap- paratus, apple corer, approximate, apron, architect's level, arm- chair, arrester, asbestos, ash can, asparagus knife, asphalt rake, assortment, athletic shirt, attachment, auger bit, automatic, auto- mobile bumper, auxiliary, awl, awning, axe, axle set. Babbitt metal, baby runabout, back band, bag, baling-press fork, baggage, bail-wood, bait, bake pan, balance, bale marker, ball, bamboo, banana knife, bank pin, banker's case, bar, barbed, barber's tweezers, barn paint, barometer, barrel, barreling hatchet, barrow, base, base knob, basemen's gloves, basement-window set, basin, basket, bass bait, bastard file, basting spoon, bat bag, bath stopper, batteries, beader, beading machine, beakhorn, beam, bearing, beater, bed caster, bedpan, bedstead, bee smoker, beef slicer, beeswax, beet hoe, bell, bellows, bellyband, belt, belting, bench forge, bender, bent hasp, berry-box, bevel, bicycle, bifur- cated bill-head, bill-holder, billet hook, billies, bin, binder, bind- ing, biplane, bird bath, biscuit beater, bit, black powder, black- smith's anvil, bladder, blade, blank book, blasting barrel, blind butt, block pin, blotting pad, blower, blowhorn stake, blow torch, blow-out patch, bluing, blunt file, board, boat anchor, bob, body protector, boiler, bolster, bolt, bond, bone cutter, boning knife, book cover, bookkeeper, boot calk, boot socks, borax, bored, border, bordering tool, borer, boring machine, bootjack, bottle, bottling faucet, bottom bolt, bottoming-tap, bouillon spoon, bow, bow pin, bowie knife, bowl, box, boxing gloves, boxwood rules, boy-scout hatchet, brace, bracket, brad, brad awl, braided cable, brake, brass, brazier, brazing compound, bread-box, breaker, breakfast carver, breaking bar, breast chain, breast drill, breech block, breeching dees, breech-loader, breeding cage, brewer's hose, brick drill, bricklayer's chisel, bridge paint, bridle bit, bridle blind, bristle, broadaxe, broad butt, broiler, broken, bronze knob, brooder, broom, brush, buck, bucket, buck shot, buckle, bucktail flies, budding knife, buffer, buffet oven, buffing motor, bug trap, buggy breeching, builder's level, bulb, bull ring, bullet, bumper, bung start, bunga- low, bunk, burglar alarm, buoyancy pad, burner, burnisher, bur- ring machine, burr, bush scythe, bushing, butcher knife, butt gauge, butter color, butterfly bait, button, butts, buzzer. C pad-hook, cabinet, cable, cage, cake mould, calcium carbide, calf weaner, caliper, calking bar, calks, calls, camel hair, camp cot, camping shovel, cams, can, can spout, candelabra, candle, candy scale, cane hoe, canister, canning knife, cannon, canoe, canopies, cant file, canteen, canvas, cap, cape-chisel, car, car- hook, carbide, carbine, carbon scraper, carburetor, carpenter's pincer, carpet beater, carriage bolt, carriage maker's clamps, carriers, carry-all bag, cart, cart tree, carton, cartridge, carver, casement adjuster, cash-box, casing nails, casserole, cast iron, caster, casting tip, catalogue, cat collar, catcher, cattle instru- 126 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ment, cauldron, cedar, ceiling pulley, celery tray, celluloid sheet, cement, cementer, cementless patch, center, chafing dish, chain, chair, chalk, chamber, chamfer pusher, chamois skin, chandelier, channel nail, channeler, charcoal, check, checkering, cheese knife, chemical engine hose, cherry stoner, chest corner, chick coop, chicken brooder, chilled shot, chimney, chip, chipper, chisel, choke- boring tools, chopper, chuck, churn, chute board, cider mill, cigar jar, cinch buckle, circular, clamp, clapboard, clasp, claws, cleaner, cleaning rod, clearing ring, cleat, cleaver, clevis, climber, clincher, clip, clipper, clock, closer, cloth, clout nail, cluster, coal hod, coaster, cob stacker, cock, cockeyes, code, coffee canister, coffin trimmings, cogged shears, coils, colander, cold rolled, cold shuts, collapsible, collar, collection wallet, cologne bottle, color, comb, combination tandem seat, come-alongs, commode button, com- munion filler, comparative, comparison, compartment, compass, competition, competitor, complaint, compound, compression cock, compressor, computing scale, concrete barrow, condiment set, conductor pipe, conduit, cone, connecting link, connection, con- nector, consignee, consignor, consignment, contractor's forge, cooker, cooler, coping, copper, coppersmith's stakes, cord, corer, cork, corn crib, cornice brake, corrugated, corundum wheel, cot, cotter pin, cotton seed, cotton staging, couch, countershaft, countersink, coupe saddle, coupler, coupling, cow-bell, crack, cradle, crank, crate nails, crayon, cream can, creamery cart, creas- er, creeper, crepe paper, cresting, crevice, crib, crimped roofing, crimper, croquet set, cross-arms, cross-cut, crowbar, crucible, crumb set, crupper, cuffs, cultivator, cup mop, curb, curling iron, curtain stretcher, cushion, cuspidor, cut glass, cuticle knife, cut- off, cut-outs, cutlery, cutter, cutting plier, cyclometer, cylinder. D's, dairy supplies, damper, darbies, dart, dash primer, dauber, dead lock, deadening felt, decanter, deck, decorating, decorative, decoy, deep nappies, dees, dehorner, delivery, dental snip, derrick hatchet, derringer pistol, design, desk butt, dessert set, die stock, digger, dinner bucket, dip net, dipper, dirk, dirt barrow, dish, disher, display box, ditching shovel, divider, dock cutter, docu- ment, dog brush, dollies, dome, door fastener, door knob, dot roller, douche pan, dough mixer, dowel, downhauls, drag seine, drainer, dram flask, drapery hook, draw gauge, drawer handle, drawing divider, dredge-box, dress guard, drifting pick, drill, drinking cup, dripping pan, driver, driveway, drop net, drum oven, dryer, ducks, dumb waiter, dust cap, duster, dyes, dynamite. Ears, eave trough, edger, edges, egg turner, elbow, electric massage vibrator, electrician's scissors, electro silverplated ware, elevator, ells, embroidery scissors, emergency top, emery, enamel, end clevis, endless thresher belt, engine, engineer's filler, en- silage fork, envelope, equalizing block, eraser, escutcheon, etched, evaporator, exerciser, exhaust valve, expansion bolt, expansive bit, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 127 exploder, express saddle, extension, extinguisher, extra, extractor, eye-bolt, eyes. Fabric, face piece, family churn, fan belt, fancy, farm boiler, fastener, fasts, faucet, feather duster, feed bag, felloe, felt, fence, fender, ferrule, fever thermometer, fibre, figure, file, filler, filling, filter, finger, finish, firepot, fireless cooker, fish stringer, fishing pants, fittings, fixtures, flagon, flange, flannel wiper, flap, flaring bucket, flashlight, flashings, flask, flat skimmer, flatter, flax, fleam, flesh fork, flexible, flint, float, floor groover, flooring hatchet, flour bin, flour sifter, flue stopper, fluid, flush receptacle, fluting tool, fly killer, folding couch, food chopper, foot tub, foot warmer, forge, former, foundation grate, fountain pen, fount, frame, freezer, freighter's axe, friction-insulating tape, front, fruit press, fryer, fry pan, frying pan, fuller, funnel, furnace, furniture, fuse. Gad tong, gaff hook, gag chain, gall cure, gallon, galvanized, game carrier, garage measure, garbage can, garden trowel, gas bag, gas burner, gas lighter, gasket, gasoline, gate, gauge, germ killer, gig housings, gimlet, gimp tack, gin block, girth buckle, glass, glazier's putty, globe, glove, glue, goat hair, goblet, go-cart, goggle, gong, gopher trap, gouge, grabs, grade meter, grain cradle, grape shear, graphite, grapple, grass catcher, grater, gravy ladle, griddle, grill, grinder, grindstone, grip, grist mill, grit, grocer's scoop, groover, grooving machine, ground color, grub hoe, guard, guard screw, guide, gummed label, gun browning, gun cleaner, gut, gutter, guttering, guy rope, gymnasium shoes. Hack-saw haft, hall lamp, halter, hammer, hammock, hamper, hand parts, handled nappies, handle, hand-rail, hanger, hardies, hardware, harness, harrow teeth, hasp, hat, hatchet, hauling seine, hawk, head, header, headlight reflector, heater, hedge shear, heel stiffener, heels, hemp, hen food, hexagon nuts, hide rope, hinge, hip strap, hitch, hobble, hod, hoe, hog ringer, hold, hollow- ware, hollows and round, holster, hone hood, hoof-pairing pincers, hook, hook-on patch, hoop, hopper, horn bulb, horse blanket, hose, hot chisel, hotel truck, house swing, household assortment, hous- ings, hover, hub, hunter's belt, hunting pants, husker, husking, hydrometer, hygrometer. Ice auger, ice shaver, iced tea glass, illuminating torch, illus- trated catalogue, illustration, implement, incandescent, incubator, indentation roller, indicator, induction coil, infant's trunk, in- flating tubing, inflator, innertube, insect antidote, inside tire, in- spector's lantern, instrument, insulated, insulator, interchange- able breeching, invoice book, iron dumbbell, irrigating shovel. Jack, jack chain, jacket, jagger, Jap-a-lac, jar, jaw, jelly mould, jewel box, jobber, jobbing house, jointer, joist hanger, journal, jug, jute twine. Kalsomine, keg, kettle, key, keyhole saw, kick plate, kitchen spatula, kit, kneepad, knife, knob, knocker, knots and hitches, knuckle, kraut cutter. 128 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Label holder, lacing, lacquering brush, lactometer, ladder, ladies' stirrups, lag screw, lamp, landing net, lantern, lapboard, lard press, lasso ring, last, latch, lath nails, lathe chuck, laundry dipper, lava tips, lavatory hinge, lawn spud, lead, leader, leather, ledger, leg band, leggin, lemon squeezer, lemonade shaker, length, lettered plate, leyeler, leveling rod, lever, library clock, lid, lifter, lifting handle, lighter, lighting taper, lights, lime shovel, lineal foot, line terret, linemen's climber, lining, lining bar, links, linoleum, linseed oil, liquid, liquor, loaded paper-shell, lock, loco- motive jack, log rules, loop, lubricant, lubricating oil, lubricator, luggage carrier, lumber crayon, lumber pencil, lumbering tools, lunch basket. Machine punch, machinist's calipers, mailable, maker, malleable D's, mallet, mandrel, mangle, manicure stick, manufacturer, manure fork, marker, market, marking pot, masher, mask, mason's lines, masterkey, masterkeyed padlock, mat, match safe, material, mathematical instrument, matting, mattock, mattress, maul handle, mayonnaise mixer, measurement, medical battery, medicine cabi- net, medium, memorandum, mender, metal, meter, mica, milk skimmer, mill trough, milliner's pliers, mincing knife, miner's cap, minnow seine, mirror, miter, mittens, mixer, model, molasses pitcher, mold, mop, mop brush, mortar hod, mortise latch, motor, motorcycle, mottling, moulder's riddle, moulding, mounted grind- stone, mounting, mousetrap, mower sharpener, mucilage, muffin pan, mug, musket cap, mustard spoon, muzzle. Nail nipper, napkin ring, narrow butts, neck halter, needle, nest egg, net float, net staff, nickel plated, night latch, nipper, nipple, nonfreezing compound, nozzle, nutmeg grater, nut cracker. Oars, oat sprouter, off billets, office basket, oil syringe, oiled clothing, oiler, open link, opener, orange clipper, ornament, outfit, outlet, oven lid, overcheck bit, ox bows, oyster broiler. Packing, pad, paddle, padlock, pail, paint, painter's duster, pan, panel, pantry stepladder, paper, parcels post, parer, paring knife, parlor lamp, parrot cage, partition door, paste, pastry jagger, patch, pats, pattern, patties, paulin, peanut roaster, peavies, pedal, pegs, pen point, pencil sharpener, pendant switch, pepper shaker, percolator, percussion cap, petroleum faucet, physician's cross, pick mattock, pickle caster, picture, pie dish, pie plate, pie server, pieced dipper, pig forceps, pillow, pincer, pins, pipe, pipette, pistol, pitcher, plant iron, plaster, plasterer's darbies, plasterer's hawks, plate scraper, platform, platter, plier, plow clevis, plug cluster, plug cut-outs, plug tap, plumb bob, plunger, pocket lighter, pointer, poise, poke, poker, pole tips, police billies, polish, pommel slicker, popgun, popper, porcelain, porch support, porcupine quill, port- able, portfolio, post maul, potato slicer, pot, poultry netting, pounder, powder, powdered wax, power pulley, preserving kettle, pressed steel, pressure, price book, price list, pricking wheel, prier, primer, priming cup, printer, prod-stick, protector, prop nut, pro- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 129 tractor, primer, pudding pan, puff box, pull, puller, pulley, pump, punch bowl, purse, push button, pusher, pushes, putty. Quadruple, quarry pick, quartz, quill, quilt frame clamp, quirts. Rack, racket, radiator hood-cover, radius tool, rafter square, rafting dog, rail bender, railroad scuffle hoes, raincoat, raiser, rake, rammer, ramrod tip, range tent, rasp, rat trap, ratchet, razor, razor stropper, razorine, reamer, recapper, receiver, re- ceptacle, recoil pad, rectifier, reducer, reel, reflector, refrigerator, register, regulator, rein supporter, reinforcement, reins, release, relief, reloading, repair hub cones, repeating carbine, restorer, restringing racket, retailer, retainer, reversible, revolver, ribbing knife, ribbon, rice boiler, riddle, ridge roll, rifle bullet shell, rim cementer, ring pull, ringer, rinsing pan, ripsaw, ripper, ripping hammer, riveted key, riveter, riveting hammer, road scraper, roast- er, rocker, rod eyes, rod ferrule, rod shortener, rod tip, roller jointer, roller skate, roller snap, roof gutter, roofing, rope cleat, rubber, rubbing brick, rug, ruler, runabout, runners, rural mail box. S wrench, sacking needle, sadiron, saddle, saddle scabbard, saddler's punch, safe, safety fuse, sail needle, sal ammoniac, salad bowl, salt shaker, sample, sand riddle, sash cord, sash rib- bon, satchel hook, sap pan, saucepan, saucer, sausage stuffer, saw buck, saw gummer, saw swage, scabbard, sealer, scalder, scissors, scoop net, scrap, scraper, scraping hoe, scratch awl, screen, screw, scriber, scroll, scrub brush, scrubber, scuffle, scythe, seamer, seamless, searchlight, sears, seine bag, seine sinker, self- feeding box, self-loading gun, self-wringing, separating chisel, separator, server, set, setter, sewing awl, shade, shaft, shaker, shank, sharpener, shaver, shears, sheathing, sheaves, sheep-shear- ing machine, sheet grater, shelf box, shell belt, shellac, sheller, shelving, shield, shin guard, shingle stain, ship auger, ship car- penter's bevel, shipping coop, shirt, shoe last and stand, shoe sole, shoemaker's bristle, shooting cap, shooting jacket, shot, shotgun, shovel, show case, shower light, shrinkage, shrinker, shut, shutter, sickle, side strap, sidewalk cleaner, sieve, sifter, silencer, sink, sink stopper, sinker, skate bag, skeleton bell, skid, skillet, skim- mer, skinning knife, skirt board, skirting, skiving machine, sky- light, slate, slater's ripper, slats, slaw cutter, sledge, sled, sleeve, sleigh bell, slicer, slick, slicker, slide rule, sliding T bevel, slim taper file, sling, sling shot, slip joint, slip-on, slitting shears, slop jar, slotted clinch rivet, snap, snap spring, snatch block, snath, snath-heel wedge, snelled hook, snip call, snips, snow shovel, soap, soapstone, socket, socks, solder, soldering, sole, sole leather, solid ladle, solution, soup ladle, soup strainer, sower, spacer, spade, spading fork, spark plug, speedometer, specification, spelter, spice, spider, spike, spindle, spinner, spiral, spittoon, splasher, splice, splicing pointer, spokeshave, sponge holder, spool wire, spooler, spoon, spout guard, spray brush, sprayer, spreader chain, spring, 130 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES sprinkler, sprouter, spud, spur strap, square reamer, squeezer, squib, stacker, staff, staging, stain-in varnish, stake iron, stall, stamp, stanchion, staple, starter, statement, stationary, stave, steak knife, steamer, steel ceiling, steelyard, steeper, stem caster, stencil dauber, stepladder, stick, stiffener, stirrup leather, stitch- ing horse, stock waterer, stockings, stone barrow, stool, stopcock, stopper, stops, store fixtures and shelving, storm front, stove fender, stove scraper, straight cup, strainer, strap, street broom, stretcher, stringed felt, strip, stropper, stubs, stucco brush, studs, stuffer, stuffing attachment, stylograph, suction hose, suds dipper, sugar beet tools, sugar bowl, suit hanger, sulkies, sun-hat, sup- porter, surcingle, surf ball, surface butt, surgeon's tweezers, sur- veyor's tape line, suspensories, swab, swage bar, swamp hook, sweater, sweeper, swing, switch, swivel, syringe, syrup pitcher. T bevel, table cutlery, tack claw, tackle pulley, tag, tail holder, tailor's geese, tamer, tamper, tamping bar, tandem attachment, tank, tankard, tap borer, tape, taper, taper tap, tapered drag seine, target, tarnish-off cloth, tarpaulin, tarred felt, tea ball, tea bell, tea canister, tea steeper, tea urn, team breeching, team bridle, teeth, telegraph spoons, telephone switchboard, telephone trans- mitter, tempering fire, tender hose, tennis net, tenoning machine, tent, tepee tent, terminal, tester, textile, thermometer, thimble, thistle, thong awl, thread, thresher, thumb, ticket, ticking mitten, tickler, tieout chain, tightener, tilling spade, till key, tin flashing, tinner's solder, tinware, tip, tire fluid, toaster, tobacco cutter, toe calk, toiler hinge, tomato trowel, tongs, tongue, toothbrush, top dressing, top fuller, top prop, topping knife, torch, towel bar, tracing, wheel, track chisel, transformer, transom catch, trans- parent sheet, transplanting trowel, trap, trap shooter's score book, tray, triangle, triangular, tricycle, trigger, trimmer, trimming, trip jack, tripod, trips, trivet, trolling spoon, trot line, trotting roller, trough, trouser guard, trout basket, trowel, truck, trunk, try square, tub fastener, tube clamp, tube connection, tubing, tubular, tug, tumbler, turf, turnback, turning, turpentine, tweezer, twine, twist drill, twisted fence wire, two-way nozzle, typewriter paper. Umbrella socket, umpire indicator, uniform, uniform rolls, union, unmounted grindstone, upholsterer's hammer, upright pulley, urn lamp. V-iron, vacuum cleaner, valve, varnish, vase, vegetable corer, vegetable masher, velocipede, veneer, ventilator head, vernier compass, vest, veterinary, vibrator, vine support, vise, volley, vulcanizer. Wad, wad cutter, wafer iron, waffle iron, wagon stake iron, waiter, walker, wall coating, wallet, warding file, wardrobe, ware, warehouse, warmer, washbasin, washer, waste, watchman's lan- tern, water conductor, water dipper, waterer, waterproof tarpaulin, weaner, weatherproof socket, web, webbing, wedge, weeder, weight, welding compound, well bucket, wheel grip, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 131 wheeled scraper, whiffle tree cockeye, whip lash, whisk broom, whisky glass, whistle, white zinc, wick, willow hamper, wind shield, wine mill, wing dividers, wiper, wire brad, wire scratch brush, wire tightener, wood chopper's wedge, wood chute, wood creaser, wood rim, wood stirrup, woodworker's vise, wool card, wool swab, worm gut, wormer, woven cable, wrapping twine, wrecking chisel, wringer, wrist supporter, wrought bronze butt, wrought washer. Yard stick, yarn, yoke, yoke center. Zig-zag rules, zinc scoop. Also see General Business, and Paints. HARNESSES, SADDLES AND RIDING EQUIPMENT: Apron, astride, axle. Bargain, basket stamped, bent, bit, black, blanket, blinds, border stamp, braided, bridle, brussels carpet, buttons, buggy. Calfskin, carriage, chain, chaparejos, check lines, clippers, collar, color, comb, cross-riding, curry. Dealer, dog, double warp, dressing, durable. Express harness, eye. Face piece, factory, felt, front, full plated. Good, grade, grease. Hair, hames, handmade hair-cinch, harness, heavy, hip strap, hog collar, hogskin, horn, horsehide. Illustration, inches. Laced, lady's cross-riding saddle, laps, lassoo, leather covered steel horn, leggins, lines. Man's saddle, manufacture, manufacturer, material, mohair. Nickel-plated, nose band. Oil, one-piece set and jockeys. Padded seat, patent, plain and neat, plush, price. Quality, quilted. Rawhide, reins, riding equipment, robe, round or square skirts, rubber, russet. Saddle, saddle girth, seat and jockeys, saddlery, scalloped, selected, sewed, shoe findings, snap, spots and nickel fronts, square, stable, stirrup, stitched, stock, stockman, strap goods, string, strongly built, studded, stuffed, surcingle, surrey. Tan, territory, trimmed, trimming, truck. Vaquero. Warranted wear and service, weight, western trade, whip, wool lined and leather bound. Also see General Business, and Sporting Goods. HAY, GRAIN, CEREALS: Account sales, adapted, alfalfa, analysis, analyze, average. Bag, bale, barley, bean straw, bears, bin, bran, break, breakage, brewing, brewer's rice, broken rice, bullish, bushel, buyer. Car-load, car lot, cartage, cental, chicken feed, choice tame oats, clean blue grass, clipped oats, clover, commission, cornered, consignee, consignment, consignor, consumer, consumptive de- mand, corn meal, country district, cracked corn, crop, crystal rice, current demand. Dealer, decline, distiller's grain, distributor. Elevator, examine. 132 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Failure, fancy wheat hay, farmer, feeder, feeding, feedstuff!, first crop, flax. Geese, gilt edge hay, graded, grain bag, ground wheat. Handle, harvest, harvesting, hauling hay. Insect, inspection, inspector. Jute. Leakage, light bales, locality. Maize, manipulator, margin, market, meal, middlings, mill feed. Net proceeds, nominal. Oats, old corn, overcharge. Paddy rice, plenty, popcorn, pounds, prime, producer. Quality, quantity, quotation. Rain, red top, rejected, representative, rice, run of bran, rye. Sack, sacrifice, sample, scales, scarce, seed, ship stuff, shortage, shorts, silver rice, situation, speltz, stack hay, standard, store, straw, stuff. Tame, test, timothy, top quotations, totaled, track, tracer, trade. Vessel, volunteer hay. Weak, weight, wheat hay, wild oats, winter, wholesale, Zacaton. Also see General Business. HIDES AND LEATHER: Alligator skin, antelope. Badger fur, beeswax, belting, belt tongues, buckskin, bull, bundle. Cattle tails, chamois, colt, commission, coney skin, cross rope. Deer, dog, dried bull stag, dried elk, dried kip, dried veal. Goat, grease, green hide. Harness leather, heavy steers, hogskin, horsehair. Kid skin. Lace leather, lamb's wool, light hides. Mane, medium, mohair. Pancake leather, peltries, pelt, prime. Raccoon fur, rawhide. Sealskin, second quality, shade, sheepskin, shipper's load and count, short wool skins, skivings, skunk, sole leather, split leather. Tag. Wallaby skin, wildcat fur, wildcat skin, weight, wet salt hide, wombat skin. Also see General Business. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS: Accident, advance, ambulance, ambulance service, annually, applicant, association. Beneficiary, benefit, board, bridgework. Certificate, children, cleaning of teeth, consultation, contagion, co-operative. Dental service, dressing, drug store. Efficient, established, examination, extraction. Filling. Health, healthy, home treatment, hospital. Injured, injury, illness, infection. Limited membership. Medical and surgical attention, medicine, member, membership. Nursing, non-sectarian. Occulist, office, office treatment, operating room, operation. Permanent, physical, physician, private, protect, protection. Semi-annually, service, sickness, skilled, surgical. Treatment. Also see General Business, and Medical. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 133 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: Al, A. .a. r., abandonment, A/c, A/C, acceptance, acceptance for honor, acceptance supra protest, accepted foreign bill, accommo- dation bill, accommodation parties, a compte, act of God, act of honor, acceptance supra protest, accepted foreign bill, accommo- valorem, advance, advertising media, advice note, after sight, A. g. b., A. H., alongside date, allonge, A/o, A. R., arbitration of exchange, article, A. S., as per advice, A/S., at sight, attesta- tion, A/v., average, average adjuster, average bond, average clause, average general, average particular, average stater. Bank bill, barratry, barter, bazaar goods, B/E., bill book, bill dis- counting, bill of entry, bill of exchange, bill of lading, bill of sight, bill of store, bill of sufferance, bills of lading, B/L., blank bills, blank endorsement, Board of Trade, bogus orders, bond, bonded goods, bonded warehouse, bottom-of-the-skip, bottomry bond, B/P., B/R., branches, broken stowage, broker, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, buyer. Calculating, campaign, canvassed, captain's entry, captain's pro- test, cargo, cartage, catalogue, certificate of damage, certificate of origin, cesser clause, C/D., C. & F., C. F. I., Chamber of Commerce, charter party, chop, circular letter of credit, C. I. F., "clean" bill of lading, clearance inwards, clearance outwards, clearing a bill, client, clientele, coast houses, C. 0. D., code words, colonial mar- ket, competition, compute a bill, commission, commissioner, conditional, confidential, confirmation, consignee, consignment, consignor, consulage, consular invoice, continuous, conversion, C. P., craft loss, cranage, credential, Crown Agents, customary dispatch, customer, customs bill of entry, customs declaration, customs specification. D/A., dangerous, D/d., D/D., dead freight, del credere, demand draft, demurrage, department, deviation clause, diplomacy, diplomat, direct remittance, discounting bill, dispatch, dispute, distribution, diversion, document bills, double insurance, draw- back, drawee, drawer D/s., dunnage, duplicate, dutiable. Entry, entry inwards, entry outwards, equivalent, exhibition, export, exporter, ex-orient, ex-ship, ex-warehouse. F. A. A., factor, F. A. S., F. G. A., first of exchange, fluctuation, F. 0. B., follow-up, force majeure, foreign bill, forwarders, for- warding agents, F. P. A., free from particular average, free har- bor, free of 3 per cent., free overboard, freight, freight forward, freight note, freight release. General average, government contract. Headquarters, home trade, hypothecate. Import, importer, in bond, indent, indorse, indorsee, indorser, inspection, insurable interest, intermediary, international, in transitu, invoice and certificate of origin, I. P. A. Jettison, jobber. Kaffir truck, keelage, kite, K. D., "knock-down." L/A., lading, lay days, L/C., leakage, letter of hypothecation, 134 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES letter of indemnity, letter of indication, lien for freight, lighterage, lighters, loading, loco, long-dated bill, lump freight. Mailboat, manifest, manufacturers' agents, marine, market, marking, mate's receipt, maximum, memorandum, merchandise, merchant-agents, metric equivalent, middleman, minimum, mixed shipment, monetary equivalent, monopoly, M/D., M/S., municipal agents. Native importer, noting bills of exchange, non-confirmation. Ocean bill of lading, official on consignment, on the berth, organization, origin, oversea, owner. Packing, par of exchange, particular average, payment against documents, pilfering, pool, policy, porterage, postal salesmanship, post entry, power of attorney, premium, prestige, primage and average accustomed, prime entry, principal bill, printing blocks, proprietary houses, protest, protesting a bill, provisional note. Quayage, quote, quotation. R/A., railway, rating, R/D., rebate, remittance, remuneration, renewing a bill, representative, respondentia, restriction, restrict- ive indorsement, retailer, retire a bill, rings, roughs, route. Sailing fists, salesmanship, samples, sans recours, S. B., scow, scowage, S/D., second via, selling house, selling methods, settle- ment, shipment, shipping bills, ship's clearance, ship's manifest, shipowner, shipper, shipping, short bills, short ton, signature, sling, slinging, slip, S/N., soebordo, solo, S. P. A., "specific" and "open" indents, specification, staff, stamp duty, status inquiries, steamer, steamship, stimulate, storekeeper, stowage, subject to insurance, sufferance wharf, superintendent, supra protest. Taking up a bill, tale quale, tariff, tax, textile, through delivery, through bills of lading, time charter, time freight, to pay average. T. Q., trade, trade mark, trader, trans-Atlantic, translation, trans- Pacific, transire transshipment, traveler's license dues, treaty ports, turnover. ? IT/A., ultimate, unconfirmed, underwriter, unit of value, U. S. Shipping Board, usance, U/w. Value date, valued policy, venture, voyage policy. W. A., warrant, warranty, watcher, W. b., weather, weight note, weights and measurements, wet goods, wharfage, wharfinger's receipt, wholesale, windmill, without recourse, with particular average, without engagement, W/M., W. P. A., W. W. Also see General Business; Naval; Navigation; and Steamship Companies. INSURANCE ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, FIRE, LIFE: Abandonment, absolute loss, abstract, acceptance, accident, accomplice, accrue, accrued, accumulation, acknowledgment, actual cash value, actuarial, actuary, addition, adjacent building, adjoining, adjuster, adjustment, administrator, advance, advisory rate, affidavit, affix, agency, agent, agreement, alteration, amended, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 135 amount, ancestry, annual report, annually, annuity, apparel, appli- cant, application, appointment, apportionment, appraisal, ap- praiser, approval, arbitration, arrears, arson, article, ascertain, asset, assessment, assign, assignable, assignee, assignment, as- sociation, assortment, assumed, assurance, assured, attachment, attendant, attending physician, attested, audit, auditor, authority, authorization, automatic sprinkler, automobile, average, average premium, avoidance. Beneficiary, benevolent association, benzine, bequest, bill-of- lading, binding, blank, blanketed, bona fide, bond, bonded, break- age, broker, brokerage, brother, building, business, burglar proof chest, burglary. Cancellation, canvass, canvasser, canvassing, capital, carpenter, carried, carrier, carrying, cashier, cash value, casualty, certificate, certification, certified, charter, children, circular, claim, claimant, classification, clause, clerical, clerk, collateral, collectible, collec- tion, collector, commercial, commission, committed, committee, combination, combined application, combination lock, compensa- tion, competition, compromise, compute, concealment, condemna- tion, condition, conditional, confidential, confiscate, consent, con- servative, consideration, construction, consumption, contingent, contribution, corporation, correction, correspondence, cotenant, countersignature, credit insurance, creditor, current death losses, custom, cyclone. Daily report, damage, data slip, daughter, daylight, days of grace, death, debtor, decease, declaration, decline, deduction, de- lay, delegation, delivery of policy, department, dependent, depre- ciation, description, designation, destination, destroyed, destruc- tive, detached, determine, deviation, diagram, director, disabled, disability, discontinue, discovery, disease, dishonesty, disposition, distributed, distribution, dividend, double insurance, doctor, docu- ment, double door, drinking, drowning, drunkenness, duplicate, duration, dwelling-house, dyspepsia. Earnings, electric ligting, eligible, employee, employer, encum- brance, endorsee, endorsement, endorser, endowment policy, en- titled, envelope, equitable adjustment, equivalent value, equivocal, estimate, estoppel, examination, examiner, executed, execution, executive, executor, executrix, exorbitant, expectation, expert, ex- piration, explosion, exposure, extinguishing. Fall of building, family history, family physician, farm, father, female, fire insurance, fire department, fireproof jacket, financial, fire-pail, fireworks, fixtures, flat premium, floating policy, flood, foreclosure, foreclosure of mortgage, forfeiture, foreign company, fraternal, fraud, friend, full year policy, fund, furniture. Garnishee, garnishment, garnishor, gas, gasoline, general agent, good health, gout, grandchild, guaranteed, guaranty, guardian, gunpowder. 136 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Habits, hazard, hazardous, health, healthy life, heir, holder, home office, horse, hospital, husband. Identification, identity, ignition, ill health, illness, illustration, immunity, impaired health, inadequate premium, incendiary, in- cendiarism, income, incontestable, inconvertible, incumbrance, in- debtedness, indemnify, indemnity, individual, infant, inflammable, initial, injury, inland, innkeeper, insane, inspection, inspector, in- solvency, installment, insurable, insurance, insurance commission- er, insured, insurer, intemperance, insolvent, instruction, interest policy, interpretation, intoxicating liquor, invested, investigation, iron-safe clause, isolated building, issued, itemized. Joint insurance, joint life, joint owner. Kerosene, knowledge. Lamp, landlord, lapsed policy, lapsed sheet, law, leaflet, lease, legal representative, level premium, liability, liberal, license, life insurance, lifetime, lightning clause, limitation, limited, litigation, livestock, loan, local agent, location, locality, longevity. Magistrate's certificate, management, manager, margin of policy, marine, matured, maturity, marriage, married woman, maximum, measure, medical attendant, medical examination, medical ex- aminer, membership, mercantile, merchandise, minimum, minor, misrepresentation, mixed policy, moral hazard, mortality, mort- gage, mortgagee, mortgagor, multiple, murder, mutual, mutual companies. Negligence, net reserve, non-forfeitable policy, non-hazardous, non-participating, non-payment, non-perfecting, note, notice. Occupancy, occupation, occupied, occurrence, officer, official, oil, omission, open policy, operation, option, ordinary, organization, orphan, outbuilding, outer door, outstanding, oyerinsurance, over- payment, overvaluation, owner's risk, ownership. Quarterly. Paid-up insurance, paid-up policy, pamphlet, parent, partial, participating, partition, partner, partnership insurance, part- owner, patronage, payment, perfecture, period, permit, perpetual policy, petroleum, physician, plate-glass, pneumonia, policy, policy holder, policy register, portion, possession, post maturity dividend, preferred, premises, premium, printed rate, profession, profession- al life, profit, profitable, prohibited, proof, proof of death, property, proportion, proportionately, pro rata, pro-rated, prospective in- surer, prospectus, protected, protection. Railway accident, ratable, rate book, rate card, reading of pol- icy, rebuilding, receipt, recite, recital, recoverable, recovery, rec- tify, reduce, reduction, refund, refunded, refusal, reinstate, rein- stated, reinsure, reinsurance, rejected, relationship, released, re- linquishment, remainder, remedy, remittance, removal, renew, re- newal, repair, replacement, representation, representative, reputa- tion, reserve fund, residence, restore, restoration, restriction, retain, return premium, reversionary, revival, re-write, rider, risk, robber, robbery. Safeguard, saltpetre, salvage, schedule, secretary, security, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 137 semi-annually, semitontine dividend, set-off, settlement, shortened life, short rate, sickness, signature, silence, single, sister, society, solicitor, spasms, special agent, specific, specifications, spontane- ous combustion, sprain, standard, statistics, statistical, statute, statute of fraud, steam stock stock companies, steel lined vault, stockholder, storing, stove, strain, subagent, subrogation, sub- stitute, suicide, sunstroke, surety, surplus, surrender, surround- ings, survey, surviving, survivorship, suspension, sustained, sys- tem. Table of mortality, tenant, ten payment life, tendency, termina- tion, term-policy, territory, theft, time policy, tontine insurance, tornado, total disability, trade, transfer, transient, transmittal, transported, traveler, traveling, twenty payment life policy. Uncle, underwriter, unearned, unexpired, untrue statement, usage. Vacancy, valuation, valued policy, varying, vault, vested right, vicinity, vitiate, volume. Waiver, wall, warehouseman, warranty, watchman, water route, wearing apparel, weight, widow, wife, willful burning, wind storm, withdrawal, witness, wound. Year, yearly payment. For Fraternal, Guaranty and Marine Insurance see index, and General Business. INVESTMENT BROKERS: See Real Estate, and Stocks and Bonds, Finance, and General Business. IRON WORKS: See Civil Engineering, General Business, and Mechanical En- gineering. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE : Acequia, acre-foot, acre-inch, adit, adjudication, aeration, air, alfalfa, alkali, alum spots, anchor, ant, appropriation, aqueduct, arc stave, arid climate, artesian, asbestine, azarbes. Backsetting, barren, basin, bench flume, bench mark, beneficial, bent, berm, blackberry, border, bracing, breathing of plants, bucket pump. Canal, canvas dam, capacity, capillary, capillarity, carbon dioxide, carpenter, carrier's diversion, catch crops, catchment, centrifugal, channel, check, check ridge, cistern, clay soil, climate, compressed, conduit, contour, crown arch, cultivation, cultivator, curve, current meter, cylinder. Dam, damming, dentrification, detritus, dike, ditch, ditching methods, diversion, division box, divisor, drain, drainage, drill, drop-box, drop-head, drought, dry farming, dyke. Earthworm, electrical, electricity, embankment, excavating, excavation, evaporation. Fallowing, fertility, fertilization, fertilizer, field, filament, fil- tration, fill-bank, flat land, float, floating, flooding, flume, fly-off, 138 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES forebay, formation, fountainhead, foot ditch, foundation, furrow, furrow irrigation. Garden, gas engine, gasoline engine, gauge, gauging, generating, generator, grade level, grade peg, grader, gradient, grading, gravel, gravity, green manure, ground-water, growth. Hardpan, head ditch, headgate, health, humidity, hydrant, hydraulic ram, hydrometric sluice, hydrostatic. Inch, induction motor, insect, installing, intake, interillage, in- undation, irrigation culture, irrigant, irrigator. Land plaster, lateral, leaching, level, leveling, levee, loess. Maize, masonry, meadow, measuring box, measurement, me- chanical, miner's inch, modules, mudsill, mulches. Nilometer, nitrates, nitrification, nitrogen. Operating pump, overfall, outlets. Park, peat land, penstock, percolation, phreatic, pipe line, plow, plowing, plunger, pump, point, porosity, press drill, pressure, pro- peller, puddle, puddling, pump, pumping. Quicksand. Rainfall, ramming engine, ration, reduction box, reservoir, ridge cultivation, right of appropriation, rill, riparian, riprap, riveted, road grader, rolling, rotary, root cap, root hair, rye, run-off. Salt, sand, sand-gate, sandy soil, saturation, second foot, seed- bed, seepage, sewage, sewage effluent, sewage grass, sewer, sheet- piling, silt, silting, siphon slope, slough, sluice, soil moisture, soil ventilation, solid, spill-box, spillway, spiral, subirrigation, sub- sidiary canal, subsoil, subsoiling, subbing, sump, sunlight, stand- pipe, stoke, storage, stormwater, strut, surveying, surveyor, swamp land. Tail-race, tamp, target-rod, temperature, terreplin, tile, tile- hook, tillage, transpiration, trestlework, truck farming, turbine wheel, tympanum. Underdrainage, underflow, underground, unit. Vacuum, ventilation, vitrified. Warping, washing, waste gate, water, water level, water-logged, water-meadows, waterwheel, weir, well, wind, windbreak, wind dam, windmill, windpower. Zanjero. Also see Agricultural Products, and General Business. JEWELRY, GEMS, OPTICAL, WATCHES: Abalone pearl shell, aberration, achromatic, agate, albata, alex- andrite, aluminum, amethyst, antique pendant and ring, Arabic. Bangle, barometer, bar pin, barrette, beads, belt pin, bevel edge, bezel, binocular, bizet, black oxidized gun metal, blemish, blood- stone, boy scout fob and holster, boy's nickel watch, bracelet, brilliancy, britannia, bronze, brooch, burnished, buttons. Cameo, camera, canary-stone, candelabra, carat, carbuncle, carnelian, case, celluloid, chain, chalcedony, charm, chatelaine, chronograph, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase, cleaning, collar button, combination watch and compass, compact, compass, coral, cres- cent, cross, crown, crystal, cuff links. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 139 Damaskeened, delicate machinery, dependable quality, diamond, diamond set, dressy, dust and damp-proof. Eardrops, earrings, earscrews, emblem, embossed, emerald, enameled, engagement, engine turned, engraved, escalloped edge, escapement cap, escape wheel, etched design, expansion bracelet, extra heavy mounting. Facet, focal, focus, 14-K., fresnel lens. Gem, gentleman's watch, gift, goggles, gold, gold filled, good satisfaction, guaranteed, guard chain. Hair ornament, hair spring, half belcher style, hand-engraved, handsome, hat pin, high-grade work, hope blue diamond. Illustration, initial, inlaid, inspection, isochronism, ivory. Jade, jasper, jewel, jeweler, jewelry. Kaleidoscope, karat, kodak. Lace pin, lacquer, lapidary, lapis lazuli, laqure, latest type, lens, lid, locket, lodge emblem, lognette, lunette. Machinery, magnify, manufacturer, mechanism, medallion, medium, melanite, men's extra heavy mounting, micrometer regu- lator, microscope, monocle, monocular, monogram, moonstone, movement. Necklace, nickel, non-magnetic movement, novelty. Objective, onyx, opal, openface, opera-glass, optical, oval. Pearl pendant, pendulum, photographic reproduction, platinum, polished, popular price, precious stones, properly cared for, pure white diamond. Quality, quantity. Railroad dial, raised colored gold, rhinestone, ring, ruby. Sapphire, screw, setting, silver, silverine, solid, solitaire, spec- tacles, stem wind and lever set, stereoscope. Time-keeping movement, tourmaline, turquoise. Unconditional guarantee, unique. Watch case, watch glove, watertight, weight, winding stem, work, wrist bracelet watch. Also see General Business and Silverware. LAND COMPANIES: See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. LAW: Abatement, abduction, abettor, abeyance, abolition, above described, above entitled action, above entitled case, above men- tioned, above named plaintiff, abrogate, abscond, absence, abso- lute, abstract of title, acceptance, acceptor, access, accession, accessory, accident, accommodation, accomplice, accord, accord- ing to law, according to my best recollection, according to the best of your recollection, according to the evidence, according to your recollection, accrue, accumulative, accused, acknowledg- ment, acquainted, acquiescence, acquisition, acquittal, acre, act, action, ad damnum, address, adjoining, adjourned, adjudged, adjudication, adjustment, ad litem, administration, administrator, 140 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES administratrix, admiralty, admissible, admission, adopting, adult, adultery, adverse, advertise, advertisement, affect, affection, affi- ant, affidavit, affray, aforesaid, aforethought, age, agency, agent, aggravation, aggregate, aggressor, agreement, alias, alibi, alien, alienation, alimony, allegation, alleged, allowance, alteration, al- ternative, ambiguity, amendment, and that the said, and that the same is true, annexed, annotated, announced, annoyance, annuity, annual, antenuptial, answer, answer yes or no ante-mortem, appeal, appear, appearance, appellant, appellee, appellor, applica- cation, appointment, apportionment, appraisement, appraiser, apprehend, apprise, appropriation, approve, approval, appurten- ances, a priori, arbitrament, arbitrary, arbitration, arbitrator, are you sure, are you willing to swear, argument, arraignment, arrangement, arrest, arson, articles of agreement, articles of in- corporation, as a matter of course, as a matter of fact, as a matter of law, ascertain, as it is important that we, as it is impossible, as it would be, as near as I can judge, as near as I can remember, as near as you can, as the case may be, assailant, assault, as- sembly, assent, assessment, assessor, asset, assign, assignee, assignment, assignor, assistance, associate, association, assuming, at any rate, at one time or another, at that time, attachment, attempt, attestation, attorney for defendant, auction, auctioneer, authentic, authority, authorize, auxiliary, averment, avoidance, award. Bail, bailee, bailiff, bailment, ballot, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, bargain, barred, barter, basis, bastard, battery, bearer, beginning, at a point two hundred and eighteen (218) feet north of the north- west corner of block forty-one (41) in the original plat of north Springfield, Missouri, thence east one hundred and forty-two (142) feet, thence south seventy-six (76) feet, thence west one hundred and forty-two (142) feet, thence south seventy-six (76) feet, thence west one hundred and forty-two (142) feet, thence north seventy- six (76) feet to place of beginning; behalf, being first duly sworn and examined, deposes and says, be it remembered, belief, bench, beneficial, beneficiary, bequeath, bequest, betterments, bidder, bigamy, bill of costs, bill of exceptions, bill of exchange, bill-of- lading, bill-of-sale, blackmail, blank, blueprint, board of super- visors, bodily harm, body corporate, bona fide, bond, bonus, bot- tomry, boundary, boycott, breach, bribery, brief, broker, brother, bureau, burglary, by-laws, by the learned counsel for the defend- ant, by the learned counsel for the plaintiff. Calendar, called for the defendant and sworn, called for the plaintiff and sworn, called for the prosecution and sworn, called in his own behalf, cancellation, can you recollect, can you recollect whether, can you recollect whether or not, can you remember, can you remember whether, can you remember whether or not, candidate, capacity, capias, capital stock, caption, carrier, cas- ualty, cause of action, caution, caveat emptor, cede, certificate, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 141 certified, certiorari, chairman, challenge, chancellor, chancery, chapter, character, chargeable, charter, chastity, chattel, cheat, child, chose in action, circuit court, circulation, circumstance, circumstantial evidence, citation, cite, citizen, civil, civil action, civilian, claim, claimant, client, cloud on title, co-administrator, co-assignee, code, co-defendant, codicil, coercion, co-executor, cogent, cognizance, coin, collateral, collection, collision, collusion, color of title, combination, comity, commanding, commencement, commerce, commercial, commission, commissioner, commitment, committee, committitur, communication, community, comparative, compel, compensation, competency, competent, complain, complain- ant, complaint, complied, complicity, compromise, concealment, concession, conclusion, concurrent, condemnation, conditional, con- donation, confederate, confer, conference, confession, confidence, confidential, confirmation, confiscate, conflict, confusion, conjecture, connivance, consanguinity, consent, consequential, consideration, consign, consignee, consignment, consignor, consolidation, con- spiracy, constable, constituent, constitute, constitution, constitu- tional, construe, construction, constructive, consultation, consum- mate, containing, contemplation, contempt, contents, contiguous, contingency, contingent, continuance, continuous, contract, con- tractual, contradict, contravention, contribute, contribution, con- tributory, controversy, conversation, conversion, conveyance, con- viction, copartner, copyright, co-respondent, coroner, corporation, corporeal, corpus delicti, correspondence, correspondent, corro- boration, corrupt, costs, counsel, counselor at law, count, counter- claim, counterfeit, countermand, counterplea, county, coupon, court, covenant, coverture, credentials, credible, creditor, crime, criminal, criticism, cross-action, cross-bill, cross-defendant, cross- examination, cross-question, cruelty, culpable, culprit, custodian, custody, customary. Damage, danger, days of grace, deadly, deaf and dumb, death, debate, debenture, debit, debtor, deceased, decedent, deceit, decision, declaration, decorum, decree, dedication, deed, de facto, defalcation, defamation, default, defect, defendant, defense, de- fined, degree, de jure, delegate, delegation, deliberation, delin- quent, deliverance, delivery, demand, demise, demur, demurrer, denies, department, deponent, depose, deposit, deposition, deputy, descend, descendant, descent, description, desertion, designated, detention, determination, detinue, development, deviation, device, devise, devisee, devisor, diagram, dictate, dictum, did you not state, did you see, digest, dilatory, diligence, direct examination, director, disability, disbursement, discharge, disclaimer, disclose, disclosure, discontinuance, discovery, discretionary, discrimina- tion, discussed, dismissal, disposition, disqualification, disserta- tion, dissolution, distress, distribution, district, disturbance, divi- dend, divorce docket, document, documentary, does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action, does not state facts 142 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES sufficient to constitute a defense, do hereby make solemn oath, domain, domestic, domicile, dower, do you know anything about this case, do you know the plaintiff in this action, do you know the defendant in this case, do you know whether, do you know whether or not, do you recollect, do you recollect whether, do you recollect whether or not, do you remember, do you remember the circum- stances, do you remember whether or not, drawee, drawing, drunk- ard, drunkenness, due process of law, duplicate, duplicity, duress, duty. Earnest, easement, easterly, effects, ejectment, election, element, eligibility, eligible, eliminate, embezzlement, eminent domain, emolument, employer, empowered, enabling act, enacted, enclose, enclosure, encumbrance, endorse, endorsement, endorser, enjoin, entirely, entirety, entitled, entry, equitable, equity of redemption, equivalent, erred, error, escape, escheat, escrow, establish, estate, estoppel, et al., eviction, evidence, ex post facto law, examination, examiner, exception, excessive, exclusive, excuse, executed, execu- tion, executive; executors, administrators and assigns; executors, administrators or assigns; executrix, exemplary damages, exemp- tion, exhibit "A," existing, existence, ex-officio, exoneration, ex parte, expedient, expiration, explicit, expose, ex post facto, ex- punge, extension, extenuating, extinguish, extortion, extradition. Facsimile, fact, failure, falsely, falsification, family, fault, fed- eral, fee, fee-simple, fee-tail, felonious, felony, female, femme covert, femme sole, feudal law, fictitious, fiduciary, filing, financial, fine, firm, first above written, first being duly sworn, first herein- before written, fixtures, forcible ertry, foreclosure, foreign, fore- man, forfeiture, forgery, forthcoming, framed, franchise, frater- nal, fraud, fraudulent, freedom, freehold, fugitive, fund, funda- mental, funeral expenses, furnish, further. Gambling, game law, garnishee, garnishment, garnishor, genu- ine, gift, gist, giver, gold coin of the United States of America, good faith, good will, goods, wares and merchandise; government, graft, grand jury; grant, bargain, sell and convey; grantee, grantor, gratis, gratuitous, ground, guarantee, guaranteeing, guarantor, guaranty, guardian, guilty. Habeas corpus, habit, half-blood, half-brother, hallucination, handwriting, hazard, hazardous, hearing, hearsay evidence, heir; heirs, executors and administrators; heirs, executors or adminis- trators, heirship, hereafter, hereditaments, hereditary, hereby, hereinafter, hereinbefore, heretofore; hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal; hereunto set my hand and seal; hereunto set our hands and seals; highway, holder, holiday, home, homestead, homicide, honorable, household goods and effects; house of rep- resentatives, how long after, how long have you been, how long have you known him, husband, hypothecate, hypothetical question, hypothesis. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 143 I call your attention to the fact, I cannot recollect, I could not say, I could not tell you, identical, identification, identity, idiot, I do not know, I do not know anything about it, I don't know, I don't know whether, I don't recall, I don't recollect, I don't recol- lect whether, I don't recollect whether or not, I don't remember, I don't remember whether, if it please your honor, ignorance, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, illegal, illegality, illegitimate, illicit, immaterial, immemorial, immoral, immorality, immunity, impairng, impanel, impeachment, implication, implied, impose, impotence, imprisonment, improvement, inadmissible, inalienable, inauguration, incendiary, inchoate, incompetency ; in- competent, immaterial and irrelevant; incorporated, incorpora- tion, incorporeal, incorrigible, incriminate, incumbent, incum- brance, indebtedness, indemnify, indemnifying, indenture, inde- terminate, indicate, indict, indictment, induce, inducement, indul- gence, infant, inference, inferior, information, informer, infringe- ment, inhabitant, in hand paid, inherent, inherit, inheritance, in- hibition, initial, injunction, injury, inmate, inquest, in re, insane, insanity, insolvency, insolvent, installment, instance, in statu quo, instigation, institute, instruction, instrument, insurance, issuance, issued, itemized account, intent, interference, interlocutory, inter- national, interpleader, interpolation, interpretation, interstate, in- tervene, intestate, interrogation; In the Circuit Court of the United States in and for the Southern District of California; In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of California; In the Justice Court of Los Angeles Township, County of Los Angeles, State of California; In the Supreme Court of the State of California; in the first place; in the next place; In the year of our Lord; intimacy, intimidation, intrinsic, intro- duce, introduced, invented, involuntary; in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; in witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals; irregular, irrelevancy, irrelevant, irrevocable; I suppose you are aware of the fact; I suppose you know; issue; it is ab- solutely necessary; it is important that you should; it is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed; I understand you to say. Jail, jeopardy, jettison, jetsam, joinder, joint, jointly, joint ten- ancy, judge; judgment signed and entered; judicial, judiciary, jumping bail, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist, juror, jury, jury- man, justice of the peace, justification. Kindred, kleptomania, knocked down and struck off, know all men by these presents, knowledge, known heirs, knowingly. Land grant, landlord, lapse, larceny, last will and testament, laches, law, lawful, lawsuit, lawyer, leading, leading question, learned, lease, legacy, legal tender, legatee, legatory, legislation, legislative, legislature, legitimate, lender, lessee, lessor, letters of administration, letters testamentary, levy, libel, liberty, license, lien, lieu, life estate, limitation, liquidated, liquor law, lis pendens, 144 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES litigant, litigation, local option, location, lot thirty (30) and the west one (1) foot of lot thirty-seven (37) in Smith & Smith's re- subdivision of blocks eighteen (18) and twenty (20) in Walker's subdivision of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section eighteen (18) township twenty (20) north, range fourteen (14) east of the third principal meridian. A certain strip or parcel of land situated in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 1 East of Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian, and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point, said point being North 45 00' East, a distance of nine hundred sixty-two and five-tenths (962.5) feet, from the corner common to sections 15, 16, 21 and 22 in said Town- ship and Range; thence running North 1 30' East, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running South 88 30' East, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet; thence running South 58 30' East, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence running South 1 30' West, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running North 58 30' West, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence running North 88 30' West, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet to the place of beginning. Being a part of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 15 and containing 6.97 acres, more or less. Lucrative, lunacy, lying and being, lynch law. Magistrate, main, maintenance, majority, malfeasance, malice prepense, malicious, management, mandamus, mandate, manda- tory, manifest, manslaughter, map or plat, martial law, maritime law, marriage, married woman, marshal, master in chancery, material, materiality, maturity, maxim, may it please your honor, mayhem, mayor, measure, medical, member, memorandum, mem- ory, menace, merchandise, merchant, merger, merit, military law, minor, minority, mischief, misconduct, misdemeanor, misfeasance, misjoinder, misnomer, misprison, misrepresentation, mitigation, mittimus, modification, monopoly, moral obligation, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, mortuary, motion, motive, multifariousness, municipal, municipality, murder, mutual, my commission expires as notary public. Namely, national bank, naturalization, naturalized citizen, navi- gation, necessaries, necessary, negative, negligence, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, nephew, neutrality, nevertheless, new series, next of kin, nominal, nominate, nomination, non-joinder, non-resident, non-suit, northerly; northwest quarter of section five (5), township eight (8), range thirty-nine (39) east, Mt. Diablo base and meridian, notarial, notary public, notation, notice, notification, notoriously, notwithstanding, nugatory, nuisance, null and void, nullify, nuncupative, nuptial. Oath, objection, obligation, obvious, occupancy, occupation, of all and every, offence, offer, officer, official, of your own knowl- edge, omission, on or about the, on the part of the plaintiff, opera- tion of law, opinion, opposition, option, orally, ordinance, organic KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 145 law, ordinary, organization, organized, original, ouster, outlawed, outstanding debt, overdue, overrule, overt, owner, ownership. Panel, paragraph, parallel, paramount, paraphernalia, parcel of land, pardon, parent, parliamentary law, parole, partial, parties, partition, partner, partnership, party of the first part, party of the second part, patent, patentability, patentable, patentee, patent office, payment, peculiar circumstances of the case, pecuniary, penal, pendency, pending, penitentiary, pension, per annum, per capita, per cent, per diem, peremptory, perform- ance, perjury, permanent, permission, perpetrator, perpetual, per- petuity, per se, personally, pertinent, petition, petitioner, petti- fogger, petty, phonograph, plaintiff, plea, pleading, please state to the court and jury, pledge, pledgee, pledgor, poisoned, police, policy, political, politics, poll-tax, polygamy, portion, positive, posse, possession, possessory, post mortem, posthumous, postponed, postponement, power, practice, prayer, prays judgment, preamble, precedence, precedent, precinct, pre-emption, preliminary, pre- meditation, premise, preponderance of evidence, preponderating evidence, prerogative, prescription, presentment, preserve, presi- dent, presumption, prima facie, primaries, primary, primogeniture, priority, principal, principle, prior, priority, prisoner at the bar, private, privilege, privileged communication, privity of contract, probate court, probation, proceeding, procedure, process, procla- mation, procure, production, prohibition, promise, promissor, promissory, promoter, proof, property, proposition, propounded, prosecute, prosecutor, prosecution, protest, proven, provided, pro- vision, proviso, provocation, proximate, proximity, proxy, pru- dence, public, punishment, purchaser, purport, pursuant, putative. Qualification, qualified, quality, quantity, quarantine, quarrel, quash, quasi-contract, question, quitclaim, quo warranto pro- ceedings, quorum, quotation. Railroad, ratification, real covenant, real estate, reasonable, re- bate, rebuttal, rebutting evidence, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, receiver, receivership, reciprocity, recession, recog- nizance, recollect, recollection, recommendation, reconciliation, reconsider, record, recorder, recourse, recovery, re-cross examina- tion, redeem, redemption, redirect examination, reduction, redun- dancy, re-entry, referee, reference, referendum, reform, reforma- tion, refresh, refunding, regardless, register, registration, regu- late, regulation, re-hearing, rejoinder, relation, relative, relator, release, relevant, relevancy, relinquishment, remainder, remedial, remedy, remittance, remitter, remittitur, removal, rendered, rent, reopening, reorganization, repair, repeal, repetition, replevin, re- plevy, replication, report, reporter, representation, representative, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, republication, repudiate, repudiation, repugnancy, repugnant, reputable, reputed, requisite, requisition, rescind, rescission, res judicata, reservation, reserve, residence, resident, residuary legatee, residue, resolution, respectfully, 146 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES respondent, responsibility, restitution, restraining, restraint, restriction, retainer, retroactive, returnable, revenue, reversal, re- version, reversionary, Revised Statutes, revocation, riot act, riparian rights, robbery, rolling stock, ruling, rumor. Safeguard, salary, sale, saloon, salvage, satisfaction, scandalous, schedule, school, seal, search, secondary evidence, secretary, sec- tion, security, seized, seizure, self-defense, self-evident, semian- nual, senate, sentence, separate, separation, sequestration, seriatim, service, session, set aside, set forth, set his hand and seal, set-off, settlement, severally acknowledged, severance, sheriff, signature, signification; sign, seal and deliver; sister; situate, lying and being; sole, solicitor; sound and disposing mind and memory; southeast, southerly, southwest, sovereignty, specific, specification, statement, state as near as you can, state whether, state whether or not, statute, statute of limitations, statutory, status quo, stay of execution, stenographer, stepdaughter, stipula- tion, stock, stockholder, stoppage in transitu, subcontract, sub- mission, submitted, subpoena, subscribed, subscribed and sworn to before me, subscription, subsidiary, substantial, substitute, substitution, subtenant, sue, sufficient, suggestion, suicide, suit- able, summary, summons, superior, supersedeas, supervisor, sup- plemental, supplementary, support, Supreme Court, suppressed, surety, suretyship, surplusage, surrender, Surrogate Court, sur- viving, survivor, suspension, sustained, swear, sworn, syllabus, syndicate. Tangible, tax, taxation, tax-deed, technical, telegraph, telephone, tenancy, tenant, tender; tenements, hereditaments and appurten- ances; tenor, tenure, term, territorial, territory, testamentary, testator, testatrix, testify, testimony, that the said, the objection is overruled, the objection is sustained, thereabout, thereafter, there- fore, therein, thereof, thereunder, this agreement made and entered into, this indenture, the first and second, the first subject, the first thing, this blank day of blank, this is a matter, this is a well known fact, threat, title, tort, to a moral certainty and beyond a reasonable doubt; to the best of my knowledge, information and belief; to whom it may concern; to-wit, tract, trade-mark, traffic, transaction, transcript, transportation, treason, treasurer, treaty, trespass, trespasser, triable, tribunal, trial, trust, trustee. Ultimate, ultra vires, unanimity, unanimous, uncontroverted, undersigned, understanding, undertenant, under the present cir- cumstances of the case, unilateral contract, unknown, unlawful, unmarried, unpaid, usage, unsatisfied, unsecured, usufruct, usury, untenable. Vacancy, vacant, vagueness, valid, valuable, value received, valuation, variance, vendee, vendor, venue, verbal, verbatim, ver- dict, verification, verify, verily believe, versus (or vs.), vested, veto, vice, vicinity, violation, violence, virtue, vice versa, vitiate, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 147 viz., void, voidable, voluntary, voluntary act and deed, vote, voucher. Waive, waiver, ward, warrant, warrantor, warranty, weapon, westerly, when there is sufficient, whereas, where do you reside, wherefore the plaintiff states, what dp you mean, what is the date of the sale, what is your age, what is your occupation, whereso- ever, whereuntp, widower, wife, wilfully, will, will you please state, with all and singular, witness, witnesseth, witness my hand and seal, writ of certiprari, wrongdoer, wrongfully. Year, yes sir, yield, you are the sole exclusive judges, youth. Also see General Business, and Political. Many lawyers are in politics. LIBRARIES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION : Abbreviation, abridge, abridgement, absence, access, accessi- bility, accession, accession register, accommodate, accompany, accumulate, accuracy, acknowledge, acquaintance, activity, added entry, additional, address, adjustable, administration, adminis- trative, admirable, admission, adoption, advertise, advertisement, advisor, affiliation, aisle, alignment, allotment, alphabet, alpha- betical, alphabetization, alphabetize, alphabetizing, alternative title, amendment, ananlysis, analytic entry, annotation, annual report, anonymous, antiquated, appendix, appliance, applicant, application, apprentice, appropriation, approval, art, artistic, assemblage, assembly room, assistant, associate, association, attractive, author, authoritative, authority, authorize, author-card, author catalog, author-list, author-number, author-title. Bibliographical, bibliography, bibliothetic, binder, binder's title, bindery, binding record, biographical, biography, blackboard, blank-book, block system, board of directors, board of trustees, book anatomy, bookbinding, bookbuying, book-card, book-case, book collector, book label, book lift, book-mark, book of reference, book-order, book-plate, bookpress, book-saving, book-seller, book- shelf, book slip, book-support, book-truck, book-wagon, borrow, borrower's register, bound, brackets, branch, building, bulletin, bureau. Cabinet, calendar, call-number, call-slip, canvass, capacity, caption title, cardboard, card cabinet, card-pocket, case, cashier, catalog in book form, cataloger, cataloging and classifying, catch- word entry, censor, censorship, centralization, chairman, chapter, charge, charging-desk, charging-tray, charging system, changed title, check, checking of bills, check-list, chief librarian, children's room, chronological, chronologically, circular, circulating, circula- tion, circumstances, city library, citizenship, class, classed catalog, classic, classical, classification scheme, classify, class-mark, class- number, class-room, clerical, closed shelf, cloth, club, code of rules, collate, collection, collector, colophon, combination, com- mission, committee, community, compensation, competent, compila- tion, compiled, comprehension, concordance, condemned, con- 148 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES densed, conduct, conference, congress cards, conjunction, consultation, continuation record, co-operation, copy, copy letter, copy number, copyright, corporate entry, correspondence, cor- respondent, courteous, courtesy, cover, covering, cover-joint, cover title, cowsidn, craftsmanship, credited, cross reference, cumula- tion, cumulative, current, cutter number. Date, date-guide, dating-slip, decimal classification, delivery- room, delivery station, department, departmental, deposit, depository, description, destroy, deterioration, determination, develop, development, Dewey decimal classification, diagram, dictation, dictionary catalog, digits, dilapidated, director, directory, discarding, discipline, discount, discussion, disinfect, disinfection, display, distribute, distribution, division, document, documentary, donation, drawer, drawing, dummy, duplicate, duplication, dupli- cator, duodecimo. Economical, economy, edition, editor, educate, educational, educator, efficiency, electrotype, elevator, elision marks, embody- ing, embossed, embossing, employee, employer, employment, endowment, enlarged classification, enlargement, enlighten, en- lightenment, enter, entitled, entry-word, envelope, epitome, erasure, establish, examine, exchange, exclusion, exclusive, executive, exhibit, exhibition-room, ex-officio, expansive classifica- tion, expenditure, expansive, explanation, explanatory, express, extension, extensive, exterior, extract. Facsimile, fascicular, favorably, feature, fiction, field, figures, file, filing cabinet, filing rules, finance, financial, findables. finding list, fireproof, first-class, first-floor plan, fiscal, fittings, fixed location, fixtures, flexible, floor duty, fold symbol, folio, fond, foreigner, forename, forfeit, forfeiture, format, form entry, formula, fractional, free public library, freight, frontispiece, funds, furniture. Gift, gilded, glossary, govern, government, ground, group, guarantor, guide, guide card. Half title, half-tone, handbook, handwriting, heading, headline, holiday, home-use, hours, housing, hyphen, hyphenated, hyphened. Illustrated, imitation, imperfect, importation, imprint tracing, inadequate, incomplete, indebtedness, indelible, indent, index, inset, inspection, installment, institute, institution, instructor, inter-branch loan, inter-library association, introduction, issue, italics. Joint, joint author, jointing, journal, juvenile. Kaleidograph, keratol, klips. Label, label holder, labeling, labor-saving device, large paper edition, leaded matter, lecture, lettering, letter-press copy, letters, letter symbol for size notation, librarian, librarianship. library, library administration, Library of Congress cards, library organ- ization, library science, life, light-colored, list, little-used, loan, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 149 loan desk, loan period, loan register, location, loose leaves, lost and paid for. Magazine, magazine binder, main entry, main entry word, main library, maintain, maintenance, manila, manual, manufactory, manufacture, manufacturer, manuscript, map-making, material, memorandum, memorize, memory, mending, methodical, miscel- laneous, monthly report, mounted, movable location, mucilage, municipal, municipality, mutilate, mutilation. Name, name catalog, newspaper room, non-coyping, non-circu- lating, non-local, notation, notification, notify, numbered, number- ing, numerical order. Official, one-card system, open-access, opening, open-shelf, open shelves, order, orderliness, order table, out-of-date, out-of- print, out-of-stock, over-classification, over-detention, overdue, owner, ownership. Page, pagination, paging, paleography, pamphlet, paper, paper- making, parcels post, parent, parenthesis, parish library, partial title, paste, patent-room, patron, patronage, pay-duplicate, pay-roll, peg, pencil dater, perforate, perforator, performance, period, periodical, permission, permitted, picture, pigskin, photo-copying, photograph, photographic, photo-mount, plate, pocket, point sys- tem, polygraphics, postage, postal, poster, preface, prefix, prescribed, preservation, president, price, principal, principle, print, print room, printer, printing, private, privately printed, production, proof, proprietary library, provision, pseudonym, public documents, publicity, public ownership, public trade list, publish, publisher, publishing, purchaser. Quality, quantity, question, questionaire, quarterly, quarto, quotation, quote. Reader, reading-list, reading-matter, reading-room, ready-made cards, re-arrangement, rebinding, rebound, recataloging, receipt, receive, recital, recitation, record, reference, reference-list, refer- ence-room, register, regular, regulate, relative location, renewal, replace, replacement, replacement slip, report, reporter, represent, representative, reprint, republication, request slip, requirement, requisition, research, reserve, residence, resident, resolution, resource, restrict, restriction, retain, retention, revenue, reverse, review, revise, revision, revolving bookcase, Rudolph indexer, rule, running slips, running title, rural. Scholar, scholarly, school, schoolroom, second-hand, secretary, "see cards," "see reference," "see also reference." segregate, selection, select list, separate, separately, serial, series, series entry, service, serviceable, settlement, sewing, shelf-catalog, shelf- list, shelf-number, shelf-peg, shellac, shelving, shipping-room, showcase, sidepiece, sift, sifting, signature, size, specific entry, specimen, society library, sources, stacking, stack room, stacks, staff, stamps and daters, standard, standardized, state, statistics, station, stepladder, stereotypes, stitching, student, stylus, subclass, 150 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES subject, subject catalog, subject entry, subject-heading, subject- list, subscribe, subscriber, subscription library, sub-title, substi- tute, suffix, summarize, summary, superintend, superintendent, superior, supervise, supervision, supplement, supplementary, support, surname, symbol, symbolic, synonym, system, systematic, systematization. Table of contents, tabulation, tactile print, taxation, taxes, tax- payers, teacher, technique, telegram, telephone, territorial, territory, text, text-book, time cards and clock, title, title-entry, title-page, tracing, transcript, transfer, translate, translation, translator, transliteration, traveling library, tray, treasurer, treasury, treatise, trustees, two-book system, typewritten, type- writer, typical, typography. Uncut edges, union catalog, unnumbered, unsatisfactory, up-keep, up-to-date, unexpired, unfamiliar, uniform, uniformity, United States catalog, universal, university, unused, usable, useful, usefulness, usual. Vacancy, vacation, valuable, valuation, value, various, variety, vellum, ventilation, verse, version, view, visible, vocation, vocational guidance, volume, voluminous, voluntary, volunteer. War, wastebasket, waterproof, well-directed, wellknown. whip- stitching, wide, wide-awake, wisdom, withdraw, withdrawal, with- drawal register, work, worn, wornout, write, writer, writings. Yearbook, yearly. Zeal, zealous, zoology. See also Civil Service, General Business, and Universities. LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES: See Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. LIME: See Cement, and General Business. LINOLEUM: See Furniture, and General Business. LINOTYPE COMPOSITION: See Printing, and Bookbinding. LITHOGRAPHERS: See Electrotyping, and General Business. LIVESTOCK, MEATS, PACKINGHOUSE PRODUCTS, WHOLE- SALE BUTCHERS, CANNED MEATS, GAME : Albumen, alive, ammunition, animal, antelope. Bacon, barrel, barreled beef, basis, beef, bees, bellies, bird bladder, blood, boar, boiled ham, bologna, bone, bone grease, boned and tied, boneless, bottle, brains, branch house, brand, breakfast bacon, brine, bristles, broiler, bucket, bulk, bull, bullock, butcher shop, butterine. Calf, califene, canvas-back, carcass, carload, casing, cask, cattle, chicken, chilled, choice, chuck, city brand, clear fat back, clear lean back, clear sides, colt, compact, competition, compound lard, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 151 compressed, contract, cooked, cooking oil, coop, corned beef, cot- tage roll, cost of packing added, cottolene, country brand, cow, cracklings, cream, cresco, cured meat. Dairy solids, dealer, desiccated meat, discount, district, domes- tic, dove, dressed, dried, dry, dryness, duck. Eastern house, evaporated water, extra family beef, extra prime, extras, ewes. Family, fat back, feathers, feed, feeder, firsts, flesh, frankfurter, free on board, free on dry. fresh, fully cured, fryer. Game, game laws, game warden, garlic flavor, geese, general office, genuine, goose, goat, grain fed, grease, grocer, gross weight, ground poultry food, grouse, guaranteed, guinea-fowl. Hair, half-barrel, half-gallon, ham, hare, head cheese, heart, heavy regular ham, heifer, hen, hide scrapings, hog, hog round, horse. Ice, ice-box, imported, intestines. Jellied lunch tongue loaf, jobber, jowl or jole. Keg, kettle, kidney, kit. Label, lamb, lard, large tin, leaf, leather whitenings, leg of mutton, license, light medium, linings, liquid, live stock, liver, loins, long saddle, loose, luncheon loaf. Margin, market, meal, meat, meat trimmings, medium, mess, meth-wurst, middles, mixed, moose, mutton. Native beef, neck bone, neutral, nominal. Oleo stock, oleomargarine, on change, ordinary, overcharge, ox gall. Pack, package, packed in 100-pound sacks, packer, packinghouse, palace car, partridge, pheasant, pickled pork tongue, pickled spare ribs, picnic, pig, pig's feet, pig's head, pig's tail, pig's toes, pigeon, plain, pork, pork loin, potted, poultry, premium, preserved, price, prime fed, produce exchange, product, provisions, pullet, pure. Quail, quality, quantity, quote, quotation. Rabbit, ram, raw material, refined, refinery, rib, rind, round, rooster. Salad oil, salt, salted, sausage, scrapings, scraps, second quality, shank, shearling, sheep, shoat, shore-birds, shorn sheep, short saddle, shoulder, shrinkage, side, size, skin, skinned, sliced, small, smoked, snipe, spare ribs, spiced, soused pig's feet, sow, squabs, stag, stall fed meat, standard, steer, steer hind, stocker and feeder, stomach lining, straight cut, suckling, suet, sugar, summer, sup- plies, surplus, sweet pickled meat. Tallow, tankage, tenderloin, territory, thin, tierce, tin, tongue, trimming, tripe, tub, turkey. Uncanvased, undesirable. Veal. Weigh, weighed, weight, western, wethers, white oil, whitening, wholesale, wild hare, wooden. Yearling, yellow oil, young. Also see Fish and Oysters, and General Business. LOANS: See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. 152 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES LOCOMOTIVES: See General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. LUMBER : Accumulation, additional, age, air-dried square, air-dried stock, air pipe, angle of course, angle of grain, annual rings, application, architect, area, arm, arrival, ash, association, assortment, average. Backing, ballast pump, balsam fir, band sawed, barge, bark, base block, base plate, basis, basswood, batten, beaded, beaded ceiling, bed slat, beech, bended oak, berry-box, bevel siding, beveled, bid, bidder, billet, birch, bird's-eye maple, black sap, blind nailing, block, blocking, blueprint, board, board measure, boatbuilder, bone dry, bored, botanical, box, box board, boxed heart, boxing, box shook, boxwood, brace, bracket, branch knot, breakage, brick pallet, bridge floor, bridging, bright sap, building, bunch, bundle, burl walnut, burned over timber, business, butt, butted, butternut, butterbox stuff, butt rot, buyer. Cabinetmaker, camphorwood, cancel, cane ash, capacity, cargo, car-load, car stake, cartage, casing, cedar, ceiling, center block, channel rustic, checks or defects, cherry, chestnut, chipped grain, choice, chute material, cigar-box lumber, cinder stained lumber, circular window, clapboard, clear and second, clear and select, clear heart face, clear heart rift, C. O. D., color, column, commis- sion, common, complaint, compound lumber, cone, construction, contents, cord measure, cordwood, corner, corrugated decking, cottonwood, cove, covering board, creosoted, cross-arm, cross- grained, crosstie, culling, culls, curly birch, current price, cus- tomer, cypress. Dead or dry streak, dead timber, decay, deck, decking, decora- tive, defect, defective, derrick timber, description, diagonal, dia- gram, diameter, dimension, discoloration of sap, distinguishing dogwood, domestic shipping, door cutting, door stock, double- beaded dots, double hung, Douglas fir, dovetailed, dowel, drawn, dressed and matched, dressing, drop siding, drop or patent siding, dry kiln, dryness, drying shelf, dull, durability, durable stuff. Eastern, ebony, edge grain, edge lumber, edger, edging, electric railroad pole, electric wire pole, elm, empty bag, encased, en route, equivalent, examination, examiner, export, extending, extension, exterior, extra. Face flooring, facer board, factory, fancy cut, fancy picket, fancy and square butts, fathom, fence, fence posts, fencing, finish, finishing lumber, file, fir, first and second clear, first class, flag pole, flat flooring, flitch, F. 0. B., foreign, forest, fraction, frac- tional size, framing, freight car, frieze board, furnish, furniture, furring. Gambrel, garboard, girder, girt, glazed sash, gnarled, graded, grading, grai-a, granulated, green, growth, grooved, guaranteed, gum, gumminp butt. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 153 Half dry, hardwood, head block, heart stain, height, hemlock, hickory, hitching pole, hollow backed, holly, honey-box lumber. Immersion, inclusive, inscribed square, insect, inspection, in- spector, instruction, instrument, interior finish, intermediate studs, invoice, ironback, ironwood. Jamb, jerking, jointed stock, joist. Kiln-dried, kindling wood, knee brace, knock down (K. D.), knot. Ladder stock, lagging, lamp-post, largest, last block, lasting, lath, lathe, laying, leaf pine, leeway, length, lengthwise, lignum vitae, links and rings, liquid, list, load, loading, log, log run, log- ging dogs, long-leaf pine, longevity, longitudinal, longshoreman, loose and rotten knots, loosened grain, lumber. Machinery, mahogany, maple, margin, mark, markings, mast arm, matched, material, maximum, measure, measured, measure- ment, medium, merchantable, metric length, metrical lengths, mill, milling, millman, mill run, mill work, minimum, mining timber, mismatching, mixed timber, moulding, mutin. Narrow, narrower, net, newel post, noble fir. Oak, oak keel, occurrence, octagon, odd and even lengths, option, ordinary, outboard planking, output, outside price, oval, overload, overwide. Packing, painting, panel, parting strips, partition, patent mould- ings, pattern, planer, plank, plate glass, peeling timber, pellet board, percentage, permanent, per M, picket, picture backing, piece stuff, pile, piling, pilotage, pine, pitch, pith, plain maple, plain sawed, plank, planking, plate, pocket, pointed end, pole, polished, poplar imitation, porch decking, post, priming, producer, product, prop, property, proportion, proportional, pulpwood, purlin. Quality, quantity, quartered and plain, quarter sawed, quartered oak, quotation, quote. Rabbeted, railway tie, rafter, random width, range, rate, recog- nized defect, rectangular, red beam, red birch, redwood, reduce, reduction, reel stock, refrigerator stock, replacement, remainder, reproduction, resaw, rift-sawed, rock elm, roller, roof, roofer, roofing, roof sheathing, rosewood, rough piling, roughness, rough sap, rustic. Sample car, sampling, sap, sappy clear, sassafras lumber, sawed, sawn, scale, sealer, scaling, scantling, scroll-saw, scattered, seam, seasoning, second growth ash, select, selecting, selection, sep- arately set, shakes or splits, sheathed, sheathing, shelving, shingle, ship, shipbuilder, shipbuilding, shiplap, shiplapping, shipment, shipper, shipping, shooks, short, shortage, shorter, shorts, shrink- age, siding, sill, single, size, slab-flooring, slash, slump rot, soft maple, soft wood, solid pitch, sound knotted, spar, specified, speci- fication, spike knot, splines, splits, spotted gum, sprag, spruce refuse, spud, spur, square, staging, stained walnut, stake, stand- ard, stave, stationary sash, steamer, stenciling, stocking-up, straight-grained, straight timber, strength, stretcher, stringer, strip, SIS&2E, S4S, CS, subflooring, substantial construction, sub- 154 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES stitute, supercargo, superficial feet, supervision, supervisor, sup- ply, surfaced, surveyor's stake, stuff, sweet gum, swing sash, sycamore. Tallied, tallying, tamarack, tank stock, tapering, target, tariff, teak, telegraph pole, telephone pole, team, teredo, thick, thicker, thickness, thinner, thoroughly seasoned and dried, thousand, tie, tight-kneed, tight pin knots, timber, trade, transfer, transport, transportation, transom, tree, tree-borer, trolley pole, ton, tongued and grooved, (T&G), torn grain, turning square. Under sill, un- seasoned, upper. Vat stuff, veneer, veneered, via, V-joist. Wagon stock, wainscoting, walking beams, wall, walnut, wane, waney places, warpage, weather, weight, wharf planking, whip- stock billet, white and redwood, white fir, white holly, white pine, whitewash, whitewood, wider, width, wind shakes, window header, window stops, wood, worm hole. Yard, yellow pine, yellow poplar, yield. Also see Cooperage, and General Business. MACHINERY: See General Business, Mechanical Engineering, and Shop Machinery. MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS: See Agricultural and Husbandry Implements, General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. MARINE ENGINEERING, MARINE ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING: Admiralty, afloat, after-body, after-hood, after-rake, after- timbers, air-vessel, alleyway, amidships, an-end, angle of leeway, angle of incidence, angular velocity, annular cylinder, anthracite, apron, arc of oscillation, arch of the cove, armor, ash-hoist, aug- mented surface, automatic instrument, auxiliary awning, axis of rotation. Back-stay stool, back-sweep, baffle-plate, balanced rudder, banked fire, banjo, barques, barrel, basalt, batten, battening, beam, bearding-line, bearer, becket, beetle, belay pin, bell-top, bend- mould, between decks, between perpendiculars, beveled, bilge- keel, bilgeway, binding, birch, birth-up, bituminous, bodies, bol- lard, bolster, boom kin, bottom, bow rudder, bowsprits, breadth- line, breast-hook, bridle beam, brig, broken-backed, bucket, buckl- ing, bunker, buoyancy, burden, butt-joint, buttock-line, buttstrap. Camber, camel, cant-ribband, capacity, carbon, carling, cargo, carvel work, cat and fish block, calking, ceiling, cellular, cellulose packing, centimeter, central-citadel ironclad, center board, cen- trifugal, chafing piece, chamfering, channel bar, cheek, chess- tree, chime, cigar ship, circular, circulator ironclad, circumference, clamp, clincher-built, clinching or clenching, clipper, coaming, column, collision, companion, comparative, compartment, compass, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 155 composite ship, compound engine, cpmpressive strength, construc- tion, conversion, cork packing, coping, counter, cove, cowl, crab, cradle, crank-arm, croaky, cross-chocks, cross-pauls, cross-spales, crutches or clutches, cushioning, cutter, cutting-down line, cypress. Dagger, davit, dead flat, dead rising, deck erection, declivity, deduction, designing, detachable, ballast, diagonal rider, dipping oscillation, dismasting, displacement, dog shore, dome, double bottom, doubling plate, doweling, drain cock, draught of water, drift, driver, drumhead, druxey, durability, dynamical stability. Eddies, edging of plank, eking, elasticity, elevation, elliptical stern, elm, entablature, equilibrium, equivalent, even keel. Fair-lead, falling home or tumbling home, fan-draught, feather- ing float, fiddle-block, fillet, filling timber, figurehead, flagging, flat, flexible, flint, flush-deck, foaming, forebody, forecastle, fore- foot, fore-lock, fore-peek, fouling, foundering, footboard, footlock, footwailing, freeboard, freeing, freight tonnage, furnace plate, futtock. Gab lever, garboard, gin block, gland, graphic, graphite, green- heart, gripe, grounding, groundway, gudgeon, gunboat, gun metal, gunwale, gusset plate, guys, gypsum. Half-breadth plan, hanging knee, harpin, hatch, hatching, hawse pipe, headboard, headledge, headway, heaving, heel, heeling, helm, hemlock, hemp, hooding end, hook and butt, hog frame, hogging, hold pillar, hook and butt, horn beam, horseshoe, houseline, hull, hydromotor propeller. Incrustation, immersion, in and out, inclining, inner bottom, inner post, inspection, inspector, intercostal plate, intermediate plate, international, ironclad, ivory. Jackwood, jet condenser,' jet-propelled vessel, jogging, junk- ring, jury rudder. Keel, keelson, knee, knight head or bollard timber. ^**! : *rtfl| Laburnum, lacing pieces, lancewood, lap-joint, lap-over or upon, lap-sided, larch, lashing ring, lateral, launch, launching, laying- off, leak, ledge, lee-board, lee-helm, lengthening, let-in, level line, life preserver, limber passage, limber hole, limestone, liner, linoleum, lip of scarphs, liquid, load line, local strain, loof, luff- tackle, lurching. Mahogany, main wales, manger, manhole, maple, marble, marine, marline, mast, maul, measurement, merchant ship, metacenter, metacentric diagram, mica, midship, model, momenta or moments, monkey forecastle, mooring anchor, mortar, mortise, mud drum, multiplier, munion. Nautical, naval architect, neutral, nickel, nitric acid, nominal, normal horsepower. Oak, oakum, observation, overlaunch, oxter. Pad-eyes, paddle-wheel, pall, palleting, panting, parceling, part- ner, pendulum, period, petroleum, pewter, phosphor bronze, pillar, pink, pintle, pitch, pitching, pitting plank-sheet, platform, plat- 156 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES inum, plough steel, plug-cock, plumbago, point-velique, poppet, portage, propeller, propulsion, propulsive, puddled steel, pump cistern, pump dales. Quarter galleries, quartz, quicken. Rabbet, racking, rag-bolt, rake, ram, range lights, ratline, recon- cile, reel, reeming, register, regurgitating valve, rend, reserve, resilience, resistance, revolution, rib, rider, rigging, rising floor, river steamer, rock shaft, rolling, rough-tree rails, rudder chokes, run of ship, runghead. Sagging, sail, sailing, salt, sandstone, satinwood, scantling, seraph, scraphing, 'scending, schooner, screw, screw-propeller, scupper, seam-setting, shackle, shadedeck, shallow draught vessel, sheathing, sheave, sheep-pen, sheer, sheer draught, sheer strake, shell plating, shoal, shoulder, sinkage, sirmark, skin of ship, slack- ness, sleeper, sliding plank, slip, snape, snatch block, spar-deck, specification, spectacle frame, spirketing plate, sponson, spruce, spur, stability, staggered pillar, stapled collar, stanchion, stead- iness, stealer, steam, steamer, steamship, steam-steering gear, steeve of bowsprit, stem, stenson, stern, sternway, steving, stiff- ness, stoker, stopping-up, stowage, stream-line, stringer, strop, subdivision, submarine, superheater, supporter, swivel, sycamore, syphering. Table, tackle, tafferel or taffre-rail, tappet, teach, tenon, ther- mal thickstuff thimble, throat, throttle, tiling, tonnage, topgallant forecastle, topping, towing, trail board, transom, transverse, tree- nail, trim of ship, triple-expansive, tripo support, tubulous boiler, tuck-rail, turbine, turnbuckle, turret, turtle back, twin screw. Unarmored, up-take, utilization. Vacuum, ventilation, ventilator, vibration, viscosity. Wake of ship, wall-sided, walnut, warship, washboard, waste, water ballast, water chamber, water-jet propeller, waterlogged, watertight, wave line, web frame, welded, whaleback, whip-upon- whip, windpressure, wing, woodlock, wrain bolt, wrain stave. Yacht, yawning, yawl, yellow brass. Zee-bar, zinc protector. Also see General Business. MARINE HARDWARE, YACHT AND LAUNCH SUPPLIES, SHIP CHANDLERY, ROPES AND FLAGS: Anchor boat hooks, anchor fish hooks. Barometer, barrel, base eyes, basket, batteries, bearings, beckets for blocks, beeswax, beetle, belaying pins, bilge, binnacle, binocu- lar, block, board, boat, boatswain, bobstay, boom, bow chock, bracket, brads, bull's-eye, bunting, buoy, burr, buttons. Cable, calking, call, camp furniture, candles, can hooks, cannon, canoe, cargo, catcher, ceiling, centerboard, chest handle, chimney, chipping, chock, closet, compressor, conical, coppering, cordage, cowbell, cringle or standing fids, crotch hook, cupboard turn, curved base-eyes, cushion. Darts, davits, drum steers, dry batteries, duck cotton. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 157 Eagles, engineer's side steering wheel, escutcheon, eyelet, eyes. Fair leader, fiddle block, fids, fish gaffs, fish hooks, fish-tail propeller, fishing anchor, fishing tackle, fittings, flagpole holder, flags and draperies, flange eyes, foghorn, foot stops, forelocks, forging, frame, friction, funnel, furniture. Gaffs, gooseneck band, gouge, graphite, grapnel, gudgeon. Halibut gaff, hammock, handcuffs, hank, harpoon, hasp hinge, hawsepipe, heavier, hood attachment, hooks and eyes, hoop, horn. Inserting dies. Jam cleat, jap-a-lac, jaws for gaff, jib hanks, jib boom, jingle bell. Key, kit, knob. Lantern, lavatories, launch, leader, light, lighting, link, lizard, lobster claw, loose hook block. Mallet, Manila rope, manhole plates for deck, marine, mason's lines, mast bands, match hooks, maul, megaphone, mop, mushroom anchor. Navy cleats, neck bolt, needles, net. Oak mast hoop, oakum, oblong base leader, odd strapped block, overhauling weight, oyster tong rivet set. Padlock eyes, paddlers, paint, painter's block, paste, patent, pigtail hook, plunger, polish, port light, post, pricker, propeller, pulley, pump. Quadrant, quadrant steerer. Rags, rail, raiser, reaming iron, reversible propeller, riding-bitt, rigger-screw, ringbuoy, roller, rowlock, rudder. S-hooks, sail hoist, sail thimble, sailmaker, sailor, sash, scraper, scoop, scroll, searchlight, self-lubricating, shackle block, shackles, shank, shark hooks, sheath, sheave, sheet block, ship, side cutter, signal, sister hook, skag, skylight hinge, slick, sling, slotted, snap, snatch, socket, sounding lead, spar, shave, spike, splicer, spray, spring, square bolt, squilgees, stain oil, stanchion, standard, steerer, steering, stern, stick, sticking, stove, stub, stuffing box, swivel, swordfish. Tackle, telescope, thimble, tiller rope, toggle iron, topmast ball, topsail, torch, transverse, traveler, trawl anchor, truck, turnbuckle, twine. Underlead guide blocks. Ventilator, varnish. Wardrobe hooks, wheel, whistle, windlass, wrench. Yacht, yachting shoes. Also see General Business, and Hardware. MARINE INSURANCE: Abandonment, absolute loss, accrue, acknowledgment, actual, adjustment, advanced freight, adventure, agent, alteration, anchor policy, apparel, apportionment, apprehension, arrival, ashore, as- signment, assignee, assignor, association, assortment, assured, average, avoidance. Barratry, barter trade, belligerent, bill-of-exchange, bill-of-lad- ing, blank, blockade, boat, boiler, bonded price, bottomry, break- age, broker, bullion, burned, buyer. Cable, cancellation, canceled, captain, captor, capture, cargo, 158 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES carrier, cattle, certificate, certify, chain cable, chartered freight, charterer, charter-party, clearance, coal, coin, collision, commence- ment, commercial, commission, commixture, company, compass, concealing, consignee, consignment, consignor, construction, con- tinuance, contraband, contribution, convoy, copper sheathing, cor- poration, correction, court, cotton, covering note, crew, cross- liability, clause, cruising, currency, custom. Damage, dangerous, date of loss, destination, deviation, dis- bursement, discharge, disguising, distress, dock, domicile, double insurance. Election, embargo, emigrant, enemy, engine, evidence, execution, expectation, explosion, express. Factor, fire policy, fishing stores, fittings, flag, floating policy, fluctuating, fodder, foreign, forfeiture, foundering, fraud, freight, fuel, furniture. Gazette, general average, geographical, goods, government. Harbor, honor, hostilities, hull, hypothecation. Illegal, implied, indemnity, insolvent, insurable, insurance, in- sured, insurer, intention, interdiction of commerce, intermediate port. Jettisoned, jewels, joint. Landed, leak, leakage, leakiness, legal, letters of marque, liabil- ity, license, lien, life salvage, lighter, lightning, limitation, live- stock loss, luggage. Machinery, manifest, marine, mariner, maritime, market, mast, master, mate, measure, memorandum, merchandise, metal sheath- ing, misrepresentation, missing ship, mixed policy, moored, mort- gage, mortgagee, mortgagor, muster roll, mutinous conduct, mu- tual. National, nationality, necessity, negligence, neutral, neutrality, newspaper, notice. Open policy, out and home, overinsurance, overloading. Parcel lot, partial, particular average, partner, passage, pass- port, payment, penalty, percentage, perfecting policy, peril, petty average, pier, pilot, pirate, pledgee, pledger, policy, port charges, porthole, port policy, practice, premium, prevention, prize, profit, promissory note, proof, pro rata freight, protection, protest, pro- vender, provisions, pump, purchaser. Quote, quotation, quarantine. Ransom, ratification, rats, receipt, re-conditioning charges, re- covery, rectification, refuge, register, reinsurance, renew, renewal, repair, representation, rescission, restitution, return, revenue laws, rigging, risk, robbery. Safety, sailing, salvage, schedule, sea letter, seamen, seaport, search, season, seaworthiness, seizure, settlement, share, share- holder, ship, shipper, shipment, shipowner, ship's husband, ship- wreck, shore risk, signature, simulated papers, single and cross liabilities, sinking, smuggling, solvency, spar, specie, stamp duty, stoppage in transitu, stowage, stranded, submersion, subrogation, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 159 subscription, substituted cargo, succoring, supercargo, sunk, sur- vey, surveyor, suspicion. Tackle, takings at sea, telegraph, temporary, termination, ter- mini, theft, thief, time charter, tramp steamer, transatlantic, trans- shipment, treaty, trim of ship, trustee. Under and on deck shipments, underwriter, uninsured, unsea- worthiness, unvalued policy, usage. Valuation, valued policy, vendee, vendor, vessel, vice-consul, voluntary, voyage. Wages, waiver, war, warehouse, warranty, washing overboard, wayport, wear and tear, wearing apparel, whaling voyage, wharf, winter, worms, wreck, wreckage, wrecker. The stenographer should also familiarize himself with other insurance vocabularies, See index, and General Business. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Abrasion, absorption, accelerated, acceleration, accelerator, accumulator, adjustable, advantage, adze, air blast, air compress- or, air cushion, airometer, air shaft, alcohol, alloy, alternating, altitude, aluminum, amalgam, ammonia, analyses, analysis, anchor, angle, angular, anthracite, annealing, annular, anvil, apparatus, apparent, apron, arc, area, arm, arrester, asbestos, ashes, asphalt- ed, atmospheric, attachment, automatic, auxiliaries, average, axis, axle. Babbitt metal, back-action, back-gear, baffle plate, ball and socket joint, band, bar, barometric, base, basic, beakiron, beam, bearing, bed plate, bell, bellows, belt, belting, bench, bend, bend- ing, bevel, bibb, billet, binomial, bituminous, blast furnace, blower, blow-off, blueprint, board, boiler, bolster plate, bolt, bomb, boom, bore, boring, box, brace, bracing, bracket, brake, brass, brazing, break-down, breast, brick, bridge, brittleness, bronze, brush, bulg- ing, bumped, burnish, burnisher, bushing, butterfly, butt-join, buttstrap, by-pass. Cable, caliber, calibration, caliper, calking, calorific, calorimeter, calormetric, cam, cantilever beam, capstan, carbon, carbonate, car- bonic, carburetor, carburized, car-house, carriage, carrying, car- wiring, casting, cast iron, cast tin, cement, centered and rough turned, centigrade, centrifugal, chain, chamfering, channel, charg- ing, chaser, check, chill, chimney, chipping, chisel, chock-block, choke, chord, chuck, cinder, circle, circular, circulating, circum- ference, circumferential, clamp, clapper valve, classification, claw, clearance, clevis, clinker, clog, clogged, clutch, coal, coefficient, cog, coil, cold, collar, collet, column, combustible, combustion, commutation, composition, compound, compressed, compression, compressor, computation, condensation, condenser, condensing, condition, conductor, conduit, cone, connecting, connection, con- ical, construction, contents, contraction, conversion, converter, conveyor, copper cord, cordage, corrision, corrugated, cotter, cot- 160 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tonwood, countershaft, countersunk, couplet, coupling, crane, crank, creep, crossed-belt, crosshead, cross-section, crowbar, cruci- ble, crushing, cube, current-wheel curve, cutter, cut-off cylinder, cylindrical. Damper, data, deck, delivery, density, depreciation, design, detector, diagram, diametrical, dielectric, dies, differential, dimen- sion, disc, discharge, distance, distribution, divider, dome, donkey- engine, double-acting, draft, draftsman, drawbar, dredge, drill- press, drilling, driving, drum, ductility, duplex, duplicate, dura- tion, dynamic, dynamical, dynamo. Eccentric, economical, economy, effective, efficiency, elastic, elasticity, elbow, electric, electrical, electricity, element, elevator, ellipse, ellipsoid, elliptical, emery wheel, engine, equalizer, equa- tion, equilibrium, equivalent, escapement, ether, evaporation, evaporative, examination, exhaust, expansion, expense, explosion, eyebar. Facing, factor, factor of safety, Fahrenheit, fastening, feather, feeder, feed pump, feed pipe, fiber, file, fineness, firebrick, fiittings, fixtures, flagging, flange, fllanging, flank, flat, fllattened, flexible, floor, flow, flue, fluid, fllywheel, foaming, foot-pound, force, forceps, forging, form, founding and casting, foundry, fraction, framed, friction, fuel, fulcrum, furnace, fuse, fusion. Gauge cock, gagger, gallon, galvanizing, gang drill, gas fitter, gasket, gaseous, gasoline, gate, gauge, gear cutter, gearing, gear- wheel, generator, geometrical, gig-saw, girder, glass, governor, grade, granite, graphical, graphite, grapnel, grate bar, grindstone, groove, grounding, gudgeon, guide, gun, gyration, gyroscope. Hacking, hacksaw, half-crossed, hammer-drill, hand-screw, hanger, hanging, harness, haulage, head, head-valve, heater, heat- ing tube, heating surface, helical, helix, hexagon, high-pressure engine, high potential, hinge, hoist, hoisting, hollow shaft, hori- zontal, horsepower or H. P., hose, hot-air furnace, hot well, hood, hub, hydrant, hydraulic, hypocycloid. I-beam, I-block, imiginary, impact, impetus, impurities, incan- descent, increaser, incrustation, indicated, indicator, inductance, induction, inertia, ingate, ingot, initial, injection pipe, injector, inside, installation, instantaneous generator, insulated, insulating, insulation, integral, interest, interference, interior, intermittent, internal, introduction, inverted cylinder, involute, iron, irregular, isothermal. Jack, jacket, jam, jaw, jimcrow, jimmy, jet, joggle, joint, journal, junction plate. Keyed, key seated, keel, kilowatt, knuckle-joint, knurl. Lacquer, lacquering, lag, lampblack, lap-joint, lap-welded pipe, larget, latent, latch, lateral, lathe, latterkin, lead, leader bar, leading-off angle, leak, leakage, leather, length, lever, leverage, lift, lightning, lime, lingot, linear, link, lip, lining, liquid, load, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 161 loam, lock-pulley, locomotive, log, logarithm, logarithmic, longi- tudinal, long-distance, loop, lubricator, lug. Machine, machinery, magnet, main link, malleable, mallet, man- drel, mangle, marine engineering, masonry, material, maximum, mechanic, mechanical, mechanism, mesh, metal, meter worm shaft, micrometer, milling, miter, modulus, momentum, motor, movable holder, mullar, multiple. Nail, natural, necking-down tool, neutral, nickel, nipper, nitro- gen, non-condensing, nowel, nozzle, nut, nutlock. Oblique-angle, obstruction, ogee, oil filter, oiling, open belt, operative, operation, operator, orifice, oscillation, output, outside, oval, overload, overshort, overweight, oxygen. Packing, parabola, paraboloid, parallel, pendulum, part, passage, pattern, percentage, percussion, performance, periphery, per- petual, petroleum, physical, pickle, piecework, pig iron, pillar, pillow, pin, pinion, pipe bend, pipe tongs, piston, piston-rod, pitch, pitman, pivot, plan, planchet, planer, plant, plasm, plate, platinum, plier, plumb, plunger, pneumatic, polar, polygon, polygonal, port area, portable, post, power, powering, practical, premature, pres- sure, prevention, priming, producer, production, progression, pro- jector, propeller, properties, proportion, propulsion, pulley, pulsa- tion, pump, pumping, punching, purification, pyramid, pyrometer. Quadrangle, quadrant, quadruple-expansion, quality, quantity, quarter-twist. Rack and pinion, rack teeth, radial, radiation, radii, radius, rail- way, ram, rammer, rasp, ratchet, rating, ration, reactive, rear, reciprocal, reciprocating engine, record, rectangle, rectifying, reducing, register, regulation, regulator, relative, relax, release, relief valve, repeater, resistance, result, retarded, reverse, revers- ible, revolve, revolving, revolution, right-angled, rim, ring system, riser, rising-rod, rivet, riveted, riveting, rocker-cam, rod, rolling, roof, roofing, root, rope rotate rotary, rubber valve. Safe load, safety plug, safety valve, sampling, sand, saturated, sawdust, sawmill, scale, screw, scroll, seasoned, seat, second, sec- tion, sector, set-screw, shaft coupling, shear, shim, skew, slab, slag, sleeve, slide head, slide valve, smokestack, socket, solder, soldering, specific heat, spherical, spindle, spiral spring, spline, split-draft, spoke, sprocket wheel, sprue, spur, square, squeezer, stand-pipe, starting valve, stationary, stay, staybolt, stayed sur- face, steam chest, steamshovel, steel, stiffened, stiffness, stone, stopcock, stop valve, storage, straight, strain, strand, strap, strap- head, stream, strength, stress, structural, structure, stuffing box, subproduction, substitute, suction, sullage, sulphuric, superheated, support, supporting, suspension, swage block, swarf, switch, switch-board, swivel, synchronous. Tailstock, tamping, tangent, tank, tap, tedge, tee, teeming, teeth, temperature, tempering, templet, tender truck, tensile, ten- 162 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES sion, testcock, testing, thermal, thermometer, thermostat, thick, thread, throttling, thrust, thumb-shaped ightened, timber, tin, tin- ned, toggle joint, top plate, toughness, tower, tool-post slide, tool steel, traction, tractive, transfer, transform, transformer transmis- sion, trapezium, trapezoid, treadle, trial, trip hammer, triple trussed, trouble, trowel, truck, trundle, trunnion, tube, tubular, tumbler, turbine, turpentine, turret, 20-H. P., tweezer, twin-screw, twist, twister. U-bolt, ultimate, underground, underpinning, undershot, union, unit, up-set. V-gear, vacuum, value, valve, vaporization, variable, variation, velocities, vertical, vise, voltage, volume. Wall, washer, water-check, water-gage, wear, wearing, weather- proof, web, wedge, weight, welded, welding, wheel, width, winch, wind, window, wiper, wire, wire-gauge, wiring, wood stave, wooden beam, workmanship, worm-gear, wrench, wrought iron. Yield. Z-bar, Z-block, zero, zinc. Also see Civil Engineering, and General Business. MEDICAL: Abarticulation, abdomen, abdominal, abdominal tumor, ab- ducens, abductor brevis, aberration, abiogenesis, abnormal, ab- ortion, abrasion, abscess, abscission, absinthism, absorbent cotton, acanthosis nigricans, acarus, acarus scabiei, accelerator, ac- cessory, acclimated, accrementition, accretion, acephalous, ace- tabulum, acetic, acerbity, acetonaemia, acholia, achondroplasia, achorion schoenleinii, achromatic, achromatopsy, achroodextrin, acidification, acidulate, activates, acne agminata, acne varioli- forme, acne vulgaris, aconitine, acrodynia, acromegaly, acromial, acromio-clavicular, acromion, actinomycosis, acuminate papules, acute, adductor longus, adductor policis, adenitis, adeno-carci- noma, adenoid, adenoid gland, adenoma, adenoma sebaceum, adeno- myoma, adhesive, adipose, adiposis dolorosa, adjuvant, adolescent, adrenal capsule, adrenal, adrenalin, adsorption, adventitia, aego- phony, aerobic, afferent, after-birth, after-pains, agar-agar, ag- glutination, agglutinin, aggravate, agminate, agoraphobia, agram- matism, agraphia, ague, air, albinism, albumin, albuminuria, albuminuric, albumosuria, alcohol, aldehyde, algesia, alienation, alkaloid, alimentary, alimentation, allantois, alopecia areata, alterative, alveolar, alveolus, amaurosis, amaurotic, amblyopia, amblyopic, amenorrhoea, ametropic, amino, ammonia sulphate, ammonium carbonate, amnesia, amnesic defect, amniotic bands, amniotic fluid, amorphous quinine, amperemeter, amphoric breath- ing, amphoric resonance, amputation, amylaceous disease, amyloid degeneration, amyotonia congenita, amyotrophic, anaemia, anaemic, murmur, anesthesia, anesthetic, analgesic, analogue, anasarca, anaspadias, anastomotic, anatomy, anchyloblepharon, anchylosis, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 163 anchylostomiasis, aneurysm, aneurysmal dilation, angina pectoris, angioma, angio-sarcoma, anion, ankle clonus, ankylosis, anodyne, anode, Anopheles, anorexia, antagonist, anosmia, antenatal, anteri- or poliomyelitis, anterior superior spine, anterior uveitis,antero- lateral column, antero-posterior, anteversion, Anthrax bacillus, an- tibodies, antidote, antiperistaltic, antiphlogistine, antipyretic, an- tipyrin, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antistaphylo- coccic, antistreptococcic serum, antitoxin, aortic arch, aortic re- gurgitation, aortic stenosis, aperient, apex, apex murmur, aphasia, aponeurosis, aponeurotic, apoplectic, apoplectiform, apoplexy, ap- pendecostomy, appendectomy, appendicitis, appendix vermiformis, argon, Army Medical Department, arteriole, arterio-venous aneurysm, arteritis, artery, arthrectomy, arthritis, arthritis de- formans, arthropathic, arthropathy, arthroplasty, articular cartil- age, artificial, aryepiglottic fold, aryteno-epiglottideus, arytenoid cartilage, arytenoideus, assimilate, ascending paralysis, ascitic fluid, aseptic, aspergillosis, asphyxia, asphyxial,- asphyxiate, as- piration, aspiration needle, asthenic, asthenopia, asthmatic, astig- matic, astigmatism, astigmometer, astragalus, astringent, asym- metry, assimilation, atavism, ataxia, ataxia-locomotor, atheroma, atheromatous degeneration, athetoid movements, athyroidism, atomizer, atoxyl treatment, atresia ani, atrophy, atropine, attolens aurem, attrahens aurem, auditory meatus, auditory, auricular flutter, auricular, auriculo-ventricular rings, ausculta- tion, autogenous vaccine, auto-inoculation, autolysis, autonomic, autopsy, auto-toxpemia, axilla, axillary, axis cylinder, axolemma, axone, Azygos vein. Bacillary invasion, bacilluria, bacillus, bacillus anthracis, bacillus coli communis, bacillus dyphtheriae, bacillus dysenteriae, bacillus enteritidis, bacillus geniculatus, bacillus lepree, bacillus mesentericus, bacillus mycoides, bacillus Neapolitanus, bacillus of flavus, bacillus of malaria, bacillus prodigiosus, bacillus pyocyanine, bacillus Tetanus, bacillus tuberculosis, bacillus ty- phosus, bacterial, bactericide, bacteriological, bacteriology, bac- terium, balanitis, ball-and-socket joint, balneology, bandage, bar- ber's itch, barium sulphate, basement membrane, basic murmur, basilar, basilic, basisphenoid, bed-sore, belladonna, benzine, benzoic, beriberi, betol, bicarbonate, bichloride, biconcave, bicon- vex, bicuspid valve, bi-focal, bifurcation, bile, biliary, bilious, bilirubin, binaural, binaural stethoscope, binocular, bismuth, bis- muth oxychloride, blastoderm, blennorrhagia, blepharitis, ble- pharospasm, blood-agar, blood clot, blood count, blood examina- tion, bloodless operation, blood letting, blood stained, blood stasis, blood stream, bolus, blood vessels, bone marrow, bone tumor, boracic acid, borax, borborygmi, bougie, bouillon, brachialis an- ticus, brachycephalic, brachial, brachial plexus, bradycardia, brain, breast, breath sounds, breathlessness, breech presentation, 164 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Bright's disease, broad ligament cyst, bromide, bronchial, bron- chial mucosa, bronchiectatic, bronchioles, bronchitis, bronchocele, bronchpphony, bronchopneumonia, bronchorrhoea, bronchotomy, Brownian movement, bruise, bruit, Bruning's light, bubonic plague, bubonocele, buccal mucous membrane, buccal, buccinator, bulb of urethra, bulbar paralysis, bulbous nerve, bullous eruption, buphthalmos, bursitis, butyric acid. Cachectic, cachexia, cadaver, Caesarean myomectomy, caffein, caisson disease, calcaneo-scaphoid, calcaneum, calcareous, calcar- eous degeneration, calcify, calcination, calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calculus pyonephrosis, calices of the kidneys, calorimeter, callus, Calmette's reaction, calomel, calorie, camphorated, camphor- ated chalk, canal, canaliculi, canaliculus, canalization, cancellous, cancer cell, cancer, cancerous cachexia, cancrum oris, canker, cannabis indica, cannula, cantharides, capillary circulation, capillary, capsicum fruit, capsular, capsule, capsulotomy, carbo- hydrate, carbol-fuchsin, carbolic, carbonaceous material, carbon- aceous monoxide, carbonate of soda, carbon dioxide, carbuncle, carcinoma, cardiac, cardiograph, cardio-inhibitory, cardio-spasm, cardio-vascular, carditis, caries of the spine, carminative, carpus, carotid, cartilage, caruncle, caseate, caseation, casein, catalepsy, cataleptic, catalysis, catamenia, cataract extraction, catarrh, catarrhal, cathartic, catheter, catheterism, cathode, cation, cauda equina, caudal vertebrae, cauterization, cavernous breathing, cavity, cavernous sinus, cecum, celloidin, cellular, cellulose, cellulitis, center, centigrade, centrosome, cephalic plate, cephalitis, cephalotribe, cerebcllar tumor, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebritis, cerebro-spinal fluid, cerebro-spinal meningitis, cerebrum, cervical cord, cervical enlargement, cervical spine, cervical sym- pathetic, cervical vertebrae, cervico-facial, chalybeate waters, chancre, chancroid, Charcot's disease, Chaulmoogra oil, chemio- taxis, chemosis, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, chiasma, chickenpox, chilblain, chloral, chloral hydrate, chloroform, chloroform anes- thesia, chloroform poisoning, chloroform water, chlorosis, cholagogue, cholangitis, cholecystectomy, cholecystitis, cholecys- totomy, cholelithiasis, cholera vibrio, chondrin, chondro-arthritis, chondro-dystrophia faetalis, chondroma, chondro-sarcoma, chorda tympani, chorea, choreiform, choroid plexus, choroidal degenera- tion, choroidal vein, choroiditis, choroido-retinal degeneration, choroido-retinitis, chromatic scale, chromatin, chromatolysis, chronic, chrysarobin, chrysophanic acid, chyle, chyme, cicatricial, cicatrix, ciliary, cinchona bark, circulatory system, circumflex nerve, circumvallate papillae, cirrhosis, cirrhosis of the liver, cirrhosis of the spleen, cite, citrate of magnesia, clarification, claustrophobia, clavicular, cleft palate, cleido-hyoid, cleido- cranio-dysostosis, climacteric period, clinical, clinoid process, clonus, club foot, coacine, coagulability, coagulation, coagulum, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 165 cobra-venom, coccydynia, coccygeal, coccyx, cochlea, cod liver oil, cod liver oil and malt, coeliotpmy, colic, colchicum, colectpmy, collargol injection, collateral circulation, College of Physicians, College of Surgeons, collodion, colloid, collodium, colomboma iris, colon bacillus, colostomy, colptomy, color-blindness, colpptomy, comatose, comedones, combustion, Comma bacillus, comminuted fracture, commissural fibres, communicating nerve, comparative, complement-fixation, compressor, consumption, concussion of the brain, condyle, conductivity, condyloma, congenital disease, con- gestion, conjunctival tissue, conjunctivitis, connective tissue, con- sanguinity, constipation, constrictor muscles, contrictor urethrae, contagion, contagious, contractile tissue, contractility, con- traindicate, contralateral nystagmus, contrectation, contusion, convalescent institution, convolution, convulsion, convulsive seizure, co-ordination, copper sulphate, cough, coraco-brachialis, coracoid process, corium, cornea, corneitis, corona ciliaris, coronal suture, corpora albicantia, corpora cavernosa, corpora quad- rigemina, corpora striata, corpus callosum, corpus luteum, cor- puscle, corrosive sublimate, corrugator supercillii, cortical layer, cortical substance, coryza, cosmetic operation, costal cartilage, costive, counter-irritant, counter-irritation, cover-glass, cowpox, coxalgia, coxa vara, cranial, cranio-tabes, craniotomy, cranium, creatin, creatinin, creosote, crepitant rale, crepitation, cretin, cretinism, cretinoid, cribriform plate, crico-arytenoid joint, crico- thyroid, crisis, Crile's tubes, Crooke's tubes, croton oil, croup, crucial ligament, crucial temperature, crural nerve, cryptogamic disease, cryptorchid, crystalloids, cubitus varus, curettage, cur- vature, cutaneous affection, cuticle, cutis vera, cutaneous nerves, cyanosis, cysticercus, cytoblastema, cystitis, cystocele, cystoma, cystoscopy, cytology, cytolysis, cytoplasm. Dacryocystitis, dacryocystotomy, dandruff, Darter's disease, deaf-mutism, debilitant, debilitating, decidual cast, deciduoma malignum, deciduous teeth, decinormal, decompose, decussate, de- faecation, deferent, defibrinated, deglutition, Deiter's nucleus, delirium tremens, deliquescent, deltoid, dementia paranoides, de- mentia praecox, demulcent, dendron, dendrites, dentine, denture, deodorant, depilatory, depressor, depressant, depurant, derma, dermatitis artefacta, dermatitis herpetiformis, dermatitis repens, dermoid cyst, desquamation, desquamative, desquamative dermatitis, detergent, dextrin, diabetes mellitus, diabetic coma, diagnosis, diagnostic sign, dialysation, dialysis, diaphoresis, dia- phoretic, diaphragm, diaphragmatic, diphtheria, diaphysis, diar- rhea, diastase, diastasis, diastole, diastolic bruit, diastolic impulse, diastolic murmur, diastolic thrill, diathermy, diathesis, diathrosis, dicrotic pulse, dielectric, dietary, dietetic, Die Treppe, differential count, differential diagnosis, digastric muscle, digastric nerve, di- gestive, digital examination, digitalis, digitalin, dilatation mur- 166 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES murs, dilator muscle, diopter, diphtheria, diphtheritic paralysis, diphtheritic throat, diphtheritic toxin, diphtheroid bacilli, diplegia, diplococcus rheumaticus, dipsomania, disarticulation, discharge, disease-carriers, disease contacts, disinfection, disinfection of the skin, dislocation of the hip, dissociation, diverticulum, diuretic, dorsal vertebrae, dorsiflexion, dorsum ilii, douche, drainage tube, dropsy, Duchenne's paralysis, duct, ductus arteriosus, duodenal, duodenostomy, duodenum, dura mater, dynamo, dynamometer, dysaesthesia, dyscrasia, dysenteric, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspep- tic, dysphagia, dysphasia, dyspituitarism, dyspnoea, dysthyroidism, dystrophia adiposogenitalis, dystrophy, dysuria. Ear-ache, Easton's syrup, eburnation, ecchymosis, echinococcus, eclampsia, eclectic ecraseur, ecstasy, ectoderm, ectopia vesicae, ectothrix, ectropion, eczema marginatum, eczema rubrum, eczemat- ous, edentulous, efferent, effleurage, effusion, Eichen's operation, elastic bandage, elastic fibres, elastic tissue, electric contractility, electric current, electric reaction, electric sensibility, electric stimulation, electrode, electrolysis, electrolytic, electro-massage, electrometer, electromotive, electroscope, electrotonus, elephan- tiasis, eliminate, elixir, emaciation, emasculation, embolic, em- bolism, embrocation, embryology, embryonic, emesis, emetic, emetine, emmenagogue, emmetropia, emollient, emulsify, emulsion, emotional insanity, emphysema, emphysematous, empirical, em- pyoema, emunctory, encephalitis, encephalocele, encephaloid, en- chondroma, enchondromatous, encysted tumor, endarteritis, en- darteritis obliterans, endemic disease, endocardial, endocarditis, endocrinous, endocrinous system, endoderm, endolymph, endo- metritis, endometrium, endonasal treatment, endopericarditis, end- oscope, endosmose, endosmosis, endosmotic, endosteal sarcoma, endothelioma, endothelium, energy, enema, engorgement, enoph- thalmos, ensiform cartilage, entamoeba coli, entamoeba histolytica, enteralgia, enteric, enteritis, enterocele, enterostomy, enterotomy, entomology, entrails, enucleate, enucleation, enuresis, enzymes, eosinophil, ependyma, epidemic, epiblastic, epidermal appendages, epidermis, epidermolysis bullosa, epidermophytum inguinale, epididymis, epididymite, epididymitis, epigastric, epigastrium, epiglottidean, epiglottis, epilepsy, epileptic, epileptiform, epiphora, epiphyseal, epiphysis, epiphysitis, epiplocele, episcleritis, epispa- dias, epistaxis, epithelial layer, epithelioma, epithelium, ergograph, erector spinae, eructation, eruption, erysipelatous inflammation, erythema, erythema toxicum, erythematous eruption, erythroblast, erythrpdextrin, erythrodermia, esophagus, essential paralysis, ethmoid sinus, ethyl chloride, eucalyptol, eucalyptus, eugencies, euonymin, Eustachian bougie, Eustachian tube, eversion, eviscera- tion, evolution, exacerbation, exanthemata, excision, excoriation, excretory organs, excretion, exfoliative dermatitis, exocardial, exophthalmic goitre, exophthalmos, exostosis, expectorant, expira- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 167 tion, expired air, exploratory incision, exploratory operation, ex- posure, extensor brevis, extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor communis, extensor indicis, extensor longus, external auditory meatus, extrasystolia, extra-uterine, extravasa- tion, extravasation of blood, extravasation of urine, extroversion, eyeball, eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid, eyesight, eyestrain. Face muscles, facial nerve, facial paralysis, factitious urticaria, faeces, falciform ligament, falling of the womb, Fallopian tube, falx cerebelli, falx cerebri, faradic current, faradic response, faradic stimulation, faradism, farinaceous food, far-sighted, fascia dentata, fasciculus, fatal accident, fatal illness, fatigue, fatty degeneration, fatty degeneration of the heart, fatty tumor, fauces, faucial tonsil, febrifuge, febrile, fecundation, femoral, femur, fenestra ovalis, fermentation, ferrocyanide, fibrillary tremor, fibrin, fibrinogen, fibrinoplastin, fibro-cartilaginous, fibroid degeneration, fibroid tissue, fibre-plastic, fibrosis, fibrous degeneration, fibrous tissue, fibula, filaria, filiform, filtration angle, fimbricated, Finsen light, first incision, first intention, first sound, fistula in ano, flaccid paralysis, flap operation, flat-foot, flatulence, flexor muscle, flocculent, fluctuate, fluorescent screen, flux, foetid atmosphere, follicle, folliculitis, folliculitis decalvans, fomentation, fontanelle, foramen magnum, foramen ovale, fora- men of Winslow, forensic medicine, formalin, formication, for- mula, fossa, fourchette, fovea centralis, fracture of the humerus, fracture of the fibula, fracture of the patella, fracture of the tibia, fragilitas ossium, fremitus, Friedreich's disease, frigorfic, frontal sinus, frontal sinus disease, frontal sinus inflammation, frontal sinus operation, frontal sinusitis, fronto-ethmoidal cells, fronto- nasal cavity, frost bite, fuchsin, fulcrum, fumigate, functional disease, functional paralysis, fundus oculi, fungating tumor, fungus, funiculus, furfuraceous, furunculosis, fusiform, fusion- point. Gaertner ducts, galactagogue, galactocele, gall bladder, gall stones, gall stone colic, galvanic battery, galvanic current, gal- vanic stimulation, galvanic testing, galvano-cautery, galvano- meter, ganglion, ganglionic cells, gangrene, gastralgia, gas- trectomy, gastric follicles, gastric juice, gastric nerve, gastric ulcer, gastritis, gastrocnemius, gastrodynia, gastro-enteritis, gastro-enterostomy, gastro-enterotomy, gastro-jejunostomy, gas- trostomy, gastrotomy, gauze, gelatin, gelatinous tissue, gelsemium, gemellus, geniculate bodies, geniculate ganglion, genio-hyo- glossus, genio-hyoid, genital, genitalia, genito-crural nerve, genito- mesenteric, genito-urinary, genu valgum, genupectoral, germ, germicide, germinal vesicle, gestation, giant cells, gingival, gin- givitis, girdle sensation, glabrous skin, gladiolus, gland, glanders, glandular, glaucoma, glenoid fossa, gliomatosis, gliomatous, globule, globulin, globus hystericus, glomerulo - nephritis, glom- 168 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES erulus, glossalgia, glossitis, glosso - pharyngeal nerve, glottis, gluten, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimis, gly- cogen, glycosuria, goiter, gonococcal, gonococcus, gonorrhoeal, gout, graafian follicles, gracilis, granulation, granulation tissue, granules, granuloma fungoides, graphic, Graves' disease, gravid- arium, gray substance, grippe, groin, growth, gustation, gustatory aura, gustatory nerve, gynecology. Habit spasm, habitat, habituate, haem, haemacytometer, haemadynamometer, haematemesis, haematin, haematinuria, haematocele, haematogenous, haematolysis, haematoblasts, haema- toma, haematosis, haematoxylin, haemoglobin, haemoglobinometer, haemoglobinuria, haemolysins, haemophilia, haemoptysis, haemor- rhage, haemorrhoids, haemostatic, haemothorax, hair follicle, hal- lucination, halluxo valgus, hamamelis, hamstrings, hare-lip, haversian canal, hay fever, healing process, heart beat, heart- block, heart-burn, heart disease, heart impulse, heart murmur, heart sounds, heart's action, heart's apex beat, hebephrania, Heberden's nodes, hebetude, hectic, hemagogue, hemeralopia, hemianoesthesia, hemianoesthetic, hemianopsia, hemiatrophy, hemichorea, hemicrania, hemiopia, hemiplegia, hemispasm, hemor- rhage, hemorrhoids, hemostatic, hepatic cells, hepatic duct, hepatic vein, hepatitis, hepatization, hepato-cystic duct, hepatorraphy, hepatotomy, hereditary, heredity, hermaphrodite, hernial sac, hernia! swelling, herniotomy, herpes gestationis, herpes Zoster, herpetiform, heterophoria, hiatus, hip-joint disease, hippocampus, hippus, Hirschsprung's disease, histogenesis, histology, Hodgkin's disease, Holmgren's test, homatropine, homeopath, homicidal mania, homolateral, homologous, homonymous, hormones, hospital, hospitalism, house physician, house surgeon, housemaid's knee, humerus, humidity, Hunter's canal, hydatid, hydatid cyst, hy- draemia, hydramnios, hydrastis, hydrated, hydrarthrosis, hydro- cele, hydrocephalis, hydrochloric acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydro- gen, hydronephrosis, hydropathic, hydrophobia, hydrophthalmos, hydropneumothorax, hydrosalpinx, hydrotherapy, hygiene, hyo- glossus, hyoid bone, hyoscine, hyoscyamus, hyperacusis, hyper- aemia, hyperaesthesia, hyperemia, hyperblast, hypercatharsis, hyperextension, hyperidrosis, hyperkeratosis, hypermetropia, hypermyotrophy, hyperopia, hyperostosis, hyperpituitarism, hy- perplasia, hyperplastic, hyperpyrexia, hypersecretion, hyperthy- roidism, hypertonia, hypertonic, hypertrophic, hypertrophy, hyp- nosis, hypnotism, hypochondria, hypochondriasis, hypochondrium, hypodermic, hypogastric, hypoglossal, hypophosphate, hypophysis, hypophysis cerebri, hypopyon, hypostatic, hyposulphate, hyposul- phite, hypothenar, hypothenar eminence, hypothetical, hysterec- tomy, hysteria, hysterics, hystero-epilepsy, hystero-myoma, hys- tero-paralysis, hysteroid, hysteroptosis, hysterotomy. Ice-cap, ichthyoid, ichthyol, ichthyol ointment, ichthyosis, ich- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 169 thyosis sebacea, incision, icteric, icteroid, icterus neonatprum, ideation, ideo-motor, idipmuscular, idiocy, idiopathic, idiosyn- crasy, ileo-appendicular, ileo-caecal, ileo-caecal fossa, ileo-caecal valve, ileum, iliac crest, iliacus, ilio-femoral, ilio-hyppgastric, ilio- inguinal, ilio-inguinal nerve, ilio-pectineal, ilio-pelvic, ilio-psoas, illegitimacy, illegitimate child, imbecility, imbibition, immersion objective, immunity, immunize, impacted bone, impacted fracture, impaction, impaired resonance, imperforate anus, imperforate vagina, impermeable, impetigo, impetigo contagiosa, impetigo herpetiformis, implantation cyst, impotence, impregnation, im- pulse, inanimate, inanition, inarticulate, incised wound, incision, incisor teeth, incoherent speech, incontinence of foeces, incon- tinence of urine, inco-ordination of muscles, incurable disease, incus, indicanuria, indigestion, indirect vision, indolent ulcer, in- duced current, infantile, infantilism, infarction, infection, infec- tious disease, infiltraton, inflammation, inflammatory, inflamma- tory condition, inflammatory state, infection, inflation, influenza,, infraclavicular, infracostals, inframammary, inframaxillary, in- fraorbital, infraorbital nerve, infraspinatus, infrasternal, in- fundibulum, infusion, ingesta, ingestation, ingravescent, inguinal canal, inguinal glands, inguinal hernia, inhaled, inhalation, in- herited disease, inhibition, inhibitory centre, inhibitory nerves, initial incision, initial stage of labor, innervation, innocent tumor, innominate artery, innominate bone, inoculation, inor- ganic, inpsite, ions, insalivation, insanity, insecticide, insertion, insomnia, inspiration, inspissated fluid, inspissated material, inspissated pus, instinct, insufflation, insufflator, inte- gument, interarticular, intercelluear, intercostal, interfascicular, interlobar, intermeningeal, intermission, intermittent pulse, inter- muscular, internal capsule, internal ear, interprbital, interosseous, interstitial, interstitial keratitis, interstitial tissue, intervertebral discs, intestinal canal, intestinal obstruction, intestinal stasis, intestinal tract, intracranial growth, intracranial operation, in- tracranial tumor, intramuscular injection, intraocular haemor- rhage, intraocular pressure, intraocular tumor, intrathoracic glands, intrauterine, intravenous, intraventricular, introversion, intubation, intussusception, inunction of mercury, invalid, invol- untary contraction, involuntary movement, iodide of iron, iodide of potassium, iodoform, ionization, ipecacuanha, ipecacuanha wine, iridectomy, irido-cyclitis, iridochoroiditis, iridodesis, iridoplegia, iris, iritis, irritability, irritant, rruption, ischaemia, ischio-rectal, Island of Reil, isolation hospital, isthmus of the thyroid, iter. Jaborandi, Jacksonion epilepsy, Jacksonian fits, Jacobson's nerve, jactitation, jaundice, jaw-jerk, jejunostomy, jejunum, jug- ular vein, juniper, jurisprudence. Karyokinetic, karyokinesis, karyolysis, kation, kathade, katode, keloid scar, keratin, keratitis, keratitis punctata, keratoconus, 170 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES keratosis follicularis spinulosa, kerion, kidney abscess, kidney disease, kilogram, kinetic energy, kleptomania, Kneippism, knee- jerk, kumiss or kumyss, kyphosis. Labio-glossal palsy, labium major, labium minor, laboratory cultures, laboratory experiments, laboratory tests, labyrinthine deafness, labyrinthine syndrome, labyrinthitis, laceration, lachry- mal disease, lachrymal glands, lachrymal nerve, lachrymal sac, lachrymal stenosis, lactagogue, lactation, lacteal, lactose fermen- tation, lacuna, la grippe, levulose, lambdoid suture, lamellar cataract, lamina cribrosa, lamination, laminectomy, lancet, lanc- inating pain, Landouzy-Dejerine myopathy, Landry's paralysis, laparo-colotomy, laparo-cystotomy, lapartomy, lardaceous disease, larva, laryngeal spasm, laryngeal stenosis, laryngeal stridor, laryngectomy, laryngismus, laryngitis, laryngology, laryngoscope, larnygotomy, larynx, lateral column, lateral sinus thrombosis, lateral tract, latissimus dorsi, laudable, laxative, leishmania, lens capsule, lens opacity, lenticular nucleus, leontiasis ossia, lepra baccilus, leprosy, leptomeningitis, leptothrix, lesion, lethal, lethargic state, lethargy, leucocyte cells, leucocyte count, leucocy- thaemia, leucocytometer, leucocytosis, leucodermia perniciosa, leucorrhoea, leukaemia, leukoma, levator anguli scapulae, levator ani, levator palati, levator palpebrae, leech, lever, lichen an- nulatus, lichen planus, lichen planus atrophicus, lichen planus hypertrophicus, lichen spinulpsus, lichenoid eruption, ligament, ligamentum pectinatum, ligation of artery, ligature, light-reflex, lime-salts, linea alba, linea semilunaris, lingual movements, lingual muscle, liniment, lipoid bodies, lipoma, lipomatosis, liquid paraffin, liquor amnii, liquor arsenicalis, liquor sanguinis, lith- aemia, lithiasis, lithium waters, lithotomy, lithotrite, lithotrity, lithuresis, litmus, liver-dullness, lobular, localization, lock-jaw, locomotor ataxia, loins, longitudinal sinus, lopoma, lordosis of the spine, lumbago, lobe, lumbar enlargement, lumbar nerves, lumbar region, lumbar vertebrae, lumbricales, lung, lung fibrosis, lupus erythematosus, lupus vulgaris, luxation, Luschka's bursa, lymph nodes, lymphadenitis, lymphadenoma, lymphaemia, lymphangitis, lymphangioma, lymphatic, lymphatism, lymphodermia pernicosa, lymphogenous, lympho-sarcoma, lymphoid tissue, lysis. Maceration, macrodactyly, macroglossia, macula lutea, malar, malaria parasite, malign tumor, malignancy, malignant, malinger- ing, malleolus, malleus, malpighian corpuscles, malpighian glomer- uli, mammary gland, mammary secretion, manipulation, maniacal fury, manometer, manubrium sterni, marasmus, Marchi staining, marginal convolution, marrow, masculinity, massage, masseter muscle, masseter nerve, masseur, mastication, mastitis, mastoid bone, mastoid cells, mastoid operation, mastoid process, materia medica, matrix, mastoiditis, maxillary bone, maxillary nerve, maxillary sinus, measles, meatus, median nerve, mediastinal KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 171 glands, mediastinitis, mediastinum, medicate, medical officer-in- charge, medicinal, medico-legal, medico-political, medico-psychol- ogical, medulla oblongata, medullary, Megalosparon, megrim, meibomian glands, melancholia, melano-carcinoma, melanoderma, melanotic sarcoma, membrana propria, membrane, membrana tympani, mendelian theory, Meniere's disease, meninges, menin- gitis, meningocele, menopause, menorrhagia, menstrual period, menstruum, mercurial inunction, mes, mesenteric glands, mesen- tery, meso-appendix, mesoblast, metabolism, metacarpal bones, metacarpus, metamorphosis, metastases, metastatic growth, metatarsal bone, metatarsalgia, metatarsus, meteorism, method, methylated spirit, metritis, metrorrhagia, microbe, microcephalus, micrococcus, micrococcus citreus, micrococcus deformans, micro- coccus epidermidis, micrococcus erysipelatis, micrococcus gonor- rheae, micrococcus melitensis, micrococcus neoformans, micro- organism, micrococcus pneumoniae, micrococcus pyogenes aureus, micrometer, microscopic examination, microsporon, microsporon furfur, microtome, micturition, middle-ear disease, midwifery, mi- graine, miliaria rubra, miliary tubercle, milk-teeth, milliampere, milliamperemeter, milligram, millimeter, mind-blindness, mind- deafness, miner's nystagmus, miscarriage, mitral constriction, mitral murmur, mitral obstruction, mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, mitral valve, mobility, mode, modus operandi, molar, mol- ecule, mollities ossium, molluscum contagiosa, Mongoloid idiocy, monochromatic lens, monococcus, monocular vision, monomania, mononuclear, monoplegia, morbid, morbilliform eruption, morbus cordis, moribund condition, morphia, morphine, morphology, mortal, Morvan's disease, motor centre, mucous, muco-enteritis, muco-pus, mucous membrane, mucus, multicellular, multiform eruption, multilocular, multinuclear, multipara, multiple neuritis, mumps, muscle grafting, murmur, muscular atrophy, muscular co-ordination, muscular development, muscular irritability, mus- cular paralysis, muscular rigidity, muscular sensibility, muscular spasm, muscular stiffness, muscular system, muscular wasting, musculo-cutaneous nerve, musculo-spiral nerve, mutilating wound, myasthenia gravis, mycelium, mycosis fungoides, mydriasis, myelitis, myelo-meningocele, mylo-hyoid, myocarditis, myocardium, myoclonus multiplex, myoma, myopathy, myopia, myosin, myositis ossificans, mytotic figures, myxaedema, myxosarcoma. Naevoid tumor, nares, naevus, narcosis, narcotic, nasal catarrh, nasal polypus, naso-labial, naso-palatine, naso-pharyngeal, nausea, nauseate, navicular bone, navicular fossa, near-sightedness, nebula of the cornea, necrobiosis, necroscopy, necrosis of bone, negative, Nematoid worm, neo-salvarsan, neoplasm, nephralgia, nephrectomy, nephritis, nephrolith, nephrolithotomy, nephrotomy, nerve centre, nerve deafness, nerve stretching, nervine, nerve suture, nervous centre, nervous mechanism, nervous system, nettle-rash, neuralgia, neurasthenia, neurectomy, neurilemma, 172 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES neuritis, neuroglia, neurological examination, neuromuscular, neuron, neuroparalytic, neuropathic, neurpretinitis, neurosis, neurotic temperament, neutralize, night-blindness, nightmare, night-terrors, nipple-line, nitrate of silver, nitric acid, nitrite of amyl, nitrite of ethyl, nitro-glycerine, nitrogenous, nitrous acid, nitrous ether, nomenclature, nourishment, nostalgia, nostrum, nuclear paralysis, nuclein, nucleolated, nucleplus, nucleoplasm, nucleus ambiguus, nodular, nutrient, nutrition, nux vomica, nyctalopia, nymphomania, nystagmus. Obesity, objective signs, objective symptoms, oblique incision, oblique muscle, obstetric, obstruction of the bowels, obturator, occipital groove, pccipito-hyoid, occipital lobe, occipital nerve, occlusion, occupation neuris, ocular nerves, oculist, oculo-motor nuclei, odontitis, odontoblast, odontological, odontoma, odontome, oedema, pedematous, oesophagostomy, oesophageal, oesophageal examination, oesophageal nerve, oesophageal tumor, oesophagec- tomy, oesophagismus, oesophagitis, oesophagus, olecranon, olfac- tory nerve, omental hernia, omentum, omo-hyoid, ontogenesis, onychia, onychomycosis, oophorectomy, oophoritis, opaque meals, open-air treatment, operation, operative interference, ophthalmia neonatorum, ophthalmic nerve, ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmitis, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, ophthalmoplegia, ophthalmpple- gia externa, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopic examination, opiate, opium, opisthotonos, opponens minimi, opponens pollicis, Opsonic index, opsonin, optic chiasma, optic commissure, optic disc, optic foramen, optic nerve, optic neuritis, optic thalamus, optic tract, optical test, oral administration, orbicularis oris, orbicularis pal- pebrarum, orbital cellulitis, orchitis, organic disease, organic lesion, organic, organism, organo-therapy, origin, orthopaedic op- eration, orthopaedic surgery, orthopnoea, os calcis, os magnum, os uteri, osmic acid, osmosis, osseous, ossify, ostalgia, osteitis de- formans, osteo-arthritis, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteology, oste- oma, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis, osteopathy, osteoperiostitis, oste- ophyte, otalgia, otitis media, otolith, otology, otorrhoea, ovarian cyst, avarian extract, ovarian tumor, ovariotomy, ovaritis, ovary, ovulation, ovum, oxalic acid, oxygen, oxygenation, ozoena, ozonic ether. Pabulum, pachyblepharon, pachydermatous, pachydermia, pa- chymeningitis, paediatrics, Paget's disease, painter's colic, palate, palatine arch, palato-glossus, palliative treatment, palmar fascia, palmar cutaneous, palmaris brevis, palmaris longus, palpa- tion, palpebral fissure, palsy, palpitation, pampiniform plexus, pan-hysterectomy, pan-opthalmitis, pancreatic, pancreas, pan- nus, papilla, papillitis, papilloma, papular eruption, Paquelin's cautery, paracentesis, paraldehyde, paralysis agitans, para- lysis of accommodation, paralytic, paralyze, parametritis, para- moecium, paramyoclonus, paramyoclpnus multiplex, para- phymosis, paraplegia, parasite, parasitic, parasiticide, para- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 173 typhoid, parenchyma, parenchymatous inflammation, paresis, paretic symptoms, parietal, paroleine, paronychia, parotid, paro- titis, parovarian cyst, paroxysm, parturient, parturition, passive movement, Pasteurization, patellar, patheticus, pathogenesia, pathognomonic, pathological, pathology, patient, pectinate liga- ment, pectineus, pectoral muscle, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, pectoriloquy, pediculation, pediculus capitis, pediculus pubis, pediculus vestimenti, peduncular, peduncle of the brain, pellicle, peliosis rheumatica, Pellagra, pelvic cavity, pelvic cell- ulitis, pelvis, pemphigoid eruption, pemphigoid lesions, pemphigus, penetrating wound, penicillium, pepsin, peptic ulcer, peptogen, peptones, peptonised beef, peptonised food, peptonuria, perchloride of iron, perchloride of mercury, percussion, perforating ulcer, periarteritis, periarthritis, periarticular, pericaecal, pericardial, pericarditis, pericardium, perichondritis, perichondrium, peri- choroidal, pericranium, perifolliculitis, perihepatitis, perilymph, perimeter, perimetritis, perineal, perineorraphy, perinephritis, perineurium, periodicity, periodontitis, periosteal growth, perios- teum, periostitis, peripheral, peripheral neuritis, periprocitis, peristalsis, peristaltic wave, perisystole, peritoneal adhesions, peritoneal fluid, peritoneal inflammation, peritoneum, peritonitis, perityphlitic adhesions, perityphlitis, permanganate of potash, pernicious anaemia, peroneus brevis, peroneus longus, peroneus tertius, peroxide, perspiration, pertussis, petechiae, petechial haemorrhages, petit mal, petrosal nerve, petrosal sinus, petrous bone, Peyer's patches, phagedenic ulcer, phagocyte, phagocytosis, phalangeal, phalanges, phalanx, phantom tumor, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, pharmacopoeia, pharyngeal nerve, pharyngeal pouch, pharyngitis, pharyngotomy, pharynx, phenacetin, phenol, phimqsis, phlebitis, phlebotomy, phlegm, phlegmasia, phlegmasia dolens, phlegmatic, phlegmonous inflammation, phlyctenule, phonation, phosphate of soda, phosphatic calculus, phosphaturia, phosphoric acid, photophobia, photopia, phrenic abscess, phrenic nerve, phthisical, phthisis, physic, physician, physiology, physos- tigmine, pia arachnoid, pia mater, picric acid, pigment epithelium, pigment sarcoma, pigmentation, pilocarpine, pineal gland, pisiform, pitchblende, pituitary body, pituitary disease, pituitary extract, pituitary fossa, pituitary gland, pituitary tumor, pityri- asis circinata, pityriasis marginata, pityriasis rosea, pityriasis rubra, pityriasis versicolor, placenta praevia, placental tissue, plague-spot, plaster, plantar fascia, plantar ligament, plantar muscle, plantar reflex, plantar tissue, plantaris, plasmo-sarcoma- tosis cutis, plastic operation, platysma, plethoric temperament, pleura, pleural cavity, pleural effusion, pleurisy, pleuritic friction, pleuritic rub, pleximeter, plexus, plumbism, pneumococcal tox- aemia, pneumococcus, pneumogastric, pneumogastric nerve, pneumohoemothorax, pneumonia, pneumonic crisis, pneumopyo- thorax, pneumothorax, podalic, podophyllin pill, podophyllum, 174 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES poise, polioencephalitis, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis, polyarticular, polycythoemia, polygonal, polyneuritis, polypi, polyuria, pons, popliteal nerve, popliteal vein, popliteus muscle, portal circula- tion, portal vein, post-influenza, post-mortem examination, post- nasal space, potassium iodide, potential, Pott's disease, Pott's fracture, Poupart's ligament, praecordial murmur, praecordium, precentral, precipitated, precipitation, precocity, precordial dull- ness, prediastolic, predispose, predisposition, pregnancy, prelimi- nary incision, premature labor, premolar teeth, premolars, presbyopia, prescription, presentation of the foetus, presystolic, presystolic bruit, presystolic murmur, prevention, prickle-cells, primipara, primordial, procidentia recti, procidentia uteri, proc- talgia, proctitis, proctocele, proctodynia, proctology, proctoplasty, proctorraphy, prodromal signs, prognosis, progressive muscular atrophy, prolapsus, proliferation, proliferative, pronation, prona- torquadratus, pronatorquadratus radii, properties, prophylactic treatment, prophylaxis, proptosis, prostate gland, prostatectomy, prostatitis, protein, proteolysis, protoplasm, pruritus ani, pseudar- throsis, psuedo-hypertrophic dystrophy, pseudo-nystagmus, psoriasiform eruption, psoriasis, psoas magnus, psychasthenia, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psycho-motor, pterygoid, pterygium, ptomaine, ptosis, ptyalin, ptyalism, pubes, pubiotomy, pudendum, puerperal eclampsia, puerperal fever, puerperal mania, puerperal sepsis, puerperal toxaemia, puerperium, pulmonary disease, pulmonary nerve, pulmonary phthisis, pulmonary tubercu- losis, pulp-chamber, pulsatile tumor, pulsation, pulse-rate, pulse- temperature ratio, pulsus alternans, pulsus intermittens, pul- taceous, punctum lachrymale, punctum caecum, pupillary mem- brane, purgative, purpura haemorrhagica, purpura neonatorum, purpura rheumatica, purpura senilis, purpura simplex, purpuric spots, purulent, purulent ophthalmia, pustulation, putrefaction, putrescence, pyaemia, pyaemic abscess, pyarthrosis, pyelitis, pylephlebitis, pylorectomy, pyloric orifice, pylcric spasm, pyloro- plasty, pylorus, pyogenesis, pyogenic membrane, pyonephrosis, pyopneumothorax, pyorrhoea alveolaris, pyosalpinx, pyramidal tract, pyramids of Malpighi, pyrexial, pyriform muscle, pyrogallic acid, pyrometer, pyuria. Quadratus femoris, quadratus lumborum, quadratus muscle, quadriceps extensor, quadrigeminal bodies, quadrumana, quad- ruped, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, quantivalence, quarantine, quartan fever, quassia extract, quickening sensation, quiescent symptoms, Quinic fever, quininism, quinone compounds, quinsy, quintan fever, quintessence, Quotidian ague. Rabies, racemose, radial, radiating lesions, radiating lines, radical cure, radio-active, radiolus, radium treatment, radius, rail- way spine, relapse, rale, ramus, ranula, raphe, Ray fungus, Ray- naud's disease., reaction of degeneration, reagent, receptaculum KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 175 rhyV, rpripe, recrudescent disease, rectal fistula, rectocele, rec- totomj, rsrto-uterine, recto-vesica), rectum, rectus abdominis, rectus exteiT*>3, rectus internus, recuperation, recurrent fever, recurrent laryn fe 'j?a! nerve, recurrent symptoms, red blood cells, red bone marrow, red corpuscles, red nucleus, reduplication of the second sound, reflex, refraction of the eye, refraction error, re- fraction index, refractometer, refrangibility, regenerated tissue, regeneration of tissue, regional anatomy, regurgitant murmur, regurgitant sound, regurgitation, regurgitation of blood, regur- gitation of fluid, regurgitation of food, reinforcement of reflexes, rejuvenate, rejuvenescence, relapsing fever, relapsing symptoms, relaxation of tissue, remedy, remission of paroxysms, remittent fever, renal calculus, renal glands, renovation, rennin, reposition, reproduction, reproductive function, reproductive organs, resec- tion, residual air, residual urine, resolvent, resonance, resorcin, respiration, respiration rate, respirator, respiratory, restiform bodies, restlessness, rete Malpighii, rete mirabile, rete mucosum, rete olecrani, rete testis, retention cyst, retention of urine, reticu- lar cartilage, reticulation, reticulum, retina, retinal artery, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, retinoscopy, retractile tissue, retractor, retrahens aureum, retro-ocular, retro-peritoneal, retro- pharyngeal, retrocollic, retroflexion, retrograde, retropulsion, retroversion, reversion to type, rhachitis, rheostat, rheum, rheu- matic fever, rheumatic nodules, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinalgia, rhinitis, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, rhinoscleroma, rhinoscope, rhinoscopy, rhomboid muscle, rhythmic beat, rickets, rigidity, rigor mortis, rima glottidis, rinderpest, ring-worm, Rinne's test, rods and cones, rods of corti, Rhomberg's symptom, Rontgen rays, rosacea, rose-rash, roseola, rubefacient, rubella, rubeola, rudimentary organ, rupia, rupture. Saccharate, saccharin, saccharometer, saccharomyces, sacchar- omyces fungus, sacculated, sacculus, sacculus laryngis, sacral, sacro-coccygeal, sacro-iliac, sacro-iliac joint, sacro-ischiatic, sacrovertebral, sacrum, sagittal furrow, sagittal nucleus, sagittal sinus, sagittal suture, Saint Vitus' dance, sal-alembroth, sal am- moniac, sal volatile, sal volatilis, salicin, salicylate of soda, salicylic acid, saline aperient, saline bath, saliva, salivary calculi, salivary glands, salivation, salol, saphenous, salpingectomy, sal- pingitis, salpinx, salt rheum, salvarsan, salvarsan injections, san- atorium treatment, sanatory, sanitary, santonin, saphenous nerve, saphenous vein, saponification, sapraemia, saprophytic, sarcolem- ma, sarcoma, sarcomatosis, sarsaparilla, sartorius muscle, scabies, scalenus, scalp wound, scaphoid bone, scapula, scarification, scar- latina, scarlatiniform, scarlet fever, scarlet fever desquamation, schizomycetes, sciatic nerve, sciatica, scirrhus of the breast, scis- sor-gait, sclerema neonatroum, scleritis, sclerodactylia, sclero- derma, scleroma, sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerotitis, sclerotome, sclero- 176 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tomy, sclerosis, scodaic resonance, scoliosis, scopolamine, scor- butic, scotoma, Scrivener's palsy, scrofula, scrofuloderma, scroful- ous, scurvy, scybala, sebaceous, sebaceous cyst, seborrhoea capitis, seborrhoea congestiva, seborrhoea corporis, seborrhoea oleosa, secondary eruption, secondary haemorrhage, secondary lesions, secondary manifestation, secondary symptoms, secondary syphilis, secretin, secreting cells, secretion, sedative, sedentary occupation, seizure, see-saw nystagmus, segment, segregation, Seidlitz powder, sella turcica, semicircular canal, semilunar cartilage, semilunar valve, semimembranosus, seminal tubes, seminiferous tubules, sem- ispinalis, semitendinosus, sensibility, sensorium, sensory, sepsis, septic infection, septic intoxication, septicaemia, septum cerebelli, septum cerebri, septum of the nose, septum ventriculorum, seques- trum, serial sections, sero-purulent, sero-theraphy, serous coat, serous membrane, serpiginous ulcer, serratus magnus, serratus posticus, serum-albumin, serum-globulin, serum therapy, sesa- moid, sheath of Schwann, shin-bone, shingles, shoulder blade, sialagogue, sibilant rale, sigmoid flexure, sigmoid, Simpson light, sinapism, sinus, Sinusoidal current, sitz-bath, skatol, skeletal muscles, skin-grafting, skin-incision, skiagram, skiagraph, skia- graphy, skull-cap, sleeping sickness, slough, smegma, Snellen's types, snow-blindness, snuffles, socket, sodium chloride, softening of the brain, solar plexus, soleus muscle, solidification, solitary follicles, solitary glands, soluble albumen, solution, solvent, somnambulism, somnolence, somnolent, soporific mixture, sordes, sore throat, souffle, spasmodic contracture, spasmus nutans, spas- tic diplegia, spastic paralysis, specific disease, specificity, special- ization, spectacle lens, spectroscope, speculum, speech-centre, spermatic artery, spermatic cord, spermato-cystitis, spermatoblast, spermatocele, spermatorrhoea, spermatozoa, spermatozoon, sphenoid, spherical aberration, sphincter ani, sphincter of the iris, sphygmogram, sphygmograph, sphygmoid, spina bifida, spinal- accessory nerve, spinal cord, spinal nerves, spindle-celled sar- coma, spinous, spirillum, spirometer, splanchnic, splanchnic nerve, splay-foot, splenectomy, splenetic symptoms, spleno-medullary leukamia, splenotomy, spondylarthritis, spongioplasm, spongiose tissue, spongy bones, spontaneous generation, sporadic cretinism, spotted sickness, spread, sputum, squamous epithelium, squamous suture, stagnation of blood, standardized lymph, stapedius, staphylococcus, staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, staphylococcus pyogenes citreus, staphyloma, starvation treatment, stasis, static breeze, static electricity, statistics, status epilepticus, stearin, steatoma, stenosis of the pylorus, stercoraceous, stereoscopic photograph, stereoscopic radiogram, stereoscopic vision, sterility, sterilization, sterilization of the dressings, sterilizer, sternal, sterno-clavicular, sterno-costal, sterno-mastoid, sterno-thyroid, sternum, stertor, stertorous breathing, stethoscope, stetorous, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 177 sthenic, still-born, stimulant, stomach ache, stomach pump, stomach tube, stomachic, stomatitis, strabismus, stramonium, strangulated hernia, strangury, stratified epithelium, streptococ- cus, streptothrix, stretcher-bearer, stricture of the urethra, strid- ulous, strontium, strophanthus, strumous diathesis, strychnin, stupor, stuporose state, styloid process, stylo-glossus, stylo-hyoid, stylo-mastoid, stylo-pharyngeus, styptic, sub-acute illness, sub- acute, subarachnoid, subclavian, subclavicular, subclavius, sub- conjunctival, subcutaneous incision, subdural hemorrhage, sub- dural space, subinvolution, subjective sensations, subjective symp- toms, sublingual, sublingual gland, subluxation, submaxillary, sub- mental, suboccipital, subordination, subperiosteal, subperitoneal, subscapular, subscapular nerve, subserous, subsistence, substan- tia gelatinosa, substantia nigra, subsultus tendinum, succus en- tericus, succussion, sudoriparous glands, sudorific, suffocation, suffusion, sulphate, sulphate of quinine, sulphide, sulphonal, sul- phuric acid, sulphuric ether, sulphurous acid, summer rash, super- ciliary, superficial reflex, superficial wound, supernumerary, supination, supinator brevis, supinator longus, suppository, sup- pression of urine, suppurating wound, suppuration, supraclavi- cular, supraorbital, supraorbital foramen, supraorbital nerve, suprarenal capsule, suprascapular, supraspinal, supraspinatus, supratrochlear nerve, Surgeon-General, surgical tuberculosis, susceptibility, suspended animation, suspensory muscle, suture, swallowing, sweat glands, swelling, sycosis, symblepharon, Syme's operation, symmetrical, sympathetic, sympathetic ophthalmia, symphysis pubis, symptom-complex, symptomatic, symptomatology, synchondrosis, synchronous, syncopal, syncope, syncytial, syndes- mology, syndrome, synechia, synovia, synovial membrane, synovitis, synthesis, synthetic compounds, syphilides, syphilis, syphilitic, syphilitic infection, syphilitic inflammation, syphilitic stigma, syphiloma, syringomyelia, systematic, systemic, systemic vessels, systole, systolic bruit, systolic murmur. Tabes dorsalis, tabes mesentericus, tabetic gait, tabetic symp- toms, tablespoonful, tache, cerebrale, tachycardia, tactile cells, tactile reflexes, tactile sensation, taenia solium, talipes calcaneus, talipes equino-varus, talipes equinus, talipes valgus, talipes varus, tampon, taraxacum, tarsalgia, tarsal cartilage, tarsal cyst, tar- sectomy, tarsus, tartar emetic, tartaric acid, taste-cones, taxis, teaspoonful, teething, teetotalism, tegmen tympani, tegmentum, telangiectasis, telangiectatic, telepathy, Telephone tinnitus, tem- perament, temperature, temporal bone, temporal hemianopia, tem- poral muscle, temporizing treatment, temporo-facial, temporo- sphenpdial lobe, tenaculum, tenderness, tendo Achillis, tendo- synovitis, tendon, tetanus, tenesmus, tenonitis, Tenon's capsule, tenotomy, tensor palati, tensor tarsi, tensor tympari, tentorium cerebelli, tepid, teratoma, terebene, terebene Can? lensis, teres 178 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES major, teres minor, terminal phalanges, terminology, tertian fever, tertiary symptoms, tertiary syphilis, test-types, testicular sensa- tion, tetanic spasm, tetanoid movement, tetanus bacillus, tetanus neonatorum, thalamic centre, thalamus, thanatosis, theca verte- bralis, thecal abscess, theobromine, therapeutical, therapeutics, thermal, thermanaesthesia, thermo-cautery, thermometer, thermo- stat, Thomson's disease, thoracentesis, thoracic viscera, thorax, throat, thrombo-phlebitis, thrombosis, thrombus, thymol, thymus, thyro-arytenoid, thyro-epiglottideus, thyro-hyoid, thyroid cartilage, thyroid gland, thyroidectomy, thyrotomy, tibia, tibialis anticus, tibialis posticus, tic douloureux, tincture of opium, Tinea barbae, Tinea circinata, Tinea decalyans, Tinea favus, Tinea tonsurans, Tinea versicolor, tinnitus, tinnitus aurium, tissue regeneration, tobacco amblyopia, tobacco blindness, tolerant point, tongue-tie, tonic spasm, tonicity, tonsillitis, tonsillotome, tonsil, tophi, tophus, topographical anatomy, torcular Herophili, torpor, torsion of the intestine, torticollic spasm, torticollis, touch-corpuscles, tourni- quet, toxaemia, toxaemic state, toxic, toxicology, trabeculae, trachea, tracheal tugging, tracheotomy, tracheotomy tube, tracheo- tomy wound, trachoma, tract, tragacanth, tragus, trans-condylar amputation, transfixing, transfusion, transmigration, transmis- sible, transparent medium, transplantation, transplantation of tissue, transpostion of vertebrae, transudation, transversalis, transverse axis, transverse colon, transversus pedis, trapezius, trapezoid, trauma, traumatic iritis, traumatic neurasthenia, traumatic trismus, traumatism, trematode worm, trepan, trepan- ning, trephine opening, trephining, treponema, triangular liga- ment, triceps muscle, trichiasis, trichiniasis, trichinosis, tricophy- ton Megalosporon, tricuspid murmur, tricuspid regurgitation, tricuspid valve, trigeminal, trigeminal nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, trigone of the bladder, trismus, trituration, trochanter, trochan- teric, trochar and cannula, trochlea, trophic centres, trophic func- tion, trophoblast, trophoneurosis, trypanosomiasis, trypsin, tubal gestation, tube-casts, tuber ischium, tubercular, tuberculin, tuber- culosis, tuberculous, tuberculous sinus, tuberosity of the ischium, tubo-ovarian, tubular, tumefaction, tumor, tunica adventitia, tunica intima, tunica media, tunica vaginalis, turbinated, tur- binated bone, turgescence, turpentine, tympanic membrane, tym- panic nerve, tympanic ossicles, tympanites, tympanum, typhlitis, typhoid fever, typhoid state, typhoid, typhomania, typhus, tyrosin. Ulcer, ulceration, ulcerative colitis, ulcerative stomatitis, ulcer- ous, ulna, unciform bone, ulnar nerve, ulnaris, ultra-violet light, umbilical cord, umbilical hernia, umbilical ring, umbilical vesicle, umbilicated lesion, umbilicus, uncinate gyrus, ungual bones, un- guent, ungentum hydrargyrum, unicellular, unilateral, unilocular cyst, uniocular, unipolar, univalent, universal joint, unnerved, un- goundness of mind, ununited fracture, urachus, uraemia, uraemic symptoms, urate of soda, urea, ureameter, uremia, ureter, ureterlc KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 179 calculus, uretha, urethritis, uretolith, urethroscope, urethrospasm, urethrotomy, uric acid, urinalysis, urinary organs, urine, urin- iferous tubules, urinometer, urobilin, uroedema, urolith, urticaria acuta, urticaria chronica, urticaria papulosa, utricaria pigmen- tosa, urtication, uterine contractions, uterine gestation, uterine souffle, uterine tumor, uterofixation, uterus, utricle, uveitis, uvula, uvulitis, uvuloptosis. Vaccination rash, vaccine lymph, vaccine therapy, vaccine virus, vacuolated, vacuole, vagina, vaginal, vaginismus, vaginitis, vagus, valerian, valgus, Valsalva's sinus, valvulae conniventes, valvular disease, valvular incompetence, vaporization, varicella, varices, varicocele, varicose aneurysm, varicose, varicosity, variola, varioloid, variolation, vas aberrans, vas afferentia, yas deferens, vas efferentia, vas vasorum, vascular, vascular pulsation, vascular system, vascularity, vascularization, vaso-constrictor, vaso-dilator, vaso-inhibitory, vaso-motor, vastus, externus, vastus internus, vegetable albumin, vegetable proteids, vegetation adenoids, vein, vena cava inferior, vena cava superior, venereal, venesection, venous noevus, venous stasis, venter of ilium, venter of kidney, ventral, ventricle of brain, ventricle of heart, ventricular band, ventricular beat, ventricular systole, vermicide, vermicular mo- tion, vermiform appendix, vermiform process, vermifuge, verru- cose condition, verrucose state, version, vertebra, vertebral col- umn, vertex, vertiginous, ventilation, vertigo, vessera, vesical cal- culus, vesical growth, vesication, vesicatory, vesicle, vesico-rectal, vesico-vaginal, vesicular eruption, vestibule of the ear, viability, viable, yibro, vicarious, vicarious menstruation, yillus, Vienna paste, virility, viris, virulent cancer, virulent poison, virus of disease, vis medicatrix, visceral disease, viscosity, viscous secre- tion, viscus, vision, visual acuity, visual field, visual perception, vital capacity, vital statistics, vitiated, vitreous humor, vitality, vivisection, vocal cord, vocal fremitus, vocal resonance, volatile oil, volitional, volsella, voltaic current, voltaism, volumetric an- alysis, voluntary movement, voluntary muscle, volvulus, vomer, vomit, vomitory, voracious appetite, vortex, vulvar, vulvitis, vulvo- vaginal. Ward-nurse, ward-sister, wart, warty, wasting disease, wasting disorder, water-brash, water-cure, waxy degeneration, weaning period, Weber's test, wen, wet-pack, Wharton's duct, wheezing breath, white matter of the brain, whitlow, whooping cough, wis- dom teeth, Wolffian bodies, woolsorter's disease, word-blindness, word-deafness, wrist-drop, writers' palsy, wry-neck. Xanthelasma, xanthic, xanthoma, xanthpsis, xeroderma, xerophthalmia, xerosis, xiphisternum, xiphoid, xiphoid cartilage. Yawn, yaws, yeast fungus, yellow fever, yellow ligament, Y- shaped cartilage. Zero, zinc chloride, zinc ointment, zinc paste, zinc sulphate, 180 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES zingiber, zona pellucida, zona vasculosa, zonaesthesia, zonula, zonula ciliaris, zpnular cataract, zonule of zinn, zooglea, Zoster, zygoma, zygomaticus, zyme, zymoma, zymotic disease. Also see Drugs, and General Business. The Court Reporter should also have in his possession Sted- man's Medical Dictionary. MERCANTILE AGENCIES : See Finance, and General Business. MILLINERY: Agrafe, aigrette, ajour, alencon, allover, amazon, angleterre, antique, antwerp, applique, aeroplane, armossion, armure, arras, art nouveau, assortment, aurillao. Baby lace, bandeau, bargain, barre, barrette, basket weave, batiste, battenburg, bayadere, bayadere moire, bayeux, beaver, bebe, bedford cord, beige, bengaline, beret, bijou, bissette, blanche, blonde lace, bluet, bobbin, bone lace, body hat, bokhara, botany yarn, boucle, boutillonne, bourbon, bourtte, box plait, braid, bran- denburg, bretonne, bridal, bride lace, brilliant, brocade, brocatelle, broche, brodee, brussels point, buckram, bunche, butcher's linen. Cabochon, cachepeigne, camel's hair, cainle, cannele, canotier, canton, capeline, cape net, capote, capuchon, carreau, carrcikma- cross, cartisan, cashmere, catalogue, challie, chameleon, cham- pagne, changeant, chantilly, chapeau, cheesecloth, chic, chiffon, chiffonette, chiffon taffeta, chiffon velour, chine, chip braid, chou, ciel, cluny, confirmation wreath, coque, coquelicot, coquille, corde, corduroy, couteau, covert, crepe, crepela, crepon, crepe de chine, crepe lisse, croise, crystal. Damask, damasse, damier, darned lace, dessous, demi-plume, deux tones, dieppe, dimity, directoire, dozen, drap, drap d'ete, drap de Lyons, drap-satin, dress hat, duchesse, dutch lace. Echarpe, ecosser, ecru, egret, empire, en carreau, eolienne, epingle, escurial, esprit, etamine. Faconne, fagoting, faille, failletine, feston, filet lace, flemish point, fleur de soie, fleur de velours, flitter, floconne, florentine, flower, footing, foulard, foundation weaves, fourragere. Galloon, gauffre, gauze, gaze, gene, gimp, glace, grammont, granite, granite soie, grenadine, gros grain, gros de tours, guimpe, guipure, guipure d'art. Hand embroidery, harlequin checks, hat bag, haute, hollow-cut cord, homespun, honiton, honiton guipure. Illusion, imitation hair braid, imitation lace, imported, tmprime, incise, incroyable, insertion, iridescent, Irish crochet. Jaconet, jacquard, jardiniere, jasper, jet crown, jupon, Khaki, knotted lace. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 181 Laine, lance, lansdowne, leghorn, liberty, ligne, lingerie, lillie, limerick lace, lisse, louisine, luxeine, luxor. Macrame, maline, maltese, marabout, marabou, marceline, marly, marron, mat. matelasse, matte, measurement, mechlin, medallion, medici, melange, melton, mercerized, merveilleux, messaline, mignonette, miracourt, miroir, mistral, mitaine, mohair, moire, moire antique, moire imperial, moire metallic, moire nacre, moire ocean, moire poplin, moire renaissance, moire scintillant, moire supreme, montone, monture, moreen, mousseline, motif, muslin. Nacre, nanduly, natte net, noeud, noute, noir, nouveau, nouvelle, nuance. Ombre, ondine, onduleux, organdy, organize, oriental lace, ostrich, ottoman, oxford, oyah lace. Faille, paillette, paillette de soie, paillon, paletot coat, panache, pannoche de coque, paon, paradise plume, passe, panne, papillon taffetas, paquet, passementerie, pastel shades, pastille, peau, peau de cygne, peau de spie, pekine, pelerine, percale, petits pois, picot, pillow lace, pink, pique, piquet, plaited, plaque, plastron, plateau, plauen, plisse, plisse ombre, plume, plume d'aigle, plume de paon, plumetis, pointille, point kant, point lace, point plat, pompadour, pompon militaire, pongee, pongee imperial, popeline, poplinette, postilion, pouf, princess, punjab silk. Quadrille, quality, quantity, queen silk. Radia, radium, ramage, raye, rayure, recherche, redingote, renaissance, rep, repousse, reseda mignonette, Radzemer surah, ribbon, rose point, royale. Sample, satin, satin de chine, satin de laine, satin grec, satin serge, satin, soleil, scintillant, seaming lace, season, seed effects, serge, Seville, shantung, shortage, sicilienne, silkaline, soie batiste, soleil, souple, sparterette, split straw, stretched, suede, surah, swivel effects. Taffeta, taffetas metallique, taffetas uni, taffetas weave, tam- bour, tape lace, tartan, teneriffe, tete de negre, thread lace, thrown silk, torchon, tram, travers, tresse, trimmed, tulle, tulle coulisse, tussah. Uni, union milan, untrimmed shapes. Valenciennes, van dyke points, velour, velour epingle, velour faconne, velour miroir, velvet, Venetian point, vert, vigogne, vigou- reux, voile, voilette. Warp, warp effects, warp prints, wax blossom, weft, white silk, willow plume, wreath. Youghal, ypres. Zibeline. Also see General Business. MILLING COMPANIES: See Flour and Cereal Products of Mills, and General Business. MILLWRIGHTS : See Electrical Engineering, General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. 182 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES MINING AND METALLURGY: Abandonment, absorbent, abstrich, abzug, accident, accounting, acetic, acetylene, acid, acidity, action, adit, adlings, adjoining, adobe, adulterant, adventurer, aerial, after-damp, agalite, agate mortar, agitator, air-head, air-reduction process, aitch-piece, alcohol, alkaline, alligator, alloy, alluvial, alluvium, aludel, alum, aluminum, amalgamation, amalgamator, amber, American forge, ammonite, ammonium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide, ammonium sulphide, ammouium sulphocyanate, amorphous structure, analysis analytic, anglesite, anhydrite, annealing, anthracite, anticlinal, antimonite, antimony, anvil, apatite, apex, appliance, apolvillados, appolt oven, apron, aquaregia, aqueous vapor, arch, arenaceous, arends' tap, arenillos, argentiferous, argentite, argillaceous, argol, arm, arrastre, arroba, arsenic, arsenical, asbestos, asbolane, ascension-theory, ash-pit, asphalt, assaying, assessment, assign- ment, assumed risk, astel, astyllen, atierres, atmospheric, atomic weight, attle, auger-nose shell, auget or augette, auriferous, average produce, average standard, aviador, azogueria, azogues. Back, back-casing, back-end, backing deals, back-shift, back- skin, bait, bal, balance-bob, balk, ball and ballast-shovel, balling, ball-stamp, band, bank, banksman, bar, barilla, barium chloride, barmaster, barmote, barney, barranca, barrel, barrier-pillars, barrow, barrowmen, barrow-way, base metals, base ore, basic, basin, bass or bett, basset, basque, batch, batea, bath, batt, batery bauxite, beaker, beam balance, beans bean-shot bear, bearing, bed, bedded vein, bede, bed-rock, bed-way, beehive oven, Belgium oven, bell and hopper, belly-halve, bell-metal, Bell's dephosphorizing process, bench, benching-up, bend or bind, beneficiar. bessemer iron, bessemerizing copper, biche, billet, bilster, bind, bing-ore, bing-hole, bing-tale, bismuth-ores, bit, bitumen, bituminous, black- band, black diamond, blacksmith, black litharge, blanch, blanched, blanket-sluices, blast, blast furnace, blasting-stick, bleaching, Bleiberg furnace, blende, blick, blind level, blister-steel, bloat, block, bloom, bloomary, blossom, blow, blower, blowing, blow- george, blow-in, blow-out, blowpipe, blue-billy, blue-John, blue peach, board and pillar, boards, boat level, bob, bob-station, bog- iron, bog ore, boiler, boiling, bolt, bonanza bone, bone ash, bonnet, bonney, booming, boot, boracic, bord, borax glass, bore, borer, borrasca, borrowing, bort, bosh, bottom-lift, bottomer. bottoms, boulder or bowlder, bounds, bout, bowke, bowse or bouze. box-bill, box-groove, brace, brace-head, braize, brake-sieve, brakesman, brances, branch, brass, brat, breaker, breast, breast-boards, breccia, breeding-fire, breeze, brettis-way, brick, bridge, bridle- chains, brightening, broaching-bit, brob, broil, bromine, bronze, brood, brown coal, browse, bryle, bucker, bucket, bucking, buck- shot-cinder, buckwheat-coal, buddle, buggy, buhrstone, buitron, bulb tube, bulkhead, bull, bulldog, bullfrog, bullion, bull-pump, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 183 bull-wheel, bully bunch of ore, bunding, bunker, bunsen, bunions, burden, burner flame, burning, burnt iron, burnt ore, burr, bur- row, buscones, bushel, bustamente furnace, butt, button, butty. Gabbling, cable-tools, cache, cadimum, cage, cala, cal, calsine, calciner, calicata, calorific, calorimeter, campaign, Canada, canch, cand or cann, cank, canon, cap or cap-rock capel, capella, captain, car, carat, carbon, carbonaceous, carbonate, carbonic acid, carbon- ization, carburization, carga, Carinthian furnace, car-wheel iron, case, case-harden, casing, casserole, cast-after-cast, cast-house, casting, cast-iron, cast-steel, cata, Catalan forge, cat-head, cauf, caunter-lode, caustic potash, caustic soda, cave-in, caving, cawk, cazo, cement, cementation, cement-copper, cement-gold, cement- silver, cement-steel, cendrada, centimeter, cerro, chacing, chafery, chaldron, chalk, chalybeate, chamber, champion lode, Champlain forge or American forge, change, changing-house, charbon roux, charge, charger, charring, chartermaster, chats, cheeks, chemical affinity, chenot process, chert, chill, chimming, chimney. China clay, chissel, chlorate, chloride, chlorine, chloride chlorination, chock, choke-damp, chrome ore, chute, cinder, cinder-pig, cinder- plate, cinder-tap, cinnabar, clack, clack-door, claggy, claim, clamp, classification, classify, clanny lamp, clay-iron, cleading, clean-up, cleat, cleavage, clinker, clinometer, clod, closed front, closed tube, clotting, coal, coal-breaker, coalfield, coal tar, cobalt nitrate, cobalt-ores, cobbing, cobble, cobre, cockle, cod, coffer or cofer, coffin, cog, cogs, cohesion, coil-drag, coke, coking coal, cold-bed, cold blast, cold-short, collar, colliery, collom washer, color, colorados, col-rake, columbite, comb, combined carbon, combustion, compact structure, compressed, compressor, concave buddle. con- centrates, concentrating, concentration, concentrator, condenser, condensing, conglomerate, consume, containing chamber. Conti- nental process, contract, converter, convex, conveyance, conveyer, cooling, cope, copper, copperas, copper-ores, copper-plates, copper- pyrites, copper-rain, copper-smoke, corbond, cordurie process, core, corf or corve, Cornish pump, coro-coro, corporation, corroding- lead, cost-book, costeaning, or costeening, counter, country course, course of ore, coursing, Cousin Jack, covered-binding, cow, cowl, coyoting, crab, cradle, cramp, cranch, craze or creaze. creep, cretaceous, crevet, crevice, crib, cribbing, cribble, crop, cropping out, crop-tin, cross-course, crosscut, cross-heading, cross-vein, crosswork, crucible, crush, crusher feeder, crushing, cry of tin, crystal forms, cube, culm, cup-and-cone, cupel, cupelation, cupola, curb, curbing, custom, cut, cyanide assay. Dam, damaged, damask, damper, dam-plate, damp sheet, dan, danks puddler, dant, day, dead, deadened mercury, dead-plate, dead riches, dead roasting, deads, dead-work, deal, dean, death, debris, deep, denuncier, deposit, derrick, descension-theory. desil- verization, desuing, desulphurization, dial, diamond, diamond-drill, 184 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES diamond groove, die, dig, diggings, dike, dilluing or dilleughing, diluvium, dip, dipping-needle, discovery, dish, dissolution, dissu- ing, distillation, distilling, district, ditch, divining-rod, doggy, dog- hole, dole, dolly-tub, dope, dotts or dott-holes, Douglas process, downcast, downcome, dradge, drag, draft, drag-twist, draining, draught, draw, dredge, dresser, dressing, drift, drill, driving, dropper, dropping-bottle, dropping-bulb, dross, drowned level, druggon, drum, druse, dry, dry assay, dry-bone, dry copper, dry puddling, dry sand, dualin, dumb-drift, dump, dumper, durn, dust- plate, Dutch metal, duty, duty-ore, dynamite, dyke, dzhu. Earth, earthy structure, easement, egg-coal egg-hole, egress, ejectment, electric electrolysis, electrum, eliquation, elutriation, elvan, emergency, emery, endless chain, end of coal, end-pieces, engineer, English process, English zinc-furnace, engorgement, en- try, evaporation, exhausted, exploder, exploitation, explosives, eye. Face, fagot, Fahrenheit, fahlband, falling timber, famp, fan, fanega, fang, fast-end, fast shot, fathom, fathom-tale, fauld, fault, feather, feathered-shot, feathering, feeder, feigh, feldspar, feldspathic, fell, ferrie furnace, ferromanganese, ferrous and ferric salt, ferruginous, fibrous, fiiery bed, fillet, filter, filtering, filter paper, fin, fine metal, finery, fining, finishing-rolls, fire-bars, fire-bricks, fire-bridge, fire-clay, fire-damp, fire-setting, fire-stink, firing, fireproof, fissure-vein, fix, flagstone, flame coloration, flange, flap-door, flask, flat, flat-nose shell, flat-rods, flat-wall, flintshire furnace, float-copper, float-gold, float-ore, flookan or flocking, floor, floran-tin, flosh, floss, floss-hole, floured, flowing furnace, fluccan, flue, flue-bridge, flue-cinder, flume, fluorine, fluor spar, flux, foal, fodder, foge, fondon, foot-piece, foot-wall, foot- way, forefield, fore-hearth, forfieture, fore-poling, forespar, fore- winning, forge, forge-cinder, formation, fork, forpale or forepale, fossil ore, fother, foundershaft, fox-tail fracture, fraud, frame, free fall, freiberg, friability, fritting, frontal hammer or frontal helve, frue vanner, fuel, fulgeration, fume, funnel, furgen, furnace, furnace cadmium or cadmia, furtherance, fuse, fusible, fusibility, fusion point. Gad, galemador, gale, galiage, galena, gallery, gallery-furnace, gallows-frame, galvanize, ganister, gang, gangue, gangway, gar- land, gas, gas-coal, gaseous, gas-furnace, gash, gas-producer, gas- well, gate, gear, gem, geode, geological formation, geordie, German process, giant powder, gig, gin, ginging, giraffe, girdle, girth, glacial, glass tubing, glazy, glist, glut, goaf, goaves, gob, gobbing, gob-up, gob-fire, goffan or goffen, gold, gold parting, gold-ores, gold-zinc slimes, goniometer, good levels, good roasting, gopher or gopher-drift, gossan or gozzan, Gothic groove, gouge, grain, grain- tin, grapnel, grampus, granular, grating, granzas, graphite, grass, grassero, grate, gravel, gravimetric method, gravitation, gravity, gray slag, green sand, greasy luster, griddle, grinding, grindstone, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 185 grip, grit, grizzly, groove or grove, ground boss, growan, grubbin, grundy, guard, guides, guillotine, gullet, gun-metal, gunnies or gunniss, gypsum tablets. Hacienda, hack, hackly fracture, hade hahner furnace, hair- plate, half-marrow, halogen, halvans, hammer-pick, hand drilling, hanging-coal, hardness, hard ore-body, hazel, hard head. Hasen- clever furnace, haulage, hauling, head-gear, head-house, headings, head-piece, headsman, head-stocks, head-tree, headway, heap, heap roasting, hearth, hearth-ends, heat, heating, heave, heavy solution, helve, Henderson process, Hercules powder, hewer, hex- agonal highway, high explosive, hitch, hog-back, hogger-pipe, hog- ger-pump, hoisting apparatus, holing, hollow-fire, homogeneous, hook, hopper, horn, horse, horse-back, horse-flesh ore, horse-gin, hot ashes, hot-bed, hot-blast, hotching, house of water, Howell furnace, H-piece, hudge, hulk, huel, hungry, hurdy-gurdy wheel, hushing, hutch, hydraulic, hydraulicing platinum, hydrocarbon, hydro-chloric acid, hydrometer, hyposulphites. Idria furnace, igeneous, ignition, illuminating, incline, indicator, indices, infiltration-theory, infusorial, ingress, ingot, injection- theory, in place, inquartation, inspection, instructor, insurance, intake, iodine, inwalls, irestone or ironstone, iridium. iron, iron hat, iron-reduction process, ironstone, isometric system, isomor- phism, ivory spoon. Jacket, jackethead-pit, jack-roll, jadding or judding, jagging, jars, jig-brow, jig-chain, jigging, jinny-road, Joachinasthal pro- cess, joint, joint stock company, jowl, judge, judd, jugglers, jump, jumper. Kann, kast furnace, keeve, kernal-roasting, kevil, kibbal or kibble, kicker, kieve, killas, kiln, kind's plug, king-pot, king's yellow, kirving, kish, kit, kitchen, knee joint, kneckle-meckle, knits or knots, knobbling-fire, knockings, knots, Krohnke process, Krupp washing process. Labor, laboratory, ladder, ladle, lagging, lame-skirting, lander, landry-box, latent defect, lath door-set, lath-frame, lath, launder, lazadores, lazyback, leaching, lead zinc, lead-fume, leader, lead- ores, lead-spur, leakage, leap, lease, leasee, leat. leath. leaving, ledge, ledger-wall, leg, Leopoldi furnace, lessor level, lewis, ley, license, lid, lien, lifters, lift-hammer, lifting-dog, lignite, lighting, lignite briquette, lime, limestone, limewater, lining, linnets, liquoation, lithium, lithofracteur, little giant, litmus paper, lix- iviation, loam, location, loch, lock-timber, lode claim, lodge, log, long torn, long-wall, loob or loobs, loop, loose-end, loose ground, lorry, lost level, lot phosphate, loup, lowe, Luckhart furnace, lum, lump-coal, Liirmann front, lying-wall. Machinery, machine-whim, magistral, magnesia, magnesium ribbon, magnetic, magnesite, main-rod, mainway, makings, malachite, malleable castings, mallet, mammillary structure, 186 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES mandril, manganese, manganite, man-hole, man-machine or man- engine, man-of-war, manta, mantle, manway, maquilla, marble, marl, Martin process, mass-copper, massicot, massive, matrix, matt or matte, maul, maundril, mear, measures, meat-earth, meetings, melting pot, merced, merchant-iron, merchant-train, mercury-ores, merrit-plate, metal, metallic, metallurgy, mica, micaceous struc- ture, mica-powder, micrometer, mill, mill-cinder, mill-run, mill- stone, mine, mine-pig, miner, mineral, mineral caoutchouc, mineral charcoal, mineralized, mineral kingdom, mineral oil or naptha, mineral pitch, mineral right, mineral wool, mine-rent, mineria, minero, miners' inch, mining, mineta, minium, mispickel .mistress, mobby, mock-lead, moil or moyle, molecular weight, molecules, molybdenum, monkey-drift, monitor, Monnier process, monoclinal, moorstone, more, mortar, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, Mosaic gold, mote, mothergate motive power, mottled, mouth, mountain limestone, muck-bar, mufflle, muller, multiplied crusher, mun, mundic. Naphtha, narrow work, nasmyth hammer, native, nays, needle or nail, negrillo, neptune powder, neutral, niccoliferous or nickel- iferous, nickel, nicking-trunk, nip, nipping-fork, nitrate, nitre, ni- tric acid, nitro-compound, nitro-explosive, nitroglycerin, nittings, noble metals, noddle or nodule, noger, nogs, nonmetalic, normal acid, normal form, normal solution, nose, nose-helve, nuts. Occlusion, ochre, oilstone, oil of vitriol, oily, oil-well, old man, old men, open cast, open-crib, timbering, open cut, open-front, open-hearth, openings, opens, open-sand castings, open tube, open- work, operator, optimus drill, ore fumes, ore-washer, organic matter, orpiment, osmium, outbye or outbyside, outcrop, outlet out put, oval, overburden, overhead, overman, overpoled copper, overwinding, oxidation, oxide of copper, oxidizing agent, oxygen, oxyacetylene flame. Pack, paint, palladium, pan amalgamation, pandermite, pane, panel, panning, parachute, parameter, parting, partition, parting- sand, partnership, pass, passageway, patent fuel, Patera process, patio, Pattison process, pavement, pay-streak, peach, pea-coal, peat, percussion-table, Pernot furnace or Post-Pernot furnace. Pershbecker furnace, personal injuries, pertinencia, peter or peter out, petroleum, phosphates, phospathic, phosphorescence, phos- phoric, phosphorite, phosphorus, pick, piker or poker, pick-ham- mer, pickling, pig, pig-iron, pigment, pike, piking, pile, piller, pil- lar-and-stall, Piltz furnace, pinch, pink ash, pipe or pipe-vein, pip- ette, pipe-clay, pipe-ore, piping, pit, pitch, pitch-bag, pitchblend, pit-coal, pit-eye pillar, pit-frame, pitman pitwork, place, placer, plane, plank-timbering, plank tubbing, plat, plate-metal, platinum, platinum-iridium, platinum chloride loops, platinum-ores, Platt, plomo, plug, plumb, plumbago, plunger, pneumatic, plush-copper, pocket, podar, pointed boxes, pole-tools, poling, polings, poll, poll- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 187 pick, polroz, poppet-heads, porcelain crucible, portal, possession, post-and-stall, potash, potassium, potstone, potters clay and pipe- clay, powder magazine, precious metals, precipitation, prian, pricker, prill, pringap, prism, produce, producer, prop, prop-crib timbering, prospecting, proving-hole, pryan, pudding-stone, pud- dle-bars, puddle-steel, puddle-train, puddling, pug-tub, pulley- frame, pulp, pulp-assay, pulverizing, pumice, pump, pump-bob, pumping, pump-station, punch or puncheon, punch-prop, put, putty-powder, put-work, pyramidal trough, pyrites, pyrometer. Quantative analysis, quarry, quarrying, quartation, quartering, quartz, quartzose, quick, quick ground, quicksand, quicksilver- ores, quieting title, quintal. Rabble, race, rack, radiated structure, radio-activity, radium, rafter-timbering, rag-burning, ragging, ragstone. railroad, rail- train, rainsplitting, raise, rake, raking-prop, ramble, rancho, ran- dom, rapper, rare earth metal, reaction, reagent, realgar, reamer, receiver, record, red-ash, redevance, red-lead, red-short, reduction, reed, reef, refinery, refining, refractory, regenerator, regule, regu- lus, rend-rock, reniform structure, renk resinous luster, rests, re- torting, ribbed, ribbon-borer, rick, riddle, rider, riffle, rim-rock, ring, ringe, rise or riser, rise-heading rivelaine, roasting, roasting and reaction process, roasting and reduction process, rob, rock- breaker, rocker, rock salt, rod-tools, roll, rolley, rolley-way, rolling, rolls, roll-train, rondle or rondelle, roof, roofing, room, rosette copper, roughing rolls, roughs, round coal, rounder, row, royalty, rubber, rubidium, rullers, run, runner, run-out fire, run-steel, rush, rusty, rusty gold, ruthenium. Saddle reef, safety-cage, safety-car, safety-catch, safety-lamp, salamander, sale, saline, salt, saltpetre, sample, sampling, sand- pump, sandstone, sapphire, scaffold, seal, scale, scarcement, scarfing, schist, schlicker, schorl, scoop, scoria or scoriae, scorifi- cation, scorifier, Scotch hearth, scouring cinder, scovan lode, scraper, screen, screw-bell, scrim or skrim, seam, seat, sedimenta- tion, seed-bag, segragate, segration, selenium, selvage or selfedge semi-anthracite, semi-bituminous, separating, separator, set or sett, settler, shadd, shaft-walls, shake, shaking table, shale, sham- bles, shearing, shears, sheathing, sheave, shelf, shell-pump, shelly, shet, shift, shift-boss shingling shiver, shoad, sheading or shoding, shoe, shoot, shooting-needle, shore-nose shall, show, shute, sicker, siddle, side-basset, side-guide, side-laning side of work sigger Si- lesian zinc furnace, silicious, silica, silicate, silicon, silky luster, sill, silt, silver ores, sink, sinker-bar, sinking, sinking-fire, siphon, siphon-tap, sit, sizing, skep or skip, skew-plate, skimmings or skimpings, skip, skull, slack, slag, slag-hearth, slag-lead, slag-wool, slant, slate, slating, sleek, sleeper, sleeping-table, slickensides, slide, slide-joint, slimes, slime-table, sline, slip, slipes, slit, slitter, sliver, slope, sludge, sludger, sluicing, slums, slurry, smalt, smed- 188 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES dum, smelting, smift, cmitham or smiddan, smut, snoff, snore-hole, soapstone, soda, sodium, soft ore body softening solder, sole solid crib-timbering, sollar, sough, sow, spale, spall or spawl, spar, sparry iron, spathic ore, spatula, spears, specific gravities, specular ore, speise or speiss, spel or spell, spence-furnace, spend, spiegeleisen, spiking-curb, spilling, spills, spire, spitting, splint coal, splintery fracture, splitting, sponge, spoon, spout, sprag, spreaders, sprue, spud, spur, spurns, square, square sets, squat, squeeze, squeezer, squib, squirting, stack, stalactiric, stall stamping, stamp-mill, stamps, stamp-work, stanchion, standage, stannary, station, steamboat-coal, steam-coal, steel, stemmer, stemming, stempel or stemple, stenton, step-grate, step-vein, stirrup, stockwork, stone-coal, stone-head, stoop-and-rooms, stope, stopping, storing, stove, stove-coal, stowbord, stowce, stowing, straightening press, strake, stratum, streak plate, stream, stream- tin, stream-work, streamers, strike, string, stringing deals, strip, stripping, strontium, structure, stucco, studdles, stull, stulm, stump, stup, sturt, stythe, sublimation, sublimation theory, sub- metallic, subsoil, sulphate sulphur, sulphurets, sulphuric, sump, sump-fuse, sun evaporation, support, surface, survey, swad, swape, swalls, swallows or swallow-holes, swamp, Swedish process, sweep- ing table, sweeps, sweet-roasting, symbol, symmetry, synclinal. Tachydrite, tackle, tacklers, tail-house, tailings, tail-race, talc, taming-bar, tank, tantalum, tap-cinder, tap-hole, tapping, tar, tarring, taxation, team, tellurium, tempering-bar, temper-screw, tenacity, tenant-helve, tepetate, terne-plate, testing, test-paper, test-ring, thallium, thermal unit, thermo-aqueous, thill, thirling, thorium, three-high train, throw, throwing, thrust, thurl, thurl- ings, thrust, ticketings, tick-hole, tierras, tiger, tile-copper, tiller, tilt-hammer, timbering, tin, tin-frame, tin-ores, tin-plate, tin-witts, tipe, titanium, titration, toadstone, ton, topaz, tonite, top-wall, tor- pedoes, tortas, tossing, tozing, touchstone, tough-cake, toughening, tough-pitch, towt, tracklayer, train, tramway, transportation, transporting, trap-door, trapiche, trapper, tread, trespass, tribute, trip-hammer, trogue, trolly, trombe or trompe, trommel, trouble, trough, trow, trumpeting, trunking, tubbing, tubing, tubs, tuff or tufa, tug, tumeric paper, tungsten, tunnel, tunneling, tunnel-head, turbary, turbine, turn, turn-bat, turning-house, turquoise, turret, tut-work, tuyere-plate, twin crystal, tying, tymp. Underground, underhand, underhand stopping, underlayer, underlie or underlay, undermine, under-poled copper, uneven fracture, universal train, unwater, upcast, upraise, uranium, Ure's process. Valence, vamping, vanadium, vanning, vaporization, vein, vena, vend, ventilation, verifier, vermilion, vestry, veta, viewer, vigorite, viscosity, vitreous luster, volatile, volatilization, volumetric assay, vortex ,vug, vugg or vugh. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 189 Wad-hook, wages, wagon, wagon-breast, wale, wall, wall-plate, wall rock, warning, warranty, washing coal, waste, wastrel, water jacket, watch glasses, water, water-barrel or water-tank, water- level, water of crystallization, way-shaft, wax, weather-door, weathering, wedge, wedging-curb or wedging crip, weld, weld-iron, weld-steel, well, Welsh process, Watherill furnace, wharl or wharr, wheal, whim or whimsey, .whin or whinstone, whip, white-ash, white-damp, white furnace, white-lead, white tin, whits or witts, whitwell stove, whole-working, wild lead, wicket, wimble, win, windbore, winch or windlass, winding, winds, winning, winning headways, winze, wire rope, wood-tin, wootz, work, working, working-barrel, working home, working-out, work-lead. Yellow-ore, yield point, yokings. Zawn, Ziervogel process, zigbyr, zigger or sicker, zinc, zinc dust, zinc-gray, zincite, zinc-ores, zinc-scum, zinc-white, zircon- ium, zones, zorgite. See also Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, General Business, and Geology. MONEY BROKERS: See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS: See Finance, and Real Estate. MOTORCYCLES: See Automobiles, and General Business. MOVING PICTURES: Activity, actor, actress, admission, adventures, aero-camera, aero-photograph, aero-photography, after-treatment, aisles, all- star, amateur, appear, appearance, applause, approximately, arc- light, art, artist, artistic, art lovers, astronomical photograph, athletic picture, attraction, attractive, audience, auditorium, author, automatic, automatically. Beautiful scenarios, beeswax, bill, blurring, box-office, break- age, brighter, brilliance, bringing out, building. Cabinet, calcium burner, cam, camera, camera man, camera-shy, candy, canned-drama, career, cartoonist, cast, catalog, celluloid film, cement, censor, censorship, chair, change maker, chaotic, character, characterization, character study, chromo, cinema, circuit, classic, classical, close-up, clothes, cloudy, colony, color wheel, comedian, comedienne, comedy drama, comfort, commercial photography, commercial picture, community, company, comple- ment, composing, composition, condensing mount, consume, con- tainer, contest, contract, cosmopolitan, costume, coupon, cracked, crank, crater, creation, creative imagination, critic, critique, curtain. Daguerreotype, dark-room, decoration, decorative, delightful, 190 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES depict, description, development, device, dimension, directed, director, directress, dissolve, distance, distinction, distinguished, distributor, doorman, double-camera, double exposure, drama, dramatic interest, dramatist, dramatize, dressing, drum, drummer. Edge, educational film, elaborate, emulsion, entertainment, en- trance, environment, equipment, equivalent, examination, ex- hibitor, exit, expose, exposition, expression, extinguisher, extras, extravaganza. Factor, feature, feminine, fiction, fictionized, film exchange, film mender, film re-winds, filmsters, fire escape, firmament, first picture, fixing-bath, flash light, focus, footlights, front illumina- tion. Gallery of players, gate, gelatine paper, generated, government work, graphlex, grind, ground-glass. Half-a-dozen sections, ham, head-belt, heat, hero, heroine, high- grade. Illuminate, illumination, illusion, illustrate, illustration, image, incident, industry, inflammable material, ingenious, ingenue, in- spector, installed, instructive picture, instrument, intensity, inter- changeable, interior, intermittent, intimate, iris. Janitor. Kinemacolor, kinematograph, kinematographic, kinematoscope, kinematoscopic, knob, kodak. Laboratory, lamp house, lantern, laughs, leading role, leading lady, license, life, light and power, light issues, limes, literary, location. Made to order, magnification, make-up, manager, manuscript, masculine, masks, masterpiece, matinee, maximum, measurement, mechanism, melodrama, meters, minimum, miscellaneous, money- picture, motion camera, motion picture business, motion picture magazine, motiograph, motivation, motive, mounting, moviedpm, movie encyclopedia, movie town, moving pictures, music, musical instrument, mutton tallow. Negative, news films, novel, novelized. Objective, one-reel melodrama, opera chair, operation, operator, operator's booth, optical, orchestra, organization, oxide burner. Panorama, pantomime, pantomimic, paper negative, pathetic, pathos, patron, patronize, performance, personality, perspective, phenakistoscope, phenakistoscopic, phonograph, photo-actor, photo-actress, photo-drama, photo frame, photograph, pho- tographer, photographic, photography, photoplay, photoplayer, photoplaywright, physical action, physiognomy, pianist, picto- graph, pictorial, picture, picturedom, pictureland, picturesque, picturization, picturize, pin-hole lens, piquancy, plate, play, player- dom, players, play house, playlets, plot, poet-philosopher, popular, porter, portrait study, portrayal, pose, posing, positive, poster, pot- pourri, powder, presentation, print, printing-frame, printing KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 191 table, producer, production, profession, professional machine, pro- gram, project, prominent, proof, proportionate, proscenium, protrude, pseudotragedy, public interest, publicity, publishers. Railroad photography, range, realistic, reality, realization, re- ceipts, recognition, reel, reel-spacer, reenacted, reflective, reflector, release, religious film, remold, rent, repertoire, repro- duce, reproduction, reputation, research, resistance, retrospective, reverse-action, review, role, roll, romance, romantic, rotogravure, rouge. Sales department, scenario, scenarist, scene, scenery, scientific, screen stars, screen villain, seating capacity, selection, semi- close-up, sensation, sentimental, serial, service, setting, shadow drama, shadow land, shadows, short stories, short-story form, showing, shutter chain, side drapes, silent drama, silhouette, sil- versheet, simplex, simplifier, simplify, singer, single reel motion picture, size, skyline, slide carrier, slide ink, slides, sloping floors, snap shot, snow-capped clouds, song and slide service, sounding board, special attraction, spot light, stage director, stage electrician, stage mechanic, stage setting, star, starring, stellar luminaries, stereopticon, stereoscopic, sterioscope, still pho- tography, stories, studio, stuff, synchronize. Take-up pulley, talent, technical, technique, telephoto, terminal, thaumatrope, theater, theater-goer, theatrically, theorize, theory, thrilling, ticket, ticket chopper, ticket seller, titles, topic, tragedy, tragic, trained, translated, translator, transparent, transverter, typographical. Under-exposure, undeveloped, unique, universal, unknown writ- ers, ushers. Vaudeville acts, ventilate, ventilation, version, vibration, view- point, violinist, vision, visualization, visualize, vitagraph produc- tions, volt. Wardrobe, weeklies, Western drama, Western production, whim- sical, width, winding, window, world, wreck photograph. Zootrope, MOVING PICTURES: ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL AND OP- TICAL TERMS. Aberration, A. C., accumulator, achromatic, actinic rays, air- dome, alloy, alternating current, amalgam, ammeter, amperige, ampere hour, anamorphosis, angular velocity, annular space, an- nunciator, anode, aperture plate idler, aplanatic, apparatus, appar- ent power, arbor, arc, armature, asbestos, automatic, auto- transformer, axis, axis of lens, axle. Babbitt, baby spot lamp, back focus, balance, ball bearing, balsam, band, battery, bayonet, bearing, bed, bell crank, belt bevel gear, bifocal, binocular, blinding lights, boss, brace, brake, brushes, buffer, buffing wheel, burner, bushing. Calipers, cam, cam wheel, candle power, carbons, case harden- 192 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ing, cathode, cell, centi, chemical, choke coil, chuck, clutch, cog collar, commutator, compasses, compensarc, compound winding, concave, concentric, condenser, conductor, cone, conical, conjugate foci, controller, converter, convex, convexo-plano, cooling plate, cotter pin, coulomb, countershaft, countersink, cored carbon, crown wheel, current reducer, current release, cycle. Damping coils, dead center, diaphram plate, diffusing globes, direct current, disc, disc-machine, dog, dovetail, dowel pin, dowser, drift, drill, drop in potential, drum, dynamo. Eccentric, economizer, economy coils, c. f., efficiency of incan- descent lamps, electric lamp, electrodes, electrolysis, emergency lights, e. m. f., equivalent focus, exhaust band, exit lights, ex- pansion bolt. Face plate, feeders, feed sprockets, field, fire trap, flange, flasher, flicker, fly door, footlights, forging, framing device, frequency. Gearing, generator, governor, grid, ground, gudgeon. Heat shield, helix, horsepower, hunting. Idler, impedance, impressed e. m. f., index of refraction, indirect lighting, inductance, induction motor, intermittent movements, in- trinsic brilliancy, inverted lighting. Key, key seat, key to curtain, kilowatt. Lagging current, laminated, leading current, lens tubes, lime light, lines of force, lost motion, lubricating. Magic pane, male thread, mandrel, matched lenses, micrometer, mil, mirage, miter wheels, motion head, motor, motor generator, multiple series. Neutral wire. Ohm, ohmic drop. Pawl, p. d., period, photometer, pinion, pitch, pitch line, plunger, polarity, polyphase, power, power factor, primary, prism, prismatic colors, projector, projecting apparatus, projecting machine, pul- ley, pulsating current. Rack and pinion, ratchet, reactance coil, reactive drop, rectifier, relay, rheostat, rock shaft, rotary, rotor. Secondary battery, semi-portable, series connection, shaking coil, shunt, simplifier, single-phase, solenoid, spider, spindle, spiral gear, spline, spur-wheel, static electricity, stator, stay bolt, stepdpwn transformer, stepup transformer, striking the arc, stud, sustaining coil, swivel, synchronism, synchronous converter. Tap bolt, tension spring, three-phase, thumb screw, thumb spot, transformer, transmitter, travel ghost, trunnion, two-bearing machine, two-phase. Unbalanced, universal. Volt, voltmeter. Water rheostat, watt, wattless current, watt meter. Yoke, Also see General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 193 MUNICIPAL: Abandonment, abatement, abattoir, abutter, abutting, acclama- tion, acquiescence, acquisiton, adjournment, administrative, ad- ministrator, adopted, adulteration, advertising, agitator, alder- man, alien, alley, alternate, ambulance, amendment, anarchist, anarchy, animal, antagonize, annexation, annul, appointee, appor- tionment, appropriation, aqueduct, architect, area, armory, arrest, ashes, assessment, assessor, assignment, assistant, audit, auditor, automobile, awning, ayes and nays. Ballot, banquet, Bertillon system, billboard, billiard ball, Board of Education, Board of Health, Board of Public Works, Board of Supervisors, bona fide, bond, borough, boulevard, boundary, bridge, budget, building, burial, burying ground, by-laws. Campaign, cancellation, candidate, canvass, canvasser, carrier, catch-basin, cemetery, census, charitable, charity, charter, City Council, City Engineer, City Hall, civil service, citizen, classifica- tion, clerk, clique, collector, commissioner, committee, comptroller or controller, condemnation, congestion, consolidation, constable, contractor, contract, convention hall, conveyance, corner lot, coroner, corporate, corporation, correspondence, council, county, coupon, court, court-house, credential, crematory, criminal, custom. Dedication, delegation, delinquent, democracy, democrat, demolition of building, deputy, detinue, dilatory, disfranchise- ment, disorderly conduct, distribution, district, document, drain, drainage, drunkenness. Easement, education, educational, ejectment, election, electric lighting, electric railway, eligible, emergency, eminent domain, employees, employer, encroachment, entries, enumeration, enum- erator, estimate, evidence, excavation, execution, executive, exemp- tion, expert, exposition, ex-officio. Fence, ferries, fines, fire department, fire protection, fireworks, foundling, franchise, fraud, fund. Gang, garbage, graft, gullies, gutter. Handbill, harbor, hatchway, hawker, highway, hitching post, holiday, hospital. Indebtedness, indictment, infectious disease, inhabitant, initi- ative, injunction, insane, inspection, inspector, intoxication. Jail, journal, judgment, judicial, jurisdiction, justice of the peace, jury. Laborer, legislative, legislation, levee, library, license, light and lighting, limitation, lobby, local improvement, local self-govern- ment, lowest bidder. Macadamize, majority, malicious, mandamus, market, map, mayor, meter, minority, misdemeanor, modification, monument, morgue, municipal. 194 _ KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Nomination, non-resident, nuisance. Obstruction, occupation, offense, officer, official, omnibus, ordi- nance. Park Commissioner, parkway, partition, party wall, patrol, pauper, paving, pawnbroker, peddler, pedestrian, penalty, pension, percolating water, pesthouse, petition, petty offense, photograph, physician, plank road, plat, playground, police, political, politician, politics, poll tax, pollution, population, pound-keeper, precinct, preferential voting, premises, prisoner, probation, prohibition, property, prostitution, public, publication, public utilities, public works. Qualification, quarantine, quorum. Railroad, ratepayer, re-assessment, recall, recorder's court, re- election, referendum, refunding, refuse matter, registration, rem- edy, repairs, repaving, requisition, reservoir, residence, resigna- tion, resolution, revenue, rights, riparian, road district, robbery, rural land. Salary, saloon, sanitary, school, School Board, scrip, seizure, selection, selectmen, self-government, settlement, sewer, sewer- basin, sidewalk, sinking fund, skid, slaughterhouse, smallpox, special assessment, specifications, sprinkling, square, statutes, stockyard, street franchise, subcontractor, subordinate, suffrage, suicide, summary, supervision, surface water, surrender, surveyor. Taxation, tax collector, taxpayer, teacher, telegraph, telephone, tenement house, territory, theater, thieves, toll bridge, tollgate, tolls, townhall, town plat, township, transient, treasurer, trench, trespass, tunnel, turnpike road. Underground railway, urban communities, usage, user, usury. Vacancy, vagrancy, vagrant, validation, vehicle, vendor, vessel, vested right, veto, viaduct, village, voter. Wall, ward, warden, warrant, water-main, water-meter, water- works, weighmaster, wharf, witness, wooden building. For an extended list of Political Terms see Civil Service, also see General Business. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES: Accessories, accordeon, acoustics, action, adjustable, adjust- ment, aeolian, agents, alignment, alligator, alto, aluminum, ama- teur, anthem, antique, arching of shell, anvil, aria, arpeggio, as- sortment, attachment, attractive, automatic, automatically. Bagpipe, ballad, ballast, band folios, band music, banjo-man- dolins, bargain, baritone or barytone, bass, basso, bassoon, bass- viol, baton, bell mallet, bellows, bench, bill-of-lading, birch, bone frog with pearl eye, bow rosin, bracket, brass band instruments, bridge, brilliant, Brazil wood, bugle, buttons. Cabinet, canopy top, cantata, capo, cappo d' astro, carved, case, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 195 casing, castanets, catalogue, celebrated, cello, celluloid, chair, chamois, characteristics, chimes, choir, choral, chord, chorus, chromatic harmonica, cithern, clapper, clarinet, clarionet, clear- ness of tone, color, columbine, compactness, compartment, com- pass, competitor, concert, concertina, connoisseur, conservatoryf consigned, construction, corduroy, corner protectors, cornet, cor- rect position, cover, covered, crescendo, customer, cuts, cylinder, cymbals. Damaged, deduction, delicately tapered, deliver promptly, description, device, diapason, diaphragm, different styles, diminu- endo, direct, double bass, double veneered, draft, drum snare, dulcimer, duplex, duplicate bill, durable, duration. Ease, ebonized panels, ebony key board, elaborately handcarved, elegantly designed, elmwood band folios, embossed, enclosure, equipped, equitone, especially, essential qualities, euphonium, ex- quisitely. Factory, fanfare, fascinating, fault, felt, feature, feeding, ferrule, fibre needle cutter, fife, finger board keys, finished in oil and hand rubbed, first payment, flageolet, flute, folding frame, forte, fortissimo, fret, friction or resistance, freight charges, fugue, full rich tone. Gamut, garret-seasoned, gauges for strings, genuine polished ebony, German silver, glued, graining, grenadilla, grievance, guar- antee and safe delivery agreement, guard plate, guitar strings, gummed paper, gutta-percha. Hammer, handsomely decorated, harmonica, harmony, helicon, hexagon, hickory, high grade, hohnerphone, horn. Ideal, illustration, imitation, import, indestructible, inlaid, in- spection, instruction book, instrument, interior, interlude, intro- duce, iron plate, ivory. Juvenile. Kathoderm, kazoo, keyboard. Lamp protector, lattice front, lever, locality, loud and volumin- ous in tone, lustre, lustrous. Maestro, mahoganized, mahogany, mallets, mandola, mandolin, manufacturer, marbleized, massiveness, mazurka, mechanism, megaphone, mellophone, medoleon, melody, metallic, meter, me- tronome, mezzo, military, minstrel, monopole, motor, moulding and trimming, mountain grown spruce, mouthpiece, musette, musical and talking machine, musician, music receptacle, mutes. Net price, nickel-plated, nocturne. Oak woodwork, obligate, oboe, ocarina, octagonal, octave, orchestra, orchestral grand organ, organist, oratorio, ornamental mouldings, outfit, oxidized finish. Panelled, patented, pearl, pedal, perfect, pernambuco wood, phonograph, pianissimo, piano, piano-forte, pianola, piano scarf 196 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES and stool, piccola, pilister, pliancy, pneumatic swells, polka, polish, powerful, practical, preference, premium, price-list, produce, profit, prompt remittance, proper price, proposition. Quadrille, quality of tone, quartette, quotation. Record, rectify, reduction, reeds, reference, register, regulate, regulator, repertoire, representative, reproduction, requirement, residence, resin, resonance, resonant, resonator, response, responsive, retail agent or dealer, rich and sweet in tone, rosewood, roll, roller organ, ronlade, rosin. Salesman, salesroom, satisfaction, saxophone, sax-tuba, scale, schottisch, scolloped, scientifically constructed, selected figured walnut, selected flamed maple, serenade, ship, shipping weight, solid oak, sonophone cornet, soprano, sound box, sounding board, spruce, staccato, staff, standard steps, sterling, sticcado, strings, strain, style, supports or bridges, symphony orchestra, swabs. Tambourine heads, tempo, tenor, terms of payment, thimble, thorough-bass, timbre, tinny, tone-arm, tonal quality, tone, cham- ber, tone distributor, tortoise shell, tracer, treble, tremolo, tri- angle, trombone, trumpet, tuba, tuning, tuning hammers, tym- panum. Upright piano, ukulele. Varnished, veneer, vibrant, vicinity, viol, viola, violin, violin bow, violincello, virtuoso, vocophones, volume, voluminous, vul- canette. Walnut, warranty certificate, web and leather thumbstrap, well finished, white keys, wholesale, wooden case, wrench, wrist-rest. Xylophone. Zither, zobo. Also see General Business. NAVAL TERMS: Academy, admiral, aid, altiscope, ammunition, apprentice, armed stem, armor, armored, armorer, armory, assemble, assembly. Badge, barbette, barge, bargeman, battery, battle lantern, bay- man, belted, berth, binnacle list, blue jacket, boatswain, bomb, bombshell, bow chaser, breeching bolt, breechloader, bridle port, brig, broadside, broadsword, buckler, bureau. Cadet, canister, cannon, captain, carpenter, carriage, carron- ade, carry, cartel, cartouch, cartridge, cascabel, casemate, cast loose, caterer, chamber, chaplain, chase gun, chaser, chevron, chief of staff, clinching tool, cockpit, commandant, commander, commissioned officer, commodore, common shell, cone brake, con- ning tower, constructor, controllable, court martial, coxswain, cruiser, crusher, cylinder. Darning the water, decapping, despatch boat, detached, deto- nator, dismount, double-decker, double-headed shot, drill shell, dynamite. Emmensite, engineer corps, ensign, equipment, evening gun, executive, explosive, extractor. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 197 False muster, first lieutenant, fleet surgeon, floating, flotilla, friction, disc, frigate, fulminate, fuse. Catling, grape, guardo, gunboat, gunner, gunnery, gunpowder, gunroom, gunshot, gun sling. Hand grenade, handspike, housing pivot, howitzer, hydraulic- recoil carriage. Idler, incendiary shell, insignia, internal, iron- clad. Jack of the dust, jimmy leg. Landsman, letter of marque, line officer, live primer, loaded shell, loading tray, lock lanyard, long torn. Machinist, magazine, master-at-arms, mate, medical corps, mess, messenger, micrometer caliper. midshipman, military mast, milli- meter, mitrailleuse, mobile torpedo, monitor, mortar, mount, mush- room, mustang, muster, muzzle bag, muzzle lashing, muzzle-loader. Naval tactics, navigating, navy, nitroglycerin, non-commissioned officer. Ordnance, organization, ornament. Partridges, petty officer, pivot gun, powder, pressure table, primer, priming wire, prisoner, prize master, projectile, protected cruiser, proving ground. Quarter bill, quartermaster, quarters, quick match, quill tube, quoin. Ram, random shot, ration, razee, rear admiral, recoil cylinder, reform, reforming tool, register, regular, reinforce, relative, ren- dezvous, reserve, residuum, rifled gun, rocket boat, rotten row, roving commission, routine, ruffle. Sabot, sailmaker, sally, salute, salvo, scalding, schoolship, sea- man, searchlight, sentinel, sentry, shell crane, shell extractor, shellman, shot tongs, shot trough, sick leave, side tackle, skid, slopp-of-war, slow match, slush, smokeless powder, spirit ration, splinters, sponge, sponson, squadron, steel-belted cruiser, steerage, stripes, subcalibre, submarine, supernumeraries, surgeon, sus- pend, swivel gun. Terrorite, thorite, three-decker, time fuze, tompion, top swivel, torpedo, trailing level, train tackle, trajectory, tray latch, trolley mount, troopship, truce, trunnions, turret. Unarmored cruiser, uniform. Velocity, vent, vice-admiral, volley. Wardroom, warrant officer, watchbill, water shell, whitehead torpedo, wig-wag, windage. Yeoman. Also see General Business, and Marine Engineering. NAVIGATION TERMS : Aberration, above the pole, abstract log, acceleration, aerolites, alidade, almanac, altitude, amplitude, anemometer, aneroid barometer, angular, annular eclipse, anomolistic month, antarctic, anti-trade, aphelion, apparent time, apogee, artificial horizon, ascensional difference, asteroid, astronomical, astronomy, atlas, augmentation, aurora, autumnal, equinox, axis, axis of collimation, azimuth. 198 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Base line, binnacle, binocular, broken-backed transit, buoyage. Calendar, cardinal, celestial, chip log, chronometer, circle, cir- cummeridian, circumnavigate, cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, cirrus, clinometer, cloud classification, co-latitude, collimation, com- parison, compensating magnet, complement, composite, computa- tion, conjunction, constellation, co-ordinates, cosecant, cosine, cotangent, cross observations, culminate, cumulo-stratus, cycle, cycloid, cyclone. Danger angle, declination, departure, depressed pole, deviation, diagram, diameter, dip, dippinger, dipping needle, dip sector, disc, diurnal, divider, doldrums, dry bulb, dumb card, dumb telescope. Eager, easterly, ecliptic, ellipse, epact, ephemeris, epitome, equa- tion, equator, equatorial, equiangular, equinoctial, etesian winds. Fahrenheit, fathom, first meridian, flood mark, focal distance, fore staff, four-point bearing, frigid zone, furling. Gained day, galaxy, geocentric, geonavigation, geographical, geometry, graduated arc, Greenwich time. Halo, heeling deviation, heliocal, heliocentric, heliometer, helio- stat, heliotrope, hemisphere, horizon, hour angle, hurricane, hydro- graphic chart, hydrography, hygrometer, hypothenuse. Incidence, inclination, index glass, inequalities of altitude, in- strumental parallax, intercalary, intercardinals, internal contact, interpolation, irradiation, isobars, isochronism, isochronon. Journal. Kepler's laws. Land blink, landfall, latitude, lens, level error, logarithm, logis- tic, logarithm, longitude, lower transit, lubber's mark, lunar, luna- tion, lunisolar, lunitidal interval. Macrometer, magnet, magnetic, magnitude, Mercator's projec- tion, mercurial, meridian, meridional difference of latitude, merid- ionally, meteoric shower, minor planet, moon's perigee, monsoon, mountain wind, multiple star. Nadir, nauropometer, nautical, neap tides, neutral points, nim- bus, nocturnal, node, nutation. Occulation, octant, off-shore tide, opposition, orbit. Parallax, parallel, patamometer, pendulum clinometer, penum- bra, perigee, perihelion, perpendicular, perturbation, planet, plot- ting, pocket sextant, pointer, primary planets, prime vertical, prismatic compass, projection, proportional logarithms, protractor. Quadrant, quadrantal deviation, quadrature. Radiant, radius, radix, reckoning, rectangular co-ordinates, re- fraction, repeating circle, residual errors, retrograde motion, revo- lution, rhumb, rigorous method, running survey. Secant, semicircular deviation, semidiameter, sensible horizon, sextant, ship's telemeter, sidereal, simoon, slip of wheel, solar, solstices, solstitial colure, spherical, stellar, subpermanent devia- tion, symbol, synodical month, syzygy, syzygy tide. Taffrail log, tangent, telemeter, telescope, temperature, terres- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 199 trial, theodolite, thermometer, tidal constants, topography, traverse, triangle, triangulation, trigonometry, typhoon. Udometer, ultra-tropical, ultra-zodiacal, under-bright, under- current, upper transit. Variables, variation, vernal, vernier, vertex, vertical, visible. Wet bulb, whirler, whirlwind. Zenith, zenith sector, zero, zodiac, zodiacal light, zone. Also see General Business. NEWSPAPERS: See Advertising, Civil Service, General Busi- ness, Printing, Publishers and Magazines. OILS FUEL, LUBRICATING AND REFINED: See Petroleum Engineering. OPTICIANS : See General Business, and Jewelry. PACKING BOXES: See Lumber, and General Business. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES AND GLASS: Acid, alcohol, alum, aluminum, ammonia, antimony, appearance, apple green, apricot, architect, ash, aurora pearl, automobile colors, azure. Barn and roof paint, barrel paint, barrow paint, barytes, basic, benzene, benzol, beeswax, belt dressing, birch, blackboard, black japan, bleeding, blistering, blooming, blow lamp, blue boiler and stack paint, brickwork, bronze, bronzing liquid, brown. Brushes: Bead, bill poster, brick striper, bristle, car washer, camel hair, carriage, casting, coach, color, coloring, duster, flat, floor, furni- ture, glue, kalsomine, lacquering, long handled, marker, mottling, ox-hair color, ox-hair striping pencil, paint, paper, paste, plaster, roof, round, scrub, ship, sign painter's striper, sweeper, tar, tip, tool, trim, varnish, washer, wall paint, wall stippling, waxing, whitewash, wire. Buff, building paper, bulb, burner, burning, butter- box paint, bicycle enamel. Cabinet glue, cadmium, canvas, carbolic acid, carbolic insecti- cide preparation, carbolineum, carbon paint, carmine No. 40 dry, carnation, cart, carriage colors, castor machine oil, cattle wash, cement colors, chalk crayon, chalking, chamois-skin, chemical, cherry, chestnut, china clay, chocolate, chrome, cissing of varnish, cloth, coal tar, colors in distemper, colors in japan, colors in oil, comb, combing roller, commercial, composition, compound, con- crete paint, copper paint, cotton rag, cracking, crawling, crazing, cream, creosote, cutter cypress. Damp resisting paint, deadening, deck, decorative enamel, deco- rator, denatured alcohol, diamond dust, dipping, distempering, drier, durability, dust, duster, dustine, dye. Ebony, efflorescence, elm, emery, enameling, extension ladder. Fading, fast reds, felt, fiber grease, filler, fineness, flashing, flat enamel, flint, flitter, floor paint, frosting, furniture polish. 200 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Galvanized, gasoline, gilding brush, glass, glue, gold leaf, grain alcohol, graining comb, graphite, greens in oil, grinding, ground brush, gums, gypsum. Hacking knife, hanging, hardwood, heat, heliotrope, hoisting, hop spray, hull paint, hydrocarbonate, hydrometer. Indigo, ink, inside, insulating and building paper, ironite, iron filler, invisible green, ivory. Japan colors, japanned tins. Knives, knotting. Laboratory, lacqueret, lacs, lakes in distemper, lamp, lead, leaf, lemon, lilac, lime, linseed oil, liquid, lithographer's bronze, litho- pone, lye. Machinery, madder, mahogany, maple, marine, marking ink, melena, metal paint, metallic bronze, mildew, mill, mineral, mirror, mixed paint, mixture, mortar and cement colors. Naphtha, nibs, Nigrette enamel, nonflowing paints. Ochres in japan, oil colors, oil stains, orange shellac, oxide of iron. Oils, Greases and Compounds: Animal oil, axle grease. Bin- nacle oil, black oil. Oils: Car box, carriage, castor, chain, coal, compounds, com- pressor, cooking, cottonseed, crank case, cylinder. Dressing belt, dustine, dynamo oils. Engine Oils : Heavy red marine, locomotive, oceanic marine. Fish oils, flake graphite. Greases and Compounds: Axle, curve, graphite, wire rope. Harness oil, harvester, hoof. Illuminating Oils: Binnacle, coal, miner's, signal, taper. Kerosene. Lamp oil, lard, linotype, linseed, liquid metal polish. Machine Oils: Bolt and nut, crank case, metal polish, miner's lamp, sewing machine. Neutral, nut oil. Paint oil, paraffin, petrolatum, polishing liquid. Regulator oil, rubbing oil. Salad oil, separator, signal, skid, sperm, spindle. Tallow block, taper oil. Valve oil, vegetable. Wire rope grease. Pail colors, paint, paint burner, paper, paraffin wax, paste, peel- ing, petroleum, pigment, pine tar, pitch, plaster, plate glass, plum color, plumber's scraper, points, polish, polishing, porch, porous, pot, potash, poultry spray, powder, preservative, priming, prim- rose, pulverized, pumice, purple, putty, putty knife. Radiator, rag, red, relief bulb, relief compound, removal, re- mover, restorer, revolving, ribbon leaf, roller, roof paint, roofing, rosewood, rosin, rotten stone, rubbing, rubberose, rule. Sandpaper, scaffolding, scale wax, scraper, scumbles, seam paint, shears, sheep dip, shellac, shingle stain, ship paint, siennas, silicate, silkenwhite enamel, silver leaf, size, skin, slating, smalt, smearing ink, soap, whale oil, specification, spirit stains, sponge, spray, spreading, stain, stencil, sticky, stippling brush, stock 201 whites, stone pumice, straight edges, striping bronze, sublimed lead, substitute, sugar of lead, sulphate, sweating, swing cradle, sycamore. Talc, tar, teak, tin, tint, thinner, torch, tool, tree spray, trimmer, turpentine, turp-so. Umbers, underlac. Varnishes: Air-drying, asphaltum, benzine, brass, cabinet, coach, dark hard oil finish, exterior finish, fancy, French spirit, furniture, gloss oil, hard oil, household, interior, japans and dry- ers, lacquers, lightning dryer, linoleum, No. 2 copal, No. 1 furni- ture, No. 1 spar, oil paper, orange shellac, piano polishing, shel- lacs, thinner, turpentine, union brown, white shellac. Wagon paint, walnut, wall finish, washable wall finish, waste, water, wax, whale oil soap, wheel, whites, white glue, whitening, window glass, wood alcohol, wood filler, wood finish, wool, wool waste, woolen rag. Yellow. Zinc, zolium roofing. PAPER HOUSES BAGS, CORDAGE, ENVELOPES, TWINE: Absolutely, accompanying order, account, actual cost, adding machine paper, additional, advertise, advertisement, agent, alabaster, announcements, annual, antique and plate finish, ap- plication, appreciate, approval, approximate weight, architect's materials, arrangement, arrival, articles, artist's materials, as- bestos fiber, assorted, assortment, attached, attention, attractive, automatic, available, average, awaiting shipment. Bags : Candy, coffee, flat, grocery, hat, millinery, popcorn, round, self-opening, shirt, shot sugar, tea, turkey. Bargain, best grade, beveled, Bible paper, billheads, bill-of -lading, binder's board, birth- card, blanks, blanking paper, bleaching, blotter, blotting paper, bond, book, bottle container. Boxes : Automatic, clothing, bonbon, butter, cake, candy, collapsible, millinery, egg, florist, ice cream, laundry, picnic, suit. Branch house; bread, milk and bar checks; brief paper, bright, brighter, broken package, bronze powders, building paper, bundle, business, butcher's paper. Caliper, cap, capacity, cap statements, cap stiffening, cardboard, coffee cans, carefully packed. Carnival and Celebration Devices: Confetti, duster, lantern, serpentine, squawkers. Carpet lining felt, character of materials, charge, cheaper, coated, cockle finish, collections. Colors: Amber, apple green, aurean, azure, azurine, beryl black, blue, brown, buff, cadet blue, cafe au lait, canary, car- dinal, cherry, chocolate, copper, coral, covert, cream, delft, emerald green, fan, French gray, green, hazel, ivory, lavender, lemon, lilac, magenta, mandarin, maroon, melon, moss rose, navy blue, neapoli- tan blue, Nile green, olive, opaline, orange, ox blood, peach, pearl, pink, primrose, purple, red, rose, russet, salmon, scarlet, sea shell, sepia, silver gray, tan, terra cotta, turquoise, ultramarine blue, ver- milion, violet, white, yellow. Column, column measurement, column rules, combination, commercial, commission competition, com- plaint. Confectioner's Papers: Buffer, chocolate dipping paper, 202 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES chocolate layer board, flexoline, gelatine, ice cream pails, menu cards, odorless paper, top sheet. Consignee, consigned, consignor, container, contents, copying tissue, cores, correct, correction, cor- respondence. Corrugated Products: Bundle covers, comb honey shipping boxes,, egg boxes and cartons, express boxes, flasks florist's boxes, mailing envelopes and wrappers, mirror and picture backing, pads, phonograph disks, roll wrappers, special envelopes. Countermand, coupon bond, crash lining, credit crepe tissue, cus- tom ,customer, courtesy, cut cards, cutters. Damage, dandy roll, deadening felt, dealer, deckle edge, deco- rative, deduction for cash, defective, definite, description, delicates- sen, delivery, de luxe, depreciate, denny, description, design, diameter, different styles, different lengths and widths, dimen- sions, direct, disadvantage, distributing, double cap, double-faced, drafting paper, drawing purposes, drawing or sample, dried fruit lace, drinking cups, drug cans or packer, dry proofing paper, dull coated, dull finish, duplex and web press, durable slip sheet paper, dustproof cover, duster. Economical, economy, efficiency, eights, embossed, employee, employer, ems pica, enameled, enameline, enclosed sample, enclo- sure, engineer's materials, engraver, engraving, envelopes to match. Envelopes: Bank book, bellows or gussett, bond, clasp, cloth lined, coin, comb, drug, inside and outside envelope, legal, linen, open end, open side, policy, pay, postage saver, theater tickets, seeds and cereals, wallet flap. Estimate, exactly, excellent, exclusive, exhausted the supply, experience, explain, express, extra strong, super white. Factory, factory tags, fancy fruit box lining, fancy stationery, fiber, figure, filter, flat cap, flat letter, flat writing, flexible, flexi- bility, fluid, f. o. b., folded, folio statements, fractional pounds, freight, freight bill and receipt, friction, furnished on short notice. Gauge list, genuine, glazed, glossy, grade, grocer's and general store use, guarantee, gummed sealing wax, gumming. Heads, halftone, handle, hard stock, highly finished, holiday decoration, household waxed paper, heavy hemp. Illustration, imitation, immediately, immediate attention, imper- fection, important, inadvertently omitted, inducement, inconveni- ence, indicate, inferior, information, inspection, instead, instruc- tions, interest, interleaving, intermediate, invoice. Jobber's discount, journal, jute. Kid finish, kraft paper. Label paper, leatherette, lace doily, ledger, laid, legal blank, legal cap, letterhead, library, light color, light weight, limited, linen finish, list, lithographing, long way. Machine finish, machinery, mailing tube, manifold typewriter paper, manila, manila backing, manufacture, manufacturing de- partment, manuscript covers, map paper, margin, marginal, marked, match, matching sample, maximum, mechanical, medium, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 203 memo head, memorandum book cover, mercantile, merchandise merchant, metal, mill, mimeograph paper, minimum basis, mis- cellaneous, model, moisture-proof, mounting board, mourning goods, music roll. Narrow, natural, nature, nearest, news in rolls, newspaper, nominal weight, non-curling gum, non-fading, notehead, numerous styles. Obtainable; add sizes, weights, and colors; oil board, onion skin, opening, opportunity, order, order by number, ordinary, original, ornamentation, overrun, oyster pail, out-of-town patron, oval wood dish. Pack carefully, packed flat, packer, panel, paraffined, parcels post, parchment, particular, patented, pencils and tassels, per dozen, per cwt., per M, per ream, per 1000 sheets, perfection, per- manent, photo enclosure, pie plate, plain, popular, porcelain, pos- sible, postcards, price changes, price list, printed flat, printing, production, program and menu, prompt attention, proper, propor- tionate weight, prooving paper, public service towel, publisher, publishing, publishing house, pulp, purchase, purpose. Quadrille finish, quality, quantity, quarto, quickly, quire, quote you price, quotation. Rag paper, recommend, record, reduction, reference, regular, reliable, require, requirements, remittance, represent, respect, respective, result, reversible, rewinding, ripple finish, rise, rod, roll, roofing paper, rough, round cornered, ruled to order, rules. Sack, salability, sample accompanying order, sample book, sam- ple copy, samples and prices on application, sanitary, satin proof, satisfaction, satisfactory, sealing machine, sealing wax, second choice, securely packed, selected, self-opening, shelf boxes, shelf paper, ship, shipper, shipping department, shipping directions, shipping receipts and tags, shivey places in paper, short weight, short way, shortage, similar, single-faced, sized, small cap, smooth and evenly laid, solicit trade, special finish, special or unusual requirements, special sizes and weights, specialties, specific, specifications, specify, square corners, student's paper, sufficiency, suitable, suitability, superior, super calendered, superfine, surface, systematic. Tablecloths and napkins, tables of proportionate weight, tag board, tag wire and string, tangle-foot fly paper, tare, telegraph order, telephone, telescope mailing tube, texture, thick, thickness, tin ends, tin foil, tinted, tints, tissue excelsior, tissue paper, toilet paper, toilet paper fixtures, tops and bottoms, tracer, tracing cloth, trade, trade customs, transfer board, translucent, trans- parent. Twine: Ball or spool, cable laid fine, carpet warp, cone, cotton, flax, florist's superfine, hemp, jute, linen, mattress, medium, skein, tapes, three-ply, two-thirds, twos, twine holder, typewriter carbon, typewriter paper, typewriter ribbon. Unavoidable delay in shipping, under separate cover, under- 204 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES runs, understand, understood, unfilled order, unfinished, unfortun- ately, unglazed, uniformity, unique, unoiled, unpacked, upon re- ceipt of order, universal, unsized, untrimmed, useful tables. Variation, variegated, variety, vegetable parchment, vellum, velour, veneer, visiting cards. Watermarked, waterproofed, waxed paper, wearing qualities, wedding stationery, weight per ream, white fiber stock, wide mar- gin, width, wire wooden parcel handles. Wrappers : Bottle, bread, chewing gum, coffee, express, lemon and orange, music, raisin, roll, self-sealing tire. Wrapping, writing paper, writing sur- face, wood pulp, wood veneer, wooden spool, wove, woven. Yardage. PARLIAMENTARY LAW: See Law. PATENT ATTORNEYS: See Law; also see Agricultural Implements, Architecture, Auto- mobiles, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Marine, Mechanical, Mining), General Business, Shop Machinery, and Structural Steel. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: See Geology, Mechanical Engineering, and Petroleum and Petroleum Products. PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: Absorption, accumulation, acetylene, acid, adaptable, adjust- ment, aero oil, air compressor, aluminum, amber, analysis, animal remains, anthracene, anticlinal theory, anticline, antiquity, appar- atus, appliance, application, approximately, area, armature bear- ings, aromatic, asphalt, asphaltum, atom, attachment, automobile. Barge, barrel, base, basin folds, battery, bearings, benzine, ben- zol, bituminous, black shale, blends, boiled, boiler, boiling points, booklet, boulder, brake clevis pins, brake-shaft, brass filler breeching, bulk, bung, burner, burning fluid, buttes, by-product. Calorific value, can, cap, capacity, capillary attraction, carbide, carboniferous, carbon monoxide, carbureter, carriers, casing head, centroclinal, chamber, character, characteristics, chart, chemical, cleanliness, cleansed, closing-fitting bearings, clutch, coal tar, coating, columnar section, combustion, commercial product, com- modity, compartment, competition, competitive, components, com- position, compound, compressed, condensed, condenser, conduit, congealed, conglomerates, consistency, constituent, consumption, container, contour lines, controlled, convergence, cordage, correlation, corrodes, corrosion, corrugated, cracked gasoline, crank case, crate, creosote, cretaceous, crevices, cross-bedding, cross rod, crude oil pools, crude petroleum, crystalline, cup grease, curve, customer, cylinder. Damp, dead oil, dealer, decorative, densoline, deposit, derrick, deterioration, development, diameter, dimension, dip, dirty, dis- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 205 charge register, displacement, distillate, distillation, distilled, distributing station, dolomite, domes, domestic, drag link, drain plug, dressing, drilled, driller, drip pan, drum, dry natural gas, dual theory, duct, durable, dust and dirt, dynamo. Earthenware, economic, electric generator, elements, embar formation, empty, engineer, engine oil, equipment, equivalent, erosion, essential oils, evaporated, evaporative, evolution, ex- hausted, expansion, explosion, export, extinguish. Fahrenheit, fan, faucet, fault, field, filler pipe, filling plug, film, filtered gasoline, flexible, flushing oil, folded oil fields, folder, force fed steam engine, foreign matter, formation, fossils, friction, frontier formation, fuel, funnel, furnace. Gallon, galvanized, garage, gas-engine oil, gasoline, gas pres- sure, gate, gathering lines, gauze, ge-anticline, gear, generator, geologic, geological, gilsonite, gloss, governor, grahamite, gravity, grease, gritty particles, gun, gusher. Half barrel, half gallon, hard grease, harness oil, harvester oil, heat efficiency, heavy oil, heavy tractor, herringbone reduction gears, high class product, high-grade, high speed, hood, hogbacks, horizontal, hose, household lubricant, hub, hydrocarbons, hydrogen. Ice machine oil, idling speed, igneous, ignition system, illuminat- ing, impregnated, indication, indicator, industrial, industry, in- flammable, ingredient, inner, installed, intermediate, internal, interstate, intrastate. Jacketed, jack-up, jelly, joint housings, journals. Kalon, kerosene, key, kit, knurl screw. Label, lantern, leakage, lenticular structure, level screw hole, lever, light body, lighting appliances, light tractor, limestone, liner, line wells, liquefied, liquid, lithographed can, litholine, lith- ological, location, locomotive, lubricant, lubricating problems. Machinery, magneto maintenance, maltha, mancos, manifold, manufacturer, margin, marsh, measurement, medium-bodied, quantity, mesas, mesaverde, metal drums, metamorphic, meter, methone, mica, microscopic pores, migration, mineral sperm, miner's naptha, mixture, model, modern, moisture, molecules, monoclinal, monocline, motorcycle, motorists, motor lubricant, mowry shale, mud laden fluid, multiple expansion engine. Natural gas, naphthalene, naphthene, nitrogen, normal. Odor, offsetting, oil springs, origin, outcrops, ozokerite. Oils, Greases and Compounds: Animal oil, axle grease. Belt benzine, binnacle oil, black oil. Car box, carriage, castor, chain, coal, compounds, compressor, cooking, cordage, cottonseed, crank case, crude, cylinder. Dressing belt, dustine, dynamo. Felt, fish oils, flake graphite, floor, fuel. Gas, gasoline, grease. 206 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Harness oil, harvester, heavy red marine, hoof. Illuminating Oils: Binnacle, coal, miner's, signal, taper. Kerosene. Lamp oil, lard, leather, linotype, linseed, liquified, li- quid metal polish, locomotive. Machine Oils: Bolt and nut, crank case, metal polish, miner's lamp, naphtha, naphthaline, neatsfoot, neutral, non-luminous flames, nut oil, sewing machine. Oils Fuel, lubricating and refined. Oil bearing, oil heater, oil level gauge, oil tank, oil yielding strata, operate, operating, operation, operator, oxygen. Paint oil, paraffin, petrolatum, piston, polishing liquid, putty. Refined, regulator oil, rubbing oil. Salad oil, separator, signal, skid, soap, sperm, spindle. Tallow block, taper oil, tobacco, transformer. Valve oil, vegetable. Wire rope grease, wool. Packed, padlock, pail, paint, paraffine, paralleled, passage, per- spiration, petrolatum, petroleum jelly, pint, piping, pipe-line, plate, plug vent, plunging fold, polishing, pores, porosity, porous, port- able tank, poured, preservative, pressure, private, process, produc- tion, productive, products, proportion, prospecting, pump, pumping plant, pumping station. Quality, quantity, quart, quick flowing oil. Raced, radiating fuel, ravine, raw receptacle, rear axle, recom- mended, reduction, refill, refined, refinery, refining, reinstall, repack, representative, reservoir, residual, residue, residuum, resist, retardation, retort, revolve, rocks, rubbing surfaces, rusts, rusty. Saline, salt, sample, sandstone, saturation, schedule, scientific- ally, scrubber, sedimentary, seeps, selected, self-oiling, self-starter, semifluid, semisolid lubricant, separator oil, service stations, shaft bearings, shale, shipload, shrinkage, skid, sluggish, smoke, smudge oil, sod, solar distillate, sort, spark, specific gravity, spindle, splash, spout, spouter, spring leaves, springs, squeak, squirt can, stainer, stand, standard, stationary, steam, steamer, steering knuckles, stoking, storage system, storage tank, "straight run" gasoline, straps, stratification, stratigraphic, strike, structural, structure, substance, substitute, sulphur, sulphuretted-hydrogen, superheated, supply, surface, survey, swamp, sweat, synclines. Tablespoonful, tank, tanker, tank steamer, temperature, tension, tensleep, terrace, territory, tested, throttle, thrust, topographic, tractor, traffic, transitional, transmission, transportation, trans- porting, trap, treatment, triplex power pumps, trunk line, tug, turbine, turpentine, type. Unconformities, underground tank, undersell, uniformity, un- mixed, unscrew, upkeep, user. Value, vaporize, vapor tension, varieties, vaseline, viscosity, volatile, volatility, volcanic. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 207 Water gases, water pressure, wax, wells, wheel, wildcatting, wooden, worm. Yellow. Zerolene. Also see Automobiles, General Business, Geology, Mechanical Engineering, and Oils. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS: See Drugs, General Business and Medical. PLUMBERS: See General Business and Hardware. POLICE ADMINISTRATION: See Detective and Police Administration. POLITICAL: See Civil Service, and General Business. POULTRY AND GAME: See General Business and Livestock. PRINTING AND ELECTROTYPING: Accents, account mark, acute accent, ad, ad-man, advertising rule, agate, aldine type, alignment, alley, all in, all in hand, altera- tion, aniline colors, annex box, anonymous, antimony, antique, appendix, aquatint, arabic numerals, arching, artist's proof, arto- type, ascending letters, assorted, asterisk, author's proof, auto- graph, autography, auxiliary print. Backing, ball, bank, bond, bar, bastard title, bastard type, batter, beard, bearer, beating, bed, begin even, bellows, benzine, beveled stick, bill-head, bill posting, bill of type, bind, bite, black- leading, black letter, blank, blanket, blank line, block, block book, blotter, board, board rack, bodkin, body, bogus, boldface, bond paper, booklet, border, bottom line, bottom note, bourgeois or nine point, boxed or boxed in, boxwood, brace, bracket, brass, bray, brayer, brayer roller, break-line, brevier or eight point, brief, bril- liant, bring up, broadside, brochure, bronze powders, bronzing, buckle, building up, bundle, burin. Cabinet, Caledonian type, calendar, calender, calico printing, caligraphy, canary, canceled figures, canon, cap, caption, card .cutter, card indicator, card pip, caret, case, case cleaner, case rack, casing letter, caslon type, cassie paper, casting-off, casting- up, catch line, catchword, Caxton black, cedilla, celluloid, chained books, chalcography, chap-book, chapter heads, character, chart paper, chase, check ends, check folio, checkers and chess, cheeks, chill, Chinese white, chromatic type, chromography, chromplitho- graphy, cipher, circled correction, circular, circular quads, circula- tion manager, circumflex, clarendon, clay-finish paper, clean proof, clearing away, clerical error, clicking, close, close matter, close spacing, closed up, coated paper, cock-up letter, cold pressing, 208 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES collating, column, column rules, combination border, comma, com- mercial signs, composing, composing machine, composing stick, composition, compositor, condensed, contents, contraction, copper- facing, copperplate, copperplate engraving, copper thin spaces, copy-cutter, copy-hook, copying press, copyright, core, cornering machine, corner quad, correcting, counter, cream color, cream laid, crochet type, cropped, crossbars, crown, curvilinear plate, cut edges, cut flush, cut form, cut-in letter, cut-in note, cutting-out knife, cutting the frisket, cylinder press, cylinder sheets. Dabber, dagger, dandy roller, dash, deckle-edge, dedication, dele, delete, delivery board, demy descenders, detergent, devil, diaeresis, diagonal indention, diamond, diary, die stamping, diphthong, dis., dished, display, distributing, distribution roller, dodger, dog-eared, dot leader, double column, dovetail, drag, drawing paper, drive, drum cylinder, dry colors, dry point, dryer, drying rack, ductor, dummy, duodecimo, duplex card, dwell. Edition, edition de luxe, editor, editorial, eidograph, eighteen- mo, eights, electro-etching, electricity, electrotyped letters, elision, ellipsis, embossed, embossing, embossing press, em dash, empty, em quad, ems, en, enameled paper, end even, engraving, en quad, envelope, equal mark, errata, excelsior, exchange, exclamation mark, expurgated edition, extended, extract, extra condensed, extras. Face, facsimile, fanning, fat, fat-face or full-face, feed board, feeder, feet, figures, fingers, finis, finisher, first form, first proof, fist, flap, flat paper, flat proof, flat tint, flimsy, flitters, floating accents, flock printing, flong, floret, flourishes, fluid, fly, flyleaf, fly title, flying a frisket, folder, folding chases, folding machine, folio, follow copy, font case, foolscap, footline, footnote, footstick, fore-edge, form rack, forty-eight or 48mo, foul case, foundry chase, foundry proof, fount, fountain, fractions, frame, friar, frisket, front page, frontispiece, fudge, fugitive colors, full measure, furniture. Galley, galley press, galley rack, galley-lock, galvanoglyphy, galvanoplastic process, gathering, gauge, gelatine printing, get in or take in, glazed board, gloss ink, glycerine, glyphograp, gold bronze, great primer, grippers, gripper margin, ground block, guard or guard-lines, guide, gummed paper, gutter, gutter stick. Hairline, hair space, half case, half chase, half-diamond inden- tion, half sheet, half title, halftone, handbill, handful, hand-inker, hand letters, hanging indention, hand press, hard packing, head- band, heading chase, headline, headpiece, heap, heavier, hecto- graph, height-to-paper, heliotype printing, hempel quoin, hens, hiatus,high spaces, hollow quads, hook-up, hot pressing, hydraulic press, hyphen. Illuminating, imperial, imposition, impression, imprint, indelible, indent, indention or indentation, index, initial, ink knife, ink-up, in the metal, invisible or sympathetic ink, insert, inset, inside KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 209 quires, intaglio, interleave, interlinear matter, interrogation mark, introduction, inverted commas, italic, italic case, italicize, its own stock. Jeffing, jenson, jet jobber, jobber's discount, job case, job font, jog, jogger, justify, justifier. Keep down, keep standing, keep up, kerned letters. Label holder, labor-saving rule, lake, lay of the case, laying type, leads, lead cutter, leaded matter, leader, leader box, leaflet, lean, lean type, ledger paper, legal cap, let-in note, letterhead, lettering, letterpress printing, letter rack, lift, ligature, light face, line engraving, line former, linen faced, lining, linotype, linotype galley, literal error, lithography, lithotint, lithotype, live matter, locking up, logotype, long cross, long letter, long measure, long primer or ten point, long twelves, low ease, low or low-to-paper, low spaces and quads, low line or low-to-line, lower case, lye. M's, mackle, M. F. or m. f., maker, making margin, make even, making up, manifold paper, manuscript, map type, marbling, mar- ginal notes, marking ink, mathematical signs, matrix, measure, measuring up, medium, meridian, metalithography, metal quoins, mezzo engraving, midget safety quoins, millboard, mimeograph, minion, minikin, minute mark, misprint, mitering machine, mono- gram, mottled, motto indention, mounted, multicolor, music type, mutton quad. Newspaper, nib, nick, nickel-faced, nippers, nipper gauge, non- pareil, numbering, machine numerals. Obelisk, obituary, oblong page, octave, odd folios, off, off-cut, office corrections, off its feet, offset or set-off, 0. K., old English, old style, open spacing, oriental type, original, ornament, ounce mark, outer form, outlined, out of register, out page, ovals, over- lay, overlay knife, over-running, oxford corners. Packing, page gauge, page papers, paging ink, pamphlet, panel, pantograph, paper size, paper up, papier-mache, paragraph, paral- lel mark, parchment, parenthesis, pasteboard, paster, patch up, patent outside, patent space, pearl, pebble finish, perforating machine, period, periodical, photochromo, photoengraving, photo- gravure, photomechanical, photozincography, pi, pica or twelve point, pick for sorts, pickle, pick-up, piece fractions, piecework, pieced brace, pieced leads, pigeon-holed, pin-marked, planer, plani- graph, plated paper, platen press, playing cards, ply, polytype, post, poster, preface, pressman, press punch, presswork, primer, printer, printing ink, printer's oblong, priory text, program, proof planer, proof puller, proofreader, publication, publish, pull out, pulp board, punching machine, punctuation. Quadricolor, quads, quadruple, quarter-tone, quarto, quill, quire, quirewise, quoins, quoin key, quotation, quoted matter, quote marks. Rag paper, ratchet, reader, ream, re-engrave, re-etch, reference 210 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES marks, register sheets, reglet, reiteration, relief printing, remov- able tympan, reprint, retouch, revise, ring-mark, roller, roller car- riage, rolling press, roughing, rough proof, routing, rubber type, rubric, ruling machine, run in, runner, run on sorts, run 'round. Saddle-stitch, sample, scale, score, scoring rule, script, sectional type, semicolon, separatrix, sepia, series, serif, set out, set solid, setting stick, shank, shaved leads, sheetwise, shoofly, shooting- stick, short accent, short twelve, shoulder, shoulder-notes, show- bill, side-head, side sorts, side sticks, signature, signature cut, silhouette, silver bronze, sixteen-mo, skeleton chase, slice, slide proof, slip-sheet, slitter, sloping fractions, slug, slur, small caps, softening punch, space dots, specimen page, split fractions, spoil,- age, spring, squabble, square corner, square twelves, stamping press, standing galley, staple binder, star, steel die, stencil, stereo- type, sticker, stickful, stiffener, stipple, stock cut, stops, straight matter, studhorse, stuffer, stylus, sub., sub-head, subscriber, sub- scription, supercalendered, superfine, supplement, surfaced paper, syllable. Tail, tailpiece, take in, tagboard, tare, technique, terminology, text, thick leads, thick space, thirty or "30," three-color printing, three-line letter, three-ply, throwing quads, throw-off, thumbnail cut, tin printing, tint, tissue, title letter, tooling, toned paper, transfer, transpose, treadle, trimmed, triple case, triangular quads, turned commas, turn for sorts, tweezers, twine, two-line letter, tying up, type high, type founding, type-revolving press, type- setting machine, typewriter type, typographer. Uncut, underlay, underscore, uneven, union, unitype, unlock, unsized paper, upper case, upright page. Varnish, vegetable parchment, vellum, vermilion, vibrator, vignette, volume. Wallpaper printing, watermark, wash drawing, waste sheets, waver roller, wax engraving, weight, wetting down paper, white enamel, whiteface letters, white-line engraving, white out, wide measure, wide spacing, wire-mark, wire stitcher, wood base, wood- cut paper, wood engraver, wood engraving, wood pulp, work and turn, worked off, wove paper, wrapping, wrong-font. Xylography. Year book. Zinc etching, zinc half tone, zincograph. Also see Book Binding and General Business. PROVISIONS: See General Business, Groceries and Meat Products. PUBLIC LIBRARIES: See General Business, and Libraries. PUMP HOUSE, WATER SUPPLY GOODS, IRRIGATION MACHINERY, GASOLINE ENGINES: Air pump, angle, artesian, automatic. Ball, band, barrel, batteries, belt, belting, bend, bibb, boiler, bolt, bottom valve, brass, bucket, bung, burner, bushing. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 211 Cap, capacity, casing, cast iron, centrifugal, chain, check valve, circulating, clipper, cock, coil, collar, combination, compression, compressor, contractor, copper, coupling, cross, cutter, cup, cyanide pump, cylinder. Deck, deluge pump, diaphragm pump, dies, dimension, disc, distillate engine, dressing, drilling, drive, drop elbow, dynamo. Economy, elbow, electric, engine, extension. Faced bushings, fastener, faucet, feed pump, fittings, flange, flanged, flush, forked-rod connection, form, four-way tees, frame, friction. Galley pump, galvanized, garage compressor, garden hose, gas, gasoline, gauge, generator, genuine, glass, graduating, grease, guide. Hanger, head, hoist, holder, hook, hopper, horizontal, hose, house pump, hydraulic. Iron, irrigation. Jack, jump spark coil. Kewanee union, knapsack sprayer. Lace, lateral, leather, lifter, lightning, lock, locknut, lubricator, lug. Magnetos, malleable, mender, mica, mill, miner, motor, mounted. Needle point valve, nipple, nozzle, nursery sprayer, nuts. Oil burner, overflow. Packing, paint, perpendicular, pet cock, pierce, pillow block, pin, pipe, piston, plier, plug, plumber, plunger, pneumatic, portable, power, pressure, priming, pulley, pump. Quick compression bibb. Racking cock, railing, rainfall table, ram, ratchet, reamer, reducer, riveted, rod, rotary, rubber. Saddle, sanitary, screw, seating tool, sewage, shaft, shafting, sheet, ship, shoes, shutoff, spanner, spark, spray, spring, sprinkler, standard, steam, steel, stock, strainer, strap, stub, suction, sulphur, switch, syphon. Table ,tank, tap, tees, temperature, thresher, tinned pipe, tire, tong, tools, tower, truck, tubing, tubular. Union. Vacuum, valve, vertical, vise. Washer, waste, water, weight, well, windmill, wine cock, wood, working head, wrench. Y's, brass for spray; Y's, malleable. Also see General Business. RAILROADS: (For the engineering or mechanical department of railroads see Civil and Mechanical Engineering.) Abandon, abandoned, abandonment, aboard, abstract, abutment, accelerated, accident, accommodation, accountant, acetylene, acid, acting, actual weight, adhesion, adjuster, adjustment, advertise- ment, advertising, adze, agent, air-brake, air compressor, air line, alignment, allowance, anchor, angle bar, annual, anti-creeper, 212 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES anvil, apparatus, appliance, applicant, application, appraisal, ap- proach, approximate, appurtenance, apron, arbitrator, arbitrary, arch, architect, armature, armrest, arrival, arrived, assessment, asset, assigned, assistant freight agent, attached, attachment, at- tendant, attorney, auditing, auditor, auger, authorized, automatic, automobile, average, axis, axle, axman. Bad order, baggage, baggageman, baggagemaster, balance, bal- last, bank, barge, barometer, barrel, basis, battery, beam, bearing, belting, berm, berth, billed in error, billing, bill-of-lading, bills collectible, blacksmith, blank, blasting, block, blockade, blocking, block signal, boiler, bolt, bond, borrow-pit, box car, brace, bracing, bracket, brakeman, brake rod, brake shoe, branch, breakage, bridge, bridgeman, bridging, broken wheel, buffet car, building, bulkhead, bulletin, bundle, bunk, bumper, business. Cab, cable, caboose, caisson, calculate, calculation, caller, candle, cant-hook, capacity, capital, capitalist, capsizing, cargo, cart, count card, carload, carpenter, carrier, cashier, cattle, cattle guard, cattle pen, caution, cement, certificate, chain, chainman, chair, charge-sheet, checked, chief, chief dispatcher, chief engineer, chute, cinder, circuit, circular, claim, claimant, clamp, classifica- tion, classify, cleaner, clearing, cleated, clerical, clerk, clinker, coach, coal, coincide, collection, collector, collision, colonist, com- mercial, commissary, commission, committee, communication, com- mute, commuter, commutation, combination, compartment, com- pany, compass, competing line, competition, competitive, complaint, compound, compressed, compression, compressor, comptroller, com- puting, concession, condemned, condenser, conductor, conduit, con- ference, confiscate, connecting line, connection, contractor, contri- bution, consign, consignee, consignment, consignor, consolidation, construction, consumer, contour, cooking, co-operation, corporate, correction, correspondence, counsel, counter, counterbalancing, countermand, coupling, coupon, course, court, crane, crayon, creosoting, crib, cross, cross-over, cross-section, culvert, curbing, curvature, custom house, cut-off, cut-out, cut-rate, cutting, cylinder. Daily report, dam, damage, deadhead, debit, deck, decline, de- crease, defect, defective, deflecting rod, deflection, delegated delivery, department, depot, demoralization, depositor, depreci- ation, derail, derailment, derrick, description, design, destination, detective, detouring, differential fares, diem, dining car, dipper, direction, director, disaster, discharging, discipline, discriminate, discrimination, disinfectant, dismantle, dismissal, dispatch, dis- patcher, dispose, disposition, distance, distribution, district, ditch, ditcher, diverging line, diversion, diverted, diverting, dividend, division, dock, document, donation, double-decking, double first- class, draftsman, drainage, drain-pipe, drawbar, drawbridge, drawhead, drawing, dray ticket, dredge, dredger, drill, driving wheel, dump, duplicate. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 213 Earthwork, east, eastbound, eastern, eating-house, economical, electric, electrical, electrician, elevation, elevator, embankment, emigrant, employee, empty, enclosure, encumbrance, endorse, engine, engineer, engineering, engineer's station 1915-J-25, engine- house, engine-houseman, engineman, enlargement, en route, equip- ment, error and omission, estimate, ex-agent, examination, ex- aminer, excavating, excavation, excess baggage, excursion, exhaust, exhibit, expansion, expense, expenditure, expiration, explosive, export, express, express agent, extra. Facilities, factor, failure, falsework, fare, farm, fastener, fastenings, fast freight, faucet, fee, feed, feeder terminal, fence, ferry agent, ferryboat, field glass, fieldwork, file, fill, filling borrow- pits, financial, fine, finishing, fire and sanitary inspector, fireman, firing locomotive, first class, fishplate, fitting car, fixed, fixture, flag-box, flagman, flagging, flag-station, flange, flanger, flannel, flat car, float bridge, floating equipment, flue cleaner, folder, fore- cast, foreign car, foreman, forge, form, formation, foundation, frame, framework, framing, franchise, free-haul, free reclining chair car, freight agent, freight engine, freight house, freshet, frog, frozen, fruit, fuel, fund, funeral car, funnel, furnace, fur- niture, fuse. Gauging track, gallonage, gang plank, gas, gasket, gasoline, gateman, gathering, gauge, general manager, general storekeeper, general superintendent, generator, gimlet, glass, glazing, globe, glycerin, go-ahead signal, gondola car, gong, grade-crossing, grad- ing, grain, graphite, graphical sheet, grate-shaker, gravel, gravity, grease, gross, ground, grubbing, guarantee, guard rail, guide. Hacksaw blade, hammer, hamper, hand brake, hand car, hand- spike, hanger, hard coal, hay car, headblock, heading, headlight, headquarters, heater, heating, hedge, highway, hire, hook, hoe, hoisting engine, hopper bottom, hose, hospital, hostler, hot box, household goods, hull, hydrant, hydraulic. I-beam, ice, icing car, immigration bureau, implement, improve- ment, incandescent, incline charges, industrial, industry, inertia, information, injury, insert, inspection, inspector, instruction, instructor, instrument, insulator, insurance, interchangeable, interest, interlpcker, interlocking, intersection, Interstate Com- merce Commission, interurban, in transit, iron, irregular, itinerary, investigation, invoice. Jack, jackscrew, jar, jerk, jetty, joint agent, joint equipment, journal, journey, junction, junior engineer. Keel, keg, key, kicked, knuckles. Lading, ladder, lamp, lamp black, lampman, landslide, landing, lantern, lateral, laying, lead, leakage, lease, lessee, lessor, length, level rod, leveling, lever, library car, license, lighter, lighterage, lighter master, lighting, lightning arrester, lime car, limit, limita- tion, line, lineman, lining bar, link, linoleum, live stock loader, 214 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES loop, loosening, load, loading, local freight, local traffic, location, lock, locomotive, logging car, long cord, long chute, longitudinal, longshoreman, loss and damage, lower berth, lubricant, lubricator, lumber car, lye. Machinery, machine shop, machinist, mailbag, main line, main- taining, maintenance of way, management, manager, manifest, marine equipment, marking, .masonry, master mechanic, maximum, meal, measurement, mechanic, mechanical department, medical, membership, message, messenger, mileage, milepost, minimum, misbilled, miscellaneous, mixed train, motive power, motor, moun- tain time, movement, municipal. Narrow gauge, negotiable, neutral, nipper, non-operative prop- erty, north-point, nose, notice, notify, nut-lock. Observation car, obstructed, obstruction, officer, official, off-set, oil, oiler, oiling, opening, operating, operation, operative, orders, ordinance, original, outfit car, outstanding, overhead crossing, owner's risk. Package, packing, paragraph, parallel, parcel, parlor car, pass, passage, passenger, patron, paymaster, pension, perishable, per diem, permission, permit, personal, pier, pile, piling, pilot, pipe, piston rod, pit, plan, planing, planking, plat, platform, platted, plier, plummet, pneumatic, point, policeman, pontoon, portal, porter, portion, position, possession, postage, postal, postal car, postal clerk, postmaster, pouch, pound, power, preferred, prelim- inary, premium, prepaid, prepayment, presentation, preservative, president, primage, produce, product, production, profile, promo- tion, pro-number, property, protecting, provided, provision, public, publishing, pump, pump man, purchaser, purchasing agent's order, push car. Quarry, quarrying. Rack, radiator, rail brace, railroad, railroad commission, rail- road guide, railway, range, ranging, rate, rear end, rebate, rebill, recharge, recommendation, reconnoisance, reconsigned, recording, recover, recovery, redeemable, reduction, receipt, refitting, reflec- tor, refrigeration, refrigerator, refund, refused, register, regulate, regulation, reinforced, relief, reloading, remittance, removel, re- new, renewal, rent, repacking, repainting, repair, repairman, re- placement in kind, replacing, report, representative, requirement, requisition, reservation, reservoir, retainer, retaining wall, revenue, rigger's car, rigging, rheostat, right-of-way, rip, riprap- ping, roadbed, roadmaster, roadway, rock, rod, rodman, rolling stock, roundhouse, round-trip, routed, run-off. Sag, salary, salvage, sand, sanitary, scaffold, scale, scaleman, scalper, schedule, scrap, scraper, screened, screw, seal, sealer, secretary, second class, section-boss, section-house, selection, semaphore, separator, service, setting, settlement, sewer, sextant, shack, shaft, shear, shed, shifting, shipment, shipper, shipping, shop, short and over report, shortage, shovel, shoveling, shrinkage, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 215 side swipe, sidetrack, sidewalk, siding, sign, signal, signaling, signalman, signature, sill, single track, siphon, skidding, slack, slag, sleeper, sleeping car, slide, slip, slipping, sloping, slope-stake, slough, slow order, sluice, smoking car, snowplow, soft coal, solder, spacing, span, special, specification, speed, spike, spiral, splice, split-stringer, split-switch, stake, standard time, station, station- ary, stationery, statistics, stay, staybolt, steam, steamship, steel, stock, stockholder, stockyard, stone, stop, stop-over, storage, store, storehouse, storekeeper, stowed, straight, stream, strength, stub- switch, subdivision, subgrade, suburban, suitcase, sundry bills, superintendence, superintendent of motive power, supervision, supervisor, supplement, supplies, support, surface, surgeon, sur- gical, survey, surveyor, suspended, suspension, switching, switch back, switchlight, switchman, system. Tallow, tally, tallyman, tamping bar, tangent, tank, tap, tape- line, target, tariff, technical, telegraph, telegram, telephone, tele- scope, temperature, temporary, tender, terminal, terminus, terri- tory, testimony, thermometer, third rail, throttle, through billing, through freight, ticket, tie, tie-up, timber, time-card, timekeeper, time-table, ton, tonnage, tool, torch, torpedo, tourist, towage, tower, towerman, tracer, tracing, track, trackman, tract, traffic, train, trainmaster, train order, transfer, transferring, trans- former, transit, transitman, transportation, traveler, traveling agent, traversed, treasurer, trestle, triangle, triplicate, trip-pass, tripod, truck, turn-table, tunnel, typewriter. Unclaimed, unconsigned, undercharge, undergrade, unfastened, uniform, unloader, unloading, unpaid, upper berth, usage. Vacancy, valve, vehicle, velocipede, ventilating, ventilator, vesti- bule, vessel, via, viaduct, vice-president, voucher. Wages, waiting room, warehouse, warehouseman, washout, waste, watchman, water, waybill, way freight, weigher's certifi- cate, weighing, weighmaster, weight, west bound, wharf, wharf- age, wheel, whistle, widening, wiping, wire, wiring, witness, wood, work train, wreck, wrecker, wrench, wye. Yard, yardmaster. Zone. Also see General Business. RAILROADS: FREIGHT COMMODITIES. Also used by Freight Traffic Departments, Revising Clerks, Statistical Departments, Transcontinental Freight Bureaus, Re- vising Clerks for Commercial Houses, Freight Claim Adjusters, Steamship Companies and Express Companies. Abalone, absorbent, academy or artists' boards, amyl, acetate of chrome, acetic, acetone, acetylene, acid, acorn, actinolite, action, adamant, adding machine, advertisement frames, aerated bever- ages, aerators, agalite, agate, agricultural, air, ajoan seed, alabas- tine, albo-carbon, albumen, album, alcohol, ale, algarobilla, alizarine dyes, allegorical display float, alley, alloy, allspice, 216 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES almadina gum, almanacs, almond, aloes, alphabetical, altar, alum, alumina, alundum, amalgamating, ambrosia, ambulance, ammonia, ammoniacal, ammunition, amplifying horn, anchor, anchovies, andiron, angelica root, angle bar, aniline, animal, annato, anneal- ing, anodes, antelope, anthracite, antimonial, antimony, anti-pest, anvil, apparatus, apple, appliances, apricot, apron, aqua ammonia, aquarium, arabic gum, arc, arch, archery goods, arches, archi- tectural, areca nuts, argols, arm, armature, army, arrester, arsen- ate, arsenic, art, artichoke, artillery, asafetida, asbestos, ash, asparagus, asphalt, asphaltum, aspirator, assayer, atomizer, at- tachment, auger, automatic, automobile, awning, axe, axle. Babbitt, baby jumper, backhand, bacon, badger, bag, bagasse, baggage, bagger, bagging, bail box, bake oven, baker, baking, bal- ances, balcony, baler, baling, ball, ballast, ball bearing, balloon, ballot, ball-rack, balsam, balusters, balustrade, bamboo, banana, band, bank, bar, barbed, barber chair, barb, barge, barilla, barium, bark, barley, barn door, barometer, barrel, barrilla, bar- row, barytes, bases, basin, basket, bass fibre, bate, bathtub, bat, batten, battery, batting, bayonet, bead, beam, bean, bearings, bed- ding, bed, bedstead, bee-comb, beef, beer, beeswax, beet-water, belaying, bell, bellows, belting, bench, benders, bent, benzine, ben- zole, berry, berth, beverage, bi-chromate, bicycle, billet, billiard, binding, bin, biograph, birch, bird, biscuit, bismuth, bisulphide, bisulphite, bit, bitters, bituminous, blackboard, blacking, black- smith, bladder, blanket, blank, blasting, bleaching, blind, block, blood, bloom, blotter, blotting, blow pipe, blue grass, blue print, bluestone, bluing, board, boar, boas, boat, bobbin, bob-sled, bodies, bog-peat, boiler, bolster, bolting, bond, bone, bonnet, bookbinder, bookholder, bootblack stand, booth, boot, boracic, borax, bored, boring, bosshead, botanical, bottle, bottom, bouillon extract, boul- der, bowling alley, bowl, bow, box, boxing glove, brace, bracket, braiding machine, brake, bran, brandied, brandy, brass, brattice, bread, break, breeding crate, breeze, brewers' kettles, brick, bridge, brignette, brimstone, brine, briquette, bristle, bristol board, britan- nia, broadcast, broiler, broken, bromide, bromine, bromose, bronze casting, bronzed, brooder, broom, brown bread, brush, buckboard, bucket, buckeye, bucksaw, buckskin, buckwheat, buffalo robe, buffer, buffet, buffing, buggy, buhrblocks, building, built-up, bulb, bulk, bulldozer, bullet, bullion, bull, bullock, bumper, bumping, buncher, bundle, bung, bunk, buoy, bureau, burial, burlap, burner, burning, burnishing, burr, burro, bushing, bustle, butcher, butter, butterine, buttermilk, butternut, button, butt, butyrice. Cabbage, cabinet, cable, caboose, cabriolet, cab, cactus, caddie, cage bird, caisson, cake, calcicake, calcined, calcium, caldron, calf, calliope, caloric, camel, camera, campaign, camp, camphene, camphor, cam, can, canaigre, canceling, candied, candle, candy, cane, canned, canning, cannon, canoe, canopy, can, canteen, cant, canvas, caper, cap, capital, capping, capsicum, capstan, capsule, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 217 caraway, car, carbide, carbine, carbolic, carbolineum, carbon, car- bonate, carbonese, carbonic, carborundum, carboy, carburetor, card, cardboard, carousal, carpenter, carpet, carriage, carrier, carrot, carton, cartridge, cart, carving, cascara sagrada, casein, case, casing, casket, cask, cassava stalk, cassia, cast, caster, casting, castor, catcher, catechu, catsup, cattle, cauliflower, caus- tic, cavalry, caviar, cedar, ceiling, celery, celluloid, cellulose, cement, center, cerealine, cereal, cesspool, chaff-corn, chafing, chain, chair, chalk, chamber, champagne, channel, charcoal, charg- ing, chart, chatts, cheese, chemical, cherry, chest, chewing, chicken, chicle, chicory, chiffonier, children, chili powder, chilled, chimney, china, Chinese, chipped, chisel, chlorate, chloride, chlorination, chlorine, chlorite, chloroform, chocolate, chopper, chow-chow, chowder, chrome, chucca gum, chuck, churn, chute, cider, cigar, cigarette, cinder, circle, circlet, circuit, circular, circus, cistern, citrate, citron, clam, claripho, clarifier, clarifying, clasp, clavier, clay, cleaner, cleaning, cleansing, cleat, clevises, clinker, clipper, clipping, clip, cloak, closet, cloth, clothes, clothing, clover, cloves, clutches, coach, coal, coast, coaster, coat, coating, cob, cobalt, cobbler, cobble, coca cola, cockle and grain separa- tors, cocoa, cocoanut, cocobolo, cocoon, cod, coffee, coffin, coil, coin, coir yarn, coke, cold, collar, cologne, colorine, coloring, colt, column, comb, combing, comfort, comfortables, commode, compass, compo-board, composition, compound, compressor, compressed air, concentrates, concentrating, conch shell, concrete, condensed, con- denser, condiment, conductor, conduit, cone, coney skin, confec- tionery, confections, confessional boxes, conning, contact, controlling, converter, conveyer, conveyor, cooker, cooking, cooler, cooling, cooperage, cooper, coop, copal gum, coping, copper, copperas, coppered, copra, cordage, core, coriander, cork, cork- wood, corn, corned, corner, cornice, corroding, corrosive, cor- rugated, corset, corundum, cosmoline, cot, cotter, cotton, cottolene, couch, coulter, counter, countersink, coupler, coupling, cover, cowl, cow, crab, cracked, cracker, cracklings, cradle, cranberry, crane, crank, crated, crate, crayon, cream, creamery, cremator, creosote, crepe, cresting, cricket, crimp, crock, crockery, crop, croquet, crossing, crow, crucible, crude, crumb, crushed, crusher, crushing, crutch, cryolite, crystalline, crystallized, crystallizer, crystal, cucumber, cue, cullet, cultivator, culvert, cupboard, cupola, cupro-nickel, cup, curbing, curd, cured, curios, curling, currant, currier, curry, curtain, cushioned, cutlery, cutter, cutting, cuttlefish, cyanide, cycle, cylinder. Dairy, damar, damper, dam, dashboard, dasher, dash, dead, decomposed, decoration, decorative, decoy, deer, degras, dehorning, demijohn, denim, densoline, dental, depilatory, deposit, derrick, dessicated, desk, dexter, dextrine, dictionary, die, digger, dill, dimension, dining, dip, dipper, dirt, dirty, disc, dish, distilled, distiller, distributor, ditching, divi, diving, document, dolomite, 218 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES donkey, door, dough, dowel, down, drag, drain, drainer, draper, drawbar, drawer, drawing, dray, dredging, dressed, dresser, dress- ing, dried, drier, drift, drilling, dripping, drip, drive, driver, dropper, dross, drug, druggist, drum, drying, duckpin, dumb, dummy, dump, duplicating, dust, duster, dynamite, dynamo. Earth, earthenware, easel, eave, ebony, economizer, edging, edible, egg, elastic elbow, election, electric, electrical, electro- plated, electrotype, electrotyper, elephant, elevator, elk, embalm- ing, emery, emigrant, empty, enamel, enameled, enameling, end, engraved, engraving, ensilage, envelopes, equalizer, equalizing, equipage, equipment, eraser, escalader, escape, essence, essential ether, evaporator, evergreen, ewes, excavator, excelsior, exhaust, exhausting, exhibit, exhibitor, expanded, expansion, explosive, extension, exterminator, extinguisher, extinguishing, extract, ex- tractor, eye, eyelet. Facing, factory, fallow, fancy, fanning, fan, fare, farina, farinose, farm, fastener, fastening, faucet, feather, feed, feldspar, felloe, felt, felting, fence, fencing, fender, fenugreek, fernoline, ferris, ferro, ferrule, fertilizer, fibre, fibreloid, field, fig, figure, file, filing, filler, filling, filter, finished, fir, firearm, fireless, firkin, fishing, fitting, five, fixture, flagging, flag, flake, flange, flanged, flask, flat, flatter, flavoring, flax, fleshing, flexible, flight, flint, flitter, float, flock, floor, floorlight, flooring, floss, flour, flourine, flower, flue, fluid, flume, fluor, fluter, flux, fly, flying, fodder, fog, foil, folder, folding, follow, follower, food, foot, force, foreign, forest, forged, forges, forging, fork, form, formaldehyde, fossil, foundation, foundry, fountain, fount, frame, freezer, freight, fresh, frigorifuge, fringe, froe, frog, front, frosting, fruit, frumentum, fry, fuel, fulcrum, fulminating, fumigator, fur, furnace, furniture, furs, fuse, fustic. Gable, gallnut, gall, galvanized, gambier, gambrel, game, gan- nister, garbage, garbanzas, garden, garlic, garment, garnet, gas, gasoline, gate, gauge, gear, gearing, generator, geese, gelatine, geographical, geometrical, germae, giant, gilsonite, gin, ginger, ginning, ginseng, girder, glasses, globe, gloves, glucose, glue, gluten, glycerine, goat, go-cart, gold, gong, gopher, governor, grader, grading, gramophone, granaries, granite, granose, granu- lated, granum, grape, graphite, graphophone, grass, grate, grating, gravel, grease, greenhouse, grenades, griddle, grill, grinder, grind- ing, grindstone, grit, groats, groceries, ground, grout, grub, grub- ber, guaiac, guano, guard, guayule, gudgeon, guide, gum, gun, gutta-percha, guttering, gymnastic, gypsum. Hair, hall, halter, ham, hames, hammer, hammock, hand, hand- kerchief, handle, hanger, hanging, hardies, hardware, harness, harp, harrow, harvester, hash, hasp, hassock, hat, hatchet, hatter, haversack, hay, hawser, head, heading, hearse, hearth, heater, heating, heel, heifer, hektograph, hemp, herb, herdics, herring, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 219 hessians, hickory, hide, high, hinge, hitching, hive, hobby, hod, hoe, hog, hogshead, hoisting, holder, holiday, hollow, holly, hom- iny, honey, hood, hoof, hook, hoop, hop, hopper, horn, horse, hose, hosiery, hotel, hound, house, household, hub, huller, hulls, hunt- ing, husker, husking, husks, hydrant, hydrate, hydrated, hydraulic, hydro, hydrofluoric, hydrogen, hypo. Ice, icing, illuminating, image, implement, imposing, incan- descent, incinerator, incline, incubator, indigo, infusorial, ingot, injector, ink, inlet, inner, insect, inside, inspection, instrument, insulated, insulating, insulator, interceptor, intestine, iron, iron- ing, irrigating, irrigation, isinglass, istle, ivory, ixtle. Jack, jacket, jackstone, jamb, japanned butts, jardinieres, jasper, jelico, jelly, jewelers' cabinets, jockey, joints, joist, journal, jug, juice, jumper, juniper, junk, jute. Kaffir, kainit, kale, kalsomine, kaolin, kawrie gum, keg, kennel, kerosene, kettle, key, kid, kiesselguhr, kieseret, kiln, kindler, kindling, kinetoscope, kitchen, kite, kit, knee, knife, knitting, knob, kodak, koumiss, kowrie gum, kraut, kryolith, kylo. Label, laboratory, lac, lace, lacquer, lacquered, lactic, ladder, ladles, lag, lagging, lamb, lances, land, landing, lantern, lap, lard, lash, last, lath, lathe, launch, laundered, laundry, lawn, lay, lead, leaf, leaflet, leather, leatheroid, leaves, lees, leggings, legs, lemon, lemonade, lenses, letter, lettuce, jeveler, level, lever, licorice, lid, lifter, lighter, lighthouse, lightning, lignistra, lignite, lignumyitae, limbers, lime, limestone, lining, jink, linoleum, lin- seed, lintel, linter, liquid, liquor, litharge, lithographed, litho- graphic, litholine, lithopone, lithosite, litter, loader, lobster, locker, lock, locomotive, locust, log, logging, loofahs, looms, loops, lorgnette, lounge, lubricating, lug, lumber, lunch, lye. Macadam, macaroni, machine, machinery, machinist, madder, maeeze, magazine, magnesia, magnesite, magnesium, magnifying, mahogany, maize, maizea, maizone, majolica, malena, malleable, malt, malted, malting, malto, maltoid, mandrels, manganese, manger, mangle, manhole, manifold, manikin, manila, manna, mantel, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, manure, map, maple, maraschino, marble, marbleine, mares, marine, market, marl, marsh, mask, mast, match, material, matrices, mat, matte, matting, mattock, mattress, matzos, maul, meal, measure, measuring, meat, medicine, megaphone, melodeon, melon, menagerie, merchandise, mercury, merry-go-round, mess, metal, metallic, meter, mexota, mica, microscope, middling, milk, mill, millwork, millet, millinery, milo, mince, mine, mineral, miniature, mining, minnow, mint, mirror, mistletoe, mixer, mixing, model, mohair, molasses, mold, molding, monel, money, monument, mop, mortar, mosaic, mosquito, moss, moth, motor, motorcycle, movables, mover, mower, moxie, mucilage, muck, mud, muffles, mug, mule, muriatic, museum, mushroom, music, mussel, must, mustard, mutoscope, mutton, myrobalan. 220 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Nail, naphtha, naphthalene, napkin, neck, needle, negative, nest, net, netting, neutral, newel, newspaper, nickel, nitrate, nitre, nitric, nitrotoluel, nitrous, noodle, nose, notions, nugget, nursery, nut, nutmegs, nuttose. Oakum, oar, oat, oatmeal, ochre, offal, oil, ointment, okra, oleo, oleomargarine, olibanum gum, olives, onion, onyx, opal, opaques, opener, opera, operating, opium, optical, orange, ordnance, ore, organ, ornamental, osage, osier, ostrich, outfit, oven, overall, over- gaiter, ox, oxen, oxide, oyster, ozone. Packing, pad, paging machine, pail, paint, painting, pallet, palms, palmetto, pampas, panel, paneling, panorama, panoramic, pan, pantry, paper, papeteries, papier-mache, paraffine, parapher- nalia, parchment, parers, parlor, parsnip, partition, passenger, paste, pasteboard, pasteurizer, pasteurizing, pastry, patent, patrol, pattern, paver, paving, pea, peach, peanut, pearl, peat, peavies, pebbles, peddler, pedestal, peel, peg, pellet, pelt, pencil, pepper, pepsin, peptonized, percussion, perforator, perfumery, per- oxide, pestle, petrified, petrolatum, petroleum, petrolina, pew, phonograph, phosphate, phosphor, phosphorus, photo-dry plates, photograph, photographic, piano, picker, picket, picking, pickle, pick, pickup, picture, pie, pigeon, pig, pike, pilaster, pile, piling, pill, pillow, piloncillos, pilot, pimento, pineapple, pine, pin, pipe, pitch, pitching, pith, pitter, plane, plank, plant, plantation, planter, plaster, plastering, plastic, plate, platform, plow, plug, plumbago, plumber, plume, pneumatic, pocket, point, poison, poker, pokes, poles, polish, polisher, pomace, pomade, pomelo, pony, pontoon, pool, pop, popped, popper, porcelain, porch, pork, porous, porter, portfolio, postal, post, potash, potassium, potato, pot, potted, potter, pottery, poultry, powder, premost, preservaline, preserva- tive, press, pretzel, primer, printer, printing, prism, prison, prods, producer, projectile, propeller, prop, protector, prunella, pruner, prune, pudding, puddle, pulley, pulp, pulpit, pulverizer, pulver- izing pumice, pump, pumping, punch, punching, puncture, purifie'r, purple, purse, push, pusher, putty, pyrites. Quadricycle, quartz, quassaine, quassia, queensware, quick- silver, quill, quilt, quoin. Rabbit, raccoon, racing, rack, radial, radiator, radish, raft, rafter, rag, rail, railing, railroad, railway, rain, raisins, rake, ramie, rammers, rape, rapid, raspberryade, rasp, rat, rattan, razor, reaches, reading, reamer, reaper, receiver, receptacle, red, red- wood, reed, reel, refined, refiner, reflector, refrigerating, refrigera- tor, refuse, register, registering, reinforcement, relic, rendering, rennene, rennet, reservoir, residue, residuum, resin, re-sweater, retainer, retarder, retort, returner, rheostat, rhubarb, ribbon, rice, riddle, ridge, riding, rifle, rig, rigging, rim, ring, ripener, riser, rivet, road, roaster, roasting, robe, rocker, rocking, rod, roe, roll, rolled, roller, rolling, roof, roofing, root, rope, rosewood, rosin, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 221 roundhouse, roving, row, rower, rubber, rubbing, rubble, rudder, rug, rule, runner, running, runway, rush, rust, rustic, rut, rye. Sabre, sack, sad, saddle, saddlery, safe, safety, sage, sagger, sago, sail, sal, salad, saleratus, salmon, salsify, salt, saltpeter, sample, sand, sandalwood, sandarac, sardines, sarsaparilla, sash, sausage, saw, sawing, scabbard, scaffold, scalper, scalping, scantling, scenery, school, scientific, scion, scoop, scorifier, scourer, scouring, scrap, screen, screening, screw, scroll, scrubber, scum, scythe, sea, seal, search, seat, seaweed, section, sediment, seed, see-saw, seine, semaphore, semita, separator, set, settee, setter, settling, set-up, sewer, sewing, shade, shafting, shaker, shakes, shale, shank, shape, share, sharpener, shaving, shearing, shearling, shears, sheathing, sheep, sheet, shelf, shellac, sheller, shells, shelves, shift, shim, shingle, shinny, ship, shoat, shock, shocker, shoddy, shoe, shook, shooting, short, shot, shoulder, shovel, show, shredded, shrimp, shrubbery, shuck, shutter, shuttle, sickle, side- walk, siding, sieve, sifter, sign, signal, silesian, silex, silhouettes, silica, silicate, silicon, silk, sill, silo, silver, singletree, sinew, sink, sinker, siphon, sisal, sizing, skates, skein, skeleton, skelp, skewer, skid, skillet, skimming, skin, skip, skirt, skiving, skunk, skylight, slab, slack, slag, slat, sled, sledge, sleeves, sleigh, slide, slime, sling, slop, slot, slug, smalt, smelting, smokestack, smoker, smokine, smoother, smut, snail, snathe, snow, snuff, soap, socket, sod, soda, sodium, sofa, softener, soil, solar, soldering, soldier, sole, solid, soluble, solution, soot, sorghum, sorter, sound, soup, sower, sow, soy, spade, spaghetti, spall, spar, spare, spark, spawn, specimen, spectacle, spelter, speltz, sperm, spermaceti, spice, spider, spike, spinach, spinning, spiral, spirit, spitting, splate, splice, splint, split, spoke, sponge, spool, spoon, sporting, sports- men, spotter, spout, sprag, sprayer, spraying, spreader, sprinkler, sprocket, sprout, squash, squib, stacker, stacks, staff, stage, stair, stairway, stake, stalk, stall, stallion, stanchion, stand, staple, starch, starchose, static, station, stationary, statuary, stave, stay, steam, steamboat, steamer, stearic, stearine, steel, steer, stem, stencil, step, stereo, stereopticon, stereoscope, stereotype, steril- izer, stethoscope, stick, still, stilt, stirrup, stitch, stock, stocking, stoker, stomach, stone, stoneware, stool, stopcock, stopper, storage, store, storm, stout, stove, strainer, strap, straw, streamer, street, stretcher, striking, string, stringer, strip, stripper, structural, stucco, studding, stuffed, stuffer, stuffing, stump, submarine, sub- stitute, sucker, suction, suet, sugar, sulky, sulphate, sulphide, sulphur, sulphurets, sulphuric, sumac, sunflower, sunshade, super- heater, support, surgical, surveyor, suspender, suspensory, swage, swamp, sweat, sweep, sweeper, sweeping, swimming, swing, switch, sword, syrup. Table, tablet, tabs, tack tackle, tag, tailing, tailor, tail, talc, tallow, tamarinds, tamper, tampico, tan, tank, tanner, tanning, tapioca, tape, taper, tappet, taps, tar, target, tarpaulin, tartarine, 222 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES tea, teapois, teasel, teaster, tedder, tees, teeth, telegraph, tele- phone, telescope, temper, tenderloin, tender, tennis, tenter, tent, terra, tester, testing, tete-a-tete, theatre, theatrical, thermometer, thimble, thread, thresher, threshing, threshold, ticket, tie, tiff, tile, tiling, tilting, timber, timothy, tin, tinner, tinsel, tipple, tips, tire, toaster, tobacco, toboggan, toe, toilet, toll, tomato, tombstone, tong, tongue, tonic, tool, toothpick, top, torch, torpedo, tow, towel, tower, toy, traction, training, tram, tramway, transformer, trans- lucent, transplanter, transportation, trap, tray, tread, tree, trellises, trenail, tricycle, trimming, tripe, triple, tripod, trolley, trough, trouser, truck, trunk, truss, tub, tube, tubing, tubular, tule, tumbler, tumbling, turkey, turmeric, turned, turnip, turnstile, tur- pentine, turret, turtle, twine, twister, type. Ultramarine, umbrella, undertaker, underwear, upholsterer, up- setter, urinal, urn. Vaccine, vacuum, valance, valise, valpnia, valve, vane, vanilla, vanning, vans, vapor, vaporizer, varnish, vaseline, vases, vat, vault, veal, vegetable, vehicle, velocipede, veneered, veneering, venison, ventilating, ventilator, verdigris, vermicelli, vermin, vessel, vestibule, vetch, vinegar, vine, violin, viscaloid, vise, vitriol, vulcanite, vulcanized, vulcanizers. Wadding, waffle, wagon, wainscoting, waiter, walnut, ward- robe, ware, warehouse, warp, washboard, washer, waste, water, waterproofing, wax, weaner, wearing, weather, webbing, wedges, weed, weeder, weigher, welding, well, whalebone, whale, wheat, wheel, whetstone, whiffletree, whip, whipstock, whiskey, white, whitening, whiting, wicking, wig, wildcat, willow, wind, windlass, windmill, window, windrower, wine, wing, wire, wombat, wood, wool, woolen, worm, worsted, wrapper, wrapping, wrecker, wrench, wringer. X-ray. Yacht, yard, yarn, yeast, yelk, yellow, yoke, yucca. Zacaton, zebra, zinc, zylonite. Also see General Business. REAL ESTATE: Abandonment, abatement, abstract, abstract of title, abutting, acceptance, accident, accommodation, accounting, accumulation, acknowledgment, acquiescence, acquiring, acre, action, adjacent support, adjoining owner, advancement, advantage, adverse pos- session, advertise, affirmance, after-acquired title, agent, agree- ment, air, alteration, alternative, ample, anchorage, animal, annoy- ance, annually, annuities, apartment, application, appointed, ap- pointment, apportionment, appraise, appraisal, appraiser, ap- propriation, approximately, appurtenance, architect, area, assess- ment, assignment, assignee, assume, attachment, attractive, attest- ing witness, attorney, avenue, avoid. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 228 Bankruptcy, bargain, barn, basis, bathroom, basement, bay win- dow. Beginning at a point two hundred and eighteen (218) feet north of the northwest corner of Block forty-one (41) in the origi- nal plat of San Francisco, California, thence east one hundred and forty-two and one-half (142 MJ) feet, thence south seventy-six (76) feet, thence west one hundred and forty-two and one-half (142 1 /fc) feet, thence north seventy-six (76) feet to place of beginning. Bank, bona fide purchaser, bond, bonus, border trees, boulevard, boundary, bowl, board of health, branch, bridge, broker, builder, building, building restrictipn, bushes, business. Cancellation, capacity, carpenter-work, cattle, cellar. A certain strip or parcel of land situated in the Southwest Quarter of Sec- tion 15, Township 22 North, Range 1 East of Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian, and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point, said point being North 45 00' East, a distance of nine hundred sixty-two and five-tenths (962.5) feet, from the corner common to sections 15, 16, 21 and 22 in said Township and Range; thence running North 1 30' East, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running South 88 30' East, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet; thence run- ning South 58 30' East, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence running South 1 30' West, a distance of three hundred (300.00) feet; thence running North 58 30' West, a distance of four hundred (400.00) feet; thence running North 88 30' West, a distance of six hundred (600.00) feet to the place of beginning. Being a part of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 15 and con- taining 6.97 acres, more or less. Certificate of title, cestui que trust, chain of title, chamber, channel, character, chattel, children, choice, cistern, claim, clearing, client, color of title, collection, collector, commission, common tenancy, community property, com- parison, compensation, concurrent ownership, condemnation, con- ditional, confidential, consideration, construction, constructive notice, contingent, continuous, contract of sale, contribution, con- versation, conversion, conveyance, corporation, correspondent, co-tenancy, co-trustee, coupon, courses and distances, covenant, creditor, crop, cultivation, customer. Damage, dead wood, deal, debtor, decree, deed, defect, defective title, definite, delegation, delivery, demand, deposit, description, descriptive, desirable, destruction, devise, dining-room, direction, disability, discharge, dispose, disturbance, diversion of water, drainage, dressing-room, drawing, dwelling. Earth, easement, eaves, east, easterly, eastward, effected, eject- ment, election, electric bell, eminent domain, encroachment, en- cumbered, encumbrance, endorsed, endorsee, endorser, entry, equitable, equities, equity of redemption, escheat, escrow, estate for life, estimate, estoppel, eviction, evidence, examine, examina- tion, examiner, excavation, exchange, exclusive, execution, ex- 224 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ecutor, executory interest, exemption, expire, expiration, expulsion, extension, extinguishment. Family chamber, fee simple, fence, fireplace, fire escape, first class, fixture, flat, flue, forcible entry, foreclosure, foreclosure of mortgage, forfeiture, franchise, fraud, fraudulent, freehold, front- age, fronting, fronts, furniture, future estate. Galvanized, glass, government, grant, grantee, grantor, grass, ground, guaranteed, guardian. Handsomely, heir, hereditament, highway, homestead, house, husband. Ideal, illegality, implied, improvement, incandescent light, in- corporeal, incumbrance, indemnity, indenture, individual, inherit- ance, injunction, inspection, insolvency, investment, investor, in- surance, intention, intersection, iron angle bracket, irrigation, issue. Joint executor, judgment, judicial. Kitchen. Laborer, land, landlord, lateral support, lease, leasehold estate, legacy, lessee, levy, liberal, library, license, lien, light, limitation, lines, live stock, locality, location, lodging house lot. Masonry work, market, marriage, marshaling assets, maturity, meander line, mechanic's lien, medium priced, memorandum, mer- cantile, merger, misrepresentation, monument, mortgage, mort- gagee, mortgagor, movable, moulding. Necessity, negligence, negotiable, neighbor, neighborhood, net proceeds, noise, notary, notice, northeasterly, northeast quarter of section, northwesterly; northwest quarter of section 5, township 8 north, range 39, east, Mt. Diablo base and meridian ; nuisance. Oak dado, oak floor, obligation, obstruction, occupancy, occupy, odor, officer, omission, open fireplace, operator, option, oral, origi- nal, out-building, ownership. Paid-up stock, painting, pamphlet, paramount title, parallel, parent, parlor, parol lease, particular, parties, partition, partner- ship, party wall, pasture, passenger-elevator, patent, patentee, payment, per cent, percolating water, permanent, personal, plan, plant, plat, plate, plumbing, pollution, pond, postoffice, possession, power, premises, principal, principle, probate court, profit, prop- erty, proportion, prospect, prospective, public, purchase, pur- chaser. Quantity, quarter, quiet enjoyment, quit, quitclaim deed. Ranging, realty, receipt, receiver, reception-room, record, recorder, recovery, rectangular survey, redelivery, redemption, re-entry, reformation, registration, reinvestment, release, reliable, remainder, remittance, removal, rent, rental, repair, representa- tion, republication, repurchase, reservation, residence, residuary clause, restraint, restriction, revocation, right angles, right-of- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 225 Way, riparian land, riparian owner, river, road, rolling stock, running. Sacrifice, sale, sash, satisfaction, schedule, school, scroll, seal, season, section, secured, security, semiannual, separate, settle- ment, sheriff, signing, situated, sketch, smoke, soil, sought, south, southerly, southeasterly, southeastern, southwestward, southwest- erly, square, stairway, statute of fraud, steam, steam heat, stone, store, structure, studio, sublease, subtenancy, suburb, suburban suit, suite, surety, surface, superintendent of streets, surrender, swamp land, syndicate. Taxes, telegram, telegraph pole, telephone, tenancy, tender, tene- ment, tenure, terminate, terms, tidewater, timber, title, topography, to-wit, township, townsite, tract, trade, transaction, transfer, transient, tree, trespass, trust, trustee. Underletting, unencumbered, unimproved, usage, uses, usury. Vacation, valuation, vendor, vested, ventilation. Wainscot, waiver, wall, warrant, warranty, waste, water, water- course, west, westerly, westward, wharf, widow, wife, will, window, window-seat, witness, wood, writ of entry. Year, yearly. Also see Abstract and Title Insurance, Building and Loan As- sociations, Finance, and General Business. RUBBER GOODS AND RUBBER ACCESSORIES: Anti-rattler. Aprons: Acid, ice. Attachment. Bags: Gas engine, gas main, hat. Ball cock valve. Balls: Model, prier, solid valve. Bands: Carpet sweeper, door, fleshing machine, pure rubber. Belts: Dressing, fastener. Belting: Can- vas, conveyor, cotton, friction clad, leather, round leather, twisted. Binding rubber, blanket, bottle, brush. Buckets: Chain pump, galvanized iron fire, rubber fire. Bulbs: Douglas tank, furnace. Bumpers and Fender Tips: Slotted screw, tack, wagon. Bushings. Caps, cement, channel rubber. Clamps: Suction hose. Clean- ers: Bar and counter, window. Connections, closet. Cork, cot. Couplings: Air drill, double female, expansion ring, rock drill, round belt, sheet-brass hose, suction hose, water hose. Coverings : Asbestos, cotton cord wrapped, flat wire, half-round wire, metallic, flexible tubing, painted woven cotton, round wire. Cups: Caster, force. Cushion, billiard. Cuspidor. Cutters: Gauge glass, lace leather. Diaphragms: High pressure, loud, low pressure. Discs: Bibb, valve. Dredging sleeves, dressing belt. Elbows, rubber. Filling, flanges. Friends, plumber's. Gaskets : Asbestos, basin and sink, ebonite boiler tube, ebonite cut, ebonite tubular, gauge, glass, pure gum, skihi cut. Glasses, gauge. Gloves, graphite, grinders. Hangers: Hole-proof hose, hat bags, heel. Hooks. Hose: Air- brake, air-drill, air-signal, boiler washout, brewer, car heating, chemical, coke, corrugated, cotton rubber lined, double jacket, 226 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES fire, garden, linen, pneumatic tool, sand-blast, single jacket, steam, suction, underwriter's, vacuum, water. Lace leathers, leather pump. Mallets. Mats: Bathtub, coin, corrugated, cuspidor, diamond door, drainboard, perforated, pitcher, sink. Matting: Corrugated, knob or pebble. Menders: Hose brass, iron. Mender tubes, brass. Mending sleeve, moulded goods. Nails, rubber head. Nipples : Double female, double male, male and female. Nipples: Reducing, suction hose. Nosing: Metal, rubber. Nozzles. Outlet. Packer's oil. Packing: Rod air pump, ammonia ring, asbestos wick, camel, donkey hydraulic, ebonestos, ebonite spiral, ebonite throttle and stop valve, flax, gum core, hemp, hydraulic, jute, rub- ber back, solid hydraulic ring, round tucks, square tucks, throttle. Packing: Asbestos metallic, cloth insertion, diaphragm, pure gum, sheet, wire insertion. Pads, horseshoe. Pails: Galvanized iron fire, rubber. Pipes: Hose brass with butts, plain, screw tip, swivels. Plungers, pulley sheave filling, pump leathers. Punches: Belt oval, revolving, round. Quoits. Rack, rattler, reducer, reels. Rings: Ammonia, bung, closet and plunger, expansion, floor plate flange, fruit jar. oil well, plunger, scouring, slip joint. Rivets: Copper belt, rolls, rubber covered, unvulcanized. Sash rubber, scrubber, sheave, sheeting, sleeves, soiling rubber, spanner, spring, sprinkler, stopper, stopple, strainer, strap, stripping. Tips: Bumper and fender, cane, chair, crutch, slotted screw. Tire, tool, tread, tube. Tubing: Acid, beer, bottling, cloth inser- tion, droplight, gas stove, soda. Underwriters, union, unvul- canized. Valves: Ball cock, beer pump, grass, pump, rubber. Vents, beer pump. Washers: Basin and bath waste, bibb, garden hose, gauge glass, pipe union, slip joint, syphon valve. Waste, wheel, wick, winding. Also see General Business. SCHOOLS: See Business Colleges, General Business, and Universities. SHIPBUILDING: See General Business, Marine Engineering, and Navigation. SHIP CHANDLERY: See General Business, and Marine Hardware. SHIPPING AND TRANSPORTATION: See General Business, Import and Export, Navigation, and Steamship Companies. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 227 SHOP MACHINERY AND TOOLS: Accumulator, adjustable, angle, arbor, arch, armor, automatic axle. Barrel, beam, bench, bending, bevel, boiler, boiler-head, boring, breast planing machine, bridge. Car, car-box, car-wheel, centering, chasing attachment, chord, chuck, circular clamp, column, connecting rod, coupling, crane, crank, cutter, cutting-off machine, cylinder, cylindrical. Dice box, dies, drill, drilling machine, driving wheel, drop ham- mer. Electric, engine, extension. Faceplate, facing lathes, flanging, flat punch, fly-wheel, frame, frog. Gang-drilling machine, gauge, gear, grinding, grooving machine, gun-barrel machine. Hammer, hand reamer, horizontal machine, hub facing attach- ment, hydraulic crane. Ingot slicing lathes. Journal turning attachment. Key seating and cotter-drilling machine. Lapping machines, lathe, limit gauges. Mandrel, manhole machine, measuring, metallic packing, milling attachment, mud or washout tap, mud-ring machine, multiple. Nut tap. Oil filter, open frame steam hammer. Pillar shaper, pin, planer, planing machine, plate, portable machine, precision lathe, press, profiling machine, projectile lathe, punch, punching machine. Quartering attachment. Radial drilling machine, radiator, rail, ratchet drill, reamer, rifling machine, riveting, rod-boring machine, roll, rotary machine. Saw, screw, semi-portable machine, sensitive drill, set, shaft straightening machine, shaping machine, shaving machine, shear- ing, ship-plate machine, single axle lathes, single hammer, slab machine, slotting attachment, small tools, snap gauge, spiral punch, staybolt, stud. Tapers, tapping and drill machinery, taps, threading attachment, tire, tool, transverse milling machine, traveling crane, trip ham- mer, triple pressure hydraulic machine, tube and gun-barrel ma- chine, turning mill, turntable, turret lathe, twist drill. Universal boring and drilling machine. Vertical boring machine, vertical cylinder machine, vertical spindle machine, vertical surface grinder. Washer, washout tap, wheel borer, wrench. Also see General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. SILK AND LINEN NOVELTIES: Art embroidery. Baby: Bib, bonnet, jacket, shoes. Block initials, blue, brown, butcher, button bag. Calender, cap, card tray, catch-all bag, center, child's dress, 228 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES children's caps, clothespin apron, collar bag, corset cover, craft, crash, cream linen. Darning bag, drinking cup, dusting cap. Emblem, eyelet. Figured, fork case, fringes and trimmings. Gown case, green, gold and silver threads. Hair receiver, hand bag cord, hand drawn unions, hand embroid- ery initials, handkerchief linen, hemstitched, holder, hoop, huck. Lap pad, lawn, leather case, linen, linene. Needles, needlework. Old English initial, openwork. Package, pajama, pillow ruffling, pink pin cushion form, pique hat, pique middy, plain script initials, punch embroidery. Receipt book, reduced price, round thread, rubber case. Scalloped edge linen, scallop form, shade, sheeting, shirt case, shoe bag, silver case, spool, spoon case, sweet grass bag. Tag book, tan, tapestry, tie rack, towel rack, traveling case, tubing, twine box. Washcloth, work bag, white bone ring, wide, width. Yellow. SILVERWARE: Almond dish, anniversary gift, article, artistic, attractive, assay, assayer. Baking or pudding dish, bevel edge, blade, brand, bright, bur- nished, butter dish, butter spreader. Cake or fruit basket, carving set, case, casserole, castor, cata- logue, celluloid, chased, child's set, colonial design, comb and brush set, combination, cork screw, cream pitcher, crystal curved. Design, diameter, dinner set, desirable. Easily cleaned, ebony handle, embossed, enameled, engine turned center, exceptional value. Factory, finely executed, fireproof, finish, floral pattern. Forks : Dessert, meat, olive, pickle, salad. Four-piece set, French gray, fruit set. Genuine, gift, gold-lined. Hand engraved, handkerchief case, heavy, height, high-priced, hollow handle, holly pattern. Individual service, inexpensive, inexperience, initials. Jewel case, jeweler. Kitchen and table steel, kitchen set. Knives: Butter, dessert, pocket. Leatherette case, low-priced, lunch kit with zero bottle. Magnificent, manufacturer, manufactory, match holder, metal, military brush, monogram. Napkin ring, nut cracker, nut or fruit bowl. Ornament, orna- mental. Pattern, pearl handle, perfume bottle, pickle caster, pierced open work design, plated, polished, popular, porcelain lining, post- age, practical. Quadruple, quality, quantity. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 229 Raised grapevine design, raised pattern, resemblance, retail, retailer, removable, rivet, rose design. Sanitary, satin engraved, separately, server, serviceable, serv- ing, set of knives and forks, set of spoons, sharpened, sharpener; shaving brush, mirror and mug; shell, silver-plated, silver polish, silver slipper cushion, silverware, smoking set, spatula, special price. Spoons: Baby, dessert, coffee, large, small, sugar. Steel, strictly high grade, syrup pitcher. Table piece, tableware, tarnished, tines, toothpick holder, tray and scraper, triple-plated. Useful. Vineyard pattern. Waterproof, wedding. Also see Crockery, and General Business. SPORTING GOODS, OUTING SUPPLIES, CAMPING OUTFITS, CLOTHING, TENTS, RIDING EQUIPMENTS, LEATHER GOODS: Ammunition, approval, army tent, article, athlete, athletic goods, athletics, automobile cap, coat and robe ; automatic, automatically, awl, axe. Bag, bait, ball, band, baseball goods, basin, basket ball, bathing suit, belt, black powder, bladder, blanket, blouse, books and maga- zines, boots, bottle, boxing gloves, brand, breech-loading shotgun, breeches, bridle, broadcloth, broiler, brush, bucket, butt plate. Caliber or calibre, camp, canteen, canvas, carbine, carrier, car- tridges, catcher's mitt, center pin, chair, chap, chaparejos, cleaner, coat, combination knife, fork and spoon ; combination sleeping bag and hammock; comforter, compass, corduroy pants, cot, cowboy outfit, crimper, cuffs, custom, customer, cylinder. Dealer, department, dependable, descriptive matter, discount, double-barrel shotgun, drawing, drinking cup, ducks, duplicate. Electric flashlight, empty, exerciser, extractor. Fancy holster, field glass, fielder's gloves, films, fish, fishhook, fish line, fishing pole, fishing tackle, flannel, flashlight, flask, fly book, football, forearm tip, fore-end, frame. Gauge, genuine, glove, grate, grip, gun, guarantee, gymnasium shoes. Hafts, hair rope, hammer, hammer screw, hammock, hatchet, hatband, haversack, hostler, hunting bag. Illustrated catalogue. Jacket, jockey strap. Khaki suit, knapsack, knife, kodak, kodak supplies. Lady's divided skirt, lady's outing or tramping suit, lamp, lan- tern, lariat, lawn canopy, leather, leggings, lever, lifter, local trade. Machettes, magazine capacity, mainspring, manufacturer, mar- ket price, mask, match-box, mattress, meat pan, measure, measure- ment, merchandise, men's half-soles, mess kit, middy blouse, mitts, model, money belt. Oiled clothing, olive drab pan, operating sleeves. 230 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Pack, pack harness, package, pail, parcels post, patron, photo- graphic supplies, pillow, pin, pistol, pocketbook, pole, ponchos, porch hammock, prepayment, punch leather purse. Quality, quirt, quotation. Racket, raincoat, rasp, razor strop, receiver dowel stud, reel, refund, repeating rifle, revolver, revolver parts, rivet, robe, rubber blanket, rural district, rural route. Saddle, sailor blouse, scabbard, sear pin, serge, sewing kit, shaving brush, shipment, shirt, shoe findings, shoes, shot, shotgun, shooting gallery target, sights, slicker, slide-handle, smoke, smoke- less, soap-box, soccer football, socks, sole leather, spinner, sport, sportsman, steamer robe, steamer rug, steamer trunk, steamer or reclining chair, steel flyrod, stock, stove, stretcher, striking bag, suit case, supplies, supporter, sweater, swimming suit. Table, tarpaulin, tennis goods, tent, thumbscrew, tobacco pouch, trap, trapper, traveling bag, trigger, trout reel. Umbrella, underwear, uniform. Valise. Watch, water, water bag, waterproof wear, whipcord pants, white duck pants, wire cot bed, workmanship. Yachting shoes. Zone. Also see General Business. STATIONERY, BOOKS, OFFICE FURNITURE, LEATHER: Abstract book, adapted, adding machine roll, address book, addressograph, adhesive, adjustable, adjustment, advertising, album, alignment, alligator, alphabet, alphabetic filing, aluminum, anchor file, ancient, announcement, antique, appearance, apple green, apron, architect, arm rest, artist's materials, asbestos, as- sembled, assessment book, assortment, atomizer, attachment, at- tractive, auctioneer's blotter, automatic binder, automobile decorations. Baby blue, backgammon board, bag, baggage tag, bale, ball, bamboo water basket, band, bank book, banker's case, barb tags, bargain, basket, bell, beveled, bill book, bill-head, bill-of-lading, blackboard, blank, blotter, blotting paper, blue bond, bond-box, bone folder, bookkeeper, bookkeeping blanks, border, bottom, box, brass knob, breakage, briar pipe, brief case, bristles, bronze, brush, buff shade, buff size, bulk gummed labels, bunting flag, butcher's pass book, buyer, by-law book. Cabinet, cadet blue, calendar, calling cards, canary, canceling machine, candle, canvas, capacity, capillary cloth bath, carbon, cardboard, cardholder, carpenter's pencil, cartage, carton, case, cash-box, castor brown, catalogue rack, celluloid, cement, center, cerise, certificate, chalk, check book, checkers, cherry, chess, chess- men, chips, chocolate, circular, clasp, clasping, class, cleaner, clip, cluster, coarse bag, coin envelope, coin wrapper, collapsible, col- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 231 lection book, colored pencil, columnar book, comb, combination, commercial, communication, compared, complimentary, composi- tion book, cone, confetti, connection, consecutive numbering ma- chine, contents, copies, copying book, corduroy, corkscrew, corner, corporation, correspondence, counter book, coupon notes, County Superintendent, cover, cowhide corner, crayograph, crayon, creased, creaser, credit, crepe paper, cribbage board, crimson, crock, cross-section book, cross-section paper, crown, crushed en- velopes, culots, cup, currency holder, cushion, cuspidor, custo- mary, customer, cutter, cutting machine, cylinder lock. Damage, dampener, data book, date book, date index, deadlock, dealer, deckeled edge, decoration paper, decorations, deep pointed, degrees, delivery, demy, demonstrate, dentist's appointment book, deposit slip, descriptive, design, desk, detachable key, detail paper, diameter, dice, dictionary, dies, diploma, discount, display card, distributor, docket, document box, doilies, doll form, dominoes, double ruled, drab color, draft book, drawer, drawer partition, drawing instrument, draughting paper, drinking cup, drug en- velope, due ledger, duplicate, duplicating machine, dupligraph, durable, duster. Easel holder, ebony, edge, edition, elastic, electrotype, embossed paper, emerald, enameled, end opening, engagement book, engi- neer and mechanic's rules, engineer's field book, engineer's scales, engraving, engraving pen, enumerate, envelope, eradicator, eraser, erasing shield, erasive, exercise, exchange, expandible, expansive, expense book, express, extended, extension, eyelet, eyeshade. Factory, faint, fair grade, fancy, fastener, favorite, favors, feather duster, feature, felt pad, festoon, fibre, field book, file, finger shield, fixtures, flag, flap time book, flat paper, flexible, flit- ter, floral, flower petal, fluctuation, flush, flyleaf, folded, folder, folio, foolscap, footing lines, form, fountain pen, frame, freight, fruit wrapper. Gallon, game, garland, garment checks, genuine, gilt, glass, gloves, glue, gold filled, gold tooled, golden rod, gradation, grain book, grained silver, green mottled, grip file, grocer's book, gross, guaranteed, guest book, gummed labels, gusset folder. HaL'-bound, half-pint, hand blotter, hand file, handle, handsome, hanger, hard copying, harmonica, harmonizing, hat size, hay weigher's book, heading, hearts, hektograph, heliotrope, hemp, hexagon, high-grade paper, hinge, history, holder, hook tag, horse- shoe clip, hosiery tag, hotel register, household label, household scale. Ice cup, iceman's book, identification slip, illustration, imitation, imported, imprint file, indelible ink, index, indicator, initial seal, ink, ink eradicator, inkstand, inkvent, insertion, inside, install- ment, instructive, instrument, insurance, interchangeable, inter- leaving blotting paper, inventory, invoice book, itemized. 232 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Jar labels, jeweler's tags, jewelry cabinet, jogger, jointed doll form, journal paper, justice docket. Key ring, knife, Koh-I-Noor pencil. Labels, lacquered, lamp shade, lantern slides, lawyer's seal, lead pencil, leader file, leaf paper, leatherette, leather goods, lecture, ledgerette, legal bank, legal cap, letterine, letter tray, level book, library paste, lilac, lime weight, linen, linenette-white, line num- berer, liquid, list price, lithographed, lock, locking mechanism, loop, loose leaf, low grade, lumber book, lumber crayon, lunch set. Machine, magnifying glass, mail box, mail order department, mailing cards, manicure file, manifold tissue, manufacturer, manu- facturing, manuscript paper, marble edge, margin, marker, market, maroon polish, mat stock, mathematical goods, measure, measur- ing tape, mechanical, mechanism, medium, meerschaum pipe, memorandum book, mercantile, merchandise tag, metal cuspidor, mica protector, miscroscopic label, milkman's book, mimeograph paper, miniature, minute book, mirror, miscellaneous, mistletoe, moderate, moistener, money changer, mounting, mourning book, mouth organ, mucilage, multicolumned book, muslin, mutilating. Nail brush, napkin, narrow, net, newsdealer, newspaper wrap- per, nickel tip, non-copying, nonpareil notebook, notarial seal, notary, novelty, numbered checks, numeral frame, numerical. Oak desk, oblong board, office basket, oil, oiled board, oiler, onion skin, opaline, opener, operator, opposite, orange, order book, outfit, outside, ounce, oxidized metal. Pack, package, pad, padded, paged folio, paint, pamphlet, panto- graph, paper, papeterie, parcel hook, parcel label, parchment, pass book, passe par tout, paste, pasteboard, pastel, patches, pattern, pay roll, payable, pedagogics, pen, pencil sharpener, penholder, perforated, petty daybook, photo-mailer, picture, pigeonhole cabi- net, pin cup, pinch fastener, pink tape, plaster cast, playing cards, pliable, pocket seal, pointer, poker chips, policy register, polished, popular, porcelain, portfolio, post, postage, postal cards, postal scales, poster, postoflfice box, prescription book, press, pressure, price list, primer, procure, program, promissory note, proposition, protectograph, protector, publication, punch, purchase, purchaser, purple, push pins, pyrography board. Quadrille ruled tablet, quality, quantity, quart, quarter, quarto, quill pen, quire, quotation. Rack, railroad copying book, razor strop, ream, recapitulation sheets, receipt, receiver, receivable, receiving, recess, reconcile- ment book, record, register, registered, reinforced, remittance, removable, renewable, repair tags, reporter's book, reproduction, rest, restaurant check, retail price, reversible, ribbed tissue paper, ribbon, ring, rollbook, round cornered guard, rubber, ruled lines, ruler, ruling, rotary. Safety, sale, sales book, salesman, sample room, sanitary, scale, scarlet, scholar, school book, scientific, scissors, scorer, scrap KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 233 book, scratch book, scratch pad, sealing wax, secretary, sectional, security, select, self-filler, semiautomatic, seminote size, serpen- tine, shade holder, shading pen, shallow, sharpener, shawl strap, shears, sheet, shelf, shield, shipping instructions, shipping tags, shorthand book, shoulder, show case mat, side opening, sign marker, silicate, silver paper, singly, size, sketch paper, slate, sleeves, soapstone pencil, soiled sheet, souvenir, specimen, speller, spelling blank, spittoon, sponge cup, spray, spring back, stamen, stamp pad, stand, standard, standing desk, staple, stapling, state- ment, stationery, stayed, steel pen, stenographer, stiff, stiffener, stock certificate, stone gray, stool, strap, stringing tag, stripe, stub file, style, styleograph, stylus, subscribe, suggestive, suit case, superior, support, surface, suspension hook, suspension ring. Tab, tablet, tack, tag, tag maker, tagged, tally book, tan, tape, taper, target paster, tassel, teacher's file, telegram file, telephone, teller's book, tennis ball, territory, text-book, thickness, thumb, ticket, tip, tint, tissue, title, toilet paper, top cork, topographical, topographic map, toothbrush, tourist tag, township, tracer, trac- ing paper, trade discount, transfer binder, transit book, trans- parent, traveler's bag, tray, treasurer, trial balance paper, tri- angle, triangular, triplicating book, T-square, tube glue, turquoise blue, tweezers, twine, type, typewriter manual. Ultramarine blue, umber, uniform, unit, upper, upright, user, utility. Valentine, value, varnish, vent, vertical file, vest pocket, vig- nette, vine, violet, visiting cards. Wage book, wallet flap, warehouse, warping, warrant book, washer, wastebasket, water bowl, waterproof, wax, way-bill book, wedding invitations, wedge, weigher's book, weight, wide mouth, white ink, winding attachment, window display, wire, woolen tag, wove, wrapper, wrapping, writing folio. Yellow, yearly. Also see General Business. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES: Abandon, abandonment, abroad, abstract of log, access, accom- modation, accomplish, account, ad. cut, additional, adjust, ad- juster, adjustment, admiralty, adrift, advance, advance note, affi- davit, affreightment, afloat, agent, agreement, aground, ahead, ahull, alien, allotment, allowance, alongshore, alongshoremen, alongside, altering, altitude, anchorage dues, anchoring, apparent, appearance, apprentice, approach, approachable, arbitration, ar- rangement, arrival, ascertain, assault, assignment, authority, average. Bail, baling, ballast, ballastage, banking, barge, barnacles, bar- ratry, beacon, bearing, bell, berth, bilged, bill of health, bill-of- lading, bill-of-sale, birth, biscuit, blockade, board of trade, board- ing house boat, bottomry bond, bottomry premium, breakage, breaker, breakwater, bridge, broker, brokerage, bulk, bunkering, buoy, buoyancy, buying. 234 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Cable, cable-length, cable vessel, canal, cancel, capacity, capsiz- ing, captain, capture, cargo, carpenter, carrier, casualty, cattle- men, certificate, channel, charter, charterer, charter party, choked, claim, class, classification, clean bill-of-lading, clearance, coaling, coast, coaster, coast survey, coast waiter, coastwise, collier, col- lision, combustibles, command, commander, compensation, com- petency, complaint, complete deliveries, communication, company, competent, completion, condemned, connection, consignee, con- signment, consignor, construction, consul, consul general, continental, continuous, contrabrand, contract, conveyance, cor- respondence, corrosion, counter-claim, coupon, course, cove, cove- nant, craft, crew, crowd, cruise, cruising, current, custom, customer, customhouse broker, customhouse officer. Daily, damage, damage report, damage survey, danger, danger- ous, dead freight, dead weight, death, defect, delivery order, de- murrage, departure, derelict, deserter, despatch, destination, de- tained, detention, deviation, direct connection, disabled, disburse- ment, discharge, discharging, discipline, discount, disembark, dis- mantle, disobedience, displacement, display, distance, distress, diver, dock entrance, docker, docking, dockmaster, document, dol- phin, dredger, drought, drunkenness, dry-rot. Elevator, embargo, embarkation, embezzlement, emigrant ship, emigration, encumbered, encumbrance, engineer, entry of goods, equipment, estimate, excursion, exemption, explosive, exporter, exports. Facilities, fare, fast steamer, ferry, fetch, fireman, fish, fishery, fine, fleet, flotsam, fog, foreign, foreman, forfeiture, foundering, freeboard, freight, freightage, freighter, fund. Gale, gang, gate, gauge, gear, general agent, general freight agent, general traffic manager, goods, grain, granity, greaser, griping, grounding, guardship, guli stream, gust, gutted. Hailing, half-yearly, harbormaster, haul, haze, headland, health officer, height, helmsman, hemisphere, holiday, home, hopper, horizon, horse, hospital, hulk, hurricane, hydrography, hypothe- cation. Ice axe, ice breaker, ice clause, ice floe, icicle, illegal, ill-treat- ment, immersion, immigration, imports, imprisonment, inclusive, incrustation, indemnity, indentation, indenture, inland vessel, in- spection, inspector, institute, insurance, insured, insurer, interior points, intoxicated, inventory, investigation, invoice, island. Jetsam, jetson, jettison, jetty, jibing, junk, jurisdiction. Knot. Laden, landing-place, latitude, launching, leak, leakage, letter bag, license, lien, life-saying appliance, light, lightening, lighter, lighterage, lighthouse, line, list, load-lime, lock, log book, longi- tude, lookout, lots, lumper, lurching. Mail steamer, management, manifest, manned, marine, mariner, maritime, master, mate, material, measure brief, measure goods, measurement, medical, medicine, mercantile, merchandise, mer- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 235 chant steamer, misconduct, misdemeanor, mist, mooring, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, moving, muster of crew, mutiny. Narrow, naval store, navigable, navigation, navy, negligence, neutral bottom, notice. Observation, offence, officer, official log, offing, optional, order, outer, overboard, overcast, overcharge, overcrowding, overdue, overhaul, overloading, overlooker, ownership. Package, packet, paper, particular average, passage, passenger, passport, payment, peril, perishable, pier, pier-head, pilot, pilotage, pilot book, pirate, pitching, ply, pocket, points, policy, pontoon, port of call, prepaid, prevailing, price, primage, prior, privateer, proceed, protest, provisions, purchase, purchaser, purification, purser. Qualification, quality, quantity, quarantine, quartermaster, quay, quayage. Raft, raise, ram, rammer, rate, rations, rebuilding, receipt, reck- oning, reclassification, record, reduction, reef, refrigerator freight, refuge, region, register, register book, registration, regular ser- vice, regulation, relief, repair, report, reship, resource, responden- tia bond, restoration, restowing, revenue cutter, riding, rigger, risk, river police, round trip, rummage, runner. Sailings, sailor, saloon, salvage, scale, scudding, scurvy, scut- tling, seamanship, seamen, sea risk, seaworthiness, semaphore, service, shelter, shift, shifting of cargo, shifting sand, ship, ship broker, shipchandler, shipkeeper, shipmate, shipment, shipper, shipping, shipping permit, shipshape, shipwright, shoal, shore, shorthanded, signal, siren, skipper, slip, soliciting freight agent, soundings, special, spillage, spilling, spoken, squall, staunch, steamer, steerage passenger, steering, stevedore, steward, steward- ess, stiffening order, stipulate, store, stowage, stowaway, stranded, striking, supercargo, superintendent, supply, survey, surveyor- general, swamped, swell. Tallying, tallyman, tariff, tender, territorial, ticket, tide, tight, timber, tonnage, towage, trace, track, trade, trader, traffic, tramp, transfer, trans-shipment, transit, transmarine, transport, trawler, trimmer, trip, typhoon. Undermanned, underwriting, unmooring, unseaworthy, unship. Variation, ventilate, via, victualing, voyage. Wages, waif, warehouse, warranty, watch, water clerk, water- logged, weather, weight, whaler, wharf, wharfage, wharfinger, whistle, wreckage. Yacht. Zone. Also see Freight Commodities, General Business, Import and Export, Naval and Navigation. STOCKS AND BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE, BOARD OF TRADE, CORPORATION, GOVERNMENT AND MUNICI- PAL BONDS: Accommodation, accord and satisfaction, account sales, account- ing, accrued, acquiescence, adjustment, administrator, advance, 236 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES advisory, agent, aggregate, allotment, amortization, anticipation, annually, appropriation, arbitration, arbitrate, arrearage, assessed, assessment, association, assurance, attachment, auction, auc- tioneer, authority. Ballooning, banknote, bank share, banker, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bargain counter, bear, bearing, bearish, bear account, bear factor, bequest, bill-of-exchange, bind, blanket mortgage, board of cred- itors, board of brokers, board of trade, bond, bonus, borrowed stock, borrowing stock, bought and sold notes, booklet, breadstuffs, broker, brokerage, bucket-shop, building society, bull, bullish, bull account, bullion, bunching, buyer, buyers, buyer's option, buying, bushel. Call, call loan, capital, capitalization, carrying-over, cereals, certification, certificate of deposit, change, chamber of commerce, chattel mortgage, choice, circular, claim, classification, clearing house, client, clique, closing-out, collateral, combination, commer- cial paper, commission, commodities, common shares, communica- tion, complaint, compound interest, condition, confidential, consideration, consol, conspiracy, construction, contract, control- ling interest, corn, convertible, convertibility, corner, corporation, correction, cotton exchange, counter-claim, counter-order, county bonds, coupons, creditor, crossed check, curbstone broker, current securities, cumulative, customer's agreement, cycles of trade. Damage, death, debenture bond, debtor, deed, default, defaulter, deduction, delivery, demand, denomination, deposit, depositor, de- preciation, depressed, development, diligence, disagreement, dis- bursement, discovery, distribution, dividend, dividend off, dividend on, double commission, dull duration. Earnings, election, endorsee, endorser, endorsement, equity, error, estoppel, exchange, ex-dividend, execution, executor, exemp- tion, expulsion, extension. Fictitious quotation, finance, financial, fiscal, flat, floating, fluc- tuation, flyer, foreclosure, forestalling, forestaller, forfeiture, franchise, fraud, forcing quotation, freezing out, funding, futures. Gambling, general mortgage bonds, government, government bonds, grain merchant, guaranty, guardian. Heir, hypothecary, hypothecation. Illegal, illegality, implication, inactive, income, indebtedness, industrial, injunction, insider, inside tip, insolvent, interchange- able, intermediate purchaser, investment, investor, irregularities, item. Jobber, joint account, joint speculation, joint-stock companies, judgment, judicial. Kite-flying. Lame duck, lender, leasehold, license, life insurance, loan societies, long account, lost securities. Manipulation, margin, market value, maximum, maturity, mem- bership, memorandum, merchandise, middleman, mining stock, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 237 minor, misappropriation, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgagor, munici- pal bond. Narrow, negotiability, negotiable paper, nominal. Offer, offerings, operating, operation, option, option trading, order to purchase, overcapitalization, overissue, oversold, owner- ship. Participating bond, partners, partnership, par value, patent, percentage, physical, pointer, pork, preference, premium, price current, prior, priority, private sale, production, produce exchange, professional trade, promissory note, property, proposition, pros- pective dividends, proxy, public auction, public franchise, pur- chaser, put. Quarterly, quasi-county bonds, quotation. Railroad bonds, railway shares, rally, ratification, reaction, reasonable margin, receiver, recoupment, redeemable, redemption, referee, registered, registration, release, renewal, repudiation, resignation, responsibility, revenue, ringing up, rise, room trader, rumor. Sale note, savings bank, scrip, scrip certificate, seasoned, securi- ties, seller's option, selling out, selling short, serial bond, session, settling day, share, shareholder, shave, shipbroker, short, short account, short sales, sinking fund, specialist, specific performance, speculation, speculative, speculator, spread-eagle, stagnation, state bonds, statute, statute of limitations, stock, stockbroker, stock cer- tificate, stock exchange, stock exchange securities, stockholder, stockjobber, stock jobbing, stolen securities, stop order, straddle, straw man, subpledge, subpoena, subscriber, subscription, sub- stitute, sugar, surety, surplus, securities, suspension. Take in, take up, tallies, taxation, taxes, telegram, tender, time bargain, trade, trading, transaction, transfer, treasurer, trust fund, trustee. Ultimate purchaser, unauthorized, underlying bonds, under- writer, unfunded, unlicensed broker, unlisted bonds, unmarket- able securities, urban, usage, usury. Value, vote. Wager, waiver, warrant, warranty, wash sales, watering, weak- ness, wheat, winding up, witness, written instrument. Yield. Also see Finance, and General Business. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON: Accessories, acid-coppered, agricultural shapes, alloy, alumi- num, analysis, anchor, angle, annealed, arch, area, armor, as- sembled sections, attachment, avoirdupois, axle. Back-to-back, band, band-edge flats, bar, barrel, base, basket, beam column, beam girder, beam stress, bearing, bearing plate, bearing value, bending moment, bent, Bessemer steel, billet, blank sheet, blast furnace relining, bloom, boiler, bolster, bolt, bolthead and nut, borings, box girder, braces, bracket, brass, brick, bridge, briquettes, bronze, buckle plate, buckling of webs, building, built- up bulb beam, bulb section, bumper, bundle, burlap, by-product. 238 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Cable, caps or capitals, car, carbon, carbonizing, case-hardened, castings, cast iron, cast iron column, ceiling, center of gravity, channel, check, chequered plate, chilled, circle, circular plate, circular segment, circumference, clamps, clevis, clip, coarse size, coated, cobble, coefficients, coil, cold-rolled steel, column, com- pound, compression, concrete reinforcement, connecting angles, connection, consolidation, construction, contraction, conversion, copper clad, copper wire, corrugated steel, cotter pin, counter rod, crane rail, crank shaft, crate, creosoting, crippling, crosstie section, crucible sheet, crystallized, cube, cubic, cultivator steel, customary, customer, cut nails, cylinder. Deck, decorated, deflection, deformed, depletion, derrick, details, diagram, diameter, dimensions, dipped, distance, drawn or rolled iron, drilling rig, drippings, dry measure. Edged plate, elasticity, embossed, enameled, equivalent, expan- sion, explanatory notes, eyebar. Fabrication, facilities, factor, Fahrenheit, ferromanganese, fer- rosilicon, fertilizer, fibre stress, filings, fine size, fins, fireproof, fixed end, fixtures, flange, flat, flexure of beams, floor, floorplate, fluctuation, flue dust, flume, foot walks, forgings, formula for ele- ments, foundation, full-sized, function, furnace salamanders or ladle skulls, furring. Gallows, galvanized, gas purifying, gates, gauge, gear, geometric, girder, girder rail, granulate, gravity, greased, grillage foundation, grip of rivet, ground, guide, guy wire fittings, gyration. Half-back, halt back, hammered, hard, hardness, H-beam, head, hematite, hexagon, hinge, hinged, hollow brick, hoop or band steel. I-beam, impact stresses, increase of sections, inertia, ingot, insert, interval, iron mass or sponge. Japanned. Lace, lacquered, ladle skull, lag bolts, lateral, lattice, latticed, leaded, light shapes, linear measure, lintels, liquid, lithographed, live load, locomotive, logarithm, longitudinal, loop, low phos- phorus. Machine, machine bolt, machined, machinery, make-up, man- ganese, manufactory, manufacturer's standard, marbleized, masonry, material, maximum, measure, mensuration, metals and alloys, mill cinder, mill scale, mineral, minimum, miscellaneous and special shapes, modulus of elasticity, moisture, mold or mould, moment of inertia, monitor roof, muck. Nails, narrow, nautical, nested, neutral axis, nickel plated, nickel steel, notes and calculation. Oblong, obtuse angle, odd angle, oil derrick, open hearth, order- ing material, ore, out to out, oval, oxide. Package, painted, partition, pebbles, perforated, pieces, piercing, pig iron, piling, pilot nut, pin, pin plate, pipe, pitch, plane, planished, plastered, preserve, primed, process, products, profile, properties, proportion, props, puddle, puddling, punching, purlins. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 239 Quality, quantity, quotation, quote. Radii of gyration, radius of gyration, rail, random, ratings, reaming, rectangle, rectangular, refractories, regular method, re- heated, reinforcing, reinforcement, replacement, re-rolling, resist- ance, restrained, right and left nuts, riveted sections, riveting rods, rolled bar, rolling, roof, rough turned, round edge, rounds, runner, rust. Safe load, safety factor, sample, scrap, screw, screw ends, screw threads, seamless, sectional area, segment, semi-concealed tag, semi-finished, separator, shaft, shape, shear, sheared, shearing, sheet, ship, shipbuilding, shoes, sinker head, size, skelp, slab, slag, sleeves, smooth, socket, sole plate, solid steel lunner, space, spac- ing, span, specifications, specific gravity, spelter, spiegle, spike, spillings or spittings, splice, square bar, stagger, stampings, standard, staple, stay plate, steel bar, stenciled, stiffener, stone, stop, strength, stress, strip, structural shape, strutts, studding, sulphate of iron, support, surface. Tack, tangent, tank, tarred, T-bar, tee, tee calk steel, tensile, tension, terra cotta, thickness, thimble, thread, thrust, tie-rod, tile arch, timber, tin plate, tire, tonnage, tooled, track material, traction, T-rail, treatment, trigonometric, trough plate, troy weight, truss, tubing, tumbled, turnbuckle, turnings, twisted. Ultimate, uniform, unit fiber stress, upset eyes, upset screw ends. Variation, vault, vehicle, vertical. Wall plate, web crippling, web resistance, weighing, weight, welded stock, wheel, width, wired, wooden beams, wrapped, wrought iron. Z-bars, zees, zinc. Also see Civil Engineering, and General Business. SUGAR AND SUGAR REFINING: Acre. Bag, bagasse, basis, beetroots, beet sugar, black strap, bond, bonechar, broken. Cane, cargo, clarification, consumer, corn sugar, crop, crystal- lization, cube. Export, extract. Fancy, fine, flavor, fluctuation, foreign, foots, fruit. Glucose, golden, granulated, grape sugar. Icing sugar, import, inverted sugar. Jelly, juice. Lemon sugar. Maple, market, mill, mixed lp f s, molasses. Package, piloncillos, plantation, product, production, puncheons. Quality, quantity, quotation. Raw material, refiner, refining, refuse, rock candy syrup, roots. Sample, seedling canes, sorghum, straight, style, syrup. Yield. Also see General Business. SURVEYORS, CITY: See Civil Engineering, General Business, and Real Estate. SURVEYORS, MARINE: See General Business, and Marine Engineering. 240 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES TANNERY: See General Business, Hides, and Leather. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES : Abbreviation, accept, acceptance, accident, account, acoustic, additional, address, addressee, adjust, adjustment, adopt, adoption, A. D. T. service, advertisement, affixes, agent, alarm, all cable routes, alphabet, alteration, alternative, apparatus, application, applied, approaching, anchor, annually, apostrophe, arbitrary, arm- ature, arrester, artificial, attract, attraction, automatically. Back-date, basis, battery racks, benefit, beyond, binding screws, blank, blue line, bluestone, boats, booking, branch, break, bulletin, burglary. Cable, cable bureau, cabled, cablegram, call-box cell, cancel, capital rate, carbon copy, care, carelessness, carrier, censorship, change, channel, charge, chargeable, check, chemical, cipher, cir- cuit, circular, classification, clock, code, collect, combination, comma, commerce, commercial marks, commission, communication, community, company, comparison, complainant, complaint, com- plimentary, composite, compound, condensation, condense, con- ductivity, conduit, confusion, connecting lines, connection, con- spicuously, contention, continental, convenience, copper leaves, copper oxide, correction, correspondence, correspondent, cotton, counted, country, courteous, cross-arms, cross-connect, crosses, current rate, custom, customer, cut-off, cut-out, cutting-out. Dashes, day letter, deadhead, deadhead checks, debit notes, decimal point, defective, deferred plain language, definite, delin- quency, delinquent, delivery sheet, departing, department, deposit, derived, designate, despatch, destination, destined, diary, diction- ary, diligence, directory, disbursement, disconnect, discovery, dis- crimination, dispatched, distance, distant, distribute, district plant superintendent, document, domestic, dots, double check, duplex, duplicate. Effect, effective, elapsed, electric, electrical, electricity, electro- motive, elevator hatchway, employee, employer, endorsement, en- suing, entertain, envelope, equip, equipment, errand, error, escape, examination, examined, exceed, excess, express, extinguish. Facility, fast, feature, Federal Paulsen radio, figure, fire alarm, fire department, flash, foreign, form, forwarded, four-star point, fractional, franchise, frank full rate. Galvanometer, gather-in matter, government, gravity battery, ground-a-wire, grounded, groups of letters, guarantee, guy-wire. Helix, holders, hourly, hyphen, hyphenated. Identification cards, illegitimate compound words, impression, impressive, inadequate address, incoming, independent office, in- dicate, indistinct, induction, inhabitant, initial, inoculated, in- serted, inspection, installed, instrument, insufficient, insulated, insulator, insurance, intensity, interchange, interference, inter- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 241 mediate, international regulations, interpretation, interruption, interstate, interval, intra-state, inverted, invitation. Jar, jurisdiction. Key, keyboard. Language, leak, leakage, letterbox, level, liability, license, life insurance, lightning, limbs, limitation, lineman, lines, locate, lo- cating, loop, L C 0, L C D, L C F. Magnet, magnetism, manager, marginal, marine, mark, master clock, maximum, measure, measurement, merge, message, mes- senger, metallic, midnight, minimum, miscellaneous, misspelled, missent, mixed, Morse-key, municipal, mutilation. Negative, negligence, newspaper, night letter, night lettergram, nightly, night message, night press, night-watch, night watchman, non-delivery, non-relay, normal, notation, notice, notification. Obscene, obscure, office, official, ohm, omission, omit, one-star, operator, optional, ordinal number, ordinance, ordinary, organiza- tion, origin, originating, other-line, outgoing, outpayments, over- charging. Package, paid-service, parcel, parentheses, passage, passenger, pension, permissible, permission, permitted, personal, plain English, plank, plus, points, polarity, polarized, pole, police officer, policy, positive, postage, postcard, potential, premises, premium, prepaid, prepayment, press association, principal, principle, printed, prior, priority, privacy, private, procedure, profane, pro- gram bell, prohibited, prohibition, proportion, protection, province, punctual, punctuation. Quad, quadruplex, quarter, queries, quotation. Radio-telegram, radio-telegraphically, radius, railroad, reason- able rate, received, received-paid, receiving clerk, reduced, refund, region, registered, registration, regular, rejected, rheostat, relay, release, remission, repeating, repetition, representative, repro- duced, repulsion, resealed, residence, residuary, residue, resist- ance, response, responsibility, responsible, restricted, retracting spring, revenue, reverse, risk, roadstead, Roman letter, roundsman, route, R. P. 10, rule, ruling. Safe, schedule, search, section, self-winding clock, sender's risk, senior, sensitive, sent-collect, separated, serial, service, shore sta- tion, short circuited, sighted, signal, signature, simplex, simul- taneously, skeleton, skylight, slipped, solution, sounder, spaces, special delivery, special wire, splicing, stamped, standard, steam- ship, stipulate, straighten, subdivision, submarine, subordinate, subordination, sub-province, subscriber, substance, substitute, subway, sulphate, summary, summoning, superintendent, supple- mentary, supply department, supporting, switch-board, symbol, system. Table, tapping, tariff, telegram, telegraph, telegraphic, tele- graphically, telegraphy, telephone, telephoning, temporary, ten- dered, tension, terminal, territorial, territory, test, text, three- star point, through tolls, ticker, time belt, time signal, timing, 242 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES transatlantic, transfer point, transmit, transmitting, trans-ocean, trans-oceanic, treasurer, trimming, trolly, turnpike, two-phase. Unauthorized, unavoidable, uncollected, uncollectible, un- delivered, underlines, underscoring, uniformed, uniformity, union, unitemized, unpaid, unrepeated, unsigned, U. S. Observatory. Vacation, value, valued message, variable, vault, verification, village, volt, voltage, volume, voucher, vulcanite, vulcanized. Weather Bureau circuit, week-end letter, whistle, window, wire- less, wire tests, words. Zinc oxide, zinc sulphate. Also see General Business. TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION: See Electrical Engineering and Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. TOOLS: See General Business and Shop Machinery. TRAFFIC AGENTS : See General Business, Railroads, and Freight Commodities. TYPEWRITERS AND ACCESSORIES, TYPEWRITER SUP- PLIES : Ability, absolute accuracy, accelerated leverage, accent, accept, acceptance, accessories, accident, accommodate, accommodation, account, action, adapted, adaptation, adaptability, adding and sub- tracting attachment, additional totalizer, address, addressing, ad- vantage, advertising, adjustment, affords, agency, alignment, alphabetical arrangement, all metal, anchor keys, angle, annoy- ance, annular scale, antifriction, approximately, arbitrary signs, arm, arrange, arrangement, article, artistic, assembled, assorted, assortment, attachment, autographic, automatically, automatic break, automatic feeder, automatic inking device, automatic re- lease, axle. Back spacer key, ball bearing, basket, basic qualities, bell- ringer, bend, billing device, billing work, blank key tops, blur, blurring, bond, bone-handle, bottle, brace, branch, brand, bronze bearings, brush, buckling, built-in decimal tabulator, business college, business house, businesslike method, business school. Cabinet, cam, capable, capacity, capital, capital shift key, car- bon, carbonized, card attachment, cardboard, card indexing, carriage governor, carriage release, cast iron, catalogue, celluloid, centering scale, chamois, championship, changeable ribbon, char- acter, chart, cheapest, circumference, city, clasp, clean-cut im- pression, cleaning brush, clear print, cloth, color, column, column selector, combination, combustion, commercial, commission, com- munication, comparison, complaint, complete, complication, con- densed, condition, connecting wire, construction, constructive ingenuity, contest, control, conveyance, convenience, copy, copy- holder, copying ink, corps of trained salesmen, correction, cor- respondence, coupon book, courteous, cover, crank, creeping up of KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 243 paper and carbon, curve, cushion, customer, cylinder, cylinder ratchet and release. Daily entry billing, deadletter, decimal, demand, dependable, depressed, depression, depth, description, descriptive circular, design, desk, desk chair, detachable, development, device, diagonal, diagram, dial, diameter, dimension, dirt proof, disc, discount, dis- tinctive, document cover, dogs, double bearing, double row, double space, doubling, dovetail, downward blow, drive-wheel, drop-forge bar, durability, durable and strong, dust. Ease of action, economical, economy, edge, efficient, efficiency, elasticity, eliminate, enameled, end-guide, end-plate, endurance, envelope guide, equal grade, equality, equip, equipment, eraser, erasing shield, erasure, error, escapement wheel, essential equip- ment, estimate, even, evenness, examination, excellence, exclusive, expensive, experiment, expert operator, express, extensively, extra charge, eyelets, eyesight. Facilitate, facility, factory, fatigue, feature, feed roll, feed roller with line spacing ratchet, figures, finger action, first class, flat-top typewriter desk, folder, force of gravity, forged type, frac- tion, frame, free carriage, freedom, freight, friction, frictionless, front, full keyboard, fused. Glycerine, governor, grade, grease, great speed, groove, guaran- teed, guard, guide. Hanging, hardened tool chest, hektograph, hexagon-headscrew, history, holder, holdfast dog, horizontal line, hyphen. Illustrate, illustration, immovable, impression, improved, im- provement, inbuilt, increased speed, indelible, indicator, individ- ual, industry, ink roll, invention, innovation, insert, insertion, in- spect, inspection, instantaneous release, instruct, instruction book, instructor, instrument, integral parts, interchangeable carriage, interlocking, intermediate, introduction, invention, inventor, in- ventory, investigation, invoice, invoicing. Jar. Keyboard, key insert, key lever, key-top, keys, knob release. Label, labor-saving device, large type, leader, leather, leatheroid carrying case, legal, legibility, length, letter, lever, light, light movement, light running, light touch, light weight, limited, line lock, line spacer, line space adjusting lever, line space gauge, link, lithograph, local, location, lock, locking device, lower case, lower priced, lubricant. Machine, mailing, maintained, majority, manager, manifold, manifolder, manifolding, manila cover, manipulate, manual effort, manufacture, manufacturer, manufacturing, manuscript covers, marginal guide, marginal key touch operator, marginal profit, marginal stop, market, market value, mat, material, maximum, mechanic, mechanical, mechanically, mechanism, medical key- board, medium weight, metal coyer, metal tube, metallic, method of instruction, mimeograph, minimum, mixed combination, model, 244 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES modern business office, modern Gothic, momentum, motion, mount- ing, movable top, movement, multiple order forms. Neatness, neostyle, nickel-plated trimmings, noise, noiseless, noise reduction, noncopying, nonfilling ribbon, note-book, note- book stand, numerals. Oil, oil can, oiler, onion skin, opaline, open construction, oper- ate, operating, operator, opportunity, order, organization, organize, original, ornamental cover, outline, out of order, output. Pad, pamphlet, paper carriage, paper feeder, paper guide, paper register, paragraph, parts, patent, patented, patron, patronage, pencil sharpener, perfect alignment, perfection, perforating, per- forator, permanent, permanently, perpendicular, per ream, per- sonal application, phenomenal speed, pieces, pinion, pivot bearing, platen, polished, position, possible, possibility, postage, precision, prepaid, press copiable carbon, press copy, price list, price per dozen, primrose, principles o f construction, printing point, product, proficiency, proficient, profit, profitable, progressive business house, prompt attention, promptly, proper angle of vision, punc- tuation, pupil, purchaser, purple, push button. Qualification, qualified, quality, quiet action, quote, quotation. Rack bar, radically different, railroad duplicator, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, readibility, reasonable offer, record, redeem, redeemable, reduced, reduction, refinement, regular, regular price, regulator, relative position, released, release teeth, reliable, reliability, re- pairs, repair department, reporter, representative, reproducing, re- quirement, result, retail, retention, reverse movement, reversible rack, revolutionized, ribbon, ribbon-box, ribbon-fed, ribbon re- verse, ribbon spool, rigid, roller, roll line by line, roll-top type- writer desk, rubber dust cover, ruling device. Safeguard, sale, salesman, salesroom, sample, sanitary chair, sanitary desk, scale, scale pointer, scientific, screw, screwdriver, second class, secretary, segment, selected, self-inking, selling or- ganization, separate leaf, series, serviceable, service rendered, shaft-bearing, sheet, shield, shift lock, shifting, ship, shipping weight, shipment, shorthand book, shorthand reporter, shorthand writer, shuttle, similar, simplicity, single sheet, single space, size, skill, skilled, skillful, slide, slot, solicit, solicitor, solid frame, space bar, spacer, spanned, speaker, special keyboard, special type, stencil, specifications, specimen, spool, spring-barrel draw-cord safety loop, staccato, stand, standard high grade, statistical, steel bar, stencil cutting, stenographer, stock, straight-front blow, strength, strike, striking, stroke construction, strong, strongly made, stub, style. Styles of type: Double Gothic, elite, great primer, Greek, medium, Roman, pica, small italics. Substantial discount, substitute, substituting, substitution, subtracting type- writer, suitable, superfine, superior, supplemental spring, supplies, supremacy, symbol, system, systematic. Tablet, tabulator scale, takes any width of paper, teacher, tech- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 245 nical, tension, test, thinness, thumbscrew, thumb wheel tissue, tool steel, top plate, totalizer, touch, transverse movement, travel- ing case, traveling rail, treasurer, triple space, turned edges, two- colored dial, typebar, typeblock, type cleaning brush, typewriter, typewriter chair, typewriter desk, typewriter service, typewritten manuscript, typewriting, typist. Unique, unison, universal mechanical appliance, universal satis- faction, unpacking, user. Valuable, value, variable line spacer, versatility of machine, vertical, visible, visible model, visible writing, volition. Wax stencil, wearing quality, wear resistance, weight, wheel, wide, width, without extra charge, wonderful, words per minute, work, working parts, wrinkled, writing-in-sight, writing in colors, writing machine. Yoke. Zeal. Also see General Business. UNDERWRITERS: See Insurance, and General Business. UNIVERSITIES : Abacus, abiochemistry, abnormal, abridge, absence, absent, academic, academy, accommodate, accountant, accredited, ac- curate, accustomed, achievement, acquaintance, acquisition, activity, adaptation, adequate, administer, administration, admin- istrator, admiral, admiralty, admissible, admittance, advanced standing, advertise, advertisement, advisory board, aerodynamics, aeronautics, aesthetics, agency, agent, agriculture, agronomy,, agrostology, algebra, algebraic, alma mater, alternate, amal- gamate, amendment, America, American, Americanization, alcohol, alcoholism, alliance, ally, allusion, analogy, analysis, analytical, anatomy, animal husbandry, annex, announce, announcement, anthropology, antiquity, apiculture, apparatus, apperception, appliance, applicant, appointment, appreciation, apprenticeship, appropriation, approval, approximate, arbitration, archaeology, architect, architecture, argument, argumentation, arithmetic, army, arrange, arrangement, art, articles, articulation, artistic, aspect, assembly, assessment, assign, assignment, assimilation, assistant, assistantship, associate, association, astronomer, as- tronomy, astrophysics, athletics, atmosphere, attainment, attempt, attendance, attitude, audience, auditor, author, authoritative, auto- mobile, automotive, auxiliary, availability, average, award, axiom. Bacteriology, balance, bankruptcy, basketball, basis, beginner, behavior, bestow, Bible, bibliography, biochemistry, biological, biology, blacksmithing, blanks and stationery, board and lodging, bookcase, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, botanical, botany, branch, breed, broad, budget, bulletin, business, businesslike, business education, business world, bureau. Calculation, calculus, calendar, calender, calisthenics, cam- panile, campus, candidate, career, carpentry, cashier, catalog. 246 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES categorical, category, cattle and hogs, cause and effect, celestial, censure, century, ceremony, certificate, certification, certify, championship, chaperon, character, characteristic, charity, charm, cheesemaking, chemical, chemist, chemistry, children, choir, choral singing, Christianity, church, circular, circulation, citizen, citizen- ship, citriculture, civics, civil, civilazation, Civil War, class, class- room discussion, classes, classical, clear, clearing house, clerical, clerk, climate, climatic, climatology, clinical, clinics, club, code, code procedure, coefficients, cognate cognition, coherent, collat, eral, collect, collection, collectively, college, collegiate, colloquial, colonization, colony, combination, combined, commence, commence- ment, commerce, commercial, committee, commodity, common law, community, comparative, competitive examinations, completion, complex, compliance, compose, composite, composition, compound, comprehend, comprehension, comprise, comptroller, compulsory, computation, compute, concern, concerning, concert, conciliate, conciliation, condition, conditional, conducive, conduct, confer, conference, confidence, confidential, conflict, conjugate, connect, connecting, connote, contemporaneous, contemporaneously, con- science, consciousness, consent, conservation, conserve, con- stantly, constitution, constitutionality, construct, construction, consult, consulting, consumer, contemplate, contents, continuation, contract and specifications, control, conversation, conversion, co- operate, co-operation, co-ordinate, corporal, corporation, correlat- ed, correspond, correspondence, creation, credentials, credibility, credit, credited, crime, crisis, criterion, crystallurgical, crystal- lurgy, cultural, culture, curator, curricula, curriculum, curtail, custom, customary, cycle. Dairy, dairying, dancing, dean of university, dean of women, debate, debating teams, decide, decision, declaration, deduction, defect, deficiency, deficit, define, definition, degree, delegate, dele- gation, delinquent, delivery, demobilization, democracy, demo- cratic, demonstrate, demonstration, dentist, dentistry, dentrology, department, departmental, deposit, depository, describe, descrip- tion, deserve, designate, desirable, determination, determinative, determine, devaluation, develop, development, diagnosis, diagram, dictation, didactics, differ, differential, difficult, difficulty, diffrac- tion, diligence, diligent, dining-room, diploma, diploma and hood, diplomacy, diplomatic, direction, directory, discharge, discipline, discover, discriminate, discrimination, discussion, dispensary, dispersion, dissertation, distillation of mercury, distinct, dis- tinguish, distribute, distribution, diversion, Divinity, division, doctor, doctrine, domestic science, dominate, domination dormi- tory, draft, draftsmanship, drama, dramatization, drawing, dream, dressing-room, drift, dry farming, duration, dynamical. Earth, earthquake, eclipse, economist, economize, economy, edit, editor, educate, education, educational, educator, effect, effective, efficacious, effort, elasticity, elect, elective, electoral, electrodes, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 247 electro-magnetism, electrostatics, elegic, elegy, eligibility, eligible, elimination, elliptic, elocution, embellishment, embodiment, em- body, embryo, embryology, embrynic, emotion, emphasize, em- ployer, employment, enable, enabling, encouragement, encyclo- pedia, endeavor, endowment, energetic, energy, enforce, enforce- ment, engagement, engineer, engineering, English, enhance, enter- tain, entomology, entrance scholarship, entrust, entry, enuncia- tion, environment, epic, epicurean, epidemiology, epoch, equal, equations, equilibrium, equip, equipment, equitable, equity, equiv- alent, erudition, essay, essential, establish, establishment, esti- mate, estimation, ethical, ethics, ethnography, eugenics, Europe, European, evaluation, evidence, evident, evolve, evolution, exam- ination, examiner, except, exception, exceptional, exclude, exclu- sion, excuse, executory, exercise, exegesis, exegetical, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, expansion, expansive, expect, expectation, expenditure, experiment, experimental, experimentation, explain, explanation, explanatory, explicit, explicitly, explode, explosion, express, expression, expressly, extension, extract, extraction, etymology. Facilitate, facility, factory, faculty, fallacy, familiar, familiar- ize, family, farm, farming, fauna, feature, Federal, fee, fellow, fellowship, fertile, fertilization, fiction, fidelity, fiduciary, field, final credits, finance, financial, fine arts, finish, first aid, first- hand knowledge, fiscal, fitness, floral and landscape gardening, floriculture, follow, following, food, forage crops, force, foreign exchange, foreigner, forest, forestry, formal, formulation, fossils, foster, foundation, founder, fractional, fraternity, freehand draw- ing, French, frequent, freshman, function, fund, fundamental, fungicide, furnished. Gas, gathering, generate, generation, genetics, geodesy, geo- graphical, geography, geological, geology, geometry, German, gift, Gothic, grade, grade-points, graduate, graduation, grammatical, grammar, graphic art, graphostatics, gravitation, Greek, group, guarantee, guardian, guest, guidance, guide, gymnasium, gym- nastics. Heads of departments, half-year, harmonious, harmony, health, healthy, heat, Hebrew, herbarium, hereditary, highly specialized, high-school course, highway, histology, histopathology, historical, historiography, history, hockey field, holiday, home economics, honorable, horses and sheep, horticulture, hospital, hospitality, housekeeping, humanitarianism, humanity, hydraulics, hygiene. Ichthyology, idealism, identical, idiom, idiomatic, illiteracy, illiterate, illustrate, illustration, imagination, imagine, initiate, immigration, immortal, immortality, immunity, important, im- prove, improvement, inception, include, inclusive, income, incom- petent, incomplete, incorporate, increase, incumbent, independ- ence, independent, index, Indian, indication, indispensable, indi- vidual, individuality, induction, industrial, industry, infer, infer- 248 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES ence, infinite, infirmary, influence, influential, information bureau, inheritance tax, initial, initiate, initiation, inorganic, inquiry, insect, insecticide, insolvent, insolvency, institute, institution, instruct, instruction, instructor, instrument, instrument-maker, instrumentality, insurance, integration, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, intelligent, intensive, interference, intermediate, international, internationalism, interpretation, interpret, interval, interview, intonation, introduction, intuition, invertebrate, investi- gation, irregular, irregularity, irrigate, irrigation, Italian, italics. Janitor, judge, judgment, journal, journalism, journalistic, junior, jurisdiction, jurisprudence. Kinematics, knowledge. Laboratory/ labor movement, landlord, landlordism, landscape gardening, Latin, leading leaflet, leave of absence, lecture, lecture- hall, legal, legality, legislate, legislation, legislature, lexicography, liberal, liberality, librarian, librarianship, library, life-history, light, limit, limitation, linguist, linguistic, liquid, liquid-air, literal, literary, literature, locality, locker, logic, logical, latitude, longitude, lumber, lumber regions, lyceum. Magazine, maintain, maintenance, major course, manage, man- agement, manipulate, manual, manufacture, manufacturing, market, marketing, material, mathematical, mathematician, mathe- matics, matriculate, matriculation, maturity, measure, measure- ment, mechanical, mechanics, medical, medicine, medieval, membership, memoirs, memorial, memorize, memory, mental, mentality, merchant marine, metabolism, metamorphism, meta- physical, metaphysics, meteorology, methodical, microbiology, microscope, microscopic, microscopical, middle ages, middleman, militarism, militaristic, military, miner, mineral, mineralogy, mining, mobilization, model, modern, modernize, molecular elec- trical conductivities, monetary, monopolize, monopoly, motor, multiplication, multiplicity, multiply, municipal, municipality, museum, music, musical, musician, musicianship. Narrative, nation, national, nationalism, natural, naturalization, nature, naval, navy, necessary, necessitate, neglect, neighbor, nervous system, neuropathology, newspaper, New Testament, nomenclature, nominate, nomination, normal, normally, notifica- tion, notify, novel, number, numbering, numerical, nurse, nursing, nutrition, nutritious. Object, objective, obligation, observation, observatory, observe, obviate, occasionally, occulist, occurrence, ocean transportation, offense, official, Old Testament, operate, operation, opportune, opportunity, optical instruments, orally, orator, oratorical, oratory, orchard, orchestra, ore dressing, organic chemistry, organism, organization, Orient, Oriental, original, originate, ornament, orna- mentation, ornithology, orthoepy, orthography, orthopedy, oscil- late, oscillation, outdoor. Paleography, paleontological, paleontology, pamphlet, paragene- KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 249 sis, paragraph, parallel, parasitology, parenthesis, parents, parli- ment, parliamentary, participate, particularity, partnership, passage, passing-mark, pastoral, pathology, pathos, peculiarity, pedagogue, pedagogy, pendency, pending, penmanship, perform- ance, periodical, permission, perpetual, perpetuate, perpetuation, personality, perspective, pessimism, pessimist, petrographical, petrography, petroleum, pharmaceutics, pharmacist, pharmacol- ogy, pharmacy, phase, phenomena, philanthropy, philology, philosopher, philosophy, phonetic, photochemistry, photography, physician, physical, physico-organic chemistry, physics, physio- graphy, physiological, physiology, picture, plane geometry, planetary, plant, platform, play, poet, poetry, polarization, police, policy, political, political economy, politics, polytechnic, pomology, popular, population, porportion, postal, postponed, potential, poultry husbandry, poverty, power, practicability, precept, pre- ceptor, preference, preferably, prehistoric, preliminary, pre- medical, preparation, preparatory, prepare, prerequisite, prescribe, prescription, present-day problems, prestige, presume, presump- tion, primarily, primary, principal, principle, printing, privilege, probation, procedure, production, profession, professional, pro- fessor, proficient, proficiency, profitable, program, progress, progressive, project, projection, pronounce, pronunciation, propa- gate, propagation, property, prophet, proposal, proposition, prose, prospect, prospective, prosper, prosperity, protozoology, psychical, psycho, psychological, psychologist, psychology, psycho-analytical, psychopathic, publicity, public land policy, public speaking, pub- lisher, punctual, punctuality, pure food and drug laws, pursue. Qualification, qualify, qualitative, quantitative, quantity, quest. Radioactive constants, radio-chemistry, railroad, railroad con- struction and maintenance, railway, range, rapid, rated, ratifica- tion, ratify, rationalism, reaction, reading, readiness, readjust- ing, realism, reality, reasonable, reasoning, receipt, receive, receiver, reception, recess, recite, recital, recitative, recognition, recognize, reconstruction, record, recorder, recovery, recommend, recommendation, recreation, reduce, reduction, reference, refer- endum, reflect, reflective, reform, reformatory, refraction, refund, regard, regent, register, registrar, registration, regulate, regu- lation, rejuvenescence, related subjects, relation, relative, release, relief, religion, remedial, remedy, removal, remunerate, remunera- tion, renaissance, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, republic, republican, require, requirement, requisite, research-room, reserve, reservation, residence, respect, respective, responsible, responsibility, resolve, resolution, re- source, result, resultant, resume, resumption, retain, retard, retention, review, revised, revision, revive, revocable, revocation, revoke, revolve, revolution, rhetoric, rhetorical, rise, Roman, romance, romantic, room and board, routine, rudiments, rules and regulations, rural. 250 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Sailor, salaried, salary, sanitation, sanitary, satire, satisfaction, satisfy, schedule, scholar, scholastic, school, science, scientific, scientifically, scope, secondary, secretarial, secretary, section, sectional, secularization, secure, seismology, select, selection, self-governing, self-government, self-support, semester, seminary, semi-tropical, sensation, sentence, separate, separation, sequence, series, serious, service, serviceable, session, settlement, sewerage, ship, shop, shorthand, signature, significant, silviculture, similar, similarity, simultaneously, single tax, sketch book, skill, slavery, so-called, social, society, soil, soil chemistry and bacteriology, soil physics, solid, solution, solve, sophomore, sorority, Spanish, speaker, special, specialty, specialization, special reference, specialization, species, specification, specify, spectroscope, spec- trometry, standard, standardization, standing, standpoint, staple, statement, stationary, stationery, statistical, statistics, statutes, status, stenographer, stenographic, stenography, stereotomy, stock raising, stranger, strict, structural, structure, student, student-card, student-list, studious, study-table, sub-division, subject, subject-matter, subjective, subjoined, subscribe, subscrip- tion, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substance, substantial, substantiate, substitute, substitution, succeed, succeeding, succes- sive, successor, sufficient, sufficiently, suffrage, suggest, sugges- tion, summer, supervise, supervision, supervisory, supplement, supplementary, supply, suretyship, surgery, surveying, surveyor, susceptibility, suspend, suspension, symbol, symbolic, symmetrical, symmetry, synopsis, syntax, synthetic, system, systematic. Tabular, tact, tactics, tardy, tariff, taxes, teach, teacher, technical, technics, technique, technology, telegraph, telegraphy, telephone, temperate, temperature, tendency, tennis court, term, textbook, Thanksgiving day, theme, theology, theorem, theoret- ically, theory, thermodynamics, thesis, timber, title, title-page, topic, tort, tournament, trade, traffic, training, transcendentalism, transcript, transfer, transferring, translate, translation, trans- portation, treat, treatise, treaty, tree surgery, trigonometry, truancy, truant, tuition, tutor, tutoring, typical, type, typewriting. Unavoidable, ultimate, ultimately, undergraduate, underlying, undertaking, union, unionism, unit, universal, universe, uni- versity, university extension, upper division, utilization, utilize, utterance. Vacation, vagrant, valuable, value, vapor, vapor pressure, variable, variety, vegetable, vegetable gardening, verse, versifica- tion, vertebrate, veterinary, veterinary parasitology, vicinity, vic- torious, victory, viewpoint, virtue, visitor, visual, viticulture, vocabulary, vocation, vocational training, vocal culture, voice, vol- ume, voluminous, voluntary, volunteer. Waive, waiver, water, water-color, wave-motion, wealth, wealthy, weather, weeds, week, welcome, welfare, wet assaying, KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 251 wireless telephone and telegraph, withdrawal, word analysis, word formation, workmanlike manner, workmanship, world, world- power, world-work, wrestling, writer. X-ray. Year, yearly, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. Zeal, zealous, zoology. See also Business Colleges and Civil Service. University Degrees A. B., Bachelor of Arts; A. M., Master of Arts; B. A., Bachelor of Arts; B. Agr., Bachelor of Agriculture; B. D., Bachelor of Divinity; B. L., Bachelor of Laws; B. M. or B. Mus., Bachelor of Music; B. Pd., Bachelor of Pedagogy; B. Ph., Bachelor of Philos- ophy; B. S., Bachelor of Surgery; B. S. or B. Sc., Bachelor of Science; D. C. L., Doctor of Common Law; D. D., Doctor of Divin- ity; D. D. S. or D. M. D., Doctor of Dental Surgery; D. Lit., Doctor of Literature; D. M. or D. Mus., Doctor of Music; D. 0., Doctor of Osteopathy; D. Ph., Doctor of Philosophy; D. Sc., Doctor of Sci- ence; D. V. S., Doctor of Veterinary Surgery; E. E., Electrical En- gineer; E. D., Doctor of Electricity; J. C. D., Doctor of Civil Law; J. D., Doctor of Laws; Jr., Junior, Lit. B. or Litt. B., Bachelor of Literature; Lit. D. or Litt. D., Doctor of Literature; LL. B., Bachelor of Laws ; LL. D., Doctor of Laws ; M. A., Master of Arts ; M. Agr., Master of Agriculture; M. D., Doctor of Medicine; M. S., Master of Science; Mus. B., Bachelor of Music.; Mus. D., Doctor of Music; Pd. B., Bachelor of Pedagogy; Ph. D., Doctor of Pedagogy; Ph. B., Bachelor of Philosophy; Ph. D., Doctor of Philosophy; Rev., Reverend; Rt. Rev., Right Reverend; S. B. or Sc. B., Bachelor of Science; Sc. D., Doctor of Science; S. T. B., Bachelor of Sacred Theology; S. T. D., Doctor of Sacred Theology. Also see Business Colleges, Civil Service, and General Business. WOOL AND MANUFACTURERS OF WOOL: Alpaca, apparel, average. Backwashing, bag, bale, belt, binding, black, blanket, blended, bocking, broad, broadcloth, bunting, burling. Carbonize, carding, carpet, cashmere, checked, cheviot, clean, clothing, combs, combing, condition, consignment, covering, cover- let, crabbing, crossbred, cuttling. Damask, delaine, design, doll's hair, doubling, drawing, dress goods, dyed. Ends, extract. Fabric, firsts, flannel, flax, fleece wool, flock. Genapping or gassing, gilling, gimp, goat hair, gorings, grease, greasy, greys. Hank, head, heavy, hosiery. Ingrain. Knit goods. Lace, lamb, lastings, light, listings, luster. Merino, milling, mixed, mixture, mohair plush, mule, mungo, muslin. Narrow, noil, number. Pack, package, picks, pullings. Rags, raw material, recombing, regain, roving, rug. 252 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Sack, sample, scoured wools, scourer, seconds, shawl, shed, sheep, shoddy, shrinkage, slip, silver, sizing, skein, skin wool, skirt- ings, small, smell, sort, sorted, specklings, spin, spinning, springy, standard, staple, sticky, stockings, stubs, stuffs, suitings, super. Tapestry, tariff, tender, tendering, test, textile, tissue, top, trim- mings, trouserings, type. Union, unwashed. Velvet. Warp or weft, waste, webbings, weight, wether, worsted, wool, woollen. Yardage, yarn. Also see General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 253 INDEX N. B. The author desires io call special attention to the vocabularies under the headings Business Abbreviations, Civil Service, and General Business. Page Abbreviations 27 Abstract and Title Insurance Companies 7 Acceptance Corporations. See Banking, Finance, and General Business. Accessories. See the various lines, such as Automobiles, Musical Instruments, and Rubber Goods. Accident Insurance 134 Accountants 115 Adjusters. See Fire and Marine Insurance, and General Business. Administrators. See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. Advertising, Publishers, Magazines 9 Agencies, Collection 72 Detective 81 Mercantile. See Finance, and General Business. Traffic. See Railroads, and Railroads Freight Commodities. Agricultural and Husbandry Implements 10 Agriculture and Agricultural Products 13 Appraisers. See Civil Engineering, General Business, and Real Estate. Architects and Builders 14 Architecture 16 Marine 154 Assayers and Refiners. See General Business, Geology, and Mining Engineering. Associations, Hospital 132 Attorneys. See Law; also see "Patents" in this Index. Auditors and Accountants 115 Automobiles, Motorcycles and Accessories 18 Automobile Tires. See General Business, and Rubber Goods. Bags, Paper 201 Banking and Trust Companies 22 Biscuits 71 Board of Trade 235 Boilers and Engines. See General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. Bonds 235 Bookbinding 24 254 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Page Booksellers. See Advertising, General Business, and Sta- tionery. Books 230 Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, and Findings 25 Box Manufacturers. See Cooperage, General Business, and Lumber. Brick 36 Brokers, Investment. See Finance, Real Estate, and Stocks. Brushes 199 Buffing Compositions 107 Builders 14 Building and Loan Associations 26 Burglary Insurance 134 Business Abbreviations 27 Colleges 31 Butchers 150 Butter 74 Cabinet Work, Doors, Leaded Glass, Mill Work, Moldings, Tanks, and Windows 35 Camping Outfits 229 Canned Goods. See Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, General Busi- ness, and Livestock. Canned Meats 150 Canneries. See "Canned Goods" in this Index. Car Building 90 Carpets 112 Castings. See General Business, Mechanical Engineering, and Structural Steel and Iron. Cement, Brick, Lime, and Plaster 36 Cereals 107, 131 Cheese 74 Chemical Apparatus and Chemical Products 38 Chemical Works. See Chemistry, and General Business. Chemistry 40 Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles Manufacturers 42 City and County Civil Service Examinations. See Civil Service. City Government 193 City Libraries. See General Business, and Public Libraries. Civil Engineering 43 Civil Service Examinations City, County, State, and Federal 48 Political Argumentation 50 Civics 50 Diplomacy 50 Ethics 50 Government 50 History , , , , -. . . . 50 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 255 Page Literature 50 Logic 50 Political Economy, and Sociology 58 Test Dictations 49 Also see Law. Claim Adjusters. See Railroads, and Railroads Freight Commodities. Clothing 60 Sporting 229 Coal, Coke and Wood 61 Mining 62 Collection Agencies 72 Colleges, Business 31 Commercial Abbreviations 27 Paper Investments. See Banking, Finance and General Business. Terms. See General Business. Commission Merchants. See Vocabularies covering Products handled by Commission Merchants, and General Business. Concrete Construction. See Civil Engineering, and General Business. Confectionery 66 Contractors, Building. See Architects and Builders, and Gen- eral Business. Contractors, Electrical. See Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Cooperage 68 Corporation Stocks and Bonds 235 Cotton and Cotton Manufacturing 69 Brokers and Merchants. See Cotton, and General Busi- ness. County Libraries. See General Business, and Public Libraries. Crackers and Biscuits 71 Creameries. See Dairy Products. Credit Departments and Collection Agencies 72 Criminal Law. See Law; also see Detective and Police Ad- ministration, and General Business. Crockery, Glassware, and Queensware 73 Cutlery 124 Dairy Products Butter, Eggs, Cheese 74 Department Stores or Mail Order Houses 74 Detective and Police Administration 81 Diplomacy 50 Distributors of Advertising. See Advertising, and General Business. Doctors. See Drugs, General Business, and Medical. 256 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Page Doors 35 Drainage 137 Draperies 112 Dried Fruits. See Fruits, and General Business. Drugs or Mail Order Houses 83 Dry Goods 88 Eggs 74 Electric Railways and Car Building 90 Electric Wiring. See Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Electrical Contractors. See Electrical Engineering, Elec- trical Merchandise, General Business, and Moving Pictures. Electrical Engineering 92 Merchandise, Electric Wiring and Lighting Fixtures 95 Electrotyping, Engraving, Lithography, Photography, and Printing 99 Engineering, Civil 43 Electrical 92 Marine 154 Mechanical 159 Mining 182 Engines. See Gasoline Engines, General Business, and Me- chanical Engineering. Engraving 99 Estates. See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. Examinations. See Civil Service. Executors. See Finance, General Business, Law, and Real Estate. Exports 133 Express Companies 101 Federal Examinations. See Civil Service. Fidelity Insurance Companies 123 Finance 103 Findings, Boot and Shoe 25 Fire Apparatus and Supplies 105 " Insurance 134 Fish, Fishing Equipment, and Oysters 106 Flags 156 Flour and Cereal Products of Mills 107 Foreign Trade. See Imports and Exports. Foundry and Foundry Supplies, Buffing Compositions, and Platers' Supplies 107 Fraternal Insurance and Fraternal Orders 109 Freight Claim Adjusters. See Railroads, and Railroads Freight Commodities. Freight Commodities. See General Business, Railroads, and Steamship Companies. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 257 Fruit Canneries. See Fruits, and General Business. Page Fruits and Vegetables Ill Fuel Oil 204 Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Upholstering, Office Furniture 112 Furniture, Office 112, 230 Game 150 Gas 114 Gasoline Engines /. 210 Gems 138 General Business (also used by Auditors and Accountants) .. 115 Geology 119 Glass, Paints, Oils 199 Glassware 73 Government. See Civil Service, General Business, and Municipal. Government Bonds 235 Grain 131 Greases and Compounds 205 Groceries 121 Guaranty, Fidelity and Surety Insurance Companies 123 Hardware, Marine 156 and Cutlery 124 Harnesses, Saddles, and Riding Equipment 131 Hay, Grain, Cereals 131 Hides and Leather 132 Hospital Associations 132 Husbandry and Agricultural Implements 10 Illuminating Oils 206 Implements, Agricultural and Husbandry 10 Imports and Exports 133 Insurance, Abstract and Title 7 Accident, Burglary, Fire, Life 134 Fraternal 109 Guaranty, Fidelity, and Surety 123 Marine 151 Investment Brokers. See Finance, General Business, Real Es- tate, and Stocks and Bonds. Iron Works. See Civil Engineering, General Business, and Me- chanical Engineering. Iron, Structural 23T Irrigation and Drainage 137 Irrigation Machinery 210 Jewelry, Gems, Optical, Watches 138 Land Companies. See Finance, General Business and Real Estate. Launch Supplies 156 258 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Page Law 139 Lawyers, Patent. See Patents in this Index. Leaded Glass 35 Leather 132 Goods, Sporting 229 Stationery 230 Legal. See Law. Libraries Business Administration 147 Life Insurance 134 Light and Power Companies. See Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Lighting Fixtures. See Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Lime 36 Linen Novelties 22? Linoleum. See Furniture, and General Business. Linotype Composition. See General Business, and Printing. Lithography 99 Livestock, Meats, Packinghouse Products, Wholesale Butch- ers, Canned Meats, Game 150 Loan Associations 26 Loans. See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. Locomotives. See General Business, and Mechanical En- gineering. Lubricating Oils 206 Lumber 152 Machine Oils 206 Machinery. See General Business, Mechanical Engineering, and Shop Machinery. Irrigation 210 Magazines 9 Mail Order Houses 74, 83 Manufacturers, Agricultural Implement. See Agricultural and Husbandry Implements, General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. Manufacturers, Boxes. See Cooperage, and Lumber. " Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles 42 Wool 251 Marine Engineering, Marine Architecture and Shipbuilding. .154 " Hardware, Yacht and Launch Supplies, Ship Chand- lery, Ropes, and Flags 156 " Insurance 157 Meats 150 Mechanical Engineering 159 Medical 162 Mercantile Agencies. See Finance, and General Business. KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 259 Page Merchants. See Vocabularies covering Products handled, and General Business. Metallurgy 182 Millinery 180 Milling Companies. See Flour and Cereal Products of Mills, and General Business. Mills. See Cotton, Flour, General Business, and Lumber. Millwork 35 Millwrights. See Electrical Engineering, General Business, and Mechanical Engineering. Mining. See Coal Mining. Engineering and Metallurgy 182 Moldings 35 Money Brokers. See Finance, General Business, and Real Estate. Mortgage Loans. See Finance, and Real Estate. Motorcycles and Accessories 18 Moving Pictures 189 Electrical, Mechanical and Optical 191 Municipal 193 Bonds 235 Musical Instruments and Accessories 194 Naval Terms 196 Navigation Terms 197 Newspapers. See Advertising, Civil Service, General Business, and Printing. Office Furniture 112, 230 " General Terms. See General Business. Oils Fuel, Lubricating, Refined 204 " Greases and Compounds 205 " Painters' 199 Optical 138, 191 Outing Supplies 229 Oysters 106 Packing Boxes. See General Business, and Lumber. Packinghouse Products -. . 150 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Glass 199 Paper Houses Bags, Cordage, Envelopes, Twine 201 Parliamentary Law. See Law. Patents, and Patent Attorneys. See Law; also see Agricultural Implements, Architecture, Automobiles, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Marine, Mechanical, Mining), General Business, Shop Machinery, and Structural Steel. Petroleum Engineering. See Geology, Mechanical Engineer- ing, and Petroleum and Petroleum Products. Petroleum and Petroleum Products . . .204 260 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Page Photography 99 Physicians and Surgeons. See Drugs, General Business, and Medical. Plaster 36 Platers' Supplies 107 Plumbers. See General Business, and Hardware. Police Administration 81 Political. See Civil Service, and General Business. Political Economy and Sociology 58 Poultry and Game. See General Business, and Livestock. Power Companies. See Electrical Engineering, Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Printing 99 and Electrotyping 207 Products, Agricultural 13 Provisions. See General Business, Groceries, and Livestock. Public and Private Libraries 147 Publishers 9 Pump House, Water Supply Goods, Irrigation Machinery, Gasoline Engines 210 Queensware 73 Railroads 211 Railroads Freight Commodities 215 Railways, Electric 90 Real Estate 222 Refined Oil 204 Revising Clerks, Commercial and Railroad. See Railroads, and Railroads Freight Commodities. Riding Equipment 131, 229 Ropes 156 Rubber Goods and Accessories 225 Rubbers 25 Rugs 112 Saddles 131 Schools. See Business Colleges, General Business, and Universities. Shipbuilding 154 Ship Chandlery 156 Shipping and Transportation. See Express, General Business, Imports and Exports, Navigation, Railroads, and Steamship Companies. Shoes 25 Shop Machinery and Tools 227 Silk and Linen Novelties 227 Silverware . . .228 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES 261 Page Sociology 58 Sporting Goods Outing Supplies, Camping Outfits, Clothing, Tents, Riding Equipment, Leather Goods 229 State Examinations. See Civil Service. States Abbreviations 31 Statesmanship. See Civil Service. Stationery, Books, Office Furniture, and Leather Goods 230 Statistical Departments, Railroads. See Railroads, and Rail- roads Freight Commodities. Steamship Companies 233 Also see General Business, Express Companies, Naval Terms, Navigation, Railroads, Railroads Freight Com- modities, and Ship Chandlery. Steel, Structural 237 Stocks and Bonds Stock Exchange, Board of Trade, Corpora- tion, Government and Municipal Bonds 235 Structural Steel and Iron 237 Sugar and Sugar Refining 239 Suppplies, Electrical 95 Fire Apparatus 105 Foundry 107 Launch and Yacht 156 Typewriter 242 Surety Insurance Companies 123 Surgeons and Physicians. See Drugs, General Business, and Medical. Surveyors, City. See Civil Engineering, General Business, and Real Estate. Surveyors, Marine. See General Business, and Marine En- gineering. Tanks 35 Tannery. See General Business, and Hides and Leather. Telegraph Companies 240 Telephone Construction and Operation. See Electrical En- gineering, Electrical Merchandise, and General Business. Tents 229 Title Insurance Companies 7 Tobacco 42 Tools. See General Business, and Shop Machinery. Traffic Agents. See General Business, Railroads, and Rail- roads Freight Commodities. Trans-Continental Freight Bureaus. See Railroads, and Rail- roads Freight Commodities. 262 KIMBLE'S VOCATIONAL VOCABULARIES Page Transportation and Shipping. See Express, General Business, Imports and Exports, Navigation, Railroads, and Steamship Companies. Trust Companies 22 Trustees. See Finance, General Business, Law, and Real Estate . Twine 201 Typewriters and Accessories, Typewriter Supplies 242 Underwriters. See General Business, and Insurance. University Degrees 251 Universities 245 Upholstering 112 Varnishes 199 Vegetables '. Ill Watches 138 Water Supply Goods 210 Wholesale Butchers 150 Windows 35 Wiring, Electric 95 Wood 61 Wool and Manufacturers of Wool 251 Yacht Supplies 156 A 000 739 963 7 Z- THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. oOm-3,'68 (H9242s8 ) 94 62