NOV 5 19H Colorado Direct Primary Election Law 1910 With Forms for Carrying Out Provisions of Said Law Compiled by Authority of JAMES B. PEARCE, Secretary of State, and BENJAMIN F. GRIFFITH, Attorney General, In Accordance "With the Provisions of Section 27 of Said Law Denver, Colorado, June 1, 1912 17fE SAff77fzBffOQ/CS PRnVT/NGCO. CHAPTER 4. ELECTIONS. PRIMARIES. (H. B. No. 2, by Mr. Hicks.) AN ACT CONCERNING NOMINATIONS OF CANDIDATES FOR PUB- LIC OFFICE AND FOR POLITICAL PARTY POSITIONS, AND CONCERNING AND REGULATING THE GOVERNMENT OF POLITICAL PARTIES AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS, AND CONCERNING ELECTIONS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO; AND TO PROVIDE FOR PUNISHING VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT, AND TO REPEAL ALL ACTS AND PARTS OF ACTS IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT. Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. That all political parties shall make all Nominations by nominations for candidates for the United States Sen- direct primary ate, members of the ^ouse of Representatives in Con- ^^®°*^*°"^ gress, all elective State, District, city, county, city and county, ward and precinct offices, members of the Sen- ate and House of Representatives of the State of Colo- rado, by direct primary elections, and the Secretary of State and county and city clerks in the several counties in Colorado are prohibited from placing on the official election ballot the name of any person as a candidate of any political party not nominated in accordance with the provisions of this act ; Provided. That this act, ex- Exceptions. cept as hereinafter specifically provided for, shall not be held to apply to nominations for special elections for filling vacancies for unexpired terms, and shall not be held to refer to nominations to municipal offices of any "Incorporated Town," so denominated under the stat- utes of the State of Colorado, and shall not be held to 292994 1' ELECTIONS. apply to the selection of delegates to any national po- litical assemblies or to the nomination of presidential Assembly nomi- electors ; and Provided further, That all such last named nations. nominations by political parties shall be made by as- semblies of the several political parties, and delegates to assemblies of political parties shall be selected as specified by the rules and regulations of the respective Certification. political parties participating therein; and Provided further, That the certification of the due and proper nomination of candidates for presidential electors and for the several offices above referred to in ^'Incorporated Towns," and to fill vacancies shall be as respectively provided by law. Political parties ^^^' ^- ^^^ political Organization which, at the tohavesepa- general election last preceding any primary election rate tickets. provided for in this act, was represented on the official ballot by either regular party candidates or by individ- ual nominees only may, upon complying with the pro- visions of this act have a separate primary election ticket Political party ^^ ^ political party, if its candidate for Governor re- defined, ceived ten per cent of the total vote cast at such last preceding general election in this State; and any such political organization shall be a "political party," within Assembly ^^^ meaning of the term as used in this act. An assem- defined. bly of a political party within the meaning of this act is an organized assemblage of voters or delegates repre- senting such political party, organized in accordance with the rules and regulations of such political party. ^j^.g^^^ Sec. 3. This Act shall be, and become effective for effective. the nomination of candidates for election in November, Direct primary ^^^^- ^ direct primary election to nominate candidates election, when to be voted for at the general election in November, 1912, and where held, shall be held at the regular polling places in each pre- cinct on the second Tuesday of September, 1912, and biennially thereafter, for the nomination of candidates to be voted for at the succeeding general election. Every direct primary election other than the September pri- marv election shall be held four weeks before the election ELECTIONS. 3 for which candidates are to be nominated at such direct primary election. Sec. 4. All candidates for nominations to be made candidates for at any such primary election shall be placed on the direct "°"^^^^^^°'^' primary ballot by petition or certificate of designation by bauot ^^^"^ °" assembly, as hereinafter provided. No such petition shall contain the name of more petition,, than one person for the same office. Every such petition contents of. shall state the name of the office for which such person is a candidate, his name, postoffice, residence, and street number of residence, and place of business, if any, and shall designate in not more than three words the name of the political party which such candidate represents. All such assembly candidates for nomination by a politl- Assembly cal party shall be certifie-d bv the presiding officer and ^^"^M^tes for " ^ ° nomination, secretary of the assembly of the political party making shaii be the same, and shall be filed within the time, and with certified. the same officer with whom nominations by petition for like offices are to be filed, as in this Act provided; and such presiding officer and secretary so certifying to said candidate for nomination shall add to their signature their respective places of residence and postojffice address, and make oath by affidavit thereto attached before an Assembly officer qualified to acknowledge the same that affiants ^^^^^^^.^^^ "'^^^ are such officers of such assembly and that the state- ments contained in such certificate are true to the best of their knowledge and belief. Assembly designations of candidates for nomination Assembly on the Direct Primary Ballot may be made by assemblies designations. of the several political parties and delegates to such as- semblies of political parties selected as specified by the rules and regulations of the respective political parties as now provided for the holding of assemblies, or as here- after may be provided by such political parties for the holding of assemblies by the respective political parties participating therein and as follows: Any such assembly shall take only one ballot upon ^^^y ^^e baiiot candidates for each office to be filled. at the ensuing elec- allowed. tion and within the jurisdiction of such assembly. 4 ELECTIONS. All candidates receiving ten per cent, of assembly vote to be certified. Assembly candi- dates to go on ballot in order of vote received. Assembly not to declare a nomination. Candidates must file written acceptance. Petitioh candi- dates to follow assembly candi- dates on ballot. Number of signatures required on petitions. Limitation. Electors signing petition to give address and precincts, and make oath. Every such candidate receiving ten per cent., or more, of the votes of the duly accredited delegates to such assembly for any office to be voted upon at such ensuing election, shall be certified as hereinbefore pro- vided, and shall be placed upon the Direct Primary bal- lot as a candidate for such office before the ensuing Pri- mary election. All candidates designated and certified by assembly for a particular office shall be placed on the Direct Pri- mary Ballot in the order of the vote received by each such candidate: That is to say, the candidate receiving the highest vote shall be placed first in order on such Direct Primary Ballot, followed by the candidate receiv- ing the next highest vote, and so on until all of the can- didates so designated by such assembly shall have been placed on such ballot; Provided, that no assembly shall in any wise declare that any candidate voted for, has re- ceived the nomination of any such assembly, and. Pro- vided further, that any candidate so designated by as- sembly shall file his written acceptance of the same with the officer with whom certificates and petitions are herein provided to be filed, within seven days after the adjourn- ment of such assembly. All candidates by petition for any particular office shall follow assembly candidates and shall be placed on the Direct Primary Ballot in alphabetical order. Sec. 5. Every .such petition in the case of a candi- date for any National, State or district office greater than a county, shall be signed by not less than three hun- dred duly qualified electors, resident within the State or district for which the officer is to be elected, and in the case of a candidate for any other elective office, shall be signed by not less than one hundred duly qualified elect- ors, resident within the political subdivision for which the officer is to be elected ; Provided, however, That no such petition shall require more signers thereto than ten per cent, of the gubernatorial votes cast by such political party at the last preceding election in such political sub- division. The electors supporting such petition shall write opposite their names their respective addresses, and ELECTIONS. O election precincts wherein resident as such electors, and shall make oath by affidavit thereto attached, before any officer authorized to administer the same, to the truth thereof, and that each such candidate is placed in nomi- nation on behalf of the political party named in the peti- tion, and is affiliated with the principles thereof; that affiants intend to vote for such candidate at the ensuing direct primary election, and that affiants have not signed any other petition for any other candidate for the same office designated by such petition. Such petition may Petition consist of one or more sheets, to be fastened together in requirements. the form of one petition, but each sheet shall contain the same heading, and the affidavit of the subscribing electors shall be endorsed on the sheet on which their names shall be signed. Every such petition before the same is filed Acceptance with the proper officer as herein designated, shall have ^^ ^^"^^*^^^®- endorsed thereon or thereto appended in writing, either on the first or last sheet of said petition, the ac- ceptance of such candidate of such nomination by acknowledgment before any officer authorized to take acknowledgments. Sec. 6. Every such petition shall, in the case of a Petitions, candidate for any National, State or district office greater where, when, than a county, be filed in the office of the Secretary of ^;^^^^^^**^ ^^^"^ State, and in the case of a candidate for any other elective office, other than municipal or city, in the office of the county clerk wherein such candidate is placed in nomination, not more than sixty days and not less than thirty days prior to the ensuing direct primary election, and in the case of a municipal or city candidate, in the office of the municipal or city clerk, not more than thirty days and not less than twenty days prior to the ensuing direct primary election. Sec. 7. At least twenty days before any September secretary direct primary election, the Secretarv of State shall ^^^*^*^^^^^^ '. , 1 ill ..«",,. « , , transmit list of transmit to each county clerk a certified list of each and candidates to every person entitled to be voted for at such primary ccunty cierits. election, and the office for which such person is a candi- date, together with the other details mentioned in the nomination papers filed in the office of the Secretary of ELECTIONS. Primary election notice to be published and posted. Publication in two newspapers. Method of voting. Separate party ballots. All tickets must be uniform. Arrangement of ballot. State. Each county clerk shall, at least ten days before the September direct primary election, publish once in a condensed form under the proper party designation and under the title of each office, the names and ad- dresses of all persons for whom nomination papers have been filed, insofar as the same shall affect the electors of his county, giving the date of the direct primary elec- tion, the hours during which the polls will be open, and reciting that the said primary election will be held in the lawful polling places designated in each precinct, and shall cause to be posted copies of such notice in at least two public places in all rural precincts in his county. Sec. 8. Any publication required in this act shall be made once in tw^o newspapers, if such there be, of general circulation, published in each county or city where such direct primary elections are to be held, representing the two political parties that cast respectively the largest and the next largest vote in such city or county at the last preceding general election. Sec. 9. The method of voting at such direct primary election shall be by ballot, as herein provided. Not later than ten days before the September direct primary election, the county clerk shall group all the candidates for each party by themselves and shall prepare at once in writing a separate sample ballot for each party for public inspection and shall forthwith proceed to have the primary election ballots printed in the following manner : All tickets shall be uniform in color and size, shall be white and printed in black ink. Across the head of each ballot shall be printed in plain black type, "OFFI- CIAL DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT." On the next line shall be printed the name of the political party, and below that the precinct, ward, city and county in which the ballot is to be used. Tben shall follow the words, ^'To Vote for a Person Mark a Cross (X) in the First Square at the Right of the Name of the Person For Whom You Desire to Vote." Beginning at the top of the left hand column at the left of the line in black type, shall appear the designated office for which the respective ELECTIONS. 7 names following are the names of candidates, and to the extreme right of the same line the words, "Vote For," then the words, "One," "Two," or a spelled number desig- nating how many persons under that head are to be voted for. Following this shall come the name of each candidate for that office, enclosed in a light-faced rule, with a square to the right of said name, said square being separated by a heavy, black-faced rule, the parallel rules containing the names and the squares to be one-sixth of an inch apart and not more than two and one-sixth inches long over all, and following the names of all the candidates, for any particular office shall be a blank space or spaces, wherein the voter may write the name or names of one or more candidates according to the number of candidates to be nominated for such office, for which the voter is entitled to vote. Each position, with the names of the candidates for that office shall be separated from the following one by a black-faced rule, to separate each position clearly. The positions shall be arranged as follows, insofar as selections are to be made or preferences indicated in such county under the provisions of this act: First, csmdi- ^^^^^sement ot dates for United States Senator; next, congressional p^^^^^^y^^^^^^^^ candidates; next, State candidates; next, legislative can- didates; next, other district candidates greater than a county; next, county candidates; next, precinct candidates; next, candidates for precinct mem- bers of the party committees of the several parties. The names of the candidates for each office upon the ballot and under the heading designating each official position upon the ballot to be used in voting, shall be arranged as provided in section 4 of this act. A black space two inches square shall be printed on the face of the ballot in the lower, left-hand corner of each ticket of the ballot. There shall be no other printing or distinguishing marks on the ballot except as in this act specifically provided. Sample ballots shall be in the same form as the official ballot, but upon colored paper. In city or municipal elections, it shall be the duty of city and the city or municipal clerk to prepare the ballots and "municipal •^ ^ ^ elections. 8 ELECTIONS. arrange the positions of the offices on such ballots, com- mencing with the office of mayor, using his reasonable Duties of city or discretion as to such arrangement. The duties provided municipal clerk, fgp jjj ^j^jg g^^,^ ^q ^^ performed by the county clerk with reference to candidates for county and district offices or either of them, shall in like manner be performed by the city or municipal clerk in each city or municipality, with reference to the preparation of ballots and all other mat- ters connected with direct primary election for candi- dates for city or municipal offices. Form of ballot. The form of ballot shall be substantially as follows : "OFFICIAL DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT." PARTY. (DESIGNATION OF PARTY.) Precinct Ward City County To vote for a person mark a cross (X) in the first square at the right of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. ELECTIONS. United States Senator Vote for one. Representative in Con- gress District Vote for one. John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe Governor Vote for one. State Auditor Vote for one. John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe Representative to Gen- eral Assembly District Vote for Regents of State University Vote for two. John Doe John Doe John Doe R. Roe John Doe County Clerk and Recorder Vote for one. R. Roe John Doe Constable. . . . Precinct Vote for one. John Doe John Doe County Superintendent of Schools Vote for one. Precinct Committee- man Precinct Vote for two. Mary Doe followed. When offices other than those given in the form General form above are to be filled at the coming election, the officer o^pai^o* to be preparing the ballot shall use substantially the above form, putting the proper designation of the office in the space as above, and the names of the candidates there- for under the same, as indicated. 10 ELECTIONS. Party ballots to be fastened together. All party direct primary elec- tions to be held at same time and place. Qualifications of voters at direct primary elections. Voters must be registered. Method of Toting. Sec. 10. Each political party entitled to participate in any direct primary election shall have a separate party ticket and all such party tickets shall have a perforated stub at the top thereof, not less than one inch in width, and the several tickets of each such political party shall be securely fastened together at the top and folded by one of the judges of election prior to delivery thereof to the voter. The direct primary election of all political parties shall be held at the same time and at the same polling places and shall be conducted by the same election oflScials. Sec. 11. Every person possessing the constitutional qualifications of a voter, over the age of twenty-one years, a citizen of the United States, and who shall have resided in the State one year immediately preceding the ensuing election at which such person may legally vote, and who shall have resided in the county ninety days, in the city or town thirty days, and in the ward or pre- cinct ten days next preceding such primary election, shall be entitled to vote thereat; Provided, That every such voter shall also be properly registered, if such reg- istration shall be required by law for primary elections. Each voter desiring to vote at said primary election shall have the right to receive a ballot made up as afore- said, and upon receiving said ballot the voter shall retire to one of the booths provided for such primary election and w^ithout undue delay, mark the respective party ballot desired to be voted by him, and shall then return the party ballot to be voted, to one of the judges of elec- tion by whom the same shall be numbered by writing, in the order in which it shall be received, the number thereof, on the opposite side of the black square afore- said, and the comer whereof shall be turned and pasted down so that such number shall be concealed by said black square. Immediately thereafter said party ballot shall be by the voter deposited in the ballot box provided for that purpose, in the presence of the election officers. The remaining tickets attached together shall be folded in like manner by the voter, who shall thereupon without leaving the polling place deposit the remaining tickets in ELECTIONS. 1 1 a separate ballot box to be marked and designated as the Blank Ballot Box. In the event of any such ballot being spoiled ballots, spoiled, the voter shall be entitled to receive additional ballots as provided by law for general elections. The voter shall designate his choice of candidates on his party ballot by marking a cross in each of the small squares at the right of the names of candidates for whom he desires to vote, and shall not vote for more candidates for each oflSce than are to be elected thereto at the election to fol- low the direct primary election, as indicated on the said ballot at the right of each office for which candidates are to be elected. Any voter instead of voting for a candi- voter may date whose named is printed on his party ballot, shall be^^^^®^"*^^"^* entitled to vote for any other eligible person who is a printeToiT^ member of his political party, in lieu of such candidate, baiiot. by writing the name of such person in the blank space immediately following the printed names of candidates for such office; Provided, further, That in no case shall the voter write on his party ballot the name of any candidate appearing on any other party ballot. Imme- Blank ballot diately after the ballots voted shall have been counted ^^^'^^^^'^g^^®^'^*^ and certified to by the clerks and judges as herein pro- ° ® ®® ^®^® • vided, said clerks and judges shall without examination destroy the tickets deposited in the Blank Ballot Box. If such voter is challenged he shall be required to make challenged oath or affirm as follows: "I do hereby solemnly swear v^*®^ ^^ ™^k® (or affirm) that I am a qualified voter, that I am a mem-^^ ber of and affiliated with one of the political parties represented by ballot at this primary election, and that I will at this election vote only under the ballot and only for the candidates of the political party of which I am a member and with which I am affiliated." Said oath shall be administered to one or more voters at the same time. Sec. 12. If it is impossible to determine the choice Defective of any voter for any nomination to be made, his ballot i>aiiots. shall not be counted for such office; Provided, That a defective or imperfect cross on any ballot in a proper place shall be counted, if there be no other mark or cross 12 ELECTIONS. Intent of voter must govern. General election laws to apply- to primary elections. Appointment of judges and clerks. Watchers. Party chairman to certify names of watchers to election judges. Penalty for not allowing watchers to act. in ink on such ballot indicating an intention to vote for some person or persons other than those indicated by the first mentioned defective cross or mark for some other candidate for the same oflSce. If an imperfect cross or mark in ink be found near the name of a candidate, which cross or mark appears to have been made with intent to designate the candidate so marked as the one voted for, such ballot shall not be rejected if the intent of the voter to designate the person for whom he wished to vote can be reasonably gathered therefrom. Sec. 13. Except as herein otherwise provided all direct primary elections shall be conducted the same as sreneral elections under the general election laws of the State of Colorado, as far as the provisions thereof are applicable, and the election oflScers for such primary elections shall have the same powers and shall perform the same duties as those provided by law for general elections. Sec. 14. Judges and clerks of direct primary elec- tions shall be appointed and designated in the manner provided for the conduct of general elections under the laws of the State of Colorado, and the judges of direct primary elections shall in all cases be the registrars of elections and the regularly appointed election judges for general elections under the laws of the State of Colorado. Sec. 15. Each political party participating in a di- rect primary election under the provisions of this act shall be entitled to have one of its members serve as watcher of such election in each voting precinct in the city or county where such primary election shall be held ; Provided, That the chairman of the county or city committee of such political party shall certify the names of the persons so selected to the judges of election in the several precincts, and such persons shall be entitled to enter into the polling places and to witness the casting and counting of the ballots at such primary election ; and Provided further, That any and all judges of election who shall refuse to allow any duly appointed watcher as ELECTIONS. 13 herein provided to act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by con- finement in the county jail, not less than thirty days nor more than six months. The same fees shall be allowed and paid from the Fees of judges public funds for the services of anyone so serving as a^"^°^®^^^- judge, or clerk of direct primary elections as is provided by law for such services for general elections. Sec. 16. The Secretary of State shall provide copies secretary of this law, in conjunction with the general election laws ®^ ^*^*® of the State and transmit the same to the county clerk of ^f t^is law. each county, at least twenty (20) days before any such direct primary election, and the same shall be in lieu of any such copies of said general election laws required to be transmitted to county clerks by the Secretary of State for use in such counties. Sec. 17. The polls of the several election precincts when pons on direct primary election day shall be kept open from are to open 7 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening of ^^^ ^^^^^' said day. If at the hour of closing there are electors at v^ho may vote the polling place desiring to vote and who are qualified ^^^^ ^^'^^^'^s to participate therein, and who have not been able to do so since appearing at the polling place, said polls shall be kept open long enough after the hour of closing to allow those so present at that hour to vote. No one not present at the hour of closing shall be entitled to vote because the polls may not be actually closed when he ar- rives. No adjournment or intermission whatever shall no adjournment take place until the polls shall be closed, and until all or intermission the votes cast at such poll have been counted and the re- p^^"^"^®^ suit publicly announced. Sec. 18. As soon as the polls are finally closed, the Duties of judges* judges of election shall open the ballot boxes at each and clerks polling place and proceed to take therefrom the ballots, b^uot^"'^^ Said officers shall count the number of ballots cast by each party, at the same time bunching the tickets cast for each party together in separate piles, and shall then fasten each pile together. As soon as the clerks and judges shall have assorted and fastened together the ballots of each separate party, they shall take the tally 14 ELECTIONS. Tally sheets furnished. Form of tally- sheets. Arrangement of names on tally sheets. General election laws to apply. Precinct officers. Election of same. sheets provided by the county, municipal or city clerk, and shall count all the ballots for each party separately until the count is completed, and shall certify to the number of votes cast for each candidate. The tally sheets shall be so kept that such sheets shall show the number of votes received. They shall then place the counted ballots in a box, but in no case shall they intermingle party votes. After all have been counted and certified to by the clerks and judges, they shall seal the returns for all parties in one envelope, to be returned to the county, municipal or city clerk. Sec. 19. Two sets of tally sheets for each political party having candidates to be voted for at said direct primary election shall be furnished for each election pre- cinct by the county, municipal or city clerk, at the same time and in the same manner that the ballots are fur- nished, and shall be as follows : Each tally sheet, or the first sheet of each tally book to be furnished, shall be headed, "Tally sheet for (name of political party) (name of city) (county) (ward) (election precinct), for a direct primary election held (date)." The names of candidates shall be placed on the tally sheets in the order in which they appear on the official ballots, and in each case shall have the proper party des- ignation at the head thereof. Sec. 20. In making out and certifying the returns of the direct primary election in the several election pre- cincts, the same shall be done and all acts pertaining thereto conducted in accordance with the provisions of the general election laws for the returns of general elec- tions, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 21. There shall be elected^ by each political party, subject to this law, at said biennial direct pri- mary election, a committeeman and committeewoman for each election precinct, who shall be a resident of such precinct. The candidate for committeeman or commit- teewoman in any precinct, who receives a plurality of % ELECTIONS. 15 votes on any party direct primary ballot, shall be de- clared the elected committeeman and committeewoman of such party for such precinct. The members of the committee thus elected shall be the Representatives of their respective political parties in and for such precincts in all ward or subdivision committees that may be formed. The members of the committee elected in each Precinct com- precinct in each county shall constitute the county cen- "^^"^^ ^^^ and tral committee of each of said respective political par- ^^t^te central ties. And the members of the committ:ee elected in the committees, several precincts in each city or municipality shall con- stitute the city or municipal central committee of each of said respective political parties, and shall have the same powers and jurisdiction as to the affairs of their several parties in such city or municipal matters that the county committee has in county matters. Each member of the Term of two committee shall hold such position for the term of two^^^^^- years from the date of the first meeting of said committee immediately following the election. In case of a vacancy vacancies in the remaining members of said county, city or municipal committees, committee may select a successor to fill the vacancy, who ^^^ ^"®^" shall be a resident of the precinct in which the vacancy occurred. Vacancies in nominations occurring after the holding vacancies in of any direct primary election, prior to eight days before nominations, election, shall be filled by the respective party commit- tees of the city, municipality, district, county or State, as the case may be, in which such vacancies occur. Certifi- cates of nomination to fill such vacancies shall be forth- with prepared and filed by such respective party commit- tees with the respective officers in whose offices original petitions of candidacy are by this act required to be filed. All of said county, municipal and city committees, committee together with the respective candidates nominated for officers, how office, shall meet to organize by electing a chairman, and gJ^^tTd*'^ a vice-chairman who shall be a woman, and a secretary, within five (5) days after the candidates for their re- spective political parties shall have been nominated. The chairman and vice-chairman of the several party 16 ELECTIONS. State central committee, how constituted. Other party committees, how formed. Election of committee officers. Additional members allowed when sufficient votes are polled. State central committee to make rules. Vacancies, how filled. Sub-committees, Present committees legal. county committees shall constitute the State Central Committee of each such party, and the chairman and vice-chairman of the several county committees shall also constitute the congressional, judicial, senatorial and representative committees for the counties composing each such congressional, judicial, senatorial or representa- tive district, respectively. Said State, congressional, judicial, senatorial and representative central committees of the respective political parties together with the re- spective candidates nominated for oflSce shall meet to organize by electing a chairman and a vice-chairman as above provided, and secretary of each of said committees, respectively, within ten days after the nomination of such candidates; Provided, That any political party that polled ten thousand (10,000) votes at the last preceding general election for its candidate for Governor shall be entitled to two additional members of said State Central Committee from such county, one of whom shall be a woman and two such additional members thereof for each additional ten thousand (10,000) votes or major portion thereof so polled. Such additional members of said State Central Committee shall be elected by the respective county central committees of the several political parties. The State Central Committee shall have power to make all rules for party government. All vacancies in State, congressional, judicial, senatorial or representative com- mittees shall be filled by the respective county central committees. All central committees may select manag- ing or executive committees, and may authorize such sub-committees to exercise any and all powers conferred upon the county, city, municipal, state, congressional, judicial, senatorial or representative central committees respectively. Regularly elected and constituted party central com- mittees of the respective political parties, at the time this act shall take effect, shall be considered the legal com- mittees of the respective political parties until direct pri- mary elections shall be held under the provisions of this act, and said central committees and each of them, and ELECTIONS. 17 the officers and members thereof, shall be subject to all the conditions of this section. Sec. 22. The candidates for the various State Offices, state platform. and for the State Senate and House of Representatives, how formulated. nominated by each political party at such direct primary ^y ^hom election, the State Chairman and State Senators of such political party whose term of office extends beyond the second Tuesday in January of the year next ensuing shall meet in the City of Denver at a place to be designated by the respective State Chairman, at twelve o'clock noon on the fourth Tuesday of September after the date on which any direct primary election is held preliminary to any general election. They shall forthwith formulate the State platform of their respective parties. The platform of each party shall be framed and made public not later than five days after the date of such meeting. Sec. 23. Candidates voted on for offices at direct pri- Party nominees. mary elections who receive a plurality of the votes cast ^^^ chosen, shall be the respective party nominees for such respective offices. In the event that there is more than one office of the same kind to be filled, then the number of candidates equal to the number of offices to be filled receiving the highest number of votes shall be the nominees of such political party for such office. Sec. 24. The canvassing of the returns of the direct state board of primary elections as to candidates for State offices, United canvassers, States Senators and Representatives in Congress, and any and^by whom.^ other candidate whose district extends beyond the limits of a single county, shall be done by a board of State can- vassers, consisting of the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State and Attorney Gen- eral, or any three of them. Said board of State canvass- ers shall meet at the office of the Secretary of State on the third Tuesday of September, at ten o'clock a. m., next Meeting. after the holding of such direct primary election. As soon as said board has canvassed said vote it shall file a certificate with the Secretary of State, which certificate certificate shall show the vote of each candidate of each political to be filed, party for each office. The votes for all county, city and municipal officers cast at any direct primary election 18 ELECTIONS. City, county and municipal votes, how canvassed. Canvassers to file statement. Contents of statement. Ties, how determined. Notice of momination. shall be canvassed and the returns made by the same officers and in the same manner as the returns of votes cast at the ensuing elections are by law now required to be made. Such canvassing board and other officers can- vassing votes cast at such direct primary election shall file with the proper officer a statement and report of such canvass, which statement and report of said direct pri- mary election shall contain: First. A statement duly certified to containing the names of all candidates voted for at the direct primary election, with the number of votes received, and also the total number of votes received by each candidate and for what office, said statement to be made as to each political party separately. Second. A statement of the names of the persons or candidates of each political party who are nominated, as hereinbefore provided. Where there is more than one person to be elected to a given office at the ensuing elec- tion there shall be included in said statement of nomina- tion the names of so many candidates for said office, nominated under the provisions of this act, as there are persons to be elected to said office at the ensuing election. Said statement shall, in like manner, be made separately as to each political party. Third. A statement of the whole number of electors registered, where such official has custody of the registry of electors, and the number of ballots cast at said pri- mary election. If two or more candidates of the same political party are "tied" for the same office, the "tie" shall be determined in such manner as shall be agreed upon by the candidates so "tying." In case such candidates shall fail to agree upon the method of determining such "tie" within five (5) days after the completion of the canvass of such vote, the same shall then be determined by lot, to be cast then and there by and as the final canvassing board may determine. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State or the county, city or municipal clerk, as the case may be, upon the completion of any canvass, to immediately mail or deliver in person to each candidate so nominated a notice ELECTIONS. 19 of such fact, and that his name will be placed upon the ^^"^^3 ^^ «^pp®^^ official ballot at the ensuing election. The persons whose eilction^aiiot. names are so placed in said statement of nomination shall be the nominees of said respective political parties of which they are candidates, and such names shall be printed upon the official ballot prepared for the ensuing election. No names of candidates of any political party which is required to make nominations under this act shall be placed upon the official election ballot unless such candidate shall have been chosen in accordance with this act, except in case of a vacancy or vacancies, which shall be filled as herein provided. The name of such new candidates to candidate shall be certified under oath to the Secretary of ^^ ^^^^^^^f • ^ r^, . , 11 .1 '1 ••111 J.I- must be certified State, county clerk or the city or municipal clerk, as the ^nder oath, case may be, by the chairman and secretary of said re- spective party committees. Sec. 25. Whenever it shall appear by verified peti- Errors, tion to any judge of the District Court that any error or ^"^^^^^^j^^^^^ omission has occurred, or is about to occur, in the print- how corrected, ing of the name of any candidate on official direct pri- * mary election ballots, or that any error has been or is about to be committed in printing such ballots, or that the name of any person has been or is about to be wrong- fully placed upon suqh ballots, or that any wrongful act has been performed or is about to be performed by any judge or clerk of the direct primary election, or by the Secretary of State, or by the county or city or municipal clerk, or by any canvassing board or any member thereof, or by any person charged with a duty under this act, or that any neglect of duty by any of the persons aforesaid has occurred, or is about to occur, such judge shall forth- Duty of judge with, by order, require the officer or person or persons °^^^^*^**^**'°"^*- charged with the error, wrongful act or neglect, to forth- with correct the error, desist from the wrongful act, or perform the duty, and to do as the court shall order, or to show cause forthwith why such error should not be cor- rected, wrongful act desisted from, or such duty or order not performed. Provided, that the person or persons. Burden of committee or committees complaining of any such act, p^<^o'- shall have the burden of proof cast upon him or them in 20 ELECTIONS. Must deposit witness fees. Contempt of court. Independent candidates. Nomination of same. Political party names not to be used. Number of signatures required. the premises, and shall be required to deposit in court the sum of two dollars (|2.00) per day for each person so cited or summoned into court, as a party or as a witness, to be paid to the said party or witness in case the charge is not sustained, said money so deposited shall be re- turned to the party depositing the same in case the said charges or any of them are sustained. Failing to obey the order of such court shall be contempt of court. Every such order shall be subject to summary review by the Su- preme Court upon writ of error. Sec. 26. Candidates for public office who do not wish to affiliate with a political party as defined in this act may be nominated otherwise than by a direct primary election, in the manner following : A certificate of nomination shall be prepared which shall contain the name or names of any candidate or can- didates for the office or offices to be filled, their several postoffice addresses, if any, their several residences, and if in a city or town, the street, number of residence and place of business, if any, and shall designate in not more than five words, instead of the party, the political or other name which the signers shall select; Provided, That no name of any political party as defined in this act shall be used, in whole or in part, for this purpose. Said certifi- cate shall be signed by legal voters residing within the district or political division in and for which the officer or officers are to be elected, to the number of at least three hundred when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the voters of the entire State ; of at least one hundred where the nomination is for an office to be filled by the voters of a district less than a State and greater than a county, or by the voters of a county or city or municipal- ity ; of at least fifty when the nomination is for an office to be filled by the voters of a precinct, ward, or other division less than a county, other than a city. The signatures to said certificate of nomination need not all be appended to one paper, but no certificate shall be legal that does not contain the requisite number of names of voters whose names do not appear on any certificate previously filed under the provisions of this section ; Provided, That any ELECTIONS. 21 such certificate of nomination may be amended in this certificate may last respect at any time prior to ten days before the day ^® amended, of election. The certificate may designate or appoint upon the face thereof one or more persons as a committee Committee to to fill vacancies, and in case of vacancy in any of such ^" ^^°^"^^®^- nominations, the same may be filled by such person or committee by a verified certificate to that effect, duly filed with the officer with whom the original certificate of nomination was filed, at least eight days before the day of election. Each voter signing a certificate shall add to signers must his signature his place of residence, and shall, before an "J5^® ?^*^ ^^ officer duly authorized to administer the same, make oath by affidavit thereto attached, that he is a voter within and for the political division for which such nomination is made, and has truly stated his residence, and has not voted at any primary election to nominate a candidate for such office. Said certificate, when executed and ac- certificate, knowledged as before prescribed, shall be filed with the ^^®^® ^^®^' Secretary of State, when for an office or offices to be filled by the voters of the entire State or of any division or dis- trict greater than a county; with the county clerk when for an office or offices to be filled by the voters of an en- tire county or county precinct, and with the city, munici- pal or town clerk when for an office or offices to be filled by the voters of such city, municipality or town. The certificates of nomination to be filed with the certificate, Secretary of State shall be filed not more than sixty days ^*^^^ «^^^- nor less than thirty days before the day of election ; and the certificates of nomination to be filed with the county clerk shall be filed not more than sixty nor less than fifteen days before the day of election, and the certificates of nomination to be filed with the city, municipal or town clerk shall be filed not more than thirty nor less than fifteen days before the day of election. Within eight days after the filing of any such certifi- written cate of nomination with the proper official as aforesaid acceptance each and every candidate named in said certificate of ^ ^^ nomination shall formally accept the nomination therein tendered in a written statement, duly acknowledged, which said statement shall contain the full name and 22 ELECTIONS. Rights and penalties. Secretary of state and attorney general to prepare forms. Campaign expenses. Limitations of personal expenses defined. place of residence of such candidate, and if in a city or town, the street number of the same (if any there be) and his place of business, if any, and postoffice address. When the provisions of this section have been com- plied with, the candidate or candidates named in such certificates of nomination shall be entitled to all the rights and subject to all the penalties of candidates nom- inated at direct primary elections. This section shall be liberally construed, so as to give independent candidates for public oflQce every reasonable opportunity to make their candidacy effective. Sec. 27. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, on or before July 1, 1912, to prepare all forms necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and in accordance therewith, which forms shall be substantially followed in all direct primary elections held in pursuance thereof. Such forms shall be printed, with copies of this act, for'public use and distribution. Sec. 28. No person shall, in order to aid or promote or secure his own nomination to public office, or the nomination of any other person to public office, under the provisions of this act, or any amendment thereto, directly or indirectly himself, or directly or indirectly by or through any other person for him, or on behalf of such other person, give, pay, expend or contribute, or promise to give, pay, expend or contribute, any money or other valuable thing, except for personal expenses. Personal expenses within the meaning of this act shall not in any event exceed five thousand dollars (|5,000), if such person is a candidate for United States Senator, twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) if such person is a candidate for a State office or representative in Congress, and one thousand dollars ($.1,000) if such person is a candidate for any other office, and any expenditure in excess of such sums by any person or persons for any such purpose within one year prior to such direct primary shall be unlawful. No person, co-partnership, organization or corporation shall directly or indirectly contribute or expend, pay or become liable for any of the expenses of any candidate. Any candidate, or other ELECTIONS. 23 person who, or co-partnership, organization or corpora- Penalty for tlon which shall violate any of the provisions of this ^^^s^ge^tion. section shall be guilty of a felony, and on conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dollars (1500.00), or imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one year, or both. Sec. 29. Every candidate for nomination under the candidates terms of this act, or any amendment thereto, shall, not ^^^^^^^^^^^J^°^" less than ten days after the day of holding the direct expenses, primary election or convention at which he is a candi- date, or after the filing of any certificate of nomination wherein such candidate is nominated for public olBfice, file an itemized statement in writing, duly sworn to as to its correctness, with the officer with whom his decla- ration of candidacy or other nomination paper is filed, setting forth each sum of money and thing of value, or any consideration whatever, contributed, paid or prom- ised by him, for the purpose of securing or infiuencing, or in any way affecting, his nomination to said office. Said statement shall set forth the sums paid as personal expenses, stating fully the nature, kind and character of the expense. Such statement, when so filed, shall immediately be subject to the inspection and examina- tion of any elector, and shall be a part of the public records. Sec. 30. Any candidate for nomination for any of- Penalty for not fice under the terms of this act who shall fail, neglect or ^^^^ sworn refuse to file with the proper officer the statement pro- expenses. vided for in the preceding section within the time pro- vided therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dol- lars (|100) and not more than five hundred (|500) or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 31. The provisions of the statutes of Colorado Provisions of in relation to the holding of general elections, the giving statutes to or solicitation of bribes, the solicitation of voters at the ^^P^^ *° '^^^^^^ ' primary polls, the challenging of voters, the manner of conduct- elections. ing elections, of counting the ballots and making returns 24 ELECTION S. Forgery. Candidates for United States senator nomi- nated at direct primary- elections. Secretary of state to certify result to general assembly. Name of candi- date to go on official ballot. thereof, and all other kindred subjects shall apply to all direct primary elections insofar as they are consistent with this act, the intent of this act being to place direct primary elections under the regulation and protection of the laws now in force as to general elections, except as specifically provided otherwise in this act. Sec. 32. Any person who shall forge any name of a person as a signer or witness to a nomination paper shall be deemed guilty of forgery, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 33. At all direct primary elections next pre- ceding the election of a United States Senator by the General Assembly of Colorado there shall be placed upon the respective official direct primary election ballots, by the proper officer preparing such ballots, the names of the several candidates for the office of United States Senator for whose nomination certificates have been duly made and filed under the provisions of this act ; the votes for each of such candidates shall be counted and certified to by the election judges and clerks in the same manner as the votes for other candidates, and records of the votes for each of such candidates shall be made out and sworn to by the board of canvassers of each county of the State and returned to the Secretary of State at the same time and in like manner as they shall transmit other returns of such* primary elections required by this act. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to certify to both Houses of the General Assembly the names of the respective persons of each political party for whom votes were cast at any direct primary election under the provisions of this act at which such persons were candidates for the nomination for United States Senator, which said certificates shall be made and filed upon the first day of the session of such General Assem- bly convening next after said direct primary election. The name of each candidate for the United States Senate who shall have received a plurality of the votes for United States Senator on his party ticket shall be ELECTIONS. 25 placed on the regular election ballot with the proper party designated opposite each name and in all respects the same as a nominee for a State office is placed upon each ballot and the result of the vote at such general election shall be canvassed as are canvassed the votes for State officers, and the Secretary of State shall cer- secretary of tify to both Houses of the General Assembly the ^^anies J^^^®^^°^^^^J^^*^ and number of votes cast for each such candidate for to the general United States Senator, which said certificate shall be assembly. made and filed upon the first day of the session of such General Assembly convening next after said general election. If any person whose vote is challenged under the Penalty for provisions of this act shall knowingly, wilfully and cor- swearing ruptly swear or affirm falsely, he shall be deemed guilty ^ ^.^ ^" of perjury and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 34. Any candidate, under this Act, for the Legislative office of State Senator or member of the House of R€p-c^^<^^<^^*«"^^y resentatives of Colorado, if he desires to do so, may Xte^j^ent. sign and "file with his declaration of candidacy or nomi- nation paper either of the following declarations : STATEMENT. I hereby declare to the People of the State of Colo- Form of rado, as well as to the People of my Legislative District, statement. that during my term of office, I will always vote for the candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received the highest number of the People's votes for that office at the general election next preceding the election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to my individual preference. Signature of Candidate for Nomination. And in such case there shall be printed on the offi- Pledge printed cial direct primary election ballot, opposite or just t)e- ^^'^ ^^"°*- low such candidate's name, the following: "Pledged to vote for People's choice for United States Senator." NOTICE Sectlcns 33 & 34 Repealed by Implication See Chapter 79 Session Laws 1913 26 ELECTIONS. Form of statement. STATEMENT. I hereby declare to the people of the State of Colo- rado, and particularly to the people of my legislative dis- trict, that, during my term of office, whenever called upon to vote for United States Senator, I will always vote for the candidate for United States Senator who has re- ceived the highest number of votes upon my party ticket for that position at the direct primary election next pre- ceding the election of United States Senator. Pledge printed on ballot. Committee contests, how determined. Filings to be public records. Certified copies of filings. All filings to be preserved for two years. Signature of Candidate for Nomination. And in such case there shall be printed on the official direct primary election ballot, opposite or just below such candidate's name, the following: "Pledged to vote for party's choice for United States Senator." Such declaration of candidacy or nomination paper shall be signed as above by the elector seeking such nomination. Sec. 35. All disputes or contests over the Fegularity or legality of the existence of any party committee in the State of Colorado, or any subdivision thereof, shall be determined as provided by law. Sec. 36. All certificates of nomination, acceptances and withdrawals, as soon as filed, shall be public records, and shall be open to public inspection under proper regu- lations; and when a copy of any certificate of nomination, acceptance or withdrawal is presented at the time the original is filed, or at any time thereafter, and a request is made to have such copy compared and certified, the officer with whom such certificate of nomination was filed shall forthwith compare such copy with the original on file, and, if necessary, correct the copy and certify and deliver the copy to the person who presented it. All cer- tificates of nomination, acceptances, withdrawals, poll books, tally sheets, ballots and ballot stubs shall be pre- served as other records are for two years after the elec- tion to which they pertain, unless otherwise ordered or restrained by some court. After which they shall be de- ELECTIONS. 27 stroyed by the oflacial custodian thereof by fire, without anyone inspecting the same. Sec. 37. Any person who has been nominated and withdrawal who has accepted a nomination, as provided in this act, no^^inations. may cause his name to be withdrawn from nomination, at any time prior to ten days before election, by a written instrument declining such nomination, which written in- strument shall be signed and acknowledged by such can- didate before some officer authorized by the laws of this State to take acknowledgment of deeds, which instrument shall be filed with the Secretary of State or county, city or municipal clerk with whom the original certificate nominating such candidate was filed. Sec. 38. If any person nominated as herein provided Death of a dies within eight days before the day fixed by law for the ^^'^^'^^^^ election, and the fact of such death becomes known to Name to be the Secretary of State, or county, city or municipal clerk erased or in whose office the certificate of nomination nominating from baiiot. such person was filed, the name of the deceased candidate shall not be printed upon the ballots for the election, and, if already printed, shall, if possible, be erased or can- celed before the ballots are delivered to the electors. Sec. 39. The several county, city and municipal certified lists clerks shall furnish the election judges with certified lists f^^'n J^ed^^^^" of all registered voters, if such registration be required by law, along with the poll books and other election material, as provided by law for the conduct of general elections. Sec. 40. Any person who shall offer or, with knowl- Bribery edge of the same, permit any person to offer for his benefit ®^ voter, any bribe or promise of gain to a voter to induce him to sign any election paper or any person who shall accept any such bribe or promise of gain of any kind in the na- ture of a bribe as consideration for signing the same, whether such bribe or promise of gain in the nature of a bribe be offered or accepted before or after signing, shall be guilty of a felony, and, upon trial and conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of five hundred dollars Penalty. ($500.00), or by confinement in the penitentiary not less than one year, or both. Sec. 41. Any act declared an offense by the general laws of this State concerning elections shall also, in like 28 ELECTIONS. Election offenses. Punishment. Misuse of nomi- nation papers a misdemeanor. Punishment. Neglect of duty by direct primary election officers, a felony. Punishment. Election contests to be adjudicated by county or district court. Original jurisdiction. case, be an offense in all direct primary elections and shall be punished in the same form and manner as therein provided, and ail the penalties and provisions of the law as to such elections, except as herein otherwise provided, shall apply in such case with equal force and to the same extent as though fully set forth in this act. Sec. 42. Any person who, being in possession of nomination papers entitled to be filed under this act, or any act of the General Assembly, shall wrongfully or wilfully either destroy, mutilate, suppress, neglect or fail to cause the same to be filed at the proper time in the proper oflSce, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months, or by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 43. If any judge or clerk of a direct primary election, or other oflflcers or persons on whom any duty is enjoined by this law, shall be guilty of any wilful neg- lect of such duty or of any corrupt conduct in the dis- charge of the same, such judge, clerk, officer or other person shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of five hun- dred dollars ($500.00) , or by confinement in the peniten- tiary not less than one year, or both. Sec. 44. All election contests arising out of any direct primary election or the placing in nomination by petition of any such candidate or the failure to file any such petition or place any such candidate in nomination, by any person, official, board or convention in violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall be summarily adjudicated by the County or District Court sitting within or for the political subdivision within or from which any such petition is to be filed or any such nomina- tion is to be made or in which any such election contro- versy or contest may arise, and such of said respective courts first acquiring jurisdiction of any such controversy or contest, shall have original jurisdiction of any such controversy or contest as aforesaid, subject only to the summary appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ELECTIONS. 29 of the state by writ of error, and, in all cases involving petitions, nominations and elections concerning national or State offices, voted or to be voted on at anv such pri- ^^®^ *^® . *^ ^ supreme court mary election, the Supreme Court of the State shall take is to take original jurisdiction for the purpose of summarily adju- original dicating any such controversy or contest. Every such ''"^^^^^^*^°'^" procedure shall be by petition to the proper court, set- Procedure, ting forth the grounds of complaint, and in case of any contest the contestee shall be made respondent. Said pe- tition shall be verified and a copy thereof shall within five days after the occurrence of the ground of cojnplaint be served on the respondent or respondents therein named, requiring such respondent or respondents to an- swer thereto under oath within five days after such serv- ice. If personal service of such petition can not be pro- service cured in the State on such respondent, then service of petition. thereof may be made by leaving a copy of such petition within such time with the clerk of the court having origi- nal jurisdiction of any such controversy or contest, and such clerk shall thereupon make diligent inquiry and en- deavor to procure such respondent to make answer to said complaint as aforesaid, and upon the expiration of the time for such answer the court so having jurisdiction of any such controversy or contest shall forthwith set the same for trial on the merits thereof summarily adju- dicating the same. Sec. 45. All ballots, blanks and other supplies toEiection be used at any direct primary election held under the ^^p^^^.®^- provisions of this act, and all expenses incurred in the preparation or the conduct of such primary election shall be paid out of the treasury of the city, municipality, county or State, as the case may be, in the same manner, with like effect, and by the same officers as in the case of general elections. Sec. 46. In construing the provisions of this act. Laws and of all sections of the general statutes of the State of applicable Colorado hereby made applicable to direct primary elec- tions, the provisions of the general election laws applica- ble to the ensuing elections, shall apply and govern, ex- cept as in this act otherwise provided. 30 ELECTIONS. Masculine pronoun to include feminine. County clerk defined. Duties of election commissions. Repealing clause. Sec. 47. Wherever the masculine pronoun is used in this act it shall be construed to include feminine, and it shall only be necessary for a voter to state that he is twenty-one years of age in answer to any question in relation to his age. Sec. 48. Wherever the words "county clerk" are used in this act, they shall be construed to mean the county clerk and recorder. Sec. 49. The election commission in cities having a special charter providing for such election commission, shall have all the powers and jurisdiction and perform all the duties provided by this act, in respect to county clerks, city or municipal clerks and boards of county commissioners or any other election officials or boards, subject to the general laws of this State, except as other- wise specifically provided by such charter, not incon sistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 50. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved, October 17, 1910. FORMS FOR Colorado Direct Primary Election Law FORMS. 33 (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in blaclc inlc.) FORM P. E. NO. -BIND HERE- PRIMARY NOMINATION PETITION OF Party for Office (For Number of Signers, Time and Place of Filing, see Sections 5 and 6, Pages 12 and 13, Election Laws 1912.) To (Secreta^ry of State of State of Colorado) or (To City or County Clerk for City or County of Colorado), as the case may be. We, the undersigned members of and affiliated with the Party and qualified Primary Electors of said Party in the of in the County of and State of Colorado, do hereby petition that , who (Name of person who is Candidate) resides at No Street, in the City of in the County of and State of Colorado (if in Country, give postoffice address) and whose place of business is^ shall be a candidate of the Party, for the nomination for the office of- to be voted for at the Primary Election to be held on the day of , A. D. 19 NAME Post Office Address Street and Number, If Any Election Pre- cinct Wherein Resident as Such Elector 1 2 3 4 5 6 _ _ 7 8 9 10 - - State of Colorado, County of ^ ^®- Each of the persons, whose signatures appear on the fore- going sheet, did personally appear before me and sign the fore- going petition in person, and being duly sworn upon oath, each for himself or herself, (and not for the other), says that the above 34 FORMS. and foregoing statement is true; that the said person candidate for the office of is placed in nomination on behalf of the Party and is affiliated with the principles thereof; that affiants intend to vote for said for the office of at the ensuing direct Primary Election and that affiants have not signed any other petition for any other candidate for the office of Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A. D. 1912. Notarv Public. (SEAL) NOTICE. f ach signer must also bo affidavit above the officer's jurat. FORMS. 35 (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) FORM P. E. NO. ACCEPTANCE OF CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION BY PRIMARY NOMINATING PETITION. (To be endorsed on or appended to Petition on first or last sheet of Petition, as per Section 5, Page 13, Election Laws 1912.) To - (Secretary of State, or other officer with whom Petition is to be filed.) and to the members of the. Party and the Electors of (State) (Counties of comprising the District) (County) (City) as the case may be. STATE OF COLORADO, \ County of J®^* , being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says, that I am a resident of County and of the City (or) Town of ; that my Street address is No Street, in said City or Town of (or if living in the country) that my postoffice address is and that my place of business is Street, City of ; that I am a qualified elector of Precinct, in said County (or City) of , State of Colorado; that I am a member of and affiliated with the Party; that I hereby accept the aforesaid Petitioners' designation of a place on the Primary Election Ballot for the office of ; that if I am nominated for the office of at the Primary Nomi- nating Election to be held in the (County or City of ). State of Colorado, on the day of , 19 , I will accept the nomination (and will not withdraw) and if I am elected, I will qualify as such officer. (Signature of Candidate.) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , A. D. 19 Notary Public. My Commission Expires (SEAL) 36 FORMS. Legislative Candidates may add to his or her nomination paper, or declaration of candidacy, either of the following declar- ations: • STATEMENT NO. 1. I hereby declare to the People of the State of Colorado, as well as to the People of my Legislative District, that during my term of oflSce, I will always vote for the candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received the highest number of the People's votes for that office at the general election next pressing the election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to fty individual preference. ^^ h/ X ^ Signature of Candidate for Nomination. ^ 5? ^ STATEMENT NO. 2. A <• (V Xi B 3 c CIS o o c "3 I 0) o s ^ en 111 1 o^ 1 I I I 1 I , , , I '^'^ !!!!!!!!!! <^ c , ■ 1 ^6 i i ;;;;:;; ; o q; ^ 73 -ca 4- -^ T .'H - ^ i =* fe 0) -M ^ p so -M O cd 0) «w O bJD a o 1^ H-* r C3 O . +^ > ""««■■ ^ c a ^ . "1 "* ^ «M o ^ % 02 -M 73 a a fl W j3 C3 '^ 02 6 C c : =« fl . 0) o o < • ^ --a « 9 1— 1 • 5 K o • ^ ;>. ^^ :^?S feC :-^ a ; .^§2 ^f^ ^15 ^ p o o 52 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO ABSTRACT OF VOTES FROM ELECTION PRECINCTS. To the Hon , County Clerk and Recorder of County: At a Primary Election held at the house of No Street, in Precinct or Ward, in the County of and State of Colorado, on the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and , in accordance with the provisions of the Direct Primary Law 1910, Section 18, Page 20, Election Laws 1912, the following named persons re- ceived the number of votes annexed to their respective names for the nomination for the following described offices, to-wit : Whole Number of Votes Cast were (words) had United States Senator (long term). had United States Senator (short term). ..had Kept, at Large to LXIV Congress, U. S. had R€pt. at Large to LXIV Congress, U. S. had Rept. in LXIV Congress District. had Judge of Supreme Court. had Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of State. State Treasurer. Attorney General. had had had had had had, Superintendent of Public Instruct. had Regent of University of Colorado. Fig. Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for FORMS. had State Senator for Senatorial Dist. had Kept, to General Assembly Dist. had District Judge in Dist. had District Atty. in Judicial Dist. had County Clerk and Recorder. had Sheriff. ....had County Supt. of Schools. had Justice of Peace Precinct. had Constable Precinct. had Precinct Committeeman Precinct. had Precinct Committeewoman Precinct. and in the same manner for any other person voted 53 Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for or. Certified by us this day of September, 19 Attest : Clerks of Primary Election. Judges of Primary Election. 54 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION TO FILL VACANCY. To the Hon (Secretary of State) or (County Clerk and Recorder of County) or (City Clerk) Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, or County or City Clerk, as the case may be: In accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of the Pri- mary Election Law 1910, page 25, Election Laws 1912, We, the Undersigned. Chairman and Secretary respectively of the Committee, do hereby certify . Name of political party filling vacancy) (State, County or City) That, whereas, a vacancy has occurred on the (Name of political party) Ticket in and for the office (State, County or City) of caused by (Office vacated) (Insert cause of vacancy) the said , being the regular nominee^ of said Party at the Direct Primary Election held on the day of , A. D. 19 , for such office. That on , the day of (Day of week) 19. . . . , at a regularly called meeting of the said (Political party) Committee, called for the purpose of (State, County or City) filling vacancies on the (Political party) (State, County or City) Ticket, and representing the Party (Political party) of the State of Colorado (County or City of ) did meet in pursuance to said Call and Notice of said Meeting for the purpose of filling vacancies on said (Political party) (State, County or City) Ticket as aforesaid; and that at such meeting, a vote being reg- ularly taken and had, the following persons, viz.: (Name of person) (Address) was by said Committee, unan- (Party,) (State, County or City) imously nominated and chosen by said (Party) (State, County or City) Committee as the Candidate of said Party (Political party) as the nominee for said office of the State of Colorado (or County or City of ) and FORMS. 55 the name of the said is hereby substituted on said (Political party) (State, County or City) Ticket, for said office in the place and stead of the said on said (Political party) (State, County or City) Ticket. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of , A. D. 19 Chairman of the Party Committee. (State, County or City) Secretary of the Party Committee. (State, County or City) STATE OF COLORADO, | COUNTY OF i • Before me, , a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, personally ap- peared and , who, being duly sworn each for himself and not one for the other, did depose and say : That they are respectively the duly elected, qualified and Acting Chairman and Secretary of the (Political \)arty) Committee ; (State, County or City) that they have read the above and foregoing Certificate and know the contents thereof, and that the said Certificate and the statements therein contained are true to the best of their knowl- edge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to as above, before me this day of A. D. 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public (or other officer). (SEAL) (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) 56 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO. CERTIFICATE OF VACANCY. STATE OF COLORADO, SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, DENVER. To County Clerk County, Colorado. Dear Sir: It is hereby certified to you that the following nomination to fill the vacanc existing on the Ticket for the nomination for the oflSce. . . of , to be voted for at the Direct Primary Election, of September A. D. 19 is now on file in this office. Office to Be Filled Name of Candidate - Postofflce Address Place of Residence Place of Business IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the City of Denver, this day of , A. D. 19 (SEAL) Secretary of State. FORMS. 57 FORMP. E. NO (Separate Certificate to be made for each political party) CERTIFICATE AND DETERMINATION OF THE BOARD OF STATE CANVASSERS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. We, the undersigned, Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, and , Attorney General, consti- tuting the Board of State Canvassers of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that in the discharge of the duties imposed on us as such Board by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Colo- rado, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 24, Pri- mary Election Law 1910, did meet in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, on the day of September, A. D. 19 . . . , at 10 o'clock A. M., being the third Tues- day of September next after the Direct Primary Election held on the day of September, A. D. 19. . ., and proceeded to canvass the returns of the votes cast at said Primary Election for the nomination of the following offices, viz. : Two United States Senators from the State of Colorado. Two Representatives at Large in the liXIV Congress of the United States. One Representative in the LXIV Congress of the United States for the First Congressional District. One Representative in the LXIV Congress of the United States for the Second Congressional District. One Judge of the Supreme Court for the term of ten years. One Regent of the University of Colorado, to fill unexpired term. Two Regents of the University of Colorado. ..... .District Judge in the Judicial District. One District Attorney in the Judicial District. For State Senators to the Nineteenth General Assembly. For Representatives to the Nineteenth General Assembly. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Auditor of State, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Supt, of Public Instruction. 58 FORMS. That we have carefully examined all the returns from the Board of Canvassers of each of the Counties of the State, of the votes cast therein for each of said officers and that the foregoing tabulated statements are true and correct abstracts of the votes cast at said Primary Election for said offices and the persons for whom the same were cast, and We do therefore Certify and Determine hereby : That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of United States Senator from the State of Colorado, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party for the said office. And we further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Representative at Large in the LXIV Congress of the United States, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. And we further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Representative in the LXIV Congress of the United States for the First Congressional District of Colorado, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party for the said office. And we further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being.*. . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Representative in the LXIV Congress of the United States for the Second Congressional District of Colorado, of the. . . : Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. And we further Certify and Determine : That. , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Judge of the Supreme Court for the term of ten years, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. FORMS. 59 And we further Certify and Determine : That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Governor, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. And we further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being votes, for the nomination for the office of Secretary of State, of the-. Party, is hereby de- clared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. And we do further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office ot State Senator for Senatorial District, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party for .the said office. And we do further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of Representative to the Nineteenth General Assembly for the District, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party for the said office. And we do further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being votes, for the nomination for the office of District Judge in the Judicial District, of the Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. And we do further Certify and Determine: That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being votes, for the nomination for the office of District Attorney in the. Judicial District, of the 60 FORMS. Party, is hereby declared duly nominated by the Party, for the said office. (The same Determination and Certificate to follow for each of the State and Legislative offices.) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We, the Members of said Board, have hereunto set our hands at the said office of Secretary of State, this day of , A. D. 19. . .. Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of State. Treasurer of State. Attorney General. roRMS. 61 FORMP. E. NO (Separate Certificate to be made for each political party) ABSTRACT OF VOTES AND CERTIFICATE OF DETERMI- NATION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE COUNTY. In accordance with the provisions of Section 2272 Revised Statutes of Colorado 1908, page 148, Election Laws 1912, and Section 24 Primary Election Laws 1910, We, the Undersigned, , County Clerk and Recorder of County, and , (Republican) Justice of the Peace, and , Justice of the (Democratic) Peace of. County, constituting the County Board of Canvassers for County, met at the Court House in , County of , State of Colorado, on the day of September, A. D. 19. . ., it being the 10th day after the close of the Direct Primary Election held on the day of September, 19. . ., all the returns of the Primary Election held in County, State of Colorado, being in, and opened the returns of said election and proceeded to canvass the votes cast at said Primary Election for the nomination of the following offices, viz. : List of Offices Voted For in County and Candidates for each office, together with number of Votes received at said Primary Election, by each person, for each of said offices: United States Senators: (One for the long term of 6 years; one for the short term of 2 years.) Two Representatives in the LXIV Congress of the United States for the State at Large. Representative in LXIV Congress District. One Judge of Supreme Court. Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of State. State Treasurer. Attorney General. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Two Regents of University of Colorado. State Senator for Senatorial District. Representative to General Assembly District. District Judge in the Judicial District. District Attorney in the Judicial District. 62 FORMS. County Clerk and Recorder. Sheriff. County Superintendent of Schools. Justice of Peace Precinct. Constable Precinct. Precinct Committeeman Precinct. That we have carefully examined all the returns of the votes from the duly qualified Election officials of the lawful polling precincts of County as cast therein for each of the foregoing offices and that the tabulated statements or ab- stract of votes consisting of separate sheets for the foregoing offices are true and correct abstract of votes cast at said Primary Election for said offices and the persons for whom the same were cast ; and we do further certify and determine hereby : That , having received the highest number of votes cast for any one person, said number being. . . . votes, for the nomination for the office of County Clerk and Recorder of .County, on the Party Ticket, is hereby declared duly nom- inated for said office by the Party. (The same determination and certificate to follow for each of the County and Precinct offices.) Total Number of Votes Registered in County for Primary Election of , A. D. 1912, were Total Number of Ballots cast at said Primary Election of day , A, D. 1912, were IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We, the Members of said Board, have hereunto set our hands at the Court House of County, in , State of Colorado, this (City or Town) day of , A. D. 19.... County Clerk and Recorder of County. Republican Justice of the Peace of ' County. Democratic Justice of the Peace of County. Board "of County Canvassers. FORMS. 63 Form P. E. No NOTICE OF NOMINATION. STATE OF COLORADO. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. I, Secretary of State, of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that at a meeting held at this office in the City of Denver, on the .day of September, A. D. 19...., , Governor, Sec'y. of State, Auditor, Trea's., Atty. Gen^., the State Board of Canvassers of the State of Colorado, pro- ceeded to examine and make statements of the whole number of votes given at a Primary Election held on the day of September, A. D. 19 .... , for the nomination of United States, State and District officers mentioned in the Notice of Primary Election, published and posted according to law on the day of , A. D. 19 , that were voted for at said Direct Prinaary Election, on the day of September, A. D. 19 .... , which statements, certified to be correct and sub- scribed by the members of said State Board of Canvassers, with a certificate of their determination as to what persons were duly nominated for such offices, or any of them, endorsed and sub- scribed thereon, were filed in my office. I FURTHER CERTIFY, That, by said statements and cer- tificates of determination, it appears that having received the highest number of votes cast at said election for any one person for the nomination for the office of on the Ticket, said number being votes, was by said State Board of Canvassers declared duly nominated for said office, and that the said (Name of party candidate receiving- highest number of votes for office at said Primary Election) will be placed upon the official ballot at the ensuing General Election of November 5, 1912. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the City of Denver, this day of , A. D. 19 Secretary of State. (SEAL) 64 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO NOTICE OF NOMINATION. STATE OF COLORADO, COUNTY or (CITY) OF, OFFICE OF COUNTY OR CITY CLERK OF COUNTY or CITY. I, , County Clerk of County, or City Clerk of , State of Colorado, do hereby certify that' at a meeting held at the County Clerk's office or (City Clerk's office) at the on the (Court House or City Hall of City) day of September, A. D. 19 , County Clerk of County (Name of County or City Clerk) or (City Clerk of ) and Justice of the (Republican) Peace, and Justice of the Peace, constituting the (Democratic) County Board of Canvassers for County, proceeded to examine and make statements of the Whole number of votes given at a Primary Election held on the day of September, A. D. 19 ... , for the nomination of County, Precinct or City officers mentioned in the Notice of a Primary Election, pub- lished and posted according to law on the day of , A. D. 19 , that were voted for at said Direct Primary Election, on the day of September, A. D. 19 , which statements, certified to be correct and sub- scribed by the members of said County. Board of Canvassers, with a Certificate of their Determination as to what persons were duly nominated for such offices, or any of them, endorsed and subscribed thereon, were filed in my office. I FURTHER CERTIFY, That, by said statements and cer- tificates of determination, it appears that having received the highest number of votes cast at said Election for any one person for the nomination for the office of on the Ticket, said number being votes, was by said County Board of Canvassers declared duly nominated for said office, and that the said (Name of party candidate receiving highest number of votes for office at said Primary Election) will be placed upon the official ballot at the ensuing General Election of November 5, 1912. FORMS. S5 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the County or City, at this day of , A. D. 19 > County Clerk of. County, or City Clerk of (SEAL) 66 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO. (To be filed with same officer as original petition or certificate of designation was filed, not less than ten days after the day of holding Primary Election). SWORN STATEMENT OF CAMPAIGN EXPENSES. Showing in detail all the moneys contributed or expended by , Candidate for the nomination for the oflQce of on the Ticket, voted for at the Primary (Political party) Election held in County, Colorado, on the day of... ,19 Amount paid , Clerk County for filing acceptance, $ Amount paid , Chairman (Name of Chairman) (Political party) , Central Committee for subscription (State) to the Campaign Fund $ Amount paid to , Chairman (County or City) Central Committee for subscription to the Campaign Fund, I >> JJ J> J> JJ ?? ?J for » for >? for Total Amount, STATE OF COLORADO, ( County of \^^' , being first duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says, that the foregoing statement is in all respects true, and that the same is a full, complete and detailed statement of all money expended by him, directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person, in aid of his nomination at the Direct Primary Election of , A. D. 19 FORMS. 67 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this .day of , A. D. 19 My Commission Expires y Notary Public or other officer. (SEAL) (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) 68 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO. CERTIFICATE OF VOTE IN RE UNITED STATES SENATOR. STATE OF COLORADO, OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. To the Hon , Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Nineteenth General Assembly of the State of Colorado, or President of the Senate of the Nineteenth General Assembly of the State of Colorado. I, , Secretary of State (Name of Secretary of State) of the state of Colorado, in accordance with the provisions of Section 33, paragraph 2, of the Primary Election Law of 1910, page 30, Election Laws 1912, do hereby certify that at a meeting held at this oflSce in the City of Denver, on the day of , A. D , , Governor, , Sec'y of State, Auditor, , Treas., Att'y Gen'l., the State Board of Canvassers of the State of Colorado, pro- ceeded to examine and make statements of the whole number of votes given at a Primary Election held on the day of September, A. D. 19. . ., for the office of United States Senator from the State of Colorado that were voted for at said election, which statements, certified to be correct and subscribed by the members of said State Board of Canvassers, with a cer- tificate of their determination as to what persons who were can- didates for said office on the Ticket, or any (Political party) of them, endorsed and subscribed thereon, were filed in my office. I FURTHER CERTIFY, That, by said statements and cer- tificates of determination, it appears that having received the highest number of votes cast at said election for any one person for the nomination for the office of United States Senator on the Ticket, said (Political party) number being votes, was by said State Board of Can- vassers declared the nominee of the Party for (Political party) the office of United States Senator from Colorado for the term of years, and for the term of years. FORMS. 69 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the City of Denver, this.. day of , A. D. 19.... Secretary of State. (SEAL) 70 FORMS. FORM P. E. NO STATEMENTS 1 AND 2 THAT MAY BE MADE BY CANDI- DATES FOR STATE SENATOR OR MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND HOW SUCH PLEDGES ARE INDICATED ON THE PRIMARY ELEC- TION BALLOT. STATEMENT NO. 1. I hereby declare to the People of the State of Colorado, as well as to the People of my Legislative District, that during my term of office, I will always vote for the candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received the highest number of the People's votes for that office at the general election next preceding the election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to my individual preference. Signature of Candidate for Nomination. Indicated on ballot as follows : "Pledged to vote for People's choice for United States Senator." STATEMENT NO. 2. I hereby declare to the people of the State of Colorado, and particularly to the people of my legislative district, that, during my term of office, whenever called upon to vote for United States Senator, I will always vote for the candidate for United States Senator who has received the highest number of votes upon my party ticket for that position at the direct primary election next preceding the election of United States Senator. Signature of Candidate for Nomination. Indicated on ballot as follows: "Pledged to vote for party's choice for United States Senator.'' (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) FORMS. 71 FORM P. E. NO OERTIFIOATE OF WITHDRAWAL FROM NOMINATION. In accordance with the provisions of Section 37, Pri- mary Election Law 1910, page 32, Election Laws 1912, I, (Name of nominee who desires to wittidraw Hum nomination) do hereby respectfully decline the nomination for the office of ., , on the Ticket, (Title of office to which nominated) (Political party) for which office I was duly nominated at the Direct Primary Election held on the day of A. D. 19. . ., or by an Independent Petition of Nomination filed in the office of (Secretary of State) (County or City Clerk) on the day of , A. D. 19..., and which nomination was duly accepted' by filing my written acceptance of such nomination for the said office with the , on the (Secretary of State) (County or City Clerk) day of , A. D. 19. . ., and do by these presents respectfully authorize my name to be withdrawn from the nomi- nation for the office of , to be (Office to which nominated) voted on at the ensuing General Election of , A. D. 19.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this .day of , A. D. 19. . .. (Signature of Candidate.) STATE OF COLORADO, ) County of \ ^^' Before me, . *. ., a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared , personally known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the above and foregoing Certificate of Withdrawal from Nomination, and acknowledged that he or she signed said instrument in writing as his or her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this dav of , A. D. 19.... My Commission Expires Notary Public or other officer. (Seal) (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color, 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) roii.Ms. FORM P. E. NO. AFFIDAVIT OR OATH OF CHALLENGED VOTER AT DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION. 8TATE OF COLORADO. CouDtv of [• ss. I do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that 1 am a qualified voter, that I am a member of and affiliated with one of the po- litical parties represented by ballot at this primary election, and that I will at this election vote only under the ballot and only for the candidates of the political party of which I am a member and with which I am affiliated. Subscribed and sworn to before this dav of ID Judges of Election. Precinct No (Ward) (County) (All Petitions or forms under Primary Election Law must be uniform in size and color. 17x11 inches, white paper, printed or written in black ink.) FORM P. E. NO CERTIFIED LIST OF REGISTRATION FURNISHED BY COUNTY, CITY OR MUNICIPAL CLERKS TO ELECTION JUDGES OF EACH PRECINCT. I hereby certify that the within copy of registration for Pre- cinct Ward or District County of , State of Colorado, containing names, is a true and correct list of all the reg- istered voters in said Precinct who voted therein at the last gen- eral election and also all other registered voters in said Precinct whose names appear on the original registration book of said precinct in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the County of , this . .day of A. D. 19.. .. County Clerk of County. (SeaU iM>i:x. ELECTIONS— Continued. Sec. Page qualifications of voters at direct primary elections 11 10 voters must be registered 11 lO method of voting 11 le spoiled ballots 11 ii voter may write in name of person not printed on ballot 11 11 blank ballot box 11 ll contents to be destroyed 11 11 challenged voter to make oath 11 11 defective ballots 12 11 Intent of voter must govern 12 12 general election laws to apply to primary elections 13 12 appointment of judges and clerks 14 12 watchers 15 12 party chairman to certify names of watchers to election judges... 15 12 penalty for not allowing watchers to act 15 12 fees of judges and clerks 15 13 secretary of state to provide copies of this law 16 13 when polls are to open and close.... 17 13 who may vote after closing hour •. 17 13 no adjournment or intermission permitted 17 13 duties of judges and clerks in counting ballots IS 13 tally sheets furnished 19 14 form of tally sheets 19 14 arrangement of names on tally sheets 19 14 general election laws to apply 20 14 precinct officers ^ 21 14 election of same 21 14 precinct committeemen and women to constitute central com- mittees 21 15 term of two years 21 15 vacancies in committees, how filled 21 15 committee officers, how and when elected 21 15 state central committees, how constituted 21 16 other party committees, how formed : 21 16 election of committee officers 21 16 additional members allowed when sufficient votes are polled... 21 16 state central committee to make rules 21 16 vacancies, how filled 21 16 sub- committees 21 16 present committees legal 21 16 state platform, how formulated, when and by whom 22 17 party nominees, how chosen 23 17 state board of canvassers, how constituted and by whom.. 24 17 meetings 24 17 certificate to be filed 24 17 city, county and municipal votes, how canvassed 24 18 canvassers to file statement 24 18 contents of statement 24 18 ties, how determined 24 18 notice of nomination 24 IS names to appear on official election ballot 24 19 candidates to fill vacancies, must be certified under oath 24 19 errors, omissions and wrongful acts, how corrected 25 19 duty of judges of district court 25 19 burden of proof 25 19 must deposit witness fees 25 20 contempt of court 25 20 ixnKx. 77 ELECTIONS— Continued. Sec. Page independent candidates 26 20 nomination of same 26 20 political party names not to be used 26 20 number of signatures required 26 20 certificate may be amended 26 21 signers must make oath by affidavit 26 21 certificate, where filed 26 21 certificate, when filed 26 21 written acceptance of nominations 26 21 rights and penalties 26 22 secretary of state and attorney general to prepara^ forms 27 22 campaign expenses 28 22 limitations of personal expenses defined 28 22 penalty for violations of this section 28 23 candidates must file sworn statement of expenses 29 23 penalty for not filing sworn statement of expenses 30 23 provision of statutes to apply to direct primary elections 31 23 forgery '. ^.... 32 24 candidates for United States senator nominated at direct primary elections 33 • 24 secretary of state to certify result to general assembly 33 24 names of candidates to go on ofiicial ballot 33 24 secretary of state to certify result of vote to general assembly 33 25 penalty for swearing falsely 33 25 legislative candidates may make statement 34 25 form of statement 34 25 pledge printed on ballot 34 25 form of statement 34 26 pledge printed on ballot 34 26 committee contests, how determined 35 26 filings to be public records 36 26 certified copies of filings , 36 26 all filings to be preserved for two years , 36 26 withdrawal from nominations , 37 27 death of a candidate 38 27 name to be erased or omitted from ballot 38 27 certified lists of registration furnished 39 27 bribery of voter... 40 27 penalty 40 27 election offenses 41 28 punishment 41 28 misuse of nomination papers a misdemeanor 42 28 punishment 42 28 neglect of duty by primary election officers a felony 43 28 punishment 43 28 election contests to be adjudicated by county or district court... 44 28 original jurisdiction 44 28 when the supreme court is to take original jurisdiction 44 29 procedure 44 29 service of petition 44 29 election expenses, how paid 45 29 laws applicable to this act 46 29 masculine pronoun to include feminine ». .• ^■•••«,'17 30 county clerk defined ■*••••• v» T- •!•• V.' .*..}.;• 48 30 duties of election commissions .•.•..*. .V..'.. . * .*...'. 49 30 repealing clause .r'r. ..•...•...•.?•.■'.,•, .jr,.^,. .• *5(^, 30 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 30m-6,'14 tGATLORO BROS MAKERS SYRACUSE. - N.Y. fAT. 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