fQ B 544 .22 T67 1922 ASTR *. -.--"I [ ^ ^ S N.X f y*v \ XN sr \ >* / \$* ( & ^fa m *. > 01** HE OTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, L- 7 - 1922 SEPTEMBER 21.' THTO Sydney Observatory sent an expedition to Goondiwindi. Queensland, and also organised a number of observers at Grafton, New South Wales, and Beaudescit, Queensland, close to the points whore the south and north edges of the shadow crossed the 153rd meridian. At Goondiwindi the programme included A. Photographs of the stars in the neighbourhood of the eclipsed sun, in order to test the " Einstein effect. " B. Observations for local time, and determination of the geographical co-ordinates of the temporary observatory. C. Numerous large-scale photographs of the partial phase, and hence determination of the times of the four contacts. D. Observation of the shadow bands. At Grafton and Beaudesert the programme included-- E. Observation of the shadow bands. F. An attempt to determine the position on the earth of the edge of the moon's shadow. AT GOONDIWINDI. A. The " Einstein Effect." The experience of Greenwich Observatory seemed to indicate that an astrograph, if properly mounted, might be a suitable instrument for the determination of the deviation of a ray of light passing near the sun's limb. Accordingly our astrograph was removed from Redhill, and rigidly mounted at Goondiwindi, in a spacious galvanised-iron enclosure. A portion of the roof along the meridian from the zenith to the Pole, and a large portion of the western wall were removable. The, only object that seemed at all suitable for a guide-star was ft Virginis, but in order to use that it would be necessary to place the axis of the guide telescope out of parallelism with that of the photographic camera. Also there was no certainty that the star would be visible during the eclipse, and much valuable time might be wasted in finding and setting. Upon placing my difficulties before the Astronomer Royal, he advised me to aim rather at securing a perfect drive, so that I could depend upon the star's image remaining accurately bisected by the wire for at least 30 seconds. Unfortunately the driving clock of the jistrograph could not be depended upon for such high-class work We happened to possess a spare Grubb chronograph, and decided to try to adapt its clock to the astrOgraph. It was not fair treatment for the clock, as it had been designed to carry a cylindi r weighing only a few pounds, and mounted on ball bearings, whereas the astrograph weighs over a ton. An attempt was first made to overbalance the telescope, and use the clock as an escapement. This idea proved to be feasible, but a systematic error appeared in every cycle of 4 minutes, which was eventually traced to inaccuracies in the " back " of the driving worm. Our last hope was that the " front " of the worm might be accurately cut, and that we could compel the clock to drive the great weight. Eventually by overloading the clock and very carefully balancing the telescope when pointed to the eclipse region, we, succeeded in keeping a star's image bisected for minutes at a time. Jt was, however, an unstable arrangement, and occasionally broke down, but mostly gave great satisfaction. The instrument certainly performed better, on the whole, thaii at any previous time in mv experience. Local supplies of suitable plates are limited in variety, and we were practically compelled to choose between llford Special Rap'd and Imperial Special Sensitive. A cable was sent to England for a supply of these but through delay they did not arrive until the day before the eclipse. By that time of .course we hud decided and taken our comparison plates. The brand we chose \\as the [nip. S.S. In preliminary experiments we found it convenient to expose on a portion of the sky at about 3 1 '- hour angle. We found that by reducing the aperture to 1 inches we could obtain beautiful images of stars 1, 5, 12, and 17 (fee the Astronomer Royal's diagram in Monthly Notices R.A.S. for May, 1920) with 5 seconds exposure. To get measurable images of any others we had to increase the exposure so greatly that I decided to limit our attempts to these four, and take as many different plates as possible. On the advice of the Astronomer Royal we selected a region having the same R.A. as the eclipse region, and about 5 south. This contained several stars of 6 "r 7 magnitude. We proposed to photograph this (which we may call the " test region ") both on the comparison and the eclipse plates, and thus obtain measures of any change due to temperature, development, presence of corona. &c., and e'iminate it before computing the Kinstein displaci ment. 7321 A At this period our prospects seemed distinctly favourable, but when we commenced the actual photography of the comparison plates at the true eclipse altitude we were greatly disappointed. The atmospheric change in ] . h of R.A. was very great. The quality of the images was distinctly inferior; we were compelled to use 7 instead of 4 inches of aperture, and to increase the time of exposure to 10 seconds. We eventually accumulated a passably good series of comparison plates. Our programme allowed for the taking of eight plates, three of them (Nos. 1, 3, and 5) having the double exposure on eclipse and test regions. The programme was completed us arranged, but an examination proved that only two of the plates (Nos. 1 and 4) were worth further consideration. The other six showed distinct trace;; of incorrect clock driving. Some considerable time was spent over the measurement and subsequent computations of plates 1 and 4, but eventually I had to regard them as failures. Although the clock-drive was good, the definition was bad. Some of the images, especially those of Star No. 12, the most important of all. were almost indistinguishable smudges. As criteria of great accuracy they were impossible. Incidentally. No. 4 produced a fine photograph of the corona. It is unfortunate that, although used on two eclipse expeditions, the astrograph has not had a fair opportunity of proving its worth for this particular kind of observation. In 1919 the definition of the images was bad, and this was ascribed to the heating effect of the sun upon the ccelostat mirror. In 1922, at Goondiwindi, every precaution was taken to avoid any such effect. The astrograph was solidly mounted on an equatorial stand, of the stable British form, and was enclosed in a spacious observatory. The day was only moderately warm, and the large western opening was protected by a stout canvas blind until a few minutes before totality. Yet the definition was atrocious. In this case, I think, the effect was entirely atmospheric, because the sun's limb, photographed during the partial phase by the photo-heliograph, was also badly defined. At Christmas Island, where the Greenwich astrograph was stationed, the sky was overcast. With such evidence it may not be fair to actually condemn the astrograph for future work of a similar description, but from such scrap]) y accounts as we managed to hear with respect to the magnificent photograph obtained by the Lick expedition at Wollal, it would appear advisable to either use similar instruments to theirs or else leave " Einstein " out of the programme and devote astrographs to work for which they may be more suitable. Judging by the appearance of the corona on our Plate 4, I might suggest their usefulness in a combined study of this appendage. Of the taking of mere coronal pictures there is no end, and I have no intention of advising simply more pictures. But these thousands of pictures seem to lead to very little, whereas a few dozen, properly taken and co-ordinated, might add considerably to our knowledge. All astrographs throughout the world have almost identical optical properties, focal length. &c. I would, therefore, suggest that in future eclipses several astrographs, if possible, be used at stations separated as far as may be ; that a programme of exposures, ranging from, say, one-fiftieth of a second to five seconds, be mutually arranged, and that exactly similar exposures be made at each station, with strict attention to timing. If all the negatives were then sent to one Central Bureau and carefully compared we should be more likely to advance our knowledge of the structure and formation of the corona than by a hundred times the number of un-coordinated photographs. B. Observations of Time, Latitude, and Longitude. HIM. The Sydney Observatory possesses no field instrument suitable for time observations, yet it was essential to our programme that our chronometers should be properly rated. In an almost forgotten cupboard the old " repeating circle " of Sir Thomas Brisbane was found, covered with rust and dust. This was practically obsolete, even in his time, a century ago, and is almost certainly the most ancient astronomical instrument in Australia. It was cleaned in our workshop and fitted with a new telescope and transit micrometer, and converted into quite a modern form of almucantar instrument. It was then taken to Goondiwindi and mounted on a concrete pier, and used in the determination of time and latitude, according to the method advocated by me in Monthly Notices R.A.S., vol. 63, p. 156. and vol. 64, p. 70. As it is many years since I have had occasion to take this class of observations, I was curious to see how they would turn out under the circumstances, which militated against very accurate work The instrument was very old and loose in the joints, with plenty of backlash in the screws. It was more or less exposed to the public, and, in spite of all our care, was tampered with almost daily, and the ground proved to be- very treacherous, transmitting vibrations altogether too freely. The observations were taken by Mr. Cranney, and must be regarded under the circumstances as very satisfactory. The following are the results of each pair taken on every observing night : s. 23-93 22-45 13-96 94 -18 -94 90 21-99 22-22 13-95 12-32 15 16 03 16 in 10-03 11 26 07 9-98 6-35 30 17 36 12 .0 at the N., FJ., S., W. points of the limb, when visible, and of the two " horns" cause:! by the intersection of the sun's and moon's images. The following are some of the measure-;: S refers to the tangent to the limli al the south point. &c. N-S gives the sun's polar ilia meter measured in the r direction, and expressed in reseau inter\als( 1 intci val - :) m.m.). E-W gives the equatorial diameter measured in the // direction. A and ii represent the " 1 nr.is." both co-ordinates of each point being given. The edge of the sun. under the iuicic>-.cnpe. lo.ike.l like a piece of torn blotting-paper. K.ach plate was measured three times, otv complete set of measures (8.N.W.E.A.B.) being taken before the next was started, so as to avoid bias in the individual settings, and these three series are, on the whole, quite unexpectedly accordant, the average difference between any one, and the mean of three, from a number of measures selected at random, being only 0-004, or about one five- thousandth of the sun's diameter. A few individual plates, on the other hand, gave values for the diameter differing considerably from one another. This is specially noticeable in the first three plates, and is probably due to differences in the development. Plate No. 1, in particular, is greatly over-developed. From plates 4 onward the measures of the polar diameter are in good agreement, thus : 21-600, -604, -613, -617, -604, -629, -610, though the equatorial diameter is consistently greater. Also towards fourth contact the measures agree pretty well amongst themselves, though they are all less than near first contact. These little variations will probably scarcely affect the result, except perhaps in the case of time of first contact, but they are mentioned here to call attention to the desirability of taking special precautions to ensure even development throughout in future observations of a similar character. MEASURES. _ I'late Ko. X.S.\V. Standard Time. S. X. W. E. A. E. X X ;/ y X y x V h. m. s. I 3 05 38-0 3-304 25-025 32-303 54-122 16-863 32-750 19-878 IH-OS t 2 ! 30-0 411 25-023 351 54-167 16-601 32-610 20-472 34-348 3 7 30-0 233 24-879 404 54-059 15-694 32-521 20-850 34-812 4 8 30-0 415 25-015 376 54-017 15-343 32-436 21-151 35-152 5 10 30-1 308 24-912 254 53-976 H-178 32-296 21-881 35-601 (> 12 30-1 414 25-027 413 54-039 13-639 i 32-411 22-609 36-387 7 14 30-1 339 24-956 12-808 1 32-547 22-875 36-942 8 ! 10 30-1 423 25-027 12-245 32-620 23-288 37-419 33 4 00 30-3 3-724 40-616 23-228 49-203 34 08 30-3 3-401 42-087 22-163 50-428 3d 10 30-3 ... ... 3-520 45-158 19-146 52-836 36 10 50-3 ... 3-839 46-368 17-992 53-253 37 11 10-3 ... ... 4-724 48-440 15-775 53-919 44 4 15 30-4 10-747 32-931 22-614 36-467 45 15 50-4 ... 9-073 33-648 23-781 38-348 46 16 10-4 8-184 34-257 24-356 39-632 47 18 10-4 5-593 36-670 24-992 43-766 48 20 10-4 ... 4-792 37-920 24-801 45-442 73 5 11 10-6 3-353 24-944 7-135 51-295 14-207 53-953 74 12 10-6 417 25-000 32-409 53-959 7-663 51-656 13-718 53-933 75 13 10-6 433 21-982 418 870 8-214 52-014 12-884 53-76-, 7fi H 10-6 377 24-930 374 992 9-105 52-658 11-651 53-630 77 14 30-0 343 24-898 -156 990 9-590 52-988 io-9-n 53-509 Near first and last contact the variation of time is proportional to the square of the chord AB. Near second and third contact it is proportional to the width of the crescent, which is computed as follows : I M,.S, are centres of moon and sun, and C the centre of AB, then MSC is a straight line which intersects AB at right angles. Continuing this line, let it intersect the moon's 1'mb at J and the sun's at H, then HJ is the width of the crescent, and we have SC 2 = SB 2 - EC 2 HC == SB - - SC MO 2 = MB 2 - BC 2 JO = MB MC HJ = HC -rr- ,10 For purposes of computation the sun's semi-diameter (SB) was assumed to be 10-80. From the N.A. we find sun's true semi-diameter = 956-0" moon's = 1,003-0" and from p. 378 of Loomis's " Introduction to Practical Astronomy " we find the augmentation of the moon's semi-diameter to be 6-6", making the augmented semi-diameter 1,009-6". these values of SB -f- MB, with 1009-6 _ 956^0 If, therefore, SB = 10-80, MB = 10-80 the measured values of AB, enable us to compute the width HJ for each plate. Plotting AB 2 as one co-ordinate and the corresponding times near first and last contacts as the othT and drawing a straight line graph, the times corresponding to AB = were obtained. These, of course, represent moments of first and fourth contacts. Similarly plotting HJ the moments ef second and third contacts were obtained. Or we may, from each measure and corresponding time, obtain an equation of the form x t = my where x = number of minutes from any selected time to time of contact. / = Do from the selected time to time of observation. y = measure of AB 2 or HJ. Using only a few (say, four or five) measures near each contact and solving each set for x, we thus obtain most probable moments of contact. Omitting Plate 1, for reasons already given, we find a satisfactory accordance between the fipures obtained by graph and computation. Collecting the various results, we have : Ob-rrvril. Time of 1st contact 2ml n> By graph. By computation. li. 4 4 m. or. 11 15 14 s. 31-fi 47-7 ifl-8 h 3 4 5 in. 05 8. 30 h. 3 4 4 6 ID. S. 05 01 11 34-8 15 09-4 14 37-3 h. 3 4 4 in. 05 11 15 14 8. 0TT seconds and the different, intensity of light and shadow was so slight, added to the absence of sunlight during totality, that their portraiture is beyond the bounds of present photography. REPORT BY DR. J. THOMPSON, C.B.E., LL.D. A BETTER place could scarcely have been selected for eclipse observations than Goondiwindi, a municipal limn on the Mclntyre River, forming the common boundary between New South Wales and Queensland. For miles in all directions the country is flat and covered with stunted scrub timbers locally known an mulga and brigalow. while the river banks irr clearly defined in the undiversified landscape by beautiful forest trees towering far above the neighbouring vegetation, and indicating the influence of the fertilising waters of the meandering stream. Climatically the locality is unrivalled f ir astronomical observations, excepting perhaps at Naples, the rainfall being about 20 inches, and the number of \vet days averaging something like fifty, with an extremely low percentage of humidity. September being usually one of the driest months of the year, with not infrequent westerly winds, clear, cloudless sky and keen bracing air. These were the conditions prevailing at Goondiwindi on the occasion of the solar eclipse, 1922, 21st September, when the slinking phenomenon in all its phases was observed by organised parties from Sydney and Melbourne. The writer was fortunate in being attached to Professor Cooke's staff, in assisting to observe the so-called " shadow bands," with Mr. Graham of the Sydney Observatoiy. Shadow waves and ripples would, it is suggested, be more appropriate for this phase of the eclipse, as observed under ideal conditions, with absolutely nothing lacking to secure the best results; for which too much credit cannot !>; eiven to the Director of the party and his efficient assistants. The shadows were observed on a specially prepared calico re?n, 14 ft. x 13ft. 9 in. mounted on a wooden frame, bisected by a north and south line, and having on it two large circles graduated from zero to 360 degrees. To each circle was attached a long movable wooden pointer, pivoted in the centre, so as to follow the shadow movements, and indicate accurately their direction and amplitude. Attention was concentrated on the screen some few minutes before totality owing to the uncertainty as to the occurrence of the shadows. In the meantime the sunlight gradually diminished with corresponding fall of temperature, the whole sky assuming a beautiful dark neutral tint, ^\ith a clear narrow belt along the surrounding horizon, in striking contrast with the heavenly canopy hanging overhead. With remarkable suddenness and after totality, the faint shadow waves and ripples commenced to flit across the screen in the most fascinating manner, the instant of their appearance being 4 1 ' 12 7" in the direction of S.W. and N.E., fay :t3 degrees. The waves assumed two distinct and clearly traceable phases, the primary wave being estimated about 4 or 5 inches broad and the second wave being mere ripples not more than half an inch across, and moving along with a peculiar pulsating appearance. This lasted for 18 seconds of time. After an interval of 2 1 . minutes, and before the end of totality, the second and final shadow phase was observed at 4 1 ' 14 m 35% the phenomenon being similar to the Hrst. the inly variation being in the increase of amplitude, which in this ease reached to 50 degrees east. In general appearance the \\a\es were slightly fainter than during the first phase. The whole phenomena from beginning to end were most remarkable, waves and ripplets alike having a singularly elusive appearance, and one could readily understand their disturbing effect on an unseasoned observer or on those of neurotic temperament. To have obtained any clear impression by photographic means would have been quite out of the <|ueHtion as the dim light during the period of totality, the faintneys of the shadows and their rapid movements would have rendered success improbable. For similar reasons it seems difficult to understand the practicability of successfully observing and recording these shadow phenomena on Avail? of buildings, trie ti links und the unprepared surface of the ground, as reported in the Press from several places. Viewed in the light of lifelon : experience in celestial observations and as a student of astronomical science the writer cannot do otherwise than express admiration of the full and complete arrangements made by Professor Cooke at Goondiwindi for the very important eclipse work there. and the faultless organisation of his staff, which so materially contributed to the sueecy-i achieved, while cordial i hanks are hereby tendered for the privilege enjoyed a< a wording mem 1 ? -r of the pirty. K. Hlntdoiv Bands at Grafton. (.irafton is situated on the computed southern edge of the track of the moon's shadow, in longitude 152 56' E. and latitude 29 41' S. A meeting of school teachers coincided with the eclipse, and advantage was taken of these facts to organise both teachers and senior High School students for observing the shadow bands and attempting to delineate the exact edge of the moon's shadow on the surface of the "round. 7 Special observations of shadow bands were made at the Experimental Farm, about 6 miles due n.'srth of Graf ton. There were two distinct stations, viz. : A. In charge of Mr. G. E. Johns, B.A., B.Sc., the personnel being as follows : (1) Mr. G. E. Johns, B.A., B.Sc., in charge T n (2) Mr. H. Harrison, B.Sc., Shire Engineer Observers. (3) Master K. Johnson, science pupil. "1 ^ (4) ., R.Hundt ,, } (6) Mr. Leslie Johnson, B.A.~l n (B) Master R. Attwater. ^Observers for s ,,,,-ial effects. B. In charge of Mr. C. G. Lauder, B.Sc,, A.A.C.I., the Secretary of the Observation Committee, the personnel being : (1) C. G. Lauder, B.Sc. \ T (2) K. Sakini. / r take direction. (3) M. Johnson. (4^ T R 'd r take tunes and record. (5) E. P. Patterson, R.A. \ rr (G) K. Lauder. | To take Wldth of bands ' The arrangements generally were in the hands of Inspector R, J. Middleton of Education Department, who gave lectures and inspired great enthusiasm. All shops closed in the town between 3 and 5 p.m., atid the whole population watched the unusual spectacle, many travelling a few miles north so as to be sure of seeing the corona. All scientists will appreciate the action of the band of voluntary observers, who deliberately stationed themselves on the edge and outside the zone of totality in order, possibly, to obtain some records of scientific value. Every report indicates this spirit and carries with it internal evidence of a determination to state exactly what the observer saw. Extracts from Mr. Johns' report : The commencement (if the shallow bands wus not marked by any striking variations in the illumination of the sheet. They began almo?t imperceptibly, did not travel across the sheet, but shimmered in such a way that the thought came that the effect might be due to a peculiarity of the wind (east wind about 4 miles p.h.) upon the sheet [rf. Mr. Graham's remarks at floondiwindil. This effect reminded me of the uncertain dancing of the waves, especially when the shadows became a little more pronounced. It was not an easy matter to determine the direction of the shadow bands, owing to absence of contrast of light and shade. It seemed to me that there were twj trains of waves, travelling in nearly opposite directions. One train soon appeared tr> predominate, and its rate of travel across the screen was observed (4 feet per minute). This determination taken with stop-watch was a most difficult one the bands were exceedingly elusive. The reading is given for what it is worth. After totality the direction of motion of the bands was reversed. The difference may be approximately 160. Some observers (casual) half a mile nearer the central line three teachers in fact found the reversal of the shadow bands, which in their case were clearly defined bands about 14 inches apart, travelling fi to 12 miles per hour. In their case they are emphatic that the angle between the directions before and after reversal was more like 140. Moreover it seems that the shadow band -i weiv distinct at points south of our station. It would be interesting to gather information from observers both Noith and South of our station with a view to obtaining (1) the direction of the motion before and after totality; (2) the angle between the respective directions. By this means some light may be shed upon the cause of the shimmering (stationary wave?) effect. I did not observe whether the shadow bands period extended into the period of totality. There was no sudden change from light to dark ; objects were clearly visible throughout the whole phenomenon. Mr. Johns gives 4 1 ' 1 13 m ' 10"' as the approximate estimated time of the first appearance of the bands, but adds : " The bands were so indecisive and showed so little progressive motion that they were not recognised at first as bands. It was estimated that 30 seconds elapsed before the 13 m - 40"' reading was taken." They were travelling north. The bands reappeared at 4' 1 ' 15'"' 30*' but reversed in direction, now travelling south, and estimated to be moving at the rate of 2 feet per second. They were still visible at 4"' 16" 1 ' 50'-, but indistinguishable at 4 1 ' 17 m ' 27"' Mr. Harrison's report generally corroborates Mr. Johns', but the following extracts may throw a little more light upon some of the features : Cessation point (of the first series) wag comparatively well jnarkcd. being apparently less than one second after totality as it appeared to an observer watching th^ sheet and not the landscape. Totality also appeared definite in point of time t'> him. This observation appeared the most definite one of all before totality and the only ono at all satisfactory. The intensity of shadow (relative) increased np to totality, or nearly so. Aft?!' totality the direction of movement was approximately north to south, but am not positive about this before the occurrence of stationary waves, which appeared to have been set up as though due to interference. This effect was noted for from 20 to 30 seconds, during which the stable wave length of 18 inches (estimated) occurred for about 15 seconds. There was absolutely no progression of the cre=ts (if a shadow may be termed such) of these stationary waves that could be detected. B. Mr. Lander's report (extracts) : lust as totality commenced the bands appeared, but were extremely indistinct. The light during totality was that grey peculiar t:> a heavy thunderstorm, but at no time was it particularly dark. The shadow bands crossed very rapidly at first, but were hardly discernible from the ripples of the canvas, and were only a darker grey than the light. Across the roofs of the buildings, however, they were much more clearly defined. Before totality they lay in a direction about 20 S. of W., and travelled at right angles to their direction towards the north. After totality they lay in a direction due E. and W., and travelled due south. All the bands appeared to travel in straight lines about 14 inches apart. As the shadow bands were so indistinct their first appearance was unsatisfactory. They were first noted Ht 4 h - 13'". 2> Aftsr totality thv commence-! at 4I>.. 16h- 8"-, and continued until t h . 17'" !! 8 SUMMARY. The above five reports indicate careful observation, concentration upon the subject, and an earnest determination to record the exact facts; yet, whilst agreeing in some particulars, the observers seem to diverge with respect to others. The following is an attempt to summarise the matter : Al! agree that the bands were very faint, ill-defined objects, but yet distinct as parallel bands: so faint as to make it impossible to photograph them. In no rase were they seen like the bright lines of f'hamber.vs " Storv of Fclipses." At Goondiwindi the bunds were undoubtedly within the moon's shadow. At Grafton Mr. Lander's report seems to corroborate this. Although he uses the terms ' before' " and " after " totality, they are probably intended merely to indicate the first and second series, because he states, " Just as totality commenced, the bands appeared." The edge of the shadow appears to have passed actually along the liver ( larence, which separates Grafton from South Grafton. The bands were well seen in Grafton, but not in South Grafton. On the other hand. Mr. Harrison states : " Cessation point was comparatively well marked, being apparently less than one second after totality to an observer watching the sheet and not the landscape." The appearance of the bands on the sheet seems to have been far less striking than on the landscape- Mr. Harrison's last words in the paragraph just quoted may possibly sugeest a means of reconciling the curious fact that each of six trained observers, looking intently on a surface specially prepared for the purpose, could scarcely distinguish the bands, which appeared to be as obvious as the landscape itself to the casual public. It may be analogous to the view of a large nebula, such as the nebula in Orion, in a telescope. With a low power the merest tyro cannot fail to see the nebula, as the eye takes in the whole nebulous mass, with its variation of light, as contrasted with the blackness of the surrounding sky; but with a high power showing only a small portion of the nebula the total contrast is less, and it may require an experienced observer to even recognise its existence. The bands, as seen on the sheet, were fairly regular and parallel, and there can be little doubt that the direction in which they lay was accurately recorded. The agreement in this respect is very satisfactory. At Goondiwindi the bearings of the first and second series were N. 3t c E. and N. 50 C E. At Grafton they were a trifle south of west and due west respectively. It may be interesting to note that the first series at Goondiwindi and both series at Grafton were roughly parallel to the edge of the moon's shadow, but the second series at Goondiwindi differed considerably. The observations of that direction, in particular, are so accordant that we can scarcely question their accuracy. The direction of motion is in all cases recorded as approximately at right angles to the bands. That could scarcely be otherwise. A series of parallel bands moving systematically in any direction would appear to be moving at right angles to that in which they lie. if. as in the present case, there were no spots to arrest the eye. The '' stationary '' bands at Grafton seem to me to be particularly interesting. The '' interference '' explanation suggested by Mr. Harrison deserves consideration, but T should be disposed to attribute their stationary character to the fact that they were, moving parallel to their own direction. Let us suppose that the moon's shadow was bordered by a series of relatively light and dark bands (a kind of diffraction effect). Then as this moved westward, and we were able to notice only the component of motion at right angles to the bands, we should see a series of bands at, first moving very slowly, then remaining stationary, and then commencing to move very slowly in the reverse direction. This represents just what the Orafton observers seem to have seen, except that one would expect the first movement to have been to the south, and then to the north after the stationary period just the reverse to what WHS actually recorded. The shadow bands still present some baffling problems, and might well be considered as worthy of inclusion amongst the specific objects of observation in future eclipses. I should suggest that views from an elevated site across an extensive plain might be combined with sheet observations, that the sheet be as large as practicable, and that at least two observers be detailed to each sheet, one to be stationed a little above it, so as to command a quick general view of the whole surface, and the other to be down alongside the direction pointer, ready to move it at his own initiative or by dictation from his co-observer. Also that everybody observing the bands should be provided with a means of recording time accurate to a second, iind freely introduce the time element into t : ieir records. F. -The Position of the Eili/e of the Shaloir al Grnflo'i .r? BeiMtluwrl . The general arrangements at Grafton were carried out by a eonnnithv. of which Mr. Inspector K. ,1 .Middleton, of the Education Department. was chairman. A number of interesting reports have been received. frv:>i which I shall quote freclv before attempting to summarise the results. Mr. Middleton says : Herewith is a report on the arrangements nuvic for the observation of the Solar Eclipse at (irafton, on 21nt September. As suggested by you a line of observe w?,3 stationed along longitude 152 56' E. at intervals of 8 chains for & distance of 1 mile north and south of the line latitude 29 40' 30" S, the calculated edge of the shadow. The stations were pegged out by Surveyor Lindsay, of the Lands Department, and two observers were stationed at each peg. The time signal wa ; arranged by Mr. H. Harding, of Grafton. A gun wa", fired from the top of the grandstand at. the ra-;ee'mrs? five minut' r, before and again at one minute before tot \lity. A flag a'so WM hoisted ;.' the grandstand five minutes before totality. These arrrn 1 ;"- ment.T were in charge of Mr. (!. Tomrson, B.A., Mathematical Mr/ster, (irr/t-)n High School, who hr.-l poY.iio'> r,t si :\':u\ P . His report is atti?hed. There is no doubt but that the edge of the shadow croswd the >-;v" north of Mr. Lindsay's station, in both of which cases the eclipse was not total. But Mr. Oiling was. as stated, 300 yards due north of the racecourse, the boundary of which is about 100 yards north of the grandstand. Mr. Oiling was, therefore, about 400 yards north of my man, where, according to him, the eclipse was momentarily total. Mr. Lindsay's letter, forwarded through Mr. Holmes, is as follows :- - The eclipse was observed from a point X on attached litho, approximately on lat. 29 40' 30" S. and 77 chains eavl of long. 152 56' K. The eclipse was not total at this point, part of the sun being always visible in the position " 10 o'clock," appearing to the naked eye like a miniature sun. Shadow bands were observed aa the sun began to get clear, moving directly north and rapidly, and resembled an elongated shadow cast by a picket fence, the width of the shadow bands and the spaces between the bands appeared aboti) (I inches. Final!)- Mr. Harding later interviewed Mr. Mackie. stationed at South Graf ton (i-i>le *!'/;/<). and says : It is quite clear that this band or strip of light was nothing but a line of light reflected from the ripples on the water, from the smaller visible part of the sun, just as Venus makes. My conversation with him convinces me that what he saw had nothing to do with the shadow, and that the appearance of the sun was much the same there as in other parts of Orafton. It is evident that the edge of the, shadow was north of Orafton. and south of the Junction Hill. These two reports (let us refer to them as M. and H.) appear at first sight to be hopelessly contra- dictory, but I think they will be found to agree in the essential observed facts. The divergencies occur in the interpretation of the facts. Let us first summarise what the observers saw : M. (a) Eclipse was total from a little north of the grandstand northwards. (b) Eclipse was not total from South Grafton southwards. (0) The full black moon, surrounded by a corona, was visible as far south as the Grafton Post Office i.e.. practically throughout the whole of Grafton. ((/) A small portion of the sun was visible, " at the moment of complete totality," on the top left-hand side. (e) The edge of the shadow was seen along the river and crossing a few yards of the extreme south tip of the city. TT. agrees with (a) (b) (c) (d), but thinks Mr. Mackie may have been mistaken with respect to hi* observation of (e). On the other hand arc the statements of Constable MoLeay, and another police olticer. definitely corroborating Mr. Mackie's report. The statements of the facts actually witnessed by M. and II. are therefore in exact agreement, but the interpretation differs. We may accept with certainty that the shadow came south within, say, half it mile of the grandstand, and did not reach any point of South Grafton. Our task is to assign a definite position within those limits for the shadow-edge. Is there a shadow-edge? If so, how can it be defined (1) theoretically, (2) practically? (1 ) Refers this difficulty still further back, viz., to the edge of the sun. Is there an edge to the sun itself sufficiently definite for our purpose? This is answered in the affirmative by the photographs of the partial phase taken at Goondiwindi. If, then, we imagine a cone enveloping both sun and moon the locus of the most southerly point of the curve formed bv the intersection of the cone and the earth's surface is the line we wish to locate. I believe this should be a fairly definite line. Whether it can be xee>> as such is another matter'. This brings us to- (2) The actual determination of the line. We need now consider only the debatable area, which is practically the City of Grafton. From almost exactly the same premises M. deduces that totality covered the city, and H. that it stopped short at the northern edge. M. had one extra piece of evidence, the actual visibility of the shadow-edge on the river, and I confess that this seems to me very important. Eliminating it for a moment, let us see, in a nutshell, what appears to be the rival views. M. nays : " The whole moon became visible, also the corona, a twilight gloom covered the city, to lie succeeded almost instantly by a sudden outburst of light ; therefore during the gloom the sun was eclipsed, notwithstanding the fact that there was always a bright spot of light at the top left-hand corner." II. says : " We watched the sun's light gradually diminishing, but at the minimum there was always a small but brilliant point of light. Therefore the eclipse was not total, notwithstanding the fact that w.- saw the entire round of the black moon and the corona. " Which is correct? I have just made the following experiment. Standing just within the shadow of an E.-W. wall I protected my eye with a piece of dark glass and looked in the direction of the sun. 1 first moved my head outwards until I could just see a tiny portion of the sun projecting beyond the parapet, then reversed the motion until the sun's !imb WHS juxt cut off. In this position there was certainly none of the sun showing, but then 1 was a very bright spot or very small line of light on the edi/e of the parapet. My own answer to the above query is that Mr. Middlelon's position of the shadow-edge is correct: that is. that the edge of the shadow passed about Itx) chains south of its predicted position and cut the meridian of 152 56' E. ita lat. 29 41' 35" S. 12 OBSERVATIONS AT BEAUDESERT. Beaudosert is a small town in Queensland, situated in lat. 27 59', long. 152 56'. It does not possess a High School, but I interviewed Mr. Stanley, headmaster of the State School, who promised to place a number of his oldest and brightest pupils at distances of a furlong apart along a road passing in a more or less north-south direction, the central point being the railway station, lat. 27 59' 12", through which passed the predicted position for the shadow-edge. Mr. Stanley was absent from Beaudesert at the time of the eclipse, but the observations were carried out as arranged, under the superintendence of Mr. George Crawford. All reports agree that the sun was not totally eclipsed within the limits of this string of observers ; that is, that the shadow-edge passed south of lat. 28 00'. Two reliable youths went as far south as Mmit Mahomet (lat, 28 07'. long 153 01), where the eclipse was total, the totality lasting for I ]0". Combining both sets of observations (Grafton and Beaudesert) it appears that the shadow wa< about 100 chains south of its predicted position. SUGGESTIONS. When an observation of this kind occurs only once in a lifetime it is difficult to prepare a working programme. After the event one feels that if he could start afresh, he could do at least some things differently. We ourselves are not likely to observe another total eclipse, but for the guidance of those who may the following suggestions are offered : 1. Above all things arrange for a time service, accurate to 0-5 s.. and see that this element is included in the report of every item. If the position of the observer is known, and is within 2.000 or 3,033 miles of a powerful time-distributing radio station, the time may be conveniently obtained by means of a portable wireless set. Otherwise, if it is necessary to observe stars for determination of clock error. I stronglv recommend the almucantar method described in Monthly Notices R.A.S., p. 15(i. 2. If the altitude of the sun is less than 30 do not attempt observations of star positions so delicate as those necessary for the '' Einstein effect." 3. The astrograph has not yet had a fair trial. From all accounts the telescopes specially designed and used by the Lick observers are ideal, but everybody cannot have access to such perfect instruments. There are a number of astrographs which may be available, and if one of these can be transported and properly mounted, equatorially, in a suitable locality, it would be well worth a trial. 4. There are two distinct methods of taking these special observations. Dr. Campbell believes in long exposures and large plates, so as to obtain a great number of stars on each plate, and doubtless, for his instruments, his judgment is perfectly sound. The Astronomer Royal prefers short exposures and plates 8 by 8 inches, using working fields of about 6 by 6 inches. This means few stars and more plates. For the astrograph, I strongly indorse his methods. In fact I am inclined to add : Reduce the aperture of the O.G. to 4, or at the most 5, inches, and do not exceed 10s. exposure. If under these conditions it is not possible to obtain at least four well-distributed stars within a radius of 1 40', the observation should not be attempted. 5. The Astronomer Royal's suggestion of a " test " field is an excellent one. Select a region, say, between 5 and 15 distant from the eclipse region, in declination, and with the same R.A. as the sun, or vice versa, and containing at least five or six stars of the 8th mag., or brighter, within the above limits (radius, 1 40'). By suitable means, such as temporary stops attached to the declination circle, arrange to move the telescope smoothly and rapidly from one region to the other. Include at least three double exposures (i.e.. on both test and eclipse regions) in the comparison and eclipse series of plates. These test regions will be used to determine whether any changes due to temperature, &c., have occurred between the comparison and eclipse plates. 0. Kvery photograph of the corona should have a specific purpose. I suggest the use of three or four similar instruments, such as the astrograph, located as far apart along the path of totality as possible, with an exactly similar programme at each station, say, with exposures ranging from 0-05'. to 10'. 7. Photographs of the partial phase with images of the sun not less than 1} inches in diameter should be taken, very accurately tinned, so as to obtain times of the contacts. Near first and last contacts I should recommend six at intervals of 20'. Near third and fourth contacts it would be an excellent thing to take a considerable number at one second intervals, if possible. An explanation of the two blank plates, one 4". before totality commenced, and the other 2*. after the sun burst forth, ought to be sought. Light may also be thrown upon the interesting phenomena observed at Grafton city. I should suggest the use of films, with an automatic release, once a second, controlled by a clock pendulum. A. photographic reproduction of the seconds hand of the clock or a rated chronometer on each photograph would be highly desirable. There should be no doubt as to the exact time when each plate is exposed. 8. It would be an excellent thing to correlate the above series with another arranged to catch the, exact moments of appearance and disappearance of the flash spectrum. This indicates a fairly definite part of the sun. 9. Special care should be taken with the development of the plates in No. 6, so as to secure uniformity, 10. It is well worth while to detail one or more experienced observers to note the shadow bands. Three series of observations should be correlated (a) Watching the surface of a tightly-stretched white sheet from close quarters, as carried out by Messrs. Graham and Thomson (see p. 5) ; (b) watching the same sheet from a little height above it; (c) watching the landscape from an elevation. If a suitable site be available (b) and (c) might be undertaken by the same person. A transit observer, who is accustomed to eye and ear work, or somebody with a similar training, should be selected. 13 I Le should be provided with a rated chronometer, suitably lighted, so that he can pick up the .second about five minutes tteforo totality, and carry on the count whilst he watches the sheet or landscape, or both. At the first certain appearance of the bands he should notify (a) and book the time. The observer (a) may or may not see them, but he also should book the time when they first become visible, and set the pointer along their direction. Similar observations should be made near third contact. 11. A piece of useful information would be the general intensity of the light at mid-eclipse not accurately measured and expressed in terms unintelligible to the average person, but in some such manner as this : Equivalent to 25 minutes after sunset on a clear summer evening. For this purpose I suggest a simple arrangement like a box camera without a lens, the plate-holder consisting of a printing frame, in which is placed a slow plate behind a " Primus printing gauge." The effect of this, when exposed to the light, is to produce a series of figures, 1,2, . . . , the number depending upon the duration and intensity of the light. Experiments should be made at different times after sunset and with different exposures, but from some made by ourselves, I suggest 30'. exposure on a slow plate during eclipse, and then the same exposure at 20 m ., 25"'., 30'"., 35"'. after sunset. 12. I would strongly advise the selection of a location close to the shadow-edge, with a large number oi observers, who should be thoroughly intelligent, but need not be specially trained, there should, however, be a skilful astronomer in personal charge. The arrangements as carried out by the various committees at Graftou were excellent, and might be accepted as a model. We require to add something in order to deal specially with the interesting points raised . And once again the introduction of accurate time throughout is the first essential. The arrangements made by Mr. Harding are now found to be insufficient. By some means or other every observer or group of observers should note the time, accurate at least to 1 second, of every event recorded. Then the same arrangement as to observation of shadow bands suggested in No. 9 should be adopted. Also special observers should be detailed to ascertain the north or south limits of the bands. We are informed, for example, that they were seen all over Graf ton, but not at South Graf ton, but have no evidence that they were specially looked for at the latter place. It would be a piece of important information to know whether they are or are not seen beyond the limits (north or south) of the moon's shadow. Systematic attempts should be made to see the edge of the shadow on the ground. Eye observations similar to those made at Grafton, along a line of at least 2 miles at right angles to the shadow track, should be taken. These ought to be supplemented by photographs. If possible some such automatic arrangement as suggested in No. 6 might be used at three (or five) localities, one on the predicted edge of the shadow, an /\ RETURN Ast r onomy/Math.motics/S.os,ics/Comp U .r Science Ubrary T0^*> inn FvansHall LOAN PERIOD 1 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS / ^ '*, \ 4? f / i AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. 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