367 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES EUROPEAN OLIVE-TREE. AN ESSAY ON THE HISTORY AND CULTIVATION OF THE EUROPEAN OLIVE-TREE. Quis divum aut hominum tarn clari rouneris auctor. PASSERATU OLIVA. PARIS: PRINTED BY L. T. CELLOT. 1820. 8 o ADVERTISEMENT 4 TO THE FIRST EDITION. O co THE following article was written for f the North American Sylva, at the re- ^ quest of Mr. MJCHAUX , for whom I seize ^with pleasure an occasion of expressing my esteem. U I have consulted the most judicious r? ancient and modern works, Columella, Lj Pliny , the Memoirs of the Academy of ^Marseilles, elc., and have myself ob- c\ served the Olive in Provence. AUGUSTUS L. HILLHOUSE , Citizen of the United States. Paris, August, 1818. ;892il ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. I am induced to reprint this Essay by the hope of its practical utility a hope encouraged by learned Naturalists who have visited the United States. I prefer leaving its faults to the reader's good nature, to correcting them. A. L. H. Paris, October, 1820. Olive Tree . {>,'<'