BANCROFT LIBRARY > THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Annual Subscription $10.00 Published Wtekly rs ".I?II I I l>\\( IN WAK - 1898 THE MANILA EXPEDITION EDITED BY FRANK R. NEVILLE PHOTOGRAPHS BY J. H. [BRATT OF THE Wave Publishing Company COPYRIGHTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE WAVE PUBLISHING COMPANY 24 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA REGIMENTAL ROSTER OF OFFICERS First Colorado Infantry THE GLORIOUS victory of the fleet commanded by Admiral (then Commodore) Dewey, at Manila, startled the entire civilized world and infused a new spirit into American minds and institutions. The grand achievement of our uaval forces made it necessary to send an equally strong and powerful army to supplement on land the great work already commenced by Dewey. For this purpose, an army of invasion was mobilized at San Francisco, California. After some vexatious delays, one expedition after another sailed out through the Golden Gate, and across the broad Pacific. In the history of America these expeditions will be ever memorable. Never before had the United States sent an army seaward to invade a foreign country. The Regiment from Colorado sailed on the steamship China, on the second expedition. Speaking of the "boys " from Colorado, the San Francisco Illustrated Wave, which is illustrating the exploits of the regiment at Manila with great fidelity, said : Colorado may be justly proud of her regiment of volunteers, consisting of the First Colorado Infantry, under command of Colonel Irving Hale. It is one of the best drilled, most thoroughly equipped and disciplined regiments in the camp. The illustrations are intended to show every officer and member of the regiment. The roster of officers is as follows : Colonel, Irving Hale; Lieutenant-Colonel, H. B. McCoy, Majors, C. M. Moses and Charles H. Anderson ; Major Clayton Parkhill, surgeon ; Captain J. F. Kemble and Lieutenant C. E. Locke, assistant surgeons; Lieutenant A. McD. Brooks, adjutant; Lieutemnt Charles S. Howard, commissary; Lieutenant W. B. Sawyer, quartermaster; Captain David L- Fleming, chaplain. Co. Co. Co. Co. G Captain, D. P. Howard ; first lieutenant, T. C. Brown ; second lieutenant, W. P. Burke. Co. H Captain, Charles Eastman; first lieutenant, C. H. Wilcox; second lieutenant. F. L. Perry. Co. I Captain, William R. Grove; first lieutenant, C. H. Hilton; second lieutenant, C. O. Zollars Co. K Captain, William A. Cornell; first lieutenant, W. J. Vannice; second lieut, Ralph Listev. Co. L Captain, David La Salle ; first lieutenant, Frank O'Keefe ; second lieutenant, F. N. Bellou. Co. M Captain, C. C. Spouter ; first lieutenant, Charles H. Sleeper ; second lieut., W. H. Gowdy. t- -7 .<: fe C&T37 COLONEL IRVING HALE AND STAFF. THE COLORADO REGIMENTAL BAND. REVIEW. COMPANY A. CAPTAIN J. S. STEWART. COMPANY B. CAPTAIN F. W. CARROLL. COMPANY C. CAPTAIN E. E. BOOTH. \ . COMPANY D. CAPTAIN J. D. TAYLOR. COMPANY E. CAPTAIN KYLE RUCKER. COMPANY F. CAPTAIN R. G. COMINGS. BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF CAMP MERRITT WHER HE TROOPS FOR MANILA WERE MOBILIZED. COMPANY G. CAPTAIN D. P. HOWARD. COMPANY H. CAPTAIN CHARLES EASTMAN. COMPANY I. CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. GROVE. to i_-*^-' COMPANY K. CAPTAIN WILLIAM A. CORNELL. COMPANY L. CAPTAIN DAVID L,A SALLE. COMPANY M. CAPTAIN C. C. SPOUTER. INSPECTION OF COMPANY D, FIRST COLORADO. SCENE ON DOCK. AMIDSHIPS ON THE COLORADO TRANSPORT "CHINA." STERN VIEW OF THE COLORADO TRANSPORT "CHINA" PASSING DOWN THE BAY. - THE CHINA AND HER ESCORTS PASSING OUT OF THE HARBOR. .? J