Ex LibriB C, K. OGDEN MEDALLIC HISTORY OF NAPOLEON. A COLLECTION OF ALL THE MEDALS, COINS, AND JETTONS, RELATING TO HIS ACTIONS AND REIGN. FROM THE YEAR 1796 to 1815. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR, AND SOLD BY RODWELL AND MARTIN, NEW BOND-STREET. 1819. PRINTKD IIV J. P. DOVr, ST. JOMN S-SQUARE. Covers: Bind all Bind fronts ^ Remove all Bind as indicated Bind "as is" Stubs for: Ads: Bind all Last copy only Remove all Bind as attached Inst. Index: None wanted Bind In front Bind In back Bind "as Is" H S z lA© t \ lA fv 5 5c^e • ^O 5 ^ ^ "S 5 o-J c "c "c c C >t- o o o o >-c « o o o • to o c ^c ja ^ G 2 = — — ™ — — ^>- s o « • * M ■ c e e o« o 3 o o Xif b ^ h k u S; o . o o Series, Part, Index Supp. o o^ I!J| c o 2 • a^ J-i-5 O ^ O o -p -• • O C o— o •H O H rH CO O o Tf a .*. oLEONE BONAPARTE. " Autiout Italian Rcpublic TC- stored in the sixth year by Napoleon Bonaparte." Bust of the First Consul. Reverse, publica res alio producit sidere vitam. "The Republic extends its existence by another star." A landscape illumi- nated by the rays of the sun. Exergue, summa populi in tkibus collegiis potest as. " The supreme power of the people invested in three Colleges." The Institution of three electoral Colleges, and the appointment 23 of the members that composed them, were the first objects of the Con- sul ta. This Medal was struck at Lyons on the occasion. 60. Flate XXVII. Head of the First Consul. Underneath, ANDRIEU F. Reverse. A young man with the toga and bulla, distinctive orna- ment of the young Patricians at Rome, sits reading attentively a volume unrolled. Near him is a case called Scrinhim, in which books were kept. Before him, is a palm branch, reward of literary merit, and over his head, the star of Napoleon. On the cubic base, which serves as a seat, is inscribed, denon direxit. 4isa>iiii:i;'' fecit. Ej- ergue. l'an iv. de bonaparte l'instruction pub\ est or- ganisee. {p.m) 61. Flate XXIX. napoleon bonaparte premier consul. Bust of the First Consul. On the lower part of the bust, andrieu fecit. Reverse, retablissement du cllte. Religion sitting in a mournful attitude near a church in ruins ; her attributes, a book of prayers, crucifix, and shrine, are lying on the ground. France, repre- sented as a female figure, holding in one hand the symbol of Wisdom, a mirror, in which a serpent views itself; with the other, assists Religion to rise. In the back ground, a shield and sword suspended on the consular fasces, indicate the return of Peace ; a cock, emblem of Vigilance, stands on the top of the shield. On the left hand, the church of Notre Dame, in Paris. Exergue, ^v. win germinal an x. andrieu fecit, (p.m) On the 18"' April, 1802, (18 Germinal) the Concordat between France and the court of Rome was sanctioned by the Legislative Body, and the law respecting the organization of public worship was passed. 63. Plate XXVI. napoleon bonaparte, premier consul 24 DE LA REP. F, Bust of the First Consul. Above, a star. Underneath, DUPRE. Reverse, a jeanne d'arc. monument retabli a Orleans l'an XI DE la rep'''^^^. Statue of Jeanne d'Arc, on a pedestal orna- mented with bas-rehefs, and inscribed, a jeanne d'arc. In the field, J. M. CHAPTAL M^^^. DE l'iNT". J. P MARET. PREFET. A. E. CRIGNON DESORMEAUX MAIRE. GOIS FILS INV. DUPRE SCULP. During the period of revolutionary fury, the monument erected at Orleans in honour of Jeanne d'Arc was destroyed ; and the festival cele- brated annually, on the day of the delivery of the city, by her valour, was abolished. The present Medal records the re-establishment of the monument, and of the annual ceremony in 1803, by order of the 1st Consul. 63. Plate XIII. au premier consul bonaparte, vainq". PACIFIC". MARSEILLE RECONNOISS ANTE. Bust of the First CoUSul. poize f. under the bust, cambaceres et lebrun 2"". et S"". consuls. CHAPTAL. MIN^ DE l'iNT*. Reverse, an dix de la republique francaise. Bust of the First Consul on the top of a column. The basement supporting the co- lumn is a fountain, from which water issues by two lions' heads. E.v- ergiie. erige PAn les soins de ciiarles de la croix. pref^. du DEP'. 64. Tlate X. bonaparte, 1"". cons'. A vie. an x de la rep*. Bust of the First Consul, poize, f. Exergue, cambaceres et lebrun, 2*. FT 3'. consuls a vie. CHAPTAL, MINISTRE DE L'iNTfcRl"". Reverse. en ouvrant le canal d'arles, bonaparte kPARCNE AUX NAVIGATEURS LES PERILS DES DOUCHES DU RH&NE 25 > I IL KEPARF, L ERREUR DE LA NATURE. CReTET CONSEILLER D KTAT, DIR". DES TRAVAUX publics, CHARLES DE LA CROIX PREF^. DU DEP^ The Canal of Aries, commenced in 1804, conveyed a branch of the Rhone from that city to Port du Bouc ; by means of this canal, vessels avoided the dangerous navigation of the mouth of the river. 65. P/a^e XIV. napoleoni bonaparte primario r. p. g. con- suLi PERPETuo. " To Napolcon Bonaparte, First Consul for Life of the French Republic." Head of Bonaparte. Underneath, a ndrieu f. Reverse, locupletatori OALLiiE. " To the Benefactor of France." Minerva, holding an olive branch, shews to the Nymph of the Durance, the place where the first stone was placed for the new bridge, over her stream. The Nymph is seated at the foot of the mountain from which the river flows ; she rests one hand on her urn, and the other on a wheel. On the ground, are a compass, and various instruments for the construction of the bridge, andrieu f. Exergue, ponte druen- Tl^ DECRETO ET INCCEPTO A. XI. J. A. CIIAPTAL REGIM. INTER. ADM. M, A. BOURDON VALCL. PR^F. " Bridge ovcr the Durance, decreed and '* commenced in the 11th year, I. A. Chaptal, Minister of the Interior. " M. A. Bourdon, Prefect of Vaucluse." 66. Plate XXVII. exteris providet napoleo suos re- GENS. " Napoleon governing his own subjects, extends his care to fo- reign nations." Head of Napoleon, laureated. Above, a star. Under- neath, GATTEAUX. Reverse, hiberni, angli, scoti, pro fide et litteris in GALLIA hospites. " The Irish, English, and Scotch, receive hospi- " tality in France for religion and education." H 26 Jetton, struck on the occasion of the re-establishment of the Bri- tish Roman CathoHc College in Paris. 67. Plate XVI. arme pour la paix. Head of Bonaparte with a helmet. Reverse. An Ibis, between a thunderbolt and lotus, a Bona- parte. DENON. DIR. G. D. MUSEE. C. D. ARTS. 1803. (P-^^) Struck by M. Denon in honour of Bonaparte, during the negocia- tions which preceded the rupture of the treaty of Amiens. 68. Flate XIII. au 1^" consul bonaparte vainq". pacific". MARSEILLE RECONNAiss ANTE. Bust of Bouapartc. POIZE F. Un- derneath, CAMBACERES ET LE BRUN 2^ ET 3^ CONSULS. CHAPTAL MI^■^ DE l'int". Reverse, prix des jeux maritimes decernes le 14 juillet, 25 messidor an xi. par le conseiller d'etat thibeaudeau PREFET DU DEPARTEMENT des BOUCHES DU RHONE. 69. Rlatc XXX. LE traite d'amiens rompu par l'angle- terre EN MAI DE l'an 1803. The Enghsh Icopard tearing a scroll. Exergue, denon direxit. jeuffroy fecit. Reverse, l'iianovre occupe par l'armee FRANpAisE en juin Di, l'an 1803. Victory on a horse in full speed, bearing a wreath of laurel. Exergue, frappee avec l'argent des mines d'iianovre l'an 4 DE BONAPARTE. (I'.M.J There is a INIcdal which has on the obverse the head of Napoleon by Drnz, and the same reverse as that here described : it was not struck at the Paris Mint, but in England, by some person who had procured old dies, laid aside as unfit for service. 70. Vlate XXX. Head of Bonaparte. Underneath, jeuffroy FECIT 1803. DENON DIR. G. D. MUSEE C. D. ARTS. Reverse, aux arts la vie to ire. The statue of the Venus of Medicis. Underneath, l'an iv du consulat de bonaparte. (pm.j Medal presented by M. Denon to Napoleon, on his visit to the Museum. 71. Plate XXV. au soulagement de l'iiumanite. The ser- pent of iEsculapius entwined round a retort, with various vegetable and mineral substances used in medicine, b re net. Exergue, denon DIREXIT. Reverse. A wreath of various medicinal herbs. The vacant space in the centre, is intended for the name of the student to whom the School of Medicine adjudged a prize, (p- m.) This Medal commemorates the establishment of the new School of Pharmacy, by the law of the 11th April, 1803. 72. Rlate XVI. Head of the First Consul, resembling that of Au- gustus. Underneath, brenet. denon direxit. a la fortune conservatrice. Fortune, seated on a ship, is guided by the star of Bonaparte. Exergue, brenet. l'an 4 de BONAPARTE. (p.M.) This Medal was struck during the preparations of the expedition against England. The author seems to have had in view, the following- invocation to Fortune : — Serves iturum Cajsarem in ultimos Orbis Britannos. Hor. lib. i. Od. 35. 73. Plate XXIV. napoleon bonaparte primus cons. 28 REiP. GALL. Laureated head of the First Consul. Underneath, lavy. Reverse, subalpinis imperio gallorum sociatis. " Tlie Piedniontese associated to the French Empire." A wreath of laurel, in the centre, vota publica. " Public wishes." Exergue, athen^um ET ACADEMIA TAUR. AN. XI. A REP. CONSTITUTA. " Athcnseum and Academy of Turin, established the xith year of the Republic." Medal struck by the Academy of Turin, to commemorate the incor- poration of Piedmont with France, in 1803. *73. Plate XXIX. bonaparte premier consul de la re- PUBLIQUE FRANCAisE. Bust of the First Consul in an embroidered coat. On the lower part of the bust, h.auguste. Reverse, la ville de lille au premier consul. In the cen- tre. AMOUR, FiDELiTE, RECONNOissANCE. Underneath, ARRETE DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DU XIX GERMINAL AN XI. 9 AVRIL 1803. 74. Plate XV. l'armee d'hanovre a napoleon empereur DES FRANpAis 1804. Two branches of oak, and a crown of stars. Reverse, des mines et usines du iiarz protegees pendant LA GUERRE. Bctwccn two branclics of laurcl. Above, two cross ham- mers, and gluck auf, •' Cheer up." Exclamation used by miners when they discover a new vein of metal. 75. Plate XXVIII. napoleon premier, emperetju des FRANfAis. Bust of thc Empcror. On the lower part, andrieu, f. A wreath of laurel encircling the whole. Reverse, museum central erige a gap par les soins de m". LA DOUCETTE PREFET. Ill tllO CCUtrC. DEP^. DES Il^^ ALPES. CET.kDIFICE A Lte ELEVE EN l'aN XII. AVEC LES FONDS OFFERTS** 29 ET FAITS PAR LES COMMUNES, 1804, l'aN PREMIER DE l'eMPEREUR. on each side of the date 1804, a small medal. 76. Flate XXVIII. a napoleon bonaparte l'empereur ET LEHEROs DEs ERANCAis. Head of the Empcior. Underneath, ii. auguste. Reverse, i. c. f. ladoucette prefet au nom du departement DES HAUTES ALPEs. An obelisk. Exergue, le mont genevre OUVERT,22 GERMINAL. AN XIII. 12 AVRIL MDCCCIV. Medal, commemorative of the new road, leading from Gap to Fe- nestrelles, over Mount Genevre, one of the Alpine chain. 77- P/f/^e XXX. Laureated head of Napoleon, andrieu f. Reverse. A view of the entrance to the Museum of the Louvre, terminated by the hall and group of Laocoon ; over the entrance, r. f. " Republique Francaise." Exergue, musee napoleon. — denon di- EEX. ANDRIEU F. (p. Jll.) * 77. Plate XXX. Same head as the preceding. Reverse. Another view of the same Museum ; over the entrance, SALLE DE l'aPOLLON. ExergUC. MUSEE NAPOLEON. DENON DI- REX. ANDRIEU F. (p. lU) There are some Medals without the head of Napoleon, and having on each side one of the views of the Museum. 78. P/a^e XXXI. Head of Bonaparte crowned with laurel, an- drieu F. B.everse. auspice napoleoxe gallia renovata. " Under the auspices of Napoleon, France renovated." The Star of the legion of 1 30 honour, encircled by a wreath of laurel and oak. In the centre of the star, a circle, in which is an eagle holding a thunderbolt, with the motto. HONNEUR ET PATRIE. Exergue. DENON DIREX. JALEY F. {p.u) Medal intended to commemorate the creation of the Order of the Legion of Honour, by a decree of the Legislative Body, of the 19th April, 1802. 79- Flate XXIIL napoleon empereur. Laurelled head oi Napoleon. Exergue, denon direx. andrieu f. Reverse. Mont Blanc represented as an old man of colossal size, blind with age, in a crouching attitude, holding before him enormous rocks, from whence two rivers flow, and his head involved in the clouds. In the rock under his right hand, is a cavern, where two miners are at work, brenet. f. denon d. Exergue, ecole des mines du MONT BLANC, (p. M.) A few Medals in silver, bear on the edge, argent des mines de PESEY, AN XIII. This Medal commemorates the establishment of a School of Mine- ralogy, in the Department of Mont Blanc. The figure of Mont Blanc is imitated from the statue of the Appennine, that is seen in the gar- den of Pratolino, near Florence, and is commonly attributed to Michael Angclo. 80. Plate XXXI. iionneur legionaire aux braves des ARMEEs. The Emperor laureated, and sitting in a curulc chair on a suggestus, distriinitcs the decorations of the Legion of Honour to four soldiers of diflercnt corps; behind the Emperor are two attendants hold- ing the decorations to be distributed. Exergue, a Boulogne le 31 XXVIII THERM AN XIII. XVI AOUT MDCCCIV. DENON D. JEUF- FROY F, Reverse. A plan of the position of the army on this occasion, with numbers referring to the explanation in the exergue. Exergue. SERMENT DE l'aRMEE d'aNGLETERRE A l'eMPEREUR NAPOLEON. N°. 1. CAVALLERIE. 2. I NF ANTERIE. 3. GENEREAUX. 4. DRAPEAUX. 5. LEGIONNAIRES. 6. G ARDE DE l'eM PER"""". 7- MUSICl"'''. p/. T^^""'' 8. E^' M""- D'- C'- 9. E^ M"''- G'"'^- 10. LE TRONE. JALEY F. (p.M.) The chair on which the Emperor sat on this occasion, was that of Dagobert, preserved in the Cabinet of Antiquities of the Imperial Li- brary. The back was taken off to give it the form of a curule chair. At the same time, the decorations previous to being delivered, were pre- sented to Napoleon in the shield and helmet of Bayard and Duguesclin. 81. Flate XXX. napoleon empereur. Head of Napoleon ci'owned with laurel, j. p. droz. f. Reverse, en l'an iv. 2000 barques sont construites. Her- cules binding the British leopard. Exergue, denon direxit. 1804. (p.m.) This type is imitated from an ancient gem representing Hercules and Cerberus. 82. Plate XXV. napoleon empereur. Statue of Napoleon, with the toga and laurel, crown, holding a scroll, brenet f. denon d. Reverse, en l'an xii le code civil est decrete. Figure of the Minerva of Velletri, taken from the statue in the Museum of the Louvre, brenet f. denon d. (p.m.) The code Napoleon was terminated in 1804. The 24th March, 1804, the Legislative Body, previous to its adjournment, decreed, that a 32 statue of Napoleon should be erected in the middle of the hall of its sit- tings, as a testimony of the public gratitude for the new code. This statue, executed by Chaudet, is represented on the obverse of the pre- sent Medal. There is a different die of this medal, in which the head of the statue is front-faced. 83. Plate XXXII. napoleon empereur. Laureated head. DENON DIR. ANDRIEU F. Reverse, le senat et le peuple. Napoleon, in his imperial robes, holding a sceptre and the sword of Charlemagne, is elevated on a shield, supported by two figures, representing the senate and the people. Behind the former is a book inscribed lois. Behind the latter a plough. Exergue, an xiii. dengn. dir. jeuefroy f. (p.m.) 84. 85. 86. Tlatc XXXII. Same head and reverse, of three difier- ent sizes. Medals of the four ditl'erent sizes described, were struck to comme- morate the coronation of Napoleon, which took place on the 2d of De- cember, 1 804. Those of the third first sizes, in gold and silver, Avere given to persons a\ ho assisted at the ceremony, accoiding to their rank. The small medals were thrown by the heralds among the people. As great numbers of medals were struck on this occasion, dies engraved by differ- ent artists were used. 87. Vlate XXXI. Pius vii p. i\i. hospes neapolionis imp. '• Pius VII. Sovereign Pontif. guest of the Emperor Napoleon." Bust of the Pope, with the triple tiara, and his j)ontifical robes. Reverse, imperatok sacuatus, " The Emperor consecrated." 33 A view of the metropolitan church of Notre Dame. In the field, mona- gram containing the initials of the name of the Virgin Mary. Exergue. PARISIIS II DEC. M.DCCCIV. XI. FRIM. AN. XIII. DENON DIR. JA- LEY F. (p.m.) 88. Plate XXXII. neapolio imperator. Laureated head. GALLE FECIT. Reverse, tutela praesens. (Horat. Carm. lib. iv. Od, 13.) The Emperor, in ancient Roman costume, holding a sceptre, and seated in a curule chair, receives the address of the city of Paris, represented as a turreted female. Behind her is the fore part of a ship, (emblem of the city of Paris) guided by a genius, who is directed in his course by the star of Napoleon. Exergue, epvlvm solemne imperatoris in CURIA URBANA. FRIM. A. XIII. " Solemn entertainment given to the Emperor at the Hotel de Ville. Frimaire, 13th year." prudon del. JEUFFROY FEC. (p.M.) Medal commemorative of the magnificent entertainment given to the Emperor and Empress on the occasion of the coronation. 89. P^a^e XXXII. napoleon.— Josephine. Two heads joined in profile, brenet. Reverse, fixa perennis in alto sedes. "His seat is fixed eternally on high." Eagle with spread wings, and holding branches of laurel, stands on the summit of a rock. On one of the stones, brenet. Exergue, fetes du couronnement donnees a l'hotel de ville. an XIII. (p.m.) m 90. Plate XXXIII. napoleon empereur. Laureated head. DENON DIR. DROZ FECIT. K 34 Reverse, drapeaux donnes a l'armee far napoleon. The Emperor, standing on a suggestus, presents standard-eagles to various corps of the army, and receives their oath of allegiance. Exergue, au CHAMP DE MARS LE 14 FRIM. AN XIII. DENON DIR. JEUFFROY F, {p.m.) When Napoleon assumed the imperial dignity, he adopted the eagle as emblem of the empire, and gave to the army new standards, surmounted by an eagle. The ceremony took place on the 5th Decem- ber, 1804, in the Champ de Mars at Paris. 91. Tlate XXXII. napoleon empereur des FRANfAis. Head of Napoleon. Reverse, honneur et patrie. The imperial crown, sceptre, and mantle, on an altar. Exergue, cour.onne ii frim. an xiii. Jetton intended to be thrown among the people during the festivals- of the coronation. 92. Plate XXIX. The Mint (La Monuoye, the goddess Moneta of the Romans) personified, presents a medal to Clio, the muse of His- tory, who records it on her tablet. Between the two figures, a press for coining, and on the ground a hammer and various implements for the same use. On the base of the press, factis prorogat jevum. " Time prolonged by events." denon d. andrieu f. Exergue, mdcociv.. Reverse. A laurel wreath. (i\m.) 93. Rlate XXIX. napoleon empereur et roi. Head of Na- poleon. ANDRIEU F. Reverse, ^sculapius taking under his protection Venus, whose fi- gure is imitated from the Mediccan statue. On ha* left arm is a ban- 35 dage. In the field, on the left side, is a cow ; and on the right, a lancet and glass tube containing the virus, andrieu f. denon d. Eaer- gUe. LA VACCINE. MDCCCIV. (p.m.) Medal to commemorate the introduction of Vaccination into France, and the establishment of a society for its promvdgation. 94. Plate XXXVI. bonte de titus, sagesse ue m. aurele, GENIE DE CHARLES M. Napolcon crowncd, and clad in his imperial robes, stands on a shield, raised and supported by four warriors. On one side, a cannon; on the other, a hydra with many heads, vomiting dag- gers. Exergue, au nom du plus grand des heros fremit l'hy- DRE BRITANNIQUE. MERLEN F. Reverse. In a crown of laurel. napoLeon bonaparte Le treS gLorIeVX et TRfes aVgVste eMpereVr. se faIt saCrer et oIn- Dre A parIspar pIe VII soVVerain pontIfe. Exergue, ii de- CEMB, MDCLLLXVVVVVVVIIIIIIIII. Medal commemorative of the coronation, by F. Merlen. The letters of the reverse, that are more elevated than the rest of the inscription, form collected, the year 1804. 95. Plate XXXI. Same head and inscription as No. 87- Reverse, en janvier mdcccv. s. s. pie vii a. visite la mon- NAiE DES MEDAiLLEs. Ovcr the inscription, the canopy, emblem of pontifical dignity ; under the inscription, the keys of St. Peter, (p.m.) 96. Plate XXXIII. napoleon empi;reur. Laureated head. Underneath, denon dir. andrieu f- Reverse, napoleon roi d'italie. The Crown presented by Agilulfus, King of the Lombards, to the church of St. John atMonza. 36 On the lower circle, AGiLULFvs GRATIA DEI gloriosvs rex. Exer- gue. COURONNE A MILAN LE XXIII MAI MDCCCV. DENON D'^. JA- LEY F. (p.m) * 96. Plate XXIX. Same type, but from a different die; the in- scription on the lower circle of the crown bears agilvlfvs gratia dei VIR GLOR^^ REX. (p.M.) 97. Plate XXXIII. NAPOLEO GALLORUM IMPERATOR ITALIC REX. Laureated head. Reverse, vltro. " Voluntarily." Italy, holding a cornucopia, places the iron crown on the head of Napoleon, represented in the cos- tume of a Roman senator in the act of swearing to observe the constitu- tion, which is lying on an altar. In the field, on one side a caduceus, and on the other a helmet, emblems of war and peace. Exergue, d. xxiii MAII A. MDCCCV. *97. Plate XXXVIII. napoleone re d'italia. Head of Napoleon with the iron crown. Underneath, la zecca di milano MAGGIO MDCCCV. Reverse, divenute compagne nell' ordine nella fede nella prosperita. Five shields, with arms of the five states compos- ing the kingdom of Italy ; the Milanese, the Venetian, the Legations, the Modenese, the Novarrese with the Valtcline. Medal struck by the mint of Milan, on the same occasion as the pre- ceding. Napoleon appears, for the first time, with the iron crown of the Lombard kings, supposed to be made from one of the nails of the true cross, and to have been presented by Pope Gregory the Great to Theo- dolinda. 37 98. Plate XVIII. napoleon empereur. Laureated head. Underneath, denon dir. droz f. Reverse, napoleon aux manes de desaix. Funereal Monu- ment ornamented with a bas-reUef, representing the death of Gen. De- saix. Exergue. V. pierre posee par l'empereur le 24 prai, an XIII. (P-M.) 99. Flate XVIII. Same head and inscription as the prece- ding. Reverse. Wreath of laurel and olive branches, in the centre, le XXV. PRAIRIAL AN. XIII. XIV. JUIN MDCCCV. NAPOLEON POSE LA I^ PIERRE DU TOMBEAU DE DESAIX AU MONT ST. BERNARD. (p.M.) The first stone of this Monument, in honour of General Desaix, was laid on Mount St. Bernard, on the 14th of June, anniversary of the battle of Marengo, and of the death of the General. There are some Medals without the head of Napoleon, uniting the two reverses of No. 98 and 99. 100. Plate XXXIII. imp. napoleon, p. f. a. rex ital. Bust of Napoleon, with the imperial mantle, and the grand decoration of the legion of honour. Underneath, h. vassallo. f. Reverse, felici faustoq. adventui, " To the happy and for- tunate Entry." A bust of Janus, (emblem of the city of Genoa) placed on a rostral column, to which is affixed a shield with the arms of the city. Various emblems of the arts and sciences are placed on each side. Exergue, iii ka l. jul.mdcccv. s. p.q. ligur. Medal struck to celebrate the arrival of Napoleon in Genoa, on the 29th June, 1805, after the incorporation of the Ligurian Republic with France. L 38 101. Plate XXIX. NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROi. Laurcatcd head. On the lower part, andrieu f. Reverse. Napoleon receiving the submission of Liguria, represent- ed as a female with a ducal crown : near her is the prow of a vessel, allusive to the maritime situation of the Republic. Behind Napoleon, the imperial eagle, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, la ligurie REUNIE A LA FRANCE MDCCCV. (p. M.) The Ligurian Repubhc was incorporated with France, June the 4th, 1805. It should be remarked here, with respect to the Medals of the Paris Mint, that from this period, the same reverse is found with heads by different artists, but particularly by Droz and Andrieu. 102. P/a/e XXIX. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse, ecoles de medicine, -^i^sculapius, with his usual at- tributes, and his son Telesphorus standing by him. Exergue, denon direx. jouannin. {p.m) 103. Plate XXXIV. napoleon empereur et roi. Laureated head. On the lower part, dropj fecit. Underneath, denon direxit. mdcccvi. Reverse, l'empereur commande la grande armee. The Imperial throne, on which isthe mantle and sceptre. Before it, is an eagle, and above a thunderbolt, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, levee DU camp de BOULOGNE LE XXIV AOUT MDCCCV. PASSAGE DU RHIN LE XXV SEP^. MDCCCV. (p.M.) 104. Plate XXXIV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse. Napoleon on horseback, haranguing his army on a 39 bridge. Victory descending, presents a palm-branch and laurel crown to Napoleon. Under the bridge, a river god holding an urn inscribed xech: Exergue, allocution a l'armee, l'armee fait serment DE VAINCRE, XII OCTOBRE MDCCCV. DENON DIR. (p.M.) 105. Plate XXXIV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse. The Emperor in a car drawn by two horses with great rapidity, is crowned by Victory. Under the horses, are two turreted female figures, kneeling in a suppliant attitude. Exergue, xvii octobre MDCCCV. CAriTULATlOiN d'ut,M. T»P. M KMJM INGEN, LX MILLEPRISON- NIERS. JALEY F. den. DIR. (p.M.) 106. Plate XXXIV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse. Two female figures, representing Vienna and Presbourg, kneeling, present the keys of the cities to Napoleon, represented as Her- cules. Exergue, prise de vienne et de presbourg, mdcccv. DENON D. GALLE F. (p.M.) 107. PlateXXXlY. napoleo i. gall. imp. ital. rex. ger- MANicus ruthenicus. Head of Napoleon, with a helmet richly orna- mented. On the lower part of the head, l. m. initials of Lingi Manfre- dini. Reverse, vindobona capta, anno mdcccv. " Vienna taken." A female figure sitting on the ground in an attitude of profound grief, near a trophy of Austrian spoils. Exergue, mediolani. Medal struck at Milan, to celebrate the capture of Vienna. 108. Plate XXXIV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse. Napoleon clad in armour, holding in one hand a figure of 40 Victory, and in the other, a standard surmounted by a figure of Jupiter, and inscribed n. In the field, les autrichiens vaincus. les dra- PEAUX FRANfAIS REPRIS. BRENET F. DENON D. Exevgue. IN- SPRUCK LE XVI BRUMAIRE AN XIV. MDCCCV. {p.m) 109. Flate XXXIV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse, bataille d'austerlitz. Thunderbolt, on its summit is a small statue of Napoleon, holding a globe and sceptre. Underneath, II DEC. MDCCCV. XI PRIM. AN XIV. JALEY P. (p.m.) This is the last medal of the series, on which mention is made of the Republican calendar, established by a decree of the Convention the 5th of October, 1793, for the execrable purpose of effacing all traces of Christianity in France. By a decree of the Senate of the 9th of Sep- tember, 1805, to be in force on the 1st of January, 1806, this calendar was abolished. 110. Plate XXXV. bataille d'austerlitz. Laureated head of Napoleon. On the lower part, andrieu p. Underneath, 11 de- CEMBRE MDCCCV. Reverse. Alexandre i. prancois ii. Opposite heads of the two Emperors, andrieu p. denon d. (p. m.) 111. Plate XXXV. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse. The Emperor Napoleon, and the Emperor Francis 11. are represented standing and conversing. Between them is a French standard, inscribed n. and two standards are lying on the ground at their feet. Exergue, entrevue de l'emp. napoleon et de l'emp. prancois II. A URCHITZ LE IV. DECEMBRE MDCCCV. ANDRIEU P. DENON D. (p.m.) 41 112. Plate XXXVII. pannonia stiracta. *' Pannonia sub- dued." The Emperor Napoleon in armour, crowned with laurel, and holding a branch of the same, stands on a platform (suggestus) and re- ceives the congratulatory address of the two Mayors of the city of Paris. Behind Napoleon is Prince Murat, clad in armour. Under the platform is a Nymph reclining on her urn, which is inscribed schoenbrunn. Under the Mayors, GALLE F. Exergue, aediles paris imp nea- POLIONI A VICTORIA REDVCI IN SVBVRBANO CAESARVM GRATES AGVNT. PR. ID. DECEMBR. MDCCcv. " The Mayors of Paris congratu- late the Emperor Napoleon on his return victorious in the suburban villa of the Caesars, 11th December, 1805." Rever'se. de germanis. Over the Germanis, Fame advancing with rapid motion, sounding a trumpet and bearing a scroll, on which is inscribed, imp vrbi svae. " The Emperor to his city." On the ground are standards, cannon, and other military spoils, brenet f. Exergue, primitiae belli arma et signa militaria e manvbiis vertingens civitati donata VI ID OCT. MDCCcv. " The first fruits of war, arms and standards from the spoils of Vertingen, presented to the city the 10th of October, 1805. (p.m.) On the 11th of December, 1805, a deputation from the Prefect and Mayors of Paris, presided by M. Duport, sent to congratulate the Em- peror Napoleon on the success of the campaign, was received by him in the palace of Schoenbrun, the summer residence of the Emperor of Austria, about two miles distant from Vienna. The reverse alludes to the affair of the 8th of October, at Westirgon, a small town, fourteen miles distant from Augsbourg, and thirty from Ulm; where Prince Murat defeated and made prisoners twelve battalions of Austrian grenadiers, with all their artiller}^ baggage, &c. On the 10th of the same month the Emperor wrote to the Prefect and Mayors of Paris, M 42 informing them of the victory, and presenting to the city of Paris the eight standards and two pieces of the cannon taken in the action ; adding, that he hoped the present would be more acceptable to the inhabitants, as it was the result of a victory obtained by the Governor of Paris. 113. Plate XXXV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse. Temple of Janus quadriformis dedicated by Augustus in the Forum. On the summit is a bust of Janus, and on the pediment, TEMPLUM JANI. ExergUe. PAIX DE PRESBOURG XXVI DECEMBRE MDCCCV. ANDRIEU F. DENON D". (p. M.) 114. Tlate XXXIV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse, actions df. graces pour la paix. Perspective view of the cathedral church of St. Stephen, in Vienna, where Te Deum was sung on the conclusion of the treaty of Presbourg. denon d. an- DRiEu F. Exergue, ordonnees a vienne par l'empereur na- poleon LE XXVIII. DE DECEMBRE MDCCCV. (p.m.) 115. PlateXXXY. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse. Bridge of Rialto at Venice ; above, a Gondola and two fish- es. Exergue, venise rendue a l'italie, xxvi decembre mdcccv. BRENET F. DENON D. (p.M.) By the treaty of Presbourg, the city of Venice was ceded to the king- dom of Italy. 116. Plate XXXIII. elisa napol. aug. soror et felix i. PRiNcc. lucae et plumbini. Opposite heads of the Prince and Princess, santarelli f. Reverse, acad. lucensium napoleonea instituta a. mdccc 43 V. FELiciTER. " Napolcon Academy founded at Lucca In the year 1805, under happy auspices." A laurel wreath, in the centre, dignio- RiBUS MUNERANDis. " A reward to the most deserving." Premium medal of the Academy of the Fine Arts of Lucca, of the most beautiful execution by Santarelli. Princess Eliza, sister of Napoleon, and her husband, Felix Bac- ciochi, were made sovereigns of I^ucca and Piombino, in the year 1805. 117. Plate XVIII. napoleo imperator et rex. an ii. MDCccv. Laureated head. Underneath, andrieu f. Reverse. pontem rhodani feliciore situ restituit. *' He rebuilds the bridge over the Rhone in a more eligible situation." View of a bridge ; on one side, part of the city of Avignon and the pa- lace of the Popes ; on the other side, part of the town of Villeneuve. At the foot of the bridge is a trophy in honour of the Emperor ; Victory, hovering in the air, bears a palm-branch, and points to the new bridge, andrieu f. Exergue, j. b. champagni primario regim. INT. ADMINISTRO. M. A. BOURDON VALCL. PRAEFECTO. "J. B. Champagny, Minister of the Interior. M. A. Bourdon, Prefect of Vaucluse." The bridge over the Rhone, uniting the two cities of Avignon and Villeneuve, and the two departments of Vaucluse and of the Gard, had been carried away by the violence of the river. It was rebuilt in a more ehgible situation in 1805 ; on which occasion the present medal was en- graved by order of the inhabitants of Avignon. 118. Plate XXXV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse, temple d'auguste a pola. The front of a temple orna- 44 mented with four Corinthian columns. On the frieze, romje, et ciESARi AUGUSTO. BRENET F. DENON D. ExergU€. l'iSTRIE CONQUISE AN MDCCCVI. (f.M.) The province of Istria was ceded to France by the treaty of Pres- bourg. The temple represented is that still seen at Pola. 119. P/a^e XXXV. Ok-er^e. Same as No. 103. 'Reverse, temple de jupiter a spalatro. brenet f. denon d. A temple of octagon form, surrounded by a colonnade. Exergiie. la dal- MATIE CONQUISE EN MDCCCVI PAR LA PAIX DE PRESBOURG. (p.il.) Dalmatia was also ceded to France by the treaty of Presbom-g. 120. Flate XXXV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse. A bull with a human head, crowned by a winged female figure. Under the bull, a head of Vulcan, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, conquete de Naples, mdcccvi. (p.m.) The type of the reverse is taken from the ancient coins of the city of Naples. The head of Vulcan, under the bull, alludes to the volcano of Vesuvius. The French army entered Naples on the 15th February, 1806, under the command of Prince Joseph, afterwai'ds made king. 121. P/«^e XXXV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse. The imperial throne supported by eagles; on it, is placed the sceptre and mantle ; before it, a table, on which are several crowns and sceptres. Three crowns are lying on the ground, at the foot of the table. In the air, is an eagle holding the fasces. Exergue, souve- RAINETES DONNEES MDCCCVI. ANDRIEU F. DENON D. (p.m.) The I6th of February, I8O6, Napoleon adopted as his son Prince Eugene Bcauharnois, and declared him heir to the throne of Italy, in 45 case of failure of male issue. The 4th of March, he adopted a niece of the Empress Josephine, and gave her in marriage to the Electoral Prince of Baden. The 20th March, Prince Joachim Murat was created Grand Duke of Cleves and Berg. The 30th March, Joseph Napoleon was de- clared King of Naples. The Dutchy of Guastalla was given to Princess Pauline Borghese, and the principality of Neufchatel to Berthicr. The 5th of June, Louis was proclaimed King of Holland, Talleyrand Prince of Benevento, and Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte Corvo. The crowns thrown on the ground allude to the expulsion of the kings of Naples and Sardinia from their dominions, and the destruction of the Doge of Venice. 122. Plate XXXV. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse. Two figures joining hands. Behind the one, c. f. louis DE BADE. Behind the other, sti:phanie napoleon. Over their heads, the letter n, surrounded with rays. Exergue, alliance, mdcccvi. ANDRIEU F. DENON D. (p. M.) Medal to commemorate the marriage of the Prince of Baden with a niece of the Empress Josephine, on the 7th of April, 1806. 123. Plate XXXVI. Obverse. Same as No. 103. Reverse, colonne de la grande armee. Column surmounted by a statue of Napoleon, and two buildings. Exergue, campagne de MDCCCV. brenet f. denon d. (p.m) This column, made with the brass cannon taken in the campaign of 1805, was erected in the place Vendome in Paris, as a monument to the glory of the Grand Army. 124. P/a 51 on the one is inscribed, republic romana; and, on the other, r. t. (French Republic.) Reverse, giorno cue vale di tanti anni il pianto. In the field, under the cap of Liberty, liberta romana xxvii piovoso AN. VII. Underneath, t. m, initials of T. Mercandetti. Medal struck at Rome, in 1799? by order of the Consuls and Senate, to commemorate the first anniversary of the Roman Republic, proclaimed on the 15th of February, 1798. (27 Pluviose.) 137. Flate XIII, repvblica romana. Figure of the Repub- lic, with the attributes of Liberty. Reverse. A civic crown. In the centre, scudo romano. Silver crown of the new Roman Republic, in 1798. 138: Flate XXVJ. republica romana. Eagle with extended wings holding a thunderbolt in its talons, and in its beak an olive branch. Underneath, perugia a. vii. Reverse. A crown of oak. In the centre, scudo. Silver crown of the Roman Republic, struck at Perugia, in 1799- 139- PlateY. republica romana. The Consular fasces sur- mounted by a cap of Liberty. Reverse. In a crown of oak. duebaiocchi. Copper coin of two Bayocs, of the same Republic. 140. Plate XXIII. Fasces with the cap of Liberty. Rep. Roth. An. T>- Reverse. In an equilateral triangle, 2 Baiocchi. Coin of very coarse execution, struck in great haste. • 52 141. PlateXXI. republica napoletana. Figure of Liberty, standing, with her usual attributes. Reverse, anno septimo della liberta. In a crown of oak, CARLINI DODICI. Silver piece of 12 CarUus, of the Neapolitan or Parthenopean Re- public, proclaimed the 23d of January, 1799. 142. PlateXX. liberta eguaglianza. Two female figures embracing, on the base, h. vassallo. Underneath, 1798. Reverse, repubblica ligure anno. i. A shield with the arms of Genoa, placed against the consular fasces, surmounted by the cap of Liberty. Two branches of laurel and palm surround the whole. Under- neath, L. 8. (8 Livres). On the edge, bonta oncie, 10, l6. peso. C RANI 726. Silver coin of the Ligurian Republic, proclaimed the 14th of June, 1797. 143. PlateXX. Same obverse and reverse. Piece of 4 Hvres. 144. PlateXX. repubblica ligure. anno. i. Female figure 1 arreted, holding in one hand a spear, and resting her other arm on a shield, sits on a square base, ornamented with the level. On the base, 11. vassallo. Exergue, l. 96. On the edge, bontA, caratti. 22 ri:so GRANi 550. Reverse, nell unione la forza. Fasces with the cap of Liberty between two branches of laurel. Underneath, 1798. Gold pieces of 96 livres, of the same Repubhc. 145. Plate XX. Same type. Piece of 48 livres.— Coins of Li- 53 gurian Republic, are to be found with dates from the year 1797 till 1805, when it was incorporated Avith France. 146. PZa^e XXIII. Inscription in the field, instituto nazi- ONALE LIGURR^ Reverse, testa della sovranitI del popolo. anno ii. re- PUBBLI'"'. Medal distributed by the government to the members of the Ligu- rian Institute, at the festival of the Sovereignty of the people, cele- brated on the 14th of June, 1799, anniversary of the Genoese Revolution. 147. Plate XXIII. Inscription in the field, colonna nazi- ONALE. REPUB. LIGURE. GIORNO PRIMO ANNO v. Het'erse. liberta eguaglianza. mdccci. xiv. giugno. Medal struck to commemorate the laying of the first stone of a co- lumn, in honour of the Ligurian democracy, on the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Republic. 148. Plate XII. alla naz. fran. la rep. cisal. riconoscente. France, represented as an armed female, sitting on an elevated seat, re- ceives the acknowledgments of the Cisalpine Republic. Near the latter, a cornucopise, and a stork, emblem of gratitude. On the base of the seat, salvirch. Reverse. In a wreath of oak, scudo di lire sei. 27 pratilf. anno VIII. On the edge, unione e virtu. Six Uvres in silver of the Cisalpine Republic, struck on the l6th of June 1800, on the arrival of the news of the battle of Marengo. 149. Plate XII. republica cisalpina. Female head with a p 54 helmet, ornamented with ears of com, laurels and flowers. Underneath, SOLDI 30. Reverse, pace celebrata. foro bonaparte fondato. anno ix. Piece of 30 sols, of the Cisalpine Republic, recording the festivals for the peace of Luneville, and the laying of the foundation of the Forum Bonaparte, at Milan. 150. Plate XX. liberta, virtu, eguaglianza. Figure of Liberty stepping forward, resting her left arm on the fasces. Revej-se. anno vii rep. i della liberta piemontese. An oaken wreath. In the centre, mezzo scudo. Half sendo, or crown in silver of the Piedmontese Republic, coined after the abdication of the King of Sardinia, the pth of December 1798. 151. Plate II. LIBERTA eguaglianza. Cap of Liberty on the level of Equality, between two branches of oak. Under the level, a. 9. (9th year.) Reverse, nazione piemontese. In the middle, Soldi Due. Copper piece of 2 sols value, of the year 1801. 152. Plate XIV. l'italie delivree a marengo. Head of Minerva, a wreath of laurel encircling her helmet. Underneath, a. l. (A.Lavy.) Reverse, liberte eg a lite. In a laurel wreath, 20 francs l'an 9- Exergue, eiudania. (iold coin of twenty francs, of the Piedmontese government, esta- blished after the battle of Marengo, in 1800. 153. Plate Xll. g al le subalpine. Subalpine Gaul personified, 55 holding a palm-branch and laurel wreath, leans on France who is represented with the emblems of Liberty and Equality. Underneath, LAW. Reverse, liberte, egalite. Between, two branches of oak and laurel, 5 FRANCS, l'an 9- Exergue, eridania. On the edge, union e E VIRTli. Silver coin of 5 francs, of the same. 154. Plate XIX. helvet. republ. A man in the old Swiss dress, bearing a standard. Exergue. 1798. Reverse. In a wreath of oak, 40 batzen, and the letter s, initial of the mint of Soleure. Silver coin of 40 batzen, of the Helvetic or Swiss Republic. 155. Plate XIX. Same type, but of a smaller size. Piece of 20 batzen. 156. Plate XIX. helvetische republick. Same figure, but in a different attitude. Exergue. 1799- Reverse. In a wreath of oak, 4 franken, and the letter b, ini- tial of the mint of Berne. Silver coin of four francs, of the same Republic. Four francs Swiss, are equal to 40 batzen, or to six francs French. 157. Plate XIX. Same. Piece of 10 batzen. 1799- 158. Plate XIX. Same figure, in a different attitude. Reverse. In a wreath of oak, l6 franken. 1800. Gold coin of 16 francs Swiss, or 24 francs French money. 56 159. Plate XIX. Same as No. 156, but of the year 1800. 160. Plate VIII. Same type. Piece of 5 batzen. 1799- 161. Plate XXXI. pie vii. paris mdccciv. Bust of Pius VII. • Reverse. A crucifix. *]6l. Plate XXXI. Same head and inscription. Reverse. Rehgion holding a cross and chaHce, loque in. Oval medals struck during the residence of the Pope at Paris, in- tended to be suspended to rosaries. VARIOUS CONSTITUTED BODIES. 162. Plate II. TRIBUNAL DE CASSATION. Justicc holding in one hand a balance, with the other, supports a table of laws, inscribed, LOIS, CON, and placed on an altar, of which the front is ornamented with a level. On the base is inscribed gatteaux. Reverse. A triangle, surrounded by rays of light, in a crown of oak. In the triangle, la loi. Ticket of admission given to each member of the Court of Cassation established in 1800. 163. riateX. republique ERANpAisE. Minerva seated, holds in one hand a sword fixed in the ground, and with the other arm leans on licr shield inscribed constitution fran^aise an viu. Behind the shield, a cock, emblem of vigilance, r. dumarest. 57 Reverse, senat conservateur. A mirror, in which a serpent views itself ; emblem of Prudence. Medal struck to commemorate the Institution of the Conservatory Senate by the constitution of the 13th of December, 1799. It served at the same time as a ticket of admission for the senators. 164. Plate XXVII. Helmeted head of Minerva. Underneath, JEUFFROY. Reverse, corps legislatif. The vacant space left in the field for the name of each member. Underneath, session de l'an xii. Ticket of the members of the Legislative Body for the year 1804. 165. Plate VI. REPUBLiQUE FRANf AisE. The French Repub- lic armed with a helmet, standing in the middle of a bush of laurels. In one hand she holds a spear, surmounted with the cap of hberty, and rests the other hand on the fasces, gatteaux. Exergue, an viii. Reverse, liberte, egalite. tribunat. Vacant space for the name of the tribune. The Tribunat was created by the constitution of the 13th of De- cember, 1799, and installed on the 1st of January, 1800, 166. Plate XXI. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAisE. Hclmeted head of Minerva. Underneath, duvivier an 8. Reverse, conseil d'etat. Space for the name of the counsel- lor. Underneath, two branches of laurel. The Council of State was created on the 25th of December, 1799. 167. Plate XXI. institut national des sciences et Q 58 DES ARTS. Bust of the Minerva of Velletri. Underneath, dumarest AN. XI. CONSTIT. ART. LXXXVIII. Reverse. A laurel wreath ; in the centre is a vacant space for the name of the member. General Bonaparte was chosen member of the Institute, class of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, on the 29th of December, 1799, on his return from Radstadt. l68. Plafe XXI. Same as the preceding, but of a smaller size. The die of the former being broken, another was engraved. JETTONS OF COMPANIES. 169- Plafe II. Minerva, bearing a shield with the arms of the city of Geneva, points to various instruments of the Arts, collected at the foot of an olive tree. At a distance, on a steep hill, is a circular tem- ple, c.w. Initials of the engraver. Exergue, artibus promovendis. " For the advancement of the arts." Reverse. A radiant circle, in which is ihs. Above, a scroll inscribed post tenebras lux. " After darkness comes light."' In the centre, between two branches of oak and laurel, societe des arts, 1797. 170. Plate V. caisse d'escompte du commerce. Vigilance holding a lamp over an altar, on the top of which is a cock ; a table co- vered with papers, is leaning against the altar ; behind Vigilance is a chair ornamented with the figure of a goose, alluding to that of the capi- tol. On the base of the altar, andrieu f. Exergue, vigilance. 59 Reverse, association du iv. frimaire an vi. pour la pros- PERITE DU COMMERCE. Octagon jetton of the Caisse d'Escompte du Commerce, established the 24th of November 1797- 171- Plate Yl. la sagesse fixe la fortune. Minerva, lean- ing on her shield, places her left hand on the shoulder of Fortune, who is pouring money from a cornucopia into a chest; the attri- butes of Fortune, a wheel and rudder, are behind her, and the letters DUV. Reverse, caisse de comptes courants. A cornucopia and caduceus crossed ; above, two hands joined. Octagon jetton of a commercial establishment for discounting tradesmen's bills. 172. Plate VI. Same obverse as the preceding. Reverse, banque de france, an viii. In a wreath of laurel and oak. Octagon jetton of the Bank of France estabUshed the 21st of Janu- ary 1800. 173. Plate XVIII. A view of the Seine, with the bridge of the Arts and the Louvre, tiolier f. Exergue, les rives de la seine UNIES par de NOUVEAUX LIENS. Reverse. Between two reeds, association pour la construc- tion DES TROIS fonts EN FER SUR LA SEINE A PARIS. LOI DU 24 VENTOSE AN 9- The law of the 15th of March 1801, authorized the building by sub- scription, of three iron bridges over the Seine, one at the Louvre, the 60 second at the Jardin des Plantes, the third united the Islands of Notre Dame and St. Louis. *173. Plate XXXIX. le genie les reunit pour l'utilite DU COMMERCE. A river god holding a cornucopia, reposing on his urn, inscribed loire. Opposite to him is a nymph seated on a rock, and leaning on an urn, inscribed saone. Between them is a Genius, holding a plan of the canal and various instruments of geometry, tiolierf. Exergue, regie i prairial an 7. Heverse. In a wreath of reeds, canal du centre ouvert en SEPTEMBRE, 1792. The Canal of the Centre, uniting the Loire and the Saone, was opened in 1792. On the 20th of May, 1799, the receipt of the tolls was entrusted to an administration, by which the present octagon jetton was struck. 174. Flatc XXI. republique francaise. The fasces between two branches of oak and laurel ; on the top of the fasces, a cock. Reverse, comptabilite nationale. A balance and compass. Underneath, head and wings of an owl. Exergue, an viii. 175. Plate XXIV. bonaparte premier consul. Bust of the First Consul. On the lower part, ii. auguste. Underneath, AN 9. Reverse, les agens de change de paris. A view of the north bank of the Seine, the Gallery of the Louvre, and Pont Neuf. On the river are a number of barges navigating, to indicate the pros- perity of trade. Jetton of the Company of Exchange Brokers of Paris. 61 176. Plate XXIV. The caduceus and petasus of Mercury, be- tween two cornucopisc, and two olive branches. Reverse, agent de commerce. A ship in full sail, galle f. Exergue, bourse de paris. Jetton of the Company of Commercial Brokers. 177. P/a^e XXIV, monet ne arguat. A female figure sitting, holds in one hand a scroll, and rests the other arm on a book inscribed LOIS. Exergue. 1802. Reverse, chambre des avoues du tribunal de premiere INSTANCE, ARRKTE DES CONSULS DU 13 FRIMAIRE AN 9- (4th of December 1800.) Jetton of the Chamber of Attorneysin the court of First Proceedings. * 177- P/fl^e XXXIX. vitaM impendere legum studio. A table supported by eagles; upon it, are a lamp and book inscribed lois. Reverse, consilio judicia parant. A female figure holding the hand of Justice, sits in an attitude of meditation, tiolier f. Ever- gue. AVOUES PRKS LA COUR D'aPPEL A PARIS. Jetton of the Chamber of Attorneys in the court of Appeal. 178. Plate XXV. napoleon i'". empereur des franj ais. Laureated head of Napoleon. Underneath, tiolier f. Reverse, electis fidite. Justice seated, holding a balance, under her left hand a scroll, inscribed lois. Exergue, commissaires PRISEURS a PARIS. Jetton of the Company of Auctioneers and Appraisers. 179. Plate XXV. Same head as the preceding. a 62 Reverse, lex ut quodcunque notamus. A horoscope. Exer- gue. NOTAIRES DU DEPART". DE LA SEINE. *179. Plate XXXIX. tribunal de premiere instance. Justice holding a sword and scales. Exergue, nu dep'^. de la seine. Reverse. In a wreath of oak and laurel, an eye surrounded with rays, and the inscription chambre des huissiers creee le i". pri- MAIRE AN 10. Jetton of the Chamber of Ushers in the Court of First Proceedings. The Huissiers (Ushers) are officers, whose business it is to execute the mandates of the Courts of Justice. 180. Flate XXVI. canal de briare. A cornucopia filled with corn, flowers, and fruits, brenet. Exergue. 1642. Reverse, concordia crescent. Three river gods ; the Seine, the Loire, and the Ijoing, whose waters, flowing from their respective urns, unite in one stream. Exergue, an 10. 181. Plate XXYll. napoleon bonaparte empereur. Lau- reated head of Napoleon. Underneath, andrieu f. Exergue. 28 FLOREAL AN 12. 18 MAI 1804. Reverse. In a crown formed of wheat ears, and various fruits, CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DE PARIS. 6vENT0SE AN 11.25 FEVRIER 1803. PREMIUM MEDALS AND MISCELLANEOUS. 182. Plate XIV. joseph iiaydn. Bust of Haydn. Under- neath, N. GATTEAUX. 63 Reverse, iiommage a haydn, par les musiciens qui ont iXECUTE l'oRATORIO DE LA CREATION DU MONDE AU THEATRE DES ARTS l'aN IX DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANfAISE OU MDCCC. A IjIC, on the summit of which is a flame. »xiq\ a crown of stars. 183. Plate XIV. cii. miciiel de l'epee ne a Versailles 1712, MORT a PARIS 1789. Bust of Abbede L'Epee. On the lower part, B. DUVIVIER. Reverse, au genie inventeur de l'art d'instruire les SOURDS-ET-MUETS DANS LES SCIENCES ET LES ARTS, B. DUVIVIER 1801. Medal in honour of Abb6 de L'Epee, inventor of the art of instruct- ing the deaf and dumb. 184. Plate XXII. en s'eloignant elles le serrent. Two hands tying a knot. Exergue, vote en fructidor an x. apres le DEPART DE P. J. BRIOT. Reverse. In a crown of oak, les fonctionnaires et les habi- TANS de l'iSLE d'eLBE RECONNOISSANS a P. J. BRIOT EX COMMIS- SAIREDU GOUVERNEMENT. The island of Elba was ceded to France in 1801, by the treaty with Austria and the King of Naples. 185. Plate XXVII. j. david leroy membre de l'institut NATION. DE FRANCE NE EN 1724. M. EN 1803^ Bust of D. Lcroy. Underneath, duvivier. Reverse, vote: par les architectes ses eleves. A column, on the top of which is an owl ; on one side a compass, and on the other a galley. Exergue, paris an xi. 64 186. PlatelV. ant. laur. lavoisier. Bust of Lavoisier, the celebrated chjmist. Underneath, andrieuf. Reverse. Inscription, l'an 9 ph. gengembre essayait de PERFECTIONNER LES MONNAIES. 187. Plate XXII. piece frappee en virole pleine par UN nouveau procede. Reverse, presente a l'administration des monnaies pap M". GATTEAUX SERR^". MECHAN. DE l'aDM"". AN DIX. 188. Plate XXII. bonaparte i". consul. Head of Bona- parte. On the lower part, f. jaley. Reverse, procede de gengembre mec"" des monn'- A laurel wreath. In the middle, l'an x. 189. Plate VI. encouragement et recompenses a l'in- DUSTRiE. The French Republic, with the cap of Liberty and a laurel crown, a cock standing by her, holds a wreath of laurel, and con- ducts to the altar of the Arts a young man bearing a caduceus; behind him are various implements of the Arts. On the altar, an 7. Exergue. AUX ARTS UTILES REP. FR. B. DUVIVIER F. Reverse. A wreath of oak. The vacant space in the field was intended for the name of the person to whom the medal was granted. 190. Plate XXXVII. socikri d'encouragetment. Female figure, holding in each hand a laurel wreath, standing near an altar on which arc several wreaths of the same. On each side, various imple- ments of the Sciences and Arts. Exergue, fondee le ix. brum. a. x. 1802. TIOHER F. 65 Reverse. In a laurel wreath, decern ee a. Tlie remaining space left vacant for the name of the person to whom the premium was granted. 191. Plate XXIV. DocTARUM prjemia frontium. a winged genius holding crowns of laurel, stands surrounded with various imple- ments of the sciences and arts. At a distance the sea, and several ships saihng. . On a volume b. duv. initials of the engraver, Benjamin Duvivier. Exergue, litter, scient. et artium academ. massil. 'Reverse. Plain to receive an inscription. Premium Medal of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Mar- seilles. 192. Flate XXIII. NICOLAS POUSSIN PEINTRE PRANfAIS. Head of Poussin. Above, a star. Underneath, r. dumarest f. Reverse, ecole fran^aise. premier prix de peinture. A laurel wreath ; in the centre of which are a compass, pallet, and other instruments used in painting, an v. Grand Prize Medal of the French Academy of Painting. 193. Plate XXVIII. JEAN fernel. ambroise pare. Busts united of Fernel and Pare. Behind, gatteaux. Exergue, la me:- DECINE RENDUE ASON UNITE PRIMITIVE. DECRET DU 14 FRIMAIRE AN III DE LA R. F. Reverse, ecole de medecine de paris. In the centre, prix DE l'ecole PRATIQUE. AN" VI. Under the inscription, the staff and serpent of .^sculapius. 194. Plate XXVIII. Head of ^sculapius. Before it, the serpent and staff. Under the head, a xiii. dumarest f. s 66 Reverse. In a circle formed by the serpent of ^sculapius, eccle T3E MEDECINE DE PARIS. 195. Plate XXVIII. CONSULTATIONS GRATUiTEs. The staft" and serpent of ^sculapius, between two medicinal plants. Exergue. 22 MARS 1796. Reverse. In the field, societe de medecine de paris. Exer- gue. 4 GERMINAL AN 4. 196. Plate XXXVII. accademia i. reale delle belle arti. Minerva sitting on a chair ornamented with sphinxes and lions' heads. In her right hand is a group of the three Graces, each holding emblems of the arts. Under the chair, an owl standing on an amphora. On the plinth, l. manfredini f. Exergue, per decreto 1 set- TEMBRE MUCCCIII. Reverse. In a crown of olive, commissioni straordinarie. Grand Prize Medal of the Imperial and Royal Academy of Milan. Some medals are found, which bear in the olive crown, on the re- verse, the inscription, premio di bologna, or premio di milano. 197. Plate XXXIX. conservatoire de musique. Apollo, leaning on a column, holds in one hand his lyre, and in the other a lau- rel wreath. In the field, r f. a x. (Republique Francaise An. x.) Ex- ergue. EPOQUE DE la PAIX GENERALE. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel, fonde en 1789, organise par LA LOI DU 16 Tll. AN 3. Premium Medal of the Conservatory of Music, commemorating the peace of Amiens. 67 198. Plate XXXIX: sermonem patrium Moresque requi- RiT. A winged genius, holding a lighted torch, lifts up the veil which covered a female figure, sitting on a rock, and presenting a scroll witli a Celtic inscription. Near heris a cock. Exergue. Dupre. Reverse, gloria majorum. A wreath of olive and oak. In the centre, academie celtique fondee an xiii. Jetton of the Celtic Academy, founded in 1804. 199. Plate XXXIX. A view of the Isle Louviers at Paris, with its wood-wharfs. On the river, a large raft laden with wood, and several small boats. Exergue, ile louviers, an 12. Reverse, commerce de bois neuf. An oak tree and distant view of a wood. Exergue, paris. Octagon jetton of the Company of Wood-Merchants. 200. Plate XXXIX. subit ad vidui moderamina clavi. An eagle seizing the helm of an empty bark, tossed about by the waves. Reverse, labor omnibus unus. A river god emerging from the flood, contemplates a hive and swarm of bees. Exergue, pref. de la seine, jetton de presence an xiii. brenet. Jetton of the Prefecture of the Department of Paris, END OF part I. MEDALLIC HISTORY OF NAPOLEON. PART II. From 1806 to 1815. 201. P/afe XL. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Fourteen German Princes, in national armour and crowned, are assembled round the fasces surmounted by the Imperial Eagle, and swear fidelity to the new Confederation. In the middle, is the Arch-Chancellor, created Prince Primate, with the insignia of his ecclesi- astical dignity. Exergue, confederation du rhin mdcccvi. BRENET. DENON D. (p.AX.) The Confederation of the Rhine, of which Napoleon was named Protector, was signed at Paris, on the 12th of July 1806, by the Ministers of the different Princes who acceded to it. 202. Plate XLi. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Napoleon represented as Jupiter, sitting on an eagle in the midst of clouds, and hurling his thunder against the giants who attempted to invade heaven. Exergue, bataille d'jena mdcccvi. denon D. galle f. {p.m.) T 70 203. Plate XL. Same head and inscription as No, 101. Reverse, borussi didicere nuper.* Napoleon on horseback, in the costume of a Roman warrior, and preceded by an eagle, trampling over the bodies of two enemies, andrieu f. Exergue. EXERCITU AD lENAM DELETO XIV OCTOB. MDCCCVI. "Army destroyed at Jena, October the 14th 1806." (p- m) 204. Flate XL. napoleo gall, imp. ital. rex germ, ruth, BORUssicus. Head of Napoleon, with the iron crown and a wreath of laurel. On the lower part, l, m. Luigi Manfredini. Underneath, medio- LANI MDCCCVI, Reverse, saxonia liberata borussis deletis. " Saxony delivered; the Prussians destroyed." Jupiter, seated on an eagle perched on the thunder, holds in one hand a sceptre, and with the other bran- dishes the thunder. Underneath, ienae. (p.m.) Medal struck at Milan, to commemorate the battle of Jena. ■ ' > . , - 205. Plate XL, Same head and inscription as No. 101,^ Reverse, porte de brandebourg. The gate of Brandebourg at Berlin, with the Propylaea. On the centre of the gate, a triumphal car. Exergue, l'empereur entre a Berlin le xxvii octobre MDCCCVI. DENON D, JALEY F. {p.il.) 206. Plate XI. Same head and inscription as No. 101, Reverse. Four turreted female figures, looking up and viewing Na- poleon carried on an eagle with the thunder in its talons, are terrified at the sight, and let fall the keys of their cities, jeuffroy f. de- * Vindelici didicere nuper. — Ilor. lib. iv. Qd. 13. 71 NON DiR. Exergue, capitulation de spandau, stettin, mag- DEBOURG, ET CUSTRIN. MDCCCVI. (p.m) After the battle of Jena, the commanders of the four cities men- tioned in the inscription, were seized with a panic, and surrendered to the French army without resistance. The strong fortress of Magde- bourg, with 20 generals, a garrison of 22,000 men, and 800 pieces of cannon, capitulated on the 8th of November, after a short bombardment. 207. Plate XL. napoleon emp. charlemagne emp. Busts united, in profile, of Napoleon with a wreath of laurel, and of Charle- magne with a crown. On the base of the head of Napoleon, andrieu F. Underneath, denon dir. an mdcccvi. Reverse, witikindr.s. (Rex Saxonie.) Frederic aug. r.s. Busts united in profile of Witikind and of the King of Saxony, an- drieu F. denon dir. an mdcccvi. (p.m.) Witikind was created first Duke of Saxony by Charlemagne: Napo- leon, who frequently styled himself a successor of Charlemagne, was anxious to recal to memory this event, as affording him a right of so- vereignty over Saxony. Hence, the heads of Charlemagne and Witi- kind are joined to those of Napoleon and Frederic Augustus on this Medal, intended to commemorate the alliance between France and Saxony, and the elevation of the Elector to the Regal Dignity. 208. Plate XL. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. occupation d'uambourg. Turreted female sitting on a galley, holding in one hand a cornucopia, and the other hand lean- ing on a rudder. Exergue, mdcccvi. denon direc^. george f. (p.m.) The French army entered the city of Hamburgh on the 9th of No- vember 1806", and seized all British property and objects of British manu- 72 facture. In 1810 it was incorporated with France, and became the chief city of the Department of the Elbe. V. No. 271. 209. Flate LIII. Charles fr. louis. Stephanie nap. unis sous leslauriers. The arms of France and Baden, encircled by two branches of laurel. Between the arms, a flaming torch. Reverse, s. a. e. charles prince de bade visite la mon- naie de PARIS 5 APRIL 1806. On the edge, balancier a virole adopte en 1803. Struck on the visit of the Prince of Baden to the Mint at Paris : for his marriage, see No. 122. 210. Flate LIII. maximil jos. roi de baviere. Bust of the King of Bavaria. Underneath, tiolier, f. Heverse. s. a. r. louis ch. auguste prince de baviere, vi- sits la monnaie de PARIS, 3 MARS I8O6. On the edge, balancier A virole adopte en 1803. 211. Flate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The Nymph of the Vistula, leaning on a rudder, lies weep- ing, and in an afflicted attitude, at the sight of a French standard erected on her banks. At a distance, two lofty mountains. Exergue. siGNis ultra vistulam constitutis, mdcccvii. brenet f. de- NON D. " French standards displayed beyond the Vistula." (p.m.) 212. Tlate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, victorije manenti. " To Victory still constant." The Emperor, represented as Diomedes, on an ancient intaglio, is seated on a heap of miUtary spoils, holding in one hand a sword, and in the I 73 other a statue of Victory, brenet f. Exergue, bataille de preuss EYLAU VllI FEVltlER MDCCCVII. (p.jf.) 213. Plate XLI. napoleon a osterode. Laureated head of Napoleon. Underneath, andrieue. denond. Reverse, fabius cunctator. Head of Fabius Maximus. Un- derneath, DENON D. (p.m.) After the battle of Preuss Eylau, the army having suffered a great loss, Napoleon remained several months inactive in his position of Os- terode, expecting reinforcements from France. His conduct on this occasion was compared to that of Fabius, surnamed Cunctator. 214. Plate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The Emperor, in his imperial robes, raises from the ground a female figure, representing the city of Dantzig, who is kneel- ing before him ; and places a mural crown on her head. In the field, on one side, a caduceus ; on the other an acrostolium : emblems of Com- "merce and Navigation, andrieu f. denon dir. Exergue, li- BERTAs DANTisco RESTiTUTA. " Liberty restored to Dantzig." MDCCCVII. (p.m.) Medal commemorating the surrender of Dantzig, after a long siege, on the 28th of May, 1807. 215. Plate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Napoleon represented as a Greek hero, surrounded with dead bodies of the enemy lying on the ground, replacing his sword in the scabbard. On one side, an olive-branch ; on the other, the torch of Discord inverted and expiring, galle f. Exergue, bataille de FRIEDLAND XIV JUIN MDCCCVI. (p.M.) V . 74 216. Plate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Victory stands near an altar, holding a shield, on which she has written, xiv juin marengo et friedland. Near the altar, a branch of laurel. Exergue, brenet f. denon d. (p.m.) This Medal and the preceding, commemorate the battle of Fried- land, which took place on the same day as that of Marengo, in 1800. 217. Plate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, berlin. varsovie. koenigsberg. Three female figm-es turreted, holding keys. Group imitated from a bas-relief of the Villa Borghese. denon dir. george r. Exergue, campagnes de MDCCCVI ET MDCCCVII. (p.m.) 218. Plate XLI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Victory sits before a pillar, holding a shield, on which she traces, with the point of a sword, the conquests of the Emperor. Peace, crowned with laurel, and holding an olive-branch, appears be- hind her, and arrests her hand. On the pillar are seven mural crowns, inscribed with the names of the cities of Silesia surrendered to the French arms: glatz, kosel, neisse, schweidnitz, brieg, bres- LAW, glogaw. On the ground, at the feet of Victory, is another crown, inscribed silberberg, which city had not yet fallen, an- DRiEu F. Exergue, conquete de la silesie. mdcccvii. (p.m.) 219. Plate XLI. napoleon. Alexandre i. f. guillaume hi. Heads united in profde of the Emperor Napoleon, the Emperor Alex- ander, and the King of Prussia. The two former laureated, the latter with a simple diadem. Underneath, andrieu f. denon dir. Reverse, niemen. A river god, recumbent, and leaning on his 75 urn, holds in his right hand a model of the pavilion erected on a raft in the middle of the river, where the first interview of the two Em- perors took place. At the foot of the river god, is an olive-tree over- shading the pavilion. Exergue, paix de tilsit.. mdcccvii. denon i>. DROZ r. {pm). 220. Plate XLIII. Alexander primus, fr. wiliielm. ter- Tius. NAPOLEON PRIMUS. Heads of the Empcror Alexander and King of Prussia, united in profile, opposite to that of the Emperor Napoleon. On the outer circle, ABRAMSON. Reverse, nubes fugat, solemque pacis reducit. " He dis- pels the clouds and brings back the sun of peace." The sun, rising on the ocean, dispels the clouds. Exergtie. congressus augg. pro. til- SAM, medio in flum. neme. d. XXVI JUN. MDCCCVII. " lutervicAV of the Emperors near Tilsit, in the middle of the river Niemen, on the 25th of June 1807." 221. Plate XLIII. Alexander i. napoleon i. Opposite busts of the two Emperors. Underneath, abramson. Heverse. niteant celsi lucida signa poll " May the bright stars of the lofty pole shine resplendent." Exergue. Two stars. Same inscription as the preceding. These two Medals were engraved at Berlin, by Mr. Abramson, to commemorate the treaty of Tilsit. 222. Plate XLIII. napoleo imp. gall. it. rex hospes bresdae. Bust of Napoleon. On the lower part, hce f. Underneath, D. XVII. JUL. mdcccvii. Heverse. frid. august, rex SAXONiiE varsovijE dux. Bust 76 of the King of Saxony, with the insignia of the Legion of Honour. Underneath, hceckner f. This Medal was struck by Mr. Hceckner, at Dresden, to commemo- rate the arrival of Napoleon in that city, on the 17th of July 1807, and his residence for several days in the palace of the King of Saxony, who had been created Grand Duke of Warsaw. 223. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, prisca decora restituta. " Ancient honours re- stored." A chair of state, on which is placed a crown. On one side, a sword; and on the other, a sceptre, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, OTHO III. BOLESLAO. A. MI. NEAPOLIO FRIDERICO AUG. A. MDCCCVII. " Otho III. to Boleslao in 1001. Napoleon to Frederic Augustus in 1807." (p-^i-) In the year 1001, Poland was declared independent of the German Empire, by the Emperor Otho III. ; and Boleslaus was created First King of Poland. Napoleon, who pretended to have succeeded to all the rights of the Emperors of the West, in recording this CA^ent, -wished to remind the Poles of their ancient obligations to the Emperors. 224. Flate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, injecit tandem frena vacanti. A youth crowned Avith laurel, arresting an impetuous courser; device of Hanover and Pjrunswick, which formed a part of the kingdom of Westphalia. Exergue. erection du royaume de westpiiahe mdcccvii. BIJENET F. DENON D, {p.m) 225. Flate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Hymen forming a wreath of roses which arc presented to 77 him by Love. On thebase, denon d. Exergue, j. napoleon, c. de wuRTEMBERG MDCCcvii. Uiidcr the mscription, the letter n. sur- rounded by rays, (p.m.) Medal struck on the marriage of Jerome, King of Westphalia, with Princess Catharine, daughter of the King of Wurtemberg. 226. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 127- Reverse. Two figures joining hands. Near the one, jerome na- poleon ; near the other, c. s. de wurtemberg. Over the figures, n. surrounded with rays. Exergue, alliance, mdcccvii. andrieu f. DENON D. A few medals similar to the present, were struck on the marriage of the King of Westphalia ; the reverse is precisely the same as that of No. 122 (the inscription excepted), and the same puncheons wereprobably used. 227. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Napoleon in the costume of a Roman Emperor, extends his arm in sign of protection to Etruria, who presents to him various emblems of her ancient glory in the Sciences and Arts. Near her is an altar, against which is a lyre, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, re- union DE l'eTRURIE a la FRANCE MDCCCVIII. (p.M.) 228. P^afe XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Revej'se. The Simplon represented as an old man, seated in the midst of enormous mountains, along which a road is seen winding, and numbers of troops with artillery and baggage ascending. On one of the rocks, 1807. Exergue, simplon. (pv) Collectors must be on their guard against a false die of this Medal. . X 78 229- PlateXLll. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A female figure sitting on a road cut in the side of steep mountains ; one of her feet touches the sea, the other is placed on the road ; her right hand rests on the summit of the highest mountain, her left on a wheel. On the base, gayrard f. denon d. Exergue, route de XICE A ROME MDCCCVII. (P.M.J The ancients personified not only moral qualities, but physical ob- jects, such as mountains, woods, and roads. The figure of the reverse, representing the road from Nice to Rome, is in imitation of the Trajan road. (Via Trajnna) on coins of that Emperor. The road from Nice to Rome, commenced in 1807, was to have ex- tended along the sea coast to Genoa, and from thence to Lerici, where it would have joined the road to Florence and Rome. This road would have been of great utility, in facilitating the communication between the South of France and Italy : it would have had the advantage of being practicable at all times, whereas the Simplon and even Mount Cenis are frequently obstructed by the snow, 230. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. An eagle, its wings fluttering with exultation, and holding the thunder in its talons, is crowned by Victory. Underneath, the letter N. surrounded with rays, denon d. jaley f. (p.m.) Medal allusive to the successes of the French arms in 1807- 231. Plate XLII. Laureatcd heads of Napoleon and Alexander. Underneath, facius f. Reverse, imperatorum congressus. " Congress of the Em- perors." Time inscribing on a rock the transactions of the Congress, 79 dictated to him by a Genius. On one side, a view of Erfurt, erf. On the other, of Weimar, wim. facius f. Exergue, mdcccviii. 232. Plate XLIII. A view of the city of Erfurt. On the base, PACius f. Exergue, erfordi^, xiv octobris mdcccviii. Reverse, napoleoni grata civitas. " To Napoleon, the grateful city." This Medal and the preceding were struck by Mr. Facius of Wei- mar, to commemorate the Congress of Erfurt^ between the Emperor Napoleon and the Emperor Alexander. 233. Plate XLVIII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, pr^sentia donisque tolosa felix. " Toulouse happy in his presence and his bounty." The city of Toulouse repre- sented as a turreted female, holding a scroll ; the Emperor, standing op- posite, points to a plan laying on a table, and representing the improve- ments intended in the city. On the drapery which covers the table are the arms of Toulouse, andrieu f. E^ergj^e. xxv julii mdcccviii. This Medal records the visit of Napoleon to the city of Toulouse, the 25th of July 1808. 234. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, forte de alcala. View of the gate of Alcala, at Madrid. Exergue, entree des FRANfAis a Madrid, le iv de- cembre. mdcccviii. brenet f. denon d. (p.m.). 235. Plate XLII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Napoleon in a car drawn by two horses. The Genius of the Inquisition, armed with a torch and surrounded with serpents, has en- 80 deavoured in vain to prevent his passing between the pillars of Hercules. He is fulminated by Napoleon, and in his fall overthrows one of the columns to which he clings. On the ground, are fetters and other emblems of the Inquisition. Exergue, bataille de sommo sierra, l'inquisition detruite. mdcccviii. The dies of this Medal were executed from the designs of M, De- non, but never used in the Paris Medal Mint, for which they were made. In 1815, they were purchased by a private person, who has had medals struck from them. 236. Plate XLVIII. napoleon emp. et roi. Laureated head of Napoleon. Above, a star. Before it, the thunder. Underneath, N. p. TIOLIER F. Reverse, acad. imp. des b*. arts de France a rome. View of the Villa Medici, or Academy of France. Exergue, g. g. le- thiere directeur. n. p. TIOLIER F. 1808. A she wolf, with two children. Medal engraved at Rome by Mr. Tioher, one of the students at the French Academy. 237. Plate XLIV. .The Temple of Janus, the door of which is broken, andrieu f. denon d. Exergue, traite de pres- BOURG ROMPU par l'aUTRICIIE. IX AVRIL MDCCCIX. Reverse. Between two trophies of arms, abenscerg. eckmuiix. The Emperor, in ancient dress, standing with his arms extended, as if in the action of haranguing. Exergue, batailles des xx et XXII AVRIL MDCCCIX. XL. M PRISONNIERS. (P.M.) 238. Plate XLIV. napoleo gallor imp. ital. rex. pro- 81 TECT. FOEDERAT RiiEN. Hcad of Napoleon. Behind, the thunder. Underneath, h. vassallo f. Reverse, aggressus magnum rescindere coelum.* Enceladus overwhelmed under Mount jEtna. On the base, l. m. f. (Luigi Manfre- dini Fecit.) Exergue, austriacis fulmine deiectis mdcccix. " The Austrians overwhehned by thunder." Medal struck at Milan, after the battle of Ratisbon. 239. Plate XLIV. A view of the Porte St. Martin in Paris. Above, PORTE ST. MARTIN. ANDRIEU F. DENON D. ExergUe. l'eM- PEREUR PART DE PARIS LE XIII AVRIL MDCCCIX. Reverse. A view of the gate of Carinthia at Vienna. Above, PORTE DE CARINTHIE. ExergUC. l'eMPEREUR ENTRE A VIENNE LE XIII MAI MDCCCIX. ANDRIEU F. DENON D. {p.m) 240. P/a^e XLIV. DANuvius PONTEM iNDiGNATUs.* The Da- nube, in fury, destroying a bridge of boats. Exergue, proelium AD ESLINGAM. XX MAII MDCCCIX. Reverse, iterum— ibidem. " Again— the same way." Troops passing over a bridge. Victory, hovering in the air, holds a crown over their standards, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, trajectus v JULII MDCCCIX. {p.m) 241. P/fl^eXLIV. Turreted female figure, standing in an attitude indicating perfect security ; her left foot is placed on the prow of a vessel, her right hand leans on an inverted spear, and in her left is a caduceus. In the field, a hand, supported by three towers, arms of the city of Antwerp. * FirgiY. Gcorg-. lib. i. vers. 281. * Pontem indignatus Arades. — Vir^U. jEn. lib. viii. vers. 728 82 DENON D. DEPAULIS F. ExcrgUe. ANVERS ATTAQUEE PAR LES ANGLAIS. MDCCCIX. Reverse, jupiter stator. Jupiter seated on his throne, one hand resting on a lance, the other holding the thunder, denon d. DONARD F. Exergue. napoleon a SCHOENBRUN. MDCCCIX. {p.m) The representation of Jupiter Stator, alludes to the rallying of the French army at the battle of Essling. 242. Elate XLV. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A river god reclining on his urn ; behind the urn, is a peasant flying towards lofty mountains. Near the river is' a French standard eagle. Exergue, les aigles franpaises av dela du RAAB. MDCCCIX. DUBOIS F. DEJNOJN D. (r.jii.) 243. Plate XLV. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The Tiber, holding a cornucopia and rudder, reclines on his urn, at the foot of the Capitol, on which is the Temple of Jupiter. At his feet, is a wolf and child. In the air, an cade bearing the thunder. On the base, andrieu F. denon d. Exej^guc. aqvij^a revvx. "The Eagle returned." mdcccix. (p.m) Medal to celebrate the incorporation of Rome with the French Empire. 244. Plate XLV. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, rome. par is. Busts of Rome, Avith a helmet, on which is the wolf with Remus and Romulus ; and of Paris, whose head is ornamented with a vessel, — the arms of the City. Underneath, DENON D. DEPAULIS F. MDCCCIX. (p.M.) Struck on the same occasion, and when Rome was declared second city of the French Enipirc. 83 245. Plate XLV. A variety from another die. 246. Plate XLV. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A cow giving suck to a calf. Above, a club. Types of the ancient coins of Apollonia and Dyrrachium. Exergue, conquete DE l'iLLYRIE. MDCCCIX. DEPAULIS F. DENON D. (p. M.) 247. Plate XLV. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Hercules, bearing Victory in his arras, tramples on and crushes a fallen giant, whom he has vanqnislied. Exergue, bataille DE WAGRAM. VI JUIT.I.F.T MDCCCIX. DENON D. GALLEF. (P.M.) 248. Plate XhVlII. napoleo magnus gal. imp. it. rex p. p. AUG. iNviCTUs. Head of Napoleon, with the iron crown. Underneath, L. MANFREDINI F. Reverse, iiostibus ubique fusis ciESis captis. " The enemy every where routed, slain, taken." Victory, holding a thunderbolt and palm-branch. Exergue, mdcccix. Medal struck at Milan, commemorative of the successes of the cam- paign of 1809. 249. Plate XLY. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Napoleon, crowned with laurel, a chlamys thrown on his shoulder, stands near an altar, over which he holds an olive-branch, and with an inverted torch in his left hand, sets fire to a heap of martial spoils. DENON D. ExergUC. PAIX DE VIENNE. MDCCCIX. (p..u) 250. Plate XL,Y. frederic auguste roi de saxe. Head of the King of Saxony. Underneath, andrieu f. denon d. 84 Reverse, s. m. le roi de saxe visite la monnaie des me- DAILLES EN DECEMBRE MDCCCIX. (p.M.) 251. Plate lAlI. fred. aug. roi de saxe. Arms of Saxony. Reverse, s. m. le roi de saxe visite la monnaie imperiale DE PARIS LE 7 DECEMBRE 1809- On the edge, same inscription as No. 209. 252. Plate 1j. napoleon empereur et roi. Laureated head of Napoleon. Underneath, i. p. dkoz f. an 1809. Reverse, la banque de france. Fortune sitting on a cubic base, ornamented with an eagle, over whose head is the Imperial Crown. In one hand she holds a branch of oak; under her other arm, is a cornuco- pia, and a chest guarded by a serpent; emblem of Vigilance. Behind the seat,is a wheel and helm. j. p. droz f. Medal struck by the Bank of France to be presented to the Regent and Censors of that Establishment, on their going out of office. 253. Plate XLV. Heads joined in profile of the King and Queen of Bavaria, andrieu f. denon d. Reverse, ll. mm. le roi et la rEine de baviere visitent LA monnaie DES MEDAILLES EN FEVRIES MDCCCX. (?;M.) 254. Plate LIII. maximilien josepii. Arms of the King of Bavaria. Reverse, ll. mm. le hoi et la reine de baviere visitent la monnaie imperiale de PARIS le 5 FEVRiER 1810. On the cdgc, same inscription as No. 209- 85 255. Flate XLVI. entree de l'imperatrice en France. The cathedral of Strasbourg. Exergue. Strasbourg, 22 mars 1810. Reverse, napoleon, marie-louise, in a crown of olive-branches. Struck at Strasbourg, by order of the Municipality, to commemo- rate the arrival of the Empress. 256. Plate XLVI. Heads united in profile of Napoleon and Maria Louisa. Underneath, andrieu f. denon d. Reverse, napoleon emp. et roi. m. louise d'autriche. Napoleon, in the costume of a Roman Emperor, and Maria Louisa, their hands joined, stand before a burning altar, in the front of which is a torch, bow, and quiver. On its base, jouannin f. Exergue. AVRIL MDCCCX. DENON D. {p.m) The marriage of Napoleon and Maria Louisa took place on the 2d of April 1810. Medals, with the same obverse and reverse, Avere struck of different sizes, the same as those on the coronation, Nos. 81, 82, 83, 84. and engraved by various artists. 257. Flate XLVI. Heads joined of Napoleon and Maria Louisa. ANDRIEU F. Reverse. Love carrying away the thunder of Jupiter, {p.m.) 258. Tlate XLVI. napoleon m. i. et r. aug. maria alousia I. ET. R. AUG. Heads joined of Napoleon, with the iron crown, and of Maria Louisa, with a diadem. Underneath, l. manfredini f. Reverse, s^evum procul martem felix teda {Sic) relegat. Cupid, with a torch, driving away Mars. On the base, l. m. f. (Luigi Manfredini Fecit.) Exergue, a. mdcccx. z 86 Medal struck at Milan, to commemorate the marriage of Napo- leon with Maria Louisa. 259. Plate XLVII. Opposite heads of Napoleon and Maria Louisa. Underneath, t. schmidt f. Reverse, felix gentibus austrije et galliji coniu- GIUM NAPOLEONIS ET LUDOVIC^. IV. NONARUM APRILIS A. J>. MDCCCX. Medal struck on the same occasion at Prague in Bohemia. 260. Plate XLVII. napoleon gall. imp. italic rex m. LUDOviCA franc, aust. IMP. FiL. A. A. Opposite hcads of Napo- leon and Maria Louisa. Exergue, harnisch f. Reverse, felicibus nuptiis. "To the happy union." A tur- reted female figure, representing the city of Vienna, holding a sceptre surmounted by the Austrian eagle, inscribes on a shield, presented to her by Love, vota publica. Before her, a basket of roses ; on each side alighted torch with fillets. On the base, f. zeichner f. Exergue. VINDOB. XI. MARTII MDCCCX. 261. Plate XLVII. napoleon i. gallorum imp. ital. rex i/v M. Li'DoviCA ARCiii AUSTRIA. Oppositc hcads of Napolcon and Maria Louisa. Reverse. A crown and shield suspended on a pillar. Hymen, bearing a torch, places a wreath of roses on the crown ; on the pedestal of the pillar, \i. martii mdcccx. Exergue. A. Guillemard F. Medal struck at Prague in Bohemia. *&^ 262. Plate XLVII. Heads united in profile of Francis I, and 87 Maria Louisa, on one side; on the other, those of Napoleon and Maria Louisa. Underneath, f. stuckiiart. Reverse. A female figure, sitting, and supporting two cornuco- pias crossed. On a scroll above, concordia. Exergue, mdcccx. Medal struck at Vienna. 263. Plate XLVIL napoleonis gall. imp. et m. ludov. FRANC. A. IMP. F. A. A. Two lighted torches erect, united by a fillet. Exergue, felicibus nuptiis. Reverse, vota publica, between a wreath of flowers and a palm-branch, united by a star. Exergue, vindob. xi. mart, mdcccx. 264. Plate XLVL Head of the Grand Duke of Wurtzsbourg. Underneath, brenet f. denon. Reverse, s. a. i. le prince Ferdinand grand duc de WURTZBOURG VISITE LA MONNAIE DES MEDAILLES EN JUIN mdcccx. (p.m.) The Archduke Ferdinand, brother of the Emperor of Austria, re- ceived the Dutchy of Wurtzsbourg as a compensation for Tuscany, of which he had been Grand Duke. 265. Plate XLVI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. An heroic figure standing, one arm extended, and hold- ing a sword. Near him is a standard eagle ; and behind him, an obelisk, the head of the sphinx, and various fragments, brenet f. denon d. Exergue, a desaix xv aout. mdcccx. (p.m.) The statue here represented, was erected in the Place des Victoires, at Paris. 88 266. Flate XLVI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The city of Paris, holding a cornucopia, sits on the prow of a ship, between two nymphs, who are pouring water on her. On the urn of one is inscribed, sequana (the Seine) ; on the urn of the other, URCA (the Ourcq). andrieu f. denon d. Exergue, urca pari- SIOS DEDUCTA XV AUGUSTI MDCCCIX. (?.M.) Medal commemorating the opening of the canal of the Ourcq, for navigation, and for supplying water to a number of fountains at Paris. 267. Flate XLVIII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A young female sitting in a pensive and mournful attitude at the foot of a funereal monument, shaded by a laurel tree, to which a wreath is suspended. On the monument, is represented the decoration of the Legion of Honour. Before her, is a basket with various emblems of female education, denon d. depaulis f. Exergue, orphelines DE LA LEGION d'iIONNEUR MDCCCX. (p.M.) Medal commemorating the foundation, by a decree of the 29th March 1809, of an establishment for Female Orphans of Members of the Legion of Honour, at Ecouen and St. Denis. 268. Plate L. Same head and inscription as No. 88. Reverse, napoleon a la memoire du dug de montebello MORT GLORIEUSEMENT AUX CHAMPS d'eSSLING LE XXII MAI MDCCCIX. rOMPE FUNEBRE dans LES BASILIQUES D£S INVALIDES ET DE STE. GENEVIEVE ORDONNEE LE III. JANVIER MDCCCX PRE- SIDEE par S. a. S. LE PRINCE ARCUI-CH ANCELIER DE l'eMPIRE DUG DE PARME, CELEBREE PAR LES SOINS DE LL. EE. LE DUG DE 89 FELTRE MINISTRE DE LA GUERRE LE COMTE BIGOT DE PREAME- NEU MINISTRE DES CULTES, LE VI. JUILLET MDCCCX. (p.m.) 269- Plate h. Head of Napoleon laureated. On the lower part ANDRIEU F. DENON D. Reverse, premiere decade du dix neuvieme siecle. Mi- nerva sitting near an altar, and holding in each hand a laurel crown. On the altar are several other crowns, and palm-branches, andrieu f. Exergue, l'empereur napoleon a decerne. A vacant space left for the name of the person to whom the Medal was given. Underneath, LE C. MONTALIVET M. DE l'iNTERIEUR, DECEMBRE MDCCCX. By a decree of the 7th of August 1804, Napoleon established decen- nial prizes, consisting in a gold Medal of 2500 francs' value, for the reward of the best production in every branch of Literature, of Science, and of the Fine Arts. The first distribution was to have been made on the tenth anniversary of the 9th November 1799- (18th Brumaire.) It was then deferred to the end of 1810 ; but never took place. 270. Tlate XLVIII. napoleon francois josepii Charles ROi DE ROME. Head of the King of Rome. On the lower part, an- drieu F. Exergue, xx mars mdcccxi. Reverse, naissance du roi de rome. The Empress Maria Louisa veiled, and in the dress of a Roman matron, holding an infant in her arms, denon d. jouannin f. Exergue, mdcccxi. (p.m.) Medal commemorating the birth of the King of Rome, on the 20th of March 1811. * 270. Same head and inscription as the preceding. 2 A 90 Reverse. Heads of Napoleon and Maria Louisa, as on No. 256". Medals with these types were struck of four different sizes, the same as Nos. 83, 84, 85, 86. (p.m.) 271. PlateXlAX. The Emperor Napoleon, dressed in robes of state, standing before a chair, holds his infant son over a baptismal font, on which are two sacred vases and a branch of laurel. At the foot of the font is a Bible ; on the chair, is the letter n. in a wreath of laurel. Exergue, bapteme du roi de eome. mdcccxi. an- DRIEU EECIT. Reverse. Two rows of turreted crowns encircling the inscription, A l'empereur les bonnes villes de l'empire. On each crown the name of one of the principal cities of the Empire is inscribed. The crown, with the name of paris, occupies the most elevated part of the circle. Under it, are those of the second and third cities of the Empire, ROME and AMSTERDAM. Thosc, witli the- names of forty-six other cities, follow in alphabetical order. ALEXANDRIE. AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. AMIENS. ANGERS. ANVERS. BESANCON. BORDEAUX. BOURGES. BREME. BRUXELLES. CAEN. CLERMONT. COLOGNE. DIJON. FLORENCE. GAND. GENES. GENEVE. GRENOBLE. HAMBOURG. LA ROCHELLE. LIEGE. LILLE. LIVOURNE. LUBECK. LYON. MARSEILLES MA YENCE. METZ. MONTPELLIER. 91 MONTAUBAN. PLAISANCE. STRASBOURG. NANCY. REIMS. TOULOUSE. NANTES. RENNES. TOURS. NICE. ROUEN. TURIN. ORLEANS. ROTTERDAM. VERSAILLES, (p.m.) PARME. On the return of Napoleon from Elbe, as twenty-two of the cities mentioned in the list, had ceased to belong to Prance, a head of Na- poleon by Andrieu, No. 269, was substituted, instead of the reverse here described. 272. Plate XLIX. xii. kal. april. mccmxi. Minerva, seated at the foot of the pillar of Trajan, extends her arms to welcome and re- ceive a child presented to her by Mars, descending from Olympus, borne on clouds, and preceded by an eagle, carrying the thunder in its talons, and in its beak an olive-branch. Near Miverva, are the wolf with Romulus and Remus, looking up and viewing with astonishment the prodigy. In the back ground, the Colisaeum and Temple of Concord. Exergue. avrea condet s^cula qui rursus latio. — (Virgil ^nead. Lib. vi. vers. 793-4.) t. mercandetti. f. rom;e. Keverse. labori et industrije pr^imium et honor, rom.e iDiBus AUGusTi. ANNO MDCCCx, and the letters t. m. in monogram. Medal struck at Rome to celebrate the birth of the son of Napo- leon, and intended at the same time as a premium for the encourage- ment of the Fine Arts and Manufactures. 273. Flate L. A nymph, crowned with reeds, reclining on her urn, before a cavern, on the side of lofty mountains ; a laurel-tree growing 92 at her feet. At the entrance of the cavern is an altar, on which two wreaths of laurel are placed ; a lyre is leaning against it. andrieu f. Exergue, musis artibus arvis. mdcccxi. Reverse, c. de stassart president de l'athenee de vau- CLUSE A F PETRARQUE. MDCCCXI. A Wrcatll of Oak, Prize Medal of the Athenaeum of Vaucluse, established at Avignon. 274. Plate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. Two Polish chiefs, in their national dress, taking the oath of fidelity to the new confederacy, in the hands of Napoleon, andrieu r. denon d. Exergue, prise de wilna xxviii juin mdcccxii (p.m.) The same day that Napoleon entered Wilna, the new Confedera- tion of the Poles was formed at Warsaw. 275. Plate lA. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A hussar riding over a fallen soldier, and pursuing one who is running away. On each side a piece of artillery abandoned. JEUFFROY F. DEXON DIR. Exerglie. BATAILLE DE LA MOSKOWA VII SEPTEMBRE MDCCCXII. (P.M.J 276. Plate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Revej'se. entree a moscou. A view of the Gremlin ; a French eagle is erected on the ramparts. Exergue. xiv septemdre mdcccxii. (p.m) 277. Plate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The Borysthcncs, seated on rocks, and leaning on his urn, expresses his astonishment at the sight of a French eagle on his 95 banks, denon d. brandt f. Exergue. l*aigle tranpaise sur LE BORYSTIIENE MDCCCXII. (p.M.) 278. Plate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. The Wolga flies terrified at the sight of a French eagle erected on his banks. In the river, is the head of a sturgeon, of which great numbers are found in the Wolga. denon d. michaut f. Exergue, l'aigle fran^aise sur le wolga mdcccxii. (p.m.) 279- Plate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse. A warrior retreating, is pursued by Boreas, pressing a bag, from whence destructive winds rush forth. A dead horse, dismounted cannon, and a tumbril in flames, indicate the disasters of the army, de- non D. galle f. retraite de l'armee. novembre mdcccxii. {p.M,) 280. Plate XLIX. ecole fran^aise des beaux arts a ROME RETABLIE ET AUGMENTEE PAR NAPOLEON EN 1803. Head of Minerva, in a wreath of laurel, and surrounded by various emblems of the Fine Arts. Reverse. Napoleon, in his robes of state, seated on a throne, hold- ing a laurel-wreath ; his sceptre is leaning against his left arm. Exer- gue. E. GATTEAUX ROME. 1812. (p.M.) Premium Medal of the French Academy at Rome. This Establish- ment was removed, in 1803, to the Villa Medicis, and the number of pensioners increased. See No. 236. 281. Plate LI. napoleon emp. et roi. Bust of Napoleon in uniform. Over his head is a wreath of laurel. Underneath, denon d. depaulis f. 2 b M Reverse. A Cossack and a Prussian soldier of cavalry flying before the French army, which is seen at a distance, brexet. Exergue, ba- TAILLE DE LUTZEN. II MAI MDCCCXIII. (P.M.) Collectors must be on their guard against a false die of this JMedal, as well as of the two followino-, 282. Plate LI. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse, infanterie francaise. bataille de wurtchen. A trophy formed of muskets, disposed in a pyramidal form, is surmount- ed by a figure of Victory, and a banner inscribed n. On the ground are a dead horse, helmets, swords, and other military emblems. Exergue. XXI MAI MDCCCXIII. BRENET F. DENON D. {p.m) 283. Flate LI. Same head and inscription as No. 103. Reverse, confiance force. A view of Mount Cenis. On the summit is an eagle standing on the Imperial throne, denon d. bre- xet f. Exern-ue. en trois mois la France et l'italie arment DOUZE CENT MILLE IIOMMES POUR LA DEFENCE DE l'eMPIRE. MDCCCXIII. (P.M.) 284. Plate LII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, canal de mons A conde. Nymph sitting in a barge, holding in one hand a cornucoj)ia, and steering with the other. On the right, the steeple of Mons. Exergue, le commerce du depahte- MENT de GEMMAPES. MDCCCXIII. 285. Plate LII. Same head and inscription as No. 101. Reverse, fevrier. mdcccxiv. An eagle standing on a thunder- 95 bolt. Over its head is a star. On one side is Victory, bringing a crown of laurel ; on the other side, the fishes, zodiacal sign of the month of February. Exergue, brenet f. denon d. (p.m.) The eagle is here represented in repose, preparing to take its flight, and carry the thunder to Jupiter; alluding to the opening of the cam- paign on the Marne and the Aube, and the first successes obtained. 286. Plate LII. The Emperor Napoleon, in uniform, is wel- comed by the army and people, represented by a grenadier and a peasant, dexon dir. andrieu p. Exergue, retour de l'em- TEREUR. MARS MDCCCXV. Reverse. An eagle crowned, and carrying the insignia of the Legion of Honour in its beak, taking its flight from the island of Elba, which is seen at a distance. Exergue, xxvi pevrier mdcccxv. BREN. F. DEN. D. {p.m!^ Medal struck on the return of Napoleon to France, in 1815. 287. Plate LII. An eagle, with spread wings, holding a sprig of laurel in its beak, tears in pieces the lilies of the Bourbons. Behind, is the sea, and the fleet of Napoleon quitting the island of Elba. Above, three hands joined, and a scroll inscribed, miles imperator popuLus. " The Army, the Emperor, the People." Exergue, dieu protege la FRANCE 20 MARS 1815. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel, napoleoni magno fideli ber- TRAND. " Bertrand to Napoleon the Great, the Faithful." Under- neath, PATRi^ PRODiTOREs OBLiTi. " Traitors to the country for- gotten." Medal struck at the expense of General Bertrand, to commemorate the return of Napoleon from Elba. 96 288. Flate 111. napoleon empereur. Laureated head of Napoleon. Underneath, denon dir. droz fecit. Reverse, a napoleon le cvt. regiment. A cippus elevated on a pedestal and base. In the centre is an eagle standing on a thunder- bolt, in a wreath of laurel. On the frieze, five laurel-wreaths encircling the letter n. and a star. Exergue, golfe juan. mdcccxv. Medal struck by the 106th regiment, to commemorate the landing of Napoleon at the Gulph of Juan. 289. Flate LII. napoleon bona parte. Bust of Napoleon in uniform, mudie dir. webb f. Reverse, surrendered to h. b. m. s. bellerophon cap^- maitland. The Bellerophon under sail ; an eagle perched on her broad pendant. At some distance is the vessel in which Napoleon had previ- ously embarked. Exergue, xv july mdcccxv. brenet f. mudie d. 290. Plate LII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse. Napoleon sitting in an attitude of profound meditation. Victory, with one hand, presents him a pen, and engages him to commit to writing, under her dictates, the annals of his life. In the other hand she holds a stylus, with which she is writing on an unfolded volume. On the ground are several books and scrolls. Above, Fame hovers in the air, sounding a trumpet and bearing a tablet. At a dis- tance, several ships sailing, mudie d. mills f. Exergue, napo- leon AT ST. HELENA. This Medal and the preceding were struck in England by M. Mudie. 291. TlatelAll. Head of the Empress Maria Louisa, andrieu f. Reverse, A press for coining. Above, the letters ml in mono- 97 gram. Exergue, l'imperatrice marie louise a honore de sa PRESENCE LA M T)ES MEDAILLES. MDCCCXIII. (p.M.) 292. Plate LIU. EAIZA SEBAZTOT AAEA«I)H. " Elisa, sister of the Emperor." Head of Princess Elisa. Reverse, s. a. i. la princesse elisa grande duchesse de TOSCANE VISITE LA MONNAIE DES MEDAILLES. (p.m.) 293. Plate LIII. BAIIAIEIA KAPOAINH. " Queen Caroline." Head of the Queen of Naples, between a rose and a sprig of myrtle Underneath, BP. initials of Brenet. Reverse. A bull with a human head, crowned by a winged female figure; a type of the ancient coins of Naples. Above, AXIH. 1808. Under the bull, AEN. {Denoiu) Exergue. NEOnOAITXlN. " Of the Neapolitans." {p.m) 294. Plate LHI. nATAINA EEBASTOT AAEA^H. " Pauhna, sis- ter of the Emperor." Head of Princess Paulina Borghese. Under- neath, AN. initials of Andrieu. Reverse. HMXlN KAAH BAZIAEYE. " Thou fair one, be our queen." Group of the three Graces, (p.m.) 295. Plate Lin. OPTHZIA BAIIAIZEA. " Queen Hortensia/' Headof the Queen of Holland. Reverse, s. m. la reine hortense visite la monnaie des MEDAILLES. (p.m.) 296. Plate LItl . Head of M. Denon, director of the Paris Medal Mint. Underneath, galle f. v. denon. Reverse, elles parleront toujours pour lui. The two co- 2 c 98 lossal figures which are seen as Medinet Abou. One of them was sup- posed by the ancients to be that of Memnon, and to have emitted a sound every day, as soon as it received the first rays of the sun. The inscrip- tion alludes to this vocal property. Exergue, brenet. 297. Plate LIII. vivant denon. Head of M. Denon, Di- rector of the Paris Medal Mint. Underneath, galle f. Reverse, et lui aussi il a vecu dans le grand siecle. 298. Plate LIII. heur et malheur. A bust with two faces in opposite directions ; the one placid, the other weeping. Exergue. GAYRARD F. Reverse. Fortune, with a bandage before her eyes, stands on a globe, holding a lottery wheel. On one side, an anchor ; on the other, a mole (which, being supposed blind, is considered as an emblem of Fortune), denon dir. losch f. This Jetton and the two following, were intended for the use of the Imperial card-tables. 299- Plate LIII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse. Two female figures, representing Fortune and Misfortune : the former, with her usual attributes, a cornucopia and wheel, is stand- ing in a tranquil attitude; the latter, her wheel shattered, is departing, holding a broken caduceus and scourge. Exergue, heur et mal- heur. denon DIR. GAYRARD F. 300. Plate LIII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse. Love led by Fortune, both blindfofd. Fortune, who is Avingcd, pours forth from her cornucopia a variety of fruits. At her feet is a wheel. Exergue. Two moles, denon d. gayrard f. 99 JETTONS OF COMPANIES. 301. Plate LIV. avoues de villefranche. A shield with arms. Bevei^se. lege duce floret imperium. Two female figures embracing, one representing France, crowned, and holding the Imperial sceptre ; the other. Justice, with her attributes, a sword and balance. On one side an obelisk ; on the pedestal of which is inscribed code CIVIL. 302. Plate LIV. napoleon empereur des FRANfAis. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, gatteaux. Reverse, academie imperiale de musique. Apollo standing near a column, and playing on the lyre. Underneath, g atte (aux). Jettonof the Administration of the French Opera. 303. PlatelAN. napoleon empereur et roi. Head of Na- poleon. On the lower part, droz fecit. Underneath, denon di- REXIT 1806. Reverse. Mercury sitting on a bale of goods, holding a caduceus and cornucopia, from which he pours various kinds of fruit. Exergue. hotel de VILLE de ROUEN 1806. 304. Plate LJV. napoleon empereur. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, tiolier f. Reverse, s. ex. m^". gaudin ministre des finances. A 100 crown of laurel ; in the middle, com pagnie des salines de l'est. Underneath, 1^«. avril 1806 bail de 99 ans. 305. Plate LIV. napoleon empereuk. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, droz f. Reverse, s. ex. m'=«. le dug de gaete ministre des finances. A laurel wreath ; in the middle, compagnie des salines de l'est. Underneath, 15 avril 1806 bail de 99 ans. 306! Plate LIV. napoleon emp. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, gatteauxf. Reverse, quo non hac duce. A female figure with the attri- butes of Mercury sitting on the fore part of a vessel, and holding up a Medal. Near her, are various bales of merchandize. Exergue. munificence du commerce de bordeaux 1807. 307- Plate LIV. napoleon empereur. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, denon d. droz f. Reverse, societe d'agriculture sciences et arts. In the centre, departem. de l'eure. evreux. 1807. 308. Plate LIV. napoleon emp. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, j. p. droz f. Reverse, chambre de commerce d'anvers. A river god (the Scheld,) in a recumbent position ; in one hand, which rests on a dolphin, he holds a cornucopia ; and in the other hand, a rudder. Ex- ergue. MDCccix. An open hand, device of the city, droz f. 309. Plate LIV. NAPOLEON emp. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, andrieu f. 101 Reverse, commerce de la boucherie de paris. A bull in the same position as on ancient coins of Thuriuni, andrieu f. Exer- gue, sous l'administration du comte DUBOIS prefet de POLICE 1810. ■ Jetton of the Company of Butchers of Paris. 310. Plate LIV. napoleon emp. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, jALEY F. Reverse, lex est quodcumque notamus. A female figure hold- ing the hand of Justice, sitting before a table and writing. Exergue, no- TAIRES DE l'aRR^. DE ROUEN, SEINE INF"^. MDCCCXI. Jetton of the Chamber of Notaries of Rouen. 311. Rlate LIV. napoleon emp. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Underneath, desbeufs f. Reverse, commeuce de vin de la ville de paris. A cluster of grapes in the centre of a wreath of vine-leaves. Underneath, for- mation du 1 J". 1811. Jetton of the Company of Wine Merchants. 312. Tlate LIV. napoleon emp. et roi^ Head of Napoleon. N. TIOLIER 1813. Reverse, conseil de prud'hommes. A female figure, sitting, and holding a wreath of flowers over two hands joined. Under the chair, a balance, and 1807. tiolier. Exergue, rouen. The Council of Prud'hommes, established by a law of the 18th of March 1806, decided all differences between manufacturers and workmen. 313. Tlate LIV. Same head and inscription as the preceding. 2 D LIBRA HY UinVEP.r!'""y ^T^ C/'-'f^ORNIA 6AN.JA BAIiBAEA 102 Reverse. Front view of the new Exchange at Paris, n. tkJlier. Exergue, agens de change de paris. Jetton of the Company of Exchange Brokers. V. No. 175. 314. Plate LIV. napoleon em p. et roi. Head of Napoleon. Reverse, saint honore. A bishop with mitre and crozier, a glory playing round his head. Underneath, communaute des mai- TRES BOULANGERS de la VILLE de PARIS. Jetton of the Company of Bakers, whose patron is St. Honoratus, COINS. The head of Bonaparte, as First Consul, appeared on the coins of France for the first time, on the 14th of April, 1803. (11th year.) 315. Plate LV. Gold piece of 40 francs. On the edge, dieu PROTEGE LA FRANCE. Gold piece of 20 francs. Same types. 316. Plate LV. Silver piece of 5 francs. On the edge, dieu PHOtLgE la FRANCE. 317. 318, 319, 320. Silver pieces of 2, 1, ^, i, francs. 'NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. (Head bare.) Reverse. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. An. 12, 13. 103 On the 18th of May 1804, Napoleon was proelaimed Emperor, and from that period assumed the title on his coins. 321,322. Plate Ij\. Gold pieces of 40 and 20 francs. An. 13,, 13, (1804, 1805,) 1806, 1807. 323. Plate LV. Silver piece of 5 francs. An. 12, 13. Silver pieces of 2, 1, i, and \, francs, the same. 324. Plate LV. Silver piece of 5 francs : head by Brenet; 1806- NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. (Head crowned.) Reverse. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. 1807-8-9. The head of Napoleon with a laurel crown, appeared on coins for the first time, on the 4th of August 1807, at his return from the cam-^ paign of Prussia. 325. Plate LV. Gold piece of 40 francs. Piece of 20 francs, the same, 326. PlatelN. Silver piece of 5 francs. Silver pieces of 2, 1, i, and i, francs, the same. NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. (Head crowned.) Reverse. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. 1809-15. On the 1st of January 1809, the inscription, empire francais, was substituted for republique francaise, on the reverse of the coin. 104 327-8, . Plate LV. Gold pieces of 40 and 20 francs. 329. Plate LV. Same head as No. 326. Silver piece of 5 francs. 330-333. Plate LVI. Silver pieces of 2, 1, ^, and 4, francs. 334. Plate LVI. Piece of 10 centimes in billon. 335. Plate LVI. Trial piece of 5 francs, by Auguste. An. 11. (1803.) On the edge, DiEU JUSTICE ET FORCE. 336. Plate LVI. Trial piece of 10 centimes, of two metals ; the outer circle is copper, the inner of silver. 337-8. Plate LVI. Gold pieces of 40 and 20 Itahan livres, of fho kingdom of Italy. On the edge, dio peotegge l'italia. 33.9- Plate LVI. Silver piece of 5 livres, same edge. 340-1. Plate LVI. Silver pieces of 2 and 1 livre, same edge. 342-4. Plate LVI. Silver pieces of 15, 10 and 5 soldi, or pence. 345. Plate LVI. Piece of 10 centesimi in billon. 346-3. Plate LVI. Copper pieces of 5, 3, and 1 centesimi. 105 List of the Marks by which the various Mints of France are dis- tinguished. A Paris. B Rouen. D Lyon. H La Rochelle. 1 Limoges. K Bordeaux. L Bayonne. M Toulouse, ltd Marseilles. Q Chalons. T Nantes. u Turin. CL Genoa. R and the wolf with Remus and Romuhis, Rome. ^ Utrecht. BB Strasbourg, w Lille. PRINCES OF THE NAPOLEON FAMILY. 349. Plate XLVIII. Silver piece of 5 francs, of Felix and Eliza, Prince and Princess of Lucca and Piombino. 350. Plate LVI. Silver piece, 1 franc, of the same. 351-2. Plate LVI. Copper pieces of 5 and 3 centesimi, of the same. 353. Plate LVII. nap. louis i. roi de hollande conx. (etable) de france. Head of the King of Holland. On the lower part, GEORGE F. Reverse. A shield, with the arms of Holland placed before the 3 £ 106 eagle of France, and surrounded by the emblems of Royalty. Behind the shield, is the sword of Constable ; on its hilt, are suspended the deco- rations of the Legion of Honour, and of the Royal Order of Holland. Medal struck on the coronation of Louis, proclaimed King of Hol- land, June the 5th 1806. He abdicated the 3d of July 1810. 354. Plate LX. instaurato prisco rheni ostio. "On the restoration of the ancient mouth of the Rhine." Neptune, sitting in a car formed of a shell, and drawn by two sea horses, advances towards the Rhine, who, crowned with reeds, sits leaning on his urn and holding a cornucopia. Near the car of Neptune, is a Triton, blowing a shell. Exergue, feliciter. " Happily." droz f. Reverse. A sluice with five arches across a river. Above, the in- scription, opus nil SEOUL DESIDER. Ill ANNIS PERFECTUM. FAV, SUMM. HOLL. IMPER. IMPENS. AGR. RHENOLAN. POSS. "A WOrk desired for four centuries, completed in three years, under the auspices of the supreme government of Holland, at the expense of the proprietors of Rynland." Underneath, a shield with arms, mdcccvii. This Medal commemorates the clearing of the ancient mouth of the Rhine, near Ley den, and the construction of sluices to prevent the rising tide from forcing the water of the sea and the river, back upon the country. 355. Plate LVH. nap. ludew. i. kon van iioll. Head of the King of Holland. Reverse, eendragt maakt magt. "Union gives strength." A warrior in complete armour, holding in one hand a sword, in the other, seven arrows united, alluding to the number of the provinces. I n the field , 1 809- (G old ducat.) 107 356. Plate LVII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse, koningrijk Holland. " Kingdom of Holland." Arms of the kingdom of Holland. Underneath, 1810 and a bee. (Gold ducat.) 357. Plate LVII. Silver piece of 50 stuyvers. 358. Plate LVIII. hieron. napol. koenig — catharina KOENiGiN. v. WESTPHALEN. Hcads United in profile of the King and Queen of Westphalia. V. No. 225, 226. Reverse. In a crown of olive, gluck-auf! clausthal den 5 AUGUST 1811. Underneath, two miners' hammers. The exclamation Gluck-Auf is peculiar to miners. {V. No. 74.) Clausthal is a town in the Harz mountains, near the mines, and in- habited by miners. 359. Plate LVIII. Gold piece of 40 francs, of Jerome King of Westphalia. On the edge, gott erhalt den koenig. " God save the King." There are gold pieces similar of 20, 10, and 5 francs. 360. Plate LVIII. Silver piece of 5 francs, of the same. On the edge, dieu protege la France. These pieces were struck in Paris, and very few were issued into circulation. Pieces of 2, 1, and ^ francs, the same. Edge the same as No. 359- 361. Plate LVIII. hieronymus napoleon. Head of King Jerome. Reverse, koenig von westphalen ir. pr. " King of West- 108 phalia, French Prince." In the centre, x eine peine mark. 1810, " Ten to a mark fine." (Silver dollar.) 362. Tlate LVIII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. 'Reverse. Same legend. In the centre, seegen desmansfelder BERGBAUES 1811. c. 10 ST. EINE MARK F. " Blcsslng of the Mincs of Mansfeld, 1811. 10 pieces to a mark fine." (Silver dollar.) 363. Flate LVIII. hieronymus napoleon. Arms of the Kingdom of Westphalia. Underneath, f st. Reverse, Same legend as the preceding. In the centre, xxiv MARIEN GROSCH. 1810. NACH DE LEIPZ. FUS. " TwCnty-four Maria-Groschj on the Leipzig standard." (Two-thirds of a dollar.) 364. Plate LIX. josephus napoleo. — julia maria. Heads united in profile of the King and Queen of Naples. Reverse, effraenis paret. " Obedient, though unbridled." A horse at liberty ; device of the city of Naples. Exergue, adventui REGINJE EXPECTATissiMO. o p Q N. (Ordo Populusque NeapoUtanus. ) anno regni III. " On the long-wished-for arrival of the Queen, the Senate and People of Naples, 3d year of her reign." Medal struck by the city of Naples on the arrival of the Queen. 365. Plate LIX. jos. napoleo hispaniar. et indiar. rex CATHOL. cioiocccviii. " Joscph Napolcon, Most Catholic King of Spain and the Indies." Head of Joseph Napoleon. Reverse, orbe meo. "In my World." The sun setting over the West. Underneath, f. daniel grati animi caussa. "F.Daniel, from a grateful mind." Medal struck at Naples by M. Daniel, President of the Aca- 109 demy, in honour of Joseph, on his exchanging the crown of Naples for that of Spain, in 1808. 366. Plate LIX. joseph napol. d. g. vtr. sicil. rex. Head of King Joseph. Reverse, princ. gallic, magn. elect, imper. " French Prince, Grand Elector of the Empire." The arms of Naples. Under- neath, 1808. G. 120. On the edge, deus custos regni: Silver piece of 120 grains, or 12 carlins. 367. PlateLlX. gioacchino napoleone. Head of Joachim; Underneath, 1813. Reverse, regno delle due sicilie. In the centre, 40 lire, between two branches of ohve and laurel. On the edge, dio pro- tegge il regno. Gold piece of 40 livres, or francs. Piece of 20 livres or francs, the same. Silver pieces of 5, 2, and 1 francs, the same. 368. Plate LIX. gioacchino napoleone re delle due sicilie. Bust of King Joachim in uniform. On the lower part, jaley fecit, anno mdcccxi. Reverse, avvenimento al regno — presa di capri. 1808. A view of the island of Capri, and the Neapolitan fleet attacking it. 369. Plate LX. joachimus napoleo neap, et sicilije rex. Head of King Joachim. 2 F 110 Reverse, sic artibus venit honos. " Thus honour is con- ferred on the Arts." Minerva, leaning on her shield, sits before an altar, over which she holds a wreath of laurel. At her feet, a lighted torch. On the altar, are various emblems of the Arts. Exergue, mdcccxi. Prize Medal for Students in Painting and Sculpture. 370. Plate LX. gioacchino napol. re delle due sicil. Head of King Joachim. Reverse, alle legioni provinciali li 26 marzo 1809. A number of standards united round a crown ; the two outermost are inscribed, sicurezza — interna. Medal commemorating the delivery of standards to the Provincial Legions, raised for the internal defence of the kingdom, when the regular troops were united with the French army in Germany. 371. Plate LX. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse, voti pubblici par la nuova piazza murat nel GIORNO NATAHZIO DEI NOSTRI AUGUSTI, LI 25 MARZO 1809- ANNO 1 DEL REGNO. The square here alluded to, is in front of the Royal Palace at Naples. 372. Plate LX. felice principe di lucca e piombino. Head of Prince Felix. Underneath, santarelli f. Reverse, elisa princ. di luc. e piomb. gran-duchessa di toscana. Head of the Princess Eliza. Underneath, santarelli f. Princess Ehza, sister of Napoleon, who received the principality of Lucca in 1805, was created Grand Duchess and Governess General of Tuscany, the 3d of March 1809. V. No. Il6, Ill 373. Flate LVII. joachim grosherzog von berg. "Joachim Grand Duke of Berg." Head of Joachim. Reverse, i bergisciier cassa thaler. " Cash dollar of Berg." The arms of the Dutchy quartered with those of France. (Silver.) 374. Plate LVII. Same head and inscription as the preceding. Reverse, berg und clevische land munz, " Land-money of Cleves and Berg." A laurel-wreath. In the centre, xvi eine peine mark. " Sixteen to a mark fine." Exergue. 1806. (Silver.) Prince Joachim Murat was created Grand Duke of Berg the 15th March 1806. He afterwards was King of Naples, in 1808. V. No. 368. 375. Plate LVII. j. j. regis CAMBAcfcRES prince archi- CHANCELiER DE l'empire. Bust of Cambacer^s, in an embroidered coat. On the lower part, le. f. jaley p. Underneath, various em- blems of masonry. Reverse. In a wreath of oak, la r. m. ec. de prance sous le TITRE DISTINCTIF DE S'^ ALEX""^- DEC ET LE CONTRAT SOC"^ REUNIS O. DE PARIS. A SON GRAND MAITRE. LE 30 JOUR DU 1"' MOIS 5807- 376. Plate LVII. carl johan s. r. kronprins k. landtb. ACAD, styresman. " Charlcs John, Crown Prince of Sweden, Pro- tector of the Royal Academy of Agriculture." Head of the Prince. Reverse, stundande skordar modornas lon. " Future harvests shall repay our toils." View of the country, with a man ploughing. Marshal Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte-Corvo, was elected Crown Prince of Sweden, the 21st of August 1810, and succeeded to the throne in 1818, by the name of Charles XIV, 112 377. Tlate LX. Alexandre prince de neuchatel. Head of the Prince. Underneath, droz f. Reverse, principaute de neuchatel. In the centre, 5 francs between two branches of laurel. Above, a crown. Underneath, 181 — On the edge, poids vingt cinq grammes — titre neuf dixiemes. Silver piece of 5 francs, of Marshal Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel. Piece of 2 francs, the same, 1814. On tfie edge, poids dix GRAMMES — TITRE NEUF DIXIEMES. THE END INDEX. A. •Abensberg (Battle of), 237. Abramson, Engraver, 220, 221. Academy of Genoa, 13 — of Turin, 73 — of Luc- ca, 116 — of Marseilles, 19 1 — of Painting, 192— of Milan, 196— Celtic, 198— of France at Rome, 236, 280 — of Vaucluse, 273— of Music, 302. Adda (River), 3. iEsculapius, 93, 102, 193, 194. Agilulfus, King of Lombardy, 96. Agriculture (Society of), 307, 376. Alcala (Gate of) at Madrid, C34. Alexander (Name of) given to Napoleon, *14. Alexander 1st. Emp. of Russia, 110, 219, 220,221, 231. Allocution on the Lech, 104. Amiens (Treaty of), 51, 52, 55 — broken, 61. Andrieu, Engraver, 22, 41, 56, 60, 6l, 65, 15, 11,1^, 79, 83,92, 101,117, 181, eff. Antwerp attacked, 240 — Chamber of Com- merce, 308. Apollo of the Belvedere, 8, *77. Appennine represented, 79. Appiani, Painter, 24, 36. Arch (Triumphal), 124. Aries (Canal of) opened, 64. Army (The Grand) commanded by the Em- peror, 103 — column in its honour, 123. Astrea, 52. Austerlitz (Battle of), 109, 110. Austria (Emperor of), 110, 111,262. Avignon (City of), 117,273. Avoues, * 177, 301. Avoues (Chambre des), 177. Auguste, Engraver, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35,*73, 76, 77, 175. Auctioneers (Company of), 178. B. Bakers (Company of), 314. Bacciochi (Prince Felix), 11 6, 349,352,372. Baden (Prince of), 122, 209. Bank of France, 172,252. Baptism of the King of Rome, 27 1 . Batavian Republic, 131. Baudin (Voyage of Discovery), 38. Bavaria, King of, 210 visits the Mint, 253, 254. Bavaria (Prince Royal of), visits • 40 12 Idem parAndrieu .< 41 12 Idem par Droz 42 11 Idem a Geneve 46 18 Idem parMainoni 394 62 Idem par Loos 49 26 Idem parAbramson 395 62 Idem parNeuss ,.. 396 62 Idem Petit modelc 401 63 Idem iZeuers. Pacifico , ,,,,,, 47 10 27 No, Plate. R6publique Cisalpiae. Piece de 30 sols , 149 12 Pont de Dourdan 39 10 Paix entre la France et la Russie 397 62 Le Roiet la Reine d'Etrurie. .'. 398 G4 Idem 133 11 Colonue nationale a Genes 147 23 Anniversaire du 14 Juillet. (Etain.) , , 48 22 Pacification de la Vendee 43 11 Marechal Brune , ^ 128 37 Preliminaires de paix avec I'Angleterre 50 15 Idem 54 26 A la paix geuerale par la ville de Lyon , 399 63 A Vincent et Belay, citoyens de Lyoii 400 63 Abbe de I'Epee 183 14 Lavoisier, Piece d'essai 186 4 Piece d'essai par Gatteaux , 187 22 Idem par Gengembre 188 22 Trois Ponts sur la Seine 17'3 18 Agensde Change de Paris , 175 24 Idem de Commerce • 1'6 24 Huissiers au Tribunal de I"- Instance i » . *179 39 Police de Paris 402 72 1802. Consulte Italienne a Lyon , 57 17 Idem 58 18 Idem 59 38 Traite d'Amiens 51 16 Idem par Droz 5"^ 11 Idem par 3Iainoni *52 38 Idem a Birmingham 53 26 Idem parNeuss 403 62 Retablissement du Culte ^^ ^^ L'Instruction publique est organisee i "^ 27 Les 3 Consuls. Au retour de la Paix 55 17 28 No. Plate. Conservatoire de Musiqiie, A la meme occasion. 197 39 Colonne elevee a Marseille G3 13 Canal d'Arleg , 64 10 Aa Dr. Sacco par la ville de Bologae 404 64 Idem 405 64 Napoleon elu l'' Consul a vie 407 65 Idem par Knapp ,■... 406 67 Par la Republiqne Helvetique . 408 63 Piece d'Essai par Saulnier 409 65 Societe d'Encouragement des Arts 190 37 General Jourdan 410 64 Bodoni, le celebre imprimeur 410 A Briot, par les habitans de I'lle d'EIbe 184 22 Comptoir Commercial , 409 A Society Galvanique 409 B Chambre des Avoues de premiere Instance *177 24 Idem d'Appel 177 39 Canal de Briare 180 20 1803. Visite de Napoleon a laMonnaie de Paris 411 65 La ville de Lille au 1" Consul *73 29 La Suisse pacifiue et reorganisee , , . . 412 63 Le Canton du Tesin , 413 63 Ntgociations pour la Paix , 67 16 Traite d'Amiensrompii 69 30 Jeanne d'Arc 62 20 Pont de la Durance , 65 14 Jeux maritimes a Marseille 68 13 La Venus de Medicis 70 30 Ecole dePharmacie etablie 71 25 La Fortune Conservatrice 72 10 Piumonl reuni a la France 73 24 Prix de rAcad6mie de Milan, de Bologue ct Venise 196 37 Chambre de Commerce d'Avianon i 413 A Agcus de Change do Lyon , >,,,,,•> 413 B 39 No. Plate. Projet d'une nouvelle Monnaie d'or pour la R^publique Italienne 414-417 6G Idem d'argent 418-22 CG Idem decuivre 423-25 G6 David Leroy 185 27 1804. Le Code Civil decrete 82 25 Legion d'llonneur 78 31 Mines du Hartz 74 15 Musee a Gap 75 28 Le Mont Gendvre ouveit 76 28 Musee Napoleon, Salle du Laocoon 77 30 Idem del'Apollon *77 30 ficoles des Mines du Mont-Blanc • 79 23 Honneur legionnaire a I'armeede Boulogne •• 80 31 Deux-mille barques sent construites ^^ '^^ Descente en Anglelerre • 126 36 Le Couronnement 83-86 32 Idem par Merlen 94 36 Idem Jeton •• "' "^ Le Pape Pie VII - . • 87 31 Le Repas de la Ville ^8 32 Fetes du Couronnement ^9 ""* Drapeaux donnes a I'Armee 90 33 La Monnaie des Medailles retablie 92 29 La Vaccine , 93 29 Pie VII 161 31 Idem *1C1 31 Projet d'une nouvelle Monnaie d'or pour la Republique Italienne 426 66 Idem d'argent 427-31 G6 Idem de cuivre 432-34 Go Chambre de Commerce de Paris 181 27 Commerce de Bois neuf 199 39 Acad^mieCeltique 198 39 Prefecture du Departement de la Seine i 200 39 Ecolede Droit f 435 72 80 No. Plate. Tr^sor Public 436 75? Commerce de Charbonde Bois, , . , *436 72 1805. Pie VII visite la Monnaie de Paris , , 95 31 Coiironnement de Napoleon a 3IilaD ....>..... 96 33 Idem (Unevariete) *96 29 Idem Italienne 97 33 Idem Idem *97 38 Monument a Desaix 98 18 Idem ,, 99 18 Entree de Napoleon a Genes 100 33 LaLigurie reunie a la France , 101 29 ficole de Medecine 102 29 Levee du Camp de Boulogne , 103 34 Allocution a la Grande- Armee .5 104 34 Prise d'Ulm et Memmingen 105 34 Prise de Vienne et de Presbourg 106 34 Idem (Italienne) 107 34 Drapeaux Fran^ais repris a Jnspruck .^ 108 34 Bataille d'Austerlitz 109 34 Idem Tetes des trois Empereurs , 110 35 Idem (Italienne) 437 67 Conference a Urchitz Ill 35 L'Empereur a Scboenbrunn ,,, 112 37 Paix do Presbourg ...,., 113 35 Cathudrale de Vienne 114 34 Venise reudue a I'ltalie 115 35 Elise, Grande Ducbesse de Lucqueset de Piombino 116 33 Pont d'Avignon 117 18 Ecole de Medecine de Paris 194 28 Societo du Commerce et des Arts, de Lyon 437 A Idem Idem 437B Nolaircs de Lyon 437 C A voues du Tribunal dc Rouen 437 D Cbambre dc commerce d'Aniiens .....1 437E 31 J 806. No. Plate. L'lstrie conquise. ,.,« 1. 1. .«•» 1 1 ■ t >.••!< i •>• >•>••••••'•>>•■>■••'■* * ' Dalmatie conquise > *^^ ^ Conquete tie Naples 12^ ^^ Souverainet^s donnees. • Manage du prince de Bade , ^~^ Colonne de la grande ArmSe ,,. , **" Arc de Triomphe ^^'* Sanh^drin 125 3G Decrets de Milan et Berlin 127 36 Confederation du Rhin » 201 40 Bataille d'Jena 202 40 Idem 203 40 Idem Italienne 204 40 Entreea Berlin 205 40 Capitulation des quatre forteresses de la Prusse 206 40 Alliance avec la Saxe. 207 40 Occupation d'Hambourg, , 208 4U Le Prince de Bade visite la Monnaie 209 oo Le Prince de Baviere visite la Monnaie 210 flotel de ville de Rouen 303 54 Salines de I'Est 304 54 Idem 305 54 LeRoi d'Hollande 353 57 Invalides de Berlin re^oivent leur solde , 438 65 Ptocliotrophium de Genes. 439 68 Prix de I'Academve de Verone , 440 68 Prix de I'Academie de Genes , 441 68 1807. AiglesFranqaises sur la Yistulc 211 41 Bataille de Preuss-Eylau 212 41 Napoleon ^ Osterode, , ,, , ,, i mi ■ • 213 41 32 No. Plate. Delirrance de Dantzig 214 41 Bataille de Friedland 215 41 Idem 216 41 Prise des trois capitales de la Prusse. ..,.....,, 217 41 Conquete de la Silesie , 218 41 Paix de Tilsit 219 41 Idem , 220 43 Idem 221 43 Napoleon a Dresde 222 43 Duchede Varsovie 223 42 Royaumede Westphalie. 224 42 Mariage de Jerome, Koi de Westphalie 225 42 Idem 226 42 Le Simplon 228 42 Route de Nice a Rome 229 42 L'Aigle couronne 230 42 Commerce de Bordeaux , 306 54 Societe d'Agriculfure d'Evreux 307 54 Prince et Princesse de Lucques et Piombino. 372 60 Ancienue embouchure du Rhin nettoyee 354 60 Joachim Due de Berg 373 57 Idem 374 57 Cambaceres, Archi-cbanceiier 375 57 Le Roi et laReine de Westphalie 442 67 Piece d'Essai par Vassallo. 443 67 Le general Marmont, par les habitans de Spalatro 444 65 Societe d'Agriculture de Paris > 445 72 Xavier Bichat, Societe de Medecine 446 71 Manufacture de Metaux ot Laque vcrnis > 446 A Notaires de I'Arrondissement dc Soissons 446 B Societe Academique des Enfans d'ApoUon 446 C Prudhommes deRouen 312 54 1808. Reunion dc I'Etrurie u la France , mi* • » ^27 42 3.3 No. Plate. Congres d'Erfurth 231 43 Idem 4 232 43 Visite a Toulouse 233 48 Entree a Madrid 234 42 Bataille de Sommo-Sierra , 235 42 Academie des Beaux Arts a Rome 2^36 48 Arrivee de la Reine de Naples 364 59 Joseph, a son avenemeut a la couronne d'Espagne 365 59 Joseph, Roi de Naples. Ecu de dix carlins, 366 59 Joachim, Roi de Naples. Prise de Capri. ,. . 368 59 Idem Piece d'or de 40 francs 367 59 Universite Imperiale 447 65 Grand due de Baden, Pi^ce de 5 Francs 448 65 Academie de Genes 449 68 Comite central de Vaccine 449 A Fonvielle et C'= 449 B Chambre de Commerce d'Orleans. i. 449 C Idem 449 D Fonderiesde Vaucluse 449 E 1809. Victoires d'Abensberg et d'Eckmuhl 237 44 Bataille de Ratisbonne. (Italienne) 238 44 Seconde entree de Napoleon a Vienne 239 44 Bataille d'Essling 240 44 Napoleon a Schoenbrunn , 241 44 Bataille de Raab 242 45 Rome uniea la France 243 45 Rome seconde capitale 244 45 Idem, Une variete 245 45 lllyrie conqiiise 246 45 Bataille de Wagram 247 45 Sur les Victoires de 1809. (Italienne) 248 48 Paix de Vienne 249 45 Le Roi deSaxe visite la Monnaie , 250 45 Idem , 251 53 F 34 No, Plate La Eanqiie de France. ,,« 252 50 Joachim Roi de Naples. Prix de rAcademie 369 60 Idem Legions provinciales 370 60 Idem Place Murat 371 60 Idem Recompense de merite militaire.. 452 74 Idem visite i'Academie a Rome 451 67 Le Roi de Wurtemberg visite la Monnaie de Paris 450 67 Elisa Grande Duchesse de Toscane 372 60 Idem A Touverture d'une nouvelle route ,, 453 69 Idem Prix de I'Academie de Lucques 454 69 CLambre de Commerce d'An vers 308 54 Chambre de Commerce de Florence 455 69 D'. Portal, President de I'Academie de Medecine. 456 71 ly. Guillotin, Idem 457-8 71 Facullede Medecine de Paris 459 71 D'. Heurteloiip, Chirurgien en chef de la grande armee. 460 71 Messageries Imperiales 461 72 Chambre de Commerce de Dieppe 461 A Agrees du Tribunal de Commerce 461 B Cercle Litteraire a Lyon 461 C Prudliommes de Lyon 461 D 1810. Le Roi et la Reine de Baviere visitent la Monnaie 253 45 Idem 254 53 Arrivee de I'lmp^ratrice a Strasbourg 255 46 Mariage de Napoleon avec Marie-Louise 256 46 Idem L'Amour emportant le foudre... 257 46 Idem aMilan 258 46 Idem aPraguc 259 47 Idem a Vienne 260 47 Idem a Prague 261 47 Idem .T Viennc 2G2 47 Idem Idem 263 47 Idem iiLyon 462 70 35 No. Plate. Le Grand due de Wurtzbourg visite la Monnaie 2C4 46 Statue en honneur de Desnix 2G5 46 Le Canal de I'Ourcq ouvert 266 46 Oiplielines de la Legion d'Honneur 2G7 48 Honneurs fun^bres au Due de Montebello 2G8 50 Premiere Decade du 19^nie siecle 2G9 50 Prix de Rome •• 4G3 G9 Prix de Citta di Castelio 464 69 Pierre Vignon , , 4G5 70 Synagogue de Bordeaux 466 65 Piece de 10 livres des Isles de France et Bonaparte 467 73 Commission pour la Revision des Remedes Secrets 468 72 Idem Une variete *468 Prix de Clinique du Baron Corvisart 469 71 Commerce de la Boucherie. , 309 54 Notaires de Lyon , , , 469 A Entrepreneurs de Ma^onnerie de Paris. 469 B 1811. Naissance du Roi de Rome , , , , 270 48 ] dera *270 48 Idem une variete , 470 67 Idem frappee a Rome , 272 49 Idem a Vienne , 471 70 Bapteme du Roi de Rome 271 49 Atbenee de Vaucluse ,. , 273 50 Le Roi et la Reine de Westphalie 358 58 Joachim. Prix de I'Aeademie des Sciences de Naples , 474 74 Bernadotte Prince Royal de Suede, .,,,,.. .t 376 57 Academie de la Crusca a Florence 473 69 NotairesdeRouen , 310 54 Commerce de Vin de Paris 311 54 1812. Prise de Wilna , , t . i . • . • • i 274 51 36 No. Plate Bataille de la Moskowa 375 51 Entree de Napoleon a Moscoue 276 51 L'Aigle Fran9aise sur le Borysthene 277 51 L' Aigle Fran^aise sur le Wolga 278 5 1 Refraite de i'Armee 279 51 Acad^mie des Beaux-Arts a Rome 280 49 Prix de I'Academie de Florence. Tete de M. Angelo 475 69 Idem du Lycee de Novarra 476 68 Institut Italien ,,» 477 68 Joachim, Observatoire a Naples. 478 74 Idem, Institut Saiesien 479 74 Idem, Colleges Royaux 480 74 Dr. Guillotin 481 71 Notaires de Mont-Brisson 481 A Idem Ville-Franche 481 B Commerce de Bois-Neuf , 483 72 1813. BatailledeLutzen 281 51 Bataille de Wurtchen 282 51 Monument sur le Mont-Cenis 283 51 Canal de Mons a Conde 284 52 Ageus de Change de Paris 313 54 L'lmpuratrice visit e la Monnaie 291 53 La Princesse Elise, Idem 292 53 LaReinedc Naples 293 53 La Princesse Pauline Borghcse 294 53 La Reine d'llollandc 295 53 M.Denon 296 53 Idem 297 53 Jeton pour les tables de Jeu du Palais Imperial 298 53 Idem Idem 299 63 Joachim Uoi dc Naples, a son retour de I'Armee 482 74 Monnaie Obsidionalc de Cattaro 485-6 73 Idem deZara 487-8 73 37 1814. No. I'lafe L'Aigle en Feviier 285 52 Berthier, Prince de Neufchatel .377 GO Grande Voirie de Paris 490 72 Inspection des Batimens de Paris 491 72 Monnaie Obsidionale de Palma Nuova 492 73 Idem d'Anvers 49-3 73 Idem 494 73 Idem de Strasbourg- 495 73 Republique de Genes. Piece de 10 sols 498 73 Idem Idem de 4 sols 499 73 Idem Idem de 2 sols ♦499 73 1815, Retour de TEmpereur ' 28G 52 Le General Bertrand a Napoleon 287 52 Le 106 Regiment a Napoleon 288 52 Assemblee du Champ de Mai. (Etain) 500 67 Napoleon se rend au Bellerophon 289 62 Napoleon a Ste.-Helene , 290 52 Monnaie Obsidionale de Strasbourg , 496 73 Idem Idem 497 73 Idem Idem *497 Without Date. AlaFidelite 56 17 Victoire *56 17 College Britannique a Paris 66 27 Commissaires priseurs 178 25 Notaires de Paris • 179 25 Academic de Marseille 191 24 Avouesde Ville-Franche , 801 54 3S No. Plate. Academic Imperiale de Musique 302 54 Boulangers de Paris 314 54 Jeton de la Prefecture de Police 402 72 Jeton du Tresor Public 436 72 Chambre de Commerce de Bordeaux 500 A Notaires de Bordeaux 500 B Chambre de Commerce de Carcassone 500 C Tribunal deLyon , 500 D Sociele Je Medecine de Marseille 500 E Chaircutiers de Paris 500 F Societe des Arts, &c., deProTius 500 H Academic deRoueii. j • 500 T Societe d'Agriculturc du Departemcnt dc la Haufe-Vienne 500 K INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENT. Academy of Verona, 440 — of Genoa, 441, 449 — of thesons of Apollo, 446 C — of Naples, 474 — of Florence, 475 — of Rouen, 500 I. Advocates in the Court of Prizes, 390 B. Agricultural Society of Paris, 445, of Provins, 500 H— of the Haute-Vienne, 500 K. Amiens (Treaty of), 403 — Chamber of Commerce of, 437 E. Angelo (Michael), 475. Antwerp (Siege Piece of), 493, 494, 496. Austerlitz (Battle of), 437. Avignon (Chamber of Commerce of), 413 A. Avou^s of Rouen, 437 D. Champ de Mai (Assembly of the), 500. Charcoal Trade, *43G. Charles (Archduke), 3S3. Citta di Castello. 464 Commercial Chamber of Orleans, 449 C — of Florenc-p, 455— of Dieppe, 461 A— of Bordeaux, 500 B— of Carcassone 500 C. Comptoir Commercial, 409 A. Consulship for life given to Napoleon, 400, 407. Crusca (Academy della), 473. D Desaix (General), 392. B Baden (Grand Duke of), 448. Berlin (Invalids of), 438. Bichat (Xavier), 446. Birth of the King of Rome, 470, 471, 472. Bodoni, 410 A. Bologna, 404, 405. Bonaparte (Island of). 467 Bordeaux (Synagogue of), 466 — Commerce of, 500 A— Notaries of 500 B. Brokers of Lyons, 413 B. Bouvet (Jean), 483, Brescia (Brolettoof), taken, 381. Egypt (French landing in), 386. Elisa Dutchess of Lucca, 453. 454. Etruria (King and Queen of), 398. Evreux, 441 A. Faculty of Medecine of Paris, 459. B Florence, Commercial Chamber of, 455 — Academy della Crusca, 473, Academy of fine Arts, 475. Fonvielle et C''. 449 B. Foundries of Vaucluse, 449 E. G Campo Formio (Treaty of), 382, 383. Carcassone (Chamber of Commerce of), 500 C. Cattaro (Siege piece of), 485, 486. Chaircutiers of Paris, 500 F. Galvanic Society, 409, B. Card (Department of the), 393. Geneva (Medal struck at), 378, 379. Genoa, 439, 441, 449. Genoa (Republic of) restored in 1814, 498, 499. •499. Guillotia (Dr.), 467, 408, 481. 40 H Helvetic Confederation, 408, 4l2, 413. Heurteloup, chief Surgeon of the grand army, 460. I Invalids of Berlin, 438. Institute (Royal Italian,) 477. Italian Republic. Pattern of new coinage, 414, 434, Joachim, King of Naples, visits the Academy of Rome, 451, Premium medal of ditto, 452 ditto, 474 — Observatory built 478 — Salesiau Institute 479— Returns to Naples, 482, Jurisprudence (School of), 435. Jourdan (Marshal), 410. Laon, 469 A, Lebrun, 3"" Consul, 391 . Li^nard, 391, 392. Lun^ville (Peace of), 394, 395, SgG. Lyons (Medals struck there), 399, 400, 420, 413 B, 437 A , 437 B, 437 C, 44 1 B, 46 1 C, 40 1 D, 462, 500 D. Napoleon, Minister at Rastadt,385 — proclaimed Con- sul for life, 404 — Visits the Mint of Paris, 411 — Mediator of the Helvetic Republic, 412. Nismes (Medal struck there), .393. Notaries of Lyons, 437 C of Soissons 446 B. — of Laon, 469 A— of Montbrisson, 481 A— of Ville- franche, 481 B— of Bordeaux, 500 B. Novarra (Lyceum of), 476. o Observatory of Naples, 478. Opera of Paris, 390 A. Orleans, 449 C. Palma Nuova (Siege piece of), 492. Pattern of new coinage of the Italian Republic, 414, 434_Coinofl00 fr. 443. Pharmacy of Lyons, 441 B. Police of Paris, 402. Portal (D'.), 456. Presbourg (Treaty of), 437. Provins (Agricultural Society of), 500 H. Prudhomnies of Lyons, 461 D. Ptochotrophium of Genoa, 439. Public Works (Board of inspection of), 491 M Masons of Paris, 409 B. Mainoni, 394, Mantua (Siege Piece of), 390. Manufactory of japanned metal, 44GA . Marniont (Marshall), 444, Marriage of Napoleon, 462. Medical Society of Evreux, 441 A — of Marseilles, 500 E— of Paris, 380, 446. Mont-Brisson (Notaries of), 481 A R Rastadt (Congress at), 385. Remedies (Commission for secret, *468, 468 Rhine (Confederation of the), 448. Roman Republic established, 388. Rome, Premium Medal, 463 — (King of), born 470, 471. Rouen, Society of Emulation, 393 A — Avou^s of, 437 D— Academy of, 500 I. Russia (Peace with), 397. N Naples, (Academy of) 474— Observatory founded at, 478— Salesian Institute, 479— Royal College of, 480. Sacco (D'.), 404, 405. Santarelli, engraver, 475, Saulnier, 409. Serres (Olivier de), 445. 41 •Siege Piece of Mantua, 390— of Cattaro, 485, 48G— Zara, 487, 488— Palma Nuova, 492— Antwerp, 493, 496— of Strasbourg, 497, *497. Seine (Navigation company of the) , 384. Society of Commerce and Arts of Lyons, 4^37 A andB. Soissons (Notaries of), 440 B, Spalatro in Dalmatia, 444. Synagogue at Bordeaux, 466. Vaccination, 404, 405, 449 A. Vaucluse, 449 E. Vaud (Canton of), 412. Vignon (Pierre), 405. Vienne (Agricultural Society of the Haute), 500 K. Ville-Franche (Notaries of), 481 B. Voirie (Grande) of Paris, 490. Ticiuo (Canton of), 413. Tiraboschi, his patriotic zeal, 389. Treasury (Public), 436. Tribunal of Commerce of Paris, 461 B — d'Appel, 500 G. w Westphalia (King and Queen of), 442. Wood merchants (Corporation of), 484. Wurtemberg (King of) visits the Mint, 460. u University (Imperial), 447. Zara (Siege Piece of). 487, 488. ERRATA AND CORRECTIONS. No. 9. Plate III. Exergue. 1797, readnm. Medal struck at Lyons, read Geneva, 43. Plate XI. Was struck on the pacification of the Vendue, 44. P/a'i',;r.: '■'':ii'ir!lir,:i!l||!l||||U /ee l l'i l! l ! ilHinii! lln illlllllllllllHllllllllllillll! jjjiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiin!i|H!!:i: PL.xxrr. PL. XXV. 2/ wmmmmmM ; iH!liil!!i!iiiiiiil lliliii'i HiTTH /7o" S'S Fl PL.7JOL'/: PX.7.XXV1. m /i.f /f/ /tS M PL.'AXXTilI. y/r/rr/.. I'T.XL wt 202 VT..1C] ^. H/S iBilHillBli I I,., M.I I '/.lb ^ ^*^. 124 %9.8 230 220 ^5 XI.IV. LL.MM. \^,x /'/i.]fi HOI BT 3-A MXraiB BIBS MllB'l(MilLl.XS B^ IlfiC^IISMS ll.\,M. l/L.Jcr-vu. rjj2. I J...\J.1X.. 17/ i.